,CleAR - UJ IR

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Transcript of ,CleAR - UJ IR

The Mouth~iece of the Native Peoples _-;;--;-;:--::--::::-______ ..:A.ulhorieed to pubUsh Government Noticq affecting N.tiv~

Veill. No. 530 t-. ......


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Amabhai. Mak':llu. kunone; mahle ale a.tsbipu Isim"ll~a I·

kw.h III:we-~mbIQpe tllIo"O Jaspe apet"e Bomyu an futl Ihonji .. ,a, Amanalli 6/- ayo 1~/6

AWKSPE8BELE~ ~m .. bhai AmbIope, ADO­mgca oblJUlvu, 68 I 7~r ipont,i lobuDSim. 3 Ule 7/·

ITYALI o2i Nlwe't'tl, De­Mdab Illlzifalla ftI!I Teho, koletl Ilcombala, sinU. Dui hODJil'lll'eyo Ziqal. 201· r.ire 80/. Ityali Ezi- . m~"lm" fa lil,l@bmiya J,~ • ziye 60,

LITJALE tee Putsna, be Tboiol 16 he Sootho, Tse mil. 0 mong Ie he Pb". ... sa 1.1 ql1" 201 Ii eo 80/· T,e ntso ts. CIsbmere 15i- Ii ee 60/.

.\fEHLOLO EA M bOL.!SKA. ' :Obi. e meena Ie mcloh(' .,lib.l .. 11;. '1'0;';' ,. \ hie lie Lkanela h) Ie .. bollia t"oUlti 33 6. Ureke tea t':onYluu Ie , •• Mah.­oanail '111.19'£ Ii .. SOl,

tRAGI lIBA. mibliia -,

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LIREK"" I ... ho ETA. 't'..'1 11 \ 1 'ml ' a e """ ,ho

cS" J; ~ ..... ' 13/6 €O. x 7'l-' lSi 70" '"' SO'· "I 70" :r !J(l" 20;'

I PRINT •. Ublobo ()lut ha 'npela I .. ni N~w"'u oucku Ho. W,,!u Imiblll,. tlm~e. Im1urnba e-z;!I D~e 11_ Dlb .. Z.qala '/_ liDyak •. Into enlon 1" PriM; 11,1 S\j· BA.TYI .:lIotl. IIUD~I)D" S. H. Jo:.iagw.,.t, a eli Lu- Id. Blue Deoim, Dtongu« Ie Khaki D.ill

lIa11ile l.' i·. " UI •• 'm,I,-'I., "'"'''''0''''1. PORINTI. Molu~ 1,1 mocham",·h" ... c...Puuualeb' I' 'I'" ., 11' 10' ..... ... "0. p, hI "'-. qlY."::>, 1.80 .EDDJ:.ma. " . ,' . B "'" NIh MaDg\ler,ogaere orintl. '1801" I· e ... ~uo\e e

.. ~"<! I. aholo 1M SoH. T .. PuC.ua :. ~.e Lo_ PI" 'D I • buileDg l!>/. Ilgata M orinti eo ~\il." B \Ie ..... mIO, ancaree .. Tuku \.Ia tilih lilt H"'o. !>/ 7/t., lOJ . ______ ~~ ______________________ ~.~h~"~'~O'~'~I. __________________________ ~ ____________________________ __

''Il0l,10, "loop14e AaplO Solei B:1,iDklolelll. t-INr MalD 0." KleiDtoDt'D Oornpd. A,p, 8",0.01 BH. &,az RlIl.,. Lo"'"lo1, S"od 866 0101101<:1. I':lletWoo. Town,hi, ~,riDP. M.in A"eool apr S,rinp "'01

K .. , i'oiDih A"eog, NcMlo1er iI.u~, JIj,., No i Clompd (~at.eDe No.4,1

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Bea4toDteiD ~\a~", Floe,"' Town,h". S,mme. a: J"'~, lIhll8l\e

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.' M AY t A I R" GOODS

Wid6"" SWot; .'dillD Ill. "o.cI. Coat. LaDI' MiDt 00000.01 Bu .. " ...... )IIDEDer. ,lad Ban.,. M,lbita lien N.., Nlpl CQEDpoazod

" Joh.annesburg.




lezona zilunglley. ngalo lon ka ind iela I

Ke lSon. lie lok lleng ka Isela Ilohle !

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Tol.rpW ... 217 W "7 lUff""


Repref!ent the Belt Quality and V.lae Obtal Dable

FULL 100 SHEETS Ruled with Marcia :. ":

n.. Pd witla the Largeet Sale lB tbe WGdd

Boura Af ilICA

Price. .. ........ -Writt f" -iDab ....



~~2~~~~~~~~~UFM~I;E~IE~U~~W~A~B~ANT::;U~.~J:O~HAN:.r:NE:_:SB:U~R~G:.::2:"~T::JU:N=E:.~1~~~·iI~;:::~::~~~::~· ~ however, the Natives were Dot over Natives and the Lancl.

could have found him guilty of awetl, and it is probable that W~ks murder It is not Justice, lho~gh, fired only because he was badlY N,ullGD.

P.O. 80 .. 452$,


I'ablubed Wedl,. SUlllCaJPTlOli RATa - (Bv pon)

0 •• y..,

SUI NOlJ,tb. -

Tbr« Moelb.

Umteteli wa Bantu

21,1 JUS!':, 1930


Joseph H Weeks, tried for murd~r, has been acqu\lted. Armed With a revolver he attended a meeting of NatIves at Potchefstroom on Dlngaao 's Day and with others of his kind made things unpleasant. The Natives doubtless talked largely aDd loosely. They usually do, but what they said would have beeD wholly without offence had there been DO Europeans present to hear them, But Weeks aDd other heroes were there. It was their duty and privtieae to uphold the prestige of the white man, and they did it in the way peculiar to their type, The platform was raided, the Native speakers maahandled, and things were done that could Dot be tolerat­ed. The Natiyes naturally resented the inlerruption of tbeir meeting and displayed a disposition to chastise the interlopers Weeks ran away promptly, He ~as pursued and fired hIS revolver. Six shots are credited to him but it is not clear from the uidence whether or not he fired before the cholSe began He got away safely, leavmg a few N.ltive casualties behind him One Native subsequently died, and Weeks was arrested, charged with murder and released on bail, Six months later he w'as brought to trial, and a jury of his peers acquitted him

In his 5umnting up the Judge strt:5sed the point of Justification and instructed the Jur y to ~cide whether WeeKs was or was not Justifie1 i lllir:n:{ revolver, They were told that they would be Just­ified in concludmg that "the Na· tives had made a serious attack," and in acceptmg the ev;dence of a policeman that the life of another white nun had been in danger at ,me stage of the proceedings. Ac· cnrdlngly ·· after a brief retirement .. the JUry determi .... ed the Justification and there was a .. murmur of ap. plau~.' We qUl)te from a news. paper report of the proceedmgs. from which we derive the informa_ tion that Weeks is a man of .. clean nature," meamnlt, presumably, that he did Dot h;ilbi,tual1y kill

In our opinion the verdict was proper Ind the cbarge improper We are Ju~tified in expressing the vIew that to tr}' Weeks on the capLu,1 chargt' I'll! to ensure bis ,"cqwttal. aDd that even withou! the lnstruction 'rom t.he Rench no JUry

'0 Ie' Weeks esca .. ,w."thout pUOIsh- "d h , nd frightened. But he dl S 00. a

m' en,"and we are frankly amaud I. it is proved that he killed a man.

that t'he Attorney-General withdr~" must not be forgotten that lie bad. a Ihe further charge of assault With h t

reserve of ammunition and t a ID iotent to do bodily harm It w~ cold blood he equipped himself to due to the relattves of Herma~us kill. Should he go free? Lithipe that the man res~nslble '0\ e commend the case for con for his death should be m.ade ,to sideration by the Miaister of Justier realise the magnitude of hiS m~s.

d h been des.r- who we bope, will sieze this oppor deed and it wou ave d

' . tunity to prove th:tt his extraor m-abie to convince the Natives ge~e· d h rally that the law deals justly With ary powers are justified an t al

II . they may be employed for the re-their aggressors. Above a It was h Id b straint of crime within the law. important that Weeks s ou e

desciplined as a warniDi" to others who might be inclined to hold Na rive life in light regard or to inv~st themselves with authority to dIS­turb Native congregatiofUl.

What of the Riotous Assemblies Act ? Weeks definitely acted in such a manner as to " promote hostility" between white and black, and he is clearly a fit object for the wrath of the super-Minister. We are unable to speak knowledgeably on the law's vagaries., but there teems to be a bare possibility that culprits of the Weeks character might be gathered in under the provisions of the Riot­ous Assemb1ies Act for the justifica­tion of those who planned and passed it. As the matter stands Weeks has gained local sympathy and has doubtless achieved a wider dis­tinction. There are many such as he who will envy the notoriety that Weeks has won ; and his uncon.-!i­tional release will evoke somethin, more than a " murmur of a'plause" at Worcester and Barrydale "here there is an abllndance of heroic material of the Weeks quality.

Mr, Justice MaritI: made much of the PJint of justification, and the verdict expressed the opinions of both judie and Jury that Weeks ... as Justified 10 shooting when he did The tact that Weeks "ent arm ed to the meeting did not In the circum­stances provide motive. nor c uld the fact be accepted as proof of intent to murder But, we ask, was Wteks justified in attending a meet­ing of Natives while aware of the prev111ing unrest? He hJ.d no busi­ness there and he knew that a diS_ turbance wa::; prohable Fu.1 th,·r. was he justified in taking a loaded revolver and a reserve stock of ammunition [0 a place at which he believed there might be occasion to use it either in self defenct', for the protection of his friends or merely for the expression of his negrophobe sentiment' The plea of self·defence could not be sustained because he voluntarily and unneces. sarily placed him.elf in danger , and his friends were for the sarae reason undeservini of protection Obvi· ously Weeks attended the meeting either with the deliberate purpose to create a disturbance or to aid and abe!t those who did, aod With the clear intention toshoot at the Natives if given a fair excuse. He did not of course, anticipate the need to run aWOly. He pictured him~lt a -"ero and Imagined the plaudits of a cruwd ~ adlll.irers. In this 'case

• Appointment of an

Industrial Conciliation Officer for Natives.

1. Aa 80me time mWJ~ el"ple befo,. tbe report of the Native Economio Commi.uion c .. n be laid before tho Go"'eromont, it haa been decided to m .. ko immediate arr .. ngements by W"hicb early .. ttention ma, be gi .... ea to difficulties or diaput.N in reg .. rd to conliitio01l of employment whioa .1_ rMdy eM or may d .... elop ill .be Dleu.tiBO between Bllf'OpetoQl and Na­N .... in urbua are&e.

Direotiona ha.... &OCIOrdia.gly been ,i ... eu. for tIM d$C~meD' Df IIr. A L. BureU from hil pr~nt daU .. aa Aot· i_g Under Seorfltary, De~r'ment of N.ti .... AHain, Pretoria, w undertake this work. UpoD requ .. ' made for hil lervin", or .. t the direction of tha lliniet.cr of N .. ti ... e A1f .. in.

2. He will be I'yled Concili .. tion. Oommis.ioner; and .. pplioaUoo for hie lerricel m .. y bo ralde either to the Secretary for N )ti .... AII .. ira, or throv,l[h .. ny olfico of tbe N .. tl .... M .. ir. Dep.rt. JIlent, or .ny llagiatr.te.

3, Applic.tioul WIll .e oOD~iderod ooly If tho Ilinister II iI .. ti.6ed th ... the,. eman.te from. .nd .re lufl.,iel.ltly Npr •• eot.tive of e.pleyen or em· ployeel, ... the e .... lila,. be, i ... u, p.rtiolll.r cl&" of work.

l. Tbe ComllliuioDer' •• tfor~ wil! .. dlroet-ed toW" .. rda eltabli.hi., Sood rel .. tions bl'tW"ee. eDilploy.,- and e.­plo, .. , .ad to ..... olllnhry adj_atmen, of dilf~rencea bet.een theOl H, W"III be prtlp~r~ to 10\ II I.(hieer, .~dl .. tor, or arbrtrator , .. ud a. may .... GODIlIh .. d on all m ... tter" affeetiD8 good relati.,,, betWetlll &Iltopean .... d N .. ti ... e. i. urb.n .. r ....

5. It is conlidered _Dde,it .. hla to dilt.urb tbe macblnery whica .. 1 ready exi,lI in procl.imod L .. bour Dilltr,cll for tbf! redre .. of gri .... aDoe. of N ... tive Lahollter ... , deli,,,"J io Act No. I:; of 1911 : tho CO!Dminil>ner. therefore, Will nct op,rate in ccuDootioD wit" .. Minel "nd Work." unlen .pe<.:i~lIy dif~t.·d bv IhelllQiliter

6, ;'.lr: Sartett'lI judlci ... l experience &, a J("gi8tra te and hi. admioi.tr&tive e1pt'ril'ooe in tbe oill.oe~ of the Chief ;.l .. ti ... e Corna,UQio:len in Natal aod in the Tr .. Dakei, as Secrt'ltary aDd TI"M­aunr of the Transkeill.n Oeneral Colin. oil, also his long si'r ... ice amODgat the !iative people .. nd hi. knowledge of tbelr langua~e, ha ... e contributed til hil iIl'lectioo for this t ... k ; but the iii. tent-otioo of .. mooia.t.or, howel'fOr o&p.abl(l, will not av.iI alooe all:a. ln .. ~ I Dllu~nee. which in recent ye~'fj' h"ve hM'D de6nitely direct<·d toward. Ibe t·re .. tion of r.ciai 'Iltal2;Oni8m and in. dustri,Ll Itrife. The Goverom~nt tb"'t(l. fore .. ka on the on') haod thllt the employing cl""iif!, .... ill aocl'pt tbi8 neoeae.&ry ... ppoiotmeut in .. fI~nrjt of co·op<-ratlon and good.will. and on Ihe olh!'r hand tb.t the Natives will re put!! contid('Om·e in an officer who il well known to them .. nd who,.., detN'IIlIIl'nt fot thi .... rnoe haa heen arranll:ed .. t lobe CDlt of 110 .mall inconvenience to the Departm'·nl.

':' Allcorr"pondeDoe in COllDectiol! WIth tbe Commi"i<.-I1 ~r·1 duti .... hol1ld ~" .. ddrelled to the Secretarv for N ... tne Aft .. itt, Pretoria .

By E. R, OUTIlon •.

Two major provinc8I of adlDi-...... tioD dealiDg with Native ecoDomio We are the aoqui.ition aDd use of laad ., N.ti ..... , .Dd the recruiting aacl ... gula.tioD of N.tl~e ~boor. In e ... the N.ti ... e queauoo IIIaDd atad I .. bur.

In the early d .. Y' of the Tr..,. ... Ropubho N .. tiye ownership of Iaad ... prohibited, thougb r.eae~vee migb$ be aet a.ide. OW"ner.blp 10 oomm;:::t w .. acqUlred by indiredmeuutb trulte ehipl, and in lome few .... through leaHI "in longum tem .... II Bu~ aa the European exunded W. ownerahip preHure made jtaeU felt.

By the Conveotion of LondoD .e Republicao Governmen~ undertook tile duty of providing locatl('n~ or rner ... for the larger tribel, and thil oblig .. t.in. was observed io tbe diatricta uDder aurvey aDd .!ffeotive cootrol, ... witllUl the location! of Sekukuoi, Zebediela .nd tbe three large Mak.pao 10oatiOM io tbe Wakrberg, belidl'l a Dumber of .maller areal. A Location Commiuioll waa eatabl18bed, and the diatrict offioi_ were iflltructed not to ioclude la_ occupied by Nativea in the .. reaa whielt they had to inspect for allocation .. farm,. Further. all grouod wilb I ..... k .. fir kraala was doolliored to betODi" the Ooveromeot. Iodeed,conaideraW. areill 01 priv .. tely held l .. nd were g. JIt"Opri.ted. Tbe Location Commiuioa. after Hveralcbange. of per.aonellinallJ cryat .. lliaed .. 110 body comprisiog ,Iw superintendent of N.tivee, the local cm:omand .. nt .. nd tbe Native ComlDif. sioner of the di~trict under inq uiry. It con~idered claims .. nd beaconed 011 the I.nd which it recomm.,nded for reMt't"e by the Gn ... eroment. It was to ht" loade clear that all loc .. tioo millerala, re­mained tae property of the State.

Tbe moat den.ely N .. tive arelll, how­e ... er, wero h .. rdly UDder .. dministrati .... coutr·1 when the South Afrioo.n \Var broke out, al can be IceD upon rerertn •• to Jeppe'l m .. p, in ... hich .. buge relo':ioD In tbe North E"ltern TraolV .... 1 ,s ilboWD .. , UoiOlpected .od utl~uneyed. After the w .. r, m .. ny Aue,.iool affeotirlg hClltiou, forced llilemseivea IlPOU llile ..tt.·otioo of the Crown Coloay Goy.ro. Woeu ', aDd in 190Ci. ~atl .... e Location. C<>mminioo w... ..ppointed, .mong other tblllgi to inn.tigate cl .. iou to locdtioM in reSpNlt of promilN made 011 behaU .f the RepublicaD Oonro. ment, alld al.o .ucb other cl .. illlll8 IllIlIbt iii, out..ot .. odm~ und~r the roo­"'eollon. Thi~ ComIDie'I' n luhmittfod 6.nal reportt 10 1907 whkh w, re gene. ",11, .. dopt.d It i, f'('rh .. p. .. m .. tter of opinioD wh'lther itl f'e('olllmeoJationa were equitable aDd .. d'·q lIate ..

The Letten Pat~Dt und~r whioh re­'pon'iLle g ...... rnml'!ot Wle Mtabl i.bed ill. Hl07 precluded tb.e alien.tioo of I.nd act "Pi'" for :Native occup"tioo ('01-c .. ptiog hy authori ty of tbt l.A- '~ I~ture. It. had been laid down iii 1\10, hv the '-;uprelll.f\ Court th. t tkere f01 i,tNi no It·g .. ,l re!;trictlon UPOD the p·'fchlUe of land by Na.tive~ in their OWl! "i).;l.t.

UDder tbe Nati ... " tflbal .,..tNlI the duty to find land de ... olvNl Upoll the ohief .. nd .bortage of I .. nd wal I"6Oli­.lied in violent W'Y'. The @raap .f control by thfO Euro pe-aD t~rmin .. ted thil 10ndlti'Jo .. nd '!lb.titu~ .. metbod of dl8tnbut,iou of land on lioee, gener.lly, of economio capac:ty .nd progr&l81v6 . d ..... ntege to th fl S ... te, .. understood from tIme to I-1I11e.

Aa a nd when the change occurred, three procee_ operated to eneure to t btl Nativel the land necl'-"'s.\ ry for their lub3ittence. FiraUy, where riibte of pt-.. o*fu! ond pr eet-riptivf' occupation were eVident, .dequate and "Clnldi meB generou. allocation. of land were .ade \0 them ..... l"tIIen ea. &Ocondly, OD .he 1"0,11 acquired by Europ!'an. in the fnrrn of large and inrlefilute boldiol8. :-l.!Jt"e8 were allowed pri ... i1e,ee of ~ettl"neot on terms oeither ooerOtll .. , to r~nt or .~rvice, DDr kr,·atly re.trie_ ~ .1 n ad ..... ntagu of uller Tbirdly, on the !ar~e and iII·defined eltate .f the no ... eroment, Xa.Ii ... e. e .. t.Llilhed tbem.d ... ee with Iittl', or no interfl'renee "ad iDertly rooted tbem~I ... " Let .... an,j,dly ad'l th'lt thi. IUj!:e and ill .

UMTETELI WA BANTU, JOHANNESBURG, 21sT JU~E, 1930, 3 , = • deliDed emt. flDbral'ffl land .. btl'h in hi. ('ountr.l' .. " per cent 01 tbe b.J Wtl) ulldfr X.tive j)<"'upation from j10l,ulation WI!! eD~a!o:ed in .srioulture lime ._elllo,ial. yet wbj, b bad not and that seven-eighth. of the people heeD auilil0f'd &8 X_tin rete".. ownf'd flO land.

Jt w .. , of "our". UlevilaLle that the For administrative I'urpoaaa tb. t'ltpanaion of 8. Itagnllnt and otio:<e lihlatlon I. reg.rd~ land uiatribution trib.liIa., prott·, tc,1 from Its DAtur.1 bQ..9 to Ite a('c.epted as I~ '". (H'DHal che •. b of 'A'.t, pelhlro«' and famine, elLtl'l1lion ta a walhr of policy Bot Ibov.ld rapidlv outgrow tbe "ape.{Lt;v _Unilll the imweo.Jillte P"ffl"W (>f the of Ia. rm>at ... :..t III.,' r lerve'. I, ""It, adWlnlst ratil,lll. \\'here preu"r,· .. . uoh tqu"lly ine1'lt,.b e that The t"spl L·a .1 ,. ot"cFllit.&te amdlOration, !uudl tiOD. and tle;lJ. 'PW( lit of Lurol\l''IU P~O\ ,deJ ; .. nDlu~lIy by l'aclillnLt"lIt alO bo!diup' til.o,,1 J III duf' ,ourw ej" t t'1l,plo~'l d for Imall pur['ba~n of Iltllri the Nati ....... ho did not cunforrn I{) in afl',.. 'tIhkb may b" rrgBrded a. ! babit'!! of IndUlotlY .. nd lbr rft, and ['vtn tmquettiollably deltiDed for fut nre wllt'rl' bl' did eboliid pre" hardly apoll ~al i\'e owner· hip The administrative him. Finalil. it wrr.s inl,v.table thflt, (clucdy for c:ungt'.tioo, holll't n'r, i~ \, the Stab Ihould disF<»e .,f ita IIfAll< to ' promoting a more f'ffil"if'nt UM-r "f thtl ita DlO'll ohvi()ue benefit, to tI.e I I.nd a\·alla.ble, To tlll~ e()d • larbc Itrellgtilening of II" ro ,0ur~l'l IIn<1 the' number 01 "grieultnTjll tiemonlltlllton developwent of it, most vllluable ar6 emplo,vt'd. who IImong the den~t'r arhnel!J 01 tlro~lh, : concentrations of tho Natile p{'uplll

A~ thew (oodi:ion& inured "nJ show by I'molkal obj., t 1I'lIt'lI!:! h(\, tht'.Y luured rllp,dly after I !,o South I pro,llLdj,re \abea can h,' \ nllnncl·u. In 1 Afr"aD WILf- there wns dilpl"cf'OlCUI, "zert tbt'mlte!>','1 to hro'ld, at, ,k" .... ,', .

an olltcry by the N:tt.", for rand, and ledge of modern dll"elopmelll~ in 'lg'I' influx of the vounlO'r 8eneflltlol1 into ~ cultural proce~es. Hodel farm~ allt1 the: townl alld • 11Heprng u.gether ,)1 trainiog centrea h!love bt'en eatabhahed, thtl diipCJe4(' 8ed wherner the accumll' ! and finally aDirector of Natit'c .\gn,ul. lalionl <)1 II 1.lack 10llltitude and till' I ture haa bcen appointed, \\ bOlle bUll profit of • white lpeculator Il,ight IlfU it is to co,ordinato lIod advanc," coo. , erge. Tbe threatt'lled eVil, to tht' , .11 tho .<tititi .. whkh can be directed farming community from indilnimi· to tht' purpose in view, that II, more nate aettlt"ment8-relrogrellhe .1 to eHecti •• oultivation and breeding of method, p~datory.. to Itock, <'are· ltock by the Native people.--" Star." iea at to hygiene (If mall or bf.a,t, ._ ~p:!Iordle" of prol'erty [lltbts in fence. I .ood or \uteT. di olutc In aodal habit a.nd ulllrammeJ:,'J hy nlntrol of any kind- awab;Qned adLvlties wb,cb ' ultimatt'l,v !ound e:ll,rr·~Slon III the ~atives' Land .\(-t, ~o.~; of 1!1I3.

Ban 00 Kadalie.

Brieflv, thi. Act !orloade aoy tranlllO. tion In 'hmd 101 bet\H'en Xntive and The followiog noti~e wal ,erved on non.~at.i"'e,t'xcl'pt witb the I>an~tiolL Mr. ClementtsKadahe on June 11 of Ibe (;onrnwt'nt, hilt it fore. ":Notice under the HiotoUJ AMeli}, 6bado\\"~d tbe dclimitation ,of area a hUes Amendment Act J n:\o -t , ClclU' within which Nativeilihould be f~ly enta Kadalie Whereas there ie io my aUo'tl"eu to lease or p,n"bll8O binti, opinion reaL'lOO to apprehend that fcti, Since there waa little or no alil'lLablo iOlts of hostility would he engende ..... 1 land III Nat,ve owoer"hlp, tire actllal between the European inhabltanta of eded of tbeAct 'tI"as to deprj,·e.Natlves the yn~oo o?, tbe one ha?~, and tb,. of tl,eir unrestricted, thougl. little Native 10ha~ltanuofthe uOlon on the enr.:t38d, right to pUN::ba:tt' or 1<'&10 other hand, I~ yo,u were to attend a.ny within the Transvll.3l, A \fry real, public gatberlDg In any .pla.ce to 'tI"h,ch Leuefitto the !oIath'l'/I was the ch~'k ' thl' pllbilc bas aCCe83 wlthm the area placed uJKln their aJ.iilty to ern hark ; c~nnl'rising tbe magi~terial di.t~kt •. of UJKlIl, or I.e eDticed into, acheoLes of Kmger.idorp, .'ohan~eaburs:. ~E'rmIS' pUfchwe 1Ii'hich they arl! totallY unable ton, ~kjbLlrg &nool and :SJl~log •.. to carr.v tI,rough. and wbich in the put ");0", ,tberefore.]~ Oswald L 110". 10 have in,·ol,..ed them in .beav~·lols.",., my ca'p~clty a~ J.hnlster, of J u.Il~~ of

In Bpite of Jl('rferVid demlllclatlon, tbe l nlOn of .,outh Afnca, b~ \Irtue the Land Act had &0 muel, Idvantage. of the POWE'l'8 c~nferred ul,on we, by In tbe continued abatnce <lilt! apparent lub,sectlOn ~ of :-iectl?D ~ of the Rlot­remotenelS of {'ompl{'mtntary legisla. oua .A&&embhes,,~Dd (:Immal Law act tion an administroltive policy bt>oame 1914 (A~t. ~o, _. of I?U) as ameQd~ neCe6l1&ry, and io I jl:! I the (,overnment by f'ectlon I of the R 10toUI .~embllt'l of the day agre.d tbat tbe retom- (Amendment) Aot, 1!130 (Ac." No. 19 mendationa of thoae local {'ommittel'8, of 1(30) ,do ~ereby prohi~lt you,

h' h had been {'harged in 1~llj' to Clement.9 Kadahe, from attending,dur. W " t N.t,'v. areal Ihould be re- ing a period of threll monlhe aa from lIuggeB • . d bl' lh' , garded .. the buis of aucb arta. , that \hia ate, an~ pu IC ga .erlOg III any Cro'\Li'll land within lucb aresg Ibould pl~o~ to which the p~~ho bas aocelll not be disposed of to Europt'ana that, wl,thll1; th? area comprising the afore· though NBtivel might not pUfchue laid d~tllets. . Crown Isud, yet the~' migbt lease te. :' Given under my hand at Pr:etorla aidential right! that ulea of private thla ,!lth day!?f June, ID3.0. ,,(Slgned) land to Nati,ell in theae areas eliould O. llrow, MlDlBter of Ju,lIce. he rtadily Ipproved , and tbat where ---Native" were squatting on Crown land, At a meeting of members of the they should p.y alightly mora in oon· Independent I.C.U., tae Communilt fotlnity with the benefits they ~nlo,.ed. rartyand other bodiee held at New.

The diflicultiel of tbllt policyaoon town la~t week the following reaolution bee,me maoifest. Large areu of land wa.e passed :-lay idle .od unimprc\-ed within view " Thia meeting cballengea the Il'gaJ of competent and luitable applicant., and moral validit.y of the ban 00 Land which had been regarded aa of Clementi Kadalie, inasmuoh aa the litt.le worth for Europeans w .. found org30i9ation of African .I.aves t.o gain to be of Vllue for the cultivation of their liberty cannot poSSibly, 10 tbe lub,tropical productl, Intense loc.1 opinion of any une man, be deacribed opntlOllbon 111'81 ell,ow, n \\ berever tb,e as' engendering race hOlltility.' cJs'~;i6cation as ~atl,..e area was III . ' It denounces the Riotous Al!I8em· question, ADd . finally the ~ativeJ hliea (Amendment) Act as hypoc.r~y themselves maDlfc~ted no deaire to de~igned not to remove (ace hOlltlhty make ule of tho facJiitiel available 00 (which , indeed , it only aggravate!l) but reuonable economic terma. In view ' to deBllOY the political and indultrial 01 the preeBure of European interellte organieation and ad\'ancement of the on the ODe hand and t he apathy of the Afri...,an people. . NatiVe-!! on tbe other, It became ap. "It therefore resolves oI1 reBlStance parent that 110 Government .could ad· more etrenuoul than ever before to tbil here in tot.o to the ci CCllIOO!! mdLcated , daatardl~ design , by strike action, boweoever cq\ti taLh: a nd logical in the deetructLOn. of passel'; ;elu~dl of talll:e,~

. aod otherWise on a , mon-WI C loa e. ab!rtraet. .. I __

which tbe publio hall .ooeu in the dUr­trict. of WOf'C8II1er, R(,hertaon. Mon. '8f!u and 1-\,,·tllenda'D 00 .nv Sunday from June~:.J to September '21, \9:111, Tbe rea~OD gl .. en I' the pretention of fMhngl of II(Hltih\l between the r8 .. ,u.

Mr. Balleodeo's Tour.

Provincial Poll Tax?

00 July ~5 Mr. GrllialDe UelJf' lhoenr of the Jobenoe tb L.l rll Mi lo, t.al ~ . ive Affair!! T:....pH hJ.lert.. will I il It. j ;, j!l"nd wbeoell he w.1I p,oa ~fd 10 tbe {1Q.ted :'; ta'u ~ f Au.erie.. Mr R U~r..I~ n I r~ 'l;' ~tL' I ',-J an 10Y Ltat i 0

~(O l to C~ rnllRie c.,rIJ" ra~IOu t e. h, ~ . Ameflu, lid tudy N 0 taDI .. t· 0 Dl volp, , '. -S~e ~\'e tl :.t. the Rantn' l;ufOl)' I C

The Tr.nuul I'revinc'al C ~ i C • Con r~rll ~' to he h"lll .t Fort nln Illoin 1901rill!: Lo th" Nd i\·e. for I:' al Ir 111 J UM :17 t a .T , iv :1 "ill incilldl rneoua. 1'h, following motico wal l're lt- Ui r ,'I" ~II !·!" .. i" M, J JI. fl.dop~ed bv H y< t. <I thrlle Helwllt •. :'or l', Il r, E. Hrnolr"', tb"

"Th t" U (' Ray, F. hL~p\hllr.n. \I, II,nurd Pim Hhlue_ted to alllpower ~hiB Council to Mro f!I," • Ll:.II, t!,e

1 H'"T' Ml'~Ulha

It e Olnll ,o"eI'OlDen be I P' J b '

" I B . " Ixe e, .. " "e "r'e belDl ~n(" rJu.e ,Ie IIIWO rhJ! tlt ~ 'pm Natlve~ II~ ~1 ~I ". I

'b t I II L' I . r, .ll"gan ,gcller. lerTataryofth, ." I'lL' ~ ... ~npe.,r,' en uured, r' ~Iti, .ection f til Y Me .'\. ~, (os and \BI8' "" WI'" II. villw ~~ t b, r t.j ' . ' r

dl',Ilronoo batween wh I 'b N .. ,II ' . ef aene,a, darrmao 1)1 thll ~a}'in.1I at pr""I1~ tJ ,ahe lr~lio:tl" v ~il ~11 ih Ir,11I S' ie't L'erlelllotil'll. enlloent ~I,Q wba~ ba wLll hIVe t· 1 I)" _

un,ler tbll propoul bulng Ltlliafd h' '\0 1Il.',..lting fe,tum 01 tbe art 1IoIIQ 'he Traulvlal Pro"llIc!eI CouDc,1 fer I C":' JI , exhibit (l0 a~ Grahlm,towo " ... lueh 'purpo~1 II _y. be c!l&armioed by tho ,pi! Dioe ,lone by ~,'t:"1 women. tho L:lecotLve Cc.mllllttte, l'"F'LJ w" I I\Tllllb\ fro'l.t\ 'h, Iheep'lI

It iI, of cotlno. ablurd that ao inep· blck thlv ~'IllJI'lhated .uh d th! Ine monbood body toch .. the TraM, pCOCe'!!fOJ oacull', (0 lit" IltOduotioa .... 1 .Pro .. loolel COUDcil Ihould '0 add 0' ktlitted allicin. \0 in 'eputltioo tor inoompetencr, ~====:=:========== hcvlooill oconeil. are forbiddefl by - Wanted.

' ,t,tote to impole direct taxn on Ha' 'ire', aud it ie .haer ,mJlud~i!lco ~ IUllett tbat the Uukn Go1'tromeot' AI plicatiolls." iovi~r\ t 'ert 6c.teli mi~bt give the power IIlked for io tbe' IDllle teacher, f r thl lLnt a. and motion alter havillg iodiclbd itlli llro· tIlacbeT a' Umg"enya GOV'I n. School, Icuod toDle of tbe irclLpacity of ~IO. T •• cber mu.t he cf app"o1'e1 Ohrl,tillitl viDcialo nneih to deal )I,etly with the cbarloter aod well fl'oommentfod. Salery Nativ. peoJlle. The toy l~g"lator. ef acoording to D~plrtlDeo\.' ,.;\Ie. Apply the Tu08vaal Ire .skio, for IDothor B H T F. \'. HORET,L. rap over the kouok'ies P. O. BOI 47, Komltipoort



The UNION COLLEGE caD educale you by gi,ing you Less.D. by P •• I.

You do not have to lene home or Itop your ordiuary work. You study in YOllr own lilDe and the fee il .. ery low-frOID JO '_ a month. .

Our StaH of over 100 higbly qualified tutol'll and leelOn teach the following lubje.tI :_






U you wiah. you may take up StUdiM for Std. f. 5,6, or 7, Jnnior Certificate, Matriculation, or Teachel'll' EJ:&lIl8. Special ConnM have now been drawn .. p for TraoavasJ Native Te&cbeftl' Enml (lit and 3rd yean.)

Ycu do not have tc bny IDY boob .nd wbeo yOIl ha .. e paid our feel, we go on teachiog you, uotil yOIl PIli lour EumiDltioD or really kilOIII' your lub)8l!~.

FiU ID oar free iaformatioD CoIlPOO TODAY,

r. 1M Swnory, u.o.. <:.11'1",

',0 .... 3541, 10 ......... '1'.

Plo.u .... _ iJ • ..wo. ..... 1,..,. <:'1Tfl,..do ... c. .... (51' wlo.ic. ".jod).

................ ,.

H .. ", .. ... ..• " ... ... .. , .. ........ . . ... ,

A4 ....... ...... , ,. " ,

The :\~ti ve land 'l' ll'st l" n Ii crucial. It can be \"jewt'd froul many Ingle.s The Tr:t1l8valll N~ti\'e ,~nOI alone III lu llenng from a ab.Orl.~ge of lan.d . Pre~ident ltf ,'I8aryk, )( (7I'cho~10\"lkla. i~ reoo 'ed to hilT nat. 11. l":!t.i Itu t

In tl'f lllS of t he RlOtou~ A,qaembliea Amendment Act the llinister of .T u8tice bas prohibited public gatherings .with tbo exception of tho~e ~eld exclusively I fO f rc igiOU9 purposes, many plare to 1..;;:

n, ...... " p&.m .......... . ~II" lj .. , UW,8.2.


Pondoland General Council.

Final Session.

, • ,._,t reprodu,*d N"ti \'o labour for t he sugar 6"htei in The 01 OW"I~ H r y,. I

!:l .. of certain Important Nd.l. frorn the tar, in . ofthe Pondo- :From ahtemeota m"de by hoth the le.tIlWloftht~eOC~ ~ IOn at Por~ I ParamouotCbief90f Poodol.od the re -hw,j GfoO t' r.1 vuJo

ll{'} .~lI(~~'·'n. 7 The emieio, of yoo ng hoye without the 8t J h from une_ o· . f .

. . 0 DlId Co "I ba.e now l06t it.e eooellot or ko. wledol:o 0 tbel r pHeotq l'ondolao . UUCI . ('on witb the wu. com mOD occurreooe. on~ o the entitl' but In &NOCla \ . . d' et'fio . k' T totie .. General Council 6r8~ inlormatlon rec ~lve 18 A D" 1 a" Tt3~s elAU t'~il1! be rutly atrens. tinD of the de.th of the ohild loot by '(bl I~~uend'" (b ~t.tu~g of l'ondol&nd Inotber laboorer from lome luglr ei-t en"", an. e I t,t, ;, Nahl. In other CABeR where '\1 mprovN . . "'loCI ora I _"I , onaiderallon in the chlldrell returned It wa. found the~

t ........ uu·ea car U 'I b b' b ' (' I ·w bod ollDen, even nomina y ha.d acqolred ~VI a Jt~ y auoola Ion ~n e ec e of ~ nation', finaoces, to with detr:haheed NatlVl!ll ~nd werd ~ chargtheir own taxation by ne-arly Qnite unlDanageabie and q~lckly dill' ~('reM(J t f the 80IDcwhat nehulous app!ued, never to returD agalD 10 tb I I

per cen . ,0< .I_,".(',on with a majority 01 ca.e., however, 'he~e loet advantage 0 am e-'" . . . b d b bl

h I bod " eimilar1v oonatl' ohlidreo Blmpl~' valliB e, pro a y mu!' .1rgcr .. ' '. II' d' N t t th too b t nUIDt'ricallv and finMIOla y JOlnlll~ o~ber wan erlng a lve3. e tu ,n Y ttbi,ia what Pondoland', ~rmioatiou of their con~net, and drift. ~ronge~ C' ecil decided to do in amal'l inc to tbe urbao eeotre,· Tbere 'hey ene~a .. 0!':Ith tbe Trauskei Council. are qoietly la" to all family Icd tribal

ga~a 109 The motion was carried ay iGfioellce. IonTiably all appliea\ion to or l:'~~. f't to t"o the local recrlliklr reeilited in hie deuial a ~aJo~ ~,ao ';.-.t of the d"hate "M of all knowledge of wbat bad become of

.... cuno.... r-- . b bid I tbe contillual reference to a cooa.tltll' teo I . *ion, and the fight to ma.k~ ~he ratlfiOl!" A atOry wag told b)' a oouuoill?r of a tion Inhject to tbe provllloUS o.r tbl~ bead mao, wbo, io 192!, lo~t blS 100,

coutitutiop before the 6.nl meeting of a ohild of 11 or IJ He cao.ed a llearch the amalgamated. ~es. It .wa, ex· to be made, bu~ withont IUOOflU. Some plained. by Cbief ,'Ietor Poto, ID a very montb, arterwarda a letter WII raoei1"ed able .peocb, that wftic!ent gu~ran'"?M from a labourer 00 ao utate ill Natal had altNd, been ~Iven on tb.!1 pOlDt wbich informed the beadman thlt bll a nd eounci'UOl'l oould be auured their boy w .. 'bere and 1"ery lIiok. The t ruet "oold Ollt be betrayed, father weo' til bim aod found matter.


ROL\XD H A Y£."', The increued taxation will OO~ be a. deecribed. The boy eonld give no

direct, tbe preeent r~venue derrl'ed informlUon abont who recrnited h im I from varioua soure&!! W ill not be rna.te. or why he 1'1'18 takeo away. T he fa,her I::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: rially inereaaed, but .. l um amountlDg broogbt him home but tbe ohi ld died to nearly half t he e~pe':ld.l ture will h~ve shortly aherwlrde: to be found by lndlV1duale. OlnllDg Anothercase was cited of t"o young ltack. ~'rcc dipping operatloll8.:ed boye eeot home ill by motor bua. They

the fllm'ms Negro Singer whose Jjfe and worka arc rdated in this num]"r

Tbe Francbise_ .. ounted for U6,OOO III the authorl were put off 00 the roadaide nea.r their payments of £37,o.?O made I&lt yea:, kraal and died before t bey reached it. The Editor, "Umt.eteli," a.nd thit .mount "ill, under the ~atl' Partionlan were given of Blvenl OUei . t' t bave to be rlUeeJ Sir,-Aft.er again reading Enquirer'a

uea Ion. ag~n~en . . where youths over the recruiti.ng age ne", on the Nati1"e Franchise as stated by the UBtltutlon of a ILock rate or Jtt (._ t-. d '-> b' b , ( b r' tb c' l a...,' ..... an recelvtIU Pa88N, '1'1' IC io hi. lett.~r in tbe iaeue of MAy 17' ~;quiva en , t UI re.levlDg e cou~ I tbey turned our to younger boya to treu~ry.of all cu.t m connection With enable them to .e~ ."ay. It was alao I hope it may not be out of place for the (.hppln~ and dlJleaae& of cattle. As atated tbat motor buses "ere conti. me to foUow him with one more curt oatUe are In tbe nature of a bank to I . hro h kr la' reply. At tho outset, I deaire to jam the Pondo,ltO anv upenditure in maio· ~lUal y pallSlng t ugh t e aa pw::k. INue witb him "hen he says: "The taining their c.pital intact muat b. Ing up boY' and. pasaea or no pal."'" . Intelligent maaeea. have e1"e~ right ~ looked upon u iccome t.ax. It ia boped ~g~l~g them O1"er the border mto I ecrotlDu:e 1"erl minutely theIr J"e3POWli'

thu. levy of a ~tock rato on all hdlders • a a . ble leadership," If Enquirer's rOCl'nt of cattle "ill tend to ketp down or Then the district magistrate" ona writing. 'an wide of the mark in eome eliminate the ICrub cl .... , and then by after the other, .poke of the difficulty reapectl, they have at I.·ast aernd as ret.ainJn~ only tbe hetter and more reo of obtaining conVietion3 or etoppiug an iotere.ting inetanoo of the a .. rutiny munerati1"O 1"ariet." relien the inerea.s· the practice, p rincipa.lly on aocount of to "bich be rofen. Unlea3 I have mis. JDIt strain aD the limited grating the facility with whlch passe. could interpreted tbe mfIBsage of hi~ letten llrounda "bich ie beooming 1M) forcibly be obtained in NataL Theae are inued .. publithed in "Omteklli" Enquirer felt. throughout the Transkeian terri· without reference to where the Nati" atandll a ata.l"art lIupporter of the Unioa toriea. ~ )1 came from or belonged They urged Parliament i.n it.s effort for a distinct

Tbe preaident and ohler magietrate, that \. the "hole posit ion ' bould be and "parate registration of the N ati1"e Mr. W. r W~I'h, in eon~ratulating the ~ro~ght into rerie" and itt many ob· voter throughout tbe Onion. In itself (:OIlJhlJU>.H"~ oa thl'ir dtICi.ioll, rOl"l\arked J"ottonable rellturM expfls"d. thill is not a. bld nolion. But at this ltlat 1.r tllil 1'I~~h!Il._ll.tlon tllelr I I,;i~. j Reiereaoe was Illa.lie to. Icgialati.a lta.-otur. t lUll re ... i •• 8. ef " .. at a. latll'" v·)wel"!! wINI'" _II IIou,reiloded, (til" "x l~t lng w.1I.~er t.b.e Native Labou A,o Ea,;lia'- ,aga '.OM h..~: as the United Tranakeiao. Torritm.ial No. 15 of 19l1, S6..,tJOIl~ 4 au(15, bJt Man to mau i. ao unjust Genera.1 Couneil they oOll.ld apeak With the pr01"i.eioll8 of this Act had been [ kno" no mau to trust. one .Oloe. Peraocaall, he had had no I confirmed and atao .at a.ide on appeal In b doubt of the reeult, &.Itbough he had 80 that ib "808 diffioult to. undentand at e~ wOrda Euquirer and those heard rumoura to tbe oontrll.ry, and the polition cloady except in applioa. wbo polatlcally eee eye to eye with him could only eunni&e tbat "those "ho tion to tho renroiting of mine labour advocat.e a n01"el type of .vote, a cleau came to eu,.. remained to bl_" Be All condemned tbe malpractice an"d departu:e fMm the age·tnld principle~ ".lIIure there were many "ho would deviolU "aya of recruiting puraued hy of Parliamentary . . reprOllflntation reo mia, tb818 pl .... nt daya at. Port St. agents, but doolared that the police oogniaed by the olvillud world. '!his JO,hna, botb among the councillors alld "'ere active in etopping the irregular. dehcat.e experiment must.. be given OffiClala, but one could nntl bave one', itiea to a certain extent. tflal "rOIlI the eoan\y pravllege of a cake ~nd. eat It. &1ld he " ... oon6dent Cbief Victor Poto, in accepting an P'?ple govern.ed wit~ l~ttle or no d is. tbe Wl __ ~ course had been adopted. amendment propoaed by Mr LO"e the gu- of ofii.cJal prf'Judlce against J t~

Fully half a day ",a, ~Pllot debati"l magistrate of Tabankulu emph~ieed a tfllolotion mo~ed by ChIef Viotor Pate tbe bad IIJlltem of payme~t of deIerred

uplift a nd p rogr"l. Can the Native be held Unrea80nable if in thie Fnm . obiso innovation he eeee nne mora can. trivanee of a Rehoboamic t1P' against hie well. being I Of nee_ity he dreads taking inCAutioualy to thia brave political enterpriee; fo r int'pt oomrro. mise on the Cape Native Franohi.ee may in. the long run turn out to be aa unpaying as tbe bu,ineu trilOllacted bet"een Van Riebeek and the Hot. tentota. Ollr reeponaible JeadONhip oould not, I feel, u:erci!(l too mnclt. vigilance with regard to the Franchi'll compromise. One can weU app~iJl,te fIOme of EnqUirer's Itatemf'nta. Ri, "S O.S." for our northern brother is good and prOper At the u.me time one ill inclined to hold the vie" that a laudable effort ia being WaIted ant a Wrong issuo, and moat a!l!luredly i n a wrong direotion if it ia purpor ted to giu a signal for help from a feUowman bound"d from PIUa,r to post b}i hil eroe. mles· After reading Eequiror and Ru~rgalll;' vi~w~ 00 tbis .o.lltrv', Aifatl'e question 1, fer aae, f.!l1 it • thoo .. nd p.tiea that their intriguing and anooymOIU writingf have lett oe with . ou~ . tbe leae~ idea 01 ~beir id~ntity. JunlOI'S, ae aome of nl are In the Ichool of Ndi1"e thoollbt, oould barrl ly dil' penle "itb their a'imulatioR if no~ D~D~lal' .0rltiOilm wheo lometbiol i, stlrnog In the !Ila~ive pcbtieal world.

Barkly Eaat, O.P O. B. T. MOSBB9R.

FUDd. .. UMTETEU ... 00 'be reerultlnJl, of youtbful Nati1"e pay to egricultural labourers through labau",,, "bo Ire uoder 1~ yearl. aud the recruitera, of the etopp.ge made on ~be. plymeut of defernd payearoe::! by acconnt of gooda advanoed before at. agMuoltural l"bourera teatation, and the diffioultiea experi.

gury mailitrat,e of the u"I'eo die· ~nced in getting the balance paid in trlcte of Pondo/God. aud Ilraoiioally cub.

DUFF BIBLE INSTITUTE every Native couocillor io t he a .. embly It 1'4'109 finally unan.imou3ly decided 8PO~1I to tha, ruot'o~, - \I te ~ t l~ r ing to tbe to eupport atrongly the foll owing reo CtleV008 ~~.e 01 "tfllra etlltl!,C . So~e eolution . "Tha t the Government be of tbe .e1"Jdllnoll wae !!ra pblo 10 Ita requCl8ted to institute a etri~ t a nd im. hlfrOWlllg d~tal l ... ad reflouted dl8aredl1l par t ial inqniry into t be conditione

• on tbe e1ploltation of yonnl o"l ldr,u under which )lativee are rocr !l..i ted for I b\' f<!orUlti oJl, "'JI,enh and runuen, By tbe eugar eatatee iu Natal a d

\e'IOUI wa~·I. a:'lt;) for.t!.elr own benefit, trod lice legislation &ddition~l ~o tlb~ tbete men. re tnl' ob""ap fc rm of proriliou~ of Act 1;; of 1911."

(Un,<lenOn"l.l nation.a.l)

FITS MEN FOR CHURCH LEADERSHIP CoUrll08 for Evangelis ts Dud :'Il inisters. Write for Prospect u, to _




Ezase Natala. I akub. ..badl .. 1i .lIaoiuei b .. bb'.k_

SINGER (T[ SnDw.n.)

h,Y(fW : L ,b I.a. t.mo.odi k"e.,· ..no ... dblalileyo IokQ It.laA ukoba ... libtlltell:e k.hle I iabLa&l DU~' 1111. ho.ika

J.CD.lilho (Bi.ilIbu) ablo,e IOtIt· ..... k •• tOD. klrro'IMit,.,;koi.iDqomo .DClah, ,.bo. _'- .baaiai"o bu.yi, alea. i..t.t. leyo-t'a'i aj",lI •• ifOboo, .lIeU 0"""" .~eb. b.p odele. t.ab.­a."a ia"blal", .hedbli lOki yiloko onba f_" akuba h,bo,e b_dool., beal .. lk).

1 he World's Best SEWING MACHINE

Y<>et _ "1' Bra" d tI" .. SIICCO Ill , .. .". ..

£7 : 10 : 0

I ..,alll.aadi. .\0 al~~. 'Ie ~v.leI •• DluDalotlJU abo, .aupualoku.u1el". I D,..b .. blo "}f babe loki .,ea),. ,U' 1I."lIMk.yo "Gtam.lli •• okob. }emw­to ioh h, yeh'ot. Inri Noa.,b eo •• , A, .oci,t,oo Il imi .. le ukllb. kl1dl.lel". i kolJ)i'" f aiO-.'O D' lIJ.II., kv..,. •• ,I. oka"l., uko nioJ' .. imbiai ,kola 'Ji ....... 110 1.1.,1". pamb, kokob, apel, louy"':. upuo l.. r .. bca.k. lo Jelip.'i I IOdl.lo 10 DC Ii a.alDldad, aoobuoopa obeoeluw.yo b.,.o, .... 1I'''r. ul ' u •••. beo •• Dcokm ... oa D~lIro1:olo . &.lI:&loio , til .... , ,,; ~ _ ' H ; 700." u.. lie'. }oJ'I &n>CER "r "vo,.'" it 0DJy rr- S'f,Pf

• ,1 il1610 •• bo. a,i ab.o,. .ba. • • oyama.

o Bi,bopa •••• -"'dblo .. l::i olle "'" •. lei, DPUJj,lJelo lum.atlll y.ke ek"iad.· "0 .... cIa"o _hl,aptyu.. 11,00' "ibhll ... "Silo" Qo.,~er •. " Ndhle· I .. ble Mordi

Ez. 'r...... NJ •••• loko ... iility.liI. .kati ... ablao' •••• T.hrilli, kobe lIi.lu b billbi P.kat; ..... "Jlub y.'e Dtto .... o.J.I ... I Dorbao O' Ilbul'''1 i Doll .... aca 10 .... lo 1.

Ori_ b'" ba. ..... ua. -_. by. ok"eot'ato, atl ."de '.bl olll,a oU tad. ".,cAa. ollaboal 101110' yi .a,.II.ya. Bamb, muali, 'labamba lMa&amhndi.


Mleoll'lkoba b ollldl,lo k.,licell .laulrud.l. uqu'Y". ".IUo,.all,. 0110110· ai.lOkueekolqilJelroi iOtllj,hlo woko· ,11., "igel, ~".h,I.",I. u&le.idlogeni .lIabe lI.o,i bellu." adl.lel.1 mf.lltu. I.,. Dlumbl. "uiseou kul. ip culu •• fo II. Wa;tf!r " mol" ".h.oomc_oa ab.balol.Ili1.yo I Mdlo', (V.nll.m) .".Ii .1I0a.h ••• OlD Gullmeeo; .alumll. i komitQi It''lod,oll.oil ) y.lo mhuto "e b'ul. yaliile "flb'.I ... e ig.ma lakl .~ku, .. III. II.hl"IU;, Yltl 01101'1. i~lIlia"'l!' ,otl'UI.oi,,,eoi }.dom. iod \I yO\"l1lo "'''aba 1,.0.'" reou imboaa_.1i1O fomba'elo ou.gyo 1I;""'leeozo ,lka K. IIoloku iI ..... jool. ,okal"oll; Dbb. D."b.ui u"lI;o",la olyu I. IIQmilyi .0 • i.ht. ko'i"l &1,.11· milo "ou."ab.li .m.utloullt.bu iolltllo iunll.qlndo,eli. Koc.on, k.llobl. oiubl .m.miolim,oli • Imah,muheroo .y.II., mb •• po ,)alluo' IIlIumityi .r d •• uoiQ ie b.y.bl,bo .. ;­niobaben lut . Am.looliMl.lo .Iello mit,i a.1."okob, r go" bl. welhami eH­•• 0' Ilal. ipt'zolu kubttaoo .101 Corio' ibilo' ... VerQI.m lIoo,e aIm. Com. ""'0' 110 Rdd Bill , bue Ih.y.llo"i na lomdl.lo t..bou, 011 Olma G uod g. ' le a" Moo IIi E :l p collobo. AbaD.CDaod la i, Cly.lloYltatalt llum,\yi k".o •• y o 10CDi · ai kobo o.yo 0. Moum .... o. 0. Gol . m ·loi 10"0. uLemhl .. allob. Ituoa Dllyo lomiD' hoye.

• . • I bl. ' .-.. Sho," •• \h the REO" 8 ' "~D.D U.e wlIldow _ .. I,klll'" \lID .... em .. u .. m ........ ' YOIl Urt . l .... r'll" p.r .. Repaon ~d tuU ""rn ,6<:::1''' ,I .011 .lnMII .... d ... kubl,a •• a .. 010 H(q bfol ), D'U~O[>. wi li lu . ,. h let iU'e. •• ::t I N- . lOR , ... tb. veattolt ,,' ~l ~n. Vacb,n •. no." M p,n .tIIl i.lai.I .q.II lIiateleii .. ioiuoli oft w,u. ill ferior mu,.... :.11 o~..mltl (or 'f l"rioI L t. Tftuo..! .. ...,. . .. okomo Ieleq.lle ullll'fO', •• m.i.. JOMunbU'f 32b J oob"'r\ Street Prtloria 210 v .o Der W.1I Strec:, 10, Mid DOk "d,' ... igh. ku .. koyi,'" BeaoDi 19 Fort Stree' . b , 67 Rio.ill Street r _. . bloigo a'tllbloo)e oleagokgb, oa 0 " • ....; ... outoo 67 P reo,d' ll ' "'I"oMI'. bOllolllloal? ojo ,b,bloto ban iUellall. .. 30b Ploio Street PotC.beistrOOllll K , !'I ~ Ed"ari StrMIt,

Walla iAla hag .. ola Olllea:1i Gqibllo , !::::':' :::':':1:":;"':':':1:1 :S:":J:.:v:"':'::W:i~tba~'~'~' :"~':i:O:':' :'~~':":::::::! yotil ibiDi.


Uroqia. imibll'i ek.oy, igui ob· nl'u". )i\y.lo ckJJblasel •• linlb. .I'uao,uli y.oto .uokl SI aito .. Il.o­I'lel". DlokubD)i'''1 UII' Cb.mber­laia', p.ia 81'm. II •• ubobon fdi iholal. o,roro nibaapl. 'lici'o. I P .. " h.,.. ....as.eba ..... bbiaa hebcWa • .-•• so .... ellfa"ha •• h· taia hllWDuya •• y.... le.oti ... _ ..... 11. lIOato.

• Umtetowe Ngxabatsbitsbi.

Uto"l. ohde 1I0k.I"1 011'''') to ... l. uaile II "."011 soh·o.b"l umbi II., i 1l.lamIIlM, "f'olfl.b",bh,bi ou.08ebo· I Oil Dltoko Dj.,Ololl:uhl .ati wallom ••• la l· "opoIlY".' si.o aombi.i i&iodlg .... p.l.me N, Bo"oq.l. osuiu r"ihh. , ob . K ~ •• li. o,ollom",l. oko~i o."e \ DylDla el,otato 'olt.)i n.kU)ipio' iO"'D~lnj~u i •• "~' ;robaoo,~burs 01' i,,~&'a)"1 iIi , .Iu a eli seliw yo. 1I010"0 ! CDvllf'lu .. ".wooik...,. ta, IOti.hioi e " Pi" Ii .rqiba 01r: lo t". ,athDII.ui,,,,oi ' kooa kwepolillYo inti. K".lInoa 10' mt,tu ojioll:il.' llna IIwu itili .... ' Vo.til. o _.I.ioyo kom. R.".oov.il, uu bekuil k".bako iOJl:lal bl'" r.o~.i k wempemb<-I,lo leut l.alalli,u 0lu Mp.· 11I .. a M it.tu.





£500 age Mivuzo BUM neUi ..... H.,,,o.

Li bo· \alii .bile

Jiu leplJllpi­Ipna • beay ...

UDqaU molomoDi P .... tb. kIDD",' ....

I. lehar. 1.I.tI.l. bo bea\a I •• Dtsueng Ene.lane .

ad lea paleethe ea tse 2D Zifunyanwa kuzo zonke i N.R.C. Stores kwelase


Bo\la Jebenkelen(!: ka eoo.

£500 ea MepIitso

Li fumanoa hohle ho N.R.C. Stores ho a Gaudeng.

Inkobla Kubazali. l oto • buhloOIU kuko l oo.y, 1r:walo ·

.kuhllo, aha. i uk ·]wubi ... betooliO , i •. Mllaria Fe"r .. leoto lI ,k. Ylblua,l.

NC .liof' ioolll'"a 10mLeto 00'0 f\liouiilalo iod •• mUl'oi uklltibik, .lil .eni ; Nip.o"i It.emhl lld ... IO, i r dllfl mo~'"' oiu hi. i uolle; Omnt",o. 011 " k.IiYQ o ·ela emb.l • ."eDi yi< dl.ll . k .... to iol Ntu mUlloi 11011 . 1. Jllbo' lIu !>j.lu; Imiteto eoiy.· I'Stihlfl ri palam,o'" D. b.l.oli . 11 ) a· 'fuma .yiui kuli l i. knl"a muuai 1I0hbo . ,01 Nlo , r;yam,,,I.oi oJ' . Im~"(l f'oO ,"",dlelli .,b.q"bi m.IOOla a,' mi.olu 1I". lIgo " a,all laqu Yl llo"lle­ala, , i,,,om" 1,101 koh. i, lIod". o .o,. i, r>i hoK' uiaa OQl'l iou.uk".ou olhb. . Z il (l ,.0. lie m."elll iodl, •• .'~ko"u Wlliia luml;, WI ; o. oi D.b.aiol o •• qood .yo onollo&l od ieoll aCDaJeD •• e' h. ,,,0. o.uku ~ol. Ilakgla .

Yio ltohla w otg lie II , opo)ao, Allo ko bini OUIl . . .. iyo il ,lI.lo .. ba· UJh10re 1t.,1" looh eli , bellalo II l 0kg l[ psta ka kgbi itn maototll hauoa ab.·

Nloio ko leyeki ipt' lileyo • B, oooi k"Il i I • •• R ~a\ io i lOiobe lI"Inq lla 1I\l1" ili m"o ~1 "i llja 0.' omf" . , II"'a Si~o l. 0 Heor, YOOI, 01 fu me '. , .. i • •• eCDllYltl ll ; ogullo b .. t. iull . ,n ll " ,oa r 'lIo l iomi oyalla !/I.bumi lia'lObiai obodli. £.om fQ UC.OIII io'-o " kolt uba lum a tll" OI aw r 'JquJ.e f 1I0"'0Iel., kod ••


(U " A;wrrL A) KUFU,EKAI CA'\TO~ O,L oom' a..uu "bIlJ,.ayo l.a)06 nf)


Uly",. II ... b.cI.Ila u."wabo.llo:.e .. 1I,,,,.all&' 1I1~ .. ut .. nlh li_ Uolto«> ote~1 ,,_ .""a h~ 0'_1' HAltfLEY'6 V\ mhoe\lllfl we ,~dhl, v .. e&.b ,e·,\, .' •• at'lIllIl !w. ~. to.mdl ,!IY;II .. l ~ n., poiII In

A H TODD. LTD Umlu"mlll- • [ndbloYlnl. '

RED HILL. 'I \T AL 9i' Qb _ Iatt I e.. 0 ....... 11_'

k.I.I~ l"Ub. ljl,bb.l I .. "'" 0 I"". Lt _ ..... beaHlU_

• ohc IId fl . ,.t l •• milli tlobVlok o o.mlo l Isaziso Emzini Ngokubanzi uid<llopioi °l·pandll k"ab"lh b.,..o. I lI oIID:U )·011" 'kod k'll a l.oa.yea". 011· UJ itt- t J )oko.ubo, )imitollo I ~Ioli.a

Ni0n.hla " I 6 Ito J gly 1930,liol oglt,u teli ,'m'I'I" .01l~.I.i patt h~llhi n \l" 'Jl . oi,o aPl'" Bro"o Yard, Doo ra ' . ~oogeio o.mor, umlali uOli:a ll u~.,· lelu lI. kocioll' uonio I ; Iiyu, f(.o",io, , juolI' o·,ettdo kum o hI UOI.O· • ... . t ,._1. --oedo P~IE.1 110.110 ku,;i p.ta ukOJlI.J,11) .",. a o· ... 1'1" .yuo . o o. I -- .. u b b 10 ';;ulum n\o 1lI0 'lluJla n, m,, ' o tnhllig b •. o~".o.. •• 11,,11. Im.k.}'. be ... (B"., uk 10 , •• oood<f SIOI lib'll) I",,' U',jo!~l"lI.i og.p.odle kw,myullI. Y'· 1l,,,mo\1l gko.i .... t.' ~"I\ ° <fm.OCl"a b ... h, iuLa be'.>:1 'kolltab. IIg.l.po b.· "~ I • I . 1'0" ' .. 0 ).II"Illn ull ' .od., .b.ruod, 00'0 .,.0' • 110.. U "110. •• ~ • to 'I , ' \ d . oedl K, mbol, .,htl ,nYI ko)'o lem.b tl If'l " b~' U!JlOt"U Ota .0.0 a Imn "behu,h, •• Tb.t.1Io f\Ocbtl 1I" .. ,k.

I omu b "I)'a loui. :I-,hl ".u Illao .bl o,elll okokoba aO~aU omho&. i,og . tOLD oaiDb. )'i oto y ,kllull. lluioa aI· t.lele 11 m. 1" 10' III.o u,lloi y.llu baai .. III~"luk"IOi i'fOmU. oidoba iy, Ib.mb, hib. utut~'. o,wlii .a1 . .. Jhl'iui, 'Jablk J iod.,,;) e' lIall" iuba lIull".bo '"101''' Dh'. ,0M,hlati P • .I.0 .II:",yo YDa.k. )coSo 10.oaolll kta in'. yollobl lulI •• roi". )op·I, ... om eboni .. ullobo"'a .<dt •.•• 100 0J,IQ alia Bi'ole ud,i •• ,p::n\,1 Yitiokobho mob Itll t..kQ,i, l, •• ubl.> a.. '11Ia" !II!elc " .. i1uo~o l.Iulll .. abu.li IlI.bao'.,r:.

" ou 1.[Doto OJ)"lI.u.a •• li.uble a . 11) .... '.. • 'I F I ... . . ' II t ... OII.,ceO ...... , tie r~y •• ,),. m1l1l, 011<3 Olpe e III au,,,,, 0. 1I,!J)ye; y.y Ii Iy,l. lomb o" .. t.h.q, Dgla1'u" Obb,I . leot4'LO. ~o ".lIaao.. Y'" .do ~id 'll)i CI' I •

J, ~ M. lI'r Jl J,IH Ilk •• 11.,·" ".)il.lh ""b07ola El.Yu I l"lUElhama, ollumh ~weho., al' I ~UOloa 'PO •• !!.". "a,ibott. bOQ'IOOt, MYOI II.JoII"'fU 1".,).Yo II til I., Il". "·u"OOt.o.lo~f" tlp&mb. t""ok .. ocU, ! 0.&011. 1010.1. emb, 111:1011'" k.f l bill. l'to."'t. OlQIIQ kubeta, "u..... • tompao! , •• ". W'I 1II~1o< k. rI 1.0 arolO,~Ir-1:"" "'e"''''1 UO~lj.OOp I.i .. lu .nlili .b, i <fIJkuha lI.Clo"'tO I." illlQ..,hli fI .... "d, JI ~"t:U j. tolle""1 0" u ... ,,' , "o."mt'. lollollot,. tIlI •• nClldi"oIllDlb ... Ii, k04w. 1:IC-1I0 ! bambi 011 alY. "'" .pokI_ U..o, .. aJ .& a i.,e I UU,,,,M' ... eo •. "" l. · •• 01.10. ".dl,"a hUII,j [, allo ya.b,). I .yoJa 0 .... G nDl,k· g.b .. k'hr mli, l, " ... ' ui rll'.m "dl. IU~ •• bAl .. I aCDbo... ,. .... r .ql"d"tni ,.t"rD' .'-Il' ~1I1 11':: lhelo v. .h..l.-. i a malo' ""to· o~m ,y .. mllio ° ,'II lilt • • "e .ukuh ...... ~ _.a. I If'''' a. t. ,II., IIIl ~ ,'.DI ..... " .... po ~ to. , al "10 im/i''l' 1 . ll)"Jlh . " • .I&1t b.kllbobl •• ,& ta· .L.m.lk:>e "'.yoll .. ,_ eaib.cll. ,., luk. tMt~J .. h.'''$II,'lmavtyi • • ·18 k ... a ,~ , 110 buoh l.cJ,d o'.bi" 11 0 0.10 k •• ~e!lal~/O.a'JilUJl.hbJ ullo' .b. t •• ,,," onl,',lellel •• ,I/OJ IAIIIIDl o I, ... WlOoitt Or.,.' ~ >perlllio' lUo. ot • • a bIor,loo.cU. 0, • .0 leO'" tall .m t.a:-a aCU,.b"1a.I,DYI flI&lI' ooJbLa. apIo bftJu CkolL1<Jkobl, DC ainNi. AM r..,b..o .... ,d", •• 1. ::. .• ,1111' tah;l. oaE.a.~~ ..



Ezakwa Komani.

AJ'lr..Ja! ... Hf .~ h _pill II •• ... ttl ) II .....".

'1.0 t ... ell UJ: •• lit. J. utah.. U ., ....

II... I •• II. a ~ pac .. Il! ~,.. .... • Go h •• Ii,J

• 1 ._'ttoe

• l"·l.J: .. ..., a I: • 1 "

e ,. 1..... rlol., , •• 'i1 yc • u m.lnnl'l'e

hr .. ok •• b ... ou III 1UI '"' I: IDqOIr, WiLe l-tJ 11.' • u.:';1I"

M. ) ,I."IM </. '-t b, .. kU II III. ,.ux. ( ••. r .Im' d .. &1.1" ' • ~.D"I.: 'le,,~jj Ullllrl' II ..... u.t1lba .htontl, g_ II· be,alii-,I",. ih.OIl' lnlh. bUI ,11I1a ullut,.a )l1h Db Dptllo Nlckllnl,' •• ~li cow.dl _dd, "'''IIll). n.twi i'lV' cdlb. 1.l.pa , 8.11".." I K., .. I<!I lOJuDllckernba lou: mt>· i""l".I.Ma. r"olotl~1 a a kulu 10 IIl1a~I'lI!.lI J.f)a u.nYI.IDI. .yl' b"l11 ... ;~m(). • .. II.babl bP.baota .b.u h 'kmP.u, kattti "ao'-I hi'll Il,"bo IIUe "ltol".I'I .koalalo 6iutu IMiblai .. lIuht. IIlIke auado)da .fuga krn;u DQkg .... K .. amaoat" kc.lllou;lIhl

01111,1,,1,. ab.h.h11 .~"'llay

.. Glli,.. u-a&ello 'Ibb&l .. h _1I~oko. k-ub .. D~ndod. y.aiD(a a Tr.o.ikel IIllle· OJ.OIllI ipelilefo. Sinlyi .. ;. nku.bc.o. 'Z1l~I'l fe.lhlobol'1I Sllo~i. II Re" L.O Naq.byi ibluiyellile N!llw.n .. , RD. ~8 'Ii ,"~ull ulab. Q Nkolilla'~

yomb;;lc 1l1' ... lIhhl. ewtabeazi k" Aolrllwu,po et-efu"diu 'OtUpo • a .ox. ye "':bwlI.tie dotiu "

, • age II.Iy", Pol. iJink ea,le t ba W .11 alODdal-"a tk., • ,

e r!l t .. anlo t.ke agapeaa Il'll"a' tar'

• {:\.E<;8:A fU.NYE NGOKU,

Leloos 1Mb. til DIll'lilo lolokall .. upe I lilll oh toblak-oblo bDllailll Iweod81e lu, m laemltmbelli Sol. i Cbamhor!.io', Cough R~mody IIW8DIIOh· neolli .... zifilallile (mob

Amanqaku -

• ase

I Glen Grey

I BIJ>;GA LI.SB GLEN GBBY Kwj, ntl.nra.ni8o y.lo b JI<OO ek".mkelwe i eeb. eliwb •. u G .. ebiSy,l. M~ir.r., out,ta. inda.o )omrlll B3menll~ Mia' Oilloi. kOlox"o imi"imbi 8qalekilllYo Y. B'oDS., kod"a kubelro imieimbie!J".·ba. Ill'. f'ma ya B'oDlIa epeS"'a Int,!, olu· lJIadolo iat.o b -th~er klluk-abarro illi, fondo zentauill etimb.I". (Sbor'

/I,.tI.1 Ind.tJ. YOalQGmbotl Lt:beleo.i. ""Iricuitullli (kIursa) esiy.kIlQotyw. Dgu ... t'" hal. DOII'lb.llfora ollu~ .zl"· mpati w. t.m. ekllq.leoi 101. July 10. Iele .bl. opliLi ··CI~i •. I,I .. paoUI k.~ N,I,leodl.I.ltlluoyw. uirob. hVllkf, ,1111111. 1111 raqo" Apo k' tlO" .1~&vI' ILllb.lobalimi ab.Dtaulldll blla Gleo ,I .. hba ulllol". DOIlo uklab. 0 Nt.,· Gf1IY lokoluba bah bublye ,m.hya IDII..,I '. t.aI~ bay,f'II. D,~~D}·II .• bo ~aaiw ic."DIIu. eai!Dbal" •• r,mllbl lDd.wo. X.llti 0 ,. nt.moabl 'It!'., ,a B ,ullI~, hafoodllw8l~dI81' ,okull~.,

bo b )lfI.o.i 110 Nt.&molol I':enYloollo I (,I\;olteta IInbevn; eloc.llle10, uku,OIO' I. :' .... 01 I N,I.lo lJI~hDbi i K,o ... le Dollalr'oli .. imfllYO, ultuloDlelalin Imhi : .. \llkI ibl'I;I •• DII 01 " bhoch ., til,I"a . yarra b·om. DedoS'a izimo eliaiolli 010'

;. tll!\uh. u ... ol,h.1a .e l"I,oe ea' lima f !laoi elltlla hookoyifum.DI Ill' :;- : """,d, .tMI.IeI. u Nolokilbi ,po d •• o yoiDlah aokllty. kw .. a flmeoi :u • liana i&IIJI'o .. ha "Iill 'lilreleto J II.po, Il,a 'l/· ulamiai, kodwa b.r:lpatela W~. W.,il!kope Ilokab. \iu. tlal, j1llltihO &okulall_ Abaoye b.llilzeD"I • ... ull~h' "'D~hanl'llo, fn.lo nJ .11 .waho amaluogiaelolo kwiclblobo .. bo *lubtok, 0",,0, hi DIOd IPlIIOI o~llayo, I nik'lll'II.li a~ioR\lo~se i t.m" kodw. iDI'flfO lu~t 11I'lobo nt\lklltu",a yl b.Dlayl {lIm,lIa IdID,I. ef.meo! 011' L &CU. 6d. cogoeuk-u, Baoilll.bloel.yo m.h.·

, , bala k"'l oroka beujeola- Thll lI'arPl Ili •• ' ..,tlhli'l 1 .... 10 •. '1;1'10'0 io- Maooeer. B'ulll' Farm, Lady lI'rerl!.

1.0' Allatl.o .. im",II,. i. NkOllllui •. Juti~. MII",I, ..,1'''11 ... iu,. Illt .. " Ulotl·A.t;I,A Blv.l.a. kuoaDIl Domll .ibbedl..Ja 1.,hlulJo lII .. ifllI'QlI,I,'\1 \;WI'/ wd;w. N.e~ II Hao~betll oloro.w-le.II.I

.ad FA ohtllw. UqalluYl 1I"_la,olroOJ 1.lollll" Ii Nllollr RWlly :::'1anI,·':'i~· n~okub. albiye auoa NII!~ ell?"ui koJrg,1I10 itull. elldll,. I~ .,.IDVI "llllI,..".O ehuh 01 (,10&&0' 10 ul.:"",kll:, iodaluke ololwI Sltdn eWIDI qt ........ Nllo,!~ .. i K l P ~!,N'<loodu, 1II\'a 11 to JUDI 1980. u -,"y.ua lHhuYIl •• ko U Htt., C. ' , Nyombcl lO U\;ubal'l k.ia.'liktlo )Iia A: ASTU. Sip.ull oltolrub. u KObell,


Olu lu ~,Pau Iweye Nene -XI ukoga inaiCMoto ,..ll)k ... o. q .. &luela II Paul.1I Sihl/l'H~", Tuo{. walre iI .kwil uko, ifo-ltoti, ib~lDpe 0 aioIibo elia.". a,nlaplI elioG Pall hn Slhlo'KI4 Alilaoo li .... zuko. I.}', U· h1a.1A appe.o kw •• o ooke, Umbala ... upumi. I.yo libiacD·

ben Ivla. Loake u..u teag. i Prillti %AI ' Stifel •

Yil. Imif""eki.",

ZOlt" 1~ltolo zi,./lwO

A ..... U: H. JASPER SMITH" Co. (Ply) Ltd.

JO .... ·elKrr. Cape Tow., [harb .. , Port Eljutbeth.

I Gramophone ne Rekodi ZE

COLUMBIA ne REGAL Bin i K..taloru ezde :

UipltwaJo i Columbia :


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>It 100 100

&.0 •• 8 .. _Ut:DllU,yo d!taIa' fit , Iii , 0 aryt.la

P.a.f1U, :-8ipe Nda ..... .,-.au, lelQJ,eyo ,.IM Nt..andu t.po

UI'lOIrudIa.IeI_. i .. lrod" 0Ti­fWl&10 aalt.po ulIfPl'eag' ~ ... ncambMo 1IQkuI:u.

Kopa Buku. ea Mau.De

li Columbi. be Nkuo.DI :

ff : II ,0 1l3IIt, &.Ia £117,0 .. 0,10,0 .. T."w..Ie IrDtho '- __ ,

U!:I4 ,o


...... l.u .. i. illl'l"- 0)1'0 bet.u oem II !¥Iou. T. 9. Nop,u alll .1I8la aD)"e pi" yo 1I0u I H. NYOIIIOOlo, D' 06.,1 ioqwelo II110kn eyl O.lItl.ad .oblok-llpa y..,I.",.luIIIII'O) ahllhltumi IIDi, in o.a Ford, hamb. "T. S," 0 Nk-o.rr­,0bl.,.,zU<lI . lkutu~,.I. k". oti.i I .loa. Lakboltbi uke Wllhl II KOID.o.I, yl;IlDDia OOUI UQ)' ,y,h y.ka 0"," okuy, kllve1ela ulJI )'eni ..,.Ilh 01. liba' Ihlnly.llil,llIIpHo 70 Woo. Tbto. II dlela .VO, ube DOlak-wll 0'0 Nllo.\;. B. .... IQ Otol .. wboo'l0 pa't.Li k-olDli. MquUlhin, 0 Hkol\; T - Sui w ... 11&",.ui ",,6k~1I u . Dr: Wolla~\.on, Fr.nlbary ubeD,llolledo'oPlo, Ie nlll ... G\.), IlaW'" III.lkOlO l'l.;litllo !tum .. micimbi, ",bayel"j.. 0 You. H H , £SOO L.I 11:10100 ••• , .. k • .t ... il.llo" 1J.1i wua Z.lrtw.l.er like ... boo.k.l, ..... .1 bh, .... '1 .•• 'oIIne'l") tt!lIjlWe ,I' pakltl hl'odolo~a. la Illlob.wbalo 0111. "Gila". 0" !aDdu! £1'i, •• t.u)'.)'o lI:.tllUjlll~·o. U Mlu Dlldo,bll wa aku,1 uk"h.,&er. ...... k_ NOIDoye A.ld.R .• 8ilduiopoudlllla Ilpa okny. a '''nlbll,. Ylooiealol. U Willi N.q,'l". noll;uhUl'l lr;umlObeoli .e Nkl'll k-o

ELLIS PIANO SALOONS TROCADUlI) 8DC$., .., P"'(~"d" Ru..ikSb. 11". 5041 1 Jolu~.

V .t" Ity.l" I.h " Oqlr. t, 10, 1300111, a~oomll iorQela Yall Blldolopu, -0.::" a.l \"illll,ot.llr;"ue 'pa, ,aI ... po k-udao kublode oet1lmbo IUDtll .

... ~ 1.111 •• r ten \ .. I"m· . N a CO". )'a tl) ko Juoo la, \;ooru h Ll lr;iS .. 11 ... 10 ..... aiat."llIr.opuun I"Q(", .t.a .... a. bat.. laltolilO, ,

• lap. T ..... k I mlltrau CO" p...o., B.-uiat

•• ,.,. .. k. Iii..tto 1111 "Ila ---"=--='-== -~~-.-

il."fUGl80 .\b.1 Ii beliocop, odaba! lob ap" II JeN'" Sbti, a, alia me, itt lako, Ubl.li, Of;.kllQ'Jbi abalie \lli, "b., . ,"8 Flus Loadoo II Mr M K .. ~, .. ..... IInk-oba l,a~.\lla ,Jr.okub. kut.o bl. a.,D.a eka)'a <lo to_IlII,. (Pe--Iloo) a ••• 'UUl ",Utt. aoblobo. 1t ... Jr.u \ goo o.nu ol"kll'u •• h_It.Ii .. .:.k lIu t

• kll •• ' .. H"oil", ..,hl1)bo, I' 1111)." •• 0 ••• to 10 lb'8 ,·,.oc, yolt, I 8wl .. Bu:ot, k-.I •• m. yo H·llo.l' [n. ••• Iek. I muhkad ".ka II e· l:a'oII,1I a'S.! (leo ''"'Q,t •• iusliMI. Ituwb.!. .. a Klan M., I.hl, 0:.1.e ".IiMbl". eli I) hdol 'llal,19l0. 0i.'- .... til. o",yol1a olo~JoI.6 1111 J"aelo K •• , •• , II) :,_~";''''' iollUlk- '0111 ',D ,. :Jlp .. ttl. mt)U. kuodal k .. II Mr. S. Ie .... "

Kill ~ Ir.e on bot". al&l B"."\t,,lI:Iidlclt yolluy. filly. 1111 ('Atbw~ h k.al. Ilh l& .,._1. I Bc.r~ iI. eIJ 11..)"8 tla. ...... ,oa •• 'u I" 1Ib1.. eo n" I

~ lbok •••• aalll.,o, 1&lIIGb.i IDol ab.b UDell .. kll, •• 1 II. ,"om,." k", ... 'am .. ,. B .et. kC"I1,,'.' k .. 1 w.k-IllnD)1 aemlo 'UIJO, 5· ..... 0

)1"DJ1 .,.. OUlU kUIHDa ca- o, .. k·,olulu DIIllbloflO &eto til" boo, • • .&l.i-1i, D-Dl~ko .... 111 Illor-bl •• ,. ED!!! •• tG"KU,

ill' JI (10100 ~T. Dlkali .... ,i 'W...... N&1o lie I~b •• thll ~11' b&J. bt.t.M

• ~JiIe y .. to W.Ulo

• til" &nt. S "'r'·' e",a • WOliti S!~ laat:r.ob, Gab • .at",-. _aUl cit •• -

I,.... WOI:Id. GaLl Pep Will\ Iiba. ... bbJ:g tr,: IrI:IWo __ H -1_'

• •

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A r: TeOH. LTD. "'<)~"'ll It 'HII<:lb 1 1

R"O ':'1' 0 • r~ HELl... !'oJ -\1' L

u.. ... h...",.....~ ..... .. ~ ..... --'"" .. ....

~~8~~~~~~~~~UM~r;g~IE~U~~W~A~B~AN~TU~. =J~O;HA~N;~~:U~R~G~,~21~n~~~·N;E;. =1;~~' ~~~~~~====~~_

enter it of teo acd tarry for a mOlIleoii I In fGllowl bi" "Ub God, tben t 'l rll t1 tbe aalk ' bat olaima os

Sucb " prlOtio!! or th9 pre~eDca of God " ceqoire8 DO immedia ',e preplu, tioa, God i, alw.ys lieu, BoI:IOUt nl ,cd wltbin os ,

"Spe,k kl H illl, thou lor He b.elrs, .. d

Splri~ with Spiri~ CIO maet­OIol er I! Be tb"n breathioR, and Neuer tbao hatlds Ind feet"

God knows our thouRhh. we neeC: Dot Ip,,1I: alood wh, t we woold ,loy to Hilll ' " There il 00' • word ill Illy tooRue, bot 10, a Lord, thou koowe.~ it ahoRetber, " &,eo the vilnll illl lllefT witb whiob we do so muob of 001' t binkin, mly OOO'i'ey our -puyen, ' liooa God Bees aod ooderltaodJ ib. One's prlyer (or _ frieod 10 dlo,er o r io temp' l ,ioll mlY take tbe form Inwardl}' of tbe imllined piotore of ~blt frieod 10 dt.oger or ;0 wmptatioD, ead If w,tb it 'bere i , tbe OOO&o;OOS refereoDe of thou,h' to God, tbo outrnob of dellire 'ba' ae .hall u e aDd belp, the piotore m.y c.rry to God a pr.ye r .. real &I It It bad b~eu phr .. ed 10 l poken lanl uaie,

P"paral 0" lor wOrlhlp. We .b.lI be little ioo1ioed ' 0 prlotloe

tbe -praleOllt of God, however, un­Ie .. blok of t be di,poeitloo of the momllnt lie babi t., purpollII ,ad ex­perleoN. ,ba~ move U8 to 8eea furtber feUow.bip wltb 811:11. , Aod we ahould mia. the fllU bep-pi oeu aod iO'iilb ~ tb~t .re opeo ~ ue a. ohtldrllo of God did "e Dot (,OID ~jale t o iiOle 88b a8ide otber lakre.t'lod uodertake d~l!be rat.ly to oal&l'''~ tOI'! OOQIGLOll.oeu of 8 11

pnMooe .od 11I_II .. i loo oL H,. 10'1'1. 10 "af'OU' "a>l , w. may -preL'are lor ,b~ Loll 8Iperit.oee of w,-c~b ip .

N'I.1L,dy, we wlt l draw atteotioo IrolD o~her tbiol' . We obeolr: ,bo our­,..0' of babi~uai id ... Bod oouu lJadoo'i, W. ablu 0", tb .. ia rUI IOO" of eeD. e, 'be' our a.iod. tIl.~ be (h .. , uod ll 'r.e' d, kI dw"JI UIOO God. W ... ~ak io"iro' , tIleoLII oo.odidooe ' Olt 11'111 belp, ra,b.r tb.o biou.r,

po".L;-"I)', ""e oeDlre oor aU,oLIOIl blOD G d, W. o.JJ to tIliod our fuodl m'Qul CIoUo.j" Ion. CQooero lDI B w We medo i.'e o.POD Hi. r."el"tioo of BUD .. lf III IlIUU,e aDd 10 bumiD bl,tory -w .... t 01 III. 10 Je,U' Chri.t We ... k '0 Ood'I1tl[)d B ,. Will. We taka 0000 .. 1 .i,o OUt tl'i'.' 00' o~c (l i Q¥ ou r 0"0 II" .. lod tueir relatioo to B til.

We enlo.tl our de' ,rea io the hlbt 01 H" obarlct, r IDd ~urpOoe l, We brlDg our Ideall to tbe touGb-atotJG of thei r I .. rleot fulfilmeot ill H im.

Tbi, Iboulbt about God, if Dot Itl elf "or,blp II I mo.t i rn~or ; a o t and . 1_ mo.' jodi,peoelblG p[eplnti 0 for wOf,hlp_ "Bnitably olad IIl hroaU y, bu~ maohll" 01011 d witb a th o'.lld Irralnlnt tbon8tltl , I go to , ilit a frleod _ T" be wortb y of tb i. fd eod­Iblp, I mnlt lint oleaole aod dit­eD'bclil Dl),III{ bt full imaglo.tive re' aall of tha ~ Irbod'. life aod m, relatiOD '0 it ,. Toil It eV~D mOle trua of our fr iGodflblp and 10leL'olluree witb God_

There i. devotlonll vklu~, tbell, ill whale,er DltAOa \'Ie! Iloj helpful to tb;, "\tnllio.live reelli ' of God, ill wbl tever hiD" about" delter how­Itdle of ODd lod h~ilhwoed ,",ooloiou,· lie .. of Hi. preaeo68. Thi, il • luoolLOO, in pubHo wou,bip, of the reldlD8 of the Sori~,ture, ~be beatiog of a termOD, tbe aioliol cf h),[OOI, the re o i ~al of utiolu 01 f,ith _

Morally, w. fi t ourlelvei f"r " oubip by all that goe. iolo t t.e upbuildinll cf ebarae~r - b} foruiioll e .... 1 dei ll e, lod "'TOOl deed., by ele.n lol l>J tue ,"cd. ud b" pat iut . u tJIOIIi.b, 10\' iDI io volloo to 'be 'u".c, of G.>d aud our f. llow ·meo· h o mao .,are lU I in eon· duo' .. cd ooJaiUlful to ,ooloieoot' , ober(.hio, lJ4jU)- IndulgllOt"Oi lod .ttl! upeo hi. own . ~ lfi.b aode, e~ o o~ . ~tI80r:e ' bo be.~ io ulllllIO frIClod.bl p, How c .. n . uGh .. mIn oodntaod O~.! or fl ad b.tplo ... io Hi, ... ,",,'&008 lI., i. di,q,ualif,ed lor ,o;,;lIlih'p ••• -" • 0), ift .. , hllu,all ~.,niOCl, 10 L:.' he t>aoD o1 I .. mt 101M It i1 th., , ~rG i .. h .. rt who ".0 I~e l'<ld

t: m\.i li w" \\,x.d. t,re.1 :"e:1 ... rnll.~ O!UD .. Ir. !.Iau e; "'ahl .. J. Do.llJ :' ublao.,

Iotlekele yae Bhai. . .,. oelwe- lilo ngok1Jogeoi~, ~mota omuya

m. 1Io epalam.,nh NG O" s. M BR)oo~"'ET l' N OWA:SJ. Ahan ~o ,bam bloJ)& bloelizwi ~BO-

. . Ioko betet' 10Da lokoba ile,wo lipuooke

.ebeosi ""yo iokabl, ambia 0 •• 10 libe Iilmko lamaol e aOlt,qel. ? L': aob laDII wolrotil;taoa paka~ iWdu mkulu kai-olu Illaaofuowe Imibloo"ao. ooqoogqotwane 1 Kodwa Zt.tldlho .. 1e 10glti amn: wele eheBisingoflt n'lwo .11_ tb; "e kwegika " Badaho. " tuke"" ! "l,k '.J ti ow_.ka ngoku , kobl &i .. karru.. iotlob ~el!usb!l. ,bebe ~ipekeh'-e blorn_ dudo wo H ili. Nrlacoarna L!l.cRa !

U Sir William Solomon

HII Ihahw a lomntu oOloyama t Oka: ORapl3zn komotn omuYllma, ogesllslz,,!;u wa i okl P.8Ddia kooyulo i,opo~do ~ Bha! emslll.w ll mllkapstwe o jfl llRokwempu ­yenye rellIDto 9)·aku~1111Ihleh ez,o~Qo· 100KO YI WO ulm!e omo,lIoma apatwe ndweol z.m&dod~ ~Zlka~&i! 1 Dgokuo!og" ~ o jeng()bumoy~-en llo I h" walliketelt. u\t:u­oleoqobell-pam blh ye8!ZW~ l a.kowallo.: b11lola kobo. Namblt. umlli oy.kuvuma I c,oOlm:m8.liso onl lteteklyo Into YO'I:lIoditi amalawn me9iwetulela Iml. knba. .• we ~ Mou: ~elldl fl, kw:olu oyolo. nq wazi oge~eo llo 99ible ate -•• aozi uko' kantL kweBi Sitblh Slo llo ba vOtil abeot.Bu: votel . illlo"u lawo Mon StevtJ ~ReaRoo odu 'b~ogl ,?,zllb kw~~a wa~a amabl~l~ o"ezigqa~8e kwis itili 8110&13 Cap3 Flat8 e baya • &V,Otl a t.m opa ~O Il&Pa.U " Ka pa.. AmaluI'D oambla ' aoamalango kwelo oao t. 10llo Je mblo~ IIlto yoko· e-ensblD i kwioiundla vo P,~ndo IsSDEO kuba 10 mOUml'.~Da UWI8~B o, abJm esiojBolo l ibllilia ioq~belap'lllbiti veei· A~iBit i kooka 0 ' abaog.be D.io ob ug.mawabo oga8iJ: ~ tu e9Ibonaka.I, )"0 .. N' k " '.' ·k k " .. Lo tets. og • " ' Ii; t I ~ akairwlZ i ko- !twe, loa e _ nJ lee u u I _ e I ma, aaye 8IDga 001 ootlllitl,a_ ',.' ', 'la ~m ~,' om, 0, m, ' " " g' ogumluogo wlIom omda.la il'otl ya.m odi· Olea o lruteta. oglio , ellka Sir William 18a eD i'-1 8iIo I lloge 0 aDa 0 0,,01'0 0 , "k d' k ' d ' " S , "- k b . . k k k k b k II: It yakuytnt ayeo"en aweot yo u a 0 I - eory OOWOll,O ..... 8a .0 I 'llajIJo_

LOjO~gO yo . IlU ~ ," ',' • yU. ~o 0 e yioilte umotu ollloyama." NISOI 18ifo I dumo kweli Ie Arrlh eta Zaotel, La. eill'.We 18180 epa amen e lOin, ma . .,' '" h' " weto ukoti elool tU~Y'Da lite "nllo Blko umotu wlkowetu h'i' llme I ya I ozw ao t. I II lye e Ip,kada 010lw8l1 BI ...

10kuf.1I:a omotu omOY' lDa eptlameote lako 10bnmf' IlIa Dob, deoRe ua~hla. 00 r'UBlSI, Dlom,hl, 13 kwe~.ulu, !~ oeloDa tuby-&ua 10ltuIQtbeia eaol e Jibe U Mnu_ A. F_ P_eodl~ , ebeh~oaa 10- abel· a e ~ 1! 1 1~od t , XI .a!lY~ t"lblmbl!. oa!o loiuolreoi .. umd, ka epliam ant. ml nYBono Iwablvotl, ndlmaogll,s w& ku: atD ~ahum : Isu:eolte ,o,!si bo~oemio'l_ Dish nlli'i'ale? YiniDa ukolo lte oi18le kufooda kumapepllndaba ase Kol 01 k.a t~elwe kubl yavela ogo 1852 'e ·Phll. leyalllioi lrwati l illelun8u eli ohu odll ukuti 1 ~ llloumZfl,oa ebeogumotu obe- hpoha kw.elue Freylatltl, 1. OmB 'wa,e epil lamente Iieebeoll umlebeos! omkn- 011.1 .tan"e aluxue olum'loyaoo. Lowo fu~ula Byl jllj l edame anoeoe 1I.~blllu. tu wokuoY~1I udomo Iwe\ll , kwuh ke ofe,kiwllyo, nd ihnda uke ndifake , D818\ awal~lIe IKolooi mClllu'; UdUlDo kWlVeta uknmooelao \ oamakw.le u,. omb-uzo koleudBwo. WaYelilo 1)gu letU wake -P~llit l kWlha n tsuodu IUllya!u kWII,,..la 00&0 110 101l:ao)'iao oeoqubela oliolo lnm1\nVloo'1 Uk ufets. oi upa}ele,o l o o 10ekl~e , k~o,a Dll oko~a -ammlo.al., kwet to. kwaul!lokukutaoda awetll uk-u- ol,urana oal .. oteto ku~ hukomi8a iliad, Iwa.obetl amlswe p.mbl kwah nbtbtl b.lal a emoyaml LlI ? N difnnjl1\ Unoogq l!.Olle I (TmanyaDo ,boOI ollamebl J fut! abubamb. op •••

N,mbl. h IIp, lil, it.mba a uml; ''''lI.hll,:oti . I.ibo!ewe ' h ,oambla? je Ii _I ndia Ilbolu og!sa ?buo'laen~I'IJo, ~ Uh_ oa t, uoda olt:-uba aDze aipioda eiba a :;k:u Di-olr:ell !!ZItI vlyabon. zlhbo ellu' sl'.%1 kn 1929_ ub 'YI Nkulu·J.]i &0 MaDn , fib U ID O·U oOl Dyama 11: wi ob,odla yo tolwa ng·nodll oao~empumlo onma·, no eooke .Ipell, warou ogen.n yoku , P ado. Inyanil o lllaal joo,llI ' nayo. Q",la em.ovaDO ,.hal;toti abaroblope., kedalll. k~~~pllo eOlm. 4\1 ImlaJ.k. '" i 90 ~oko l) , a 'ld,!! abamhlope bao ik O\I'e Ai l1 l1"onto f'ulI!!.ba alsehea.ta voca. t'llola .. I I"ooke 8)'lla]I , I,.ma l.ke 10" lib· ilaoielo lobu'l'o ti Ibetu aba'a.1 be! yivi- maOVAno ukob, ;Oj OD!I!O ' oiuYII e'Pal ,- mbou abl ll io.1 'm',lm, 0 Blr Blobard oj lwe ah.ao mluogo wobuYI astin- men~e a .. tko, Akoko plz .. to ~oiokoba 00 Sir liIdward, ablotaiwabo,lblll"., t lze nl evo\i )omotu oot ~uodu u. knt/we kuk., OIDe.o'anO I", .. havo'! Ivotl yo booke ""o,emt .. beo.i Ylbo 1111."'01 DI~m'ol mb i y. ~e e-Plhmeote_ kw.". "!'Itll Ilo, .. kWOL!l i okuy i l!l8h<ooalll4 Olleo - Jike!e!e. B8se .ill buhnyile .1;tI •• I , tiolte. o oetubJ. elobu ve livel8 aoba ~. - dlel!!. ey.in ~i IhIS lunopdo iUli ~we @ooh ao kW II'1l akoteb 1:IIIIe ododa, b.kolla m hll kueo son lte !od .. wo ab.90tL Iba ,1(1"11 YiDio& ke eID~vao"iwe I'ol- ablllo iWe ojloialo, DRlko'oko 'Iog~alkt mhlope bll ya ku, k atu nlit.maa ~oi Aku· ol! •• nmiJo k "'aoiol lII ;okokel; ulroha oje lit!': - ll,hlekelwe'l Sd.6b, glahle . 802e ku be k:o eltbih oil:uya auti ..... II)I knylwe e 'Pa'ameot~ ? Le eyetu bot! kelwe omaoel wobo!aoglla alil/weol ap, otlu fi du baolapelio aWlb. vo,i ab. omaeheazl wayo yintool x~ ~;o - t.,.Ia. ou yokn.beoxl kwale ododl, iododa OIb lope I kWSlodwa? LuoU yeto iOPQl1 um- y'OI lldodl

Y'Oi OI leoto it; uioye ilia we 21loeba-


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11.B362 0 ot }tJ .~ Ducke Riol!! 16 "I

tI) 26.'.,

010 lo !r.n.dal. iokolr.t1i &oku awul>l i!lcwe "P ,lam." h ti " a Ii · e MLqwlytia 1011'8

okwe h jpu oleiizatu eomoll a twiu lr.welll&~ I"o .. oleo ' o eocioaoll yob"I,J.­! la. YlDt llni ', a I .. nt ., uwotu om , ,, ~ ma ' ''8eot.t O ikwel. el!olilwele I" kupak.mi· .aoa ' gobubl . 'I e.lhuoo, ukox~ neai ­o . 1:1 hi~we I'..iaw~ zi ukul i aid", iwinq "'· 1 1 1_ lJi lllal\n eliul.leteki}o io.to eyen tl­"'II Oll r- Ivoti baBe ah~l, eodit l OI t:O a · ° beheqille im lqo\o ukuwica UIII I,lI U

wak owabo b yt\ ijl~oo. iao, 0 e.bo 1l 0l 1

pelo aomnhen~i h m oa ooiunl,taodl _ III Aldi abo ukuti I melu' gu I mblope roak a08e.xaewa 110 1-0 8UlYO ukub, ivotl .tetu a", o ll~m faki umotu olllo), &ma, ko­dwa. odit! }-lnioa uknba IPO beiite ill nako ukuf,h owakutl u rootu Bieka d -fake owuio)'e lei~we, !\diti nckub, I MENDELSOHN & C lowo molo ibi aitlt}wetywe .e~ideOle _ O. L' BC!J. Sclid Gold oeg. ita e li.well! ubutopo, be.iol. fluele S\sDel4l, ...... rted

okuba ,ilable ubukoai Dodomo abel ira· J ,~=7=3=B=U=R=O=S=T=.=========C=A=P=E;,T;O;;\VN;;~, =="='''''=='='=1'=,===

Baballa Kamehla Ha u Kula

Bvll ,at. b. lli!lkbli"1o iO 0 ka beolaoR haEU.te k. lebul ill OOof mat '. a bo'eii'l" i lehare aa ho uoa lr:a.o ba h ell. Le uue I. G ll le~te htog hlnl ka looa Ie ,ulo.'loPll 1.I,hao;! ho I l ;neiwe8ll- Dohale La 1001 BOO SA TBITHIB!N1!NG u kl kuta lr:a b ' u. hl ol!lott. 'me 'ptelioDC U lh fum aoa e 'e 10DI Ie b.bltlaoR·

• t H. U ra tl ho beol& bantle . t..ehM Gil ­

id! 1! ~f~v Hawr Ie m sb.are I

'"lie .. I!'. PI~MIl. u LIUe GIHjOt~ mad.,. ao.ng Ie T~ ' oao la Kboebo I • Uat>maue ka.oltJa Ohle a III!Olng 100& 118.1t!' I Jokllttll;' L -'v- It .. 1. t ro .-w,. ..... pl.~ o.lo 10M t..I"ll .

IT ""TJ P; S A Y.?TV RA1--O R L nn'I'T.n I"' J Ib 1o'#~1 10HA "l'fp;jn ~ ar;_ .,.) LUNDO~ 'IV I, E Itf1 L&=' D


Eaibeleai kwa KOMIDi. Izijungqe zase Rautini -- ---

Nile LmlUA LHhWA1'~, E •• COli. abnbli.. ..11 .. ,.I.a .. k. VI", •• V. ".11.11181 UtI,I.1 wo· kfqlll k,"1 B. 8. U,hllml. 0... . T~"1(1i Ie, "aliOS" Plp .. 10 •• Tul,ndi' ••• ,,_ .fl Me,ibel. 31 111QpeUleyo 'fll .. b,bnl]wP\ tllDkn,imlnAI .. bantu _,.a, bll1l"_, ',i'ub, I' ".lIi. Siyt DI' R,rll ),uindiu, In",,\. ~k.ti &01.>1,' ...... DO GamIN. DO Md,h .. IDIIOIII: •• 1 lullu, U\I!J nllo-nto-nto' lini POilU, li­yo .1 00 D" •• tt.t. ,bd.tu. U 'Iho pabti, lioqdl" I gubo. liQ~ nit

Oulmen Doodolo uli,bi,lIe elipa.lI,d_II!UtO IDuh i.indl" ... "i'lnt,. .I.t)·~l\ll''' IlIOKOlo f."e.i Itolulul, okuda La- I (>&,o AprU II ".r .. HIl .. o' ... ·IIR .,kokllb .. lI.uko lUI ...... ubl. MI..N,uoi Dlai M.- ,b,blolll"e Q.e m~.i.u. bO'.1 IIh'ot lkdebe ,tyIII. k-..t'"a Jr.w.ti." hll'lll,. wen"

. la __ oll i.kuJolele nyev" , Kurle 11. ... '1"" ... Musa ukudinwa. Punga i'Oxo. , 0,,"" ikunib, ",mlndla awa'"ba t'm7imhp.Tli .ama, n' " ('nysm .. e uuglleyo ycnknmo 6yenl.iwa nl(ayo. Ikw,nta.ukuba ubenoku fU('laca lIomeebellli onWDl\ iseah. elido,

U Maa, ThllO Ntllmbuh IlbUfe1e ' ~tl1a'YII~1Ji, Utl1!,i ~a;dtat~!" ill 1\"11, 'a em .. beD •• i ... lIe "01111 fundi .. u."pu, Into k" 1-duft., hili kw.,""l" a~~.no· Impllo,al •• dodaD. ill.d.II1U. r:rapala. ndo-~YQodo, \llllrOl.,a lty"la. , (;,\\1'" II o lila. P-UIOM B.ro li.hUm •• be k""tUf,, akullube kub,oJwI ftH.toJ nRO· .au. _ka lilt,. k. mtol."a "alre .kll 1~~lo~o. 81;11 kuaaolillielw" DlI(lUltuto .fat, k .. "k. 1111 .ao .. abDa.I.II~ II.. 11'1 "Iakt"pple apa II .ala n~ 6 ka EU" •• pUn.i. Sibone lit! "fola" JUII. 10,< yapuma IIwak~o~ • I,·tloa .,. ... " ko •• 1 10 i " Lui.' "Iiaabiai aba k •• b~nl'" 18, lI~elo D.Ul .11.,,'.IU nil" , Iluma. II. a Walila DO B 'W. B, B,a. WUI, Dd.lbb.t. DJe ke 1ul··YIW. kw. , ' 1[ .. " IIwni bolldt litqill1eTO. a~fo m.h'aleol k"!.koo •.. Umli nl.'" lJ,Ia .tI. ba,a bta.a. .po bat,. 1I0Da. 0 n,. olloIlDb •• 001l001! ."nUOI n~oku'l 1II0raoa s.. IAkbo"Uli upiod, ... buye N~ 15 h JaDe 1_0 lbl )'tIOklllll l~tI •.

,a,Mdle'. (HotpiMl) .ka..-uml kDpil •• pOIIO e M.'Jen1

, b.Uad. bahod. I :::::::::::::Y:':k:':::::::::::::::~ ap. ,Batenjini. [.'0 ka ", ... Ii Ibleli .bablu tub. 1I ... ku." •• kalit.ll'~ ~kuba u .. oli.iDl ye _"I. VI",.I (WbiWe. Kr',BalleDdft Datlla" _lolll.bl OJ .... ..a). IDtlallpai .. .om. aiah, YDka b_fl k.,u. ko li,30 p.m. babODA 'Uu, 1

a .......... ~ illto .. 11..&0 • 'fbeo. ~ •• 06aiai Ill! IDoio ecah; k_,. ,.... 5 ......... rIO • "beeN .... " 1--:' .... ~ D ... "..I. abut.~.. ..i DPUlID,..1 bto .. hap Dn maDe le.hi beo' ....... .nII. e .. 'badeba ul ........ hb.bpa "bulu ........ b.abl !8'.,....BWi .. &o.IiI.eeJ.o 11 •••••• ia ••• b ...... u·u .yall8 Iljai .... ba'Haaolllo .. loo •••• 011 1.e k1l UAD'I .ai, •••• JDl ...... ap_'-i. lnat.· HIt •• 1 .. ...,0 _1nfIta. ..... 'db" ... U - , ...... , .... ut Ia OOU 0

J . .....po .Ika." el." Ill ... onb.. .hI .... W n ........... .-....- .... H ., ... t ................ H I"a lI"ab.nlu nlum.i, bali Vill'aaoa alD&ll. D:I& Ddl"bo,o ....... ,.". loa. _ba" .... "... &1 bdoI j ........ II

M.I.ul •• o mlilo 0 .... 0 k ... Nllo .. it •• no '\dvieory Boud, i.imDulD.po .e.h Im.uJ'uo I!O~. IIIMllodD btl baY moo moo .. ho. blab, .. "'.4· I'.ID Koboll. o ... wu kl.kaDJ_ lI .. ipepa aikoua .yiaI.nto enokub"oced. 1I1l)'0' abln}'e b.o, mbele .ba ".u),.Y' lIuD cbe ha It ,I.ke ... Itt., tleh: bo tl. 1I0h· aliqI.,.,. 1I .. 1i .,.meyo .b.oupi bide .b.ntu nlokup.t",a k.kubi i ,-\n".ory \ kutl 1t".lItu nqandwa knM njell:e i.,hln 10. bo bo bo (,,1. Pb,~ ,I .... baba.ba. ny.l. II •• ''''aD, •• nobe Be.rd, liQ~ao-li m.lun~" olod.wo k. Be" B. Din k.aku" mlbla'i. loq.1I oUoko Uti ke " Hunga 1& Owab." miami· Tleu, u Yr, E M. Daba •• ye babi.,1e bali ba .... n.amtlblo abllm"u eli tyal., Iibe igqwira bell Dg<lIlt",a ngonduku" ulluba 1110 ktlluu~i •• kuba '&aloio 110. kl.e II mholi, , um.ntu okuvuyeleloyo ukupat .. a kw ... I 't'iW.U.,D~IIO .b .... D'e

: bantu ltallubi lilq"'ir .. ogenell8. K"".,.i •• lito ( . Mr Dab. ioh Lind.mal.be ladlula. U Muu. L. H. : eipitipiti .onto .e I~tiob, ugokulII& i &IIa.)'1 uo.q.bdw8

8rlnkml. 8. A. P. (b"'.lIe) umo)'!" u ! nYllh,. k .. e Board llIuk. k"'a oanj .. a l.m.o,eDe ubu "uel. HbD. Aln" Sim. ladependen' (Olld •. I kllnyulwa abantu ~urnluDgu, 010- NtI.bl,.M.hlebla, , Dlllotolllla) ap 't'u,i .lIIiD!!a "lIIIulu kwi . kwake, ba~o .. bMebez"nza' o·Oood kaau,l kuba .eba 900 kuo,olo 10 PoDdo. Io~ e~ul"ki : BoY" "b" ztohhaba uba bantu ba- qoud. kI ~'!!Ia .. IeJ'O koln n,ulo kuhu .. ,oadi k .... : towabo, Hai kod ...... ba bantu Aba· takau. 11 .. 1 bl&l10

. mn'am. ' "' .... b .. · ho' I t.. b' kllmbulo ,... Ne. Oa.,. bau'u .bamb,ama bal.pa. IllotO.O I -I . -I. - n m I ,. . mbu.o ba_.la a .. 0.-... , ko.ba i 1I0mi'i kllkuha behamb .. Olobu.uku akuu.ma 110 II:e 11111.10 . ~.I. m.li ,.IDDIII 101roq.l. iba Ii DbulIlI' I, ukurolala kubo sbanye. &00 Ubole' £lti I::'., leat.h Iml c.._ JaMl T.hekbi kupela •• ye am.i okokuba ngo 1925 y&Oit .. a nl!:ablUl'u i Jakuteb",. WOO" _wu peR kokuba til aoedi ••• Bou-d, wya.ulwa ngu Mr. JalJUll. I "b.o'u MdaupD'ODI. IOI.ha ihle lonlo k •• pelalalDgab&ntll .. yama. Nangoku. kOllt.t~OI

.. ku- .po k1naatl Med, ... o •• lal.o MUDekayo nlumreh, ,,- • ' d

- .. 17 ka JUDe yillU.o,.nilo ,.",di April. i"ab III". I ,p"lo J".O D a.ou,,,_ • ' , • b.niso ugoku pdei. kakllbi k •• b.a.to, 1I~t>e YI.O,.O 0 'DJ' a. AIJID'n nit.

Imidlaloebiio k.u1 bolid. zidlelile,o pskt.ti k we Native AII.in ne cbief of nlll.e lotO . o;.bao'u ba'~,:eo.a abe Polloe, c.e COllncil, n. Vil,l.noe : u .• UYO lie 10&0 ebaDlal' 101

ibe ,i {rie .. dl, mat.ob edlaleh,e .p. pl· ,Commiuee isipomo !ellube ,ili".lIalile libe IIle, M.loo,,, aeotalo lIa

::!~~::l1Y~;~=:e ~~lU~~I::~a:~~; II ".k"eli pep.. I Epbr.im Fokll .,i i.'iombu~ "

, 8 • 100 "F C' , . T ~diti Ia.impi qin"ni IJ,Ilcal. kon mba lIuodlwo zonlie, oam odlJ.mDllql

u. ." . . 1),0,,, I ark. ., . I K I k 0 b d' II atld 110".),0 oge f4-6, Abadl.li be I kutaltaa ~oto .uoiub •• itlqo~d.k.h kl1 :e \,. u G ny. ·G z~)'o 8"'U I ooa.~ IIU. TeDois haM c;;,1I.pa bacilli I. ape bellno. ",or". Im.h yokub. umlL ube DO , •••• ,M, e~rle, I~' ': ' oO'7"al'b at: .,. be I I - M L meh wawo ogoio o'e ndite'. Ole kubl' 0 u. a ao II •• a a geol e)'o 'I

bl, ft ~ koy •• I oo.K omdilio :, mfo. ' muipindllfeI.pt. e Doortlt~oleio, iuba UY.' Teaol, U~.boDW' e Shpu, kudl.l. • ublanl. lopa kullul iodw •. r.mbili Ii I O'd ~took 1I.0,e, iyabull:eka tonto oto u.kowetu

Obulike bODlLene Dzim. apa k"allu· lsikumbulo. ' Pa. S W. pila .b.ne eumption lIokufun. id,,,,i uuaa pahti.

• KU)IBI.:.lO 51"" ONGt:WKLE


t KOle elikulu umoumuo •. \ F.:

~:;!~~i ::;:~~~ye~!O~.:~:,o.lti T!~:l~:: Nkoai y .• m nc~d., undie.II!!e kwelo

K •. M' L G" b pap. 10mzI Jr.-edenr:e 10leto o)eulolon,u

oae 1.1 II 181 . WI). a,a,· k , " to

'b • • Q ho bo • , ,eM urn 01110 .0111 profet II N tl lIao. lee aya wa 0 qo we ... ' •·• • M J D N . k ,

K I . k • , k .,' WIIl.et.o a r. . ' 110)0 um UItO ° onl o.eOl' y u e .m. .em"lo k .. 'k .. •

. B b , ., .a e ctl IDGJ:6 0 utllOI O. \nge02.I"a ,Ixego .11. I. .m e ImeYI e yaae, • .. • .. ,

. • b' C "II)e, ~'eullwa yon 0 Imloyl \ n •• lo 00 l,a"lo 0 ". nge IIIW., ulom • , •. h' , 15 k . h be II 'h' b on e l.le •• en a oll.!oa 011· Il apl ell

ttemlYO, aye ,a u • ,a .• n •. kambllzweui; nd. c.gea. 011.0 191911"d mbo koa. t.eohuk:.u. mhlnl ot-tu kube n.mbl.o)e odiae Jilun"u lalo_ DI.lo. Ndlel.n\le. e, m. KUle_ ako' Into eei :I.bene c.~a~·o m.oooe VIO~J:lIO weto. Dtbo 'Ip.tel. lot "e1.O U Dlbuy. k.19A6 .,uiae i"oellfcl.-re kwa Tula

I udi'lile illomhi ayita,ge ioiJr.e insulo

Kui.el~ .p. e Joh~no'lIbur« n~ohve kllde kahe o.mblllluJe .yi k.yl Dill. 116111:, iJioe nlllombia l~l lIu Juo", 10 u Mou ! .~i a ob.irm.o m.iweoz,we iOl:lelo Reglo.ld FilII. e.io~. kweloll:lI>I.lw. Irobe },ic.!lxelo loke oi)"1 vayo Due llla' IIw.lle e Hotald Towli .po aku ,b1Dga pep~oi kuoj.lo olue otllnl!.Di,wooi toOl nle 0.'111'. e We.He, ali,hiy. eli l~o.ll.olo iauke ibe nla m.ubo wOlJ,lboo, lue R.ut;ni ek.ut=:elek. eDoum. hku . r:am.uimb. ox. c.ditilboyo c.dlp.kela hie u Bloollwan. 10. n.blekolwe ulJ,lr:i oltude uoumele olliOka ),illeodula N'.oo~6~1,j .mll. We,iie, ooko kUUI.!O lento. rthwu qJode lec.to omotlona 01_ :siti udlola-ntle .kulon ',ulwa ebeleoi kuolI.lllwa kulo '

Jobauoe,barll • AD' iwa Tllilodi"ile ke aab.nJel.a

c.glllqnp8 DgU Mn. E. 8. P. Mlilwao. 'l1embelll II oou.;o wallO II Mr_ &: Mn. I. E. B Nogeo~ iwauo Mn E D. Mbll~. ote weon IImai ukub.mb<ol o<t.de w.bo .bel.pa kw. Tu .odiv Ie ab.ol"ha M II AinU Gab.i., Mr. E I. N'R .. oa abuempilwani entl, k"'e "."tomhi eltimblOI ,,'Deiaaoe. u Mi,. S T, ( .. bet. and ~ ... I. M, Noltao. elrude lI.atilia DO Nli:al., 0 Man, R B MI,huo" (\bek~nltel·k" lIem~i,.tml enth. U NII:lI.h 10 ate i,oti u_amt.b.; bo lie b.huyele e.IOGIIIWt:lIi &a"o z~mi, "Mod ogeotl~lo }eli 1.,0 R.II'ioi.

Setrell:eo( ... Mabale90l>.ru mune bo Ko.~re bot"08 p'Olle la< le Ie Ii om mil b.Dt'e 'lJ,Ie Ii 10 t~e Ii 81e~G bo8t.O~o., empa hael. tao neoll leolloe Ir>!.pelen}.oa DO K .. reaemeee b" c.tle bin tie kaba Ii ile tit. eello til fu.·


Zisindiseni Kuwo! ..... tI. _

.. oil ...

eliD,e Ie Nerv#-Ptm. Sped~ kwangok·., ... taD,lIDa ....

peltu k .ko pi Ii .. okoku pel., Pa" ... mandla k"j,ifo H Kiumbo, Iotloko Ebuhlull8u, Rum.a&izeme njalo ajalo.

HI ,II (I ",.~ IIhnt,l. .",1 .. / sh"rI"

Ka.ko inene eliti :-

"Sifum\na ukub. i ...... rtll1·DII• If She, ,Ii ilunl" kakulu sa ODO Ufula­oja, )'in ue Hlaba DoI.lipina."

Omoye futi uti;-"Um(ulanja uinlZu",o na.o .p.,

I&Yo Ilfum",," ukllti i ,Vt:I'1.'t:.P ... .. _ .... p •• dic ileloo. Yll"za boam kun onke."


(Clock Tow· r Brand.) kll&oznnke i Kemi~i oaku.o

i:utolo nite q,'ldo oge mll.yila uk.".uka e kt:m.illi.

36 ibbotile; kaoye nepoai 3/&'

Ab.ninilo, Healtb &fedicine Co., Cherniat, Adeillide, C,P.

Of.u K.UlUld.Y<> Of.uk.ululayo Kuko QTUKOLUL,\YO omoc.ye ltu"",la ofuc.e eV"nkiioc.i yallo. Un"a wutol. oom. kuaipi ilitolo .. be N.B.C. Inan! 1/6,

:: Kodw. FUNA

&,uKu.lulayo Of.

OwongfllOll" OTUKULUL.o.YO 00 !.etlg a ~tlol l~b .. owe eoo( hi beao. U It. IlIw"a. OrUIiULAYO m .. he· okelbog oble a {II R C Tlldo III 1/6 :: " .. Ewp~ 1j.-\rL-\



U Kotsi Secbabeng,

.\0 ... h holimo II:e manUiua Il hui­II)$DI lui ·1XI.,trat. 010 Bolnburg m aob .. , Il .. bUI .... IlIbi .. bo 18 k- boo,," leo .. D80g .. Ie .b!ola. MODDa 800. oa lekbooA 0 oa • beho. m- !- to o. bo q bClb!ll 'mo~O­lI.r. II. bo te IIbdb.t.le, k. bobl ... '. Ie II. bore ere • H a entio ~otl i ebe 0 Ii

'0 .. bo ema ; heo h" ble lie tsa mobil. 3 Motl'e.nong

la b.ba~ueu, b .. '" e blokomelooa· Ke 1I0hi e~ bore e re h. mo\bo a ".m.n heleolt 0 (ulOa'1a !II tii8ihe le ~ itlilh i r' a .a betl" 1eha " uUo" b' Te 'm '\ollara 0 oa til, • I.i'epile hore 0 k" bl.lloreo ll II b.l 'ma !ifib'9" 110 a ti l. mo fe l.l. feal., .Iobl la b.q hobi h .. ki o l eoo .. b .. .. II bdb.leol! b. k,o oao ,;t ha Ol D " that .. f..,ela·' ba mo l ill • 1I0mme lel:l1.)111 • • <oe , h . pe hdbo b" ... bo\lool ke II , 18ba 1 0 lt h ' r8 '10 '\olrll." 0 h~IO" ' ~' Ir. mollo Ire bora lle t imi lIa" .. pe ~ero'o , ' me o lIaoo" 0111 poooh. II. lel)ll,II. I'I \" o" 0 ..

.haob.ova t~ela 01 ea ri oit\. mothll el DOOR • ot~e .. Ie 11:1 hbl.koreoll II b.e , II 00111 0 bo a thl hlobiJlin,o,oo BlollolOll.og otho he JUlio b .. I. 10 "lte0 8


6 00.IIi b. lIuete eu08ue e,lekbo ... bo bont, ' itle bore eo,be ..,Ie II, 'motoll,­re08 0' eoo. 0 " rebelo. ke mor .. U; eitlo b .. h. lleo. tl... bor080 boo te­reDo e fou08 lI.b"limo o.b. o. bon. 'wotohr. 0 tODloall:e folo-lo08 hmo · r.o leo ei~.e08 b •• be~I. a fom.D. 0111

Ir,ball" e. m01l.muoa eoo., elbe e ru­til. 0 leta bo II. •• ,eki,i ' bo BB puo lI.p. eoo. 11110 e tOll.og lemilla. B.ile k qbob. II. m.tl. bord ba 10 fibll bo lDotblllili eo, emp' la eon •• 0 butanel., pe •• n •• patilo. lie omolll 00 1I0Ui 0 la llapele, • batl •• bl ... itl'UDY. bo oon ..

Lefu la Rampai. --

Le Se Cbe 8ahung.


A ',mei! 61 /,1.lJ·/Il'K l/ll f'l (101.'0:1

(1/1 pllill mill poi.'fIIl ji-f 1lj G

"It Qr ,()rc I

'me _re b .. 0 tbe .eba bD mo lutbel.. B.og II" oeoa Ie mot.u,1I1 boble ke eo I.e. tbuH .. ktr IIi e. pore eoosoe Le9,·tbo 10 nqa he 1i0R. b. tI. otju. III I nODI e ea boo. nq. mno Ie 000 •• Ie· t8'oho 10 w.8u.bi • m.bolo boro Mr. baol! teO!!. Toroli.o 0 0 otilia lobi I· AbulXl R.mp.; 0 hloll.boha k. I. Bo­lIorenl pere e .. e ... b,p'II. f.'.e earil bl.no I .. veke 0 'etiiaDII', eleog I. 13 lallboo .. Ie motbo e motl 0, b. oell' b. PboPl.oe aD. e boHmo muoe motleO!! Ie IXIOO toroliol b • .ipbum.o. motho o. o. Beuooi moo a Dell' ~II! mo.bi 0 ..

Itou •• &II I otle 8 nb. lobl.b.tbeol teulf 01 IIb&le • bile .. eOI Ie m.beokelo • bill. boo. Jio.kaa ~oodi, Ie hou. tie bo. teol Mofu eoa ele mooo. e. 01"&'&· matll J,t.b~ol ho 'lXI,a"nl Ie mot ..

ZAM.SUK will heal anythinl"{ from a simple injury to a fiery patch of eczema or scalp disea!>e. It

quickly soothes pain and irritation, removes poison from the tissues, allays swelling and inRamrn!l,tjt.l.1 and hastens Nature's growth of new healthy skin .

Le lI.mor' .. bo e'" 1I0hi, motbnlili hp •• eeb,b ... b.b,tR·o, ba bo 00 bo ,no. b,. II •• emi .. 'motoll.ra [ 0,11 lI(1tuooo Ie baol.'l. b,lollhoU.I .. doropo • tltlli. pole • I.emia. moo bo r.u.ag Ie b.oo. ba Loc.tion Advi.or,. 'Board, eI!lI. Ila 'I. b., o.ko. Li bile oub. klpa bn kopaDM Ie bllDoa ba lokbolr. Upaki Me boDell' bo"',.,. b·ll boo btl b.. Ja ;oiD' ooDooilll. b.b .. uoo Ie h.b.tt·o, Boipa.uo ba h.e bo lupilo hllD. bo III 1100 .. b. ke moo matll .. lipuo , •• 8 • . khatb.lll hoblo' oiae Ilb.k. leo a '1· mpd h. bobille II bo Dlb.n. kl tbal. k •• ~ I emi .. 110 hob.nll 0 all • Dbo • • tl .. o, bo J).kablla hi a If.belll, m .. bl­

A highly-refined balm of herbal origin 2am-Buk soaks through the tiny pores and thus I,,(lil j""n heltIW. As a first-aid and skin remedy Zam-Buk IS

absolutely unequalled. Keep a box always handy I

ba "b,tu f_I." 'Il10' blp' b. bo blbo. Molo bl • lIul. 01110 III Illtbo M.IOI doropool .. Tlolloe oq. II. .. m •• 1 ,I. 1111.01 I. ... k:e 11m'''! ,Bo boo b.D'; 0 o. a Ie labookeleog I. b.o bopbirtm .. bo 100. I. Terao.of.11 bo buou. k:e mOOD. 'DO. ho ,up. rurl ho r III I. Bonro bokool ea". 01 blabeb., I 00 bo Iblolo. a)'eoe mlob. 0" MO''ltbo .. kbltb.le b". b.o, mlol I. m.DI e. :.. eb. 100 i. I, BO'aro Ie I. eo bo utltllbll.ug bore 0 II. liII a .... bID· Ielbo kI 'motokan 0 , .. b. hore ,B('IQt. ka II Boblloo kiI, DIItO 0\ telol11 lekonhbole k. pbirlm .. o. e. baqbobi b. blollo ba lomobette b.bol.o' diu ..... he .re tb ,hell. ka IIbnteo I kbolo S,terd.h •• pal.me b.elehlo tmpl I iloro motbo 01 bOD •• Mile • b, • b.tl- boo Ie bana b. nUo ta ble ba neng ba .eo. lebooe, Lepolela leo b,thoo 11 II. 10jOlD. leb. lele lehe, bob.ne 0 .. bel.eUe bOrf) ekaba.ldu II Ie Ie Ie ile II mo emia.ll ro lei 1%11 b·o.r. k. bobl b .. le bo~be tloo fDlht'IO, bo... mati. k. tela e jualo bo eel",a klh.. bo bloll& lobulll, l.b. I. ipolola borl ke '.otok.n 0 OliO hi bl').iololne b.ol ne. ntie. ipuela biaUI • ~. boab'e lopole .. , Ie oe 10 tllCDae' 10 'ooi 01 UD" blbolo b. 0 no 0 m.tb. 11& ml,I. : ho tebl h. letho. Pbupu e. Motauog 1001.. M .. k.olle eo hothol oilo I b.DI ampa hoa 0 r. h .... UIIDIOI • hubele-, ,noa ebile eo ka bobolo baabi ba mot. ho hl.bi .. pan ba e batlo., 1JI0obo 01. .. b.tbo bolilll 'a ml\-Iriki 0 O. a h. 01 Beooni ba ren~ bll,a 8a'o bo bo · b .t.llel. lePllleu o. Ie t.b&ll),1 f.tl'e ." i;bek. feol.: Lekbotl. ka pao eo i booe; bo aklollgu. ho ... bt,tbo ba no o. la Optltllka h litebtole 0 bile 0 oho 0"01 bloobo ea tlb ... tlell', I. mo .b. h. ka ba &t'keung b8 b. b .. lo., eleng 0 Ie IUO,.. aolo> la aof.h ebo08, "moo pile lubome Ie motlo e 'moll I. Jip;>ll t o be ntbo e boots'aog lera-to leo a nenlZ: a bopalli ho blabileog lI.teng. B. re Ie 0.0,10 le.bomll II liibo'eoa· B. re ratoa kl looa ke baD 8 neog •• bil, u,luo bore o. 100. Ie oe Ie ilo I. mo Hebt OlOO b ••• I,bi"ol Ie mODI·. k.· bar'a boaa Ie baD a neng. beb.o. 10 e~ •• jo_ng b ... \I. belet. bakillo, rtki '8D' horo 110 ku. boo .. ha nq .. tao Iiog eleog ba neog b8 lI.p. eblle bou. bo 'm .. tt. Il". I. Ie-

lIet.o el moqbobl etIDl ' 0 b'le 0 .mo phalletse ho M hOl. Uong phupuog ea bae. booe feel., kapaebillgeol eo\ee ole Iltho IIhoe hkeaenae bl .elOIDaoe • lie ke • Molu eae elo mokbotai 08 Mr Gabriel h. bo blo110. bl m.poleea ko b.tbo ba .reb. 4riba •• ) e re bopo". 1I0hl empe SotbOiDe 0& pcolaai e h.u6 Ie Witpoort b,n8 hI re tlebl. M o'bo eo 0 .blollue ,teDa elJlpI. eo b.tbo bl b.ol.tl, IIi!;. Gold Are" moo morali OIl ble 8 nye- Jelbome la Iiabeleop. bo bloka lebool,



hueng ke mora oa mobol.aa6 ott. r.lr. Inh'me ballo i:. bo baul III pin, Sotboane, empa nguanaeabolieit8u8og eab. lIa 1110 .to o. bo blleb •• I" • Ie e. matloboog bo to raaguao'.e h'ueroe:l I.blelo. terookoog khueli ,," eleog eeoa ell. mo nyalieil:eeoq'. Re lIa to.ro_ 80.. toog lJIotlOoS 00 o. babolo Ie mobloloba1i 01 mofu Ie baoa Polobel.troom tl,tle e .blohe motbo 0 ba bae Ie Bat.&uog k. moka t.&bleheloog IJIcta'o boro a lula bOllbelo bohlo bl ble ena e k.na Iitl.mooll k. balll II boabolu b. bo

• Icb. m.tlo be.iu boo. leol • tenoe •• bool.

Melata e peJe bore" .. 1YJ[ A. c::: JB[ r N E

t .. bo rota reDille bolla

k.e rona feel. b.,..ek.i.i ba Pfaff. VE~TA Maobioe M .. \1.hobo '£&I?!e PFAFF M.obine til. M.Mobo £8.15{0 PFAFF M800biae hI. Maoto £l?/Ioro E'RISTER.t BOSSVJ:ANN

'hobins hi Mat80bo .£8/6/0 lONES M~obloe 1.1. Mlhobo £1/11)/0 !NKER Maohine tea M,.hoho i611S/0 "'fld/ne tlenl hofel .. I.e ,hboUmo II rohk

pde e lnO".o. R~ bile reoa Ie t. SINGER tie LOKILE-;G lSI. mataobo Ie tllll m.oto Lits'ephe ta {SODa Rei Ii t~ba MacbIDe til. khlle II cbeochoa kl tie NCHA, N,olana Ie bltle manane. C. :Z> .. BENNETT !tIadbo,ollgh HOUM, liB Comroi .. ioa .. B'.ltl



Oa ba Mangange. JOHANNESBURG. Ell.. b. oe b. uepe bl ooog b. re i ;====~~=~~~~=====i " le~ 1 1 II boool b. III olDeloo". re ri.lo

bob,oe maob. ka pbinm.lIl ea I. Bo· Blo Ie hatle 'M .. I. 0 mOlueu ei. i. 01110 eOOlo"



o. II! I., [J1cotbo. ta'epa OODa batho 0 tI .. ell mo hob~lot9. l<!Iomoog Mouol o. Ilk boo. e .. bit80l.og QI~6.ri m.oba 0 bo •• bl10a lo~b"me 111 I.po'lto k. mo­I.to 00 bojare eeobe 01 h. mlo~logo kap' • Ie t. 'epe 'CDII. 0 moeueo , a II. · beof'!. 0 phamile QI.fi1i 0 oe. t.ei:i . 10!! bo 11l tn , lIa b. tbo b. baoe b .. blta'o

) I bo lula liteoeng tea Q/.tooe moo m, l.o

;~::~~~~~~g~~~~~~ o. bo qbalo .. hll h. hh'o I ; d o ropon~ la


blkl'o,! tn lIt. lot· huIlDg. 0 8& b. lumo·

111001 bl II. lula teog. BOP~ 1r1 I, . , ,,-

A H. , LIMITED. jeoo t'I Jekhoo. bo itse 0[66rl 0 el h tauo

UFUNA IYEZA NA 7. .. m.kb,<\o • m .. bom. , m.b,1i b".



\ AbaDtu banyans" " lpa: U ..... I ... .,I . ... ,_ 1i"-"'1fr'o

..bt .................. ,,",!.oaf'>


SHALE _A ~l" -

A. H TODO, L'd, Encl h ' ow lnt R. d H JI1, .. . ,. 1.

• tloee b.thll bloo moooo b ba bl bani tomollO!l m ,~epI I " ba. ka . I a t lo.a oile . ba lo moll. bo )ul. teog bo 6hlel" • b •• til. emil o. t j'll lla lle l., bo leku( ill. 'me t l'a ke mo n. 0 I. h ebet80e ie ebo­h~a 0 lI ar a ·hoa Che ke t~oo. lil­baooeo" moooa k.m ~bla 0 it but" 1I ... e 8eOR'1' lIi1e u mo b\, hel .. , lie boo l i a· IJI l'h l .... ng Il t _e},o ho jn..tu n h~OIl.

{Tmot i we Woode Grea' Peppertll iot • oogela uku Kweb lell DO Mkobl,o e

beli 1'10 fib1ile b,,~i maloe mO'8~08 o. 80fi.hooe b. ~'UlOIl m,otle, ke bore POW E R P L U S m"polulol!, b. tUo boo. blOIl k. boo. jOllo. Bar'l boo. bo 00 ho Ie toena Borikhae ~ neh110tng Moqh.ka moDo. eo ho noog ho boo.b.I. bore oa Gaade. lie lXI.ketlola ca 0'11.11. b. re tllim. 100

Jaro el b.. SI it8e b .. uat..~8 b. bo. h. blab. leotlue II b c rtl b') kolbere ba .. ba teleket8e, mot bo eihe b,. I.flt 0 oy \rela ooouyako . kopao,. .. lJI.blo Ie boo. ha ie b. bile ba khauo. baoo. b. b.heli. A , oa •• 'M.Ol h il i, • moo),o' h I. \ ' a ~ a h.borllia mat!e\~~ l a ' orhole eah& u b~i " lie ma~e olle b& a tl ol .. jlf' d ~. Metlu d e 0" bae urI! 0 o. a bli le I ill tela b .. I&!o h~le"1t boro ba a too. blotl.., nq,-ng ea 00"°1010 a tvo· lIa'.. L ,lIbfhi Ii ea I.. tae 110100 l ~ j01tle, 01 b"80 0 ... ii&kb1le, haele 0\ ]' tn mOtaoeoll hool b. Ii, mo (\lm .II. 1:.00 blnll·

• l.i't ~eo Ie l ~h010 mlh"t8HlIl: lin. hllf's

h L1Ui t..a mona Lt-jOf"ifp uh UIl, ba it i hab iJ;a bo nl.kbooa . ma b"lo I 1.0_ paDg bo ut1U to Ie bo ngola lipina tsa bon. ho Ii romel .. mOIll. Ke tluelopelo eo h • •

A hll&' ••


k. senl

sea aaeloa

>tq. T"­N,lle. M Lltor.a.

1M plM,

Ih, k



Kopo Ie Keletso.

(Kz J. L. L MOOMSI.)

A reception it heiDI Ilrunged for JUne,!7 io hononr of Mr. J. M _ MekODS

who II atrortly refiuroiog to Soutb .lfrica after an .bieDe3 d 19 ynnl. Mr_ Mokolle ie tb8 lIOn of the Rev. M, M.

MetoDo (rei;red of Pret.orla. fonnder of the A.M.E Church io. Sonth Afric •. In the early ninetiel Mr. MokoDII com­ml!uicated wilh Mise Charlo~te MaDre

(now lIr@. Mueh) who 111'18 then in " univers1tY in ,be U. S. A and thos

broogbt about the est"blll!hmout of lhe

A.Y.Ej ChlU'ch bere.


• Go Isamaea Ke Go Bona

--(KE Mosr I-'_~-TSELA)

Pale ea bophelo h"l Eecheb", 8& 100'" mahleng €I'" bogolo gob, ga oaga an~ a~a ohe e rohetee, poltl di Bani, ooka di sa. tlala gomme 8IIe mokgoro ele 8empbe ke

MODcbali,-lIlool ke ht,Ciu tapo

sa b Ie keletao bo Ietbau..la Tsuelope1e ea Leeotbo bore 1:111 Oll. bo malemo bo booa bore b. iokele lee18 leoa; Ie UI le­

bale bore moo,'. looa Ra~I.ti eDe esa eetbot.o. Poho e faolo. k. lets'08le; b b'ab. h kopo eaa Ie ho ha Lelthot1a 1. Bato. He Baa tapo eua Inba ke boOI

bore le baDDa ba bfulets.ag Lesotho Itau..aa. Kopentng Ie ~ebebe blmmo­ho I .... Inthi_ mlbltso a. mllr.hot;1 a

1001 hOBe amoog a sebthlUll! a D~le a

lIlyemotla emong , hboo Ie Ira t·eba ho loaota" I Dtho aoogoe Ie eOD~oe· Ke le tiiseU& hare wobllog 00 Moreol e mo holo II 'Muei,; bl tla Ie mame a. I.e lICDa tolr.:elo e. bo Irbethl li~ho tSl!.

Lellhotll II Sechlba Ie tla e fomloa kaha roal'li otee Ii Irbethoa Ii:e Moteoa e woholo Ie 'Musia;' Mobllog 00 Le· qo!a Ie Phab,meog 0 tla I, mflmela hleba mlreoa loa a mlbob I 8, mamele Iikopo tea looa. ta.ba. Ie tlts'a. lekh&tho

Leeotho, . me Ie bile Ie bubi ha Lesotho, Ke hlabie. kopo eoa. ho looa. ke bile Ire lseha hore Ie tla sebelie. maikotlo I 10

oa 'abaog eDa .Iha ~.oloho ea 1001 ele mat80bGDi a IODI. Ke Ie lakalet .. Ila· tllho. Koplno ke utatla, otlo e it.oa·

ota'lo, Ie ae Ie tllba taa eooa. MI' theo ea mlkhoUI I looa bl e 10antB aoe

Ie borena. Kboho! QhoballOl.

kgot8he, e tIl kgoDolollg fla ka ga ke

t8&mael ~are ga lelatshe la, Free State. Ga ke tehela dlooka Ie dinokalu ke

tebela meed; la meatull8, ke 1l1~lo~a IDehoto Ie IDebo'~ae8; ke peta ditbllba Ie dltbabaDB; kgopoJo e8 ka e kgutieia IDongo wehleng ea bo ctal a roea m,,'

golo. Gemme ke lihlell haegile: ba Gja ba aD08, ba nyala ba oyadieaaa; ba ike.

'Iile, b. bua. g08e ea bl klatb8~ .. n. guee dloto, taeo ba Denl! ba di loaal

lare ,a boua bale cosi. Ke tiblela b~ a,ile mst.~e ea booa, ba phela ka tbabo Ie nyaklIJo go 5blala go ut uagah mo. dumo oa -:l.itbunY8 ka ~oko ee boroa go .

mme 110 bnn8gala t~role, lakang lerote la wehlapa ea dikgOIDO. LeroJe Ie ileng 18 etea gore aepaklp8ka 8& legodimo ee

be 2etsbo. Ene ale lerole 18 dikoloi t88 m.kgooa. Pele ene ele b.rllti, emons o. b, 01 ela Moroti Lindley 00 motee qa.

LUJdlqy 00 ke ngol8nll ke Ie go oona, 0 reeletsoeng ka 89n.. Go ile gl latel. lero~o II dikoloi tsa Maburn a ga Piat

Ratle!, Ie bo Pretodu9, bo Potgiater la bo Louie Triobardt.

Barut.i baDe b. tsbuere Bibe'e, eleng evaogedl ea kgotao Ie bgieo, Maburo aoe a hhcere molao 00 k. OilS a neog

a tla etaa gore batbo ba bate'o bl gape. lahue go aebeletu. makbooa. Baruti

ba De ba rera eUDl1.edj e. JeralD Ie ku t,ulno. Ba bolele lIa Modimo .. e!l~8e dlcbahl laa !afatlha ke madi a Ie mdog

gomme Medu:ao sla nCate 080 dicllBba hoble, Ba bolala Ill. pale III1t Modimo gote Mogerika klpa MOlUda, Ba bolela ga Jasu a thle lefateheDIf gomme ashullt

Ubom bako bulusizi Iwemibla

ngemibla na?

U _-\' G. J, Yolk. Snrmeaspa' • , Clpe C:)loo )", u'i,

eliQ6 si taod '\0 Ie ezidlll lillro adlgula

. Beodi llentla agu en. el:l otB"OI'eoi ngakuOlbi xa

. NdaJioga amanye nda, e saod po.

olruba Ildoze adibe odandisi9lll age De

ibbotile endati

Amablab!!. amaoe akuti uka kaknhi amayaza lola

a::aqoJo n oti cyapakama abbadioi Ielwe kaheyi ntntombo ukupakama xa abuto~ ndipile

bill; uti weca: "Dh ' bl.i lomqolo Witt'a I

obublo>:lgv. hogalra 1" Uyaqoad8 Iro, udiogelra

dw!l. akuba ezowplo zeothlDgu okala mbiOI uilishomi lina,

oda.a nda' Il.ga<:o <:a~a~l ubokn benjlo<:i awbi eee baleu adapil. em". z'ntsweal? Kwaojeogoba. umuk",xe _ _

wc>cango are (. ublokome" waal uk:oti <:ipnme, awuol.lro Iroolre ulr"'ablolrana

awo~a.leli, iruajalo Domqolo ol)nhlun::u oeutlur.gn eziku 'la.og' lulull um1.l mba

ongap,ityo, amablaha XI. utoba Ila:u nemltamho.

',,@hokD,ma.ukUQoloko "od.ni~e," u7iv. N" ' . 10' enl.ICatazwa Ilj,lo o"mqolo_

uguglle" zmlra ezo lId):el .. ubako ba. t k nk"'tllzo afihlekele,o elllzi~b",'" u. az~n so u .o,oioit.& illlati a8e~yenl"Alhi'e

... oZlm. 1:11iJDga h:itambiBo r 1a

~q~lo . ol:lg"~liyo u.i~iqalo 8e aiDql antlobo Ob .. temba .. IO~ll.ti z~:::e:a ~9Ibl, Ir\lIllIltU .. ~ abublllDg'Q o.ltaUf., hpela, Akuk" ,illata lo.ltublall I :

lokata~o ye 810YI. Zoo.ke adata into \ Iltluogwioi u ,. Irobliw. .. • b ., eove- Iolrat . I I " ' oo.u a aga'

. IIZ0 111 Z.IO so Zlntlo ill ' ba iotabutlbiso 1l0111llicoba olrllllO zin a.

YOYliwa ogulllBebeoz\ ~azo, ulll~wana bUill pel", Siqioiselri e ulroti c 'Jleoe~e owonakel~y.o IllrOl0 e.l;lfltyefo Illy .. !u. looa iyezil eliyi D" Witt's Kidgoev aod:

;n~. allaz 01, akulle Ira lalltambo lXOZU· HII,diBr PIlla, xa Ilitatyatwa ,oate

kall:goz::o:!~U~:~1 ~u~noKker ubllec:I ll -= ~~hla,. in~lollg~ llak~ zokeule .. r.:iplle.

In .... a a U nm a live ZI pII'Bt Beal bontga a<aaDrila .ao

egulal, zm ke 7.aknogena eWtl,lu ixeqha eling.,ello kw '0 " • ogwini n '. k I.. L . . ami IImlnya ••

ase m1BIp801 uenl. •• uarati Irwill!fo zaogQaqalllbo ma.mba umQO.l

IrQy~vota. Atuocediato ulruhlikibla oOllapiliyo, iliaQe ajllo njllo. 'NPD.o~ ~m~lmba . wako. , ogezltamblI0, k·Jb. kll~aDdvv kWllo hkolu, I D. WI, ...

10a.tazo 19'9az.lel tu",,?, Ngap.aadla PilIl zilio.loisiwe. Ok_eoll a oin.

kokuba wenze IZl o.'eo Illh107.e IIlllt,olo ke, YIIIIDi konke oa lomiliB,loiao.


Rumatizeme Mqolo

isioqe Nyoog. Iziots) Ezibutataka

Ukuba ukatazwa yi

Ukubgaciti kakuble Ntluogu Emal.apiai

Igui Elibi 'Dtluaga EsiDyiDi

Imitambo ok,aye binbo

Uhla.Ja De Nkltazo Amatye ze Siayi go (odiea dipbapaog III dlOtOI la kgate

1I0. Ao, eblle PIlO e moalte, e ooaa~

tllhepo Ie malitia peloug e fokotBeollle a oyamiltlog

Motho ke ntho e B80 boleol! boo hallg, klb.oo bo baUeb. a line I. elllhue ka oako II oalro Iboba motho 0 gala ho te'obela holilllo ha kotsi e @o a mo bla­

bet~e ebe boaa. juale a tJa fUlDaoa hore hoi8ae a etaa bore Ie bore a kabe a e pbemilll. Kohi eo Te bUlog ka eona ~e lIa bo Uebela b.:aa ba ore mpa'

ola ba e beeiteue e beniloe kalltle bore I tuke. III naulbola Irohi eo re kill ra a HOpI . aa 16 bile ba s, boblala hoo

bang bore ba.n. hI. ore mpaolQ. 8JI, Illa·

'hala bohao. lelahhe II. mubala Ie bn· bale haholo liaparoug tn baua, ka lelll 10 ml.katRol hI. Ie Idle la amI. IiBparo boo babolo b, Ira reog bl. taue ba plla'

letl8 ba (ullll.oa bo '0 bolo hobe. KotBi ooa eotse e te'oao. Ie ea ho hapalias.

nguanl. ka furlluki,i ehe ogullna 0 leeol allna a tJoeba mollo: ba ka ketgo enooo

ka teat'l Ie Illog a ke Irll I oheu utlo eabo, ho tla iabus oena. Ka mool..Ira 8etrakeog 9a Reit.r. ho II. FOfeieetata

maeb .. Dguaoa oa MOlotbo 0 na e ot80 '" bapala ka booa ho tioeb", 'macb6se IBba bo hotela liaparo teB hae 'me aebDa

ke multo 00, houi tae k"og tIIena ko ba ka pheogoaog ka boba bloko ba ba

~.IIoali k. Dako taoble.

Bmpa glate Ma.buru aile a bolela ga OODa ele aachah... 8e kgethilotlDg ke

Modimo, ee oelttaoang lof!l.teha I .. ~outu Arereka ke Modimo g_mmOl!/u Ie otho

taoble Ie batho bohle ba go 10 (". n bolel .. ga Ba Atereka., ka. taelo ea Mo. dimo, ba tBhuaoetBe go aebeletea ma. lr:g ~oe ,obaoa go ngodlloe gothoe "So­

blogoloana aa Kama ee 'Ia lebelstlla ea. blogotoloa sa 5 hame la JaI .. ta' Ga.le

ga pao a .. a a 'apaotlog, ba Alelek. balls ba t.81elel{l . rio 8ell6 ba tellba gClre oleDg

eooa oOilte k", e(6. hElOl "O "' fib elaoli: kamorago ba loalltabllt &kreew, lIobaoe

ba lie ba boua gora maltgooa a bolela ka I<lra~ Ie II:goteo empa a eena lerato I .. kgotso. Dintoa Iseo t>a lleng ba 'di

loa:aa Ie mall:gooa dl te9beg. sagolo moo go lIa batleseos gore h kgatbatea ba·

badi aa h ooa He taeba hmoo oaru.i ba ihlDg ba tebueO)ala kate0ll .

io.irah <: o naodleto eokolu 1l01!1UIiod. kuzo ogoku hbate i D3 WiU'1 Kidner alld

Bladd~r Pile, Ilzidla kupela 3.'6 i'l.ga. lqaga elikulu 6 .'6, laye lioe 21 Ukllpiodl

eliooioaDe. Zifuoyaowil elli Kemiai napioa,

Ithoballeng Kajeno ! Felisang Tfbobaelo.

Ha Rohala H· "'tonateHa Teog KaDde Ha Metsoa«o e Tahaog.

--B. I.>a ba be b. talhang hore Pili.i

ha pell tal. "Bayer 8 Alpldo" plIllI U

robala, Ii tla etaa. hore u robale ba mooate u pbomole, leela u hlolromele

hore D fumaoll t6:ona. t80na tal. 'ode Ii " Bayer', Aepirla,"

Ba ba Bayar'l, ka 1900, ba na h.

ttebi,1I !iogaka hore bl. 'UWI.IlI1 blare Sl ~lIoha Alpirio Boi. h. Bayer I ba Ir. opa

liallka. tea lellte'e lohle bo e Bllbelila

bakeog.a Tlhobaelo kapa Bo Folio'" ke Boroko, ell ba basI ba boat9 'lhe bore eka kokobetea Ill . thapo a blahafetaeog

hpa e 8l1belit~eol ho Ceta tehoyo, ntle ho kotti . Ka jeoo Ii.ltate III Ji kete Ii

itbob ... lIl lisa lebeli811 mlriaDa 0 robl '

~"ol klpa e tahaog. Stona u leila leka! Blo 11 tie I; fa mao.

f80la \II. 'neUi Ii " BaYllr I A, piria "

PHi,l, tae rekiloanl ke Ii hmi'i h I!; oomaoa tee 10ketieDI taa t i ll 1:] 18 bo\loIo , •• tae 25 II b a 100, Qama·

lIiaallll h 'olo la kboebo Barer Cro .. \Ol lillag aaool oe. 'we u b8DI lits ulntlo ue aa ,"bis- baleoa t.a $JatlarietlOl.og

ka lebitao tseo ugaka Ii Ire Irenl tsa ba ! .. ,.. h lehelieoe ~~e hie Ie ~ ., ba-ror', Ie I \)ebe.llll.

Salello ga re ball. pala ella ea bogolo· golo, [e bona tlbebetlo la llodimo ~

makatsaog g:Jbaee rd Shiell. lacha ' .. ~a rooa ae tlMlll ~ le fi 6011 Ie la taho, gomma se t,amMa leeedin llla tluelopale ell

Hokresle. Lega Be otn Ie lok"!8 Oll

leootllllg el BODa em~ ooete ke lIore &8 ho.i le llI ti.6 oS Ja kgala. Kajlloo &8

pbasamC' , ee ladimegette t.o~opele ea oophelo bo boch • .

Li odillY Ir.e motl!8 0 allilO<log l1auHui la noka e biteoang Nsha ka pa Walaob

ka aeklo a · ha ooka e ntld 110 bogolo· 11010 ga dipula di sana ebeng e dat. lialana wC'gooea metal. e')Da ga lI~a

o~ luagda 1I0MOII puis ga di UOL ~o·

tee oa Liudley kll motile 0 moorlloraoe.

S4t1mela Ie .a tao 5bJa go 00080· Gapa h ut l"a KJnI eeporo 8~ u~ buloa h. d; 1..; kguejiog ella BUlli bl Lindley ba

0110 ba itnkiftU. Idl91tai 1!Y.I. Kllta ba

baRe'! 1e ba "a::ib<.l. '7 o±agsla!'l' •

Sebeazin i Dt WITT'S C4. T ARRHA.L CREAM, J:a UDO Mkuhlane

, Ie Maaepal. 0 ohbitu pbolo tae ped go d i Del ba"gi hi bahbo ele ~orll hi t Ie ba di Itlalt. ka 10111 t~ats i lea . .Baoa

ba aokolo ba till lllmao .. ~jlakere la dl· motl ll.te L' e ding. Gade metRi a baaoa 1'001., tla .. I .. lllareka mattli • noka

tsatsiog leo, goblne a "abe ela 'blltho Ie oyak,110 fee la

Mooa Liodley leoyalo Ire ntbo 0 kgo'

10, ~ng mOOI 80 ea 0Ylloa go el n~l·

dlsoa , b,!reog 0 (t<tileallgon& 110 Ie taog maoYllo a mahed l, leleog IlIla dipolaseog Ilomwe Ie leng II Ie IQropoog. Boei·

goag ba taatii II. IllnYllo Wlrop ng ba· bahbo ga ba ka ba lobala, b6aol Ie ha · 8801 , bablantaoa Ie bU8aaoa ba Oil ba lhablle g&,010, ba bioI. go fi bteillt boaillo

b08~I · DIJo di 01 di 10 oglt. gomme d iuo e le t.\aog Ie booeeg, Motae 0 ne 0 tletee dino. mltai a baDna a elaloa ;eu Nob e. Ntba, empa IBN! ga taltai la

obabl motee oble oa bo 0 omilll go I II m kgol , go uUoagal. JloU"ne Ie reo", . Re nyorilo~:' Ke mBoll ea kl 1lI tho·

Baog ~.. Taba au. eiia ea olr.gopo"" IllOIreIe oa 1,,0Yl lo 0 klleog 0 .. ella ~ng Kaoa el Gatelia mebllo~ aa kbale. Gothoa Teiae eila ea ("Ill. g. a~k! gaolla

moo. ka lutaaooaog teo" ga.!Dme beot ba Illolr.e~e 1;,. tlelol II:d 11.11 W)I', I' 80 kCplllmOOg 0 .. blmll.:nI1O'&. Jeltt Kf"8S~ Mora oa MolimJ, gOf'll a t., thaM. el'la Oa lamela. cowma .! fatalA m&Yi Taioo. Leuyalo ke o.tho 0 t,nlo, III onoa Liod·


U BAILA MORIANA ? t'l gnUa h<I 011 bo qallldoL< .Irj

.. Babal.ao _ ",bale

ENOHLOVIN.I ( Balbo b. Pbatal.,. KoJ;,.a)

btbe 00 elul moril.lI8 e ntpl.

"" 1" ' .I~!t l ele left l ! Ie " hO!lIya Dr'


ley Ie Dkeloa. godimo lie ha~bo.

Motbo a ta batla I top~la gore ma· wahi a mllhlolo " llll,la, IIIIIH go balbo ba s ling diothn blnko 015blolo e .. at.­e IInatal . garll t .. Ie' , teb, .. ..,0l m~ ·

bh.o euoll ea blo"a la Pl 'l:!i ba .bll8001 b .. all. fe~ll em" , ,lan, me' biolo e m,t.haag tac:a')a ·t.a.plo Ie

bJ.~a.di·bagllo Go hog bu,.uYlua moaa Li.o.dlay. t,) :.I'm":l di t:~ laDIl III

hp:\ 11 bs ~Ol ba a"a It '.Ioa· NUJO 10.1 a 'Jbolial bdlso gag(Jlo, hila ntll"tte:o,ollo:nd, odin: lF3. p., .. ;! glrll ,. Ill:ltse )1 Un-il" ke 1(,.. S I. nUlo e.oa a b~1 p ,to III a dlll,La '


Ga go belutMJ gore ,eehab •. g ... tab' d BaHam,isi b. AJriean Rt'aninll I .me h lebope~~ INn., eba eeebab' ae Seoool mune Kroonshd, Fortiaehta. e. tim,long G. mc,o'UQI o. mo· ba. loltiel tse bore ~""olo HI keoele I !lcII'eh ••• kgoneg" boloh bl",lI:o _ TIUDr-No 531. B LoJat!on bo ,Uob. lII~oe, go ponu'eo, ID"timelo Ie: bbue- h 7 boip bo bora .a 10 Ita pbmm •. :.,0110 P'!o ... bab, NO. II lie de tlallllli Ie he ~ob. t, bora ea 3 bOlu no ta S

K • .14.,.. 31 ebBe .... '" le legolo mos,'ebare 0& manhiboea be b, h m'loa Lindley. one.1e J.eu.tsi I. tb.· keo, h" et-. Ie hOM be ken. u'" pelll k, hob t!& ArrielD Naganal CeD pb.irimaoll_ Tele e hlcmamisihu8 bore ca'" B .. b6li b, ll. 101 -,-. IOIll Ycn.ti ehe:! 6 It thulli me batllO t .. nJ' t.r. t R U.b.,,",-o. m. nret. Ji " Ulegch ba itheltele Isbol-a. lu booa_ Ke moo

GO ,,~C cleat I "!ahl leo be~.n.b!lohe.eDti·J.lI:bomohllliDa ,,, hi,( UJph~Of" ... t _ I" thapel-> II • ...,bab. motlob.a pele. k babat.eb) fO Moliau) Gob.nll 1~t1I.· \ j ~i lena h lotntill leo nw. ea M.burn Fekonlwu)-ane It'a 10ao',,·D. GQ.udeog : Ie MlogII'emar e eilolll n fela Ir: .. 100.. me ho ponte' eng bore "tJachlena Ie, lO(Dm"J nr~ mobla IUl tt.oanl kgdlo Maell~i. Ie Majuda a Takisetuor lid· Ir:ot. \ traer'lglog. ,a ,lomlllh,lloa Ir:e ba- ~eli hi ko hore tcmollo ea ho 8a etaa, !'uoen. 80'" mdho ° motaho a aeke a hofe'; bo umabeokejaoa baa ta ila fumaoa dllokolo tn go ~oota. Gape, ema Plotbeongo mohe boo h.ng hab!:r kalona letnt~1 Jor' 000 1II101ll00g ~a iii. khoebo ea boue. Ba 'mUIO b!l ~u· !flO;} lfebll'O ea Kolo.u, Frei_tata, Na· p.h mabaka a mlog",t. ao iai 00. II tala I. T,Ur""flla 'ule ea kopaol. ta eebelbolog ka oooa. Gbe l.nCja 00.-' Ih.'1IQ la,Roo re •• Lltslllg MIDUIO oa t.aeao ale teog ~ Ii" ntatlll ha::lna .Wm!. Rc.paoo. ea itlela MObaba II .ohho koa . .ellookollyaoe, eml)a l>a . j tahma kohl ntlll .• a e~.oa pbetbo, badumelJa.oa gore I e teog hatboDg ka b~ka Ii W9hualw eo Mothoo m:ohho, ,allPl oa Kolooe, a .eka lekooken}"aoe ~a kopaool!'oD.cgle aooa I a oeboa dltokdo t~a "outo ea ,"0 voule-I ba ae rltelo~ re fowaoa ella tb'helo 6"

I. m .. loko a. I'hal.mOllte. a ~eke a ~ODa e tla pbOI'),. bophelo ba b~ t>acg"·1 dumalloa go llr:aethela lJIotho ea ka ta h ~oreboog 00 bo leo, hollm'a 60Da 'muellaoil! P.rlameo~.o., Go br.o."ala i ha joale ,10111 gore h le'.a'!1 1'0, ke mo~11 r., Motbn ea fiblileoll macba b pbiri. lablthlog kaotle lebfiflll la blorno Ie, maoa ell. la Bobelj bllkeol: e'Joa eoa til k,atello. JD .. le re, l-kloUala rooa II Mr. R, Y. Salope Tbema fI neo, a ",I, lIIobabl, ta 1I0va ,I, Moruti Mal.l.ban8. eoa Ie oakoaoa • hI ba la Foreiaettta Ie pbdblle ~,re ka .elemo'6 •• og I~ lie ka leeto leo a fihlel1et~ecg Iibahog tee 88o.letutella 31 r-.~ay, ebe t .. t'l la ogata. 0 bolaliBa serama Ie seboko ,e tha1l610 [are 116 'Ichal,a ,a tooa· aen)elitsung batho I )11.10 hoo a recg La

Mool Llodl",la,. batho b ... h tla ketula bo ramdata'e be lemaol b. tteba ka nako e lollilellll. t",lo era ma.imo aliellbe empa blllia maba. ell leksotla la Mohaba e it. ea pbetbera, eso a lemaol liakefllllyaoa ~a bobeli, barutl ha dillerella hohle ba i1e ba e .eboko 660 86 b. eotaa bampe baholo .mogel. it. moe. 0 lok-Ilebr; s~mma ba hoo Ie ka seroto ho tlang boba boima eba h waRtla lore tb.",elo eoa ebe hore motbo a Ire a iea hae. Ohe IDa· "'og mOna I.indley Th.pelo e ile oa hillokllooa elloa 0 boea aohe a I" bopbe, k"ODela kerehOIl u A M.J·; Go ue Rol~ 10011 bo monale a shab,ha a Ie ebatel teDI ~Iolutl T.ollele~u 01 Gabe, MorulL haoUe Nokl>lo oa Wuol&, Moruti Motehue06ofl! . . • Oa Gabo ea g& r.h:1IDha. Moruti ~etha- Re DUlla ka Mr. Mofopbl bora mo' bol~ o. kert-lie eft. U.ona. aarutL bana blaolll\ua aa bitao'OR Buller T h'H'lloe ba lie ba rapell ... lleobaba lIore III fum,,- ,oa ha Morolla MOh'uaoe J. Molapo ne 'okdogo I~ bOlklltlo lefahbatg IIt'Oa, IDu'Oe Bocbabela bo I. MalJeoD.oa, el~l'lg ba kopa :o.rodlmo gore 1II0h.tll!:l1 t·hna· ' Olotho ea leejcaog hllbolo bak.o.l. bo roloe <l1~,e tn. looa pbollola mokorotlo ke ba. Ileos ba wo

-SI:O L ~E D . .I,TL.\NG

utloe moht. Dgo.na moreoa Kbomo·o· T8'uaoa Il leo II koano Lejoelepuboa k. ka1.810, moblaokaoa fO be 0 theobila ho II bae. lDetlualle eoble e mo bk ... laha

Ao pb"lI:i.eh •• ctll,.r,1! 10 bo 810 leeto Ie laUe h· aa Shill. bae. blooa. Ho Vb.ki'6t .. Ie bo rtJliaa ka I . tlalo Lekbuelibue Ie walu a Jualo. Ie Eka ha n~ ba oej.l6 ba Deol ba re ho ooh.ratill melllllpo ea mele bore e I "Ietla Ie booo. hI. 1\:1 emeloe", re rialo I8hehe e ,-,bet~e blutle, ke Challl))er· bobaoe maoba ka phirimula n la Bo-laio', Salve. beli ho tibille buti mUDe mollenr oa

- •• - Soliataooe ba huol nJ.ntla, lie hore Illapalning, ba tlilo booa baog k' booa

T1okotsi Ea Hose Thllhise jool,. H,'" b,oo b, <0 b, I, too. moooa eo ho 00'011 bo hocahala bald

Thnso BohiokoDI' 800. --


LISTHO Ii no;at, tiC 1.:otsi tse taallla.

eang ka phirimanll k (Ie Ie hooe Iinohll.

tse kholo ha. nf!'oeli e khantsit8e t,elen,lt'

ea hao. Empa. ha nguta n~oeli ba e he­tCD\! 'me hobe Ie-till.

Ke hooa- he ha- 11 Latin E'~EREADY

FL.\SHLIGHT. Li khanteo t~eoo.

tae makatsnQg: ha Ii tum 'me Ii tll\ u

... irt'lIet.Ra kotsing tse 0l!>l.tlt. llathHlg E\·ERE...-\.DY FL.\SHLlGT e tin u

nella kbanya 0 kllog ell Jetaabi, Kopll.

Mot-fIOari-](,henkela knj ... no tl hlille

...... .... "."""0 ,. T •• ""'0_ 0' Baemeli Baetsi

, .,., . ASHLEY, P,O, Box 192!1 CAPETOWN

r----- -

nongllt .. ba batbo bona Ie mala a aol.ak8 hoo /I.. ~a (!tarllg mo~eb,t.i Oil. oona, J-A.'lll1t tk.La IIjo Melli ho jeo. aUIl .ba Ii lula 'm'ltoQ: Ii .. t}lubiIlClba, Ii ltde Ii ('lee moeD (lO hlabang 00 til. bak .. llllkohi 'mpe. Hoo he 110 aura hnnl 0111 .... tokolloa ke mali. matle. n ... nll'lM'btol.4i oa tcoo. o. bo Donu'a It-bo lIj.!.td"t~a mali, llr WilliAm.e' J:,iok 1,i1Lt II wall ... t ... ma.I ... ~!.t.It .. , .be "aboo Ii qh .. ta htl"k..,u.i tu hOle tbuhlee

ke maketlol. oa olaka ba Te tahma m.­JIUO ea hae Ba itso ba'l c*.o ba bu. ba bl.ba leotlue I" bore bo kolobere ba 66 ba keleketlll, motho eihe h" a are 0

oYlrela mODyalro a Iroplltoya mablo Ie bona ba lie b" bile ba khao'Da banDa ba haheli. A, oa ka 'Manakui, a moo yo· ba tla,a habor8llka m.tee'l8le (orhela eabl ea bakea lie muenke ha a tlola la1"tde. MehtllHI ea bae earlO oa a Mile. ipolela ba eale tillleol hore ba • ,mil h.oUe OQeol •• m,ololo a opo­gaf.. Likbetli Ii III I'tae tu.oo II luale. o. beao 0 .a ikakhile, baele ot)a t .. moteo,ol gOlla ha Ii. mo fomana boo baog.

ka I,. Bor.ro belleog ".ha oa hl.beb., ea ,eba leo la Ia. IjO'IHO Ie la Booe, ka. la Bohl.oo ka nalr:o ea ,jioare abe are tbnhela ka khotso e II.holo hoo Ie bana. ba nUo (II. hae ba. D('ng ba. .a belaelle bore ekaha lefu )e eo Ie Ie mall. ka tlK'll. e )ualo ho eeua k.ha. ,I. ne a ot..e a ipuela. bantle a sa bonu 0

bo teba hI. letho. Pbupu ria Mot4ung ~ nOll ebile eo k. bebolo baahi bit. moue oa B~oui ba 'eog ha b. ee'o bo bo booe j bo ak.aDogu& bore batho ba. De b& ka hI. eeketC'ng b .. b. baloa, eleng be ntbo e bony'llIIg I.!rat.o leo • neng a ratoa ka 10Da ke bao .. nmg .. abile har'. boru. Ie oao a neng. ~ba.n& Ie bona lra nqa tMI liog elt'!lg ba neog b. phaUet.6 ho ea ba teog pbupUllg ea ha.e. Moru ene ele mokhotai oe. Air Gabriel So1 hoa.ue oa p<'laai • b.a.oli. Ie Witpoort Gold Are .. moo monJi oa hao an,.· UDtoOg ke mora OIl mobolaa.oe 06 au. ~thoao" em~ oguana .. bolie:it.neng Ie e& mataohoog ho eo rangtl8-o',. el .. ng e .. na ea mo nyaW;itleng Be lla ha.bolo Ie mohloloha.!i oa. mofu Ie b&n& be hie le Bataong k.a moka tableheloog eOil e uo ,


&lan, .. J,;.ileD,1& boooa ke Mta)I A, 1t000, 36, .... tr.tlord ~tffft. eoUil.o­bay. hau61e Ukt.too, ,a rPD, .. hhDe I,D, lae w',letloe'og tM< ftliltag ka na Ir.a qala bo otlua Dllblah. pahoDg t. Illabetla. 1\.ko 1~' oa.ko k.m",.. lijo k. be I. 1MokoUa Ie lebe. )e hI) uba h .. palo, pipt.tJelo" m.hlab.. Ita maJ,r~ N,IaLa Nre 11." leota.ke bo d ...... Jr.a ma­l>ml[.

,. ~lolAltl.U. emong a ,.. Ilke kt'l lei ... r'r "illl.mt' plok PIUa. 'me NJ'II ka· row. hotkalo M bobell L.a qal .. bo to, 111611. bobet."ft! lilahlaha a" • lenko. 1401 ... ka hlapboh,IOI.. K'uoa ka &lilt;..;.. I, .. lipUlli taeo Nb. k~bt. I, bona ho J. I;e .. UUUI; m.I,lo.lko boo batlf. ,'Ilale h Iphetet..1loo b&.tl, hlu."

I\.a boo he f ImOl ppdJ.lo Ie hQIkIo tll'ChYl" k.t. bo bt>l.iA Or. \\ ","aD,. p U. hh ohJe hpa haa Ie"" 1)1' \\ dltall13' Ht(JJ .oe c. s.. l:ar ... ~ :I.

lapa '" .1..,. hI •• • • at

Blo, Ira Hn. Ie lDehuall. bobll Leac.tho Ie DQa tee liol, ba tla IIl'~1 Ira lI'obo Ie munabi • mabolo bOfe Mr. Abra..m Rampal 0 h1okabet.ae Ira Ja Bo­hlaoo la 'feb e leLileol, elelll la 13 Pbop)&De eo. I bolima main. m"taolll oa Beaon! moo • oeol ele mo.!U oa lelll: "a khale a bile a eo. Ie mabeoble bo' a W.0l !doea IDe ele moooa III malla Ltal»oa: Me un.Dul Ie mot.e hpa lIIolaba lIa babtt,'o, ha bo no b.) kq>loDe Ie ballD. ba lekbotla 1. doropa Ie ~olla ba Loo.tlOII .\dvilcry Boud, kapa tla tOl->anoo Ie haona ba Iekb~t:. /a lolat oooorlil u bt.ba,clItll. b"bah·o aoe aba h moo m.ll. a Iivuo tn R._ m, a/ tM bo.b.laht Ie bo aab.ol h thata a tlallC bo r-bbala ba a a.ral>e!J. maha. laabe.. t.1ntu b.Io a eela GU CI •• NLM hoo baaj u a" .. bel Uk I "ba

PPl'nD!Dt ... "'-> .. V t

Type"OV'rtterH .. ,(JlilIAJ., _ 1'1 ., YOb':' ao~.L

I>.IaTB P'I. 1111 \.0. : ... ,,f L..duD ..

Jl&a.&.llTl!£..uo ... pc.n..,. ~... f.- I & eal-ltC··"':n.~krwU'\!2~t O:' ...... ltaI'u .. k- all mokeJ T, ....... *1 ... CM!ro B..p1R«&. IpIlnI pm

c..a Of Wit 1("

Tua kKI.U eLi TFJtWaJua '1I~ Ie a.r. I!.,

iii A 1'011. ~ _ 1'4 ~

44, St. George., ~Irt'\'j. lile 0131 ADU[1l1.1 ~ \TlHI r,

i I


Torches & Flashlights

I. 'III" RUII" vf }()(I :.0 I ,SCX) It. LARGE SELEC110N.

Pr .. ~ 96 to 35/-

IfHCIJI\ AI'ID JUf£lI.Ur 0' rnar DESG •• ,.,..IO"l jjt'"'-lrD.


hutul,-d C.~ .. N.. 6

a' J'J eopy cl ~ at ,e r· ...... · _.9., . POST FF<£E. •


T sa Makeleketla. :: Me puteoa f.hleho lull. bona. li M b' ,. khotlo eke hoja ba .hoeteoe 'me

(b 1I0llOOLL! O.l Rol"',,) :b lie hboo° boa.b_l. bOfe ba. t •• ba boo o at:" ba. teag 11.0 boo., h.holo ru&,

Kaaebta ha roe b.- tapa re apia baPI I, mabufa .. IipolMi I. Roehaha . ....... 1110\81& ooa MObab&. bopola Karabelo ea Mr. Albenul Jobann. "'on"" mot-Dl OD& _ k .... oa Bnnd e& amohlla. k& )illat. k. th .. k .. "'b~lIIIoo MonDA Morob .. i beb.. A qilla Ita 11.0 I.bob.lellf!:o]o oeDg .. tUM mabarll teDI kamor'., ~_ monate I~ b.. mo oehileoJl: lona Dtoa LIe \:11.010 fA "leU_ le mao _tho boble ba I. teDg. A t~biM bo~ b\l1'11 mMDt. Veabkop hanS Ie Ph"l- , hi. bore lengolo leo Ie tl. fanyeboll taDa lHeilbroD). lIit.ke1eketl& ho hi. ' ~f.leog .. ntlo ea. h .. II Deba ; are 11. .. WOto WinbU.1I Ir.. puo .. majatlhapi I emo tee hlano t«IO .. Ii lutllCog Win­'me eka 11. .. 1". utbab .. Ie ook .. tA. Tiltoe burg 0 lumane moeebet.i 0& bae 0 ta­le _U_.. Hona mona ke mOO Mo- maea. bantl. ka bait .. II. kutloano lOa· reaallal\lpha a kiieDg" mathiMnlo Ie hareng a lekhotla la Native Advisory .... booa mebllq ea "ale, Board Ie 'muepala tab~og tn, motao


CIGARETTES. 1<> ka 4<1

Dol e>h to wk ... LIMPllO etan. u t u I, ",h.nol>. Ie .. TSA llLOAErLOA

103 EI<>ff 8treo<t,

r::::-::':JO;:hlUl ... . bUri{



Makeloketla (Winburg) ke baufi. Ie OlIoa .. a phet&- maDUOO • mODate a. molu Mekoatlong 10 Mmaeilo, M.mahabane atat .e, &- laboh. makhotIa. ohla • ko, (TbeunilMl

o) Venwnburg) k.moo me. pueng ho, mo lumeliea, are oena Ie

tee .... e neog e bit9o. katens: mehleog jolumabl.h oa bae ba Ua hopola Dala e& I'ODII batbo, Hona mOlloa blWl.o ho e \hoteo ea buhi ba Makeleketill. ka· teD. baDa b •. t.eejoang 'hohle lefata'eng me la, ,A hoela pele ogo,n' e IIlOIM' la Kopt-no _ta Ie LHotbo, Iflebleng ~Ia are, T.oelopele ke nthu e boilua 61. kbale re u\loa ba babolo ba re tie' me e fumaoGa ka mamello Ie boikoko· hiea hore liDy .... t.u.De Ii ne Ii ml.tha ::tI!O Ie bo sebetea han tie k. bokba. hoble t.eDg 'me eka hotboe BalOtbo ba boW Dtle h,o bomenemene, bo feta moo re YO'llb.~nyana.Ga,SeDkat&Da Ie Kho. ~ ba Y oarelane, I.re 0 taopa hore hlDlOhulIO Ii De Ii pld. hauti Ie mooa ~~I ba tla eebetea ka t.el. ena ka· Mba ehab!l. Ii balelae NteoMa-.tai. ~ a, Lengolo leu Ie ut.eoe ke Fr, Kaj_ m.otae oa roGil ke kbotao mall. &ueken~, moruti OIl Kenke ea .0 • iIe Ie liphoofolo ba Ii eo h.... ma...._ lela. feola batho ba pMI. ka libalefote tee ,.. t_bi .. haleDg, Empa. eh. banD. ha kaug Morena George LekODe ha all

phel. oka bon\ met.ee eI. booa Ie ueDa


Koluoa e Ts'abehaq 1~IMUo a .bloloa, Boipa~1I0 b, bae _ _ ebLae ba bore e .tlua II:. bo tluha m.toe·

Bannl. ba baholo be De ba ttl ha ba ko ... boo lab. a oe a rekillha IDOl a bUI bare t ... hi ba Ie likell Ie eeaa 6. ~ .. u ... MOl .1 D41~g • Hobil. oooa

<>& knahloa. Phutbebo ell Iiticbere t,. Foreia~tata

e tla kopanela mona; re bona babla­nka.n. Ie litiebere ba 0158 ba 10killCt.aa tOoketell.li on. oa booa. Eka ka matMtG ana .. tlang tichel'fl tn. Kroon· !!tad Ii tlile ho bin. koano

Batbo ba bOlO mona ba. bile Ie mo· k.te 0 .obolo 0 makbetbe 11.11 la B raro 3 Phupjeane, oa bo lumeliaa 'ma.lrata OIl rooa Ie mofumabali oa bae ka ba ba tAmaN> jlaolc-, MODDa eoQII. 0 luhe Ii­lemo," blano Ie ho feta baoyenyaDe ele molisa oa naha ena., BaDa ba Ii. kolo tta IDOtMI Ir..aofcla ha ne ba Ie teng 'me ba amobela TOoreDa ka. pioa..a aec"aba" Nko.i Sikelela Afrik." Mr, . '-,». Raltaooane, I'r •• ideut 010 African N .. tional Cong~~' ea Flee ~tate a Ie. be_ ' •• ,trll'. '!De afe llecbabllo Ie _"ile ke ho bhlf'h .. loa ke mODoa e mollololoalek. Hr<lD,1 Mr,.-\ J Br.od ) motbo 8 .. DeDI:: a bua Ie batho 'me a mamelahllot91. bona, Re .. A. P. PilsO OIl ker.ie oa Wetele" re 0 lumellana Ie ma.taue aMr. Rakauoancfeela hoja Ko"oa Brand a ka 1I0a Protoda Fa­pbeo@: la tla Batela moo !I. Dl·ng a tla tbu .. habolo Kamor'alipiDa ttle mo· oate Mr .'-aroo Molete (t.chere) . b.l , lengolo Ie monate la Sellgeeemine Ie oenl Ie tlatait!lOe ke banlla oaoa :­A. 14, Rakauoaoe, Rev, Walter :'110-cbocboko, ReT. Arthnr P. Pit.o, A'tor !'II. "autje, 0, K. Pholo Ie Z, Hlalele. Lengolo Jeo Ie t.iait.aoe ka la'" June, Ke rata bo nka 8!:!b.ka .a bao ho SUP" hakhut,'olnyane mll.nt!!OO a lengolo leo, " Tab .. ea hor~ u ea taamaca e tiblile ka tOl!.&oahi a ma.bolo ho rooa Ie techa· be, l'fl utiuJo b" re OJ Isamaea ka nako eo [8 II. "Iollaol( baboloka bore mofero· fere 0 t t D\'; ~ ;ll.t l'n~ eua ea South Africa mabanog a Hatala Ie Makhoea, "Ha e.>aIe nak"ng ea 'mutrat& OIl rooa Mr. Harley 00 ro mo bopolang ka palo t6e teoeu ba ra NO be Ie moreoa e. khoUlO joaleka uena, 'oete ea hac Ie kutloelo­bobloko Ii eDtae hore re blomphe lOa· khoca, mapolea& .. _betaa hauUe Ie rona 'me eka u kabo leba Protoria ho ea liaa ntlo.kholo, U motbo ea [ •. tang toka "Alles .a1 reg 110m " ke IlLantioe a. otiltao eleng mofu mopre.i. danLa oa Free St.ate Republic." Ha eteoa IiUatee tae ~baro Baoa. ba hina lipiDa t4e mooate '116 rat.ehaog feela


THE ENGLISH cutLERY ~HOP 1t VON Btl.\l'O I!! Sl'R &&l' , Jo n \ ~",g!!nURO

Opp<>'''~ Centr.1 Fire a tation ,

a .. r.lun Tbi ,,> e ' Molrot l ~" .. . tb a t ~ . ! e01"'i .... oe, • !DoloUR <> Ih.t .• >l To 'elM' , I, h • •• I. lellg Ie t .·u"n \O I! te th, p) u " O. T, 0.'

Poteis' 1 6 elenngue POlO 3d

Romrlla bulrlna eI MaDane


E,le eae bo 8II0ya ml.nteoe Ie twlbaia ka htaebllO tu ho blalota m.tla am.' kat,~og a Cbamberlaln'l Cougb Rem. edS·· Le ba maug .. oga habelo hI. ea kboloa ba re re Ie pbekol. mokbohlao. 10 bo hohlol~ lebaekab. ho bakoloa ke eo~, Ie bore bagou. mohu.ko 0 otllli· 8I.og hpa e kot·i. Se rek.eoa ke ma·

taba; bo qa'llie bore leelelenola boDa ODS.a. Kbaeh ke"tlleO be robene Ie emer. letho. ba eo 110 feela MOo • ' • .. • h't.r" oa lIlant.l!.iiloea ka 'Mandaha be. lIollbohla.e 0 blile 0 mOIlIfa~a bar'a kenR' tona t'n~, eleng la 15 khueliog, mo$ .. m ....... le •• 111 I ha .1 .... ha lie· bo etu.hetal muka .. oa kot.i. haoS na marlbl I mOIl'llleliaba ' ba b. I b Ie Setldipi moo 'mila 0 kbachaaY&nI ,.'cera. lie m06keela rHI. ~BllPII b: INt..:

beoiele oblo, Mpore 110 teren6-Hporo III tJobaog ka b. bUll Ita kalela ho ehul boo ba.,

e Boutene ae e"og Uermiatoo..eo habolo Ele '.Itoe lIIIokboldaoe olla e MJ 0 lID·

L k I' ho te.ml8aog \erene e laeebaDg Ma.- II llta'u ... 'ea oo.a· Be luba ~

'Molai o 0 ~O obue. ohakaDa. orobang • tlobaog likom- atl?a bore "'re. Maria 'Mamakolo, EllO __ poneog ebt tereuill eo ea OODa e ea ko. n.h oa lIl1ol., 10 eleoll l'oI OUI Ie mli·

Babali ba tla bopola bore re DO ke ra pana 10lltporo Ie aeholo moo Jimia· '19'" mllDe 1110".01 oa babau'o GO ba pb.tela t a oyeoo e otllac e buuoa t.aoue, ! bauft I. Geo .... Gocla, JobaDeeebo ... 10 iapele ho 'mutretaoa Tlokoe ka bopb.,. Ko fumaneha bore lori ell lisampol'e elaoe lIIoromahali OIl IIr. Joel ... ~ .. ,'lila. bo leM la Tenoler.la, ole oyeoe ene, e oa Ie Moaotbo Ie makhooa a ma- bolo, ioloko.\ moli, .. o. mallellbeo., 0 aa moblaoiaoa 01. lakbooa I. Deeil a bel! e kbutla kueoa Beitleleberej;!e e nt-e a I' ~be" h •• ,leboo baal. mokllo lsel.lto. ho tbnoya m<;tho e Dloh'o lob etla kuaoo Leloeleputsua ; ba e ta'el. hl.oe 0 blile 0' IDO". h _thallla .. a k"be .. Ill. eooa rabolloro ba haog b: teporo hona moo Setidipi ke ba e thu" hh?lo. A.h a ikokoUlle bl. re boele hat. o. Tabataba Ir.e eDII mobllaoiar a I loa ke tenne e !leng e checha ka Noll' re mODe mOlibetllDI o. bae OIl Ito e ,0. Ie makbuablaea am"'ol b. na hI. ,thao eha e e nka _balla e ntee e e, thu .. mabahabo. p':l"tbob;Jog ea !>.tbo hI. t>at,'o eoabe~: ,bulanya kaba. baqbobi ba ne ba Ie I ================, ela llli:>ei,bcueol ka tnhl Ie leur ..... e I kamoo hloobo ea tereDe eleo~ kat.eog. i k.aba ihuabelbaoo enG elo '001 'hooa I E mota'o 0 hille !L ,h ... booa 11100 ke I Theko e atle m.tllhlDil 1.0, ob ile ,Ie l~tI ao b.r a I Ilkohl he bo eenq" empa La .uueo bao' E KILE ha batl'D, ltpuo t~e au~beb.og leboka ~ b\ ueng ha e na It e~na ba ile ba e. NG EA NEOA Jillo ea blae. etu. tee koar~rDO'I.Dg' .buel. eep~tala bona boaiuog b. teatei b.hol Jaoy"oe. Ke moo m.khuabl."a leo la k"ul ; ho nalo ko Itore batho ba i bOa ebileng • rutloiehela .ohui '0 .,og hararo l,a ~hurle k ... tealli 10 loleng ka a 10 hotola lef.le" , moo Ie boaog" I kuhl t'n .. e mpe hakana eo re uUuda­emo teal[. B. ~oh b. uta h' h .. blt. 'o nan~ L"hloko 10 I,ang ka 'bal. bao Ie hI. t~ob. letlaburll, Letl~"urun~ 'o~ bOla re ilL btl hel,e. II!:! moo iboOioa loe, 10 biho.ng W",-h Ie ileog la beh. ka raho'l ro .,aba !e bl.baka batbo b. baogah bao omoeg ea hooa. ileDg a ,boa,

A Baahi Ba Gaudeng Sa Hlokomele.

Nyooe eo. e ile ea blablejol h'm,,· Itnt.. elbao 0 fetis"tea ho ba lOafatla: Ekaba otbo e molemo bore b,tbo boo m

b lob. be 0 ue ele katele ho tj~t)e 'we ble b .. \11,1 , 01>: wona (Jaudong ha Ita b.

anoa ba lijuri 0\ lot IItt mot'~m' oa I I 111\ bore 0 lie a tbun~' a ka ho oan, ol.l. ' to 'oe b, re k~ '0 d , ha 831 I-t. 6 PbUP'l , h:l tt.,1Ii1 l~ "hutba "ohali ro')o" l-\rowo ,.ihonale 'eDt! Ie U60a Ie 19 ~t8i ug aa Yud n"8ke~g ~a Doolof" teio ho I. ho o"laolO ke Ulokhupi 00 ta b .. h'~11 O. (. a. boa ka hI. bueha lotho h bort! aa ,aud~np. Phuth<lb~ 8". kill 0 hko\"og , I' hore w 't< i; I" u "" '101 a leke boba teug bo mo a. euol 0 ua a 110 bltla eog .e~o· eooa kab ... fllp"l' t , ba e ibolo eo ba e bng la batbo ba bitt 0 lekoei.heoeol; k. t,ueUa 0 Uanq hoba tbollo bo boble cbe, ba bo .ka b, tiuapelloa ka 'etb~ "otl .. bo pehelo 8.boh .eo ''I Ua tabeul e. bo 01. b .. bae <000 ~ebokeoll bUII.l holiro a a:ekhoa 00 bo ka ko ~eo •• a. hlomots! .eoa Ie tbolo.ua t~e puoaug beeghali, ba mlltloel! bore ba ogata tao a iobes,beog t atbo ba b. lhuUl b.tbo ba batao k. kol' i e. h.lo a ollata ia t~ooa , cbe. Motlamuo. 0 10 kbolo, bo etsota. bore ba bole teog mo' k, IOteDO "h .. 0 se a t 'obole~ m lateng tho omot~'Q el bloi.nota.ng • oiooe ?a bo kobe ... ba baog T .. ha e". I.ha 11'1. e )oa lto i.o" mabitle ~ g b '. baoe ba woao 0 &I. e blokoa::ele elal" lualo. II luale t lenA boima bn hobolo h. h . hiroa

bakela bore makhotl ... :o')lao .. tellebe ba lile ri k I)~ I. hue (,.uo) tu roog Ii boo ~aog mablJng I ba bat,'o, ba teh t loba Ii f., l1 ~ Ii fu m.aoha el'l& batho ha ba til epa letbo bore hI. ka fum a na toka b .. ta ietl io e wek~t,aog ea bo aa patio ma.taobong. baabloli b .. mak booa , E, mofu o ~ booa , a .. koloi 0 lu. lo e k. ba o lollolohile, amp .. moe. oa molu 0 tla !.eog, ell . ,it. ha mat eog ba kara e 00 80lla b .. lim'a hloobo ea b.e bo"boloD~ re ha e batloa bob. teo ~ bo pataloang, hoble ba bao bo le08. la h'ehlo, B ~ riti • h ba tbulU 6 kbolo h bolo. KIL ba ll .. ... molu pe be IitOf(,og tu bae Ao~ leo hI' , bubi ba Le jo.lopu t~ua , oteaull': ko waotaue • 06Ug a buuoe ke mon li II ro 10 seko 1a fo~oa k& ilebah soo e6

loa lek boo. balekboo" la pol .... Ie Oil Ie . a ibetb. og boliereka hplil br w [uta b" laii Il ~OaOA 0 " motbo e motl'O ka ba mlDIl kapa m lUla 16ela, B'" etsehuaog -I. b lobo. - lekbooa leo Ie De I. q ' telle lIa bdbo ba haUI'o Ir. moll a . bo ipolaea 10 se b ile Ie faletse polasi og ...

Seblaro Woods Gr" .~ Poppermiot 10 loiet,e heholo H o Oblola Ie Moibo­blaee.

Maob. WOOl. Lejoelopuhll\ b'l .. b lo· huo mobl"obuyaoa oa 'okboo .. ia mol.to 010 bo rekiaotsa wotbo 0 mott'o 'mtLpl~. Ho InmaaobillJ horo m09he' maee ~Doa ie Oloblola a Ji ots., osa ele


3d. t.aUK.U(Oj, .0 LI


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mokoting hlokomelang' majoe Ie sebetsa a hlephile






SIPUNGO SOSI Esinamandhla -1m PUZWA KANJE 0 .... 1. 1t1,lp •• t Ila" O.e.la,.b .... -lI .... ,I '0 _,a ',!llp._ , " , .... ,,~., "".a ...

I . 10) ,

w .... __ 1,:al_ w ..... , ~ 0 , ... ·,. ... .. ......... n ....... _

&. 1,1110, UI .• t .l1li 1111 l.tlL


IKATAZO. Lilolr"elapa ngempela. toti ko

nqamuka ngeaikati etllncane.

119 Dyolitola

e Stolo Satuni 119

au aqapeie aqiniee.ke utaba utola lona na:oqobo,

Un""ulDi okub'. bue Stolo b. kUl*te ellleb)"eni bakunib omlJ

hye a.blola bati ilona.

Ta .. lKATAZO (lik. BARTLEY) lona lilongwe ngepepa eli~pofu. liDO mfanddeo we ka,.da h Nkoili. fuli llulotabwelpIDA lika men II k.


Uma1ltanyehra nge poei 1,9 DO ... 3/9. Libe likona elikala lokalind. umw ukuze kopotonY'lfe nralo Inani 7/6 IOkuhlangene npye Posi




No 9



221 Commusiooer Streft ,


HEADACHES. Tirtd erilli. Hnd.cbel alld 'bl> like are olho oured oy the lliB of good dueel. Our glUM. Ill"O 'he be" obhint.bla. Come arut have 1eo.r Bye. te.t.oi FBEE We'U tell rOll, btlllBIUy iJ ,"Oil ni!l&d &lalH&.

Bon A.mi

ayilingant nanto

• • festdeni •

naseZI eZl


N'BANINA ayui utabl akakoolo ifull Il' B')1l AIDI 1111

Gtlqa rhbl"o full, elinleoklsIDi Dueka blllllbrui Izlplil tie·

IIstlh. N,II, il,pta I,ko kapal., ollkabla a Gilt/1m aq~bllDto oylbll

mb,yo Dlololweba. N,IPIDYUO lyolDl-lsule k. Dlok. Oil Itpa IUSbODI tbml eyo. AkosblYlkl ,ull~d\lla lelpazl Dokol! aboka w~bek. aIDD"'I IIpal

Icoclklle kad"a lylr""e!!1 (;aqtJ Ie BOD Ami 00 ,1IpM "11'0, ,ieee. z bl,lmbe Izlolo uloloz! oltodJel. eraolYo 10leol Oil:' zl uelu e. ..\yilrl Itsblse JUDd!, zlbl bomvo,

Bon Ami

Masoba a Macha a lumella

Lineime~e tsa ho beat. tla kbale Ii kobehl feel& hape Ii ktll" k& b.k.l. hob. I,obaba haholo. Ma. soha a mach. liDeime­/IIeng tea Probak a IUDe­Ila bo kobtoba ho kabaug boima ba 17' . Boima boo kaholimo bo follotaa habolo ho keqa. Li et.au. Jr.. Ute!'." .. tal. denngue ele hor. liDei· mNt! :::o.na. II fumaDe li tAuana mablakor. oble. ho b"tla. Seoeimeee'" bo beol. I. Ptobd mabar •• lIOnl .. leh .... IitbipI \IIohl. tool. he bea· I. t.. mabJakofC''' m .. bali. LI rekilW* bauD( \eoble h pORiai e bJo. miloeog '.!. j 3 plketb. t'

'o,aot , 4'ti e "halo.

boima ba 17 per cent Boha·

leng ha ho ho keqa leha ele ho koba. Hlo Ie batle

PIS.OBA:H:. BLADES ... J:N'J" O ... NQ A 1(0 _'liu..o ... K.. 11 ...... "t'TOI!EBOP ... ,.-rT .... 108. Co., U'D.

19,;·'.!.v7, 0lTY BOll, t.O:<;' DO)l', UG .

OnSI j. South .~f,.ica ·-63 Nallonal Bank RJfllditlK', .s,m"..nM 51. lohannesburg, 'P. 0, fJo~ 4116.)

Printed 8(1 Published by the Proprietors, Native Prmtinc &: PLlblishin« Ltd., Johannesburg.