Ragi Zokuhamba Tse satsua fihla Direke tsa ho eta - UJ IR

- The Mouthpiece of the Native Peoples •• 1110.1 .... to p.II ... 1I .o" •••••• t lIotlo ••• n.Otl811 11.11" ••• Vol. 5. No. 244. JOHAIUIX8BUBG. 27TH DECEMBER, 1924. Registered at tbe Gcntt;j\ POlt Offico a. a Newspaper. Price 3d I I Ezisandul" Ukufika Ragi Zokuhamba EZIBUKULU NJE 7/6 EZINKULU 10/- ne 15/, EZINKULU KAKULU 20/- EZINKULU GQITA 22/6 , I I Tse satsua fihla Direke tsa ho eta , TSE LEKANENG 7/6 TSE KHOLO 10/- Ie 16/- TSE KHOLO HAHOLO 20/- KOBOTATA 22/6 TSH'PU KUNA MANANI EZ'TOLO EZIKULU LUNGISELELA UBUSIKA OBUZAYO KWANGOKU. CHIPI HO FETA POREISI EA TORO TSe: KHOLO LOKISETSA MARIHA A TLANG ESALE JUALE. AMAGAItfA E ZITOLO ZE N.R Co MABITSO A LITORO TSA N R. C. Randfonteln KlA;88" BuUdings, Twelhh Street. G6l'miatoD, Buur Buildings Knox Street. I KlelnfoDtein, nea.r Malo Gate Kleinfont'n Compd Langlaagte. Maw Rf. Road, Of. Cons. Langt MIne New Primrose Near New Primrose Compound Brakpan, Clo Power Street, & Gardner AveQue Springfield, Avenue. Wi t Deep, Near Wit Dee CompotlDd.· Gedold St a.nd 664 , Geduld Extension Towhabip Prospeot TOWDSblP, Concord Angelo, Alonpide AD&elo Ho t el. I Springll " Mdn Avenue De ar Sprin gll Mine. Simmer & laek, j Near Simmer & Jaok Battet'7. Come t , Near Comet Miae. DEPOT: 18 VO N BHAN DlS=-S'::-r=H'::"::::E=-E--r--(-a-o"""::x:-a=-=8=7=-:O=-:):-----"7.0::H::-:A::N::N:::E:::.::a::U7.R::a=-. IXABISO L1NYE NELE QAGA LE POLISH , ;/' . Poor Chap! You' a.re in a bad way. Come round and have a. bath DIP " WEi[I\ Z Ar-n :; 'l"hll.!":u! ·r h r ';":i :! Good Friend . Look at me noVl ! That} (OOPER'S Di P .H YOU CAN GET COOPE R 'S POWDER FROM ANY STOREKEEPER AT 2/- TO 2 /3 PER PACKET

Transcript of Ragi Zokuhamba Tse satsua fihla Direke tsa ho eta - UJ IR


The Mouthpiece of the Native Peoples •• 1110.1 .... to p.II ... 1I .o" •••••• t lIotlo ••• n.Otl811 11.11" •••

Vol. 5. No. 244. JOHAIUIX8BUBG. 27TH DECEMBER, 1924. Registered at tbe Gcntt;j\ POlt Offico a. a Newspaper . Price 3d

• •

• I

• I

Ezisandul" Ukufika Ragi Zokuhamba




Tse satsua fihla Direke tsa ho eta





AMAGAItfA E ZITOLO ZE N.R Co MABITSO A LITORO TSA N R.C. Randfonteln KlA;88" BuUdings, Twelhh Street. G6l'miatoD, Buur Buildings Knox Street. I KlelnfoDtein, nea.r Malo Gate Kleinfont'n Compd Langlaagte. Maw Rf. Road, Of. Cons. Langt MIne New Primrose Near New Primrose Compound Brakpan, Clo Power Street, & Gardner AveQue Springfield, Se~oDd Avenue. Wit Deep, • Near Wit Dee CompotlDd.· Gedold Sta.nd 664, Geduld Ex tension Towhabip Prospeot TOWDSblP, Concord ~treet. Angelo, Alonpide AD&elo Hotel. I Springll " Mdn Avenue Dear Springll Mine. Simmer & laek, j Near Simmer & Jaok Battet'7. Comet , Near Comet Miae.

DEPOT: 18 VO N BHAN DlS=-S'::-r=H'::"::::E=-E--r--(-a-o"""::x:-a=-=8=7=-:O=-:):-----"7.0::H::-:A::N::N:::E:::.::a::U7.R::a=-.


, ;/'

. Poor Chap! You' a.re in a bad way.

Come round and have a. bath


WEi[I\Z Ar-n:;

'l"hll.!":u! ·r h r';":i : ! Good Friend . Look at me noVl ! That} marvcllou~ ~Ju(L



2/- TO 2 /3 PER PACKET


r\ll common/catlonl to be addressed ~o ; • ANAeeR.

~. O. BOX .tU,a, oIOIlANN.SaU"G.

Published Weekly.


Ooe Vear -Slx Moaths _

Tbree Months


,,/. 7/6 ./.

Umtdtli wa Bantu. 27th DECE MBER, 1924.


The rumour that plans are afoot to incorporate the Swaziland and Bechnanaland Protectorates with the Union has created a sensation in Native circles. 1t seems that a deputation representative of European interests in Bechuana· land met General Hertzog and asked him to move towards the inclusion of Bechuanaland in the Onion. The Prime Minister was sympathetic, expressed his opinion that the time had arrived to con· sider th~ matter, and intimated that as a preliminary measure be would ascertain the views of the Imperial Government. So far General Hertzog has acted well within his powers, for the Act of Union contemplates the entry of the Protectorates, and we are inclined to believe that his remarks to the deputation were made with the object of testing pnblic opinion. Such deliberate "indiscretions" are sometimes employed by states· men to produce the reaction of the country and to determine the safety of further procedure. and our view that General Hertzog is angling for a public declaration for or against the propos!ll is to some extent supported by the views expre.sed in the London "Times," a paper often inspired by the lSritish Government.

But it is rather early to attempt to estimate South African opinion on this proposal. Sir James .cGregor, the late Resident Com· missioner of Bechuanaland, has stated his opinion that the Natives of llechuanaland have always been and still are utterly opposed to incorporation, adding with doubt­ful tact that the memories of Bul· hoek and the Bondelswart tronble are too fresb to permit tbe Natives to entertain the suggestion. The London "Times" more wisely points out that Native opinion will be an important factor in the situation, and that at present Native opinion is suspicious of the Union Government's attitude.

There can be no doubt that the incorporation of the Protectorates is inevitable. Not only Swaziland and BEchuanaiand but Basutoland alsn will sometime come under the control of the Union Parliament. Tbe Union cannot afford to have these" islands" dotted about in her dominion, with their differing laws and their government hy officials six thouaand miles distant. There are lhe indignity of the situation and more practicat considerations. European farmers whose land adjoins the Native territories' com·

plain bitterly of stock theft and of the presence of scab and other diseases among the Natives' s:ock ; and there is al ways the nuisance of trespass. Union Natives living on the confines of the territories complain no less bitterly of the invasion of tbeir lands by Pro· tectorate Natives, and it is well known that Free State towns suffer greatly by reason of the influx of Native men and women from liasutoland. Officials in the Native territories find tbat Native com· munities residing near the Cape boundaries obtain· liquor too easily, and there are many such considera­tions to s.trengtben the view that tbe existing position is anomalous and inconvenient.

It is our belief that, provided Native land interests are not violated, the cbange would be aU to tbe good. 'l'here is consider­ably more sentiment than ad· vantage in being nnder the direct rnle of the King, and to tbose wbo are familiar with Protectorate con·

bred in the N ati ves a strong sus­picion of Union intentions; and Protectorate Natives will continue to suspect the motives of the Union Government while Union Natives are tbe victims o~ Union repression and injustice.

If the incorporation o[ the Pro­tectorates is dependent on the con· sent of Protectorate Natives tbere will be no incorporation for many years to come unless the Union Government amenda its tactics. The Union may desire the Pro· tectorates, but it cannot have tbem until it deserves them by setting its own house in order. A . wise and generous Native policy during the next few years would convince our neighhours that they might with reasonable safety yield to the Union embrace; but the matter is much too delicate for a hurried settlement, and we invite our Prote,torate readers to express tbeir views on this very important question.

• ditions, tbe backwardness of tbe Th M people, the tynnny of tbe cbiefs 6 6SSa.g6 of Christmas. and the weaknesses of tbe adminis· trations pNve the flimsiness of the Imperial reputation for wise and


efficient control. Readers of 000. more Christm.stide has come " Umteteli" will remember the round, .nd once more we .re obliged t f b 11 I d to think of the coming of tbe Son rec~nt protes sot e asuto an of God into this world nineteen Progressive Association against hundred .nd twenty four ye.rs .go. tbe mis-government of the chiefs, Oar minds .re taken blck through a and the Administration's failure vista of centuries to the Ume to deal effectively with the situa. wh.n the S.viour of m.nkind from tion. Moreover the support given sin w.s born in the Uttle village of Bethlehem. In onr imagination we to Native education in the Pro- see the wise men from the E 'st pour. tectorates is ratber less tban that ing into Bethlehem to do homage to given within the Union, while tbe the new.born child; we hear beUs of administration and supervision of joy and rejoiolng ringing in all the

d . I tr· cities, towas aod villeges of the land e ucatlOna aU.alrs are notoriously of J .dah becaa.e a Prlnc. of Peac. , of and lamentably weak. Comparison who.e birtb tbe •• ge. of Isr.el bad with the Transkei, with regard to propbesied, " .. born to tbe Haase of Native conditions and administra. David; and we see tbe ralers of tbe t· th d "11 1 th Romln Empire trembling 10 their Ive me 0 s, I'll reves e many seats b ,c,use in tbeir minds Cbrist shortcomings of the Protectorale bad come to destroy their power and systems, and so long as the Bri· the glory of their empire. Tbas w. tisb Government continues to be fiod on tbe oDe hind r.joioiog and unwisely conciliatory in its atti. tbanksgiving .mong tbe peopl.s of tb. tude towards the Native chiefs J.wish world who regard.d tb. birtb of Cbrist •• the beginoing of tbe end and unwilling to stimulate them of tbelr oppression and .osl.vement to useful activity, there will be no und.r the tyr.noic 11 ral. of the marked progress in the Protector· C •••• r. of Rome, and on the other ates. hand we fled SQspicioD and felr among

I G Id the R'JmaDB who, 88 I have .lready Tbe Imperia overnment wou •• Id, look.d upon the edvent of Cbriet probably welcome the incorpora. .s en event frsaght wltb di •• strous tion of tbe Protectorates, for the con.eqaenc.s for their mighty maintenance of staffs for these .mpir •. small territories is a costl y busi- The blrtb of Christ took pl.ce on an

I d · d I .v.ntfal dly. By order of Imperial ness; and Eng an IS oubt ess a Rom •• very Roman subject in J adse. little weary of tbe representations WIS oompelled to go to his hom. for of dissatisfied cbiefs who period i- r.gistration. M.n and wom.n of tb. cally wait on her Ministers and J.wl.h rac. were etIected by this squander their peoples' money. order. Wbeth.r th.y liked or not 11 th.y bad to sabmit to tb. will of th.lr Britain would cordia y hand tbe Roman ma.ters. Mary, tb. mother of Protectorates over to the Onion if Christ, in obedi.nc. to this Imp.rlal a majority of the Protectorate Na- order .nd in spit. of h.r iUne .. , w.nt tives desired the change. to B.thleh.m for tb. p.rpoo. of regl.· But at present the Protectorate tration. Tb. village WI. crowd.d Natives look with disfavour on the with vleltors, Ind wh.n her tim. cam. sh. coald find no laitabl. plac. proposal to change over from Im- to bring Into the world I ohlld whlob perial to Union rule, and it is not WIS destined to pllY an important part the memory of Bulhoek or any 10 the biltory of the haman race. otber Union blunder that in- Conleq •• ntly Ih. w.nt into • Itlbl.,

bl ind in • mang.r lb. laid the fl uences tbem. They are reasona y child who.. birthday i. beln~ cele­disturbed by tbe uncertainty of brlt.d thro ughoat the civW,ed world the present Government's Native this week. policy, and tbey are disinclined for At the tim. of the birth oC Chri.t any" pia in B poke" transaction. the Roman l!:mplr. wu .t the •• nlth ,., I of ita pow.r Ind gl"'1. Th. whol. of They want to know what Genera tb. tb.n known world waa .ither Hertzog means by segregation; uod.r the OWlY or (atolago of Ramo. what is behind tbe Pact attack on M.n, .. om.n and childr.n of ditI,r.nt Native labour; wbether the Cape nC",oolouro and cUm .. were b.lng Native will retain his vote, and brought into Rom. by Roman wamorl to be .old into alanr, by pablio whether the Nationalist party is .action rh. rich w.r. oxploitlng the as reactionary with regard to N a· poor; ti. ..... It were mer. p""n" on tive affairs as it appears to be. The I the politic. I ch",!"board of tbooe who uncertainty of Union politics bas hod power In th." handt. Th.y had

no Sly in the determioatioR of tll~ir desrini"8. Many natioDs were sub . mprged in the glory and power of R)me. And in the .renas of thl!l' RmpbitbeatrE8 of Rome men Ind besets wera fightio,{ for the amUS8. ment of the p!\triciaOB of RnmA. Jaw" Iltboagh and" the rnle of th. R,m.ne, were regarding the outRide world IS that of the G.ntil •• who had no fel· lowship with the" ChORAO people of God u, CODsequeotly Cbriat to them was DOt only to he their redeemer from sin but also tbflir Floolnoipator frolD the cruel yoke of Rl'\me' He WM to be thAir King flnd Fou~der of 8 Jewish Empire within whose do­mains no Gentile would be sdmitted.

These, briefly, wflre thO! conditione of the world wb~n Chriet was born. They wEire cJDditiona whioh were Dot very Jitferent to those whioh exist in the world to,dly. For thore wore the same nOB bAtreds, ooloar prt'judioee, national conflicts and Cl189 distinotions as obtain to -dlY.

It was to pot an end to thpse can­di~ioDS that Christ Mme to this w.rld. H18 purpose was not to establish the Jewish Empire Dor to destroy the Roman Empir., bat to found the Kingdom of Helven in the h earts of men-a Kingdom within whose boundaries there would be neither Jew nor Gilntile. neither white nor black, but one human rice under the F.therhood of G,d. Uafortanat.ly " Ohrist elme to Hts own people bat aie own p~ople did Dot recogofae nor underataod Him." Tbus we find Herod, Governor of tb,.llnd of Judah, see kiD It to dE-stray Him and bring about a wholeeale mS881l0re of inDocent childr.n tbrou~hoat tbo 10nRtb and breadth of J adaea simply because he was obsessed with the idea that Christ was the enemy of the Romlu Empire. Aad as tim. goes on w. fiod th. Jews revolting a,UlnRt Bim be. caa.. He pr.lobed tb. ROSp.1 or fellowship Ind brotherhood between Jew and Gentile, and did Dot prote8t agsinst the Jews payioa taIea to the treasury of the Roman Empire. There can b. no doubt that the old world did not uoderstand the mission of Chrilt to humanity.

Bnt the qa .. tloa. whicb confront os to·day are: Do!?s the modern world underatand His purpose? Doee it understand the meaning of the sacrifice whloh Be made apon th9 Croo. ot Golgotba 1 Or are we eel •. brlUng Hia birth simply bpcluse it 18 a custom of the ChrlatlaD8? From the conditions of the world it appeara Ohrist is not yet known by Hia 0910. The parpos. of HiB ml •• lon is .till unknown. Bia teaohlnRs arA etlll c.us. ing fear in the minds of thoae who have power In their bands IDd His doctrines of fellowehip Aud' co· opera • tion amoog the riCes of mankind Ire beiug deno.Dced by those who are labouring under politiCAl, economic and social dissbillUea. It is true the whole of the oivillsed world, Is cele. brating HI. birthday tbl. we.k, but it is no travesty of the truth to say that the modern world Is Ie ignorant of Ohrlst'. mi .. lon II tho old. Th. fai lar. of the Christi In r.ligion to bridge the gulf that •• porat.s tb. J.w .nd the G.ntll., the whit. world and the coloured world, 18 doe to the d.oial of the prlnclpl.. of thll re. ligion by the Chri.tI,n natlon.. Thil week, from every pulpit throughout Christendom the meMage which clme from HelveD nineteen handred and tw.nty·foar y.are Igo will b. promuL glted, and millionl of vole .. will .ing : .. Glory to God In the hlgh .. t, and on oarth be pelc. Ind goodwlU to aU 00.0." Th. irony of It I It 10 an· pI_nt to d ... U on the rep.dlallon of Chrlat'i r.Ugion by tho.. who profeu it, bot flet" however .opalat. Ibl., m .. t b. heed. It woald b. foUy if ono pr.t.nded to on_If tI .. t peace and good .. i11 to aU m.n will coml limply bee.... ... celobrat. Cbrllt'. birthday. Th.y will only com. wh.n .... have gal rid of lhoo. IDlItincto .. hlch foot-r the Iptrit of raclll hit red, coloor prejodice, cll. barriere and olUoDal ri'f'llrtll. " GoodwUl to III men" I. the mea­Ig. of Chriltmll ; bat thl. can only he e/fected by • chlog. or h .. rt 10 t~. lndhid.al .... III 01 In the naIlon,








(Specially written for " Umteteii")


An unuasing warfare is being waged between the farmer and ~rtain hai'm/ul ,"stcis. Weeds C~DDot hide, animale C-!D b~ O~o8ht, kilfed or driV t D

away, bot rg'\ inst iospcte we ere 80me. times poWerl eE'B bec",os8 at oerhlio f!lhgF8 ,.,t tbeir livE's they can flyaway or bide socc8ssfully, tlnd sometimES they become 80 numerous 88 to defy 811 humaD eft rtf'.

Th. Stalk·ho,·or is on. 01 th. tkadli..,t .south Alrioan insect l",ts, It incre8ses 80 001Jcb (\0 Stcconnt C'f the fxtpDsive cultivation of its f , vourite pl .. nt. the high ty de licious sod lotriti· OU it tuealie, and on accoont of 8 stupid kindness of min tow~rds tbe iosect by providing 81fe wiDtH q •• r ters fur It dIe to the practice of I ~ .ving medie stalks and stumps standing in the fi ", ld OVff winter till ploughiog time. l'h~ blfm caused by this insect to oo r country is b pyond all c,lcolatioD, be. ClUBe it bss robbf'd and shll dOfs , nool!.lly rob 08 of millions of b.gs of l1J ", -lj P8.

Knowledge 01 the stalk ·b,n·er's lile lzjsto1'Y is indispensable for fighting it 8ucctss/ulZy. Nstore Study is of gr E'st value in oar war eg.inst insf cte. Wherever and whenevf-f harmfnl i I). eects make their appesrJ.ncp, men try at ooce to get all possible information about the n pw enemy 80 88 to find (" u t a t whllt time or 8t what stage they are weak Ind oln be successfally attacked.

We DOW know the life history of the mealie grub. It runs in the following cycle:

71UJ egg. Gonorally duriDg No.om. b p.r, but sometimes elsa earlier or tater according to weath r r and climatE', tho eggo .re depooitod by th. motb In clusters cf about 50 ander the led oheoth. of the meoUe plant. Tb·y batch oat in alx to eight dayp.

Th. Larva. Tbe yo.ng gTubo at ODce begin to sthck the plante, nibbling hHe Ind there daring the nigbt, so that the perforated lelves iodimte tb "' ir presenc€' in the pllnte. 00 unfolding thf' le.nea of Buch • plant one {)3In ficd many tiny brown oalourt d worma hiding inside. Sioo'J on ICOOunt of their great Dumber the food eupply wo.ld 800n become limitpd. moet of these Y('Iung worma iostlocti'te)y m Mke their way do ring Ihe night to the neilbbooring planta whieh they enter at the baae and bore their way inaide the stalk upwards. thus rnlnlng the pl.nt. -

TI~ Pupa. After feeding cooti. Dually for about aix weeks the grubs become fallgrown in December or Janulry Ind then cbange into pUpl8.

Th. Moth. After another two or three weeks the moths emerge and Jay th .. ir egga on the now well· grown pl.nt •• nd the grab. tben foed to [ull @rJ wth within the .tem. Owing to the advanCEd stlte of the plants this aec. ond bread Clnnot cauae 18 mucb havoc 8S the first on8, but these grnbs pass the winter in the 8tal1l8 nelr the

TClOtS an d briog dsstroction tbroagb theIr ofi:tlpring to the next S88S00'S m ize croo. In Septemb er the grabB change into pupae, io N .vo> mber the moths emergP1 lay their eggs a nd the cycle starts aglin.

The wa,' against t". stalk.bo,.." is tntff~ctive WIthout co.opsf"ation. Ooe man unlided CID , in spite of III his efforte, only aQcceed in limiting the grub t~ a email extent, but with united eff"t. of whit • • nd black, the peet could be rednoed to a minimam or eveo e:r:termtnated.


Burning the meali. stalks. If.1I the 8talk~ a "d str.mps in all fi91ds of all flrmt'fe, Eor") pean Ind Nativp, ~ere bu rllf-d in September, n ot a slOgle grnb would 81rvive and the conntry wou ld be rid of the ppst.

Trap mea lies Some strips or pltcht'e of me.lies eho uld be planted at intar · VIis in A01l'03t , September and October 8 0 89 to .ttraot tbe moths from all p rts tmd at different times. The larger the pl.ots. the more thAy at tuot the moths by their eNml. When the yoong grot 8 have start .. d feedIng On the plants, ths plants m~y be eateo by clttle or otherwise destroyed aod then the main crop is pi Inted.

Lat. planting A. the moth. usually emerge in October or the be· ginniog of N ovember it is not ad viSible to pllnt IDt'81ie8 h~f, ra the Ibird week in November. The moths live ooly one or two weeks and then die.

Inse(Jticides If I email pinch of Vltp o rit~ HI pot into a fresh ly att.ckfld plltot, ~he wcrooa are kil led qa ickly hy th"" pOisonous g' B caosed by V'porile. Or. Whit oolutioo of oheep dip (t po .... ! of dip to tOO porI. of water) p' ured loto t.he .tt.olted pl. nt, bv m pa08 of a long spouted c;n will alao kill the young wormo. If the .olutlon ie too strong the plants will be buret tbpref.~ re a trill mo.at be made on on~ pl.iOt tint and the resu lt w atched.

Cutting t ho plant.. Auother w.y i. to cat off the infe.ted part of the pion I. and give them to the cattle or destroy them otherwise, The plants will then grow egatn if they are still small and get sofficient rain to puah them On.

O'O'P Rotation. If no mealies were plsnted for one year in the whole country, the peat would be greatly r educed.

A uaited campaign orpnised by whites and N &tives against the common enemy would 8000 rid our country of the ravages of the maize .t.lk.borer.

TU earllir I~stalments DI Father Btrnarl's ~rlliles appeared In our ~SUIS 01 Iprll 2 B May I B, "al 31, June 2 I, June 21, JulU 12: JUly 19, luyus! 9, Augus! 23, hpl8mber 2;, October II, OCloUr I B, November 8, Noyember IS, ud Mmm.er 22.

: ..... . ~ . .-:, .. ......... :~ ,: ~ .... . ".,. "'" /:S"".. " ~ _'\i" -': .H .. ~~. , .. ... . .. '.' ,...,, _ \! .. rI' .: ...... ~ .... . .. . ~.,~, - ~ •... " - ~

Women's Night Passes.


The Hertzog Government is bidding f er popul.rity at the exper.se of the N.ti.... It b.gon by prop.g.tiog , most dangerous policy of repl.cing Native labour by EDrope3Ds without making provision enabling its victims to e.rn a livelihood. Now we Bee the old ordpr of things retDrning sod the nf'W ord~r rapidly giving way to ex tr Imely barbaroos method3 of treatiog sobject nc ... s u nde r a pretext of pro. t · CtiOD. 10 the wisdo 'n of the late G Jv"rnment, the Night Pass Ordiolnc~ of 1902 in .0 for •• it allected and exposed women to degradation, was auspended ; Ind the entire question of the P .. ss Laws was found to be loli. qUlted, th refors nEc~ssitsting 8 leo"'. ral revision. No fewer thaa three Commisaions were appointed to in. qDire into the vexltions qoestion Ind all witbont exception, if my memory servf'S me well. advocated thA gener~l modifioltion of the whole p.ss system, recommending ainong oth t' r thinge that women be exemptad from 8ny form of 8 PISS Law. 00 these rfC('lrds, it seems to me that it WIS the duty of the Government in the event of there being soffioient close for a cbange of policy or nec 'ssity for pllcing Native women uodar somR contNI, to respect N ative feelings by hking nS iuto its con6.dpDcl>. The N,tlve Aff,urs Act of 1920 is .n np. t qlllVOC ,I oodert",luog of tbe highfst tribunal of the couotry to OODSOit Na tlva opinion especially in m"ttt'rs of this kind which • fIect the social system of. the B::Ioto r ce, aod "pan which the Nativ· s E'xpect a8 a right to be coosQlted. Afttlr ~1I thtl SQbj€'ct of NIght P ~s8e8 directly concerns the right of nator 1 gnlJrdiaoship-the pareutt', their ohitlfa and It'adere who ooght to know the Extent to which the existing 80cial conditione have rained their ohHdren or other9\iee, and whose o J.opercttion would in all probability h i1 l!1ten the 80lution of the problem.

W,-, do n ot eceept the PdSS L~ws 88

constitutio~ in any wsy whatso"ver wh.t may be ClUed a protection. OD the controry we know that their 6rst t'ifec' upon a boy or girl I. to t.ke aw.y that senes of r esponsibility an individual h.s to another and makn him or h er resentful of parenhl control. They oome between rlrent aoJ cbild. Their aecond e~eot i8 that onoe deprived of the parental guardianship, the child ceases to be oonsoiona of any moral obligation to ~eep otr.ight. Hi. guld. Ing .tor become. a p.... If he rauo into bid ways, he Is quiok to regard the pass 18 a m elDS of freedom from polioe interference. Experience bas r epeltedly shown that a Pus affords proteotion to malefactors, degenerates and outcaets of the raee Ind enablee tbem to pareoe ther evil ways, uDder ite cover. He lays out hi' planl!l for the nigbt'. expedition early in the day a nd makee Bure tblt he gets a Night PaBs. A girl who has taken to immoral ... ays of Jiving will be 80re before nightf-tll th.t .he geta a Night P •• o Tbe consciousness of wrong qnicl"y desert. ber and gives place to the fan of dodging the polloe and her mistress. A married woman lOSES all respect for her husbend. When I waB in the Free

S[ote I w •• deeply touched by the number of Native families that bad been broken np by the Pa~s L"ws In some towns, girls of fifteen yFllrB .of age, fond it impossible to Ih ~ with their p renls Ind, at t:';is te der "IIfP, th'3y It-it their hOIDfs for some indus­trial C"'ntres, th t; re to bory themselves Rlivp_driven from bome by the PaEs L,ws. Give a boy ar a girl 8 PISS, f L U cootlemu him or her 1 b&ve in my life known tOany members of the Amal"ita glog. Vt!ry few of them conld b ·, f"ond witbont passps. I hive known, to<', 80me dec~nt young fellows who bE'caOSd the corfew bell strack while aWIlY viSiting SOID~ irisl ds un. armed with a Ni/lbt PdSS, found them. selves OkXt day in jail for for~inr( a pl~8 To slIove tbe lr s~in they Ia uno alteroative bat to make another wrong worae than the firat ODe in the hope th.t they would get bam • • jfe .nd take good olte that next time they do not ftll into the error of goiog oot without a P.tu. TheBe thin~B h~ye happened to many g(iod Ind honest yooog men Iond will go on h'ppeuing a8 long as a policy f lJ r manof .ctoring criminals is perpeta, t ed.

I have not as yet met a single white ru.n who could prove to me th"t • PI1SS W88 a protection to the Native, but 1 have met mley EoropPlios who. bec,ule of the desire to eLforce their superiority aod arregaooo, h'lve found the pass the best i,..strDm~nt for rEi. prpssion aod opprpsilion S lOOP will profess sympathy snd will b"lJoile ODE'! to believe that all w.s io the interest of the N ativ(> . ThAy will eveo snggest thlt we Ehoo ld fccept some f rm of r egistration for oor womenfolk-that a hasband baving register ad bis marri8ge contr"ct onder which he is the nataral gUlrdl.n of his wife and children mnst nOW sell hia right of gundianship to a police officer. In other words, he bas no actulI right to his w .fe or cbildrelJ.

If the intention is to protect Native women from blling iota bad ways, I tbiDk the Natl.eo Urb.n Are •• Act ehon III be gi ven a cbance. It is the ooly mf'asure we have on the Unfoo Statute Book. oompetent to .0I.e the problpm. There is indeed no need for a p.... All the Go.erDment .hould do. and aU that i. likely to give good resuite, is to oall apon 10c81 8Qthorities to clelr out all the undesirables and to e.t.hlioh ho.tel. on tbe line. of the Helping H.nd Club.t •• ery townohip .nd •• barb. The .ccommodatlon of· forded by employ ... for th •• e girl. i. I.rgely r.oponoible for thl •• tate of thinga. Girls aleep io a room s vpral Jude away from the maiD building end near the baok gate, where th ey .Jome lod go a8 they plelse, mixing up with bad chullctera. U ndu a hostel system, the matron in ch arge woald 8ee that no girl is oat after say ten o'clock; ahe woald 60d means to keep them bu.y and h.ppy doring tbelr IsiaGre b o0J'8. She would make life worth living. illspire pride and self r~spectt oleanliness and good coodoot. Tbe Pass wonld do worse, while In arrangement of this kind would go a long way to baild character. It ie very nofortu nate ind ·'ed tblt in this country we should hive governments which beli£lve in reforming oharacter by maillS of legislation. A great deal oan be done wit hoot police intArfer(loc~, and legislation should b rcome oece!· saay only where reform measares fail .


= === BIBLE QUERIES. Bible Queries No. 1, Nqand'apo I

The foarth se t of Qaeries for tbe December, 1924, Competition Is given below. Competition conditions and otber details a re ex actly tbe same as governed tbe previous competition and will be found In tI Umtetell " of September 6.


Bible Queries For December 1924.

5. W beD were five kiDgs hanged on five t rees]

6· Wbere does tbe Bible give • description of miners at work ?

Mo. 4.

1. W bere Is It recorded tha t twenty barley loaves proved too mnch to feed ooe huodred mea 1

7. Only ODe woman in Scripture Is said to bave laagbed-wbo I

~. \Vbo was twice aroused from sleep by tbe taucb of an aD gel I

8. W bere do we read of a figbtlng mBn who bad six fingers 00 eacb band and six toes on each foot?

3. W bo concealed a bundred per· secuted prapbets I

9. For wbat special purpose did God once prepare a worm?

4. \ Vblcb prapbet tare a Dew gar· meat Into twelve pieces ?

10. W bere do we read nf 700 cbasen soldiers wbo were all left· banded I •


BIBbE QUERIES No.4, I attach my answers to

in "Umteteli" of December 27, the queries 1924.


~ame __________________________________ __

A ddl'tss _______________________________ _

No answers will be accepted unless accompanied by

this Coupon.


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Deaember 1924.

Correct Bnswers:-1. Saul. I. Samuel 31 : +. 2 Jews iD Acts 23 : 12 aDd fallowing. 3. 1II0ses' Motber. Exodus 2: 9. 4 At Pbllippl. Acts 16: 26. 5· David. I Samuel 18. 6· SolomaD. I KIDgs 10: 22. 7. David. II Samuel 12. 8· Job's. Job 2: 13. 9. Jeremlab 38: 7·14.

10· Jodges 21 : 21.

The following sent In correct answers for tbe above Q aerles No.1.

L. J . Butelezi. BeDoni; J. D . Dotwa· Da, Butterwortb; E . E. Lebuso,loblo· nesbnrg ; S. A. Lelee, Nigel; 1· C. MblkwaDa, Crown Mlaes; T. J . Mdla' nkomo, Q ueenstown i R. B. MlfIwanl, Batterwortb: L M . Monyans, l aban· nesburg : I. Mos, CrOWD Mines; A. Mtyalela. QueeDstown; P. Myataza, CrOWD Mines; T. Ndwandwa, B ntter· warth: W. W. Ngayi, City & Suburban ; J . Nkebli, Modder East; E . B. R aIDa· qabe, B atba Butbe; R. J. P. SI·Ngqa· ndu, Qaeenstown i S. K. Sixlsbe, Queenstowa • •

Pathfinders The Pretoria Patbfinders formed a

Gnard of Hononr for Princess Alice at the opening of the Bantu W omen's Hostel last month, and were highly commended for their smartaess and efficiency.

We rea ret tbat owing to demands 0 0

L,hl' iogubo! Unglboz' uziko bli 8~ ngo~ . Stlttl etBbo ngesibhalala ucing9 akah akana kobaleto Ika t.biye. Uaco­mUe yen' ufokiBi ango Dlkoko ; 'Dba baliasla um~Dtyi Bpa amaV8 IWl fa mene ngokllsike atom, n' um 80tu eq ab' inkabi eline lomfama. Ute ,knU stemE', wdsetuk' omfo wlkwi Mebwe. sbwp, II:wabona k:all kodwi uk:uba ingaba iylDltlDdda wayllab l" w .. ~e nfoki.i •• akell ng.oitatata. Elipoli;. Iibleki.· inkandl, ngokopendala ama. ntyi I I feiti lityebe k.kola ali naku baleka, Iiti : Nkoai lomnta ltab.leki ngumhlola, Ik8sbiyangl mna usb iye ieitntnto ebendiei kwele I B3te b,II:U4 mxin8nle' sndalini og'Be Krnge18dl)rp ofokiai ssyenoediewl og, bantu a ba­ntao odo, wa ne. mel' ematyenl D 'man. na' 10 iadod' . yipoe8 DR'sm boilotw8 itsh' its l rwe ngaml te I Bade bambi. mbl ooko. Li8aye koh luzwa.

Islsn selazl s la.ngozl , kodwa slaga­ayangwa. I CbamberlalD's Colic and Dlarrboea Remedy .eylke ,aD,lIlIlS yafeza kwlDdylkltya ezllltobe zesl s lsD. L lteDglswa ·DapIDa.

. Ukuze umzl uqoade okokuba impnku zlyaJlwa kooke Djen.aha twall aaba bamblsi zlfo, ImanslpaHti ezlDlnzi ziel. ta Imali u~qesba abantu boknzi zinge' la pakati kwedolopu. ezltolwenl oakuzo zonke Indawo ezlnokuba kona k azo. L umkanl ke mzl wakowetu, seaivile okokoba ubbubban& seknkon, Indawo ak'uk 'ullse kuzo, kwaye kasltwa abantu hosulelwa zizo ezl zilwaaYBnB.

our space Mr . F. S· Llvie-Noble's COu-' - ... --=-- .. eludiDg instalDleDt of " R eflec tioDs after Funda "Umtetell wa Bantu" the Conference " Is unavoidably held - - -- - -- .. -'"' - -- '"'--over.

• PAULANI: YinllongoDisa y e

Komiti yomcimbi wokwi KlYlknlo Dge C IWI ye 28 kwa Mlj ombalo. ODke Imolungu anynlwe kwiDdongl. niso edluleyo mokaneede lfikelete kWlnini .

• Abezilara ne Mpilo

Ukuso.elo KODlhlo wokuqoll kwi nylDgo eqoll onyok' omlshl, u J IDa Iry, u Ralumenle uy.kuba Domteto ongqoDgqo mltungl neny.ma etengi· selwi amzi ngokablnzi, omteto Iowo uYllmtsbixizo ngokufonlYo emagxeni Imbox'eli kula lonke ele NyunyaDi n gokwe mpembelelo ze Bbotwe Ie Mpilo. O kokubl "nlte kWlpaulwl osntwlol eaciklDe BOYlmeni, eogati Iyilungelougo mpilo, pambili 1m" de· dib 'akisi " y ODke lonkomo, guabl nta niDo I Kumbulani kaloku okokubo ubbubbone anumele ulmbillis' umzi blrubi.

Ugqirl we Kon.ele y"se Rini blbe nglmlako bemqoleki.a Ibezill", bai bot wigwebel. kg " dedib'okiei H yo. ok' inyamlDI englti ioem.siai, badl benzo i .troika Ylpant.' ukngqibl iveki idolapu iDgox'el.lwo. Blbe blValo noko bokavo okolmbo 0 Rn­lumente uYlmx .. a lagqiro Dgeli ny"· telo litolyatwayo ogolm. YeDjeDjalo indoda engumalOlli wempilo yom.i, iog. klngeli kavuyis. osisi no ' oefu.'

Lumkaoi k. DiD. box'.1i bIDlny •• ml, notabl ; awakadloIi.a motn 10 umtelo, ngoti .ikoogele nyaku Dgxwe lera into eoiozi yeb'izioisi.


Umvulo-Tgalike gama AfrIca e Tinara.

NDIVAKALISA kamzi wakoweta oknba indio ye Nkonzo yama

Africa ivalwa ngombla Is' .. enuery 18215, ngo 11 a.m., ngoknblwa njalo YlDgoma,

Indleko ye.ekiwo £ 800 Eqokelelwe IIbendle £ 300

Siceba i,ik'sli ko Mak'oei nama K'oss_ zaoa 88 8 Afrika.

.. YeyeJe Ngornko.no Mawetu,"

B B K OND LO • • , Uitenbsge. Umfandioi.

'KAYA LABANTSUNDU lsaziso e Monti Ikaya LabantsuDdu

:::: e dolopini kufupi ne :::: SOUT~", RNWOOD S~ION :r.bout ~ m Ilutes W2lt from Southern ll.t2UOQ

(High C/aas Boarding Hous.) I ...... ,t"okuC¥G ItOlcu/a/a. ADlll.D.biso alub. l1lIugutkl

JOHN F. T\'OBEKA 2., N.w.S'treet, EAST LONDON.



1"11:011 YAALUl!"'. lYEZA UNAII:O!I.

Ixabiso kunye ne Posi 1/6


'DItr .A_ ~..; TODD. lIJNDHLOVZNZ, tuTU,

twlRll 1111 .. 111lI,.wa 1111111111"" I', IIIIIII~


N ANTSO KE IRTO YAKO. U· HILI UPUMILI< EZINGCONC;OLWI<IH I! Incwldl yodamo. a .. ZEMK' INKOMO," isaDdezwe ekaya. Utenglswo

Die 7/6 IDcwadl inyo. Yly. kwa 46 End Street, kwl Ofisl,Ta·Mbloli wepepa-ndaba H Umtetell WI Beta," apo atenglswa kana. Abase Comet'" East Rand, bozlza.a ka Mr. C. S. Rubusana.

W. B. RUBUSANA. East LondoD.



IFUNGELWA IWIIIANtil Ell 6 INXITYWAI Akukataleki nokuba inxitywa kunjanina. sifungela ukuti oko­lruba ite yanomngxu· rna zingeka peli INYANGA EZI­NTANOATU­ngapandle kolru ram· lwa zizi konkwane ne zinye izinto ezinjaJo­singayi tshintsha nge bulukwe entsha

OLEPROOf Ibu lukwenganye ine PEPA LE SIFUNGO


kuyo, waye umtengi kufuneka elumkele u kuba igama lake, UBuku lokuyitenga, negama Ie venkiJe, zonke zikona apo.

Ibulukwe endaJa e Dgasitezanga esi situ· ngo lruyakuiuneka ipindiselwe apo yayi tengwe kona.




TROUSERS zinga funyanwa kwizitolo ezininzi e Rautini kodwa ZONKE

N .R·C · STORES • • • •




llFUNYANWA KUlO lONKE I N.R.C. STORES kwele Rauti. lenziwa ngo LINDER BROS., Durban .


Witwatersrand Native Cricket Union

Fighl Forever C.C. vs Fear Not C.C.

Mbleli,-Kutelekiswe ezi nkonzi simbini Ylle Union nge 7 ne 14: 1£0 December 10, IIwi nkoodla ye Figbt Forever, n FdSi .yitabati!e i toss W8_ oyola ukuogene kuqala, walsbo elita. batl kW8Dgollwake ipini epablwe ogn Mbatsba M. DgO 1050 to .. sa koba 'Ofille emva kwexeeba noko, wlxolelwa ngo Gcwanini onomea boo Zite zako. qubisana akwayilnngela lempi ye Fear Not, kuba ipeh, l we [DsioYI noilo yeon 60 rUDe yape'a; yapeadall i Fight Forever ngomsindo walento yeo nliw9 yl Fear N (I t yokofumaoe ipelele eeitobeni, yagoogqnn l'itebona e1018_ nla yapels IIweleei bini Ipama DE" 363 rUDe; ysngena i Fear Not kwl 20d inoings yaxaUaa kakohld beta y ' pels yeDze 147 runs; ab&libaloleyo ngo Dldhlo omble n oms .. btc nzi agaba kwi Fight F"rover : T Majol. 118. F So. buwa 57 . C. IIIsengana 4:;, S. J . ck flbcillo 77, ayeole ngobaenle obnknlo DgeeitotYIiDa eeifohh dne kakulu, E. Majol. 20; kwi F ... Not Dgabo .101 let innicg8 : G F eei 14, W. Rigala 1~. Fur Not 20d tnnioga: G. F •• i 69, G. B. Meikioya 26 yaba ke iy.tyiwa i Fear Not nge iODiO@:8 De 156 rons. I .Figbt For.nr "g. 23 De 30 k. No· vember odlale yayiblangene ne Dig. gers II B" yayit8b.bal~ li8a ; Diggers '" B U let inulnge ao ra08, 2nd inninRs 11; Figbt For • •• r: 1.t iDDiDgs 485

NDlNGU MOWENYE. Oleveland .

lat\VI Intermediate SChDDI •

Umteto ne Mfuduko Kuvakala okokoba ukoDgeDa kwe

paiameote ezayo ngo Febroary 0 Ra lomente OawsbB. wama Tsalitoro uzl­mlsel. ukolaka umteto wokokoba aDI· kwe amagon,s yi palamente ngokwBse mtetweni , amagunya okokoba abeoako akufudusa isizwe sabantsondu eadawe ni basiwe kwenye. Sicinga okokuba iojongo knkoti 0 Rulnmeote abenBko akwenza imvome yokokoba islzwe xa siEuna akufudukela kwenye indawo sIva mel eke. into eoje ngeyama Hlobi abeeuta e N cwazi ngo September ukoza kwea8se Rusten· burg eyiolo loyo .y.d.l. iogxolo. M.kub. kujODgW. ukuli imfudpko eziloloblobo zivameleke emtetweni j

k.mb. as.zi Dokokub. yiyo iOj ODgO leyo kub. asiva kosi twa okwaogoka aHvumelekaoga elooyate10. loyaniso yoo. yeyakub. kuyo kuxovulwoD. ngomteto opatelele kwezo ngongoma ukuogena kwe pat.meote, SOli aibeke iodlebe SiwDplkele omzi aakuba si vile.

Walumka 0 Rolomente wololiwe watob. imali yetreni ngemaxesba .bolid., ikokalo Dg •• i bolide zokup.la kooyaka kanga ogokoba i otisi lama tikiti abanta bambombela. ojalo kozo ogo Dis~mbR nantle veki yokupala ku Jaooary. Apo imotokali ibiza iponti enesbeleoi i treni ibiza i 716 okaya nok:obaya; kukwanjalo nocuya e Kopa aya oboy. ng.tikiti I •• IDglli;

• • • • • U·Rolon.II.J;k. I. I. oyako hlmbel.

kwela.kw. MOBboesboe nllO Jannary ozayo 10, ayakondalnka ilPitoli Dga­mhla w. 9. Mahb. ornhl.kaoi oko. 1110. ziti bholal. kualnlDo.

Imishini yoku Tunga

Ezase Natala. (YI SYNDICAI'l.)

Umoya wea'bers: Amagwan'qa eli omoy. wokotlya iotsondu ade Iwabo­oslulie8 Da&wiodlWO aogsolmfBnelo nel.ogela lokw8ojsojllo kayo. Kote DgeDye ImiDI kwl Soloon y. 3rd Klas ya nqaoawa syi Aroodt:l f'puma Eogillne ieicga e Natali, frote b'&nlals zanks iotilmga licita Ub080ko ngemi. dlalo ngemidlalo, abatile b.kwa Knabe booda nga 'qamqam' (pilmo) bavoma. Kobeao mldbgoeha Btile sdl.la ama· k8ai, Ike aboDwa og.lIol,od"wo yama· doda II e.iblaba" aknbonskalis8 aka. yia'iel kW8WO leoto yokoknzio'8. yitiss kwemidaka Dgoaoti "Tala U

U F atsski I", nentata eziloloblobo. Ellobeni Bngssltyelwaoga bani, &obi. ow. IDkola B'qoqoo.l.ii (cbi.f .t.ward). Ifikil. babe negqugolo D.YO, aze nlma Afrika azibuzela. Umcimbl lowD iwngwebe ngeliti akokomda nakowopinl nmhambi kwinto oeoqabo zalommandla wenqao8wa akuwo de abe upnmUe emkondweni, Blbagwtlba kengoko ieimilo sabo. Umteto WA. b.i pe8b~y. kaloko awuo8xansei won. J!

I Kommandl~ w~s •• M~ambiti (Lady· smith) wodomo lokWt;OZl 1r:811 nokch kwahliotaauda ogemipo towo lonyaka kavaksl' akoba tmadl.goshl enla iei. mboDoDo ngoknti imidaka irnqule ngoko8wel' imbeko. okoqwfBba, Doba eela kweblpeteyo bateho beaiti omteto 10omiyo izohlwayo zawo ngati sUula beknys kuti ae bakolwe Ir:omiwe Dg~­sintys ojalo D8lr:welipina ilyallnl. Elizlka18lo liqal' ullQveJa emV8 twa· mplZImoBlitile elide lall:alioyelwa ngomteto lokomaDa lr;osie8 Ilusitiwa kodntyul 'nmntu eoingelw' okaba yimfene kwangaba bantu bakale .. yo namhlaDj., n~apambi koko 10Uoolil. njenlazo sonke indawo. NgRti lima dade ngezibenca tanci aodul' uknka· lasa koba bles'sti kanti umamllmbo okwilipa .Dtlantini _a •• byo I

• • • • Aba Holi baka KODgolo •• : Aba H oli

bll.p. banyuka b, s.hla bevDk. besiwa nkolungiselela akwamkele Q Mpati Jik.l.le w. K ODgol.si, 0 Mlo. Z. R. Mah.bane oyakoba 88 Mnitsbnrg oase Darban kwivekl eysndolel' i Kr£sm€si nowakwake nge VangeU Y810 mveba. KoboDa.at' oaoba tako okungeneli seki okokolo kwabapeteyo kwimvaba yase ba Tixweni akoyo u Mtloeli Jo besiti kumava aban8wo ngsnqubo no. m98beozi a bakuwo akak'anYI aubo ukoba aDlllipomelela ukwanelisl nlro­jonga imfanelo zake macala.

• • •

AW8 Iodiya : U K ongoleei weli wa. ma Indiya unda\nle ish ami Jam"doda elinomvo ngedlaleyo akaya kublaoga na ne Naolu Mbuso e bbotwe Dgese oUalo yawo. Aba yiozala yama lodiys aziswa Irweli ngolrnra kosebe nza malooge noirulinywe kweliqamo ne ti De raylel mlozu, a.e aU ngentae· benzo abluma ade aDam8sbisbioi .wo kwalapa. Namhla abonakele ezb'an'a nemfondi esicadissna nabsrwebi bama Y~rep8, eknte kwakubonakll' nkoba ako •• koDdl.l, yokoba kopa tw.1i DgO' paDdl. kweDdl.ko . Dkolo ko Rolam.· nte nabeml, kwadllwa imiteto etile yokoblcodisB entlalweni. Sesi neaL zek.bani sslinyatelo. Azi tina sop'obb ninios ?

• • • • Imvula. Umzi ngokobaozi oselu·

valweoi lokaba knya kwehla isonakalo ml11loga nesilimo oonyakanje nspsi. sata soka.iogiaa kwelalu ukuDa. Eza pambtli IlitYllo b •••• ilIDdel. akaolkl dw. JUanga, laye ixesha Ie.amn lible· leJ.h tab. Im .. la ingaoiki tab.

. Iokanquma komhlabl. IIi,we lona

tNKAMANII. VRYHEtD. NataL 81d. V. & VI.

IItYlntomb ... na, nempahl, ibng.l.h Y()1Tleuu ity.bii •.

Ea SiNGED. .... DoziDye l&iahlobo, I Izikula : Imviwo semfando Itqlle

R •. opeaiog 2nd F.bruory. Besides academical work, for boys :­<ArpeDIry. Shoomaking, ToiloriDg, Block.mitbiog, Agricultur ••

FOR GBL8:-N •• dl."ork, B.sk.try, CookiDg, LouDdry work.

/Joardint and Schoo/Ius £4 a year Apply 10 PRINCIPAL.

• ImmaDo School,

Vrybeld, Natal

BJungiJe kakulu neseyike ya aetabenziawa ~ ogombla we 10 kwemiyo kUlo zooke

E ndhl' I ... •• izikala ne SimnarB leli. Kuvlksl' ~_z. • q ••• u ....... u .. ~. uk.bo oovaiwa ngomhl. W. 18 ukw •.

E~NI.~ •• o Iq_' ..... £4 .IDU"~_ n.. iDtI'DlaD. yoh qokumb.la Yoake halshiDllIaogelwe. ZOG'" ldDSl. UOYltl.

mbl ealDlapaodble ae.z.Jaalidl Ukooa. I,tandwo ,ooke Imllhln~ ..... b.1lZI ...... It

a,atu.agelwL S_ lBED.KlVIAN,

..... MADDISON STREET. JEPPE. Am. minJti amabill alUlsuka eSitesbloJ

::: 1!I!L50 'eppe. :::


Kwe •••• MDombili kllJ:.l"o ._oku nyo 1.1". k .. eDkosib.i 10mnlu omDy. Ima yitreDi; kuhn ubezama ukutsala iDjo yoke o.ipolweDi, ebelek. u ••. Da, Ylmgill itreoi waf. kod". aSloa h .. si.d •• ZiDtsi_i oZo b.kDli.

Ezase Benoni.

(Ngu Mlo ka L. J. Bulelezi.)

Mhh. li ,_Ngiocede nkOBi ngesita­tY8n8 kwelako, ngiti fahld imidwana. Uyemkl olla Bntelezi kaoye ne Kwaya lake elidomileyo i Royal SiogfirB Z8SEt

Benoni elipetwe ngoyf', ovakatahela abavumisi baBe Natal kulooyaka lapo eyokowadhla konA 0 Kislmosi. Aba· oinRi bomknmbola okokuba DRnye 0

ka Batelezi looa owanqoba 8ma Kwaya ogase SW8zini ngo December kolony.­ka opelUAYo.

Ngomhla we 1 kn Janoary 1925 uyakoba nomenla omkula e Q,nden". ville Scbool oyobe opantei Koocinti­.waDO (Comp.titioD) inkomil.hi y. £12. Ook. ama Kwaya aoimi •• I. uko­ngenela 1010 aDciotil1lwaoo maka bha. 1.1. u Mr C. SlmoD Mlot.bwa. Gm!.DB Scbool, nkuogena kwe kwaya ezopiki. 88[1a (iehumi losbPioi neslhl .. nn) 15/·.

Fati 0 Batl.tleZi Qmem8 onke amado­da anam huhi akwaziyo nkobaleka okuba dzilangi 3ele le kobllkona omj .. ro (rac~8) omkaln "yoba Dawo kwa Mko· m 1zi emb labt'Oi wese Mbabdoe, P.O. Nellie Vlilley, via Daonh'\oser Natal, lapo ayobeka koo4, lfublalo kanye oemi_ kala Y<lSO, fositisa £5, 10" (jkutsho okoti oya kowatshiy" oukt' "'msha8M oYllkofamaoa omvlJzo we Sibl 10 leBO E'siogenhl., indod" ngp bSflbi 18yo yoklpa i8bnmi Ilniblaoo losheleni };3/. nge h shi ehJodw., um_ emabili Imasbomi amatato osheleni 30/ •.

Umj.ro nyoqalwa ngo 11 ekoseni sbanlko okolilongiselela maba bh-:tlele yeDI u Bntelf'z i aqobo, baEokozwa kobl. yonke imigwoqo. L. J. Bot.I._i, Box 62, Benoni Transvaal, abaqonde okungena kolo mjaro mab.tumele Imlg.me Imabasbi nglplmbi kWllo­lolu .uko.

Mfo-Dyayazi oa iagozi yokuyekelela ingqe­Ie. logqele i kokelela ekadumbeai kwemJ pooga nenye iokita yeziaye iagozi Lamb, ati kwa ogopaa lokuqala Iweogqele atabate amatamo Dokaba lioye mabioi. E lih Wood I.,en Elikala Je Papolameote iyeza ebelioga· melwe kuoga biko kwi bhokisi yamayeza asekaya. Liteogiswa zikemisi oe~enkile kwi­adawo zonke.

Ulnpanga. Ndazis"\ isiblobo sam Dill') mplnga ke

hawo a JAMBS ZAULA t Hlobi lakwa R lldE"be ongn'mi WbSS bit TeojiDi e Ncora kw pel ka DdmaOf'; i Hlabi 11-kw. KI8ib~ . htzekabsoi andis'll so­komka kwake, ute In~iminyaka emba-1 wa E'd lulill"Yo W~ oi og::a ngamangow.ba akowabo eo Rab'ola (pma Gcomeni) kwelama N8qjk:~ • • po kueekona abani_ (l.we ba ke abatato nfnt-~llpo Ylbo. Zonke iziblobo mlzantoHeWfl n~Ql0 mpanga; Jusizi kawo onk(\ sma Hlubi akwa R:tdebe ast- Noora· Rab'ula.


N.w Modd.r.



• AKUFUNEKl CASTOR OIL Domalumuti obudisayo kanye DO


Uluoge kwabadaJa nakwaba· DCane izingane ziyawutanda.

Uma iaitolo otenga kU90 sin.ga lruniki i HARTLEY'S onomfane­kiso weDdhlovu egabheni. unga­wuvumi kodwa tumela imali u 11'6 nge posi ku

Mr.A.H. TODD, Umkemisi, Endhlovini, RED HILL, NATAL, Wubuze esitolo oteoga kuso

ubone kahle ukuba igabba akun.i­ka lona Hnesitombe se ndblovu

6 UMTETELI WA BANTU, JOHANNESBURG, 27TH DECEMBER, 1924. --- --Stone Breakers e.e I

vs. Champion e.e Ukudibao. kw. Stooe Br •• k ...

C C n. Cbampion C.C • Denv.r Dg. 14 ok. Gw.le ... wina i 10 •• b.b. nj.lo .ba Q , ke.i b.pat. ipini kuqal. ; b.q al. ogo 11.30 b.kupel" ogo 4 nhmb"o. beD. 334. Iskor" •• vu I ... ogo A. Alii •• no A. Mogqikano be bholel ... ogo B. Mpondo no P. R.debe, bal.bo oge 41 bob. bioi, i bowliog y.yi loogile kodw. i fi.lding ;qwal.I.. U P. G"et.ban. waailwa Ja i.kor. wlaiti tya ku 105 ebholw. ugu E. M.y, wab.oj.lwa. Ng.4.10 u A. Gumlnd. no F. N d.b. boval. i batting ye Ch.mpioo. yay. i bo .. l· ing k. P. Gwel.hao. no J. M.koti iogomlilo kuozim. akuyi nqand. ibhola. Bapum. ngoluhlobo i 1 wick. I for 2, 2 for 7, 3 for 13 b'p.la booko for 38 run ••

NgeC.wa.,e 21 b.dl.I". i .ecood iDDiDge • MiII.ite • Mhl.ogeoi, ipioi I'p"t .. a ogu E. MI.,i1. o .. adl.l. i.i ""ra eaikolu, 24 no H. Xe.. b.bho. le lw. ngo J. Mampi nO A. Ngcukaoa. K .. aq.I ... ngo 11.30 blpel. booke ngo 2.30 pantsi kw.bholiog •• hUBhu, b.o. 44, 7.ba ke oj.lo i Stooe Breakers iwioa oge innings ene 251 run.. Ngomhl. 28 ka D i.emba i Slone Bre.kero iy.ku qubi •• na De Hard C.oh C C e Durban D •• p, Roodepoort, "b.dlali blcel .. a kakulu ukafika og. "e.b. loro kub. u N obh.· la ... ba Qekezi oyakundoluka ogo kubl .. a ng. 27 ukuya e Kimb.rl • .,.


J. R. KHATLANE, Sec. S. B. C. C.

1010 yokubo amolu na .. opin •• ka · 11 ... e lukw.k .. e yinkohla k ... b"k. basabeoziae i Ch.mberl.in'. S.ln. Ulmrau.ala ooku tsbill. Impela k.m· sinyao. k.kulu ngoka dyobalamafot. .yi S.lve, .yo .m.q.gan. ambalw. .. nyang. al.... Lileogi.... o.piDa

• Ukuhanjelwa ngabe Gazi. Ikil •• ime.i y.loDyak. ka 'I .. anlifo'

,.enye yam", .. b. ab.lut.kit.yo log •. • ayi kuz •• lib.leke emb.IiDi .alili ... e Ie Afulu'" e •• Z.ol.i, kubo yi KiI •. simesi esiyitya DO NkoSIZIDa u Prin ­e ... Bealric. olika nepelile.,o ..... ... hl.ng.lye.". a K'pI ogo Bekeki· 1 • .,0 u Ruluoeli·Jikel.le "0 In no .. a· k ... ke u Prinee •• Alic.. Le Nk08I' z.n. efikileyo .,inlombi .,.mlgqiblte 7e Lung.kazi Fitoli (Viclori.),­kul.po bn.,. ulmb.lol .... k .. ayo I. Kileom •• i 1mb. ifik.la kuoy. aoku b.njel .. a k ... liz ... I.to ogud.de bo.,i. •• k. Kumlnni tieorge. Siog.de sibe sipetwe ojaDinl kodwa iyacici youa ioto yokokab. ilizwe .liIibala· "'ng', p.ta omzi .. okumbul. okokuba ehnkeneni kobnsika obuzayo bony.k' omlsh. sohaojal". yi N dlalifa yobu Komboi bama Brilloi ngeoqu, e.e· yivakali.i1e k.yona ukunq weoa k .. ayo akubon.n. abDio ogobu.o no Nlo. Akulandabtl&.ki nah n.ihn. k. ngoko okolmb. elaash. I.kaloku kuoye ne.ijoog.ne nalo ogamu •• h. ab.lulekila70 .ay. kub. D.nlo '7.D.a yo .0tl.l .. eDi yela.

U · Mi .. Irene Liod. QUDd.Di ufike ngol .. eoi Hlino bedloleyo uka •• kwi holide r;e KiIesmesi eyela e Mlri· .oohill e ~ .1.1.: ulempil ... oi oma· Bong"e, blalm OZI el ... I' iod .. e ye " Ouaei H kq~iwq l1'e domestic science ab. luoganele, lony.ka .. okuqala.

Akukatalaki nokaha uyinlaoiDI ebomioi bako, awuna kwonwab. Q ng.lyi.i. Ulmb. ukal ..... Imogalyi· oi i p.keti ye Chamb.rl.in'o T.bl.t., yakuloho ubemloha. Litengi .... k .. iodl .. o looke.

Mhla nge Nibidyala Ng.lomhla mkolo koyokGb. kuhl.1i

Inkomh e Dalmaoi yempi ya Lab'a j pakati kwezinto ezlniozi ~.iy. kUJ:oo xwa i IIgsnda Ibonia8 olloknba u Nta. OY'W8BB mlonyeni kwalil:onB t Banga diblea babe liqell Hbamblope, yali okokoba opE'twe apa n Ntn, lonke iogs:aki uba mhlope ~ziDje ngokaewe. 18 umsebenzi,litYlla lomnto ontsoodo; ze ieimlngl 8P) BikoDB, .lansi hi.lela .Kafil. 0 Nto, n.kooa ib.lityol. hU. we u Rolomente makaoYIDlsle ,b. ntaQodo baq_tyelwe emssbenzini kub' am.shiab.ini amile 1 Xa eaebenl' ootBundu, lityala futi, ogeke kuqe­.hw. y.n. abomhlop. bel.mba. Ngo. Ira I. Nkomf. Iy.kofaka ompopo.ho wolukllb. maytbe ngumteto ezib'lre· oi r.:otyw.la besiluogu k.nga qeahwa mntu mnyama naa8 libhotile.atolo, ekllv.kal. okolmb. esi aill:lllEo seai· k •• abh.ki.w. ku Mpati.wo Mt.to.

E3inye laimhonono esiya kwenr.:iwa Bpeokuba u R.Ig,mente mIlia vams i Nkomityeni eyaplDdll islmanga zs Strolko DO Do.h. lub 1922 ipindw. I Umzl woti. uhmb.l. o~okubo 0 Ru· lumenta waQyula ijaji eslmbiol­iagqonyela lona-Iaploda sayeolB topelo. lI:odwa kecae. into yokuba onkabi abaxlei Lebs, eogomlomo waba tuilll pela, ablzaoga bakol we, ngoltu ke ojengokubl umbuso apetwe nglbo, makoplDdw. kop.ndw.. A.o.i k ••

• Nantso ke Indaba i

Abazallkazi betu Namapasi.

Ngolw. Sib Ian" kw.dluloyo iveki Upamil. m.wi e Botw. komkolo loko. Ilab. oku.ok.la ngombl. wokuq.l. ka February OZ3YO ooke Imloll:81aD8 abant3undu 80gaze an bakata 8strateni em va ko 9, ngoklhlwe nlpambi ko 4: ekCS80i kweli 18s8 Transvaal J Xuy. kafunakl nayipin8 tollazaus ipate ipasi I.sebasukl, BDgenllo iy.kava kayo.

Umzl wO~Qmb.la okoltaba emvi kokopal.la kw.ga.i ngo 1918 i Ko' ngalosi isilwa amapasi emadodsni, " Ralam.ot. wany"lo i Nkomiry.ni nknplnda nbunlimJ Dobanjlni baku ssbeDIS Ir:omteto weplsi._z.da zambini i Komisheni zita Rulumsnte oglma. pasi. Eke Moffat eyayipandieis8 izi. piUpili •• Iox.oha y. tolik. igama .Uti ne'elJU ogaka rotato wepssi, yati el0 glma aliteti mfad womntu omnyaml. Yayekwa lemvi kollo ipaei wuma • nkazanl. Ngo dUBhe lwabafazi bide M.g.l.k. dla • Fr.yi Stota 0 G.n.ral Both. Wlti Ip.si ebaflsinl mayike linqunyanylswe kwelo de n Raiamente aplndtsis8 tlltahle ioqubo yalo mteto. Ngo 1921 okoba sikumbol. ony.h kakuhle, " Colon.1 Pritchard eo.ng. Mlaoll·Bo •• b.n.1 opo • Winch •• t.r Rouss wacsl. i depatation y8 Native Congress mayike iyeke ak.U C agitate' ng. pooi kabokuko I Komi.honi enlo"l. ngaro'pali jikelele anenkolo ezeleyo yokotuba Itwixeeha lemlayalta emibioi za ipuml ingxelo yayo iyakupuml inoomela a Rolamsnte oko.oba omteto weplei mlabe nemnyinyivi.

Ioto .bahlango ke kweUnyat.lo IlmvI, katati aU u Rulumeote XI abantlundu bebesilwa Imapasi emldo. deni, ati endaweni yok.Dilta amnyi. n,iva kawo, loqumle IliweliBe lowo mteto lEakllwa ngawo, lEonina neoto. mbi nobofo.i b.bo blnt. 1 Abom.1i oksnye Ibatanywa sblmel' amli ontaa. nda k~eai ntl8neaniso kaye kuxoxwe ","uba lO8Siti "co· operate n lIisebenae kony. oab.mhlop. ""0, oyakalika kU8itwa "deceot natives." Nok.b, blnjalo bon. ~od .. a koc •• lle "k.b. onina Daml"oBiklll abo kaoye nento. mbl .obo .. ik.nl.lwo ng.lo lioo, kab. njengokuba abuninm babo bllne "Ie mtede" nje, buya~Dti bapuma eli nUl ngani.weoi aokutl oo.operate kafike umotu lnlll08ill:sai iblnjelwe Ipa.i Inlba lII.mbe yooa ayineyo i lemtede noko yeol ndoda e " disenti." Imbangeli yeHnyatelo 18iY81i laodwa i nkomada­ntl mopoliso jlk.I.I ••• yillkupU •• 10 ' kuba Iowa mteto aqutywe lJgapandle kwemposiso ebaf.z1nl abants.ndo nlo Febroary.

V-oto ooko 0laU u RuhuDsnte Ika · xoU xa u Ntu ehlell kude lIupele imi· ny.ko konl.ko .lpltJpiti. Aloik.n oikllo.o oolooti ok. kwati .. a am.nb.

ZlDQ mllt.yake amapssi apa 8 TraoB. vaal, apule imitato engo £aoi ogo r.ni ngokntt DlI.ogolloti, lie ogoka mlta­boyiselwe kwapantsi kwepssi. Kukuoi k. nkok.li Ilko Nto.

• Amabal' Engwe

Ngokohlwa ngolw. Sihlanu ngomhla 19 kwpp.zolu kondoloke" Mr. J. T. Cbembeoi u8osok" kumtshato omkulu wak:wa Golel8, no Mr. Festus Thomes Chembeoi, uoyana DO be ngu royeni, konye no molotalsol 0 Mre. F. T. Ohembeni nge Loorenco Marques Expr.... Abootu •• itlohlnl beb.yi ntungo Dellngl tanga DlokabB XI kuke kWlogen' umnt. patati tweou fleoilahlekanl nj4010. J:9iba qODdileyo kwabl lIap'a m •. Nkomo lowo agonins 11 Mrs_ A. N. J. Nkomo, nODyaos 11 Vo •• ni (Mr. Alb.rt V. Nkomo) no Mrs. C.lla M.hlomvu w.o. Blo.m· footein ob.e emtsh'tweoi; beko piti­zel" kakobi laabi nak-Dba qond. abl nye abanioli, abaete. ada nlbe BJla.

• • • • Ama lodlyo bona banto bong.llbali

kundindisa nok'Qgxekanl XI umzi usitaha, bate bakuva iS8Ziso sokups. ngwa .:rwabo ivoti ojeogoko sicazela abafondi kolo . 1I lanomhl., abo b.di banayo ngoba Komiti bengeka bheoeli emzini wise Ndiya ngolt.blnli, blH bepama bevumelene ollok.b, lowo m teto mtsh, mBwuliwe baye beBhiya i .. ab I.ponti (£1,000) .tlfal.nl b •• iti makoti kubhenelwa emzinl ube amse. bsnli uog-emanga wonl, siteta nje lowo mclmbi ueelandleni lamagoie' emitelo.

• • • •

B.hhl. k ... bonllo.la kw.ninl oko' kobo lonyoka ayoku gqib.l. ng •• im •. ogl l ~kQti Imlntlsanl mlkBboyise· Iwa pmapasini kab. lIu8andul' ukwe. nzeka enya inkohla apa; ixegokazi I.koti lat.ng' ibhedi. Jad.ni, yohb. iog.lungi I.yipiodi •• la liti yapakU. seyiodall. K Wlxltlna no ravuosi owsnqumla wabiz' umgqomo. Ngoka· xskanJsella yinq1lbo ye Jodi amfdSi Iowa utete ogamsndla aklvumi .ka· gxotwa noku banjiswa Bshiye imali yak.. Ipoli •• li.ike lamfah int.imbi lamlayisha ko (, liteha H lamsa etehajo­fiBi .f.kw. ama hanbhni I . .

• • • • Ab.ntwsna b •• lkolo .... N.talo

blfik. eho.nl ngo Msqibelo w. 20 kw.penlo 0 Mios,. I. L. Qund.ni, May MaklUml, Elill R.moeime nlblnye ablnioEI no Master Ng'IDYlma Maks­lima. AbuaH b. b. b.t. b.buy.I.la estiehioi nge 1'ssolo abate blteho Ibantwena ullafib, kanti blltwellswe Ilwi U Kafir mail JI bapah katotywa batini ijite ime Ie "treni" knpele ieltub~ fumane yem' eehlbeni kungeko nCSlelo bayinikwayo I · , . . . • •

Abantu obotand. aku.i fand.l. isaliso samlpasi ablfazi babanto abl. ntaQQdo eyat_bl ngnmteto ngo Fe· brulry, ~kv.va yonlte inclz -Io, banglyi fuman. lawi Galette epume ogolwtt Sihlono kw.dlul.yo iv.kl ngomhla 19 ; bati bafQmane okoltuba Iowa mteto uti iBohlwayo kwinkallnl engeD,a pasl olOohbo zi paoli £10 kong.njalo 101aDga eliatatu ejela.

• • • • Ib.l •• limhlope liIoocedo ogeny.oi

p.nl.i ko Mba.o olip.teyo, .kafaD. nlma Llwa esenziwa Iblntu kuDlti sibe singolliDl lame nje. Yonk: ~uto e~tw. ogumnta omnyam. eoglh IWI, ohn.,. ecingcl .. a olmba it., leou, uyalmU oelmq oma utuli D' •• mape· pep.oi. Ok.fil. b.ogeo ... bu' BQI· .h.viki' b.fon' oknvu"'I' ombo.o nj.lo oj.lo I Kod... ioteto .ib Marill ... n.. maloDg. Dombla ka Diog.o., ek'ubull inli70 · Nge•i, eziocoma uboroti enyemben,1 a Ro lumenl. ka Bolha noka Smnl. Djllo njllo ezidIIDgllaleni,-i,IZiwl imiae· h.Dzi yak. k. 'It,-:-pela mhl~pe ng.bal., yonke iolo .ytlela.,o m'Ylbe ik ... mhlop. I

I • I I UlaDlo I ... m. T •• liloro I.il.ho

noko okoli 10 •• Iigugu k ... ojeogo xeeba 1001010, into epambili neUXI­m.l. ukuo •• a ngoku Imnglfe •• ki kw.zil.mbioo oOlmDgooeli ko B ...

Pit no Oom Han. emap"ndl.oi og •• ndlela ndlelao. e.ilile •• ezile ,"qu. beka, hloko . m.va .yafuneka eka. p.l.oi uboolu.

• • • • lotiyo b.la ib.k .. ele ab.mhlop.

beli I.mo F.lpen.i kooga ogokoba Dog.d ' otl .ba8lyazi oeyool nto ma. bamoqood. kuyo u Nta. X. b.ku. dlal .. a .p. e W.nder.r. i krikeli p. kati k .. e timo Ylpe.he.,. Dey. I.p. balel .. a .b. ntsnodu ukuogeo. blyo· kubuk.l. umdlalo, b.oqlnd .. a befuo' okubllul. imlli yam"ogeno foti ne· nd ... o iog.ding... ubukulo b.yo, ubb.le u Tob.ogi.. ep.peni I.b. mhlop., u Mr. H. D. Ty.mza.h., .... I.bo nglmb.lwa IClcile.,o kodw. oko koba ukatazekile, efanel. nokuht.: •• b. K .. eyetu imidlalo b.y.ogeo. · futi b.jik. b.n.e nem.1i ngemilsbo. ogolo yetu.

• • • • Katl xa lIuo.ime plo8i kwemiteto

emiteha esiyenzelwlYo BinIlmele ,ku. Bol" .basa Koloni Ibll.lisVl8 ubatoogo, bal.I' ob.ntlomb. balibal. kukuli banglba voti. 3skuko ubabumhuDl ngoltu boltuogati umota oyinklslne XI eeoltl kama BhBi e Kolooi, kufoneka abe ne pesi pantai komteto omtsh. we otJalo Ylblntsuoda ezldoloplui , elopasi akufilta apo .yall:onl IIWESI Z IlIP' idolopu kafuoeka .ye oglto e plea ofl.c. ay. h.i bib I NaDgoh k. amlpaai ebengl hDwa ebafalioi kweli ImaDluzlna e Koloni ebe yeti we oga ­blvoti bew.twI"'. Nglti abavoti baYBta talla nziml klnati , sitaogele.

• •

Umbulelo Womsebenzi e Prieska --

S.o .. ambulelo hbonto blko ... t. abate blslvell ngotullbleltelwa ng. ma wetn Q Elsie De BrAin Qbe Itwangu ml wlmakolwa tnclwa yaml WEsile ase Prieeila, oWlye sll@kl klkala ngo .. katlnda ablntu bonte plotsi twe la. nga; agate iotsuko sa8ib'olO kapell, Maeibulele ltaqaJI ama It'osikaz; ate 81!1ingata tomlt,hlane: Mrs. S. Poya, Mr •. S. Wltbooi, Mr.. M. Poyo. Mr •. Geda)a abate banclma imisebenli ye­zlndla IIbo, booSI 10mkoh18n~ nge. mvelwano enkala. Ningadinwi boml n Tixo Inisikelela ngomeebeoli wena, .kot. pakatl k ... fika nola mak·oslk .. i; Mrs. L. D. Job, Mre. L. B, sm.lo no Mrs. Tebelt amlolrazl ote yeoa wa. tomell i flower ete yantle lI:akalo. Siyanibolell lintombl zalto weta enite nazinitela kula msebenli nlmtJiliyo zen a zoote ngenkutllo nemveJwlno engamangaliso skate :.:1 u ma eutya· tiwe ngu Somandla kwavela Dlbl kwi odawo ezikade bezis8 uvelwlno no­ncedieanot bade blnclma izindlu zabo ngokull kusilaliBa iveki yonlte Ibantu baka Tixo bOJ"oll naxa einla d welial· ngl magaml abo, aiy.babalell bonke b.tu abot. b .. lnl.I.. Idl.ka b.liko. kelwe ngo mVAngell u Mac.v: no M. Z. Bosman bataho ogenkouzo elakile .. VO. Siti k. oil.liny. m.i ka Nto Ioho. teho nlbelto beeiy. kutioiol Dalo mas· benli ungakaoana slsebaocioci nje, omsebenli abe ogomhla we 30 No­v.mb.r 192( U·B, .. o w.oitablyo ngo 1909, nlmhlaBitshiywe ngo ma, slngo. ny,ml ablhllnu no dade wetu ongo Mro. B. T. Ollphlnl.

J. L. DB BRAIN. D. Aar.

Hoedlnl nlx,l, UMTETELI III nlbhll,11 kwi VEHKILE '."1,1





ENDHLOVINI (Ab&otu BaQy.t.AIwa ApaJ

UzoJutaoda etolla ,eu Ukaeaa.UI,' IIkuII aak.pilll .km blaA, ••

akuko e



HI not a Matter of Legislationl

BU Calvin Coolidge. President of Ihe Uailed Stales of America.

(QaotatioD from a speecb by the Amerioan .President at the IlDYeiling of a monument to .JI.lIbop 'Ibory, the founder of tbe Methodlst

.,hoopal Cburcb in America)

It was because of what Bishop ... A.shurr and hie 89Sociatea preaohed, and what other religious orgaoizltioDI throagb their minis lry preacbed, that our country hie developed 80 mach freedom end contributed 80 moch to the civilll.tion of the world.

It is well to remember this when we are seeking for sooial reforms If we can keep In mind their Boorces we ~h.ll b.tt.r nnd.r.tand ·th.ir limita· tioDa. The government of a country n.v.r g.t. ah.ad of the religion of the eountry. There il!l no way by whioh we caD substitute the authority of 1aw for the virtoe of man. Of ooarse, we can help to restrain the vicious and maintain a fair df'gree of 8~ cority and proteotion by legislation aDd police .control bot the real reforms which people in the8e daye are seeking will .come as a resolt of our religious COD· viotioDS or they will not oome at all. Peace, 'justice, homanity, chlrit.y_ th .. e oln not be legi.lat.d Into b.lOg, 'They are the result of a Divine Guos.

I have never seen the neaessity for relilnce upon religion rather than apon law beiier expressed thao in a gre.t trnth Dtt.red b! Titl'my BI.ake when he said: • Christ spent no time in the Bntechamber of Caeear. '

An act of Parlilmeot may Indiclte thlt a reform is being or hll been ac· "ompli.hed, but it doe. not of It •• lf bring .bout • reform.



•• My m.at i. to do the will of Him t hlt sent Me, and to finish His work. " -St. John 4 : 34.

I! BlesBed is the mIn who hlB found hi. work, let him .... no other ble .. ed. nd8. It-Oarlyle.

H Life withoot industry i~ sln."_ Rali:in.

The trae pllos for a man's expres' .aion of hie Christianity is the common round of daUy Ufe, and not special activities of a" reUgioas" character. The butcher, the baker, the miner, the f irmer, the merchant and the mechanic, need not go outside the shop, the mine or the field to expre88 Ind ex­hibit the Spirit of Chri.t. Th. mother with. bOq). to m.~ •• nd ohildr.n to bring up ha •• sline a pl.oe for God.li"e work 88 Iny human being could delire. Iodeed, if anyone wanta to be a true Cbri.tian hi. ordinary dally wor" I. the ploce .t which to begin. Obri.t. ;.nlty has .Iw.ys procllimed the daty and dignity of work. EYer since man begaD to form any true pictare of God, be hal reaUzed, with growiBI olear. n8lS, tbat God hall mlde him for ao. tivity and not fer Idleness. U Six days shalt thon laboar a.:! do aU that thol baat to do." A\ a right and normll thing" man gooth forlh to hi. wor" and to his labour until the evening. 11

Jetluslaboaring as • clrpenter io the abop It Nazareth makes work, for all time, indispenslble to true manhood. Be found, and showed, God in common work. Unremitting labour for the bene6.t of others He knew to be oharacterl.tic of the lif. of God .nd of all G.d ·like men-" My F.ther worketh hitherto, and I work •. :'

And the early Chrieti.no •• ught thf. id.. of the dignity of wor~. The -wonderfal lSaret of t.,ir new life,


with its initiation Into new realm of love .nd joy aDd pelce, did not ex .. mpt th.m from oommon, d.tly toil. What· ever spiritual experience, ss a Chrit· ian, • mao might or might not have, be certainly bad, IS a ChristillH, to urn bis bread lod butter, and to help others to eern theirs. St. Pdul is very emphltic about tbis. Whatever his obllgltions and preoccopation8 8S • preacher and a missionary, he iosists on earnlog his own livinl by working at his own trade, that of a teot·maker ; aod he is very severe on p~ople who seem to think thlt, as Chri8tiloe. they Ire excused from aoremitting etf",rt to sop port themeelves-H if 8 man will not work, he shall not eat," II Thes· salonians 3: 10 It is curious to reo flect how loog the tradition sorvlved (the Great W.r d.alt it a heavy blow) that to work with your hands, or to work too bard at anything, is not quit. oon.istent with the dignity of a h gentleman. .. Christianity, on the oth.r hand(.nd it onght to know .ome· thing about " gentle men "), mikes it exceediogly plain that you cannot be a geotleman if you cum't work, and work hlrd too.

I remember, in rowing days. watch iog an old boat.builder at work upon the frail .h.1l of a racing eight. With infinite plios and with the uoerriog skill boro of .. lifetime's experience he hll.ndled his tools; and IS he bent over his work, and the deliclte cedn.wood craft took: shape uoder his hands, tht> Intent look on hi. face and the whole pose of hie body seemed to 8ugge$t • profoand, if uncoDscio03, satishction in what h. WI. doiog. No dOlbt he was sltisfied ; for work, useful work, into whioh a man c""n throw not simply hi •• kill but hi .... .zf, is •• neces .. r, to human natore as fJod and air and love. It is a very deep. down Instinct in min whioh bids him m .... thing. .nd put him.elf into th.ir ma .. ing II Produce 1 Produce t n cries Carlyle in characteristic langoage . . II Were it but the pitifoUest, infioitesimal frac tiOD of a product, produce It in God's name! '. 'ris the utmost thoo hast in thee; out with it th.n. Up I Up I" Creative work is part of life itself; that which is not exprsssed dies. Aod all the good work in the world is done iu ob.dienc. to this In.Unct. Wheth.r it Is boats that you make, or tables, or houses, or clothes, or books, or masic ; whether it is thoughts or words, or ngaree, or speeches, or lectares, or ser. mons; or whether yoor U work" is to assist, It some point, In the vast in. tricate proces8 of sapplying haman need-whatever you make or do for men's bodies or men's min~, the sac cess of the making, as well 8S the joy of it, will d.pend npon yonr putting into it the very beet stoff that is in yoo. Yoar job, plid or oopllid, aeks for the b •• t th.t yoa hove.

Now wor" Ilk. this i •• acr.d. God is ooncerned In it. Wheo a man pats hie highe.t .elf into hi. wor" he pnt. I bit of God into it. rhers ia a real sense in which the Spirit of God "inspires" a good carpenter or engineer, jast a8 He tna,. be said to " inspire" a teacher or writer or preacher. The Hebrews, v.ry e.rly In th.lr hi.tory, got hold of this thonght of God b.ing .. In .. good workmanship. U And M.oses Slid uoto the ohildren of Israel, Bee, the Lord hoth c.n.d by name B ... I •• I the sao of Uri, the 80n of Har, of the tribe of J ndoh ; .nd he filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in nnd.r. standing l and in knowledge, and in aU manner of workmanship; and to devise carions works, to work in gold, and in silYer, and in briss, and in tha­eutUng of stones, to set them, Ind In clrving of wood, to make any msnner of oanning work. And h. h.th put in hi. heart th.t h. may t.acb, both he and Aholilb, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of D1D. Them h.th he illed with wisdom of heart, to work 811 manner of work, of the engraver, and of the conning workman, and of ta. embroiderer, in blue, Ind in pur.

p Ie, ia scarlet, 8nd in fioe linen, and of the weaver, even of them thst do 8ny work, aDO of those th1tt devise canning work. Then wrought Bezaleel aod Aholiab, and every wise beerted maD, in whom the Lord pnt wisdom and understlodiog to know h ow to work an manner of work for the service of the slnctuary, accordio~ to all th~t Ihq L Jrd had oommand," (Exodns 35 : 30 and following).

The man who is learning to look at life lrom the side of Jesus Christ, and to shape his practice Icoordinaly, will find in hi. ddly wor. the first .nd nearest fisld for his Christian experi. mentlng. He will, for Christ's soike come to hate all work thlt is slack and slovenly and mechanical; for Cbrist's sake he will put into his comm{Jn every· day toil the very best creative o. pocity th.t Is in him (and h. "ill be snrpri.ed t<> find how much th.t is). It is .tri .. ing to notice the "ind of " extra" things thoit happen when a hnm,n Iif. fe.ls the toncb of J •• u. Christ. He does so much more than torn the unbeliever into (l chnrch goer; He makes the c~d a gentlemao, tbe ilder a good workman, the ao" cultored person a lover of the beauU fal. I reoall heRring a story of a man who went to visit a clergyman and said he wdnted to be InstrDcted in Christianity. The clergym·n wa. rather so.rprissd and uked what brought his questioner on such In errand. H .. d he been to a religious meeting, or listened to some sermon that impressed him ? No, he said, it w.s nothing of that kind. "Th. truth Is, sir," be said, u It's to do with the foreman of the place where I work. What strikes me is the way he treats us cbaps. and the way he does hi! work, aDd I·ve jost heard that he is • Chrl.ti>n. If he's a Christian, then I'd like to be one, too."

Forther. the man who tries to bring Chrietianity Into hi. work will do that work as 8 service to the community. He will make bricks, or drive a trolley, or mend boots, or work hie farm, or sell Bocks, not principilly for the money he can get thereby, but in ord.r to h.lp snpfly the n •• ds of his f.llow meD. There Is .om.thing wrong with him •• lf or with hi. work unless he C.ln enjoy in his laboors eomething of this sense of usefal purpc89. Hie work shonld be his iI vocation;" that which he is U callsd" to do for the benefit of his f.lIows and the Kiogdom of God. There is a vaet field of homan Ilboar in which a man Cin do bis work for Chri.t and with Chri.t. To the Chri.t· ian, IS be worke, belonR's the intense joy of knowing that all hi. b •• t l.bollI, and the spirit he puts into it, are winning the approvd of the MIster Wor"m80 by hi. side. This deep certainty will sometimes fbsh aoross hi. mind •• nd illn.trate the d.t.il. of hi. daily t.sk. Both work and pl.y take on new zest, Dew savour, when yOQ shsre them with Him, who is the U Uoseen Pllymate," the Friend of all, the Elder Btother of humanity.

If, then, trae work is "service," he who wants to serve his generation will take p.in. to find ont what i. the .",e serviee he caD render, and will try to avoid m.r.ly drifting into .ny job that h.pp.ns to pre.ent itself. If, th(ongh .,dDcation or otber circomstances, he h • any special gift or c'.\paoitles to ofter he will not saffer his area of choic3 to be I ••• wid. th.n the world. He will remember that, generally speakinl. the neei of humin beings,-physioal, mental and spirit pal-is greater in the onchristilnized landB, ' and he will bear this in ,mind in choosing bis "vocation;" and, if he is youog and stroDg, b.e will be speciltlly drawn to tho.. peopl. and pl.c.s where the need is greatest, the life hardest, and the joy of 181 less serYiceJ ,advanturoo. most assured.

1 will olose with a word .. "reli. gioas workers." I dislike the phrase, 8nd only use it is a convenient way to

describe those who spend aU their time and energies in whit is QsoaUy ca.lled " religioos " or "social It work IDd receive a wage for their labours. If the argam.nt of this Irticle is soond, then the cobbler put. tiog his best ekill iota mending shoes and doing it 8S his service to men and to God is doing "Christian work" 8' truly •• the Archbishop of Cop.town. rhe diif"rence between them lies in the amonnt and diffionlty of the •• r· vice rendered.

H ere I will set down one or two consideratioDs whioh as it appelrs to m., onght freqnently to .ngag. tho attention of parsons, p.rish workers, organizers, secretaries of Churoh socie· ties and other people promoting re. ligious work.

Tho first daty of the .. r.ligions worker," IS of every otber worller, is to put hiB best into his work, and to go on doing that all the time. "Ten hilll never to look at the cloci I" Slid Edison, the great inv6ntor, to someone who ..... d him wh.t ad vic. h. ehonld give to a yoong friend just beginning hi. ba.ine •• life. And the diligence mu.t b. an orderly diligenc.. Th. ends of the Kingdom, a£l the purpose of any army, are oat served by bad leadership. The chaos or this parson's writing.t:t.ble, or the slovenlinesB of that eociety's offics, or the fiuancial m.thod. of th.t Churob, mast be enough to make aogels weep-or laugh J For many a religiou! worker the di.cipline of work_dlscipline.s to time, qaality and method_most be s.lf.lmposed i( it i. imposed at aU. And undisciplined wor" is a third. best poor offering to make in sucb a ser· vice.

Bot, seoondly, eystematic industry mn.t .Iw.ys b. r.lated to a Pnrpose. Idleness hos been d.fined a. activity withoot porpose. It is so el9Y to beoome the slave of yoar own indus_ try, the prisoner of yoor own organiza. tion, and to forget th.t the only point of all wor" I. more life. It is a p.th.tic sigh-and a suffioiently frequent sight in the Churohes and reUgious so. oieties to see people wearing them. selves o.t with exacting toil, and all the time they ~ive you the impreseion of being 80 utterly immersed in work­ing the machine as to have quite forgotten what the machin.ry I. for. Spiritual ends demand spiritaal means; they require agents who oan master and not be mastered by the machinery they most use.

There is no aplce here to discuss the many fine qualities which can be and often are bronght to tbi. difficnlt service. Two only willI name. Ooe is the power to work alongside other p.ople che.rfally, pati.ntly, .nd witla a I,mpath.tic loyalty that makes misunderstanding diffiealt and mis. trust impossible. Sows of the gravest obstsoles to the Kingdom '8 pro .. gress, in o.r own land aod in the mis.lon field, ar. to be found In the fact that A caD Qat worlr with B, or B oannot work with C. Is there not something serioasly wrong when that happen.? Onght not I Ohrl.ti.n "" .u,h to be portlonlarfy good It any "ind of wor~ portn.rohip? Many of os aan lohteve that spirit, aDd the expression of it, in games, or io war; why not in the greatest enterprise of .ll? Th. other quality I woald Qamp , IS samet bing without which a man's work-bft he bishop or beH. ringer, clerK or coute, secretary or Booial wor.er_will be, for the .. most part, mere souDd and .fary, sigaifyiag notbing," is-humility "Ob yes, so·and·so : I good fellow, and a fioe worker, bnt beliDoiD, to ,et his h •• d a bit swelled. ADd tbe Pastor of blank: 8. are at leader, wIth statesman­like abilities, but what a pity tbat he is eettiog that sort of self·coascloasoess which in the ead spoils so mao, of them! " How often Is that sort of thiog said, or thought by those who watch .

After all, the ooly point of all fl reli glODS work" is to help people to see


God. But they Cin Dot see Him if their attention is always being diverted 00 to you, .• The ooly way is Christ's way i and it takes a lifetime to learn It· ILast of all and servant of all" .. :Ioot

to be ministered an to but to mioister ... "oat I, but Cbrlst."

• A PRAYER --o Saviour Christ, \Vho didstappear to

Thy disciples while occupied in homely datles, I pray Tbee manifest Thy pre· sence to me in my daily wcrk. May I

ad Tbee in every hour, at every taro· Help me to give myself to DO occupa· tron in which I may Dot seek Tbee. May I abide in Thee, and reap the promise which Is given to [ill who abide In Thy love-the promise that ThoD wilt make my heart Thine iatimate abodo · AYE ...

Teach us, Good Lord, to serve Thee as Thoa deseryest, to give and not coant the cost, to fight Bod Dot beed the wOl1ods, to toil and not seek for rest, to labour and not ask for any reward, save tbat of knowing that we do Thy Will. Through Jesus Cbrlst oor Lord. AWEN.

-Ii. natms Loyola.





VI. Th.M.a .... r.ofth.Sermon (eood) It is well for the preacher to hive I

clocll or a wetch where he can see it daring the delivflry of his sermon. While the cicek doe. not det.rmioe the real length of ths .ermon bot ooly its Ipparent length, it is well for the speaker to train bimseJf in good habits. Eveo though he msy be lift. ting his people into the third heaven by the power of hie spiritoll Ippell, so th.t they do not koow whetb.r thsy are in the body or out of the body, it it well for him to know ho II loog they havs b.en up there 00 th,t high level of feeling. It will be neC"S99fY for them to come down presently so as not to be late for the SuodBY dinner. The mi nist.r therefore had better know what time of day it is, Etven when he is Wf\ QQting up with wings like .n s.gl ••

Fortberroore, hum:!.D nature cant!. tracted IS It Is c~n only stand Buoh rap tUroue exdtatlon for compile. tlvely brief pliriode. It is Wise thereiore for the minister, howeVEr gifted he mey be in ccluiliog oongrega_ tions to ascend to those higher levale of spiritusl feeling, to Dnderstlcd to whit length his sermOD bas already extended, He most be ready at the proper time to bring the people blck to their Iccostomed level wbere with renewed strength they can wl\lk in the way ot duty aod not faint.

If • mao spelk. habitu.lIy with a clock or a watch where he can eee it, he may aleo be trained perhaps to become a bit more cODs::ienti~Qa., thaD many ministers seem to be, toward the other speakers who are to follow them on some extended programs. There are ministers 10 every religioDs eonvention who will spelk lwenty minutes WhE'D they have been asked to ape.k ten: they will take forty mi· natel if twenty has been the 8ssign .. ment.

But wotch the peopls •• well .. the clock. Tb. hood. 00 the clook msy Dot poiot to ths time wbeo you floght to etop, bot if the eyae and the minds of the peopl. lodlcate that tbe •• rmoo might appropriately end just thue, sod It· Tb. Apo.tls Paul hlm.elf lIometimee preaobed too long. He certainly preaohed too long on a oertain night of whioh we have record. U There waB a youog man," the Scrip. ture &a,...-" I yoaog man n rather than one of those deer old Bslnte who h .. iog already heard .noogh of preach. ing to .es them .. fsly tJaroogb, might be pardoned for dOling off-" there W88 I young man named Eotyohos," who went to ale.p aod fsn out of the wiodow aod all bat broke hi. o.el

while Paul was preaching. These things were written, brethren, for our warning I

00 all ordioary ('COOJSiODB a period of twenty five or thirty miootpB 18 ample for aoy sermon. If yoo have relcbed the hearts of your people with your me~83ge. they will be foil I!tt the E'xptratiou of that period. And when they srB full, they Ire foil, Yon could not do anythlog more for them if you held on in the same effective way for another balf hour. You oan therefore closs yoor tlermon with a cleer cooscit:nce ae one who has delivered his sonl aod has profited his people.

The sermon seems shorler where the minister does not stop to prove every· thing, nor to explain everythiog, Jesus never stopped to prove anything. He spoke about God, sod about duty, about prayer, and about redemption, about the kingdom of heaven and the future life, 88 great certlloties. He was so sure of them that H~ made othersBors of them. He did notergue ; He proclai med.

It may be approprii.lte 00 occasion to show thlt onr claims are ~rooodfd 10 moral r eason and that they will stand .11 tb. t .sts aFPlied to tb.m by rigorous, intellectu81 scrutiny. Bot io the maio, it is much b£>tter to assume the great fundamental verities and set them forth with power. Let those great troths out and they will toke care of themselves I They will prove their own validity by certifying them selves in an enlarged and ennobl~d spiritual experience on the part of those who reoeive them.

You cln learn to preach a great deal in a sbort tim.. Tb. p.opl. will f.el tb. length .nd the br •• dtb, tb. b.igbt and tb. depth of some .ugu.t truth as yon put it forth, even though you may not bring out in detail ell of ite rich end varied content. The sense of limitles8 spiritull value Is there in that segment of troth which yoo concisely proclaim even though yoo are leaving a very great deal to the apirita.1 imagination.

I hive preaohed, 8S no doubt every minister has, w hen I did not 8eem to get my proper oonnections made', either perppndicullrly or horilontally. I toiled in rowlog Bnd the wind WIS contrary. I did not get anywhere even though I persevered entirely too long for the comfort of the patient listeoer.. My h.ad f.lt lik. Nosh'. Ark. It w •• m.d. of gopber wood. It was c;)vered with pitch without aod within, rendering it Impervious to all Dew ideas or to any 80rt of inspirltion from on high or from the waiting congregation. I could feel crawling aroand within it all manner of foor footed nntions anti oreeping tbings. Bnt I could not SElt them in any kind of msrching ordpr, to Bay nothing of Closing them to fly in the open hel'v8DB. And I went home that day with. feeHog th.t aft.r .11 I woold better have followed my noble father's example acd have become an honest aod osefal farmer.

Therd have been other days, however, when I did get my connections made, horisontally Ind pupendioailfly. The word of the Lord had free coorse. It ran and was glorified. It C'lme from Him, through me, to the people. And 00 those d.y. I f.1t like tbe Ark of the Covenant. There WIS nothing in me save the two Tablee of the IJlw which Moses put there, and the graoe and truth which oam. by J08U. Chri.t. I was deeply &onSOiOu8 of the fact that I .... sctu.lIy gi.iog to tho •• buogry eoule of my own best and the best of tblt whioh had been given me from above. And 00 those days I went home with • deep, swp.et lIell86 of gratitod. to God that H. had mad. me • pr.loh.r of the Goepel of the Lord J •• 1l8 Cbrlst. •



Proparod by tbo Red Cross Socioty. Re.d tho story of Naam ... lu II

KID, S. 1·14. NoamlD was safforlD' from a ver, terrible disease. God, throu,b His propbot Ellsba, cored him by telliDg him to do a wry slmplo thlDg. "Go and wash ID tho lord ...

seven times I, It was Dot merely what Naamao did

that brought the cure. It was God's wonderful blessing opon the means employed We must never forget that health, and recovery from sickness, are blessings which we owe to God. \Ve oUlbt constaDtly to thank Him for them ·

But we have also to learn that HEALTH DEPENDS UPON OURSELVES. Eveo ",ben wo or. children we caD do many tbings which will belp to keep as well and make us grow up strong. Are tbey bard and difficult things? No. they Bre little easy t!lings whicb, iust becaase they are tittle and easy. people often think are DOt worth doing. That was what Naaman thought until he learned to know better.

Here are a few roles· Sleep witb your window open. \Vash your self every day Clean your teeth before going to bed. Keep your room tidy and clqan. Eat meat once a day if you can get it, but don't drink tea with It. Don't eat too many sweets: they will spoil your appetite for tb~ good food which will strengtben you. Do not stoop. Stand up straight; throw out yoor chest, Bnd breathe tbroogh yoar nose Don't carry playfellows as big as yourself. Don't bother mother to let you stay up late et night· Be temperate in all tblngs; as you grow older don't drink or smoke too much·1t will be better not to do either at all.

Bat, yoa say, all these are sach little things: tbey can't make much dif. ference. That Is just like Naaman (II Kiog 5). If bo bad b.eD told to do some great thing, be would have doae It at once; but as it was a small thing be thought it could not do him any good. People are ;nst the same now. If tbey are ill they are willing to go to hospitals, to undergo opera tions, to do any thiog to get well; bot wboo tbey arolD good bealth they doo't think it wortb wblle to do tbo little tblDgs whleb would often keep lIIaesses away.

Perhaps we shall do well to learn from the Bible story what ODe of the: most important thiD~s is. One of tb. mo,t import.ntla CLEANLINESS. It ia aD important thit someooe ooce said-" Cleanliness is nflxt to God lines8. n Hellth of body depends on cleanlioess of peraoD, clothing, food and Wirer, booses, eir Iud soil. CLEANLINESS OF PERSON-

ThHe are many illoesses whioh people Deed never get if ooly they I would keep themselns clean by Wish. ing every day. There are m.,ny grown people 8nd children in South I Afric. totally blind, maoy of th~m bec ,ose when they were tiny blbies th~ir mothers and nurses thought it soch a little thing t) wAsh 8 baby's eyes that it could not matter m.ch whether it was done or not. Don't you think it did matter, wlieo thfse poor blind people have bad to go throogh life always in the dark­never able to see the world aroond them, not even the faces of thoae they love beat?

And of coarse, it ismost Important to be mORt caleful about how the Wlllter is used. Some time ago there W8S I girl who WIS told by the doctor to w9sh her eore eyes every dilY. Sht! did eo. Bot wblt do yo. thiok b.p pened? Her little brother and

f siBter

in their play used the slme cop, end what was in it to we8h their eye •••. Th.y thought it • fins tbiog to be like their elder sister. And then they, too, got very bad eyes. So you most alw8ys be most careful whit yoo let the littl. 00'. do. CLEANLINl!lSS OF CLOTHING-

Wear cloth .. tbat will waah if you ha .. to do dirty work. Dirty cloth .. are most unhealthy. CLEANLINESS OF FOOD 01; WATER

Do yoa koow that grsat numbe,. of blbies die evary year, jolt beea .... people gl.s them dirty ",ilk, or food in dirty feeding bottlel!l or oupt? Yun en10vs yoor Httle brothers end sutera. It is not much tro.ble to help motb.-r to w8sh up sometime., 80 tblt bib)' cln always hive food in clean thinI'. CLEASLINESS OF HOUSE-

Keep yoor room tidy Ind clelc:

Mother hilS muoh mora to do than you b.... You coold belp her by hkine a little trooble aboot your own room. Keep the windowil cle80, so thlt the son cln shine in Ind kill the can. sumption li:erml! from which so m'lny people Buff!:'r. CLEANLINESS OF AlR-

We all know thlt no ODe can live for mUIY minutes without any air. bot many people forget thlt if we want to keep ~tron~ .od ~ eU, we most have clean Ilf. When we breathe oor bodies take np whet is good, and breathA oot what is of no ose to onr. selves or anyone else. Have yoo ever come from the open air into a room w~th several people in It, where the Window end door hive been sbut for aome time? Bow soor it smells 1 That is bec.Dse the air is dirty.

Keep the windows always open a bit, E'lspecially at nigbt, end the room. wilt ot'lver get liktl that and yoo won't oltch nealy so many colds.

Ar.d then, Intiy, thE-re is a SOrt of cleanliotss which is the meat neees. auy of ell, though people often forget sb( ut it. Health 01 Mind depl<nds on cleanli_ ness of thougbt. Don't read bad books or look at horrid pictores-thne are plenty of nics ODfS to t-e hl:.d. Be pore in tbo111zht, word Ind deed .. There are mu,y people in ouruylomt: n~w, wbo ~rij only thHe heoauas they dId not thlDk thue thiogs mattered ... Ptrhaps no one tvt:r told them.

Remember thlt It is only lIthe )Jure in beart" who "sb.1I SAe Gdd." It ifJ this highest kind of cleanlinE'ss that iSt reqoired If we .re to go to heaven hereafter.

See Rev. xxi, 27-10 There ahall in no wise ent!"r into it 80ything en_ ol.an" (R V.)

Pray God, then, tblt you mlY be lIept clean both in body aDd mind.

Inanda Se:rnlnax.y

CLASSes FOR "z.s Arsl Vur 11II1I.trial C .. tU PI,..t Vur Hlrll 5cllool S.eq.iI Vur Jail •• ul,1 Cornu Seen. Vur lfl/II SetaHI H.Id.,4 V 'dlotlh1.1 leu cr.' Stnell. VI Cearse

ININDA SEMINARY IS The oldest school in Natal for Native girls The school which develops Christian Character The school with large beautiful buildings The school with a trained Native Nurse

and a hospital to care for the health of the students

The school where special Industrial Courses are taught The school which offers Standards V VI VO atld VUI • • The school where Industrial Teachers are trained The school where basket baJJ, volley ball

and many other games are played The school where students enjoy lantern

pictures, debates and concerts The school which provides good whole­

some food The school which provides all students

With sheets, piUow cases and one blanket INANDA SEMINARY IS THB SCHOOL FOR GIRLS

Address applications to:

IThe PrincIpal, Inanda Sem i nary,

Phoenix, N alai


Set. Sot.o Ipllisa kODko okuDokDplllswa. SoU pi lise amawakaemveDi kokaba kook.

okuDye sekuJIDlWe koyl8&"ala.

SET SOTO Amafuta ayi nqab&.

Wabl •• hmnlDI vookllo yuual,. . aplabMI ato rlmbl.

lyimfuneko nwe i SET ROTO

Akako DtO IDOkure .. DjO D,ayo. Akuko Dta IDokuliDlaDiswa oa,o.

Tumela I 2/- nzuzo IQaga oliinol. II

SET SOTO Ku Mr. A. H. Todd, Endhlorinj,

Red Hill, NabJ..



The attention of an oonoerned (i.e. N.tive. and their e.mployer •• like) I. iDvlted to the foot tb.t. nnder the provi.ioD. of the N.hve. Night P ••• e. rdlnlDce. 1902- . . any Native foond in Iny street, p.blie plsef', or thoroughfare wlthm Iny ;area to whioh thi. Ordin.nce .pplie •• between the honro of 9 p .m. and. 8.m. without 9." r :Uen pISS or certifioate from his employer or ~ome pHBoe duly l utbcriled by the town councilor bealthlboard, or in areas where there is no 800h town oounoil or healtb bOlrd tome person &othorhea by the LientenaDt.Governor shall be liable to 8 fiDe notexoetdingten l1ounds, aod in default of payment to imprisonment with or without hard laboar for 8 period not exceedloll three ~onth8. . . Tbe N.tiveo Night P ••• e. Ordin.nce, 1902, .pph~. to the area wltblO the

10031 limits of the jorisdiction of every town. co~octl or health board, B.nd .to any farther area procllimed for such appllcltlon by means of. Dohce In the G.vernmen' GazeI/o. . De tdtion 0/ NatfvlS,-Under th~B Ordinanoe, " Native" .'Doludes every er.on ~elODging to .ny of the IborlglO.1 nces or trlb •• 01 Afnoa .onth of the ~qultor. I nd every person one of whose parents belongs to BOY sooh race or tribe 9S aforeslid . . d It i. heraby notified for geDenl iDformltioD tblt tbe ~ohce h~ve recalve orders to enforcs strictly the provisioDS of the ab?ve OrdmaDce 10 respect of Native womeD, 80d they BDd their employers are mformed that 00 I nd sfter the lot Febuary. 1925. N.tiva womeD ont between the honro of 9 p.m .• nd -4 a.m. within the IrelS specified will be.calle~ upon to prodQo~ • written p~ss or certificate as mentioned above, Ind fall ore ID that respect Will be dealt With scoording to I.w.

1'. G TRUTER. Commissioner of Polioe.

I'retori •• 15th December. 1924. ~===-===~= ISAZISO ESIBUKALI



Ingqondo yabo hODka ebna-bo (obt.ho ~ko: ~b.ntaoDdo nlb.qe.hi babo Dgokal.D.Yo) iI.,lelwa kWlOto yokob •• paDt .. kwemlglqo yo Mteto Wep •• 1 J •• e Bn.ah Itwab.ntenndo. 1902- . . , . Onteoodo nawupioa ofuoyenwe estratenl nlkuylplnl Indawo pakah komzi exelwa nglllo Mteto, emva ko 9 ngokohlwa naplmbi ko 4 ekos8ni engena pasi eHbhalwe ngnmquhi wlke okunye ngl:lmnto onikwe ami­gunya yi klnsele nokuba Ii qamru Ie mpilo Ikanye kwindawo fzingenl­wo Ilml qumru, elibhalwe ngom?tu ogunyuiswe DgO Ralanell,. ~nokn dliwa ishami leponti nanga plntsl engenato aflkwe eotolongwenl Ixeahl lenYloRa ezintato eaebeDu nzima okonye lola. . Umteto Wep .. i I •• e Bo.nkD kw.b.ntBonda. 1902. n.ebeDz. plkab kolanlo lwe kansele ye dolopa nolwe bhodi yempilo, nlyipina eoye indawo evakaliswe Dge 881iao kwi (Jazelu ka Rulumenle. Ukuca::wa Kontslmdu.-PAntsi kwalo Mieio II umatu ontsoodu" kutetwA l1mnta n.wupiaa oblZlli blZiokulellaa ze Afrika ng.a.Do kwe Eqo.lor, oomala alwapiD. obl .. 1 omnye wlbo lyiDltolelan. eDj alo. KDYlZi.wa ke Ipl ogokub.ozi okokabl ,m.poli •• a.ele wafnmeDe um y.lelo wokuqoba Dgcko.bo.ha imiglqo yalo Mlalo ongeDlla malunga Dlm.nklzlnl lotsuadtl IziswlYo wonl Dlblqesbi blwo Dgokwenjenje aka­kuba uko.o.el. al.emva kombla I ko Februlry, 1925, l mlnk •• aDI IDIBODdu Ihamba emn ko 9 ogokuhlwa alplmbi ko 4 ekuBeDi p"k.li kwend.wo eB.yi c.ziwe .,akubizw. ipaai exelw. Dgenlla, I.a oogenayo I qulywa agokomtelo.


P Ielori., 15 ku De.emba, ) 924. 1nkoai· J ikelel. y.mlpolisi.



Ho hopol.O. bohle b. logoang (ke hOIe : Blb.Is'o I. babiri ' ba bona k. bo le'ulD.) hore, ko m.II.1 Molao o. P • • I 1.1 Bo.iu ho Bab.,.·o, 1902-Molbo • mols'o ofe kop. ofe ea fomaDo.ng .elroleDg be I. ba feel. bar' •• eblb Be IDgolng ke MollO 001, bmor'a bora el 9 b pbirima Ie pele bo el 4 klme.o aaen. p.al e Dgot.ueog ke moag·. boe kapl motho e mODg ea nebiloe.g m.tl. ke ·m •• eplla kip. ke kbolla II bophelo, k.pa moo ho.enang 'ml.epalal. 'kbolla I. bophelo e ngolsueog ke molbo ea nebiloeng mall. ke Mogovornoro, 0 lIa .hloloa le.bome la liponlo bp. katl .. e 'me b ••• eD. tefo • ken. 10roDkong hoi. . kbue. ling I.e Ihlro a .ebet.a ka th.11 kopa b. bODolo. 11401.0 o. PaBat •• Boaiu bo Bab.I.·o, 1902, 0 Bebeli.oa b.keng I.ohle tae laoloog e. loropo kepa kholl. I. bophelo, Ie blkeog IBe IiDg feel. I.e boelelilBueog jDllo ko I.ebiso bo Gazetu ea ·Muso. Hiawoo ... M.ta?,..-Molala ho bolelo. molbo emoDg Ie emong oa merabe e. boholobolo ea Afereb all •• e bo Eqallor, Ie molbo ka mong eo emoDg o. bol.alli bl bae ele.g o. merobe eo. Mooa he ho I.ebisoa bohle here m.pole.1 •• e • famaae helo ea bo phe. Ihi .. b matll MollO ODa 00 koholimo m.bapi Ie ba.lli ba bab.Is'o, 'me ba ~bi.o. bona Ie babiri b. bOD. bore bo tlobo Ie amorao bo I. 1 HI.kol., 1925, b ... li b. babat.·o bl bono.Dg kaDlle bmor'l bora el9 b phirima I. pele bo e. 4 boaong bokeag t.e eeog Ii bolelsue b. tIl baOoa lip ... lee hlalo soang bholimo mona, el Beoaag eoaa • Bebelaae a thlll ea molao.


1'ralori., 15 Ta'iloe, 1824. Molloli oa Mlpole.a.

Ot.ukululayo Koko OTUKULULAYO omaye kopela afDDe ev.okUeol ,ako. :: :: :: Kodwa FUNA :: :: ::

Ot.ukululayo ....

Hosanna I L Melkizedek ! II (Xmas).

(Yimbongillazi Nontsizi Mgqwetto.)

Utioln. n.mbl. Knr. namb.nkolu N.mbl. woylslwe ngaye Opezulu Ng.ye u Adamo sibe sll.hllwe Kodwa ke DgO Yesu nambla s lncedlwe

C.m.gn I I YizBDI ke nambll':. ylzani kwa nonke Musaul kUDdweba simeoywakwa sonke Isldlo sorore sis. sliuogli e Ylz.ol k.loko slsldle slplle. Kumeoywa Izhw8 akuko walelwe Uti u HosanDa nlD gezs namkelwe Madods. bafazi, bantwoDa kwa nonke SimeDYw. yl Nkosl kw.s. Zw.nl looke Vizanl bapalwa bunzimB betyaia MahlwemplJ, mllwelwe zlmrama ziQwaia Vizanl nlpurnle badungudeleyo YIZBOI oihDkwe Dga Yesu okoyo.

N.mbl.nie n.mblooje angobl s.nqeD. Nokade I Umema1

' Iwe Nkosl elona IIHosIIDDa" Kuye Owatsbazwa Ii Zulu Gqnm.nl Ngelose Ntslb. Zilobheln.

Islhogo m.sld.oe slpelele Inkwenkwezl Ipnmlle lx'oblie EDgO Yes a mnoDelenl mzokisenl N geDUlzl,o o.m.eulo Mdomlseol

U Hosanna I" Bo 1 Nlke nlcale nenloma yokaocoma Zihlokomo nentomb'ola zldodoma Nize olmboDe ng.mehlo DaDgo Nkolo Nlm.ng.liswo olgnqe n.n~edolo

, Hosanna I" Vuyaoi ke cambia nlcole Dgoyolo Zlvnm' Izltanywa ze Zulo ng.ntsbolo Vuyanl uzelwe D Krestu In kosi Ze agave sikutshwe kumtwalo we Pasl• Ngn M.lkizedek Oog.q.lelangopll N gu Melklzedek OOIl.pelel.Dgapi Amacala Amazwe Wowavelela N amakom kalu azokowBngamela. Iramncwa Eltnxakame DgO Septemba Lls.odl.lola ngezldumbu z.bantu Bemke kw.pel. h.,. kwe y.ke IDdin Namhl. zlDyembozi kwezetu Izlodln

Cama,nnl! I Iot.ndo ke maylcoDde Amazoln lye Kowe N dlovu Edla Pezuln Uknf. kw.bo koo,ahlntl Itemba Sitsalele-kubo N g .... sinetomb.

Camagn II NgubaDi of una akwaz' ubuknlu BaDawe n;e MeDzi wo Mblaba ne Zalu Bunawe OW80Z' Inkwenkwezl 08 Nya.

[Dg. Bunawe oweoza lmlal ne Langa. Kukade kakulu nmhlab' ndallwe Kokade kaknlo Dab.ntn beozlwe Ioene kok.d. ogakumbl kakolo Eblell DO Menzi womhlaba ne Znlu· N gosiba D.m.hlaoje slolaboylkayo Nazezlzlmaoga eslziboOBYO Ziblka ka baotu Udumo 10 MdaU Zlslti u Tlxo maslog.mlib.lI

Hosanna ! ! ! ====

Sitole lenew.dl ibh.lw.: nga Is.ac E. Mampoodo. waso Ad.ms M·S· M.ozlmtotl. ati a N odums. k. J .ph.ta Adams, wase PesltoD Station ema­Xoseni aplwe lDdod6os ngomhla we 17 ka Dec. 1924. Booko .b.mazlyo ma baj.bule.

• • • • Ngokublw. DgO Mvulo kovo leveki

agomhla we 151m Di.emb. 10 kuhle oge meyile y".e Monti 0 Mr. Alex Inder F. G .. ijl ngoku.ela umoya Dokuya kohl.mbl agam.nzi olwandle kwelo I.k... Gompo Djengokub. be.ike .lm.De almbik. ku b.faDdi Dgokunga pili. E.le.bini k .. akuko inko.iazi yake u SiBi ml.N dioTU DO MeBere S. Quadeai, M. L. Seke, J. Guo n.b.nye .baniazi DjeDgokaba ylyi mini yoku k .. ala kaa Mr. DO Mre. 1. Bod. Mbelle olb.aye ukuYI e.Kapa. Simnq .. eDelell akubl.ziyeko empilweni umfo wise mi' KuzeiD 10.


Na uaHohlola? Na Sefuba

sa haa se Bah/aka? Na Matsaafa

a haa a Phela Hantle? IKATAZO

Ke ona moriana 0 bohale ho lela emenlt ka theko ea 21- lebenke­leng la heno kapa u romele 21-


He moriana 00 deng oa hlaho h. babtlls'o.

IKATAZO K. moriana oa •• tuba Z. mat.oalo

o t.uaketsn6 bona babat.· •. 10rSOIli OA BlBITSO EEMI-EEMI ELm Mr. A.H. Todd. Endhlovini.

Red Hill. Natal.

Ngovuyo Iwe Kilesimesi. Mbleli wendaba zabanh undo,- "Camagu"

, Batat.a omaye " Ee Dam odtbe oamblanje ndinobango age (Kaya) labatD.u!wa o~elUe. I.ko IgUl uici ngalo altete ngelwiml ezj­nh ba ngeodaba ezilongileyo EOVOYO oloko)u, oltlyakoba kubo bonice abanta. Koba. lisa­lelwe oamblanje emliai Ita Davido amria.:1isi ongu Krieta 1 Nkoei. Waza watabata ubuntu ebao twini, wabatabatel. kondawo epanhi eagenaubieo emblabeal. Kwavakala aged­q'azolo iakita 70mkoei waeezulwiai imdumi· ea u Tho, ilill : Uzuko ka TUto enyaogwen.i, 0.1:010 embl.beni, okolo ebaatwiai ' Ewe oyamt aki! . wona umkosi GIOWOle r:olwinJ o,.ablanjwayo ogegni lake. Ewe o.l:olo embl.beoi lw.fika. Umbozo ekaluneka ri­ciboze ngalo I Uxolo I.konana emblabeni eban t wini ,! ouaye ull:olo loltonana eban twi· oi '! Ngoko yakaba eeyifikile lomini eym­a"'a siaitool'wa zaae zulwini It Abant.o " . {yitabate ngolopio .. okolo mblawombr 0.1:0-10 ebGotwin1 1 MI.-Afrika iDpabano lipo. ma pina ebantwiDi ogemiol yovol'o Iwe Kilesimesi ? lzimpl zipoma plna ebaot.wini nr emioi yovoyo Iwe Kilelimeei ! Lupalazwa ngaoiaa Igad ebaotw'ni nsemiai yovol'o lwe Kilesimesi ! vetisaot oSoll:o Iziqamo eciyUa.neleyo iD goquko ! " Mosa ulcorexeza, mos.. ukubulaIa. mula. akoba, ma .. 011:0.' ngqin .. abongqina bobo.l:oki, beka nylhlo nooyoll:o, zooko iDnto onazo t eogiaa ogaz9 wabele amahlwempo woba oobot.yebi ezo, lwini. yin ko uditandele."

Sizwe eakoweta, lamazwi alongile afelena tntombi Donyaoa belli.we ,oknzalwa kwam., akoze yeoa 10 ko tetwa ns.':'aye mbla es.iza okwesibioi elizweni afomane linayo i oUe ezibaneoi zeta. ngamnye.-Amen .

O. N. Bm DIa, Winborg.

MonDA-oa oa II tseha kotsi tsa bo llohella serame. Serame se is. bo ra.rubeog ba ma· ts'oafo Ie ma.co a maogsta. Lemoba ere ka u 'uao la bo qala II serame a nice motbamo kap. e ·meli. Sa Wood Seblare se Sebolo sa Poporomeote ba se seblare se ts'ollleueog hob a sio lekeseog la libbre tsa otlo. Se reklsoa ke batsoaki Ie mabeokele bob Ie.

• Llpasa lsa Basali. S.chabl .e til m .... I. It.ofela ho

1lUn. hore 'Maso oa Kopano, lalmorlo ho n.lto e telele ba •• 1i b. batho b. ba. ta·o b. lokolobile ho jlreng lipa.a jOllokl banD?, monl Traosva.l k8jeno Goromente 0 eDtse tsebiso e8 hore ho tloh. h b} HI.kol. i.ao (Febr.ary, 1925) mapole •• a t.·oare mo.et •• ol ofe kapi ofe oa motho a mot&'o ea t la tea­mae. morao ho hor. ea 9 Ita phirima­no Ie I'ele ho hora e. 4 ho..... Ba tla lumelloa ho taamlea ka lihora teeo ebe b. nlng Je lipa .. feela b.elli. jo.loka batho ba b.tona.

H. ho pel •• lo re h tolok. t.b, eDa 11. hore ·Mn.o h. 0 khoteo hore ba b • • ta'o ba lule ba 88 atae moferefera k. nako e telale, hobane mali a 89 I kile a ta'olobl ho teekoA tlba ana bannangt 'me ts·episo ea eba teng el hare molao 01 plea 0 til noiofatsul hoeoa Ie ka­moo b. bat.·o b.n.og k. OODa llateng. KojeDo b.keng •• ho Dolol.t •• mollo 00 blnneng, 0 pallmisoa b8eali ; tlbl eo e III teo.a moe. lipeloDg tee lutaevg Ii atee Ii tlelleb •.

• OmoD, foela OTUKULULAYO 00 teo I n baUe lebeollelonl la heoo. :: :: :: Empa BATLA :: :: ::



~~~~~ ~~

lsa Matsieng. (K8 MongolII oa Rona. )

---1\:8 1& 11 Ts'itoe 1924 MoreDa.e­

mobolo a ile a etsa taelo e matla es molaa OB Basotbo 08 kbale ea fa ba a bailie mobala 08 Morena LepolesQ Letsie 0 reDg Mr. MojatboBDB Sekoai a baDB ho bJtsoa ke MoreDa e moholo ka bore 0 ea kula emp' aotse 8 lema, MoreDB e·mobolo a laBia bore a bltsoe ka bo kbanaa IIkhoDlo tsa bae; hathe hona tsatsiog leo a tbeohlle baa a fa­poaa Ie mobala toeleDg a fihla ho MoreDo e moholo a mpa a fiblel. I. baqooi ba h •• b. Ie sio ; 0 bile abo. elo hoe. J uole re leboba Moreoa e. moholo hi • Ita sebeli81 molao 00 01 bo bitsa ba baoaDg lipitoo ka ho kha. DOl likbomo lsa bona boslolna bo tla feel. ho b.ikhaolo'i. Hape ka I. 10 a ile I bitse's. Moreoa R"wlk'lro M. Peete ho eenl • fa 0 utloa hore 0 tlohela boreaa ebe 0 aloe a malhela likookolieDg a be. phi rime loa leng a roabaleloe leog bo bil. b.eba moa mobil reieiei e 'ogoe • Ie leog har'. nta. eo. Moreoa .. ma kb.lemel. k. mstl. I mabolo I ma elelsi k. tbata bore a hllpele mots'choag. Mo. reoa Ramlkoro a labohl keletso eo .. re 0 blltile Lekhotll la mo lebo· bell. Ho .sa aba aBe a qosoa ke molho 00 baa Thuso I re 0 ile a mojl kbomo el hie feelo, 'ma a Iloloa ka pelo a a bulell olkeng la moreD., kimono bl I sa a kbuU. ho Moreaa emobolo a IBOI bolela bore Moreaa o. h.e 0 re.. 88 Ita .. lema D:tsimo a b.a ha a qal. bo komll a maDg. tie I " fole" • tlohe hi bae. Morenl

mmolae.. ]~rlle ga a Ulloa mekgcf!i ea ba boblalc ba bohlabela •• b. " romel. gora banol biOI b. Uiaoe go eeDa. GI b. fiblila pele gogoe 0 ile are ler , ga Ie fuwaoe ogoloale tie Ie ntsebiee gob. De Ie DDa ke rita go IDO

kgumlmela. Empi blona bin. gl ba aka ba diu ju.lo. Gomme g. Herodo a booo gobloe 0 palelsoa ke go famloa loall ea go bolaaa J •• 0

eab. 0 1.el. gore biOI b. blsbimane bohla lefolob,ag la Jodi ba bollo,. Empa ka IIel0 ea Legodimo J osd. Ie M.rla b. ite ba Dka ngoaul b. mo is. Afrika mo a ileng a fuman, tshire latoo gohlae A lriko ke leialeba 1& kgotso, lera 0 Ie WOSI.




e maholo I laela hore moreDI eo a ablole lilaba ka mol.o ke b. as • • ra o ablolse Tbuso kbomo tea 3 ; elba I> ~all Boipilelso. J a.le lekbOII. la Mor~Hl ~ 1Il01l010 la {ul!!ag~ Qlor~na eo • la motalo I_ mliona a ha_ a mabeli ~. Lefeela I_ L,bonl hobaoe ba ile b. re tIlofeal 01 booa 0 Depila hi a jele Thaso khomo eo.

Hlpa ka la 15 'f.'iloe L.kbolleng II Likbo_le ho ila hi ablo!o. Pule Ita bo hoaa bo bitsoa kholl. a Iblolol khomo k. mollo oa 19 eab. mobllo , kaDa eo 0 kopl boipilelso boo eaog ho Moreol e mobolo. Re lIaka ra bODe bore h. ele moo .Iolote', mollo o lIa elsoa jalag. Hape ra ilbala hora balho ba b.og ba oka apila ~ora bl ba rala ha likhomo I.a boo a h ka jeoa kalakboll. la blbo ba rala ha Ii ea ho Moreno e mobelo feell.

Etsa hore ebe molao 01 otlo ea haa bo bolob Chamberlain's Colic aDd Diarrhoea Romedy e Ie qbalisi mllokl Ie kbatbl180 Isa mala. Sa .akisoa hohle.

• Moketa oa Keresemesa.

(Ie MosupHsela).

Chalimeho la SelIma. Ua ,r esa a godile ebila Heroda a

eho c· le Josefa la Mari. ba il. bl kgallisels. Je.u gl. M.juda aile

a Ihabela go u,la. go kgalla g. go Selemo oa khale .a se se la h.ufi goe gob.ne a ne • gC'tpO\Sf:I gore 0 tia Ie bo re sia 'me re ken. bo se seeba. a lokolla di,lomcDg Iseo I u.og a Cb.lim.bo eko hoj'De Soutn Afereka Ie go Isoo. h tl •• c gl puso ea Ba e Ilaba Ie Dlko a belera baholo b • . Rom.. Empa. ilo ga a ollu' • rua keng SI tal bopbelo, hobane Ie hc.ja ke se'so.lela Ie segoefa glfe ga M. mafo. uduabala k. kbutloaDI tao jada la B.dicbab., g •• gona go b. bl_ I boholi.IDg a seoa Ie amlng, lokoll. opogofeog eo ba Deog b. e empa selemoDg .eaa re filoe lipula ho leia go mmaso 01 Rom., elb •• Ibo· Ilob. k. kbueli ea Loels. bo Ilisa ma go mo bloe. Ie go mo oyefola. jaalaljeaa. Lipul. Ii Ha t.a bloka. Are g .. a eeal ea p rofililoeog k. b.la oqa Isa liog, blholo bo 1a Kolooe Isaia la bo Jeremia. ho aa Isuapalla ho la ba Beleboi

Seo lesu B neng a se tletse lefats'eng empa Ie bona ba se b. Ii filoe 'me ene a s. go oga borea. ba Mojuda k.p. naba aa phlkisa bo khableba boo Is'e go thabo boroDa ba B. Rom.; eoo .Ia po eleDg leDgjuale .. hota balho ba go oga horeaa ha lehollmo ka gara g. lIa phel. la I.. ISlmleaag loa sa pelo tsa botho ; go tbuha lerako la hlo· sal.eog. aakeag Sl mesebeloi Ie eana gare ga Majuda Ie Badichaba; eonA e ile ea tsokutleha haholo, emp. go ledis> kgatollo ea ba lokolaag ke b ' baa ba Dang Ie matla matsahang a joale tjeDa liraporoto Ii Dots a ts 'e. bona· Jesu a be a tletse go ruta batha po e. hore ho tl.ba bet ere, mosebetsi ba lefats'e gore ke baos b. Modimo a til anel. batho, 'me he ka tsell eo kab.ka leo ba IsbuaDelse go pbela ko bopbelo bo ba leog. Ha re Is'epeog kUlloono la leralo ka boo. bore boima Ie litsukollebo

Vekeog eoo g. ra aya mokele oa Iseo re bileDg Ie toooa Ii fela la oela. Kereeemoee re tsbuanetee go ipotsa mo s. khale, Ie hare ho kenl hi ga.k.ba roal ra v,lai.is. oeo J.sa selemo oe sech. ho ra Ilelala bopbelo a ilaag I se Ileia moo. lefat,beDg Ie ho bocha Ie kaUebo aacb. la mlblo. 110. ileog a sa sbuela selopaooag I bODoloa mlcba. A hokehobejallo. Ihlbeog ea Q"logota. Go leog kgo. • pole e Ilhlegis.ug gar. g. srchab. •• rooa. Go teDg hatbo PI gopollog gore Keresemoae ke taatsi leo k.lona b. ka bohe.ng bltbo ba baDg, ba ka eloaDg olbo I.a mpa Ita bo ilb.lela gose ea k. b. kgllemelaog. Ba ba. Dgall b. gopola gora Is.l" la K"e' eemese ~e ie.tei I. dioto.. Gaogata kea ke allue mOlbo are: Ke lIa go 10kis2l ka Keresemeee." Ntbo eoa e sopa g(l,e batho ba bangatll ga ba 'sebe 8(;;0 Keresemese eleog 80D., G. re kgDllel. mongo ko .kgopolo I .. rODa tsatsing leo J eeu a lIeng • tauII' loa ka 100. mo'sineng oa Bethlehem re utlaalealoui Ie bl'goDg legodimoDg lere: " KgOlSO ,ebe lei.taheDg go mme batbo 'ba ltaogeloe." K. b.ak. leo tsa'ei la Keresemese ke teatsl I. kgoloo Ie kgaagelo e. bllho. eseDg Is.loi la polao el balho la dID loa.

Ke tgolo I gore ka Ker, serosae ena rs Lis leka go itshaan Y011ek. batho ga 010 gs re gopals seo re lang sona k~ tll8e ga POBO es Mak~oos Ka fon8 Ke. resfmesi ena go hlaglle tselo ee baa b~

Bohale ba Maru. --

Re ne re se re its'epiea ka hore

ra bosang gore rona gamogo Ie bu d. Vekeng eDa ditsbipi tsa tb,bo di ba sach.btl el rooa re tla ba ka Uasega

na metseog Ie metsaoeDg In goble Ie· mollo 01 dip.ea. Taba tsana ra tshua. tatsbeDg Ie tSDelopele ea Bakereaeta; netae go dl gopola ga re eya lookete gobaoe ke mateu_lo a Mereoa J eso, o. Kert-semeas. Re gopola sea re otle. Kgoli ea kgOlso la poloko, eo ba boo 10lDg soaa yaolaka .E.habo. Go ba. bille ba bohl,bel. ba i1eng bl banI tlpga gore mona Keresemeseng er.. re

o_ledi ea gloe sep.kapa eng a_ ego - gore re ithat~ go rateDa Ie go 1I:0psns

lipola tea monooguah. ebile tee mo Dale k.b. baesale Ii qala ko kbueli ea Loetse emp. ba aeke hlODa b. ullua· h.l. liab. loa lelolo t.e a'i.aDg hob~ I teng MODI Ie meaoe ebe teog, kotsl 11 ile 'sann. tsa udu,hala emp& eseog jaaloka mebl. ba pala Ii eaa. Ka

beke e felileDg Ie ila la Iboatboarelsl ho boac bo phukbbmooa ekaDg _ 's'e· loa ka ftki boJimo Gavdeog mooa mo. ts'eue, Ie beny .. Ie qblqbaretsa ba. mpempa hoo bHeDg ho pbatlol.Dg hlooho meno abe a lometee; Ie teng ha reaka ra utlualetho tSltsing leo. J uale k' SondiJhll S8 fetileDg aa. la 21 Te'itoe mot-s'eare, e He ea bo!:la e. phukhoOlaoa 'm~ 'mane oa otla DtiO el lethooa bluB. Ie llompOD.d ea Mohlamari, mong'. ntlo ale sio ale moaebetsing empa mofama hili I 1. toog a hlll.o otsa 8 Ie bolDta ; batho b. b'loa oUo .e 8e e apareloa Ie khanare ea malallabe ka bo hotela ba lIkhuele taa motlabtea 00 booesang; Cbe bo He ha pballoa ea tingo., Ie. 'DOl eo. pht.llieeteoa sepatala kshs a tie a otlaoa ke ho te'oba. KaDtie bo moo ho hoo hl.h. kots; moth ~Og. eb.a boela pula res e leboha leboja e teamaea Ie taona likanono jUlio. k I hlahloba botbo b. rODa: go ballega

dimo. Makgooi aa thabo eo re a yaaleke seohabl. Go ballegl gora ailuang e tabuaoa Ie mekgosi e ileng baetapE'lle bs seobabl SI rooa ba rltane ea otloagala gare ge metee Ie metsana ba atlasne gomms ba lI:opane re aka. ea lelatehe la ga J oda mengoageng meteoe lie lera Ie letsbo Is metlo e e aekete Ie makgolo a robileog mono mabe. Go baUeg. gora re tho me bo. ole mong Ie ooa80ooe • .mabedi a me· phelo bo boob., 11:. moea a mooh.­tao e meDe e letileng. Majud •• na moea O! kotlasoo Ie kgoteo gare ga a 'babile gobane I De a gopola gOle eeobaba 88 :r=on=8,;'===== go Isoaloa ga J eso ka malhomo a =

Phediso ea bokgoba ba 000 .... lIaoe Ka SODdaha se leW eD, batho ba gl puso e. B_rom.. ibaeleng ka likotsl tsa ka booooo Ie tse

Gaele B.roma bona bl ne ba Sf;! se IIDg ba bile bahlano ka oguaDB eo re . buang koraoteog eDa ka bo batoa ha

ba th.ba ; ba De ba teene ke pOlio e. hae ke 'matokara ka Ts'o9.oe. Ba babeli gore J eeu 0 Uetse go tbub. boreDa Ie boblsDODg bODa, ebUe makbooa a baoDba. maaila a sech.b_ ea 0001. a DoeleDr chefo bo ipolaea, bobell

Tab. di be di eme ka eebopego OODa aeDa Ie basali Ie bana. B.arali ba sena ga J 8ao a 'snaloa. Ke moo ra babeli ba motba booa ba Doetse ka kotsl. famlDaDg Harodl, Mo· Rom. aa DeDg I N aekaba botho bo loblsa k.e ba mI' a ba .. I_falobe II Majaal, I ball. go hleDg aDa!

Mora Oa bobeli oa Moraua George oa Eogallae ea hlahl.maog moj.lef. I. boreo. ea'tla etel. baDo iSla ba ogu.h. 0 robl, 0 fiayelalsa Afereka e ... Bochabala'" Maadlbl booa be. keDg aaa Ie mofumabali oa bae tDaka la Ducbess of York) kl cbakelo. Molsa 00 sakepa sa fiblelaD!!' bo oooa o oso 0 ile oa kbabisoa b hfollg.o la ... Isela Isoble bo amobell boelt ba boren.. Litokiso Ii se Ii entsue ts_ eo oguan'. mOlenl bo booaDa Ie sechabl ea babats'o bare bare bo nlha eo Ie ho kopaoa la lakhotla bp. per.meota ea bona ha • otse. &samaea I tsoma le ho ,haDy"lib.loDa bo i,b.bi... Pal. Ie kholso.

UMARUSHULA 1mbiza yo HLANGA egqlta zoake. lkopa Inyongo, tblamba ig&zl oesisa, 1geqll i.zile "tooke. Il:abiso JebokisJ 1/9, Eziotata 4/9.

EZintaodato ngepesi 9/', 018.10 .. -_ UMTIYALUSI: Elesiloba, 10 Koblekoblc lenyani. Xa Glomela ipeoi ez.imbiol sUomela. iaampola yalo. IxSbiso 2 /6 . ogepos! 3/-

Elikolo 4/6, ngeposl 5/6 .--_ -TUWEL. ILETA VA-EO UBIZE UUPEU



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Ha ho batleho CASTOR OlL kapa moriana ofe 0 tsolhsang bore 0 sebelisoe Ie


Ona oa liboko!Sa mala 0 loke­tse batho ba baholo hammoho Ie bana me ma9ea a 0 rata.

Haeba moriana onaoa HART .. LEY 0 Ie 9ieo levenkeleng laheno o naog Ie se1'Soantso sa tlou botl. oloog, u seke oa nka mofuta 0 mong u romele chelete 1/6 kapo· soho

Mr. A. H. TODD, Mokemise, Endhlovini, RED HILL, NATAL. Ha u reka moriana 0 bone hore

botloto e na Ie setsoant9o sa tlou


lea Phailal " Ngoan'a Ba lIeng 0 Bhoela th.·

:ting "_ke pUD e. bontato-moholo eo,-ke lela leo ba re siotsBng lonl, 'mo lei. ba U S& Ie aobeliee k. ta'oa nelo Ie ee Ie phlkiBe Ie a 1I0bele-u lebelse ke "molikallli.o. kebolell " lin.ko tsona lia taemaea. Maq heku are ke bachl, bocba ba re ke mlqbe. ko, Mesebetsi, metsamlo, lipoo, Ii. ketso, cha1imo esita Ie eon a merapelo ea rona ho fereklne, h. kbutsoln6 Dka re ho fopakaue (ke omtlilara) )oalekahl Bebai Be seog Lekbolleng la Secblb., Lesotbo se ile BI ba. pisa Iitaba ka mofolo 00 joalo. 0 ea itbelBI el Dahlnlog bore ekoba ho teng boo molemo boo sebelBolog ke "schaba.a heBo Be Bels'o, ho \Ioha ho .ea leDg kfifiDg bo ea ho el leDg Beka· leBeling, ke mofereka feel a-Ii oele " mpherefere, " blttlDg b. tsebaog.

.Ea rulang 0 rata sechaba Beo Ie eena !3e mo sitang ho Be etsl, athe molaa ore, fielaQloDy.ko oa ntlo ea hlo pele u ntoo e1etsa moh.tDo hare a fiele mo. Dy.ko oa ntlo ea hae-hllloBO el puo eo ke ena : " etBa oa beD a jOllekabl le uena u ka rata hore ho ka elBoo ho neDa." Eseng hare Ie bao bl reng ke bo " MOBupa.TBela" elbe ba Ba· piBI .echaba ba furallelBe-ka puo ea moblomphebi PhlBumane. EI leog lefiliDg a rata ba leDg lefifing bore blna ba leog seka leBeliDg ke babolai l e barekiBi bl Becb.be empa a BI re lelho h mehllbelo Ie melBolko ena eo a e etBaDg ka Belemo Be Beng Ie Be seng kl bo 10kotBa lena De I.. secha. b. t Ha u na Ie ponto bjeno eab. :n noa Bbeleng he peli bOBeBane ba. ..,Bale ponto. N .ko eo re leDg bo .. ana joale Ijeo. ba Be ea ho pota, ke nlka ea hare re bue 'nete. BonIng, <e kblobane kolo tBe peli em pa re Ie "echabo Be Ie Beog, b. bang ke mo· jlkane-k.e hare ba {eloloDg bnbe. bolle; bl b.ng ke lika.lifofu-ke hore ba ikelslog eka ho ba bone empa ba bODa; leela 'nele ke bore koto IBeDI tBe peli ha Ii tBebe moo Ii teng teng, Ii bloka kolluiBiBo Ie bae· 1etsi b. 'nete ; lika.lifofu Ii re Ii Bile meblaleng eo bonlale.mobolo empe Is'ea bl reli bODe baeBe mepboso Ie mlBolenkl eleog ntho IBa Bojakane, mljakane ooaa ha itBebe hoo hang moo a leng teng. Boiml, bofolBaDI, bohlanka Ie mlblomola.pclo aOI re leog bo oooa ke ka bah la bob.ne re kbelohile 'mila oa 'nele, re De hie rl fapoha qaloDg ra .eke ra nko bolu· meli ka Is'olDelo, ro felola boble hoa Tona thoblko esitl Ie OODa marena I rODa kelr,a hoo kajeoo re leog Ijeol, 'me sechab. Be ileng sa re ha se t)osa leota .1 pb.hlmiBa 010 la Dqele UOI. lekl rona) Ba Beke Ba elellol molao 0 reng: "bolumeli ba Be ho felisa meello ea Bechaba empa ele yo eDtll. fatsa " kamehla se ee ee fetobe ma. jakane. BabeBo, re j.kile-re b.jlki tumelong eoa eo re leng ho eona, tu­melo ha Be hare e mote'o a Ilhle se. hahabo a kblmarele aa mo·lichaba -empa ere e mate'o a nUafatse ee. hlhabo 'me mo·lichaba Ie eena a elBe i Ollo, hoo batloang ke lamelo, ke hore Iicbaba Ii phele b kbotso lefalB'eog. NtlalatBa Dtlo "a blo pele a DtOO "Ielsa molBuall~ oa baa hare a nlla· faloe eo bae; eBeol! hare a belelse 1Itlo ea bae a ntoo e baha joaleka ea :bao, cbe e joolo Inmelo b. ' e'Bo be toog. Re blhilo. lefals'eng mona ' me boo ballebaDg ke hare re indda. 48e. Empa b .... bab I. bojakane (olola oqel.) bo joaog bjeno? Re felobU. bapoti, re pota ele 'Dete. Ke ... baka la hoj_kaoe bona re leDg bo bona kljeDo re seag re enl Ie mljoala a meiula·fula. UlluaDg, kajeDo re h10lilDa ka bore mollo 00 pbelbiloeog Lekbolleog I. Secb_bl, Lesotbo, eleog oa tbibelo el joala, ke molao 00 tla bolaea Becbaba Ba MoaboeBhoe, • Ielloong be, hare re majakane • 'Dele re tlohela bo lalalaba qllong aa eona re Be re e khaolela hau.fiDyaDe .monl, re l1a ka hore hona ke polao ea

bona bo Mo.hoe.hoe empa re a. ele' 110e hare bona b. Mo.hoeahoe (ke hare .ech.ba.e set.'o k. tl.lo) moo .e lebiBo.ng teog mebleog ena ke boo jaklneng 'me ene eae moo moog', 800a I neng • hopotse hore se lebisoe teog kaba a na Ba re bo feli.oe mobele, feel a a ntl.folsoe. Kaofel. rea tBeba bore boj_kane keog. Haeba le.a IBebe, utloaog he, boj_kaoe ke bo pot., bl hothoe .echabl .ena ke m.jakaoe ho eabe hothoe ke Becbaba Be BI Dkeog hantle. Se makale, hi bo hlaloso enngue, ke pbetbo tu. Nkoog "U mtetel." 00 I. 20 Ts'ito(>, Ie bale tab, tSI mODoa oa TeYlteyoneDg ka "Tbibolo ea J oala" 'me Ie niJbaiosetse hore na 0 reng. Le boele Ie bile tBO Ficka· burg ka "Ho hlabl h •• 0 ho uta 0." klmoo • re pbetetaeog kaleog k. babloDkana ba baDe ba DI.uitBeDg nko e. leboro 'me bo ba ba Ibloloa empl lebl bo Ie joolo mohlompbebi enOla .aols.oe I botaa bore ho b1.ba bl Be ho utBua DI? Utlulog ts. manoa 0& Kap. ka "Khoromente 0. rani" 'me Ie ntlb.loseie8 hore na elell moh.tiBi a ka hanel. maD go . 10 able bo b1lh. p"mpiriDg empa a BeDa Bepha? H. khatB'olDe nkare balaDg "Umleleli" o. 13 ka "0 RODgoa ke maDg?" 'me Ie bolele bore na hoo ko boo reng, hoba k .. botsl joalo ke Ie Bolbo Ba lekbolla leo, Ie ea qetileDg litab. ke " Moogolli oa t81 Maisieog' I'. k. bore: " leboj I blloloj ba ileng ba )olnl reisisiog 8' Sasotho, 'maselra',. He a fumlDI ba barno ho boo a ba aeDa mala to ka blka la ho bloklhall ba bopaki bo hloekileng empa ka SebeoaDa bl kabe ba ts'oeroe boble ha ba ne ba bonae joalo bl hlobotBe," boo ke bore leba boplki bo Ba b10eka emp. ka BehaeBo bl mollto. Ekaba joale Ie Ba ballang batho bo beBo, b.ele moo b.ngoli bae ba bolela Beo re leog Bona, ek.b. re tla iphetola lifofa bofihlela neDg? H. re batleng IBeia nlko e Ba Ie teDg.


~== Chlmberlain'B Colic and Diarrboea

Remedy 0 topisitse mahloba Ie mi' bloko a msngata babolo, . me a pbeli. Bilse ba bangoto ho feta moriana ofe kapo ofe 00 BebeliBoang. 0 rekiBoa boble.

• lifofana Hape.

RB satsaa hoeletsa mekhoa emebe e etsaang ke mabeoana mona sekbooeng, baholo mona Gaudeng moo bo leog teog turopa tse ipitsang I, lifofane Of 'me tse seog Ii sa sebetse, tse tsamaeaog 11 ratla ka liphablo tS!l. makbooa, Kajeno 90 booa Dyeoe ea mohlaDkona ea foma­ooeog ke lepolesa Ia lekbooa a II fofa Of

ka pholo tse 'ne tsa mopolasi. Ha lepolesa Ie re mohaeso a erne, a nga­oyola empa ba bonahala hore mopboso oa mo sitlsB, a tSOB ntjeag, ka 'Mans· kasl, ea tlosBaa lepotnpata, ao baase a bloleha kaba a kopane Ie mor'ora 00 tloaetseng boja Saole a ts'elabaoya Iipbula 10 likhohlo; baaso a khutla a polama se\bothuthu a 000 jahoUa ho ea leralleog moo sefofsoe se ileag sa Ikabela qhalisi ka mokarntlane a fose motbo ka makakaoe mohlankBoa ab's qhoeloe ke leleta. Ba mo lositse moo Ie bODa ba se ba mo konopa ka oona majoo ba DOOg ba phaletso 10 boase ba bats'o, oa beso a tsoa a Ie tlpatipB a hopo1. raliaDa Ie pejaas, a tSlmae a kaelema a fosa motho ka ts'etlo ere ha o DyoUa lohlabatho fats' e Ie tlalo ka haDoDg ha matba, kuankaeUa seaa sooa se tsaele pele. ehe Qeteilong ba bile ba se hlala sa ts'aarol, 'me taba tsa ho 'fofa' ha hao kalipholo 180 polasl Usa romotsuo ho ba mafatla.

Lekbuabla eitse Ie paJame 'motokara ka mona ka TstuBoe Is bonoa ke baoB b. Basotbo bantse bo bapala tsolong • ba basaa8 bo sotbela firlbaea eo· Emong a te naksnaka "motokara oso ole baufi eaba oa mo thula oB'malaM. Ko losltsl leo baheso •

Mabele ~hunoana ea Ralitlhak:'U ~=:A~. H~. T~OD~D~. L::IM1~T:ED:. :::::; Thablsa lihoho.

MohatiBi,- Aka mphe a.baka po. mpiriog ea blo mooghali, eteoe '01 ntja ea Peete ha ke u kh .ith i tee hI halo. Ke 'oete hare kheleke hangata leha eka bua joaog Ie joang kspa b.I. lele puoog el eona, nql eogoe e totSI phoao. K. tael. e 'ogoe mtltho ea buang bj­halo hue hangata mlntaoe 10 a a bu­ang kaofelll eblng 'nete h!&f>ss. 'ne a tao.ke. Mouongoah. to Khotleng la Seohaba aa L Botho ho builoe h.holo aa thekieo el khIlDollna·ea.ralitlbal u. Lltbo tse liog Ii boile to motla bo emela tbtkiso. Ke lekotee h.lDgata puo tea t80nl hare ke bat1isise hantle hare ke fa mane 'oete 6a manteoe ti bOOB, empa ke flmaoe hare ba re bl buel1. aechoba, ke hlntle ha ba buella Bochaba. Emp. aech.ba BO batla ba· nna bl booang moroeroe 0 elle hole, ba uooang ntbo eBo1e leroothong. Ntl. ho botaboa ha ho letha Ie rong blra joala to molemo ho BaBotho ha bo rokiaoa. Lin tho Ii peli feela ho joala b. ho Uoheloa bokheleke, ke 000'0000 08 oako eo h' bo rekisoa Ie ts'eoyebo e. sechlba ha thekieo e lomeletsoe. Nkabe ke Ie emong ea tlatB.nang Ie bool haebl molao a 00 a re hoo hlng feela molho a Beke a ithiteUa tlung ba hae. JOBle ha ho joalo, bo hlnoa the· Ideo, hob.ne ke eooa enl 0 reog blnDa Ie baelli ba tumaele maksnti. MODOI I tlabele ho lema, moeali I tlohele mo. eebet.i 08 ntlo Ie ho holiss bana ka tee-10 e ratolng 1<e Molimo. Blbali Ie tla nts'oa.rel1 haeba ha kea utloa h~ntle b.keng Ba tbibelo eo makanti. feell ha ke eso ho utloe moo bothoeng motho a Beke a hlola _ ithitella t1ung ha hAe. Ke bua ke tssba bantle bore Ie eena MoeJli oa Batho a tiats8co Ie bl reng jOlta bo rekieoe. Ke eena a kileol a £.taka a khokolotBa mltlakala a Kop •. Dong a re Bleotho h' ba el lemobe ba U.ba joalo. Ko itomela haholo hobane baofioyane ho sa tsulba Ie kopano e kholo ea baromaoa b" tsoaog lintlheog teohle tSI 'M oeo oa Kopaoo, pel'. 'Maelli oa Batbo, kel kheloa 0 aUoile kamoo blnna ba neng ba bua bakeng sa thibolo ea .. thablsa·llboho·" Ba' ball nkutloeng hantle, Lesotho ha hole joalo he ha ho thlbeloo joala ho tbibeloa theklso feela, motbo a ka Ithltella tlung ba hoo a iooella Ie metsualle Ie bo fobe ba bae kantle bo thekiso. Ke son a sea mora Mokbachao8 a oeDg a se etsa me­bleag ea hae, ba ho daba Ie Lesotho fats'e Ia bo ntat'a rona, banna thekiso e ne ele sio hoo hang ka 'Ma· Peete, Ie Masupba a shoele a tseba joalo, rona Ie 'Mnelli re boa re Ie 'Musonl oa KapaDo be hole joalo rona bobeli re tseba hantle sea batho ba 'Musong aDa be leDg sana· Le eenB oa tseba bore boja batho ba lamelloa bo itbitella matlang a bona joaloka ha bo etsoa tee Ie kofi ho kabe bo S8 tjena, Ie makbooa a kabe a s ena selope senil seo a ts'oasang bo·RaDts'o ka sona-'MDelli a kabe a reklsa po· nts'eog. Feela ba reag boja Morena Moshoesboe ODa a sBatse a phela a ka be a bone hare mehla e fetohile 'me joala a kabe a bo lumeletse hore bo rekisoe, ba tla Ipolaisa Morena mobla ba batsng leholimong. Hoja 0 ne a. sants!! a phela kea kholoa 0 Da a tlare bohle ba emelang Iheklso ea joola ba ts'oaroe ba tlloloe ka Ie lefubelu lerapo mol.leog hoba ba sonya Basotho.

N CAKA. East Loodon.

[Thibolo ea joalo ko bokhopo 10 bo faola IItokelo tsa bab.ts'o feela ka baka Ia'mala· Ke ka baka leore e Dyatsaag hoba e ka'mobo. Ro hlalosltso hantle horo ho re b.ono qhobelole Ihoklsoog aa joala, eaba re re ho kampa baeba betere hare j08la bo rekisoe ke 'mase' pala. Ke 'oete mehleng ea Mosboe shoe joala ba boaks ba rekisoa leha ele njo lifoog f.ela. L1tsola Isa bopbolo­bonolo mathato kapa bolma ba bopbelo mehleoll ena he bo ts'uane boo hinKle kamoo IItaba II noog II emo mehlong ea Moshoesboe· Ha re bopoie mehlenll ea moreDjl eo batho bane ba reka boi· piletsa ka ponto tse pelt, ba re ka ea .01. hotho. bank. lIIakesoose jualeka kajeno ; 'me re tlisa tbibelo ea joall e leQeie Moshoeshee a na a ke ke a e lamella nabeag ea hie. Ha aDa a thibela joala a nB a ka etsisa Kbama. Re u eletsa bore a baplse bootie ka koleno molao ea Moshoosboo Ie IIkelsohali Ise teng iuale, eseog 0 rehello-MoD,oli).



Theko ham moho Ie Poso 1/6


n'Ir. A.]I3[. TO:!>:!>, END::a.LOVINI~ NATAL. Ea allang merlana eohla, ngola u Iololohlla,

hapa u sa I'saba la puo elan a laala.

Tbekiso ea Joala Lesotho. Ho Mongoli "Umteteli,"

Moren",-Sa ke oe ke bals Jirapeog tel pampiri ea hlo moogblli ea la 6 TIl'ltee keao.bile ho ntlaa klmoo litbo tae ling tSI Parameote ea Lesotbo li nyatBilB.ng mohlomph.bi PblmotBe­malebaoa Ie tbekiso ea joata Leeotho. Efel. taba onl ke taba e ts'oanetaeng bo taliDgoa 1<0 lelhlo Ie chatoi ke litbo tea plrameote haholo.holo marena bobaDe lofnma leas Ie tong LeBotho ha Be to bat. II bobane batho ba ls'OBh bo aebetB' emps ele ka b_ka la bobone ba 8eoa oona m3simo k.moo eecbabl Be alileng kaleog hi lefatB'e 100 a I. nIB' Ie Ie mine Ie Baleng Ie Ie teng ta'imolohong. Ekare hleba mlfa· IBlnl a Ibibeloa ho rekiBI joala 0 tla phelo bog? Ke mang ea naog I. boikarabello bakeDg BI ho Bhoa ha bana ba bODI ke tllla? Oho ke 00.' hlomnla baebl malal8aoa, blblolo· bali Ie lihole b_ tla tlameh. ho shoa empo bo e· oa Ie mokho. 0 ba ka pbelong ka oona. Ha ke lamele hore thekiso e. joala e mpe, ho mpang ho hlokehl ke molao 00 bo ts'oloeteeng ho rekieoa kl ooa. N a ekab. kelello tBe koolo kalo eleog litbo Iso Paramenle ha Ii Be Ii koplna Ii Biloa ho elB.. mol_oDy"na feele 0 tbekiBo ea joala e ka teamaeang ka oooa, eare hleb. mollo 00 a seoa tboloaDa tee molemo jo .. le bl DtO Ihi. beloa. Efele lelamo Ie sa kang la elsetBos likolopo IBe melBi e ka teoang ka IBona ba Ie tlelBe Ie tllmehe ho heleh.. Phallo ea melsi a lana e ke ke ea eba e molemo hobane a tla hohola lijalo tsohle tse jetsoeDg, the· kiso eDa ea j03.la ke tama Ie senang IIko-­tapa 'me sechaba seoa ke metsi a tie­tseag letamo 'me se Ipatlela tsela ele SODa ka ho reklsa josla ka tsela efe kspa ere; ke ts'oQoelo es 10nB litho tsa paremente ho etsa molBo 00 joala be ka rekisoang ka ooos· Ke soabi1e ho atloa ha setho se seng S9 para-• • mente se its oar ella ka bore batho haba S J ts'aba mareoa ka baka la botaboB, os ekabl ka ho rialo ke hare ha are letbo k8 mafatsBna aDa a senBng temo a mpBog a phe1a ka tbekiso eo ea jO<lla? Hoo a ho talimlleng ke tlhomphohali eo ho enlle hare aka tali me se mafu­tsaoa aoa a se kotalang ka joala boaa. Ke 'oeta mafQts~a ana ha a keke a lallmoloa a tlamohlle bo ipsiisia mokho. oa ho phel.. 'me ke 00 b. 0 fumaDe; joale 8e 0 time­IBeDg mokboa 00 beDghali ba ele· tBeng kamoo ba ka telm.isang mo· khoa 00 bl famanang bophelo kl oonl, bobaDe ka bake la ho kbanoo. ke mala'oenyeho ha ba BI Iseba tBela e Dtle Ie e mpe. Mooa kholla ha a tBekiBoe.




[&tbo ba Pbctoloa You1

U tlo Q tsebe 00 eleng mortana 0 aepUeog leru leha ele leteog Ie Q tsulDJant.


Mr. A. H. TODD, Rad Hill, Natal.

__ 12_~ ________ U_M_T_E_T_E~L_I __ W_A_ BANTU, JOHANNESBURG, 27TlI DECEMBER,=l--"92"",.",,,' ===



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0 181 G 4U'" (Clock: Tower I raad.­"lAl's' Healing aad Soothiog 5,1'1" SUi· tambisa esilooge kooeoe ogeodJela sonb.

(Cue", Town a •• "o), Sioyaora ukwekwe ietlobo zoolre ~e Zilonda, LIPOlI 'A KOEM.!lUlU fMSALW4lIPILIU U"A"OO~O: AmllDzeb., okutsba ogumliJo .Dao,a MatI:li.

UkulIlzehva I koraulela, UkoJadab It,,.be AM.AzINYo ONKE (RUMATIZIM Ntwan& DI~Dxa yobushusbo De Z,Joada, INTLOKO UNYONCA. Amaqakon lokatuo Zentloor:e Namaqakov. AJu.zlNYo IslNQR OkD5beva. Ameblo .o\bubJaQgu. Nemilomo 0& lNDLBBE AMAxwBLE Mabel" Ukuqaqamba Kombombo. okocaade-UBuso UMQOLO ka Ufel~ Lweu.Ddl., Ukakat..,; •• YimlRnyo

oabu bon ErindleM'oi, uocand.k' Umlomo LiluogeJe Um{ola-weoj., IORqele, Umqal" UhobJo.-o nolrobil'lny.wo 0;'10 ojala. ..h_

16 ..... lsiposo, Ukabeta kwe Dim_mho, Am.- eo So b- S I -. I blab. Ab.faz.i. lsilaba, U1I:oma ko 8480. 16"a mbbo se "lAI"" 01 log ave 'ldU ea Yamazwe Afamileyo, Amahuhe nama Blaba ullopoli$l.. Sepelita okutyala. iatluolo esi

l. Hlabayo Dollarauaela. kWIJDgoko. azo IIClDlle iadobo. NIlosJ Vam.-Ndlncede Qadi tomele ama-

Liloogele kwanezi zifo Zabantwaoa uioS'a qap amalaadato e oltblag 'lain (Clock Mahlaba. Ukotolla Ebo$1lll:a, Fi ..... Ullaba· tower Braud). Ndi!um~oa l il1l4ge kakala mba EbutoDgweoi , ' e5i SilambilO ebantW6aeoi bam abaDll Yeblo

U. Mou. A. J. Neetbling .ase Tellwini. ali: AbablonfO. OWuo WeDelle. .. Ndandi pantsi k ..... eoUDnga eJioRena !upelo DE I'\A.R. G, Goal. kukol,atyaojeh.a yimitambo yob'llso. aeado U M s, Anderson e Karie,a wI,qiIM i 18 ko iotsull:o eaiyi H. Ndapiliswa yl Nerve yemioyaka ebula ..... ~ ogumlenle' one dlooda, Pain Specific." I Soothing Salve (Clock Tower Brand). ,lID'

U.Moo. J, L . Wiadboell: abala niti, .. Ndl· oyloga flge OYaDg. eZIlDbioi . saodol 'okupila kwi fiva yamuwe,afo?llleyo, U mDtaaa ka Mrs PansegroD" e P, 0 a okosebeollsa iNert'e Paio Specl6c 1D~lall:o Ida C.P . wagqiba i joyaoga eliDe cbul, •• e:imbloi qa. Yandipilis~ kokutJatJaoJet~a IZilitODda ebtl.sweni. Amaq.ga ama" e SOocb " ogam.tambo. UmlulaweoJI kwane Ntloko. iag Salveamoyan,a,

lnbiee 3/8; okuton,el", ng,poll 4/.. It blso llG nte Po i 1IS flilamp.24,

Abaniniyo : HEALTH MEDICI N E COo, Abapitikezi Adelaide, C.P.

Prlal.' .I: P.lIl1shtd h lbo Proprietors. Nallvo Prlallul .I: P.hllshlal Co.. LId loma.sbur,.