Sesuto, XO$a and Zulu - UJ IR

UMTHELI WA I> THE UN ION leADI .I II'CULA nON 'OLITICALLY .. on'N"EN-rl J Published In The Mouthpiece English, , " , , , .... , , , / , , . - Sesuto, XO$a and Zulu ALL THE IfrT EoucnaNll SPORTING AND COUNTRY NEWS: ALSO WOMEN'S SECTION SUBSCRIPTlOII, 15· par Year 7i8 per H,1f hu of the African People L.-4 /- _P"_Q"_rW_ Authorised to publish Government Notices affecting Africans. Vol. 21 No. 1052 J'OBAl(}If:BBBUBG, J 'G"1iE 22, 1940 Aeelstered at th. G.P,O .... 'Newspaper. Price Anxious Slaughter To Of Prevent Children ---- Britain Will Battle On To Victory T HE war ,hi. bee dealt the Alliel!,-Brilish end Freoch, blow.: and tbe French are etoggering undu tbe repented bll!terlDg of larger Gennau aeroplonf"B and guns. Under the weight oC tbie aBsault tbe) have retreated, tbe Germans have entered and takeD P ' d tbe Frent'h have eleClt'd a new cabinet which hos l'tIarshal .rla, an . d b b - P , . at ita head. Thc l\lanhall has been Impresse y t e wearlDeSIIS e aln . . h h b d of bis sold ius For five nights in SutcesSlon ID some t ey ave a DO IIIleep. The German machine-guns fired from NaZI aeroplanes, have mown, killed aud wounded thousands of unfortonate French refugees, meD women aod childun U Ihey have Oed from the remoraele8111 aloog the French roads. The .home.s of poor burnlDg behind thew. Tbey wert' eseapmg wltb tbeu few possessions ID perambu.: .tore and in band-pushed carta-but aa tbey H.ed along road, N8Z1 h robera and machine gun. attacked them and kllled them In tbnusands . °M.arsba. Pdain ",anted to etop nil thie. So he app.roacbed tbe leader ••• king for 8 cenalion of the 81aughter of children and an ti Tbi. 80 far hal been doubtful. Germany wanta an unconditional I e;:'ender :' ebe France to give up to her 811 sbe demandll, possibly .:e French fled, ber coloniu. and railway. : hut it ie hardly to be ex- peded that tbe Frencb will agree to tbat. Tbey 8fe aD honourable nation, and their seamen and. airmen would never let Britain do\\n, a& Germany and Italy would hke tbem to do. Britaio meanwhile will 6ght 00. Hitler Goes To H ITLER has arrived at to bave a. talk with MU EIlO hDl 8S to whali terms lhefe two could hold onr l i' rsnce for a ceeention, or stoppage, of war between Italy, Germany and France. The cer· tainty il tbat Britain will fight 00 : aDd 10 the end will win the war. a long war seems almost certai.D. 'Ihe United States hM been ask· ed by FrlDee to ccme in on the aide of Britain and France: but II!O far die IIa8 not been able to do aoytbinc, Lut belp in the making of aeroplar.HI , @UDS aDd tanks. the people of the United 5t&te8 are v. holly in favour of BritalD atid France, Vlbieb bave been 6@bhng for fairplay for the Datlons and for tbe rights of the peof,le. The United 5tat('s bas been lendini num Lere of aeroplanes, gliDB and t:bells acrOES the Eees to Britain and lralioce and these have been of ernt help. Italy, "Lieh the war last week aeaiD6t the has kept her 0,.\ largely in hiding and has refused to ceme out alld fight. Four of "'er EuLmarines were flunk lOme daYlI e@o l y BritiEh wars.hips In LIbya <1o •• to ltwal JiflEcnff8 and fGu]' tanka have betn captured by the Brillsh. in the face of strong opposition from a.h ·aircraft gUDS and search· light. batttne.l!. At bUD III mere than b< mb8 "Were drqI'td ",ullin It'n causing bIb') UI,lltil(Dt:l 011 tat.i\;.s aul.tult f: Lt.n.H(Ua Wtd. Bamh,1 ". H,I j,(lld to a Etflts ot Uld .. lldl. lltiau tilOlly ah.t aLd lhbhd Ul.J.hl nurly da"". See Mussolini latest War News --- THE Germans have seized so msny broadcasting stations that tb ey are now able to br('adca8t lies to the FreDcb people. ]t bas now become necessary tor the Brit· ish broadcasting aut horities to broadcast the truth in the French langua@e six times daily. '1 he Governor of tbe Britieh Gold Coast has offered a loan of £500,000 free tf interest to t he British people for tbe purpOl:e of buying bomber planes or ETltfire figb ttr s. A telt-gum demending that FraD ce sball continue tbe struggle has been sent to MarEhall Petaiu, and M. Lebrun Preeident of France, by G en era I Mittelhauser, Commander·in·Chief of the French forces in Syria, General Nogues Commander-in· Chief ID North Africa, M Perrout on President Gen. eral in Tunis, and General de Gaulle, Under Secretary for National De. fence in M. Reynaud's Cabinet. Tbe telegram stetes tbat the French colony in 1 ugosJavia is not acceptiDg any aDd "btsefches you to break oft 1m. mediately aDY talks with the enemy." is determined to maintain her IDdependence, 8lId "to co. operate wltb ber great aJly, Britain." L. Ntt:hil'gila returned to Jober r.ulurg at theweek·end from a 'fii-it to Btt hal, wbue Ehe bad lUI v.itL bET parEnte, hlJ au.i )11:. S. B. l\tthinsiJa. Mif-8 11 . Melehloe, of Orlar;do, fa id a 'fit it to SpriLS' dunliog the week·end. - .. 0' British soldiers firing anti·tank gUD8 agaiDst German tank! -- somewhere in Fraoce. The!6 long flfles are 8 hIe to peoetnte the armour of the tank a and to kill the enemy crew. The Great Crowds Assemble U. S. A. Godoy Fight Louis In African Boy Strangled At Initiation THE fight for tbe world'! cham· pionship between Arturo Godoy, heavyweight champion of South America and Joe Louis, beavyweight of the world, is c aus· ing great excitement in tbe United Statee. The fight will take place on June 20. Many thousands are coming from all parte to witDees it. Louis sefms to bave 1ittle doubt of the illsue and hopes to finish it off in t he first three rounds, Godoy with his curious clouching style-I!ome . times quite cloEe to the gronnd -ie equally confident tbat will put up as flood a Bbow 813 OD the last oc. cssion wben he puzzled Louis by his queer croucbing methods and nearly WOD the 6ght. The pOfsibility that Loois may be defeated, tbouph this is hardly likely. is attlac1inio! huge crowds to the scene of the contest. Now's The Time To Save IT is urged that tbe African com. M OTSA MA I, the head of Native initiation scbool, was charged with murder at Faure· smith before Mr. Justi ce Van der Heever and jury and sentenced to seven years' imprisonment and eight cuts. Motsama! caused the death of a young Native who, acco rding to evi- dence refused to sit still when lotions were applied to his body after initia- tion. This vexed Motsamai who ordered the other pupils to fetch two riems. A reim was tied to the boy's feet. and another round his neck. Mohamai trod on his throat as he pulled the riem tight. It broke in the knot, strangling the yoong Native. Pupils evidence of atrocities committed by Moteamai. ]n defence Motaamai denied tbat be poked his fingers into the eyea of the dead boy or that if 8 pupil succumbed in his school he was flung into the ashes. He said that he did not Dee violence. The youtb died soddenly as he was dreesing hit wounds, as was his dnty. Big R. A. F. Raid -,- Onr Germany munity should do its beat nowadays to put lUi spare cash into the Government saVings banks of A VERY heavy British air raid the Union where it is alwaya bound over Germany took place 00 to be safe-perhaps a8 sa fe a8 any- Wednesday upon ra.ilway marshal. where in the world. ling yarde, power stations and rail These Government saring6 banks communicAtions in many of are Lacked by sJl H'60urces of tbe nortlHfht Germany and the Rbine- South Af':i c8D GovHllmer.,t, re o land bomber 8quadrons of eourcu whlcb are Uldeed. the R A F. 'Io ·da) life of near Hamburg, BrE-men, fmaU Lut tbrlfly A.frH'8n IOVfE-torti .. Frankfurt, and 'l.hey go on dtp081ting othtr place", bfavily L(,mbt:d theIr money and draWing iDtereat. (Co1ihnuui' In jim Are Russian And Nazi Troops Hostile? I - Curious Moves Near Baltic -- WHILE Germany bas been bam. mering her way towards Paris and to South of it, the Russians in tbe East of Europe have been becoming nervou.s of German power. They have sent large fvrces to the countries, Lithuania and Estonia, on the Baltic Sea, so that they may get there first before the Germans get to it. Germany seems to have awaken- ed to the danger, and baa been moving her soldier'8 towards East Prussia which briDgs them close to the Russian soldiers at Kaunas in Lithuania. Britains Air Biggest Raid German Planes Crash In Sea A GREAT German air raid took place onr Bntain on Tuesday night. The German formations came over in 6 waTes or linee of bombere. Air raid alarm. were Bounded in Ea!t Anglia,Linoolnsbire,. aDd Yorkshire. Anti aircraft guna engaged enemy and British fighter aircraft went up to do battle with tbe enemy. Seven German planM were shot down. German planes crash- ed in Essey, Norfolk, shire, on tbe East and in the eea. As dawn was breaking, people "treamed out of the air raid shelterIJ and "ent borne. It W88 the .i.-raid yet OD E.nglaod; but only II people were killed and .. nvmber injared. No military objeotives were damaged. -- ... - Tbe Cape African Teachers' As- sociation will hold the ir oonference at St. J oho's CoUte', Umtata JUDO 25-29, - Mr. Tshazimani, of Modder Ea8t. was tLoM who title-oded the COOC!t given by the Wilberforce school choir at h llan'u Meo's la! Centr!' {'D friday I t week. The choir W811 UlIdH the dire('tion of Mr C. );.ab.nh,a.

Transcript of Sesuto, XO$a and Zulu - UJ IR





leADI •



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~ .. on'N"EN-rl ~ J

Published • In

The Mouthpiece


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Sesuto, XO$a and Zulu









SUBSCRIPTlOII, 15· par Year

7i8 per H,1f hu

of the African People L.-4/- _P"_Q"_rW_

Authorised to publish Government Notices affecting Africans.

Vol. 21 No. 1052 J'OBAl(}If:BBBUBG, J 'G"1iE 22, 1940 Aeelstered at th. G.P,O .... 'Newspaper. Price

Anxious Slaughter

To Of

Prevent Children

----Britain Will Battle On To Victory

THE war ,hi. ~eek bee dealt the Alliel!,-Brilish end Freoch, blow.: and tbe French are etoggering undu tbe repented bll!terlDg of larger Gennau forc~t8, aeroplonf"B and guns. Under the weight oC

tbie aBsault tbe) have retreated, tbe Germans have entered and takeD P ' d tbe Frent'h have eleClt'd a new cabinet which hos l'tIarshal .rla, an . d b b -P , . at ita head. Thc l\lanhall has been Impresse y t e wearlDeSIIS

e aln . . h h b d of bis sold ius For five nights in SutcesSlon ID some c~ses t ey ave a DO IIIleep. The German machine-guns fired from NaZI aeroplanes, have mown, killed aud wounded thousands of unfortonate French refugees, meD women aod childun U Ihey have Oed from the remoraele8111 ene~y aloog the French roads. The .home.s of t~e8e poor peo~le ~ere burnlDg behind thew. Tbey wert' eseapmg wltb tbeu few possessions ID perambu.: .tore and in band-pushed carta-but aa tbey H.ed along road, N8Z1

h robera and machine gun. attacked them and kllled them In tbnusands. °M.arsba. Pdain ",anted to etop nil thie. So he app.roacbed tbe Germ~n

leader ••• king for 8 cenalion of the 81aughter of children and an ~~mJ8-ti Tbi. 80 far hal been doubtful. Germany wanta an unconditional I e;:'ender :' ebe w~nts France to give up to her 811 sbe demandll, possibly .:e French fled, ber coloniu. and railway. : hut it ie hardly to be ex­peded that tbe Frencb will agree to tbat.

Tbey 8fe aD honourable nation, and their seamen and. airmen would never let Britain do\\n, a& Germany and Italy would hke tbem to do. Britaio meanwhile will 6ght 00.

Hitler Goes To HITLER has arrived at Muni~l~ to

bave a. talk with MU EIlOhDl 8S to whali terms lhefe two could hold onr li'rsnce for a ceeention, or stoppage, of war between Italy, Germany and France. The cer· tainty il tbat Britain will fight 00 :

aDd 10 the end will win the war. Mean'W~ile a long war seems almost certai.D.

'Ihe United States hM been ask· ed by FrlDee to ccme in on the aide of Britain and France: but II!O far die IIa8 not been able to do aoytbinc, Lut belp in the making of aeroplar.HI , @UDS aDd tanks.

Nevert~du e, the people of the United 5t&te8 are v. holly in favour of BritalD atid France, Vlbieb bave been 6@bhng for fairplay for the ~mal1 Datlons and for tbe rights of the peof,le.

The United 5tat('s bas been lendini I.r~e num Lere of aeroplanes, gliDB and t:bells acrOES the Eees to Britain and lralioce and these have been of ernt help.

Italy, "Lieh Jojne~ the war last week aeaiD6t the alhee~ has kept her 0,.\ largely in hiding and has refused to ceme out alld fight. Four of "'er EuLmarines were flunk lOme daYlI e@o l y BritiEh wars.hips

In LIbya <1o •• to E~ypt b~O ltwal JiflEcnff8 and fGu]' tanka have betn captured by the Brillsh.

in the face of strong opposition from a.h·aircraft gUDS and search· light. batttne.l!.

At bUD III mere than ~;IO b< mb8 "Were drqI'td ",ullin It'n n.iuult~ causing bIb') UI,lltil(Dt:l 011 tat.i\;.s aul.tult f: Lt.n.H(Ua Wtd.

Bamh,1 ". H,I j,(lld to a Etflts

ot Uld .. lldl. lltiau tilOlly ah.t Dlidl)l~~t aLd lhbhd Ul.J.hl nurly


See Mussolini

latest War News ---THE Germans have seized so

msny broadcasting stations that tbey are now able to br('adca8t lies to the FreDcb people. ]t bas now become necessary tor the Brit· ish broadcasting aut horities to broadcast the truth in the French langua@e six times daily.

'1 he Governor of tbe Britieh Gold Coast has offered a loan of £500,000 free tf interest to t he British people for tbe purpOl:e of buying bomber planes or ETltfire figb ttrs.

A telt-gum demending that FraDce sball continue tbe struggle has been sent to MarEhall Petaiu, and M. Lebrun Preeident of France, by G en era I Mittelhauser, Commander·in·Chief of the French forces in Syria, General Nogues Commander-in· Chief ID North Africa , M Perrout on President Gen. eral in Tunis, and General de Gaulle, Under Secretary for National De. fence in M. Reynaud's Cabinet.

Tbe telegram stetes tbat the French colony in 1 ugosJavia is not acceptiDg any ~urrender, aDd "btsefches you to break oft 1m. mediately aDY talks with the enemy."

E.~ypt is determined to maintain her IDdependence, 8lId "to co. operate wltb ber great aJly, Britain."

• Mi~!I L. Ntt:hil'gila returned to

Jober r.ulurg at theweek·end from a 'fii-it to Btt hal, wbue Ehe bad lUI ~:.)iqz v.itL bET parEnte, hlJ au.i )11:. S. B. l\tthinsiJa.

• Mif-8 11. Melehloe, of Orlar;do,

fa id a 'fit it to SpriLS' dunliog the week·end.

• •

• •

-.. 0'

British soldiers firing anti·tank gUD8 agaiDst German tank! -­somewhere in Fraoce. The!6 long flfles are 8 hIe to peoetnte the

armour of the tanka and to kill the enemy crew.

The Great Crowds Assemble

U. S. A.

Godoy Fight Louis In

African Boy Strangled At Initiation

THE fight for tbe world'! cham· pionship between Arturo

Godoy, heavyweight champion of South America and Joe Louis, beavyweight of the world , is caus· ing great excitement in tbe United Statee. The fight will take place on June 20.

Many thousands are coming from all parte to witDees it. Louis sefms to bave 1ittle doubt of the illsue and hopes to finish it off in t he first three rounds, Godoy with his curious clouching style-I!ome. times quite cloEe to the gronnd-ie equally confident tbat will put up as flood a Bbow 813 OD the last oc. cssion wben he puzzled Louis by his queer croucbing methods and nearly WOD the 6ght.

The pOfsibility that Loois may be defeated, tbouph this is hardly likely. is attlac1inio! huge crowds to the scene of the contest.

Now's •

The Time To Save

IT is urged that tbe African com.

M OTSA MA I, the head of • Native initiation scbool, was

charged with murder at Faure· smith before Mr. Justice Van der Heever and jury and sentenced to seven years' imprisonment and eight cuts.

Motsama! caused the death of a young Native who, according to evi­dence refused to sit still when lotions were applied to his body after initia­tion. This vexed Motsamai who ordered the other pupils to fetch two riems.

A reim was tied to the boy's feet. and another round his neck. Mohamai trod on his throat as he pulled the riem tight. It broke in the knot, strangling the yoong Native.

Pupils ~ave evidence of atrocities committed by Moteamai.

]n defence Motaamai denied tbat be poked his fingers into the eyea of the dead boy or that if 8 pupil succumbed in his school he was flung into the ashes. He said that he did not Dee violence. The youtb died soddenly as he was dreesing hit wounds, as was his dnty.

• Big R. A. F. Raid

-,-Onr Germany munity should do its beat

nowadays to put lUi spare cash into the Government saVings banks of A VERY heavy British air raid the Union where it is alwaya bound over Germany took place 00

to be safe-perhaps a8 safe a8 any- Wednesday upon ra.ilway marshal. where in the world. ling yarde, power stations and rail

These Government saring6 banks communicAtions in many p8rt~ of are Lacked by sJl H'60urces of tbe nortlHfht Germany and the Rbine­South Af':i c8D GovHllmer.,t, reo land b~' bea~y bomber 8quadrons of eourcu whlcb are ~rut Uldeed. the R A F.

'Io·da) tL~ro life .t b o~f&(jd8 of T8r~E't8 near Hamburg, BrE-men, fmaU Lut tbrlfly A.frH'8n IOVfE-torti .. Frankfurt, E~.en, ~terkrade and

'l.hey ~b.ollld go on dtp081ting othtr place", ~ere bfavily L(,mbt:d theIr money and draWing iDtereat. (Co1ihnuui' In jim ~olumnl

Are Russian And Nazi Troops

Hostile? I -

Curious Moves Near Baltic --

WHILE Germany bas been bam. mering her way towards Paris

and to South of it, the Russians in tbe East of Europe have been becoming nervou.s of German power. They have sent large fvrces to the countries, Lithuania and Estonia, on the Baltic Sea, so that they may get there first before the Germans get to it.

Germany seems to have awaken­ed to the danger, and baa been moving her soldier'8 towards East Prussia which briDgs them close to the Russian soldiers at Kaunas in Lithuania.

Britains Air

• Biggest


German Planes Crash In Sea

A GREAT German air raid took place onr Bntain on Tuesday

night. The German formations came over in 6 waTes or linee of bombere. Air raid alarm. were Bounded in Ea!t Anglia,Linoolnsbire,. aDd Yorkshire. Anti aircraft guna engaged th ~ enemy and British fighter aircraft went up to do battle with tbe enemy.

Seven German planM were shot down. German planes crash­ed in Essey, Norfolk, Cambrid~e­shire, on tbe East and in the eea.

As dawn was breaking, people "treamed out of the air raid shelterIJ and "ent borne.

It W88 the bigges~ .i.-raid yet OD

E.nglaod; but only II people were killed and .. nvmber injared.

No military objeotives were damaged.

--... -Tbe Cape African Teachers' As­

sociation will hold their oonference at St. J oho's CoUte', Umtata • JUDO 25-29,

-Mr. Tshazimani, of Modder Ea8t.

was ],moD~ tLoM who title-oded the COOC!t given by the Wilberforce school choir at h llan'u Meo's S~ la! Centr!' {'D friday I t week. The choir W811 UlIdH the dire('tion of Mr C. );.ab.nh,a.


AU Commul'llcatiom to be addru.ed'


P.O. Box 4S1S,


PubI .. 1wl W«kly.


feel that by wise governance , our leaders will not only make use of its best material, but, will do it in suoh a way that all will be satisfied.



Bands Harass Abyssinia

Troops In

Encouraged By R.A.F. Raids

WarFund Balaar

8UBSORIPTION RATBS-( By POST) • THE Royal Air Force operations in Abyssinia aud Libya should prove invaluable.

Household Goods, General

Clothing and Sports ClothiIIg ODe Yee.r - ••• -' ._1 I· Fighting Nazi Lies Si::&: Months - ... .- 7/6 -.-


Tbe Abyuin ia raids most make tbe Italiao p08itioo diffi cult not only by rea lon of tbe damage cauAed, but al80 because of tbe effec t on tbe morale

PlaD' of tbe .people in the interior, who Bre still 6ghting to keep oot tbe invader aud Will tbus be encoura.ged by tbe succell of Britisb air attacks.


Three Months .- - .- 4/·

22nd JUNE, 1940




THE Government's scheme to keep Reports which I have received I Africans in the Union informed {rom very .r~lia~le 80urces show We Should Defend Oar

about world events, a.nd partioula.r- ~hat AbYSSinia 1'1 far from what

!ro~;~fe:Og:::s ~r~:ri:a;~p~~s:~: ~u~~~~o~~~;d:~attOt~~n~:~p7eh~~ Rights Against Nazism ative of the "Rand Daily Mll,il" Italy's East AfricBn Empire, of ---has been offioially ioformed. Bul· which Abyssioia is the greatest part, letios are beiop; issued regularly by testified to their 10Ylllty to tbe King The Editor, "UmteteJi." the Native AfJair4 D3partment for Emperor by proclaiming their de-the purpose of putting out the sire to fight against his enemies. MR. WALTER M. B. NHLAPO ' trU3 facts. 00 tbe eontrary the Italian Ea'Jtern Native Towns hip,



Saturday, June 22,

1940 •

AT 9 A.M. On the Witwatersrand a special King Emperor hal had great di .. J ohann83burg, writeg· Sir - The oommittee, under the chairmanship fficolty in establishing hi8 authority war is spreading aod be~omiQg of Major H. S. CookB, Aoting Direc- in tbe laud, ooly a smaU portion of graver each day. This war wi! tor of Native L'\bonr, M3isted by whicb be bolds. deoide the future state of Civiliz- are aware how Germany bas 8COU8- ...

Mr. Graham BaUonden, MaMger of Tbe It!iliao writ only ruus at in. ation, liberty and fraternity of the ed with untrue and false evidences the Johannesburg Municipality's lated poiots in tbe soutb, at Addi. world. A defeab of the British maaya. ma.o who of late had plao­Na.tive Affairs Departmenb , and Ababa and along the maio line!! of which we do not anticip"te, wili cd oew laurels for Germany on the repre3eotath~es of mines and other communication from tbe capital to affect everybody and d!\rken our map. employers, has been established to Asman, Harral', Diredowa t the im- future. God has ohosen nobody to oarry deal with the whole position along portout juuction where Bhenbeim We all know that Nazism , the th.~ errand of conquest of the worJd. the whole of the Witwatersrand. planes have now blown up a buge brother of Fascism, is our avowed Hitler has that wrong notion that

For the time being, the main I dump. enemy. We know the worst in- defeated Chariem'lgoe, Alexander

THE loyalty of the African territories to the British

bulletins are issued as often as Everywhere else the Italians are ten?~d for ~8 ; the worst that is the Great, Julius Cae3ar, Napoleon possible. They are prepared in the fighting for their lives in keeping at I antlclP.ated 18 t he declared policy A.nd Chaka, If we believe th'lt we six princip'll Bantu langul~eg, and bay the b~nd'l Who, operating under ?f NaZISm on the conquered s ub. have the right to live aq much as a circular haq been i~~ued to all variou!! R~'Jse", including the fam. Jech... .. the Germans, why should we let magistrates in Ntl.tive areas and all ous Abebs. Aregai , out up the Ital- b It 18 lQ'Jptrlng ~nd a heavenly them have the upper hand to des. Native Commi~sioni>r!l to supervise ian convoys and harry every move- Soon tha~, at thiS fateful hour, troy the'Je sacred right! for which the proper di'Jseminl'tion of news meot. outh Africa ha3 General Smuts as the shado w of Lincoln condemns

Crown seems to hecome more pronounced as the day. go by. The Swazi Queen Mother has now handed to the Resident

contained in the~e bulletin'!. which Fighting hM been going; 00 all Leader. His faith in the cour ... e Americlln neutrality. are also supplied to N ltive chieh. the winter and 80 Rucce~qful have ?ur country has taken and his faith We s hould never ap:>logise for be9dm9o and Europ~an~ of prJved tbe Abyssinirms been that ib i'J a IQ the def~J.t of.NaLism give Ui all our exhtence in this world no('

Commissioner at Mbabane, the loyalty. common saying that whenever they tbe hope and feuth that ours is the ~houll we be in a position to allow sum of £750 on behalf of the I PREVENfL"iG U:'iREST need ammunition they jU"It goout war, not the b9tttle.s. It t') be questioned. But Nazis

and take what they want from the We have to challenge with all I have called us •. apes.. Once we faU nation as a first contribu tion Hence only official information i! Italians. fi~mne"s that we are capable of. i under the NaZI regime we would

t d B·· h f ds taken up in the bullbtins. But a One report 8ay, tbot .bortly be- wlth all the strength that we pos- be d9,troyed. The right to live

owar S rItlS war un . careful watch is b!:'iog kept on aot,·. • . tN' , for eve h b . . fore tbe outbreak of the war an en. e..qs agalo!! aZI cruelty. We need ry uma.~ elDg I~ a righ.t Government and pro-Nazi propa- tire Italian division was routed. not survey and evaluate a ll th1.t that God h~s gIven and no man European contributions, it

seems, already exceed £2,000. Then, the Basllto nation has

repeatedly expressed its loyal­ty through its Paramount Chief Seiso Griffiths, and has raised large .ums of money for the British war funds.

The efforts, too, of loyalists in ZuluJand have been admir­able, indeed without listing a fuJI catalogue of all these great achievement on behalf of the British war efforts we

ganda among the Natives. SUPPLY PROBLEM h~s happened to the world since Dot e~en Hitler Dor Mussolini cln Reccntly the Native Affairs • Hitler came to power. Nazism ha" take Ib away. Whom God ha.s

Dt'partmeot WIl8 urgell by iuAueo. The R A.F. are doing well to ?ver dragged the world to an abysq; create? leb no mao seek to destroy. t ial sources to equip special radio concentrate on munitions, fuel and It has ever floundered in a maze of .Na.zl"Im h. a 8 found faulb van8 aud to l,urcbasc rad io sets food supplies in Abyssinia and Lib- s~ream'J and currents which have With eve:ythlOg and everybody, for the purpo!e. of implementing ya because the more is destroyed r!s~n from depth"l so deep and and tha.t 19. the reason ~hat brings lbe ueW8 service about to be the sooner tbo H~liaQ foroe.!! will be ilnJster tbat they cannot be con- W-lor to Afrlcll i we are Just 803 un­started for tbe Native populatioD ; compelled to surrender. trolled uole98 we Racrifice our~elv('s !'Iafe a" everybody in Europe. The but it bas been decided thllt the The East African supplies to S?t the world towards the high (Cona"ued in ,~nd column) Native Affaiu Department will to come from within. The sea de.stlOy of human race. not become a competitive buyer of is closed and the only method of In the sea of Nazism is tossed radio sets. supply is by air from Li bya, but about the evi l passioos of to-day. As ra r as the Witwaterqrand i~ the journey from Kufra, in the We snffer from Nazi pain and

conceroed, a daily news bulletin ie heart of the Libyan de!l:ert, to tr~ubles t.hat tighten round hum­under coosideration. The com- AsooaY'a in Eritaea is 1,2:000 miles . anlty. R ight haq b3"o turned into mittee now dealing with the matter Supply planes would have to wrong,. wrong h!l.~ become right.

' 11 d . b f I carry fuel for their own return T. he vO.lce of reason bos been .t,·lled WI a. v l~e on t e easibi ity of such .... b Sh Id . journey, 80 that there would be 10 .NaZldom under the dio of the a 8C eme. ou It prove sucefls·

fu l, the daily news service might little room for anything else. nOI~e of t~e surging cruel and bar-

W olbuter Motors 59 Good Street Sophiatown



b t d d h I The destruction of the munition bartc pa.~10ns. The weak are be,' og e ex en e to ot er arge urba.n a re bound to admit that our centres. dumps and hangars in Libya is ~rod.den underfoot; might without A tb t b . likewise a handicap. Justice, strength without w,',dom

African peoples have proved themselves true friends.

Apart from their mon­etary contributions they have shewn that the old warrior spirit i3 still alive, ana we feel that spirit, onght to receive due recognition. In other words, in so far as our Afri­cans can help in the transporL of troops, and in doing johs worthy of men in our forces, they shonld be allowed to do those jobs, and, indeed, very serious talks should take place as to how far their services can be utilised on behalf of their country.

As labour battalions they might prove invaluable; as worthy helpers on the march, they would fill a splendid

no er?Da ter t at IS oooupying , the attention of the authorities is • stalk the world to·day. Such is the activity of German miss ionaries Africans And The War the background against which the a.mong the Native population. world move across the whole face T of tbe earth.

here are still 500 people engaged A I Of D P k I in German ollssioo work io tb. pprova r. _ a. . We mu,t forget our porty polio Union and many of these are sus- Seme', Views tiCS, dlfferent creeds and iodivi. pected of pro· Nazi propagooda. dualism and fight for the establish-

The Editor. UUmteteli." me t f N J Many have already been interned n o. a. ew. erusalem governed and it is expeoted that quite a. num~ MR. E. P . MART ZULU, vice· ?y <?hrtstlao principles. Our civil -ber of additional internments among chairman A.N.C I 57 4th A venue, lzat~on and religion are a target for this section wiU shortly be made. Alexandr.a To~nship, .JOhannes- / NazlBm who waits to eject bis

A reaponsible section of Native burg, wrttes: .Str, - I wl9h to say veno~. We are prey to their

Rudge 3; O.H.V. Mat.cbleu 3. O.H.V. New Imperial:?:, O.H.V. Chew. 6 Truck 1 i ton Dodlt8 Sedan A . .J.S. 2, S.V. A.J.S. 3t O.H.V. B.S.A. 3. S.V.

£20 £20 Uo £60 £40 £[ 7 £15 £22

opinion is urging the Government thab I agree wlth all what Dr. P. orueltty, hatred and unreason. We

to establish a Nat ive labour batta. ka I. Seme said in his artiole which r::=~~~~;~~~=~~==~=::::~~:::::::::::::::::~ lion, on the same lines as theN&tive appeared in "Umteteli" of June 8, Labour Corps which rendered such in connection with allowing the magnificent service in the Great Afrioans to join the Defence Force II M ON E Y TO LEN D" W of the Union. At the same time I " . realise that the Europeans in t his (On Fi rst Mortgage)

challenge to human rights is 00 more oonfined to Europe but is of the world. We have to understand onr position and dostiny and safe ­guard them.

country are not ready for suob E QUI T Y B U I L lib,rol opioion or policy. DIN G SOCIETY

Nevertheless itl is well that Dr. Seme has so plainly expressed the views of the African National Con­gress and of the Chiefs whom he represents.

The Europeans wish to take sole responsibility for the defenoe of this oountry-it il the White's War. But I seem to agree with Dr. Seme too, when he says our fate as Afri. cans is hound together with that of the Europeans in this country.


Invest Your Money




Subscription Shares

4i% niche.


IIi is neoessary for us to have courage and belief in ourselves. We have to combat and overcome the madness that is trying to en­oircle and grip the world. We must be determined never to gi ve up those huma.n rights which be. long to Ui as the whole of man­kind. It is now, win or die ; it is

case of the fa.rmers now or never. that. We would be nO people un· I We mU3t not try to appea"le our less prepared to leave bleaohed

On Daily Balance.

Brochures Free. DIRECTORS Brochures Free. who need labour must I enemie3 h,v eff..'Lcing daep feeliug'J of bO.nes of sacrifice fo r future gener - I empha.ticall..... not be over- sorrow aod symp'l.thy for subjected &tlons.

races bu t we IDUit ch~lI e ng:e B'i we It is for you, for me, for every looked nor m l13t that of the h'l.VPl ch lll~ nged the menaoe. hum'l.n being, to relolize that we mines which must produce We mUit believe thlt by sacri- live in tragedy and mllit oomb1.t it. /

fice We shall g \. ia Mie for fllture We have to bt"iQ~ to realiution ev ry ounce of ~old to pay f or g~Mr'\ t iolli . Our liO'!ge of j Iti ticG th of.:le principle!J of Chriib. t he war. an 1 (t ignity mInt ~uill " U i to f.:It an.j We tnu ~ t shirk nothing, f3t1.r no

w ob t

10 n,t S"6 in,eplra ble I. "nny of this ; we

A~""l.~f.Ht an i unul:jm , yed ~Jp i n!Jt foe, be re'lly to d ~f·m i, re dy to .L aZ l m 'nile '. . sta nd or hI! With our might or

. The II 8p nt,s of ~"Zl u m lJ ~ t life, of hl)p~ an 1 of a. fu ture. W" dlSP r ~ Ute U our t J. k to S06 to I s hould h~lp to win th'3 war.

H. G. CONRA.D, ESQ., (Chairman) A. J. Lug, ESQ., M.C.Q.S., M.LA .• (V,oe·Ch,irm.o) R. FORBES, ESQ., S. GOCTDVJ9, E:lQ. , A. M. LOOTS, E3Q., J. Sa:A.W, EiQ., J. G. N. STR~OS', ~.P. E'Q., E. K . IhoKlY. ESQ.


BRANCH T. A. DONALDSO~, F.C.l.S., l1A~.'Q.R.

OFFICE-309 M3in Roa:!, M ~TlN DALE • Faw \ y~ -3.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. s nURD \ Y:i-2 pm. to 6 p.m.



APPLICATION for. qu.lified or P.T. ]I male or female

teaoher are hereby in\' iled for the Methodis' Mi~!!ioD S(lbool. Apphoa­tinoa along with te8timonials to rt~oh the undersigned not Inter thin the 22th of June. DUti(lB to

oommeO(l8 23rd July, 1940. Know­ledge of TS06oa, EngliBb aod A fri­kaall.!l a strong r«!'Commendation. W. BATl'lSS, Manager, Faur&8milb, O.F.S. 273tl

THE Afrioan Unitt>d Mi~8ion High School of BeilbroD invitee

aprlicatioD8 for three vacao('ios in the Primary Department, either male or female, for the last two qouten of 1940. Apply immedia­tftly. enolosing tebhmoniw and addressed.stamped envelope. to:

SECRETARY, Afrinao United Mi!l!!ioD High Scbool, P.O. Box lOr., Heil. bron. choola reopen 23rd July 1940. C330'

A VACANCY iD tbe PlOt Retief United School for I) 8tandard

vn teaoher who haa either passed his Native Primary High or both N.P.H. and Matriculation. Appli­catiOD! should be addrrssed to REV. K. A. Hn:L>I, P .O. Box 6, Piet Recef. These IIbould reacb this office before tbe 30th July 1940.


T BREE additional female and male teachers for the Dutch

Reformed Mission School. Must be tboroughly acquainted ~ itb the &ento. Afrikaans aou English laDgua~68. Female teachers must be qualified to instruct) needlework. AppJioaots must state to wbat church tbey beloog. Copies of recent testinlooial!'l required. "'ark to etart at. commeocement of o('xt term. Apply to J. ~ GERTENBA('R,

Manager. P.O. Box I Philippolis. ~;Il

A CERTIFICATED female teacb­er to commence duties on tbe

23rd July lWO. Sober in manner, could teach Zulu or XhOfl8 aDd Sesuto languages. Full member of :Methodist Church or Dutch Reform­ed Church. Knowledge of Afrikaans. Applications addressed to the Man­ager. J. DBPLESslS, Box 88, Kopjea.


WANTED an experienced teacher for the sub Std. A class in

Edenville Bantu United School. Mention JOur qu&lifications and denomination, and send in oopiea of receot testimonials as weU.

WANTED two teachers for conn~ try schools (l) Principal, male,

experienced teacher. (2) An assist­ant lady teaober. Both applicaots should send their copies of recent ttwtimonials and mention their quaUfications and denominatioDs. Knowledge of, Afrikaans and English for aU t.hese applicants e88eotia1. Duties begin oerl quar­ter. Addresa your applications to 1II<B. P. J. G. \JOENDAAL, Box II, Edenville,O.F.S_ 2744

IN MJ::.I/ORlAl\1 -.-

p HUKW ANA -Job anna Pamela who passed away 20th June,

1936. Four years have passed since

tbab .. d day When my mother was called

away The blow was bard the pain

severe To part with one I loved so dear I tbink of ber io silence No eye oan see me weep But many a silent tear I shed While others are asleep.

2'148 GRACE E\<"'ELYN PHU1[WA.l'lA

PHUKWANA-Johanna Pamela who passed away 20t.h June.

J936. You left BOme acbing bearts That loved you most sincerely That never did and never will Forget you mother dear. When shadows of nigbt are falling And we're sitting all alone, Tbere often comes a longing If you could only come home 'Tis lad, but true we wonder why The best are always 6rst to die. Joyce Mabone. (nee Phukwana).

ViOLer and Mercy Phu.kwana, 620, unga. Capetown. 2748






(l'iATAL Al(D 'fRANSY.AAL l'no\ tNCE~)

(Before E. N. Braatvedt. )~aq" Prc~ident)

-C ••• No. 4~/G~/:1O


and DORAl! Mabel. )


BE IT REMEMD1IIRRD that the above· named Df\(cndo.nt wa. summoned to atll\wer the abovl~­named PlaintifT in an Mtioo (or restitution of conjugs.1 rigbh. (ail­ing wbich fo~ ?i!l>lolulion of tb~ marriage Bubsl~tloR betwe<,o them.

Al'iD BElT }·URTlIEI1. R}:'.IF.MOXIlEll

tbat on Friday, the 7th day o( June, HI-tO. before the Baid Court oame the llaid PlaintifT: and tbe said Defendant, although duly summoned and forewarned, ('omee Dot but makes default.

And tbereupon, baving beard tho evidence adduced and the Plaintiff,

The Court grants judgment for the Plaintiff for restitution of ('on­jugal rigbts and ordera Defcn.da?t to return to or receive the Plolntlff on or before tbe :lIst day of July, ) 940, failing which to sbow caU8e, if any, to tbis Court on the 23rd day of August, 10-10, aitting at Pretoria wby tbe bonds of marriage now subsiating between the Defendant and the Plaintiff aball not be die.801ged.

Dated at Pretoria tbu. 7th day of Jone, 1940.

By order of the Court.





(IzIFt"so.\ 1.,\St~ NATAl. SB




ko Mnu. E. N. Braatvedt, u Mongameli)

leal. No. 4h 5S ·39


DO DORAH NBLA PO (uma Mahot_l

u M""'''''OAL£LWb..


ukuti u Mangalelwa oeesbiwo oga~ pezulu waye biziwe ukuzopendula u Maogali oseshiwo Dgapezulu eca. leni loku buyelana endhlini. kuti oxa loko kungenzeki kupelu.we umshado osamile pakati kwabo;

MAKUBUYE XOKUNJVLWB ftkuti ngo Iwesi HIanu. ilanga le.!li 7 ku June, 1940, pambi kwaleyo Nkantolo esishiwo kweza u Maogali ; kodwa u M"ngalelwa osesbiwo. nonxa waye biziwe kable wayahn, akezanga kodwa wazihlalela , Njaloke, sebuzwakele ubufakazi obunikiwe bo Mangali,

I-Nkantolo ikipa isinqumo ivu­melana no Mangali ukuba kubuye­lwaoe kuye eodhlini iyala u Ma. ogalelwa ukuba abuyeJe noma amukele u Mangali ngomhla noma ngapambi kolwama 31 usuku ku July, 1940, uma kungabaoga ojalo azobonisa izizatu, uma zikona, kule Nkantolo ngombla wama 23 ku August, 1940, eyakuba ise Pitcli, ukuti kuogaba yioi engavim bela ukuba izibopo zomehado opakaU kuka Mangali no Mangalelwa zinga­gqashulwa.

Sibhalwe e PitoH ngalelilanga leei 7 ku June, 1940.

Ngomyalelo we Nkantolo.


u Mbhali


IROXILE intlaoganiso yamadoda-oa ebimenywe e Cradock. Yoba

&e Grabamlltown oge 3/ 8/40 ne 4/8/40 de ibe yi 5 Auguat. U moogameli Mlu. J. B. Mvambo uluogiEelela ukuba lie Rautini nge ntlalo. ke ummemi walentianganiRo oogu Mlu A. L. Mafata uodlbhalele wati mayibe Japa e Rini, yavume. lana ke intiaoganiso Bpa e Rio). So be einazille kodwa. a.batonywa baluogi8eleJw8 babeko siyakuzili. odela zooke indawo. OLl\bR VUl'{O, Secretary, 2 Cburch HouEo, J St., Location, Grabamstown. 2742




(Before A. G. McLougblin, E.q. , President)

Co,e No. 101 /3H

Between lSMAJ~L M OTRELE PLAIN1·1.Il',

aDd ELIZABETJl MOT~ELE (horn Litbako) formerly (If 136, Modi. koaoe Street, EaMl'TI)' Native Township •• }ohaunesburg, whoMe prr8ent wbereabouts i8 to Pinto· tilT unknown DEn:NuANT,

Bill 1T UEME,111BItF.D

that tbe above·named Defcodant waR suUtmonecl to anlwer t he al>ove· Darned Plaillt iff io an action for tesl ituti"D of conjugal right8, fail. ing l\. bich feor dirlllolutioo of the marriage aub~iating between them;

AND BE IT HiRTllER REMK)fDF.H.ED that 00 }~riday, tbe 15th day of Mar('h, 1940. before the ~aid Court came the said Plaintiff, his Attor­Dey and Witoe88es; and the said Defendant, although duly eummOD­ed and forewarned, comes not but makea default;

And thereupon, having heard the evidence adduced and Attorney for the Plaintiff,

Tbe Court grants judgment for tbe Plaintiff for restitution of coo­jugal rigbts and orden Defendant to return to or receive the Plaintiff on or before tbe 18th day of Augu.t, 10tO, failing wbich to show nUBe, If any, to tbis Court on the IMh day of September, H140. (lilting at Krooo~tad, why the bonds of marriafte now sub!"i'lting between the Dt'lendaot. and the Plaintiff sbe.ll not be ui~~o"'ed, with an order of forfeiture of tbe bentfita amdnJ,': fn·m the marritlg('l and ao oruer io favour of Plaintiff for the oUBtody of tbe minor obildren of the Illarriage. •

Dated at Krooostad, this 1.,tb day of March, I Y40

By order of the Court,

C3310 J. G. PI KE





(Pol'. MODg. A. O. McLoughlin, Mookameli)

Teeko No. 101 /38 Mabareng a


ELIZABETH MOTSELE (0 teoaletsoeng ha Llthako) pele ea neng a lula 436, Modikoane Street, Eastern Native Town­sbip, Johaonesburg, ea aa tse­joeng moo a lulang. MOQOSUOA.


hore Moqosuoa oa lebit-so Ie ka holimo 0 kopiJoe bo till arabela Moqosi oa lebitso Ie ka hoJimo bekeog sa pUlLeletso ea Iit80anelo taa lenyalo, boseng joalo kbaohano ea lenyal0 mabareng a booa;


bore ka Laboblano, ka Ji 15 bo Hlakubele, 1940, ho tlile KhotleDg Moqosi, Muelli Ie Lipaki i 'me Moqosuoo. ea boleteoeng Ie ba a kopiloe ka tsoanelo, ba ka bona. hala 'me ke pboso;

Holima moo, bopaki bo uUoiai­tao" 'Muelli oa Moqosi,

Lekbotla Ie lumeUa kablolo bore Moqosi a buseh:taoe litsoallelo ibile Ie laela Moq08uoa bo kbutlela ho kapo. bo amobela Moqo!li ka kapa pela taatsi la Ii 18 bo Phato, 19.10. haeba lebaka Ie Ie teng, ba Ie Ie teng, bo Khotla Ie ka Ii 18 bo Loebo, 1940, Ie lu1aog KrooDatad, moo tJemo t!<a leoyalo Ie pbelisang mahareng a ~oqosuoa Ie Moqoai Ie ke keng la fela, Ie taelo ea tahle. belo ea Iitsoanelo tse blahang lenyalong Ie taelo e Moqolli ho nka bana ba banyane ba leoyalo.

Lingotsoe Kroonlltad, t8atsi leoa Ia. J 5 ho Hlaku bele, 1940.


Ka taelo ea. Lekhotla.

J. G. PIKE, lolongoli.




flo'd at Butterworth

C ... No. 73/ 1010 Botween

ERNEST NTANJANA of Z.,u· JwaDa Location, Buth.rwortb Distriot l'LAINTl1'II'

and ICLIZABlnJl NTANJANA horn Duma whoflo preRent WilMA­about8 is unknown. DEFENDANT

To: lCLIZABETII NTAN,JANA TAK6 NOTl(llD that by summons

ifleuod hy and fi)~d with tbo ]{eAis· trar of the Native Divorco Court, you have been oited to appear be­foro tho ahovementioned Honour­able Court, held at Butterworth on tbe 10th day of October lU40 at JO o'clo('k in tho forenoon. 10 an actioD ~hertio your ERNEST NTANJANA Pe ... ot, by rcason of your maliCIOUS desertion of him ou or about. December 1930 claim •.

(l) aD order for restitution of conjugal rigbts, aDd faiJjn~ com­pliao('le tberewith, a decree of divorce;

(2) forfeiture of the bene6te aris­ing out of the marriago in commu­nity 0 property,

(3) alternative relief; (4) coats of luit. Any furtber partionlan required

oao be obtained from tho laid Regiltrar.

In default of your appearance application will be made to tbe abovementioned Honourable Court 00 the day afor6l!aid for an order in terms of tbe a hove prayer. f'

Dated at Butterworth tbis 30th d.y of May 1040.


J. G. PIKE Reftil'trar of the above

l:tonourable Court



llyala No. 73,1(140 Kwimhbambbano yo


DO ELIZABETH NIANJANA, DgO kuzalwa (Duma) ongaziwa apo akona. UMMANUA..LELWA


ekhutshwe yabekwa elugoioweni 10 N'obhala we Nkundla Yochito Ol1Ubato yaba Nhundu, kutiwe uzube pbambi kwale Nkundla lbekekileyo e Gouwa ngomhla we 10 ku Ooto'>er 194{) DgeDtaimbi 10 emini, kwHyaJa omangaJelwe ngalo yiDdod. yako 0 ERNEST NTANJANA Dgokumshiy.­ndJe kwesizathu ngo okaDye kwiai. tuba siks 1930 ebanga:

(1) IeiyaJeJo sokubuyisa amalu· ngelo omtebato, kuthi ukuba aku phumeleli oko kuqaulwe umtebato;

(2) ukulah.lekelwa ngaq)aJu.ogelo omtshatho;

(3) Okanye emnye isigweho 680-bODwa yi NkuudJa i

(4) IDdleko .elyala, Ingcal.elo engapezulu inokufuma~

neka ku Nobbala osexeliwe. Xe uthe akwapumelela ukubakho

kuya kwenziwa ii;iceJo kule Nkundla Ibekekileyo ikhankaoywe ngent1a ngalomhla uxeliweyo okokuba ku­qutywe ngokwe migqalise10 yalo mtaodazo ungentla.

Sibbalwe e Gcuwa ngomhla we 30 ku M.y 1940.


J . G. PIKE, U Nobbala we Nkundla



IF YOD want clean. (nsh meals under ideal surroundings, come to


10 Noord Street ( between Loveday and Harrison Streets, opposite Park Station Milk Depot), Jobannesburg . Ci\"ility and prompt servioe our motto. 2736


Beck Street, Doornfootein, J obanoesburg. Transvaal) ndazisa inkosiknzi yam, u Jane Tate (uma­Matu ) ukuba indazise apbo ikooa ogorubJa okaoyo ngapambi komhla warna 30 ku June, 1940. Xa ioge­ojanga njalo mayiqonde ukuba se ndi,)& kuyi /jukela ogoku qaula 2 7 ~ n




--Held at. Church foi'l1l8re Pretoria.

- . N.V.t:. (." No.4ij/ 13/4()


AGNES 'f8ewu)



SIMON MBOLAWA formerly employed in Jobsoneltburg, but. who"e preHeDt 811dreillt is un· known. DEf:l'END.lJ,jT

To. SIMON MBULAWA, (tho abovenam~d JJefeodant )

T.6.U NOTl(;J: that by SummoOB i88ue<i and filed with tJlb It.-gistrar, Native Divorce Court, you have been cited to a ppeQr before tbe abovcmeutionf'd JionQurable Court. held at Churc·b l-!i"lIare. Pretoria. on Friday the :l3rd day of August. HI40, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, 10 aD action . l\ Lf'rein your Wife, AGNES MIlULAWA (horn Toewu) dOlms by rulton of your mahciouR deaertion of her io or about the month of March. 1037

(J) An order again8t the Defen­dant for restitution of conjugal rigbts and failing oompliance thbte. With, a decree of divorce.

(2) Division of JOint Estate. (3) eost, of Suit. (4) Alternative relief. ]n default of your appearance

application "m be made to the abovementioned Honourable Court on the day aforeuid for an order in terma of tbe above prayer.

Dated at Pretoria, this 12th day of June, 1040.

J. L. PRETORIUS Rf'gistrar

H. BASNER, }>I. ;ntttJ's Attorney, of BaAner, Helman & Jaffe, 20 I, Midlaud H ou);e. Cor. Fox & Rilo!Hk Strs .• (P.O. Box 3~1O), .Jobanne .'1 burg. Local addrE'I'IR .

Meest! Cetz &. Dogon. 22H, Pretoriu8 Street. Pretoria. C330S


Eyakubue Church Square. Pretoria

Ity.l. No. 48/13/40 KwimbhambbaDo yo

AGNES MBULAWA (ozalwa Tt!ewu) U MANGA.Ll

DO SIMON"MBOLAWA owaye qe. shwe ogapambill e Johannesburg. kodwa ongazi"a Dgoku apo akona. U MII.lllG.u.::n.w,,"

Ku: SIMON MBULAWA (D Mm ... ogaJeJw& okbaokaDywe ngentla) QONDllHSA okokuba nge Samani

ekbutahwe yabekwa ku Nobhal& we Nkundla yaba Ntsnndu yo Qaulo Mitshato, kutbiwe uzube pambi kwale NkuDdla lbekekileyo ikbankanywe ngentla apa eyakuba idibene e Churcb Square, Pretoria. ngolwesi Blanu ngombla we 23 ku Auguet, 1940, ngo 10 kOlla8a, kwi tyala omaogalelwe ngalo yinkoei. ka .. y.ko. u AGNE MBULA WA (ozalwa kwa Tl!ewu) ngesizatbu sokumshiya ogapaodJe kwesizathu ago March, 1937 ebanga:

(1) Ukubuyiselwa kwamatuogelo abantu abatshatileyo ogu MmaDga­lelwa k1.tthi ukubo. akupumeleli. ukwenjcDjalo, kuqaulwe umt.sbato.

(2) KwahtukaOlswe Ira. Elidibe-neyo.

(3) Ublaule iDdleko ze Tyala. (4.) Uneedo olungolunve. Xa uthe akwapumclela ukubakho

knya kwenzlwa isioelo kule NkundJa IbekekiJeyo ikhankanywe ogentJa ngalomblo. uxeliwcyo okokuba ku. qutywe ngokwe migqaliselo yalo mtandazo ungentla.

Sibbalwe e Prf<toria ngalom we 1~ ku JUDe H140.


J. L. PRETORIUS u Nobbala

19q weta 10 Maugoli , wo BMntlr . Helman no .raffe, ~Ol, Mic.l land B ouse. Cor . l~o. & Ri~8ik Streets, (PO. Box :U\O), J oba oneaburg. ldilesi yalo. pha :

Banumz. Gotz DO Dogon, 22~, P re toriua Street. Pret oriA. C:J303

UMTETELI WA BANTU, IOHANN~E;BB;U~R~G;;,' ";;'JU~N';;E~~22~'...,,;I;;;\l4~O~. ~~"""'''''''''''''''~====:::::=::=:._

.--By--. Equity Building Africans Should Fight For Democracy


"THE freedom of the Africans does oat lie in the fall of

the British Empire. A victory for FasoisM would lay Africane open to frightful oppreAsioD and m.isery. The butcher of AbyA~ioia. sod the murderers of the BNaros would Dot de8.\ more lightly with the South Afrioa.n Nl\tives. The Afri­cans should ra.ther follow the es:­ample of Gandhi and the Indian Oool2:ress who fight with t~e Empire for DemocrQcy and will claim democracy after the war."

This statement formed the gisb of an informative speech by Mr. H. Basner ab the concert given by Mr. C. T. C. Xaba.niaa and the Wilberforce Institute choirJ;at the Bantu Men's Social Centre, Johan­nellburg , last week·end.


Continuing, Mr. Ba.'1ner said he was oonvinced tha.t Natives had the gl\me potentialities, talents, mentalities 1\':1 Europea.ns. In South Africa. be found the greatest and most important prOblem in the world- the matter of raoe rela.tions between Blaok and White. He found there was more opportunity for the exercise of the human spirit and that there were possi­bilities of doing roore good than anywhere in the world.

Ten years ago he ba.d made ~he acquaintance of Bome of the leadlDg educated Afrioans, notably Dr. A. B. Xuma, wbo introduced him to Dr. b'. R . Gow, then prinoipal of Wilberforce Illsti Lute.

At tbat time few if any Africans, even in the neigubourhood of Evaton, knew where Wilberforce Institute was. .. Toda.y, however , you anx Native so~th of Jackson'8 DrIft. and he will tell you where Wilberforce is."


Wilberforce Institute was run by Africa.ns for Africans, .he said, and in that sense waS uDlque and one of the most important institu­tions in South Afrioa. Children

Become Of Your People

THE mao who is edu­cated commands

educa.ted there with its traditions aod aspirations, as enuociated by Professor J. R. Coao recently, would go out. into the world with~ out a se08e of obligation which was Dot always good for poople Buffer­ing under disabilities.

Its ohildren would playa great role in the history of South Africa, and would be closer to the aspira­tions of tbe Race.

MEN OF EDCC.1TIO:1 NEEDED The future of the Afrioans lio',crt.

up with the amount of organisa.tivl1 they could bring into industrial &pheres and cultural activities. They needed meo of education to teaoh, organise and politicise, he

It was oft.en said. that he was a great friend of the African people ; hut he was a much grea.ter friend of the Europeaos. He fe lt that the happiness and prosperity of thi-i country wa.s linked up with the question: Ho ware we going to solve the question of -race relatioas ? He realised tha.t "You Caooot keep a man io the ditch without sta.ying there yourself."


will be opened next Wednes­day at 4 p.m. by Mr. H . M. Motlhe or Pretoria. . The ha ll has been built by Mr. E. R. M.th_be of Pimville.

A long programme of speeches, beginning at 1 p. m., ha.s been ar· ranged, aad among the speakers will be Dr. A. B. Xuma, Messrs R. V. Selope.Them_, M.R.C. , R. G. B_Ioyi, M.R.e., H. M. Motlae, P. R. Mosaka, B.A., L. T. Mnbaze., J. R . Nyakale, E. Mapanza, I. B. S. Masole, H . Noba.dulo, S. Sebolao, J . C. P . Mavimbela, P. Mogoerane and S. P. Matseke.

In the evening, guests will be en­tertained to dinner and light re­freshments, after whioh there will be dancing to the music of Empire Follies Band.

Mr. E. P. MoretBele and Mr. A. H. W. Dhlamini are acting as chairman and. secretary of the or­ganising committee,

.A Leader

the respect of his , people and becomes implJrta.nt. Be earns more money and can have a comfortable home with a hnppy family. The Union College will show YOU the way to better education nnd o.U the e.dvantages that come with it. Fill in and post the coupon below for free information,

Here are some of the subjects you Oan learn through





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Please tell me about your PostaJ Training Courses. I am interested in the IJUbjeot stated here:

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Gossip Pen

• The death of \irs. Nichola!!

Kumuza., of Potchefstroom, took place on Tuesday after a lingering illness. By her death Potohefstroom has lost one of its oldest res idents. She was the motber of Mrs. E . Denalane, Mrs. M. Radebe, Mrs. M. Kumalo, Miss M. Kumuza and Mr. Hannes Kumuza to whom we ex­tend our sympathies.

(Continued from column 5) is registered with tbe Governm~nt and conduoted in accordance WIth the terms and provieions of the Building Societies' Act. Don't delay. Now is the time to st~rt Savings Account or that Subscnp tion Share Account which in due course will mean a substantial measnre of financial security and independence to you aod yours.



n.,UUlf, l.,neu. IUO tDIU OQOI'Q01'WlI&.


Society (Permanent)

THE Equity BuUdiog Society (Permanent) is ma.kiog a special

eOort to cater for the African people. This effort has been highly successful. The Society has in the past six mooths opened an enor­mous number of savioga a.cconnta with African c1ients on which 4% interest on the daily bala.nce is paid by the Society. The Afrioan deposito r is given individual and prompt attention and withdrawals effected immediately so tha.t there i."l DO need for the depositor to wait for his money. If a deposit­or who resides some difltance away from the Society's Hea.d Offioe wishes to withdra.w moneYI alJ he need do is to forward his deposit! book with a Jetter a.pplying for the witbdrawa.l of the money and a. cheque is immedIately Bent to him, free of eXChange, together with his deposit book.

The Society aIdO has redeemrible Shares and any African de~irous of acoumulating a certaio ca.pital sum in a specified number of years, mboy by this means save tl Ia.rge sum of money. Take for ex Hople an African who wishes to set aside £2 per month. He pa.ys in this amount! regularly for a period of say six years and a.t the end of tha.t time the SOCiety would pay him out a sum of £200. If during the per iod of pa.ying bis subscriptions the African concerned should req uire money he need only apply to the Society a.nd can obtain by way of 8 loa.n, 90% or the amount of t he subscriptioos paid up. The rate of dividend deolared by the Soolety to subsorip· tion Sharehold~rs at the end of the last financial year ending 3 1st March, 1940. was 5% and a.1I Shareholders' books and accounts have been oredited with this divi­dend. HunruedB of these subscrip. tion Shares been taken up reoently by Africa.n clients as sub· scription Shares appea.l to them as the beat means of saving, and thus

STOMACH • ULCERS Pain, Burning, Acid and Wind are the first, Dan­gerous symptoms

• [ suffere:d from nn Ulce:t.lte:d SWInJch for manv months. 1 Iud tcrnhle bum­


ing p.lins and constMIt wind I11IIde me: lasc II "ope of a complete re:covery. I Iud 6ve n;:ltmcnts, but witham satisfaction.

. Finally I Iried Panbanine: Powder and Oil. ~ly progress \\'JS ( 1 still nnnot believe t am the healthy pC:r6OIl that I am lO-day. th:l£\ks to this wonderful remedy are unlimited. "-Miss L Trcdoux.

Treatmellt for Ulcers '\cidity IiInd Hc:anbum are symptoms of

the apprQ:l,ch of many cbronic stomac:h Houble~. including ulcers 00 (he waUs of {he stomach, or in the smalJ intestine. Pain commences 500n after :lcidity and bcanbwn hAve: set in. Stom."lcb ulcers ate usu:illy recognized by pain after me:us, accompanied by vomiting, and Duodenal Ulcers b~= before meals (hungcr pain). Pan . Powder hnmtdiilldy renders the acid harm­k:ss .md absorbs the gnses. Pao.baninc: Oil sprc:.1ds " protective layer of oil over the ulcers, and is excellent for Bowcl Anaemia

PANBANINE POWDER costs 1./6 per ~man nnd 7/6 per Urge tin. and PAN. tlANfNE OIL 10/- per bottle £rom all chemisLS. .. 71f1]·2

building up a nest-egg. The Equity Building Society

(Permanent) has during the last four months advanoed to thB African people on Bonds in Sophia­town. Martinda.le, Alexandra and Townships, over £45,000. and the Society is daily assisting the Afrioan people to inst.a.l sewer· age for their properties. The Society al~o assists borrowers bya.dvanoing money to reno¥ate their properties, and tblls keep them in first-class order. tt doe.:l noti- oharge raising fees to uuy African when applying for mouey on Mortgage Bond.

A booklet will be sent to any enquirer to any address. Write or oall at the Head Office 99, Fox Street, Johannesburg, or at the Bra.ncb Office 309, 'Ma.ln Road. Martindale. for any further infnrm­ation or particulars. The Sooiety's object is to assist you and advise you how to improve your own position and that of yonr families.

Your safegnard and security iB that the Equity Building Society

(Continmd in third column)

., You DO look tired, my dear." H Yes. even shopping makes me tired

nowadays .•• • , Ah, you need a daily dose of NUGGET.' H Well, if it's a daily dose of NUGGET

that keeps you so fresh and young. I'll buy some NUGGET while I'm here,"




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NEWS FROM P. MO!'lebi, of the stafI of tho Amal· p'amated school, waa aruon~ the art· IstS. The firm of Mes~r~ Ott.Jlo speak highly of the musio of the choriKterl:l.

Mr. N O. Kalaote, principal of the Amalgamated school, accom­panied the choir to Joban[lclolburg. Durios the !:Otay of the ainger~ in Johannesburg they were gU('~tM of Mr. aod Mrs. J . Ma~oleng, of Green Law Cottage, \-\'~stern Nati\'eTown­ship. The conduotor, Mra. C. N. O. Kalaote, thanks Mr. O. Motf.ielo& for making tbe necQ!I!'Iat'y arraogements . ,Further (longratul. atioos are extended to lIles. G, Mohiel08, who ably accompaoied tbe sioger~.-E. O. 1'.

KLEKRSDORp.-Itirele and Amal· gamated S<!booia beld atllietio

aporta on May 24. It was the first time in the 80Dals of these schoo Ie that they came together for sports. The competitors did well. The teachers, who were judges, starters and recorders . co-operated through. out the day. The principals of tbeee sohools, Mes!'fs 1. M. Les8aoe tllJd N. O. Kalaote fE'pectiveiy, ore (Ioogratulated on the good organisa­tion. The principal and staff of tho Amalgamated scbool are thank­ed for completing the school tennis court. Pupils of this schools aTe learning the game. The Amalgam­ated school children met the pupils of Vierfonlein United School 10 basket-ball and football last KJl\1BERLEY.-As I write , the Saturday, June 15. Under the AngelUlJ has just pealed (725 pm .) cODduotorship of Mrs. CoDstaDoe N. ThiS is St. Mary's Cathedral, aDd O. K,) ote, of the staff of the its last peal was heard towards the Itirele scbool, and wife of the prin- dOBe of Decem bEr 1937, this is the eipal of the Amalgamated school, fL third timo. it bas ru~g tbis week, group of eigbt choristers arrived in for ever 810ce t he disastrous fire Johannesburg on Friday, May 24, which razed the Cathedral to ashes from KJerkadorp for thetpurpose of I 00 New Year's Eve, 1938, its peals gramophone rec~rding for Messrs were silent. On Sunday, June 9, Gallo. The choir recorded on tbe it raT g. This was when His Ex· Saturday morning. The ten soogs cel1eDcy Archbiehop B, J , Giljiswijk, recorded were done in less time O. P. blessed and laid the founda­than before experienced by the tion stone for the new oathedral in Gallo recording firm. Two songs, placeoftheoJdone on:tho eame aite. Thaba-Nchu and Dumelang Latlhe Like a phoenix tbenew one, whose Barolong, including Loboko loa ga 'walls are already high rose frum Snpernor N. G, Mokone (Praises of the ashes of the old one. Tbe only Supervisor N. O. Mokone), were pat'D which wa~ not demolished by composed by the conductor. Mr. D. smouldering flames of the old sa·

cred edi6oe, was the massive tower.



,4 IS

1'D LET.A JlfAp ",


WHl:.N you arc In ".-,lIn, rcmcmhu th.u there is nothtnJ.: qlllle as RooJ .u 'Gmasprin: Do not be persuaded

,ro bu, lin)' othu kind, A/up IIlk I., ... GIfIlIIFn.· rmJ Itt 11n'.7'OJll'lll.

'Gcnuprin' cures headaches l00du,("hc.., 'bacbch<.' and 111 nlher ;;;:~'..-:.:::.:,::::: Slain!! like ma~dc. '~,prin' quickly ltdievCl rbc-Ilm:ltism jQ)Jds .nd influeru:a: ,lux for it a t a chanin or ~IOn:.

:Look for.the name 'J" ,he bunte. III" U:\ 1 ,Ibe ~urnc: • Gcnlsptin.' h Costll I.". I 6 • bottle of .I} tabkn, or 9'1. for a ~bc f J

I • bbkta. -

p"" D v,.".

The archbisbop was 8Asisted by Hi~ Lordship Bishop H. J. Meysing, O.M.I., tbe preacher heing the Very Rev. Fatber Ord. C S.S R. Recent arrivals io. KimherJey are Mi!!s E. Mdingi from Queenstown, Meesrs Felix Twem RUDe from Johanne~burg, aod Mr. I. L. Ciodi from the }tree State. M~ N. Mogodi if! also io town from Cape

I Town. The Philharmonic Yariety Artists of Weilt End Locatloll and The Flyiog Girls of Green Point are uodertakin[r vaudeville toUTS (!leparate) through the 0 F S. down to lower Cape. This is their first venture to the!'le parts, and they will probably followtbe routt.'\ blazed hy Mr S. P. Sesed.'s KimherJey Amateurs Entertainers two years back. Both troupes are exponents of tap.danoing.

Mrs. J. HlongwaDa and W. P. Manxiwa, hoth of Claremont, Cape Town, are among new subscribers to "Umteteli." Distance maktls DO difference ; address your enqur. iea to : "Yolam," 22 Brett Sreet Kimberly.-From Yolam. •

UMTWAKAZL_Io tbi. village things are goiog on normaiJy. Young European men from the surrounding farms and from the vil­lag~ ~eave occasionally for military tralolDg, and members of the police regerve take drill under the com­mand of the local Police officers Whittleaea footbaU team are await: iog an invitation by the Umtwaka.zi (Hackney) team to a football match to be held at Omtwakazi in the near future. The lest match was held On May 17. when Whittlesea won by 1-0.

BIZANA.-Progre~s is heing made at Nduoge School, Bizana. Union Day, May 3 1, under tbe or,ll:8ni8-ation of the PrinCipal Mr. C. C. Ndamao;;;e, and his Btaff and school committee, was spent io athletic sports fDr hoth boys and girh~ in school. tho winuers beiog awarded prizes. The sportsmeo in this com. petitors 811 t;howed the good sport. ing spirit. Officials for the day were: OrganiEer. C. C. Ndama!'le­mao·demoostrator, N~omaoi. se. cretarieH, Mrs. M. Mtimkulu and Mr. S. Mda judges, MeR!lrs W. B. Malimba and W. Gazi; starters, Mr. C. C. Ndamase aud Miss T. Sotenjwa, reporter, L . Goniwe hostess, Mias V. Nomtyala , prize~ giver, Mr D. Madulioi. The com . mittee of appeal Con MiMed of Mr. Ngomani. Mr. L. 0001we, Mrs. Mtimkulu, Mr. Madulini and Mr. S. Mda. Mr. R. Goniwe, 0. vl)3itor, alao cheerfully helped. The grab. tude of Nduuge people ill exte-nded to the Europeans and Nll.tives who gave money for the prizt'R.l"urther our pratitude i~ extended to Mi"'~e~ J. Sotcnjwa. and V. Nomtyala , wbo took the initiative and active part in the prepara.tions for the day. The chairman, In c1n!ling, ex. pres~ed his appreciation of the good work done-From W. G. M.

VARIOUS CENTRES DUltBAN.-Mr. nnd Mrs. Lecoko, Auociatiou gave a farewell social on

of POInt, have left Durban for behalf of MIHS Iris Mzimba who iR JaRe"fonteoin, on holiday. Mr, Eo leaYing this circlo to enter allotber Jnrue~on Mposi, is making arrange· 8llCi groater one. If it WaR within monttJ to write for tbe C, S. L . Illow our power we flhould DOt allow her de~r('e in Dect'mbl'r. Mr. Erio to lea.,·e U5, MO great bave been Il (' r Dunn has ~ained an Intormediate 8ervicel!l to thiH aSMociation. The Certifioate in MUflil~ (witb ho~oufll) '1' ('hairmAn o~ tbH A~lJociution, Mr. pla'yin~ and theortllcal He I~ now 1<.. M. Petl-nl, B A-,8aldfL fl'wworrlA, studyin~ NativE" AdmioiRtration and rioh aud tifective. Mr. Kbakctla, Na.ti,·eLaw.-.}tr . .Jffi Mor'a.Nkopaoe. well · known in the Dlusical world,

r • . preRided, Miss Mzimba waA given a Ul\1ZIl\IKULU.-Fxnctly at 10 pretleot fLS a token of good wiahes.

oclook, 00, ,lUll" 10, o~ the Tbe lady in her reply, said, that tent.h day of ~IS. a~~ull:lll\g d~llies t S wbf'reas tbe prCRent was considertd Natlv('lCommls910.oerofUmz~m~u u~ small by the members of the aM~oci­Mr. J\1or~an ~rflved a~ Enslkem ation, yet she very deeply appreci . store, With hiS court IOlerpreter ated it, and she would oever look JOlJe:ph .l\tablasela,. to hold hlij6rst a.t it or touch it without at the offieml meeting With the Nat,,·es. same time viRualising tbe whole All the headmen and a good nu~~ scene and all it etood for. The ber . ~f pf'ople. "W.ere preMf'ot .. 1 he f'~MenCe of a gift was DOt 80 much Natn e Comm18f1lOner was JOt~o· the article presented, as in the duced to the peopl~ by the .Pohce Apirit in which it is given. Mis$ Sergeant: The primary ob,ect of Pooe made the presentation aod tbe meetlng was to glvo the .NatlveA before doing so she spoke touching a mel'ltJage . from the. Mlntster of words. Native Affairs. concerolO~ ~be War, The pro~ramme for the da.y was an~ the Native. ~OmmIS!'lIOner.t:X- "democratio," tbat is if democracy plaIDed the POSition. T~e . Natives means "by and for the people." tol(~ the Nalt~e Commls910ner of The opening prayer was conducted lb.elT uoswervtn~ loyalty to the by Rev. Mr, Magooa, of the Metho. KlDg and t?e UUlon Governmeot.- dist church of S. Africa. Present From Desdiobado. with us were, amongst others.

R EITZ.-AfricaDs war weddings are numerous here at. ReItz io this

month. One is that of Mr. Ephraim Mokoena to Mias Moeeng, daughter of Rev. A. P. & Mra. Moeeng, of tbe A.M E. Cburcb.

MeMdames Matshego, Motsepe, Lekbuatbi Matbibele, Tlbapbaoe. Rey Mr. and Mrs. Mothubi. of the A.M.E., were not ahle to be present but showed tbeir sympathy by sending a silver contribution. Tbe o('caf:lion wa~ wound up with a relay race (dance.)

L .. , boliday May 31, Reitz foot· ball players visited Lmdley. Two teams were out, the Jaokaes and tbe Happy Heart.. Reitz FORT BEAUFORT. It! r •. was glad to hear that succesaful Nofaleni Thole i:i convalescing at matchelJ were played in favour of her daughter's residence. Me!"!!r! Reitz. who had a beating during Otto. David Boyce Thama paid a the previous holiday of May 24 by vi~il to Balfour aod called ou Mr. Lindley. and Mrs. Ben Motlabftn6 of the

Mr. E. J. H. Madhlabane, D RO. School. Hp"ldtowo In~ti. manager Morn ButterHiea Enter-' tution broke up on Juoe HI and the tainer~, ha~ formed a Dance Bond. Day Schools on June::1. home Our Municipaltty hought two oxen SweeperA played a draw with tbe and a scotchc8rt. io order to com. Union of Bed!"ord at home on Junl.l mence the preparation of the I, and were beaten 0-3 by Black Location streets. The work of Burn Rovers at Bedford 00 June increa~iDg water tapl!I in the Loca- ts, Witb coaching it is now in bet· tion has bf'gun. The local .MAgis. ter form. Though Fort Beaufort trate keeps us infot'med about news is only a dorp we are proud of the concerning the war overseas. He Monwabisi Sooial Party. On Satur warned the Location inhahitants day oigbt June 1 the Party gather.

ed together at the Nonwabisi Hall

from listening to rumoars. Mr. D . Mokuena, in congratulating the Magistrate, expressed, on hehalf of the residents loyalty to King and Government.-From E .J.H.M.

and favoured Mr. and Mrs. A. Choechoe with a reception. Re. freehm.entd were served by Mes­dames Jonas and Ngqambela aod Miss R. V. M. ManeIL We have another Zengele club by the Dame of The Uoity Club, under the able

INC U ~ J BE makes babies

Read what L. Ngubeni


Mrs. Says:

II I have enclosed a Photo of Mrs. Sgudlas' healthy baby. This baby was born on the 9th of July, 1938 and has always been fed on INCUMBE. I can confidently and safely recom­mend Incumbe as the ideal babies food."' Take Mrs. L. Ngubeni's ad .. vice I You will find that YOUR baby, too, will grow stronger if you use fncumbe.


FR EE! ~.Dd fOf APf!O:lnily IUllotraU<i j)&mphl.t II vlno! tl0!'4r an.1 0001 I·let~ dlrectl"ua for the 11M of

n,mmbe. " wb~tbt't tOil n='lliLre ttoe ZIllu. X .... Shu'" IJr se.uto LraJalatl"D. A.d..u..l~tt ... r to: Bind Pro.. 4 Co. Lt.d .• DepL 7 UmNlo, !\aur.l. •

management of Mrs. M. A. G. \1a'lhiqa (nee Hule). Mr. Ndabeni Fani 8pent a fortnigbt at home, and is now back at Lovedale. The citrus hoon seems to be on the finishing side. Mr. GJadstone S. Nama is doinG: well At Mbabane (Swaziland Times). The Coloured CoDgr~gational Jaarliks held 00 June 8 was very successful with a­fignre of £62.-From D.B.lf.

UlTENHAGE.-Tb. Greater Mar. cus Revue Company held another concert on June 28 at St Anne's

(Continued 'R page I)

SI1ILOH.-Oo May 21 at Sbilob the inhabitanle of the Moravia.n Mission mostly tbe (Womeo's Pray. er ASSOCiation) arranged that pre­l!eots be given to Miss Hermina Tbeo Dorah Maq ungo in respect of her retirement on pension from the school (It Shiloh, after 3.5 yeat's in l'1ervice (Instructing the infant class) Mr. I, B. Mbehe was voted to the chair. Rev. P . Motba spoke of the services performed by Mi s 8

Maq uago and expressed his appre­ciation to thesoclet,)' of the Women's Prayere in arrangiog for such a cotlJmcmoration Mi)s Maqungo deserved sucb an honour for wha.t she had done for Shiloh inhabit~nta . .Theo came a song by the senior ChOlf, under the princi_ pal, Mr. G. Quwe, followed by the Coloured Scbool Choir uuder Mr. A. Miohaels, al90 principa l. Then a D.iixed choir, under Miss Elb. Lumka Mane!: M!lg "Georgil1f.Lb Mntaka Bawo which was excell_ ent. We had a vivaciouR 8peech by Mr A. R. Mbuya, of Pedtou and East. London, who represented tbe East Loodon congrep:ation. Mi~s Dorah Maquogo was his pupil. Mi~ Hermina Theo Dorah Maqnogo mode a grateful and touching I Rpeel·h. She thanked the audience for what thf'y have done for her. Mr. Ja.s. D, Ngojo ale-ospoke. There wert) cioRing pences, "Amagora e Men(1i " aud " Prai~e yu ,Tehovah" by Misil Jeriah Muqungo's choir, followrd hy the benediction. Nkosi Sikeltla i Afrika.-From J. D. N .

IS a s

ueT The odourless paraffin that burns

- - -with an even, steady flame. -

nEILnRO~.-On the e, ening of June 14-, Ht'i1bron African Teacher~' J





The pretlidont is Mr. O. Neoe and the manager iR Mr. S. Blow. The l'iJl~er.t! are Bettv Wonci. Minah :\100go, (;eor~e f.\' eDe, :Uch-iUs Kika., nnd :'Ilom'V& Paoa..

sports conoluded late in the afternoon. Mr. A. Ja'J Gamba was busy the whole of the time. The Editor, "Umt.eteli."

The N.tive .l.dviso'y Board, led MR.. J A COB R. \IOHL~~!lIE . by Mr. A H .. Seblohoand 6'J'tisted E'\'ltern NatiY6 Town~bip. by MaqRr/\ A. G. Nqola~e. P. Johanne~burg, write~ _ Si r,- l t jlt Q

BERSCHEL.-'Ja.y 24 will be re- , r.illpnge, Dirk )lathole. I. B. Moroe ' 8f'rious allegation tbll.t some Blntu Irembl'r~d Ult a b"ppy day at Ben- .~ud Rev. S. K S Matjie, vi'lited f&mili63 in South Africa heckon ~OD\' Ie A soci~1 S(atht:ring wad Krooo'lt'lrl aori Bloemfontein. \1r. Nazism unto th m elve~ It; M"H'mi

thf"n h Id al tho homo of \1r Bnd T. W. K~able Mote recordiog fleCre· some B>;l.ntll hmille~ were all the )lr h. n 0 Tlalc. Bensoo\"ale. lary of tho ~f\th'e Advi'lory Board, time seeking a. wa.~' of n~venge f\~ it Ma lam "1 TIAle, LichAha and M. has submitted B urltofb report of the were· thll'l now thf'J poor bfling-4 Mal lJ t f'lng the or 111l1"erg. Tho B &r!l'i rut !lion to the Free StatP, blindly invite Nazi!'lm. Cl>mpletdy IIf''i "l tOf'l It! .ti n of til Tbe N. A. Boa.rd has put up a. plea. ignorant of the t)ra.ony r ported j;!rindi ' mill of Mr, Tl!l.le. jnr. ft r the r glutton 80(1 {'ooployment here ~P& cllj were t 1 by Me sr~ W. of BllOtu ("a. Lipr.'!! at Bantul('O and' It ig perb p'l hetter with B:\ntu .11lIeh~ll"'.~. I<,ko, E. ~y~na. K a.t Attendg ville Lac '.lOns' officeo~ .. who read a.nd write, but it 1M a Zingltw:\, S. Majodin .. , Goronyane, rhe Pr toria Boarllare pre~'1ing for mo.tter of har,l luck with thE" plor Khati, E M "ekn. Lllnch wa':i erveu the! application of Rel"re '\tioo iji(llor~nt ones. for with th,.ru aoy to all pre ent. In the evC'ning the polky in the Location Otlparlll nt word in the air i~ ta.ken for graoted, peopla held a d.:mce at the Bhunga an,l asking for the employment. of 00 matter what the written truth HaJJ, Sterk~pruit. )[r. Mloinya:. Bantu clerks. Members of the N may be like. Therefore it would was 1\1 C, Next day Sterk!\pruit .\. 130ard interviewed memberij of be advisable that our Governmf-' nt was ,- i ~ ited by :\lohlll~s H oek Choir the Native Affair~Committee of the introduce the propa~anda not only under the management of Mr, City Coullcil and ~ubmitted a case in the written form but 81~o ill ThobeleoA. principal teacher, for compen~ation of tho~e who own some practica l bints for tbe sake Mohaleg Hoek Intermediate Sohool. houfles at \hra.baqtarl and Hovers of the ignoraot ma'l8es. Those present included Chit') Ground Location~. The deputation As the Bantu ~eem as easi ly p,,"ci. Bareng, Mr~. 'Iafo~o, Mrs. Tobeleng, waR Rympathetically received. The 6ed a1\ perhA.pi ea~ily annoyed, the and other notabilities of Mohale~ Board are particular about ('")00' practic~1 hints of propaJi/:'\ndc1 would Hoek. \Iessrs K B 0 Tlale and pensations and are an xious thtl.t the be something of tbis kind .. -SII8. L . D. Nowanl\ welcomed the visitors people must proceed to the New peasit)n for a while of P olice de· sod I'xtendt',l 1\ Mp 'oial welcom.e to Loca.tion soon . m :md:'l of fl p ~cilll >l anti pll~ues n the Chief. The tiiuging and the The fir~t hatch of 1 ~1 Ba.ntu public tqorou~hfllre~: :l, SlJiipensiot\ dance prove!) a ~rt' )t !'IucceQs. familie~ have taken pl)~se~'1ioal'l. of of Polied van mov('ment., in B \ntu

,!h.e ~a.ti\"e. Commis.l'I.iooer ~r. the Newan,l hou~es at ml'He'l 00 SLlod'lY~; :J. intr()(J'Idion WIlki n!!. H h.olrhug mee~lO.g .. at dlff· At~ridge\'ille. AmODi1:'1t Ip~dil1g of P.)lice R ... se rve moveme'lt in the eren~ LocatIOn". esplalnlng to t~e citizeos ml!v be mentioo('lll:lei~ri B\ntu hmili~ .. .! , rou·l(lirtJ!: up of pubhc the current .war neW:-l. HI" Erne::lt Makhobotioane, J. S. '1 all the work Ie,;.:. for daily piece jObi· c.o urtesy 15 apprecllJoted by the reo Lekgetho. )loroe and Sergeant F. 5, B'lotu journalt9ts to he given a sidents. .Mosupi column io the European PreAS.

Sports circles and other friends '. Though our people were not regret to learn of the pending de· ~e~po~<llble Opl.Ol0D:. amongst included in the mditari'l&tion of the parture of ~1r, D . Sandi, teBcher at Afnc8ns In th~ Capital IS. In favour land they are known a'l ~0ldier8 St. TereRa R. C. Mis:.ion School, of 800 extraordlOa~y speelal c0 D:fer. morally, and 8" indust riRI cor p3 of who i" takillg up the principalship ence of the All African Collventlon . the land. Therefore they remain of Buy'~ Kloof, K C. Native School, Me~~ages have beE'n Rent to the undoubtedly sflti,,6ed, prov ided Alexa,nd r iQ,. in J uty, He has been preSident. ProfeR~or D. D, T, ,Jabllv~, they are not r ebuffed unnecc"s~rily an as'!et. to the ftportsof the diAtrict. to conl"e?e conference at the ea .. h· sometimes, and WB'! al tlo a member of tbe St. ~9t POBtlibie date. 'l e"!Jr.~ K eable Teresa. Band. Mote, B ender:olon . K . Bln~a W!l1

COURAGE Mr B. H oward, B.A., L.r •. B., attend the. executive meeting Ifl

accompaoied by Mr. L. D . Ncwana, Bloemfont~ln In July. These dele- The Editor, "Umteteli ." paid a recent vi8it to Thaba Ncbu gate!\ are given a manda:te to press and Bloemfontein. At Zastron for a conference on the hnes adum­they were joined by Messrs C. hrated by Mr. S. Bennett ~cwana. Howard and 0 H Phehlane Ou Suudll>Y, June 30,apubhc weet-

.. . ing will he held in the Dougall Hall ZASTRON.--:-The death of M!s. noder the aegis of the All African

Rachel Selpatl Ncbe. 6Us us With Convention to discuss ways and sorrow. Zastron residents deeply means of how Africa.ns can take sympatbize with the Nches aJ::d their share in the struggle against . the forcea of darkness_

The MagIStrate of Zastron has paid several vieits to the Location and explained the European chaos . His addresses and hIS answers to questions have been appreciated . He gives an address every Wednes. day to avoid the untrue-anecdote· tellers

Mrs. Paulina Monare. of Johan. nesburg, visited her son here and received a kind welco me from t l16 people of Matlakeng. Mr. Jim Matse Morena Morolon, of East London, ha! arrived to 4ee hi.s reo la.tives . The other Sundav he was accomp'\nied by Miss Morolong, Miss MOBole, Mr. Abr. Kha butlane (teacher) and Mr. C. Doony Monare priocip3.1 to Aliwal ~orth_

Unt tf'd School will stage a closing roncert soon aod the teachers are pl'e poring an excellent programme. The LllLlf yea.r1y exams are now over, and the tlchoo l is progressing. -From our correspondent.

PRETORIA.-Clo.e on 2,000

Pretoria: Pereooal. - Messrs H . E . Tatane and J . S. M. Lek~etho have been to Johannesburg on business affairs. Mr. R. G. Tshabalala, clerk interpreter , is stationed &t the Chief Native Com missioner's Office. Messrs A. G, Nqolase, P. Gillenge and Keble ' Mote, who travelled to the Free State by train , returned home la~t week. Nurse Kraai . from Durban has assumed duties at the Pretoria Hospital. Mrs . Martha Keble 'Mote, of Atteridge. ville, is leaving f Dr Krooostad to welcome bome her son, Edgar Motaone 'Mote, back fro m Adam"i College. Miss Grace Binda. is spending her winter vacation here . Mr. Andrew MoColo. one of the Bolntu c ler ks in the municipal compound, prooeeded to his home in J oha.nnesburg havin~ received news of the death of his grand father.

• •

OUR RE ADERS THINK school children crowded the Coro. WHAT nation Sportd Ground at Bantn!e On

( Continued fro ... P"fI' 8) June 14, the aonual inter·sch ool 8ports day. In the morning they were fed with soup arranged by the motherly kindness of Ma· Batho (Cr. M". M. P . Atteddge) . The


rna, Sores, Insect Bites, Itching skin. Sold by all Rexall Chemists ' /9 small t in , 36 large tin.

If not obtainable write to United Drug Co (Pty .) Ltd ., P.O. Box 984, PORT ELIZABETH.

traitor who at this dark hour of calamity folds hiB arms and starts reciting his grievances. Greatness of heart is measured by cap't.oity to forget and forgive and willingness to do good in whatever circ um­stances. After all, this is not a war for acq uis ition of po wer, Is rod or other material good ; it is a war in which exponeots of pagan idea logies seek to impose their evil will 00 all humanity a nd its outcome will affect all alike no matter what their co lour, race, political or social 8tatus may be.

There can be no shadow of dou bt among most of us that de· feat of the allies would mean a still poorer alid miserab le lot for us Those who have bad the for. tune to r6l\d the German bible Mein. Kamph know the light in which Hitler regards the Black mao. Whatever we mlly ba ve lost we hAve profitf'd much by W ~st E'rn ci vilisation and we CD nnot be idle spectators while it is bein~ wantoo· ly des tructed by predatory powers.

Mil. T . B .l. . SIBINDA. ",ite.: Sir,-"When the grey clouci~

gather in the f!.ky, when the thunder bo lt brings devastation, when tbe fon 'ldatio n pf our house of joy fa ll8 befllre the encroaohing 6.ood-"what are we to do 1 In that hour faith may f"il you. aod bope depart. but there always remaIns courage. the fundamenta.l heroism of human Dature, which defies the ant~onism of events, and in the end may overcome it.

In hfe you are 6rst a.od foremost faced with obligation rather than rewards, with duty rather than pleasure, and it itJ on this jUllcture that you should be courageous,

Some seem to be born to succeed, while others seem to miss it (success) by chance Oil that soore , "be coura.z;eou9". Deeds of great men remInd us that it is not by mere brilliant ru s he~ that the go ld IS reached but by ateady progregq . " Be courag "nui " Wolf PI, ill b.i s victory over Uonwalm sailed ove r to the cold \Vat"'r .. of tbe PJ,c·fic Ooean, Bod cli::n bed rocb a. d hills at the dead of night. with Courage.

Keep Well (By UMKA. DOKoTELA)

I AM a doctor, and have to make so me of my IIviag (earn money)

by treatillg people, but I wonld much ra.ther spend all my tia.e in helping people to keep well .

It iiJ much better to prevent ill . ness than merely to cure it when it happe0.9 .

There afe many things that you can do to stop SIckness from harm· iog you. and I Wa:lt to remind you of some of them today .

You have probably heard 80me of these things hef",r .. , but they need to be said over anri over again .

First, do no' be afraid! This is a big cause of many d lse~69, especial . Iy among the Bantu.

You are afraid of ooe another, when a child gets feveris h and coughs, you mol.hers say "Who 1 " -" Who has cau ied this?" This fear is infectious, aod is ptu.sed on to the sick child You fear abat&. kati , and izango!Da. aod umkovu, amafufunyaoa.. aod isitorome aod amandiki. You are afraid of bad luck, a.nd izibango, and imfene and unwabn and ioyolli eluhlaza., and izipokwe and many other things.

KEEP ZAM-BuK HANDY Worlds Finest S~in nemed4

WORLD-FAMFD for haIr a cenlury, Zam-Buk is a fine antiseptiC for the skm, and It soothes and cures In the

~horte::> t pOSSible time

You cannot do betler than u<;e this great herbal omtment for cuts, burns, "chaps," ch libldlOS and foot troubles. or for more seriOUS complaints such as eczema. ulcers and pOIsoned \\ounds. Doclors and nur<;es praise Zam·Buk for Its soothmg. he"ling and antiseptiC properties.

So, \\ldL .. t ~Oll remember, make certain of gettmg a box of Zam·Ruk from) our cheml~ t or s tore to ·dtty! Pnce 1/6. or f(lr more economIcal hmliy "ize 3{9

Learn not to fear, e.~pecial1y you who are educated people. Ilnd teach you r friend s and your families not to he afraid.

Second Do not drink, those thiogs that cause drunkenness . To p;et drunk is foolishness, for most peo· pie it is sin, it is always a. waste

of money. it causes many daDger8 .. ucb a 1 quarrelling, fighting, mur-der, ! 'lltery, aod so on-but. be-yond J t the s e, the poi30n alc!)Lol th i.t is in all such drinks, doe.i rea l harm to the body.

(Continued in pag' 17)

;r baby cncs at night

Bab" c~nnOi .. Je-ep 2 t

ni$!'I~1 If hi S ~tomach is upset by the "rong ((,od or jf his food i.s not "0,,,.is";111:'

He needs the ~ ~GHT food-

That i!' why rou mUS1

ci\'e" h~bTC!S '1':UIr I1C' I:l~ b) food. N"l!~ c ... :lnd doctor~ ,.,,·i11 all h:ll lOU ha l Nu is noun~hi ng. h mrtke Jab es sturdy and trong.

I~J ~ -. / ""' • _..L..

to give him real r .. OURISHMENT!

-\ wel1·1e<l., happy brlb~· leeps ",dl and grows

'lukkly so g;ve your hab y OJ Nuttine." All babies like it , and it i .. gery easy to make.

BA fOOD If,.ou (amlOf "' •• H' ("I'd ,.,~~. """,111," ' Nulrm.:' ,lie food _ .Tt

O#'Sf I( ,""1/~ .. ·' m ,lk

, ,

UMTHTELI WA BANTU, JOEl ~NNIl:SllUR(j, ,JUNE 0)') -", 1\140. •

--------:-- NOTES ON rOOKERY AND


"Take . morrow tbought


. .•. no thought. for the (<'T tit£' InMroW ~hall tnke for tbe things of itself."

Matt. \~i. 34.

THIS 11l8t reoeon our Lord gives or;oiust oD).il."l), for the fulure is

tbat we- have nothing to do 1\itb tbe future Cod gins UII life by daye, little o!!iogle daye. ERch day bas its own duti,.", ite o~ 0 oel'cJs, ils o~ 0

hia1s aod tl."mptatinns, ite owo griefe

!.ebe:Jt la Nt!stle Ie cu. boft u phd. bande. Lebue la Nest'e kit boluaDenl b -Iebete la khomo It mOllale Ie t50'" kilDalg k. r.cikiri. Ha u ~a Ic:bcsa Ja khomo 10Da ..

# •




THE ef'aFOn of ('olde and influenza is at htlnd. ]nflUt'fl~6 atla('k ..

hoth thE' "trong nnd lhc wt.'ak, but th ol-€- I1Hllt lit..elylo ('6\(.'h It o.l·ethe

and EorrOWlI. God el\\oys gives us fllrenglb eoouj:!:b for Ihe day 8S • Ill" gi\'l'8 ii, "ilh all. 'b~t Be pule '?to il Bul if \\e IOw;t 00 drag{!:llItf; boeL. 10'morrow's ("ern ODd pi1iut! I b, ru 00 lop ClCIO·dn) .... Ihe Iltl'f"o~tb "ill DOt bt tDough for Ihe load. God ~iIl Dot add ",lrl"Ot!Ib juel to humour our \\bims of nnxif'tyand dilltrusl

So tht> luson ie that we f:hould kf'f'P ucb day distinct 8Dd oUt'nd strictly to "bot it bringe U8 . (harlee Kiog~lt"y 88)·S: H 00 to-.doy'e duty, 6~ltl lo·do) 's tf'~ptQhOn , and do not "ukt-n aDd d,~lrocl )ourself b) looking forword to thing. whicb you cannot su, and could Dol uDdenloDd if )'Ou ('ow Ih,.w" ~(' really baH Dothing al BIl 10 do WIth Ihe futun", sa\c 10 prt'pore for it by failblully doing the dulies of 10·

day. No one was C\l'r nut-btd b), tbe

burdene of one do). We caD alwoy. get olon<> \\ilb our beo\iclit load liII the fiUD ~OC'8 do",n; Vtt'II, tbat i8 all "e ever bove to do. To-morrow? Oh, )"u mo) ",,.11 .blue no 10-wone."',; you may be III ht'OH'D. If ,ou Clle bue God ",ill be bue 100,

~nd lOU ",ill reethe new 6trea')gtb llufficic.Dt for tbe ncW day. -"ODe day at a tim~. A Luroc.u too

great To be borne \or t1\O caD Le borDe

tel t one; Who kOf)1\s 1\bot 1\iI1 enln to­

morrow'fI gale? "\t"bile ~d 1\e tire ~FeaJ.iDS aU: may

be done.

Wasbing Coloured Cottons ---

IF you are washing anything in coloured cotton, Jrom an overnll

to curtains or the dlildren's hE'd­fotpre8d~, be Fure to chookO 8 bree7.y da.y ror the joll. Remember Ihnt beat wJlI CBUlle tbe co lours to fado or become a dingy ,Yellow, ~o don ' t dry tbem in too brigbt tlunhght or ~a~h thtm in nry hot water.

Lee rnodernte bot 800py wfLtf'r, ruhblllg os httle 08 p08!'ible ]f tbe water 18 not too soapy kneoding and liqueclinp: will take out the dirt jURt a~ quiddy a8 rubbing, and tbe ('01-

ours" ill not be hlurred Rinpe t be cottons well in, warm watpr. FILally, rinll'e in a large bath of ('old w8trr to f'a('b gallon of wblch a large haDdful off-alt ba8 bf'E'n added

Salt rev-ives the colours and makee 1h(m more vivid. If cottonll are rinfi('d lI' fBlt water before wa!lbing the rfEult may be to caUEe blurring of tbe colour~, becaufle ealt makea Foap leES ffficie-nt, and harder rub. bing is needed.

'1 he rlDse in .e:aited water ebould Dot be forgotten, a8 it o!!eems to make tbe starching euier and more effect ive. MaLe tbe starch with one part of sta rch to two of water, and see tbat it is warm when you u~e it, not hot.

Two Delicious Recipes --

Cream Of Onion Soup

T"R EE piotR of water lib. onions; 30z. butter or butter

aubetltute, 1 pint milk J table. spoon flce flour.

S lice the ooionA and put tbem on with boiliop; water. Boil for an hour and 1\ half and add butter. ThIcken with milk and ricc flour, gestlon with fiatt Bod peppl'r rub through eif've, aDd bring to boiling point again before ticrviog.

Curried Fisb

lib white fish 2oz. rice 107:. butter; J onion; 1 tablespoon curry powder half lemon; 1 apple, flalt.

Boil tbe fiRh for 10 minutes, then allow to ('001.

Chop Qnd fry the onion in butter; take away from beat, add chopped apple , curry powder, grated lind and juice of lemon, aod half piot of water io which 6Rh was boiled . Simmer (or 15 mioutes. BooE' and flake tbe 6sh aod add to the curry mIxture. SUtlon aod serve very hot with boiled rice.

• Radiating Goodwill

A ~appy mao or woman is a better tblDg to find than a 6ve· pound note. He or she is a radiating focue of good wiJI , and their entrance into a room is a8 though another caodle had been lighted.

H poo!!@ible dry tbe cottons out of the f:uno!!hioe. Jf the drying has to bt' dODe iodoors, put the artidefl at erme distance from the 6re. Defore Ironing, damp tbe cottoos evenly with warm water, aod iron Put Aside Anxious Iron. oug S

Try not to keep the iron on the I Do not look forward to what cotton after it ie dry, but lift the might bappen to-morrow; tbe eame cotton from the ironin board everlasting Father Who cares for l\hile bUll steaming faintly. you to·day will take Oare of yon

to-morrow, and every day. Either Be will 6bield you from suffering, or Be will give you unfailing lItrength to bear It. Be at peace, then, and put. aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations.




"Life is most1y froth and bubble Two thinge staDd like stone;

Kindness in anot.her's trouble, Courage in your own."

-Adam Lindsey Gordon.

• Look to your health; and if yon

have it, praise God, and value it next to a good con9cience.

"fIape nita lebese Ie ka bolckaDlml :DOe tee Ie kofi ea bao ka lona ..

"One day at a time-but a siDgle d~y, "hall."tt it8 load, whalever tl8

leDglb ; And there's a bit ofprecioue Scripture

Tbere is no rosd too long to the man who advances deliberately and without undue haste; 1 here are no honours too distant. to the man who preparE's himpelf for them with patieoce. -Bruyere. St. Fra"cu de Sala. -Izaak Walton.

• I •

l eyenza

The Pad


makes , .



to eay That DCcordiflg

strength. "

• ukubala k,ubelula


Banllapezukwe 150,000 Abantsundu Abasebenzisi'


Nganina? Ngokuba zezona zilungileyo kakulu zingakatazi. Nlcsaqat.a teogaol ( 6ioger K UPELA ) Booaoaol oate VulaUe to Sloge,

laaoye dlbaoanl ne agente z.etu-olfomeoe 60:e X.blio oe Mlg".qo. Lumkel.ol ooo:ueha be me.blol t:e Singe, .. l>u. unua •• ,o ogooo"lIolall.

Ubonlor:1 bayo bobopele) ... ,.ye IUlJllao~81'In;I. ye nhlmbl ut. og8"801Jo, 080kolle loge oeko okul .. oekl .... Du.oe.roea w.,blol .o.u.

tuns. It! ege,


ones whose constitutions are weak, or who are auffering from neglected colds

To keep irJfluenza away, try to keep 6t by having plenty of exer. ci~e io the open air. There i8 nothing like fre"h air for driving away germs, 80 spend every pas. lIible moment out oi doorll; take brisk walks rather than sit huddled O,'cr a fire, and be Poure that the windows of your bedroom. IiviD:!­rooms or dfice are Opf'n in all weatber. \"rinter Sun~hjDe is pre­cinu:l. tiO let a"l much of it as you can ioto your borne

A u~eful SOlution which will do much to clean~e the throat and nose of germs i~ made by dil-aolv. in~ a te~!'poonful of salt ID" pint of hot wat~r . Let it cool before U!'~iog. f·nd when YOI) douche just pour a. lJttle into tbe palm of your band and sniff it up tbe nostrils.

• • • Deep breathing and phYSical

"jerks" pf'rformed When /letting up in the rnc..roing will do muoh t.o keep one fit. Be sure y<'u are baY". ir:lg eoough alec·p, and inoluue plenty ltf fruit and vegetables in your diet_ Oranges are espeoially good, &0 eat at least. one or·nge a day, and drink several gla.sses of cold water-always between meals.

1f in spite of all your efJortil influenza does attack you-and if it does it. will probably be only a mild attack-go to bed at once, and stay tbert: untIl your temper_ ature bas been normal for 24 hour8, There is o!!carcely any mistaking the sigoe of influenza

A dl'icoucerllOg but fortunate warning i~ a gent:ral feeling of ill­nese, feverisLl1et-~, and headacbe, or gastric trouble combined with 0.

severt\ cold_ If your temperature is above 100 dt:(!rees, send for a doctor.

, 8MoKil uJrJrICEB~' MHS <./1 i>BBTTES

Ke ba~ali feela ba ka bolelang kamoo ba eng b8- ikutloo bakula. hoba ba qet he 0 hlataoa masela. Ba tl&.llehile ho ema ka maoto, ke Dako

engoe mongo bong ho qala n " =:::;:;.: ka Mandaha hoisa ho Moq _-' eOOl0 'me hon&, ha ba sa hlokomele, ho ka ba eenyf'l . tS& bopbeJo bampe. Ba bang mesifa ea sataH. A be bohloko, ba bang ba ope­loe Ie mahlaba a ba. kene ka baka In ho hlaboa, esita ba bang ba kcnoa ke rheu. matillm, ho I!atalla ho rnA.nonyollo Ie matetetso.

• t

boWoko bona.

Empa ha. ho lebaka la hore wotho a tsoenyeoe h& a ~eba SAbla'e se lokileng. Ho nale lihlare ngata t.~eo hothoeng Ii 101..ile bakeng sn- ho pikitla emp tse tlitoang bo blakis tbU;lO. Sehlare se seng leela se nepllhetseng se sa. kokobetseng mablaba e Ie kapele feela empa Me bola. eng mabaka. a blabisang

Sloan's Liniment ke eona sebJare se nepanet.eeng. Ho



pong, mapol88 ng

pikitla ka 80na moo bohloko bo leng teng. r''''"''" thuso ke e khothatssng 6 Wahisang ho fllthu­mala; ka morao bo me· tsotsonyana. leblaha Ie eo. fela, manonyollo 10 mesiJa e opang 0 elL ko­kobela, 'me pele u ele· 1100. hore u entseng, u ikutIoa u pbet~e Leba. e ba u l!Iebe~a Uleraiong, li!ekotering, kichineng kapa mapala· sing, eba Ie botlolo ea Sloan's Liniment ke mehla. Sloan's Lini_ ment e fomanoa mabe. nkebeleng ohle taro

Ie booa hae heno.

Bolellang metsoalle ea lona eohle hore e sebelise Sloan's Liniment bakeng sa Matetetso Ie Phobelo,

Hopola hore Sloan's Liniment ha e nooe, e ea pikitloa.



The Editor, If Umteteli."

MR. SIMON MALAZA Orlando, Johannesburg. writes. Slr,-It.

is generally believed tha.t one of ~be Da.tion~ wbioh are fond of fe80stlDg is tbe Bantu oation. There Qre reas· 008 which bring about lhe"l8 feasts. Gat,b~ringfl sucb as marriages, weI· comes and farewells are the reaSODS

for thiR general belief. Nevertbe­JeS8 I sball Dot talk of these, be· cause they a re not com pulsory feasls.

I am sorry to state that it bas put many people from a fr.fiog pan into the fi re. A man, findmg him· self all against his ue~ires, resolves to find out what the r eaSOD might be. H e II.-s ka his friends who bave di fferent beliefs from his, who te ll him that bis gods are not pleased wi th his ways and unless be slaugh-

, "th .. t ers a wbite goat to com,ort em. nothing will go right. Surely, tL.LS one may take as a t rutb .

After having looked for 8. job up and down the streets, on6 really be· lieves hi9 gods are displea'!ed. He spends his last pennies which were bis hope or escaping the second doors from the pick-up· van doors. H e buys a whi te goat and calls a d octor to talk to his gods, as be does Dot know their "language." Tbe interpretation oosts himsome money All these acts draw the poor man from bad to worse. Tbill compul. sory is a lway~ encouraged by t he African doctors whom yo u may try when in want of proof.


*------------------------by sending up this tealD ' Or is i.t Q.

one, aided affair 1 If everythlOg goes well witbout a hitch, and agai,n if the officials aod players are uUt· ted, surely the Easlero. Provino,e team will emerge winDers, bu~ If there iB no uoison spirit, non-co­operatioo, disappointiog resul~A, a.nd uo.qpeakable disgrace Will follow the whole Eastern Provio.ce after the Tournament and all will be in the annals of the Eastern Province Bantu Ru~by records {or the first time in its hiitory.

L!\Stly, Sir, let us do away With this jealousy that h!ls been the came of ml\ny ,!lood attempted things. Let us start afrdsh. Let past offences be forgott3n. It's never too late to amend.

ous and upeace and good will" rul~ supreme throughout the witdh a.nd breadt.h of the country. All the races conoero.ed exerci~e pati· ence and toleranoe and h,.ve gre~t respeot. for ea.oh other and all oon· tribute equa.lIy to the progres~, development aDd prosperity of the country. Visitotil and ~trfL ngers are once struck by the friendly ~o· operation ao.u the absenc~ ~f ra~lal aotagonism, all the races Itv-Ing ~tde by side most pe~o~fu lly ... fbe friendly and submlsstve Sptrlt of t.he Swazis hlos striotly oonformed with the wishes of Kio~ S)mhlolo, who berore dying in 1836 warned the Swazis, gravely saying "n,o Swazi should lay h is hand or split the blood of t he wh ite-skinned


TIDNK The Editor, HUmteteli."

MR. G. L. MANGOAE LA, Neeth-ling, St.~eet" Stell eJ?bosc~,

writes: Slr,-Hltler s bandl ~ tWin brother MU8Solini has at last­though not unexpeotedly-joined the fray on Germ~ny's side. By this unprovoked actIOn he has o,nly succeeded in completely uomask lo.g Hitler and hiS aim~ for enti re world­domination by sbeer force a nd ~is now known brutality in the countctes that. he bas subjugated. The doubting Thomas63 in this country should bllove now been d ·prived of the last .hred of e:tcu'Je fo r their indifferenoe towardi the present

man." struggle in Europe. , CHRISTIANITY MfONGST BANTU Evidently this instruotioo. h!u Now, if ever, i:! the time for Afct.

been kept with reverence by. all the cans to rally round and form a Swazi generatioo.'i up to thiS very solid block behind our courag60us da.y. The Swazis have bl'Jen 801. leader General Smuts. We can

The Editor, "Umteteli."

MR, ALTON J. HLA~I, Th~un. waY310yai and law abiding and. In best d~ thllt by forgetting,. fo r the issen, O. F. S, . writes: Slr,- all historio evidence of the tr ibe duration of war,our own gri evances

I am olea.r of racial prejudioe or there has never been allY racia l and be prepared to meet the loom. prop~glt.nda, as I aID !l B!lntu my· friotion revolution or ri'ling ag~inst , ing humao. catastr,oph~ with deter. self. Niether am I oon<lcious of any the authority of the white skmned mine.tio'l. and unfhnclung courage. denomin!lotion!l.l preju lice. !tseem'il man, The local admini'ltr.'l.tion This is no tima for rdcrimio.ation as if God made it a permanent rule will certainly bear testimony of t.his and mudslio.ging, nor, yet fo r point­th!lt there should be 80 revolutioo. striking loyalty and oo.oper&tlo~ ing out of d~fici~o.cie" in the Gover n­either in the re!\lm of ideas or a and England knows that the Swa.zl ment 's policy towards ourselves. revolution in the form of physique ha'l been her faithful ally and paid Tbere will be time enough fo r t.hat and \'ioleoce, in this narrow path to her and her T h roo e when this evi l sto rm shall have called Chritianity. It seems to be uQ'!wervio.g loyalty at atl tim~s; been weathered.


NERVE-PAIN SPECIFIC No more agony- no more hOIlrl of torture. Nerve Pain. Speoifio banisb63 Pain in a few minutes. A suffere r WTite~: I< 1 U1a.8 al7i&M cr~pplul toith b':lck pat""' -!lM­could find no relie' 1I.nJil I too~·

Nerve Pain, Spuijk. The pai • . disappeared a'ler t tl/O tW8e8, " -

This is only one example we have of thoU3ands of similar testi. ~ monials. Nerve Pain Specifio­relieve~ Headaches, Toothachee, Lurn bago, Scia.tica., F acea.ohe.­Neura.lg ia, RheumBtism, Gout, Earache in a few minutes and breaks up Cold, 'Flu, etc., over~ . night. For a U Nerve Pains take-



3/6 from aU~Chpmiate &; Stores fi ve mile, from a chemist. By poet . t·.

fiEALT8 lI£orOI:<fz Co. AO£LIo.IO_, O.p, In sbort I may S8,y it is a clever way of making money. Givingone something to eat from his own pooket and tak ing double for your self is a compulsory :-'I laughter en· oouraged by the (witch) doctorB'.

the foundation and basis of every and in this War of to·d~y the Let those who are disposed to reo raoe no matter in what forin it SW9zi will not for a mom~nt de3ert gard this as a purely Wbite man's comes. The first feature of every her. At the moment wban the war reali"le tha.t; a t ri umph for race is Christianity, or it degeaer. Swazi nation hJ led by a prudent \1u3solini.Hitleri~m wouM mee.n ates. There a re no heathen in and educe.ted P,uam()unt Chief, totallos3 of even the little liberty the powers of the world. War is Sobhuza II, the bonds of frieol l;bip they are now enjoying. In G3r­caused by the violMion of this been further strengthened and m!lny itself a G03rman not Christian regime. and a far better understanding expreii an opinion. thj,t oonfl~cts and it behoves us as lovers of oar

Coming to th" point, our Ba.ctu created between the races. The w,'th Hitler's. Here In South Africa, d . ht f fi [ d th own count ry by the sacre Ilg 0 race. is i~signi ~&nt., . c?n emn e I country is governed by a. mi,nority even though our opinions may not birth to stand shoulder to shoulder


The Editor , "Umtet~li."

MR. S. T. YORKSHrRE, New Brighton, writes ir,-To

q uote Mr. Ma laza's words, "Most people like good thing~ but how many work fo r the good." I t i.s high time t hat Bantu should know how to control their o wn affairs in ternally and externa lly by studyi ng olosely the modern methods adopted by our E uropean friends. It is imperat ive t hat a ohange-a revolution-an election of new office bearera of any club, province or ohurch should be held annually; and it is very mea.n and selfisb tha. t a person should be an offioia l in any capacity for a con. eiderable period unless he is oapa.ble at his work and also has gained tbe oonfidence of his co· workers . B ut a.t the same time he should t ender bis resigna tion in due time. L et us give a chanoe to others. Leb us ex· plain the difficulties we encountered during our official career and try to remedy those obstacles In a sports · manlike manner, not by Nazism) bot in a spirit of sportmanship.

Preparations for the Bantu Tour. oament to be held in East L ondon) where various centres will parti· cipate, are being oarried on Whole heartedly by the officials, playera, and the pu blic (especially Trans. ... aal and Border) as I have gather. ed from thsi r reports, bu t what aboub our Eastern Province! Is it sending a good side whioh has the whole support of its officials and 8uppor ters 1 Is t here mutual agree· ment, good spiri t, good organisation among t he ex-and present officials




institution of Chnstlanlty .to our. (the populatioo. being approxlm\te- be of much account, we do at any with those now preparing to de­people from t.~e .very rudiments Iy 153,270 Natives, 2,740 Euro. rate enjoy the libert.y of expressing fend it whatever their past or pre~ by the first pl1~C1m'l, who almost pean~, 70.3 Eur> an.} " them and most of us enjoy and sent attitude towards us may be. battered them, With the result that A,i:Ltics) but the SwazI ha'! proved make use of that rigbt. A man is both a coward and. a mioister is not a ministe r if he a friend deservin~ oonfideo.ce and We are up against evi ls baving dootl n~t gi~e donat,ions to tbe ,con' respect. The friendly fee!in,g wh,ich perh!lps no plIa.llel in recent hi3tory (Continued if'S page 6) gregatlon 10 the diffe rent paClshes exists between the admlOHltratlon ';;;;;;;~;=======;::;~================ in his diocese, no mQtter to what and the Nat ives manifB~ts itself in -: social cla'1s he belonged. Donations a ll direction'l. Tbe officers, from cover social and sp.iritual welfare the higbe3t to the lowB3t, pl\rticu­to our pe~pl~; . de3.plte these .. ~hBre brly the senior officers, are v:ery is no Cbrtsttalllty tn the minIster, kindly disposed towards Natlv)s hence th~ degeneration of the race. and put the ir Whole heart into the

There 18 a. ,:,ery fau ~ t ~.o ne Native welfa re and progress. The by t hose holdlag the responSibili ty. Swaziland police are humble 8er. I do not see why, no matter what vants of the po pulation and the one's merits are to t he church, an Natives regard them as fri ends and individual illiterate and quite defi. not terrorists or peraecutors. cient of any prestige should be a~- It is indeed a fi ne sigbt t o S66

lowed to hold any kind of res~ons~· Natives in responsible pos itions bili ty. He soon wants to exercise hIS employed as clerks a nd interpreters ar t ific ial prestige in violence result- in t he offices of the administra t ion ing in the degreda tion of other folks, of the couotry. I n commerce it is sh~ win~ hiu upitriority i.a the super pleasing; t o find, almost in .all t he lat lve degree of camp an son . Soon stores in t he country, Nat ive em­h~ is in a world oblivion an~ forgets ployed as trusted s~o[ekeepe rs. In hIS elders . Thus comes hl3 down· S waz ilaad each 80clety develops on fall. Consequently he fouods only its own but the Europeans are a fresh denomination of illiterates t aking g reat interest in t he sooial as hilD!lelf ca lling it " Bantu Christ· development of t he Ban tu , The i a n~ty ': ' Thus he i .ns~ it ut:es racial proof of this good feeling between preJudtce and d lscr lmlQQtlon from races is seen in a Gymkhana day (he fu o.da.ment of h is form of r e- at Mbab!lne wbere t he white and ligioo. _. . the black jockey~ ride and compete

E ven 10 the sermon given by side by side. Between the SwaZi la nd suoh people there is neit her an the farm~rs and t he Nl tivBS ex ists introduction nor a po.nt of appli- same rele.tioo.ship and the Nat ives cation, cause aod effec t. ItI is just are treated as human beings and a reproductioo. of the Bible which nob as animals. Swaziland h83 every Tom. Diok aDd Harry could a 6 0e set of Missionaries whose do. Therefore a little bit of edu· relatfonship with the Nativei d e­c!ltion is necessary for the expound· serves a speoial mention. Their ing of the Gospel. ohristi!lll life spirit has proved

Most unlearned church wardens, them true friends of the Swazis and 8ub-wardens, stewards, a~d others open cha.mpions of t~eir oours.e. take these offices. a~ pnvileg~s ov~r The race relat ionship . IS s weet In other people, revIving fued!lhsm 10 S waziland and t here IS ha.rdly any churoh. They go t o the extenb of need for either welfare sooieties, forgetting that tbeir services are to Joint Counoils or political bodies. God not to man. By this I am oot The Natives being under strict judging bub giving taD;gible facts t ribal control, the agitator has no seea by any human eye In the form room to sow seeds of d iscontent. of flesh not spirit . In all I bave said I do not in .


IN t he lea~l infer that. the Swazis are quite contented and have no griev. anoe8. T h e V , as Natives, he. ve them ~ and are sharing

The Editor, II Umteteli." the same d isabili ties a.nd hardships

N a wondla umzi ONWAB/LEYO;>

Qinisek a. okokuba. ogexesha ungeko ekaya usebenza edolopini okanye usezi nkomporu, wnzi wako wonwabile wanelisekile. Bona okolruba umgubo we Ashton & Parsons~ Infants' P owders ugcin wa ngalo lonke ixesha kufupi ; ku ba lomgubo usheoxlsa intlu og u zoku phuma ama.zinyo oea t zomoya eslswini. Ngoko ke usana Iwako

uya n J. a~aml/'elo, ekll be ni

unina walo engadinwa egula nge xesha. oya ogalo ekaya. Ukulala kakulu kwenza usana ukuba lukhule lutyebe lube nempiJo.

Imigubo ye Ashton & Parsons Infants' Powders it hengiswa age. maxabiso a.pantsi kwi kemisti nevenkile zo nke. Abase kemisti baya. kuxelela indlela esetyeozi· 8wa ngayo. Xa usaya ekaya zipate le yona.


MR. J. J. NQUKU, Swaziland, as affect the rest of t he aboriginal writes: Sir,-As I have travers· races of Africa however, I wlih to

eel the country and gained consider. make it quite plain that t he Swazis, able experienoe of 100BI ooaditions, in spite of a.1I tbis, are free people. I think I shall be justified in giving Tbey ard oaptaiLls of their souls and a. brief account of Race Rela ma'iters of their own fate. If they tion'lhip as I have 8een it exi8tin~ fall to progress and pro~per it ~ill for the bit ten ye!l.r.3 in Swaziland. be as Dr. Dubs. of Na.tal "aId:

I The reli.tion"lhip between the raOed I "The ~ative is the enemy of in Swaziland is sweet and harmoni· himself."

Plwveri'M (A.s41-()II" ParsoM> Wallord, E 1lIJ1and.


, ,

Pantsi kwe Ntaba yase Kapa


NGENJlKALANGA yaoge Cawa ugapaya. k\\ edluleyo, kuzeie

ngulllutu ooke 0,6: lld\\(iW6 tltivela kude, u Mfundlsl ne !\kosk. :F. Gqomo. be Bantu Methodist Churoh, bamkelwe ugc­Mt'thodist. Churoh, bsmkelwe nge· otclu e:l.ipili~llyo ne7.omelezayo ogn­WZI wt'k\\t\ Ltloga. nalle Kapa. ngo· kubau1.i. E!.iblalweui ibe ogu MUll.

C. N Citasbe ngokucelw8. Ivulwe ogu Mfundisi S. J. N. Tladi. we A.M E. Churoh, eno Nkosk. Tladi. no MUll. no Nkosk. J. Louw. Amagosa e Seketa iogaba. Numz. S. hlp.Wele, S. tII.bong., Nkosk. S. L. Joboda, M \"sngeli J. Ndl.eku, MOll. no Nkoliai.. U. Pluseute, Mou. no Nkosk. D. Mebloan6, Sibonda H. W., R. Lapablela, T. B. Lekuwa, S. Zonda, :Ii:. Menyel wa, S.K ma Kosk. Mltmkuiu, E. \' umazonke, Ngo, Tisana, S. Ngq umama, N. 'fshabalala, E. Sibotoboto, E. S. Mpablele, naba· nye esio&enakuba bhala apa. _ .

Ungcwatywe ogu Mtuod)sl J Bam we Methodist Church, u Gosa , . M pisane ominyo.ka imasbuml mane esbumayela kwelo Baodla. U~ule ituba. eliogaoge\'cki knpels.. wO)'lsa­kala liplka sele:)e bo;,pltlle kVl a Laoga. Umzi woLhuke kunene. Abcfuodi:H ababeko ogaba. E. Gqomo, I\'. P. T. Ndiboo~o, SJ.X. TltI.(.h, J. ZWBUB, M. K081. ,umku. m bill wake upaWwe :t..ezmtaoga 2.9.ko W. P. Mama, M. Mvinjelwa, '1'. 1I1a&holo, Kewana, B. Cebindevu. Kubeko uludwe lwe moto zipeia zabarwebi bakwa Langa, abantu bebe6kilo kumakulu amane. Aba­ququzel~li bomsebeo'l.l wooke ibe ogaba Nuoo'l.. D. Mdeoge, J. Mgudlaodlu, no Mfundiai J. Ba~ otabe.te iuxe.mleko yonke yolungl­selelo kwade kwasengcwabeni Utlhiya iokedaooa enye De xbego· kazi uniua oway(seloko ekuye. Awasebe ovelwo.oo (wreaths) apume kwa Mou Dorman no Lon@, :\Uundisl J. Bam nomzl wake. EZI' t1t~haleni, BaLzjbaYh.1 Club, Stafu Hospitile, Gqtra Jones ne Nasi ezimblope ne )latron. Kwabate bapll~a IZlkali siogabaiula u Nkosk. Nduujlln9t, Mfuodlsi no Nkosk. P. 1llalshlk~e, Mfuodl:ii 00 Nkosk. J. Bam, Mnu. no Nkosk. A. Ngwevela.. Nkosk. Nell, Mnu. 00 Nko:tk. J. Ngcuksos. Mou. 00 Nko;,k D. Mdenge, Mnu. DO Nkosk. 13 Cebiodebu, W. Maodla; Mou DO

Nko~k. l). Setembha, Mou. no Nkosk. C. N. Cltashe, Mou. D. S. DJLra, E . Lutshaba, Mou. DO

Nkosk. S. Mfobo, W. Kula, h. Kula, J. Madolo, J. t11lambbo, K. Kula. Nkosk. Qalmge, Nkosk. C. Mthlomakulu, Mou. 00 Nkosk. N. Mt:hlomakulu, Mnu. 00 Nkosk. D. J. NomaDS. Nkosk. R. M. Siboto, W. Peter. Nkosk . .Ngaju, Mou. E . NyimbblDya, Mou. H. M. :llpablele. Muu no Nkosk. E. S. Gaika, Mou. no ~kosk . 0:,0. Boqwaoa. Mou. DO Nkosk. L. Somtlibaba, S. Ntllllgela. lzikhali zlbe yl £11. 15.6.

Ungowatywe ogenkoozo ezukile­yo umfikazl Nkosk. T. D. Rlati, wakwa 302 Rubusao9t Avenue kwa. Lliogs, ngeveki epelileyo ogolwesi l:ilauu emva kwemiUl. Inkonzo ibipetwe 0 g u M£undisi J. Bam wawe. Methodisi. Abafuodisi abe· beko ngaba W. P. T. Ndibongo, E. GqODlO, J. Sibbeoya, S. J. N. Tladi, C. N. Cltasbc no M. Kosi (Order 0 1'

Ethiopia). Bebefikile kuma 400 abnotu abebeko. U Mou. Hlati kwczeotlalo waziwa kunene. Aka· Dele nje kukuba ngusihlalo woma· oyal 'o IwabasebeoZI bakwa Laoga. ukwil.ugu biblalo we kowlti. yomdi­baui .so we maoyano eZlzeZI. Langa. Workers Association, Co.operative BurLll Sooiety, African Ratepayers Assooiation, Glen·Adelalde Rate· p9yers Asoociation kwa 00 Yo e Co-opcrativu ::iociety e:reyi De of hi yayo eGldn Grey. Umzl upose iz.lkhah ezide zayakuma ku £12.17 .8. Ukwangu Mshumayeh ovunYlweyo


'.0. 80111 l81t, C.p.Tow".

111, H." ...... r $" •• " Cap. Tow".

Um') u(una ilDltl epihsa10, Dorna uU!utehwa. yiu(o Ulrn!l.b~kelo (arna. Jumbo) IUblobo ngenhlobo, ooma. llblut.8bwa 111;\(0 eZ:lt~ba, bl,laleia inYi'Dga e)'elapayo; naoll ikeli:­

The Natal Herbs, P.O. Box 1819. Cape Town

Wot.ola aman.edo masinY8,


Ezase Klergsdorp (NOU 1'. T. NTADE::iI)

U MNU. 1. LEPRADI ugilwo yi. moto ulele esibedlele; eiw·

nqwenelela ububetere kuleyo ogozi. Umlandazelik9tzi o\'ela e Lusutu

ufikole kwa Mfundisi E. Seodi; kU'l.6la lemihla a.bantu ukuya ku­funa. nupilo, bavela kuzo zonke ikoua zelokisbi. Iotolllbazana ya· kwa Ndungwaua, angu Ksther Lotongo, ebudala bUYI Ii) iyagula yiotloko oamablaba.

Umongameli Mntuze, wase Pito­Ii, uke wegqi uku8ukela imioimbi ekaulezayo ku Mfundisi J. K webulan9t we Independent Cburcb T bandla. Ie Becbuano. Chur~h lifu­ua. 15IZa. secawe kwaye hfumeoe iSltembiso lokuba liZ9tkusi fumaoa . U pumlle esibedlele u Mou. D. Mo aka kuogozi yokwcuZ9kala kwake 8 1:tteel work.

U Nkosz. MnyengeZ9t obe fuodisa Iterele scbool ueele i sick leave ngeo,;a yempilo 6nkeoenkeoe.

• Izijungqe zase Vogels

PlIDLALO ye oawa epelileyo im· ngolublobo Venterspostl 1st

3, Vogels 1; Venlerspost 2nd 3, Vogels 2nd O. Wazibalula ke betu u Peter (Bidla..Bidla) UOxa i Vogels Ibetiwayo ibine goa lkeeper elukozi. U B J\1tobi 00 H. Sidima VOYI ba gqita kwa Nduna Denalaue e Rob­loson Deep 'yake yema i lori yaba­dlaJi bake baya kufumaoa iziselo ezishusbu befudumele be nComa nobubele ababufumeneyo Itu Nkosk. Denalaoe.

Sivuyisaua noM n u. M. Mpulampula. (Head Cltlrk) ngoku buya kwakhe e Blesi-Box kute i<;iqamo Bako sakukutenga. ifama (farm) ngase Mooti apo azimisele ukuyisbiya idolopu oento zayo ayokuba ngu mlimi womblaba nO mfuyi.

Ekupeleoi kwe vekile Bifikelwe ngu Nkosk . B. Mabuya. evela kwe lase Cumakala. Wamna.odi ke betu umdlalo kwa Mnu . H. Nyembo sihleka sivuma soawabile. Ayadanki:)B ama '·ogels.

U Muu. Rwe:s.:u, wodumo Iwe cricket, sefuna ukuvuliS i cric· ket noba kusalmnda.. U Mnu. Lonsdale Mosbesb selebuyile eZl bolideni zake.

'" e .. _

Ezase Rhini KULE i pbelayo ngo~iz i ~i6hle

amadoda awakhulu ama.bini , aba Num'l. _ Kwelo 00 Albany, oma­bini eb~sekbuhle.

Ziyaxika ukuogena og.Jku intla · ngtlno 'l.e Board ya Rugby kwenzl. wa amalungiseielo okukbwelisa abanyulwa base Rbiui e Monti kwi tumente ye Rugby ngeba ne East­ern Province Board ayiyekanga ko· dwa isebeoza ebuozimeni

I·Konsati z.iwuxakile umzi kwezi ntsuku zi b"mbini ntathu ogobusu­ku obunye. lkbe into ka Zondi, mfoudini, iyi cbairman kweyase Wisile yataho ngamashumi omabim e Ponti. Idlule neye ti. tshala eyenze £13, mfondini, kuse Dayimana apba e Rhini.

Ndandi lhembiee ukuxela ngom· vulo we tennis court ye Alliga.tors. Iyavulwa lonzwana ye court nge 22 J uoe yi Mayor oe Counoillors, kanti lonto iyekwa odulelwa yi konsati yale club eyakuba nge 20 June.

Babuye ogentsase. yo Mgqibelo abatbuoywa kwi ntlangano yama Ngqika e Cwaru. Kundu luke apba e Rbini kwa ogawo 10 Mgqibelo into zOl)tathu ukusinga a Bhai kwi ntlangano ye Eastern Province aba Nuwz. D. Ncame, A. Ng:tizela, V. V. T. Mboho, B.A , DO Mou. F. E. B. Ngxiki, i president ye Eastern Province. Babuye kusa· sa DgO M vulo. N g 0 k u h I w a ko rt-1vulo Iowa kubekbo iutlangani­so enkulu ehol weoi esihla.lw6ni ingu Mnu. P. P. Ndumo ; kulenlla ogaoo kwenziwe ing:telo ye ntlanga. niso Y8be Cwaru ngu Mou. S. Mtyekn, osekelwe ogaba Numz. NtJeki no Rasan9t kuloogxelo irona­odi k.kbulu.

libandla lama Methodisi p9tntsi ku­ka Mfundisi Bam. Inkosikazi Ie ingcwatywe De Bbatyi yayo yoku bbedesba. 19u1e iminyaka emi· bioi · enesiqingata, ushiya iakeda· ma ngasemva nabazali. Abaququ­zeleli balomcimbhi ibe ngu J. Mguodlandlu, J. D. Ndzuzo, I. Suwbbulu nabanye.

Indaba lase Qonce

NOENXA yelifu elimnyamo. Ie Mf'l'l.we, kuvakaliawo. ukuba

i Sbow eokulu yo Mneno·Nciba ebimelwe ukuqutywa apa ngn July ozayo iroxisiwa okwalo nyaka ka 1940; lendawo ize iJaJe kakuble ezingqondweni zamaweLu, bakhum· bule ukuba kujoogwene notsb9tba, akuko xesha. 10koowaba.

Kwiveki epelileyo eike Babooa ioquma le~twala·ndwe apa lize kubooa.oa no MbJe ngokutunywa yim bizo ytlsigqaba ebihlangene komkulu kwa. Saodile. ngorocimbi wembhaou eziswele umhlaba. Siva ukuba. zipulllpulwe ngocollelelo ngu MhJe. A ba.tunywa. abo ibingo Mblekazi N. Mblambiso. Mhlekaz.i J F. TsbatshubaNumz. S.K. Mqayi, D. GWIIi, B. Nikaoi, B. Bokw8, B.B. Xiniw8, M.R.C.

Iqela labadlali be lennis be 'Galka' bebeyokudlal9t ne Fort Bare ngombla we 31 May; ba6kele ebubeleni obukulu, bajikeleziswa bebooiswa izakiwo zeli ziko likulu lemfundo ngu Mpatl we Koleji n9tzizityudiai. B9tmangaliswa uku· bona bonke abaot.u besebancinane ngemioyak~. Umd1alo ube ngom· nandi noz.ole kunene, kudlalwa. kumaba la amabioi ogaxesha..nye, ekubeko oe titsbala. 7.8se Kolojini pakati kwsbabukeli abo.oinzi Isi­pumo sibe } .... ort 76, King. williamstown 59. Ababambi babu­lela kakulu ama Fort Hare nga­kumbi u Mnu. S. Makgokoog. AbadJali ibiogo M. Diogiswayo, B. Gqaliwe, M.P. Mzaiduwe, E. Uud9t, Elda B. Ntsonkota, Muriel N. Ntengu. Aba Numz. N.B. Zundeki no 1) D. Zoodcki balapa bake begxada kwa. K .... m9tni besiya itu­misel9t nokuyakunxib9t awa Dodana o M9tnyano laku Komtltni. B9tbuya bencoma ububle bomsebenzi pantsi ko Mlu. Jas. A. Rune we bandla Isse Dipende. U M vangeh J. Nyembezl walapa e Dipende unyu­lelwe ukubft. ayokuba. ogu mmeli we Ba.ndla 19t1lwa. Browolee kWI­ntlaogan18o ye Siqingata edibaoa. e Monti kwezlveki zlzayo.

Udlule apa u Mou. E. T . Qinga ngombJa we 4 June epuma. kWI ofisi yase Lady Frere ehblnlshelwa kweyase Bbayi, Dgowsebeozi wo~ kUlohka. Slyavuya ukumbona epaklAmile u Nkosk. Mildred Buzo kukungaplli obekude bamsa ngase­kaya e Peelton; selebuyele emsebenzini ngoku.

Makube umdlalo we rugby ubu­qata ngokub.odwa slni kwiveki enga.paya.! SIQiho kuba i 'Ambu­lance' Ibizwe kade kakat9ttu uku· yakutata amadodanll. enzakele kulomdlalo. U Mou. W. M. Ntuh owayeaZ9tkele kaoobom eiyavuya ukutl selepumile esibedlele ngaJe ngozi.

• Umbuliso E Rbafu

--U M B U LIS 0 wo M v.ngell

Mpongoshe uqutywe ecaweni yase A M.E . indlu izele yema. age mbambo. Kutsholoze ikwayala ka Nkosz. MgudJwa neka Titshala Wisy Nkowaoe. Ube mble kakulu lomsebenzi kwaugena £6·8·6. Vi,i. hlalo, u Mlu. Belwana, uwuqube ngubu oule obalatba amava. Paka. thl kwabaotu abaninzi abebekho aiba lule aba: Mlu. Ngqandu, Numz. Ran Il 0 a, Mpoogoshe X hal is a, Mbete, Nkowane: FutsbaBe, Bulembe, Matthews Mtyala, PlaatJies; ama Kosz: Mgudlwa, Ntlama, MagitBhlmo; ama Kosk. Nkowane, Da.s. Van Stad, Mhlomi, Mbete, Belwana, M pongoshe, HendriCks, Betterbout Mlt:lhiogam. U Nkosk. Nkowan~ utsbo ngo dlwabevu Iwentetho efundiBayo.

Sibe oeuywebe. yokubo.njelwa yi President yama Wealle, u Mlu. Wilkinson. 51mbone selengen8 eSI­kolweni sase Weaile. Kuthe kantl bayazana 00k8 Mbeto, kwanooko. Iwa. bethu. Uqubo ngamaodJ9t u Zenzele e Rafu, ne naDi lamalungu byanda. Nge Cawa sibe neatla.. nganiso yomzl nge ojongo zo kwa­mkala. iogxelo yabathunywa kwi ntJanganiso ye jOlOt council e Bhai.

Nge 27 June yi reoeption ya. malungu e Synod ye ~thiopian Church of Africa. Umbutbo we Grea~ Powers we nt800tya ubune ngaylwayo Idl:ln18i nge 2i Juoe. ~~be kubJe ukubo~a Amatempile eJikela pak.atl

4komzl nge Cawa .

Ezase T ekwini


BESIBUKELA elenkomi,bi ibbola ngo Mgqibelo, Jibaotu ba.hle.

Kwakubambeue" ama Home De· fenders, ase Maozimtoti, 'lama Zulu Royals aJape. em Dubane. Ayitata ngo 3-0 ame. Zu u akwabll ndabll '; 9tluLo.

• • • Lomdblo.lo weokomisbi wavule·

lwa inkundWa ugama Rangers ebhekene nama Taylor Street Home Stars. Zabambaoa, igudu lasba amaozi, kwazo kwapuoyulwa lioga­ogone ndawo-kanti kun kuti emakatalwoni adblule ama Home Stars DgO 3-1 kalula njebo . Aya. dhlala ama R9tDgen, abutuotu parobili kupela.

• • • KU8ihlwa nge Sonto am9tbandhla

ooke ayesoute e Weseli, kushuma­yela u Dotela Brookes opete i Koleji lase Adams ebunyushelwa ogu Mou. A. A . Kumalo wase Social Centre. Kwenaoela u Mfuodisi Joba.mon owakuluma waqeqebula ngesi Zulu. Kwabe kuhlangenwe ogesifiio 110· kuqubela. i Bhayibbeh kuzozonke izizwe zomblaba U Dotela Brookes wati noma umuntu angakulumll atini kodwa i :Bhayibheli Iiyinowadi yokuvula oslipi isaogo. Leokoozo yabanble ngokumsogalisayo loku IOdblu igowele iyapupuOla., kuhla­belela 0 neei bak wa McCord Ho:}­pilat oek waya Jase Zih labatini kanye nelase Grey Str~et. eleuza ioto y mehlo.

• • • Ngowbla ka 31 ku May i Teku

lalibut~oe Iinyatelaoa kubukwa imi· dhlalo yazozonke izinblobo ku Ground No.2. Kodba. yonke ngi­yayibona nje kodwa onewozawoza o g 0 w a b a j a h a ngaOla bhaisikili zibam bana ebbandeni uinto za ba­ntu umuntu ancame.

Emini umdblalo

• • • ya.ntambama sabukela webhola wabafanyaoa


base Siyamu loku pela babezobon& &Olaq9tbuqabu ase '1'ekwini oga.lo usuku I wemidhl.Jo esengikulume ngayo, sekuti em va kwamadina sebedumelana nootanga yabo base Ta)dor Street. Badhlala abantwaoa 8abuya 8ekuqine nemizimba sesike sabona ibbola into 9siyitanda ka­kulu. La.nqoba i Teku ngo 4-3.

• • • Akwela ngeaakusihlwa s~e Goli

amakosazana akwa Ma.aeko, u Agrinnette no Gladys, loku nokw8' oza ayelama.oa, beya. ekaya e Dorset kwelase NY8.nyadu. Bese benesika.ti beblala kuyiBekazi u Mnu. A. C. Maseko. em·Fes9toe.

• • • Batokoza abam8.1iyo Inezihlobo

zlka Mfundisi E. E. Kumalo nxa bembona emidblal weni yangombla ka 3 1 kwefile. Sengati ungalulama Motongwa.

• • • Ngalo i bolide lambla kupela

inynnga ka May kwakuhlangene enkulu 10blaoganl) yezisebenzi ze Soutb African Railways and Ha.r­bouu e Methodist Institute. Aku­mina ogedwa nxa ebona umblangano omkulu wezise­benzi zase zltlmeleni ngoba lapa klti em Dubaoe aukaoumi lomhla­ogsno ing9tbe kwenziwa yini kona. toko. Kodwa Dgiti nabakiti bazo-8ale ba.vul e emaqandeni emveni kokubooa izitunywa zalolonke 18 Nyonyaoa.

Ndibangelwa yinina ukuba ndidinwe ?

Ukomelela kwemisipha kuiwu INKUTHALO ukuze kusebenze. Inlruthalo ivela Ebucotsbeni nase Mithanjeni, ayiveU emlsitsheni. Xa Imhhambo ithumela umyalelo we-8enzo ezinamaodla emzimbeni in­doda ookuba umfazi odiniweyo uyomelela, ad lamke, anyamekc, aphapbame, akhuthale, onwabe, NGOKUBA AMANDLA EMPILO ANCEDISA ISAKIWO SEMI­THAMBO.

I VIRA TA kukudl. Kobuchopbo Nemithambo okhona kufanele uk­wondla nokuvuselela Amandla Empilo. Abadlali be Football nabe Cricket bayayisebenzis3 ukukwe" zeta inkuthalo efezekileyo ebafane" leyo. I V1RA TA yeoza amadoda atyafiJeyo omelelc, nawomele1eyo ome1ele ogapezulu, ngokuba ibaw" ka iDkuthalo.

Abantu .banlnn abaqondJ aku.,. babangelwa yinto­oioa ukuba banqene, bat­yale, bangabi oamoqweno ~okusebenza. Ba~­bile. abo emi­tbambo enwabileyo aphe­lile. Abaguli emzimbeni. KODWA AMANDLA EM­PILO NGATHI ALELE,

Lencw-adl ilanddayo yezlnye ez:1.ajnzi esitiCumanayo. yj. Cuode. Uthi X20 ogaba uswelc Inkuthalo. ulinge I VlRATA. Ngokumsinyaoe iyakubooaka_ lisa amaodla :lyo. U MI. Richatd Motlhabane, P.O. Klippla.u.tsdrift, via Ventet'9dorp. Tvl., ubha~ esithi: "Nd;todiryafiJe odlfuna umo­

melezi. NdaJruba ndiseben­ziae ibhotile ezimbini zc Virata oden' kukho into eUa­uyo emithanjeni yam. Nda. Cumana ukuba i Virata yenza imimangaljso. Atnntu bandi­bona ogoku ndinenkuthalo engapbeliyo, batru ndiyak­hauleza odinamandla ngokwe Ncu.ka. Andinibuleh ojc:ngo. kuba nd1bulel:1 u Tixo ornphe ubulumko bokuthak3 i Vi· filla. Ndlzi\-a ndoowabile, ndomelele odikhuthc-Ie. Nd •• zisa bonke abantu nge Virata."

I VlRA T A itengisW'a kuzo zonke lndawo nge bhotile )'C 1/9 (30 pills) ne 3/3 (40 pills) mbJaumbi ngqo ku P .O. BOX 74Z, CAPE TOWN ufake iotlauJo )'a)'o. Zise pakethini elimthubl.



Abantu Nento Zabo e Bhai

NANTSO iogxlkela yekonsati ya ­maneoekazi 6se Kimberley e

T.O. White Hall, New Brlibton Village nge 3 DO 10 J ul y. igama leliqeJa zi Kimberley l'apsicodian Strut-tere, ogamaoeoekazl odwa, alongiBe1elwa ogu Mou. W. Jabavu. Eliqela. liyaooooywa kwiodawo ebe· likuzo koma TLJaba Nohu, Hope­towo, Windsor too nase De Aar, eliqeJa Iipetwe agu Nkoaz. Domingo, wodumo Jwaae Kim berley.

IntJanganil!lo ye Shodi yaso New Brightoo Iblhlangene oge 10 J uoe, ngomolmbi weaioelo sakwa toliwe otUDA ukubalekisa ibha8i ezikhau­leuyo pakat.i kwe Bhai, Rhioi De NgqUBhwa. I Bhodi 1Sibuiele esisi­oelo, yayaJeaa ukuba ibhasi ezo ainduluke e Bhai ogolwezi. Thathu tUBaea zonke ivekJ ngo 6 kuaasa aibuye ngoeuku oJulandelayo, ZID­duluke e Rhioi ngo 7 ngolluhlwa. Kwakhona kuyalezwe ukuba." zi­hambe DAnge Mtgqibelo zonke iveki kwangalamu:esha aogeotla apa. Abakwaloltwe bathe baya.kublZa imali eyi 10/6 pakati kwe Bhai De Rhini nge 'single' i 'retaro' ibeyi £1. Pakati kwe Bhai ne Ngqushwa i '8ingle' yl 15/ 3, ze i 'reburn' ibeyi £1·9·6.

Selembovu ukuliahiya) Bhai .. u Mno. S. Ngene, wama Topiya·Oda usinge. e Rbautini ngotahintsho spa ayakubangum mVAogeli wase 1'0· piy •. Oda, umbuliso wake ubuogo­lwesi Hlanu lwe 14 June e tyalikeu.i yabo e New Brighton.

Slvelaoa ngokuDZulu no Mou. J aeab Ma bele w&Se Korsten ogoda ba lokubhubha komkhuluwa wake e Monti, ongo Joho Mabele, obhubhe age 1 June. Kungosizi e9azisa ukusweleka eh08pitil1 yase Bbai kuka Nkosz. Jane Zana, okhaya lise Rhini, ugule ituba eHfutshane, wabhubha Dge 13 Jane wafi.blwa ngosuku olulandelayo. Sivelaoa no Mnu. Freddi Ciyana, okaya lise Tamara e Qonce ongomsebenzi e Bhal ogengozi embJeleyo yoku­nqumnka. umnwe wokwalatha kwi. sandla sasekuDene, D08eeaieni lawo otyumkileyo yingozi yomashioi wokushicile1a, leoto yenzeke oge 3 June. U Nyauza 10 useogasemzini wake e New Brightoo ogoku asa. nyangwayo.

Sivuyiaana no Moo. no Nkosk. D. Foley, base Korsten, ogokulizwa ogonyaoa nge 27 May. Emva ko­ ozima iveki ezimbhini si. yavuya ukwazisa ukuba u Nkosk. D. Manzaoa, wase MoNamee ViUe UDobunohooo. lzihlobo ezinqweoel~ ukubhalelanll no Nkosk. Elsie Wenteol ziogambhaJela ogale adresi: No. 2 Msimka Street, McNamee Village, New Brighton, Port Eliz­abeth njeogokube. esando.lukubhu. jel wa ogumyeu.i wake.

Kuvakala Dkuba u Mou. Griffiths MotsieJoa wodumo Iwase Rbautini oe Merry Birds Band yake yase Rhautlni balindelekile kwelase Bhai ngezithuba zika September waloo­yakaj uyaziwa ogumzi umsebenzi omhJe kunene ol'VOoziwa leliqela kutyelelo Iwalo lokugqibela kwoli. oala, silinqweoelela impumelelo amaJungiseJelo aloaku Mou. Jabav~ e New Brighton. .

Uhambela phambili umsebenzi womaoyano lW8 nurses kwelase Bhai kuba ogoku u sihlalo walo u Nkosk: D. ~ginza uaendJeleoiyoku_ ya e Dikeru oase Mooti ngokubizwa ukuba aaeke umanyaoo lwe Nurses !'Phambili Nobantu." '

• Imbhutho Yeziqwala

ne Mfama -


UMBUTO wo Blind aDd Crippled League ubeoekoosati ogobo-

• uku bo 7 Juno 0 T.C. Whit.. Hall New BrIghton Village j esihlalweoi iogu Mou. W. Sokutu ephahlwe ngu Mou. T. Noonoo. Kuvume ezi­kwayala Rhytbm Star., Holly Blue8 oe P.E. Baotu Male Choir yodumo lwase Bhai. Usihla.Jo ueeJe u Mnu. D. Polak othe uyawu­buleJa umzi Wa8e Bhai ogokuzaku nasa lokoosati ngobobu8Uku ka. ojalo uyitbandile ingoma evele kwi­kwayaJa ezivumileyo, gqwidi oje ukuba eoga.sazi isi Xhosa apo ebe­Dokuyilandela. iogoma ngoku pbele­loyo (kwahlekwa). Ubambiee wa. thi hfikile ithuba. lokuba umntu ontsundu makazenzele nioto zake pgoku, litikilo iXMlha, azinoode 08°-


Ulwamkelo Luka Mnu. No Nkosk. I. Maliza

e Bhai (HO U QAr,AZIT ll;

MALANGA nge Cawa 9 June, kwi DiBpenijary ya8e New Drig hton

ibeyimbhutho yokwamkela u Mnu. DO Nk08k. lBase Maliza . U Mou. Maliza yi Sajini yamapolisa antsuodu e New Brighton. Batsbate e Ngqu· 8hwa, inkosikazi yintombi yakwa Xhanti u Florance, ekhaj a lise Bathurst. Lembutho yonge.n) elwe ogu Mou. H. Mbataoi epbablwe ngu Mou. 00 Nkosk. Maliza. naba Num..z. D. Nyall 00 Corporal J. Ngcab8 waso Kors teo. Ekuvulweoi, u :5ihlalo uthe kudityenwe ngoku­zakwamkelwa u Nkosk. Malin kwelase Bhai. Umyeoi wake uyaziwa kaku lu e Bhe.i, oakuba eselula oje, iwonga a.libambiJeyo kwa Rulumente limenze wa.neeidlma eslmellZe umntu omkhulu. Uqbube wathi u Sajini Jo ududele e Ngqusbwa kutsha nje, ngokulixhabis& i Bhai wabona ukuba uyakuba ojengesela akawa­zisanga umzi ogesenzo sake. Upbe­the u SihJa!o ogelokuba u Nkosk. Malizll ze ihlaJe ihleJi kuye into yokuba nmyern wake uphetbe iloki8hi yonke. Kwesisithuba u SibJalo uoele u Mnu. Maliza oenko. sikazi yake ukuba baphakame, wabazisa emzioi. Isilhelhi eaila­landeleyo ibengu Mnu. O. Nginza oehaze imvelaphi ka Mnu. Maliza nokuba wuka e Rhioi apo ebeyi 'corporal' wathi akufika e Bbai ngomsebenzi wakhe omble, wanyu­selwa kubu sajini. leithethi sibulele ubukho bamapol8e. embbombho zooke zakwa Ruiumente. Kulaniele itheko lokuselwa kwemptlo yaba· t8hatl, iqbashu laphakaoyi8wa ogu Mnu. Nginza zaqubana I glass esi· thubeni. Ezinye Izitbethi lbeogaba. Numz. J. Mkutshulwa, oyi Sajioi ya8e Korsten, J. Sangotsha (isibonda e New Brighton), J. Gcolotela i Sa.jini kwa Railway, no D. Nya.ti.

U Mou. no Nkosk. Maliza bape­ndulelwe ngu Mnu. Na.thaniel Gooya ovakalise into yokuba u Nkosk. ubephantsi ko Mlu: Za.mbhodla e Ngqu8hwa engumphathi wentombi zomtbandazo e Wesile (kwadunywe.). Iziphuogo ethekweni eli bezihanjiswa ngama Kosk. W. Tube, M. Meapukiso nama Kosz B. Goduka, M. Tube, N. Maholo no N. Nenga. Kwabebekho sibalula abe. Numz. W. Tube, A., C. Ntlabatl, W. Mabija, A. Mto.ti, Dlukulu, N. Gunguluza oama K08k J. Maqanda, J. Sangot8ba 00 J. Matoleogwe. Amalungiselelo esisusa enziwe aBaba Numz. C. Nginza no Gooya. Kwakube kula­odele uludwe lwezipho kubatshati, umsebenzi omble nvalwe eekuhlwile.

• Amalungiselelo Ododana Iwase Rabe e Bhai

(NOV QAuzH 11)

L LXHAPETSHU apo kuluDgieo. lelwa inkonzo ka Nyanga.otathu

wamadodaoa ase Rhabe (Coogre­gational) eyobase tyalikeni eokulu yawo e Durban Road, Kor8ten ngomhla we 29 June lonyaka ogo 8 ogokuhlwa. Ngobo busuku yoba slsusa sokuDxitywa kwa.madodana. elase Bhai nomandla walo i 'uni. form' yododana lomthandazo, kuru-barnee neziodawo zilandela ) 0:

Hankey, Alexandria, Veeplaats, Gamtoos, Humaosdorp kwane Tioa­rha. U m 8 e b eo z i uyakuphetwa ogomlaliso nomsiao. Kumeoye namadodana amaoyeamahlelo ooke ase Bhai. Intlaoganiao yokuJungi­selela ing.s:elo IBmasebe ooke yoba­sema Xambern oge 22 JUDe ugo 2 Malanga. Kuyalez wa kumag05a oamadodana ijikelele ukuba ku6ke . lelwe ngexesha kuba imoimbi tyaku­baminiDzi.

kuzixhasa izisusa zakhe. Uwunco­mile kakulu umsebenzi oweoziwe yi Blind aDd Crippled Le.gue atbo weata. nama.vandlakanyo oange kitshi lesophu elisaodukuvulwa apo kutyiBelwa khona iziqwala oe­mfama ezingaphezu kwama 60. Uwubulele umaebeozi wabaseki ba­lombuto u Mnu. J. Ntshinga no Nkosz. D . MbiloDa. Emva. kwekon­eati ku}andele umdyusbo. AbaJuo ngiseleli bom8ebenzi ibengaba Numz. Madolo, S inuk .. , no Yaya kwavalwa tensilo. '

Ezase Tinara (NQU GOtNUAlZI)

UNGQ.lNGQ.A obuyolola 0 Bayi u Miu. Kika beoo Letha u

D. L. Kopo, benza amalungiselelo akwaloliwe kuba kaloku amak08i­kazi aae Tiyopiya ane komfe. e Mon­ti. Awelt 10ala anduluke apa ngo mhla we 21 ku June, namhJ80je ayagaleleka kwa Gompo_ Siva ukuba. amagama selefike kwi khulu elioama shumi a.i8.l:00:l:e, aballgaba phuma e Tioa.ra, BaYI, Ybumaoo., Rim, Qhora, Cawa, nakwa Nojoli

lbe yi tipati kwa Mnu. S. NoodJwana ogomWe. wo 10 kwe mlYo iseoziw8 ngeme. Koak. Hlekani no Nondl wana. Ide ya­fika i konsati ejongene nokwenzela usapho lwezikolo zalapa imidlalo. logenele 6 St.. Anne'a kuzele ku ngeko nendawo. Ikwayala ZIOO ntathu izezi Wesile, Rabe oe Tiyo­plya, zivuoyiswa ogu A. W. MJuleoi, C. Mfini DO Nkosz. M. T. Tsolekile ngoku landelelana kwazo Malunga nengoma singabw 8iyavu­ya ukuva ngati liza kuvuswa Ikha­kha, kuba ngoku into ekhuhleyo yimlqukumbelo eogena ogqeqeeho yaogoma kuba uku kwaza okungeoa noa8a. K wa babeko siba­lwa ama Kosk. Nyati, Nondtwana, Gontshi, Hlekani, K08Z. Habana, Siyo, Mava.yi, Nompondo, Majola, Ny 0 m b 0 I 0 Nzube, Makupula, Mazamisa. Ntlebl, usi­hla.lo yayilichule elazlwayo u Mnu. Pama.

Into embi eyenzekayo ngobubu. suku kuthe xa ama Kosz. Nompoodo no Majol .. bawel .. 10m· jelo unzulu ezantsi kwa 3 kwe gqita IDkweokwe .ita jize iqhiya emhlope entloko yatyhudisa pall-atbi kwabo yamwola ngemileoze u Nkosz. Nompondo yampbosa pantsi sajuba illpajl4 yasltslbeltt. iokweDkwe yazi phosa kulo mjelo umoyama ya~noda lDkwenkwe.

Siyavuye. ukumbona ekhaya u Nkosk. Qhoqo. wase HiUwacbt Road. U iIlnu. Kbwilo Nkobla uyeklle kwi private school e Afrika, ogoku ufundisa e hlozindala emiu.i nase busuku. U Nkoek. Phethuoa ukwe1e ngomhla we 7 kwdmiyo no nyana wake, u JohDBon Qaba.ka, basinga e Tyume.

Umpolofeti uke wenza imvu8ele-10 ngolwesi Hlanu 8iagasa­mbow.

• Akasekho u Mnu. Daniel Makhaliane (NQU MBHALELI WAbil BBAl)

KUNGOSIZI ukwazi.a kulomiblati ukuba uMou. Dantel MakaiJaoe.

okhaya. lise Alvane, uli­shiyue eltphakade ngobusuku be 11 June emva kokuguJa lDtsuku ezi­otlanu liphika. Ubhubbe eminya­ka ima 56 ubudala, ufike e Bhal ngo 1934 ngeotsebenzo. Ngebshwa um6. Makaliane u9weleke iol:tosike.zl yake ise Alvaoe apo yazl8we ngo­cmgo ukuba . kasekho, kwaliod Wa yooa phambi kokuba kufihlwe. Umnewabo wake, ngomWa we 13 June, ukhokhelwe ngu Mlu. "tV. C. Teka. wama Weaile, abaotu efi­hlweni beogama 230. U Ainu. Makaliane wayeogumsebeozi om· dala wakwa SLevenson Mltohell e Alvane akufika e Bhai wangeoa kwa Hugb Parker. ivenkile eOkulu yalapa, atbe ngomsebenzi omble wake noxohse abaqeshl bake, Inkosi yake u Mou. Parker ngeslqu yakho emncwabeni, nendJeko zom­newabo wonke zatwalwa ylyO . EmafiWweni u MIu. Teka eth~tha ngobom balendoda utbe WDzalikazi wayo e Beoson.vale wayeogumkho. kheli womanyaoo lwamakhosikazi, umfi lowo ekhulele ebu Kreatwiui ezalwa ogamakholwa. Kuthetb.e inkosi yake u Mou. Hugh Parker, othe u Daoiel ubengumntu olungl­leyo otbembekileyo oozithobtleyo emsebenzini wake. Uthe akoYlki UkUli umfi Daniel ibentle IDdlela yake yokugqibela, kuba u Tixo wa­khupa noyana wake ukuba a.zeku­siz1\ isizwe, kungeso8lze.tu umfi Darnel ehambe iodieia entle. Ama­zwi 0 Mnu. Parker abulelwe ogu Mou. S. Serapelo. Umfi ushlya inkosikazi yake u Elsie Makaliane, abaotwana ababloi abango Elizabeth no Eleazer asehebakhuluj sivelana. nabODlZI waka, ihzwe hia­hlekelwe kuhamba kwaleododa eyayimvumi ephakamileyo nge­thuba layo, ivuma naba Numz. W. Jabavu, C. P. Mathob., G. Nzuzo no O. SeJeoan8Dio 1914 • G'lili,

Isisusa se Roslyn Club (Nou lIlJJllLELI WASil BBA..I)

NGENJIKALANGA yombla wo 9 June, kwa MOD. no Nkoak. R.

Mkuli e HilJakraal, Koreteo. kube­kbo imbutho ye Roslyn Tennis Club 8aililalweoi iogu Moo. E. E . MkuLi encediawa. agu Moo. E. Max Lupoodwana. Ebhekiea kwabalapo, U 81hlalo utbe bablangenengenjoogo yokuboniaa iodebe eZlfuoyenwe ngu­loa.l)utbo kwi 'seaaoo' edJuleyo. r .ebe ezo zezi : Kuzwayo cup, '.gubela oup, Lady Tiny oup De Eastern Province ladies singles cup. Eyokugqibela yafunyaowa ago Nko82. A. Nyusela kumdlalo anzi­ma eyokuhlutba kwiojojelikazi ye ten888 Y"86 Rhafu, u Nkoak. K. Mpati (Ino,aduoywa). Uhambia8 wathi uyaocoma umdlalo oboniawe yi Roslyn xa.bekudle.lwa i 'fixtures.' 1nteto eziwileyo bezimana zivangwa ngeogoma evele kwi Roslyn ChOir. Istthethi esilandeleyo ibe ogu MOll. L. Tuoyiswa, othe wancoma umhuto we Roslyo ogomdlalo omhle, looto izalwa bubunye emdJalweni nase zintlanganisweni. Uthe lonkqubo iyakuwubaogela lombuto usoJoko uqhubela phambili. KuJaodele inteto ka Mnu . Austin Lupondwana, oyi captain yombuto. Utbe ng komgca womdlalo, njengomphati womdlalo 'apo kukho uxolo akukbo so no,' ytlomvisiawano ebangela ukuba 10 mhuto u.soloko uzithabatha iodebe ngalo lonke ixesha lomdlalo. bahla· ngene BpO ogokucebiBaoa, nBnga· manyathelo amabawathabathe em­dlalweoi. Kulaodele u Nkosz. B.E. Kama othe wazekelisa ngentaka esithi kukbo intaka ezinkulu oezi­noinane, ileyo iotaka ineodJela yayo epbapba ogayo, agoko nemibuto Ie ifana nentaka ezo. Uyaleze ukuba umbuto womelele, ubambane nge zandla, Wancoma ukumanyana kwa­wo kuba ungowe titabala, lonto yenze ukuba zazane. Kwab~be­kho : sibalula K08Z. G. Nlkiwe, F. Nqana, R. Gcilishe, N. Mvinjelwa, M. G. Tuoyiswa nama Kosk. J. Maqoma., M. Mag u g a no S. Ma.nzao&.. Kumaneoe bekukho aba Numz. C. Mblauli, A. Buyambo, S. Mabija, P. Mkuli no P. J. Kwaza. Ababambise iziphuogo ibengama Kosk. K. Mkuli no E. Lupondwaoa, kwavalwa sekuhlwile.




, PN880s.-s

Iziganeko zakwa Gompo .

Inteto ye Mantyi yaba Ntsundu

KWISITffUBA .ominyak. omino ala phs. ogayo u-Mantyi waba­

nbundu, u·Mnu. D. G. Hartmaon, (Aa! I Mzimkhulu) wenze ngangoko aaako ukuba. aogaphoswa litbuba. lakuvela, lokwenza intetho kuma~ Yerepu, ezinomdla oezinandipheka_ yo ngama Afrike., sitaho kuba Ie­ndendebe ibisandulukwenza udlwa­bevu lwenteto kumafama a mblope ogempatho efanelekileyo emBye­nziwe kwizicaka zawo ezintsundu, ioteto leyo ede yakhukhuzwa. ya. yalezwa oakwimihlati yephepba lase Dikeni, illS. A. Outlook."

Eligosa lakwa Ndaba Zabantu lenze enye iotetho kwi "Rotary Club" yalapa, kwi Cawa epelileyo, ogezinto ngezinto ezidlumno' 0

Ntsuodu, nanga.lomsina-n d 0 Z el e wodilizo lwe Lokishi. intetho ago. kuqinisekileyo omakube i y i val e amehlo i Ka.osele yalapha ebifaoele ukuba ngoku ingene ibone. kwibho­ngo la10 lokwe.kha i Lokishi eng •. sayi kuba namizi iyeyabemi aba Ntaundu ngokupheleleyo. U Mou. Hartmano ubuza umbuzo oogena kupeodulwa zizinhanha. ule dolopu wokuha eku citweni kwe L 0 k i 8 h i Ie kweoziwe

(Kangela l<upepa 11)

Ctack I Bang I Take that I And that 1 That's how Pa handled his man. Quick as lig htning he dodged, parried and ducked, in and out- brain alert, eye clear, winning by manoeuvre and strategy.

How does Pa do it? Strong Bile Bow keeps his d.igestive tract clean. No stagnation, no " Liver," no Headaches.

He depends on Parton's for his fitness, e:!tpressing a d.igestiv~ system functioning regularly and thoroughly. And the strong Nerve Tonic, compatibly blended With the Parton's formwa, gives him that energy and happy nature fo r which he is now famous.

That's the Pa story. A story ofheahh), action offered through Parton's to those " .. ho feel the need of a tonic.aperient, who are minus that .. pep" indicating 100 per cent. fitness.

T here's a reAson for Parton's popularity. Try a bottle to-day. Kno'W the why and the ,,,berefore o f brighter eyes, clearer brain and a happia nature. A dose to-night will prove, to-morrow. that cleansing bas begun. Energy will follow. Sold everywhere in the Union at 1/' (30 Pills) - 1/6 (50 Pilli) - , .





Ezase George Goch I-Koosati ka Magobiane e Monti

Intlangaoiso yo­Maoyaoo Iwaba-Voti

NGOLWESI NE 13 JUDe keni ye Bantu Metbodist, kwa-

1<ubek", e .ibJ.I.,eni u Nkosk. J UMNU. GORDON MAGOBIANE, SIPEIAULA k k M. Malebaloa, obeyi vice· president D. V.T., WOdUOlO Iweogoma ku ngo uvuya u uva u Maoyaoo Iwaba Voti base-yo ?i.nyano lwa Maoina e Kolooi, Mneno Nciba upbela, okwayingqo· Monti oluvuselwe ekuqaleoi kwalo.

'ngapambi kokupuma kwabo 00 oyeJa kwi skote.. 8ase QJoce esiy i nyaka,lwenze isiqalo e.itsha ngo­.~veDi wake e Wesile. Waye ngu Higber Mi~3ion, nofumeue umxaka k d'b k . --v U I ana anye ngenyaoga kWI · mgcioi sihlBlo womanyaoo kwa wokunyu<telwa agu Rulumente we otiangauiso zalo eZiblangaoa. ogo. Ndt\beoi, e Kapa, Nompati we S.ebe Ie Mf';lodo kWibaoga lobubloli Iwesi Hlaou lokuqala eoyangeni e So~day School kwa Langa: zlkolo . kWloala leugl)ma, ubene Bantu Presbyterian Church, Auld ~g~!~mhla uogaseotla, 10tlaoga'l Kooaatl eakulu e H~C .. Peaoock Memorial. Ukongeza kumBgosa

STOP THAT Qulcltll'.~ •

Soothe 'lout ltrItr')Id =a IUCIdn8 tho oaIJ ... ..,. eatcd with the ='g 7 t ~ cna olVlcb V I

bigaQeko l;akwa Gompo

tho warna pa9i asebusuko ezidolo­pioi Oll (curfew regulations) kuba ngokweoowadi ebhalelw8 u aiblalo agu Mou. Webb. S. Goa walapba okwa Centani ngoku, ugwetyiwe yi Mantyi YR.lapho pant,si kwe "Cur­few Regulations" pOKa ada warola iaiqiniBelo (certi6cate) sobu voti. Omaye umbuzo ubengowokuba akukho qoodo likhoyo oa emte· tweoi ellkhuphela ogapandJe aha­voti abantsundu ekntshutsbisweni pantsi komthethwana We U Lodgers I Permit" ezi Lokishioi 1 Intlanga­oiso igqibe ekubeni ezindawo ziowa­ngoiswe kakuhle ogunobhata ophs­pneni, zisiogi!l'We njengombuzo ku-bameli bethu abarnhlope a.base (Ziqata kupepa 10)

'DiseJ Iblpetwe ~gu ~"ma w~tu,. u Hall .~gokublwa ~o :,f~q.lbe lo.' 8 awayenyulwe ekuqaleni konyaks, Nkosk. Lutuh, eSlkundlenl 81ka kweoo.lj1o. Le kousatl Jbl~enz lW'a kub looyelwe amalungu amathBthu mama wetu, .u Nltosk. T. M. pan't~1 kwempembel~lo ze Border e komiti, looto itbethe ukuba ama­Ramusbu (presl.deot). 0 Gao~~ga. Bantu Rugby Foo~bu.lI. Boa.rd jit:09a a1aul8.10 ngoku n ala: H.W.S. oda 10., wavule. I~kon:~o washlol.lel.a e:ltomB ukuqokeleJa ~m.h akum!), I B~n·M.}zwi, (Cbatrat:t:i), S. rtf. B. i.kolu ku m~ZWl ah UNogq].bl It· £50 yokulung lselela I Tumeate ya T pa (Vice.Ch' ) Ed D ngayi ku buoll." Am"koqikazi abe: S.A.B. Rugby Foo~b!),11 Touroa· T:~nyego (Sec. ~;::~r~r), C~mp: lapo emj ;14, evela \u~agumbl ~enb. I Oktb Magobsaknj uble bne S. Mvalo (Assi3t. Secretary), P . C. ouke sse o. ~n.oesburg, .. u 0 am.a· :aya a y~ e ye 4; 0 en~ba- Fetsba, Douglas Kanana 00 A.

Palamente E~igqebeni sengxoxo m&luD~iselelo maoi na uge 1,600 (H~use of Assembly), ngokungaku- I yabeall ab30nemizi eyeyabo ngokm mbl uluvo nembho~? z~odlaoya.vll n~yakhiw" D (''U "II 8tillk:t1lu

'hlelo ~maU1nzl apete IZIpO zawo. 0 wana a laogaDlq, , yw~ . 0 Ma.tob.'\. (Members of tbe Commit-Kwanxltywa amantombazaoa a 5 u ngououtu wellgoma. aYlzlwe t ) K' tl . 1 sihlalo waoikezeJa ku Nkosk kakuhle ognmzi wase Monti, kuqu~ kee " k WI~ bng~nlso Iya eoy~ogbo, Molebaloa am\\!uogu 76 abaliogw~ quzela aba Numz. J . N. Meki .. J. "!booldwka I u a

k UI m~luogu u u a

G ' . N B k D K MIN T aZI ao a paoye 0 u 11 aoyaoo, no-

18 e George ocb yodwa Iz lpo . usa we,. aoue no . . k b . I k'J zabaniozi z9ntlobo zooke' imali Klass, esihlalweni iogu Mou. H . u a &~um~ umrUDlO ~m~9: ~ I eyo yabayi £7-10.3 Kuleyo m~li i 10/. Beo-Mazwi. Kuwe ioteto ezimyoli wonya a . og.ena og~ u u az~vo yayipuma k~ Nkosz Tirelo zokuocoma aka Magobiane noku~ ~magam~ ~emlrumo w~cac~ u flu­Maotaioa evela e Mafeki~g. Aba. vuyhaoa naye kub,. Numz. Mfu. ka amab 0 a asemoyenl as us u

18 gq~et~a 18 ~aJ~ ehogum..meli Iyakubayiotooioa. hnpilo namhla­WaOl" Afrika kWloqlla ya3e NtBh:>· oje yabaotu abaolozi aba.dalll na­nalangB, u Mau. Advoc.ate Molte.oo bayimilwelweabaphile ngokuqesbiec; ~.~. NgamoJ~ ~oye, IOtlanganu~ am'lgumbi kwizindlu zabo! Iy .... Igqlbe ekubeal tthumele abameh ziwana inyaniso Jokuba ngam&­kwi All African Con.vention ebla: waka-waka a.bantu a.baobolldtt ngaoa e Blo~mfo~telD ekupbelem abaogenamakbaya wambi nakw9yi­k.0!ly~ka. Ez'oy~ IOdawa .ndawa.aa pia&. enye iodawo ngapaadle kwa-tl!Jlog l.9we kWlOtlanganlso ye lapa edolopiai? Yens. l.1oebiaa

. '. . b P B R' J N B k J 0 uwax asa amagosa awo ama-fundlSikazl ababencedlsa oga a : . . aptya, . . usa. we, . tsh S' h I k kb k b M k k L L Nd 'b I C Lt ' Shaw J S . J sF' &. tp &u a wa ooa u u a a os. . . Zl a, . . u ayl, ,. ogom, :\me eol, naokomthetlho wolu ManYOono ama-A A Tsekeletsa, B Sekakaoe no nabanye, kwaqukutlJelwa ngo J' 'f . f I

Qumru. ukuba oludidi Iwabaotu 11110n17i89-lelwe ogokuiikelwa umhlaba o~o.­wabo apho banokuzakbela. imizi: enga makbaya abo, okanye baoce-

. . . M 01 N b Ullltil angazi ezanga 1m ane 0 Zawo di3we ngemboleko m ,lj ekuyakheni.

Eze ---

Maarohanye. q o·we- am a. awafum~ni nxaxeba kwing_"<oxo • • I zentlangaoiso baogafnmaninto oa-

kwamanye amaluogelo asetyeozwOo Bhodi kwa Laoga Ezinga Bantu nialo lu Many""o. Kuxoxwe k.oobom

k G nmcimbi oze ngelinye lamalungu

ojalo wa ompo .,okubo ngok.,.molungelo .b.voti,

Malaodela; bOo Numz. J. N. Meki. W. rtl. Rubu9aoa, H Ben-Ma.~wi. N. T. Kia"", D. K. Manael, J. M. BU!Jakw9, Tom Panyaoa, M. N. MboJekw., S. · Sofute, M. MeBatywa. E. S. Nqamra DO B. GysmaIl4

Uyibabazile iado.wo yokuvandJa_ kanywa kwe "rent" epakarniJeya: kwi ziodiu eziza :kwakbiwa yi Kan­sele eSlti ukub", ayaoakutotywa i "rent" leyo, makunyuswe imivuzar yabs. Ntsuodu khoQuze babenokw.

YONGANYELWE ngo Mou. W. G. Mears, 600 nabbala wake u

Mou. Stan;.·r Ird, i Bhodi ysnyaoga kwa Langa. Amalungu e Bbodi abeko -ogala : ba Nuroz. C. N. Citashe. H. Gcilil'lbe. G. Nongauza, J . Msutu, W. ~cluo"an8. G_ Qrmgqo. P. Petu. Umeimbi wokuqala. em-VB kwe miniti kungene aha NULnz. Jas. Mafu Of) .T. Papu bezokunika. ingxel0 oge N~f'(ungqutela ya Bhodi eyayidihene e Natal ogo Desembha opelileyo. Emva kwe vati yom bu· lelo kumsnena e Sbodi u siblaJo we Bbodi weoze oma7.wi ambulalo. U Mou. P. Petu weoza. umbBodela wokuvo.kali fOB. usizi lwake loknba. imeko yoayulo hV8 Bhodi malube lelokuba Ismanena makatunyelwe e Natal aze.buye eDga~eDgawo ama.­loogu e Bbodi kanukuze azekuba· fundisa. abaotu babe luneedo ogo­kubanzi, nguinto abate ba.zibona baziva kwelozwe bebeye kulo. U aiblalo we Bbodi uvakalise uvuyo lokuba ngati imali iyakubako yo· k uxhaS8 i .. ikolo esipakamileyo se 3ekondari yaBe Kapa kwa ookuba i Bhodi ye Skolo sabl\ Mhlope isam­kele eziogalweni zayo. Ngati i Kantsile oayo ayichase nta. ngesiza seaikolo eso . Malunga nengxelo ye nkuku u siblalo ate yen a no Nolali bawupandile lomcimbi bafumene okokuba i Sebe Ie Mpilo alicbase nkuku kunokuohasa kweodlela yo· kupatwa kwezindlu zenkuku. Zi­.nomgquba omoinzi ongati wakuse­tyenziswa ucbumise i gadi ezio inzi kunokuba udale isifo nokubiza lmpuku. U Nolali ke ogoko, uoo­hlobo lwezindlu zenkuku angaba­boniaa lona abantu bakwa Laoge. balandele looa ukuze n omyalelo we Sebe Ie Mpilo. Kwa­-vunyelwana ogombandela. ka Mou. Petu oti : inkuku ziqbelekile kuba· uta booke- into yokuba. kusuke Jruoge.ti ziyaqalwa ukubonwa toku­ku apa kwa La04a ibuhlungu kuba ixela ukuncitsbiawa kwelungelo labantu abantauodu kundawo zooke.

Kuogenwe kwincwadi evela kwa MhJe eyaleza abantu uge Rafu

-.ezakufuoeka emapoliaeoi maluoga nokupela kuko June 10. Malunga nomcimbhi wokuluugiswa kwama­bolo oogumcimbhi olaliswe t.lungu lakona, u Mou. J. Mautu, kugqitywe ekobeni mawubuyele umva sma­langu ayekuvaoa ngolona hlobo balufunayo kaoye. Malunga 00·

kurafelwa kwabaqesbwa baba Ntsundu kugqitywe ekf1beoi i Bbodi icela i Kant.sile ukuba ma­-yibe nenceba ngaknbantu bama-



• Cor. Wellll1ttctn & COl'Ilis Roadl, WYNBERG. C.P.-Phone 7-5)86

UMNU. GORDON MAGOBIANA, D. V. T., oyi secretary-trea­

surer ye Border B. R. F. Union wase Qoo~e, uyivume apba. ica wa epbelileyo ez.okuqulang'l. amaluogi . sel610 e Tumenta yo mboxo eq ala apba ekutwaseni kwenyanga enyo. No I< Uncle Bob" R. F. Haya, u <C Mvung:uzi" wakwa Tebba e Qloce, ukewabona.kala ap'l eiixekweai eze ngemicimbl; u SkoDl!) 10 wayebuo· jwe ogoluyrl. lokuqala udoogwe kuba kangaogokungqina kwempilo yakhe, uyakuwagqiba a.mabutbo.

U Nkosk. Joe S. Mngqikaoa wa­lapa u<l8.<iinge kowabo ku Ceotani ogobambelo.

U Nkoik E. B. Ntsonkota, ofu­ndisa e Bisho. uyichite apba kum­nakwabo u " Bisbop" S. M valo i week-end enr(apbaya. Impilo ka Nkosz. E. T. Hute ikbe ya.nika. ukungonwabl kanye ok we· xesba elingapbezulu kweveki. ago· kusibbalayo noko izinto azimntaka Ngqik •.

Sicela uXdlo kwizihlobo zetu zakwa Jamela ngokwa.zisa kulemi­hlati ngo Mome Jamela si!J ithi aka_ aekbo elizweni; akukhobunyaoiso kulento, oludaba silufumene tina ngomotu owayesiti uvela e Cuma­kala. Sixelelwa kodwa ukuba isa­bambekile kakhuln lendodaoa, ka­ngangokuba u Mou. G. W. Jamela walapa ulthe wada weoza umtai ekbaya nkuyakuvelela lomkhuhlaoe.

U Mno. Anderton Mfaxa, oyi post office clerk e Blytb,wood, ukhe wabonakala spa esixekwooi kwi. ntanku zoknqala zalenyaoga. U Nkosk. V. Gordoo Magobiaoe, wase Qonce, uyivume apha icawa edluli· leyo ezokunika isidima kwi konsati ebekuvoma kuyo ikwayala ye nkosi yakwakhe.

Kuogosizi esivakalisa ukuogapbili ngoknxhaliasvo kuka Nkosk. L. D. K. Manuel, ode wacetyiswa ogama­gqira ukuba ake a.yokulala ezibbe­dlela e Q?oce ituba elingaoge oyanga eneslquma; ngamana wabe­hie waphakama u Mamtshawe 10.

Kwiqela lue Moeti ebelisioge e Qo­nee egomhla we 14 kwemiyo kumbu. liso wo Meu. G. M8gobiane, sip,ule : ama Kosk. D. J . Buaskwe, W. M. J . M. " Tozie" Mbol",kwa. P.

Kangela Icumhlati wuiue)

ahishini abakwa La.oga. Malunga nokuti umntu aliblaule ityala. lake Ie rente looke ogok,>yikela ukuza e gantolo kube kukoQIl kufunekayo ukuba abekona, kuvunvelwene okokuba lomoimbbi maubekiswe kwabo bsnamagunya. Umcimbbi we Skiti uroxiselwe intlangamso ezayo.

Malunga nomcimbbi ka Mou. Nooga.uza wokw~nziwa kwendlela yam~ogcwab!l kuvunyelwen6 nge­oqwelana yez!\'ldll Zlkuba ziql)n_ di"isiwe iadlt' ko nYI)· fmibu7.Q engemivuzo, Il IOIxe"l1a oe pf>n'lbil~

I yezi Moa h n:;pku lj.\) n) nob !:n l~ I St k· f 'f' d bo Olhi Vllkw \ L'lll~\ no\h\\nf<) 'lba· oc " ISts 0 .. rlcan an "

abakhutshelwe ogapandle komthe- (Kangeia lcuPMpha 13)


1 MISS ~ohapi : You look dcpJ'e5 cd, Mr. Tsbon· rc~. \'\ hat IS the m.t1er? Mr. Tshonyela : The dllldrm In my class did nOI pa~s thclr clQrmnation Thc hcadnUSler sa}" II IS my fauJt bcou..e 1 did no~

""uri" hard enough. I am always so !Ired

3 At home.. Mr. Tshonyelil: Make me some Tea pICl.~. Let us bave TC;2 with all our meals In

~turc. good for u"'. Mrs. A ~dT It IS vcry cheap, and eru.y 10 make, too.

cup 0 ea makes meals much meet.

TEA IS GOOD FOR US To is e3Sy [0 cnake and cost! vcry little. When we Arc tlred. a cup of To soon restores ou r cnergy and mak~i~C$b and strong again. To IS good fOr e~ery. one, _ .. _, en as weU a.s older people. Drink It with every ' ..........

IT IS VERY EASY TO MAKE TEA ~Y ~ 1C:a in i lb. packcu or larger. You Ret bc;uer va ue t [way. Usc a teaspoonful of tea for every cup you want to m~kc, and one spoon cxtrJ fOr !.he t. ~rak6ve the tea with boiling water, and aJlow It to st~ oc e mlJ'lUIe5 before pouring OUt.

I Would Love a Tea Set for a

Weddiug Present

If yo,:, know a oung Ifl'lan who IS gOing to .t rr :IrC/cd J!tve h~r a nice lC.l·pot. with .. ups to m:ucb. It would not cost much. and It would be u,;efuJ $(vcr.\1 lime:; :\ day (. e\'crybody lik~ 10 dnnk tc.J. <~f((;n.


2M ss Mohapi: :\ ~ool te.1cha nccd.~ plenty ot en~rfi!Y That IS why I drink T ea With all mv mc.tls. or w~nevcr I foe! Li~. Tea gl\-es_ u'> encrgy. Mr Tshonyela : Yes, of COUr<ioC I 1 JaIKtnbq leamlnf.!: at collt:g~ "bout thc ~'(")Q(! quahtJes of Tea. 1 wiU bu

6OID(: T~ to-dJY on my W3y home. f

4 t month later. Headmaster : How quickly your cbs.s ea:;:s now, .Mr_ 1'Ulonye.b. I am ~bd you arc workinl': hArder WI cl\em. Mr. Tshonyela : \Vork is CISler oow bcousc [ Dever feci ttred. s.ince r su.r&ed to drink plenty of Ted.


Mr. and Mrs. TEA-DRINKER and their family

a lways drink TEA. They say : t-~ I ~ a l



aebenzi mlyi gqiti~.,lwe e KJmitini I Foreign Herbs and Curios. yemicimbhi y"b.l Ntmn 1u e KlO' COPYRIGHT BY THE TEA MARKET PNII'II I29-4

'::==========================~~'~il~e~o~i'~ ____________________ SiIc)~m=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=====EX==P=A=N:S='O=N===.=U=R=E=A=U:'==P:.o=.==.=O=X==='=02=7~.~D~U~'~8~A~N~~~~~:" SHOKII OIlIl'fC'&R'S HB:SS OIGAIlUTEB • ~





Twelve Negro Americans


.. (continoed from last week'" issue)

IT M t hI' la"it of A pril in J S\lS

before be reacbed l'u&kegee In­stitute and bis fi.r6t bero, Book~r T. Washington. Tuskegee I n&utute ]JJtod be~o founded eighteen year .... previoulily. and forty.odd buildings had been built by student labour to home the eleven hundred boys

aDd girls aDd tbe Jacm equipment. This Wll.8 JURt before the time. when Booker '1. Wo.t!hington appbed to Andrew Carnegie for a libury on t:he baais tbat aU 01 the brick work-1ll8tlonry aDd carpentry would be 1300e by the students. Mr. Wuhington W8S noW too busy raiaing money for the ~chool to do 80Y teaching himself at Tuskegee, but hiB spirit filled the place.

Thja is Mr. Campbell 's Own report of tha.t first examination at Tuske­gee lostitute, al leady noteu: " My 1Training was suoh that I was unable to make the lowest. class. and I

1Wmetimes think that my only salvation W&.B that I was large and titrong and my services were needed on tho farm. By cODl;tant appJica­Clion both day and night, I was able 'to make Ii class the next year until my graduation in 1906."

In other words, this boy, like .D13ny at. that time Bnd some 1l0W­adays, was admitted as a t. work student." that is, one wbo works "to support himself as be studies to :make his place in the graded sys. tem. Three months after Thomas's arrival at TUSkegee hie older brother suddenly died, and the boy found himself entinly 00 bis own. His father man'bged to send him ilwo dollars in cash a.nd one suit of clothee during his eight years at Tllskegee. IbomaB went 00 work· ing hia way 6S carriage boy, farm t:ool boy, and milker of farm cows. During vacations he followed public works, doing whatever a tall and

husky boy could do. He went out



IOgglDg rallraad grading. and once be WIlB a teSlDt'ter for the D. S. Geological Survey-his first; gov­ernment job

Soon after Thomas Campbell made his cia .... !'! a.t Tu!itkegee his Alory became linked with that of George WasblDgtoo Carver. Profe!>­ROt' Carver is noW internationally known as the research chemist ~ho haA been able to make near1:'o' two hundred by·prodllctg from the pea­out and a hundred oot or the Sweet patMo. He bas been Jj~ted in Jl 1,0" rnlO in Am~T;ca since 1930. J u thoo;e day,j he wa9 making bis job as he weot 8100g. He had come to the campus jUfo.t five years before from low" State CoUege, and he had started hi:; first students search­ing io rubbish heaps for the empty bottles a.nd bits of rubber and wire ~ ith whlCh his now famous labor­atory began. He refers to Mc. Campbell with pride as "006 of my first boys.'

Izinto Nezingabantu e Monti


SIYA ez.ilusizi ogokusweleka. ko Mnu. John Mabele wue Mxelo

kummandla wase Dikeoi. oguJe ixesba elide ehamba. Wasweleka ogobusuku be 31 kwepelileyo. waqutyulwa ,.iloekat.azo yesifuba ebimkbathaza, wathi kanti izithu­nywa zezulu eezimputoma. Wa,fi­hlwa. ngosuku olulandelayo. Lom­sebenzi waqutywa ogu Mno. DO

Nkoek. Bashe osisibonda kwa Meken 's Location. Ekwabizw8 umkhuluwa wake 08ema Xoseni ongu Mhlekazi George Mabele, owaqutywa 16msebenzi selekho e Iud wan d w a 10 Mnu. no Nkoak. Ha.ahe owaziwOo e Crown Mines. Um£ Iowa uehiya umhl01o­kazi intom bi ka. Sodidi. e Rhoxeni kwakummaodla wase Dikeni , ushiya 8bantwana abane intombi ezimbini namakwenkwe aml\bini.

Slhlall-Mavumengwana NgomhJa we 11 Junekwakuqhinwa

ngeqinaiomtshato u Mnu. Nicholas Sihlali , walapa kwa Gompo, no Nkosz. BeDa Mavumengwana. wase Tuwa kummandla WBse Gqusbwa.

JUSE 1940

Izijungqe zase Qonce ---

Inllang.oiso yo Mzi

I BRODI ye Lokisb~ ibe neDg,:,dlu-ma ye nUanga-Olso yo mzt wa­

kwa Tsolo olZombla we 9 June e "equarini." NgapambiJi kwaku. bleli amAlungu ('I Bhodi angaba Num1.. W. W. Mama (sjbJalo), G. D. Gcilbhe, W. Zallla., Geo. Kalana. C. Saliwe, C. Q. Vaka.lisa,

(u ~obbala), DO Sibonda J. Buch&nan, Sibooda JM. K6n60a, J Meyile. Kwioteto yaktl yoku tshayeJela u Sibonda Bucbanan ule yintlanganiso yokuqal6 Ie edibani:;.a bonke ubemi bakwa Tsolo, I.e ngo­ko maze a.baotu baluialDe-,· kaoe, bapulapule int abayiblzelwe­yo konukuze b&maoe bedibana ngo­lublubo. bekhupa nel.ikala.zo zabo nezicelo 1.abo. Ocele u Mou. Gciliahe ukub& apakele umzi into ekublaogenwe n gay o. U Muu. Goilishe wazise emzioi amalungu e Bhodi alooyaka. eC8Z& nomseb~Dzi

Uduli lemka e M.onti nge 10 ngenjikolnnga yalomini ababa· mbayo Dgaba Mou. no Nkosk. Pbelldu, Mou. Nioholas Siblali, waWO. Moo. James Mafunya,- J. F. U Mao. Gciliebe ute bonn maluogu Matsbeku, (0 no Ol a z a k u z a k u), a Bbodi ha.bone ukuba kula ntlekde Miohael Siblali, Nkosz. Orippa ye mfazwe urnzi a Ntsundu weoze Ndlazi. Umsabenzi lowo waqalwa elawo igalelo ngokuqokelela itika.oa ngu Mlu. R. F. Johns, wa~e N~qu- zokunced a ingxweiera zecala laba shwa, enoedisw8 ligosa lake, MOll . Ncedaoi kuba benganqweneli ukuba Fred Msdlingozi, wakwa Tuwa; pantsi ko m buso warna Jaroao; inkonzo yaqala ngo 11 adllme nge mpato erabaxa; umzi a.m. ngalolosi Bioi yagqitywa ngo ke wonke uoelelwa ukuba uyoku. 12.30, yspuma etyalikeoi yasinga hlongana e Weir Hall ngokuhlwa ke kulontombi ladalatBhona Hanga. ngo Mgqibelo (22 June) upete isiki+ lalomioi abantu bezizi yunguma: sipeni zaWO. ekobako 00 Sibonda abaotu ababelapo kulomzi mkulu we dolopu kuyo Ufunde nepepa ks..kulu babe nga makhulu amane lakwa Rulumente alioeodaba. ze 400. Umtshak8zi wayenxit.ywa. mfa1.we. Kusekele u Mou. Mama nokuluogiswa ngu Nkosk. Fik.izolo. eSlti i Qonce bellfaoele ukukokela, U Vulindlela . ioqwelo yase Ma2izioi, lingasa1i ogem va kwezioye idolopu. yaoduluka. ukubuyela kwa Gompo U Mnu. Buchanao ubulale ukubona. ege nteimbi yesiqingata seahumi. abantu (500) abaolozi be1.iJe kule-

U Nkoek. J . Kumalo, Nkos1.. ntlangaoiso, luti wati mabakumbu· Wy oe Barnabas, Nkosz. G::taleka, Ie ukuba bahleli kumhlaba waba kwi veki ephelileyo bathe gxada e MhJope spa, ke ngoko mabszicaoge M.kbangiso nge motor ka. Mou. J. ngokwenza. izinto ezokolisa iokosi Maho, ngeo..\": fl yokungaphili kom. zabo. zaHkazi ka.. Nk08Z. Gx:aleka. Ngexesba lemibuzo kuska kwesu-

Ngamaxbapbesbu i team yase ka ioto eoiuzi yomadodaoa ifuna khayapa. 6y i Swallows R .F .C , ukuqonda izioto ezitile, kW8skekwa. ngomWa we 29 June yoba yiogxi- yiogxoloyodwa. wada uSihlalo wa­kela ye konaati kovumiFla u Mnu. bona Jukuba ayi17ale iotlanganiso . Gladstone Gaqo i choir yake. Koloe Tina aibona ukutt ogati iyakuqeleka kuphetwe ngoroqolo we naroba. ioto yokupitizeliswa kweotlaogaoi-

Abantu aps kwi Lokisbi yakwa so, baauke nabantu aba.kulu bnnga­Taolo bayagu ju lu Iwa ngama. zikata.zi ngokuya ezintlaogaoisweni polisa kufuowa. ipsai Ie lokisbi zomzi xa &.Suke u Sihlalo aVBle ku . (Lodger Permit) ndawooye ne pdl ngako mazwi eoziwayo; iyezs. loku­ts.x,lonto abaotu kuthi kuaisa lemi· peliea ookutiotels. abantu acings. hls. babe be bona ka 180 ngapa.ndle ukuba boyapitizelisalikona- maku_ e lokishini babooa kale besema.tyo- setyeoloiswe lona kungavalwa imbi . lweni kwezo ngqela zobubusika be· 1.0 ngokungeko aikweni. zinga kude kuye kwa Mekeni. rbe Dlo&odi i kOOBBti no mdaoiso

[email protected] ye titshals. yase oweoloiwe liqela lamadodaoB pantsi NS8ruDl, engu Mou. Herald Wanga ko Mou. Ndaba Majola ebi se Weir Ntsonkota, ibibonakele spa kwi- \ Hall ngomhla we 8 June. Imidlalo veki e~lulileyo ize ngemicimbi ebonis&. amasiko neotialo eseSemva ekhaulez.ileyo. yakw&. Xosa, neyaije zidoJopiui ye-

• •

. FOI •

HUDCOLDI A few drop' brln, comfortJal r.u.r. a ~"' II» CLDt ttducd .;...,n-membrana-helpt keep lino.. opaL.


li~esha, ibacubule allfmtu olZentsini. U Big Boy Majol&. wODwabise ka. kulu ngo solo zake t.'7.iblekis8.Yo. Lomgcobo uqukunjelwe ogomjlko ofudumeleyo. Pl:Lkati kwa manane awoyekl) sipaulE" 0 G. D. Gcili~he. Geo. Kalnoi, J. Bu(\hanall. Sid. Zoodnni, 1\1. Mpondo, E. T . Vl\llqa.~ T. Spondo, J. T . Lambat., B. Sokopo, V . Gibe, N. Gaika; nama­neD:kazi o.ogo C. N. TY8m2.Qsh6~ B. )':eugo, E. Yengo, N. Naodwano. L . l\~a.kebl e, Lambat&., V. Ntusi .. E. NJaba.

Ngomhla we J 1 Juae e Mogqesha.. kutshat,iswe agu Mlu . W. S. GaWot encediswa ngu A. E. Jingiso. \l

M nu. A moa Micha.el Kolobeni, waS8 Port St. John, 00 Nk08Z. Venus Nomamo Ngesi, \Vase Qonce, aba­tshati be pelekwe ogu Mou. A.A.M~ Vaoanda DO N k 0 S :G. ~i1dred Saagotsba. Iho ngu mtshato om­nfl,odi bebaoiozi abantu. kuko nab&. vele koma Dike, Xeiji, ojalo ojalo. U Mnu . no Nkosk. A. M. KolobeoL banduluke ngo loliwe wangolwesi Ne ukubuyela. ekaya. Pesha·kwe­Noiba..

K wi ntlaoganiso ye titsha.l& ngo­mbla we 7 June kunyulwe u Mou . R . D . Gusbman ukuba ayokuruela i "Kiog Central Native Teaohers Association" kwi komfa yo C.A.T.A. e 'Mta.te. ogo June 10. U Mnu. S. E . Mqayi, Wase Ntab' ozu ko, kwa. Ndlambe. no Mnu. Wesley DW8ba. Tshabo. badlule apa kwiveki epeliJeyo besioga komkulu e Owa.rn nge micim bi.

U Nkosz. Tenjiwe Boroabarr ongumsebellzi apa usakupumla. ekaya e Mount Coke okwe tutyann .. Ubuyile e Monti u Mou. O. G. Magobiane kunye ne kwayala yake~ noxa s.buye emfuxumfllxu nga moya wolwaodle ode wamlalisa panhi imini yonke .


LUMKELANI alani abeMln oikombnle oka­kuLa )blLlal gu UiBl!oUJU EeD1.8 InyaVio zenu

t.l1e.buhlungu uye r..jdleka ngoku kaulet.6.


IzibJ&.ogu erinolupau zelJz.iwe ngoku"odwa. uk:U ~

ba zonwabiBe ngolu peJeJeyo aba SEBENZI-

GODI. ZODwsbiea napina. apo kusetyenzw. k DB AWUFRyi KUDlNWA KANGAKO k ... k. yek\l6 :xa uD:JLlba iti Blangu Ztt N.R .O.

lzl BJsl'@'lI ze N.B C. UtZlwe ngolele oJulungi­

Jf'SO u.dt: 2.8Ut)EL2.W& ogoku fezekileyo.

is /co/uto Saba SebenZl­MI[5od/

<s"o Fau.Lo,,,,,.bo I""abo Sebe"z/· Mlgcdl.


Fat'se La Fora Le Bofifing Boboholo

Lefu la Moruti Makhene

Lenyalo Phiritona ---


~ . How To Relieve Misery of Your

Majeremane a Nkile T oropo ea Paris


MA JRRg\\.\ ~ ~ a. kpne tOTopon~ e'\ Puri .. ho ft?'lt'll~ ha. lwk,.. A

fl t~lNl~ M,)t!ll\n\tl.i-;i 01\ mt'khf\"j et} 1:.', :,,('Iao if' h· FM8. 0 fu· mRnp h"re III lll'rnn kf' 110rt.' n a. flutbf'lt" a kt"ue p~le a e thu'l .... a ka. I. ftlfllnt", h"h"IHl hn no uo on bo t I,. },labiR" hen~'t-hn H khol(l Ho kelH h& 'lajt'rponuTlP tor~lplln~ eo ha lin holele bor.t' Hil1t'r It'I hlop~ t-lB, Ime ba. blot ... e hl\ kt> sehtol£' ~laforr\ a nt~() loana. hl\holo nqE'n~ t~e hng t'l.l. naba, I~ mt k hO!li ea 'tsngt>qemane ('I ntMe e thu .. a.os Ie bons. lio bIle bo bonalll hore Mngae!lemane 80 boetse A. rOUl('IA. mB~ole " mang hape BmBLH!:ata teng bo ea tbui:lsna 10 Z\tafora.

Ho teng mt'hala e hl"losa hore bl.l. Mafura a ~a. fumane thu"o e Ie. kBoeng kapele attAba bothatbeng bob 0 I 0, bobane Bitler 0 sa llale IUJ'.kho~i t" mengata bo fda. l\I&ba.pi It.' ho 00 Pre"i!teot Roosevelt o t~t'pi,i"'e bort' utla thu~a. ka matla .a bBe obl~ bor'e Mafura tbu!'o f"S Iiht"t~a; 'm·' ha thulto 1.:0 e kalihla. k'lpt'le Lotboe h" bo pda­tlo hnte nlt'kbo ... i ~a lIajeremaue e tlablolol\ qetellong.

Bitlt:r ho ulloala hore 0 bold­let~l' (' mon~ Oil loa ngolli lJa Iikora.. fIla t~a America bore seo a se bu· t1ane ke kbllt:-o. .\i!l.ikapllo a hae ha s~ ho qboebt'sbBllu Ie lichaha he ling. f~f'II~ 0 rata hf're licbtlba t~o· hie t"8 It'1''''''e Ii phf.Ji"J,ot' ka kho­tso Ie kutl{\fI,oa. ~ltt.bapi Ie i\la­nge'emaufo bot hoe 0 It,e har'a DOns o rsta ftli·,~ moea OA. hokbonl'.I!ia bo t"'lI. ho!!bo, Ie bona. 0 batla br're a. khutll~t.'t.'loe likokille t~e neng Ii nkuo~ bo Majeremarle bo feleng ba otoa. f'a 1914-l91~ Haele bo America ha. bl\tle letbo; ba reng o nale llalkllello a ho ea amobA. !'oe­eba ba sa teng nab a ea sona ba bua seo e Feng 'nete. 'Muso 080 Enge­ bu. 0 blnlosa. puo coo. CIl Httler ore ha bo motbo ea ka tsebang ka­moo Hitler a 8mobileog ilcbsbana tsa Europe maf&tae a hona ea ka kboloan~ bore soo a be bolelang be 'oete.


B o kena ba Mantariana ntoeng -ens bo hlabieitae taba tse ogst-a.. Ea pele bo hons ke hore ma­Abyasinis a erne ka maoto bape bo leka ho loanela. fats'e la oona, 'me eka Mangeaemane a blile a a kbo­tbatsa babolo tA,beng eo. 'Nete ho bonala bore Musaolini Ie ba e Ie nako e telet! a nkile naba eo boholo ba eona bo sale liatieog tsa 0000.. Eka a m'tog a bona a neng at sabele Palestine hI' Mu~solini a nka naba eo a ogoletse MoreDa B aile Selassie mane Engelane ho mo kopa bore a lumelle ho kbutlela Abyssinia ho eo. loa.nela fate'e la '0000. Lifofsne tea 'MU90 oa mona Kopanong Ii se Ie ile tsa eo. thunya toropo tse lIas'a Mantariana bona .Abyssinia. Hona bo bontsa bore ha eba ma-Abya!!ioia a ka kopa-na bsotle mobbmong a tla boela a fumaoa fst.s'e la 0000. bape.

Le hoja e se e Ie matsateinyana Mantariana a keoe ntoeog ba bo so utloale hore ma!lole a oona a se a 10ana; bo teog eka Mussolini 0 ile a romela t'lekbosi e meog mane Fora ho ea thu~s Majeremane bore a Wole Mafora ks pele.

Mabapi Ie lebaka Ie entseog bore Mantariaua a kene ntoeog hotboe MussoJini 0 bone hore Hitler 0 erne bantle Ie hore bs ka blola 0 tla busa naba tae ogat<),; ka baka leo be MUS80lini 0 bone bore molerno ke bore a thusane Ie eena a tie a fumane a mang. Empa bl\ bopelaelo hore haelo M.us90lini 0 tla u'oara

& Rice Pty

AB .. umoWUI tl0, QUEEN STREET, 'Phone 8211 41, RUSSELL ROlD, 'Phon, 4134


Ylllqwelo Yomngowabo npel. - Efomanekayo :s:a ifaoert..

IbhokiBl yokuogo.aba kupela - Kfumanebyo sa ••

NGICNA kwl Boaay1t1 1"'. YOhDjJO •• b • .

botbata hobanesechaba aalAbyssini& 8a tis elUa ka maoto ho leka. ho IUliano. naba t'a sona bape; Ie mane _\lbania ho utioal", bore se­('hahn. a:\ teng wohlomuu~ tie kn. leks hore se bhut Idoc ke fl.l.t!04'e la :-lOla ho.J1u Hu 1'~lu IlluO, hOtJIOt' \1 UilWlinl 0 hlokl\ 11' ho tfiU 1l1!:l\tl~ ho

MORon ANDREW MODlSE MOQEBELO, Jun. 15, .bil. MAKHEN E 0 timetee k~ Ib 11 lenyalo la. let'fibolo In. au Daniel 30 May. mot!long OB hae, Evaton, Moleleki, en. bit"oang Piet,8 nyala a pMo'a ka Ii 1 Juno. l\lo:-lebet!\j o~ morali 011. M pha'lane. L l.' nyo.lo lenll phihlo 0 ne 0 l.$'ol·roe ke Morutl Ie emisit"loe kB Mr}rut i 0 \1.t.gooa If I). ::.If'lIo, morllli all ~ebakf\. a korekeng t"& We"loh.l \tokt'te Qt.>n& thu>lua iiI) Morutt B. \L, 0 Jlo keh.kaloa hf\ :\Iph!\", mo-( ,i Jella. k,Jro/ana 11) II kete 0 bile moliolo 01\ hamB(>o, 10a1111o ntu!\ ClI!', bl\hvlo nli Ie p -trtll _ hl\ut,le ka ml.l,khdlw a makllhlang.

t se.J ho t ,alJ)&i~.., Hlg lif..,f;l III lu (at n'\ hkcp' t.'\ t;:UIIII\, t'hlle bl\ 0110 likep Twpi ,1 CfI. Pr",,,illp.nt. nrlOl'U velt t- 0 le1.1l1 ell~ UI! hll luan! 1 ~ \h\u!!e· I 110 F,)ri. III IDI\iJ em i~ub\o eo gn!~' I \no !l m~ne I ',Itle h,) I,lanll A. tll1l"'\ For!\, l~ hnj. nth/} SO) )ttl~ oilui n it' lekang j(l,del t~I'n t'k:~ ImYllno Ulll.ldong a \11\f(II~, ke hore ('"ua Ie Hltit'r ha. '1 'pllt'lt~ fl('t,·II')n'~ I.~e hona t~'" tl,~ ol~'\ h'lr ~ (~ tlCf1i1 FnUlcn Oil :-Ip,lin h'ln~ 1\ s" I 'tJ,fom '. hl,)It), I'~hilpo n boleh ke 1.\ ba u. IItloanA. It.! 'II1Il~t'~ellll.l.nL", bon,' \I,.j eremg,ne a acht'li~a ut.h () 'lilt" taht\ !J !tltlo (a kbatlU1t11~ t~er) II. IO , ka tI\OO<t. ntoont!; ena. b'lb:ano bllJJg~to. Lil. hBI~I\lUBi"li ba bO~6 tif·I., eo lunrBo a th, fum~nBng mu~de a ke hanna bll. \butn- mnkhoo. Olio bo Ii et!'la bape. Ke ka rian!' I~ ba ~hjt'reml\ne; loba ho Ie hOok \ leo .'\1a.jpremane a nhen~ a Joale ls'epo e tt>ng e'\ hore ml)blo- I~k·\ bo bolella Amerioa hore thuiO moog General Franoo 0 tla eloll,)s I ea bona e tlo. fibla e 8& hlole 0 bor~ ba ka kena ku blo.koreog la batloba. Mu",oliai Ie Hitlt'r 0 ll90 kena Moalitolli eooa 0 t .. oells pele a re kb9otbstsong qeteJiong. roaoe Egepeta 8eonsba as teng 86 ee

Russia he tbu~a ksmoo ~e uang Ie bona. Ru'-sia e w[I,kalitse lefata'e la

Europe ka bo rowtll~ lUa ... ole a lOaugata. nlihe-n~ e<~ Lithua.oia, e 'nt.:~ ea uaban" t~e llyeoyane tllS Europ~ t~t; nl'n", Ii nile set!'loalle ktlpa ~c1{'ka.oe 10 Hu,~it\ Lebflka 1"0 :\rfl.-Ru~!<Ii~ a rOlUet~t'lIg nlJ.40Je ka. 10lla lItt.beng eo u()thoe h.C holJllne . _\lu .. o oa Litlmunia 0 t'ut~e st'le­kane Ie maf()!,,'e a L .. tnl 10 .... ~lO nia bolim'a lUc>O, ma"40le a Hu .. "ia 0. nellg u Ie bu.ufi Ie LitbuaUltl. a ntse a laula FO ~a bejoe hord 80 jtoa ""eng.

Baemeli b:\ mebu'lo ea. Eugdane Illl\ot! nab.eng (Os &u "itl hoti.Joe ba lie bs er. bonan!1. Je \iou; .. \Joi"tov, motl,~bi ott. tOllnboln ~!l. 'ltu80 00. RU"'Sl~. :::;~ ileug so. bUloa mOIlO bn se t!<lejoe, emp" bo utloala bore ba i/e bu. qoqa ntlko t: ttllele. :\if,hlq. mo"g bsuna bjo b:l ot~e bu. leks hortl RU~-,41B e tome 1& lichaba. t~1I. bo la bo ioantsa Hitler Ie ~lu!>~olfni, hohRIl6 110 t~tjoa bore Ru~.,ia e hlile ba e t~'epe Majereruaoe Ie Mantaria08 bautle, leboja a. oale ~elcl-k&ne Ie bOl.o8. Ho tiM. hopolos bore e ne re ba Hitler a futub~la Polsnd Rus~ia e ne e kapele bo tblbela Bitler kapele hore a. se ke a ea 6bla nqeog tae hog tsa. naba eo tseo a neng a hopotge bore moblomong 0 tla fumana. atbo tse kaog maeHDO a hkoro Ie limela tse liog tse tla tbuea. bo fepa mekbosl ea hae.


Ka Mandaba mantsiboea mebala ell. Mose e blabile e bolela ha re Mafora 80 emisttse otoa faheog 10. oona ka baka Is bo Imeloa ke me kbo!;! ea Hitler, 'me a lebisa kopo e& bore bo beoe Iiblomo fatse bo Msjeremsne baeae fe~ls bs Mtlfora a kopa khotso. Ka Labobeli bo bolelsoe hore Hitler ore bo kese emilloe ntoa

Motsamaisi e moohs 080 '~ru'lo Oil. Fora, .\Jarl!ball Ptlt .. in, 0 blaJosltae bore ho no bOi:le kamoo ba ka n(''lng ba tsoela ka lltoa b,. so. fUUlane thullo kit. potlako e tsoang America Ie EngeJsne.

,Moog. Reynaud 0 Isblile muapo a Muso ka baka Is. bo elelloa bore base bobl" ba lumdlauaog Ie ~ena aecbabeug mabapi Ie boerno ba otoa. Juale tJuakholo ea '.\1U1tO 06 ten~ e 8e e Ie Marshal, ea aeng a bile a ikbetbetse banoa ba tia tbu'!ana Ie eena mos8bet~ung 00.

Turkey, ka hak~ Ja bo se t!iebe maikaello a RUl!lsia e sa nabana hore e lis. bi e til' thu~Bo joang ntot'ng ens Spchflha Sl) Eo~t:'lane I~ '\iu~o 00. tang ba. elelloa. ua.ntJe ~e ntllen~ se et"suala Inane Fora hort:'~e nue "If' e tl, bo hou~. '\1d Engt'hllB tI bloma kfi.mflO e nan~ Ie hOli~ ho ns joale. ",bile m,tla a hona. a nt"'fJ It eket~ehl\ kam"Jhla , Tulon!! t.'Ie ling l~a. Idatse, tbu'io tl ol:te a loki'loll hn t1at~a ~ange~e. ntoeng. Erf'J ka hohane a t"t'ba hore ntbo tspoa. knofda. qetel. lon~ Ii till. mo imela, ke ka baka leo Hitler a ratang ho roba matia. a li"ura e aa Ie jonle Ie bo qeta t~t'po Jileebabeng ~a Fora.. Ha. ho pelaelo hore bOf'mo btl. utoa bo bohe babolo. emps. 'nete ke bore ua boh", ho t,"oana Ie karnoo baa ba loa nang ba bf'polaug; taba 6 ten~ ke hore kame-hla h" motho a hJans 0 ea. llahane bore ke eens fecla. ea j~reng hoirna bo feta. ba bao~ K>'I ba MliforB s ka nna. a tsoels pels bo loana batbu'li ba oona ba tla booang moo sera aa bona se (oko­l'lng, ke ka bl\ka leo secbsba Ie 'U u~o 0 a Enjl;elane ba eletseog Mafora bore a aeke a tlohela bo loana.

London Bopelo mpe boo Msjeremane a

loanang ka bona bo taoa boleloa ke e mong 00. banna ba Mangeae· mane ea Deug a Ie Fora bB. mekhoai eo. Fora Ie Engelaoe e bolofetaeng e ne e isoa aepetlele. Monoa eo 0 re : Majeremaoe a ile a tbunya sekepe ~e Deng se nkile batbo ba bolo­feheng ntoeng Ie hs a ne a teeba bantle bore aekepe a60 se nkile bakuJi. Terene e Dong e eme mono e tli>'litse bakuli e Ue es obesoa'ke mollo 0 Dong 0 qalile sekepeng aeo, 'me bo eona bo no ko tlelSe bsnna ba ba ogata ba neng ba tsosnetse bo ea sepetlele, empa ka baka la bobale ba mello ba sitoa bo ba. tbeola; lifofaoe tss Majeremsue tsa nna taa kbutla bape bo ea e tbuoya.


R HI!\. h:.oj}, II ~ n h:.lo lukii .\i1 ~'}~ Ii \Iltlo k·} hl\tl111.1i I" I"HI' ". 1.1~J1~ b" Dl,}rf'fO 0 1I1 \ \f'>hl \. ok UHl en,lfi lehli t' Ie 1,·t,.. ih"I!) lti mnj'llef~ O~ l~U Ihlliel \toleloki (·bile kh!Jrula Itmya.lou~, likfuih",li t:-l', heoe ka..>fcla honl), Ii "e Ii illj t~1\ nYt.l.lo/}, 1\ thUiBU8 Ie 1000011.­maholo bo h& Joki'4et!'4'\, Kajeuo ke honB 1\ kenang morerong oona, ~lot.'4e 0 lake.labfi. ntlo cno. a neha lehlohonolo 11.1. ~Iolimo, I~ bopholo bo botlc he. l..hoteo Ie lerato,

Tumel1so ea Mor. MzJmba Ka Lsboblano la eona. veke en"

k8. phirimllnll eblie mokete 00. Mor. Mzimb~ ea tlohelang ml)~e· bet~i 080 sekolo, boea thea lebae Ie lecha bau6nyaoe. Mor. Mzimba o 8e a sebelitde nl),ko e toletsaoa mona. 0. ruta 8ekolon~ Rena aa Kop"no. Mokete 0" tumeli~o 0 ue o jerot' ke wp\l;uoe ea aekolo as kopan? Litumeli~o t"a sekolo Ii ile t8a blabi~oa. ke melluoe Peteni 10 MA.!tza, Holo e ne e khabiiit. .. oe ka mf\ a mabolo. Nako ea litaebi~o ebile kut'loanvaoe babolo boo ba.t"oa.1i kapa. bl\"t~i bB mot~tI ba. Deng ba sa phntbehs hl.l.otle joalekaha ho ne bo lebelet~oe. Teela tH'oeu momli os Alzimba, Morena a u blohonolofat8e 1e more­ron~ 00 0 kensn~ ho oooa. Motse 00 tla une 0 bopole ka mesebe lsi ea bao thutong ea baoa ba koano.

~etsoall.' Ie bsng ka Moruti Lethoba, 080 Vredefort, ba tBOa amobela t,aebi:,o Ie memo e ba memelang moketeng oa Itnyalong la Fatti Letbobil 0 tlo. ketekotl Pretoria ka la 6 kboeling ene. e tlang. Ftt.tti kapa .Ftlqane ke ngoana ea blabetseng Ie ho bolela mona 0 bile a ea aekoloog a ntlle a Ie mona, 0 blahile ka faqane ea ml\· Germane Ie iUangesemane ea 1914-1918. Mohlol0 ke bore 0 boetse o oyala ka eelemo aa faqane ea lichaba tseo tse pali. Ketaabalo e



u you U" lU1I'eJ'oo lng (rom a mIser. able cb~.~ cold

thIs: Mas.sag'e throat, cbest, 0;;1 th VlcU VapoF.ub al: bed­

'I n 5Prea.d a thick layer OJ) , an Ii cover with warmed. cloth.. ub gOClll right to work to

t; reHer-two wa1' A' once_ I L r ., throu,b the ,kin 11ke a

(~) Direct to the irritated. lil:ea wltll H, mecUeateci

, ,

jJoult lce.vapor action looaena r n -deara olr·PusaRu-cbeclal ( 0 to oourh-reU~ve. 10Cill

:, ,'n~~="!f VICKS t. 'lOld is over. VAPoHu. • •

kaog ena e blaba seoelo mo(uteng 080 m!to·Afrika-motse 0 mo kop!la hlobonolofatso ea l-Iorena morsrong oona 0 mJtle.

Mong Petruq Matela oa kula ebile 0 ile ~epetlele. ~tl)og. rb$!.r1ie Maketela 0 ntse 1.\ nkil:5 "eb[lk~ ~a bae. ~Ion~ ,Jo'lepb L'Juoko bohloko bo mo ewP,lIitse ka ma.oto bokeo.· tHeba btHe 0 lokela. hoea. lIe-petlele Msngaung. Baba. I:'ltlt 'Iolipa ba teoa fallell\ Wolmarall4a.d vekeng ena. Ba Aiele met~oa.lIe eil. boaa, koano har'a bulutu bo makah!\ng.

Eke. likolo Ii se Ii I~ bBufi Ie 110 koala bana ba be ba. ogula libla· hlobo tsa bona tile. karolo oa selemo gena Le b. likolong he kholo Ii pelo ae Ii Ie mabae.

• Iziganeko zakwa

(Ziqala l·upepa 6ompo 12)

blangabeza 10 ·'rent." Wenze na mabalt'ngwe anaodipheksyo nge ngenqub~la. pambili yaba Ntsoodu OSkWI ca l&. lemidlalo YBBemluogwini pbakati kolutsba, eyaziea i "Rota­ry Club" naoge "Currie Cup" yam a. Afrika, umnyadale. we Rugby ye N. R. C., ezakudlatwa apba e Monti. Knkbaolezo kwa pbela ueaba, iaakbukbuzeka iotetbo yale ndedehe.


Mongolh oa korauta ea Star ea mane London 0 ngotse ka boemo ba ntoa are: Maikemisel.8O 80 America Ie Eagelane bo tbusana Ie Mafora ntoeng ena ba bo ea a belaelang. Seo bo bonalang hore batsamaisi ba 'Muso 080 Fora ba neog ba ae bus matsat81ng a Moqebelo Ie Sondll.ha e ne Ie bore os. tbuso ea cbaba teeo tse peli e tla fibla oeng. E bile 0 blalosa bore matsa.tsing a beke e fttil8ng Mangesemane a tbusitse Mafora ka bsooa Ie libetsa tae ngata babolo, leba ba ne ba Ishleheloe ke banna ba ba ngata maue l?ora ha Majere­mane a ka nka toropo eo. Dunkirk' 'me mebuso ea }I-"ora Ie Engl!lane ~ bODe baoUe bore bongata ba tulo tae etaang Iibetsa taa ntoa mane Fora Ii S8 Ii oetae mataobong a Majeremaoe, ntoa ens e tis luanDa bobolo ka Iibetsa tse ka hlabang Eogelane feela. Mabapi 10 thuso e ka hlsbsng Ameriea 0 blalos& bore Ie boja America. e ruile ' me e ne e ka thuaa. ka ntbo tse ngata, bongata ba ntho tsoo ke bono. Ii ntsenl! Ii

'hne nsbeng ea Eire (frelsnd) 11.1 mo:\', Dt' Valera (tona.kholo ea '.u \ISO Oil. ten~) 0 tsoa tsebisa secba· ba sa teo~ bore ee ble ee ituki!~etse l~ot.ji e tlang ka. 'bo lumella. banna boble hore ba rutoe mekboa. ea otoa. Ma~ole ohle a taoa.n~t8e a ea tuloog tao. oona. hore e tie re ba laeloa bore a. eo kbablanyetaa aera a ae ke a senya nako, Ho (eta moo, matlotlo oble a aechsba a tsoanetse a neeloa 'M usong . LEARN FIRST AID Australia

Ta ba tae ling tse bontnog mai­kemisetso 0. chaba tsa mose ho tbuga Mangesemane Ii hlaba mane Melbourne moo Mong, R, G. Meozies a hlalositseng bore banna ba bang bape baks bang 90,000 ba ta'oaoetse ba. kens bosole ba naha eo, 'me Ie msruo ohle a fats'e leo a ta'oanehe a neos 'Mueo joaleka mane Engelane bore 0 ae ke oa bloka mokboa oa bo itukisetsa ntoa.

Le mane Canbarra bo utloala bore 'Mu~o os teng 0 lumeHane 1& bord bo sebelisoe ohelete e ka kllng £250,000 bo otsa libetsa Ie ntbo tae hog tse ka batlebang utoeng ba nako e fibla.

Le mane Indio. hotboe lekbotla 180 All-India Moslem League Je Isetse mooksmeli oa lone. bore a eo kopana Ie tonabolo ea 'Mll~O oa India bo rerlnna Ie eena kamoo eecbaba sa IndIa se ka tbusang mabapi Ie ntoa eeua.

T , KAY ~ 1 Ol"l"llJlIlIo \lESS ClGARBrtBS

Basebenzi Migodi

Fundani Uncedo loku Qala.

Basebetsi Merafo

Itbutbeng Thuso ea Pele.



Dipako' Tsaga Kgosi T shekedi Kgama, Kwa Gamangwato


Dipako tsf'O 10 diutiwang ke bakiJe Kg08i T~hekedi ka cone fa ."CDa gootRha dipooto dile £5,200 athutla pU!'lbo eft Bnglaod montwcng, Pula I l'ula I Pbuti.

KWANO garona lejabatbo Motho okwano kelekomeeha batbo,

Oregojewa ke ngwan ngwana a bopame,

Bagagabo ngwana eoo bad ike balela Bad ike ba!oleka. eka dikeledi, ,!)Bruws-ruwe. T~hekedi, Ie marapo

a that •. Bare kgomo a tsaletee o8geng.

thokwana, E let"6 ga 'Mangolwane, kbunwaoa, Kkomo ekile ea raga bakotedi, Eragile Jom lebo moonawe. 1Me rona Bagamangwato re eme

botlbale. 13akai b8COOO re eme botlbale tota, Botsanani meno a Ie mabubedu, 13atehaba ka madi a Hatse ganoog, 'Me megoma ea bone e shele dikara, Lobaka 10 itumela r uri Baphuting, Badira Ie matlho Ie akot~e jaog ! Lobonye pbuti esacwa bodibeng, Motho eo mosoeu ngwana waga

K~ama, E e taebe-ntlha namane ea pbuti, Gaeaema p~udubudu ea Soo

amaflUI. Gaeaema ea. golola molala (thamo) ea fapha ditsebe oamaoe ~

pbuti, Eare kllOSi tsa babangwe diema

sekee ' N. rebopa jalo malete motee wa

kgosi r Kgo@i e ema sejoni e eme sekgowa, Kgofl:i e tbeetf,e makgowa botlhale, E t.!!eet[le mai:>imane maano e bone. Kgosi ecwa direg ecwa aekepeng. Ebile 10 boile lelatamotso je

'mannete, T au ekwa I"apeng lwaga Senane, Eare fa. lebokwa Leleta·motse wa

Serowe, Ba8adi bataboge ka mehenyana ea

bone, Banna basboka·ahoke di t1bobolo, F agotwe Mogwant a ta a pbuti tot&, K ebapotswe, 'me eriJe keema karaga

dimapo. Koraga Ie bone baneng banchwere, Keragile bo· P oteo, lebo Geei


It stalld. tbe IJUr('.1l1DS" t.elJt. of t ime" In 6treD(!:th and pon t.y RllIt .wed;1

I t wina Ita way lD every clime, Its flme by hterling worth is gained;

For liore t hroat, u t } 011 , cough or eold. .. Tia ever ioot hlDS. prompt and sure,

F ar more thlc worth illl weight- Ill gold; I. W ood.' Grea t P eppe rmint Cure.1

T,a Fouriesburg Umsiki we Bunda --

UMA uke WAD~iboDa wobe ubone (KZ S, 'URR1TU) o.mebJo esibungu. 10);1). t'sho

nje.lo umuntu wakwa Zulu u!tuke K A lAo 31 Mohr3Dong bo DO ho eli ogeka upinde umbone: ameblo patoa m 0 f u Mol. Julia ctlibungu kuliof(aniMwA ngawo nJ(oba

Maobinini (,MaRani). MoCu 0 oa a awako njl) Doh lobo I,",sWQ. Rkako t"ejoa haholo kerokcng ea Meth- onga.ti wake wabon&. ameblo csi­odiRt, e Ie b~tbo tI& Mernpelo ca bungu izwe ling aka njc.· Mafumahali. Au-'Ma~alli 0 kUt88 •• ka u8ko 0 telele cmpa a. Dl~o a -hamaoa, qctellon~ Do robalu. fable Kepake i8i 7.ulu cf'ikulunywa are yoale 0 khafbeilio. Lefu 1(> nambla akufleeonQ eea14ikulunyl\& mo nkilcng ke Ie. Iihlabi l:Iefubeng. obabamkulu. Tina t-ikulumA itli Morali MoL Addina Nko 0 De. a Ie Zulu clli. ube am8Jj'ama avczwa teng. ka ba ba lula Ie monna lDaDD inhlsnge.nit;ela yamagama eZlDye Nourse Mines .• Johannc.sburg, 'me izizw,," esezakandau8. e Natal kanti bo ba tODg he. bac e bile nakonll kwa Zulu·'i i~ikoDa ka bobane 0 bile 10 bona ho buisaoa indldiyela yamagamn. aogesOD8 liB

Ie motsoali oa hae pcle a okelo&. , Zulu. pbomolong, ka hI' e ee e Ie eene. fecla bo bana b& mofn ea I

Eare ka 111\ moruti 0& morn a 080

a le@ieo, e leng Moruli W. M&tjodino. ' oa Bethlehem, mo~C'bet"i 0& kepelo oa okoa ke Mohalo M. NOOlii, oa D.R.C. ba oeng ba Ie pbupunjl ea e ha batbo ba 300, Re lIa Ie boble ba ha Machioini Ie phutbeho eoble ea Metbodilt, 'me Molimo 0& Matfleliqo 0 ke 0 tseliee lipelo taohle tao hlabi loenp:.

Ka 180 1 Phupjane ha bolokoa mofn B(l.ndrik Maime, oa Lady· brand Di!ltrict, klereke ea. Mong. Blooh, Foutie!lburg Station. Mofa Maime ha a ka a kula, 0 ile a ipolela mala ka Labooe bo boke eare ka Moqebelo b088",a a ithoballa. Re leboba baholo ha Mof. Maime a iJe a pb&lI& ho tie. ba teng. Ie hoja & f omane mofu a se a itboballetse. Re Jla Ie lona bohle ba ha Maime Ie bob Ie ba setereke sa Ladybrand ba taebileng moflt H~ndrik Maime. Re leboha M. A bel Khanbi bam moho Ie Mafumahah a Merapelo & Aogli.

• • • Into evahlakaza IZlzwe nawo

wonke umhlaba imali. Ama Zulu a"aclteka neZl\ e louke ujf'Dgoba kunjalo nAkwezinye izizwe zayo yonke imibala ),omhlaha. Uku· xubaoa kwczizwe ku)awandiRa kakulu amagawa amahba kulC80 sizwe eziblaogancle eodaweni ya O.

•• • lei Zulu sesaba namaninjZi ama

gama avela busha kuwona ama Zulu ~ Inkulumo yokuti umuotu wabanjiswa udonga iyiai Zulu esi. qamuke busha kepa icaci"'a kahle iseuzo eaibi flokukoblil!a umnntu ngokumlindiaa into engcke yeozeka.

Int8ba lena eaikulela emadolo· bheoi ayisalwazi nohmi oluogolwa· bazali ngenxa yokukhandaoa kwe. zizwe ezik:uluma izilimi fublukene. Ngako inzalo yamadolobhB Ivamise ukuzisheba. zonko izilimi kungaze kwabakona oolulodwa abaluqedayo. Kukuhle kaogaka ukuba umuntu alukipe kahle ulimi okungolwake.

• • can e leog ba ileng ba tloha Fouries· * burg ho ea Fouriellburg Station bo lAma Bhunu akulelizwe akuluma ea boloka mofu Maimf", re leboba Ie uhmi oselwabluka J\\apelA. ohmini eeea MoC. J. Reid 0 leng eeoa ea Iwa"e Ronand lapo bauabuka kona. nkileng mo~ebetsi oa ho pata mofu. Loko kwabangwa ukubo. hsfika.

• Tsa Frankfort


M ATHAKA a polokoe a Eleven Stars, CaJlieA Ie Young Happy

Hearts a kile a cbakela Reitz moo a Uen~ & hana Ii matbaka a Lind· ley Zebras k" la 24 May. Ba thulana bashamane. Papaliog ea pele ha teana Frankfort Eleven Stars Ie Lindly Zebras ha oe lana Ii sa tsebaneng ba phetboha ba· shemane ka nqa he peJi ha kubella lerole, he utluala seeta ea bitso& khoroog ea pole ke t haka ea E leven Stars, ha ntlu ala Jitla tse he isa isa ea bobeli ea Ja tela, qetello ea papali e bile tjeoa : Frankfort Eleven Stars 2, Lindley Zebras O. Papaling ea bobeli ha thulana Ca11iee Je Reitz JackB. CaUiee ea

baxubana ntZID; e izizW6 k waha ukufa kwalo oJalo uliwi lwabo lokudabuka. Maoje leai Bhuou e"i kuluoywa a South Africa esakulo lali kupela ngoba uHmi olwaqa· mbeka kooa Dganeno lapa.

• • • Abase Bheeiniya sengati baya·

pupa oxa bebona ama Ntaliyana (Ziptla emhlatini tcfl<ihlanu) · -Lefu La Moruti Makhene

Li gala karok>ng ",13 0 & A.Al.E. Church, Alexandra Township. MOfnll Sechaba 0 Ue a bua ka mosebetsi ea mofu , cake eo & qalileng ka eona mosebetsi oa boroti (1903-1937). 0 tim. l • • I. lemo tae pell a nte'a phomoli t.soe (superanoUifted) a Ie lemo be 76 .


Thuto ea phihlo e ne e te'oeroe ke Moruti 8e110, kamorao ho eena ba ema Moruti Weyi , oa Methodist Cburch, Ventersdorp, Ie ba baog joalo joal0. Mof. Mareka Ie eenb a baa man tsoe a bo peka ka moo a tsebaog mofu ka teng Ie ka moo a sehelit!'leng ka teog bocbeog ba hae. Mofu Moruti Makhene ke emoog oa baruti ba khale ba ha kereke e sa bitsoa Etbiopia, e elK) bi180e African Methodist J£plEcopal. Ke emong oa banna ba fetileng tulong t!te boirua ka kereke ena en A.M.E. Litulo tse a blleng ho tlllooa ka bocuti ke Lindley, Potebefstroom, Wo(>mbof, Hamokbopa, Makosini,


T HE "ALLIANCE" T EAK DINING-ROOM SCHEME trated, comprises: 4ft. Sideboa.rd fitted

two cupboard'J, two drawera and sliding door Displ!lY C.1binet. 4ft. 6in. x 2ft. 6in. Refectory Td.ble and 6 ~r:na.U Laminated Back Cha.irs. Seats in any colour Re iae. Total Price . . . £17) 10-30 - Deposit and 30. per Month, OR




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praugfontein, Smithtield, Dagga~ kraal, Heidelberg, Mafeteng Ie Wessel),lbroo moo a iIeng " qetella bo tsamaca ka mosebetsi oa boruti, a nka pbODlUlo ea hae teng.

it.<;amaeia ba Htltz Ja.cks ko. I ·0. Papaliog ea bararo ha thul80a ba banyane, Young Happy Hearts (Frankfort) Ie Young Happy Hearts (ReItz) b~ tbulaoa ka, hpeeta ba· abaoyana-kbele ba Fraokfort b!\ itsamaela ka ba Ie hae lhupa t:a J -0.

• • • Motho es. otl1eog a tsuarebile

bampeuyaoa Ie hoja a ntt'e a re on. itusa ke monna moholo ntata rOOa au P .Mpon!:lula. e mong~o baholo be Methodist, cbe Ie ~oJa ho ~e joalo Iitaba Ii ho ea hohmo Ie hOJt~ re booa hara monna moholo 0

::Ie a hohle. • • • Ea hua fibla ke mOl'ali m<!holo

Ma-ron& Nn·Mzizi, mohoeboh 080 MOluti J. 1 PbOtiltil, 0 lh16 ka ho tit!. booa mora oa bae Mong., ti. :'Ilakoba: mohJOlU1ong n Jia. nt~ a qeta oako e teleballa kapa ho tla lule. hona. ba mOla 080 hae.

Imeko yentlalo

(N"" D. S. P.)

U!\IZ( walapba ume hume, ogo· mlhetbo ofakiweyo yl

Ma.ns~pwf'nt Board yalapha oogo rafu ('ctAha kubemi balapba aba, ntsuodu uakwQ. bo? ngokunjal0. Lo rufu yl "Lodgere fee" ('yi 11· ugenyanga kuye wonke umutu oce· I~ ltl1lili emzioi wornntll, nakubo bonke abantwana ahafikelclC"yo ku· budal& obllli 18Ieminyak&, intloko ycnkomo, dooki, bR~he yi lid, ibokhwe 6zili 10 yi Hd DgenyaD~o.. uoyana onomfa'li, kodwn eblilia nabaZ9li bakbe, kufuneka bobs.· hini abo bantu beyirholrle i "Iod~( fI fE'e" emnye ngenyaoga lomtbetbo uq~IiRwe ngomhlu. we 1 January kulo nyaka.

KWlntlangaoi .. o ye Bodi oomzi, el,ihlangene e Bontrulol: ogomhla we " kwemiyo, II Nolali akabau~akho, koko uthumt:le incwacli e Bodim eoalt:mit betho eseyichaziwe Dlle· ntla aplla, yaza ke leotlangaoi~o yons;tanyelwa ngu sihlalo we Sodi u Mnu \\-~. MIele, kubhala oka Pet ana u Nobhala we Bodi, oala malungu ekho Dawn ba Numz. 'V. Mui, M. Fat, J. Nogambula, H. Donkraag. K. Malooi, no S. Sdumo. Nomzi ukbo ogokubaozi. Kuthe em va kokufundwa kweocwadi ka Nolali ngu Nobbala, umzi usuke wawa ngokuwa kwingxoxo yawo namalungu 0 Advisory Board. koko kutbe ngenxa yokuqina kwecala elimele into yokuba-"Akoncedinto ukuwucbasa lomthetho kuba sowu· pbumelele," laba ke lifa na.mtb.· oyan. elo, ooliwukboodozela 10m· thetbo.

Sihali~E'lwa indaba ezimnandi ngumblobo wetbu ovela ogllP:e TlOarha. ezinl2:e Kon"a.ti ebiee St. Petl:r's e Xaba ngomhla we :~I ;\lay, uhamhhisa athi ukusibalir!ela "Ndifika e Tinarha kubanjweoe ngazo ngobubusuku. iyikon'lMi ,raroa·. iDa eTiyopiya·Oda rngom~ yayibanjelwo phezulu zi kwayala ezimbini. eyase 'to Peter's phant 'i ko ~kosz. Tsolekile. neya .. e Ndikl. ndeoi pbaot-qj ko diu dala kade belukhwahlaza a Mou. N. Z Calata iqihlalo Bono sibaojwe hxbego Illlo· mZI u Mnu. D, Z. Kopo-rntllengl ene~akhono. Kutbe kusenjalo kwa· ngena umfo ongaziwayo, notbe ngethutyana engenile, wacelwa ukuba a kbe aphose amazwi, usuke waphakama lomfo wase mzini wathi ukuzibiza k wakhe ungumfo wase zitolofiyeoi uqale ngokuya kundla· lela iotetho yakhe ngokubulela imbeko ayinikwe ngu Siblalo, uleu· suka apbo lomfo w~emzi ni, ubulele eocoma it it.8bala ngokuoika kwazo iaandJa ogokowazimas8 lomsebenzi uthe uneedo ezilwenzayo kwimise· benzi eoje, zilunika uzuko kumse· benzi eziwupbetheyo; u mfo wase zitolofiyeni uthetbe kakhulu ngoti. tahala u Mnu. Calata. ngomoode

Isikumba Singu

qwe U mao i~ikum ba sako sina MAQEQEBA. MACA­T RAZA. J7.INTUNJANA EZINKULU. Siqubukil. aio.okunye ukuneola, kUDO. ku peliswa kaluJa ngoku sebenzisa i BU·TONE CREA.M (ne Ntsipo ye Bu-tone) inblaogsnillela emangaJsayo ycsikumba., epeh~a kooke ukuncola kwe!:likumba.

ISIHUMBA ESITAMBILE I·BU·TO·f. Cm:.Ui (ne ~ 'tt>ipo 'e BU-lolle 1 lOr.-eO!) ( ik\lmbeni 8f!'(IZe 51t8mbe ktlhle k"kl.llu, 61b busbdch I, SIb!

Ihle SIbil\; 'kt' oJ nJ!t'SO munt II om\1 h8. l bu 0 J\t lIe bu llJ.;coo. C'llsbaza.


E Kirkwood -.-n-.-w-o---ek~u-k~w-.7b-'-D-Z~i --u7k-u-.~i k~b~<-Dza iBizwe, uqukumbt-Ie ngokuthetha ngenjougo zalom.ehenzi uphethwe· yo nango manyano IW8ooa, Nina nlol:okubac,zi, kuthe %a akulomba. ndlla walDa Nrna umfo waaezitolo. 6) cni-8uko nJl'xale hphika wanga. tbi ukn,ihhwa YlotO emqaleni, e .... "'pORft, D~apba uangapba. ameblo ('n(lIwioi apba, eziji~ula. oeng-a lo zakbo phezu k~abentu, waphetba ngelitbl-inkulu lento uiblaogene n,lmyo ngobubutmku' Waleho wo.hlala phantRi zimorubbele la iZ8-ndla uooro W8se mZlDi. Akaban~1l nathuba lide emva kwalamazwi ehleli umfo wa'lf'/itolofiyeni, kobo. DWO n~aye engquba eeiy" kophuma ogomnY&llao, eblnd~ke ioene ebu· flweni. Ukokrwit!Oheka oku kWllo mfo wa~ezitolofiyeDi, kubaogwe kukutlJi aku~inga"in~a indlu Ie . , dike kuop:ekbo bantu kumsebem 01 gaka., UruZI ngosemva u~hiyeke UbUUD& ngalomfo uogsz1Vo-a.yo Wll@e zitolofiyeDl, aye am ax wi akhe e~a .. ' eblokoma unangokn ezindlebeni Ziim - ikonsati Ie, yayi. senzelwa. amalungrqelelo oku~i oga e komfeni yama. Nioa ezakuba 8&

Monti, ngo J uoe 10." Nga.lencuelo ingent la -.pba,

sithanda ukuwuvUEa umzi wako wethu ngoyekelt:lo olukhulu onalo kwimi'iebenzi yawo-i kODlLLati ari· eakhatbalelwe ogabazsli, amahoga abesakuzanywa ngapambili age kODS8ti 0 g 0 k u a k ho i i 8 a n~okuv;a pbanui ngeoxa yoku· tye~belwa kw82.o ngabaot u aba· khulu; i~lm8nga ke sesi, ziyafuD wa ukuba mazibeko kwaogabazali­seyingabaotwana kuphela a baxbasi bazo; umbuzo ke ngulo Bazakwe· nza nlont ke abantwana ::ta bebo­dw& l Eho\'e h,ikwana elibana I,e"elingxame'te uknqbekeka kumzi wako\\etbu ogezimiDi lelokweoziwa k we kooeati eZiliqela kwindawo okanye Hali enye, ngobusuku obu· oye--ipbi ke imvltll:,wano x& kuse ojiwaojalo 1

e~efic we bma Ngi~i. EqiniAweoi lempi enkulu kangaka elwa peebeya yabloJw8 ama ~taliyaoa ogokusu· kela ama Beseniya ngap80dhle kwe!!ono, apanga izwe laba[1tu ogoba b"zi ukuti abanayo Imp! nemikonto eogaoge yawo.

• • • Ngempela ioxeba lendoda alihle·

kwa izizwe zomblaba zayitsba y .. into ekude nazo lmpi yama Ntali· yaDa e Bbeseniya kwa vela nomoy. wokuti empeleni a beyiol am .. Bheseniya lapo eo gaze afelwe iziz wo ezimhlopa. K epa sekohambe kw.· bamba kwa fi ka. eba. ogeni lokobona. ukut i umblaba wonke uhleli pen kwegeja eli8bisayo. Kuze kubo namW8 akuko owaziyo ukuti lempi f)wa pesheya iyopelelapi ngob& nobeti tina base South Africa aikud& nayo usezibooela ngawake amehlo ukuti asik ude kangako.

ISIKUMBA ESIKA N YAYO ()ato. ,,~uku ",ezll. 'sil..-umhn n~e

I ~I 1'0 \ 1- II L . 'l 0:\ 1 bo. -..e llDLll<la kao till n (! Hl ·10:'\1.:: CRE.U!. I lkumt,~ \ko 'I kub .. hu .. ,h. 1<-11'%1

mt Iii. u e Ouke luoaqe'Jd'l\ fl) ,1 Ip 11,



Indaba ze fazwe nama Bbesiniy. ayengeoaoto yo· kuzihlalJgaoisela beaithi II ngu mdlalo omkhu lu" lonto. Ewe kubo ogu umdlalo omkbulu" kuba babe ngekbo ngozini yauto bona, ogoko· ko kwnku ogu mdlalo ongena ogozi kubo. Namblanjo baqubiseoe na­banye abnxhobe ojengabo naba xhobe ogapbezu kwabo. Bayaku wu fumana Iowo "m(Ualo" bawu funayo.

SUKERE e matlafatsa menD a hao

Ingxelo Ekutshwa Lisebe Le Micimbi Yabantsundu Ukuphakela IAbantu Abantsundu bo Manyano Lo Mzantsi Afrika --- --- Anjaloke arne. Taliyana-ayaga­

gamela, ayaziljbaYl81l, abugwala. INGXELO NO. 19 (17th JUNE, 1940) U Nkol:li MmfHo ·mi 10 bambiza ngokutlu uugu dyakalashe yena othi a~ondele emnyameoi inyama· kazi yakuba ibulewa Ii rbamoowa elikhulu u Hitler. Elo ri1arno("wa ; lonyamaku.i lioga.!3ode II~yi bulala. La dya.kalasbe Wase Yuropu uyaku buy e I a em· ogxunyeni wakhe aseoelo phaogo ,.kb •.

mfazwe E Fransi I PARIS lSI> ZA!'iDLENI


I}[FAZ\VE e Fraosi ide yabizw~ uk u b a "1iuabi lokusukela 1

Paris." Ama Frentsbi nama Nge.ii alwe ngaml\odla ezama ukuba ama. Jaruani angade ayoku ngena. kwelo komkbulu Freotsbi. Apho aba Ncedani ba roxe khooa ba be. roxe kakuhle be bulala utsbaba ogamaoani 8~8kb~hl: Kodwa noxa kunjalo iZlOtO Zlml kakubi. Nase Rbeims umzi ozi maile ezi 65 uku8uka e Paris izioto be zimi kakubi. AmI' Jamsni ~odz~ ama gRolelo anamandla. ngem ye rootokari zokulwa. ErulOye imikbosi yaya isonde~a ogoku ao· lldela. e Paris. K waltwa nga ma· ndta kulo lonke ulublu.

logxelo esiyi fumaoa kumaba­ojwa yalatba ukuba .utsh.aba lube naba bulawayo 8ba olOdzl­galeto ett.u ogemikbosi yethu eha­mba nge motokari zokulwa naoge eropleni zethu. .

U Hitler waye clnga ukuba uya kubetba okombaoi iphele yooke into. .Akweodzekanga oko. Ewe yinyani u phethe i bhunguza 10 mkbosi omkbulu kodwa. aba Nee­dani babonise ukuha. el0 bbuoguza alikaba tyumzi. Aba Ncedaoi noxa bemi kakubi basI' pbefumla n$."(oku khululekilevo, ekufuoeka ke o;:!:oko nave u Hider eblale ezi lumkele hl;zi kubetwe yena.

Ama. Frentsa.i akhe a.tyhalela ama Jamani em va imaylle ez.i ntlanu xa sma Jamaoi abezi mayile ezi 17 ukuaondelAo e Paris.

U Mphatbi omkulu we mikbosi yama Freotshi u~e wa ~qiba eku· beni azise ukubRo 1 Parts yakuba "Sinko eSI Vulekileyo." 0 k u

.ekwenloela ukoba. imikbosi yak he ; iWale iotonye. L 0 0 t 0 itbetba.

ukutbi i Paris ingaxulutywa oge m bhumbba lutsba ba. I imikhosi -yams Frentahi yaroxel8 kweziny~ i nda.wo kakuhle. AmI' J ama 01 .angena. e Pa.risi.

Uku wa kwe Paris yiogozi ooxa ngenlrul u njengoko ibonakalayo 1>kok Jqala. Esi sixeko pbez~ .komlambo Seine eodaweol epantal .

Isendzo so Mpbathi 0 Mkhulu we mikhosi yase Fransi kws ne odawo imikuyo ngoku imikbosi ibifsnele ukuqondisiawa nga bantu aba Ntsmodu. Ikomkhulu Ie nko· ei. alid li kubasendaweni enqabileyo. Nge mfazwe imikhosi idla og~ku pu· ma. ishiye ikomkhulu iye ~wlnda.wo ~zizintaba nezi oamahlathl okaoye iodawo ezizingxiogwa, indawo eloi. oqa bileyo nezilungele ukoblaseia: Lo Mphatbi 0 Mkulu wama Freotsbl wendze 10nto.

Maeikangele emva ukuroxa. kwe mikhoai e Mons kweya dlulayo im· {azwe. Ama Jamsoi esondela ima­yile e1.i 25 e Pa.ri~ au atybalelwa emvRo ngaba Ncedani.


Abe Sebe Ie Mfazwe bavakalise ukuba omnye umkbosi warna Ngesi ku oxweme 10m Ntla W8se Normao. dy e Fransi uye wanqaoyulwa Og8' ma J a mani atyoboza eainga ezantsi. Lomkhosi kuoye nemlOye yaba Ncedani iye yaogqingwa yimi­khoai emikhulu kuye kwa zsnywa okuyi aindisa Ie mikhosi ngase Iwandle. Impumolelo ayiba­ogakho kaogakbo. Ku kankanye. lwa ukuba ogawa 6,000 awe mikho· ei yama Ngesi abaojiweyo. apbo .endziwa amabaojwa . AbaslOdayo ba phiodiselwa a Fransi kwakbooa.


Ii e ropleni zama 'faliyane zibla­sele i Malta, kufe amasoja ame bioi .. roa Ngesi. Umonakalo ube mnei­nei.

Ii eropleni uma Ngesi zib lo.sele ioqRoba-yam8 Taliyaoe e Carpruzzo kwelase L ibya nenqaba yase As­saba phezo ko Lwaodle olu Bomvo. Ku dutyu lwe kwa bulaw8 i erople· ni yama 1 aliyaoa . l izind1u ne lori "2& vuth& ogu mlilo.

Inqll.nawa t'lnku1u yoknlwa ynmB Ja.matti evi iye Yflchll' mVIl n~e 'mbumbba e1.ibli'lwB t.i ero­pll'ni zilma. Nge~i emaotlzini a<le NorwIH·.


Ii eropleoi zaba Noedani zihlaqele iinkampu zama Taliyaoe e .Libya nakwi Ea~t Africa yama. Tahvana. Eyooanjongo iphb~bili b~kl1ku hlasela ilOdawo ema.1I eropleOi za.wo nendawo ye petrol e kwi zib.uko lase Torbuk e Libya_ Kutsblswe inqaoawa eokulu yokulwa k wa1i: nyazwa eoye. Akwabikho eroplenl ilah lekayo yam a Nge.c::i.

Ike yaq u bisana, ya q waka q waka pbakathi kwa ma N~ss~ nama .Ta­Iiyane kumdha ophakatt kwe JlpU­ta ne Libya kwa banjwa ama 61l amadoda ngarna Ngesi kwa ne nka · nuou ezidubula l1"i!;0 ma'lb lni ezi. ntathu. Akuba.ngakho ofileyo ku ma Nge~i.

I Suez Can'll (umjelo wo Iwandle e tiuez) i valelwe iioqaoa w& zama Taliyana.

Ii eropleoi zase Soutb Africa ezi· blisela pbRotiji iimbbumbha. ziye zablasela indawo ze mikbosi yama Taliyana e Bbesiniyazendza. umo­nakalo omkulu kwi zakhi"'o, eba­otwini, eziodleleoi nakwi zixbobo Enye irubumhba ellkulu iehaoe indlu enkulu izela inqwelo ze moto ezithwala impahla.

Ii borogo eziphllkathi kwe :;:oma­liland yama Frentshi ne Bheaioiya ziebitiwe.

Kuvakala nezokuba i hali ijonge­De nenkathazo ekbulayo enam1.odla kwelo lase Bbe50iniya. Aooa Bhesi­nia akalonto ixelwayo ogawo IIga ma Tallyanayokuba aebitba·chithe· oe A.tyhafile. Aogxamele ukuqhu· ba okomkbosi oqeqeshiweyo oha­mba. ngoku kbauleza nowendza amagalelo anamaodla ekucbiteoi iind lela uma Taliyana. Axbo be oge mipu yalamaxesba. Ro ogoku, imipu ephaogwe kuma TaJiyana.

KU MZANTSI AFRIKA Iioqaoawa ezimbioi ezama Tali­

yaoa ezo rhwebo ezioduluke e Durban loisioga e Lourenco Marq uea zioqRoodwe Zll oropleni zalapa kweh 10 Manyaoo. Zingoo Tim8.vo no Ger­usaleme amagama azo. Zitbe za· kuqonda ukuba akuaekbo qbioga loku sioda zaya.kuzi oyandzela pantsi eluoxwemeni.

Eyeaithatbu ioqanawa yam a T81iyaoa Ibaojwe e Kapa ezi Dokisi-01.

ManYilOO ukwendu e~a.khe e~igqi· bo ngoku ma\unga. D6Rimo ayakutho.­tha. 80n& phant$i kwe zimeko ziotsha ..

.. Akllha.ngakho ku tb",ndAo buzo. ekwendZl'ni isigqibo. I'Iigqibo kube l:'e~l: u Mzautst Afrika. uyakutha· tha. indawo yawn n~okuzolileyo 111\ n~oku zimisela. okukhulu ngakwi ca.Ja labEt. Ncedlloi ekulweni utshaba UBUQHWALA BE ITALI lwabo olutsha. Ngako aka u Mza- I Ob . d . b' t . AI .,. 1 It I ' " Dna buOto ZI bemps. B eo gena o 81 fltl.8t uya wa oe a I. It ,. (S- t . ) " "Ok k Mr ' bl I 6 a I J per cen .) ByO IZ!I. ngss6 . .~ ? U usso 101 Q a.9~ 8_,0 I wandie. Ngoku inqaoyulwe eku-1 Bh~31Q1ya k,uogeko

b n~ng~u:lkI9.0 zifumansni CLona. ziuoo zinamaodla

8oye'7 zW~Y\ ,mhSou eZI 800 O.ZI- ezifunekayo emfazweni,lzioto eZI­oael et

ZIDrO Ur oowa 0BaDh ~~p~OB nje age aile, Irali, uboya , ioeeoce. umo u. m azwe yage eSllllya bl d ""tbi K •. f b ,. I" h I I k I I' u Ie u, De 51Oyl . uyaH..u U· e~u Inyat eo 0 u~a B e0.J0o~o neka ithembela ku Jamani ya e i yeoqubo yak be a Afrika amlq~lwe Jamaoi ioazo ezaoele yooa. bku ukolulelwa ogapha~a kwe mldba kutbetba ukutbi i Itali iyakuba yelo thaoga lakbe ell kulo UOam ya Dg mthwa' •. J m . k k ba Af '1- .. U 0 IioU a am uoo u n~a. d "L b k' k MI"' DgO nco ayo. . eoqu 0 eu ~ u . a U!ol I'jOI 01 Ukuausela. ixe~ba i Hali iogeDe 8.J.ooge yon~ e Aftlka loxulumel~e De ogalo Ie mfazwe ilablekwe ogama. 0JOD~O yazlwayo yama Jamaol yo- 3 k kh b k I b it awe nq80awa zo rbwebo, kuzo wa· a urn uso om u u wa 0 e· . . . . Af ... I b b , ... 'f I . , . eZlnye zezlthlnJwa ngaba Needaol . rlKa. t em a I",a u so eot LSe· I' " h . d .. k b ' k . b I 'kb I eZloye zezl S oUlswe emBO ZIDI U ,.Dhl uya, bUhzuza 1.8," 0,0 eks~ u ~ ogarna Taliyana ogokwawo. xa It e e 0 oogo aza lae 13wa.

"Ku baD!u bom Z.nt,i Afrika AlIADODA A\IE NGOMV A KWEE abahthaodayo ehlizwe letbu aku- NKANUNU kbo udlela-mbini liu leoto. Iodlela ioye nemfanelo yetbu ioye kuku manyaoa silwele um Zantsi Afrika kulongozi inkulu eaongele uku vela eNtia."

"Kuthi aonke Ilamhlanje imfanelo yetbu ioye, iotobelombuao yethu ioye. Imfaoelo yethu kuku kbo­nza ilizwe lethu ngakho kooke e!Ji­oakbo. Intobel0·mbu90 yeyoku nyaniseka kum Z~otsi Afrika oeyo· ku lwei.. ezonkululeko ezendza ukuba abl'l.ntu kweli lizwe 10 Ma­nyano babe sisizwe esizidlayo ogo· buzwe belizwe laba."


Waka watsbo u Adolf Hitler ogelioye ixe~ha, wathi; "Liigqibo stlzinto asixhomekanga pbezu kwe zixbobo, aixhomeke phezu kwa mao doda a.mi ugemt".~ kwazo." Oku, iogati kuyafezakala. Pbezu kokuba eooo ganda·ganda bakbe, nee nkanunu czinhome.ndla, nento eoi­ndzi yama floldati uya eqonda uku­thl eyooanto inamandla ogawa doda ami "ogom.,a kwezi zixbobo." Ama doda aba Needani ogobukroti bawo asembabilo u Hitler kulCt

• Sukere e molemo ho

meno a bao 'me hape e

molerno ho mele oa bao.

Sukere e tiRo ho nel..

maUa bo etaa mO::Jebe­

tsi oa bao 0 8a khatba.-

1& 'me e bo nea ma.t1a


JA SUKERE - hangata

Hblitzkrieg"'yakbe-imfazwe ekba. uleza oko m baoi. .Apbo ebelinde­Ie ukutyumza imikhosi yaba Nee· daoi nge xeshana eliogepbi uqubi­sene nomxhatiso onamaodla. 00' ganda·ganda abetbembele kubo ba. bulawa ogama 300 ngemioi enyn kweH dhabi loyikek .yo ka.kulu ogoku.

Subscribe To "Umleleli"

HOnI EYR Biza Njalol-­



Kwi ntlanganiao ebeyikho e Ale­xandra Towllahip kutshanje, u Mnu. J. E. Hofmeyr, u Mpatbiawa zimali, ubhekise intetho ebukbali ku bantu aba Ntsuodu abayala uk uba baoga pbulapbu li amarbe obuxoki asasazwa zizitbunywa ozi­aebeodzela utababa. La marhe atbetb& ubuxoki ayioxa.1eoye yezi. xb~bo utshaba lusebeodza ngazo. "Nikbolelwe kulooto eniyixelel W8 ngamagosa 0 Albuso," utahilo u Mou. Hofmeyr, "oikholelwe nRokuzo ezozinto nizlfundayo kuma pbeph1.. ndaba eou Bantu ba NtBundu ko­dwa niogakholelwa lrubuxoki obu BBSazwa pbakathi kwenu . Zolaoi oibe oethemha kule mfazwe oikho-ThlFAZWE E ITALI NAKWI I I k ' • NDA WO EZIPHAHLE I ITALI e w.e WIOto yok~ba lonto u Kum· kaDi wethu, nezlzwe zakbe naba

Headache & Pai n Ta bl ets No. I Lamacwecwe amayeza azisa uneedo olukaulezileyo kwintloko ebubluogu ebaogwa. yimitbambo, imihlathi eqa.qambayo, imisipa, indlebe, ukutyatyamba kwenyonga, ieesina, utyatyambo 10 bontsi, amazinyo ookutsaleka kwemisipa. Ukuba uhlala udioiwe, utyafile ubandezekile, tabata icwecwe elodw8 okaoye

Ii eroplen; zama Nge .. i ziphapbe I needaoa oaye bayi lwelayo iYakub&. kum Ntla wage Itali zahla!'-iela. nee nempumelelo yoloyiao." mb~mbha kwi odawo zemikbosi e Esibheoo nesiyalo, ojaogoko si-Tutln nase Geooo. pume ku Mnu. Hofmeyr owaziwa. E.zo !shaba ii. ~r~pl~ni ziblRosel~ yo kakuble ukuba ungu mhlobo kanmdz.l e llalta Iglqllhllsama Nge:lI . . oomtbetheleli waba Ntsundu besi. Zitbobe iimbumbba Zendze umo· fanele ukuba oRomandJa oku6kelela oakalo oogephi ooko. Kwa.fa aba. enqoudweni zetbu. ogalwiyo, abanJo bengxwelerwa Kux:elwa ezokuba oga bantu aba lpbeph~: ndaba Inso Merika libi. ogama 61 8babekwe ityala loku­kRo ukutbl I Mllao eoye yee dolopu sasaza iutetho e1.i bubuxoki abatbe eziokulu e Itali ihhse lwe iimbum· ba baujwa pbakathi ko auku Iwe bba oropleoi zaba NeedRooi. sitbandathu 00 suku Iwe sithoba. Ubukbulu bo monakalo abuxelwa. ku June.

I ~lERIKA NE ~lF AZWE I Merika ivelana kakbulu naba

Ncedlloi, yendza. ngali:o konke ina­ko uka neediea aba Needani. Gq wi­zi nje ilwe oe Jamani.

Kutbunyelwe io1;O enindzi yezi­xhobo, mbhumbhulu nezinye izinto zemfazwe kuba Ncedani. Isibheoo eaeodzwe yi Nkulu·M.buso yama Freotahi eeieela uneedo aamkelwe ogom:cbelo oahushu. I President yase Merika itbe : .. Zonke lzinto &linazo abazi funayo aba Need3ni aiyakubapha zona."



U NKOSI ~ruSSOLlNI Lendoda egqiba ukuvakalisn.

ukuba iyalwa naba Ncedani ayiyo nyana we okosi. U yi'Je waye ngu mkandi we. ntsimbi (blacksmitb). Nase bUlleloaneni bakbe wayezi. phethe kakubi ethanda ukulwa . Wa gxotwa esikolweoi ngokugwaza. euye lokwekwe oge mela, Em veoi kwe xesba waba Y1 btshala. Ko . dwa wa fedo. kubo akabi nampu. mclelo. Eiiaendzo a6,kbe 80bugwala sokutbi xaye booa ull:uha aba. Nceda. ni .bemi kakubi kube lelooa xesha aZl"xclayo ogalo ukuthi uyalwa oabo esoSE"ocizo sakhe salatha. uhlobo 10-mntu alulo. Nguye ngoku umlauli omkhulu wee mikhosi yama Tali . Kwintetho Y8khe oge waya.lesi yana. Ii?likbosi ithat.ha u moya ogokuhlwa ogomhla we 11 ku June, wo mla-ult wayo. iimikhosi okbo­i Nkuln-Mbuso u Njengele Smuts, khelwa ayingede yaba ne ute ;- mpumelelo.

"Ukosusela phakathi kobusuku J phepba-odaba lase Merika lithi phezolo i [tali seyizixele ukuba iya- onyaoa ababioi baka Msoleni aba. Iwa oe Ngilana ne Frans!. Kwa ogo Bruno 00 Vittorio babe qho.yi­yekelelwa. ku Rulumeote weli 10 sa ogoku hlieela ii mbumbha phezu

amabini. Ixabiso (1 / -) Aperient Iron Tonic For Women No.4 lyeza. elitheOlbekileyo lazo zonke izifo ez.amaokazana odwa. Lilunglsa, lomeleza. lido livuselele kuwo wonke amaokaun.3. ngexesba lenkata.zo yawo. Lidambiaa inkatazo ezUigabs zipbete amankazana. Ixabiso (2.'6)

Innuenza and Cold Cure No. S Ungabo linda ide ingqele enamahdla okanye uhlaselo Iwe ro6eano lude lukoogamele. Icephe elikhulu liya kudambls" ogoku kauleza. Eli liyen elikbulu kayu laye lizisa uneedo kumzimba wako osezintluogwini nonecesina. Likanyii\a ameblo akho aneoyerobezi, hneeda ogoku kauleza likhupe izibungu egazioi. Liya kauleza laye lithenjiwe. Yimfanelo ka wonke wonke ukuba. lomobiza ubeaekayeni . (h:abiso (2/6)

Rheumatikeen Mixture No. II Kuzo loonke izigulo intlungu ze Rumatisene zezigqitbiJeyo ezinoku nyangwa, kodwa ngoku aebeozisa njalo eliyeza, akutbandabuzeki okokuba elointlungu ze rumatisene emqolo. emaluo~wioi, nase magxalabeni, inyawo ne ogalo ziya kuoceda. Rheuffiatikeeo Ointment. ~o. 12 ma.yiaetyenziswe kuoye 0810. asemaluogwlOl abaogwa ngubudala, eliyeza kuoye oe~.itha.mb~s~ esim.lngalisayo esi~oedayo eziotluogwini. ngumncedl ongqlOlweyo. Yenza umzlmba, osugogobaliswe zintluogu, ukuba uogakhatbatekL Ixabiso (3/·)

Rheumatikeen Ointment No. 12 Esithambiso ai1uogi- Xa kunokwenzeka eelwe ogoku balule· BIZA aingasetyenzi8wa no k'l hlaba INCWADI No. 11. Esithambi~o I eyo lI. m a sihlikihlwa kwindawo emalungwini ab~nge- YE SISA ezi.bublungo. (Ixa-I wa yi. rumaUseoe. bi~o 1/-)

Okokuba ivonkile yakuni aYlnawo lamayeza. bhalela kwabe








S T. PETERS' SCHOOL CHOIR \ aporta. CrOl'"D Mines, took part 10 t he The team to Eost London will

THAT receptions "in honour of" 80 and so were becoming a

feature of our gocial life in J ohan· nes burg, and that whether it would oa t be ad'lsable to bave such reo oeptions as well in bonour of others who, altbough not oouspiouous in educatiooal and profe.sional realms,

farewell party beld at the CrowD lea'f"8 a t 2.15 on June 28. l li nes. last Sunday or behalf of the Transvaal Dantu Rugby Union team. They were very impressive by the good ~i ngi ug .

lIr. M. C. L usu. of P ort E liZAbeth arrived in the city 0 0 Tuesday. She was met at t be sta tion by Meedames S. BndK. David . of Soko­po St.reet , West ern Native Tow-n­~ip.

'Miss Catherine Olckers, of FrAnk­fort , arrived in the city on Satur­day.

Pastor L. R. Brooke and J . R . A. Ankoma left yesterday (Friday) for Leydsdorp, Tzaneen, ZoutpsDS' berg, M unnik and Pietersburg.

A "Variety concert and dance will be held at the Bantu Men's Sooial Centre, Johannesburg on Friday July 6 under the direction of Moses Rsmailane 8 n d h i 8 wellknown Darktown ~trutter8 supported by the King of Humour, Peter Qwabe, Marjorie Pretorius aod the Ohlsoo's Sisters. DaDce music wiU be sup­plied by tho Merry Black Birds and Rhybhm Hot Shots.

The concert in aid of the JaDe Furse Memorial H08pital realised ~ll 178. Donations were receiv­ed from Mr. and Mrs. J. R . Rdhebe and Mrs. C. Bezuidenhout Mr. D. M. Denalane, the organiser, wi~hes to thank aU for the kind ~upport.

Mrs. L . D. Lutuli , of Alexandra Township, left Johannesburg for Durban during the week-ond. and will be away for two weeks .

Miss Jaoe Sito)e, of Eastern Na.t-

ive Township, entrained during the week·end for Ladysmith, Natal.

Mr. Mnitsbana, of Pimville. leftl Johannesburg during the week-end for Bloemfontein and the Cape.

Mr. S. Gumede, of Roodepoort. West, who has been spending a boliday in the Free Sta.te. has returned home.

Mr. and Mrs. D. Nkwanca, of :Fimville, paid a visit to Springs the .,ther week-end.

Misa L. Kbolobeog, Lady Selborne Pretoria, duriog the week·end visited Western Native Township and Orlando, she was the guest of Mr. OEd Mrs. T. Tahabalala.

Mr. H. Motbebane, wbo has been apending a holiday at Winburg hal returned.

Mf8. A. Nteboko, accompanied by ber Bon, Alfred, left Johannes. burg during the week·end for Bloemfontein.

MiBs BeCky Sebitlo, of W;~ Native Township, entrained last Saturday for Thaba Nchu, and will be away for three weeks.

Miss D. Blose. of Orlando, left Johannesburg dnriD~ th~ week.end, for Durban, and will be away for -amet.ime.

Mr. W. Rakumaku has retnrned to Johanneshurg from Kingwilliams­town, where he has been during the past five months.

Mr. B. Mkozi is visiting Johannes. burg from Durban, and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Maeango.

• Transvaal Rugby Team F OLLOWING will represent Trans· I nevertheless contributed to the

Dvaal a t the r ug by tournament at i Cause of the Race, was the opinion East Loudon : of a Dew arrival in the city. This

G. W. S. Maqoma (Capt. ), R. commentator, a prominent profe.i' Swanepool (, A. Ranteana, eional man from the Cape. said he O. Baku, J. Stoto, B. Magoso, C. had been accorded several of such B ezu, J. Msikinya, W . Mjekula, J. receptions in different places in tbe Mzondeki, S. M. Tsbabangu. S. Cape before coming here, and be Ntahekiea , Balu ba, C. Nyakatya , added that while he highly appre· C. J eyi, N. Habana, G. Kuta, I. cia ted the principle of giving tbe Ntlokwana, S. Mkonto, J . Peme, r eceptions at reasonable intervals w. Mrw~shu, S. Maxama, T. in bonour of persons who merited Ntwasa, E. Moleteane, and L. Mavi , ' tbem, he felt strongly that tbe Mr. W. W. Xatasi (Manager), Bantu were apt to overlook the Delegates : Messrs . R . D. Mqoboli, efforts of their less favoured A. B. Mathobela. and R . XiDiwe. bretbren in other spberes of life.

On Sunday, June 23, a general He did not see why receptions were meeting will be held at B.M.S.C., not given in honour of those who at 11 a m. tournament busioeaa. had distinguished themselves in

Mr. V. Ngub8ne, of Standerton was in Johannesburg during th~ week·end.

Mr. K . Mota.ung. of Venterspoat mine, is at Kroonstad on a month 's leave.

Mrs. Sauls Mzimba has returned to Jobannesburg afte:- visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. Msipha, of Ermelo.

Mrs. L . Nkosi, of Pimville, bas gone to Vrybeid Natal on a three woeks' visit.

Conlin-ue4 in prev!0U8 column

The former would be justified to feel that, because they had not taken auy degrees, they were being overlooked by those reaponsble for sucb receptions, although they had contributed greatly to our cause. In our midst we have men and wo­men who d eserve these rel'eptions if we are to apply their principle in the rigbt way.

Mr. S. Motbibi, of Raodfonteio Esta.tes, paid a visit during the week· end to.Springs as a guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. Lokwe.

Mrs. H. Mateogo, of Western Township, is at Frankfort on a three weeks' visit .

Mrs. L. Bibiya, who has been io Joh.aonesburg for two weeks, 1eft dunng the week· end for Natal.

other departments of life than, for example, educatioD or medicine. "We have young men and women in the country," he said, "who, for instance, have acquitted themselves well on the stage. Yet one hardly hears of a reoeption being given in their honour."

It is hard to know what my readers will feel about thi3 observ. ation. I myself think there is a great deal in what he 88yS. And at this j uncture, one recalls the words of 'Mr. R. V. Selope· Thema on the occasion of one of these receptions in Johannesburg. l\1r . Thema said he d id not feel elated because of the high educational att ainments of tbe gentleman in wbose honour the reception was held : but because of the honour brought to the Race by tbe achievement of so great a distinction. From th is it twill be observed that it is the achievement itself of which we are aud should be proud. The principle of accord· ing receptions in honour of those who have brougbt credit to the race is e8sentialJy to encourage others aR weH as to show them in 8 practical manner what achieve­ment means to a people. But such encouragement should not be ooe­sided. By this I mean it sbould Dot be those only who ba ve taken tbeir degrees in either educa$ion or medicine. And I think thi8 i8 what our friend really meant. We have

Mr. Moses Skosana, bas Jeft for in our midst persons richly gifted East London, on a month's leave. io various ways. Some of them

Mr. B. Makanya left Johannes. burg dwing tbe week-end. for Vrede, O.F .S. and will be away for two weeks. _

Mr. P. Sililo, of Witbank, was in Johannesburg during the week-end.

Mr. H. Yazibuko returned tothe city during the week· end, after s pending a week in Durban.

Mrs. E. T. Kumalo and family has gone to Pilgrims Rest where her, Mrs. L. S. K umalo, is ill.

Miss Sa r a h Ntaibanyoni, of Glencoe, is visiting Johannesburg for three weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. H . Shugu arrived in Johannesburg last Sunday from Port Elizab~th on a short visit.

Mr. W. Lichaba left Johannes. burg during the week· end for Bloemfontein and will be away for two weeks.

have proved this beyond doubt. Yet there is notbing done for them in the form of such receptions. The s e people need inspiration. Some of them bave done more for the cause of the Raoe than some of those to whom receptions have already been given.

• _. _ J ~

lcontinuea in next column)


DUNJANA MATUMBU-Sekuyi· minyaka eminlOzi sashiwayo

ngumzahkazi wetbu otbandekayo u Nkosikazi Sarah Jaoe Thos. Duojana wase HackDey, Queens· town owasweleka nge 17 June 1927.

I~iyolo zelilizwe azitutuzeli iotli. 21yO ezopayo. Usakunjulwa ngo : Matilda.

Wynne, Polly, Ellen, Mildred nango molokazana naba zukulwana. 2i-tO


MOLEBALOA-Kefiloe m0get ~a-

V\fILBERFORCE INSTITUTE nyana oa me, lefa ore tloget5e

ka 10tb Seete bosigo (June) 1936 'mago leb.) mODnaO, bo Tiro, Ie Madito lenna, ga rea golebala. Ikhutse ka kagisbo Morolong . Le rona rea koo felong ga boikhuco. J A"ES M. MOLEDALOA, 328 Swau Street , E as tern N . Township, J oh­annesburg. 2i4.7

TraIning HEAD HEART HAND Motto: "Only The Best Is Good Enough"


Beginning Second T e rm 5t h August CARPENTRY 1940

Fees Fees

for for

one half

For fur ther information, address


.1:6·1 0-0 .1:3 - 5 - 0


KE tsebisa mot!adi oaka Annie Sataba (ka go t5alo8o Dav ids·

Molema) eo ka ua ka ruooysla ka 192 1 koa Kimberley, me rakgau· kgan 80 ka. 1926, gore ga ibe ga a boele gonna pele gadi 6th July 1940, ke tla nka dikgato ts a go kgaula leoya10. L.6.lI ECU B. SABATA,

126 Military Road. Port Elizabeth.



Once this man beard 8 noise in the • night but COQId. see nothing in the darkness, 50 he thought it must have heen the wir.d in the mealie.s and went back to. bed. In the morning, be found that catt1e bad estCI!". his mealies. Now be has bougbt ao Eveready Torch,.. filled with fresb E"erc.dy Batteries. Its bright ligbt. shows him the cattle when they come lind be .. abl .. to chose tbem away and save his mealie crOP4 ..

XOliulovo !c-ndodn yevll lugso!o ngokuhlwn lIodwa ayabl lIl1kl,loooaoto eI,JUlD.D1 tltDl'II I. yado yat1ngIL okoku.a ~t. Oauro013 obuvutbut3 erobboueol yayolt!.!s_ X"ak"Ia, y..tumaoa 011.0 .. 1,1 1>& im,oroo itlt)'e umbb na "ay • . N'lCI1t ".IUleDgo 1 Sllumtko ae £; v(';Ttady. es,:ta.UJwo ngs Mallhlt amataba e E vueady. UkukhaDya payo on l"lo.mbik-yo II. l.lylbo"l !!S lukomOl n ut1Ita.yo It. o,)u> .u.ulpo\ha umbbooa wake ualodt.


T r ade M tl r k. TtgiJ f~rld in Jlu L'II;orJ 01 S . • JlrillR

TORCHES. BATTERIES AND BULBS. Eveready Batteries are full of light brt3.uJC tbey 3fe

f re,h w hen you buy them. .. .. ,



St. Andrew's Church, Pimviller 6 a.m. Mass aod Holy Commu· nion ; 8.30 a.m. Confirmatioo aud Solemn Mass (First Communioo). preacher the Lord Bisbop of Job· annesburg, the Rt. RevL G. Clayton; 4 p .m. Evenaoog. ST CYPRIAN'S MISSION

CHURCH, Jobannosburg : 0,30 Holy Communion (Seoboana); 7.30 Holy Communion (Zulu); 9.30 a.m. Sunday School; II a .m. Solemn Mass (Seehoaoa); 4 p.m . Evensong (Zoic); 7 p.m. Evenaoog (English aod Afrikaans).

St. Phillip',. Kliptown: 10 ..... Suoday School; II a.m. Mattint;: 7 p.m. Evensong.


St. George's Chwoh, Sherborne Road, Parktowo : 5.30 a.m. Holy Communion; 3.45 p .m Evensong.

Eastern Native Township. Zo­ndani Street: 9 a.m. Sunday School;. 11 a .m. preacher Mr. T. Masinga;. 3 and 7 p.m. preacber Mr. E. Molokame.

St. Aidan's Church, Regent Street, Yeoville : 4 p.m. Evensong.

Kwlx~hana ellgqltlleyo u John waye khanieleka nj e


NAMHLA " Jo"' j unje

PINK PILLS Zamaka u John

Kant;eln f'VOnAoto i D r. Willito~" .P mk Pd]s ezimeozekt VODII u J ohn . Zlm'lk ziml8b~ ta kurontu obltfl lero, ebutataka zame0Z6 wnotu otycbileyo, onl' leleyo, okhangeleka kaku nIe. .

Na.yiplDo il1d da okanye iokozalla Y m Afrika t'bityile~o. eu". ibuto.taka. 'ko.nye ia.., lpko Idiol\Ve, IDO\twt' ll itA oko OkWMU!II'f'A n~ John. Emva kwt'\'ek'\I~ ivakubonn. uneed 1 Olllkhuiu luluuyan'I'f'B nJ"rumzimba \vavo. Ez.i plli-c.i azina kuk wroza u k" b a utyebe goku gtIlthil yo, koJwa ziy.\ kukweozo. ukuba Ul lve wom elele kwakooa_ .

, . , ., ' ,A -' kuooe )1SIl: Kungan ioa un2J'nzi njengo J ohn u Inql' f" I oa u..... .. ukubo utn'bt' upile w me l·le. T eoga irnb . .KUel~ o Bm hlfl M~U IlpUla istoro pkaDve I kem i"l i utBbate I Dr_ \VlUla m 'l Plok PillI Dllilo elDva kokut,) 6_ U-ya];;u v uya s a u bona ukusebeoza kwazo.

Bishop James Limba

.FrOlJl Labourer to Bishop

(BY w. w. JABAVU)

'1IIHO is Bishop James Limba 1 n From wbere did he ~et his

immense populari ty and influence over his ohurch adberents ?

These q uestionll are asked by most people wbo have the privilege ()f meeting "Tata" (fatber), as he is invariably called. He has ohar­.acter and a charming versonaliby.

In 1910, he was an ordinary lab­ourer employed by the S A. Rail­'Ways and Harbours at Uitenhage, whence he was transferred to Ken­drew Station, Graaff Reinet dis­triot. The Bishop informed me, in an interview, t.hat in his mind he had visions of being in control of a purely Native denominational church.



Loss T 0 K!ipplaat


Progress At Bloemfontein

Welfare Society Cood _.-



THE Non- European Child Welfare Sooiety beld its monthly mqet­

iag 00 June 5 at the L()cation Dis­peosary. and was presided ov~r by Miss L _ Marquard in the absenoe of Mrs. Shtein. Tbe atteod~nce was good, both ot tbe African and European members.

A le,tter from the seoretary oC the Bantu Sooial Institute was re80d. requesting a~9i9tance with regud to children loiterio~ about the premises. The following ladies were appointed to coosult with the secretary of tbe ~Institute: Mes­dam89 M. Dilape, M. S. Moikangoa, and R Pula.

The Creche report was gi ven by Mrs. E. Mtimkulu. A slight increase

presided over a good attendance. The meeting received the report of the delegation thab metl the Central Committee of the Advisory Board recently. The repol't was given in full by Mrs. Mtimkulu, secretary_ A further disoussioD took place in regard to lodgers' permHs , It was learned that, at the public meeting held on Sunday. June 9, under the aU'Jpic8S of local branch of the Afri . Oan Na.tional Coo~ress (\Vomen section), the block men who attend~ ed by invitation informed the ladi e~ thab the matter was under consideration, and referred them to the Nation"l Couooilof African Women. It WBS therefore decided to meet the Congress ladies on Wednesday. Juoe 19. at the B.S.I. It was also decided to invite Me'Jdamas Storey and Wiley to the next ordinary mgeting of the Council. These ladies belong to European National Counoil of Women.

Central Committee Deliberations,


. Amillubl.o 'd. ne 1 . (E bukulu bup'nd ..... lal)

H e organised 8 seat consisting of approximately ten adults and establiilied .. The Church of Christ" !lS a beginning. The method adopt­ed to enlarge the ohurch was to preach in the streets (in the same "Way of the Ap .atles of old) where he converted many a heathen with biblical f~cts aad chsrts advocating Baptism as the initial step for those joining his church . Among other conditiom of joining, it was essent.­ial for thoRe COllverted to coofess all sins. ab~tention from the use of alcobol and tobncco: and, hutly. respect of the law·s of the country


was revealed in the daily attend~ At & recent meeting of the anee &9 weU as school attending chil~ Central Committee of the Advisory dun who receive at this in- Board Messrs p, Rakaoane and D. sr.itution. Galela brought forward a motion with the Dutoh Reformed Church

THE Angel of death baq removed. The Society is to receive financial of no con6denee against the chair- in school amalgamation was brought to higher service Evangeliat bene6t from a bioscope exhibition man, the first! beiogthe mover and forward by the ohairman. Repoint.

Peter Majola, in his 74th year. He to be conducted by Mr. Rhodes the lAtter waq tbe seconder. Mr. ed out that the preRent. sohool 'Walt a l:lelf-educ!toted ml1n He be- Harrison, who is suppling both film J.S. Garlick Mpinda presided during bUildings were inadequate and g~n preacbia~just before the Anglo- and services free. the discussion. sdvocat.ed thFlt the church should Boer War. In 1913 he huilt the A vote of thanks was passed for The general feeling of the meet- join the am!Jolgamation and take local L.M.S churl!h, and he was this liberality. ing Wag that tbe whole queqtion advantage of the new buildings. then molde an evangelist of the National Council Of Women was Dot a question of no confidence with the better aocommodation church. His work on the surround- but was jU"It a. ma.tter of grievance. bein~ provided by the Municipality_ iog farms and the neighbouring The Natiooal Council of Africao More over, most of the spea.kers Futber he stated t.hat a.s the teach-di3trict.i thrived. He was ap· Women (local) met. in the B&ntu took an exception to tbe behaviour er~ failed to attend church he did

I proachilble to all cla.qse:> and races Social Institute on Wednesday, of these members at a pre V10us not see the necessity of continuing and bis White .. neighbours appre- June 12. Mrs. M. S. Bosaletsi meeting. with the .'Ichoo) as a purely church ciated his sincere, honest aDd Mr. J. Kokozela spoke strongly concern. una~~umiog personality. You men must help your wives about the tone of the meeting~ of The matter has not been fioaUy

Evangelist J. Gwaul.i, of Uiten- to do this. Dirt briog3 the Centra.l Committee and the be- settled, but it is almost certain that hage, a!;sisted by Mr. J. Tshoko, of Clothes must be kept clean all haviourof certaioindividua,ls. Such the amalgamation will be an-Janqenville officiated at the funeral the time also. Under clothes and oonduot, he said was tqring to complished. a.nd the fact that 463 people who top clothes, bed clothes and baby other members and to the chairman Bloemfootein Persooalia were present bore testi- cl 'Jthes, all of them. as well. It was finally decided by

to tb h · b . lIlisa Looore, probationer nUlSS many every Ig esteem In This is more difficult for men's an o,rerwhelming majority to reJ'ect wh ' h be w s h II Lid I b at the Non-European Hospital, who IC a e ( . orry Ja.9 c othes, I know. but beat them and t emotion.

, c fro J II St ,I '11 Th f II has been spending her holidays ame m all~enVI e, ey ervi e brush them, them if pOSSIble, e 0 owing took part in the d '10 t St t d f d· . with her parents, has returned to an IJ uo. ewar an caf3 rom heng them up 10. the sun, turn io- ISCU8~HOn'1: Me~sr8 J. Mankhue, S.

't"l1 d U', h I Johannesburg. ~ul er an I 6n age. side out, iron them; in these ways !\ opho~ho, L. Kgabushwane, J. P. , Mr. Monete, of St. John Ambul-," .. .. ~ . the germs and crawlers that love to JJll1chumoloha, W. Lencoe, C .

I At. K II P P I a a. t Mr. ~~naples live io dirty clothes can be fought. Ntseio, S. Mokoen'l, J. Tatane, J. ance, who haq been away on a. IV 'n d t 'I R d holiday to Durba.u and Jobaooee-r aDD .'J ~a.i W'l.rCle a u I"~ o~e I U8e F,e.~h Ai,. This is a big Mo lae aDd J. D. Seekui. ~ancy WJ!ham~ on June 16, and thing to help you. It CO'1ts no- A complaiot wa 8 submitted bur'C . returned last Saturday_

I Mr. buc Grootboom, of .Steytler- thing and is especially needed b against one of the blockmen, Coun- ~r. S. ~ac . Lepole~a, of '\'"ille, Wa.3 al~o ml\tlled to '1i:H June I h li ' II Y ·I · I Ncbu spent the week·end in the oity. you wove In sma house.:. in the CI nominee, a etter being read U T" M I Lulu Dou •• of "'uo' St. rt ~ M J .ur. . ~. apike a, M.R.C., was ,.u.., wa, 00 towos. . ' ".om r. . D. Seekui, repre.:.enta-tbe same da.y a am}ng those who attended the S.Aa . . Lve wlOdows that will open in tlve 00 the committee of block 7. N E BISHOP LDIBA. II Th II on- uropeao Amatuer BOIing • - a your room3. Open them wide e a eg'\.tions were derogatory to T

d tb ouroament in Johannesburg aod every ay, even thou.roh it is cold. e prestige of the Central com- 0 F .and tbo~e 10 authority. Keep Well It was on the"ie lInes that he set

to work and Il;:a.tbered round him a strong fol1o\vjn~ under the ban- (Continued from prrge 6) Del' of the Church :ltissiooarv So- It spoils the brain, it bardeDs tbe dety_ Wben the cburch was firmly liver, it ruins the stomach, it m lkes established at New Brigbton, Bi'lh- tbe blood poor, and does damage op Limha weot 00 1100 extensive io other ways. Missionary campaigo through the When other diseases come along Union. He penetrA.ted &8 far as a person who has been slo\vly Pertuguese EBit Africa, and when poisoned 15y aloohol has not L-he he returned to New Bright.on he stren~th to resist the attack, 80 had a membership of 14,000 fol- that he gets very ill and may die. lowers all full members of his church. Drink is ooe of your greatest and this Dum ber increases daily. enemies, this is especially true for

Everywhere the Bishop goes, he you who live in toWDS--80 I advise leaves 8 trail or ConVerts behind you strongly, if you wanb to keep him. He is a ma.n of construotive well, refuse always to take anything c riticism, obedient and respeotful to at aU that can make you drunk. thoseio authority. He is respected by I can give you this advice all the -every member of his congregation more gladly because this has been and is looked upon as one who lead~ my practice, for the la:lt si:l:ty yearil, his people to salvation. His WIS. I hav.e never. in all my life, taken dom is never doubted and his Com- a.nytblog that co"ld uake me mand9 are in'lt~'ltly obeyed by ' drunk, ao.d tha.t is One reason wby every member of his church . I am so healthy today.

In New Brighton, Bisbop Limba Third, Keep cl.ea..n.! Dirt ill a has built a st~tely cburch oosting caU3e of disease. Flies love dirb approximately £4:,500. In close and flies carry di968ses. Germ'! ar~ -proximit.y to tbo church is a hand. found on dirty skins, aDd dirt.y 80me man~e artistica.lIy furni~bed homes .. Lice and bug~, flea'! and i n the most modern design coating, other thtngi thBt carry disease are £3,000. In I\uq:ust of 1939 the found in dirty c lothes. Bishop pBid a viiit te.. Capetown Train your children to love olean­with half of hi" con~regation, where line~s, t~e school teaChers help you he reoeived a rouiing w~lcome frow to do thls. I know that it is DOt 5.000 from L"n~a towoqbip. The alway.:. eB'lY: and that soap oosts Bishop was met 6ve miles from money, but it can be done, if you Cape Town alld his two privat.e try hard. motor cali arul '\ "pecia.l1y built Vd,n See th!lot your food is kept clean were admire'l bv tbe crowd. the pots, saucepnn'l, di'lhe'J. plate<

Bishop Limbo. firmly believes spooos aDd ta.ble mUit all be wash­that On the ba.'iis of Christianity ed well and often, if this is to be 410ne coull the progress, of the do~e.

K h . saw . ' .S carr V away two titles. ~ep : ~m partly open at night. mlttee, and it was decided to refer Mr. E.W. Mshumpela, the local

N' air IS not dangerous. th.e m ,tter to the grieva.nce com -S d Ik t r trainer of the boxing team who It an wa - out of doors &'1 ml tee lor lnvestig!l.tioo, to report II

b th ed to the Transvaal, speaks. muc as you can. rake deep to e next maeting. higWy of the performance of tlhe breaths and fill your lungll wit.h. . fresh air often in the day time. l\Iethoduu And AmalgamauoD bOyd there, and of the boxing

T standard in ~eneral each your children to do these A meetio-, of p.reo', of cn,'ldreo M J K ,- I ' th' T r. os. ot>.oze a 1S thanked for logs. hey aU the blood b310Qu.LI1I'J, t, tb . " . tbod,·,t "0001, h ' f!

t d . ..n ~ I~ e orts in getting the exeo-otivEJ s rong to a Its work well in the wai hdld in t·e Eb,o'-.r a,11 00 f h B S [ b d d fi U <0 0 t e .. to oon.seot to sent a o y, an flo ght ag!Liost disease Tue9dl.Y. June lL, pre3ld.d over by Th' h I 'U t ll' tesm up . 13 as encolll'aged our" W1 e you some mare ana- R ~v \ , P. Pih'l . The que3tion of b d ' 11 I ther time. h ~[ b 1 oys, an W1 gi\~e a ftlip to tha

==== ==========:t=.=='=t=O=i'='=C=il=u=r=O=h=J~· O=i=O=i 0=;~h='=0=d='::d:~progr6'li of the I o,titu te.

"MIungukazi, i Bon Ami ilunge kakuhle,

• • • .. . lgcma unbiza zibentsha!"

Ba~to and thAir development be . In the hou~e 6~ht B:~a.inst all achleved. He i~ out-and-out for dirt, and go on fi~httn~ . Dirt tHbe .wel£ or his congrega.tion. on the windows, du'tt in the C'l rn- , Ab!lflebenl.i-bendlu bonn u l- b "k b I' ~ 19 a m"Hnh~r of the New eu Bnd on the "helve>J, rubbii b k " b · I:I. n a. . u engeze e

Br.l~hton .A tvi~)r .v Bo~rd (Coun . I un·hr t he bed and bebind the doors aoye ira. u &OIka. i Bon Am i ukubB brHobenze llC I t b II d ngayo. IJ b" L) m'JUlu tll{i w!l.hlllko nipel,

I ooaUI1''') J\' "ld i~ beld in high mU'lt no EI a owe . U1n~okwelne~e b~thi xa. U~It.l lll'VJt ube Il '!4MIU;"'~ ' onA • li~peot by. Ih" 1·),'\1 A.utIIJrity. U-"e ~ dU"fter, br lHh, & broom, a un!;te e 1m IZa. n'l. m '.r: t"l . -: . _.a 81l'1Cc.'1~ Ii ~1I'1lril) l l~e, 1 to bv the so ru bbl?; br!l ~h, .every d '\y-m ~ke ibhafn nen 1 k " Pil.11 I, I '~ iI 1 e ne7.lplli,

kl.odly advic .• t lf hi" wiftJ 'Iinni ~ yOIL! WtndOWi ah! n9, k",ep the t l)P 1 k· - I O\~·o. xo il.itYI\ OR

LG1mbllo, n.~f'O Q nk ~zi, f,>rrnqr! ~ of of t h.e t \bll' w.b ite. neVHf Itlt t he ~e~~!\ t fz~~r;Jl~tl:~\'l'I: N ~6nyani~o, i Bon .A mi raaa R tl I It d t Ii I II '=" k eZIQlnZI uk'u.:e 7.illln~eJ, IlYllkuyi_ bi~ elll 1 . fn P'lrt Eliut,etb )o r~ 1) Ir y , -eop t 1 W.l ~ .. umln~ 'l_Vt> yonke iluHeb n7.i I h Cl"ltll-':"rpt:\tl(}tl cou i1h of (" )J white w:l~he J, som",hf'w, 8ulull';~. Zifunelll ip\k'~ ~ n'lmnh It;' ) y II;IJ

"_ur_'_b_"_'.:.I1=-H'_'_'.:.' t::,::,. ______ ·_l._~{~r~.~.~F~.~.:,.d:.:.:i.::..:.:::.:.t.....:':"':'~.':m~.~I_;;T;;"~U~B;-:A;-7,:;;;;;;~h~1 U;k~,~o~W~'~';"~i;W;/} yi Bon \cli. <,)03 u m lo- ===== o OFFICER:l ' ME:l:l CIG.Ht o: rrE:l

Ikauleza . .• ngokup leleyo

• a. ithc ljiwe!

In· ,

" !


• I!fOBJ •


--• CP"

........ s,y

The Mouthpiece 18

Change Of T ournameot Days

June 29-July 6

T raosvaal Native Rugby Football Union

Transvaal Team Captained By A Chief. Key.Note

"Discipline" (BY Q. D. )IAKAUMA. GE~EB.AL

DUE to a6surance given to the SECB}:TA.1tl")

General ~(CJet8r)' by 811 the WESTERN Zone were beaten last EU d6.hahd Plo\'inctS tbat they Sund'lY by Central Western are Hndit:g apreeentative tEams Zooe by a free·kick. Thefe zones to tbe 1{40 Rugby 'TourDament at with the Eastern Zone have 4 East London, It bas betD eESential points each ar;d ba"e stilI to decide 10 char;ge the dates ori@iraJly find "\tbo tbe holder of the Maud Natal jor'IouIDamEnt. lD!>teadof 'l ouroa· Cup will be. .ment cCD::mtncing CD July 2 and Mr. Andreassen. of the TraDs\"aal EndiDg OD July \1, it bas been Cbamber of Miues. gi\"es this mes­"8rraliged that 'lollrumevt start on fage to the team going to East .lune,29, 1940 aDd nd 00 July 6. LODdon' "Play a c1eaD game and 'leams mu~t thtrefole aui\""e at bring back the N.RC. Cup. If you :Eabt lODdon cn JUlie ~h, lind leave 1 I('se. be ~port@men. Boxing &nd

"KIo...7 or July S. Rugby need gentlemen-the COn­-A.1t6D~tJ)"(LI" fllE: as fo)lo~8:- t~ster. recei!es hard blows, and in

1. Tums tJanlli[g ly train ~'ill hiS mlOd there should be no room lie Dlel at the htalltn on JUDe 28 for foul reta.liation." .:In the TourDameDt Sectetary being "Mr. Little, sctiug cbi~f compound .zdvisEd bdcle band. manager, CrOWD MlOes. says:

2 All T D ltd f "There is a tendency to 8neer at !ici~l will bt::~omer::~a~:d as~ E~s~ people from tbe Trans~aal 88 they .:E k 1. t are taken for Amal&ltas_ Take

an oca Ion. the iusult, s\\allow it a.nd behave 3. A Eusiness Meeting will be well at East London. They will

!leld in the Library Room. East see the mistake and respect you. ~aDk Location. Let this war, grave as it. is not

<t. Play will take place at the confuse your minds. Be confident fRubusa.o& Park. East Ba.nk Loca- and ]isteoto your 6uperior~. Let tion. not your minds be confused through

5. The Mayor or hiB Deputy will I)j)en Tourna.ment on June 29.

6. FODeliOD8 duriDg TourDament

(1) Reception on June 29. (2) An at Home on June 30.

Service in the morning. (3) Func'ion on July 3. (41 Farewell on July s. 7. Sight.seeiogonSunday,July7. 8_ Play on followiDg days : on

~ ... -Ile 29, let, 2nd. 3rd, 4th, 5th lind 6th July.

9. Tournsment Secretary is Mr. J. Bueakwe, East Bank Location. :Ea.' London. I

Busi.aeae Iiniiog 00 June 28 at 8 p.m.

'Ihe B-usineee MeetiDg will be be1d lD tbe Library Room 00 June 28, at 8 p .m. Delt:gates are Expect­

ed to be present.


(1) EDrolment of delegates. plc:xiea and references, SubecriptIOD .• 'Iournament SecHtsry's


(2) (3)

(4) (6)

Futures. !.1eetlng of referees ond


A.aDo.1 GfDeral MUling in the LilIrary Boom on Sunday at 10 a m_

On June 30, 1940

Happy imlIlunity, wmter impuoit~'. Such is tbecomfort and vigor you gain;

Cbeeriul humaolty spared much profanity Freedom from brouchiaJ a.fHlction and

paw. Dash and audacity, vim a.nd vivaCity,

Duriog aU \!bangea of temperature; Proving your sanlly f.ree from inanity,

Wben you take Woods' Peppermi.nt Cure.

misleadiog and irresponsible atate­ments."

Mr. R. D Mqoboli, president, says: Our Union is composed of teams wbich are tbe ofT.spring of the Swallows, tbe first team in this Province in 1923. We are young but we compete favourably with Eastern Province, \\ here Rugby is appreCiated from childhood.

Mr. P. S. A. Gwele'8 message is : «T ran 8 v a a I is full of good material and tboce selected in the team have a real responsibility. Our advance will be reflected by their bE'haviour and standard of plsy, We wieh them to upbold our tradition and bring back with tb.m both tbe N.R.C. tropbyand ngain the reputation we had lost. We are poertly to blame for being called amalaitas. Our bouse needs sweeping. Playa bord clean game. The key-note of tbe team should be Diecipline ood we wish you good luck as we wave Good.bye.

Mr. D. M. Denalane'06 message is: 'Ihe Annual General Meeting of .. Sport ia international language

the South African Bantu Rugly understood and enjoyed hy all FootlJal1 Board ~ill be held at Last natioDs. The support and interest London at 10 a.m. on J Dne 30. ~iveD and shown by Europeans 1940. Punctuality ,!;hould be the should encourage us more. Our

:motto of both offiCials and delegates. team should uphold onr tradition. Agenda:. We sbould he thaokful to see :Mr.

Piliso among us and to see bis (1) Presidentia1 A.ddress, imprOVEment. As a pioDeer in (2) Adoption of annual report. eports nODe is more pleased than

Soccer ---

South African Native College Soccer Touring Team's Itinerary

JUNE 20' Leave Alice (Thurs­day).

June 21 (Friday).

June 22 day).

June 24: (Monday).

JUDe 24 (Monday).

Arrive B1oemfontein

Play B. B. F. A. (Fri.

Leave Bloemfontein

Arrive KrOoDstad

June 26 Play K.A.F.A. (Wed· nesday).

J U D e 27' Le8~e Kroonstad (Thursday).

JUDe 27 : (Thursday).

Arrive Jobannesburg

JUDe 29 Play J.A.F.A. (Satur· day, B.S.C.).

June 30: Play St. Peter's (SUD' day, B.S.C.).

July 3, Play W.D.A.F.A. (Wed· nesday, Boksburg).

July 6: Flay J.B.F.A. (Satur· day, Wemmer).

July 7. Play CrOWD United F.e. (Sunday, CrOWD Mines).

July 10 , Play E.R.D.A F.A. (Wednesday, Benoni).

July 11 : Leave Johannesburg (Tbursday).

July 12: Arrive Durban (Fri· day).

July 13 , Play D.D.A.F.A. (Sat­urday)·1

Jone 14: Play M.D.I.F.A. (Suo· day).

June 15 : Leave P. Maritzburg (Monday).

July 16: Arrive Bethlehem (Tues­day).

July 17: Play B.A.F.A. (Wed· nesday).

J u I y 18 : Leave Bethlehem (Tbursday).

JuJy 20 : ArTive Alice (Saturday).

• Cape Sporting Items


MATCHES for Saturday, June 8, were conducted by the follow­

ing refelees : Mr. S. M. Botha, Phalla for the second teams, and by Messrs P. KlaMen and N. Ndabambi for first teaDJS. Results: 2nd teams: S. W. Griq U88 R. F. C. 0, Busy Bees R .F . C. 0; Morning Stars 0; East End R.F.C. ('). 18, Teams: Busy Bees R.1!'.C. 3, East .E od 9 ' Morning Stars R .F.C. 3, Bantui'R.F.C. 17. Players are warned by referees not to pass re­marks 00 their decisions on tbe field ofpley. Referees are in sure control of the game and cann.t alter their decision in any oircum­stance. On June S the matches "\\ere wen conducted and the speotators were satiBfied.

• A Correction

---(3) Minutes. be is "Wben be '!;ees our progress (4) MattHsArisingfrom?tlinutes Although we are living UDder 8 _ .­(6) Overhauling 01 c.oDslJtution. dark c)(,ud tbrough this \\81'. tbe IN "1:TmteteJi" of June 8, on the (6) Lal:>t Tournament Stattmtnt e,ih-er liDing in it is that \\e are ~J cr1t- Jiage, it WIlS nportEd .that (7) ~oticf:" ot Motion. fgbtiDg fll right ond trutb, and Mr. A!cxriLdtr.1. JS}ljD., of ~~ten­(b) 'l(.t .. rDltmtntSulct8ry'sRe- tbe tod ,,111 JIG,e tbat ri~ht is la~t. v:u IH"jdtlJ.t d tbe v.lten-

port mip-hf. Bonef.t) \\111 bTing US.8 bl!:! Pugl, Ecord. 'lherrHldt:Dt (fI) L'1t.dion of Cffire-Burers Lt.Ucr feelir.g of bratbubocd ID (t t1 t EUJd is !tir. t-lIm ... d (10) \"en'le of DU.t Tournfment. (CoCillti71ued in loge]{j) 1'(,1 d "frIll, we f{~let tbe nror.

of the Atri

Bantu Rugby T ournameot At East

London ---


Border Team Announced

(By AQUARlU)f)

MR. D. K. MANEL. secretary, S.A.B.R. Board, has asked u.s

to announce that owing to unfore­seen difficulties the S. A. Bantu Rugby Tournament will commence on Saturday, June 29.1940 instead of Tue'lday, July 2, as bad heen previously intimated. Pro\·iocial teams mUit tberefore arrive in East LondoD on Friday, June 28.

The Border selectors, Messrs H.

SPOIl' _

INS .... ,


WON··. -


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Now is yoar chance to obtain 8 first c]ess Gramo­phone from us at a lew price and on the easiest of terms.

W'Ilt: to U,I NOW and a.d:: or a Gramophou Price List and Particulars.


W. S. BeD-Maz~\i, G. M. Magobiane and W. M. Rubusaoa. bave an­nounced their team as follows :­Messrs A. D. M. Gitywa (K.W.T.), D. B. Ngozi (Healdtowo), T. Siko (E.L.), E. Sokopo (K. W.T.), D. K. Manuel (EL.), S. Mpo'i (E.L .), T. B. Ngubelana vice captain (E.L) • B. Sinuka (K.W.T.), M. Zondani (K. W .T.), J>'. Gausbe (Lovedale), W. Mbu .. ana, R. BI .. ati (E L.). Fowards . Lot Malan, D. Mkatsbwa. R. Moyamaoa. N. Ngantweoi. R. Pezisa, A. R. Qoto. T. T. Panyana, O. D. Ben-Mazwi. B. Sindilima, J. Mngqikana (captain) all of East London. W. Ntuli (K.W.T). A. Ndzamela (Loved ale), A. Jaft& (Healdtown). Manager: Mr. W. M. Rubusana (E.L.). Referee: Mr. Mountain M. Mbolekwa (E.L.).

E. P. Lawn Tennis Board

(ALL AJ"RlC.6.l'f)

eight centres) are kindly asked to correspond with the hOD. secretary, Mr. WisemanN'kowane, St. Philip's Charch House, Rothman Street. Gruff Reinet. C.P.

ALL centres within the bounds on Eastern Province that wish

to join the above-mentioned board (which at present consist of

(Continued in previO'Ul GOlu1n")

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