Laporan Praktikum "Organism"

RATIFICATION PAGE Complete report of Basic Biology experiment the title “The Effect Temperature of Organism Activity” arrenged by : name : Devi Putriana ID : 1314441006 class : Biology ICP B group : VI (Six) It has been checked and consult for an assistant and assistant coordinator then stated acceptable. Makassar, January th 2013 Assistant Coordinator Assistant Rachmayani Ardiansyah, S. P d Irwandi Rahmat ID: 1114040032 Known by Lecturer of Responsible

Transcript of Laporan Praktikum "Organism"


Complete report of Basic Biology experiment the

title “The Effect Temperature of Organism Activity”

arrenged by :

name : Devi Putriana

ID : 1314441006

class : Biology ICP B

group : VI (Six)

It has been checked and consult for an assistant and

assistant coordinator then stated acceptable.

Makassar, Januaryth 2013Assistant Coordinator Assistant

Rachmayani Ardiansyah, S. P d Irwandi RahmatID: 1114040032

Known byLecturer of Responsible

Dr. Muhiddin P. S.Pd, M.Pd NIP : 19721231 19903 1 042


A. Background

Temperature is one of factor that details in

environmental and have role important in arranging

biology activity an organism like arranging speed

chemical in body living things, example breathing.

In condition temperature that different living

things breathing with level different too. Like to

fish that is bloodless animal arranging process

respiration in body it according with condition

environmental it for help process in body.

Like the things of factor-factor environmental

which others, temperature also have boundary for

every organism, like from-until whether is

temperature organism it can defensive. This All

problem studied in ecology study, namely “Sheflord

tolerance law”. So that, in this experiment we can

studied more far about relation between level of

temperature to using oxygen an organism.

Every organism have boundary or gyration certain

to environmental it. If over boundary or gyration

it, so organism can’t defensive life or will

experiencing of die because can’t defensive life

and can’t adaptation own self with environmental it.

Factor-factor of environmental often fluctuation,

seldom found condition that extreme. Fluctuation

environmental factor will influencing life organism,

process of physiologies, its behavior and

mortalities. For lessening bad effect of its

environmental so fish doing adaptation. Adaptation

is a process adjustment self step by step that doing

by an organism to new condition.

Every organism requires need to survive. Organism

can survive only if the environment can provide the

necessities of life. So, every organism must can

done adaption with it environment. If someday the

environment condition change, some species or plant

may can survive or breed. Other species may be die

or move to new premises. All the sea organism

(except mammal) has the poikilotermic

characteristic, that is can not arrange the

temperature of it body. The temperature of

poikilotermic organism body hang on indeed on the

temperature of water where it life. So that the

existence of the changes of water temperature will

effected to the water organism badly.

So that, in this experiment we can studied more

far about relation between level of temperature to

using oxygen an organism.

B. Purpose

The purpose of this experiment is apprentice

expected can comparing speed using oxygen by

different an organism.

C. Benefit

In this experiment apprentice more opening

knowledge about how to temperature can influencing

activity respiration in body. Inclusive about

process metabolism in body a living things.


Temperature is one environment physical factor

that the most clear, easy measured and has many kinds.

Temperature has important function in organism to

manage the biological activity of organism, in animals

and plants. This is caused by temperature influences

chemical reaction speed in the body and also determine

metabolism, like in respiration. Like in the other

environmental factors, temperature has to span which

can be tolerated by each organism. This problem is

explained by ecology study in “Shelford Tolerance Law”.

By using tool that relative simple, the experiment

about the effect of temperature for organism activity

is not really difficult to done, for example by using a

simple respirometer (Tim Penyusun Biologi Umum, 2013).

Acclimation: Getting used to the cold if an

animal is kept for a long time at low temperatures, it

acclimates; that is , it adjusts physiologically to

the new conditions. In poikilotherms, acclimation

involves actual cellular changes. Enzyme

concentrations change; different enzyme with different

optimum temperatures are induced; water concentration

shift; conditions affecting enzyme activity, like pH

and ionic concentrations, are altered. As a result,

the metabolic rate at any given temperature

increases.In homtherms, cells remain at the same

temperature no matter what the air temperature, and

their enzyme system do not change. Nevertheless,

acclimation does occur. The fur grows thicker,

circulation shifts to reduce heat losses to the

environment, and higher levels of thyroxine flow in

the blood to spur the metabolic rate.Adaptation to low

temperatures: enduring the cold. Most animals are

inactive at 0ºC. But in the deep fjords off

Newfoundland, where the water temperature all year

long is almost constantly -1.7ºC, many fish swim, feed,

and bread normally. These fish have enzymatic

machinery adapted to a narrow band of temperature; in

water at 1 or 2ºC, they quickly “overheat” and die

(Jensen, 1979)

Physiologic response to environment change can be

done and changed according to time scale that begun

from second until week. Physiologic responses that

involve change that relative small in that process

speed, and biochemical way, can happen very fast. As

an example, when you walk in one day that so cold your

blood vessel will narrow in seconds, a physiologic

response that minimize lost the heat from

body.Tolerance limit is who determine that important

in geographic spread an organism, although biologic

interaction can prevent a species to place a habitat

where that organism has adapted by physiologic.

Physiologic response to variation of environment can

consist of acclimation, that involve a fundamental

change but still can back, that shift tolerance curve

an organism according to environment change (Campbell,


Living organisms who live in an environment will

adapt with conditions that happen in all year. Some

adaptations are important thing as physiologic and

maybe accompanied with characteristic change and

morphologic. Living organisms can do adaptation only

in short time (minute or hour) or long time (day or

week). These adaptations have value for life

performance and called as acclimation. This process

different with genetic adaptation is called adaptation

in population.Ability to protect an internal

environment, that not influenced by changes in habitat

, decrease needed acclimate in many incidents. When

acclimation adaptation is happened in normally or

optimal in animals, it is called acclimation capacity.

In opposite, acclimation that happened near the

extreme point in tolerance, it is called resistant

acclimation (Michael, 1995).

Temperature has been found to affect the living

organisms in various ways, for example it has

significant role on the cells, morphology, Physiology,

behaviour, growth, ontogenetic development and

distribution of plants and animals. Some of well-

studied effects of temperature on living organisms are

following : Temperature and cell: The minimum and

maximum temperatures have lethal effects on the cells

and their components. If too cold, cell proteins may be

destroyed as ice forms, or as water is lost and

electrolytes become concentrated in the cells; heat

coagulates proteins. Temperature and metabolism: Most

of metabolic activities of microbes, plants and animals

are regulated by varied kinds of enzymes and enzymes in

turn are influenced by temperature, consequently

increase in temperature, upto a certain limit, brings

about increased enzymatic activity, resulting in an

increased rate of metabolism. For instance, the

activity of liver arginase enzyme upon arginine amino

acid, is found to increase gradually and gradually,

with the simultaneous increase in the temperature from

17°C to 48°C. But an increase in temperature beyond

48″C is found to have an adverse effect on the

metabolic rate of this enzymatic activity which retards

rapidly. In plants, the absorption rate is retarded at

low temperature. Photosynthesis operates over a wide

range of temperature. Most algae require lower

temperature range for photosynthesis than the higher

plants. The rate of respiration in plants, however,

increase, with the rise of temperature, but beyond the

optimum limit high temperature decreases the

respiration rate. The rate of respiration become

doubled (like in animals) at the increase of 10°C above

the optimum temperature, provided other factors are

favourable. However, optimum temperature for photo-

synthesis is lower than that for respiration. When

temperature drops below the minimum for growth, a plant

becomes dormant even though respiration and

photosynthesis may continue slowly. Low temperatures

further affect the plant by precipitating the protein

in leaves and tender twigs and by dehydrating the

tissues (Puja, 2013).

The maturation of gonads, gametogenesis and lib.-

ration of gametes takes place at a specific temperature

which varies from species to species. For example, some

species breed uniformly throughout the year, some only

in summer or in winter, while some species have two

breeding periods, one in spring and other in fall.

Thus, temperature determines the breeding seasons of

most organisms. Temperature also affects fecundity of

animals. Fecundity of an animal is defined as its

reproductive capacity, i.e., the total number of young

ones given birth during the life time of the animal.

For example, females of the insect, acridid Chrotogonus

trachyplerus became sexually mature at 30°C and 35°C

than at 25°C, and the highest number of eggs per female

was laid at temperatures of 30°C. The number of eggs

decreased from 243 to 190 when the temperature was

raised to 30—35°C. Likewise, in grasshopper species—

Melanoplus sanguinipes and Camnula pellucida when

reared at 32°C produce 20—30 times as many eggs than

those reared at 22°C (see Ananthakrishan and

Viswanathan, 1976). On the other hand, the fecundity of

certain inseets such as cotton stem weevil (Pempherulus

affinis) was found to decline with an increase in

temperature beyond 32.8°C. In certain animals the

environmental temperature determines the sex ratio of

the species. For example, the sex ratio of the copepod

Maerocyclops albidu is found to be temperature

dependent. As the temperature rises there is a

significant increase in number of males. Similarly in

plague flea, Xenopsylla cheopis, males outnumbered

females on rats, on days when the mean temperature

remains in between 21—25°C. But the position becomes

reverse on more cooler days (Puja, 2013).

Temperature influences the speed and success of

development of poikilothermic animals. In general

complete development of eggs and larvae is more rapid

in warm temperatures. Trout eggs, for example, develop

four times faster at 15°C than at 5°C. The insect,

chironomid fly Metriocnemus hirticollis, requires 26

days at 20°C for the development of a full generation,

94 days at 10°C, 153 days at 6.5°C, and 243 days at

20°C, (Andrewartha and Birch, 1954).

However, the seeds of many plants will not

germinate and the eggs and pupae of some insects will

not hatch or develop normally until chilled. Brook

trout grows best at 13°C to 16°C, but the eggs develop

best at 8°C. In the common forest ground beetle

Pterostichus oblongopunctatus development from egg to

mature beetle takes 82 days at 15°C, whereas at 25°C it

takes only 46 days. In pine lappet, Dendroliniuspini

rate of development and mortality of various develop-

mental stages are effected by temperature. The growth

rates of different animals and plants is also

influenced by temperature. For example, the adult

trouts do not feed much aid do not grow until the water

is warmer than 10°C. Likewise, in the oyster Ostraea

virginica, the length of the body increase from 1.4 mm

to 10.3 mm when temperature is increased from 10°C to

20°C. The gastropod Urosalpinx cinerea and sea urchin

Echinus esculcntus show maximum size in warmer waters.

Corals flourish well in those waters which contain

water below 21°C. The size and colouration of animals

are subject to influence by temperature. In warm humid

climates many animals like insects, birds and mammals

bear darker pigmentation than the races of some species

found in cool and dry climates. This phenomenon is

known as Gioger rule. In the frog Hyla and the horned

toad Phrynosoma, low temperatures have been known to

induce darkening. Some prawn (crustacean invertebrates)

turn light coloured with increasing temperature. The

walking stick Carausius has been known to became black

at 15 C and brown at 25°C. Temperature also affects the

absolute size of an animal and the relative properties

of various body parts (Bergman’s rule). Birds and

mammals, for example attain a greater body size when

they are in cold regions than in warm regions, and

colder regions harbour larger species. But poiki-

lotherms tend to be smaller in colder regions.

Body size has played a significant role in adaptation

to low temperature because it has influenced the rate

of heat loss (Puja, 2013).


A. Place and Date

Day / Date : Wednesday/ January 8th 2013

Time : 09.00 – 12.00 am

Place : Green House Laboratory faculty of

mathematic and science university of


B. Tools and Materials

1. Tools

a. Thermometer 1 piece

b. Beaker glass 1000 ml 3 piece

c. Stopwatch

2. Materials

a. 2 tail goldfish ( Cyprinus carpio )

b. Ice cube

c. water faucets

d. Hot water

C. Work Procedure

1. Entered 2 goldfish are relatively

similar magnitude to the beaker glass contained

tap water and acclimatization for 5 minutes.

2. Took 1 goldfish and putted into beaker glass

(A) of normal water (26oC). Calculated and noted

the frequency of movement (open-closed) operculum

in a minute for 5 minutes.

3. Took 1 goldfish and putted into beaker glass

(B) contained warm water(38oC). Calculated and

noted the frequency of movement (open-closed)

operculum in a minute for 5 minutes.

4. Took 1 goldfish and putted into beaker glass

(C)contained cold water (15oC). Calculated and

noted the frequency of movement (open-closed)

operculum in a minute for 5 minutes.

5. Recorded observation in the table.


A. Result of Observation



Time (minute to……) Average 1 2 3 4 5


26℃ 89 85 84 65 76 79,8


38℃ -35℃ 97 107 120 122 131 116


15℃ -14℃ 27 13 12 10 9 14,2

B. Data analyzes

Frequency Average = f1+f2+f3+f4+f55

1. Movement average operculum goldfish in Becker

glass (A) during five minute.(260C)

89+85+84+65+765 = 79,8 operculumminute

2. Movement average operculum goldfish in Becker

glass (B) during five minute.(380C)

97+107+120+122+1315 = 116 Operculumminute

3. Movement average operculum goldfish in Becker

glass (C) during five minute.(150C)

27+13+12+10+95 = 14,2 Operculumminute

Minute 1 Minute 2 Minute 3 Minute 4 Minute 50








89 85 84



120 122131

2713 12 10 9

Graphic of movement Frequency operculum Cyprinus carvio

Beaker ABeaker BBeaker C

Graphic of movement Frequency operculum Cyprinus carvio

C. Discussion

In beacker glass A with temperature equal to 260 C,

movement frequency operculum of fish is 79,8

operculum/minute. This is refer to movement operculum

of goldfish more fast if compared with different fish

to becker glass C. This is occur because like that we

know, fish is bloodless animal where’s temperature of

body follow temperature of body. In hot water

closeness estranged water, until for boosting up

temperature of body, fish have to much doing burning,

where’s in this thing will needed much oxygen. This

data shows us that the movement frequency of

operculum is normal or in average. This happen

because fish usual at the running water. This

temperature contains O2 and CO2 is relative same, so

the movement frequency of operculum is normal. so

that fish dont need to much longer to adjust to the

environment . this is consistent with the theory

advanced Burhanuddin(2010), that the frequency of

movement opened closed operculum at the fish normal

as in the normal temperature survived it do not quick

and not too slow for movement of operculum because

this condition in accordanse with the needs of

requiring oxigen.

Frequency movement operculum of goldfish in Beacker

glass B with temperature 380 C is 116

operculum/minute. This is refer to number of normal to

fish. In temperature it sum up oxygen severed in water.

The temperature of body impossible, so occur balance

between sum up oxygen that needed in burning to body

with total oxygen. This data shows us that the movement

frequency of operculum is so high. In hot condition,

the fish do activity that active, so movement frequency

(open-closed) of operculum is so speed. In this

condition, it contents smallest O2 and contents of CO2,

this cause movement frequency of operculum of fish is

quick enough. This is consistent with the theory

advanced Burhanuddin(2010), that at hot temperature the

fish seen doing the much movement or very quickly at

the water which have hot temperature which the

frequency of movement opened closed operculum

relatively quickly , it caused at the hot water, the

oxygen available enough so that the gold fish should

be free to breath at it seen from the frequency of

movement opened closed is little from normally


In Beacker glass C frequency movement operculum of

goldfish in temperature 150 C is 14,2 operculum/minute.

This is refer movement frequency operculum of fish to

beacker glass B more tardy if compared with fish in

becker glass A. this is because closeness oxygen ( in

cold water ) more big, it means obstetrical of oxygen

big too. So that process burning in goldfish body have

to lessened, where are oxygen that needed must limited,

this is aim to for degrading body temperature. If

temperature in water degraded continuous so fish can’t

doing process metabolism, until fish can be die. This

data shows us that the movement frequency of operculum

is low. In cold condition, organism activity is not too

active, so make possible movement frequency of

operculum is enough low. In this condition, it contains

bigger O2, this condition cause movement frequency of

operculum is low. this is according to the theory

Burhanuddin(2010), that at the cold water, the oxigen

available is not enough, so that the fish can’t doing

more movement than normally temperature. The frequency

average of movement opened closed operculum sometimes

slow but suddenly quick again this matter can happened

because so many the factor can influenced it.


A. Conclusion

Temperature is one of factor that sharing in

arranging biologist activity organism. In normal

temperature, fish breathing with stabile, but in

different temperature respiration speed to fish not

same, like in temperature cold water and hot water.

In cool water fish breathing so tardy while in

temperature hot water fish breathing with fast. This

is relevant with process metabolism in fish to a lot

of or at least oxygen that consisted in water.The

temperature influence to the organism activity,

especially in respiration system and chemical

process in the body of organism. In normal

temperature, the movement frequency of fish’s

operculum is normal too. But in high temperature,

the movement frequency is increase, and in low

temperature, the movement frequency is decrease.

B. Suggestion

It is expected that the laboratory, so check

carefully whether the goods will be given to

experiment and goods returned experiment. Expected

assistant companion kept an eye on the experiment

especially during the heated of materials, and

continue to give explanations and directions to the

experiment. It is expected that all apprentice to

not spell out to others in addition to this lab, and

always working with the theme of a group for the

results that you want to accomplish can be done as



Campbell. N. A., J.B. Reece and L.G. Mitchell. 2010.Biologi. 5th edition. Jakarta:Erlangga.

Jensen, William. 1979. Biology. Wadsworth, Inc. UnitedState of America.

Michael, P. 1995. Metode Ekologi untuk Penyelidikan Ladang danLaboratorium. Jakarta:Universitas Indonesia.

Puja, Mondal. 2013. 12 Most Important Effects of Temperature onLiving Organisms. Accessed on 20.57 am

Tim Penyusun Biologi Umum. 2013. .Guide Book of BasicBiology.Makassar: Biology Department FacultyMathematic and science state university ofMakassar.


Question1. Why there are difference in the frequency of

operculum movement of fish in different water


Answer: Because the temperature of each beaker glass

different. While temperature affects chemical

reactions in an organism’s body. This causes the

organism need more oxygen. To obtain its operculum

fish should move more obten.

2. At what temperature the frequency of movement

(opening and closing)highest operculum?

Answer : at the hot temperature

3. At what temperature the frequency of

movement(opening and closing) lowest operculum?

Answer : at the cold temperature

4. Why there are different in the frequency of

movement(opening and closing) based on operculum

water temperature?

Answer : Because the different water temperature

influence the movement of operculum.