The H I Ndustani Manual - Forgotten Books

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A CH I NESE MANUAL, comprising G rammar, w i th Id iomat ic Phrasesand D ialogues. Second Ed i t ion . Fcap . 8vo. 105 3 641.

STRONG, GEO . V . ,L ieut . , 6th U .S . C av.

CO M M O N CH I NES E-JAPANESE CHARACTERS Med ium 8vo. , halfbound . 220 pages . 8s .

H IN DUS T AN I, H IN D I, &c .


S IN G H A SA N BA T T IS I . T ranslated into H ind i from the Sanscri t , inthe N agari Character. Royal 8vo . 12s . 6d .

5"A R H LA K I H I ND I , translated into Urdu, w i th an Introduc tion and

N otes in the Persian Character. Royal 8vo . 12s . 6d .


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ful word s In classi fi ed l ists. (Urdu In R oman Character.) 1hirdEd i tion , R evised and Enlarged . 321no, cloth.

H ow T o L EARN H I NDUSTAN I . A Guid e to the Lower and H igherS tandard Examinat ions. Crown 8y o. , cloth . 8s . 6d .



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SAK UNTALA I N H I ND I , In the N agari Character . T ranslated fromthe Bengal i recension Of the S znscrit. Cri tically ed i ted , withgrammatical , id iomat ical , and exec e ttca l notes 4 to . 125 . 6d .

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PLATTS , J . T Pe rsian T eacher at the Univers i ty ofO xford .

H I NDUSTAN I D ICT IONA .RY D ic tionary ofUrduand Classical H ind Iand English , In the Persian and N agari Charac ters. Super Royal8vo . £3 3s .

H I N D I STAN I MANUAL, containing a Compend ious Gramma r , Exerc i ses for Translat ion , D ialogues, and V ocabu ary , in the RomanCharacter . N ew Ed i t ion . 18mo. 3s . 6d .

GRA M M AR O F THE URDU O R H I NDU STAN I LANGUAGE . H industan iword s in the Persian Cha rac ter. Demy 8y o. 125 .

CROSBY LOC KWOOD SON, 7 , Stationers ’ Hall Court. E.C .

Ii—af A l l th e a b ov e r it e s a re n et:





Part I





Part II




A N ew E d z'


on, carefu l ly rev ised








[ A l l r ig/11‘s reserved ]



T H E main princ ip l e fol lowed in th is ed ition of


H z


nd zZr/Zmi zlfmmal has b een to make it

an up- to -date e lementary book for l earn ing the

language as M. is spoken EHKI‘

WrHUfll by the

Urdu- speak ing peop le of Ind ia.

I n the“

fi rst ~

place all O bso lete word s and

grammatical form s have been removed from

P latts’ ed ition of this book . Some of the rul esof grammar have al so been material ly al tered or

mod ifi ed , wh i le simp ler co l loquial word s have

been substituted for som e l e ss used ,though

perfectly correc t, word s . Again ,certain lessons

that were considered not so useful have been

omitted al together, and some sentences here and

there have been improved upon or expunged as

was thought necessary.

T o keep the book , which is intended for

beginners on ly, within its l im ited scope many

rul es of grammar and id iom have been l e ft out.

For these,studen ts - may re fe r to H olroyd

s and

Phi llott’

s works on the subject.



Sept/ember I , 1916.

117 8 9 15







I .— TH ROUGH OUT the extens ive empire of I nd ia , from C ape

C omorin to K ashm i r , and from the Brahmaputra to the Ind us ,the H industani i s the language most general ly used . I t


consi s tsof two d ialects that of the Musalmans , comm only cal ledthe Urd zZ or R eg/1m, and that of the H indus , called H ind i .The former abound s i n word s and phrases from the Pers ian andA rabic ; the lat ter confines i tself to word s of nat ive origin , orword s borrowed from the Sanskri t . A s the two d ialects , however , follow, i n the mai n , the sam e grammat i cal rules , they areund erstood here to be both i nclud ed und er the general nameH industani , which means , par excel lence, the


language ofH indus tan .

2 .— The following l i t tle work has two d i s t i nc t objects i n v i ew

first , to afford ample material s for exerc ise i n speaking , wr i t ing ,and composi t ion , to those who have alread y mad e some progressi n the language , and who have acquired a fai r knowledge of oneor both of the O r ien tal alphabets , second ly , to enable thoseWhose time and avocat ion s d o not perm i t them to make a profound stud y of the language , to acquire at leas t a fai r pract icalknowledge of i t . The Roman character i s used throughout asa mere matter of economy the same may be eas ily transferredi n to ei ther of the O rien tal characters by the aid of the tables tothat effec t given i n pp. 2, 3, etc .


3.— The Persi -A rabic A lphabet as appl ied to the H in

dustani z

5 .

EXE M PL I F ICAT IO NS.5 2 eNA M E. < 5 POW ER. 3


N o

$5 "a g 2: F i na l . fi l ed za l . l n zfza l .

r“ N

i s; Q


J w

jg f

dd l o d


I .


2. 3.

Qm5: 2

NA M E. 25; POWER .9 a.n:Q

dal a d

gal o_



.) 873

dup 3

zddufi: z

toe la t



F ina l . Al ed z'

a l . [ n i l z'


un fla é

uéd é

Lz la lo kisulai lo

la b iaJigs /e


5 .


F ina l . Im'

l z'

a l .

JJ w

5.T e

b (D

Transl i terated by a comma above the line.


I n the preced i ng table , the fi rs t column contains the nam esof the let ters as pronounced i n Ind ia. The second columngives the full d etached form of each let ter as i t i s writtenat the end of a word , when preced ed by any of the let ters


a), j )

which , i t may be observed ,

never a l ter i n form ,nor un i te wi t h the let ter that follows . The

th ird column contai n s the correspond i ng.Engl i sh let ters , som eof which are marked wi th a dot und erneath , which d ot or d ot sserve two purposes

,viz . i n the fi rs t place they ind i cate that there

i s a sl igh t d ifference of sound , and i n the second place theyserve to poin t out

,i n the followi n g work , the correspond ing

Pers ic let ters. The fourth column gives the i n i t ial , med ial , andfinal form s of the let ters , when comb i ned together i n wr i t ing.

Lastly , i n the fi fth column are given th ree word s , wi th a view toShow the d i fferen t form s of the let ter opposi te . I t i s need lessto say more about the alphabet i n th i s l i t tle work , except that i ti s read from right to left

,con trary to ours .

4.—A table showi ng the correspond ence of the vowels i n the

Persian , Roman , and Devanagari characters


a 3! ab i t? A.) bad 33

1 z'

1 w t, is {a we cha rger




g 41

l; C.






J l e q rifl e/7. 1165 c g be a

d l (12 a Luv-l i az'

sd m as bai 3

These vowels and d i ph thongs are to be sound ed uni form ly asfol lows : a

, unmarked , i s very short , as i n the word A mer ica ,

or l ike our u i n the word s sun and pan ; i , short , as infi t,fi n

u , s hort , as i n put , pus/z, or our 00 infoot ; ( i , long ,as i n fa r ,

fa t/zer ; a, long , as i n pole , mole ; 72, l ong , as i n rule , fool ; nu ,

l ike our ou i n sound ; e , l ike our a i n fa te ,or the French 3 i n


te ; z“

, long . as i n the word s pol i ce ,mac/zi ne, or our ee i n

bee, see and az’

,l ike our a i i n a isle ,

or the G erman az’ i n K a iser ,Ia C aesar or emperor. The A rab i c term i nat ion d i s represen ted i n the Roman character by a or c}

, accord i ng as i t s soundi s shor t or long.

5 .

— A table showi ng the agreemen t o f the consonants ,Pers ian

,Roman , and Devanagari z

+3 wi n m a

If a j/z $ 5 (Ill $ 1

tit W Q d 3


j 7” 3 m 31

we]? M g mk 7 -3

u n Wetc .

gs nk vg

un s fl 0. k Jw a

uz sk n ékh q s la g

ue fi fi ge y fl

The consonants , wi th few except ions , are to be pronounced as

i n Engl ish . The letters 1 and d are softer and more‘

d ental thanwi t h us c]: i s uni form ly sound ed as i n c/zurc/z, c/zz


n M and gfi

are bes t learned by the ear the former i s forc ibly uttered l ikech i n the Scott i sh word lac/z g_

/z i s less forc ibly u t tered , l ike theG erman g i n sage” ,

wagen k/zand git wi thout the dash beneathare to be sound ed as they are i n the compound s ink-born and

dog-lzouse ; g i s un i form ly sound ed hard , as i n go, g ive, never

l ike our g in gem , gentle ; i s of rare occurrence , and i s sound edl ike the j i n the French word s jour , jamaz


s. I n a few word sfrom the Pers ian the letter w , though wr i tten , i s not sound ed ;in wh ich case i t i s marked thus , it). A final 72 preced ed by a longvowel has generally a nasal sound , as i n the French word sborz

,ton , to d enote wh ich sound we shall use We may

Th is nasal {1 occurs in H ind i word s only.


occas i onally use 72 to d enote the A rabic nunnatz’

on ,wh ich may be

m et wi th i n a few ad verbs borrowed from that language ; as i nthe word s fiasa’an , purposely , z


ttzfriéazz, accid en tally. A ll theres t of the consonants not here specified are und erstood to besound ed as i n Engl i sh ,

or very nearly so . An apostrophe

above the l i ne d enotes the A rab i c consonant

the mark l.) between two vowel s or a consonan t and a

vowel d enotes the Izamza . Las tly , a final short a unmarked

d enotes the weak or unaspi rated 5 of the Persian character ;o

as m oana’

a , a slave . From these b ri ef h ints the at ten t i ves tud en t wi l l be enabled , should he feel i ncl i ned , t o transposethe followi ng d ialogues , etc . , i n to ei ther or bo th of the nat ivecharacters

, an exerci se that wi l l greatly con tribute to hi simprovemen t . This much being prem i sed , we now proceedto treat of the part s of s peech ,

followi ng the sam e arrangementthat hold s i n the grammar of our own tongue .


6 . The Hindus tani , l ike the Lat i n , has no word which corre~spond s exactly wi th our d efini te art i cle the : we occas ionally ,however , fi nd the d emonstrat ive pronouns y i/z, th is , and wu/z,that , employed as art i cles when gr eat preci s ion i s required as

wi ll be seen hereafter. The place of our i nd efini te ar t icle a oran i s suppl ied by the numeral ek , one , or the ind efini te pronounkoj , some , a certai n ; thus , ele d dm i ; or bal l

a man ,

some man , or a certai n m an .


7 . Gender .— There being no neuter gend er i n H indus tan i ,

all sub stant ives are e i ther masculine or fem i n ine , except a fewwh i ch are of both gend ers . Males are O f course mascul i ne ,and females fem i n i ne ; but wi th regard to the gend ers o f thei n ferior an imal s , and of all l i feless th ings , pract i ce alone can

d eterm ine . W'

e may ad d as a general rule , however , that al lab s tract nouns , names of lower animals , and l i feless mat te r i ngeneral , end ing i n z

, are fem i n i ne ; those i n t are al so fem in ine ,i f d erived from A rab i c roo ts ; and those i n z


s/z,i f d erived from

Pers ian verbal roots . A s except ions t o thi s rule , we maym ent ion prim

, water , g/zz‘

,clar ified butter,jz

, m i nd ,d a/zz

, curd ,


, an elephant , and won“

, a pearl , wh ich are mascul i ne .

I O ADJECT IVES— PRO NOUN S .5. E xception 2 .

— Mascul i ne common nouns end ing i n a or(in, i f purely I nd ian , and many ni ascul ines end i ng i n theunmarked a or impercept ib le lz (chiefly from the Persian andthe A rab i c), change thei r final vowel i n to e i n the obl i que casess ingular and nom i nat i ve plural , and i n to on for the ob l iqueeases plural th i s change i s called an i nflec t ion , and such nounsare said to be i nflected . Thus , katta

, a d og ; gen . s ing .

[ mi le-Ea“

,-ke, vb


, etc nom . plur. kutfe ; gen . plur. , etc . ,button-ltd ,


-,éz‘ voe. plur . kutz‘o. So bano

a, a slave ; gen .

s ing . bande-eu'

, Jee, -kz‘

nom . plur . bande gen . bandon-ka'

,e tc .

Proper nam es (mas cul ine), except names of places general ly ,and mos t of the common nouns taken from Sanskri t , Persian ,

or A rabic, are not i nflec ted . A few names of relat ion , however ,

though not of Sanskri t , Pers ian , or A rab i c origi n , are a lso noti nflected , such as abod , oaba


, father , amma, m other ,father 's b rother , pi mp/2d , father

's s i s ter’s husband . But


paternal grand father , nd na’

, a maternal grand father , and alsora

ja , a H ind u king ,may or may not be i nflected , the m od ern

tend ency be ing n


ot t o inflect. N ames of places end ing i na or a, except those of H ind u sacred places , are i nflected ; asxl l a leka , Mecca ; rl/aéée se , from Mecca ; Befzjfa


,Beiye tab ,

up to Bei z'

yri but Gay ri se Mat/1rd taéand not Ga,e se


9 .— Adj ect ives are generally placed be fore their subs tan t ives ,

as i n Engl i sh . A dj ec t ives end i ng i n any le t ter except a, and

a few that end i n the unmarked or short a , are i nd ecl inable .

Those end i ng in a“

, i f purely Ind ian , are subj ec t to a sl igh tchange or i nflect ion i n the term i nat ion , whi ch , as well as them od e of form i ng the d egrees of compari son , wi l l be not iced Inthe Syntax. (Vzde paragraph


I o.—The. personal pronouns are thus d ecl ined

S i ng . First Person . Plur .N om . ma in,

I . lzam , we .

G en. me rri , mere, men . lzanz-arri , - d re,


r i .

D . 8: A . maj/z-ko or muj/ze. barn -no or -en, etc .Ab . muj/z-se 12am -se.

L oc. maj/z men ,- par , J ak. [mm -men, etc .

Agt . mazn -ne. lzanz-ne.

T he s tuden t w i l l observe tha t al l reference s are made , no t to

the pages ofthi s work , b u t to the number ofthe paragraph . W henreference i s made to my G rammar, the page is ind icated .


S i ng. S econd Person .

N om . £22,thou . tum , you .

G en . tera, tere, ter z'

. tmn - lzri ra, Jafre,-/zd r i .

D . A . tnj/z-ko or tnj/ze. tum-no or - lzen.

Ab . tuj/z-se. l unz -se.

L oc . tnj/z- naen,a r ,

—tak. {um -men, etc .

Agt. tzZ- ne. tum-ne.

a . I t wi l l be observed that the fi rs t and second pers . pronouns ,I


and‘ thou '

,have a d eclensi on pecul iar to them selves .

I n the. fi rs t place,the gen . s i ng. end s i n rd , re ,


, and the gen .

plur. i n d rd , are, are“

, i ns tead of the li d , ke, lac“ of the substan ti ves.

The other cases singular are formed by ad d i ng the requi s i te postposrtions to the oblique form s or i nflec t ions 712t and tuj/z : atthe same t ime , the d at i ve and accus . may opt ionally ad d ko ore. T he cases d enot i ng the agen t s ing. are formed by ad d i ng neto the nom as maz


n-ne and tzZ-ne, and not mujIz-ne, e tc as

one would expect .I I .

— The res t of the pronouns are very simple in thei rd eclension ; al l that i s requi s i te i s to remem ber the nom . and

O b l i que form or i nflect ion o f each ; thus , yz’


,etc . , inflect.


s-kd ,-/ée, véz" .

S ing . Third Person Plur .N om . 3472, he , she , i t , or th i s . y z


lz, they , these .

G en. z’

s—lai , -ke, wéz‘

. z'

n -na‘

,Jae , Jar.

Dat. i s-lzo or z'

s-e. i n - leo or z'

n lzen.

A e . y in, z'

s -ko, or z'

s- e. yz’


n - lzo or z'ull en, etc .A b . z


s-se. i n -se.

L oc . z’

s-men,-par , J ab. z


n -men,-par ,

J ae.

Agt. z’

s-ne. z'



a . Exactly l ike 3117: are d ecl ined the three following pronouns ,of which i t wil l be sufficien t here to give the nom i nat i ve andi nflect i on of each , s i ngular and plural .N om . w i t/l , he , she , i t , that . i on/z, they or those .Inflec . as—kd ,

-ke, néz" , e tc . nn -né, -,ée, -

,éi .I n terrogat i ve .

N om . kaun , who ? kaun, who ?

Inflec. ke’

s-kri , née, -kz‘

, e tc . kin -Ea“

,-ke, -ki .

Relat i ve.N om . jo, he who ,

e tc . jo, they who.

Inflec . jz'

s- lea'

, 4 a» , etc . jin -kd , ace, -kz’


N ot z'

n -ne , i t being now obsolete .


e. The followi ng in terrogat i ve i s appl i cable ei ther to thes ingular or plural .N oni . leyri , what (general ly appl ied to abstrac tInflec . kd /ze- lzd ,

-ke, Jzz‘

, of what , etc .O bs. I n pure U rdu, however , the ob l ique cases of kaun are

used for those. of Ami . The form s led /ze led and ka/ze ko mayoccasional ly occur , but not the others .

c. The word rip ,when i t m eans ‘ self ’

,i s i nd ecl i nable i t gi ves ,

as a possess ive ad j ect ive , ap -na’

,- ne ,

-n-Z, of or relat ing to self,

own . Theword a“p rip ka’

, etc . i s a lso employed when ad d res s ing ,

or Speaking of, a superior , i n the sense of ‘ your honour yourworship ’

, h i s honour’

, etc . , as wi l l be fully explai ned i n theSyntax , paragraph 37 .

d . The ind efi nites’

are Ito} and kuc/z/z, some , a , any ,—the

inflect i on of both being the sam e— viz. kisz‘ or kisfi ,

of which kz'


i s the old er form . The plural i s Pan“

, or leaf-ere, some , several .To these may be ad d ed lzar , or lzar -ek

,every , which has no

i nflect ion . S ab, every , or al l , when accompanied by i t ss ubs tan t ive , i s i nd ecl inable ; but when used by i tself, i n an

emphat i c sense , i t has sob/107i for the ob l ique cases plural ; as

sab log ka/zte lzaz'

n, all people say ; sao/zon ne ka/za

, by all i t wassaid . The compound jo- leoj, whosoever , has a d ouble inflect ion ,jz


s 45d , wee, —ki .


1 2 .-The Hindustani Verb is ext remely regular . The ih

fi nitive or verbal n oun always end s i n mi ; as , g i rna’

, to fal l ,al so falling— a mascul i ne noun subj ec t to inflect ion i n thegen i ti ve , etc . ; as , gz


rne ka’

,of fall ing ; g i rne ko, t o or for

fall i ng. By st r iki ng off the syllable mi we have the root ofthe verb , wh ich i s a ls o the 2nd person s ingular of theimperat i ve ; as , g i r ,

fal l thou . By changing na’ i nto téwe

have the presen t par t ic i ple ; as , g z'

rfri , fall ing . By leav ing out then of the i nfin i t i ve we have the pas t par t ic i ple ; as , gi rd , fal len ,except when ei ther of the long vowels a“ or 0 preced e s themi ; i n which case . i n ord er to avoid a hiatus , the n i s changedi n to y ; to bring , hiya,

brought . From these threeprinci pal parts of the verb

,viz . gz

r , gi rta, and g i rd , all the o therparts are form ed , e i ther by the ad d i t ion of term i nat ions or bym eans of the follow i ng auxi l iary tenses , wh ich mus t , i n thefirs t place , be carefullv learned . These auxi l iary tenses are onlytwo i n number .

But [ erac/zi z , wha t th ing , is an excep tion to th i s rule .

VER B . I 3


I . ma in lain , I am . lzam lzaz'

n, we are.

2 . tzZ Izai , thou art. tum 120, you are.

3. wuh bat, he , she , or i t i s . wa/z lzaz'

n, they are.

2 . PA ST TEN SE .

1. main tad or t/zr‘ , I ,

was. 12am t/ze, we were.2 . tzZ t/za

‘ or t/zz‘ , thou wast tum Me or th in, you were.3. q z tbaor the“, he or shewas. wu/z t/ze ormen,

they were.

a . I n the fi rs t o f the above tenses there i s no d i s t inct ionbetween the mas culi ne and fem i n i ne gend ers , but i n the secondor pas t tense the forms Md and the are used when the nom inat ives are mascul i ne , and flu

and that when fem i n i n e , excepti n the I st person plural , i n wh ich Me i s used for both themascul ine and the fem i ni ne gend ers . We may h ere observe , asa un iversal rule , that i n all the tenses the verb mus t agree wi t hi t s nom inat ive i n gender , nameer , and person . I n tenses otherthan the aori s t and imperat i ve the mascu li ne singular i s d , thefem i n i ne s ingular i s i , the mas c . plur. e, and the fem. plur. in(con tracted for z

yan). A s a general rule , i t i s sufli c ient to ad dthe nasal a to the las t word of the fem i n ines i n the plural as ,

g i rtz’

th in, not g i rtz‘

n ti n‘

n the lat ter mod e , though noti ncorrec t , i s nearly obsolete .I 3.

— W e shal l now proceed t o a few parad igm s , or examplesof the conjugat ion ofa neuter or in transi t ive verb , such asg i rna,

to fall ; where i t may be observed that the tenses natural lyd iv id e them selves i n to three groups of three tenses each , wh i chtend s greatly to ass i s t the memory .

ROO T , gi r , fall thou ; pres . part . g i rtci , fall i ng ; pas t par t.g i rd , fal len ..

Tenses of tlze Root.

AO R I ST. I fall or shal l fall , etc .I . maing ir-zzn

,I fal l or shal l lzam g ir

-en, we , etc .

fal l .2. tr?g ir

-e, thou falles t , et c . tum gz'

r-o, you , etc .3. wn/zgz


r-e, he fal ls , etc. ton/zg i r en, they , etc .The FUTURE . I shall or wi l l fal l , e tc. formed by ad d i ng tothe aori s t go

” for the masc . and gt“ for the fem . s ing. and ge

mas c. (as well as I st pers .. fem . ) and g in fem. plur. (2nd and

3rd persons).

I 4 VERB .

m . f.I . ma ingi r

- zZn-

gd g t.

2 . ti2g i r—e-gd tum g i r



3. wall g i r-e-

gd wa ll g i r-en-


IMPERAT IVE . L et me fall , etc . d iffering from thei n the 2nd pers . s ing.

S i ng. Plur .I . ma ing i r

-dn, le t me fall . lzam gi r-eri , le t us , e tc .

2 . t i2g i r , fal l thou . tum gi r—o, fall y e .

3. wall g i r-e, le t h im fal l. wu/zg i r

-en, le t them , e tc.

Tenses of tbc Present Partz'


The C O N D IT ION AL . H ad I falle n or (would that) I fell , etc .I . ma ing i rtd or g i r l i


. 12am gi r- te,

2 . tum gi r- te or 4 572.

3. zi mit g i rtd or g i rtz‘

. wulzgi r- te or

PRE SENT. I fal l or am fall i ng , etc.

m . f. m .

I . ma ing i r/d 122272or g i rti /zdn. h am g i rte 1zam.

2 . t22g i rtd lza’

i or g i rtz‘

lza i . tum gi rte 120 or gi rtz'


3. wu/zg i r td Jrat or g i rtz‘

lzai . wu/zg i rte [ min or g i rti'

Iza in.

IMPER FECT. I was fall ing , e tc .m . f. m .

I . ma ing i rtd t/zd or g i rtz‘


. 12am g i rte tlze ,

2 . 112gi rtd t/I d or g i rtz'


. tum g i f te til e or g irti t/zi ri .3. wu/zg i rtd tlzd or g i r ti


. wang i rte the or gi rtz'

t/zi r'


Tenses of tbe Past Partz'


PA ST TEN SE . I tel l.

m . f. In .

I . ma ing i rd or g i r r. 12am g i re,2 . t i2g i rd or g i r l


. tum g i re or g i rz’


3. 201212g i rd or g i r l”

. wall g i re or g i r in.

PERFECT. I have fal len .

m . f. m .

I . ma ingi rd [ 22272or g i r z'

122275. lzam gi re Iza in,

2 . h i g i rd Iza i or gi n“

lia i . tum g i re, g i rz‘

, no.

3. wait gird izai or gi n“

Izai . wulzg i re, g in“

, tra in.


. 15

PLUPER FECT. I had fallen .

m . f. m .

I . ma ing i rd t/zd or g i re“


. ham g i re the,2 . t22gi rd ind or gi rz

t/zi . tum gi re the or g i r i th in3 wall g i rd t/zd or g i re

ti n“

. zen/zg i re the or g i r e"



14 .—The next i s a verb of very extens ive use i n the language

and conj ugated precisely l ike the preced ing .

H and , to be or becom e .ROOT , no, pres . part . lzotd , pas t par t . li d /d .

Tenses of ti nRoot.

AO R I ST I be , or shal l be , or should be , e tc .I . ma in lznn . 12am lion.

2 . tn Izo. tum 120.

3. wall 120. w i l l: Izon.

FUTURE. I shall or wi l l be , e tc .

ma innungd or -

g i . 12am nonge.

tzZ lzogd or -

g z‘

. tum koge or g z'


zouli lzogd or -


. zen/znonge or -

g i‘


IMPERAT IVE . Let me be , e in lzz2n. nanz li on.

tiZno. tnm no.

wu/zno. wnlz lion.

Tenses of the Present Par/iczple.

IN DE F IN I TE . H ad I been or (would that) I had been .

main I . Izam'

tzZ ll oi d or note" . 2 . man lzote o’

r lzotin.

wait 3. wnlz

PRE SEN T . I am or become .ma in lzotd or Izoti—lzdn. I . 12am note-na in.

tn lzotd or lzoti - lza i . 2 . tum lzote Or'

lioti -no.

zouli lzotd or lzoti -na i . 3. wee/z Izote or lzoti - lzain.

IMPERFECT . I was becom i ng .

main lzotd t/zd I . izani ote t/zetn or 2 . tum or102211 lzotz

ti n"

. 3.

“wi th otz‘

th in.


I .

2 .



, ET C .

Tenses of t12e Past Par/triple.

PA ST TEN SE . I was or became .I . 12am

1222,d or 2 . tum 1zz2

,e or 1222272.

3. 202212

PERFECT. I have been or become.main1222

,d or 12222 122222. I . 12am 1i z2

,e Iza in.

t221222,d or -12a2. 2 . tum 1222

,e or 12222 120 .


-d or 1222; -12a2'

. 3. 202212 1222,e or -12a i 2}.



. I had been or in 1222

,d tlzd I . 12am the

t22 or 2 . tum or202212 3. 202212 1222

MM .

15.— By the aid of the aori s t and future of the verb Izond we

are enabled to ad d four more tenses , i f requ ired , to all o therverbs . Thus , let us re-assume gi rnd , to fal l , where we have

I .

2 .


I .

2 .


Additional Tenses of t1ze Present Particzple.

IMPERFECT PO TENT IAL . I may be fal l ing , etc .maingi rtd or g i rtz

122222. 12am gi rte 12022.

i z2gi rtd org i rtz'

120. tnnzgi rte or g i rtz'


2112212g i rtd or g i rtz'


IMPERFECT FUTURE . I shal l be fall i ng , etc .maing i rtd , etc . , 1222nga


, or 1zam g i rte 120nge, etc .gi rti

- li ang i‘

,etc . tnmgi rte Izoge or gi rti 120g2



t22gi rtd 120ga' or gi rti


. g i rte Izonge or g i ri i

202212gi rtd 120 org i rtz‘

1zog i .

Add itional Tenses of the Past Participle.

PERFECT PO TENT IAL . I may have fal len .

maingi rd or g i r i 122272, etc . 12am gi re 12072, e tc .tngi rd or gi r i 120. tum gzre or gi r i 120.

202212gi rd or gi r i 120. 202212gi re or gzr i‘


18 VERBAL EX PRE S S IO N S .so l ib/2nd , to wri te ; l ihhne-wald , the wri ter ; l ihhne-wd l z

, the(female)wri ter. (2) There i s an i nd ecl i nable part i ciple , cal ledt he pas t conjunct ive , of very frequen t occurrence i n thelanguage , formed from the root ; and , ih


fact , the mere root ,wi thout any ad d i t i on , frequently suffices ; thus , bol , or bot-he, orbol -har , or bol—ha rhe, al l d enote having spohen . I n a sentencethi s parti ci ple saves the use of the conjunc ti on anr ,



;thus , i nstead of saying , he arose and spoke (20 2212 uthaanr bold ),the H industani id iom i s 202212 22th (or nth -he, etc . )bold , he havingar i sen spoke. (3) There i s a kind of ad verbial express ionform ed by changing the final td of the pre sen t part ic iple i ntote, and affixing the syllable h i : thus bol te-hz

, on speaking , oron the instan t o f speaking . (4) I t i s worth whi le not i cinghere that imperat ives i n H industan i may be d ivid ed i ntoclasses presen t and future ; and agai n they may be ei thersingular , ord i nary plural , or respectful plural ‘

Presen t . Future .S i n gular. g i rnd or gi r iyo.

O rd i nary plural . gi rnd .

Respectful plural.The form g i riyo may be used as precat ive even i n the 3rdperson , mean ing ‘may

— fal l ’ , ‘would that— fal l ' ; and g i rna

may be used poli tely for the present , meaning please fal l '

G i r iyegd may also b e used pol i tely for the presen t. I n theform s gi r iyo and g i riye, if the ve rbal root end s i n e or yo and

ye are turned i n to jij'o and jiye ; as from p i nd , to d rink ,

p ijiyo and pz‘

jiye, and from lend , to take , l ijiyo and l ijiye.But from harnd , to d o , hijiyo and h ijiye, and from hond ,

t o be , 1222jiyo and h z2jiye are exception s to the rule . Thesingular form i s only used for the Dei ty , for ch i ld ren to showaffec t i on , and sometimes i n poetry the ord i nary plural i s usedi n ad d ress i ng men ial servan ts , common people , i nferi orrelat ions , e tc . wh ile the respectful plural i s used i n ad d ress ingsuperiors , equal s , and people of rank and posi tion .

b. We may further observe that the four ad d i t ional tenses(par. 15) are , comparat ively speaking , of rare occurrence ;therefore the s tud en t need not at fi rs t burd en h i s m emory wi ththem . Thus the really serviceable tenses wi l l be red uced to thesacred number n i ne ; and i t w i l l further ass i s t the memory t ov i ew them as thr i ce three ; viz. th ree ten ses from the rootthe aori s t , fu ture , and imperat ive ; three from the presen tparti c i ple— the ind efin i te , the presen t , and the im perfect ;lastly , three from the pas t part ici ple— th e pas t , th e perfect ,


and pluperfect. The tense called the i nd efini te , mainboltd ,

i s not always a presen t tense , but whether preced ed by a conj unction or not , has the sense of cond i t ional or optat i ve ; asagar main bol td , i f I had spoken : th e auxi l iary verb i n thepresen t and imperfect ten ses when om i t ted lead s to thei r be ingm i staken for the

cond i t i onal; I n negat i ve senses , however , theauxi l iary. verb had better be om i t ted as 202212 babh i


n d td ,

he never comes .I 7.

— The pass ive voice i s formed i n H indus tani by prefi xingthe pas t part i ciple to the var ious tenses of the word jd nd , to goand as th i s i s a verb of frequen t occurrence , not so much i nform ing the passi ve voice (which i s of very rare occurrence),but as a useful member i n the format i on of compound verbs ,we shal l here give i ts n ine useful tenses . The pas t par ti c ipleof jd nd i s gayd , being one of the very few i rregulari t ies whichoccur i n H indus tani verbs : the regular form jdyd i s used i ncertai n compound s only .IN F IN . jdnd , to go. RO OT , jd . PRE S . PART. jd td .

PA ST PART. gayd .

Tenses of the Root.

Aoris t . main I go or shal l go t22jd -e.

Future. mazn ;a,22n -

ga or -


ts d -e-

gd or —g2'

, etc .Imperat ive. mazn jani n , t22jd ,

202212jd ,e.

Tenses of the Present Participle.

Ind efin i te. mainjd td orjd ti i z2jd td orjd tz‘

, etc .

Presen t . mainjd td orjd tz‘

hnn 122jd td orjd tz‘

hai , etc . ,

Imperfect . mainjd td thd orjd tz‘


t22jd i d thd orjati th i , etc.

Tenses of the Past Participle.

Pas t . maingaya or ga,z‘

; t22gayd , etc.

Perfec t . maingayd had or ga,z‘

122222 t22gayd ha i , e tc.Pluperfect . ma ingayd thd or gee/2

th e“

i z2gayd thd , e tc.N ow, to form the pass ive vo ice of any ac t ive or transi t ive verbi n the language (when such a rari ty i s requi red ), we havemerely to in sert the pas t part ic iple of such verb immed iatelybefore the various tenses of jd nd . The part i ci ple m us t ofcourse agree wi th the nom i nat ive i n gend er and number , as i sthe case i n Lat i n and French . Thus dehhnd , to see , pas tpart ici ple dehhd , saw or seen ; the aoris t of the pass ive Vo i cew i l l be


ma in dehhd I shal l or should be seen .

t22 dehhd jd ,e, thou wi l t or would be seen .

muh dehhd yd e, he wi l l or would be seen .

12am dehhejdgh , we shal l or should be seen .

tum a’ehhejd p , you wil l or would be seen .

2022h dehhe they wi l l or would be seen .

When the nom inat ives are fem i n i ne , the part ic i ple wi ll becomedekh i

‘ throughout thus , 20u12 dehhz‘


th i‘

, she had been seen202212 dehhz


th in, they (females) had been seen .I 8 .

— A nother verb of very frequent occurrence i s the act iveor transi t ive verb harnd , to d o or make. L i ke jd nd , i t formsi ts pas t par t ic i ple i rregularly , being hiyd (seld om hard , theregular form). A s i t hold s a very importan t rank in theformat ion of compound s , and at the same t ime serves to showa pecul iari ty i n transi t ive verb s wh ich wi l l be fully explai nedhereafter , we shall here subjoin i ts n ine useful tenses .INFIN . harnd , to do . ROOT , har. PRES . PART. hartd .

PA ST PART. hiyd .

Tenses (f the Root.

A oris t . ma in har d /2, t22hare , 202212 hare, etc .

Future . ma inharungd , t22haregd ,20uh barega, et c .

Imperfec t . mainharun. t22har , 202212 hare, etc .

Tenses of the -Present Particip le.

I nd efin i t e . mainhartd t22hartd , e tc .Presen t . main hari d h2222, t22hartd ha i , etc .

Imperfect . main hartd thd , t22hartd thd , etc.

Tenses of the P ast Particip/e.

Pas t . main-ne hiy d , t12-ne hiyd , us-ne hiya, e tc .

Perfec t . ma in-ne hiyd ha i , i zZ-ne hiyd ha i , e tc .

Pluperfect . main-ne hiyd thd , t22-ne hiya thd , e tc .a . The pecul iar i ty here , which appl ies to almost all trans i tiveverbs , i s , that i n the tenses of the pas t part i c i ple , we s ee whatought to be the nom i nat i ve changed i n to that form of theablat ive d enoti ng the agen t , i nd i cated by the par t i cle ne, by.

The verb then no longer agrees wi th the agen t , or what weshould cal l the nom i nat ive , but i s e i ther used i n the simpleform of the mascul ine si ngular as above , or agrees i n gend erand number wi th the obj ec t or thi ng done, as wi ll be shownmore fully in our remarks on syn tax or composi t ion .



19- In Hindus tani the ad verbs presen t few pecul iari ti es .

Mos t adj ect ives may be used ad verbially when occasionrequires ; as , 202212 aehehhd holtci haz, he speaks wel l . I t maybe proper to men t ion (p . 22)a series o f useful ad verbs . Some ofthe series (viz . 5 and 6) are ad j ec t ives as well as ad verbs .a . From the I st series we have o ther adverbs rend ered moreemphat i c by the ad d i t ion of thus , j us t now ;habhz

,ever , sometimes , etc. From the and series , by

changing 2272i n to in; thus , ya/ n‘

n, exactly here : 122212272, whereabouts , somewhere , etc . From th e 4th , yen/2272, i n th i s veryway ; 20222212272, i n that very way , thereupon , at that very t im e ,exactly. The I st, 2nd , and 3rd series may be mod ified wi ththe pos tposi t ion se, from , and tab , unt i l ; as , ah-se, from thepresen t t ime ; t dn-tah , thus far ; 2



12ar-se , from th is d i rec t ion ,e tc . N os . 5 and 6 are at t he same t ime ad j ec t ives subjec tto i nflect ion ; and we may

—ad d , i n conclusion , that whend ecl i nable ad j ect ives i n a“ are used ad verbially , they are employedi n the s imple or crud e form , that i s , the nom i nat ive s ingularmascul i ne .

The following ad verbs of t ime are very pcc’

ul iar : hat,to-morrow or yesterday ; parson, the day after to-morrow orthe day before yes terday ; 222227 5022, the th i rd day from th is ,pas t or to come . O fcourse the read er or hearer wi ll be able toperceive from the con text whether these word s refer to the pas tor future.


— The Hindus tani d oes not , s trictly speak ing , posses s thatpar t of speech which we cal l a prepos i t ion ; the d eficiency ,however , i s amply suppl ied e ither by the pos tpos i tions alread yment ioned i n the d eclension of the N oun N o . 5 , or by employingcertain subs tant ives express ive of t ime , place , s i tuati on , etc .Such word s are (improperly) called

‘ compound postpos i t ion sa very absurd term ; for i t so happens that they are nei thercompounds nor postposi tions. They are ,

i n fact , subs tant ives inan obl i que case , hav ing a postpos i t ion general ly und erstood .

T he maj or i ty of them are mascul ine , and consequen tly requi rethe subs tan t ive wh i ch they govern to be put in the gen i t ive casewi th the postposi t ion he. This wi l l be eas ily und erstood bya few examples , thus , before the house

wi l l be expressed in

Hindustani ‘ i n fron t o f the house '

as , ghar he dge;or a’

gegharhe, where the word dge i s i tself i n the ablat ive or locat ive case ,





































wed (in) be ing und ers tood . So ,1wi th the man

’ i s l i teral ly ‘i h

company of the man’

; as 22222221 he s22t/z, i . e . s22t/2 men.

These par t icles , generally in prose , follow the subs tant ive theygovern .

22. The followi n g prepositions are mascul ine , and requi re thegenitive ‘ in he ; viz. , dge , before (i . e . dge 2ne2i , i n front , from 2ig2i ,the front ); 2222212222 , w i t hi n (i e . i n the i nsid e o f ) ; 22152223 above ;b2i



s, by reason (of) ; 62222252223 even wi th ; 522122221, wi thout (notw i th in ) ; hand after (t ime) , pzeh/ze, beh ind , i n the rear ; 62212,i n , among ; p2i 2 , over , across ; pd s , neat ; w i thout (i nwan t of) ; ta le, und er ; s222

‘12, wi th ; s222n/2ne, before ; sahah,

because (of); s2'

2022, except ; hane, near ; g i rd , around ‘

; le'

ye ,

for,on accoun t (of) ; 22222re, th rough ; 22222122h2h and 2n222022fi h ,

conformable (to), accord i ng (to ) gan’

,e bymeans (of); nazd z’

h ,

near ; n z'

e/ze, beneath ; 2022ste, for or for the sake of ; 1222112,th rough the med ium of. (Vta

’e H i nd . G ram . , p . 7 1 .

h. T he fol lowi ng are fem i n i ne and consequently t he nounwh ich they govern mus t have the gen i t i ve i n h2 ; viz , ha


concetning (i .e . on the subj ec t -

212at, on accouii t (of);hhd tzr ,

for the sake (of) ; 12222212, l ike (after the manner of) ;toward s , i n the d i rec t ion 22222


r ifat, th rough (the med iumof) : nz

shat, relative to ; from the report (of). Examples :22222221 h2

‘ for the sake of the man s/222122' h2‘

tawf, toward s(i n the d i rec t ion of) the c i ty .

2. A . few preposi t ions govern the gen i t ive wi th he or h i ,accord i ng as they preced e or fol low t he substant i ve ; t hus ,when the word 222222222221, d enot ing l ikeness , comes fi rs t , he i sused , and i f las t , he


; as , 22222n2°

n21 sher he, or sher h2 22222722'

n21,l ike a t iger. There are several o ther word s wh ich seem t ofollow the sam e rule , i ns tances of which occur i n the Bag/2 0

thus , he 22222222“

12222227 he, wi thout consen t of HerMaj esty .


21e Hind . Gram . , p . 98 ,

21. The followi ng preposi t ion s are frequen tly to be met wi th ,

along Wi th word s and phrases from the A rabi c and Pers ian ,

which enter so frequently in to H i ndus tan i . Examples : 222,

from ; except ; 622, by,i n ; 522, wi th ; he , wi thou t ; ba r ,

on , i n ; 52122, wi thou t (no t possess i ng) ; da r , i n ;’

22122, Upon ;from ;


n21, near f2'

,i n ; h22, l ike ; 12, to , for ; wi th

m in , from .

V I I I . ’


2 L — C onj unct ions and In terject ions i n H i n dus tan i offerpeculiari ty d i ffering from those


of other languages ;‘ hence i t

wil l suffi ce to subj oin a l i s t of the more useful o f each . The

24 I NTERJECT IO N S— N UMERAL S.conj unct ions i n par t icular , being of frequen t occurrence , ough tto be comm i tted t o m emory . The followi ng are among themost useful . aur , o, and ; j ,

o agar , i f ; agarehz’

al though ;warna (for 20a -

gar-na ), i f not ; ma nar ,

except ; 1eh2n ,20a-1eh2


but ; ha lhz, moreover , nay , bes id es , on the con trary ; fa r ,but ,

yet ; h/z2, also , even ; to, pas , then , therefore ; h i , that , t hus , as ,

whether , or , etc . ; hy z222h2, because ; go(h2), al though ; goya"

, as ,

i f ; 222212222 to,otherwi se ; ha re/zana’, al though ,

however much ;hanae , yet , 1212202212, whether ;y22, ei ther , or , etc .


22 .—The followi ng l is t i nclud es the more common shd



(shad -hash ), happiness or good luck to you 22fi r 2‘

n wel l d one !wond erful ! 2022124 02212 1 adm i rable ! kj'd hhzih ! how excellen t202212 j2


hyd -hat l2az'

what an affair — al l express ive ofadm i rat ion and encourag emen t , l ike b ravo ! well d one ! etc .But h22p re (0 father) as toni shing d read ful 1222, e 1222,e, 12222

12222,2022,e .

’ alas , alas ! alackaday ! woe's me ! hat chh i -ehh i ! tush ,pshaw, pish , fi e

,fie d zZr , 21221 ! avaun t express sorrow ,

con tempt , and avers ion . A 2, 0 ! oh re ! or are ! holla , you are

used i n cal l i ng at ten t ion— the las t two i n a d i srespectful wayre (m . ) or 22

(f. ) agrees i n gend er wi th the object of ad d ress ;as laund

’e re you boy ! launch

“ you gi rl



—In Hindus tani the numerals are less regular than theyare i n m os t European languag es . Wi th us , when we know thefi rs t ten or twenty numbers , we have a key to the whole ; i nH industani i t i s neces sary to comm i t to memory al l the numbersup to 100 , which we accord i ngly here subjoin :

C ARD I NAL N UMBERS .13 terah

I 4 212a 2221a12



I 6 sofa/2

17 satrah

18 atth222171219 2222n 2


20 hi s

2 1 z'



22 ha'



23 te,2"


24 chanhz’


28 22221222[ i s29 222222



30 ti s

31 2222'

s or iéafl i s32 ba/fi s

33 2222‘

s or. tam fi s

34 clan / 2222’





25 N UMERAL S .of men tal ari thmet i c , as the fol lowing s pecimen s wi ll show;thus

2220 or r/222222/2,or 1222201222 or 1222222222

212222221222} 52222222

221222} d ef/2


The word 22222222 prefixed to a number d enotes one quarter22222222s the number as paune 220, 2— 1, or 12. The word sau'd

d enotes a quarter add ed ; as , sa 2222, 25 The word 5222122

d enotes a hal f ad d ed ; as ,s222

'122 2222, The word s (fer/2, xi ,and or 2212222 225, when used wi th col lect i ve numbers , as100 , e tc . , d enote mul t i pl i cat ion ; as , .

-sa22, I fix 100

or 130 ; so , 2% x

2. The H indus were the i nven tors o f the ten numericalci pher s or figures of ari thmet i c . From I nd ia the i nvent ionfound i ts way among the A rabs , and through these i t reachedEurope . The following are the th ree variet ie s o f the ten

ci phers :

European . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

A rabian

H ind u Q i a a uée c q qo

These“ c i phers are employed from left to righ t , as amongourselves . Even the A rabs , who read from righ t to left , s t i l lwri te thei r numbers as we d o thus

1859 MN =q=tlQ

The following are the d ays. of the week i n U rdu and

H i nd i :U rdu. Hind i .

1220222‘ or yak-51222222622. 1220222:

P i r or -51222222222. 5 0222202223 somba’

r .

or si -slzamba .

Budd /2 or Budd/24 222222



a2 or panj- slzamba . B2‘





5 222222122223 slzamba , or Il a/222. S lza222212a 2‘



O F SYNTAX , O R C OMPO S IT IO N O F SENTEN C ES ;Toge2122r 2222212 22 Series of [ Va /22212222

” P lzrases and

G ra222222a22'

2r21 E xerez'

ses .

L ESSO N 1 .

24 .—\N e have alread y ment ioned that ad j ec t ives general ly

preced e their substant ives , as i n Engl i sh . I f the ad j ec ti ve end sin any le t ter except 22 or a , i t i s , as i n Engl i sh , i nd ecl inab le.

Those end ing i n 22, i f purely Ind ian , wi l l change i nto 2 or 2,accord i ng to a simple rule. The term i nat ion 22 i s used beforea mascul ine no un only , and i n the nom i nat i ve case s ingular (orthe accusat i ve case , i f und er a nom i nat i ve form , Wt h i s ofvery frequen t occurrence , as we shal l soon see ). The term i nat ion 2 i s used before a subs tant ive mascul ine , i n any cases i ngular where a pos tposi t ion or in terj ec t ion i s used or und ers tood , or before any masculi ne in the plural number . Las tly


2 i s used always before a fem i n i ne noun . Thus , bard glzar ,

a large house ; ba2e g/2a 2 2222, of a large house ; pltir éare glzar ,


houses, 6am g/2a2022pa r , on the large houses . Agai n ,

122225 , a book , being fem i n i ne , we say , 52222 222222, a largebook

, bar2 222225 222222, i n a large book ; 22222 2222226222, largebooks , e tc . Ad j ect ives purely A rab i c , Pers ian ,

or Sanskri t ,end i ng i n 22, are no t necessar i ly subj ec t to any change orinflect ion , and i n the appl icat ion of such , pract ice must be themai n guid e .

a . I n l ike manner , the gen i t i ve case of a noun or pronoungeneral ly preced es the word whi ch governs i t ; and the

use ofkei . 22, or 22 ; 222, re, or r2; 22222, 2222 , or 22r2;

1222r22, 12a'


1222r2 and 2222, ne, or 222, i n the format ion of such gen i t ives , i sd eterm i ned by the same rule that regulates the 22, e , and 2 of thead j ect i ve . Hence

,i n H indus tan i , the appl icat ion of all

geni t i ves , nouns , and pronouns , i s prec isely that of thed ecl inable ”

ad ject i ve ; t hus , 222ara’222 i s used when the noun

b elonging to i t i s mascul ine,and i n the nom . case s i ngular ; as

22222ra’22262222, mara

’222g120r22, e tc . , the man 's son , horse , e tc .

When the word belonging to 222ara’ i s mascul ine , but not i n thenom . s ingular , or the s ing . acc . form wi thou t ko, then 122 mus tbe used as ,

2222222222 5222 ko, to the man ’s son 22222ra’be 522022

220, to the man 's sons . When the word belonging to mara’ i sfem i n ine , i n all cases 22 i s used ; as , mara' 12272222, the man

'swi fe ; mara

1222222be, to the man’s daughter .

28 SY NTA X .

5. I n i llus trat ion of the preced ing princi ples , which are reallyas s imple as they are important , we shal l here subjoin for thebenefi t of the stud en t a collect ion of phrases and exerc ises . I nord er not to at tem p t too much at fi rs t , we shal l confine ourselves to a l im i ted number of substant ives and ad j ect i ves .

Substant ives .Mascul ine . Fem i n i ne

mard , 22222222.

j2bdu2nd ,

l s/zau/zar ,


52221221222 12223222, -e.

1222222, - e.


nwar .

glzord ,-e.




Ad j ec ti ve s .


-2. 22222

(for rat ional be ings as

( 51222122, -e,-2. wel l as animal s).

22a22/2a2, sha f i r , i gnorant ,bad ,

wicked 2_

/z2zr225 ,521222, -e,


great , large , 52 rd ,-e,


l i t tle , small , 212120222, -e,-2.

lazy , 5 2232.

wise(indecl . 22222222(for rat ional ugly , 522214 272212.

beings) 32222222jl22222r , [ 222512

2. To these we may prefix ,when requi red , the ad verbs 52212222,

much or very ; 22212221222 or {zad d -se 202222222, excessively as 52112222


-e,- 2, very good . Thi s col lect ion o f subs tan t ives and

ad j ect i ves , together wi th the pronouns and the two auxi l iarytenses of the verb ‘ to be ’

, wi ll furn ish am ple materials for ourfi rs t essay on composi t i on . We shal l further l imi t ourselves toemploy the substant ives only i n the nom inat i ve and gen i t i vecases , s ingular and plural .d . I t i s need l es s to say that i n Engl i sh , when we use the verb

‘ to be i n making an assert ion , we put the nom inat ive fi rs t ,

hand some,


then the verb , and lastly the th i ng asserted as , my father i swi se ‘ that man i s ignoran t. ’ In H indus tan i the rule i s , fi rs tthe nom i nat i ve , then the th ing asserted , and las t of all the verb ;thus , 2222222 522 22222222 ha i ,

‘my father wi se i s'

; 50 ,20222 2222222

2222-222222 25 2,‘ that man ignoran t i s . ’

e. T he stud en t must bear i n m i nd that the d emonstrat i vepronouns , th i s and these

,and 222222,

that and those , are

used wi th nouns in the nom i nat ive singular or plural and theybecome 2s and 22: respect ively when the noun i s in any ob l i quecase s ingular and 222 and 2222 ; when i t i s i n any obl ique casep lural.

EXAMPLE S .th is i s my brother , 32272 22zer22512222 12222.that i s your son , 222222222r225e2222222.these are thei r houses , 3222 22222e glzar 1222222

thi s i s my father's house

, 3222 mere 5222 g/zar 2212.

that i s your brother's horse , 202212 222222222273 52222 222 glzord2222,

th i s i s that man 's mother , y2/2 us mara’22 222222212222.

that i s your Si s ter , 2222212 2222221222r2 52222222 12222.

thy si s ter’ s hors e i s swi ft , 2er2'


- rau lzaz’


th i s pen i s very good , y z‘

lz 222222222 522122222222222222222.

that i s a very good book , 202222 5222222aelze/z/zz“

222225 2222.

she i s a l i t tle woman , 2222212 2122022h is father. was a great man , 5227) 522222222222222222.

your si ster was very hand som e , 2222222222 52212222 52222222225222 brother

's horses were ex mere 2e<glzore 2221222y2zt

tremely swi ft , tez tl2e.

the ir chi ld ren ’s books were very 22222e 22222022 22 22222522 5222222

good , a212222222222.

E xercise — I am that man ’s brother. This woman i s mybrother ’s daughter. That boy i s my bro ther

’s son . This i s mys i ster 's book. That man i s th i s boy 's father. These houses arevery lofty . That gi rl 's mother was very wi se. Your father 'shorse was very swi ft . My bro ther

’s chi ld ren are hand som e .My s i s ter

's d aughters are very good girl s . That man ’s brother 'swi fe was a very ignoran t woman .

That was a very hand somewoman . This boy i s very lazy. These gi rl s are very lazy .

These women were excessively ugly . The man ’s horses werevery smal l . They are very bad husband s . She i s a bad wi fe .They are very bad wives.

30 or COMPAR I SO N .

L E SSO N 2 .

25— 022 122 degrees of 2022222222502 . l n form i ng the com

parative and superlat ive d egree s of ad ject ives , the H indus tanii s somewhat d eficien t . When two obj ec ts are compared , thatwi th which the comparison i s mad e i s put i n the ablat ive case(so far l ike the Lat in ) ; but there i s no al terat ion mad e i n thead j ect ive thus , to express i n Hindus tani the phrase th i s housei s higher than that house they say 322 g2ar 12s g2a r 52 27222222

th i s house than tha t house (or compared wi th that house )i s h igh .

Sometimes , however , the ad verbs z ijd da or aur ,

d enoting ‘m ore ’

, are used as i n our own language , whi ch i scertai n ly an improvemen t as y i/zg2ar usg/zar 5 2 zz

ycid a 5221a2zd‘ th is house i s more lofty than that house. ’ To form the

superlat i ve d egree . they merely make a un iversal compari sonthus , t o expres s th i s house i s the h ighes t

, they say y 2'

2g2ar 5 225

52 2222222“



‘ thi s house i s h igher than all .’

But some times ,when the th ing referred to i s not known to the speaker , thesuperlat i ve d egree i s mad e by repea t i ng the ad j ect ive and

placing the postpos i t ion 52 between ; as a222e 52 2222222 222221

212221220, show me the bes t s tuff. Sometimes , to express ani n tens ive d egree , the adj ect ive i s repea ted ; as ta


za ta'

za 2221212,

qui te fresh m i lk. Thi s wi l l put the read er i n m i nd of our owns imple bal lad s , where we meet wi th such expressions as the redred rose the d eep d eep sea ’

, e tc .EXAMPLE S .

the elephan t i s larger than the 222256020224 2 52222220222

horse ,the fox i s smaller than the dog , 1022222

2221224 2 2220222022‘

the horses are swi fter than the 20222 g202'

2 2222200224 2 fez-m a

elephan ts , 222222.

the elephan t i s the larges t 222222“ 5 4 5 jcinwarofi -re 5a r2i

animal of al l ,the elephan t , the horse , and 2222235020222 5225

the d og are wi ser than al l ja’

rzwarofi 52 22252yd r 2022

o ther an imals , 2222.

E xer ci se -The cow i s more lazy than the horse . These men

are more wi cked than d ogs . The boys are more ignoran t thanthe gi rls . The horses and t he d ogs are hand somer than theelephants . My pen i s be t ter than your pen . This boy i s wi serthan that boy. My father

's horse i s swi fter than your brother's\Vhen general assertion is mad e

,the Engl ish ‘is

’ is translated by12222


or 2012‘

2a 2’

; and otherwise by


mare. Our. d ogs are swi fter than your horses . The men are

worse than the women . The fox i s wi ser than the d og. Thi spen i s the worst of all (worse than all ). This woman i s thehand somest of all (more hand some than all). That girl wasmuch wi ser than her mother. She was the wi ses t of al l thegirl s (wi ser than al l the gi rl s).


26.—W e shall now proceed to the format ion of i n terrogat ive

sen tences,i n trod ucing at the same t ime a few ad d i t ional ad verbs

and adj ect i ves , together wi th the var ious tenses of the verb 202222“

(par. to be , and some of the numeral s .a . I n ask ing a quest ion , the H industani d oes no t , l ike the

Engli sh,i nvert the word s and the tone of the voice alone

marks the interrogation . There are , however , a few i n terrogat iveword s . such as 2222222, who 2ya


, what ? 22222522, where ? etc . , theuse of which cannot be m i s taken ; and al l such in terrogat iveword s,when used , are reserved so as to come before the verbat the end . When a sen tence con tai n s no such i nterrogat iveword , the word or dyd i s used at the beginn ing , l ike the 2222or 222 222 of the Lat in , as . 2y22y 2


2 2222222272 22122222 2222'

27 i s th isyour pen This word 2y2i , however , i s no t absolutely necessaryi n speaking , as the tone of the voice i s qui te suffi cien t to ind icatei n terrogat ion .

EXAMPLE S .who i s that man ? 20222 22252222

2222222 2222'

who i s th i s woman ? y 2‘


2222rat 2az22z 2222"

who are these boys ? 3222 122222 2222222 25 222

who are those girls ? 20222 [ 22222232222222 222: 221222

whose house i s thi s ? 3222 225222g222r 2a 2‘


whose ch i ld ren are these ? y 2'

2 22322 1222222 2212222?

whose books are these y 2'

2 222252222222222?

whose daughter i s she ? 20222 22'




where i s my father ? 222222


52222222222222 2'


where i s hi s brother ? 22522252222“



where are your father's horses ? 2222222212222 22 22222222


where are my brother’s ch i l were 5227 22 lar202222


d ren ’s books ? 222222222222225’

where may be that man’s 223 2222221122

22222222£g2or i 22222222

mother ’s mare ?i s th i s your house ? 3222 2222222222212g2ar or


2 222222222222g2a2' 22zz


32 O F I NTRAN S I T IVE VERBS.was that my father

's horse ? 2y 22, 20222 were 5222 222 3720222


may th is be my si s ter’s table ? 2122, 3222 222222 522222222

22222 2222

how many pens w i l l there be ? 222222 22212222 2022ge

what- l ike books wi l l they be ? 2a2’


22222522 202g2

E xercise — Where i s your bro ther ? Where i s th i s man 'smother ? W' hose son are you ? Whose horses are these ? H ow

many houses are there ? What sort O f book i s th i s ? I s thatyour si s ter 's tab le ? I s th i s pen yours ? Where had you beenyesterday ? Where w i l l these child ren be to -morrow ? Whenw i ll you be at home (i n the house)? W as your father at homeyesterd ay ? W i l l your b ro ther he at home to-morrow ? Weremy two books on the table yes terday ? Where are h is four sonsH ave hi s th ree d augh ters b een at hom e ? Were there sevenhorses there yesterday Will there be eigh t men i n the houseth ree days hence ? ‘N ere there five or six d ogs there two d aysago ? What i s th i s th ing ? W hat an imals are these ? I s thatan imal a horse or a cow ?

L ESSO N 427 .

— VVe shal l next i n trod uce a new l i s t of subs tant ives,

t ogether wi th a few i n trans i t ive verbs conj ugated l ike(par. 13) at the same t ime we shal l employ al l the cases of thesubs tan ti ves and several Of the. relat ive nouns or prepos it ionsm en t ioned i n par. 20 . The sen tences wi l l now be lengthened ,

but they w i l l presen t no d i fficul ty to a s tud en t of mod erateat tent ion and capac i ty .

d ay ,2122 (m . ) nigh t , 2222 (f. )

c i ty,

slza/zr (m . ) a boat , 2222o (f )r iver , d ary22 m . ) a tree , da ra22t (mm )fores t

, janga l (m . ) a road , 2222 (f.a plai n , 2222 2222222 (m . fru i t , 22222022, 152221(m .

water , pdm‘

(m . bi rd , par22222’

(m 22222°

y22 (f )fi sh

,m ac/2212

(f ) name , 2222222 (m .

s treet , 2272222,

-2 (m . ) people; 1225r

I nt ransi t ive Verbs .to stay , dwell , 22222ar2z22, 22222122 i to flow , 5222- 2222

to come,

22-2222 to proceed ,age 522r22222to go

, 122-2222

,22a l -rta ad vance ,

to run , 217222224 222 to retreat , fal l back , 2222- 2222

to slee p , 30—2222 to S it d own , 52 222- 2222

t o arrive , [0222222224 222 to re turn , p22}-2i 2z2i

to d ie , mar -2222(pas t p . 222222 )

34 O F TRAN S I T IVE VERBS .nom i nat i ve or agen t , then the obj ect , and las tly the verb butthi s rule i s frequently d eparted from , especial ly i n poetry .

The nom i nat ive and obj ect may , of course , be much more complex than i n the foregoing sen tence ; thus , ‘ the t iger of theforest eat s the flesh of all other an imals — j4 22g2zl 222 slzer a z2r


nwarofl 222gas/22 2222222 12222. I n languages wi th regularcases , l ike the L at in , the object i s pu t i n the accusat i ve case ,which has generally a term inat ion d ifferen t from the nom i nat ive . I n Engl ish always , and i n H indus tani generally , theaccusat ive i s the same as the nom i nat i ve , and i s to be d eterm ined m erely by i nference or pos i t ion . There are , however , i nH ind fi stani , i ns tances i n which i t i s necessary to d i s t ingui sh theobj ec t w i th the ad d i t ion of th e post pos i t ion 20, wh ich , thoughnot reduced to a certai n rule or principle by grammarians ,form s one of the n icet ies of the language . O f th i s we shal lt reat i n ou r next lesson . I n the meanwhile we shal l proceed toour lesson on trans i t i ve verbs , which govern merely the simpleor nom i nat i ve form of the obj ec t

, as i n Engl i sh .

Substan t ives .22222 (f. ) m i lk ,

2224 22124 22 (m . ) r i ce (boiled )524 222 (f. plate ,

21222 (f. Spoon ,

2222512222 sugar ,12222222

(f. sugar-cand y ,2124 2222 (m . ) 1 ttc/2/222r2 (f. )

a e er ,24 22222 m . ) news ;gas/22 m . )

Adj ec t i ves .clean

gar22z pure ,222221222 read y ,Transi t ive Verbs .

to swim , p4 2'

r -2222* to learn ,

to bring , 1222222 to give,

to make (prepare), 64 22222222 t o say , tell ,t o eat , t o see , look ,to d rink , p i 2z22 to hear ,t o make , d o , 24 22222 to s trike .to place , put , 2222122222 to read ,

to take away , 127222222 to wri te .t o cal l , 2221222222 to take


In H industani 1522222252, intransi tive.

21222212 m .

2222 m .

22254 22 m .

2124 2222124 m .

22222222“ f. )

224 22 m . )t





i s bringing bread , 202212 2022“


we dri nk water , [ 24 22 2222222222 24 222.they d ri nk wine , 202212 3124 7 2222222 124 222.mybrother will d rink cold pure 22227 22 212224

2124 222222 s2if 24 222“

-water ,make tea, 21222

bring a spoon , 2124 2222124

give me some meat , 22222j/2 20 22221212gar/22do.

bring a kni fe and fork , 22 2222222"


make breakfas t ready , 12222222“

24 2°

y222‘ 24 7 0.

bring a clean plate , g22f 6225 4 22 l22,0.

whenWill you get d i nner ready? 2222222224 224 232222 24 20232 2wi ll you d ri nk wine 222222 5124 2242 p ipge .


what wi l l you eat ? 222222 2y22212220222

Exercise —Do you eat any frui t Bring me some tea , sugar ,and m i lk. Put a kn ife and fork on the table for my father ;C ool (make cold ) some wi ne for us . Prepare d inner for sixpeople. Y ou wi l l br ing

‘us some rice and m i lk Wil l you giveme. some wi ne a nd some cold water , that I may d r i nk DO

you d rink.tea ? -Wi l l your b rother d r i nk wi ne ? Bring us .

three knives ,_

three forks , three Spoons , and th ree clean plates .He read s very good books ? He wri tes a let ter t o me


everyday. She was wri t ing let ters when I came to her house.He hears good news of him . We were read i ng thei r le t terswhen they arr ived . Tel l us all the news of the c i ty. I wi l ltell you the news of the ci ty when I return . G i ve us somebread and but'ter.


29 .—When the obj ect of a transi t ive verb i s d efini te or

specific , as a general rule , the postpos i tion 20 i s ad d ed ; forexample , the phrase 2222222 s ignifies" bring a kni fe ’ buti f we wi sh to say bring the kn i fe we ad d the postposi t ion 20 ;thus , 2222222220 120.

EXAMPLE S .‘put the water on the table , 222222

22222par 7 4 220.

take away the sugar , 522224 2 127220

give me the wi ne , 2124 2222 222221722 do.

clean (make clean ) the plate , is 24 54 22-20 s22f 24 2'


cool the water , 25 2222221 20 2124 22422"

24 20.

E xerci sa— The dog i s d ri nking the m i lk . They were putt ingthe water on the table. Who has taken away the sugar. H e

36 or TRAN S I T IVE vERBs.

i s cleaning the plate. They are cooling t he water. Take awaythe meat and put the wi ne on the tab le . Put the water near me

on th i s table . T he d ogs w i l l d ri nk the water. Bea t (or s tr ike)that id le boy. H e was eat ing the sugar and d ri nking the wi ne .I shall see h im to-morrow. We shal l see them to-day i n theci ty. I f they see us here they w i ll beat us very much . We shal lnot see that man i f we remai n in th i s house.


3o.— When we have occas ion to use a t ransi t i ve verb i n any

tense formed from the pas t part i c i ple , the nom inat ive of thesen tence assumes the case of the agen t (a ide par. 8) wi th thepart i cle 220. The ve rb then agrees i n gend er and number wi ththe object , or what i n Lat i n would be the accusat i ve case thus ,‘ the man wrote a le tter ,

must be 22212222”

220 02 212222122l i terally , by the man a let ter a


viro epis tolascripta So far th e construct ion agrees exactly w i t h theL at i n pas s ive voice ; we must remark , however , that i f i t i snecessary to rend er the obj ect of the sentence very d efini te , andconsequently to ad d to i t the part i cle 20 , the verb must be usedalways i n the form of the 3rd person s ingular mascul ine °

as ,

the man ki lled the t iger ,’

2224 221 220 5202' 20 ”2422-4414 ; 5 0 , th eboy has s truck the girl ,

wi ll be [ 4 220 220 14 r2i -20 22222122 124 2.

( V2‘


0 Hind . G ram . , p . 103

EXAMPLES .he has placed good food upon 225 220 21222224

mez pa rthe table , 124 2.

she has mad e tea ,as 220 222224 22022

24 2.

my father has d runk all the 222020 220 54 5 5124 2222 p i Z2“

wi ne , 124 2.0

we d rank cold water , 124 222 220 2124 222234“

2222222232211who has eaten the rice ? 212222225 210 222yd

he cal led al l the servan ts i nto 225 220 5 4 2224 u24 r0222057112” 222022

the house ,we had given very good bread 24 222~ 220 24 2222 2022

to the men . 4 4 9220202220the women ate bread and d rank ’

4 22r4 2‘022220 4 222147224712

m i lk , piy ci .

[ N ora — For any new word t hat may henceforth occur , consul tthe G eneral Vocabulary , Part I I .]

Ex ercise. Have you learned the H industani language ?I hav e read a few

_ pages Have you seen the ci ty of C alcutta ?

.USE OF sakna AND chukna. 37

You have mad e the voyage of the sea , what "

wond ers d id yousee there ? I may saywhat one Of the sages said ,

‘The wond erthat I saw on the sea was thi s , that I came safe to land .

H ow much money have your friend s given you ? My fathergave me an ord er for one thousand rupees . H ow much d id yougive t o the man ? H ow many rupees d id he d emand of you ?He d emand ed ten rupees , and I gave him th ree rupees and

a hal f. Have you prepared breakfas t ? Have you prepareda good d inner for two people ? Have you put the bread onthe table ?

L E SSO N 8 .

31 .-The subj ect of th is lesson wi l l be the pecul iar appl i cat ion

of two useful verbs , viz. 5 4 22222, to be able (to can), and 22222222 ,

to have d one ‘

or fin ished . When these have occasion to governanother verb ,

the lat ter i s used , no t i n the i nfin i t ive (as wi th us),but i n the root , which i s always placed fi rs t ; and the twotogether thus form a sor t of compound verb.

EXAMPLES .he can (or i s able to) speak our 2022 24 2224 22 24 22222 2025 4 2222

language , 2222.

are you ab le to read mywri t ing ? 222222 2220222122222154 22-5 4 220 20 2

no one wi ll be able to read th i s 22222222220 224

but yoursel f, 154 22

-5 d 2eg2i .

he can speak a l i t t le Engl i sh ? 4 0222 24 222-24 222 (or 220222

24 2222) 4 23220222014 4 2222202.they have d one eat ing ? 20222 22222 22220 24 22.

have you d one wri ti ng ? 222222 22222 22220 20

they had d one read i ng when j4 2 20222

I arrived -there, 24 2

22-02220 220.

E xercise.— When he had d one wri t ing the let ter , then I came

away from th e house. When you come shal l come) hereto-morrow, I shal l have d one read ing the book . C an you swimacross th i s r i ver ? I cannot swim at all , but my brother i s an

excellen t swimmer . So great was the darkness that I could no tsee anything. The ruler of th is v il lage canno t speak Engl i sh ,

but he can speak Hindustani well . I hope I shal l be able- tolear n the language of this country i n the space of six m onths .

L E SSO N 9 .

32 .—The verbs

lagnd ,s ign i fying to begi n , (202222, to grant

perm i ss ion or al low, and 24 2222, to get perm i ssion or beallowed , govern the infin i t i ve Of another verb i n the i nflecteds tat e , that i s , -220 i nstead of 4 222, as Wi l l be seen i n the followi ng

38 USE O F lagna AND chahna.

sentences . \Ve may not ice here a wel l-known pecul iar i ty i nH i ndustani in the use of the conjunct i ve par ti ci ple ; asjd -24 2 ,

122-20, e tc .

, hav ing gone . I t serves to throw two or more shortsentences i n to one ; thus , ‘

Go to my room , and bring me

quickly my sword ,

222020 24 2224 20 222022j2i -24 2 222022“

24 120222 ja ld z‘

(V24 0 par 16 ,

EXAMPLE S .he rose and began to say , 20 222 2222-2222 24 22 0 laga


they began to read , 72222224 22222 12 9 .

you began to eat , 222222 2222220- lag0.

he allows them to come in to 2022 222220 5224 2 222022 22220-22024

the house , 24 2.

le t him go , u520j4’


he i s al lowed t o come, 20222 22220-

222222222.he wi l l al low us to d o what we 10 222222 c2222022g0, 50 2012222222220

l ike , 24 2220-2l’egci ,

E xe222'

50.—H e sat d own and began to tel l th i s s tory. O ne

man began to say , I Shall no t be able to eat th i s bread . A notherbegan to say , I w i ll not al low the ch i ld ren to read these books .H e wi l l give you leave to walk i n thi s beau ti ful gard en everyd ay . The Honourab le C ompany (K awpaw


8 4 22222222) wi l lal low me t o go to England for the space o f th ree years and six

m on ths . My father i s al lowed to go to C alcut ta on accoun t Oft ransacti ng (making) busi ness . G O to my b rother

's house ,presen t to him my compl imen ts , and bring home my sad d le .S tri p off your clothes

,swim across th i s r iver , and bring the boat

to thi s s id e .L E S SO N 10 .

33— The verbs 22222224 to be about (to do), and 24 22222, i n the

sense of ‘ to make a pract i ce of' , to be i n the hab i t of'

, governthe pas t part i c iple o f another verb ,

i nstead of the i nfini ti ve .

The par ti c iple so governed i s always i n the s imple form of thes ingular masculi ne i n 22.

EXAMPLES .he i s i n the habi t of read i ng 2022 24 2 5 2222 20 24 2222

2 24 2221"

every morning ,

he is i n the hab i t o f wr it ing 20222 24 2 202 222222 [ 22222-24 222

someth ing every d ay ,

he used always to give (make) 20222 24 22 0524 52dg2'


y z’


th i s i njunct ion to the scholar , 222222222322-24 224”


he i s about to come here , 20222)24 24222221

2220222222224 2.

th iswork is about to be fini shed , 3222 222222 4 2 2222 2222224”

24 2.


But 222222222, mean ing ‘ to wi sh ’


‘ to d es i re i s preced ed byan uninflec ted i nfini t ive , as , I wi sh to learn the Persian’ lang

-uage ,

22222222F 2225 2'

24 22222 52222222 0222222222222.

We may here observe that the form 222222'

ye of the verb( 2222 22 is frequently used impersonally , l ike the Lat i n ‘d ecet

;‘O portet

,or the French ‘

il faut ’ , as 224'


y 0 22’

222222j2i ,0 , youmust go ,

“or i t i s necessary that you go . This form of 22222222 i sgeneral ly followed by the aori s t , as i n the preced ing example ,but i t may also be preced ed by an uninflected infini ti ve , as 0 22025222224

222222320, i t i s proper (necessary or d esi rable) to learn goodmanners .But 2102222 222222320 means

‘ let me (or us) see’

, and not ‘we

must seeE 2 0222



— I am accustom ed every d ay to ri se at the dawn .

He i s i n the habi t of d i n ing every day at two O’clock . We make

i t a pract i ce t o read three hours every morn ing. I wi sh verymuclr to lear n the language of thi s country . Do you wi sh toread th is book ? I t i s necessary to learn the Pers ian languagein ord er to speak and und ers tand well the H i ndustan i . I t i sd esi rable to know the language of the coun try i n whi ch you aredwelling .

LE SSO N rr.

34 .

—The Hindustani abound s i n a species of compoundverbs . the forces ofwh ich are too numerous to be m entioned inthi s li t tle book . A verb i s rendered i n tensive by em ployi ngonly i ts root , to which some other verb i s subj oi ned . The rootof the princ ipal verb con ti nues invar iable , and the subjoined orauxi l iary verb i s fully conjugated i n the usual way th

us ,22222222 ,

to beat , becomes in tensi ve by ad d i ng to i ts root the verbwhereby 2222224 222222 s ign ifies ‘ to ki ll d ownrigh t so 222222202222;to throw d own ; 201 22222222, to Speak out ; 2 224 27222222, to d ie24 522 24 22222, to si t d own ; to lose ; 202-2202222. to b reakto pieces , to smash . A l though almos t every verb may thus berend ered i ntens ive , yet i t i s impossible to give any rule respec ti ngthe servi le or second verb , which i s usual ly em ployed for thatpurpose. The only course left for the s tud en t to pursue i scarefully to ob serve the usage of the best authors , and wheneverhe meets wi th an i n tensive verb le t him end eavour‘ t o rememberit, h is need less to ad d t hat the servi le verb of an i n tens ive hasfor the time laid as id e i ts own prim i t i ve meaning .

40 O F i NT EN srvE vERBs .

who killed that man ?

he has placed all the th ings onthe tab le ,

lay my watch on the shelf,they have eaten up all thed i nner


wri te a let ter for me , 222022“

02 222222“


he has cut d own al l the t rees 225 220 242522 20 5 4 2 224 24 2222222ih the gard en ,E x0222


50.— Put all the th ings on the table . That man has

killed my companion . H as he wr i t ten out the two let ters , asI told him ? The king said to the sold ier , ‘

C ut off thi s man ’ shead i n my presence.

’ Throw out the water from th is basin .

They al l spoke out , saying , We w il l not s i t d own in your houseunless you make an apology for th is cond uct . ’ His father ,mother , brothers , and s i s ters have all d i ed . The goat hassmashed the looking-glass wi th h i s horns . He has los t a greatsum of money (very many rupees ) i n gambl ing. You wi ll s i td own in thi s room un t i l I re turn from the king's aud ience

The d og has eaten up the whole of the butter .Who has cut d own that fine t ree ?

L E S SO N 12 .

35.— O f the use of the possess ive ad jec ti ve pronoun 42- 2222.

When the nom i nat ive or agen t O f a sen tence i s followed i nthe sam e clause by a possess ive pronoun belonging to i t self,such possessive i s i n H indus tani rend ered by 422222, -220,

never by the possess i ves,2220222

, 222020, e tc .EXAMPLE S .

I read my book ,

thou read es t thy book ,he read s h is (own) book ,

she read s her (own) book ,

we have seen our father ,have you wri t ten your let ter ?the gold sm i th and carpenterwen t to thei r (own) ci ty ,

the women feed thei r (own)’

4 2224 2022 42220 24 22212022 20

ch i ld ren , 222122“


N .B.— I f in the above examples the word s ‘h i s ’


‘ her ’

, orthei r ’ refer 2202 to the nom i nat ives , but t o somebod y else , thenthey must be expressed by or 225 etc .

EXAMPLE S .h is 710 as d a

’m i 00 wri n gi d la


m 770 M b c/zi z072 feo 77702 far7

a/E/z-d zj'ci lzaz.



g/mfl Mkpar raé/z-a’o.

wu/z 500Mam a Hui -gay .

7770 770 0pm“



bpar/l td lzzm.

tzZ 0pm“

ki ta’


170 1.

207112 0pm”

ki td bpay/l i d l mz.

wu/z 01pm“






120 777 770 apne 007) 170 dek/za’

lza i .

tum 770 apn i c/zi tt/zz‘

l i b/z? [ 20 7°


szm d r aur bar/70,7“

(215770 s/za/zr


mysel f. I t may also be used i n the same sense wi thou t thepersonal pronoun as , he h imself wi l l go ; cip d ,

e77ge,we wi ll com e ourselves . The word 770, however , i s frequen tlyem ployed i n a very d i fferen t sense , l ike our terms ‘ you

,s i r '


‘ your honour ’ , ‘ your worsh ip '


‘ hi s honour ’


‘h is worshi p ’


etc . , and the verb i n such cases agrees wi th i t i n the 3rd personplural . The word s sci /770

,mas ter , monsieur , and [ 70070 7 or

0777 7773 your h ighness , and ja 777i0- 7’

7i l z‘

, your maj es ty , are usedi n a s im i lar manner when a person i s ad d ress ing ,

or speakingof, hi s superior i n rank , or as a m ere matter of pol i teness , bys trangers O f rank and respectabil i ty , when ad d ress ing eachother.

EXAMPLES .I shal l see him mysel f, 7770777 zip 77500 7700777277500.

wi l l she herself come 0y ci 707717 a"

; ci,0g i

wi l l you come yoursel f to 077! cip ciloge f?

morrow?wi l l you , s i r , come to -morrow ? cf? 00 ! 77,077g0how i s the heal th of your 777 077 7777zcij0777


5ci 007

honour ?wi l l you , s i r, d ri nk any wi ne ? 07771717 51777 7001573


may i t please mons ieur to s i t 0777717730 sci /770.

d own ,how i s the heal th of your 12770727 077


7777zcij-7 5077e 007577

h ighness 0777?

Ex0r7 7'

50.— I am going there m ysel f th i s very d ay. Will

you come yoursel f to -morrow ? I f he h imsel f cannot gi ve themoney , perhaps h i s brother w il l be able to ad vance i t for h im .

We d o not wi sh to appear ourselves i n thi s business. I amyour worsh i p

’s fai thful slave . I have sough t for the ch i ld i nyour honour 's gard en . Your worshi p 's (mas ter

's) d i nner i sread y. Mas ter 's palk i (vulg. palanqui n) i s now at the d oor.You

.s ir

, are my father and mo ther ; there i s no one i n theworld ,

except your honour , who wi l l ass i s t your poor m i serab leslave . Where i s the nat i ve country of th i s gentleman ? Willyour maj es ty rid e on the whi te elephant to-day ?

L E SSO N 15.

38.—U se of the Infini t ive.

The i nfini t ive , o r verbal noun , i n H ind ii stani , is applied i na varie ty O fways d ifferen t from what i t 1s m Engl i sh or Lat in .

(1) I n the fi rs t place i t i s used , l ike the Lat in gerund , to express


O bl igat ion thus , 777777-00 7077170 771777777 170gci or 150 705777, you mus t(or wi l l have to) go there. (2 ) I t i s somet im es used as an

i nj unct ive ; thus , 77001777771 look ! 177750c 70177777 ! take care !00 7277 0050 777 770 017777777, swear not at al l . (3) I t i s used as

a future imperat i ve ; as fl a i r , magar 10177 7077005 77770 ,

well ,’

you may go , but com e back soon . (4) I t i s also used as

presen t poli te i nfini t i ve ; as 70 70 707717 077770 777771770 7707777, le tme have that book , please. (5) The i nflec ted form of thei nfini t ive , followed by 077, 00, or 07, is used , l ike the L at i npart i c iple i n ‘ turus ' to express a future i n tent ion , as 7770 7 77

77017777 777770-0ci ,‘ non sum iturus ,

’ I wi l l 7707 go , 7 07717 77017777

17017770 07, She d oes not i n tend to wri te . For a ful l account ofthe var ious uses O f the infini t i ve , 777770 Hind . G ram . , p . 129.

EXAMPLE S .you must go home , 777 77700

(gr/7077 [ 777777 170gci .

I must buy a good horse , 00 0 717717170<731707 0


d o no t comm i t such folly , 075 7 00- 7077077f7 770d o not go to that country , 775 777 7710 777077 770jci 7777.I do not now i n tend to go to 00 7770 777 [ 7 7777 (777077) 77017777

Pers ia, jci 770—0ci .

Ex0r7 7'

50.—We must not do ev i l to the end that good may

resul t . That wound ed sold ier must not eat so m uch frui t .You must read three pages o f thi s book every d ay. DO no tSpeak more non sense . N ever st r ike your horse on the head .

DO not st rike your d og i n that manner. DO not d ri nk any ofthe foul water of tha t r iver. When do you i n tend going toEurope ? He is about to travel i n Pers ia (F ci rs), A rabiaand Turkey She d oes not mean to remai n i n thi scountry after the cold season . The Offi cers d o no t in tend togo to the tiger-hunt .


39 .

— U se Of the Relat ive and C orrelat i ve.S tric tly speaking , the H ind fi stani language d oes not possess

a relat ive pronoun correspond ing to the L at i n 0777, 07770, 077077,‘

O r to our ‘who


‘which ’

, and ‘ that '. For example , 7777 5 07 77

0777 p0 7770 100777777 7 , the man i s wi se who Speaks l i t tle , i s expressed in H indfi stani as follows : jo 500g ; 170 7 50 (or707717)00 777 001777 17777 ; l i terally , ‘whatever man i s wi se , the same

s peaks li tt le .

’ Here the word 70 i s called the 7 010 77770, and 50

the 707 7 01077770. We need not here enter on an elaborate


d escrip t ion of thi s pecul iar i ty of the language , both‘

as regard srelat ives and correlat i ves i n general , which wi l l be much be tterund erstood by the followi ng.

EXAMPLE S .that wh i ch you say i s al l t rue , jo 777777001770 50050 70 00 7.

speak plai n ly whatever comes jo 0177170 07 777 7770777 0 7771 777077

i n to your m i nd ,50 scif0000.

the man whom you saw i n jz'

s 51700175 -00 70 70 - 770 001 s0a0r

the ci ty yes terday d ied th i s 777077 7700077 71777, 50*cijfajr 00

m orn ing , 7770 739 70 77.

t he le t ter which you wro te to j0 70777177 777 777-770 170177

me has not arr ived ,7177, 5 0 7700777

where there i s a rose , there i s [ 017077£ 77100 7. 70017077 017777 007al so a thorn , 170 7.

as you act, so wi l l you ex j777'

5 77 0777'

0g0, 70075 77

peri ence ,

wherever you go . th i ther wi l l j7'

c7170 7‘ 717777 7777170 7' 7770 777

I also go ,as the mas ter , so wi l l be the j777577 77577777 00gci 700 750 07 s1777

scholars ,Ex07


7 7'

50.— That very fool i sh y oung man has los t i n play al l

the money that h i s father had given h im when he left home .They broke to pieces al l the furn i ture wh ich they found i n the

people ’ s houses . The king highly approved of the horses whichyou sen t to h im las t year from


A rabia. Why have you notd one what I told you ? The Offi cer reward ed the sold ier whosaved h is l i fe . Have you mad e a copy of the peti t ion whichthe vi llag ers brough t to me yesterday A t th e root of the verytree und er which you are now s tand ing there i s buried a pot fulO f0 5177



5 . The servan t whom you recommend ed to me i sa great rascal .

L E S SO N 17 .


— O u O r iental Phraseology.

The phraseology of the Eas tern languages i n general i s mored ramat i c than ours . A s a rule , when reference i s mad e to theword s or ac t ions of a th ird person , that pronoun must be usedwh ich the person himself would make use of on such occas ion .

Thi s pecul iari ty completely al ters the whole s tructure of anH i ndus tani sen tence compared wi th the correspond ing Engl i sh .

For example , The prisoner told me that he would kill 5 170 700The mod ern tendency, however, is to use 707717 instead ofso.


H 0 50 77 i f he saw him ; 0777717 770 07 7770 777 5 170 7017

H asan 00 777777—d 7717277g77 agar 77300 710017 727700] 11te1al ly , ‘ theprisoner said t o me thus , I wi l l k il l 5 170 7017 11775 0 77 i f I see him .

EXAMPLE S .my brother said to me that he 77707 0 017770

770 777 77j17-50 001777 07was going to C alcutta next 77777777 K 0100770 001j


77,7277g 77.

d ay ,

he told m e to go home , 773770 777771170 0 001777 0757170 7 777,0.

d id he not tell you that he had 0y 0 777777 5 6 7777 001777 71777

lost all hi s m oney at play ? 07 7770 777 770 07 7777 5 770 777771j77,0777077 17777 -a

’ij 7i

he says that h i s paren ts have 707717 0017777 170 7 07 77707 7 77777-0777d ied , 7770 7 -

g0 ,0.

ask him whether that horse be 775 -50 7772717170 07 37717 £10070

h i s own or not , 777 77717777 0“

17777 07 777717777.

he says i t i s assured ly h is own ,0017777 170 7 07 010777777 -177

170 7.

Ex0r7750 — My mas ter send s you h is compl imen ts and d es i resme to say that he cannot com e to see you to -d ay as he i s busywri t ing. I told him , that i f he would prove to me that he d idno t charge me more than the market price (or pri ce curren t) forthe grain , then I would give h im the sum he asked . I wrote tomy fri end th is morn ing and told h im that I would send h im thebook m a d ay or two i f he d id not require i t sooner. He toldme that he had suffe red grea t hard shi ps on the Journey thathe had been robbed of part of hi s p roper ty , and obliged to sel lthe res t i n ord er to pay h i s expenses d uri ng hi s way home .

He wi shed t o come here thi s morn ing to see you , but he toldme that h i s horse was d ead , and therefore he could not come.

L E SSO N 18

N .B.— The remai n ing exerci ses i n th i s sect ion are of a

m i scellaneous d escrip t ion , and not , as h i therto , l im i ted toa par t icular rule o f syn tax.

—The stud ent , at every s tep , mustbear i n m i nd the preced i ng pri nc iples of grammar , and by the

t ime he has fin ished the sect ion he wi l l find h imself wellqual ified to converse on .all ord i nary subjects


wi th neatness andproprie ty. O f course hi s s tock of word s m us t be as ye t but'

scanty but that wi l l i ncrease dai ly by pract ice .bring breakfas t , 17777 77 7

bri ng d i nner , 017777777

bring bread , 7 077bring m i lk ,


give sugar , sizaiear do

eat your d inner, apmi k/za'

mi ékdp .

d ri nk m i lk ,l igh t the lamp , c/zz


rdg izja ld l o.

l ight the cand le , baftz‘

ja la'

p .

bring the shad e , fa'

m is l i p .

put out the cand le , battz‘

buj/zd p .

raise the shad e , f dzzzZs ugbdp .

d on'

t forget , Ma i l /1d mat.

come here ,z



lzar d,o.

/come near, nazd z

k a‘


where d o you come from lenlam se a’

,e Izo

where are you going ? kid/zarjd pge 2’

make ready the tea , c/zd'

band y .

turn to the right, ( id /zine plzz'


turn to the left , bd,e72p/zi ro.

go home quickly , ja ld g/zarjd p .

E xercise.-\Vho is bringing the breakfast ? S ir, I have

brough t the breakfast. What is there to-day for d inner ? Theyeat good bread and d rink fresh m i lk. Have you l ighted the

cand les ? Bring us some tea , sugar , bread , and“

m i lk veryquickly. Where have al l the servants gone to ? S ir, they have

all gone home . When wi l l they come back ? When you gothere , you wi l l first turn to the left and then to the right. Ask

these sold iers ofwhat reg iment they are . W hat is the name of

the officer A t what hour to-morrow morning wi ll they marchfor Dilhi

L ES SO N 19 .

move straight on , sz'


lze cige c/za lo.

/cal l the porters , magi

/rm? (orbul lz


yofi )koéula'


take away the tab le , mez Zeja'

p ,

take away the th ings , aséa’

b ufi zdp .

raise the table ,

be careful ,what is your command ?

get ready the carriage ,

it is ofno consequence ,

are you at le isure ?be pleased to forgive me ,

bring a l i ttle bread ,

have you madethe bed ?

fasten the d oor,they are old ,

Qabar -d d r 120.

zip ka’

[zukm kyai lzai


r z‘ taz'yd r 164m .

kuclzk muga'


tum kofargat Iza imuj/ze mu


ds jzye.

t/zor i raft“


éic/z/za zm d éi c/zbdya’

Iza i .9

dar 'wa’

za band karo.

wu/z bfi r/ze Izai fi .


th is is a m isfortune , yz'

lz baméak/zti (or iifat) Iza z'


they are ignorant, wu/zjci /zz'

l lzaz'

fi .

bring my book , men“

ki tcib lei/0.

bring my Shoes , mer z‘

jzi ti kip .

go to the market, tuméci zci rjcip .

bring a l ittle meat, t/zorci goslzz‘ lzi


E xercz’

se.— Sir, al l the porters have com e. Te ll them to put

the th ings in the carriage. Have you fastened the d oor of the

house ? When I shal l be at leisure I shal l see him. H as the

servant brought the meat from the market ? Have you putmybooks on the tab le ? S ir , pray forgive me , I had forgotten.

Wel l , do not forget again. What a great misfortune th is is !S ir, I have brought your shoes . I am not at leisure to see him

to-day , tel l h im to come early to-morrow. Who is that old

man who is stand ing near the d oor

L ESSO N 20 .

who are you ? tuméazm120/why are you come kz


s wcisgfe ci,e 110 i?

you wil l say someth ing to me , muj/zse kuc/zfz ka/zoge.

d on'

t be troub lesome , d z}? 7m éaro.

call my house steward , mere k/zci nscimci ri éo 6111420.

ord er d inner, k/zci ne h i [zuém do.

I wi l l go out, mambei /zarjcifi figdbr ing my clothes , mere iaapre hip .

please come quickly ,

repair the warehouse ,

bring the newspaper ,is th is the very th ingthey are all there ,

who is he‘


is any one there

say that again ,

how are you

we Shall go to-morrow ,

move th is way,

move that way ,

has the gun fired ?E xercise.

— Who is that man , and why has he come here ? IS

the newspaper come to-day Where have you put my c lothesH as the fi d izsdmd fi yet returned from the market ? Tel l me

when he comes back. S ir, the fi d zzsdmd rfi says there is no good

éog‘lzi mam mmatéaro.

( Mi mi ? hip .

y z’

lz wufzi iza z’ .9

wa/zci li sab/zz‘

1zam .

wu/z faw n kaz’


wa/zci fi koj ka iwulzph i r kako.

tuméaz’se ho1zaméaljd fi ige.


a’lzar lzagfo.

ud/zar lzata.

48 PROGR ESS I V E L ESSON S A N D EXERC I S ES .meat in the market to-d ay. C arry the books and newspapersto the warehouse . \Vhat wi l l he say to you to

-morrow ? H ow

is he tod ay? H e says that he is now much better. T he gun

in the fort is fired.every morn ing at d awn

, and also at the end

ofevening twi l ight. Such is the custom of th is country.

L ESSON 2 1.

send for the palanquinquickly , pai l/ei ja la’z'

ma fig tip .

has the master r isen sci /210 ut/ze lzaz'


th is is a very fi ne fru i t, y i li ba l m! k/zzib mewa baz’


th is is wonderful news , y z’



b 1312000 7 Iza z'


we are hungry and th irsty , 1zam b/zs /zepz'

y ci se lzaz’

zi .

he is a careful man ,

'wu/z bus/zyci r ci dm i lzaz’


they are great rogues , wu/z ba fe d cig_/zd bd z lzaz’

zi .

the whole land is level , 50020m i n ban i bar lzaz'


h is heart is grieved , us h i d l'

l m njz‘


a lzaz'

. [ lza zisyourbusinessnowcompleted

? tum/mm 50m ab tamcim [ ma

is the proof Of it strong ? a’aZiZmash }; lza z

She is very impud ent , wu/z bar i gustcifl fi az’


the sky is quite c lear, ei swei n éz'léul l geif /zaz'


these are m isch ievous ch i ld ren , 3272 Za rée nag/Ma; lm z


zi .

he rece ived great punishment , us me barfm za pd}they all remained h id den , wa ll 500c/zz


ppe ralze.

h is heart is restless , 115 h i d z'

l beéam’

r Iza z'


he is a fool , wu/zéewuézif /zai .

th is paper is moist , y z'

lz kcigfi ag nam Iza z .who is m aking a no ise .éa zm slzor ka rtci lza z


what are you saying tum kyai kahfe 120

Exerczse.— Sir , the palki is ready. Bring me some paper ,

that I may write . A sk that man i f his master has yet risen .

What is the name of th is fruit ? I s there much frui t on that

tree ? I shal l come home when I have completed my business .

Do not make so much noise there . Y ou said that these men

were great l iars. Y ou say that you are very careful . T he foolsays everyth ing that comes into h is heart , but whatever comes

into the heart O f the wi se , the sam e remains h id den . T he

news from the army th is week 15 by no means favourable. The

man who brings the news is a very great rogue , and those who

bel ieve him are fools .

L ES SON 22 .

Speak easy U rdu, sa lz‘

s Urd zi 0010. [ cinci lzzi ci

whence are you come ? éa/zci zi se ci,e 120 i? (or, ka/zci ri 30

go away, you have leave , c/zalejcip , tum/m i rug/y ewlzaz.

50 PROGR ESS I V E L ESSON S A N D EXERC I SES .he has got a long beard , m et

bi z g'

i d ci g'lzi Iza z'./what b ird is th is y i/z baum i e/zz

gy ci Iza z'

he is a great d runkard , 702111 ba rd sizarcibi baz’


they are d ec id ed ly gui lty , wall yabz‘

flan buszi r wei r l mz'


whose field is th is y z'

lz b/zet bis h i Iza z'

/there are many fl ies here , y a/zci fi ba/zut makb/zziyei zi Iza i fi .

they have great prud ence , unko bar i d zi r-a /zd eslzi lzai .

howmany peoplewere present? bz’

l ne rid /m“

lzci zz'

r t/ze

E xercise — H ow many rupees are there in the bag? Bring

water, that I may wash my hand s and face . I have sufferedmuch sorrow on your account. What is the name of th is fi neb ird ? These fl ies g ive m e much troub le. That fakir has a verylong beard . G ive h im a rupee and tel l him to go away. Te l lh im that i f he makes such a no ise another day I wil l punish himseverely. Where d o your friend s l ive ? A re all the peoplepresent tod ay

? H is friend s afford h im one hund red rupeesa month. That man is quite innocent. There are many veryfi ne trees in that fie ld . These men never Speak the truth ;I cannot place any rel iance upon what they tel l me.

L ESSO N 24 .

there is no oil in the lamp , 6/2271n me/i tel

pray give me a sample , mujlze eb namzina d zjz’


th is is a mere stratagem , y z’



la lzaz.

where is h is shop m i d d aleci n balza‘

ri [ mi 5?

have you got a rope tum/Zai repas ram lza i

the king sat upon the throne , bri d e/2a]; taézfi t par bait/2d .

h is voice is good , usb i ciwciz lzaz'


what sort ofan imal is th is y i/z baz’

sci jci l zwar Iza iwhat is your ad vice ? fam/aim

ky ci ga lci fz lea z’

what is your age? tum/zci r i


umr by ri [ mi 1?

send the palk i near me , palki merefei s b/zejo.

g ive me the wh i p and hat , e/zci bub aur {0155 do.

/bring water for wash ing the lzri t/z d/zozze boprim

l tilo.

hand s ,

how is your health m izi ijrip/ea Zzaz'

ai lza z’

g ive me the tooth -brush and m in ed /l? our manjan do.

powd er ,bring a sui t ofclothes , eieforci bapfri [ dobring ink , pen , and paper, d awei t ba lam our brig/gag Ia



whose horse is that ? tau/z bis h i g/zop i lza z'

who is that European ? wu/zgora‘

ba l m lza z’



E xere2'

se.—O ne d ay ,

-in the summer season , a king and hisson went a-hunting. When the air became very hot , then theyplaced each h is c loak on the back ofa certain jester. T he king ,

having laughed , said .

N ow , 0 jester, there is an ass'

s burd enon thy back . T he jester gave answer, V eri ly , your Majesty ,

I bare the burd ens of two asses .

L ESSO N 25 .

whose house is th is ? y 272 bis bci gbar 12a2'

th is soi l is barren , y z’

b zami 72 zisar boz’


they are very avaric ious , wab bare bz’

r; i 1222272.

th is rupee is adulterated , y z'

lz rzzpz'

y ci b/zoi ci lzaz.

its shape is bad , asbi slzabl blzara'

b 72222.

theEngl ish language is d ifii cult? abgrez i zab2i 72 mus/zbz'

l [ mi 2’

brush Off the Spid er'

s web , mabr i bci jci l ci c/z/zug'

ci dri lo.

.what fault has he comm i tted um e by ci fabri r b i baz’

there is much d ewon the grass , g/zcis par babut sizabnam (or05 ) lza z



now they are very helpless , ab 202212 ba/zut la' e/zci r ba z’7i .~what bus iness are you doing ? 122722 byri brim bar ie 120

there is no end ofhis chattering , asb i babwci s bi 2'



they mad e much apology ,72e ba/zui '

ag r bz'

y ci .

my parents have gone to the ir mere mci bcifi 2272be g lzar ga lehouse (other people


s house), ba2'

7i .

there are many fruits in that 225 beigfi me7i plzal babut 12a2'

7i .

gard en ,

I have a headache ,muj/ze da7

'd - 2’

-sa7' baz


where d id you hear th is news ? 122772 72e bobeiayz'

lz blgabar szmiit is late , let us d epart , der bam 12072.

Exercise.— They thus say , that in a certain house a tiger and

a man saw a picture , in wh ich the man was d rawn as victoriousand the beast subdued . T he man said to the tiger , Dost thou

see the bravery of the man , how he has overcome the t iger ?T he tiger gave answer, T he painterwas a man ifa tiger hadbeen the painter, then the d rawing would not have been in th ismanner.

L ESSO N 26.

he has a l iver complaint, 223 bojzlgar b i bima'

r i baz‘


th is is a fi ne season , y ib ac/zc/zlzci maurom baz’


sow that seed in the gard en ,zzs bijbo brigj me72b0,0.

he has a toothache , 225 be dam 772072dard baz'



there are many playth ings inthe bazaar,

what is your occupation ?

th is translation is very good ,

h is case wi l l come on tod ay,

your watch goes well ,th is is a wax cand le ,

how much is the fare of the

boat ?

what O'

clock is it ?brush my hat and coat ,

what is the fare for a day ?

y 212 7720772 b i ba t/i 1za z.



z2i r 772e72ba1222t b122°

1072e 17a2°


72277272227 22byd per/2a“


y i lz ta 7y°

22772a ba1212tflab 12a2.

225 bci m abaa’dama a


j120g2i .

tambci r i g lzar i ache/212i clza l/i

[ 12a2.772i

,0 bci bi


l 712i b/22i 7 2i l1a2'


baje li a2'

7i .9

mer i {op i a22r boijlzri ro.

eb d 2°

72 b2i b122i 7'

2i by 2i 1za z'

l i ft up the b l ind s , take away j122°

177221 222122i,0, bartan lejajo.

the d ishes ,place my watch on the table ,

th is fruit is very ac id ,

why are you angry?

12am2i r2‘ glzar i mez par rabblzo.

y i/zpbal bard b/zafi ci 12a2°


222772 by072gjugye 1202fe 120 f?

E xercise — O ne day a stag ,from fear of the hunters , having

fled . entered wi th in a certain cave . I‘

hére a large tiger hay inggone , se ized and began to eat the stag. A t the time of d ying ,

that hel pless an imal said in his own heart . A las , what a great

m isfortune is m ine I fled h i ther from fear ofman , and now

I have fal len into the c laws Ofan animal whose cruelty is even

greater than man'


L ESSO N 27 .

th is is a very d ifficult, business ,they are very artful ,that is a very beauti ful gard en ,

th is cloth is very coarse ,

are you fi t for the bus inessit is cold er to-d ay than yester

d ay ,

th is l ine is be tter,h is heart is very sorrowful ,she is d umb and d eaf,th is story is al l a l ie ,

these are fi ne raisins ,

he has a large house ,

th is room is wel l l ighted ,

th i s room is very lofty ,

how long is th is c loththese are very wicked ch ild ren ,

y 2°

12bani m22512b2'

l b2i 772 12a2'


202212 bare 17222-2222 12a202212 babut b



at ba'

gfi lza i .

17212 bapn i ban i 772022i 12a2'


by ri , t22772 225 bam be 1a 2b 170 1?

ba l re a]°

5ard i zz'


da 1za z°


y z'

12 safar bz'


725b2i d z'

Zbani gfi amg i fi ba i .

2222212g2272g i a 227' ba12r i 17a2



31272 b irya b2


1b221j1222212 12a2.

y z'

lz balza i b1272b 7722272abb2i 12215.225b2i ba l m! ban i maba


ri 1za z°


bamarci b_

1222b rauslzan 12a2'


bamarci balzzzt 2272d 12a2'


y 2°

12 bapfri b2°

t722i lamb2i 12222'

2212212 bal m! sbar i r Zarbe 1zaz'

7i .


his d ispos ition is cruel , z°

5b2i 7722'

zcijbe- ra12772 12a2°


they are lazy and negl igent , 202212 5 2251 a22r £22212! 1222272.they are of very stern d ispo 2272212 bare 5ab/22-7722



Exe7 22°

5e.— In a dark night a bl ind man , having taken a lamp

in h is hand'

, and a jar on his Should er , was going along in the

market. Somebody said to h im , O fool in thy eyes day and

night are al ike ofwhat use is a lamp to thee ? T he bl ind man ,

having laughed , said , 0 you great b lockhead do you imaginethat the lamp is for my benefit ? N O , it is entirely on thy ac

count, that thou mayest not break my jar am id st the darkness.

L ESSO N 28 .

th is pen is too soft , 37272 ba lam baba i 122“

72a7'772 12a2



th is paper is very coarse , y 2°

12 bagbag ba12222 772og‘2i 17a2



th is letter is i ll - Shaped , y 2'


12a 77’

bad -5 2Z7'at 12a2°


you speak very slowly , 222772 ba122222i122°

52a bolte 120.

can you speak Engl ish ? 222772 a 72grez i bob-5abte 120

d escend , otherwise you wi l l fal l , 72a122'

7220 gz'


/ you must go with me , 12am2i 7'

e 5 22212 tumbe72ja‘


take away th is bund le , gag/27 2"

bo loj2i ,o. [ 12a2’


it is c loudy , yea it rains a l i ttle , bad l i 12a2'

,ba lbi 122201212 b2272de72

see, has it c leared up a l i ttle deb/20, 2i 5m2i 72 b2221212 b1222l2i /za z°

we know it all , 12am y 2°

12 5abj2i 722e 12a2°


they know a great d eal , 202212 bal2z2i‘b222:1212j2i 722e 12a2°


he gave me much trouble , 225 72e 1222772 bo bar i tabl ifd z‘


Why d o you laugh without be-5abab by 2272ba7251e 120

Causethey have annoyed us very 227212072 72e 12am bo balza i dz'bbmuch , b2


y2i 12a2°


th is is not my house , y 2°

12glzar me7'2i 722i122




al low me to smel l that flower, 2022121512221 77222jlze 5 2272g1272e do.

apply oil to that chair , 225 212a22b2‘

772e72 7'

a22g;12_ a72 ma lo

open the lock of that d oor , 225 darwaze bci buflb12010.

Exercise — A very poor man went to a very_

rich man and

said ,

“W e are two sons of A dam and Eve (A dam 0 Hawci ),therefore we are brothers you are very rich and I am very poorg ive m e a brother


s share. T he rich man , on hearing th is ,

gave to the poor man one baur i . T he poor man said ,

“O h ,

sir why do you not bestow upon me a brother’

s Share ? H e

replied , Be content , my good friend ; i f I g ive all my poorbrothers one baur i each , I shall not have any remaining.


some ofour sold iers have beenwound ed ,

beat that lazy boy ,

d ig up that und erwood .

having said th is , he d eparted ,

wring the mo isture from the

c lothes ,

they sleep care lessly (sound ly),what is the amount O fyour b i l l ?a wasp has stung m e ,

what is the tonnage ofthis sh i p ?

what need is there Of so much


what is the price Ofthese th ings?what is the d epth of th is tank ?what is the d ifference betweenthese two

Br e7'ez°

5e .W


rite a letter for m e .


why are you making th is unreasonab le excuse ?

12a 7722i 7'

e ba'

ze 52°


zablzm i


725 5 2252122g'be bo 7722i 7'0.

225 ja72ga/ bo b120d -


2i 10.

ba lzbar 202212 ( bald -

ga la.

bap g'

e b2i p2i 72i -d 2i 10.

202212 be-blzabar 502‘e 12a2



2‘22772122i 7'2i 122


52ib bz'

z‘72e b2i 12a2


77722j/2e eb bar 71eda72b- 7722i 7'

2i 12a2°


ja122i z 772e72 b2°

272e boj12 b i5a 7722i

,i 12a2




t72i 2°


y2i 2bi by2i 122ija t

bi by2i bi 772a t 12a 2° é’

12i 12ib b2°

t772i gab rci 12a2°

272 2107207277ze7i byri farb 12a2°

A person went to a scribe , and said unto him ,

H e sa id , There is a pain in myT he man sa id , I d o not w ish to send you anywhere ,

T he scriberepl ied ,

Y ou are speaking the truth but when I write a letterfor any person ,

then I am always sent for to read it for nobod yelse is able to read my handwri ting.

L ESSO N 30 .

th is army does not know its fazzj bawd'


d 5b zo dd ril l ,

between you two what fightingis there

in th is book how many chaptersare there

on these good s is there anyd iscount ?

the d rum beats every day in the

fort,th is boy is much loved by us ,

in th is tank are there any fi sh ?

72a12i 72.


2 772e72 ba 2°

5 i la rd}12a 2



f2ib me72b2'


72i fa5 le7212a2°


a5b2ib par baa/712 da51227'


la 772b77r bz’

ba me7212a7‘ roe baj12i12a2



y 2°

12 la 7 b2i 12a 7772i r2i ba1222tp iyd ra‘



t2i12i b me72by e/212 mac/zlzlzyaa12a2




make a hole here in the earth , ya122i 72 zam i 72 me72 eb 5 22r2ib12ba 7'o.

I caught a fi sh wi th a rod ,12am 72e ba725 i 5e eb mac/zlzl i

fabr i .th is cow has no horns . g2i ,e be 5 i 72g 72a12i 72ba z'72.ofwhat kind is th is c loth b2


5 b2°

5m b2i y 2°

12 baprd 12a2°

d o you intend go ing to Europe ? wi lciya tjane b2i 2‘22772/22i r2i 27 222122


hang up th is lamp in the hall , y 2'

12 lamp d 2i1a 72me721a2b2i do.

do you go by land or by water 222772 1212225b j2i ,0gey2i tar i

E xer22°

5e.— A certain hare , having gone to the presence O fthe

tigress , said to her,“O tigress , of me every year there are

many young ones , but of you, during the whole of your l i fe ,

there are no more than two or three. T he tigress , havingsm iled , repl ied ,

" What you say is very true : Of me , ind eed ,

there may be only one young one in all my l i fe , but that one is

a tiger.

L ESSO N 31 .

there is no lock to your box , t22772122i re ga72d 22bc12e me72 t2i 12i

72a lz2'

721za z°


there is much mud on the river darya‘

be b2°

722i 7'e-par bar i

s ide ,bi e/zar 12a2



how many passengers were in b2°

172e 7722252ifi 7' 225j22122i z me72i‘lze

that vessel ?the whole room was scented , 52i 7'2i bamrci bb225/2b22 5e mu


a t

gar 1222,2i .

are you the owner O fth is house ? 222772 25 glzar be 7722i12'

b 120

from id leness is loss , 5 22522“


5e z2y2i 7212a2°


such as you wi ll do , so wi ll you ja z°

52i barage wa2°

5 2i papge.

fi nd ,

resignation is the best com b2°

122‘a7’ 52i 1122


5abr 12a2°


panion ,

th is world is the house ofd ece it , d a rzy ci fareb b2i g lzar 12a2°


the fruit Of rashness is repent ja la’i b2i plza l pa512em2i 72i ba i .

ance ,

patience is an excellentqual i ty , gabr acl2012122' b12a51a2‘ l2az



temperance is excel lent physic , pa rbez bar i dawci 12a2°


hearing is better than speaking , 52272722i b2°


a 7' 12a2

° ba1272e 5e.

from labour resul ts greatness , m2°

1272a t 5e ban i}E xer22


5e.—A certain O ld woman had a goose wh ich every d ay

used to lay an egg of gold . O ne d ay the old woman thought

in her own m ind , thus ; I f I increase the food of th is goose,


then She w i ll every d ay give two gold en eggs.


d eterm ined , the o ld woman began to g ive the goose every d ayas much food as she could eat. N ow, after some d ays the

goose , hav ing become very fat , gave no more eggs.

L ESSO N 32 .

Such as you speak so w i ll vou ja2°

5 2i ba/zoge 2oa2°

52i 5 72720ge.

hear,th is world is the harvest for thenext ,

contentment is the key of re

pose .

to be ignorant is d eath to the

l iving ,

m oderation in everyth ing is

best,to the wise a h int is enough ,

d eath laughs at expectations ,

ass ist your brother in d istress ,

very frequently med ic ine is

s ickness ,

man becomes known from h is


from proh ib ition d es irecreases ,


d 2277y 2i 2i b122'


at b2°

blzeti 11a2°



a i 2i 7‘


772 b i bu72ji 1z2i z°.


72d072 be lz'

ye 7°



122i1at 77222721

1za z°.2



d 2i 1 lzar 21222 me72 b2°






1bo 2


5122i 7‘a ba s l7az°



072par maut 12a725t2‘




me72 apfle b122i , i bi ma

d ad bar .

ab5ar aub2i t daw2i b2' 7722i r i 17012"12a2



2i d 772i eba1a72 5e palzelzand j2i 12i12a2.


barne 5e 2‘

122i12 ba r/222”



fortune d oes not increase wi th d2i 722i,i 5e 7


ozi 72a122'

72ba r/I i i .

wisdom ,

E xer22°

5e.— O ne d ay a large hul l was grazing in a field , when

a conceited fly came and sat on one of h is horns . T he fly‘

began to say in her own m ind ,

“ I am very heavy , and i f Iremain here , assured ly the bul l w i l l not be ab le to l i ft h is headfrom the gr ound . Then the fly said aloud , O bull , I am

afraid I am giving you great inconven ience ; i f so it be , then

speak out , and I w i l l immed iately d epart. T he hull answered ,

“O fly . be not uneasy on my account , for I was not in the

least aware ofyour being there ti l l you spoke to me.


during th is month much rain 25 772a12i 77e me72 pan i babut

fel l , ba 7 '

5 2i .

eb 72a 22ba 7' 227a12a' 72bbej-do.

darab/zt be z‘a le ba i t/20.

send a servant there ,

sit under th is tree ,


your s ignature is necessary to

th is bond ,

tod ay there is a guest in theirhouse ,

who is th is boy’

s guard ian ?

it is very late , perm it us to go

home ,

in th is affair there is much

cruelty ,

they comm it oppress ion O f

every sort,

/we have at present a longjourney ,

Exe7 22°

5e.—A certain feeb le O ld man , having gathered a load

ofwood (l iterally sticks) in a forest , was carrying it to h is own

house . A fter hav ing gone som e d istance , the old man became

very tired , and hav ing thrown down the burd en from h is

shoulder on the ground , he began to cry out, O Ange l ofDeath , d el iver me from th is m isery !


A t that very instantthe A ngel of Death stood be fore him , and said ,

“W hy have

you cal led m e , and what do you want w ith me ? O n see ingth is frightful figure , the old man tremb l ing , repl ied , O friend ,

be pleased to ass ist me , that I may l i ft once more th is burd enupon my should er for th is purpose only have I called you.

L ESSO N 35 .

have you a glas s for hold ing 222772122i 7'e p2i 5 512i 512i da zed;the med ic ine ? 7

‘ab1277e b i 12a2°

man has reason , a brute none ,

abl ci dm -i bo 1202i 12a2°

, j2272wa rbo 72a12i 72.

please g ive me a letter O f intro eb 5 2°

f2i 7'



512 b2i fla g; 77272j12eduction , 722iya2292172.

why d o you wri te with a bad 272772 b2°

5 202i 5 te bare ba lam 5e

pen 12°

b12fe 120

O f these two wh ich is the best ? 272 772272 5e ba z m aelzc/z/ui

ba i ?

I wi l l take the business from 772a2°

72 222772 5e b2i 77z 12272g2i a22ryou and g ive it to h im ,

your going there is not neces 2'22772122i 7'2i j2i 7z2i 20a122i 72 b22212/2

sary ,2ar22r 7za12i 72.

he is well versed in th is sc ience , 25 5e 2212212 b1722b 22'2ib2f 12a i .



s tamassaépar l amluim dast

k/za f za rzin'


zi .

a] zmée g/zar med efém i/zma'


120 5.

i s larée h i murabbi h u m lza i642/q der 1112} 17am ko g/za r


ne do.

is h im med éar i be-murziwa/i



wu/z Izar tam /z h i zulm h zrfefl a i zi .

114 mm i s 2:1d a’zZr h i safar


arpes/z lzaz'



he is very learned and intel li wu/z ban i d rim i (tar'


gent , h zz



this will be best ofal l , y z'

lz saése bi lztar lzogd .

[te l l me what he is say ing, h z/zo to waft kyd h z/zta

l mz'


tel l the groom to get the horse sd,z’

s se h z/zog/zord taiyd r h zre.

ready ,

Exefri se — In the country ofKashm ir a certain merchant had

an Abyss in ian slave whose skin was as b lack as charcoal . O ne

day in the w inter season the slave took off h is c lothes , and

having taken up some snow he began ,w i th great labour, to

rub i t on h is bod y. During th is h is m aster cam e that way , and

having seen th is curious c ircum stance , said ,

“What are you

d o ing here ? T he s lave answered ,

“ I am rubb ing'

my bod ywi th snow so that I may become wh ite l ike the p eople of th iscountry. H is master , laugh ing , said , O fool , do not labourin vain ; your body may , ind eed , d issolve the snow , but your

Skin will not thereby become wh ite .

L ESSO N 36 .

I also wish to go out,

why do you cl imb the tree ?When will yoube ab le to d epart?is the sad d le on the horse or

not ?

we will return in a few m inutes ,i f d inner be ready , br ing it,g ive my compl iments to your

master ,

do you know th is man ?

he has amassed much wealth ,

come , let us two have some

talk ,wi ll one horse be able to d rawso great a weight ?

[ you go on , we are com ing , tum dgejd o izam ci te lzaz’


these th ings are come from yzlz cit izen wzldyat se d 2"

ban i .

Europe ,

where shal l we pass the night djh‘

n i t lzam h zh i fi ra/zmgewe have no time to play at 1zam éo fursat ab/ n

k/zelne kipresent, fi zz/2272h zz.

77222272 éd /zar fi nd 2122272222


2122774 24 22par éy072char/222 ha 3?222772 h zb 22212cfi aZ-saéogeglzore [ 5227

7 2272 52272227222 [ 2222 h’

2122772 7726721222772p/22'



klzd na'

2222322277 izo 120.

lzamd rd sa la’

m .apne sd lzz'éko


i s 22217722“éo {um /227222 120

mm: 5222222222’22221222‘j22772



h zz'


[ 222772 222772 h 22/2/2 6222 21222

h z7'


eég/zord 227222” éoj/z 25 222722124 22


E x erc isa — O ne day an ox was grazing in a field in wh ichseveral young frogs were play ing . By chance one of the youngfrogs was crushed und er the foot of the ox and d ied . T heo ther frogs having seen th is went home

,and having to ld thei r

mother what had occurred ,they then sa id ,

“0 mother, we

never before saw so large an an imal . O n hearing th is , the old

frog , having d istend ed her be lly very much , said . Is he as

large as th is ?" T he y oung ones repl ied ,

“A ssured ly , he ismuch larger than that. She then , having d istend ed hersel ftw ice as much , said ,

“Is he so large ? They answered ,

"O mother , he is a thousand times larger. T he old frog ,

however, through prid e ,continued to d istend her body more

and more , ti l l at las t her skin burst, and she d ied .

L ESSO N 37 .

he has scalded h is foot , ush i [ 722,0721'

1222122s gayd .

al l these kn ives are rusty , sab 21212727j'


72 m ug-221222122


these ch i ld ren are scream ing 31212 1227

7173 2a 77222772 21272 2122112022“

all d ay,h zrte 1222272.

we were seeking for th is all 1222772 {2277722777 21272 211227722122

d ay , 2122.

have you sealed your letter 272772 772 2215722 13122222par 7722212r h“


our house is shad ed wi th trees , 122277222722glzar (122722212207222 sdye

77227212a 2'


it is raining , g ive us shel ter ,1222772h ) pa7z2i 1z


go forward there , and stand tea/22272 521 712122 i aur 17122222

sti l l , ra lzo,

bring out these th ings from the pd lh‘

772272-se 32212 21122272 2221122

palki ,speak loud , then I Shal l hear éa land a


z se 5010 to 77222272

you ,sun fi fi .

what d o you call that in 22s120 H ind i 22252272 772272 kyd

Hindustani ? h z/zte 120 2’

E xercz’


— In the house of a certain person a bag of rupeeswas stolen . T he owner of the m oney gave information to the

judge O f that c i ty. T hejudge imm ed iate ly cal led before h im all

the people of the house , but after much investigation he wasunable to d etect the th ie f. A t


last he said to them , T hisn ight

I wi l l g ive each ofyou a stick one cub i t in length , and it wi l l sohappen that the stick O fh im who is the th ief will become one


inch longer than those of the rest. Having thus spoken , the

judge gave each a stick and d ism issed them . During the nightthe th ief, being afraid , said to h imsel f, I f I cut off one inchfrom my stick , in the morn ing it wi l l be of the same length wi ththe rest.

" Thus having - consid ered , he cut off an inch fromhis stick , and next d ay attend ed , along w ith the others. T he

judge , having looked at the sticks , thus d iscovered the th ief.L ESSO N 38 .

set up someth ing as a shel ter 22221717 2217222 22“

2i r 22 72722522

from the sun (sh ine), 212227 22 2227 0.

he agreed with me th is time , 25 727022 7272217 777272 522217 77772222922

exercise yourselfin wri ting and 272777 12217722 22727'

par/2772 22

read ing , 777225172 2am .

on hearing th is news they were 32217 2172220 2 5 727722 207212 22212722

much frigh tened , 22227 -

5222howmuch ind igo will th is chest 2227722 772125 5227722722 77727252277722

containthey are al l offend ed with one 7272217 5 22222 22725 7 2 5 2 fi af d170272.

another,tel l the coachman not to d rive g227

'222277 52 20170 22 227722 222 7722

so fast , 12227222.

we have escaped from the hand s 1222777 2272527722272 22 1222217 52 222217

ofthe enemy , ga,2.

the whole c i ty has been flood ed , 22277722777 51722177' 77727252221222 22g223122


put these two trays close 7 72 22077072 22517223707220 2225 2225together, 7 2222170.

wi th th is our joy wil l be 25 52 1722777227 2“


273722220increased ,

Ex2r2252.— A certain person having a pain in the stomach

went to a phys ic ian and said ,

“For God'

s sake , d octor , g ive me

some physic , otherwise I d ie from a pain in the stomach . T he

d oc tor asked him what he had eaten that day. T he man said ,

Merely a piece ofburnt bread . O n hearing th is the d oc torsaid ,

L et me look at your eyes. Then , having cal led one of

h is servants , he said , Bring me the med ic ine for the eyes .

T he s ick man , on hearing th is , screamed out, O d octor, is

th is a t ime for your joking ? I am d ying from a pain in the

stomach , and you talk of med ic ine for the eyes. What connection is there between m ed ic ine for the eyes and a pain in the

stomach ? T he d octor repl ied , I wish , in the first place , to

make your eyes sound ,for it is evid ent that you are unable


to d istinguish between b lack and wh i te , otherwise you wouldnever have eaten burnt bread .

L ESSO N 39 .

we have much red uced our

expend i ture .

th is money must be sent backto h im ,

the command er- in - ch ief has

pard oned a sold ier,rule your paper, then wri te ,

all the people have d ied wi thhunger,

they have fallen one uponanother,

spl ice these two ropes together ,

they l ive in great affl iction , or

through much toi l ,he has bui l t a house on the

bank of the G anges ,

he d rove the carriage two kos ,when one ofthe wheels broke ,

12am ne afn i éLzarc/z balzm‘

éam éard z'y d Im i .y z


lz r dpaz’

us ko zarfi r wdpasbaffle lzorige.



r ne ck rz'

pd /zi ko



f kz’



apfze kdgéag par m l’

star karo,


fab (idmz‘

m i re blzzZé/z ke marga ,

e lzaz’

zi .

wulz eéd zisrepar gaff -pare.

[ 6ami n dozzozém ssz


yozi ko mz


wu/z ban“

takl z‘

f se gugrd /z

éarte lzaz'fi .us 7te Gangd be éz'mz' re ek


n bandyd baz.

do kos gri n“

ko Izaréédyd t/za' él '


y ci guy-gaya'


E xercisa — Two women were quarrell ing with one another

about a ch i ld , and nei ther of them had any witness. Havinggone before the judge , the one continued saying ,

“T he ch i ld ism ine and the other also was saying ,

“T he ch i ld is m ine ,

0 your worsh i p , g ive me justice . T he judge , be ing helpless ,sent for the executioner, and s aid to h im , O f th is ch i ld maketwo pieces , and give one to each of these women. O n hearingthe ord er ofthe judge , the executioner d rew the sword ; and wasabout to cut the ch i ld in two. During th is , one of the women

stood sti ll , and said noth ing , but the other woman , weepingaloud , said ,

“O S ir, d o not kil l my ch ild ; i f such is justice,I give up my c laim . For G od

s sake give her the ch i ld . O n

hearing th is , the judge became conv inced that th is ind eed wasthe real mother. T o her he gave up the ch i ld and to the other

woman having g iven punishment, he ord ered h is people to

expel her from the country.

LESSO N 40 .

why should we run awav , there 1mm ky zb i b/zdgeri , yalzd fi kuc/z/z

is no d anger here? Maaf 7za/z z‘ 72


he has abandoned h is late um e apne ag le dos/ad Kro c/21207

friend s ,

they went to Europe sixmonths c/zlza malzz‘

ne iz zi,e él ’ wzz/z

ago ,wz

lziwzt ga ,e.

on hearing a statement O f th is z'

s- tara lz kz‘

Mt rim /re

sort, they began to laugh ,lzafém e Inge.

gard ener , sow the seed of th is ma'

l z' , {S p/2171 h i 617°édgfi mm

flower in the gard en , 60.

he has taught us with great um e ban”


l mrzt se /zam éolabour, si /é/zdyd Iza z



by the grace O f G od we have k/zua’d kz


lzréa’ n i re [ mm m

found repose ,d ra


m pciyd .

it is very cloudy , perhaps it éa/zut clz/zdyd lza z'


wi ll rain much , fi dm‘

£14225 barsegd .

he has amassed much wealth um e ba/zut 7nd ! aur matti'

and property , jam’

kiy d lza z'


in th is house there is a hall is g/zar mm eéd i ld ri aw '


and three rooms , kawre lzaz’

ré.how long is it S ince you re kz


tne d in 1212; él’

tum 72e yz’


ceived th is news ? élzabar pdjExercisa— A fox having seen a crow s itting on the branch

O fa tree ,with a fi ne p iece Of cheese in h is mouth , began to

th ink in her own heart , H ow shal l I get th is d el ic ious morse linto my own possession ? She then said aloud , 0 Master

C row , I am quite d el ighted to see you th is morning : your

e legant figure and b lack feathers have entirely fasc inated myheart. Will you s ing to me one of your charm ing songs , so

that the pleasure of my ears may be l ike that of my eyes ?

O n hearing th is flattery , that fool ish crow opened his mouth

that he m ight Show his Skil l in music . A s soon as he openedh is mouth to sing , the piece of cheese fell upon the ground .

T he fox immed iately se ized it , and walked away , saying , Myd ear friend , your voice is a l ittle out of tune to-d ay : prayremain s i lent ti l l I have gone some d istance. In the mean

time , rece ive th is ad vice of m ine— N ever pay any attention to

the word s ofthose who flatter you.

LESSO N 41 .

they,l ive wi th their parents , wu/z apne mzi éa‘p be riff/z ra/zfe


fi .

we have taken a walk on the lzam ne daryd ke bina‘

re sax’


bank Of the river, 132“

Iza z' .


for how much w i ll you sel l z'

se bz'

l zze bo mere fi dwz'

nd be

(th is) to m y master ? luff/z bee/zoge .5’

[is there anyth ing to be had there tea/1.172 bueb/z b/zcine p ine bz


for eating and d rinking ? e/zz’

z mi l ti lza i

are you at all aware where they {11m bo bue/z/z ma'

l zim baz’


are gone ecu/z babd zi ga,e baz


remain here unti l we return , ya/zz’

zi flm/zro jabrab bz'



r d,e72.

the kni fe fel l from my hand were luff/z re c/z/zzzrz‘


me72into the r iver , gz



in speaking H industani , our zaba’

n bol /ze meri

general faul t is in not bamrira‘

bug' zi r abgjar yz’


pronounc ing each ind ividual bo/ci lzaz’

, bz'

judejude ba ijfobletter ful ly , b i i p zi rd ta laf uz nalzz

zi barfe

ba z' zi .a man who cannot Speak the jo slzablzs 7m logofi bi zaba

n na

language of the people bol—sabz‘d lw bz'


n be n i t/zamong whom he sojourns Md 0 h i s/z bare, use bd



may sometimes be in d anger wabt b/zs /ze marne bd

ofStarving , d udes/m baz'


he tel ls you to speak to h im in tum se babni lzaz’



h is own language , zabd n me72muj/z se bola.

E xerez’

sa— A certain washerman had an ass , wh ich he usedto let go in a gard en for the purpose of grazing. T he peopleof the gard en used to beat the ass , and d rive h im away fromthence. O ne day the washerman fastened around h im a tiger



Skin , and said ,A t the time of n igh t go you into the gard en

to graze , and d o not make any noise . Even SO every nightthe ass in the tiger


s skin used to go into the gard en. VVhen

ever the people saw h im by n ight , they used to th ink for certainthat th is was a tiger. O ne n igh t the gard ener h imself saw him ,

and from fear he went up into a tree. In the meantime , another

ass wh ich was in that neighbourhood mad e a noise , and the ass

O fthe washerman ,on hearing that , also raised his voice , and

began to bray in the manner of al l asses. T he gard ener, on

hearing his noise , d iscovered what he was. H e came d own

from the tree, and hav ing thoroughly beaten the ass , he d rove

h im out O f the gard en . Hence , on th i s subject'

the wise men

have said,

for asses’

s ilence is best.


what a b lockhead you are to

require repeated orders for

such th ingsbring bread , b iscuit,m eats , cake , etc

you know I cannot d rink teaw ithout cream ,

the bread is very bad , and fullO fsand ,

d ischarge the baker i f he ever

dare to send such bread



111111 byd abwab 110 ! bz'



on be wdrte tum bo bd r

bd r bubmbz

rbzd , mfg/1d}, beb ,ma

jdm‘e Izo bi ma id mo ld}

bégiza z’

r e/1d nalzz‘

ri p i -rabtd .


oi 1‘


lzdyat aur 111111


lza z .nd a -od 1 bojawdode dead agar


101111 a1r1'

7 012 é/zej/zehere ,

the waterwith wh ich th is tea 15


jar/11 bare.

jzr pdn z’

re yz/z e/zd band}gajmad e has not been bo i l ing ; 11111 101112 blzaal td 71a thd ; 1



it has no taste at all . men la zzat mutlab

these eggs are not fresh ; from y zlz ande td ze bzr-re 111171

whom have you brought ne [ lye 11am fi’gh zrazl d andonthem N ever bring any to be r1wd

,e our barb/z

the table but those that are mez -par mat ld ,o.

laid at home ,

Exerezflre — O ne n ight a bd zz' found in a book that whoever

has a small head and a long beard 1s a fool . T he bd zz'

, havinga smal l head and a long beard , said to h imsel f, “ I cannotincrease the S ize of the head , but I wil l Shorten the beard .


H e sought for sc issors , but could not fi nd them . Hav ing no

other course , he took hal f h is beard in h is hand , and carriedthe

other half toward s the lamp when the hair took fi re , the

flames reached h is hand ; upon wh ich , letting go his hold , the

beard was entirely consumed , and the bdz i Overwhelmed wi thshame , as it ver ified what was wr itten in the book .


tell the cook to have the d inner odware/zz'

re babo bz’

1211 bajeready at three o


clock ,sir, d inner is ready , rd lzz


b, b/zd nd faz'

yd r 11111.

where is the soup and the rlzorbd aur r/zorbd pi ne bd

soup-Spoon ? e/zame/za ba/zd b lza ibring a hot-water plate , garm pdm

bd od ran [ d,0 .

some bread , potatoes , greens , bur/111 12112, rdg , barm

cabbage , caul iflowers , tur —boéz, r/za lgi am,

n i ps , carrots, cucumbers , ga‘

jar , b/zzre.


letme have a clean plate , kn ife ,

fork , Spoon , salt , mustard ,

vinegar ,pepper,horse-rad ish ,

O il , and everyth ing of th issort.


ob rdf ribdbi , ebbur i , bd d id ,

ebameba , namab , rd}; ri rba ,

mzreb , rabajd d , tel , aur rab


zed irz‘

.tarab-bi mujbe do.

let me have of every sort of mezpar bar eb garabbi tarbdm‘

vegetab le on the table , and

tel l me the name ofeach .

what do you cal l that vege

table ?get one d ressed for me everyd ay, and tel l me the



of each as I eat it, ti l l yousee I can call for everyth ingof th is sort by its propername ,

do so with e veryth ing else , as

th is wi l l be a capital planfor learn ing and d igestingth is useful tongue , being at

once a meal and a lesson ,

bring some beef, mutton ,veal ,

fi sh , mm,and venison ,

can y ou d ress

d ishes wel l ?what fruits are in season now?

bring me some ofeach sort,


to-morrow we shal l d ine in thecountry , send everyth ing intime ,

will th is meat keep so long 1n

th is weather

buebb baebb rabbo, our eb

eb. bd b dm mujbe batd 0.

ar tarbd r i bo byd babie bo

bar roz mere Ziye eb pabd d d ,

aurjab mai d bbd/12d tab bar

eb bd b dm mujbe batd d djabrab bi tum y ib 71ajad lo bia iri bar eb eb iz bd maid tbz

bb dm ba i d -rabtdbd d .

bareb eb iz med bb i aird b i

baro, by d bi ir mufi d zabd d

be ribbd e aar yd d bard e bd

y ib aebebbd gar iba bai , bi

rabab o {abab donad b i bai d .

baebb gd ,e bd gorbt ld ,o, bder

bd gorbi , baebbg'

e bd gorbz‘


maebb l i , margb i , b irad bd


H i d dd ri d d z'

bbd d d tam aebcbbd

pabd -rabie bo

bi r bir mewe bi ab farl baibar birm re tbord tbord mere

fdr id 0.

bam bdl d ibd t med bbd d d

bbd edge, rab eb ized barwabt

i r ma d ram med y ib gorbt ztd z

der tbabregdnow you may all d epart, you ab tum rabjd o, 7714 5 111 baz.

have leave ,


re.—LA person said to h is servant, I f you see two

crows together early in the morning , apprise me ofit, that I mayalso behold them , as it wi ll be a good omen ,

whereby I Shal lpass the whole day pleasantly .

crows in one place : he informed h is master ;


Short, the servant saw two

but wh en the’

latter came , he saw only one , the other having flown away. H e


was very angry , and began to beat the servant at wh ich time“

a friend sent h im some v ictuals . T he servant said ,

“O mylord you saw only one crow, and have Obtained victuals had

you seen two, you would have got a beating.


what is the name of th is ? irbd byd 11dm ba i

what d o you cal l th is th ing ? z'

r eb iz bo byd bab ie bo

what do they cal l that m 11rbo H i d d d ri d d i zabd d med

Hindustani ? byd bab ie ba id

can you tell m e where Mr. i 11111 bab -rabie do-bi rd bib

l ives babd d rab ie ba id

tel l me the name of th is in 211111 apd i zabd d med irbd 1i d 11i

your own language. to ba ia’

p .

d o not tell anyone what I said 11r bi ia'

b b i bd bai jo buebb turnto you about that book , re ma i d 11e babd biri re 11a

bab d d .

he would not tell me wh ich O f urbi marz i 11a ib i jo mujb re

the two was yesterd ay'

s or bab id bi i 1i donad rababod

to morrow s lesson , med ba1111 ba l -bd ba i,a 11r

baud bal—bd bogd .

your servant d oes not m ind 11) ap d e 11a11bar re Jo babie

what you say to h im , ba1d wub md 11id d ab i n .

tel l h im he is a great rogue , i1r re babo bi i d rabb i dag/1a“

and that he is always tel l ing bd z ba i,our ai d e d bd be

h is master no end of l ies. rdm d e bamerba 17112111 be

(li t. he is constructing bridges p 11! bd d db id ba i .of l ies),

well , I w i ll not speak to h im . aebebba , ma id ur-re 11a bol d dgd .

as I may get angry and beat byd‘ajab bi mujde gburra

h im but g ive h im h is wages d -jd 13 our z1re md r bazibd d .

and d ismiss h im , bararemazd d r i debar rubbra i

bar -do.

what d id he say when you told jdb tum 11e mere i bi r d 11e tabh im to remain ti ll I returned ? 11re ibabard e babd to 11r11ebyd


he said he had bus iness and 11r11e babd bi m11j/1e bdm ba i ,

could not possibly remain , mai d biri tam /1 d abz’

d rab

rabi d .

d id you ask h im ofwhat nature bya’

i umd e 11r re pd ebbd bi wubthe business was bdm bir iarab bd bai

y es , I d id ask ; but he said it bd d , pd ebbd to ibd , magar z1r1ze

was an affair ofsecrecy wh ich badd bi wub bbed b i bd i ba i

he could not d ivulge , urbo maid baya‘

d d ab id bar

rabi d .


they speak Engl ish among w11b dpar med adgrez i bol ie

themselves and Urdu wi th bai d 11111 bam re U1'd 12.

us ,

they wil l know h im to be wub are pardesi b i jd d edge,a foreigner, _

though he Speaks agarebi zoub H 111d12ri d 11i

Hindustani very grammati zabd d babui bdbd’

1da bol i d

cally ,

could I speak Hindustani agar mai d H 1'

11d 12ri d 11i zabdn

I would with pleasure ; but , bolrabid , ia bburb i re bol i d

alas, I_

cannot join two sen par.

afi or ba i . bi 11r zabd n

tences together in that med ma i d do jamle m i ld

tongue , 11ab i d rabi d bad .

you wil l be ab le to speak it in tum ebad d bi mab inod med 501

a few months , and you Ought raboge, i ambed ebd biye bi

to practise speaking it with aire bar eb d dmi re bold baroeveryone who is ab le to tel l bi jo rabib iaur par boind

you how to speak it wel l , ba id rabe.

how much I regret not to be mujbe bir badar afror bai biable to und erstand what H i 11d 12ri d 11i zabd 11med /owub

they say in Hindustani , bol i e bai d mai d ramajb11ab i d rabi d .

I take the l iberty to inform you gari dbb i ma'

df maid dp-réthat noth ing but practice bab id b12d bi mar/1b be riwd


will enab le you to speak our biri rey ib bo11e bd 11ab id

with fluency, bi dp re 50! rabed .

E xerci se — A poet went to a_rich man , and bestowed great

praises on h im ; at wh ich the latter , be ing pleased , said ,

I have not any money at command , but a large quantity of

grain : i f you come again to-morrow,I wil l give you some .

T he poet went h ome , and early the next morn ing went againto the rich man , who asked him why he was come. H e

answered ,

“Yesterday yOu prom ised to give me some grain ,

and I am now come for it."

T he other repl ied , Y ou are an

egregious fool ; you d el ighted me with word s , and I have alsopleased you ; why , therefore , Should I give you any corn ?

T he poet went away ashamed .


bring the palki near me , i d ibi merefd r id ,o.

takeme to Mr.— ’


11111jbe rd bib be d d d le

jd 0 .

send the peon on before to see p iyd de bo dge bbejdo b1 debbei f the gentleman be at home rd bzb gbar med bazd b1

or not, 11ab i d .


bring the palki close to the d oor,go as fast as you can ,

ask i f the gentleman has goneout, and when hewi l l return ,

g ive my compl iments to your

master, and g ive th is note

to him when he returns ,

you have lost the road to Mr.

5 house th is is not it.ask the people in that house to

Show you the way ,

go to the C h ina bazar, [ s ide ,

keep on th is s ide or on that

take care you d o not go near

that bull ,keep clear Of that dust on the

road ,

let that chair go on before ,

keep beh ind my brother’

s chair,

bring the umbrella to th is S ide ,

d o not go near the carr iage ,

put d own the palki ,stop , I am going to th is shOp ,

what is the price of th is book ?I wi ll not give so much ,

I won'

t give hal f the price youask ,


pd lbi da1'wd ze re bbi rd -do.

ji i d d iezjd -rabojd ,o.

pd ebbo bi rdbib bdbar ga,e

baid bi 11ab i d,o ur .babpb i r


tum ai d e rdbi b bo merd raldm

babad , our y ib ebi i ib i 1111bo

ded d jab 101111pb i r d ,ed .

tum 11e rd b ib be gbar bi

rdb gum bi ,yi li rdria 11ab i d .

i1r gbar be d dmiyod re babo bi

i 11111bo rdb d ibbd -ded .

Cb ind bd zd r b i rdb lo.

ir garaf 1‘

abo, yd 11r,



bi zabar—dd r ,11r rd d a


be fd r11ajd d d .


drie b i 11r gara'

re bar/10.

i1rjbappd d bo dgejd d e-do.

mere bbd}bejbappd d bep i eb/zerabo.

ebbd id (or ebba i r i ) ir ia‘



gd r i befdr mat/d o.

pd lbi d i ebe 1abbo. [ 111211.rabo , ma i d i r d 12bd 11 med /aid .

i r bzi db b1 b ima t bai 11111 .f’

mazd i i 11d 11a d 12dga'


i um jo md dgie do, urbi d d/zi

bb i b imat 11a d 12dgd .

I d o not want the book , but i f mujdey ib bi ia’

b darba'

r 11ab i d ,

you give it very cheap I maypurchase it ,I have no cash about me , but

i f you will fol low me you

wi l l receive your money at

my house ,

bring the book wi th you , and

then receive its price ,

Exereire.— O ne day a tyrann ic king ,

lebi 11 agar babai rar i i beebo,

iomai d z1re moi le-rabi d 111212.

merepd r aabd 11ab i d ba i , le bi d

agar i 11111 merep i ebbep i e/zbed,o, io mete gbar par i umbo

rupa i m i ledge.

bi i d b ai de rd i/z 1d 71d , tab urb-d

having gone out of the

c i ty unattend ed , saw a person s i tting under a tree , ofwhom he

inquired , \Vhat is the character of the k ing of th IS country ?

is he oppressive or just ?T he king said , Do you know me


H e answered H e is a great tyrant.

H e answered , N o.


T he king rejo ined ,

“ I am the monarch of th is place. T he

man was terrified , and asked , DO you know who I arri ?

T he king said he d id not. H e rejoined , I am the son of such

a merchant ; three days in every month I lose my senses , and

th is is one ofthose three d ays. T he king laughed ,and end ed

the conversation.


,R ID ING , ET C .

he is gone out somewhere to zoab pbi r d e bo bab i d bdbar

walk , 2.

I shal l go out also , and walk mai d b11i bd bar jd ,12dgd aur

round the fort, b i i’

e b i ebd rod taraf pbi r a

in”my country people walk

a great d eal ,can you walk much ?I l ike walking very much , and ,

were I not lame ,I would

walk out with you,

walking in the open field whenit is cool is h igh ly benefic ialto health ,

do nOt walk among that grass ,lest you tread on a snake ,

is the horse ready

put the sad d le well on ,

hold the brid le t i l l I be fairlymounted ,

take up the stirrup one hole ,

see that the re ins are strongand kept in constant repair ,

here , you groom , hold the

horse , I must d ismount for

a l i ttle ,

take care , he wi ll break awayfrom you,

see is that ground proper forthe horse to go over ,

coax h im that he may not be

restive ,

mere mulb med log babui

paidai eba i ie ba id .

i 11111 babui eba l rabie bo

maid fi dp d eba/d d babui para11d bar i d b d d , a11r agar

Zad grd 11a boi d ia dp be rd ibbdbarjd i d .

ibad a’e wabi maidd d med

pb i r d d iandururi i bo babui

i 1r gba’

rpar ma i pbi ro, mabddd

biri rd djbpar pd p d fare.

gbord iaiyd r bai

aebebb i iarab z i 1z bad dbo.

lagdm ibdme rabojab iab mam

aebebb-i iarab rawd r 11a bo

jd ,12d .

r ibdb bd eb gbar ebarbdp .

debbobdgmagbd i baid bi 11ab id ,

a 11r bamerba 11a/zed ib ib

ibdb rabbo.

ra,i r

,i dbar d , gbord pabar;

zard m11j/1e 11iar11d bai .

bbaaardd r wab iambd rebd ib

re ebb izi -jd ,egddebbo to 1111111 zam i 11 gbore be

eba l- d iba id e be Iii/b bai bi11abi d .

11re ebumbd ro bi be-eba i d i ri a



put a c loth over the horse'

s gbore be mud /1 par a d d/zer i

eyes ,

where is the sad d lecloth ,

crupper, the b it, be llyband ,

martingale , etc .

exam ine the place care fully ,

and see how . far the water

comes up , _

You must not give the horse

water now wh i lst he is so

very warm .

is th is a quiet horsedoes he stand fi re

walk him about , rub him wel ldown , and take care , at

your peri l , that he does not

catch cold ,

E xereire.— A learned man used to attend a mosque , and

preach to the people. O ne of the congregation wept con

stantly. O ne day the preacher said , My word s make a great

impression on

th is man'

s heart , wh ich is the reason ofhis cryingso much . O thers O bserved thus to the man who wept T he

learned man d oes not make any impression on our m ind s '

what kind of a heart must you have to be always in tears ?H e answered ,

“ I d o not weep at h is d iscourse , but I hada favourite goat , of wh ich I was exceed ingly fond . When the

goat grew old he d ied now , wh enever the learned man Speaksand wags h is ch in , the goat comes to my remembrance ,


he had just such a long beard .


is there much game in th is ir g i rd—o- d a

'wd b med bi z/111ineighbourhood ?

r/zibd r b ai t?

there are wi ld buffaloes in a1'

11e io babui ba i d , a 11r barb/1

abundance , a few t igers . rber bb i , a11r bar i arab be

and all kind s of smaller bi ra11 aw '

ebboie ebboie

game , rb ibd r .

in every field there are par bar eb bbei med i i iar a 11r

trid ges and quai ls , and that ba i ered ba i d , am ‘

jb i lswamp is ful l of sni pe and ebabiyod a 11r 111111g£ds fod

water- fowl , re bbar i ba i .


porb ,d ame/11


, d dba'

na ,

pei i , zerbad d wagba i rababad ba i

11rjaga/1 boba -Mdbi jauebo, a11r

deb/10 bi pd d i babd d iab

(Uri bai .

gbore bo fd d i 11a dead ebdbiye

jab iab bi wub a ird gar /11


y ib gbar ib gbord bai

iop a 11r bad d zib be ebb12i 11e re


abid io '

d ab i d

z1re iab ldp ,aebebb i iarab ma lo,

a 11r aga r 11re rara’

i pabad eb ito i 11mjd 710.


E xereire.—A woman was walking , and a man looked at her,

and followed her. T he woman said , Why d o you followme ? H e answered . Because I have fallen in love wi th you.

T he woman said , W hy are you in love with me ?my S ister ismuch hand somer than I am She is com ing after me go and

make love to her. T he man turned back , and saw a woman

wi th an ugly face . Be ing greatly d ispleased , he went again to

the other woman , and said , Why d id you tell a falsehood ?T he woman answered , N e ither d id you speak truth ; for i fyou are in love w i th m e why d id you go after another woman ?T he man was confound ed and went away in s i lence.


how many stages is Delh i from ir rbabr re D ibi i iab bai

th is town mad zi ied ba id

is your boat read y i ambd r i birb i i ta iya’

r ba i

are al l you people ready to go i umbd re log rab iayyd r ba id

a voy age to Benares bi daryd bd rafar Bad d rar

what is the h ire of th is boat i r birb i i bd bi rdya do mab i d e

for two months ? be wd rie bi /d d bogd

at wh ich hour d oes the tid e bir wabi jawd r bogd jo izamserve to go up the river ebarbdp b1 tarafjdrd ?tod ay


we must not commence such .

a journey wi thout be ing provid ed with every necessaryand comfort , few of wh ichare procurab le on the way ,

both to avoid expense and ih

conven ience , we must reduce

our baggage to as smal la quanti ty as possible.

I am not going by water,I prefer going by land ,

we must have everyth ing wel lpacked to guard against allacc id ents , wh ich occur fre

quently by the carelessnessOf servants , ind epend ent Of

those common to al l travellers


bamed a ire rafar med bar eb

gard r i lawd zim a 11r d rdm

be rdmd d rd ib l ire bzgfi ai rel m/11d 11a ebd /ziye bi a ire

(lawd zim wagba i ra) rorie

med bam m i l ie bai d .


bareb a 11r mur/zbi l d i re bar/me

be wdrie bam bo ebds e bi

mabd d r bbar arbdb bam

bared .

mam iar i bi ra'

b re 11aja,12dg12,

fi urbbi bi rdb bib ior bog i .

bamed ebdb iye ,


a ldwa 1111'

d 111 bd d irod be jo rab murd

flrod bo ld bib boie bo i d ,

fi d r 11a11barod bi gba/Za i re

bd i baebd e be l iye rab cb i zod

bo ae/ze/zb i larab re bad db


come , chairman , in whoseservice are you, and when

. d id you arrive in C alcutta ?how many other chairmen are

with you ?d esire the people always to

pitch the tents near water ,and , i f possib le , und er trees.

are they all your countrymen

only, or your relationswhat tribe ofcha irmen is there

here who make more moneythan the rest

what d istrict is th is vi llage in ,

and who is the magistrateof it ?

how very h igh ly cul tivated the

country is through wh ichwe passed to-day

tel l the proprietor of that

vi llage to send some Of h is

people in the even ing to beatup the game for us ,

take care that everyth ing is pa idfor, and that no violence beused against the vi llagers ,

Exereire.— A m iser said to a friend , I have now a thousand

rupees , wh ich I will bury out Of the c ity, and I wi ll not tel l th issecret to anyone besides yoursel f . In short , they went outof the c i ty together , and buried the money under a tree.


d ays after , the m iser went alone to that tree , but‘

found no

s igns of h is money. H e said to h imself, “Excepting that

friend , no other has taken it away ; but i f I question him , he

wil l never confess.


H e therefore went to h is house , and said ,

A great d eal of money is come to my hand s , wh ich I wantto put in the same place ; i f you wi ll come to-morrow , we wil lgo together. T he friend , by coveting th is large sum , replacedthe former money, and the m iser the next d ay went therealone , and found his money. H e was d el ighted with h is own

contrivance , and never again placed any confid ence in friend s.

byzid mabre, ti 1m bir be bad

babd r i bar ie do a 11r Kalba i ie

med bab re d,e bo .


i ambd re rd ib b1'

i 11e a11r babd r

bai d

logod re bab—do bi bamerba

fd d i be nazd ib bbaimabbard bored ,

a11r agar do

rabe, ia. darabb iod be ia le.

wb rab d i re iumbd re der bba,1

baid bi 11d ie r irb ie be

baunri g d i babd rod bi a iri ba i

bi ziydda r 11pa ,i aurod re

yabd d bamd rabi i bai i’

y ib gd ,od bir g i l'

e med bai

a11r yabd d bd bdbim baud

bai ?

ji r rarzam i d bo dj bam ia ibarbe d

,e wabd d b i bbei i

byd bb d b bai /i 1r gd ,od be zamzd dd r re babo

bi rbdm bo ai de ba, i d dm ibbej-de, bi bamd re wdr i e

rb ibd r gber- ld



babard d r rab eb i zod bi bimat

d i -jd ,e, a 11r bari i wd lod parbuebb 1

5 111111 11a bo



munshi Sah ib , I am very gladto see you ; why have you

been absent SO long

have you brought me the worksofSauda?

can you teach me both the

Hindustani and Persian languages

11hat are the best books

d o not allow m e to pronouncebad ly ,

d o not use so many hard word s ,

tel l me a Short h istory , or the

news of the day ; for , unlesswe converse much together ,how can I learn to speak

your business is to teach me

the real pronunc iation and

id iom of the language ,

is th is correct or not ?pray, sir , in your opin ion , is

H industani or Pers ian the

more d ifli cult ?

as to the d ifl‘i culty of Hindustani there can be no d oubt ,but it is more necessary than

Persian we are thereforestriving to learn it. C an youteach us

do say, in your O pin ion , for the

person who has transactionsof all sorts w i th both the

h igh and the low throughout

Hindustan , of these two lan

guages , viz. Hindustani and

1111111rb i rd bib, mujde dp bo

d ebbbar babui bburb ii i d i m 11ddai dp yaba

d by zi d

11a d,e

mere wd ri e S aadd bi bul l iyd i

ld,e ba id .


H 1°

11d 12rid 11i a 11r F d rri zabd a

110110 dp mujbe par/1d rabie

bai d

ba 111z ri bi /a'

bed rab re acbebb i

ba l dbard ia laj


az 11111j/1e ba1'


11a d ijiy e.

a ire 11111r/1b1'

i a lfd z 11a iri 1 md l

eb 11111bb iarar b1'

rra ,yd a] bai bi

bbabar mujlzre babiye by zi d

bi agar bam bdbam M125

g 11fig 12 11a baredge ia mai d

bol d d by d d bar ribb12dgd 2’

dp bd y ib i bdm bai bi rab i d


ag a 11r zabd d be mabd

ware m 11jbe ribbd ,ed .

y ib ibib ba i bi 11ab id

babiye rdbib dp bi d d d iri med

H 1


11d 12ri d 11i zabda yd F a'


baz11z-ri z iyd da m11rbb1'

l ba i 1?

H 1'

11d12rid 11i zaba’ d be i rbbd l

med to bur/1b rbub/za 11abi d

lebi d F d rri re‘

11rbi z iyd da

gard ra i ba i , iri wdrie 11a-111

11rbe ribbd e b i bor/zirb bar ie

ba id , dp domed ribb ld

rabedge ?

bba id bab iye to, dp be b_



med 11r rbabbr be wd r ie ] 0

bar iarab bd bd r 0 bd r a 11r

rarobd r ebboie a 11r bare

donod birm be logod re

iamdm H 1'

11d 12rid 11'




Persian , wh ich is the more

requisite ?

in acquiring Hindustani , whatis your ad vice ? Speakcand id ly , that I may learnthe language accord ingly ,

and remain eternally obl igedto you on that account ,

S ir , your remark is just ; and

I am surprised that other

Engl ish gentlemen do not

th ink the same way,

in European languages we

reckon eight or n ine partsof speech ; in H ind fi stani

you reckon only three , viz.

the noun , the verb , and the

particle ,

Exereire.—A horseman went to a c ity , and hearing there

were many th ieves in the place; said to h is groom at n ight,“Do you sleep , and I will keep watch , for I cannot rely on

.you. “ T he groom answered ,

“A las my lord , what word s are

these I cannot consent to be asleep and my master awake.

In short, the master went to s leep , and three hours afterward sawoke , when he cal led out to


the groom , What are you

d oing ? H e answered , I am med itating how G od has spreadthe earth upon the water. T he master said , I am afraidlest the th ieves come and you know noth ing of it. H e replied ,

O my lord ! rest satisfied , I am on the watch . T he horse

man went to sleep again , and awaking at m idnight , he calledout , Holloa , groom ! what are you d oing ? H e answered ,

I am considering how G od has supported the Sky withoutpil lars. H e repl ied ,

“I am afraid that am id st your med ita

tions the th ieves will carry away the horse . H e repl ied , O

my lord ! I am awake ; how can the th ieves come ?”

T he

caval ier again went to sleep , and an hour Ofn ight remain ing ,

he awoke , and asked the groom what he was doing. H e

replied ,

“ I am considering , S ince the th ieves have stolen the

horse , whether I shal l carry the sadd le upon my head to

morrow, or you, sir.

rabb id bo, 11re H 1'

11d 12ri d 11i

a11r F d rri dod od med re

baud ri zabd d zi yd da zar 12r i


H i d d zi ri d d i zabd d b i tabri i be

bd re med dp bi'

byd ra idbba i , rdf bab iye bi ma id i1r be

bamzijib zabd d ribb12d , di bdir bd i bd bamerba ibrd d

1d a/1d rabd dgd .

ap d urari farma ie ba111 a 11r


afjad bai bi a 11r rd bibd d i

A dgrez aird 11ab i d Mayd i

bar ie.

Faradg i zabd d od med ba l ime

b i d ib yd 111111 birmed ba id

H i d d d ri d d i med ri rf i i d

baid , ya'

11e, irm a11r]? l aar



the recruits will go to bal l praetice every even ing ,

when was th is man enl istedpress the butt wel l to the

shoulder,pul l the trigger strong with them id d le finger,

at what time does the battal ionmar ch to-morrow morning?

how many men are for piquetto-n ightpray , sir , to what regiment d o

you be longis your whole regiment at pre

sent quartered here, or elsewhere P

do you know where it was firstraised

what rank d o you hold , and

how long have you been an

Offi cer ?

what is your pay, and do you .

rece ive the whole monthlyor not ?

und er s'

uch Offi cers as you in

our army , how many men

are generally placed ?

does a sold ier’

s continuance on

guard last from sunr ise tilln ine O


clock , or ti l l twelveo


clockhave you clearlyunderstood all

that I have said or not ?

be not in the least apprehen

s ive in answering me Speakwhatever you please withoutreserve , I will not take it inthe least am iss,

bar roz rbdm bo 11a,e ripd b i

ebd d d md r i be wdriejd / dge.

y ib bab bbar i i bd dbad da moddbe par aebrbb i

zarab dabd ,o.

bi eb'

b i 11dg1i labiabi par zor re

d dbo.

fajar bir

bareg i

djrd i b1'

i 1zejawd 11 bibaii

b i

11a11bar i be wdri e ba idbabo, m iyd d i 11m bir


pal iadbe bo


dj-ba l i ambd r i iamdmpal iadyabd d ia 111ai bai bi a 11r

bab i d f?

i ambed buebb ma'

112m ba i bi

wab fab le babd d bb'

ar i b i2,i

ib i

dp by d'

abda rabb ie ba id , a11r


ubd e-ddr bd i d .9

wabi pa l iad bd eb

di bi iad b_ b1odb byd ba i , a11r

dp bo mdb-ba-md b pd r i mi l i iba i bi 11ab i d

d; re'

ubdedd rod be md -iabibamd re yabd d be larbba r

med , bi i 11e jawd d abrar

rab ie ba id fé’

pabar d in obarde iab

ripdb iyod bd

bai , ydfajr re dopabar tab

jo buelzb mai d 11e tum-re bad d

ro i 11m z1re acbebb i iarabramajb- liye

jawd b ded e med buebb b_b_a 11f

ma i baro ; jo bucbb bo ro be

dbarab babo, bam dargi e

bard 1i a md d edge.


Exereire.—A certain man -went to a darwesh , and proposed

three .questions : F irst : W hy d o they say that G od is omn ipresent I do not see H im in any place Show me where H e is .

Second : W hy is man pun ished for crimes , since whateverhe does proceed s from G od ? Man has no free wi l l , for he cannotd o anyth ing contrary to the will ofGod ; and i f he had power,he would d o everyth ing for h is own good . Th ird . H ow can

God punish Satan in hell-fi re , since he is formed Ofthat element

and what impress ion can fi re make on itsel f T he darwesh

took up a large clod of earth , and struck h im on the head withit. T he man went to the bd zi and said ,

“ I proposed three

questions to such a d arwesh , who flung a clod of earth at me.

T he bdgi , having sent for the darwesh , asked , Why d id youthrow a clod ofearth at his head , instead ofanswering his questions T he darwesh replied , T he clod Ofearth was ananswerto his Speech : he says he has a pain in his head ; let him Showthe pain ; then I wi l l make God vis ib le to hi m : and why does

he make a complaint to you against me ; whatever I d id was the

act of G od— I d id not strike h im w ithout the wil l of Godwhat power do I possess ? and as he 15 formed Ofearth , how can

he suffer pain from that element T he man was confounded ,and the bd z i h igh ly pleased with the darwesh


s answer.


do you speak our language .

yes , sir , I can speak a l ittleEngl ish ,

I have not yet learned to speakHindustani ,

where d o you now l ive ?pray what is your name ? letme know also your master


name ,

how long have you been inthatg entleman

s service ?where is your native country,

and how far may it be hence ?do people


in general go there

by land or water ?

what is the most importantarticle of trad e in that


and what th ings areproduced in greatest abun

dance there ?

i zem damar i zabd d bol ie bo .9

bd d rdbzb, ma1d A d grezi baebb

buebb bol rabi d b12d .

maid 11e ab iab H i d d d rid d i

bold i 11ab i d ribb i .

ium dj-ba i babd d rabie do iby 12d /i , i 11mbd rd b dm bj/d ba i

a11r apd e rdbib bd d dm bd i

ba i ld o.

bab re 11r rdbzb be d d d naabar

bo i’

iambd rd wa iad. babdd bai ,

a11r yabd d re bi i d i d 12r bogd

wabd d obrar log b_

b 11rbb~i b i

rd b rejd ie baid bi iar i re 2’

ur mulb med raaddgar i b i

rab re bar i ji d r byd ba i a11r

wabd d byd byd eb i z ed barrai

repaid d boi i bai d


are your parents al ive or not. i 11111bd 1e mad bdp ji te bai d biand d o you ever go to see 11ab i d , a 11r 111111 babb i apd e

your relations and friend s’

azi zod doriod b i mula'

bd i bo

bb i jd ie dod o you know at what rate i ambe d barb/1 bba bar ba i bi

copper sells in the market i d d bd yabd d bd zd r med birhere ? bbd

,o bibi d ba i

what , cannot you even say that byd ti1m i i 11i bd i bd i 11ab i d

one pice worth of -copper bab rabie bi eb paire bd

w i ll be the weight or s ize of i d d bd paz’

rd bbar bogd bi

a pice or not ? 11ab i d

do you know nowadays at 111 d 11zod i 11m jad ie do b1 rer

what rate a seer of m i lk bbar d 12db rbabr med b1i 11e

sel ls in the c ity , and in the bo bibi d ba i ? a 11r bdba r

country for how much ? bi t1ze bo .f’

you may now d epart, bar ab ti1mjd ,a,rubbra i ba i .

E xereire — A certain king had a w ise wazir, who resigned h isoffice , and employed h imsel f in worsh i pping God . T he kingasked the nob leswhat was becom e of the wazir ; they answeredthat , having quitted his exalted station , be employed h imself Inserving the De ity. T he king went to the wazir, and asked , Owazir, what offence have I comm itted that you quitted myservice ? " H e answered , S ire ,

for fi ve reasons have I d oneth is . firstly, because you used to Sit and I remained stand ingin your presence ; now , I serve G od , who has commanded me

to si t at the time of prayer : second ly , you ate , wh i lst I waslooking on ; now , I have found a Provid ence who eateth not

h imself, but sustains me th ird ly , you wh i lst I watchednow, I have a master who knows not slumber, but protects me

wh i lst I rest : fourth ly , I was always afraid that i f you shoul d

d ie I m ight experience some m isfortune from enem ies ; nowI serve a G od who is immortal , ne ither can enem ies do me any .

injury : fi fthly, w ith you I was afraid that . i f I should havecomm itted a fault you would not have forgiven me but H e

whom I now serve is so m erc i ful that i f I comm it a hund reds ins every d ay he pardons me.

L ESSO N 52 .



tel l me what is the matter with babo i ambd rd bd l by d bai .


how long have you been il l ? ti 1m bab re bima'

r do 1’

how d id the fever attack you poble tum/zed bu,b_

bd r b)f12d -bar

at first ? dyd idd


a good appetite .


T he physi c ian said ,

“Th is is theway to enjoyhealth . H e then mad e


h is obeisance and d eparted . T he

phys ic ian begins to speak when evi l would resul t from h is

s i lence ; e i ther when there is eating to excess , or when d eath

m ight ensue from too much abstinence. Then d oubtless , h is

speech is wisdom , and such a meal wi l l be productive ofhealth .



pray , sarz'

s/zta-a’d r gd lzz


b, are sar z'

slzta-dd r sd lzz'

b d) md l ke

you somewhat versed in the [ aim re knell /z wdh’

f lza z'zi éz'

reyenue d epartment ? na/z i riwhat do they cal l a lease , and par/{d kz

séo rleczfzie Izaz‘

d , aur

what its counterpart ? éaéd k’

yat ky d [m i 1?

d o the farmers pay the revenue asdm i md l -gzzzar i {éz'

s‘zf-wd r

to G overnment by instal ad déarte lzai riyd ya/é-mm /zt?m ents or in the gross

d oes th is spec ies of revenue

come in before , or during ,

or after the cropd oes free land , or that not

assessed , pay anyth ing at

all to G overnment , or not , byway ofacknowledgment ?

who used to settle formerlythe assessment of the severald istricts

in what respect d oes the h im ingo aur patwd r i medfarkcounty reg istrar d iffer from d vd bai ?

the town or v il lage c lerkpray tel l me the true state of gard {Ii i /z i /zz

leba l dy to kl grip )?what are cal led .v/zz


kam i por y d clzaéod me72slziéami fi endtions ofa v i llage or farm , kyd h i t lzaz


is any paper cal led a d eed of kin“

h igfi ag pal /tar led ndw

abd ication or rejection , and éd z-ndwa Iza i yd bd z-da'

wd ,

what d oes it imply ? aur wée ma'

m‘ éyd lzaz


in these d ays , when constab les i s zamdfle med jabéis i zamz’


are put over any land owner, dd r par 7712112091517 c/z/zufle

is dunage exacted , or not , lza i d fa laéd zza lag/d Iza z' éz'

and to what amount ? a 11r d is kaa’



s jaralz kd mafi gzi l akgarfaglée dge,palzzn ie/zfd Iza i yd w eedi e/z me72, y d uséep i e/z/ze


dfi yd'

72e l d -Mi rdjzam i n re

due/i ll b/zi sar dd r meri



l lzofd Izai y d 72a/2:72

sa/dm-i y d nazrd fle ke gar/r

par E?

parganozi ki dgeéazméarz‘d Md 1?


in the Country d oes the con mufi zgfisa l med marl djz’

r do

tracting farmer or the land d d d dd r mz'

l l i Iza z' d i ' zamz‘


hold er rece ive the sustenance d d r do

money ?

what is the name of the paper jzs ddgfi ag med dz'


gdp d dz“

wh ich contains an account zamz‘

d,td ldb jdgjd l g iwd d a ,

ofthe tanks , orchard s , boun wa-

g fi az'

ra dd alzwd l l id/2ddaries , etc. , of any v i llage li d/ i Izotd lzaz

zzsdd d d m dyd

ba i ?

they cal l itmuwdzad a , or boun usdo muwd zad a y d radba

dary sketch , da d d i da/zl e ka z’d .

Exercise — A certain lawyer had a very ugly d aughter who

was arrived at a marriageab le age ; but although he offereda considerab le dower and other valuab les , no one was incl inedto wed her. Brocad e and d amask , and pearls and jewels , wi llappear d isgusting on a brid e who is ugly. A t last , throughnecessity , he married her to a b l ind man. I t is said that, inthe same year, there arrived from the island of Sarand ip

(C eylon) a famous phys ic ian who could restore sight to the

b l ind . They asked the father, W hy d o you not have your

son - in- law cured ? H e said , Because I am afraid that, i f heshould recover h is sight , he wi l l d ivorce my daughter , who isnow his wed d ed wi fe. I t is best that the husband of an uglywoman should be b l ind .


butler ! have you brought a (djgdm dmd d ! ) tum (ddware/zi )eood ld

,e do2’

yes , madam one has come lzd d (mem-sd lzib), dj ed dy d

tO -day he is present here , lzaz'

y z'

lz lzd g z’

r lza z .can you coed l am (d/zd d d -fadd ) sad le lzoyes , madam I can prepare lzd d mem-gd lzz



s {aralztwenty or twenty- fi ve d z



ded/zd d e laz'

yd r dar sad ld lzzi d .

have you any eer l zfi ea les l zzm/zd repd : do; lza z'yes , madam ! certificates from jz


d lzz


b, das éd ra/z

ten or twelve ged l lemed , (salzz'

d- logod ) d z“


l l lzz'

yd d


d .

your certifi cates are good but tum/zdm‘



yd d to aelzelz/zz‘

I wi l l not g ive you sue/z d ig/z lzaz'

d ledz'

d ab/z i 1zam (z'

ln i

wages just now, landing/dd ) 72a dedge.

madam can please lzerself ; first (dug d r md lz’

d lzaz'

d ) pablesee my work ; should it be ddm ded/zled ; parad d bogd

approved , youwi l l ofyourself to d]? I n”

muj/ze z'


d d dedgz‘

d i'

g ive wiza l wi l l satz'

gfvme, merd pel bhar-id , e.


I wi ll try you for a month , and ed mab i‘

ne dam (tumda‘

rd ddmfor that time pay you seven

rupees ; after that , i f yourwork be good , I wi ll payyou ten rupees a month ,

very wel l , madam I will work ,

butler ! tel l th is man that we

want t/ze l i ttle breadfast earlyevery day, at seven o


c lock ,breadfast at e leven , tifi n at

three , and d inner , in the

even ing , at e ight O'

clock ,breadfast is on the table ,

the curry is good , but the

outlets are spoi led ,

i f he remain a short time , he

w i l l learn what d ind offoodyou eat,

two guests (outsi ders)wi l l d inehere to-day get whatever i s

requi red from the market atonce ,

bring a roastingfatal and some

ch ickens ,the butc/zer has not brought

mutton to- day,

has not the bader come yet?

make two or three toasts ,the mas ter and m istress bot/zd i ne out to- day ,

the butter -man has not come

yet , and breakfast—time is

at hand

let someone go gn iedly , and

bring the butter soon ,

the ti nn i ng of the cookingutensils is all off, send for

the ti n -man,

the coo/dingr ingred ients also are

finished ,

nurse ! bring baby ; the master

is going out , and wants to

d i ss it ,

d ed/zedge). tab tad sd t rzZpa idodge, p i e/zlze ddm aelzclz/zd

bogd to das rnpai dedge.

mai d dd 77:(aelzc/z/zd lznzd r),

Md nsdman I i se batd -do d i

sawere roz sd t baje (cd lwti'

lzd g i r i ), gyd ralz baje (barf[ Me i r

-i ), tin baje (ti an ), anrslzdm

do d tlz baje (ki d-

d d )lzamed ( li d/ziye.

(lzd jzi r i ) mez par Iza i .dd n

toae/ze/z/zi lza i , led in (datl isMardb lzo-

gayd ).t/zore d in ralzegd to (jd n


egd ) d i dp (daisd dd d d d )d/zd te Izaid .

a] (bd lzar de do sd lzibod ) ddd/zd nd lzogd ; (jo duck/z

elzd /zzye) abd i bd zd r se molle- d


(dabd di mwgfi i ) d ur due/212

e/zidan (e/zzize) ld ,o.

dj (h i e/tar) (matan ) na/zi d

roti -wd ld ab tad nalzm dyd

do ti n (lost) bandp .

d/ sd lzib anr mem (donod5 dd

dd d dd bd lzar lza i ).mad/zan iyd d ab tad d all i n dyd ,

aur lzd zi r i dd wad? (d -

gay d

(do, i ja ld 7a,e) anr maddlzan

(dan y -dar ) l d ,e.

dartanod par (dala'

j) na/zzn

ralzi (da la'


gar) do buld lo

(masd l i lz) M i fi at/n [ l o-


lza i .(dyd l ) dd dd do ld

o sd lzibéd /zar jd te lza i d , (elz17ma lend )e/zd lzte ll o id .



nurse ,

see what the c/zi ld is

d oing !tell the groom to get the buggy ,

- ready , the master is goingout,

let h im get the p/zaeton readyat four o'

c lock ; we Shal l go- Outfor a d r ive,groom ! bring the horsequickly ,

I amsadd ling it , sir

the capta i n s horse goes both in

t/ze sadd le and In a carriage ,

I always prefer r id ing (onlzorsebacd ),

th is hor'

se Is very vici ous ,

the horse has d ropped a shoe;send for thefarmer

shoe the horse ,

liane the sad d lemended ,

sweeper ! sweep the place ,

sweeper come here ; see how

fi lthy th is room is ,madam ! I have bntjnst swept .

it the ch i ld ren have l itteredit again



washerman what sort of

clothes have you brought ?SIr ! nowadays the water is

d irty ,

why don'

t . you clear it witha lum

1 do, S ir, and yet . it remainsd irty ,

you are very careless ; you

have not -even done the

i ron ing well ,tai lor ! how have you sewnth is

sti tc/i nicely ,

sew the mas ter'

5 s/zi rt soon ,

bearer ! take a letter and postit, and i f any letters for me

dyd ! deddo (bdbd ). dyd dartd

da i !

sa,is se dado (baggd i


dare), sd d ib bddar jd tedaid .

cdd r baje (jitan ) taiyd r dare,

dam (dawd dd dne)jd ,edge.

sa,i s gdord ja ld i ld ,


sd d ib (zin das radd )dun .

(daptd n -sd‘

dib) dd gdord (z i nsawdm

bd i‘

detd ) anr gd rz‘

med bd i lagtd dai .

dam damesda (z i n - sawd r i )pasand darte dai d .

y id gdord bard (natddat) da i .gdore dd ed na

l gi r-

gayd (na'


band ) do bn ld’


gdore de (na'

l lagd'

o).zin dz

(marammat dard o).(mid ta r ! )jd d rn do.

mzd tar ! yad d d d o deddo y id '

(damrd ) dazsd ma i ld dai .

mem sd d ib (abd i to jd d r gayd'

idd ) bdbd logod d e pd i r

(d d rd dar-d iyd ).(ddobz

tum daise dapre ld ,edo .


sddib (dj-da l )pdn i mai ld dai .:

tum (pd itd i r i‘

) se dya‘

d (safd )nad i d darte.

sd d ib ! (dari d to dun ), (pd i rbd i )mai ld rad td da i .

tum bare (snst) do ; (istr i ) bd iacdcdd i nad i d d i .

(darz i l )y id tum d e daisd szyddai

tum (badd iyd acdcddd d iyd

daro).sddi b dd (damis)ja ld (si ,o)berd ! cd i ttd i le jd ,a (d d d mendd l anr damd r i cd i ttd i


have arrived , bring them yd d a“

; dod ,to lete d o.

w i th you ,

I have posted the letter , sir ! sd d ib, c/zi tt/zi'

d d l -dya (wi ldyatT he E ng l isd ma i l has not d z

dd d ) abd i nabi d d,z‘

, post

yet arr ived ; the post-master md star dad td tdd d i dj dersaid it would arrive late med d , eg i


tod ay ,

who is going round the bunga


what gentleman'

s donse is that

bring some fi re and a c/zeroot,bearer get the bath water ,

see who that is com ing in a

pdaeton ,

it is the major ,

let the gentleman come in ,

g ive h im my compl iments ,

bring a cda i r , and some tea

for the gentleman ,

tel l the peon to remain in

attend ance ,


is thepandhe-wd ld gone?

tel l him to pul l thepanddd ,

who brongd t the major'

s letter ?

he is present there , sir

tel l him to g ive my best com

pl imen ts to his master ,

the water -man has not put

water in the batd - room to—day

give the mnnsd i my com pl iments ,

wel l , mans/u" where were you


S ir ! there was a great dea l ofrain yesterday, I was unable

never.m inda t wdat rate does gra in sel l

nowad ays?

wheat sells at twenty seers , and (bi s ser) ged zid anr bdjs ser

gra in at twenty- two , (clzana'

) bidtd dai .

(badgle) d i (cd d ron tazy’

) daungd zimtd dai

wud d i s sd d ib d i (dot/i i ) daidg ld ,o,

aur (cd urnt).berd nad d ne de l iyepd n z



deddo to (jitan par ) dann d td

d a i .

(mejar—sdd ib) dazn .

sd d ib do d d e do (sa ldm dado).

d arsi ld,o, aur sdd ib de l iye

(cd i ) ld ,o.

(cdaprd si ) se dado d d z i r rad e.

(pandd e-wd ld dadan gayd

dadopandd d dd i d cde.


ar -sd d ib d i cd i ttd i daun

dng d r ,wnd dd g i r da i .

dado ,sd d i b do (dad ut badut

sa ldm) dad e.

bd isd tc‘

ne dj (gd usl -ddd ne)med pd n i nad zn bdard .

(mans/i i ) sd d ib do damdrd

saldm do.

(mnnsd i . ji ! ) dal dp dad d d’

td e ?

sd d ib da l (pd nz'

bad nt)barastdid d (d na sadd ).

dncdd parwd nad id .

djda l (andjdd dy d bd d ,o da i



sarkar, take the d raft and'

bring the money : be quick ,

what must be d one ? it is now

eleven O'

clock ,be quick , that I may have the

money in time ,

let me have it by two 0'

,c lockgo to the counting-house , and

speak to the head sarkar,tell the sarkar to take banknotes and pay the amount

of the d raft,the money must now be sent

to Mr.

request Mr. to ord er what

remains to be pa id in beforethree O


clock ,have you ever been to Mr.

s gard en

sir, I go that way every day ,

youmust go there immed iately ,

else noth ing will be d one ,

send a sarkar to h ire a boat,

I wil l go to C hauringI to-day,

go to the C h ina Bazar , and buya pair ofglobe lanterns ,

who will col lect the b i lls

sardd r d una’i le/d o anr r d

pazja ld ld o.

dyd darnd dogd"

abd i gyd rad

baje da id .

jald i jd p , d i majd do wad tparr dpa i m i ljd ,ed .

do ba/e tad merepds ddz i r daro.

daftar—fi d ne med jddar bare’

sardd r se dado.

sardd r se dado d i band - lot ledar

d nnd i de r zZpai ad d dare.

rdpaz abd i fn ld ne sdd ib do

bdejne dodge.

fn ld ne sd d ib se arz daro, d i ti n

baje sepad le bddi r dpai adddared .

tam dabd i fn ldne sd d ib de bdgdmed ga,e do

sd d i b,mai d dar roz us rdd

sejd td d zi d .

tam wad d d isi wadt [ d onab i d to ducdd na dogd .

sardd r do ed d isd ti d i rdya

darne de [ 2ye bdejo.

ma id d] C danr ing i jd d dgd

Cd ind bd zd r jd dar do go!


bi l dd rdpiya wnsd l

daregd ?

Exercise.—There was a king, who had no son he tried many

remed ies and exped ients , but d erived no ad vantage whateverfrom them ; he was therefore greatly d ejected , but would not

d iscover the cause of th is to any one. By chance , a strol lingm end icant arrived ; he then d isclosed th is h is affl iction to him ,

on wh ich the holy man wrote out a charm , and thus prescribed .

“A fter d issolving th is in rose-Water , you must d rink it alongwith your

queen and on your having a son , you must cal l h imM id r Mnn i r , bestowing on h im every sc ience '

and all sorts of

accompl ishments ; but beware of marrying him against h isconsent. Hav ing thus d irected , he wand ered away. Th isd ivine prescription be ing d issolved in rose-water, the king and


queen d rank it O ff, and by its blessed influence they had at lasta


-fine healthy boy. Whatever the pilgrim had enjo ined te

specting him , was al l put in practice.

L ESSO N 56.—1n continuation .

Agbajdn is clever in col lecting dgd djd n bi l de rupa i wusd lb i lls , darne med dfld b d usdyd r

d a i .

it is very d iffi cult to get money fuld ne sd d ib se rdpiya m i lnd

ofsuch a one , bad ut musdd i l dai .


have been to the bazér sugar maid bd zd r gayd td d , cd i n i ab

is now seers a rupee , rapa i d i sd rde tin ser d a i .

it wi l l be better to wait a few tdore d in sabr darde daprdd ays ,and then buy the c loth , mol - lend bid tar da i .

Ofwhat use are such people ? a i se d dmt d is ddm de d ai d

they know noth ing of busi wud ducd d d dm nad i d jd n te.

ness ,

I und erstand bus iness— I am mai d dd rbd r /d ntd d d d , mujdenot easi ly imposed upon , jareb dend d sd d nad i d .

raisins are s ix seers for a rupee , d isdmisd r dpa i dz“

cdda ser da i .

buy about one thousand rupees'

ed d azd r rzipai d i mol - le-lo.

worth ,

there is no und erstand ing the bd za‘

r d d n i rdd td z‘

d ma’

l dmhazér prices ,

nad i d do-sadtd .

in C alcutta , the -bazér rate is : K a ldatte med bd zd r dd n i rd d

scarce ly for two hours al ike , dogd ar i edsd d nad in rad td .

I,made a d eposi t ; to-morrow


ma i d d e bai'

d na d iy d dai , da l

1 Shal l see.them weighed ,

. cd i zed wazn darwd l d dgd .

see that you are not imposed dd abara’

d r , dad z‘

d tum tdage naupon , jd ,o.


have you‘

com pared them with tum ne undo namd ne se mi ld

the Sample ? d o they agree ? l iy d dai .f’ wud mi lte daid

yd nab id

two or three packages are do y d tin baste sab se bid tar

superior, d aid .

goand procure a pass for the jo jo cd z‘

zed taiyd r da i d ,jd ,o,th ings that are ready, aur unde wd stepd s le- d


Exercise.— When the prince became a man , be one day took

leave of h is father and went away to enjoy the chase , where

a beauti ful d eer came in s ight , grazing on a pla in ,with a gold en

collar round its neck . H e then gave these orders to the peoplewho were with him :

“Y ou must manage to catch th is fawnal ive— surround it on all s ides ; i f we thus get i t,

so much the


E xercises —“l ine in th is perplexi ty the eyes of the princel ighted on a dwell ing , and th inks be ,

" Wel l , let me at leastlearn to whom th is house belongs. H e then beheld a vener

ab le aged dar wesh seated there , to whom , after salutation , he

observed , Wi th your leave may I remain all night here ?By al l means , my ch i ld , repl ied the venerab le man , the

house is at your service. H aving quickly given the necessaryd irections for his guest s repast , as we l l as the horse


s gra in

and fod d er , when d one also 11 1th entertain ing h im , he asked ,

Prav who are you , young gentleman , and why have you come

here ? H e then related the whole of h is late ad venture. In

the meantime ,what d oes he see ? Lo ! on a splend id throne ,

four fairy queens , exquis itely beauti ful , c lad in rich brocad e ,

and covered from head to foot wi th jewels and prec ious stones ,

sud d enly d escend ed , who , having al ighted , mad e their obe isanceto the reverend sage , and seated themselves respectful ly in h ispresence .

L ESSO N 58 .— I n con tinuation .

bring those good s In carts from parm i t~

gd ar se wud cd zzen

the custom house , gd f zvod med le-d 0.

you must attend to everyth ing , tum/zed sab bd tod d d Mayd l

darnd paregd .

put the godown N O . 2 into d d sre nambar dd goddm

order , and see that there is d urust daro,aur d eddo

no d amage , ducdd nudsd n na done pd ,e.

i f you don'

t look to everyth ing , agar tum sab cd i zod d i dd d

who else wi l l ? bard d r z‘

na daroge, to daun

daregd L?

I am going out, let me see mai d bd dar jd td d d d ,ddabar

everyth ing ready when I dar d i jab ma id lautdar

come back , dni n to sab cd z ed taiyd r

pd ld d .


i n , are the counting-house darbd n , daftar -fi d ne de sar

sarkars corne d d r sab d,e d a i d

who is at work in the iron l nd d r de dd rdd d ne med daun

factory ? ddm dar i d d a i

sir , nobody is yet come ,sd d ib

,do; abd i

tad nab i d dyd .

how is th is ? not yet come ! bd t dyd d a i ? d i wud abd i‘


what t ime of day d o they und i‘

d d e— wud d i s wad t

mean to come d nd cd d d te dai d

th is is the case every d ay , and dar roz y id i d d l d a i i si wd ste

therefore Mr.—


s work is fuld ne sd d ib dd ddm abd i

not yet d one , tad nad in d o cd udd .


when they come tod ay we jabwud djdwedge to dam unse

w ill settle th is business , y id bd i sam/d ledge.

Mr. is speaking to m e f uld ne sdd i b dar roz i s dam de

d ai ly about th is work , l iye mujd e dad te dai d .

when they come , send them jab wud d ,ed to undo mere pd sto me.

Exercise — T he sage remarked ,

“Well , th is was not your

visi ting-d ay here , pray tel l me on what account you have

come. They repl ied ,

“Worsh i pful saint , there is a princessnamed Badar .Mun i r ; we intend ed to pay her a vis it, th is is theroad , and we could not fi nd it in


Our hearts to pass by withoutfirst paying our respects to you. H e then said , Good , do

take th is prince also along with you ; he wi l l at al l events see

whether Badar Mun i r is more lovely than the lad ies of h is

palace, or they fairer than she. T o th is the fairies agreed ,

and , having handed them to their throne , fi ew away, and in the

twinkl ing O fan eye reached the palace ofBadar M unz‘

rf T he

instant that M id r Mun i r d iscovered that ange l'

s face , brightas the moon , he became enamoured with her , wh i le she also ,

adm iring his rad iant countenance and flushed by love'

s magicbloom , shone resplendent with the charms ofa damask rose.

L ESSO N 59 .— l n continuation .

how long are those Europegood s to l ie at the custom


se ?

sir, without an invoice to knowwhat they are ,

how can

I bring them ?

d i fferent sorts of good s payd i fferent rates ofduty ,

by O pen ing the boxes and

seeing the ir value , you willbe ab le to und erstand ,

sir , I cannot myself O pen the

packages ,

in open ing the packages , the

good s may be injured ,

sarkar , take the invo ice and

go d irectly ,

sir , I am going ; please to giveme the invo ice ,

dabtad wud wi ldyati cd i zed

parmi t—gdar


med part“


sddib, bzfla i r cda ld n dy d d

dar asbdb ddald s dar ld

sad id d d d .5’

dar ed cd iz dd judd judd madsul da i .

un sand zi dod de ddolne , aur

d imat deddne se, tum ma l dm


sddi ,b ma i d adeld baste ddol

nad i d sad td .

basta ddolne se sd dyad . cd i zed

ddard b dojd ,ed .

sardd r , cda ldn leda i i si wad t

wad d d jd o.

d uzd r ma i d jd td d d d ,cdd ld n


at two o’

c lock the custom do baje parmi t-gda r de sd d ib

house O ffi cer came and ne d dar sand d d dd ulwd,e.

- opened the boxes ,

when I have s igned each in jab maid sab cd d lanod parvoice , I wi l l g ive them to sad i d dar cd udd dgd to

the sarkar to be copied , and d d r do nad l darne do d d dgd ,

th en send them to you, pd zr tu/nd d repd s bdei o dudgd .

kirani , copy these , and give d zra’

n z‘

, nad l darde pzyd de dethem to the sergeant , d awd le dar -do.

cal l a b lacksm i th , and O pen l ud d r do buld dar , sand zi d dd ul

the boxes ; com pare the wd dar, asbd b d i ta


d d d aur

value and quan tity of the dz'

mat cd d la‘

n. de mutdbid

goods w ith the invoice , then dardepd i r band -daro.

make them tight again ,

E xercise — Three watches of the nigh t gl id ed away in such

pleasure, harmony, and d el ight , as human tongue cannot

express . When these four fairy d amsels were about takingleave , they ad d ressed the prince thus : C ome along. H e ,

be ing pierced to the heart w i th the arrow of lot e , repl ied ,

I wi l l not go , i f you must set off, by all means d epart.’

O n representing th is to Badar .Munz‘

r , that She m ight persuadeh im to take leave ,

they perceived that she also had no d esire to

let h im go away. In th is perplexity they Observed , N owwhat

is to be d one ? i f we leave h im , how Shal l we Show our faces tothe holy man ? and i f we convey him hence in the presentposture of affairs , She wi l l be offended ; the best ad vice is towa i t a l ittle longer, t il l both begin to S lumber. A fter th is ,

wi th the fatigue of s itting up , both got a-nod d ing ; they thengently and artful ly raised h im on the throne, and with some

ph i ltre lul l ing h im asleep , flew offw ith him.

L ESSO N 60 .—l n continuation.

sergeant, when you have S igned dawaldd r , jab apn i‘

sad i‘

d dar

your name , give it to the cdudo, to tadwz’

ldd r do do.

cash ier,the Officer hav ing entered the ddazd d cd i

ne sab sandud d i‘

particulars of every case in ajnd s dd d d l a lag a lag l i dd

h is book , and the duty on dar dar ed cd z‘



d d madsuleach article , wrote the judd judd lagddar jam


amount ,taking the invoice , I had to wud i cda ldn ledar pd i r par

go again , and show it to mi t-de sddib de d uzd r med

the head Offi cer, [ d nd d d I d


i f I don'

t go myself, noth ingis d one ,

S ir, I know , fi ve days ago , you

wrote to Patna that the

th ings would be forward edto-morrow or next day , and

no pass is Obtained ,

how can they go? they can


be sent wi thout a pass ,

is the order for screws gone to

Kashipur factory ?

they prom ised . to send them

to- day ,

i f they d on'

t come th is eveningyou go there before gun- fi re ,

for want of these screws the

bales of cotton are lyingloose ,

no one knows when the vesselwi ll sai l ,

have you col lected the b i llsI gave you yesterday

sir, I have given in the moneyfor all you gave me


E xerci se — T he prince ne i ther d istinctly articulated with h ismouth , nor opened h is eyes , all that he raved be ing ,

“A las .

Badar rld un i r !"

In short, they placed h im in the palki , and

conveyed h im w i th fear and trembl ing to the king , to whomthey Stated the matter so : May it please your Majesty,

yesterday afternoon a lovely fawn came in s igh t , and the

prince . after forb id d ing us , set h is horse after it h imsel f atful l gallop ; we nevertheless followed at a respectful d istance.

She took shelter in so w i ld a wood , that the prince escapedour s igh t entirely , though we were al l following him wi th our

eyes ; besides wh ich , d arkness overtook us , and we beinghelpless passed the whole n ight in that place ; but ris ing byd aybreak we continued - our inquiries ; at last we found h im

bzgda i r mere jane de d ucdd

nad i d dotd .

dd uddwand, paned d in gugra

d i dug d r ne l idd d tdd , d i

da l P atne do ch i zed rawd na

dodg i , aur abtad dda ld siudma nad i d m i ld .

wud dy d d dar jd sad i i dam ?

wud pd s bzgda i r bd ijwddnad i d jd

-sad ti d .


d sd ipzi r de lud d r—djgd ne .med

pecd band ne do dudm bdejdgayd d a i

undod ne a/ bd ejne dd wa’

dad zyd da i .

agar wud dj sd dm tad na d,ed

to tum top de dgejd nd .

in pecdod de na done se, sd r i

mid de baste ddulepa g'

e dai d .

d isi do ma'

l zim nad i d jad d zdab dd ulegd .

dyd tum un tamassudod dd

rupiya wuszi l darcd ude, joma i d d e da l tumded d zyetd e i?

dd ud dwand , ji tn i farded ta

massud d i dpne bande do

dawd le d i id i d , sab d d

r dpzya ld -dzyd da l .


in th is d istracted cond i tion , at the lodge of a herm it there.

When we inquired of him , he also gave us no informationwhatever , though we naturally conjecture that the person '


name wh ich is mentioned must be one with whom the princeis in love .


L ESSO N 62 .— 1n continuation .

do you know where N ajmudd in is ?

sir , I heard he is not com ingto-day ; h is brother says he

has a fever ,how d oes he mean to d o h is

work ? he has a fever dai ly,

was the c loth exam ined yesterd ay , and placed to Muham

mad A l i ’s account '


sir, it is entered in the wastebook , not in the ledger,

why so ? i f he O bjects to the

brokerage ,how is it to be

settled ?

sir, I wil l thank you to settle sd d i b, dp us de sd td i s bd l dd- it with h im ; he d oes not fa isala dared ,

wud damd r im ind us in the least , bd t ducdd bd i nad i d md ntd


make out the account ofwhat jo daprd i s wad t tad us d e mol

c loth he has purchased up lzyd da i us dd d isdb daro.

to th is time ,

balance the account , leaving da l dd daprd amdnat radd

out the cloth bought yester dar ,ag ld d isd b daro.

d a

the dccount ough t not to re m i zd n d iye bzgda ir disd b pardmain unbalanced ,

na rad ne d end cd dd iye.

Exercise.— T he king then tend erly began My ch i ld ,

i f youw i l l d iscover your affliction , we shal l then consid er ofa remedyfor it.

A fter much entreaty he returned , O h , my d ear father ,the only spec ific I want is Badar Mun i r ; possessed of her

I would recover.

" They next interrogated about her ad d ress

and resid ence. T he prince sorrowfully said , I know not ,

ind eed . H e rejected all food , continued day and n ight heaving

tum jan te do N ajmudd in

dad d d dai

sd d i b, mazn ne sund da i d i wud

djnad i d d,egd ,

° us de bd d}ne dad d d i us do buddd r da i .

wud dy d d dar nandar i daregdus do dar roz tap d ti d d i .

da l daprod dd nz'


_ d darydftdarde Mud ammad

A l i de

ndm med jam'-d/_zarcd d iyd

gayd da i , y d und i d .9

sddi b dj 7'

d dar bad i med l idd d

gayd dai , led in dd d te med

m undar ijnad zn du,d .

n i sd dy d d d d,d agar wud

da l ld l i dz“

dastzi r i dd'


radd td da i to dy d d dar


d eep sighs , and weeping b i tterly. Witnessing th is d istress ,h is parents also were sorely affl icted , and kept beating the irbreasts in such anguish for their son that the affairs of the

state were runn ing fast into d isord er and confusion. T he

m in ister was a prudent man , and thus remonstrated to H is

Majesty Let not your Highness be so woe-begone , but attend

as usual to the,interests of your kingdom ; your slave is d is

patch ing messengers in every d irection ; should a princess of

the name be found anywhere; we may then get the princemarried to her ; i f the parents agree with a good grace , all is

wel l i f not, why, let us force them .


L ESSO N 63.— l n continuation .


account of Shawls , hand d isdb.

sdd l.

r dmd l , aur bdftekerchiefs , baftas , etc. , wh ich wagiza i ra dd , jo tdadar gaydhave been agreed for, is al l td d

, sab bebd d do-

gayd .

settled ,

there is noth ing else due to us dd aur d ucdd bdd i'

nab i d ,

him ; i f you please to com agar dp jam’

0 flared dd

pare Dr. and C r. you Wi l l mudd ba la dared to ma'

l zim

see ,

Panchft sarkar, what are you

d oing ? see that the accounts

are correct ,

I am '

afraid there are errors in

C aptain L eyden’

s last year'


account ,

I can ’

t make out what sugar,coffee , sugar

-candy , and rai

sins have been purchased ,

S ir, here is noth ing“without a

wri tten ord er the accounts

agree wi th what is wr itten ,


s not what I mean . I sayit

s not c lear what belongsto each account ,

sir, there is no fear about that— I have by me the accounts

ofsales and purchases ,

P ancd d sardd r , dyd darte do .9

d eddo d i d isdb di tdb med

gda lati na do.

mujde '

sdadd d a i d i K aptd nL eden sd d i b de sd l -gugasd tede d isd b d i td b med gda l tiyd ddaid .

ma i n nad zn ma'

l zim dai sad ta

d i d i td i sdadar , aur dadwa ,

aur m isr i , aur d isdmisd

ddar i d i gad da i .sd d i b, bigda i r tad r i r i dudmde yad d d ducdd nad i d dai ;

disd b tad r i r se mi ltd d ai .

y i d merd ma tlab nab i’

d . Ma i n

dad td d d d d i d ar ed de

d isdb med d i tnd dogd , y id

sdf ma'

l dm nod -i d dol d .

sad ib, us dd ducdd andesda

d ad td— merepd s fi ar id our

fa roddt de d isd b da i d .


I t appears to me all the ac mujd e ma'

l d m dol d nai , d i sab

counts are in con fusion ,d isdb ulatpa lat da i .

sarkar, are all my th Ings sardd r , mer i sab cd i zed ta iya‘


ready dai d

sir , the sarkar has taken sd d ib, sardd r unde l iye rdpiyamoney for them ; no d oubt legayd da i ; aur gard r do

they wi l l be here by two baje tad cd i‘

zed yada‘



clock , pad ud cd edg i .when they come , send them jab wud d

,ed usi

d am N a e

immed iately to N ayd G hat , Gdd t par bdej-dend .

it is now h igh water, I can'

t ab bd d tdd da i , ma id aur

wait longer, tdadar nad i d sad td .

E xercise —When the bearer of such cheering intell igenced el ivered the letter into the m inister’

s hand s , he forthwi thconveyed it to the emperor


s C O tu t and when H is Majesty cas t

h is eyes over th e l ines , he fel t his heart glow wi th renovated

v igour. In Short , he was supremely happy , and accord inglyOrd ered a revvard for the bringer of these glad tid ings. Thatd ay , in every house over the whole c ity, there were great

rejoic ings , and the king thus instructed the m in ister : I w i l lset out on such a day to celebrate the auspic ious marriage ofM i d r q n z

r ; in the meantime , get all the equi page imme

d iately ready for the royal nuptials , as wel l as the necessar iesfor ourjourney . In that period every requis i te was prepared ,

and the king set forth in great pomp and splendour, alongwi th h is army ,

w ith a retinue and procession so numerous and

resplend ent that a d etai l here would prove too ted ious. In

a few weeks he entered th e other'

s territories wi th becom inggrandeur and d ign i ty , w ith flying colours and band s ofmusic ,

and thence , having accomplished the Object ofh is journey, he

returned to his own capital in a very Splend id manner , bringingwi th h im his son and daughter, attended wi th melody , pleasure ,

and del ight.


PA R T I I .


ENGL ISH AND H INDUSTAN ’I'.T H E following copious selection Of phrases wi ll be found to

answer two d istinct purposes : (1) to exerc ise the stud ent in

read i ly turn ing into Hindustani every possible variety ofEngl ishexpressions ; (2) to serve as a vocabulary of useful word s,each sentence contain ing a lead ing word printed in i tal ics ,

arranged accord ing to the order of the alphabet. T he HinduStani word or word s in each sentence , correspond ing to the

Engl ish word printed In ital ics , is included with in a parenthes is.

T h is plan of vocabulary w i ll , it is presumed , have a great

advantage over a mere d ry l ist of word s , as the stud ent will , inevery instance , see the manner in wh ich the word 15 employed .

F inally ,the same word is occas ionally repeated twice ,

ib r even

thrice ,when it happens to have more than one s ignification , or

when it d enotes d i fferent parts of speech , as substantive , adjective , or verb .

A .

abandoned —i


T he crew , dauing abandoned jaddzz‘

(or mal ld d ) jad d z do“

the sh ip , had run away, (cddordar)bddg-

ga,e tde.

H e does not abate me one mujde wud ed paisd'

nad z‘


pice, gdatd td .

A bide with me a few days , more sd td cdand roz (rado).H e possesses great abi l i ty , wud


_d_i2b (ddbi l iyat) radd td

dai .

H e Is an able man , wud (ld ,i d ) d dmt dai .Are you able to do th is ? tum y id (dar-sadte do)2

I have been absent ten days,-maid das roz se (gZiair-d d zi r)d d d .

100 absta in ~ —add i tion .


e ought to absta in fromcomm i tting evi l .

I t is absurd to speak thus ,

Take as much as you please ;I have abundance ,

That is an A byssin ian s lave ,

H e goes to an academy dai ly ,

Do you accede to what I propose or not ?

I stil l retain my H indfi sténiaccent,

T he book you sent m e was

acceptable,H e immed iately accepted myOffer ,

Except you accompany me , Iwi ll not go ,

I was not able to accompl isd

mywishes ,

Have yOu an account withh im

H e is accused of robb ing his

master ,

A ccustom yourself to read and

Write ,

Th is fi‘n it is very acid .

H e hasmany acqua intances ,I am aq zd i d ted with all ,H e das acqui red great knowledge ,

H e has been tried and acqui tted ,

A gooa ac'


n d eserves Our

praise ,

H e is éKCeed ingl y acti ve in

that business ,T he angel Of God expelledA dam and Eve fr'om parad isc ,

T he angel o/ deatd seizes uponall men ,

H e has received an add i tion

to his salary,

damen cd d d iye d i bad i se (bd zraded ).

a isd dad nd ('

abas) da i .mere pd s (dasrat) se dai ji s

dadar cdd do lo.

wad (H absd i g izuldm)dai .wud (mad rase do) da r roz jdtdda i .

jo ma i n dad td d un , tum us do

(dabd l darte do)yd und i d

mai d abtad H ind zistd n i zabd ndd (ladja ) radd td d d d .

tum nc jo d i td b'

mujde bdejiwud mere (pasand d d ).

us d e'

fi - lfaur mer i bd t (dabd l

tumd d re (damrd d l iye) bigda i rma i n nad i d jd ne dd .

ma i d apn i murd d (d d si l’


dar-sadd ).us de sd td ducdd (d isdb d i td b)

radd te do

ustd d d i cd i z c'

d urd ne dd (us

par i lzdm lagdyd gayd da i ).l idd nepag‘d d e d i (

d dat

y id pda l bad ut (ddattd ) da i .us débad ut (dsdnd ) da i d .

ma i d sab se (wd d if d d d ).us ne bad ut


i lm (d d si l d iy dda i )

mudaddame d i tadd idd t de ba‘d

wud (ri dd d iyd gayd ).nee (tan ) ta




f de note

da i .

wud us ddm med '

d id dyat

(cdd ld d ) da i .dd udd de fi r isd te


d e’

(A dd n‘



H an na do)fi rdaus se d idd l

d tifll .

(ma lad -ul—maut) sab d dmiyod

l .

us d i tanddwd d dd (igdfi z) d d ,dda i .

a ord— ancient.

Pray aford meyour assistance ,

I do not wish to ajront h im ,

H er age is not more than ten

years ,

m id rbd n i darde (mer i madad

d ijiy e).ma id us do (na-rd z darnd )

nad i d cd d d td .

us d c“


umr ) das baras se xi

yd da nad i d d a i .

DO you know who is his agent tumjd nte do us dd (gumd sd ta)

Stand ing before the court , he

began to be much ag i tated ,

1 agree to what you say,

H is company is very agreeable,

What agreement had vou withh im

T he a i r of th is country is veryunfavourab le ,

A las ! it is all true ,

T he two are perfectly a l ide ,

I saw an a l l igator in the

Ganges ,

A l low m e to go with you,

H e mad e me an a l lowance of

ten rupees ,

Have you

a lmanac?

I have not ye t l earned the

a lpdabet,Speak a loud ,

that I may hear


What al teration shall I make ?I t is now d one , and ca n


t be

a l tered ,

H e has amassed great weal th ,

T he b i l l w i l l amount to 500

rupees ,

\V hat is the amount O f y our

b il l ?

I was amazed at the amount ,

got th is year’


A muse yourself awh i le in the

gard en .

D ibl i is an ancient c i ty ,

daun da i’

ad d lat med ddare done parwud bad ut (dd dpne) la d .

jo tum dad i e do so ma id dabd l

dar i d d d d ).d i sudbat n id dyat (d i l

cdasp ) da i .

us se tum ne dy d (i drd r ) .d iydtd d

i s muld -d i (dawd ) badut nd

muwdfi d . da i .

(afi os) sab sacd d a i .donod bi - l-dul l (y adsd d ) da i d .

ma i d ne ed (magar )Gangd med

dedd d .

apne sd td mujddo cda lne (do).us d e m ujd do das rzipiya

(dastd r i ) d z"


tumd d re pd s i s sd l d z“

(jantr i )d a i ?

ab tad mai d d e (a l if-be) sidd inad i d .

(buland dwd z se) dado d i maidsunun ,

ma i d dyd (tabd i l dard d )ab wud do cd udd aur (tabd i l

nad i d do sad id ).us nebad ut daulat

d isdb d z“


pd n sau rdp iyd


tumd d re d isd b d i dy d (jam'

)dai ?

d isd b d i jam'

dedddar muj/ze


ajjub d d ,d ).

t/zor i der tad bdg_


med (d i l'

bad ldp ).D id l i (dad im) sdad r da i .

angry— arrested .

Does th is make you angry ?

Do you know th is an imal'


name ?

C an you g i ye an answer to

th is ques tion ?Th is w i l l answer my purpose ,

I am very anxious to get

there ,I have not seen h im anywdere,

H e made no apology for his

m isconduct ,H e made an appeal to Government ,

H e wil l not appear personal lyin th is business ,

I t appears to m e very s trange ,

H e/made an appl ication to thejudge ,

H is good s will be appra isedand sold ,

I appredend you have madea m istake ,

H e was appredended and putInto prison,

H e has appropr iated all his

property to th is purpose ,

DO you approve of what Isay ?

H e teaches the Bengali , SanSkrit, Hindustani , Persian ,

and A rabic languages ,There are fi ve arcdes in the

veranda ,

Th i s is an arduousund ertaking ,

L et us argue the point together,

H e uses very strong arguments ,I am now learning ar i tdmetic ,

T he king was at the head of

h is army ,

H e was arrested for debt - byBabfi Rae C handar ,


dyd tum is se (gd usse) dote dotum


i s jdnwar)dd ndmjdntedo

is sawd l dd (jawdb) de sadte


is se (merd ddm d id le

wadd d pad nd od d ebadut (dd r ) dai :

maid ne use (dad-i d ) nad zn

d edd d .

us ne apn i bad -atwd rz‘


ducdd (’

ugr) na d iyd .

us ne sardd r med (api l d i ).

wud dd wud is ddm med (zd d i rna dogd ).

majd do bard ta’

ajjub (ma’

l dm

dold da i ).us ne jaj sdd ib de pds (dard_


wd st) d i .us d c

cd ized (d imat tafw i’


dodar ) becd i jd ,edg i .

ma id (samajd td d d d ) d i tumd e dda td d i dai .

wud (gi r iftdr darde daid


d d ne) bdejd gayd .

us ne apn i sd r i daulat is ddm

(mafi sd s d i da i ).jo ma i n dad td d d d , wud tum

(pasand darte do)wud Baugld S ad sdr i t, H in

d d std n i , Farsi aur (’

A rabi )sidd d td dai .

bardmde med pd d cd (m id rd bed )dai d .

yid bard _ (musdd i l )ddm dai .

dam dpas med is bd tpar (bads;dared ).

wud dawi dal z'

led ld td dai .

fi l dd l ma id (d isd b)si dd td d d d .

bd dsd dd apne (la sddar ) dd pesdwd idd .

Bd bd -R d,e C dandar ne usda

darz dewd ste (gi r ijtd r diyd ).


Have you heard the news of

h is arr iva l ?

I am not acquainted wi th thatar t


They are very artf ul,

They d ea l in various articles ,

H as he repaired the carriageas I told him ?

Let us now ascend the moun

tain ,

A sd h im what is h is name ,

T o whom d oes that ass belongT he people of the villages

assembled ,

I saw a great assembl y O f

p eopl

I assent to your proposal ,

H e asserted that i t is so ,

W e ough t to assi st each other,

W hy d o you associate wi thev i l company ?I assure you there is no d angerin that matter ,

A ssured ly th is is true ,

H e man ifested great aston isd

ment on h is part ,A re you acqua inted wi th the

sci en ce of astronomyH ow shal l I atone for th isco nduct ?

T he enemy'

s cavalry attacded

us ,

H e never attempted to learn,

L et us attend to our stud ies,

I have rece i ved not ice to a ttend

the court at ten O'

clock ,

Your atten d ance there is re

quired ,

a rriva l— attendauce.

us se (pd cd do) d i tumdd rd ndm

wud d i sdd (gadd d ) da igd ‘

od de d dm i (jam'

li d/e).

d am sabad par apnd (d i l

mujd e dacdad r i med das bajed d g i r done d i i tti ld


m i l i da i .

wad d d tumd d r i (d d g i r i )r d r da i .

dp ue us de (padud cdne) d ifi abar sun i

ma id us (d unar) se wd d ifnad i d d d d .

wud bag'

e (d i le—bd z) dazn .

wud d ar d ism d i (cd i zod ) d itijd ra t darte da zn .

(muwdjid ) mere dad d e de usnegdri d i marammat d i da i

ab dam pad d g'

par (cdard ed ).

ma i n ne d dm iyod d i bar i


a i ) d edd i .ma i d tumd d r i bd i (dabd ldar i d d d d ).

us ne (dad d ) d i y id a isd da i .

d amed cd d d iye d i ed d d sre d i

(madad dared ).bad sudbat med dy d d (rad tedo)é’

'(yad i n raddo) us mu’

d ma lemed

ducd d dd d tra und id da i .

(yad z‘

nan)y id sacd da i .

us n e apud u i d dyat (ta'

ayjub)d d i r d iy d .

tum ( i lw i da i l at) med dudd l

radd ie do

damd r i i s tads i r dd (dafi i ra )d i s ta rad do sad id d a i

d usdman de sawd rod ne dam

par (dam/a d iy d ).is ne s i ddne med d ucdd (dosd z



I06 ban i s/z— begnn

W e may no“ban is/z our fears,


l hey are banbei s in C a lcutta ,

H e is lately become a banbrnpt,


e sat on the bare ground ,

Y ou have mad e a bad barga in ,

Th is d og barbs at everybody ,

I have sold my 20 barrels of

flour ,

Th is land is entirely barren ,

A las what base conduct am

I gui lty of

Bring some water in a basin .

Put these th ings in a basbet,I saw numbers of people bat/zi ng in the G anges ,

H e bears th is load on his head ,

Y ou bore it very patien tlv ,

I have beaten him twice in

learn ing ,

T he master has t/zoroug/zlybea ten the slave ,

I s that a man or a beast ?

Th is is a beautif ul gard en ,

T he sh i p was beea lnzea’ four

d ays ,

Beebon to h im to come here ,

H e has lately become veryproud ,

H e is i ll and confined to his


I have been stung by a bee ,

I beg your pardon for what

I have d one,


I here IS a begga r at the d oor , daru vazepar (fobi r) Iza i .

I Izave begun to speak Engl ish , main ne angzez i bolna (s/zuru’

b i lza i ).

ab 12am a’a/zs/zat (a

’zi r barel i ).wu/z K a lbatte men (ma/zajan ibarte) Iza in.

702112 More a’inon se (de uui lzj'd )


gay d ba i .

1zam zamz’

n par bai tbe.

tum (sana’e)men tbaga



y i/z battd sab par (bbaunbta'

ba i lma in ne apne ate be bz

s (p ipe)bee/wIza in .

y i/z zam i‘

n bi - l—b'

ul l (usar ) ba i .

afi os / bra (baa’

) ba'

m 771t se

sarzaal b iZ/i é’zara sci fa

n i'

(tas/zt)men la’


i n M iami bo (tobre) men fab/lo.

ma in ne ba/znt adm iyon bo

Ganga men fi ns] barte)deb/2a.

wu/z apne si r par y ib boj/z


botaba i ).tum ne ba/zut sabr be sat/z(bara

’as/zt biyd ).

ma in nepar/zne me72 us far domartaba (sabbat basi l b i ).

nzal ib ne glut/am bo (fi fi b’


) ba i .w ub insa

n ba i yd (baiwan )y i li ba/zut (W usb -n nma) bjg};ba i .


z (big/l a ir 1za be) thei ra’

in t/za/zrzi ralzd .

ya/zdn ci ne ba'

use (i s/za'

ra baro).t/zore a

in sewulz ba/zut magfi r ii r


gayd lza i ).w i t/Z bima


r i b i Zza’

lat me72

(bistar )far para’

Izai .slza/zaa

b i“


ne muj/ze

a’anb nui rd

jo ma i n n e biya Iza i (mu'


beg inning— bleeds.

I t has ne ither - beginn ing nor

end ,

H e bel ieves whatever peopletell h im ,

Does th is knife belong to youT he ears of corn , be ing ri pe ,

bend to the ground ,

H as the med ic ine afford ed youbenefitI have been three years in

Benga l ,I beseee/z you to pay attention ,

H e is beset on all s id es withbusiness ,

I am going to the shoemaker'sto bespeab a pair of shoes ,

th ink it wi ll be best to d o so ,

I am a poor man , be pleasedto bestow one rupee ,

Mine is better than yours ,Beware of the engine ,

Why do you bi d me d o th is

H ow big is the book you

speak of

G ive me your bi l l , I wi llpay it ,

Bind h im hand and foot ,H e has bound up the parcel ,What bi rd is th is ?H e was bi tten by a jackal ,Th is fruit is very bi tter ,

Am I blameable in th is ?

T he blame rests only upon me ,

N 0 , w ithout d oubt you are

blameless ,A fter be ing bled , he recovered ,

I have cut my finger, see howit bleeds ,

I 07

na us bd (awwa l )ba i na dfi i r


o buelz/z b-i log use balzte ba znwu/z (bdwar bar - letd bai ).

y i li ebbur i (tnmbd r i ba i )andf bi bd len pub/gm bobar ,

zamtn par j/zubtz'

Izain).tum bo i s dawa se but /2b

(fa ia’a) in? d

main (Bangd le) nzen tin ba i as

se bun .

main (i l timd s bartd bun) bitip tawajju/zfarmd ,en.

wuli e/zaron taraf se bani men

(gbi rd ) ba i .

ma i n moo/ u bi duban par eb

Jorajutd (banwane bo ba/zne)jd i d tum.

mere nazd ib a isd barud

bogd .

ma i n mulztdj/i un, m i /zrbd nz’


eb rupiya (’

indyat btjiye).tumbd re se merd (aebebbd )bai .injan se (bus/zyd r rabo).tum bis wd ste muj/ze y i li bd nzbarne bo (babte) boé’

wu/z bi td bjis bd g ibr tum ne


bi tn z‘

(bar i ) baitum afn i (bi sd b bi fard ) [ d o

main add barungd .

us be ba'

t/z pri onus negatbr i bo (basd lzai )y i li baun (cb i r iyd ) baius bo eb gi dar ne (bd td ).yi li gbal babut (bagwa

) ba i .byd main i s men (tabst


r -wd r )bun [ bat

i s ba‘

(i lzam) inuj/zz‘

far lagta .

nab i‘n , be-slzabb tum (be-busur)



d (fasd b/zulwa’

ne) be wu/z


ungl z‘

bat-ga,i , deb/to byd

(Mun bab id bai ).

I 08 blessing— brave.

Bv the blessi ng of G od I am

be tter ,

H e is now quite bl i nd ,

H e led him bl i ndfold through

the c i ty ,

H e is a blocblzead ,

Wh ere there is blossom we ex

peet fruit ,Th is plant wi l l soon blossom ,

H e blotted the whole of his

papers ,

B lo wthe dust offyour book ,

Y ou blunder continually ,

Th is kni fe is very blun t ,

H e d oes not suffer m uch painin the body ,

H e is bol der than I ,

F ix a bol t on the window ,

H e wishes to have a bond for

th is amount ,

T he d og has a bone in h is

mouth ,

I have been to the boobsel ler'


shop ,

H e was born before you ,

I want some money ,from

whom can I bor row ?

Put th is oil into a bottle,

Read to the bottom ofthe page ,

H aving made a bo w, he sat ,

Bows and arrows were formerlyused in war,

\Vhat shall I put in th is box

That lady wears bracelets ,

That tree has many branclzes ,


t you know brass fromcopper?

H is sold iers are verv brave,

flzudd be jazl se ma i n bi li tar


wulz ab bi - l -bnl l (and/1d ) lza i .

wulz asb i (dub/z band barbe)useslzalzr men l iyepb i rd ).

wulz (a lnnab) lza z'


ja luin (gut) ba i , waban ummed

7776206 b i lza i .

y i lt darablztja ld plzzi legd ).us ne apne sti re bdg lzagon par

(s iya'

lzi d d l - d i ).apn i bi td b par se gard (plumb

tum banzeslia (gba la ti ba rte Ito).yi li clzlzur i bar i (bund ) bai .us be (badan ) men ba lzut dard

nalzin ba i .

wulz uzujlz se (z iyd da slzujd'

)lzai . _

(burbd ) blzirb i men lagd -do.

wulz i n r zipaon bd (tamassub)clzd lztd lza i .

us butte be mun/z men (ebbadd i ) lza i .

ma i n (bi td b-faroslz) b i duba’


par gay d t/ui .

wulz tu/n se pesb iar (pa i da’

)t/zd .

7nujlz bo ibore r zipa i b i garuratlza i

,bi s se (barg l i in )

i s tel bo (bota l ) men rabbo.

is saflze be (n i clze) tab par/lo.

wuli (saldm) barbe,ba i t/2a


ti r aur (bamd u) pesbtar lard ,

iyon men i sti'


l biyejdtetlze.

i s (sandubclze) men nzazn bya‘

rabl nin

wulz bibi (bare)gabi n ti bai .

us d arabbt b i bali nt si (d d /i


n) lzutu.


(pi ta l ) aur taube men

imtiyaz nab in bar sable .9

usbe sipa’

lzi bare (babd d ur )lzazn .

I 10 burst— castle.

H e burst open the d oor ,

H e is gone to bury his father,

H e is come on busi ness ,

H e 15 now very busy , and can

not speak to you,

I am go ing to the bazar to buypapen

C .

That sh i p has lost her anchor usjalzdz bd (rassci ) aur langarand cable. gu

Th is cage is to keep b ird s in, y i lt clziriya'

n rabbne

Where d id you get that cabe ?

T h is wi l l be to them a great


Have you made a calculation

of the cost?

T he cow and ca lfwere together ,T he seawas quite ca lm ,

Buy me two cand lesticbs ,

Where d id you buy th is canvas P

H e is a person ofgreat capaci ty ,

Wh ere is the sh i p '

s captain ?H e has sent me a card of

invi tation ,

I have no care on that account,

H e is a carpenter ,

I saw h im carry ing a load on

his head,

Have you no case for your

razor ?

Th is is a very d iffi cult case,.In caslz and notes 1 have 500

rupees ,Put these th ings in a casb,

Cast away th is cloth ing ,

H e l ives near the castle,

us ne darwa’

za (torbar blwld ).wulz apne bjp bo (gd rne) gayalza i .

wuli (bani ) be l iye dyd ba i .wub is wabt brim men n i lza


ya i

(mas li zi l ba in , turn se ba'


nab i ti bar sabte.

main bdgizag (fi ar idne bo)bdzd r fei ta


bun .

y i lt (bul i cba) tum ne babdn

pdyd 2’

auben y i lz sablzt (dfat) lzog i .

(bbarclz) ba'

(andd z) biya‘

lzaitum ne

gd ,eaur(baclzbrd )dononsa'


samundar bi’

l bul l (sa’

bin ) tlui .

do (sluzm’

d dn) mere l iy e mot- lo.

y i li (tat) tum ne balza’ n mol

wuli bar i (l iya'

ba t) bd d dmt

lza i .

ja lza‘

z bd (ndbjtud d ) babd r’

z ba i .

us ne d a'

wat bd (rub’

a) mujlzeblzejd ba i .

us sabab se mujlz —bo buclzlz

fibr ) nalzin.

wulz ba i .

us bo ma i n ne si r par bojli

by d tum/tare astare ba’

nalzin lza i 1?y i lt bar i muslzbi l (bd i ) nai .(nabd ) aur lot m i la


bar mere


s pa' neli sau r zipai ba in .

i n clzi zonbo pipe)men rabbo.

y i lz baprd plzenb-do).wulz (bi l


e) bepd s rabtd ba i .

cat - clzicbens .

Th is cat has very large c laws ,

Have you seen to-day’

s cata

logue of the sale ?C atclt that b ird ,

/ Do you know the cause of th is ?What need of all th is caution ?We ought to be cautious , and

not give offence to any ,

When will you cease talkingH e is a very celebrated poet ,P lace th is in the centre,

Th is house has been bui lt a

cen tury ,

I am certa in of it ,I have rece ived from h im a

certifi cate ofmy capacity andgood conduct,Here is plenty of cbaf , but no

wheat ,Is th is cltain made of ironTake a clzai r , and sit d own ,

H e writes only wi th cbalb ,

H e is gone there for elzangeofcl imate ,

/I must cbange my clothes ,H IS mind IS cbangeabl e,What clzapter shall we read

She d raws pictures with ekar

coa l ,H e clzarges very h igh ,

They are very cbar i table to the

poor,H e bestows a great deal inclzar i ty ,

That is a clza‘

rnzing song ,

These artic les , I th ink . are

clzeap ,

They clzeat whom they can ,

Th is clzeese is not good ,

I saw a hen with ten clzicbens,


i s (bi l l i )be bare barepanje ba zn .

djbe n i la'

m bi (fi ltr ist), deb/t ibai ?

us clzi r iyd bo (pabro).tum is bd (sabab)ja


n te 120 t’

i tn i (b_ lzabardci r i )byd garur

bani bo clui lzzye bi (i lztiycit se

ra/zen), aur bisi bo az iyat

na den.

bab bolnd (band baroge)mutt bard (masbbzi r )sli d

ir ba i .is bo (bi clz)men rabbo.

y i li (eb sau baras) bd glzar li ai .

inujlze usbci (yabi n) ba i .us se main ne bdbi l iyat aur neb

clzalan bd (sa’

rtifi bat) bd s i lbiyd li a i .

yaluin(bbusi )bali nt bai , magar

gelzzin nab i n .

byayi lz (zanji r) lolze bi li a i(clzaubi ) lo aur bai tlto.

wuli s i rj (bbariya'

se) l ibltta"

wuli d b-o- lzawa bi (tabd i l ) bel iye waluingay d (

bai .

inujlz bo bapre (badalnei ) lia i n .

wult (talawwunnn izdj) ba i .12am baun (bab)par/zenwub (bo,ele) se taswi ren

blza i nclzti ba i .

wuli bare”

(b imat Zeta”

) ba i .wulzglgar i bon bo babut blzaira



d iyd bar te)ba in .

wub balzut (bba i ra'

t)bar id bai .

wuli eb d i l—baslzg i t ba i .

ma in in clzizon bo (sas/d )sa inajlztd bun.

wuli jinlzen tlzag sabte ba zn(t/zagte li a in

y i lz (pan i r )aclzcli lui na/zzn .

mai n ne eb inurgfi i bo das

(cbzizon) samet deb/2d .

1 I2 cl: ief— cl i /nate.

My c/zief reason for com inghere was to see yOu ,

I have known h im s ince h isclzi ld/zood ,

These are but clzi ld islz employments ,

H e has lately come from C lzina ,

W hy are all these cb ips here ?take them away ,

C ut th is stick w i th a c/zisel ,I t was his OWn clzoi ce to d o so ,

C lzoose wh ich of these two you

please ,

Mix some cinnamon W l th the

other Spices ,

O ne and a c ip/zer make ten ,

They all sat in a ci rcle,

They have c i rculated noticesin all d irections ,

H as th is co in been long in

ci rculation ,

Th is is a curious ci rcum


H e is one Of the C ompany’


civi l servants,'

H e is civi l to every one ,

H e received 115'

w i th greatc ivi l i ty ,

Have you any further claim

on that gentleman'

s estate ?

T he claws of that an imal arevery Sharp ,

Bricks are made ofclay ,

She is more clever than he ,

T he attorney has written to

h is cl i en t,T he cl imate of Europe is vervfi ne,

merd (as! ) nza tlab yalza'

n ane

se tum/zd rd d eb/i nd tlzd .

ma in use (larabpa'

n ) se jd ntdlzzin.

y i li faba t (ti/tuna) sbagfi l

lza in.

tlzore d in li zi e bi wu/z (C lzi n )seyaluinayd lia i .

y i li sd rd (barbut) yalian by zin

pard bai .9 use le-jdo.

i s labr i bo (rub/taut se bd to.

us ne apn i (raza'

mand i ) sey inbd in b iyd .

in donon men sejzse clui lzo (lo).

aur masd l i lzon be sd tlz (dd rclzi n i ) Mi ld /o;

eb par (sitar ) rablzne se das

liote lzazn ;

wulz sab (lza lba ) bandlzbar

ba i tlie.

un lzon ne lzar taraf islztiba'


(jd r i biye ba in ).is sibbe bd (clza lan ) bali nt d inse bzi



li a i

y i li'

ajab (mdjard ) ba i .

wulz K ampan i be (mulb i ) abl ibd ronmen se lia i .

wulz lia r eb s'

e (abb lrib be sli t/21)peslz-d td li a i .

us ne 1mm se bar i (tawd an'

) besat/z muld bci t

b i .

tum us sd lzi b be ma“

! par anrbuclzlz (da

wa) rabbte biousja


nwar be (clzangul ) bali nttez lzazn .

i nten (nzi tti ) se banti ba zn .

wulz larbi is la rbe se (gali i n )ba i .

wab i l ne apne (muwabbi l ) bol ib/2d lzai .

Yurap b i (a’

b-o- lzawd ) balzutaclzclzlzi ba i .

I 14 company confess.

I am glad to be in his company , us b i (musd lzabat)bali ut bjgwus/z nan.

L et us compare my wri ting liam apud l ib/1d tumlzd re se

w ith y ours ,

A sh i p sai ls by the compass , (butb-numd se) jala i e cli al /d

VVhy act thus ? have you no bynd n isd barte bo .? tum/zen

compassion ? (ralnn )nab i n d tdA re you competen t to the work tum is brim be (ld l


b) lzoI have long compla i ned ofh is ma in us be clzd l -clza lan bd

cond uct , bali nt d in se (slzdb i bun).H e is always com ing wi th '

zvulz bameslza (nd l i slz) ba rtdcomp la i nts , d td ba i .

H e is complete master of th is usbo i s zaba’

n par (p ii r i bud ratlanguage ,

li d s i l ) lza i .S ir, Mr. send s h is conz g fi ar i b

-parwar , fuld ne sd lzib

pl imen ts to you ,dpbo (sa ldm ) babte lza in.

Unless you comply , what can agar tum (rd gzi ) na 120, to ma inI do byd barun

H e is now composi ng a gram ab wulz sarf o nalzw b i bi ttib

mar , (tasn if barte lta iu).I d on


t exactly comprehend ma in y i lz blzub nabin (samajli )th is ,

sabtd .

I cannot concea l th i s matter , i s bd t bo ma in poslzida nali in

rabli sabtd ).L et us not indulge concei t, lzam sab (d imdgb ) 7i a baren .

That man is very con cei ted , wulz d dmt bard ba i .

I conceive you are in the righ t, ma in (b_ lzayd l bartd li zin ) b ili abb tum/zd r i taraf lza i .

Th is business does not concern y i li bdm tum se nalzin


Th is has caused her much i s se wulz babut (glzabrd -

gaj)concern li a i .

I t is time to conclude, (tama’

m barne) bd wabi bai .Th is is the conclusion of the y i lz bd b bd (db_ lzi r) ba i .

chapter ,

I saw a great concourse of ma in ne bali nt d dmiyon ba'

people , (jama‘

lo) d eb/i d,

My cond i tion is be tter than h is ,merd (lza

l ) us se bi lztar ba i .H is cond uct is to be com us bd (bdm) ta


r i/ be ld I ib ba i .

mend ed ,


ho w il l cond uct us th ither ? wa/zdn li am bo baun (lejliggd )I con/ess my conduct has been ma in (ibrd r bar i d bzin)bi mere

am iss , at"

J ! fi an ib bule.

confidence convey.

I place no confidence in whatthey say ,

H e is now confined in jai l ,

Is the news confirmed or not

Y ou have confused my work ,

There is no connection in these

sentences ,

H e conquered the whole coun

try ,

1 am not conscious of havingsaid so ,

Do you consent to my pro

posal ?She went without my consent,

That is ofno consequence,I wi l l consider of it ,T he cargo of the vessel was

consigned to him ,

H is consti tution is very strong,

L et us consult upon th is sub

ject ,H owmuch ind igo wil l th is boxconta in

Treat no one with con tempt,I am content wi th what I have ,

They are very contentious ,There is a continual noise in

, th is place ,

T he G overnment contracted for

the paper,Contrary wind s detained the

vesse l ,By what contr ivance shall wego there

Will your com ing to-morrowbe conven ien t?

1 15

Are you fond of couvet sati on ? tum (guft—o-

g i2)be sli d 2bboWill you please to convey th is dp m i lzrban i se y i li clii z us tabarticle to him (le-d en).

nu be balznepar ma i n (i’

ti bd r)nab i n bartd .

wuli ab band i -blgd ne men

(ba i d ) ba i .bbabar (ta lzbib b i i ,i )yd nalzzntum ne merd bdm (darlzambar/2am bar -d iyd ).

injum lon menbuclzlz (mund sabat) nab i n .

us ne sd rc mulb bo (fatli bi yd ).

mujlze (y dd ) na/ztn bi ma i n ner

a isd bad d bai .mer i bd tpar tum (rag i 120)

wuli bigba ir mer i (zyd zat) begay


buclzlt (mugdyaba ) nab in .

ma in usejabd z bd bojbd usbe (dawd lebiyd gayd ) tbd .

us be (buwa) balzut aclzclz/ze


lzam is mubaddamemen(mas/zwara baren ).

is sandubclze men bi tnd n i l

bis i b i (lzibd rat)mat baro.

j0 mere pd s bai us par mujlze


at) ba i .wub bare (jlzagrd l zi ) lzazn .

i s jagali men (bameslza) slzor

ralztd bai .

S arbd r Balzd dur ne bdg lgaz bd

(tbebd l zyd ).bd d - i (mublzd l if) se jalzd z

cblzznbd i abd .

lzam bis (tadbi r ) se walzd n

ja ,enge .

bal d ne men tum/zen (sublzi td )

1 16 con 'inced— c;a tit.

I am convinced what you sayis t1ue ,

Having no cook , he coobs for

h imself,

I t is cooler to-day than it was

yesterday ,

P lease copy th is for me ,

Buy some cord , and tie these

th ings together ,

I s there no corb to th is bottle ?'

I here was great plenty of

corn last year ,

Have you any correspondencew i th h im

Society here is extremely cor

rupt ,W'

hat wi ll be the cost of these

articles ?They l ive in cottages ,Move th is couclz into the other

l oom ,

H e couglzs all night ,He is a

o‘membei ofthe Supreme

Counci l ,L et us regard good counsel ,

Coun t over the money I gave

you ,

Th is is a counterfei t rupee ,

Th is coun try produces much

Th is is my native country ,

Buy for m e a couple ofrazors ,

Y ou possess greater courage

than I ,

They are excess ively covetous ,

There 15 a cracb in th is bas in ,

Th is m i lk produces no cream ,

God cr eated the world ,

G od is the C reator ofal l crea

tures ,

Do you cred i t what he says?

mujlze yab in ba i ) bi tum/zd rdbalznd rd st lza i .

bdwarclzi na lzone be sabab se

wu/z apud blzdnd dp (pabdletd li a i ).

ba l se dj (sard i ) ziy d a’a lza i .

m i lzrbd n i barbe i s bi (nab i )merebuclzlz (rassi ) mol - lebar , in

clzi zoiz bo —ibattlzd bdndbo.

i s bol d ! b i (d d t) nali inp i clzlzle sd l (andj) bi balzutbasrat i li i .

tumbd r i (bba tto bi tdbat) us besd l/z lza i

yalzdn be logon be wati ren ibdyat (bure) li d in .

in cli i zonb i by d (b imat) bog i

wulz(jbopriyon)menrab ie/1am .

d i isre bamre men i s (pa lang )bo le-jda.

wulz rd t bba r (blzanstd ) lzai .wuli supr im (baunsal ) bd eb

m imbar lza i .

bam n eb (sa ld lz) md nen.

ma i n ne ]0 rupa i d iye unbed

y i lz (blzota) r dpiya li a i .i s mulb men balzut (r d / i )paiddlzoti ba i .

y i li merd (watan ) lza i .(do) usture mere l iye mol

- lo:

mujlz se tum ziy d da (d i ler i )rablzte li o.

wulz bare (.tdmz lza i n .

y i lz bartan plzutd ) lza i .is dud li se (maldj) nab i n

n iba lti . [ biydblzudd ne d unyd bo


lzudd (bjgd l ib) tamdmlubd t) bd lza i .

tum isbd bali nd (bdwa r ba i

te lzo)

1 18

H as the cargo rece ived anydamage


Th is house is very damp ,

They spend the ir t ime in s inging and d ancing ,

W hy are you afraid ? there is

no danger ,

I dare not d o as you say,

T he n igh t was very darb ,

They are in gross darbness ,

What is the d ate of h is letter ?

They rise at dawn ,

What tim e of the day is it ?

I saw a d ead snake on the

road s id e ,

H e is deaf: and can hear no

th ing ,

H e dea ls honestly w ith everybody ,

T he good s you'

have purchas edI th ink are very dear ,

H e is very dear to me ,

A debtor is one who owes


They only l ive by decei t ,What is there more d ecei tfulthan the human heart ?

Y ou have been deceived bythem ,

L et h im decide th is question ,

I asked h im , but he decl ined ,

That article decreases in valued ai ly,

A d ecree was passed for th ispurpose ,

I shall deduct so much fromhis account ,

damage—ded uct.

us be lzisdb se main i tnd (bambard rigd

byd jalzd z be‘

md l men buclzlz

(nubsd n )palzunclzd i’

yi lzg lzar bali nt (mar tzi b) li a i .wuli apne aubd t (ad eli ne)gd ncmen basar barte lza in.

tum by zindarte /Z0 buclzlt (andes/za) nalzin.

ja isd tum balzte lzo,wa isd barne

b i (jur ,at na lzinrablztd lzd i i ).rd t bali nt (and/zer i ) tlzi .wuli bare (and/zere) men pa relia in.

us be bba tt b i baunsi (td r ib_ b )li ai

wuli (nur be tarbe) ntli te 11am .

ab by d (wabt) lza i ft?rd lz be bind re mazn ne (mard

bu,d ) sdnp deb/2d .

wuli (babrd ) ba i , bucb/z sunnalzin sabtd .

wuli sab be sd tlz d iyd natdd r i se

(bd robd r ba rtd bai ).jo asbdb dp nebbar i dd ba i , mere

nazd ib , ba 7 d (gi rdn) lia i .wulz mujlze ba rd (piyd rd ) ba i .

(barzdd r ) wulz bai jo rupiyad lzd rtd li o.

wuli (fareb- lzi )sed in bd t/eba zn .

d dmt be d i l se ziyd da mabbd r

baun lza i

tum ne un se (dagi ia bhd i lzai

wuli y i lt mu dma la (fa isa lbare).

ma i n ne us se darblzwd st b imagar us ne i nbd r biyd .

us elz i e bi b imat roz-ba -roz

(bam lzoti jd ti lza i ).is i sabab eb (bubm )jd r i ltd /i .

deep— desire.

H ow deep is th is tank ?Do you see any defect in th is ?

H e“

mad e h is defence in court,

T he statements of both de

fiendant and plainti ff wereheard ,

They are not deficient in sense ,

She is deformed in person ,

W ho defrays the costs of his

learn ing ?H is m ind is much dejected ,

There is much delay in th is ,

Th is is my del iberate opin ion ,

H er hand s and feet are verydel i cate,Th is is a most del i cious morsel ,I was greatly del ighted to see

him ,

T he fever is so v iolent that heis sometimes del i r ious ,

Did you del iver to h im mymessage ?

H e del i vered his brother frommuch d istress .

Have you any demand uponme

H e d emanded more than h is

d ue ,

H e d en ies hav ing said this ,

When d o you intend to de

part?I cannot depend upon what hesays ,

That depend s upon the state of

my health ,

Th is is a d eposi toryfor boobs ,

What d escr iption gave he of

the placeThey deser ve to be pun ished ,

I will desi re him to d o so ,

1 19

wulz saed be (ld ,ib) lzain.

ai sd barne bo ma in use (ba

yi /i td ld b bi tnd (gali rd ) lzaitum is men bucli lz (


a ib) deb/ztelzo

us ne'

ad d lat men ('

ugr) b iyd .


7nud da'

i aur (madda'


a la i lz)dono/i be i zlzd r sunega ,


wulz (bam)-'

abl nali in lza i n .

us bd badan (bad -slzabl ) bai .us be s ibbne bd blzarcli baun

(detd ba i )us bd d i l ba/zut (add s) ba i .is bdm men bali nt (tawabbuf )bai .

y i li mer i pabbi (ta/w i z) ba i .asbe bd t/z pa

,on balzut (nd zub)

li ain.

y i li bali nt (lag ig n iwd la) lzai .us be deb/zne se ma in bali nt

li d,d .

tap a is i sablzt lzai bi babbi

babb i wub (aul faul babuelagtd li a i ).

tum ne merd paydm us bo

pail anclzdy dusne apne bli d , i bo bar i tabl ifse (najd i d i ).

muj/z par buclzli tumbd rd


wd ) baius ne babb se zi yd da (clzd lzd ).

[ bai lwulz a isd babne se (inbd r bartdtum bab (jd ne) bd i rd da

rabbte lzo

us b i bd t par ma i n (i’

timd d )nab i n bar -sabtd .

wulz mer i tandurusti par(maubuf ) bai .

y i li (butub-blzd na ) li a i .us jagali bd us ne byd (bay d u)


I have a great desi re to see

h im ,

H e is very desi rous of seeingYOU .

H e despai rs of accompl ish inghis object ,

W e ought not to despise anyone ,

Your papers have been al l d e

stroyed ,

Do not d etain the servant anylonger,I am determined to do as you

recommend ,

There ismuch dew on the grass ,

H e was ruined by playing at

d i ce ,

See i f th is word is in the

d i ctionary ,

What sort ofd iet does be useWhat is the d iference betweenthe two

People are ofd ijeren t O pin ionson the subject ,

Do you th ink that the Engl ish“

language is d ifi cul t ?

D ig up th is jungle ,

I t requires only d i l igence ,

They are d i l igen t scholars ,

H er eyes are become d im

through age ,

H e d ines at one o'

c lock ,

I must go now , it is d inner


desi re- d isadvantage.

us bo deb/w e b i ni ujlz bo ba r i

(Mrpd lzislz) ba i .wulz tum lzd re deb/me bd ba rd

(d rzzimand ) lza i .wuli apne bdm be anjdm se

(nd -ummed ba i ).bam bo na clzd lziye bi bisi bo

(li ab i r samjlten).tumlzd re bdg_

lzagd t sab (barbd dear).

tum us naubar bo aur mat

(at/Mn)tumlzd r i sa ld lz be mutdbib

barne bd ma in (pabbd zrd darabbtd rum).

glzd spar balzut (slzab-nam) lza i .wuli pd sd ) bbelne se tabd lz

lzzild .

deblzo to bi y i li lajg'

e (laugjga t)men lia i .

wulz ba isi (g_

lzigd blzd ta lza i )i n donon menby d (farb) lza i 1?

is mubadd ame men d dmiyon

b i (7nubbta l if) rd ,en li d in .

tum samajbte lzo bi a izgrez i

zabd n (muslzbi l ) lzaii sjanga l bo (b/zod -d d lo).faba t (boslzislz) darbd r li a i .

wulz (m i lznati ) slzdgi rd lza in,

burlzdpe se us b i dub/zen

(dlzund lzl i ) lzo-

ga,i n .

wuli eb baje (blzdnd bbd td ba i ).mujlze abjd nd clzd lziye (bbd ne)li d wabt ba i .

Th is 15 the d i rect road to y i li K albatte bi (s i d/zi ) rd /z

C alcutta ,

P lease d i rect me where to fi nd

h im ,

I will attend to your d i rections ,

Th is road is very d i rty ,

I f you act thus , it will be to

your d isad vantage,

y i li id li bar i

lza i .

dp gard (batld -d ijzye) bi ma inus bo babd npd ,zingd .

ma in dp bd (i rslzd d ) bajdla un J d .

gjgal i g) lzazagar tum a isd baroge to tum

lzd rd ba rd (nubsd n) bogd .

I 22 d istinct— d roz'


H is articulation is c lear and us bd ta laf uz ba/zut sdf our

d i stinct, rud e z'li ba i .Tel l me the name of th is d is i s (mard z) bd ndw batd p .

temper ,

I cannot d istinguis/z these twoletters ,

She is now in great d i stress ,Th is is the ir d iversion ,

A d ivi dend on h is estate w i l lbe paid the first of next

month ,

W hy do you do so?

T he vessel is now in docb

repairing ,

H e is a doctor ,

Th is is very strange doctr ine,H e has taken two doses of

med ic ine ,

Double th is string , and then it

wi l l d o ,

I s th is paper doubleI t is doubtful i f he wi ll come ,


H ow can one horse d rag such

a load ?There is a d ra in under the

house ,

G ive me one d raug/zt ofwater ,

Make the figures , and d raw

a l ine ,

I wi l l show you a beauti fuld raw i ng ,

I thought thus in my d ream ,

H e cares noth ing about d ress ,

Wai t a l ittle , he is now

d ressi ng ,

H e always d r ives very fast,

I heard that he is sufferingfrom d ropsy ,

I d rove a nai l into the wall ,

i n donon barfon men ma i n

(ta in i z) nab i n bar sabi d .

abwu/zba/zut (ld c/zd r i )menIza z .y i/z un bd (taznd s/zd ) ba i .d d sre inab i neb i pa/zl i td r i b/z usbe md l bi (bist)pa/zunc/zeg i .

tum, a isd by zin (bar te bo).jabd z (dab) men marammat

botd ba i .

wu/z (.tabib) ba i .y i li


ajab .ta rali bd (usd l ) ba i .

us ne do (bbzp urdb) dawd b/zd , iba i .

i s ras si bo (do/2rd baro) to bdm

by d y ib (do/2rd ) bdg_

/zag Iza ius be d ue na d ue men (shabb)lzai .

eb gbord i tnd boj/z bis tara/zsabtd lza i

g/zar be n i c/ze (mor i ) ba i .

muj/i e eb (g/zdnt)pd n i pi ldp .

Iza ndase l i b/to , aur eb ' lab i r

mai n tum bo eb bb zi b-sd ra i

(tasw i r ) d ib/zdningd .

ma i n ne men a i sa

deb/2d .

w it/Z (poslzdb) b i buc/zb parwdnab i n bar i d .

t/zord sabr baro wu/z ab bapre

pa/zi ntd ) ba i .TOM/l bames/za gd r i ba/zut tez(bdnbtd ) ba i .

ma in ue sund bi us bo (jalandar bi ) bimd r i ba i .

ma in ne eb bi l d iwd r men

d rum— ebb.

T he d rum is beat in the fortdai ly ,

H e is quite - a d runbard ,

Th is house is exceed ingly d ry ,

Whose are these d ucbs and

geese ?

That note falls d ue to-morrow,

She is both dumb and d eaf,”

H e has learned so long , yet he

is a d unce,Real and d urable happiness isnot attainable on earth ,

Do these artic les pay d utyA dwarf is one who is l ittle in

stature ,

Dwel l where he may, he is

unhappy ,

H e is eager to und ertake the

business ,

H e shows great eagerness to

learn ,

In th is way I can earn ten

rupees a month ,

Y ou are not in earnest in what

you say , you only jest ,I gave ten rupees earnest

money ,

Y ou d eafen one’

s ears by your

.noise ,

They manufacture eart/zen

ware ,

An eartbguabe was fe lt latelyin th is neighbourhood ,

Do you travel east , west , north ,

or south ?

I will set you an easy lesson ,

T he tid e has begun to ebb,

bi l'

e men (nabbd rd ) lza r roz

bajtd ba i .

wub bard (matwd l d ) ba i .y i li g/za r babut (szibbd ) bai .y i li (ba ttab) aur bans bis be

ba inus bund i bi (m i


d d ) ba l ta ind inbogi .

wu/z (gung i )b/zi lza i anz ba/zr ib/zi .

i tne d i non par/me pa r bb i (alimab bd abmab) ba i .

dunyd men bbwusb i saclzc/zi

aur (pd ,ed d r) bisi bo mi ln inab in .

in c/zizonbd (mabszi l )lagtd ba i(baund ) wub ba i jis bd badd

c/z/zotd 120.

clzd /ze bab i n (rabe) nd -bbwusb

b i rabtd lzai .

bdm utlzd ne bd wu/z bard (d rzzi inand ) ba i .

wuli s ibli ne bi bag-

i (bbwd lzisli )zd /zi r bar i d ba t .

is tarab se ma i n das r upaiuza/zi na (ba 7nd ) sabid lzzin.

turn (sacb mucli ) to nalzin

ba/zte ,faba.

t bansi se babte120.

ma i n ne das rzipa i bd (ba i'

d na )

tum aisd slzor mac/i d le /lo bi

(ban )plzatte bai n .

wu/z (matti be) bartan band te


t/zore d in lzzi l e bi is nawd lz men

(bli zinclzd l ) bd d t/zd .

(masbr ib), magfi r i b,jan zib, y d

slzimd l bd safar barte 120ma in tum bo (sab l ) sabab

(ab b/zd t/zd ) s/zurzi'

bai .


There w i l l soon be a solar

ecl ipse,

I saw him s i tting on the edge

of the river,W ho is the ed i tor of th is newspaper ?

She has wri tten a book on

ed ucation

H e has sold all h is ejects ,

I gave h im med ic ine , but it

had no eje ct,I saw a b ird '

s nest wi th four

G ive th is book to your eld er


s is an elegan t house ,

H e is very eloquent,C h ina is a large empi re,W ho vn


ll employ such peopleWh o is your employer ?What is your employmen t

Th is house is empty , it has no


E nclose m y letter in yours ,

Th is afford sme encouragemen t,Your former kind ness encon

rages me ,

There is no end to h is talking ,

I must endeavour to see him

to- day ,

Th is note wants your endorse


T he cat is the enemy of the

mouse ,

H e goes to work with great

energy ,

I have engaged him as myservant ,

I have an engagement th isevening , and therefore can

not accept your invitation ,

ecl ipse— engagement.

tbore d in men (suraj-galia n )

main ne us bo‘

daryd (bind reba it/1d d eb/i d .

i s abbbd r bd (edi tar) baun lia i

us ne

bi tdb l ib/i i lia i .

us ne apnd sab (asbdb) bee/z

ma i n na us bo'

dawd d i , lebin

us bd buclzb (asar ) na b ii ,d .

ma i n n e eb c/zirzyd bd g/zonsld ,

aur clza'

r (ande) debbe.

apne (bare) bbd} bo y i li bi td b

dend .

us bd glzar balzut (sat/2rd ) lia i .wu/z bard (bolne wd ld )ba i .Cb i n eb ba r i (sa ltanat) ba i .baun a ise logon bo (bdm degd )tum/zd rd (d bd ) baun ba itum byd (bdm) barte 110 1?

y i li g lzar ba i , is men

bo,i bi rdyadd r nab i n Izai ,

merd biza tt apne bba tt men

(rabb-do).y i li mujlz bo (tasa l l i ) detd ba i .dpb i agl i m i/zrbd n i merd (d i lbarbd ti ba i ).

us b i babwd s bi (in ti lzd ) nalzin.

a] us b i muldbd t bd mujlze

(basd )barud clzalzzye

is bundi par tumlzd re (dastbba t) gard r ba in .

clzzibe b i (d usbman ) bi l l i lza i .

w it/z bar i (lzimma t) se bdm

bar id ba i .

main ne i s bo naubar (rabblzd)ba i .

mer i a] b i rd t eb jaga/z (mi /imd n i ) ba i , is l iy e ma in dpb i da


wat babii l nab i n bar

126 exceed s— expressed .

H e exceeds every one in intell i

gence ,

Th is is most ex cel lent frui t ,What you propose , I th ink , is

exceptionable in one par

ticular ,I wi ll give you th is in exclzange

for that ,T he exclzange is a place wheremerchants m eet to transact

business ,I have no d es ire to exclzange

s ituations with you ,

L et us exci te each other to

study ,

Pray excuse my not havingformerly written to you,

They made many excuses ,

Three men were executed for

murd er last Mond ay ,

W ho is the executor to his

estate ?

Do you expect to see h im

shortly ?T he king expel led h im fromthe land ,

What wi l l be the expense of

doing th is ?House-rent is very expensivein C alcutta , balzut (ziyd da) lia i .

H e has exper ience in business , '

zouli bd r-o-bd r men (mas/zslzdb) lza i .

I f you ask , he wi ll expla in agar tum pzi cli lzo, tojo tum na

any part wh ich you d o not samajlzte lzo wuli tam/zen

unders tand , (samjlzd -degd )These articles are for expor ta .y i li asbd b (d zi sre mulb bo b/zejnetion ,

be l iye) lza in.

Much ind igo was exported last balzut n i l pi c/zlzle malzine men

month , (rawd na l uri d )I d on


t know how th is phrase main nalzin jdntd y i li bd i“

is expressed in Engl ish , A ngrezi men bi s tarali (bol i

jd ti ) liai .

'wulzd d ndl

'i menli ar eb se (bard )li a i .

y ib mewa balzut lzi lza i .

mer i d d n ist men, jo tum tafwi zbarte lio

,eb b


lzdss bd t men

bdbi l - z z'

tzrd z ba i .

us be (bad le) main tum bo y i li

d zi ngd .

(mandi ), wulzjagalz lzai jalzansauddgar tijd rat barne bo

i battlze lzote lzainmai n apn i lzd la t bo tumlzd re

lzd l se (tabd i l barne) b iblz7p d lzislz na/z in rablztd .

lzam eb dusre bo par/me bi

(ta1g _

1b den).ma in ne ]0 dge b_ lza tt na l ib/2a

y i li buszi r m i lzrbdn i barbe


runlz ba/zut ('agr ) Id le.

pi c/zlzle d uslzambe bo tin d dm i

g un barne b i’

i l lat men

plzdnsi d iye ga,e).

us b i jd ,edd d ba baun (i rias i )lza i

(tum/zen ummed lza i ) bi use

ja ld debbogebd dslzd lz 726 21s (1


85 (”ibi /ti

is bdm barne menbyd (Marc/z)

extenta —fatlzer less. 127

Th is is the extent of the irlearning ,

I showed you an extract fromth is letter,

Th is is extraord inary news ,H is ch i ld ren are ex travagant,H er eyebrows are b lack ,H ow can you wri te i f you shut

your eyes

Th is is a book offables , y i li (bisson) b i bi tdb lzai .H erface isfa i r ,

usbd (clzi lzra ) b_ lz_ s -sd rat bai .

Formerly there was an ind igo palzle yalia' n n i l bd (bd rblzd na)

factory here ,

H ad it not been for his assistance , I should havefa i led inmyp urpose ,

From fatigue and hunger they

fainted away ,

I t is nowfa i r , you can go ,

Have you fai tlz in what theysay ?

H e is an old and fai tlzf ulservant ,

H e was killed by a fal l fromhis horse ,

Be assured that the report is

H e has a largefami ly ,

So scarce was com . in that

c i ty , that it was feared there

would be afam ine,I t is now cold , what need haveyou ofafan

She has entirely f asci nated myheart,

H ave you fastened the sad d leon the horse ?

A re these sheepfat or lean ?H e d ied there , leaving a wid ow

.and fi vefat/zer less ch i ld ren ,

nu be pa rltne bi (badd ) y i li ilzai .

ma i n ne i s blzatt bd (intibbd b)tum/zen d iblzdyd .

y i lz ('

ajib)bbabar li a i .us be larbe (fugzi l—bbarclz)ba zn .

usb i (blzawen) bd l i lzain.

tum (dnbb) band barbe by zin

bar l ibli sabte lzo

us b i madad agar na lzoti , to

merd bdm (anjdm na)pd td .

wub mdndag i aur blzi ibli se

(gjgaslzmen dab d smdn (sdf) lza i tum jd

sabte lzo.

by d tum un be balzepar (yabi n )barte b0 1?

wulz purd nd aur (imd ndd r )naubar lzai .

wulzglzore se (gi rbe) mar-

gayd .

tum fi d ti r jam' y i li

blzabar (jlzzi t/z) lza i .wulz bard (

iyd l-d d r ) li a i .

us slzalzr men aisi and] b ibi l lat tlzi bi sab bo b


(balzt)bd til d .

ab jd rd lzai , tum/zen (panb/ze)bi byd zarui at lia i 5’

us ne bi l -bul l mere d i l bo

(molt- l iy d ) li ai .tum negliarepar zin bo (bandlid iyd ) lza i [ dubl i 2

by d y i li blzeren (moti ) lza inydwuli eb bewa aur pdncli (yatim)larbe clzliorbar -walzdn mar

I 28 fatigued gli t.

I am very much fatigued wi thwalking ,

Those th ings are not yet ready,

whosefault is itW ho is there that isfaul tless ?P ray favour me with your add ress ,

T he w ind on the river is

favourable for going up the

country ,

Th is l ittle boy is myfavour i te,

W e ough t to fear G od more

than man ,

I would have gone there ,but

I went not , from fear of its

being too late ere I arrived ,

T o - d ay there is a feast at h is

house ,

T h isfeatlzer is very beaut i ful ,T he features of these two are

al ike ,

H e is now very feeble ; he is

unable to stir from home ,

T he squirrel feeds ch iefly uponfruit ,

I feel a pain in my s ide ,what

shal l I d o ?I saw several kind s of b ird s , a

pair of each kind ,male and

There is a ferry -boat at th islace ,

T li)

e whole so i l of that country us mulbbi sd r i zam in (zar—bl zez)isferti le, lzai .

Go ,fete/z some frui t out of the ja,o,bag]; se tlzord mewa

gard en ,

I know not i f many or few ma in nalzin jd ntd bi wa li dn

were there , (tlzore) i lze y d babut.T o whom does th is field y i lz (blzet) bis bd lza i .


be long ?I t is better to sit sti ll than to clzupbe ba i l lie ralznd (larne) se

fi g lzt, bi lztar ba i .

ma i n sai r ba rne se balzut (tlzab)

wu/i clzi zen jo abtab taiyd r

naiz i n , to bis b i (tabs i r ) ba ibaun (be busur ) lza i(mi lzrban i bazbe) apne g lzar bdtlzibd nd (fa7 7nd 2ye)

clzarlzd o b i tarafjd ne bo da r i 'dbi lzawd (muwdfib) ba i .

=y i lz baclzclza


7nerd bali nt ('

az i z)lzaz.

lzam bo clzd lziye bi d dm i b i

ban isbat fli t/dd se zi rd d a

ma zu walzdnjd i d leb i n is (darse) na gayd bi waluin palzunclzne men der lzog i .

dj us beg lzar eb (e iydfat) lza i .

y i lz (par )balzut s227 at lzaz.

i n donon b i (slzabl )melti lza z .

ab wulz balzut (ga'

if ) lza i , gbarse bd lzar n iba l nalzin sabtd .

g i lalzr i blzd ss-bar me wa lzi

(blzd ti ) lza i .mere pa lzl zi men dard (ma



li otd lza i ), main bya barun .4’

ma i n ne baliut bism b i clzirzydndeb/ti n , lzar lzar bi sm bd eb

jo7 d , ya'

ne na7 aur (md da ).i s mabd m par eb (dong i ) li ai .

I30 flour—formidable .

Bread is mad e offlour ,

Y ou must not pluck these

flowers ,

H e can play upon thefi ute ,

There are a number offi ies ,

H e cut the parrot's wing, lestit should fly away ,

I n the morn ing there is a th ickfog here ,

Fold these th ings in paper,

- Y ou go before , I wi l lfol low ,

I am not at al l fond of that

frui t ,Wh at sort offood is th is ?H e is a greatfool ,T o be angry wi thout a cause

isfool ishness ,

L ook at the horse ’


hy d id you forbi d him to

com e

T he stream now runs wi thgreatforce,

H e fe l l d own and cut h is forehead ,

H e is gone to a foreigncountry ,

She possesses muchforeszghtho can fo7 etel l what wil lhappen on the n i orrow

For d o ing th is youmustfo7fei ta rupee ,


t forget to tell him what

I said to you ,

I f he had acknowledged h is

faul t , I should havefoig'


h im ,

\ Iake a tab le of th isfo7m ,i s shabl b i eb mez band 0.

Wh ich part ofh is letter d o you us be bha tt ba baun sa h issa

th ink the best , theformer or tum/zen pasand d td ha i ,the latter ? (palild );'d p i chhld

T he objections youmake to my jo i'

ti ra‘

g tum mer i tajw iz parplan are ind eed formidable, barte ho sobahut (sabhtflzai n.

(d te)bi roti banti ha i ,i n phzi lon) bo mat toro.

wub (bdnsl i )bajd nd jd ntd ha i .yahd nbahut (mabbhiydn)hazn .

us ne tote be par bat-d d le, b i

(u7 nafd ,e)is jagah subh bo (buhd sd )bahut hotd hai .

i n 61217 075 bo bdg_

lzag men

(lapeto).tum dge jd ,a, ma i n (p ichhe

wuh pha l mujlz bo buchh nab i n

y ih baisd (bhd nd ) ha iwub bard (abwab) haz.

be—sabab bhafd hond (nd dan i )ha i .

g li07 e bd (pd on) deb/10.

tum ne use byun d ue se (man'


dhd r is wabi bare (zor) se

bahti ha i ,

wuh g i r-pard aur (peshd n i ) us

b i bat-gaj.

wuh pardes)gay d hai .

wuh bar i (d 127 andesh ) ha i .baun (bah sabtd ba i ) bi ba l

azsd barne se tum/ten eh

7 7t ya (bhond )paregd .

yo ma in ne tum se bahd hazwub

us se bahnd (blzul najd nd ).agar wuh apn i tabs i r bd ibbd l

bartd , to ma in use (mu’


forsabe—futur i ty . 131

L et us not forsabe our friend s be—basi b i hd lat men ham bo

in the ir d istress ,

H e has mad e a largefi rtune,

Ifound itund erneath the table ,

T he foundation of the house

was laid,

There are fountains of watereverywhere ,

Whose are those fowls in the

gard en ?

Y ou are free to do as you

please ,

I t is so cold tod ay, I th ink at

night it wi l lfreeze,I have engaged the whole of

th is vessel ’sfreight ,I have frequent opportuni tiesof see ing it ,

I s th isfresh m i lkThese greens are fresh fromthe gard en ,

What shall I do ? I have no

fr iend ,

I am now entirelyfr iend less ,I have seen a most frightful

figure ,

In Ind ia the frogs are verylarge ,

H ow d oes he manage his

household affairs ? is he

fruga l or extravagant ?

T he purpose for wh ich you

sent me has beenfulfil led ,

I s th i s cask empty orful l ?H ow soon can you furn ishthese th ings

H e makes all kind s offurn iture,

W e cannot see intofuturity,

chd hiye bi dostori bo na

(chhor—den).us ne (md l ) bahut jam


hai .

main ne usbo mez be n i che

(756W )ghar bi (bunyd d )par i .

sabjagah yahdnpd n i be (chashme) hain .

is bagh menbis b i (murgjiy dn)li d in

tum bo bo,i (robtd nah i n), jo

chd ho so baro.

dj a isi sard i ha i bi slzdyadrd t—bo (ba7f )pare.

is sd rejahd z be (naul )bd ma i nne ibrd r bzyd ha i .

is be debhne bd (absar)mauba’

mi ltd hai .byayih (i d ea ) dudh hai i

y ih bdg_

lz b i (td za) tarbd riy dnli d in .

ma i n bya barun i’ bo,i merd

(dost) nah i n ha i .merd is wabt bo

,i (dost nah i n ).

ma in ne bar i (bhauf-nd b)(sd rat) debb i ha i .

H i ndustd n men (mendab)bahutbare lzote ha i n .

wuh apne ghar be bharch menbis tarah cha ltd ha i ?’ (bzfdyat se), y d fug zi l -March i se

y i s murd d be l iye tum ne mujhebhejd thd

, wuh (pur i ho

ga, i ).y ih p ipd bhd l i hai yd (bhard )etum y ih ch i zenbi tn i jald i (taiyd r )bar -sabte lio

wub har bism bd (asbd b) taiyd rbartd hai .

(dyanda b i bd t) ham nah i n7


d n -sabte.


Do you expectmuch gain fromth is trad e ?

W hy have you left the gardengate open

Gather up the crumbs ,There are no l im i ts to h is

generosi ty ,

H e is very generous and gentle,A re you acquainted with thatgentleman ?

H e has composed a book on

geography ,

C an you get me another bookl i ke that

ga i n—grand .

by d tum/zen ummed ha i bi i sbd r -bd r se bard

(bdgfi ) bd phd tab byan blzuld

roti be tubre (jam'

baro).us b i b i i nti lzd

nah i n .

wub sabh i aur (narm-d i l ) ha i .tum un (sd lzib) boy


d nte ho ft”

unbon ne jughrdfi ya) men eb

bi td b tasn ifb i hai .mere l iye us b i s i , eh dusr i

bi td b (le-d ) sabte lzoDo you know how to gi ld tum jante ho bag_

ba g byunbar

paper ?H e showed me a gi lt pictureframe ,

H e has fi ve ch i ld ren ,

boys and two gi r ls ,A re you g lad or sorry on th isoccas ion ?Take care , th is wil l easi lybreak , it is mad e ofg lass ,

I have bought a pair ofg loves ,


Te ll the carpenter to g lue

these two board s together,Is th is cha in mad e ofgold .

s i lver, i ron ,brass , or copper?

Have the goodness to informme ,

Y ou have got many booksgive me one ,

Every one d oes not know how

to govern ,

H e is now Governor of C han

d ernagore ,

In th i s province much gra in

is produced .

Whose grand house is that ?

(zar-affshd n ) barte ha in 2?us ne mujlze tasw

-i r bd eb

sunahrd chaubthd d i bhdyd .

us bepanch la rbe hain , ti n betedo (betzydn).

tum i s mauba‘

par (blzwus/z)hoyd nd

bhabard d r , y ih d sd n i se tut

jd ,egd , (sh islze) bd ha i .

ma i n ne eb jord (dastd na) moll iyd ha i .

y ih do tabhte (saresh se yorne)bo barha, i se babo.

yih zanji r (sone), rupe, lolze,p i ta l , yd tdnbe bi ban i ha i

dp (mi /zrbd n i barbe) mujhefi abar bijzye.

tumlzd re pd s bahut bi td ben

(hain ), eb mujhe do.

har eh shag ; (bd dslzd lzatbarud ) nah i n jd ntd .

wub ab Chandar—nagar bd

bard (hd bim ) lza i .i s sube menbahut (gha l la ) hol dha i . [ ha i

wub bis bd (d'

l i slzd n ) mabd n

134 hang— heavy .

H ang the keys upon the nai l , bhnnti par bunji rdn(latbd )do.

W hen d id that happen uh bab (wd bi‘



)In th is world no one enjovs is d uny d men bi s i bo bd mi l

perfect happi ness , (b_ hwush i ) nah in ha i .

They who fear G od here wi ll jo d uny d men bhudd se darte

be happy hereafter, hai n wub ubbd men(bhwush )

I s the lesson you have gi venme hard or easy ?

Th is is a great hardship ,

T he hare is a very tim idanimal ,

I s there any harm in d oingth is ?I wr ite in great haste to save

the post ,Y ou must try to hasten his

com ing ,

They hastened away as fas t asposs ib le ,

T o act in a hasty manner is not

wise ,

O n entering the room he tookoff h is hat ,

L et us ha te noth ing but sin ,

H ave you any acquaintancew ith that gentleman ?

l have got a pain in m y head ,

H is wound is now hea led ,

H is hea l th is sound ,

Here is a heap of papers , putthem away ,

H ear what 1 say ,then give an

answer,T he heart ofman is inc l ined to

ev i l ,T o - d ay the heat is very great ,In heaven is unspeakab le happ iness , in hel l


unutterab lewoe

Th is box is very heavy ,how

can I carry it ?

dp ne jo sabab 7nt bo d iy d

ha i (mushbi l ) ha i y d d sd n

y ih bar i (sabh ti ) ha i .

(bfi mgosh ) bahut bus-d i l jd nwar ha i .

hy d is bdm be barnemen buchh

(nubsd n ) ha ima i n bahut (ja ld ) l ibhtd b zinbi djb i d d bpar cha ld -jae

us be (ja ld ) d ue be l i re tumhenbosh ish barnd hog i .

wuh apne 7nabd 22r bhar bahut

(ja ld )gela .

(ja ld i ) bd m barnd be-wubnftha i .

hamre be andar d te-h i us ne

(top i ) utd r- l i .

ham siwd gund h be bi si se (nafrat na baren ).

tumhd r i un sd h ib se jd n pahchd n (ha i )

mere (si r) men dard ha i .

is bd 2abh 7n ab (achchhd ) hogay d .

usbd (mi zdj) dur asi ha i .yahdn bdgfi ag bd (dher ) hai ,

jo jo bd ten ma i n bahtd hun

(suno), ba'

d us-bejawd b do.

d dm i bd (d i l )bad i b i tarafmd li l

hotd ha i .

dj sh i d dat b i (garm i ) ha i .(bi h isht)men bhwush i bay d n se

bd har ha i , aur (dozab_ h ) men'


b nd -

guftan i ha i .

y ih sand zib bard (bhd r i ) ha i , i sbomain by zinbar lejd l zingd

“heel - hour .

When walking I trod upon h isheel w ith my foot ,What is the height of th iswal l ?Th is large estate is without anhei r ,

C an you afford me any help inth is affair ofm ine

H e is very helpless ,

They l ive only upon herbs ,

T he crows steal , and afterward s hide what they can ,

There are few h i l ls in Bengal ,

Y ou can just give h im a h int

of th is affair,T o go there I must h i re a

palankeen and boat ,

Have you read the history o f

EnglandH e hi t me a very hard blow on

the head ,

H e holds h is pen in the lefthand ,

Make a hole in the ground here ,

G od is holy , just ,’

and pure ,

I t is late ,let me now return

home,I ate some honey out of the

honeycomb ,

H e has obtained much honour ,

I hope to have an interviewwi th you very soon ,

Th is cow has no horns ,An hospi tal is about to be bui ltthere ,

They show great hosp i ta l i ty ,

/Bring some hot water ,Do you know what hour it is ?


cha ine men merd pd lon us b i

(ef f)fi rmw are .

is d iwd r bi bi tn i (unchd , i )ha iis bar i mi lb iyat bd bo, i (wd rzs)

nah i n .

tum mere is bd m men buchh

(madad ) bar sabte ho

wuh bahut (ld - chd r ) ha i .

wub faba i (tarbd r i ) bhd -bar

ji te hain.

bawwe, bhd nd churd te hazn ,

aur phi r jo buchh ho sabta

hai (chhipd te) ha in .

Bangale men (pahd r) bahutbam hazn .

tum is bd t bd (i shd ra) use barsabte ho.

wahdnpahunchne be l iyemujheeb pd lbi aur bi shti (hi raya )barn i hog i .

tum ne I ng l i std n bi (td r i bh )parh i hai

us ne bare zor se mere si r men

mubbd (md rd ).wub bd

,en hd th se ba lam (p

bartd ) ha i .

yahdn zami n men (sd rd bh)baro.

bhud d (budd i is), aur’

d d zl aur

pd b ha i .bahut der h ii

,i ab ma i n (ghar )

M an.

ma in ne mabbh iyon be chha tte

se (shahd ) bhaya .

us ne bar i (’

izzat)pd , i .mujh bo y i h (ummed ) ha i bi

jald i tum se muld bd t hog i .

is gd ,e be (si ng ) nah i n .

eh (haspatd l ) wahdn banne bo

ha i .

wuh bar i (m ihmd n -dd r i ) barteha in .

thord (gar /n)pd n i ld ,o.

tumjd nte ho hyd (bajd ) hai 27


H e is a man of a very humane

d isposi tion , and humble in

h is own esteem ,

H e possesses great human i tyas wel l as hum i l i ty ,

I am both hung ry and th irsty ,

T he hunter is gone a -hunting ,

I t hurts h is m ind to see such

wicked ness ,

I had no idea that you wouldcome to-d ay ,

They spent the ir time in id le

They are ignorant and id le ,

Such a sentiment is i l l i bera l ,I t is not good always to asso

c iate wi th i l l i terate persons ,

H ow long have you had th isi l lness ?

There is an image in that

temple ,

Whence arose th is imagina:

tion ?

H ow d o you imag ine that Ishould agree to th isTh is is of wood , in imi tation

of stone ,

Y oumustgo there immed iately ,

T he undertaking is l ikely to

be attended with immense

expense ,

T he bod y is mortal , the soulimmorta l

They are immovable in theirO p in ions ,

I t is our duty to impart knowledge .

A h upright judge will be im

partial ,

humane impartia l .

ushe m i zdj men bar i (rahmd i l i ), aur b_ _

hd bsd r i ha i .’

us men bar i (adm iyat) aur

(fa ro- tan i ) ha i .ma i n (bhubhd )piyd sd hun .


r i ) (shibd r -bo)gayd ha i .a isi burd

liyon bo debhne se usbd

d i l (dubhtd hai ).

7nujhe buchh (fi ayd l ) na thd

bi tum djd ,oge.

wah (bebd r i ) men apne aubd t

ed i‘

barte hain .

wub bare (nd dd n )aur susthazn .

y ih bhay d l (bam i ne)pan bd ha i .

(nd -bhwd ndon) be sd th hame

sha suhbat rabhnd bhubnah i n .

bi tne d in se tum boy ih (bimd r i )ha i 1?

us but-bhdne men eh (but) ha i .

y ih (Qayd l ) bahdn se pa iddh 72


tum byunbar (gumd n) barte hobi ma in y ih bubzi l barungd

is bopatthar b i (md n ind ) labr ise bandy d ha i .

tumbo (fauran ) ~wahd 7°

z jd nd


l dm hotd ha i i s bdm men

(bahut) b_ _

harch paregd .

yzsmfd n i aur r zih (bd b i ) ha i .

wub apui tajwi z men (mustabz


l l ) ha in .


i lm bd (pha i ldnd ) ham parwdjib ha i .

rd stbd z hd bim (be- tarafdd r )


Will my stay ing here ti ll theI S t of next mon th be anyi nconven i ence to you ?

It wi l l be i nconven i ent for me

to wai t on you to—morrow ,

Is what I say correct or in

cor rect?

My fam i ly has lately been increased ,

There is a rumour Ofincreasingthe army ,

They Speak i ndecent language ,

H e is now i ndependent of anyone ,

I s there an index to th is book ?H OW long have you been in

I nd ia ?

Th is is not to be treated w i thi nd zfif fi ence ,

I s th is an i nd igenous plant ?I was formerly employed in



s i nd igo factory ,

I heard of your i nd i sposi tionlast week ,

I knew h im from h is i nfancy ,

What d o you i nfer from what

he said ?W e must show kind ness and

respect to our i nfer iors , as

wel l as superiors ,

G od is i nfin i te in power and

w isdom ,

W e have no i nfluence over

them ,

I s there no one here that can

give me information con

cerning th is ?She is very i ngen ious ,H e possesses much i ngenui tyT he petition was s igned by

every inhabi tant of the

vi l lage ,

2nconvenzence— znhabi tant.

wah bar i (hunar-mand ) ha i .use bard (hunar ) ha i .

arg i par sab gd ,on-be (rahne

wd lon) ne dast-bha tt biye.

d zi sre mab i ne-b i pahl i td r i bh

tab mere rahne se tumhenbuchh (tabl if) hog i

bal tumse muld bd t barne-bd

mujhe (subh i td ) na mi legd .

jo ma in bah i d hun d urasi haiyd (nd -d urusl )

thore d in se mere'

iyd l—atfdl

(barb -

gag ha in ).fauj—be (barhd ne)-bi bhabar

ha i .

wah (fuhsh) babte hazn .

wub bi lfi'

l sab se (d zd d ) ha i .

i s bi tdb-b i (fi hr ist) ha idp bi tne d i non se (H i ndustd n)men ha in .


y ih bdm a isd nah i n bi tum

is sew fi at) baro.

y ih paudhd (isi mulb-bd ) ha ipah le mai n. fuld ne sd h ib-b i

(n i l )b i both i mennauba r thd .

tumhar i (bi 7nd r i )-bd hd l ma innepi chh le hafte sund .

ma i n us bo (larabpan ) sejd ntdhun.

unhon nejo bahd , us se tum by d

(na tija n ibd lte ho)ham bo chd h iye bi (chhoton)be sd th bh i m ihrbd n i aur

adab sepesh dwehja ise baronbe sd th .

bhud d bi bud rat aur h ibmat

b i (intihd bo, i nah in ).un par hamd rd buchh (bas)

nah i n .

boli yahdna isd nah -i h jo mujhei s bd remen(bhabar ) de-sabe

inhuman— insured . I39

T heir d ispos i tion is inhuman ,

They d el ight in al l kind s of

i n iqui ty ,

H is health has been i njuredby too great exertion ,

I never d id him the least

H e practises i njustice toward sall ,They are all i nnocent,These an imals are i nofi nsive,A n i nquest was held y esterd ay

on the body Ofa person whoshot h imself,What kind Ofan insect is th isH e is so i l l that he is insensi ble,

Y ou had better insert th is inyour letter,

H ow very i ns ign ifi can t isman ,

compared to the A lm ighty

H is word s are i nsi ncere ,

They behaved in an i nsolent

manner ,

H e has lately become insolvent,

C al l a person to i nspect th isc loth ,

T he good s are al l ready for

your i nspection ,

I w i l l be wi th you in an

i nstant,Man acts from reason , an imalsfrom i nstinct,

In Europe and Bengal are

nob le i nsti tutions for com

municating knowledge ,

C an you i nstruct me in th issc ience ?I have insured that vessel for

rupees , and I have

un ~be mi zdjmen, be- rahmi )hai .wuh har tarah—be (gand h )barne se bhwush hole ba zn .

ziy d da m i hna t barne se un

b i tandurusti men (b_ ha la l

ma i n ne use buchh bh i (garar )babh i nah i n pahunchdy d .

wub har bis i par (zulm ) bar idhai .

wuh sab (be-gundh) ha i n .

y i hjd nwar (muz i nah in ) hazn .

wub d dm i yo apne dp gol i

md rbe mar -

gayd ,ba l us-bd

badan (debhd -

gay d ).y ih bis bi sm

-bd (bird ) ha iwuh a isd bimar ha i bi (be-hosh )hai .

bihtar ha i bi tum isba apnebha tt men (l ibho).

bd d i r - i mutlab bhudd -be ban i s

bat d dm i bi tnd buchh (nd


ch i z) ha ii s- b i bd ten (nd -rd st) hazn .

wah gustdbh i se)pesh d ,e.

us-bd thore d in se (dewd ld )n i bld hai .

eh d dm i bo i s hapre-be (jdnchne)bo buld


dp-be (7nuld hage)-be wd ste sab

ch i zen taiyd r hai n .

main (eb dam ) men dp be pd sd,zingd .

d dm i , tam i z se, aur janwarapui (samajh) se, bdm bartd

ha i .

Y zi rop aur Bangd le menta'

l im

be bahut achchhe (dastur)bard r d iye hai n .


i lm men tum mujhe (ta'

l im

de) sabte ho .5’

main ne pachd s hazd r rupa i bous jahaz-bd (bimd ) hiyd ha i ,

140 insurancepol icy — irregula r .

the i nsurance pol i cy in my


She has a wond erful i ntel lect.H ow d id you recei ve th isi n tel l igence

H e is an intel l igent man ,

I ntemperance hurts body and

m ind ,

H ave you any inten tion to go

to EuropeThere is no intercourse betweenus ,

I have no i nterest in th ismatter ,

W hy should we i nterfere in

that affair ?Y ou must i nte7pret what he

says to me ,

I f you know not the language agar tum mulb-b i bol i mah i nO f the country , you must use jd nte ho to rabhnd

an in terpreter ,

I hOpe , sir, I d on'

t interrupt sd h ib, mujhe ummed hai bi

you,ma i n dp -bd mufi i l na

Your com ing here is an i nter tumhd re d ne se mere bd m men

ruption to my business , (b_ ha lal ) hotd ha i .

Shal l I introd uce you to that ma in dp bo un sd h ib se

gentleman (m i ld'

un)H e was i n trusted w ith the us bo sd rd bdm (sipurd ) hiydwhole bus iness ,

I t is said a house wi l l be mashhur ha i bi Ganga- Sagar

buil t at G anga Sagar for thebenefit ofi nva l ids , mabd n banegd .

W ho i nvented th is instrument ? y ih d la bis ne (ijd d) biydT he N awab imagined his nawwd b ne samjhd bi hamd r isold iers were i nvinci ble ,

sipd h par bo,i (fath nah i n

pd -sabtd ).H e has given me an invi ta us ne mer i (da

wat) bi ha i .t ion ,

Where is the invoice of these i n asbd b-bi (fi hr ist)bahd 7i ha i ?good s ?

H is affairs are much i nvolved ,as-bd bd r-o-bd r (abtar ) ha i .

T hese l ines are i rregular , y ih sa tren (sidh i nah in).

aur (bime-bd bagbag) merepd s ha i .

us bo‘

ajib ('

abl ) ha i .bis tarah tum ne y ih (b_ habar )pa; e

wub (hashy d r) d dm i ha i(bad -

parhez i ) jism aur mi zdjbo 7nu


z i rr ha i .

Y zi rop jd ne-bd tum buchh

(i rd da ) rabb ie 120hamd re tumhd re bi ch buchh

(sar—o-bd r) nah i n .

mer i buchh (g_

harae)nah i n ha i .

ham byun us bdm men (dabhld en) .


jo wub majh se bahtd hai tum

hen usbd (ta7juma barud )

142 bind led large.

T hey bind led a fi re with straw , unhon ne payd l -bd d la 0

They showed us very great

bindness ,W e traversed the bingdom Of

Persia ,

G ive me a b iss , then fly yourbi te,Th is is a beauti ful cat, she hastwo bi ttens ,

H e fel l on h is bnees and askedpard on ,

T ry i f you can open th is bnzfe,

Here is a bnot in th is string,

loose it,Do you bnow what peopleth ink Ofh imWhat is wealth without bnow

They labour hard for the irl iving ,

Here are fi fty labourers em :

ployed ,

Having la i d by his profits , hebecame rich ,

I t will cost a labh ofrupees ,

Being lame, he walks wi th a

st ick ,/ P lace th is lamp in the hal l ,Will you go by land or by

sea ?

Where d o you mean to land ?

G hulam Husain is the land

lord O fth is house. I am his

tenant ,

DO you speak our language?I am overcome wi th languor ,


caught a large fi sh yesterday,

unhon ne ham par bar i (m ih7bd n i ) b i .

ham ne tamdm (7nulb)- i I rd nb i sai r b i .

eb (bosa)mu/h bo do aur apud(patang ) urd nejd p .

y ih bahut bhub-szi rat bi l l i hai ,aur us-be do (bachche) ha in .

us ne apne (zd nu)tebbar mu‘dfi

chd h i .

debho to tum i s (chhur i )bo bholsabte ho.

i s rassi men eb (g i rah) ha i , isbo bholo.

tum (jd nte)ho d dm i use baisd


hayd l barte ha in i’big/pai r (


i lm)-be, daulat hy d

ha i !

wuh ba r i (mihnat barbe) apu igugrd n ba rte hain .

yahdn pachd s (mazdur) is bd mmen lage hule hain .


bo (jam'

) bar be wuhdaulat-mand li e—gay d .

eh (ld bh ) rup iya is men bha rch

wub (langrd ) hone-be sabab se

ld th i tebbar cha ltd hai .

y ih (lamp) dd ld n men rabho.

tum (fi ushb i yb i rd h jd ,oge y dtar i -b i f?

tum bahdn (utroge)Ghuldm H nsa in is ghar


(md l ib) hai , ma i n us—bd

bi rdyadd r huh .

tum hamd r i (zabd n ) bolte hemujh par (md ndag


i )gizd l ibha i .ma in ne ba l eb (bar i ) machhl i

pahr i .

last— level . 143

I saw h im last Tuesday, (p ichh le)Al angal bomain ne usbo debhd .

W hy do you laugh without be sabab byun (hauste) horeason

I s it lawf ul to do th is ?L et us lay aside everyth ingthat is evi l ,They are exceed ingly lazy ,

Melt th is lead in the fi re ,

Where d oes th is road lead toThat poor man is b l ind ,

another lead s h im ,


t lean upon the table ,

I saw a monkey leap over the

fence ,

Y ou can learn faster than I ,I took a lease of th is house forfi ve years ,

I t is late ,let us now take leave,

I t is said he intend s soon to

leave th is country ,

H e led so bad a l i fe no one

respected h im ,

H e left all h is business to h issarkar,

Be ing lame O f his righ t hand ,

he writes with the left,

H e fel l O ff h is horse and brokehis leg ,

Th is writing is not leg ible ,

S ir, are you now at leisure,can I speak with you ?I am very poor, can you lend

me a few rupeesMy wages are less than his.

W hy'

d id you let loose the

horse ?

L et us see i f we can read th isbook ,

The g round is quite level ,

y i h barnd (jd , iz) ha i ?ham bo chd h iye sd r i burd


bo (chhor-den).wuh n ihdyat (sust) hazn .

i s s i se bo dg men pigh ld py ih rd sta bidhar (jd td ) haiwuh be-chd ra andhd hai , dusrd

use (rd h batd td ) ha i .mez par (bojh )mat do.

mai n ne eb bandar bo bd r

phdnd te) debhd . [ hotum majh se ja ld i (s ibh) sabtemain ne y ih ghar pdnch baras

(bi rdya ) l zyd .

der hai , ham (rufi sat)hon.

sund hai , bi wub ja ld is mulbbe (chhorne)-bd i rd da rabhtd

hai .

wah a isi bur i chd l (cha ld ) bibisi ne us-bi


izzat na bi .

us ne apnd sab bdm sarbd r

par (chhor-d iya).d d hine hd th-be lule hone se

wub , (bd ,en) hd th se l ibhtd

ha i .

ghore se g i r—bar usbd (pd ,on)

tut-galyd .

y ih libhd parhd nah i njd td ).sd hib, abh i dp bo (fursat) hai ,ma i n bd t bar sabtd huh

mai n bahut ld chd r hun, thore

rupai (barg de-sabte ho) 2’

merd mah i nd us-be mabi ne se

(bam) hai .tum ne ghore bo bis waste

(chhor—d iya)(debhen), is bi tdb bo ham par/7sabte hain yd nah in .

y ih zami n bi l bul (bardbar)hai .

144 l iable— l ist.

By d o ing th is you are l iable to

a penal ty ,

H e is exceed ingly l i bera l ,They were in prison , but are

set at l iberty ,

Have you seen h is l ibra7y?

T he d og l ichs water wi th h is

tongue ,

L ift up the l i d of th is box ,

H e th inks noth ing of tel l ing a

l i e,

H e l ies d own und er the shade

O fa banyan- tree ,

L ifie is short , we ought now to

prepare for etern i ty ,

H e fel l to the ground l ifeless ,

C an you l ift th is stone ?

I s th is package l ight or heavyTel l h im to l ight a fi re ,

W e must l ighten the boat ,

otherwise it wi ll s ink ,I t l ightens very much ,

I was out yesterday in a storm’

ofthund er and l ightn ing ,

My house is very much l ibe

yours ,

I should l ibe much to vis i tEurope ,

I am l im i ted not to g i ve more

than one hund red rupees ,

Th is c loth must have a l in ing ,

H ow many l inbs are there in

that chain ?A l ion is stronger than a t iger ,

H er l ips are red ,

I s the med ic ine you Speak of

a l iquid?


ri te a l ist of the th ings sent

to Dacca,

y ih bdm barne se tum par

jurmd na (ld zim ) bogd .

wuh bare (sabhi ) ha in .

wuh baz’


ne men the, lebin

ab (chhute) hazn .

dp ne us-bd (butuh-bha’

na )debhd hai

buttd zabd n se pd n i (p i td ) ha i .

is sandub-bd (dhabnd ) uthd p .

wah (jhuth ) bolne menbuchhnah in dar i d .

bargad—be darafi t-be sdye men

wuh (sotd ) ha i .(zi ndag i ) bam ha i , ham boabfi br i


dh i bat chdh iye.

wub (be-jd n) hobar zami n par

ga r-

pard .

tum i s patthar bo (uthd ) sabteho

y i h bojhd bhd r i ha i yd (halbd )dg (ja ld ne) bo use babo.

hamen bi shti bo (ha lbd barud )chdh iye nah i n to dub-jd eg i .

bijl i bahut (chamabti ) ha i .ma i n ba l tu

fd n aur (b7jl i )-bewaht bdhar thd .

merd ghar tumhd re gha r-be

(ham-shahl ) ha i .w i l dyat jd ne-b i mujh bo bar i

(bhwdh ish) ha i .

eh sau rupa i se 27) d d d dene

b i mujh bo (parwd nag i )nahzn .

zs bap7 e bo (astar ) darbd r haz.

i s zanji r men bztn i (bare) d n )hazn

(sher -babar ) ch i te se zi rd da

baw i boi d ha i .

usbe (honth ) (ld l ) hazn .

jis dawd -bd tum gibr barte ho

wuh (pat/i ) ha iyo ch izeh t be ga 777 unbi

(fi hrzst) Izbl w.


Th is is a very low wal l ,T he price he asks is very low ,

Lower th is bucket into the wel l ,Thei rs is a l ucrative employment ,

Put th is luggage in the boat ,

H e is now grown very lusty ,


hat is the name Of th ismachi ne

H e was bit by a mad d og ,

H av ing made a pen he began

to wri te ,

H e made me wr i te the letterd irectly ,

These are 777ag‘

n ifi cent bui ldings ,

H e has two ma i dser van ts ,

.l /abe haste and write the letter ,


ho manages h is affa irs ?W e ought to love all 7nanbind ,

H e spoke to us in th is manner ,

need s someTh is garden

manure ,

Show me a map of Bengal ,Th is floor is paved withmarble ,

T he reg iment wi ll march to

m orrow ,

Put a marb on the paper thatis yours ,

I have been to the marbet,


hen w i l l their marr iage takeplace ?

H e is a very kind master

(mean ing teacher or preceptor ),

W ho is the master (mean ingowner ) of that slave

low— master .

us g huldm-bd (md l ib) baun

ha i ?

y i li a'


r balzut (n ic/zi ) ba i“



zou/z ba/zut (t/zor i ) kz‘


mang td lza i .

i s do! 130 b ize med n ic/ze

azz-be bdm me/i bard (naf ) lza i .

is (asbab) bo bi shti me/i i'ab/zo.

'w l l /Z ba/zut 120 -

gaya Izai .

is (ban-bra”

72am byd Izai

bis i but/e 72e use bti tci .

i ts ue ba lam (baua’

be) l ib/ma"

s/zur z?’

biy d .

i zs ue us i wabl maj/z se b iza tt

(l i b/zwci

y i /z‘ima

ra tei i ba/zut

us-b i do (md 7mi ,e7i ) 11am .

ja ld fla t; l ib/20.

m zkd bdm baun (bartti ) lza i11am bo c/za


lziye bi sab (ban id dam) bo‘

p iya'

r bareié.us 72e (i s tara lz) se lzamcz



e sat/zbat-c/zi t b i}

i s bag izmei i paus)dalmi zar zi rlza i .

Bangale-bci (nabs/2a) Ji b/zap .

y i /z fars/‘z (sa71g - i -marmar )- ,bzi

band lza i .

ba l las/zbar -ba (buck) bogd .

jo bagjag tum/Zara ba i us parbaro.

mam t/za’


arm -bi bab bog-i ?

sou/z bard mi/zrba'

n (usta'

d ) lza i .


r w m ines .

I s yourmaster (meaninga Euro

pean gentleman ) at home ?

C al l the carpenter and h is

ma te now ,

H ow can they work withoutmater ials

I mean to go to K h idarpurto -morrow,

By what means can you d o- th is .

.Measure th is cloth ,

Th is 15 a kind ofmeasure ,

ll 'l eet me at Maulavi Sa'



house to—morrow,

I am read ing a bookofmemoi rs.

Make a memorandum ofth is ,l have a bad memory ,

Tel l the carpenter to mend

th is box ,

Th is is an article ofmerc/zan

H e is now a mere/cant in

C alcutta ,

W e ought ever to be merciful ,

I walked four m i les and met

no one ,

W hat Is the best met/zod (mode)of learn ing a language ?I d id not arrive there t i l l mid

Shal l I put it at the top or in

the mi dd le?

Th is paper is mi dd l ing ,

She is m i ld in temper,

G rind th is wheat in the m i l l ,I have considered th is in myown mind ,

H ad you m inded what he said ,

then it would be well ,L ead and copper are dug out

ofm ines ,


tumlzd re (sd lzib) g lzar men

li a i n


aur us-be (sd t/i i ) boab/i i d ne-be l iye balz


bzgéa i r (sdma‘

n )—12e wu/i ey zzn.

bar bdm bar sabte li ain

ba l merd (i rd da) K b i g rpur

jd ne—bd ba i .

tum bis (tadbi r ) seyi /i bdm bar


i s bapre bo (ndpo).y i li eb bisni bd paima

na) lia i .ba l /Waulav i S a


i d—beg/zar men

muj/i se (m uldbd t)baro;ma in (tagbi re)-b i eb bi tdb

par/zid mm.

i s-b i eb (y d d -d d s/zt) band /o.

merd (li djiza ) ba/zutkhara‘

b bai .

i s sand s -b i (marammat barne



se lea/20.

y i li md l (l ijd rat)—,éd li a i .

wu/i ab K a lbatte men saud d

gar i bartd li a i .

li am bo (ra lzm ) barnd lzames/zamanasib ba i .

ma i n do bos c/zala'

aur bisi bo

(na deb/i d ).bis i zabd n be s ibli ne-bd baun -sci


ib) bibta r li aima in (do—pali ar ) tab wa/i an

na/z i n fi anunc/i d .

ma in i s bo upar raébzin yd

(bi c/i )men

y ib ba'

gbag mutawassi t) bai .usbe mizdj men (ta/zammul )Iza i .

is geli iZnno (cnabb i )menp i so.

ma i n ne y in apne (d i l ) mentajw i z biyd .

i ts-bi bd t agar tum (ma'

nte) tobnub li otd .

si sd aur tanba (bnd non) seb /zodbar n ibd ld ja

td lzai .

I48 m inute— motiz'e.

I shal l return in one m inute,They are ful l ofm i r i li ,

They are always in misch ief,

T he wicked man is alwaysm iserable ,

Ad isers never th ink they haveenough ,

They l ive in great m isery ,

H e has met with a great m is

fortune,I was grievously m i s led byfollowing your ad vice ,

Th is is owing to your m i s

management,I suppose you have m is

reckoned these rupees count

them again ,

H e has much misrepresentedthe matter,

They fired several times at a

leopard , but missed it ,

W e ought not to m isspend our

time ,

Y ou mistake my meaning ,

W e should not m istrust without cause ,

l ll ix these together ,

I t is improper to mock any one ,

H e is ofa modest d isposi tion ,

They molest us ve ry much ,

I shal l rece ive the money afterone mont/z ,

T he moon has not yet risen ,

H e wi ll come in the morn ing ,

T he motion of th is whee l isvery quick ,What is your motive for doingth is

ma i n eb (pa l ) mei ip/zi rtau/z ba/zut (g ums/i i ) se blzarelza in.

zoulz lzameslza (bure bdm ) bartelza in.

bad a'


m i bameslza (dardmand )rabtd lzai .

(bafi z‘

lyb i‘

lzi rs babb i”


b/zarti .

w i t/z bare (d ub/z)menrabtel za zn .

us ne bari (a’

fat) ut/za'


tumlzd re”


bat-be muwdjz’


clza lne se ma in sabb i d lzob/zemenpar-



bad - zntzzam i se y i lza isd bu a .

ma in samaj/ztd lzzzn tum rupa ig inne men p/zi rbar


us ney ib (bd tgfi a la t) zd lzi r b i .

eb c/zi te par unbait ne ban“

gol iydnclza ldjn lebin (fliauib i ).

ba rn bo mund sib nab i n bi apndwabt (ed i

)baren .

tum mere ma tlab bo (g_

lza la t

samajlzte bo).be sabab b is i se bad (guma

n )bond/tam bo mund sib nahin .

i n donon bo ba’ liam (m i ld -do).bisi -b i (nabl barnd ) mund sib

na lzzn .

wuli mi zaj-ba


(slza rm i ld ) ba i .wu/z liam bo ba/zut (sata

te Ii d in).eb (malzi ne)-be ba


d mujlze

abtab nalzin n ibla'


wu/z (subb ) bo a,ega.

i s cbarb_

Iz-b i (ba rabat) ba/zuttez ba i .

is bdm be ba rne-bd tum/zen byd


I 50 neglect— obey .

Th is is owing to your neg lect,

They are id le and neg l igen t,H e is a nen bour ofm ine ,

H e‘ l i ves in th is neig/zbour/zood ,

H ave you seen my new book

W e wi l l go there nex t month ,

I have broken the n ib of my

pen ,

These are very n ice mangoes ,

I n ipped my fingers wi th the

p incers ,

I cannot hear so much noise,

What they say is al l nonsense ,

T he plaintiff was nonsui ted ,

H e asked, but I gave h im

71ot/zi ng ,

My fingers are numbwith cold ,

What number of persons werepresen t ?There are n umerous

errors in‘

your wri ting ,

They took w ith them theirl ittle ch i ld and i ts nurse.

H ow can the boatmen row

wi thout oarsI n a court it is usual for

witnesses to take an oat/z,

Y ou should pay obed ience to

h is ord er5 ,

G ood ch i ld r en are obed ien t to

their parents and obl ig i ng to

every one ,

I must obey h is ord ers ,

tum/zd r i (be-bhabar i ) se y i li

b rad ba i .wu/z sust aur (gizdji l ) ba zn .

wu/i merd parosi ) ba i .wu/z (fi d s b i ) rabtd lza i .

tum ne mer i (na l i ) bi tdb deb/i iba i ?

li am (dyanda ) malzi ne waban

muj/z se mere ba lam-bi (nob)tut-gaj.

y i li babut dm ba zn .

mer i ung lzj'dn muclzne se (dab)

ma i n i lue (sbor )-b i ba rdd s/zt


n bar sabi d .

] 0 wu/zbalzte bai /i sab (fwd /ziy d t)ba i .


i -bd (mubaddama bbd


j Il iad ).us ne to mdngd lebin ma i n ne

(buc/i /z na ) d iyd .

mer i ung l iy dnjd re se (tbi tbar )ga l i li d in .

(g i n ti me72 bi tne) d dm i bd z i rt/ze

tumlzd re l ib/me men (ba/zut si )gfi a l t/j

'dn ba i /2.

s ou/z apne c/z/i ote bac/zclze aur

usbi (d d / i ) bo sd t/z le-

ga le.


bigiza i r (d d /2d )-be mal ld lzbyunba r nd l

o bbc-sabte [ la in

gawd /zon bo’


d lat men

(basam) b/zd nd fa rtd ba i .mund sib ba i bi tum i s -bd

(bub/n ) m dno,

ac/zc/zlze larbe mdnbdp-be (tdbi'

d d r ) lzote aur sab bo (Qui ns/z)rabbte lzazn .

muj/ze us - bd bub /n (md nnd )bogd .

object— open . I5 I

What was the object of your

go ing there ?Y ou should try to obl ige yourmaster


These word s are obscure,Th is terni has become obsolete ,Th is is an obstacle to mylearn ing ,

They are obstinate in theiropinions ,There was no occasion for your

com ing ,

H e has occasioned his parentstroub le ,

A fter another month I shal lhave occupied th is house

twenty years ,

I d on’

t remember th is ever to muj/z bo y d d na/ u‘ n bi babb i

have occurred before,

dge a isd (i ttifd b bud lzo).Th is is a very retriarkable y i b bare ta


aijub bi (bd i ) bai .

occurrence .

Th is is a very odd kind ofexpression ,

What offence have I comm i tted ?I cannot th ink ofthusmfend ingh im ,

H ad I known th is before ,I

should have ofered you myservices ,I am going to Mr.


5 ojice,

H e is a European ofi icer ,

There 15 no oi l 1n the lamp ,O nce upon a time , an old man

and an old woman went to

the forest to gather sticks ,There is some omission incopying ,

I omi tted to mention that, ma i n y i li bat ba/zte ba/zte ra/z

G od is - omn ipoten t and omni bli ud d (bd d i r ) aur (li ar jdpresen t, li d ei r ) lza i .

/Open the d oor

, darwa’


tumlzd re wa/zdn jd ue-b i by d

(gfi arae ) t/ziapne d bd bo (rd g i rabbne b i )tumben bos/i i s/i barud

cbd /ziye.

y i li alfd z (mugfi lab) ba iy i li i sti la


li fi l lzd l (ma i rab) ba i .

y i li mere s ibli ne- se (md n i'

) ba i .

'wu/i apui rdy par (are b 77,e)

ba in .

tumlzd re d ne bd (maaba‘

) na

tbd .

wu/i apne mdnbdp-be ranj-bd

(bd i s b iz/d ).eb malzi ne be ba


d i s gbar men

rab ie muj/i bo bis baras

y i li (’

ajab) tarali -bd baldm

ba i .

ma in ne byd (tabs i r) b i ba ia isd us bo (na-bfi ious/i rab/zn d )muj/ze pasand na/i in.

agar ma i n pali le a i s i bd i jd ntdto dpb i madad barne bo

(lzd ei r ) lzotd .

ma in f uld ne sd /zib-be (daftar )menjd td bun.

wu/z w i ldyati ba i n .

c/zi rdgfi men (tel ) nab in .

bi s i zamd ne meneb (bur/i d ) aureb (bur/ziyd ) janga l men

labriy dn c/zunne ga,e.

nab l barne meu'

i buclz/z (ra/z

I 52 operate—pa inter .

H ow_

d ocs th is med ic i ne y i lz dawd ba isi (td s i r rabb i -i

operate ? lza i )What op in ion d o you form on i s men dp by d (biy d s) barteth is subject ? [ min1?

H is house 13 opposi te to m ine , un -bd g/za r mere g/zar-be

(sdmne) ba i .H e has met wi th much opposi ba/zut logod ne i sbi (mubbd lation , fat) bi ba i .

I have brough t some oranges , mai n buc/zlz (baule) [ dyd bun.

H e is celebrated as an orator , wu/z (fasi lz)maslzbur ba i .Th is is an order for a hundred y i li eb sau rupai -bi (bund i )

rupees , lzai .

Th is school is without order , y ih mabtab be (tartib) lzai .I have ordered the good s to be sab clzizon-be taiy d r barne-bo

got ready , main ne (bubm biy d lia i ).H e was well versed in O r ienta l (mas/zr ib i )


i lm se wulz bitd bl i terature ,

wdbif t/ze.

Do you know the or ig in of tum i s babdwat—bi (as! ) jd nteth is saying ? lzo .


Th is is not the or ig i na l writing , y i/z (asl i ) talzr i r nab in ba i .They wear d ifferent kind s of wulz taralz tara/z-be _ (zewar)

ornaments , palzi n ti ba zn .

These ch i ld ren are orp/zans , y i li larbe yatim) li d in .

VVe cannotovercome the enemy , d uslzman par 12am (glgd l ib)ualzin lzo sabte.

/T he river has over/towed its da ijyd

-bd pd n i bind ron se

banks , (bd /zar n iba l -gayd ).I t is better that you over loob y i/i bib ior bai bi a


p usbe busur

his offence , se (dar gugar baren ).A sud d en gust of wind overset J

'ab-d -

yab bawd-be eb jlzobe ne

the boat, nd,o bo (d ubd -d iyd ).

W ho is the o wner of th is house ? i s g izar-bd baun (md l ib) ba iWhose oxen are these P y i li bisbe (bai l ) Iza in

P .

I have rece ived a pacbet from main ne mad rds bi d db se eb

Mad ras ,

In what page of the book d oes bi tdb-be bis (sas e) men wu/z

the word occur ? lafg d td lzaiI have apa in in my head ,

mere si r men (dard ) ba i .Where d id you get th is pain t ? tum ney ib (rang )babdupdy dIn former times , there l ived in ag le zamd ne menGb i n -be mulb

C h ina a celebrated pa inter ,menAl d u i ndm eb baro

(mubv name Mani , saww i r ) t/zd .


In read ing you ought to pausewhere there is a stop ,

I have had a mon th’

s paybeforehand ,

H e is a very just man , he paysall h is d eb ts ,

H ewi ll have onlypecun iari'loss ,

T he w ind ows are so smal l , onecan but just peep through

them ,

These ch i ldren are peevi s/i andperverse ,

For d o ing th is you must payapena l ty ,

Lend me your penbn ife to cut

mypen ,

H is turn ofm ind ispens ive,I percei ve no error in your

com posi tion ,

Th is b lem i sh is notperceptible,Your work is nowperfect,

W e ough t to aim at perfection ,

though we cannot attain it ,

H e generally prom ises , but hedoes notperform ,

T he whole apartmentwas fi lledw ith perf ume


T he house is perfumed by the

fragrance of these flowers ,

P er/zaps th is news may be true ,

I s th is regulation to be permanen t ?

I have perm ission to go for

three months .

Bring aperm i t for these good s ,

Will you permi t me to walk al i ttle in your gard en

pause peip ler ed

par/m e men tum bo wabf-b

jaga li garnr bai .

ma i n ne eb ma lzi ne-bi (.ta lab)peslzg i pa


,i lza i .

ZUIt/l bard t/zib d dm i li a i , apudsab bar; (ad d ) bar i d ba i .

un -bofaba t md l i (nubsd n)bogd .

b/zi g’bzydn a is i tang li d in ,bi

d dm i us se faba i j/zdnb)sabtd ba i .

y i /i larbe aur (d/z i t)

(s/zdyad )y i li bbabar sac/z lzo.

by d y i li d , i n pa'

li d d r ) bogd

ma in ne t in malzi ne-be l iye

jd ne-b i zjd zatpd li .

i s asbd b-be lejd ne-bd (_rawanna)

[ cf/0.

apne ba’

gfi mengara sai r barne

bi (ijd zat) d zzizyegdThere is a perpetual flux and jawa

r bba'

t/zd (lzames/ia ) lzotdreflux ,

I am much perplexed in th isbus iness ,

lia i .

bdm men

(li ai rd n ) Inn}.i s ma in. ba/zut

y i/i bdm barne se tum/zen(jurmd na ) d en d bogd .

(balam ) ban d ne bo muj/i e apud(clid bz?) do.

is-bd d i l (mutafabbi r) ba i .tum/zd r i tali r i r men gl ia la ti

na/z i n (pd td ).y i li d dgjg (d ib/zdj nab i n) detd .

ab tum/zd rd bdm (tamdm) lio

bani bo c/zd /ziye b i (bamd l )- bdbasd baren agarc/i i lzd si l ) nalzo.

wu/i absar u 'a'

da bartd lza i ,lebin purd na/z in bartd ).

sd rd bamrd (Mi nus/b bd ) se

basa bu,d tbd .

i n p/zulon-b i b/zzousli -bzi se sd rd

person— plan .


Who is thatperson?I have d one th is deed through

hispersuasion ,

H isa nswers are pertinen t,Y ou must make a peti tion to

the merchants ,Have you a p/zia l for the

med ic ine ?Th isp/zrase is very common .

I am not fond of takingp/zysic,

Do you know what pbysicianattend s him

I will show you a beauti fulpi cture,

G ive me a smal l piece ofpaper,

H e is a person ofgreatp iety ,

T he pi lgr im is gone on pi l

gr image,H is house is ornamented wi th

I want a pair ofp incers fromthem ,

Whose is that pinnace nowpassing?

I was near fall ing into ap i t,

T he afflicted should exc ite ourpi ty ,

What a pi ty you d id not tellm e th isWhat is the place called wherehe l ives

T he plague of th is business isend less ,

T he plague has done much

harm to Ind ia,

Th is writing is pla in and easyto be read ,

W ho is the plaintijr in th is

affair ?Have you seen the plan of the

bui ld ing ?


wub (snag s) baunbaiun -be (babne) se main ne y i/i

bdm biy d .

i s-bajawdb (sli d / i sta) ba i .

tum bo c/i d lziy e bi sauddgar

sd lzibonbe ndm ('

arg i ) l ib/to.

tumlzd re pd s dawd rab/zne bo

ba i

y in (bd t) to'

dm bai .

mai n (dawd ) bbd ne-bd slzd,ib

nab i'n .

tum jd nte lzo baun (li abim) un'

b i da ze/d bari d bai .5’

mai n tum bo eb babut ac/i cbb i

(tasw i r ) d ib/zdni rigd .

muj/z bo eb c/z/zotd (tubrd )bdg iiag bd do.

wu/i bard (d i ndd r) bai .wub (li dji ) (bajjbo)gayd ba i .

us-bd g/zar (satunou) se d rd staba i .

main eb (sandd si ) un se cbdbtd


y i li (bajrd ) 7'

o jatd bai bisbd

ba i ?

ma i n us (garli c) men g i rte

g irte bac/zd .

li am bo c/zd /ziy e bi musibat

zadon par (ralzm)baren .

bya b i (afi os) bai bi tum ne

muj/z se na babd

usjagab-bd ndm byd lza i jabanwuli rab id bai

i s bdm men (d ibbat) be- inti /zdlzai .

td‘un se H industd n bo ba/zutnubsd n pa/zuncli d .

yi li'

fi at (sdf ) bai , aur ba

d sd n i par/zd jd td ba i .i s mubaddame men baun

is gba r-bd (nabs/2a ) tum ne

d eb/i d ba i

I56 plane— postmaster

Smooth th is board wi th aplane,

A re these planbs for saleT he ins id e wal ls are plasteredwi th l ime ,

W e have now no time toplay ,

I f he had informed me of th isbe fore , I should have beenbetterp leased ,

I pledge my word to act in th ismanner ,

Th is kind of frui t isplentiful ,I have an excel lent p louglz andone pair ofoxen ,

When the rains arrive I shal lp lougb th is field ,

H e is a poet ; have you seen

h is las tpoemTh is need le has no point ,She has been at the point of

d eath ,

H ad you asked , I could havepoin ted out to you in whatmanner to act,

H e received us w ith great

pol i teness ,H e rid es out every morn ing on

h ispony ,

H e is nowbecome poor ,

C alcutta is a very populous c ity.

I have h is portra i t in mypossession

H ad I stud ied earl ier, by th istime I m ight have possessedmuch learn ing ,

There is no possibi l i ty of your

getting there tod ay ,

I f the letter goes by to- d ay'


post, you must send it to the

post-ofi ce now,

What wi ll be the postage ?I have sent word to the postmaster


(rande) se is ta_


bte bo c/zibnd


by d y i/z biba [ la i n

andar-b i d iwd ron men (g ac/zlzbd r i ) lzzZ, i lza i .

12am bo ab (bbelne)-bi fursatnab in.

agar wulz pesli tar muj/z se

bab i d , to main zzyd da

(fibrous/z) lzotd .

ma in baul (d etd bun) bi mazn

y un barungd .

i s bi sm -bd plia l (babut) ba i .mere pds eb acbc/zlzd (lza l ) aurba i lon -b i ebjor i ba i .

jab barsd t d,eg i , to ma i n is

blzet bo (jotungd ).wulz(slzd


i r ) lza i , us-bi

(nagm ) tum ne deb/i i ba i

i s s22,i -bi (nob) naiz i n .

wu/z marne-be (bar ib)palzuncli it/i zn .

agar tum puclz/zte, to ma i n

bdm barne-bd taur (batd

wulz bare afi ldb se bamd re.

sd tlzpes/z-dy d .

wu/i (tatta) par liar sub/z bo

sawd r lzote ba in .

'wub ab (gi zar ib) lie-gay d .

K a lbatta bard (dbd d )slza/zr ba i .

(mere pd s) is-be (c/zi lzre-biw i r) liaz.


gayd lzotd ).mumbin nab i n bi tum a]wa/za' n pa/zuncbo.

agar tum dj-b i (d db)par bba jtbbejte lzo , to abb i (d db-

g izar )menb/zejnd c/zd /ziy e.


db-bd mabsul ) by d bogd .9

main ne (dab munsbz‘

) bo ba/zldb/zejd bai .


W ho is the presi dent of that

soc iety ?I presume , sir , you have latelyarrived in th is country ,

Th i s is mere]y apretence,These are verypretty flowers ,I could not preva i l upon h im

to remain here longer,Th is d isord er is at present verypreva lent,I thought you m igh t have pre

ven ted the ir going away ,

Y ou went previous to myarri val ,

/What is the pr i ce of th is ? Is

that really the marbet pr i cev

(orpr ice curren t)W e ought to shunpr ide,

VVho is the pr i ncipal in the

bus iness ?T he book wi ll shortly be

pr i n ted ,

H ow many pr i soners are in

jai l ?They held a pr ivate conversa

t ion ,

I s there a probabi l i ty of myseeing himThat is not at all probable ,

Where can I procure a budgerow ?

Those articles are the produceof th is country,

Th is piece of land producesnoth ing but weed s ,

They use only profane lan

guage ,

I promised to cal l upon h im

to -d ay,

By th is our happiness wil l bepromoted ,

president— promoted .

us jamd'

a t-bd (m i r - i majl is)baun lza i .


sd lzib, mai n (samaj/ztd ) bunbi


dp ya/zdn t/zore'

arse se

d,e Izain.

y i /zjaba t (babd na ) lza i .y i li

ma in nu bo yalzdn z iydda'


tab tba/zrd na sabd .

y z'



bimd r i bi lji'


a i .

muj/ze bizayd l t/zd , bi tumun/zenjd ne se (rob sabte Ito).

mere d ne se peslztar ) dp c/za le

ga ,e.

i s-b i (b imat) by d ba i t/zibtlzib wu/z i (bd zd r -bd n i rb


lg)lza i

lzam bo clzd /ziye gizarur ) se

parbez baren .

i s bdm -bd (as! md l ib) baunba i ?

y i li bi tdbja ld jd ,eg i .

jel -b_ lzd ne men bi tne (ba id i )Iza in f?

.un/zon ne buc/z/i (pos/zid a)bd t—c/zi t bi .

byd is bd t bd (bar i na lzai ) bima in use deb/z sabungd

us bd buclz/zbb i (bar i na)na/z i n .

muj/ze eb bajrd babdn(mi legd )“5

wub sab c/zizen i si mulb-bi

pa idawd r ) lia in.

is bat‘

a - i zam i ng/zd s

-be siwd; aur bucblz

nab i n (ugtd ).wu/zfaba t (bur i ) bd ten balzteli d i n .

ma i n ne un se (wa'

da biy d ) bidjtumlzd repd s d , 22ngd .

is se barnd r i (ziyd da )

prone— provided .

Man is prone to err,

L et me hear you pronounceth is word ,

I s my pronunc iation correct ?

What proof can you g ive of

th is ?I f you take away th is propthe roof may fall ,Th is d octrine is propagatedeverywhere ,

Do you conce ive th is to be

proper ?H e is a person ofproperty ,

Y ou w i ll have your proportionof profi ts ,I propose that we share the lossbetween us ,

A re you the propr ietor of th ish ouse

Will you prosecute h im for h is

oflence ?

H e is now ln greatprosper i ty ,

H is affairs are now very prosperous ,

In whatever he und ertakes heprospers ,

I t is a prince ’

s glory to protecthis people ,

They fled to the king for protection ,

They who are proud have l i ttlesense ,

I can prove th is to be true ,

Th is is a common proverb,Be ing in service all the time ,

have you not prov i ded for

your fam i ly

I S9

d dm i gundb—bz taraf

lza i .

is lafg -bd (ta laf uz ) muj/zesund


merd (ta laf ug ) d urust ba itum is-bd by d (sus t) d e- sab

te 120 t’

agar tum y ib (tbun i )n ibd l - logeto c/z/zatg i r

-pareg i .

is mas,a lepar /zarjagab (

‘ama l )

biy d jd td ba i .tum samaj/zte bo bi y i/i t/zib

ba i ?

wu/i bard (daulatmand ) d dm iba i .


men tum apud para(um )Mega

mer i (tajw i zy ib ba i )bi jo buclzbnubsd n lzzi

,d bai , 12am donon

us men s/zar ib lion .

tum is g/zar-be (md l ib) lzo

is-bi tabs i r -be sabab byd tum

uspa r (nd l i sb ba roge)i n d inon us-bd (nas ib) c/zambdbu

,d Iza i .

is wabi us-be bdm men b/zs

(tarabb i ) lzo-ra/i i bai .

ji s bdm menwu/i bd t/i dd ltd ba i ,us men (bdmy db botd ba i ).

bd ds/zd /z-b i buzurg i is men ba i

bi wu/i apu i ra'

iyat-b i{zifd gat bare.

wu/z pand /z)-be l iye bd ds/zd /z-bepd s b/zdg—ba rga,


(mugjrur ) lzote ba zn bam'

abl rabb ie li a in.

ma i n (sdbi t) bar sabtd b dn, bi

y ib sacb [m i .

y i li mas/z/zur (masa l ) li ai .i tne d inon tab bardbar naubar

ra/ze aur p/zi r b/zi bd l

bacbc/zon-be l iyebuc/z/z (jam'

)na biyd

160 P rovidence put.

P rovi dence d irects all th ings ,

Th is d isease affects the wholeprov i nce,

Make provision for your

journey ,

H e does everyth ing he can to

provobe me ,

She is a w ise and pr udentwoman ,

A pujr

of wind wi l l upset th isboamW e must pul l the boat alongw ith a rope ,

Let me fee l your pulse,Y ou may expect to bepunts/zedfor th is ,

I am read ing a d ialogue be

tween a pupi l and h is pre

I f I had had sufli cient moneyI should have purclzased the

house ,

There were fewpurcbasers ,

G od only is pure, that is , freefrom sin ,

C an you inform me how the

heart may be purifi ed ?

I purpose to consid er th issubject ,

For whatpurpose do you maketh is

H e found a purse with fi ve

ashrafis in it ,

O ur sold ierspursued the enemys ixty m i les ,

Your pursui t of pleasure is

frui tless ,

H eput al l his savings into thebank ,

(P amvard zgd r)-be bd t/z med

d uny d bd bd rb/id na ba i .

y i /z bimd r i tamdm (sube men )p/za i l i li n, i ba i .

(tos/za)safa r -bd taiy d r baro.

usse jabdn tab lw-sabtd lia i

(gfi ussa b/ia rbd td )rabi dba i .

wulz ba r i'

ablmand aur

(busbyd r )'

aurat ba i .

bawd -be eb (tamdnclze) se y i /z

bas/zti ulat-jd ,eg i .

lzamen nd,o gun se (blzi nc/znd )

md zn tumlzd ri (nab? ) deb/21272.tum samaj/z rabbo bi tam/zen

is-be l iye (sazd m i leg i ).ma i n (ustd d ) aur (s/zdgi rd )-besawd l o jawdb par/z-ra/zdlai n.

agar merepds bdfi r i iy d lzotdto wub g/za r (Mar id td ).

(bizar id d r ) ba/zut tbore tlze.

faba t b/zud d (pdb) ba i , ya'



a ib.

tum mujlze baid -sabte lio bi d i l

byunbar (sdf lzo—sabid ba i )ma i n (i rd da rabbtd bun) bi ismubaddame-bi tajw i z bar dn.

bis (gbarag) sey i li band le lio .9

us ne paneli asbrafiyon bi

(tba i l i )pa‘

,i .

bamd re s ipd /ziyon ne d uslzman

bd tis bos tab (pick/id biy d ).tum/zd r i (


d isli -jzij) be-fi i , idaba i .

unlzonne apn i sd r i baclzat baabmen (jam


b i ).

16 2 rasca l recover ing .

H e is a great rasca l ,

H e is very rasb in h is conduct ,

A t what rate do you buy th isc loth ?

I t is not good to eat rice raw ,

I cannot reacb so h igh ,

H e reads e igh t or ten hours

every d ay ,

S ir , the carriage is ready ,

Th is is al l rea l , not show

merely ,

Man has reason , the beasts

have it not ,

W hat is the reason you cannot

be s i lent ?What you say is reasonable,

That house has been rebui lt,

I received your letter datedI st March ,

G ive m e a receipt for the

money ,

I s th is intel l igence recen t ?

Tel l me the recipe for th ismed ic ine ,

H ave you recboned what these

th ings w i ll come to

I now recol lect what you toldme ,

I have no recol lection of his

tel l ing me it,

S ir, be pleased to give m e a

letter of recommendation to

that gentleman ,

I d esire no recompense for

serving you ,

They two are now reconci led ,

Have you any expectation of apud (md l ) pd ne-b i tum bucbb

recovering your property ? ummed fab/fi e bo

wub bard (bardm-zd da) ba i .wub bard (jald -ba

z) ba i .i s bapre bo bis (bbd /o) parbbarz

d te bo .4’


cbd wal (bbd nd ) b/zubnab in .

ma in i tnd zinc/2d nab i n (pabuncb ) sab i d .

wub bar roz d tb das gbante

parbtd ) ba i .sd b ib, gd r i (ta iyd r ) ba i .

y ib sab (bab ib i ) ba i , na

tamd sbd .

d dm i ('

abl ) rabbtd ba i ,jd nwarnab i n.

by d (sabab) ba i bi tum cbupnab in. rab -sabte

jo tum babte bo wub (m'

abnl )ba i .

wubgba r (pb i rbar ta iya‘

r biy d

gayd ba i .

tumbd rd bba tt mu'

a rrafla

yabum l i l d rcb -bd (mujbe

pabuncbd ).un rupapn bi (rasid ) mujdedo.

y i b bbabar (td za) ba iis dawd -bd (nusfi a ) mujbebatd


tum ne (b isa'

b-biy d )bi in cb izon

b i b imat by d bog i ?

ab mujbe (yd d - dyd ) bi tum ne

mujb se by d babd tbd .

mujbe (yd d ) nab i n bi is ne

mujb sey ib babd tbd .

gba r ib-parwar , eb (szfd rz



n d ma )ful d ne sab ib-be ndm


i ndyat b ijiye.

ma i n dp b i bb idmat—gugd r i bdbucbb (ajar ) nab i n cbd btd .

un donon be dpas men ab (mel

rectify repentance.

I f there be any m istakes , rectifythem ,

I have very much red uced myexpenses ,

T o what d o these word s refer ?C an you give me a reference toany one

T he more I reflect upon th isc ircumstance , the more Iregret it ,

I feel much refresbed by the

ai r,

H e w i l l be ob l iged to refundth is sum ,

H e has ref used what ad vice Ioffered ,

I hear him very great regard ,

Y ou ought to have regarded

my ad vice ,

H is reg iment is gone to

C awnpore ,

I regret I d id not fol low yourad vice ,

T he business proceed s wi thregular i ty ,


These matters need to be regu in mu'

dma lon-be l iye (i nti zdm)

I shal l rejoice to see him ,

There is no ready money re bucbb nabd (bab i ) nab in .

ma i n ing ,

I wish to renew the lease of

th is house ,

T he month ly rent of th is houseis fi fty rupees ,

Your house need s repai rs ,

C an you lend me two hund red

rupees I will repay you inten days ,I now repeat what I told youbefore ,

Hereafter our repentance willbe useless ,

darbd r bai .

us-be d ebbne se main (bbwusb

menbucbb gfi a l tiyan ,

bon to (d urust) bar -d ijiye.

ma i n ne apna bbarcb babut

bucbb (gbatd -d iy d ba i ).y ib bd tenbis

-be (babbmenba i n

a isd d dm i bata sabte bo jo tumse (wdb if ) bo ft

i s md dde men jztnd gfiaur

bartd bun) utud b i mujberanjboi d bai .

mujb bo i s bawd se bari (td zag ibasi l ba i ).

i tne rupa i us bo pber—dene

fo nas-iba t ma i n ne bi , wub us

ne (na mdn i ). [ b ii i imain usb i ba r i (t


az im) bartatum/zen mer i nasibat (md nnd )

zarur ib i .

usbi (pa l tan ) k’

d npd r ,b0a i ba i .

ma i n pacbbtd td bun) bi ma i nne dp-bi nasibat na md n i .

y ib bam bar i (durusti )se cba lta‘

ma i n is gbar-bd bi rdya nama

pbi r l ib/zd nd cbdbta’


is gbar—bd mdbwd r i (bi rayn)

pacbd s rupiya ba i .tumbd rd gbar (marammat)talab ba i .

tum do sau rupai mujbe barede sabte bo .

? ma i n das roz


d (ad d bardungd ).j0 ma i n ne tum se pab le babdtbd , wub i (pbi r babtd bun).

p icbbe bamd re (tauba) barnese bucbbfd l ida na bogd .

164 re'pented rest.

H ad I acted as they ad visedm e , I should have repentedof it very much .

Th is is a repeti tion of what

was said before ,


hat reply d o you make to

my questionI have made a report to


I t is so reported ,

I w i ll represent the subject toh im ,

H is conduct was reproacbedby many ,

The ir cond uct d eserves reproof,

H e reproved them very sharply ,

‘What request d id they make ?I request of you only th is one

favour,These two very much resemble

each other ,

Y ou wi l l reserve for me three

cop ies ofyour book ,

VVhere d o you resi de

Is that the place of your resi

dence ?

H e has resigned h is former

otfi ce ,

Y ou cannot res i st h i s c laim ,

The enemy fled w i thout re

s istance.They are resolute in the ir wub apne i rd de parpurpose ,

ba in .

T o d o th is requires resolution ,is-be barne bo pabbd i rdda )da rbd r ba i .

I am resolved to d o so no more , ma in ne (basd biy d b ai ) b ip/zi r a i sd na bar dngd .

I pay great respect to what be ma in usb i bd t-bd ba rd (adab)says ,

bartd bun.

H e is everywhere respected ,us-bi barjagab (ta

‘g im)boti ba i .

I had no rest last night , ba l -b i rd t ma in ne bucbb

agar ma i n un -b i sa ldb parc/za l ta to main babut (pacbb

jo pob le babd gayd tbd usi—bd

(d ubrd nd ) ba i .mere sawd l -bd by d (jawdb)dete bo

fuld ne sd b ib bo ma i n ne

(b_ babar ) d i ba i .a/wd b toy enba i .ma in y ib mu



ma la nu se


arg ) barungd .

usb i cbd l par babuton ne

(maldmat b i ).un -be af


d l (sarzan isb)-be ld i bba in .

us ne un bo bum}(dbambdyd ).unbon ne by d (darfi wd st) b ima in tum se faba l y ib



(cbdbtd bun).y ib donon dpas men babut

(m i ltejulte) ba in .

tum ti n ji lden apu i bi tdb-bi,

tum babdn (rab i e bo)“by d y ib tumlzd re (rabue)-bijaga/z ba i

wub apne pab le’

ubd e se


fi ) bd d .

tum us-bd da'

wd (daf'

nab i n

bar -sabte).d usbman bn a i r (mubd ba le)

166 rocb— same.

T he sh i p ran upon a rocb , and wub jabd z bis i (cba td n) parwas lost , cba rbbar tabdb bd d .

T he roof of the house fel l in, gbar

-bi (cbbat)g i r -par i .H ow many rooms are there in us gbar men bi tne (bamre)the house ? ba i nThose trees were dug up by wub darab/zt (jar) se bbod -d d le

the roots, ga ,

e tbc.

Make the boat fast wi th a rope, b i sbti bo (rass i ) se bdndb -do.

R ub your hand s with th is leaf, i s patte bo apne bd tbon men

T he vessel ran upon a sand

bank and lost her r udder ,

By these d eed s he W i l l in the

end be ruined ,

W hat rule d o you observe in

stud y?

G od is the ruler ofthe un i verse ,

R un after h im and cal l himback ,

Th is kn i fe is covered with rust,

Th is is ind eed a sad m isfortune ,

y ib babibat men eb (ba r i )muribat ba i .

H e is'

used to rid e wi thout a us bo bigba i r (zi n ) sawd r boneb i


da’at ba i .

I heard of h is safe arrival in ma in. ne sun d bi wub (sab ibL ond on , saldmat) l a ndan pabuncbd .

W e may l ive here in safety ,bam ya/zdn(sa ldmati )se raben .

Th is boat has ne i ther mast nor is bisbti men (pd l ) aur mastulsa i l , nab in .

S a i lors vis it d i fferent parts of (ma l la'

b ) d unyd -be mubbta l ifthe globe ,

mulbon-b i sa ir barte ba in .

H is sa la zy is 500 rupees a us—b i pd n sau

month ,r zipiya md /zana ba i .

There w i l l be a sa le of sa lt to ba l (namab) (n i ld m) bogd .

morrow ,

These articles are not sa leable, yi b asbd b bd bi l (farob_ bt)-be

nab i n .

you go there or not it tumbd rd wabdnjd nd na jd ndis al l the same

,donon (yabsd b ) ba i .

jabd z reti -be ti le par cba rb

gayd aur us-b i patwd r ){zi t—gaj.

in bdmon se d bb i r bo wub

(fi ardb bogd ).mutd la


e men tum byd (dastur )rabbte bo

Mud d jabd n -bd (bd bim) ba i . v

us-be p ic/zbe (dauro) aur use

pbi r buld - lo.

y ib cbbur i (zang)- blzurda bo

ga l i ba i .

samp le secret. I 67

Show me a sample of the rice , cbdwa l—b i (ba‘

ng i )

Th is rice is ful l ofsand ,

Your book has afford ed me

much sati sfaction ,

They are never satisfied ,

S ave th is for to-morrow,

I have saved my fr iend from a

very great d anger ,Tel l the carpenter to saw th isboard in two ,

Th is is an old say ing ,

These artic les are now scarce,

S catter th is seed on the ground ,

I have bough t a score ofsheep ,

H e treated my ad vice wi thscorn ,

S crape the ink offyour pen ,

I have scratcbed my finger wi tha nai l ,

W hy d o you scraw l on my mere bdgfi agpar byun (labi ren)paper bb incbte bo

These ch i ld ren scream all d ay , y ib larbe tamdm d i n (cb i l ldyd )barte ba i /i .

Th is lock is fastened on with y ib bujl (pecb) se lagdy d gaydscrews , ba i .

Th is is the vi llage scr ibe, y ibn on—bd (munsb i ) ba i .T he sh i p wi l l go to sea to bat jabd z (samundar ) men

m orrow ,

What d id you g ive for that tum ne us (mubr)-ba‘

by d d iyd

sea l ?

H ave you sea led your letter?

There are no seams in th is cloth ,

I had a long searcb to no

purpose ,

I have been searcbi ng for th isal l day ,

W e walked by the sea - sbore,Th is is a pleasant season of the

year ,

They keep all th ings secret,

muj/i ed ibbd


i s cbdwa l men(bd lu)bbard ba i .tumbd r i bi tdb parbne se mujbbo babut [ ZZZ

/i .

wub babb i (ser ) nab i n boie.

is boba l -be waste (bacbd - rabbo).ma in ne apne dost bo babut

bare bbd tre se (bacbdy d ) ba i .barba ,

i se babo,bi (d re) se is

tabb ie bo do bar -d d le.

y i b puran i (babdwa t) ba i .

y ib cb i zenbi lfi’

l (bamyd b)ba zn .

yib tubbm zam i n men'

(bo-do).ma in ne eb (bor i ) bberenmol

us ne mer i nas ibat bo (ba lba)jd nd .

ba lam se siyd /zi poncbbo).mer i ung l i eb bi l se (cbb i l -ga l

i ).

tum ne apne bba tt par (m ubr

bi bai )i s bapremen(s iwan)nab i n bai .

ma in ne der tab be-fdn'


(ta ld sb) b i .mai n d in bbar usb i ta ld sb men

rabd .

bam ne (darya bi nd re) sa i r b i .baras bbar men y ib (mausim )babut acbcbbd ba i .

wub sab bd ten posb ida) rabbteba in .

168 section— set.

Y ou wi ll fi nd th is in the fourthchapter , fi fth secti on ,

Y ou may remain here secure ,

I see,the troub le I take to

teach you is useless ,

Sow th is seed in the gard en ,

I f we seeb for knowledge , we

shal l fi nd it ,T he pol ice-offi cer sei zed him ,

S elect what th ings you choose,

I intend to sel l my old booksand buy new ones ,

I send m y servant to C alcuttaonce a week ,

T he king said , S end for the

executioner ,

She possesses much sense and

judgment ,

I t b ehoves us to keep our

senses und er control,

H e is a sensible man ,

I have sen t for a car riage foryou ,

Th is sentence h as no beg inn ingor end


My sen timents agree wi thyours ,

They l i ve in separate houses ,

H ow long is it s ince th e irseparation

T he sky is serene and c lear ,

A re you ser ious in what you


Send a servan t ,

Ivory serves for various purposes ,

I have been in h is ser vi ce ten

y ears ,

I set off to- dav for Mursh idabad ,

us bo cbautbe bd b-bi pdncbwm

(farl )menpd loge.

tum yabdn (bba i r se) rabo.

ma in (debbtd ) bun,bi mer i

m ibna t tumbd r i ta’

l im men

be- szid ba i .

i s (bij bo bdg izmenbo.

agar bam'

i lm (dbd ndben), toa lbatta pa



botwd l ne use pabar - l iy d ).tumjojo cb iacbd btebo(cbun - lo).merd mans/ta

ba i bi apuipurd n i bi td ben (beeb)-dalunaur na

,i bba r



ma i n apne naubur bo

men eb bar K a lbatte


bd d sba'

b ne babd bi (ja l ld d bo)(buld p ).

wub bar i (’

abl ) aur rd'

e rabbti

ba i .

bani bo cbdbiyebi apue (bawd ss)babd men rabben .

wub ('

ablmand ) d dm i ba i .ma in ue ap

-be waste eb gd r i

i s (jum le)-bd na awwa l ba i

na d fi i i ’.

i s menmer i (rd'

e)dp semuwdjibba i .

wub (jude jude) gbaron men

rabte ba in .

bi tne roz se nu men (jud dj)ba i [ ba i

d smd n_

bjzfi b (sdf ) aur nurd n i

jo tum babte lzo (sac/z) ba i

eb (naubar ) bo bbejo.

bd tb i—d d nt.

tarab (drab-be bd

mon men (d td bai ).ma i n un -b i (Qidmat) men

das baras se bun.

ma i n dj (jd td

170 sigb— smootb .

W hy d o you sn

Th is is a s ign ofrainy weather,P lease to s ign th is paper,

I t s ign ifies l i ttle what they say ,

For the fool ish si lence is best ,

They all remained si lent,Th is is a s i lb manufactory ,

What can be greater si l l i ness

than to th ink thus ?

My case is simi lar to y ours ,

H is love toward s us is si ncere ,

H e is a man ofsi ncer i ty ,She sings very sweetly ,

The ir religi ous opin ions are

si ngular ,

T he boat is si nbing ,

N o man is so just that he sins

not ,

S i t d own , and see i f you can

und erstand th is or not ,

Wh at si ze is the book you

speak ofHere is a sbetcb of the vi llage ,

H e is a sbi lful phys ic ian ,

H e has much sbi l l,

T he sby is overcast ,

I had no sleep al l last n ight ,

H e sleeps every morn ing ti l leight o


clock ,T he cut in my hand smar ts

very much ,

L et me smel l that flower ,

These flowers are w i thout

Wh y d o you sm i le

T he house is ful l ofsmobe ,

Th is is smootb paper ,

tum b il /i n (tband i sd ns) bbartebo

y ib bd r isb-b i (n isbd n i ) ba i .

m ibrbd n i se is bdgizag pa r

(dast-Ma t) b ijiye.

jo wub babte ba in usmenbucbb(mugdyaba) nab i n .

be-wubufon bo (fi d mosb i ) bibtar ba i .

wub sab (cbup) rabe.

y ib (resbam )-bd bd r -bbd na ba i .

a isd bba vd l barne se ba rb -bar

aur baun s i (b imdba t) bosabti ba i

merd bd l tum/zd rd (sd ) ba i .us-b i mababbat bamd re sd tlz

(d i l i ) ba i .wub bard (rd stkbd z) ba i .

wub acbcbbd (gd ti ba i ).unbe magbabi fi ay d la

t (anobbe) ba in .

ndlo (d ubi—jd ti ) ba i .

bo,i d dm i a isd pb ib nab i n bigund /z na bare).

(ba i tb -jd p ) aur deb/to bi tum

ise samajb sabte boy d nab i

7i s b i td b-bd tum gibr barte bo

wub bitn i (ba r i ) ba i .5’

y ib us gd ,on-bd (nabs/2a ) ba i .

wub bard (bd bi l ) bab im ba i .

w ub bard (buna r ) rabbtd ba i .’

(d smd n)par bad l i cbbdj ba i .ba l ma in tamd m rd t nab in

wub bar sub/z d tb baje tab

(sotd ) ba i .mere bd tb -bd zabbm babut

(dard bartd ba i ).wub pb d l mujbe (sungbne-do).in p/zzi lon men (bbwus/z-bz?)

nab in .

tum by dn (musburd te) bo

gbar (dbd len) se bbard ba i .

yib (cb ibnd ) bdg_

bag ba i .

snark—spectacles .

These d ogs snarl at

another ,H e snatcbed it out ofmy hand ,

Y ou sneeze, because you have

got a cold ,

S now is wh ite ,

H ave you bought any soap ?

Th is pen is very soft,Th is soi l is ferti le ,

May I sol ici t, sir , th is one

favour,I wished to tell you sometbing ,

but have forgotten what ,Th is occasions me much

sorrow ,

H e appears very sorrowful ,

I am sorry for my offence ,

S ort these papers ,

Is th is the sort you wanted ?

T he soul must be happy or

m iserab le ,

I hear the sound ofmus ic ,

That fruit is sour , d on'

t eat it ,

S ow these flower- seed s in the

gard en ,

L eave more space between the

l ines ,In the space of three months ,

H e besought them to spare hisl ife ,

A sparb of fi re may set in

flames a whole vi llage ,

H e speabs the Bengal i languagewell ,

Show me a specimen of your

wr1t1ng ,

They wear spectacles ,


one y ib butte eb dusrepar gburrd te)ba in .

us ne ise mere bd t/i se (cbb i n

tum bo zubdm baa ba i , is l iye

(ebb inbte) bo.

(barf) sufa id boti ba i .tum ne bucbb (rd bzi n )mol—l iy d

ba i

y ib balam babut (narm) ba i .y ib (zam in ) ser -bd si l ba i .sdb ib, agar ijd zat den, to ma i n

eb ('

arg barun )ma in (bucbb bd i )tum se babnd

cbd btd tbd , leb i n bbul -gayd .

y ib mujb bo babut (d ubb) detaba i .

wub babut (d i l -g i r) ma’

l i im

botd ba i .

ma in apui tabsi r par (ranji da)

i n bdgbagon bo (bism-wd r

cbbdnto).y ib wub i (bism) ba i jo tum

cbdbte ibe

(rub) garur yd to subb men

rabeg i , y d d ubb men.

main rdg-bi (dwdz) suntd bun.

wub mewa (bbatta) ba i , use

mat bbd/o.

i spbul -be in bijoubo bdgb men


salar)on be bi cb z iydda fagab

(cbbord -baro).ti n mab i ne-be (arse)men.

us ne nu se apui jd n (bafi sb i )cbdb i

bo-sabi d ba i bi eb (cb ingd r i )sd rc gd ,onbopb iinb


wub Bang ld b_ b_ ii b (bol td ) ba i .

apne bba tt-bd ' eb (namd ua)d ibbd


wub ('

a inab) lagd te ba zn .

172 spends— sticbs.

H e spends his money as fast ashe procures it ,

They trad e in d ifferent kind sof spices ,Take care you d on


t spi l l the



H e has done th is'

merely out y ib us ne fabat (d usbman i ) seofspi te


H av ing spl i t the cocoa-nut ,

h is friend and h imself d rankthe m i lk ,

Y ou have spoi led my paper ,There is a spot of ink on your

clothes ,

Spread th is mat upon the floor ,H aving spread a net at n igh t,he caugh t many b ird s ,

T he weed s spr i ng up very fasthere ,

Spr inble a l ittle water ,

That is a stag of twelve tine,


H e was s i tting on the sta i rs ,

you read ,stand in your

proper place ,

They all stared to see me ,

T he people were nearlystar ving ,

H e is a pe rson of h igh station ,

She intend s to make a longstay there ,

H e sti l l cont inues steady to his

purpose ,

T he jackal steals what he can

lay hold of,T he bank of th is river is very

C an you steer a vessel ?S ticb these papers together

w ith pas te ,

H e walks w i th a sti cb ,

H e is gathering wood (l i terallystjcbs) in the forest ,

ja isd wubja ld bd si l bartd ba i ,wa isd -b i apn i daulat boja ld(Marci: bar i d ba i ).

wub tarab tarab -bd (mard /ib)becbte barn .

bbabardd r rausbndj na gi

nd r iya l bo (torbar) wub aur

usbd dost donon usbd pd n i

p i -ga ,e. [ biyd .

merd bdgbag tum ne (bba rd b)tumbd re bapron par s iy db i


(d dg iz) ba i .is say

bo zam i npar (bicbbd—do).us ne rd t bo jd l (bicbbd -bar)babut cb i rzydnpabr in.

fi ard b gbd s yabdn babut ja ld(barbti ) ba i .

tbord pd n i (cbb irbo).wub bd rab -singd ba i .

wub (s irb i )par ba i tbd tbd .

jab tum parbo , tab apu i jagab(bbare-rabo).

wub sab mujb bo (_tibtzb ibd ndbbar ) debbte ibe .

wub adm i (bbzi bb )-be md re

(mar )-rabe ibe.

wub bare (rutbe)-ba d dm i ba i .wub babut d inonwabdn(rabne)bd i rd da barti ba in .

abtab wub apne i rdde par

(jamd bd d ) ba i .

g ida r jo pd td bd i (cburd - lejd tdba i ).

is da iy d-bd bind ra bard

(zincbd ) ba i .tumjaba

g (cba ld ) sabte boin bdgba gon bo le, i se (cb ipba


do).wub (ld tb i )pabarbepbi rtd ba i .wub janga l men (labr iy dn)

cbun td ba i .

174 success — sweep.

have had l i ttle success in

our work ,


h o is to be his successor ?

The squirrels sucb th is fruit,

H e d id not sufi r me to sel lthe good s ,

“fi l l th is kind sui t you ?

Your advice appears sui table,

I have but two sui ts of c lothes ,

I t is now the summer season,

H e has rece i ved a summons to

attend the court to—morrow ,

W ho super i n tends th is work

I t wi l l then be in vain to suppl icate,

C an you supply me with these

artic lesH e has no means ofsupport ,H ow does he suppor t hi s

fam i lyI should suppose you are m is

taken ,

I am not sure that it is so ,

I am h is surety ,

\Ve saw a d ead body floatingon the surface of the water ,I felt great surpr ise on hearingth is ,

H e would have been greatlysurpr ised had y ou told h imth is ,

I am surrounded wi th d ifli

cul ties ,

I have no suspicion that he

has d one th is ,

L ook — here is a swarm of

bees ,

Sweep away th is l itter,

is bdm men bam ne tbord -b i

(jd lida )pdy d .

us-bd (bd / im mabd m) baunbonewa


ld ba i

g i labr iydn is mewe bo (bbd tiba zn ).

us ne mujb bo asbd b becbne (na

y ib b ism tum/zen pasand ba i )tumbd r i nas ibat (mund sib)

mere pas faba t do (jore) bapreba zn .

ab (garm i -bd mausim ) ba i .us—be pd s (saman) dyd ba i bi

wub ba l’

ad d lat menba‘

g i r bo.

is bdm-bd baun (mubtamimba i )

us wabt (ma'

za rat) mufid na

bog i .

tum y ib cb -i gen mere l iye (ld )sabte bo [ ri d /t in.

usbi (gugrd n)-bd bo,i


wub byunba r apne bd lbacbcbonb i parwar is/z bartd ba i )

ma zn (samajbtd ) bun bi tum

negba la ti b i ba i .mujbe (yab in) nab i n bi y ib

n i sd ba i .

ma i n us-bd (ad m in) ban.

bam ne eb murde bo pd n i -bi

(sd tlz)par babte debbd .

is bd t-be sunne se mujb bo bard

(ta ayjub) 1222d .

agar y ib bd i tum us-se babte ,

to wub babut (ta ajjub)

ma i n musbbi lon men gbi rd )122272.

mujbe gumd n) nab i n , bi us

ne a isd bi rd ba i .

debbo eb mabbbzyon bd (jbund)yabd n ba i .

is bure bo (jbd r

sweet fbrone. 175

T he sugar- cane is very sweet,

My foot swel led greatly ,

C an you teach me to sw im ? “ye/“z

Th is parro t swings upon a

W i re ,

Where is my sword

They teach wi thout any system ,

C ome


in , and tabe oj' your ana

’ar a



apne Zaéeia’e bo (afarcloaHaving taben the fort, theyentered the c ity ,

H e fabes med ic ine usual ly oncea

.month ,

They ta lb incessantly ,

T he same teacher that tang/i t

you fang/i t me ,

H e teac/zes Engl ish and

Bangali ,M ind you d on

t tear your newbook ,

Tel l me where I may meet

w ith h im ,

Th is -wi l l tend to increase our

knowledge ,

I t is now z‘emn time , the court

is open ,

When do you expect th is affairwi l l term ina l‘e ?

S ir, I return you many t/zanbs ,

Th is house must be tbaz‘e/zed


Do you wish for l/zicb paperor thi n

They exercise no ”l ong/i t on

the subject,H e threatens to punish them ,

T he prince sat on a throne,

ganna bard (nzi f/zd ) ba i .merd pdpn babuttum inuj/ze (pa i rn

sabi‘e lzo

y i li i ota da’a’e par ba i i/zbar

(j/zzi l i d ba i ).mer i (ta lwar ) baban ba iwu/z be par/zd fe Izazn .

bi l’

e be (Zebar )wub sba/zr men

a’d b/zi l 1222


wub li ar inani ne eb bd r a'


(bbdy d ) bar i d ba i .wub Zagd td r (babie ba i n ).jis (asi da

)ne tum bous i ne inn/72e i b i par/i dy d ).

102112 A ngrezi

(s ibbd td ) ba i .bbaéara’d r afn i nan

bi td b na

mujlze (dai d /0) as-se babdn

muldbd z‘bog i .

_yi li bamen apna zlnz ba rbd ne

b i_

zfaraf (ind/Zbaregd ).y i li (daréd r )-bd wabi ba i ,


ad d

lat bbul i ba i .


bjiayd l men y ib

1nubaa’a’a7na bad (anjdm)

pd ,egd

sd lzib,ma i n dp—bd babut

(shabr gngd r lzzzn.

is gbar bo na,e sir se (eb/zd nd )

e/zd b iye.

tum (mai d ) bdgéag e/zd /zie 120,

y d (pafla) ei s dd l menwub bucbb afn i (

abl )bo a

’ab/zl nab i n a’ere Ii d in .

wub zen/zen sazd d’ene-bi ja



bi dei d ) Iza i .s/zd b-zda

’a (tabfi t)par bait/2d .

I 76 thro w— treacherous.

T/zrow these b its of paper out

ofdoors ,

I t t/zunders very much ,

T he tide has begun to flow,


ho brough t these tid ings

T i e it quite fast ,There is a tiger in that forestalso a tigress , together wi thtwo young ones ,

Th is ground has never been

ti l led ,

Where shal l we procure timber ?

Youth is the time of learning ,

H e is very tim id ,

I am qui te ti red ,

Th is is a ti tle only ,

They smoke tobacco,

Th is is tolerable writing ,

She has got the toot/iae/ze ,

W e travelled by the l igh t of

T he boat was tossed with the

waves .

Tone/z th is wi th your finger,

There are plenty of toys in the

bazar,What is your trade ?They transact d ifferent affairsthere ,

That money has been trans

ferred to me ,

W e have transgressed G od'


command s ,

T rans late th is into Persian ,

I s th is a good translationH e has been transported for

l i fe ,

W e travel led all thewayon foot,H e is travel l ing in Pers ia,

Their conduct is very trea

ailerons ,

i/z bdg_ _

7z -be puree darwd ze

be bd /zar (pli enb do).bd da l babut (goraj—ra/zd lza i ).ab/z i s/zur d


ba i .

y ili (bbabar) baun [ ayduse b/zzib magbn t

us jangal men eb (sber ) ba i ,our eb (s/zern i ) bb i , aur unbe

sd tlz do bac/zelze.

is zam i n men babb i (b/zeti )nab /


lzamen (sli d /z ti r) baban

jawd n i‘i lm s ibbne-bd (wabl )

lza i .wub babut (( l d ? ta ) ba i .ma in babut (i ltab gaya bun ).1'i/2faba t ba i .

w i t/z (tambd bz?)p i te ba zn .

y ib b_ /za .

t (par/2d jd i d ) Iza i .i ts-be (d dnt men dard ) bai .

lzam - ne (maslz'

a l )-bi rans/zan i

men sa ir b i .

ma ujon se bis/zti (tab 0 bd ld )li zi l i .

is bo apn i ang l i sebd zd r men ba/zut (blzi lone)12am .

tum/zd rd pes/za ) brd ba iwub wa/zdn tara lz tara/z-bdbd robd r (barte ba in ).

wub r zip iya us se lebar mere

(snpurd ) biyd gay d .

lzam ne bhada-bi (nd -farmd n ib i ).

isbd F d rs i men(tarjama baro).bya y ib (tarjama) b/zzi b ba iw it/i

umr bbar -be l iye (bd lepd n i b/zejd ga rd ).

bam rd ste bbar piy d da (eba le).w i t/z F d rs men (safar bar td )ba i .

inbe fi'

lon men dag/_zd-bd zi

bhar i ) bai .


T he house is unf urn is/zed .

She is quite un/zappy on th isaccount ,

Through God'


escaped unburt,

O ur sentiments are un i ted,

Do you concei ve th is to be

unjustW e should not be unbi nd to

each other ,

T o d o so is un lauf ul ,

They are very un learned ,

Un loeb the d oor ,W hy are you so unnzerezfulTheir d emand s are un reason

able,T he ways ofG od are unsea re/z

able ,

O ur joy is unspeabable ,

H is m ind is very unsteady ,

I am altogether unwi l l ing to

go there ,

I t were unwi se not to agree to

th is,

H e has proved h im sel f un

wort/wofyour protect ion ,

mercy we

A re there any upper rooms in

th i s houseThey are upr ight in theird eal ings ,

N o one urged him to d o so ,

Th is business is urgent,O fwhat use is th is ?I never uttered such a word ,

H e exerts h imsel f in va in ,

These th ings are va luable,

I va l ue h is friend sh i p greatly ,

un/ urn is/zed— z'a l i te.

wub gbar (d rd sta nab in ) lza i .wu/z is sabab se babutba i .

bjgud d -befag l se banibi lba l baeb—ga le.

Itamar i rdy (muttafi b) ba i .tum i sbo (insdfna/zin)sama/lztelzo

1zam bo dpas men(be-rob in)bondna ( bd /l i ye.

a isd barna (b_ b i ldf i sbar'

) ba i .wub bare (jd /zi l ) Iza in.

darwd ze-bd bufltum by zin a ise (be-rabm) lzounbe da


we (be-jd ) ba i t}.

wu/z (be-fdjda ) bos/zis/z bartdba i .

3772 C it i zen ba r i (b imati ) ba in .

ma in usb i dosti -bi babut (bad rba r td h d d ).


budd -be burb/zd ne (sanzaj/z se

bd bar ) tra in . [ bd ba r)ba i .lzanzd r i b/zwus/i i (bay d u se

usbe d i l bo (barar) nah i n .

ma in wa/zdnjd ne bo bis i taro/z(rd g i n i l /t in).

i s bd t bd babul na barud

(nd d d n i ) lzotd .

us ne dp sd bi t bird bi wub

tunz/zd r i b inzdyat be (ld /'


is gbar men bo, i (bd ld -bi td na)lza i .


wu/z apne nzu'

dmalon menbare

(bhare) Iza in.

b is i ne a isd barne bo use

(dmd da ) na/z i n bird .

yib bdm (garur i ) 12a i .yib bis (bdm -bd ) ba ima in ne a is i bd l babb i nab-in

(bab i )

va lue— wa i t. I 79

What is the value of these in motzyon-bi (b imat) byd ba i ?pearls ?

H e is ful l ofvan i ty ,

There are various opin ionsabout in

Th is chair has not been var

n i s/zed ,

C onfi d ing in h is luck , he ven

ta red all h is property on

th is risk ,Ver i ty I cannot bel ieve you ,

I meet wi th noth ing but ver a

tion in th is bus iness ,

They make no d istinctionbetween v ice and v i rtue,

W e should be v igi lan t in

avoid ing evi l ,What is the name of th is

H e cannot vi nd icate his con

duct ,

I must not v iolate the ord ers

of the Government ,

H is temper is very v iolent,L et us always . maintain vi r

tuous cond uct,I am going to v isi t him ,

She has a line voice,

I s the book irr one or

volumes ?

H e is now on a voyage to

Mad ras ,


Please to g ive me a wafer ,

What wages d o you rece ive ?Tell h im to wa i t in th is room ,

(burd l i ) aur -be dar

m iy d n wuli bucbbfarb na/z i nbarte.

li am bo burdn‘

se par/zez barnemen (lzos/zyd r) rabud c/zd /ziye.

is gd ,on-bd nd m by d lzai

mujb bo eb (wefar ) d i’


tum by d (ujrat)pd te 120us se babo bi i s bamare men


wu/z (g izurur) se bhara bai .is bd i -b i bd bat (mubfi ta l if)rd

,en lzain.

is burs i par (raugfian) nabi n

apn i bis—mat—be bbarose , usne

apud sd rd md l i s bba tre

men (dd ld ).(sac/z -mucli ) ma i n tum par

i timd d nab i n rabli —sabta.

is bdm men (d i bbat) be , siwd

aur bucbb muj/ze bd si l nab i n


u/z apne c/zd l c/za lan -b i bdbat


ugr) na/z i n bar sabtd .

sa rbd r -be bubmon-b i mujbe

(nd -farmd n i ) i za barnd cbd

[war) bai .wu/z mi zdj bd babut (gizussabam bameslza (neb)-c/2alanifi tiy d r baren .

ma in un -b i (muld bd t) bo jd ta'

li zi n .

asbi ac/i c/zb i (dwd z) bai .is bi td b-b i eb (ji ld ) bai yd do f?

ab wu/i Madrd s bo (tar i b ird b)jd i d bai .


I have been wa i ti ng for you

two hours.

Y ou must end eavour to wabe

early ,

Do you mean to wa lb or rid e ?

T he gard en wa l l has fallen ,

I have wandered in all d ircetions over the country ,

I wan t to see h im ,

Th is is h is warehouse,

, T he weather is now warm ,

Th is tab le is warped ,

Th is horse is warranted without b lem ish ,

I l’ash your hand s ,

W ho is your washerman

W hy d o youwaste your paper ?

I watch an opportun ity of

go ing there ,

Your watch goes remarkab lywell ,These cand les are ofwax


Is th is the way to C alcuttaI wea r a suit of c lean c lothesevery day ,

0a i ting— whistl ing .

ma in tumhd r i do gban te se

(rd /z debhtd bun).tum za 2 d r *a 7be (uthne—bi )boshzsh b iya baro.

tum (pzy d da ) cha lnd chdhte hoy d sawd r .


bdgfi bi (d iwd r)gzr an .

ma i n 72e mulb men. sab ta 7 af(sa i r b i ) ha i .

ma i n use debhnd (chdhtd bdn).y ih us-bd (gud dm) ha i .ab maus im (garm i )-bd ha t .

i s mez men (b_ ham) d(wa


da) biy d gay d ha i bi 2



ghore-be buch/i


a ib nah in .

apne hd th (dho lo).tum/zd rd (dhobi ) baun ha itum apnd bdg_

hag byun (fi a rdb)barte ho

ma in wahdn jane bd mauba'

(dizzi ndhtd ) hun.

tumhd 7 i (gha 7 i ) achchh i cho ltihaz.

y ih battiy d n'

r. (7720772)-b i ha in'

i .

K a lbatte-b i y ih i rdh ha i

ma in bar roz sdf bapron-bd eb

ford pah in td hun).H e weaves the kind of c loth we jis ta rah-bai ham baprd pawear,

H e wi ll return in a weeb ,

H e weeps because of the d eath

ofh is son ,

H as th is sugar been weighed ?

VVhat is the weightofth is stone ?Y ou are welcome,

Tel l them to d ig a wel l ,

h inte ha in,

us i tarah -bd

wuh (buntd ) bai .wuh eb (hafte)) menph i r d ,

egd .

wuh apne bete-be ma rne-be

sabab (7 ota)haiy ih shaba r (taul i )ga ,

i ha i

y ih patthar bi tnd (bhd r i ) ha itumhd rd and (si r dnbhon


r.par ).un se babo eb (bu/

d ) bhoden.

I und erstand wel l what you say , jo tum babte ho so main (fi ne)

Th is paper is very wet ,I whispered that to h im ,

I heard somebody whistl ing

samajhtd bun.

y ih bdg_ _g bahut (g i ld ) haz.

ma in ne wub bd t d hi sta as-be

bd n me72(bah i ).bis i shabhs bo ma in ne (si tibajd te) sund .

v. by S ham

Print 8

, That appears yel low , 7na'

l dm hotd ha i .

é Y esterday it rained much ,

She is quite young ,

I n the season ofyouth ,

H e showed great zea l , usne ba rd tapd b) gdh i r’

biy d .

They are very zea lous , wub ba re

T he breath of the zephy r feels (bd dpleasant to us ,

ba i .


B 000 006 8 12 2


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