arabic - Forgotten Books


Transcript of arabic - Forgotten Books


















Tms Voc abulary was originally compiled for my private use in order

to reta in a grasp on what, after ten years’ practicalexperience, I con

sidered to be the most nec essary words of the Arabic language . It

is now publish ed, after two years’c arefulrevision .

The following plan has been adapted in its compilation1st. Taking Freytag’s Arabic- Latin Lexicon as a guide, I went

th rough th e volume, selec ted wh at Iwanted, and drew up a skeleton

list of th e most important verbal roots and their derivatives.

2nd . I then read carefully th rough the Arabic text of the Egyptiancodes of law

,line by line, adding words with th eir modern meanings

to th e skeleton list . Th is task supplied me with hundreds of terms

relating not merely to law,but also to public and soc ial life,

government, c ommerc e, c rime, Ste . moreover, it showed how the best

Egyptian au thorities translate good French into good modern Arabic .

Th e ph raseology of a c ode forms a h igh standard of th e commonlanguage of educated natives ; it is u npedantic, simple, ac c urate and

conc ise .

3rd . I collec ted numerous words by a systematic course of read ing

of offic ial MSS. , dec rees, circulars, annual budgets, reports and

journals. I also added some colloquialisms, and a few military and

scientific te rms.

Th e en tire draft was then revised with the aid of native clerks. Iwould read out an Arabic word

,and ask th em to expla in it I would

then translate my own explanation , and thus verify or correc t it.

The MS. was then submitted to the scrutiny of my native c olleagues

of the Court ofAppeal, and it is to their never- failing k indness and

assistanc e that I am most deeply indebted for a\\'

\s at “wh e n.

tbw book . Wh ile, therefore, I alone am respon s'

flfi e { or an ? Ga g“

0 ’ sb““0 3 710 3 9, the student may feel confiden t th at. cm.


\s a . mfl fiw ‘


professional attempt to furnish h im with a conc ise abridgmen t, a

coherent synopsis, of the vocabulary wh ic h is daily used by na tive

offic ials of th e Egyptian Governmen t .

I would advise h im to master th is book almost in its entirety ;

to read carefully two or more pages up to ten or twenty a day,

ac cording to the time at h is disposal; to selec t and note down in

a blank book two or three words from every page ; and to try to be

a c c ura te in h is Ara bic sp elling. If h e will take the trouble to go

th rough th is Voc abulary in the man ner suggested, I am confident

that in the course of a few months h e w ill have gained a sound

k nowledge of modern Egyptian Arabic . His notes will have formed

a short voc abulary of h is own selec tion , and in addition to what he

may remember, he will be better able to guess th e root of a

derived form, and to find it in th is or any larger dictionary .

Th e cross- referen c es should also be examined for synonyms, or forcon tra sts in mean ing or in spelling . For example, J “ta lifu ,it peri sh ed ,” [see a le]. Referen c e to a n: h ala ka

, gives

us one or two more useful words for “ruin


”danger and

h alaka. and tulifa should be connoted in the student’

s memory .

0 .

Aga in , I ” tamr, means a dry da te,

”bu t

16 tama r

,mean s

ofru i t.

As a spec imen lesson in the use of th is book let the student take

the th ree roots U }:’a rafa h e kn ew ,

(I: alima ,

“h e kn ew ,

andjta kh a ba r -

news .

’ They u n ite in th e ma in idea. of

knowledge,”but eac h d iffers from th e others in its derived forms.

This c onnotation of allied roots,by contrast and c ompa rison , is th e

best way to atta in ac c uracy in Arabic . If he will then look for’a rafa and

’alima in a large dic tiona ry such as Kazimirsk i or

Steinguss, he w ill see how th is voc abulary has been ab ridged for

prac tic alpurposes.

O ne great obstacle to our progress in good c olloqu ial Arabic is

undoubtedly our helplessness in the hands of Berberine servan ts.

These Berberines are foreigners, whose native Nubian dialec t (rotn,or non -Arab) is very limited and barbarous. Yet for our da ily

p urposes we are obliged not only to learn their pronunc iation , but

also their grossly inaccurate p a tois, wh ic h some of us innocently

s upp ose is g opd modern Arabic . The Berberine despises every word


wh ich h e does not know as na hwiy,”or pedantic and if we submit

to h is di c tumwe shall never make much progress beyond the familiarba ta

a and shoof .

Those among us who speak th e best Arabic are inva riably men whoh ave h ad to dealwith fellaheen (soldiers, polic emen , or peasants) , andw ith jun ior native officials. Not only is the pronunc iation of these

Englishmen good, but they can speak Arabic intelligibly, and in

c onnec ted sentences, upon matters wh ich requ ire a little though t to

expla in or to understand, even in English .

In c onclusion, this book contains the result of twelve years’study

and experience of Arabic in Syria, Egypt, the Soudan ,and Tripoli ;

and I sincerely hope that it may not only encou rage English resi

den ts and offi c ials in the study of that language, but also proveusefulto the numerous Egyptians who are learn ing English .

D . A. C.




The ARABIC ALPHABET con sists of 28 letters ~ Nume ric alm1“

Alif a, as in fdther . 1

Bé b. 2

Té t. 4 0 0

Th é lb,a s in thin k ; or 8 ; or t. 50 0

JeemC j, bu t c ommonly g, a s in go . 3

Hat h , a strong h , a s in hurl. 8

Kh é ‘

C kh, a h arsh aspira te , a s in loc h . 0 00

Del 0 4

Z61 6 d ; or z ; or ih as in tha t. 70 0

Ré 20 0

Za in 7

Seen 0 0

Sh een .


30 0

Said .

u " s, a double 8, a s in h issing. 90

Dhad ué (lb, or strong double d, or z . 800

T6 t, a hard emph a tic t. 9

Dh é dh or strong double (1, or z . 90 0


’Ain 8’a ,



’o or

’u , a gu ttural h iatus. 70

CGha in gh, like th e Fren ch 7 grasse



. 10 00

Fé f . 80

Qfi g, a gu ttural k . 100

Kef CJ k. 20

Lérn J I. 30

Meem m. 4 0

Waw w, or 6 or 0 0 .

Hé 8 or b h, a soft h , as in h ead .

Yéa; y, or c c .


Th u s there are th ree le tters for t


ba , pen itence .

m tab, garmen t.

in téba,brick .

Th ree letters for s

c . » soboot,proof.


, seven .

u a

also sobda

,finger .

Two letters for

habba , h e loved .

habba , th e wind blew .

Two letters for Ir

J galb, h eart .

L’J kslb, dog.

Fou r le tters for da Ca.) dubb, a bear .

d ibbd/n, flies.

U5 jda rwr , damage .

lb k ip dohr, midday .

Fou r letters for z


y, saga c iou s.

za kiy, pious.

U s sabt, se izure .

B zdhir,apparen t.

Th e VOWEL Somme are a s follows

I. Long.

1. d a s in fa ther .

2 . 6 p ole

3 ., ao fool

4 . es, or iy feel

5. mi 1mm

II . Short.

a , or a, as in cap ,

0 , or a, p ull.


I. Long. (1) l a, as in fa ther ; e . g. , U L) beib, door . a d,

double a, as in ba a ; e . g., Jl a cil

,dyn asty .

(2 )I

6, wh ic h in Arabic words is pronoun c ed

usually as o in p ole, alth ough the ow of

fowl is more correc t ; e . g., J) ? gal or qowl,

speech ; bu t in foreign words invariably as

o in p ole .

(3) g0 0 , as in fool; e . g. , d,» fool, bean s.

(4 ) H5or J; as or 1331, as in feel; e . g.

, dz." feel

eleph an t ; $7 4 4 ma st or ma sree, Egyptian


iya , or eeya (femin ine termination of adjec

tives der ived from n ouns) , e . g. ,masriya ,

masreeya , Egyptian .

(5) a i, indifl'

eren tly pronoun ced as at in p a in ,

or as i in p ine ; e . g. , we’a in , or

’in e, eye ;

but usually as at in p a in e . g., UH

ba in ,

0 ‘

between , w leta uia , two .

Short. (1) Fat- ha , Zsb'

L, a or it, as in cap or cup e . g.

jams, or jiin


(2) Damma , a or a , as in p ull, book ;


e . g. , wélodon, or udi m, ear .

(3) Kasra ,w,i,as in p in e . g.

,smfa ,

it was spent . Th is kasra , or short 13,i s very

common in th e spoken dialect, and often usurpsth e place of a ; e .g.

,UL baka , is u sually pro

noun ced biki,h e wept ; J “ masha bec omes

w ish , he walk ed ; v i! kataba becomes kitib,h e wrote .

ruraonuc rios. xi

Th ere are five letter s—t , a,E, J and ai l—wh ich must be

con trasted togeth er .


EJeem, j, g as in gin , but colloqu ially as g in go.


’Ain, a h iatu s, or peculiar guttu ral.

3 .

fGha in , gh, a gutturalusually translitera ted by th e French

r grasse'



4 . 6 Qaf, a guttural k or q ; or h iatus ; or, very vulga rly,

as g in go .


a . Compare a» hay], pilgrimage, with haqeega , tru th ,

and $ 41 :’ageeq, c omelian .

fis colloquially pro

n ounc ed hagg. W haqeeqa , may become ha - cc - a ,

and also, very vulgarly, hagheega . w’aqeeq, may

be come ’a - ee, and very vulgarly,


b. So also 6L hallaq, ba rber , may be confused with(its .

h allcij, carder of cotton . And Zaqazeeq i s Zaga

zig, or Za- a- zee.

e . Aga in : El} : fa ragh, emptin ess Jlf firciq , separation ;LU): fara ka , h e rubb ed, requ ire to b e d istingu ish ed .

Th e studen t is th erefore advised to reta in th e simpletranslitera tion adopted in th is book , and to consider

a:Jeem as j, or g in gin a’Ain as a h iatus, apostroph e


’0 or

’u ; é Gha in a s gh J Qaj

’as q ; u


as k.

I h ave carefully avoided any elabora te system of translitera

tion wi th dots or strokes under certa in letters. Experi ence h asshown me th at everyon e lik es h is own ideas on th is subject, andspells words ka rbash , da habia , Isma ilia ,

bawab, ac cord

ing to h is fan cy .

mraouuc rlonl

Th e New Egyptian Weigh ts and Measures, 1892 .

By KhedivialDecree th e metric system is officially recognisedin Egypt according to th e following Egyptian and English equ i

valen ts.

I. MEASURES or Lsuern .- Jl,l=Il“fl a t Maqdyees el- Alwa


1 Dz‘

rda’BaIad iy, ga ls metre in ch es.

1 Di raa’Mi ’amdr iy,

l Qasaba , 11 ft.,

in .

1 Feddan , sq . metres 1 acre, 6 rods.


jl) “


awdzeen .



003 k ilo . drms. Avdp .

1 q iya (12 dirh ems) ,‘

037 ounces

1 Roll (144 dirhems) , “Llaj°


99 pounds

1 q a (4 00 dirh ems) , l'


1 Qintar (10 0 rotls) , jlh l;

Lizzy: (112 oqqas) ,

1 Hamla (so oqqas) , a; . . 74°


I Himl ( 20 0 oqqas) , (107 2 4960 0

1 Ton aldta (Tonneau) , 10 0 0 0 00

1 English Tona ldta (Ton) , 10 16°

O4 7

Weigh ts for precious metalsI Mithgal (11) dirhems) , JLL


L. gram , grains Troyl Dirhem (16 qeerats) , r

ay.) 3 120

1 Qe erdt ( 4 qamh as) , lab1 0 4 711117, or g ra in of wh ea t

,33 ” 0 0 48


III . Msssuaas or Ca ncu n—M K‘ Ma kdyeel.

Ardab (12 k a ila s), litres bush els.

lVa iba ( 2 k ailas) , La. ” peeks.

Ka ila (8 qadh a) , l6°

5o0 gallon s.

Ra b’

(4 qadha) , t !)

Ma lwa (2 qadhs) , qu arts.

Qad h (32 qeerats), (A?

Nusf gadh (A? 1


03l pin ts.


gadh (43CT? ) gills .

K har rooba


Dareeba (8 ardabs) , i n f o litres bu sh els.

Fard (large) , A5! ofFa rd ( small) , fi

n e a);

Litre 0 0 05 a rdabs. 1 Cen timetre dirci a’

Hec tolitre 0 505 a rdabs.baladiy .

Kilolitre 50 50 l Kilometre qasaba s.

Décilitre qeerats.

l Gramme dirhem.

1Metre = dira’a baladiy. 1 Kilogramme

320 Rotls 1 Ardab, beans.

300 1 wh eat.

270 1 cotton - seed .


Th e Moslem Calendar .

1. Moh arram 30 days

2 . Safar 30

3 . Rabee’a el-Awwal 29

4 . Babee’s et - Tan i 30

5. Jamadi el- Awwal 30 i l

6. Jamadi et- Tén i 29

7 . Rajab 29

8 . Sh a’bén 30

9. Ramadan . 29

10 . Sh awwal 29

11. Zn l- Ka’ada 29

12 . Zn l- H ijja 29

Th e Moslem year con sists of 12 lunar mon ths, or 354 days.

It is th u s sh orter by abou t 11 days th an th e Gr egorian year ;or 34 Moslem years are abou t equal to 33 ordinary years, or

10 0 Moslem years to only 97 ordinary years. Th e Moslems

rec kon from A.D . 622, th e date of the Fligh t (Hz'

jra , Ri gs”) of

Mah omed from Mec c a to Medina , and th erefore 1892 A. D. is

1309- 10 (Anno H ijrze ) .


Th e Copti c Calendar is u sed by Moslems and Copts foragr icultural pu rposes. The n ames of th e mon ths appear to

be tak en from an cient Egyptian mythology

1. Toot begins abou t September 11.

2 . Béba 2. 9L» Oc tober 11.

3 . H6toor ”3°

November 10 .

4 . Kishk December 10 .

5. Toc h a brie Janu ary 9.

6. Amsh eer Febru a ry 8 .

7 . Barmahat Ma r c h 10 .

8 . Baramooda April 9.

9. Bash an a May 9.

10 . Ba - oona June 8 .

11. Abeeb W l July 8 .

12 . Misra Augu st 7 .

13 . Nisi fig“; in tercalary days September 6—11.

Th e year con sists of 12 mon th s of 30 days eac h, 360

days, and 5 intercalary days at th e end of th e year, w ith

6 in Leap -Year . Th e reckon ing is from 284 A. D ., th e era

of Diocleti an, so that 1892 A.D . is the Coptic Year 1608—9.

Ufi l aboond, our fath er, title of

the Coptic pri e sth ood .

ijflubowa , patern ity .

uloj fi laboo girddn,wh i te paddybird .

?) lfiillf laboo n - nadd rira , th e man

who wears spectacles.

pi ll”laboo n


ném,father of sleep,


fi‘Aboo l- hél, father of terror,

the Sph inx .

xi Aboo gear, Abouk ir .

Ael U gi aba , h e refused ; ibci, re

w lAbeeb,Copti c mon th of July .

vigi lAtbdi , mountain desert near

Kose ir .

” latesh (Persian ) , fire .


a military word of command .

(Turco- Persian) stok er, fire

man .



il a tem) , mé itam, mou rn

ing, funeral.

”AllAtmoor (Soudanese) , desert.

“Tb. u”a ta , h e came, reach ed ;

ydti, h e comes.

ubfi litycin, arrival, consummation .

l or m l aati, a comer, coming,as follows.

c a l j.» (J Kama hoa adt, as

due c u ti, c ome thou (unused) .



tda tta , i t resulted, becamepossible .

uall a ta bi

,h e came w ith ,

brough t?!c ede, furniture .



l de ar , pl. adsar,trace,

sc ar, monumen t.iii fi l iqtafa asa raho, h e pur

su ed, followed up i ts track .

a ; o o 0

du ala tan ya, i nh eri tan ce ; succession to an undivided inh eritan c e .

j l aesara,h e influenced

,left a

trace upon .

Jail} tat- seer, influen ce, effect.

mo- aesar,

affected by, influ

en c ed, tou ch ed .


Jib ta- assara, h e felt h imself in

fluenc ed .

filo mac ara , pl. maasi r,trac e, even t, monumen t.

dun di lall, tamar isk artic ulate ;

also called’abl.

r”ithm, sin , c rime .

J ?) ik

lajra , pl. ujar, h ire, pay,fare, salary .

éfi l njar iy, workman , h ired

labourer .


ijlsJ ijcira, rent, rental.

Ju l orn ajliara , or a ayara , he

let on h ire .

ftbw listajara , h e took on h ire,

rented .

letting on h ire .

ls ‘ll lil- cejar , for h ire , to le t.”

114 95“



j ars“ icteejar, a taking on h ire . as

! ittihad , unity, unanimity,

; ;j 4 M O- ajjar, let, hired mo - aifir, 30 110 0 111

h ndlori est. mnttahid, ally, allied , w oom

tenan t, hirer, plic e .

“fermier . J‘slu lihleel, urethra , duct, passage .

di sjk l Ay rroomiya . Grammar,an Arabic grammar by Daood t

i alch, alas!

os- Sanhfiji .

d ? ‘ dial, fixed time or da te .


l ajjala , be deferred to a

fixed date.l li khwan , breth ren of a c om

13 U fd ? f ‘ mo

- ayjal, deferred to a fixed muni ty or confraterni ty, c ol

orél akh

,or a kkoc , brother,

fellow of a pair .

ikhwa t, broth ers of a family .

date ; a formof dowry . leagu es.

k lajI, ca use, reason .

f’ l uk ht, pl. a k hwd"

Je d li- ajl, because of. sister, fellow of a pair .

EU. jl,. ajwdz, pl. of yoz, 23

s !ulchowa , broth erh ood .

c ouples ”137 °

g a l ii)“c hhach

, (oblique cases)ask

- l b l“had, (femin -lW e : a kheeh , h is brother .

one .

Ab bi. Ai la khaza , h e took , began ;I?“ 4”

ydkhoz, h e takes.

313° d b l M a ach rala , eleven .

db lalchz, a taking, commencement


gal. » hddi ’aohar, eleven th in sung], ak hz wa i

’ata, a tak ing

order . and givi ng ; trade .

ob l do . ) c had, pl. aahcid, un it, db la cikhaza , h e blamed,individual, some one . mo- dkhaza , blame .



als L. ma jcl- eh had, (c ol

‘s’lb ’fi be ma towdkhiz

- ni, do not

loquial) no one came . blame me !

och -ll0 3 31

5m el- ahad (316m el- luid ) , as?!ittakhaza , h e undertook .

Sunday . dlfs rlittikhdz, an undertaking.

f oo lah adiga , Divi ne unity . (”5L mdkhooz, taken .

or Al

l ahhada,or wahh ada

, makhaz, place of taking,

h e un ified .source, manner .


asrl ittahada , be uni ted himself d f ’ l akh ra ,

55. agreed oth er .

Js l

Jaw adk hir

, pl. awakhir, h 551adda , h e pa id, fulfilled .

end,last days.

ga l”

aakhira end ; life to

come .

filia la kheer, th e last.

l akhkhara , he adjou rned .

nmen t .

Jail} td- akhlcha ra

,h e was late, in

arrears, adjourn ed .

f } . mo- akhlrhar,delayed, ad

journ ed .

”L lakho'

r (Persian ) , stable . [dalu vl

uh leT g al adab, pl. undue,

good manners, c ulture,morals


edu c ation .

U é l adeeb, courteous.

adabiya, education , culture .

addaba , he educa ted, c or

rec ted, pun ish ed .

M ali tci - deeb, educa tion , punishmen t .

ttl- deebiy, correc tional, disc iplinary .

or it‘

d or ilg

olidnrra or durraJ J j a

or iza rra , ma ize .

u“) u

l- odl idman, perseverance(see daman a ) .

gu llrelAdam

, the first man ;

adamiy, h uman .

bani Adam, h uman race .

ddamiyat, women .

w ljol i laladat

, pl. adawat, tool,instr ument.

zeal; ta- diya , fulfilmen t.

owaddi wazeqfti, I

1do my du ty .

51is, 10 ! and th en .

UKlélor lulliza, or izci loan , if.

JlélAdzar, Syrian mon th ofMarch .

a 0 0‘

0 o310 or c li za rra , or dnr ra , malzc .

J“ ) ii will a zina laho bi - ’amal, be

permi tted h im to do .

cJélizn, permission , licence .

0631u s e ; kambicila taht i zn ,

b ill of exch ange payable to

order .

an ) ? e'

é lidfa’li - izn ih i

, pay to h is


w ill. maroon,licenced, delegate .

wdllu listlizana , h e ask ed leave .

didl wellodon, pl. aadtin , (femin . )

ear . Th e singular is u suallypronounced widn .

léledan, c ry to prayer (from a

minaret) .

”1554 mo- adclin , crier to prayer .

wist s maidna , pl. ma ddin


“ a

a: c lor u se!aza or a zlya , torture .

[g uilds

fili al g ull aaza , h e tortured, card,a torturing .

is?) a rbiya , groin , root of th igh .

c g) irb, limb ; desire, cunningness,lb) ,


91 i re

,inheritage, suc

cession (see war isa )

v.2 9)“3» h aqg cl- i rs, r igh t of suc

cession .

golf /

lorjowan , pu rple .

a rra kha , h e dated, ch ron ic led,

( 913


tdreekh , pl. tawareekh ,

da te,c h ron icle, h istory .

{£q yém tci reekhoh, of the

same day’s date .

$ n tareekhiy, h istor ic, an cien t .

t j jao mo- ar ra kh

,da ted .

t lr" mo- arr i kh

,h istorian .

u ni)! g a rb/

la rdab, pl. ar lidib


mea su re of capa c ity, 4 4 gallons,20 0 litres, 5h bu sh els ; 75- 8

ardabs to on e ton of boa t

tonnage .

orr djl oordi (for Tu rk ish

ordeal a rmy - c orps .

j ) orl a ruzz (pronoun c edmzz ) ,

jj la rz , cedar , fir, con ifer .

gja il) u éj

lard, pl. a r cid i

earth,land .

gé ljl aradi, lan ded esta te, lands.

[u ‘eb'


l a rdiy earthly .

if?Q 4 ) ardiya , floor ; tax for wa re

h ousing .

Kg.) a reeka,th rone .

w lAm aniy, Armen ian .

sa il/l a rna b, pl. a rrinib

h are, rabbi t.

gg) ,or a z aba , or waz aba , it

flowed .

u lj jc c or u gh ma izab

,or meezab


gu tter, dra in .

c g.) clay! izdiylid , in c rease (seeza id . )



Jb’ izar , pl. aazir a,wh ite

cloak worn by gi rls and no

gr esses.

i j‘li taazzaret

,sh e pu t on th e

izcir .

or J) azal,or a zaliya , past

e tern i ty . [cf . cal

M ’Izmeer, Smyrna ; small c row

bar,c h isel.

g jl,or a j

l wise, or waza , it was

opposi te,parallel.

flljl iz ci , in fron t of, parallel.

un i ads

,myrtle .

J'use, basi s (un used in singular) .

W ’oru

ala on’

liscis,or w as




ul‘J - l asas

, pl. a asas,

founda tion , basis, depot of

regimen t .

ascisiy, fu ndamental. [J’k l

ga l-w l qdnoon ascisiy, th e law

of the c on sti tu tion of a c ountry, réglcment organ ique .


l assasa , h e founded, ba sed .

W t tcisees, a founding, basing .

w it

h mo- assas, based u pon .

its“ !isbitciliya , (Eu re anl h e s

M list, an us.

Afi bul nstiid or ad d, pl.

asliteez,professor, master of a

craft, teacher, boss.

“b lnata , vulgar spelling of th e

above word .

“A l islront, (European ) as

comp ta,”discoun t.

iijlafiml istimtira

,specimen, ofli c ial

form, sch edule .

J) §3L.

Lu lIstcinbool, Stambool, Con

stuntin Ople, from th e Greek

sis we'


gfi iuw lIstanbooliy, Stambooline ,of Constan tinOple .

(tibia l asitcina (Persian ) , thresholdcourt.

i i i: asitana ’aliya , Imperial

th resh old or court ; Constantinople .

caba l M l (wad, pl. aasdd,lion

Lee in the Zodiac .

Ju lasa ra , be bound captive . [u s e

Ju laer

,a binding captive .

f ljml. .

Jgu .laseer

, pl. w a rd, c ap

ti ve .

bi - asr ihim, th e whole, or all

th em.

fl a i l” 5.

) i nut- 8 0 0m, pl. mutati

scer, tube, dra in ; gun- barrel.

MbauolIsrayeel, Israel.

M b l t u l osteal, pl. asciteel

(Greek ) , flee t, navy .

J u l asaf, regre t, sorrow .


be reg re tted .

M l asfilsiya , (European) asphyxia .

{M or

{M lisfinj, sponge .

0. 4mm an


ma lmquf (Greek, ep is

cop os) , bish op (see under sagf)

Elia-J isltela'

(European , Turk ish ) ,sc ala , small seaport, e


da Levant.”

M u lliskcmlé (Turk ish) , footstool,low chair .

Iskanda riya , Alexandr ia .

l Islcanda rciniy, Alexan

rLo $il sb elw l Islrimbol

and Islcimboliy, corruption of

Istanbool (see also silm) .

N—JJL-s l usloob, path , me

th od (see salaba ) .

or filw lrw lism, pl. asma ,

or asami, name . [you

J’Ffi maj- hoolel- i ,sm of n ame

unknown , anonymous passive

voice .

di a bow lIsmdyc cl, Ismail, Ishmael.

3:1l Ismliyeeliya , a por t in

Suez Canal a subu rb of Cairo .

Lil-c lIona or Erna, a town and

province of Upper Egypt .krylAsioot, a town and provin ce

of Upper l

uu lasa, grief; islia, remedy .



Ju lashshura , h e put a visa upon


annotated .

n li i ii - sheer, annotation, visa ,

men tion .

fi fe. yowashehi r, he anno tates,men tion s.

“fla i leshkeen (Turk ish ) , amble .


’a fi nger, toe .

d ah o l istabl (La tin) , stable .

Jy l du ll ael, pl. asacl, origin,

principle . [u’


dy al osool, prin ciples, manner,style .



” Jp losool wa khosoom,de

bi t and credi t.Li! libe l ast kids, (it was) origi

n ally th u s.

asliy, fundamen tal, cardinal,radical.

b laslcin, never .

Elbolasala , permanen cy, firmness.

Jane lareal, firm, strong, noble .

a’f ’Aswan, Assou an , Syene a

fort and village near th e first

Nile ca tarac t.

uulb la tlas, smooth ; satin ; a tlas ;the empyrean .

iijlb or ii

jllalitcira or tara, circle,

round piece .



:l aghd, pl. aghawat

(Turkish ) , squire, subaltern ,

captain ; eunuch .

M l Agostoe, (European ) Au

Franks, Europe ans.

$11} orC’sj lafranj ly or afi an kiy,

European .

uracilafsoon (Persian ) , exorc ism.

ge ls) “a i laf

’a a , pl. afci


viper .

C’fi l J ilefg, h orizon q iy, h oriac u tal.

sflUl ifk, lie, afliilr, liar .


lofool, sun set, declin e .

efendi , pl. efemliya

(Greek a bfle’

umv, through Turkish ) , a respectable person , Mr . ,

Sir, Lord .

lbni il afendeena, Our Lord, the

Khedive .

fl fi l qfen climiz (Turkish ) , OurLord, the Sultan , or Khedive .


a,or b

jl or ail ogga , weigh t of

2 ? lbs. avdp . 4 0 0 dirh e’

ms ;k ilog .

u s ,

“a";or Q 9) or sai logglya , ounce145oz . ad . ; 3 7& grammes ; 12

dirh ems.


-Sl oq- hearin, p yrethrum parthe


( ii-ll iqleem, pl. aqlileem

(Greek) , climate, province .

QJ.“rgl'fil aqaleem masriya , pro

vinces of Egyp t .

”Til oqnoom (Greek) , prin ciple Q t


Oktober, (European ) Oc tober .

M, or 45l a kkada, or waklcada , be

strength ened, assured, in ten

sified .

M l? ta- keed, a strength en ing,

assu r ing .

A55lalt-cad , certa in, fi rm.


0554 ;mo - akkad, c onfirmed, certa in .

Jill, (Kl akala, h e ate ; yaknl, h e


dill; taakkala , it was eaten ,eatable .

J l a id, or n kl,food, eating .

m ? c makoolat, eatables.

“I a ciki la , i tch .

a a

J, or Ji l a ithala (or vulgarly,

wa kkala) , he fed, gave to eat .

3 M liklael, diadem (see hull)

J,l Jl a él, dynasty, possessor(see awl) .

Lei : JI a dl’osmcin, Ottoman

dynasty .



c alel- khibra , professionalexper t .

ca ll Ell aala , pl. aaldt, weapon ,tool, mu sic al in strument. [310 1

fig} . a ll aalat motriba ,musical

instrumen ts.

is?“a cilcitiy, mu si c ian .

Jl j) ooloo, possessors pl. of

) b Il 01a, h e fa iled in ; ydloo, h e

d) ; L,ll a lila , h e swore ofl



h is wife ; yooli, he swears ofl'


sibl eeld,a sweari ng off, a form

of divorce .

Jlal, or cl, th e, of th e ; th is.

ll it la, is i t n ot ?a a

ll llilla, exc ept ; wa illa , or else .

”w ad la isa did, noth ing bu t tha t,merely th a t.


lilIi, (colloquial) h e, sh e, or they

who .

a e

gill alla zi, (femin . ) ellati, h e

who,sh e wh o.

J ljll d jl ellazeen , (femin . )

ellawciti , th ey wh o .


dball who." aldiwdn, pl. a idi

wlin lit (Turk ish , eldivan) , glove .

J l alif, th e letter A.

J l a-lf, pl. aalaj , th ou

sand .

Zillor ilf, or ulfa , intimacy .

may or i. . i alaaf, or aloqf, ln

timate, friend .

i i allafa , h e composed a book .

mi .“ fl J ail; til- le af, pl. ta dleqf,

auth orsh ip ; composition of a

book ; book .


allif, a uth or .


J ig} or ta - allafa , or eata

Iafa , h e became in timate, fell

in love with .

Zillj a or d b leetiltif, or mo- dlaf a,

in timacy, love .

iijbolamdra , sign, trace . [ii/


awl/Lil axmmdrat, th e carn al passions.

{ lj a l fata l ameer, pl. ama ré, Emir,

prince, ch ief, lord .

ni c er (Persian for ameer) , lord .

$319" or ameeriy, or meerig,

of th e government, rela ting to

governmen t propertyJrj y llel-meeriy, governmen t proper ty .

J it“flu !Ameer el- bahr


n a lameer el- umarci,ch ief of

ch iefs, a c ivil rank of Bey or

Colonel equal to Meer i Alai .

A" meeri alcii, Colonel, a

military Bey of th e high est

rank .

jrtc mdmoor, an oflic ial wi th and

under a uthority ; prefect,di

rector .

I 0

Q}. la mamoortya, ofliee or placeof a mtimoor .

Ja il!ia tamara , he met in congress.

Jul} . mo-

a tamar, congress, c on

feren ce .

odd s-4U

M ‘ urns, yesterday ( 899mau l) .

Jak ol Amsheer, Coptic month of

February .

Jl-ol Ju lamal, pl. admal, hepe ,desi re .

dn l amala, h e h oped .

d ‘ x. J r’s!Ildmol,h e hopes; yaomal,

Jr la mamool, th ing h oped for ,

desire .

di ll té - ammala , h e th ough t over ,gave h is mind to ; hoped .

. . e,

u wl orcJ

el man , or amn i ya ,

secu ri ty, safety .

Ola !amdn, merc y !quarter !alas!

l lamana , fidelity ; h en c e a

pledge, deposit, c ash depar tmen t .

v.15" ameen, tru stwor thy ; cash ier .

sa ndooq umc an i,a;treasurer

,i n c h arge of th e safe .

aamean, amen

ameen a, lime - k iln .

wall!or we ! amina , or ia tamana ,be trusted in .

”J's -l

wi l

l!o- otomin a fa - khdn a , h e

was trusted and h e betrayed

legal ph rase for breach of


abus de confianca‘

l h red ave

confiden c e .

v ital? til-mea n,assuran ce guaran tee .

cf" a dmana , h e believed in God .

“fili a l isttimana , h e asked forI

mercy, aman ”.

(out!camda , fa ith in God .

M u

’fi la iman, pl. of yamec n,

oa th s.

v.15“? u

‘ il a ima n, r igh t h an d

side, h appin ess (see gumac a ) .

unf a moo

-min , believer in God,


w oj allj aolAmcer cl-moo-min c cn ,

Commander of the Fa ith ful,

th e Caliph .

grat e mlimoon

,sa fe (pla c e or

person ) , tru sted.

wi t} . mo- a taman, tru stwor th y .

[c f. Awful-o

Ria l “PI-

”l Umawiy, Omiade (see



u!a n

,or anna , that ; i n, or


Lu l ,l§

cJ’ i n Iran

,i f ; mnama ,

h owever, bu t .

ai l. flc )!in lam yako n, unless.

u zt-li a neen , groan .

u‘ Lil and, I; nahno (vulgarly,ahn a ) , we .

flit or jailanbcir, barn ,

magazin e .

wi th“anbeeq (al

- ambeeq) ,

alambic,” c h emical retort.

bolil v.3 5!enta (femin . ) anti, thou ;en tomli, ye two .

gi ll rill entom an tenn a,

w ill nnsa , pl. inds, female .

[c f.


w ill ”i f: zokoor wa inas


and females.

n itaya (colloqu ial for unsa ) ,female .

M lan c es, efl'

emina te , soft.

M l annasa , h e made femin ine in

gender .

M b i ii - n ear , a pu tting in to th efeminin e .


annas, femin ine gender .

wigi ilunsiycin, the twotesticles.

or lj


ilé l Inghilterra , England .

jalé l Ingleez, the English ( in

gen eral) .

y, English , an Eu

ishman .

M lInjeel, gospel, évangile .

Us!ins, mank ind .

L? ins wa Ji nn , men and

gen ll.


U‘ L’l

ala shllinsan , pl. na ils

(or colloqu iallymic ) man ,homo ;

pl. , men , people .

we?““Ju l insti ll cl-’a in

,pupil of

eye .

instin iya , h uman i ty, h u

maneness, c ulture .

wl’nn )


or ird or f lu id n isti or n iswa

(or c ommonly n iswan ) women .

31q or a ns,or u nsiya , soc ial

life , domestic i ty, cordiality insociety .

w it-ll anaes, tame , doc ile .

u~ ilarmad a , h e tamed .

i n c l} . mo- anasa , mu tual in timacyor c ordiality .

qu ella asig, a medical term for

inn er, in ternal.

a i l anf, pl. a timif, nose ,

bat ik

J !min if, an terior , aforesa id .

poin t,an terior part .

b aillbu l isttinafa , h e made a n ose

a t ; be appealed to a h igh er


gi ll.“ mmtlinif, appellan t ; mustcin af, appealed aga in st, re


inflooenzli (European) , influenza .

Aggy,” anom'ismti (European) ,

an eu rism.

3515) an tiqa , beau ty .

t, a cin tim

,creatures, men .

onmoozaj (Persian ) , sample,pa ttern . [

c" il a nd, momen t, delay .

Jk lor i ii - a nn a , or (more

c ommon ly) istli na , h e delayed,

a c ted wi th delibera tion , wai ted .

gi iml ista ni (stcin i) ( imperative) ,wa it !


f lil ind, pl. awcin i, vase,


min, pl. a liwin z, mo

men t, season .

cJIl cl- a an, now, th is me :I c u t.

( c f. II»

im’a hba , preparations.

h a g!a hhaba ,h e prepared,equ ipped

w t; ta - heeb, prepara tion, fi ttingou t.

h a il? tti - ahhaba , he preparedh imself.

glib ) db l a hl

, pl. alu ili,a per

son, possessor ; capable of ;

wife ; family (as a un i t) ; pl. ,popula tion .

W ,o h / rl- ém


l, househ old .


iij gui jldb l a hl cI- khibra , a profes

siou al expert.

J’leluhlig, domestic, na tive, in

digene .

ahliya , capa c ity, apti tude ;relevan cy, rela tion sh ip ; felnin .

of uhlig.

JLUlQl’b l ala ili el baled, popula

tion of th e town .

Jai l a hh ala , h e gave (a girl) in

marriage, marlied (h er ) to .

Jib i ti - ahh ala , h e took a w ife ,

set u p h ouse .


Ia!ahltin wa sahltin .

c ome

debit . ) istlihala , he deserved .

(of . J’S lml

mostlihil, deserving, me r i


83h“ihlecl-l], ellipse .


’l aw

,or .



ui b)!awl/fish


,ruflian s

(see bo°

sh ) .

w l)l awcisi , la rge lan ded esta tes.

t”Oj, peak , apex, apogee .

o liq (Turk ish ) , stove, hear th .

is) !oda , pl. awad (Turk ish ) ,c hamber, room.

by }! Awroba , Eu rope ;

Awrobliwlg, European .

(for Tu rk isherdao) army - c orps.

10 0/l 0 0 11”

an”! orta (for Turk i sh orta,

c en tre) , battalion of Egypti anarmy .

Jyéjfloorghool, flute .

£ 139) c arn al: (Turk ish ) , sample


specimen .

60 0

mizza ) goose .

oosia, pl. awcisi , large

lan ded esta te .

do) oda (Turk ish ) , ch amber, room.

“7q (Tu rkish ) , chamberma id

, odalisque .

okra,h andle, bell- pull.

Jj g. Jl or J,‘awl, a ttainment,

bec oming, arrival; mile , he ar

r ived ; yaool, h e arrives.

a iloola , a becoming ; ti tle

deed from th e Cédi , givingprobate or inh eri tan ce .

Jlmil, possessor, pl. ooloo .

w ill“: arriving, resulting


Jul? J? !awwala , be interpretedttiweel, inte rpreta tion .

l awwal, (femin . ) oola ,

fi rst,previous, before .

t jlglll J? ) awwal ambcir ih , day

before yesterday .

J?” Jillal- awwalfaI- awwal, oneby on e in th e ir order .

l awwalcin,fi rstly .

Cfifljl or awwah’

y, or awwa

ldn iy, first, preliminary .

J“) awéyil (pl1) , first, early part.

c a

an» ) i i,‘ogqa , oqqiya. (see ai land

13 l


Jlor cold, or oolayik, th ose .


0 0 10 0,possessors [Cf "l C):

59, or 5531 iwa zza, (pronoun ced Z}:,loolooiya, possessorsh ip, righ t .

i f}, or i ll? ) iydla , or wilaya , governmen t, provin ce ; guardiansh ip .

JL madl, mean ing, sign ification ,result .

awa,he took sh elter .

9 31.

adwa , he gave shelter, re

c eived in to h is h ouse .

81l or J”) oowiy, or mciwcit, hospitality .



L g els mdwa , pl. ma dwi,

place of sh elter, fixed abode,domici le .

0 3A; ( i s, rajil bidoon mciwa ,a man wi thou t fixed abode ;

Vagabond .

g )!c l?!ibn adwa

, jackal.a i, th at is to say i . e .

33) or fil5) a-i n

’am, or a imé

, yes,

certa inly .

what ? wh ich ? wh at,a t'


wh ich .

lo é ) w“1My ma n, wh oever ;

a iy md, whatever .

$3 la iy, whylg. ) ayd, come along lM Ktil a iyd kdnet, wh a tever i t

may be .

w 'ol Eel a ciya , pl. admit, verseof Koran , a sign from h eaven .

ls. ) iyyti, particle prefixed to ne t

son a\ pronoun s .

a):l qlfl ig/ya z, me ; iyycih , h im.

an d 50 8°

l iyytik 11’abodo, Thee do

we worsh ip .

Jula id, force, power .

of! ayyada , be strength ened, c on

fi rmed . [43l

M l? tci - yeed, a strengthening, con

fi rma tion .

g i ll-“ll(Ca llM l? ta-

yeed el- hu km

eI-mmtcinaf, c on fi rma tion of th e

sen tenc e appealed against

mo- ayyad, c onfi rmed .

jljlAyycir, Syrian mon th of May .

a i r , pen is.

U‘fl‘f" v

al a isa,th ere is (u sed

only in th e n egative form,Ia isa ,

there is n ot) .

U“°ayasa he despa ired

b i“

uu l w ig/1


s,forlorn , i n despair .

u- bl 11


y1is, despair .

un fla meiyoos, despa ired of.

N:wh a t ? wh at th ing

w foruml a ish (for a iy shay) ,


u-llu p we) a in, wh ere ? min a in,

wh enc e

a ll14’ fi a in (fain) , wh ere

LAM ninama, wherever .

wlfi leewcin , saloon . h all. [u lpbl

Ayoob, Job .

Value 2 .

Th e le tter 11 is wan ting in

Arabic ; i t was added by th e

Persian s, th u s egg , and th e p

sound in words derived fromPor


a. ) Be .

sian , Turk ish or European lan

gu ages, i s wr i tten and pronoun c edas b in Arabic .

L 555.» g, »

bi (c olloquial) , sign of

th e presen t ten se (see biddi) .bi, by, w i th , in , at.

1. 1.

All: billahi , By God [All

bi -masr, at Ca iro in Egypt.



mix bi - haqqih i , wi th regard to h im.

J o) Ia ish , for wh at whybi -mfijib, b ecau se .

La? ) a idcin , also, lik ewise .

Oil iyyal, stag .

gage) clji ( for Turkish elch i) , am

bassador .

JjblAilooI, Syrian mon th of Sep

tember .

d,l a iloola , ti tle - deed ( see

awl) .

LJ un i s“) biI- ’aks, on the contrary.

rub malzoom bi


for, boun d to .

L9 14 ) amara bi, h e ordered, c ommandad .


tlilrun-i biam- illah i, in th e name of

God .


- ism eI-Khediwiy, in

th e Khodive’s name .

u lg

J l’gl g.

,alg bab, pl. abwab



z lgw lon- bashi (Turk ish ) , chief

gate, ch apter . of ten , corporal.

glgglg baeban , ga tes, tunnels, sh afts.

um,”ggooz - bcisbi (Turk ish ) , ch ief

gl;g bawwdba, large door , ga te .

Of a h undred, army c apta in .

git-lg bing

- bcishi, or bin - bash i

ga l; bawwcib, doorkeeper .

(Turkish ) , ch ief of a th ousan d,pl.» Bébci (Turkish ) , fa th er, oldman .

g'g Babe , Copti c mon th of Oc tober .



le bdsh ta khta , desk , ch estj ’glg baboosh (Turkish , pap oosh ) , of drawers.

slippe rsa gar. La t pl.

2 .1n c u lg bcifa , h e passed the bash aw .

n igh t ( see big/cit) . lagl lob bat (vulga rism for ibt) ,

glé olg badinjan , aubergine, egg

armpi t,a b ig armful

,embrace .

plan t. cfllolg taht bata k, under you rflgl I

t: beer, pl. abi cir arm.

well. Egg tlg ba a a , h e sold (see

.l:~g bayycir, a profession al clearer a) !0 1

fl) 0 1

‘ bo’


Of wells. stretch with both a rms Wide

out,» barood (Turk ish ) , gunpowder .

apa rt.


, barcada , musket. [mu dlg bail,“

h eart, mind, memory .

iiJlg bara (Persian , p ara ) , bit, u

’Jllg 91> khallee balcik, take care l

piece , 40 paras equal one keep in mind !piastre, 2M. ilg bald qfendi , (Persi an ,

;lg ba z, dr um,tom- tom. ba


Ici,h igh ) , a c ivilian offic ial

,l)lg bdzci r (Persian , also p dzdr) , c

or responding in rank to

mark et, bazaar . L5) “Righ t Hon . , 1nfer1or to a Na

L sheer or Vi zier , bu t superior toU

” ba as, h a rm,calami ty .



a Fareeq or Roamelz Beglerbey .

U"? 3 111 bdas, never m1nd ! no


matter .U

d lg bash (Turk ish) , head, ch ief.

if“? bashi (Turki sh ) , its h ead,

ch ief of i t.,llg balo (European ) , bale ; dance,

L3 63 uz

lg bash- ka tzb

,ch i ef clerk .


(fr) ?fi

-L" hakeem- btishi, ch ief iléjllg btiloza , pudding of suga r and

doc tor, surgeon -major .

Tg bcildsh (colloqu ial) , n ever

mind !

Zhllg bdlta (Turkish ), ax e, h atch et.

igslg bami a, a small vegetable,hibiscus, or abelmoschussamlentus.

l» .

lg bdna, i t appeared (see

beg/an )

u'g ban, weeping - willowtree moringa .


n ullor u gbetta , or elbetta, of cou rse;n ot at all.


lib battcin, for certain , decidedly .


Ji g ba tara , h e c ut, amputated . [J bg


t‘lgor égbata

(colloquialism)of (see ma ta


i g batool, Virgin Mary .


a »,

bassa , he prompted to evil,told a secret.

311g basra, pu stule , carbuncle .

ga s:baht, pure i n lineage .

M bahs, inquiry, sea rch for .

Lb s : ba hasa , h e in quired after,

search ed for .

eg o -lg bdhasa , he discussed .

Elia -La mobahasa , discussion .

gas p mabhas, subject of in qu iry,tepic .

ls gl -

Js ; bahr, pl. abhdr, ocean ,

sea, great river , can al ; spaceof time .

M lJs j bahr c it -Neel, River Nile .


bahr eI- a’

azam, Nile, or

greatest canal.

y Jag bahr Yumf, ca nal of

Josep lz Upp er Egypt.

”M lF bahr esh - sha itan, Devil


sea,mirage .

Jae -ll

Is :bahr cl- ahma r, Red Sea .


‘ bahr el-motawassit,

Mediterran ean Sea .


fl bahr mokset, surroundingocean .


u" y? bahr el-modda , in

th e cou rse of th e in terval.

J’J‘ bahriy, maritime a sa ilor .

“55 3“q ,"el- wajh el- ba hriy, Lower

Egypt, the part near th e sea .

figs:baohriya , navalaffa i rs; sa ilors.

£95 : burrig- bahr iy, amph i

b iou s.

M boha im,lake .

2.1l : bahrtiyn, depression , h ollowplace, sink .

ljgs : or baba ira or boha ira ,

Delta of Nile as a wh ole ;

espec ially th e N.W . provin c e ,of wh ich Damanh oor is th e


ljg lJS


bahrcin wa barrcin , by

sea and land .

”A lg baboor, deg- days ; Sirius.

ul .

bubrcin,c risis, delir ium.

u fi éfi‘ bakht, good lu ck .

La n gk j bakh cet, lucky .

13 : bakha ra , it gave out smok e


exh aled .

$ 1jléq b ukhdr, pl:obi -Mm,

exh ala tion, odour, vapour .


iglAg badaliya , substi tu ti on ; fee

for exemption , e .g .

,from con

scr iption .

a. » ba dla, c h ange of linen , su it

of clothes.

di g baddala,h e changed, ex

changed, substitu ted .


tabdeel,11. causing of c hange

or substi tution disgu ise .

data or Jolg badala , or tabddala ,b e exc h anged, in terchanged .

BALL. or dlAg bid cil, or mubtidala ,mu tual exc h ange .

JlAn istibddl, rota tion or rosterof officials on du ty, ch ange or

relief of garrison or of time

exp ired men .

cJlAgl wAg badan, pl. a ba


trunk of h uman body, bulk .

ZilAg baddna , corpulence .

bad aniy, physical, corporal,corporeal.

als ialg bcid inyan , aubergine, egg

plan t. [d b

Eb lAg ( 8Ag badah ) baddha , sud

den ness.

éq g bad c ch iy, obvious, eviden t ;sudden .

2105 or’Agbadoa , or bdd iya , desert,

wa ste plac e .

as? ” badawiy, Bedou in, deser t

Arab .

lS ' lAg1319116, or Beju'

. (Soudanese )Th e To - Bedawiye t language

of the na ti ve non - aral) tribes of

th e Eastern Soudan—Assoua n,

Berber, Kassala , Suakin .


J g b1rr

,i nnocence , V1rtu e .

553g biddi (Syrian ) , a colloquial unwr itten expletivemarking th e fu tu re or presen t

tense . Th is, in Egypt, i s

sh ortened in to a simple b

prefixed to th e presen t ten se .

[see 5,

g a l“h 5i5gUland biddi a ktib, I am

going to wr ite, I wish to

wri te .

9 19g lil a nd biktib, I am goingto write , I am w ri ting.

bi - tashaaf, you wi ll see,

you see .

M bi -


,h e is doing,

jAg baza ra , or bad ara , h e sowed

seed, th rew down .

”Ag -

)Ag bazr, pl. bazaar, seed for

sow in4

jAg ba zzara , h e squ andered, wa s

lavi sh .

JAg ba zala , h e

lavish , generous.

was profuse,

iAe . JA: ba zala jahdah,he stra ined

every effor t.d

gAg baziy, obscene .

[8njlj gl - ;lg or ;.g barr, or bdrr, pl.

abr tir, pious, vi rtuous.

”gg tabarra ra ,h e wa s or bec ame


fl } ? j: burr, pl. boraor, ma in

land, land .

ljs:J ljg 111117 1211 wa bahn in, by

land and sea .

l}; 19


n barra , or bu rra , ou tsi de, out of


0. 5

hégljh barramy, forelgn ,

an out

sider,extraneous false (money) ;


ba rn'

y, w ild (b i rds, an imals) ;of land .

é’lf’ Zgjg barr iya , pl. ba rari,

desert, waste land .

el- barari, th e waste lands

near th e mou th of th e D elta .

j j gg if ba rd, h e crea ted ; yatra,h e creates.

Qalg bari (God) , the Creator .


ln 2g1gbariya , pl. ba rdya ,

creature .

sh a

g bar ia , he was inn ocen t .

ljg barrd, he a c qu i tted, absolved .

mlj g

g tabar ra,h e sh owed h i s i nno

cence .

lj gi w listabr ci, he asked for exemption absta ined .


ljgbarda , innocen c e (see berdt) .8nbarda sciha

,innoc en ce of

sta tu s; legal termfor a c qui ttal

of a crime .

n ; tabriya , an ac qu i tting .

ii “mabarrd, acqu itted .

ba r iy, pl. abriga, inno[31

wa lr g

or 3n berdt (innocen c e) .Used in Turk ish for a brevet,diploma, or royal commissionfrom the Sultan , declar ing that

th e h older is of h igh ch aracter ,rank, & c .


Lat ! istibrd, th e purifi c a tion of

women .

li mabcir tit, mutu al release ;

d ivorc e .

nba rbakb, small culver t for

drainage or irrigation ; aque

duc t.

nljg Jgbarber pl. bar fibrd,

Berberin es fromth eWadi H alfa

distri c t.

J n Berber, a town on th e Nile

n ear its jun c ti on with th e

Atbara River .

1,n Barbara , a British protectora teon th e Somali coast .

ia birba (Coptic ) , ancien t Egyptian temple .

u‘fij gbartuqcin, Portugal a Seville

orange .

new? “ ulAL-gl bartamcin, or ma ria

bcin, jar, ewer .

“9,7; n baritan (European ) , peritonseum.

t ug I) !

borj, pl. barooj, tower ,burg a sign or constellation

of the zodiac .

mintaqa t el- barooj, the

ole zodia c .


C”gbarooj el- aflak, the signs

of th e zodiac .

d g

ajg bergel (Persian p ergcir) , c om


tbaraka , it passed away .

lgll cl- bdr ih (embdr ih) , the day

th at h as gone, yesterday . [w l

( nbcwtihAime. em. 3

use“ .



ojg barada , h e felt cold ; h e filed .


j g borsh, mat of palm- leaves or

AJ g ba rd, c oldness, cold .

fibre .

303 g boraoda,coldn ess

,freshn ess Agatj g bars

heed, clods of earth .

of wea ther .


n barda, a th ick cloak .

. . c c

Aggon ba rra chya , a cooler,porous

wa ter - bottle .

bard1i11, feeling cold in body .

Ojlg bar id, cold to th e to u ch .

An ba reed, official name for th e

postalservic e ; express, courier ;fou r leagues.

di g. mibrad, a file .

b er g ha rd’ua , h umped donkey

saddle .

ba rdoh (colloquialism) , also,likewise .

Hgigj gbardi, cyperus p apyrus.

n ba ra za , i t c ame in sigh t.


n abraza , h e sh owed, displayed .

j ,} gborooz

,appearanc e,conspicuous

n ess.

jj lg bar iz

, apparen t, con spicuous.

b glibrciz, a displaying .

1:5l! _j l) g big-dz

,sewage ; birdziy,

of sewage .

t g ba rza kh , isthmus ; space between .

rl gbirscim

,pleurisy . [bile

rgnba rsaem

, clover, green fodder .

nw lj gbardseemiy, seller of clover .


)? ba rsh, opium- paste for


7 ?bu rsham, wafer ; soldering .

0 9g baras, leprosy, skin - disea se .

sln q gl abras, fomin . bars1i,

leper .

Drills “

(JAB/ g Jule/ g ba rtala , h e bribed ;

barteel, bribe .

bars, house - lizard .

J‘Joj g

birtcil (vulgar) , carrier,porter .

Zelj gbard

’aa , pe rfec tion , excellen ce ;


tabarra’a , free gi ft, gen erosi ty .

M l)» w f jg

ba rghoot, pl. ba rd

ghaat, flea .

baraqa , i t ligh tened ba rq,

ligh tn ing .

w UJgba rt ,

fringe orn amen t ofnecklace .

ti l/g Hr ? borqo

’a, pl. ba rdqi


Egyptian woman ’s veil.

f lja a ’l barqti misr ti, a nethum


u’JJgba ralca , h e knelt.



JIg ba rra ka , h e blessed, c on

gratulated .

u’JJL—g bdraka, h e a sked God




barook, herd of kneeling

c amel‘s.


J g baraka , or (in Turk ish ) bereket,prosperity, blessing, abundan ce .

Egg bi rka , pool.

or mabraok, or

mabtira k, blessed a euph emism

for syph ilis.

jlfJ g bergcir (Persian p ergcir) , compa sses.

1gba rama

,h e twisted .

r.n abr ama

,h e twisted, strength

ened .

( l

n aqd wa ibram,c as

c ation .

ff ‘“ mubram, strength en ed ; in

evi ta ble .

bram, earthen pot .

ivgba rma (Tu rk ish p a rmaq) , spok e

of wheel.

Zon ba raamu, a twist,corksc rew,

screw, gimlet.

dgvg barmcel, barrel, cask .

50m!Baramooda , Coptic month of


uni -441gBarmahdt, Coptic month of

March .

u-Jj ghumus, burnouse, cloak .

Zhglij gborna ita , h at.

5 . 5,51gbarnaqf, conyza dioscordis.

2n borha , momen t, a unit of time .

c,n barhana , he demonstrated .

u gglb ljg ug

lumburh cin , pl. barciheen ,argument, demonstra tion . [MA

l Jgba rwciz (Persian p arwaz) ,

corn i c e, frame .

d jgbara , h e c ut a pen , wh ittled .


j gbrotesta (European ) , a legal

rl mibrd, pen

- kn ife .

protest .

jlj g

orlzljgl bizz, pl. abzciz or

bizciz, teat, breast .

j ’j ' ? ;.g bazz, pl. bozooz, cloth .

basara , th e seed sprou ted .

”jg jJ‘

g bizr , pl. bazaar, seed for

sowi ng .

mabzaar, sprouted, a growi ngcrop .

Ja g or Jj’

g bazaga or basaga , h e

spat .

alga e or Eggljg bczcliya , green peas.


gl orrg}

.g bizeem or abzecm,

buckle , h asp .

ueg bes, enough ; th a t will do ;

that i s all.

was bastdn , pl. basritecn ,

park , orc hard . [i n ela

bostcinji (Turk ish ), gardener .

0 0

Cbastin cij, ammi visnaga

tribulus terrestris.

w bg btisoar, pl. bawdsecr,

piles, hmmorrhoids.

hm.) basa ta , be spread ou t.

M linbasa ta, i t was spread out,

h e was glad, amused h imself.


ags. mabsaot, glad, spread ou t.

lnlgu il iabisat g\a6.n esa

kl“ )

biscit, pl. basot, c arpet,

r ug .

basta , a landing on th e sta irs.

Zlolggg baseet, simple, easy ;

bascita,simplic i ty .

Jmlg good, pretty good, indi fferen t .

d liIa , c ou rage .

inglj g or ilg. u basaela , green peas.


eg bism- illahi,in th e n ame of

God .


lel- bismila,the ph rase bism

illah i .


(” egg or

ran .) basama , or tabassama,

0 0

h e smiled .

2 3W bash lisha,cord iality .

JAE-g basha ra , h e sk inn ed, peeled .

SJAg bash a ra , epidermi s.

basha riy, epidermi c .

111g bash a r , th e h uman ra c e .

“EA bash a riy, h uman .

“ l a

i g bish cira , good n ews ; th e



g basha ra , h e rejo iced .

basbsha ra , h e an noun c ed goodnew s; h e an noun c ed th e ri sing

of the Ni le .

M tabsh cm‘

,preach ing th e Gos

P31; an noun c emen t of goodnews.

J-g- illM tabsh eer en -Nc el,

ann oun cemen t of th e r ising of

th e Nile .

J M ans/fee) ; e Vang elist.

Jai l; bdshara , he undertook , set

abou t .

fil m mobcisham, an undertak ing .


ga l.“mobdshara tcin

,direc t, wi th ou t

in termediary .

tabcisheer, good n ews ;

(Turk ish ) c h alk .

ms bashqa. (Turk i sh ) , oth er, differen t .

wi g bash c en (Persian, p csheen) ,ready

- money, cash .

un i -24


Basha ns, Coptic mon th of

May .

u é‘b bashneen , nymp hwa lotus or

caerulea .

Jag bassa , i t shon e, glowed .

bassa , a live coal.

V olga basalts, eye ; spy .

vague .) basbasa , h e c ou rted, flirtedlook ed for, sea rc hed .

fa g basam,

h e saw, perc eived .


J.a gbasa r, pl. a bsrir, eye, sigh t .

A l Kafeqf el- basa r, blind,

almost blind .

93} q a bsdr a i ( colloqui al) , and

wh a t no t,

”etc etera ,


so on .


olg btisira , th e eye .

iij gw ; baseem,

in telligen c e, perc eptive fac ulty .

Basra, th e town of Basra or

Dusserah .

Jj -e 0 1‘

J a g basaqa , or bazaqa , h e


du ng lusa'

q, sp ittle .

Ja e

d d ) basal,on ions, bulbs;

basala , an onion , bulb .

J u l:rd ) basama, (Turk ish

bdsmaq, to stamp) , be stampedh is seal on , impr in ted .

basma, imprin t of a seal.

mabsoom, stamped, imprin ted .

ts, bad a

’a,h e c u t i nto pieces.

bida’a , some, a few pieces,

a share .

éuu bidda’a , pl. baddy


goods, merc h andise . [ZaL l

,l é

‘u ull d

ub zoroof el


d tiya’wa awa

ya , tare of

weigh t, i . e . th e cases and vesselscon tain ing goods.


ls. » ba tta , h e flatten ed flat .

lab » . moba tta t, made fla t, flatten ed,flat.


film batta , wild duck .

f llng 5

9h ; bati, slow ; bitd, slow


bataha , h e th rew ( a man ) facedownwards.

inba taha , h e lay prostrate on



fulna ba tc ekh, wa ter -melon .

Ila ; bata ra , he lan c ed an abc ess

,& c .

5) p flags ba itdr, pl. baydta ra ,veterinary su rgeon .


5t rah .“ ha keem ba ita rz


veterinary surgeon .

t ) ” batrakh , dry roes of fish .

CJ1b batn


ark (Greek ) ,Pa triarch ,Archbish op .

3 fac e .

asuse ,

ba tash a bihi,he perse

ou ted h im.

utlae ba tsh , cou rage, strength ;

a ttack , vi olen c e .

Udall» ba tdtas, (English ) potatoes

dlng ba taIa , it was in va in , fu tile,n ull.

db ,» botila , i t was spoiled, annulled .

wile .) ba tkin , n ulli ty, voidness.

dbel or duh : ba ttala , or a btala,h e

ann ulled .

J'Jnglor M tabtnel, or z


btcil, an

an n ulling, n ullifi c ation .

dia l.) bdtil, n ull, void .


Jim ba ttdl,bad, useless, altogeth e r

void .

db ,

ba tala , h e was ou t of work .

illh : ba tdla , idleness, va c a tion .

db .) ba tola , h e wa s brave .

b I h ‘aljbg otoo

g,( re i sm

ding or Jig .

» ba tttil, h ero .

Elih gsl w min cl- abtdla , one of

h e roes, a h e ro .

u gh


)uh ) bum, pl. botoon , b elly ,

womb , h old or h ullof a sh ip ; inte rior sec tion of an Arab tr ibe .

my “? bcitin ,in tern al.

gli b ,» ba tc cm’

y, glu tton .

é? » ba tvc n ,c orpulen t .

25‘a ba ttin a , lin ing o f c loth es:

u glclbg or va g ue ; Z

au lh .» ba tcim



pl. ba tdn iydt,or ba tdtecn, blank e t

Jae orJlmLa za r, or ba iza r, clitor is.

Voting ba

basa , h e tic kled, use d

h is finger . boa’boa

, bugbear, bogey .

a, » c w ,» ba

ta bi, h e sen t, caused .

v. 4 1,» bti

yis, sender, cause .

[& B - w

up , “ maba’

oos, person or th ing

sen t, envoy .

A» ba’d,a fter .

lea : ba ’dcin , or ba’da in , afterwards.

M bo’od, distance .

N a .) ba’

yeed, far, distan t.

“LG or ec lg bd’ad a , or ta ba ada , he

k ept h imself apart, separatedfrom.

M l aba’da , he kep t it apart,

distan t.

Abe libd’ad , a keeping (someth ing)

apart .13

d ” ! iba’d diya , or aba adz


ya , a

parc el of land“kep t ap a rt

from th e land - su rvey, i . e . nu

registered (origin ally) and freefrom taxa tion (1829) flow i t

mean sa c oun try- h ou se or estate,

large farm.

clu b l1'


,a being far from;

distance from; a rejecting .

«Alf ? fl

ue ba’

yeer , pl. bo’rdn ,

camel. [Ou t a o’c l



ugh ,» ba

’d,a por tion , some ; a

certain on e .

{$i u

m) ba’d cZ- ayydm,

a certa inday .

use t

o ma ’ ba ’d, wi th one anoth er,

mu tually .

U sin g ba’dmi ba

’d lin

,on e

an oth er (of us) .

badhom ba’ddn, on e

anoth er (of them) .

‘fk”u h re

m ba’

dhom’aIa ba



on e over the other (of them) .

ba’l,h usband

, spouse .

baghta tdn, suddenly . [i le’s


bagjawcinji (Persia nbagchawdn) , gardener .

alas: Baghdad, town of Baghdad .

j‘J fi bégh ciz (Turk ish ) , th roa t,

strai t,chann el.

bagha da , h e hated ; boghd,

ha tred .

Jug baghl, pl. bi'


l,mule .


u baghghdl, muleteer .

u" ? bagha , h e desired, Oppressed.

git-fig» yanbaghi , i t is n ec essary,

essen tial.

gi g baghi , in iqu i ty .

M in baghiya , a im,desi re .

it"fu “sa

le baghi , pl. boghcit, wicked,

tyran t .

ml: m bafta (Persian btifta ) ,woven ; cloth , wh ite cloth .

a? baqq, lic e .

or bagja (Turk ish boqcha ) ,bundle .

baqdonos, parsley .



d.» baqa r , c a ttle, k in e .

J): if ; baqa ra , c ow ; tér , bull.

rslla hm baqar iy, beef.

Ed i; lioqa’a , stain , pa tc h , pie c e of

land a distric t in Syria .

J’b dig baql, pl. boqool, germ,

sprou t, vegetation .

ii/fld ddyira baladiya , mun i

c i pality.

Li b'

ljglg baladiydtak, thy c om

patr iots, fellow - townsmen or


Ail: talced, clown , ru stic, stupid .

salt baldda , stupidity, rusticity.

balloor (bannoor) , crystal,glass.

PA? balsam,

balsam, balm.

gla d—g bala sdn, balsamodendron,op obalsamum.

ég lgba lldsi'

y, a spec ies of earth enware jars made at Ballcis in

Upper Egypt.

M l.

) u ollg ballets, pl. balalees,same as ballasiy.

lei : or Rial: balta , or baldt, pieceof rock paving - stone .

dell.» or slab balta (Turk ish ) , axe,

h atch et.a

la.Lgballata , h e paved ; (vulgarism)h e stopped work , ch eated ( th e

boat) ran aground .


w bi g ballata’aleilc , h e has

ch eated you , kept back a depositfromyou .

lagging? tableet, a paving ; pavemen tcessation fromwork .

lajig belloot, oak

- tree ac orn .



Lgl or Lig bala

’a , or ibtala

’a,h e

swallowed .

t glil’g { J

ilg balaoa’

, pl. bawdleea’


sewer , sink , drain .

ff. » 110111

30 0 711, (Esophagus, ph a


n x .


tJ- g balagha , it reach ed, becameadult, ripened .


,i t reach ed me, I

h eard of.


t"? ballagh a , h e made reach , informed .

LJlg bciIagha , he exaggerated .

é) ig boloogh, a reach ing, arrivalat

puberty, a becoming adult or

ripe .

tJlg balz'

gh, adult. [min or

éLg balagh, information , letter,n ews ; petition .

Q u i ll? tablesghdt, information ,news.

ti p moballigh, informant.

Lilla mobalagha, exaggeration .

til?“ tlgw mablagh, pl. mabdh


amoun t, sum of mon ey .


cll» balagha, eloquence, rh etori c .

H baleegh, eloquent ; severe ;

effective .

651g t } ? jorh baleegh, a severe

wound .

33dg balgh a, or balyka , native yellowsh oes.

ralg balgham, phlegm.

Jigl Jig ba

lag, piebaldn ess ablaq,

piebald .

d ig or belki (Persian) , pegh aps.

baldha , stupidi ty ; nawets’


ali l ablah, stupid, nmf .


Jnlfl ig inlg bloom and bloordwiy

(European ) , pleura, pleur isy .

“5L! balia , i t became worn ou t,

u sed up .

L,ilg bdla , h e was anxiou s, tookth ough t.

c al-l 0 1

“ belci, or balwa, amic tion,

bit 221, ba h'

ya , pl. baldyd, calam1ty, disaster .

iglg balt'

ya (colloqu ial) , lazy .

iglgJ ? ) rajil baliya, a lazy man ,good for n othing.

ill“mobcildt, anxiety .

ma biala , afllic ted, insane, a

gllgbali, worn out (dress, tool,

“3g bu rnt, c ofl'

ee - berry.

(lg bv


nj, bang,”a soporific , jus

f ig banjar (Turkish ) , beet- root .

0,1g Al.» band, pl. banood (Per

an ) , paragr aph , article, sec

ti on ; aqueduct, reservoir .

ab bandar (Persian ) , town , sea

port, wharf.

JW shabbandaa' (Persian) , a

Turkish Con sul.bandiera (Italian ) , flag .

or bunduq, or funduq

(Turki sh ) , nuts.

Ja ig btmduq, Venedig, Ven ice .

27 1

Jalig 323A.» bunduqiya , pl. bana

diq, Venetian gun, rifle, whi chc ame to th e East, perh aps ori

ginally, fromVen ice .

Uzi,» bim


sh (Turk ish) , robe, loosegown .



ig bansar, th ird or ring- finger .

banafsaj, violet flower or

colour .

xi i i .» bank, pl. bonooka

(European ) ,i

money bank , bank

ing establishment.

bing, or bin (Turk ish ) , thousand .

bing- bcishi

,or bin - basbi

sh ) , major, chief of a

th ousan d .

gi g U

s.» bana , h e built ; yabm’


he b uilds.

M l all; bind, pl. abm’

ya, edifice,building .

agl: Ste binddn’aleih, founded on

th at,for th at reason , th erefore .

wlgug or 2n binaya , or bonydn,

con struc tion a bu ilding .

iggig binya , build of human body .

igigllJ”? qawiy el- binya , a man of

strong bu ild .

mabn z’

y, built, founded upon ;an indeclinable n oun .

iglig bon ia (Fren ch p o ing, p o ignet) ,

fist, wr ist a blow .

uh ”

lg—fl inbana’ala

,i t was

founded upon .

a d

J» ba nna horr

, freemason .

a ha“? ba n i cin , Hindoo trader .


uifi ta ba nna , h e adopted a son ,

w." or

u) ? bin , or ibn , son .

or or Dullabna, or banoon ,

or ban i , son s.

W U. » w or ill ) z'

bna, or bz



pl. ba n cit, da ugh ter , girl.

ba nawiy, filial.

c al Ban i Sooef (for Ban i

Ynsuf ) , ch ildren of Joseph ; a

provin c e and town in upperEgypt .

d fi ugl ibn awa

, jack al.

[ii -9:

USA w ho ba ndt n

’a sh

,th e c on

stellation s of th e Grea t and

Li ttle Bear ; a star in th e

Great Bear .

w? )ibn

’i rs

, weasel.

w ’a na b bandtiy, pipless


gill.» ba unan i

,pigeon - h ou se .

Lei ,» Benita , a town in

Lower Egypt, c apital of th e

Ca lz'


ya provin ce .

«flu? or w ba ht

,or bohtan , li e,

slander .

M b bdh it, pale , wan .

ba h cita,pallor, anwmia .

babja , ga iety, jolli ty, buxomn ess.

A 79) ibiahaja, h e was gay, jolly .


do.“ba hdala , h e shook , ill- trea ted,u sed violen ce .

Jlfl ba har, spic e, c ondimen t .

j elabha r

,artery ; aorta . [wa


jab bdhir, eviden t

,bri gh t, beau


he bahz, h eavin ess, seriousness.

Ebb bahiz, a ser ious or importan tma tter ; improper (conduct) .

file or Jy bz'

haq, dar tre ; vitilc'


leprosy .

djlq: bahlool, idiotic , foolish , silly .

able bahlawan (Persian p ehlevan) ,a thle te, gymn ast, ac roba t.

do le bah ( ima , stupor .

a bh ama, he hid, left vague or

u bi c ua.

rAe libh tim,

doubt,in c ertitude .

Fe“ma bham,

left vague, doubtful,h idden .

(ab or


fibhdm, or beih im, th umb,

great toe .

( H) a bkam

,inar ticula te beast,

dumb an imal.

ri g,» Kw baheema , pl. bahayim,

beast, c a ttle,“behemoth .

la baha, beau ty, br illian cy .

$9 ba hec, beau tiful, brigh t.u

'o c a l; bawwab, door - keeper

( see bab) .

C) ?béh, an appea ring .

( bl abaha , he permitted


la wful.

i s bli teiba , permission , licence .

t he. mobah , lawful, allowed ; free(land) .

L b baha,a courtyard . [Ea -La

(5L) ( j

? bbkh , rottenness bayilch,

vile, stinking .

tazweer beiyz'

kh, foulpe rjury or forgery .

”3 bar , waste land, ru in .

8b ”3 biir salih,waste

,bu t fit for

c ultivation .

If,» bag/ir, waste



j} , bawar, loss, ru in .

Elfilg or if

} ; bawara (English ) ,b ower an c h or .

Am » up”; Bart Sa’eed

, Por t Said .

boori (Tu rk i sh ) , trumpet.

u) ,borooza n (Turkish ) , trum

peter .

Zlb}: or booza

,n ative b eer,

b eer - sh op ; reeds.

j ) ?booz (Turkish ) , i c e .

j ) ? 652.muzzle, or jowl of an imal.

jr ? bawwaza (Turkishbozmaq) , h e spoilt.

or boos, or boasa , a k iss.

basa , h e k issed ;

yaboos, h e k isses.

i v) ;

or Em) ;boosa (Fren c h , pouce”)

th e) ;

or are”; boata (European) ,post-

ofi oe, post.

a x bash (Turki sh ) , empty, non

sen se, bosh .


t-bl ax bosh, pl. owbafish, mob,rufiian s.

boos, reeds,thatch .


ijjgor booza , native beer, beer

sh op reeds for sea ting ch a irs.

tlg or { i f

boa or ba a ,fa thom, a

stretc h with both arms wide

apar t .

Jljgl J’gbooq, pl. ab'waq, trumpet,

horn .

9!n bawciki

,colonn ade, a rch es.

d} : bbl, u r in e .

(I) ; or Jlg bala , or tabawwala ,

h e pissed .

Elf .

“mibwala , urin al.


J} : bdl su kka riy, diabetes.

elf boolad, steel. [v .la

u’tfdyz’ balm (Eumpoan ) . th e

polic e .

M y?” 4;s

’a3 kam


y el- bolees,

a polic eman .

Ea gljg boleesa (European ) , a policy,bill of lading .

d jjg bolook (Turk ish ) , c ompany,squ adron .

gig» ) d ) ,g bolook mneen i (Turkish ) , qu arter -master . LL”

0» 34

7gbooma , pl. boom, owl.

23” Da - on a , or Ba - oona , 0 0 pticmon th of June .

slg or a): book, or bah , copula tion .

lg} :or n boya (Turk ish boya) ,

pain t v tarn i sh

fit”? boydji, sh oe - black .

ug ly big/cit, a passing th e n igh t .

M mabeet, n igh t’s lodging .

W c al.

» bcita , h e passed th e

n ight ; yabeet, he passes th e

n igh t.

wjgg c fi

ggg ba it, pl. boyoot,

h ouse recess, pigeon - h olecouplet of verses.

lggl abyat, couple ts of verses.

xi i i“W ba it el-’


spider’s web .

lollLL . » ba it cl-mci, water - closet .

till. - dl4 .llu fi gg ba it el-mcil, sa

cred Moslem treasu ry for re

ligiou s legal matters, such as

inheri tance ; as distinct fromthe Mdliya, or Finan ce .

043g or s glg beet, or beed, or ba id ,

ru in , dilapidation .

04 g N’lg bdd beed, a bad par t of

th e bank of th e Nile or a

c an al ; the danger of scou ring ; whirlpool.

Age M yrest beed, a reserve

bank,beh ind th e th rea ten ed

bank of a river ; a reserve,

extra, a sub stitu te . [ilg’é


glg biydda (Persian p iydda ) , infantry .

J‘Jgu ba irdq (Turk ish ) , banner,

flag .

beera (European) , beer .

$ 5 beec h,acon ite a h ole dug.

U .5L,» bag/dd, wh i teness, wh i te of

ey e, or of egg .

j ail» or

és ‘


h e.


gggl abyad, femin . ba idci,

wh i te .

“6” ba id,

or beed, pl. , wh ite

people or th ings.

Us; bayyad a , h e wh i tened, wh itewash ed ; wrote ou t a cleancopy . b ;

Uasg. mobayyid, copying clerk .

“ lgbadet, ( the h en ) laid an egg.

véggg ba ida , pl. ba id, egg .

uéggw £34 4: ba idiy, oval; mabeed, ovary .

Jing - ba itcir, veterinary sur

geon (see batara ) .

tglg beea

, or ba ia’

, sale .

Ai sletglg beea

’ mona ’gid, completeor perfect sale .

tggbec a

’c aheah, or

jag/iz, valid or lawful sale .

diolgor dua l; t?” beea’

fasid, or bdtil,

defec tive or invalid sale .

Cv lg ta baea’baa, defini te sale .

3 " bcea’

qahr iy, forced sale,

di straint .

vents a

with option of re - purch asewi th in five years ; a species ofmor tgage or pledge .

di al-“lb 8 g beea’

bil- istighldl, a

“vents d réme


, in wh ich the

seller (pledger) retains the

enjoymen t of th e th ing sold(pledged) .

a,h e sold ; yabeea



lail inbda ’a,it was sold .

=L§u til


» bdya’

,seller bayyda


profession al seller, tradesman .

beea’a , ancien t n ame for a

synagogue or ch ur ch .

also mobaa ’, sold .

w e. mobec a ’, sale place of sale .

M li -mabeea ’, for sale .

lu lu mobciya’a , sale ; contract of

sale .

Lb G i g.» ba it , a Boy, Colonel(see Bey) .

gll-vb or wllq A. » beemcir istdn ,

andmdriatdn (Persian ) h ospi tal,a sylum.

”lag beydn, declaration , a showingeloqu en ce .

M . ulg bdn a , i t was separated

was clear ; yabaan , i t is separated , is c lear .


bayyan a , h e sh owed,proved


made clear .

tabayyan a , it was eviden t,

was proved .

istabdna,it became clear .

”lgl abdn a , he showed ;clear .

i t was

3 3h ? or

uglg bdyana , or tabciyana ,

it was di fferen t, distin ct from,

i t differ ed .

at?ba in, separation, space be

tween ; between .

Bn Lc md- bain, that wh ich is be

tween .

t el.» bainamd, while th a t, during .

u g


ig or u ilgbayin , or bayyin , clear ,

evi den t.


w liég h is.» bayyin a , pl. bayyindt,clear proof.

”Eng bayyin , a wi tness.

uilg bag/in , irrevocable divorce, a

divorc ed woman .


-m i ta byeen, demonstration ,a prov ing .


fH " mobeen,

showing ; clear,ev iden t .

wigs mobayyin , sh ow ing, proving .

uglw mobdyin , di stin ct, separate .

T .

Lu Té . Value 400 .


i w it, come th en !(see ta ala . )

gllli By God !alt J:

an. an,2g) ? u l? taba , h e repented (seetoba ) .

£44n tdboot, wooden trough ; a

k ind of sciqiya , or water- wh eel

c ofiin , tomb .

g : tillahi .



tcitcir (Turkish ) ,Tartar , courier .

l? taj, crown (see tawwaja ) .t ?“ ‘


ta r,small drum, tambourine .





ta ra , on c e , a time , ta ra tcin,

at times.


t ) ejl. » tareekh, date, time

wh en (see arr akh a)

gli idea (Per sian ) , fresh , new .

Ll? tdya , reeds, rushes. [v as

Ali 32

£43 ail? tdyih, gon e astray (seetech) .

rli tdma, h e was born a twin .

wi ll


(j); tawdm,

twin ; tawd

mdn, twins.

p g“

; tibet, a k ind of cloth .



tabcir,ruin .

J gttl


tabdshcer (Turkish ) , chalk .


ilortgli or

{4 3


taba’a,or tdba


or ittaba’a,h e followed wa s

subject to, dependen t, conformable .

cgila tba

’a , h e made follow, sent

in pu rsu it .




tatdba’a , it was con secu tive .

63 taba’

, pl. a tba a, result,


i n ? or£03 a

ll; tdbi a’

, pl. tnbbci’a,

or ta ba’a , follower, servan t, de

penden t, subject, ann exe .

g); Za gl


i tdbia’a , pl. tawdbia


result, dependen t .

i i“? taba’iya , allegiance, nation

ality .

matbooa ’, k ing, master, h e

wh o is obeyed .

glib mu tatdbia

, con secutive .

v. 53 tibn, ch opped or th resh ed

straw .

ZJlj J'

ta bbdna , straw mark et ;sellers of straw .

Js b .


taja ra , h e traded ; ya tjor,h e trades.


ijls ’ tijcira , trade, commerce .



a commercial.6

jar tdjir, pl. tujjdr, trader,merch an t .


sir tujjdr, Presiden t of gu ildof merch ants.

filo maqar, trade ; merch andise,subject of trade .


tllloo l istildh tijdr i


z usage

of trade, a trade custom.

a? ) ails.

" tujdh, in front of (see


a» , alg



' l i ttijdh , a turn ing to

ward (see wajh ) .

gay —S : taht, under, undern eath ,


Gus:tahtdn iy, lower, inferior



u m'


tohfa , pl. tohaf, a gift,rarity .

h is : tohaf, ( in Turk ish ) funny,strange .

h i s“at- Imfa , h e bestowed .

takhtand :

sofa .

(Persian ) , thron e,

£13 : takhta (Persian ), plank . [t jl


j gi ts: takhta - bosh (Turki sh ) ,

hollow planking, scaffolding,shop - coun ter .

0 l ta khta - rawdn (Persian ) ,9. palanqu in for women c arried

by two c amels one in fron t of

the other .





(is: tokhm, pl. tokhoom, limit,

fron tier, boundary . [3b


tokhma, indigestion .

hr“.mg yam tdsooa a , n inth day

of Moh arram.

cfi Teshreen , Tesh reen I. and II.

Syr ia n mon th s of October and

November .

Tishr i,Jewish month of

September .

w asta’iba

,h e was tired .

M l a ta’ba , h e

wear ied, bored .

made tired,

u ls-Sl y ou? ta’ab

, pl. a ta’db


fatigue .

u lai'

la ta’éb

,a polite word for th e

fees of a professional man,

lawyer , doc tor , & c .

0,n ta


,tired . [snake a

lga ?

v ali o W ma ta ’b, pl. ma


yib, ann oyance .

Zu lu? or w as ta’s, or ta



upset, muddle .

ll:ullai All

all» ta d ie ,

in th e

ph rase Alla h ta ’tila,God l h ow

grea t He is ! (see a’Id) .

o“ w

for th e imperative ti of a ta,h e

c ame .

dl-S ta’dla

, c ome th en !

h i s tafl'

a,h e spat.

dd? taf ula,h e spa t.


(lit? tOfiliIL, apple, apple - tree .

USS tign , nature ; intelligen t .



l a lgu na , h e perfected,made

solid .

M US ) ilpdn, p erfection, solidity .

do.“ mu tqa n; perfec ted, perfect,solid .

US, ,i i


or “33 toga , e r tagwa ,

piety, fear of God (see waqa ) .

$63 tagig, pious, God- fearing .

4 5W tagawi (Copti c Y) seed corn .


tagga (provinc ial) , h e sewed

seed .

min or tagiya , small cottonc ap worn under th e turban .

or tehé, er tekiye


(Turk ish ) ,dervish mon astery e r asylum.


i f.) or 23 ti kka,or dikka


band string for fasten ing

sk irt or drawers.

(Lg/Ki ; )DQ takroor iy, pl. takc

vrn a,

Black or n egro pilgr ims fromCen tral Soudan .

dlaf 310i ? ta kmila,complement

(see Iramdl) .

v”! wgfi ta hween, Gen esis (see

kbu) .


i 0 3 tell, pl. tildl, h ill, mound .


ju L JlJu l et tell el- kabcer, th e

Great H ill,on the edge of th e

desert E. of Zagazig ; battle

fi eld of 18 th September, 1882 .

Al) or AL? toled

, e r teleed,

b ir thrigh t (see u ala da ) .

Al, all; tulid, sh e bears a ch ild(see wa ia du ) .

ta lif a, it pe rish ed .


J r; talaf, ruin,waste , destr uo all righ t ! c omplete,

tion .

a lga ? talafiydt, losses in battle,

or from fire,& c .

J ) atlagfa , h e ru ined, destroyed .

J "; drill? tdlifa , pl. tawdlif,waste lands.

gal fili li tilqci , in fron t of (see

la qia ) .

completeness; geometri c alc omplemen t .



fllg bit- tamam,completely .

Fl? tcimm,complete, en tire .

di e ,Jlid timsal, image, sta tue

(see mist)

pl. tomoor,dry

[ef f i





do min tilgd n afsihi , of “Em/

43 tamr h ind iy, tama r ind .

h is own ac c ord or righ t .

sill? tilk, femin . of zalik,

th a t .

AgAl? talmc ez, pl. taId/miza ,pupi l

,disc iple .

Jlig 1? tald, h e read aloud ya tloo,

h e reads aloud .

tildwa , a reading aloud .

gift tolia , i t was read aloud .


told , it followed, came n ext.

gllS tdli

,the n ext

, th e following .



ill(”gill el- yo


m et- talt,the n ex t

day .



i ta tdla,i t was consecu tive .

“MI. mu ta tdli , consecu tive .

up .


r? tamma , 1t was c omplete


to an end .

Fil or roe tammama,or d i amma


he completed .

fr M ta tmeem

, or itmdm,a

mak ing complete .

M ta tmeema,amulet comple

ment .

0 0

tammooz,Syr ian mon th of

July .

M timsdh,croc od ile, h ypoc r ite

n ame of a lak e in Su ez Can alC


m La bs; tamdshd, promen ade ,sigh t

- seeing (see ma sha ) .

Eli o t) or tamgha (Tu rk ish ) ,often written and u sually pro

n oun c ed damgha ; ofii c ialstamp;bill stamp .

4014 3 J) , wa ra q damgha , stampedpaper for peti tion s an d offi c ial

doc umen ts.

Juli tamal (Turk ish ba sis, per

1118 119110 0 .

tamaili (Tu rk ish ) , always,

c on stan tly .

zsj zw ta nbom'

u, lu te , gu i ta r .

fl at; or Gi lli tanbuk (Pe rsian ),

toba c c o ; Pe rsian lea f tob acc ofor nargh ileh s.

JgiS ta nbal (Tu rk ish ) , idle , lazy .

”u ta nn cm (sometimes pron ouncedtandn r) , brazler, oven mu tton

coek ed in th e mon .


Kl? tana ka (Turkish ) , tin - ware ;

metal pot .



tanween, th e final sound

of n (see noon) .

Gi la 24143 tahlilca, danger, ru in

(see halaka ) .

i nk? Tahdma,lowland c oast of

Arabia .

r» , 1443 tuhma, accusation (seewakama )


pin or

rail a t- hama , or i tta hama,

h e prosecuted or accu sed beforea crimin al cou rt .



l i ttihdm,indictment, an ao

cusin o'.

rel. or

{410 mutta hamor tau t- ham,

th e a ccused man,prisoner at

the bar .

l; tawwci, n ew, simply,merely ;

direc tly .

toba , pen itenc e to God [rai

t- blg. g.,a'J tdba , he repen ted ;

yatoob, h e repents.

u—Jl'i tdyib, pen iten t.

cu)? toot,mulberry, mulberry - tree .

u)? Toot, Coptic mon th of Sep

tember, beginn ing the Copticyear, Sept . 11th .

lg}; tootyd, zinc , zinc ere .

(if or

t)? tooj, or tunj, bronze .

23 tawwaja , he crowned .


C913 tatweej, coronation .

L,Jls fi


Eli tdj, pl. teejdn, crown ,

d ia dew larg e turban .


in) ; Pen tateu ch , Mosa i c law .

r)? 0 1‘ to


m,or tho


m, garlic .

Us); toonm, Tun is ; coarse rope

of palm- fibre .

163 ta/g/ydr, strong current of river .

w » ? v g‘


ta is, pl. toyoos, h e

goat, ba ck .

2136 (lg? teel, er teela , jute, h emp ;whip flogging .

teemdr (Persian ) , care of

sick .

w h i t? teemdiji (Turk ish ) , h ospital attendant.

erg? teen, figs, fig

- tree .



i teen sho'

kiy, prickly pegr,

cactus fruit.

q ? teek, error, going astray .

a ll» sl‘

i tdha , he strayed ; ya tc eh ,

h e strays.

ail? tdyih, gone astray (an imal) .


Value 50 0 .

as in th ink,”b ut usually

pronounced s or t,wi thout any

fixed rule .

g jfib’

or ga l? thdba, or tathdwaba ,h e yawned .

GD Tint.

jli thdr, vengeance . [eM sabata, i t was firm, proven .

M lor c afe? sabba ta , or asba ta ,

he proved .

a wl or my ? sabaot, or isbdt,

proof, proof positive .

c a b'

lfi l isbcitcit, good proofs.

c—a dbit,proved, firm, enduring ;

real property .

M L maaboot, ormosabbat,proved .

c ab ? ),r

‘ maizema isbdt, erasure

and substitution .

orus’ tikhan , or tokhoona ,


ad‘s th ick , gross, coarse .


takhdna (for tokhoona ) th ickness, calibre .

mth adci,it bedewed .

fi d—il thady, pl. a thdci,

woman’s breast.

thadiy, mammal.

32; sarwa

,wealth .

L3.) Turayyd, th e Pleiades ; ch andelier .

val-3 wk“:t

’bti/n, pl. tha abeen,

snak e .

9 M g a l-3 tha’lab

, pl. tha’dlib,

w thaqaba , he pierced .

thaqb, pl. thogoob,

h ole .


s? thaqola, it weighed heavy .


lil dfi tiql, pl. a tqdl, weigh t,


(Hi ? tagaal, h eavy, unsympathetic .

M u. duh mitqcil, pl. ma tdqeel,

standard weight ; also It dir

h ems,72 grs. Troy .

M b listasgala, he found it h eavy,wearisome .

J ?) 233 tiqa , worthy of confi

dence (see wasuqa ) .

LL B talt, or sale,one - th ird part.

331? taldta , femin . taldt,

th ree .

L4,151:or talcitoon, or taldteen ,

thi rty .

a t: trilz'

t, th e th ird in order .

liwlf'fi ' yam et- tah itci , Tuesday .


try -Ll talla ta , h e tripled, cubed .


aw e ma talla t, tripled, cubed,cube .

“ a

Q)”toldtiy, a triliteral r oot.

owl: tciloot, th e Holy Trinity .


l? sulsiy, an ornamental style

of h andwri ting for ofi c ialdocu

w tathleeth, a tripling, cub ing,Trini ty .

(Li talaja , i t sn owed, froze .


talj, snow,ice or frozen snow ;

an ic e for eating .

(3 tile


m (talm) , furrow in ploughmg .

thamma , and th en .

,u l

f; tumor , pl. a tmdr , fruit .

f a

fru it .

mu tmi r, fru itful, productive .

tumn. one - e igh th part ; a

par ish or distr ic t in a town .

VS“ infill; tamdm


ya , fomin .


, e igh t .

a giw or

g rim tamci/noon

, or

tamcineen,eigh ty .

vol? tcimz


n , th e e igh th in order .

who.“pr ice .

0 IUN fuman

, pl. a-tman,

amma na,h e e stima ted ,


a price .

t HW a ameen,

pra i si ng .



fi 0

W or W tamean,or mu tmm


valu able .

ll? )gt: th ing], pl. a thnd

,a fold


bend .

uni Ma nn , h e b en t ; ya thn i,

h e b ends.

diminthan a , i t wa s or b ec ame

b ent, swayed .

0 5“

w ) fatuana,it formed an ex

c eption .

lam istisnd, exc eption .

0 co g a o o I 0

or w h ammy, or

mustasn ri,

exc eptional ex

c epted .

“ 0 0m l ll? sand, pl. asm'

ya, pra ise .


8 8,t.


fool atmam, it was fer tile, bore

u” sann a

,b e pra ised ; used th e

du al form.

i ii esnd, du ring, midst .


) lii lg’ ji esna


. zalik, in th e

mean time .

0 6

W 1 or”Jimetn cin

,or efna in

two .

etn a tcin ,

or etna ta in , or tinta in. (femin . )

two .

w ill(”a y

ém el- etnm’

n,Monday .

trin l'

,the sec ond in order ;

anoth er , oth er , n ext.

0 9. gmM7"


216m,n ext day .

M1” "b alm/WW ,

th e oth ers .

Ja il? fdn aw iy, sec ondary .

f.0 6

qu a


motanna , du al; th e du al

tdnoo ma slu t (c olloqu ial)

h e tu rn ed an d walked away

h e walk ed ba ck .

w ta thn iya , Deu teronomy .

g )? to


b, a rob e , toga , garmen t .

u h ? or h a lf ) a s'wdb, or fig/rib ,

cloth es.

ga l) ? thawdb

,reward of mer it .

[ug ly-o


,r evolt, agita tion .

ill} ; is”?3 17m ’

a r¢ibiya , Arébi’s

r eb ellion .


t 1) ,o. 1

° mm,1 wa s exm c c

yasoor, i t is in a sta te of ex

c itemen t .

,m 39

JG) asdr a , h e stirred up a r evolt, M il.» £301

19 . jdz iya , h or izon tal

excited . upper b eam of sciqiya .

w sdy ir a , a state of exc itemen t, W ,U

T‘L’ jdmoos, pl.


jawdmees, bu ffalo .

fl} ? ta tweer, a dr iving mad,exc it “Rb? " Q } ? jciwa ba , h e answered

mg (see jawtib) .

J): fer

, pl. tee mn , bull;Ji m. jayiz, lawful, lic it (see

Tau rus in th e zod ia c .

jCL'tDCbZ) .

3L? jcih (Persian ) , honour , majesty .

9 4; sayyib, legal term for a

w jabba , h e lopped ofl'

, c astratedwoman wh o 18 not a Yll


ln .

en tirely .

Q » jubb, well, p it.

ax? jubba , loose ou ter rob e .

u f s ‘ majboob, c omplete eun uch .

(Or c olloqu i ally G h ard as 111 get. )J }? jubae

a,h e forc ed ; ou t ; set a

Jeem. Valu e 3 bone, pu t th e piec es togeth er .


gs l» jti (ghél h e came ja br, v iolen c e, pr ide c utting

h e come s. of a dyk e .

Fe jum (91mm) , th ey came (vulgar fl?!ajba ra , h e forc ed .

jabr iy, for c ible, v iolen t .

a}? jci z'

e,a comer


fu tu re,Q} ? a

): qowwa Ja br zya , mam

n ext .

force,a rm of th e law, force

mujmre .

[ fillrh



lm eI- jabr, Algebra ,

science of pu tting fra c tion s

u L jab, h e came wi th , b rough t. togeth er ,

the mon th wh ich is c oming .

maji, arrival,ac t of coming .

g ang’s; yajeeb, h e brings.

JG? ja bber , v iolen t, proud, tyran t,gian t ; c on stella tion of Orion .

l) ?

l. » jetr , n e ighbou r ( see

jiwcir) . Jim majbuor, forc ed ; a set bon e .

5515? it} ? j a r iya , pl. jawdr i, , 7u 4 bone se tter, qu ack

su rgeon .

M l)» Ja brdyeel, Angel Gabr iel.

female slave .

j? - 3L> ja rr, h e who pulls (see

jarra) . glib Ja brdn ,man

’s n ame ,Gabr iel.

$0”boyciji, sh oe - black .

w hy biydt, a passing th e nigh t .

mabaet, n igh t’s lodging .

W c u b bata , h e passed th e

n igh t ; yabeat, he passes th e

n igh t.

my .) gu y ba it, pl. boyoot,

house ; recess, pigeon - h ole ;couplet of verses.

w Lyl abydt, couple ts of verses.

jail-J) w bai t al-i


spider’s web .

tellca n ba it cl-mci,water - closet .

1m. w ba it el-mcil, sa

c red Moslem treasu ry for re

ligiou s legal ma tters, such as

inheri tance ; as distinct fromthe MdItya , or Finan c e .

day or uygy beat, or bead, or ba id,

ru in , dilapida tion .

Ay A513 bdd bead, a bad part of

th e bank of th e Nile or a

can al ; the danger of scouring whi rlpool.

a.» M ” rost bead, a reserve

bank,beh ind th e th rea ten ed

bank of a river ; a reserve,

extra, a sub stitu te .

i cky big/tide (Persian p ig/tide ) , in

fantry .

J‘ms ba iréq (Turk ish ) , banner,


iff y beam (European ) , beer .

uay beec h

,acon ite a h ole dug .

U .5L}; baydd, wh i teness, wh ite of



Jla . ores -9


L593 04'

n abyad, fomin . ba id ci,

wh i te .

06» bafd

,or bead, pl. , whi te

people or th ings.


fy bayyada , he wh i tened, wh itewash ed ; wrote ou t a cleancopy . [dim

0635. mobayytd, c opying clerk .

a t; bddet, ( the h en ) laid an egg .

Ody Ed y ba idw, pl. ba id, egg .

“Ay e $4 5) baidiy, oval; ma.baad, ovary .

Jing ba ittir, veterinary su r

geon (see batara ) .


, or ba ia’

, sale .

Jan i neby

baea’ mona ’gid , complete

or perfect sale .


’saheeh, or

jtiyiz, valid or lawful sale .

dbl.» or M Uby beea’

faaid , or bcitil,

defec tive or invalid sale .

Cu bby

baea’batt, defin ite sale .


qahriy, forced sale,

di strain t .

i t’




al- wafd,“vente a

p acta da ra cha t,”sale

with option of re - purch asewi th in five years ; a species ofmortgage or pledge .

du tyby


bd - istighldl, a

vanta a in which the

seller (pledger) reta in s th e

enjoyment of the thing sold(pledged) .

a,h e sold ; gabeau




u ? J’U tciyih, gon e astray (see

tech ) .

rt?fdma ,

h e was born a twi n .

wa if pl); tawcim, twin ; tawd

mdn,twin s.

tibet, a k ind of cloth .


ta bdr, ru in .

J gsfld tabcishear (Turk ish ) , chalk .



t el? or fi x

; taba’a,or tdba


or i ttaba.’a , h e followed wa s

subject to, depen den t, conformable .

as) a tba

’a , h e made follow, sen t

in pu rsu i t .

Elli ? tatciba

’a , it was consecu tive .

ts? taba

, pl. a tba. a, result,


w orat}; gt; tdbia

, pl. tubbd’a,

or ta ba’a , follower, servan t, de

penden t, subject, ann exe .

g )? tdbia

’a , pl. tamabl




result, dependen t .

Zi a ? ta ba’l'

ya , allegiance, na tionality .

tri o ma tbooa

,k ing, master, h e

who is obeyed .

Elmo mu ta tdbia

, consecutive .

v. 53 tl


bn , ch opped or th resh ed

straw .

Lil-6d tabbdn a , straw market ;

sellers of straw .

F ig. taja ra , h e traded ; ya tjor,h e trades.


jara , trade, commerce .

{ é l tzjdr iy, commerc ial.



J ,

>U tdjz’

r, pl. tujjcir, trader,

merch ant .

sir tujjcir, Presiden t of gu ildof merc h an ts.

Isl-o ma tjar , trade ; merch an dise ,subjec t of trade .


(lik e ) l



lcih tljcim'

y, u sage

of trade, a trade cu stom.

a? ) XLSO


tujtih, in fron t of (see

wajh) .

a? ) ti nf oi

l i ttl'

jcih , a turn ing to

wa rd (see wajh ) .

“ 0

taht, u nder, u ndern ea th ,

downsta irs.

GUS:tahtlin iy, lower, inferior



ans tohfa , pl. tohaf, a gift,rarity .

h is : tohaf, ( in Tu rk ish ) fun ny,strange .

a s


!a t- hafa , he bestowed .

takht0 0

e n



sofa .

(Persi an ) , thron e,

a s: takhta (Persian ), plank . [



) ?ace

takhta - bosh (Turki sh ) ,h OUOW planking, sc affolding,

shop - coun ter .

a)” all; takhta - rawcin (Persian ) ,a palanqu in for women c a r r ied

by two c amels on e in fron t of

th e other .


,zé tokhm

, pl. tokhoom,limit,

fron tier, boundary . [3:

fireRo is : tokhma, indigestion .

34231 g al

)? torab, pl. atr iba , mould,

soil, earth , dust .

gel tor cibiya ,“

grave - diggers ;

n avvies.

u}; i913

torba , pl. tomb, grave,tomb .

Vb); terba


s, bolt of a door .

rs} tarjama , he translated, in

terpreted .

tarjama , tran slation ; b io


uh » ; tu rjuman, dragoman .

Fuj i . mu tarjim, translator, interpreter .

raft. muta rjam,

transla ted .

fi g) tarazi (Persian ) , scales,balance .

v b“ ta rs, pl. a tras, roundb u ckler ; ti re, a wooden coggedwheel of saqiya .

U 9?“ U ) ‘ mitras, pl. matci ris,

rampar t, trench es.

gson h ire as beasts of burden .

tarrcis, one who lets donkeys

U‘J; U ?

“’araa wa tame, a term

of abuse .

2; qjlo tmdna [origi

nally th e Arabic phrase ddr as

c enda’a , wh ich passed in to

Europe and became tersana

and dares, and h as re turned

a s an apparen tly Italian word],dockyard, a rsenal.

cu t)


a}? i t.) tira

’a , pl. tora



t) ; t}? tliria

, pl. tawdria’


cadastre th e ordnan c e su rvey .

tirfa, a delicacy , early fruit or


ta rqoa , clavicle, c ollar - bon e .


l h‘JJ: turk, pl. a trdk

,u sed

in Arabi c to sign ify Turk ;bu t th e Turks only apply th eword to Turk ish peasants or

Turcoman Nomads, and callth emselves Ottoman s, Osmanli .

turkiy, Turkish .


taraka,h e abandoned

,let go .

dd} ? tark, aban donmen t .

GJJU tdraka

,h e left alone (mu

tually) ; made a tru c e .

ESL?“ ma taraka

,tru c e , mu tu al

concession .

n J-

ko matrook, ab andoned .

i f)? ta rika , legacy, inh eritance .

w e); tin nis, lupin , lupinus tarmis.

ff [cm-id

db.) tirydq, (Greek ) , an tidote,electuary ; anc ien t elixir .

turunj, large lemon .

tut; tosa

, one- nin th par t.

tan; M tisa

’a,fomin . tiea

, nine .

W oru)“ tisa


, or tic a’ean


n inety .

to;L; tdsia

’th e ninth in ur ba n


left?we, yom tdsooa a , n in th day

of Moh arram.

“EN Teshreen , Te sh reen I. and II.

Syr ian mon th s of Octob er and

November .


,h e was tired .

t a u -Si a ta’ba , h e made tired


wearied, bored .

u h ? ) ta’ab

, pl. a ta’db


fatigue .

u h ? ) a tw’ab

,a polite word for th e

fees of a professional man,

lawyer , doctor , & c .



,tired . [snake ga


w e . g a ls ma ta ’b, pl. ma


y ib, ann oyance .

M iami orUM } ta

’s, or ta


,ru in,

upset,muddle .

ll:9556 all)



ta . ala,in th e

ph rase Alla h ta ’

tila,God h ow

grea t He is ! (see a’hi ) .

all w dl-S ta


, c ome th ou !

for th e imperative ti of a ta , h e

c ame .


“4 15 tafl'

a,h e spat.

deli taf flh l,h e spa t.

C55 toji iih , apple, apple - tree .

u’3 “an . n a ture ; i ntelligen t,

l a tqu na , h e perfected,made

tel-7 ricga’

zz, p erf e c tion, solid i ty .

W mu tqa n ,‘ perfected, perfect,

solid .

Us) d j

i ; 0 1‘£533 toga , Ol

‘ tagwa ,

Piety, fear of God (see wage ) .

C533 taqiy, pious, God- fear ing .

q jlfi taqciw i (Coptic i’) seed c orn .


vii? tagga. (provinc ial) , h e sowedseed .

h alo or an ; tagiya , small cottonc ap worn under th e turban .

or 43 take, or takiya


(Turk ish ) ,dervish monastery or asylum.

a a

i f.) or £53 tik ka, or dikka


band ; string for fasten ing

skirt or drawers.

(30l $5i takroor iy, pl. takdrn a ,

Black or n egro pilgr ims fromCen tral Soudan .

did Elsi ? ta kmila,complemen t

(see Icamdl) .

ugjfe takwee n

, Gen esis (see

ken) .

Jlli d ? tall, pl. tildl, h ill, mou nd .


Ita l .“d i ll ct tell el labeer, th e

Great H ill, on the edge of th e

dessert, E. of Zagazig ; ba ttle

field of 13th September, 1882 .

Al) 0 4 13 or All; teled, or tc'leed


b irth righ t (see wuluda ) .


A13 tulid, sh e bears a c h ild

(sec wala du ) .

5 . 3L? talifu i t perish ed .

h i s talaf, ruin,waste, destruo

tion .

w ail? talafiydt, losses in battle,or from fire

,& c .

J l atlafa , h e ru ined, destroyed .

ZillS talifu , pl. tawdlif,wa ste lands.

93“ f li t; tilga, in fron t of (see

laqia ) .

stir; w min tilqti n afsih i , of

h i s own acc ord or righ t .

GAL? tilk, femin . of zali k,

th a t .

334 1? M talmeaz, pl. talcimiza ,pupil

,disciple .


y,13 told, h e r ead aloud ya tloo,

h e reads aloud .

tildwa, a reading aloud .

913 toll


a, it was read aloud .

1? talci , it followed, came next.

JG tcili, the next, th e following .

”all el- yo


m at- tcili,the next

JCS ta tcila , i t was con sec u tive .

Jul. mnta tcili , consec utive .

up .


l" tamma , i t was complete


to an end .

6a .

rtl or

f” tammama

,or a tamma


he completed .


( 54 3 ta tmoam

, or itmdm,a

making comple te .

M in imaema,amule t comple

mea t.

l'w tamcim

,all righ t ! c omplete,

completeness; geometri c alc omplement .

(blab bit- tamam

,completely .

F3 tcimm, c omplete, en tire .

di e Jllsi tl'

mscil,image, sta tue

(see mial)

”asfa ? tamr, pl. tomoor, dry

date . [cv i

3m} lamr h ind iy, tamar ind .

tammooz,Syr ian mon th of

July .

LM S timsah , c rocod ile, hypoc r ite ;name of a lake in Suez Can al.


“ La bs; tamdshd, promen ade ,sigh t

- see ing (see ma slm) .

341m.) or tamgha (Turk ish ) ,often written and u sually p ro

noun c ed damgha ; offi c ialstamp;bill stamp .

264 3 wamg Jumgha , stampedpaper for pe tition s and offi c ial

doc uments.

Qua ? tamal (Turk ish basis, per

man en c e .

gusts tamalli (Tu rk ish ) , always,

c on stan tly .

ta nboo ru ,lu te

, gu i tar .

GJ'fi or a s» tanba k (Persia n ) ,

toba c c o ; Persia n lea f tob ac c o

for n argh ileh s .

M ta nbal (Turk ish ) , idle , lazy .

”33 ta nnoo r (some times pronoun c ed.

tanda r) h r azi er onan

cook ed in th e men .

Ki ? tanaka (Turk ish ) , tin - ware ;

metal pot .

“Di up ? tanween, th e final soundof n (see noon) .

ms tahlilca , danger, ru in

(see halaka ) .

Rab? Tahdma,lowland coast of

Arabia .

re,it“? tuhma, accusation (see

wahama )Q

fill or


l a t- hama , or ittahama,

h e prosecuted or accu sed beforea crimin al court .



l i ttiham,indic tmen t, an ac

c u smg .


fl“ or

fil e mutta hamor tau t- ham,

th e accu sed man , prisoner at

th e bar .


lp tawwa , now, simply,merely ;

directly .


ba , pen itence to God [rai

g ai t). Q's taba

,h e repen ted ;

ya toob, he repents.

u mtayib, pen i ten t .

c u)? toot,mulberry, mulberry

- tree .

CD)? Toot, Coptic mon th of Sep

tember, beginn ing the Copticyear, Sept . 11th .

LG; tootya , zinc , zin c ore .


C); tooj, or tu nj, bronze .

Ustawwaja , h e crown ed .

( by ta tweej, corona tion .


Eli taj, pl. teejcin , c rown ,

a’zled am larg o turban .

11: their, vengeance .

‘ e


fl»? tom,

Pen tateu ch , Mosaic law .

l":or”3 tom

,or them, garlic .

toonas, Tun is ; coarse ropeof palm- fibre .

1L? ta/yyé/r, strong current of river .

“In” w pl. togooe, h e

goat, buck .

3136 J‘s? teal, or taela , jute, hemp ;whip ; flogging.

teamdr (Persian), care of

sick .

g’JL‘ ” teemarji (Turk ish ) , hospital a ttendant.

cf!" teen , figs, fig

- tree .

Z’Sr .

cf” teen sho

kiy, prickly pear,cactu s fru it.teah , error, going astray .

8b tciha , h e strayed ; ya teeh ,“

h e strays.

ail? tayzh, gone astray (an imal) .


up Thd . Value 500 .

Th, as in“th ink,

”b u t usually

pronoun c ed s or t,wi thou t any

fixed rule .

i B'

or g al? th ciba , or ta thdwaba ,h e yawned .


M sabata , it was firm, proven .


w ailor w e? sabba ta , or a sba ta ,

he proved .

37 I“

a wl or may ? sabaot, or isbdt, M tageel, h eavy, unsympath etic .



roof posi ti ve . wan Jul. mitqdl, pl. ma tdqeel,

c al-ll» !tabatat, good proofs.

standard weigh t also It dir

c—oli aébitmroved, firm, enduring ;hems

,72 grs. Troy .

property . tatasqala, he found it heavy,ga i t . w i th maaboot, ormosabbat, wearisome .


J?) i ii? tiqa , worthy of c onfi

den ce (see wasuqa ) .


u!“ tikhan , or tokhoona,

c a l: tult, or sale,one - th i rd part.

th ickn ll: 331? taldta , femin . toldt,

three .

3 33 -0 maho wa. isbdt

, erasure

and substitution .


takheen,th ick

, gross, coarse .

35155ta khdna. (for tokhoona ) th ick u .45"; or taldtoon, or taldteen ,

ness, calibre .


lAi thadci,it bedewed .

gu ll? tdlz'

t, th e th ird in order .

As. ” thady, pl. a thd ci,km gm et- taldtd, Tuesday

woman 8 breast.cp l? tallota , he tripled, cubed .


L3 11.» ma talla t, tripled, cubed,sarwa

, wealth . cube .

thad iy, mammal.

a u

L’J’ Ta rayya , th e P1918 398 ; ch an

931i toldtz

y, a trillteral root.d l



ler mfi tdloot, th e Holy Tn nlty .

”gel-u - w‘-.w tho

’bci/n, pl. the abeen,

snak e .

4 sulszy, an orn amental style

h andwri tin for offi cialdoc uh a lls» h u h ? tha


, pl. tha’élib, ments


foxw tathleeth, a tripling, cubing,

tha hr 1. th h fj )”f

.» g p 09 oor,

ren t Trini ty .

teeth ; sea - port or fron tier(b talaya, i t sn owed, froze .


thaqaba , h e pierced . [g ,a; a? talj, snow,

i ce or frozen snow ;

an ic e for eating .

h e"

w as tha b, 1. the b,

hole .

q P 90 0



tilim (talm) , furrow in ploughmg .

Jill tbaqola, it weighed heavy .

thamma , and th en .

Jli ii dfi tigl, pl. a tqcil, weigh t,

gravity . ju l

r? tamer , pl. a tmcir , fruit .

IA“! 33


joi n mu tmi r, fru itful, productive .


cf” on e - e igh th part a

par ish or distr ict in a town .


vi be

“ipld tamcin iya, femin .

tamdnt, eigh t .

upu or “nib ?

tamdneen,e igh ty .

tamdn oon, or

w t; tcimz'

n, th e e igh th in order .

“Ju l L9“? tuma n

, pl. a tmdn ,pr ice .

ammono,h e estima ted ,


a pric e .

M {o f/17728 0 11,

prai s1ng .

we?“ or M tameen, or mu tmin ,

valu able .

valu ation ,8 p

lmgt: th ing) , pl. a thmi

,a fold


bend .

”i f tha n a

,h e ben t ; gu t/mi,

h e b ends.

Ui i il inthan a , i t wa s or b ec ame

b en t, swayed .

gif ts. ) 1


sta sna,it formed an ex

c eption .

M l i stismi,exc eption .


li th l istisnmy, or

mustasn ri,

c epted .

exc eption al ex

u i il - l1i sand, pl. aem'

ya , pra ise .


M ‘ orall? ) etndn




foul a tma/m, i t was fer tile , bore

u» sann a

,h e praised ; u sed th e

du al form.

ll? ) esn ci , du ring, midst .

hflldll? ) fi esnoi zalik, in th e

mean time .

or etn a in

(ma sc ) , two .

UM » or wi


orulllil etn a tcin ,

or etna ta in , or tin ta in.

two .

v.56? )

r); yom el- etna in , Monday .

gal? h im,

th e sec ond in order ;

anoth er , oth er, n ext.

( 73° Hf“, trim'

yam,n ext day .

M ull et- tlinyee n , th e oth ers .

Ja il? ta'

nmw iy, secondary .

th e du al0 }

”M oo


motanna , du al

,JU tdnoo ma xim (c olloqu ial) ,

h e tu rn ed a nd walked away ,

h e walk ed ba c k .

M ta thn iya , Deu teronomy .

g )? to


b, a rob e , toga , garmen t .

Haw or 9 113) aswdb, or tiyéb,

cloth es.

g.,—v); thawdb, rewa rd of mer it .

rebellion .

A b I 0 0

) fl jo sum

,i t wa s exmted ;

yasoor , it is in a sta te of ex

c i temen t.


L” ? jibe, cemen t, gypsum. alas. ) jadd, pl. ajddd, grand

da? jabala , h e created, moulded .

fath er, ancestor .

goo jadda , grandmoth er . [us-w

z3k» jddda , h igh road .

aim jaddadao

, h e renewed .

in» jibilla , n atural constitu tion .

35? j ib'illiy, natural, innate .

db» . dub jabal, pl. jibcil, mountain

,desert .

jabaliy,moun ta inous ; of th eJamal istaja dda , h e c ame ou t n ew,


tajdeed, renova tion .


suddenly became,was newly

taim» . or

u» yzbn, or j zbn a , ch eese . “

appom ed .


ibeen foreheadas s“ mostajidd, recru it

,n ewly

L. appoin ted .



Jda jada r, j1


der,pu stule, boil.

ELL jabbdn a , cemetery .

Lg) » jidir iy, small pox .

jabha , foreh ead .

A? jadr root s u are - root base .

all}? jibdya , tax , ren t, collectioni q

of ren t or taxes. J“? jid‘ir’ pl. jodor , W3“:

rent collector .

garden Wall.

“g jlos ll


tasawwu'r el- jidar, esc a

a ? jussa , pl. jusas, corpse .

lade ; a French legal termfor a

form of burglary .

body la b“ ?J,» jadeefr, walled, firm,

capable ;as ? jahad a , h e denied ; small canal or rivulet.

jOhOOd den ial

to. » jada

, mu tilation .

U3“? jahsh, foalOf an ass, young JA» jadala , h e twisted, pla ited .

a .ss

fi l- la—ss ’ l [jahafa] ajhafa ,lib» jadeela , plai t, tress, fringe

h e slandered, injur ed .


Of ha ir

Fer ? jaheem,

h ell- fire . [991M .

» jddala, he quarrelled .

30 ‘s “ or or majadala ,quarrel, dis

‘pute .

“bide Jr ): jadwal, pl. jaddwil,groove, ch annel, sc h ed ule, register .

St. jddd, serious, earnest .

jag“, gift, u tility .

jidda , newness, Jeddah, the jad i, goat, Capricorn in th e

p or t of Mec ca ; a sh ore . Zodiac .

jidd, seriousness, earn estness,

energy .

jiddcin , in earn est ; very,exceedingly .

u A- s ja zaba , h e attracted,c h armed .

a ? » ja zb, a ttrac tion .

y ell) ? jé zt


ba ,pl.jawdzz'

b,a t

tr ac tion , a ttrac tiv eness, c harms

o f b eauty .

M ob Harlan majzoob, pl.

nwjdzeeb, insan e, demen ted .


ji b . or

fl? jaza ra , or ja zzara , h e

got a t th e root, extrac ted th e

roo t .

”A? j1°

zr, or jid r, pl. jozoor,

root,root of a number ; trunk

of a tree .

jad a’

,a fin e fellow ; sapling .

{do jid a

,trunk of tree .

(Ba: jozdm,

eleph antiasis, leprosy .

j? ja r ra , h e pulled , dragged, dr ew .

fl } ? ju


rju ra , colloqu ial for ja rra .

or} ja rr, or ja rjur , a pull,tension .

ja r ra , hear d , or i vowel

sou nd .

jurjura , agony of dea th , last

gasp .

ji}m ja r fra , pl. j1


rdr, jar,

pitch er .

f .

J‘J ?

who pulls, pulling .

U o Ior



» jarr, or j a rra r, h e


ja rmra, traces of carn age

h a rn ess.

jgilinjarra , it was dragged, towed .

jilgi «hjirér, a towing, towage .

4 1

”J ?" maj roor, dram, wa ter

- c ou rse .


xi} ? j u ra a , bravery ; Jam,

brav e .

31? l lj ta rti, h e da red ;

mujta r i, dar ing.

uh ga


’111a ,

h e ven tured ,

h ad th e impudence .

uh U )

? tajdri’a Ia sa r iqa ,

a ven tu ring on th eft, a c om

mi tting ( the c r ime of) th eft .

. . s

j amba nd k napsa c k ,

why ? -’J ja ra b,mange ; ja rlnin ,

ma ngy .

l}; j1


rcib,lea th er sa c k or case ;

sh ea th .

my ) ? ja rraba , h e a ttempted,ex

per imen ted .

6 o“i f

" moya rra b, enu red,trled ,

exper t .

n tajr iba , pl. tajdr ib,a ttemp t, exper imen t

, exper i

en c e .

jorthooma , root,

or igin ,

bla steme .

Girgd , a prov in c e and townin Upper Egyp t.

ja rjeer, c ress, 0mm sa tiva .

W J ?‘

jla w as

? G1




Mdr Gi rgis, St. George .

( 1 0

> ja rah a, h e wou nded ; he

acc u sed . [wale

( y ? ( fig - jerk, pl. jorooh, wound .

or jareeh , or majraeh ,

wou nded .

cl} jwrra h, surgeon ,

ji 'rdha, surgery .

if i s} , jdm'

ha, pl. jawdr ih ,

h ands, feet, limbs ; b ird of

prey .


s jirdha ,pl. jirdh,wou nd .

t )

a} er a) ? jarad a , or jarrada , h e

str ippe dbare,deprived; audited,made an inven tory .

a} ? jard, nudi ty, a strippingbare audit, in ventory .

inna hasaraho bil-jard, h e

en tered it in th e inven tory .

A51 .

» jareed, r ib of palm bran c h,

lan c e .


} ? ja'reeda

, pl. ja rdyid ,rib of palm bran ch , lan c e


n ewspaper,sch edule .

ai} ? jardd, loc u sts.

ajrad, bare, strippedajrood, beardless.

Ab s? tajreed, depr iva tion .

tajreeda ,mili tary expedition .

of ; tajarrada , h e was stripped ;qu i t of.

mojar md, bare, simple, sole,

alone .

03> aim- o mojarmd haqq, droit

in corporel.

U )’ jams



J: j a rrasa ,h e revealed an other


vi c es, faults.

ja rasha , h e crush ed grain .


j aroosh, hand-mill. [u ’



a? ja reesh, crush ed or poundedgrain .


a} jardweesh, sweetmeats

sweetmeat paste of Opium.

i s} ? j

ora’a , potion , medicine .

u } jorf, bank of river or c an al,

embankmen t .

5 33+ ja rrafa , h e embanked,shovelled earth .

adj? jorrdfa , spade, h oe .

[t ],

f} ? ja rama , h e c ut .

pig or

p ?‘ ajrama , or zjta rama,

h e sin n ed, was guilty .

f”? (91> jo

'rm, pl. joroom, sim

c rime, h arm ; jin n , bulk .

f) ?3 Id jorm, wi thout fa il.

f} ja r ruma , be imposed a fin e .



l) ? ja rdma , fin e, penalty .

fl) » b ofi ja reema , pl. ja r ciyim,

sin , crime ; fin e, penalty .


-0 or

ps 4 majr i -m, or mujta ri


sinner, gu ilty .

Pg" mujm


m (c olloqu ial) , b arefootbeggar .

Aj zrroomiya

gramma r .

w ? jamna , h e th resh ed c orn .

u} ? jorn , th resh ing

- floor , h eap o f

corn for th resh ing ; woode n

pestle .

mils) ? JU) ? jorn cil, pl. jorndlcit

(European ) journal, n ewspaper .

d } ?

551551 jam,

h e ran,it flowed ;

ytjri , h e run s.

org, » jun


or ja r aydn ,course, flow ; a running .

tfll a.sra

’a bil-ja ri, he

h astened (with run n ing) , h e

ran away .


81a m mosria.’ bil-jam


, run

ni ng h astily .

sale . jci ri, curren t, runn ing, flow

ing b e ing in th e ac t of ; pre

sen t (mon th, year,i f) ? jdriya , pl. jawdri ,

female slave .

2.1L? jar ciya , ration of bread, wages.

dfi lajr a , h emade tak e i ts c ourse ;set abou t, c a rried ou t, pu t in to

execu tion .

ijraC, execution of work .

é lj o

s lijrdiy, executive .

gfi‘ majra , pl. majdr i,

course, means ; duct, u reth ra .


j ? Ja zza , h e c u t,cropped .

l) ? jazei, h e took a sh are, divided .

fyzy l 5 0

> juz, pl. ajzci , part,par ti cle, a tom in pl. , drugs.

L’Sfi ju ziy, relati ng to smallma t

ters ; pe tty .

g ., -k l ajzciji (Turk ish ) , c hemi st .

ajzdkhdna (Persian ) , ch e

mist’s sh op .

J ) ? jaza , h e rewarded (good or

evil) .

,5? jazci, reward, retrib u tion .

gjlqs jciza ,

be rewarded, pun ish ed .

joozia , h e was rewarded,

pun ished .

“jig ! yojcizi , h e pun ishes ; y0j aza ,h e is pun ish able

,is liable to

pun ishmen t .

ibis-1° or PB? jizci, or mojcizcit,pun ishmen t.

jiziya , tax, imposi tion .


? jazam,he slaugh tered . [6


j azzar, b u tch er .


jazr, ebb - ti de ; madd ,flood - tide .

jazar , c arrot.

jib; y} : ja-zeera

, pl. jazdyir ,island ; Gh ezireh

,th e island

opposite Kasr en -Nil, Cairo .

3} ,n El-jazeera, Mesopotamia .

El-jazdyir, Algiers.

a} j aw 11, h e c ut, brok e up . [80>

lJZ> j0 2 1if, i n th e lump

,a s a sale

of goods in th e lump,roughly ;

(wh at en bloc .

i ll} ? ja zdla , en ergy, supe rabu ud

an c e .

Jag» . ja zeel, ab u n dan t, gen erou s.


ullja . juzldn (for Pe rsian

jizddn) pock et- book .

ja zama , h e c u t, sh aped . [Pro

0 ja zm,a c u tting ; th e mark

0 over a letter, also c alled sokoon .

as) ? jazma , pl. jizom, boot .

" a

gi g) ? or

fia jazmaji (Turkish) ,

or jizomdtln‘nootmslmx .

U3? jassa , h e touch ed, felt .


vi ; tajacsasa, h e felt h is way,


M l) ? U P L? Jasooa, p

l. jawéi

sees spy . [whee

Na sa l Jaw » jasad , pl. ajstid,h uman body .

a? » jasad iy, corporeal, bodily .


ems taj assada , i t became lu carna te .

J“? jamm,

h e dared .

l jastim, daring, c ourage .

”A ? jasoor, daring, courageous.

” ls“

tajdsara , h e h ad th e impu

den c e to .

”Lari“mutajcisir, impuden t, audacions.

j un ; pl. joseor, bank

of r iver or canal dyke c au se

way, b ridge .

rW l pl. ujad-m


substance the h uman body .

ky le rau b m Balib

, solid sub

stance .

W”r» jism ma rin , yielding,

elastic substanc e .

ru g“

saleem cI-s m,able

bodied, sound in body .

pt“ ? jasc cm,

bulky ;

jascima , bulkin ess.

l“ ? jusmdn, bulk . [ub i s

as ? ]a d, crisp, c urly h air .

Ml) » j

’a rdn , bee tle, scarab .

Jinn? j

’afa r, canal, rivulet.


ala,h e did, made ; b egan ,

set about .

9 K; d» j’ala. yiktib, he bega n

to write .

u d» j’

ala n afsaho, h e made

h imself out to be,pre tended

to be .

Jag; j’ol

, wages, pension .

jaghrdfiya (European ) ,geography .


J im. h i s jafi'

a,it was dry ;

u la jafl,dry (as a dead body ,flower,a


afa , h e dessic a ted .

M ? jgft (Persian chift, pa ir) ,tweezers.

jaf ecr, sh eath , leather c ase .

U5.» jtfn , pl. jofoon, eyelid .

i ii ? jlfd, cruelty .


d? jalla , it wa s grand, illu strious.

d-L? ’ jallala , h e revered,extolled .

“LA? jalecl, royal, majestic ; th eTurk ish epi th et for a Ministryof State .

Elli» orJlL-‘s . jahitor jaldla ,majesty .

J? jill, grand, illu striou s

d? q I,h orse -

c loth .


5L}. jilla , fla t round c akes made

of dung ,and used as fuel.


ar t majella, book of MoslemJur ispruden ce , or legal axioms.

j .» julla , a serious matter .

ga le jalaba , h e drew, attracted,made come .

k i d—s jalb, a making come, at

tra ction .

U ta jalldb, slave - h un ter,or slave

trader .

jolldb, julep, molasses.

291? jilbu, clamp, iron - fasten ing .

u n la u h ); julbrib, pl. jalfi

beeb, smock worn by fellah een

men and women , and generallycalled galabiya .

Lula jalcibiya , vulgar form of


who) ? jilbcin , pea se, pulse .

w k ) istajlaba , h e procured,

d rew to h imself.

jdjil, small bell (worn by

an imals) .

a} ? Ale-y jild , pl. jolood, skin ,

h ide ; leath er ; lea th er bound

book volume of book .

fil ial.»ugl ibn j ilda ta k (c ollo

quial) , you r c ompa triot, fellowvillager, on e of you r own fle sh .

3na jad iy, of th e skin, lea th e ry .

Ala jalada , h e flogged .

Ads Al.» jallada , he bound a

book ; tajlced, book - b inding .

Air ‘ mojallid, bookbinder .


0 19. jalldd, execu tioner ; floggersk inner or seller of hides.

ML,» juleed , slee t, ha il; strong,th ick sk inned .

unle jalasa , h e sat up, mou nted

to a seat . [c f. M

ac t of sitting ; a c

cession to th rone .

q ? jcih'

s, sitter, seated .

c a bal» . Ru b . jalsa , pl. jalsdt,a single si tting ;

a udien c e by a Court or As

sembly .

krl'g fl

w ir y majlis, pl. majcilis,c oun c i l

,a ssembly, tr ibun al.

K>l‘Jda fl majlis ahkdm


Court of Appeal. (Th is ti tleis rarely u sed . )

séanc e or

(L? jalam,

sh ea rs,large sc issors.



a . jolln tir, pu nica gran a tum.

1? jalci , h e poli sh ed .



s or fi ll? jalci, or jalo, a polish ,c learn ess.

jalwa , fete, marriage fea st.


LET-s i s ja hiji (Turk i sh ) , polish er .


jalla , h e made c lea r, sh owed .

$1? jaliy, cle ar,obv ious, br igh t.

;L.v ° majloo, polish ed .

uh ? ) injala , h e was glad, h is

h eart was brigh ten ed .


r? gamma , i t was abundan t.

EL» jamm ghafeer, a vast

crowd .

Snag ? jomjema ,

.M S‘

or A» jamada , or tajam

made,it became solid froze .

or ? jomeod, solidity ; torpor,


M L? jcimid, solid, h ard, firm.

[v i a

d-ilya M l

) ? jwwdmid wa sawdyil,

solids and flu ids.

“sol-u ? jomcida. (jomddi ) Jamadi I.

and II.

,th e fi fth and sixth

Moslemmon th s .

mi s t. Ai ljifa-wdyid mutajammida ,

compound in terest .

81a? jamm,

live coal, carbun cle(disease) .

jomma iza, sycamore, wi ld

fig ; fi cus sycamorus.

W olf _ 2a) 4L;b ”h? j amoos,

femin . jcimoosa , pl. jawdmees,bufl


alo .

v c‘

? dc ’ fahl jcimoos, a fine

(male) bufl'

alo .

C“? jama

’a , h e added up , c ol

lec ted ; formed th e plural.ajma

’a , h e collected, agreed

upon .


ortel? ) zj tama

’a , or tajam

ma ’a , th ey a ssembled the as

sembly or c rowd formed .

CT)? jcima

’a , h e c opula ted wi th .

are? Cf ?

’ janba’

, pl. jomooa’


plural addi tion ; crowd .

to? ) or

If“? joma or ajma


th e whole .

fla g- l zjmci


a collection or

agreemen t of Opinions on Mos

ab IL


-s l tjti'

ma. a , an assembling .

EL“? jimd

’a, copulation .

to"? t

el? jdmi a’

, pl. jawdmia’


mosque, as a place of assemblyfor prayer . [W

6A ? jameaa’

, all.

i s » joma’a, reun ion a week .

[thw i

reun ion in theMosque , Fr iday .

w or Kaela ? jamda’a, or jam

a’iya , assembly, society ; crowd

tr0 0 p, squad .

gu y

s or majma’

,or maj

meou ’, th e un i ted wh ole

, to tal,

collec tion ; collected .

M » jamakiya , mon thly wage s,pay . [b lab

Jl. » d » jamal, pl. jimcil,camel

,male camel.


db: j ammal, camel- dri ver .

jamdl, beau ty, kindness,

good conduct.

dz“? jameel, h andsome ; k ind ;

dug“? 55> hzfz jamecl, gra titude ,memory of a favour .


or Ja b jdmala , or taj a

mala , h e repaid favours,wa s

k ind in return .

da g 2L» jomla , pl. jemal, th e

whole ; a ph rase ; several.

jl/s Zh e jemla mi rdr

, several


3d » jonh a , pl. jon ah , th e

Fren ch délit or misdemean

ou r,a s d isti nct from th e Fren c ho

cr eme,

”or felony .


t»ct» jonah wa jmdydt,

d e’

lits and“crimes .

m mahkama t el-jon ah ,tr ibun al correctionnel.

fl ail» jind, pl. jon ood, troops.

Hlgeek» jmdiy, a soldi er, horseman .

iit » ja ndza , fun eral- procession .

[w e

jia zeer (for Persian zinjeer) ,ch ain .

w k » jms, pl. ajnds,species, ki nd, sex . [8p


35d » jmsvya , sex , spemfic atlon ,origi n .


ja n nasa , h e Spec ified, divided in to spec ies.

M tajn c cs, spec ific ation ;Turk ish ) pun .

wL» jdn asa , i t resembled in


uaLt» jimis, similarity in speciesallitera tion .


UL» jana , h e plu cked


ga th ered yijn i, h e plu ck s.


UA» ja n a , h e c ommi tted a

c rime ; yijn r‘

,h e c ommits a

c rime .


U1: “is

?taja n na

’a la

,be acc used

4 8

vi» jan a , the fru it or c r 0 p wh i ch

is gath ered .

J L» jcin i, pl. jon dt, c om

mi ttei' of a crime ; gu ilty .

t i » 3:LIt» jindya , pl. jin ciytit,“c r ime


”felony ; crime .

cu bL'

5L» jon ah wa jmdydt,

o o ( t o

delete and cr imes .

“h .

” majn a , th e c r ime c ommitted .

Q t algal el-majn a

’ala ih, th e

victim of th e crime .

Zak-sh: Lad—Lo mu talabbfsan bil

jin ciya , caugh t in th e ac t, en

flagra n t de'


tu LgL'


“3 313 qanoon tahqeeq

cl-j'indycit, Law ofCriminalPro

c edure,“imtmction crimin elle .

c ubL'

tsn30‘s“mahkama t el-jin ciycit,( t

tr ibu nal cmmmel.

“Ly- lor A4» ja had a , or zjtahada ,h e exe r ted h imself.

old » !or A4» jahd, or zjtih cid , exer




Q:122. OLét» l ijtihad shar’a

'ty, legal

Opin ion or dedu ction in Mos

lemlaw ;“resp onsapw d en tium.

AbL» jabada , h e exerted h imselffor Islam

,fough t th e infidel.

at,» jihad, exe rtion or h oly wa ron beh alf of Islam.

4 0k» j ih cid iy, soldier, military .


34 0k» j ilu id iya , mili tary (affa irs) ,wa r oflic e .

”W majhood, result of effort,


j g» orJ .» jahr, or jih cir, publici ty .


Lg? ja hrli n, publicly, in public ,

jahhaza , h e equipped, fi ttedup, fitted ou t.

my » ; tajheezcit, preparation s,equ ipmen ts for war, & c .



aL» jcih iz, ready, equ ipped, fittedou t.

j‘f ?

‘ jihdz, equ ipmen t, outfit, ap

paratus ; trousseau of b ride .

jahada , h e thwarted, used

violen ce .

vi e - lajhada , h e caused abortion .

u éL‘» l ij- hdd

,a cau sing abortion .

jaheed, embryo, or abortion .

3L,» or JG? jahl, or jah tila , ign e

ran ce , stupidity .

d4» jalu'

la , he was ignorant .

db l» ; tajdhala , h e sh ammed igne

rance .

JG» gs!» jéhil, pl. johh cil, igne

ran t, stupid .


liya ,an te - Islam,


ignoran ce of th e true fa i th priorto Mah omet’s revelation .

(La k e j Jflg‘ maj- hool

, pl. maj a

heel, unkn own .

Jfi r‘”cl-maj- heol wa el


passive and ac tive

voices of a verb .

ra i lJ’g ‘ maj- houl el- iam, anonymono.


jahannam h ell,

Geh enn a .

Lg,» l g oa l) » jawcib, pl. ajwiba ,

answer, reply ; letter .

Hal,» Jlj w soocilwa jawab, ques

tion and an swer .

c um,» jawdbcit, letters, postalcorresponden ce .

jawdyib, curren t news,

chron icle .

my,» jdwaba , h e replied .

ujd u listajwaba , h e interrogated,ask ed for an an swer .

Hal’sk l istijwdb, in terrogatory .

g L» l ajciba , h e an swered, c om

plied wi th .

Lq n 5.

4 L» ) agaba bil- c ej a b, he

replied in th e affirma tive , c on

sen ted .

g ., -Lu ha u L» l ajciba bis -

sa il), he

replied in th e n ega tive .

3gL» l ijciba , c omplian c e,c on sen t .

W mojeeb, complian t, c on

senting . Ecf.

t ,» jo'

kh (Persian choha ) , cloth .

jéda , exc ellence, goodn ess,kindn ess.

a,» jood, generosi ty .

o,»i jawcid, generou s ; aj

wad,more generous.

OL!» jag/yid, pl. jig/(id, good,excellen t.

o’»i ajwad, better , more excellen t.


j awwad a , h e made good, im


j ) ?

J,» jar , tyranny, inju stice nu i i i,» all» Jayiza , pl. jawayiz,

ju st.

orjl) » j iwar , or moj awara ,

v ic in ity, n earness,a being a

neighbour .

J,L» jawara , h e was n eighbou r ,n ear .

w‘fi -‘i’ jar, pl. jeer tin , n eigh

bour .

”s mojciwir, n ear, adjacen t ;studen t of Moslem law .

u lj r » jo

'rdb (Persian chordb) ,



j ,» joz, femin . joza ,

vulgar Arab ic for zo’

j, femin .

zoja , spou se, pa ir, c ouple .

( 3) jg» jawwaza , vulgarism forzamvaja , h e gave in marriage .


I”; tajawwaza , vulgari sm

for tazawwaja , h e married, tooka w ife .

j ) ? jo'

z,middle, k ernel walnu ts.


g,» j oza , a walnu t a cocoa - nu t

h en c e, a hookah,”

or cocoanu t- bowled pipe , for smok ingh ash eesh , tumbak , & c .

sh,» jézci, Gemini of th e Zodiac .

jl)» jawaz, lawfulness, permission ,

righ t of way .

ja za , i t was lawful;

yajooz, i t is lawful.

j'L» lor jg? jawmaw o r (y am,

h e

permi tted .


'Jl» jayiz, lawful, lic it, permis

prize, gift, reward .

3) L» l ijciza , permission , leave of

ab sen ce .

”Ls? tajtiwaza , h e gave h imself


righ t or limi t ;was more th an .

overste pped a

it exc eeded,

j fi‘ i

mlistajwa za , h e asked leave .

[y amjL


go maj az, pa ssage , metaph or .

J’s/w majdziy, metaph oric, nu


j )“ mzjwiz (vulgar) , doubled ,




J ,LS \a motajawiz, transgressor,

overstepper ; more th an , ex

c essive .

jeeza , shore ; r iver bank

opposite Ca iro ; town and pro

vince of Gh izeh .

i344”Nb haram el-jceza , pyramids

of Gh izeh .

8L» a)

» jooa’h unger ; jcia


h e h ungered .

what? orale) »

or 9L» j ag/a’or

jaw’an, or (vulgar) jeea

’dn ,

h ungry .

h ollow ; belly, c avlty .

jawwafa , h e h ollowed out .

g fs ‘ or ajwafi ormojawwaf,c on c ave, h ollow,

h ollowed ou t.


qa , crowd . [333.

d) e 51

J,» or J,» jot, or jawalan , a

tu rn ing round .

J; tajawwala , h e made a tou r(of inspecti on ) .

J's " majcil, circu s, arena, placeof turn ing .

jean , gulf, inlet.

f l,» Jb) » jo


har, pl. jawtih ir,

jewel a tom,molecule .



t jeweller ; atomic ,molecular , substan ti al.


harji (Turkish ) jeweller .

3» jaw jaw) , atmosphere, a i r ;

the inside .

lg» joaci, inside, a t h ome, indoors.

Lil? » jooctn iy, in ternal, inner .

u.» ji, (Tu rkish ) suflix sign ifyingth e de e r, ac tor, seller, like th e

English ,- er,

- ster, & c .

(iji, chemist, seller of

9g }: or

’arabaj t, cabman .

ja ib, PL

poc ket ; sin e (geometry) .

W ? rLJ tamcimja ib, cosine .

33g» .

n isba ja ibiya , log sin e .

J 3» jcer, lime, mortar .


JL» u

lJ 3» jam


tin, pl. of jtir,


9L? » jayycira , lime- kiln .

j ) ?gi st .

" jeeza , shore, Gh izeh

( see under jb'

z) .

a »

j toos, p ista c c ia c om.



’3 » ja ish, pl. joyoosh,army .

Jan eLit-P ja ish masriy,Egyptian

army .

Ji b ”u 23» ja ish el- ihtildl,Army

of Occupa tion .

uLQ L» jayash cin, v iolent agi tation ,c ommotion .

u23s0 ; U


L» jdsh a , i t was in

c ommotion yajeesh , it is in

commotion .


? » jawwasha (c olloquiel for jayyasha ) , h e stirred

up strife, dispu ted .

J 3» jeqfa , pl. j lttf, c arrion ,

c arc ase .

r3.» jeem, th e letter E j


JLA>~l jecl, pl. ajial, age ,

tu L43t3» 313 » jecna ih , pl. jeenah ci t

(European ) poundsterling .

gumea ,


(a strong a spira te ) .

C116. Valu e 8 .

c u bs—L» 3» L> hdju , pl. Iu ijtit,

n ec essity, th ingn eeded , th ing


a irs, baggage, c loth es. LE)


bl. » u

33 i Ls mci fc esh Iniju , th ere

i s,or i t is, n oth ing .

él,» luzwtiyij (an oth er pl. of ham) ,baggage , efl


ec ts.


J t » l ihtaj a Ii, h e h ad n eed l=L33» 3lU L; c f ' min bab pl- ihtig/a t,

for, it was n eedful to .



i» l ihtiydj, n eed ,

n ecessity .

ra y -ocL33» l ihti/ydj darooriy,

urgen t necessity.

J tL35 0 muhtdj in n eed of.

a lhagi


EL» haj, a thorny plan t ;Emann ifer 'um.

93» 9L» ha r a,lane , n arrow


(see ha i ra )

3b)» bL»

hota ) .

loL. » l h e

warn ed, informed .

hate,h e guarded (see

aluita , surrounded

3kL» lih cita , a su rrounding, informing .

lo? » hawwa ta , h e su rrounded, lefta margin .


" tahweet, circumferen ce, landenclosed or embank ed ; dyk e .

2)p info Mfg/ii , pl. heettin, wall.

loL1» l ibtcita , h e took prec au tion,k ept in reserve .


i.» lihtiyfit, precau tion ; reserve

of army .

l’bL33» l i btiylitiy, precau tionary,i n reserve, provi sory .

ls‘ bL-H é i w » hobs ihtiya tiy,

prec au tionary imprisonmen t(before trial) .

y'p l (la-man ihtiydtiy,

a val in French law,


addi tional and precau tionaryguaran tee for a billof exchangeby a th ird p a rty .

as a mea su re of precau tion ,“to b e on th e safe side .

loam“1s la3= ~ moheet, surrounding bahr moheet, ocean .

laL= ~ mohdt,surrounded .

is» hcifa, edge, brim.

J,» JL» hdl state,

cond ition (see ho' l)w ) or ha bba

,or a habba ,

h e loved ; preferred ; w ish ed .

[Cfl W ]

du ng.L t» habba y’amil

,h e wish ed

to do .

tahdbba , h e loved mu tu ally .

w or C, » hibb, or hubb,or

ma habba , love, preference .

$3» hubbiy, a ffection a te , rela tingto love .

9L3.» lor u b l ha beeb, pl.

ahbcib, or ab ibbd, fr iend ,lover,

dear .

$ 33» 93 33 » habc ebi, femin .

habceba ti, my dear .

gra t ed ahabb, dearer .

c a n” moh ibb, lover .

agre es mahboob, b eloved ; obsole te

gold coin used as an ornamen t


h i—As " mohdbb, mu tually loving,and beloved .

tu b,» or max» C4 L» habb

pl. beboob, or hoboobdt, gra in

in pl. cereals.

33» habba , a gra in , 1 48 th of a

d irh em ; p imple : p ill.

J 3» h ibr, ink .

h aba ra , lady’s blac k silk

c loak .

J 3» h abr,rabbi , Jewish priest.

u. .3» ha basa , h e pu t in pri son ,sequ estered .

w , » hu bs,prison , imprisonmen t

sequ estra tion .

aw habs- kluina (Persi an ) , a

prison , gaol.

w it“ ih taba sa , be r estra in ed,

c onta in ed

M E‘

u p ma bboos, pl.

malu ibees, prison er .

u23» habash , Abyssin ia , th e

Abyssi n ians.

Z9» haba shiy, an Abyssin ian ,

Abyssin ian .

$ 3» ha ba ka ,h e made la c e , in ter

laced .

JLt» Jt» habl, pl. h ibcil, cable,re pe .

413» hubayil, cordage, n ets.

d3» h abal, con c eption, pregnan cy .

M 3» h abilct, (th e woman ) c on

c eived . [W

J ,»


» hi bla, pl. babala


pregnan t .

c a l» 31» hitta , pl. bita t, piec e ,b i t .


r? » hattama , h e made obliga tory .


tahattama , i t became obliga

Loft» batman, of necessity, with ou tfa il dc plein droit.

U3» ha tta , in order th at ; un til,

even th en .

n ‘ 0


C» h ajj or h tjja , th e

Great Pilgrimage to Mecca a t

th e end of th e Moslem year .

314 ” zoo l- hzjja , the mon th of

pllgrimage, th e last lun ar

mon th .


h ajja , h e went on the pil

grimage .

f’ 32> bejj a , pl. bojaj, good

proof, sound argumen t,ti tle

deed of property .


(Le L» Iu ijj, pl. bojjtti, pi l

grim to Mec c a

é » Iu ijji (Persia n ) , pilgrim.

Eu l ihtajja , h e relied on good


Els i“ ibtaj uj , reli anc e on good


W haja ba , he veiled, guarded,

c u t ofl'

, disinh eri ted .

g a l» , h ijfib, veil,

amule t, dia

ph ragm.

W E» b asal» h lijib, pl.


b,eyeb row .

h ag" hajib, pl. hojjctb,

gu a rd ian , b eadle, u sh er, c on

stable of a c our t.

Q PS ‘ ma hjoob, veiled, timid ,

J ? h ijr, bosom,lap .


13> hajr

’a la

,interd iction

against .


ry» hizam

, pl. hozom, girth ,

girdle .

mahzoom, girt wa ist- cloth ,wel.


,resolu te .

sound judgmen t .

w» ba zin a, h e was sad ; ba zn ,


cfi" a ksana,h e sadden ed, vexed .

g} 0 1‘

U3) » ha zeen,or bazin , sad .

Bl)» hnzdn a

,family c ares, main

tenan c e of a young family .


u“, Itasc a , h e felt, perce ived by

one of th e senses.

U" hassa binafsihi , h e felt

h imself to be .


M ” istahassa,h e detected


became aware of.

W » kassasa , he groped, felt

for , manipulated .

kiss, voice, sen sation .

£39 tallia’hissak, raise

your voice 1

or hasees,or han ds,

who feels ; sensitive .


L L» hdssa , pl. bawciss,

a sen se ; the sen ses.

33A» bassiya , power of sense,

sen sib ility .

U P S ‘ mahsoos, perceptible to

th e sen ses ; real.

hasaba , h e counted, c al

c ula ted,reckoned .

w hasb, a su ffi cient portion ;sh a re .

i n husband Allah . God is

our tru st


" hasbiy, re

lating to sh ares;Majbts el- basbiy.

Moslem Probate Cou rt.

w » hasab, quan ti ty, ra tio,propor tion .

w »U“or bi—basab,

or’ala hasab

,according to, in

proportion to .

h isab, pl. hwa

bcit, calc ula tion , account,b ill.

rt. ’

i lm el- hisab,

ar ith

metic .

M L» hdsaba , h e k ept accounts,reckoned wi th, was on h i s

guard .

w t» haszb, (imperative) look

ou t !

gra d-v mohcisib, accoun tant.

t.r. aw h au ls -0 mohdsaba , pl. modeabdt,ac counts, book - keeping .

moh cisa baji (Turk i sh ) ,accoun tan t.

W l ihtasaba , he considered ,reflected .

W mohtaeab ’aleih

, put

to h is charge .

hasada,h e envied, wasjealous


Imam],envy, jealousy .

33 3» ha ahma, pomp, ceremon ial,awe .

M mohtash im, yenerable ,

revered .

LA» haahci, he stufl‘

ed , filled .

rt. » hasho, stufi ng, wadding .

rLb l L2.» hacbci , pl. ahchd,


e l,» hdsh iya , pl. ha

wcish i , border, margin . [U t ah

l“! lahm mahch i, stuffed

meat stew .

mahsboo, stufl'

ed .

Lat» h tishd, excepted .

AllLt. » hasbd Allah , God forbid !

Una » h issa , pl. h isas,

sh a re, portion .

sLt a » hasba , measles; hasbfi,pebbles.

mahsoob,ill wi th measles.

hasada , h e reaped .

OLA » ha sdd, h arvest.

Jrar‘” oLa » humid c i - mahsool,

a ga th er ing in of th e creps.

haseeda,a c rop .

ha sira , he felt con stra ined .

I" hasa ra , h e confined, restra ined,limited .

af t. 94 » hasara ho bil-ja rd, h e

en tered it in the inven tory .

J" hasara shubha toh, be

suspected, be limi ted h is sus

fa » hear , reten tion of urine .

”M mahseer, taken ill.

Jaa» hacr, restriction, constrain t.

JoL» h risara , h e besieged .

90W mohdaara , siege .

jLa .» hisdr, castle, fortress.

Ja » haseera, pl. hm r,

mat, matting .

IV" hm m, sour, acid fru it.

Jo » hacala , it happened, resulted .

W » 33 0k “el- h tid isa hasalet,

th e acciden t h appened .


due.» hassala , h e obtained ; leviedtaxes.

JJA » hoaool, event, a b efalling,

attainmen t.


te hseel,

success, a tta in

ment ; collection of taxes.

,lal3 as

itahseeldar (Persian ) , tax

collector .

dw l,» deal» basil, pl. hawcic il,

result ; end obtained advan

tage barn , cou rt- yard .

UL: di s ? tabassala


,h e ob

tained, a tta ined ; it re sulted

from,was realized .

a t,“ dye - s " ma hsool, pl.

mahsooldt, result ; crops, produce reven ue .

c) f°>

U4 » hisn

, pl. koseoa , for

tress c h asti ty .

31A» or elite » basnet, or kastna ,

ch aste woman . [c f

31a s ° mehsana , chaste woman .


J3L we »La » Mafia , pl. boson ,

stallion, h orse . Instead of boson,

th e pl. in use is khail.

i h » ha sdt, pl. hosiy

qa » haswa , pl.

h aw , pebble, gravel, calculus .

an d ahsa , h e c alculated .

bedead, apogee ; aph elion,fu rth est point.

had a ra , h e was presen t,ready, he presen ted h imself.

h addara , h e made ready ,prepared .

1.a» lahda ra , h e summoned, mad e

A lihtada ra , h e prepared h imself, was on the point of dea th .

,as ina l istahdara , h e sen t for


ask ed for th e presence of, h e

brough t forward (h 1sW1tnesses)



» hadcira , se ttled Arabs (not

Bedouin s) .

jLA» lihdcir, a summons a bring

ing forward .

JA A ‘mehdir


“hu issier


server .

Jé ls fl mahdar , pl. mah cidir,report, minutes of proceedings,“p reces

- verbal.”

do . » h idn , pl. hodoon ,

bosom, lap ; in terval of time .

3. 3Lé » hidcina , maternal r igh ts.

wé .


1» l ihtadana , he embra ced,took to h is bosom.

la » ha tta , h e placed, put down,deposited .

B l i nha tta,it diminish ed, sank ,

was put down .


duction .

a putting down ; t e

9.6» hadra , presence ; Excellency, loL» or lahL» be tit, or ha tt, he wh o

Sir .

ha dratkom,Thy or Your Exc el

lency Your Highness NobleSir !

(“Db hadra


tikom, Your Exc ellen c ies ! Gentlemen !

wiya , E.H . th e Kh edive .

JUJ» hazretler i (Turkish) , H i s

or Your Excellency .


lollas l i'

nh ztdt, decline, decadence ;a sink ing .

3 h “ maha tta, place wh ere a th ing

ra ilway sta tion .

wakeel el- mahatta,station -master .

ta b -l k i ln» ha tab, pl. aktab,

firewood . Distinguish th is fromkhashab, timber .

rln» hatama , h e b rok e in pieces.


f L» h tid ir, pl. brid iroon

lit» hazza , h e was del1gh ted, glad .

(or hdd ireen) , present, ready ;

domic iled (not nomad) deligh t, pleasure .


, gladdened, plea sed .

335k mahzooziya, h appin ess, joy .

vb . » hazia , h e suceeded in , ob

ta ined .

hizwa , succ ess, advan tage .

us» hazi/ya, pl. ha zdya,

concubine .

hafeed, pl. hafada ,

grandson .

I5» bafa ra , be dug .

J.» hafr , pl. bafia


a digging ; excava tion s.

hqfra , hole, pit, h ollow,



jil» lu ifi r, pl. h awcifir, h oof,

digger .

JG» hafi i ir, digger , grave

- digger .

f ig-0 mihfa r, spade .

h i s:or lat» hafiza , or tahafia za ,

h e guarded, prote c ted, was vigilan t ; reserved ; learned by

h ear t.

lat» baj a za , h e taugh t (the Koran ,made learn by h ea rt.

h cifaza , he guarded, wa tch edover as a ruler .

M a l istahfaza , h e sough t prote c tion .

Infz, guard, care , protec tionfaculty or power of memory .

hifz wa siycina , gua rd

and protection .

M h‘

éfz jameel, memoryof a fa vo u r, g ra ti tude .

62 J »

Bil» hdfiz, guardian knowing byheart.

3.5 L» h cifiza, faculty of memory .

Bib mohdfiz, guardi an , govern orof a town .

3. 5.5ls 0 mohdfaza , guardiansh ip ;town sh ip as apart from a


deer iya govemor’s ofi ce or

dwelling .


, guarded, reserved .

3. i=l5s ° ma hfa za , portfolio, c ase .

mustabfiz, reserve of poli c eor of army ; na tional guard .

d51» lor do. » kafala , or ihtafala ,a crowd collected .

or or do» h afl,

or ih tiflil, or mahfil, crowd,proc ession , public ceremony,pomp

Jl53» l ilztlfld iy, solemn , c eremo

n i e ue, pompou s.

hafla ta , nuisance, bore, embarrassmen t.

U» . a,he wen t bare

be ing barefoot.

gaL» ha

fi , who is ba refoot un

shod (horse) .

Q ? » n ,» haqq, pl. hoqooq, truth ;

legal r igh t.

l J » haqq’a iniy, realproper ty,

“drozt reel.

mojarrad baqq, personalproperty,


el- haqq m’a lc


“°d loit in corpore .

J’ 68

you “9 in the righ t ; d- h aqq Js ia lc


stahaqqa , he deserved ; i t’ala ik, you are in the wrong .

w l haqq el-malakiya , ri gh t

CWflS» hagg cl- intifii’a , usufruct .

of property,

3» haqq el- irttq ,servi tude .

n i J L3» haqq el- imtiydz, privilege .

jLi all

u”) J » haqq rahn el-


hyp othéqua,” mortgage .

Jug Ud a ll

-Llw haqqmamti

’aq¢ir ,

“afi cta tion .

L1 45"J» haqq eI- habs,

tion .

hageeqa , pl. bagci

yiq, a tru e statemen t, tru th .

haq eeqiy, tru e, real. [651°




Inga» haqeeqa tdn , truly .

haqqaq a , h e verified, inves

tigated the truth held a legal

inquiry .

M S - JA9." tahqeeq, pl. tah

qeeqat, verification, legal in

quiry, instruc tion .

JA M ." “c u qadi et- tahqeeq,

examining magistrate, jugs

d’instruction .

J’ L baqq, worthy ; ahaqq,

worthier .

J » | a haqqa , he ob ta ined justice .


Ji S tahaqgaq a , it came true, wasproved c orrect .

felldue (as a b ill, debt, interest,

JLBSiM istihqdq,meri t ; th e fallingdue of a debt

,& c .

JS L“ mostahaqg, deserved ; fallen

due .


di s-0 mohaqqaq, verified, sh owntrue .

JG.» 5» hoqq, pl. hoqaq, small

box, snuff- box , c aske t In dian

hookah .

b i » hoqb, epoch , c en tury .

haqeeba , camel’s saddle -

girth .

A5.» ka'

gd, envy, malice .

IBS iu Lor

IiiZi» Lorj . » or haqam,

or haggar d , or fihtaqara , or

istahqam,h e despised, treated

with c on tempt .

ijLfi» Ic ira , c ontempt

con temptible .

JR.» haql, cornfield, field . [hu b

Ji g -0 h is» hoqna , clyste r, enema ;mihqcin , syringe .

,ii» haqo, waist, loins.


d » hakka , h e sc ra tch ed,rubbed .

6 0

Li » sfl » h akk, a scratc h ing ;hi kka , itch .

a s“ mihakk, touc hstone .

ji k lor f » hakara

,or ihtakara ,

he monopolised, bough t up

an d held back corn, & c .

jKi» !i htikdr, monOply .


Ji » hikr, a waqf

’s ground - ren t ;

a real r ight in favou r of a

lega te e qu i t- ren t .

LL ’J A. » hokm, pl. ahkdm,


judicial sentence, judgmen t,decision , order .

A» hakama , he judged, passedsen tence .

Qu ail.» ed; f

" ha ka/ma ’aleih

bi l- habs, h e sen tenced him to

“pr ison .

rfL» hdkim, pl. hokkdm,judge,

govern or .

rfls fl M y mukkama , pl. mali ci

kim,tribunal, court.

fi SLALLb i s -0 mahkama ibtidazya ,

Tr ibun al of First Instan ce .

225m mahka/ma isteen ti

jiya , Court of Appeal.

if» 13 i d‘s “ mukkama sham’

iya ,

Court of Moslem law, Cadi’s

Court .M M r makhama

mu khtalita,mixed tribun al ;

mukkama ahliya , n ative tri

bun al.

W mohdkwma , trial, h earing .

pl.mahkoom’aleih im, condemned

man .

ri » hakem, wise, arbitrator .


é » hakkama , h e arbitrated, or

sen t to arbitrati on .


(Ca t

”i s: tahkeem, arbitra tion

mohakkim,arbitrator .

A» M » hikma, pl. h ikam,

science . [fit

4 4 »

poi » hakeem



pl hokamci ,

physician .


a bpoi » ha keembdshi (Turk ish ) ,

c h ief doc tor, surgeon -.major

fix ed istahkama , he fortified .

cu b i sm mustahlcamat,fortific a


L‘s " fmohkam, firm, solid, well

made .

“i s ; UK.» haka

, h e narrated,

said ; yihki , h e says.

£951” h ciki

,narrator .

2. 3K » h ikciya , narrative, tale,


”( a- 0 mohka , spok en of,mentioned .

J» halla , h e unloosed, solved

absolved aligh ted, descendedit was lawful.

of“ 6

w d» halla mahalloh, h e acted[i. a.


d.» hall, an unloosing, solution .

in h is stead .

J» hill, lawfuln ess.

Ja» haldl,a lawful th ing lawful.

l » holool,desc en t, aligh ting ;

arrival of a date .

QM !J) » holool el-mee’ycid, lapse

or end ofa fixed time,“échéance.

igu or a» halal or holaliya ,

robes, attire, cloak .

dl» a» h alla , pl. h ilal, sau cepan ;area, th resh ing

- floor .

- d .AL>haleel, (femin .) haleela ,

lawful spou se .

dgl» | ible el, ureth ra ,duct, passage .

JL» halla la , h e analysed, rendered


“tabled , analysis, legalisation .

ta hleeliy, analytic .

duh " moh allil,legali ser ; h e who

marri es a divorc ed woman onlyin order to divorce h er after

consummation, so th at he mayth u s make it lawfulfor h er fi rsthusband wh o divorced h er to

d i d ihtalla , h e aligh ted, tookup h is residence ; (th e army)

pied (a country) .

Jim» ! ihtilal, residen ce, occupation by an army .

Ju nL113. » jaish el- ihtildl


of Occupation .

iwills -0 ds fi mahall, pl. mahdll,place, aligh ting place district .

mahalla , village .

i n mahalliy, local, relating to a

distr ict.

Ja n» . mostah ill, the same a s


l s ‘ mahlool, unloosen ed, ab

solved, solved, vacan t.

w halaba, h e milked .

w . haleeb, milk ed, milk .

w »dd laban haleeb

, fresh

new milk .

M » hala b, Aleppo milk .


, JL» halib,du ct, ureter .

id» holba, fen ugreek .

halabiy, native of Aleppo,gipsy, tink er .

mihlab,milk - pail.

h e ca rded or ginned

i » i » h ildja, co tton -

ginn ing.

fig» haleej, carded, ginned .

El» halldj, cotton -

ginner .

(fir mi hhij, c otton -

gin cardingin strumen t.

w) » hala zoon , sn ail ; deep wella spiral; auger .

law b id» or halafa , or

h alafa yameendn , h e took an

oa thk s a witness, & c . , in court) .hallafa , he swore in , gave

th e oath .

half, oa th .

5 .3L» hdhf, sworn in, under oath .

5L51» balj ci, esparto grass ; rush es.

’L5.L» g o);Wiidi Ha ifa, valley of

ru sh es ; the sou th ern frontiertown and province of Egypton th e Nile .

JL» halaqa , h e sh aved ( th e h ead

bea rd) .

Jl» 331» hilaqa , a shaving ;

halldq, barber .

or d ad» haleeq or mahlooq,

sh aven , shorn .


$1» h alq, th roat ; h alqiy,gu ttural.

JL» halqa , pl. h alaq, bracele t,ear - ring,

ring, circle ; r ing of

men a t an auction .

h alqa t el- asmcik, fish

mark et,or r ing wh ere fi sh i s

sold by a uction .

holqoom, throa t .

L l)raha tlil holqoom, Rah at

peace to th e th roat,a swee tmeat .

r1» halama

,h e dreamed .

{k l

(15 helm, pl. ahlam, dream



fl’ h ilm, gentleness; halcom,

gentle .


fl» h allama , he sh owed kindness.

i d .» halama , teat, n ipple .

rib l ihtildm, puberty .

l. » ha h i, it was sweet to th e taste .

,L» haloo

,or h alciwa


n ess freshn ess ofwater ;“bak

sh eesh .


holo holwa

(u sually pronoun cedh alwa ) , sweet, n ice .

P14 ma holwa (mwai haloo) ,

good wa ter .

h 5,1» ha lwa , pl. haldwa ,

sweetmeat .

halwaji (Turk ish ) , c on

fec tion er .

halwan, fee, perqu isite ,tip Helou an , a subu rb of


drea d

UL" a hla

, (femin . ) halwa ,

swee ter .


orUL» hala , or h alla

,h e

adorned wi th jewels.

I? » gl» hali

, pl. holiy, jewel,

orn amen t .

fa » or

r» hamma , or hammama


h e heated th e bath .

f" homma , h e was feverish , sick

resin. ) istahamma

,h e took a hot

bath (c olloquially) h e bath ed(in hot or c old water) .

c ube? »gJ.» homma

, pl. hom

maydt, fever .

f.L.0» hamam

,dove, pigeon . [

rh o

mm mahmoom, illwi th fever .

hamid a , he praised ; hamd ,praise .

111Am“el hamdo lilla hi, Praise beto God l

Hu s“el- hamdila , th e ph rase 01

h amdo Iillahi . ”

8M mahmida , pl. ma

hamid, a praiseworth y action .

w Mohammad, pra ised, pra ise

rthy ; Mah omet, pron ounc edin Turkish

,Malu ’met.

hameed, pra i seworthy, a ti tleof God ; Hameed .

AA » ) ahmad, more praiseworthy ;Ahmed .

or g—t mahmood,prai sed ;Mahmoud .

di s“

di s“

tahammala,h e endured .

W 1 ohtomila (passive) , it wasprobable .

dwfu ‘ dbl» ) ihtimcil, pro

h ab ility ; mohtamal, probable .

Ju g - 0 mahmal, litter, camel- load of

the sacred carpet fromCa i ro toMecca

,and th e return of th e

c arpet of th e previous year .

3b » 34 » hamo, (femin . ) llama,father mother - in - law .

go» hama, he defended .

uml.» ktima

,h e defended, pleaded

as a lawyer for h is c li ent.

h imdya , protection , consula rprotection , h ence a fore ign protected subject, not an Ottoman .

himya , diet for a sick person .

12a» h amiya , wrath , anger .

wl» hami

,defender ; h ot ; poten t

liquid .


ols “,mohdmi ’anoh, h is lawyer,defender .

itch - 0 mohcimcit, defen ce in court.

up?» human, sob .

L91.1.» or hanoon , or hama in ,

sympath etic, tender .


h inmi, henna, lawsonia alba

a red stain for th e fingers, h air ,

beard .


Li » Hanna, John . [cf. US

dya flanbal. Th e ImamAbdullah11mEanbal, founder of one of

fil l»

the four great Su nni sc hoolsof orthodox Islam, and th e mostfanati c and austere of th e four .

780 - 855 A.D . Baghdad .

ha nbaliy, a follower of

Hanbal rela ting to h is sect.

M l,» c ard» kanaol, pl. hawti


[U te

a . » h im,perjury ; haniaa ,

h e b rok e h is oath .

hanjara, larynx .

neat, shop .

aw lUzi.» ha nash, pl. a hn cish ,

snak e, reptile .

dbl» hinta , wh eat . [CG

1911» ki ncit, balm,aromatic s.

hann ata , h e embalmed th e

dead .

Linfl» hanootiy, awash er of corpsesma .

kan afa , h e leaned, inclin ed .

for bu rial.

ha n afiya , tap, wa ter - cockmetaljug ; bath - room.

han eqf, sincere in h is in

clination towards Islam,a tru e

follow er of Abraham.


H aneqfa , Aboo Haneefa

Na ’mén th e Imam,founder of

th e most popular of th e fourgreat Sunn i sch ools of orth odoxIslam. 700 - 770 Baghdad .

hanecfiy, a follower of AbooHaneefa, a Hanafee .

[Oil-ls “14

£111» ha nak , palate , jaw , jowl.

or f» h ano,or hindrya , curve,

c urvatur e .

orUL » or L1» hand, or

laban na, it bent, was ben t,

cu rved .

Ui ’ h e nna

,h emade bend, curv ed .



) inhana , i t was b en t, cu rved .

0“ris k munhan i , bent, curved .

Mb, sin, regret, anxiety .

c u,» hoot

, pl. akwat, fish ,

large fish , wh ale Pisces in th e

Zodiac .


hawwdtiy, fish erin an .

fl,» howa it, cunn ing, ch ea ter .

& » L»t ,

» hoj, n ecessity (see

h aja ) .

u1c 0

’s“, [of ] (héz) istahwa za

’ala , h e obta ined . D) »

j,» hawar, or her , poplar - tree .


j )’

fl» ) ahwar, (femin . )

hora, pl. hoor, possessing beautiful black eyes.

wall”a" el- hoor el-

’a in , pl. ,bla ck

eyed (damsels) of Paradise ,h ouris.

hooriya , (colloqu ial) , h our i ,a black - eyed damsel of Paradise .

hoor i (Soudan ese) , dug- ou t

canoe used on th e coasts of th eRed Sea .

i) ,Ls hawa ra , h e conversedmohawa ra , conversation .

hawariy, apostle, di sc iple .


jls ‘ mahar , oyster, sh ell- fish .

”s omihwa r, axis, cylinder, rollingp1n .

or j) ’ ho'

z, or hiyaza , pos

session , enjoymen t.iij,» ho


za , sh eep- fold ; a kitch en ,or oth er enclosure ; possession ,enjoymen t .

”Si-c lorjL» haza , or istahwa za , h epossessed, obta ined possessionof . D,»

hayiz, possessor , holder, inpossession .

hecshdn , enclosure, courtyard ;ho


aha , open space .


? » hawwasha , h e c ollec ted,lumped togeth er ; put by

(money) , e c onomised .


seize th e th ief stop h im1U


,» hoosh cl- harcimiy,

hoaala , bird’s crop, vesicle .

‘J éLé” oraux» ‘J éj

” had, pl.

h ceddn,or h iydd, dock for sh ips,

reservoir ; piece of cultiva tedland bank ed in for irr iga tion ;pelvis.

loL» 2la,» Icéta , care, guard (see


GJL» [fl y ] (hék) , haka , h e

wove .

J,» Ml,power, power of God .

uh)» or J) » ho

la , or hawdla ,

around, round about.

at,» or Jl,» hawcil, or hawah in ,

transition , change .

70 I

m,» hawdla , transfer ; bill of tahweela

,reserve - bank of

exch ange, money- order .

h awdliy, ch angeable, versatile

,cunn ing .

J) » l J) » hawal,squ int ; ahwal,

canal or river .


tahawwala,i t became trans

ferred or converted .

or Jli » lihtéla , or tahdyala ,h e was cunn ing ; ch eated .

dais:or JLgl» l ihtiydl, or tah ti

yul, fraud, sw indling.

one wh o squ ints.

Jl) » l JL» hail, pl. ahwcil (femin . )

condition , state, circumstancestrance, ecstasy . ihtiydliy, fraudulen t, of

234 1-3 db» ! ahwtil sh a khsiya ,preten ces.

“Sta tu t Persomwl.” Jfi wl ista h tila

,i t was absurd,

law oi marriage, successions, & c . impossible .

dlffllvi i)? qa rtiyi n al- a hwdl, pro m mustaheel, absurd .

bab ili tie s, c ircumstances of th e

c ase c ir c umstan tial evidence .

c an» 3L» h a’

la, pl. hcilcit, state


c ondition .

Jk ‘ mehdl,absurd .

dgr ‘ makc el, transferor,of a b ill.

at? » H awwa, Eve, th e fi rst woman .

uh g ,


i » lor J ,» h awa , or iki awa.

’ala , i t included . [M

uh: or 931» lu iwi

,or moh

tawi ale,inclu ding, c onta in ing .

endorse r

M el- hdleto ha zih i, now,i n


Ju ng; man, n ow ; fiI- hdl,

now,in fac t, actually, a t once .

at» h tiliy, actual.

d!» hdyfl,

men t.

dg» ZLg» hecla, pl. hiya ], ru se


trick , legal fiction .

db lahdla , h e referred to, endorsed,transfer red .

h awiya , p ad, camel- saddle .

changing impedi eg g » w pla c e where ,whereas ; min ha is, wh ereas.

magig» h a iszg/a , relevancy, statu s.


or AA: hayyad a , or hawwada ,

h e made tu rn a side .

l g» 0 1 ifg» h a ira,or haywrdn ,

ihdlu, r eference, tran sfer .

aston ishment .

J? » kawwale, h e transferred,

endorsed, c onver ted, moved ;turned aside .

59 13’s?

tahweel, pl. tah

weeldt,transfer, endorsemen t


ba nk - n o te , mon ey- billor order .

£125 : or 1L» h ir e,or tahayya ru ,

h e was a stounded .

or i f. » hdyir, or hm'

rcin ,

astounded .

my» heira, pl. lui rcit, lane,

narrow street .

“figs" or g ag.» ha id

,or maheed



haif, injustice .

Jg» ha il, strength ; a standing

erect .

”S k i istaha

,h e felt ashamed,

blu sh ed .

slgs lu l fistih ici, shame, modesty .

mostah 'i,ashamed .

mohee, (God) th eMak er Alive .

u h » J‘r’ gem a

’la ha1la k Plgs


orbds ; Yah

1a , John Baptist .

stand uprigh t stand up i

wlg» l wg» heen , pl. a hydn ,


lilg» l a hyandn , at times, sometimes.

éflp heena/yizin , th en,at th at


L104» hayam'

y (colloqu ial) , ripe

(fru i t, dates,

“5 ; w haya , h e was alive ;yaha , h e lives.

or iLg» hayat, life .

figs”Ag? 9

" fi qa id el- haydt, alive,

in a state of life .

fiLg.» l C,» ka iy, pl. ahyet, alive ;

ha iya, hasten l look alive 1

Hfig» Ag.» hag/a, modesty ha iy,

modest, chaste

g al» 2g» ha iya , snake ; hawi,

snake - charmer .

fa g» ha iwa iy, vital, perta ining tolife .



ha iwan , pl.

ha iwamit, an imal, beast .

ig» l or L3. hag/ya, or ahg/d, h e

vivified, reclaimed waste land .

0 ‘

or ags‘

taheeya , or 1°

hya ,

a vivifying, reclaiming waste

land .

rllall ha iy el aalem,

semp er

vivum,c alan choé .


tKh a . Valu e 600 .

can» khatoon (Tu rk ish ) , lady .

u p) » 0 6V» khdda , h e forded


u ,» Irhafa, he feared

(see Irhéf ) .

“ma khdqan (Turkish ) , Sultan .

ill‘» JL‘

» Ich cil, (femin . ) kh cila ,maternaluncle, aun t (see ’

wmm)suspic ion, cloud ; mole on th e

r;Jlg» J)» khala , he imagined

(see khayal) .


» kham (Persian ) , raw ; calico ;novice .

(f t; 1171611111, in

mawadd khamiya , rawmaterials

or stuffs.

u)» ml» khan a, h e betrayed(see 1111611)

UL» khan (Persian) , a title of th e

Sultan ; princ e ; inn, hotel,bazaar .

,se. 72

rob khanwm (Turk ish ) , lady [

w e mukhbir simy, secret in( see hanum) formant, police detective, spy .

khdna , house, sh op ; stall, n» khabara , h e exch anged news,

place, compartment, pigeon corresponded .

h ole . Edi—1° mokhdbara , correspondence .

“Ii" kha n aat (from kh ana )

fi s h » ) iatalrhbara , h e wish ed to

sh op [0 1‘ know,inqu ired .

khau iya, small canal by th e ikhtibcir, prob ation, on tr ial;

side of a ra ilway line . th e examination of candidates.

LC» or khabci, he concealed . [Wjg

?» khobz, bread .

fuggfi l or Pfi takhabba , or

j .

“ khabaza , h e baked .

i stakhba , h e h id h imself.jg


" h‘habbdz, baker .



h‘habeeya , a h idden th ing .

ELL» Ichabiya , jar, va t, dye - tub .

Li " malehbci, h idden ; a hiding

place .

yer makhbaza , bakery .

ijgg.» khobaiza , geran ium; mallow .

khabasa,he mixed,muddled,

t d l d dLab kh abusa , h e was base, be

rumpe up, s an ere

haved vilelyuag

» khaba, vice, bad conduct,

l dg‘L—gg» ESL“; khabasa , infamy ;

s an er

Icha bees, infamoush t» I

fhaba ta , h e kn ocked, made a

no1se .

L1» ) kh ba r 1. akhbcir n ews.

1a ,p

Zing» khabta , noise of knock ing0o 0

fl‘ 11m khabar, rece ipt, i n knock noise in general.

v0 1c e .

bu s takhbeet, 11 mak ing a noise .

31g» khibra, experience, expertise,

d.“ hhabal imbecili tysu rvey .

gkha tama , he sealed th e end

my w ahl cl- khibra, (”

or ended

pl. ambab el- khibra , a professional

expert or su rveyor . rLL» )

ri g ?» hha tm, or kh1tm, pl.

,gf—l akhba/ra h e informed, an

a khta/m, seal, algnet,

nounc ed .

,us likhbdr, information .

seal- rins

y égr b j g» ) 1'

khbar b1°

~ amr kazib, 303“ AI5 khit‘i ‘m: 0 1‘ khatima ,

legaltermfor publishing a libel. end,finis.

Ju l- v ma fi h

r; in forman t.

ESL) » rB'

L» kh citim, pl. khawatim,

i i i» kha tma , recitation of th e


Koran ; the Koran .


» kh attdm, engraver of seals.



[u ni -w


» kha tana,h e circumcised .

wt? » kh1°

tcin , circumcision .

“3 3 1-0 ma khtoon

,circumcised .

at? “ J; 11ajal, blush ; khaj(an , bash ful.

(Li ; kha kh cim (Turk ish ) , Jewishrabb i .

A,A?» A» khad rl

, pl. khodood,

ch eek .


r ° mikhadda , pillow,cush ion .


» Kh adeeja , the first w ife of

Mahomed .


» kha dira,he was torpi d


numbed .

g» khadda ra , h e made sleep bya soporifie .

mohha rldir , a soporific , or

strong liqu or .



» khad asha , he scra tch ed .

8A?» Ichada

’a , h e deceived .

or ZcA’

» oralA

» khida a , or

khoda’a , or khad ee

’a,dec ei t


ru se, trickery .

{Ash mikhda’, alcove, bedroom.

rA» khadama , h e served .

(k t-ml istakhd ama , be employed,took as servan t .


» LA» or L lA‘

» kh idama , or

111111111111, pl. kh1'

dam, service,duty .

rlfi.» kh addam, a servan t.

khad im, pl. khad ama ,servan t (in Turk ish ) eunu c h .



sLM musta khdam, employé ; an


”saw makhrloom, master, the person who is served ; (in Tu rk ish )a son .


» khedecv (Persian ) , pr ince .

K1.cdéwiy, th eKhedive,Kh e


gfi onll ea rn-ll El-janab el- K he


y, E.H . Th e Khedive .

iffi Aé llw )iri s“cl- had ra t el

fakheema t elKhedéw iya ,H isEx

alted H ighness Th e Kh edive .

5L » ) A. » khud (imperative of

a kha za ) , tak e l

13fkha reer , murmur of runn ing

wa ter .

959» kha r ia , h e wen t to

stool; kh z’


u)» Ichan


ba , i t was in ru in s.

why ?» or Haj» kh a rib, or kha rbcin ,

ru in ed, in ruins, spoilt, ou t of

gear .

H4)” khan -

aba , h e ru ined, devas

ta ted .

l)» khardb, ru in, desolation ; a

ru in .

kha r roob, c arob .

Li ke) » kha rbasha , h e scratc h ed .

slog)» kharbasha , a sc ratc h .

kha r ata , he pierc ed .

1 El?» hharaja , h e wen t ou t .


GJ» ) a khraja , h e took , sen t, or

drove out ; exported .

( 151ml iata khraja , be extracted,

elic i ted .

Ef. » kharj, pl. akhr tij,

expen se, ou tlay .

t )» khorj, saddle - bag, wallet.

cl)» kh a raj, land - tax, tr ibu te .

k l)» kha frajiy, land paying th eordinary tax ( see

b)» kharja , ou tlet, balcony .

c ) ?khorooj, 3 going Ou t, issue ,

exit ; exodus.

c jL’

» khan h e who goes out, ex

ternal,exter ior .


EjL?» khan


,outside of,

abroad ; exclusive of.

khdmijiy, foreign ,external.

Q ‘s ?“50515 na zcir a t el- Ich cim


fiya ,Ministry of Foreign Affa irs.

( fro makhr aj, place of issue

, exit.

kh a r eeda,

a virgin , nu

pierced pearl. [iiAgfw ho) » i50

1?» khorda , pl. khor

dawdt (Persian ) , small ware,

pedlar’s h ab erdash ery, trash ;

copper money .

fa)» khordaji (Turkish ) , pedlar,

h aberda sher .

do, » khardal,mustard .

j kha/ra z, chaplet of (glass)beads.

u ,» Ich ira

,hard bad soil, inferior

U ?“kharas

,dumbn ess.

U 9“, a kkras

,dumb .

LIV-i" ikhras (imperative) , h oldyour tongu e !

khoros (Turkish ) , cock ;trigger .

kha/rshoof, artic hoke .

in)» khara ta

,h e turned on a lath e .

kha 'rr a t,a turn er .

flop mi khrata,lathe .


ma khroot,turn ed, cone .

919,F ma khrootéy, c onic , c onic s.

21.1l or khar eeta,ch art,

map .

file)» khortoom, probosc is, snout ;the town of Kh artoum in th e

Soudan wh ere the two Niles

meet after forming a narrowspit or snou t of land .


a)» khara

, (or better )

ikhtara’a , h e invented .

El) “ ikhtira


, story,

good idea .

in» kh arwa

,castor - oil tree .

a i l)» khardf, a gath ering of crops

or fru it.

khareqf, harvest- time, au

tumu .

uh)» kharoof, pl. kh1


1fan ,sh eep .

khorafa , nonsense, false no

tion .

Jf” h e rent, tore .

MW ? » 3 t ending) rent, tear .



cf" khashiatan min el w or M Ichaeeeb, or

a’dr, from sh ame of th e dis

grace .

02r khoss

,but of straw ; sentry

box .


u n‘

» khassa, i t was speci al.khosoos, specialty ; poin t

in qu estion .

Cf ,» ,

khosoosiy, special,private

(as a letter) .

ugh» Ichdss, special, private ; privy

ddyira khdssa , the Kh e

dive’s p r ivate property, h ou seh old

, or affairs.

khdssa , pl. khawdss,

Specialty, virtue, quality .

gallon » khdssiya , pl. kha


yis, faculty, a special quality .

u arax ‘ makhsoos, special.

L o,“ makhsoosdn, especially,specially .

was» khassasa , h e designated,

specialised .

u se ? mokhassas, set apart ; al

lowan c es.

0 215 1ikhtassa, h e was, or though th imself, competent i t apper

tain ed .

w h it» ) ikhtisds, competence (ofa tribunal) , specialju risdiction .

JEN mulchtans, competent .

or M » khieb, or khosooba ,

fer tility of soil.M l 4 1153 4 60 , i t was fe rtile .

mokhsib, roan;

fol,» yd » khdaira , pl. kha

wdsir,waist, or n arrow part of

body .

ja il» ) ikhtasara , h e abbreviated,was concise .

Jul» ) ikhtisdr, brevity, summary,conciseness.

Ja b mukhtasar, summar ised

Joe ?» 214 V» khasla, pl. khwal,

na tu re, quality .

re .» khasama , he deducted .

ro‘t» hhdaama

,h e quarrelled, liti

gated .


» lre » khasm,

or Irhism, pl.

akhsdm,enemy, Oppon ent, ad

versary in a law - su it .


» or loa n»f

a » khaseem,

pl. khosamd, or hosmdn , Opponen t .


re » khosm, pl. khosoom,

side ; share .

enmity, rivalry .

hh isdm, or khus

mamya , enmlty .



s ; yokhsam laho, it is to b e

dedu c ted for h im,h e is en titled

to th e deduction .

(74 > Jr alosoolwa khosoom, deb i t

and credit .

go » ) or

ad ” khasa , or akhsa

,h e

castrated .



» C54 » khasiy, pl. khisydn ,

eu nu ch .

h e » khosi 'yo ,testicle .

w e» khad b, verdu re, vegetation .

c a l khiddb, stain or dye fromh enna, for th e hair or


khodra , greenness.

akhda r, (femin . ) kh a

drd, green, grey .

tu lJLa » or

jLA? » or

,as khodar,

or khoddr, or khodd'

rdt, greens,


Qj a » khoda r iy, greengrocer .

to » khada

’a, h e was humble .

t,» khodooa

’h umility .

8 L!» khdd ia

,humble, obedient,

subject .



» h‘

» kha tt, pl. khotoot, line,

lin e of w riting, h andwr i ting,

penman sh ip .

M ‘ i s“uh ’

ala 11 111111 oz

mostaqc cm,in a stra igh tforward

mann er .

”Jim”h ‘

» khatt cl- istiwd, lin e of

equ ator .

c fi c’l h'

» kha-ti cl- ia’tiddl, lin e

of tropic .


uh » kha fty ma kh itmy,

my h and and seal.

kha tt1y, lin ear ; of hand

writing .

Uh » kh attdt, calligraph er ; a good“hand3


la ?» kha tta , he drew a line, wrotein lines.


Ala» kha td, error, accident . Dali:

kha td’an ,

by accident, bymistak e .

Ha l,“ run. » kh a td wa sawdb,

corr igenda , erra ta .

Li la?» fib ula» kha tiya , pl. kh a tdyd,

error, sin .

g. , -in» kh ataba , h e preach ed, ad

dressed a speech or letter ; ask ed

in marriage .

21h » kh itba , b etroth al.L id a. » khotha , sermon , b iddingprayer for th e Sultan ; b e

troth al speec h .

u bL‘

» b y. » kha

tiba , b etroth er preach er .

W A . » kh atecb, betroth ed ;preach er .

n Lln» u Lh‘

» kh itdb, pl. khi

tdbdt, speec h , epistle .

b y .» a ta ba , h e made a speech ,addressed .

u lo‘é fl nw khdta ba , correspondence .

v i al mokhdta b, th e personspok en to ; 2nd person (in

grammar) .

jug » ) kh a fa r, pl. akhtdr,

danger , risk .

Ila » ) akhfa ra , h e wa rn ed,reminded .

Jlmi ‘ or

Jig » Ich a tir or mokhtir,

dangerou s, r1sky .

7934 makhta ra , pl. ma

khdtir, a danger .

c l,» c L’

» khdfir, pl. khawdtir,

mind ; idea , pleasure, sak e, memory .

abl» khdti roh (c olloquial) , as h e

pleases ; n ev er mind !c

81h » kha ttdra, b ed of river ; eu

closure .

kha trafa , h e was deliriou s.

d ial» ) or kha tafa , or ikhtatafa , h e k idnapped, eloped with ,seized .

h i h i ' kha tf, elopemen t, seizure,

seduction .


h i lls» kha ttdf, a large h ook .

hid “; khitamiy, mallow, doubleo

mallow, gmmauve .

Lla» kha td, h e took a step .

c abin» 83h » kha tma , pl. kha twdt,a step, stride , pace .


a , ligh tness in weigh t,

un importan ce .

1. 1L khafi afa , h e ligh tened, re

lieved, lessened a weigh t or

pen alty .

M ta khf ecfi relief, indulgence,alleviation .

1111afeef, ligh t,trifling, sligh t .

J » Ichufi, slipper, shoe ; camel’spaw .

c f ?khifiiya , ligh tn ess, ligh t

h ear tedness.

istikhfdf, a desire to al

levia te .

j£1.» kh afara , h e guarded (espec ially by n igh t) .

gut. » orJo. » khafa r, or khifdra ,

g ua r d, n igh t wa tch

khifda ,


J gs» khafeer , pl. khofa rd,n igh t

- watchman , v illage pea

san t police ; ghafeer .

khdfoor, 0 3 138 ; rye ; avena

Ichafada , he abased, hollowedou t .

( C 0

kesra , or 1”

vowel- sound .

3a» khafaqa , i t palpitated .

gli b.» khafaqdn , palpitation .

or L5.» khafd, it van ish ed ;

or khafia , it was hidden . [i. e.


1.» l akhfa , h e h id a th ing .

vii i » ) ikhtafa , h e h id h imself.

h idden , secre t .


igi » khifia tdn , in secret.

ma khfi , stealth , by stealth ;

den .


“? ld ya khfa , it is not h idden ,

it is well known .

Jl» JJ.» khalel, pl. khildl, injury,ifi

ric e,defec t .

Had.“akhalla bi , h e caused injuryto .

Jk likhldl, a doing injury .

w as—0 mokh ill bi inju rious to .

ikhtalla , it w as inju red, di s

ordered .

Jli » ) ikhtildl, c on fusion , disorder ,ana rchy .

”a t.”Jk ~ mokhtall csh -

sh’o- oor


de ranged in mind .

Jo. kha n, vinegar .

5d.» or éL» khdlia

, or khalee’a,

sh ameless, profi igate .

khalafa , it came n ext; suc

c eeded to .

kha if, after, next.


khalaf, a successor, next

man after .

khdf, differen t, opposite .

sLéL» Zing)» khaleefa , pl. khalafd,Caliph or Kh alif, su ccessor

of Mah omet ; vicar, agent in

ch arge .

10 1» khildfa , Caliph ate, su ccessorsh ip .

eJ lL khildf, contrary, other,besides.

wa khildfoh, etcetera .

khilfa , a second crop ; a

qu arrel.

J L» khdlafa , he con travened,opposed .

Zillsw mokhdlafa , opposition ; c on

traven tion ,

”or petty offence .

J lé -O mokhdlzf, opposing, c on

trary .

i khtalafa , it differed from,

varied .

ikhtildf, differ ence, variation .

d fifi fl mukhtaliffi ariou s,differen t .

Eds " makhloofa , camel- litter for

women .

31» khaleqa , h e created .


J ,» or JJL» khdliq, or khalldq,


JR» ) ikhtalaqa , h e lied, trumpedup a story, invented a tale .


L» ) ikhtildq, lie, h umbug,slander .

or JL» kh alq, or kh ilqa , creatu re, people .

J gi.‘ Jl.» khalq Ica tee'r, a great

crowd, mob .

JL» kholq, pl. akhldq,

ch aracter, na ture .

murla w makhloot ,

createdth ings.

L111» khalqiy, congen ital.

f l» khaldyiq, ( in Tu rk ish ) c on

cubin e, female slave .

ll» khald, it was empty ; h e wasalone .

khe ti a , h e was stripped or


UL» ) or

U" khalla , or akhla , h e

evac uated, emptied .


Jggmll u)» khafla es- saboel, h e

cleared th e path , i . e . d isch argeda prisoner .

Liti g likhtala , h e retired into privacy .


81» or D1» khald, solitude, opendeserted space ; suburbs.

EL» khalea, emptin ess, immun ity .

khalwa , retiremen t, inner

private room, c h apel.

Js ill kh aldya t cn - nahl, bee

h ive .

3L» khdli, empty, of no occupation free from.

J » khallee I let i t alone I never

mind l

Lima J» khallee bdla k take

care I look out 1

”13K J» khala , h e c u t forage

ya khli, h e cu ts.

Jib ? mi khla , scyth e, sickle .

i i i -d mikhldt, nose - b ag for horses,receptacle for forage .


.» khomood, numbness, deb1l1ty

Ja.» or kh amara ,or khamma ra ,h emade leaven ed bread, cau sedfermen ta tion .

Id » ) i khtamara , th e leaven rosei t fermen ted .

khamcera , leaven , yeast .

or khamra , or kh amr,

win e, any fermen ted liqu or .

9L? » kh ammdra , tavern ,hotel.

UM .» Irhoms, on e - fifth part .

Una .» khamsa , (fomin . )kh ams, five .

LJusoL» khdmis, th e fifth in order .

Ugonu .» or wr y » khamsoon, or

khamseen , fi fty .

w ga sn0 1. 11

6111 el- kha/mees, Th ursday .

un o.» khamdseen , the fifty days

between Easter and Pen tecosta hot sand - storm wh ich blowsdur ing Spri ng .

g,ii.» khammana , h e guessed, sup

posed .

mga f‘? takhmeen, a guessing, ap

proximate idea .

M takhmeen dn , approximately,a t a gu ess.

a t»,JLL. » kh ansa , pl. kh i

a ds, h ermaph rodi te , efi'


fellow .

6 to

w ta kh annasa , h e was efi'


ina to .


W mokhannas, efi'

emmate, 1m

poten t.

JS t » kh anjar, dagger, c u tlass ;

h en c e our word h anger .

g oLL» GAL» kha ndaq, pl. kha

a ddig, d itch , trench .

fi jw -

f j lfi kh inzeer

, p]. khan dzec


r, pig.



g)»jL1» .olc dd khandzeer zh sc rofula .

14 31» kh unsur, little finge r pen

k n ife .

w ufi Laos. » khonfasd, pl. khaa dfa, bee tle, scarab .

$ 51» kha naqa , h e strangled . L513.khan ? ) strangulation , as

phyx ia .

ikhtanaqa , h e felt choked,was strangled, di ed of asphyxia .

JLL» khandq, th roat, larynx ;laryngitis.


LL» khindq, quarrel, sc ufle ;

th roat .

khawdja (Persian ,kheja ,

professor) , Sir, Mr . a Europeangen tleman .

a» l,» khéja (Persian ) , professor,teacher .

peach .



a wick e t-

gate or

small door c u t in a big gate,“gu i chet.

ji,» l khor

, pl. akhwé/r, dry

wa ter - c ourse, n ullah , ravine .

M 0 0 7 (Syr ian ) , Ch ristianpriest .

u p)» khaos, palm- leaf, palm straw .

s' ”A» l“Had al- khaos,

Sunday .


kt ,a fording, being ford

able .

U ‘SL» Ha ida,h e forded, waded .

i éLs'

fi makhdda , a ford .

or kho'

f , or kheqfa , fear .

5 . 9L» Haifa , h e feared ;

yakhaf, h e fears.

or 1 . 6L» klu iytf, or khiyyaf,afra id .

a . s‘

L» lor khawwafa , or akhdfa ,h e fr igh ten ed .

asL» lor takhweqf, or ikh cifa ,

in timida tion .

33W ma khdfa , fear .

“423 ° mokheqf, terri fic .

J) » khawal, a man dressed up as

a woman , an obscene dan cer .

kholiy, pl. kho'

lftya ,

ba iliff, gardener .

oror” khén , or khiycina ,

treach ery .

mil» Irlu iyin , trai tor .

0 ’s ; m

l» khdna , h e betrayed ;f/M é flflfl, b e be trays.

UL» ;

udfi o fa

- khdn a , h e

was tru sted, and h e be trayed

a legal term for b reach of c on

fiden c e or tru st .

khaiba , disappoin tmen t,fa ilure in hOpes.

M’L» khdyib, di sappoin ted, u n

successful.JA» kha ir

, goodn ess, exc ellen c e ,h appiness good, exc ellen t

better, best .


11)JP 1

35ka ttar khm’

ra k,Thank s

May you r happin ess inc rease !Islza ir iy, good, h appy ; piou s,

ben efic en t .

jg» kh iyti r, ch oi c e ; c u c umber .

JLI» l filthtcira , h e ch ose ; Opted .

i t'lztz'

ydr, ch oi c e, optionan old man , a venerable sen ior .


kh tiycir iy, optional.



fi mukhtcir , ch osen ; a v illage

elder .

or a khyar , or kha ir,

better, best .

6 0

u s“! we? fi gs

” mokhayyar (mm

10 11 ba in , he who h as th e optionbetween this and th at .

1L» up,» kha izardn , p1. kha

Can e,bamboo .

fl .» kh az’

eh , coarse c anva s o r

goats’- h a ir sack ing ; a sack ;

Bedou in ten t .

loLg» l Eu » khaw'

t, pl. a lrhycit,

th read .

b ah » kh iycita , needle - work ; a



j .) dabba ra , be admin istered,man aged .



A? tadabbara, h e plotted, c on

tr ived .

flax tadbeer, management in

Moslemlaw,freedomof a slave

on th e death of h is maste r .

j aw modabbir, a manager .

Jeanmud bir, turn ing th e back ,

fleeing .

glee dobcim, string, twine ; tr ick,ruse .

dabboos, pin , mallet.

“Ago dabsh , rough blocks of bu ilding stone, “moellons.

if" dabagha , h e tann ed .

dabbcigh, tanner .

madbagh, tannery .

(libq, b ird- lime .

dibla , finger- ring

boil.or ”L


19 dibbdn , flies.


dajcij, pl. dajaj, fowl.

J» A dujalu, h e deceived, playedth e qu a ck .

dajjdl, Anti - Ch rist ; false

proph et ; charlatan , qu ack(1117111, r iver Tigris, H idekel.

t J» 1) dubraja , h e rolled, revolved .

( JD M modahmj, globular, round ;rolled .

a’mMa/a, b e en tared.


£1» A~ mad lrh an a, c h imney, funnel.

dya d dokhool, en try, en trance ,

sk i - if s) dokhooh'

ya , octroi at town

gate .

As a dakhl, in come, manner .

da khla, righ t of en try, footing, interference .

L ia .


o dukhla , consumma tion of

marriage .

dakheel, en terer, guest.

d» l1>ddkhil, en terer, entering ;

interior, intern al.ddkhi liya , (ministry of) th e

In te rior .

d» 1>lor d ig

.) da khkhala , or ad

khala , h e made en ter, admitted,brough t in , imported .

d » lAS'

or d » l1>ddkh ala , or ta ck ikhala , h e in terfered

,in ter

vened .

32.1. » l moddkhala , in terferen c e ,in terven tion .

d» A—o madkhal, place of en try .

u» 1>(Za k/lama , it gave out smok e .

[J ar

cJL» 1>du kbtin , smoke ; tobacco .

UL‘N ) sharaba du kluin , h e

smok ed tobacco,i . a. inhaled i t,

drank i t in .

dakluikhiniy, tobaccon ist.

u» 1>Jolt]:n

,mille t, p ani cummi h



c e um. .fi

”Ador m, pl. (lora r, pearl.

U;Gui )" dorriy, brillian t, flash ing .




if. ) or ijalidurra, or durra, maize . d ird iy, sedimen t, mud .

if )

(lard, h e repulsed, refu ted . 1bja d irddr, elm tree .

“PDQ darb, pl. doroob, we dmziy, pl. dorooz,

road, path , custom. Druse, a warlike pagan race

«M y, darcibzoon (Greek trap aza ) ,in Moun t Lebanon and th e

long desk, long counter ; railHauran .

ings. u p.) dames

,h e studied, thresh ed

ou t.a

“f l/ 0 dardbookka, na tive drum.

KQO da rbaka , noise, uPl

oar . W 0 da re, pl. floroos,

lesson .

o0 da r ra sa , h e taugh t.

we da r aja , he inserted, inscri bed,entered in th e accoun ts.

“who d ‘" ( 13 11, teach ing,

( jai l indaraja , i t was inserted,

t1on ; study .

1ncluded . JlA-o i n

)“madrasa ,

C )”darj, insertion , registration .


c jé da rraja , h e graduated, made

moda rrw, teacher .

go by degreesVJ)" d irds, a th resh ing .

( h oes, h ay, dry berseem or

eitadreej, gradua tion .

( 9& i bz


t- tadrc cj, by degrees

, “Clover ; c h a ff

,hUSk S

gradually .

“be, or£10 Ch



, Ol'

(lorra a a,

( ”awe darj, pl. (lorooj, drawer,

cu i rass, smock .

box, casket . Ejdu o or

tjlo dum’

a , or nwda rra’a,

i é da raja , pl. da y-


i r


clad,cu irassier .

degree, step .

L 5.) darafa , p1. d z’


J? awwalrla raja , fi rst step sh u tter .

(cour t) of fi rst in stance .

da raq, Adam’s apple 1n th e

th roa t .

lo ddr ij common in common( I

useda raga , sh ield .


1vi (Min dli ‘l‘fj, common 135" or Jlj g

o ( 707 69, pitch er , ewer,dialect or langu age .

long- ne ck ed bottle .

El}: dorraj, francolin .

doorqa’a. (Persian ) , depres

I)“ mad ruj, roll of paper, scroll. sion in floor, a sunken floor .

( Julio mu nda r ij, contents, c on

ta in ed in . daraka , Q1. (lu ck . 11

a): darak, supervision .

if .)

watchman ’s post or beat ; a $ 1).n bid - dues, by stealth .

fixed sta tion . wh o W e daseesa , pl. da sciyis,

1.9L.“ da ruha t el- bcib, ves in tr igu e, plot.

tibule (8 96 dirka.) orW " dasees, or ddsoos,

u‘Jjol a draku, h e c augh t at, per spy .

c eived, understood ; arrived at M 0 dast (Persian ) , h an d .

age of pub erty or d1sc ret1on .

Ada.sta (Persian) , packe t, qu ire,L’Jljol idrcik

,perc eption ; age of bunch .

disc re tion . dustoor (Persian ) , permisma d r ih, in telligen t, adult. si on ; break ofl


. (military dr ill) ;

13l S tad tira ka , h e provided for, registe r , Of law corn erston e, founda tion -

ston e c u t

ston e in general.equipped .

d irka. (for Persian der -

gycih )doorway, vestibule . r

an d dasam, Sh rove Su nday, Qu in

na esi1 a .

fab.) b é d irhem, pl. (Za rdh im

q 8 11

1pm ) Desember (European ) , Dc

(Greek dra chmé ) drachm,dram

c omber .

48 -1 gra in s; grammes; 4 00

dirh ems equal an ogqa ; an old

name for silver mon ey .

Lari d isen tcr iya. (European ) ,dysen tery .

rdashecsh a , b ru i sed c orn ;

rel/1) damhu n , mon ey, c ash .

inferior wh ea t.

Syd ( h rwa

, parapet; sh elter - trenc h ,

low wall.

L2322954.) u


wo da rweesh, pl.

da rdweesh (Persian ) , beggar a tth e door ; monk , fanatic .

M 1) (lasht (Persian ) , c onfusion ,waste paper, r ubbi sh .


1) da shsham,b e dismissed,

abandoned .

“A? tad h ettin rid of.

Jam bi , h e kn ew .

fl" 8 a“: a s g

un t o da

’s, a tread1ng, tramplmg .

[w h ob ye!adm,

h e in formed, expla in ed .

d irdya , in telligen c e a ge da’ka

, h e rubbed .

ql Lo 1nd ad r i a i (mad r i

(c olloqu ialism) ,“1 d0 11

°t kn ow Le .) h e c r ied out, invi ted,

wh a t not etcetera .

” prayed named .

midm, bar, pitch fork . [g j é f “? yada 0 0 , he c ries out, names

2191) dozcen a (European ) , dozen .11111 1” A” do

’d11, pl ad“yia ,

da ssa,h e h id, spied, touch ed, prayer .

if .) da’wa ,

invitation , exorcism.


230 d igga , fin en ess, exactitude,care ; duqqa , h erb - cak e .

g5.3331.) daqeeq, flour ; fine .

déqciq, ch eap na tive soap .

V551) daqeeqa , pl. daqcig/iq,

moment, minu te .

tadqc eq, prec ision, accuracy .


J ?“ modaqqaq, exact, sh owncorrect.


e.) ”ASAdaqshoom, smallstone

for building, smaller th an dabsh .

£33430 Dag- haliya , a pro

vince in the Delta , of wh ichMamoora is th e capi tal.dikka , bench , platform; waistband .


M o use du kkcin, pl. dakd

keen , sh ep .


do dalla , h e indic ated .

M A dalc cl, gu ide, indica tion,proof.

do) or dfio dalayil, or adilla,

proofs, indication s. [uh/ 1

JD dallal, crier , auctioneer , an

i tinerant auction eer in a bazar .

dalldla,female broker .

J‘s ddll, h e who indica tes, sh owing .

JAE“) istad alla , it became eviden t,indu c tive .

,JYAL» ) 1°


dldl, induction simpleinformation ,notsworn evidence .

w ho do'

lcib, pl. dawdleeb

(Persian) , ah est of drawers,

wardrobe mach in e wh eel

apparatus, trick , ma c h ination .


un i.) or

UJA dalasa

,or dallasa ,

he defrauded .

M AS tadlees, fraud (especiallyin bankruptcy) ,




ufi lo dalasha (colloqu ial) , h e th rew .


dalla’a h e spoilt, pampered,

petted .


modalla ’ a spoilt (c h ild) .

do d ila’insipid .

Li lla.) or two dalaka , or dalIa/ca,

h e rubbed, used

“massage .

“ A? tadlock, massage .

Jo ,ld dale

, pl. duliy

bu cket ; Aqu arius, in the Zodiac .

(. o dam, blood (see dame . )

Jamar, ru in .

dama ira (Soudanese) , r ise

of Nile .

uiwol) d ims, ash es from th e ovendung .

madmasa , dust- h eap, ash

h eap, dung- h eap .

w k) Jamie, dark , cloudy pitchdark . [


Dimashq, Damascu s.

dama ’11, pl. domooa’


a tea r .

tn ) dama ’a

, h e wept ; yadma ’, h eweeps. [UL

5A? tadamma’a,it drizzled with

rain .

i n d dima ’a , sauce, gravy, dripping .

M l dimcigh, pl. admigha ,

zim) damgha (Turk ish ) , stampof a seal impre ssion . [see

25, waraqa damgha , stampedpaper for petition s and offi c ialdocuments.

b e damagha (from Turk ish ), h estamped with an official seal.

glob .) db ) dummul, pl. damcimil,b oil, pimple .

w e! or w e damana , or morecommonly admana , h e per

severed .

wh o! idmdn, perseverance, as


W mudmin, persevering as


Damanhoor,a town

n ear Alexandr ia, capital of th eprovince of Buha i ra .

A4 0f“, or yo u) dame, (or com

monly) dam, pl. dima, blood .

Am) i iljlor A» fl it » safkdime, or

iraqa t dimci, a sh edding of blood .

rAll or

rAll 5L

“1l,l awliya cd

dam, or zawee cd - dam

, ownersof the blood, 1


. e . nearest rela

tivsa of a mu rdered man claiming vengeance .

Dumiat, Damietta .

Lid Jami, it was v ile , ignoble .

danaya , vileness.

flJé l "l’io dan i , pl. admi, vile ,

base ; glu tton ,

un i .)

dua l achghdl dan iya , h ard

labour .

Li.) dana , it was near, he camenear .

930 dania , it was vile ; low,

inferior .

ZiLid dan ciya , vileness, baseness,mferiority .

$31) dan iy, pl. adn iya, vile,base, low .

Untl ashgh til dan iya , h ard

labour .


umdanna , h e came near , ap

proach ed .

damiwa , nearn ess.

$ 150 ) Go daniy, pl. adn iyci,

near .

dialadn a, nearer, viler, lowest,sligh test .

M 1)aid ) adna daleel, th e sligh test


USO L531) dung/a, pl. (Ion a , th is

lower world of ou rs; the world ;weath er .

(AB L93Allcd - dunyti zalcim, (itwas)

a dark n igh t.

dungawiy, mundane,worldly .

2) danj (European ) , dengue

fever .

USAS.) dindish, necklace .

dandana , h e h ummed, sang .

or 2410 136) d1



rma,or dir

dirma (Turk ish ) , ic e cream.

u-Jd d am


sa , i t was filthy. [Lia ‘ss

w it) ita lic damisa, filth iness,Jamie, filthy .

Dongola, Dongola in th e

Soudan .

3351) Dongoldwiy, p1.


qla , Dongolese .

M U? ) donanma (Turki sh ) , fleetof sh ips.

JG.) dingkil (Turk ish ) , axle - tr ee .

j yb d

1M.) dah r, pl. dohoor, epoc h ,

age, century .

dahr iy, materialist, ath eist .

w h o dahasa , h e trod, trampled,ran over .

Us» dahisha , h e took frigh t, wasalarmed .

ugh dahhasha , h e frigh tened .

dahsha , fear .

”wh o dahshan , afra id, timid .

uh “ modh ish, terr ific .


film) dokulla , n ative drum.

f iled d ihleez (Persian ) , gallery,vestibule .

(M) da hm,

a blackness, dark massof people .


a black h orse man ’s

name .

use) dahana , h e anoin ted, be

smeared .

c,l o or

vs.) John, or dahan,

oin tmen t, pa in t, grease .

vol.) dahuna , h e fla ttered cajoled .

131» l modaha 'n a , flattery,humbug .

also dahd, shrewdn ess, stra tegy,

i ii/ 4 °JL-lfil

$3 0 or dah i, sh rewd, deep,long- h eaded .

gab.) 311ml.) dah iya, pl. dawcih 'i


calamity .


L3 ya do'

b, almost .


dawakh cin, giddiness, feel

ing sick .

dékha , giddiness, feeling sick .

th.) dakha , h e felt giddy, sea

- sick .

éld day

'ikh, giddy, sea - si ck .

t ic dawwakha , he made u nc on

scious, stunn ed .

dooda , pl. dood, worm,

maggot ; madder .

30510 dawwcida

,she wh o extract-s


”a (161, pl. adwar , turn ,

circu it ; story of h ouse .

”Alb bid- (Mr, by turns.

wlj jodawa rén , rotation ,c irc ula tion .

.. c . .r»

“awl" or d61' 1ya , or dawa r zya ,

a patrol, going the rounds.

”Ag. Jlo claim,

it turned round ;yadoor, i t turn s round .

j j" dawwara , h e made turn round,wound up , rounded, turned

h imself roun d .

.l dawwci/r, a (round) plac e or

enclosu r e block of farm bu ild

ings, ou t - houses.

JLgp ,

lo ddr, pl. d iyar

h ouse, provin ce .

3.54 11i diyérmasrz'

ya , Egyptiandomin ion s.

i glea L»

29lA~ moddwama , perseverance . dawdya , ink stand .

rgAZiM m atadeem

,con tinu al, pro Lille deck, pl. doyook, cock ,

tracted . male b ird .

di e fie doom, or dom, a species

of forked palm tree, Camfe'reThebe i ee

, wi th edible frui t lik e eyes“will) “b“ ed ' doym ’

°r° '

a cocoa - nu t,called maql hy di tore.

p ha éne .

u,5le ddyin, creditor .

we doon, low, under, less than ; uglAle moddyin , creditor .

minus,wi thou t;vulgar, common, w,“ mad aca , deb tor .

vile .

ufi d we da in , pl. doyoon, debt.

madyoon, indebted ; deb tor .

we " bidoon, minus, without .

fi lip doonalc, on wi th you ! for

ward !

we doon saba’sameen ,

under seven years old .

Elf.) wife dayydn , pl. dayydna ,

creditor .

c,Lzel we deen, pl. adydn, faith ,

religion .

fifi éw e doon gha iroh, and no oth er .

“Jim yam ed deen, day 0

d ent.

Jo dawwan a , h e 1nsc r1bed, pu tJu gm

down in wri ting .

liLve diydna , piety, creed .

1o MmOdawwan, inscribed, written JFUO ” Ugo deen a r, pl. dana neer

down . (Greek denar ion) , obsolete gold

ulel addna , h e accused, abased




oln .

h eld as vile .dayyoos, pimp, cuck old .

i ileliddna , accusation , indictmen t ;committal for trial. “who u

lfi e deewdn , pl. dawciween

a .“ modeen , ac cu ser, accusing . (Persian ) , h all

,min istry Of

c,lhyfl , moddn , accused ; gu ilty

state, office d1van poems.

gilxe deewdn

iy, imperi al (as coinof th e realm) ; a style of h and

wri ting.

w e dawz'

a,h e was ill

dawa , h e attended th e si ck .

[ism0 o

u Ah h r

filgdl dawa , pl. adwd, illn ess.

team" or E U

“) sag 0

[do qirsh d iwdni 'l , a full piastre,

angel dawd, pl. edwig/e ,

zid °


medi c in e . [es la» kha tt d iwdniy , a bean

ifi’a u m’a'

wai, medical attention . tiful style of h andwr i ting used

in Turkish ofi c ial documents.

Z or D

(Or th. as in them. )

e 261. Value 700 .

zé, this zdk, that .

fij l zé , th is ; pl. th ese .

mjl zdk,th at; pl. ooldyik,

those .


w zdli k, (femin . ) tilk,th at.


5A» Li.» hdzd, (femin . ) 1162 1711,

doe (vulgarism for 26) th is.


) dél (vulgarism) , th ese .

or we 111714 16,or du k- bdm

(vulgarism) , th ose .

1116212, wh at

0.l or lei - ( b or Li! kazd, or

kakasd,or ka zdlz


k, th u s, like

th is, like th a t .

,5 zdt, self, personali ty(see zoo) .


.5 dobcib, pl. di bbcin,


C113 dabaha , h e slaugh tered .



) dabh , a slaugh tering .

(H e dabech, slaugh tered ; for

slaugh ter , a vic tim.

(4 3- 0 madbah, slaugh terh ou se ;altar of sacrifice .



) zakhara , be stored grain .

fi e za khoe'ra , pl. za

kh tig/ir, grain, store of grain


priming or pinch of powder inpan of flin t- lock musk et ; em

munition .


or ibi5 zurra

,or durra, or

d11rra , maize, sorgho.


,e zarra , pl. zarr, atom,

[ii/ o!

a gra in .

6 a.

Lye zorrz


ya , poster ity, family .


adm’a fore - arm, cubit,

pic , ell.

d ird’a bala d iy, 23 inch es;

58 metre.

dir ci’a n ed iy, 21 inches ;

53 metre .

dif d’a istdnbooh


y, or enddza, or

henddsa , 26 in ch es ;°

66metre .

gala ." d if d’a mi’amdn


y, 29§

inch es ; °

75metre .

inf) d irwa , apex parapet, sh eltertrench low wall.

dam,h e w innowed, tossed

grain .

whi m midra , pl. maddrf,

pitch - fork ; fan for w innowing.

Jie ziff , bad fishy smell.

wi edaqa n , pl. adqdn ,

ch in , b eard .


e,glaboo daqan , a bearded man .

zakara , h e remembered .

,55zilcr,men tion ,memory ; recitalof prayer , ac t o

f devotion .

f i ll 1

1 . 3L» sdlaf ez- zikr,above

mentioned .

,,fi . mazkoor, above -men tioned .

,Slé zdkir, mindful, remember ing.

,Sé zakkara , h e reminded .

jflei zdkara , h e c on sulted, dis

cussed, studied .

mozdka fra , discussion , in

terview, study .

JKJS tezkdr, a souvenir,memen to .

JilAi 3i 3


tazka ra , pl. ta zdkir,

ticket,letter, certific ate, pass

port .


moza kkara , note, letter,

memo .


£33 taza kka ra , h e remembered .

1513 za kar

, pl. zokoor,a

male ; penis.

1.9 L”,1155 zokoor wa males

and females .


1513 zakka ra , h e fertilised a female

palm- tree ; h e pu t it in to th e

masculin e gender .

ta zkeor, or tadkeer,impreg

n ation , fer tilisa tion ; pu ttingin to th e masculin e gender .

mozakka r,masculine (gender) .

muzkara , v irago, amazon .

za kiy, pl. a zkiyd,

[c f. I!)

Jei mill, or se ll, vilen ess, abase

saga c iou s.

PKe za kd,saga city .

94 na tal:

Ape zaleel,vile, c ringing .

JJlAe mazlool, servile, cringing .

Lillezdlik (see zé ) .

Fee. Fe zamma,h e blamed ; ya

zomm, he blames.

. o

(.e zamm

, blame . [ml0 “a 0

o 0

re d M e z1mma , pl. zvmam,

c on

sc i ence, moral respon sib ility,h ence a person under one’sprotection .

M e z imma tdn , con sc ien tiou sly .


’ala 2 1


m1na , for th e sake of.

zimmiy, Ch ristian subjec t of

a Moslem power, wh ose safe ty

is gu a ran teed by th e h onou r of

th e Moslem r uler .



) zameem, orma zmoom

blameable .

1. 1,se zaa b, pl. zonoob, sin ,

c r ime .

M el adn aba , h e committed a

crime .

modn fb, gu ilty .

_ L_a1ie da nab, pl. adndb,

tail. [A13

lei» zAl

b 815 in hdzih femin .

of hdza .

d . a dah aba , h e wen t away,

departed .

dah cib, departu re ; ac t of

going .

dahdb wa iydb, a

going and r eturn ing.


552 Lij) p1. TOW“, dream.

Ré . Value 200 . up) g a

l am,he showed (vul

garly written and pronou c ed

lrdha , h e wen t ( see rawdh ) l“ da ): ta ra a a

,i t appeare

( J) (lg)

ass- l)rdha, repose

dh,rook and reek) .

U‘ i ( f


rcis, pl. ro - oos, h ead ,

promontory bridle .

iil’lj—a or .OLJ

)rig/ti, or morddt

hypocr isy .

pl” mor ci, a hyproc rite .

c a lf 35 r h o. l. rin it,lung.

Ju l Tcis el-mdl (rasmdl) ,J J J p J

capi talstock } capital(ofmon ey) .r ci/yis, pl. ro

- osci,

ch ief, presiden t ; captain of a

sh ip .mz


radt, or mz'

r tiya , mirror .

rig/ciao, presidency, ch iefdom.war reefn i (colloqu ial) , show

sill r iwa iy, pulmon aryconsumption .

c ow) rdya , pl. rdycit, flag .

U L; tarddsa, h e took the lead .

w ad} mutamyyis, a leader .

rabb. The Lord God ; P0 8

sessor, owner .

M ulLg) rabb el- a’

cilemeen . The

Lord of th e Worlds,God .


maro - oos, a subordinate .

tar weesa , h eading ( of a

chapter) .8m (French ) , m -

J)b 2163:

rabb, O Lord I

M l£14)rabb el- ba it, master of

th e h ouse .

r cifa , clemency, indulgen ce .

d o." a. ”rabb cd - da in, credi tor .

w oof, clemen t, merci ful. u h) a/rbcib, pl. of rabb, possessors;


alib i)

rdhwdn (Persian) , roadster,h ack ; h ence amble, qu ick walk .

5.4 L!) “Tb‘ib ed - doyoon,

dbf l)Ra

oath , Ru th .

credi tors.

u bjlarbcib el- kh ibra, experts,

g f - g ljrda, he saw ; yara ,h e sees.

professi on al experts.

’l,l rdy, pl. min i, Opinion ,view .

5 .3l a rbdb os- sawdbiq,

rooya , in spection, supervision , men of (bad) an teceden ts, old

sigh t, a tten tion to ; looking‘

flfi OVOS

f or tb s n e wmoon of Ramadan . Lu)mbbamti, perhaps.




)rabba , femin . of rabb, mistress,possessor .

rabcib, violin .


y, rabbi,rabb in ical.


r ibb, pl. arbah , profit,


yin terest .



rabika , or tambbaha ,

h e profitted .

6brdbih , winn er, gaining.

glu in f)r ibh wa khasdra, profi t

and loss.

rabasa , h e expected .

f lag/lmg. 315mel- arba

mu rtabit, attac h ed, dependen t.

lag} . marboot, bound, tied attac hed

to a religion , fanatic,“mam

bou t.”

marba t, stable, place of

fasten ing cattle .


, on e - fourth part ; Egyptian peek of Si litr es, or nearly

2 gallon s ; raba’

, apartments.

8 ) k na rba’o, (femin .) a rba

,foar .

6,Wednesday,fourth day of th e week .

If‘ n ibia

, fourth in order .

U“?1: tara bbasa , h e awa ited h is l llaw l r obia’t m- n a hcir, broad

opportun ity . noon , noon - tide .

M)? ta rablms W3 tarassud,

usa gjlor M’s-g) arba


,or a rba


a lying in wait (to commit a

crime) , 9. French legal term

gust- op ens .

h e,rabata , h e tied, bound, imposed .

lag)rabt, a bind ing, tie, connection .

Jlr fl lag) rabt cl- amwdl, imposingof taxa tion .

lag},h ad zabt wa. rabt, seize

and bind organ isation ; a

grip on (bu siness) publicsecurity, police admin istration .


or Ring}bond, sta tion h ead - dress.

h oly

Zing!)rdbita, pl. rawdbz



rule, ordinan ce .

hgai irtaba ta , h e became bound,dependen t .

rabta , or r ibdt, tie,



jl irtibcit, lien , dependen c e,

c onnection .

forty .

a lu m)l a rba ’eemydt, forty days

of win ter (9th December to

17th Jan uary) .

M ) 31:n arba

’a wa arba


forty - four cen tipede .

four - lettered rootof word .


, Spr ingtime ; Rabeea’

I. and II., the third and fourth

Moslemmon th s.

8 g} ? t


)r abba

’a , h e squared ;


a s uarin3

EU" morabba ’, squ ared, a square .

Eff ”ma rba ’

,pasture -

ground, plotof groun d .

EJn . yarboa’

, desert rat, jerboa .

331g rahgo, lasso , noose , h alter .



dg) rabal, pulz'

car ia undula ta .

197-9) or rabaou

,or arbaan



,a rrhes.

lg r abci,i t gr ew up .

u ? )

plined .

r abba,he train ed up, disci

lag}? twrbiya, education , discipline .

marabba,preserve , jam.

Hf )“ mota rabbi

,tra in ed, disci

plined .

,g)raboo, asthma .

olgjr ibd, usury .

ilgl} . mordbdt, usu ry, a taking of

usury .

h’eiJ‘ mordbi, usurer .

g a l)

ra taba, it was firm, settled .

ra ttaba , h e organ ised .

W P ta rteeb, organ isa tion ,system, plan .



ratba , pl. rotab , rank,

grade .


certa in spot, fixed .

“la g/ o tamttaba ’ala , it de

pended or resulted from; be

came organ ised .

rdtib, pay, allowance ;

M y Ego} . martaba , pl. mardtib,

rank , h igh place .

male} nio ta rattabdt, allowances,P3 ?


ra tsh (vulgar) , bad, worthless.

J ; f atag’

a ,he sewed up, repaired,

ab u t.

JP“a}: $ 3) mtg wa fa tq el



shu t and open,

man agemen t of) b usin ess.

M U r a tdma,su sfi e, b it.


r iththa , old cloth es,rags.

W ‘ .eli)


tha , elegy mardthc’


lamen tation s.

El) , or

( 1ragga , or irtagja, i t

trembled,sh ook .



)Rajab, honour, respect ;

the seven th Moslemmon th .

Cg .

)rajaha , its weigh t told, i t


aha , h emade preponderaterred .

C? ” mo mjjah , preferred .

ES L,” marja iha , swing, see- saw

anEgyptian“merry -

go- round .

tarjeeh, preferen ce .

j ? ) rajaz, a k ind of rhyme or

metre .

w ? )7’ vile

,abominable .

Ita l? )r ajcisa , vileness, impurity .

t? )raja

’a, h e return ed, turn ed

bac k .

In »)


a? )rojooa

, or raja’a , a

return ,recourse .

C? )rajja

’a,h e sent back, made

return , repeated .

ts !)

rdjo’a , h e tu rn ed towards


had recourse to, referred, read

over, c on trolled accounts.


a rhcim, blood relations. ole

/1M istirddd, a cla iming back .

zawi el- a rhdm,k indred, murtad d, convert, aposta te .

relatives. ma rdood,


replied,u")or A»

)rahd, a hand -mill. returned .

w,radda, refuse, bran .

mkhs, ch eapness. Ebb)

radciwa , badn ess.

o n» )mkhees. ch eap. triflins Ago) ! we

,rad i, pl. ardiyd, bad .

rukhsa, permission , leave of

absence . [c pl

i oli mkhsandma (Persian) ,licen ce

,trade - licence .

lojlamid, worse .

ardab, pl. ardd ib,

measure of grain , St bushels ;

“as ra am e e 0 ea



ermi tted alithorisedpto)

r ada a , h e push ed away, pre

]fl: khkh th dvented .

mum as,

an on se g

Pfi ipown tiary .

U lo)‘ u s

)r zdf, pl. ardaf,


upper, h aunch .


a -

Jo markhasa , bish op, dean .

g i n.) radee militia arm reserve .

mkham,marble .

” J f’ y


radama,h e dammed, mended ,

block ed .

I' d)

radm,a block ing up ; ru ins.


rakhm, vultu re .

rakhi a , i t was loose , flabby .

arkha , h e loosen ed, let go .

.3 raza’a h e th rew down .

Us ) , arta kha

,1t became 10 0 8 0 , E)

flabby .


r azdla,vileness, basen ess.

at. ) or gt»,mkhd

,0 1 rakh ciwa

,deb razed : vile. base


j) ‘orJ) ruzz, or aruzz

,rice .


rakhzy, loose .

if); ma razza , r ice - fi eld .


radda , he restored, sent back ,repaid

,push ed back , answered .

Jib 81)

razza , PL rzzaz, h 1nge .


r ad d, restitu tion , reply, regig - 0 we), (W125) , mirzabba ,

paymen t. pounder, beater, mallet .

35) irtadda , h e tu rned h imself, J); razaqa , h e provided .

b ecame 3 convert. J) ; raziqa (passive) , h e ob ta ined ;as}? ta raddada , he went to and he was blessed wi th (ch ildren ,

fro, repeated,frequ en ted a

plac e . 6l pl. arq , food,«ff -J be c la imed back . provision s.


Jljj ” 2 259, (God) th e provider .

ma rzooq, blessed, providedfor (by God) .


j; r izma, pl. r izam,bale,

parcel. [djlo

cg); lib) rezcin a , gravi ty; razesu ,

grave, serious.

V J“)

rosoob, sedimen t. [JKc

w lj

rdsib,ch emical prec ipitate .



,solid .

msgh , ankle, wrist .

r istila , pl. f asayil,

someth ing sen t ; message, mis

sive, mission ; means of trans

port,navigation .

; lm)

rascal, p1. rosalci ,messenger .

Jr» ) rasool,proph et, ba iliff.


AllJr.) rasool Ullah, th e prophetof God, a title of Mohammad .

a rsala,h e sent .

db .) irsal, a sending .

Jul . mursil, sender mursal, sen t .

Ju l) rcisala , h e corresponded .

Ju l} . morasil, messenger, corresponden t .

morasala , letters, c orrespon

dence .


f asama , h e delin eated, traceda plan , prescribed, ordain ed .



pa in ter, artist .


rasim, or rassam,


ma rsoom, planned, traced ;

official order .

(or ) f

lu ) q m, pl. rosoom, plan ,tracing ; tak


, ggxg

sage ; address,

title .

c olor )rosoomdt




y, official, of gov'

ofn i o'

men t.

if “) l g: ghair rasmiy, unomc ial,pr ivate .

rasmiycin, offi cially .


)or f asci, or r isi, it was

steady, at an ch or .


risi’and el-maw

rada, h e moored a t th e quay .

£31: al,-Al risi ol-masad ’

ale ih,

th e article at au ction fell to

h im.

ga l)

rasi,at anch or ; successful

b idder at an auction .

Jill el-mozciyada’ala zimmet

e'r - rasi’aleih el-mazdd el- awwal,

“falls- embers,

” Fren c h legal


Ufa) area , h e cast anchor, camealongside .


ao mirscit, 8 110110 13 [31119

ga l). marsa , pl. ma rasz,

port,anch orage .


d ruakaka,h e spr inkled wa ter .


)f ishsh

,sprinkling, drizzle,




)r ishsh wa kens, water

ing and sweeping (of streets) .

A) f uc hsi a ,i t smash , sn eaks-k .


)r ashshaha , h e fortified, exer

c ised .

- cloth .

rushd,righ teousness ; adult

age .

A52)or with rashid, or rasheed,

pious, righ teous, a true guide

in faith .

Magi u,1° Haroon el- Rasheed,

Aaron th e orth odox, H aroun

Al- Ra sch id .

W )Rasheed, Rosetta .

arsh ad a , he sh owed th e truepath ; indica ted, poin ted ou t.

OB.) irshtid, indication .

mu rshid,indi cator ; gu ide ;

teach er in faith .

h i s)rash afa , h e sipped, tasted .

r ash 'iq, elegan t, graceful,slender .



,h alter, b it, nose - strap .

L2 .)

rash ci, h e gave a br ib e .

“ALE/ l irtasha , h e took a bribe .

ga l,


,h e wh o brib es.


ta} . ma riaski , he wh o takes th e

bribe .

. 06


a” rzshwa , or rushwa, bri be .

u; r assa , h e arranged, placed inorder .

u o'oo)

rasas, lead, bullet .

Ugh ) qalem rasds, lead - pen cil.

M tarsees, adjustment, ar



rasada, h e watch ed with at

ten tion .

sip ta rassada , h e lay in wa it .

M}f asad, wa tch ing ; observa tory .

lil’p dw . rasad - khana (Persian ) ,ob servatory .

M}. marsad, place of wa tch ing ,

observa tory .

é) r assa’a, h e set wi th jewels.

o o o

ff)" aha» msha n morassa ’


or decora tion set in jewels.

rase’eya, a set jewel.

qu ay, wh arf,pavemen t, ra il

way platform.

UM lilo)

rascin a, gravity ; r a

seen, seriou s, grave . [lib]

Us)radda , h e brui sed . [


u él)rddd, wh o bru ises ; a h ard

weapon causing a bruise .

Us” u; rad d, pl. rodood , a

bru ise .



, (theinfan t) su ck ed .

M aj) or us e »; radda

’t, or arda


( th e moth er) suckled .

bu ?)

r adeea’

, a suckling ; a babe .

field ?) r adda’a, nu rsing .

M]. mordia ’a , wet n urse .

V 9r ad io , h e was c on

ten t ; ya rda’h e is con ten t .

a rda,h e made con tent or

con sen t.

J? ) or .cLé)ridci. (r izd) ,or radwdn


c on sent , con tentmen t.

10 1. g li b} .


r aghm,aversion , dislik e .

a}; la b}

raghmdn’an oh, in spite

of h im or it.


rdfa’a,h e contended in a

tr ibu n al.

gal irtafa’a , it became high .


ragha , i t foamed, bubbled, é) rafa,’a ra ising, lifting, carry

(h ot or cold) .raghwa , foam, froth , a boilingover .

ing off ; the damma or“6”

.. fivowel- sou nd . M ob

mfa’a, rank,position in society .

5 3)


, pl. rqfoof, plank , mfa’tlu (Tu rk ish ) , a title

h i ljéj. r afrdf, splash - board of

carriage .


rafroof, ban dage, band .



rifd, peace, concord .


or lij

rafd, or rdfd, h e c on

ciliated, put straigh t .

rafa ta , he dismi ssed, sent on .

M}raft, dismissal from employ


Q »)raftiya , CustomHouse permi t

for tran si t to anoth er port inth e same (Ottoman ) countrywith out repaymen t of dues ;

Cu stoms’ receiptma1foot, d1smissed, dis

ch arged .

u ni)


t a)

rajasa , he k ickedou t backwards ; the horsek icked .

WU)r afi


ds,kicker, screw of

steamer .



rafada , h e rejected, refused .


rafd, rejection , refusal.


rafa’a,h e lifted up, carried

off elsewh ere .

J u l-t il$4:ti)


’anoh el

b e app ealed ( in law) .

forminor officials; honouredSir .

Elia) !irtzfd

’a,alti tude, elevation .

lu ll

. mordja’a,h earing of a case

in cou rt, proceedings in court;legal procedu re .

b y ) rafeea’

,or rofaya

, th in ,

slender, h igh .

81° moofa’

, sideboard ; carn ival.

ti l/ o”Ag:

’eed el-mardfia

, Féte of

Carn ival.

rafgh, th e groin .

as) or rafaga , or rdfaqa , h e

accompan ied, h elped .

rtafaqa, he lean ed on h is

elbows, relieved h imself.

a? )Mfg, gen tleness, h elp .

compan ionsh ip .

aliii Jgi, rafeeq, pl. rqfaqd,

comrade , accomplices.

aliiij 3

a » ! Ahmed wa rofaqdh ,Ahmed and h is fellows

owl} . mor tifiq, comrade lover .

JAJ " J’rmirfaq, pl. mardfiq,

elbow . la);

(49GB) . mortafat ,latrin es.

fu lle r


6,rufc ha, h e lived in luxury .

b l.)

rafsah, wealthy rafdha ,luxury .


r afd, h e mended, darn ed .


Jr iqqa , fin en ess, gentleness,

delicacy .

raqeeq, fine, delicate, c om

passionate .

6L?) raqeeq, pl. riqdq,

a n ewly - c a ugh t slave slave in

a slave gang ; as distinct from’a bd

,domestic slave .

Jab) or J, r1'

qq, or raqeeq, slave

trade ; r iqq, tambourin e .

istaraqqa , h e caugh t, or

traded in, slaves for sale .

Jl} : 3, n'

qq ghazdl, parchment.

g )raqaba , he observed,watc h ed .

w »spec ted .

rdqaba , he con trolled, in

mordqaba , inspec tion , control.mordqib, inspector, c on

troller .

2g?)raqaba , pl. n


qdb, napeof n eck yok e .


ya , horse - collar .

mdlik er- raqaba , owner

of property wh ich is h eld by

anoth er i n usufruct ;p ropri e


ta ire .



raqada, h e lay down ;rdqid, rec umben t.

to moi. rdqida , stagnant wa ter .


r aqqad a, h e planted slips or


105 was

we ?)r aqasa , h e dan ced ; rags, a

dan ce .


vol?)raqq , dancer ; main -

springof watch .

all}i n?) roga

’a, pl. riqda

, patch ;letter, note .


roqa’a , patch of ground,

market- place .

r?)or raqama , or raqqama , h e

wrote, date d, numbered .




raqm, pl. a rqdm,figure,



raqeem, or moraqqam,

dated, n umbered .

tarqeem, enumeration , dating,writing .


” marqoom, written , aforesaid .




raqana , or raqqan a , h e

wrote, engrossed .


ragi a , h e moun ted ; raga , he

u sed magic .


ta raqqa , h e advanced, was

ragya , magic .



on .

u’fpromoted .

“fl/ Amarqa , pl. mardqi, a

step forward .

or 56}

rekh, or r akdha , fine

ness, weak n ess.

d z!)ra kesh, th in , weak .

V J)

rakiba , h e moun ted (an

an imalto ride) ,rode ,embarked .


taraqqi, promotion .


“f “;s

9 5 rakkaba , h e or anised, c omj 8'


posed .

irta kaba , h e commi tted a

ta rakkaba , it was organ ised,composed .

w }? ta rkeeb, organ isation , c om

position .

g/ J b f)

rokba , pl. rokab,knee .

9 5)

g ag)

r ikdb, pl. mku b,

stirrup .

jug) rikibddr (Persian ) , roughr ider

,h orse - break er .



)rdkib, pl. ru kkdb,

rider, passenger by a train or

sh ip .

u ? r a koob, an an imal for riding ;

mount. ”

Ja e»

riege (not a c art) .

g . , -fl}. u

fmmkab, pl.marcikib,

( in Asia Minor,

’arabiya mkoob, a c ar

sh ip,barge

ass, donkey) .

M 35} ga ff e markoob, pl.

marcikeeb, shoe .

mu ra ls/cab” c omposed of,

c ompound ; (in Tu rk ish , in k) .

mu rtakib,

a crimin al,

sinner, gu ilty .

j ) rakaza,h e set up a post, fixed

a poin t, pitch ed a ten t.

A ra keez,post, n a il, peg, pole

0 5

106 a .)

J-“rcentre of circle ; arrondissemen t, h ead


qu arters.

If)“ ma rkaz, pl. mardkz



’s/fill t o mdmoor cl-ma rkaz


prefect of an arrondissemen t.

Ute?“EmJ‘j ao ma rkaz riycisa t

el-ja ish, h ead -

quarters of an

army .

jJ‘) rokooz, reliance, b elief in .

0 65)rakada , h e ran .


r aka’a, h e ben t in prayer .

i n!)

ra ka’a,

prayer .

a prostration

f!)mkama , h e h eaped up .

‘J13 or

rialirtakama , or tarakuma ,

it formed a h eap .

u! rokn, pl. a rkdn, a solid

corner or support,a corn er,

angle .

ujs n

c,Kjl arkcin el- harb, sta ff of

army .


rokoona,solid ity ; rokna ,

proof, support .


r akec n, solid .


US) ir taka n a


,b e relied

upon ,based h is argumen t upon .

or rakia , na tive oven,

h ole .

4 a


ramma,or rammama , h e

mended,repa ir ed .

. . fi

or tar meem, or ma ramma ,

a mending.

.. fi

ness, corpse .



mma , pl. rimam, rotten

at ; up)

ra hn a’

qciriy, hypo

thequ e,” mortgage of land .

raku iya , pledge, bond .

L2 45? ” ma rhoondt, th ings pledged,or mortgaged .


rdhan a , h e betted w ith .

irtahana, he bough t a mortgage .


u p) £93.l moddyin morteha'


lil-’ageir, creditor of a mortgage .

all? ) or my“) rdhwcin (Persian) ,roadster ; ambler .

l); rawwd, h e pondered ;rawiya , a tten tion .



b,curdling rdyib,

c urdled .

C")rawdj, circulation , curren cy,

bri skness (trade) .

l)rdyij, cu rren t, in ci rculation ;brisk ( trade ) .

’ala hasab ar

arket ra te .

CUrawwaja , h e pu t into c irc u

la tion ,made current, caused a

bri skness of trade .

rawéh, a going.

( 1 ( U3 (l)

f dhd, he went ;

yarooh, h e goes ; rah, go thou lrawwaha ,h e went (provincial)e came .

L l)

rdha , repose, rest ; fallow ;palm of h and .

Cg)myyaha, he set a t

ease, convin ced ; taryeeh, a

se tting a t ease, quieting fears.

h f. »

tardweeh, prayers of rest

n igh t prayers in th e mosque

during Ramadan .

(li ed or

(Lilirtdha , or istarciha

h e took his ease .

reek, at ease, in repose .

( W musta r cih , wa ter - closetlieu d

’a isamc e.

b wl’

wtzraha , repose, a tak lng

one s ease .



, pl. arwcih, soul,

spiri t ; chamber of a revolver,

or charge of a gun .

G” )rooho


y, spiri tual; spirituous(liquor) .


y, spiri tual, eccle

siastic al.

( b l f }reeh

, pl. r ig/db , or a rydh

evilspir it, ghost.

Ci) 91:

’aleih r eek

, h e was an

evil spirit.

( firmariooh, bewi tched by an

evil spir i t.b‘

C “j ,gl aboo n

ydh, scarecrow,

wea th er - c ock .

l”i s“) or is ; recha

, or rdyiha ,

pl. rawciyih, odou r, scen t.figs

( "fmarwdh , departure


rwa ha , fan .


ra ihdn , basil- plan t.

rdwada , h e lusted for,dis

pu ted .

b!” roweeddn, little by little,

gradually .


c l)! a rcida , h e wished .

. ‘ o

so!) 50mi rcida,desire,

will, decree, fiat i rdda sa n iya ,

imperial decree .

dl,- a mu rdd, desired, a desire ;

Murad orAmu ra th .

mar eed, desirou s, candidate .

“Uj? ) ro'

z mime (Persian ) , calendar, pension , ofiic e .

naw- ro‘

z,new year, autumnal

equ inox, Sept . 11.

ra t? rb


z qdn'

m, feast of 7th

November .

v.91! I

d s j » 752: khadi r wa

Elide, St. George’s Day .

aft? )

nichan , a ir - hole, sky - ligh t.

U S” by

redo, pl. ré

d, garden ;

island off Old Ca iro .

lab.) or r ig/dd, or riycida ,

tra in ing, discipline, regime .

ca b ledr iyddcit, ma th ematics.

ti} t”


, awe, fear ; rda’a,

h e feared .

J ‘J‘) J» rb

q, limpidity ; rciyiq,

limpid .

J; rawwaqa, be clarified.

ardqa , be poured out ; sh ed

(blood) .

eff-jrecq, saliva .

0 .

U ,Jrowdq, gallery, cloi ster, porch .

tarwaeqa , breakfast.

L5,1 or G2)” 75k, or rb'

kiy (Coptic) ,general, common ; undivided

property .

13” rb'

kiya , th e mass or total ofan estate .

J” rél (French ) , “fi le,” list, registe


m, desire .

W3 (J)rdma

,h e desired ; ya room,

h e desires.

( be mardm, desired ; a desire .

f”r oom

,Byzan tium, th e Roman

Empire of th e East Asia

Minor ; 8 part of Asia Minor .


room eeli (Turk ish ) , Roumelia .

if”) C") (‘U

room, pl. a rwdm,

Greek Ch ristian roomiw

Romish ; Greek Ch urch .

J”) ( J ; fa rkh roomiy, a turkey .

roomdtizm (European ) ,a tism.

t53” rb'

n aq, splendour, beau ty .

b e” rawa , h e narrated . [g i a


,n arrator, story - teller .

r iwciya , narrative .

a?) ra iy, irr iga tion .

d jjlarwa , h e irrigated .

is) r ayya , a canal for irrigati on .

B}r iya , lung .

may) or 9 9-1rm

b, or irtiycib,

doubt,suspicion .

9 b"

) or u lj

rdba , or irtciba , h e

doubted, h esitated .

ga b} murtdb, doubtful; suspected .

c a ge-l 9raft (vulgar for laita )

would that !


C5)r eek w ind (see p .

(f l r eesk, pl. r iydsh

fea th er,plume .

l r eef, pl. e rg/( if,rivera in land

,fertile lan d of

Egypt by the Nile ; th e pro

vinces, “in th e c ou ntry .

r ecq, saliva (see also rb'q) .

db} r idi, dolla r, talari

, Span ishreale .

raj fl) (

reem) ta ryeem, h umbug,

exaggera tion .

{ 73} lb bilci taryeem,wi th out ex

aggeration .

mu b r dya , pl. rciycit, flag .

j Za in . Value 7 .


sob) - aljzed

, or zowwada , V lc tuals.

ol zdda,i t in creased ( see

za id) .

sobfi lg sol)

zdda (Persian sufiix ) ,born ,

- fi tz, son of, as beyzcida ,

a bey’s son , of good family .

J) ectr, negro incan ta tions.


j bj l)

rdr c,h e visited (see

ziydr a ) .

j b ail) zdyg'

f, bad (money)

za beeb, ra isin s


from raisin s.


zaboor,Psalms of Dav id .

he} za ba t,mire, street mu d .

i n?”zoba’

a,san dstorm,

wh irlwind .

J‘ij mibag (Persian ) , qu ick silver .


JG} zabbdl, dustman , scavenger .

d ?) zibl, pigeon man u re .

q o mazbala , dust- h eap, dungh eap .

JD) up)zaboon, pl. zabdyin ,

clien t, cu stomer .

fl) ; (Li’j


glass; bottle .

I ? )zajr,proh ibi tion ; liquor licen c e .

d? ) zajal, vulgar tongue, ungramme tical speech , faulty metre .

J? ) du o h iml‘

zajal, vulgar lam

poon .

1 75’ jzaheer , dysen tery, c olic .

I? )zahza ha , h e carried 0 8 , t e

moved .

J» ) zohaJ, plan et Saturn .

zablaqa , h e slipped, rolledover .

raj a »

)zahma , crowd ; zahhama .

h e crowded .

(“ii i or r

>d lizdahama , or tami

h ama , a crowd formed .

zokhma, th ong, strap ;

flogging .

j)zer (Persian ) , gold, gold or

n amen t .


zarra , h e bu tton ed .

”l j)zirr , pl. azmr

,bud tassel.

. .a . g

Q : Jul?) Zaqdzeeq, Zagazig,

capi tal of th e Sharqiya pro

v in ce of th e Delta .

313) zoqla , cudgel, staff.

9 514)

zakeeba , pl. zakdyib,

sa ck .

rKj zukdm,

influ enza .


zakci, purity, piety .

W) za kdt, alms as a religious

‘pxous. [c f.


a szakka , h e purified, rec om

mended as good .

ta zkiya , c ertificate of goodch aracter, rec ommenda tion .


i i)zalla , slip, error , false step .

d?) zoldl, slippery ; albumen .


or Elli)

zalzala , or zilzdl,

earth qu ak e .



J tazalzala , it qu aked, sh ook .

zaldbiya , galette, greasy

sweet cak e .


y, seller of galette .

zalt, n akedn ess ; bare .

a jzalla ta , be stripped bare .

by zaIat, pebble .

h i)zala ta , h e swallowed .

i n!)za la

a,u rn

,large jar .

zalaqa , h e slipped ; q ’ slipperi n ess.

alto} zalgdn, slipped, ou t of plac e,

mazlaqcin, slope, slide, slippery pla c e .

. .e

(to) zzmam, pl. a zzmma ,

b ridle, re in s, area with in a

br idle of con trol, h ence c on

trol,arrondissemen t.

Le .) zamta, gravi ty, ser iousness ;

closeness of a tmosph ere, no

win d .


o) zamr, flu te ; zammdra,

double reed pipe .

jl; zammdr, flu te player .



o mizmdr, glottis, flu te .

f j rj ao mazmoor, pl. ma zd


fl zamra, pl. zomar, gang,

cli que .

M zommazr, oats, rye .

o} ? zumurrud, emerald .

zamzam, a sacred well near

Mecc a .


ya , leath er - bottle,pilgrim’

s wa ter - bottle for fill

ing at Zamzam.

C‘J. ‘

to) (zama

) azma’a, h e was

con stant, decided . [fin

to” mozmia.’ resolute ; th ing de

cided upon .

wKaj zamkdn,angry, cross, vexed .

al,) d ie.) zameel, pl. zomald


comrade, c olleagu e .

Ely zamla ,family,reun ion , m ale .

wk)“w zamam, pl. azmdn , time,epoch .

i bj l ML.) zamcin, pl. azmina ,time , epoch .

all") L

.” min zamcin, long ago, 5) zin c , a weigh ing (see




uhdr (Persian ) , Beware !

mozmin, ch ron ic (disea se) . Atten tion (military) .

1M zamhareer, in ten se cold .Al

' A») zohd, celibacy ; zdh id,

j f fi zanboor, wasp .

celibate, asce tic .

my ) zaheed, few, trifling .

J wzanbcel (Per sian ) , basket. zahara , it bloomed, 8110 110

wi th brillianc e .

t H r .sJzalra , a owe


' l orJJDJ




zahr, pl. zohoor ,

or azh ci r, flower ; orange flower .

pian , n egro .

p1an .

iiJJbJ zebra , b eauty Venus.

:5J - n>J

.Old dd zohn y, ven ereal

Jai ls .

J ats

j zinjeer (Persian ) , ch a in(Often pronoun ced jinzeW ) .

"i -

Jvl aZha'

r) (femin . ) Zak/rd)



t, l lJ3J


sa nd, wrist, forearm.

r1 1an ove y

05 zin cid, gun- h ammer

,flin t and J



brilliant mosque, mosqu e of

e El-Azh ar .



zunndr, girdle .

gla n del-jcimia,

’el- azba r

, th e

i l E? ” ( u(femin . )


ja , pl. masc . and femin .

azwdj, spouse ; h usband, wi fe ;pair

,couple . (In vulgar Ara

l' iJ


zanzalakht, w ild apple .

J’j za n aga . he squeezed, h eld

tigh t. b ic wr itten and pronouncedi i i) . maenaga , n ecklace . jéz . )

zanqa , gonorrh oea . a t? ” zb’

jcit, wives ; pl. of zajc .

£ 559 J’



zanqoor , pl. za ndqc cr , La



jiya , fact or sta tu s

r ec ess, n ich e . of matrimony, matr imon ial

Us} . U

’) zana , h e committed (affa irs) .

adultery ; yazm’

,h e commi ts or

E") a w ay, or izdiwaj ,

adultery . ma rriage .

zin ci , adultery, forn ication .

C Jzawwag


a,h e gave in marri age .

fl; gal) zdn i, pl. zoncit, adulterer .

( if : tazawwaja h e took a wife,

married .


( v.10 motazawwij, married .



th roat ; zoor, perjury,13)forgery, violence .

J,J° Eek-


ahah cida zoor , false tes

timony, perjury .

J;J zawwa ra,h e forged, falsified,

perjured .

Jedi - 3.

tazweer , ac t of forgery ; per

jury .

mozawwir, forger, perjurer,falsifier .



o AL.» san ad mozawwar, forgeddocumen t .

.olJJJ J,J

°l azwar, (femin . ) 25rd,

obli que a n ame for Bagh dad .

J’f‘mazwa r , made obliqu e, slan tmg.

JJ’) zorciq, boat.ibb zfycir a , v isit, p ilgrimage .

fl) ? "

JDzara,h e visi ted ; ya zoor ,

he v isi ts.

JljJ' zciyz


r, pl. zowwdr , v isi

tor, pilgr im.

ta zyeer a , lady’s visitingdress.


. mazdr, place visited, shrine .

J?) zawwaqa , h e adorned .

Jl” zawdl,decline, end, lapse ;

shadow .

Jug JlJ zdla,it ceased glazeal,

i t c eases.

J} . ,J or 05L. m zdla , or lam

yazal, it did not cease ; not

yet .

Li l” zawiya , pl. zawdyci ,

angle, corner ; ch apel, h ermitage .

munzawi, hermi t, reclu se .

cu ,” C h g ze it, pl. zoyoot, oil.

zayydt, oilman .

za itoon, olive, olive - tree .

Ag.) do.) sa id, or mazeed,growth ,

su rplus Za id,a man ’s name .

2.1L).1ziyéda , surplus, plus, more

than .

aoLqJ'Jb biz - ziycida, qu ite enough ,

too mu ch .

d- g,°l M l


a ziad, more abu ndan t .

zciyid, superflu ous


g. alJ

zdda , it increased ; yazeed

,it increase s, exceeds.

AgolJZJ or ole) !izdcida

,or ta zdyada ,

i t increased .

a? ) or .s zayyad a , or zawwada ,

h e made increase .

A453 ta zyeed, augmen tation .



o mazdd, or mozdyad a ,

au ction .

mazeed,augmented, complex ;

growth .

obs) !fizdz


ycid, gr owth , in c rease .

Jnl J_9J


zeer, pl. azydr , very

large pitc h er .

in“ ZkuJ


za ita, uproar zdta , h e

shou ted .

u JJ lJ

or za if, or

zdyif, pl. zoynqflh ad money .

ulm 116

Mm or maeéla , w e» : bi - sabab, by reason of,

pl. masciyil, question , topic,

because of.

affa ir . d d tasabbaba, h e cau sed ; sold

J) “ 0 1‘

cf ' masool ’d a ,



W motasabbib, cau ser , instia sked abou t, responsible for .

gator a pedlar, seller .

. . f.

‘rl-w ‘ or a ? “ masooh ya , resabbdba , fi rst or index finger'



tspon sl I I yAil“ M saba t (for Persian

dilw ask er, beggar .

sap ad ) , bask et .

l l or 8 a], or isdl (impera W }ff “

or sabt, or 315mtive) , ask th ou l

es- sabt, Satu rday, th e Jewish

M sdla , it flowed ; ga seel, sabbath .

i t HOWS [con trast l ug h » . sobat, leth argy .

J!“ 8“il, PL sc i/col, torren t, Sebtember (European ) , Sepflood, flux . tember .

ale)“ sayaldn, flood, a flowing . f

“ sabaha , h e swam. [ff


dc“, or odyil, or sayydl, fluid, to: sabbaha, h e pralsed God .

liqu id . sobhdn Allah ,Pra ise be

to God

W or m’

bha , or tasbeeh ,

eulogy or praise of God, h en cerosary of beads.

aawdyil, essen ces, flu ids.

sayyala , pock et, fob ; small

Nile canal, branch canal.a w lfetita , a making flow,

pou r ingaibdkb man ure artificial

ou t. t

w maseel, gutter,water - course .

man u re .

clam sabkha , pl. sibci kh,

; w “ill”: oth er, remainder, rest ; salln e infiltra tion up to the

all.surface of land, salt crust ;

bu n-ll» : sag/is, groom, ru n shallow lagoon .

n ing footman ( 860(an d tasbeelch, a manu ring of land .


W sabba , h e cursed, 1113 0 1t in» . sibt,son , offspr ing, fru i t .




32w sabata,

, cluster of dates or

sabb, a cu rse, cursing, foul bananas.

abuse . MBA has ! asbcit Isrd/yeel, th e

w sabGCb, horse ' h air . tribes of Israel.

y pa l w sabab, pl. asbdb

, 8LN

a“ aaba

, Pl sibtia’

, lion ,c a use, r eason

, moti ve . beast Of prey .

t -

“Jlb} !

gq 55} Birka t es- saba’

, th e lion ’spool or la ir .

ty.. aoba

, on e - seven th part.

t ?" i s » saba

’a, (femin . ) sa ba


seven .


b ia’

, seven th in o rder .

W sa ba’oon, or saba

een ,

seven ty .

tylw l

thw losbooa ’

, pl. asdbeea’


week .

l SJlbu ll el-mascim




, th e seven eulogies

or ti tles of God in th e first

ch apter of th e Koran , , calledth e t iha .

or sibq, sabq, or aobooq,

priori ty, an tec eden ce .

JnllJaw sa bq el isrdr,priori ty of

determin a tion ,( in cr ime) .


Jam sabaga , it preceded, was previous.

scibiq, previou s, last.

k l asbaq, more previous, lastbu t one .


qa , pl. sawdbz’


an an tec eden t,precedent, ( often

in a bad sen se) .

talc’a ndoh sawdbiq, h e h as

(bad) an tec eden ts, this is n ot

h is first offence .

ga b) a rbdb sawdbz'

q, men

of (bad) an tecedents, prisonerswi th previous convictions.

acibaqa , h e vied with, raced .


or sibdq, or mosdbaqa ,

r ivalry, ra ce, h orse - race .

d » . saba ka , h e melted or foundedmetal.

Rm sabeeka , ingot .

u‘JLfm sabbdk, founder, plumber .

til masba h, foundry .

dgu dé éw sabael, pl. sobol, road,pa th

,means ; foun ta in .

w'u é qJ

-Jill dz? “ uh

’aIa sabeel

et - ta’weeddt, in th e way of

damages, as compen sation .


AllJy m sabeel Ullah, God’s path ,

for th e sak e of God, ch arity,a giving of wa ter to th irstyMoslems h ence a founta in, as

a pious gift erec ted in th e


or f ix! {w e or ta kh

liya sabeeloh,clearing h is path ,

releasing a prisoner . [mClJil

sabla,dung of h orse or c ow.

d.» sabal, ear of corn in distinct

n ess or dimness of vision .

u p» saba , h e took captive .

bl» . sabiy, pl. sabayd, c ap

tive in war .

aabd, Sh eba in Yemen of

Arabia .

6 g 6 a

3A» M u tt, pl.

sittat, (a corru ption of sew/idol,lady, Mrs. a term of respectapplied to a grandmother ( c olloquial for feddal


c a . » as.» sitta , (fomin . ) sitt, six .

W sittoon,

or sitteen ,

sixty .

suds,on e - sixth part.

sddis, th e sixth in order .

i “ 8 737, pl. sotoor


veil of decen cy .

Jim satar a , h e veiled, covered .

JR“ ? tasa tta ra . h e ve iled or h id

h imself, con cealed the tru th .

Jinan z



sitdra , pl. sa tciyir ,cu rta in .

sitr a, tun ic , frock - coat.

”in“ mastoor , veiled

,covered .

d i d or sa tafa , or tasa t

tafa ( colloqu ial) , h e took i t

easy .

M l or sita,or fat

anu s.

ég‘“ sajada , h e prostrated h imselfin prayer .

efiw sojood, adora tion , prostration in prayer .

3.3L? “ sajjdda , prayer - carpet,rug .

Ja b“ w masjid, pl. mascijt'


mosqu e, the word from wh ic h

osqu e is corrupted . [te lly

j ig -w

(European ) , cigar or cigarette .


w sijdra , pl. sajdyir

iiJsei ' i

f ?“ sajara (vulgari sm for

shajara ) , tree .

t i“; or Er

“ saja’

, or tasjeea’


rhy thm, fin e p rose cadence

sojooq (Turk ish ) , sau sage ;

slow matc h .

U L “ dc “ sijil, pl.

sc rollor rollof paper ; register,

arch iv es.

(xx -v sajjala, h e registered, 1n

scribed .

M tasjeel, registration ,scription ; registration of a

letter by post .

registered (per post,Th is word is vulgarly pro

noun ced musb’

gu r .

u ?” sujan a , h e impr isoned . [w k

“,r ,

—a“ “J 's“ sijn, pl. sajoan , prison ,


delen twn .



wt? » sajjdn, gaolmasjoon , pl. ma

sdjeen, imprison ed, a prisonerin gaol.

N “ saha ba , h e drew, dragged ;

drew a ch equ e .

Lgls“ i lk -N sahdba , pl. sahdb

cloud .

w tasa hhaba,h e w ith drew

h imself, was absen t h ad left

a pla c e .

Lil’s” W i ne adh ib el- bawdla,

drawer of a bill of exch ange .

M l istas- haba, h e fetc h ed,

w ish ed to fe tc h .

tr “ sahaja , h e excor ia ted .

cla w sihdj, a rawwound, exc oriation

Eff “ mas- baaj, excoriated, raw .

j“ sada r , vertigo .

J. . i sa reer

, pl. soror,bed


11“ suds, on e - sixth part stead,a fla t desert pla 1n

, n ot

(see sitta )sandy desert .

a . .fl u

fi ll) “ sormya , pl. sa ra r1y,scid is,th e sixth in order .

c on c ub1n e .

sadl, the hanging down of

anyth ing flexible (c u rta in , ve il,“H‘r

‘ sw a b. pl asrdb,

h a ir, cloak , rope, & c . ) pipe. drain , CODdUit.

gaddb’ th e h erb ru e .

sa raba tiy, c lean er of cesspools.

sa rlaja , simplicity .

gm“JP g“ su rra , n avel; hablsa raba , h e sl1pped away

, got

away .

el- sur ra,nav el- stu ng . a

grd ta sar raba

, (th e an imal)

1:sa 1ra , h e gladdened .

escaped, slipped away, tookor saroor

,or ma sarra , i ts course .

joy, deligh t sardb (Persian f) , mirage

masroor, gladden ed, glad . of desert .

masroor iya , gladn ess, a masrab, pa th , course, pas

being gladdened .turage .

j" sir (Persian ser ) , h ead, ch ief E)

“ sa rj, Pl 3 0 7 0 01) saddle,

of a gu ild, & c .h orse’s saddle .

JlJml sirr, pl. asrar , mystery, C ? » or saraja , or sarr aja ,

sec re t ; drinking a h ealth , a he saddled (th e h orse) .ttoa s l sa rr cij, saddler .


l w lasr ar , secr ets ; h a sh eesh orsoroo 1 saddler .

bang smok ed in secr et as be ingCf ? ” j y

forb idden , (if

sirdi (for Persian chi ragh) ,lamp, illumin ation .

jf u i lfiu i {fwd el-‘

asr ar,r evela

sa raha h e roamed wen t earlt1on of (profess1onal) secrets ; C)

“ y

to th e fields to work .

breach of c onfiden c e .


sa rraha , h e let free or loose

(c a ttle) , led to pastu re ; combedou t h is h a ir .



mel- asrar , concealeror k eeper of secrets

,a c onfi

den tial secretary .

Ol‘ tasreeh a ermit


f)“ si rr iy, confiden tial, secret . Ci

d ,

f f“ 1 P

pa ss, h een c e .

F mukhbir 8 1°

1r1y, secretinforman t, police spy, a detoo C}

sc reek, vagabond, pedlar .

sdrih,pen sive,absen t



soqa , or sawaga sa recha, aeriqa, theft.

pedlars mob .



a L“, 0

I o

f.ty .-l or sarad a , or asrada

,h e

U ) “ J) sa n g, Pl 8 0 7 7 0 9, th e

narra ted,set forth in order . J,” masrooq. 8130 1911

sirdcib (Persian ), vault, sorghi (Turk ish ) , a govern

sec ret passage . men t bill of exchange or orderOr

an (Persian ) , ch ief, for paymen t .

leader, petty ch i efta in in

Egypt, Commander in Ch ief

under th e Kh edive .

sarsaba (colloqu ial) , h esprinkled .

sarmad, eternal, very long .

sarw, or saroo, cypress- tree .

15331 sz'

rwcil (for Persianshalwdr ) , loose drawers

, pan

sara tan , crab , Can cer in th e taloons.

Zodiac ; disease of can c er .

ser ciya (for Persiansa ro

’a,he was in h aste, qu ick . palac e .

sara , h e travelled, it spread,

was in forc e .

sera’a t1la

, (Tu rk ish suflix ”3915 as” yasri’ale171, i t afl


ec ts

ila With ) Wlth h aste ; qu1ek h im,1s of effect aga inst h im,

sor a’a,haste

, qu ickn ess.

march lsa ree

’a, qu ick , speedy .

adr i, (a law) in force ; c on

sor a’

,re in s for a h orse . tagiou s (disease) .

afil asr a

’a,h e h astened ; was in siraya , con tagion , in fec tion .

id ) “

Claw or sa taba , or sa ttah a ,

h urried away, runn ing . h e spread ou t fla t,flattened .

sa th, pl. sotooh, fla t

runn ing away . su r flat roof, deck of sh ip .

5 3l 0 1' —3

f~ sa rafa , 0 1

asrafa , Gaga“ sa t-My, superficial, on th e

h e squandered . su rface .

L-l -u lisraf, extravaganc e . ort ’h w . mastooh, or m eat

u, “ mom


if, spendth r ift. fla ttened, flat .



w lord )

” saraqa , or istaraqa, emu 0 1’

(“ne w M i8 tdh . area, 8 111


h e stole . face th resh ing- floor .

5} q or a,» sar iga , or insa raqa , mosattah, note showing area

it was stolen . and limits of a piec e of


orA“ sa tara , or sa ttara , h e named after th e la te Said

ruled lin es, wrote ou t .

Pasha Of Egypt .

. . q

sa tr, pl. sotoor , line,

El)" “f 3“adet

,fellc lty 3


H is Excellency,s title of sec ond

scitoor,butch er ’s kn ife,

and th lrd class Pash as, and

h e er

also g1ven by courtesy to Beysg

c ppinferior to devlet, superior to

mosa ttar, ruled (paper) . ’1'



l masta r a , ruler .


,Tu rk ish form of

above title .

sata’a, (th e sun or moon )

sh one .

whey -h ’ l;iré lilAli-Db» . sa


n sa tl, h ash eeSh , lozenge Ofdetlu efendim, Tu rk ish title for

a th ird class Pash a, i . e . Liwa ,

brigadier, or civ ilmeeri -meerdn .

55 Q J‘UJ‘ "

relil 8 a


detlu efen dimhazretlem'

, Tu rk ishtitle for a secon d class Pash a,i . a. a Paresg, gen eral of di vi

sugar and Opium.

wu l i i iJh u lostowdna , pl. M d

teen (Persian ; fromGreek stoa )cylinder , column .


sa id,h e attack ed, in

vaded yasti, h e attac k s.

sion , or Roumeli Beglerbey .

satwa,invasion , attack . “L, sa

’ad a , h e assisted .

sa te, a ttack , burglary,b rigand mosda ’da , h elp, goodwill,age . favour .

sdti, pl. sotdt, brigand,“l “l” 8“yid, Pl sawa


burglar .

fore ' arm.

91: ,

l masti ’al0171, victim of

masa ’ood,h appy

,lucky .

atta ck . [for maeteo, Ju l

J' “ PL asa

’a r, fixed



)a,“ sa

’a , capac ity, width prlc e, legal tar1fl


,rate .

(see wagga’a ) . J

aw so’r,in tensity, rabies.

sa’tar , h erb thyme, penny ml) “ mad (dog . ) [M 5


f, palm- leaf or branch .

Am sa’d, good for tun e, h elp from

God .

an .» sa’fa ,ulc er on the head .


,fortunate ; a man ’

s sd’afa , h e came to th e

n ame . rescue .

um lasa’d,more fortunate . a w lisi ’df, a id, rescue, relief.

c g) ; Bart Sa’

eed,Port Sa id, so

61, c ough .

124 1

soqoot, fall, lapse (of a right) .

ha“ !asqa ta , h e made fall, th rew

down, annulled , transferred a

righ t,disc oun ted c aused abortion ; deducted .

a causing abortion,th rowing down , discoun t, transfer

,annulling, deduction , sub

traction .


saqqcita , pl. saqdqeet,

door - latch .

h im masqa t, place of falling,

place Mu scat .

gull mosqa t ile ih , tran sferred

or ceded to him; “con cessiona ire.

saqf, pl. soqoof,ceiling, roof.

saqeefa , roof, roofing.


aaqqafa, h e roofed h e clapped,applauded .

W tasqecfa , pl. tasti

geef, general repairs of houses,roofing.

( J ’lml d i a l usquf, pl. asdqif,bishop, ep iscop os.

saqam, p1. asqcim,disease .

8 a eem,ill.

e.“ 9

or saga , or saqqa , be

wa tered ; gave to drink .

L,ila l asga , h e watered (land, or

c attle ) .

sciqi, pl. sot , cup

bearer .

stiqiya , pl. sa

wdqi, (femin . ) c up - bearer, water

wh eel.

infi ll saqiyat el- gha it, wa ter

ing a field .


saqqci, wa ter - carrier of

a qirba , or goa tskin of wa ter on

h is back .

UEL l istaqa , h e drew water .

oli ufi u l istiaqci, dropsy .

tasqeeya , irrigation .

mist , smallcanal, artific ialrivulet .

q ,lii.m masqciwi, land irriga ted bya sciqiya , or wa ter

- wheel.a

sa kka , h e slammed,hi t hard


barred ; sh ut.


d i n. sikka , pl. sikek,road .


sikka t el- hadeed,ra il


sikka , pl. sikek,

coin ed mon ey .

maskookdt, coined money .

CU,“ maskook, sh u t (door ) .

v i . » sa kaba, he poured, foundedmetal.

“ ( n ailinsa kaba , i t was pou red .

Ch i -n sakata , h e ceased talk ing,

became silen t .


sakka ta , h e silenced ( euoth er ) .

solroot, silence, reticence .

sakit, silent, reticen t .

“i n

W i akta mukhkhiya , apo

plexy, brain stoppage .

sokat (vulgarism for sebaat) ,silen c e .

sokr,drunk enn ess.

gel/<1“ dr unk , in toxicated .


Sawakin, Suakin , a port onthe west c oast of th e Red Sea .

wile-M maskan, pl. masti

kin , dwelling- plac e .

sa kira , or sik iya,h e got a )

“ maskoon, inh ab ited, or in

dr unk .

Jfiu la ska ra , h e made drunk , gaveliqu or .

c abi n“ muskirdt, intoxicatingliquors.

sakka ra (in Syria ) , be sh u t a


door .

w kka r, sugar .


Jim w qasab sukka r, sugar

cane .



Jug/( 3


ta kreer es- sukkar, refin

i ng of sugar .



l sukkariy, d iabetes.

gJKJ or sakkdf, or iskdfi ,

cobbler .

”Es“, sa kan a , he k ept qui et, dwelt.

UL“ sakhana , h e pacified, settled

a colony .

orUL. sakan

,or eukna ,

dwelling- place .

sokoon , rest, state of rest ;

the mark over a consonan tshowing th at th e conson ant isat re st, and not followed by a


sdkin, pl. sukkdn,

dweller , inh ab i tan t ; a con son an t marked with the sokoon .

sukkdn, tiller, rudder .

h ab itable .

Z.1L.“ maskana , wretchedness,pen ury .

until.“ wh o musheen , pl. ma

sakeen , wretched, pauper, meega in .

UR. sikkeen, pl. sakd

keen, kn ife .

m sakakeen iy, kn ife-mak er,

cutler .


salla , h e un sh eath ed .

c all, an un sh ea th ing.

Jib . or J. .m, or 811161, ph th isis,consumption .

Jim. 31111, pl. sildl, basket.

sulala, posteri ty .

JJL.“ maslool, un sh eath ed ; c on

sumptive .

misalla , awl, bodkin obelisk,e .g. Cleop


’s needle .

clarified b utter for cooking .

u » : salaba , he pillaged, stripped .

salb, pillage, nudity nega

tive answer .

M a ll; Ha l‘

s - l ayaba bis- salb, h e

answered in th e negative .

9 11ml istalaba , h e

seized .



salaba,th e bucket- rope of a

well; rope .

s—JJLnlu sloob, pl. asa

leeb, pa th , meth od .


rs“saljam, or shalgham,

tu rmp .

slew pl. aslih a , arm,

weapon .


ya , flre a rms.

dd s . Inimil as - silcik, carrying arms, armed .

sallaha , be armed,gave arms to .

tasalla h a , h e armed himself .

th i s or mmallah, or muta

sallih, armed .

Jlda L“ silihddr (Persian ) , a rmed

a ttendan t.

was )“ solhafa (pronounced zihlifa )tor toise .

sala kka,h e skinned, stripped .

salkh , th e ca st-


sk in , th e

peeled sk in ; the end of th e

mon th .

or Lila -L“ salkh khana

(Persian ) , sla ugh ter- h ou se,

wh ere dead an imals are skinn ed .


ab rasion .

U'J‘“ salis, easy, gen tle, su ave .

salcisa , suavity, fac ili ty of

expressi on .

M salsabeel,th e foun tain of

Paradise .

salsala, he formed a ch ain ,

a raw wound,

M tasaIsala,it formed a

series, ran on in a series or

consec u tive n umbers.

si lsila , pl. salasil,

ch a in, series, zigzag, dyn asty ;bracelets.

M mu tasalsil,in seri es.

15.3.4 : l mosalsal bil- hadeed,

(a pr ison er) in ch a in s ; ch ained

c onsecu tive,

salu ta , h e was imperious.

salla ta , h e forced, urged, in

cited .

tasa llata,h e lorded it

, was

domin eeri ng .

ulah J tasaltan a , h e became ruler

or Sultan .

or outta , or saltana ,

power, empire

,tyranny .

Elk s sulta mu tlaqa ,absolu te,

or disc retionary power .


s embroideredjacket.

sultan , pl. saldteen

domin ion , power, proof. Hen cesec ondarymean ing, power

ful,Sultan , Sultan a .

Sultan Sedeem, Sultan


i dol; t ma Sultan , Sultana

Fatima .

Cf illnlu Sultdn iy, imper ial.


public h ighway, the

ta reeq sultam'

y, th e




rm istalama, h e rece ived, took salwa , consola tion .

over .

istildm,rec eipt, 8. taking

over .

a slama , h e surrendered to

God, b ec ame Moslem.

ri a l islam

, submission to God ;

salwa , qua il, small bird

3 6


row or

ru n samma , Ol


sammama ,

h e poisoned .

(9M Fw samm,pl. samoam, poison .

Islam, the religion taugh t by pi “

f)“ samoam, Pl c amirim

a h ot deadly wind,Mah omed .

W oru’

Alu -uo Aw e MW l'im,

pl. Muslimoon , or Muslimeen ,

h e who h as submi tted to God,

a Moslem,Mussulman , Ma

“hemedan .

mnsallim, surrender ing,

agreeing, yielding .

rLJ . mu tasallim, responsible, a

receiver of a tru st ; local governor .

S111eimdn , Solomon .

w ‘“ suleimdniy, sublimate,

qu in tessence .

Jr -


kolml Isldmbol, a

Turk ish corruption of Istdn bol,


yam! Ishimboliy,

Arabic adjective for Istdnboh'


Constan tinopolitan ; applied to

Tu rkish tobacco and to Stam

bouline” coats.

saldmoniya , small crook edstick .


salla , h e amu sed, con soled .


ta sulla , h e amused h imself,con soled h imself.

la s/zjya, amusing anothe? )


m1 or sammor W c am°



rm tasammama , h e poison edh imself, became poisoned .

J R .

rm ma sdmm

, pl. ma

samma t, pore of sk in .

M samt, direction , loc ality,address, conduc t.

M les- samt, azimu th .

w ljllM » samt er- rds, Zen i th ,

poin t overh ead .

or M “ sameet,

bisc u i t made in rings ;

of flour, semolin a .

cri spa sort


Cu . samah a or samah a ,

h e pardon ed .

Isimcih, forgiveness, pardon .

caud a listasmaha , h e ask edpardon


sumra , brown colou r .

simcikh , in terior of ear,

ell» . . .

JAan lasmar, (femin . ) samra,

brown .

samar , fine reeds or rush es

used for ma tting .

6h e named .

1h“ 0

i tal.“

Jlm misnui r, pl. masti

meer,na il

, peg .

sama r, n igh t talk .

sdma ra , h e conversed c onfi

den tially a t n igh t w ith .

fl“ or sd111ir, or sameer, th e

h igh est title of th e GrandVizier ,applied to h im by th e Sultan

as h is c onfiden tial friend and

sh arer of h is an xious night

thoughts for th e sa fety of th e

Empire .

sammoor, marten’s fur .

samsa ra , br’

okerage (Italian

senser ia )

Eff J

'w simsti r, pl. sama


simsim, se same, millet .


ra , b roker .

sami’a ,h e h eard, listened .

tah l istamn ’a , h e listened .

or sama ’, or sama a,

h ea r ing, sense of h earing .

t‘ i‘“ sdmia ’, pl. sdmia ’oon ,

listen er, au dienc e .

sommdq, porphyry, sumach .

samh, th ickness, solidi ty .

samec h, th ick , solid .

fi led samak, pl. asmah

fish .


samma h, fish erman , fish

monger .

s’JlAa ll h alqat cl- asmcik, fish

marke t.

or sama h' cit, or

sow/0 .4117, orn amen ts,trinkets.


c )“ samn , fatness, lard, butter .

[111samcin a , fa tn ess calf of leg

qua il.

elf“ samec a , fat, stou t.

”at“; tasamma na

,h e grew fat.

7“ 8 0 1110 0

, eleva tion , h ighness,

gel-m 8 12m majestic .

samd, pl. samawat,sky, h eavens.

samdwiy, celestial.somoo, a n aming .


u“ samma , h e named, gave a

n ame to .

tasmiya , nomenclatu re,giving a n ame .

Ju ng. yosma , h e is n amed ; by

n ame .

galw l ’l. 4 u~ l

rea l£8 711, p1. (18 11115,

or asami,name .

Allrate? B ism illah in the name of

GIAges“rw lg bi - ism eI- Khede'

wiy, in

th e Kh edive’s name .

0 M mosamma , n amed , by name .


[f u ll

cf“ sa u n a , he sharpened .


sannan,kn ife -

gri nder .

Jr“ misa n n, grindstone .

gut-“l Jr » p1. asndn

tooth age apex, pointpowdered c h arcoal inferiorflour .

sin na , poin t ,


M 15.»

M l ii!” sin n el-feel, eleph an t’stooth , ivory . [



proof,title - deed, vou c h er, docu

men t, b ill of exc hange .

hadces as- sin n , young dbl awr ciq wa “W ad i“.in age,


uale t

’ana fis- sinn , h e

was advan ced in age, was an

old man .

d!“ sinn er- rushd, majority,

age of discretion . [Mmosinn, old

,aged .

son n a , pl. sonan , Moslemcu stom based on sacred tra

dition .

masn oon, cu stomary, orderedby son na .

san a ibra , necklace .

sa nbook, pl. sand

beck, dh ow , sailing- boat of th e

Red Sea , 810 .

sonbola , p1. sandbil,

ear of c orn ; Virgo, in th e Zodia c .

sa n ti (Fren ch ) , centimetre .

si njab1'

y, grey,like squ irrel’


sa njaq (Turk ish ) , banner ,provin c e . [p l’i

sinja (for Tu rkishsoongyoo) , bayonet .

(L. sinja , pl. sin aj, sh opweigh ts.

siukh, pl. asn cikh,

root, alvéole .

so u nd, pl. as‘n cid

, sup

POI' t. p r ep p r oof.

sa lami, p i . c an adcit.

papers and doc umen ts.

sa nada , h e supported, h elped .

asn ada , he made lean upon ,propped up ; impu ted an offenceagainst.

Aniba l Oliml isnad , pl. asci necd,

argumen t in support of a plea .

U1: M listanada ’

ala,h e relied

upon,based h is a rgumen t upon .

mull .“ musta n ad dt, b ases, or

argumen ts in proof.musnad, rest for arm, seat

th rone .

sandara , garre t, a ttic .

or sinddn , or sinddl,


wlgAiw n nd iytin , oak ,

sin n cira , fish - hook , fish ing3

tackle . [or iiJlLo

lake or sant, aca cia , mimosan ilotic a acan th us ; wa rt .

:5; M or sa nka r iy, tinker,

maker of tin - pots.

gensc .


sandma, c amel’s h ump .

effor - i i w sa na .

pl. sanawcit or sinoon , or sin c vn ,

year .

sa na ta in ,two years.


W 111;

t» ;

uw tah it


arbo.’khams, sitt, saba

,tamcin i



,sin eea ,


d ? ) 132U T

or rayzl saw (or tasweeda , a rough draft,

sa iy) , a bad man . memo .

siycida ,chiefdom

,a title of ”or “

maswada , rough draft,memo .

respect .

jl’w l soar, pl. aswar

,wall of

Ag. » sayyl'

d, pl. sadat, a town,a boundary wall, garden

descendan t of th e Proph et, wall. Db ?aristoc l-a t, lord, ch ief ; master , tasawwara , h e c limbed overSir ; the

“Cid of Spa in .

a wall.

“k “ seed, vulgarism for “WE/iiJldgnjp tasawwur el-jidar, os


da (sh ortened in to calade,” a Frenc h legal term

sitt) , lady, Mrs.

for a form of bu rglary .

j 3 Sag/311°

da Zaz'

n ab,Sooriya , Syria , Sham. [


“Lady Za inab


”t h e daugh ter j )

“ i f » 8 0m, pl sowar. rank


of Khozaima , and w ife of th e series, sign fromh eaven ; chapterProph et, by reason of h er c hari of th e Koran .

ties called th e Moth er of th e

”LA si 'wcir, pl. a sdwz’


Poor 5 a mosque and di stri ct bracelet, bangle ; lin en c uff.

of Ca iro named after her .

935“ sawari (Persian ) , cavalry

rfi dtgm siycidetkom, your also a capta in of a man - of- war .

excellen cy. your chiefta inship ; fin

” soordkhi (Persian ) ,decan ter,distingu ish th is from sa


kom l' '

t 11Jug .

your fe m y’ ex c e en cy .

{ vi}: or sawdreekh , fire

é lr . sawdd,blackness ; a black

worksshape, shadow .

«1msiyasa , th e art of govern ingarml aswad, or “Md: a na tion, or a h orse ; diplomacy,

(femin . ) soda, black , da rk blue . statesman sh ip ,

seed, black men or th ings. scisa,h e governed, con trolled .

soda, black b ile, melan c holy .

M i?“ UJL. sag/is, p1. sow wds


Soodcin, the blacks, black groom,runn ing footman .

men , Soudan . é otéu siydsiy, diploma tic , cunn ing,M i) dahaba soodu

m, i t went sh rewd .

rrong, was futile, in vain . L LAL


Jl g.,-v1. 3) a rbab es- s

'iycisa ,

samwada,h e scribbled

, sta tesmen, diploma ts.

wr o te a r o ag b d raft; blacken ed ; Uta-gm U T

“ 8 0 0 8 , pl. seescin ,é flyy rld d

, b e ma de a clean c opy worm,ring

-worm,cari es Q t

fl ow th e r o ug h dra ft, wh i ten ed . rottenn ess .

er r133

v.91)! J} : or

U )” 8 0 0 8


’i rq

es- soos (c orrupted from th e

Greek ) , liquoric e - wa ter, a fa

vou r i to summer dr ink .

Ju d { asawwasa

,i tb ec ame rotten ,

worm- ea ten .


U )“ mosawwas, worm- ea ten .

W )“ soosa n , lily, wh i te lotu s,

nymp haea .

e lEs- Sowayis, Suez .


t,wl1ip , flogging . [c f. “U f a

sawdgh , lawfuln ess, fi tn ess.

U1?scigba , it was lawful.

yasoogh la ho,h e h a s th e

righ t, it i s lawful to h im.

sag/19h , law ful, proper .

séf, afterwa rds, la ter on,in

th e fu tu re .

mastifa , spa c e of time,dis

tan c e, in terval.

Js jBa ].r Saaf, Biblic al n ame

for th e Red Sea .

s iyfiq, c ou rse, drivi ng ; c on

text of words.


ycit ,c ondu its

,dra in age .

saga , h e drove, pushedon ; yasooq, h e dr ives.


sooq (u npera ti ve) , drlv e on !

be q u ic k

all or sdyiq, or sawway,

dr iv er , drov er .

stig, pl. seeqcin

leg, sh ank , stalk .

0 0 07, pl. aswaq,mark et,bazaa r .

sowa iqa , small bazaar, fa ir ;

lan e .

soqa , or sawaga , commonpeople, mob .

soqa sa rosha , pedlars,vagabonds, mob .


maswaqa , stick for drivingca ttle ; c udgel.

siwa k, a pick ing of th e

teeth , a s a religiou s clean singof th e mou th ; tooth - pick .

or calm, or saw walm,h e clean ed h is teeth .

Q ij u

miswdk, tooth - brush , toothsti ck .

sawak, edges or sides of c ut

stone .

Soh aj ,

the Nile in Upper Egypt, inth e prov in c e of Gi rgti .

a town on

l' M or seemya , or seem,

magi c , c onju r ing .

secmd, fac e, physiognomy .

557” sawi a , i t was wor th , equ alled .

d rag. yaswa , it is worth , equ als.

sawwa,he made equal, settled

a debt or cla im,did


plish ed, smooth ed .

“ANS or sawa , or tasawa , i t

was equ al to .

h”ita lfatawa , it was ripe, properlycooked, smooth , flat, equal.

fi lji w l istiwci , ripen ess, equali ty .



i w ll h'

s. kha ft el- istiwd, line of

th e equa tor .

ta suzi130 . eqn sk'

n a ixun‘

Q‘N ‘l

xl,l.uw mosdwtif

, equality .

mistiw i,

r ipe , smooth ,cook ed of common gender .

a fit‘d “ or

6, i mosdw i, or mu ta

ciwi, mu tually equal.

or siwa, or sawd

, equality,

e qu al oth er ; e ith er—or ; bothand ; exc ept, same .

sawd sa ted, togeth er ,w i th on e anoth er ; th e same,equ aL


ya , equ ality, totali ty .

cf“ scea

,equal, similar .

h im ? or hi -

sc cama noth ingis equal to i t,

”i . e . prin c ipally,

espec ially .

w sa ib,a flowing, be ing left

free to move .

sriba , it flowed, wandered,advanc ed .

sayya ba , h e let go, left

alon e .

seebeh, or sayyiboh (impera

tive ) , let i t go n ev er mind !


b,free, at large .

secja , a native game like

draugh ts.

siydj, h edge .

sa il) , a flowing, melting of

bu tter,


h e roamed, travelled .

12>Lew .wjyll'

é a, tra vel.


12 0 melted (th e


scika , (th e b utter) melted ;

a w a


h, melted (bu tter) .


(L2. sag/yak, or sawwdh

traveller, tou rist.

misytih , melting -


masdha , dimen sion s,

su rvey, area (see also musah a ) .

If“ sm


r, pl. soyoor, pro

c edu re, course, voyage , strap,c ord .

If“ scorn

, pl. sc’

ya r, c ourse

conduc t, morals.

Q M l or M l hasa n cc

seera , or es- solook, a man of

good conduct or beh aviou r .

M stira , h e proc eeded ;yasser, h e proce eds.

sayya ra , h e sen t, made pro

c eed ; took ou t a h orse for

exerc ise .

M tasyeer, a send ing, mission .


i lo. sciyir, h e wh o proc eeds other,rema inder, rest, all.

a a

999“ 19”

yam,wan derer, planet .


n o tasayya ra , h e reli eved n atu re .

W orfilm masec r, or ma scara


distan c e, course ; mode of life .

w lj jh all

I f“muaoer eI- qotoordt,

tra in - servic e railway gu ide

book .

w fiu 8 0 88 10

,pony .

sa lf, pl. sag/oof,sword . [c f. u gh-c awf, summer .

M lllg

z l 0 1‘ h—a-“b u ulld o» . 8 0”ex

sa if, or {sh- li ft? se- suij, a . 6mm

ing or un sh eath ing th e av:ore

sayycir, (femin . ) say

it: sh tia,sh eep

,an imal.

8L: shdh (Persian ) , Sh ah , King . ( ilcdna (Persian ) ,


get: sham, silk stu ff .

c”pm. sha heen (Persian ) , falcon .

6a [ a a a

shaweeslu ya (for Turk ish C’lé '

wash ) , sergean t.

shdwecsh, pl.

gi ve shabb,alum.

CL: shabba, ( th e h orse ) reared


lad ; young of c attle .

slu ibb, pl. shobbdn ,

Juli . shabba, pl. shawdbb,

girl; young of ca ttle .

or sha bdb, or sha

boobig/a , you thfuln ess.

9 M shibsh ib, woman’s slipper .

or sh a basa , or c om

mouly ta shabbasa , h e stuck to ;set about

,undertook .

fir. sh ibr

,span of h and .

shdboora,morn ing mist, fog .

List. S’lOObWt (Coptic) , place , vil

lage ; a sub urb of Ca iro .

sha briya , camel- litter, c acolet.g ala

/ltd . slmbri rrisdt (for Persian

th ings orde red, debiteu r o 1111ts .


glut: shdlu im


y (Arab ic adje c tiveformed from sluihdna ) , royal




Feb ru ary .

Syrian mon th of

sh aba’

, sa tiety .

gts !askea ’

,h e sa tia ted anoth er .

alg a: shaba


,sa tiated , c loyed

[c f .


sha booq (for Turk ish Ch ibmk) ’pipe, tube , rod .

shabaq, lewdness.

Gu i: shabbaka,h e in te rtw ined,

plic a ted .

shabaka, n et, n etwork


tanglemen t .

cams a i r

. shubbdk, pl. sha

bdbeek, window ; gr idiron .

la mashabik, a press, vic e


shibl, li on’s c ub ;

bli, species of c loth .

M shebeen (Coptic ) , plac e,village .

th e capitalof th e Menoofiya pro

vin c e in Lower Egypt.

39h?“ or sh ibh, or moshdbaha

resemblan ce .

Q'J. or a


. shaba ha , or sbdbaha

it resembled .

yishbih , it resembles.

si t sh a hbaba , be lik ened to, c om

pared to .

a ll?“ or b ut. shubeck, ormoshdbih ,

like, similar .

cu ter; shubha, pl. shubuhdt,

doub t , su spid on .

14 > hasa 'ra shubhatoh, h e

suspected .


n !1'

sMaba ha fi ,h e doub ted


suspected .

15t ishtibtih, doubt, suspicion .

mushta b'ih, suspicious or

obsc ure (affair) .i s

:sh a tt, dispersion , separation .

sha tta ta , h e dispersed .


g ., sha teet, pl. sha tta ,

diverse, sundry .

dual? hawddz'

s sha tta , mis

c ellan eous n ews.


sha tl, a plan t.

rmsha tama, h e insulted.

[sa w aft» .

(12. sha tm

,an in sulting .

- 3u l2. skatc ema , pl. sha tdy~im


an insult.

f” lor shotoom, or ashtoom,

gap, entran c e between the sea

an d a lagoon .

v3.2. sh itd

, pl. shotiy, win ter

ra in,ra iny season .


w as shz’

tiu iy, win try, win ter crop .

,l sh a tta (c olloqu ial) , it ra ined .

shajja , he wounded, fractured,spli t open .


Or zl sh ajar (vulgarly pronou n c ed sugar) pl. a shjdr , tree .

shajar a (saga ra ) , a tree .


shajja ra (sagga ra ) h e grafted .

ftfi or fl

u; shdjar a , or tashd

jara , h e quarre]led, had a“row


,moshaj a ra , quarrel, brawl,

row .

35e shajda’a , courage, bravery .

6 a

5“ shajya a

, h e encouraged .




-3 or shajeea’

, or


, pl. sh ijda’

,brave .

M or M3

shaha ta , or shahada ,

h e b egged for alms.

3313 3 shihata,mendicity ; a man’s

name .


shahhdt, stree t- beggar .

”r ,"


shahm, pl. shohoom,

grease, tallow,fat ; pulp .

ram-5 shaheem,

fa t, plump .

Us ; sha hana , be loaded, put incargo .

so. A A

wUs“ or shahn, or shohna ,

cargo, load , burth en .

mash - boon ,laden .

La b’s ?“ mash - hoon cit, c argo .

w fif‘k ‘ll sa nad el ma sh

hoondt, b ill of lading .

wh y:

or shahn a, or shibtin,

a quarrelling .

w hit shahana , h e quarrelled with ,

h a ted .

“Ashakhkha ,

h e relieved n ature .


' f' sh ikhdkh, fmc es, ur ine .

W shukh - sha ikh a , skyligh tfor ligh ting th e central cou r tor well of stai rs in a house .

shakhsa n, personally .


ga e " shakhszy, personal, indi


M sha khsiya , individuality,iden tity ; medical diagnosis.

M JlP l a hwcil shakhsiya ,“Statut personn el,

” Moslemlawof marr iage, succ essions, 8m.

w k“to? )wada

’ashkhés, imper

sonation .

shakhkhasa ,he iden tified,

personated, a ttr ibu ted to a

particular person, acted (on th estage) .

5 .

“an “ tashkhees,iden tification

drama .

lai n» shakhata , he repelled, expelledin anger

shadda ,h e t1gh toned,1n ten s1fied

shaddada , h e intensified ,

aggravated .

ishtadda , h e or i t becameinten se , fi rm, tigh t, veh emen t .

shidda , tigh tness, severi ty,in ten sity .


severe .

3. 2. la shadd, more inten se, tigh ter,severer .

a w tashdced, in tensific ation ;

reduplic a tion of a letter ; the

mark a ove r a letter .

shddo of, lever an d bu c ket

appara tus for raising wa ter for

M e d i ci/5th e man who works660 aé ti a 'oq/Z


in tense, tigh t,

( rt

sh idq, jowl, corner of mou th .

Jew. sh idiydq, (Syrian ) priest.sha zrdt, sparkling a toms

of ore,

scattered b eads, mis

c ellan ea .

. c,


or sharr,or sherra


wickedn ess, enmi ty .

fi ‘ “ i f:

”wick ed, h ostile .

sharcer, pl. ashra r


$n sha rrdn iy, w ick ed, naugh ty .

sha ra'


a,spark .

sha rra, a dripped, dr ibbledou t.


fl. shu rb, or shirb, a drink ing .

shorba , a drink,draugh t,

potion,sh erbet.

skorba (Persian ,chorba ) ,

soup .


.lJ“: sha rab, pl. a shr iba ,

liquor, wine , syrup .

sha r iba (shir iba ), h e drank ;inhaled toba c co .

ugft l a shruba , h e made drink

h e accused .



shdrib, pl. shawdr'ib

moustach es.

mash ra b, source, temperament, disposi tion .

mush roobcit, drinkables


23. '

h b 1or mas 1a a, or mu s .

rabiya , a c orruption of mush

nj‘iya , a projecting window . ut], anu s cr eame


, pl. shoroa’

,shorooq, su nrise .

sha raga , th e sun rose .

9l or 351

2. or sh araf, or Jf lash raqa , th e sun sh one .

shwfa , or sharafa , h on our, 1 .sha raqiy, la nd exposed to

nobleness of c harac ter, nob ility .

Nffi e sun (with out water) ; land

n ot naturally watered by inun

pl. shu rafci, or ashrdf, noble,

dation of Nile, but requiring

aristocrat, desc endan t of th e artificial irrigation .

proph et ; honourable, honest. 331

2. sh irciqa , female slave or c on

Jajill sharaf el- qamar , full cub ine given in marr iage as a

n ess of moon . presen t by h er master to one

sha rr afa ’ h e ennobled,

of h is courtiers or dependents.

sh owed or did h onour to . JlJmltshr aq, k indling wood, smallpieces of r esinous wood .

L3J 3“ mashriq, place of sunrise ,

th e East .

sha rraqa (colloqu ial) , h e

wen t eastward, to Syr ia .



sh irk,assoc iation


tashreeflit, court ceremon ies


tashreefcitji (Turk ish ) ,a in , Master of

th e Ceremonies.


“18 710 " “fa , h e felt, or was, or farmingwith sh are of profi ts;h onoured . idolatry .

ulfz‘ (femin . ) shurfa , 39


. or i f1

2. sh irka , or she rika , or

nobler .

shardka , partnersh ip, bu siness,a shrafa, i t was eminen t, company, a ssociation .

prominen t.

w h im351


. sh irka et- taddmun,mush rzf, imminent, pro Societe


en nom collecti

. c

jec tlng .

i f1

2. sh irka mosdhama ,joint

mushr ifiya , a projec stock Co . ;“Soc iété anonyme .

window,mushra biya .

Q ajfi l shirka et- tawsiya ,

by ! “Alt““3 bind mushr if “

c omma ndite,”sleepingpartn e

’ala es- soqoot, edific e th reaten sh ip .

ing to fall Q): sharak, n et, sn are .

sharq, sun rise, th e east . ,KJ


sha reek, pl. sha ra ka


‘“ Sha rqzy,Eastern , (Sara c en ? ) partner, accomplice .

Vi v/29 j

a Sha rgig/a , th e eastern ail .M a - lAhmed wa shu ra h cih,

p r o vi n c e of th e D elta, of wh ich Ahmed and Co .,Ahmed and

141 W 2

GA.» shora ik (Turk ish chooreh) , mushtara , ac t of purc hase ;pastry, cake . purch ased .

a shra ka , h e took as partn er ;elk a

b): sha rycin, pl. shard

h e a c c u sed (8 110 1311910 Of being geen , artery .

1118 am mPh c e ’

shoda liya (c olloqu ial) , qu ard i a lor shdra ha

,0 1


shta relsome, rowdy fellows.

r a ka,h e wen t sh aresor par tn ers.

sha tt, p1. shotoot, sh ore,was an acc omplic e .

bank coastOawl or moshdraka , or

bub lft r

ule“shdti , pl. shawdti ,

ishtirdk,pa rtn ersh ip, c omplic ity .

sh ore bank coast [J' lw1 l

3“a. 3 A h

’ ‘


or mos ar l or

M B: sha taba,h e ran h ls pen

mushta r lk, partn er, a c c ompllc e .

through , crossed ou t, can celled .

mushrzk, 1dola tor ; acc u ser .

l sha tb,a cancelling, crossing

ff“ sha rama

,he tore open

,c u t, out .

2aka taka

,h e wander ed as a

( 212


sha rm, pl. shoroom, vagabond .

creek , inlet, gulf ; a cleft ; an


sha tr, pl. shotoor, half,open ing in a coral- reef.



par t side

sha rma ta,h e tore .

3)t shutara , clevern ess, skill.a


lbw. shdtir, pl. shottdr ,

clever, cunning .

lay i n mosha rma t, torn .

sha rmoota, pl.

sha rdmeet, rag, tatter whore .

7 t P‘

eu me of“be sha rdha

. glu ttony, craving,“M W erst ga

lu st .

ole/1° sha rhdn , glutton , lu stful, “he shutfa, th a t of di n t- lock

eagermu sket.

was ”th y: sha itcin , pl. sha

ydteen, Sa tan , devil; a c unn ing,

deep rogue .


ya , tibia, large bone of

leg .

and b uyi ng ; trade .

at”: pl. sh i


,ray Of

ligh t ; bars or trellis over a

up !1'

shta ra , h e bough t. door .

planet w she’ll, c on k

e rs-AmKen Q weak s

Jup i ter .

Jl, sharwcil (Persian ,shalwci r)

loose drawers or pyjlima s.



sh l'

rli , a buying, purc h ase .

f l):


’wa sh ird, selling

sh lir i,pu rc h aser .


uju t. w sha

’b, pl. sho

’- aob,

people, tribe .

w i n : sho’aba , pl.


,bron ch -


az; sho’


biy, bronch ial of bronch itis.


, eigh th month of

Moslem year . [c f wsha

’r, pl. sho

’- oor, h a ir .

Jaw shia

’ra , small h a i r, down .

Jamal a sha

’r,h airy, long h aired on

th e h ead .

Saba: sha’rcim


y, hairy of body .

ma shu ’rdm'

y, h a iry,sh aggy .

fi gh t

. sha’dr l


y, oflic ial term for

goats, sh eep & c . an imals with

h a ir or wool.

In .» sha

’lyaer , barley .

sha’lyc cr lya , vermicelli .



yec ra , pl. sha.’dyl



religious r ite .

Ju l j

ut. sh i’a r

, pl. a sha’dr,

knowledge ; poetry .

vol wa

ll ls» la ita.

shi’ar i hazd cd - dunyti Ii


would th a t I kn ew to whomth is world (belongs) 1

f l; slui’


r, pl. sho

’a rci




sin ra, Sir ius, Dog Star .

”a t. sho’-

oor,in telligence, faculty

of mind .

Jfl l uh “ mukllta ll rsh - sho’mor,

d era ng ed in min d, insane . [db6


31m57 7, h e k n e w, p erc e i ved .

551: Ju l

ul L. md yasha

’r 5116. an ,

h e does not know except th at ;before h e kn ew (wh ere h e was)i t h appen ed suddenly th a t .

fai la sha

’m,h e in formed .

“Ju l ishi

’ar, an informing, in

formation .

M l istasha’ra

,h e inqu ired, if,

dawned upon h im,h e perceived .

[cf. dis-

k l

M lor M sha’la

,or ishta

’la ,

it blazed, flamed .

M l a sha’la

,h e ligh ted, set on

fi re .

M shea’la

, torch .

M misha ’l, pl.

mashd’yil, torch , brazier .

u y'

L-z sha’dn cen, branches Palm

Sunday .

jut; shighdr, marr iage by c om

pensation,” wh ere two men

exch ange sisters or daugh ters

in marriage .

Jet: sh cigllir, camel pack - saddle .

shagha rtiya , attendants of

a singer .

shaghaf, vehemen t passionof love .

J'fi l dad; aboghI, pl. a shghdl,

work , labou r .

dua l ashgh lil o

’moomiya ,

public wo rk s.

DUI. Jfi l a shghdl shtiqqa, pen al


sh aqdaf, camel li tter,

cac olet .

b e“


Jt shdkir

, or shakoor ,

th ank ful.

jun W shogra , r edn ess of shakshooka , coquette, loose

h a ir ; a shqa r, red ha ired,roan .

M or shaqfa , or shaqeqfa ,b i t

,morsel coarse salt, n itre .

V 133 shaqlaba , h e upset. [xv -l?

aw shaqla bdn , ch angeable .

or shaqci , or shaqciwa ,

wickedn ess ; n a ugh tiness (in

Turk ish ) a jok e, ch a ff..Ow l Li


. shaqiy, pl. a shgiyd,

wretch , wick ed, brigand, ou t

law .

.fiW l Li mb- 3 » hardmiya wa

a shqiyci , robb ers, brigands,

ou tlaws.

a,“ c l; allakh

, pl. shokook,

doubt, suspi c ion .

Gi g ?» “nan bidoon shekk, un

doub tedly, of course .


95w shah/ca fi ,

h e doubted .

or am:sham, or shdkk,

h e who doubts, hesi tates.

lei } w shu ku k, on c redi t ;

n aqd cin , for c ash .

L’JJL?“ mashkook, doub ted, doub tful (a ffair) .

E’Q ' shakooj (for Tu rk ishh ammer .



J orIL: shaka ra , or tasha kkara ,

b e th ank ed .

j )“

,CJ elm/cf

, pl. shakoor,th a n k s.

woman .

JKz l J.“shekl, pl. ashkdl, shape,form, figure, sort . u .


lays) .

shekldn, formally,

techn ic ally, on a poin t of law,

(as apart from mawdoo’a' n,on

th e mer its of the case ) “it

la forms,”

and not“cmfond .

GK}: shikeh'

y, qu arrelsome, touchy .


sha kkala , h e fash ioned,organ ised, composed


M tashkeel, composition, or

gan isation .


M tashakkala , i t took form,

was c omposed of.

dml 1'

shta kala ,

guou s.

mushkll, diffi cult, complex .

JKQ sh ikél, foot- rope, teth er .

ri d akukuma , h e slapped , flipped .

WM sha kmaj za (for Turk ish

chekmcjé) , c h est of drawers.



3 ort,(M‘J or K:

shaka, or

mor e c ommonly ishta ka,


ta shakka , h e complain ed .

gi ll-Lo or g t


, or

mushta kl'

, or muta sha kki,c om

pla inant, plaintiff.23K}

:shiktiya , compla in t.

a ,“ shakwa , pl. sha kdwc



c omplain t .

it was amb i

145 J”:

JR. shalal, paralysis, withered ”a

shomookh, h eigh t, haugh ti

limb .

tn ess,

c a 6

£9 313 . JR . sh alldl, pl. shalldlcit, 6

L” shamzkll,lofty, h augh ty .

Nile ca tarac t or rap ids. 10A slmma r

,fenn el.

shalabi (for Tu rkish chelebi) , jl- ‘u : porter ’s kn ot


a European or for e ign gen tleshoulder cord .

man , refined, polite .

fi t shamma r a

,h e girded up h is

sh ala ta , th e h orse reared,loins ; se t abou t .

buck ed . [Q3

Ej lufi

sha -mrookh, pl.

sbaldii, species of n ative shamdreekh,long slender stafl



cloth .

stalk of bun ch of dates.

alaha , h e stripped . y r?»

gu n?» shame, pl. shama as

shalfa ta , h e smudged outsun .

(fresh writing) .shamal


y, sola r ; cer tain

c an; shula ik (for Turk ish chilek) ,W e” °f th e alph abet

strawberry .

M shamsz'

ya , para sol, umbrella .

Fu lor F3

shamma , or 1'

shtamma , UL“ shamma’s

)acolyte, deacon .

h e smelled a t, sn ifl'

ed .


tashcimmasa , h e got sun


a smelling, sense of stroke .

smell. moshammas, illwi th sun

M lFA. shamm en - n aseem, sni ff strok e .

th e b reeze ;”

the Egyptian M or Ebb :shama ta (Turki sh ) ,

gen eral spring h oliday, wh ich n oise, uproar .

is celebra ted on th e Greekt.“ shama ’, p1. shomooa )


Easter Monday .

wax 5 c andle .

li t. shammdm mu sk melon 5.

f shamma a candlesti ck pegsa

for cloth es or hats.

tu b b y

?shammcimdt, perfumes.

”1M shama ’dtin (Persian ),ahamahama. (colloqu ial) , h e candlesti ck .

sn iffed , smelled a t .

ti t“ m shamma ’

,waxed ; oil

I» : sh amba r , circle, flange, r idge cloth , wa terproof.round . JM Shama ’ool, Samu el.

W AJ5 shama ta , h e POjOiCOd a t M sham],th e whole, reun ion .

anoth er ’s misfortune . ( é ?shama kha (vulgar) , he sn ifi


ed H4 slxomonlbkmsxmexmfi xm? »

a p ungen t odour .

M 146 44

uh: M l or M sh amula , or


shtama la a’la

,it in cluded .

Ulr M or sh cimil


mush tamil a’la

,inclu sive , i n

clu ding .

dj d tw mashmool bi, in cluding,

c on ta in ing .

dld sh imdl (femin . ) left h and

side ; n orth .

QM sh imali ? north ern .

5M shamandora (Tu rk ish ) ,b uoy, beacon .

M sh imya , sc ouring of a stream,

wh irlpool.J

shann a , h e sn iffed .

p d}; sh an ab, upper lip, mous

tach e .

gm sh in tz

ydn (Turk ish ch imiydn ) ,women ’

s loose pan taloon s.

Elsi: or all: sh a nta (Turkishcha nta ) , bag, valise , knapsa ck .

shan aj, c oli c , gr ipes, c onvul

810 118 .



s tashann aja , h e was in c on

valsion s.

M sh in eesha ,h ole in th e wall.

shawtec a’

,in famous

,h e inous.

i smshan cia’

a,infamy, depravi ty .

ugh? ma y ; sha n erf, large c oa rse

n et for c a rrying tibn or straw

on donk eys or c amels.


J e


» sha n nafa , h e amused or in

ter ested by talk .

J r'


aé zmaga, h e h anged (a mur

tu t: JR} qa tl sha n qdn , death by

h anging .

mashnaqa , gallows, pla c e of

exec u tion .

LKLS. sh a n kal (Tu rkish chengcl) ,h ook .

Q's; sh ilu ib

,brillian cy, ardou r


zeal; me teor .

W l a sh - hub,bri llian t

, wh i ti sh ,

grey .

« It shah ida, h e ga ve eviden c e,

w itn essed .

Abbi“. shdh a cla

,h e saw, witn essed,

in terv iewed .

Ni l or M l {stash - leader

, or

a sh - h ada,h e c alled witnesses

to prove .

80msha hdda , eviden c e, wri tten

or oral; certific a te .

Abbi“. sh eihid, pl. shohood

, a

w itn ess.

vyli Ab bi: slui h id cl- a

in ,an eye

wi tness.

Abbi: shdh id zoor,a false wi t

n ess,perju rer .

p )shahdda zoor, false ev i

den c e, perju ry .


. W ska/wed, pl. shoha dd,

w itness for th e fa ith , martyr ,Moslem soldier k illed in b attle .

ADJ}: shooh z


da (passive of sluihada )h e wa s seen , de tec ted .

A93“ mash- ha d

,fu n eralprocession ,

shrin e public ity .

x ii;dis W e bi—mash - had khalq

batoer , in th e presen ce of many



6,Ztl ah6g, pl. ashwcig, 13W 8rd. shawah, deformi ty,

desire . tashawwah a , it was deformed .

a? shawwaqa , he exci ted desire . or shawa,or ashwa , h e

tashweeq, an inciting or ex grilled, roasted .


5513“ mashwi

, grilled (meat, fi sh ,

amazed , h e longed for .

850 )

aw lfshtiydq, a longing for .

All. sha i,th ing, (see shdd

ali k e mushtciq, desirous, eager . W grey h air .

(533 desirous, eager . W M or shdyib, or ashgeh,

a l,.t l we. shah

, pl. ashwdk,°‘d’ grey

’ h aired "

g ut shdba , h e gr ew old ;poin t,th orn .

yasheeb, h e grows old .

E’Jlfi shéka , pl. shawdk,

b a

i l); NU. sh ciyiba , pl. shawtiyib,fork, spur power, royalty .

petty Vi ces or defects.


shoc ketlu (Turk ish ) , imperial,w sheet (Persian ) , calico,

royal. ch intz .


u f-G teen ”MM? ! pr ickly


sheeh, fragran t desert plan t,pear , cactu s fru i t . wormwood ,

L‘JL‘: shake

,it pr icked,

éw. or

t ry: pl.

was poin ted ; yashook, it pricks.

shoyookh or mashayikh , c h ief of

J? 8110 10 10 0 10,tho hOl’SO cock ed tribe, elder, sen ior ; a term of

i ts tail. respec t .

w ‘lly‘v J‘r


» shdwa’. p1. shawdlcit Ahll

6” shaz

kh el- bclcd,the h ead

sack .

of th e v illage , the offi c iallyJlfi Shaw wciMen thMoslemmon th . recogn ised ch ief of a v illage .

s la shwal,left- handed .

63. Shai kh el- Isldm, th e

fr?“ sham, a h ard W°°d used for h igh est ecclesiastical digni tystaves. in Turk ey ; a MoslemPrima te .

ryf' 213

}“91“ sho


m,3 c udgel Of sh a i khookhiya , old age,

h ard WOOd ‘ offi c e of sha ikh .

oran“ “

y?“ PL is lga sheydkh a , sha ikhdom, ofi c e

she - on, or ashwdn (Coptic ) , of sha ikh .

storehou se, warehouse, barn .

cu, shah-11a , h e grew vene

L? sh o - on, pl. of slain, grows ven e


sheesh (Turk ish ) , sk ewer,

th in rod ; c ross- la ttice blind ,

ven etian sh u tters.

i f“ sh c esh - kh cina (Tu rk ish ) ,n eedle -

gun, breech - loader .

w shecshna (Persian chcshna ) ,sort, sample .

W ‘

sheesha. (Persian) , bottle,nargh ileh .

sheea’( 1, pl. ashya. a ,

sec t, di ssen t ; Persian sect ;Metuali .


y,dissen ting,dissen ter .

at: shda

a , it was spreadabroad ; yash c ea ’, i t isspreadingabroad .

£3. shayya’a , he made public h e

saw (a friend) depart ; esc orteda fun eral; sen t, forwarded .

M tw hyeea’

, a see ing a fri end

off ; a ttendan c e at a funeral; a

sending, forwarding.

aL‘tl ashd

a , h e divulged, revealed .

[sht il

sh ciyia’

, pl. sha a. a,

11“ ga it

n otor ious.

M utt slu iyia’a, a female an imal in

h eat.

{Uta mush a a ’ divulged, public ;a rumour .


Lt db»:

shag/ya ], porter, c arrler( see shdla ) .

,,u: sh a im

, a being mark ed with

a mole .

shoema, pl.

azu c ter, disposition .



shama , mole, beauty - spot .

m mash cema,plac enta .

8 8 .

g o Stid . Value 90 .

”filo sciboon (European ) , soap .

Ely“ma sban a, soap - work s.

wt; sabhan, mak er or seller of

soap .

(Lo adj, sh eet iron , oven pla tes.

law to sciha , h e cri ed ou t




gasear, i t becomes.


jLo edra , i t was, became

th r i c e sc h eme,

a becoming ;ch ange of state .

i s“, mascar, fact, matter of fact ;place .

scir i, mast of sh ip or boat .


the stia

’a,h e wandered ;


,vagabond .


Uri}; ébo scigh (Tu rkish ) ,

righ t h and, sound, well, excellen t ; girsh stigh , a full piastre .

gw'i lJ} ? 5119 86911961agh cis1



ish ) , th e agha, or ch ief of th e

r igh t go'

l or w ing of a b atta

lion ; senior c apta in ,or adju tan tmajor .

be Etc saghci, h e fash ion ed (see


( 70 $4 sf uua ,

h e Xa skeh . \%Q .Q



eJ)‘ 3 121111, he protected (see

Ego -

ewe jeweller (see

[L 5

C/ sd o ma sabb, plac e of ou tpour °

mould ; r iver -mouth .

. . a

tit“ “s pa

(no sobh

,or sobhzya ,

w sabba , h e pou red ou t .

or 8 11111211, morn ing .

Coho sdbih

,ma tu tin al fresh (fish) .

( ”n sa baek

,morn ing drink .

Ra h -o sabdha , fresh n ess, bea u ty .

t ha n misbdh , lamp .

J o

w sabr, pa tien c e ; aloes.

orJa w -a 8 111111


“patien t .

or saboor,

J im“

ta sabba ra , h e sh owed patienc e .

343° sabbam,

h e embalmed . [51>

W JLgto sobair, an d sobba irci


c ac tu s, pri c kly pear .

Gau l a sboa

, pl. a scibec a’


finger, toe .

glue or

film seluia

, or sdbia’

(c ol

loqu ial) , finger, toe .


w ho org‘ b‘" sa ba

’zy, c oarse

reeds o r r ush es for ma ts.

th e subagha , h e dyed, soak ed,

immersed .

EL“ 31111911, dye , 1111111911,

dyer .

s1bgha , a dye ing ; baptism.

331114 4 1 111118 110 9110 , dye r’

s yard or

sh op .

Leo saba'

. zephyr .

a t? ” é w may, p 1. sol/11111, lad ,11p p r eu ti c e .


blew W sa biya , pl. sabdyti , gi rl.

(a sa hha

,it was righ t, proper,

sound .

”3 Id ya sa hh, i t is improper,

wicked .

sihha,h ealth ; soundness,

san i ta tion ; a c c u racy, validity .

M 8 17171111111: (usu ally pro

noun c ed snhh ita k) , thy health .


H arm L s

" s1l1l1at’omoo1111ya ,

public h ealth .

u fi

44 san itary .


CM sa hc ch

,tru e

,a c cu rate, valid .

Cu “ - é

" sa hhah,

11 h e rec tified ,

tas 110 111,rec tification .

(M la s- Iu ih

,c hapter of Bible .

M 8 0111111, soc iety, fr iendship ;nosegay .

t- J's‘ l “ Lo sci/11


11, pl. 118

possessor, master , frien d, c om

1ade .

“lor “ b l w in/111.1111, or


st1ls - huba ,l1e a c c ompan ied, tooka s c ompan ion .


”suhn i , pl. sah ci r i


de se rt, Sah ara .

t—iS 'o 3 111111171, h e drew ba ck , made

room for .

or J ag M


‘c s1il1cqfa ,

pl. salu iyif, or sahaf, lea f, pageof book .

1. 5mm”el- mus- lurf, th e Koran .

“Is” 1


111111, pl.

me tal dish ; d ish .


8 011110 11,

yard of mosqu e

( 1°

( 1° sa roha , i t was clear, eviden t .

Ze d/o clearn ess; explan ation .


b l}: sa rdha tdn , clearly .

cl}; sarah, pu re, clear ; freedom.

sa reeh, clear, eviden t, cate

goric al.

CJJ surra ha , he explain ed ;licensed allowed .

10 ° tasrceh , explan ation ; per

mission ,li c ence, diploma , pass

port .

masa rra h, permitted ; lic entiate .

i fc am/17111, h e cried ou t . [

t'o o

or a} ; somkh, or sareekh ,

c ry, scream.

gh ost of a murdered man ;rock et.

sdrookh, wa iling spiri t,

sawdreekh , fireworks.

Jo); sarsar, cricket, ci cada . U};

la}: M

ia sirdt, pl. sorot, path ,

road to Heaven .


ifsar a

’a , h e flung down ;

sdra’a,h e wrestled .


,epilepsy ;

111a srooa’

, epileptic .21:,La . mosdra ’a , a wrestling .

abo o misrda ’, valve, flap, sh u tter .

sarafa , he spent, ch angedmon ey turn ed (a th ing) aside .

h e disregarded, abandoned, d ispensed wi th .

emf, turn , outlay, change of

money disch arge or drainage ;

acciden ce .


emf wa 111111111, acciden ceand syn tax .

siof, sh eer , mere, u tter ;

pure, unalloyed .

sar rafa, h e inflected, & c . (in

grammar) .

n i nja ? ta srcqf, acciden ce, grammatic al exerc ise in in flection s,conjuga tions, & c .

ital,“ or 54 g; safl df;

pl. saydmf, or saycimfa , cash ier,paymaster, accoun tan t ; pro

vin c ial receiver of taxes; streetmoney - ch anger .

sa z’

rafiya , du ty or ofi c e of

a sar rdf .

ta sar mfa , h e enjoyed a s

master, ruled, disposed of pro

perty, dispen sed .

tasarrufdt, r igh ts of enjoymen t of property or of its

disposal.5 . 3} 4 Lo mu tasarmf, possessor ;

ruler ; in Turkey, governor of

a second - rate provin ce u nder

a Vali or governor general;

(in grammar) relating to in

flexion .



}a 3linsa rafa , i t was spen t h e

departed, was absen t.

or ca ban a u pfl n

J gjl-d ‘

roof, pl. masroofi it, or masdreqf,spent outlay, expenses, costs,expenditure .

)'m ma sdrc ef muma rafa

expen ses in c urred .


/a . ma sraf, outlay ; dr a inagec an al.

f9.0 sirm, sh ape, shoe ;

sa ramdtiy, shoe -maker .

Ham (sa tab) mastaba ,

da is, platform,ben c h .

w sa’oba , i t was difli c ult, sa


difi c ult.

so’ooba , di ffi c ulty .

$14 w , yasa’b a

’Iaya , i t i s

difi c ult, h ard for me .

w ho. ma say’ib


m sa’1'

da , he a scended .

so’ood, ascen t, th e Ascension .

Jab say’id

,ascendan t ; h en c eforth .

Ac 'uo all 111111 al- adn wa


,from now and


i n fu ture,

h en ceforth .

Am Sa’eed

,Upper Egypt, to th e

Sou th of Cai ro .

52W Sa’

c cdiy, a n ative ofUpperEgypt .

Li sle s1i’


qa , th underbolt, c ala

mi ty .

H’J’lu c so

’look, beggar, a


in th e Arab ian Nigh ts’ Enter



wJan-o sigh ar, or sogh n in ,

smallness, infancy, you th .



flow sagheer (soghayir) , pl.

sigh cir, small, young .


ua l a sgha r,

sogh ra , smaller .

(femin . )

j a la l1°

stasgha ra , h e made littleof, deprecia ted .

vi t a l or line sagha , or 1189116, h e

listen ed, paid atten tion .

ALA 1°

sgl11i, a listen ing, a tten

tion to .

safi; pl. sofoof, row ;

rank of troops.


1M sof a , sh elf, mantelpiece .

safa ha , h e made flat ;

dou ed .



e.» aafah, pl. sifcih, a

fla t surface .


safech , tin in sheets.

- Zs yio safeeha , pl. safay1°


11 plate, tin box c an .



applauded .


oka , h e clapped h a nds,

Cam Mafi a7: a clapping, applau se .

Ji o Safa r , th e second Moslemmon th .

Jl -

194 s1fr, pl. a sfdr, cypher,

zero .

aofra , yellowness,safrd, bile .

A} ; ju l asfar, (fomin . ) sefrd,

yellow .

M l,La. ‘ l1a c ab - shame,

yellowness of sun , ju st beforesunset .


Ji g safl


am,h e wh istled .

a}; j'tiw softi r, c ry, wh istle,


dra , wh istle (instrumen t) .

safec r , sapph i re ; c ry, wh istle .

J umbo sifsdf, w illow .

safsa ta , verbosi ty , b alder


dash .

Jive safl


aqa , h e slapped, clapped,appla ud ed .

affair], periton eum.

wise sofn , bag, sc rotum.

or,iw safw,

or sufu'a, pu rity,

c h oic en ess.

"d o safci, pur ity, pea c e of mind ;

bliss, ze sth etic ism, voluptuou sn ess ; woman

’s h a ir orn amen t .

3L: stiff, pu re, clear .

gelled 1


stafa , h e c h ose was pure ,bec ame pure .


a,h e pu r ified, filtered ;

liqu ida ted, or se ttled a c cou n ts.

b i n ? ta sfiya , liqu ida tion ; filtra

tion .

3M 1111'

sfdl, filter .

with“ mustafa , c h osen ,

pu re ; a

man’s n ame .

d c,

aw mfa , qu ality, a ttr i

bute (see wa sf ) .

Ja e saqr, hawk .

aha -a Ka i n saqa

’a , in tense c old,

frost ; saqa’dn , sh ive ring .

di e saqala , h e polish ed, rubb ed

down .

or dal e saqecl or masqool,

p olish ed, glossy .


i o sa kk, pl. sokook,

a u th en tic doc umen t .


4 1l4 l L a lo solb, pl. a shib,

loin s, lumb ar region , i . e . th e

solid pa rt of th e body .

g .a -La steel.

Fella saldba , solidity .

sa lib, solid, firm,h a rd .


,c ross- wise

a c ross.

suk 'ebu

,transverse dam or

dyk e .

db lahlr's - salveb,c rusader .

urdo salboot, c ru c ifix .

5 4 l i n c . j0 111a’a es- salboot,

Good Fr iday .

w ho salb, c ruc ifixion ;

sallaba , h e c ru c ified .


sale/1a,i t was good , fit or

(ll; sa lcih , goodn ess, morality .

saldh iya h , fi tn ess, validi ty .

elf aha scilih

, pl. sawdlih ,good,

fi t ; profi t, on e ’s advan tage or

in terest.

galLa lIi - Sdli’tihf

,to h is advan tage .

W sa'wcilih 1n11k’1talifa ,

conflic ting interests.


£4 1 or

(La salla h a or aslaha

,h e

rec tified, repa ired .

tllc l

(514 3 ta slc ch, repa irs isldh ,


84sci/aha , h e made peace wi th .

solh , peace after war, rec oncilia tion .

tle L l 156

ee l- listasna ’a h e ordered to be ”all,Le 8 13110 el-mo


z, young banana

made .


u inc line , sa nda ’a, pl. sandya


trade, profession . [81>




te sinwdn, pl. of sine,also

kin sh ip .

54 l Julahles- sa n da’a, ”c son - in - law .

p1. a rbab as- samia ’a,


artific er .

,C. 0 D

a ch eUH» ta

’a ta sana a

’ta ho, h e

exercised h is trade .

felid lJld ddr cs- sau au a


sh op, dockyard, arsenal.

[See Ella } ? tersana .

O, 0

p.,-Sh e san aya 11 a rti san .

$2 04 sanda’z'

y, artificial.

the ? or ta sneea

, or tasannoa’


artifice, in trigue .

tile.“ mostana ’, artificial, false .

fibula Sana’d, town of Sana in

Arabia .

5. 5li e l d i e sinf (sanf ) , p1.asncif, spec ies, sort, k ind .

5 .5li e l a sn cif, goods of all sorts,

merchandise .


b i ke sannafa , h e sorted ou t,

compiled a book .

mosann if, a uthor, compiler .

W sanfara , emery paper .

fue l

rite sanam, pl. asn cim



rhe a g» ) r ajilmosamu


m,a pen

sive man , one wrapped up in

h is own ideas.

,Ze wh o

, n ep h ew ; p art of a wh ole ;sap ling, sh oo t; lik e to, fellow to . l

gate s masakura , rela tionsh ip by

marr iage .



Cd “sahrecj (Turk i sh ,


dag/e d“ sah ala,i t n eighed ;

sa heel, a neigh .

the side wh i c h is exposedto view ; aim,

objec t, direction .


ba , camel pa ck - saddle .

u se sdyib, righ t, stra igh t; preperth ing to do .

suwab, r igh tn ess, accuracy,sobriety.

QB» , sawtib wa kha td, th e

r igh tand th e wrong, corr igenda ,e rrata of a book .

54 l.e l a sciba , h e h i t th e mark ,wounded .

igLe l1'

saba ,a su c c essfulhit,aec uracy

of a im a sh ooting, wounding .

“gu llEgbe l 1'

sciba t el- a’in , th e evil


9412314 » sag/1710 71al woundedby a shot .

masab, h e who is h it.

W m mosceb,h e wh o h i ts,

assailant .


blow,calami ty .

54 ,4 1A istaswab a , b e app roved ,

th ough t i t x'

xgh t .


malfe l we

re sat, pl. aswdt, voice ;

c ry .

sawat, a c rying ou t .



;e sawwa ta , h e sh ou ted .

sata r i, b ufi'

oon,vulga r fellow .

film ”e Soar wa Sa 'idd, Tyre

and Sidon .


J?" soora

, pl. sowa r,form


mann er, copy, pi c tu re, face,

sh ape .

Jye sawwa ra , h e depicted, drew,

pa in ted .

tasawwa ra , b e imagin ed,pic tu red to h imself.

J ule s? taswc c r

, pl. tasciweer,

picture .

w d l tanweer csh - shams,

photograph , ph otography .

134 °

mosawu '

a r,pain ted .

U 0

J ya o mosa wwn '

,arti st,

mosawwamitiy (c olloqu ial) ,ar tist, ph otograph er .

if ” sawsawa , mu rmur , c oo .

Ere ségh , form, similari ty of form.

o n

“0o ' i


v e sagha ,or sa u wagh a ,

h e fa sh ion ed,made jewellery .

fi e W seegha , pl. 8111911,

formula ; sh ape ; jewel.‘

li e or”Le scin


11, or sa n d 11,a t

’ 9 JJ 9

jeweller, goldsmi th .

c u‘fi ‘m mascigh , pl. masti

911121, jewel, jewellery .

woo] woollen goods.


soofiy, (1) woollen ; (2) (Greek ,sop hi a , wi sdom) , Soofi, Moslem

mysti c , th eosoph ist, qu ietist.

tasawwafa , h e bec ame a

8 0 0 6.

59th" soofan , tinder , touchwood .

Jr‘ 1107 (Turk ish ) , left side ; lieu

tenan t.

w lizl dye so'

l agh cisi (Turk ish ) ,qu artermaster, lieu tenan t.


e so'


au th ority, influence,violence ; rust.

Q4 or 86111, or 813112111, fa st, a


rte sama , h ek eptfast,yasonm,

h e fa sts.

rite sayim,

he who fasts.

Else or of 8611,or siydna , a

gu arding ; ch astity .

c,ke stin a , he gu arded,

yasoon , h e guards.

W e masoon , gu a rded ;

masoon a , c h a ste woman .

sawu '

ci 11a ,flin t,gran ite ,pebble .

ulj‘ol Aswan, Assou an or Syene,on th e Nile, near th e fi rst

cata ract; a rocky plac e , gran itequarry .


(L554 : szya h , a sh out,

saha , h e sh ou ted, yasc ch , h eshou ts.

A} ; sa id , the chase, sport of any

k ind, fish ing .


)r ish sh . sa i d amabh sh $ s

for a sp or ti ng gu n



sag/311111, spor tsman , fi sherman .

alla e l or A14 3 or ole sada , or

tasayyad a , or 131111111, h e wen t

out to shoot, fi sh ,111131111111

,trap, n et



j )‘ sh

ake 3 1111111. wa Snor , Sidon

and Tyre .

Ely se 8 a 1'

111a,sc i en c e of ph arma cy .

snare ,

splay sa 1'


y, ph armac eu ti c alch emist .

Jle ii

jjfiw sa z

roora,c h ange of

sta te (see 8 11m) .

aye - 1154 4 formula

, jewel


J UL-c l sa 1f, pl. a su if,

[c f.summer .

5597” smf y, summery, summ0 1

c rep .


awf s1e-

11ecl,a c an al

not dry in summer .

. 6

suyynfa , h e prepared for

th e summer c rep ; h e glean ed .

55’s” Sven .land of Ch in a ;

Seen (y, Ch inese .

0 0 6. y oW seemya , pl. 8 a 11

11- 111,

la rge pla tter , tray .

5550 8 130 10 1111,la rge r ec eption ten t .


sh ellof c ar , th e com-h a or vi sible

al,“ 8 1

111111111 e1- 0 171111

,ou ter

pa rt of ear .

D on DH

(Some times Z) .

Us DI11111/1. Valu e 800 .

CM 171ia’a,it was lost


si ng (se e

- 5 410 1111fa , h e was hospitable (see dmf) .

wls dag/111, pl. 111111, sh eep .

[5 3,,s

rs] 1a11m (111111, mu tton .

w lizard .

5. 9'4 ll (11111110 101- 111111

,door - la tc h .

MA5J1 da btiba ,

dabba , h e seized, gu a rded .

fog, mist .

lax-6 sa ba ta, h e se ized, a rrested

r e c orded in w r i ting .

2 11111,a rrest

, gr ip drawing u p

a r eport ; organ isa tion ,polic e .

kn ellJ . )1 1j1il os


sabt,men of th e

poli c e .


. c B 3 11111 11a 1' 1,a11 a se izingJ

an d b in ding,

” public se c u ri ty,

polic e .


15104 56zubtqm, poli c e,pollc e- sta t10 n ;

a polic eman .


boss so;

of army, n avy or polic e .

E354 innate 2 11111111. pl.

r ule , regula tion .

1112 111111111, h e wa s ar rested, i t

w a s re c orded .

log i c 111113110 0 1, a rre sted, recorded


1, pl. 2 0 1111111, ofli c c r


fi rm.

la te -o Aha -64 1111121111111, pl. 111112 111111,

polic e repor t, doc umen t; wr itten

de c ision .

m l,”lub e ,

sf o 111111111111 zabt cl

polic e repor t or “p roc bs11 111111

”of a c r ime .



a , pl. (117111. a

hyen a .

1111JJu tumult, groan .

£1.4i madroob, beaten .

u p . modta r ib, anxious.

dareeh, tomb .


'é ‘u


)6 dzira, pl. ad rds

molar tooth .

darata , h e broke wind .


£76da ra

, pl. dorooa’



dug .

23545 da rda’a, humility .

CJLEu moddr ia ’

,aorist or presen t

tense .


f or Jeff, weakn ess ; d iif,th e double .


yeef, pl. doa ifd,weak .

£5416 doaffd, pl. weak , poor , foot

men , infan try, not moun ted

Arab sh eikh s, h ence zouaves.

b ia s!ada’

fa , h e weakened .

. a,

or m l or da’affa ,

or adaffa , or dda ifa , h e doubled .

J aw tadci affa, it doubled i d modda ifa , th e double, a

doubling .

k id d o modda if, doubled .

E416 dagha t, cru sh , squ eeze ; op

pression .

dagh ina , heboremalic e,plotted

aga inst.

ufl41.6 dagheen a , pl. da

ghdyin, malice, in trigue .

8M dafda

,frog, toad .

dqfam, h e plaited, tressed .


di v dalla , h e wen t astray, sinned.

db dahil,perdition , error .

dL6 ddll, sin ner, gone astray,

lost sh eep .

dilla , error, loss.

é.6lor 82“ é“ d ila’

, pl. dolooa’


or adloa ri b .

C291"; dalc ea strong, well ribbed .

F6 damma, h e collec ted, h eapedup, added togeth er ; reaped a

field .

F6 damm, addi tion .

F641 indumma , i t was added up,

collected , ann exed .

£16 damma,sh ort 6vowel

sou nd madmoom, a lettermarked wi th a damma addedup, collected . [8,


M l or M damhala or id

mahalla , i t faded away, h e

gr ew weak , poor .

M 6 clamada , h e poulticed, bandaged .

j“ . n 6 dameer , pl. damdyir,

conscience ; secret though t

pron oun .

J~ 6l udmara , h e pondered, cogitated, plotted .

domoor,atrophy, sk inn in ess.

8l dammcira , female fortuneteller .

W dimn , th e inside, contents.

W cf" min dimn in clu sive .

dima i«J in clu sive tac it, or

u nderstood tak en i on g amu t .


W shoroot d immya , tac1t

condition s of a con tract.

v4 . 6 domino

,h e wen t b a il


guaran teed . [da f

(lamma n a , (th e magistrate)

acc epted b a il; (th e a c cu sed)offered ba il; h e ba iled ou t ;

h e inser ted, included .

adamma n a, it included,con ta in ed .

or damdn, or d amdn a,ba il, guaran tee .

6116 ddmin , pl. dommdn ,b a ilor, h e who goes ba il ; re

spon sible .

tadmeen ,a ba iling out


letting ou t on b a il.

a w tadmeendt, damages in


“dom'mages intéréts.

v4. 6 .» fad cimun , mutual ba il or

solidar i ty in liab ility for debt,

or costs.

sh irka t et- tad dmu n ,

soriété en nom collec tzf,”solid

a r i ty of par tners.

or“ ma rlmoon , con text, c on ten ts

or tenou r of a documen t ; th e

th ing wh ic h is guaran teed .

“ 1

dandkn , n arrowness, weakness, poverty .

M lor A46 da bada , or idtahad a ,

h e persec u ted . wmdtah id , tyrannical,brutal.

dah z'

y, similar, like .

gold be, i t resembled .

Uq .


moddhdt, mu tu al resem

blance .

maddln , similar, mu tuallyresembling .

fly ) do (Jaw) , pl. adwd,

brillian cy, ligh t .

M ) do ash - shame, sunligh t.

did, brillian cy, ligh t.

i616) Mat, illumination , a givingligh t .

or dmy or mode?His

brillian t.

£156 or

t i“ da ia

, or daydo’


{L6 due a , it was lost ;

gad aea’

, i t i s missing .


ti c? dayya.

’a. or adda


wasted,spoilt, lost.


,lost, missing .

daya’a , pl. diyd

’a ,

village ; lands.

gu est .

d iycifa , h ospitality .

M ddfa , h e was h os

p itable was a guest , yad eqf,h e 1s a guest.

U M or M modeqf, ormidw'

f,h ospitable, h ost.

addfa , h e joined, ann exed,added to .

idifa , junction , gramma tical

relation conjunction .

GJ ' J ‘ i dofug,t en ti on .


id cifi it, minor deta ils, acces

sc r ies.

moddf, added, annexed,rela ted .

deeq, or da iq, narrowness,pover ty, d i sc omfort.

U 0 odoz/q ,

n arrow , stralt, severe .

gi é" W ,adiaq, (femin . ) deega ,n arrower .

ddqa , it was narrow

yadeeq, it is narrow .

n dayyaqa , h e made narrow ,

constrain ed, compelled, sh owed

sever ity .

fi u J tad ciyaqa , h e (mutu ally)annoyed, block ed up (a road) ,

obstructed .

di d . M madeeqamhmaddyiq,embarrassmen t, straits.

lo Té . Value 9.

L A KE tdba,h e recover ed

h ealth (see tayyib) .

i ilb tdba , c ork ,stopper, b all.

fi llsM110 0 (Turk ish ) , title - deed .

Us? ”

”elktciboor (Turk ish ) , ba ttalion ;

u sed in differen t words of c om

mand,such as

,Fall in !Deploy !

b y“: tdboona , bake ry, oven .

i n“: ti bia (Tu rk ish ), redoubt, fort.


( Tb(do tuha , i t was blown away


fi lo -

jtb tdra

, ( the b ird) flew . (See

ta ir . )

iijilo tci ra , round piec e, circle, ornamen t.

ca ulkUlla trio, pl. tdsdt, c up,


f’h in“: tcia

a, obedien ce (see

J’b tciqa , window ; enduran ce ( see tog) .

U“) i (Greek ) , peacock .

£51515 tciyifa ,gu ild, crew (399

$316 C a b tubb, medical sciencetubbiy, medi c al.

J “ ka shf tubbiy, medi calreport, inqu est .

2331. soar

. shuhdda. tubbiya ,medi c al

certifi c a te .

sLilal v i ola tabc eb, pl. a tibbd,

ph ysic ian .

ta bdsheeo‘, chalk , crayon .

cookery .

abolrha , h e cooked .

tabbdkh, a cook .

elm; ma tba kh , k itch en .

(gale or ( fi

lmma tbookh, or tabaokh,

cook ed .

w ta btaba

tapped, pa tted .

(colloqu ial) , h e

331° talia

’a,h e printed, impressed .


d" taba’

, stamp,imprin t, form,

ch arac ter .

h e} ;

aa,- b ta r iba , h e felt emotion(espec ially th e effec t of mu sic . )

adj—b ta rab, emotion , deligh t ;tar ib, moved .

o truba , b e exc ited (pleasan t)emotion , by music or song .

Hajla. motrib, mu sician , singer .



g- l"

jljla tirdz, embroidery, fa sh ion .


e U2

) : tamsh, deafn essa tmah, deaf.

ta raska (colloqu ial)

vomi ted . [ fig s

gj’bjb tartoora , c on e

,con ical c ap ;


ta rtoofa ,apex

,poin t ; ground

w. a3! a tildt motmba , mu sic al

instrumen ts.

uty bb U


fi ) ta rboosh , pl.

ta rdbeesh , red c ap, fez.

ta rdbeesbiy, seller of ta r

hoosh es.

la tara ha ,

C}h e flung ; pu t up to

auction , subtracted (in ar ith

metic ) .

( J): tarh , a fling, glance ; sub traction ; pron u n c ia tion , an u ttering .

33 »c tarh a,woman ’s ligh t veil.


( 1

place, spot.

lamma tra h , pl. ma tcin'


walla tarkhoon , estragon , artemisia.

dracu n culus .

tarada , h e drove off, r epelled,dismi ssed .

jlo a) : tard

,dismissal ; pl.


,piece of baggage .

taw dd, repeller ; breakwa ter ;longi tudinal dyk e of c anal.

ista trada , h e pu rsued .

1)n ta reed, repelled track ed,

object of ch ase .

‘j/Ip fa r-z

, form, style, sh ape, man

a rtich oke .

tarteor, lees, sed imen ttartar or deposi t .

h -lid l ta raf, pl. a traf,

side,edge , poin t.

a i l/Jo) a trdfi side issu es, digression s, extremities.

31} ta rf, glance, wink ;

twfa , n ovelty .


d, gen us tamarisk .

C51): ta raqa , h e knock ed, struck .

ES} tarqa , a blow ; once ; pay or

h ire for a job .

L5) ” JR) ” tan-

egg, pl. toroq, road,

way, meth od .

filled» ) J) : toroq ihtiyéliya , fra udulen t mean s.

l lo 113n ta reeqa , pl. ta rdyiq,

sect, mode of life,c ou rse .

l lcl) do» . jcbel et- Ttiriq, Tarik’a

moun ta in , Gibraltar .

JJlauo m1t1aq, h ammer .

Jub“8 711111113ma trooq, beaten

or frequ en ted road .

a n (Yufls'


‘ne e , “h e .

165 lilo

du llp 31315 tarouba. (for Turk ish cypher or sign

-man ual as seentulumba ) , pump, fi re - engine .

on coins, public bu ildings,


tronba ita (European, trumfirman s, 8m

“4116 or Lilo tuglui , or taghi a , it

burst i ts bounds, was ou t

rageous, in iqu i tous.

pet) , drum.

”la or “at: ta r ia , or taroa, it wa s

fresh , moist.

or wLb ilo tugh iydn , or taghu'

a ,tardwa

,freshness, moistn ess,

revolt, 1n1qu 1ty .

dampn ess.


llo tci 1. to bait, rebeltur iy, fresh , moist, damp,

15° 9 p 9 1


g jlo ta rra , h e refresh ed,seasoned .

w ith tafeef, sligh t, trifling .

ui e ta ss (c olloqu ial) , downrigh t ; a

w J ab tafasha , h e P8 11

impious, tyran t.

a t on e blow .away ; tajaban , fugitive .

W or w tist,

or tight,futile tafia , th e fi re went ou t.

metal P3 11, tray. wa sh basin . tofoa, extinction of flame or

ij jlo


lo tdtoora , da tum,

stremo fire .

11mm,a poison . la b or lilo ) a tfli, or taflii, he extin

fulp ta

’ima , h e tasted, ea t . guish ed slak ed lime .


rub ta

’m, pl. to’oom

, taste, li ld ) in tafd, th e fire was ex tin

flavou r . gu ish ed

fnlo to

’m,ba i t for fish ing . a

qua . moffi, extinguish er , h e wh o

flab ta


, pl. a tia’mo, extingu ishe

viands, food . mitfliya , instrumen t for ex

; lo ta’a’ma , h e vac c ina ted tingu ish ing .

b udded , b ai ted .

(lilo tifdh, ove rflow, eruption on

k in ' vomit .

rgalm ta ta


1noc ulat1on, vacs

c in a tion ; a budding or grafting . dub ) dab tifl, pl. G if t“, infan t.



ya , bean - paste, mea t ;lfll9 tOfooliya , infan cy ;

ball. tiflty, infan tile .

u£c1le ta

’n a, h e stabbed, accu sed, Jli ln tafdl, c lay .

a ttac ked . tofa iliy, fawner , cringer,W)

134° ta

’na fis - sin n, h e was li c k - spi ttle ; parasite, pa rasitic

advan c ed in age, very old . (disea se) .

“walla tcia’oon, plagu e, pestilence . Yak: “i f": QM , maker t wee ,

“s ex

fi b lay/1rd (Turkish ) , th e Sultan’s flowed .


3354 236 or 3916 ta qqa , or taytaga ,

c ra ck, c rac k ing no ise , c ra ck ing

of kn u ckles in sh ampoo ing .

intaqqa , i t cracked, burst.

U fila LJa i ls tags, (Greek taxis) ,

n a tu ral o rd er or arrangemen t ;w ea th er, temperatu re , atmo

sphere ; pl. togoos, r i tes, liturgy .

ri als taqim, pl. toqoom

(Turkish ) , set of tools, gea r ,

a c cou trements,appara tus; h ar


3133 or 313k tagiya , c otton skull

c ap worn u nder the turb an .

G a

U) : 016 ) or d): talla


,or a tafla

’ala , i t w as h igh er th an , a nd

dominated in view,look ed outon .

U): Ola -o é ljz shabbdkmoffll ’ala.

a w indow look ing or givingou t upon (a vi ew ) .

b us? or g ., -llo talaba, or ta tallaba ,

h e a sk ed, demanded .

mule - L/ Jla talab, pl. talabcit


request, demand .

tolba, (mili tary) fatigue party .

télib, pl. talaba ,

c la iman t, studen t .

Jud ) 31l

‘.l6 tdliba t el- 1 sta ir


in h eat.

g a ll» ) 1°

11talaba , it was ask ed,

demanded .

U lla tdlaba , h e claimed repay

men t .

2 11211 . motzila ba, claimfor paymen t .

“ A4 w h o ma tlab, pl. ”la td


136, p r oblem

, que ry .



J lajllcu 01- 4

,t ma tloob, pl. ma t

loobdt, th ing cla imed, deb t.

is“: or

Cll: ta t- h a

,aca c ia seydl.

w llc ) q o (tils) , a tla s, smooth ,sa ti n a tlas.

(n o-lb tilsam

, pl. ta ltisim,

talisman .

all: tala

’a,it rose , a sc ended, turn ed

ou t, tu rned ou t well,suc c eeded,

bec ame .

J ) ; 639) 1°


fag, go upsta irs !

toloo’a , asc en t

,appearan c e .

w a

tt-l)fjlb toloo

’a. esi1- 811111118 , sun

rlse .


,pollen , pollen ofmale palm.

all: tdli’a,ascend ing, star in th e

asc en dan t, good fortun e .

gill. tak iy’

a,sk irmish ers.


tLlp talla

’a, h e made a sc en d or

appear,ra ised .

talli’a h issak, raise you r

vo i c e speak louder


81h ) or elk tdla’a , or ittala


’ala ,

h e studied, read .

uhEllis ) itt1



a study, peru

8 8 1. (Of .

3allln4 motrila ’a , study, atten tion ,


Jib tala qa , h e delivered .

Jlb talq, partu ri tion , disc h arge of

a gun ; eloqu en c e .

1011111, divorc e ; t1il1°


d ivc reed woman .


Tooba ,COptic mon th of January .

toob (for Turk ish top ) , ball,cann on , ar tillery .

toobji , pl. toobjiya.

(Turk ish t0p31) , artilleryman .

toob- kbcina. (Turk ish top

kh cin a ) , ar fien al, artillery.

( 1


1: tawwaha , h e wh irled, flungaway .

tciha , i t was blown away,

vanish ed .

Jl’b ) -

j )l= t6r, pl. atwcir, manners,

c onduc t.

Jl,l: tawcir, area ; circu it.



sha , n oise, fuss, trifle .


? “tawwaaha , he castrated .

tawcish i, pl. tawd


ya , eunuch .

{ Jb taw

, ob edien t, willing.

3c ll: ) or 3c ll: tcia’a , or 1



a , obe

dionee .

elk ) a tcia

’a , h e obeyed .

matama ’u, obedience .

balm moteea ’, obedien t, obeying.

alb a


motcia ’

,person or law obeyed ,

k i ng .

ista tcia’a , he was able,

capable .

capability .

" 1,éo dooghr1


. (for Turk i sh

doghroo) stra ight, uprigh t, true,h onest .

téf, turn , tour, patrol ; raft .

1474 , b e pa trolled, made a

tawwafa , h e patrolled ,made

turn .

tawuvif, pl. taw dfa ,pa troller a pa trol; ch ief of a


toofcin , deluge .

J ib): tciyifa , pl. tawciyif,

gu ild, crew, corpora tion ; sex .

d ljb ) to°

q, pl. a twciq, collar,power .

33ll: l or or tag, or tciqa ,

or itciqa , powe r, power of en

duran c e,capabili ty .

c u lilbL,ll: tciq, pl. tciqcit, arch ,

vault ; layer .

3.3L): tciqa , arch ed window, air

hole ; a“piec e ,” or rollof cloth .

J) : tool, pl. atwcil, length,h eigh t, longitude .

or toolcin,or bit tool,

lengthwise .

tawcil,du ration ,

length of

time .

d) : to°

I,power, superior ity .

Jbl: taweel, pl. tiwcil, long,

tall metre in poetry .

ul’l: J,l:ltaller .

t g. Jll: tcila , it was long, endu red ya tool, it is long .

ball): h im- 1nd,very often , for long

since .

l : tawwala , h e length en ed,madelong, was prolix .

wlu ll) dll:l a tcila el- l1


scin , h e pu t

out h is tongu e dou sed


uh d,lb3


ta tdwala ( 17 11, he was

rude to, insulted .


health ; it was excellen t ; yatecb,h e is doing well


Jlla il i ntdla , i t was length en ed, i t tayya ba , h e ameliorated ;

stretc h ed ; it reach ed, was ad

jacen t .

wok ? ta tweel, prolonga tion .

dill: tciyil, profi t .

vain , wi th ou t profit.a’Ia gha ir tciyd , in

3l)ll: tawla , table ; bac kgammon ;stable, trough , manger .

motdwa la , insult, oppression .

mosta teel, oblong.

tonalcita (European) , ton

weigh t.

g jl: tawa

,h e folded, rolled

up ya tw1°

,h e folds.

G): tc11°

y, a fold, roll, en closure .

mu rsalta 1°

yol1, sen t (herewith ) , en closed .

3L): taw1°

ya , con sc ienc e, h eart

in ten tion .

tawa,rolled, folded .

ma twa , penkn ife ; folded,

rolled .

ma twa , penkn ife .

Q 3): tayyib, good, excellen t; wellin h ealth honest all r igh t,

very well.

d ’b ' g ab ) tooba ,

b .ette r

t: 1. b,perfume .

ga la): t1y11b th e pleasa n t north

w ind in Egypt.



ba, h e recovered

perfumed .

fix): ta ir, fligh t, ac t of flying ;birds.



pl. toyoo1 or ta ir, b ird .

175193. tci ra , it flew ; yateer, i t


In): tciyir, flylug


jet. tayycir, vola tile ; pedlar wh oh as no fixed shop .

tayyara , ch ild’

s k ite .

ib i s): or ta ira , or ta iroora ,

inconstancy, ligh tn ess.

teez,rump, bu ttock s.

ta ish , ligh tn ess ; a trifle .

trig/i811, silly, tr ifler .

ta zf, gh ost, spec tre ; prism.

gli b ) L

’fi ib teen , pl. atycin , earth ,

soil, land .

wlgb ) atycin , lands, landed pro

perty . [val


teen a , earthy nature of man .

1: 11

.lgb tayyéu , pl. tayycina ,

hodman,carrier of mud, mor

tar, 810 .

2 on DH .

Za . Value 90 0 .

zabt vu\gut i u u eeu xu eg Km


3w 3b 'g1b za bdta (vulgar ismfor sa bcita ) , cluster of fr uit,

da tes, ban anas.

pl. zoroof, en

velope ; sau c er ; spa c e of

time ; preposi tion ; in c iden ts

or c irc umstanc es of an occur

ren c e .

”All fl zarf esh - shahr,

in th e c ou rse of th e mon th . [15

h e'

ll) zoroof et- tohma,c i r

c umstan c es or deta ils of a

c r ime .

zar cifa , elegance, delicacy,refinemen t .


'i za reqf, elegant, refined .

g .ivb e envelope, port

folio .

}éb zafira , h e conqu er ed .

Jib zafa r, v ic tory .



a r,made vi c to r iou s

(by God) ; a title of th e Sulta n .

Jilb ) -

Jsib dofr, pl. addfir , nail of

finger or toe ; paw,talon



zafa ra , weakn ess of the


Jib ) d): pl. adlcil, sh ade ,

sh adow .

due. or mod ill, or modallil,

sh ady, sh aded .

daffa t cl- bcib, wing or

fold of a door .

[Ab zo/m

, ty ranny ; zcilim,




lH to

zuluma , h e tyrann ised, de

frauded .

llfu mazloom, pl. mazd

teem, vi c timised

,victim of

tyranny .

ef"(Lb ? ta zallama min ,

h e sough t

r edress,complain ed of tyranny .

3d ): zolma , darkn ess, obscuri ty .

rib ) a zlama , it was dark .

(“in 1110 211111, dark, obscure .

rib zalcim, darkn ess, dark .

flf I

c,l.o.b or f

uel: 2111111111, or zama a n ,

th1rsty, eager .

5b; Lb 2 11111111,h e th ought

yazon n, h e th inks.

wi ll: pl. zonoon,

epimon , idea , th ough t .

élb zcinn , th inker, th inking .

will: Li ) and zci111°

11 (colloquial for

zcin n ) , I am th ink ing, I th ink .

“alb a maznoon ,th ough t of, pre

sumed,su spe c ted .

”b: Jab zahar a , it appeared,

seemed gazka r , it seems.

”b l azham,h e sh owed .

”4b zohoor,appearance, aspec t ;

Epiph any .

fi ll: z1ihz°

, apparen t, visible, exter ior i t seems.

c abxb zoboorcit,emergencies, un

foreseen ; prov ision al.

”b e 11111311111, plac e of view, or of

man ifesta tion .

JD‘ES tuzah ara , i t appear ed .

a’bqa riy, excellen t

,h and

gum: ’

Osmci nli (Tu rkish ) , a Turk,some falsehood . Ottoman

a’ba ka

,bale of cloth , parcel. Tu rk , Ottoman .

a r

d’l Jx . a bl, tamar1sk (see a tl) .b u “EA: dawla t



ya’0 8

0 0 0,


9L“ fab:blame . mcin iya , th e exalted Ottoman

q uial 211: a’taba , pl. a a

tdb, Empi re .th reshold, foot of th ron e .

g ift-n ma’

toob, blamed .


“: i

jja , omelet.

or b ag a

p hu, or ta’ajya ba ,

v ii: a

’trasa , h e sn atc hed, c arr ied h e was aston ish ed .

0 3: “ Cl a a’

jaba , h e preferred , it‘find or $ 1: a

taqa , or e a’

tage , he plea sed h im.

freed 3 slave .

J s‘ a

jc' eba , pl. a’


Ji g . or ma ’tooq, or me ’tag, wonderful.

freed,enfran c h lsed .


“111. mota a ’jiib, aston ish ed .

) ,g‘ a

joor, long pumpk in .


s -5 a’

jaoza e’u , h e wa s wan ting

in,in c apable, weak .

GU: i’

h iq, en fran ch isement.00

Al l: w : a’teeq, pl. o

taqci ,

ancie n t, an ti que .

m a’taqa , Atak a , a cli ii


n earfi lm a

’djiz, want1ng,

h elpless,Su ez .

m: a’tala,

’ iron CPOWbal‘ .feeble, blllld .

di n a’tala , be carried . J ’

s‘ a

Jooz, old, feeble .

Jag“ a

jz, weak ness defic it in



jz, pl. a’ajtiz, bu ttock s.


JG; a’ttcil

,c arrier, porter . [J&

“ 0 0

m a’tma , dark ness, obscu rity .

[rile J

rim mo


,da rk .


s “ mo (ma ze , defimt ln accounts .

a s or n u; a’tuha , or a

’tah, mad

1n ess, demen tia .

t g“


moy za , mlra c e . M};

1Sf“ ma ’tooh, mad, 1nsane, de da d “ or da ‘ 11J1Ia, or 1sta jnla ,

be was 1n h a ste .

men ted .


w as mm, pl. u’ta t, moth ,


h e “c elc rmd '

maggot .W or (ta lc a

’cijfl, or mesh


1. jil, in h a ste, urgen t .


ta ra, he stumbled over,

1 1 .

groped or search ed for . J’s“ ”J?

““Jul“, h aste ; “10 01:


10 6721471, (I) th e th ird caliph ;

impa tien t, h a sty .

( 2? th e fo un de r O f $110 Ottoman J’s: $ 8 ; { 3‘s Y\ ' c alf:

dy n a sty . young of an°

1ma\ .


0g “m i l; a a’

ja la , pl. a’

jal, wheel.

rlg ‘ l ref s

“rs‘ a

jam, foreign ,non -Arab ; Pe rsia , the Persian s;


jamiy, Persian , a Persian

a a’

jcim,Persia ns.

O O O 0

w“ a

Jamzy, novlc e, forelgner,

Persi an .

cf: a

jana, h e made paste .


9 a’

jeen , dough .

”a ?“ ma ’jea n, paste, h ash eeshpaste ; pu tty .



jcin , perinwum.

if ?


jwa, da te - fru it paste ; datesstuck togeth e r .


3a: i’da

,a promise (see

wa’da ) .

A: a’dda , be cou n ted .


OM S ta u’

ddada , i t became nu

merou s.

OX: a’ddada h e numbered, counted .

t l ista a (Ida,h e wa s ready,

capable .

Ola-L l

dlx l ea : a’dad, pl. a a



n umb er, qu an tity .

c an iii : i ’dda , pl. n umber,

several; equ ipmen t, tools, appa ratus period of pu ri fica tion .

[i lel

j} . 31: i’ddet mirdr, several

times,often .

a’deed, numerou s.

0 313 10 mu taa’ddid . n umerous.

Ssh “ musta ’idd, ready, capable .

54 . moa ’dd, or moi ’dd, ready, set


G i lbllu ll el-mah allel-moa ’d d

Ii - zcilik,th e place set apart or

u sed for th at .


dood, coun ted .


dd ida,a pa id female

mourn er, who cou n ts up, or

chants th e pra ises of th e dead .

c lout? taa’dafid, censu s.

um) : a

’de , len tils, vetc h .

Ella: or J.» d o”,or a


, equ ity,justice .


Ji : a’ddala , be modified, rectified .



,modification , recti

fic a tion .

Jalc li a’

tad ala,h e was moderate .

JlAh l i a’tiddl, moder ation , equ i

librium, symmetry ; equ inox,tropic .

la: a’dlig, relating to justice .

J,“ a’dool, rectification , ch ange .

d,“ Jolt. a’

ciclil, pl. o’doel, ju st,


dz“ a’deel, b roth er

- in - law .

Jim moa ’dd 'il, rectifier average .

Idol.“ mo’«idol( 1, algebra i c equation .

rd ; a

’d 'ima , i t was n il


ex isten t.a’dam,

n il n on nu

c art?f“$1: a

’dam soboot, wan t of

proof, no proof.

”d oa’dam hodoor, non

presen ce , ab sence .

5“ or

role a

’cid im, or a



ree la a


, h e ann ih ilated, pu tto death .

laal ia’

ddm, sentence of death .

M l i n a’

dama, it was destroyed,

was u sed up .

we: 24171171, Eden ; town of Aden .

we .“ya » . ma ’

din, pl. ma

’dd in


mine,mineral, ore .


mLu AM ma ’du ng/a t, mlnerals,


Ml)“ o

dwdn,hostili ty, enmi ty .

let . a’

da, h e was h ostile ; h e

crossed over .

l a’d ciwa

, enmity, h ostility .

.OlAc l pl. a a’dd

, en emy,h ostile .

“Ja il ta ’adda a a’la

,h e showed

enmity, annoyed, opposed, en

c roac h ed .

uh “531113 ta a

’ddi a

’la, Opposition ,

ann oyan ce, trespass.

o o

mu ta a ’ddz,annoyi ng ; tran

si tive verb .

d ad a a’da

,i t was infectious ;

passed a cross.

5 9A: or a’dwa , in fection .

4M mo’ infectiou s.

U él/ol amrdd mo’diya , in

fec tiou s diseases.

“a: i’da , sh ore , bank .

J AM ma ’da , p1. ma’dd i


ferry, place of crossing .

21a“ ma’dz


ya , ferry - boa t.

“i n , mo fe rryman .


sa d: a’zb, sweet


a’ztib, torture .

th. -aft: a’

zzaba , h e tortured .

g r ad-3 ta ’zeeb, inflic tion of tortu re .

[c fu j c

if) : or

fin o

’zr, or i

zra , an excu se .

Jx a

’za r a

,h e excu sed .




tazara, h e exc u sed h imself,apologised .

t lllAb)&1c l ia ’tazam haza el


,h e pu t forward th is excuse .


i ljdall cl- o

’zr aq bah

min cd - daub, th e excuse (is)worse th an th e offen ce .

”A“ ma’zoor, exc used, excusable

allowance sh ould be made forh im.

Pl) : e’zra , virgin ity ; a


vi rgin , Virgo of Zodiac .

a’mb, pl. a a

’rdb,Arab .

ab} : o’rbém, Arabs of th e deser t,

Soudan ese Arabs of th e h ills.

efili bn a’rab, son of an Arab

hen c e,in Egypt, a free- born

na tive Egyptian .

a’rabi Arab i c , Arab ian .

uf’f 3’

Q1: a

’r abiya (Turk ish a

’raba ),

car t, c ab , ca rriage .

f' a

’rabaji (Turk ish ) , cabman ,



uproar .

emf a rboon,earn est-mon ey,a rrhes.

Cfa’r aja , h e climbed, ascended .

mi a’rdj, asc en t of Mah omed


a’r afa , vigilof feast of gorban

or adha , on 9th of Zil-s ja

h i ll, crest.

mu): a

’r afcit, h ill of rec ogn i tion ,

Moun t Arafat, near Mecca .

C54 1 “ : o’rfiy, arb itrary, u nju st ;

cu stoms no t based on law or

piety ; priva te, unoffi c ial.

a’cirvf, knowing, aware

Wi se .

a’rr afa , h e informed, defined .

ta’reqf, defin i tion , tari ff.

h as ? ta’reqfa , tarifi



5 4


/Isli a

’tarafa , he confessed . [J il

Q l l i a’tircif, confession .

u p ta’a r rafa , h e came to know .

u fl l ista’rafa , be recogn ised,

iden tified .

1° a

’reqf, school-mon i tor .

Algllu ) : el- balad, localc ustom

or usage .

ma ’nfa , pl. ma a r if,

scien c e , kn owledge ;instrumen tali ty .

uq gll bi -ma ’mfa t el- belees,

by means of th e polic e . [Eh -NB


ELL,“ 5 4°

/law ma ’drg


f o’moomiya ,

public in struction .

mo- a’rnf, in spector ; toll

k eeper .

ma ’reef, k nown k indness,

favour .

du e la a’milma

’roof, please!

d o th e fa vour !

49a , ma fia/ h , h orse’s n ame .


J} : a’r iqa , h e swea ted .

J} : a’raq , sweat ; arrack, dis

tilled liquor .

a’raqiya , skull- c ap .

ulif a

’rgdn , in a sweat, perspiring .


JJ: i’rq, pl. a

’reeg, ve in ,

fibre ; beam.


,-JlJ} : i

’rq 0 8 - 8 0 0 8 , liquorice

wa ter .

fullJ”: o

’roeq esi1- sh im, beams,

poles, rafters, Syrian timber .

Jfij ‘ Jlf . i’rdq a

’rabiy, Mesepo

tamia .

tJ: a


, he rubbed .

Q ) ; u’tirc ha

, h e fough t wi th .

i f) . i f) “ mo’cira ka,b attle,

ma ’raka, ba ttle- fi eld .

f} a’rrama

,h e h eaped up .

ffLo): o


, p1. a’

ram, h eap .

l): a


,i t h appen ed .

gj c lia ’ta ra,be seized

,amic ted .

ww’a tar ihi el-ma rad ,

h is being afflicted wi th disea se .

if”: o’rwa, button - hole .

a’ri, fellah ’s smock froc k

galabiya .

951° a

’r ia , he was n aked, it was

bar e .

“55: a rra , be stripped, made bare .

f o’r1


a,n ak edness.

ab1: o

’ri tin , nak ed .

0 0


, bare, devoid, desti

a ,“

moa ’rra , str ipped, ba red .

3c a’zza

,it was noble, migh ty,

prec i ou s.


s or i’zz, e r t zza , nobility,

power ; prime , in tensi ty .

fulfil3c. i’zz csh - sh itd, depth of

w in ter .

i’zzetlu , Turk ish title

for th e lower rank of boy,

inferior to 8 a’ddetlu .

a’r eaz, n oble, migh ty, pre

c ious, beloved .


fi - r. a’zzaza , he ennobled, corre

berated evidence .


j) “moa ’zza z, corroborated (evi

den ce)

gala a’zz, nobler, grander .

£14} a

’zab, unma rr ied, celibate,

solitary .

o’zooba , celibacy .

U‘Jl‘ h oa

/{ c a

’dzib, widower ;

a’an is, bach elor .

i gj lc a’dziba

,u nprotected female,

d ivorced woman .

my) : Jig) ; a’zba , pl. a

’za b, h amlet,

village, farm.

J} or) ; a

’za r a , h e blamed .

[c f.

J} a’zr

,blame .

j ar-3 ta


,blame, reprimand,

pun ishmen t.


b}: A’zrdyeel, the Angel of

dea th .

J): a

zf, mu sic, sound .

LBJ. “ a’zaqa , he dug ;

mia ’zaya, boo, spade .


a’zeeq, a digging, dug .

J} a’zala , be d ismissed removed

to a noth er h ou se .

351: J):

a’zl,d ismissal; ozla ,

retiremen t, idlen ess.

ll} : a’zala , family furni ture for

removal.i zl i

’a tazala , h e dissen ted, kept


ma ’zool, dismissed .

r}: a

’zama , h e decided ; invited

a gu est.


rjlz Lilan a a

’tizim, I in tend to .

La”: or a’zc cma, or a

’zooma ,

in vita tion , incanta tion , banquet,even ing party .

59: a’za

,be ac c u sed, impu ted,

referred .

or J ) : a’za , grief, ac cu sation ;

fun eral.

g}: a’zza , h e condoled with .

len c e fun eral.j ut



ziya , sympathy, condo

i l) “ma’za

,mourn ing for th e dead .

In » ; a


,i t wa s diffi c ult, stra i t .

o’sr a , d iffi culty, restrain t.

fit“ : a

’sc c r, difficult.

a a’sa ra

,h e became insolven t.

jlu c lia

sci r, insolven cy , in stra its

for mon ey .

moa ’

sir, insolven t .

I“? W moa ’sir wa moosir,

insolven t and solven t. L -s“

s o

fl“ : -

JQ» : u

?sk ew,

exmg Q W k “ s

t roop s.


a’skar iy, mili tary, soldier,

poli c eman .

Ji g : a

sker, ( in Turk ish ) a soldier .

M lICU lashka r (Persian ) ,

army, lascar, probably

origin of cl- a’ska r .

Ji g .“ moa

skar, camp .

da d:’asal, h on ey .

w e a’

sa,perhaps ; I hope so ;

it is possible .


e; e’shsha , pl. i



straw hu t n est .

o’shb, green vegetation ,


a’shara , (fem. ) a

’shr ,

(colloquial) a’shreen , twen ty .

l zlor”A:o’sh r, pl. o



or da’sh ci/r , one ten th part

tith es.

I,“ o


,ascIep ias gigantea ,

c alotrop-is procer a .

JAM: a’cishir, the ten th in order .


shoor iy, land paying tith es.

zgj bt c l a a’shdriy, dec imal.

fibri l: a

’cishoor ci , Feast of th e loth

day of Moharram.


- QL : a’

dshoora, Arab plum


j un a’sheera , pl. a




small tribe ; family . [El

in: i’shr a, gaie ty, in timacy.

163k n th /la rd , b e was intimate,

mo a.sha ra, in timacy .

Jun: i

’shdr, pregnan cy of an imals ;

being in foal, 850 .


,an an imal in foal or

in calf, & c .


:a’sh iqa , h e loved ( sexu ally) .

i’shq, sexual love .

Jet : or Jai l: or a

’shc eq, or

a’dsh ig, or a

shshdq, a lover .

ma ’shooqa , th e woman be

loved, sweeth eart.

rth a


h ope,longing . [J olG

orrs; a

’sh ima

, or ta’ash

h e hoped for, coveted,longed for .


: a’shshama , h e made hepe


encou raged .

(i.e . mota ’ashshim, hopeful.

lit- c a’shd, supper, even ing meal.

2k : or i’

sbd, or a’sh iya ,

n igh tfall; after sun set ; even ing

‘ praye

r .

ta’ashsha , he passed th ew

even ing, supped .

Til c a’sbciwa , dimn ess of sigh t

by n igh t.

“an d : or w a s o’so

’s, ta il- bon e ;

cocc yx .

u hazl W e a’sa b, pl. a


n erve .

data : i’sdba , bandage .

h e bound up,

assaba , h e bound h im

self, b ec ame rig“,i amthc

25h : a’

tfa , side, by- street, lan e .

2639's: a’

titcfa , sympa thy, lean ingtowards.

u’toofa , benevolence, c on

desc en sion .

,ili’la : u

toofa tlu (Turk ish ) title forMin isters of Sta te and c ivilian sof Build. rank , condescending,gracious.

din: o’tl, delay, obstruction , idle

n ess, deprivation .

d int. a’ttala

,h e h indered, ob

structed took holiday, pro

c rastina ted .

M ta’teel, holiday, off- day ;

inju ry c au sed by ob struction

or delay ; workmen ’s strike .

db “ mo’a ttal, deserted, idle,sh u t up ; rendered useless,injured .

ulna: a

’tana , it bec ame spoiled,

wen t bad wa ter,& c . )

Uh : lilac ( 2) or labe l Pun: a’td,

pl. a a’tiya or (2) a

’tiya , pl.

a’tdyci, gift.

allnc luh z l a ’a ta, h e gave ; i a ’td,

a giving .

AlgalJ [Va l a khz we. i e’

tti,a taking

and giving, trade, bu siness.


, giver, God th e Giver .

LSH“; h e exc h anged gifts ;dispu ted

, qu arrelled, undertook , exercised .

[LoGEL” tda

’ta sana a

’taho, h e

exerc ised h is profession .

« i s: a im/7m, g ran deur ; great



Us: a’

zeem, pl. i


grand, splendid great, firstrate,


glil, walldhi el- a’

zeem, by

Almigh ty God ! th e u su al

Moslem oa th .


,.lfic la a

’zam, (fomin . ) o

’zma ,

grea ter, greatest .

udin“Ly llngg g Br itcima. el- o

’zma ,

Great Bri tain .


JM sadr na

’mm, th e noblestsource of power, the Grand

V iz ier .

(B: a

’zzama , he ennobled, mag

n ified .

rah -3



,an ennobling, mag

n ifying.

flan ; mow’zzam, exalted, imperial.

moa’zzama , magnifying


0 0 o 1


rh r a dthm, pl. 10 dthwm


bone .

me’zam, major ity, greaterpart.

or Zn: Wit, ch astity ;a’

feef, or a foof, ch aste .

aft ect, pl.

a fflirect, demon, cunn ing .

use: affah , baggage, luggage .

u ni: a ifs, gall- n u t.

u ni : a’

f asa , h e seized, flung,


di s e’

faqa, he seized, arrested .


orvi e a if un , or otfoonu ,

sten c h of mildew .


cf ” ta’aj

a na , i t smelt rotten,

dec a ved .

use a

fin, in fectiou s disease .


y, malarious, pesti

len t ial.

u:‘d e 117 6

a n, h e pardon edya ifoo h e pardon s.


fm, pardon .

$54 : afoo, merc iful, pa rdon er .


u l 18 t11fa h e a sk ed pardon ,b egged to be excused, resign edh is post.

W e ll istc'eifci, an ask ing pardon ;resigna tion .

b i le a’

cifiya , good h ealth .

mo’cifdt, exemption .

or mi l-w mo’df, or ma ’foo,pardon ed, exempted .

M a’

qeoq, aga te, corn elian ;a ha rbour n ear Suakin .

w e a’

qa ba , h e overtook, trod

on on e’

s h eels.

ualie - w 0

qb, end ; 0’

qba , retri

h utie n .

e el - w e a’

qb, or a’

qib, pl.

a a’

qdb h eel, axi s,pivot, h i nge .


u iie a’

qiboh , its h eel, immed ia telya fter i t, th ereupon .

Eadie o’

qba , onc e , on e time .

or 9 3 's. n’tigih, or n


n ext a fter, su c cessor .

pl. a’wciqib,


quba , h ill; A’

qaba , a plac e

a t th e end of th e n arrow gulf

on th e eastern side of the Sinai

Pen in sula .

Lu n e a’

qaba , A monster barge

dressed up as a sh ip a t th e

ceremony of th e cutting of

th e Kh aleej or Canalof Cairo .


, -51: a’tiqaba , h e pun ish ed (by

legal sen tence) .


qdb, eagle .


oqiba , h e was pun ish ed

(by legal sen tence ) .


ciqab,h e shallbe pun ish ed,

is liable to be punish ed ; i t is

pun ishable .

or eJ i e i’

qab, or me culaba ,

pun ishmen t.m '

eji e o

qooba , pl. o’


pun ishmen t .

qcinoon cI- o’


di e a’

qada , h e knotted, con trac ted ,made a con tra c t (the pr iest)u n i ted in ma rriage ; ( the liquid)congealed it h ardened .

epic d i e a’

qd, pl. o’

geed, kn ot,

con tract, agreement .

C’s) : Aiie e’

gd o’rfiy, private c on

tract, sou s swing p r ive'


M C o’

q u,

plexu s, join t, ganglion .

pl. 0 211117, knot,

d i e i’

qd, necklace .


JUie a’

qqdd, lace -maker ; kno tter,mak er of frin ge fi n k vass ek s .

d qeeda ,cr e ek

a il-6 182 i t:


ta a qad a , h e made a contract Jl'

ie o’

ggal, Dru se priests, in itiated(mu tually) . men .

d oe-

la i n mota ’dqideen ,th e contract J,“ ma ’goel, intelligible metaing parties. physi

ai ls!ia ’taqad a , h e ti ed h imself to, JUL : i’

gdl, h alter ; foot- rope,

believed in .teth er ; h ead - band .

d ‘i'

ie l i a’tiqéd , belief in, reliance i li e o’qla , a knot in bamboo er cene .

upon , bona fides .

di e l a a’

gal, (femin . ) a’


fl a il in a ’geda , it was knotted , more in telligen t .

assembled ; it congealed, 0 0 ”

rite o

gm,ster ili ty .

agulated .


qeem sterile .

“M ldli'

u ilin ia ’qdd el-majlis, th e d“

coming togeth er of a council.

Jae o

qr , sterility . [rs-1:

j‘e a

’dqir, sterile .


X e Syria .

jKe or

Jfie a

’lca r or a

’kdr, sed imen t,


we} : a’kroot

, cuckold, pimp .Q1

vi : a

’ks, upside down


wrong way roun d ba ck again .

vi g il: bil- a

ks, on th e con trary ;

c al/li e

Jliie a

gdr, pl. a’


landed property .

swell el- bank el- a’


land - bank,c redi t fon cier .

-n a e

)li e a

qqdr, pl. a’


dr h b l ui ai l in


,it wa s reversed .

ug, er Slmp es.

U ri a h . ma ’hoes, upside down ,

reversed .

a’dkasa , h e opposed, ran

coun ter to, annoyed .

. . iSlc a’dkof , persevering ;

in a’kafa , h e persevered .

ia’takafa , he prayed in

seclu sion .

Halli e u

ji e

’aqrab, pl. a

qar ib

scorpion ; Scorp io of th eZodiac

h and of a clock , or watch .

dial: d i e a’

gl, pl. o’

qool, mind,in telligen c e .

li e aqldn , w ith rea son , in reason .

$ 3: a’

qliy, in tellectual, of th e

intellec t .

Jae a’

qala , h e could th ink, c on f

ig: 11. kkam, h ead camel manleader of caravan .

c e1ve an 1dea ; h e tethered an

an imal. i olfie o’kdma, mu zzle

,br idle .

d i e 3 h i yo’

gal, it is in c onceivable, gKf- l

ufi‘ o

’ka n , 0 1

‘ folds,

absu rd .wri nkles of the h ips.

J“: - J 4 757 12, p1. o’

q lintelli di e like i’lla

, pl. i’Ial, defect


def: or

rle a

’lli m

,or a



very learned, a title of d ivin esor u

’lmnd .

r.L el ia

’Idm sha ra

’iy, a

judgment pronou nced by a

Sher i’trib unal.

y ’all:

rlle a

’dlem, pl. a

’cilemoon ,

th e un iverse .


’lsam, teach ing, instru ction ;

dr ill.

w ag-3°

ta’leemdt, in struction s.


fl“ mo- a


, teach er, foreman .

ma ’loom, known , of course !a c tive vo ice of a ve rb .

ma ’loomiya , in forma tion,

knowledge .

ole a

’la na , it was publicly known ,

open to th e public .

Ulc l a a

’lana , h e an noun ced, ad

vertised .


ale lo

’Ima , 1t was an nounced .

c u lillelcJlle l i a ’ldn, pl. ia

’la ndt


advertisemen t .

b ile or lile a’lcmcin

,or a

’ldn iya tdn,

publicly .

kside a’la n iy, pu blic, in public .

Ulla ? or he a

’ld, or ta


,i t was

h igh .

Ulla ? till Allah ta

’dla , God th e

High how grea t He is l

gle or £11: a’hi, or o

’Ioo, grandeur,

h e igh t .

a. -

’lig, noble, h igh ; Ali .

117 /ya, the exaltedemp ir e, Turk ey .



Jle orglle a

’dli, or 11. 1d

,n oble,

sublime fi rst- ra te .



order , Kh edivial dec ree .

vile 1. 3L» bdb a


,Sublime Por to.

isle i’Idwa

,su rplus.

Les -


h ighe r, upper .

or Jle Isl amr a


,h igh

le l a’ala

, (fomin . ) u’lgd,

ule a

’Ia , upon , at, aga in st, a c

cording to .

c a dla i ta’dla , come th ou for

ti, wh ic h is th e unused imperative of


a’mma , i t was un iversal, public .

lill Ki le Ele n’amm, common


public ; a’timma t c n -mis

, th e

gen eral public .

w “

gen erality ; o’moomiy, gen eral,

pu blic .

”A: o

’moom, totali ty,

r!“ a

’mc cm, public, general.

(fl-AC Ee l“: i ’mcima

, pl. a’mayim,

turban .

U oa“:

l" a

’mm, (fe1n 1n . ) a


patern al uncle aun t ; pa tron

or master .

o 0

u’l 1bn a

’mmeh, h1s c ou s1n ,

u n c le’s son .

rye } tameem, gen eralisa tion .

M e a’madn

,h e propped up, in

tended, pu rposed .

lax : A4 : a’md, purpose ; 11

’md1i 11

on pu rpose . [A4 35

M ta’ammada , h e 1n teuded



at w e !ia ’tamada. a ’la , h e relied d.»

’amila , h e did, made . ( 1) -5

“P0 11, confided in . due l a c’mala , he caused to be

orb: or a”: or ela e ’

imcid, or done .


dmead, pillar, column . Ju le a

’dmala , he trea ted or be

i a s e l or Au :’omod


’amad, or haved to .


,pillars. M l ista ’mala , he u sed, em

M e’omda , pl.


,the ployed

offi cially recogn ised sheikh of ta’dmala , h e did busin ess

a village . wi th , con tracted wi th .

garb a

’dmoodiy, uprigh t, per Jla el Jae

’11mal, pl. aa

’mal,pendic ula r .

work, ac t, deed .

Lgle Alia-4 moa’tamad ’


h, tru st

worthy, tru ste d in .

Jla el


’emf , pl. a a

’mdr, age

Lula : ’amaliya , work, practice ,

experience ; surgical Operation ;medicin e, purge .

in years ; li fetime . 1L“ dd:’a 1imil, pl.



,minor pilgrimage to de er, workman .

Mecca . ’omla

,cash .



’0ma r , and ’Amrea


dlas’amma i, de lng, ln th e a c t of

names for men .

doing ;’omm1il, workmen .I

cl)“ ommn, cultu re . W e


,commission agen t:

iijlae cultivation, signs of broker .

life 3.

fleet, expedition ; edifice, El,“

’omoolu , commission, perc en

tage, brokerage .I“; a ma n , floun sh lng, pros

JAM J» . maa)mal’ p1. ma



“perous fac to ry, workshop.

fi e ’

amma ra,h e repa ired , loaded EU“ mo’dmala, treatment, con

gun duct.JM ta

’meer,repa irs ; loading ;

dw ‘ ist1°

a’mcil, use, u sage, em

gun .

ploymen t.aru se mo amma r

,repa i red loaded .

den s.“ mosta ’mal, used second)lu u mm’mdr , arch itect. [w asp hand ; boa tswa in .

jAa -l ista

’mam,h e colonised .

J 1 mc ’meel, done, execu ted,

c aba na musta ’ma rdt, colon ies. carri ed ou t.

M l w e’a.mash, blearness b

elf -M qanoon ma meal

1111’ma sh , blear - eyed . bih i, a law


m vigour .

fi e“ 3 “ 0’m. depth 5 ’

ameeq, whee exe i xn ae mi K n mmx

deep .

“3 3

186 Ag:

ly eu“ ’

ama, blindness ; ud le (w it ) Cane s) ,

’amy1in, blind .

bach elor .

“h e l u eu

s e la a ’ma , (fomin . ) fol}:

fa ke

’onsor, pl.

Ming/6, pl.’omi

,blind . elemen t, pr inciple of nature .


amma, en igma, mystery .


Pentec ost .

’a n , ou t of, from,

in stead . b ile’anf, cruelty ; violen c e ; in

li e locf

’a -11-m1i , written ’


turn .

from th at wh ich .

’an cef, cruel, violen t.

J i el J }:’onoq, pl. an

’i nig, neck ,

throat. [c f. lit?

Jaw or J ile a

’dnaqa , or ta


h e emb raced .

vie “lie

"in cin, pl.’onon , reins.

BU“; will;’ineen , impotent

’a111i na , impoten c e .

g lie l w e’i nab, pl. aa

’mib,1 fl

grape ; vine . [Pg awl or J ane mag, or me an aqa ,

a caress, embrace .us


b, be .onna Ju-ln ’onqood, cluster, bunch


v ille uey fie ’

ankaboot, pl.

’an 1i kib, spider .


J aw :

’a nbar, Pl'

’1mcib ir, au xih ll w e.) ba it el-



’anba r , ambergris.




1111 an y, aroma 10 re 1.

ba rn ,magazin e . spider’s web .

3111:’a nta r iy, bodice





w aistc oa t . of letter .

di e’a nd, a t, near

,with , upon, ma ’nwin , addressed (letter) .

H vchez .

g ale

’a ndi , wi th me, I h ave .


,wi th th ee, thou

h a st ; stop l

JAE“d ie embed - 110 7113 a t midday .

t”JillAir. a nd el- lozoom

,in case of

nec essi ty .


’ , i t mean t, sign ified .

glue. or g

ie la a ’n i, or ya’n i

, th a t is

to say ; v iz . ; itmeant, i tmeans.


uln a ma ’n a , pl. ma




mean ing, rh etoric .

gilu ll


"ilm el-ma ’cini, rh etoric .

iu’fa n a , he was c areful


anxious for .

0°9 o I 0

Gal: 0 1' d u e na ced, 0 1

a ami d, k i ndness, care for .

obstinate .


,obstin acy .

ma ’n awiy, allegoric unreal,

Jolie’a ndaleeb, pl. virtual.

N‘’ahida , h e made a treaty e

j “ 9 713, sh e -

g e e t. c ontra c t.

Jf ‘

fiela a

’war, one

- eyed .

J;’awwa ra , h e injured, spoilt.


’1twm, nak edn ess, pudenda .


jl: a

’dr, sh ame ; a


h e pu t to shame .


Jlela -a

’ci ra , h e len t (money) ;

ia’dra , loan .


G15jlje l e a. a r iya , pl.



loan .

Jlulimlista a ’ h e borrowed .

JM mosta ’yeer, borrower .



, h e needed ; wished for .


Sle or”:’awuz, or a

’dyiz, h e wh o

needs, w ish es.

i f Liland a’dgiz, or


I wan t, I wish .

Us} :


d, or

’iwad , exchange,instead of.

sflldcf he) :

’iwad 1in’ai1 zdlik,

in stead of th at.

val: a’dda , h e gave in exchange .

0 5}’awwada , h e indemn ified


compensated .

c alé fi d ta’weeddt, damages (in

law) , compen sa tion .

a’ciwada, h e exchanged .

“fa -o or ”al,:’iw1id, ormo

’dwada ,

exch ange .

“6l ista’wada

,be appointed a

substitu te ; replaced, gave instead .


éf, ch ance , condi tion . [u se


y1ifa , fortune- telling.

J; ( h e’6q, obstacle ’

ummugah e h in dered .


ta’weeq, a cau sing delay,

h indering .

or fi le a’dqa , or ta

’awwaqa ,

he loitered, was la te.

JJL: a’dyig, h indering ; rak ish ,

debauch ee .

J} :’o'

I,sh ri ek ,moan ; misfor tune .

J) :’iwal, confidence ; c ry for h elp .

J) : or J”:’o- ool

,pau ci ty of a n

inh er itance, in suffi cien t for all

th e h eirs.

gl‘ J’


:’awwa in

’ala, he relied

upon , beli eved in .

dgf é’

ta’weel, confidence, b elief in .

Jla: d2e’ayy1


l, pl.

’iy1il, family,

ch ild . [deal

Zlil: w’agila , wi fe, family .

M all0 12 1) arshad el- n’i gila , eldest

of th e family .


a swimming ; river in

flood, not fordable .

t.le a


,h e swam. [


f.ljel,.le a

’dm, p1. a’awcim, year .

’da , aid, succour .

aid, succou r euph emismfor cervée .

c al: a

’dwana , he assisted .



6l mo’dwana , assistance .

wlu me’dwin , assistant.


’dna , be a ssisted .

Zilelia’dn a , assistan ce .

gli b-lista

’cina , h e asked for h elp .

Ell-L listi ’dna, an ask ing for h elp .

or ma ’oona, or maghO'

na ,

barge, lighter .


b l: 11 111111, pubis.



’awwaha , h e injured ; was injured .

i sle a'

dha,calami ty .

ii“ mo’awwah, deformed, inju red .

b g):’11wa (th e dog) bark ed, h owled .

el)z or



e gg : W 3’a 1


b, pl.’oyoeb,

vi c e, stain , sh ame, defect.

sai d : 9 75“’a ib



k, sh ame on

th ee !

9 3:’aggaba, h e stigmatised

stain ed, dish onoured .

M or du e’11ib1t ( incorrectly

ha iba ) , valise, saddle - b .ag

draw ma ’goob, disgrac ed, vicious,sta ined .

a): oL


se l Ag:’eed

, pl. a a’

ydd ,

fete,festi val ( see ’

6d) .

ow lA} :’c ed cl-meeldd,Christma s .

A1:’eed sl-fas- h

,Easter .

lM :’eed es- so

’ood, Ascension .

Q M l ’eed et- tathleeth,

Trin i ty .

elgdj‘ll 8 A : Agle

’ecd jameaa


awliyd, All Sa in ts.


’ig1ir, pl.c a l

/lite J


legalstandard of c oin,measures,& c . calibre ; th e usual cha rge

o f powder and shot for a gun .

li la:J” 1 ~

’ig1ir a drig, a shot or

disch a rge from a gun .

jls“; ’

agg1ir, crane for lifting

weigh ts ; cunn ing ; rogue .

Jl: a

’dr, shame, ignominy .

or13; a

ggafr a

, h e pu t to

sh ame, dish onoured .

M .


)l= a

’cim (th e h orse) bolted ;i t bolts.

jlx w mi ’yci r, legal standard ; law .

ef f“jlx w mi ’y1ir sha ra

’1ig, Mos

lem law or standard of righ t

and wrong .

w e erd

a g:’Isa , or

Hadrut’Isa , Jesus Christ.

if )“’Isawig, Ch ristian . [éslj a i

11 Jesui t. (N .B.

Mark th e tran sposition of the


a y .

fl :’11ish , life, existence ; bread .


M U“a

’cisha , h e lived ;


yeesh, he lives.

mafi l Ya’

yeash Efendeend,VimKhédive l

ta’agyasha , h e lived, gained

a living.


lje a’

ygdsh, seller of bread in

the streets.

A’agisha , the favouri te wife

of Mahomed,and the V irago

of the early Caliph ate, afterth e Proph et’s death .

ma ’gisha , mean s of life,

existence .

L u lu : G la m ma ’dsb, pl.

ma ’aska t mean s of life,mon thly

pay, wages ; ( in Turk ey espec ially) , pen sion ,

annuity .

lob : Wyatt, scream, c ry ; uproar .

lei : ’ayya ta, h e screamed, sh ou ted .

( 11°

f dight 0 1 bi rd s


y1if11, fortune - telling, augury

from fligh t of b irds.

dyc J'

s: d in mat/fl. pl "iyél.

family ( see’17l) .


w JL}: -

y1il sagheer, in fan t,

small ch ild .

w; 11’

family, wife .

“Ma l or g !“or

ufil“ we:




pl.’oyoon,or a a

yu n , and c a’

yda ,

(fomin . ) eye, h ole, sou rce, founta in , essen ce evil eye .

’oyoon, arc h es of bridge ;

spec tacles, gla sses.

M lwlgc l a a

yri n el- balad, provi nc ial n otables.

”gelc a’

yda manqoola ,move

ables, fu rn i ture .

C 0 O 0 0

t ip .» or

’111noho, or b1



h e h imself.

we’c1i 11, self, same; the th ing sold .

u é" ? bi


’a 1


11 el- asbab, for

th e same reasons.

W H elm“: bil- asbcib ’11im



the same reasons.

we’c1i11 cl-

’oqooba , th e

same penalty.

u f‘



a el-mo’ayya na , the

iden tical th ing .

lb : ’a in 1i11 (paymen t) in k ind,

en n a tu re.

or 323121:’11yy1


1111 (or

spec imen , sample .

o 0


’am1y, self, same ; real.

h w y/11, self, same ; sameness.

“ 47,

a. 0

4 4 -93a )

» Izogoog’111111y11, real

J ,


we’ayy11n11, h e appoin ted, de

signated .

w as? ta’

yeen , appoin tmen t, designa tion .

w llq d'


ycendt, appointments,ra tions, allowances.

wk ta’ayyana , h e was appoin ted,

it b ecame eviden t, resulted .

a ll;’111iy11o111, h e examined

, saw

as an eye- witness.

wilt -o mo’- 1igl



- witness, scrn

tin iser .

234“ mo’

- 1ig/1m11, inspec tion, visi tof th e police to the sc en e of a

crime .


elf-l“ momyya n, appomted, design ated .

mt g ) ;’ow11in1it

,small eyes,


WL M ma .

’1in , visible ; M11 1111 in

Arab ia Pc trwa .


u por

’11yy11, h e was weak,

ill, incapable .

L3; ’ayy1i , h e fa tigu ed, made ill.

f ly ; -l.>

MG.’ayy1in , ill, diseased .


(a h ard gu ttural G) .

6Gha in . Value 1000 .

g lad: y‘é ghdba, h e was absen t

(see gh iydb. )

u lé iglé yluiba , forest ; glu ib,

reeds,ru sh es.



u Ot)\h gh1ir , ormaqh1ir11,c avc rn .

”h glu'

ma , a mild Kass gh bfi .

u } 911a1' b, west ; salivation .

Q1° 9111111119, western .

01 th e West ; Algarvein Portugal.

umbljb Tardbohw cl- 9h11rb,

Tr ipoli West (in Africa ) .

lh ilo Gha rbiya , th e cen tral

and largest province of LowerEgypt ; c api tal

,Ta nt11.

fly : gha reeb, pl. 9110 1111111,

strange, fore ign , extraordina ry .

g a l)

: crow,raven ,

bolt , 9ha r 11b11, strangeness.

istaghmba, he was

aston ish ed .

1.t ma911r ib, place or h our of

sunset ; west.

nL-b o maghribiy, pl.

1110 91111rb11, Moor, Moor ish .

JnE: £14} 911arbala , h e si fted ;g11i1

' b1il,sieve .

9111111111111, (th e b ird) warbled

gha raza , h e stuck , it ran

agrou nd .

Ulf 911111118 11, h e planted ;(11117 118 , a plan ting .

Ml)“ 911a r 8 , pl. 11911r118 , a

plant, shoot.




) ; 97110 0 811 (Tu rk ish for

Arabi c piastre, 21d .


91111111111, h e desi red, a imed at.

UélJél U ‘f" g11a rad, pl. 0 91111111,

desire, a im, object in view ;mflfi c e; p r ejudic e .

192 a}

moghr id, prejudiced, partial.

911a r91111ra , he gargled

ghargha ra , a gargle .

911ar 11f11, h e ladled .

9110 1711, pl.

pool,cell, cavi ty .


mighrafa , ladle, scoop .

Jjé y1111r1


ga , h e sank,was drown ed,

or wrecked .

y l aghraqa , h e made sink ,

drown ed ; flooded a fi eld .

Jjfi l ingharaqa , i t was flooded ,drown ed .

dbi b l h e wa s overwhelmed ; it

was exaggerated ; it occ upiedmuch time .

gharaq, ac t of sink ing, drown

ing, sh ipwreck, flooding a field .

ghareeq, drowned .

23,l 91111rooq11, a ru inous form of

mortgage ; anti chrése,


donmen t of th e u sufruct to a

cred itor .

El): 9110 1111, prepuce .

r}; 911111111111, h e owed mc n ey .

rjé gharrama , he fin ed, made pay .

ri1113 10 9111eem, imposition of a fine .

i o lwé 9111111111111, mon ey fine .


: 911111 130111, pl. 911oram11,

creditor ; deb tor .

rlfé 91111111m, passiona te love


pen alty .

ghar ia , h e coveted .

wi c l aghra ,h e . excited desire,

tempted,seduced .


NM l 1l1él 0911111110 esh - sha itdn , du e 9110 81, or 9111181, a wash ing ;

th e Devil tempted h im. a religiou s b a th ing of th e whole

body after certa in pollutions.

sljél1911111, tempta tion , seduction .

compare 10 0 110 0 .


he 1

, 1 t9 11a. gum, g ue cove ousn ess

911118 0 01, wash ing a dead body



é or gh a zza or 9111129110 2 11, for b ur ial.

h h l d} he pu s ed m p unge t ru st

M 911118 1301, wash ed ; h ence,dug .

a cloth es for the wash .


c Gha zza , Gaza 1n Palestme .

Elf-é. Jli é 911118 8 111, (femin . )

sjlfi ' 911112 11111, abundan ce .

911118 8 11111, washerman .


J: 911112 11111, h e spun (wool,cotton & c . )

J 1 1


n y rnM 11109ha 8 8 1


1,awash er ofc orpses.


c g i az spu a e

EELS ghazliya , n ative stufl'

of silk Ute gha shslm,


he c heated, adul

and c otton mixed .

tera ted , fals1fied .

11119112 111, spindle , use 9111811811, fraud , adulteration ,

J) : 91mm], courtsh ip, love poem. ufi b’

w maghshoosh, adultera ted

Jj'e: 111911 1111

,h e flirted w i th,

(arti cle) ; bad ( c om) .

M maghsal, laun dry, lava tory .

wooed .

PW gha sheem, pl. 9110 811a

111111 111 1. 111211111,


,awkward ; recru i t,

gazed; 9 p ga numb ering ofl


in drill,


JlJ C 3) gha zcil, parchmen t.numb ers.

wat-Z: U dallalm118 ghash cem,


Bf: 911112 11, he raided, attacked th ediamond .

enemy .

Iashoom i oran t 11111°

or gha zwa , or ghazrit, fr“: 91 gn f

ra1d , r a zzm.

” M:°

l fiL‘Lfi 911181111, pl. aghshiya ,

b a e sh ea th .

d jLé 91111zi, pl. 9110 z11t,


mem r I



Moslem ra ider, ch ampion of 911118111a , he faln ted .

Islam. aw ghashaydn, a fa in ting .

qjl’é jlé 9

11112 1911, pl. 9111110 111113,

M 911a 8 ab11,h e used force,

a professional dancing girl of V i ola ted, rav1sl1ed .

Upper Egypt ; an 0 1150 19139 gold w ghasb, violence, forc e .

coin .

cf ' lid : 9110 8b1111’1111, in spi te of.


é or dun -E9110 8 0 10 . or 9ha 8 8 a111, [125he wash ed lin en , a corpse, & c . w 5m 1


9htasaba , he

M 11911118 11111, h e washed h imself. ravished ; um .

Q Q .


Un i: 9110 8 11, pl. 9110 8 0 0 11,

branch , bough .

w 9110 11110 , h e was angry . [119ghada b, anger .

u p : oruLu f19110 11111111or ghadoob,


L311 maghdoob’0 leih, object

of wra th .

M l 0 911110 b11, h e provok ed to

anger, vexed .

9110 1111reefi cartilage, vertebra .

v.61 91111110 11, pl. 9110 110 0 71,

fold, wrinkle .

ji 9110 110 0 11 es11- s110 11r,in th e cou rse of th e mon th .


lngllni: l=1 9110 1111, he snored 91111

teet, a sn or ing .


) “ 9110 tr 0 8110 , (colloqu ial) he

conn ived at,shut h is eyes to .

w h é oru

n la :9110 10 8 0 , or 91111110 8 11,

h e plunged (anoth er) in to wa ter,baptised .

W LESS or 91111118 or taghtees,

a plunging ; baptism; Epiph any .


u 711191110 8 , tank for wa sh ing .


or “11 9110 111, or 9110 1t0 , he

covered, pu t the lid on .

d aistagha tta , h e covered or veiledh imself.

M l filln1 9111111, p1. 0 9111190 ,

lid, cover .a“h i e mayka tta, covered ; h aving8 lid .

J a'

é y/uy'

a r a, (Go d) p a rdoned .

M l1810 911far11, h e asked (God’s)

4,pardon .

AllM l Astaghfi r Ullah , May

God pardon me ! Heaven for

b id ! You are too compli

men tary .

orulj fi . ghofr cin , or m0911fi ra ,

God’s pardon .


: or 91111foor, or 91111911113God the Pardon er .

£ 11F>j0mmgh afeer , a vast crowd .

or1111 ghafa r

,or 9110f11r11,

th e system of n igh t- watch by

peasan ts ; post or b eat of a

n igh t wa tchman .

p l)“ 91111feer, pl. 9110f 0 r 11,n ight

- watchman . Th is word is

officially spelt khafeer . I:


a r,h elmet.

did 9110f1110 , h e was n egligent,careless.

.Jstzs t0 91111f0 10 , h e was un ready ;sh ammed carelessn ess.

or 9110f111, or 91101111,

negligence .M l

uh 1- 9h 0fl0 , suddenly,

by su rpri se .

d ili. 91111111, n egligen t, careless.

i761 9110fwa , a doze, n ap, siesta .

Jim J1 91111, spi te ; 191111,

fraud, decei t .

Jn1 211 9110 110 , pl. 91111111, corn ,

cereals r evenu e, crop .

Jub \ istighldl, enjoymen t of a

righ t, tak in g th e crop s , hm.


{1 9110mm, pl. 9110 1110 0 111,


”A ?“ "10 9111110 0 111, saddened, sad .

9110 1110 110 , h e sh ea th ed ; 911111111,a sheath .

J“? ghamara , h e covered over .

9110 1n1'


ab undance, greatquan tity .

Juli ? or 54 1 9110 1110 2 0 , or t0 91111

1110 2 0 , h e winked a t, connived .

9110 11110 , wink , h in t, conn i

vance .



: 9110 111112 , tr igger .

w 9110 1110 8 0 , he soak ed, dipped .

[v . 11

01 41 9110 1110 8 , blearn ess, weaknessof eyes.

9110m0 d0 , h e sh u t h is eyes,k ept dark , conn ived at.

06111 91111111111, dark,


9110m9, depth .

9111111119, deep


ghamma , h e covered .

(11 9hu11j, indecen t postur ing or

ga i t.

tagha n najet, she solici tedby h er ga i t .

J0 l1 9110 11110 1, foppishness, c o

qu etry .

9110 11110 0 r, fop 9110 11

110 0 10,immodest woman .

JARS 109110 11110 10 ,

h e flirted .

91111119110 10 1110 (European ) ,


run 9110 1111110 , or 191110 110 1110 ,

he took booty , profited by .

9110 /necm0 , pl. 9110 1111

91111, booty, spoil.

t$i.1l H1 9110 110 111, pl. 09111111m,


sh eep


9110 111111111, sh eph erd . [qc lj

“31 or A11 9110 1111, or 9111110 ,

wealth , luxu ry .


9110 1119, pl. 0 911111911,

rich , wealthy .

Us 1810 911110 h e was

rich enough to do wi th ou t, h e

di spen sed wi th .

h$4111. 111 9111111110 , or 91111111,

pl. 091111111, song .

6 6

UK; or

us: 9110 11110 , or 109110 11110 ,

h e sang .

Jud , 11109110 11111, singer .

or 9110 8 , or 91119118 ,

h elp, su ccour, salvation .

21111 ¢ L11 0 911118 0 , h e h elped,rescued ; 1911118 0 , resc ue .

120 1111 0 1 1810 911118 0 , h e cried for

h elp .

1911 ”1 (9116r) 911111 0 , ra id , 1

c urslon .


u .

JU: 91111r, or m0 9h111


0,cavern .

9110 10 0 181111t,gla ssbrac elets.


;1 9110 ww0 8110 , he jabbered, wasvulga r .

“011 9110 8 , a plunging, diving .

91161, a depression , h ollow .

11511 91111911, fa ces.


lo,» taghawwa ta , h e w en t to stool.

leaf: ghaweet, deep .

ally }. - lau : gha it, p1. gheettin ,

fi eld, lowland .

Zé ‘i : or ski); ghoghci (gdgha , ga

'vgci) ,

row,tumult .

wi gs“

: Jjé ghool, pl. gheeldn, vam

p ire

zwfoul demon .

as;c alami ty .

.Ez gh ciyila , p1. ghawdyil,

ghawa , h e lost h is way,

desired .

“f laghwa , he led astray, seduced .

m ghneya , des1re, error, seduction ,

flock of decoy pigeon s.

or M y . gha ib, or ghiydb,

absen c e , alibi .

i u é gha iba , or gheaba , absence ;bac k - b i ting.

“ M lu}: or be: gha ibcin , or

a’la l- ghdyib, a kn owing by

hea rt.

glu iyi b, absen t, absen tee,defa ulter th ird person in

grammar .

glgé Cplgé gh 1°

y1ibiy, or gh1°


big/( in, by default (legal term) .

w as or ghdba , or taghay

ya ba , h e ab sen ted h imself, d isappea red .

9 1m mutaghayyib, absen tee .

V ii ghayyaba , h e made d is

appear .

HJJ: 2312: ghdba , forest ; ghdb,

reeds, rush es.


W gha fe, rain as a blessing

from God .

gh a ir a (or gheera ) jealousy ;

”5d: gh ayoor , jealous, zealous.

J ilin? orJli: ghdm, or taghéyara ,

he was jealous.

J'gé ghiydr, otherness, ch ange,relief.

If: gha1°

r, oth er , anoth er, different

not, except, wi thou t .

gha ir saheeh, n ot true .

10 0 . hi ghairoh , only h e,

and no oth er but h e .

min gh a ir) zdlik, wi th ou t th at .

“I” A : ghan

' marra , more th an

once .

ghayyar a , he made ch ange,altered .

taghayya ra , it became changed .

f o

l-he mogh ciyi r, contrary, opposed

”Unna ma gha it, pl. gheptdn ,

field, lowland .

Elgar. or lags: gha iz, or ghiyciz, anger .

B'Qiélor sun inghdza , or 1°

ghtdza ,

he became angry.

ill-VJ Halagluiza , h emade angry ;ighciza , provoc a tion .

lab i al ightiydz, anger .

ghecla , gu ile, treach ery . [ih a

2153: ghdyila, pl. ghawciuil,

calami ty . [J 2:

Lira: ghnim, pl. glwyoom,



rifle moghayyam,clouded over . fi

lré Febmiyir (European ) , Feb

lSEghayya, h e set up a staff,flag,

rn ary .

limit. u? » fa tta , h e broke up small.

i .v ghaya , limit, extremity, a im, w fa teet, small, tiny, fragment.

end in vi ew . M tafa tta ta , i t was broken up

bi - gh ciya , extremely, exc es small.

SiVQIY aha , h e open ed, began ;gulf) Ziulli - gh ciya zalik, as far as ered .

th at, to th at end .

(LI- i ) ifta taha , h e open ed (anassembly) , inaugurated .

C )”cu fa t- h, pl. fotooh , open

ing victory .

M ) 235)All

vo i la} n asmn min

Allah wa fa t- hem. garoeb, Help

from God an d a speedy vi c


J Fé . V alue 80 .

J'fij Q fa , and, then ; fagala ,and h e said .

w } uv li fdta, he passed (see tory .


t) 2515fa t- ha , orific e ; vowel- sound

0°(5fdha , it exh aled 8» smell of sh ort a , th e mark above a

(see féh ) . letter .

”5 JU fdra , it began to boil

(w e or

(U6or fdtih, or fa ttah,

(see fo’

r ) .or mofa ttih, Con qu eror ; God,

h e wh o open s salva tion , or a

mou se ; a carpen ter’s plane . conqu ered coun try .

js 315fdrr,a fugi tive (seefa rra ) . or

cm tan fdtz



Pl- f0 ' 0 0 3 maftooh, ligh t ti n t or colour .

pi ck - axe, adze th e town of ”


‘4 , Mohammad el- t ih


Fez in Morocco . 6Meh emet II. of Tu rk ey, th e

J) ’ J‘s q a

,i t surpassed ( 890 Conqueror of Con stan tinople,

A.D . 1453 .

JP ell- 5 f‘il: PL fo- ol,a good ug ly ? )

mofa ttih cl abwab,

omen tak en from a good name, God, th e open er of the doors


word, book , 850 .

(of salvation ) .

Jla j tafddla , h e sough t a good 25 31; fdtiha , th e first sh ort or

omen . open ing ch apter of th e Koran ,3455 fdyida , advantage (see corresponding to our Lord



LB or ls ’ faga , or ftijci , h e sur

prised, caugh t in th e ac t.I

0 r“EL’ fojdtén , suddenly . [M

5:J5’ or

Js’fajr, or fajr, orfijriya ,

dawn aurora b ugle - call of


ve ille .


x; fajr, or fojoor, de

bau c hery, libertin ism.

fillfajir, debauch ee .

greengrocer .

ilé fafi éla , greengrocers marketgarden s ; a sub u rb to th e N.E.

of Ca i ro .

Jars or $ 4

5or w e, faha ta , or

faha sa , orfahara , h e dug . [J ib

h é oruse folwh, or falasha,

lust, prostitu tion .

ub li feih1


sl1, ou trageous, glar ing,

a troc ious.

UL>L§ taman fcihish, an

ou trageou s price .

u3>l5 w?‘ ghabn f tihish, gross

fraud, le’

sion .

Ura l} Eb b fdh isha, pl. fawd

Irish , prostitute .




alm, scru tiny.

or w a sfa hasa , or tafahlmsa ,he sc ru tin ised, in quired carefully in to .

,i a; fa hl, pl. fohool, stallion ,

h e - c amel; male palm; fine and

large specimen .


fohoola , vir ility .


-5rrifahm,pl.fohoom, charc oal,



rr’fahm h ajar 1


1 , min eralc oaL

PUfahim, black (hair) , black as

c oaL

fahwci, sense, mean ing of

word .

325fa khlrha ,a trap, snare .

f1ikh ita , a cooing dove,ringdove .

(femin . ) th igh ; leg (ofmutton ) .

iijlgri faklckhdra, pottery, ch ina .

fdkhoora , a pottery, placefor making pots.

M fa kheera , h ole,p it depression .

1353 or£4 5orJ


s filorJar”fakha ra ,

or ifta lrhara , or fakhura , or

tafakhkha ra , h e boasted, took

pride in , showed off.



s i°

§l {ftikh cin pride, boasting.

fa khfaklm,h e bragged,

n ted .

Lag fahhama ,pomp, pr ide .


fa klu imetlu , Turkish title

for a Pr ime Min i ster ; Gra c e orHigh n ess.

illu striou sness,

rés' sfa kheem, or mofa kh

illu strious.

- i q u’

ri dawlafakheema ,

ofii c ial Turk ish ti tle for any

European Power, “th e illus


c,l. »

trion s state,” in c ontrad is

tinction from dawla t’al1


ya ,

Turk ey, the Exalted Sta te .

“gala; or wife fedclcin , pl.afdina , or fadcideen , Egyptian

acre, a li ttle larger th an an

English acre ; i . s. 166 rods

instead of 160 ; 4 20 0 squ aremetres.

a)“fidn , one feddan .

or lei fidd, or fid iya , ransom.

fa zlaka , sum total,summary,


fl . ;5fa r ra , h efled ; yafi rr , h e flees.

Jlji fir ci r, fl igh t, escape .

Jgj or fa r r, orf arr a r, a fugi tive .


U ”walla cl-fi ra r, he fled, took

to fligh t.

lob ; fa rra lui ribcin , h e fled as a

fugi tive from ju stice) .LL


“ m lJJ Fa n it wa D ijla ,

Euphra tes and Tigris.

Lib—Ll) El- Fu ratdn , th e two

Euph ra tes, i . e . th e Euph ratesand Tigris ; Mesopotamia .

I; farraja , h e Opened, laid bare .

( fa: tafa rraja , he Open ed h is

h eart, amused h imself, walkedab ou t sigh tsee ing .

u :

( I? ) afraja

’a n ho

,he released

(h im, a pr isoner), set h im at

liberty .

i s ); j araja , Turk ish lady’s cloak .

w bfifa rajiya , a Cad i’s loose robe .

Cy); furrooj, pl. farareej,

ch icken, h en .

fa rdrjiy, ch ick en - seller .

i ayi forja , a show

,sigh t.

I ), fW ] , pl forooj, fissure,

cleft, vulva .

t Ji far aj, joy, r elief.

( 194 ) Wfif dj: a being wide open .

fin al)zaw1


ya ma nja nja ,obtuse angle .

C ), fa riha , h e was glad, gay .

( fl or

( isfa rr aha , or af raha ,

h e gladdened .

C J, fa rah, gaiety ; wedding fete .

or( f f

a r ih,orfarhdn , glad,

8 3Y°

t 11°

10 mofri h, gladden ing .

tl) t J

i farkh, pl. firakh, ch icken ,fowl.

tw°JA M ma a ’mal elzfirdkh,

incubator, oven for the artificialha tc hing of chic kens.

taf reekh , a hatch ing.

J), C ), farkh war ag, a sheet of

paper .

Cg"; fa rrcilch, poultere035or M

15) a

}: fa rd, un it, Odd

numb er, one piece, bale, basket,h alf - load pl. afraid , un its,

forood, pieces.

”a . a) fard u jo'

z, Odd and even .

m ile a): fard taba nja , a pistol.

Ail) fa reeda , pl. fa rayirl,pearl qu i re of paper .

infi rdd, isolation, solitude .

or mofrad, or flwnfa r id,alone, solitary ; k ept apart ; th esingular n umb er .

w e} ; U gh); firddws, pl.

fa rddees (Persian ) , Paradise .


fa rz, ch oi c e , selection .

j }.


’ fa r aza , or farraza , he

chose,picked out, distingu ished

between .


orj ) mafrooz, or mwfarraz,chosen , élite .

U 7)”or

u pfarasa , or 1ftar asa ,

(th e an imal) wa s ferociou s,spirited (th e dog) flew a t.

fi rrcesa , prey, victim (to a

w ild beast,ulj l u y

ofar as, pl. afras, mare .

uh } u v

u fan'

s, pl. forsdn ,

c avalier, good horseman .

L ‘Jsfa rcisa , sk illin horseman sh ipfi rdsa, sagaci ty .

far as en - n abiy, th e

Oph et’e mare ; ma ntis insect .


V’J; fawdr is, cavalry .

U”) Fora, Persia , th e Persians.

C’s“) fa 1s1J, a Persian , Persian .


‘u " 1110fta r is, fierce, spiri ted(animal) .

af fa rashame fu rn ish ed a h ouse,laid down c arpets, bedding ;spread ou t articles for sale ; h ebrush ed .

£22471" U


.) fa rsh, pl. foroosh,bed, bedding .

U”J’ U

”’I:f rash, pl. foroslt, bed ;

a Wife f a ) moth .



; fa rrash, sweeper, valet ;

upholsterer, decorator for fes


Ezj fursha (Turk ish fi rcha ) b ru sh .


e“ mafroosh cit, furn iture,e specially soft fu rn iture, upholstery, carpets, 850 .

M l LZ lJJ faraska t el-

’ajala ,

ti re of wh eel.

u ‘j forsa, pl. fame, oppe r

tun ity .


cfi l intahaza el-forsa , h etook th e opportun ity .

Uai ‘jill morta ’yz

d el-fa rciyi s,trembling w i th fear .


U6} :fa rd, pl. fo'rood, Divine

precept ;moralObliga tion , du ty,sh are tax .

forda , notc h , inlet.

inh eritance, share of inh eritan ce .

U éjiiSlor U6) , fa rada , or ytar ada ,h e supposed, allowed a supposi

tion .

UélJi il1ftlrcid, hypoth esis.

U éj f umafroml, supposed, hypo

th esis.

bji fa ra ta , h e surpassed .

Le};fa rt, excess, negligence death .

lelj lifrcit, exc ess, abu se ofau thori ty .

14 !J a g tafrect, omission of du ty,

falling shor t, imprudence .

mofrit, excessive .

inf illQt: b

)? famta fih i cl-fa rt, h e

me t w ith a fa tal acc ident.

a”;af f

a ra’

, pl. forooa’

, bran ch .



a,abundan c e (see wafr) .


lil or ;1 fa zza , or zftazza , h e

leaped,trembled . [J -b

i azza,a jump .

Jilli an ) 1


stafa zza , h e provok ed .

f); faza

,frigh t.

8J1 faza

’ ma1y, hydrophob ia,

fear of water .


1 faza’a


,h e ru sh ed a t,

attack ed . [U ’


U“ fee, fez, red c ap,

ta rboosh .

fist , fastaq, pistach io .

all- J fistdn (Turkish ) , petticoa t ;k ilt.

a,it was spaciou s.

or i s “ foe - ha, or fasdha ,

an open space, or room.

tafassah a , h e strolled, took

h is ease,promenaded .

[f l

fa skh, abolition , di ssolu tion

of con tract.

fa seekh, dried stink ing fi sh ,

mostly from Damietta, and

c on side red a great relish by

th e fellaheen .

gla d fasa lJtamJ, seller of fa

seekh , or rotten fish .


a“; fasa kha , h e abolish ed .

at» ; fascirl, moral corruption , in

trigu e, c on spiracy, n ullity .

M lafsad a , h e corrupted, vitiated .

M mofsi cl, corrupter, conspirator .


. » fusa ra , or fassar a , h e

explained, commented upon .


fla ts:. .

JM tafseer, pl. tafdseer,commen tary .

14 0 lath Foslcit, a large

ten t ; the first Moslem settlemen t at Ca iro ; Masr

’Ateeqa ,

or Old Cairo n ear Roda .

“9 duo fasaga bi , h e forn ica ted

w i th ; sodomised wi th .

E. ) J» fisq bi,indecen t assault

(legal term) .iffi mi fisqiya , tomb ;

jet d’eau .

M fa sl, vile, vulgar .

fasooliya ,Fren ch bean s.

foun tain

or fishe'ik

,or fishek (Tu rk ish ) ,

cartridge ; squ ib ; rocket .

fasha , it was revealed .

UASl afah a, h e revealedsecret) .


. el- esrcir, a r e

vealing of secrets, profession albreach of confidence (legalterm) .

0 974 5 Um fies, or fuss, pl

fu soos, ston e Of a ring, lobe of

th e ear .

C..a1 fa 1z- lz

, Easter .

fa sah a , eloquence .

faseeh , eloquen t .

M fasada , h e bled (su rgically) .

(th e

fisdd a , phlebotomy .

mifsad, lan ce t.

Jr » Jo : fasl, pl. fosool, division, ch apter

,season ; dis

missal from emc e .


(flu faseela, pl. fasdyil,species, genus.

M fa iaaJdecision , interruption .

JAS or Jo : f asala , be divi ded,decided, d ismissed from office ;wean ed ; barga ined .

JLni fisdl, barga in , agreemen t on

pr ice ; wean ing, separa tion .

fassala , be detailed.

infa sala , h e was separa ted ;departed, c eased .

Je tsfdsil, a divider, dividing .

w h e n. » or 454 153 J u an. » tafseel,

p1. taf ciseel, or tafseeldt, deta ils,particulars.

da un mq fsil, p1. maf cisil,join t, ar ticulation .


ru .‘ mofassilcit, h inges. B) ;

065fadda, he broke in to littlepieces ended .


i 4 35 fadda , silver ; on e para , of

wh ich 4 0 equalon epiastre or2ld .

g" fadd iy, silvery, made of

silver .


0655) infa rlda , it came to an end .

fad eeh, a troc ious, vile . [3 51°

J‘ s fadl, pl. foclool, sur

plu s, favou r ; a work of supererogation .



cf h as fa lle n’an zcilik,

moreover, in addition to th at,

besides that.

Jés jid ila , h e rema in ed ; it re

mained over as surplus.


M faddala, h e favou red, preferred .

di ff; tafa ddala , h e deigned, c omdescended .

Jaw M fadeela, p1. fadciyil,virtue, merit.

(h asfodoolz'

y, oflic ious, withou t

authority .

M Ufddil, virtuous, superfluous.

fadldt, fmc es, excrement.

L215fade , it was empty, spacious.

“ll as" ) afdc ila, i t led to,

cau sed .

cu r l) U3)darb mtgfdi

ila l-mo'

t, a blow causing death(legal term) manslaugh ter .

”415fridi, empty, a t leisure, not

engaged .

or A5 f adci , or faddwa ,blank space , areola .

i i ig

ob) arddi f add, waste or

unoccupied lands.

Ju lor

I)” fa tum, or afta ra , he

ate after fasting .


J!» fitr , or 1ftcir, even ing

meal du ring the fast of Ramadan .

”h i fotoor,breakfast, morn ing


Jlni fu tr, mu sh room.

fa teer, unleaven ed b read ;biscuit, pastry .

éf lcllns fa tdtr iy, b iscu i t- seller,pastrycook .

SIB fitra, nature, constitution .

w asfa taca , he smoth ered .

w as

w ad“; j u i c es, expir ed, dead, w ithou t breath c arrion .

W fa tamet, sh e wean ed (th einfan t) .

M U sayyidetmi (sittnd)

t ma , Our Lady Fatma,”

daugh ter of Mahomet,wife of

Ali, and moth er of Hassan

and Hu ssein .

Kilnsfitn a , in telligen ce, sagacity .


ugh } futeau , in telligen t .

Eda; fa zeca

, vile, atrociou s.

did or dla i l daj fi’al, pl. afa


or fi’dl, th e verb ; an ac t or

deed .

dual); or i n fi’alan , or bil-fi


ac tually, in fact.

dd fa’ala , he did

,acted ; made,

executed . [d ag

dalil 1fta’ala, h e concocted,

ch eated .

Elam dlafi ilcftia’dl, or iftia



trick ery, in trigu e .

dual-ll infa’ala

,h e was affected,

impressed by .

deli f ti’

yil, pl. fa’ala


doer,agen t; workman ; active

partic iple .


yiliya , effic acy .

a.» “bun-o mafa’ool bihi, don e by,

passive .


uni ) afa

’a , pl. afd

’iy, viper .

”an faghfoor, ch inaware, porc etla in . [says



wb i i or A563 oi ifagd, orfogood,less.

2 06vs

f aqada ,h elost;foqida , itwaslost.

afqada , h e caused th e loss.

035frigid, lost, missing ; loser .

A553faqeed, lost ; especially deaddeceased (of a mu rdered man )mafqood , lost.


M tafaqqada , be search ed for a

lost th ing, inspected .

0 331) 1fta qad a , h e visited th e sick .


,asf aqr , poverty .

. .n j ageer , pl. jaga rd, poor ;a“fak i r .

dk ilfi i sj ageer cl- h cil,poor, poor

in state .

fiqra , or faqra , pl. fiqar ,tale ; paragraph , clause, ver

tebra .

éj li i or b: a’timoodfaqcir iy, spinal

column, backbon e .

v.35 fags, a h atch ing, break ingth e sh ell.

u p faqqoos, a kind ofgourd plan t,pumpk in .


faqa t, only, not more ; that isall. [h i

w tafqeeta , th e total of a sumwri tten down in words.

orti ? faqa

’a, or fa rqd a

,i t

burst, exploded .

i bLi i jig- h, or faqdha , the

dogmatic theology of the Mos

lems, jurisprudence .

faqeeh, pl. foqahci,th eologian ; teach er or reciter

of the Koran .

4” My 0 1


figgy, vulgarism for

faqeeh .

w e.

valafi d o

“ madeen muflis, bank

rupt debtor .

(Greek ) , ph ilosophy .

Q M or ujm b filsoof (Greek) ,

phi losoph er, a theist .

“ La m mu tafazsgf, soph ist .

cab i nor uj

lali Fldtoon , or .[flcitoon

(Greek ), Pla to .

fala’a,h e split ; fila

’a ,

a split, slice .

d id-i fi’fil: pepper

4 51511116111, bean paste, condiment.

h5.15falaqa , h e split open .

in; filqa , slice, crack in a wall,

fissure .

falaqa , a cleft stick ; stock s

to hold th e feet ; h ence a poleand loops of string for h olding

up th e soles of th e feet for th etorture of th e bastin ado.

Jib) db falaq, pl. afidq, spli t

trunk of a palm- tree ; beam.

maflooq, split, cleft open .

or Li lli falaka , or falla ka ,th e breast swelled ou t.

hf)” 0.3 L; falak, pl. afidk, th e

convex sky ; globe, fi rmamen t.



lmel-fala k, astronomy .

[r‘ “


{LLBfalakiy, astronomer .

fi lls? fulk boat.

h’Jfli fa oka , pl. falciyik,felucca, boat .

$515falciyi kiy, boa tman . [if fy

«Ll Flemish,Holland .

20 89311

or ”15foldn , or oldm'

y, So

and So ; such a one,a c ertain

“person or th ing .

M513 falleen , cork .

855) f" fum, pl. afwdh, mou th ,

or ifice .

rid ) afmdm (as i f pl. of fumm) ,mouth s of canals.

if} fann , pl. j aneen , species,art, tri ckery .

jlo ddr el-fonoon, academy .


tafannana , h e inven ted,trumped up ; was an adept.

fa n tdzi a (Italian ) , fantasi a,a public sh ow, r ejoicings.

W m .ls ii finjdn , pl. fa11a3ee11

(Persian ) , c up, vulgarly p ro

n oun c ed fi ngdl or filgcin .

fanna kha , h e overcame, madea fool of.

0133) find, pl. afn cid, species ;troops

A33 fannada , h e criticised, r idi

ouled .

fanduq (Italian ,

fonda co) store, h otel; also bun

duq, (V en etian ) gold sequ in ;filbert nu t .

1115fandr, ligh thou se.

w ); f ti noos, pl. j awd

n ecs, lantern .

Uzi fana sha , h e took up mu chroom, swaggered .

“13fa/ni a , it faded .

f cim’

, fading, evanescent,mortal.


plléfan a , a fading away, a beingmortal.

filed) , lo and Alia.“jlo ddr eI-fa n d,

th i s lower world wh ich passesaway ; ddr cI- baqti, th e abode

of perman ence,h eaven .

fa hd,lynx, leopard .

M } ? film'

st (Persian ) , index,catalogue .

fabra ea , index, c atalogu e .

643 fabaqa , h e wou nded in th e

n eck , h alf-

strangled .

( 45fa h ima , h e u nderstood .

( 11°

fahm,the understand ing .

or(141 fa h eem, or fa hmiy,

in telligen t .

rali fah im, one wh o u nderstands.

mafhoom, u nderstood ; of


”1 fa hhama

,h e made understand,

expla in ed .

girls ! 1


stafl1ama , h e w ish ed to

u nderstand, in terroga ted .

istéf hfim, interroga tory,1n qu1ry .

w ); or m} fe'

t, or fawdt, a

passing away in terval.c.)l a l

,—5 fawtit el-mee’ytid,

lapse of an in terval.w lifcita , h e passed ; yafoot,

h e pa sses.

u ) ; fawwa ta , h e made or let pass.

tafciw'ut, in terval of time .

cljfl féj, pl. afwcij, troop,

band, crowd .

( x°

f6h , exhala tion of smell.

t )»



fa ha , i t gave ou t a

good smell yafooh, it smellsn ice .

C; fawwalca , it smelled strong,

stank .

i é i il olp‘

foodd, pl. afid a , h eart,soul, spirit .

”5far, or fawa rcin, ebullitien , impetuosi ty .

l) ; fawrdn , a t onc e, qu ickly, forthw i th .

li fa ra , it b egan to boil;b ubbled .

if) ; fawwcir a , foun tain .

why -

15fair, pl. feer tin ,mouse, rat.

1?l fé ra , carpenter’s plan e .

B fff Fear , th e land of th e

Foor , Soudanese Darfour .

gush ed,

j ’i fi z,victory, safety.

U o o ob y} ; ja

zzy, vi c tor i ou s propern ame for a man .

j li fdza , h e succeeded in , esc aped .



S'Jftiyiz, interest on money



u é,1 famvada,he gave power or

jurisdiction , h e left a ma tterto anoth er

’s judgmen t .

fi g“12.-35) lila n ti ofawwi clho i leik .

I leave it to you to decide .

do); féda , commun ism, anarchy .

tafweed, giving ju r isdiction ,

delega tion of power .

mofdwada , commun ity of


1 . x .


2hf foota, pl. fo- a t, towel,

duster .

fég, on , upon above, upsta irs;over more than .

$5535fi qdniy, upper, uppermost.


19K Iain fih (colloqu ial) , th ere

was,there were .

feehi , in h im, in it.

L311 Lo and fenek ( c olloqu ial) th ere is not, th ere a re

n ot“1°

féq taht, up down upfilau


lv1 fay, pl. afyci, sh ade .

side down .

h e surpassed,was pre

eminen t, 1.2d feedt, a t 8 0 11111011 ; pri c e(more u sed in Tu rk ish th an in

Arabic) .

Agnifa id, endu ran ce, disappearan ce .

(Th is verbal root is not used . )

Jili fdyiq, pre- emin en t

, superior,

excelling .


l afciqa , h e recovered health ,became sob er, w ide awak e .

ai l); f tiyida , pl. fawdyid ,

advantage , ben efit ; in terest onmon ey ; commentary or sch oliast of text ; moral to be

drawn from a story or legalOpin ion .

Zilil1f1iqa , convalesc enc e, recovery .


foodq, sob, dea th - agony .

d’i fool, broad beans.

d); fawwdl, seller of (cook ed)

bean s.

v 6 o o 0 . fl o 1 o o oaislf foolaya , Wlld thyme, mi n t. 0351fawayzdmutagamm

ad a ,

compound in terest.olil ofada , h e informed it ben e

w‘a } i n} fooha , pl. foehdt,

or ifi c e .

fowwah , madder, gar an ce .

fi tted .

tafdwu h, in terview , mouth to yofeed, h e 1n forms, It 18 useful,mou th .

benefic 1al.

0 .


‘o I o

my mou th .


bggz,1nfermat10 n

, statemen t,’

Ls 10 farm and f ’cIn'

N 8 f 0 1 L«Ly -n mofeed, in former, in forming

h i s mouth . [Nom. , Accu s., u seful, in teresting .

b emt 'J alib i 1°

stafdda ,h e in qu ired, der ived91 fee, in , in to ,

at, among, c on ben efi t.

cern ing .

cf ‘old “ : yostaflid min

,i t is

a scer ta in able from.3b .“

v1 fl-maya , per cen t.


usha1' a ,

10 times 10 .

195f eeh (colloqu ial) , th ere is, th er e

turquoise .



or fa id, abundance,exuberance .


gobdha , vileness, fault ; (inTurk ish law ) a con traven tion .



qabeeh, base , vile .

J 1°

qaba ra , h e in terred, bur ied th edead . [uso

j J'fs “

j“: qabr , PI. goboor, tomb .

maqbam, pl. maqdbir,

cemetery .

gibmls, i sland of Cyprus.

g el?"0 1‘

Una gobasa , or 1


qtaba 8 a ,

h e lea rn t (eagerly) .

qobsha (Turk ish , qop cha ) h ook

and eye .

H’; qabada fi, h e seized .


gabd, seizure .

gobdu, grip, h andle, h ilt .

in qaba da , h e was costive,griped .

ma qbood, seized ; (mon ey)en ca sh ed .


lor 1113 qibt or aqbcit, th e Copts,Jacob ite Ch ristian s of Egypt .

qibtiy, a Copt, Coptic ;Jac ob i te Christian ; linen .

oo' oo

qeeb, patten s, sandals.


qabala , he rec eived, accepted .

d ? qabbala , h e k issed .

h e wa s faceequalled as a set- off.

M l a qbala , it approach ed, was

p r osp erous.

111 qaq b, pl. qabci

[u JJ

dg'fi or Jet? qdbala , or taqdbala ,

to face,met,

M b l istaqbala , h e went to meet,welcomed .


gabI, before (of time) .

d-13 we or 111°

qablcin , or min

qabl, previously .

4 11°

qubl, fron t part ; pudenda .

2113 qubla , a k iss.

M qibal, power , presence a

facing towa rds, a s regards.

5113 “10 min giba h'

hi,asregardsh im.

gibla , a facing towards

Mecca for prayer h en c e th e

n ich e or altar - place of a mosque,the mi hr cib.


y, sou th , southern .

w e cl- wajh el- qiblfiy,

th e sou th ern part, i . e . Upper

Egypt, or Sa’eod .

J”? qa bool, r ece ipt, accepta nce ,consen t.

(1) -5: u‘c

’ala ga bool, on th e un der

stand ing that ; ou h is a c cep ting

th e c ondition .

dye; L-Q‘fi l eejcib wa gabool, offer

and acc epta nce .

gabool, category, class,ancestry .



qabecla, pl. qabdyil,

tribe, Kabylc .

b it iqbdl, a uspic ious arrival,prosperi ty ; an imper ial c on

cub in e .

JL1§L~ listiqbtil, a w elc ome , a go ing

out to meet ; th e fu ture .

dq‘i qdbil, an ac c eptor, comer ;

possible ; capab le ; n ext or

coming (week,

2 13

23115 qdbiliya, capab ili ty, possi

bility .

qcibila , midwife, sh e who

receives th e new - born infan t.

Jta iolu ML?3" hoa qcibil lil

i nfisdl, h e can be dismissed ;i t is possible to dismiss h im.

23111 qibcila , piece of land in a


M o muqbil, coming, n ext (week,mon th , prosperous.

Jai l-w e mustaqbil, fu tu re .

dgmmoqcibil, equ ivalen t, providedfor .

moqdbala , an equ ivalen t ;qu id p ro quo, a set- off.


é.‘ maqbool, ac cepted, received,popular .

M taqbeel, a k issing.

qabdn a , official weigh ing of



qabbdn, steelyard, Romanb alan c e .

qa bbdn iy, offi c ialwe igh er .

fl . “

2111 gabwa, a li ttle a rc h , vault(see qubba ) .

qabooddn (Europea n ) , sh ip

capta in .

L t

d—1 qabood tin Brisket

(Turk ish ) , Admiral.

qaboot (European ) , capote,cloak .

qa tab, h ump, load ; pack .

9 11°

aboo qa tab, a h umpback .

JJ S qa tala , h e k illed, put to

death ; also (provin c ial) h e

kilt,”wounded, h it.


we 4 1; qa tala n afscin, h e k illeda soul, he killed a man .

L1IS qa tala n afsaho, h e killedh imself .

JCS qa tala.’amdcin, h e killed

w ith inten t.

Jyo ti to 1x13 qa tala ma

’ac bg

el- isrcir , he k illed with p r e

medita tion (French jurispru

dence) .

tu JG qotilw shanqdn, h e was

execu ted by h anging .

N3 t il. mu rderer, k iller .

M 1 $ 151) el- t it yogtal, the

slayer sh all be sla in .

ga ted , pl. qa tla , slain,

d .

11. Jfi a maqtool, pl. maqd

teel,slain, k illed .


t ala,h e fough t, ba ttledwi th .

JLIS qitdl, ba ttle, mu tual k illi ng .


qu ttd, cucumber, gourd, pumpkin .

or a i , . maga tt, or magi ci,k itch en ga rden, cucumb ergarden .


qohh, puri ty of race .

2s ; qiha , impudence (seewagih ) .

23 3 qa hba , p1. gih cib,

wh ore ; cough .

Ls ; qaht, drough t.

1111 qaht we ghald, drough t

and dearth .

or(S;qahama , or igtahama ,

rush ed at, charged on

h orseback .


J’s;qohwcin ,

camomile .


qad (an emph a tic particle) ,indeed, in fa c t.

we .11‘

gad kcina , a nd indeed it

wa s 8 0 .


qadd, pl. qodood, a c u t

ting in to strips ; h ence th e

h uman figure, stature ; a fixedqu an tity .

qadd (vulgari sm) , so mu ch ,

how mu ch . [J 0 1

J et: 21 qadd shahr , abou t a mon th .


qadd a iy, wh a t qu an tity ?

abou t wh at


gadh , cri ticism,blame .


101)C t

0 .1 qadah , pl. aqdcih,

goble t, c up, glass ; Egyptian

pottle of quarts, or 2 li tres.



qadam, h e could ;worth .



l egd i r , I c an , am able to .

gaddara , h e estima ted, valu ed .

j aw taqdeer, valuation , assess

fate, predestina tionmen tmean ing, hypoth esis.

Jifliliqtada ra , he was capable of,

h ad the power to .

Jl0 i1


liqtiddr, abili ty, capaci ty .

Jifli a muqtadir, able, capable .



qadr, fixed quan tity ; power .



qada r, destiny, power , value,qu an tity ; (qadr and qada r, are

pra ctically th e same) .

A; ya a'

a r wet gadd, destinya n d fa te .

it was



211i le ile t el- qad r, Nigh t of

Power, 2 7th of Ramadan .




vlc ’

ala qadar cl- imkcin ,

as mu c h a s possible, to th e

u tmost possible .


qidra , saucepan,earth en pot .

qudra , power .

£ 10 1 or

J0 11


qdd ir, or qadeer, able,powerful.

110514 »miqddr, p1. maqddeer ,

a qu an ti ty, a certain amoun t .

maqda ra , power, wealth .

u~ °3 quds’ san cti ty, sain tsh ip ;Reverend, as a title for a

pr iest.

v.11” el- quds, th e h oly place




( ”ll ar - rooh cl- quds, th e

Holy Ghost.

w 01°

qadees, h oly, piou s ; sa in t .

v. 11? qud dds, Litu rgy ; the Sa

cramen t .

US; qadda sa , h e con secrated .

UM . maqdis, a h oly place .

Vi l e w

‘af kitab moqadda s,

Holy Bible .

W M); qcidoos, p1.

gawddees, th e jars tied on th e

wheel of th e sdqiya .

qadam, pl. agddm,

(femin . ) foot.



gidam,sen iority, precedence,

pr iority .

801 qeddamin i rons. oi .

f l) qdr i, p1. qorrci, r eader .

191131) cl- qordn , th e Koran , th e bookfor reading par exc ellen c e,Moslem b ible .

inqa’r ci

,i t was read, legible .

9111) 51


qur, pl. aqrd, in tervalof purifi c a tion after d ivorce .

maqrci, a reading, or group

of readers of th e Koran .

or qa rdghol, or


l (Turki sh ) , mainguard ;poli c e station .

j)! qa ra ghyooz (Tu rk ish ) , black

eye ; Pun ch and Judy .

1. 1J1°

qa riba , it was n ear (of timeor place) .


1J1 qa rmba , h e c ame n ear ,brough t n ear ; approac h ed,approxima ted .

taqa rmba , h e c ame n ear ;h e took th e Sacramen t .

qorb, vicin i ty, n earn ess.


garoeb, n ear,soon

,speedy .

of’a n qa r eeb, soon , sh ortly .



qa/r eeb, p1. agr ibli ,

rela tive, k in sfolk .

aqrab, pl. agcir ib,

n earer ; n ear relative .

21111 qardba , rela tionsh ip

,k inship .


qorbcin , an approach ing to

God by sa c r ifice ; a sacr ifice,deodand Eucharist .


-51) oral. ;J1



Ba ir iim, l0 th day of Zil H ijja,th e day of sa c r ifice a t Mina

n ea r M ec c a, th e g rea testMoslem

festi val, also c alled

’c cd el- adha .

reeb, approximation .

reebdn, approxima tely,n early

21j qirba , p1. qira b, goat

sk in sack for water ; abou t 141gallon s.

qcir ib, pl. qawdr ib,

small boat.

gr iba , vi c in i ty .

ga rbén a , or qa-ra bcina,

or qa rdbeen a (Eu ropean ) , c ar

b in e .

qorba ie a , large brick .

t }; qa rh fi Pl q0 7


0 0 h , ulcer .

iqta ra ha , h e proposed, votedor .



gird, pl. qorood , monk ey .

qwrdd, a tick on an imals.

or jJ? qaraza , or gareau , h e

pinch ed .

qoroosh (from Turk ish ghroosh ,wh ich is fromGerman groschen ),piastre

,21d .

Jj or£111 U3

}; girsh 36971 or

d iwcin ii a good or governmen tpiastre, 21d .



Jib ’

ala ddyir

eI- qirsh et- wdhirl, ( c ash paid

down ) pia stre by piastre .

US ); u



qora ish, pl. qor cish,

a famou s tribe of Mecca ,k indred of Mah ra, a c utting, piercing,


qara sa , h e c u t open , h e

pin ch ed ,pr'

xek ed 3 ( th e serpen t)

b it ( th e sc orpi ofl “wag .


up lj l“ 0 93 qo

rs, pl. aqras, d isk ,

round c ak e ; small metal disk

u sed as a female orn amen t forth e h ead .

qa rsa , a sting, insect- b ite,pri ck , pinch .

241111 qa rra sa , pincers, h and - cu ffs.

W k: J; qorsdn , pl. qa rciseen ,

c orsa ir .

00 111. miqr cis, pinc ers, kn ife .

qa reesa , bean paste .

U s} ; qarada , h e c u t ofi


a piece ;len t money .

Us); qa rd, pl. qorood, loan .

‘j j i h l or iqta rada , or

istaqrad a , h e borrowed .

0 5131) in qa rad a , i t was c u t 0 11,

became extinct.d j

s‘ iqtir cid ba h i iy, bot

tomry, c ontra t it la grosse .

istiqrad , a loan , public

loan .


qort, bunch , ring, girt, tri

folium,leek .

ga ra ta , h e c u t in pieces.

u élj a miqrcid, sc issors.

110 11 qeera t, p1. qarareet,

1 24 th part ; 175 sq . métres

or 209 sq . yards ;°l97 grams ;

l- l6th of a dirh em abou t one

in c h ; h alf a gill

1e .1l sUlla/1°

qirtas, p1. qa rdtees,

paper, documen ts, scrip, c on

sols, stocks.


qartam,c a rthamus, samower ,

wild sa fi'

ron , a food for c amels.


Cf qara’a,he knocked at a door

cast lots.

qa ra’a,baldn ess.


, bald .

qa ra koosa , a small

vege table marrow251 qora

’a , a c ast1ng of lots,



’aska riya , c on

sc ription .

2951)j) ; farz el- qara’a,a choosing

by ballot .

miqra’a , wh ip, a flogging .

girja , sk in , bark ; cinnamon .

qa rafa , nau sea,loath ing .

qa raj a , cemete ry, tomb .

qa tfan, disgu sted .

Jill? ) iqta rafa , he commi tted a

crime .


bated .

f e e moqr if, cross, bad tempered,disgu sted .


J? qar ciqa (Italian hoe

,rak e ;

dredger .

qirmiziy, crimson , scarlet.


/o); q i rmizzya ,

scarlatina .

qarana , he join ed, attached .

h e loath ed,istaqr afa ,

scarlet fever,

garan a , h e join ed h imself to ;h e compared, set side by side ;was in conjunction .

WIS) iqtara n a bi, h e joined

h imself to, was connected with ,adjac en t .

g } (11111,”

Q\ . w i t h“,magma ,

peer ,r

w a\ .

2 l8

U1}; qareen , near , touch ing ; a

c omrade .

US); 2111

1 garsen a , pl. qa r ciyin ,

a n ear th ing, inference, con text .

q JJ qarayi n el- a hwal,

gu ard , police -

sta tion vulgarlyqa raqon . [or


qariya , pl. qora , village .

qarwa ta , h e c ut, clipped,sn ipped .

probabilities of th e case , c ir fall ga zz, raw silk ; dood

c umstan tial evidence .

19h? Th i n . auspi c iou s approach ;

th e c onjun c tion of planets.



qor cin , th e Koran (see

qard) .

iqtirdn , union .

213114 moqdraxna , c omparison , c c

in ciden c e .

age, epoch ; bit, piec e, morsel.qarn , pl. qoroon , h orn ;

u gujdl,0 Zoo l- qurna i n , th e two

h orn ed one ; a ti tle applied to

Alexander the Grea t as th e

repu ted son of th e h orn ed

Ammon (seeKoran ,c h ap . xviii . )

gor na , c orn er ; scullery - sink .

qarn abeet, c auliflower .

9 1111 qoron b, cabbage .

qorndfa , stock or bu tt- end of

rifle .

d iv) ; qa ranfu i, girofle,”

spice, carn ation .

qa r an tc ena (Italian ) ,

quaran tin e .

clover ,

qa ra (Tu rk ish ) , land , mainland ; blac k ; u sed in words

lik e ga rage], ga ragyooz, & c .

(Jr 7 4 7 4 90 1 (Tu rk ish) , ma in


gazz, silk - worm.

qazzdz, seller of raw silk

ji lJ

S qizciza , p1. qazaytz,

bottle . [clip/

t )1571 qizdz, pan e of glass.

C); gozak, cloud - angel.

( J‘S (168 gozak, Qozah

’s bow,

ra inbow .

i t“ ; 0 1

J ag -1°

qazdeer (Greek ,kassi te'ros) , tin .


gaza’a,a small piece ; dwarf .


Turk ish qazmaq,to dig) ,pickaxe .

2153 qazma , p1. gizam (from

L911110 31


qa zcin (Tu rk ish qazghén) ,

c auldron .

uisqass or qiss, a Christian priest,Reverend .

W “; w qasees, pl. qosos,

a Chr istian pr iest,a Reverend .

2191111111 qeesdr iya , street in a bazar


khan .

gist, pl. aqsdt, ju stice ;sh are, portion, instalment .

gassa ta , he portion ed of , pa id

by in stalmen ts.

taqseet, instalmen t, payinginstalmen ts ; a kind of title

deed .


qishldq (Turk ish ) , barrack s, w quad sa iy, evil in tention .

win ter quarters.

6 “

ua’ qassa , h e c u t, na rrated .

to “ a n a o oum : La : qtssa, pl. qzsas, p1ece,story, tale .

81;a gaseada , sonn et, sh ort poem.

ALE? qosscid ,in fron t of

,facing .

taqassada, h e intended,de termin ed .

I O 0

Wm“ :a profess1onalcli pper ob i ? ) iqtisdd , ec onomy,modera tion .

of donk eys, h orses, camels, & c .

0 0 “0 0

UM ” oro n: qa ss,or game, sternum,

ch est.

w ho? qiscis, retribution ,lemtalionis .

iqtassa , h e took vengeance,pu rsued, tracked .

u d i n maqa ss, scissors.

maq sa,a mutual c u tting,

compensa tion .

ugh ? ) qasab, pl. aqsdb,

cane, rod, flu te gold thread or

embroidery, gauze embroidery .


U“ c nn w ? qasa b sukka r,

sugar- c an e qasabmuss, sugar

cane for sucking .

M qasaba , pole, measure of 11

fee t, metres.

214 3 qasaba. (in Turkish ) , town ,

vi llage .

u gh; qa ssdb,land - surveyor . [tun

u mqassdb ( in Turk ish ) , bu tc her .

qusada , he in tended, tendedtowards.

A4 3 qasd, in tention, motive, aim.

[mor lm qasdtin, or bi


qasd in ,

0 11 purpose .

3 0 0 al-gaazl, evilness of

“Li a And i -o maqsad, pl. maqcisid,aim, object in view .

m l?“ maqsood, pl. magd

seed, th e same a s masgad .

j ab) ? or qasdeer (Greekkassiteros) , tin .

0 .

Ja qasara , h e shorten ed, con

fin ed fa iled in , fell short 5 hebleach ed linen .

J‘” gassam,

h e sh ortened, madefall sh ort h e bleached linen .

qosoor, defect, sh ortcoming,neglect.

£ 54 33 taqseer, a mak ing defective,

n egligence .

M L. »u

u l—il {flats bit- taqseer ,simple bank ruptcy, not frauda

[c f.

M taqsee m, sh ort sti ck .

lent .


15a qaseer (vulgarly qosagir) , p]. qiscir, sh ort .

123 -



qatsi r, pl. qossar, minor,under age .

”a ?14 3 qasr, or qosoor, defect,

shortc oming, excep tion .

”4 3 or14 5) -

Ja i


qasr, p1. aqsar,

or qosoor, palace, castle, citadelAlcazar .

fill) El- Aqsor , Lu st ,

i .s . a m


temples or ca stles, of Luxor,

and Karnak .

US Qosa ir, Kosa ir, a port

on th e Red Sea, east of Kena .

14 33 qa isa r (La tin ) , Cmsar, Ka iser .

l fi qa isar el- H ind , Emperor

or Empress of India .

qa sriya , chamber -


ja il aqsa r, (femin . ) goara ,

shorter .

”A lia maqsoor, sh ortened, sh u t

up bleac hed linen .

gra in maqsoor a , inn e r chamber ;sh u t u p ; a re c luse virgin of

Pa radise ra iled en closure .

i s} M qosa’a, or qoza a

dwarf qasa’

a , large bowl

pla tter .


, stun ted, dwarfed .

qasafa , h e sn apped,broke .

$14 3qasci , distance, th e far distance .

4 3) 25é qasiy, pl. aged, distan t.

aqsa , mor e distan t.

ad ? ) el-maghrib el- aqsa ,

th e most distan t or extremeWest, Morocco .


r ‘ M )cl-masytd el

a qsa , th e most distant mosqu e(of importance, from Mec ca ) ,



un i ) aqsa el-

’oqooba , the

ex treme pen alty .

ch i—L l isti qsci, investigation ,inqu iry .

Uh (qadda ) , inqadda

a’la , he attacked .

M qadba , wand, stafi'

,ra il.

UL“; w qadc eb, pl. qodbcin,

bar , sta ff ; rail; pen is.

um qada , be judged, dec ided,execu ted ; died .

h a g qada hdja taho, h e

accomplished h is business.

UJ ill inqad a , it came to an end,

was accomplish ed .

a s“S

a u lingada n a hboho, h e di ed .


ué fi l igtad a , i t became n ec essary .

fLéS qadd, the office of a judge ;a sitting in judgmen t ; fate ;acciden t , provin c e .


qadddn, by acc iden t, fa tally .



.cLé i'

qadd wa qadar, fate and

destiny .

qaddiiy, judiciary, judicial.

.. abt1ya qad a i iya ,

judiciary police,“p olice jud i

c ia i re .

bli p"

154 3 qmleeya , pl. qaddyti,

law - su i t ; c ase for trial; a

dossier .

su ;get; qddz

, pl. qoddt, judge,c ad i .

the Sa kh ra , or Roc k Mosque ofg

ob qd di shara’iy, a judge

Jeru salem.

ga l or a s”

um) aqsa el

hadd, or agace cl-modcla , th e

extreme limit,maximumoi



tor val.

of th e Moslem sacred law or

sheri a t.

qcid i ci tahqeu]“jugs d

’in atmxckkmx

222 “Salk?

hu kmel- gcidi, th e sen tence wh i ch JMJH qatrameez, jar, vase .

judges, 6. th e sentence to theup” qatrdn , tar , goudron

ej ec t tha t, 850 .

£635) inqiti ci, end, completion .

fLéKSliqtidd, necessity .

“Ammoqtada , n ecessary, to th e

effect th a t th e tenou r or pu r

port (of an order) .b1


moqtada , in con sequ enceof, because of

,according to .

in? qa t, only, solely.

qatt, not a t all,never .

lollni £13 gitt, pl. gittit, eat.g a ls: qotb, pl. gotoob,

axi s, pole of globe, pivot ; san ctity, h is reveren ce ch ief,leader .

JlaS qa ta ra , it dripped ; h e at

tac h ed, towed .

Jigs qa tr, pl. qita r, distillation ,

drop .

31K; qa tra , one drop .




°qattara , he distilled .



5Jln? qatr , pl. aqtlir, side ;

diameter ; c oun try, domin ion s- of a k ingdom.

Jllafl aqtdrmasriya ,Egyptian

domin ions.

Jlafi gotr, aloes- wood .

c al/”la:

Jlni qatr, pl. qotoordt,

r ailway train .

t S qitdr, string of animals ;ra ilway tra in ; a file of two

j llni sf jlm qa tee


, pl. qa tdyir ,

sa iling boat, dh ow .

”laid. maqtoor (boa ts) in tow ;

(an imals) in string ; towed .

u p qotrob, demon, in c ubu s.

an; qa ta’a , h e c u t, interrupted ;

h e brough t ; sometimes u sed

like our idioms w ith get .


Eula? gitw’a , pl. gita

,piece .


ti“; qa ta’

,a cutting, interruption ,

decision .


i qa ta’

iy, final, decisive, ino1s1ve .

lab ? qa ta. a n, decidedly, decisively .

{h i ll inqa ta

’a, it was c u t off,

ceased .

eam l istaqta’a,h e w ish ed to c u t

off ; h e dedu cted part of a

servan t’s wages.

811251 1313 qa tia

pl. qotta a’

, a

cu tter,inc isive ,

a decisive(speec h , sen tence,

fight“that? t ia’et- tareeq, h ighway

robber .

51193 ga teea

,flock , h erd .

“h as maqta’a , piece, syllable ;

th e dam of a can al or r ivulet .

M i a mot a’a, province, district,

shire .


, c ut, c ut off.

AAA -lb, qitda


-jumla ,

reta il and wholesale .


ufi” Qafas, cage, wick er work , QB 213 qalla , pl. qolal, qoola , an

wi cker bedstead, cloth es- bask et, earthen wa ter - bottle ; peak,

la ttice . spire .

453 qafa la , h e l0 0 k9d up ; sh ut, Jlli i u l istiqlal, independence .

ended,retu rn ed .

Jilin“ mustaqill, independen t.J) ” “


4 ” qofl,EL QQfOOZ’ padlock ; w qala ba , he turn ed a th ing

closlng or clo‘

tu re”

of an

assembly, fin is.


qdfila , pl. qawdfil,caravan, return caravan .

th e oth er way round ; upset,overturned .

inqalaba , it was upset,over turned ; 8 tr fo d .

qafa , nape of neck,back of

wa an s rms

h ead . g. , u s 911111, pl. qawdlib,

Us“) or [53


qaj’d, or iqtafa , h e

a mould .

pursu ed,followed . g a l? qalb, pl. qoloob,

£3] iqtafa asara ho, h e fol h eart, kernel, gist, essentiallowed up h is track , pu rsu ed pa rt, cen tre .

h im. ugli n a g fi a maqloob, ormaqlabcin,

qcifiya , pl. qawdfi , upset, reversed .

rhyme .

g a l?“maqlab, a place for emptyU ? "

mogafia , rhymed, in rhyme . 1ng carts, shooting rubbish .

“UL? qdqolla , c akile maritime , Le” Qalioobiya , a provincealcali plan t, cardamum,

in th e Delta , th e ch ief town of

wh ich is Benha .


all i t was few .asqa ,

1113qalada ,h e en c ircled,enwrea th ed .

1 1 h 1 d ddb qala a e essene ma eqildda , n ecklace .

dimin ish

d i m.taqleel, diminution .

“3 901W;


:girt (3

310 111131


;a a swo o onour c on erre(h i


fataqalla , h e was 1ndepen (a decoration ) .


qilla , pauci ty .



,h e coun terfe1ted, 1m1

M qaleel, few,little of, sligh t .

AAES taqleed, conferring an honour ;

d ? ) aqall,less(emph asis on fin al ll) , imi ta tion , coun terfeiting .

al- aqall, th e least, a t the 13153 taqallada bi , he assumedleast .

to h imself a rank ; put on a

w / Zw'

g illa tfw aksa n , bette r decoration .

" 7 250 115i t; worse than noth ing .

el- qulzum (Clysma ) , th e Gulf of

Su ez ; north par tof th e Red Sea .

83 qala’a ,h e uprooted , tore off


stripped . [c f . 8»

all? Ll? qala

’a, pl. qihia

, castle,fortress ; square forma tion of


el- qccla’a th e citadelof Ca iro ,

£23 fi’ 917“ p1. qolooa

, sa il.

”I? or qildghoz (Tu rki sh ) ,pilot, a uger, gimlet .

a i l-5°

qitf, bark or r ind of a branch .

in): golfa , prepuce .

a qlafa , h e c ircumc ised .

qalafa , h e caulked a boat or

sh ip .

asst qalfa ta (Italian c alafa to) ,caulk ing .

or qa lfa (for khaleefa ) ,female h ou se - k eeper ; h ead

woman - servan t in a harem.

w qolqa ila , clod of earth .

313 qalaq, agitation , n ervous exc itemen t, sleeplessness.

or qalqcin , or qaliq,

anxious, n ervous, sleepless.

UN? qolq ,

c oloc asia , arum a

sort of potato .

dimor di l; qalqala , or taqalqala ,h e sh ook , trembled .

fl; or

(13 qalama , or qallama , h e

clipped, c ut a pen , sn ipped .



l(l: galem, pl. aqlém,

a reed

pen, wh ich is c u t ; h en c e a

pla c e where the pen is used , a

bu reau, offic e ; a slap on th e

fac e .

( gill? )

F151 iqleem, pl. aqdleem,

clima te, ru ral provinces of

Egypt, a s d istinc t from th e

town s of Cairo,Alexandria, & c .

jai l? qalenda r, awandering dervish ,

an asc etic .

913 or ii? qald, h e fried h e h ated

h e c alc ined,made alcali .

magli , fried .

miqla , a frying-

pan .



qily, alcali, c inders of plan ts.

a0 0 “00

r» w qimma , pl. qimam, crown

of h ead, summit.

<6 qamh, wh eat.

is “ qamha , a grain of wh eat,h alf gramme .

$36qamhiy, ripe corn coloured


th e usual colour of th e Egyptian complex ion .

Li ? qammah, seller of corn .



113 qamar, pl. aqmdr ,

moon . [j og J!»

$1 » qamar iy, lunar ; lunar letters.

4 113 qomri (Turk ish ) , dove .

ja ilaqma ra , th e moon sh one .

LdJll ed - dunyci moqmira , a

moonligh t n igh t .

d o.“J” qama r cd - cleen


apricot paste .

fol; qcima ra , h e gambled .

iir lii a orjlaé


gimar , or moqrimam,

gambling .

qimr iyai , hole for ligh t ,

J r“ 2

$54 3 qi'ma r citiy, glazier, seller of

wi ndow - panes.

Jfé' gammar a , h e toasted bread .

Us » ? qamasa , h e plunged in to

water , dived .

u ru qamoos, Ocean

,Arab ic

lexicon .

M lU


U? qomdsh, pl. aqmisha ,cloth , stufl



uti iii taqamma sha , h e dressed up

in fine clothes.

”L4 43 qamees, pl. qomsdn,ch emise , sh ir t.


qommos, Coptic priest.

83 qama

, fu nnel, cone ; qama ’a ,h e knock ed down .


ribs? qomqom, pl. qamdqim,

flagon , flask .

rli d


qoc im, ringworm.

dd qamla , pl. qaml,lou se,lice .

1) t qommal, ringworm.

”and qameen, oven , bakery .

US Qemi , Ken a , a town and pro

vince in Upper Egypt.on“ 0 0

M M ” or q1n eena ,or qon a zmya ,bottle, glass.

U sqannab, h emp, cannabis indi c a .

deli? M w qunbm'


qu nbula , pl. qamcibil (Persiankhamba ra ) bomb - sh ell.k l; ga nja , pl. ginaj, river



J /Afi'

yam/( if (Turk), butt- end of


dep t}? dual? qandeel, pl. gamideel,lamp, illumina tion .

qans, ch ase, sport .

Joli ? M qonsol, pl. qandsil

(European ) , Con sul.

£514 13 qonsolato (Eu ropean ) , c on

sulate .

c U? iijlni i


qantara , pl. qandtir ,

bridge, arch .

q} ? j

lp i qandtir kha iriya , th e

Barrage, or Benefic en t Arch es.

fi loUS Uni ? qin tci/r, pl. qamiteer ,

qan tdr h undredweigh t of

991; lbs. , or 100 rotls, or 45

k ilog . ; th e qintar ofAlexandriaequ als 14 0 k ilog .

til? ) or

Cl; qan ia’a , or iqtan a


he b ecame con tent or was

convin ced .

ZcU? qanda’a , conten tment .



lagu a’a ,h e convinced, con tented .

Cili a

C134 magnia


moqtan ia’

,convinced .

gonfoz, beaver, otter, wa terrat .

USwent, he acqu ired ; qinwa ,acqu isi tion .

W ELL? §U3 qamit, pl. qa n ciwdt,small canal.

W ad ) JLLS


qamil se- Bowagis

(European ) , Canal of Suez.

(9N oqnomn (Greek ), principle of

nature .

”3 qah are b e for c ed ,c on qu er ed .




J) ; 961(Turk ish ) , wing of battalion ; Laid istiqdma , uprigh tness, rectiarm

,branch . tude .

w e.) J) ? qo’

l aghdsi (Turkish ) , raga-3 taqweem.

almanac ; register ;wmg commander,major .

dli e. qecla , i t was said ;

adjutan t valuation .

qciyim, erect, holding ; a r igh t

angle perpendicular .

3,0q ,i t is sa id

,he is named ; 3335



qdyimmaqdm, locum

by n ame .

JUill Ja i l) el- qeelma el- qcil, gossip,

ten en s lieu tenan t- c olonel, Bey

of sdlisa rank .

town talk ; literally,“wha t is M 3 yayima , pl. qawayim

sa id and wha t th ey say .

.gs or

i”, gem, or giz/am, th e ac t

of stan ding up .

rlf l l"

; gem, pl. aqwiim, na tion ,

people .

”is. r

grime , h e stood up, ac ted

for,fulfilled ; yaqoom,

h e stands

up , 850 .

f; gum (imperative) stand th ou


LU“(U grime. maqcimaho, h e a

°ctedin stead of.

i oU'

qdma , h eigh t of body, stature


”U qciwama , he resisted .

layin moqtiwama , resistanc e .

rUl aqcima , h e made stand

, set up .


b 91:4.)rU


l aqcima da’wa



he brough t an a ction against,

prosecu ted .

L ‘Sl igfima , a setting up ; bring

ing an action ; c elebra ting or

exe rc ising ; a residen c e, abode .

h e or 1t was upr ig h t Izc wen t stra igh t in life .

erec t ; a righ t angle

bordereau paper mon eymemoes, b ills, scrip ; a telegraph post

,mast .

l; qawwam, erect, alert ; qu ick .

6“ Q 0

l); qawwam .

’ ( 1n terjec t1on or exclamation ) Be qu ic k


r): qawwama , h e drew up, com

piled, fixed, estima ted valu e .

”3 qayyoom, th e Eternal God .

rLju qiyrim,

a stand ing up ; prayer .

24 g; giyaw a , resurrec tion ; uproar ,

bu stle .


re.“ qayyim,

substitute, guardian .

PG qecma , pl. qiyam,

value .

zoo gc ama , valuable .

a shyci. zcit qeema ,th ings of valu e, valuables.

rli a maq cim,

place , sea t of offi c e .

rad » moqc em, residen t, dweller,

se tter up .

mostaqeem, stra igh t ;

rec tum.

d ); i


33 qowwa , pl. qowa , forc e ,

strengtla p ower


qaw iy, pl. aqwiyd, q uit moqayyad bil- hadeed,

strong very .

aqwa , stronger .

ka teer qawiy, very much ,very many .

£ 535J”? qawiy Ira teer, very strong.

a ; gawwa ,h e strength ened, en

c ouraged .

taqwiya , a strength en ing,en c ou ragemen t.

b e,» taqawwa , h e strength enedh imself, grew strong .

mogawwa , strengthen ed ;cardboa rd .

s”1.33.3 taqciwi (provinc ial) , seedcorn ; seed for sowing .


n o 1

pl:u’ gay, vom1t ; see qa .

633 qa ih , pu s, matter .

A53 qu id, pl. qoyood, a tying

down , fettering a pr isoner ;en tering in th e accounts, in

sc r iption in a register chain,

bond, sta tus.

the ! fl qa icl el- h aycit, in

a sta te of life, alive, fact of

a s. » qa idiya , registra tion .

M A313 qa id wa tasjeel, registra tion and in scription .

Ag? gayyada , he bound, fettered ;egistered .

Ah a moqayyid , registrar,gu ard ian .

M a moqayyad, registered, bounddown .

bou nd wi th fe tters.

by); lel i


qeer iit, pl. qar cireet,

l- 24 th part ; 175 sq . metres or

209 sq . yards ; l°

975 gra ins ;

1- l6th of a dirh em abou t one

inc h .

vlgfi gig/as, measure, standard of

measure ; c ompar 1son .

w e». uaU qa sa , he measured

yaqees, he mea sures.

Eu la-e moqciyasa , comparison .

w ha li a ma qciscit, dimension s.

W m migycis, pl.

maqdyees, instrument for


Lula? qiycisa , Nile boat of Wadi

Halfa district.

2am. or USU? qiycicl, ormoqdyada ,

exch ange, -barter .

a fi qaitcis (Latin ) , ceta c ea,

whale, whalebon e .

qeetdn, cord, braid .

Bfi ge iz, dog- days, in tense h eat

of summer .

or EU? qa ila ,or qa iloola ,

siesta, mid- day halt.

JUl aqdla , he forgave, annulleda contract .

ElUl iqcila , pardon , remission , a

let- ofi'



llCi ?

beea’ cl- igaila ,“vente a

réméré .

JUL -l istaqtila , h e sen t in h is

resignation .

22 lbs. avdp . , 36 okes equalth e qintar of 99 lbs.

oqqiya , ounce, It ounces avdp .

K .

d . Value 20 .

c . ) ka (prefix) , like, as, similar to .

$ 15Ira - r aj il, lik e a. man .

L‘JUS or US kazci, or kazcilik, thus,like th at.

L‘J - ak, (femin . ) - 1


Ic, as a su ffi x,th ee, thy, th in e . [for lea , ki .

sti ll“kitcibak,thy book .

ana darabtak, I beatth ee .


,pale, wan ; humble .

a)! 0Khad, almost, all but, just

(see ko'

d) .

g . to), 0Kla id an yaqa

,h e almost


w -

jKkdr, pl. hdrat (Persian) ,

work , profession .

c u lJKll uglyl

arbab cl- kdrdt, arti

sans, craftsmen .

113q kdr - kh cina (Persian), broth el.c al—ml! U

U Ircis, pl. kdsdt,

(fomin . ) c up cymbal.

u; uK Ira


ma, he was, existed

(see ken) .

LU ka - a nna , as if.

wrig kdnoon, h earth , stove ; Ka

noon I. and II., th e Syrian

moa tbs of Dec ember and


515 Icabba , he poured ou t, upset.

L a}! Icabbaba , h e roasted .

u US kebab,

roast meat, meatroasted on a spit.

“if k ibd, liver.

at?! kabbcid, bitter orange for

preserve .

0 .1Kkcibada , he endured .

iwli o mokcibada , endurance .

I }!kibar, or kubr, grea tn ess, oldage .

i f kabbara, h e made great,declared to be great.

fi fimlor Jfoi l'

ta kabbara , or intak

bara , he was proud, talk ed big.

W .

j gdf kabeer, (temin . ) kabeera ,

great, large .

nfl- fi fl akbar, pl. akdbir, greater,greatest.

1h“kibar (pl. of kabeer) , great .

I f! gaff kubra , pl. kubur (femin . )

greater, greatest..1

J };lA.“Allah a kbar, God is greater(than all) , God is th e greatest .

takbeer, a making great ; th esaying God is the greatest .

[ KL mutakabbir, proud, h augh ty,pompous.

g"; kibreet, sulph ur, lucifer .

a)" a “! kabasa’ala , h e seized,

fell upon .

w e! kibs, mud bu t of wa ttlos,


K 232

r?“kdt'im el- asrdr, concealer 35 kadd, fa tigue .

of secrets, a confiden tial secretary .



at“ka ttdn , linen , flax ;

gotu , cotton .

ka teena (Italian ) , watch

ch a in , ca tena .

M or Qu a.“ka theeth , or ka theqf,th ick

,dense (hair, foliage,

liqu id) .


125kier, or lea rn, abundance .

106 . .

J gi f ka iser , pl. In’

tdr, many,

much,numerou s.


Ji fl a kta r, more ; cl- aktar,

the most, at most .


435 kattar a , h e made increase,augmg

n ted .

kattar kha ir a k, thanks !

may your happiness increasefl

j KS orJ ig takassam, or takdsam,

it became abundan t.

die ; or M kohl,or kih cil

, pow

der of bu rn t frank incen se or

almon ds used as a black dye

for th e eyelids.

do; ka h eel,black - eyed, kohl

eyed .

i ‘v5

:’a i 'n ka heela

,eye adorned

w ith kohl.

mik- h ala , kohl- bottle .

b il al- kohol,alcoh ol. [dfi f

koha il, thoroughbred h orse .d>ljf J>U ltd/til, pl. kawdh il


ankle .

Ltd—if “a; k ilu


a, steward ( seel‘

é f - l'é ill/( f)

JJS kadr, gr ief, annoyance .

jg! kadd a ra

,h e vexed, caused




takaddara, h e felt gri eved .


JKL. mokad da r

, vexed,aggrieved ; motakaddir , feelinggrieved .

ref kadam, bruise, contusion .

or kazd, or kazcilz


thu s, like that .


db, lie, falsehood .


,lying .

u .“kazaba , h e told a lie (the

gu n ) missed fire .


y )“ cg .“kdzib, or ka ddéb,

liar .

Q JKJ J amr kcizib, slander, libel.

you .“

fob ”Ga l akhba ra bi - amr

kdzib, h e uttered a libel.3

kazzaba , h e contradicted,

gave the lie to .

gar li c f lamrmakzoob, falsehood,an affa ir wh ich h as been lied

abou t.6 a”i :

or15 har m

,or takarrara , i t

rec u rred .



S karmra , h e made recur,re

peated ; h e refined sugar .

j} ? takrdr, repetition , recurrence .

p53 ta kreer

, a causing of repetitiou a refin ing of sugar .

CD}? if? karra, pl. Iran -

( it, a


J; moka rr a r, repeated ; refin edU


}! kirsh paunch , tripe ;wr inkle .

if!“ ” bl awdmir moka/rram, re U:

153 taka rrasha

,i t was w rinkled .

peated orders.

kurrdr iya , bobb in , reel of

c otton , & c .

iy (Syri ac) , Arab'

yria c c haracters.

“f f-115 koreishiy, a sort of muslin .

g ) ,15 kroob (European ) , croup ; a

ll; korda ’

, p1. kawéfr ia’

a Krupp gun .

ka rb, distress, indigence .

u ; kamb, yok e -

pin of plough .

J5 korbcij, courbash , h ippopo

wh ip a flogging,ctamus- h ide

bastin ado .

J‘95 korbcil, vine - trellis ; raft

frame .

Kkdro (European) , c ar, cart.

sit korr cit, leek , garlic .

oljfl kurd, pl. akrdd

, Koord,Koordistan .

wk); kc rdcin

n eck) , n ec klace .

j15karaz, cherry .

Ic irdza , chu rch servi c e , sermon .

folio, pamphlet, copy book

several sh eets sewn togeth er .


,wrist. [r

am if“)

J an; korsof, a piece of cotton


Hf“)l5 £5995 Imrmy, pl. ku rdat ,

c ha ir, th ron e, locus.

M l C5"; Imrszy cl-mamla ka ,

c api tal town .


j karasha, h e drove off, chasedou t.

(Persian gerden,

trotters of sh eep or ox .


iy, a seller of


un i} ka rafs, celery .

4 5 kurk (Turkish ) , fur, fur - coat .

$5} kurkiy, cran e, stork .

karaka , calico .

Z5? karrcika (Italian) , dredger,rake .

9 5} kurkaba , h e th rew in to

disorder, confu sed .

255} kurkaba , confusion, commo

tion, uproar .

kardkeeb, lumber, c onfu

sion of rubbish .

15 ka rkadann , rh in oceros.


nobleness,favour, generosity .


ka rdma , miracle, benevolence .



5 ka rrama , h e honoured, showedfavour .

f; f' i‘l‘ kareem, pl. kir cim, noble,

graciou s.

r}; J

“ ’afw kareem, gracious par

don , or amn esty by th e king .

ohm- mm,ennobled ,


539} 234Jr<~

i ce/ S kar cemu (u sed in Turk ish ) , l‘5kozciz

,a sh iver ing from c old .

daugh ter .

U)? or ku runb, cabbage,

cauliflower .

i i 'JJ5ku rndfa , bu tt- end of rifle .

gfik l or ka raha , or istakraha ,

h e abh orred, loath ed .

Eel/5 kar ciha , abomin a tion .

5,5l akraha , h e showed violence,violated .

855) ikrdh, violen c e .

Q} ka reeh , h ateful, detestable .

ma krooh, h ated h en ce,a sin

h ateful to God .

d 15 is} 1mm, pl. kora , ball, globe .

Us) !if) ! kara t el-

ard, glob e of th e

world .

$3 5korawiy, globular .

lg.)15 Ica rawiyci, c arvi , food givento an invalid .

ibu5 ka rawa ita , b edstead, sofa .

ml) ; karawdn , partridge .

l; kz'

rci, h ire .

5 9Kkcir a , h e let on h ire .

iktwra , h e took on h ire .

yokm,it is to let.

mokr a, let, h ired .

iil g mokdrdt, h ire .

H's/Ks mokdr i, h e who lets on h ire,

e spec ially one who lets ou t

an imals on h ire .

Ji a makir, muleteer .

9 1} Korosko,a village on th e


Ie abou t h alf- way betweenAssouan and Wady Halfa .

W or kusbum, cori ander .



LS kuss, vulva .

M l 0 1° N kasaba, 0 1

° ikba“

saba , h e ga ined, profi ted .

u h-JSl or W 5 kasb, or iktisdb,

gain , profit.

aw Icasbcin , h e wh o gains, su c

c essful in trade .

M L. maksab, profit, gain .

uri c maksoob, gained, the profit

gained .

M kusba , paste of sesame oil,

fatten ing food .

aw lmstabdn (Turkish ) , th imble .

-fl or (C

A-g kasah ) :


or a ksah,

maimed, paralytic .

0M Irascid, dulness of trade,n oth ing doing.

“K kdsid, dull trade .

I“! or kasara , or kassam, h e

brok e, broke into, defeated .

[wi ll in kasara , i t was brok en , h ewas defeated .

I” ; kasr, pl. kosoor, a break

ing, fraction .

u lzdl -5 kasr eI- bdb, a break ingin of th e door (a legal termfor bu rglary)


, short 1 vowel- sound .


maksoor, broken , brok en inh eart or spiri t, sorry ; mark edwi th th e k asra .

“ K

$ 4 355 v eg kd’yib, pl. kawd’


virgi n of Paradise .6

9 1x54 moka’a’b, cubed, c ub ic .

£4 115 ka ’lr,cake .

palm of h and ;

blow ; a h em.


a , platter of a pair of

scales ; sling ; kufi a , h em.

kafc cf, blind, almost blind .

u: J kafi



,h e kept aloof


with drew h is h and, ceasedfrom.

glove, slap,


a basa raba, h e becameblind, h is eyesigh t c eased .

ta kafi'

afa , h e kept pu ttingou t h is h and to beg, was

1711135 or kuf ta. (Persian ) , meatb all.

”Kkdfia , the wh ole, all.

or .GLL5 kaf ci, or kafma ,equality .

kafw, equal, similar .

if“or liK kdfci, it was equ al to,h e rewarded .

115K. or M s d, or mokdfdt,equality ; a reward, c ompensa tion .

i ll.“kifciya , sufi c iency .

g.“or kafiy, or kdfi ,suflic ien t .


56K or

$52" kafia , or kdfa , it

suffic ed .

[li tUSKkdfa, h e rewarded .



i5l iktafa, he was con tent,satisfied .

c fl-K. mokdf cit, pl. mokd

fdcit, rewa rd,pr ize a t sch ool.

{15 or kafaba , or kdfaha ,

h e made war .

cl55 kifcih, mu tual war .

J55kafa ra , h e disbelieved in Allah .

Jail kufa, disbelief in Allah

“ingratitude .

j&5 or ib55 1

5K ka’

fir , pl. kafara ,

or kufia r , disbeliever .

”K ghidowr (Turco -Persian for

kdfir) disbeliever .

‘35 Imfi'

a ra,h e expiated h is own

sin forgave another .

ta kfeer, expiation , forgiveness.

Jl215 kafidr, very impious, ath eist.



,fun eral


e rmgs of chari ty .

kafr , pl. befoor, village .

”5Kkdfoor , camphor .

did kaf ala , h e wen t ba il for

anoth er, guaran teed .

91515 M kafeel, pl kufalci,h e who goes ba il.kaflila , guaran tee, fac t or

amoun t of ba il.

Jt55l dd kafal, pl. a kfdl, h aunch .

witsl:(Ifan “in di e g fi eet sh r unk .

was 237

u55 Irafi


a n a, he sh rouded a dead 20 15kullciba , pin cers, h ook .

body .

$ 33 kalabsh, h andcu ffs.

Jfl - d5ku l, (1mpera t1ve) eat thou ! or lJ

'K kolar ci (European ) ,(se e a kala ) cholera .

r515 J kull

,all ; Imlloh all of 1t. “fi lm kils, lime, calcium ;

ta klees,c alcination .

”i t J kullminhom, every one of

th em.4 15kaltfa , h e undertook .

“B3 kullwdhid, each one .

Mix kulfa , respon sib ility, anxiety,under tak i ng, expense .

9K ka llz

y, u n iversal.hallufa , h e c onmgned, eu

k‘dliya t totality . tru sted a task to ; i t cost ;

filflb or ii ; k ullz'

ya tan or bilh e invi ted

,legally summoned .

kulliya , altogeth er, totally .4

.9K; “4 95K; takleqf, Pl ta kdleqf,b urden , imposi tion , ceremony,lat-15 kullamd, wh en ever, wh atever,both er

,fuss ; 1nv1tat10 n ; legal

all th a t .

M l ikleel,c rown , diadem rose

summons ; ofli cml rec elpt for,

mary .

or acknowledgmen t of, amoun t

of land h eld b a ta a or (see015kallala , be crown ed . mokallafa ) ,

y xp y

M ta ldeel,c oron ation ; Coptic

IT'EL’ M takleef bil- badoor,

marr ia e r mg C9 e ony a legal summons to appear .

15 hall t t ll, h t'



no a a an emp a w0. 4 K? takallafa , h e h eld or made

n ega t1ve . No ! on th e c on

h imself responsi ble , undertook ,trary .


lf to blGK itskilai

, (fomin . ) was, both .

Pu t lmsa trou e

U M J kelb, pl. kildb, dog .

J KA mokallaf , h eld respon sible

9 45“U

s! ibn el- kelb son of a

invi ted, Capable summon ed

dog, a term of abu se, exactlylegally

the same as th e Turkish W 35-50 mokallafa .sch edule or register of land

tax, i . e . th e amoun t of land

for wh ich a man is r esp onsible

(see wird and qaseema) .

b x kaliba , th e dog went mad ;th e man h ad hydroph ob ia .

u i5 kaldb,rab ies, rage, hydro

“3 1° kallcif, seller Of

ph obia .

fodder for ca ttle (see ’alldf) .

5K. makloob

,bitten by a mad 5 .5K halos, Q


t k oh xfi . Q “

dog ; rabid.

6 6

,.KS or

rK kallama

, or takallama ,

h e spoke . [J’s


,speech ,

affair spoken


«Tux kz'

lma , or Icelima , pl.

kelimdt,word .

rJL5 kdlama

, h e spok e with ,

interviewed .

MK“, mu kdlama, in terview .

rKlo mu takallz

m, speak er ; first

person singular .

( 53 kileem (Tu rk ish ) , carpet, rug .

85K kilwa , or Iculwa


p1. kalciwi, k idney .

$53 kz'

lwiy, renal, of th e kidn eys,neph ri tic .

BK 1b”kild

, (femin . ) w e, both .

(5 kam, h ow many ? h ow mu ch ?

pg. r.5l akam yo


m ( c olloqu ial) , a

few days.

Lo5 Immei , as, in th e same way a s.

al. ; kamcin , also, more, aga in .

r5 kom, (femin . ) konna , ye,

you r .

La5 hamd, ye two .

515 kammft'

ya , qu an tity .

,.Lo5l F5kumm, pl. akmcim,

sleeve,c uff.

r'uS F5 kimm, pl. kimcim,

calyx,bud .

field or A45 kimtim, or kimcima ,


r'w I'm/n il

, tr ufles.

kambi ri la (Italian ) , b ill of

exch ange .

aw lW t» sdhib el- kambidla ,drawer of a bill.

M l JJLS qdbil el- kambidla,acceptor of a bill.

3M ) da b» hdmil el- kamb'idla,

bearer of a b ill.

makcel el- kambicila ,transferor, endorser of a bill.

uélwa s ? 23W kambidla taht izn,bill (payable) to order .

5 51325komma tra , pear, pear tree .

kamar (Persian , waist) , girdle,belt.

d)“ g

’JJJ kumruk, pl. kamd

r ik (from Greek , th rough

Turk ish gyoommk) , Custom

h ou se, th e Customs.

W 5komsan (European ) , c ommissiona ire, commissary, ra il

way guard .

i z lx kammdsha, tongs.

JLJ kumdl, perfec tion , enti rety .

du b kcimil, perfect, entire, whole,complete .

M or 415kammala , or akmala ,h e completed .

JLJl or M S ta kmeel, or ilcmcil,a completing.

M talcmeel, th e wh ole .


if}! 240

Q) !Koofiy, Koofi c , a style ofArab mikwa , flat iron .

wri ting, named after Koofa .

iii; koofiya , h ead - sh awl.

u ; Icawkab, pl. kawd

kib, star .

J,;fll ko- ol,al- ko- ol, alcohol.

95) or

95kai, or li - Ira i , in order

th at.

B5 w e!) fi r st! kn it ma. ka it,th u s and thus (a colloqu ialismfor kazd) .

[M or ka id, or makeeda


alcwdm,h eap, mound, village

often bu ilt on h igh ground, as

Shebeen el- kom.

55kawwama , h e h eaped up .

035 existen c e, th e fa c t of,

bec a u se v iz .,i . e .

is; ké’

noho, h is existence, wh ile h ewas.

"35Bl» hdlet ko


n,alth ough , wh ile

that .


030 l'i - kb


u , b ecause ma ’

Mn , although .


niy, real, actual.

w} : ”K kdn a , he was, existed ;yakoon , h e, it is. [j ba

kawwa 'n a , h e created, pu t

togeth er .

takwaen , creation , genesis.

ta kkawwan a , i t took form,

became formed .

wig kdyin , existing, h e who is.


4.9K kdn a aw, eith er

or ; wh eth er i t be or .

Jul wK. ‘ makdn , pl. amdkin,

place . [wi g

$5kaiy, cau tery ; iron inglin en , & c .

kawa , h e cau terized, ironedcloth es.

iktawa , be burnt or c au

tamizad h imself.

[i i-e»

UL,” M.

kees, pl. a kycic , purse,bag, sack , h ai r glove .

M y kees nogood, a purse of

money .

plot,ruse, intrigu e .

EW mokayyz’

sdtiw profe ssionalrubber with th e h air glove inth e Turk ish ba th .

un i; kowayyz

s or kwi ce, nice,

pre tty, excellen t.

U ?”ukwaa, n ic er

,better .

h it-55 ka tf, h ow ? in Turk i sh i t

h as the special mean ing of

tak ing one’s ease, dolca f a r


en te exh ilaration .

kazfiya , the bowness, quality ;details or sta te of th e case .

M ka ifinja (Tu rkish mili taryterm) , stand easy

21g!kiycila , a measu ring of grain .

M JKkeila , be measu red gra in

yakeel, h e mea su res.


la,a mea sure of nearly 2

pecks, or 3; gallon s 161}litres,or 1- 12 th of an ardah .

JLEJ kayydl, a professionalmeasu rer of grain .

dali o JLA‘ mikydl, pl. malaiyoel,a standard ofmeasure for grain .

hu ilc an , th e pla te - lock of a

door or box .

gen; kewezem iy, loc k mak er .


khem,an old n ame for Egypt ;

alc h emy,Opposed to sc emz

yd, false magic .

Lgla é kc cmdwiy, c h emic al.

{was n ls?

tableel keemciw iy,c h emical analysis.

M kiakh, Coptic mon th of

D ec ember .


J Lcim. V alu e 30 .

d .“ J 1a.

, to , for ; lake , to

h im ; Za k, to th ee .

J J H, to, for, becau se of ; in

order to ; h e, to me .

alllilla h, to God .

Lg? J ? 3 li ajl, becau se ; I-my,why for wh a t

g., gCMl li

- hwz ih i’l- a 8 b¢ib


th ese rea son s.

0 0


o 0 or

realIt a damIzo:loor1h1, owmgD

aiAA5kc cmig/a , ch emistry,pe rh aps derived from kem or

ra tion al magic as

41 u ;

Jllaw li

,i f then ( c oordina te

conjunction s)

f t? )l law ya. li

- n azn rtoh, if

h e h ad come I should h aveseen h im.

3 Id, not .

lai d ld - seeyamd, n oth ing is equalto it ; Espec

ially .

agile fi lls C) ? (lcika ) maltik,

pl. ma ldyika , messenger, angel

(see also gun) .

rzl(J lama

,be blamed (see lom) .

r? ldmu , h e repaired, join ed the

p iec es togeth er .

i t c ollec ted, c amel i ltdma ,

togeth er .

(.lfi ll iltz

ydm,a coming togeth er,

c rowding .

rule multag/im,

collected, joined .

t "a ) ? la.yi ka , n ote, circ ula r

(see lo'

h ) .

roll j ljllocloo, pl. hidli, pearl

U)“ CLJ Iubb, pl. loboob, pulp,k ern el, h eart.

field Iibdba,crumb

, gru el.

w e la beeb, gentle , sin c ere .


bL a d labab, martingale, breast

to 1s a sen c e .


,bec au se, for th e fac t th a t. ZilIibba , n eckla c e ; labba , bosom

wasli - mdzd, wh y ? for wh a t ?c h est .

gu Al

jlsjlll lil- cajti r, for h ire ;

Ii -mabee’a for sale .

U M la bldb, c reeping plan t .

vahl leblebi (Tu rk ish ) , parch ed

Insta ll Iis- sda’a (lissa ) , up to now, Ind ian c orn .

no t yet . ifi lla bwa , lion ess. [Ana l

Lulu wig Ii - ga boon ma

’loomdn, g a l; lawla b, metal spring, wa tc h

lot it b e known spring.


M labita , h e r emained, stayed . 2M lablzba,piece of soft stufl


dough .

Ziénl lablha, poultice (Tu rk ish ? uAlIaba n, milk .

flap“) la ba n haleeb, fresh

la bba kh, th e common acacia of (milk ed) milk .

Egypt albzzzia labbakh i ; a ca amulallabban milkman .

mimosa .

a d la ba da , h e lu rk ed, lay ln wa it ufl’aboon milch givingmilk ; alsofor .

a su ckling, young camel, & c .

3M libda ,felt peasan t’s felt c ap .

ulzdIuba n, gummastic for ch ew ing

3,3i la bbada , felt h orse clothresin for pastilles or i ncense .

“A, labi lsa , be dressed cJlallibdn

,tow - rope for b oa ts.

h imself , yalbzs, h e dresses. gufl ale? Jebel Lubnan , Mount

ua gl libs, cloth ing, dress.

Leban on

w Ia bba zk,Lo ! Here I am

before Thee, Oh God ! Ad

sum (pilgrim’s ejaculation ) .

LITA" ma lboos, cloth ed ; 1n sp1rc d,

xf ollai

llabba cd - da’wa

,h e died ;

M l uvuL-lJ libas, pl. albisa ,

drawers, cloth ing .

devotee ; mad, ep11ept1c .

h e sa id“Labba ik,

” Adsum,

w t . or ml gl. malboosat, or to th e c all of God .

7710 14558 : cloth es.

talbzya , th e ph rase lab

filtaba sa , i t was mu ffled up, ba ik, & c .


g a lIa tta , he bru ised, shook .

u h‘miltibas, amb1gu1ty, doubt .

(u or

(J la tama h e slapped

Lfa a-Ma m multabzs, ambiguou s, [flobscu re in 11198 1110 8 2433 la thma , a kiss.

wmta la bbasa , h e was imph c atOdr‘l

d na em, woman’s veil over th e

in , was in th e a c t of doing . mou th mask .

Ellis“; h ill. sboohula muta6

tala ththama ,labbzsan bzl- jmaya h e was seen

h e wore a mask mu ffled h is

in th e a c t of crime ; h e was

d l‘


face (b rlgand, robber) .dptec tedflagra nte e to 0 '

g m Zillisa , pl. liscia, gums of

$ 4 4 “ mula bbas, sweetmeats, th e mou th .

c omfi ts.


a h e persisted, repeated .

Ura l libsh , bundle of brushwood 2 J]

for dams. ex“or a; lajlaja , or talajlaja,

M s l/j em/za,embank ing a c anal, b e k ept on r ep eafixn g , seamed ,

or ma k ing a dam w ith libsh . h esi tated m sp eech .

lazeez, deligh tful, delicious.

di lal Iazeeza, pl. lazciyiz,

pleasure ; deligh ts, ch arms.

(Allala zz, more deligh tful.

or Sill 17tazza , or falazzaza ,

be deligh ted in , enjoyed .

fib ula ma la zzdt, deligh ts, sensualpleasures, de

li c es.

uh } lazza

’ala , h e push ed, pressed .

M or J) or

C)la zfc


ja , or Ia ziqa ,

or Ie siga , i t stu ck to, was

gummy .

la zzaqa , h e gummed, pasted up .

(if!la zima, i t was nec essary,

atta c h ed to ; yalzafm

,it is nec es

sary .

w”lozoom, necessity .

r)? lazim,

n ecessary .

rjl’l 349

3 hiz ima , pl. lawdzim,a

nec essary article .

c a l Iawtizimcit,

n ec essa ries,

stores (for army, & c ) .


'llalzama,h e n ecessitate d, h eldf

respon sible, adjudged (costs)aga inst .

lazama,h e attended upon, was

dependen t.agile muldzama , attendance upon ,

dependenc e .

mulazim, subaltern, lieutenant,

a tta ché .


'Iill 1'

ltazama, he undertook

,c on

tracted for .

ryill illizdm

, respon sib ility, con

tract, lease, feudalgran t of land .

mill/(12 1371, c on tractor


b older .

(fin malzoom bi

,r esponsible

for .

malzoomiya , responsib ility.

Lei la malzama , qu ire ; clip , vic e .

e o molzam,responsible .

M Iasa’a,sting ; bite of serpent.

aid )umIz


ada , pl. a lsina , tongue,

language .

( fie gla d dar ij, vern a cular,

or common dialect .

J's“Ju llisan eI- h cil, day’s doings;

n ews,topics of th e day ; i . a. if

th ings c ould speak for th emselves.

Ju lu: an Iz


sdn, from h ea rsay .

gi ll? L‘tl (laslui) , ta lash a , it

was ru in ed, spoilt ; talashi,

destruction .

uaja l Jalla ss, pl. losoos, robber,burglar , b rigand . L3) “ k l


Ji l Ja llusiya , i t adhered ; lacsaqa , h e made adh ere .

or J‘s? lasaga , or 1


Itasa qa ,

it was in c on tact adh ered .

multasiq, adheren t, c on


afl ladama,h e threaded beads,

a n eedle , & c . joined .

,. lal“ Ia tasha , h e slapped .

J llnll h alalloff , pl. altcif, k indness, grace .

Zillallufafa , grace, elegan ce wit .

J alallat f, grac ious, courteous,witty .

fi g M la tecfil, pl. lu tdififs


d yes talteqf, afi'

ab ili ty, a showing

k indn ess.

rblIa tama , h e slapped, beat .

talatum, mu tual c ollision ,

sh ing togeth er .

h a u lIa’1710 , h e played .

M y Ma’ba

,be fon dled, played

wi th anoth er .

u'a ll w lia

’b, pl. ala

’db, a

game, play .

L- JlalIo’

ab, saliva .

V al. mala ’b, playgrou nd, circu s.

ua l la


,h e h it, ch ewed .

dial Ia’


ga , h e lic k ed, su ck ed .

J ‘ l‘ mila ’qa

pl. mala’

yiq, spoon .

JJ Ia a’ll,perhaps.

d al Ia’l, garnet ; ruby ; c armine

c olour .

unl Ia ’

n a,h e cursed, blasphemed .

ulsl impreca tion ; a formof divorc e .

Rialla ’n a,a curse

,cursing .

mala ’c on, accursed,damn ed .

wé ’l la ’

een , accursed .


J'Jag wall ala

’n , li terally, more

accu rsed, b u t used in Egyptmerely for worse,

”as th e

compara tive of ba ttal, bad .

j il lughz, en igma , mystery .

lei-l laght, noise, uproar .

lagh c ff, receiver or c on

c ealer of stolen goods.

Nil lagbam, pl. logboom

(Tu rk ish) , sewer, drain mili

tary mine of powder ; blastingc h arge for quarrying .

h aillaghma ta (colloqu ial) , it wa s

smeared, stained .

351 laghw, nulli ty .

dbl Iagh i , null

,void .

Jill a lgha , h e annulled, abolish ed .


Jl figh t, a mak ing null and

void .

uJul. » mulgha (ormalgh i) ann ulled


obsolete .

mule mulghat, nulli ties,errors

annulled .

w'al Lil lugha , pl. lughat, lan

guage, ph raseology . [UM

Zi lll u “kitab cl- lugha ,dic tionary .

£0 3 lagh awh lingu istic, pedan ti c ,verbose .


J lafi’

a, h e wrapped up .

ai 'i llwf cifa , wrapper, b andage .

J lafi'

,a wrapping up .

J ail Iafeqf, c omplex, wrapped .

u lill lafi’

cif, professional roller of


malfoof, wrapped up

vague a cabbage .



, envelope, cover .

14 4 3 lafa ta , h e turn ed to look .

w laft, glance, a tu rn ing


p 53”i ltafa ta , h e turn ed h is a t

tention to, took care,paid

a ttention .

g al-il l) iltij(i t e ewmeex; we“ .

a tten ti on to

1 246 I

multafit, pa instaking, JlaJ laqlaqa , h e made shak e,atten tive .

“ Li—ml istalfa ta , h e a skedagi tated .

Jllillaqlaq, stork .

(anoth er) to pay a tten tion, drewraj lagma , p1. loqam,

morsel.h is a tten tion to .

c h ill lift, turn ips.

ttillImfiab, mandrak e .


Bali or Billlafaza , or talafi'

aza , h e

u ttered, pronounced , spoke .

Eli .“ léil lafz, pl. a lfdz, word,

ph rase, pron u n cia tion .


oi l Iafi'

aqa , h e h emmed, sewed

togeth er, trumped up a story ;

h umbugged .

M talfc eq, h umbug a trumped


up case, a false a c c usa tion .

Jill-o molafia q, sh am, trumped - up,

falsified .

w ill la qab, p1. algdb, sur

n ame, n ickname .


g., molaqqab, su rn amed , alias .

to)"(Ellaqaha a


,h e ejected a t


u ttered abuse, insult.


Cal lag

- h, or laqab, pollen ,

fec unda tion .

(Ll laqqaha , h e impregn ated,vaccina ted .

flailloqta , treasu re - trove .basi l laqect, a foundling, exposedin fan t .

laqifa , be seized, c augh t at.malqaf, a ir - sh aft on roof,

wh irlLoqman , th e Orien talAlsop;a fab ulist .

talqeem,ceiling, pan elled

ceiling .

u. 5. . l laqqan a , be in structed,prompted, suggested, dictated .

”gal? talgaon , sugge stion ,

a prompt

ing fun eral ora tion .


vi le molaqqan , prompted (spee ch ) ;

not on e’s own gen u in e eviden c e

or ideas.



qa, th e face a meeting faceto face .

ui ill or

VA lagia , or iltaqa , h e

foun d ; me t with .



éllalqa , h e th rew down, ch arged,accused .

tJill? or

US? laqa , or talaqa, h e

met,in tervi ewed .

”Eli ta laqqa , h e wen t to meet,antic ipated .

Ni l“

; tilqa, in fron t of.

Ai l? w min tilqa n afsihi , of

h is own accord or righ t .

BBL. mulcit ,a meeting face to

face , in tervi ew .

vi le mulqa , or mulqi , thrown

down .

fi li

a l istalqa ,h e th rew

h imself down , rec lined (see

also salqa ) .


rwl rgl (lakima ) filham,

divinej jl 16m

,an almon d ; ton sil


in spiration .

mulham,in spired by God .

hf ) gland ; lo'

z, almonds.

loJlLoot, th e pa tr iarc h Lo t.

la bbaw a , h e passed on,h anded Zl l Lb} loot1


y, sodomi te ; liwcita ,secre tly .

u éll or Lg) lahd,

orfiltaha , h e

amu sed h imself.

”llabw,play, amu semen t .



i talciha , h e amu sed h imself.


”a. millaa , pl. malcihi,

playth ing musicalin strumen t .

J JJ law Ii , i f

- th en ( co

ordin a te conjun ctions) .{th e law a

’malaka li - naza r

sodomy .

eJu l eJJlloaf (see leaf ) .

1 £3; J} (lo’

q) lawwaqa , h e sow ed

seed an d th en smooth ed a nd

b ea t down th o su rfa c e of th e

soil sow ing after th e in un da

tion,in soft so il.

zsASKJl Io

ca nda (Italian ) ,restau ran t.


[0 14 or



m,or maldm,

blame .

toh,i f h e h ad done i t, I sh ould N

b" (

Jlama , be blamed ya loom,

h ave seen i t.

3,llaw Id, unless.

wa law,alth ough .

flag) or Ry ; loobiya , h ar ic ot bean s;dolichos la bia .

a ?!lawwasa ,h e soiled,b esmi rc h ed .

5“) l talawwasa

,it bec ame soiled,

sta in ed .

all,» molawwas bid - dam,

(c loth es, & c . ) sta in ed w ith

blood .

Cw t ), Io


h, pl. a lwdh, table t

sh eet or pi ec e of metal plank ,board ; pan e of gla ss ; wooden

sh ovel for gra in .

,l léha , on e piece, a plank ;n oti c e board .

( pg, talawwa ha ( c olloqu i al) , h e

sic k en ed, grew feeble .


CB") lciyiha , pl. Iawdyih, note,c ir c ula ) ; de c ree, sta tute .

h e blames.

L051: llw moh im ’


h,fault, for

rwh ic h h e is blamed .



or mzd tiwama, or ta hi

wum,mutu al blame .


cal lén

, pl. alwan , c olou r ,

tin t, h u e .


,llawwan a ,

h e colou red .

ill;talawwa na , i t b ecame c olou redh e was sh ifty, hypoc ritical.

cfilm molawwa n , colou red, false,

hyproc rite .

“15k d yllawa , h e twi sted, ben t ;

yalwi, h e tw ists.

orh 5)

.l iltawa , or ta law wa,

it became ben t, twi sted .

or G5)“malwz’

,or multawi,

b ent,folded .

igoljl liwdya , pad, or fold for th e


h ead as a rest for th e wa ter -jar .


Pljl liwa

, pl. alwiya , flag,

brigade flag ; a small Tu rk ish

prov in c e under a b rigadi er,sa njaq .

Li lg l l la'

wd bdshd , brigadier, a

military offi c er of the th ird or

lowest rank of pash a, equ al to

th e civilMeeri -meerdn pa sh a .

w la ita (vulgarly Tai t) would

th a t l

val lyall Lib fi r st, la ita

sh ia’r i ha za ed - du nyci li

-men .

Would th at I k n ew to whom

th is world belongs .

M laz'

th, lion . [An al.0

w la isa , h e, i t was not

lasto,I was not.


llu fid la isa ma noth ing bu t,

mere ; tha t is all.

Pw ad Ia -isa hoa , except h im.

h ind leaf, da te - palm fibre, of

wh ic h th e finer quality is u sedfor sponges, and the coarserfor ropes.

i s} or a. s


Jlleaf, or loofa , a plan t

lik e a cu c umb er , of wh ich th e

fibre is u sed for sponges ser

p en ta r ia a r isa rum vulga re .

Jélleeg, c otton in Arab inkpots.

EM llyaqa , fi tn ess, propriety .


fi t,becoming, preper .

u“51519. J? Ieiga bi, i t befi tted ;

yaleeq, it befits.

la ila , on e n igh t.

Zlgl, M J l alf la ila ma la ila ,

10 01 nigh ts, theArabian Nigh ts.

gllfil M la il, p1. laydli, n igh t .


l115 llgl la ilcin wa u aharan,by

nigh t and by day.

3a)“ Bl llalla , con traction for

li - e u la,in order not to .

laimoon,lemon , c itron, lime .

“Ju g—l Iceman (Greek limeen

Tu rkish ) , h a rbour ; h ence th e

h ulk s, or penal servi tude in th eTurkish code .

i fu lor ”a

llleea , or leena , softn ess.

layyin, tender, soft ; bowels

epen . [win2393 layan a , sofa , soft cu sh ion .

u élz’. e)“lcina , i t was soft galeen ,

i t is soft .

lagyana , h e soften ed, madesupple .


talyeen , a mak ing soft or

supple ; gymnastics or extension motion s in drill.

a il. molayyin , softener ; a purge .

uljfll or

c,lfll leewcin ,

ra ised da ism a room h all.

1) la i, pipe or long tube of th e

n argh ileh .

lid leg/ya , fat ta il of sh eep ; meatcon tain ing plen ty of fa t. [b ull

M .

fMeem. V alue 4 0 .

[N.B— Th e following short list of par~

ticlples, & c . ,is only given in order to

assist the beginner in h is search for

th e roots of derived forms.]

lélo or met, or mazd, wh at ?

lélalli - mdzci, whyxx 1


Lo ma, th a t wh ic h ; a s long a s c l ole mazoon, licensed (see(as a suffix) - ever, - soev er . i zn

l“, w Jl min a i saba b md, mar, or mdr i (Syr iac),

from any reason wh atever . sa in t.

l” md ba it”: b etween ) th a tg

o } c mar Ji’l'fls, St . George .

h b tt " 3 e weenw l- o ma rs (European ) , mon th of

f.“ ma dam, wh ile, a s long as. March .

an 91: L. mi’Ilah

,wh at God mdramn (Persian ) ,

h as willed ; how fine ! bravo . asylum, hospital.

flLo loo me, not ; and a

’r if, “

jlfi‘ CE)“Mdrooniy, pl. Ma

1 do n ot k nOW wdrn a,Maron ite, Ca th olics of

Lo md 8 h 0 1‘ ("Mi Moun t Lebanon named after

before th e verb and 8 h 0 1’

8“ Bishop Maroon i ,6th c en turyA.D .

after it. like we ems) : “Ot 1. tr “mcisoora , tube, drain( see a sara )u

gsfl Lo an d. a

’rifsh , I do not

know . Zi l- n maslza (Persian ) , tongs,lam: Lo and

’add, except, n ot cou n t pincers.

ing .

Lfl L0 ma lam (two negatives) , J

“ a t); makoola t, eatables

unle ss.

(see a kala ) .

Rifle malfin a (European ) ,mach ine,engi ne ; neila is also used in

th is sen se .


flll,alc u

l§ lo ,wa ma

la na mmoh wa allci. darabam,

and th e next th ing was th at

h e (su ddenly) bea t me .J) " J‘r l all“ ma : PL amwdl,

proper ty, person al proper tya s d istin ct from real property ;

L L) tegoods, wealth (see mél) . [sills

or mawu,orma n wa r



J J, yw - JL‘ mill“,he lean ed (se ema il)

mwaya (colloqu ial) , water . J,l- JLmadl,sign ific ation (see awl) .

u l U L ma in) : sou rce, origin , a i l- JIlla mdloofJamiliar (see ilf) .

foc u s (see ociba ) .


-clor lo ma, pl. miycih, or

umwdh (sometimes femin . ) ,wa ter .

h e died (see J“ if

)" mamoor, an Officml:a. n

tu ” U L“ 1a a ,prefec t (see ama ra ) .

emi t) .

rJ l

(” 3L maltam, mourn ing, dw l Jy olo mcimool, hoped, desire

fun eral ( see a tem) . (see amal) .

JJ Lo mrm' tla, matter, arti cle


e na ct- o trusted“

(see 721(”I'lla )

e a “ .o 0

u)“ mu tasa rrzf, posses

sor,ruler (see sa rafa ) .

b aa, M 4 mu ttastf, qualified

(see wasafa ) .6

do , M 0 mu tta si'

l, con tiguou s

(see 1gaaala ) .d3

c " <4 “

den t (see wadd ah a ) .

ti e

profi t, u tility, th e enjoymen tof possession .

mu ttad ih,clear, evi

mota ’

a , pl. mota’


axi a l Elle ma tda ’, pl. amtia ’a



th i mlor

CE“; tama tta’a bi, or

istamta ’a bi

,h e enjoyed, pro

fi ted by .

fallsall» ba fcia

, (femin . )

preper ty, ggods.


nt, pl. bntooa’

(c olloqu ialism

derived fromma ttia’

, to supplyth e plac e of



» el- lc itcib ba tda’

y, mybook , th e book (wh ic h is) myproperty .

LlaJl el- lzorma ba ta a toh,

h is w ife .

cl- kotob botoo’a lc, thy


u ltllfl”tlfi all el- mljfh ih ba tda

el- bab, th e k ey belonging to

the door .

All: d fi la i o mota’dqitleen , th e

c on tra c ting par ties

w w mota’a ssib,

fan a tic (see’

asab) .

61: Jlalo mota’


q, belonging

to {5 0 0


Ag: mota ’a hh id, con tractor


W - gfi zi lcmotaghayyib, absentee (se e glza c


b) .

ujli q fiL. motaflilis, bankrupl

(see fa llasa )

J) di sh motafa r riq, var ious(see fa raga ) .


J fi ‘ fl mOttafiQfi greed (see we

c )” wi ll

. » motqan , perfe c ted (see


J r g iil ‘ mottaqi , piou s (seewaqa ) .

Leg it U s .

jw aya , c a ugh t in th e a c t, er

flagra n t délit. [wor ma tn , or ma tan a

solidity, solid con ten ts.

fi f ifll U1“ ma tn et- taqreer, th e

c on ten ts of a doc umen t ; i t:

motala bbisdn bil

text, substan c e .

ma teen, solid .

£317“ muta nawwia ’, va r ious(see now


M y re.“

ma t- ham,an accused man (set

tu hma ) .

J“ ma ta,wh en ever

,a t the time

th a t .

Ulo :5l a iy ma ta (a imta ) , wh en iw e? W

yli e masboot, prove c

(see saba ta )

Jli ol di e misl,lik e , simila r

ma sul, pl. amn il

,simile , pro '


orrQ—ko mu tta ham, 0 1

verb, max im.

211A Jun mz


sdl, pl. (17118 170

example, sample ; form of c er

ta in Arab verbs like As)-

J- g,

3:3ol omsoola , example


lesson .

Jli aJ timsal, statue,image .

li e ma ssa la , h e compared, madesimilar .

a nalogy, portra i t .


assimila tion ,

Lu c i Lo masala , or tamdsala ,it resembled .

fi lm momdsil, similar,analogous.

fi lia l imtasala , h e obeyed, fol

lowed, compli ed .

labi a muscel, similar .

LL. mosool,a stand ing humbly

b efore a superior ; levc'

e,re c ep

tion at Cou rt .

ma lt. ma talla t, triangle,tr ipled (see tult) .

fi -


tamar) .


r,fruitful (see

blah ma sana , u rinary bladder .

s c


L’da mata un a , dual (see sauna )

ll) ?

. jlagv majaz, metaph or (see

jawaz) .

,l) ? ”b moya

'wir, studen t,

adja c en t (see jiwci r) .

majcl, glory, majesty, pomp .

w Majeed, (God) th e Glor ious. A) :’Abclul- H ajou l, slave of

th e Gloriou s One , n ame of a

recen t Sulta n,d . 1861.

gw n majeedz'

y, (femin . )majeed 1


ya ,Turk ish gold c oinage,a n d dec ora tion n amed afterSultan

’Abdul- Majeed .

u A-a g r isfl majzoob, demen ted(see jaza ba )


I ?maja rr, and

majroor ( see ja rra ) .

iijg 'Jl el-majam'

a,the Milky Way .

6 u

ufx d moya rra b, trled,

expert (see ja rra ba ) .5

dj q

fl moya'rrad, b are, Slmple,

incorporeal (see jarada ) .

r} ?mojr im,

beggar, gu ilty (see ja rama ) .

“514- 4 majra , c ourse


(see jara ) .

Al> mojallicl, bookbinder(see jclcl) .

U1? v s majlzs, council,assembly (see jalasa ) .

tos s majma

,total (see

jam’a a )

51A ? dew mojmal, total (see

jemla )

b a refoot

S? (seejon na )

LL; majjanan , gra tis.

vi ? u

u ‘ majna , cr ime c om

mitted (see ja n a ) .

mijw iz, double (see joz) .

cf )" majoomy, magian , h eath en ,h indoo magic ian .

9L? C’g v maji, arrival (see jri) .

g oa l) ? W mojeeb, c omplian t .

[Ci w ”

ls " makeir , oyster , sh ell- fish .

(see jawab)

g fi lulsr ‘moharaba ,

war (se e. he re“


h a s» Eu lx o mohdsaba,accounts

(see hasa ba )

55> ESL-aw mohdfiz, governor(see h afiza ) .

J,» Jlx vmahdl,absurd (see 7161)

U» : w


‘ mohdmi,lawyer (see

h ama ) .6 u

w W mohzbb,

mahboob, lover (see habba ) .

w U N” mahboos, im

pr isoned, pr ison er (see haba sa )

Ells m muh tcij, in need of

(see hdja ) .

mall/2 0 0 7 , danger (See

hizr ) .

g a l/S 4 mi hrdb, part of a

Mosque (see ha rb) .a,» w br " mihrdt, plough

(see harasa ) .


J” En

vy ma hroosa,Cairo,

th e gu arded (see h a ra sa ) .

ar ram,firstmon th

of Moslem year (see harama ) .

du a Or a !" mahsool

,resu lt,

crop, reven u e (see hasala ) .


s-4 or


-0 ma hd, or ma hddn,

sh eer , mere, qu i te .

16> -

fns fl mohd ir

, ush er ; mahda r

,report (see hadar a ) .

a ala » Rh s ~ maha tta , ra ilway station

(see ha tta )

JEL> mihfar, spade (see

J » moh aqqaq , verified{590 dayg) .

rfi» mahkama

,tr ibunal

(see ha kama )G u

d; dx ‘ mah all, place, spot

(see halla ) .

5M 9: fi mahalloh, qu ite righ t,

in i ts righ t pla ce .

a.» Aza fi Mohammad, praiseworthy (see hamida ) .

duo.» d d s “ ma hmal, litter (see

h amala ) .

us i ol or W mah ana , or c om

monly, imta hana , h e pu t to

th e proof, examined a candida te .

uls ia lor mihn a , or imtih cm,

trial, examina tion .

mumtahan, candidate,


probation .

ls " o mahci , h e oblitera ted ;ma ho, obliteration .

d u

,r 'w or mamhee, or mamhoo,obli tera ted .

U» lags“ loL-r " mahdi , moh eet

(see hdta ) .

”3 ° mihwar,axis, cylinder .

{0 moh ee

,God, th e Maker

A hve (see fiaya ) .

J,» moheel, tran sferor,

endorser (see 1161)

(Li - 0

Ca mokhkh, pl. mzkhalfh,

b ra in , mar row .

Li ” makhd, Moka, or Mec ca , in

S. Ara b ia .


fl loL-‘

r " mokhdt, mucus ;mokhdtiy, mucou s.

“ L15 s a ble o mokhdtab, second

person (1n grammar) (see


was .

limita tion ,lapse of a long (

Ai d ortow madaha

, or imta

period . cla i m, h e prai sed . [c f. A4 .»1 l 0 d l or {711d i

r 0 0 4 1 ma. W ; i n”CM mada ha n afsa ho, he

su c cou r invoc a tion .

fla ttered h 1mse1f.imdddiy, r e in forc ing (as

troopsin reserve ) . )

0{ j

aw madruj, roll, sc roll

olr2.3L, mddda , pl. mawddd , ( see da raj a ) .

matter, ar ti c le of a c ode, i temin U 7" 2a

)“ madmsa

, school (seea list . cla r a sa ) .



all” mawadd Jun g/a , pe tty OJ.) G

JJM modrzk

,i ntelli gent

a ffa i rs,“justic e somma z

re .

(see da ra k) .

2:5,3Lo or $35 mddd ‘lb 0 1‘ mddda ls.) ;r. d .o madu ’ao

,n amed (see

w iy, ma te r ial, real. da’d) .

olALolimtid cid, a be ing extended: Laohf “

modda ’y, plain tiff (seeexten sive .


d d

da a ) .

or mam oo or moa M ad

maddad, stretc h ed, extended .

8 8 m fa cannon (see

daf a’a ) .

”a jldu o maddr, pivot ( see dér) .

um ) w e)» modmm, perseveri ng2m 0 . la mad


8 sh oes see do’

sa ) .U“ a

(see daman a ) .

a »)

glow moddn , gu ilty, a c c used

a A4 modem accu ser see

(see dean ) . U)

doon ) .25l moddwala

,delib era

tion (see v i" wa k e ma deen , deb tor (see

d a in ) .911°

cxl modaym, c red1tor (see

(la in ) .or wow w ow madc ena , pl.

modon,or ma cldyin , town , c i ty .


on modabbir , man a er seej r: g

31l El- Madeena , Medin a ind bu

Arab i a, th e c i ty of Mahomet

madbagh , tan n ery (see PM.

exc elle n c e .

dabayba ) . u

gnu ma dan u ClV ll, not c rlmlnal

modahmj, rolled, (law ) .

circula r (see dah raja ) . qci noon madam’

y, code

us e fma dkh ana , ch imn ey c ivil

, CiV il law .

(see da khan a ) .5573" hoqooq madam

ya , civilmada r

, clay, b u ildingmaterial. r igh ts ; cla im for damages inor midra

, bar, pitc ha c r1m1n al ca se .

fork . [h 9‘sa“ maddana, h e civilised .


ui—A—i tamaddana , he becamec ivilised .

motamaddin ,civilised .

318-0 moda wwa r, round (see dér) .

a”) with modawwan, inscribed(see

or mad a , or modya , limit,in terval, reach , range ; as far a s.

,,o fla

y . modeer, mud ir , admin i

strator, govern or of a province(see do


r ) .

up madyoon, debtor (seeda in ) .

or muz, or mu nz, since (oftime) .

5 95 midra

,pitch fork (see

dam) .

Jfé ”LS- o ma zkoor , above -men

tioned (see za ka ra ) .

mazlool, cr inging (see

z ill) .

w e

(see dahaba ) .

madwid,manger (see

ma rra , he passed, wen t by .

J’f" moroor, passage, lapse of timea name for th e market at Ca iro .

Jto marr, a passer by, who passesgon e .


950 j ailel-marr zi kroh,aforesa1d .


. c a l}. marra , pl. ma t-

ni t,

ormi 'rdr, once, a time .

ijo bil-ma/r ra , qu ite, emphati

c ally .

w ow madhab, religion .

l mir circin,at times, sometimes.


jlj‘ Ab » jemla mirar

, severaltimes, often .

iJ"J am gha ir ma r m, more th an

on ce .

j'“ mama rr, place of passage,vestibule .


”M lcatamar ra , he con ti nu ed, was

con stan t .

Jm l istamzrr (imperative) , Proc eed ! contin u e !

l AL l 1'

stimr 1i r, con stancy, con

tinuan c e .

mostamir r, con stan t, con

tin uous, permanen t.ILA mor r, pl. amrdr, b itte r ,myrrh .

ijljfl ma rdra

,b itterness ; gall

bladder .

)ljo mar cir, c enter/urea calc itrap a ,

8 l'

(f5514 ama rr

, emln. morra ,more bitter .

L‘ lor 7 mara , man , male (rarelyu sed) .maraou, vi rility, h umani ty,

courage .

ail)“or mam (zmra t) , woman ,mfe . [M

mama , msOph agus.

“L- l}¢ marci, hypocrite (see rda )

d ‘j Bl” mirda t, ormirtiya ,mirror,(see rda )

l?) “al,. mor cibi , usurer (see r ibci)

t? )buy-l

}. morcija

’a, c ontrol,

inspection (see


o,l al

,. mordd, desire (see


SLc l}¢ moraa ’a , respect,

egard (see ra’a ) .

i nf

o martifa’a , legal prot '

edure, proceedings at a tri al

( see rafa’a ) .

5 4 3)flail

/n moraqaba , inspection ,

control (see raqaba ) .

was} . Mardkesh, Marocco . wk

6L”) JD‘I’ m n ikiq, you ng man


F’J‘ ma rba ’, pasture ground


M ys,» i) “mortab, doubtful (see

ra i b) .



a mm'tdh at ease, at

rest (see rawdh ) .

b e


) an) martuba, rank , h igh

place,mattrass (see f a taba ) .

gas}, murtashi, tak er of

brib e (see rashd) .

m ‘i fl'

flmortafat ,latrines

(see rafaga ) .

g » ! murtakib, criminal,

gu ilty (see r akiba ) .

ma rj, pl. morooj,

meadow ; a village in Oyren a ica , site of ancien t Barca .

w marjan , coral; wh ite coralstone from reefs.

t ? )

(see raja’a )

t? ”marja

, turn ing poin t

leg—k } . marjoo, requested (see



C1° ma raha

,h e anointed,

rubbed .

marhcid,la tr ine

(see rakada ) .

L1»” ma rhaba, w elc ome l

(see r ak iba ) .

r») ”

a .

” marhama,pi ty;

marhoom, dec eased (see rah ima)

f”ort”mar akha , h e anoin ted,

rubbed .

i fma rkh, tinder, broom-


lep tadem’

a p yrotechn i c a .

{a} mirreekh, Plan et Mars.

u ‘f”)

r ised (see mkhs) .

u a'

»jo mum/ch ickas, autho

or of

. marad, or morooda ,beardlessness.


, pl. mord, b eardless youth .

or ma rrecd, ormar ia, evil

geni e, reb el.«SJ tamarra da

,he revolted .

U ) " oru a

n ma rasa or mdrasa,

h e practised, tr ied,made a

con tract wi th ; soak ed, steeped.

i n) “ momé rasa , facility fro

practice ; a priva te arrange

men t or con tract.

lay 1

° Elm}

. mz'

rsci , anchor

mama , h arbour (see ra sa ) .

w }. mireesi (Coptic ) , h ot sou th

w ind .

Mun mareesa, Soudanese wine of

dates steeped in water .

$ 54 1

g o’ lf ‘ mizcijiy, kerch ief.

( Ju l imtazaja , it became mixed,mingled .

t o or mazaha , or mazaha ,

h e jok ed, ch afi'

ed .

t y. . mozah, jok e, joking ;mazik, jok er .

mezd, or mezz (Persian ) , yellowleath er slippers.




g mizrab, gutter, dra in . j

J; Jljj . ‘ mizraq, spear (seezarraga ) .

ufljj mozarkash


(see za rkasha ) .

1b) ma zrood, flush ed, red

in face (see zard) .

qua mozm’

, injurious (seezara ) .

raj maza ’m, doubtful (see

za’m) .

mazzaqa , h e tore to pieces.

fi fi tamzeeq, a tearing up .

moma zzaq, torn up .

N5!) “gm! " mazlagdn, Slope , BlipPel'y plac e (see zalaqa ) .

Io) -

j )4j o -



nomizmtir, glottis ;

mazmoor,psalm (see zamr) .

u") U

s} mozmt'

n, chronic (dis

ease) (see zama n ) .

J‘ij 38 -54 mazn aqa , necklace (seezanaga) .


jfi " mazwar, oblique (see zér) .


J ,J'

4 mozawwfr, forgerer, per

j (see zoor)

f 260

A?)mazeed, grow th ; c om

plex (see zaid) .

we.) UZJ.

‘ mozayyin, barber (so

zain ) .

ti l/ 0 ma zd-yci, advan tages, meritspri vileges.

5M ma ssa , h e tou ch ed , h andled

W or mass, or man e:

tou ch , con tac t ; insanity .

Jib mass, h e who touch es.

tamassa , h e touch ed mu '

tu ally, fondled .

Zi l.“ or w hy . mz’

sds, or mo

massa , contact .

U M mamsoos, tou ch ed, mania c5L“ masa, even ing .

um lams,yesterday, eve of to - day .

W lamsa,h epassed th e evening a tAm mosaa ’da , h elp, faven '

(see sa’d) .


gfilmw maada ’y, efforts (sec

sa’a ) .

j . » -

JSLM mosdfir, traveller , gues

(see safa r) .

fi lm ma scifa , distance ( 891

row Flaw s masamm,

pore of sk i ]

(see samma )

dlu mm or mascila , o

masala , qu estion , affair (se '

sddla ) .

mesawi,equal (8 0 4


a ) .

rpM int -c m adhama

, joint

stock (see salcm) .


81 .

» lfi ll“ mostdjir, tenan t, h irer 05, mustawqad , furnace


(see waqada )

mostcih il, deserving mistiwi, ripe, cooked

J ) M mostabtdd, tyrant (899 h i ) M mmta iqa z, awak e

badda ) .

L111.” mostasna,excepted

(see tin ny) .

J,» m mustah cel,absurd

(see Ml) .

ployé (see khadama )

jLfi m musta shar

, c oun

c ille r (see shoor a ) .

l o 1. ) t mosta tecl, oblong

(see tool) .

d» : da m mosta ’yil, in h aste

( see’ajila )

A: M mosta ’idd,ready (see

a’dda ) .

J“: M “ mosta ’mal, used(see a

’mila )

mustaqbil, th e

fu ture (see qabala ) .

f); mosta qeem,

uprigh t,

t” mosta nqa

’tank (see

n a qa’a ) .

w )mostawyzb,

ing, n ec essi tating (see wajaba ) .

L9” ”if “ . mosta irji, sufficien t,

comple ting (see wajZa ) .

( see yagiza ) .

as “ . w masjid , mosqu e (see

u ?”

a” masjoon , imprisoned( see sajana )

(w e masaha , h e measu red surfac e,su rveyed land .

L L.“ masciha , area , surveying of

land, surface , dimensions. [C10 0

(Li a massah , land surveyor .

(“a masaha , h e wiped , pu rifiedbylayi ng on of h ands, anoin ted .

El- Masach, the Anointed,siah .

zf ynn maseehiy, Christian .

(w e mashk, metamorph osi s into a


ler sh ape ; bu ffoon . [64

(Lo masikh, insipid, stupid .

Ii "

Jim mosakhkhar, tyrann ised

ever (see sakhara )

W maskhara,

ridic ulou s,

mockery .


ew“ tamaskha ra a’la


moc ked a t .

lad -m it?“ maskhoota , statu e,

idol (see sa kha ta ) .

mac rab,pa th , course

(30 9 sa rab) .

é, “ 262

mosria ’ hasten ing ( see UL“

v .si u UL“ ma sk“,

sa r’oa ) .

abode maskec n, poor (see

2“ i


” masa rr a, joy ; “

c akan afi

masroor, glad (see sar ra ) . Lil» . W K,“ maskookdt. c oined

g r “ Mi'

sr a, Coptic month of mon ey (see sakka ) .

August, the first mon th of h igh masloob, pillaged ;Nile . weak in in tellect ( see salaba ) .

am1stah , area, su rfa c e


Ch “ mo11alla h, armed (sec

69 sataba ) .8 1 a 1

lb . » masti ’aleih, victim a“a

of attack (see sa td) . Q's - M a tisalla,obelisk (see c alla)

gill mosqa t ilc ih, c on d“.

maslool,un sh ea thed

cession aire (see saqa ta ) .con sumpti ve ( 899 c alla ) .

d fém or mosqof,Muscovy, 4“9L“ masli, cook ing - bu ttai

Ru ssia .( 896 8 176)

uim mist , (

Lu Moslem, Musul

small canal ; ma sqciwi, lands man (890 Gib”)

irrigated by a saqiya (see saga ) . If“

,Lgm mismcir, peg, n ail (see

g lam masa ka (colloqu ially samma ra ) .

" limitfl) , h e seized, h eld .


t“ é “ mosamma,

’ namef

c lon a lamsaka , h e h eld bac k , re (see samma ) .

strained .

03“ Lan na misa nn , gr indsto ne‘

m l imsak, restrain t ; fast. mosin n , aged (see sau na , cinn)a

M tamassaka , h e clung to, aim masnoon, c ustomarjrelied upon ; opposed . (see senna ) .

Li l tamassuk,reliance, opposi (J-(w Jp n mos-Ml, purgativ<

tion,lien or obliga tion . (see sahula ) .


a grip, catch ; 11. maswad a rough drafi

goa tsk in of water . (see sawad)

mick, musk perfume . JL. masool, a sk ed, reepenKm miskaflung

- c ako for fuel. [Lsible (see sdala ) .

fl a ts mcis'ik, h older, tongs. i f

“ -

f .é ma scar,course (89° sa ir)

momeik,restrain ing ; con

US“ mishsh, cheese, curds and

stipative . wh ey .

1L. mmkir

,intoxicating fi r


-4 mochaj ara, qu arrel

(see w kr) . (see shajar) .


mdshi , h e who walks,moves ; on foot ; pl. mushdt,


East. mashiya , pl. mawashi

sh e wh o walks (in

pl. ) cattle .

mashaka , he made walk ,

exercised a horse.

lab: org

a te; tamdsha , a promenading togeth er show, public

sigh t .

fi fe ?“ mashaer , Field -Mar

sh al (see shoora ) .

mashccma , placen ta

5 L.. M mash iya ,wish (see shad) .

U“ massa , he sucked ; ma ss, a

8 0 0 k . [Ct

J a il9 0 3 qasab el-ma ss, sugar

can e for sucking .

massas, sucker ;

ma sses, cement .

uzi d imtassa,it absorbed .

cp l-d b limtisas, absorption .

g ., Hah n mosdb, h it, wounded


ties (see sa oba ) .

EL“ musayh, jewellery (see

w w . mac abb, embouchure,mould (see sabba ) .

M mashagho, dyer’8 yard(see subagha) .

M masbana , soap - works

(see saboon ) .

“ c allElMos- h af , TheBook , Koran (see sa hafa ) .

rh o

Jod y . maadar, infi n itive,

source (see sa hara ) .

_ JA.0 4 mosaddaq, believed ;double guaran tee (see sidq) .

l l . .

Ja o masr, pl. amsar , town .

Masr , (“Mizra im Egypt ;

Ca iro in Turk ish, Misr .


br ‘ll

fi e Ma ar el-mah rooca

Ca i ro the protected, th e capital.


970 4 ,masr iy, (femin . ) mas

riya , Egypti


jllnil or jg .)

(or aqtdr, or aqcileem) , masr iya ,provinces of Egypt.

wh o u masr iya , pl. ma sari,

(Syr ian ) pen ce, paras.

150 - }d o mosirr, persisten t ;masroor, folded up in a bu ndle(see sor ra )

“yl-a o To e maseer (or

masdrr ) , pl. masdr een, bowels,in testin es.


al,-nu misrda ’, valve

masrooa ’, epileptic (see sara ’a ) .


af, masdrcqf, masroof, ontlay, expenses (see sarafa ) .

g a i n; “lam mastaba ,dais, bench(see sa tab) .


uni“ . mustafa, chosen. Pum

(see safw) .


ufi u u mastaki, gum-mastic, a t M modtar ib, anxiousliqueu r flavoured with an iseedraki, arrack .

Edam mustan a ’ artificial

(se e sa n a’a ) .

,Iw ail misfcit, filter (see safw)

moslih , salt

ma sla h a,bu sin ess, 850 . (see

saloh a ) .

w masmat, cook sh op .

if”; mosawwir, artist (see

8 0 0m) .

tre -o Masowa

,Massowah ; an

Italian settlemen t on th e Red

Se a coast of Abyssin ia .

u,» ur

ea masoon, ch aste, guarded(see so



misiada , trap, net

(see said) .

jlao ma aeer , fac t, matter - of

fa c t (see adm) .



“ moddraba, conflic t

(see damba )

8 Eqmo ddrz



, Aorist Ten se(see

« . fw é imb u e modda ffa , double

(see d iff) .

w as b ibs. moddf , added (seeda if )

t ib ia? » modcih cit, similarityW(sc e dah iy)

lax M 4 mazbat a , written

report (see zaba ta ) .

Gus-5 modhik, funny (see

dahika ) .

j. 0'

}0 4 modir r bi, injurious(see da r ra ) .

(see damba )

“hm modtah id, tyrannical

(see dahada ) .

madagha , h e ch ewed madgh,mastic ation .

W ar i a madmoon , conten ts,gu aran te ed (see dimn ) .

madmad a, a gargling,

rinsing th e mou th .

;6 £3430 modi, brilliant (see

mad a , it (time) passed . [4 .x

modiy, lapse of time .

Again“iwl modiy el-modda et

taweela,lapse of a long peri od

prescr ip tion Statute of

Limi ta tion s.

mi d i, passing ; passed, past,

past tense .

”Ju lamda , h e signed h is name .

fu e limdci, signa ture .ai d imrldtoh (vulgarismfor imd cih) , h is signature .

“i n.“ mamdi, signer momda ,signed .

a): motda ’,obeyed ( see taw


b ib Ulla motdlaba , claim for

paymen t (see talaba ) .

tile Milan motdla ’a , study (see

tala’a ) .

610 ma tba kh, ki tchen (seetabkh ) .

filo ma tba ’a


- press

(see taba’a ) .

i ' l -

Jl=~ matar , pl. c .m ,

t a'

xu .

m m



Jb -c ma tam,

or amfma , it

rain ed .

JLQLLM Ma tci r iya , Heliopolis ; a

sub u rb of Ca iro .

ma trtin , metropolitan , archb ishop .

u ) b y) “ motrib, musician

(see tar iba ) .

( 1b

( Jim matrab, plac e ( see

ta raba ) .

J) : l am mitmq, hammer (seetaraq a ) .

din e ma tl, delay, adjou rnment.

db uh motz


ll’ala, look ing

ou t upon (see talla ) .

Jib 1M motlaqtiaz, absolutely

(see talaq a ) .


vi al“ motmayinn, confiden t

(see tamu ) .

g,b -o ma twa , penkn ife (see

tawa )


Edna matec a ’, obedient (see

Elb e ma tiya , horse, nag .


(th o mozlim, dark ;

ma zloom, vi c tim (see zolm) .


to ma ’ with ma ’6

, togeth er .

Lilléto ma ’ za h


k, neverth ele ss,

wi th all th at .

c )‘t”ma ’ an , although .

we ta ma ’ kbu , with being,

alth ough .

“6 f f 0 0

M M ma 1ya , mth n ess ; su i te,privy depar tmen t or householdof a King, or of the Kh edive .

3 )

1335 - 16”5b“ ma az Allab i

, God

forb id ! ( see’éz) .

Us}. L 0) “ mo

’« imda, opposition

(see’arada )



la“ ma ’dsh, means of

life, pension (see

39: u h mo’cif, pardon ed (see

ment (see a’

qaba ) .

Li no dlaja , medicaltrea tment (see ’

alaja )

du g: 114W wad - ( imam, trea tment,conduct (see a

’mila ) .

u): Ebb» . mo

’- ¢iwana , assistance


29.) s Mo’

- ciw1°

ya, th e first Caliphof Damascu s, A. D . 661, fou nderof th e Omaya dynasty (seeZLl) .

u gh: RQLM mo’- ¢iyan a , inspection(see

’a 1


n )

m ma ’bad place ofworsh ip(see

’ab .ada )

fit: -

Jzta a ma ’bar , place of passing

(see’aba ra ) .

all“ mo- a’tdd, usual( see 0 d) ,

I}; flu mo- a

’tabar, respectable

(see’abam) .

l): mo - a

’tar i, amic ted (see

’a ra )

G u

210 d ik emo’tall,diseased (see’1°

Ila )

A4 1: . AAIM mo a’tamad,trustworth y

(see a’mada )

J i g ma ’toog, freed (seea’taqa ) .


.OLk o lu“ w a

’ig, or mi ’a

, pl. mofta r i, slanderer (see

ama ’d, in testin es. fir iya ) .

ma ’w'iy, in testinal. U‘J’

U ri -“d nwftarig, fierc e

Va!” k w ma ’yiaha , means of (an imal) (see farasa ) .

life (see a’ish ) . v

iiiulna moftin , plotter (see

M }: W moa ’yyan , appoin ted fa tan a ) .

(see mufi i, Moslem judge

Jié or maghdra, or gluir, (see fa twa ) .c avern .

dj mofrad, alone, solita ry”i s

" maghdza (Turk ish for (See fard)makhzan) , magazin e . lo

}; is) “ mofrit, excessive (see

j g: Jilin moghdyir, c ontrary ( see fara ta.)

ghiydr) . mofa rhad, confoun dedH f U

) “maghr ib, west, sun (see farhada ) .

set (see gbamba ) op “ ; mofsid, corruptermighrafa , ladle (see ( 869 fasdd) .

mifsud, lancet (see


M maghshoosh adul fasada ) .kl


0 0 0

terated (see ghasbsba )t) " (JA M mafu l, 30 1n t ( see fasl) .

W maghua, COIiC, gripes.hf

.“ -6u o mufli8 , bankrupt (See

fa tsudné w k“mightas, tank (see

,.LM aral ti c

gha tasa) . (b


oqy, p y

sph t (see falaj a ) .GM

uh "

:mayka tta, covered

Ag, 1MM maj eed, in former, u seful(see ghata ) . (see fa id) .

Ju maghlaq , timber -

yard, US mat t, cucumb erenclosu re ( see gh alaqa ) .

M l.“ maghmitees (Greek ) ,garden (see qu ttd) .

uu lfi c u ti e maqciscit, dimen

sion s (see gig/do)Alb 1M mogha fnn i, singer (see 6 m

u” maqa ssa , c ompensat1on

ghin ci) . (see qassa ) .

maghéna , ligh ter, barge .

J) ; 333m JG“ magdl, speech ;

“09 mofciwada , c ommun ity moqdwala , bargain ( 899

of in terests (see féda ) .f);

rte. maqdm, place

C3 “ ”47747 6 key (Seefataha) . a dwama ,

resistanc e (see



Ii i . 111aqba/r a , cemetery (see

qabam) .

JG J,.s°

si4 moqbil, coming ;maqbool, accepted ( see qaba la ) .

U r i -o maqt, hatred ; maqeet, detestable .

moqtada , necessary( see qada ) .


jail .

Ib i s miqd cir, quan

tity muqtad ir, able ( see qada ra )

rd ?

,.Afia muqd im, forepart (see

gad am) .

g i ft? miqdcif, oar ( see

gazafa ) .

J! moqirr, con fessing ;

maqa rr, fixed place ; moqa r ra r,certain , direct ( see qa rra ) .

u ;qwr iba ) .

maqriba , vi c in ity (see

moqflf, cross, bad

tempered (see qarafa ) .9

w miqashsha , broom(see

6 u

u ni maqass, scissors (see

qa ssa ) .

ma qsad, a im, object

( see c ada ) .

Jo : maqsoora , chamber(see qasa ra ) .

maqtaf, bask et (seeqatafa ) .


rhaa moqa ttam, clifi


s n earCa iro ( see qa tama )

Jig; ”la maqtoor, towed (seeqa tara ) .


A» Ja i n maqa’d, seat ; maqa ’id,

cripple (see qa’da ) .


A63 mogafl'

a,rhymed (see

di s moql, fru i t of dom palm,

hyp ha éne theba ioa .

J i m magli, fried ;


pan (see ge ld) .


Jm moqmir, moon - lit (see

gamar )


ti e moqnia

, convincing (seeqan ia

’a )

migla ,

miqwad, h alter ( see

J) ? maqoola , category ( see(101)


moqaw wa , cardboard

(see gawwa ) .

u- LAS

v w miqycis, instrumen tfor measuring ( see qiyds) .

Ag; moqayyad ,r egistered,

bound ( see quid) .


ru n moqeem,

residen t ( see qo'

m) .

b moqayya , or moqeey,

emetic (see qci ) .

K4 Makka , Mecc a in Arab ia .

1 6

Makkdwiy, or Makkiy,

Meccan .

d }:makkook, weaver’s beam.

0 45 111K. mokcibada, perseverance,endurance (see kibd) .

lJf mokdrdt, h ire ( see kiwi) .

A“ mokcifdt, reward ( see

a; 04K.» mabda , place (see ko


n) .

d g.

, -Kn maktub, sch ool,

omc e ( see ka taba ) .M o 1111171118 11, he remain ed


time ; 11111718 , du ration , stay .

ds f 514 ° 1111714 10111, kohl bottle(see

Aim 1n 117111d11, he remain ed ;makid, firm,

con stan t .

Ice 11111710 111

,he deceived ; 1110 711,

trick ery, deceit .


,trick ster, deceiver .

rigid 1110 711111 111 , repeated ( see

SJ; s

yfia 111117110 0 71, h ated (see

v ffl 77710 1758 , OCtrOi ; Mex .

Ll'é" 1110 7171118 11

,he levied octroi .

UK“ makhus, octroi offic ial.

u “! W i n ma hsub, ga in (see

71118 11b11) .

G ri s maksoof, sorry (see

M 111e71c1’11’b, cubic (see

Ica’b) .

b x N—J’Ka 111117170 0 b, rab id (see

kelb) .6

1 . 1K. mokallaf, responsible

( see

11111711111,or 111171110 , power .

or will. 1111i7ci n, or 1110 718 1311,

strong .

uflw l u

K—o 11111711in, pl. 111r11i7t1



place, spot.

ul“1”UK“ or yomkin - n i

, or

yomkin 71 1111, I c an , i t is pos

sible for me to L“la)


or i ii » yamkin - oh,or

yomkin 711710 1111, he c an .

wi n momkin,possible .

c l1°

111711in, possibility .

gli n t)

uh : ’

11711 qadr cl- imkdn,

as mu ch as possible .


gi n 1111171710 110 , h e made possible,permitted .

ud in

UK.» tamkeen

, pl. tamci

710 011, licence, permit.

uoUSS famakka n a min , he could,

succeeded in .

w aif 111i71110 8 11, broom ( see

$5 iijL ; 1n i71wa ,fla t

- iron ( see ka iy) .

or makeeda,or 71c1id


intrigu e .

EMS 9ln mihyal, grain -measu re( see 711


y1ila ) .

dim 111alal, wearin ess.

(14 111111711, it wearied, an

noyed ; m1177, wearisome .

di g 111a , pl. milal, sec t,n ation , religion .

Ja e lo meld,be filled ; malia ,

i t bec ame full.

2110 3 L malld, he filled ;liya , a making full.

110 ) imtald, it b ecame full.


or 1111176, fullness.

cic‘ l 1111171111111

,it was pos malwa , measure of 33 quarts;

sible yamk in, i t is possible . warly a gallon .

slid mulqi , th rown down(see q ci)

dJL l Lfll‘ mulk, or milk, p1.

amldk, righ t, proper ty ; real

property, fr eeh old ; royalty .

Jlr l d b lamldk wa amwcil,real

nd person al property .

r ib- m amldk mem' iya ,

government lands, doma ins

pu blic .

21111. mulk'iya (mala kiya) r ight,

property .

3 14 mulkiy, belonging to governmen t ; civilian employé, c iv il,

not military .

a lib i malaka , or imtalalca ,h e possessed .

Li lla mallaka , h e transferred pro

perty, gave a righ t.

m tamlc ek, transfer of pro

per ty or r igh t .

w orm limtalaka , or tamal

Iaka,h e appropriated to h im

self, took possession .

M l istamlalca , h e wi sh ed to

possess, founded a colony .

own er ; ki ng .

«fi do Li lla. ma la’

k, pl. malooh,k ing.

ma h’


royalty .

m4 !ill? ja ldla t el-ma lika,E.M.

Th e Qu een .

6 5. d JL mala’

k,angel (se c hilm)

qu een ma la ka ,

272 w

a n. Mdlik, Abd ullah

Malik ibn An as, founde r of

the Mdlikiy, one of th e four

grea t Sunn i sc h ools of orth odoxIslam. Medin a 715— 795 A.D .

(see d.» M

a h a momallik,property .

si ULu Kl.“ mamla ka, pl. mamd

lik,ki ngdom.

M L“ dyk e mamlook, pl.

mamdle ck, th ing or slave pos

sessed Mamoluke .


w Kfim mamlookcit, possession sproper ty .

mustamla k, colony .

a ; mfg molawwas, soiled,

sta in ed ( see lawwcwa) .

g )!

t- ‘Jl‘ malwi, folded ( see lawa ) .

or L ma la , h e walked .

uLe i amla , h e made proceed,dicta ted wr i ting .

AU imlci, dictation for writing .

914 milli (Fren ch ) , millimetre .

v .43 J“ molayyin, soften er,purge (see lean) .

,,n milyan (European ) , million .

c ure w

'm mamdt, death (seemo’


U4 .ma n (usuallypronounc edmeen)wh o ? h e, sh e , or th ey wh o .

u—o min , from,

out of, th an ,

Jig“we min el- a’dl, of the b est,

first- rate .

w w miw ha is, wh er eas.

w 273


"ji fl aktar min 2 0 117

5 12: ”h a manthoor , scattered,

more th an th at . prose (see n a thur u) .

to w“Low mim-mti, for min -ma , J; ,Js t . minjal, scythe (see

from th at wh i c h . ndj ala ) .

mundwara (Fren ch ) , maCi aoma nah a , h e favoured, granted .

nmuvre, trick .


t ma nn manna ift favour .




0 fits

jls u mmkhar, nostr11 ( 890

vi a d o minna , pl. mman , g1ft



“ Ess ie minha , pl.min ah, favou r .

na khecr) .reproac h for 1ngrat1tude .


S' monkhol, si eve see

UL; man ndn , b en efactor , God . n akhala ) .

mamn oon , favoured , glad, y’ai . ma ndoob, nominee,


willing . delegate (see nadaba ) .

mamnoon iya , deligh t, Joli . mandara , pl. ma n ti

willingness. di r, saloon,outer h all, rooms

61. mandkh , a place where a on th e ground floor(1 all (1 bd d l

,tcamel kneels. [2 an

t; J.“ u); a r ma n a pra c 10 9

MS550 114 momidi , public crier Of false magi c 1 magic °ir0 19;

(see n adci) squ are, mirror, & 0 . [f l-M M

(PAL; ma ndeel, pl. mand

w w t“ mon cisib fi tdoe], h andk erch ief, bundle .

su itable (see numb) .di c or .i cmunzfi in c e (of time past) .


U‘J"; mmmondqa sha , quarrel, J) : ”J, “manzil,h ouse (see mzz

la ) .


ba ts (sec n aqasha ) . “0b " “u lna munzawi , h ermit (see

”3rll. mandm, dream (see ném) . zdwiya ) .

mondwaba,altern ation d ud M mansak

, rite (see

(see no'

ba ) .


a ); a

,“mondwasha, battle, 9

“ w mansey, forgotten (see

qu arrel (seefi


uv h ite a m w oubit

,fertile (see

u” lib-14 minashsha


. flip (seenaba t) n ashska )

j“;wh minba r , pulpit (see n abara )g h bd s

man ba ’,source min isterial order ; minshdr,

Milo montabih , attentive (see saw ( 899 n ashara )nubh ) munshz

, tutor (8 0 0muntaszf , abou t n agho) ,


h alf nmfl Sh im or memhiya , or min

W muntm, stmkmg (866 ahdt (Coptic) , place, village,na tana ) public square .

274 Ml”

w ; 9 4 14 mansib, ofi c e, post d”

um manfa , place of ex ile ;

( 866 na sb) . ma nfi ,exiled (see n afa ) .

Ja i

Jod i e mansar, gang, clique A363 alibi. minqcid, beak (see

(see n asr ) . n a qada ) .“

flaw al- Mansoom. the v ic a; om. monqrid, docile (see go


d ) .torious ( c i ty) ( 866 n asr) .

Ji g -

jux. minqcir, c h isel, pi ckaxe

5 314 3 - u i a l—omunsifiju sflseenusf ) . (see n aqam) .

353 Jinn mintag, zon e ; man tiq, Jar. ma nqool, moveable,logic, speech (see n a taga) . moved (see n aqala ) .

In; .. t manza r

,poin t of view w W e man kib, 8110 111116?

(see n azar ) . ( 890 na kba ) .

”BL, mamzoom,

arranged , ”ivlft ominwdr, skyligh t (seafloor) .

verse (see n a zm) bji

tin mana ’a , he preven ted, forb ad . J’s dly


ti e mana ’, preven tion , proh ib ition .

(é é

.“ ma nhaj, road, track

8L.» mdnia’

, pl. mawcin ia’

, (see n ahj) .

preven ting, obstacle, objection .

a!“ Min a , 0 1

‘ MOO71“: 8 7 8119?

n earMec ca,sc ene of th e Korban

sa c r ifi c e .

an . » mamnooa ’, forbidden .

UsEra“imtan a ’a. c ’u , h e absta in ed

0 0


.m smuma’ W1s mam, semen .

from, dec h n ed, refused .Hf“



l.I 0


or J'sw ma nghdl, or manqdl, g


“771711310 13 p amqm,

brazier pan for ch arcoal “13h Ec f ummya , sec urlty,o0 . U

“p .

j ?Manf (Coptlc ) , Memph 1s.

amann a , h e wi sh ed, begged,Manoofiya , a p rovmc e of

saluted a super ior .

th e Delta n ea r Cairo .

Lalo Mini ci (Copti c ) , place, town ;O

tut“ 711infdkh , bellows (see a town an d province in Upper

n afa kha ) Egypt .

as. » m a manfaz, passage (see QM Ming/c l (Copti c ) , a pa r t of

n afaza ) Old Ca iro, th e island of Roda .

U‘ ”

um“ mimfas, a ir - h ole (see i f.“ malzdba , majesty (see

ha iba ) .

Lau e manjada , ash - tray Is” mohdjir, emigran t (se e

(see n afada ) . haja ra ) .

L i lo munj a’u, advan tage 3M

)» 30,

l4 4 mohéwida , modera te(see a a

’a ) . (pric es) (see hawdda) .

, s; . 276


JAB} . mo

- atama r, congress( see amara ) .

w“ mo - a tamcm, trust

worth y (see amn) .

Girl mo


j, pl. amway, wave,

billow .

(see wajaba ) .

j ? ” moojiz, brief, concise (seewajaza ) .

mowjood, found, presen t (see wajada) .

mowaddab, fitted

up (see waddaba ) .


mooclia ’, depositor (seewada

’a )


mawadda,love (seewadda )

ulél wé} . mo- addin , cri er to

prayer (see eddn ) .

. j _

arralrha ) .tj"

fmowarra kh , dated (see

a) ,

mawra da, landingplace (see warad a ) .Mora , Morea, Peloponn esus.

j ) ” iijr mé'

za , pl. mb'

z,banan a .


U” - fi j a mo

- assas,founded (see


N moosir, solven t, rich(see yasam) .



sim, season,monsoon ,

féte (see wasama ) .

u ror wa

rmoosa (vulgarly,

macs) , razor ; Moosa , Moses.“0 0

m an age: (European),music .



mowashsha ha , lyric ,ode, hymn (see wishcih) .

Mosul, a village near a n c ient

Nin eveh .


moosi, testator (seewassa ) .

ti, t

ar .mawda ’, pla c e ;

mawdooa ’, pla c ed (see wad a ’a ) .4

mowazzaf, employé(see wazeqfa.)


M , M r up ?” mowaq qa t,temporary ; M qit, fixed time

(see wagt) .

ts) é ) ‘ mawql



,place (866waqa ’a ) .

mawqoqf, arrested (see mugaj a ) .

mwwkib,proc ession . (SJ ,

6 c

45, 6554 0 mo - a kkad, confi rmed(see makhada )

M , Jr nwwa kkil, principal(see wa keel, agen t) .

miil, a being ri ch .

Jlr l JL. mél, pl. amwdl, wealth ,ri c hes person al property,goods.

J‘r lamwdlel-meer iy, taxes,

wealth of the state .

Ju lv i) rd: cl-mdl, capital (inmoney) .

Ju l ba it cl mdl, SacredMoslem treasury, under th e

Sheri a’t law .

ELL? Jlr lamwdlmanqoola ,moveables ; amwdl sdbita , real

proper ty, immoveables.

Jir i amwdlmoqwrra ra ,directtaxes.

k lLol Jir i amwcil, goods, personal property ; amlcik


h ouses, real property .

Jer i; J; mawwala , h e imposeda tax tamweel, taxation .

“EM momawwil, c reditor, the Stateas th e possessor of amwdl


imposer of taxes.

J,“ momawwal, deb tor, taxpayer .


A!” mawlid, b ir th ;mowlood, born (see wala da ) .G H

J j ao mo- allif , a uth or (seeallafa ) .

ril moolim, causing pa in

(see alum) .

g!) 9

17° mala , master (see walia )

moom (Persian ) , wax .

l “1.0p moomz'

n, believer ,

Moslem in surer of property ;mooman ,

trusted in ; propertyassured (see amn ) .

Lure moomiyd, mummy .

mo - ann as, femin in e

gen der (se e unsa ) .

“rmoon a , provi sion s, ration s

c emen t made of lime, sand and

powdered red stone .

Hf “) mawhoob, given (see

wakuba ) .

Ail Ali

} . mo- ayyad, c onfirmed

( see a id) .

waya, water (colloqu ialfor ma) .

ma y meet (Copti c) , place, village .

3L. “ 4 meet (vulgarism for

maya ) , h undred .

ma idan , pl. mayd

deen , open space, a common ;public square .

G15“wing“ma id cin ala t (Turki sh ),review,

march past .

u‘él ma idn a , minaret (see

edan ) .


fi gwmeer (Persian for Arab ic

ameer) , lord .

”51fl“, meer

- i - a khor, Master of

th e Horse .

meer - i - alaz, colon el.A)! me er - i - liwa

, gen eral of

brigade .

why .Jan

meer - i -meordn, civ ilianPa sh a of th e th ird or lowest

rank , equal to a liwa .

meer iy princ ely, relating toth e governmen t .

QJL l amlci k cl-meer iy,

governmen t lands, doma in s of

th e State .

L u p i kh idma meer z'


governmen t service .

at ) , w lfi umeer cis, inheri tance

(see warasa ) .0

i f" “GI/yam, h e separated, dlstingu ish ed ; wa s Of years of

disc retion .



tamaxyyaza , i t became dis


Llol imtaza , h e

privileged .

was selected,

Lglol imtiyciz , selection , priv ilege ,con cession or gran t for pu blicwork s, 850 .

j i v e mumtaz,select ; e

li te, privileged .

M tamyeez, selection ; disc retion

,age of discretion ; (in

Turk ey) Court of Cassa tion .

O 0

fl u mumayyi z, arr lved at year s

of disc retion ; he wh o separates, discern s.

M ao selected , of

selec t rank , sen ior rank of Bey .

mu tamayyiz,

up) , or “HD or U‘

J gu.

mcezcib, gu tter (see a zaba ,

ma za ba ) .

w) ,meezcin , scales, Libra

in Zodiac (see wa zana ) .

fl . W ma isa ra , solven cywealth (see yasa r a ) .

meedcit,mosqu e - tank

for ablu tion s (see wodoo) .

maya’a , balm, perfume .

Ac , d im mee’ycid, fixed time

(see wa’da) .

M ,ed g e meet , fixed time

( see wagt) .

l ha i do“,ma il, pl. amial, in clina

tion, lean ing, lik ing,pa rtiality .

(”L g—ao mayaldn, in clina tion , ohliqu ity .

dzé‘e’. J'w mdla , h e leaned ; ya

meel, he lc an s.

J ib maya'

l, wh o lean s, stoops oh


q u e symp a th e tic, inclined to .

(Ma l amial,obli que .

deli ; tamdyala , h e leaned towards,

trembled .

dn l med , pl.

(European ) , mile .


0 1mmeeldd bi rth (seewalada ) .

U}, g

il,‘ or l’u -o meen é ,

pl. miycin, or mawcin i, h arb our,por t (see wana ) .

more leamng or


Lib meen ti (Persian ) ,enamel [U M

3b 21s meea , ormeet (for maya ) ,h undred .

rm M ma itama , orph ans(pl. of ya teem) .

wu - mm ma ima na , felicity (seeyaman a ) .

w rite or

U 4 ,“mag/c os, despa i red

[w kVJ "


c,Noon . Value 50 .

g li ndba , it was instead of

(see naba ) .

w u U nab,can in e tooth

(see n eeb) .

,s ap li n dh iya , side, place,village ( see n a hw) .


)U n dr, fire (see now ) .

naqa , pl. n tit ,

star of

or w UU

or nooq, she - camel;Cassiop eia .

naqoos, clapper, gong .

”5(Li mima , he slept (see 710m) .

gs 280

9Mn dti

,protruding, swelling out . u p n ajeeb, noble, aristoc rat,

<0 na taja , i t resulted, was th e Of g°°d lin eage .

result. iglstn ajdba , n ob ili ty, puri ty of race .

fi ls‘

najdbetlu (Tu rk ish ti tle for

i t results from that . th e Sultan’s family) , n oble, of

w n a taja t, (th e an imal) pure race .

brough t forth , foaled, calved, 8m. najuha, h e prospered , su c


l an taja , it produced, gave a sc eeded in .

result.(ls n ajdh , success, prosperi ty .

(Bi d ista/ntaja , h e deduced, in

C’ U ndjih, successful, ben efic ial,

ferred . u seful.

US n ittij, par tu ri tion of an imals ; as n ajd, pl. n ojood , b ul

issu e, c alf, foal, wh elp, young ; wark, buttr ess ; firm cushi on

in c rease of floc ks and h erds.0 1

‘ mattrass.

“s td , h e ’d ? jdmoosa wa m'

tcij- ha , as ill El- Najd, th e h igh in n er

a sh e - buffalo an d h er calf. pla teau of Arabia .

as i . nwnajjid, mak er or stu fi'


of cush ion s.

result, summary. préc is ; POCk et as lanja da , he helped, rescued .

alman ac .

a n n a ta sha,h e snatch ed . [Jab i njid - n i (Imperative) ,

b illna taj a , h e plu ck ed out hairs,

e l h elp ldepila ted . £1 asLL l1


stanjada bah, h e ask ed

635ndtiq, a fertile dam, sh e - an imal. n ajar a , h e plan ed WOOd: ca r


Lilu l istan taqa , h e vomite d .


pen tered .

[see also M l Jug carpen ter, join er .

wi ll0 1‘

U1; n a tana , or an tan a , i t j .

5' l 0 1‘


s n aj a za , or anj aza, h e

stank .

fulfilled, carr ied out .

2336 na tdn a , sten ch . jlsilor jls n ajdz, or injdz, c om

wfi o mun tz’

n stink ing . pletion , fulfilmen t, exec u ti on

Ji i n a tha ra , h e scattered , dispersed .

of du ty .

J;,11 natha rz’

y, diverse, sundry, fl “17““1it was impure, 11110 16210petty (expenses) .

J fi i o ma ntlzoor, sca ttered prose ; fluuls n aj asa , impurity, defilemeu t.

aft“ 281

Negus, Negoosa uns:n ahis, of evilomen ,

unlucky,i tle of the King unwelc ome .

Of Abyssin ia .

Us nuh cis, copper, a copper

Ls: has n aja

’a , pl. nojoa

,village vessel, b ra ss.

or pastu rage a word in commonu se for Bedou in h amlets in

Upper Egypt .

uls : n ahh cis, coppersmith .

w as n aheef, th in, slen der .

Js: as


n ahla , pl. n ahl, bee .

Js ill i 1l5 khalciyat e n- n ahl, bee

u s


n ajafa , h eap, clu ster, group .

ds:n ajala , h e begot, produced ;

c u t open ,

hive .

all? ) d ? n ajl, pl. a njcil, son , J“ syn tax .

posteri ty . fi ls ilJr: n ahw, pl. a nh ci, side ;

dark minjal, scyth e, si ckle . in ten ti on ; place, vicin i ty, ten

r) ? rs:n ajm, pl. n ojoom, star .

deney .


5um (Us nojoomsayycira , planets. ,

s nahw,abou t, n early, towards ;

F ill”l t 1

lik e, a s i t wer e .

c m en - no o, a 0 0


A: J am 3 r gyn ahmeh, lik e 1t, near 1t, suc h

G i la”fl‘ ’ilm el-fala k, astronomy . like .

file monajjim,

astrologer . zf" n ahwz’

y, grammatical, syn

Ls : najci, h e escaped in to safety .

h igh- flown

, too P0

dau tie .

usl a nja , he saved,rescued . a


as p


ta n akba , h e with drew h imis 1 a

° '

t f t 11 Ja ,sa e y, sa vatlon

, deself to one s1de .

liveran c e .

g a l} ndlu'

ya , pl. nawdhi,

distr ic t, village, place, direc

g f s na hb, time, life time ; sob . tion, side .

$5 ndjz


, safe , saved (by God) .

. oo o I a Igs “a wlor

“A , qad a , or mgada 4 0 ” Ml en - n alu ya. dee (collon ahboh

, h e d ied, h is lifetime qu ial) , h i th er, to th is side .

wa s over .

C5n a khkha , h e grun ted



v s


n ahaba, h e sobbed . a s a sign to the c amelto kn eel

Ufa.) j, naht hewn or dressed

h e c rou c h ed, knelt like a c amel.ostone dabsh , rough unh ewn

tn. mamikhkh, plac e of kneeling

stone .

or h alting of camels {Cf

Jeff75 " a ka th orn ; n ihreer, u éé nokhba , th e ch oice part, e

lite,sk ilful. pick .

Js ijlinw/zam, h e c ommittedsu icide . intaklxab o.Que eh e eksh ,

ch e ss

g lézhl intikhdb, ch oice, sele c tion .

“ Emuntakhab, elected, ch osen .

or ndkhoda (Persian ) ,capta in of a sailing sh ip or

dh ow in th e Eastern seas.

nakheer, snore .

j ai l-i a mandkheer

, nostrils, th e

nose .

8L ? na khda ’, marrow, spinalmarrow .

ax at; n a khla, pl. n akheel,

date - palm tree .

gasnakhala , h e sifted, winnowed .

nokhdla , b ran .


“ 0 1‘

J’s “ monkhool, sieve,h a ir sieve .

agj n adda) n addada , h e c riti

c ised, made remark s, poin tedou t.

mar; ta ndeed, remark , cri ti c ism.

u ai n adaba , h e lamen ted th e

dead, wept ; a abd, alert.

0 f

a l.» n addaba, professi onal femalemourner .

g ai t mandab, tears, lamen tation .

n ad a ba , h e invited, appointedan agen t .

y ’afiw mandoob, nominee, agent,

delega te .

u a’

ii lintadaba ,h e depu ted anoth er .

g alilontodiba (passi ve voice) , hewas depu ted to a c t for another .

jd li midir, ra re, seldom.

Jag} na zm


d ir, pl. , rar e th ings,

c amosi ties, w i tti c i sms.

Jaj n adala , he h andled, se ized .

di als mended , pl. ma

w idacl,h andkerch ief, n apkin ;

bundle tied up in a cloth .

rai nad ima ,h e regretted, repen ted .

Lola ; n addma , regret, repentan c e .

n adeem, boon - compan ion .

xainadaha ,h e c alledout to,c ried ou t .

lai n adci,he called out, cri ed ou t.

g alsw i th , h e procla imed .

“a; media. (passive voic e) , it

was cried out, or proclaimed .

iilalla or fi lai or n ado, or n id é,

or mundddt, a calling to, in

voking .

gal?“monddi, public crier .

i,a5n adwa , club , place ofmee ting.

nad ia , it was damp . [u h)

g al n ud e , dampness, dew, mist .

n azr, pl. nozoor, vow .

or nazara, or inta za ra,

h e vowed .

n azeer, vowed or devoted toNazarene .

anze r e , h e warned, ropt i

mended .

13minzcir, a warn ing, repriman dI

a notice (to qu it,n arinj, acid orange . [g lib

. 0 1 0

j ; nazza , i t oozed .

I); n azaha , h e cleaned out (a

well or cesspool) ; dredged ;

h e lavi sh ed, wasted .

151 h e pulled, plucked

away remevefi .

b u ll? or W U nasaba , or tami

sa ba , i t was proportionate, fi t,proper .

w ll'

i tanasnb, ari thmetical proportion

, gra c e resulting fromdue proportion s.

(h a llo mu nasaba , proportion, fi tn ess, apti tude .

Cd n asaja , h e wove .

ev er

-Ala mansoojdt, th ingswoven ,

stuffs ; ti ssu es of th e body(a n a tomy) .

mamaj, loom, embroideryframe .

na sakka , be c opied out ; h e

abroga ted, effa c ed .

M nashka , pl. nusakh, copy .

n assdkh, c opyi ng clerk .

n askln’

y, ord inary curren th an d, u sualstyle of c alligraphy ;nu su kh iy, qua ck druggist .

l ista nsakh a,h e a sk ed for a

c opy to be made, ordered or

took a c opy .

Ky li e or

Ca ll? tamisu kh, or mund

sa kha , succession or un in ter

rupted inh er itan c e to an en tire

e sta te .

Ca li or

Cw'i l


ta ndmkh,or tanas

su kh ,tran smigr ation ofsouls,me

tempsyc hosis, metamorphosis.

”man ear, pl. nosoor, eagle .

j ralsmisoor, fi stula , wa rt, corn .

J .“ nasq, order, a rrangement,

6 .

J“ : n asaqa , or nasanga , h e

set in order .

M tameeq, ordinance, arrangemen t .

a » ; mwk, rite , devotion .

Li l-A14 M ma nsak, pl. mann i


k, n te , c eremony .

JhuJ d“ : n asl, pl. a nsci l, pro

geny, gen era tion, posteri ty .


G or n asala , or tamisa la ,

h e bege t . [dl,Zil“ ; n osdla

,flu ff

, loose th re ads

or fibres.

naseem, b reeze, zephyr .

ra w—d l shamm en n asce nt


Sn iff the breeze,”th e grea t

spr ing holiday in Egypt, wh i c his h eld on th e Greek Easter

Monday .

M n ismis, ape .

U“ ; n a sia, h e forgot .

why“; n isydn, a forge tting, fo rge tfuln ess.

Lam-14 ma nsiy, forgotten .

n asi,the 5 or 6 days inte r

c ala ted a t th e end of th e Copticyear, in September .

zrd or Mad

,or n ia

wtin , or m’

swa , women ; th e

plu ral of mam. [ill/ cl

JJ Na-mi iy,‘

Abdur - Rahman Eu

Naséiy, a great Moslem jurist,“died A.D . 90 0 .


n ashsha , h e drove away fl ies


be absorbed .

minashsha , fly - flip, fly- wh isk .

L113 285

0 0 I 0 O I

or L2; nashw (for Persi an jet » . mamba r

,ca rpen ter’s saw .

n ish cista ) sta rch .


ca } n ashsha , h e sta rch ed (linen ) .

nasho, growth .

ilk ; n ash cif, growth , result.


, growing, resulting


Ltd n ashd,h e grew up, it sprang

or resulted from.

ta il or figfi l anshd, h e created,

c aused to grow or result ; he

built ; c omposed (wri ting) .

liLJl insh ci, creation ; bu ilding ;

model of style , delectu s or

book of exerci ses.

wax. munshi, tutor, teach er of a

language .

M mansh iya. (Coptic) , place,village a public square .

10W nmhddz

r,sal ammon iac .

mlor A433 nashada , or anshada,

h e recited prayers, or verses.

slamor 0mmW n asheed cl

a nshdd,or n ash ecd el- amisheed

th e Song of Songs (of Solomon)

J‘s) W e mu nshid, a reciter of

prayers, or th e zi kr .

135 publi c a tion , diffusion .

JAS n a sha ra , h e spread ou t


published ; sawed wood .



dl intash ara , i t bec ame spread,

d ila ted, diffused, or dissemi

n ated .

19W n oshdra , saw - dust .

j )“noshoor, th e resurrection .

Jfi k manshoor, publi sh ed espe

c ially an offi c ial c irc ular froma Min istry of State to a min ordepartment ; regula tion 3 di

ploma ; pr ism.

ibutU n dsh iza , a rebelliou s wife .

bus n ashdt, liveliness, alertness,

energy .

lnzli or M n asheet, or mishztloose and free of limb , energe ticalert

, gay .

d d? » n ashifa , it absorbed water,

became dry .


M n ashsh afa , h e dr ied, made

dry .

25W n a shdfa , dryness.


U W nashshdf, a dryer blottingpaper .


mi nsh afa , towel.

n ashiqa , h e sn iffed at .


i q‘

stanshaqa , he inh aled,

respired .


nashooq, snu ff (tobacco) .

M u uskula , h e pilfered . [jlpJL‘ES n ashsh cil, pickpocket an

Artful Dodger .

“.s WW m’

sh cin (Persian ) ,pl. n aycisheen ,


, bu tt;

target badge, medal, decoration n ishdn til (Turk ish ) ,presen t 1 take a im

wi th m


shénji (Turk ish ) , marksman, sh arpshooter .



wasn ashshan a, h e took aim a t a

targe t.


nashawcin (Persian ) , in tox i

c ated .

U ‘” n assa, h e defined, poin ted

ou t, design ated .

n a ss, pl. nosoos, an

exact quotation , th e exact textof an article of a Code) .


0 25mass el- qdnoon, auth ori tyof law .

CV00 23 nass c a reeh, a categorical

or explicit statemen t, a dis

tinct order on a defin ite poin tof law, 850 .

“ar e“ mansoos, th e sense c on

veyed by th e n ess or text of

an arti cle of law .

g.,-fla il L a u d ; n asb, pl. umdb, a

setti ng up , a ma rk set up, sign ,

sta tu e, idol; calamity ; vegetati on wh i c h grows n asa b,

fa tigu e ; m'

sb, sh are .

nasba , fa t- ha or“a vowel

sound ; cook ing- n ich e .

n asb,fraud, embezzlemen t,

swindling. [u fik l

goal-35n asscib, swin dler , rogue .

w n asaba , h e se t uprigh t,erected, swindled, plan ted .


w nasb, idol, statu e .

w n aseeb, portion , sh are ;

fa te ; h en c e lottery or chan c e .

W a il; ydnseeb, lottery .

n assaba , he appoin ted,

w ba W M man sdb, pl.

mandsib, ofi c e, post, rank .

(a snasaha, h e gave advi ce .

n aseeha , pl. n asciy ih

dvi c e .

ja i n asr, help, victory, from God .

9 93215, Llllw ild } n amfu min

Ullah wafa tJa mqa/reebun ,H elpfromGod and a speedy v i c to ry l



n asara, (God) gave th e vi e

tory, h elped .

Jami or

f U misir, or nmeer,

h elper,auxiliary .

5.9L“; $334 3nasr cin iy, pl. n au ir a ,Ch ristian, Nazarene .

n asr cim’

ya , Chri stian i ty .

Nosa z'

riya , a pagan sect inSyr ia .


,h e won , ga in ed the

v ic tory .

JLa iSlintiscir, victory .

Ja i l. muntasir , victor ious.

rake mansoor, ren dered victorious(by God) .

El- Mansoom, th e

vic tor iou s (city) , site of th e

Moslem victory over th e Cru

saders in the 13th century ;n ow th e capi talof th e provin c eDag

- haliya .

jello -

j-nu mansar

, pl. mana'



clique or gang of th ieves or


M tanseer, baptism, mak ing (a

ch ild ) a Ch ristian or Nazarene .

28 8

Jlnlh l or

Jlnlilin tazam,

or {stan

za ra , h e expected, look ed for,

wa ited for .

gu lf/ls: nazar iydt, v iews ; th eory .

1,5a n a zeer , lik e to, rega rding ;

n adi r (astron omy) .

j élni bidoon n azecr, san spa

reil, matc hless.


,a ndzir, pl. n ozzdr, h e

wh o sees ; inspector ; Min isterof State .


fink” uols fl majlis eu - nozzcir ,

Coun cilofMin isters th e Cab in e t .

n a zdra , Min istry of State ;

offi c e of inspec tor .

iijllni n addcira , spec tacles telescope .

ma n za r,poi nt of V i ew, v iew ,

appearan c e .

j ’klo ma nzoor, seen , provided forforeseen a sch edule ofRe tu rn s .


n a ddafa , h e clean ed .

naddfa , cleanliness, cleann ess.

e . géln: n ad c ef, clean .

(is; na zm, order, arrangemen t ;

rhyme .



: m’


, organ izationregular a rmy .

(Ja il

(Quillen - n izcim cl- a

’dm, publi c

order or se cu ri ty .


n izdmiy, organ ized , regula r .

ELM:A“:’a scik ir n izcimiya ,

regular troops.

w'A élniS fi

le» : ta nzeem, pl. tam

zeemcit, regulation , organ iza

tion rules ; vestry of a town .

in tazama , i twas in good order .

(”Bi o manzoom,

arranged ; rhymed,rhyme .

M n a’

t, desc ription , explan a ti on ,gu ide .

Lani is ”

110 . com, wa ter-mill wa ter

power .

UJJ-S ne

’cia, sleepin ess.

alumna -l



, sleepy .

utai na

’sh, bi er, c ofi n th e Grea t

Bear (sta rs) .

uta i c u ll: ba ndt n a

’sh , th e Great

an d Li ttle Bear (sta rs) .

Jet: da i na’l, pl. n


h orse - sh oe, c oarse sandal soleof foot .

(a ; n a

’m, yes ; (as an interroga

tive) plea se repea t, I did n ot

u nderstand .

fla i l

f” n a

’m,pl. an a am, gift, gift

from God, c a ttle, flocks, h erds.

rd Zu ni n i

’ama , pl. n iy



favour , bou n ty .

{AllQ, wali en Lord of

Bounties th e King,Khedive .

a n’ama , h e made happy,

estowed favou r .

flag n dzim,

ruler, organ izer . mona ’im,benefac tor ,

. 0

fb" fl azzamw

,b e arranged, pu t 1n

tame. 0 .mm h e was 1n luxury,



rnli mi’yim, soft, tender, smooth ,even ; weak ; powdery .

Ni : n a’

yeem, bliss, blissful; Paradise of bliss.

[.U n a

’cim, ostri c h .

wh en;no’mcin , an emone .

all-J n a


, h erb min t.

a ughe, an noyan ce, trouble .

(i i n aghama,h e bummed, sang . [f


3436 n aghma , tun e, ch an t, song.


mafia , h e blew his nose .

rollM nafs cad - dam

,a spitting

of blood .

n afaha, h e difl'

u sed ; ( thawind)blew .

<6: n afa kha , he blew ou t, inflated .

aiiiil in tafakha , i t swelled .

fla ilin tfcfdkh, a swelling out .

tuba minfdkh, b ellows.

33 3 or n afada , i t disappeared,was con sumed ; h e escaped,saved h imself.

or on: n afa a, or n ofooz, influen c e, pen etration , effectiven ess ; au th ori ty .

A55 nafaza, i t pen etrated,was


3113 or .i i i l unfaze , or nafl'

aza , he

made penetra te, carried in toexec u tion .

M tanfeez, execu tion of an

order or law.

a 0p o 0

L imp »J

oljl awamzr tanfeezzya ,

ex ecutive orders.



A51? tan afi'

aza,i t was carried out


put into exec u tion .



i mifiz, influen ti al (a law) in

force ; a pen etrating (wound) .«NI-14 manfa z, place of penetra tion

or efl'

ec t passage ; elec tricalinsulator .



az, put in to execution ,carri ed ou t .


Jo: n afar, p1. amfdr , in


a person ; priva tesoldier .

I“ n afara , h e was shy, afraid,

h ated, kept aloof.

”i i oe iS or n afra , or mfdr,or nofoor, a sh unn ing, aversion ,separation .

ud il or U ?

“VJ»: n afs, pl.

nofoos, or anfos, soul, self ; individuality ; person ; appeti te .

L 413 nafsah, h e himself.

M Ail?cf

‘ min tilqti n afsihi , byhi s own righ t, spontaneously



£3 15d'

i i'

qata la a ufse he, h e killed

h imself.



qatala n afscin, h e killed

8 man .

v ji illc lad ta

’d cid en - nofoos, c en

su s, a coun ting of souls.

n afada , personally .

w as!l

n afas, pl. anf cis,breath , respiration ; style, mann er, taste .


ummfds, ch ild - bed

,parturiti on .

Uli ill

”L homma en


n ifcis, pu erperal fever .

La id n afed, or n afa sa , a woman inc h ild - bed .

kw n afscim'

y, sen su al, selfish .

2mmn afscin iya , spi te, ill- will;selfish motive .

u'JU n dfasa , be qu arrelled , was

selfish .

i nfi ll. mondfasa , quarrel, rivalry .


v.51? tan afi


a sa , h e drew or tookbreath h e c ried ou t.

Un it“

LJ’ M ‘ m'infas, pl. manéfis,

a ir - h ole .


“aid or a aj‘

ada , h e sh ookou t, dusted ( carpets,

unoi ii l in taf ada , h e sh ook himself .

final. fina nfada , ash - tray .

lniti n aft, n aph th a .




n afa’

a, it was u seful, of ad

van tage .

tilq yanfa

,i t is of use, serviceable .

Lil} n dfia

, u seful, ben efic ial.

Lilil i ntafa

a,h e profi ted by, took

advan tage of.

tlil il i ntifcia


,advan tage .

l j » hagq el- in tzfi i’a, u su

c t, righ t of use .

til-lo Ex i le ma otfa

’a, pl. ma n cifia


advan tage, ben efit, profi t.i i ilh or Jib mq , or mmtdfaqa ,

“595“ma i l/fi g, hypoc rite .

a ufaga , alimony, ma inten anceof a w ife .

J” M fuqa . (the b east) perish ed .

Jai l dd: n afl, pl. anf cil, super .

flu1ty , supererogation b ooty,spoil; trefoil, clover .

d ill» mifil, unnecessary, superfluous,of no avail.

d id ? tan afi'

ala , h e did a work of

supererogation .

or n afa , h e drove 0 3 , re

pulsed, exiled, den ied, repelledan accusa tion .

n afi, negation , den ial.

gu ll shahdd at en - nafi , evi

den c e for th e defence, rebu ttingeviden ce .

u” n afa , or n afi , ex ilemen t.

gale or

9“ n afiy, or manfiy, an

exiled man .

din-14 ma nfa , place of exile .

gall}. u

i li n dfa, h e d isproved,con tradi c ted yon cifi ,

he disproves.y

'fii l v ii; n aqb, pl. a n qdb, a

hole p1erc ed .

w n aqaba , h e bored a h ole .

Ji b .“lnil» n aqaba hdyit al

manz il, h e made a h ole in the

wall of a house (legal term fora spec ies of bu rglary) .

cf n aqqa ba’a n , h e exammed

carefully, pi erced or pen etra teda diffi c ulty .



beam, rafter .

lni i ilni i nagte , pl. noga t, point,vowel- point spot ; watchman ’8b eat or station drop .

u éfi il noqd, pl. anqdd,

lnjii noqoot, presents, e'

h '

ennee .

CELL ) or



i i n aqa’a , or istanga


it became stagnant.

ti .“anqoa ’, stagnantwater ; hollowswhere water collects.

tau .“ mastunga



tank , pond,

d i i n aqala, be conveyed, transported, narra ted .

djiii d id fzaql, pl. n oqool, trans

port, narrative; tradition , tran sfer ; n oql, dried fru it.

Gi l naqliy, trad itional; noqalt'


seller of dri ed fru it .

a aqliya , freight, means or

cost of transport.

di lilin taqala , h e moved h imself,

went to another place ; it camedown by tradition or inh eri

tance ; h e d ied, went to h eaven .

dra c manqool, moved, n arrated .

w iri ln manqoolcit, moveables,

personal property .

ELL? manqoola wa, scibita ,

person al an d real (property) .


(3: n aqama or (more c om

mouly) in taqama , h e revengedor avenged h imself.

rlfilfilin tiqcim, vengeance, revenge .

a nd mtgma, vengeance, revenge,



l or,33 or i i i naqd, or n aqoo,

or n aq dwa , purity qu int

essence, pith , marrow,kern el.

was! $33 naqiy, pl. angiyd, pure,‘ pious, choice .

vi ii tan aqqa , h e pruned , sorte d,

pi ck ed out.

V i i h is n a kba, misfortun e ;n a kab, devia tion .

W e w e mankib, pl. man tiIn


b, sh oulder .

2K} nukta , wit, epigram, c riti c ism;a witty fellow .

CC n akaha

, h e married ; c on

summated marriage .

a s

(Kid) m ’

aqada cm- n ikdh ( th e

pri est) tied th e marriage k n ot,solemn ized the marriage .

LA» . man kooha , married woman .

15 nakir a, h e was ignorant of.

Ji llankam

,h e den ied . h e .

)Kilin kcir, den ial.

jib or

JQ ‘ munh


r, or ndki r, h e

who denies.

Ji i n okr, c unn ingness.

u nfii n akasa, h e turned aside,b rek e h is 11orh .


n akfa , ton sils ; th e mumps. LS n ame, growth .

dQ n a kala , h e recoiled, drew back . w n ahaba, h e plundered, pil

djfii nokool,wi th drawal, retiremen t.laged [W

q fi n ak ha , breath , odour of the w n a hb pillage, ac t of pillage .

breath . mbfi u manhoobdt, th ingspillaged,bK

: n ikciya , malice, injury don e spoils.

to sp1te anoth er .

Cg: na hj, road, track .

a .







r .

spok e 111 Of, was

c hi -o or manhaj, road, track ,

M n ameema , a b it of slander,course mark ed 0 l1t

GV il gossip Agi a abd, pl. n ohood, rounded

j” n imr , leopard, panth er .

a maiden ’s swelling

3 n imfra , pl. n imar

numeI‘O, No .

ta n ahhad a,h e s1gh ed, h ls

bosom h eaved .

I“ n ammara , he put n umbers to,numbered .

ndh ida , a ma iden With Swell‘

i ng breasts.6 .

monammar, numbered .

0 14: nuhdd, about,nearly .

u“ ; a ims, ich neumon .

h ibll M Named, Au stri a ; Ala

mcinya , Germany . stream. [1s

n emsciwiy, Au strian .

ifnahar , daytime .

U r“mimeos, mosqu itoes.

n aharan we. la ilci/n, by

ndmoosiya , mosqu i to - n et .




and by night.

q i mimoos (Greek names, usedjl-Om 9

" fl rdbi’a t en—nahdr

1n Turk1sh ) , honour, repu tatlon . (colloqu ial) , in broad open day .


n ammaqa , he wrote, copied ou t .

Jlglilin tihdr, reprimand, repudia

M twnmeeq, a wri ting down, ti on .

inditing .

j g: nahaza , it was near .


d u n aml, pl. 3 115 2415“jgu l in tahaza, el- forsa , he

ri d namnama , h e mu ttered . seized, or ava iled h imself of,

or(Ar i namoozaj, or on

th e opportumty .

moozaj (Persian ) , sample,model, V i" nahada , h e arose, “0 0 d “13°

specimen .

nohood, a rising, getting up .

“yd-3. u

“; name , i t grew ; yammi, JG w haq a , ( the 3 8 8 ) bl‘GYBd

i t grows.n oh eeq , a.



a .ss!or £54 4) n a h a ka , or i nta haka ,

h e injured, violated .

n a ha , h e forbad ; ya nha ,

h e forb ids.

H’p n ah i, proh ibi tion .

U gi il or

Lg“; nok ia , or i nfuha , h e

arrived at, it c ame to an end .

u gil a nha , h e informed, h inted,warned .

ki ll 29W ,43 nahw, or n ihaya ,

or in tih ti , th e end .

gen e or 1


944n or $ 43m


hdiy, or

in tih ci iy, or mu ntah i , final.

1}s aw,rain , storm; h ot south wind .

Nooba, Nubia .

sari Nob or Naeb, Nub ians

Noobiy, Nub ian .

u ); M ba , pl. nowab

,turn ,

altern ation ; a time , on c e, & c .

attack, fit,

“ac c és .


ba (military term) , bugle - call.

noobetji (Turk ish ) , sentry,orderly .

cfn dba


,h e, it was in

stead of. [0 535

or g al} miwaba , or tami

waba , h e took h is turn .

ibmmondwaba ,alternation, in turnsm


yciba , substitution , proxy .

ii : b bllb bin - n iyciba a’n ho


of h im.

2n n iydba o’moomz

ya ,Pa r

gu c t, min isters p ubli c c fli c e of

th e Attorn ey- Generalor Public

Pr ose c u tor .


ug ly n tiyib, pl. n owwdb,

substitute ; a member of the

Pa rquet a judge supp le'

a n t or

v i c e -judge n awab.


e- ”M 9 .3L? ndyib o

’moomiy,Attorn ey

- General.

h a il) : n auwiyib, vicissi tudes.

1053’s nb


ti, pl.


tiya (Latin

n a uta ) , sailor .

C ); Noah, the proph et Noah .

Zia—US or no'

ha , or a iyaka , a

lamen t, groan .

( 13 no


kh (see na khkha )

jl’il n oor, pl. anwar,a ligh t.

J; nawwara , he lighted, informed .

f l)” tanweer, a ligh ting up, illu

min ation , enligh tenmen t.

ta nawwara , h e was en

ligh ten ed, in formed ; it was

ligh ted up .

manwcir, skylight, h ole in wall.

Jili s ii

j'i o ma ndra , pl. ma ndyir,

minaret. [wél

noora , a depilatory of arsen i c

and qu icklime, & c .

c,lJ fS.

JU nar, p1. n eercin fire .


raj, thresh ing - sledge .

ju g or n aw - ro‘

z, or

n eeréz Sultdm'

y (Persian ) , NewYear vern al equinox in

Persia ,New Year’s Day (March

2 1st) in Egypt, th e autumn alequ in ox (Sept. 10 th ) .

i tali c J ’

s nwn ciwasha,

battle , qu arrel.

lns: not,suspension , dependency,


w or u li nab, or n ecb, can in etooth


jar; n eero

z (see n awrb'

z) .

”lu g Nessau , Syrian month of

April.a s); b ag: n atf (see Mf ) .

w n a ik, copulation .

Jrtainment ;atta ins.

nayil, gift ; h e who

[c f. fowl

i lgf: or n ed , or n eela , indigo,indigo dye .

dyllJS Ior Eta-Neel, or ba hr

en -Neel ; th e Nile , th e sea , or

Great River Nile .

d u ll .. u o sa if en - n eel,summer

of Nile , summer canal or

1rriga tion

H (a ligh t a spirate ) .

3 ,b H 8: Valu e = 5.

lb is.

- ho, or- oh , h im,

h is ; Jui ,

h er, h ers.

llbla or rle hci, or hé - hond, h ere !

tak e

dfi li'

d angle Habesl wa d eel,

Ab el and Ca in .

c al» hat, bring ! give l h and

over !

”IllaBataar, Copti c month of

Novemb er .

d yb Eamon sr- Raslwed,

H aro un aI- Rasc h id, Aaron th e

Orth odox, the Great’Abbasi

Caliph of Baghdad, A.D . 8 0 0 .

Ella hala , h alo, areola .

i o ta hdma, summit, crown of h ead .


film hdnam (for Tu rk i sh

khdnum) , lady, princess, Sultana .

(di al

rile hdnumqfew i im, my lady

c ub Mwan (hdoon) , mortar (forpounding) .

idle h ciwiya , h ell, abyss. [5 95

w habba , th e wind blew .

[cf . L »

a ) ” hoboob, blast of wind .

«a lsohabdb, soot, smu ts, smok in ess.

a n d» kattaba, h e tore, ill- trea ted,injured .

on ? » or habbada (for habba ta ) ,h e flung down .

I '

mha bara , h e seized upon , toreto pieces .

Us,» habasha, h e scratch ed up

into a h eap .

lnmhaba ta, it sank (in price,hxb hoboot, fall, decrease .

ln:ln habi t, falling, decreasing .

dm dab (h abala ) ,mahbil, vagina .

d z

u l ahbal, stupid, idiot.

M tabbed ,vapour - ba th, femen

ta tion .

Hf “) in : hiba , gift (see wa haba) .a

M ka ttak e slandered,fr igh ten ed .

U'Vb or

Ji b ha ta ra , or ha tra sa ,

g nu » 297


uh ha tafa

’ala bdli

,it rlg t

ll horoof sl- h ijci, letters

oc c u rred to my mind .Of th e alph abet


xa ha taka , h e tore off a veil,b hvjdiy, alpha

violated .

,,s gm hatk axe-d, criminal a

s oru s” ham. or tahcwa . he

assault, injury to (a woman ’s) spelled .

hon our . ii? ”ohjowwa, sati re, lampoon .


(1° ha tam, toothlessness ; Agog? a.» haddada ,h e th reatened ;

aktam, toothless.

ta hdeed, th rea t.

whit ul’

ii. hdtm‘

n th ese 1» hod0 0 , repose, qu iet .

two (masc . ) hdza in ..Cb gdlb hddi, gen tle (wind) calm

fir" haja ra , he emigrated, aban tranqu il.

doued ennu i w e » hodb, pl. ahddb,

if ?“ hijra , fligh t of Mah omed eyelash .

fromMecca to Medina, A. D . 622 .

j“ hadr, impun i ty, especially

m . san a hijr iya 1308,impun ity in bloodsh ei

year of th e H ijra 130 8,A.D . 1891. hadaf , bu tt, target.

uh?” hijrcin , desertion, abandon haddafa , he aimed, threw at.

ment .

d .» hadila,i t dangled .

fil'fi mohdjir, emigrant, refugee .

r.» hadama , h e demolished .

fi nd s ma hjoor , absent, abroad, left Ab ba dm demoli tion . [c e cou n try .



was kodoan , rest, repose .

i ll.» or hodna , or hoddna,

U]:r?“ baj ama

’ala , he rushed truce, armistice .

upon , attacked .

Ja e.» hudhud, a cooing bird ; lap

qb h ijar , foot- rope, teth er .

om, on set, attack ; ch arge !

may” u -“D hajeen , pl. hojon, J “ hada , he guided, showed the

(colloqu ial mean ing) drome road .

dary, a camel for riding .

or d ,» hoda, or hid ciya,

Li e which hajjdn , pl. hajjdna , guidance (to salva tion ) .camel r ider ; troops moun ted ill“ had iya , pl. haddyd,on camels, camel- corps.

gift, sacrifice .

“F ifi-A“

l.“kaldm mustahjm, a

ahda , h e offered a present.

silly, improper speech .

fi ler”lzg


, sa tire spelling, syllable .


Imam, forerun n er of th e Millen ium ; th e Mahdi of Khartoum,

1882 - 85.

fit) » Li.» hdza , femin .

hazihi, pl. howla, th is.


Ji b hazar

,nonsense ; hazzar a,

h e talk ed non sense .

alga» hazaycin, non sense , jabber ;delirium.

we 5s hi rr, c at


hu r,c at 8 eye .

a’in el

g ) haraba , h e fled, esc aped .

Hy» horoob, fligh t .

ub or u l» harib,or harban,

fugitive,)runaway .

Lats} far mha ribdn, h e fled as a

fugi tive, escaped (fromjustice) .ra j» ba rraba , h e pu t to fligh t ; h e

allowed to escape ; h e smuggled .

M lVJ" tahreeb min 68

sijn , th e allowing a prisonerto escape from prison .


cf‘ tahreeb min el

gumru k, smuggling th rough th e

custom h ouse ; con traband .

U“) h a rs, a cru sh ing, smash ing.


)» ha rsh,itc h ,irrita tion ,h arshn ess.

a} barrasha , h e inci ted, set on .

f1° ha ra

’a,h e hastened, ran .

h arwala , a k i ck ing up of du st .

(9b har im, very old, decrepit man .

rL» !or

(JibVb haram, pl. hz



or a/lrém, pyramid, pyramidsof Gh izeh .

(ya-9 "gra na ry, magazine .

j) » or j » hazza, or ha zzaza, h e

made sh ake, agitated .


jfi ; orJablihtazza , or tahazza za , it

sh ook , quaked .

y») or i t.» hazza,or h azhaza ,

agi ta tion .

l) » or j) » hozoo, or hazd , moc kery .

istahza, h e ridiculed .

bazzara , h e joked, ch afl'

ed [ti


jB‘ h izcir, a jok ing, c hafl'


d) » hazl, satire, lampoon .

Jul) " - dl,» hozdl, feebleness hazeel,

feeble, slender .

r,» hazzama

,be pressed, drove ,

put to fligh t .


gilinhazama , h e was routed .

Bgilor i .e.: ha zeema , or inlafzdm,

rou t,defeat.

U ?» ha s, or hoos, h ush ! silen c e

b f. » hashsha , h e brushed a s



rt. » ka shama , h e wounded, slashedopen .

Hat. » rt. » hash im, generous ;

h ish cim, gen erosity .

fa b hadama , h e digested ; badm,

digestion . [c f.


M l» 8; qowwa hadz'


power .

w k? w (haft) , tah dfu t,annoyance, a ttack .

hafwa , smallmistak e,slip . [mlit.» hakaza , th us. D.)

d» h el, interrogative particle at

th e b eglnuxng ol 3 . seu\en ee

30 0

jW ‘ mahmooz, marked with a95

,h hoa , h e, it ; hi a , sh e , it .

hamza spu r .

mi h fmdz,spur

, goad .

M l (dew ) (haml) , ahmala , h e

n eglected .

W Ju lih 'mdl, n eglect ; mohmil, n egligent.

r» Z,» honn a (fomin . of ham) ,th ey, th em, th eir .

pli » h and, good h ealth , congratu

la tion .

w hannd, h e congratulated .

fl’ .

fl ip ta hn iya , congratulation .

rga» ham


, joyous, jov ial, healthy .

lu l» ha n eeydn,

h ealth l

Dd” mohann d, congratulated .

to your good

Ub l» or L1» hand, or hd hand, here .

j.» Li.» hind ho, h ere it i s

fi ll» or L‘Jli » handle, or hondlik,

th ere .

hind , India ; honood,

Indian s.

h indiy, an Indian,Indian .

Mg“ Qa isa r el-H ind , Empress(or Emperor ) of India .

filgé l» hindibd, ch icory, endive .

Silo.“Lmhand asa (fromPersian

enddza , ell) , ell,measu ring

geometry, engin eer ing .

ud i n mohand is, engineer .

29h “ VAL” moh a ndis mia ’md

riy, arch itect.

4”fl ab U

‘ M ‘ moha ndis riydd iy,

engmeer, Ian d - survcyor .

W e d on n i/m, a momen t ; trifle .

or a,» h ood, or ga hood, Jews.

b l,» hawdda , condescen si on , in

dulgen c e .

mohdwid, moderate (pr i ce) .

M I0} hawwid el- la il, sink i ng

of n igh t, just before dawn .

tor» howdaj, camel - litter for

women .

J,» hawra , danger, ruin .

,j. » hawwara , h e inju red, a ttack ed ; tahawwara , h e ann oyed .

u ,» hawas, desire, passion of

love ; madness. L5)“

W T” ho'wa is, dock for sh ips,

can al- lock . [0 6’s

i s,» ho


sha , con fusion , tumult .

a)» J,» ho


l, terror hé'

la,ch ole ra .

dflllf lAboo l- ho

l,th e sph inx .

di l.» hdyil, terrific ; terror .

bl; hawwala , h e terrified .

pl)“ M makcel,terrible ma

hool, terror .

u)» Mn

,rest, peace, ser iousn e ss ;

fa c ility .

we J.» hdna , i t was easy ;ya hoon ,

it i s easy .

hawwa na , he made easy .

h een a , facility, repose .

L”l"; tahdwan a , h e took it ea sy,n eglected .

L‘J’b !

u ?“ ham/in ) 0 1‘ ham; easy,

ligh t ; akwa n,easier, ligh ter,

ch eaper .

@b \ ah. h e treated with c on

b lb l ihdn a , ill- treatment, insult, “AS ? majnoon hayaj an iy,

c ontempt. dangerousmadman , ravingmad .

hs i» orh f)“hawia, or hdwa , h e U

s,» heesh , reeds, bru shwood .

loved, desired . LEM» ha id a,cholera .

.ol,» l u ’h

hawa , pl. d hwd, desire, J ib“ J » ha ikal, pl. haydkil,

passion , 10 V9 ° [u ‘f ’ temple, ch an cel, large edifice .

M uh ’

ala h

im”:”af‘ ih i: lg» hiydm, passion , love .

a t 18 own (swee t mn'

ha ihdt (colloquial) , Indeed !“p lahwa , dearer, more desired . Is it so

i f,“ ”f (“mi Pl akwiya , a ir1 hayooli, atom, molecule,a tmosph ere

,wea th er ; tun e . matter ; atomic .

~Ill,» hdwdiy, atmosph eric .

hdwiya, h ell, abyss.


gs hi d , pl. honna , sh e, it ; W,

0 ? 0 0 1‘ 0 °

th ey . [rib

Jd . Valu e 6.

c u. » ha iya , pl. ha iydt, wa (often pronounced and .

form,sh ape

,b ody astronomy . a

b l wd 1 d with (a colloo v yj

“M l ah » hang/at el-maj lu ,a

qu ialism for

cou nc il or court regarded as a

single body .

wdyydk, w i th th ee .


X” hayya , h e prepared . Walla hi , By GOd

tahyeea, prepara t1on .

a t ? wa haydtak, By thy life

LN“) mohayyd, prepared . I swear

all“ or Z” ha iba , or mahdha ,,l wa law, and even if alth ough .

fear, “W0 i modesty .

3] for ? wa Id, for wa illd, unless,

W or mahoob, or mahecb, or, or else .

feared, terrible .

ail)wdiy, alas !

g al» ( h a it or heat) , hdt, l wdboor (Euro c an ) , no em'

bring, h and over ! J”) p P

vapors steam engine,

m hayajdn , commotion , stir, steamer , train .

ex 0 1temen t . m id , (l,wdh , pl. wdhdt, oasis.



Exb had“, It was 1n c om

15 1


“f l,wdkhn

,late (collo

motion ; yah c ej, i t is GxCitGdquial from adkh ir) .

é » hayyaja , h e stirred up, excited .

’l4. )l .L,’wfiba‘y

g amba sgfixk emh e ,

W tahyeej, a stirring up, exc iting . p est .


Cg,wabba kha, h e reprimanded .

(go; tawbeekh , a reprimand .

1L”! J ?) wabar

, pl. awbtir, hair

of goats or of camels,used for

making ten ts, & c .

,e,“Jb l ahl al- wabar, nomads,Bedou in Arabs, i . a. owners of

camels and goa ts, or dwellersin ten ts made of hair .


y, coarse nativc cloth .

Jig, wabdl, unh ealth iness,danger .

A?) wa tad, pl. awtdd, ten t

p eg, stak e ; slip of plan t, shoot.

j , wa tr, or witr, an odd number,single, a prayer ; chord of arc .

JG) -

JS"wa tar, pl. awtdr , chord,

arc,tendon .

Li, wa trdn , one by on e ; odd and

even .

fl,» tawdtu r

, constant repetition ,rumour .

w u ,wathaba , h e a ttacked,

fiew at ; ya thzb, he a ttack s.

Jig. J ?) wa thzqa , or wasuqa , h e

relied upon,was firm ya thiq,

h e relies.

i i i th r’

qa or tz'

qa , confidence,worthyof c onfidence .



i l)wdthiq, or wa theeq,

fi rm, constant , Vath ck .

m)wa theeqa, pl. wa thdyiq,

valid title deed .

(lull A5: m ,

wathceqa a’

qd el


j , marriage c ertificate .

JV, wz'

th tiq, bond of un ion ; tether

rope .

0 00 “istawsaqa , h e a ssured h im

self, relied upon .

alijl J,wasn, pl. awsdn, idol.

h a s“

. b e »,wajaba , i t was a

du ty , yajzb, it is a duty .


d g ” ? Lo and yajib laho, h is

righ ts, due to h im.

191: 9 53. L0 md yajib’ala ik, h is

du ties,due from h im.

wojoob, necessity .

W EE" ) W I,wdjib, pl. wéjibdt,

duty .

a’la ik

,it is you r duty .

W )‘awjaba , he caused, nec essi

tatc d .

14 15 2!aejcib, causation, answer inth e afi rmative ; proposal, ofi

er .

J’s? u‘s leejcib wa qabool, ofi



and acceptan ce .

moojib, causing, a c ause .

w e?» bi -moojib, because .

istawjaba , it n ec essitated,called for , caused .

AS a.” wajada , he found

yajid, he finds.

a ? )wojz

da,i t was found, it existed .

yoojad, it exists, is found .

wojood, ex istence ; a fifiding ;presence at.

a? ” mou -

jood, found ; present

a t ; existing .

cu b ? ” mowjooddt, pl. , th ings

found or extan t.

a» ,

A:, wahhad a , h e u nified, declaredthe un ity of God .

A5» ; tawheed,b elief in God


un i ty ; un ification .

Air u p

.) (la in mowahlmd, un ified

deb t of Egypt.

0 41,wa hhid ( impera tive ) , say God

is One ! th e c ry or ch allenge

of n igh t w atchmen .

A51) ittahada

,h e un ited h imself

to , agreed .

ols l ittih cid, un ity, unan imi ty,c onc ord .


as i . mu ttahid, ally, allied,


complice .

i t » , wahsha, desert solitude,barba rism.


P , Us»,wahsh

, pl. wohoosh,

w ild, savage (beast) .


W ,wa hsh fh wi ld

, savage as

a medicalterm, exter ior surface .

Uzi ; tawahhush, savagery, barba r ism.

U2»,l awhasha , he made ( us) sad ;

did not vi sit us, left u s in

barbar ism.

Uri a b fl awhashtoond ( collo

qu ialism) , you h ave made u s sadby your absence ; Welcome

d o,wahl

,clay, mire .

do , wa hila, it ran aground .

(.Lg, (r

a p wa hhdm, superstitious.

O 0 o 0 0 0

waht,dlvme 1nsp1rati on . [


i t» , wa kh aza , h e pierced, pricked,p en etra ted .


, noxious ;

da nger .


3, wad da , he loved, desi red ;yawadd,he loves. [CL .. t

or 5,w idd, or mawad da ,

love .

wddda , h e loved mu tu ally .

Old,w iddd, mu tual love .

wadood, lover, friend .

mawdood, beloved .

or biwooddi, or biddi, I

wi sh to .

, s, biddi aktib, I wi sh to,

or will, or am going to w r ite .

125, gn u } ; wfddiya,

amorous bonds or relations .

£743,wa cldaba

,be fitted up , pro

vided .

g ., tawdeeb, ou tfit, ou tfit

allowance .

y o,‘mou '

addab, fitted up, put

r igh t ; ( in a bad sen se)trumped - up .

tl.s,w iddj, jugular vein .

to, wada

’a , he put, de

posited ; yada’

,he puts.

i n.) da’a,tran quillity .

£10,wad da

, Adieu l

at), Eni d, wadeea’a , pl. waddy


money deposit, or th ing pledg ed .


Ca,lor t


’a , or awda

’a,h e

deposi ted, delivered over ; es

cot ted, saw off.

th e} or tawdeea

, or ecdcia’



fow l istawda

’a , h e kept in re

serve, en trusted, said farewell,re tired from service .

tlfi élu l isteedda

,a bidding fare

well; retiremen,le~ ¢ mustawda ’, an offi c ial‘

en disp onibili té,”

on th e re

tired list.

to” moodia ’, h e who mak es a

deposit ; mooda’

, the th ing

deposited .

{mi c mood’a. a ’ndoh , deposi tedwi th h im deposi tary .


,cowrie, small shell.

5 50,wadda (c olloqu ial) , he gave,

h anded over .

d o,wada , h e paid th e

price of blood .

dig/a , price of blood .

33.0,l ,r,-al,

weidi , p1. awdz’

ya ,

valley, ravin e, b ed of river .

A613 .

g al,d i H alfd, Valley

of Rush es ; Sou th ern frontiertown and province of Egypt

on th e Ni le .

M l elWcid i el- Kabeer ,

the grea t river Guadalqu ivirof Spain .

w” h 5M,Wcid i Moosa , Valley

of Moses, Petra .

’) Jwa rd, beh ind, beyond ;


y, h inder- part.

j , gig, war reen i (colloqu ial,

see mic ) , show me !

my) , warb, obliqu ity, slan ting.

c a} ;

a} ,

warisa , he inh erited ;y a n k, h e inh erits.


“ a o o Ib l) ,

or u. sjl we, or wzrasa, h er1

tage , succession .

a ) !3» haqq el- irs, righ t of suc

c ession .

wdr is, pl. warasa , h eir,legatee .

my,“ meercis, pl. ma

wdr ces,estate inh erited .

sagg y 3 JT adla. la ho bil

meer ds,it came to h im by

inh eritance .

war rasa,he n amed h is h eir .

tawrees,appointing an h eir .

3313.,,S J,i°

u> hoqooq tawreesiya ,

righ ts of succession .

mowarris, testator, lega tor .

a ) ; tawdms, sharing an inheri

tance .

a”, a) ,

ward, pl. worood, rose .

wardiy, rosy .

a,mc wa rrad, reddened, rosy red .

i iylallo

,,w ird et- ta reeqa , watc h

word of a sect, password of

in itia tion in to a sec t of Derviehes.

al,,l a

) ,wird, pl. awmd , sch edule

showing receipts of instalmcpts

[M 4


warda ( colloqu ial for Italian

gu arda ) , look out !

of taxes paid mon thly .

wa reed, pl. worood, vein ,duct .

a} ,

a) ,war ada , h e arrived ; yarid,

h e arri ves.

306 A)

wdr id, arr iver, arrived ; in “l,l

c ome ; importation .

sh eets of paper, paper, docu

)0Lo wcim


d wa sdd ir, in- come men ts.

and out-

go . c almL3

’l,,lawr tiq wa ca n adci f,

c u b ) , wdridcit, income, revenue, P3 139”s and documents.

impor ts.or

L3) , wdrz’

q, or wa reeq, a

a) ,

wa rrada,h e made come, paid in leaf, in foliage .


in, en tered in th e a c c oun ts, i tawa rraqa , “7 became leafy .

supplied (see wird)

A”; tawrecd,en try of paymen t in isch ium,

h ip- bon e, haun ch .


th e ac counts, supply .

(9, r) ,

wa rima, it tumefied ; yam


a) ; tawa rrada , it was en tered in i t swells.

th e a c c oun ts.

IA)" r,,

1va ram, pl. awrcim, tumour,dj ,lawmda ,h e made come, paid in . tuberc ulosis.

c a ll i l 0L? ) eercid, pl. cerdddt,l? ”

mowar ram, swollen .

revenue .

to) ,

or0 1)

wamn, or wa rm

, c h a

all ?) nerdd wa masroof , meleon .

in c ome and expend iture . ;,lor5, wizz, or awizz, gqose .

c u t. ) as id e“el-masla ha zcit [Elna duck .

cl- eerdd,Depa rtmentof Rec eipts j , wazza , h e incited, u rged .

Of Revenue . my) , wa za ba , it flowed . [h -lmawradfl, landing

- plac e, Q B“ " l Zlib, gu tter, dra in .

quay arrlval.

J v ) ,wa za ra , he bore a burd en


wa rasha , pl. wa ra shya zi r, h e hears.

(European ) , fa c tory, work sh op .

wizr, burden .


w izdm, respon sib ility of a

PrimeMinister, h enceV izierate ,rank of V izier .

wa rmta , l1o flattered (anoth er )in to c ommi tting a c rime .

ab) ,

wa rta , abyss, prec i p i c e .

“°i fl” wazecr ; PL woza rci ,law? tawreet, flattery for a c riminal Min ister of Sta te, V izier, a

pu rpose .

c ivilian Pash a of th e h igh est

a) :“W “ ple tY) abstlnenc e, mo rank, equal to a Military M i

n ast1c 1sm. sh eer or Ma rshal; a rank like

22, 70 1114 7 4 , leaf of tw o,sh oot of “1“ Of Privy Coun c illor .


(a l,,

roarsmasim, pl. mawaszm

season ; local fair or fete

h en ce monsoon , ra iny sea son .

u rn

)wa swasa

, (the devil) prompted to evil.

awaswasa , h e doubted,feltscruples.

ElWaswcis, the Devil asPrompter of Evil.


»,waswasa , scruple, mah c e .

iota,wisdya , back - bi ting, sneak ish

n ess.




honou r .


11 334 mowashshaha,lyric, ode ,

h ymn .



,wash a

, willow .

( i,washm

, ta ttoo mark . (an )

rat,washshama , h e tattooed .

washwasha,h e wh ispered .

v. 45, wash a , h e

coloured cloth .


wasafa , h e attri

bu ted,described ; yamf, h e

describe s.

Lo,l J a e

,wasf , pl. awséf,

desc n ption ; quali ty, epith e t ;adjec tive, a ttribu te .

«Salim Zita sifa , pl. nfi it, quali fic ation

, quality .

Q M,Eu sifa ra smiya , offi c ial

c apac 1ty .

ittasaf c , h e assumed a

q uali ty , p ersona ted or pre

sumed, took up on h imself.

ad u l ittiscifi assumption of a

qu ality .


M J a il ittasafa bi -mfara smiya , h e assumed an offi ci al

capa c i ty ; pretended to be an

offi cial.

mawsonf, qualified, de

sc r ibed, possessing attribu te s.

J n lo mu ttaszf, qualified, assumed .

joined ; yasil, h e arrives.

J,.o, wosool, arrival.of or dso,

wa sl,or wasla , un ion ;

conjunction , rec eipt.

Jo) or dz, wassa la , or awsala ,

h e sen t, made arrive .

was in con tac t ittisdl, con ta ct .


; tawa ssala’ala , h e a t

ta in ed, succeeded in .

J o l,wdsala , it was con tiguou s.


or db , wisdl, or mowdsala ,c on tin u i ty, meeting .

JarMosul, Mosul, a town n ear

th e ru ins of Nineveh .

dye” mosool, un ited, conjun c tive .

mutta 'sil, contiguous


,defect, disease, vi ce .

uc ,l or


wassa , or awsa , h e

bequ eath ed, r ecommended .

Ju n; tuwaiya , recommendation .

b eers} sh i 'rk o. ct- tameiga ,

soci é’té en c omman din g .


fi lo , wasdya , guardian sh ip, tu telle .

(e ,lib , waseeya , pl. wasdyd,


Lu ) $0 , wasiy, pl. awsiya ,

(1) testator b ut (2) morecommonly th e execu tor or

guardian under th e w ill.or moosi , or mowassi ,

testator .

bU‘T" moosa boh, legacy, th ing

bequ eath ed .

fl moosa laho, bequeath ed toh im, i . a . thelegatee or inh eri torby will.

wadaa, ablu tion before prayerwa ter of ablu tion .

wads,clean, pure .

tawad dd,he performed h is

religi ous ablu tions.

th is“, meed cit, tank (in Mosque)for ablu tion s.

<6,lor<5,waddaha , or awdaha ,

h e made clear, explain ed .

wadaah , obviousn ess, clearn ess.


,clear, eviden t.

(Lag) or tawdeeh, or eeddh ,

explan a tion .

cu te - li d eeddh cit,

remark s.


li ttadaha , it was, or becameclear , evident .

a0 0°

explan ation s,

sh owing itself.


h, clear, eviden t ,


ts, t


’a,he pu t, placed ;

yada ,’h e places.



, pl. awda a,a

placing, form,manner . [Una


Ac l,§tub!awdd’a. wa qawd

yid ,

forms and rules.

da’a , abasement.

ts da

’i (imperative) , pu t th ou !

Ear madesa ’a , tax, deposit bag

gage .

ti l)“tarmawda ’, pl. mawdd



spot, place .

mawdooa ’,placed ; subject

of a discussion ; th e fact or

meri ts of a case .

K5 tar

-3” mawdoo a n we chok

ldn , e u fond, et en la forme,”

on i ts merits, and techn ically,(legal terms) .

gal,madoea ’, h umble .

ti l; or i zLé

,wad da

’a ,or tawddua


h umili ty .


uh Aztll t


’ol- yad

’ala cl-

’aqdr, be appropriated

th e landed esta te . [g. ,-d ial

lb wa tia , h e trod, copu

lated ya té , h e treads.

lb,or file

,watd, ac t of treading,

copulation .

as,wa ti

,low, depressed, under .

”Lay fayad dn wa ti , a low

ood (of Nile) .M; or“A, we mmtm

c omm-166. sh .

.fia mwas

5M; or filial” mawdtdt, or tawdtu ,

conn ivance, a c c ord .

mawtee, trodden upon .

Glol llo,‘ mun ' tti

, pl. mawdfi,

low land .

ills,or ills tda , or wa tcia , a tread

i ng smooth or even .

Ale,wa tada

,h e c onsolidated .

..u lc,wateed

,firm, solid .


ul‘)wa ta n

, pl. awfcin , na

tive land, p a tr ia .

$3119, wa ta niy, n a tive,

na tion al,

indigen e . [g el

hoqooq wata n z’

ya , civicrigh ts.

tawattan a , h e domic iled h imself.

uh” mowa ttan , domiciled, na tu

ralised .

lal,k,watwtit, th e flying b a t .

Zelbl,‘ or wozoob, or mowci

za ba, perseveran c e .

t i me, wazeefa , pl. wazduif,

du ty, fun c tion .

foal; tzi - d iya . wazeqffoh ,t‘

h e do ing of h is du ty .

b ile, wazzafa , h e employed, tookin to service .


b ub; tawa zzafa , h e served, was

employed .

AB,“ mowazzaf, an omc ial,

ll ' 11e mploye .

d o 4 c,

wa’a’a , h e promised ;

y fl’i


rl, h e p romises.

Ac,lor « 3; tawa a do, or awa

’da ,

be threaten ed .

i .x,or its: i

’da , or wa

’da , a pro

mising, term of delay .

d,az, Ac,

wa’d, pl. wo

’- ood, pro

mi se .

Age, wa’eed, th reats.

m l,” mee

ydd, pl. ma nni


, a promised time,fixed

time, season or delay .

Of ,» maw’ood, promised .

La.» lac,


za , he preach ed


,h e preach es.

Eli e,or list

,or 521: ’

iza , or w’az ,

or w’aza , a preach ing, sermon .



z,preacher .

Jr, wa’l, antelope .

Equa l Ac,wi

yci, pl. awy’eea,

vase, u tensil h eart.

Us ) .

if ) wa ia , h e was on the

alert ; ya’a,h e 1s alert.

hf ) ma ’a,c ry, uproar .

uc,lood’a, (imperative) , look ou t I

ge l,wd

’iy, gu ardian , watc h ful.


’ka , illn ess, disease .

dc; d c , (wagh ala) tawaghghala,h e entered, h a stened in .

as: A5,mafa da , h e atte nded a

lc véc or reception at Court ;

yafid, h e attends, & c . wafd,attendance or crowdof c ourti ers.

ail,i t

' dfid , pl. wofood, cour

ti er at a \ev ée .


51113, maqti - izin , at th at time,

th e time wh en .


M rmowaqqa t, temporary, pro



mowaqqatdn , provisionally,temporar ily,for a term of years,not for life .

wa qtzy, temporal, tran sitory .

av g-ibn uni ” or may meegcit,or mégit, pl. mawdqeet, a fixedtime ; time - table for tra ins or

th e post .

wagih, impudent.

L's, or Eta waqciha, or 917111,

mpuden c e .

A3,1.~ lor 153, 10 0 9111161, or ista/wqada ,

it was on fire .

is? or woqood, or qida, a beingon fire combustion .

4 3,waged, fire , combustion .

A53,waqeed, fuel.


,lawgada , h e ligh ted a fire or

lamp .

AJM mmtawqad, furnace of

Turkish ba th .


,waqcir , seriousness of demea

nour, gravi ty.

waqoor, dign ified,

‘gr .ave


tawaqqam, h e was seriou s,dign ifi ed, patient .

i s, orJi'

,wogusu , h e thrust a t


pok ed .

£23 é, waqa

’a, h e fell, i t hap

p en ed ; yaga’

, h e falls.

woqoo’a,fall, even t,occurren ce .


, falling, happen ing .

M l,wdqia

’a , even t, acciden t .



ya , pl. wagciyd,

even t, n ews.

if, wugga’u, he made fall; im

posed (a tax) ; regi stered,fixed h is sealor signature .


,imposition or le vy

ing of a tax ; sign ature, placeof sign atu re (L. S. )

tawaqqa’a,i t happen ed, c ame

to pass.


’a,h e fellou t wi th , fou gh t.

,4 1 or wiget

’a, or mowciqa


battle, confli c t.

é) “mawqi a’

, pl. nmwdqia’



é} . mu tawaqqia’

,h appen ed, tak en

place .

J i g, J ,waqafa , h e h alted,

stood up ; yaqif, h e stand s.

. i i'

loqof (impera tive) , stand up l

woqoof , standing postu re a

h alt ; kn owledge, experien ce .

1.1l arbab el- woqoof ,


wdq ,standing, in su spen se .

or waqf, pau se,h alt, mortma in ; in pl. awqéf,or magaaf, pious donati ons,

esta tes in mortmain .

Q B,” n azciret cl- awqdf,

Ministry of Mortma in or Reli

gions Donations.

experts,men wh o k now .

313 J ,

a s

waqqdf, h e who constantly UL: Ki


l K, (wa ki ) , itta kd a

’la ,

stands overseer . h e lea ned upon , reclin ed .

1. 513,lor wa qqafa , or awqafa , figfifu mu ttaki, r eclining ; on on e’s

h e deta in ed, arrested, made elbow .

stand , stopped a performance, . . f, (waka ba ) , mawkib,& c . , gave as a waqf . procession , cortege .

u liu lor tawqeqf, or eeqdf, a il or 45,wakkada , or a kkada ,

de ten tion , arr est ; a giving to h e strength ened, assured .

mortmain, 0 1

' waqf ; “SP9!” M l? or tawkeed, or tci - heed,sion , abeyance, defermen t a strengthening, assu ri ng

. .iuf tawaqqafa , h e StOOd hes1 or M l akeed, or wa keed,

ta ted i t depended upon , convs

( gm-ta in , positive , firm.

“Sted " 1°

of} . mo- akkad, confi rmed, certain .

J lje J r

”10 9713 I”I mawciqy"


w !)wa ks


,damage ec lipse .

place Of halt .silf, M ,

wa keel, pl. woka ld,

mawqoof , h alted property agen t, attorney ; station -master .

0 0

,0111 mor tmaln .

a s M ,wakeel a

nho, agent for

“494° L9


h e guarded ; h im ; h is a ttorn ey .

yaqi, h e guards.

uth bdsh Va keel, h ead agen t ;

title of th e Tu rk ish prime

min ister wh en th e h igh er

dign i ty of Grand V iz ier i s in

g,.iiSl ittaqa , h e feared God, was

ab eyance .

pious. 3K, wakdla , agency, procu rationh en c e a block of bu ildings,


”in charge of an agent.

J 97: (imperative) , guard th ou l

wiqciya , guard, restraint .

mu ttaqi , pious.

9‘s taqzy, pl. atgzya , pi ous.

GS, wa kkala , he appointed an

or toga , or tagwa , pi ety agen t, gave a power of attorn ey .

tawaqqa , h e was on h isguard .M )

’ tawkeel a giving a pro

c u ration , or appoin tmen t ofZil0 1‘ “



3 weigh t Of attorn ey , ac t of procura tion ,2 i lbs. ; 1 25 b log- 3 400 power of a ttorn ey ; direction ;





agen t’s cflic e station -master’so ‘ “l 0 1' m

,lor £33, oun ce ; omee .

oz . avdp . 37 1} grammes mowakkil, th e principal who12 dirhems. appoin ts th e agent.



J r mowa kka l u’nho, th e

agen t who is appoin ted .

9L tawakkala a

’la , he relied

upon, en trusted h is affa irs to

an agen t..o a

U): M ; tawa kkalto a



, God is my trust I

d}! d}, wakkala (vulgarism for

a ltkula ) , h e fed ano th er, made


- 8, walaja , h e penetra ted,

en tered ; yalij, h e enters.

t },u olooj, pen etra tion , en try,

a ttack .

,l awlaja , h e th rust in , made

pene tra te .

ti ll eeldj, a th rusting in ; pen etration ,

forc ible en try .

Al: al,wa lada , he begot ye lid ,

h e bege ts.

A13 waladet, sh e bore ;

talzd, sh e bears.


ri 01: ii“Allah lam yalid

wa. lam yoolad, Allah d id not

b eget and wa s not bego tten .

tool) awladahd,h e made h er a

moth er .


Al)? ta 'wallada

,he was born ; i t

sprang from.

Alfi a l istwwlada , h e acknowledged

h is pa tern ity .

i oi j pr l'ida , more commonlywi ltida ,b irth ,partu r i tion . [V 513

loll, iioll, All)wailicl

N'dlitlu , (d ual) N

ll’fthln fa th er,

mo th er both paren ts

314 .1,

Al, walad, pl. awldd, c h i ld ,

son , boy .

al,”P1umm el- walad

, th e ch ild ’s

moth er, a female slave wh o

bears a ch ild to h er ma ster .

ulol, walecd

, pl. wildd n ,

born, c h ild .

mawlid, pl. mau'dlid


b irth day .

..Mllr a)” mawlood

, pl. ma n d

lead, born ; b irth s.

ala) , mawlood laho, born to h im

fa th er .

mowa llad, born - slave .

meeldd, pl. mawdleed,

birthday .

an d! ’c cd el-meelcid,Ch ri stmas.

gelled !M lL}; fis- sa na l-mecld

dig/a , Ann o Domini .37l m'

llStQWI‘illa , moth er ,e spec ially slave -moth er .

UJ)wils, frau d, h umbug .


, burning passion ; p iece

of live coal.


,a be ing on fire ; love ,

passion .

é,‘ or a, wa lla’

a,or awla

’d, h e

set on fire , ligh ted .

é) ” moolu.’ passiona te , con sumed

with love amateur, aspiran t .

(ix - ZA1A, u a lecma , pl. wa lfiycm,

banqu et, fea st.

dial]. Al

)Iimlah , sadness ; weal/um,

w ild wi th grief.


u h,wahhab

,God th e c onstant

rum wa r aga t cl- i ttih am,

b ill

Giver .

g el» , Wa hh cibiy, a fanati c al sect


followers of Abdul-Wahh ab in

Ar ab ia,1691— 1818, crush ed

out by Mah omed Ali of Egyptin 18 18 .

haboo (imperative) , give ye ,gran t, suppose th a t !

i s» h iba , gift.

taahha ba , he prepared .

M rmo

hib, don ation , gift.

21b y ? ” mawhoob laho, given to

h im, don ee .

Wahr a n , Oran in Algeria .

d b,wa hla


,anxiety .

J,lawwalwahla , at the first

sigh t, or though t.

re. rm, wakama , be imagin ed,

h ad a notion , suspe c ted ; yah im,

h e suspects.

awh ama , h e deceived, alarmed .

eeham, ambigu ity, dec eption .

(a; tawahhama, h e

suspected .

lib ) , r


wahm, pl. awham,


idea, notion , instinc t ;

judice, alarm.


Hf“)wahmiy, imaginary, false .

w ‘ tuhma, pl. talcma t

accu sa tion , charge against a

pr isoner .




l a t- hama , or ittahama ,

he a c cused, prosecuted a chargein a criminal cou rt.

a c c usa tion , indic tment.

of indic tment, charge sh e e t

agaln it a prlsoner .

”t o or mu tta ham, or ma t- ham,

th e accused man .



wa hha na , h e weak en ed, tampered w i th .

m,wahn a


Ub’wa hi , feebleness,un importan c e .

Vb"wdhi, trifling, un importan t .



,widm, cordi ality, concord .

wulba , a measure of capa ci ty,abou t 7 gallons ; 33 litr es ;

5th of arda b.

dz, or go

’s-3, wa ib, or wail, Ala s l

Fie l Sh ame 1Kg, waika , bamia cooked in a

pec uliar mann er .

,ffi , wirkoo (Tu rkish verghi ) , p r o

fessional tax .

wirlc (corrupted from wirkoo)

fee, perquisite, commi ssionpaid for work done .

or ‘Ji, 10 0 71, or wa ik, Ala -8 !

for sh ame I

Y,or c c .


. V alu e 10 .

9.3L“ 55

“ 1'

(final sumx) , my ;ki tdbi , my book .

“51151 4- i (femin in e sufi x of

impera tive) iktfbi,Wr i te !

(oh woman l) .

“5iy 1


ya, ad

jec tival suflix .

man,Egypt ;

Egyptian .

maar iy,

lg. ya, oh ! yam, get along !


l: gata ra (colloquial) Query ?Is it th at

y fi li ya deb, almost .

,.blg. ya hoa

, or ya hoa, Oh He !

i . a . Oh God

U'li yas, d espair . [u lfil



la; wi

g. ya- isa , he despaired ;

yayas, he despa irs.

u fila w ho mag/1


s, despair ing ;wayaos, despa ired of.

M b yasmeen , jasmine .

La b geisha (Turk ish ) ,viva I

live thou

Li l: Efendimiz choq

ydsha! (Turk ish ) , Oh,


lord (Sultan , or Khedive) livelong God save th e King !

ydshmaq (Turk ish ) , lady’


gauze veil covering the lowerh alf of th e face .

or ililg. ydfta (Persian ) , placard, sign

- board, label.lib or Zil, yaqa (Turk ish ) , collar

of coa t or sh irt.

w j lgyagoot, ruby, sapph ire, topaz,jacin th .

urd li yaaaaaa , an iseed .

) ,lg. ydwer (Persian ) , assista n t .

,,L, yawar el- ha rb, aide - de

camp .

3 17

c abl:qkydy, pl. ydydt(Tu rk ish )

metalspring,springsof a carriage .

gr z‘efi w yabisu, i t became day ;

ya ibas, i t i s drying L. »

uu lg. or w , yabis, dry .

i n,» yoboosa , dryn ess.

w ag; tayabbasa , it bec ame dry,stifl




u? ! yata

- a tta , i t is possible,i t results ( see a ta ) .

doll: or

rug! (4

1, ya teem, pl.

a itcim, or ya tama , orph an .

ru mai tama , orph ans ,

yotm, oorph anh ood .

f?” mootzm,

widow wi th fath erlessch ildren .

v.35 ; or film Ya bta , Joh n the

Baptist . [u h

w yakht (English ) , yach t.

fi ya khni (Turkish ) ,stew,ragont.

g ob!

H5A»! A: yed (vulgarly

yeed or sed) , pl. a idi,or ayadi

hand, h andle . power .

“A311! orulaéll el- yodda , or cl

yeda in , the two h ands.

eff?bain yeda z

h i,between h is

two h ands, in h is presence ;i . a . in th e presenc e of a superior .

all“? j} ! aga r ra ba in

yeda i l-madoer, h e confessed in

the presence of th e Mudir .

Ag, uh: a

’la yed sholwod, in

the presence of witn esses.

yedoh taweela , his hand

is long ; h e is a thief.

3 113f”

31} 1.'

Lo do, yell mu tama r r ina, a yashm, aga te , jade . [Va in

pra c tised hand . w - d . 1,i 1u ya

qoob, h e follows

ya rboa’

,jerboa ,deser t rat . ft!)a s a younger twin , Jacob (see

i c ljg. y

a rda’a , glow

- worm.


qa ba )

uh ya


, th at is to say

(see a’n a ) .

36's Yafa , Jafl'

a or Joppa .


fl ya raqci-n, jaundice ;

maraag, jau n diced .

w l? w yé- seen , th e two

le tters Y and S, th e title of

c h ap . xxxvi . of th e Koran , u sedas a man

’s name, like Tah a .

a,i t .) ya qoot, ruby, sapph i r e,

topaz, jac inth .


l1 or lib or ya qa (Turk ish ) ,c ollar of c oa t or sh irt .

w mlor or yaqi za , or

taya qqa za ,or more common ly

ista iqa za , h e was awak e , b e

c ame awak e or wok e up .


f» !gasar a , it was pleasant,

easy ; ya isir , i t is easy .

iijlau or yosr, or yasara , fac ility,

ea se , comfort, wealth bla ck

a i qa za , h e awok e (an oth erM gasear, ea sy1 sligh t, tr ifling. person ) .d f

‘ i orjut! or M l az


sa r, or

yaqaza , vigil, wa tc h fuln ess .

yasa r , or yosra , left- h and s1de .

UM yaqzdn , awake

,on th e alert.

8 3b 1 borha aseera a sh or t1 3“

J y 1511110 11 mastazqa z, awak e .

momen t, br ief in terval.or


. yagma , or faya qqa n a ,a isa r easier .

h e kn ew for c erta1n .

M l a fsa ra , h e was solven t, ri c h .

lu ibufi " yaqeen c erta in ty


1 1

W orJL‘Q yaw n 0 1

° ma zsar a , yaqeemi n ,for c erta in .

8 0 1179110 371 wealth .


n,be ing c erta in of,


r,solven t, w ealthy .

ea sy in mind .

ju n -o

Jan m0 0 81


r waup yegen (Tu rk ish ) , n ephew .

BOIVQD t an d iD SOlven t.“N i , or “F 6 yen qzier i (Tu r

Jw fi tag/0 8 8 4 7 0 1 it became 98 855 k ish , yeni n ew troops,was p 0 8 8 1b191h ewa s successful. jan issary con sular con stable .

ZS‘f“ flu/3 0 0 03111: Jesu i t [Cf h f

“: hu b yt lek (Tu rk ish ) , Waistcoat,"

Lu ya sa q (Tu rk ish ) , forbidden . vest .

ig’hu yasaqji (Turkish ) , c onsu F1 yamm, p1. yomoom,sea .

18 1' °°n ° tabletayammama , h e rubbed h is

w or yasltb, or h an ds (for abla tion ) w ith sand

j a sp e r . or du st i or wan t. at washer


1, aj'a . ans . jebci - khdn a (Persian ) , anmnmi tiu n .

2 , ha doota , an ecdote , story .

h iddya , h awk , kite .

2 , (ta m ! ista hsala , h e ac qu i i ed , 0 111:111m l.

1,ljj’b hOdOOr, pr esenC l



(legal term), con tra d ic toi remenf,

a r a w h ea rd

in th e presen c e of bo th par ties. [i -f .

1, ahaqqiya (legal term) , a lwm -

r righ t,

i . e .

, su c c ess in a c ivi l su i t .

1, ,lAAC. » hokmdar (Persia n ) , govc rm1r


ge neral,

c h i ef of poli c e .


Mr,c oarse leath er .


kh adam (pl. ofro'

s . 7131111171111) se rva n ts.

1,( bi

s Irhu rdj, absc ess.

2, CL; Mmla ’a , h e wrench ed o il

1, cf takh allafa

’a n

,h e ab sen t e d h imself.

2, ul1 deecla - bdn (Pe rsian ) , sen trv .

2, 1rtifaq, servitude .

.90 9 J”

g a

.1,myg/( ih , c an al, reli ef c an al w e e


(URoom- ecu


Bc ulmbcm ( lmkish ) , .1

c ivilian pash a of th e sec ond ra nk e q u al to a

military fa reef] .

w e” me nu



,raft .


Page 110 , c c ]. 1, t i)fr ce

’a, growth , inc rease ; (legalterm) in c ome

or reven ue from land .

123, 1,i ii. J.» badal safa r iya , travelling expen ses .

14 7, 1,

shah iya, appetite for food .


1, j

un saba ra, h e was patien t.

150 , 1, sdbbora (Italian ) , ballast of a sh ip .

156, 1, sdni

’a , arti san .

158 , 2 , M L» b-[z- za bt,prec isely, with accurac y .

184 , 2, M M 1:

’amnmda , h e baptised ; tu

’meed ,



2, du ? qa tl, a k illing, pu tting to dea th .

244, 1

,Idzim ( in tran si tive verb ) .

279, 1, Ca » ) (nabba ) onbook, reed, tube .

2 , J) : n ahno, (vulgarly alum) we .