E NG LI S H - Forgotten Books


Transcript of E NG LI S H - Forgotten Books

E N G L I S H - D A K O TA










Copyright by Revigifi

hn P. Williamson,

w (0 7 6



sound ofain far.

sound of ch in chin.

an exploded e,not in English.

sameas English .

sound of e in they.

sound of g in give.

aguttural, not in English.

sameas English.

sound of ch in Germanach.

sound of i in machine.

sameas English .

an exploded k, not in English .

sameas English .

sameas English.

anasal sound, nearly similar to n in ink. In Dakotaitonly usedat the end ofasyllable.

sound of o in go.

sameas English.

an exploded p, not in English.

sarheas English.

sound of sh in she.

sameas English.

an exploded t, not in English .

sound of 00 in ooze.

sameas English.

sameas English.

sameas English .


sound of z inazure.

A few lettersare sometimes followed byashort hiatus. S ucharemarked thus,


There are four dialects to the Dakotalanguage : the Santee,

Yankton,Teton and A ssiniboin. Each of these dialects has slight

differences, not sumcient to prevent Dakotas from understandingeach other. To give these difi erences would require additionalcharacters to present fully ; but this has not beenattemptedas thedifi erencesare slight. The dictionary follows in themain the Santeedialect

,with which the author is most familar. The other dialects

differ from it in extent, in the order named. The number of di fi erent

words used in the difi erent dialects is small . The difi erent words

used by the Yanktons and Tetons have been mostly noted. The

number of words pronounced difi erently is very large, especially inthe Teton dialect. Noattempt has been made to giveall these . A

few have been noted to give the student an ideaof the changes .

In the other three dialects the sound of l never occurs, but the Tetonchanges all the de and many of the as into 1; so DakotabecomesLakota; ulna, very, becomes Illa. In the Yankton one of the most

notable changes is that hd of the Santee becomes led,and this in the

Teton becomes 91. Thus,lulu, go home, in Yankton becomes kda,

and in Teton zla.Noattempt has been made to give the peculiarities of the Assini

boin dialect,as our knowledge of it is too limited.

A fulleraccount of the difi erences in the dialects may be found inDr. S . R. Riggs

’ DakotaGrammar,and alarger number of the

difi erent words in his Dakota-English Dictionary, both of which arepublished by the Smithsonian Institution


”Washington, D. C .

When 3 ends aword it is often changed to e, principally foreuphony,as tn kta, to te kta.


The Dakotais an easy language to read if one will learn the

sounds of the letters,and stick to them .

The division of the words into syllables is simple. A s arule

every vowel endsasyllable . The followingare the exceptions1 . The nasal I)always closes asyllable ;as In -hin

-ta, sweep wo

t -lr), news.


2. A syllable, contracted by dropping the vowel, isattached to thepreceding syllable, thus making it close with aconsonant. Ex


ya, cause to boil, is contracted from l-pi-gu, boil,and ya, cause.

3. The words en, in,and is, he, she or it,and their compounds, do

not close the syllable withavowel.A ccent is very important in Dakota. A misplaced accent is as

bad as amispronounced letter. Indeed achange of accent often

changes the meaning of aword ; as, m ug: means fi eld, whereasma-gt ’ means goose.

Most Dakotawordsare accented on the second syllable ;and, inthis dictionary, suchare not marked. Then

,all words commencingwith weareaccented on the fi rst syllable,and suchare not marked.

The accent on all other words is marked,and the student should

carefu lly note such.


1 . The construction of the simple sentence, composed of the baresubjectand predicate, is the same as in English . Ex . : t lmdax) dom pl, birds sing. Wu slu r) , snowmelts.

2. Where the subject has qualifying words they follow the word

they qualify . Ex. : c astaku pakit) is, the wiseman talks. t lu dar)onge dowanpl, some birds sing.

3. When the predicate has qualifying words they immediatelyprecede the verb. Ex. : Jane olyoklplyadown ), Jane sings beautifully.

Excep tiona—(a) The sign of the future,ktl . follows the verb.

Ex. : John hi kta, John will come.

(b) The negative, snl, follows ;as, 0 sh ], do not come.

(0) Hit) , very,and its compounds hlncaand hen, follow the verb ;as, wayazanke hit) , is very sick.

(d) Connective adverbs which imply asucceeding clause followthe verbandall other qualifi ers. Ex. : Yahl kte sil l klnhu ) , mde ktu,if you will not come, I will go.

4. When the verb hasan object, it precedes the verb but follows

the subject. Ex. : John James spa, John struck James.

5. When the object has qualifying words, they follow it. Ex

John tnhcacan top! 0 , John shotfourfat deer.


6. Where anumber of words qualify either subject or object,they generally follow in the inverse order of the English . Ex. :

Snnktmkn chflnnn sh wan u npahmlhmn wlcinyannn lite-tote mmyu dohnx).alittle white horse drewawagonfi dl of blue-eyed girls.

7. A n inteu'ogative sentence is distinguished by closing it with

tht Ex. : flokfldnnwnsted ie isagood boy. Bou lder) wnbte

lie-is l eagood boy t8. A n imperative sentence is distinguished by ending it with wo

or yo. The women use yoand the men generally we. Ex. : Den n

wo. come here. Tum wanflak! ye.p lease givemeanapp le.

The signs of the interrogativeand imperative sentencesare sometin es omitted,and the fact left to be determined by the connectionor tone of voice. However, the rising inflecti on is never given for

an interrogation, but rather the Opposite.

Parts of Speech.


Dakotanounsmake no change of form on account of number or

case,and but seldom of gender.

Number is shown by numerals or otheradjectives. Ex. :‘


Ipl wani l, one house. 119! otn, many houses.

The Case, whether objective or nominative is shown, by the relativeposition in the sentence,asalready explained. The possessive caseis shown by following the word with fawn. his. Ex. :


lpl dc John

tu n, this is John’s house. Sometimes the pronoun tu n is contracted

to tnand prefixed to the principal noun ; never to the possessive.

Ex. : John tnhu jpakn, he gave him John’s moccasins. Sometimes

again the possessive case is shown only by position. Ex. : lie snnkn

pa, that isadog's head.

Gender is not distinguished in most nouns. Those referring to

difi erent classes of human beingsandavery few of theanimalsare

vn .

distinguished. Ex. : Wicasta,man. Winohlnca,woman. l'lehakn.maleelk. Ural]. female elk. If it is desired to indicate the sex of anyneuter noun

,wicaand wlnyar) are added for human beings, and

Indokaand wiye for animals. Ex. : I'lokslyopav ia, amale child.

Sankamdoka.amale dog. Occasionally they are compounded ;as,tandoka.amale deer tawiye,afemale deer. Female proper namesvery often take the termination win (contraction of winyan) ;as,Tatedntnwir). The same name, Tatedntn, S carlet Wind, is often given

to men,but wlca(male) is neveradded to it, nor is it toany other

S imp le, derivative,and compound nounsare all found in Dakota;but the study of the language has progressed so little that there isyet much to do before afull presentation of them can be given.

We, however, state some of the most common ways in which nouns

Wo prefixed toanadjective or verb transforms it intoanabstractnoun . Ex. : Waste. good wowaste, goodness. Ka’ta, hot wokata,heat. Kiclu , fight wokicize,afi ght. By prefixing wlcainstead of

wo the object is limited to man ; as, kte. kill wokte, slaughterwicokte, human slaughter.

0 prefixed toaverb makes itaverbal noun, with about the sameefi ectas prefixing the definite artic le in English ;as, iynwegn, crossoiynwega, the crossing . Occasionally it is prefixed to an adjectivewith the same force.

Waprefixed toatransitive verb changes it intoanoun, signifyingtheagent ;as, spa, strike waapa, striker. Sometimes the plural formof the verb is used, making the prefix wica, instead of we :as, yasica,to slander wlcayasica,aslanderer.

l.prefixed toanactive verb, makes anoun signifying the instru

ment by which the action is done ; as, kahhjta, sweep lahlrjte,broom ynmdn. top low iynnldn,ap low.

The third person plural ofany verb may be usedasaverbal noun ;as

,nani, walk manipi, walking.

Kin, after any adjective, noun or clause, shows it is usedasanoun.


Dar) (Y. na; T. In) is often sumxed to nouns, verbsandadjectives.

It isadiminutive,and is generallyattached to the last word in theclause, but refers to the leading noun

, whether subjective or objective ;as, John siyo war) ktednx), John ki lledalittle p rairie chicken.

Compound nouns are numerous and may be made ofany part ofspeech . S ometimes of two nouns ;as, watapeta(fi re boat), steamboat ; sometimes ofanoun and adjective : as, hasapn (black skin ) ,negro sometimes of anoun and verb : as, lie-uni (walks on land) ,


The personal pronounsare generally incorporated in the verb ;andthe objective are difi erent from the subjective ;and in incorporatepronouns the third person singular is never expressed,and only the

sign of the plural for the third person plural .The subj ective incorporate pronouns are : ya, thou vs, I ya—pl,

you nnu

pi, we. Ex. : Kte, he kills ; yahie, you kill ; wakte, I kill ;ktepi, they kill ; nnktepi, we hill.

The obj ective incorporate pronouns are : ni, thee ma, me ui—pi,you arr-

pi, us. Ex. : Nikte, he ki lls thee makte, he ki lls me niktepi,

he kills you unktepi, he kills us.

When bothare incorporated theyare as follows : ici, lie—himself;“u


you air-

pi, hen us maya, thou- me wicaya, thou—themunya—pi, thann as nici, thou—thyself ; mici, I -myself wicawa, I . .

them d r

pl. 1 -110u lei-ml. they- themselves ulu pi, they thee

, or you


pi, they—me wican pi, they them arr-

pi, they-me niei-


yourselves man -pi, you~me wlcaya- pi, you- them nnya—pi, you

as unkicin

pl, we—ourselves Il l ]ulu

pi, we—thee wieau-u pi, we—themanni -

pi, weu


When we reach the verb further examples of incorporate pronounswill be given.

Separate Personal Pronounsarealso found in Dakota. TheyareMiye or mini. I ; niye or nls. thou ; lye or Is, he or she ; unkiyepi, us ;

niyepl, you ; iyepi, them. Ex. : lye. niye qan iye unyarjpi his. he, youand I will go. The same pronouns are used for the objective case.

Ex. : lye, niye qamiye kapi, they meant him,theeand me.

thine mitawa, my or mine tawapi, their or theirs l itawapi, your oryours nnldtawapi, our or ours. Ex. :


lpi tawa, his house. The

possessive pronouns are often prefixed to the noun, in which case

the syllable waand often the two syllables tawaare stri cken out.

Ex. : S lha. foot; tnsiha. his foot ; n ialhn.myfoot; tasihapi, theirfeet.Ma'ga.fi eld ; n ita'nlaga.myfi eld. Sometimes the first person singularis contracted to mainstead ofall ;as, maps, my head.

There isalso aPossessive Personal Pronoun that is incorporatedin the verb. It is : kl, his ye, thy ; we, mine . Ex . : John pic kikio,

J ohn killed his cow.

The demonstrative p ronounsare do. this,and he, that ; dens, these,and hen , those. Also kn, that, and has, those. They have also anumber of compounds, as : “ten, like this deaedax), this alonedonaos, these two denakeea, thesemany.

The interrogativepronounsare tnwe,who takn,what; tnkte, whichnnnantnkte, which or whether ; tons, tonaka. tonakeca, howmany. The

aboveare either subjective or obj ective. The only possessive is tnwe

fawn, whose.

The only definitive relative p ronoun is he, that, who, which, what,whose. Ex . Winohlncawayazanke cikon he warns seal, the womanwho was sick is now recovered. A ny of the interrogative pronounsmay be usedas indefinite relativepronouns. Ex. : have his kintnnyanado-yapi, who killed him is well known.

The indefi nitepronounsare nearlyall the equivalents of the English,andare used much likeadjectives.


In Dakotathe pronoun is incorporated in the verb, but for thethird person singular no incorporate pronoun is used. Therefore


for the bare form of the verb we look to the third person singular,and not to the infinitive as in English,and that is the form in theDictionary. Thus, if you look for the verb come you will finda.That means he comes. Then yanmeans you come wan, I come up],they come yanpi, you come uutapi, we come. From this you see

the incorporate subjective pronouns are : ya, thou wa, I yam-pi,you ; nn

-pi, we. A lso you will note that the sign of the plural, pl,

isadded to the third personal plural, to distinguish it from the third

person singular,and that in the first person plural k is inserted foreuphony.

If the verb is transitive, the obj ective pronouns are also inserted.

Theyare : ill. thee ; ma, me ; wica, them ; ui- pi, you ; arr-

pi, us . A s

an example take the verb kte, kill .He kills him

,kte : he kills thee, nikte : he kills me, nakte ; he kills

them,wicakte : he ki lls you, niktepi ; he kills us, nnktepi. Thou killes t

him, yakio ; thou ki llest me

,mayakte ; thou ki llest them


thou killest us, unnktepi. I kill him,wakio; I kill thee, cikte : I kill

them,wicawakte ; I kill you, ciktepi. They kill him, kieni g they kill

thee,niktepi ; they ki ll me, naktepi ; they kill them,

wicaktepi ; theykill you, niktcpi ; they kill us, nnktcpi. You kill him

, yaktepi : youkill me

,l ayaktepi ; you kill them, wlcayaktepi ; you kill us, unyaktepi.

We kill him, nnktepi ; we kill thee, nnniktepi : we kill them,wicnnktepi

we kill you, Il l ]niktepi.

Besides the singularand p lural numbers givenabove, the Dakotahasalso the dual number. It consists of the person speaking andthe person spoken to,and only in the subjective case,and is therefore equivalent to we two. In form it is the same as the pluralwithout the plural ending pl. Thus, take the verb wanka, lie downunwankapi is we lie down and nnwnnha.we two lie down. Intransitive verbs like this can only take one form. Transitive verbs cantake the third person plural objective pronoun . Thus,with the verbkte, kill, two dual forms may be used : unkte, we kill him andwicnr)ktc, we kill them. No one verb takes more than these two


The relative position of incorporate pronouns should be noted.

The objective,asarule, precedes ;as, mayakte, you kill me. Thereis one exception . The fi rst person plural pronoun always precedesthe second person, whether subjective or objective. Ex . : Ur)niktepl,

we kill you.

The position of the p ronouns in the verb must also be noted. So

far the verbs selected have had the pronouns prefi xed,and the mostDakotaverbs have the pronouns prefi xed. But alarge number of


verbs insert themafter the first syllable. Ex. : Mani.walk mayanlyou walk, etc . A few verbs insert the pronouns after the second

syllable. Ex . : linkan, giveaway ; itnwahan, I giveaway, etc .

The sign of thep lural, pi, isalways placedat the end of the verb.

x. : Ynta. eat ; unyntapi, we eat. When an adverbial particle isattached to the verb, it is placedafter the sign of the plural . EaThe diminutive particle dan. Hokslyopaceyapidan, the little babies

Contractions resulting from the incorporation of the pronouns arequite numerous. 1 . Where weand yacome before kl the two syllablesare contracted to weand ye ;as, well c for waklhdcga. I evertake andayektosaforayakiktonza, youforget.2. Where the pronouns come before y in the second person, yay is

changed to d,and in the first person way to 1nd. Ex. : Yatkan, drink,becomes dotkan, you drink and l ulatkan, I drink. lyotanka, si ts,becomes ldotanka.you sit ; lmdotanka. I sit. One of the verbs of this

class, ynta. eat,drops its fi rst syllable and prefixes the pronouns

without change ;as, yak , you eat ; wata, I eat.


So far we have spoken only of one class of verbs ; those which

have the corporate pronoun wa, I , for the first person singular sub

jective. We come now to speak ofanother class, ‘

in which thefi rst

person singular isma. The class is not very numerous, being mostlyintransitive verbs,and notall of them. Ex. : Asnl, get well ; anisni,you get well ;amasnl. I get well ; u nipi, they get well ;anisnipi, youget well ; nnkasnipi, we get well . Istinnla, sleep ; l istlnnla, mistinma,etc. Wayazanka, sick waniyau nka, wamayazanka, etc .

A number of verbs in this class make changes in incorporating

1 . S imply drop the pronoun vowel . Ex . : Un, use uni) , thou usest,

uni) , I use. Ihdnhomni. turn self around ; mldnholnni, I turn myself

2. Some, inaddition to d ping the vowel of the pronoun, drop

the succeeding consonant in the verb. Ex. : Yanks. is situated

x n.

flanks, Iam situated. Owinza, spread to lie on ; omlnzn. I spread to

lie on, etc . lwarjga,ask, changesalso the succeeding vowel ato o ;

thus,inonga, thouaskest; imonga, Iask. In the incorporation of the

objective pronoun the consonant y is restored ;as, inlayl nonga, thouaskestme.

3. There are afew verbs which sufl x the pronouns, with other

changes. Ex. : ll ), wear, prefi xes hand sufl xes the pronouns, thus

hinni, thou wearest ; hlnnl i, I wear. Boil ), consider ; canal, I coup

sider, etc. Boot), do connor), you do ecalnor). I do.

Bya, say, together with its compounds keysand keys,arealike, butstill more irregular. Ella. thou sayest ; epa, I say. Bhapl, you say ;unkeyapi, we say.


To this class belong what are called atfi ective and substantiveverbs, which have the same set of incorporate pronouns as theSecond Class,and we speak of them separate ly because of the pecu

liarity of their formation and the great extent to which they areused. A nyadjective or noun may be so used.

The construction is much the same as the use in English of the

adjective and substansive verbs with the copula. But in Dakotathe comic. is omitted. Thus : John is tall , in Dakotais John hanaka.Here isacomplete sentence,adefi niteassertion, with whatappearsto be onlyanounand adjective. But hanskais here more thananadjective, or it would not beanassertion. The two wordsare used

toassert that J ohn is tall. It is then more thananadjective. It is

acomplete predicate , and combines the powers of adjective andverb .

Perhaps aclearer analysis would be to say that it is predicateadjective,and that in Dakotathe copulais understood with predi

cateadjectivesand nouns.

These predicates, from the nature of the case, have no objective

pronouns, and, as already stated, the subjective incorporate pro

nouns are of the Second Class. A nd, like other classes, theyareincorporated between difi erent syllables. Ex . : Waste, he is goodnlwaéte, thouart good mawaste, I am good waktepl, theyare goodnlwastepi, you are good ur]wastepi, we are good. Dakota, he is aDakota; Damakota, IamaDakota Danikota. thouartaDakota, etc .

xm .

In some instances the student may beataloss to know whether

anadjective oranoun is in the predicate or not. For instance, doesJohn hanskamean John is tall or tall John. It might mean either


and so isambiguous . But in fact one need seldom be in doubt. In

this case, if the connection shows that John hanskais acomplete

sentence, it must mean John is tall. Whereas if another predicatefollows,and the full sentence is, John hanskawannahi, then hansknis onlyanadjective,and the translation is, Tall John has come.


A s we have now seen ,inflections in the form of the verb show

very fully the p ersonand number to which it relates. In the matterof time and mode no changes are made in the form of the verb .

Tenseand modeare shown byauxiliariesand not by inflection.

The time expressed in the body of the verb isaorist, that is, indefinite

,completed time. A nd it is used both for the pastand present.

Ex . : Wnnhinkpe wakage, I madeanarrow.

The definite time is often shown by circumstances. Ex . : (Pre

sent) Takn yakagahe? whatare you making ? Waryhinkpe wakaga, Iam making an arrow. Sometimes it is shown byadverbs of time .

Ex . : (Preterite) Htanihar) wanhinkpe wakaga, yesterday I made anarrow. (Perfect) Wannamdnstan, I have fi nished it. If the present

tense is to be distinguished, dehnn is the most definite word, though

wannaisalso used.

Future time is shown by the auxiliary kta, which is placed immediatelyafter the verb. Ex . : Wakage kta. I will make i t.The future perfect has no regular form of expression . S ometimes

it is not distinguished from the future. Ex . : Do goodand you wi llnot have lived in vain

,takn waste econ, kn ituyaynni kte sni. S ome

times wannais introduced as in the present perfect. Ex. : Will he

have collected enough money 7 Mazaskalye wannamnaye ktahe.


A salready stated there are no changes of inflection to designatedifferent modes. The Indicative is the regular form,

the only one Ihave so far referred to .


The S ubj unctive Mode,being one of conditional assertion

,is made

byadding kinhai) , nr)kans ; sta, Ices, or some other conditional conjunction to the end of the c lause . Ex. : Yahi sni kinhat), l de kte snl,ifyou do not come

,I wi ll not go.

The Dakotais notadapted to the classifi cation ofaPotential Mode.

The difi erent senses of our English auxil iaries would require manymore auxiliary verbs in Dakota. Ex. : I can (am able to) go,aldaowaklhi. I can (am permitted to) go, mdaiyowinmnkiyapi. Thenagain, many potential clauses are paraphrased in Dakota. Ex. : I t

may be so, okinl heceta. Whatever may happen, toketu ceyas.The Imperative Mode is formed by placing certain particles imm0

diatelyafter the bare form of the verb. The regular particles used

are weand ye, in the singular,and poand pe in the plural . We andpoare used in command

,and yeand pe in entreaty . For propriety


sake the women never use the former. Ex. : Uwo, come. U ye, do

come (orp lease come) . Theseare said only toasingle person .

With transitive verbs the Imperative takes the objective pronouns.

Ex . When asingle person is spoken to : Kn wo, give it to him.

When more than one is spoken to : Wicakn 90 , give i t to them.

Instead of pe, miye is sometimes used,and thisagain is sometimescontracted to Ill . Ex. : Instead of lnyankape, run, they sometimessay lnyankamlye,and sometimes inyankam.

Sometimes the sign of the Imperative is omitted.


When the Infi nitive is the object of averb the root form is used.

Ex . : U cit), he wants to come.

There is no sign of the Infini tive, but the sign of the future is

generally used. Ex. : Uktach) , he wants to come.

The Infinitive takes the incorporate pronouns. Ex. : Kicizapi clnpl,they want to fi ght. c aklzapl clqpi, they want to fi ght them.

When the infinitive is the subject of another verb it takes theform of the third person plural . Ex. : Wanyakapl he wicadapi cc, tosee is to believe.

xvi .


The Dakotaadjective, like the noun,is not declined. Thereare

no changes for person, number, or case .

Comparison is shown by qualifyingwords : sanpa.more,and lyotan,

most. Ex. : Good, waste ; better, sanpawaste : best, iyotanwaste.Another form is sometimes used. If oneasks, Which is the larger 7

he says, tnkte tanks ? A nd if the other replies, This is larger thanthat

,he says, de tankahe cistlnna.

Reduplication ofasyllable expresses much the same ideaas withthe verb

,butas it implies the plural, it is sometimes spoken ofas

the plural . Ex. : Mdo wasteste, nice potatoes. The true sense is

doubtless, potatoes successively nice.

The plural ending pi is often attached to ath'ectives, but as weunderstand, it isaverbal termination,and is properlyattached only

to verbaladjectives. Ex. : c astawastepi, theyare good men. Wicastawaste hlpi, good men have come.


Adverbs need cause the student no trouble,as there are few

changes from the form found in the dictionary. A s in English, they

qualify verbs,adjectivesand otheradverbs.

Their position is immediately before the word they qualify . Ex

He did well, tanyan econ. There are afew exceptions to this rule .

(a) The negative sni, not and hinca, very, follow the words they

qualify. Ex. : Eamon sni, I did not do i t. Tankahinca, very large.

(b) Interrogative pronounsare the fi rst words in the sentence. Ex

Tokecanitapi ktahe. Why will ye die 7 (0) He, which might be

called an interrogative exclamation,always closes the sentence .

Ex. : Van he. A re you coming 7

The number of primitiveadverbs in Dakotais not large, but thefacility of forming derivatives is ready and well improved. Theymay be formed fromany part of speech, butare largely formed fromadjectives, verbs, pronounsandadverbs.

1 . The sumx ya(or yan)attached toanadjective or verb transformsit into an adverb with much the effect as the aud‘ix ly in English.

Ex .: Sin . bad; sicaya, badly. lynsldn.rej oice ; ro'


S ometimes there isacontraction : Onslka,poor onsiya, poorly.

2. The demonstrative pronouns are transformed intoalarge num

ber ofadverbs, mostly by sufi lxes.

(a) The sumz en, in, contracted makes den, here,and hen, there ;also takten, where,and kan, yonder, etc .

(b) The sumxes ki, cl. klyaand ciyamake adverbs used with verbs

ofmotion . Ex. : Kakl, thatway declya, this way.

(c) The sumxes kenand cenmakeadverbs ofmanner. Ex. : Decen,

in this manner. Kaken, in thatmanner.

(d) The sufi ixes Mnand banform adverbs of time and locality.

Each may refer to time or place, which is to be determined by theconnection. flan conveys the ideaofat ; hanof to. Thus : hehan,at that time, orat that p lace ; heban, to that time, or to that p lace.

Ex. : llehan ecamonkta, I will do i tat that time (then) ; hehan ehde

kta, he will set it upat that p lace (there) . flekan wani kinhan , if I liveto that time (till then) ; hehanwal kinhan, if I go to (reach) thatp lace.

To formadverbs from otheradverbs thereareanumber of sufiixesused. Ikiys hasabout the same force as the English suffix wards .

Ex. : knn, down knntklya, downwards. The suffix yanhas the forceof to. Ex. : liehnn, there ; hehanyan, to there. Sometimes theyareaccumulative, with only the object of holding to the idea. Ex

Dehan, now dehantn,at now dehantaya,aboutat now ; dehantnyaken,somewhereatabout now.

Prepositionsare sometimes transformed into adverbs by sufl xing

tn. tnya, yaand wapa. Ex . : Mahenyaiyotanka, he sat inside.


Prepositions have no proper inflection, but where they govern theobjective pronoun the pronoun is generally incorporated in the preposition . Ex . : Sankanlyahnahi.adog came with you . In the union

theyare often contracted. Ex . : Micahda(mlye Icahda) iyotanka, sit byme. The objective pronouns are not always incorporated. Ex

Miye etklyan, he comes towards me.

When the preposition governs nouns,or unincorporate pronouns,

its position is not before butafter the word it governsand its qualitying words. Ex . : Tipl skatanks etanhan,from the big whi te house.


Thereareanumber of prepositions in Dakotathat are incorpor

To nounsareamxed ta.ataand yata,all meaning at or to. Ex

l atann, he isat the house. Canyataiyaya, he has gone to the woods.

Akan, on, is often sumxed. Ex. : Heakan, on the hill. Bais alsosufi ixed, but generally contracted to n. Ex. :


ln n, come in the

intransitive verbs, enabling them to takean object,and occasionallytoatransitive verb, enabling it to takeasecond object. The prefi x

ahas the force of on. Ex. : Cagaamaah he walked on the ice. The

prefi x e signifi es to. Ex. : A tknkn eklhdega, he overtook (reached to)hisfather. The prefix 1meansfor, onaccount of. Ex. : Cekiya,praylceklya, prayfor. The prefix 0 means in. Ex. : Kastan, p our okastan,pour in.

Prepositions are both primitive and compound, but neither arenumerous ; neither is their composition intricate . One of the most

numerous classes of derivatives is formed fromadverbs of place byprefixing i. Ex. : Walk behind, hehiamani ; walk behind the horse




The form and construction of conjunctions is so sh ple and so

similar to the English that we need use no space for them here.

Exclamationsare plentiful , but often local,and soon change.

The Dictionary.

Theabbreviationsare mostly the same as found in other diction

aries, with the following exceptions. S . stands for Santee Y. for

Yankton and T. for Teton.

The most common definition is placed first.

English- DakotaDictionary

a ,Wa1) wanzi.aliaack,adv. B e

’hta.abandon, vt. Enakiya; ehpeya.abandoned, a. Ehpeyapi ; si’ca.abase, vt. uhukuya.abash, vt. Inihanya.abate, vi . A sniaya. vt. A sni kiya;a’okpaniya.

A bba, n. A te.

abbreviate, vt. Yuptecedan.

abdicate, vi . Enakiya.abdomen, n. Cowohe page.

abduct, vi . Nahman1cu i’nabbe .

abed,adv. Owinzaohna.abet, vt. O’k1

%Vabeyance, oakipe.

abhor, vt. Wahtedasni .abhorrence, n . Wowahtedasni .abide, vi. Un; yanks ; ti owanziun. vt. A kipe.

ability, n. Wowas’ake ;wookihi .abject,a. Wacinyeyesni ; ihanke.

ablnre, vt. WakantankacaZeyanehpeya.ablaze,a. Ide.

able,a. Okihi ; waokihi .ablation, n . Woyuzaiza.ably,adv. Wasagya.aboard,adv. Akan ; o’

pa.abode, n. Ti’pi ; ounyan.

abode, imp . of AB IDE .

abolish, vt. Enakiya.abominable,a. Wahtesni .

abominate, vt. Wahtedasni .aboriginal,a. Otokahe.

aborigines, n . Ikcewicasta.abound, vi . O ’


about,prep . 1 . O’ksan chommabout the house. 2. Ecetu

aboutadozen men . 3. Eciyaetanban on abou t the war.

about, adv. O’ksan ; chomniwi ’yeyaun ikiyedan.

above,prep . Iwankam ; i ’sanpa.above,adv. Wankan ;akantu .

aboveboard,adv. Taninyan.

abreast,a. I'cipatkuh ; iyehan.

abridge, vt. Yuptecena.abroad, adv. Tokan tan’kaya;makoce to’keen.

abrogate, vt. Yuecetu sni.abrupt,a. Ihnuhanto’keca.abruptly,adv. Ihnuhanna.abscess, n . Tonye.

abscond, vt. Nahmaniyaye.

absence, n. 1 . Yokan un aweek’sabsence. 2. Wanica: in theabsence of war.

absent,a. En unsni ; tokan un.

absent, vt. Ihdutokan.

absentminded,a. Kiksuyesni.absolute,a. A ’taya; suta.absolutlon, n. Wakazuzupi.absolve,vt. Kiyuska; ki’cicasuzu .

absorb, vt. Yuhepa; icu ; e’cedan


absorptionabsorption, n . Oyuh epa.abstain, vi. Ihdutokan.

abstinence, n . Ikpatanpi .abstract, vt. Icu ;manon . n. Yucoyaowapi. a. Coyapi ; maphentu .

abstruse,a. Okahnihsi ca.absurd, a. Eyepicasni ; iyecetusni ;wowiha.abundance, n . Wotanton; o’

ta.abundant,a. O '

ta; otanton.

abuse, vt. Sicayakuwa; yasica.n . Sicayakuwapi.abusive,a. Sicayawicakuwaabut, vi . Ipatan han.

abyss, n. Wosbe .

academy, n Woonspetipi ocoka.

accede, vi . Iyowinyan o’stan

iwanka.accelerate, vt. Yuohanko.

accent, vt. Ho ni'naeya; iyapa.

n . Ho iyapapi.accept,vi. Icu ;iyokipi;iyowinyan.

acceptable,a. Iyowicakipi .acceptance, n. Icu ktaeya; woiyokipi.access, n. Oau .

accessible,a. En u’

pi waste.

accession, n. A icage ; o’

papi.accessory,a. O ’kiya.accident, n. Wanuwoakipa.accidental,a. Ecaken ; wanu .

acclamatlon, n. I’

yas’api .acclimate, vt. Makiyokipiya.acclivity, n . Maya.accommodate, vt. Tanyan kuwa;pikiya.accommodating, pa. Wawiyowinyan.

accompaniment, n . Kicica.

accompany, vt. Kici ya.accomplice, n . Kici econ .

accomplish, vt. Yustan ; econ .

accomplishment, n . Woyustan.

accord, vt. Eu . vi . Tawac inwan2 1. n. O ’

wanzma.accordance, n . O

’wanzmaunpi .

according to,prep . Ohnayan.

accordingly,adv. B o’cen ; iyecen .

accost, vi . Ho ’uya.

account, v. To’ketu oyaka; yawa.

n . 1 . Oicazo owapi : you keepthe account. 2. Oyakapi : anaccount of his j ourney. 3. W0

wiyukcan : on no account. 4.

Wowiyunyanpi : of no account.accountable,a. Ohdake kta.accountant, n. Oicazoowa.accouter, vi . Koyagya.accrue, vt, A icaga.accumulate, vt. Mnayan pahi . vi .O

’taaya; wapahi .

accumulation, n . Womnaye .

accuracy, n. Yusnasnieconpi.accurate,a. Wayusnasni .accurately,adv. Yusnasni .accursed, pa. Yasicapi.accusable,a. Iyaonpepica.accusation, n . Woiyaonpa.accuse, vt. Iyaonpa.accustom, vt. Ecewaktakiya.accustomed, pa. Ecewakta.ache, vi . Yazan . n . Woyazan.

achieve, vt. Okihi ; ohiya.achievement, n. Ta’ku okihipi .

acid,a. Shumna; sku ’

ya.acknowledge, vt. Ohdaka; he’


keya.acme, n . In

’kpa.acorn, n . U


acquaint with,vt. 1 . Sdonyekiyaacquaint him wi th thefacts . 2.

Sdonkiya; iyekiya;acquaintedwith each other.

acquaintance, n. Iyekiciyapi .acquainted, pa. Wasdonya.acquiesce, vi . Iyowinkiya.acquire, vi . Kamna; okini ; onspe ; mnayan.

acquired, pa. Onspekiyapi .acquisition, n . Wakamnapi .acquit, vt. Econsniyacopi ; kiyuska; ihunikiya.acquittal, n . Kiyuskapiacre, n . Makaospe .

acrid,a. Pa; ta’ga.

acrimonyacrimony, n . Woyatage;woyasxce.

across, prep . adv. 1 . O’

pta;hdakinyan : go across sweepacross. 2. A kasanpa; I . koakata;ako : he lives across theriver.

act, vt. Eeor) ; ska/ta; vi . Skar) ;aka/ta. n . Woecor) ; wokage .

action, n . Woékiqciye ; ohm] wi

cohan ; waecorjpi.active,a. Mdiheca; ohanko .

activity,n.Womdiheca;ni ’naékar)actor, n. Waecon ; ska’ta.actual,a. Wowicake.

actually,a. A ’wieakeya.actuate, vt. I’yopastaka.acute,a. Pe’

sto ; waciqksapa.adage, n. Ehaqnawicoie .

adapt, vi. Kipiyaka’ga.add, vt. 1 . Yuwitaya: add two

and ten. 2. A ehnaka: I wi lladd my mite.

adder, n . Wamduékaéica. ’

addict, vt. Econsa; eeonkiya.addition, n . Yuwitayapi ; onspaakagapi .additional,a. San’

pa.address,vt. 1 .Wahokonkiya; eeiya: he addressed the p eop le.

2. Oz ’uhaakan own : address

aletter. 3. Kuwa. n . Woowo

hdake ; oz’uhaakan owapi ;

tuktenyeyapi ; wohdakapi en

opiieiyapi ; okiyapi ; wowayupika.adduce, vt. Cai eyata; pazo .

Wayupika.adequate,a. Iyenakeea; iyecetu .

adhere, vi . O ’ha; O '

Skapa; opa.adherent, n. O ’

peyaur) .adhesion, n . Wi’yaskape .

adhesive,a. I’kapa;a’skape .

adieu, n . Wakantankaonsinidamu] .adjacent,a. I’yokihe ; ikiyena.adjective, n. Wocaze o

’kihe .

adioln, vt. I’yokihe m) . vi . I’ciyo

adjourn, vt. Kihnaka; aehnaka;enakiye.

adjudge, vt. Yuhe kta. yaco.

adjudicate, vt. Yaco ; Y. yasu .

adjunct, n. Ta’ku ikoyake .

adjure, vt. Wakantankacai eyaneoiya.adjust, vt. Kipiya.ka’ga.adjustable,a. Piyepica.adjustment, n . Piyapi.adjutant,n . A kicita.o’kibaitarjcax)administer, vt. Econ ; wicaku ;awanyaka; kicanyan.

administration, n . Kieanyanpi .admirable,a. Wastedapi .admirably,adv. Yanyax) .admiral, n . Ozuyewataitancar) .admiration, n . Stedapi.admire, vt. Steda; inihaxj .admissible,a. O ’

peyepiea.admission, n . 1 . O ’

pekiyapi ; en

ukiyapi. 2. He’eetu eyapi .admit, vt. 1 . En iyayeya; o


kiya. 2. Iyowinyan; he’cetu

keya.admittance, n. En ya’pi.admonish, vt. Iwaktaya; wahokorjkiya.admonition, n . Wowahokorjkiya.ado, n. Owodntator] .adopt, vt. Ta’waye ktaicu .

adoption, n. Ciqeayapi ieupi .adorable,a. Ohodapica.adoration, n. Waohodapi.adore, vt. Oboda; wasteda.adorn, vt. Yuwaste ; yuwitax) .adrift,adv. O ’kahbog.

adroit,a. Wayupika; ohanko .

adult, n . Tarj ’ka.

adulterate, vt. He’casm l cahiyapi.adulterer, n . Wawieihahapi econ .

adultery, n . Wawicihahapi .advance, vt. 1 . Iyopteya. advancethe army. 2. Pazo ; yataninadvance the statement. 3. W 111)kan yeya: advance the price.

vi . Iyopta;waukau ya:advancein his studies . a. I’tokam : an

advancedadvancepayment. n .


Woiy0pte;iyaptapi ; tokahax)pi .advanced,paTokahan;wankantn.

advancement, n . Woiyopte.

advantage, n . Wookihi ; v okici

waste . You have theadvantageofme mi

’kapeya.wookihi duha.advantageous,a. Okieiwaste .

advent, n . Hi ; hi kta.adventure, n. Woakipaokokipe.

vt. Kokipe sni shat) .adventurer, n . Wa’kinomani .adverb, n. Wawoyakao’kibo.

adversary, n . To’ka.

adverse,a. Itkom u ; wakipai ix) .adversely,adv. Kipazirjyan.

adversity, n . Wocantesiea.advert, vi. Cai eyata.advertise, vt. Yaotaxjixj . vi . Wayafotarjix) .advertisement,advice, n. 1 . Cinkiyapi ; econsipithe advice of his friends . 2.

Woyakapi ; toketu oyaka: aletter ofadvice.

advisable,a. Econpnyececa.advise, vt. 1 . Cinkiya; econsi

adviseafriend . 2. Okiyaka: Iwilladvise you when I go .

advised, pa. Econsipi : iii-advised.

adviser, n. Tuwo onspekiya.advocate, vt. Ieiya. n. Wawiciya.adz, n . Canicakax) .aerial,a. Tate ohna.aeronaut, n . Wicaétakixjyar) .afar,adv. Te’han .

affable,a. Wohdakesa.affair, n. Wicohaxj ; ta’ku .

affect, vt. Kuwa; kuwakos a;iyokipi ; ececa.affected, pa. Ta’kuieiya; waeirjyuza.affecting, pa. Cantiyowicakisieaaffection, n . Wowacixjyuza.affectionate,a. Waihakta.affectionately,adv. Waihaktaya.affiance, vi. Yu ’

ze ktayustaqpi.affidavit, n. Wowicake wowapi.

affiliate, ‘vt. Om skax) ; kodnya.affinity, n. Woihakta.affirm, vt. He

’cetu eya.affirmation, n. He’

eetu oyapi.affix, vt. Ikoyaka.afflict, vi . Iyokisinya.afflicted,pa. Iyokisica.affliction, n. Woiyokisiea.afflictive,a. Iyokisinyapi.affluence, n. Wowii ice.

affluent,a. Ziea; wiziea.afford, vt. 1 . Iyecen wi’men : Ican’t afi


ord to buy coffee. 2.

Okihi : the good can wellaffordto die. 3. Icahya; yukan the


ordsp lenty of water.

ffray, n . Kieizapi.affright, vt. Yum jyeya.affront, vt. Istanya; ostehda.afire,a. Ide.

afloat,a. Okapota; yukan .

afoot,adv. Huixjym) ; Y. 4' T. ma

kaumoni .afore,prep . I’tokam .

aforesaid,a. I’tokam cateyatapi.afraid,a. Kokipa; wakokipe.

afresh,adv. A kta; piya.A frican, n. Waéicuxjsapa. Y. J

' T.

Ha’sapa.aft,a. Wahektapa.after,adv. prep . 1 . Iyohakamafter supp er. 2. Wi ’cihakamI stood after him. 3. Huwe ;Y. biyo goafterwater. 4 . 0 1]inquired after you . After all,un

’haqketa; he’easta.

afterbirth, n. Tamni.afternoon, n . Wi’cokayasanpa.afterwards,adv. Iyohakam.

again,adv. A ke ;akeé ; is. A gainandagain,akihdehde.

against,p rep . 1 . Itkom; i’tkokim

go against. 2 . A kan ; kaseyaiyam dashedagainst the rocks.

3. Ipatan lean i tagainst thewall . 4 . wi ’yeya: toys laidup against Christmas. A gainsteach other, k i

’c ipat i tan.

alive, a. Ni ; te’éni ; mdiheca;

itkon;a’tayaskanakan .

alkali, n. Cahotahanpi.all, a. 1 . Owasin T. oyasin;iyuhpa, T. s Yt iynhynha: allmen . 2. Ihuniyan: all the way.

3. A’taya: all the

all,adv. A ’taya. A llalong, ihun

niyan .—A ll but fell, owateca

hinhpaye ktatka.—A tall, ecaca.—A llforp lay,ska’tapi e ’


den—A ll ofasudden, ihnu

hanna.—A ll over,a’tayaihuni .—A ll the same, to'keenForall that, he'casts .

allay, vt. Yuasni .allege,vt. Eyas iyaonpa;ca2eyata.allegiance, n. 1hakam 111)

pi .

allegory, n. Wi’yacinpi .alleviate, vt. Yuaokpani onspa.yuwaéte .

alley, n. Otonwe eanku cis’tina.

alliance, n . Wodakota.allied, pa. Odakonkieiyapi .alligator, n. A hdeskatanka.allot, vt. Kn ; ikiyuta.allotment, n. Ta’ku ku ’

pi ;mekocaikieiyutapi.allow, vt. 1 . Iyowinkiya: no smokingallowed. 2. Kn :allows goodwages. 3. Keein: Iallow hewas

allowable,a. Iyowinyepiea.allowance, n. Ku '

pi iyowinyanpi.all-round,a. Ecaowancaya.allude, vi . Kn.

allure, vt. Iyutanye ; hman ’ge .

allusion, n. Waca2eyatapi .alluvium, n. Makikeeka.ally, n. Kici ti ’dan ; ookiye . rt.

Wodakotaki ’caga.aimanac, n. Wiyawapiwowapi.almighty,a. Iyotanwaéaka.almond, n. Yahugapiwankadanalmost, a. I


kiyedan; owateca;iénikaes.

aims, n. Wahpanicataku kupi.‘aloft,adv. Wanken .

ambition, n. Ohiyyewaeinpi .ambitious,a. Ohiyewacin.

ambulance, n. Canpahmihmawayazankatoksu .

ambush, n. Iyawicapepi.ameliorate, vt. Yuwaste .

amen, it . He'cetu nunwe.

amenable,a. Ihukuya. un.

amend, vt. Piya. yuwaste .

alone,a. adv. Isnana; eeedan.

along,adv. prep . IyOpta; ohna.A long by, kabda.—A long wi th,kiei ; ko

ya.alongside,adv. I’askim.

aloof,adv. I’tehan; tokan .

aloud,adv. Taninyan;ho’tankaya.

aiph bet, n. Oowa;a-b-c .

already,adv. Wanna;e’eswanna.

also,adv. com. Nakun .

altar, n. Wa’hnawosnapi ; T. we’

gnawa yanpi ; oyanke.

alter, vt. utokeca; vi . To’ke

caaya.alteration, n. Yutokeeapi.alternate,a. Unman itogto :alternate stripes. vi . Unman itogtoshan ’

pi day alternates wi th

night. n. B ’ekiyaye kta.alternately,adv. Unman itogto.

although, corg’

. Esta; Y. esa;keyas.

altitude, n. Wankantuya. 1

alto, n. Win’

yanho o’kibo.

altogether,adv. Owasin wi’tayaa'taya'


aium, n. be2uta2an2an seea.always,adv. Ohinni . A lways thesame

, o’hinni he

’cetuwan2ica.am, v. Istp ers. sing. of BE.

amass, vt. Pahi .amateur, a. 81 n. Woihaktaonkuwa.amaze, vt. Inihanya.amazement, n . Wowinihan.

amazingly,adv. Wowinihanyan.

ambassador, n. Oyateyeéipi .ambiguous,a. Ta’ku ka’pi tanin

amendsamends, n. Piyapi ;woka2u2u .

American,n. Isantanka; Y.Mi’nahanska.amiable,a. Tawacinwaste.

amicable,a. Waihakta.amicably,adv. Iyokipiya.amid,p rep . E’hna; cokaya.amidst, prep . E'hnaeokaya.amiss, adv. a. e

'cetu sni ;


amity, n. Wowsétekiciyapi.ammunition, it. 10 211 .among,amongst, prep . E’hna; Y.

e’kna; T. e

gla; a'kipam ;o'

poya.amorous,a. Waeantiheye.

amount,a. To’nakeea;


pi ; to'ken ka'pi. vi . yobi ; ka.ample, a. Otankaya; 1yohihca;


ta.amply,adv. Tanyehea.amputate, vi. Bakes ; 1111 bakes .

amuse,vi. Magagaya; ihaya;wi'hahaya.amusement, n. Womagaga.an,a. Wan; wan2i .analogous,a. Iyeeeea.anarchy, n. Woope waniea.anathema, n. Woyaéica.anatomy, n. Wieataneanwoonspe.


anchor, n. Ma'A


ggspeyapi : wat

ioseps. vt. eya.ancient, a. Ehanna; wanaka2a.n. Ehannawicasta.and,conj . Ks ; ea; T. na: un ’han ;T. yun

'han ; nakun .

anecdote, n. Woyakapi.anewadv. Piya; te’ca.angel, n. Mahpiyaohnihde wahosiyewakan.

anger, n. Wocanniye ; woeanze.

vt. Canzeya.angle, n. Okahmin. vi . Ho’

psica.angry,a. Canniyan; canze ; woanguish, n. Woiyokiéice.

animal, n. Wamakaskan; (small

antipathyanimals) watntka; (ruminating) woteea.animate, vt. Niya; m

kiya yu

niya;mdihenya. a.animated,pa. Ni ;mdiheca.animosity, n. Wahtekicidapi sni.animus, n. Co ta’kn ka’piankle, n. Iskahn.

annals,n. Woyakapi : o’makaoyakapi .annex,vt A ehnaka, onspaakaga.n A kaéapiannexation, n. Ikoyagyapi .annihilate, vt. A taknnisniya;owihankeys .

anniversary, n. Wokiksnye anpetn ; o

'makaiyehantn .

nounce, vi. Yaotanin.

annonncement, n. Yaotaninpinoy, vt. Nagiyeyakisdeya.noyance, n. Wonagiyeya.annual,a. O’makaiyohi ; o'makawan2i.annuity, n. Wopamni ; o

’mahaiyohi ta'ku kn ’

pi .

annul, vt. Ynecetnsni .anoint, vi. Sdakiya.anomalous,a. To’keen.

anon,adv. Eeana; to’kesta.anonymous,a. wanica.another,a. To’keen;wan2i to ’keen.

answer, vt. 1 . A yupta: Iwillanswer. 2. 1yehantu ; ecetu : the

housewi llanswer. n. Woayupte.

answerable,a. A yuptepica;wawiwangap1 kta.ant, n. Ta2nska.antarctic,a. O ’kah ihanke.

anteater, n. Ta2nskayu 'ta.

antecedent, n. Otokahe .

antelope, n. Tatokadananthem, n. Odowanhan ’

ska.anti prefix . Kipa2in.

antic, h Wowihaoecon.

anticipate, vt. I’tokam awacinkeein; he a.antidote, n. osicakte .

antipathy, n.Wahtedasni.

antiquated,a. Wicohanehanna.antique,a. Ebenan hoa.antler, n. He’

ynhaha.anvil, n. Ma’zaahdehe.

anxiety, n. Woeantesicacantahdepi ; ni


anxious,a. Cantesieaui’nacin

any,a. 1 . Tn’we ; tu’wo kast-a

anyman. 2. Once any sugar.

3. Tnkte : any damage. advOnge ; on

’apa.anybody, p ron. Tn’we ; Wieasta.anyhow,adv. To’ketukasta.anyone, pro. Tn’wekasta.anything, p ro. Ta’kukasta.anyway,adv. To’ketukasta.anywhere,adv. Tuktentnkasta.anywise,adv. To’ketnkasta.apace,adv. D118 ; ohanko. 1

apart,adv. Kinnkan tokan yu

apartment, n. Ti’pionspa.apathy, n. Waawaeinpisni .ape, n . Wannca: T. heolela. vt.


aperture, n . Ohdoka; T. ohloka.apex, n. In



Iyohi kinahan.

apologize, vi . Ohdaka; ioiyaicantesicaohdaka.apostate, n . Wowieadanu ’

ui .

am“.vt Tansasteyaappfl llnx.paWoyuéinyano

apparatus, n . Ienwa.apparel, n . Heyake ; Y. bayakeT. hayapi .apparent, a. Tanin ; se'ea.apparently,adv. S e’eceea.apparition, n. Wanaigi.peal, vi . 1 . Tokan ye kta: Iapp eal to Caesar. 2. Da; icekiya: Iappealforaid. 3. Iyo

hiya. the callappeals to everyheart. 4. :Cazeyataappeal to

approbationappear. in Taninyan 11 ; twintaniniciyaso


appearance, n. Owanyake ; taninta’kn tanin en h1

appease, vt. A snikiya;ash iyanappendix, n. Ihanke ka’gapi.appertain, vi . En ikoyake ta’waappeti

ytz;n. Wocantahde ;doc iaappetizing,pa. On‘


applaud, vi. Yatan i’

yakis’a.applause, nn. Woyatan.

apple, n. Taepan taspantanka.

apfplfple of the eye, istasn .

cabb ,le a. Unpica; enanpicaDa, wicohanda.application, n. 1 . Da, da’pi woapp lication was re

j ected. 1 . Waehnakapi asoftapp lication. 3. Ta’kn 1yowa2athe app lication of the sermon.

4 . Waawacinpi : closeapp lication.

apply, applied, vt. A ehnaka; e’hnaka; a’ya; en yeya. vi .

1 . Da; eciya. 2 . Iyowa2a;ki i ; kapi.appo nt, vt. Kahniga econsi ;ka’ga; o’hde. vi . Wakonza.appointment, n. 1 .

2. Ta’kn econ ktaeyapi. 3.

Icnwa; heyake.

apportion, vt. Pamni .appraise, vt. Tohautu yawa.appreciate,vt Pida,Wankan

can; wasteda.appre end, 2.

Tehi ktaecin ikOpa. . Y11’

2 11 ; Y. oyuspa.apprehensive,a. Waawacin Wi’

kOpa.apprentice, n. Wowasi onspeki

yapi.apprise, vt. Iwaktaya.approach, vt. Ikiyedann on i

knwa. n. Ki adan n oenape.

approbation, n . efi ’cetndapi.

appropriateappropriate, vt. 1 . A ehnaka: appropriate money for Indians .

2. 1kikcn ; ta’waktaicn . a.Iyehantn ; okiwaste .

approval, n. I ecetn da’pi.approve, vt. e

’cetn da yutan

in ; waste ihdntaninapproximate,a. Ikiyedan. v. Iki

yedar) 1 9A pril, n. Wi’itopa Magaokadawi WatOpapiwi.apron, n. Maknakahpe; T.makna

apt, a. 1 . We.yupiks wacinksapaohanko. . ficee sa.aptitude, n. Wookihi.

aptly,adv. Waynpiya.aquatic,a. Mini .arable,a. Wo2npiwaste.

A rapahoe, n. Mahpiyato.

arbitrary, a. Iyetokencin econ ;snta; tchike .

arbitrate, vt. Woakinicayaco.

arbor, n . Canwapatipi.arc, n. Canhdeskaonspa.arch, n. Mibeyaawakeyapi.arch,p refix. Itenean .

archer, n. Wanyeya.architect, n. Tical‘1Wiynkcan.

archive, n . Wowapi omnaye.

arctic,a. Waziyataihanke.

ardent,a. Wohitika; ka’taardor, n. Womdiheca.arduous,a. Tehika; wakitan.

are, zudpars. sing. andp lur. ind.

of BB .

area, n. Oigtéte oyenke.

argue, vt. ’kecaeyaka iaaki

nica.argument, n. To'ken onetanhanhe


arid,a. Waicage sni,aright,adv. Tanyan .

arise, vi . Hinapaicagaina2in.

aristocratic,a. Wahan1c1da.arithmetic, n. Wayawapi.ark, n. Noah tawata; wa’ta;kokawakan .

arm, n . Isto ;adetka; Wi ’pe. v.

Wi"peton Wi ’pe kn .

armin n . Istoo2udan.

armless,a. Istowanica.armor, n. Ozaye heyake.

ory, n. Wi’petipi.pit, n. Doksi ;a.army, n. Ozaye ;akicita.aroma, n. Koumna.

around, adv. prep . O’ksanohomni ; ko damniyan a’kibeya.arouse, vt. Ynhica; i' opastaka.arraign, vi. Iyaonpa; aka.arrange, vi . Tanyan e

’hnaka;piya. vi . Waynstan; piiciya.arrangement, n. Oehnake.

array, vt. 1. E’hde ; koyagya.arrear, n. Iyohisni .arrest, vt. Kaska; oynspa;anaptana’2inkiya.arriv n. Hi ; ehani ; tu ’

v e hi.arrive, vi . Hi ; hihnni ; ehani.arrogant, a. A okahyaskan wahanicida.arrow, n. Wanhinkpe ; wan.

arrowhead, n . Wanhi.arson, n. Tiideyapi.art, zud ers. sing . of B B . U1) .art, n. oonspe.

artery, n. We’kandns iyapa.artesian,a. Minibosdi .

artichoke, n. Pangi.article, n. Oca2e ; iapi ;aehnakapi iapi.artéiulate, vt. E’

napeya; o’kiba

1 888 .

artifice, n. Wowaynpika.

artificial,a. Ka’gapi.artillery, n. Ma’zakantanka.artist, n . Wakahwaynpika.artless,a. Wahanicidasni.as, adv. coni. 1 . Iyecen : asgoodas, iyecen waste . 2 . To’

ken : as I do, so he does 3.

He’casome animals are cun

ning,as the fox. 4 . Icnnhanas we were riding home. 5.

Keyas bad as he is. 6 . Nakaes : as he is little

,he can

p lay. A s for, e’kes.

—A s if,oras though, iyecen . A s yet,nahanhin dehanyan.

ascend, vt. Wankan ya;adi .ascending,pa. I’tanwankanhdeaiyakapteya.ascension, n. Iyakaptapi ; wankanyapi.ascent, n. Oiyakapte ; wankanyapi .ascertain, vi. Sdonya.ascribe, vt. Ki’ciyawa; kn .

ash, n. Pseh ’tin.

ashamed, a. Isteca.ashes, n. p l. Cahota.ashore,adv. Hen ; hntata.ashy,a. Cahotase.

aside,adv. Icunom ; tokan .

ask, v. 1 . Da; kida. Heaskedadime

,kaspapi wan2i da. He

asked him for .adime, kaspapiwan2i kida. 2. Iwanga. He

asked him the road cankniwanga. 3. Kieo ; usi heaskedhim to dinner.

askance, adv. Hdakinyan.

askew, adv. Hminyan.

aslant,adv. Nakeya.asleep, a. Istinma.asleep . sihatatake.

asp, n. Wamduska.aspect, n. Owanyake .

aspen, n. Wahcinca.asperity, n. Ohanksizeca.asperse, vt. Yasihtin.

aspirant, n. A kita; cin.

aspirate,a. Oowaoniyam’ca.

aspiration, n. Cantiheyapi .aspire, vi. Akita; kuwa; cin.

aspiring, pa. Wankantuwacin.

ass, n. Son’sonnahca.assail, vt. Iyahpaya;aia.assassin, n. Tin ’

wicakte .

assault, vt. Takpe ; natan .

assemblage, n . Omniciye.

assemble, vt. Mni ’ciya.

The foot


assembly, n. Omniciye.

assent, vi . He’cetndaeya.assert, vt. Eya; kitan .

assertion, n. Ta’kn eya; iapi.assess, vt. Woynhaowa.assessor, n . OWicawa.assets, n . Ka2n2n ktahna’ka.assiduous,a. Wakitanpi .assign, vt. On kahniga; e

’kic i

hnaka; kn.

assignation, n. Wicakupi.assimilate, vi. Ta’waiciyaka’ga.assist, vt. O ’kiya.assistance, n. Wookiye ; o

’kiyapi .

assistant, n. Ookiye.

associate, vt. Ynokonwan2ina; kici un; kodnya. n . Kicica.association, n. Kodakiciyapi;o’ko

dakiciye : Young M en'

s A sso


assort, vt. Obe ecekeen e’hnaka.

assortment, n . Oca2e ; oca2e ece


assuage, vi . Ynasni ; yuhnknya.vi . Knn ya;asni.assume, vt. Icn ; he

’cetn yawa;

kon ’za.

assurance, n. YnW icakapi ; a'


cakeyasdonyapi .assure, vt. A’Wicakehan Sdonye

kiya; ecetukiya.assuredly,adv. A ’Wicakehan.

astern,auv. Wahektapa; he’kta.astir,a. Skanskan.

astonish, vt. Ynsinyeya.astonishing, pa. Woyuéinyaye .

astound, vt. Tansagteya.astounding,a. Wowinihan.

astray,adv. Onnniyan; nn ’ni .

astride,adv. A kamdas.

astringent,a. Pa; ta’ga.astronomy, n. Wicanhpi woonspe.

astute,a. Ksa’pa; wakcanka.asunder,a. Ynkinnkanasylum, n. Wicaonsikatipi ; W0Winapetipi.at, p rep . Ekta; iyehan . He is

at the river, wakpaektann.


I will comeat noon, Wi'cokaya

iyehan wan kta.A t all

, ecaca. — A i hand,

ikiyedan.—A t last


’hanketa.— A i least



dan.—A t your service, Wi


,iyohi ; yn

’za.— Runat


anatan .

ate, imp . of EA T, yu'ta.

atheist, n. Ta’knwakan wanicakecinathirst,a. I’pnzaathletics, n . Tanoan kaonspepi.‘athwart, p rep . Hdakinyan.

atlas, n. Makoce owapi .atmosphere, n. Tate.

atom, n. Wokpena.atone, vt. Ka2n2n ; ecetnya.atrocious,a. N ’inasi’ca.attach, vt. Ikoyagya; a’skamya.A ttach to

,ikoyaka; iyayuha;

ihakta.attack, vt. A natan ; kuwa; kipa2in. n . Wonatan.

attain, vt. Iyohi.attainment, n. Woonspe okihi .

attempt, vt. Iyuta; econuts . n.

Econntapi .attend, vi . 1. Kici ya; o

paattend the king ; attend the

meeting. 2. Kuwa; en e’wa

cin attend to your lessons.

attendance, n . O’

papi ; en hi’pi.attendant, n . Tn’

we o'

pa; kicica.attention, n . Tinsaawacinpi.attentive,a. Waawacin.

attest, vt.a icaka.attic, n. Tice ; wankantipi.attire, vt. Koysha; kicnn. n.

Wokoyake ; hayake.

attitude, n. Piiciyapi ; puciyaattorney, n. WaaiaWicasta.attract, vi. Yntitan iyntanye.

attraction, n. Woyntitan.

attractive,a. IyutanWicaya; Wi ’ciyokipi.

attribute, n. Ohan ; ta’ku ta’wakiyapi ; (Gram. ) Wi


averseattribute, vt. Enai ; kn.

attune, vt. Ho i ’c1yokipiya.auburn,a. $11. g1 ; sass .

auction, n. Pan’Wiyopeyapi.

audacious, a. Ta’kndanohodasni.audible,a. Tanin .

audience, n. Nahonyankapi ; omniciye ; wonahon.

audit, vt. He ’cetn keya.auditorium, n. Omniciyetipi .auger, n . Caniynmni . T. Cani


aught, n. Ta’ku kasta.augment, vt. Yutanka.augur, vi. A yata.august,a. Okinihan.

A ugust, n. Wi’isahdogan; WasntonWi.aunt, n. TonWin; (if mother


sister) ina.auspices, n. p l. Woawanyake.

auspicious,a. Owastecaka.austere,a. Ke ’

za; ksizeca.authentic,a. Wicaka.authenticate, vt. Yuwicaka.author, n. Ka’ga; tu ’

we ka’ga.authority, n. Wowas’ake.

authorize, vt. Wowas’ake kn .

autobiography, n . Oniohdaka.autocrat, n. Ta’waiciyaitenean .

autograph, n. Ca2e oiciwa.autonomy, n . Oyate 1snaihdnhapi.autumn, n. Ptanyetn .

auxiliary,a. Waokiya. n. Ookiye .

avail, vt. Okiciwaste ; kicnn; iyo

avail, n . Wi’yokihi . A vails,Wo

kamna.available,a. Icnpica; nnpica.avalanche, n. Ca’gakasdnta.avarice, n. Watehindapi.avaricious, a. Woynhacantahde.

avenge, vt. Watokicon.

avenue, n. Cankn ; otonwecankn .

aver, vi. Wowicake eya.average, vt. Yuocokaya. a. Ocokaya; ecee. n. Cokaya.averse,a. Iyokipisni .

aversionaversion, n. Wowahtedasni .avert, vt. Yntokanaviary, n. Z itkadantipi .avidity, n . Wocantahde.

avocation, n. Wicohan.

avoid, vt. t omui ya; econ sni .avouch, vi. Wowicake eya.avow, vt. Ohdaka.

avowed, pa. Taninyan oyakapi.await, vt. A kipa.awake, awoke, vi . Ynhica. vi .

Kikta; mdes’hinhda. a. Kikta


fken, vt. Ynhics .

awakening, n. Woyuhics .

award, vt. Kn ; woohiye kn ;Woohiye ; ta’ku kn ’

pi.aware,a. Sdonya; wakts .

away,adv. Tokan ; to ’kiya; he ’

cetnwan2ics . Runaway, tokaniyaya, naz1ca. S ing away,dowan yanks . Work away,he’

cetnwsn2icaecon . A way

Baal, n. An’


babble, vi . Isa: hmnnhmnn.

babbler, n. l es’a.babe, n . HoksiyOpa. Y. B oksicopa. T. Hoksicala.

Babel, n . Iapiota.baboon, n . Wannee .

baby, n. Hoksiyokopa. a. Cis’ti na. vt. HoksiyOpskiya.

bab sh,a. Hoksiyopsseca.bachelor, n. To’hinni taWicntonam.

back, n. Tapete ; T. tspetu ; cankahn . L ie on your back, itnnksm yanks .

back,a. Heyata; i ’sinysn; he ’

kta.back, vt. 1 . He’kts iyayeys backthe horse. 2. Nakici2in back

12 backwater

acandidate . 3. Csnkahn ki'

caga: backabook. 4 . A ksn

owa: backaletter. adv.He’kts ;icicaWin; heysta.

backache, n. Cankshnyszsn.

backbite, vt. Nahmanayahtaka.backbone, n . Cankshn .

backdown, n . Enakiya.backer, n. Nakici2in.

backfire, n . Kokam ideyapi.background, n. I’sinyan; be’hta.backhanded,a. He

'ktaitoheya.backing, n. Nakici2inpi.backset, n. He ’ktaiwanka.backside, n. Nite ; onze.

backslide, vi . He’ktaiyaya.backward, adv. He ’kta. a. Hektann hun

’kesni .

backwater, n. Minitsnmini.

back, ehanna. A way with


tokan a’ya. Do away with,

or make away wi th, aynstankiya; ihangya. Right away,katinvanawe, vi. Yns1nyeya. n. Woyusinyaye .

awestruck,a. Inihan.

awful, a. Wowinihan °


tonpe ; okokipe .

awfully,adv. Wowinihanyan.

awhile,adv. Ki’tannate’han .

awkward, a. Waonspekesni ; e ’

cipe sni ; to’ketn tanin sni .

awl, n. Tahinspa.awning, n. Minihuhsohsnzi .awoke, imp . of AWAKE.

ax, n. Onspe ; mazonspe .

axiom, n . Ecawowicake .

axis, n. A ynhomn ipi .axle, n. t dakinysn.

aye, n. Han; ho .

azure,a. To ; mahpiyato.

yapi. vt. Nataka; anapta;kagiyakago.

barb, n . Keze ; Ope ; ohci.barbarian, n. IkceWicasta.barbariam, n. Ikceonn.

barbarity, n. Wowaoneidasniwicohan .

barbarous,a. Ikceka; to’keca.barhacue, n. Iheewonmniciyapi.barbed,a. Pepe ; pe ; pe’


barber, n . Putinhinkssan.

bard, n. Odowanikcekaga.bare,a. 1 . Sda: bare ground. 2 .

Tsncodsn barefeet. 3. E’ce

clan ; nspinyun co’dan : wi th

bare hands . vi. Sdayaehpeya.bareback,a. Akin co


barefaced,a. Istecesni .barefoot,a. S icodan.

barely,adv. Kitanyan iynsoyah .

bargain, n. Woeconynstanpi ;W 0kamna. vt. Ynstan : bargainaway, Wi’yopeya. Bargainfor,Opeton.

barge, n . Wa’tasicnmdaska.bark, vi. Pa’pa; pa. n. Pa’pi .bark, n. Canha. vi. Canhaynhmbark, n. Wi’tawata.barley, n . Wayahotahinsma.barn, n . Wannyanpitipi.barnyard, n. Wannyanpionaz1n.

barrack, n . A kicitatipi.barrel, n. Kokapahmihma; ma’

zakanohdogeca.barren,a. Waicagesni ; cincawames .

barricade, vt. Nataka. n. Wonataka.

barrier, n. Con’kaske ; wokagi.

barroom, n. Miniwakanhde 'pi .barrow, n. Kuknse snsu wanica.rter, vt. Tokiyopeya.rytone, n. Wicaho ocoka.

basal,a. Kn'ceyedan; hn’


base, 71. Hn’te ; hntkan; ons2in.

a. Kn ’ceyedan ta’kntaninsni ;


baseball, n. Takapapi.


baseless,a. Eu’tenica; ituya.

basely,adv. Itnys ; sicaya.basement, n. Tihute .

baseness, n. Wowshtesni .

bashful,a. Wi’stecs .

basin, n. 1 . Wakelon ; uspo2n2a.2. Makoce oskokpa.

basis, n. Hn’te ; oahehde.

bask, vi . Kaniciya.basket, n. MskanOpiye ; cohwan2icawoknake ysn

’kapina.bass, n. Waksdsnhiynzspi.bass, or base, n . Hoknya.bassviol, n. Canpakinzspitanka.basswood, n. B in ’

tacan .

bastard, n. aecincataninsni ;wohnaye .

haste, vt. 1 . I’had kagege. 2 .

Wopssnon inn.

bastile, n. Con’kaske .

bat, n. 1 .aahuwakihdakenaabat canfly. 2 . TakicapOpeabaseball bat. 3. Oape :abaton the head. vt. A pa; ta’paspa.

batch, n. Okahwanzma; opahi.bath, n. Ihdn2a2api ; niwanpi.bathe, c l . Yuia2a; spa’yeya.baton, n. Can’hpi.

battalion, n. A kicitaOptaye tanks .

batten, n. Canmdaskasbn ’ns . vt.


batter, n. A guyapicocoyapi. vt.

A papa; kahnhuga; bomdecs .

battery, n. Waapapi ; ma’zakantanks otawaksnhdioksge.

batting, n. Ta’hcahinkakcapi.battle, it. Okicize ; akicitakicizapi. vi. Kiciza; kici econ .

bauble, n. Ta’kush i ; Wi ’napiskanye.

bawl, vi . Ho’tanksceya; pan.

bay,a. Hin ’sa; Y. J; T. Hinik

ceka. n . Mde ’calimin; sun’

kahoton. A t bay, oyanke i ’tehan.

bayonet, n . Ma’zakanhi .

bayou, n. Mdecahmin.

bazaar, n. Maz0piyedan.

be, am, is, was, vi . 1 . U1) ; ni .

Iam,Wann .

—Youare, yann .

—He is, nn. 2. A s s copulative and auxil iary, it is not

expressed. You are fat, ni

ceps .—B e i t so


Let i t be, ayustsn.

beach, n. Hnta;miniwancahnta.beacon, n. Wowakts ; pe ’

ta.bead,n . Totodan;sipto wanapin.

beak, n. Pasn ; zitkapasn.

beam, vt. 1’2an2an ; iyoysnpa. n.

1yo2an2an; can’ihnpa.bean, n . Omnica.bear, bore, vi. 1 . Yuhs ; tonhe bore i t on his head ; she bore

twins. 2. Icahya: that tree

bearsapp les. 3. Econ ; yustanbear the expenses. 4 . Patanynza: bear down. vi . A hdaskin wanka; patsnynza; iyowinyan. Bearahand, o

’kiya.—B ear of ,

tokan ya. B eardate

,Wiyawapi ka’gapi . —B ear

wi th, iyowinyan.

bear, n. Mato . B lack bear,wa

hanksica. Grey bear, matohots ; sakehanska.

beard, n. Pntinhin; iknhin.

i’tkokipa.bearer, n . Ynha;a’ye .

bearing, n . 1 . Ynhapi : bearingof children . 2. Oihdnhe his

bearing. 3. Oiyahde ; ta’kn iyowa2a in all i ts bearings. 4 .

Wowacintanks .

beast, n. WahntOpa; wotere .

beastly,a. Wotecase ; sl ’ca.beat, vi . 1 . A pa; iyapa; kasuén2a. 2 . Kapa;kte’dan Henrybeat. B eatadrum, cehkabn .

—B eat back,anspta.

beat, n. Oape ;apapi ; oomani.beaten,a. Nasntapi ; ke’

zs .

beau, beaux, n . KoskaWi ’tantar)koskawaste.


15 beef, beeves

beauteous,a. Waste oiyokipi .

beautiful, a. Waste ; tanwasteowsnyagwaste.

beautifully,adv.aiya.beautify, vi.aaste .

beauty, n. WOWanyakewaste ; tuWe owanyagwaste.

beaver, n . Ca’pa.becalm, vt. Yuamdakedan.

became, imp . of BECOME .

because,adv. Nakas ; he ’onetan

han. Y. Dakas ; canke.

beck, n. Wi’kiyntapi .beckon, vi. Wi’kiynta;koza.

becloud, vi. Ynstsninsni.

become, vi . Icaga;a'ya; iyayathe boy becomes aman . Whatbecame of, to

’kahon. vt. Ki’

ciwaste ; iyokipi ; iyecetn : abecoming hat.

bed, n. 1 . Owi1)2a; tnkten 1stinmapi ; owanka: go to bed ; abed of coal. 2 . Wo2upi owanka,abed of roses. 3. Ohnawanka;sicn ; o2uha: the bed of the

river. B ed-fast, to’hinni na’2in Sui . Bed-fellow, kici 18

tinma.bedaub, vt. A kastaka.bedazzle, vt. Istosnisys .

bedbug, n . WamdnskaSass .

bedding, n. Owin2a.bedeck, vt. Inkiys .

bedew, vi. Aouya.bedim, vt. Ynataninsni .hedlam, n. Hnaskinyanpi.bedridden,a. Na’2in sni 11n.

bedroom, 71. 1stinmatipi.bedside,a. Owankaicahda.

bestead, n . Ohehdepi ; owanka.bedtick, n . Owin2ao2nha.

bedtime, n. Wan’kapi iyehantn .

bee, n. 1 . Tnhmags the bee

makes honey. 2 . Omniciyeaquilting bee.

beech, n . Utuhu haska.beef, beeves, n . Tado ; tatenka


beefsteak 16

comes : tender beef. B eef cattle,tatankatadoyapi kta.

beefsteak, n. Tado cegngnyapi .beehive, n. Tnhmsgatipi .bee-line, n. Cankn owotanna.been, pp . of BE.

beer, n. Minitahton.

beeswax, n. Tuhmagaibdi .beet, n. Pangisasa.beetle, n. 1 . Tapopnska. 2. Caniyapetsnka.

befall, vt. A kipa; iyahdeyabefit, vt. Iyokipi ; iyecetn .

befog, vt. Poya; wacinhnuniya.before, p rep . I

’tokam ; i

’kokam .

B efore long, ecadan. B eforenight, htayetn i’tokam . adv.

1’tokam ; tokaheya.beforehand,adv. 1’tokam . a. Oicihi ; wayuha.

befriend, vt. Kodays ; o’kiya.beg, vt. Da; kids ; icekiya. vi .

Wada; wacekiya. I beg you,ce

’ciciya. Come begging, ti

matahi. To beg Iamashamed,wadapi imasteca.

began, imp . of BEGIN.

begot, imp . of BEGET.

beget, vt. Ka’ga; leahys .

beggar, n. Wadasa; on ’s1ka.

beggarly, a. On’sika; ta’kusni .

beggary, n. Wowshpam’

ca.begin, vi. Tokaheyaecon ; tokahan; watokahsn. I t begins to

rain, wannamaga2u . He

can’t begin to runas fast, iyowas in’

yankaokihi sni .beginner, n . Nakahs econ .

beginning, it . Otokahe .

begone, inte1j . Iyaya; kihda.begot, imp . of BEGE'I‘.

begrudge, vt. Kon.

beguile, vt. Hna’ysn iyntanye.

behalf, n. On etanhan.

behave, vi. Piiciya; ohanyan.

behavior, n . Ohsnye ; woecon.

behead, vt. Ps ’baksa.behest, n. Oie .

bend, bent

behind, prep . Iheyata; ihektamihakam. adv. He’kta.

behindhand,a. He’ktann.

behold, vt. Wanyaka. vi . A hitonwan.

beholden,a. Yn ’zapi ; ica2 0pi.

beholder, n. Wawanyaka.behoove, vi. Iyececs .

being,ppr. of BE.

being, it . oni .

belated,pa. Te’han ihnnibelch, vt. Poh hiynya.beleager, vt. t omniya.belfry, n. Hda’hdatipi.belle

,vi . Ecen eye sni ; ecetnye

em .

belief, n. Wowicada; wicadapi ;to

’ken kecinpi.

believe, vt. Wicada; swscin ke


believer, n. Wicada; o’

ps .

belittle, vt. Yataknnisni .bell, n. Ma’zahdahda; hda’hda.belie, n. Wiwaste itenean .

belligerent,a. Okicize.

bellow, vi . Hoton ; bn .

bellows, n . Tstekaga.belly, n . Nige ; ikpi ; tezi.belong, vi . Ti oyanketawa.belong to, vi . en ikoyaka.belonging, n. Ta’kn ta’ws .

beloved,a. Wastedspi .below, prep . Ihnknys ; i


adv. Kn ’

ya; o’kah .

belt, n. Ipiyaka.bemoan, vt. A ceys .

bench, n. Can’akanyskapi han'ska:ahnapa2ipapi ;wsyacopi;pahahepiyaomdaye.

bend, bent, vt. Yuksan ; yuks12a;ain2a; y n h om n i ; ynksaskan ; e cedsnawacin. B endthe ear

,anagoptsn. B end the

grass, pez1 kawin2a. vi . Ksan ;kssnye . n. Ipaksan oynksan.

Inside the bend, okahmin.

Outside the bend, ipnsi . Onebend

,o’hs wan2i.

beneathbeneath,prep . Ihnknys . adv. Kn’

ya° bukuya.benediction, n . Woyawaste .

benefaction, n. Wowaste Wicohanbeneficence, n. Wowaonsida.beneficent,a. Waonsids .

beneficial,a. Waynwsste waste .

beneficiary, n . O’kiyapi.

benefit, vt. O’kiya; ynwaste .

benefit, it. Wookiye ; wowaste.

benevolence, n . Tanyan wacinkic iyuzspi ; wowaonsida.

benevolent,a. Tanyanwacinynza°

wacantkiya.benighted,a. A okpasyann.

benign,a. Wacantkiys .

benignant,a. Waynwaste .

bent, imp . of BEND .

bent,pa. Ksan en ihdntitan.

bent, n. Wocanteyuza.benumb, vt. Kiksnyesniya.bequeath, vt. A ihpekiya.bequest, n . Woaihpeye.

bereave, bereft, vt. Ki ; e’

yaka.bereavement, n. Wahpaniyspi .berry, n. Wasknyeca;an .

berth, n. Owanka.beseech, vt. Ce

’kiya; da.beset, vt. A n s2in kuwa;aohdnteya; 2n.

beside, p rep . Kabda; icahda;isakim. adv. Ikiyedan; icahda.

besides,p rep . 4°adv. Iakam ; icnn

om ; ko’kte ;ahna.

besiege, vt. A onawicataka.besmear, vt. A kastska.besom, n. Wi ’cahinte .

besotted, pa. Itomni .

besought, imp . of BESEECH.

bespatter, vi. A kastanstan .

bespeak, vt. Iwahoya; ioiya.bespoke, imp . of BESPEAK.

best, a. Iyotsnwaste. n . Tukte

iyotanwaste . adv. Wakapeya;iyotan ° itancanyan.

bestial,a. Wotecase .

bestir, vt. A iciciya; mdiheiciys .


bestow, vt. Kn ; e’hnaka.

bestride, vt. A kamdasna’bet, vt. Yekiya. n . Ta’ku yekiyapi ; kaskapi.

betoke, vi. Iyaya; inanpa.bethel, n . Owacekiyatipi.bethink, vt. Kiksnya; swac in.

betide, vi. Ki’ciyanka;ayata.

betimes,adv. Ecadan; ohanko.

betoken, vt. Iwaktsya.betook, imp . of BETAKE.

betray, vt. To’kao

’kiya; Wi ’yo

peys ; hna’yan ; yntanin.

betroth, vt. Yn’ze ktaynstan.

better,a. San’

pawaste . vt. San’

pawaste ka’ga; ynwaste. adv.



betting, n . Wayekiyapi.between,p rep . Otahedan; okitabedan ; okookna. adv. Okitabedan .

betwixt, p rep . Okitahedanbevel, vt. Oh

yaka’ga. a. Oh ’

ya.beverage, n . Woyatke.

bevy, n. Optaye .

bewail, vt. A ceys .

beware, vt. Itonpa. vi . Wskta.bewilder, vi. Wacinhnnniya.bewildered,pa. Wacinhnnni .bewitch, vt. Emun

’ga; ynhnaskinyan iyokipiya.

beyond, p rep . A ko ; akotanhsn;i’sanpa; ikapeya.

bi prefix . Non’

pa.bias,a. Ob’

ys . n . Owacinynze.

bib, n. Maknskahpe. vt. Yatkan .

Bible, n . Wowapi Wakan .

bickering, n . Kic1gepi.bicycle, n . Canhdeskaaksnyankapi.

bid, bade, vt. 1 . Econsi : he bid the

boy come in. 2. Eciya: he bidher

, good day. 3. Kn ktaeyaI bidadollar. n . To ’ken ke cin.

bide, vt. A kipe.

biennial, a. Wsniyetn non’

pau i.bier, n. Can’akiynhapi .big (bigger, biggest) , a. Tan ’kas

bigamyTo feel big, tsn

’kaicida.— To

talk big, itanka.bigamy, n . Tawicn nonpapi .Bighorn Mountains, n . Ecska.bigot, n. Watankaicids .

Big S ioux River, n . Can ’kasdats .

bile, n . Minizi ; pizi.bilious,a. Miniziyukan ocinsica.bill, n . 1 . Oicazo wowapi ; minihuhama’zaska. 2 . Z itkapasn .

vt. Wowapi on yaotsnin.

billet, n . Wowapi ci’stinns ; canksa.

billiards, n . Ta’pabohmihmapi ;T. icsslo econpi.

billow, n . Miniwancata’2a.bin, n. Opiye ; woknake .

bind, bound, vt. Kaska; ynskiskits ; opaponki’cags ; o2nhaton. B ind wheat


hta. B ind books,wowapi


binding, n. A pahdate ; iynskite ;o2nha.

biography, n . Ohanoyakapi.biped, n . Hnnonpa.birch, n . Tanpacan.

bird, n . Z itkadan. Y. Z itkana.T. Z itkala.

birth, n . Ton’

pi ; oicage . Give

birth to,ton.

birthday, n . Ton’

pianpetn .

birthplace, n. Ton'

pi oyenke .

birthright, n. Ton’

pi on ta’waya.biscuit, n. A gnyapi psnnka.bisect, vt. Gokeys baksa.bishop, n . Waswanhdake .

bishopric, n . Woawanyake .

bison, n. Tstankaikceka.bit, n. 1 . Onspa. abit of paper.

2. Ma’zaiiyuwi . T. Ma’zayapa.3. Caniynmni hi .

bit, imp . of BITE.

bitch, n . Sun ’ks Wi’


bite, vt. Yahtaka; yapa; yaksa;yatinza. vi. Wayahtaka. n .

Onspa; woyahtake . B ite to

death, yata.


bitter,a. 1 . Pa: bi tter medicine .

2. Otehika; waya2ipa: bitte rcold.

bitterly, adv. Fe’stoya;

sinya.bittern, n . Hokadan.

bitterness, n. Wopaza; woiyokisica.

black, a. Sa'ps ; ha'sspa; hin’

sapa; Bica; sapa. n. Sa’pa;ha’sapa. vt. Samya.

blackberry, n. Tsksnhecatan ’ka.

blackbird, n . Z itkatanka;.Y. Pteahpaye ; T. Wahpatsnka.

blackboard, n. Canmdaskssapa.blacken, vt. Samya; samya;aokpasya.

Blackfeet, n . S ihasapa.blackguard, vt. Oétehda. a. 81 n .

l sics ; wsyasica.blackhaws, n. Mna.blacking, n. Wi ’samye .

blackish,a. Sa’peca.blackmail, vt. Wakokipekicsh ki.blacksmith, n . Ma’zakaga.blacksnake, n . Wamdnskasapa.blacktail, n. S intesapedan.

bladder, n . Ode2a.blade, n. 1 . A pe along blade ofgrass. 2. Ope ; oyuksi2aknife wi th two blades.

blamable,a. Iyaonpepica.blame, vi . Iysonpa; be ; en ai .n . Woba.

blanch, vt. Skakaga; yuska. vi .

Skahinhda; iteska.land,a. Wa’hba; iyokipi.blandly,adv. Iwastedan.

blank,a. Ta’kuna.owapi sni ; ska;ececeéni.

blanket, n . S ins ; sins ikceka.Wear the blanket

, smshdoin.

vt. S ins onakahpa.blaspheme, vt. Ohodaéni in.

blast, vt. B o2n2n ; boseca; bots .

n . Tate ; tateyanpayahotonpi.blasted, pa. B osihtin sica.blat, vt. Onspekesm



blaze, vi . Ide : the fi re blazes.

vt. 1 . Yaotanin : blaze his nameabroad. 2. Kasku : blaze the

trees. n . 1 . Oide ; iyoyanpa.2. Kasknpi ; ska.

bleach, vt. S kaya. vi . Skaaya.bleak,a. Oasica; tatesa; osni .blear,a. Aogi ; minian .

bleat, vt. Hoton ; ta’hcaskahoton.

bleed, bled, vi . We ; wewe ; we

nya; we an . vt. Weya; weicn ; kakpa; mazaskaki .

blemish, n. Onapa81’cs .

blend, vt. I’cicahiya.

bless, vt. Yawaste ; canwasteya.blessed, bleat,pa. Yawastepi.blessedness, n. Wowsste .

blessing, n . Woyswaste ; wotspies

’kiyapi .blew, imp . of BLOW .

blight, vt. Yush i2n ; n . Woéihtin.

blind,a. Istagonga; ki’tan tanin ;tanin sni. vt. IBtagongaya;yntanin sni . n . Istagonga;oakahpe ; wohnaye .

blindfold, vt. Istapahta.blindly,adv. Taninsniyan .

blink, vi. Istakskpan; wanyakesni kon2a.

bliss, n. Wocantewsste .

blissful,a. Cantewaste.

blister, vi. Haynsdoka.blithe,a. Wi’haha; W i’ynskin.

blithesome,a. Wi’haha.blizzard, n . Icamnatanka.bloat, vt. Napohya. vi. Napoga.bloated, pa. Napoga; ce’

pa.block, n. 1 . Canobaksa; canpsnnka; inyan omdoton. 2 .

Otonwe cheeps . 3.Woksse. vi .

Nataka; kag'iys kaomdotonokage pazo.

blockade, n. Nstakspi ; akicitscon

’kaske. vt. Natska.blockhead, n . Wacintonsni.blond, n. Haska.blood, n . We ; wotaknye ; tnweohitika.

19 Blue Barth Riverbloodshed, n. We papsonpi.bloodshot, n. We kahtan .

bloodthirsty,a. Weye ktalica.bloody,a. We ;wewe ;weyesa.Bloods, n . We

’Wicasts .

bloom, vi. Hes ; saiciya. n. Hca;iyotanwaste .

blooming, pa. Hca;waste .

blossom, n. Wahca; heapi. vi .

Hcs .

blot, vt. Ynsapa; akastaka; ésmya. B lot out, ynatanin sni ;

pa2n2n . n. Wosapa; samyaasbnyapi .

blotch, n. Wosapa; onspato’keen.

blotter, n . Minisapaipnspe .

blouse, n. O ’kdegangan. .

blow, blew, blown, vt. 1 . Ipogan,blow thefi re. 2. Yahotonya2o,blow the horn. vi . Ipogan poh

iyeya; bobdn ; tan’kaicids ia.B low away, bohaiyeya.—B lowdown

,bowanka.—B low bo

hinta.—B lowout,bosni .—B low

the nose, poge yn2inca.—B lowup asteamboat, wa’tapetanamdssya. The dust blows, makabobdn . n . 1 . A pepi ; oapeablow with astick. 2 . Woakipe tehika:ahard blow to the

family. 3. Tate : abig blow

last night. 4 . Honagidan cin

ca the meat wasfull of blows.

5. Tan’kaicidaskanpi.blower, n. On ipoganpi ; ihdatansa.

blown, pa. Hes .

blubber, n. Hogan sin. vi . Ce’


ktakta; ce ’

yaeya.bludgeon, n . Canksa; can’hpi .

blue,a. 1 . To ;mahpiyato . Darkblue

,to sa’pa; to stan . 2 . Can

tes1case : Ifeel blue. 3.Wacinyepica; snts he is true blue.

bluebell, n . Wahcato.

blueberry, n. A nnyeyspi.

Blue Barth River, n. Makatoozewakpa.

bluff, n. He ; paha; maya. vt.

Kakam ehpeya. a. Ohan katinyan maya.

blning, n. Wi'toye.

bluish,a. Ki’tannato.

blunder, vi . Ynsna;hicaha1) econn . Woynsna.

blunt,a. Pe’sni ; otoza; 2a’2aya

eya. vt. Otosya.bluntly,adv. Otosya; 2a’2aya.blur, vt. A ogiya.blurt, vt. Pohyaoyaka.blush, vi . Itenasshinhda. n. Iteés ; wanyagiheyapi.

bluster, vi. Bobdn ; icapta. n.

Ibobdn ; wohitiyashanpi .boa, n. Wanmdnskatankaboar, n . Knknsemdoka.board, n. 1 Canmdaska: awideboard.

0 Wa’hnawotapi ;W0tapi. 3. Wa’ta: come on board.

4 . Optaye . vt. 1 . Canmdaskaaokatan board i tup . 2.Wokn :

I will board you . 3. Wataen

ops : board the ship . vi . Wota;ka2n2n wota he boards else


boarder, n. En wota.boarding, n. En wotapi.boarding-house, n. Owotetipi.

boast, vi. Ihdatan.

boaster, n. Ihdatans’a.boastful,a. Ihdatans’a.boat, n. Wa’ta. A bull boat

, tahnkawsta.

boating, n. Wa’taayapi.boatable,a. Wa’taa’yepics .

boatman, n. Wa’tawicasta; watOpa.

bob, n . Oin; ta’ku psnnkapakapsanpi. vt. 1 . Kapsanpsankacegceg : bob his head. 2 . Bakss , bob the horse

’s tail.

bobtail, n. On2inca.bob-white, n . Siyosapena.bode, vt. s ktays .

bodily,a. Tanoan . adv. Tantonyan.

20 bonded

body, n. 1 . Tanoan ; cehpi. 2.

Wicasta; tnwe z shc isamerrybody. 3. Optaye : abody ofsoldiers. 4. Mnayanpi ; ynwitayapi abody qf laws.

bog, n. Wiw i ;makacoco.

bogus,a. t naye.

boil, vt. Ohan ; ipil‘

1ya. B oil

tado ohan . Boil wawr,mini

ipihya. vi. 1piga; ska! )boll, n. Siyakao : aboil on his

hand. 2. Ipihyapi.boiler, n. Ohnaipihyapi ; wa’ta

taoipihya.ng, n. Ohanpi ; ipihyapi.

boisterous,a. Okoyaskan;tika.

Ohitika; waditaka; okitanin ta’knohodasni .

boldly,adv. Waditagya.boldness, n . Wowaditake.

1 Mazinatake ; tiyominatake . 2. Ma’zaoyuskite ;ma’za: fastened wi th bolts . 3.

Wayeyapi. A thunderbolt, wakinyan kntepi. 4 . MinihnhaOpahte aboltof calico. 5.Wi’

yncanhan ’ska. vt. 1 . Nataka

bolt the door. 2. Yncan, bolttheflour. vi . 1 . Botonyanya,he bolted into the room. 2. Iyaya; naps ten delegates bolted.

adv. Patinyan bolt upright.

bolter, n. Napapi ; tokan skanpi.bomb, n. Ma’zasn napomyapi.bombard, vt. Ms ’

zasn anapomyapi .

bombastic,a. Wayatankaia.bonafide,a. Wowicske .

bonanza, n . Ma’zaskaoke.

bonbon, n . Canhanpisuksnta.bond, n. Woksske ; wowapi onihdaskapi. c l . Kasks .

bondage, n . Wokaske ksskapi.bonded,a. Ka2n2n ktaksskapi.


bouru, n. Owihanke.

bow,vi . Patn2a; pakapsan,


to the king. vt. Ynksa;ynksi2a,bow the knee. n. 1 . W0pstn2a,alow bow. 2 . Ipa, the bow ofthe boat.

bow,n . 1 . Itazipe, the Indian’


bow. 2. Ksan ; can ksan, awagon bow. vt. Yuksan ; ynktan.

bowel,n. Snpe ; tanmahen ; ma

hentn ; cante .

bower, n . Canohanzi .bow-knot, n . aosokaskapi.bowl, n. 1 . Wakéicaskokpa;wi’yatketanka: abowl of milk.

2. Oskokpa:abowl in the rock.

3. Ta’pabohmihmapibowstring, n . Itazipeiksn.

bow-wow, vi . 4 n . Pa’pi ; hoton .

box, n. 1 . Can’koka; can’Opiye ;

koka,aboa: of crackers. 2. A pa

pi ; ospe. vt. A pa; nape mdaskaspa; kokachuaka.

boxelder, n . Taskadan; Y. Cansu ska.

boy, n. Hoksidan; Y. Hokéina;T. Hoksila.

boycott, vi . Toghdaboyhood, n . Wicahoksidan.

boyish,a. Wakanhe2ase .

brace, vt. Ipatanhde patanynza;i’ciyakaska. n . 1 . Ipatan can’

ipatan . 2 . I’

ciyakaskapi ; taWan2i

,abrace of p istols . 3.

Caniynmn i ipatan .

bracelet, n . 1stoapahte ; napokaske ipahte : T. napoktsn.

bracing, pa. Wasagya; patsnhsn.

bracket, n. Wi’ynze .

brackish, n . Skn ’

ya; 81'ca.brad, n . Ma’zaiokatancistina.brag, vi. Ihdstan.

braid, vt. S on. n. S on’


brain, n. Nasn ; wowiynkcan.

brake, n. 1 . Canpahmihmahninakehye ;wokaSe . 2. Tasko2a.

bramble, n . Canpepe.

break, broke

bran, n. A gnyapiha'


branch n. A detka;o2ate ;ospaye.

vi . a’ta;a’ki2an ya.branching,pa. Zag2anyanys .

brand, vt. °Gnya;wa’petogton. n.

1 . afi re- brand. 2.

Ma’zam gnye . 3. ognye : M r.

Smi th’s brand. 4. Oca2e : abrand of crackers.

branded, pa. °Gnyapi.brandish, vt. Ko’

za.brand-new,a. Nakahateca.brandy, n. Miniwakan.

brunt. n. Magasekseca.brash, n . Woyazanahinapa; a.Sntasni.

brass, n. Ma’zazi ;Wi ’stecesni .brat, n. HoksiyOpa.bravado

,n. Wohitikakon ’

zs .

brave, a. Waditaka. n. Tu ’wo

Ohitika; znyawicasta.bravery, n. Wowaditake .

bravely,adv. Waditsgys .

brawl,n. Woskinics . vi . A kinica.

brawn, n . Cehpi.

brawny,a. Cehpitanks .

bray, vt. Bopan ; hoton .

brazen. a. Ma’zazi ; isteceSni.breach, n . Kicaksapi ; ohdoka.breachy,a. Pahdokesa.bread, n. A gnyapi ; agnyapitacagn ; woynte .

breadstuff, n. Onagnyapi ka’sepi

breadth, n . Ohdakinyan.

break, broke, vt. (Rootforms) Ksa;spa; mdeca; wega; hdo’ka.B reak in two

, ynksa.—Breakap iece ynsps .

—B reak in

p ieces, ynmdeca.—B reak, butnot separate, ynwega.—B reakahole

, ynhdoka.(Other prefi xes. ) B reak by

cutting, baksa: —by p unchingor shooting, boksaz—by strik

ing, kaksaz—bypushing, pakss—by biting, yaksa—with the

foot, nsksa. (These prefi xes

breakable 23

may be attached to either of

the other four root forms. )To breakabank, okihisniya

bread,ynspaspa—acolt, kaon

spe—the fall, ynahececa

glass, kamdeca the heart,

namdasya— the law,kicaksa:

—the leg, ynwe’

ga—the news,

otokahe oyaka prairie,mahtecaynmdn —apromise, ynwicake sni —sile nce, enakiyeastring, ynpsaka—through,naoksa—up ,

na2n2n aynstanvi . 1 . Nahdeca; napopa; na

mdaza: the boi l broke. 2 . Ihnu

han bikuni ; hi ; tanin : the

storm broke; the day breaks.

3. Ka2n2n okihi sni : the bankbroke. 4 . Yntokeca: the horsebroke his gait.n. 1 . Oko;oksahe;onasdeca:abreak in the ice. 2. Wohiyn ;woh nten abreak for liberty.

3. Wokiynspe ; y'

ukinnkanpiabreak in the tribe. 4 . Knn yaabreak in thep rice of wheat.

breakable,a. Ynksepica.breakage, n.

°Woihanke ; wi’ca2n2u .

breakdown, n . Oiyanicapi.breaker, n . Ta’2s ;Waynksa.breakfast, n . Hanhannawotapi.breaking, n. Mahteca.breakup, n. Woyn2n2n .

breakwater, n. Miniokaske.

breast, n. 1 . Makn :alarge breast.2. A 2 9 : one breast has no milk.

3.ai :anger hid in thebreast.vi. I


breast-bone, n . Maknhn .

breastpin, n . Maknipasisa.breastplate, n. Maknakahpbreastwork, n. Mskaokapi.breath, n. Oniya; niya.breathe, vt. 81 vi. Niya; iwastenaeya. Breathe out, ipogan.

breathing, n . Niyspi.

breathless,a. Niyasni ; ta.


breech, n. Ceca; pahn . B reech

ofagun, pahn .

breeches, n. Onzeoge .

breed, n. Obe ; ospaye. vt. Cincatonkiya; icahya. vi . Cincaton.

breeder, n. Waicahya.breeze, n. Tate ; okadnza.brethren, n. Hnnkawan2ipi .brevet,a. Ynonihanbrevity,

n. Pte’cedan.

brew, vt. Minitahtonkaga; kahWacinskan. vi . Icaga.

bribe, vt. Nahmankicica2n2n . n.

Ta’kuknpi ; woka2n2n .

brick, n. Makaspsn makakaska.brickbat, n. Makaspanoksahe.

brick-kiln, n. Makaspanacetipi .brick-layer, n. Makaspan ehnaka.brick-yard, n. Makaspanokage .

bridai,a. Nakabakiciynzapi.bride, n . Nakahahihnaton .

bridegroom, n . Nakahatawicnton.

bridesmaid, n. Hihnatonktanakiol zu) .

bridge, n. Cankahonpapi ; ceyagtonpi . vt. Cankahton.

bridle, n. Snngiynwi ; ipahte. vt.

Ikiynwi ; kaska.bridlebits, n. Ms


bridle-path,n. Snngaksncankn .

brief,a. Pte’cena; cis’tiyens . n.

Ptenyenaoyakapi.brier, n. Canpepe.

brig, n. Witawataihnpanonpa.brigade,n. A kicits optaye koki2n .

brigadier, n . A kicitatancsn.

brigand, n. Wamanonw icasta.bright, a. 1 . Wiyakpa; iyega;i’2an2an abright star. 2 . Wacinksapa; Wicimdeza:abrightwriter. 3. Wowiynskin;waste ;bright hours. A bright red


sa’hca.brighten, vt. Pawiyakpa; wacinksamya; iyoyamya; yntecs .

vi . Iyoyanpasya.brightly,adv. Mdesya;otaninyan.

brightness 24

brightness, n. Wowiyakpa.brilliancy, n. Woiyeg

-a.brilliant, a. Yehyega; okitanin;wacinksapa.

brilliantly, adv. Yehya; inibanyan.

brim, n . Tote .

brimful,a. Iyu2imnana; o2nns .

brimstone, n. Makazi ; cahdizi .brindled,a. Hdehdeza.brine, n. Miniskuyamini.bring, brought, vt. A n ;ahi ;ahionpa; iyokihi .—Bringabou t, ece

forth, ton; nya.kohan econya.

Bring to pass, ecetnys .—B ring

up achild,icahya. Wheat

brings fifty cents. asun pisukaépspi za’ptan iyokihi .

brink, n . Tete ; maya; hnta.briny,a. S kn ’


brisk,a. Ohanko.

brisket, n. Makn.

bristle, n . Knknse hin. vi . Nasa.vt. Nssakiya.

British, n . Sagdasin.

brittle,a. Stastadan;wan’kadan.

broach,vt. Ca2eyats .

broad, a. Tan ’ka; ohdakinyantan 'ka.

broadaxe, n. Onspetanka; canicakan .

broadcast,adv. s aehpeya.broadcloth, n . Sinato.

broaden, vt. Yntanka. vi . Tan ’kaaya.

broadly,adv. Tan’kaya.brogan, n . Can’hsnpaso’ka.brogue, n . Wayatokecapi .broil, vt. Ceonpa;pasnon. n. Wo

pasnon; woakinica.broke, imp . of BREAK.

broken, pa. Ksawahe. B roken

hearted, cantesica; wacinye

broker, n . Wiyopekiciciya.bronchitis, n . Dotehbeze bdi .

bronze, n. Hda’hdamaza.

brood, vt. A kihnawanka; cantohnaka. n . Obe ; Optaye.

brook, n. Wakpadan.

brooklet, n. Wakpadan cistinnabroom, n. Owankicahinte .

broomstick, n. Owankica11inteihnpa.


brothel, n. Witkowintipi.brother, n. Hunkawan2i. Ma,brother

,mihnnkawanZ I —His

brother, hnnkawan2itkn .

(The followingare more en

dearing terms. ) A son’s Oldt l’

brother, cinye.

—A son’s younger

brother, snnka.—A daughter’s

older brother, timdo .—A dough

ter’s younger brother, snnka. A

father’s brother’s children,andamother’s sister’s childrenareaccounted the same relationastheir own children .

brotherhood, n. Hunkawsn2ikiciyapi.

brother-iu-law, n. A man’s brother

ih - law,t s han. A woman’


brother- in- law,sice.

brotherly,a. S nnkaku iyececa.brought, imp of BRIxc

brow, n. Ietahe ° he maya.browbeat, vt. VV

akokipeki caga.

brown, n. 85 a. gi ; girka rt.


081 “Y“; gngn.

browse, vt. Caninkpayuta.bruln, n. Mato .

bruise, vt. Kasn2a; kashica. n.

Kasn2spi.brunette, n. Hagma.brunt, n. Iyotantehiks .

brush, n. 1 . Canhaka; canadetka;otehi. 2.Wi’casto ;Wi ’cahinte .

S hoe brush,can'hanpaisamye .

Clothes’ brush,o’kdeicapowaya.—Hair brush, wi’casto .


, onwikinnpi. 3. Wohl

cize ptecedan. vt. Payeza;pastosto ;kahiniyeya; pakinta.

brushy,a. Otehi .


brusque,a. Ohankeza.brutal,a. Wamanicase .

brute, n . 85a. Wamanica.brutish,a. Wamanicase.

bubble, vt.'l‘age

kaga; bomdumdu ,anapéapsahm .m]

buck, n. Tamdoka;koska;ho’b11 .

vt. Pahpewacin ékar) .bucket, n. Kokatodax) ;miniyaya.buckle, n. Ma’zawiyuze ; vt. Ma'

zawiyuze ikoyake .

buckler, n . Wahacanka.buckskin, n. Taha.buckwheat, n. A guyapisu omdo

tor) .

bud, n. Camni . vt. Camni nya;camni o’

sta1) .budge, vt. Yuéka1)éka1) tokan ya.budget, n. A pahte ; owapi .buii, n.

HGi gizi tahazi.buffalo, pteikceka.Bufl

’alo robe, ptehaéina.

buffalo-berry, n. Mastinpute.

baliet, vt. A pa; kiciecorj .bug, n. TapOpuska;wamduékana.bugbear, bugaboo, n. 0 1; wahamyapi wanagikagapi.

buggy, n. Canpahmihmaci’stina.bugle, n. He’

yahotonpi .build, built, vt. Ti

pi ka’ga; ticaga; ka’ga; antayae

’hde. n .


builder, n. Tiongo.

building, n. Ti’pi , ticagapi.bulb, u . H11tka1) pengka.bulge, vt. Y11ta1)ka. vi . Po. n.

Tax) ’kapaha.buik, n. Ta1)ca1) hoharjke .

bulky, (1. Pan’

ga; tan ’ka.bull, n. Tatankabdoka. vt. Pawaukau 1yeya.

bull-boat, n. Tahnkawata.bulldoze, vt. Wakokipekicaga.bullfrog,bullet, n. Ma’zasn ; auwar;z1 .

bulletin, n. Woyaota1] 11)bullwk, n. Tata1)kasusu wanica.

25 burn, burnt

bully, n. Ohitiicida. vt. Ohitiya.

kuwa.bulrush, n. Psa; cedi .bulwark,n . Makakapi wowinape .

bunl , vi . A s’in . n. Waas’1n .

bumblebee, n . Tuhmagata1]ka.bump, vt. Iboto ; iyapa. 11. W0


bun, n. A guyapi skuyena.bunch, n. Opahte ; omnaye ; wopamna iyage. A bunch offlowers


—A bunch ofweeds, w0pamna.—A bunch ofgrapes, iyego. vt. Y11witaya;e’zu .

buncoulbe, n . Wayatankapi.bundle, n. Wopahte. vt. Pahtaoheyuxj .

bung, n. Iostau . B ung-ho le,koka

ohdoka.bungle, vt. Wayuein econ . n. Wo

yuéica.bungler, n. Wayuéikéica.bunk, n. Owa1)ka; ohekdepi. ri .

Wan ’ka; istinma.bunt, vt. Pa0 1) iboto iboto.

bunting, n . Wi’yokihedax) .buoy, n . Miniwapetokeca. vt. Okaponya;wa1)kan yu ’

za.buoyancy, n. Okapota.buoyant,a. Kapozedar;bur, n. Sameas BURR.

burden, n. Wokin woiyokiéica;wokakii e ; ta’ku ka. vt. Tkeyakinkiya; kakieya.

burdensome, a. Tkedapi ; tchike .

bureau, n. 1 . HeyakeOpiye. 2.W0

awanyake. The Iudmn B ureau .

burg, n. Otonwe.

burglar, n. Ti'pi kahdog wamanor) .

burial, n. Wicahapi.burlap, n. Psa’ozuha.burlesque, vt. Un ’

ca. n .Wowiha;111)


burly,a. Taqcburn, burnt, vt.


acct-i ; ideya. B urnt his house,



huhnahya.—B urnt his finger,guya. B urn brick


B urn oil, ideya. vi . t naga;gu ; ide ; iyega; ka’ta. S un

burnt,mafitiépan. n. 0311 ;311

yapi.burner, n. Ma’zaoideyuza.burning, pa. Ide ; ka’ta; tshiku.

n. Oide ; wokata.burnish, vi. Pawiyakpa.burnt, pa. °G11.

burr, n. Wi’nawizidan; ma’zapepe ; ma’zayuhomni.

burrow, n. Wasun ; wamanicati.vt. Makaohdogya.

burst, vt. Napomya; nahdeca.B urstan egg, napomya.—B urstabloodevessel

,nahdeca. vi. Po ’

pa;napopa; hiya. B urstop en,namdaya.—B urst out

,biyu .

B urst out laughing, napopase.

—B urst to p ieces, namdeca.The bud burst, namdaga.—Thecanon burst


burthen, n. Sameas BURDEN .

bury, vt. Ha; hna'ka; akahpa;taninéni iyeya. He buried his

wife, ha.—Bury one’s talents,

nahman .—B ury aknife in the

ox, taninéni iyeya B ury strife,ayuetan.

bus, n. Wicaétatokéu .

bush, n. Otehi ; canw0pamna.bushel, n. Kokaowiyute .

bushy,a. Yuhaha; otobi .busily,adv. Mdihenya.business, n. Woecon ; wowa81 ;wokuwa. I t is none of your

business, ta’kunaiyoniwazasni.—He means business


kuwa.bust, n Wicapa’ makuahna.bustle, vi . Skin

’ciya. n. Ni’na


pi ; niteipahin.

busy,a. Ta’ku econ o'hinni ta’

ku econ . vt. skin’ciya; kuwa


- body, n. Iyowazasni ékan.

26 byword

but, conj 1. Tuka: I went, bu t

came back. 2. B e : there is no

doubt but he will come. adv.

1 . Heceedan; henana—na’na.

B ut one day, heceedan.—B u t

two men, wicastanom ’nana.

B utnow,de

'cehnana. 2. E

’esn i

kinhan , who can do it bu t

A dam.

butcher, n. Wapato.

wayusin kuwa.butt, vt. Paon iboto . n. Hu ’

te ;ma’za.yuhomnioétanpi .

butte, n. Pahaokitaninbutter, n. A sanpiihdi ;butterfly, n. Ki’mama; kimimuna; T. kimimala.

butternut, n. Tamika.buttock, n. Onze.

button, n. Taépu ; Y. 85 T. ceskikan. vt. Ikoyagya.

buttonhole, n Taspuohdoka.buxom,a. Tanwaete.

buy, bought, vt. Opeton. B uy 017,ayuétan ktaka2112u .

—B uy awife, wohpa. vi. Wopeton.

buyer, n. Wopeton.

buzz, vi . Hmun. n.

buzzard, n. Heca.by p rep . 1. Icahda; ikiyedan;makim : by the river ; he stood

by. 2. On; eciyatanhan: died

by p oison; walk by fai th. 3.

Ohnayan: by the dozen ; by rule.

4. Iyehan ; eca: by noon ; bynight. 5. Kici ahouse tenfeetby twelve. adv. Icahda;hiyaya;icunom . B yall means, to’ketu

qeyas.—Byand by, to 'kesta.

By the way, cun’hannakeé.

Come by (obtain ) , iyokihi .Day by day, anpetu iyohi .One by one,wanzikzi .—Set storeby, tehinda.

bygone,a. B o’kta; henana.

bylaw,n. Woope ikoyagyapi.

byway, n. Canku cis’tinna.

byword, n. Oweetepi.


cab, n . Hemani acetipi onazin ;canpahmihma.

cabbage, n. Wahpetanka. vt. Man on.

cabin, n. Ti’pidan; wa’tapetahocoka.

cabinet, n. 1 . Tunkanmdanwi'kiyukcanpi. 2. Can’

opiye wo

hnake. 3. Ta’lm wowanyakewomnaye.

cable, n . Wi ’casketanka; miniwancao ’

ptama’zaapapi.caboose, n. Wicaétaohpayapi.cache, n. Woha. vt. Ha.cackle, vi . Hoton ; pan’

niya.cactus, n. Unkcekcepepe .

cadet, n. A kicitawaonSpeiciciya.cage, n. Wamaniti ;ma’zatipidan.

vt. Timahen nataka.cajole, vt. I’had kuwa.cake, n. A guyapiskuya; kacocokagapi ; obaépe ; onépa. vi.

Sa’ka.calamity, n. Wokakise .

calamus, n. S inkpetawote .

calculate, vi. Yawa; iyukcan;ecin; se


calculation, n. Woyawa; wowi


caldron, n. Ce ’

gatanka.calendar, n. Wiyawapi.calf, n . 1 . Ptezicadan; T. ptehe

cala. 2. S icogan: calf of the leg.

calfskin, n . Ptei icanaha.caliber, n. Oiyute.

calico, n. Minihuhaowapi. Calicop o ny, sunkdeSka.

calk, caulk, vi. Opuhdi .calker, n. Wa’taOpuhdi .call, vt. 1 . Kipan ; kieo callJ ohn. 2. Caseyata: he called hisson J ohn. vi . 1. Pan; panu i

yan : call for helI . 2. Inahniwanyag i. n. Pan’

pi : wicaho ;kicopi ; inahni titokan i


27 cane

Call for, da. —Call over, caseyana’ya.—Call to order


Zi yankewicasi.—Call to mind,tawac inkiksuyeya.

calling, n . Pan’

pi ; kicOpi ; ta’knonkicOpi ; wowaéi.

callous,a. No ’ge ; iyano ige ; so ’ka.calm,a. A mdakedan;wa'hbadan.

n. A mdakedan skanskansni .vt. Yuasni ; yuamdakedan

calmly,adv. Wah ’bayedan.

calmness, n. Wowahbadan.

calumet, n. Wi’yakatacannonpa.calumniate, vt. A ia.calumny, n. Woaie.

calve, vt. Cincaton.

cambric, n. Minihnhaska.came, imp . of COME.

camel, n. Cankshnpai o.

camera, n. Iteowapi Opiye.

camp, n. Owanka;wicoti ;ozuye.

vi. Wan ’ka; e’ti. A deserted

camp , otiwota.campaign, n. Okicize ; ozuye ;wo

kuwa.camphor, n. Wi’pakinteska.campus, n . Wayawatipi tioksan.

can, n. Ma’zakokadan. rt. Ma’zakokaohnaka.

can, could, v. aux. Okihi. Can but,

ccenaokihi .—Cannot but


bieni sni.

canal, n. Wakpakagapi .canard, n. Iapi wicake sni.canary, n. Z itkazi.cancel, vt. Kai n i n .

cancer, n. Po ’

pi ohinm l ongs .

candid,a. Wicake ; hna'ye sni.candidate, n. Oitancanakita.candidly,adv. A nahbe en i.candle, n. Wasnapetiianzan.

candor, n . Iewicaka.candy, n. Canhanpisasa.cane, n. Cansagye ; cedihu canhanpihu . vt. Cansagye onapa.

caninecanine,a. Sun’ka.

Wahpekokamaza.canker, vt. Edi kuka.

cannibal, n. Wicastacehpi yuta.cannon, n. Ma’zakantanka.cannonade, vt. Ma’zakantankaecon .

cannot, v. Okihi sn1 .

canoe, n. Canwanz1 w ’ata. B irch

bark canoe,tanpawata.

canon, n. Woope ; yusutapi.canyon, n . Imniiaisdeca.canonize, vt. Cazeyawakan.

canopy, n. A wakeyapicant, vt. Nake ehde cant the tub.

n . Nake ; ho’sinyaeyapi.

can’t, contr. for CANNOT.

canted,pa. Nake ; naptanyan.

canteen, n. A kicitaminiyaya.cantor, vi . Nawanka.canton, n. Makobaspe.

canvas, n. Minihuhaska wakeya.

canvass, v. Wamnayan;wicacai emusyan yawa.

cap, n. Wepaha; Y. Wapostan.

Gumcap ,wanhisa.

capable,a. Waokihi . Capable of,

capacious,a. Okipika.capacity, n . Wookihi ; wokipi ;wicohan.

cape, n. 1 . Ipa; makoce ipa. 2.

Hiyeteakahpa.caper, vi . Psi’psin ska'ta.capital, n . 1 . Otonweitancan. 2.

Oowatanka. 3. Woyuha; ma'zeeka. 4 . Canwakanpa. a. 1 .

Itancan ; tokahan. 2. Ontowicayapi . 3. Iyotan; ni ’nawaste.

capitalist, n. Tn ’we wetonka.

capitally,adv. Ni’natanyan .

capitol, n . Otonwe itenean .

capitulate, vi . Wokicize enakiye.

caprlce, n. Tawacinske’he.

capricious,a. Ske ’he .

capsize, vt. Naptanyan.

capsule, n. S u’ozuha.

captain, n. A kicitatancan; Opawinge itancan.

caption, n. Iwankam owapi .captions,a. Waienhiyeyesa.captivate, vt. Cante hmun

'ka.captive, n. Wayaka. a. Kaskayuhapi .

captivity, n. Wokaske .

captor, n. Wayakaicu .

capture, vt. Icu ; ohiya. n. Waicupi ; woohiye .

car, n . Hemani canpahmihma.caravan, n. Ounhdake wicotae’

yaya.carbuncle, n. Siyakao hdi.carcass, n . Tancan.

card, n . Kan811 ; ipakca. P laycards


cardinal, n . Sinasapao ’kibaitancan. a. Itancan : se .

care, vi . 1 . En e’wacin awacin

I do not care to go. 2 . Cantabde do you care ifvt. 1 . Ihakta: she don’t careforyou . 2. A wanyaka: care properlyfor the cow. n . 1 . Wacantahdepi ; woawac in; wanwacinpi care wearies him. 2.

Woawanyake he has the careof the cattle . Take care


pa.—Take care of, awanyaka.

- With care, itonpeya.career, n . Oni ; woecon.

careful,a. Itonpe skan ; waawucin tanyan knwawac in.

careless,a. Itonpesni ;awacinsni .caress, vt. Kastosto ; kibua.

careworn,a. Watuka.cargo, n . Watohnaka.caricature, n. Wowiha. owapi .carmine, n. Wi’saye .

carnage, n . Wokte .

carnal,a. Wicacehpi .carnival,n . Skan ’

omniciye tan'ka.carol, n . Wowiyuskin odowan.

carouse, vi . Witkoskan.

carpenter, n. Cankazipa.carpet, n . Owankaakahpa.

caw, vi . Uncisicahoton.

cease, vi. vi . A yustan; iyasni .ceaseless,adv. A yustanwanin .

cedar, n. Hantesa.cede, vt. Kn ;makawiyopeya.ceil, vi . Mahen okatan.

celebrate, vt. Yuonihan.

celebrated,a. 0 1ntan1ncelebration, n. Woyuonihan.

celerity, n. Woohanko.

celestial,a. Mahpiya.celibacy, n. Tawicutonpisni .cell, n . Ti

pidan .

cellar, n. Makatipi ; woha.cement, n. Makasan Wi’puspe . vt.

Puspa.cemetery, n. Wicahnakapi.censer, n. Owizinye.

censor, n. Wa’mdeza.censurable,a. Bapica.censure, vt. Iyopeya; ha. n. Wo


census, n. Owicawapi.cent, n. Ma’zasa. Five cents


spapi okise so'kola. - Tencents,

kaspapi.—Twenty-fi ve cents,spapi nom sam okise.

centenary,n. Waniyetn opaw1ngecenter, n. Cokaya; cante .

central,a. Cokaya; itancan.

centralize, vt. Yuwitayacentrally,adv. Ocokaya.century, n. Waniyetu opawinge.

cereal, n. Wahuwapa.ceremony, n. To

’ken puciyapi.certain, a. 1 . He

’cetu ; Wicaka

he is certain to come. 2. Tukte

kapi onacertain day. 3. Wicakeicida: he is certain of it.

certainly,adv. A’Wicakehan;a’Wi

cakeya.certainty, n. Wowicake.

certificatem.Wayaotaninwowapi.certify, vt. Wicakaoyaka; yuwioaks .

cessation, n. A yustanpi.cession, n . Ku


pi .

chaie, vt. Hakasdoka; nagiyeya.


chaii, n. Ha snoi nha.chagrin, n. Wosihda.chain, n. Ma’zaicicahiha; W i'caeke ; i

’ciyazayeye. vt. Kaska


ya.chair, n. Can’akanyankapi.chairman, n. Omniciyeitancan.

chaise, n. Canpahmihma.chalk, n. Makasan .

challenge, vi. Kicieconape.

chamber,n.Wankantipi;oistinma.champ, vt. Kinskinsyata.chammon, n. A ’

tayawakapa.chance, n. 1 . To’ketutaninsnigames of chance. 2. Wanu : he

was killed by chance. 3. Ihnuhan okih ipi there is somechance. vi. Iyuta. vi. Ihn11han skipa.

chandelier, n. Petisan ianyuhaha.change, vt. 1 . Yutokeca: changethe time. 2. Yuspuspu : changeadollar. 3. Ki’cica; bokiyopeya: change p laces. 71. Yu

spuspupi ; yutokecapi to’keen.

changeable,a. To 'kecasa.changeless,a. To’kecasni.channel, n. Minitacanku ; canku .

chant, vt. A hiyaya; iahandowan.

n. Woahiyaye .

chaos. n. Ta’kutaninsni ; wo


chap, vi. Nasdesdeca; hdihdi .chap, n. Cehupa; tu ’


chapel, n. Owacekiyetipi.chaplain, n. Wicastawakan.

chapter, n. Wicowoyake.

char, vt. °Guguya; samya.character,n . Ohan ;wacai eyatapi;ta’kuiciyapi ; oowa.

characteristic,a. Ohan ta’wa.characterize, vt. Cai eyata.charcoal, n. Pe‘

tacahdi.charge, vt. 1 . Ec iya; wahokonkiyacharge him to go. 2 . Kai u i usi ; 1s1kicaton he chargedme adollar. 3. Iyaonpa: hewas charged with theft. 4 . Ica

chargeablezoowa: he charged i t twice. 5.

O211ya: charge the gun. 6 . Kiksuyeya: charge your mind. 7 .

A natan : charge the fort. vi .

Waka2n2usi °

natan . n . 10 211 ;woawanyake ; woka2n2n ; wowahokonkiye ;woiyaonpa;W 0natan .

chargeable,a. Enayepica.charger, n. Waanatan.

chariot, n . Z nyacanpahmihma.charity, n. Wacantkiyapi ; wowaonsida.

charm, vt. Iyokipiya;yuhnaskinyarn hmunsa

charming,a. Oiyokipi.

chart, n . Makoceowapi.charter, n.Way11hekiyapiwowapi ;vt. Odota; opeton.

chase, vt. Kuwa; pasi . Chaseaway, hamya. n. Wakuwapi ;kuwapi.

chaser, n. Wakawa.chasm, n. Makoskokpa; oko.

chaste,a. Zani ; sape sni .chasten, vt. Iyopeya; yuska.chastize, vt. Kasaksaka.chastisement, n. Iyopeyapi .chastity, n. Wozani .chat, vi. Iayanka. n. Wohdahdakapi.

chattel, n. WoyuhayuhaOmani1ca.

chftter, vi . Hi’hdakaka; iaa.chatty,a. Wohdakesa.chaw, vt. Yata.

cheap,a. Wasakedan.

cheapen, vt. Y11wasakedan.

cheat, vi . Hna’yan; ki . n . W0


cheater, n. Wicahnayesa.check, n. 1 . Woana

pte ; W 0kag1.

2. Wowapi onma’zaskaicupi .3. Kaneu ; wowapetokeca. 4 .

Ta’ku bdess . vt. Kagiya;anapta; wa’pe .t0gt0n

checkered,a. Hdehdeze.checkmate, vt. Kagiya.

31 chimney

cheek, n. Tapon ; iyoha.cheeky,a. Istecesni .cheer, vt. I

yas’a; cantewasteya.n . Wocantewaste ° i ’yasapi.

cheeriul,a. Cantewaste ° wowiyu

skin ; Wi’haha.

cheerily,adv. Wi’yuskinyan.

cheerless,a. Wowiyuskincodan.

cheery,a. Wi’yuskin.

cheese, n. A sanpipasutapi . T.

A sanpi samna.chemistry,n. WokpannaWoonspe .

cherish, vt. Tehinda; cantohnaka;tanyan kuwa.

cherry, n. Canpa; canpakakan.

cherub, n. Mahpiyaohnihde ka’gapi.

chest, n. 1 . Can’k0ka can’0hna

ka; 0piye . 2. Onwi .chestnut,n. Yahugapi hazizipena.a. °Gi °


peca.chew, vt. Yata°

yu’ta; yakpan

chew tobacco. n . Oyate .

Cheyenne, n . Sahiyena.Cheyenne River, n . Wakpawaste.

chick, n. Z itkacinca.chicken, n . A npaohotonna; Y. ko

koyahanna;T.ko’kena. Prairie


chide, vt. Iy0peya.chiei, n. Itancan; Wicastayatapi .a. Tokapa; iyotan.

child, children, n. 1 . HokmyOpaalittle chi ld. 2. Cinca: the

children of Israel. Child’sp lay,woecon im.

—With child,ihdu


childhood, n. Hoksiyopaoun.

childish,a. Hoksiy0paiyececa.childless,a. Cincani ’ca.children, p l. of

chill, n . Cancanpi ; cuwitapi . rt.

Yusni ; cuwita.chilly, a. Osni °

cnsni . To feelchilly, cuwitahda.

chime, n . Hda'hdadowankivapi.vt. Dowaney


a; okiciwaste .

chimney. nn . Oesti abrick


chin, n. Ikn ; cehnpa.china, n. Kampeska.Chinaman, n. Pecokahansks .

Chinese, n. Pecokahanska.chink, vt. Oko kaotinza.chinking, n. Kaotinzapi.chip, n. Canokahpa. vt. Kaspa.chipmunk, n. Tasnaheca.chipper,a. Mdiheca.chirp, vi. Zo ; kins

’hotonchisel, n. Canicahdoke.

chitchat, n. Taknénismiapichivalrous,a. Wawaditake.

chivalry, n. Wowaditake.

2nta.chocolate, n. Pe2ntasapazi. a. °Gi;

choice,n. Kahnigapi ;wokahnige.

a. Kahnihyuhapi’

;waste .

choir, n . Wocekiye en dowanpiobe ; dowanpi oyanke.

choke, vt. Ynniyasni . vi . Katha;

cholera, n. Makosicanaksecapi .choose, chose, vt. Kahniga; cin.

chop. vt. Kaksa; katkn iga; kaspaspa. Chop down, kawanka.Chop up , kaksaksa. n. Okaepe;

chore, n. Taknsnisni oecon.

chorister, n. Dowanitancan.

chorus, n. Wicotadowanpi .chose, imp . of cnoosn.

chosen,pa.Kahnigapi .christen, vt. Baptisms kn ; ca2ekn.

Christendom, n. Christ taoyate ;Christ tawocekiye.

Christian, n. J esnswac inyan; Jesnstawa.

Christianity, n. Jesus tawowacinye.

Christianize, vt. Jesus awacinwi

vi .Bococo .

circumference, n. t omni .circumspect,a. Waktanu .

circumstance, n. To’ketn ; ta’kn ;

to ’ken 1m.

circus, n. Ho’cokaoskate.

cistern, n. Miniwoha.citadel, n. Con


cite, n. Ca2eyate.

citizen, n. Ihdnha; oyate 0’

pa.citron, n. Sa’kayntapiseca.city, n. Otonwetanka.civil. a. 1 . Wa’hbadan ; ohanWaéte : acivil boy. 2. Ikceka

Christmas, n. Jesns ton’

pianpetn;kici nzapi.

chrou c, cahececa.

chryaalis, n . amniomni.chuck, vi. En

’1y .eya

chuck-full, n. O2ndanhca.chuck-hole, n. Canknohdoka.chuckle.vi. Iohmnnsihaha.chum, n. Kionwa.chunk, n. Canksa.chunky,a. Eu ’



church, n. Okodakiciyewakan° ti’


chute, n. Ohnaiyeyapi.cider, n. Taspanhanpi.cigar, n. Candiynkmnnpi.cigarette, n. Minihnhacanonpapi.cinder, n. Ca’ta; cangaga.cinnamon, n. Canha/ea.cipher, n. Itkonsa; ta’knsni . vi.


circle, n. Canhdeskakagapi ; ta’knmibe ; okodakiciye . vi . A O

homniya.circuit, n. Ohomni yapi.circuitous,a. t omui.circuitously, adv. Iohdamnayan °


circular,a. Mibe ; ohomniya.

civilian 33

in civil life. 3. Oyate iye en ’na

the civil war.

civilian, n. Wicastaikcenn.

civilization, n . Wasicnniciyapi.civilize, vt. Wasicnnya.civilized,a. Wasicnn waonspeka.civilly,adv. Tanyan .

clabber, n. A sanpi nini . T. A ssn

clad, imp . of cro wn .

claim,vt. Ta’wakeys ;kicakeys .

n . Ta’wapi keyapi ; mahoesicnpi ; keys cin

clam, n. Tnki ; tnkihasan.

clamber, vi. A di ; nape kicnnadi.clamor, n. Owodntaton. vi . W0

bitiyaeyapi.clamp, n. Maswiyn2ipe.

clan, n. Tiospaye.

clandestine,a. Nahmanclung, vi . Ka’ka.ch nnish,a. Isnaicidapi.clap, vt. A pa;kaskapa. n. Bu se

iyapa; kaskapapi.ch pper, n. Baa’bdaicakoka.clarity, vt. Ynmdeza.clash, vt. I’ciyapa;kagikiciya.clasp, vt. Yn ’

za. Y. Oyuspa. n.


class, n. Obe. T. Owe. The B ible

classify, vt. Obe soekoen e’hnaka.

classmate, n. Kici obe wan2idan.

ch tter, vi. Kokoka; okoya.clause, n. Iapi o’kihe.

claw, n. Sake ; nape . vt. Nahdata; nakega.

clay, n. Makagi ; makaconpeska.clean,a. Ska; sapesni . vt. Ynskapakinta.

cleanly,a. Ska; skaihdnha.cleanse, vt. Yn2a2a; ynska.cleansing, n. Yn2a2api.clear,a. Mde’n clear-water. 2.

Kasota:aclearsky. 3. Kohdi

aclear stone. 4. A detkawanica: clear lumber. 5. Iyowai nimi : clear of guilt. 6 . W0

wanica aclear track.

vt. 1 . Ta’ku owasinyutokanclear the table . 2. Mdesya: clear

3. Kiyuska4. Kamna; ynsotakamna: I cleared a

dollar. 5 Icahtake sni iyayahe cleared thefence. vi . Tokaniyaya;kasotathe clouds clearedof . Clear of the ground,makakakmin.

—C lear out, tokan iyaya. n. Ta’ku to’kecawanicatenfeet in the clear. adv. A


ya; tanmyanclearly,adv. Taninyan; 2a’2aya.clearuess, n. Tanin taninyannn.

With clearuess,taninyan.

cleave, cleit. vt. Kaptn2a; kaspa.vi . A ’

skapa; ikoyaka.cleit, n. Oko onasdeca.clemency, n. Wowahba.clement,a. Wa’hbaka.clench, vi. Sntayayn’

za.clergy, n. Wicastawakanclerical.a. Wowapikaga.clerk, n. Wowapikaga;ma20piyeawanyaka.

clever,a. Waynpika;waste .

cievis, n. Maziyutitansko’

pa.clew, n. On sdonyapi.click, vi. 8s n. Ko’ka;kakoka.client, n. O

’kiya; nakici2in.

cliti, n. Inyanmaya.climate, n. Tate ; tatetokeca.climax, n. Iapi sam was’aka; pesdete.

climb, vt. A di ; wankan ya.clime, n. Makoce .

clinch, vt. Yns’hiyanka; in’kpa.ynksan; sutaikoyake.

cling, vi. Ni’naikoyaka.

clink, vi. Sna. vt. Kasna.clip, vi. ynksa; ynsda.

clipper, n. Wi baksa; Wi ’tawatadn ’


clique, n. Kodakiciyapi.cloak, n. Hiyeteakahpe . vt. A


clock, n . Wi’hiyayedan. Y. T.


clod, n. Makatasaka. vt. Maketasakaonkin in .

clog, vt. Kagiya. n. Wokagi ;ban ’

pu cansicn .

close,a. 1 . Ikiyedan close to the

fi re. 2. Okadnze em: aclose

room. 3. Watehinda: aclose

trader. 4 . Ohnayanh ;ecetnyaaclose copy. 5 . Otinza;tehikemoney is close. vt. 1 . Ecen

iyeya; nataka: close the door.

2. t dnte : the op ening is

closed. 3. Ihnnikiya;aynstanclosed the sp eech. n. Owihanke ;ihanke.

closely, adv. Ikiyedan; sotinsya.

closet, n. Tiokahmin ohnoga.T. Unhnaga.

closeted,pa. Kicisnanann.

clot, vi . Tasaksaka.cloth, n. Minihnhaso’ka; hayakesapa.

clothe, clad, vt. Koyagya;heyakekicaton; o ’


clothes, n. Heyake. Y. Hayake.

Woko ake.

clothes-p n, n . Heyake wiynze .

clothier. n. Heyakewopeton.

clothing, n. Heyahe.

cloud, n. 1 . Mahpiya; mahpiyasapa. 2. Mahpiyase : clouds ofdust. vt. Mahpiya;aohanziya.vi . A mahpiya.

cloudless,a. A mahpiyaéni.cloudy,a. A mahpiya.clove, n . Pe2ntaynhaha. T. Ri’

iyatinze .

cioveu,pa. Za’ta; sdesdeca.clover, n. Pe2icanhd0hn.

clown, n. Waoncakonza.clownish,a. Waoncase .

club, n. 1 . Canksa; cannaksa;canwibopa. War club, can’hpi .

2. Ikes omniciye. vt. 1 . Canksa.onapa. 2. Kuwa: club together.


cluck. n. I’hdaskapapi. vi . I’hdaskapa; cincakicoco

clue. n. On’odepi.

clump, n . W0pamna. ; canwita.clumsy,a. Waonspokesni .clung, imp . of CLING .

cluster, n. Iyage ° W0pamna. vi .

ya; Wi ’tayahi .

clutch, vt. S ntayaynza.cc pref . Kicica; kici.coach, n. Canpahmihmawaste ;wowapitokSn . vt. Onspekiya.

coal, n . Makacahdi °


cahdiikce .

A coal of fi re, petaga. vi . Makacahdiicn .

coal-pit, n . Makacahdioke .

coalesce. vi .aitaya.coarse,a. Tan ’ka; so’ka; ikceka.coast, n . Huta; o ’hnta. vi . Hntakabdaya; osdohankicnn.

coat, n . 1 . On’hohda. Y. O 'kde .

T. O '

gle. 2. Innpi : acoat ofpaint. vi . Inn ;akahpa.

coating, n . Oakahpe .

vt. Da; c inkiya; kihna.cob, n. Hnwapahn.

cobble, vt. Can’hanpapiya.cobblestone, n. In

yankmikmanna.cobbler, n . Can’hanpapiya.cobweb,n . Unktomitahokata;wahumera

cock, n . A n’

pa0h0 t0nmdoka;mazakan noge . vi . No


cockade. n . Wa’cinhe.

cocktail, n. Miniwakanpa.cocoanut, n. Yahngapitanka.cocoon, n . Wamniomni .coddle, vt. Ribna.code, n. Woops ; Woops opahi.codfish, u . Hogancosyapisa.codger, n. Wiesen ohan to ’ksoe.

coequal,a. Kiciakidececa.coerce, vt. I

yopaétaka.coeval,a. Iyehan ni.

coexist, vi . Kici ui.coffee,n. Pe2utasapa;wakadyapi.coiieemill, n. Pe2ntasapaiynkpan.

coileenut, n. Wahnahna.


coffeepot, n. Pe2ntasapawiy0kastan.

coiier, n. Opiyesnta.coffin, n. Can'

ohnahnakapi.cog, n. Ma’zaynhomnipi hi .cogent,a. Was’aka.cogitate, vt. A wacin.

cognizant,a. A’tayasdonya.

cohabit, vi . Kiciyus un.

cohere, vi. Kicnciyaskapa.coil, vt. Kaksa. n. Okaksa.coin, n. Ma’zaska. vt. Ma’zaskasdoya; ka’ga.

coincide, vi A’kidececa.

cold,a. Sm ; osni ;a ita. Cold

iron,ma’zasni.—A cold day,

anpetu 0 sni .—I am cold, maa ita.

cold-blooded, a. We sni ; cantewanica.

colic, n. Teziyazanpi .collapse, vi. Napopa; hinhpaya.collar, n . Wanapin tabuska; tahnakahpe. vt. Wam pinkicaton.

collar-bone, n. Ceskicate ; T. os

collate, vt. Mnayancolleague, n. Kicica.collect, vt. Pahi ; mnayan. vi .

Wi’taya.collect, n . Wocekiye ptecena.collection, n. Womnaye.

collective,a. YnWitaya.collector, n. Wamnaye.

college, n . Woonspewankantu.

collide, vi . I’ciyapa.

collision, n. I’ciyapapi.colloquial,a. Wi’kcekceiapi.colonel, n. Kekt0pawingeitancan.

colonize, vt. Ospayeton i’yotanka.colony, n. Ospayeahitipi .color, n. 1 . Owapi ; sayapi ; hin’

tokeca. 2. p l. Oyate tawowai ;Wi


colldred.pa. Owapi .

colorless,a. Owapiwanica.colossal,a. Ni’natanka.

comiortable,a. Tanyan waste.

comiorter, n. Wakicanpte; 0Win2aso'ka.

comiortless,a. Cozi wanica.comic, comical,a. Wawihaye.

comity, n. O’kiciyapi.comma, n. Oehnakedan.

command, vi. 1 . Wowas’ake oneya;—si. He commanded himto go, yesi. 2. Itancannn wascon si : the cap tain commandsthe company. 3. Iyokihi, wheatcommandsahighp rice. n. W0

eye ;woawanyake ; wookihi .

colporteur, n. Wowapiwiyopeyaomani .

colt, n. Snnkcincana.column, n . 1 . Wowapi cank nye

obosdata. 2 . Canipa’tan.

Comanches, n. S intehdawicasa.comb, n. 1 . Ipakca. A fi ne comb,ipakcasbnna. 2. Tnhmagaibdi 0 2nha, honey comb. 3. A n

paohotonnapesa, ch i cken ’s

comb. vi. Kakca. Comb one’s


combat, vi. Ki’za; kiciza. n.W0


combatant, n. Wakiza.combative,a. Wakizesa.combine, vi . Ynokonwan2ina.combustible,a. Ideyepica.come, came, vi . 1 . (in progress) U .

2. (completed) Hi.—I come,

wan .—I came

,wahi.—I will

come, wan kta, or, wahi kta.Comeafter (later) , ihakam 11


(come for) hnwe hi ; hiyohi.Como of (asashoe) sdokahan.

—Come to,iyohi.

—Come upwi th


comedy, n. Woskate.

comely,adv. Owanyacomet, n. Wicanhpisinteton.

comfort, vt. Kicanpta; o’kiya. n.

1 . Wokicanpte woozikiyeta’kn on tanyan nn

pi : live in

commandantcommandant, commander, n. Itan

com-andmeat, n. Woahope .

commemorate, vt. Kiksnya.commemoration, n. Wokiksuye .

commence, vt. Tokaheyaecon;wannaecon .

commencement, n. Otokahe .

commend, vt. Yawaste ; ca2eyata.commendable,a. Yawastepica.commensurate,a. Iyehantn.

comment, vi. Iato’ketn oyaka.

commentary, n. o’ken ka’pi oya

kapi.commerce, n, Oyate w0pekicatonpi.

commercial,a. W0pet0n.

commiserate, vt. On ’eida.

commissary,n.Woynteawanyake .

commission, vt. Woeconkn . n . 1 .

Waeconkiyapi acommissionto try him. 2. Econpi the

commission of crime. 3. Ta’kueconsipi ;wowasi . 4. Waeconsipi wowapi.

commissioner, n. Awanyake itancan.

commit, vt. 1 . Econ commit sin.

2. E’hnaka: commit to jail. 3.

En iyayeiciya: he committedhimself to the work.

committee, n. Waeconsipi.commodious,a. Okipika.commodity, n. Woynha.commodore,n. Oznyewataitancan.

common,a. 1 . He’cecasa°

sazacommon event. 2. ikceka.;ikcenn the commonp eop le. 3.

I’akidecen ta’wapi common

property common schools. n.

Makobaspe oyate ta’wapi.commonly,adv. Eco ; sa.commonplace,a. He’

cetnka.commonwealth, n. Oyatea’taya.commotion, n. Woskanskan.

commune, vi . Wohdaka;wohdnzeion .

communicaut, n. Wohdnze o’


36 complexion

communicate, vt. Kn ; hiynkiya;oyaka. vi. W0yake ; i ’ciyahdewanka.

communication,a. Woyakesa.

communion, n. 1 . Wohdnze ° Ma2. Odakonkiciyapi;

co spaye ;ta’kn Wi’taata’wayapi.

commute, vt. naokpani.compact,a. Otinza; suta. n. Wo

konze ;woecon.

companion, n. Kicica; kionwa.company, n. 1 . Optaye ; Wicawi

2. Tuwe

dry goods


he.pare, vt.nyan 111)

comparison, n. I’ciwanyakapicompass, n. Ma2 1wanyake makiwanyaks ; woiyohiya; nohomniya. vt. Iyohiya.

compasses. n. Canhdeskawicazo .

compassion, n. Wowaonsids .

compassionate,a. Waonsida.compatible,a. Kicicayepica.compel, vt. I’y0pastagya;—ki’ya.

compensate, vt. Ka2n2n .

compensation, n. W0ka2n2u .

compete, vi. Ki ci econ .

competence, n. W0 0kihi °

0, iccompetent,a. Okihi ; iyecetn.

competition, n. Kicieconpi .compile, vi. Wi

’tayae' .hnakacomplacent,a. Waciniyokipi .complain vi . Iyokipicomplaint, n. Wonie .

complete,a. Ynstanpi ;Ynstan; ecetnya.

completely,adv. Tanyehca.complex,a. Oskiske.

complexion, n. Uka° ha.

a’taya. vt.

conform 38

conform, vi . Iyecenecon.

confound, vt. Wacinhnnniya; i ’cihnnniya; i’cicahiya.

confront, vt. I’tkokipa.

confuse, vt. Wacinhnnniyai’ci

cahiya.confusion, n . To

’ketn tanin sni .confute, vt.aicake sni .congeal, vi. Tasagya. vi . Tasaka.congenial ,a. Wi’ciyokipi .congested,a. O2ndan otinza.conglomerate,a. I’cicahi.congratulate, vt. Ikiciynskin.

congregate, vi . Mni’ciya.congregation, n . Omniciye .

Congregational, n . Okodakiciyewakan obe . A ’


congress, n. Tnnkansinaomniciye .

conical,a. Mibepesto.

conjecture, vt. Ecin iynkcan.

conjugal,a. Wakankiciyuzapi.conjugate, vi . A detkaoyeke .

conjunction, n . W okah take .

(Gram ) Iyaynze .

conjure, vt. Wapiya; eya.connect, vt. I

’cikoyake ; kicica.

connectedly,adv. Ynznnya.

connection, n . I’ciyahde ; kicica;

W 0 taknye .

connive, vi . Iyowinyan; o’kiya.connubial,a. Okiciynze .

conquer, vt. Ohiya; kte ’dan.

conquest, n . Ohiyapi .conscience, n . Wi’ihdnkcan.

conscientious, a. Tawnhdnkcanahope.

conscious,a. Kiksnye .

conscript, n. A kicitaopekiyapi.consecrate, vi . aakan kn .

consecutive,a. I’ciyokiheya.consent, vi . Iyowinyan.

consequence, n . 1 . Ta’kn etanhanicage . 2 . Wookinihan.

consequential,a. Okinihan.

consequently,adv. He’cen .

conservative,a. Tawacin; hanhi.consider, vt. A wacin; eoin .


considerable,a. Ki ’tannao’ta.

consideration, n. Woawacin; W0ka2n2n .

consign, vi . Kn ; ynh ekiya.consist, vi . He’

ca; onka’gapi.consistent,a. He


consolation, n. Wokicanpte .

console, vt. Kicanpta.consolidate, vt. Ynokonwanzwa.consonant, n. Oowatansnasni .a. Kici okiciwaste.

consort, vi . O ’hanhde ; ihakta.n. Kicica.

conspicuous,a. Okitanin.

conspiracy, n. Nahman knwapi.conspire, vt. Kuwa.constable, n . Waoynspa.constancy, n. Wowacintanka.constant, a. O ’

hinni ; pa’tawan~zwa.

consternation, n. Woynsinyaye .

constipated,a. Snksntaiheya.constituency, n. Tina’koyata’warya1.

cons tute, vt. Ka’ga.constitution, n. Wokagewowapi ;wokage ; okage .

constrain, vt. I’y0pastake.

construct, vt. Ka’ga.construction, n . Ka’gapi.construe, vt. To

’ketn oyaka.consult, vt. Kici iwohdaka.consultation, n. Iwohdakapi.consume, vt. Ihangya ynsota;(by eating ) temya; (by fi re)hnhnaga.

consummate, vt. Ihnnikiya.Wankantnya.

consumption, n. Ihangyapi ; cagnsicawoyazan.

contact, n. Icahtakapi.contagious,a. I'ciyahpeyapi.contain, vt. Ohnakaen nn;kipiihdnha.

contaminate, vt. Ynswa.contemplate, vt. A wacin; ka.contemporary, n. Iyehan ni.contempt, n. Wowahtedasni.


contemptible,a. Wahtesm’


contend, vi . A kinica; kitan .

content,a. Iyokipi. vi . Iyokipiya.n . Woiyokipi ;woozi .

contention, n . Woakinica.contentious,a. Waakinicasa.contentment, n . Woozi.


, vt. A kinica.con

’test, n. Woakinica.

context, n. Iapikicica.contiguous.a. Icahtaka.continent, n . Makotanka.continual,a. O ’hinni .

continually, adv. O ’hinniyancontinuous,a. O ’hinni yeya.continue, vt. San ’

paya; knwa.contortion, n. Tanoan ynhminpi.contract’ , vi.atecena; natipa;yustan .

con’tract,a. Woynstan.

contraction, u . A yucikapi.contractor, n. Waecon.

contradict, vi . He’cetusni eya;

ynwicakesni .contrary,a. To’ksoe ; kaseya.contrast, vt. I’ciwanyag o


n . To’kecapi.

contribute, vt. Womnaye on e

hpeya; kn ; h ens.

contribution, n. Womnaye.

contrite,a. Icantemca.contrive, vt. Iynkcan; knwa.control, vt. A wanyaka.

controversy, n . Woakinica.controvert, vt. YnWicakesni kuwa.contumacy, n . Wanahonpisni .

convene, vi . Mni'ciya.

convenience, n. Okiciwastepi.convenient,a. Un’

piwaéte;tanyanconvent, n. S inasapawinyan tipi.

convention, n . Omniciye .

converge, vt. I’ciyahde ye .

conversant,a. A’tayasdonya.

conversation, n. Wohdahdakapi.con

'verse,a. Kaicncnya.


, vi . Wohdaka; iaa.conversion, n. Ihdnhomnipi.

39 cornice


, vi . Ynhomni.con

’vert, n. Yntokecapi.

convex,a. P1120 ;apaha.convey, vi. A

ya;ai.conveyance, n.ae ; ku



convict’, vt. Yaco ; kaska.con

’vict, n. Yacopi.

convince, vt. Wicadakiya.convocation, n. Wicastawakan 0

mniciye .

convoke, vt. Wicakico ; mni’ciya.convulse, vi . Yuskanskan .

convulsion, n. Kan’natipapi .

coo, vi . Z itkadowan.

cook, vt. Oh'an ; spanyan. vi. Wo

han; waspanyan dotihan. n.


cooked, pa. Span .

cooky, n. A gnyapi skn '

yena.cool,a. Cnsni °

sni ; mde’za. vt.

Saiyan °

ynsni ; canasni .coolly,adv. Ohankesya.coon, n. Wica.coOp,n. Ti’pidan . n . Maheniyeya.cooper, n. Kokapahmihmaka’ga.cooperate, vi O ’kiya.coot, n. Canhpan.

cope, vi. Kici econ .

copious,a. Okamdaya; 0 ’ta.

copper, n. Ma’zase .

copulate, vt. Kiynha.copy, vi. Iyecen owa.copyright, n. Ta’wayapi .cord, n . 1 . Hakahmunpi ; hahonta; Wi’ken . 2. Can’iyntapi .

cordial.a. Cantewaste. n. Pe2ntaoca2e .

core, n . Canto ; co.

cork, n. Zan2aniostan.

cormorant, n. Hnn’tka;mdo’

za.corn, n. 1 . Wamnaheza; Y. wakmaheza; T. wagmeza;wahnWapa. 2. S iynkazaanoge .

corner, n . l . Oise the street

corner. 2. Okahmin : the corner

of the room. vt. Kahminyataiyeya.

cornice, n. Ti’pitete.

coronationcoronation, n. Te’sdagkiyapi.coroner, n. Wicate Wi’ynkcancorporal,a. Wicatancan. n . Wi

corps, n. Optaye.

corpse, n. Wieste .

corpulent,a. Ce’pa; tancantanka.corral, n. Cankaskapi.correct, a. Owotanna; he’cetn.

vt. Ynowotanna; iy0peya.correction, n. A piyapi ; ynowo

tannapi.correctly,adv. Tanyan znn

ya.correspond, vi. 1 . Kici iyececa;kicica corresponds with the

copy. 2. Wowapi kicicn : she

corresponds with her mother.

corroborate, vt. aicaka.corrode, vt. Ynkuka.corrupt, vi. Yusica. a. Si’ca;hWin; owotannasni .

corruptible,a. Ynsicepicacorruption, n . Woynsice.

corset, n. aiiynskite.

cost, vt. Iynsote; iyopeya. n.W0

iy0peye ; woka2n2n .

costive,a. Snksntaiheya.costly,a. Tehike.

costume, n . Oihduze.

cot, n. Owankacis’tinna.coteau, n . He.

cottage, n . Ti’

piknciyena.cotton, n . Hin

’0 2npi ;minihnha.

cottontail, n. Mastincana.cottonwood, n . Wa’gacan.

couch, vi . Pnstag iwanka. n.

owanka. vt. E’hnaka.

cough, vi . Hohpa. Cough up , kaspa. n . Hohpapi.

could, imp . of CAN.

council, n. Omniciye.

counsel, vt. Eciya; econsi ; ikiciynkcan n . Wowahokonkiye.

count, vt. To’nakecayawa; yawa.

n. Woyawa; wowicada; itancan.

countenance, n. Ite ; itohnake ;wookiye . vt. Iyowinkiya.


counter, n. Wa’hnawopetonpi ,tnweyawa. adv. 85pref . Itkom ,

unman eciyatanhan ° i ’cipas.counteract, vt. Ynecetusniya.counterfeit, n . Wohnaye. vi. Wo

hnaye ka’ga.countermand, vt. Yntokeca.countess, n . Win


countless,a. Yawapicasni .countrlfied,pa. Wo2nwicasaseca.country, n 1 . Makoce : my country. 2. 1kcemakoce ;W0 2ntipi ;he lives in the country. 3. O

yate : the whole country rose in


countryman, n. W02nWicasa.county, n, Makobaspe.

couple, a. Non’

pa; tawan2i . vt.

I’ciyakaska; i ’cikoyake .

coupler, n. Wi ’koyake.

coupon, n. Onspaikoyake.

courage, n . Wowaditake.

courageous,a. Waditaka.courier, n. Wahosiye.

course, n. 1 . Woiyopte ; to’ken

econ his course was not wise.

2. Tokiyotan ya the ship’s

course. 3. Owecinhan econpi

acourse of lectures. vi . Ya;iyopte ; knwa.

court, vt. Okiya;Wiokiya° akita.n . Wayacoomniciye ° ho’


itancanti .courteous.a. Ohanwaste .

courtesy, n. Wokinihan .

courtier, n. Itancan taokiye .

courtly,a. Okinihan.

courtship, n. Okiyapi .courtyard, n . Ti’wastooksan.

cousin, n. (A man’s male cousin)

Tahansi °

(A man’scousin) hankasi ; (A woman’


male cousin) icesi ; (A woman’s

female cousin) icepansi .cove, n. Okahmin.

covenant, n. Wokonze.

cover, vt. A kahpa;ahdeynza. n.

Oakahpe ; iha.


covering,a. Oakahpe .

coverlet, n. Owin2aakahpe.covert,a. Nahmaimi.

Kon;as’in ; T. kon’la.

covetous,a. Wokons’a.covetousuess, n. Wakonpi.covey, n. Z ithaoptaye.

cow , n. PteWiye ; pte. vt. Ini

hanya.coward, n. Tu

’wo canwanka.

cowardly,a. Canwanka.cowbird, n. Pteahpaye ; T. wahpahota.

cowboy, n. Pteawanyakecowhide, n . Pteha; tahado.

coworker, n. Kicica.coy,a. Wi’steca.coyote, n. Mi’ca; mi ’caksica.cozy,a. Waynco ; tanyan.

crab, n. Matuskatanka; taspancrabbed,a. Wacinko.

crack, vt. A sanut, kahuga; kakpi . A s ap late, or aboard


ynsdeca. A s ice, otin ° bu . A s

wawihaye. A s awhip ,po

pa. n. Oko ; onasdeca; bu ;oape .

cracker, n. A gnyapisaka; cabdinapomyapi .

crackle, vt. Nakpakpa.crackling, n. Wasin ogugu .

cradle, n. I'y0k0pa.craft,a. l . Woecon; wowam : ofwhat craftare ye. 2. Wa’ta.

crafty,a. Wicahnaye ksa’pa.crag, n. In

yanmaya.cragged, craggy,a. Hehe.

cram, vt. Paotinza;akaska.cramp, n. Kannatipapi. vt. Nafimyai M tulwa

cranberry, n . Potpanka.crane, n. Pehan; pehansancrank, n. 1 . Iynhomni ; ma'zakhan. 2. Tawacintokecas’a.

cranky,a. Ohanto'keca.crape, n. A pahdate gangan.

crash, vt. Kahuhuga. n. Woihangye ; ta’ku bu ; minihuhapepe.


crate, n. Canyankapiopiye.

Heide'ohdoka.cravaf. u . Tahuiynskito.

crave, vt. Ni ’nacin; icekiya.crow, n. Z itkatapo .

crawfish, n. Matuska.crawl, vi. Sdohan; win'ta.crayon, n. Makasan Wi ’yowa.craze, vi. Yuhnaskinyan. n. Ihnu

cream, n. A saAnpizi ; waste .

creamery, n. sanpi okage.

crease, vt. Yuksi2a.create, vt. Ka’ga; otokaheka’ga.creation, n. Otokaheka’gapi.creator, n. Tu ’

we ka’ga.creature, n. Ka’gapi.credence, n. Wowicada.credentials, n. Ta’knaicaka.credible,a. Wieadapica.credit, n. Oicazo ;W0Wicada;W0ynonihan. vt. Oicazoku ; Wicakeda.

creditable,a. Yawastepica;W icadapica.

creditor, n. Tu ’weicazo.

credulous,a. KohannaWicada.Cree, n . Mastincaoyate.

creek, n. Wakpana.creep, vi . Sdohan; win’ta.cremate, vi. Huhnahya.Creole, n. Spaniyocinca.crest, n . Pesdete .

crevice, n. Oko ; onasdeca.crew, n~Wowasi Optaye .

crib, n. Wamnahezaopiyo ; W0

knake ; i’yokopa; T. tioslola.cricket, n . Psi

psicanasa’pa.cried, imp . of CRY.

crier, n . E’

yanpaha.cries, 3d ps. of CRY.

crime, n. Woops kicaksapi ; W0sice.

criminal,a. Woops kiosken.

criminate, vt. Woope kicaksekiya.crimp, vt. Yummza.


crimson,a. Sa; we is .

cringe, vi . Naps ; pustaka.cripple, vi . Kinnniya. n. Tu


osteka.crisis, n. Oyuhomni .crisp,a. Wan'kadan.

critic, n. Wakcankiyapi.critical, a. Wakcankcanka; to'ketn tanin sni.

criticise, vi. Iiyai’eniyeyacroak, vi . Edo ; hoton .

crock, n. Makacega.crocodile, n. A hdeskatanka.crony, n. Tu ’

weohanhdeya.crook, vt. Yuksan . n. Oyuksancrooked,a. Kean; hmin.

crookedly,adv. Yuksanksan.

crop, n. Wo2upi ; ta’ku iongo ;tapo . vt. Basmin; in’kpabaksa;kasda; icahya. vi . Kas’inyan u .

cross, n. Canicipawege ; canhdakinyan ; i’cipawege . vi. Hdakinyan icagopi ; i’cipawega;icahiya;kagiya. a. 1 . Wacinko ; canksiksi : across woman.

2. Ce’

yesa: across baby. 3.

Ocinsica: across bull. adv.

Hdakinyan o’

pt-a.cross-eyed,a. taksin .

cross-grained,a. YuWi ; hmin.

crossing, n. O’

ptaya’pi.crosswise,a. Hdakinyancrotch, n. Can2ate.

crotchety,a. Ohantokeca.crouch, vi . Pustaka.croup, n. Kineye niyapi .crow. n. Uncisicedan. vi. Hoton ;tan'kaicidahoton.

Crow, n. Kangitoka.crowbar, n. Ma’zahonpe .

Crow Creek, n. (The A gency)Con

'kicakse. (The stream) Kangioknte.

crowd, n. Wioota; 0 ’ta. vt. Pao

tinza; paotinsiyeya.crown, n. Watesdake. vt. Watesdagkicaton.

cultivationcrucifix, n. Je'sus i’cipawegaka’gapi.

crucify, vt. I’cipaweh okatan.

crude,a. Ikce ; ka’gapisni .cruel,a. Waonsidasni ; cantewanica; wakiunnis’a.

cruelly,adv. Waonsidasniyancruelty, n. Wowaonsidasni.cruise, n. Wi’tawata0mani.c

qmb, n. A guyapi oenasna. vt.

ukpan ancrumble, vivik puwahe °

ptuhaha.vi. Yuptuha.

crumple, vt. Yukéiksi2a.crupper, n. S inteiyutitan.

crusade, n. Kuwapi ;wotakpecrush, vt. Kashica; kasu2a.crust, n. Ha; haakamatasaka.crustya. Ksizeca; ke’

crutch, n. Can’huyapi.cry, cries, vi . 1 . Ce’

yacries. 2. Eyaniya; pan’


yanpahs ; hon he stood

and cried. n. ocoye ; ce’


° hotonpi ; eyapi. Cry out,

eyaniyan .

crying, a. Ce’

yes’a; wakitan;

tan’kacrystal,a. Kohdi ; 2an2an .

cub, n. Wacinca.cube, n. I’akidecen omdoton.

cubit, n. Wicispaoiyute.

cucumber, n. Sa’kayutapi yuhihi .cud, n. Woyata. Chew the cud


wayatekonza.cuddle, vi . A doksohan.

cudgel, n. Canksa.cue, n. Pe’hinsonpi ; sinte.

cuff, vi. Napemdaskaapa. n. 1 .

Oape. 2. Napokaskeska.culinary,a. Onwohanpi .cull, vt,

Kahnihpahi . n . Okaptapi ; siksica.

culminate, vi . Iyotanwankan '

1 .

culpable,a. Eupion.

culprit, n. Tu ’wewahtani .

cultivate, vt. Kicanyan° icahya.cultivation, n. Wakicanyanpi.


culture, n . Kicanyanpi.cultured, pa. Waonspeka.culvert, n . Ceyagtonpi.cumber, vi . Nagiyeya; kagiya.cumbersome,a. Okicanyesica.cunning,a. 1 . Wayupika: acun

ning workman. 2. Wicastaéacunning for. 3. Wastena: acunning baby.

cunningly,adv. Waynpiya.cnp, n. Wi ’yatke . vi. We icu .

cupboard, n. Waksinopiye .

cupidity, n. Wocantahde.

cupola, n. Hda’hdatipi .curable,a. A sniyepica.curative,a. Onasnipi.curb, vt. Kagiya;anapta. n . In

yancankunataka; i ’iyuwitinza.curd, n . A sanpi suksuta.curdle, vi. Suksutaa’ya.cure, vt. 1 . A sniyan cure the sick.

2 . Pusya: cure hams.

curiosity, n . Wasdonyewacinpi ;wowanyake.

curious,a. Wasdonyewacin waynpika;wakan .

curl, n. Owinge ; oynha. vt. Yu

mnimni2a; yuhahaye .

curly,a. Ynhaha.curlew, n. Pasuskopa.currant, n. Captaheza.currency, n. Iyazaya; ma’zaska.current, a. Hiyaya; un

pi ; de.

n. Kadus ya.curry, vi . Yustosto ; kakca.curry

-comb, n. Wi’cakca.curse, vt. Yaéica; Wakantanka

ca2oyan yasica. n. Woyasica.cursed,a. Yasicapi.cursory,a. Iushui .

curtain, n. O ’zanpi .

curvature, n. Womibe.

43 Cl l l’

curve, vt. Yuksan . n. Oyukéan;mibe .

curved,pa. Kean; mibe .

cushion, n. Ipahin .

custard, n. Wi’tkayu2apicustom, n. 1 . Woecon; woopsan Indian custom. 2. Enkiciipi

draws custom. 3. Oyate woka2n2u .

customary,a. Econpi ecee.

customer, n. Enkiciis’a; tu ’wo .

cut, vt. Baksa; bahon . (By striking) Kaksa. (By cutting or

sawing) Baksa. To cut down,

kawanka. To cu tof (asgrass)kaede .

—To c ut out (as clothes) ,bapta; yupta.

—To cutagash,bahon .

—To cut loose, yusdoka

—Cu t teeth,hi ’nya.—Cut up (in

p ieces); baksaksa; (to p lay),n. 1 . (agash) Obahon. 2. (a

stroke ) Oape . 3. (ap iece) Obaspe . 4. (adrawing ) Iteowapi .5. (railway) Canku okapi. 6 . (ashort cut) Canku .

pa. Baksapi ; pasdntapi.cute,a. Wastena' ; wacinksapa.cutlas, n. Miwakan.

cutlet, n. Obakse.

cutoff, n. A’kokam cankn .

cutter, n. Wi ’casda canWiynsdohe ; Wi


cutting, n. Obakse bahonpi.cutworm, n. Wamduskadan.

cycle, it . Mibe ;aohomni .cyclone, n. Tatehomn i .cyclopedia, n. Woon Spe sintomnioyaka.

cylinder, n . Mibehanska.

cymbal, n. Ma’zakasnapi .cynical,a. Wawiha.cypress, n. Hantehanska.czar, n. A


dab, vt. A kastska;apa. n. oape ;wokastake.

dabble, vi. Mini en ska’ta;aspayeya.

dabbler, n. A skate.

dad, daddy, n. A te ;dadil



-iegs, Unktomi hu hans

dagger, n. Isan tan ’ka; Y. T.


daily, a. adv. A npetu iyohi ;anpetu iyohi ka’gapi.

dainty, a. Wastena. n. Ta’kusknskuyena.

dairy, n. A sanpiihdi ka’gapi.daisy, n. WahcacuWizizi.Dakota, n. pr. Dakota.

river, n. pr. Cansansanwakpa.

dale, n. Makosmaka.daily, vi . Hun’kesni econ .

dam, n. 1 . Hunks Wi’

ye. 2. Ce

yaka. vt. ceyagton;mininataka.damage,vt. Yusica. n. Woynsice


dame, n. Win’

yan itancan.

damn, vt. Yasica; wakanéicatiektaiyayeya.

damnable,a. Yasi i ipica.damnation, n. Woyasice.

damp,a. Tkin; epa’ya; hpan .

dampen, vt. Hpanye ; kagiya.damper, n. Woanapte.

damsel, n. Wikoéka.dance,v. Waci ;wacikiya. n.W0

waci.dancer, n. Wacisa.dandelion, n. Wahcazi.dander, n. Pa’gangsen.

dandle, vt. Kihnahna; kiskata.dandruff, n. Pa’gangeca.dandy, n. Tu ’

wo W i’tantan.

danger, n. Wokokipe . In dangerof, okokipeya;a’etopteya.

dangerous,a. Okokipe.

dangerously,adv. Okokipeya.dangle, vi . Otkehan° ikoyaka.dongles, n. l. Ohcihci.

dapper,a. aynco.

dapple,a. Hdeska.dare, vi . Tawatenya. vt. canwankeda.

dare-devil, n. Wakansica.daring,a. Ta’ku kokipe sni .

dark,a. & n. 1 . O ’kpaza; 0 ’

tpaza.2. To

’ketutaninsni : adark

problem. 3. Sa’pa; si’ca: adark vi llain. 4. Sa’peca; stan :

darken, vt. A okpasya.darkly,adv. A okpasya.darkness. n. O

’kpaza.darling, n . 85a. Tehinda.darn, vt. 1 . Pasisakagege. 2. Ya.sica.

dart, vt. Kaho- iyeya. vi. Ni’nayaya. n. Wi ’cape.

dash, vt. Iyamehpeya° kamdeca,akastanstan °

0hanko ynétan .

vi. Ni’naiyaya. n. Wonatan °

woiyapa° wokahtaka.dash-board, n. Canpahmihmanite .

dastard,a. Canwanka.date, n. Wiyawapi ; watohantn .

vt. Wiyawapi ka’ga°


yawndaub, vt. A kastska;apnspa.daughter, n. Cunwintkn. Mydaughter, micunksi ; c u n 8 .

Your daughter, nicunksi.daughter-ln-law, n. Takos. Your

daughter- indow,nitakos. H is

daughter-in- law,takoskn.

daunt, vt. Natungyadauntless,a. Natnngyapiedawn, n. A n

pao ; oicage . vi. .Icage ; 11 .

day, n. A npetu ; can; Y. an ’


declaratorydeclaratory,a. Yaotanin.

declare, vi . Yaotanin; eya.declension, n . Yn h ukn yap i(Gram. ) iokawinhaya.

decline, vi . Kun ya; Wicadasni .n. Kun ya.

declivity, n. A’


decompose, vt. vi. Yuknka;knka.

decorate, vi. Yuwaste ; says .

decorous,a. Iyecetu .

decoy, n. Hna’yan icu ; hmun’ka.n. Wi’hmunke.

decrease, vi . To’nana9.’ya; a'oh

pania'ya. vt. A’okpaniya.

decree, v. Kon ’za;W0 0pe ka’ga.

decrepit,a. Kan; osteka.decry, vt. Yasica; yasihtin.

dedicate, vt. Ku °


deduce, vt. Icu ; iynkcan.

deduct, vi. Icu ; yutokan.

deed, n. 1 . Woecon; Wicohan;ta’kn econpi. 2 . Makocewowapi suta. vt. Kn ; makoceWowapi kn .

deem, vt. Yawa; ecin.

deep,a. Mahentn ; (Of water) sbe;ni’na. n. Wosbe ; miniwanca.

deepen, vt. Yumahentuya.deeply,adv. Mahentuya.deer, n . Ta’hinca; ta'hca.deerskin, n. Taha.deface, vt. Yusica; pa2n2n .

deialcate, vi. Onge manon .

defame, vt. Yasica.default, v. 85 n . Econsni .

defeat, vt. Kte ’na; ohiya. n . Kte’

pina.defect, n. Onspa. iyecetu sni .

defective,a. OnspaS i ’ca.defence, n. Wowinape ; anaiciksinpi .

defend, vt. Nakici2in.

defender, n. Waanakiksin.

defenseless.a. Woawanyake cc’


defensible, a. A wanyakapiwaste .

defensive,a. Naici2in.

46 delicacyvi . A kipe 7defer, vi. Kihnaka.

ohoda.deference, n. A hopapi .defiance, n . W0kipa2in;wonahon

sni .

deficiency, n. Iyohi sni .

deficient,a. A ’okpani ; iyohi sn i

defile, vt. Yusapa; yusica.Canku ocistiyedan.

define, vt. To’ketn oyaka.

definite, a. Tanyanoyakapi ; yntaninpi hca.

definitely,adv. Taninyanhca.

definition, n. To’ken ka’pi oya

kapi.deform, vi. Ynsica.deformed, pa. Oéteka.defraud, vt. Ki ; hna'yan.

defray, vt. Ka2n2n.

deft,a. Wayupika.defunct,a. Ta; owihanke .

defy, vt. Kipa2in; ohodasni.degenerate, vi. Si ’caa’ya. a. S i

htin .

degradation, n . Wotakuni sni.degrade. vi. Ynhukuya.degraded,pa. Run

’tuh un

pi .

degree, n. 1 . Ga’hdo ; oiyute .

Waca2eyatapi : the degree ofA . B .

dehorn, vt. He kawanica.deify, vt. Yuwakan.

deign, vi . Enahiwacin.

deist, n. WowapiWakan ohnasniWakantankaawacin.

deity, n. Wowakan.

deject, vt. Cantesii iya.dejected,pa. Cantesica.dejection, n. Cantesicapi .delay, vi. Yntehan ; kagiya.delegate, n. Yesipi. vt. Yesi ;econktawowas’ake kn .

delegation, n. Yesipioptaye .

deliberate, v. A wacin. a. A wacinecon ; hanhi .

deliberately,adv. A wacinyan.

delicacy, n. Ta’ku wastena; W 0Waste.

delicatedelicate,a. Wastena; wasazeca;delicately,adv. Iwastena; wasas

gens ; iyokipiya.

de ions,a. Wastehca.deliciously,adv. Oiyokipiyadelight, n. Wowiyuskin. v. Iyuskin; iyokipiya.

delightful.a. Oiyokipi.delineate, vt. Icazo °


delinquency, n . Woynsna.delinquent,a. 85 n. Econsni.delirious,a. Wacinhnuni.deliver, vi. 1 . E

’hdaku deliver

from death. 2 . Kn : deliver the

letter. 3. Oyaka deliver the


deliverance, n. Waehdakupi ; oie.

deliverer, n. Waehdaku .

dell, n. O ’smaka.

delude, vi. Nu’niya.

deluge,n. Minitan . v. A mnitanya.delusion, n. Wohnaye .

delve, v. Kahdoka; oka.demagogue, n. Oyate hna’yan.

demand, vi . Da; kitan da. n.

Da’pi ; cin’

pi ;Wi’wangapi.

demean, vt. Ohanyan.

demented,a. Wacinhnuni.demi pref . Hanks .

demise, n. Ta.Democrat, n. pr. ItokahWicasta.demolish, vi. Yu2n2u .

demon, n. Wakan S ica.demonstrable,a. Yuwicakepica.demonstrate, vt. aicaka.demoralize, vt. Ynsihtin.

demur, vi . Kagiyaia.demure,a. Ohan sta’ka.den, n. Ti’pidan wamaniti.denial, n. Wicakesnieyapi ; Wicadasni.

denominate, vt. Ca2eyata.denomination, n. Ca2e ; oca2e .

denominator, n. Kiyuspapi oyeke .

denote, vi. Yaotanin° ka.

denounce,vi . I on iyeya;yaotanin.

dense.aP9 °“icapi ; so ’ka.



dent, vt. Paosmaka.dentist, n. Hi piya.denude, vi. Tancodayadenunciation, n . Yasicapi.deny (denied), vt. Wicakesni eya;he’cetusni eya; kn Wicadasni ;ipida.

deodorize, vt. Sicamnasaniye .

depart, vi . Iyeye ; tokanya.department. n. Ospaye .

departure. n. Tokanya'pi .depend, vi . Ikoyaka; wacinyan.

dependence, n. I’cikoyagnnpi ;we»


depict, vi. Owa; yntanin.

deplete, vt. Yusota.deplorable,a. Oiyokisica.deplore, vt. Icantesica.eponent, n. Wayatanin.

depopulate, vi . Wicayusota.deportment, n . Ohan .

depose, vi . A yustankiya. vi . Yatanin .

deposit, vt. E’hnaka; kihnaka. n .

Wakihnakapi ; oiheye .

depot, n. Hemanionamn owo

huahe .

deprave, vi . Ynsica.depravity, n. Yusicapi.deprecate, vt. Iyokipi sni.depreciate, vt. Kun yawa. vi . Kun

iyaya.depress, vt. Kun iyeya.

depressed, pa. Iyokisica; yuhukuyapi

deprivation, n. Wahpaniyapi .deprive, vt. Ki

depth, n. Sbe ;wosbe ; 0mahentu .

derange, vt. Yuskiskaderide, vt. Ihaha.derision, n. Wowiha.derivation, n. Etanhan icupi.derive, vt. Etanhan icu .

descend, v. Kun ya; kun iyahe ;icage .

descendant, n. Etanhan icage .

descent, n. Kun ye ; wonatan;Wicoicage.


describe, vt. Oyaka; owa.description, n . Woyake .

descriptive,a. Wawoyake ; iokaWinh oyaka.

descry, vt. Tonweya.desecrate, vt. Yu ikceka.desert’ vt. Ehpeya; nazwa.des

’ert, n. Makoce waicagesni .a. Waicagesni .


, n. Ta’ku kuwa.deserter, n. Tu

’wo naz ica.

desertion, n. Ehpeyapi ; na2 1ca.deserve, vt. Kamna: kn iyececa.design, vt. Iwanyaka; awacin.

n. Woawacin wowiynkcandesignate, vt. Ka; kahniga.designer, n. Wi ’yukcan.

desirable,a. Oinpica; waste .

desire, vt. Cin; cantokpani . n .

Ta’ku cin’


desirous,a. A wacin; c in.

desist, vi. A ynstan enakiye.

desk, n. A hnawowapi ka’ga.desolate,a. Makoskantu ;otiwota.vt. Ihangya.

despair, vi . Wac inyesni ; ecinsni .n . Wacinyeyapisni .

desperado, n. Tn ’we W 0hitika.

desperate,a. 1 . Wohitika: adesperate man . 2. Mde’

ze sni ;tchike .

desperately,adv. Wohitiya.despicable,a. Wahtesni .despise, vi. Wahtedasni .despite, n. Wowahtedasni . prep .


yes ; he’casta.

despiteful,a. Ocinsica.despitefully, adv. Sicaya.despoil, vi. Ki ;wahpaniya.despond, vi . Waeinibosake.

despot, n. Itancansuta.despotic,a. S uta; tehika.dessert, n. Sku ’

yawotapi.destination, n. Oahnni.destine, vt. Kahniga; yu stan .

destiny, n. Ta’ku ki ’ciyanka.destitute,a. Wahpanicani’ca.destitution, n. Wowahpanica.

48 devoid

destroy, vt. Yutaknnisni .destroyer, n. Wayutaknnisni .destructible,a. Ihangyepica.destruction, n. Woyntaknnisni ;ihangyapi.

destructive,a. Wayusica.desultory,a. Katinyansni.detach, vi . YuSpa; yukon.

detached,pa. I'cikoyakesnidetachment, n . Ospaye.

detail, vt. 1 . Kpanyenaoyaka. 2.

Kiyuspa. n. Ospaye ;woyake.

detain, vt. Kagiya; i’yaninya.detect, vt. Yuasdaya.detection, n. Ynasdayapi.detective, n. Wayuasdaya.detention, n . I’yanicapi.deter, vt. A napta; hamya.deteriorate, vi . Si’caa’ya. vt. Yusihtin.

determinable,a. Sdonyepica.determination, n. Wacinyuza; tawacin iyaye.

determine, vt. Kon ’za; yustan ;

yaco ; T. yasu .

detest, vi. Wahtedasni.detestable,a. Wahtesni .detestation, n. Wowahtedasni .dethrone, vt. Heyataiyeya.detract, vt. Ki ; onspaicu .

detriment, n . Woyusica.detrimental,a. Wayusi cadeuce, n. Non

pa.Deuteronomy, n. Woops I

’takihna.devastate, vt. Ihangya.develop, vt. Yutanin; icahya. vi .

Icaga.development, n. Yutaninpi ; icahyapi.

deviate, vi. Icunom ya.device, n. Wowiynkcan.

Devil, n. Wakansica.devilish,a. Wakanmcase.

Devil’s Lake, n. Miniwakan.

deviltry, n .

devious, n.

devise, vt. Iyukcan.

devoid,a. Wanica.

devolve 49

devolve, vi. Hinhpaya.k vote, vi . Kn ; ituhan.

devoted,pa. E’cedanknwa.

k votion,n.Woawacin W00h0da;wace

devour, vt. Napcaiyeya; temya;Waawacin.

avoutly,adv. Yuonihanyan.

dew, 11. Cu .

dew-drop, n. Con nies .

dewy,a. Cnmni ; custaka.dexterity, n. Wowayupika.dexterous.a. Wayupika.diabolic,a. Ni’nasica.dindem, n. Tesdake.

diagonal,a. O ’bys .

diagram, n. Oicago.

dialect, n. Iapi 0 ca2e.

dialogue, n. A kiciynpteeyapi.diameter, n. Oiynte ohdakinyan.

diamond, n . In’

yan tehika.daper, n. Hokéiyopaade2a; nitiyapehe.

diarrhea, n. Ka2opi.diary, n . A npetuwowapi.dice, n . Huhu kansukutepi.dicker, vi. Wopeton.

dictate, vt. Eya;owawicasi ;econWicasi. n . Ta’kn eya.

dictation, n . Econsipi.

dictator, n. Itancandiction, n . Woeye.

dictionary,n. Iapi wowapi ; ieskawowapi .

did, imp . of DO .

didactic,a. Wahokonkiya.

die (died) , vi. Ta;nagiiyaye owihanks .

diet, n. Woyute ; omniciye. vt.

Ci’stinnawon ’kiya.differ, vi. To

’keen togyeawacin.

difference,n.Wotokeca;toghdapi .I tmakes no difi




different,a. To’keen.

differently,adv. Togye.

difficult,a. Tehike.

difficulty, n. Wotehika; wooki

diffidence, n. Wi’steeapi.diffident,a. Wi’steca.diffuse, vt. Iyayeya; yeya. vi.

I -yayadiffuse,a. Tin'zesni .dig, vt. Ka; 0ka°

pahdoka.digest, vt. Ecetnya.digger, n. Okesa.dignified,pa. Wowimnaka.dignity, vt. Ynonihan.

dignity, n. Wokinihan.

digress, vi . Icun0m ya.dike, n. Mini makaokaske.

dilapidated,gra. Zn2uwahe .

dilate, vt. utanka. vi . Tan'kaaya.

dilatory.a. Hanhi.dilemma, n. To

'ketu taninani .diligence, n. Womdiheca.diligent,a. Mdiheca. T. Bliheca.dilute,vt. Miniicahi ° sutakni ka’ga.dim,a. A okpaza;ki’tannatanin .

dim, vt. A ogiya.dime, n. Kaspapi.dimension, n. Oiynte.

diminish, vt. Yncistinna. vi . Ci’

stinnaa’ .yadimly,adv. A taninsniyan.

dimple, n. Ukaosmaka.din, n. Oko ; bu .

dine, vi. Wota;vt. Won

’kiva.ding, vt. A papa;kabubu.

dingy,a. S tan ’ka; sapa.dining, n. Wotapi ; owote .

dinner, n. Wicokayawotapi.dint. n. O


diocese, n. Woawanyake.

dip, vi. 1 . Oputkan °

iyeya: dipthe p en in the ink. 2. Kapta°

ion : dip up some water. vi . 1 .

Onspa0 p’ eiciya. Dip intopoli

tics. 2. Nake han.

diphtheriadiphtheria, n. Doteaog1.diphthong, n. Oowaiciyakaskapi .diploma, n. Waayataniq wowapi .diplomacy, n .Woitancax) wi cohax) ;wowsyupika.

dipper, n . Iyokapte .

dire,a. Otehika.direct, vi . Yeya; yesi ; econsl ;econkiya; ozuhaowa..

direct,a. Katinyan owotanna.direction, n. Tokiyotan ;woawanyake ; tokiyotaqoyakapi.

directly,adv. Katinyax);a'tayena;ecadan.

director, n . Waeconwicakiya.directory, n . Wicacazewowapi ;woeconwowapi .

direful,a. Oiyokisica.dir e, n . Woceye ho.

dir n. IsananogOpe.

dirt, n . Maka.dirty,a. Sa’pa. vi. Yasapa.dis p refi x. Sui ; wowanica.disable, vt. Okihisniya.disadvantage, n. Tanya-asni .

disaffect, vi . Iyokipisniya.disagree, vi . O

’konwaqzmaéni ;

okiciwastesni .disagreeable,a. Owasteéni ; oiyokisica.

disagreement, n . To ’kecapi .disallow, vi . Wicadasni.disappear, vi . Taninsni .disappoint, vi. Cantesmya; ear)hiya.

disapprove, vi . Iyokip1sni .

disarm, vi . Wi’

pe ki.

disarrange, vt. Yu2n2u .

disaster, n . Woakipatehika.disastrous,a. Sicaya; tehika.disavow, vi. He

’cetusni eya.

disband, vi. Yuzuzu . vi . Enakiye.

disbelieve, vi. Wicadasni .disburse, vi. Wicaku pamni .discard, vi . Ehpeya.

discern, vi. Iyukcan wanyaka.discernible,a. Wanyagpica.discernment, n. Wowiyukcan.

50 disentangledischarge, vi. 1 . A yustankiya.dischargeasoldier . 2. Kiyuska.disehargeap risoner . 3. Bosdo

kazdischargeagun. 4. Ehpeya;kazo ; hiyuyadischargewater .

5. Kazufiu dischargeadebt.discharge, n. Kiyuékapi ; iheya.disciple, n. Waonspekiya. vt. OI]spekiya.

discipline, vi . Kaonspe. n . Wo

kaonspe ; iyopeyapi .disclaim, vi. Ta’wasni keys .

disclose, vi. Yuzamni .discolor, vi. Yutokeca.discomfit, vi . Iyokisinya; napeya.discomfort, n. Woiyokipisni .

discommode, vi. Nagiyeya.discompose, vi. Inihanya.disconcert, vi. Wacinhnuniya.

disconnect, vi . Yusdoka.disconsolate,a. Iyokisica.discontent, n . Woiyokipl sni.

discontented,pa. Cantesica.discontinue, vt. A yuétax) .discord, n . Woakinica; ho yasui.sni ia.

discount, vi . Ihukunyawa.discountenance, vi. Iyowinyesni .discourage, vi. Wacinibosagya.

discouraged,pa. Wac inibosake .

discouragement, n. Woiyokisice .

discourse. vi . Ia; wohdaka. an. Woowohdake.

discourteous,a. Sinysohanyax) .discover, vi. Iyeya; yntanin.

discovery, n. Tokaiyeyapi.discredit, vi . Wicadaéni.discreet,a. Ksapa;wayupika.discreetly,adv. Ksamyahar) .discrepancy, n . To

’kecapi .discretion, n. Wowiyukcan .

discriminate, vi . Iwanyaks .

discuss, vi. Iwohdaka.disdain, vi. Wahtedaéni .disease, it . Wowayazar] .disembark, vi . Hen ’inazin .

disengaged,pa. Ikoyakesni.disentangle, vi. Kiyuéka.

disfigure 51

disfigure, vi . Yasma.disgorge, v. Hiyuya.disgrace, vi . Istenya. n . Wowi

steca.disgraceful,a. 0 1) istecapi .disguise, vi . Ihdutokeca.disgust, vi. Wahtedasni ; hitida.dish, n. Waksica. vi. Waksica.

ohnaks.; kaékokpa.dishearten, vi. Canteokiourjniya.disheveled,pa. Yuhaha.dishonest,a. Owotaqnasm .

dishonor, vt. Yuoniha1)sni ; i sten

dishonorable,a. Kinihanpicasni .disinclined,pa. Cix) ’sni .disinterested,a. Iyowazasni.disjoin, vi. Yukinunkaij .disjoint, vi. O

’kiheyuksa.disk, n . Ma’zamdaskamibe.

dislike, vi . Si cedaka.disiocate, vi. Papsuxj .dislodge, vi. Iyayeya.disloyal,a. Wakinihax)sni.dismal,a. Oasica.dismay, vt. Yusinyeya.dismiss, vi. A yustaqkiya.dismount, vi . Kun

’iyahax) . vt. Kunehpe


disobed ence, n . Wowanahox)sni .disobedient,a. Wanahonéni .disobey, vt. A nagoptansni .disobliging,pa. Waokiyesni .disorder, n . Woskiske .

disorganize, vi . Yuzuzu .

disown, vi . Ta’wayeéni.disparage, vt. Yasihti1) .dispatch. S ee DESPATCH.

dispel, vi. Kahamiyeya.dispensable, a. 1 . Co ’darjq ica.2. Wicakupica.

dispense, vi. Wicaku ; pamni ;kpasan

disperse, vt. Iyayeya; yuomdeca.vi. Iyaya.

dispirited, pa. Wacinyeyesni .displace, vi . Boii)sni e’hnaka; yutokan .


1 eniyeya.

display,vt. Yutanin;pazo. n .Wapaz0pi ;wowitax) .

displease, vt. Iyokipisniya; canzeya.

displeasure, n. Wocanze .

disposal, n . Wokuwa; tawac i1) .dispose, vt. E’hnaka; wicaku ;awacii ) .

disposed,pa. Wacinyuza.disposition, n. Tawaci1) woku

wa.dispossess, vi. Ki .

disprove, vi . Yuwicakesni.disputable,a. A kininpicadispute, v. A kinican. Woakinica.

disqualify, vi. Okihisniya.disregard, vi. Enewaciqéni .disreputable,a. Cate si ’ca.disrespectful,a. Waohodaéni .dissatisfy, vi . Iyokipisniya.dissect, vt. Pa’ta; baspa.disseminate, vi. Oyaka.dissent, vi . Togyeawacir) ; Wicadasni .

dissenter, n . Obetokeca.dissertation, n . Woyake.

dissever, vi . Kiyuspa.dissipate, vt. Iyayeya yutakanisni . vi . Witkoyaux) .

dissipation, n. Wayutakun isni ;wik pi.

dissolve, vi . Skanyax) ; adoya;ihankeya. vi . Skary ; édo ;ihanke .

dissuade, vi. Iyokisni.distance, it. I’citehar) oiyu te . Along distance.

,tehan . A short

distance, askadax) . vi. Te’


distant,a. To’hautu ; 1 c itehar) .distaste,a. Wowahtedasni ; cix)

sni .

distasteful,a. Iyokipi sni .distemper, n. Po

gehdihdi .distend, vi . Yutanka.distil, vi . Minipoasbuya.distillery, n. Miniwakax)okage .


disfuct,a. Tanii) ; i'citanii) ; to’

sea.distinction, n. Wotokeoawowapetokeca; itokeca;wohita1)i1)

u ni! )distinguishable,a. Oiyekiyawastedistinguished,pa.


Okitanix) .distort, vt.

distract, vt.YWaci1)hnuniya.

distress, vt. Iyokisinya; kakisya.distress, n. Wokakize.

distribute, vi. Pamni ; iyayeya.district, 11. Makoceoiyute.

distrust, vi. Wicadasni . n. Wacotunhdapi

distrustful,a. Wacetunhda.disturb, vt. Nagiyeya; yuskiska.disturbance, n. Owodutaton.

disunion, n. Wobdeca.disuse, i i . U1)


ditch, n. Minica1)kukapi ; makaokapi.

ditto, n. A ke iyececa.ditty, n. Odowanci’stinna.dive, vi . Kihnuka; on ya.diverge, vi . A

’kizanya.divers,a. O ’

ta.diverse,a. Toktokeca.diversify, vt. Yutokeca.diversion, n. Woskate.

divert, a’ya;magagaya.divest, vt. Ynsdoka; ki.divide, vi. Kiyuspa; ynkinuka1)pamni. vi . Kinukanya. n. Makoce mdoya. T. B lowa1)2i.

dividend, n. Kiynspapi .divine, vt. Wi'yukca1) ayata. a.Waka1) . nn. Wicastawakai)

divinely,adv. Wakanyax) .diving,pa. Kihnukapi.divisible,a. Kiyuspepica.division, n. Kiyuspapi ; ospedivisor, n. 0 1) kiyuspapi.divorce, n . Waka1)kiciyuzapi yu2u2upi ;kiyuspa; ehpeya.


52 domesticate

dog-days, n. Mdokecokaya.

dogged,a. Ocii)sica.dogma, n. Woonspesuta.dole, vt. Ci

’stinnaku .

do (does, did, doue), v. 1 .

Do your work well, wowasi uitawataIIYG-Il econ . 2. Yuétar)he is donep lowing. 3. 1yeoetu

that will do. 4 . :Ui) how do

you do .

Do away with, ihankeya.Dofor, eoakicicox) ; iyecetn.

Do his best, to'ken okihi

—Do over,akta —Do up ,

grits ; ihankeym—Do to, ecaco

do, awe. v. (Okiyapi iapi heca) :Do we go I We do go, u1)ya1)pihe ; unyanpi.—Do you see ? I

do, wandakahe wanmdake.

docile,a. Wa’hbana.dock,a. Wataoahuni . vi. Oqépaehpeya.

docket, n. Woeoo1) owapi.doctor, 71. Pezutawioasta; ksapotancai ) . vt. Points 0 1) kuwa;kuwa.

doctrine, n. Wowicada;woonspe .

document,n. Wayaataqii) wowapi .dodge, vi. Napatokanya.doe, n. Ta'hcawiye.

doer, n. Waecox) .does, 8rdp er. 8 . of DO

doff, vt. Yusdoka.dog, a. Sun’ka. vt. Su1)


dollar, n . Ma’zaska; kaspapi wikcemna.

dolorous,a. Oiyokisica.domain,a. Makoce ;woawanyake.

dome, n. Tiii ) amibe .

domestic,aa. depi ; tiyata; tiawa1)yaka. Domestic animals


wanuyai)pi. n. Tiwahe ookiye.

domesticate, vt. Yuwahbada1) .

drawbackdrawback, n . Wokagi.drawer, n. Can'opiyoynshntapi .drawers, n. Onzoogemahennnpi.drawing, n. Napeoniteowapi.11m , vi. Yahanhi .drawn,pp . of DRAW .

dray, n. Hnnonpaowatoksn .

dread, vt. Ikopa; kokipa.dreadful,a. Woyusinyax) .dreadfully,adv. Okokipeya.dream, vi . Wi’hanmna. n.Wowi

hanmna.dreamer, n. Tu ’we wihanmna.drear, dreary,a. Oasioa.dredge, vt. Ynkinca.dregs, n. Wokpnkpe.

drench, vi . A’tayaspaeya.

dress, n . 1 . Heyahe ; bayakecitizen’s dress. 2. Nitoske ; T.

cnwignaka: she boughtanew

dress, vt. 1 . Heyake hiout) ;heyake nnkiya;koyagya. 2. Piyayuwaste ; pa’ta. Dress ap ig,kuknse pa’ta.—Dressaskin, hakpanyax) —Dressastone, i1)ya1)kakax) —Dressawound, oyazax)pikiya.

dressing, n. Oihdnze ; 0 1) piyapi ;spanyaqpi Opuhdi.

dressy,a. Wi'tantar)ihdnza.drew, imp . of DRAW .

dribble, vt. Sbn’sbn .

driblet,a. Wokita1) .dried, pa. Pusyapi ; sa’ka.

drier, n . Wapnsya.drier,driest, comp . super. ofDRY.

drift, vi . 1 . Kahboka; kahbogiyaya: the boat drifted. 2 . Bob

dn kataiheya the snow

drift, n. Canokahboka; caqicoge ;wogax) ta’ku botaiheya.

driftwood, n. Canicoge.

drill, vt. 1 . Pahdoka; ynhdoka.2. A kicitakaonspe . 3. Hiohdogyaoin . n . Iynhdoka;hi’hdokaiozn ; wokaoqspe .

druggist, n. PezntawiyOpeya.drum, n. Can’

oega. vi . Can’cega

drilling, n. Minihnhakagopi seca;pi .

drink, vt. Yatka1) ; yahepa. vi .

Wayatkai) ;miniwakanyatkai )n. Woyatko ; wayatkaqpi .

drinkable,a. Yatkepica.drinker, n. Wayatkesa.driuking, n. Wayat-kaupi.drip, vi . Sim; sbn

’sbn .

drive, drove, vt. 1 . Kahapa; iyayeya: drive oven. 2 . Okatar)driveanail. Driveaway, hamya.—L et drive, bowo .

drive, n. Oomani ; woiyopastakadriver, 11. Wakahapa.driving,pa. Kaho se biyu .

drizzle, vi . Minibozar) .droil,a. Wowiha.drollery, n. Wowihaohax)ya1)pi .dromedary, n. Cankahnpai o.

drone, n. Tu ’we kn2a; tuhmagamdoha.

droop, vi . Kun'

ya; snisaya.drop, vi. Sbu ; hinhpaya; ta1) i1)sniiyaya. vi. Yusun J ohn

dropped the egg. Knn ehpeya;knn iyeya: drop corn . A yu

Stax) drop the subj ect—Yumase kn : drop aline.

drop, 71. Osbuye ; T. os’e kun ’


dropsy, n. Miniotakiynkar)dross, n.

drought, n. Magaznsni ; wapu za.drove, imp . of DRIVE .

drove, n. Optaye ; wamakaskai)optaye.

drover, Pteawanyake .

drown, vt. Miniteya;akiktonsya.vi . Minita.

drowsy,a. Hba.drub, vt. A pa.drudge, n. Wowidake ;wowasi.drudgery, n . Wohtani ; wowaéi.drug, n. 1 . Pei nta. 2 . Ehnes ota.


apa;kabn. Drum out,kihdeya.

—D rum up , mnayan.

drumstick, n. Icabn .

drunk. pp . of DRINK. a. Witko.

n . Witkoioiya.drunkard, n. Witkosa.drunken,a. Witko ;Witkopi.drunkenness, n. Witkopi.dry,a. 1 . Pn’

zadry dirt. 2. 89 ’

os : adry leaf. 3. Miniwakanwanicaadry town. 4. Tataho ;wi’hahasni adry sp eech.

dry, vt. Pnsya; kapaza. vi. Pn’za;


dryness, n. WOpuza.dubious,a. To’ketntaninéni.dnck, n . 1 . Magaksica. 2. Maheniyeioiyapi. 3. Minihnhasoka.

duck,vt. Mininiyeya. vi . Kihnnkadude, n . Tu ’

wo wi’taqtat) .

dads, n. Heyake.

due,a. 1 . Kai ninpi iyehantn : the

debt is due to-morrow. 2. Iye

eetn : due honor. 3. Iyehantu ;hi iyehantn : due at noon. 4.

On’etanhar) he'ceca due to


due, n. Ta’kntawa;woieazo.

due,adv. Owotanna.duel, u . Nom kic izapi .duet, n. Wicaho nonpa.dug, imp . of DIG.

dug out, n. Canwanmwata.duke, n. Itancantanka.

dull.a. 1 . Pe’sni ; otoza: adull

knife. 2. Tawacintatake ;wacinksape sni : adull boy. 3.

Ohanhi ; hn1) ’kesni adullfi readull trade ; adullpain.

duly,adv. Iyehanyai) .dumb, vt. Iesni.

55 dyspepsia

dye, n. Wi’nnpi red dye. vt.

Wi’unpiakahtax) to dye clo th.

Dye blue, toya.ying,pa.Wannatektato ktaen .

ynamite, n. Cahdisnta.dysentery, n . We

’kazopi.dyspepsia, n. Woyute isicapi.

dump, vi. Ehpeya.dumpling, n. A gnyapi ooyaspan .

dun,a. Hin ’zi.

dun, vt. Ka2ni ns1.dunce, n. Wacintonsni .dung, n. Tacesdi .dungeon, n. Wieakaskatipi.dupe, vt


. Hnaya1) . n. Tn'wehnav

Yu lph

duplicate, vt. Iyececaka'ga.

duplicity, n. Wohnaye.

durable,a. Te ’hansnta.duration, n. Tohanyanya.during,prep . Icunhai) .dnrst, imp . of DARE.

dusk, n. O ’kpaza.dusky,a. Owataninsni .dust, n. Makamdu ; wakpnkpa.vi. Katata; pakiqta.

dusty,a. Makamdnota; makabobdn.

Dutch, n. Iai icahca.dutiful,a. Wanahox) .duty, n. 1 . Ta’kneconiyececa: itis your duty. 2. Woecon he is

on duty. 3. Woynhawokai ni n.

dwarf, n. Ecacikana; stnnka. vt.

Yncikana.dwell, vt. 1 . Ti ; on1)ya1) dwell

inacity. 2. Te’hanoyaka.dweller, n. Oti.

dwelling, n. Ti’


dwindle, vi . Ci’stinnaaya; hi1)


each, a. pro. Iyohi ; owasi1) .Each one

,iyohi .

—Each other,ki’ci Love each other


kicidapi.eager,a. Cin'hca; oha1)ko.

eagerly,adv. Inahni cin’hca.

eagerness, n. Woinal’mi .eagle, n. Wax)mdi , hnyaanoka

sai)ear, n. 1 . No’ge ; (the auricle)nakpa. 2. Wahnwapaan ear

earache, n. No'

geyazanpi.early, a. 1 . Otokahe : his earlywritings. 2. Ecadat) earlydecay.

early,adv. Ecadai) rise early.

earn, vi . Kamna; ohiya.earnest,a. Wakitai) wicaka. n .

0 1) yuwicakapi.earning, n . Wokamna.earring, n. Nakpaoi1) .earth, n. Maka; makamibe.

earthen,a. Maka.earthly,a. Makata.earthquake, n. Makacancax) .earthy,a. Make. etanhan.

ease, vi . Ozikiya. n. Woozikiye ;tehisni .

easily, adv. Tehisniyai) ; wasnkayedat) .

easiness, n. Wotehisni.

east,a. 85 n . Wiyohiyanpa.Easter, n. Woekicetnanpetn .

easterly,a. Wiyohiyai)pata.eastern,a. Wiyohiyanpa.eastward,a. Wiyohiyanpata.easy, a. 1 . Tehikesni : an easylesson. 2. A waste ; owaste ;iwastenaskai ) .

eat, ate, vt. Yn’ta. Eat ahole,

yahdoka.—Eat up , temya. vi .

Wota.eatable,a. Oyunwaste.


eaves, n. Ti’pitete.

ebb, n. Oyahe ; knnya.ebony, n. Cansapa.eccentric,a. Ohantokeca.ecclesiastical, a. Okodakiciye-wakai) .

echo, vt. Kaiyowaza.eclectic,a. Kahnihyuhapi.eclipse, n. Wits . vt. t ai) ziya;

economy, n.


Wakpatanpi ; oki


ecstasy, n . Mde'zesni .eddy, n. Miniomni.edge, n . I ; Ope ; tote ; Opapnn.

The edge of theax, ope .—The

edge of the table,taka.—The

edge of the cloth, opapnx) .edgewise,a. Omdecaya.edible,a. Yn’

tapiwaste .

edict, n. E’

yanpahapiedifice, n . Ti

pitanha.edify, vt. Ynksapaynwaste .

edit, vt. Iapikahniga.editor, n. Iapikahniga.editorial,a. Itai)cat) toie .

educate, vt. Onspekiya; kib iya.education, n . Waonspewicakiyapiwoon8pe.

educator, n. Waor)spekiya.educe, vt. Etanhanicn .

eel, n. Ho’wanmdnska.e’en, contr. EVEN.

e’er, contr. EVER.

efface, vt. Pai niu .

effect, vt. Ka’ga; n. 1 . Ta'kn ka'ga; 0 1) itokeca: the ej



of the storm. 2. Wowasake : tospeak wi th efi

ect. 3. Woynhahis to tal efi

ects.—To this efi ect,

deoiyotax) .effectlve,a. Waokihi.effectual,a. Wi’yokihi .

effeminateeffelllinate,a. Wii ) ’ya1) iyececa.effete,a. Tanni hnn

'kesni.effi cacious,a. W?&0k1hlefficient,a. Wi’yokihi.effigy, n . I’had ka'gapi.effort, n . Woknwa; 0 00 1)ntapi.effulgent,a. Wiyakpa.egg, n . Wi’tka. vt. Wi'tka0 1)kini i ) i‘yo .pastaka

eggshell, n . Wi’tkaha.egoflst, n. Ihdatarjsa.egregious,a. Ihanketa.

sax) ; Teighteen,a. A kesahdogax) .eightfold,a. Sahdogai)akihde.


éaill . Isahdogai) : the eighth.

does ! ) yuépapi warlzione eighth.

eighty,a. Wik00mnasahdogai)either, a. 1 . Unmantnkt0 am

either, conj . Unmantnkt0 kasta.else-h ie, vt. Ni


elect, vt. Tankan iyay0yaeke, vt. Akaga; okipata.elaborate, vt. Ka’ga.ka’gapi.

elapse, vi . Hiyaya0wiha1)k0 .

elastic,a. Z igzioa. n. Causinmgzi0a.

elated,pa. Wi’ynski1) .elbow, nn. Ispaokihe ipaksai)ihnpaknai ) . vt. Paoskin ya.

elder,a. Tokapa. n. 1 . Hnnkayapi hnnka. 2. Ipapopecapntahu .

elder-befry, n. Capnta.elderly,a. Khanna.eldest,a. Tokapahea.elect, vt. Kahniga. a. Kahnigapi.election, n. Kai)sniyohpeyapi;wakahnigapi .

elector, n. Kansniy .0hp0yaelectric,a. Wakax)hdi .


electricity, n. Wakai)bdi.eiectrifyn

vt. Wakanhdiiheya; ynhnaékmyarl .

elegance, n. Wowaste .

elegant,a. Wastehca.elegy, n. A ceyapi odowan.

element, n. 1 . O'kih0 : one of theekments. 2. WOO1)spe otokahe :elements ofarithmetic.

elementary,a. Otokahe.

elephant, n. Pntehax)ska.elevate, vt. Wai)kaniyeya; ynwaste .

elevated,pa.aaqkantn .

elevation, n. Wankantn.

eleven,a. A kewani i .elicit,a. Oyagkiya.eligible,a. Kahnihpica.eliminate, vt. Ehpeya.elite, n. Kahnihwastepi.elk, n. (male) Hehaka; (female ),npai) .

elipses, n. Ynsnapi .elm, n. pe ; peoai) ; (S lippery elm)pe

'tn'tupa. (Rock elm) , pe ’itazipe.

elocutlon, n. Woowohdake wooi)

elongate, vt. Ynha1)ska.

elope, vi. Nahmaniyaye.

eloquent,a. Wohdakawayapika.else. adv. 1. T0

’k0 0a: what elsehave you i 2. H0 ’

00 00 sni kii )hai) : else would I die.

elsewhere,adv. Takten to’k0 0a.elucidate, vt. Iyoyamya.elude, vt. Hna’yar) .emaciated,a. S to ’ka.emab

nclpate, vt. Kiynska.emankment, n. Mayakaga’ pi.embark, vi . Wa’tao’

pa.embarrass, vt. Inihanya; kagiya.embellish, vi . Yuwaste .

ember, vi. Petag'a.embezzle,vt. Ta’wasni manoi) .embitter, vt. Wacinhinyansya.emblem, n. Wowapetokeca.embody, vi. Ka’ga;


embolden, vt. aaditake.

embrace, vt. A doksoynza; o’

pa.embroider, vt. Ipata.embroil, vt. En

’ikoyagya.embryo, n . S n’

0a1)t0 .

emerald, n. In’


emerge, vi . Hinapa.emergency, n . Ihnuhan to’keca.emetic, n . Onhde

papi.emigrant, n . Ihdagnnpi .emigrate, vi . Ihdaka; oyate to

kecaektai ’yotanka.eminence, n. Paha; wokitanir) .eminent,a. Okitanir) .eminently,adv. Wakapeya.emissary, n . Nahmai ) yeéipi.emission, n . Hiyuyapi.emit, vt. Hiyuya.emolument, n . Wokazniu .

emotion, n. Canteyuskanskar) .emotional,a. Wacantiheyesa.emperor, n. Itancantanka.emphasis, n . B oyanka.emphasize, vt. Ni’naeya.emphatic,a. Iyota1) .empire, n . Oyate ;woki0 0 1)z0 .

employ, vt. Wasi ; 0 0 0 1101 ;employee, n. Wowasi.employer, n . Waw icasi .employment, n. Htanipi ;wowasi .emporium, Ho

’coka; 0ai) te.

empower, vt. Wowas’ake kn .

empress, n.

emptiness, n. Ituunpi ; ta’kusni .empty,a. Cokana; T. kokala; ta!knna0 11 111) sni ; itnya vt.

Yncokadar) okastar) 0hp0ya.emulate, vi. Iyecenenable, vi. Okih iya.enact, vi. Ka’ga;enactment, n. Wokage.

enamel, n. t uska.enamour, vt. A wastedaye .

encamp, vi . E’ti ; 0

y0 tank0 .

encampment, n. Oeti.

enchant, vt. Ynhnaskinyat) .enchantment, n. Wohmq a.encircle, vi. t omniya.


enclose, vt. Nataka;apahta.enclosure, n. A cai )kaskapi .encomium, n. Woyawaste .

encompass, vt. A okibeya.encore, vi. A kihdedapi.encounter, vi . A kipe.; i


n. I’tkokipapi ; kicizapi .

encourage, vi . Was’agya; i’yopastaka.

encouragement, n. Wookiye .

encroach, vi. Kinya.encumber, vt. Kas’agya.encyclopedia, n. WOOI)spe sintomni oyaka.

end, n. 1 . Owihanke : the end ofthe road. 2. Woknwa: man’


chief end. 3. Iq’kpa; ihanke

odds and ends . On end bo

sdan . vi . Owihankeya;ynstai) .endanger, vt. Okokipekaga.endear, vt. Wastedaya.endeavor, vt. E0 0 1)wa0 i1) ;akita.endless,a. 0wihank0wani0a.endow, vi. Woynhaki ’cihde .

endowment, n . Woyuhahde.

endue, vt. Ynhekiya.endurance, n. Wakis’akapi .endure, vt. Iwakis’aka; iwa0ii )tanks . vi . Ecen bar) ;

enduring, pa. Te ’hanendwise,adv. Ohanskeya.enemy, n . To

’ka.energetic,a. Ohitika; mdiheca.energy, n. Wowas’ake ;woohitika.enervate, vi . Was’akesniya.enfeeble, vi. Ynsihtii ) .enforce, vt. Ecen econkiya.enfranchise, vt. Ta’waieiya.engage, vt. Kici yuetai) ; kn kta

vi . 1 . Eye.

she engaged to go. 2. E00 1) ;kuwa engage in trade.

engaged,pa. 1 . Yn ’ze ktaynstan

pi : she is engaged. 2. Owanziui) sni ; kuwa. he is engagedj ust now.

engaging,pa. Wawiyntanye .

engender, vt. Ka’ga.

engine, n . Icnwa; hemani ; malynhomni .

engineer, n . Ma’zayuhomniawa1)yaka. vt. Kuwa; kicanye.

English, n. Sagdasa; Wasicur) .Do you sp eakEnglish,Weemaniyaahe .

engorge, vt. A kaska.engrave, vt. Bago.

engraving, n. Wabagopi .engross, vt. 1 . W i ’tayaowa. : emgross the proceedings. 2. E0 0

dai ) 0 11 111) ozudanyegrossed his mind.

engulf, vt. Napcaiyeya.enhance, vt. San ’

paka’ga.enigma, n . Wowiyukcai) tehike.

enjoin, vt. A wac insi.eaioy, vt. Iynskii) awasteda; 0 1)tanyan ui

enioyment, n.W0w1yusk1n ;Wi’


skinpi .

enlarge, vt. Yutanka. vi . Tan ’kaa’ya.

enlargement, n. Tan ’kaa’ye.

enlighten. vt. Iyoyamyaenlightened,pa. Ksapapi.enlist, vt. O

pekiya. vi . O’

pa.enliven, vt. Yuhica; mdihenya.enmity, n . Wowahtedasni .ennoble, vt. Yuwaste .

enormity, n. Wotanka.enormous,a. Tan’kahca.enough,a. Iyenakeca; o ’

ta: breadenough. adv.

ki ’tanna.enraged, -pa. Canniyiu ) .enraptured, pa. Mde’


enrich, vt. Wi’zinya; yuwaste .

enroll, vt. Cazeowa.ensign, n . Wa'paha.enslave, vt. Wowidake ka’ga.ensnare, vi . Hmunka.ensue, vt.asaya.entail, vt. E’

yahpeya.entangle, vt. Hmnn’ka; kaska.enter, vt. 1 . En ya: enter the

house. 2.En owa: e nter hisname.


enterprise, n. Wicohai) omdihe0api .

enterprising, pa. Mdiheca.entertain, vi. 1 . Magagnyaenter

tainwith stories. 2. Woka; tax)yai) knwa: entertain strangers.

3. En e’wacii) entertain his

p roposals.

entertaining,pa. Onahonwaste .

entertainment, n . Kicicopi.enthrone, vi. Itancanka’ga.enthusiast, n. Ohandita.enthusiastic,a. Wastedaskai) .entice, vt. Iyntanye.

entire,a. O00wasi1) a’taya.entirely,adv. A ’


entitle, vt. 0 1) caze ku ’


entomb, vi. Makaen 0’hnaka.

entrails, n . Snpe.

en’trance, n. Tiyope ; oenape ; 011ya’pi.

entrance,entreat, vt. Ce ’kiya.

entreaty, n. Wacekiyapi .entrench, vt. Wowinape ka’pi.entrenchment, n . Makakapi .entrust, vt. A wanyagkiya.entry, n. En ya; en owa; tiyope ;timahen ocankn.

entwine, vt. Yuwi .

enumerate, vi. To’nakecayawa.

enunciate, vt. Hoenapeya.envelope, vi. Iyapehax) ; akahpa.n . Wowapioi uha.

envious,a. Wi 'nawizi .environment. n . Ta’kn o

’ksai)envy, n. Wowinawizi . vi. Nawizi .epaulet, n. Hiyetebohcinnpi .epidemic, n. W 0 yaza1) a’

taya.iy .ay0

Episcopal Church, n. Ska. " 11) Okodakiciye ;aiknakeska.

episode, n. Woakipa.epistle, n. Wowapi.epithet, n . Wocai e .

epoch, n . A npetn.

equal, a. 1 . I'akide0 0 0api ofequal strength. 2. I


equality0’wa1)z1na: equal temperature.

3. Iyehan ; okihi : he rs equalto the task. vt. Iyehan nu ;iyahan 00 0 1) no one can equalGod. Twoand two equalfour,n0 1)

paqan0 1) 'pahacen to’

paequality, n. 1 . I

’akid e c e cap iequality of weight. 2. Omdaye .

equalize, vt. I’akidecen ka’g'aequally,adv. A


equanimity, n . Tawaci1) mda’ya.equator, n . Wi’0 0a1)kn .

equestrian,a.agakanu i) .

equi pref . I’akidehantu .

equilateral,a. Cuwiakidececa.equinox, n . A n ’

pahanhepi iyehantu .

equip. n. Koyasya; yuwiyeya;ta'kn ynhekiya.

equipment, n. Icuwa.equitable,a. Owotanna.equity, n. W0 0w0 ta1)na.equivalent,a. Kici iyececa.equivocal,a. To’ketn ta1)i1) sni.era, 11. O ’maka;woyawa.eradicate, vt. Yuzui) 0hp0ya.erase, vt. Pai ni u .

eraser, n . Ipai ui u .

ere, prep . I’tokam .

erect,a. Bosdan ; T. woslal ;atinya1) botit) . vt. E’hde .

erection, n. E’hdepi.

erelong,adv. Ecadan.

ermine, n . Hitunkasar) .err, vi . Yusna; nu ’

ni ;wahtani .errand, n. Wahosiyapi ; ta’kn hnweyapi .

erratic,a. Wi’c i sniyai) ya.erroneous,a. He’

0 0 tnsni .

error, n . Woyusna; nu ’nipi .

erudite,a. Waonspehca.eruption, n . A hinapapi ;hiynya; pom ’hiyu .

escape, vi. Iyaya; nazies .

Etanhar) ihdnspe ; ececesni.eschew, rt. Econsni.escort, vi . Kiciya;awa1)yaka.especial,a. I’atayedax) .


60 even

estrange, vt. Watokay0 °

yutokai ) .eternal,a. O ’hinnini .

eternity, n. Owihanke wanica.Ethiopian, n . Ka’sapa.etiquette, n . Yuonihai) wicohai) .

eucharist, n . WotapiwakaI)eulogize, vt. Yawaste .

eulogy, n. Woyawaste .

eunuch, n. Wicastasusu wanica.euphony. n . Oeyewaste .

eureka, excl. Iyewaya.evacuate, vt. Etanhat) iyayaiheya.

evade, vt. Napa;ynspioasni ;i0u1)0m ia.

evanesce, vi . Ske'pa.evangelical, a. Wotanii ) Waste ;Jesus 0 i0 ohna.

evangelist, n . Wotanix) Wasteoyaka.

evangelize, vi. Wotanix) Wasteonspekiya,

evaporate, vi . Ske pa; ta1)ii )sni .vt. Yuskepa; kapuza; pusya.

evasion, n . Napapi ; yatokeeapi .eve, n . A h tayetn ° i ’tokam htayetu ; htayetn .

even, rt. Yumdaya; yuotkonza.

a. 1 . Mda'ya; o’wanzidan. 2 .

O'tkonza: even numbers. adv.

espouse, vt. Yu’zektayustanpi.

espy, vt. Wanyagiheya.essay, n. Iwohdag wowapi .essence, n . 0 0 ;miniwastemna.essential,a. E’

0h0a; ita1)0a1) .establish, vt. S utaya0 ’hde .

establishment, u . Butayae ’hdepi ;tipi ko hde

pi .

estate, 11. Woynhaataya; wicastatatawoynha;

esteem, vt. Yawa; —da. I estee m

himwell, tanyanwada. n . W0

wantedapi ; yu0niha1)pi .estimable,a. Ynonihaqpica.estimate, vt. Yawa; iynkcan. n .

Wowiyukcai ) .estimation,n Wi'ynkcanpi;woyu

exhibition 62 exuberanceexhibition, n. WapazOpi. exploit, n. W0 000 1) .

exhilarate, vt. Yuwihaha.exhort, vt. Wahokoi)kiya; i’yapastaka.

exhortation, n. Wowahokonkiye.

exhorter, n. Wahokonkiya.exhume, vi. Oka; yntanin.

exigency, n . Wotehi .

exile, vt. Nupeya. n. Oussi0a.exist, vi. E0 0nn1) ; ui ; yanks .

existence, n. Ni’u1)pi.

exit, n. Tokan ya’pi.exodus, n . Hdinapapiexonerate, vt. Kiy'

uska.exorbitant,a. A okageoa.expand, vt. Yntanka; yumdaya.vi. Tan’kaaya.

expanse, n. Oyumdaye.

expatiate, vi . Tan'kayaia.expatriate, vt. Makoce ta’waetanhai ) napeya.

expect, vi. A wacii ) 111) akipe .

expectorate, vt. Kaspa.expedient,a. Iy00eca; owastekta.

n. Woecoi ) .

expedite, vi. Inahniya.expedition, n. Wioomani.expeditious,a. Ohanko.

expel, vt. Iyayeya.expend, vi. Ynsota; kn.

expenditure, n . Yusotapi.expense, n. Woynsota;woynsna.expensive, a. Tehika; ma’zaska0’tayusota.

experience, vt. Sdonya. n. W0

00 0 1) 0 1) sdonyapi ;experiment, n. Sdonyapi kta0 1)000 1)pi.


,a. Waynpika.ex

pert, n. Tn’we wayupika

expiate, vt. Kakis’yakai nzn .

expiration, n. Owihanke.

expire, vi. Niyahiyuya; ta; owiha1)k0 .

explain, vt. To’ketn oyaka.explanation, n. Woyaka.explode, vt. Napomya. vi. Napopa;ataknnisni.

explore, vi. Woode.

explorer, n. Tu’we waode.

explosion, n. Wanapomyapi.exponent, n. To’ketn oyaka.export, vt. Yeya;makooe to ’kecaektayeya. n. Ta’ku yeyapi.

expose, vt. Yutanli) .exposition, n. Wapampi oyakapi.

expostulate, vi . Iyokisni .expound, vt. Oyaka.express,vi. Yatani1) yeya. a. Katinyai) . n.

Owatoksu suta.expression, n. Iapi.expressive,a. Yatinaeyapi.expressly,adv. Taninyai ) hea.expulsion, n. Ehp0yapi.expunge, vt. Pazuzn.

expurgate, vt. Pakinta.exquisite,a. Yuooyaka’gapi.extant,a. Ynkai) .extemporaneous,a. Ynkseknag.

extend, vt. Ynhanska; yeya.extension, n. Ynhanskapi.extensive,a. Tan ’ka.extent, n. Tobar)yai) yeya.extenuate, vt. Yuaokpani.exterior,a. A kapatanhai) .exterminate, vi. A'tayaihangya.external,a. A kantanhai ) .extinct,a. Sni wannawanicaextinguish, vt. sni ; ynEnEn

extirpate, vt. Yuznr) 0hp0ya.extol, vi. Yawankantu .

extort, vi. Ki ; yns 10 11 .extortion, n; Wieadasni ki ’pi.extra,a. Iyeye ; kapeyaextrapref. I’sanpa.extract', v. Ion.

ex’tract, n. Ta’ku icupi.

extraordinary,a. Iyotai) .extravagance, n. Waynsotapi.extravagant,a. Waynsotesa.extreme,a. Ihanketa.extricate, vt. Yusduta; icu .

exuberance, n. Wowii ica.

exuberantexuberant,a. Pan ’ga.exalt, vt. Ni'naiynskii) .exultatlou, n. Wi’ynskinpi.eye, n. Ista. The human eye, wi

0 ista.—The needle’s eye, tahi1)

spaohdoka. vi . Wanyaka.eyeball, n. Istapsunka; istasn.

eyebrow, n. Istahehi i ) .

fable, n. Ohnnkakai) .fabric, n. Wakazoqtapi.fabricate, vt. Ka’ lga.fabulous,a. Kakanpi.face, 11 . Ite ; i’toye omdaye. vi .

Iteayuta; i ’tkokipa; 0pap0 1)kaga. Makefaces, itesinkiya.—The face ofamoccasin, hanpitak0 .

—Face up ,ituqkam .

Worth i ts face, owapi iyecenwaste .

facetious,a. Wawihaye.

facilitate, vt. Ecadai ) okih iya.facility, n. Wookihi ;waynpikapi.fact, n. Ta’kuhecetu ; wowicake .

faction, n. Ospaye.

factions,a. Wanah0 1)sni .factor, n. Ka’ge waqi i.factory, n. Wokagetipi.faculty, n. 0 1) wasdonyapi ; wa

onspekiya.fad, n. Wowimdeza.fade, vi. Sax)a’ya; taqinsni.fagot, n. hakaopahte.

fail, vi . Okihisni ; sni .failure, n. Okihisni ;wanica.fain,a. Iyowinya1) ;faint, vi . Kiksuyesni ; hn


a. Wasakesni ; iwastena.faint-hearted,a. Canwaqka.faintly,adv. Iwastedai)fair, a. 1. Ukaska: fair com

p lexion. 2 . Z i z fair hair. 3.

Kasota; owast0 0aka afairday. 4 . Ki’ta1)nawaste fair


eyeglass,n. Istamaza; istaiax)Ear) .eyelash, n . Istahepehin.

eyeless,a. Istawanica.eyelet, n. Hahontaohdoka.eyelid, n. Istozuha.eyesight, n. Wi’wanyake .

eyesore, n. Wanyakapisica.eye

-witness, n. Ista0 1) wanyaka.



crops. 5. Owotanna: fair in

his dealings. 6 . Waste afairname. n. WapazOpi.

fairly,adv. Ki ’tagas .

fairness, n. Woowotanna.fairy, fairies, n. Wanagi .faith, n. Wacixjyaqpi ; wicadapi ;wowacinye ;wowicada.

faithful,a. Wacirjyepica;wicaka.fail


hfully, adv. Tagyax] ; W icae a.

faith ulucak, n . Wowicske .

faithless,a. Wacix)yepieaéni.fake, n. Wohnaye .

fall, fell, vi . Hinhpaya; kun ya;wankahan. Hefell back, he’kta.iyaya.—Fall inwi th, kiciakipe .

Fall out wi th,kici akinica.

Fall through, ohna. hinhpaya;ecetn éni. n . 1 . Hinhpaye : ahard fall. 2. Ptanyetu : next

fall. 3. Minihiqhe ; hail s .

fallacious,a. He’cetusni.

fallacy, n. Wohnaye .

fallen,pa. Hinhpaya.fallibie,a. Nu ’

nipica.failing,pa. Kun ya; hinhpaya.fallow,a. O i upiéni.false, a. Wohnaye ;False teeth, hi o’

étanpi.falsehood, n. Woitoqéni ;huayo.

falsely,adv. Wicakeéniyar] .faisify, vt. Yuwicakeéni .falsity, n. Wowicakeéni.

falterfalter, vi. Yasneénaia; hicahax) .fame, n. Wokitanix) ; wacazeyata. i.

fam r,a. Tanyansdonya.familiarly,adv. A

'Witukadar) .

familiarity,family, n . Tiwahe ; tiohnake ;Wieowazi ;Wicobe .

famine, wanica.famisll, vi . A kihal) hu ’

staka.famous,a. Okitaqir) .famously,adv. Okita1)i1)ya1) ni’na.tar)ya1) .

fan, n . Ieadu . vt. Kaduga.fanatic, n. Wi’yukcanéni ékal)fanciful,a. Ituyaeil)fancy, fancied, vi. Ecix) Wi’hax)mna. n. Wowiyukcal) ; Woihanmde. a. Wayuco ka’gapi ;Wi

’haqmnapi se wayupika.fang, n. Hi'pesto ;Liqske .

fanning-mill, n. A guyapi icada.

fantastic,a. Ohanhanhax) .far,a. 85adv. 1 . Te ’han;to’hautufar distant; afar country. 2.

Ni’nafar difl‘

ere nt. A sfaras,hehanyax) .—By far, iyotar) .Far and wide, taq’kaya.—Farapart, i ’citehan .

—Ih sofaras,tohaqyar) .

farce, n. Ta’kusni .fare, n. 1 . Icazui u z what is the

fare. 2. 0 111) owote nicefare.

vi . U1) ;wotn.

farewell, a. 85 inte1j . Ehakeiapi :farewell words.

far-famed,a. Tax)far-fetched,a. Te ’hanahipi.farm, n . Owozumakoce. vt. Wo

i u ;wozuti ; kicanyekiya.farmer, n. Woi uwicaéta.furrow,a. Ihduéakeéni.farsighted,a. Te’han wanyaka.farther,a. San’

patehan ;ako.

farthest,a. Iyotar)tehan .

farthing, n . Ma’zaéanaokise .

fascinate, vt. Hna'yax) ; yuhékirlyan

fashion, n. To'ken oiyokipi da’pi ;Wi

’tantsnpi. vt. Ka’ga.

fashionable,a. Wi’taqtax) .fast,a. 1 . Dn’

zahax) ; Ohanko : afast horse. 2. Ske’he ; Witko

tkoka: afas t boy. 2. S utayui uzupi tehike ;afastfriendfast colors. adv. 1 . Due ;Ohankoya: walk fast. 2. Subaya;ni ’na. fastas leep . vi . A kihanieiya;wotesni n. Altman)igiyapi.

fasten, vt. Ikoyagya; natska; sutska’ga.

fastening, n. Inatake.

fastidious,a. Wac inhinysnza.fasting, n. Woteéniunpi.

fastness, n. Wosuta; con'kaske .

fat,a. Ce ’

pa; 2i’ca. n.

fatal,a. 0 1) te kta; 0 1) te ’

pi .

fate, n. Wokonze ; owihanke.

father, n. A tkn ku ; at e. My

yate .—Hisfather,atkuku . vt.

Ta’waya; stoys .

fatherhood, n. A teyapi.father-ln-law, n. Tunks l ) ; tunkansi. Your father- in - law


Italy—His father-in- law, tux)

fatherland, n. Makoce en Wientoupi.

fatherless,a. A tlmku wanica.fatherly,a. A tkuku iyececa.fathom, n. A katinpi. vt. Sheiyuta; sicu ode.

fatigue, vt. Watukaye ; mdo'kiteys . n. Watukapi.

fatigued,pa. Watuka.fatness, n. Wasix) ;woeepa.fatten, n. Cemys .

fatty,a. Ce’

ps .

fault, n. Woyusna; esuaso.

faultfiader, n. Wayaskiéke .

faultless,a. Tuktena. si’eesni .faulty,a. Onépaspa. sica.favor, vt. 1 . O ’kiya; oq’

sids : he

favors the younger. 2. Owax)g

favorableya: the boy favors his mother.

n . Weekiyspi ; wowaonside ;woitnhar) ; W 0wapi kic ienpi.

I beg one favor, wowaor)side.wani i cieida.—Your favor ofJan. Ist is received, Jan . l et

wowapi yakagaiwacu .

favorable,a. Iyeeetn ; iyokipi.favorite,a. Tehinda;wasteda.favoritism, n . Sanins o

’b yep1

fawn,(sedan) .

fear, vt. Kokipa; ikopa. n. We

kokipspi ; ehokipapi.fearful,a. 1 . Wakekips : afearful rabbit. 2. Okokipe afear

fearless,a. Ta’knkokipeéni .

feasable,a. Beer)pica.feast, n . KicicOpi. vi. Won


feat, n . Woecor) tan ’ka.feather, n . Magahix) ; én1) Wi ’yaka. vi . Hi! ) nya.

feathered,a. Hir) ynkarj .feature, it . Itohnake.

February, n . Wicatawi .federal,a. Odskonkiciyapi.fed, imp . of FEED .

fee, n. Wokaznzu ;Wi 'si. vt. Kazni n ;Wi

'si kn .

feeble,a. Waé’akesni ; sihtil jfeebly,adv. Iwaétena.feed, vt. Woku ; ynnkiya. vi.Wo

n . Woyute ; owote .

feeding, n . Wokn° mahen iyeye ;


feel, felt, vt. Yntax) ; icahtaka;ndonya. vi. 1 . Hda: Ifeel cold.

2. Ececs : feel better. 3. Cantiyapa feel for the oppressed.

Feel like,canteynzs .

—Feel sure,

tanyan) sdonys .—How do you

feel, tonikeeahe.

feeler, n. 0 1) yntanpi ;putehirj .feeling,pa. W30 1)side ;waeir)iyoyaka. n . Canteoynze.

feet,p l. of FOOT .


feign, vt. Koq'za.

feint, n. Kons econpi.felicitous,a. Oiyokipi.felicitously,adv.aiya.felicity, n. Woiyokipi.fell, imp . of FALL .

fell, vt. Kawaqka. a. Ocinéiea.fellow, n . Ta’we ; kicica.fellowship, n. Kodayapi ; kicieapi.vt. Kodnya.

felon, n. 1 .Woopekicaksa. 2. Na.psukazahu ektatonye .

felt, imp . of FEEL .

felt, n. Hir) i’ciyaskaps .

female,a. n. Win’

ya1) ; (ofanimals ) Wi'ye .

feminine,a. Win’

yax) .fen, n. Wiwi.fence, n. Coq

’kaéke. vt. A ca1)kaska; nataka.

fend, vt. Kakamiyeyaferment, vi. Tageicagasku'ya. n. Hnaékinyanpise

fern, n. Hinhaqtonwex) .ferocious,a. Wohitika.ferret, vt. Kihdega; oynspa. n.

Hitunkaser) .ferriage, n . Iynwehwieayapi.ferry, n . Wa’taoiynwega. vi . IyuWegs . vt. Iynwehkiya.

fertile,a. Waieahya; Wi ’ynkcsr) .fertility, n. Waicage .

fertilize, vi . Waicage ka'ga.fervency, n. Wekata.fervent,a. Ka'ta; wayuhifervor, n. Wokate .

festal,a. Wi’ynskix) .tester, vi . Tonya; knksaya.festival, n. a.Wi'yuékinpi ;ska/tapi.

festivity, n. Wowiynskix) .festoon, n. Kaozezeyapi.fetch, vt. A n ; iyokihi .fetid,a. Sieamns .

fetlock, n . Iékehuhix) .fetter, vt. Kasks . n. Wi’caske ;wokegi.

fend, n. Woakinica.


fever, n. Wekata; taqeenkatapiwoyazan.

feverish,a. Ka'ta.few,a. To’

nsns ; Y. co’nana; T.

co’nais .

flb,a. Woitonsni.

fickle,a. Hahadax) .fiction, n. Wakankanpi.fictitious,a. Wicnkesni.fiddle, n. Caqpakiqzapi.fidelity, n. Wowicske .

fidgety,a. Owanhiunéni .fie, interj . Hoh .

field, n. Mn'ga; woznpi ; ewota;oskinciye .

fiend, n . Wakansica.fierce,a. Wohitika.fiery,a. Idese ; ka'ta.fife, n. A kicitatacotanke .

fifteen,a. A kezsptal) .fi fth,a. Izapts1) .fifty,a. Wikcemnazaptax) .fig, n. Wasknyecasnota.fight, fought, vt. Ki


n . Okicize.

fighter, n . Kieisohitika.figurative,a. Wi’yac iqpi.figure, vt. Yawn ; owe . vi . We

yawa. n . Owapi ; Weyawapi ;tancax) ; Wi’yacinpi.

figured,pa. Owapi ; hde’

ga.filch, vt. Manor) .file, n . 1 . Mezipabe. 2. I’cipatkuh e

’nazit) . vt. Pamar) ; ki

hneks makoce ekan cazeowa.

filial,a. Wicaciqca.fill, vt. ozaye ; oi ntox) Wi


fillet, n. Ipahte.

filly, n .agwiyedax) .film, n . Aogi ; ha.filter, vt. Puskepa.filth, n. Ta’knéica.filthy,a. Sa'pe ; si'es .

fin, n. Hoganape.

final,a. Ehake .

finally,adv. l . Un’hanketafi nally


I succeeded. 2. Eheke fi nallyI say.

finance, n. Mn’zaskaokicaqye.

financial,a. Ma’zaskaox) .find, found,vt. Iyeye ;eha1) i ; ihnisdenye .

finding, n . Iyeyapi ; yasnpi.fine,a. 1.Waste;waynpika;owa.stecaka;oiyokipi . 2. Ci 'stiqna;sbn’

na; kpag ’ua; zizipena. vt.

Weynsicakaini nkiyapi. n .

Wokaznzu .

finely,adv. Oiyokipiya.fineness, n. Wowsste .

finery, n. 0 1)itanpi.finger, n. Napsukaza; nape. vt.

Yntantax) .finger-ring, n. Ma’zanspcnpe ; Y.

napsiohdi ; T. napsiofinish, vt. Yustex) ; ihu1)ni .

finite,a. Ihaqkeyukan.

finny,a. Ho ’apeyuksr) .fir, n. Waziéinota.fire, n. 1 . Pe

’ta; oide : make a

fi re. 2. Ma’zakax) ntapi. vt.

1. Ideyafi re the hay. 2. Ma'zakal) ecol ) fire the cannon .

firearm, n . Ma’zakax) .firebrand, n. Petnaps .

firecracker, n. Napobyapi.firefly, n. Wanyeca.fireman, n . Pe


fi replace, n. Ikceoceti .

fireproof,a. Ideyepieaéni.fireside, n. Petkahda.firesteel, n . Caqka.firewood, n . Can’aonpi.firm,a. S nta; fin ’

za. n. WoeconOkodakiciye.

firmament, n. Okotoqyar) .firmly,adv. Sntaya.firmness, n. Wosuta.first,a. adv. Tokaheya; Y. To~

keys ; tokapa.first-begotten,a. Tokaheyaicaga.first-born,a. Tokapa.first-class,a. Iyotat)waste.

first-fruit, n . Tokaicsge.

fi rst-handfi rst-hand,a. Toka-yuhs .

fi rstling,a. Tokaheyatox)pi .firstly,adv. Tokaheya.fi rst-rate,a. Ni'nawaéte.

fish, n . Hogan) . vt. Hokuwa; he’

peies ; knws . Fish out, ynsdu

ta; yuze .

fish-bone, Hogan) hn.

fisher, n. Sheen ; hoknwa.fisherman, n. Hoknwawieses .

fi shery, n. Hokuwapi.fish-hawk, n. ZoZoks .

fish-hook, n. Cakiyuhuge ; hoiynpsiee.

fish-net, n . Ho ; ho Wi’

yuze .

fi shscaies, n . Hocespu .

fishy,a. B ogense ; hmnq’zs

fi ssure, n. Oko ; onasdeca.fist, n .aeynpsunke .

fit,a. Iyeeeca; iyecetn ; he’cetn .

vi. Kipi ; iyecetn : the dress fitswell. vt. Kipi ka'ga; ecetnya;iyokipiyn. n . Hnaskiqyax)pi ;kiksuyesni ; inahni ni’na. eceeapi.

fitfnl,a. Hahayedax) skar)pi.fi tly,adv. Tanyat) .fitness, n. Woiyeeetn .

fi tting, n. Kipiksga.five,a. Za'ptex) .fi x, vt. 1 . Piya: fix the broken

wheel. 2. Tenyer) e’hnakafix

the room up . 3. E’hde ; ante.

ha'gazfixyoureyesonme. n . To’

ketn ta1)i1) sni : I ’m inafter.fixed,pa. Piyapi ; sutayahat) .fi xings, n . O1)

piyapi.fixture, n . Ta’kn ikoyaghdepi.fi zz, vi . Sdi .

fi zzle, vi. Eeacaokihi sni.flabby,a. Dehdega.flag, n. 1 . Wi'yokihednx) ;wowapi. 2. Peziapemdsska. vt.Minihnhakoza: flag the train.

vi. Hnn'kesni eya.

flagoa, n. Wiyokastsr)flagstone, n. In’

yar)mdaske .

flagrant,a. Tenn) ; ni 'nasi’ca.

flail, vt. A pe . n. Wi’bOpan) .flake, n . Wokpax) ; waokpe.

flame, n. Oide ; idesséa; weoantahde.

flaming, pa. Ide ;wohitike .

Flandreau, n. Wakpsipaksat) .flange, n. Tete .

flank, n. Nignte ; cecuste ; T. Lagute . vt. t omniya.

flannel, n. Poweyedax) .flap, vi. A pe ; hnpahn 0 1) ape .

vi . Ko’za. n. A pe .

flare, vi . Iyega.flaring,pa. Wiyakpa; itsnka.flash, vt.aiyakpa; kohan)yeya.vi . Wiyekpe hinhda; dus’hiyeya. n. Ss ’hinhda.

flashy,a. Kpa'kpa; ihapise .

flask, n. Zanzanmdasks ; cahdioznha.

flat, a. 1 . Mdasks : aflat stone.

2. Mdsya: aflat country. 3.

Ihukuya: aflat note. vt. Yn

hnkuye ; ynmdaya. n . Makomdaya; ta’kn mdaska; ti’piowanka. adv. Mdasksya.

Flathead, n. Natsmdeca.flatiron, n . Wi’pamdaye .

flatly,adv. A ’Wieakeys .

flatten, vt. Ynmdaske .

flatter, vt. Ecaynwaste .

flatterer, n. Isknya.flaunt, vt. Ko'za; ihdafax) .flavor, n. Eeamns ;utapi. vt.Wastemnsya; sku’

yeya.flaw, n. Onépe si

’ca; osnaze .

flax, n. Hehontehn .

flaxen,a. Z izi .flaxseed, n . Hahox)tehusn .

flea, n. Ha; T. hale .

fled, imp . of FLEE .

fledged,a. Kihipi.fledgling,a. Zii i.flee, fled, vi . Nazice .

fleece, n. Ta’hcasks hix) ; hir) ; hil)okaéda.Wenzi . vi. Ki .

fleet,a. Du ’zahal ) . n . Wi’tawata.



fleeting,pa. Ohankohiyaya.flesh, n. Conics ; cehpi ; tadofleshly,a. Wicaeehpi.fleshy,a. Cehpitanka; ce’pa.flew, imp . of FLY.

flexible,a. Swinswinhedax) .flicker, vi. Taninh) .flier, n. Te'kukinysx) .

flies, n. p l. of FLY, honng'idsr)

flies, vi . 8d p . sing . of FLY.

flight, n. Wonazice ; kinysnpi.flighty,a. Ske'he.

flimsy,a. Z igzica; ts ’lmsni .flinch, vi. Nspa.flinder, n. Wokpe .

fling, flung,vi. Kahoiyeya. n. Okahoiyeynpi.

flint, n . Wanhi.flinty,a. Wanhise ; ni'nasnta.flippant,a. A wacinsni ; éke'he .

flirt, vt. Knhoiyeyakisksta. n.


yax) skatesa.flit, vi . Dns hiyaye ; kinyan) .float, vi . O ’kapota; o

’kahboka.vi . O

’keponya; iysyeys .

flock, n. Optsye obe. vi . Wi'

tayabiyu ;mm’ciya.

flog, vi. Kapsinpsinta;ape .

flogging, n. Kspsinpsintapi.flood, n. Minitax) ; o’

ta. vt. Amnitax) .

floor, n. Owanka; canmdsskavt. Owiniaksga; knn

ehpeya.fi ooring, n. Owinzacanmdsska.flop, vt. Keskepa; ko’

za.florid,a. Se ; sass .

florist, n. Wahcakicanyeflossy,a. Panpanna.flounder, vi. Kahoho iyeiciya.flour, n. A guyapi ; ta'kn mdn .

flour-mill, n. Wokpantipi .flourish, vi . Tanyar) icaga; tagyax)wanka. : cropsflourish. 2 . Kahohoékax) heflourishedaround.

vt. Ko'zs he flo urished his

whip . n. Koskosyaowapi ; he'


flow, vi. Kadnzs ; nya; bomdu .

2. Tons iyotax) waste the

vi . Hen.

flown,pp . of FLY .

fluctuate vivi . A ketokeca;babadat)fine, it.

’taohdoka.FloydRiver,n.Cohwat)tiesWakpa.fluent,a. Hdaheyaia; kaduzs .

fluid,a. Ts 'knksdnzs ;mini .flung, imp . of FLING.

flurry, vt. Wsci1)hnnniys . n . Ibobda; to’ketn ta1) it) bni .

flush, vi . Itensbs ; mini ozndat) .a. Obndst) o

'e1tk0 1)zs

flustrate, vt. Kiksnyebniys .

flute,flutter, vi. Ko

'zs , bks1)sks1)

flux, n. KszOpi ;we’1heysp1

fly, flew, flown,birds fly. 2. Kinyat) be iyayeshe flew to his aid. vt. Ki1)yankiys . n. Honagidat) ; kit){samna. The flagfllies, Wi’yobeds !) kahboks .

—To fly intofragments, kpsnyenanapopa.—Letfly, kshoiyeys .

flyaway,a. Ske’he.

flybiow, n . Honsgidsnitks .

flying,pa. Dns’yspi ; ko'zs .


flyspecks, n . Honsgidsneesdi .nying-squirrel, n. Pbincs .

flying-visit, n. Inahnititokat)

foal, n. Snnkcinesns .

foam, n. Tage.

focus, n. OkiWits .

fodder, n. Wannysnpiwoynte .

foe, n. To’ks .

fog, n. Minipo ; opo.

im iaOp°; 90 °

logy, n. Ehs 1)nsWicsbs.

foible, n. Weynbns .

foil, i t. Okihibniys ; hua’yal )Omdsskszizipens .

foist, vt. En’iyeys .

foreign 70

foreign,a. Oystetokecs ; tO ’keca.foreknow, vi. I

’tokam sdonys .

forelock, n. Itehi1) .fore-an, n. Tokahekiyspi.foremost,a. Tokshnt) .foreaaoo , n . Wi’eokaysbni .foreordain, vi . I’tokam ynbtat) .forerunner, n . I

’tokam ya.

foresee, vt. I’tokam s nya.

forest, n. Con'tanka.

forestall, vt. I ’tokam kagiys .

foretaste, n. I'tokam utapi.

foretell, vi . I’tokam oyeke .

forethought, n . Iwaktapi.forever,adv. Owihaqkewanics .

forewarn, vt. Iwaktaya.forfeit, vt. ana.forgat, imp . of FORGET .

forgave, imp . of FORGIVE .

forge, vt. Ks’

gs . n . Ma’zskagsoceti .

forgery, n. W owap i wohnayeka'gs .

forget, vi. A kiktor)ta.forgetful,a. Wacinktonza.forgive, vt. Ki

'cicai nzn.

forgiveness, n . Wokainsn .

forgot, imp . of FORGET.

fork, n. 1 . Wi'cape knivesandforks. 2. O iate : the fork ofatree.

forked,a. Za'te ; ga’ta.forlorn,a. On’

bika; Oiyokibica.form, n. Oka'ge ta1)ca1) ou t) ;oecon. Forms of worship , WO

cekiye oecon. vt. Ka’ga.formal,a. WOOpe Ohnaheaeconpi .formation, n . Okage .

former,a. Tokaheya; i’tokam. n .

Tu ’wo ka’gs .

formerly,adv. Bhanna.formidable,a. WOW inihat) .formula, n. Woeye.

formulate, vt. Woeye ka’ga.fornication, n. Wawicihahapi.forsake, vi. A y ubtat) ; ehpeya.forsooth,adv. Iebni.

fort, n. A kicitatipi ; coq’kabke.


Fort Berthold, n. Hewaktoktotipi.Fort Buford, n. Minibobeozste .

Fort Laramie, n. KsmpeskawskpsOkizste .

Fort Pierre, n. Wakpsbics .

Fort Snelling, n. Hshsmdote .

Fort Sully, n. t bozn .



otten, n. Miniwaks t) .Fort Yates, n. In

ysnbosdata.forte, n. Ts

'ku okihi.

forth,adv. Tokats ; tsqkan .

forthcoming,a. Hi kta.forthwith,adv. Wan’

cahnana.fortifi cation, n . Maksokspi.fortify, vt. Ohomnikapi.fortitude, n. Wowaditake .

fortnight, rs A npetnaketopa.fortress, n. A kicitscoqkabke.

fortuitous,a. Wannwakipspi.fortunate,a. Ws

pi ; Okiciwsbte .

fortune, n. WOWiftice ;woakipa.forty,a. Wikcemnatops .

forward, a. 1 . OtOkshe : theforward seat. 2. Ohanko : aforward spring. 3. Tokata aforward j ump . vt. 1 . Iyopteyaforward the work. 2. Iyayeyarward my letters. adv. TOats : goforward.

fossil, n. In’


foster, vt. Ieahys .

foster-parent, n. Hunkakebni icahya.

fought, imp . of menu .

foul,a. 1 . Ss ’

ps ; bi’cs . 2 .WOOpe

Ohnabni ; foulp lay. vt.ai

ca; yubobs .

found, imp . of FIND .

found, vt. E’kda; otokahe ka'ga.

foundation, n. Oshehde .

founder, n. Tu 'weka’gs . vi . Spel

ya;mininiysya. vt. Sps’

yeys .

foundry, n . Ma’zabdoyatipi.fount, fountain, n . Mininya; minihdoks ;minibobdnyapi .

tour, a. To’

pa. By fours, tom'

tom .

fourfold, n. TO'

paskihde .

fourscore 71

fourscore,a. Wikcemnsbahdogsn.

fourteen,a. A ketops .

fourth,a. Ibopa; to’


fourthly,adv. Itops .

fowl, n. Kokoyshsnns ; wahnpskozs .

fowler, n. Wshnpskozs kntess .

fox, foxes, n. Sungidat) .Fox, n. Bebdeke.

foxy,a. Kss ’

ps .

fraction, n. 0 1)bps ; kibsbpapi.fractious,a. Ske'he ;wsnshonfracture, vt. aegs . n. Yawesapi ; Ynhapi

fragile,a. Wan’ksdst) .fragment, n. Onbps ; otntka.fragrance, n. Woomns .

fragrant,a. s temns .

frail,a. Sntsbni ; hahsdat) .frame, vt. Ks 'gs ;ti

pihnhaks ’

gs .

n . Huhs ° wacInoyuze.

framer, n.

franchise, n. Ksnsniyohpeyapi .frank, a. A nahbebni. n. Cabekegs .

frankly,adv. A nshbebni.frantic,a. Mde'zebni.fraternal,a. Hunkswanz1tku .

fraternity,n.akawat)zikiciyapi.fraud, n. Wohnaye.

fraudulent, a. Wicakebni

fraught, pa. Ozudat).freak, n. Wobkateohanye.

freckle, n. Ukshdeze.

free,a. 1 . Ta’waieiys ; ihdnhs ;ksbkapibni : afree man. S et

free, kiynbka. 2. Ohsnpi ; kpatanbni : he is too freewi th hismoney : freeand easy. 3. Co’

daI) freefrompain. 4 . Kagibni : free to talk. 5. Kenninbni afree dinner. Makefreewith


'ken cit) ecot) . vi. Yu

bks ;kiynbks .

freedman, n. Kiynbkapi.freedom, n. Ta’waieiyspi.freely,adv. IaincOdat) .

free trade, n. Ks i nbnbni WOpetonpi .

freewill,a. Iye tswseiI) Ohns .

freeze, vt. Tasegye . vi . Tasska;cs

gs . Freeze to death,onwi

tata.freezing,pa. Cs ’

gs .

freight, vt. Tokbn ;watokbn.

French,a. s icnnikceka.frenzy, n . Wohnsbkinyst) .frequency, n. I’cikiyedst) .fre’

quent,a. I’ciktyedst) .frequent

’,a. En i ’pi s’s .

frequently,adv. Icibehst) ;—e’u.

fresh,a. 1 . Te’cs ; nakshsfreshflowers. 2. Nakabakte ’

pi ;do fresh meat. 3. Wstukabniafresh horse. 4. Skn ’

ye bni

fresh fish. 5. Onspekebni : afresh country lad.

freshen, vt. Ynteca.freshet, n. Minitst) .freshly,adv. Piys ; tecanien .

fret, vt. Iyokipibni ; ce’

yektakts .

fretful,a. Ce’

yes’s .

friction, n. I’cipayezspi ; kicipatinpi.

Friday, n. A npetn Izsptst) .friend, n. KOda;kionwa; ta’wabiwabtedaka. His friend, t-ako

friendless,a. Takodakn wanica.friendly,a. Kodayapi iyececa.friendship, n . Kodakiciyapi.frigate, n. Oznye Wi

’tswats .

fright, n. Woynsmysye .

frightful,a. Okokipe.

frigid,a. S ni ; osni.frill, n. OpspuI) yukipsb ks

gapi.fringe, n. Opapnnh ’


frisk, vi . Psi’

psin bkat) .frisky,a. Ska’tewacit) .fritter, vt. Yntskunibni. n. A gnyapIgngnna.

frivolous,a. Ts ’knbm .

frizzie, vt. Yumnimmza.fro, adv. Etanhat) . To and fro,i ’cipab.


frock, n. Nitobke.

frog, n . Hna'bks . Treefrog, hna’bkscsndidat) .

frolic, n . Sks ’tspi ; WObkste . vi.

bks ’ts .

frolicsome,a. Sks ’tes’a.from, prep . Et snhat) . Fromwh en ce

,tota1)ha1) .—Where

from,to ’kiystat)hat)

front, n. Ite the front of the

store. In front of, i’tOksm ;

iksnye. vi. Itoheyshst) . a.O ’tOkshe.

frontier,a. O ’tokahe ; OpspuI)frontiersman, n. Toksahiyotsqke .

front, 91. Hewanks ;wotassksfrosty, n . Csnhotks ; sni


froth, n. Tags ; ts ’knbni .

frothy,a. n eyuksr) .

frow, n . Winohca.froward,a. Pemni .frown, vi . Iteakbinkiya.froze, imp . of FREEZE .

frozen, pa. Tasaka; ca’gs .

frugal,a. Wakpatat) .frugality, n . Wakpatanpi.fruit, n . 1 . Wasknyecs : p eachesand otherfrui ts. 2. Ta’kn ica39 ; the fruits of the earth. 3.

Woksznzu : the fruit of evil


fruitful,a. Wsicsgs .

fruitless, a. Wsicsgebni ; wsksmnabni .

fry, fried, vt. Cegug'

nya. n. Oeguyspi ; optaye.

f ng-

pan, n. Cehhupstonns .

fuddled,pa. Itomni.fudge, interj . Hoh .

fuel, n. Ta’knaonpi ; cat) .fugitive, n . Nsz1can1) .ful, sum. OzndsI) acupful.fulfi ll, vt. Ecetukiya; ynbts t) .full, a. 1 . Oi ndat) afull house.

2. A’tayafullpay. 3. Tsn



adv. I'tkoqsysafull face.


fullness, n. Woozndat) .fully,adv. A ’tsys ; iyehanyat) .fumble, vt. Yntsntst) ; yubns .

fume, vi . So’ts ; izits ; es1)ze .

fumigate, vt. Izinys .

fun, n. Wobkate ;WOWihs . Makefun of, wowihs knwa.

function, n. Wookihi ;woecOI)fund, n. Ms

’zaskahnakapi ; WO


fundamental,a. O ’hute.

funeral, n. Wieshnskapi.funnel, n. Ioksbtst) pesto .

funny, funnier,a. Wowihs .

fur, n. Hit) ;wawahs .

furious,a. Wohitiks .

furiously,adv. Wohitiys .

furl, vt.aehs t)furlong, n. Cahdepi opswingenoq

ps .

furlough, n. A kicitainukai bdi.fum ce, n. Oesti ks ’ta.furnish, vt. Kn ; ikieanye ihni .

furnished,pa. Ikiesnye ynkeys .

furniture, n. Ti’

pi ikicanye .

furor, n. Wicaynmdezapibni .furrow, n. Yugopi.further,a. 1 . S snps te

'hst) i t is

further than that. 2. Nskm)what further. 3. A ko ; skO

Iyopteys ; O’kiys .

furthermore,adv. Nakut) .furthermont,a. A kOihanke.

furthest,a. I" 0 t8.1] te’han .

fury, n. Woohitiks .

fuse, vi. Sdoya; iciyssksps .

On itkonyapi.fusion, n. Ynokonwat) i idat) .fuss, vi . Ts

’knbni Okoye .

fussy,a. Ts ’knbni iyokipi

futile,a. Iyokihibni .future, n . Toksta.fuzz, n. Hinkpanns .

gab, n. Ts ’kubni is ; isysnka.gabble, vi. Ts ’knbni Ot) ni

’1)s iss .

gable, n . Tice.

gnd, vi. Itayaomani nu . n. Can

gain, vt. 1 . Ksmns : gainadollar.

2. Ohiya; okihi : gain the sui t.3. K1hdegs iyohi ; gain ground.

n. Wokamns ; ms ’zasks ; sies8° 7 Obago

gainsay, vt. I en hiyeya.gait, n. Omani .gaiter, n. Cat)gale, n. Tsteya1)pawab’aks .

gall, n. Pizi . vt. Hs ’

ynbdoka.gailant’, vi . A wanysg s

ya.gal’lant, n. Tu ’wo swaqyag ya;tu

’wo waditska. a. Wswiyo

gallantly,adv. Iyokipiya.gallantry, n. Wowaditake .

gallery, n. Tihepiys owanks ; iteowapi ti’pi .

galley, n . 1 . Wi’tswstamdssksms ’

zsehdepi WOhnske .

galling,pa. Tabika; ha’ynbdoka.gallon, n . CegsnstinnaOiynte .

gallop, vi. Nawngka; it) ’yat)ka.

galloway, n . Ptesapahit)bma.gallows, n . A hns wotkeyspi.

galvanism, n . Wakanhdi hde ’


gamble, vi. Wayekiya; oeonus .

gambler, n . Ecoqnss’s .

gambol, vi . Sks ’ta; psi’psinu 1) .

game, n. 1 . Wobkate ; econpina:agame of ball. 2. Wamekabks t) ; ta’kn ikce a. Waditske .

gander, n. Mags mdoks .

gang, n. Obe ; Optaye .

gangway, n. Cankuyapi.gantlet, n. Oinysngkuwspi.

gap, vt. Kshei. n . Hei ; Oko .

gape, vi. Iyowa; yukawa; T.

iyoya. n . YuksW spi.

garb, n. Bayake ; Oihdnze .

garbage, n . Ts ’knehpeyapi .garbie, vt. Onbpsbps ehpeys .

garden, n. Msheistinna.rdener, n. Wakicsnye .

ritah, n. Ho ’wsnmdubks .

gargie, vt. Dote hduzai s .

garland, n. Csnwspsoksbke.

garlic, n. Pbit) ikceka.garment, n. Heyake ; O ’hde .

garner, vt. Ohnaka. n . Wohnaka; womnaye.

garnish, vt.aabte ; koysgys .

garret, n . Tice.

garrison, n. A kicitstipi.

garter, n. Hnnskicshe .

gas, n. Tsteide ; tatebics .

gash, vi . Bahor) . n . ObahOI) .gasoline, n. Wi ’hdi Ot) ecotipi .gasp, vi . Ki’tsnh niya.gate, n. Con

’kabketiyops .

gateway, n. Tiyope Oko.

gather, vi. Pahi ;mnayst) gathersticks; gatherfruit. 2. Iynkcs t) :

I gather from his remarks. 3.

Kage ieu gather the skirt.

4 . Yuksa: gather corn. vi . 1 .

Wi’taya;acrowd gathered. 2.

TOI)ye the sore gathered.

gathering, n . O ’aitaya; omnieiye ; po ; tOI)ye .

gaudy,a. Sayapihca.gauge, vi. Iyuta.gaunt,a. S ba’ku ; tsmaheca.gauze, n . Capongokeya.gave, imp . Of GIVE.

gavel, n. Itsneat) ts canhpi .gawky,a. Ohanonspekebm .

gay,a. Wi ’haha; W i’yubkiI) .

e, vi . Opahtakuws .

elle, n. TstokadaI) .gazette, n. WotaI) inwowapi.gear, n. Ikst) Wi

yuhomni. vt.

Ikoyagya.gee, vi. A koynhomni.

geese,p l. of GOOSE.

gelatine, n . Tadonini.gelding, n. S nsnwanica.gem, n. In

yantehika; ta’kn ni’nawebte .

gender, n. Wieaksibgenealogy, n . Wicoicsge oyakapi .general, n . A kicitats t)cat) tat) ’ks .

a. 1 . A’taya; ecaken : the gen

eral welfare. 2. A’tayayuhapi ;

ece ageneral custom.

generally,adv. Ecee ; s’tays .

generate, vt. Ka'ga.generation, n . Wieoicage ; ka’gapi ; cinesks igspi.

genesis, n. Wicoieage oyakapi.genial,a. Okiciwabte .

genius, n. Wowayupika; waket ks .

gens, n. Tiobpaye.

genteel,a. Oiyokipi.gentility, n . Wowshbadat) .gentle, a. Wa’hbsdan ; ei’stinna.gentleman, n . Wicabtawahba.gentleness, n . Wowshbadax) .gently,adv. Iwabtedst) .gentry, n. Wicastaokinihat) .genuine,a. Wicsks .

genus, n. Obe .

geography, n . Makaoyakapi.geology, n. Mskamahentuoyaka.germ, n. Sn ; cante .

German, n. Iaswa.germinate, vi . Nstanya.gesticulate, vi . Wi’kiyuts .

gesture, n. Wi'kiyntapi . vi . Wi’

kiynta.get, got, vt. 1 . Icu ; hnweya; Okini z get some water. 2. Yuhashe has got brown hair. 3. Ku

wa; onspeIQIciys get your les

son. 4. Iysya: get out. a.

Kiya; eeonkiys get him to

work. 6 . I’

yOpsbtsks ; to’ketn

eeysb you have got to go. Get

ahead,iyopte .

- Getalong, iyopte .

—(retat, iyohi .—Getaway,toka1)ya.—Getawaywith, ynsots yuhs iysys .


heysm inssit) Getbefore, i’to

kam iysye .—Get behind, he

’ktsiyaya.—Get clear

,ihdnbdoks .

—Get drunk, WitkO .

—Get forward

,iyOpts .


ki.—Get hurt,ksn ’weys .


, mshen iyoya.—Get loose,ynbks .

—Get of ,ipsics ; kins

2it) .—Get on, iyopte.—Get rid

of , kiihdubps .—Get out, tat)

kan iysye.—Get over

, sam ys ;akieni .—Get sick, wayszsnka.—Get together, Wi ’tsyspi—Get

up ,ins i lt) iyoya.—Get wind

of, nskihon .

gewgaw, n. Ts 'knsni.

geyser, n. Mskohdoks minibosdi .gastly,a. Woyusinyaye.

ghost, n. Wanagi.ghostly,adv. Wanagise.

giant, n. Wieabtatanks .

glbe, vt. Yasica.giddy,a. Itomni.gift, n. Ta’ku itnhsgpi ;Wieskn ;wowaonbida.

gifted,pa. Kss ’

ps ; kinyapi .gig, n. Csnpskmiyanhunonpa.gigantic,a. Tan’kahca.giggle, vi . Psmahen ihaha.gild, vt. Ma’zaskazi spawinta. n .


gill, n. 1 . Oaks . 2. Wi ’ystke ci’

stinnaOiynte .

gilt,a. Ma’zssksziapswintspi .gimlet, n. Caniynmni ci’stinna.gin, n. Miniwskat) s temna.ginger, n. A guyapiicahi ;g1 .gingerly:adv. Itonpeya.gingham, n. MInihnhahdeze.

gird, girt, vt. IpIysgkitOI) .

girder, n. Csnieiyskabks .

girdle, n . Ipiyake.

girl, 11. Wici1)ya1)ns . Y. Wick)cans . T.Wicincals .

give, gave,vt. Kn;itnkihan;eciya;Okiyake ; yntanin. Give

itabat) .— Give back, ki’en .

Give chase, knwaeyaya. Give

in,enskiye .

—Give out, amnioysks okihibni ; ma’nibni.

i ’yskien1)ni;kn.—Give

way to, kiynkat) . vi. S ntsbni ;iyaya

gizzard, n. Tezi ; zitkatezi.glad,a.boy. 2. Wowiyubkit) aglad

gladness, n. Wowiyubkit) .

gladsome,a. Wi’ynbkinkiys .

glance, vt. Wanyag iheys . vi . 1 .

Ksbdnn iysys : the ball glanced.

2. A hitonwat) : he glanced atme. 3. Dub 1ysye.

glaaders, n.a’kawaks t) po’


wWiyatke : drinking-


glassy,a. 2111)but)so.

glaze, vt. ZI

snzanse spsWintspi .slew vi 11 088 wiyakpaoglean, vi . TO’

naOkaptamnayaI) .

glee-club, n. Wi 'ynbkindowsnpi


glide, vi. A’ninidnshiysya.

glimmer, vi. Ts1)11)i1) kpa’kpa.glimpse, n . Wa1)yag iheyapi.

glitter, vi. Wiyakpskpa.glonm, n. Owataninbni.gloat, vi. Wobice wi’pneiys .

globe, n . Msksmibe.

globular,a. Mibe.

globule, n. Ts ’kumibe ei’stinns .

gloom, n. Woiyokibica; O ’kpazagloomy,a. Oiyokibica; O ’kpszs .

glorify, vi. Yatat) yswabte.

glorious,a. s tehca;WOW inihat) .glory, n . WOWitat) . vi. Itat) .gloss, vt. Pabdnts ; psWiyskpa;to

’kabu 0 aka.glossy,a. iyskpa;bdubdnta.glove, n. Napiqkpayngsgs .

glow, vi . Saba; ks ’ts .

glowing,a.glue,n. ebks . vi. A ’

skamys .


pot, n. n’


glnm,a. Ininahm) .glut, vi. Olznys ; Wi

piyehcs . n.

otinswsnka.glutton, n. Wotess ; W1 piteieiya.gluttonous,a. Wotess .

gluttony, n. Wi ’pitapi.gnarl, n. Osnsze ;aipi.

gnasll, vt. Yakinskinzs .

gnat, n. Hoponkadat)gnaw, vi . Yakeigs .

go, went, gone, vi . 1 . Ya; iyayego eas t. 2. Iyopte the mill

goes. 3. Ohnsys ; e’


the election went Republican.

Goagainst, i ’tkokimya; iysps .

- Go astray, nn’ni .—Go bail

for, iye 0 1) woynhs kebka.Go for, hnweya knwa.—Gohard with, tehike ln .

—c o of ,

to’ki ya; bobdoka.—Go on


san ’

paya; bka’ta. —Go on a

fourney, i cimani ya.—Go i t,

tO’ken okihi ecot) .

—Go out,

tenkanya; bni ; oyakapi.—Go

through, iyoptaiyaya; ynbtat) ;skips . Let go, iyayeys ; synbtsI) .

goad, vt. Caps . n. Wi’eape .

goal, n. Oinai ints .

goat, n . He’kit)bkayspi .goatee, n . Iknhit) .

gobble,vt. 1 . Hotonton: the turkeygobbles. 2. Ohaqko nspcapcs .

gobbler, n. Z i’cstsqks mdoks .


go-by, n . Woaktssni.

God, n. Wakantanka; Ta’knwsks t) .

goddess, n . Ts’knwskaI)

godfather, n. Baptisms en steWi

eskiyapi.Godhead, n.Wakantankaonqcag'e.

godless,a.Wakantat)ks Ohodssni.godlike,a. Ta’kuwakat) iyececa.godly,a. Wakantankaswseit) .Godsend, n. Wakantankaetanhan.

Godspeed, n. Wakantankani’ei

goer, n . Tu’we iyOpte .

goes, 8dp er. sing. GO .

goggles, n . IstamszaO ’

getOI) .

going, n . Woiyopte ; osye .

gold, n . Ma’zaskazi .golden,a. 1 . Ma’zaskszi :spectacles.

golden hair.

golden words .

gone,pa. Iyays ; kihds ; hensna.gong, n . Csn

’eegasns .

good,a. 1 . Waste : agood boy.

2. Ki ’tanna: agood deal (kita1)ns ota) . 3. WOW icake agood whipp ing. Good at, tar)ysI) okihi .

—Good for : 0 1) wabte iwabte . Good lookingowsqyag waste . Good to

ta1)ya1) knwa.—In good time

iyehantn .

good, u . Ta’kn waste ; wowaste ;wokiciwaste.

good-by, n . TagyaI) yant) nn1)we .

good-day, n. A t)petn oniciwasteni .

good-humored,a. Wawihaha.

goodly,a. Wastecaks .

good-natured,a. Tawacinwaste .

goodness, n . Wowaste.

goods, n. Woynha; wahpaya.


2. Z izi ; ziyena:3. Ni


goodwill, n . Tawacinwsbte .

goose, geese, n . Mags .

gooseberry, n . Wieahdeska; Y.

wieaknasks ; T. Wiesgnssks .

gopher, n . Manies . S trip edgop her,tasnaheca.

gore, n. 1 . We ;we nini . 2. Tete

hci. vt. Caps .

gorge, vt. A kasks , Otit)syn .

gorgeous,a. Wowinihst) .

gormandize, vi . Ni’nswots .

gory,a. Wewe .

gosling, n. Msgscineagospel, n . Wots1)11) Waste .

gossip, vi . Ta’knbnibni oyaks . n .

1 . Ts’knkeyspl 2 . Woyskess .

got, imp . of GET .

gouge, vt. Pahdoka; icn ; ki.gourd, n. Wsmnuhs .

gout, n. O ’kihepopi woyszs t) .

govern, vi . A wsnyaks .

governess, n . Win’

ysnitancat) .governing,a. Itsncst) tokahat)government, i t. WoitaneaI) ; woawanyake ; WOkiconze.

governor, n . Itenean ; mskaits t)es t) .

gown, n . Nitoske ; sa1)kssnica;O’kde ; T. enwignake .

grab, vt. Yuksbicn ; boties .

grace, n. Wowsste wowaonbids .

vt. YnWsste .

graceful,a. Owaste ; Oiyokipi.gracefully,adv. Oiyokipiya.graceless,a. Wowaste ni ’ca.gracious,a. Wsonsida;waste .

graciously,adv. Wsoqsidays ; Oiyokipiys .

gradation, n . Kaoeipten wanka.grade,vt. O ’

eipten e’hnska


Oka. n. Okapi ; Obe .

gradual,a. s stedat) .graduate, vi . Woonspe ihn1)ni.

graft, vt. Cat) O ’stst) icshys .

grain, n. 1 . Ta’ku eu agnyapion : much grain is sewn .

kazs ; o’kpe : agrain of sand.

A gainst the grain, apahatka.


grieve, vt. Iyokisinys . vi. Iyokibios.

grim,a. Ksizecs ; suta.grimace, n. Itesinkiyapi.grimly,adv. Ksizeys .

grin, vi. Ihs ; hi pazo.

grind,ground,vt. l .Ynkpa1)corn. 2. Yumal) grind theas .

3. Kskisya: grind thepoor.




ifn. Iznzstsnka.

p, vi. ape sntayaoynsps . grud e, vt. KO nsWizi . n.

gripe, vi. Ynksayn’zs .

8 I) W0 .

grizzled, n. Ho’ts .

grizzly-bear, n. Matohota.groan, vi. Howays ; tin ’

gs .

grocery, n. Woynte mszopiye.

grog, n. Miniwakat) .groggy,a. Itomni.groom. vi. Sun

’kawsku ) kskesn. Sungswsnyake ; tawie

groove, vt. Dakonta.grope, vi . Botontonknwa.gross,a. 1 . Tsn

’ks : ta1)it) hesgross errors. 2. Ce’

paagrosswoman. 3. A

’tsyagross earn


grossly,adv. Taninyanhca.Gros Ventres, n. Hewaktoktagrotesque,a. Wowiha.grotto, n. Mskatipi waste .

ground, n. 1 . Maks ; makoce ;oyenke. 2 . Oahehde ; etsqhs t)nya. vi. Sntayae ’

hde. a. Makaekta; yukpanpi.

ground, imp of GRIND .

ground-cherries, n. Wagiogi.

ground-hog, n. Hskassns .

groundless,a. Itnyaeit) .grounds, n. p l. Cetetshe : coj




groundwork, n. Hn ’te.

group, n. Optays ;Obe. vi. Optsye

kahyae’2u .

grouse, n. Si’yo.

grove, n. Ca11wits ; ca1)wo2npi.grovei, vt. Sdohat) ut)

groveling,a. On’siks ;wshtesni.

grow, vi. Icags ;a’ys ; tan’kasya.Corn grows, wamnahezaicaga.—Fathergrows thin,ate ei’stinnaaya. vt. Ieahys.

growl, vi. Edo ieniyeys .

growler, n. Ienhdesa.grown,pa. Icsga; ta1) ’ka.growth, n. Oicage ; woicsge.

grub, vt. Ks ; Oka. n. Canha

gruel, n. Wo2api sutasni.gruff,a. Ke’za; suta.grum,a. Ksizeea.grumble, vi. A hdo ; iyokipisni in.

grant, vi. Edo ; tin ’gs ;gin’oa.

guano, n. Zitkscesdi .

guarantee, vi. YnWics

guard, vt. A wsnyaka. n. Ws’

wsnyske ; iks1) .

guarded,pa. Waktant) .guardian, n. A wanyagkiyapi .guerilla, n. A kicitanahms t)guess, vi. I est) ; ituyaeya. n. owiyukest) .

guest, n. Tn’we titoksnhi .

guidance, n. Ihsksm n1)’


guide, vi. Cankuoyaks ;m e a;swat)yaks ynhomni . n. 0 1)weya; ca1) pazo.

guild, n. Okodakiciye.

guile, n. Wohnaye.

guileless,a. Wohnaye ni ’ea.guilt, n. Woanguiltless,a. Woshtani co ’dat) .guilty,a. l . Ta’ku si

’eaecot) he

is guilty. 2. Si’es : aguiltydeed.

guise, n. Kon’zs kshys .

Wi’kanyndowanpi .gulch, n. O ’

smaka;minibohysgulf, n. Miniwsncs okahmit) .gull, n. Wiestsnktanksdat) . vi.Hna’yat) .

gullet, n. Wi’nspee.

gully, n. Ok kpa.gulp, vt. Tank’

tsnks napcs .

gum, n. Csnsit) caka.gumbo, n. Makaotkapa.gummy,a. O ’

tkapa.gun, n . Ma’zskat) .gunnery, n. Ms

’zakat) econpi.

gunnysack, n. Pss’WO2nha.

gunpowder, n. Cahdi.gurgle, vi. Minihmut) .

gush. vi. Ni’ns hiya.

ha, inteij . Ees (ihspi ispi ) .habeas corpus, n. A nWicasipi .habit, n. Ohat) ; Oihdnze .

habitable,a. Otipica.habitation, n. Ti ; ti


habitual,a. Ecahececa.habituate, vt. Ecewaktakiya.hack, vt. Apapa; kaksaksa.Ospe ; Ohei ; csnpshm


ihms .

hackberry, n . Yamnumnugspi.

ilades, n. Wanagmunyat)pi.hag, n. Waksnkasiceds t) .haggard,a. Wstnks ; sts

’ka.haggle, vi. Kshcihci.h il, n. Wasn . vi . Wasn hit)he .

hail, inteij . HO (woyuonihat) ispi) .vt. Kipat) he hailed me.

hailstorm, n. Wasn hit)he.

hair, n. Hi t) pahit) paha.hair-breadth,a. Kitanyst) .hairy,a. Hit) ynkat) hinsms .

hale,a. Tansansnta.half,a. Hanks halfaday. adv.

Hankeys h


half-breed, n. asiennciqcs . Y.

Dako‘aeinea.half-past,a. Sam’hanke .

half-way,a. Cokaya.hall, n. 1 . Titanka; omnieiyetipicity hall. 2. Timaban man


gusher, n. Minibosdi.

gust, n. Tatehcs .

gusto, n. Woiyokipihea.gut, n. Supe . vi. Supe icn.

gutter,n. Minicanknokspi;npbi2a.guttural,a. Hohmnt) .guzzle, vt. To’ken okihi yatkat) .gymnasium, n . Ohnaihdnz icapi.gymnastics, n. Ihdnzieapi.Gypsy, n. Oysteomsnisa.gyrate, vi . Yuhomni .



spi hang your hat in the

ahalleiulah, n . Wakat)taI)kaysts t)hailoo, interj . Hiwo ; ho.

hailow, vt. Yuwakan.

hallucination, n. Ta’ku ieihnsyani ;WOihanmde.

o, n. Wi’acetipimibe ; te’sda

kess .

halt, vi . Hustemani ; na’zu) . a.Haste .

halter, n. Iteoge ; iteha. vi . Ksska.

halve, vt. Coksyakibaksa.ham, n. Ceca; knknseceea.lame, n. Wanspit)akaskapi .hamlet, n. Otonwens .

hammer, n. Maziyape . vt. A pa.hammock, n. Ho’

tedat) owanka.hamper, vt. n Iya.hamstring, n . CecakaI) .hand, n. 1 . Nape : asore hand.

2. OOkiye;wowaS I; tnwe eeyasall hands j oined in the sp ort. 3.

Nape OI) ks’

gapi he writes anice hand. Back of the hand


napakaha.—Fromhand to hand,i’ciyaza.—From hand tomou th,ta’kudat) ieihdesni .—Hand in

hand,napekiciyns ; O ’kic iya.

Hands of , yntansni.—Had a.

handbillhand in it

, en nape yekiya.Left hand, oatka.—Right hand,etapa Y. onspespatanhat) .Inside the hand

, napcoks .—0fi


kstinyat) 1’tOksm pii

eiyesni.—Ou hand

, yubaOn the one hand. on the other


eiyatanhat) . he’ciya

ts1)ha1) .—0ne hand, napsani .S hake hands

,napeyuza.—S lack

hand, h u t)’kebn i . Change

hands,kieieupi.—Come to hand,en hi ; icn .

—l. endahand, O ’ki

ys .—Ou all hands

,0 W’ a1)caya.

S econd hand,wanna111) ’pi;tani .

Wash the hands,iyowa2asni

iciys . vi. Hiyukiya.handblli, n. Wayaotaninwowapi.handbreadth, n. Wieanspe Oiynte .

handcuff, n. Napokaske.

handful, n. Napeohnaka.hand-glass, n . Mniokdasit) ci

sti1)ns .

handicap, vi . Kas’agya.handiwork, n . WoecOI) .

handkerchief, n . Itipakinte .

handle, n. Ihupa;Wiynze. vt. Nape en yeya; kuwa; kica1)ye.

handless,a. Nape wanica.handling, n . Kuwapi.handmaid, n . Win


handsaw, n . Canibaksanapsani .handsome,a. Owanyagwaste ;tat)Waste ; Oiyokipi ; tan ’ka.

handsomely,adv. Tanyar) .handspike, n . HOI)

pe ; cat) .handwriting, n . Napeonkagapi .handy, a. Oltinyanwaste ; wayupika.

hang, hung, vi. 1 . Otkeya: hangout the clothes. 2 . Ikoyakaecen ehde hang the scythe

hang the door. 3. Pa’nakseyahang themurderer. vi . 1 . Otke

hsn the lamp hangs from ahook 2. Ikoyaka: i t hangs tohim. n . Otke ; tokiyota1) .

hanging, n. Otkeyapi .

harnesshaphazard,a. TO 'keneineiI) .hapless,a. Wa’pisni .happen, vi. 1 . Wann : I happenedto find. 2 . A kipa: death happens toallalike.

happily,adv. 1 . Csnwa

p ily I did notfall.happiness, n . Wocantewaste.

happy,a. Cantewaste .

harangue, vi. Wahokonkiya.harass, vt. Nagiyeya.harbinger, n. Wahos1ye .

harbor, n. Wi’tawataonazu ) ; onspapi waste . vi. 1 . A nakiksit)harborathief. 2. A wacit) ut )harbor malice in his heart. vi .

Onapa; inazu) .hard,a. 1 . Snta: hardasastone.

2. Tehike : ahard lesson. 3.

Ninakuwa; WOhitika: ahardstudent. adv. 1 . Ni ’na run

hard. 2 . Tehiya: he trots hard.

Sntaya: tie i t hard. Hardby, ikiyedaI) .—Hard up ,

kakisya.—Hard earned


kamns .

harden, vi. Yuanta.hardihood, n. Wocsntetinza.hardly, adv. Ki’tanh ; iyns’oys ;iyehat)yat)sn i ; tehiya.

hardness, n. Wosuta.hardship, n. Wotehi.

hardtack, n . A guyapisakasuta.hardware, n. Ma’zaicnws .

hardy,a. S uta;wakis’aks .

hare, n . Mastiqtanka.hark, vi . A nagoptat) a; bi .hearken, vi . A nagoptat) .harlot, n. WitkOWiI)harm, vt. Ynsiea; kin1)niys . n.

Wokinnni ;woynsice.

harmful,a. Wakinnni .rmless,a. Waynsicesni .

harmonize, vt. Ynokonwat)2 1da1).harmony, n. Okieiwsstepi .harness, n. Sungikst) ; ikaI) . vi.Ikat) ikoyagya.


hearse, n. Wieste eanpakmiyan.

heart, n. Cante . B reak his heart,can t e ihankeys .

—Learn bytawacin on kiksnye .

Lose heart, wacinibos’ake .

Take heart,cante kignn—Take

to heart,cante en yeya.—Set

the heart on, ni ’nacit) .heartburn, n. Canteyszan.

hearth, n. Pe’taoahe ; petkahds .

hearthstone, n . In’

yanpetkahds .

heartily,adv. Csnwssteya.heartless,a. Cantewanics .

heartrending,a. Cantiyapaps .

hearty,a. 1 . Cante on : aheartygreeting. 2 . Zani; snta:aheartyboy. 3. Otsntonka; cinhcs .

heat, vi. Ksnya. n . Woksts ;oeeon.

heater, n. O! ) kanyapi .heathen, n. Waksgapi OhOdapi ;ikceWicasta.

heave, vi. Yuwankan ien ;hiyuys .

heaven, n. Mahpiya;mahpiyato.

heavenly,a. Mshpiyata;waste .

heavily,adv. Tkeys ; ni’na.

heaviness, n . Tke ;WOiyokisica.heavy,a. 1 . Tke : aheavy stone.

2 . So’kaaheavyfall of snow.

3. Oiyokisica: heavy news.

hedge, n. Otobi con’kaske . vi.

Nataka; cankaska.hedgehog, n . Sagdasinpahinheed, vi . A wacin; snagoptan. n .


heedless,a. Waswaeinsni.heedlessly,adv. Waswacinsniyan .

heel, n. S iyete ; ihanke .

heifer, n . PteW iyeaskatudan.

height, n . Obosdatn ;wankantn .

heighten, vi. Sam ynwankantu .

heinous,a. Ni’nasi’ca.heinously,adv. Siesyahea.helnonsness, n . Wosice .

heir, n. Ta’wakte .

heirloom, n . Bhannahunkske

ta’wa.held, imp Of HOLD .



hell, n . Wakansicati ; Wieste mskoce .

helm, n. Iynpse ; woyuh

helmet, n. Oznye wepaha.helmsman, n. Wasinteyuhomni.help, vt. O

’kiya. I wi ll help you,O'eieiye kta. 2. Yntokees ;ana

pta: I can’t help i t. 3. Yu

waste,it helps my coug

to, kn. n. Waokiyapi ; OOkiye ;wowasI .

helper, n . OOkiye ;was'agya.

helpful,a. Waokiys ; ynwsste .

helpless,a. 1 . O ’kiyepieasni. 2.

Ts’kn okihi sni ahelp less babe.

helpmate, helpmeet, n . OOkiye .

helterskelter,adv. To’ken cit)’

ya1) .helve, n . Ihupa.hem, n. Opapnn. vi . Opapnnkagege. vi . Wakaspewacin.

hemi pref. Hanke.

hemisphere, n . Mskshanke.

hemlock, n. Waziean.

hemorrhage, n. Weuyapi.hemp, n. Hahontahu tan'

ka.hen, n . A npaohotannaWi ’ye . Y.

KokoyahannaWi’ye ;Wi ’ye .

hence,adv. 1 . Detsnhan tokango hence. 2. Tokats. : ayearhence. 3. He’

on etanhan; hetanban hence i t is.

henceforth,adv. Tokats .

her, p ron . 1 . Ts ’ws (Winyan ka

pi) her book. 2. I’

ye he

(Generally not exp ressed in In

dian) . Call her,kipun .

herald, n. 85 v. E’

yanpshs ;oyeke .

herb, n. WatO .

herculean,a. Ni’ns wasaka.herd, n . Optaye ; Obe . vi . Wi’

tayaawsnyska. vi . Wi’taysun


herder, n. Pteawanyake.

here,adv. Den ; de’ei .

hereafter,adv. Tokata.hereby,adv.De’


hereditary,a. A i hpekiciyapi .herein,adv. De

'en .

heresy, n. Woonspe to’kecs .

heretofore,adv. De i’toksm.

heritage, 11. Hnnkake etanhan

here, 11. Itancanka; wa2a2s .

heroic,a. Waditaks .

heron, n. Hoke .

hers, pron. I’


’ws .

herself,pron. I .ehcaspanks , eeonka

p .1nhew, vt. Ksksn kskss .

hey, interj . Wat) .hibernate, vi . Waniyetn un.

hlcknp, hiccough, vi. d Okaska.

hid, pp . of HIDE.

hidden, pa. Nshmsnpi.hide, hid, vt. A nahma; nahmst) .n . Ha; tatankshs ; uks .

hidebound,a. Uksaskapa.hideous,a. Owanysgsiea; oasics .

hideously,adv. Oasinys .

hie, vi . Inshni .

hierarchy, n. Wowaksnitansanpi.hieroglyph, n. Woiyscit)owapi.high,a. 1 . Wanksntn ; tehanwan


-flown,a. Wahanieida.highly,adv. N1’nahigh

-road, n. Cankntanks .

high-spirited,a. Iyotanieida.


highway, n. Cankntanka.highwayman, n. Wamanonwiessa.hilarity, n. Wawihayapi .hill, n. 1 . Paha;he : the riverhills.

2. Mshpa2n :ahill of corn. vt.

hillock, n . Pahaei’stinna.hillside, n. He1u )nsptan.

hilltop, n. Pshsinkpa.hilly,a. Ho ’

ski .

hilt, n. Ihnpa;Wi’ynze.

him,pron. I’ye (Generally no t ex

pressed) . Give himabook,hi hes.

:id Kabe“



it er, vt. ya °

ya.hinder,a. He’kta

111)zeta.hinderance, n. Woksse .

hindmost,a. He’ktaihanke.

hinge, n. Tiyopaokihe . vi.

hint, vt. Icaht eya; nehmensOkiyake . n. owakts .

hip, n. Nite. Hip -bone, nisehn .

hipshot,a. Nisehn papbnnhire, vt. Ks2n211 odota. H ire ou t,ks2n2n Oku . n. Woka2n2n.

hireling, n. Ka2n2n ynha.his,pro. Ta’wa'

; i'

ye ta’ws .

hiss, vi . Sdi ;adi ’adi . vi . Asdisdi ; kisiea. n. A sdisdipi ; sdi.

hist, inte17°

. Si. A nagoptan.


ltorian,n. BhannaWieohanoysa.

history, n. Ehsnnawoyakapi.hit, vt. 1 . A ps . You hit i t



spa. 2. Iyoki iyeeen econ .

vi. Iyspa. n. Apapi ; iyapa.hitch, vt. Iyskssks ; ikoyagya. n .

Ikoyagyapi ;wokagi.hither,adv. De ’

ciya. a. De’eiys

tanban Y. Tabena.hitherto,adv. Dehanysn.

hive, n. Tnhmagati’pi.hives, n. A hinapspi.ho, inteiy

. Hi’wo.

hour,a. Ska; hofta.hoard, vt. Kpatan; musyan . n .

Womnaye ; O’ta.

hoarhound, n. Canhanpibasapa.hoarse,a. Ho’

gita; gi’ta.

hoary,a. Ska.hoax, vt. Hna’yan. n. Wohnaye .

hobblenvt. S ihs pabta. vi. Huste

mam .

hobby, n. E’cenaknwa.

hobby-horse, n. Can’

snnktanka.hod, n. Upsisaitoksn .

hoe, n. Mahicamna. vt. A kats .


hoedown, n. Ba’sapatawowaci.hoecake, n. Wokpsnpi span .

hog, n. Knknse.

hoggish,a. Ohansunkees .

hogshead, n . Kokstanka.imtat, vt. Wat)ksniyeys .

hold, vt. 1 . Yn’zs ; oynsps : hold

the book. 2. Sntsyaynza;owan2iynzs : hold the train. 3. Yuba;kuwa; holdameeting. 4. Kipi ;Ohnayuha: i t will holdall . 5.

A wacin; yawa: ho ld guiltless.

vi . Ins2in hehsnyenaecon .

Hold forth, yntanit) WOhdaka.—Hold his own


eehns ye .

Hold the horseforme, sunktanks mi ’ciynza. n. Oynspa: losthis hold . Woksske the lawhasahold on him. Con

’kaske amountain hold. Wa’tasien : the

ho ld wasfull.holdback, n . Onbe

’ktayn ’zapi .

holder, n. Wi’ynze.

hole, n . Ohdoka.holiday, n . Woskateanpetu .

holily,adv. Wakanyanholiness, n. Wowakan.

hollow, a. Skokpa hdo’

gecsOhdogeea:aho ll ow tree.

—Hollow- horn


of the foot, sihape.—Hollow

checked, tapon sko ’

ps . vt. Yn

skopa hollow outatree.

hollow-hearted,a. Wieakesni .holy,a. Wakan .

homage, n. Woynonihat)home, it . Ti’pi ; tiyata; ti . A t

home, tiyata.—My home, ti’pimitawa.—Take home, shda.

homeless,a. Ticodan.

homely,a. 1 . Okinihansni ; ikoekazahomely house. 2 . Tiyataiyececa.

homesick,a. Tiawakicin icomni .

homestead, n . Makoce Oien ; ti’

pi .

homeward,adv. Tiyata.homicide, n. Wicastakte 'pi.homily, n. Wowshokonkiya.


hominy, n. Pasdayapi.homogeneous, n. Okage wan2ina.hone, n. Iyohdi ; iznzs .

innest, a. Ohan owotannaWO

Wieske ; zon’ta.

honestly,adv. Owotsnna.honesty, n. Woowotanna.honey, n. Tnhmaigseahsnpi ; wastena.

honey-comb, n. Tnhmagasin.

honeysuckle, n . CanWiskuye.

honor, n. WoyuOniha1) . vt. Y11onihsn ohoda.

honorable,a. Okinihan.

honorably,adv. Ynonihanysn.

honorary,a. Woynonihsn.

hood, n. Sagdssin wepaha,posten .

—Hood,0 111) Okodaki

ciy .e

hoodwink, vi. Ibtaakahps hna!an

hé , n . Sake ,woteeasake.

hook, n . Ma’zaynksan. vi . Icu ;ikoyaka;manon .

hoop, n. Cat)hdeskakokaWiynvt. Ynskits . vt. Hoton .

hoot, vi. Hinyankagshoton .

hop, vi. S issni ipsica ipsieawaci. n. i sles wahpeonspohy



hope, vi . Cin Waeinysn ;awacinhope than in God. n . Ta’kn

;Wowaeinye wospe.



e?upl,a. Waeinyan waste

keein waste ktase’ea.

hopeless,a. Wowaeinye ni’es .

hopper, n . 1 . Tu ’we ipsiea. 2.

OhnaOhnakapi.horde, n . Wieobe .

horizon, n. Mahpiyamaks i’ei

y .abdehorizontal,a. Mds ’

ys ieazOpi .horn, n. He ; ptehe ;wsya2opi.horned,a. B e


hornet, n. Tnhmag's kahohiyn .

horn-owl, n. Hinhsnhetonna.horrible,a. Ni’ns si’ca.horribly,adv. Okokipeya.


humility. n. Wicowahba.humming-bird, n. Tanagldsn.

humor, n. l . Tawacin good hu

mor. 2. WOWihstawscin he is

full of humor. 3. Mini : thehumor of the eye,

humorist, n. Wawihs .

humorous,a. Wawihaye .

humorously,adv. Wawihaye .

hump, n . Pa2o .

humpback, n. Cankshnpa2o.

hunch, n . Pa2o : the camel’s hunch.

vi. Panini.hundred,a. Opawinge.

hung, imp . of HANG .

hunger, n . Wotekte


hdapi ; cit) p1 .vi. Csntiheys c

hungry,a. Wotektehda; docin.

hunt, vt. Ode ; ihni ; knwa. Hunt

bufalo wansee.—Hunt game

for food, wotihni.—Hunt the

horses, bungode. n. Wotihnipi ;Odepi .

hunter, huntsman, n . Wotihnisa.hurl, vi. Kah’

o Iyeya.hurly

-burly, n . OWOdutston.

hurrah, vt. I’yakis’a.hurricane, n . Tateohitika.hurried,pa. Inahni .

i, p ro. Mi’ye ;mis;ws . Who willgo ? I will go, tn

’we ye kta,

mi ’yemde kta.—I want,wacin.

ice, n. Ca’gs . To break throughthe ice

,ca’gs naokss .



iceberg, n. MiniwsncacahWita.icebound,a. Cahiyanica.icecream, n. A ssnpiaeahyspi.iced, pa. A eahyapi .iceplow, n . Cah ’icazopi .icicle, n . Cah ’


lay,a. Ca’gase ; sni .


hurriedly,adv. Inahniysnhurry, vt. Ina1’1Diys . n .WOinshDi .

hurt, vt. Ksn’weys ; kinnDiya. n.

Wokinnni .

hurtful,a. Wakiunniya; sI es .

husband, n. Hihnskn ; Wieasta.vi. Kpatan; kuwa.

husbandman, n. WO2nWicssts .

husbandry, n. Wakiesnyanpi ;wakpatanpi

hush, vi . Inina vt. Ynssni .husk, vt. Yngs ; haehpeya. 71.

Ha;wahnwapaha.husky a. HO ’gits ; hO ’mes .

hustle, vi. N i’ns skan iyayeys .

hustler, n. Wohitiks .

hut, n. Ti’


hnzza, inteij 1’

y11skin an i .

hydrant, n. Minioien .

p p

hyena, n. Sungmanitusicamns .

hymeneal,a. Kieiynzspi.hymn, n. Odowan. vt. Idowan.

hyperbolic,a. A kswin.

hyphen, n. O ’kihe icaZ Opi.hypnotize, vi. Wicahmunga.hypocrisy, n. Wohnaye .

hypocrite, n. Wieskebni.hypothesis, n. Woiyacin.

hysterics, n. Hnsskinyanpi.

l’d, contr. Of I would or I had.

idea, n. Woawacin.

ideal, n. Woiyacin. a. Tawac inen

’tn ; ihanmnspi.

identical,a. B e’ebes .

identify, vt. Iyekiya; yawicaka;yuOkonwan2idsn.

idiom, n. Iapi Okage.

idiot, n. Eeswitkotkoks .

idle, a. l . Ta’kudan econ sni ;kn’

2a: an idle boy. 2. Ta’kusni ; ituys 111) idle words. vi .

Yntakunibni .

idleness, n. Wokn2s .

idler, n. Tu ’we kn'2a.

idly,adv. Kn2iteya.idol, n. 1 . Wakagapi ; wowskan.

2. Ta’kn iyotands : he is the

idol of his mother.

idolater, n. Waksgspi ohoda.idolatry, n. Waksgapi OhOdapi.idolize, vt. Waksgapi ynhs .

if, eoni. 1 . Kinhsn if you go.

2. He’cinhsn sheasked if youhad come. 3. Esta: I will go,i it kills me.

i vi. Itkonya. vi. Itkonignoble,a. Ta’kn tsninsni .ignominious,a. Wahtesni .ignorance, n. Wasdonyesni.ignorant,a. Ta’kunasdonye sni.ignore, vi . A ktssni .

ilium, n. Nisehn.

iii, a. Wayszanks : he is ill. 2.

Si ’es : ill temp er. adv. Tanyansni illable.

illbred,a. Tan’

ya1) icahyapIsni .illegal,a. Woope Ohnasni.illegitimate,a. Owotsnnasni .illfavored,a. Owanyagsics .

illiberal,a. Wacintsnkasni .illicit,a. WOOpe kaseya.illiteracy, n. Waonspepisni.illiterate,a. Onspekesni .illnatured,a. Tawacinsies .

illness, n. Woyazan.

ill-tempered,a. Tawacinsica.ill-treatment, n . Sieayaknwapi.illuminate, vi. Iyoyamya.illustrate, vt. Yntaninyanoyaka.illustrious,a. Okitsnin.

illwill, n. Tswaeinbica.illy,adv.

ln pref.

l’m, contr. Iam.

image, n. Wakagspi ; Oksgspi.imaginable,a. A wacinpies .

imagination, n. Woawacin.

imagine, vi. A wacin kecin itnys

kecin .

imbecile,a. Was’akesm.

87 implement

imbibe, vi. Icu ; yaheps .

imbue, vi. A wac inya.imitate, vi . Iyecenecon; nn’

es .

immaculate,a. Wosapeniea.immaterial,a. TO ’keeasni .immature,a. Stunks .



eah11ans .

immemorial,a.Kiksnyapi i’tokam.

immense,a. Ni’natsn’ks .

immerse, vi. Oksspeya;iyeys .

immigrant, n. Oystetokeca.imminent,a. Waape D1) .immodest,a. Ibteeesni.immoral,a. Owotannabni ; si’es .

immortal,a. Owihankewanica.immortality, n. Wicontewanics .

immovable,a.aksnpieasni.immutable,a. Yntokeespieasni.imp, n. Wsksnsics cinca.impair, vi. Ynsica.impale, vt. Iesm e


impart, vt. Kn ; Okiyska.impartial,a. I’akideeen knws .

impassable,a. O’

pts yepicasDi .impatient,a. Waeintsnkssni .impeach, vi. Iyaonpa.impede, vt. Kag1ya.impel, vt. Iyayeya.impend, vi. Iyape hat) .impenetrable,a. En yepimpenitent,a. Iyopeieiyesniimperative,a. Kat1nyanimperceptible,a. Ta1)insni .imperfect,a.ata1)pisni ; onspaimperial,a. Itancanhca.imperil, vt. Otoya.imperious,a. Wankantn ;wahsnieids .

imperishable,a. Ihangyepieasni.impertinent, a. Iyehanyanbni ;Ohsnwiesstabni .

impetuous,a. WOhitiks ; Ohanko.

impinge, vi. Kasewanks .

implous,a. Waohodssni.implant, vt. O2u .

implement, n. Wi'kiesnye.

implicate 88

implicate, vt. A opekiya.implicit,a. Ecaken ;a’tsys .

implore, vt. Icekiys .

imply, vt. Ikoyake .

impolite,a. Ohanecinsniysn.

impolitic,a. Waynpikesni .import

, vi. Oyatetokecs etanhanim’

port, n. 1 . Ta’knahipi . 2. To’


importance, n . Wotanka.important,a. Ta’knhcs .

importune, vi. Kitanysnda.impose, vi . A ehnska; kinkiyaimposing,a. WOWiDihsn.

imposition, n . 1 . Kinkiya; sokahys kinkiyapi. 2. A ehnskapi.

impossible,a. Okihipicssni .impostor, n . Tu ’

we Wicahnsye.

impotent,a. Wowas’ake D i’ca.impoverish, vi. Wahpaniya.impracticable,a. Eeonpicasni .impregnable,a. Ohiyepicasniimpress, vi. A pnspe ;awacinys .

impressible,a. Wan’kadan.

impression, n. A pnspspi ;woawactn.

impressive,a. A wacinWicaye.

imprint, vi. Owa; sntayaikoyake .

imprison, vi. Ksska.improbable,a. Wicadspicabni .impromptu,a. Piiciyebni.improper,a. He


improve, vi. Yuwaste ; tsnyankicun. vi . Wastesya; sam econ .

improvement, n .asstepi ; ts’kn

onynwastepi .improvident,a. Wskpatansni.imprudent,a. Ksa’pesni.impudent,a. Istecesni .impugn, vt. I


impulse, n. Wocantshde .

impulsive,a. Tawacin Ohanko.

impunity, n. WoiyOpeye cO’dan.

impure,a. E’cedansni ; si’ca.

impute, vi . Iyaonpa; ki’ciyawa.in,p rep . En mahen ; ohna. In

lncomparablethe house, timshen .

—In time,iyehan.

—In turn,i ’ciyokiheya.

ln pref Sni .inability, n. Okihisni.

inaccurate.a. He’cetnsni.

inactive,a. Mdihecesni .inadequate,a. Iyehantnsni .inadmissible,a. Icnpicasni.inadvertence, n. A wacinpisni .inanimate,a. N1yasD1lnapproprlate,a. Iyecet11sni .inasmuch, adv. Ehantsnhanshe’

on .

inattentive,a. A wacinsni.inaudible,a. Taninsni .inaugurate, vi. Ohnshde.

inborn,a. Ynhatonpi.incapable,a. Okihisni .incapacitate, vt. Okihisniys .

incarcerate, vt. Kasks .

incarnate,a. Wicacehpi.incase, vt. Ohnaka.lncautious,a. Waawacinsni.incendiary, n . Tiideya.incense, n . Wi’zinyspi.incensed, pa. Canze .

incentive, n. On’econ.

inception, n. O ’tokahe.

incessant,a. A yustansni.incest, n. Taknys yn’

za.inch, n. Napsnoiyute .

incident, n. Woakipa; ta’kn. a.Kicics ; ikoyake.

incidental,a. Ecaken ;wsnn .

incite, vt. I’

yopastaka.inclement.a. Kihansics .

incline, vt. ED yeya. vi . Wacinyuza;pstn2a.

inclined, pa. A tskinyanhsn.

inclose, vt. Nstake ; sohomniya.inclosure, n. Natakapi ;conkaske .

include, vi. O’

pekiys ; en nn.

inclusive,a. KO ’

ys ; O’

pekiyaincognito,a. Tn’we Daicihbe .

incoherent,a. I’cikoyakesni .income, n. Woksmna.incommode, vt. Nagiyeya.incomparable,a. Iyececawanica.

inexcusableinexcusable,a. A kshpepiossni.inexhaustible,a. Yusonpicséni.inexpedlent,a. Iyehsntusni.inexpressible,a. Oysgpicssni .infallible,a. To’hiqni yDSDssni.

infamous,a. Ni’ns éi'cs .

infancy, n. HoksiyOps our) .

infant, n. Hoksiyops .

infanticide, n. HoksiyOps kto’


infantry, n. Mskssmsni skicits .

infatuate, vt. Yuhnsékinysx) .infect, vt. Woéice kalitan .

infections,a. I’ciyshpsys .

infelicity, n. Ws’


infer, vt. Iyukcs1) .inferior,a. B ukuya;ku ’

ys m) .infernal,a. Wakal )bios .

infest, vt. Nagiyeys ; kuws .

infidel, n. Wicsdssni .infinite,a. WOptecséDi ; owihankewsnios .

infinitive,a. Ecsken .

infirm,a. Hun’kesni ; sihtiI) .

infirmity, n. Woyazan.

inflame, vt. Ideya.inflammatory,a. Wsideys .

inflate, vt. Yupogsq.

inflexible,a. Yutokecspicséni .inflict, vt. Ecskicoq iyopeys .

influence, vt. Iyuts qye ; econkiys .

n Woiyutsnys ;wowsé’ske.

influential, n. Oie Dshoqpi.

influenza, n. I’ciyszs hohpspi .

influx, n. 0al1i ; en u.

inform, vt. Okiysks ; Sdonyekiya.informal,a. Ikceks .

informally,adv. Ikceys .

informant, n. Tu’wo wokiyske.

information, n . Wosdonye.

informed, pa. Wssdonya.informer, n. Tu ’

wo okiysks

infraction, n. Kicsksspi.infringe, vt. A wshtsni .

infuse, vt. ED oksétsx) ozuys .

ingenious,a. Wayupiks .

ingraft, vi. En o’sts l ) .

ingratitude, n. Pidspisni.

ingredient, n. onks’gapi.

inscrutableingress, n. Ex) ya.inhabit, vt. ED ti.inhabitant, 11. ED ti’pi.inhale. vi. Yahots .

inhere, vi . Ikoysks .

inherit, vt. H111]kske sihpeys .

inhospitable,a. Wonwicsyesni.

inhuman,a. Wicséts iyeceoesniinimical,a. To ’kays .

lnimitabie,a. Wsksps .

iniquity, n. Woshtsni .

initial,a. Otokahe.

initiate, vi. Tokseconkiys .

inject, vt. Mshen iyoya.injudicious,a. Wi'ynkcsnsniinjure, vt. Yusies .

injurious,a. Wsyusics .

injustice, n. Woowots1)Ds

ink, n. Minissps .

inkling, n. Wowakts .

inkstand. n Minissps oi uhs .


Heysts .

inlay, vt. Okooksétsxj .inlet, 10. Okshmix] ohdoks .

inmate, n. ED ti .inmost,a. Mshentuhcs .

in , n. Owotetipi .

innate,a. Ecsheoeoa.inner,a. Mshentu .

innocence, n. Woshtsnicodsninnocent, a. Wshtsniéni ; woyn

siceéni .innovation, n. Ituwsyutokecspi.innumerable,a. s spicssni .

inoffensive,a. Wsyuéicesni .

inordinate,a. A oksgecs .

inorganic,a. Okshcodsxjinquest, n. Wawiwsnhomnioiye.

inquire, vi. vi . s ngs ; skits .

inquiring,pa. Wawiwsxjgs .

inquisitive,a. Wssdonyewscixj .

inroad, n. Canku .

insane,a. Wscinhmmi .insatiable,a. I’mnssni

“inscribe, vt. S 11tsysinscription,a. Owspi.inscrutable,a. Okshnihpicssni .

insect 91 interest

insect, is. Wstutks .

insecure,a. Okope .

insensible, a. Kiksuyesni ; ts ! )iDsD i.

insensibly,adv. Tsninsniysx) .

inseparable,a. Ynkinnksnpicssni .insert, vt. ED

’iyeys ; ostel ) .inside,p rep . Mshen. a. Mshentn.

n . Mshentu ; supe .

insidious,a. Wsspe.

insight, n. Mshenwskits .

insignia, n. Ws’


insignificant,a. To'kusui .insincere,a. Wicskesni .insinuate, vt. Nahmstj on i ; star)iq ieys .

insipid,a. Tsknmnaéni .insist, vi. Kitsx) .insolent,a. Tsn’ksieids .

insoluble,a. Hpsqysrj picséni .insolvent,a. Kai tl in okihisni.insomuch,adv. Hehsqys l )inspect, vt. A mdezs .

inspector, n. Ws’mdezs .

inspiration, n. Woniys ; econkiys .

inspire, vi. Oniys i n. Niys .

instability, n . Tawacinsntssni .

install, vt. Sntsys hde.

instance, it. Woecon bo’coco.

instant,a. WaD’cshDs ; dehsntn .

n. Wowsssghde ; onszin.

instantly,adv. s j’cshnsns ; ki

m im .

instead of,p rep . E’ekiys

instep, n. S iitskshs .

instigate, vt. Econkiys .

instill, vt. Onspekiys .

instinct, n. Iyeciqksswsciqpi. a.A ioiciys .

instinctively,adv. Iyecixjks .

institute, vt. n. Ta’kuhde ’

pi ;woope ;woonspetipi.instruct, vi. Onspekiys .

instruction, n. Woonspe ; woope ;to

'keD ecoqsipi .

instructive,a. 0 1) oqspepi ws ’ste .

instructor, n. Waonepekiys .

instrument, n. Icuws ; wowapi .

instrumental, a. On’ecoqpi. Ia

strumental music, csn’dowsn


insubordinate,a. Wsnshonsni .insufferable,a. Otswstesics .

insuffi cient,a. Iyenskecssni.insulate, vt. Isnsehde.

insult, vt. O st eh ds . Insult awoman, wikisde.

nsuperable,a. Okihipicssni.insupportable,a. Tswstenyepicspsni.

insurance, n. Ideks i uznpi.insure, vt. Ideks i uzu .

insurgent, n. Wskipszu) .insurmountable,a. A dipicssni .insurrection, n. Wokipssin.

ntact,a. ai ; he’cehns .

intangible,a. Yutsnpicssni .integer, n. A ’

tsys .

integrity, n. Wozani .intellect, u. Wssdonye ; Dssn.

intellectual,a. Wsswaciq.

intelligence, n. Wssdonyspi ; wosdonye.

intelligent,a. Wssdonya.intemperance, n. Iystshdeioiyspi ;witkOpi.

intend, vt. Wsciqyuzs ;awaciq.

intense, a. To’kenokihi ; wohi

tika.intensely,adv. Ni’Ds .

intent, n. Tawacin.

intention, n. Wsciqyuzs .

intentional,a. Ciq’econpi.

intently,adv. A wscinhcs .

inter’, vt. Hs ; hDs'ks .

n’ter p ref. OtshedsI) .

intercede, vt. Iciys .

intercept, vt. Otshensicu .

intercession, n. Icekiyspi.interchange, vt. Kicieu .

intercourse, n . Ki ’ciéksnpi.interdict, vt. Tehinds .

interest, vt. A wacinys ; en e’ws

air) . i t. Wsswscinpi ; iyowaiapi ;ms ’

zsskas icsge ; sicsge ;ts


interesting 92 irksome

interesting,pa.Onshoqwsste;sws intrinsic,a. A’tsyedsr)


interfere, vi . ED iyeioiys

interference, n . Woksgi .interim, n. Oko ; iyozipi.

interior,a. Mabonta.interject, vt. Msheniyeys .

interjection, u . Ihnuhanoyapi .interline, vt. Ots hedsuows .

intermarry, vi . Kici kiciyuzs .

intermeddle, vi. Iyowssssnisksq .

interment, n. Wicahnakspi.intermingle, vi . Icshiys Dr) .

intermission, n . Oko.

intermit, vt. Ci’stiyedax) ecozjsni.

internal,a. Mshentsqhsr) .

international,a. Oyate wi’ciyotshedan.

interpolate, vt. Iapi sksgs .

interpose, vt. ED 1yeys ; en hiyui

giya.interpret, vt. Ieskaoyaks .

interpreter, u . Iesks .

interrogate, vtkWi’wsngs .

interrupt, vi. n iys ; snspts .

intersect, vt. I’cipswegs .

intersperse, vt. Ensns ohde.

intertwine, vt. Icshi ynwi .

interval, n.


Oko ; otshedsrjintervene, vi . Otahedsqinterview, vt. Wi

’wsngs .

intestate,a. Woyuhs 0 1) tak eye

intestine,a. Mshentu .

intimate,a. Kici 111]as ; ikiyens ;mahentu . vt. Onsps ystsnix)

intimidate, vt. Yusiqyeys .

into,p rep . Mshen ; en .

intolerable,a. Tswstenyepicssni .intolerant,a. Iyowixjyesni .intoxicate, vt. Witkoys .

intoxicated,a. Witko .

intractable,a. aspicssni .intransitive,a. A ihpeyspisni .intransitu,a. Toksupi en.

intrepid,a. Itonpesni .intricate,a. Oskiske .

intrigue, n. Nshmsxj sksn’


introduce, vt. En iyeya; en ahi.2. Tuweoyaks .

introductory,a. Otokahe.

intrude, vt. Kitu jsksn; iyecetnsni on i.

inundate, vt. A mnitsq .

inure, vt. Ecewsktsys . vi. Ki ’


invade, vi . ED i ; tskpei .in'valid,a. S ihtix) .inval ’id,a. Ta’kusni .invalidate, vt. Ts ’kusniys .

invaluable,a. Waokiyehcs ; Di'nawaste .

invariable,a. He’cetuwaqzi ca.invariably,adv. O

’hiqni .

invasion, n. Wotskpe ; eni’

pi .

invective, n . Woyssihtiq .

inveigh, vi. ED ohoyeys .

invent. vt. Ks'

gs ; toksksgs .

inventive,a. Okshwayupika.inventor, n . Tokawohdoka.in’ventory, n . Woyuhaowspi .inverse,a. q sq ociystsnhsr) .

invest, vt. En e’hnsks idem)

skshps ; nnkiys .

investigate, vt. To’ketn ode .

inveterate,a. A yustsrj okihisni .

invidlous,a. Wahteéni.invigorate, vt. Wsé

’sgys .

invincible,a. Ohiyepl cséni .invisible,a. q ysgpicssni.invitation, n . Kicopi.invite, vt. Kieo ; iyntsxjye.

invoice, n. Woyuhsowspi.

invoke, vt. Icekiys .

involuntary,a. A waciqsni .involve, vt. A Opekiys .

invulnerable,a. O '

picssni .

inward,a. 8xadv. Mshentn .

iodine, n . Innpizi .

iota, n. Ci'

stixjns .

Iowa, up . A yuhbs

ire, n. Wocsnze .

irish, n. S sgdsésissics .

irksome,a. Wawicstnka.

jester 94

jester, n. Wawihaha.jet, n. Obosdi ; iq

yarjsapa.Jew, np . Judswicasta. v. Yahn

jewel, n. It]'

ya1)tehiks ; Oil ] .jibe, vi . O


jig, n. Wowaci ohsqko.

jigjog,adv. Kahoho.

jill, n. Wikosksdanjilt, vt. Oki ahna/ysn.

jingle, vt. Dena. vi . SDa’sDa.job, vt. Opiyo ecehns Wi

yopeya.n. .Woeeox) .

jockey, n. Sungknwswicass . vt.

HDa’yajocose,a. e

wina.jocnlar,a. Wawihaha.jog, vt. PsDiDi. vi. Naeamya.join, vt. 1 . Ynokoqwaqsidan; i’cikoyagya: oin fortunes; j ointhe ends . O’

pa; kiei ya: Iwi ll j oin you. 3. Kici econj oin battle. vi. 1 . I’ciyokihe

111] thefarms j oin. 3. O’koq

wani idaq 111) let usj oin in our

work. a. Fta’ya.joint, n. O

’kihe ; obsspe . Put out

of j oint,gaping.

jointed,a. ’kihe ynksx) .

jointly,adv. Wi'taya.joist, n. Owankaentubu .

joke, vt. I'hadeciya. vi. I'hadeya.

n. Wowiha;wowihs iapi.jollification, n. Wihahskiciyapi.jolly,a. Wi’haha;wowihs .

jolt, vt. Kahuhnza.jostle, vi. PaDiDi ;yucancsq .

jot, n. Wokpe ; c1’stiyeda1] . vt.

Ptenyedaxj owa.journal, n. A npetniyohi owapi ;WOtaq ) wowapi ; W i c ohanowapi.

journalist, n. Wotaninks ’

ga.journey, n. Oieimani. vi . I


Di ya.journeyman, n. Wowasi economam .

jovial,a. Wi’yuékil] Wi 'hahs .

cs ! )pa

jowl, n. Cehupa.joy, n. Wowiynskiniovfl l.a. Wi’ynskirj .tort-“y.adv. Wi

yuékinyanjoyless,a. Womynskixj oo

'datj .

joyous,a. Wi‘jubilant,a. 1


ynslm ] pan’

pal )jubilee, n. Wom ynskixj anpetu .

judge, n. Wayaco ; wayasn . vt.

Yaco ; Y. 85 T. yssn ; yukcsq ;iynkcan.

judgment, n. Woyaeo ; woyasn ;wowiynkcan Wi'yukcaDpi.

judicatory, n. Wi’yukear; omni

jug, n. Msks iantsn.

juggle, vt. Has/ysn. vi . Wakankaxjysl jsksn.

juggler, n. Wap1ya.jugular,a. Tahn.

juice, n. Hs i ;minijuicy,a. s jpi o


July, 11. Mdokecokswi ;sawi.

jumble, vt. To'kencixjyax) ehpeys .

n. To'ketntsqixjsni.

jump, vi. Ipsics ;wankanksn iyeya; ipsmkiya. n. i s i oa.

Jump over,apsica.junction, 11. I

’ciyohpays ; mdo'te .

juncture, n. Woskipa.June, 11. Wasustecasawi .jungle, n. Otehi ; taskoznjunior,a. Hakakta; o’kiheJupiter, n . Wakiqyaq.

jurisdiction, n. Woawanyske.

jurist, n. WasiaWicasa.juror, n. Wi’yukesqkiyapi.jury, n. Wi’ynkesq optsye.

just,a. Owotaxjns ;woope yuhnaj ustman. adv. 1 . IyehaDtndal j hehaDtndaD hes j ustnoon. 2 . Ki’taqna: I can j ustsee. 3. Hes : j ust alike ; j ust

now. 4. He’e hes : just to hurt

justice, n. Woowotsqns ; wowi

h stlflcation, n. YnowotaDDspL

Kansas, n. Ksn’ze ;Kahas e.

keel, n. Wa'tasien.

keen,a. 1 . Fe : akeen edge ; akeen breeze. 2. Wseixjksapaa~keen lawyer.

keenly,adv. Ni'na.keep, vt. Yuhs ; swanysks . vi .

ka. Keep at i t, syn

ska1) .—Keep his bed,owankaeD —Keep cool,mdesys ihdnha.—Keep com

pany,o'hsxjhdeys .—Keep down,

knn yu'za.—Keepafeast, omni

eiye—Keep for, ki


hs .—Keep from,

heyam yuhn.

—Keep on,san’


out of, etanhan ihdnha.—Keepsti ll, w ins an ; owsni i 1111.Keep the road, cankn ohnaya.Keep up , iyehsn nij .

—Keepseam , cosys

—,Keep well


zsmyax;keeper, n. Wa'wanyske.

keeping, it . Woawsnyake ;yake ; okiciwaste.

keepsake, n . 0 1) kiksuyspi.ken, vt. S donya.kennel, n. Suq

'katipi.kept, imp . of KEEP.

kernel, n . Co ; 811 .

kerosene, n. Petizsmsr) wi’hdi .kettle, n. Ce’

gs .

key, 11. 1 . Iynhdoks ; Y. iyusdo

ks ; T. iyuhloka. 2. Iyuhomniwatch-key. 3. Ho oiyahe.

keyhole, n. Iynsdoke ohdoka.key

-note, n. Hohnte .

keystone, n. I! )'


95 knavejustify, vt. Yuowotsnna.justly,adv.

justness, n.

jut, vi . Patohiyn.

juvenile, n. Wokaqheh .

kick, vi. Nahtaks ; Dabsgbaka.Kickup afuss,woskiSke ks ’

gn. Wonahtske.

kid,n. Tatoksdaneixjea;tatokaha.kidnap, vt. Wieasts msDoD.

kidney, n. Psksixl ; Y.ai untka.kill, vi. Kte ; toys ; ehpeya.killer, n. Wicakte.

kiln, n. youacetipi.kin, n. Wotsknye.

kind,a. Waoxjmdr waste . K ind

to, on'sids . n. 60am; obe .

kindle, vt. Ideya° ks ’

ga. vi . Ide.

kindling, n. 0 1) ideyapi.ndly,adv. Wsousidsys ; cantewasteys .

kindness, n. Wowaox;aids .

kindred,a. 85 n. Takukieiyapi .kine, n. Ptewiye.

king, n. Wicastsystspi.n. Wokicoxjze.

kingfisher, n. Knsdeca.kink, n. Oyuhs . vi. Yuhkinky,a. Ya imDiza.kinnikinic, n. Canasta.kinsfolk, n. Wotakuye.

Kiowa, n. Wi’tspshs .

kip, n. Ptezieansha.kiss, vt. I

'it utaka.kissing, n.

’itpntakapi.kit, n. Kokans ; iDmu cinca.kitchen, n. Owohetipi.kite, n . Minihnhakiyekiyapi ;upihate ts ’ka.

kitten, n.Timnnsurjkans .

kitty, n. InmnénnkaeiDeaDs .

knack, n. Wowsyupiks .

knapsack, n. Wapapsuxjks .

knave, n. Wicahnsyesa.

kneadknead, vt. Patinzs .

knee, n.ashn ; siyoto ; Y. inT.

m kpe

kneel,knelt, vt. Canpesksmakshde

knee-pan, n . Takaqg1. T. Cal )hn .

kne l, n. Paq’


knew, imp . of KNOW .

knicknack, n. Ta’kusni .knife, n. Isan . Y. Mi ’Da. T. Mi ’

ls . Butcher-knife, isat]pesto ;mi’Dapesto.

—Case-knife, issun daaka; m ip isda.


knife, isaI)yukstixjpi ; miynksiiapi.

knight, n. Wowaste ital )can.

knit, vt. Ks zonta; ikoyaka;yuski.knives, n. p l . of KNIFE.

knob, n. Péurjks .

knock, vt. A paknock him on the

head. 2. Kabnbn;katoto : knockat the door. Knock a

kaksmiyeya.down, kswaxjka; knn ehpeya.Knock aho le, kandoka.

label, n. Ks n ;wowssagkde.

labor, vi . Htani. n. Wohtani.laboratory, n. Oskinciyetipi.labored,a. 0 1) Di'Dahtanipi.laborer, n. Tn ’we btaDi ; W0

laborious,a. Econpi tahiko ; tke ;Di’Daskan .

lace, n . Sinaapahdate gs !)gal) .vt. Iyskasks ; q i .

lacernte, vt. Bahoqhoq .

lack, vt. Ni’ca; iyokpaDinx) ; icakiss ; iyohisni.

laconic,a. Coys ; pte’oens .

incl-imal,a. Istamni.lacrosse, n. Takapsicapi.


lad, n. Kosksna.ladder, n. Caniyadipi. Y. Gaijlade, vt. Kinkiya; ozndanys .

Laden 0 2nd“ ) wakiDladle, n.



lady, ladies, n. WiD’

ysI) ;Wil l'm

Knock of ,kahaiyoya.—Knock

out the eye, istakakpa.—Knocktogether, i

’ciyapa.—Knock nu

der,kahulmn iyeys .

up , kswaxjksn 1yeya. n. Katoto i

, .espe

knol , n. Pai odan; paha.knot, n. 1 . Oksske : tie akno t.A bow-kno t

,okasho ynsdntapi .

2. A detka; osnaze : the boardwasfull of knots.

knotty,a. A detkao’ta;ai ; iyu

kcaxjtehiks .

know, knew, vt. 1 . Sdonya: d o

you know the road. 2. Onspe

I know my lesson. 3. IyekiyaI don

t know you.

knowledge, n. Wosdonye.

known,pp . of KNOW .

knuckle, n. Napskahs . vi . Patnakodak, n. On

’iteicnpicika.Kootenai, np . Sku’

tani .Koran, np . Mohamm‘

ed WowapiWskax) .

Kwapas, np . Pe’sa.

lady’s slipper, n . Pi'skotshsxjpe.

lag, vi . He’ktauxj ; ha1)hilaggard, n. HuD

’kesDi .

n. Minikazedal )laid, pp . of L A Y .

lair, n. Wamaniti .lake, n. Mde.

lamb, n. Ta’hcasks cinca.

lax,a. Tiq’zesn i ;antseni .

laxly,adv. To’kencirjyarl .lay, vt. 1 . E’hnaks : lay i t down.

—2. Okada lay eggs.—3.

Ehpeya: lay waste the country.

—4 . YnWiyeys : lay p lans.

5. Knn iyeya: lay the storm.

Layaway, kihnaka.—Lay hold,oyuspa. imp . of L IE


see. n . Odowsn;makomdaye .

a. Itancaq sni .layer, n. Oehnake ; okage .

layman, n. Itsqcaqsni .

lazily,adv. IwahnsDa.laziness, n . Wieolmza.lazy,a. Kn’ta; hun’kesni ; econkspin .

leach, vt. Ske’pa.lead, n . Ma’zasn .

lead, led, vt. A ’

ya; ynsa'ya: leadyour sister. vi . 1 . Tokaheyayayou lead. 2. Iyahde leadsto the river. n. O


oyenke tokaheya.leader, n. Wotokahaq itaDcsD.

leading, pa. Tokahan.

leaf, leaves, n. A pe ; canwsps .

vi. A pe nys .

leafless,a. A pe wanica.leafy,a. A pe o ’

ta.league, n . 1 . Wodakota; Okodakieiye . 2. Makaiyutapi ya’mDi.

leak, vt. 1 . Knee : thepail leaks.

2. 0 11i : the roof leaks.

leaky,a. Knee.

lean,a. Tamaheea. vi . A taonpa;gatnfis . vi . Icatjhaq ; ksohysax) .

leap, leapt, vt. A psics : leap the

fence. vi . Ipsica. n . i sica.leap-frog, n. A kicipsicapi.leap-year, n. Waniyetu itopa.learn, vt. Onspeieiciya; iynkcan.

vi. Onape ; okahDiga; Dahon .

learned,a. Waonspeka.learning, n. Wosdonye W0


lease, vi. Okn ;mekece oku .

98 lenient

least, a. Iyotax; ei’stiDDs . adv.

Iyotaq .

leather, n. Tatankaha; tshs .

leave, left, vt. 1 . Ehpeya; syn

stan ; kihnska: leave it here.

2. Okspta: notadrop left. 2 .

Tokan yaI want him to leave.

n. Woiyowiqkiya;napeynzapi .leaven, n. Wi’napohye. vt. Napohys .

leaves, n. p l. of LEAF.

leavings, n. Okaptapi.lecherous,a. Wicins’a.lecture, vt. Wahokorjkiys . n. We


led, imp . of LEAD .

ledge, n. In’

yaq mays .

ledger, n . Oicazowowapi tarj ’ka.lee, n. I’tahdshbe.

leech, n. Tusda.leek, 71. P511) .

leer, vi . Hdakinyanetonwaq .

left, imp . of LEAVE.

left,a. Catks ; Dapecatka.

leg, n. Hn huha; oyaya.legacy, n . Waihpeyspi.legal,a. Woepo ohna.legalize, vt. Woope 0 1) yueeetn .

legend, n. Ehsxjnawoyakspi.legged,a. Hn yuhs .

legging, n.asks .

legible,a. Yawspiwaste.

legion, n . Ni’Dsota.legislate, vi . Woopeka’gs .

legislature, n. Weepekagaomnieiye.

legitimate,a. Weepeohna.leisure, n. Oko ta’ku econsni.

leisurely,adv. fm hnisniysq .

lemon, n . Tas anti han ’ska.

lemonade, n. aspaqzihaqpi.lend, lent, vt. Okn .

length, n . Ohanska. A t length,un

’hanketa; han’skeya.

lengthen, vi. Yuhanska.lengthwise,adv. Ohanskaya.lengthy,a. Han ’

ska.lenient,a. Waensida;wa'hba.

lenity, n. Wowshba.lens, n. Istaiarjsaq tantan .

lent, n. A kihsqiciyapi ha! )'

sks .

lent, imp . of

leopard, n. Inmnhdeska.leper, n. Leprosy sceca.leprosy, n. Ukahdisicawoyazax)a. 85adv. A ’

okpaDi ;ihnkun ;ei’stirlna. suf. Co’darj ; wanics : afatherless child.

lessen, vt. Yneistins ; yusokpani.lesser,a. Ci’stiDDa.lesson, n. Woope.

lest, eon}. O’kini.

let, vt. 1 . Iyowixjkiya; ito. Let

alone, synstsxj .- Let down


knn ’iyeya.—Let go, sy ntax) .Let in, en

’iyeys . 2. ka2nzn 01m : he let hisfarm.

lethargy, n . Wokni s .

letter, n. 1 . Wowapi (kicienpihe’es ) : write me aletter. 2.

Oowa: he don’t knowhis letters.

3. Wowapi onspe : aman ofletters. vt. Oewe ks ’

gs .

lettuce, n. Wahpeyutapi.levee, n. 1 . Kicicopi : the pres

ident’s levee. 2. Wakpao’hnta.level,a. wal )ksntn. vt. Ynmdays . n. Omdaye ;war]kaDtu Oiynte.

lever, n. Car) ipsptsl jye.

levity, n. Tke’sni ; ta’kusni .

levy, vi. Mnayesi ; sehnskslewd,a. Si’ca;Wicixjpi.lexicon, n. Ieskawowapi.liable,a. Ikoyake iyececa.

ItOI]sni ; owewaksr] .libel, n. Woyssiea. vt. Yasica.liberal,a. Ohanpi :aliberal giver;okamdsys :aliberal education;to

'ken cin'eir) :aliberal thinker.

n. I’ye to’keD Oil)

liberate, vt. Kiynska.libertine, n. Wi’hdnhesni ; Wies

liberty, n. Ts ’waieiyapi ; woiyoWiukiye.

99 lightning-bug

librarian, n . Wowapiawanyake.

library, n. Wowapiopahi .license, vt. Iyowir)kiya.licentiate, n. Eeouktaiyowinkiygi.

lice ons,a. Wawicihahss’a.lick, vt. Sdi 'pa. n. Oape ; W0

lid, n. Ihs ; oakahpe . Eyelid,istoiuhs .

lie, lay, Iain, vi . 1 . Iwanka: liedown and sleep . 2. Wanka;hps

ys : it lies east. 3. Yax)ks : lie hid.

lie, lied, vi. Itoqsni . Y. 85 T. Owe

wakar) : he lied about i t. n.

WoitoDsDi ; owewaka1)pi.liege,a. Wicaka; okiniha1) .lien, n. Wokaeke.

lien, 11. To’he. In lieu of, e


lieutenant,live, lives, n . ODi ; Wieoni ; Di


life-estate, n. Woyahn Di’

pi he

hsnyanynhspilifeless,a.lifelike,a. Ni 1yececaDi se


lifelong,a. Tohanysx).


lifetime, n. Ar)patu D i .

lift, vt. Y11wa1)kaD 1cn ; icn .

ligament, n. Kat) .ligature, n. Ikar) W1 ’caskelight, n. Iyoyanpapetiza1)


za1)bring me alight. vt. Iyoyamya; ideya: light the lamp .

vi . Iyahsr) ; eu hi . a. 1 . Ks

pozedax) : light wood. 2. C i ':

stiDs : alight snow ; alighterror. 3. Ska'

4. i’

yoyanpa;i’zanalight room.

lightbread, n. A guyapitacagn.

lighten, vi. 1 . Yukapozedax)lighten the boat. 2. Iyoyamya.lighten the way.

lightly, adv. Iwastedar) kapoze

lightning, n. Wakanhdi.lightning

-bug, n. Waqyeca.


lignite, n. Pe’tacahdiantseni .like, vt. Iyokipi ; wastedaka I

like to run. a. Iyeeeca: likehis mother. adv. Iyecen : do it

like he does. vi . Ikiyedat) owatees : he liked to havefallen.

likelihood, n . S e’ecees .

likely,a. 1 . Nacoes . 2. Waste.

liken, vt. Iyacix) .likeness, n. O11Dcage ; iteowspi.likewise, conj . Naku1) is


liking, n. Wowsstedake .

lily, n. Mnshcahcs .

limb, n . A detka; oyays .

limber,a. Winswiqsedar) .lime, n. ID

ysqacetipi .limit, n. Owihanke. vi. HehaDyaDaDapte.

limitation, n. Owihsqkeyapi.limited,a. A’

okpsm u 1) .

limp, vt. H11stemaDi . a. Pati1)sDi .limpid,a. Mde’

za.line, n. 1 . Wi ’kar) ; hahontastretch the line. 2. Oicago ; oicazo : drawaline ; the north

line of myp lace. 3. Cankuyeread four lines ; stand in line;aline of houses. 4 . Wicohar) ;woecon: line of business. vt. 1 .

q kuye ha’gaz line up the

men. 2. I’tskihns ha’gaz lineadress.

lineage, u . Ounesge.

lineal,a. Cankuye owotaDDa.linen, n . MiDihuhasnta.linger, vi. Ye

’kspix) ye’sni DI) .

lingering,a. Te ’hanux) .linguist, n. Iapi wayupiks .

liniment, n . Wi ’pakinte.

lining, n. Apate imaheDlink, n . Oynkss ; oks éke. vt. Iko

yake .

linseed, n. Wi’hdisn .

linsey, n . Ta’hcahix) icahi .lint, n. Minihuhs hit) .lion, n . Mns

’ka.lioness, n . Mna’kaWi ’ye .

lionize, vt. s ss’aka.

lip, 11. Ihs . S ore lips, ihabdi .Upper lip , pute . Lower lip ,

isti. 2. 0pap111) tete the lipof the cup

liquefy, vt. Coeokaga.liquid, 11. Mim


iyeeeea; ta’ku kadnzs ; oeyewaste .

liquidate, vt. Tikticays ; kaz11zn .

liquor, n. MiDiwaks1) mini iyeeecs .

lisp, vi. Yasdiia.list, 11. 1 . OWicawspi ; owapi. 2.

Sinatoopapux) . vt. Ows .

listen, vi . A nagoptsx) Dsho1) .

listless,a. EnewaeiDsDi.literal,a. Ohnahca.literary,a. 1 . Wowapioqspehcaaliterary man. 2. Wowapi 0 1)aliterary conversation. 3. W0

wapi.literature, 11. Wowapi.lithe,a. WiDsWiDzedax) .litigate, vt. WOOpe en kuwa.litter, n. Wstusekseca.little, a. Ci ’stiDDa, alittle boy.

A little while,ci

’stiyeda1) .

Little Missouri river, n. Wakpacansoks .

Little Rocky mountains, 11. He ’

psnnkaka.Little S ioux river, n. 11) ya1)ya1)kewakpa

liturgy, n. Woeekiye owapi.live, vi . Ni . live by eating. 2. T1

where do you live.

live,a. Ni te,

’sni ; em eni.

livelihood, n. Wekw a; 0 1) Di.liveliness, n. Womdiheea.livelong,a. Ih111)Diya1) .lively,a. Mdiheea, mliver, 11. Pi. B eef liver, ta-pi.livery, owies

kupi : livery stable . 2. Oi


livid,a. S ta1) .living,a. n .

0 1) Di .

lizard, n. A hdeska.

looking 102

twins—Look over, aokasix) ;amdeza.—Look queer, to’keca

seca.—Look sharp, ni’nawe ’

kits .- Looks toward


wanka. (the house looks towardthe river) . vt. Look down, knne'tonwan. n. Wa’kitapi ; iteo


looking, n. Wa'kitapi ; owaxjyoke .

looking-glass, n. Ihdiyomdasix] .

If. Mniokdasil j T. Miyoglaan) .

lookout, n. Wa’kitapi ; co’wahe.

loom, n. Wi’cazonte. vi . B ianpo.

loon, n. Mdo’za. T. Hun


loop, n. Sm]toyako ; oiyakaske.vt. 8m]toyakeknga.

loop-hole, n. Ohdokeoenape.

loou , vt. Kiynéka; yuékn. a. 1 .

Knékeéni aloose horse. 2.

Hpnwahe ; ikoyakeéni : looseleaves. 3. Ohdnhdadan aloosefi t;aloose bolt. 4. To’ken cirrcit) aloose way of speaking;loose ideas. 5. S ntaéni; hohodo!) aloose tooth.

loosely,adv. To’ken cin’

yat) .loosen, vt. Ynskn ; ynpatjpat) .looseness, n. Wosntaéni ; tin’



loot, vt. Tibotiea.lop, vt. l . Bakes : lop of the limbs.

2. Kewixyim: lop the ears.

lope, vi . Nawanka.loqnacions,a. Ies’a; i’wasicm).lord, n. l . Itancal) the house oflords . 2. Jehowa. vi. Itancan;skan .

lordly,a. Itancanse ; okinihax) .lore, n. W0 0 1)ape ;woksape.

lose, lost, vt. 1 . Tok’ehpeya: lost

his knife. 2. Nu'ni z lose the

way. 3. Ynéna: he lost two

days’ work. 4. Ki’ciyutaknnisni ; ki

’ciéica: I lost my hay.

Loseabattle, okicize kte’pidax) .—Lose ground, he’ktaiyeye.


Lose heart cante.

kicnnni . vi.

Okihisni ; e’kta1yaye

loss, n. A kmitaknniéni ; woihaqke ; to

’kahox) . A taloss, to’ket'utank) sni.

lost,a. To'kahox) taqinsni : ynénapi ;nnni .

lot, n. Woakipa: ahard lot. 2.

Makn. obaspe achurch lo t.

3. Opahi : alot of goods. 4 .

O ’ta; ui’no o’ta: lo ts of p eop le

Cast lots : wayekiyapi.loth,a. Ec


lottery, n. ayekiyapi.loud,a.loudly,adv. Ho’

tarlkskiys .

M ore ",

A kanyankapi pauper)vi . Oziya

LoopRiver, n. Knsdeeawakpa.louse, lice, n. He’ya.lousy,a. He' a. o’

ta.lovable,a astedspilove, vt. Wastedaka; ihakta



or)sida; ea1)tekiya. n. Waihapi , wacantkiyapi woihakta;wowastedake tn

’we wastewads .

love-letter, n. Wicixjpi wowapi.loveliness, n. Wowaste .

lovely,a. Waste iyowicskipi.

lover, n. Tu 'we wastedska.loving,a. Waihakts .

lovingly,adv. Wastedaya.low,a. 1.Kn’

ceyedat] lowground.

2. Ka'zedax) : the river is low.

3. Tehisni ; co

i'stiqna: wheat islow. 4. Waonspekesni : the lowclass of p eop le adv. 1 . Kn’


fly low. z 1qspeak low. vi. Pte’hotox) ho

ton)lower, vt. Ynhnknya. vt. Wakekipe ka'gathe clouds lower.

Lower Brule, n. Knnwicasa.lowliness,lowly,a. Kn’

eeyedax) on’siks .

Iowness, n. Knn’tnh m)




loyal,a. Waohoda;wonahon.

lubberly,a. Toucan onspekesni.lubricate, vt. Sdayn.

lucid,a. Pian i s t] mde ’za.

lucifer, n. A npaowicanhpi.luck, n. Woakipa. Good luck,wa'pipi .—Bad luck, woskipasi'ca.

luckily,adv. Tag'yai) .lucky,a. Wa’pi.lucrative,a. Wakamna.Iucre, n . Woynha;wokamludicrous,a. Wowiha.lug, vt. Ki! ) ynsdohat) .luggage, n. Wokirj .lukewarm,a. Iteca; hnn’keéni .

lull, vt. Kihna. vi . Knn ’

ya.lullaby, n. Kihnapiodowax)lumber, n. Canmdaska; wokpaq.

vt. Ta’knsnisni or] kagiya.luminary, n. Iyoyarjpa.luminous,a. Iyozarj ian.

lump, n. Wotasaka; onspa. vt.aitaya; wi ’tsyaicn .

lumpy.a. Tasaksaka; pennkska.

ma, n. Ina.ma’am, contr. of m m .

macerate, vt. Hparjye.

machination n. Woknwa.machine, it.Wi’cnwa;ma’zaicnwa.machinist, n. Maza’icnwaka’ga.mad,a. Hnaskixjyaxj ; canze.

madam, n. Wiq’

yaq yuonihanpi.madden, vt. Ynhnaskixjyax) .made, imp . of MAKE.

madly,adv. Witkoya.madness. n. Wohnaskixjyarj .maelstrom, n. Miniomni tan 'ka.magazine, n. W0piye ; wakihnagtipi ;wotanitjwowapi éo ’ks .

maggot, n. Wamdndax) T. we.

glnla; honagidan ci1]ca.


magic, n. Wakankanskan’


magical,a. Wakaqse.

magician, n. Wapiyawicasts .

magistrate, n. Oyate ital) cal) .magnanimous,a. Wacintarjka.magnate, n. Itenean; tan ’ka.magnet, n. Ma’zawiyntital) .magnetic,a. Wawiyutax)magnificence, n. Wokinihax) .magnify, vt. Yntaqka.magnitude, n. Tin


skotarjka.magpie, n. Unkcekiha.maid, n. Wikoéka; nahanh hi

hnatox]sni.maiden,a. n. Witaxjsna; te'ca


lunacy, n. Waciqhnnnipi.lunatic, n. Wac inhnnni .lunch, n. Inahniwotapi.luncheon, n. Otahenawotapi.lung, n. Cagn.

lnnge, n. Kahoiyeieiyapi.lurch, vi . Naptax) iyoya.lure, vt. I tanye .

lurid,a. gkl


lurk, vi. Iyae ; nahmaqluscious,a. knsknya.lust, vi. Ci! ) cantahdeluster, n. Wowiyakpa.lustrous,a. Wiyakpa.lusty,a. Taqcantanka; was’aka.luxuriant,a. Pan ’ga.luxuriate, vi . I’mnahaxj 1111.luxurious,a. Wi'zicaaokageca.lyceum, n. Waonspeiciciyati’pi.lye, n. Cahotahanpi.lying, imp . of L IE.

lynch, vi. Woepo wamu kte’.

lynx, n. Iumu sinteonzujca.lyre, n. Pteheyndowaxjpi .lyrical,a. Dowanpiwaste.

mall, n . 1 . Wowapitoksnpi ; wowapi : where is my mail. 2.

Ma’zaheyake. vt. Wowapi toksn ohnaks. : mail my letters.

mall-carrier, u . Wowapitoksn .

maim, vi. Kinnniya.main,a. Itancan tancan.

mainly,adv. Iyotanmaintain, nt. He’

cetnwar)zicaynhaum yuhaum yuhy d kiya

maintenance, n . 0 1) m ; yns nq’


maize, n. Wamnahesa.majestic,a. Okinihax)malor, n . Itenean ; ateyapi. a.Tan ’ka.

majority, n. Haqke i ’éanpa.make, made, vt. 1 . Ka’ga: makeashoe God made man. 2. Yn

ynsica: make bad. 3.-kiya;


yaz make him do it. Makehim go, iyayeya. 3. Icaga; tokatahe ’

cakta: agood boymakes agood man. 4. Iyohi :

he can’t make the shore. 5.

Kamna. make money. Makeamends, ynecetn .

—Make freewi th, ta’wase ékan.

—Makegood time


— Makelight of, ta’kuénikiya.—Makelove to, okiya.—Make much of,ta’knkiya; kinihat) .—Makes nodifi


erence, to’kecasni .—Make


’ketn iynkcan. Makeuse of, na.—Makewater de’ka.—Make for the shore, hntatakiya. yn.

—Make at; make to

wards,eu hiyniciya.—Make up

wi th him,kici okiciwaste. n.


maker, n. Kaga; tu ’we ka'ga.makeshift, n. Inahni na’pi.mal pref . Si’ca.malady, n. Wos1ca;woyazan.

malaria, n . Tate s1’ca.

malcontent, n . Iyowicakipiéni .male, n . a. Wica;mdoka.malediction, n. Woyasica.malefactor, n . Woéiceka’ga.

104 mannerlymalevolent,a. Sicayawacinynza.malice, n. Sicawacinpi .malicious,a. S icawacinskax)maliciously,adv. S icawacin.

malign, vt. Yasica. a. Si’esmalignant,a. Waynsica.mallard, n. Pagonta.malleable,a. Pamdaskapica.mallet, n. Canwiyape.

malt, n. Sn’hpax)ysnpi.

maltreat, vt. Sicayaknwa.mama, n. Ina.mammal, n. Wamakaskax] azinpi .mammon, n. Woynha; ma’za

mammoth, n. Wamakaékaniyotantan ’ka. a. Iyotantanka.

man, men, n . Wicasta. Y. 85 T.

Wicasa. vi. Wicasta. en unwi

manacle, n. Ma'zaicaske .

manage, vi.aa; yn’za.

manageable,a. Kuwapica.management, n.aspi.manager, n. KuwaitancanMandan, n . Mawatani .

mandate, n. Itancan; te 'ie.

mane, n . A pehix) .

maneuver, vi . Skin) oskiske skan .

manful,a. Wicaéta.manfully,adv. Ohitiya.manger, n. Ohnawotapi .mangle, vt. Kahdehdeea.manhood, n. Wicaétaouncage.

mania, n. Wohnaékixjyaq .

manlac, n. Wacinhnnni .manifest,a. Tanix) . vt. Yntaqin.

manifesto, n. Yaotax)inpi.manifold, a. O'


manipulate, vt. Iyopteya.Mankato, n. Makatooze .

mankind, n. Wicasta.manly,a. Wicasta;wicastase.

manner, n. 1 . Ohan ; oecon. 2.

Ocai e ; obe : all manner ofbeasts.

mannerly,adv. Ohanwaste .

vt. O'ta

mate, n. Kicica; itancanokihe.

vi . Kiciynskiya.material, n. O! ) ka'gapi. a. Tax;ton;woawacinhca.

materialize, vt. Yneeetn.

maternal,a. Wicahnnkn .

matin, n. Hanhannacekiyapi.matriculate, vt. O '


matrimony, n. Kiciynzapi.matrix, n. Tsmni.matron, n. Inayanpi.matronly,a. Inayapise.

matter, n. 1 . Ta’kn tanton ta’kn.

2. Wicohm) to'ku z bring every

matter to me. 3. Ton the sore

runs matter. What is thematter,to

'ketn se.—Nothing is themat

ter, ta'ku to’ket

n sni.—No

matter, etanhan to’ketnsni . vi .


matting, n. Psa'owisa.mattock, n. Mazice .

mattress, n. Owinzaseka.mature, a. Sutor) ; icagayuétax) .vi . Sutonya. vi. Iyehantu

maul, n. Caniyapetanka.maw, n. Tapo.

maxim, n. Woopeptecena.maximum, n. Wankanihanke.

may, might, v. (Waokiyapi iapi)1 . Iyowinkiya: may I go. 2

O ’kini ; uncecs : he may come,I don

’t know. 3. KtaI go that

you may come. 4. Nanwonun may youalways be happy.

May, n. Woznpiwi.

may-be,adv. O’kini .

mayor, n. Otonweitancan.

maze, n . Woskiske.

me, pro. Mi’ye ; ma Give me,maku .

meadow, n. Peziokasda.meadow-lark, n. Sdo’

edona.meager,a. Iyohiéni ; on’

sika.meal, n. 1 . Wokpsnpi : corwnieal.2. Wotapi ;wan’

cadanwotapi.meal-time, n. Wotapi iyehantn .

106 meeting

sicaz amealy,a. Mdn.

mean, a.mean mhednn the mean distance. vt.

(Mean, meant. ) Ks ; awacinwhat do you mean.

meander, vi. Ksanksanya.meaning, n. Ta'kn ka'pi.meaniy,adv. Sicaya.eanness, n. Si’ca;wosice.

means, n. p l. 0 1) wi’

yokihipi ;wo

ynha;ma'zaska.meant, imp . of MEAN.

meanwhile,adv. Icnnhar) .measles, n.


measure, vt. Iynta. n. Oiynte.

meat, n. Tado ; woynte . Dried

meat waconica;pa’pa.ec c, n. Wakagawaynpika.medal, n. Ma’zaskawanapin.

meddle, vi . Iyowazasni skan .

meddlesome,a. Iyowaiasni skan .

mediate, vi . Wi’ciyotahedannn.

mediator, n. Wawiciya.medical,a. Peznts .

medicate, vt. Points icshi .medicine, n. Points .

medieval,a. Makaoicage ocoka.meditate, vt. A wacin.

meditatlve,a. Woawacina’s .

medium, n. 1 . Oyanke ocoka: thetrue medium. 2. 0 1) wi


i ; wi'

yotahedm) a. 0 00aya: medium size.

medley, n. I'cicahikagapi.meed, n. Wokaiuzn.

meek,a. Wa’hbadan ; on’sihan.

eekly,adv. Wa’hbayedan.

meekness, n. Wicowahbadanmeet, met, vt. A kipe. ; wanyaka.vi .Wi’tayapi ;mniciyapi whendoes Congress meet. a. Iyecetn meetfor war.

meeting, n. 1 . Omniciye : afullmeeting. 2. Wankiciyag bi’piameeting offriends.

meeting-house 10

meeting-house, n . Ti ’piwakan.

melancholy,a. Waciniyokisica.Panpanna;mda;waste.

melodeon, n. Can’nahotonpi.

melodious,a. B e’waste .

melody, n. Odowanho.

melon, n. Sa’kayntapi ; Y. 83 T.

span'sniyntapi.melt, vt. Sdnnya; skanya; Sdaya..vi. 1 . Ska! ) snow melts. 2.

Sdo : iron melts .

member, n. 1 . O’kihe : members ofthe body. 2. O ’

pa: amemberof the church.

memento, n. Wokiksnye.

memoir, n. Ohanoyakapi.memorable,a. Wokiksnye.

memorandum, n. On’kiksuyapi.

memorial, a. Wakiksnya: memorial services. n. Icekiyapi wowapi : amemorial to Congress.

memorialize, vi. Icekiya.memorize, vt. Kiksuyeieiya.memory, n. Wokiksnye ; tawacix)men, n . p l. of MA N .

menace, vt. Wakekipekaga.menagerie, n. Wamakssksnwapasopi.

mend, vt. Piya. vi . Wasteayamendlcant, n . Wadann.

menial,a. On’sika; oasica.

menses, n. Isnatipl .mental,a. Tawacin.

mention, vt. Cai eyata.mercantile,a. Wopetonpi.

mercenary,a. Ma’zs skaiyotanda.merchandise, n. Wopetonpi ma’za.

merch nt, n. We tonmerch ntabie,a. i’yopeyepica.merciful,a. Waonsida.merciless,a. Waonsidasni .mercury, n. Ma’zanini.mercy, n. Wowaonsida.mere,a. He’

cehnana.merely,adv. He’

cehnana.me e, vi. En iyeya; sepekiya.meridian, n. Wi’cokayaoicago.

merit, n . Woohiye ; wowaste. vt.

Kamns ; Ohiys ;aiyahdeyameritorious,a. Ohiyaiyececamerrily,adv. Wi’ynskinyax) .merriment, n. Wowiynskix) .merry,a. Wi’ynskix) wi’haha.mess, n . 1 . Wi’tayawotapi ; obe .

2. Woskiske. vi. Wota.message, n. Iapiyeyapi .messenger, n . Ispiaya;wahosiys .

met, imp . of MEET.

metal, n. Ma’za.metaphor, n. Woiyacix) iapi.metaphysics, n. Wicotawacinwoonspe .

mete, vi. Ikiynta; kn . a. Iyecetn.

meteor, n. Wake! )wohpa.meteorology, n. Tatewoonspe.

eter, n. Oiynte ; odowax) ho .

methinks, vi . Kepca; se ’ca.

method,Woawacix)methodical,a. A wacineconpi.metrical,a. Iyntakagapi ;odowanse ka’gapi.etropolis, n. Otonweitancsx)mettle, n. Okage ; cante.

mew. vi. Inmnsnnkahoton.

Mexican, n. Spaniowicasta.mice, l. of MOUSE.


microscope, n. Maziwanyake .

icroscopic,a. Ni’naci’stinna.id,a. Cokaya; hepiya.midday,a. A npecoksya.middle,a. Cokaya; ocoksya.middle-man,n .Wi'ciyotshedanm) .middling,a. Ocoksya.midnight, n . Hancokaya.midst, n . Cokaya.midsummer, n . Mdokecokaya.midway, n. Ocheya.midwife, n. Cincatonwicakiyewin.

mien, n. Oihduhe.

might, n . Wowas’ake withall mymight. v. imp . of MA Y.

mightily,adv. Was’agya; ni’na.mightlness, n. Wicaohitika.

mighty,a. Was’aka; Ohitika; ui ’na; otehika.

migrate, vi. Tokanya; ihdaka.migration, n. Ihdagomanipi .milch,a. A saqpiynha.mild,a. Wa’hbadan; T. wa’hwala;wastecaka.

mildew, n. A s ; waannnn .

mildly,adv. A hbayena.mildness, n. Wicowahbadax)mile, n . Canknoiynte .

mileage, n. Omanipi wokai nzn .

militant,a. A kicita.military,a. A kicita; oznye .

militate, vi . Wakagiya.militia, n. Inahniakicita.milk, n . A sanpi . vi . Ynskica.Y. Ynsdi . T. Yueli .

milky-way, n . Wanagitacankn .

mill, n . 1 .Wokagetipi . Grist-mill,wokpantipi . Saw-mill


edees . 2. Kaspapicistinna.millenium, n . Wowaste waniyetnkektopawinge

miller, n. Wokpanswanyakamillet, n. Pezmzupi obe .

mllliner, n . Wiq’

yantawapahaks ’

ga.million, n . Woyawatan’ka.millionaire, n. Ma’zaskawoyawatanks.yuhn.

mimic, vi. Uq'ca.

mince, vt. Bakpaq ; wayatokeca.vi . Wastekonza.

mind, vt. A wacil) nabel ) swat)yaka. n. Tawac in.

mindful,a. Kiksuya;awac in.

mine, a. Mi tawa; mi’yemitawa.n . Ma’zaoke eke. vt. Ks ;Oka.

mineral, n. Ma’za.mineralogy, n. Ma’zawoorjspe.

mingle, vt. I’cicahiya.

miniature,a. Ci’stinna.minimum, n. Ihankeci’stinna.minion, n . Ookiyedan.

minister, n. Ookiye ; wicastawakil l )an. vi . O ’kiya;kn .

ministerial,a. Wawokiya.

08 miserablyministration, n . Wawokiyapi .ministry, n . Wookiye.

mink, n. Doksinca.MinnesotaRiver, n. Wakpaminisota.

minnow, n. Hoganstinna; T. ho

ganscila.minor,a. Ci’stinna; ta’kusni. n.

Ta’waiciyesni .minority, n . 1 . Waniyetu iyenakecasni . 2. Hankesni.

minstrel, n. Dowanomani .mint, n. 1 . Ma’zaskaokage. 2. Ce

yakata; ceyaks .

minuend, n . Etanhanicnpi.minus,a. A

'okpani ;wanica.

minute’,a. Ci ’stil jna.min’

ute, n. Oapecistinna.minutely,adv. Kpanyens .

minuteness, n . Ecaataya.miracle, n . Wowapetokeca; ehanwakax) .

miraculous,a. Wakes) .mirage, n. A mastenaptapta.mire, n . Upsiia. vi . Kabdimirror,n . Ihdiyomdasinokdasilj T. Miyoglasin

mirth, n. Wi’ynskinpi .mirthful,a. Wi’ynskir) .miry,a. Hdihmis pref . Si’ca; ecinsniyan.

misanthropist, n. Ecawicawahtedasni .

misbehave, vi. Sinyaohanyan.

miscalculate, vt. Ecinsniyan iyukcar) .

miscarry, vi. Ecinsniyan iyeye .

miscegenation, n. Oyatetokecs. kiciynzapi.

miscellaneous,a. Enanakiya.mischief, n . Woyusicamischievous,a. Wicastasni .

miscon’duct, n. Ohancoil ]sniyanmisconduct’, vt. Ecinsniyan econ .

misdirect, vt. Eoinsniiyayeya.miser, n . Watehinda.miserable,a. On’

sika; si’ca.miserably,adv. On ’aiye ; sicaya.

monitor, n. Wahokonkiya.monk, n. Sinosopo wowosi .monkey, n. Woonco.

monopolize, vi. A’toyo onion.

monopoly, n. A’toyooll icapi.

monotone, n.,

Ho’wonzidon .

monster, n. Wowinihon.

monstrous,a. Ton’kohco.

oath, n. Wi ;wiyowopi.monthly,a. Wi’iyohi .monument, n. Wokiksnye.

mood, n. Tawacin onn.

moody,a. Tawacinto kecos’o .

moon, n. Hanyetnwi ; honwi .Dark of the moon, wi yoépopi—Full moon, wi minbe.

moonlight, n. Honwiyonpa.moonshine, n. Wilton i on to


moor, n. Tln’to. vt. Wo


ska.moose, n. To.

moot, vt. Coi eyoto.

mop, n. Owonkoipokinte.

mope, vi. Ohonstoko.

moral,a.Ohonowotonno. n.Ohan;woonspe.

morality, n. Wicohon.

moralize, vt. Ohan iwohdaka.morally,adv. Woowotonno

mom s, n. Mokospoyo ;wiwi .

morbid,a. A sihtin.

more,a. 85adv. S on’

po ; nakun ;o

’ta; ehoke. More than, i ’san

pe .—No more, hensna.—One

more,ohoke wonsi ,

moreover,adv. Ko’kto nakun .

morn, n hin’honna.

craing, n. Hanhonnohin

’hanna.—In the morning,honhonno . This morning,non ’ko hanhonno .

— The next

morning, i’honhonno.

moti le

morning-star, n. A npoowicanhpi .morocco, n. Totokoho.

morose,a. Tawac insico .

morphine, n. Istinmo poi nts .

morrow, n. I’hanhonno.

morsel, n. Onopce wonzl .mortal,a. Te kto ; onte kto .

mortality, n. Wiconte .

mortally,adv. Ontekto ; ni’no .

mortar,n. Tiisanyecoco ;wi ’bope .

mortgage, n. Woynhakaskopi.mortification, n. Wocantesiea.mortify, v. Contesinyo ; knko.

mortise, n. Canohdogyopi.mosque, n. Ti


mosquito, n. Coponko .

mosquito-bar, n. Co ongicnwo .

mosquito-hawk, n. nsbeco .

moss, n. Z itkanaipotapi ; woonnnu . Watermoss

,mniwoticoge ;


most,a. O ’to ; owosinkinin . adv.


mostly,adv. O’hinnise ; ecee .

otem , n. Wokpe.

moth, n. Womdndonkinyonmother, n. Hnn

’ku ; inoyanpi .M mother, iha.—Your mo ther


nn.—His (or her) mother,


mother-la-law, n. Knn’ku . My

mother- inalaw,knn

’si; uncial.

Your mother-ih - law,nikun.

His (or her ) mother-in- law,


motherless.a. Hun’kncodon.

motherly,a. Hnn’kn seco.

mothy,a. Wonmdndonyukon .

motion, n. 1.Woékonskan;woiyopte, the motion of the earth;2.Wi’kiyntopi, hemade motionsfor me to come. 3. Omniciyewowiynkcan, I second the motion. vt. Wi’kiyuta.

motive, it. On’econ woyntiton

motley,a. Ocoi eoto.

motor, n. Woyntitonmettle,a. Hdesko.


motto, n. Iapi ooyo .

mould, n. Woonnnn.

. 0flldYe 4 . A 3 .

mound, n. Paha; pom ; makobohpo.

mount, n. Paha; he. vt. A di ;iyokopto. Mountahorse, okoniyeieiym—Mountcavalry,okon

mgkiyo .—Mountamap ,


mountain, n. He pohotonko.

mountaineer, n . e’oti .

mountainous,a. He ; bo’ski.mountainside, n. Hennoptan.

mountebank, n . Wicohnoyan.

mounted,a. Akanyanks .

mourn, vi. Contesico ; wosihda.vt. Icontesico.

mournful,a. Oiyokisica.mouse, n . Hitnnkadan.

mouser, n . Hitnnkodanknwo.

mol:setrap, n. Hitnnkodonihmnne.

oath, n. I. Mymouth,ml l . T he

mouth of the river,iyohdoke ;

mdote .

mouthful, n. Iohnaka.mouthpiece, n. Oyope ; i .

movable,a. Yntokanpica.move, vt. Tokan a’ya; yntokan;yuskonskan. vi . Tokonya; iyopte ; ihdoko skanskon.

movement, n. Woskonskan; woiyopte ;woeconmow, vt. Kosdo ; pezmow, n. Pezitipi.

mower, mowingmachine, n. Pesii

cosda.Mr., Mister, n . Wicosta.much,a. O’

to ; ntkanno. T. Yn

tkonlo. A s muchas,iyenoke

co .—How much

, to’nokeco .

Somuch,henokeco .—Toomuch,

ni ’nao’ta. n. Wotanka; o ’

to .

adv. Ni’no : much used.

mucilage,a. Wiiyoskope.

muck, n. Pezihntkon.

mucus, n. Pohdi ton.

111 muse

mud, n. Upsizo ;make. 00 00 .

muddle, n. To’ketntoninsni . vt.


uddy,a. 1 . Upsii o :muddyshoes.

2. Sose muddy water. vi.

A kastska. ; ynsose.

muff, n. Nopeohnoiyeyopi.muffle, vt. A pohto ; ynhmnnza.muffler, n. Nakpiyntake.

mug, n. Kampeskawi ’yatke .

mulatto, n. Ho’sopocinco .

alberry, n. Canaka; canakawasknyeea.llc n. Wokponko. vi . Conhnteokohpe .

mule, n . Son’sonno.

muley,a. He’wonico.

mulish,a. Okicanyesico.

mult pref. O’to .

multiform,a. Okohota.

multiple,a. To’nookihde.

multiplication,a. Ynotopi .multiplicity, n. Ni

’no o

’to .

multiplier, n. Onyuotopi .multiply, vt. Yueta.multitude, n. Wicoto.

multitudlnous,a. O ’tokiyo.

mum,a. Ininann.

mumble, vt. Iohmnnsio .

mummery, n. I’hadeconpi .

m mu my, n. S ogyo wicahnokapi .mumps, n. Cehupapopi.munch, vt. Yamnnmnugo .

mundane,a. Makata.municipal,a. Otonwe.

muniflcence, n. Woohanpi.munificent,a. Ohanpi.munition, n. On kicizopi.murder, vt. Tinkte . n. Tinktepi .

murderous,a. Tinktes’a; si’co .

murmur, vi . Emun ; atisi ; ba;wi ’hnn .

muscle, n. 1 . Conicapsnnka. 2.

Tuki. Muscle shell, tnkihosan.

muscular, a. Toncantonko ; was’ako .

muse, vi . A waein n. Woawoein odowon ka’go .

museum 112

museum, n . Wowonyakehdepi.mush, n . Ynhapi ;woiapi .mushy,a. Coco.

music, n. Dowonpi.

musical,a. Dowans’a; dowonpise;ondowonpi.

musician, n. Dowonwayupika.musing, pa. Woowocin.

musk, n. S inkpeonzimno .

musket, n. A kicitotomozokanmuskmelon, n. Sa’koyutopizi.muskrat, n. S inkpe .

muslin, n . Minil'


mosquito, n. Caponko .

uss, vt. Yuskisko . n. Wookiske.

mussel, n . Tnkihosan.

must, v. aux. A ’wicakehan; tolketn ceyos; be

’cenaiyecetn .

mustache, n . Pntinhin.

mustang, n. Snngmaninnn.

mustard, n. Wo’hnokapizi’ .

muster, vt.aitayo ;musyanmusty,a. Asn un ; oo.

mutable,a. Yntokecapico.

nab, vi. Oynspo .

nabob, n. Zinyoihdnha.nag, n. Snnghnna. vt. Yakimknwo.

nail, n . Mo’zaiyokotan ; sake.


nopsnkozo sake.

vi. Okaton .

naive,a. Katinyan.

naked,a. Tancodan e’oedan.

namable,a. Coi eyanpico.

name, n. Coi e ; wicacoze. vi.

Caseyotaeciyo. What is yourname


’ken eniciyapi he.

—Henamed him J ohn, John coi eyato .—Call names, ostehda.

nameless,a. Coi ewonica.namely,adv. De

’e ; deno e


namesake, n. Cazeyuha.nap, n.Woistinmacika;hinkpina.

ate,a. Iapiokihisni ; iesniutilate, vt. Ynsica; bospa.mutilated,pa. Spa;kso.

mutinous, n . Wokipai in.

mutiny, vi . Itonconkipozin.


mutter, vt. Hdo’hdoeya.mutton, n. Ta’hcaskatodo.

mutual,a. A n og ; sakim .

muzzle, n. I ; i’

pahte. vi . I’ pahto .

my,a. Mitawo.

myriad, n. Ni’no O


ta.myrrh, n . Consinwostemno .

myself,pron. Miyehco.

mysterious, a. Okahn ihpicosni ;wskon.

mystery, n. Wonohbe.

mystical,a. Wokonkan.

mystify, vt. Ynékiéko.

nape, n. Tahn.

napkin, n. I’ipakinte.

narcotic, n. Istinmo pesnta.narrate, vt. Oyoka.narration, n. Oyakapinarrative, n. Woyakenarrow,a. Ci’stinno ; hdakinyonci’stinno ; otinzo. vi. Ynciko

din]narrowly, adv. Ci’stiyedan; kitarlysn;anti! )flya

nasal,a. Po’ge ; po’ge etanhan.

nasty,a. So’

pa; si’ca.natal,a. Ton’

pi.nation, n. Oyate.

national,a. Oyatetowo.

nationalize, vt. Oyatekoga.native,a. En ton

pi. n. Ikcewi

costs .


nicety, n. Wowaste.

niche, n. Oko ; okahmin.

nick, n. Ohci ; oko . vi . Kahci.nickel, n. Kaspapiokise. Y. 80 ’

keno . T. So’kela.nickname, n. O’hanhan case .

niece, n . Tokan .

niggard, niggardly, a. Ohansica;watehinda.

nigger, n. Ho’sapa.

nigh,a. Ikiyedan i ’tato.

night, n. Hanyetn . Y. 81.T. Hanhepi. Last night, bin’ban he

hanpi. To-night, hanyetn do ;hanhepi de.

nightcap, n. Hanhepi wopostan.

night-fall, n . Htayetn .

nighthawk, n . Pi’sko.

nightly,adv. Hanyetn iyohi .nightmare, n. Istinmaiksnyapi.nihilist, n. Wacetunhda.nimble,a. Chanko.

nine,a. Napciwanka.ninefold,a. Napciwankaakihde.

nineteen,a. A kenapeiwanka.ninety,a. Wikcemnanapc iwanka.ninny, n . Witkotkoko .

ninth,a. Inapciwanka.nip, vt. Yaksa; yaspa; smsya.nippers, n. Mazwiyuz lpe .

nipple, n. A zeinkpa; in’kpa.nit, n. He’

yacinca; hemnisakadon.

nix, n . Wanica.no,adv. Hiya: no sir; sni ; wanica.

nobby,a. Wastecaka.nobility, n . Wokinihan.

noble,a. Okinihon;waste .

nobleman, n . Itancan.

nobleness, n . Wokinihan.

nohly,adv. Okinihanyan.

nobody, n . Tuwedansm'

. Nobodycame

,tnwedanhi sni .

nocturnal,a. Hanhepi .nod, vi . Pakapsan ogingin.

noise, n . Ta’kn bu ; ho ; oko.

noiseless,a. Oko wanica.

noisome,a. Otantonka.noisy,a. Hobnskan.

nomadic,a. Ihdagnnpi.nominal,a. Iaieceedannominate, vi . ai epozo.

nominee, n. Cazepampi .non pre. Sni ;wanica.none, p ro. 1 . Tuwedansspoke. 2. Ta’kndansnileft. There is none


nonplus, vt. Wacinhnuniyanonsense, n . Woawacinsni .nook, n. Okal'lmin.

noon, n. Wi’cokaya;wiyotonhan;anpecokaya.

noonday,a. Wi’cokaya.nooning, n. Wi’cokayaenakiyapi .noontide, n . W l lyotannoose, n . Sunzoyake .

nor,adv. Kalasni . He did not

speak nor move,ie sni, kais

skonskan sni—Nei ther nor,

sni .—He canneither see nor hear, wowanyaks kais wonahon nnmannaokihi sni.

normal,a. Wahehantn ;woonspe .

north, n . Woziyota.northeast, a. Wiyohiyanpawaziyata.

northerly,a. Waziyatotanhannorthern,a. Waziyata.North Platte (river), n. Kampeska.northward,a. Waziyatakiya.

northwest,a. Wiyohpeyatawaziyata.

nose, n . Po’ge ; pasn .

nosebleed, n. Po’

gewewe .

nosegay, n . Wahcaopol’

l te

nostril, n . Po’


not,adv. Sni : not good.

notable,a. Okitanin.

notary, n . Wowapi ma’zaapnspa.notation, n . Oyawo owapi.notch, n. Ohci ; ohi . vt. Bohci.note, vt. 1 . Own I noted i t in mybook. 2. A mdeza: I noted thesp ot. n . 1 . Wowapi ci’stinna

I received your note. 2. Kai n:‘

lnpi ktawowapi : he gave hisnotefor ten dollars. 3. To


Wokitanin aman of note.

5. Dowonlpi ho owapi : I want

anote-boonoted,a. Okitanin.

noteworthy,a. En e’wacinpica.

nothing, n. 1. sni.He has nothing, ta’kudan yuhesni. 2. Ta’knsni : it grewfromnothing to beagreat city.

notice, vt. A mdezaen e’tonwan;

wonyako. n. Woyakapi ; wowakto ; woamdeza.

noticeable, a. Tanin ; okitanin ;en e


notifi cation, n. Iwaktoyapi.notify, vt. Iwaktaya; okiyaka.notion, n. Wowiynkcan; woawac ln.

notional,a. Tawacinhohadan.

notoriety, n. Ni’naoyakapi.notorious,a. A’tayaotanin.

notwithstanding,adv. prep conj .He’

costa;he’cecosta; sta.noun, n. Wocai e.

nourish, vt. Icohya;wokn .

eat, n. On icagapi ; woynte .

novel,a. Te’ca; to’kecaanovelidea. n. Kakanpi wowapi.

novelist, n . Wakakan.

novelty, n. Ta’kn te’ca.

November, n . Tahecapsnnwi .novice, n. Nakabaecon .

now,adv. 1 . Wanna; dehan : do

i t now. 2. Dehan : it is cold

now. 3. Nokahas : I saw him

j ust now.

nowadays,adv. Dehan .


noway,adv. To’ketnsta.nowhere,adv. Tnktedonsni.nowise,adv. To

’ketnsto .

noxious,a. Wohoko ; si’ca.

nozzle, n. Mo’zahdogecai .

nucleons, n. Hn’te .

nude,a. Tancodan.

nudge, vt. Panini.nugatory,a. Wi’yokihisni.nugget, n. Ol

gpe .

nuisance, n. onagiyeyonull,a. Ta’kusni .nullify, vt. Yntoknnisni .nullity, n. To

’knsni .numb,a. Taosha.number, vt. Ya’wa. n. Woyawo ;woyowapi ; to’

nakeca.numerable,a. Yowapica.numeral, n. On wayowapi .numerate, vt. Yawa.numerator, n. Okaepe to’

nakeco .

numerical,a. To’nakeca.

numerous,a. O ’to ;wicoto .

numskull, n . Witkotkoka.nun, n. Sinasapawinyannunnery, n. Sinasapawinyonti’pi.nuptial,a. Wakankiciyu zapi.nurse, n. HoksiyOpaowanyaka;woyazanko owanyoko . vt.

A wanyaka;azinkiya.nursery, n. 1 . Ohnahoksiyopaawanyakapi . 2. Can’

oinpi oi

onhye ; oicahye.

nurture, n . Icohya; wokn . 2.

Woicoge ;woonspe ;woynte .

nt, n. Ynhngapi ; mo’zaaynho

mnipi.nutmeg, n. Consuukaseca.nutriment, n. Onwasakapi .nutritious,a. Was’agwicaya.nutshell, n

nymph. n

o, inteij . Ho ;howo , ,WonGod

! hear,’Wakantan

nahon ye .—Oforadropop , oeba

ye wontidan n dubaui . O

dear ! eoahe.

A n oak tree ntnhn can.

oakea,a. Utuhn.

oaknm, n. Wa’taopnhdi.oar, n. Wamnaheca; i’WatOpekiya;wadihnpa.

oarsman, n. Watopa.oasis, n. Makawoste : makopnzeektaonspawaste.

oats, n. Wayahota.oath, n. Wakantankacozeyatapi.He was taking the oath


kantankacazeyankiyapn—Onhis oath,Wakantankacai eyan .

—Profane oaths, Wakantankaihad cazeyatapi .

oatmeal, n. Wayohotaynkpanpi.obduracy, n. Contesutapi.obdurate,a. Contesuta;tehika.obdurately,adv. Okihipicaéniyan.

obedience, n. Woanagoptan wanahonpi.

obedieat, a. Wanahon Woanagoptan;wowiyowinklyn.

obedlently,adv.Waanagoptanyan;iyom nyan.

obeisance, n. Wopotnzapi ;ohoda.

obelisk, n. In’


obey. vt u nsoptm) w horl ;ecen econ . Obey yourmother,


nihnn onagoptan. vi. Wanna8091531]

obituary, n. Wicate Wicataoyakapi .

object’, vi . Wicadasni ; ienhiyeya.

He obj ects to going, ye ktaWicadaéni.

16 obscuration

ob’lect, n. 1. To’kn ;tia’kn wonzl .

A ll objects, ta’kn owasin. 2.

Ta’ku on etanhan. Man doesnothing wi thout an owect, Wioaétata’kn on etanhansm ta’

hose ; onWicadosni.objectionable,


a. I’enhiyeyepica.objective,a. 1 . Ta’ku ; i ’ye tan’

tanhon;ta’kn tanin. 2. (Gram.)



hWosnapi , Y. wai

peyapi 1: m um !)pi

obligate, vt. Econkiya en kokkayu


obligation, n. Wokoske Wi ’ynze.

ta’kn econ iyececa. The son isunder obligations to his father.

Cinhintku klnkin atknkn ta'knecokiconiyececa.

obligatory,a. Sntayaikoyake.

oblige, vt. 1 . Econkiya, kiya;i y’opastag econkiya they

obliged him to go. 2. Pidakiya; o’kiya. I am obliged to

you, p1domayak1ya.—I obliged

him, pidawakiya.

obliging,a. Wowapidakiye.

oblique,a. A takinyan oh ’

ya.obliquely,adv. Ipawehya; ob’


obliquity, n. Woahtani, Woynsna

obliterate,vt.Yutaninsni ;yuiuzn.

obliteration, n. Woyutanineni .oblivion, n. Wokiksuyesni.obloquy, n. Wowohtedasni .obnoxious, a. Waynsica; wahtedapiéni .

obscene,a. Wowisteca; so’

pa.obscenity, n. Wowistecalopi .obscuration, n. A kahpapi.

occasionallyoccasionally,adv. Tnktekten .

occident, n. Wiyohpeyata.occult, a. Wanyagpicasni ; anahbeyaup

occupancy, n. Hdnhapi ; otipi.occupant, n. Oti ; yuha.occupation, n. 1 . Ynhann’

pi ; oti

pi ; en ti’pi. 2. Wicohan W0

skinciye. Our occupation is

farming, Wicohan nnkitowapiwoknpi he

’0 .

Ohnanl l Ioccupy, vi . 1 . Oti ;occupy this house. 2. Oindanya;akan nn his buildings oc

cupy half an acre. 3. Kuwakiyo wasi : Ten carp enterswere occup ied. 4 . Ynha; yusota. He occup ied my time ten

days, anpetu Wikcemo makiynsoto.

occur, vi . 1 . Ynkon akipa; icago . What has occurred at theA gency. If opportuni ty occurs,oko ynkonkinhan . 2 . Woawacinhi , kiksnya. I t occurred tome j ust in time



occurrence, n. Wookipa;woyntekeca: daily occ urrences.

ocean, n . Miniwanca; ta’kn iyo

tan tan 'ka.oceanic,a. Miniwancata.ocher, n . Makasa.octagon, n. Onwi sahdoganoctave, n. Ho sahdogon.

October, n. Wi iWikcemna; W11zapi-wi .

octoroon, n. Okaspe isohdoganha’sapa.

ocular,a. late. onwanyokapi.oculist, n. Istakuwa.odd,a. 1 . To

’keca; ohantokeca;

wowiha: an odd boy. 2 . Sani ;sani wanica. A lot of odd

shoes. 3. Iyaye ; ta’kudan ki

cicasni odd p ieces of calico.

oddity, n . To’keca;wowil

la.oddly,adv Togye ; wowihaya.


oddness, u . Wotokecawowiha.odds, n. Wowiyukcan.

ode, n. Odowon okinihan.

odious,a. Wahtesni ; wahtedapi

odiously,adv. Wahtedosniyanodium, n. Wowahtesni.odometer, n. Cankniyute (canpahmihmahn ikoyake).

odor, n. Woomno ; omnapi. A

sweet odor, wontemna.odorless,a. Taknmnasni .odorous,a. Ecsmna; wastemna.of,p rep . 1 .(Denoting source)Etonhan. I received i t of myfather,ate etanhan mdnha.

—Give ofyour substance, woynhanitawaetanhankn . Wi thin astep ofthe river

,Wakpaetanhaan ca

hdepi won2i . 2. On onetanhan. Of his own will, iye tawacinon. 3. Possessory) To

wa; ta ynha. The house ofthe king, itancan ti’pi ta’wa.7 he strength of the lion, mna2ato


was’oke. The shoe of awoman


yon tahanpo.—A

man of strength, Wicastawowas’ake yuho . 4. (With aqualifying noun the force of the

proposition is often expressed

by juxta sition . ) A boat ofbark

,can wata.—The city of

Omaha,Omahaotonwe .

—Thelove of God is everlasting, Wo

kontonkato’Wostedake owihan

ke wanica.off,adv. 1 .

.Tokan to’kiya; to

kanyan ; iyog. Don’t look of ,

tokan e’tonwe sni .

—He is gone

of ,to

’kiyaiyaye.—The cover

$8 of : iyog mi 2

I’tokan i’citehan. T he ricer is

ami le of , wakpakin iyntapiwan2i i’tokonnn.

—Ofi'and on


enanakiya.—The concert wi ll

come of ,dowanpi kin econpi

kta.—To get of asp eech, woo


wohdoke econ .—To getof from

trial, woyoco etanhan tokaniyaye .

—Tell of the names,Wi

cacoze oyag o’

.ya—He is wellM Y“) “11°


side,unman eci


—Cut of , baspo.

interj okon ya; kihda.off,a. l . A kotonhan°

nnmaneciyatanhan : the of oz . 2. A iecetnsni : an of year.

offal, n. 1 . To’kn ehpeyapi. The

ofi‘al covered the streets


ehpeyapi kin cankao2udan .

2. Tosnpe° W0pate to’

nayn ’za

pi sni.offend, vi . Iyokipisniya; kihdaya.He was of ended, iyokipisniyapi.

offend, vi . Wahtoni ; WOOpe ki


offender, n. Wahtanis’a.offense, n. Woahton1 ; woiyokipisni ° wosihdo.

offensive, a. 1 . Iyowicakipisni ;Wosihda: ofl


ensive words. 2.

I’ye Wicaknwa.offer, vt. 1 . Kn ktaeya; kipa2 0 °

iwanyagsi : he offered me hishorse. 2. Waihpeya;wosno.

offer, n. 1. Woecon; econ ktaoyapi. He made akind ofi



tonyanecon ktaeya. 2. Ta’knku ’

pi ; to’nakeenoneconpi kta.

3. Woiynta: he made no ej‘


to run.

offering, n. 1. Wohnapi ; waihpeyopi , womnaye wakanThe missionary ofi

ering, W0

toninwostewomnaye. 2 . To’kn

econpi ktaoyapi.offhand, a. Ihnnhon

° i ’tokamowacin $111 : an ofi


office, n. l . Ti’pi ; ti ; ohno skin’

ciye : agent’s ofi lce. 2. Woe

con; woitoncan : an ofi ce in

the church.

office-holder, n. Woitancanyuho ;Wicohanynho.

officer, n. Itancon amilitaryofi icer. vt. Itancon Wicokago .

official,a. Woitoncan woecon.





lly,adv. Itancon eciyatanofficiate, vi. Econ woitoncanWicohan econ .

offlcious,a. Itanconkte hca.offlciously,adv. Itancanicidase.

offscourlng, n. To’kn ehpeyopi.

offset, n. A detko ;woka2n2u .

offshoot, n. A detka.offspring, n. Cinca.oft,adv. S ee OFTEN.

often,adv. S ’a; i2ehon; ici2ehanokihde o

’ta. He comes here

often, den hi s’a. Ho-w often,

tona.oftentimes, adv. Iclzehan; o


0galalla, n. T. Oglala; Y. Ok

hdado .

Eo inteij . W

oil, n. Wi'hdi’ k?$ 1211 ; T. Wi’

gli ;sdo ;Wi’hdi tiktica. Castor

oil, Wi’hdi iyoptaiyeyapi. vt.


oilcloth, n. Minihnhasdnsdnta.oiled,a. Sdoyopi ; sdo.

oiler, n. Isdoye.

ollstone, n. Wiohdisda.oily,a. Sdo ; édnsduta.ointment, n. Wi ’sdoye ; ihepi.Ojibway, n. Hohotonwan.

old, a. 1 . Bhanna; wanoka2o ;o’to. A n old man


ehanno ; Wicahco.—Old age,

waniyetn o’ta. 2. Icaga; nn;

aounye ; (often un expressed. )A babe afew days old


yepaanpotn to’nano.

—How old

are you, woniyetn nitonakecahe.—I am ten years old wa

niyetn moWikcemno. 3. hlhantanhon ehonnotonhon. A n

old ball pktyer, ehannatonhon

takopas’a. 4 . Ehanno nn’

pi ;wannasi ’ca; kon an old coat.

olden,a. Ehonna.older,a. comp . Tokopa.oldish,a. Ki’tannaehanna.old-fashioned,a. Okoge ehanno .

old-man, n. Wicahco .

old-woman, n. Wokanka; Y. wi

nohca; T. Winol’


oieomargarlne, n . A sanpi ibdi wasno onko


olfactory,a. n womnapi.olive,a. To’


Omaha, n. Omaha.omega, n. Ehake ; oowachoke.

omelet, Wi’tkakococo sponyanpl .

omen, n. Wohdece ;wowokta.omen, vt. Kihdeco ;wokcan.

ominous,a. Wowokta; wokihdecapi.

omission, n. Econpi sni ; akton2opi ; ynsnopi.

omit, vt. Ynsna; econ sni.omnibus, n. Canpohmihmaanokotanhani’yotankopi;o’

takipi.omnipotent,a. Iyotonwas’oka.omnipresent,a. O ’


onlnlscient,a. Ta’kn owasinsdonyo.


gatherum, n. Wokpahi.omnivorous,a.Ta’kn owasinyu’ta.on, p rep . 1 . A kan ; a on the

tabla—The board fell on me,canmdasko amohinhpaye. 2.

En ; icnnhon. 3. Iyehan ; eco ;ehan. On the breaking out ofthe war okicize icagaehan .

4 . I’takihna;okan . S tones upon

stones, in’

yan i ’tokihnahna. 5.

On ; ca2oyan . On his oath,Wakantankaca2oyan. 6 . En ;ekta. On thep ublicworks, oyoteto

’wicohonen .

—He bet on the

little horse, snn’kowakan ci’

stinno en iyokoska. 7 . Etonhan; ekta. On the commi ttee,c ommittee etanhan—Ou the

120 oneness

one, pron. Tn’we ; tn’wekasta.

One ano ther,kici.—They em

braced o neanother, po

’skin ki

c lyuzapi .oneness, n. Wowon2idan.

one hand,de’c iyatonhan.

Come en, mi’haka1n n ; bowo.

—Put your dress on, nitoskekican .

—Dep end on,wacinyon.

House on fi re, ti’

pi ide.—Ou

the way, tabepi.—Ou the wing,snow ) ; ovanti 111] imiP laced on high, wankou e

’hnaka.—Play on the violin, con

pakinzapi dowankiyo. Walkon, omani .

on,adv. S on’

pa;iy00pto. Go on,

once, won’codanecon . 2. To’

hinni ; ehonno : once there wasan earthquake. A ll at once Iheard it, ihnnhonno nawohon.

- A ll at once, heave, owasino konwon2idon’

yntitan. Do

itat once, wan’cahnono econ .

and again, okihdehde.

more, ehoke. Once

started, to ’hinni’

1yoye cinhan.

—Once up on atime, to’hinni

anpetu won en .—This once



one,a. Won2 1 , wan2idon wan2ina; wan

’ca; sani.—A ll one ,

to’keco sni.—One day, anpetu

won2i ; to’hinni .—Onefoot si

asm—One hand, nopsoni .

One or the other, de’e kaishe’

e ;nnmantnkte won

’si .—The en

emiesareat one, to ’kokiciyopikinwonno okowon2ipidan.

one, n. 1 . Wan2i. “He will hatethe oneand love the other.

” 2.

Onge ; to’na; won2ik2i . The

big ones, to’natankinkirlyan

The little ones,cikcistinpidan

wokanhe2a.—One by 0110, won


i ’tkokim na’2in kuwa;wicodo

opportune,a. Waiyehantn .

opportunity, n. Ohnaoeconwaste ;ok0 °


oppose, vt. I’tkokipa; kipazln °

wicodo sni ; ecetn kte sni ;knwa°

,.anapto I did no topp ose

him,i ’tkowokipe sni .—He Op

posed her going, ye ktawicodosm .—They Opposed the Goverm

ment,woitancankinkipa2inpi.—They opposed the prohibi tion

law,miniwokon onoptapi woo

pe ecetn kte sni knwapi.opposer,n. Wokipa2in;woanopte.

opposite,a. Unman eciyotonhon°

akasonpa; koakota°

to’keen °

,itkomnn. The opp osite

leaves, ape i’tkokicipo . The

Opposite party, oépaye mamasThe opposite side of the street


cankn unman eciyotonhan.

oppositely,adv. I’citkokim.

opposition, n. 1 . Wowicodosni ;wokipo2in kipa2inpi ; kogiyapi. Their Opp osition is vain


Wicodopi sni kin ta’kudan lyo

kihi sni. 2.Wokipa2inpi ;i’tko

kikapi unmanpi ; oépaye mlmon. The Opposition killed the

bill, ospoye unman woope kin

yutoknnipi sni.

oppress, vt. Kakisyo ; tkeyakinkiyo.

oppression, n . Wokokisyapi ;kaki2e °

,iyohdaskin nn.

oppressive, a. Tke ; Wokokisyo ;iyahdoskico.

oppressively, adv. Tkeyo ; Wokokisya.

oppresssor, n. Wokokisya; si

coyo Wicaknwo.

opprobrious, a. Wowisteca; wa

opprobrium, n . Wowahtesni.optative,a. Cin’


optic,a. Iota; ontonwonpi.


orally,adv. Ieyohon.

range, n. Tospongi.range,a. Z i’gi.rang-ontang, n. Wonnco istohon

oration, n. Owohdoke ; W0 0W0hdoke.

orator, n. Iekso o ;WOhdaka.oratorical,a. lo sopa.oratory, n. Woyopiyawohdokopi.“

Ii i.n. Ta’kn mima; Wi ; W icon

orb t, n. Oahomni ; 0canku .

orchard, n. Wosknyecacanwo

optical,a. Ista.optics, woonspe ;Wieistawoonspe.

optimist, n. Tu’We ta’ku owasin

icax)tewaste m) .optimistic, a. O ’hirjni waste ktakecix]

option, n. Wokahnigenigapi ; ’

pi ; tohan oil]pi.

optional,a. Cir) ’pi kigbaij econpikta: Op tional studies.

opulence, a. Woy11ha; W0WiZioe.

opulent,a. Watonka;Wi ’ziea.

or, oom'

, Kais , T. naié.oracle, n. Ta’kuwaksu) oie ;ta’k11wakal j wakaxjdapi.

oracnlar,a. Wakaoral,a. Ieyahaa) yuhapi ; owapi

orchestra, n. Canpakinzapi Optaye .

ordain, vt. Ka’ga; Wioastawakaxjka'gs. kahniga.

ordained,p . Ka’gapi ; yuétarjpi .ordeal, n. wowawiyutanye.

order, n 1. Waeeoxjsipi ;woope.

A n order to sell no whisky, miniwakaxj Wi ’yopeyapi kte sni

woope.—Our orders were not to

stop , nna’til j sni unsipi. 2. To’

ken o’wecixjhan wankaeoee ,

owotaqna. B ring them in reg

order 123 ostensibly

ular order. 3. Ta’ku da’pi WOWapi ; ta’ku eeonWioasipi kuWicasipi wowapi. I sent anorder for goods, ma’zada’piwowapi yewaya.—Please givemean order for beef, tado kuWieasipi wowapi maku ya. 4 .

O eai e ; Obe : order Of talent.5 . Okodakiciye : the order OfOdd Fellwos. 6 . Woecon . The

Old order of things, ehannawoeconhim—Giveorders, econWicasi.—In order to, 0 1) eta! )halj .—Keep order, owar] i i yankaecen yanka.—Money order,0 1) ma’zaskaicnpi wowapiOrder book, ta’ku da’pi wowapi.—order of battle, okicize

oeeox) .- Pnt the house in order,

ti’pi tanyax) piyapi. —S tanding orders, eeaoecon.




order Of words indiam; iapi woeye to ’ken o


einhax) wanka.order, vt. 1 . Econsi

dered me out of the house, tar]kan yemasi. 2. Da;auWicasihe ordered some water. 3. E’

hnaka;kuwa.orderly,a. 1 . Ta’ku owasin tax)yar) wanka: an orderly town.

Wanahonpi ; owaxji i u11’


ordinance, n. WOOpe.

ordinarily,adv. Eeee.

ordinary, a. He’cetuka; to’ken

yuhapi eeee.

ordination, n. Wicastawakan ke lsapl ;wokase

ordnance, n. Ma’zakantanka.ore, n. Ma'zaokapi eeehna.organ, n. 1 Can’dowarjkiyapi. A

eabirwt organ, eagdowankiyapikokaomdotonse.

—A p ipe or

gan, oat)dowaqkiyapimazahdogees . 2. A detka; onspaetanhax) huha.

organic,a. t ayukeya; o’kihe

organism, 11. Ta’ku huhayukar] .organization, n. Ta’ku tancanhuhako ka”gapi ; Okodakiciye.

organize, vt. Oskinciye kta1yecenka'gaWicohaa) soekoen itancal] Wieakaga itancaq Wicakaga ecekeen waeconwicakiya.

organizer, n Waeconwicakiya.orgies, n. Ska/tapi.orient, Wiyohi

M P30 entai,a. W1yoh1ya1)patsoriilce, n. Ohdoka.origin, 11. Otokahe , ohinanpe .

original, a. Otokahe tokaheyaka'gapi ; naha1]h 1111

pi sni.

originality, n. TokaheyaWi ’ynkcax)p

originally, adv. Otokaheya; iyec a

originate, vt. Tokaheyaka’gaka’ga. vi . Tokaheya


wags .

ornament, n . Woyuwaste ; wowital ) . vt. Yuwaste ;Wi ’pata.

ornamental,a. Wayuwaste .

ornamentaily,adv. Yuwasteya.ornamentation, n Wayuwastepi ;Wi ’patapi oinkitonpi.

ornamenter, n. Wayuwawaste.

ornate, a. Yuwastepi ; yucoyaka’gapi ;waste.

ornithology, n. Wah11pakozaWoonspe zitkadanoyakapi.

orphan, n. Wamdenica.orphanage, n. 1 . Wamdenicatipi.2. Wowamdenica.

orthodox, a. Owotatjna; woope

ohnayatj .orthography, n . Iapi oowatanyaqe’hnakapi ; oowaoyapi.

Osage (Indians) , n. Wazaza.oscillate, vi . Kazezeya.oscillating,a. Kaozeze.

oscillation, n . Wokaze .

ossiiy, vi. Hn ieaga.ostensible,a. PazOpi.ostensibly,adv. S e sceca; keya.

ostentationostentation, n. Wi’hdutaqpi.ostentatious,a. Wi’tantai)pi .ostracise, vt. Napeya;oyate ta’waetanha1] kihdeya.

ostrich, n . Wahupakozatan’ka.other,a. Unman ; to’keca. Give

to others, tokan Wieaku .—NO

other bu t,tu

’we to

’heca.other, 0 1139 .

The other day, anpetu ba’kta;decana.—The other side



otherwise, adv. 1 . Togye. He

thought otherwise, i ’ye togye

awacin. 2. He’cetusni kinhax] ;

togye m]’ka1)é.

Otoe (Indians), n . Oyatenonpa.Ottawa(Indians) , n. Hotawe .

otter, n. Pta1] .Ottoman (Turk) n. Wicasta.ought, v.aux . Iyececa; he’

cetn .

You ought to go, de ktaiyececa.

ounce, n . Otkeute ci’stinna.our, p ron . Unkitawapi ; unki

Our country, unkitamakoce .

B elongs to you and me (dual ),unkitawa.

ours,pron . poss. Unkitawapi .ourselves, pron . Unkiyepi hca.





ourselves, nnkiyepiiyataye

oust, vt. Yntokaniyeya; iyayeya.out,adv. Tankan . Cried ou t


naeya.—Day in and day ou t,

anpetu ad'ataya.—Fell out Ofthe wagon, canpahmihmaetanhax) hit aya. - Fell outabou twho should ride



taqke ktaakinicapi.—Find ou t,1yeya.—Firewent out, pe ’

tasn i .—Hear the sp eech ou t


hdake ihunniyax) nahon .—He

laughed out,taqil jyax] iha.

Outand ou t,a'taya; tanataya.—Ou tat the k nees


ka.— Ou t in his calcu lations,

iyawaektayuana; yuena.


Out in the fi eld, tankan ma’g'aekta; magma—Out of, star;haxj tankan ; i’tankan .

—Out ofbreath

,niyasni .—Out Of bus

iness, Wiooharj ni ’ca.— Out ofconceit wi th

,iyokipi sni

— Out

of date, anpetu i’sanpa; iyehantusni . - 0u t of j oint, o


papsm) ; papsm] .—O ut of his

mind, tawacix) en 111; sni ;aki

ktoqia; wacinhnuni .—Out Ofone

’s head, wac inhnuni .— 0u t

of order, sicaya yusicapi.—Ou t ofpocket,ma’zaskaongokiyusota.—Out of print, yusotapi.—Ou t Of the question, en

e’wacil jpicasni .—Out Of reach,

iyohiyepicasni—Out of season,

o’makaiyehantusni .—ou t of

sight, taninsni wanyagpicasni .—Ou t Of sorts, caniyokipisni .Out of sugar, canhanpiyusota.—Ou t of temp er, wacinko .

Out Of the way, cankn icunom ;icmjom.

—0 ut West, wiyohpeyata.—Put out of the way, icnnom iyeya;ktepi.—Put the lightsout, petizar) ital ) bosni .— The

secret is out,ta’ku nahmanpi

kin otanir) .—The wine is ou t,

minisakin hensna.—You p ut

me out by your noise, oko kit)0 1] yusnamayaya.

out, vt. Tanks !) 11 ; team) . Tru th

will ou t,wowicake tanix) kta.

out, interj . Tanks !) iyaya; iyaya.


t;pref . I’sanpa;kapeya; kte ’

outargue, vt. I’akapeya.outbalance, vt. I’sanpatke .

outbeg, vt. Wadapi kte ’dar) .outbreak, n. Bosdokapi ;wosice .

outburst, n . Bomdazapi .outcast,a. Tankan ehpeyapi .outcome, n . Etaqhar) ta’ku iongo .

outcry, n . OWOdutaton; i’eniyeyapi.

outdo, vt. Ikapeyaecon .

zealous,aokahyamdiheca. 4.

A hdapiinyan;yuptanyam turn

over the board. 5. Ihunni ; henana dinner was oven—A llover

,o’wanoayahensna.—A ll

over with the sick man,Wicasta

wayazankawanna1h11nni .

Over again, akihde .— Over

against, iyotakons.—Over andabove, iyaye ; ok1tan1nyan

Overand over akihdehde.—To

do over,akihde econ .

over,a1 . A okaga; ehaes ni ’naeconpi . over .

-work 2. Akanakanunpi over coat.

overalls, n. Onzeogeakanunpi.overanxions,a. Ehaes ni ’naawa011)

overawe, vt. Inihanya.overbalance, vt. Iwankam tke.

overbearing, a. Ksizeca; Obiti

icida.overboard, adv. Minin wa’taetanhanmini en .

overcareiul,a. Ehaesni ’naawan

overcast, vi. Akanpa.overcharge, vt. O ’


overcoat, n. Akanokde ; nn’hohda

akan un’

pi .

overcome, vt. Ohiya; kia’dan .

overconfident,a. Ehaesni’naawa0 11]

overcount, vt. Iwankam yawa.overdo, vt. Bbses ui ’naecon .

overdose, n. Ehaesotaku .

overdraw, vt. Iwankam icu ;a’kamiyaye ; oi udanya;apasboka.

overflow,vi. A mnitan;o'wancayaiyaya. Overflowed. the fi eld,ma’gaamnitan. Foreigners

overflowed the country, oyatetokeeamakoce o

’wanes iya

yapi.overflow, vi . A pasboka; a’kamiyaye the river overflmved.

overgrown,a. Ehaes tan 'ka.

126 OVCI'

fl l I

overhaul, vt. Yu iuim wanyaka;kihdega.

overhead,adv. Wankan.

overhear, vt. Nahmannahonoverheated,pa. Ni’naka’ta.overhung,a. A keyapi.overlssue, n. Iwankam Wicaknpi.overjoyed,a. Ni’naiyuhkin.

ovairland,a. Makaamani makaaove p, n . I’clyakahpapl .overlay, vt. A kahpa; i n ; ahdaskica.

overload, vt. O ’taohnaks .

overlook, vt. 1 . Wanyag haniwankam 111 ) thefort overlooksthe town. 2. Iwankam e


wan; awanyaka. 3. A ktasnie’tonwan en e


overly,adv. Iwankam ;ni ’ .naoverlying,a. Iwankam yanka.overmatch, n. Iwankam was’aka.overmodest,a. EhaesW1 steca.overnight,adv. Hanyeta1eunhanhanyetn ihunni .

overpass, vt. I’sam ya.overpay, vi. I'akam ka2n2n.

overpeople, vt. Ehnes oyate otins

ya.overplus, n. Iyuya.overpower,vt.Wowas’ake oneconkiya;kte’dan.


gproductioa, n. Ehaes o’


overrate, vi. Wankantuyah yawa.overreach, vt. Iwankam iyohiya;hna’yan.

override, vt. 1 . A di . he overrode

all Obstacles. 2. Bbses te ’hanakanyotanka he overrode the


overrighteous,a. Waste konzapioverripe,a. Ni’nasuton .

overrule, vt. Iwankam yustanyutokeca.

overrun, vt. 1 . A di ;a’tayaiyaye ;o

’ta. The vine overran thefence,


q i eon’kaske adi .—The

overscrupulous 127

weeds overran thefarm,canhde

hu makoce a’tayaiyaya. 2.

I’sam 1yaya; kapa.overscrupnlous, a. Ehaes WOOpeobodahoa.

oversee, vi. Awanyaka.overseer, n. Waawanyake ;awanyaka.

overshot.a. Iwankam yeya.oversight, n. 1 . Woawanyake .

He has the oversight of the mill.2. Wanyake sni .

overshlrt, n.


Nitiyapeheakanunpi.oversleep, vi . Te

’hanistinma.overspread, vt. A’


overstate, vt. A kahoyaka.overstay, vt. Te’hanyanka.overstep, vi. I’samcaehde.

oversure,a. Ehnes Wicakeicida.overt,a. Taninyanun.

overtake, vi. Kihdega; e’hdega.overtax, vt. Ehnes tkeyakinkiyai .

ove row, vt. 1 . Yuptanehpeya;kaptanyan : overthrew the table.

2. Ka2112u ; ihangya.overthrow, n . Woihangye.

overtop, vi. Ikapeyawankantuya.overture, n. l . Wowiyukoan. 2.

Otokahe dowanpi.“

guru, vi. Yuptanyan kawan

overweight. n. Iwankam tke .

overwhelm, vt. A kahpa; i yahda

pace, n. Caehdepi. vi . Caehde ;ma’ni ; nas’os’o ma’ni .

pacer, n. 8111)gous s’o ; nas’os’o .

pacifi c, a. A mdakedan wahbadan waWiciya.

puclflcation, n. Wicayuwahbapi ;Wicayuwastepi.

overwhelming, a. Tan ’ka; W0

snngye .

overwork, vt. Ni’natkeyaecon



overwork, vi . S’agiciya.

overwork, n. A’kam htanipi.owe, vt. 1 . Ikicazo ; icazo. I owe,iwakazo.

—I owe him,iwecazo.

—You owe, iyakazo.—You owe

him, iyeeazo.

—He owes, icazo .

—He owes him,ikicazo . 2.

Etanhan yuba°

okihiya: he

owed i t to his father. 3. Kn iyececa; icazo.

owing,pa. 1 . Ieazo ; ikieazo . 2.

(With to) Onetanhan °

onetanhanhe’sees . Owing to his sick

ness, wayazankaonetanhan,

owl, n. Hinhankaga;hinyankaga.own, vt. 1 . Ynha; ta’waya; ta.’wa. Who owns that house, ti’pihe tu

’we ta’wa. - I own it


mi’ye mduka. 2. He’cetn eya;

ohdaka.own,a. Ta’wa. My own, mi


mitawa. —Your own, ni’

ye u i

tawa.—TO hold one’sown, he’ce

hnanam) .owner, n. Ta'waya.ownerless,a. Tuwenata’wasni.ownership, n. Ta’wayapi .ox, n . (p l. oxen.) Tatanka; tatankawosdohan.

oxbow, n. WanapinoynkSan.

oxgoad, n. Tatangicape .

oxhide, n. Tatankahn.

oyster, n. Tnkihasan.

pacliy, vt.aahba; y uwastepack, vt. 1 . Koka0hnaka;pai

1ta;he’ynn : pack your goods . 2 .

Nahman Ohnaka; nahman kuwaz pack aj ury. 3. Oi nya;otins ka’ga: pack aj oint ofthe pipe. n. Wapahtapi ; W 0

packageheynn W0pahta Optaye ;

package, n. W0pahte ; Opahte ;oheynn wapahtapi .

packer, n. Waahta;wapata.packet, n. 1 .

PWapahtapidan a

packet Of le tters. 2. Pe’tawata

wowapitoksn .

pack-horse, n. Snnktankawakinkiyapi.

pack-house, n . Ti’piwakihnakapi ;tado okicanye.

packing, n. Waohnakapi ; paotins hna’kapi .

pack-saddle, n. Sungakin on wakinkiyapi.

under the collar. 2. Wowapiskaapatinzapi. 3. Wamanonomani .

padding, n. Iyopnhdi.

paddle, n. Wamnaheca; Y. iwat0pekiya; wadihnpa. vi. WatOpa; Y. ko’

za. vt. Iyopteya;wamnahecakicnn.

paddler, n. Watopa.Paddy, n. Irish iasica.padlock, n. Tiyominatake psnnka.pagan, n. Wakagapi oboda; ikoeWieasta.

paganism, n. Wakaigapi ohodapi .page, n. 1 . Ynmdapi ; wowapi0ynmda: the second page. 2 .

Hoksidanwowasi. vt. Ynmdapi ka’ga.


pageant, n. Wowanyake ; wapa- Iz0p1 .

pageantry, n. Waihdatanpi .pagoda, n. Wakagapi ti’pitanka.pail, n . Ce’ga; kokadan;yaya that pail leaks—A smallpail, cegastinna.—A wooden

pail, kokatodan.

palliul, n. Ce’gaohnaka; ce’ga


pain, n . Woyazan yazanpi ;wakakisyapi ; wotehi : apain inthe head—Takepains ,awacin

hcaecon . Under pain Of , kokipe . With pains, kakisya;awacinys . vt. Yazanya; ksn ’

weya; kakisya.painful,a. 1 . Iyazan ; yazan : his

foot is painful. 2. Tehike : ap f

painiully,adv. Icakiéva; tehiya.painiulness, n. Woyazan; wotehi .painless,a. Yazansnt .

palnstaker,n. Tan/ya! ) econwacin.

paint, n . W1’sanye ; Wi’nnpi . vt.

1 . Owa; inn; sanyan : paintthe


house. 2. Wi’nnpi on iteowa; Wowa. 3. Oyaka; wanyakapi se ’

caoyaka.painter, n. Ti’pisanyan; iteowapika’ga.

painting, n . 1 . Sanyanpi ; innpithe house needs painting . 2 .

Iteowapi : apainting hung on

the wall.pair, n. Non

paakieaska; tawan2 1 : he gave meapair. vi . Kieica; nom’

nom ya’pi. vi . Ki ’

cicaya; kiei 1yayeya.palace,n . Ti’pu tancan; ti’pitanka.palatable,a. Oynnwaéte.

palate, n . Caka; n ’tapi .

palatial,a. Ti’pitanka;wastehca.palaver, n . Owohdake . vi . W 0

hdaka; iayanka.pale,a. 1 . Ska; san; ececesni .

Pale blue, to

’san ; mahpiyato .

—Hisface turned pale, its ece

cesni. 2. Iwastedan : pale red .

paleness, n. Woececesni.

paling, n. Canmdaskasbn ’na;

eonkaske pe’sto.

palisade, n . Con’kaske .

pail, vi. Was’akesni .

keya.pallid,a. Ececasni ; san.

palm, n. 1 . Napcoka; napemda

parchment2. Spanye;atasagye: thegroundis arched.

parc ment, n. Tahnasha.pardon, vt. Ki ’cicainzn kiyuska.n. Wokai ui n ;woynska.

pardonable,a. Kai nznpica.pardoning,a. Ki’cicaznznpi.pare, vt. Basku ; bahdaya; haehpe pareanapp le.

patego c, n. Kazopianapte.

parent, n. Hunkake ;etanhan'


39 . Hisparentsare dead.

parentage, n. Wicahunkake.

parental.a. Hnnkake ta’wa.

parhelion, n. Wiacetipi .paring, n. Ha; habaskupi.parish, n. Woawanyake ; Wicastawakanto’awanyake ; okedskici e.

parls oner, n. Okodakiciye o’

pa.parity, n. Woakidececa.park, n. Canwoinpi ;makoce.

parlance, n. Iapi.


tan ’ka.parliamentary,a. Omniciye woeeo .n

parlor, n. Tioyanke waste.

parochial, n. Okodakiciye.

parody, n.Wagtokeeapi.paroxysm, n an’natipapi ; to’

kecapi.parricide, n. Hnnkake kte.

parrot, n. Zitkadania.parry, vt. Kakam iyoya.parse, vi. O’kihc‘ oyaka.parsimonious,a. Watehindaparsimony, n. Watehindapi.parsnip, n. PangiZizi.parson, n. Wieastawakan.

parsonage, n. Wicastawakanoti.part, n. L Onspa; okise : apart

2. Onge ° apartfdifi


erentparts Of the body. 4 .

130 particular

partaker,n.Kicica; kodnya; 0'

papartaker in thepunishment.

parted.aSpam kinukanun’


partial,a. 1 . Iyokise ; onspa: apartial good. 2. Sanina0 ’kiya;yotagda: Jacobwaspartial to

partial , n. Saninao’kiyapi ; i ’akidecen eco



sni .

partially,adv kiseya: partially

Wawokihi ; woksape : amanOf parts . 5. Oyanke ;mahoesthere never wasaschool in theseparts. 6 . W0pamni ;wobaspemypart of the goods . 7. (M ica)Wicaho whatpartdo you sing.

8. (Gram. ) Wocai e : the verb

is the most diflicult part ofspeech

—For my part, miyeke .

—For the most part, eeee .

—In goodpart, canwasteya.Take part in, onspaecon .

Your part, onipanitawa. vt.

Kmukan 1yeya; ynkmnkanynksa; pamm : theyparted thechildren. vi. Tokan iyaye : he

partedfrom his wife.—TO part

with, kpaigan.

partake, vi . 1 . 0 q ion ; etanhanion : partook Of the wine. 2.

Onspaiyececa: Hepartakes of

participant, n. O ’

pa.participate, vi . O ’

pa.participation, n . O


papi.participle,n. (Gram ) A ehnake wawoyake.

rticle, n. 1 . Onspacl stinna;ta’ku oi’stinna; snkaza. 2.

(Gram. ) Wicoiedan.

particular,a. 1 . I’atayedan ka’pie'eheawanzidan : onapartic

ular day. 2. Okitanin; oyagica: no particular news. 3.

Kezeca; iyokipiyapi tehike.

S he isparticularaboutherfood.

n. O ’kihe ;adetka;wokpanka;

particularize 131

ta’knsnisni giveall thepartic

particularize, vi . Tan ’

yan oyaka.particularly, adv. Iohdamnayan;tan’

yehca.parting, n. Ynkinukanpiksahe.

partisan, n. Ta’wa'


partition, n. Ti’

g: cokayanataka


0’zanpi °

ynspapipartly,adv. O seya.partner, n. Kicica; 0 ’

pa.partnership, nn. O’kiciyapi ; oko

dakiciyepi.partook, imp . of PARTAKE.

partridge, n. Z i’ca.

parturition, n. Cincatonpi.party, n. 1 . Ospaye : theDemocratparty. 2. Kieicopi :ateapa: ty

a3. Optaye ° Wicastaonge :

party of hunters. 4 . Wanzi ee ;kicica: he was aparty to the

murder. 5. Tn’we , Wicasta:


paschal,a. Woacaksinpasha. n. Turk oyate 1tancanpas, vi . 1 . Hiyaya° iyaya: twomenpassed . 2. Yn ’

zapi ; icnpithemoneywould notpass. 3. Iye

cen wacinkiynzapi : he assedforawiseman. 4 . Kih a; hihnni ; ihanke : the daypassed.

—His anger passedaway, W0canniye apanpa.—Let i t pass,he’

cehnanakte. vi . 1. I’samiyaye ° i ’sam biyu : he passedthe bridge. 2. Ihnnikiya°


stan : hepassed his life in ease.

iyaya: he passedme by. 4. Kapaiyaya: his

all the others. 5.


ynstanpi : the billouses. 6 . 1yayeya:

pass the books along. 7 . I ciyazaoyaka. : pass the word

along . 8. Yeya° hiynya: passthe bread. Wicakn °

passenger, n . En o’

pa; i’cimani ;passenger-ca emani Wica

passed counterfeit money. 10


pekiya; ye ktaiyowinyanhe passed him o n the trainn. 1 . Ohnaya’pi ; 0 canku ; okoohnaocankn ,


2. On kazn2usni omanipi : a3. Oape ;

Waespe : he made apass to

knock me down. 4. Woakipe ;W icohan: to whatapass havewe come.

—B ring to pass, ece

tuya.—Come to pass, iyecetn ;kaketn.

passable, a. l . Iy0 0ptayepica;Ohnayepiea: the bridge is not

passable. 2 . Icnpi ktaiyececa.;yn

’zapi the money ispassable.

3. Ki’tannawaste ; ahececathe bread is passable.

passably, adv. Tan’

yanken ;ahecenya.

passage, n . 1 . Ohiyaye ; ohnaiyaye ; hiyaye : the passage O aship through the canal. 2. e

ktaon; ohnakapi : he tookpassage Ouasteamboat. 3. Deankn ocanknyapi Ohnatimahenya’ i don’

tstand in thepassage.

4 . api ; oeye ; oehde : apassage in the B ible. 5. Iyooptaiyaye ; ynstanpi : the passageof the law. 6 . Iheyapi apas

passer-by, n. Tn’we hiyaye ; i’ci

mani.passing,adv. Ikapeya;wakapeya.passion, n. 1 . Wocanteptanye ;wocanniye ; wosinhda: he leftin agreat passion. 2. Cantiheyapi ; wocantiheya: apassion for war. 3. Wokakii ethepassion of Christ.

passionate,a. 1 . Wacinko ;canteptanyes’a apassionate boy.

passionately2. Wacantahde apassionatelover.

passionately,adv. WOhitiya; u i’na.

passive,a. A tanse nn; waeconkiyapi e’

cedan skan .

passover, n. Woacaksin.

passport,n. Oyatetokecs ektaoic imam wowap1.

past, pa. He’kta; ehanna: the

pastyear. p rep . San ’

pa; i’sanpa: half past one. adv. Icahda; iy0 0pta: he ranpas t.

paste, n. Con’

peska;woiapi ; cocoyapi Wi'puspe mix the

paste. vt. A ’skamyapaste this

in your book.

pasteboard, n. Minihnhasoka.pastern, n. Sun

’kawakan iskabu .

pastime, n. Wowimagaga.pastor, n. Waawanyake ;Wicastawakan ;wonWicaye .

pastoral,a. Waawanyakepastorate, n. Woawanyake.

pastorless, a. Waawanyake 00’


pastry, n.

gapi zizipedan

pasturable,a. wihanyewaste .

pasturage, n. Owihanye ; Wi’hanWicakiya1 : good pasturage.

pasture, n. ato ; owihanye alargepasture. vt. Wi’hanw icakiya: pasture the sheep on the

hills. vi . Wi’han .

pat, adv. Coyena; ynpiya. n.

Oape he gave himapat on theshoulder. vt. Apapa: pat himon the cheek. n. Irish Wi

casts .

patch, vi. Okipata; akihdagtonpatchaquilt; patch his pants.

patchwork, n . MinihnhaOkipatapi .

pate, n. Pa;pesdete .

patent,a. 1 . Taninyannn: patenttoall eyes. 2. Okage anicapi ;wakan patent medicine. n

Waanicapi wowapi . He hasa

132 pauperism1) to W”patent on the churn.

nicapi wowapi icn.

patent-office, n. Okage anicapiti’pi.

paternal,a. A tknkn.

paternity, n . Wicaatknkn.

paternoster, n. Itancan tawoce

path, n. Cankn ; cankn ci’stinna.pathetic, a. Iyokisieapi ; aceyeWicayapi se

’ca apathetic


pathless,a. Canknwanica.

pathos, n. Woiyokisica; waawacinwieayapi.

pathway, n. Makaamani cankn .

patience, n . Wowaeintanka.patient,a. Wacintanka:apatientboy. n. Tn

’we pezntakn ’

pi ;wayazanka: his patient is getting better.

patiently,adv. Wacintankaya.patness, n. Woecetn .

patriarch, n . Hunkakeyapi ;ateyai : the patriarch Noah.

pat clan, n . Wicastaitancan ;tn’we 0

patricide, n . A tknkn kte.

patrimony, n. Woynhaatlmknetanhanyuba; Okodakiciye tawomnaye ;aihpekiyapi.

patriot, n. Tamakoee Wastedaka.patriotism, n. Tamakoce tehindapi.

patrol, vi. Iyazaomani. n. Oma

patron, n. A wanyake ; kicica.patronage, n. Waokiyapi ; was’agya1 .

patro ze, vt. O’kiya;kici skan .

patter, vi . Shu ’sha;apapa.pattern, n. Iyecen ka’gapi kta;okage. vt. Iyecen ka'ga.

paucity, n. To'nana;wokitan.

paunch, n. N1ge.

pauper, n. Wahpaniea; on’


kpani.pauperism, n. On



sdayaehpeya.—Peel bark, canhakahn.

—Peel potatoes, mdobasknskn. n . Ha.

peeling, n. Ha: potato peelings.

peep, vi . 1 . Hoton ; zitkacincahoton the chicks peeped in the

shell. 2. A okasin; kasinyanhinanpa: peeped over the hill.

n . 1 . Z itkacincahotonpi. 2

A okasinpi Can I getap eep3. Tokahinanpa: peep of day

peer, n . Iyecen okihi ; kicica;woitancan o

pa. vi . En e’ton


peerless,a. Iyotan; kapepicasni .peevish,a. Ce’

yes’a;wacinko .

peevishness, n . Wawiyokipipisnipeg, n : Can’iyokatanna; W i’hntipaspe . vt. Okatan : peg the

Pegassns, n. Snn’kawakankin


pelican, n. Mde’ga.pellet, n . Ta’kn sn se

’kse ; pe2n


-mell,adv. Omdecahan to’ken

cin ’cin .

pelucld,a. Kohdi.pelt, n . Ha; wawaha: atraderwith his pelts. vt. A pa; kinin ;pelt himwith eggs.

peltry, n . Wawaha.pelvis, n . Co’wohe ; nite.

pemmican, n. Wakapanpi.pen, n . 1 . Wowapi wage ; W1 yoWa;Wi’cazo ; minisapaicage

pen in the ink. 2. Ti’

pidan con’kaske the pig is in

his pen. vt. 1 . Ka’ga;Wowapika’ga: I will pen you afe wwords . 2. Mahen iyeya; nataka.

penal,a. WoiyOpeye ikoyake .

penalty, n. Woiyopeye ; iyopeyapi ; W0ka2n2n.

penance, n. Kakisiciyapi.pencase, n . Wi’cazo 0 2nha.pence, n. p l. of PENNY.

134 pension

pencil, n. Cnn’wiyown hin


wa.. vt. Own ; iu11.

pencllled,pa. Owapi ; innpi.pendant, n. Tn’ku otke han V I

yokihednx)pending, pa.


ampi yuétnrjpi





pendnlonn,a. Otke ; ozezewn11kn.

pendninln, n. Wi’hiynyednn maznhotednq ;ma.'znknozeze .

penetrable, a. Knhdogpicn ; knhtaqpicn.

penetrate, vt. 1 . Knhdoka; pnhdokn ;mnhen yn.; knhtaq the

spearpenetrated thefi sh’s head.

2. Tawacin on knhdokn : too

deep for his mind to pene trate.

penetrating,aWnknhdokn ; wn

pen-holder, n. Mn’

znicnge ihupn.

peninsula, n. Izo ; ipa.; mnknhutiynhde.

penis, 11. Date.

penitence, n. Iyopeieiynpi.

penitent,a. Iyapeieiyn ; iyokiéicn.

n. Tu ’we iyOpeieiyn.

penitentlnl,a. IyOpeieiynpi.penitentlnry, n. Woknéketipi.

penitently,adv. Ca1]teéinyn iyo

peieiya.penknlte,n. Isnr)yukéi2npidn11 Y.

miyuksii npinn.

penmnn, n. Wowapikngn.

penmnnalllp, n. Owapi ; nnpeoqas i.




pennlleaa,a. Ma'znskn u i’on ; wn


penny, n. Sngdnéix) ma'znsadnx]ma'znéndnq .

pennywise,a. Watehinda; ta’knci’stinnn tehindn.

pennyworth, n . Mn’znéndnl j iynwn ;


penrack, n. Wi'cnzo nhnnknpi.pension, n. A kicitaenakiyn Tux)knnéinao'wienkiyn.

pensioner 135

pensioner, n. Timknxjsinn o’kiyn.

pensive,a. Wncnntnhde 111) nwn

city iyokisien.

pensively,adv. Icnqtesinyn.

pensiveness, n. Woenntesien.

pent,a. Nntnknpi ; nntngnx)pentagon, n. Za’pien oisetox) .Pentateuch, n. Moses tnwownpi


ptnI) .

Pentecost, n. A npetniwikcemnnznptnx) .

Pentacostnl,a. Wicnyuh ienpi.pennrlons,a. Wntehmdn ; ma’zasndnqiyotnndn.

pennrionsly,adv. Wntehindnyn.

pennrlonsness, n. Watehindnpi .penury, n. Mn

'i nsndnxj icnkiznpi ;


peony, n. t cntnnkn.

people, n . Wienstn ; oyate : there

areagreatmany good people inteam. vt. Otiwicnyn ; w ienstn

en unwicnkiyn.

pepper, n. Sucikciknnn seen ; Y.

ynmnnmnugn i 811 .

peppermint, n. ntednnseen.

per, prep . 1 . eciyntnnhnn

per bearer. 2. Iyoki per mynum

pen dventnre,adv. O'kini. Without eradventure

, yusnnsni .

pernnl nlnte, vt. O’

ptaomani .perceivnble,a. Oknl

mipien ; wax]yn icn.

rce ve, vt. Sdonyn ; war]ynkn ;iyukcnxj

percentage, n Opnwinge to’ken


perceptib ilty, n. Wnsdonyepicn.

perceptible,a. S donyepicn innit) .perceptibly,adv.ainynn.

perception, n. Wowiyukcnq .

perceptive,a. 0 1) wnsdonyn.

perch, n. 1 . (A fi sh. ) Ho'zizi wa

kndnnhiyuznpi. 2. Car] ; car]hnnskn sihniyutnpi 16 l . 3. Z i

tknnnownnkn. vi. A knn iyahnx) inni irj .


perchance,adv. O ’kim‘

; nncecn.

percussion, n. I’ciynpnpi.perdition, n. Wicotnkunisni.peregrlnnte, vi . Mnkoee to


ektaomani.peremptorily, adv. A

’wienkeyn ;


peremptory, a. A yuptepicasni ;ke’

za.perennial, a. Waniyetu ihunni ;te

’hnn ;o’hixjni perennialfoun

tain. n. Wnto waniyetu te sni.perennially,adv. O ’hixjniynrj .

perlect,a. A 'tnyn waste ; yustnnpi ; ecetn ; owotnnnn. vt. Yu

star) .perfectible, a. A '

tayn yuwnste


perlection, n . A 'tnyn waste ; wownste n

’tnyn ; n

'tnyn yuan! )pi .

perlectiy,adv. A ’tnyn ;n


ocownsixj ; ta’kadal j ynsnasni .periectness, n. Woowotnnnn.

periidlons, a. Wicnkesni Wienhnnynx) .fildy, n. Wohnaye .

periornte, vt. Yuhdokn ; pnhdokn.

perform, vt. E0 0 1) ; yustnn.

perlormnbie,a. Econpicn.

periormance, n . Woecon; econpi ;ynmnpx.

periormer,n.Wnecox) ta'ku econpi o


perinme, n. Ta'ku wnétemnn. vt.


perfunctory,a. A wacinsni .perhaps,adv. Nncecn ; o


ri,prefix . Ohomni.

pericardium, n. Cantoge.

perli, n.Wokokipe . vt. Otohnnkn.

riions,a. Okokipe ;wokokipe.

perilously,adv. Okokipeyn.

rilonsness, n . Wokokipe.

perimeter, n. t omu i .

period, n. 1 . A npetu ; waniyetualong period . 2. (Gram. ) Oehnnke tan’kn ; woeye.

rlodic,a. A ke iyehnntn.

periodicalperiodical,a. 1 . A ke iyehnntu ecn :

periodical storms. 2. Wotaninwowapi . periodical literature.

n. Wotn1)i1) wow

periodically,adv. Iyegnnhnnynq .

perish, vi . A tnkunisni ; tn.

perishable,a. Wa11’kndn1) atakunieni wns


perjure, vt. Tn'kuwnkn1) ienzeynn

ecinsniynrj oyaka.perjury, n. Ta’ku Wnknr) hnn



permanence, n. He’oetuwnnzmnin]



permanent,yutokecnpieasni .

permanently,adv. He’eetnwnx;zisuteyn. To settle p er

manently, ece. i'yotnxjkn.

permeable,a. Mnhen yepion ; knhtnnpicn.

permeate, vt. Mnhen ya.


permissible,a. Iyowix)yepi cn ;he'cetu .

permission,n.Woiyowixjkiye ;iyoWinkiynpi .

permit, vt. Iyowinkiyn. n . Woi

yowix)kiye .

iyowiqkiynpi W0

wapi ; omnnipi wowapi.pernicious,a. Wnihnxjgye ;wnyu


pernicionsly,adv. Wnynéinyn.

peroration, n. Ehnke oyapi .perpendicular,a. Bosdntn :ap erp endicukzr line . n. Obosdatn.

perpetrate, vt. E00 1) ;sicayaecol ) .perpetration. n. Woecon.

pe ,rpetual a. O'hinniynx) m) owi

hanke wanica.perpetually,adv. O'hixjniynq .

perpetuate, vt. Sam iynyeyn ;n iyal ) .

perpetuated.pa. Niyanpiperpetuity, n. Wosutn ; owihn1]

perplex, vt. Yuskiskn ; nngiyeyn ;waciqhmmiyn.

perplexedly,adv. Wncinhnuniynn.

136 perspicuity

perplexity, n. Woskiske ; wacinhnunipi ; to


perquisite, n. S inte ; i’nkam tn


yuhnp1.rsecnte, vt. Swnynknwa;wooekiye 01) sicayaknwa.rsecution, n. Sicnynwicnkuwnpi .

persecutor, n. Sicayawicnkuwn.

rseverauce, n. Wnkitnrjpi ; W0wneintnqkn.

persevere, vi . Kitnx) ; nyustnrjwneinsni .

persevering,pa. Wakitnx) ap ersevering boy.

rseverlngly,adv. Kitnnynx) .Persian, n. PersiaWienstn.


persistency, n. Wakitnnpi.persistent,a. Wnkitnxj ;wohitiknaersistent beggar.

pers stently,adv. Kitnxjynq W0

bitiya.persisting,pa. Wnkitnxjs


person, n . 1 . Wi cnstn ;W icnnng1howmanypersons came. 2. Tu '

we tancan: whataniceperson.

3. oihdawn threepersons

in one Godhead. 4 . Koq’zn ;

keieiya: he came in thep ersonofarobber. 5. (Gram ) Tu ’we


personage, n. Th 'we kin: are


rsoual, n. I’ye i’

yntnyednn i’ye

i ’ynteyednxj ka’pi p ersonalp roperty.

personally,adv. I’ye i’

yntnyednl j .

personate, vt. I’eiya; keieiyn ;kon

’zn '

ersonatepersonificaon, n. Wicastnkngnpi.personity, vt. Wienstnkn'gn.

perspective, it. Istniciyopteynm)perspicuity n. Wn

'mdezecn ; tarr

phalanxphalanx, n. A kicitaOptaye ; akicitaomdotonyanna’zinpi.

phautasul, n. Kiktahan Wi’hanmunpi ;wanagi wanyakapi.

phaton , n. Wowanyake ;wanaigiwanyakapl ;wanaign

phase, n. Wanynknpi ;wowanyake ; owanyake .

pheasant, n. Zi’ea; ticabuna.phenomenal,a. Wowanyake ; to’


phenomenon, (p l. phenomena), n.

Wowanyake ; ta’ku tanin .

philanthropic,a. Waonsidn.

philanthropist, n. Oyate on’siwi


philanthropy, n. Oyate waonsidn

hpi ; Wicastaowasinwastednpi.

p Ii ic, n.

philology, n. Iapi woonspe .

philopena, n. Yahngapi 811 cekpa.philosopher, n. WieastaWi'yukean ksapotanean.

phiiosophize, vi. Woksape iwo

hdaka.philosophy, n. Woksape woonspe.

phiz, n. Ite .

phlegm. n. Tasephlegmatic,a. Hixn’kesni ; hanhi .phonetic, a. Ho kin ohnayan

phonography, n. Nape on 011kowapi.

phosphorous, n. Yuidepi cansin.

photograph, n. Iteieupi ;wiiyoiani nn on ite icupi .

phrase, n. Woeye ; woe e o’kihe .

phrenology, n. Wienpa11 woon

phthisic, n. Oniyasicnpi woyazan.

physic, n. 1 . IyOptaiyeyap i : givehimaphysio. 2. Pei utawoonspe studyphysio.

physics, n. Ta'kutanton woonspe .

physical, a. Wicatnncan; Wicacehpi ; ta'ku tanton .

138 picture-



piano, n. Mazikandowankiynpi.piazza, n. O ’hanzihdepi.picayune, n. Kaspapi okise.

pick, vt. 1. Ion ; yuwanknn ion

p ick up the book. 2. Pahi ; yuspi p ickp lums. 3. Cops ; os

papapickahole . 4. Kal'mikieu ; icu : he p icked his mP ick at

,kuwa.—Pick abone


Z itkndan yusda. P ick

ynhpa bohpa. Pick ou t,

i0 11 ; yusdokn ; kahniga.—Pickapocket, siennopiyo nnpistnn

yan.—Pickaquarrel, ki ’ze kta

kam .—Pick up aliving, on ui

ktapahi . n. Ice ; makiee pe’

sto : dig it wi thap ick. 2. Kahnigap


;yatan waste he wasthe o t efamily.

pickaxgrf. Wi’ce ;hokapasn .

pickerel, n. Tamahe .

picket, n. 1 . Canpasdntapi ;mazipasdnte the horsep ulled up the

p icket. 2. Canmdnskn pespesto : the p icket fence. 3. (Mil . )A kicitatonwe na'nin ;akicitnna'zin . vt. 1 . Sunknwnkanokatan picket the horses . 2. A cankaska; pasdata.

picking, n. Wospipi.

pickle, n. Skumnnyanpi ; miniskuyaicahi ka’gapi . vt. Sku ’

yeya;miniskuyaicnhiya.picnic, n. Manin owoskate ;maninskatapi.

pictorial,a. Iteowapi ka'gapi.picture, n. Iteowapi ;.Wowanyake.


re-trame, n. Iteowapi ozu


gallery, n. Iteowapi ti'pi.


picturesque,a.Wa’petokeeaowapi waste he'ca.

pie, n. 1 . Opemnikagapi : do youeat pie 7 2. Mn’

zaehdepi 211211wahe.

piece,n. 1 . 0nspa:ap iece of bread.

2 . Ta’ku wann1 ; ta’ku kin ;c

’epe wana1 ;wanzi . A fowling

p iece, ta'ku on wakutepi. vt.

Okipata; akihdagton onspaakagege p iece his pants.

piecemeal,adv. Onspaspn.

n. Okipatapi.pieplant, n. A petnnkn opemnika83131

pler, n. 1 . Cnnknhonpapiahdehe .

2. Mini ektain’

ynnconkaéke .

pierce,vt. Pahdoka;capa;mnheniyaye.

pierceahle,a. PahdogpicaPierre, n. Wakpasicaotonwe .

piety, n. Ta’ku Wakan ohodapi.pig, n . 1 . Kakase cinca;kukuse

isfat. 2. Mazasdoyapi.Wakiyednn.

pigeon-fined, n. S ihanaoksin.

plgnnt, n. Cansu .

pigtail, n. Kukusesinte ; kisonpi.

pike, n. Tnmnhe ; ho'wakan; he

caughtap ike.

pile, n. 1 . Paha; Opaki ; e ’i upi

ap ile of stones. 2. Cankngnpasdntapi pounding in the

p iles. vt. E’zn ;Wi


them up .

pl s, n. Unze ohdoknpp


pllier, vt. Manon . vi . amanonpilferer, n. Wamanons’a.pilgrim, n. I

'eitnnni ;i

’eimani un;

ohnihde nn oicimani .pilgrimage, n. Oicimani.piling, n. Can'pasdatnpi.pill. n. Pezutapsunka; penata

pillage, n. Woynhaozu

wicakipi ; tnku manon nhdipi.

vt. Manon ozaye ektamanon .

pillager, n. Wamnnons’n.


pillar, n. Ipatanhdepi ; ti ’pupatan; wabosdata. A p illar ofcloud


pillow, n. Ipahin .

pilot, n. Iyupseyuza; wasinteyuhomni ;makoce ndonya

pimple, n. Sasaahinanpa; oyuki .pimpled,a. Yabibi.pln, n. Hi ’paskudan; wi’pasise .

A paper of p ins .

—Tent p ins, wihutipaspe. vt.

Pnsisa; ipasise.—P in the hand

kerchiefs together, itipakintei’cipasisa.—Pin the tent down


wakeyaipaspa.plnatore, n. Makuaknhpedanpincase,n. Hi’paskudanwohnakepinch, vt. Yanipa; pai ipa; kakisyn ; paskica; otinsyuzn. n

Woyuzipn ; i im icupi.

pinchers, n. WQMipe .

pincushiou, n. Hipaskudanipnhdipine, n. Wai iean;wazi. vi. l eantesica; tamahecna'ya.

pine-apple, n. Mnkntnspanpine

-clad,a. Wazioi u .

pinery, n. Wazioknkse.

pinion, n. Wi’ynkn ;hin hupahu .

pink,a. Sn ; sasan ap ink dress.

n . Waheasaéa.pinnacle, n. Ipasotka; in’kpa.pint, n. Cehskawiyatke oiyutehalfap int.

pioneer, n. Watoknhnn toknheyahi ’yotanke . vi . Cankukaga.

pious, a. Tn'ku Wnkan ohoda;

wacinyan ap iousfamily.

piously,adv. Waohodaya.pious

-minded, a. Wocekiye awac1n.

pipe, n. 1 . Canduhupa; cannonpa he fi lled his p ip e


p ip e head, canduhupapahn .

The p ipe stem,canduhupasun

ta. —Fill the p ipe, opaig1.Smoke the p ipe, cannonpa. 2.

Ma'zaohdog-eca. Water-

p ipes,ma’zaohdo igeca miniyaya.


S tovep ipe, ma’zaoceti ihupa.8. Co

yatanka: blow yourp ipes- A p ipe organ, canhdogecadowankiyapi . vi . Ya2o ; 20 .

piper, n. Waya2o.

pipestone, n. Cannonpain ’

yan .

Pipestone Quarry, n. Cannomoke .

piping,pa. Yapinzn ; pin ’za.

piquant,a. Ya2im2ipa;wayamm2ipa.

piquantly,adv. Fe’stoya.pique, n. Woya2ipe ; wocnnze .

vi. Pa2ipa; canzeya.piracy, n. Wi’tawatawamanonpi ;wamanonpi .

pirate, n. Wamanonwicasta; Wi ’tawatawamanon.

piratical,a. Wamanon.

pish, inte1j . Hinte ;wahtesni.piss, vi . De

’2a,miniiheya.pistol, n. Ma’zakanptecedan.

pit, n . 1 . Makohdoka; ohdoka.2. S u . Cherryp its, canpasu .


pi t, 11 .— The p it of

the stomach, pi’mnumnuge .

P itted ace,itehdohdoka. vt.

Ohdoh ogya; su ehpeya; kicieconkiya.

pitapat,adv. Kabubupise.

pitch, vt. 1 . Kah’oiyeya; ehpeya

p itch hay. 2. E’hde ; ka’ga

{Etchatent.—Pitch camp ,owanka’ga. 3. (Mus. ) Wankan

iyeya;ahiyaya: p i tch the tune .

vi . Ticaga; e ’ti : they p itched

in thep lain. 2. Hinhpaya: hep itched headfi rstdown the bank.

iynye : the boattchedaboutall night. n. 1 .

aya; c ipa; o'smnka the

lowestp itchofpoverty. 2.

Ho’icupi. 3.Wokaho : thep i tch

of the boat. 4. Onaptanye . the

p itch if the roof. 5. Cansmhe covered the cracksweihp i teh.

pitch-black, n. A ’



-dark,n. A ’Wicakehano ’


pitcher, n. 1. Minnokastnn hebroke the p itcher. 2. Wakaoiyeyy .a

pitchfork, n. Pe2n°


pitching,a. A ’

pnmnhde ; nnke .

pitchpine, n . Wazi sinotn.

pitchy, n. Cnnéin yukeyn ; Wi’

yaskape °

na’pa; owotnninsni .plteons, a. Oiyokisica°

on’sikn ;

wakpanita.piteously,adv. On


pitfall,n. MakohdoknyaWi’hmunke .

pith, n. 1 . Cogin: unch out the

p i th. 2. Co ; ta’ ka'pi henthe p i th of his remarks.

pithily,adv. Yncoyn.

pithy,a. 1. Yueokn ;a’taya°

yatinzapi : pi thy remarks. 2 . P0

pa; coginse .

pi ahie,a. On’sidnpi



sika; ap itiable company.

pitiful,a. 1. Waonsida: the Lordis p i tiful. 2. On

’sika: ap iti

ful ace. 3. Wahtesni.pitilu ly,adv. On

’siyn ; onsidnyn.

pitifuluess, n. Waonsidnpi wowahtesni.

pitiless,a. Wownonsidn ni’cn.

pltilessly,adv. Waonsidasni.pittance, n. 1 .Wokpnnkn ; ci


z1az he lived onap i ttance. 2 .

Ta’ku on’sikn Wicakupi.

pity, n. Icantekicisicnpi ; Wownonsidn ;woiyokisicn he has nop ity.

—Whatap i ty, ta’ku wo i

yokisica; ecahes. vt. On’sida

hep itied me . vi . Waonsidn .

pivot, n. A hdeynhomui .

pivotal,a. En ynhomnipi .placard, n. Tinskamyayaotaninpi

place, n. Oyanke ;makoce °


we °

,Wicohan ° agood p lace to

live.—A country p lace, W0 2upi

oyanke .—Gi ve p lace for the

ladies, Win’

yan Wicakiciyuknnpo .—He wants ap lace in the

carpenter shop , canknzipati ’pi

Wi c o ie nhdehekiyapi th

Democratic p latform.

platform-car, n. Hemanimdaskn.

plating, n. Ma’zaiasknmyapi.platinam, n. Ma’zaskntke.

Platte River, n. Rammknwakpaplatter, n.Waksicam katan ’kaplatting, n. Son

pi ; owapi.plaudit, n. Wayawnstepi ; idowanpi.

plausib iity, n. Woiyeoetn.

plausible,a. He’cetase’ca;waste


plausibly,adv. Wicnkn se’cn.

play, vt. 1 . Su ns : hep layed ball.2. Downnkiya; ya20kiyn : 110

skn’tapi wapazopi woskate ;

W0 skan ; W0 iy0Winkiye.

A bal l-p lay, takaps'

icapi.—Givefull p lay, W0 iy0Winkiye tu .

Bo ugh p lay, woskate ksizeca.S hakespeare’s p lays, S hakespeare wapnzopi woskate. The

p lay of the wheel,hu ’


play-day, n. ka’tapianpetu .

player, n. Skn’tn ;waikpazo .

playfellow, n. Kicisknta;kicica.playfnl,a. Skn’tes’a.playfully,adv. Shanya; skn’

ta.playfulness, n. Skn’

tapi wastednkapi.

playhouse, n. Wosknte ti’pi ;ohnaska’tnpi.

playmate, n. Kiciskata.plaything, n. Wi’napiskanye ; onskn

’tnpi ; Wi

’skate the chil

dren’s p laythiplea, n. 1 . Iapi ; to’ken on e


the lawyer’s p lea. 2. Woce

kiye ; tn’ku da’pi.

plead, vi. E’

ya; ieiya; icekiya;onetanhan e

ya he p lead forthe boy. vt. Ca2eyntn ; onetanhan da: he p lead p overty.

142 plentitnl

pleadable,a. Ca2eynnpicn.

pleader, n. Wawiciya; ki’cicava.pleadingly,adv. Ce ’kiyase.

pleasant,a. Wi’c1y0k1p1 oiyoki

pi ; owastecakn ; w i ’haha.—A

{Ileasantfamilmtiwahe W i'eiyop1—1t is p leasant, oiyokipi.—A p leasant day,anpetu own

steeake.—A p leasant fellow,

tu’we Wi’hnha.

pleasantly, adv. Iyokipiyn ; enn


please, vt. Cnnwnsteya; iyokipiya: he p leased his father.

The boy p leased me very much,hoksidnn iyokipimayanhinca.—He is p leased, iyokipi. vi.

Ye ; iyonicipi ye ; ce’ciciye .

Please come,u ye ; yan ktai1yo

nicipi ye.

pleaser, n. Iyokipiwicayn.

pleasing, a. Wawiyokipi ; c imdeza.

pleasingly,adv. Iyokipiyn.

pleasurable,a. Owicawaste.

pleasure, n. Woiyokipi ; W0W1yuskin ° tnwacin° iyokipnciyapi.—Use your p leasure, ui ’ye nitawacinye’cunkta.—Lovers ofp leasure, iyokipiieiynpi ;Wdapi.

pleasure-boat, n. Wa’taon ska’tapi.

pled, imp . of PLEAD .

pledge, n. Onyuwicaknpi ;ma'znskaodotapi on knsknpi. vt.

Knskn ; on yuwicnknpi o’hde

I p ledge you my horse.

Pleiades, n. (A stron.) Tawamnipa.plenary,a. A ’


plenteous,a. O’ta; 0211dan.

plenteously,adv. O ’tn ; iyakicuya.

plentiful,a. 1 . Otantonka; pan’


ga; n1ni ’nn o’ta: ap lentifi il sup


p ly. 2. Wnicnga; o’taicaga

ap lentiful year.

plenty, n. O ’ta; W0 02udnn; W0

Wi2ice .—Peaceand p lenty, W0

okiye kn w0 0 2udnn. a. O’ta;

ntkanna: p lenty of corn.

plethoric, a. Iyakic11 °

, i ’sanpa;ehnes ; o


pliable,a. Z igzica;panpanna.pliaucy, n. Wopntinsni ; tin


pliant,a. Okuwnwnste °

,ewinewin2edan ° wan’kadan.

pliantly,adv. Iyowinyan.

plied, imp . of PLY.

plight, n. 1. Oun;in good p light.

pi ;w00a2e .

plod, vi. Hnnhiyn ya;htani .

ploddingly,adv. Hnnhiya.plot, n. 1 W °


wapi : ap lot to ki ll the boy .

2. Makoce c i’stinna: ap lot ofground. 3. Makoce Oiynte . vt.

1 . Kuwa; nahmnn kuwn he

p lotted destruction. 2. Mnkoceowa.

plover, n. Zitkadnnhu ’toto.

plow, vt. Y11mdu°

, yupta; pngO °

ihnngya: p low the ground . n .

Mahiyumdu ;mahieo hitch the

horses to the plow.

plowable,a. Y11md11pica; ynmdnpiwnste.

plowboy, n. Mahy11md11 hokfi idan.

plower, n. Mahyumdu .

plowland, n. Makoceyumdnpiwaste.

plowman, n. Mahyumdnwicastn.

plowshare, n. Mahiyumducuwi.pluck, n . Wowadi tnke : aman ofp luck. vt. Yuspi ; yuksn



sdn : p luckflowers.

pluckily,adv. Wadj tngyn.

plucky,a. Waditnkn °


plug, n. l . Iontan : pu t the p lugin the hole. 2. Onspn ; obn

kse :ap lug of tobacco. 3. W9.

to’ken un


2. Waehnaka



pahnsapa. 4 . Sun’knwnknnhu

noge. vt. O ’stnn


yuotinza.plum, n. Kan’

tn : ap lum tree,


plumage, n. Hin°zitkndnnhin

beautiful p lumage.

plumb, n. On bosdatn iyntnpi .a. Bosdnta. vt. Y11bosdnta.plumbago, n. Canwicnzo cogin.

plumber, n. Ma’znhdogecam1myaya“Pi?“

plumbing, n. Miniynyaapiynpi.plumb-line, n. Wi’yutnpi iknn.

plum-cake, n. A guyapi knn’ta

plume, n. Wn’cinhe ;Wi

ynka. vt.

1 . Wn’cinhekipun

° wa’cinhekiton:ap lumed Indian. 2. Oki

hiicida;iwahnnicidn : hep lumed

plumeless,a. Wi'ynkncodnn.

plummet, n. Mn’znsu on she iyu

tapi ; bosdnta0Wiyute .

plump,a. 1 . Ce’

pa; tan’kn : how

p lump the baby is. 2. A’tayn ;

ocowasin : ap lump lie. adv.

B 11 se ; ihn11han.

plunder, manonpi. 2.

Woyahn ; wnhpnya. vi . Manon; woyahn ki .

plunderer, n. Wawicaki ; wamanon.

plunge, vt. Mnhen iyeya: he

p lunged it i nthewater . vt. Kaho iyeiciya: the horse p lungedinto the river. n . Kahoiyeynpi ;mnheniyeynpi.

plunging.a. Knhoiynya.pluperfect,a. (Gram. ) O

’ta; wan


p lurality of wives. 2. O’ta;

isnnna0’ta he received a

p lurality of votes.

plus, prep . San ’

pa; kn.

ply, vt. Kuwa°

econ : ply histrade . vi . O’kinni ya; omani ;skan : the boat plies between

pneumatlcsS ioux City and Omaha. n . O

yuksiza; opehe : twoplies.

pneumatics, n. Tate woonspe .

pooch, vt. 1 . Mininkastanstanspanyanpi zroach eggs. 2. Manon

°nnhman akiyahda: he

poachedacap .

pocket, n. S icanOpiye ; W0 2uha;ohdoka: put it in yourp ocket ;apocket in the rock. vt. Mahen iyeya; i011 .

pocket-book, n. Mn’

zsaka0 2uha.pocketful, n. S icanopiye 0 2udan .

pocket-knife, n. I ;snny11kntinpi

Y. Miyuksi2api.ha: apod of


poem, n. Iapi odowanknhyn ;odowan.

poesy, n. Odownnkn'

gnpi.poet, n. Odownnkn

ga.poetess, n. Win

ynn odowan

poetic, a. Odowankngn he’ca

odownn 80’ca.

poetry, n. Odowan1api ; iapi wacise


poignancy, n. Woyahtake.

poignant,a. Wnyahtake ;pa’2 11.point n 1 Io

’kpa; O ’inkpa;thepoint of the needle . 2. i a;ihanke apoint of land. 3. Onokitanin; wokitanin; to'keen ;wasnghdepi his good p oints.

4 . Woca2eyate; inpi okitnninthe fi rstpoint in his speech. 5.

Oehnnke °

, samyapidnn: inreading notice the points. 6 . Oyanke ° hehantu : thefreezingpoint—Inpoint of view, iwanynknpieciyntnnhan. Points of the

compass,mnkiyutapi oepnno .

Gain apoint, oyanke ohiya°

wanz1 Ohiya.—Score apoint,W0 0hiye wanz1 0kiciwnpi .

S trainapoint, i’sam 1yaye. vt.

1 . E’

pnzo ; ektae’

paz0 : point

the gun at the wolf. 2 Pnzo ;


wanyagsi : he pointed me to

S olomon. 3. Knpesto : p oint

the p ickets. 4. Samynpidnne :’hnakn point your writings.

5. Mnknsnnapuspe : the wallsare not utsay .et



d. Katinynn.

pointed,a. 1 . Kapest0 i ;pe’sto

apointed stick. 2. e’st0 ; os

ap1 se : his ointed remarks.

poiiltedly,adv. e’etoya.

pointer, n. 1 . San ’kasiyo pazoabrown pointer. 2. Wnpnzo ,


pazo : thatwordis thepointer.

pointing, n. Wowapi snmynpidnn°


piapuspapi.pointless,a. Pe’

stosni ; ta’ku kntnninsni .

poise, n. Obosdan hnn°


tonpi. vi. Ze’zeyae

’hnakn ;aspeyeton.

poison, n. Pe211ta2ica; wohakn ;pe211taonWicata;wosica. vt.

1 . Pe2uta210ak11 °

pe211taonkte : poison wolves. 2 . Y1131cn. .

3. Pe2utanicaaehnnkn pmsonthemeat.

poisonous, a. Way112ica°

, si’ca°

obaka; poisonous roots.

poke, vt. Pa2ipa°

capa. To poke

funat, ihahaknwa. n . 1 . Pa2 ipapi °

Tu,wocapn : an iron p oke.

we hun’ke2ni ; k11


that boy isapoke. 3. PteWiyecan’


poker, n. 1 . Pe’taicuwa; ma’za

pe sto.

pokerish,a. Okokipe.

polar,a.Waziyntn ihanke ; itokahihanke. Polar bear


pole, n. T0211 ; canhanskn. Abeanpole, omnien cankipasdntapi.—A boat-pole, ipnmna.—Liberty-pole, canwnkan.

—Apole long, ohanske sihaiyutnpi—A tent p ole, t0 2u .


wagon pole, canpahmihmaihupa. n.aiyataihanke ° ma


—Poor scholar, wayawa. 0 1]spekeén i .

—Poor soil,makawai

cage sni—A poor speaker, wohdakaonepekesni.

poor-house, n . Wahpanicati’pi ;

takten wahpanies.awax]yakapi .poorly,adv. 1 . Wahpaniya; ox)siya; icakiéyahe livedp oorly.

2 . Kitanyax) ; wokitaqyan; ci ’stiyena: he s ucceeded p oorly.

3. Okihiéniyan; tanyanéni.pomp, n. Wowitaq wokitaxjix] .pomposity, n. Wotankaieidapi .pompous,a. Tan’kaieida;hiq ’


tanka.pompously,adv. Taq’kaieidaya.Ponca, n. (A tribe of Indians. )Paq’ka; Oyat eyamni.

pond, n . Minioskokpa; mde'daxj .ponder, vt. A wacix) iwaqyaka.ponderer, n . Weawaciq .

ponderous,a. Tke ; tan ’ka.ponderously,adv. Tkeya.pone, n. Wokpenpitacagu .

pontiff, n . S inasapaitenean wo

snaitaqcax) .pontitlcal, a. Woénaitancantawa.pontificate, n . Sinasapawoitancal ) .

pontoon, n . Wa’taor] caqkahoqpapi.

pop, n . l . Po’

pa; pom ’hinhda.2 . Min itaga. nt. 1 . Papahya;napomya: p op corn . 2. Ihun;hat) econ ; ihnuharj hiyu popthe question.

pop-corn, n. Wamnaheza.popopa.

pope, n . Sinasapaitancan.

popedom, n . Sinasapa.Wokicoqze.

popgun, n . Wi’papopa.popisll ,a. Sinasapa.poplar, n . Wahcinca. wahpesto .

PoplarRiver, n . Waheiqca.wakpa.popple, n . Wahcinca.populace, n . Oyate ; wicaéta.popular,a. 1 . Oyate wastedapi ;a’taya. iyokipipi ap opularA ge nt. 2. A

’taya, iyowazapi ;

146 portion

oyate ta’wa. : apopular elec

tion. 3. A’tayaokahni liwica

yapi ; okahnih waéte : pq 1ularinstruction.

popularity, n . A’tayawastedapi .popularly,adv. Oyate ekta; waétedaya.

populate, vt. Oyate kahyau1| ’pi.

W icayawapi1

: asmall p op ulatio n. 2. Oyatakagapi ; Wicayuotapi.

populous,a. Wicaétaoi udaq ;Wicaétao’

ta.porcelain, n. Kampeska.porch, n . Tiyopaaohax)ziyapi .porcupine, 11. Palm] .pore, n. Ukaohdoka;ohnatomui

vi. A taqse knwa.pork, n . Kukuse ; ween] . Fresh

p ork, kukuée do .—Salt pork,

kukuée sku’

yeyapi. Smoked

p ork, kukuée cosyapi .porker, n. Kukuée (ui u11) .porosity, n . Ohdohdoka.porousness, n. Woohdohdoka.

porridge, n . Woiapi . Rice porridge, psiu woiapi.rt, n. Wi’tawataoinazu ] oihu

ui ;wi'tawatamazakaqtaqkaio

hdogyapi.rtable, a. Tokéupica; oyuhawaste ; toksupiwaSte .

portage, n. Watoha.portal, n. Tiyopa; oenape .

portend, vt. Iwaktaya;wakokipekicaga.rtentious, a. Wa

porter, n . 1 . Tiy0paawa11yakethe porter told me to come in.

2. Car) ’Ohnakakinkiyapi. 3.

Miniwakan ea’pa.portfolio, n. 1 . Wowapiskaoki

hnake . 2. Oecor) wowapi ; woawaqyake . The p ortfolio ofwar,akicitawoawaqyake .

portico, n. Tiyopaaohanzi.portion, n. W0pamni onge ;


vt. Kiyuépeyawicaku ;pamni ; 0 1)ge e wicak11 .

ess,a. gedat) yuheéniportly a. Taq’ka; okiniha1) °


getanka: aportly old gentle


portmanteau, n. Wizipai) .portrait, n. Iteowapi ; wicitekagapi myfather’sportrait.

portray, vt. 1 . Owa; iteowaportray alandscape. 2. Oyaka;to

’keeaoyakahear Goughp ortrayadrunkard.

Portuguese,n. PORTUGALm easta.pose, vt. Na'zinkiya;anazu) .poser,Waanai ixr wanagiyeya.

Oyanke ; oihduhe ,

positive, a. Wicaka; wowicake °

was’aka;Wicakeicida. A positive benefi t, woyuwaéte Wicaka.—Positive electricity,wakaqhdiwas’aka.—A posi tive woman,Wi1)

yax) wieakeieida. n. 0 111)wowicake.

positively,adv. A’wicakehax) i’yatayedax) yatinsya.

posse, n. Wicasta;Wieota.possess,

ya: Ip ossess nothing.

possession, n. Woyuha° ta’kuyuhspi ; ta’k11 tavsa

possessive,a. Ta’wayapi.possessor, n. Ta'waya;wayuha.possibility, n. Okihipica; naceca.possible,a. Okihipica; (in com

position) -

pica: I t is no t pos

sible to go, yepicasni.possibly,adv 1 . Nacoes ; o ’kini :

possibly it will rain. 2. TO ken

okihi ; to'ketu eeyas; w0kita1)


past, 11. l . Ca1) ’ipasdate digholesfor theposts 2. Onazix) ;

amilitary post.3. Wicastawowapi tokeu . vt.

1 . Iyohpaya: post my letter .

2. Tiaskamya; okatax) p ost

147 potency

post-office, n. Wowapioyuzuz11 .Post~oj lce order

,0 1) ma’zaska



paid, vt. Kazuzupi ;yapi .

postpone, vt. Kibueka; i ’hakame’hnaka.

post-road, n.Wowapitokéu cankn .

postscript, n. Ehake owa.posture, n . To’ken wanka;


wa1)ka.; na’211) his posture is bad.

posy, n. Wahea; odowa1)na.

pot, n . Ce’ga; ee’

gaso ’ka. vt.

Ce ’

gs ohnaks .

potash, n . Cahotaha1)pi.potatoe, n. Mdo ; bdo ; 1110 . Sweet

potatoe, mdo skn’


-bellied,a. N1geta1)kapotency, n . Wookihi.


the notice on the barn. 3. Na’i iqkiya; o’hde postasentinel.4. (Book-keep ing) Oicazo yuw itaya. 5. Sdonyekiya; 0 1)spe

kiya: Iam notposted. 6 . Due

ya. a. Ohanko : post haste .

postage, n. WokaimZu ; wowapitoksu wokazuiu .

postage-stamp, n. W1e1teaskape .

postal,a. Wowapi oatokéu .

post-boy, n. Hoksidax) wowapitoksa.

poster, n. 1 .Woyaotaqil ) tiaskamyapi see the poster on the

wall. 2. Tu 'we mahni ya.posterior,a. Iyohalnam ; ebakoposterity, n. Wieoieage ; Wiescinca.

post-haste,adv. Inahni.

post-horse, n. Sun

’ktaqkawowapitoksu .

posthumous,a. Taiyohakam tax)ix) . Posthumous child, hoksiyo

paatkuku taiyohakam t0 1)’


postman, n. Wowapitoksu .

postmark, n. Wowapitoksu apuspapi.

postmaster, n. Wowapi oyu i uzu

potent,a. Was’aka: wookihi .potentate, n. Tu

’we was’aka; ita1)ea1) ° Wicastayatapi

potential,a. Wookihi yuba.potentially,adv. Waokihiya°


potently,adv. Was’agya.pothook, n. CehWiy11ze.

potion, n. Woyatke.

potpourri, n. Ieahiohanpi.potsberd, n. Cehnhuga.pottage, n. Tadoyuzapi ;woiapi.Pottawatomie, n. Putewata.potter, n. Makacegakaga. vi . Ta’ku ecox) ta1)i1)sni skan.

pottery, n. Makacega.pouch, n. Wozuha; Wo z uhadalj .TobaccoS hot-pouch, tasus110 z11ha.—Pelican’

spouch, mde’


poultice, n . Ta’kucocoaehnakapi.poultry,


n. WahupakozawannYM JPL

pounce, vt. Ihpaya.iyahpaya.

pound, n. 1 . Tkeutapi ; otke11teten p ounds of sugar. 2. Ma’zaskaSagdasir) ta’wa: i t cost tenpounds . vt. 1 . A pa;kasus11za:he pounds me wi th aclub. 2.

Bopax) kapar) kamdu the

woman was p ounding corn. n.

Ptewanuyax)pi okeske he lock

ed the cow in the pound .

pour, vt. Kasta1) ° kada°

papson °

okada. P our on water,mini

okastax).—Pour outwater,minikastar) .—Pour in water


okastax) .—The wheat is pouringou t, aguyapisu kadada. vi .

Ni’nabiyu ° dus ya.pout, vi . Iyokip1sni 111) pute

sinkiya.poverty, n. Wowahpanica; Wicawahpanica; kakiiapi.

powder, n . 1 . Cahdi : powderandshot. 2. Ta’ku mdu : grind i t

to p owder. 3. Pezutaapahta

Pounce on,


powerless,a. Was’akesni ; wowas’ake ui ’os .

powwow, n. Dowax)pi ; wapiyadowanpi ; IkeeWicastaowohdake.

pox, n. Ohdi ;itehdohdoka. Smallpox, makosice itehdohdoka.

practicable,a. Econpica; 111)pica.practical,a. Oecox) waste ;akiho ;econpica.

practically,adv. Oeeox) ekta.practice, n. W0 ec0 1) ; wicohax) °

0ha1) . Difi icul t inpractice, oeeor) ektatehike . Practicemakes perfect, woecox) wowayupiks ka’ga. —’


he p ractice ofmedicine, pei utawicastawoe

vt. 1 . E0 0 1) ; ecol) eeee.

To practice fraud, wohnayeec0 1) ecee. 2. KuWa; eco1) .To practice law, wa’kiyapi Wieohax) kuwa. speieiciya;eeewaktaiciya to practicemusic.

practician, n. Tu ’we eco1) eeee .

practitioner, n. Woecon.

prairie, n. Tix)’ta.

prairie-dog, n . Pi1)spi1)za.prairie-chicken, n.


praise, n . Wowita1) ° woyatal ) .Hispraise, to ’

wita1) . vt. 1 . Yata1) yaonihax) yaWaste.

Praise God, Wakantankaya

ta1) .—Praise the child, hoks1y0

pidax) take apowder everynight. vt. 1 . Pamdu ;mduyspowdered alum. 2. A kadadapowder the hair.

powder-box, n. CahdiOpiye.

powder-flask, n. Cahdiozuha.

powder-magazine, n. Cabdi woha.

powder-mill, n. Cahdiokage.

power, 11 . Wowas’ake ; wookihithe power of steam.

powerful, a. Was’aka; otanto1) ;wohifi ka.

powerfully,adv. Ohitiya; was’a

predispose 150

predispose,vt. I’tokamawaci1)ya

i'tokam cankaki’caga.

predominate,vi. I’Wankam 111) kapeya;wowidagya.

preeminence, n. Wotokahe.

preeminent,a. Iyotar) tokahax) .preeminently,adv. Iyotaqyax) iyotax) .

preempt, vt. Makoce icu ; tokaheyai0 11 ;aniea.

preengage,vt. I’tokam ieu ktaeya.preexist, vi . I

'tokam ni.

preexistence, n. I’tokam ui p1.

preface, n. Otokahe iapi ; i’tokamyaota1)i1) i. vt. I’tokam eya.

prefect, n. a'waqyake .

prefer, vt. I'Wankam e

’hnakakahniga; ei1) iyokipi.

preferable,a. Kahnihpiea.preference, n. Kahnigapi ; tukteeiq


preferment, n. Wenkau e’hna

kapi.prefigure, vt. Wi

yaeiqyanayata.prefix, vt. I

’tokam e

’hnaka.pregnancy, n. Cincaikpihnakapi .pregnant,a. Ihdusaka; ta’ku 0


ikoyake ; tke.

prehistoric, a. Hehanyan woyakapi wanica;wanakaia.

prejudge, vt. I’tokam yaco ; tax)

yaqnahoqsni yaco.

prejudice, n. Wowiyukeax) hmi1) ;woynsice. vt. SaninaWi’yukcankiya; tawacir) yutokeca.

prejudicial, a. Wayutokeca; wayusica.

prelacy, n. Woitancan; Wicastawakal ) its ! )car)pi.

prelate, n . Wicastawakaqtaqka.preliminary, a. I’tokam wanka;i’tokam ; otokaheya. n. O


kaheyaWicohar) .prelude, n. I

'tokam econpi.

premature, a. Iyehantusni ; iyehantusni sutor) kohaqna.

prematurely,adv. I’tokam kohax) ;nahaqh iyehantusni.


premeditate, vt. Kohax)awaeiI) .premeditation, n. I‘tokam awac inpi.

premier, n. Tokaheyaitancan.

premise, vt. Iapi 0aehde ka’ga.

premium, n. 1 . Ta’ku ohiyapiwhat is thepremium. 2 . Ma’zaska0dotap1 wokai uzu .

premonition, n. Wowaktapreoccupancy, n. Tokaheyayuhapi.

preoccupy, vt. I'tokam yuha.

preparation, .

n. Yuwiyeyapi ; p11elyap1 p1yap1 .

prerm fofy.a. ,

0 11 yum yeyapl ;en p1W1cayap1.

prepare,vt. Yuwiyeya;piyae’hnaka; piya. vi. Yuwiyeya; pueiya.

prepay, vi. I’tokam kaini n .

prepayment, n. I’tokam kazuzupi.preponderance, n. I’akam tke .

preposition, n. Iapi i ’tokam 111)o’takuye iapi.

preposse88,vt. I’tokamawac iqya;

i 'tokam yuba; woawacir) 0 211danya.

preposterous,a. Yuici1)sniyax) ;iyecetush i.

prerogative, n. Wicohax) .presage, vt. I’tokam oyaka.presbyter, n. Hugkayapi.Presbyterian, n. Okodakiciyewa11a!) obe wanzi ; H111)kaita1)ea1)pi.

presbytery, n. Presbyterian WicastawakaI) omniciye .

prescience, n. I’tokam sdonyapi.pr

iscribe,vt. Econsi wowiynkcan11 .

prescription, 71. Woecon; wowi

yukcax) .presence, n. En 111)

pi ; itohnake.

—In the presence of , i’tokam.

—Presence of mind, tawacix)mde'za.

pres’ent,a. 1 . En m) o

poyaM ) .—I am present, en wam) . 2.

present’ 151 preternaturally

De dehan ; dehantu . The Wowapi ahdihpeyapi asmallpresentage, Wieoicaige de. 3. printingp ress. 3. Wotaninwo(Gram.) Dehantu. n. 1 . Ta’ku wapi : thepress is mighter thankicieupi W0 it11ha1) I send you the sword. 4 . Wokihnake aapresent. 2. Wowapi know clothes press. 5. Woiyopastaall men by thesepresents. ke in the press of bus iness.


, vi. Kn ; itukihax) . —He 6 . Wieotakicipatitanpi.presented me this book, wowapi pressing,pa.WawiyOpaétake;wade maku . 2. Pazo i ’tokame’hde : he p resented himself.

Presentarms, Wi’pe kipazo.

Present the name,cai eyata;

caze pazo.

presentable,a. Paz0piea;kupica.presentation, n. Pazopi ; yutan11) 1.

presfl tlment, n. I’tokam wasdonyapi wakihdecapi.

presenti adv. Ecadan; bo’kesta.presentment,n. KipaZ Opi;keci1)pi.preservation, n. Taq’

yax) ynhapi ;niyanpi.

preservative, n. 0 1) waniyanpi.preserve, vt. Tanyax) ynha;kiya; hwiq ’ktesni yuhn p re

serve the king.—Preserve fruit,

waskuyeeahwin’sni hna’kapi.

Laws to preserve game, wamakaskax) so’

te kte sni W00pe.

preserves, n. Wasknyeeakuke kte

preside, vi. Itancal) i’yotanka;awanyaka.

presidency,n.Woitanear) wowa1)yake.

president, n. Itenean ; omniciyeyaha;Tankansidax) .

presidential,a. Itancax) ta’wa.press, vt. 1 . Paskica; yuskica;kashica; iyahdaskica p ress

out the juice. 2. Patax) e00 1)kiya; i ’yopastake : he pressed

me to go. 3. Ni’nakuwa;ni ’nacinkiyahepressed himwi th thetruth. vi. Wakitax) ; waWiyopastaka: press on to glory.

11 . 1 . Wi’caskiee ; Wi’patar) .. 1 hay-

p ress, pei 1- icaskiea. 2.

pressingly,adv. Ni’na.pressman, n. Wowapiahdihpeye.

pressure, n. Wokaskice ; woiyopastake ; tke W0patita1)

presswork, n. owapi ahyai ;wowai puspapi.

pres ge, n. owiyutanye ; W0was’ake.

Ohanko ; inahni .presumable,a. Eciqpiea.presumably,adv. Iyecetnka.presnme, vi. 1 . E011) ; keeix)

—Ipresume, kepea. Youpresume,keca1)i. 2. Sdonyekor)za; tawatenya.

presumption, n. 1. Eeiqpi ; keci1)pi ;W0Wiy11kca1) . 2. Wowitkotkoka;Wi’yukcax)sni.

presumptive,a. Wi ’yukcanpiea.presumptively, adv. Wi ’yukeaqyax) eci1)pi iyececa.

presumptuous,a. EeoqktehcaW0hitika; sdonye. ecol) .

presuppose, vt. I'tokam eeix) .

presupposition, n. I’tokam eci1)pi

pretend vt. Koq’za; ecaecox) ;

Wieakesni skan he pretendedto be sick.


nder, n. Wicahnayax) .pretense, n. K0n

’zapi ;wicahm111)

kapi Wohnaye ; ecaecoqpi.pretension,n. Ta’wakoq ’

zapi wahanicida.

pretentious,a. Ta’lmieida.preterit,a. (Gram ) He’kta; yustanpi.

preternntural, a. Te’hees ; waka1)se.

preternaturally,adv. Togye ;ni’na.

pretext 152

pretext, n . W0k0 1)ze ; woakahpe .

prettily, adv. Wasteya; yupiya;oiyokipiya.

prettiest,a. sup . Iyotanwaste .

prettiness, n. Wowaéte ; woiyokipi.

pretty,a. Waste ;wasteka;owa1)yagwaste : whataprettyfloweradv. ahecenyapretty good.

prevail, vi . 1 . Ohiya: Israel prevailed. 2. I

yakspeya; ohiyaheprevailed in the council . 3.

Econkiya; cin ’eni econkiya

theyprevailed o nhim to go. 4 .

Yuba; ecox) : the custom pre

vails in India.prevailing,pa. 1.Was’aka;ohiyaprevailing prayer. 2 . O ’h11)ni

kinin he’ceea; iyotax) o’ta: the

prevalence, n. Wa1)kan was’agya111) ni’11aeeeca.

prevalent,a. Ni’xxs eeecapi ; ta1) ’kayau1) ° was’aka.

prevaricate, vi . Ecinsni oyaka;yatokeca.

prevarication, n. Wayatokeeapi ;woyatokeea.

prevaricator, n. Eei1)sni oyaka.prevent, vt. Kagiya;kaseya;okihisniya;anapta.

preventable,a. A naptepica.prevention, 11. A naptapi ; waanaptapi .

preventive, n . Woanapte .

previous,a. I’tokam ; tokaheya.previously,adv. I’tokam .

prey, 11. Ta’wa; waahdipi ;kipi. vi . Wabotiea;wamanox) .

price, 11. Woka211211 ° iyawapi ;iyuwix) ; Y. Wi

’si : the price of

toil. Wi thout price, iq i1) eo

da1) .—What is the price, tokeniyawapi he .

priceless,a. Yawapieasni .prick, n. 1 . Wi ’cape ; ta’ku pe ;ta’ku pe’sto : kick the p ricks.

2 . Capapi ; capapa; woeapa.vt. Caps ; icam e

’hde .—He

p ricked me, camapa.—Prickaknife into the ground, makaeni sa1) ieam hde.

—Pricked to the

heart, eante ieapa.—Pricked uphis ears, nakpakabosdata.

pricker, n . Wi’cape .

pricking, n . Capapa.prickle, n. Wi ’cape ; i1) ’kpa.prickly, a. Pepe pespesto .


p ear, unkeekeeka.pricky,a. Pepe .

ride,hanieida1 ;wamnaicidapi ;watankaiei pride goeth be

fore destruction. 2. W0W iy11

James takespride in keep ing fat horses. 3.


pride of his father. vi . (Withthe reflexive pronoun .) Iwi1)kta; iwahanicida.

prier, n. Wa’kites’a; waasdaye.

priest, n . Wawayusna; Wieastawakan; T. wakaneekiya°


Cath. sinasapa°


prim,a. Wayuco ;stosto. vt. A yu

eo ka’ga°

pastosto .

primacy“ O’tokahe °

,woitanca1)prlma-donnn, n. Win

yax) dowax) itanoan .

primafacie, u1)° ite

akan u1) .

primary, a. O ’tokahe ; tokahax)

p rimary schools—A matter ofprimary importance, ta’lm ki1)woawaei1) o’

tokahe hca.primate, n. Tokaheyaitancan) .prime,a. Tokahan iyota1) ; itan

ca1) ; itancan.—Pnime mover


iyotar) kuwa.—Prime number,

wayawapi kiynspepieasni . n

O’tokahe ; iyotal ) waste behan

wastepi ; hehanyar) was’aka.He died in his prime, iyotat)was’akahehan ta. vt. 1 . Cabdi


pukota. n. Wi'pakote.

probity, n. Woowotanna; wowsste yuwieakapi.

problem, 11. Wowiyukeal) ; woewoiwanf


problematic,a. yukcanpica; to ’

ketu ta1)i1)kni.proboscis, n. Pasn.

procedure, 11.ao ; oeanku ;woknwa.

proceed, vi . 1 . Iyaye iyooptayahis j ourney.

9He is proceeding, iy0pte. n.

Woecox) ; WicohaI) .—B ead the

proceedings of the meeting,Omniciye woecon yawa.—A nillegal proceeding, Wleoha1) woope ohnasni .

proceeds, n. Wokamna;woicage.

process, n. 1 . Woecon;wokuwathe process of making bread.

2. Oiy0pte ; yeye.—In the pro

cess of time,n, n. 1 . I’ciyazaomani

pi.—A funeral procession, Wi

cahnag ya’pi. 2. Woiyopte ;ohiyaye.

proclaim, vt. E’

yanpaha; oyaka;yaotanil ) proclaim war.

proclamation, n . Eyanpahapi ;woyakapi : thanksgivingproclamwtion.

proclivity, n. Woiyuta1)ye ;wowa

procrastinate, vt. Yuteha1) ;kihnakes’a.

procrastination, n. Yntehanpiprocurable, a. Iyeyepicapl ea.

procure, vt. Okini ; icu ; kamnahe procured three doctors.

procurer, n . Wawihni ;ki’cieuwa.


prnd’nce, n. Ta’lm ieahyapi ;woi

ta’we tal

p u n. o eage ;w0kage °

ta’kll ka’ge ; ta’ku ieage . 23(Math ) O ’

yuwitaya.production, 11. 1 . Ka’gapi ; yutaninpi : the production of tin. 2.

Ta’kukagapi ta'kuicahyazy


3. 11


profane, a. 1. Ikeeka° ikce : aprofane author. 2. Waohodasni . vt. Ts ’kn Wakal ) oboda

ta1)i1)pi ; keieiyapi. 2. Wico;woskineiye : theprofession

prod, vi. Patipa; pa2im knwa.prodigal, a. Waynsota;gya: theprodigal son.

pmdlgallty, Waynsotspl ; wswxhansyapl o

prodigious, a. Tan ’ka; h11) ’sk0tanks ; wa’petokeca; apro

a1) ;nina: he grewprodigiously.

—Helaughedprodigious ly ni’naiha.

prodigy, n. Wowapetokeca.produce


, vt. 1 . Ieahys ;aicahyathis groundproduces corn well.2. Yuts1) 11) ; pszo ;produce the evidence.

profanely,adv. Ohodasniyal ) .profaneness, n. Waohodapisniprofaner, n. Waohodssni.profanity, n. Waohodapisni .profess, vt. Ohdaka; en ihdutanix) ; he


professed,a. Ihdaotanil) ; ta1) i1)p

Yu l 111]

professional 155 promontory

of adoctor. 3. Okodakiciye ; pro’

gress, n. Woiyopte ; iyoptspi.

oski ciye. progress’

, vi. Iyopte ; sam ya.profess onal, a. Woskineiye ts

progression, n. Woiy0pte ; woi


professionally,adv. (Sakineiye eciya otallhan

professor,tu waor)spekiya: the professorof Greek. 2. Je’ans 0 ’

pa; wakancekiya.

professorship, n.

°Wa0 1)s ekiyaWicohal ) .

proffer, vt. Hiyukiya; 1111 ktakeys .

proficiency, n. W00kihi ;woway11pika;wosdonye .

proficient,a.Wayupiks ;waakiho.

proficiently.adv. Wayupiya.profile, 11. Ohomni owapi ; Wicitehdakix)yal ) owapi .

profit, 11. 1 . Woksmna. ; aica'


theprofi t is ten do llars. 2. Iwi

cawsstepi ; woiyokih i ; woka

vi . Okiciwaste ;kamnaitp rofited him ten dollars. vi . Iwaste ; Wi

yokihi .

profitable, a. Waksmns ; Wi’yokihi ; way11waste .

profitably,adv. Yuwasteya; ta1) ’ya1) .

profitless,a. Woksmnaeo’da1) .Woynsice.

profligate, n. Sinyaokagye ; waihang.“

profound,a. Mahentu ; c aka.profoundly,adv. Mahentuya.profonndness, n. Omahentu .

profuse,a. Iyakicu pal) ’ga;ohanpi ;aokageea.

profusely,adv. Iyakicuya.profuseness, n. Wokageca.profusion, n. Woptecasni °

, 0o’ta.

progenitor, n. H111)kake .

progeny, n. Cinca.prognosticate, vt. Oyeke ;ayata.program, programme, 11 . Woeconoyaka; omniciye wowapi.

progressive,a. Iy0pte ; wakits1) °

sam okihiwacix) .prohibit, vt. A napta; tehi1)daprohibit the sale of liquor.

prohibition, n. Watehindapi ;wasnaptapi ;miniwaks1)anaptapi.

prohibitive,a. Waanapta.prohibitory,a. Waanapts .


ject, n. Wowiynkcax) ; woe


, vt. 1 . Pasdohal ) iyeya;hiynys ; ehpeys .

—Hep rojectedthe roof , swakeyasam hiyuys .

2. Iynkcsx) : p roj ectap lan. 3.

Ics 2 0 °

sam owa: p roj ect the

lines. vi . B iyu ; ssm hiyn : i t

proj ectsafoot.projectile, n . Ta’ku yeyspi ; wayeyapi ° wanhk)kpe ° ms ’

zasu .

projector, 11. Ka’ga; W1’y11k0a1) .prolific, o


ieahya; 0 i 1)0 0 ts .

prolix, a. Ha1) ’ska; ehaes ha1) ’ska°

,sokaga; iapi ecewinots .

prologue, n. Owohdake otokahe .

prolong, vt. Ynhsnska.promenade, vi . Ihdnz in omani .prominence, wo

wankantnyan paha.prominent,a. Okita1)i1) .prominently,adv.

promiscuous, a. I’0 i0ahi ° token

051W”)promiscuously,adv. I’cieahiya.promise, n. 1 . Wahoyspi ;wowahoye : the p romise of God. 2

Wowa0 i1)y0 ° waste kta'

1yec 1 11

111)pi . vt. Wahoya° iwahoya;keys ; kn ktaeya; se’

0a: tlmA gent p romised meawagon.

The clouds p romise rain.

promising,a. Waste ktase’ca.

promissory,a. E0 0 1) ktaoyaka.promontory, n. Ipa; makoce ipa.

promote 156 proportion

promote, vt. 1 . I0ahya; o’kiys ;


yopsstake promotoeducatio n.2. asnksntnys ; waukaue’hnaks : p romoted to the next


promoter, 11 . Waical‘lya; wao

promotion, 11. Yuwa1)ksntnyapi .promotive,a. Waokiya.prompt,a. Iyehan e0 0 1) 0ha1)k0 ;katinyal ) Promp tattendance,iyehsn bi

pi . Promp t obe

dience,ksti1)ya1) snagoptar)pi .

—Promp t orders, e0 0 1)Wi0akiyapi oha1)k0 . vt. Econkiya;okiyakap romp t him to go .

prompter, n. Tn ’we e0 0 1)kiya; tu ’

we okiyaka.promptly, adv. Ohankoya ko

ha1)ns iyehanysr) . A nswer

promp tly, kohannaaynpta.Ring the bell p romp tly, iyehanys1) wohda.

promptness, n . Iyehan econpi ;woiyehantn ; owicahal )kopi.


kag, n. O ’inkpa; oadetka; oha

pronged,a. Okaka; gangsta.pronoun, 11. (Gram. ) W0 0a2e e


pronounce, vt. E’

ya; e’nspeya;

ecen e'

ys p ronounce distinctly.

—I can’tpronounce it, ecen epa

owakihisni . He pronounced

the dollaracounterfeit, ma’zaskahe wohnaye keys .

pronounceable,a. E0en eyepica.pronounced, a. Okitsnil ) ; wowicake .

pronouncer, n . To’ken eyapioyaka.

pronunciation, n. E’napeyapi ; oe

nape ; iapi oenape .

proof, n. 0 1) yuwicakspi ; Woiyu

te ; 0 1) to’ketn sdonyapi : he

gave no p roof of his sincerity.

a. 1 . 0 1) ynwicakapi : ap roofsheet; ap roof text. 2. Okihi

picasni ; wskshdokesni : bulletproof.

proofless,a.aicakapi wanica.prop, vt. Ipstal ) e

’hde . n . Ipatsx) ; ipstake.

propagate, vt. 1 . 10ahya: propagate religion. 2 . Sam icahya;0 i1)0at0 1)kiys : propagate buffalo .

propagation, n. Waicahyapi.propel, vt. Iyayeya; iy0pteyapowder propels the balls .

— The

boat is prOp elled by steam, watskit ) minipo kil) 0 1) iy0pte .

propeller, n . Waiyopteya; wa’tsyusdoha1) .

propensity, n . Woiyntanye .

proper, a. 1 . Wahehantn ; owo

ta1)naprop er conduct. 2. Wicitawa; iyecetn : water is the

proper p lace for afi sh. 3.

(Gram) . I’yatayeda1) ° isnansta’wa.

properly,adv. Tanya1) yueoya.

property, 11. 1 . Woynha: thathorse is my property. 2. W0

tokeea; 0 1) wasdonyapi : sweetnose isap rop erty of sugar.

prophecy, n . Wok0a1)pi ;woayate .

prophesy, vi. A yata; iyuk0a1)prop hesies the destruction ofJ erusalem. vi . Woyaka: Johnprophesied.

prophet, n. Waayate ; WicastsWokes1) .

prophetess, n . Win’

ys l ) wasyate .

prophetic,a. Waayate ;wskcanka.prophetically,adv. WakcanyaI) .propitiate, vt. Canwasteya; yuWsste ;awacinkiya; ta’ku kn.

propitiation, n. Woka2n2n ;yuwastepi.

propitiator, n. Waka2n2n ; waynwaste .

propitiatory,a. Waka2u2npi.propitious, a. Owasteca; wastektaiteka°

,waynwaste .

proportion, 11 . Oiynte ; iyeki0etu .


pro'test, n. I’eniyeyspi ;s


ha!) oyapi ;Wiosdspisni.Protestant, n. Sinm paA teyspi,Pope, he itancanynhs Wicsdssni.

protract, vt. °Ynhsnska;yntehan

tracted meeting, anpetu iyohi


protrude, vi. Inspeys . vi . Hinsps hiyn : his tongueprotrudes.

protuberance, n. Po ; pszowsqks .

protuberant,a. Psi owsnks .

proud,a. 1 . Wshsnicida:ap roudIWixjkts ; iynskin

proud of his horse. 3. Wowi

tax) ; tan'ks ; ohitiks : p roud

proudly,adv. Wahsnicidsys ;W0Witsxjys .

prove, vt. 1 . aicska: provewhat you say. 2. Iynts : p rove

the strength of the wagon. vi.

Tsnix) .


provender, n. Wsnnysnpi tawoyute ; pei i woynte.

proverb, n. Woksspe Wicoie ; Wicoiewsknx) Wi ’ysoiqpi.

proverbial, a. Wicoie eyspis’s ;

oyapi coo.

proverbially,adv. A'tayasdonye.

pi ; can.

provide, vt. Kamns ; knwa; Wi'yeys e

’hnaks ; ihni.—Providefor his children, cix)cs Wioskicicsmns .

provided, cory‘

. Ehantaxjhsx) ; kinhat) .

providence, n. 1 . Woswsnyske ;woihni he has no providence

for his family. 2. n. pr. W8 »

provident, a. Wsmhm ; W1 yeyshns

'ks wakpstsxj aprovidenthusband.


ividential,a. Ts ’knWsksr) etanat) .

158 prudentialprovidentlally, adv. Ts ’knwsksrj


provider, n. Wsksmns .

provlsionai,a. Inahniksgspi.proviso, n. Woksse.

provocation, n. Wo e on W0iyo astako.

11331? y

rovo e, vt. Naglyeys ; csnzeys ;wacinkoys ; i'yo


rovoked,pa. Sigh


prov , n. Ws'tsips wstoksps .

prowess, it. Wow°

tske : woohi

prowl, vi. Nshmsn omani ; nahmsrj ode.

prowler, n. Nshmsnomani .rosinate,a. Ikiyeds l) o


roxlmlty, n. Kiyedsx) .

proxy, n. B ’ekiyawoecon.

rudence, n. Woksspe ;wopskanprudent,a. Kss ’

ps ; wswitonpe ;wakpstsx) . A prudent hing .

A prudent driver, Wskshapawawitonpe.

—A prudentasp enditure

, owopetox) wakps tsx) .pn



dential,a. Waitonpapi ;Wi’yncan.

penude . 3. Tohsnysi) skan ta’kuiyowsts : theprovince ofp eetryrovlaclal, a. Mskobsspe s


yasui ; isnsns ts ’wspi.

provinciallsm, n.

iIapi tiospsye

wani idsxjTry i ; iapihcesni .

provision, n. nwiyeyspi ;weievision for abig


m2. oynto ; Wsneys :

provisionsfor the j ourney. vt.

Woynte kn : provision the sol

prudentiallyprudentially,adv. Wi’ynkoanysn;wakptanysn.

prudently,adv. Kssmyshsn.

prune, vt. In’kps basimsips ; onapssps ehpeye. n. Kantasapa.

pry. 1» Iynkiri iyuptanye vtatsnysni Yuptal lyem mi

psalm, n . Odowaskan.

pshaw, inteij . Hoh ; hinte .

psychology, n. Wotswscin woon

puberty, n. Cinestonokihipi.

public, a. 1 .. 0 ystetsws public

property. 2. Otsnin; o’Wsncs

sdonyspi : the discovery ismadepublic. 3. Tn

’W0 qeyas ts ’ws ;

sintomni ta’wspi apublic

road . it . Oyate ;Wiesstas ’taya—In p ublic : Wioséts i’toksm ;

tanmyaxi.publican, n. Ro’ms wamnsysn.

publication, it. 1 . Ysotaninpi ;ka’gapi ; wowapi ms ’

zs onks’


pi . he gathers the news for

p ublication. 2. Wotanin W0




p ”

adailyp ublication.

public it. A’tayaotsnin.

publicly,adv. Tsninysn.

public-spirited, a. Oyate en wso

iinynzs ; wswscinktaynzstsna.

publish, vi . 1 . Ysotsnin; oyaka.the heraldpublishes the victory.

2. Wotaninwowspi oyaka; W0Wapi ka’gs .

publisher, n. Wowapi ms ’zs on



er, vt. gnhshs ;, .ynéke

puddn , n. ocoyawaspanysnp1puddle, n. Minioskokps .

pueblo, n. Otonwe . Pueblo Indians, Snsoni Wicaas .

puerile,a. Wsksnhezs .

pull, ii . 1 . I gan z ap ufi ’

ofwind. 2. spi on spogsnpi ;esi eystspi apuy


in thepap er .

vt. 1 . A pogsn ipogsn. 2. Yu

159 punctuatetsnks ; tste on oznys : p ufi

edup wi th pride. 3. s aéte ;ysonihsn: hepufl


ed the doctor.

putting, a. Pohpoh ; niyssni tsnunso.



puke, vi . Hde’

ps ; hiynys .

pull, vt 1 . Yntitsn : p ull down therop e. 2. Ynsdohsn : the horse

can’t pull it.

—Pull down,knn

ehpeys , ynznzu .—Pull frui t,

wssknyecs yuépi. Pull in,

mshen 1en.—Pull ofi

, ynédoks .

—Pull o ut, ynpsnn.—Pull a

tooth,hi ynpsnn.

—Pull to

pieces, ynksskss .—Pull up , yu

znn.—Pulled u t hisfather’s,

stknkn ti ekta“

Lm zin

pullet, n. A n’

psohotonns Wi ’ye

msks wantins .

pulley, it. Cansynhomnipi.pulmonary,a. Cagn.

pulp, n. 00 ; nini.

pulpit, n. Wicsstswsksn onsz1n.

pull'Y.a. 00 00 .

pulsation, n. Iyaps : oiyaps .

pulse, n. 1 . Ksn’iysps : a

pulverlze, vt. Psmdnmdn ; mdnka’saynpanpan; bopan

pump, u Miniicn ; esnhdogecsOhnamini icnpi . vt. 1 . Miniion ; ion. 2. E

ys knwa; iwangs .

pumpkin, n. Wamnn ; Y. wskmn ;

pun, nmag

?wsWihahs .

punch, n. 1 . MiniWsksnicshi he

drankaglass of p unch. 2 . Ma’zsieshdoke : strike the p unch

hard. vi. Psnini pahdoks .

punctual, a. Iyehan econ iye

hantn :apunctual payment.punctually,adv. Iyehsnysn.


gtuate, vt. S smyapidsne


punctuationpunctuation, n. S smyspidsn he ’

nuazin .

puncture, vi. Pshdoks ; caps . n.

ohdoks ; opshdoks .

pungent, a. 1 . Pszs ; pa apungent turnip . 2. Pe’

sto ;ws

yshtsks p ungent remarkspungently,adv. Fe ’

stoya.punish, vt. Iyopeys kakip unish the child.

punishable,a. Iyopeyepies .

punishment, n. WoiyOpeye ;

. 6m msnksgics .

puny,a. Ci’stina, sts ’ks ;hnn’ke

sni :ap uny girl.imp. n Sunhpadanpupil, n. 1 . WaysWs ; wsonspekiyapi ; sicecs . The B oardingS chool pupils , ti

pitsnks waenepeWicskiyspi .

—He was ap up il at Santee Training S chool.2. 16tssnssps ; istssn .

puppet, n. Wicsétsksgspidsn.

puppy. is Sunhpadaxipurr, vi . Hdo : the catpurrspurchasable,a. Opetonpics .

purchase, vt. Opeton p urchaseahouse.

—Purchass wi th (orfor) ,iy0peys .

—B uy of, opekiton. n .

1 . 0W0peton; wopeton: abadp urchase. 2. lynkin Wi ’yuze

raise i t wi thapurchase.

purchaser, n. Tu ’wo wopeton.

pure,a. 1 . E’eedsn; Y. e




T. e’

;cels ta’kudan icshisni

p ure gold. 2 . Skaws’kssote

sni ; woshtsni ui’

:os ap ureman.

purely,adv. E’eedsn.

pureness, n. Woecedsn; e’cedan.

purgative,a. u . On iheyapi.purgatory,n. Wiesnsgi woyuzszs .

purge, vi. 1 . Iheyekiys : the medicine purged him. 2. Ynzszs

risks : p urgemefrom sin. n.

optsiyeyapi ; on iheyapi.piirfiicationm . Wsyuskspi.


purifi er, n. Wsyusks ; wayuecedan.

purify, vi. Ynsks , yneeedsn ks

sotesni ynwsste .

pnrlty, n.Woecedsnwowsksso

purloin, vt. Manon ; nspistsnysn.

vi . Wsmsnon.

purple, n. S tan ; ssstsn as .

purport, n. To’ken ks ’

pi ; woknWs . vi . Ks ; yntanin.

purpose, n. Ta’ku knwapi ; W 0kuwa; tsWscin; ts ’kn cin


what is theirp urpose in coming.

—Ou p urpose, cin. vt. A wacin; Wscinynzs he p urposedwell.

purposeless,a. Tawacin wanica.purr, vi . Hdo ; hdodowsn.

purse, n. 1 . Ms ’zssks oznhs W0

2nhs :an emp typ urse. 2. Mazssksyekiyspi he won the


pursuable,a. aspics .

pursuance, n. Woknws . In pur

suance of, s’etopts ; ohnsysn.

pursuant,a. Ecen . P ursuant to,ecetnys .

pursue, vt. as ; pasi ; knwas’

ys ; ya; iyoya.—Pursue the

enemy, to’ks kin knws .

— Pur

rabbits,mastines pasi.

pursuer, n. Wsknws .

pursuit, n. Kuwapi ; woknws .

The p ursuit ofp leasure, womagsgs knwapi.

purvey, vt. Ihni ; okini .

pus, n. Ton. Discharge pus, tonbiyu ; tonye.

sh, vi. 1 . Pstsn; pstaniyeys ;pstitan : push the sled.


the box this way, kokaden ’tkiys

psadohsn.—Push hard, ni


pstitsn. 2. I’

yopsstsg kn’ws ;

ni ’ns kn ’wa.—He is p ushingmeforpay, woksznzn onni’nsmakuwa.—Push aside

, psksmiyeya.—Push down, knn iyeys .


quack, vi . Hoton the ducks quack.

n. 1 . Hotonpi. 2. Onspekiyapisl l i econ ; Wicshnaysn; wamnsieids : the doctor isaquack.

quackery, n. Wamnsieidapi.quadrangle, n . Oisetopa.quadrant, n . 1 . Canhdesks to’

pabaspapi. 2. 0 takinyan oiynte.

quadrennial, a. Waniyetu to’

ps ;waniyetn i’topa.

quadrilateral, n. aitopa.quadroon, n. Iyokise ya’mui hssksks iyokise wan2i hssaps .

quadruple, a. To’

psakihde . vt.


psskihde ka’ga.quail , vt. Ni’nayatkan ; yabemiyeys .

quagmire, a. Hihi ; coco ; wiwi .n. Wiwi mskahdihdi .

quail, n. Z i’casapena. vi. Natnnks

, ;nsps kokips .

quaint, a. To’kecs ; heyokase ;wowiha.

quaintly,adv. Wowihs .

quake, vi . Cancun; hnhnzshsn;kokips . n. Csncsnpi.

quaker, n. Wseancsn; canesnpi.mpr. WapshstankaWicasta.

quail ugly,adv. Csncsnyan.

quaky,a. Sntaéni hohodan.

qualification, n . W’oysstsnin



kecaoyaka;woiyeeetn .

qualifi ed, pa. Iyecetu okihi ; yn

étsnpi ; onspays .

quailty, vt. 1 . Piieiys ; onspeiei

eiye he qualifi ed himself to

teach . 2 . Onapayatokecs ; oshececaks ’

ga; san ’


3. (Gram.) Yatsnin. vi . 0nleieonze .

quality, n . Itokecs kin ohan ;obe;okage ; oépsye .

qualm, n . Wohnaskinye ; wokskize ; t o


quasi,a. Se’eeeca.

quaternary, a. To’

ps itopa. n.

Icitopa.quaver, vi . Ho yncsncsn hol

magicadowsn. n . Ho’

yscancsnpi.quay, n. Wa’tsoshnni ka’gapi.

qualmish,a. Hde’pektehca.quandary, n. To’ketntaninéni .quantity, n. To’

11skecs ; Oiynte ;woyswa; o’

ta.Quapaws, n. pr. Pe’ss .

quarantine, n. Wi’tswats woks

ske ; makosics wokaske. rt.

Makosics onksakspi .quarrel, n. Woakinica; wokicizeskinicspi . vt. Kiciza;akinica.

quarrelsome,a. Wsakinices’s .

quarry, n. In’

yan okapi . n . 0ke .

quart, n. Mniyatketsnks oiynte .

quarter, n. 1 . To’

pskibaépspiwan2i . 2. Kaspspi nom asmokise ; Y. kangikagspi : I paidhimaquarter . 3. W1 ya’mnlwearepaid quarterly. 4 . Oyanke ; ti

pi : miserable quarters.

Head -

quarters, akl c l tatsncanti .—Show no quarters, onsidssni. vt. 1. To

pakibsépa.Oysnke kn ; ynhekiya: they

quartored the soldiers in the

church. vi . Ti , .yankaquarterly,a. Wsniyetn wan2i to’

pskibaépapi ;W i ya’mni : quarterlypayments.

quartermaster, n . A kicitatiawanyake ; heyskeawsnyake .

quartette, n. B otopadowsnpi ;to’


ka.quartz, n. In

ysn (ocs2e) .quash, vt. Ksénsn2s ; ihangya;yntsknnisni;ynecetnsni . Quashan indictment

,woiyaonps y nta

queen, n. Wicsstsystspiwin W i

csstaystspi tawicn Win’

yanitanoan : the queen of England.

—Queembee, tuhmags itancan.

queenly,a. Itancanwinyan se’cs


queer,a. To’kees ;W0Wihs .


eerly,adv. Wowihaya.quell, vt. Ynssni : quell the riot.

quench,vt.Ynsni :quench theflames.

quenchable,a. Ynsnipica.querulous,a. Iyokipisni ies’s ;asicshdo.

querry, n. Woiwsngs . vi. Wi’

Wangs 0 .etnnhdaquest, n.W’sodepi ;W1’hn lp lquestion, it. Woiwsngs Wi’wangapi. vi .Wi’wangs ;cetnnhdsquestionhis motives. . WaWiwan

questiona1life,a. To’ketntsninsul

wacetnnhdspics : i t is questionable whether he can i cud.

questioner, n. Wawiwsngs .

quibble, n. Ecsispi.

wsWihapi ;waeetnnhdspi . vi . Heciyotansni is ; cetun

quick,a. 1 . Ohanko . quickmotion.

2. Ni , ni un . adv. Ohsnkoys ;kohsnna do i t quick

—B e

ahni . n. Oyszsn; tu

quicken,vt. Yninshni ;0’cim ohan

ko econ . vi . Ni, skanskan .

quickening, n. Wicsynhiespi W0

q ckly,adv. Ohankoysquickness, n. Woohsnko.

quicksand, n. Wiyaks 0 00 0 ,Wiysks hdihdidan

quicksilver, n. Ma’ssakanini.quickstep, n. A kicitstadowsnohsnko.

quickwitted,a. Waeinkssps .

quid, n. Woysts ystspi.

quiescent,a. Owsn2inn taninéniwanka.

quiet,a. Owanzinn ; stanas n ;

163 quotient

wa’hbadan. vt. Kibua; yuinina. n. Woamdakedan; W0ékanskan wanica.

quietly,adv. A ’inina; stensensthe bird sat quietly.

quietness, n. Woamdakens ; W0inins .

quietness, n. Wossni W0 synétan.

quill, n. Wi’yaks ; wowapiicsge.

Porcup ine qui lls, pahinquill-driver, n. Wowapiksga.quilt, n. Sinaokipatspi ; owinzaakshpe. vt. Waksgege.

quilting, n . 0W inzaakshpe wakagegepi.

quince, n . Tsspsn (ocs2e) .quinine, n. Canesnpi pe2nta.quinsy,n.Wi’nspcepopiwoyazanquintessence,n. Iyotsnwsste ;weitancan.

quintette, n. Hozaptan dowanpi.quire, n. WowapiskaWikcemnanom sam to

ps .

quirk, n . Wonsbska; woynksi2equirkish,a. Skiska; ohantokecaquit, vi . 1 . A ynstsn; enakiyequitcrying. 2. Ihnnikiys ;econ

Jui t you likemen.

q tclaim,n.Ts ’waihdawaenakiye

quite,adv. 1 . Tan ’

yan ;ocowssin;ni’ns : the work is quite done.

2. Ki‘tsnns : quite sick.

quiver, n. Wsn’zn . vi . Canaan .

qlllverlugly,adv. Csncsnyan.

quiz, vi. Wi’Wangs ; vvi’wsnh k nwa. n. 1 . Woiwsngs ; Wowi

ynkcsn they gave himaquiz.

2. Tn’we wsvfi hahs .

quizzer, n. WsWiwsnges’s .

quoit, n. Ms’zsokah’


quorum, n. Omniciye iyenakeca.quota, n. I’ye to

’ns econsipi .

quotation, n. Oie oyakapi. Qtatienmarks


’iewa’petokeea.quote, vt. Cazeysta; oie oyaka.quoth, vi . E

ya.quotient, n. To’

nakiys ynspapi ;to

’nskees ohns iyaye.


rabbet, vi. Tete kaskokps .

rabbi, n. Itsnesn.

rabbit, n. Mastines .

rabble, n. Tn’wepi tsninéni ; wi

cots .

rabid,a. Ocinsies ; hnsskinysn.

rabidly,adv. Wohitiys ; mde’ze

sni .

raccoon, n. Wies .

race, n . 1 . Obe ; Wicobe ; oyate .

The White race, oyateaka. 2.

Oinysnke ; kiinysnkapi let us

run arace. 3. Mnieadnze : amill race. vt. Kiinysnke :

will race wi th you .

n. 0 inysnke .

race-horse, n. Snnginyangkiyspi .racer, n. 1 . Kininyankes’a; dn ’


han. 2. Wanmdnékssspa.raclly, adv. Ya2im2imys ; pe

stoya.rack, vt. 1 . Ksskops ; kshoho ;

yns’sks . 2. Kskisys ; kscan

can he racked his brain. 11. 1 .

0nWskakisyapi. 2 . A hnskspi :

ahay- rack. 3. Onss’in aslowrack. vi . Onss’in : can your

horse rack.

racket, n. 1 . Tskicspsica: aballand racket. 2. 0 W0dntst0n;okoyapi .

racking,a. Wskskisys ; tehika.racy,a. Ways2im2ips ; waynhithica; pe ’


radial,a. Canhdesks W0yugste .

radiance, n . Wowiyskps .

radiant,a. Wiyskpa;Wi ’yegs .

radiantly,adv. Wiyskpays .

radiate, vt. 1 . Iyega: radiate heat.2. A ’ki2an2sn iysyeya.;o’wanesyaiysyeya. a. A ’ki2an2ate ;Wicsnhpiseca.

radiation, n . Wsiyshpeya; 0 ’Wan

cays iysye .


164 raisable

radical, n. 1 . 0 ’hntksn o’tokshe.

2. Hn ’tedsn waya2n2u .

radically,adv. B utkan etanhan;s’tsys .

radish, n. Pangissss .

radius, n. 1 . Canteiyohiya; oyn

raffle, vi . Econns .

it, it. Canynwipi ; csniyaksska

Ri. vt. O

’kahbogys .

taer, n . A wakeyapi hnhs .

rag, n. Minihnhs ehdecshe.

ragamutiin, n. Minihuhs Wieséts .

rage, vi . Wohitiyaskan kah’oh’o

iyeieiys . n . Wocsnniye.

ragged,a. Hdehdecshsn; hehe ;pepe .

ragman, n . Heyahe tsni opeton.

raid, n . Wicomsni ; ozuye.

rail, n. 1 . Mshinatake ; csnhsnaka. 2 . Hemsnimazs layingthe rails.

—He came by rail, hemsni ohns hi. vi . Oétehds .

railer, n. Wiesklges’s ;wayssies .

railing,a. Wayseicapi . n. A csnkaskapi .

rallery, n. Wsostestepi .

railroad, railway, n. Ma’zscsnkn .

raiment, n. Bayake ; Y. hayake ;wokoyske .

rain, vi . Maga2n ; hinhan hinhe .

—Rain on, shinhe. vi . Mags

2n ; hinhsn. n. Maga2n ; maga2nmni ;womaga2n.

rainbow, n. Wihmnnke.

rainfall, n. Womaga211.raiugage, n. Maga2n iyutoraininess, n. Mags2ns’a.rainless,a. Maga2nani .

rainwater, n. Maga2nmni .rainy,a. Mags2ns’s .

raisable,a. aankan ienpics .



idssni tswinysnpi ;Wikikssn

rapid,a. 1 . Ohanko ,dn'zahsn

arap id writer. 2. Ni’ns kadnzs : rapid waters. 3. s nzs

dns y :s arap id current.

pidity, n. Woohsnko.

rapidly,adv. 0 ’hsnk0ys kohanna.

rapine, n. Waboticspi.rapper, n. Iesbn.

rapture, n. Wowiynskintsn’ks .

ruptured, pa. W0Wiynskin 0 2n

dsn hnsékinysn.

re,a. 1 . Tehika; wm ’wsncs

dun ynhspi : arare book. 2.

Ksp0 2edan : rare atmosphei e.

3. Spsn’sni ; ki

’tanns span

rare steak.

rarity, vt. Ksp0 2edsnks ’

gs .

rarely,adv. Wsn’wsncsdsn.

rareness, n . 1 . Wowsi iics : the

rareness of thep lant 2 . W0

p02edsn. 3. Span’éni.

rarity, n. Wotehi ; ecswsnics .

rascal, n. Tu ’wo wahtesni .

rascality, n. Wowshtesni .

rascally,a. Wshtesni.

ruse, vi . Kawsnka.rash,a. Wacinko ; ohsnko ;waswseinsni rash conduct. n.

A h inanpspi : arash on his


rashly,adv. Waswscinsniysn.

rashness, n. Woawacinéni .

rasp, n . Canipabe.

raspberry, n. Takanheca.rat, n. S intesda; Y. hitnnktsnks .

Rat- trap ,sintesdsihmunke .

ratched, n. Wi’ynhomnisnts .

rate, n. 0 iyaws ; oiynte ; Woks2n2u : the rate on grain is toohigh.

—First rate, ui ’natan’

yan. vt. s s ; iysws i’enhi

yeya.rather,adv. 1 . Eat ; iyotan to

ksheys : rather growworse. 2.

Ki ’tsnl is : rather cold.


ratifi cation, n. Yneeetnpi ; ynsntai.

rati er, n. Wsynecetn .

ratify, vt. Ynecetn ; ynsnta.ratio, n. 1 . Kici oiynte iWanyakapi. 2. Tons iwsnyakapi ;oiynte Wi

yokihi .Wowicakupi ; anpetu

iysws W0Wicsknpl ; wokpa

rational,a. Wi’yukcan; mde’ze

cs ;ksa’ps .

rationalism, n. Wi’ynkeanicidspi .rationally,adv. Wscinksamys .

rattle, vt. Hds ; ans ; ko’ks . Iheard the snake rattle. vt. 1 .

Ynhds ; kahds ; kssns, etc . 2 .

Yneeece sni ;wacinksspesniys .

n. 1 . Ieakoks ; wamnnha: theceiy

urer’s rattle. 2. Oyshns

hna arattle in the baby’s

rattlesnake, n. S intehds .

ravage, vt. Ihsngya; sinys kuwa.n. Woihsngye : the ravages ofwar.

ravager, n. Waikangye .



lkvi . Husékinyan; WOhitiys

s n .

ravel, vt. Yusha; ynsna. vi . Shahan; snahsn.

raveling, n. Yusnapi ; osbahe .

raven, n. Kangi. a. Kangise.


eniag, pa. Wsteyes’a; wohi ti

s .

ravenous,a. WOhitiks ; ni’ns do


ravenously,adv. Wohitiya.ravine, n . Q ’

emaka; ksksizs .

ravingly,adv. Hnsskinysnse .

ravish, vt. 1 . s oties ; wamanon ravish the country. 2.

Iynékinkiys ; ihshsys : the sightravished me. 3. Wikiksan ynatawinysn the tramp ravishedthe girl.

ravisher, n. Wi’iyshpsyes’s ; Wi



ravishing 167


ravishment, n. Wsmsnonpi ; W0

raw,a. 1 . Span’éni ; do ; ss

’ks :rawmeat. 2. Ikceks ; ecehns :

raw material. 3. Hawanicaaraw sore. 4. Onspeiini ; nakahs econpi raw troops. 5.

Osni ;Wicscnwits .

raw-bone,a. Tsmshecs ; hnhase.

ray, n. Iy0 2sn2an;W1i2an2an.

rayless, a. Iy02an2sn wames ;0’kpsza.

raze, vt. Ps2n2razor, n. Putinrazor-strep, n. loesante°,prefi x. A ke.

re, n. (Mus ) Hoinonpa.reach, vi. 1 . Iyohiys I can’treach it. 2. Hiynya reachhither thy hand. 3. Iyohi : the

line don’t reach. it . Csnpahmi

hms ; cankahn : lengthen the


react, vt. A kihde econ : react thep lay. vi . Itkom hiyn : the blow


read, vi. 1 . Yawn : read the letter

signs of the times. vi . Wowapiysws : can you read . a. Waenspeks ; wowapi wsynpika: awell read man.

readable, a. s spica; yswspiwaste.

is agood reader. 2. Ways


readily, adv. Kstinysn; ksgisni

ru diaess, n. Ihdnm yeyspl ; W0

kagiwanica.;wokatinyan woi

nahni .—In readiness, Wi ’yeya.reading, pa. Wowapiyawa; wayawa.

reading-book, n. Yawspi-wowspireading-room, n. Wotaninwowspioyawstipi.

readjust, vt. A piys .

readmit, vt. A kihde en kiyuya.ready,a. 1 .Wi’yeys : Iamready.

2. Ohanko : ready writer. 3.

Ki’nics ; ikiyedsn : ready to


ready-made,a. Ksh ’


firm, vt. A kihde e’

ys ; 0’stsn

e ya.real, a. He’cshcs ; wowicske ;hcs . A real Indian, Ikcewicsiteha.

—Real estate,makoce.

adv. Hes . n. Spaniyo ksspspi.realty, n. Wowicske.

realize, vt. 1 . En e’wscin; oks

hniga;wowicake kecin he did

not realize the danger. 2. Etanhanksmnaokini .

really,adv. A Wicak‘


realm, n. Wokiconze ;woonnye.

ream, n. Wowapisks opahte.

reanimate, vt. Kiniys ; yuniys .

reap, vi. 1 . Kssda; sguyspi ksiida; bakes . 2. Mnsye icn

rea the benefi t of his labor.

vi . smnaan Wskseds .

reaper, n. 1 . akse ; icséda: hebroke his reaper. 2.

yo ; wakaéds ; he is agood

reappear, vi . A ke tanin .

reappoint, vt. A kihde econsi.rear, 11. Wshektsps ; ihanke : hewent to the rear. vt. Icshya:rear children. a. Ihanke ; ehake : rear-


reascend, vi. A kihde e’hde.

reason, n. 1 . Wowiyukcan; to’

kecahe’cecs his reason is bad.

2.Wotawscin ;tswacin he haslost his reason.

—By reason of,

168 recitalou etanhan.

—Inall reason, to’recapture, n . Aktaion ; sktsynzs .

ketu ceyss. vi. 1 . Wi’ynkcan recast, vt. A ktakagsI reasoned thus. 2 . Wowiyn 1 . Oyshe

;: the waters

2. Enskiys‘ bo'kta

the j ury. vi. Toketn oyaka;cinkiys . p osition.

reasonable,a. 1 . Iyecetn ; hehsn receipt, n. 1 . Ic1lpitnka: areasonable request. 2 . of thegoods. 2


Wi’ynkcan okihi : man is alo being. 3. Wowiyn

kcsn ohns : areasonable answer. 4 . Ki ’tsnns ; wahehsntn : areasonable good crop .

reasonableness, n. Woecetn .

reasonably,adv. Wshehantnys .

reasoner, n. Wowiynkcsn oyaka.reasoning, n. Wowiynkcsn. a.Wi’ynkcsn.

reasouless,a. Wowiynkcsnui’cs .

reassemble, vt. A kemniciyspi.reassert, vt. A kihde 9 ’

ya.reassure, vt. Piyswicsdsys ; kiWiditsksya.

reattain, vt. A ke iyohiys .

reattempt vi. Piysiyute.

rebaptism, n. A kts mnisksstsnpi.rebaptize, vt. Akts mniakastsn.

rebate, vt. Onéps kicn. n . Kicn

pi ; ts’kn kicnpi.

rebel, n . Wskips2in itancan ts ’

ws kipa2in. vi. Kips2in.

rebellion, n. W0kips2inOkicize .

rebellious,a. Wskips2ins’s ; wa


rebound, vi . Itkom biyu.

rebuff, n. Ksitkokipspi. vt. Itkomehpeys ; shapta.

rebuild, vt A ktsticsgekaga.

rebuke, vt. Iy0peys . n . Woiyo

peye .

" l

ix, vt. I’tkokips ; itkom e


recall,vi . I’cicsWinkusi ;kiksnysrecall the words .

recast, vi. Ihdnptsn is . vi . Iapie’hdskn ; he

’cetnsni e

ys .

recapitulate, vt. To’ie sktayawa.

vi. Icnpiwowspi yutan .


n. Ts'

knicnpi ; ta’kukamnapi .

receivable,a. Icnpics .

receive, vi. 1 . Ieapi : Iyour letter. 2. Tin hiynys ;i

tkokipa: he received usp leasantly. 3. A kips : she

no harm.

receiver, n. 1 . Tu ’we icn kin;W0ka21l2n ion : the receiver of theLand Qfllce. 2. Ohnahnskspi.

recent,a. A skstndsn; Y. decana.recently,adv. A skstudsn ; Y. decans .

receptacle, n. Wohnakereception, n. 1. Oicu ; ohnakspidifi lculty of recep tion. 2. Kicicopi : the resident’s recep tion

receptive,a. enokihi ; okipiks .

recess, n. 1 . Ci’stiyedsn econpiéni ; inshni kihnskspi ; 0k0they took recess ti llafter dinner.

2. Tiokahmin; onsps emshentn .

recession, n. Kicnpi ; he’ktsyapi .

recipe, n. To’ketn oyakapi ; W 0econ owapi ;t0 ’ken icshipi oyskapi.

cip ent, n. Ku’

pi ; ecskiconpi ;tn ’we ic11.

reciprocal,a. A nokatsnhsn sno

kstsnhsnecakiconpi .reciprocrate, vi. Itkom econ .

reciprocity, n. A nokstsnhsn kicicuwapi.

recital, n. l . Oyakspi ;ohdskspithe recital of the testimony. 2.

Iyutaeconpi ; i’toksm oyapi.


recover, vt. 1 . Ikikcn ; ske yuba

A keakahps ; piys skshpa: recover the cushions. vi. A kisni :

recoverable,a. Ikikcnpics .

recovering,pa. A kisnia’ya.recovery, n. 1 . A kisnipi ;akish i

the re

covery of propertyrec



zant,a. Wicakesnirecreate, vi. 1 . A keka’gsthe earth. 2. Oziiciysiciys ; sks

’ta: let the


recreation, n1 0 2nciyapi ; woskste ;W0m

recruit, vt. 1 . Piys ka’gs ecetn

ys yntecs : recruithisstrength.

2. 0 ’

pekiys ; 0’stsn o

pekiys .

3. A kicitanaksha0 ’

ps .

rectangle, n. aitopsokahminowotanns .

rectify, vt. Ynowotsnns ;ynecetn.

rectitude, n. Woowotanns .

rector, n. 1 .Wsswsnhdske itancan. 2. (Ep is ) Wicsstswaksn

rectory, n. Wicastswsksn ti ; Wicastswsksn tswoawsnyske.

recumbent,a. Ipatsnwsnka: knnwsnkspi.

recur, vi . A ke hi ; ske ececaske

en i .

recurrence, n. A ke ececapi.red,a. Sn ; dn’

ts : ared bird.

redbreast, n. Sisoks maknssés .

Redcoat, n. O’kdess ; Sagdsss ski

cits .

reddeu, vt. Says ; dunya. vi . Ite

nsss hinhds .

reddish,a. Ki ’tannaés ; samna.redeem, vi . Opekiton ks2n2n .

redeemable,a. Ka2n2npica; opekitonpics .


red-top, n. Pe211nkps6s .

reduce, vi. 1 . Ynhnknys : reducethe soldiers to the ranks. 2. A ’


aniys : reduce his pay. 3.

ken’owapi ktaynstsn ows



gs : reduce the language to

writing. 4. Oiynte to’kecs ka’


Redeemer, n. Wanikiya; Je’sus.

redemption, n. Wopekitonpi ;wska2n2npi .

red-hand,a. Napewewe.

red-head, n. Pa’ssés .

red-hot,a. Sakata; ni’naka’ta.red-letter,a. $11 ;waste ;wa’piredolent,a. Ecsmns .

redouble, vi. Piysecon;asmaiciciys.

redoubt, n. A kicitamakaokapi.redound, vi . A icshys .

redress, vt. Ks2n2n ; ynecetn.

n. Woks2n2n woynecetu.

red-tape,a. Iyns t ees ohanhsn


redundant, a. I’yskamtn ; itnysnn ehseli o

’ts .

redupllcate, vi. A kihde ka’gs .

reecho, vt. A ke nsiyowssys . n.

A ke naiyowaza.reed, n. 1 . Cedi ; pe2ihsnska. 2.

(Mus ) Mszsysi opi ce2i.

reel, n. 1 . Csnhdeéks on wspshmunpi. 2. Odowsn ohsnko :

hep layedareel. 3.Wi’yspehe .


a,Kscegcegmsm ;psptsnptan

yreelect, vt. A kihde kahnigs .

reembark, vi. A ke wsts 0’

ps .

reenact, vi. A ke yustsn.

reenforce, vt. 0’kiys ; skicits

kunen yeyapi.reenforcement, ii . A kicitanskicifi npio


reenlist, vi. A ke skicits o’

pa.reenter, vi. A ke on ya.refasten, vt. A ke iyskaéks .

refer, vt. 1 . s nysgéi ; yeys

refer it toacommittee. 2 . Ekts


pszo ; ektayesi : he referredme to thep reacher. vi . Ks ; os2cysts : he referred to the quarrel.

referable,a. En s’

yepics .

referee, n. Ynkcsnéipi ; yssuki

pi .

re ereuce, n. s nysg81pi ; iwsnh

sipi ka’pi wanysgéipi.—AB ible

,Wowapi Ws

kanonOdepi .—In reference to,eciystsnhsn

refi ne, vi. Ynecedan ynecetn.

refined,pa.asétepi ;waste.

refinement, n. Woynwsste .

refiner, n. Wasdoye ;wsynwsste .

refinery, n. Wasdoye ti ’pi ; ma’zsynwsstepi .

refit, vt. Piyaksga.reflect, vi . A wacin swsicicinwswiétenyahe reflected on his

past life. vt. I’cicswin ehpeys ;ehpeys the mirror reflects thelight.

reflection, n. 1 . Wsswscinpi ;W0

swacin; iapi : asevere reflection. 2. Itkom n ; i



reflector, n. Iyoysnps ehpeys ;

reflex,a. I’cicswinn .

reform, vt. P’iys ks

gs ynwsétehe reformed the who le community. vi . Ihduwsste ;wastes’

ys : the drunkard reformed.

n. Wsynwsstepi.

reformation, n. Wicsynecetnpi.reformed,a. Ynecetnpi.reformer, n. Wsynecetn .

refortify, vi. Piysscsnkssks .

retract, vi. Ynktsn.

refractory,a. Ocinéics ; tswacinsics ; ocinsics .


1132 108?

refrain, vi . Iyowinyesni ; ihdnti

tan 1pids .—Refrain one

’s self,

wsipucids .

refresh, vt. Ynteca; osiya; masasayao

refreshing,pa. Wsynwsste .

refreshingly,a. Oiyokipiys .

refreshment, n . Wsé’sgiciyspi ;

oziiciyapi ; onwss’akspi ; W0yute .

refrigerator, n. Ca’gs opiye.

refuge, n. Wowinape.—To take

refuge in, insps .

refugee, n. Nspspi

pl .

refulgent,a. Wiyskpa; sass .

refund, vt. Kicn ; ks2n2n.

refurnish, vt. Piys koysgys ts’kn

icnws te’cs cee c

’huaka.refusable,a. Wicsdssnipics .

refusal, n. 1 . Wowicsdssni ; Wi

cedasai . 2. A nicspi wookihi

he has the refusal of the horsefor two days.

refuse, vi. 1 . Wicsdséni ; he re

fused to go. 2 . Ion Wicadssnihe refused the beef. a. Ehpeyapi ; éi’cs ; nnpicssnimatter. it . Ta’ku ehpeyapithe refuse o the town.

refutable,a. nhpepica;pics .

refutai, n. Wosynpte .

refutation, n. YnWicskapisni ; ynssdsyapi W0 syupt-e .

refute, vi. Yntsknnisni ;aicakesni ; ynhps .

regain, vt. A ke iyohi ; ske ks

mna; e’hdskn .

regal, a. Wicsstaystspi ts ’wa;

itancanta’wa.regale, vi . Tan ’

yan knwa; magsgsys ;won


regard, vt. Iweceys ; en e’ton

wan swscin ihakts . n. Woi

hakts ; woawacin ; W0synteI send my regards .

—In regardto eciystsnhan

regardfulregardful,a. Ni

’naen e

’wsc in;ni

’ns we

’ceys .

regardless,a. A wacinéni .regardlessly,adv. A wacinéniyanregency, n. Woitsncsne

’ekiys nn.

regenerate, a. Te’cs ; teeanien

tonpi . vt. Tecam'

enksgs .

regeneration, n. Te’cawicstonpi.

regent, n . B ’ekiyaitancan; wa’

wsnyske swanyagkiyspi .regiment, n. A kicita0ptsye isn’

ks ; kekt0pswinge 0ptsye.

region, it. Makoce.

register, vt. Ows : register your

name. vi. Ca2e ows : he regis

tered at the hotel. n . 1 . Ca2eoiciwspiwowapi : the hotel register. 2 . Okats Wi ’ynte. 3. Waehnske.

registry, n . 0Wicswspi .

regress, n. He’ktskiyaiyaye .

regret, vt. Icanteéics ; wacinyokisics ; icibs .

regretfully,adv. Iyokisinya.regular,a. 1 . He’cetn ;owotsnnsaregu lar p hysician . 2. Iye

hsntn cs ; kabantaca: regularservices.

regularity, n. He’cetnwsn2ics .

regularly,adv. Iyehsnhsnyan.

regulate, vt. Ynowotan11s ; swanysks ; kstinysn cconkiys .

regulation, n. Woope ; woawsnyske .

regulator, n. Ws’wanyske ; ma’

zaawsnyske .

rehash, vi . Piyskskssksa.

reheat, n. Piys nshon; skts nahon.

rehearsal, n . Ihdaonspepi ; i’toksm iynteys econpi ; oyakapi.

rehearse, vt. Oyaka; skihde oysks ; e

ys .

reign, vi . Itenean nn;wswidske ;onnysn. n . Wowidske : in the

reign of Queen Victoria.reimburse, vt. Iyens kicn.

rein, n. Ikan ; sungiynwnksn


Give the reins to, iyowinysn

Take the reins,Wicskshsps .

vt. Ikan yntins iyeys .

reindeer, n. Wsziyats ta’hcs .

reins, n. W icspsksin.

reinstate, vt. A ke ohnae’hde.

reinsure, vt. A ke wahnhnshyspiki ’cics2n2npi o

pexiys .

reinvest, vi. A ke ma’zsskakicanreinvigorate, vi. Piys mdihenys .

reissue, vt. A ke iyececaka’ga.reiterate, vi . A kihdehde e’

ys .

reject, vt. Ehpeys ;aktssn i .relelee. vi . Iyuskin; cantcwsste.

vt. Iynskinkiya: you rej oiceme.

rejoicing, n. WowiynSkin.

rejoin, vi . 1 . A ke 0’

pa; ektakirej oin his regiment. 2. A ke i ’cikoyske rej oin the p ieces. vi .

Itkom e’

ya; syupts .

rejoinder, n. Wosynpte.

reinveuate, vt. Piys koéks ks ’

gs .

rekindle, vt. Piys ceti.reland, vt. A ke ihuni.relapse, vi . I’cicsWinkiwsnks .

relate, vt. Oysks : he related his

adventures. vi . Ks ; iy0ws2si t relates to others.

related, pa. I’ciyows2spi ; tsknys 1.

reiat on, n. 1 . Tukuya.—Toomanyrelations, tsknys ehseé o

’ts .

2. 0 ’taknye the relation of

brother and sister. 3. Woyakspi ; Wicowoyske ; woyake.

4. To’ken i’ciyows2spi

relation of the difl'

erentparts ofthe body.

relationship, it. W0tsknye.

relative, n. Tskuya; W0 tsknyehe isanear relative to me.

Iy0ws2s ; to’kecs etanhan

wannaka’pi.relator, n . Woyake ; oyako.

relax, vi. Patsks ; oziys ; yuska;ynzigzics : he relaxed his run

ning—Relax the ropes, hahon

ts yuska.

remonstrate 174

remonstrate, vi. Tehinds ; iyoki renew, vt. Yutecs. piys. econsni. piys.ka’gaske 1cu .

remorse, n. Woicibe ; wocente renewable,a. Piys kahpice .

flies . renewal, n. Piys. ka’gapi eke

remorseless,a. Icibaéni. icupi.

remote,a. I’tchen te’han . renewedly,adv. Pipiya;ake .

remotely,adv. I’telianyan. rennet, n. Ptezicedan nig'e sku




eness, n. Otehan wote

remount, vt. A keakan iyeiciys .

removable,a. Tokana'yepica.removal, n. Tokana’yapi.remove, vt. Tokana'ya. yutokan.

vi. Tokan ya; tokan i’yotankn ; ihdaka; iyaya: he removedto the c ountry .

remunerable,a. Kazuzupica.remunerate, vt. Ka2n2n.

remuneration, n. Wokazuzu .

remunerative, a. Wokazueu yu

kan Y. iéiton.

rencounter, n. I'tkokicipapi , okicize ; wokicize.

rend, vt. Yuhdeca;(with the teeth)yahdeca; (with amissile) bohdeca; (by cutting) bahdeca;(by striking) kahdeca; (with thefoot) nahdeca; (one’s own) hdnhdeca.

render, n. Ta'ku kahdece . vt. Ki

cn ;kn ; ecakicon kn'ga; oyaka.—Render accounts, oicazooyaka.—Render strong, suta.ka’gs. u i’na. econ .


into English, Isantanka1api enka.’ge .

—Render good service,wowaei tan’

yan econ .—Render

the Church S ervice,wocekiye

ka’gapi e ’

ya.—Render asong,odowenahiyaya.—Render tallow

,wasnaihdi ceguguya.

Render vengeance, watokiconpiecakicon,

rendering, n. Oecon okafge.

rendezvous, n. O ’

ynwitaya; omniciye. vt. Mni’ciya.

renegade, n. Wicakeéni ; namcaun .

renounce, vt. Ehpeys ; syustsn.

renovate. vi. Piyekaga. yuteca.renovation, n. Yutecapi.renovator, i t. Onwayutecapi.renown. n. Wok1ts.n1nrenowned,a. Okitunin.

rent, n. 1 Makoce odotapi woks2u2u ; woka2112u . 2. oy1ihdeca; oko. vt. Oku ; odota.v. imp . of BEND . Yuhdeca.theflag oas rent in twain.

renter, n. Waodota.renunciation, n. Woenakiye ; cwkiyapi ; ehpeyapi.

reoccupy, vt. A ke yuhe .

reopen, vi. A ke yuhdoke.

reorganize, vt. Piyakaga.repaint, vt. Piyasanyan.

repair, vt. Piys ; piyakagaece

taya. n. Piyakng'

npi. vi . Iya

repairable,a. Piyepice .

repairer, n. Wapiya.reparation, n. Piyupi ; yuecetupi.repartee, n. Wosynpte .

repass, vt. A ke hiyaye .

repast, n. Wotapi.repay, vi. Kicn ; ki c 1ce2112u .

repeal, vt. Ecetueniyayu21i211 .

repealable,a. Yntokecapica.repeat, vi. A kihdeeya; akeeya;akeecon. n. A kihdeeconpi.

repeatedly,adv. A kihdehde.

repeater, n. A kihdeecon; ma'zapkano


repeating,pa. A kihdehde econ .

repel, vt. Iyayeya. i’tkokipa;itkom ehpeya.

repent, vi . Iyopeiciya; woahtametanhan ihduhomni.

repentancerepentance, n. Iyopeiciya;woiyopeiciye.

repentant, a. 1 . Iyopeiciye : he

repentant stands. 2. Iyopeici

repeople, vi. A ke oyate en 0 111)ye

repetition, n:A kihde econpi ;aki

bde oyapi .replne, m. 1yokiéica.replace, vt. E’kihnaka, iyenae ;’hnsks iyececa. e’hnaka.

replant, vt. Akts 0 211.replenish, vt. A ke o2uya.replete,a. O2ndan .

replevin, n . Ikikcupi wowapi.reply, vt. A pte . n. Woay11ptereport, vt. aka; ecen owa. vi

Wawoyaka;chdnka. n . 1 . Owohdake ;wawoyake : hemade hisreport. 2. Ca2eyatapi : of goodreport. 3. B 11 : the report ofagun.

reporter, n. Woyake ; wotaninka'gs iapi owakiyapi.

repose, vi. Wanks ; iozi wanka.vt. Owan2i c ’huaka. n. Woo

21 .

repository,n.Womnaye ; omnaye .

repossess, vt. A ke hduha.reprehend, vi. Iy0peys..reprehensive,a. Iy0peyapi .represent, vt. 1 . P32 0 ; oyaka.he represented i t. 2. E'

ekiyana'2in : he represented S ou th

Dakotain the S enate.

representation, n. Woyake ; tu ’we


representative, n. E’ekiya.na’2in

oyate kahnih yesipi. a. We.

hehentupi oyate iyececa..repress, vt. Yuhukun iyeye. yu

titan yu ’za;

repression, n. usnipi.reprieve, vt. Woiyopeye ki


reprimand,vt. Iy0peys. ;wahokon


reprint, vt. Akts ms’zaehde. n.

Akts ks 'gapi.reproach, vt. Ba; iyopeya. n. 1 .

Woba;woynsice.. 2 . Wowiéte

ca; oétehdapi.reproachable,a. Bapica.reproachiul,a. 1 . Wabapi ;woya

Wahteéni ; w0 1ysonpe.reprobate, a. Yuwaetepicaéni ;si


reproduce, vt. A ke icahya; eke

ecen ke'ga.

reproot, n. Woiyopeys ; woweho

konkiya;woba.reprovable,a. IyOpayepica.reproval, n. I opeyapi.reprove, vi. yopeya; wshokonreprover, n. Wawiyopeya.reprovingly,adv. Iy0peys .

reptile, n. Wamduska; ts ’ku maka.asdohen.

republic, n. Oyate itenean i ’ye

ihdahnigapi.Republican, n. 1 . Wa2iyatawicasto .


2. Itancan i'ye ihdal‘

m i

894 ”

republication, n. A kteyaotaninpi ;wowapi ekta.ka'gapi .

republish, vt. Wowapi ektaka’ga;akta.ka’ga.

repudiate, vt. Ehpeye ; ta’wayesni.

repugnant,a. Tehike. ; wehteeni ;ei


repulse, vt. Iyayeya; napeya. n .

Iyayapi ;wona2ica.repulsive,a. Wahtedapieni ; woiyoklpisni .

repurchase, vi. A ke opeton.

reputable, a. Okinihan yuoni

hanpi .reputation, n. Wacinkiyuzapi ;wookitanin°

ca2ecrepute, vt. Otanin keyapi ; ecin.

n. Woysotenin woyuonihan.

reputed,pa. Oyskapi ; otanin.


request, vt. Dakids ; okicicince

’kiya; eciya. n. 1 . Wadapi ;wokicinpi what is your re

quest. 2. Te 'kn da'pi z he gavethem their request.

requiem, n. Wicahnakspi odowanrequire, vt. 1 . Econsi ; econkiya;kica; kids . He requires two

long lessons. 2. Cin; e’cedan

on okihi kta.requirement, n.

yapi ; woeconrequisite,a. Cin’

pi ; cin’

pi iyece

cn ; ka’pi ; ka’pi iyenakecs . n.

Yucokapicasni .

requisition, n. Wadapi ; wadapiwowapi.

requital, n. Waks2u2upi ;wetoki90 111”

requlte, vi . Itkom ecakicon; ka2u211 ; tokicon .

rescind, vt. Yutokeca; beeps ;ehpeya.

rescue, vt. E’hdsku ; nikiys ; ki

yuéka: he rescued his brother.

—Rescue from the grave, Wicahnakapi etanhan c

'hdnka; uikiya. n.Waehdakupi niyanpi.

rescuer, n . Weehdaku ;wanikiya.research, n. Waawacinpi ; wa’kitapi ; ekta. odepi.

reseize, vt. A kts. oyuspa.resell, vt. A kihde Wi

yopeys .

resemblance, n. Woakidececs ;wowanks .

resemble, vt. Iyececa; kinma: heresembles Washington. J ohn

resembles hisfather, Johnabku


resent, vt. Sihda; to’kicon.

resentful,a. Watokicons’a.resentment, n . Woéihds ; wetoki


reservation, n. One(paohdaptapi ,

makoce onépa. h abapi.—Men

tal reservation, tawac in onépa.nahmanpi.

reserve, vt. Kihnaka. patan oka


l 6 resolve

pte. : he reserved afew of the

best. n. 1 . Kihnakapi : are

serve of oil. 2. Wannahmanp1Wi'stecapi. —Throw of reserve


Wi’m etecapi ehpeya. 3. A kicitaospaye heyam kihnakspi : bring

reserved, pa. Wi’steca; ininaun.

reservoir, n. Mini omnaye ; mde

reset, vt. Piys o’hde ; piys. ma’


resettle, vt. Piys.ahiyotsnks .

reship, vt. Piys. iyayeys ; iyooptatokéuwicakiya.

reside, vi. Ti ;wanka.residence, n. Ti

pi ; ohna.ti.resident, n. Oti ; en ti.residuary,a. To’


residue, n. Iyeye ; okaptn.

residuum, n . Ta'ku ihe.

resign, vt. Enakiya; kica.

resignation, n. 1 Enakiyapi ;woenakiye ; syustan ktaoyapihis resignation was accep ted.

2 . Woiyowinkiye ; wowicade :

the sp iri t of resignation.

resignedly,adv. 1yoWinysn.

resin, n. Canéin.

resinous,a. Cansinein.

resist, vt. I’tkokipa: kipazu) ;itkom inazin.

resistance, n . Wokipamn; W0patan i’tkokipapi.

resistible,a. I’tkokipepica.

resistless,a. I’tkokipepicaeni .resolute,a. Cantetinza; tnwacinsuta..

resolutely, adv. Inihansniyan;e’wicakehan.

resolution, n. 1 . Wocantetinzawowecintanks : he ac ted wi thresolution . 2 . Woyaco ; yacopi ; yukcanpi the resolu tion ofthe difi culty. 3. Woyaotaninthe meetingadopted resolutions .

resolve, vt. 1 . Yaco ; yasu ;stan : resolve ariddle. 2. a

restorativerestorative,a. Ekicetuys ; wsynWaste . n . On ekicetuyspi .

restore, vt. 1 . Ekicetuys : restore

his health. 2 . ! ion z restore the

itolen money. 3. A ke ohnas .

restorer, n. Wsekicetuys .

restrain, vt. Yutitsnyu ’zs ; ksgi

ys ; snspts .

restrainable,a. Yuspics ; snsptepics .

restraint, n. Woksgi wosnspte .

restrict, vt. Hensns iyowinysnhehsnyens iyowinysn ; kséks .

restriction, n. Woksgi wosnspte


restrictive,adv. Wsksg1ys .

resubjection, n. A ke wowidsgyspi .

result, n. 1 . Owihsnke ; oicsgo ;to

’ketu ;woyuétsn what is theresult. vi . (wi th m ) A icsge ;etsnhsn icsge ; icsgs .

resultant, n . Woicsge .

resultless,a. Itaya; ta'kudan icsgeéni.

resumable,a. A ke okihi .

resume, vt. A ke econ ; ikikcn ;ske s


ys . n . O ’

q itsys .

resummon, vt. A ke kico .

resumption, n . A ke econpi.

resupply, vt. A ke kn .

resurrection, n . Woekicetu .

resurvey, vi. Akts iyuts (makoceks ’

pi) .resuscitate, vt. A ke niyskiys .

retail, vt. Yuksskss w i’

yOpeys ;onépséps wiyopeys .

retain, vt. Eduba; snics ccehuahduhs .

retalnable,a. Hduhepics .

retainer, n . 1 . Wshduhe ; yuhs

un : the retainer of the goods.

2. Woks2n2n ;W i’éi : the lawyer

wantsaretainer of fi ve dollars .

retake, vt. A ke icu ; hdu ’ze .

retaliate, vt. To ’kicon; wetoki


retaliation, n . Wstokiconpi .

t retrograderetard, vi. n iya; yntehsn.

retch, vi . Hde’

pektehcs .

retention, n . Wshduhspi ; te’hsn

hdu ’zspi ; wscintankspi ; ki

ksuyspi ; snicspi .

retentive,a. Wshduhshs .

reticence, n . I’ihdonicspi ; inins



reticent,a. Ininaun.

reticule, n . Psnbotks ; un’ksuns .

retina, n . Iétscstku .

retlnue, n . Itenean tsoptsye.

retire, vi . Heysts iyeya; ibduheysps ; enskiys ; wanka.

He retiredfrom the battle,oki

cize etanhan ihduheysps .

Retiring pension , enskiyspi

ehsn o’kiyspi . vt. A yustsn

kiya; pa2n2n .

retirement, n . Enskiyspi : wonahbe .

retiring,pa. 1 . W1 stecs ; msnin

un : of retiring habit. 2 . Ens

kiya.retort, vt. Itkom e

ys ; itkom iye

ys . vi . I’tkokips ; syupts . n.

Wosynpte;skic iyuptspi; itkom

oyapi .

retrace, vt. I'cicswin ys ; i’cipae

ys .

retract, vi . E’hdsku ; ispi e’hds

kn . vi . Waehdaku ; enakiye .

retraction, n . Wsehdskupi ; natipapi

retranslate, vi . A kihde ieskskiys .

retreat, vi . I’cicswsn 11 ; he’kts

hdicu : the army retreated. n.

i’cicsw inhdicUpi ; nspspi .

retrench, vt. Yusokpsniys ; ms’

zssks to’nsns yusots . vi. Ws


retrenchment, n . Wskpstsnpi ;

yusokpsniyspi msks okapi .

retribution, n . Wska2u2upi ; woiyOpeye .

retrieve, vt. Yus sni ; ekicetuys .

retrograde, vi . He'kts iyaya; kun

ys ; hun’keéni s

ys .


retrospect, n. Piys iwsnyskspi ;he’kts e


retrospection, n . He'kts e’ton

wsnpi .

return, vi . 1 . A ke ku ; bdi ; ske

hi ; ihduhomni : I returned to

day. vt. Kicn ; ki’cicshdi : he

returned the book. 2. Ku : oki

ysks : to return answer. n. 1 .

Hdi ; ske hi : they rej oiced athis return . 2. Kicnpi ; ks211211pi areturnfor services . 3

Wicohsn owapi ; 0Wicswsp1

he has comp leted his returns.

A t the return of the year, o’msks iyehsntu kinhan —Ih return,itkom.

—Cause to return, bdi

cuys .

returnable, a. Kicnpics ; hdicupics .

reunion, n. 1 . Hdiwitsyspi mni'

ciyspi : asoldier’ s reunion. 2.

A ke icikoysgyapi .reunite, vt. A ke icikoysgys ; skeaitsys .

Rev. abbreviation for REVEREND .

revaiuation, n. A kts iyswspi.

reveal, vi. 1 . Yuzsmni ; yutsninhe revcakd the hidde n wealth .

2. Ysotsnin oyaka.

reveille, n. A n’

pso wsksbupi.

revel, vi. Witkoys wots ; Witko

kons sksts .

revelation, n. 1 . Wsyuotsnin the

Revelation of S t. J ohn. 2 . Ts ’

k11 y nzsmnipi ; wonshbe oys

kspi : it was arevelation to

reveler, n. Witkos’s .

revelry, n . Witko skan’

pi ; W itko

dowanpi.revenge, vt. Tokicon; wstokicon.

n. Wstokiconpi .

revengeful,a. Wstokicons’s .

revenger, n . Ws tokicon.

revenue, n. 1 . Woksmns ; woks

2u211 the revenue of the government.

179 reviler

revenue-cutter, n. Ws’ts womnave


reverberate. vi . Ksiyowsze ; bu ;ksWinhWinh iyeye .

reverberation, n. WoksWinge ;huhuzshsn.

revere, vt. Oboda; kinihsn.

reverence, n . 1 . Woohods ; woki

nihan .—They treated him with

reverence, wokinihsn on kuwapi. 2. Kinihsnpi ; tu

’wo kini

hanpi ; itenean his reverence

is sick. vt. Kinihsn; yuonihsn reverence your teachers.

Reverend,a. Wicsétswsksn.

reverend,a. Okinihsn.

reverent,a.Wokinihsn wsohods .

reverently,adv. Kinihsnysn.

revery, reverie, n . Istinbesni ihanmnspi.

reversal, n. Yutokecspi.reverse, rt. Yutokecs ; yuhomni ;unmsn eciystsnhsn iyeysversed the decision . n . Unmaneciystsnhsn woyuhomni yu

homnipi : the reverse is whist.

a. To’kecs ; unman .

reversed, pa. Yuhomnipi ; unmaneciystsnhsn iyeyspi .

reversible,a. Yutokecspics .

reversion, n. Yuhomnipi ; i c1csW inhdi.

revert, vt. Yuhomni ; i’cicsWin

yeys : revert the current. rt.

1 . I’cicswinki hdi : the p roperly reverted. 2 . Ekts wac inyeys ; cs2eys ts : he reverted to

the incident.

review, rt. s nysks ; smdezs ;skts iwsnysks smdesys yawa.n . 1 . A kts iwsnyskspi : are

view of the lesson. 2. A ki

cits ikpszowicsyspi . 3. Wows

pi smdezspi . 4 . Wowapi tskoyapi oyakapi .

reviewer, n. Wa’mde2a.revile, vt. Yasics ; oétehds .

reviler, n . Wsyss1cs .

revisal 180 rickety

revlsal, n . A piyspi:rewarder, n. Wicakicica211211 .

revise, vt. Piys piys ows p iys rewardless,a. Woks2112u oo’dan .

ks ’

gs . rewrite, vt. Akts ows .

reviser, n reynard, n.

revision, 11. rhapsody, nrevisit, vt. A ke wanysgi rhetoric, n.

revival, n. P1yseconp1nikiyspi .

n. Wicsy11hicsrevive vt. Kiniys ; mdesyayu

hics ; mdihenys ; ikikcu .—Re

vive learning, woonspe yuhics .

—Revive thestory,woyskspi skenikiys .

—Revive my thoughts,mitswscin mdesys . vi . Kin ikimdihecs .

revivify, vt. Nikiys ;mdeskiys .

revocable,a. Ystokecspics .

revocation, n . Yatokecspi.revoke, vt. Ystokecs ystakunisni : revokealaw.

revolt, vi . A yuétsn itsncanchpcys ; kips2in itkom ins2inWokips2in syustsnpi.

revolter, n. Wskips2in.

revolution, n . 1 . Oyuhomni ; yuhomnipi two revolutions of thewheel . 2. Itsncsnyutokecspi ;wokips2in; woskiske : anational revolution.

revolutionary,a. Oyate yutokecspi ; wswskips2inpi : arevolu

revolutionlst, n. Wsyutokecs .

revolutionize, vt. Yutokecs ; te‘



gs .

revolve, vi . Yuhomni pshmihms .

vt. 1 . Yuhomni r°

evolw the

wheel. 2. A wacin yuptsnptsnhe revolved the subj ect in his


revolver, n . Ms’zsksnptecedsn;

o’ts iysye.

revulsion, n. Wowshtedséni wo


reward, vt. Itkom ecskicon; ki’

cics2112u ; kn. n. Woks2n2n ;

o’kihc yazanpi.

rhinoceros, n. Pssuheton.

rhomb, n. To’

paicsgopi stakinyanonwi s ’kidehankeca.

rhomboid, n. To’

ps icsgopi atalm lm

rhubarb, n. Iyopts1yeyap1z1 ;canhdohuhu opemni ks

gapi.rhyme,n. Ho’

Wsnz1danhinhpaya.vi . Odowsn ka’ga; cankuyeihanke ho wan2ins ka’gs

rhymeless,a. Ho skidececasni .rhymer, n. Odowsnks

gs .

rhythm, n. Odowsn ca’hde ; ho’


rib, n. Cutuhm—S hort rib,cu


ribald, n. Tu’we is wahtesni .ribaldry, n. Iapi siksics .

ribbou, n. Sinaspshdste .

rice, n. Pain—Wild rice, pain .

Tame rice, psinsks .

rich,a. 1 . Wi’2ics ; wstonks : arich man. 2. Napin : richfood.

3. Wsicshys ; wastesoil. 4. Wi ’ciyokipi ; nagi W1piya: rich music. 5. O h ). iyaWapi ; tehika. : arichMde’

ze okitsnin rich colors.

riches, n. Wowi2ice.

richly, adv. 1 . Wi’2inys : richlydressed. 2. Ohanpiya; o


richly paid. 3. A’wicakehsnhe richly deservedawhipp ing.

richness, n. Owi2ics ; Wi’Wics


rick, n. Pshahsnska.rickets, n. Tsncan osteka.rickety,a. Osteks ; ptsnptsnna.

2 . Csnzeys : thepup i ls ri led the

teacher.—To be riled

,canze .

rill, n. Wskpadsn; T. wakpala.rim, n . Tete ; ce

gs tete .

rimple, n . Oyuksi2a; ts ’2ana. vt.

Yuksiksi2s .

rind, n. Ha;.o2uhs .

rindless,a. Hawsnics .

ring, n. 1 . Ts ’ku mims ; ts’ku

mibe ; csnhdesks ; ms’2scan

hdesks aring round the moon.

2. Ms’zsnspcupe ; Y. msziyo

hdi ; T. napsiohli : hep utaringon his fi nger.

— The rings on acow’

s horn, oyabi. vt. Yuhds ;T. yubla; yusns ;kakoks : ringthe bells —To ring by striking,kahds .

—To ring with the hand,yuhds . vi . 1 . Hds : the church

bell rang. 2. Bus ; snasns : i t

rang in my ear. 3. B 11 ; bu’bu ;

ko’ks : the house rang wi th the


ringed,a. Mibebe ; hdeskssks .

ringer, n. Wskshds .

ringleader, n . Tokahan; itancan.

ringlet, n. Pshs oyumni2a.ringstreaked,a. Hdeékssks ; bdehdeze .

ringworm, n. Yumniahinsps .

rinse, vt. Ehake yu2s2s .

riot, n. Owodutaton. vi . Owodutstonka’gawicsyuhnsskin


rioter, n . Wshnaskinysn.

riotous,a. S inysohsnyan; wayuskisks .

rip, vi . Yumns ; yumdszs ; basdeos .

— Rip aseam, yumus .— I.

ipthe hide

,hayumdszs .

—Ifipopenasack, -Wo2nhayusdeca.Rip up the floor


sdoks .—Rzp aboard, canmda

skabasdecs . n . Oyumns oyu

hdecs .

ripe,a. 1 . S uton ; wannawastethe wheat is rip e. 2 . Ton ’

ye arip e tumor. 3. Wannaihunn i ;


wsokihi ;kss’

ps aripe scholar.

4 . Wi’yeyaun ripefor war.

ripen, vi. 1 . S uton s’

ys ; gi s’


the fruit rip ens. 2. Iyecetu


ys ; ihduwiyeys ; piiciyaripe nfor glory. vt. S utonye ;yustan ; kssmys .

ripeness, n. Wosuton; woksape

ripper, n.Wayumns wabsmds zs .

ripping, n . Wsyumnspi ; wsbsmdszspi .

ripple, n . Mu ita2s ; mnitsts vi .

Taste2s ; ta2aa’ya.rip

-saw, n. Canibskss on bssdecapi .

rise, rose, vi . 1 . Wankan ya;wsnksn 11 : smoke rises. 2 . Wsnksnksn ya;wsnksn yeys wankan wanka. 3. Ns ’

2in ins z1n;ns

’2inhsn ns

’2in : the boys all

rose. 4. Kikta; ins2in I rise

atfi ve o’clock— I rise early,hsnwekts .

—You rise early, hanyekta.—He rises early, kankikts . 4 . Wankan 11 ; minitsnthe river rises. 6 Hinsnps : the

sun rises. 7. A hinsnpaanerup tionarose on his back. 8 .

Icsga; toks uys the river risesin Canada. 9. S sn

ps tan ’kss’

ys : his fame rose. 10 . Ececs ; icsgs : the fever rose. 1 1 .

Kini Christ rosefrom the dead .

12. I’tsnwsnksnhde ya:as he

rose the hi ll. 13. I’tanwsnksn

bde wanka: rising ground. 14 .

Wankan yswspi : wheat rose.

n . 1 . Wankan ya; minitsn : arise of ten feet. 2. Oicsgetakes its rise in themountains.

riser, n . Wskikts .—Early riser


hankikts .

risible,a. Wowiha;Wswihsye .

rising, n. 1 . Ohinspe ; ina2inpi .2 . P0 ; wsnksn 11 . pa. Icags ;wenkau 11 .

risk, n . Wokokipe ; wotohnske ;

otohnskspi . vt. Otohnske ; okokipoyae

’hnsks ; iyowinyan;iyata.

risky,a. Okokipe.

rite, n . Wocekiye 0p11ciyapi Wicohsn oskinciyspi .

ritual,a. Woope opiiciyspi ; wo

cekiyve oskinciye wowapi.ritualist, n . Opuciyspi wakitan.

rival, n . Kici econ ; kici shinies .

a. Kicipstitan rival societies

vt. Kapewscin; unmsntuktetokshsn tanin sni.

rivalry, n. Waskinicspi.rive, vt. Keadeen ; pasdecs .

riven,pa. Bssdecspi.river, n. Wakpa; wstpa: M issouri river.

—A cross (or over)the river, aksssnps .

—By the

river, wskpicshds .

—Down the

river, o'

keh ; Y. T. bu ’tam .

—Up the river,tstowsm ; Y. Gt

T. in’kpsta.

rivet, n. Ms’zsiyokatsn; iostsn.

vt. Okatsn i’ciyokstsn.

rivulet, n. Wakpsdsn;wakpaci’stinns .

road, n. Canku ; ocsnkuroad-bed, n . Hemani cankn .

roakister, n. Oicimsn i sunk


roam, vi. Ituomsni ; to’ken cin

cinomani. n. Wi’kcekce omanipi .

roan,a. Hin’hots .

roar, vi . 1 . Hoton ; ho’tsnks ho

ton : the lion roared. 2. S ’s ;bu ; otin : the waves roared. 3.

Ihststs : the boys roared 4 .

Owodutaton they maderoar. n . Hotonpi ; bu ;a’s .

roarer, n. B otone’s ;wobitiks .

roast, vt. 1 . Ceonps : roast themeat. 2 . Pspshys : roast thecorn—Roast on astick

, pa~snon . n. Ceonpspi ; waceonps .

rob, vt. Ki ;makinon.

robber, n. Wamsnonwicssts .


robbery, n. Wamsnonpi ;wsWicskipi.

robe, n . Sins ; ssnkssnnics .

Enj'ale - robe

, ptehasins ; sinshinsms ; tsg1cahs . vt. Koysgys ; skshps the fi elds arerobed in green.

robin, n . S isoka.robust,a. Was’aka; suta.robustly,adv. Was’sgys .

rock, n. Imni2s ; in’


yan . vt. Nshuhuzs ; psptsniyeye .

rocker, n. Ohnaikpshuhuzspi ;Wikpshuhuze ;Wikpshuhuze sicu .

rocket, n. Peti2an2snWi’cute .

rocking-chair, n . Csn


rocking-horse, n. Sungsksn ikpa


Rock island, n. pr. Wi’tswsksn.

rock-moss, n. In’

yan wsanunu .

rock-salt, n. Miniskuys ss’ka.

rocky. n. In’

yan O'ta; in 'yan .

rod, n. 1 . Csnssksdsn; csnhsnskoden ; ho

psicspi ihupa. 2.

OWiyute sihs iyutspi skesskpessm hanke.

rode, imp . of RIDE .

rodent, n. Hitunksdsn;wsyshdokapi .

roe, n. Tawiyedan ta’hcs .

roebuck, n . Tsmdoks ; ts’hca.

rogue, n . Tu ’we ohsnwicastssni.roguery, n. Wowicsstssni .

roguish,a. Wicsstssni .roguishly, adv. Wicsstssniysn;wowihs .

roll, vi. Yusoss ; canzeya.rolly,a. Csnzeya.role, n. Kon ’


roll, n. 1 . Ta’ku pehsnpi ;opobo ;wowapi pehsnpi : aroll ofpaper.

—A wall roll,opobo ti

obosdsts en otkehe . 2 . Wicacs2e owapi : call the roll. 3.

Psptsnptsniysyakahoho iysyaz the roll of the ship . 4. A ki

rollablecits owotanns ksbu i ustanpiktakabupi. vt. 1 . ahmibma;pshmihms iyeya: roll the hoop .

2. Pehsn; yupehan : roll the

paper. 3. A yuhomni yutinzs :roll the ground . 4 . Pawsnksnkan iyeya: the wind rolls

the waves. 5. Yuptsnptsn.

Roll one’s self, ihduptsnptanhe rolled all night. 6 . Otin ;bu : the thunder rolls . 7 . A yu

hmihms : the mud rolls up on

the wheels .

rollable,a. Pshmihmspics .

roller, n Msks syuhmihmspi ;hu ’

pshmihms .

roller-mill, n . Ma’zspshmims onwokpsnpi.

rolling,pa. Onsptsnptsn iwsste

dan bo’ski : rollingprairie. 2.

Pshmihmaya: the rolling car

Roman,a. Ro’ms Wicssts ;Ro’ms

ta’ws .

romance, n . Odowsnohunksksn.

Romanish,a. Ro’ms ts ’wa.romantic,a. Wsksksnpi se ; Wi

hanmnspi se ;waakagapi ;skahksgspi :aromantic story.

romp, n. 1 . Skates’s : the girl isaromp . 2. Woskate the children

are havingaromp . vi . Ska/ts .

roof, n . A wakeyspi ; tiskahpe ;wsnksntsnhsn : aflat roof.

the roof of the mouth, oaks . vt.

A wakeya;akeya; skshpa.roofing, n. A wakeyspi ; tiskshpe .

roofless,a. A wakeyspi wanica;ticodsn.

rookery, n. Tisicao ’ciksnéui .

room, n. 1 . Oyenke ; owanka.There is room,

oksn. 2. Time

hen ti’pi ; tiobsspe ; tioyankethe house has three rooms.

—Inthe room of, e


room,kiyuksn. vi. Oyenke

ynha;wanka.roomful, n. Tio2udsn.


roomy,a. Otsnksys ; okipiks .

roost, n. Wshupskozs owanka.vi . Wsn

’ks .


ks‘ter, n. A n


root, n. 1 . B utkan the roots ofatree. 2. Woynte makamshenicsga; mdo ; pangi : p ut theroots in the cellar. 3. Hutksn;hunkske : they sp rangfrom one

root. vi . 1 . Hutksnyeys : the

weeds root deep . 2. B utkanode ; psmdumdu : the hog roots

in thefie ld. vt. 1 . Bahde ; hutksn sutsyaohde well rooted.

2. Yu2un; yu2unehpeya: rootthem ou t.

rootless,a. B utkan wanica.rootlet, n. B utkan c i’stinns .

rooty,a. B utkan o’ta.

rope, n. Hskshmunpi ; Wi’han ;

hshonta: tie him with arop e.

vt. Hshontaikoyaka; bahontaonion rep e the calf.

rope-maker, n. Hskshmunpi ka’n o

ropy,a. l tics ; o’tkaps .

rosary, n. 1 . On2in2intks owo2u

hep lantedarosary. 2 . Woce

kiye sipto onyawspi ;Sinssspatswocekiye.

rose, n. On2in2intks ;as .

rose, imp . of RIS E.



a. San.

tk hrose us , n. 2in2in au .

rose-color, n. Se ; on2in2intkass .

rose-colored,a. 1 . 8e ; sass : rosecoloredpaper. 2. Ssyspi ; skagspi arose- colored story.

rosery, n. On2in2intks owo2u .

rosewater, n. On2in2intks mini .rosewood, n. Canes .

rosin, n. Csnsinsa’ka.roster, n. Wicscs2e wowapi.rostrum, a. Osns2in; skan wo

hdakspi ; pasn .

rosy,a. Sass rosy- checked.

rot, vi. Kuks ; knks s’

ya; pon


rowdyish,a. OhanWicastasni .rower, n. Watopa.rowlock, n. s topekiys wi

yuze .

royal,a. Itsncsn Waste aroyalfamily. 71. Itsncsn ; wowapiskatan ’ka.

royalist, n . Wicsstaystapi tsobe.

royally,adv. Itsncsn iyececs

royalty, n. Itsncsn; itancan ta’waz itancan tswomnaye ; woks2n2n .

rub, vt. Payeza; pakintayulldsta; pa2s2s .

—Rub the clothes

hard,heyahe ni ’ns ps2a2a.

Rub pskinta.—Rub on, iunapswints .

—Rub ou t, pstsnin

sni ; pskints .—Rub up , pssdu

ta; pskinta; pswiyakps . vi .

Kaseyaya; icshtsg ya: yourubbed on the wheel. n. Wo

ksse ; woks l'

l take ; W0psnini ;wokasusu2s ahard rub.

rubadub, n . Kabupi .rubber, n . 1 . Cansin : it is madeof rubber. 2. Wi’payeza; ipa2a21l zapenci l with arubber

head. 3. Csnsin bun’

pa: buyapair of rubbers. 4 . Ehskenaeconpi : p lay the rubber.

rubbish, n . Wokpukpan; ts ’ku

ehpeyapi .rubric, n. WOOpe ;wocekiye woo


ruby, n. In ’

yan tehike és .

rudder, n . Iyupse ; ws’tsiyuho

mni .ruddiness, n . Sass ;woes .

ruddy,a. Sass .

rude,a. 1 . Wicastssni the rude

boy. 2 . WaonSpekesni ; ikceks our rude forefathers. 3.

Tan ’

yan ks ’

gspiéni : his rude

p low.

rudely,adv. Ikceys ; onspesni .

rudeness, n . OnWicaspesni.rudiment,n. O ’

tokaheys woonspeo

’hute .

rudimentary,a. O ’tokshe ; stunks .

186 ruminantrue, vt. Icsntesica; iyopeciya.ruefully,adv. Oiyokisinys .

ruff, n. Yumnimni2spi ; tahu yummmn i2spi.

rufflan, n. Tu ’we ocinsics .

ruffle, vt. Yutssta2a; yumnimni2a; yucsnze ; yuhdsta. n. Yumnimmzspi ;wocsnze.

ruffled,a. Csnze ; tasta2a.rug, n. Owin2sdan.

rugged, a. 1 . KagogOpi ; hehe ;hoskiski the ruggedmountains .

2. S uta; wakis’sks ; ke ’2s : a

rugged boy.

ruggedly,adv. Wskis’sgys .

ruggedness, n. Wowskis’aks ;woskiske ; wotehi .

ruin, n. Woyutskun isni ;woihsnke . vt. Yutskl lnisni ; ihangys .

ruination, n. Woihsngye.

ruinous, a. Wayusics ; weibangye.

rulable,a. Wicohsnohns ;woopeohns ;heciyotsn.

rule. 11. 1 . WOOpe : I wi ll readthe rules of the school. 2 . A hnaics 2 0pi ; owiyute on icazopiyour rule is crooked. 3. Wawidake : under the rule of kings.

vt. 1 . Icszo ; owotsnns icszoI want you to rule this pap er.

2. Idaho : she ruled her hus

band. 3. W0 0pe oysks : he

ruled the case ont. vi . Wawidake waawanyske woopeks ’

ga.ruler, n. 1 . Wawidske ; itancanthe ruler of England. 2 . A hnaicszOpi.

ruling, n. 1 . Icazopi : the rulingis too close. 2 . Woyaco ; waeysstan thej udge

’s ru ling. pa.

Itsncsn itancanun iyotsn.

rum, n. Miniwskan.

rumble, vi . Hmun ;bu ;ko’ks .

rumblingly,adv. Kokogys .

ruminant, n . Ts ’ku wsystekonzs ;ts

’hcs ; tatsnks ; ts.

ruminateruminate, vi. 1 . Wsyatekonza. 2.

A wscin 111) Wi .


rummage, vt. Ode ; mabontaode .

rumor, n. Woyskspi ; t11’we he’


tanin sni o’

yapi. vt. Oyska.rump, n. Nite ; sinte hu

’te .

rumple, vi. Yuksiksiza.rumpus, n. Okoyspi ; owodutaton

run, ci. 1 . In’

:ysnkathe boy runs.

2. s uza: the water runs. 3.

Iyaye ; iyopte : the clock runs.

4. A wacin okswinh unhis mind runs on it.—Runafter,kuwaiyeye .

—Runaway, ns2ica; nahmsnhda.—Run awaywith

, M s iyays .—Run for

ohsnko huweiy asy knwa.Run for Congress, Tunkansinsomniciye o

pe ktakuws .—Run

in debt,oicszo ks ’

ga.—Run inwith

, skips .—Run on


The debt ran on, oicszo ks2n

21lsni yanka.—Run ou t, hensns ihanke.

—Run over, spaaboks ;adi ys : ran overachild.

—Run over apaper, wowapiinshni wsnyaka.—Run up anaccount, oics zo ban’

skaks ’

ga.vt. 1 . In ’

yangkiys ; kiinysngran the horse amile .

2 . Iyayeya run the rope

through the hole. 3. n ege ;i ’cipssiss : run aseam—Rundown

,e ;’tapakihdega.—Runa


—Run out,tankan

iysyeya.—Runarisk, okihi ktesni se

’caecon .

—Run through,ipshdan iyoya.—Run through

afortune, woyuhstsnkayusota.—Run up the fi gures. waysWapi yuwitsya. n . 1 . 0 inysnke ; kiinyankapi : along run.

2. Minicsduzs ;wskpsdsn he

drankat the run .—A good run

for cattle, ptewsnuysnpi owi

hsnye waste .—A run of stones,


yan W i’yukpsn tawsn2i.


A run on the bank,ms ’


tipi ma’zaskn e’hdskupi kta

anatsnpi —The common run,

ikceka.; owasin iyececa.—Therun of mankind, wicssts iyuhsse ,

ecsowanca.—In the longr un

, te’hantu kinhsn owihan

keta.runaway,a. Napes’a; naz1ces’s .

rung, imp . of RING.

rung, n. Csn’oiysdi .

runner, n. 1 . In’

ysnkes’s ; in

yanks (111 ’zahe : runners p : eparl ngfor the race. 2. Wshoéiye : arunnerfrom the battle. 3. W0

peton omani : arunner fromChicago. 4 . E u

’sdohanp i :

strawberry vines have runner8 .

running,a. 1 . Kiinyangkiyapi :arunning horse. 2. I’ciyokiheystwo days running . 3. Ton ’

ye ;ton ’

su : arunning sore—Running down to, iyohiys . n . Inyankapi woksduzs .

runt, n. Ecsciksnaosteks .

rupture, n. 1 . Kshdecspi ; woke.hdeca: arup ture in the wall.2. Wokicize woskinica arupture in the king

’sfamily. 3.

Tezi nabdou hiyn . vt. Yuhde

cs : rup tureablood vessel.rural, a. Wo2upi muhoco ; wo2upi.

ruse, n. Wohnaye.

rush, vi . 1 . Nstsn; dus ya: allrushed to the fi re.

—Rush at,

snatan. 2 . Ni’nabiyu ; ni’ns

hiysys : the water rushed out.

3. Mde’zesn i kuwa: don’

t rush

into bus iness. n. 1 . Wonatsnsee the rush ofp eop le. 2. Waneca: rub i t wi th rushes. 3.

as : arush mat.rusher, n . Wsanstsn ohitika.rusk, n. A guyapi sku ’

yena.russet, n. Tsspsntsnks hs

gi.rust, n .

°Gigi ; ms’zsagi . vi . °Gi


ys ; gigi ; ema’ya.


rustic, a. Wo2uwicaéts ts’ws ;

ikce so ks’

gspi .rusticate, vi . Mskoskan ti ; W i

kcekce un.

rustle, vi . 1 . Hamhsps ; hs ’


the leaves rustled. 2 . Emunse skan ; mdiheiciys skanrustlefor yourself .

rustler, n. Tu’we wohitiys skan .

Sabbath, n. p r. A npetuwsksn.

Sabbath-breaker, n . A npetuwsksn

Sabbatical,a. A npetuwsksn iyececa. Sabbatical year, waniyetn isskowin.

saber, n. Issntsnka; miwaksn.

vi. Miwaksnon spa.sable, n . Nskpsgics . a. Sa’ps .

Sac, n . pr. Za’ke.

sacharine,a. Sku’

ya; csnhsnpise .

sacerdotal,a. Wswayusns .

sack, n. 1 . Wo2nha; o2uhs . Asackful, Wo2nhaozudsn. 2.

Un’hohda; o

’kdeonz1nca. vt.

1 . O2uton oksu : sack thepotatoes. 2 . Ihangys : the soldiers

sacked the town.

sackcloth, n. Min ihuhaéica; W02uhs .

sackful, n . O2utonpi .

sacrament, n. Wohdnze ; wows

ksn wicohsn (Htsyetuwotspiks mniskastanpi hens kspi) .

sacred,a. Waksn ohodapi .sacredly,adv. Wsksnysn.

sacredness, n . Wowsksn.

sacrifice, n. 1 . Wosnspi ;Wsihpe

yapi. 2. Woihsngye ; wokps

gan. vt. 1 . Wosna;waihpeys .

2. Ehpeys ; kpsgsn.

sacrilege, n. Wowsksn yuikce

kapLsacrum, n . Nischu .

saffronrusty,a. °Gi ; gigi : arustyp low .

rut, n. Oskokps ; canpshmihmahu naoskokps : keep ou t of theru le. vi . Tskiyuhs .

rutabago, n. Ti’psins 2i2i.ruthless,a. Waonsidssni.ruthlessly, adv. Waonsidssniysnrutty,a. Oskokpskps .

rye, n. A guyapissps .

sad,a. 1 . Cantesics ; iyokisin unasad woman. 2 . Oiyokisics

sudden, vt. Iyokisinyasadder, a. comp . S sn

ps cantesica.

saddest,a. sup . Iyotsncanteen s ;iyotsn oiyokisics .

saddle, n . A wskin; sungskin . Asaddle ofmeat, napco. vt. A kinkiton .

saddle-girth, n . Mskuiyutitsn.

saddle-horse, n . Sungsksnysnks

p1 .

saddle-tree, n. A wskin can.

sadly, adv. Cantesinys ; oiyoki

einys ; tehiya.sadness, n . Woiyokisics ; iyokisi

capi .safe, a. Okopesni ; kokipepics

sni ; tanyan ; waste . A safebridge, csnkshonpapi kokipepicssni . n. Opiyo suts ;ms


skaaonstakesafeguard, n . Onokope éni .

safekeeping, n. Woswsnyske ws


safely,adv. Tan ’

yan ;Okokipesniyan wakiunniyeéni .

safeness, n. Wokokipesni ; wozs


safety-lamp, n . Peti2sn2sn oko

poeni .

saffron,a. Z i ;wahcs zi.

samenessdenskecs .

—The same time,iye


sameness, n. O’Wsnzidsn; he


tuwsn2ica.sample, n. On sdonyapi kta; ons a. vt. Onspssps iyata.

ry,a. Onwicazsni kta.sanctiiication, n.Wicsyuecepidan;Wicayuwaksnpi .

sanctity, vt. Yuwsksn yuecedsn.

sanctinl onlous,a. Waksnksn: wsksnkonzs .

sanction, n. Woyusuta; wsokiyspi. vt. He’

cetu keys .

sanctity, n. Wowakan;wocekiye .

sanctuary, n. Ti’piwskansanctum, n . Oyankewsksn.

sand, n. Wiysks ; osamu . vt. Wiyskasksds .

sandal, n. Hsnpsicu hsn’

pa.sand-bag, n. Wiyskao2utonpi.sand-fly, n. Honsgidsnhdeskssandpaper, n. Minihuhspepe.

sandstone, n. Wiysksinysn izu

zs .

sandstorul , n. Wiysksibobdu .

sandwich, n. A guyspi wasinspsahica.

sandy, a. 1 . Wiyska: asandyroad. 2. San; 2i : sandy hair.

sane,a. 1 . Mde ’ze ; wacinhnuni

sni. 2.ai asound body.

sang, imp . of SING .

sang-froid, n. Inihsnsni.

sanguinary,a. Weyspi ; we o’

ts :

asanguinary war.

sanguine,a. 1 . We o’ts ; ks


ohsnko ; mdihecs : asanguinetemperament. 2. Okihiicidasanguine of success . 3. Sa; we .

Sanhedrim, n. pr. J udaOmniciyeWsnksntu .

sanitary,a. OnW icszsni .

sanity, n. Wscinbnuuisui ; wozam .

sank. imp . of S INK .

Sans A rc, n . p r . Itszipco .

Santee, n . p r. Issnysti.

190 saucilySanskrit, n. pr. Otakeho oyatewani i.

sap, n. 1 . Canhanpi. 2. Can1111.ihukuya. vt. Hu ’

to oks .

sap-head, n. Tu ’we wac intonéni.

saplellt,a. Kss ’

paksapaicids .

sapless,a. Pu’za; si ’cs .

sapling, it. Canci’stinna; toéu .

sappy,a. Miniota; stunka.sarcasm, n. Iapi woyabtske.

sarcastic,a. Wayshtske pe .

sardine, HogsnstinnaWi ’hdi

su b, 11. 1 . Ipiyakahan’sks ;

ske. 2. O’2an2ankdepi csnlw

Saskatchewan, n . p r. Miniduzs .

sassafras, n. Canzi ocs2e.

sat, imp . of BIT .

Satan, n. pr. Wsksnsics .

satanic,a. Wsksnsicaso.

satchel, n . Panbotka, wizipsn.

sate, vt. Wi’piya; i ’mnsys .

satellite, n. Wicsnhpi o’kibo ; o

satiate, vt. Wi’piya; hitihdsys .

satiety, n. Wi’pipi.satin, n. Minihuhs stosto .

satinet, n. 1 . Minihnhs ssn l sto

stons . 2. Onzoogoka’

gspl sni.satire, n . I on iyeyapi owohdakewawiyokipi 611i .

sath factiou, n. Woiyokipi ;woka211211 .

satisfactory,a. Wswiyokipi ; tan’

ysnsath iy, vt. Iyokipiya; Wi’piysSdonyekiya;ks2n2n .

sath fylug,pa. Wi’piys ; nspin.

saturate, vt. Hpanyan.

Saturday, 11. p r. Owanksyu2a2spi .sauce, n. Ts

’ku sku ’

ys . vt. Iapipo

’sto kn , i

’oniyoys .

saucebox, n. Tu ’We Wicsstssni .

saucepan, n. Wasku sikanyo.

saucer, n. Cototoh

saucily,adv. Wicsuaslllyan.

sanclnesssauciness, n . Woohodasni .sang

, a. Waohodasni ; Wi ’stecos

saunter, vi . Wi’kcekce omani.sausage, n. Tsd0 0paskicspi.savage, n. Ikcewicssta. a. 1.

Ikce ; ikce un : in savage life.

2. WOhitiks ; otehika; Okoki

po asavage dog.

save, vt. 1 . Nikiys : Lord saveme. 2. Kihnsks ;will save thisfor you .

sni yutuksn : save trouble.

prep . A’okpani.

saver, n. Wskpatsns’a; nikiys .

saving, pa. Wspstsn. 2. Wapatailpi

savingly,adv. Kpstsnysn.

savings-bank, n . Wskpstsnpitipi.

savor, n . Woomns ;itoka. vi . Ecsmna; u ’

ts ; so’ececs .

savorless,a. Tskumasnisavory, a. Wasteman ; oyunwssto.

saw, imp . of 8lu .

saw, 11. Csnibaksa. vt. Bakes .

sawdust, n . Csnbskpanpi .sawer, sawyer, n . Canbskss canba. 2. Canmnicszo.

sawmill, n. Csnnssdotipi.

say, said, vt. E’

ys ; ho’

ys ; keys .

-I say, ops .—You say, obs .

They say, keyspi.sayer, n . E

ys .

saying, n. Woeye. par. E’

ys .

scab, n. Ohdi cc’spu ; hskto.

scabbardm. Issno2uha;mio2uhs ;ms ’

zssagye o2uhs .

scaffold, n . Co’waho.

scaffolding, 11. On co’wahe ka’

gapiscald, vt. Minikstasguye.

scale, n . 1 . Ho’c



espu coipafi shwith scales. 2. 0n sspoyoton

pi : hay scales. 3. Ho’iysdipi

ring the scale. 4. OWiyute de

191 scattercimal scale . vt. l . A di : scalethe rock. 2. Yuhdsya; kskincs .

scalp, n . Wicapshs ; paha. vt.

Pshayu’zs .

scalp-dance, n. s kicipi .

scalpel, n. Isan ;mi’1111.scaly,a. Cespuots ; 11sktescamp, n. Wicaétasni .scamper, vi. In '

yanks ; tokan ya.scan, vt. s nyaka; cs ’hdeysws .

scandei, n. Wonie.

scandalize, vt. Wcs lc ki’csge .

scandalous, a. Yasicapi ; wshtoscandalously,adv. Sinys ; sicaya.scant,a. Iyohiéni so ;ki ’tanh iyohi ;a’okpsni. vt. Yusokpsni .

scantily,adv. A’okpsni icakisys .

scantllng, n. Csnmdssks omdo~


scanty,a. Iyokpsni ; to’nsns .

scape-grace, n. Csntowsnics .

scapula, u . A mdohu .

scar, n. Osnsze. vt. Kandoos .

scarce,a. To’nana;co’

nsns ;wanica; tehika

scarcely,adv. Ki ’tanh ;ki ’tansoh .

scarceaess, n . Wanica. ; wokitsnscarcity, n. Wanica; otehiks .

scare, vi . 1 . Yusinyeys . 2 . Hamya: scare of the birds.

scarecrow, n. Wshamys hde ’


rt, 11. Nskpiyutako.

rily, vt. Bahonll on we icu .

scariess,a. Osns zo wanica.

riet,a. Du ’ts ; ss


rry,a. Osnaze o’ts .

scat, intetj . Si’si ; hunktiys .

scathe, vt. Ihsngya.scathing, pa. Waihangye ; Okokipe .

scatter, vt. 1 . Kadadaksds chpcya: scatter seeds . 2. Yumdecs ;ensns iysyowicsys scatter theenemy. 3. Emmaehpeya; ihangys : scatter my hopes. vi . Eus

nayapi ; omdecsbsnpi .

ya.scene, 11. Wowsnyske w0pazo.

scenery, n. Owsnyske.

scent, vi . O’mns . n. Womna

Keen scented, womnaks .

scepter, n. Csn'hpi ; itancan ta

; sagxen . I’clyszsowspl .

scheme, 11. 1 . Wowiynkcsn to

formascheme. 2. Cankuyetonowapi. vt.Wi’yukcsn;nshmsn

schemer, n. Wakcsnka.scheming, pa. Wakcanks ; ku

schism, n. Womdeca.schismatic,a. Wsyumdoca.scholar, n. 1 . Waysws waonspekiyapi : howmany scholars. 2 .

Tu ’we wowapi wsynpika: our

minister isafi ne scholar.

scholarly,a. Kss ’

ps ;waonspoka.scholarship, n. 1 . Taku onspe : aman of great scholarship . 2.

Weyewaki’cics2u2upi.school, 11. Wayawapi ; wayswapioptsyo woonspe ocs2e. 11. Ho

gan optsyo vt. Onspekiys .

school-boy, n. Wsysws hoksidsnschool-dame,n.Waonspokiys Wln’

potu .

school-district. n. Mskoco tin ’sko

yaoyswstipi wan2i yuhspi .school-fellow, n. Kici waysws .

school-girl,n. Wsyswac incsns .

school-hour, n . Wsyswaohsntuschool-house, n. Wsyswstipi.

schooling, n. Waonspokiyspi.school-master, n. Waoncpokiys .

school-mate, n. Kici wsyswa.


school-mistress, school-ma’m,

Wsysws Win’

yanschool-teacher, n . Wsonspokiys .

school-teaching, n. Waonspekiya

fl .

n. Wi’tswsta.schottish, n. Wacipi ho.

science, 11. Woonspe ;wosdonyo.

scientific,a. Wssdonyo ; ksa’pa.scientifically,adv. Okikssmya.sci-iter, 11. Ms


scintillate, vi . Po’takpa’kpa.

scion, n. Obsksa; cinca.scissors, n. Wiyusda; iyusds

scoff, vi. l imbs . 11. Wsmhsh’

spi .

scoffer, n. Wawihaha.scoffingly,adv. Wawihahsys .

scold, vt. Ki’ge ; iy0poys . n . Ws

kigos’s .

scoop, vt. Icu ;ksptakakam icu ;yuskopa. n . Wi’csptetsnks .

scope, n. Ta’ku kapi ; okiciyu

kanp1.scorch, vt.

°G11ya; sdosys . To be

scorched, gu.

scorching,pa. Ka’ta;guguya.score, 11. 1 . Obego ; oicszo. 2.

Wikcemnanonpa. vt. Bago ;icago ; icszo .

scorn, n. Wowahtodséni ; wowina. vt. Wahtedssni aktasni .

scorner, n. Wswihshs ; Wsskta

scornful,a. Wshtodasni .scornfully,adv. Wshtodssniyan.

scorpion, n. 1 . Wanmduska. 2 .

Icapsinto posposto .

Scotch, n. pr. Wsziyats Sagdsss .

scoundrel, n. Wshtosni.scour, vi. 1 . Payeza; pasdusduts : scour knives. 2. O ’wsncsyaode ; omani . vi . 1 . Ws

pssduts ;Waka2o.

scourge, n. 1 . Icapsinte : heascourge. 2. Wokaki2o.

scout, n. Tonwoya. vt. Ihaha.scowl, vi. Itosinkiys .

Gangecs .

scurrilous,a. Si’ca; isles .

scurvy. n Tamar) pO '


scuttle, n. 1 . Mskscahdi woknakc : Wskiskokps . 2. A wskoyapi ohdoks .

scythe, n. Pe211cssda(nspinyun) .sea, n. Miniwsncs . A t sea


niwancs ektaun nu’ui .

sea-beach, n . Miniwsncs huts .

sea-board, n. Miniwsncs kabda.sea-breeze, n . Miniwsncs tate .

sea-captain, n . Wi ’tuwatu itancan.

sea-chart, n . Miniwsncs owapi.sea-coast, n. Miniwsncs Opapnn.

sea-faring,a. Miniwsncs omanis’a.

sea-girt,a. Miniwsncsaohomni.seal, vt. A pnspe ;nstaks ;yustan .

n . 1 . Wi’puspe : the king’s seal.

2. Mm1wsncawswshs .

sealing-wax, n . Wow.1pi W i’


seam, n . Oksgego ; o’kibo.

seaman, 11. Wi ’tawsts Wicssts .

seamless, n. Oksgego wanica.seamstress, n . Wsksgoge Win

Yal lsea-otter, n. Miniwsncaptan .

sear, vt. Guys ; snls’

yaseared,pa. °Gu ; sni2s .

search, vt. A kita; ode ; on ode

amdezs . The sherifi'

searchedthe house, wsoyusps tiodo. n .

Wsodopi .

searchable,aOdepica.searcher, n .Wsodo ; on waodopi.searching, pa. A nshbopicssni ;


;sto wasdonya.search-warrant, n . Wsodopi wo

wapi.sea-room, n . Ocannata; okatonyan.

sea-sickness, n. Paptsnptan iwsyszsnpi.

season, n . O’msks ; mskoncagomska

,snpotu to


, tohanyan.

—A wet season,omsks mags

2us’s .—In season

,iyehan .

194 secretiveness

Out of season, iyehsutusni . vi .

1 .Ws’

psyoton ; icahiys seasonfood. 2 . Puaya; yuwiyoysseason lumber.

seasonable,a. Iyohsntu ; i’


Ya!)seasonabiy,adv. Iyohsnysn.

seat, 11. Csnskanyskapi ; oiyo

tanks ; oyanke . Church seats,


piwsksn can’aksnysnkspi .—A country seat

,wo2upi oyan

ke . vt. 1 . I’

yotangkiys : seatthe peop le . 2. A ksnysnkspi

ks ’

gs : seat the church.

sea-worthy,a. Miniwsncs on yo

pica.secede, vi . Tokan ya.secession, n. Ihdutoksnpi .

seclude, c l . Nahman nataka.seclusion, n . Wonshbe .

second,a. Inonpa;icinonpa; 1 yokiho. The secondfloor


icinonpa. n. 1 . Okoks ; W i’

hiyayodsn ko’ks . 2. I’


ns’2in. 3. (Mus ) Ho o

’kibo .


O’kiys . S econd the motion


iapi o’kiys .

secondarily,adv. I’yokihoys ; ko’

ya.secondary,a. O’kibo ; icinonpa.second-haud,a. 1 . Tanni ; wannaun

pi ; second-hand clothing. 2.

I’yokiho s’tsyodsnsni .

secondly,adv. Iuon s .

second-rate,a. I’


be waste.

secrecy, n . Wonsbbe.

secret, a. Nshmsnpi ; nahmsnsdonyspi. n . Wonshbo i snanasdonyspi .

secretary, n. Wowapi kshkiyspi.2 . O ’kihe itancan secretary ofwar. 3. Wowapiahnaks ’

gspi .secrete,vt. 1 . Nshmsn anshmsn.

2. Ka’gs : secrete bi le.

secretion, 11 . Tonysn tonks’

gssecretlve,aa. Nshbes’s .

secretiveness, n. Wsanshmanpi.


secretly,adv. Nshmana; snebbeya.

seqetuess, n . Wonshbo nsi’



sect, n. Okodakiciye ospaye.

sectarian, a. Ospsye ts’Ws iyo

tsnda.sectarianlsm, n. Isns icidspi.

section, 11. 1 . Obaspe ; obspte ;onspa; oyukss ; iyokise.

~ 2.

(Gram.) Woeye ; Optapi . 3.

(Surv. ) Obsspe ; msksiyutspi


sectional,a. Onspsns on o’wacin.

secular,a. Ikce ; wocokiye wi cohsnsni . S ecu lar music, ikceodowan.

secularize, vt. Yuikcoks ikce ka’gs .

secure,a. OkOposni ; Wi’kOpesni .vt. 1 . Butayahns ’ks ; sutsyayu

’za; kssks : secure the p ris

oner. 2. S utaikoysks secured

by mortgage. 3. Icu ; ts’wsys ;

oyusps .

securely,adv. Okopesniyan.

security, n . 1 .Wokokiposni : dwell

in security. 2 . Woyusuts ;wo

yuhaksskapi ; wokaske : on

security. 3. Kici wowapi onihdaskspi. 4 . Woyahn kaskapiwowapi .

sedan, n. Can’sksnysnkspiakiyu


sedate,a. Ininaun wsawscin.

sedentary, a. O ’hinni i’



sediment, n. Make. cetetshsn.

sedition, n. Wskips2inpi .

seditious,a. Wskips2ins’a; oyate

wayuskiskspi .seduce, c l . Ts

’kl l si’cs on iyutsno ; hmun

’ks . hns’

ysn; i’ns


seducer, n. Wl lnahbe .

seduction, n . Wswiyutsn; Wl lns

hmsnpi .

seductive,a. Iyutsnye.


sedulous,a. O ’hinni econ; mdia

hocs .

see, saw, seen, vt. 1 . Wsnyaka;iotaon wsnyska I see ahouse. 2. Iyukcan, ndonya; tawscinonwsnyske ; okshmgs :I can’t see what he wants. vt.

Tonwan;wawanyaks . See into;see through, okahnigs .

—See to;seeabout

,on o

’tonwsn. n. Wo

awsnyake ; wokiconzo.

seed, n. 1 . 811 : app le seed. 2.

Cinca: the seed of A braham.

3. Wo2upi ; ou o2upi. vi . S uton; eu icaga. vt. O2u ; ksdads .

seed-corn, n. Wamnahezs o2upikta.

seeder, n . 0 1) sguyapisu o2upi.seed-time, n . Wo2upi iyehantu .

seedy, a. 1 . S 11 o’ts . 2 . Tsnni



seeing, conj . He’con ; he

’on .

seek, sought, vt. A kita; ode ;ihni ; cin. S eekafter, seekfor,skits .

seeker, n. Waode ;Wi ’hni .seem, vi . So



so’ecoca; itoks .

seeming, pa. ’cs ; akapstsn


seemingly,adv. So’ecocs ; tunin

731)seemly,adv. Iyecenys iyokipiys .

a. Iyococs ; tsn’


seen,pp . of sun.

seer, n. Wakcsnks ;was s to.

seersucker, n. Minihui ls doze.

seesaw, n. On nskicihuhuzspi.vi . Nawsnksnkaniyeiciys .

seethe, vt. Ohan . vi . Ipigs .

segment, 11. Onapa; obakso.

seine, 11. Ho ; onhogan yuzepi.seizable,a. Iyshpayepics .

seize, vt. Yu ’zs iyshpsys .

seizing, n. Iyshpayspi ; yu’zapi .

seizure, n. Icupl ; iyahpsyspi,seldom,adv. Wsn

’wsncadsn ons

ns .


select s . Kahnigapi ; wahto ps


. vt. Kahniga; kshnih 1cu .

selection, 11. Wskahnigspi pa

self,a. Iyehcs iye i’


1cs - ici-11 ; Wastoicidspi .

A mdn’s self, Wicssts iye s’ts



sclfsabased,a. Ihduhukuys .

self-abused,a. Sicayaocs icicon.

self-action,a. Iyocinks econ.

self-begotten,a. no icicsga.self-conceited,a. Ksapoicids .

self-condemnation, n. Ihdscopi .

self-confidence, n. Okihiicidspi.

self-conscious, a. Sdonicids ; kiksuys .

self-contradiction, n . Wicskosuiiciyspi.

self-control, n. Canto ihduhspi.self1couvicted,a. Ihdsco.

self-culture,a. Wsonspoiciciyspi.

self-deceit, n. Icihnsysnpi .

self-defense, n. A naiciksinpilf-denial, n . Waipucidspi .

selfsdestructiou, n. Ihsngiciyapiself-discipline, n. Ihdsonspop1.

self-distrust, n. Wsciniciyesni .

ll-educated,a. I’ye ihdsonspo.

self-esteem, n . Wsmnsicidspi .

self-evident,a. Iyocinkatsnin.

self-examination, n. A icimdozapi.self-government.n. Oysteihduhspi

selfsindulgeuce, n. Iyowiniciyapi.self-interest, n . I’yo swaicl cin.

selfish,a. Isnsnaawalcicin.

selfishness, n. Ohanal capi.self-made,a. I’ye okihiiciya.self-murder, n. Iciktopi .

selfspossessed, n. Tawacinhduhs ;self-praise, n. Ihdatsnpi.self-preservation, n . Niiclyspi.

self-reliant,a. I’ye wsclniciyaself-reproach, n. Icibspi.


sense, n . Wowiynkcsn; woawacin; wosdonyo ; ka’pi ; onwssdonyspi.

—Common sense, oca

wasdonyapi .—Moral sense,wowaste sdonyspi.

—No sense of

seifsrespect, n. Tanysnunws cinpi.self-righteous,a. Owotsnnaicida.self-same,a. Heohca.self-satisfied,a. Iyokipl lciys .

self-sufficient,a. Okihiicids .

self-taught,a. Iyo onspeicici ya.self'torture, n . Kskisiciysp i .self-willed,a. Tawacinsuta.sell, sold, vt. 1 . Wi’yOpoys wies

kn . I sold my land, makoce

mitawaWi’yopeways . 2 . Hns ’

yan n. Wohnaye .

seller, 71. Wi’

yopoya.selvage, n. Opapnn.

selves, p l . of saw .

semblance, n . Iyoceca.semi prefix . Hanke ; hsnkoya.semi-annual, n . Wsniyetn hsnko.

semi-barbarous, a. Iyokiso ikce

mil ”semicolon, n. Oohnske hanko .

semifluid,a. Tiktics .

seminary, n. Woonspe

semi-savage,a. Hankesemitone, n . Hoiysdspi hanke.

senate, n . Wicshcaomniciye .

senator, n. Wicahcaomniciyoo

ps .

send, sent,vt. 1 Yosi : send George.

2 . Yoys : sendaletter. 3. Knhiyuys : God sent arain . 4 .

Iyayeya: send them out.—Send

for, wahoys .

sender, n . Hiynys ; nsi.senior, n. 1 . Tokapa; ohsnnsecon . 2. Woonspe Wanksl l tnwal l iyetn ehske yswapi.usatiou, n . 1 . Kiksnyapi ; osdonyapi : asensation of cold. 2 .

Woyuhics ; woawac in the sen

sation caused by his speech.

sensational,a. Wsyuhicawshna

servantservant, n. Wowidske ; Y. we

servant-glrl, n. Win'

ysx) ookiye .

serve, vt. l . Htuni ;htskini ;o’ki

ye serve two masters. 2 . W0

ku ; woyute iyszs a'ya. : servethe meat. 3. Un

piwaéte : this

wi ll serveforaseat. 4. Ecski

coq ; knwahe served me well.—To cause to serve,wowidsgys .

—To serve awrit, Wsoyuspswowapi ki’ciysws . vi . Wowi

dske u! ) unpiwsste .

service, n. 1 . Wohtsni ; wowssi ;W 0Widske : God requires your

service. 2. Woecon wocekiye

the burial service. 3. Wawoki

Wazacommunion service.

servile,a. Wowidskese ; wowids

ke ; iye tswscix] un’sni .

servitude, n. Wowidske.

session, n . 1 . Omniciye wsnz1 ;oeyotsqke. 17msession of Con

gress, ws’kiyspi oeyotsnks de.

2. Omniciye. 3. (PresbyterianChurch) H kuyapi omniciye.

sees-pool, n. skohdoks (ohnsminiéics ehpeyapi) .

set, vt. 1 . E'hde ; s’huaka;bde

I do set my bow in the cloud.

2. Econkiys ;-ki’ya. Set him to

thinking, swscix)kiya.—Set himto work

,htsnikiys . 3. S utsys

o’hde ; éksqsksqsni e

’hde : set

the posts. 4. Cszeysts ; ks ;kshnigs : setap rice. 5. Been

e’hde : set the clock. n . Zn .

Set wi th j ewels, in’

yat) tehika.i n


To set about i t, kuwa.—Tosetagainst, ipatan e’

kda; si'cedsks .

—To seta-going, iyopteys .—To set ahen


kiya.—To setapart, iyog e'hde .

—To setasaw, csqibskss hi

yukssnysx) .—To setaside, icnn

om e’hde ehpeya.—l '

o setat


ease,kihns .

—To setat naught,ts

'kusnikiys .—To set

ms ’zshtskiyspi e

’0 1]ps hman ’

ks . To setatwork htanikiys .

—To set by, to icunomo’hde.

—To set eyes on, wsnysks .—To set forth, tuqixyyan

e’hde ; oyaka; yn tanin.


setforward, i ys ; iy0pteys .

1h setfree, yusks .—To set in

order, pikig

s ;Wi'

yeys e'knakan

—To set 0 apart, onsps icnnom e

’hnsks . Tosetofi‘against,

en ki’ciyswspi kicn.—To set on

(as adog), kuwskiys .—To set

the mind o n,sWsci1) .

—To set

one’s cap for, hmnn'ks ; yu ’


kuwa.—i h set onfi re, ideya; yuhnsskinysn.

—To set on

foot, econwicskiya; kites .

To setout (asfood), e’hde .—To

set out (as atree) , hnhde .

To set out to go to, ektaiysya.

—To set right, yuwotanns .

1h set thefashion, oihdwie ka’gs .—To set the teeth on edge,

hi msnsnks .—To set the time


tohsntu kshnigs .—To set up a

factory, woksgetipi kecapi .To setup (to exalt) , yuwsqksnln .—To set up (as amark) ,


—To set up (as apost) ,boadan e

'hde.—To set up ,

type,ms 'zsehde.

—To setup in trade,wopetoqp

i okihiys .

t, vi . 1 . ysys . The

W1 1ysye. 2. Patin ; sag s’

yswai t till theglue sets. 3. Iysys ;ksduzs : the current sets to theother shore. 4. Warmth) .When the dog sets, tohsn sun

ks wasnszin.—To set about


k q wsqns econ .—1b setof ,

iysys .- To set out for London,

London ektaiyays .—1b setou t

in business, woicicnws en iyo

h iys .—1b set to, en iyeioiys ;—1b setup (one’s self ), on

set-down 199

e’icihde ; iysyeiciys . pa. 1 . Sutsys hde


pi ; suts ; ynhomnipitehike : set in his ways. 2 . I’to

kam iwsnyskspi ; ksh’

yustsnpi : set forms of pap ers. n . l .

Optsye ; obe another set ofp eop le. 2. Tswana; okshtoxjaset of chairs.

set-down, n. Psmshen iyeyspi.settee, n. A ksqyskspi hsn

’sks .

setter, n . Sun ’ks siyo sns i ii] .setting, n. E

’hdepi ; zu’

pi ; hiyays .

settle, vt. 1 . En i’yotsnke ; e’ti ;

ti ; makoce ion : the Frenchsettled Canada. 2. Kssuzusettle youraccount. 3. Yumdesys settle the water. 4 . Owani i ysnkekiys ; yuwsste : settlethe minds of thepeop le. 5. Yu

stsxj ; ys co : he settled the quarrel. 6 . Sutsys ysnkekiys ; yubekiyasettleaminister. vi . 1 .

I'yotsxjks ; owsxji i i’

yotsnks ;tihde : he settled in the West.2. Wsciqtsnks ; he


cs ysnks . 3. Iyshe ; knn iyshe : the bees settled. 4 . Ruskin

iyaye ; knn iwanka. : the haysettled. 5. A mdskedsx) iwanka;ssni the storm settled.

settlement, n. 1 . Wicoti ; oyateti’pi ; ti

pi : the Indian settle

ment. 2. Yustsnpi ;woynsts 1)the settlement of the controversy.

3. Oeyotsnke .

settler, n. 1 . Ihdsks shiyotsqks ;shiti ;woyustsx) owihanke .

settling, n. 1 . Oeyotsnke : the settling of the country. 2. Run

iwsnke the settling of the house.

3. Yustsxjpi ; ynecetupi. 4 . Cetete hs l ) msks oiyahe.

seven,a. Sskowiq .

ventold,a. Sskowir)akihde.

seventeen,a. A kesskowir) .seventeenth,a. I'skesskowirj ske

sskowix) yuspspi Wsni i .

seventh, a. Isskowiq sskowiq

yuspspi wal ) i i.seventhly,adv. Issko

seventy,a. Wikcemns sskowix] .sever, vt. Kiyuéps ; yuéps ; yukinuksq ; yutoksij .

several,a. l . Wsni iksi ; to’nsns ;

to'nskecs : several p ersons. 2 .

To’kecs ; iyohi : four several


severalty, n. Tsn'iyohi ; kiyuspa.

severe,a. Tchike. ; s’s ’kecs ; ksi

zecs .

severely,adv. Tehiyatkeya;ui ’11s .

severity, n. Woteki ;W0 iyokisics .

sew, vt. n ege ; pssiss . Sew up ,sksgege .

T 1

gosewer, n. 1 . u we wsksge’


Minisics wohdogecs .

sewerage, n. Minisics oyuskeps .

sevving, n. Wsksgegepi ; woke.e

sewing-machine, n. 0 1] wsksge

gepi.sex, n. Wies ksisWin

ysq .

sexless,a. Win'kts .

sexton, n . Ti ’piwsks ij swsqysks .

sexual, a. Kicicinpi ; Wics ks lsWin

ys1) okicicuwspi.shabbily,adv. Oq

’sihsrjysn; oxy

siya.shabby,a. H’

eh’e ; sicayaihduzs ;Wshtesni .

shack, n. Tisica.shackle, c l . Kssks ; ms


kc ; ksg'iys . n . Ms

’zsicsske ;

iskshumszs .

shad, n. Miniwsncs hogsnsks .

shade, n . 1 . O’hsnzi ; csqohsqzi

come and sit in the shade. 2.

Ssmys ks’

gspi (iteowapi ekta)3. Icshi : painted adifferentshade. 4. Ri'tanna; ci


(is !) wheat sellsashade higher.

5 . O ’zsnpi : window shades. 6 .

Wsnsgi otipi shades of the

dead. 7 . Ki ’tsxjns to’keos

shade of opinion. vt. 1 . O'hansiys sohsnziys . i t shades the

shadeiess,a. O’hsnzi wanica.

shadow, n . O’hsnzi ; o'hsnzi hin

hpaya; nagi. vt. t ansiya'

o hsnz1 ks'

gao’hsnzi iyecen

shadowy, a. 6'hanzi se ; wohnaye .

shady,a. O’hsnzi ; sohsnziyspi.shalt, n. lhups ; hucsn.

shag, n . Hinsma.shau ed,a. °Gsngsn h’


shaggy,a. Hinsms ; h ’


shake, c l . Yucsncsn; yuhuhuzs ;kscsncsn; kshuimza; etc .

S hake hands,nspeyuzs .—S hake

the head, po'mnsmns po'

ptanptan .

— S hake of (as dirt fromablanket) , katsts .

—S hake of(as fruit from trees), kshnsks sns .

—Shake the tail,sien

pssnpssn. vi . Cancun : he shookall over. n. 1 . Wocsncsn cancsnpi ; woyuhnhuzs : he hadabig shake . 2. Onssdecs :ashakein the board.

shaker, n. On yucsncanpi .shaking, n. Wocsncsn.

shaky,a. l . Cancun : shaky hands.

2. Sdecshsno

zashaky board.

shale, n . Ha; in’

ysnha.shall, v. aux. Kts iyececs kte

do ; kta.shallow,a. 1 . Shesh i pu


Y. ka'zens : as o stream.

2. s stedsn sho'

ps ;mdasks ;mahentu sni : ashallow dish.

3. Hasksmyedsn mahentusni ; wskshdokesni .

shallow-braised, a. Nssuns hs

skamyedsn;ksapesni.shallowness, n. Mahentusni.shalt, 2d1981 son of SHALL .

sham, n. Wohnaye ; ecaeconpi.

200 sharpena. Wicakesni. vt. Hns '


'zs , un

’os .

shame, n. Wowistecs ; istecspi

bancan onsps nshmsnpi . vt.

shametaeed,a. Wi’steoa.

shametacedly,adv. Wi ’stenys .

shametacedness, n. Wi'ste cspi .shameful,a. On istecspi iyececs ;wowistecasi es .

shamefully,adv. Wi'stenys .

shameless,a. Istecesni .shamelessly,adv. Istecesniysn.

shank, n . Hnmdo ; hn .

shan’t. eq. to SHA LL NOT .

shanty, n. Ti'pidsn ti’pi inshnii.


n?1 . Okage ; ksgopi , ics: I don’t like the shape . 2 .

0 0 e ; e'hnskspi : he lef t

things in bade/tape. vi. Ks '

gs ;kashicaWi’ynkcsn.

shapeless,a. Okage wanica. ; ka’gapisni .

shapelymshare, n.



ynmdn hi . vt. Onsps kn ,

pamni ; kiynsps ; kici yuba.share-holder, n. Onsps tu

’ways .

sharer, n. Onspsynhs ;kici ta’ws .

shark, n. Hogan Wicass yu'ta


tu'wo Wicasasni .

sharp,a. P9 ; pe'sto ; wacinksaps ; kss

ps .—S harp contest


woskinics WOhitiks . sharpeye, istsmdezs .

—S ha7p pain,woyazan icsmye.

—S haip roof ,swakeyspi pe'sto.

—S harp sand,Wiyakapapa—S harp tone, ho

wsnksntn ; ho pin’zs .—S harp

trader,W0peton Wicsétssni.

Sharp voice,ho pin

’zs .—S harp

words, iapi pe’sto. n . Ho’


wsnksntnpi.sharpen, vt. Kspesto ; peys ; yumsn;pamsn;mdesys . S harpenanas

,onspe paw n—Sharp en


shelve, vt. Kihnaka; csnmdssksakan e

’hnsks .

shepherd, n . Ts ’hcsskaswsnyske ;wsawanyake.

shepherdess, n. Win'


shephents-crook. n. Ws



sheriti, n . Woksske swanyske ;wsoynsps .

sherry, n. Miniss (ocs2e) .shield, n. Wahacsnks ;wowinspe .

vt. A kshps ; skshpetonshitt, vt. Yutokecs ; tokan e

’hnsks ; yntoksn. vi . Tokan iys

ys ; piiciys . n. 1 Yntoksnpi ;opiieiyspi. 2. Mshennnpi.

shittless, a. Oihdnhs onspesni ;wshdnsots .

shittlessness, n. Wskpstsnpisni .shitty,a. Wi’ihdnhs ;mdiheesushillalnh, n. Csnnskss .

shilling, n. Kaspapi 110m ssmokise.

shin, n. Hnsdi .shine, vi . Iyega; i'zsnssn;Wiyakpa; okitanin. Fire shines,

pe'ts i ’zsnzsn. Fish - scales

shine,hocespnWiyskpa.- S hine

in comliany,W icots en okitsnin.

n. Wowiyskpa; Wiizsnr'

ssn;can’bunpapsWiyskpspi .

shingle, n . Canokshpa; canbakpsnpi ; Y. can'nshpsps . vt.

1 . Canokahps ohutan . 2. Pshakssds ; bssmin.

shingling, n . A wakeyapi.shining,a. Iyoi snssn Wiyskpa;sdnsdnts ; okitanin.

shiny,a. Wiyskps .

ship, n. Wi’tsWsta; miniwancswats canwakan ys

’mni. vt.

Ws’ts ohns yeys ; yeys ; hi

ynya. S hip goods, woynhs

eya.s p

-board,adv. Wa’tssksn.

ship-master, n. Wi ’tuwatu itan


shipment, n. 1. 1ysyeyspi : the

shvpment of grain. 2 . Ts’kn

iysyeyspi :alarge shipment.shipper, n. Iyayeyawstohnaksship

-shape,adv. Tan'yan.

shipwreck, vt. Ws’tskamdecs . n.

Wstihsngyapi ;W0 tsknnisni.shirk, vt. Nshmsnoz1k1ysshirt, n. On

’hdohds wicsnnpi

Y. T.


slososhirting, n. Minihnhssks .

shirtless,a. O ’kdecodsn.

shiver, n. 1 . Wocsncsn; csncsn

Ei : he was inashiver. 2 . W0

ssdees ; wokpsn. vi . 1 . Cancsn thep oor dog shivered. 2.

Mdecshsn vt. Ksmdecs ; yncancsn.

shivering,pa. Cancsn.

shiveringly,adv. Csncsnysn.

shivery,a. Cancan sdesdecahsn.

shoal,a. Ke ’sodan shoal water.

n. 1 . Minikszedsn : the boatstuck on the shoals. 2 . O '

ts ;skipsspss hiyeye.

shoaly,a. She ’sni ka'sedan .

shunt, n. Knknsedsn.

shock, n. 1 . Woyns’in1n ;ysye tan

Bostoyopi 2 A suyopi Osahivt. 1 . Yns’inyeys ; inihsnys

you shockme. 2. Pennks o'hde.

shocking, a. Woyus’inysn ; W0

Wshtedasni .shockingly, adv. Okokipeys ; tehiya.

shod, imp . of SHOE.

shoddy, n . Min ihnhs skts ka’gappi ; minihnhs sntséni .

shoe, n . l . Can 'hsnpa afi ne

shoe. 2. Sakemszs ahorseshoe. 3. Ms

’zasicn : asleigh

shoe. vt. Sskeoks tsn sicnoks


s ,hoe-black n. Csn'hanpsssmys .

shoeblncking, it. Can’hsnpsissmys .

shoeless,a. Csn'hsnps ni'es .

shoe-maker, n. Can’hsnpskags .


shoer, n. Sskemszsokstsn.

shone, imp . of SHiNE.

shoo, interj .

shook, imp . of SH



shoot, vt. 1 . Knte ; yeya: shootan arrow; shootagun. 2. 0 ;en iyeya: he shotabear. 3.

Uya; yeys . S hoot outabud,

csnmni wan nys .—S hoot at


kute .- Shoot of agun, ma'zs

ksn bosdoks .—He was shotat,

kntepi .—He was shot, 0



S hoot down, bowanka. vi . 1 .

Ma'zakan econ ; knte ; nta: Iheard some one shoot.

nsnps ; nys° icaa: the grain

shot up . 3. bus °

ysys .




train shot by, hemsni dns hiyays . n. 1 . Knte i1 ; 0knte. 2.

Can’nys can etka green

shoots. 3. Ohnayeyspi : grainshoot.

shooter, n.

Wsknte ; 0nkntepi.

shooting, n Ma'zakan .econpi ;wsnhinkpe yeyspi ; wakntepi.

shooting-star, n. W1csnhp10k1n

shop, n. 1 . Ohnawowssi eco pi ;W 0kagetipi. 2. MszOpiye (o

wtsknsnisni Wiyopeyspi) vi.

peton : she has gone shopp ing.

shop-boy, n. Wowaéihoksidsn °

w0pet0nhoksidsn .

shop-keeper, n. Mszopiyeynhs .

shop-Iiiter, n Mazopiye etanhan


shore, n . O’hata; huts ; minika

hda. On shore, butats .- Out

from shore, cannan .

shorn.PP of sum .


stick. 2 . Ci ’stiyedsn° asksye

dan ashort time. 3. Iyohi

sni ; s’okpani .—~hort


of provisions, woynte iyohisni . 4. I’ts

to ; its hens ; s'0kpsm .

—Nothing short of ki lling will do



pia0kpsni ta'kudan 1yeee


Ohanko ;Wscinkoashort answer. 6 . (Cookery)Napin ; wan’

.kadan—A i short

notice,kohanns .

—Cut short hisspeech, wohdskaysptecedann. Pte

’cedsn. adv. Ptenyedan;


shortsbreathed, a. Niysptecedsn.

short-cake, n. A gnyspi sds’icshi

short-coming, n. Eceneconsni.shorten, vt. atecedsn; yusokpani. vi . Pte


shortening, n . 1 . Sda;wi'hdi : noshortening in the cake. 2. H e


cedsn ka’gspi : the shorteningof the road.

short-hand, n. Ohankoowapi.short-lived,a. Ptenyedsnni'pi.shorty, adv. 1 . Ecsdsn : I will

come shortly. 2. Ptenyedsnhe sp oke shortly.

shortness, n. Pte ’cedsn.

shorts, n. p l. A gnyspihs.mdn .

short-sighted,a. 1 . Ikiyedsnaynts : short- sighted eyes. 2. Wi'

ynkcsnsni to cheat is short


short-waisted,a. Maknptecedsn.

shortwinded,a. Oniysptecedsn.

Shoshones, n. pr. Sn ’snni ; 80

sonns .

shot, imp . of snoor .

shot, n. l . Snkpsnns ; sncikcikadan load your gun with shot.

2 Wohnte he fired ticen tyshot. 3. Wsknte ; kntepi : afi ne shot.

shot-pouch, n. Tssnsnosnhs .

should, imp . of SHALL . (Dakotaiapi iyececs wanica., qa. ieskayspisni ecee, tnks Wsnwsncsdsn ieskspica. ) 1 . Iyececs .

S hould I do i t, ecsmon iyececs

he . 2. He’cetn. I should like

to go, mds wacin he ’cetn . 3.

Kinhsn. S hould it turn cold,

osni hinhds kinhsn.


shoulder,n. Hiyete;tapete;smdo.

Pu t in your shoulder, hiyeteon

ps .—A shoulder of pork, knkn

60 into. vt. Hiyeteonps ; kin .

shoulder-blade, n. A mdohn .

shoulder-strap, n. Hiyetesskspe.

shout, vi. Pan; ss’s ; ho’tsnin.

Shoutat, kipsn. vt. Ho’tanka

eya; psn’niys. n . Psn

pi .

shouter, n. Pan’s’s .

shove, vi . Pstsniyeya;pasdohsniyeya: shove i taway.

shovel, n. Ma'zamdssks .

shovel, cshots on icnpi.

show, vt. Pazo ; ynotanin ynzs

mni . S how forth, ynotanin.

S how him in, timahen nkiya.S how of , ikpszo. n


pi 3. W0psz0 ; pasop1 ; yuotsn1n 1 .

showlzbill, n. Tissksmys yaotan


show-case, n. Zanzan oakshpe .

shower, n . Wapszo.

shower, n. Maigatn ; inshni mags i n ;hinhe ;ohinhe. A shower

of meteors, Wicanhpi ohinhe.

vt. A hinheys : he showered dirt

on us . vi. Magszn ; binban .

ower-bath, n . Mnishinheyspishowerless,a. Magasnwsnics .

showery,a. Magazine’s .


glass, n . Mniomdasin.

showily,adv. Wi’tsntanyan.

show-man, n. Wspszowicssts .

showy,a. Wowsnyske ;owanyagwaste Wi’tantsn.

shred, n. Minihnhsohdecshe .

shrew, n. Wskiges’s .

shrewd,a. Rea'ps ;wsynpika.shrewdly,adv. Wsynpiys .

shrewdness, n. Wowaynpiks .

shriek, vi . Sicshowsya; tshowaya: he shriekedforfear.

shrieker, n. Sicshowsyss’s .

shrill, a. Pin 'za° ho’

pinzs . vt.

Yapinzs . ri . i’ ins’hoton.

shrillness, n. W0pinzs .


204 Siameseshrimp, n. Ta'kn ms 'nins ; Wiessts ecscistinns .

shrine, n. Owscekiye ; W0piye

Wakan .

shrink, vi . 1 . Natipa; nsmmgs ;ci’stinns s


ya my moccasinsshrank. 1 . (wi th aprep . ) Natnnks ; kokips ; econksp

’in he

shrinkage, n . To’kenaokpsni .


lnklng, pa. Ci

’stinnssys ; ko

pa.shrinkingly,adv. Kokipeys .

shrivel, vi . Sni 'zs ;natipa;sns 'ze.

shriveled,pa. Snisnii s ; pinspinshroud, n. Sins ; on iyspehsnpi.

owinza. vt. Iyapemni ; uks

hps ; sohunziya.shrub, n. Canci’stinns ; otehi .

shrubbery, n. Can cikcistinns ;Wssknyecu hn.

shrubby,a. Ca0pamns ; otehi.shrug, vi. Tsnnspskiya.shrunk, im of samna.shuck, n. u ozuhs .

shudder, vi . Cancun; inihsn. n.

Wocuncun cancsnpi.shuttle, vt. nicicshi ; yushanskan. vi. Sksnsksn.

shumac, n. Cuni i.shun, vt. t omniys ; oksmns ;naps shun bad company.

shut, vt. Eceniyeya; ecenicn ; 11a.taka. S hut in

, sonataka; natuks .

—Shuthismonth,i ns taks .

shutter, n. 1 . Oskpshpe ; i’hs : a

window shutter. 2. Tn'we wa

ukahps .

shuttle, n. Huhontu 0 suhs .

shy,a. Wutoghda; Wi ’kopa. Tobe shy of, kokips . vi . Nspa.n. Wonspe ; oksh


shyly, ndv. Wstoghdayusienyu.

shyness, n. Wowstoghda.S iamese, n. S i’umwicusts.


sign-board, n. Csnmdssku case

owapi ; csnmdssku wussghde


signer, n. Cs i eoiciws .




n. Ma'zsnspcnpe onspnspsp1.

signiiicancy, n. Tu’knkapi ;wows

s’ake .

significant,a. 1 . Okitanin ws'


tokecu : asignifi cant look. 2.

Tun 'ks was’aka.significantl adv. Wspetogys .

signification, n. 1 . To’ken ks 'pi :

the signifi cation of the word. 2.

oyaka:he signifled his desire. 2. Ks ;yntanin i t signifi es nothing.


post, n. Cunpusdatspi wowskta.

silence, n. Ininsnnpi ; woyakesninn

pi. interj . Ininannkiya;uyastsnkiyu.

silent,a. Ininsnn; inins ; owanz1un; tuninsni nn asilent

mam—A si lent letter, oowatux) .inani nn.

silently,adv. Inina; s ’inins .

silentness, n. Woinins .

silk, n. l . Wsnmdnskshin minihnha;wsnmdnskshin.

tn ; wsnmdnskshin iyececs .

silken,a. S tosto ; sdnsdnts .

silkiness, n. WosdnSdnta; Wowiyskpu.

silk-worm, n. Wanmdnskahinka’gs .

silky, a. Wunmdnskuhin se'cs ;

Wiyskps panpannu.

siliness, n. Wowitkotkoka.silly, a. Wscintonsni ; Witko

tk0 .

silvan,a. Can ps'tu.

silver, n. Ms’zssks ; ms


ms’zu. a. Ms

’zs sks ;mu


iyececs Wiyskpa; ska. vt.

206 sincere

Ms ’zusks spuwintu ;

kpa; skaka’gssilvergray,a. 81111.hots .


htest, n. Ms ’ssskaminibu

silversmith, n. Mu’zssku ms ’


gs .

silvery,a. Ma’zaskaiyececs .

similar,a. Iyececs ;i’skidececs :asimilar house.

—S imilar houses,ti’pi i

’skidececs .

similarity, n. Woakidececs .

similarly,adv. Iyecen ;s'kidecen.

similitude, n. Iyecece° W0 iyece


ce° Wi ’yscinpi.

simmer, vi . Nas u.

simoon, n.

'1‘ste ka’tu.

simper, vt. Zii iyaiha.simple,a. 1 . E’

cedsn : asimp leidea. 2. Wscint0ns11i ,

° kss’


sni . 3.Wicahnuyewscinsni : thesimp le chi ld.

simple-hearted,a. Csnte e' °

cedsnwshtaniwscinsni .

simple-minded, a. Wssws cinsni ;kss ’

pesni .

simpleton, n. Wscintonsni ; Wi


simplicity, n. Oskiskesni ; wacinism

simplify,vt. Yntehisni ;ynecedsn.

simulate, vt. Kon’zs .

simulation, n. Hns ’

ysnpi ; kon’



taneous,a. Iyeban .

simultaneously,adv. Iyehanysn.

slmultaneousness, n. Woiyehsn tu.

sin, n. W0ul’1tsni . vi . Wai°1tani.

since, adv. Ehuntsnhsn° itabo

nu° iyohsksm. prep . Ehan

tanhun; hetsnhan. conj . 1 .

Ehantunhsn : since the worldbegan. 2. He’on etanhun°


kses;he’on.—S ince love is vain


ihskiciktspi kinhe ta’kush i kinhe’


sincere,a. 1 . Wowicske : asincere intention. 2. E


° Wi

sincerely 207

csks ; W0hnsye ni ’cs asin

cere man.

sincerely,adv. A ’Wicskehan aWi’

cskeys ;Wicakeys .

slncereness, n . Wicskspi ; Wieshnuysnpisni.

sincerity, n. Wowicske ;wohnayewanica.

sinecure, n. Mukoskun wokazusnyuhu ; htanisni kicicazni npi .

sinew, n. Kan; Wi’cnws ; tskan .

sinewless,a. Kanwsnics .

sinewy,a. Kanota; kantsnka.sinful,a. 1 . Wahtunis’a; wahtuui sinful man. 2 . Si’ca;woahtuni sinfu l words.

sinfully,adv. Sicaya.sintulness, n. Si’ce Wos1oe W0 s

slng, vi. Dowsn; hoton ; hmnn.

vt. 1 . A h iyuyu : sing ahymn.

2 . Ystun; idowsn : sing his


singe, vt. Hihnn ; guys .

singer, n. Dowsnwsynpiks ; do


singing-book, n. Wowapi odowsn

ho ks ’


-man, n. DowsnWicssta.singing

-master, n. Dowunpi 0nSpeWicakiyu.

singing-school, n. Dowunpi onspe


-woman, n. Win’

ysn do


single,a. 1 . Want idsn asinglestar. 2. Isnsnu : he single stood.

3. Ienanann : asingle man.

vt. Kuhnigs ;Wsn2i icn.

single-handed, a. Nspsani ; isns

nu ; tunsnsnu.

single-hearted.a. Cuntewsnz1dan


single-minded, a. Tswacinwanzi


singleness, n. Wowanzidan; WO1snsns ; he


singletree, n . Csnwiyutitsn.

singly,adv. Wanziksi ; isnsns .

slngssong, n. Dowsnse .

singular,a. 1 . (Gram. ) Wsnzidunku’

pi ; Wicisnsnu : the singularnumber . 2. Tc ’heca; wa’petokeca: of singular app earance.

3. Isnsns ; iyotsn wskspeya.

singularity, n. Wowupetokeca;Wicisnsna.

singularly, adv. Togye ; ws’


togya.einister,a. Catksts ; ecinsni .sink, vi . Knn

iysye ; mshen iyaye ; spsys : the boat sank. vt.

Knn iysyeya; sps ’

yeyu : sinkaship

—S inkadebt,oicszo yn

sokpani .—S inkahole

, ohdoku

muhena’ya.—S inkmoney,ma’zssks uwihnnniyu.

—S ink the

price, wokaznzn u’okpani ka’

gs . n. Oskokpa; minisicu tukten ehpeyapi.

sinker, n . Onspayeyapi.sink-hole, n. Minisics oskokps .

sinless,a. Woshtsni ni ’ca.sinlessly,adv.Woshtani waninys .

slnlessness, n. Woahtsni ecsws


sinner, n. Wahtsnis’a; tn’we s1

ca.sin-offering,n.Woahtaniwosnspi .S ioux, n. p r. Dakota. The S iouxnation

, Dakotaoyate .

S ioux City, n . p r. Otonwe Ci’stin

11s ; Can’kssdste Iyohdoke .

S ioux Falls, n . pr. Can’ks sdate

Hsha; Hehe .

sip, vt. Yatksn; yazoka; iyoziyatkan . vi . Wuystksn. n. W0

ystke W0nupce .

siphon, n . Wi’ynskeps .

sir, n.Wicssts (W0yn0nihuniapi) .sire, n. A tknkn ; tn

’we ka’ga. vt.

Ka’gs (snngmdoks kap i ece ) .siren, n. Win

ysn Wicsl’

nnnngs ;Win


sirloin, n . Tstanks ce’ca.

sirname, n . Wicowszi case .


sirocco, n. Tate ks 'ta.slrup, n. Cannan itiktics ; hsn

piskuyo l YY- himaso hal lpisister, n. 1 . Tu’winohtin. Aman’


older sister,tunkeku.

—My sister

, tanks ; mitunke.—A man’


younger sister, tanksitkn .—My

younger sister, tankéi ; mitan11111.—A woman’s older sister,cnn

’kn °


cnnwekn.—My older

sister,micun °

cnnwe .—A wo

man’s younger sister, tankak11 °

tun’kn .—My younger sister


tanks ;mitunku.—Theyare sis

ters, tankskiciyupi. 2. Sinssopo wil l


yoll ookiyo ; wil l'

yorl0 0kiye.

sisterhood, 11. Win’

yanookiye okodskiciye.

slster-ln-law, n. (A man’s) , Hanks ; (awoman’

s) , icepsn°

(awoman’s husband’s brother’s

wife) , icepunsi.sisterly,a. Ts 'Winohtin iyececs ;waonsidu.

sit, sat, vi . 1 . I’yotunku ; yanka.S i t down, i

yotsnka.—S i t on thelog, canksgs skan yanks . 2.

A mun ; ukiknu yanks : the hen

si ts. 3. Kipi ;wanka: the coatsits well. 4 . Mni


° hi ’yo

tsnka. 5. Hankikts : sit up

site, n. Oysnke ;ticsgspimahoes .

sitter. n. I’yotsnkes’s ; wakiknu

yanka.sitting, pa. I’yotunkahsn nn. n .



nsmnsni .

situate,a. Yanks .

situated,a. Yanks ; e’hdepi.

situation, n. Oysnke ;oustin;onn;Wowssi ; wohtani

six,a. Sa’kpe.

slxiold,a. Sa’kpeakihde.



n. (Ssgduéin iapi) Ma’ssdanakenom.

six-shooter, n. Ss ’kpentspi.

208 skimmer

sixteen,a. A kesukpe .

sixteenth,a. 1 . I’ukesskpe . 2. A ke

nai .the sixthp ie.

sixthly,adv. Isukpe.

sixty,a. Wikcemnssukpe .

sizable,a. Ki ’tanns tsn’ka.size, n. 1 . Tin

’skokecs ; oiynte.

2. Con“peeks vt. 1 . Con’




Oiynte ecekeen e’hns

sized,a. yn :te large sized.

sizing, n. Con“peekssizy, tku’

ps .

sizzle, vi. Sdi ; sd1’adl

sizzling, n. Wosdisdi .skate, n. Mu’

suokazekicnnpi . vi.


skater, n. Tn’we okszekicnn .

skedaddle, vi. Nuaica° mde ’zesni

nu .ps

skelu, n. (Hshonts ) Ohakea.skeleton, n. 1 . t s : the skeleton

2. Owohduke iapi

skid, n. Cun’apssdohsnpi.

skill, n. Cunmdaskswatsdsn.

skillul,a. Wsyn iku ; wukii‘

10ka.skilfully, ndo. uynpiys .

skilinlness, n. W0way11piks .

skill, n. Wowuynpiks ; W0kai'



ed,a. Waonspeks ;wsynpiks .

skillet,a. Ce’gumdusks .

skim, vi. Kage ; Wihdi icu . vi.

Kusdnsdnn iyaye.

skimmer, n. Wi’cuge.

skeptic, n. Wacetnnhds ; Wows

piwwakan Wicsdssni.skeptical,a. Wucetnnhds .

skepticism, n. Wacetnnhdapi.sketch, vt. Inuhni owa; insi'1niicszo ; ptenyedsn oyaka. n.

owapi .skew,a. Hm1n°

nuke. c l . Yn

slaughtererslaughterer, n. Wicakte ; wspats .

slaughter-house, n . Owokte .

slave, n. Wsyaks ;wowidake ; ta’wuiciyeSni.

slave-born,a. Wsyskatonpi.slave-catcher, n . Wsyskaoynsps .

slave-driver, n. Wuyakawicskuhapu.

slavehoiier, n. Wsyakuy uhs .

slaveholding, n. Wsysksynhspi .

slavehnnt, n. Wsysksnszicaodepi.sla’ver, n . 1 . Wuyuks W0pet0n.

2. Wi’tuwatu wayskatokSn.

slav’er,n. I’mnitsga; i’mnicaStan.

vi . I’mniStsn.

slavery, n . Wsysks tonpi .

slave-ship, n . Wi’tswatawayakstoksu .

slave-trade, n . Wayskswopetonpi .slavish,a. Wsyakaiyececs ; tehike.

slay, vt. KaStska; kte .

slayer, n. WskaStsks ; tin’wicakte .

sled, n . Csnwiynsdohe ; Y. canwosdohe .

sledding, n. OSdohanpi .sledge, n. l . Msziyspetanka. 2.


sleek,a. stosto ; SdnSdnts ;Wiyskpa. vt. Ksstosto . adv.aiya.

sleekly,adv. S tostoyu ;W iyskpsya.sleep, vi . IStinma; 1stinbe ; s tan

S enn . n. W0 1stinms .

sleeper, n . 1 . Tn’we 1Stinms ;1stin

mupi . 2 . OhnaiStinmspi.

sleepily,adv. IStinmase ; libsyens .

sleepiness, n. W icahbspi.sleeping,pa. W iciStinmu ; O l stinma. n. WoiStinma.

sleepless,a. IStinmeSni .

sleeplessly,adv. IStinmeSnis°an.

sleeplesness, n . WoiStinmeSni

sleepy,a. Hbs ; T. hws ; kn’zs .

sleet, n. Watntnpa. vi . Wstn

tnmyu hinhe.

sleety,a. A cshcsga.


sleeve, n. Isto ; on’hdohds isto.

Laugh in his sleeve,nshmsns

sleeveless,a. Istowanics .


égah, n. Canwiynsdohe kapoi en .

sleighing, n. Wosdohsnpi.

sleight, n. l . WoaktsSni ; woyuSnu i t wasasleight. 2 . W0 0

hsnko ;wowsynpiku sleight ofhand.

slender,a. 1 . Ci’S tinna; c i ’stinnuhsnska: slender but strong . 2.

Wsn’ksdsn sntsSni aslender

consti tu tion.

slenderly, adv. Cistiyedsn; kpa

slept, imp . of SLEEP.

slew, imp. of SLAY .

slice,vt. Baksukss ; bumds ; ks

mds : slice bread ,


slice beef . n.

ObuSpe .

slick,a. d nSdnts ;°

Stost0 . vt. PaSdnts ; kastosto.

slid, imp . 0 1! S LIDE .

slide, slid, slidden, vi . 1 . KsSdnniyaya: he slid by. 2 . Osdohsnkicnn slide down the hill . 3.

Hiysys nahmhniyuyu he sl

out of sight. vt. 1 . KuSdnn iye

ys ; nshmsnhiynya. n. Odhsnkicnnpi ;woksSdntu.

slider, 11. WsksSdntu ; ksSdntapi.slight,a. Ci’stinna; iwsStedsn :aslight

we’ceyeSni : she slighted me. 2 .


yan econ Sni : slight his

work. n . WoaktaSni ; wowshtedaSni.

slightingly,adv. A ktaSniysn.

slightly, adv. IwsStedsn° kitsn

ecinysn° hasksmyedsn.

slightness, n . WotehiSni .

slim,a. Ci’stinshansku ;ts 'ani.slime, n . UpSizs ;makacoco .

slimsy,a. Z igzics .

slimy,a. Tutupa; hmnn’za.

sling, n. Iynhmnn; in’



hmnn; Wi’0 tke . n. Miniws

kanicuhi . vt. Kuh ’oiyeya; 0 tke

ya.slink, vi. Nasdunkihds . vt. Oks


slip, vi . 1 . Nants ; kuhdnniyu

ya: his foot slipped. 2. Icnn0m iyuyu ; ksSdnn iyuyu i t

slipped out. 3. NsSdnn iyuyu ;nshmuniyuyu heslippedaway.

4 . NuSns ; yuena. vt. KsSdnniyeya; kohan iyeyaslip in the

p in— S lip on acoat, 0kde ko

han kicnn. n. Wons Sdnta;W0nsSns ; woynSna: aslip ofthe foot; he made aslip . 2.

Obukss ;caninkps obskse cur

rant slips. 3. OnSps ; obukse

han’sks : aslip of pap er . 4.

A ksnnnpi ; nitoSke. 5 . Wa’tsonszin. 6 . Can’



slipper, n . Cun’hanpaonzlncs . 2.

KsSdntess .

slippery,a. SdnSdntu ;wacinyepicuSni ; to

’ketntaninSni .slipshod,a. To’kencinyan.

silt, vt. Bahon bshdoka; bssdeca. n. Obshon oko ; ohci .

silver, n. Csn’osdecs wokasdate .


Kssdesdecs .

slobber, vi . I’mmstan.

sloop, n. Wi ’tuwatu ihnps wsn

niop, n. MiniSicu ; miniehpeyspi.vt. MiniSics upspson.

slope, n . Hnn’naptsn; o’hys ica

gopi. vt. O’hys ks ’

gs ; s'

pamahde ka’ga. 'vi . Naps .

sloping,a. Onaptanysn o’hys .

slopingly,adv. O’hys .

sloppy,a. UpSii s ; coco.

slosh, n. Coco ; makscoco.

sloshy,a. Coco ; hanhi.slot, n . Csnhdskinyun; 0


sloth, n. 1 . Woknzs : live in sloth.

2. (Zool. ) Kn’i s ; (Wahntopa

wan inmn hin’skokecs ) .


slothful,a. Kn ’i s hnn

’keSni kn

hits .



slothfulness, n . Woknza.slouch, n . Tn

’we hooks ; cogecs .

vt. Hdoheys econ .

slough, n . Wiwi 0hdihdi . v. Nahdays ; hinhpsyu.

sloven, u . Cogecs .

slovenlluess, n . Wohushanslovenly,a. Hnahan cogecs .

slow,a. Hunhi ; hnn’keSni ; he

ktann ohansdats .

slowly,adv. Hsnhiys ; ssssyena;iwaStedan.

slowness, n . Wohsnhi .

slue, vi . Kahomni ; ksSdnniyays ;vt. Kahomm 1yeya.

slug, n . Ms’zssnhunsks ; mu


cehdihpeyapi S ihs . vt. Ms’zs

an onups .

sluggard, n. Kn’zs .

sluggish, a. Hnn’keSni ; hanhi ;


sluggishly,adv.a1teyena.sluggishness, n . Woku ia.slugs, n. Ms

’zssgngn ; ks Sapn


sluice, n . Minicunknkagspi ; minitiyopayspi .

slum, n . WahteSniotipi.slumber, vi . Ogonga; 1stinms ;iwaStedsn iStinma.

slumberer, n . IStinbes’s .

slumberless,a. IStinbeSni .slung, imp . of SLING.

slung-shot, n . Ma’zssn can’hpi .

slunk, imp . of SLINK .

slur, vt. 1 . Ts ’aics ikoyagys ;ist-enys : he slurredme. 2. A nahma: slur a

{Gl en 3. (Mus )

Ikoysks . n . i’koyuke ; W0iysonpe .

slush, n. UpSl zs ; ts’kncoco.

slushy,a. Coco.

lut, n . Snnkswiye.

sluttish,a. Hnshsn; cogecs .

sly, a. Nshman Skun °


kss ’

ps° WicaStaSni .

slyly,adv. Nahmans °

snahbeya.slyness, n. Nshmsns Skan ’

pi .

smack, vt. Ynskspa°


pa. n .

1 . Ts ’kupo ps°

ysskspspi. 2.

U '

tapi ,wokitsn. 3. Oapc °apapi . vi . Kahtun°

on’Spu en nn.

smacking,pa. Yssksskaps ° itancanka.

small,a. Ci’stinns ; ci’kana;kpana. Small potatoes, md0 eikel

stinna.small-arms, n . Mu


smallish,a. Ki’tsnns ci’stinna.

smallness, n . Wocistinnu.

small-pox, n. Itewicshdohdokspi.

smart,a. Wscinksspu : asmartboy. 2. Pe

'sto ; pa’zu :asmart

rebuke. 3. Mdihecu ; ohankosmart to getaround. 4 . Ni


hiyn ; ni’nu : asmart breeze.

5 . O’ts ; tan’

ysn asmart cropof grass . 6 . Wi’tantan; ksn/pamost too smart.

smartly,adv. Wacinkssmya; pe ’

stoya; Wi’tantanyan.

smartness, n. Wowac inksape ;W00hitike .

smash, vt. Ksmdecs ; kaSnSni s .

Smashed to p ieces, kpunyenu

kamdeca. n. Kamdecupi ; W0tuknmsni.

smasher, n . Wakamdeca; Wobitika.

smatter, vi . SdonyeSn l la.smatterer, n . WasdonyeSn i ias .

smattering, n. Wosdonye hasksmyena.

smear,vi. A kastska; sdaya;aSamyu. n . A kastakspi.

smell, vt. 1 . O’mna: smell the rose.

2 . Iynkcun he smelled out the

answer. vi. Mna; o’mna: I

can’t smell. n. O

’mnspi W0 0

mna.smeller, n. On 0

’mnapi ; po’ge ;waomns .

12 smoothing-planesmelling, n . Wuomnspi.smelling

-bottle, n . Zanzan 0’mns


smelt, vi. Sdoya.smelter, n. WuSdoyu.

smlcker. vi. Ihahs .

mile, vi. 1ha; iyokipi ; ahitonwan°Wi’ynSkin. Mother smiled,ins iha.—May heaven smile , tokin mahpiyaiyokipi uhitonwan.

—Smiling sp ring, we'tu


ynSkin. n. Ihspi ; W0 ii‘

1s ;W0 ihskts .

smiler, n. Ihas’a.smilingly,adv.Wi’hahays ;cunwuSteyu.

smirch, vt. A Ssmys .

smirk, vi. Ihskonza.smite, c l . A pa. A pa; kaStska;hmnnga. Smite of ,

kasps .

smith,n. Mu’zakaga. S ilver-smith,

ma’iaskakuga.smitten, pp . of SUITE . A papi ;Wicinpi ynhnaSkinyan.

mock, n. Win’

ysnmshennnpi.smoke. n. So’

ta: I see smoke. vi .

1 . So’tu ; izitu ; So

’tsksgs : the

stove smokes. 2. Csnonps : do

you smoke. vt. 1 . Iz inyu ; S0’

taya. 2 . On'

pa; cunnonps .

smokeless, a. So’tawanica.

moker, n. Cunnonpus’a.

moky, a. l . So’tu ; So


’a: asmoky house. 2. Sotoi n asmoky day. 3. Sotkazi :asmokycei ling.

—A smoky teepee, W iz i.

smolder, vi. Izita; itkonyshe .

smooth, a. SdnSdnts ; mdu’

ya;stosto ; smdakedsn. Smooth

glass, S un tan Sdn Sdn t s .

Smooth hair,hin stosto .

Smooth road,cankn mds ’

ys .

Smooth words,iapi skn ’

ya. vi.

Pastosto ; kamdaya; ynasni .smooth-laced,a. Hil l wanica.smoothing-iron, n . Wi ’psmdaye.

smoothing-plane, n. Wi’cazipeptecedsn.


snuff, vi . Po’zantun; yszincs ;0 :'mna the dog snuf ed the

breeze. n. 1 . 1/undi bakpunpi .2. Petizsni uniyagn.

snuff-box, n. Csndiyuilincspi opi


snuffer, n . 1 . Wsyszincs . 2. Pe

tiSunSun iynkse .

snuffle, vi. Oyahnahns ; potsnzsn.

sang,a. A ynco ; tsn’


snuggle, vi . A’skamys iwanka.

snugly,adv. Kipiyu ; syncoyu.

so,adv. 1 . He’cen : Godmademe

so. 2. Ni'na; he’ceh : Iam so

tired.—S o long, hehsnkecs .

He stayed so long, ui ’nu te ’hanyanka.—Sofar, hehsnysn °

u i ’

nu te’han.

—So orth,



’cekcen .

—So rge, hin’sko

tanks ;u i’natan ’ks .—Somuch


henakecu;ni 'ns 0 ts .—Sosmall




111’ns ci’S tinna.

— So so,he’cetn ; he

’cetnks .

conj . EhsntsnhsnS ; kinhsn.

soak, vt. Hpanyan; spa’yeys . vi .

A kahtan.

soaked, pa. Hpsn°


soaking,pa. Kshtanyan.

m p, 11. Wi’

puiaia; Y. 85 T. hu’i

puzai s . vt. Wi’ps iaiainn.

soap-bubble, n. n ebotsnkupi .

soap-stone, n. In’


soap-suds, n . MiniWipsSs Saota.soapy,a. Wipazazu ynksn.

soar, vi . Wankun kinyan nawin .

S oaraway, snnyan iyaye.

sob, vi . Ce’

yaya; ce ’

yektakta. n


yspiho ;mdoksska.sober,a. 1 . Mdeze ;WitkoSni : theman is sober. 2. Ohsntanks ;W i

’hahaSni ; Wieska averysober boy. vt. Kamdezu.

soberly,adv. Mdesya;a’wicakeya.sober-minded,a. Tawacinmde’

ze .

soberness, n. Womdeze ; wowicake .

sobriety, n . Wi’Wicsmdeza.

sdoarnersobriquet, n. I’hsdcuze .

so-called,a. He’cen ec iyapi.sociable, a. Wohdakes’a° wawihshs

, Wawimagags .

sncinbieness, n. Wi’cihaktspi .

social,a. Okiciys .

socialist, n. Okiciyapi Okodakic lye.

socially,adv. Okiciys .

society, n. WicaSts ikic itnkapi ;Okiciyapi i ’cikiyedan ti

pi ;omnici e wsnkiciysks pi .

sock, n. yahdehnnsku ; Y. 85 T.


socket, 71. Ohdoka; 0 Sk0kps .

sod, n. Pezihntkan;pezi . vt. Pe

ti hntkan s i n.

soda, n. A guyupiinspohye su ta.soda-water,n . Miniipigayatksnpi.sodomlte, n. Iwicahnss .

sola, n. A kanyankapi han’sks


soft, a. 1 . Psnpsnnu ; panSpanzedan; hihi : asoft bed ; softcloth ; soft earth. 2. Wsn

’kadsn : soft iron. 3. OwaStecssoft air. 4. s Stedsn : softwhispers. 5. Coco : sof t mud.

—Softwater,mini sntsSni ;mags in mini .

soften.vt. Kapal lpall ;yopal lpo l l ;kscoco ; ynasni. vi . IwaStedanaya;wanksdan s

ys ; Sdo.

soit-hended,a. WscinksapeSni .

soft-hearted,a. Csnwanks .

softly,adv. s Stedan; iWahnuns ;wa’l



softness, n. Wopunpanns wows

hba.soggy,a. Spu’ a; dodo se


soil, n. Ma ceku ; makusoil isgood. vt. YnSupa;aSamyadon’t soil your clothes.

soionrn, vi . Inai’miti ; ohnihde nn.

n. Onnysn isojourner, n.

pOhnihdenn; ins



solournment, n. Ounyanpi.sol, n. Ho’izsptan.

solace, vt. Wacintonhnagys ; kicsnpts . n. Wokicsnpte .

solar,a. A npawi ; anpsWi etanhan.

sold, imp . of SELL.

solder, n. WiSdoye . vt. Cehsks

spnsps .

soldier, n. A kicita.soldiering, n . A kicitannpi.soldierly,a. A kicits i yececu ;wsditsks .

sole, n, S icn ; S icnha: the sole ofmy shoe. vi. S ien Okatan.

sole,a. Heceedsn iSnsns .

solecism, n . Iapi ecinSniysn; Wicohan ecinSniyan.

solely,adv. Heceedsn he’cehn s


solemn,a. Wakan wakanse ; WOWicake .

solemnity, n. Wowaksn W0Wicake ;W0Winihan.

solemnlzation, n . asksnpi.

solemnize, vi. Yuwakan; ahopeW icsyu ; yuStan.

solemnly, adv. Wskanyan; s’wi

cskeya.solicit, vt. Kids ; daicekiyu.

solicitation, n. Wadapi ; ocinpi .

A t the solicitation of hisfather,stknkn 0kicicinkin 0n.

solicitor, n. 1 . Wadann wsocin.

2. Ki’cicnwa ks i nznwicakiya.

solicitous, a. Cin’hca; awacin

hcs ; icanteSics .

solicitously,adv. IcanteSinya.solicitude, n . Waswac inhcu.

solid, a. 1 . Snta; ke’zs : solid

ground. 2. HdogecsSni asolidball. 3. Omdoton asolidfoot.4 . Tke ; sntasolidfood. n . 1 .

Ts ’kn tanton . 2. (Gram. ) Ts’

kn omdoton.

solidify, vt. Ynsnta. vi. Sntaa’ya.solidity, n. 1 . Wosnts ; hohoSni .

215 something

Q WicaSta

2. Cantetinzapi ;W0tsnka;W0Wicake.

solidly,adv. Sntuys ‘; s’taya.

solidness, n’

. Wosnts ; s’taya

soliloquize, vi . I’ciwohdsks .

soliloquy, n. I’ciwohdakapi.

solitarily,adv. ISnsns .

solitariness, n. Wicl snsns nn’


solitary,a. ISnsns nn wani idan;makosksn nn


solitude, n . Makoskantn ;WiciSna11s nn


pi .

solo, n. WiciSnsnadowanpi.solstice, n. A n

psWi nsmni .soluble,a. Hpsnyepics ; Skanyepics ; kahdogpics ; 011t

pics .

solution, n. l . Hpnwahe ; hpanyanhan mdnwshe . 2. Kahdokspi to

’ketn oyakapi the solu

tion of the question. 3. (Chem )Skanyanpi : asolution of soda.4 . Woynznzn : owihanke .

solvable,a. Oyagpica; yasnpica.solve, vt. Ynkcsn; yasn ; ynzsmni ; oyaka.

solvency, n. Wawokihika.solvent,a. 1 . Kai ni n okiki . 2.

Skunyepics ; waskankiya.sombre,a. Sa’pecagigi ; otaninkeSni ;aokpszs .

some, a. 1 . Onge : some water ;someflour. 2. Wani ikSi some

girls ; some horses. 3. Wanm ;ta’we ksSts : someman wi ll doit. 4. Ki


’na; 0nSpa. 5. Ce ’

tn some ten miles. 6 . Ki ’tanna0

’ta: it wi ll be some days before

he will come.

somebody, n. Tu ’wo

wani i.somehow,adv. 1 . To’ketn kacensomeho whefell. 2. To’ketn kaSts : itmust be done somehow.

somersault, somerset, n. Kahomni ehpeiciyapi.

something, n. 1 . Ts ’kn ta’knwani i. .2. OnSps ; iyokise .


sometime,adv. Tobuntu kinhsntohuntn Sta: sometime eomeandsee me. 2 . To


sometimes,adv. Tnktentn.

somewhat, n. Ki’tanns °

0nSps ;ta’kn ; hunks . adv. Ki ’tanna.

216 sound

sorcerer, n.

hmongs .

sorcery, n. Wohmnnge ; Wswiync


sordid,a. Su’

pa; Si’ca.sordidly,adv. Sicaya.


somewhere,adv. Tnkten to'kiya. sore, a. Yszsn; hdi : my core

somerset, n. See S OR RSA ULT .

somnambulist, n. Intinms omani .son, n . Cinhintkn ; cinca. My

son, micinkSi .—Your son, ui

cinkSi.—His son, cinhintkn .

Son, cinS .—Sons of Jacob, Jacob

cinca.song, 11. Odowsn odowsnikceka.songful,a. Dowans’a.songless,a. DowsnokihiSni .gster, n. Dowsns


soniferous,a. B o'kaga.son-ln-law, n. TakoSkn .

—My son

in- law,mitskoS ; takoSwuyu.

sonless,a. Cinhintkn wanica.sonnet, n. Odowsn (cease);sonorous, a. Ho’

ynkun;ks ; ho

’q te .

sonship, n. Cinhintknyspi.

soon, adv. Ecadan; kohanto

’keSta. Sooner, toksheya.S oonest, toksheyshca.—A s soonas , tohsn .

—No sooner, he’ce

hnsns ; i’ecadsn.

soot, n . Cehnsgi ; Sonnugi. vt.

Cehnsgi skshps .

sooth, n . Wowicske.

soothe, vt. Kihna; iyokipiys .

soothingly,adv. Kihnsya.soothsay, vi . Ayata.soothsayer, n . Wsayate.

sooty,a. Cehnsgi 0 ’ts ; Sa’ps .

sop, vt. Hpsnye ; kahtsn; oputhan

,n Hpol lyol lpi ;

hnspl .

sophism, n. Woksspe wohnaye .

sophist, n. Woksape iwicshnuye .

sophistical.a. Wicshnsye.

sophistry, n. Woksspe wohnaye.

sophomore, n .WoonspeWankantnwsniyetn inonps .

hand. 2. Ni’naSi’ea; tehika.asore disease, n . Hdi yszsn.

adv. Sicaya; ni'na.sorely,adv. Tehiya;m nasoreness, n. Oyszsn.

sorghum, n. Cunhanpihn .

sorrel, n. Wuhpesknys . asorrily,adv. OiyokiSinys .

sorrow, n. WoiyokiSica; wocsnteSics . vi. IcanteSics ; iyokiSics .

sorrowful.a. IyokiSica; oiyokiSi

sorry,a. 1 . CsnteSics : Iam sorry.

2. OiyokiSica: asorry sight.

3. IyecetnSni asorry excuse.

sort, n. Obe ; ocai e : what sort ofwood—In some sort, to


yaka.—Outof sorts, ecetnkeSni .

vt. 1 . Obe ecekeen e’hnaks

sortpotatoes. 2. Kuhniga; kshnih icn . I ll-sortedwords , iapitan’

ysn kshnigspiSni. vi . Kicica;kici iy0kip1 .

sortable,a. Pta’ptu e’hnsgpics .

ao-so,a. A l lececs .

sottish,a. Miniwsksn skssks .

sottlshness, n . Witkopls’s .

soul, n . 1 . Nagi ;wicsnagl : Christcame to save souls. 2 . 0 11i ;cunts ;woq

’ske : no soul left

wi thin him. 3. WicsSts ; tn’we :

ten souls in the boat.soulless,a. Csntewsnics .

sound,a. 1 . Zani ; s ’tsyawaSteasoundapp le. 2 . Wieska.; he’

cctu asound argument. 3.

Wowicske ; s’wicske asound

threshing. 4. Snta; ni ’na

snarl-slyTo'nana; kpatanyaqecoqpi : asparing supp ly.

sparingly,ads . Kpatanyu ) ; ite ! )POYS

spark, n. Penman ; ta'ku Wiys

kpe .

sparkle, oi. Wiyskpa; kpa’kpa;pih iga. n . Wowiyakpa.

spark! ng, pa. Wiyskpskpa;sparrow, n. Z itkadsx] ; we 'hasan

sparse,a. To’nana; ensue .

spasm, a. Kan'natipepi ; oc isti


spasmodic, a. Natiptipapi ; inshniececapi.

spat, imp . of sm'r.

spatter, vt. A kastsstska; amnimn i : spatter your dress.

spavin, n. Huhu enoge.

spawn, n . Hoguxj itka. vt. Hogs ! )itka. oksda.

speak, vt. E’

ys oyeke. ;ysotaqix]ia.—To speak to

, eciya.—I) oyou speak S ioux, Dakotaiyaahe. vi. Ie.;woyake. ;wohdaka.Speak for, ekiciye ; ki


Speak inp ublic, wicota. en wo

hdska.—Speak, Lord, is. wo,

Itancan.—Speak of, cai eyate .

speakable,a. Eyepica.speaker, n. Iekiyapi ; tu ’

we wo

hdaka; omniciye itenean .

speaking, n. Iapi ;wohdakapi.spear, n. 1 . Wahukeze . A ratspear, huheka. 2. A pe :aspearof grass. vt. Cape ; wehukeze0 1] caps .

spear-grass, n . Mi’capece ; wi ’capeca.

spear-man, n . Wehukeza. yuha.special,a. I’yatayedan;heceedanka’pi ; iyotax] te

’hees .

specialist, n. Heceedanknwa.speciality, n. Wicohar) wicitafwa..


specialty, n.


Iyetsa; knwa.specie, n. Ms


species, n. Ocai e ; obe ; oépsye.

specific, a. I’atayeds l ) ; ta’wa;wi'yokihi .

specifically,adv. I’stayed!”cakehax) .

specifi cation, n. Wacai eyatapi.specify, vt. I’stayedar) eazeyata.specimen, n. Onspa. eta! )hex) .specious,a. Wicake.se ’

ca.speciously,adv. Wicakeys .

specious-en , n. Wowxcake se’cs .

speck, n. Onspaci’stinna; ta’kuci’stin

'na. vt. Yusapsapa.

speckle, vt. Ynhdehdega; hdeskska'ga.



zied,pa. Hdehdega; hdeska

sspectacle, n. Wowsqyake.

spectacles, n . Ms'zsists ;istamaza.

spectator, n. ysgm]specter, n. Wansgi ; nagi .speculate, vi . 1 . A wacin; iyukcsn : speculate on his conduct.2. Wakemne kta. opetoq : sp ecalate on wheat.

speculation, n . Wi’yukcax) WOpetoupi.

speculative,a. Wi’yukcaxlks .

speculatively,adv. Wi’yukcspeculator, n. Wi’yukcax) wepetor) wi ’yukcat) .

speculum, n. Ihdiyomdssix) .sped, imp . of SPEED .

speech, n. 1 . Iapi : the gift of .

sp eech. 2. Owohdake he madeasp eech.

speechless,a. Iapi okihisni .speech

-maker, n . Wohdakes’a.speed, vi . Dus ya; to ’

ken okihiecon . vt. Due yekiya.. n . We

duzehex] woohaxjko.

speedily,adv. Ohankoya.ysn kohanna.

speedy,a. Ohaqko ; du’zahsx) .

spell, vt. Oowae’

ya; oowacai syata. n . Woecon itogto econpi ; wohmuxjga. ct. Kici itogtoecon o


-bound,a. Hmun’

gapi.speller, n. 1 . Qows. caseyata.Oowa.wowapi .

spelling, n. Oewe. e’hnakapi.

spelt, imp . of S PELL.

Spend, vt. 1 . Iy0peys.;kn : spend

moneyforan education. 2. Yu

S ota; yutslmniSni spentall hisfather’s money. 3. UI] en yanka. : spend the day wi th as.

I come to spend the night,swungwahi —A spent ball, ma’zasusniyar) yn.

—Spend on,ayusota.vi . Wayusots ; tsnix) Sni iyeye..

spender, n . Tu ’we wsyusote .

speudtllriit, n. Wahdusotes’a;wakpataqéni .

spent, imp . of SPsperm-oil, n. Hogarjihdi petiiaqkanyapi .

spew, vt. Edo’

pa; hiynya.spewer, n. Tu

'we hde


pa.sphere, n . 1 . Ta’pase ; ta’ku mime : the earth is asphere. 2.

Om) ; ounye ; obe : ou t of hissphere.

spherical,a. Mibe ; hmiyaqns .

spice, n . Ta’kuicshiyutspi.spicy, a. 1 . Ts

’knicahi o’ta. 2.

Pe’stosto kssmyshax] hemadeaspicy talk.

spider, n. Unktomi.spider

-web, n . Unktomi tahokate .

spied, imp . of S PY. Wanyaka.spigot, n. IoStax) .spike, n . Ma’zaiokstan tsn

'ka;ms ’

zape’sto . vt. Okatar) ma.’

i sksnts tjkano'geaoks tsr)spiky,a. Pespesto.

spill, vt. l . Papsor) : sp ill water.

2 . Kads ; kakada: sp ill corn.

spin, vt. 1 . Pahtmn] ; kahmux)sp in wool . 2. Pshomni ; kshe

mni : sp inatop . 3. Yutehan ;

219 spiritualayucikayedan sp in ou t the day.

—Spin astory, wakakan. vi .

Wapahmun homnimni .spinal, n. Cankahu .

—Sp inal col

umn,cankahu a’taya.. —Sp ihal

marrow, cankssunta; T. can

kaslute .

spindle, n. Ma’zaiyuhmun.

spindle-legs,a. Hucistinnehenska.

spine, n. 1 . Csnkahu ; canhahske : his sp ine is diseased. 2 .

Hoape ; canpepe .

spinner, n. Tu ’we wapahmun


-wheel, n. CanhdeSkaipahmun.

spinster, n. Win’

yan .wspahmun.

spiny,a. Pespesto ; tehika..spiral,a. Homni ka’gapi ; ma’zaicuse ; yuhbezapi ; oiyadi .

spirally,adv. Hbesyedan homnian homniyen oiyadi.

sp re, n. 1 . Ti’piipasotka; in’kpa.2. Pen hucan spe.

spirit, n. 1 . Woniya;nag1 ;oniya;wicaniya; wicsnagi. 2. W0

mdiheca: full of sp iri t. 3. Cante ; tawscin : in good sp irits .

4 . Miniwoniys ;miniwaken he

drinks too much spirits. 5 . Iapicante ; co ; to’ken ka'pi ; canteoyuze : his talk showedabadsp irit. vt. Nahman e

ynya: hesp iri ted the chi ldaway.

spirited,a. 1 . Mdiheca; Ske’heasp iri ted horse. 2. Tawacin;canto : low sp iri ted.

spiritedly,adv. Mdihenys .

S piritedness, n. Womdiheca.spirit

-lamp, n. Miniwakan petisuntan .

spiritless,a. 1 . Tawacinwanica. ;hun

’keSni. 2 . Ku ’ia; tans .

spirit-rapper, n. Wepiya; wakan


spiritual,a. 1 . Tantonéni ; cehpiwanica. : asp iritual substance.

2. Wakan woniya.

spiritualism 220

spiritualism, n. Wakanieidepi.spiritualist. n. Waknnicidspi0 pa.

spirituality, n. Wowacinye ; woohods..

spiritualize, vt.aakan ohodakiya; tantonénikiys .

spiritually,adv. Wakanyan; tantonSniyan ohodsya.

spirituous,a. 1 . Tantonéni ; woniya. 2. Miniwaknnicahi .

spit, vi. Ts igoéa. Spi ton, stagoSa.vt. Itaéoéasp i t blood. n . Canwipasnon.

spit-box, n. Ohna. stagoéapi .

spite, n . Wowahtedaéni ; wocsnze . In spi te of, to

'ketn eeyas.

vt. Canzeya; wahtednSni ; si

on s.knwa.spiteful,a. Wehteéni ocinSica.spiteiniiy,adv. Sicaya.spiteiuIness, n . WowahtedaSni .spitter, n . A taigoéss’e .

spittle, n. Tags ; imnitngosa.Spittoon, n. Ohnatsgoéapi.splash, vt. Miniapspsonpson. vi .

Mininsgsga;minibosdi .splasher, n . Wanagags .

spleen, n. PiSnii e ; wocanze .

splendid, a. Wantehinca; wowi

splendidly,adv. Ni'natan ’

yan .

splendldness, n. Wowinihan.

splendor, n. Wowiyakpa; wowitan.

splice, vi. I’ciyakséks ; i’cikoyag

ya. n . I’ciyakaSkspi.

splint, n. Hu ’wegahan caniciye

kaékapi.splinter, n. Wokasdatedan. vt.

Kssdecs ; boptui s .

splintery,a. Wokasdats. o ’ts .

split, vt. Kaptuia; yaptuia; kaSdooa; yusdeca. n. Onasdecn ;kiihduépapi. pa. Ptuzahan;sdecahan kssdecapi.

splurge, n . Wohitiyaékan; bobdayaSkan.


inter,n. vi. Ohano m.

spoii, vt. Yasica; napistsnyan.

vi . Si'ca.a’ya. n . Woyahn zuyaahdipi ; womanon; ta’1m ohi

yepi ;wswicakipi .spoilable,a. YuSinpics .

spoiler, n. Wawicakis’a.ees

’a.spoke, imp . of SPEAK.

spoke, n. Canpahmihmahuyu


spoken,pp. of SPEAK.

spokesman, Iekiyepi.spoliate, vt. Wioski.spolistion, n. Wswicskipi.

spouge, n. 1 . Iyuhepe ;gagecasewipe itwith the sponge. 2 . A gu

pi cocoyaunpegs . vt. Pagan ;

sways . vi. Woyuho

pn ; tito 1] 00’s wota.

sponge-cake,n. A guyspisku

ys gu

gees .

spongy,a. °Gngeca;wesponsor, n. Waekiyspi.spontaneous,a. Iyeeinkshan.

spontaneously,adv. Iyecinks .

spool, n. Hahontaoiyspehe .

spoon, n. Tukiha; ma'zs tukihrY. T. kinsha.

spoonful, n. Tnkihs. ohnaks .

sport, n. WoSkste ; wicoSkate .

Make sportof, ihaihaktaon; ece econpi . vi

Sks 'ta; wakato. n. Ska’tes’a.spotter, n . Wakutes’a; ska’tes’n.

sportiul,a. Ska’tes’a;wowihs .

sportfully,adv. I’hadya.sporting,pa. Ska’tapi.sportingly,adv. I’l


sportive,a. Sks ’tektehca.

sportively,adv. Ske '

tekts. on.

sportsman, n. Wakutewicséta.spot, n. 1 . OnSps ; onSpatokecaablack spot. 2. Tnkte Sa'ps.wesepe without aspot. 3.

Oyanke ; tuktentn : abuildingsp ot. 3. HdeSkn ; hdeSkaSka.

sprinkling 222

sprinkling, n. A kaStanpi ; cikci


sprout. vi. Camni uye : the seeds

are sprouted. n. Camni .spruce, n. Wazican (make) . a.A yuco :aspruce young lad.

sprucely,adv. A yncoya.sprung, imp . of SPRING.

spry,a. Ohanko ; huhawaSte .

spun, imp . of S PIN .

spilak, n. Cankagica; wocantae .

spunky,a. Csnze ; canniyan.

spur, n. l . Mazinazipe : he woregolden spurs. 2 . WoiyopaStake.

3. Sake ,anan'

paohotonnamdohaSake , ta’ku pe’

sto . 4 . Ipa: thespur of amountain. vt. Panipa; i’yopaStake.

spurious,a. WicakeSni ; etanhanSni ; ta’waSni .

spuriously,adv. WicakeSniyan.

spuriousness, n . WowicskeSni.

spurn, vt. Nahaiyeya; aktaSni.vi . WaaktaSni .

spurt, vt. Bosdi : wurtwater. vi .

Ni’naiyaya: the horsewurted

n . Obosdi ; hiyuieiyapi .sputter, w . 1 . Nagaga; kpa’kpa.2 . I’mmgagaia.

spy, n. Nahman tonweyaSipi . vt.

l . Iwanyaka; nahmannaIwanyaka. : spy out the enemy. 2.

Wanyaka: I wi ed him in aIwanyag un.


glass, n . Maziwanyake .

squabble, vi . A kinica; kiciza. n.


squabbler, n . Waakinices’a.squad, n. A kicitaonge Wicobe .

squadron, n . 1 . A kicitasungakanunpi Optaye. 2. Ozuyewataoptaye.

squalid,a. PiyapiSni ; Sa’pa.squall, vi . B e


ya. n . 1 .


yapi ho : the baby’s squall.2 . 1bobdu zasnow squall

squaller, n. Ho’tankace yes’a.

squally,a. Ibobdns’a.squalor, n. Wosape ;WicaonSika.squander, vt. Makoskan yutakuniSni ; yanota; yutakuniSni .

squanderer, n. WayutakuniSniuare, n. 1 . To’

paicagopi to'

paomdoton he drewasquare. 2.

Mazwiyute : asteel square. 3.

Ho'cokato ’

paomdoton : the

village sq uare. 4 . Icihduotapinine is the square of three. 5.

A kicitaomdoton na’S inpi . vt.

1 . To’

paomdoton ka’ga; kaomdoton. 2. Piyaka’ga. 3. I’ci

yuota. 4. Oicazo yuStan; oi

cazo Wi’tayae'hnaka. vi . Kiciakidecece kipi ;owotannaunkipi . a. l . To’

paomdoton;anokatanhan iakidecece asquare timber. 2. Owotanna;itancan aright angle . 3.

Omdoton square shoulders. 4.

Iyecetu ; owotanna: asquaretrader. 5. I’tkonsyayuStanpi ;i ’tkonzedan hisaccounts weresquare. 6 . Tan 'ka; okipi : a

squarely,adv. Owotanna.squareness, n . Woowotanna.squash, n. l . Wamnu ; Y. wakmu ; T. wagmu . 2. Ta'lm kaSuSapi. vt. KaSuSnSa; owihankeya.

squashsbug, n. WamduSkazizi.squasher, n. WakaSuSuSa.squat, vi . Pun anka; pustagiyotanka. a. ka pte



squatter, n. 1 . Tu ’we pnstag yan

ka.. 2. Makoce nahanh ikiciyutapiSniakan i’yotanka.

squaw, n. IkceWicaStaWinyan.

squeak, vi . Kin’za;pin’

za;oyaka.n. Wokinza; kin’

zapi .squeaker, n. Kinskinza; oyakes

’a.squeaky,a. Kinskinza.squeal, vi . Hoton ki ns


squeamish 223

squeamish,a. Tukte cintaninSni ;squeamishly,adv. IyokipiSniyansqueeze, vi . Tinas yn’

zapaskios ; po

’skin ynza. vi . askini

yaya; otinsiyaya. n. Paskicapi ; poskin

v n'zapi.

squeezer, n. apaskica.squeezing, n. Wapaskicapi.squelch, vt. Patakasni.squib, n. 1 . Cahdi bopopai. 2.

Iapi pe’stona. vi . Cah na

pomya; pe'stoyaia.squint, vi. 1StokSinkiya. a. IStakSin; hsIn.

squinter, n. IStakSinhIyeS ’a.squint

-eyed,a. IStakSin.

squire, n . Sameas ESQUIRE.

squirm, vi. IhdukSankSan.

squirrel, n. TaSnaheca; Sica; hetkadan pSinca.

squirt, vt. Bosdi ; minibosdi. n .

Ibosdi ; obosdi .

squirt=gun, n . Wi’bosdi .stab, vt. Caps : stab the hog. vi .

Wacapa.stabber, n. Wacapa.stability, n . 1 . Wosuta; hohopimm: the stabili ty of our gov

ernment. 2. Wowacintanka.stable, n. Sunktankatipi ; wannyanpi ti ’pi : no stable for myhorse. vt. Timahen na'Sinkiya.a. 1 . Suta:astablefo undatio n.2. Cantetinzawacintankatawacinhan’

ska.stageroom, n. Sunktankaowan

stack, n. 1 . Pezipaha; paha. 2.

Ocetitanka. Smoke-stack, wa’tapetacacti—S tack of arms,ma'zakan akizupi. vt. Paha

utall, n. 1 . Cansagye ; can: leaning on hisataf . 2. Sagye ;W0Wacinye : the stat of life. 3.

(Mus . ) Ho ikicagopi. 4. Canwakan : the flag-stair. 5. 0 0

stag, n. 1 . Tamdoka: I shotafi nestag. 2. Tatenkatan '


ehpeyapi.stag-party, n. Wicacee kicicOpi.stage, n. 1 . Wohdnkapi oanai in.

2. WoSkate waeconconpi. 3.

Oyenke ; oanazin; oun: stageof disease. 4. Wowapi tokSuwho drives the stage.

stage-coach, n. WowapitokSuawakeyspi .

stage-driver, n. WowapitokSu kahapa.

stage-play, n. Waeconpi WOSkate.

stage-player, n. Wapazo WicaSta.stager, n. 1 . Tu

'we te

’han owapazo. 2. Sunktankate’han wowapitokSu .

stagger,vi . Kacegcegmani aptanptan ; waciniboS’aka: he stagyered under theweight. vt. Kacegya; kahuhuza.

staggeringly,adv. Kacegya.stagnant,a. SkanSkanSni minita;Si'ca: stagnant water.

stagnate, vi . Si'eaa'ya; yuhankeSni.

staid, imp . of STAY.

staid,a. Ohantanka; Ske’heSni .

staidness, n. Ohantankapi.stain, vi. Rahtan toya; yuSapastain clothes. n. WokahtanwoSape ; samyapi ;dunyapi .

stainless,a. Sa’peSm ;wa’kaSoteSni .

stairs, n. p l. Caniyadipi. Do wn

stairs,ti’pi ku

ya. Up-stairs


wankantipi.staircase, n. CaniyadipiokaSke.

stairway, n. Caniyadipicankuye .

stake, n. 1 . Can’ipasdate ; can '

paSdatapi : Md toastako. 2. Wayekiyapi : held the stake—A tstake, iyowaS nn.

—Fence- stake,

con’kaSkeipasdate. rt. Panda

ta; cankipasdata: stake the

stake-holderbeans. 2. (With OUT) Wasaghde ;wa’ togtonzstake ou t theroad. 3. ekiya; iyakaSka: hestaked ten dollars.

stake-holder,n. Wayekiyapi y11hstalactite, n . In



stale,a. Bhanna; honWinmna.stalk, n. Eu ; canhu . vi. Ma’ni .stall, n. 1 . Sun

’kawakan onazIn.

A double stall,akicaSkaonazin.

2. W0peton onaSin; cankukabdama’zaehdepi. A butcher’s

stall, tado Wi'yOpeyapi onai in.

vt. 1 . I’yaninya: he stalled hisSungonai in en hde.

vi . I'

yanica; okihiSni : his oxenstalled.

stall-led, n. Wamnahezaicem

yapi.stallion, n . Sungmdoka.stalwart, a. Tancantanka; ohi

tika.stamina, n. WowaS ’ake.

stammer, vi . Iekaskiska; hinhicahan ia.

stamp, vt. 1 . Naskica; nahan ;nahtaka: stamp the ground. 2 .

Natata: stamp the dirt of .

3. Apanpa. S tamp the date on,

Wiyawapi apuspa. 4 . Wiciteaskamya stamp your letter.

5. Ma’zaskaka’ga. 6 . A’skam

ya; ikoyagya: stamp the truth

on your heart. n. 1 . Wonahtake :astamp of thefoot. 2. W1c iteaskape;i ’yaskape . P ostagestamp ,

wowapikicicupi iyaskape . 3. Wi’puspe ma’zaipuspethe stamp is broken . 4 . Okage ;oye : he has the stamp of adrunkard on him. 5. Wi'bopaW i


stampede, vt. Napeya; hamyathe wolf stampeded the horses.

n. Wonazice ;wonapa.stamper, n. Wi ’bopan; Wi’puspe .

stamping-machine, n. On Wi’pu

spapi ; onWi ’bOpanpi.

224 standardstamping-mill, n. On in


yan boPu lpi

stauch, vt. A napta;pnsya: stanchthe flow of blood . a. Suta;tinze ; WIcaka; wacinyepiac

stanchion, n. I%tan

stu chness, n. osata; wac inye

stand, vi . 1 . Na'Sin : stand still .

2. Han; wanka some trees

stood in thefi eld . 3. Ecenhan;satayahan. Come and stand,hinaS in.

—Goand stand, kinsfSin .

—S tandagains t, patanna’Sin kipaSin.

—S tand by, kici

na'Sin o'kiya.—S tandfor c


kiyana’z1n nakic iSin.—S tand

his ground, he’’cehnanana’Sin

napeSni .—8 tand in hand,iye

cetuka.—S tand it, iyowinyanwacintanka.—S tand ofi ,


i ’naS in WicadaSni .—otand one0173 pats! ) ns

’zin ; ban ’


tand on,akan na’Sin ;anaz1n.

—S tand out, paSoyaun oki

tanin wakitan.—S tand to


peSni ; ecen econ .—S tand up,

bosdan na’Sin na’zlnhan na’S in.—S tand up for, nakic1S1n°

iciya. vt. 1 . Na’Sinkiyae’hde

stand the umbrellain the corner.

2. Ki'cinazIn kici econ ito

kecaSni ; en un iyowinyan:stood the enemy

’s fi re.

—S tandi t, iyowinyan.

—S tand one’s

ground, napeSni .—S tand trial,aiapi kta


1y0W1nyan n. 1 . Ona2 1n oeyohpa. 2. Ta'ku ahnana’ze1a wowapi aehnakapi ;ahnawowapi ka'gapidan.

Come toastand, waanin hina

Sinpi.standard, n. 1 . We


paha; canwapaha;Wi’yokihedan minihuhaopasdate. The standard- bearer,wa’pahayu’za. 2. 0 iy11te yu

S tanpi ;Wikiyutapi otokahe. 3.

station-house 226

station-house.n. Oinazin ti'pi.stationary,a. OwanSi hanstationer, n. Wowapiskawi’yo

wa.statistical,a. 0Wicswspi.statuary, n. WicaStakagapi.statue, n . WicaStakagapi.stature, n . Ohanske.

statute, n. Woope ; oyatetoope .

statute-book, n . Woope wowapistave, n . Kokapahmihmacan. vt.

Kahuga; pahdoka. S tavepaheyata1yoye ; kihnaka.

stay, vi . Yanka; owanSiyanka;akipe . S tay away, tokan nn.

vt. l . Kagiya: stay theproceedings. 2. Patanynza; y11 ’za. n .

1 . Ipatan ; Wi'yuze : the staybroke. 2 . En ounye : he madealong stay.

stead, n . Oyenke in his stead.

steadfast,a. Tawacin suta; yuhohopicaSni.

steadlastly, adv. Wacintankaya;hohoSniyan.

steadinstness, n. Wowacintanka.steadily,adv. IwaStedan;he ’


wanSica.steadiness, n. Pa'tawanSina; ynSusSni .

steady,a. He'cetnwanSicahohoSni ; ohantinza. vt. OwanSiyu


steak, n . Tadoceguguyapi.steal, vt. Manon ; nahman icustealapp les. vi . 1 . Wamanonthou shaltnot steal. 2. Nahmaniyeye he stoleaway.

stealing, n . Wamanonpi.

pi .

steam, n. Mini po ; opo ; po . vi.

.Po ipiga. vt. .Poyaapoya;

self ini .steamboat, n. Pe’tawata; Y. T.

wa’tapeta.steam-boiler, n. Minioipihya.steam-engine, n. Pe


saskan .

steamer, n. Pe’tawata; Wi 'tawa


gg-pipe, n. Minipo ma’zaohdoca.


plow, n. Minipo mahiyamdv.

steamship, n Miniwancawatapeta.

steamvessel, n. Minipowata.steam—whistle, n. MinipoSoSo.

steamy,a. Minipoota.steed, n. Sunktanka.steel, n. 1 . Ma’zasnta: aknifemade of good steel. 2 . Ta’lmma’zaon mi ’na. 3.

Maziyohdi ;canka. vt.

yasuta.steel-trap,n. Ma’Sahtakiyapi mazihmunke.

Maya; 1 tanwanhde ;g


pamahde ; otehika.Hn. Maya;

9 naptan. vt. panyanmi



steeple, n. Ipasotka; in’kpa.steepuess, n. Mayawobosdata.steer, n. Tatankad


an; tatenkasusuwanica. vt. Iyupseyuza;ynhomni. vi. B iyu .

steering-wheel, n .Wa’taiyuhomni .

steersman, n. Wasinteyuza.stem, n . Hucan hu ; sun

’ta; pa.

Pipe-stem candnhupasunta.

vi. Itkom ya.stench, n. Hunwinmna; Sicamna.stencil, n.

stenographer, n.

ka’ga.stenography, n. Wowapi ohsnkokasapi

stent, n. Tohanyanyustankte.

stentorianstentorian, n. Ho’

tanka; hin'Skotanks .

step, vi. Caehde ,ma'ni. S tep

around, 0’kSan ma'ui. - S tep

aside, icunom na’Sin.—S tep


na'Sin—S tepforthcokam maS in.

—S tep in, en inaSin—S tep over,acakSin. n. 1 .

Caehdepi cahdepi. 2. S iiyahe , cahdepi : the second step .

3. (Mus . Hooiyadi. A alsestep , ecinSni caehdepi. oor

step , tiyopaS iehde .—Foot-step s

in the snow, wakin en S ibacaehde—Known by his step, caohde oniyekiyapi.—Onlyastep ,

cahdepiwanSina.—S tep bystep ,cahdepi hanhi .

step-brother, n . Cinyeku tawagan .

step-child, n.

'1‘awaganyan cinca.

step-lather, n. A tkuku tawagan

step-mother, n . Hunku tawagan .

steepe, n. Tin 'ta.stepping

-stone, n . In’

yan S iehdepi.step

-sister, n. Tawinohtin tawa88 1]

step-son, n. Cinhintku tawagan .

sterile,a. 1 . WaicageSni :asterile fi eld. 2.

sterile cow. 3. pi co wanica;wowiynkcan ni’ca. asterile

sterility, n. WoicageSni.sterling,a. 1 . WaStehinca; e’


dan : asterling writer. 2. SagdaSin tamasseka.ateru,a. Keza; ksizeca; binyan

zeca: astern teacher. n. Wahektapa.

steruly,adv. Ksizeya.sternmost,a. Unzeta; shake.

sternness. n. Ksizecapi.sternum, n. Makuhu .

stew, vt. Ohan ipih

n. l . Ohan i : a of stew. 2.

Mde’zece he was inaslow.

steward, n. Wa’wanyake ;woy11te

vi. IpIga.

stick, n. 1 . Cwcanksa: he hitme withas 2. Ohnama’zaahdihpeyapi. vt. 1 . Capastickahog. 2. Icam o

'hde naSdata; pahdi : stick it in the

ground. 3 A’Skamyastick the

stamp on the letter. 4. 1’yaninya. vi. 1 . A ’

Skapa; o’tkapa

o z’hathemud sticks. 2. Icamhan; pahdi : it stuck ast. 3.

I'yanica; okihiSni is teamstuck in the creek.

—S tick by, oniyaskapa; tokan ye Sni .

—S tickout, paSoyawanka; tanin .

S tick to, stick at, ayu


StanSn iknwa.

sticker, n. Wi’yaskape ;woiyaon~

peSutaa'skamyapi.stickle, vi . To

'ketutaninSni .stickler, n. Wakitanka; waakinices

’a.sticky,a. Da’pa; o’

tkapa.stiff,a. 1 . Patin ; suta; tathe clothes were frozen sti

WaS’aka:astijf breeze. 3. 811ta; da’pa: stifi '

glue. 4 . Ke'za;kS izeca;botin : astip'


stitlen, vt. Patinya; tasagya. vi.Patina'ya; sa’ka; da’pa.

stiffening, n. On patinyanpi.stiff-necked, n. Tahuanta; wanahonSni.

stiffness, n. Wosuta;wokeza.stifle, vt. YuniyaSni ; yusni. n.


stigma, n. WoSapa;woiyaonpa.stigmatize, vt. .Guya; iyaonpa;yasica.

stile, n. ConkaSke oiyadi.stiletto,n. On wacapapi ;WI cape .

still. vt. Yuinina; y11asni ; yua. 1 . Ininaanastill boy. 2 Inina: be sti ll.3. OwanSi stand still. 4.

A mdakedan : astill evening.


adv. l . Nahanhin : he is sti ll

here. 2. He'caSta: still I shallgo . 3. Nakun : still greater.

a.d ime“ , n. Woamdakedan.

stilt, n. Can'hanskahayapi.stilted,a. Ihduwankantaya.stimulant,a. WaWiyopaStake. n.

WoiyopaStake miniwakan.

stimulate, vt. I’ opaStake.

stimulation, n. awiyopaStake .

stimulus, n. WoiyopaStake ; woiyutanye ;miniwakan.

sting, n. Wi'cape ; woyahtake.

vi. Yahtaka; capa; yaSipa:abee stung me.

stinger, n. WayaSipes’a; wayaS ipe.

stingily,adv. Watehindaya.stinginess, n. OhanSunkecapi.stinging,a. WayaSipe.

stingless,a. Wi’capenica.stingy,a. Watehinda; ohanSica.stink,a. Sicamna; hWin’mna. n.

WomnaSica.stint, vt. Ihulmnku ;a’okpaniya;iyawahcaeconkiya.

stipend, n. WokaSuSu ; iSi .stipulate, vi. Kici yustan .

stipulation, n. I’tokam yuStanpi.

stir, vt. YnSkanSkan; icahiya;ka'ga. S tir the mush


icahiya.—S tir him up to do i t,

econktai’yopaStaka. - S tir upthe mind

, tawacin yuhica. vi .

SkanSkan; iy0pte .—S tir one


self, ihduSkanSkan. n.WoSkanSkan ; owodutaton.

stirring, pa. SkanSkanun; mdiheca.

stirrup, n . S unatan.

stitch, vt. PaS isakagege . n. 1 .

IpaS isa; icape long sti tches.

2 . Icamyazan astitch in myside.

stitcher, n. Wakagege.


stitching, n. Okagege ;wakagege.

stock, n. l . Hucan ; tancan : astockwithout leaves. 2 . Hntkan:

haoptsye :abig stockof cattle.

6 . hnhn.okeSke p u t him in the



vt. Ohnaka;mnayan hde. a.Kihnakapi ; ecayu hapi .

stockade, n. CanpasdapiconkaSke.

stocking, n. Iyahdehunska. n. Y.


stocky,a. Hucantanka.Stoic, 11. Cantetinas .

stoical,a. Cantetinza.

stoicism, n . Cantetinzapi.stole, imp . of S TEAL.

stolen,pp . of STEA L.

stolid,a. WaawacinSni ;wacintatake.

stolidity, n. WowacintonSni ; W0Witkokoka.

stomach, n. Tezi ; nige .

stone, n. 1 . In’

yan around stone.

2. Sn :ap lum stone. a. In 'yanastone as . vt. 1 . In ’

yan on

kinin stone the birds . 2. In’

yan S11 : stoneawell.stone-coal, n. In

yancabdi .stone-cutter, n. In


stone-cutting, n. h’

yankakanpi.stone-hammer, n. In


stone-hearted,a. Canteinyan waonSidaSni .

stone-mason, n. In’


’s-cast,a. In’


stone’s-throw, n. In


stonewall, n. In'

yanconkaSke ; in ’

stone-work, n. In'

yankagapi.stony, n. In

yan o'ta; in 'yan ne'

ca; in’


stool. n . Can’akanyankapimibe


strainer. 2. Woyutinze ;wakaS’aka.

strait. a. Otinas ; ci’stinna: astrait gate. n. 1 . O'kiyute ;mniokiyute : straits of Gibraltar. 2. Woteki : in great straits.

straitened,pastraitly, adv.

keya.straitness, n. Wotinze ;wotehi .strand, n. 1 . O ’huta; huta: on

the ocean’s strand. 2. Kisonpi.

vi . A ’zi anica.

strange,a. Tc ’heca; to'ketutan


Yatinsya s’wies

strangely, adv. Togye ; otogye ;wowinihanyan.

strangeness, n. Tc ’heca; okahnihpicaSni .

stranger, n . WicaStatokeca; waSdonyeSni .

strangle, vt. Y11niyaSni ; yuta. vi .

Katka: the babe strangled.

strangulation, n. NiyaSni .strap, n. l . Wi’kanmdaska; Wi ’kan; tehmiso : atrunk strap .

2 . Iyohdi : arazor strap . 3.

Mdaskana: strap - iron. vt. 1 .

Yuskita; aokatan strap the

trunk. 2. Iyohdiya strap the


strapper, n. Hin’Skotanka.

strapping, a. Tan ’ka; otawateSica. n. Wi'pahte.

strata, n. p l. of STnA Ttm .

stratagem, n . OSuye wohnaye.

strategy, 11. Wohnaye.

stratify, vt. Mdaskaicaga.stratum, n . Womdaska.straw, n . A guyapih11 ; hu . A man

of straw,WicaStata'kuSni.

One s traw, sukazawanSidan.

strawberry, n. WaS11Steca.straw-color, n . Z i .

straw-cutter, n. A guyapi- icakpanstray, vi . Nu '

ni yukSankSan yaa. Nu '

ni ; to’eca.

streak, n. Icagopi ; kagopise. A


streamer, n. Minihuhakahboka;Wi’yokihedan.

streamlet, n. Wakpadan.

street, n. Otonwe cankn .

strength, n. 1 . WowaS’ake wosu

ta: strength body.

strengthen, vi . as’agya. vi . WaS’akaaya.

strenuous,a. Wakitan;wohitika.strenuously, adv. Kitanyan waS’agya.

stress, n. Wopatan woiyOpaStaka. Lay stress on, wotankayawa—S tress of voice

,he tins

streak of lightning, wakanhdicankuye. vt. Yuhdega.

streaked.pa. Hdehdeze ; hdehdega.

stream, n. 1 . Wakpa. 2 . Minikaduza: the Gulf S tream 3. W0

kaduza; kadushiyu astreamof blood. 4 . I oSanSan :astreamof light. 5.

’hinni hiyaye : the

stream of trade . vi . 1 . Kaduza; kadus hiyn ;wakaduze : thewater streams. 2 . Kahbokestreaming in the wind . vt. Kadusyakahbogya; hdehhdehya

yapistretch, vt. 1 . Y11titan yntinzastretcharope. 2 . Yuzicayuzigzica: stretchaskin. 3. Nasonson : stretch his legs. 4 .

Akaga: stretch the truth. vi .

1 . Samya samyeya yeya;zigzica: the lake stretches the

cloth stretches. 2. A j ciciyaihduzica; da’zahan . n . Woyu

titan woyuzica womdaye ;woecon aiciciyapi .

stretched,a. Yutitanpi ;yuzicapi .With stretched arms


tkiya.stretcher,n. 1 . 0anwicih11pa;can'akiyuhapi : they carried him on

astretcher. 2. CaniciyakaSka;Wi




strew, vt. Kadaehpeya; kadada.strewing, n. Wakadadapi.stricken,pa. 1 . A papi . The strickendog, Sun

’kaapapi. 2. Cantiyapa;canti paya: strickenwithlove. 3. an; S hanna.

strict,a. 1 . Ecetuhca: strict ob

servance. 2. Tinza. 3. IStamdeza.; tehika:astrict teacher.

strictly,adv. Ecetuhca.strictness, n. Woecetn.

stricture, n. l . I en iyeyapi ;woiyaonpa. 2. (Med ) Natipai.

stride, n. Cahdepi ; ca. vi . aehde.

strife, n. Woakinica; wokicize ;woSkiSke.

strike, vt. 1 . A pa. He struckme,amapa. 2. Iyapa the boatstruck arock. 3. On iyapastrike the blood on the wall. 4 .

Iyayeya: the tree strikes its

roots deep . 5. Knn iyeyastruckhis te

nt. 6 . A wacinya; iyakpeya: strikewith wonder.

—S truckof his head, pakaSpaiyaya.S trihe of the papers, wowapiahdihpeya.—S trike out, paSuS1I ; kam .

—S truck up , econiyeya; econ ;a’ya. vi . 1 . Wa

it?“apa: he kep t striking. 2.

atan kuwa; iyaya. 3. 1yaya;a’zi : the boat struck. 4 . Hiyaya; iyaya: i t struck through.

5. A yuStanpi ;wokaSuSu iwankamda’pi : the carpenters struck.

6 . Ihnuhanececa; hiynya. He

struckarun, in 'yang iyaya.S trike for, eciyotanya.—S trikein

,mahen iyaye .

—S trike o ut,

iyaya; akan biyu. n. 1 . W0

ape ; cape ;apapi . 2. Woenak1ye ;wowaSi enakiye.

striker, n. Woape ;Wi’yape .

striking, pa. Wa’petokeca; oki

tanin .

strikingly,adv. Okitaninyan.

string, n. 1 . Ikan Wihan hahon

231 strive


strip bark. 4 . Ki ; kanicastripped of his possessions. 5.

Ehakedanyusdi : strip the cow.

vi . IhduSdoka. n. Ci’8tinnahan’

ska; Sbu ’na;mdazapi.

stripe, n . 1 . Oicago ; Oicazo owapi :ared strip e. 2. Okipatapi ;Wi’pahdate . 3. Oapc ;apapip unished with forWa'petokeca; oowa; obe : ofthe same stripe. vt. Yuhdezeka’ga.

striped,a. Hde'zedan; zuhan.

stripling, n. KoSkana;koSkalaka.strippings, n. E

'heke yusdi i.

strive, vi . 1 . A kita; ni’nakuWa;aiciciya. 2. A kinica; shininknwakici econ .

ta; ipahte : tie the string. 2 .

Oyazachohei ; son’

pi :astringof beads. 3. S on

pi :astring ofcorn. 4. Kan: the string of thetongue. 5. I'ciyazayeye whatastring 0 p eop le.

—Ahan an. vt. Yaza' ka

za: to string beads. 2. éon;kison string corn. 3. Ikanton :

string the bow. 4 . Yutinzastring the nerves. 5. Kan yu

Sdoka: string the beans .

string-band, n . Can'pakinOptaye.

string-beans, n. Omnien ynksao

hanpi.stringed,a. Ikanton kazapi.stringency, n. Otehika.stringent,a. SutayaWi’ynza; tohike .

stringently,adv. Sutaya;ecetnya.stringer, n. 1 . Ikanwicaton. 2 .

Canhanska.stringless,a. Ikanwanica.stringy,a. 1 . Ikaniyececa; kanse

’kse ; ikan ecee . 2. Da’pa;tiktica; suta.

strip, vi . 1 . YuSdoka: strip him

strains, imp . ofm m .

stroke, n . 1.

stroke. 2.

of death.

cago. 4. Oecon : astroke ofgenius. vt. Kastoste : stroke

him on the head.

stroking, n. Wakastopi.stroll, vi . Wi

’kcekce omani .stroller, n . Omanisa.strong,a. 1 . WaS’aka: astrongman. 2 . Snta.astrong .fort

stronghold, n. Oon'kaSke snta.may

strove, imp . of STRIVE.

strow, vi. Kadada.struck, imp . of STRIKE .

structure, n. Okage ; ta’lm ka’gapi , ti

pi .

struggle, vi . Ni’naSkaknwanasonson. n.

kicicnwapi ;woakinica.struggler,n. Tn

’we econ waecon.

strumpet, n . Witkowin.

strung, imp . of STRING .

strut, vi . Watankaicidama’ni.strychnine, n . PeSntaSicaohanko.

stub, n. Hn’tena. vt. Iboto.

stubbed,a. Hn’na; bu ’

tena.stubblness, n. Hn’


stubble, n . A gnyapi hnpaksa.stubborn, a. WanahonSni ; tahnsuta; oknwaSica.

stubbornly,adv. WanahonSniyanocinSicaya.

stubbornness, n. WowanahonSni.stubby,a. Eu


stub-end, n. Hn’te.

stucco, n . Wi’pnspasuta.stuck, imp . of STICK.

stuck-up,pa. Wahanicida.

stud, n. l . Canomdoton bondanhan. 2. TaSpn ynSdoka; oeSkikan o

’Stanpi . 3. 811ngmdo

; eoon0900 11

the mind. 2. Woawacin woonspe : what studies are you taking. vt. A wacin onspeiciciya;aiciciyaknwa. vi . WaonSpeici

“y“ ;, Waawacin.

n. Ta’kn ;W1 yopnhdi ; wahpaya; ta’ani . vt. Opnhdi ;

mtinmyeya: stufi’

the ballotvi A kasks .

stumble, vi

Training School. 2 . Woawacin; waonspeiciciya: aclosestudent.

studhorse, n. Snngmdoka.studied,pa. 1. Iwanyakapi amdezapi :awell studied lesson. 2.

Wi 'ynkcan woonspelm :aboywell studied in grammar.

studiedly,adv. E’Wacinyan; cin.

studio, n. Wokagetipidanstudious,a. WaaWS cin awacstudiously,adv. A wacinyan;henya.

studlonsness, n. Waswacinpi.study, n. 1. WaonSpeicic iyapi ;


;nahnayan;naSna. 2 . Hinnies

hanma’ni. S tumble into ,wanniyeye.

—S tumble over,iboto on

hicahan. vt.Hicahanya. n.Wo~

bieahan wonaSna.stu-bier, n. Hicahes’a.stumbling-bock, u. Wonahnaye .

stu-blingly,adv. Hinhicaheya.stump, n. Canpaksa; hn ’

te ; hnthan . S tump - orator

,canpaksaadiwohdaka.—Take the stump ,

iyazawahokonwicakiya. vt. 1Kahnteya:astumped bush. 2OkihiSniyaktedan your ques

2. Wowiynkcsnkn : submi t the

question to the'


subordinate, a. nknya: asub

ordinate ofllcer. n. Ihnkuyann.

vt. Ihnkuyaiyeye wowidagya.subordinately,adv. O’kiheya.subordination, n. 0 111] ku

ya.subpena, n. Wa’kiiapiOpeSipi.subscribe, vt. 1 . CaSe en owasubscribe the contract. 2. Ki

cnn; en owa. vi . CaSe en e’ici

hnaka; Wicada; he’cetneya;

wowapi yntan;wotaninwowapiIcn .

subscriber, n. Icnpi ; yuhapi .subscription, n. CaSe en owapi.subsequent,a. Iyohakamtn.

subsequently,adr. Iyohakam.

subserve, vt. O ’hiya; idakeya.vi . Wawidakeya.

subservient,a. Waokiya.subside, vi . Knn

ya; enakiya; snia’ya.

subsidize, vt. Opeton.

subsidy, n. WokaSnSn.

subsist, vi . Ni ; nn; iwaS’agnn;

wota. vt. N1ya;wonwicaya.subsistence, n . On

’nipi ;Woynte .

subsoil, n. Makikceihuknya. vt.

Makamahentn yuptanyan.

substance, n. Ta’kahes ; ta’kn ;woynha; co ; ta’ku ka’pi.

substantial,a. 1 . Tanton ; ta’knhas . 2. A

’Wicakehan; Wowi

cake : asubstantial house. 4 .

Oicihi ;watonka: asubstantial

substantially,adv. A’wicakeya; co

ektakiya.substantiate, vt.aicaka.substantive, n. WocaSe.

substitute, vt. E’ekiya; e


e’hnaka. n. E’

ekiyapi.substitution, n. E’

ekiyapi.substratum, n . Ihnkuyawanka.subterfuge. n . Wohnaye.

subterraneous, a. Makaihnknya;makamahentn .

234 succulent

subtile,a. 1 . Z izipedan; pe’sto ;

hna’yanwsynpika; ksa’pa. 2.

WicahnayeS’a; w s ynp ika;ksa’pa.

subtleness, n. Wonahbe ; W0


subtlety, n Wonahbe ; wowayn

puts .

an tonic, n. Ho’c ikadan.

subtract, vt. Etanhanicn .

subtraction, n. Etanhanicnpi.subtrahend, n. Icnpikte.

sub-treasury, n. Oyatetamazaskaa’kamwohnake .

suburb, n. Otonweahanke.

subversion, n . YnSnSupi ;capi.

subversive,a. WaynSnSn.

subert, vt. Yutokecs ; ynSnSn ;yasica.

subverter, n

succeed, vt. O’kihan; ihakam nn;

o’Stannn; to’he ohna he

succeeded his father. vi . Okihi ;waokihi ; ecen yustan he

succeeded in doing i t.success, n. Waokihipi ; wookihi ;woekicetn.

successful, a. Tan ’

yan ; wa'pi ;a’taya;waokihi .successfully,adv. Tan ’

yan .

succession, n. O 'kicihanpi ; i’ciyokiheyayeya. In succession,o’wecinhan.

successive,a. I’ciyokiheya.successively,adv. I

’ciyaza; o’we


successor, n. O ’kihe ; tn’we i’yo

kihe econ .

succinct,a. Katinyan pte’c

succor, vt. O’kiya; ’hdakn ; ui

yan. n. O’kiyapi ; woehdaku.

succorer, n. Waehdaku ; wanikiya.

succorless,a. Wanikiyawanica.succotash, n. Wasknyaomnicaicahi.

succulent,a.WaStnnka;mini o’ta.


succumb, vi. Knn’iyaye.

such,a. He’ca; he ’

ceca; ta’kn ;he’

e. S uch acold day, ta’kuanpetu 0 Sni .

—S uch aday asthis

, anpetu de’cece .

—S uch aman has come

,W icaStahe ’

e ce

hi .—S uchatimeas we had, ta’

kn otawateSicaunkakipapi .suck, vt. A zin ;yazoka;yahoton;yntitan. vi . A zin ; yazoka.



Waazinpi ; woyazOka.sucker, n. 1 . Waazin; wayazoka.2. (Icth. ) Pahteca; hoSinyaSecs . 3. I llinois WicaSta. 4 .

A kts. nya; hntkannya.suckle, vt. A zinkiya.suckling,a. A zinna.suction, n. Woyazoka.sudden, a. Ihnuhanhi ; chanko ;ynkseknagececa.

suddenly,adv. Ihnuhanna.suddenness, n. Woohanko.

suds, n. p l. Wi’

paSaSahanpi.sue, vt. Woope ektaknwa; knwa.

suet, n . Sin pakS InSin.

suffer, vi . KakiSa; icakiSa Si

htin ; tanyanSni. Saj er for,icakiSa. vt. 1 . Iyowinkiya: hewould not sufi


er him to do it.

2. Ahipa.; ececa: sufi‘

er less.

sufferable,a. Iyowinyepica.sufferance, n . Woiyowinkiye .

suilerer, n . WakakiSyapi iyotani ekiya.

su ering, n. WokakiSe ; wakakiSapi ; icakiSapi.

suffice, vi . Wi ’pi ; iyehanyannn.

vt. Wi’piya. Le t i t suflice, he

sufficiency, n. Iyenakeca;wooSndan wookihi .

sufficient,a. l . Iyenakeca; iyoki ;henana: sufi icient p rovisions.

2. O’kihe ;waokihi .sufficiently,adv. Iyehanyan.

suffix, n. A ehnskapi. vt. A o


suffocate, vt. Yum’

yasni ; yusni.vi . Niyasnita.

suffocatingly,adv. Oniyaéniya.suffocation, u . Niyasnitapi ; oniyasni un’

pi .

suffrage, u . Caseiyohpeyapi.suffuse, vi. Spa/yeya.sugar, n. Canhanpi : sugar is

t. Sku ’

yeya.sugar-cane, u . Canhaqpi husugar-maple, n . Canhasax) .sugar-mill, u . Canhaqpuyuskice .

sugar-orchard, u . Canhasaqor‘m .

sugar-plum, u . Canhanpxsasukanta

sugar-tree, n . Canhanpicax) .sugary,a. Skuskuya.suggest, vt. Iwaqyagéi ; cai eyatu ;econwaste keciya.

suggestion, n. Wowiynkcsn) ; cit)kiyu i.

sugge ve,a. On wokahnigspi.suicidal, a. Ieiktekta; ihaqgieiyapi

suicide, u . Ieiktepi ; ieikte.

sult, n. Tawurji i asui tof clothes.

2. Wosia; wokuwa; aiapi : acriminal suit 3. Wiokiyapi.4 . Opahte asuit of cards.

vt. l . Iyokipiya; canwaéteyaI tried to sui t him. 2 . I’ciyo

kipi ;ki'oiwaste black suits his

com lesion.

sultah ilty, n. Woiyokipi ; i’ciyo


suitable, a. Iyecetu ; i ’ciyokipi ;iyehantu .

suitably.adv. Iyecetuya.suite, n . Obe ; tawanzi .suitor, n. Kuwa; ohiya.suik, vi . Pamahen III] ; ihdoniea.snlks, n. p l. Ihdonicapi ; wowicadasni ; tawaciqsicapi.

sulky,a. Wscinhinyanzs ; ociqmca. u. Canpshmihmahunonpa.

sullen,a. Cante.-smut) ocinsica.sullenly,a. Iyokipiéniyax) .sullenness, v. Wotawaeir)sicu.

sullied,pa. Yusapspi ; yusicapi.sully, vi. Samya;aéamyasulpher, n. Cahdizi.sultan, 11. Turkey

;xate itancan.


sum, u . 1 . YuWita.yapi o ynwi

taya: the sum of fi veand two isseven. 2 . 0 11ge ; omnaye : alarge sum of money. 3. Wayawapi ; asum in division .

4 . O’inkpa; ihanke : the sum of

folly. vi. Yuwitaya; ptenyedsnoyaka.

sumacil , u . Canzi.summarily,adv. Katinyan ohankoyaptenyedan.

summary,a. Pte’cedau) ; ohanko.

u . Ptenyedal ) oyakapi.summer, i t. M doke tu . Indiansummer, ptaqyetu sotu i u .

Last summer,mdokehan.

Next summer, tokatamdoketu .

vi . Mdoketu

summer-fallow, vt. Mdokecokaya.ynmdn .

summit, n. O ’inkpa; iyotanwarjkantu .

summon, vt. En t1si ; kico.

summons, 11. Ricopi ; kicOpi wowapi .

sumptuous,a. Ma’zushao ’ta; ui ’

nawaste ; otanton.

sumptuously,adv. Otsntonyar] .sun, u . A 1)petuWi ; anpawi ; Wi .vt. Wi en e

’hnaka;amasteya.sunbeam, u . Wiiyofianfiar) .sunblind,a. Ismsniia.sunbonnet, u . Win



ska.sunburnt,a.Mastispaq giyenaur) .suudauce, n. Wi’wanyagwacipi.Sunday, u. A 1]petuwakaq .

Sunday-school, 91. A 1]petuwakax)waoqspeieiciyapi .

sunder, vt. Yukinukar) kiyuksayukinukan iyeya.




sun-dog, u . Wipecuza; Wi ’sceti.sundown, u . Wi ’iyaye .

sundries, n. p l. Ta’kuocai e ; ta’kusnisni.

sundry,a. O ’ta;ocaze toktokeea.

sunfish, n. Hoganmdaskana.sunflower, u . Wahcazi .sung, imp . of SING .

sunk, imp . of SINK .

sunken,a. Minimahenwanka.

sunless,a. Wi’iyoial jzaqsni .

sunlight, u. Wi'iyoyanpa.sunny,


a. Wi'iyoyaljpa; iyoyaxjps ;Wiyskpa.

sunrise, u . Wi’hinapa.sunset,a. Wi'iyaye W i ’iyohpaya.sunshade, u . Wiq


sunshine, u . Wi’iyoyarjpa; o’ma


sunshiny, u. Wi’iyoyarjpa.sunstroke, u . Wi’awicaspaqpi.sunup, n. Wi'hinanpa.sunward,adv. Wi’ektakiya.sup, vt. Yatkan ; iyoziya. yatkax) .vi . Htayetu wota. u . Oyatke.

superabound, vi . Bbses o ’ta.

superabundance, u . I'yakam o'ta.

superabuadent, a. To’konpicaénio'ta.

superanuated,a.Wsniyetn kapeya.1111 Wical‘i ca; kan.

super a. Ni'nawaéte ; wowinihan.

superbly,adv. Ni'natag '

yal ] ; okinihsqyan.


iercsrgo, u . Woyuh

a.supercilious,a.Wuhan ieida; ihdnwsnkuntuya.


superficial,a. A kapatanharj .superfine,a. Iyotq aste .

superfluity, n. I' akam o’ta.

superfluous,a. ’

yakamtu ; itaya1m.

superhuman,a. Wicastuiwankum.

238 suspension

—Make sure, q icaka; yu

stanpi.surely, adv. A ’

Wicakehan a’Wicakeya; sutaya.

surety, n. 1 . Wowicake : know ofasurety. 2 . On yuwicakapi :keep the watchas s urety. 3. Oki

hisni kinhan ki’cicai ui ukta;kici yntan.

surf, n. Miniwancata’za.surface, n . A kapatanhan. vi .Mda’yaka’ga.

surf-boat, n. Ta’zawata.surfeit, vt. Wi’pitcya. vi .Wi’pita.

n. Woteyapi.surfeited,pa. Wota.surge, n. Ta’zatanka. vi . Hiyu .

surgeon, n. Pesutawicasta.surgery, n. Tancanakapatanhanknwapi.

surlily,adv. Iyokipisniyan.

surly, a. Wac inhinyanza; ocin81ca.

surmise, vi. Iyukcan; kecin . n .

Kecinpi .surmount, vt. Iwankam iyaya;ohiya.

surmountable,a. A dipica; ohiyepica.

surmounted, pa. A kahpa; iwankam e

’hnaka.surname, n. Wicowazi case ; caseinonpa. vt. Case inom 1511 .

c urm s, vt. Kapakape kapeya.e asslng, pa. Wakapeya; iyotan.

surpassingly,adv. Iyotanyan.

s urplice, n . O'kdeska;sanksanicaska.

surplus, n. Ta’ku iyaye ; iyaye.

surprisal, n. Ihnuhanyapi .surprise, vt. 1 . Ihnuhanya. He

surp rised the enemy, to’kaihnu

hanwicayc . 2. 1nihanya yu

éinyeya. He surp rised the p eo

p le.- Iam surp rised, imam


n. Woinihan 1hnuhanyap1 W0iyopaétake.

surprising,pa. Wowinjhan.

surprisingly,adv. Wowinihanyan.

surrender, vt. Wayakaicicu ; iyoWinyan enakiya. n . Enakiyapi ;wayakaicicnpi.

surreptitious,a. Nahman ka'gapi.surreptitiously,adv. Nahmana.surround, vt. 1 . Ohomni iyaya;aoh om n i ya: the army sur

rounded the ci ty. 2 . Ohomni

wanka: adi tch surro unds the

camp . n . t omniyapi ; ptewanuyanpi Wicayuwitayapi.

surrounding,pa. Ohomni wanka.surveillance, n. Woawanyake.

survey, vt. 1 . Wanyaka;amdeza.2. Iyuta;makaiyu tasurveyarailroad. n. Amdeza; iyutapi.

surveying, n. Makaiyu tapi ; makaiyutapi woonspe .

surveyor, n . Makaiyuta.survival, n . Ehake ni ’pi .survive, vt. Ihakam u i ; ehake ui.survivor, n . Ehakeni .susceptibility, n. Wookihi wowas’ake .

susceptible,a. Okihi ;kahtanpica.sdonyepica.

susceptibly,adv. Taninyan.

suspect, vt. Kecin atungya; iyaonpa;cetunhda. I susp ectJ ohndid i t

,J ohn econ kecanmi .

I suspec ted thedriver,wakahapecin stungwaya. vi . Waiyaonpa.

suspected, pa. Iyaonpapi.suspend, vt. 1 . Otkeya: suspendaball in theair. 2 . Inahni e’hnaka; e

'kihnaka; ayuétankiyahe suspended work. 3. Ikoyagya. vi . Enakiye ;ayustan.

suspenders, n. Ceskiyutitan.

suspense, n. To ’ketutaninsni.suspension, 11. 1 . Wotkeyapi. A

susp ension bridge, cankahonpapi otkeyapi. 2. E’kiynakapiwoenakiye : during his susp ensionfrom the ministry.

suspicion 239

suspicion, n. Woiyaonpa; wowiyukcan.

suspicious, a. Wakokipa;se


suspiciously,adv. Okokipeya; sicayase’

ca; wacetunhdayasustain, vt. 1. Yuba; ipatan yu’

a; Wi’Wicakihni . 2. YuWicaka: sustain the charge.

su ,stainable a. Y11Wicakapica;yuhepica.

sustenance, n. Woyute ; ta’ku was’agye.

antler, n. A kicitataWopeton.

suture, n . Okagcge .

swab, n. Ipakinte. vt. Pakin ia.swnddle, vt. Yuskiskita.swag, vi . Naskom iwanke .

swagger, vi . Ohitiicidaskan .

swaln, n. Koskawozu ; koska.swaie, n. O

’smaka. Swale-

grass,santohn .

swallow, vt. Napca; napcaiyeya;iocoka: swallowedap in—swallow his own words, to

’ie ikikcu .

—Swallow the story, woyakapiWicada. n . 1 . Wonapce : taketwo swallows. 2. Icapsinpsincadan ; upiiate : the swallowsare building their nests.

swallow-tailed, n. Icapsinpsincadansinte .

swam, imp . of SWIM .

swamp, n. Ptegaswampy.a. Hdihdidan coco.


n. Magatanka Y. magas

swap, vt. Tokiyopeya.sward, n. Petite pez1ozu .

swarm, n. Tuhmagaoptayeo;Opta

ye. vi . Optaye'

leicagapi ; kicipatitan.

swarthy, n. Sa’peca; stan .

sway, vt. Kahuhuza; ko’za

kazeze ,wowas’ake ; woawan

yaka.sway-back, n. Cankahu kas’in .

swear, vi. Wakantankaca2eyane’

ya: he swore to the account.2.Wakantankai’had ca2eyataswear not.

swearer, n. Wakantankaca2eyates

’a.sweat, vi . Temni temni an . n.

Temn i ; itemni , inipi. vt. Temuiya; inikicaga.

sweating-room, n. Initipi.

sweaty,a. Temni , spa’ya.sweep, vt. Kahinta; kahin e

yaya; hiyaya. Sweep the floor,owankakahinta.—I t swep t by,due hiynya.—The lague swep t

of the chi ldren, osicasicecawicakasota. vi . Wakahintapi ;ahiyaya;wawiyohiya.weeping,pa. Tan’kayaiyohi.weepings, n. Wokahinte .

sweepstakes, n . A’tayaohiya.sweet, a. Sku ’

ya; waste sku

mnasni : asweetapp le .—Sweet

butter,asanpiihdi waste .

—Asweet face, ite waSte .

—Sweetmilk,asanpi skumnasni .—Sweetodors

,ecamnawaste - Sweet

songs, odowan waste .—S weet

water,mini oyatke waste . n.

Ta’k1i sku'ya; sku ’

ya;waste .

sweet-corn, n. Wamnahezaskuya.sweeten, vt. Sku

yeya. vi . Sku ’


sweetheart, n. Tu 'wewasteda; tu ’

weokiya.sweetish,a. Skuskuya.sweetly,adv. Tan’

yan myokipiya.sweetmeat, n. Canhanpucahi ;wa

sweetness, n. 1 . Woskuye : the

cane lost i ts sweetness. 2 . W0

waste ; Wi ’ciyokipi .sweet-potatoe, n. Pangitanka;mdoskuya.

sweet-scented,a. Wastemna.swell, vi. Po ; kapo ; napogan ;tan ’kaa’ya; ihdutanka; minitan aswollen river. vt. Yutan


ka; napogan ; minitanya. n .

O 'cim tan ’ka; paha; mdoya;

ta'2amdoya.swelling, n. Po ;kapo ; paha.swelter, vi . Temnita.sweltry,a. Masts ; odidita.swept, imp . of SWEEP.

swerve, vi . Tokan ya; yupemni ;kawinh ya.

swift,a. Du 'zahan ohsnko ;wo

takunisni ohanko swift de

struction. n. 1 . Up1zate . 2.

(Zool. ) A hdeskadan.

swiftly,adv. Dus ; ohankoya.swiftness, n. Woduzahan; woo

swill, n. Kukuse tawoyatke .

swim, vi . 1 . Niwan I can swim.

2. O’kapota: the log swims .

A swimming-

gait, niwanpi se

iy0pte .—His head s wims, ito

mui ; i t ekpaza.— b

wim in

wealth, W0Wi2ice okaponyaun.

vt. 1 . Niwan aniwe : s wim the

river. 2. Niwekiya: swim the

horse. n. Om'

we ; niwanpi.swimmer, n. Niwewayupika; uiwes

’a.swimmingly,adv. Yapiyaniwanpise.

swindle,vt. Hnayankiyusota;hnayan. n. Wohnaye.

swindler, n. Wicahnayes’a.swine, n. Kukuse (ni un heca) .swing,vi . Kaozeze kahomni ;ho ’

tadankicn .—The rap e swings,

hahontakaozeze.—T he boat

swung round, wa'takin kahomui . vt. Kaozezeya; ko ’

za;kaskanskan. John swung his

hat, John wapostan ko’za. 11

1 . Ho’tadan : put the baby

the swing. 2. Wokazeze ; oyuhomni ; to

’ken cin let us takeaswing.

switch, n. 1 . Cansakadan awillow swi tch. 2. (Railway) Hemani ma’zaakizate : change the

240 syringe

switch. vt. l . Kapsinsintaswitch the chi ld . 2 . A

'ki2ateohnaiyayeya: swi tch the train.

switch-man, n. A ’ki2ateapiya.swivel, n. Ma’zaicicahihaynho

swollen,pp . of SWELL .

swoon, vi. Kiksuyesni ; tansagta.swoop, vt. Iyahpaya; yuwankans

ynya. n. Woiyahpaya.sword, n. Ma’zasagye ; Y. miwakan.

swore, imp of SWEAR .

sworn,pp . of SWEAR.

swum, imp . of’


swung, imp . of SWIN G .

sycamore, n. Tanpacantanka.sycophant, n. Ishnya; Wi cahnayes

’a.syllable, n. Iapiokihe.

sylvan,a. Can; canowanca.symbol, n. 1 .Wi’yac inpi ;wadiyacinpi : alion is the symbol ofcourage. 2.Wosukiye : the symbols offaith.

symbolic,a. I’yacinpi ; ka'pi .symbolically,adv. I’yacinyan.

symbolize, vi . I’yacin.

symmetrical,a. Okahwanzidan .

symmetry, 11. I'ciyokipi.

sympathetic,a. Wawacinktayuza.sympathize, vi . Wacinkiyuza;wacinyuza.

sympathizer, n. Wacinkiyuza.sympathy, n. Wacinenkiciyuzapi ;onsikicida


‘;symptom, n. otoketu ; to’keca;

wowapetokeca.synagogue, n. Judah ti 'piwakansynchronlcai,a. I'akidehantu .

syndicate, n.WoeconOkodakiciye.

synod, n. Omniciye ocokaya.synonlm, n. Iapiowan2idan.

synonlmous,a. I’akidececa.synopsis, n. Owohdake co .

syntax, n. Iapiokage oyaka.syphilis, n. Ce’hdipi woyazan.

syringe, n. Wi'bosdi ; minibosdi

taskmastertask-aster, n . Wowasi itancan.

taste, vl . U ’ta; ci’

stinnayu ’ta.

n . U ’tapi ; wowiynkcan; wo


tasteful,a. Oiyokipi .tasteless,a. U ’

tapi tetake.

tatters, n. Ohdehdeca.tattoo, vt. A kite .

taught, imp . of TEA CH.

taunt, vt. I'enhde .

tautology, n. A kihdehde e’

yapi.tavern, n. Owotetipi .tawny,a. Hasa’peca.tax, 11. Woyahn hda2112upi wo


tea, n. Wahpepe2uta; wahpe .

teach, taught, vt. Onspekiya.teachnble,a. Onspekiyapi waste .

teacup, n. Wahpeiyatke .

teakettle. n. Miniikanye.

teacher, n. Waenspekiye.

team, n . SungakicaskaWi’yuti

tanpi.teamster, n. Wakahape .

teapot, n. Wahpeikanye .

tear, tore, vt. Yuhdeca. 11. W0

yuhdeca; istamnihanpe .

tearer, n. Wohitika.tease, vt. Nagiyeya.teaspoon, n . Tukihao1 stina; Y.


teat, n. A zeinkpa.teem, vi . O2ndan o


teeter, vi . Kaozezeya.teeth, n. p l. of room .

teething, n. Hi'uyapi.teetotaler, 11. Miniwakan

oyathe sni.

telegram, 11 . Ma’zaapapiwowapi.telegraph, 11. Ma’zaapapi.telephone, 11. Ma’zahoyeya.telescope, n. Maziwanyake han'

ska.tell, told, vt. Oyaka; to’

nakecayawa. Tell him


him to come, usi.

tell-tale, n . Woyakes’a.temper, n . Tawacin;wosuta. vt.

Yusuta; yuecetu .


temperance, Iyatah deieiyapisni ;mde


temperature, 11. Osni is masts .

tempest, n . Ieamna; tat e .

temple, n. Ti’

piwakan nawattemporal,a. Makaakan tu .

tempt, vt. Iyutanye.

temptation, n. Wowawiyutanye .

tea,a. Wikcemna.tenable,a. Yuhepica.tenacious, a. Wi ’yaskape ; wakitan.

tenant, n. Wakicanye.

tend, vi . A wanyake ;kicanye . vi .

Iyahdeya.tendency, n . Ocanku ; oaye .

tender, (1. Wan’kadan waihakta.

vt. Kn.

tenderly,adv. Iwastedan.

tenement, n . Ti’pi okupi.tenet, n. Woope.

tenfold,a. Wikcemnaakihde .

tenor, n. Ta’ku ka'pi wicahowankantu.

tense, n . Watohantu ; hehantu.

a. Tin’za.

tent, n. Wakeya. vt. Ticaiga.tenth,a. IWikcemna.tepid,a. Itenyapi .term, n. Iapi, the term lawyer ;owasaghde , aterm of four

years; wac inkiciyuzapi, on goodterms; nazmsni econpi,aschoolterm. vt. Ca2eyata; e 'ya.

terminate, vi . Owihanke.

terrestrial,a. Makata.terrible,a. Okokipe.

terribly,adv. Okokipeya.terrific,a. Woitonpe.

terrify, vt. Yusinyeya.territory, n. Makoce ;makobaspe.

terror, n. Wokokipe .

terse,a. Iapi yatinzapi.test, vt. Iyuta.testament, n . Wokonze .

testify, vt. Wow icake oyaka.testimony, n . Woyaotanin.

tether, vt. Ikan tonhde.

text, n . Iapi iwohdaka.test-book, n . Woonspe wowapi.texture, n. Okage .

than, conj . Kici i ’ciwanyakapi.More than

,i'sanpa.—Less than,

a’okpani .thank, vi. Wopidaeciya. 11. W0

pida.thankful,a. Pida; pidapi .thankless,a. 1 . PidaSni,athankless heart. 2. aedan pidaSni.

thank-offering, n. W0pidawosha1 .

thapuksgiving, n. W0pidaeyapi .thankworthy,a. Pidapi iyececa.that,a. p ro. He

,thal man ; that

is mine ; that which I do ye

know. conj . He'on he, he died

thatwemight live ; the day camethat she should die. conj . S he

was that scared.

thatch, n. Pe2iawakeyapi .thaw, vt. Stnnya, thaw out the

frost. vi . S tn ’ta. T haw

skan .

the, def . art. Kin, the day is past.theater, n . 1 . WoSkate ti’pitanka;ikpazotipi . 2. Oyenke, the theater of war.

theatrical,a. WoSkate.

thee,pro. Ni’ye .

theft, n. Wamanonpi.their, theirs,pro . Ta’wapi .theism, n . Wakantankawicadapi .them, pro. 1 . Wica. Ki ll them


Wicakte . 2. He’na

, sit by them.

theme, n . Woiwohdake .

themselves,p ro. Iyepihca.then,adv. 85 conj . Heban .

thence,adv. Hetanhan.

thenceforth,adv. Hetanhan.

theology, n. Woonspe wakan .

theory, n. Wowiynkcsn.

there, adv. 1 . Hen ; he'ci

, there

he is ; up there. 2 . (Used in

definitely it is unexpressed. )Therearoseafamine, wicaaki


han icaga—There is work, Wewasi yukan .

thereabout,adv. Wahehantu .

thereafter,adv. He iyohakam .

thereby,adv. Hetanhan.

therefor,adv. He’on .

therefore,adv.He’onetanhan he

on ; bo’cen.

therein,adv. He en .

thereof,adv. Hetanhan.

thereon,adv. Heakan ; hehan .

thereupon,adv. Hehan .

therewith,adv. He kici .

thermometer, n. Osniiyuta.these,a. pro. Dena.thesis, n. Woeye.

they, pro. p l. Iyepi ; iye . . pi.

(Generally expressed only by

£110 plural ending. ) They came,1'


thick,a. 1 . So’ka: thick ice. 2 .

Smathick grass thick hair .



pSapsa, thickgrain ; thickwoods. 4. Tinza; snta, thick

mush. 5. O 'ta: thickas rabbi ts .

thicken, vi. 1 . S ntaka’ga,thicken

the syr up . 2 . So’kaka’ga,

thicken the cloth. 3. Ynota,

thicken the blows.

thickening, a. O ’taa'ya So

’kaa’ya. 71. Icahiyapi .

thicket, n . Otehi.thickhead, n . Pahn So’ka.thickly,adv. Sogya.thickness, n . So’

ka.thickset,a. Hn '

na.thief, n. Wamanons‘a.thieve, vi . Wamanon.

thievery, n. Wamanonpi .thievish,a. Manons’a;wamanon.

thigh, n . Ceca. Thigh- bone, cc

cnnte ; cecaowagle.

thimble, n. Napostan.

thin,a. 1 . Z izipedan, thin paper.

2. Hdahan thin mush.

thine,a. Nitawa.thing, n . Ta’ku ;woynha.think, thought. vt. 81: vi . 1 . A wa


cin canteyuza,I thinkofgoing.

2. Kiksnya, I cannot think: whathe said. 3. Ecin; wacinynza.He thinks well of me, tan’


thinly,adv. Zizipayedan; enana.third,a. 1 . Iyamni, the third day.

2. Ya’n ni yuSpapi, two thirds .

thirst, vi . I’

pnza; cantahde. n.

I’pnzapi ; cantahdepi.thirsty,a. I'pnza.thirteen,a. A keyamni.thirteenth,a. I’akeyamni.thirty,a. Wikcemnayamni .this,a. De, this man. p ro. De


whose dog is thie f adv. De '

cen . This soon.

thistle, n . Canhdohnpepe .

thither,adv. He’eiye. ; heciyotan.

thong, n . Wi’han ikan .

thorn, n. Canpepe.

thorny,a. Pepe.

thorough,a. A ’Wicake WayuStan.

thoroughbred,a. Obetehike.

thoroughfare, n. Cankuhca.thoroughgoing,a. Wakahdokeca.thoroughly,adv. A

'Wicakeya.those,a. ro. Hens .

thou, pro. iye.

though, conj . 1 . Beta, I wi ll go,though i t rains. 2. Take ; 110yas, I am well though not


thought, v. imp . S ee THINK.

thought, u . Woawacin; wowiynkcan.

thoughtful,a. Waawacin awac in.

thoughtless,a. Waswacinsni.thousand,a. Kektopawinge .

thraldom, n. Wayaka11n’


thrash, vt. Kapan ;apa. vi . Wakapan kahohoiyeiciyaSkan .

thrashing-machine, n. Wi’capan;w i’nakanye.

thread, 11. 1 . Hahonta; Wi'ken ,silk thread. 2. Csnknye. vt.

Hahontaen iyeya.threadbare,a. Yntannipi.


threat, n. Wakokipe ki'psirw‘:

threaten,vt.Wakokipeklcagai lw'

ka; eyakuwa.three,a. Ya'mni .

threescore,a. Wikcemnasakpe.

threshold, n. TiyOpaahdehe.

threw, imp . of THROW.

thrice,adv. Ya’mniakihde.

thrift, n. Waicihdepi .thriftless,a. IcihdeSni.thrifty,a. Ieihdeka.thrill, vt. YnSkanskan. vi. Huhu

zahan . n. WoskanSkan.

thrilling,a. Wowinihan.

thrive, vi . San 'patan ’

yan ya.thriving,pa. Icaga; oicihi.throat, n. Dote ;Wi


Iyapa.throe, n. Wokaki2e.

throne, n. Itancan toyanke ; itancan.

throng, n. Wicota. vi . A otinsya.throttle, n. Dote ; ioStan.

through,a. Ihnnniyanye, throughtrains . prep . Iyoopta; ihuniyan,through the board; through the

throughout,adv. Ihunniyan.

throve, imp . of THRIVE .

throw, threw, vi. 1 . Kahoiyeya,throwastone—Thro wat


2. Knn'ehpeya, he threw his

antagonist. 3. Ehpeya, he threwit on the ground. 4. Hiyaya,threw up his dinner.

thrush, n. Wagiogi.thrust, vt. Iyayeya; iyeya; caps ;capaiyeya. n . Wacapapi .

thud, n. Woiyapa.thumb, n. Napahnnka. vt. Yutantan .

thump, vi. Aw; Iyapa.thunder, vi. akinyanhoton bu.

thunderbolt, n. Wakanhdisn .

thunderstorm, n. Wakinyanicamna.

thunderstrike, vt. Wakinyano ; o.


dtblt, n. OnSpadan.


tithe,n.Wikcemnalnbaépapl wan21.

titie, n. 1 . Ca2e, the ti tle of the

book. 2. On ta’waSdonyapi,what is his title.

titter, vi . Zi2iiha.tittle, n. Wokpe .

to,prep . 85 adv. 1 . Ekta, go to

tom1 ; wrong end to . 2 . (S ignof the infi nitive. ) Kta, I wantto go.

toad, n. Natapeha.toast, vt. 1 .

°Gnguya; ceonpa. 2.

Tu 'wo ca2eyan wayatke . n .

A susuyapltobacco, n . Candl .toboggan, n. Canmdaskaowosdohe .

to-day,adv. 85 n . Nakaha.toddle, vi . HoksiyOpamani.toddy, n. Miniwakanicahiyapi .toe, n . S iynkaza; siinkpa; sipa.together,adv. Wi’taya;o’konwan2ina.

toil, vi . Htani . n . Wohtani.toilet, n. Oihdnze .

toilsome,a. Otehika.token, n. Wowapetokeca.tolerable,a. Ri

tanna.tolerance, n . Iyowinyanpi.tolerant,a. Wacintanka.toleration, n . Wawiyowinyanpi.toil, vi. Wan ’

wancanaapa. n .

Canku woka2u2n .

tomahawk, n . Onspecannonpa.tomato, n. Wasknyecasasa.tomb, n. Wicahnakapi .tomboy, n . Wic incanahoksinase


tombstone, n. Wicahnakapi in'a

to-ymdlrrow, n . Heyakecinhan Y.

86 T. hin’hanna.

ton, n. Tkentapi 2000.

tone, 11. Ho ; hooadi ; wocanteyuza.

tongs, n . Pe’tawiyu2ipe .

tongue, n . Ce2i ; iapi.

tonic, n. Pe2ntaimdihecapi.to-nigllt, n. Hanyetn do.

too, adv. 1 . N i’na; ehaes,too

long. 2 . Naknn; eya, give himone too.

took, imp . of TAKE .

tool, 11. Wi’kicanye ; icnwa.

toot, vi . Yahoton; ya2o.

tooth, 11. Hi . In the teeth of ,Wi

toothache, n. Hi ’w icayazan.

toothbrush, n . Hi ’ipayeze .

toothless,a. Hi’wanica.toothpick, n. Hi 'paSkn ; T. bi‘yo


top, n. 1 . In'kpa, top of the house.

2. Can’kawacipi, whia. Wankantn ;akan ; o ’tokahe,atop p lace. vt. 1 . In

'kpaka’ga, top the stack. 2 . In


,top the corn.

toper, n . Min iwakanyatkesa.topic, 11 . Ta’lm ka’pi.topknot, n. Pecokaokaske .

toplofty, a. Wankantn ; tan ’kancida.

topmost,a. Iyotanwankantn .

topography, n . Oyanke oyakapi.topple. vi . Pacegceg.

topsy turvy,a. To 'kencincin.

torch, n. Ikcecanai2an2anyapi.tore, im of TEAR.

torment , vi. Kakisya.tor

’ment, n. Wokaki2e .

torn, imp . of TEAR .

tornado, n. Tateohitika.torpedo, n. Cabdi napopapi.torpid,a. Tase .

torpidity, n. WicahunkeSni.torpor, n . Waokih isni.torrent, n. Minitan .

torrid,a. Ni’naka’ta.

tortoise, n. Ke ’

ya.tortuous,a. KeankSan.

torture, vt. KakiSya; ynktanyan.

n. Wokaki2e.

toss, vi. Kahoiyeya;wankankaniyeraspaptanptaniyeyao

tot, n. Ta’kucikana.total,a. A '

taya; ocowasin.

totally,adv. A’taya.

tote, vt. Kin;a'ya.totter, vi . Kacekceka.tottering,pa. Bahadan .

touch, vi. 1 . Icahtaka, the trees

touch. 2. Yutan, he touched hishat. 3. Iyohi, he could

’nt touch

the roof —Thefrost touched theleaves

,iwaStenaknwa. Touch

the heart,

cantiyapa.—Touchof , iyayeya; n ’

ta.—Touch up ,

yuwaste kuwa; dus iysyeya.n. I

'cicahtakapi ; wayntanpi ;

ynwaStepi ; wokahtaka; Wokitan.

touching,prep . Icahtagya, touching what John said. pa. Canteiyawicapa,atouching tale.

touchy,a. Wakahtakeca.tough,a. S uta.tour, n. Oicimsni ;aohomni .tourist, n. Oicimani .tournament, n. A kicitaska’tapi.tow, vt. Ynsdohan wa’taynsdohan. n. Canhdohn hin.

toward, towards, p rep . Ektakiya;a’etopteya; en ’

tkiya.towel, n. Napipakinte itipakinte .

tower, n. Ti’

piipasotka. vi . Wankan yeya.

towhead, n . Pa'Z I .town, n . Otonwe.

township, n . Makobaspe makaiyntapi Sa'kpe .

toy, n. Wi’napiékanye. vi . Ska'ta.

trace, vt. Owe ode ; ode, trace athief . 2. Ioago ; cankn iongo


trace the o utlines on paper. n.

Owe ; onspaci’stinna.traceable,a. Odepica.trachea, n. Dotehbeze.

track, n. Owe ; cankn. vt. Owe

atab ya, trackafox.

M n. 1 . Onspa; obaSpe ; makobaspe, arocky tract of land.

7 transit

tranquil,a. Owani i un.

trans pref. O’

pta;akasanpa.transact, vt. Econ .

transaction, n. Woecon.

transcend, vt. Kapeya.transcribe, vt. A ktaowa.transfer, vt. Tokanaya; Wicakn.

n. Wicakupi.transfigure, vt. Yutokeca.transform, vt. Piyakaga.transgress, vt. Wahtani .transgression, n. Woahtani .transient,a. A Skayedanun.

transit, n. O’

ptaye cin.

2. Wowahokonkiye wowapi cIstinna,atemperance toact

tractable,a. Ok1nyanwastetraction, n. 0y11sdohan.

trade,vt. TokiyOpeya, tradehorses.vi . Wopeton trade with In

dians. n. Opetonpi ; woe


trader, n. Wopetontradewind, n. Waziyatatate.

trading,pa. W0pet0n.

tradition, n. Ehannawicoie .

traduce, vt. Makoskan yasica.traffic, vi . W0pet0n. n. W0pe


tragedy, wocantiyapa.tragic,a. Wowinihan.

trail, n. Canku owe ; ta’ku yn




dohan. vt. Ynsdohan ado-1

anytrain, vi. On

fipekiya;, kibiya; yu o

titan . n. e ;man1 owosdohe ;woyaza.

trainer, n. Waonspekiya.trainman, n. Hemani kicanye .

trait, n. Ohan .

traitor, n. Takodakn wicahnaye.

traitorous,a. Wicahnayes’a.trammel, vt. Hnn’kesniya.tramp, vi. S iehde ;ma’ni . n . S iehdepi ; omanipi ;wadaomani .

trample, vi. A di ; nasn2a.trance, n. Ihanmnapi se wawan

transitivetransitive,a. Ta’kniyaheya.transitory,a. Ci 'stiyedanun.

translate, vt. Ieskaka’ga; to'kana’ya.

translation, n. Ieskayapi.translucent,a. Kohdi .

transmigrate, vt. Piyaiyotanke .

transmit, vt. Ye’

ya;kn .

transom, n. O ’2an2anhdepi hdaku lyan .

transparent,a. Kohdi ; tanIn.

transpire, vi. Otanin ynniya.transplant, vi . Piyahnhde .

transport, vi. Toksu ;ynmdezesni .n . ItokSn .

transportation, n . WatokSnpitranspose, vt. Yutokan.

transverse,a. Hdakinyan.

trap,n. Ma'zahtakiyapi;Wi 'hmnnke . vt. Hmnn

’ka.trapper, n . Wahmnnkes’a.traps, n. p l. Ta’lm woynha.trash, n. Ta’ani .

travail, vi . Cincatonktayazan .

travel, vi. I’cimaniya.traveller, n. I’cimani.traverse, vt. O ’

ptaya.travesty, n . Wawihaka’gapi .tray, n. WakSiHOpahi ; Sun ’



treacherous,a. Wicahnayes’a.treachery, n . Wohnaye .

tread, trod, vi . S ihae'hde ;amani .Tread on

,am ni .—Tread out


nasuya.treadle, n . S upatan.

treason, n. Wohnaye, oyate en .

treasure, vt. Kibueka; kpatan.

n. Woynha;wakihnakapi .treasurer, n . Ma’zaskaawanyaka.treasury, n. Ma'zaskaWohnake .

treat, vt. 1 .a s ; ta’ku ecakicon, he treated me well. 2 . Miniwakanyatkekiya. n . 1 . “lowiyuskin, the music wasatreat.2. Won

’tkiyapi ; wayatkekiya

pi,atreat of beer.

treatise, n . Wowapitanka.


treatment, n . Woknwaokuwa.treaty, n . Oyate wowapiyntanpi .treble,a. Ya'mn iakihde ; ho wankantn.

tree, n . Can; can’bosdanhan. vt.

Canadikiya.tremble, vi . Cancan .

tremendous,a. Otantonka.tremor, n. Wocancan Wicanaka.tremulous,a. Cancan.

trench, n. Makaokapi .trend, n . Tokiyotanye .

trepidation, n . Wocancan.

trespass, vi . Wahtani . n . Woahtani.

tri p re. Ya’mni ; ya’mnikiya.trial, n. l . Iyntapi, atrial of hissp eed. 2. A iapi, atrial formurder. 3. Wokaki2e


byfi re.

triangle, n . Ya'mnioiseton.

tribal,a. Oyate ta’wa.tribe, n. Oyate ospaye.

tribulation, n . Wokaki2e.

tribunal, n. Waaiaomniciye .

tributary,a. A detka; ookiye.

tribute, n . Itancantawomnaye.

trice, n . IStakakpapise .

trick, n. Wohnaye ;woecon.

tricky,a. Wicahnayes’a.tried,pa. Iyntapi.triennal,a. Waniyetn ya’mni.trifle, n. Ta’ku ci’stinna. vi. Ta’anikiyaSkan .

trifler,a. WaawacinSni .trigger, n. Ma’zakaniyntan.

trill, n. Hohnagicahoton.

trim, vt. 1 . Basmin, trim the hair.

2. A 0pazan, trim ahat. 3.

Tan ’

yan piya. a. Waynco.

trinity, n. Ya’mni wanzipi.trinket, n. Oin.

trio, n. Ya’mnipi.trip, n. Oicimani . vi . Ohankoma'ni ; bieshan ynSna.

tripe, n . Tasnpe.

triple,a. Ya’mn ikiya.triplet, n. Ya’mniakicaska.

250 ulceratetune, n. Odowanho. vt. Ho ece

tuya; i a.tuner, n.


tunic, n. O'hde.

tunnel, n. He’ohdogyapi.

turban, n. Pa’iynskite.

turbid,a. Sose.

turbulent.a. SkanSkan wohitika.turf, n. Pe2ihntkan pe2ito .

turkey, n . Zicatanka; T. WaglekSnntanka.

turkey-buzzard, n. Heca.

turmoil, n. WoSkanSkan.

turn, vi. 1 . Ynhomni, turn the

wheel. 2. Iyayeya, turn the

cattle into the pasture. 3. E'e

ka'ga, turn water into wine.

Turn the corner, oise aynhomui .—Turn over, ynptanyan.

Turn the stock, honyakonwaci.—Turn the stomach, hitibdaye . vi . Kawinga; namni ;ihdnptan. n. Oynktan; cecon .

By turns,unman itog

turn,i’ye iyehantn.

turns, n. ISnatipi.turn-about,adv. Unmanitogto .

turn-coat, n. Titokanki.turning


point, n. Tnkten to’keca


turIilip, n. Ti’psina.

turnkey, n. TiyOpaynhdoka.turnpike, n. Canknmdoya.turpentine, n. Wazihanpi.turpitude, n. WoSice.

turtle, n . Ke'ya. Soft-shell, kezonta.

turtle.dove, n. Tin 'wakiyedan.

tush, interj . Hoh.

tusk, n . B ineke.

tussle, vi . Kici econ .

ubiquitous,a. O’wancann. ugly,a. OwanyagSica; Sica.

udder, n. A ze. ulcerate, vi . Tonye .

tut, interj . Hinte.

tutelage, n. Woonspe .

tutor, n. Waonspekiya.twaddle, vt. Itntnia.twain,a. Non’

pa.tweezers, n. Wi’yuzipe .

twelfth,a. Iakenonpa.twelve,a. A kenonpa.twenty,a. Wikcemnanonpa.’twere, contr. IT WERE .

twice,a. Non’


twig, n. Cainkpa.twilight, n.


pa; owataninsni.

twill, vi. Yugopise kazonta.twin, n. Gagtwine, n. ontavt.ai son.

twinge, vt. Ya2im21pa; nan’ka.twinkle, vi. Iyega; T. iloga.twirl, vt. Ynhomm .

twist, vi . Pahmnn yuksa.twit, vt. OStehda.twitch, vi . Tanapa;nan ’ka.twitter, vi. Zi2i.’twlxt, contr. of BETWI! T.

two,a. Non’

pa. Only two, nom’

nana.—Two-edged, anogOpe .

These two,denaoza.—Two by

two, nom'nonpa.

twofold,a. Non’

paakihde .

Twoketties, n. pr. Oohenonpa.tying,pp . of TIE.

type, n. Ma'zaoowa;woca20 .

typhoid,a. Tancankatapi hanhi.typhoon, n. Tateiynmni .typical,a. Woiyacin.

tyrannical,a. Wawakipamn.

tyrannlze, vi. On'siyaknwatyranny, n. Wicaohitikapi.tyrant, n. Itancan suta.

ultimateultimate,a. Ihanke.

y,adv. Un’hanketa.

ultra,a. A okageca.umbrage, n . WoSihda.umbrella, 11. O hm;zihdepiuni , pref. Sni .unable,a. Okihisni.unanimous,a. Tawacinwan2idan.

unanswerabie,a. A ynptepicasni .unavoidable,a. Yutokecapicasni .unawares,a. Tak’


unbar, vt. Ynkca.unbelief, n. Wacetnnhdapi.unbend, vt. Yuowotanna; ynzica.unbid,a. KicopiSni ; da’piSni.unbind, vt. Ynkca.unbolt, vt. YnSdoka.unbosom, vt. Wonahbe oyaka.unbounded,a. Woptecasni .unbridle, vt. Iiynwi yusdoka.unbuckle, vt. Yuska.nnburdeu, vt. Ynhpa.unbutton, vt. Ynkca.uncertain,a. To’ketntaninSni .unchaln, vt. Ma’zaynSka.uncle, n. B eksi. Your uncle

, ni

dekSi .—His uncle, dekSitkn .

My ather’s brother,ate .

nncl a. Tancodan.

uncoil, vt. Ynhda.uncomfortable,a. TanyanSni.uncommon,a. He’cetnSni ece ;to

keca.unconcerned,a. Tak’

ecinSni .

uncork, vt. lostanicu .

uncouth,a. OnspeSni .uncover, vt. Yusamni .unction, n. Cantiyowicahi.uncurl, vt. Kiyusto.

undeceive, vt. Okahnihya.undeniable,a. I’enhdepicasni.under, prep . Ihnknya; iyohisni.Under the house, ti

pi ihnknya.Under weight, tkentapi iyo

hiSni . Underfi re, kntepi en’

tn. a. anya; imahen, anunder layer.

underbid, vt. Ihnkyaka.

251 unfriendly

uuderbrush, n. Otehi.underclothes, n. Mahennnpi.undergo, vt. A kipa.underhanded,a. Nahman Skanundermine, vt. Ohdateyaka.underneath,a. Ihnknya.underpin, vt. Tihutaka’ga.uudem te, vt. Ihuku aayawa.understand, vt. 0k ga; ecinnahon .

—Do you un derstand,oyakahnigahe.

—Do you under

stand English,WaSicnn'

Iapi nayahonhe.

understanding, n. Wookahm'


understate, vt. Ihnknn oyaka.undertake, vi. Econiynta.undertaker, n. Wicaha.undo, vi. Yn2n2n.

undone,pp . of 1mm .

undoubted,a. CetnnhdaSni .

undress, vt. Heyake hdnSdoka.undying,a. TepicaSni.unearth, vt. Yntanin.

unearthly,a. Make. etanhan Sui


uneasy,a. IyokipiSni nn.

unequal, a. IyekicetnSni ; kaoc iptetn.

unequivocal,a. Tanin hca.uneven,a. Mda’yeSni ; iyehanyanSni .

unexpected,a. Waktap1sni .unfailing,a. YnsotepicaSni .unfair,a. OwotannaSni.unfaithful,a. WicakeSni .unfasten,a. YuSka.untavorable, a. OkiciwaSteSni ;iyowicakipiSni.

unfeeling.a. Cantewanica.unfit, a. IyecetnSni. vi . Ecetu

Snikiya.unflx, vt. YuecetuSni.

unfold, vt. Ynmdaya; yntanin.

unfortunate,a. Wa'piSni .unfortunately,adv. Wa’piSniyanSinya.

unfounded,a.aicakapiSni.unfriendly,a. Watoghda.


unfurl, vt. Ynzamni.ungainly,a. OnspeSni .ungodly,a. Wakantankaawac inSu i.

unhappy,a. CantewaSte Sni .unharness, vt. Ikan yuSdoka.unhealthy,a. ZaniSni.unhitch, vt. YuSka.unhorse, vt. Pahpa.unhurt,a. Ksn '

weyeimi .uniform,a. O ’

Wan2idan a’kidececa. n. A kicitataheyake .

uniformly,adv. He '

cetnwanzwa.unify, vi. Yuokonwan2idan .

uninterrupted,a. NagiyeyeSni.union, n . Ynokonwan2ipi ; ynwan2ipi ; wowanzI. a. Yuwitaya.

unique,a. WiciSnana.unison, n . O


unit, n. Wanzma; wayawapi oi

ynte .

uu te, vt. Ynokonwan2idan i’ci

koyagya.universal,a. S intomni.universailst, n. A

’tayani’pl kta

Wicada.uuloluted,a. O’kibo papeun .

unkind,a. WaonhidaSni .unlawful,a. Woope ohnaSni .unlearned, n . WaonspeSni .unless, conj . Su i kinhsn.

unlike,a. IyececeSni .unlimited,a. WoptecaSni ; tohanyan cen .

unload, vt. Hete2n ; pahpa.unlock, vt. Ynhdoka; ynSdoka.unloose, vt. YuSka.unmarried,a. TanSnann.

unnatural,a. Ohantokeca.unnecessary, a. Itnya; iyececaSni .

,llnpack, vi . Yu2n2n ; icn.

unpleasant,a. Oas1ca.unravel, r t. Yukca.unreasonable,a. Tawacinwanica;aokageca.

unripe,a. S ntonSni .

252 upper

unroii, vt. Ynmdaya.unruly,a. WanahonSni .unsaddle, vt. Akin yuSdoka.unsafe,a. Okokipe .

unscrew, vt. Ynhbezapi ynSdokaunsightly,a. OwanyagSica.unsound,a. ZaniSni ; ecetuSni .

unspeakable,a. OyagpicaSni .unsuitable,a. IyecetnSni .untie, vt. Yuska.until,prep . Hehanyan ecen .

untiring,a. Econkapin Su i.unto,p rep . Hehanyan ekta.untoward,a. E'

citapeSni ; hmin.

untrue,a. WicakeSni.untried,a. IyntapiSni.untwist, vt. Yuhda.unusual,a. He’

cetnSni ecee wa'petokeca.

unwell,a. Wayazanhda.unwind, vt. Ynhda.unwonted,a. Nakahas.unworthy,a. IyecetnSni .unyoke, vt. Wanapinyuska.up,pre Wankan ;bosdan ; i’tanwananhde ; in’

kpata; iyehan ;a’taya. Go up ,

Wankan ya.

S tand up straight, bosdan owo

tannana'2in . Up hill, paha

i ’tanwankanhde ° Up the river,wakpain'kpata. —Heate i tallup ,a’tayaowasinyn’

ta.—B lowup the boiler

,minioipihye bo

mdaza.—B urn up , a'tayahnhnaga.—The time is up ,

wannaiyehantn. Up side down,ahdapéinyan

upbraid, vt. Ba; iy0peya.

upheave, vt. Pawankan iyoya.uphold, upheld, vt. O ’hiya; wankan yu ’

za.upland, n . Mdamdata.uplift, vt. Yuwankan icn .

upou, prep . Akan ; ehan . Bor

ders upon, opapnn icahtaka.Live up on, on u i .

upper,a. Wankantn .

pnte .

Upper lip ,

vary, vt. Togye ka'gayntokecavase, n. Kampesknwohnake .

vast. woptecaSni.m. n . Kokatankn.

veal, n. Pte2icedantado.

vegetable, 11. Ta’aniSni W02npi .

vehement,a. Wohitika.

venerate, vt. Ynonihanvengeance, n. Watokiconpi.venison, 11. Tubes. ta’do.

venomous,a. WayuSica.vent, vt. Yatanin. n. Woyatanin;wohiyn.

ventilate, vt. Okadnsya; yntanin.

venture, vt. O ;toya tawatenya;iyata. n. Woiynte. A taven»ture, itnyacin.

venturesome,a. ItonpeSniakan .

veracity, n . Iewicakapi.verb, n.

verbatimverdant,a. To.

verdure, n. Wato.

verdict, n. Woyaco ;Woyasn .

verge, n. Tete opapnn oinkpa.verify, vt.aicaka.verily,adv. A


veritable,a. Wicaka.

vermliion, n. WaSeSa;wase.

vermin, n. Wamdndan he'ya.

versatile,a. Waynpika.verse, n. Oehde.

version, 11. Ieskayapi ; oyakapi.

254 villain


veteran, n. Tn'we ehanna. a.

versus,prep . I'tkokim .

vertebra, n. Canhahaka.vertex. is. 0mm ipa.vertical,a. Bosdata.very,adv. Ni na; hin; htin; lica;Y. hcin. Very good, ui


Ste ;waStehcavesper, n. Htayetn wocekiye .

vessel, 11. Ce’gawakSica;wa'ta.

B lood vessel, we kan.

vest, n. A 'okihanna; Y. kahdog

oStapi . vt. Kn ynhekiya.vesti . Tiyopatipi .vestige, n.

”Owe ;wowakta.


veto, vt. Tchinda;anaptavex, vt. Nag1yeyavexation, n . Wonagiyeya.via.prep . Iyoopta.vial, n. Zan2anna.vibrate, vi. Kaozeze.


viucaflous aE’

ekiya., .n WicohanSica; ma'zaiyn

vicious, n. OeinSica; Si'ca.victim, n.

victor, n .

victorious,a. Ohiya.victory, 11. Woohiye.

victuals, n. Woynte.

vide, v. Wanyaka.vie, vi. Econ : vie with.



ut. Wanyaka; amdeza. is.


kiktapi .vigilant,a. Wakta


vigor, n. WowaS’ake ; ni ’na.vigorous,a. WaS’aka.vile,a. Si’cawahteSni.vilify, vt. Yalnca.village, n. Otonwe ci’atinha.villain, n. Tn’we Si


villainyvillainy, n . Woame.

vim, n. Woohitika.vindicate, vt.aicakaikiys .

vindictive,a. Watokiconwacin.

vine, n . Canwiynwi.vinegar, n. MiniSkumna.vineyard, n. Hastanhankaowo2u .

violate, vt. KicaksayuS ica.violence, n. Woohitika;woSice.

violent,a. Wohitika.violently,adv. Wohitiya.violet, n. WahcatahnkSanviper, n. WamdnSkaSica.virago, 11. Win’

yanohitika.virgin, n. WitanSna; te ’

ca.virile,a. Wica;wicaSta.virtue, n . WowaSte ;wowaS’ake.

virulent,a. WaynSica.virus, n. WoSice S 11 .

visage, n . Itohnake.

vise, n. Mazwiynskite .

visible,a. Tanin .

vision, n. Wowanyake ; Wi ’wanyaks ;wawanyakapi.

visionary,a. Wi ’hanmnase .

visit, vt.’1‘itokan i . n . Titokan

visitor, titokan'


vial,a. Onu i’

pi .

vitality, n. Ni’

pi wowaS’ake.

vitiate, vt. YuSica.vituperate, vi . 1 en hde .

vivacious,a. Wi’haha.vivid,a. Tanin hea.vocabulary,n . Ieskawowapi iapivocal,a. Wicaho ; dowanpi.

wabble, vi . Paptanptan; yuktankten .

wad, n . Iyopnhdi .

waddle, vi . Magase ma’ni .wade, vi . Copa.wafer, n. Wi’puspe.


watt, vt. Kahbogya.wag, vt. Ynhnhnza. Wag the head,po

’.ptanptan Wag the tai l, si

cnpsanpsan. n . Tn’we wawi

haha.wage, vi. aa. n. Wi ’si.

vocation, n . Wicohan.

vogue, n . Woecon.

voice, n. Wicaho . vt. Yatanin.

void,a. EcetuSni , .cokadanvolatile,a. Kohan Ske’

pa.volcano, n . Pahaide.

volition, n. Owacinyuze.

volley, n. Ftayaeconpi.volume, 11. Wowapi wanZ I o


witayavoluntarily,adv. Iyecinka.voluntary,a. Iyecinkaeconpi .volunteer, vi . Iyecinkae

ya. n.

I’ye cin o’

pa;akicita.voluptuous, a. Wicins’a; wacantahde .

vomit, vt. Hde’

pa. n . Hde ’

papi .voracious,a. Ni’nadocin ui ’nawota.

vortex, n. Miniomni.votary, n. Ihakta.vote, vi . Wowapi iyohpeya; ka

vouch, vi .aicaka. Vouchfor,ki'ciynwicaka.

voucher, n. Wayuwicaka.vouchsafe, vt. K11 ; okihiya.vow, vi . Wakantankace2eyan0’

.ya 11. Woiciconze.

vowel, n. Oowaho’wan21 . Qowsdenahooch iciyapi a, e, i, o, u .

voyage, n. Watom oicimani .vulgar,a. WaonspekeSni ; ikceka;Si


vulnerable,a. Bohdogpica.vulture, n. Heca.

wagerwager, vt. Yekiya.wages, n. Woka2n2n WI Si .

h,a. Wawihaye.

wagon, n. Canpahmihma; Y. canT canpasmiyanCankSanakeyapi .

wagon-box, n. Canpakmiyan Sko

wal , n. HokSiyopaehpeyapi .wall, vi . Ce ’

ya. Wailfor,aceya.wainscot, n . Timahen hepiyaokatanpi

waist, 11. NIgnte ; ipiyake .

d, n. NItoSke ipiyake.

wait, vi. 1 . A penn : wai t till he—Wait for, akipe ; wa

ktann. 2. Wi’yeyana’zin ;waokiyana’2in : wai t on the

table. n. W1 yeyana Die

inwai t,waa interj . Hinyan

hanks .

P0 .

walter, n. Wayntankiyapi.waive, vt. Kn ; kiynkan.

wake, vt. Ynhica. vi. Kikta. n.

1 . Hankiktapi . 2. Wa’taowe.

wakeful,a. Kiktasa.waken, vt. Ynhica.walk, vi . Ma’ni z does the babywalk.

—Walk on,amani .—Walk

around,omani . n . 1 . Ma’nipi

his gai t isawalk. 2 . Omanipi ;oomani : takeawalk.

walker, n . Manipi ;mani .wall, 11. 1 . Tibosdata: apaintingon the wall. 2 . Con

’kaSke : astone wall. vt. A cankaSke.

walled,a. A cankaSkapi .wallet, n. Ma’zaskao2nha; wapapSunka.

wallop, vt. Kasaksaka; pepomyaipiga.

wallow, vi . Ihdnptanptan.

walnut, n. Hma; kma, gms .

walrus, n . Unktehi ; nnkcehi.

waltz, n . Kaicitkokim wacipi.wampum, n. Wamnnhadan; waboslata.

wan,a. UkaececeSni.


wand, 11. Cansakadan.

wander, vi . Nn ’ui ; omani.

wanderer, n. Omanisa.wane, vi. Ci ’stinnaa’ .yawant, vt. 1 . Cin : I want somewater . 2. Icaki2a; oo’dan nnshe wants even bread . 3. Iyo

hiSni : i t wants one inch. 11. 1 .

Wokaki2e : in want. 2 . Co ’dannn : withered for the want ofrain. 3. Ta’kn cin

pi : civilization increases man’

s wants .

wanting,pa. Wanica; 1yehanyanSni

,iyokpani .

wanton,a. WanahonSni .war

,11. Wokicize. Make war


kicize ka’ga. War- club,can’

hpi. War-dance,iwakicip


party, Oznye. vi . Kiciza.warble, vi I’yasnasnadowanwar-cry, n. I’yakiSaSapi .ward, n. Tn’weawanyakapi.ward off, vt. Kakamiyeya.warden, n. Waawanyake .

wardrobe, n. Heyake heyske woknake.

ware, imp ofWEAR .

ware, n. Wi’kicanye : woynha.warehouse, n. Wokihnaketipi.warfare, n . Wokicize.

warily,adv. Waktaya.warlike,a. Kiswacin;ksi’zeca.warm,a. 1 . Ka’ta: warm water ;warm weather. 2 . Co ’

za: warmclo thing. 3. Waihaktapi : warmfriends. vt. Kanyaka’taa’ya.

warmth, n. Wokata.warn, vt. Iwaktaye.

warning, n. Iwaktayapi .warp, vt. YnSkopa; yutokeca. n .

Hahontakazontapi.warrant, it. OynspeSipi wowapi.vt. 1 .aicake : I warrant thegoods. 2. Iyowinyan : i t did

not warrant your going.

warrior, n. Oznye WicaSta.wart, n. Ukaanoge .

wary,a. Waktann ksa’pa.

wearilyYutaknniSni worn ou t. Wearofi


, yntepa.—Wear well, te’hantanni Sni. n . l . Un

pi : worse

for wear. 2. Heyake : summerwear.

wearily,adv. Watnkaya.weariness, n. Wowicatnka.wearisome,a. Wawicatuka.weary, a. Watuka; mdo’kita;

econkap’in. vt. WatnkayaWatukakap’in .

weasel, n. Hitnnkasan.

weather, n. A npetn to’keca; an

petu ; tate . Warm weather,an

petu maSte .

—0ut in the n eather

,tankan tate kin en . vt. En

Skan i’tkokipa.weave, vt. Kazonta.weaver, n. Wakazonta.web, 11. Wakazontapi. Sp ider


web,nnktomi tahokata; wa

hinpeya.wed, vt. Yu

’za;wakanynza; kici

i’ciyakaSka: he is wedded to his

p ip e.

wedding, 11. Wakankiciynzapi.wedge, 11. Canicaeca. vi. En

paotins iyeye .

wedlock, n. Okiciynze .

Wednesday, 11. A npetniyamni .wee,a. Ni’nac i’stinna.weed, n . Canhdohn ; wato . vi.

Canhdohn yu2un.

weedy,a. Canhdohu o’ta.

week, 11. Anpetnwakan oko ;anpetu Sakowin.

weekly,a. A npetnSakowin ca.weep, wept, vi . Ce

ya; iStamnihanpean. Weep for,aceys .

weigh, vt. 1 . Tkenta: weigh corn.

2. Iyukcan : weigh his words.

3. Tkeyawanka: weighs himdown .

weight, n. Otkente ; tkentapi.weighty,a. Tke ;wacinyepica.weird,a. Wakanse .

welcome, vt. IyuSkin kuwa; ikic iynSkin : I welcome you . a.

whateverTan ’

yan hi ; waStedapi :awelcome guest. n . WowiynSkin;wocanteynzawaSte .

weld, vt. Ma’zaiyaskamya.welfare, n. Zaniyannnpi.well,adv. Tan’

yan canpteh ; ynpiyaaiecetn . a. Tan ’

yan zaui ;waSte . n. 1 . Mnicapi ;mniohdogyapi : adeep well . 2.

Oahinape ; oicn : wells of learning . excl. Eca; hnn’hnnhe .

well-being, n . Tan’

yannnpi .well-known,a. Okitanin.

well-off,a. Waynha; tan’


well-spring, n . Oahinape .

welt, n. Oko Wi ’puspe .

weiter, vi . Kadom pa.wench, 11. Win

yanweud, vt. Iokawinh ya.went, imp . of GO .

wept, imp . of WEEP.

were, imp . p l. ofan.

west,a. n. Wiyohpeyata. Westof, i


west-bound,a, Wiyohpeyataya.westerly, adv. Wiyohpeyatakiya.western,a. Wiyohpeyata.westward,a. Wiyohpeyatakiya.wet, a. 1 . Spa‘

ya: wet clothes.

2. Maga2ns’a:awet day. vt.

Spa’yeya. 11. Mini ; wospaya.wether, n. Ta’hcaSnnkasnsuwanica.

whack, vt. Skabyehapa.whale, n . Hogan iyotan tan ’ka;tnktehi. Whale-bone



wharf, n. Wa’taoihnni.what,opro. 1 . Ta’ku : what do youwant. 2 . To’ken : what do theycall you. 3. To’

nakeca: whatis the weight. a. 1 . Tuktewhat boy. 2. Ta’kn : what rascals. 3. Tohautu . W hat timeis i t

, Wi’hiyaye tobuntu he.

4 . To’na: he gave them what

chickens he had.

whatever,pro. Ta’knkaSta.

whatsoeverwhatsoever, pro. Ta’kukaSta.wheat, n. A gnyapisn.

wheedle, vt. Isknyaknwa.wheel, 11. CanpahmM ahn ; canhdeSka; ma’zamibe. vt. Pahmihmaiyeye ;aohomniya. vi.

Ohomni ya; pahmihmaya.wheelbarrow, n. Hnwan2 1pahmihmapi.

wheeze, vi . Hmnnyanniya.whelp, n. Snnhpadan.

when,adv. Tohan : when I go.

They stayed ti ll dark, when theywent, o

’tpazahehanyanen nn

pi, hehan kihdapi .whence,adv. To

’kiyatanhan; totanhan.

whenever,adv. TohantnkaSta.whensoever,adv. TohantnkaSta.where, adv. Tnkten

,where are

you .—To’kiya, where is he


whereabouts,adv. Tnktentn.

whereas, conj. Nakaes; cankedaka.

whereat, coni. Tnkte ekta;he’on .

whereby, adv. Ta’ku on; tukteon.

wherefore, adv. To’keca; ta’kuon.

wherein,adv. Tnkte en .

whereinsoever, adv. TnkteentnkaSta.

whereinto,adv. Tnkteentn .

whereof,adv. Tnkte etanhan.

whereon,adv. Tukteakan.

wheresoever,adv. TnktentnkaSta.whereto,adv. Tukte ekta.wh



upon,adv. Ta’kuakan ; iye

wherever,adv. TuktentukaSta.wherewith,adv. Ta'ku on.

wherwithal,adv. Ta’ku on.

whet, vt. Ynman ; iyohdi a.whether, com


. Unmant 0 : tell

us whether youare going or not.Whetstone, n . Iyohdi ; Y. miyokdi ; T. miyogli ; iznza.

259 whizzing

whey, n . A sanpimini.which,pro. Tnkte : tell which you

prefer; which boy did it.whichever,pro. Tnkte wanz1.whiff, vt. Ipohiyeya.while, conj . Icnnhan whi le youare here. 11. Wi’hiyayedan onSpa rest awhile. vt. Wi’

hiyaye ynsotawhileaway yourtime.

whilst, conj . Icnnhan.

whim, n. Inahni tawacin.

whimper, vi . I okipiSni ia.whimsical,a. awacinSkehwhine, vi . Ho

pinsyaceya.whinny, vi . Snn


whip, n. Icapsinte. vt. 1 . Kapsinpsinta;apashe whipp ed the

boy. 2. Ohankoyaicnoutaknife. 3. Ohiya;wicakteour side whipp ed.

whiphandie, n . Icapsinte ihupa.whirl, vt. Kahomni . vi . Homni.whirlpool, n. Miniomni .whirlwind, n . Tateiyumni .whisk, vi . Kahiniyeya.whisk-broom, n. Wi’cahintena.whiskers, n. Iknhin.

whisky, n. Miniwakan.

whisper.vi . Zizi . Whisper to, 112i2i. n. Zi2ipi.

whistle, vt. 81 vi . 20 ; 20 20 ; hemani hoton . n. Yahotonpi ;co

yatanka.whistler, n. Zo’

sa.whit, n. OnSpadan ecaca.white,a. Ska. White man


Sienn.—White paint, Wi’sanye .

whitecap, n. Ta2abobdn.

whiten, vt. Skaka’ga.whiteness, n . Ska;woska.whitening, 11. On yuskapi .whitewash, n. Min iwisanye.

whither,adv. To’kiya.whitish,a. San.

whittle, vt. Pa2ipa; yncikawhiz, vi . Hmnn.

whizzing,a. Hmnn’


who,pro. inter. Tn’we : who did

i t. p ro. rel. 1 . He . The manwho gave me the book, wicaStawowapi maku kinhe. 2 . Tn’

we. Hewho did i t will be sorry,tn

’we econ kin he canteSIce

whoa. interj . Owan2ina2 1n .

whoever,pro. Tn’wekaSta.whole, a. 1 . A’

taya; ocowasinI want the whole hog. 2. Zanithey thatare whole.

wholeness, n . Ecaataya.wholesale,a. 1 . Opiyaa’tayaWi’yopeyapi :awholesale store. 2.

A d'atayaawholesale slaughter.

wholesome,a. OwicawaSte .

wholly, adv. 1 . A’taya he is

wholly ignorant. 2. Heceedani t was not wholly ignorance .

whom, obj ective of WHO . Tn’we ;he .

whoop, n. I’yaki’Sapi.whooping-cough, n. NiyaSni hohpapi .

whop, vi .atanyan.

whopping,a. Hin’skotanka.

whore, n. Witkowin.

whortleberry, n . Ha'za.whose, pos. pro. Tu ’

wo ta’wa.whosoever, pro. Tu ’wakaSta.why,adv. 81 conj . To’keca; to ’ka.wick, n. Pet12an2anhahonta.wicked,a. Si'ca; wicaStaSni .wickedly,adv. S icaya.wickedness, n. WoSice ;woahtani ;ta’ku Si’ca.

wicker,a. Canyankapi .wickiup, n. Cansakawakeya.wide, a. 1 . Hdakinyantanka;tan ’ka

,awide river. 2 . Hda

kinyan , afoot wide. adv. l .

Tan’kaya: spread wide. 2. I’te

han he shot wide of the mark.

wide-awake,a. Mde’za; waktapi.

widely,adv. Tan’kaya.widen, vt. Yntanka.wideness, n. WoptecaSni .


widow, n. Wiwazica.widower, n . Wicawiwaziea.width, n. Ohdakinytu] .wield, vt. U1] yuhn.

wile, n. Tawian. My wife, mite.wiry

—Your wife, nitawilj .wig, n. Wicapahakagepi .wiggle, vi.asarjpsan.

wiggle-tail, n. Capoqkacixjca.

wigwam, n. Tiikceka.wild,a. l . Ikcem) : awi ld hog .

2. Watoghda: his horse is wi ld;awild Indian. 3. WOhi tiks ;otantonka: awild storm. 4 .

Mde ’zesni : wild with delight;

wild speculation. 5. Iwicixjéni

ynz) wild of the mark.

wild, n. Makoce ikceka..wildcat, n. Inmn inmntanka.wilderness, n. He’makoskan ; hewoshan .

wildly,adv. Wstoghdayn.

wiliul,a. l . Tawacin suta.. 2 . I’yeOil ) econ wilful mischief .

wilfully,adv. Sicawacix) ecox)wilfulness, n . Sicnwaeinpi.will, n . 1 . Tawacin: thy will be

done. 2. Wocanteynza: his willis right. 3. Econwacinpi : heworks with awi ll. vi . sign offuture. Kta: I will go. vt. 1 .

Kon 'za. wacinyuza: Godwilledthat there should be light. 2 .

Kn ; tohsn) i’

ye te einbau yuha.kta. keya: he willed the horse

willing,a. Wicada; iyowinyan.

willow, n. Cohwam’

zica;wahpopa.wilt, 2dpers. sing. of WILL. Kta.vi . Se ’

caa’ya. : the leaves wilt.wily,a. Wicahnayes’win, won, vt. Ohiya.wince, vi. Naps ; natamkn.

wind, n. 1 . Tate acold wind . 2 .

Oh iya. : took his wind. 3. W0 0

mns ; wosdonye : thep olice gotwind of the thief. vi . 1 . Iyapehan: wind the thread. 2. Yu


witless, vt. Wac iqksapeéniwitness, vt. 1 . Waqyakaz witnessabattle. 2. Yatanin : he wit

neesedagainst him. n. Waynetanin .

wittily,adv. Wowihaya.wittingly,adv. A mdesya.witty,a. Wawihaye.

wives, n. P lural ofWIFE.

wizard, n . Wicahmuxjgs .

woe, n. Woiyokiéica.wo-be-goue,a. A’sinye.m) .woful,a. Oiyokiéica.woke, imp . of WAKE.

wolf,wolves, n. Sunktokecasungmanitn.

wolfish,a. Sunktokecase .

woman,women, n . Winohiqca; Y.

85 Win'

yal] . A young woman ;8 . Y. Wikoéka; '

J . wikoéku

lake . A n oldwoman, wahagke ;Y. 8: T. winches .

womb, n . Temni ; tezi.won, imp . of WIN .

wonder, vi . 1 . Inihan: I wonderedat the sight. 2. Tc ’hecaecix)do you wonder why I came. n .

Wowin ihax) .wonderful,a. Wowinihan.

wondrous,a. Woyusinyar).won

’t, contr. of WILL NOT .

wont, vt. Ecewakts . n . Ohan .

woo, vt. Okiya;wiokiya.wood, n. Cal) con


woodchuck, n. Hankaéa.wooden,a. Car) car) so.

woodpecker, n . fianketanka.woodwork, n . Can on ka’gapi.woody,a. Cat) etanhan.

woof, n . Hahorjts. hdakinyanwool, n . Ta’hcnhix) hin


woolen,a. Ta'hcahix) .woolly,a. Yumnimniia.word, n. Iapi ;wicoie. vt.Wicoieha’gaz he worded i twed—S endword to, 1wahoya.—Word byword

, iapi 1yoh.i.

262 worry

wordy,a. Iapi o’ta; iapi ece .

wore, imp . of WEAR. U I] .

work, vi . 1 . Htani ;wowaéiworkforaliving. 2 . A

ya: thefi re worked down. 3. Skumnsa’ya; nspoh a’ya: the cider

works. vt. Kuwa;kicanyax) ;work afarm. 2 . Htanikiyawork his horse. 3. Econkiyayuhomni ; yuskax)ska! ) workamachine . 4 . E0 0 1) work iniqui ty.

5. Kn'

gn ; icahya. fai th workedpatience . Work oneself into apassion, canniyeiciya. n . 1 .Wicohax) ; Y. 8: T. wowasx; wohtani : he wants work. 2 . W0

coor) woknge ta’ku econ tel

ku ka’ge : the works of God.

3. Ma’zayuhomni : the works ofawatch.

workable, a. aspics ; knwaokihi .

worker, n. Tu ’we htani ; wowasi.

working,pa. Htani ;wowssi econ .

n. 1 . Woecon the workings ofthe mind. 2. Gimm e.a’ye.

workman, n. Wicawowasi.workshop, n. Wokagetipi .world, n. 1 . Maka.z makamibethe world and all therein. 2 .

Makawita: the Old World. 3.

Makatawicasta: all the worldknows. 4.Wicobe : the scientifi cworld . 5. Ouncage ; okage : theanimal world. 6 . Oyate ;wicasta: the world smiles . 7 . Oni ;maksts.wiconi : begin theworldanew. 8. Woptecasni ; ni


o'ta:aworld of trouble.

wordly,a. Makata.worm, n . Wamdudnx) ; wamduskadar) oyuhbezs . vt. En ihdnsdohan.

wormy,a. Waqmdudax) yukan .

worn, pa. Patanipi ; owihankeyapi.

worry, vt. Nagiyeya; kakieya..

worse 263

vi . Icaxjtesica. n.Wonagiyeyanagiyeiciyapi .

worse,a. adv. San ’

pasi’ca.worship, vt. Ce

’kiya; ohoda. vi .

Wacekiya. n . Wocekiye ; wo

oboda; wacekiyapi.worshipful,a. Okinihax) .worst, vt. Kte

’dax) ; ohiya; yusnca. a. Iyotal) si'ca; iyotan te

worth,a. 1 . Iyokihi iyecetn : the

dog is worth ten dollars, butyencan’t get i tfor him. 2 . VVoyuhe.

yuha: died worthamillion. 3.

Iyececa worth going to see.

n. Iyokihi iyecetu ; wowasteyuha.

worthily,adv. Iyecetnyn.

worthless,a. Ta’kudan on waste

worthy,a. Wowaste ynha;waste .

Worthy of, or) waste ; yuha. iyececa.

would, imp . of WILL . 1 . Kta: hesaid he would go. 2. Cir] : I

would know the truth. 3. Kta.tuka. he would come ifhe coul d.4 . Kta. kitan ; kta. hca i t

stormed but she would go .

wound, vt. 1 . 0 tao : he woundedthe deer. 2. éantesinya; kill ! )niyaI) . n.

wound, imp . of WIND. Iyapehat).

wrangle, vi. Iaakinica.wrangler, n. Waakinicas’a.wrap, vt. Iyapemni ; pahta; yuwi ; he


yuI) ; iyapeharj . n . 0 1]iyapeicihax)pi eina hiyete

wrapper, n. A kahpe ; ozuha.wrapping, n . A pahte .

wrath, n. Wocaqniye.

wrathy,a. Canniyan.

wrathful,a. Canniyehcs.

wreak, vi. A hixjheya.wreath, n. Oyuwi ; teedakwreathe, vt. Yuwi.

wreck, vt, Ihangya; yutakunisni .n. Ihangyapi ; ta'kuniéni .

wren, n . Pteganicadan.

wrench, n. Yuhomni iynsdoke .

vt. Yuksan ; naguka; yukabicu .

wrest, vt. Yuepa; yutokeca.wrestle, vi . Kaho econ .

wretch, n. Tu ’we si 'cs ; wahte

wretched,a. 1 . On’éikaawretched

man. 2. Oiyokisica:awretchedday. 3. Si’ca:awretched bed.

wriggle, vi . Ynkéanksanya.wring, vt. Yuskica.wringer, n . Wi 'yuskice.

wrinkle, n. Yuéinpi ; iyupiza; yuskipi. vt. Yusinéin.

wrist, n. Napokaske.

wristband, n. Napokaéke apahte .

writ, n. Wowapi.write, wrote, written, vt. Owa;ka’ga. vt. Wowapi ka’gs . Canyou wri te, wowapi yakagaoyakihi he .

—I want you to writealetter for me, Wowapi miyecicage. wacin .

—Write for, kicicaga. Write to, ki


writer, n. Ka’ga wowapi ka’a.

withe, vi . Yutimtipa.writing, n. Owapi ; wowapi ; Wowapika




paper, n . Wowapiska.wrong,a. 1 . He’

cetusni :awronganswer. 2. He’esni : the wrong

road. 3. Owotanaem:awrongact.—Turn it wrong side ou t,

yucci. vt. Owotanna. ecakiconsni —Wrong one out of ki . n .

Woowotannaéni . adv. licinéniyan.

wrongful,a. Si’ca.rongfuily,adv. Sicaya.

wrote, imp . of WRITE.

wrought, vi . Econ knwa.ring, imp . of WRING.

ry, a. Emin ; keen .

yacht, n. Miniwsncs ws’tsdsn.

Yankee, n. pr. Issntsnkshcs .

Yankton, n. pr. (Indian) Ihsnktonwsn.

Yankton, n.pr. (Ci ty) Ssdotonwe .

Yankton Agency, n . p r. IhsnktonwanOwskpsmni .

Yanktonais, n. pr. Ihsnktonwsnna;Hnnkpsti.

yard, n. 1 . No'

geiyntsyi cshde

pi ; sihsiyntspi ysmni :ayardof cloth. 2. Csnhdskinysn : the

yard was too short for the sail.3. Tiokésn ti

pi scsnksskspi

you have nice grass in your yard.


yard, wsnnysnpi scanksskspi. B rick-

yard, maksépsnks

gspi owanka.yardstick, n . Minihnhs iyntspi .

yarn, n . 1 . Wspshmunpi : aballof yarn. 2 . Ohnnkshsn the

boys were telling yarns.

yawl, n . Ws’tsdsn: twamen rowed

the yawl.yawn, vi. Iyowa.ye, p ro. Niyepi .

yea,adv. Hsn; ho .

year, n. Wi’skenonps ;wsniyetn ;o’msks .

—Three years, wsniyetn ys


yearling, n . Mskicims ; ecenics .

yearly,adv. Wsniyetn iyohi.

yearn, vi . Csntokpsni.yeast, n . Wi’nspohye.

yell, vi . Psn; i’

ysé’s ; hoton .

yellow,a. Z i .yelp, vi . Hoton ; pan.

zeal, n. Woohitiks ;ni’us knwapi.

zealot, n . Tu’we ohitiys skan .

zealous,a. Ni 'naskan .

zealously,adv. Mdihenys .

zebra, n . Snnghdezedsn .

zenith, n . Mshpiyspesdete.

zephyr, n. Tsteowsétecs .



yeoman, n. Wicssts makoce ynhs .

yes,adv. Hsn ho ;me.

yesterday,adv. Htsnihsn.

yet,adv. Nshsnhin; ehske ; he’

cssts .—He is sleep ing yet, na

hsnhin istinms .—Not yet, na

hsnhinkesni . Yetali ttlewhile,ehske ci’stinns .

—Yet he wi ll

go, he’cséts ye kta. conj . Tu

ks . Willing yetunable, w icsdstks okihiéni .

yield, vt. Icsgs ; kn .— I t yielded

tenfold, wikcemns skihde ics

gs . vi. Iyowinysn ic icn ; ki

yukanyoke, n . Can'wsnspin; wohtsni .—A yoke of oxe n, tstsnks ski

cssks . vt. Ikoysgys : yoke the

yolk, n. Itkszics .

you,a. Ks ; ka’e .

yonder,a. Ks ; kam .—Over yon


yore,adv. Ehsnns .

you, pro. Ni’ye . p l. NIyepi

young, a A skstudsn decanate

'cs . n . Cincs .

younger,a. Hskskts ; sékstndsn.

youngest,a. Iyc ian ci’stinns ; hs

ksktshcs .

youngster, n . Tu ’woaskstndsn.

your,pro. Nitsws ; ni'

ye nitsws .

yourself, pro. Niyehcs .

yourselves, pro. p l. Niyepihcs .

youth, n . Koéks ;Wikoéks ; waniyein tonsns .

youthful,a. Wicskoéks .

Zzero, n . Osniocoks ; ts


zest, n . Woiyokipi .

zigzag,adv. Ynktsnktsnzinc, n. Ms


Zion,n .pr. s idtoti;Pshswsksn.

zone, n . Msks ipiyske .

zoology,n.Wsmskssksnwoonspe .