Retinopati hipertensi


Transcript of Retinopati hipertensi

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Page 2: Retinopati hipertensi

Definisi retinopati hipertensiKondisi dimana terdapat berbagai tanda

vaskular retina pada individu yang memiliki peningkatan tekanan darah (NEJM)

Kerusakan retina karena tingginya tekanan darah (PUBMED)

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epidemiologi> 40 tahunKulit hitam >kulit putih

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Vasoconstrictive stage

Arteriovenous nicking /nipping

Copper wiring

TD tinggi yang kronis

Penebalan tunika intima

Degenerasi hialin

Penyempitan fokal arteriol


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exudative stage,

Eksudasi darah dan lipid

Iskemia retinaNekrosis otot

polos dan endotel

Disrupsi pembuluh darah-

retina barrier

Mikro aneurismaPerdarahan

Hard exudateBercak cotton

woolSwelling of optic disc

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Riwayat hipertensiAsimtomatik hingga buram sekali

PEMERIKSAAN FISIKTD meningkatFunduskopitergantung stage

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Keith Wagener Barker (KWB) GradesGrade 1

Generalised arteriolar constriction - seen as `silver wiring` and vascular tortuosities.

Grade 2As grade 1 + irregularly located, tight constrictions -

Known as `(AV) nicking` or `AV nipping`Grade 3

As grade 2 + with cotton wool spots and flame-hemorrhages

Grade 4As above but with swelling of the optic disk


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Figure 1. Examples of Mild Hypertensive Retinopathy.

A.arteriovenous nicking (black arrow) and focal narrowing (white arrow).

B. arteriovenous nicking (black arrows) and widening or accentuation (“copper wiring”) of the central light reflex of the arterioles (white arrows).

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Figure 2. Examples of Moderate Hypertensive Retinopathy.

A. shows retinal hemorrhages (black arrows) and a cotton-wool spot (white arrow).

B. shows cotton-wool spots (white arrows) and arteriovenous nicking (black arrows).

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Figure 3. Example of Malignant Hypertensive Retinopathy

Multiple cotton-wool spots (white arrows), retinal hemorrhages (black arrows), and swelling of the optic disk are visible.

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tatalaksanaKontrol tekanan darah

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Classification of Hypertensive Retinopathy on the Basis of Recent Population-Based Data.

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Evaluation and Management of Hypertensive Retinopathy.

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