me e C - Forgotten Books


Transcript of me e C - Forgotten Books


mee Cm

Proceedin gs for Jan uary 1894

Ditto for (in cludin g An n ual Report )Ditto for ch

Ditto for AprilDitto for May an d Ju n e 1894Ditto for Ju lyDitto for Augu stD itto f01 NovembeiDi tto for December

L1 st of Members of the As iatic S ociety the‘

3ls t December,

1893 (Appen dix to the Proceedin gs for Febr °

ua1 y 1894)Abstract S tatemen t of Receipts an d Disbursemen ts of the

As iatic Society for the year 1893 (Appe n dix to the Proceedin gs for February 18941) xvii—xxix


I .—The Sohgaurfi. copper- plate (p . 84)




f o ra JA N UARY , 1894,

The Mon thly Gen eral Meeti n g of the Asiati c Society of Be n gal washeld on Wed n esday, the 3rd Jan uary, 1894, at 9 P. M .

C. J . LYAL L, E SQ .,M .A .

,LL .D .

,C S . I .

,C I .E .


Vice -Presiden t,in the chair .

The fol low in g Members were pre se n tA . A . Caspersz, E sq. ,

Ban awarilal Chaudh-uri,E sq. ,

Babu Gyan endra Kumar Rai Chaudhuri, Babu Sarat Chan dra D as

,B . Dé

,E sq ,

HisGrace The Most Rev . D r. Paul Goethal s

,G . A . Grierso n

, Esq.


. A .

F . R . Hoer n le, Sarat Chan dra Lahari, E sq. , C. Little,E sq.


Rameshwar Maliah,C. D . Man gos, E sq.

, L . de Nicéville,E sq.

,A .Pedle r


E sq. , c. R . Wilson , Esq. , The Rev . H . Whitehead .

The min ute s of the last meeti n g were read an d co n firmed .

Ni n etee n prese n tatio n s w ere an n oun ced, detai l s of which are give nin the Library Lis t appen ded .

The S ECRETARY reported the death of th e foll ow i n g MembersE . O

Brien , E sq. ,


C. S . (Ord i n ary Member ) .Maj or-Ge n eral S ir A . Cun n in gham , K . C. I . E

,C. S . I . (Hon orary Member ) .

D R. A . F . R . HOERNLE read an obituary n otice of the death ofMaj or -Gen eral S ir Al exan der Cun n i n ghamThe Society has su stain ed the loss of on e of i ts most distin gui shed

members in the death,on the 28th November las t

,of Maj or-Ge n era l

S ir Al exan der Cun n i n gham, th e n ew s of which was received early in

D e cember . He was born in Lon do n in 1814,the son of a di stin

2 D eath of Major Gen eral Cun n in gham.

guished father, Al lan Cun n i n gham,the Ni thsdal e poet

, an d ass ista n t ofCha n trey . He was educated at Chri st ’s Church Hospital , an d afterpassi n g through Addiscombe, ob tain ed his commissio n as seco n d -lieute

n an t in the Be n gal E n gin eers in Jun e 1831 . Fromthe first he seems .

to have held good appoin tme n ts,bei n g o n the staff of the Govern or

Gen eral , Lord W i l liam Ben tin ck in 1834, an d afterward s employedon special duty in Oudh . He was n o les s fortun ate in taki n g partin the hard fightin g of those days . He was presen t at the battl e ofPun n iar, a n d played a promi n en t part as field en gin eer in both of theS ikh wars . In 1 846 he was appoi n ted commission er to demarcate theboun daiies of Kashmir o n the Tibeta n sid e . D uri n g the Mutin yhe fou n d himself in Burma,

whe n ce he was summon ed to be chiefe n gin eer in the North-VV es tern Provin ces , after the p acification . Heretired from active service in 1862 . But his co n n ection w ith I n d ia wasn ot yet e n ded . He n ow took the lead, offi cial ly, of those u n dertakin gs,in which he had already bee n private ly e n gaged for man y years, an dw ith wh ich h is n ame w il l remain promi n e n tly a n d perman en tly con

n ected . In November 186 1, he had laid b efore Lord Can n i n g a memoran dumon the i n vestigation of the _

archaeological remai n s of UpperI n d ia . This led , early in 1862 , to his appoi n tmen t as ArchaeologicalSurveyor to the Govern me n t of I n dia . Though , in a cold fi t of parsimon y

,the departme n t was aboli shed in 1866

,i t was fortun ately

estab l ished in 1870 in a much more exte n ded form,

an d Ge n eral Cu nn in gham,

who had spe n t the i n terve n i n g period in E n glan d,was recal l edto b e at the head of it as Direc tor-Gen eral of the ArchaeologicalSurvey of I n dia . In th is post he served in In dia til l 1885

, when hefi n ally retired to E n glan d after a total service of more than fifty years .The resul ts of the lab ours of himse lf an d hi s assi s tan ts to th e Archaeo

l ogical Survey were publ ished in twe n ty-three volumes of reports,

to which w as added, in a separate volume, a ge n eral in dex,compiled

by Mr. V . A . Smith . But these volumi n ous reports by n o mean sexhausted his e n ergy . Besides n umerou s co n tribution s to the J our n als

of this Society an d the Numismatic Socie ty of Lon do n , he publishedin 1854, a description of the Bhilsa, Top es or Buddhis t mon umen ts ofCe n tral In dia, w ith a n accoun t of the open in g an d exami n ation ofthe vari ous groups of Topes aroun d Bhilsa, an d in 18 7 1 his An cien tGeography of I n dia of which , how ever, on ly the first volume has ap

peared,dealin g w ith the Buddhis t period, an d i n cludin g the cam

paign sof Al exan der an d the travel s of Hin e n Tsian g . I n 18 77 he

brought out—what was again i n te n ded to be the first of a serie s u n derth e titl e of Corp us In scrip tion umIn dicarum—an edition of the In scription s of A soka ; in 1879, a han dsome quarto, w ith plates, on the Stup a of

E lliott Prizefor Scien tifi cResearch.

Barliut which he assig n ed to the third cen tury B. C. in 1883 a Book

of I n dian E ras, w i th table s for the cal culatio n of dates ; in 189 1 a

d escripti on of the Coin s of An cien t I n dia , deal i n g w ith classes of coi n sthat w ere practical ly un kn ow n to an y on e but himse lf ; a n d in 1893 ,

an other han dsome quarto, w ith plates, on the Mahdbodlii or the greatBuddhis t Templ e u n der the bodhi- tree in Buddha -Gaya

,which he

mi n u te ly described from its firs t foun dation un der Asoka about B . c.


It i s,however, on his discoveries in a particular bra n ch of archaeo

l ogy, that S ir A l exa n der Cun n in gham ’ s fame w i l l most securely rest .

In gen eral archaeology his w ork was that of a pio n eer,

a n d much ofi t had a n d w il l have to be do n e over agai n . But in Numismatics hew i ll ever be an u n d isputed au thority . He had made it hi s e specials tudy, an d his experie n ce in i t was absol utely un rivall ed ,

an d his

j udgmen t almost i n fal l ibl e . His con tribution s to the kn ow l edge of

I n d ian coin s,pub l i shed from time to time

,at first in the Journ a l of thi s

Soci ety an d afterward in the Numismatic Chro n icle of the Numismati cSociety of Lo n do n

,are some of the mos t valuabl e on record .

I t doe s n ot appear that he ever was an ord i n ary member of theSociety . But through his a ssociation w ith James Prin s ep in the

latter ’ s memorabl e discoverie s in I n dian Epigraphy an d Numismatics,

he e n tertai n ed a kin d of in formal con n ection w ith it almost from th ebegin n in g . His share in thos e d i scoverie s i s recorded in a n umber of

papers publi shed in the Journ a l of this S ocie ty, the earl ie st of wh ichOn some n ew Bactrian coi n s ” he co n tribu ted in 1840. On the 5thof February 1868 he was el ected an Hon orary Member of the Society .

To the last h e remain ed the same i n d efatigable a n d d evo tedstuden t of his favorite sub j ect of I n dian Numismatics . Those who hadth e good fortun e of his perso n al acquain tan ce w i l l ever remember theardour of hi s e n thu siasmin that cause, an d th e gen erosity of hi s di sposition w ith w hich he was always ready to commu n i cate h is k n ow l edgean d a ssist fel low - workers . His n ame w i l l always s tan d foremos t in

the hon our-rol l of those who created an d organ ised I n d ian Archaeo

l ogy .

The CHA IRMAN an n ou n ced that he had received five Essays forthe E l l iott Pri ze for Scie n tific Re search for th e year 1893 .

The S ECRETARY reported that Pan dit Ben i Madho Tribedi had n ot

pa id hi s admis sio n fee, an d in accordan ce w ith Rule 9 of the Socie ty ’ sBye - law s his el ection as a Member of the Society was can cel led .

4 D R. HOERNER—Ezckibition of a silver coin . LIAN .

Dr . Hoern le exhibited a s ilver coi n supposed to be on e of Muhammad bin Samsen t by Mr . Rodgers

,an d read the follow in g n ote by the

latter“ I e n close a coi n which I can n ot qu i te make out . Y ou may show

it to the As iatic Socie ty an d see what learn ed men can make out of it .Its w eight is 52 grs . an d siz e 85 of an i n ch . So far as I kn ow i t i su n ique . I make it out thus

In a circl eIn a dotted circl e outs ide

which is a lin ed circle

Is n ‘ t D rill 3“ ”131WI

( 5 l 15> we will to ; Wm

A“ lab .”311 Jul; w/c g lgwj h xs fi

w . J J

Jt ’cl i imd l 5 1.1t

I n the i n n er of the two marg in s outer margin i l l egibl e .

I amn ot at all certai n about the las t li n e . There is n o doubt thatthe legen d is the firs t pai t of vei se 225 of the 2 n d Sui a o f the Qui an

There i s n o mi n t l egibl e un l es s i n deed th e w ord before as.» i sBa lkh

The w ords in the sma l l circle puzzl e me too . I read the lege n dthere te n tatively as film “ s

” The coi n i s on e of thoseI s old to the Pun jab Govern men t . I had n ever read it I kept i tu n til on e of the las t an d ,

of course, had to puzzl e i t out. There i sn o on e

here to help me, so the above is my own solu tio n . The coinbelo

ngs to Muhammad Sam I thin k . Bu t n o coin of hi s at all like

this has been hitherto published . The titles are those of this ki n gfou n d on the Qutb at Delhi, except was an d all, U 5) , wlhlw

Abul Quhar i s n ew too .

Peihap s theMas ters of the Madrasah may be able to throw more

light on the lege n ds . Could a n en la1 ged photograph of it be made Ithi n k a coin l ike thi s is worth some ext1 a tr .


Til/clan Jails a n d Crimin a l Jr’un is limen l .1 1591 ] s . c.

Dr . Hoer n le said that he had show n the coin to the Head Mau lv iof the Madrasah , who, however, was u n abl e to add a n ythi n g to Mr .

Rodgers ’ i n formation .

The foll owi n g papers w ere readI . Tibeta n Jails a n d Crimin a l P un ishmen t—By B ABU SARAT CHAN DR A


There are two ki n ds of jai l s in Tibet cal l ed Za n g- tso n (mild j ai l )an d Tson . The former i s prison for light pu n ishmen t, where the pri son eri s provided w ith food by the S tate

,or by his frie n ds

, a n d the latter i sjai l proper where the prison er i s n ot al l ow ed food from the State .

A perso n suspected of a serious crime or caught red -han ded in i tsperpetration ,

i s sen t up to the l ock -up which is in the Tson 01° pri son .

A pri son er su spected of a l ight guil t i s s en t to the Za n g- tson ,an d there

watched as to hi s man n ers an d movemen ts . He is at first treated kin d ly,an d i n terrogation s put to him in a ki n d man n er by the in vestigati n g officer .

1’Vhen this state has passed away he is subj ected to ami ld bu t min utein terrogation cal l ed Jamti hi s depos itio n s cal l ed Slu t

(QT Y) bei n g n oted down . In the third stage he i s subj ected to a

stricter examin ation cal l ed th e Ts lza n -ali harsher i n terrogatio n,

whe n at in terval s h e is whipped in the way of a remi n der that he hasn ot been tel l in g the tru th , or n ot con fes s in g his gu il t . A t firs t five or sixstripe s are served on him

,an d the n he i s again i n terrogated by the court

about h is gui lt . He who makes an y kin d of con fe ss ion ,eith er tru ly or

fal sely,i s subj ected to a prolon ged exami n atio n an d whippin g

, whichgen eral ly termi n ates in tortures . The greatest importan ce i s attached too n e ’ s person al co n fession , eviden ce bein g co n sidered of secon dary importan ce in a Tibetan court of trial . The pri son er that makes the leastcon fess ion , how ever s eriou s the charges agai n st him

, may be, is deal tw i th rather l ightly . The prison er who con fesses his gui l t but partly an dgradual ly

,i s subjected to tortures of variou s kin d s .


At Lhasa n owadays, various Chin ese torture s are u sed, besides then ation al tortures wh ich though rud e are s imple in their n ature .

In the first in s tan ce the pri so n er i s ordered to w alk k n eel in g on

the floor,which i s spread over w ith smal l

,sharp spl in tered fl i n t or

gran ite . This i s cal l ed the torture o n grave l - bed 01° luarlcon g (SHI RT? )

When this does n ot an swer w el l th e court tries the torture cal led D o-skuav


Q' ston e cap ), in whi ch a heavy block of ston e

,of the weight of two

to three hun dred pou n d s, w i th a d epression made in i t to fi t the head o f

6 S . C . D as— Tibetan Jails an d Crimin al Pun ishmen t. [JAN .

the prison er,i s placed on his head ,

so that u n der its crushin g w eight hisbrai n s are pressed out through the sockets of h is eyes .

In seriou s cases the torture cal led the Nam- tag, i. e. ,han gin g by the

thumb s,is resorted to . The thumb s of the prison er are tied together by a

stron g strin g,the en ds of which are faste n ed to th e b eam of a hou se or to agibbet . The n the supports bein g removed th e prison er i s a l low ed toswin g in the air . Whe n this too fai l s , he i s subj ected to the torturecal led Gyab Namtag. I n thi s process the prison er’ s arms are twi stedroun d on his back, an d the n his thumbs are tied together to be suspen dedby a strin g from the beam of a house . The support bein g removed , hei s let han g . Some bricks o n e after an other are placed on his back, sothat hi s arms may be d islocated un der the crushin g w e ight of himsel fa n d the b ri cks .

lll abchn okon —This torture i s so ca ll ed on accoun t of the prison erbein g required to stan d on his breast l ike a peacock, after hi s lon gflow in g locks have be e n tied to h is feet, his l egs bein g ben t backwardl ike a bow .

The kin d of torture cal led u n -clc'


) at Lhasa an d B ein g

in Tsan g, con sists of two n otch ed woode n racks , inw hich the legs an d feet of the pri son er are faste n ed to preven t himfrom strugglin g to run away or to move u n der the pai n of whippin g .

The torture cal l ed Lan g-ole(QlKl'


01° faste n in g of the arms in

a n otched w ood en rack, so that th ey may n ot be moved u n der exertion .

L an g-dé dah i s the ki n d of torture in w hich the

iron han dcuff s of the pri son er are secured to the iron collar which isput roun d his n eck by two short iro n rod s

,about a foot lo n g . This

i s do n e to preve n t h is c ommitt i n g suicide .

The most excruciati n g tormen t cal l ed th e chin - tsi i s u sed in veryseriou s cases . In this the fi n ger j oi n ts an d w rists are cracked by

a machi n e al together at on e t ime, an d the fle sh of the fi n gers i ssevered out of the bon es .

In Tib e tan courts the greatest pu n ishmen t i s given to the prison erb efore he i s foun d guil ty, in con seque n ce of which people seldom preferan y complai n t for redress in a Crimi n al Court, the plai n tiff as w el l as thedefen dan t are both ruin ed when i n vol ved in crimi n al cases . The pri son er,after he has been subj ected to an y of these tortures, i s sen t to the jai lto wait for the sen ten ce . In ordi n ary case s great delay is mad e indel iverin g a judgmen t . I n n i n ety- n i n e out of a hun dred cases bribe sexpedite the pas sin g of a decision , dimi n i shin g the severi ty of a sen

ten ce .

1894 ] S . C . D as—Tibeta n Jails a n d Crimin al Pun ishmen t . 7

In every seriou s case in which th e Govern me n t becomes a

party,the court of th e Ka lo n s (Min i s ters ) sugges ts, to th e Gyal

tshab, (Regen t) which i s th e highe st court of the coun try, thaton e of the three pun i shmen t s me n ti on ed in the decision may beapproved of. I n a cas e of murder, dacoity, or high treason sdeath by drown in g

,beheadi n g, 01

° stran gl in g is suggested . In a l e s shei n ous case

,they suggest that the culprit may be blin ded , or hi s

han ds or l egs mutilated . In a sti l l le s s severe case, the culprit is recommen ded for imprison men t for l ife in a dark hole six feet square

,call ed

th e Po-

go- (lag

-jar, i. e., the cel l w ith but on e hole,large en ough to

throw food in side i t or to be con sign ed to a pri son for l ife in some remote part of the coun try, after a col lar of woode n heard , abou t 18 in chessquare has bee n fixed to h i s n eck an d chain s put roun d h is legs 01

° tobran d h is forehead w ith a burn in g seal of steel con tain in g the n ame 31'

(dog) , thi s pun i shme n t bein g cal l ed é '



01° dog- seal . The Regen t

(Gya l- tshab) puts a red mark cal l ed Chyay-clags s ignman ual , 01

° the ki n d of pu n i shmen t he approves of,an d the cu lprit i s

deal t w ith accord in gly . The Regen t has n ot the power of mitigatin gthe sen ten ce, 01

° reversin g it, or commu tin g it, such pow ers l ie w ith theDa lai Lama h imself, who can exercise h i s mercy on th e con vict .

At Lhasa there are two pri n cipal jai l s , cal l ed the Nafigtse-shar an d

D ik ilin g . The former is situated in Lhasa Thil, the midd le of the city,

an d the latter at Pétala S11 0, i. e.

,the town at the foot of Potala,

th e reside n ce of the Dala i Lama . E ight 01° n in e years ago the castle of Pan din g,

about 100 yard s from D ik ilin g,where themin t i s n ow located

, was

the Jai l . I n th e groun d floor of the castl e of D ik ilin g, which i s n ow

the re siden ce of the Lord Chan cellor (Chan goi-chen po ), there are severall ime godow n s an d cel l s

,in some of which prison ers are co n fi n ed . Some

of the cell s are on ly s ix fee t square, cal l ed D oqn ha n g dub-ths, wherepri son ers are con fi n ed before trial .Nan g- ts e shar i s in fact the Chief Ce n tral Jai l of Lhasa,where pri

son ers un der trial are pu t to torture . I t i s un der the supervis ion ofthe llf ip on (d ais the sheriff of Lhasa . The Govern me n t doe s n otprovid e the pri son ers w ith food, but i t does n ot obj ect to food bein g sup

pl ied to them by their relation s, frien ds, an d outsiders,who may take

pity on them . The Mussalman merchan ts an d traders,both from Chin a

an d Kashmer, residi n g at Lhasa, ge n eral ly se n d food an d eatables to thew retched starvi n g prison ers of Nan g-tse shar . Pious p ilgrims who happento vi sit Lhasa, an d reli giou sly di sposed peopl e al so s en d them food an d

mon ey occas ion al ly . Some kin d peopl e , occasion al ly, offer to ran somtheir live s by payi n g what is cal l ed the life -mo n ey 01

° fi n e.

8 Dr . Marx— Three documen ts rela tin g to the His tory of Ladalrh. [ JAN .

At Shiga- tse there i s on ly on e Jai l . It i s cal led the Til - bu Tsi n gts in g (the hou se of the rin gin g bell ), 011 accoun t of the tin kli n g of the

heavy chain s an d han d - cuffs w orn by the prison ers . There are Zan gtson in almost every tow n an d large village where there i s a magisterialcourt . Local l ife prison ers are n ot kept in an y of these . Life co n vict sare tra n sferred from on e priso n to a n other .The cu stom of se n d in g fa i l in g debtors to j ai l does n ot prevai l in

Tibet . Prison ers who are i n variably life con victs are n ot al lowed to doan y kin d of work . In fact there are n o short-term prison ers in Tibet.Wome n

,l ikemen , are a lso sen t to jai l for the same kin d of offe n ces . In

man y of the prison s where women have been con fin ed w ith men as

l ife con victs, children have been born an d reared .

2 . Short Note on the Golden Book of B uddha’

s Ordin ation — By BABUSARAT CHANDRA D AS,

The paper w il l be published in the Journ a l, Part I .

3 . Three documen ts rela tin g to the History of Ladakh : Tibetan Tar t,

Tra n s la tion ,a n d Notes — By the late D R,

KARL MARX,llf ora vian Mis

sion ary a t Leh, Ladakh. Commun icated by the PHI LOLOGICAL SECRETARY .

(Abstract) .

Thi s i s a co n tin uation of a paper by Dr . Marx,published in

Part I . of the Journ a l of the Socie ty for 1891 . The auth or died(b efore that commun ication was published ) at Leh

, 011 the 29 th of

May 1891 , at the early age of 34 years . His lame n ted death left a

serious gap in the ra n ks of Tibetan scholars . In the former paperthe history of Ladakh was carried dow n to the en d of the reig n of

the 22 n d ki n g Se n ge -man -gyal,an d the prese n t on e comme n ce s w ith

an accou n t of his successor D e- ldan - n am-gyal an d goes dow n to thebegin n in g of the Dogra in vasion s in the first quarter of thep presen tcen tury . It has been se n t to the Socie ty by the au thor ’s brother


Rev . Dr . Gustaf Dalma n of Leipzig . It w i l l be publ i shed in ful l inthe Journ a l, Part I.

1894 ] Library . 9


The followi n g addition s have been made to the Library sin ce themeeti n g held in D ecember last

TRA N SA C T IO N S , f Ro c s smN G s , A N Djlo ua N A L s ,

presen ted by the resp ective Societies an d E ditors .

Batavia . Bataviaasch Gen ootschap vein Kun s te n en Weten schappen ,

Notulen,Deel XXX I

,Afleverin g 3 .

Tijdschrift voor l n dische Taa1,-Lan d-en Volk e n

kun de,Dee l XXXVII

,Afleverin g 1 .

Bombay . The I n dia n An tiquary,—Vol . XXII, Part 279 .

Budapes t . La Socié té Hon groi se de Géographi e,—Bulleti n


XXI,Fasc . 5 et 6.

Calcu tta . I n dia n E n gi n eeri n g— V 0] . XIV,Nos . 24—27 .

Maha-Bodhi Soci e ty,— Jour n al , Vol . I I, No . 7 .

The Hague . Nederlan dsche E n tomologi sche Veree n igin g,—Tijdschrift

voor E n tomologie, Ban d XXXV , Nrn . 1—4.

Lo n don . The Academy,— Nos . 1 125- 28 .

The A then aeum,—Nos . 3448—51 .

Nature, - V ol. XLIX,Nos . 1 256—59 ; an d I n dex to V ol.

XLVIII .Royal Astron omical Soci ety,—Mon thly Notice s, V ol. LIV


Royal Geographical Socie ty,—Geographical Journ al , V ol . II,

No . 6 .

Moscow . La Société Impérial e des Natural iste s de Moscou,— Bull e ti n


Nos . 2 et 3, 1893 .

Mus soorie . The I n dian Fores ter,—V ol. XIX,No. 12 .

Pari s . Socié té de Géographie, —Comptes Re n dus des Séa n ces,Nos

. 15

et 16, 1893 .

Prague . Der K . K . S tern warte zu Prag, —A s tro n omisch e Beobachtun gen ,

1888—9 1 .

Rome . La Socie ta Degli Spettrosc0pis ti I talian i,—Memorie, TomeXXII,No . 9 .

St . Petersburg . Comité Géologique,—Mémoire s, Tome IV,No . 3 .

Taipi n g . Perak: Govern me n t,—Gazette, V ol. VI, No . 28 .

Vie n n a . D er K. K . Naturhigstorischen Hofmuseums,—A n n ale n,Ban d

10 L ibra ry . [JAN'

j30 0 1< s A N D PA M PH L E T S .

p resen ted by the Authors, Tran s lators, $ 12



. T . On a s tag (Cern us Thoroldi), from Tibet, an d on the

Mammal s of the Tibeta n Plateau . 8vo. Lo n don , 1893 .

B LOOMFIELD, MAURICE . Co n tributio n s to the I n terpretation of the Veda .

8 v0 . Bal timore , 1893 .

HAECKEL, ERNST . Der Mo n i smus als Ban d zwische n Rel igio n un d

IV is sen schaft . 8 vo . Bon n , 189 3 .

Z ur Phylogen i e der austral ische n Faun a . 4to . Jen a,

1893 .

LYMAN,B . S . The Great Mesozoic Faul t in New Jersey . 8 vo. Phila

delphia,M ITRA

,SARAT CHANDRA . Note o n the use of Locus ts as an Article ofD ie t amon g the “

An cie n t Persian s . 8vo . Bombay, 1893 .

M ITRA,SARAT CHANDRA . 011 some addition al Folk-Bel iefs about the

Tiger . 8ve . Bombay,1893 .


EEER,ALRR. Uber die Kiin igsweihe, den Rajasfiya . 4to . Berli n


1893 .


Report 011 the Nagpur E xpe rime n ta l Farms 1 11 the Ce n tral Provi n ce sfor the year 189 2- 93 . Fcp . Nagpur, 1893 .


Secon d Trie n n ia l Report of the Sa n i tary Commissio n ers for Ben gal o nthe w orkin g of the Vacci n atio n Departmen t in Be n gal duri n gthe three years, 1890-9 1, 189 1-9 2 an d 189 2 -93 . Fcp . Calcutta,

1893 .


Fifth Progress Report of the Archaeologica l Survey of Ceylon from“

April to Jun e 189 1 . Fcp . Colombo, 1893 .


A n I n dex to eve n ts relati n g to I n dia an d the Eas t referred to in “ The

Times,” betwee n the years 1850 an d 1889 in clusive . Fcp . Lon don1893 .

North I n dian Notes an d Q ueries fo r November 1893, 4to . Al lahabad,

1893 .


Fin al Report o n the Revisio n of Settl eme n t of th e Nor thern part of theFerozepore D is tIict in the Pun j ab, 1884-89 . Fen . Lahore

,1893 .


D o NOT Scan

Past This Poin t

Library .

ANDERSON, W' I LL IAM . The I n terdepe n de n ce of Abs tract Scie n ceE n gi n eeri n g . 8 V o . Lo n don ,

1893 .


An n ual Report of the Director of th e Royal A lfred Observatory, Mauritius for the year 189 1 .

Metemological Observatio n s take n duri n g the year 1892 at the Roya lAlfred Observa tory, Mauritius .


Accoun t of the Operatio n s of the Grea t Trigo n ometrical Survey of

I n dia,Vol . XV .

—E lect-ro-Telegraphic Lo n gitude Operat ion s executed duri n g the years 1885-86, 1887 -88

,1889 -90

,an d 189 1 -9 2 an d

the revi sed re sul ts of Arc s co n tain ed in volumes IX a n d X al sothe simu l tan eous reductio n an d the fin al re su lts of the whole o f theoperatio n s . alto . Deh ra D un , 1893 .


S tudies from the Yal e Psycholomcal Laborato rv fo r 1892 -93 . 8 vo .

New Have n . 1893 .



Ca lcutta . I n dian Medica l Gazette, —V ol. XXVIII,No . 1"

G e n eva . Archive s de s Scie n ce s Physique s et Naturell es,—'


ome XXX ,

No . 1 1 .

Leipzig . A n n ale n der Phys ik un d Chemie,— Ban d L, He ft 4 .

Beiblatter,Ba n d XV II

,Stiick 10 u n d 11 .

Lo n do n . The Chemical News — Vol . LXVIII,Nos . 1774- 77 .

Numismatic Circular, -V ol. I I . No . 13 an d I n dex to V ol. 1 .

Paris . R-evue Scien tifique, LII, Nos .-5.



f o R f E B RUARY , 1 894,

The An n ual Meetin g of the As iatic Soci ety of Ben gal was held onWed n esday, the 7th February, 1894, at 9 P.M .


D LE SIR C . A . E LL IOTT,PRE S I DENT, in the Chair .

The fol l ow in g members were pres en tDr. A . W . A lcock, Babu Gyan en dra Kumar RaiChaudhuri , Babu

Hara Chan dra Rai Chaudhuri, E . C. Cotes, E sq.,S ir A . W . Crof t


Babu Sarat Chan dra D as, Babu Bhupen dra Sri Ghosha, His Grace TheMost Rev . Dr . Paul Goethal s,G . A . Grierso n ,E sq.

,Dr . A . F . R . Hoern le


T . H . Hol lan d, E sq. , The Rev . Father E . Lafon t,W . A . Lee, E sq. ,

H . Luson ,-Esq.

,C. J . Lyal l, Esq.

, J . Man n,E sq.

,C. R . Marriott

,E sq.


L . de Nicevi ll e, E sq.,Mahamahopadhyaya Mahesachan dra Nyayaratn a,

M . H . Oun g,E sq.

,Al ex . Pedler, E sq. , Pan dit Satyavrata Samasrami

Pan d it Haraprasad Sastri, Dr . J . H . Tul l Wal sh, C. R . W i ls on , Esq.

Visitors z—Babu Chan dra Kan ta Ba su, H . V . E l l iott, Esq.

,W . J .

S immon s, E sq ,

Lieu ten a n t F . W . D . Trotter .Accordin g to the Bye-Law s of the Soc ie ty

,the Preside n t ordered

the Votin g papers to be di stributed for the ele ction of Offi cers an d

Members of Coun cil for 1894, an d appoi n ted Messrs . E . C. Cotes an d

M . H . Oun g to be S crutin eers .The PRES ID ENT the n cal led upon the S ecre tary to read th e An n ua l

Report .

fIN N U A L E P ORT F OR 1893 .

The Coun ci l of the Asiatic Socie ty have the hon our to submit thefol lowi n g Report on the state an d progres s of the Society ’ s affairsduri n g the pas t year .

14 An n ualRep ort. [FEB.

M emb er L is t .

Durin g the year u n der review 28 Ordin ary Members were elected,17 w ithdrew,

8 died,o n e bein g a Life Member, 3 were removed from the

l ist un der ru l e 40, bei n g more than 3 years absen t from I n dia, an d 2w ere struck Off u n der rul e 9 , n ot havin g paid their admission fees .The total n umber of members at the close of 1893, was thus 308again st 310 at the precedin g year ; of these 1 16 w ere Reside n t, 123n on -Res iden t, 12 Foreign ,

22 Life, 33 abse n t from I n dia, an d 2 Specialn o n - subscribin g members, as w i l l be seen from the fol lowin g tabl e,which also shows the fluctuation s in the n umber of Ordin ary Membersdurin g the past s ix years

Payin g. Non -payin g .

Year .

The eight Ord in ary Members, the loss of whom by d eath durin gthe year we have to regret, were Nawab Bahadur Abdul Latif Khan ,

Mr . He n ry F . Blan ford, Lieute n an t-Gen eral George Byre s Main wari n g,

Mr . E . O’

Brien,Babu U pe n dra Chun dra Roy

,Pan dit Haridas Sastri ,

Maharaja Sir Haren dra Kishore S in gh, an d Mr. James Wood-Mason .

There were three deaths amon gst the Hon orary Members, viz”

Major-Gen eral S ir A . Cun n in gham,Mon sieur E . Ren an, an d Professor

J . 0 . Westwood . The n umber n ow stan ds at 20.

The l is ts of Special Hon orary Members, Correspon di n g Members,

an d Associate Members, con tin ue u n altered from last year, there havin gbee n n o casual tie s . Their n umbers stan d at 5

, 6 an d 10, respectively .

Durin g the year on emember, His Highn ess the Maharajah Scin dia,compoun ded for his future subscription s .

I n d ian M useum.

No presen tation s were made over to the I n dian Museum.

The Trus tees on behalf of the Society wereDr . A . F . R . Hoern le.

16 An n ualRep ort. [FEB.

for Journ al, Par t I, has been exceeded by Rs . 983-1 -6,a sumwhich i s

more than covered by the Special gran t from the Govern men t of NorthVV estern Provi n ces for the publication of Mr . Hoey ’ s paper on Set

Mahét .

” Owin g to a n ew edition of the Society ’ s Byellaw s bei n g pri n ted,there i s a s light i n crease of Rs . 36-12 -0

,u n der the head of Prin ti n g

Circulars,” etc .

A n expe n d iture of on ly Rs . 242-7-0 appears un der the head “ Books,in con seque n ce of the n on -receipt of Messrs . Kegan Pau l, Tren ch, Triibn er an d Co .

s accoun ts, the books purchased through our Lon don agen tsamoun tin g to 56 7 1 -16- 55.

Owin g to exte n sive repairs to the Society ’ s buildi n gs an d to thecomplete chan ge of gas fitti n gs

,the accou n ts Show an extraordi n ary

expen diture of Rs .- 1 -3

,a sumwhich i s below the estimate .

The actual expe n diture on the Journ al an d Proceedin gs was

as follows

Journ al

Proceedin gs

Total 10 2

Thi s is le s s than th e Budget E stimate by Rs .-5 -10, but the

bills for the prin tin g of Part III,durin g the past year have n ot yet

been submitted .

The Budget E stimate of ordin ary receipts an d expen diture for 1894:has been fixed as follows —Rece ipts

,Rs . Expen ditur e


Rs .On the receipts Side, there is an in crease un der the head of Govern

men t A l l owan ces ” owin g to gran ts of Rs . an d of Rs . 500 madeby Govern men ts of Assam an d Madras


,for Part II I of the

Society ’s Journ al deali n g w ith An thropology, E thn ology an d Folk-l ore .

The estimate for “ Miscel lan eou s Receipts has bee n reduced byRs . 2 50 as the sumactual ly received u n der this head in g was l ittl e morethan Rs . 100 duri n g the pas t year .

On the expen diture S ide the items “ Station ery,” Postage,

Freight,” Con tin gen cies,” “ Journ al,Part III,”

an d “ Pri n tin g Circulars,” &c .

, have bee n i n creased .

“ Station ery ”

has bee n i n creased byRs . 50, owi n g to the compilation of Socie ty ’ s Library Catal ogue . Thei tem of postage has been in creas ed by Rs . 50. This w il l cover thedespatch of those n umbers of the Journ al of 1893 which have bee n

1894] An n ualRep ort. 1 7

recen tly issued .

“ Freight ”has been slightly in creased owin g to th e

con ti n en tal age n cy .

There w il l, however, be an extraordin ary item of expen diturethe year 18941 on accoun t of Part I of the Journ al.

The detai l s of the Budget E stimate are as followsRECE IPTS .

Subscription sSal e s of Publication sI n terests on In vestme n tsRen t of RoomsGovern men t Allowan ce sMiscellan eous

Total Rs 0 0


Salarie sCommissionPe n sionStation eryLightin gMun icipal TaxesPostage

Con tin ge n c i e sBooksLocal PeriodicalsBi n din gJour n al, Part I

Part I IPart 1 11

Proceedin gsPrin tin g C irculars


Total 0 O

Rs .

18 An n ual Rep ort. [FEB.


For prin tin g the remain in g portion Of Maj orRaverty

s articl e on the Mihran of Sin d an dits Tributaries . ” Rs .Pres s Bill s for Journ al, Part 1, Nos . 2 -3 of

1893 . RS.

Total Rs . 0 0

L on d on Agen cy .

Messrs . Kegan Paul,Tren ch,Triibn er an d Co . , n ot havin g submittedtheir accoun ts w ith the Society dur in g the year, n othin g can be saidabout the sal es made by them of the Society ’ s publication s

, or of theamoun t due to or by the Society . NO remittan ce was made to themdurin g the year.The n umber Of copies of parts of the Journ als, of the Proceedin gs,

an d of the Bibliotheca In dica sen t to the Agen t s du r in g 1893 for sal e,

w ere 308, 1 10, an d 1 78, valued 46- 1 -6d ., 8 -5 -0d .

,an d Rs . 106-4-0,

respectively .

Seven in voices of books purchased an d of publication s of variou sSocieties sen t in exchan ge were received durin g the year, The value ofthe books pur chased amoun ted to 71 - 16-5 .

Co n tin en tal A gen cy .

Mr . Otto Harrassowitz, Bookseller, Leipzig, n ew ly appoin ted by theCoun ci l as agen t to . the Society, received durin g the year, 299 copies ofJourn als, 273 Oopies Of Proceedin gs, 843 copies of Bibliotheca I n dica

valued 44- 1 7 -0d ., 9 -1 1 an d Rs . 483 8 0, respectively, an d

the other books for . sal e amoun tin g to Rs . 69 -8-0.

Lib rary .

The total n umber of volumes or parts of volumes added to thel ibrary durin g the year was of which 660 were purchased an d

presen ted or received in exchan ge for the Society ’s publicatio n s .A n ew edition of the Society ’s Library Catalogue has been take n

in han d an d the compilation has been en trusted to the Ass istan t S ecretary of the Society .

Pub lication s .

There w ere published duri n g the year, ten n umbers of the Proceedin gs (NO. 10 of 1 892 an d Nos . 1 to 9 of 1893 ) con tain in g 2 10 pages of

le tter-press ; four n umbers Of the Journ al, Part I (No . 4 of 1892 an d

1894 ] An n ua lRep ort. 19

Nos . 1 to 3 of 1893) con tain i n g 331 pages of le tter -press an d 9 plate sfour n umbers of the Journ al, Part I I (No . 3 of 1892

,Nos . 1 to 3 Of

1893 ) con tain i n g 264 page s of l e tter-press, an d 13 plates ; two n umbers of the Journ al, Part I I I (Nos. 1 an d 2 of con tain in g 94pages of l e tter-press an extra n umber of th e Journ al, Part I for 1892,con tai n in g 64 pages Of letter -press an d 30 plates . In dexes to the Journ al,Parts I an d II for 1892, w ere also published .

Buildin g .

Al though Rs . was spen t o n the buildin g in 1887, exten s iverepairs were foun d n ece ssary dur in g the year . They were carried outby Messrs . Mackin tosh Burn Co ., at a cos t of Rs .

-1 -3 .

A n throp ology .

In August 1892, the Mon th ly Gen eral Meetin g resolved that a th irdsection deal i n g w i th An thropology, E thn ography an d Folk- l ore

,shoul d

be added to the Society ’ s Journ al, an d that the Coun ci l shoul d be an

thorized to e n ter i n to n egotiation s w ith the Govern me n t of Ben gal inorder to Obtain a gran t in con n ection therewith . An appli cation was

addressed to the Govern men t of Be n gal, an d they w ere pleased tosan ction a gran t of Rs . a year for the purpose of e n abl in g theA siatic Society of Ben gal to add such a third section to their Journ al.Durin g the year 1893, the Govern me n t of A ssam san cti on ed a gran tof Rs a year an d the Governmen t of Madras Rs . 500 for the twoOfficial years 1893—94 an d 1894—9 5, for the same purpose .

E lliott Prize for Scien tifi c Research .

Dur in g th e year 1892, the Hon’

ble Sir Charles E l l iott createdan en dowmen t for the en cour agemen t of origin al research in PhysicalS cien ce in Ben gal an d for this purpos e in vested the sumOf Rs .in Gover n men t 4 per cen t . promissory n otes, yieldin g an an n ua l retur nOf RS. 200. The scheme proposed was that a pri z e shoul d be awardedfrom the an n ual sumreceived as in terest,whether in cash , or partly in theform Of a gold medal an d partly in cash , for an y origin al es say givi n gthe resul t of origin al research or in vestigation in an y bran ch of Physical,Chemical ,Mathematical or Natural S ci en ce . The Trustees appoin tedto admin i ster the property w ere the Presiden t of the A siati c Society


th e Vice-Chan cel lor of the Cal cutta Un iversity, an d the D irector ofPubl ic In struction , Ben gal .The Coun cil of the A siatic Society have authori zed the Presiden t to

act as a Trustee, an d have agreed to the priz e bei n g awarded at theAn n ual Gen eral Meetin g.

20 An n ual Rep ort. [FEB:

Coin Cab in et .

Durin g the year 71 Coin s were added to the Soci e ty ’s Cabin et,of which 6 were of gold mixed w ith s ome other metal ; 39 wereof si lver an d 26 of copper. They belon g to the follow in g classesBactrian (Apollodotus ) 3, Ku n i n da 5, A n dhra 1 3, Chédi 6, Pathan13

,Ben gal (in depen den t Sul tan s ) 7 ,Moghu l 16,Kuch Bihar 4, Jayan ti

pur l , As sam 1,Nepal 2 . Un der th e Treasure Trove Act were acquired

63 of these coin s ; via , 59 through the Govern men ts of the Be n galPresiden cy

,an d 4 through the Govern men t of Bombay . 8 coi n s

were presen ted by Mr. E . A . Gait, With the exception of theAn dhra an d Ched i coin s , they all belon g to wel l-kn own types, an d

detai led n otice s of them are publ ished in the Society ’s Proceedin gs forMarch

,Jun e an d August, 1893 .

On ice of Secretaries .

Mr. G . A . Grierson carried on the dutie s of Philological Secretaryan d Editor of the Journ al, Part I, durin g the year, except for threemon th s from August to October, when he was absen t on l eave, an d

Dr . A. F . R . Hoern le took charge Of the work .

Pan dit Hara Prasad S’

astri con tin ued Join t Philological Secretarythroughout the year .Dr . J . H . Tul l Walsh carried on the dutie s of Natural History

Secretary an d Editor of the Journ al, Part 11, throughout the year .The Hon

ble Mr . H . H . Risley carried on the dutie s of the A n thropological Secretary an d Editor of the Journ al

,Part 111

,durin g the year .

Dr . W . Kin g carried on the duti es Of Treasurer up to August whenhe resign ed, an d Mr. C. Littl e was appoi n ted in his place .Mr. C. R . Wilson carried on th e dutie s of the Gen eral Secretary

an d Editor of the Proceedin gs durin g the year, except for two mon ths,May an d Jun e, when he was abse n t on l eave, an d Dr. J .

' H . Tul lWal sh took charge Of the w ork in addition to h is dutie s as NaturalHistory Secretary to the Society .

Mr . J . H . E l l iott co n tin ued As si s tan t S ecretary an d Librarianthroughout the year .

There w ere n o chan ges in the pos ts of Ass is tan t Librarian ,Cashier,

Pan dit an d Copyist which were held by the perman e n t in cumben ts,Babu Joge'

sh Chan dra Chatterj ee,Babu Nritya Gopal Bose, Pan dit Hari

Mohan V idhyabhushan an d Babu Nan i Lal l Man n a .

Bib liotheca I n d ica.

Nin e fascicu l i were i ssued durin g the year,Of which on e i s in the

Arabic-Persian , seve n in the San skrit, an d on e in the T ibetan Series.

1894 ] An n ual Rep ort.

They belo n g to eight d ifferen t works, two fasciculibeiug issued for o n eSa n skrit work on ly, n amely the Tattva Cin taman i. On ly two workscame to a cl os e, n amely, the V araha Puran a an d the Madan a-Parijata .

The Philological S ecretary exerc ised compl ete con trol over thepubl ication . N0 n ew fascicu lus was taken in han d without his san ction .

The resul t of this vigilan ce has been the l iqu idatio n of old debts an d there storation of the s olve n cy Of the Fun d . By the middle of the year i t wasfoun d that the Soci ety was in a position to commen ce n ew publication s, atl eas t, some of those that were stopped for wan t of fun ds . But it was al s orecog n ised that care shoul d be take n n ot t o overdo th e work a n d n ot tofal l in to debt. At the suggestion of the Preside n t, therefore, a Budgetwas prepared by the Philological Committee

,an d the Secretary was

asked to strictly adhere to the Budget . The Budget i n cluded the n amesof publication s taken in han d, the n ames of publication s which would betaken in han d as soon as fun ds w ere avai lable, an d the n ames Of publication s approved an d san ction ed . A n y n ew work when san ction ed shou l dbe first en tered in to the third lis t an d should gradually rise to the firs tan d be taken in han d .

The expen diture of the Orie n tal Publ ication Fun d duri n g the year1893 i s Rs . -6-0,which i n cludes th e prin tin g charge s for 16, an d

editin g charge s for 14,fascicul i, givin g the average of Rs . 522 for each

fasciculus . This leaves a balan ce of Rs . -15-1 1 to the credit of theFun d at the en d of the year.The followin g i s a descriptive list of the publication s i ssued durin g


A . ARAB I C -PERS IAN SERIES .1 . Ain -i-Akbari, the con stitution al history of the Mughal Empire

in Ak bar’

s time by Abfi -l- fazl, on e of the most learn ed men of his

court. The work was compiled by Ak bar’

s special order . Tran slatedby C olon el H . S . Jarrett

,advan ced by on e fasciculus on ly

,No . 83 1,

Volume III,Fasc . I I.

B . SANsxRIT SERIES .1 . Crauta-Sutra of Camkhayan a, Edited by Profes sor Dr. Alfred

Hillebran d Of Breslau in German y,has advan ced by on e fasciculus o n ly,

No. 827, V ol . II I , Fasc . I .2 . Madan a-Parijata, Edited by Pan dit Madhusudan a Smritiratn a,

Professor of Smriti in the San skrit C ol l ege,Calcu tta

,has advan ced by

on e fasciculu s on ly, No . 828, Fasc . XI . The work has come to a clos e .I t was written by Pan dit V icvecvara Bhatta at the court of Madan aPale. of Kastha, a small town on the Jamun a

,n ear D elhi . The same

22 An n ualRep ort. [FEB .

patron of letters got a V aidyak a work s imilarly compil ed in his cour t .That w ork al so was n amed after himself like this. I t has been cal ledMadan a-Bimeda-Nighan tu . He flourished about the middl e of the

fourtee n th cen tury of the Christian era .

3 . Varaba Puran a u n der the editorship of Pan dit Hrishik es’



astri,on e of the Ju n ior Professors of the same Col l ege, advan ced by

on e fasciculus No . 829,Fasc. XIV . T he work comes to a close in this

fasciculus .4 . Tattva-Chi n taman i, th e stan dard work on the Nyaya Philo

Sophy in Ben gal, composed seven hun dred years ago in Mithila by

Gan géca U padhyaya, has advan ced by two fascicul i, Nos . 830 a n d

832,Vol . I II

,Fascs . I an d I I . The third Volume completes the chapter

on i n feren ce an d treats of the i n feren ce of the Godhead . The work isaccompan ied by the comme n tary of Jayadéva Micra e n ti tl ed Aloka .

5 . Brhad-Dharma Paran a, o n e of the latest works of the Panran ik l iterature,has advan ced by on e fasciculus ,No . 833, Fasc . IV, u n derthe editorship of Pan dit Haraprasad Sastri,M . A .

6 . Nyaya -V arttik a, an an cien t commen tary o n the Aphorisms ofGau tama by the famous Udyota-kara, has advan ced by on e fasciculuson ly, No . 834, Fasc . I I, u n der the editorship of Pan dit V in dhyeqvariprasad Dube

,Librarian ,

Ben are s San skr i t Col lege Library. The workwhe n completed will be a valuable con tribution to the Library of NyayaSchool of Philosophy .

C. T I BETAN SER IE S .1 . Avadan a-Kalpalatahas advan ced by on e fasciculus o n ly,No . 826,

Volume II,Fasc . I I, u n d er the j oi n t editorship of Babu S


aratchan dra

D as, C. I . E ., Tibetan Tran slator to Govern men t, an d Pan dit Harimohan

V idyabhfishan ,Orien tal Librarian of the Asiati c Society. The work

is so prin ted that on e page con tain s the Tibetan metrical tran slationan d the other the San sk rit text. It has been so desig n ed to help the

s tudy of Tibetan through the med ium of San skrit . The w ork was

composed in Kashmir duri n g the el eve n th ce n tury by the poet n amedK shemen dra, an d i s n ow the Stan dard Buddhist work in Tibet, read bothin origi n al an d in tran slation .

24 An n ualRep ort. [FEB.

Bue n os Ayres —Nation al Museum .

z—Academia Nation al de Cien cias de laRepublics. Argen tin a.

Caen —Socié té de Lin n éen n e de Norman die .Calcutta —Agri -Horticul tural Socie ty of In dia.

—Geological Survey of In dia.

-Editor, E n glishman .

z—Editor, In dian D aily News .

—Editor, I n dian E n gin eer .

—Editor, In dian E n gin eerin g.

—Editor, In dian Mirror.

—I n dian Museum .

—Mahabodhi Socie ty.

Literary S oci ety .

—Photographic Socie ty of In dia .

—Survey of In dia.

—Tuttobodhin i Shova .

— Un iversity Library .

Cambridge —U n iversity Library .

Cassel -. D er Verein fiir Naturk un de.

Cherbourg z— Société Nation als des Sci en ces Naturel les .

Chicago, Il l . —Editor, American An tiquarian an d Orien tal Journ al.

Chri stian a —U n ivers i ty Library.

Colombo z—Ceylon Bran ch, Royal As iatic Society .

Cope n hage n —La Société Royale des An tiquaires du Nord .

1' Cuttack z—Cuttack Library .

Dan zig —Naturforschen de Ge Dehra D un z—Great Trigon ometrical Survey .

3“ Dresde n z—E n tomologische n Verei n s “ Iri s . ”


z—Kon iglichen Zoologische n un d An thropologisch-Ethn ographischen Museums zu Dresden .

1Dubl i n —R0yal Dublin Soci ety .

- Royal Irish Academy .

Edi n burgh z—Royal Society .

—Royal Physical Socie ty.

1~ —Scotti sh Geographical S ociety .

Flore n ce z—SocietaItal ian a di An thropologia, Etn ologia e Piscologia

Comparata .

z—SocietaAfrican a d ’ Italia.

it Fran kfurt —Sen cken bergische Naturforschen de Gesell schaft .it —Naturw issen schaftlichen Verein s de s Regierun gsbezirk s .

Gen eva —Société de Physique et d ’ Histoire Naturelle.

1” Ge n oa z

—Museo C ivico di Storia Natural e .





An n ualRep ort. 25

Giesse n —Oberhes sische Ges ellschaft fur Natur u n d Heilkun deGraz —Naturwi sse n schaftl ichen Verein fiir S tyria .

Hague —K6n in k lijk I n stituut voor de Taal-Lan d-eu V olk en k un devan Nederlan sch-In die.

z—Netherlan ds E n tomological Society.

Hamburgh —Naturhistoriches Museum zu Hamburgh .

z—Naturwissen chaftlichen Verein .

1, Hal l e z—Deutsche Morgen lan dische Gese llschaft .1" -Kai serliche n LeOpoldin isch-Carlin ische Ak ademie .33 Hamilton (Can ada ) —Hamilton A ssociation .

9“ Havre —Société de Géographie Commerciale da Havre .1

’ Hel sin gfors z—Societas pro Flora et Faun n a Fe n n ica .

—Soc iété des Sci en ces de Fin lan de.

Ithaca (U . S . A. ) —Corn ell Un iversi ty .

1” Kiev —Soc iété des Naturalistes .

Kon igsberg z—Die Physikalische -Oek on omische Gesellschaft.Lahore —Editor, Civil an d Ililitary Gazette.

1‘ -Agricu l tural Socie ty.

Leipzig z—Deutsche Morgen lan dische Gesel l s chaft.-Der K . Sachsischen Gesel lschaft der Wisse n schaften .

1” Leyden z—Royal Herbarium .

3“ Liege z—Soci été Géologique de Belgique“

l“ —Société des S cien ces,f Liverpool —Literary an d Philosophical Society .

Lon don —An thropol ogical I n stitute .—Editor,Academy.

—Editor,Athen oeum.

—Briti sh Mus eum .

—Geol ogical Socie ty .

—In stitution of C iv il E n gi n eers .—In stitution of E l ectrical E n gi n eers .— I n stitution of Mechan ical E n gin eers .—Editor,Nature.

—Lin n ean Society .

—Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britai n an d Irelan d .

—Royal Astron omical Society .

-Royal Geographical Society .

—Royal In stitution of Great Britain .

-Royal Microscopical Socie ty .

—Royal Socie ty .

- Stati stical Society.

—Zoological Society .



26 An n ualRep ort. [FEB.

Lyon s z—La Société id’

Agriculture, .d’

“His toire Naturel’

lre et des ArtsU—tile s.


z—Musénmd ’

His toire Naturelle.

—La Société d ’

An thropologie.

1" Madras —Literary Society .

—GOV ernm-en t C en tral Museum .

Melbourn e —Royal Socie ty .of Victoria .

Man ches ter —Literary an d Philosophical Soci etyMexico z—Soc iedad Cien tifica “ An ton io A l zate .Moscow z—Société Imperial e -des Naturalistes .



Mun ich z—K . Bayerische Akademi e der Wissen schaften .

Nan tes —Société des Scien ces Naturelle s .de L ’ ouest d e la Fran ce .Naples —SocietaAfrican a d ’ Ital—ia.

New Haven — Con n ecticu t Academy of Arts an d Scien ces .1 N.ewport (R . I . ) —Natural History Society .

New York —American Museum .of Natural History .

Ottawa —Geological an d Natural History Survey of the Domin ionCan ada.

1“ Oxford -Bodleian Library .

T —In dian I n stitute,Paris —Société de Géographie .

— Société d ’An thropologie.

- Société As iatique .Musée Guimet.Nation al Library .

Société Z oologique .Société Académique I n do-Chin oise.

Museum d ’ Histoire Naturelle.

Philadelphia —Academy of Natural S cien ces .- Editor

, Journ al of Compara tiveMedicin e an d Surgery.

Pisa —Socié té Toscan a di Scie n ze Natural i .Prague —K . K . Stern warte .Rio de Jan eiro — Imperial Observatario.

Rome — Société degli Spettroscop isti Ital ian i .Roorkee : Editor, I n dian Forester .

St . Petersburgh z—Comité Géologique.

Imperial L ibrary .

—Russ ian Geographical Soc iety .

—Acadérn ie Imperi-ale des Scien ces .






—Société Imperial e de Min eralogique.

as San Fran cisco z—Cal iforn ian Academy of Arts an d S ci en ces .

An n ualRep ort.

3“ San tiago z—Deutsche Wissen chaftliche Verei n es .

Schaffhausen z—Swi'ss E n tomological Soci ety .

3“ Shan ghai —Chin a Bran ch , Royal Asiatic Society .

I Simla z—U n ited S ervice I n stitution of I n dia .

1” Stettin z—E n tomological Society .

a: Stock holmz—E n tomologische Tidsk rift .

—Royal Swedish Academy of S cien ces .Sydn ey —Royal Socie ty of New South Wal e s .

z—Lin n ean Society of New South Wale s .Taipin g z

—Gover n men t of Perak .

Toro n to —Can adian In stitute .Tokyo z—Imperial U n ivers ity of Japan .

Tries te z—Société Adriatica di Scien z e Naturale.

1" —Mu seo Civico di S toria Natural e .








Turin z—Real e Accademia dell e S cien ze .

U lwar z—U lwar Library .

Vie n n a z—An thrOpolgische Ge sel l schaft.—K . K . Akademie der Wissen schaften .

—K . K . Geologische Reichsan stal t .—K . K . Naturhistoriche Hofmuseums .

—K . K . Zoologisch -Botan i sche Gesel l schaft.—Orn ithologische Verein .

Washin gton —C ommiss ion ers of the Departme n t of Agriculture .

—Smithson ian I n stitution .

—Un ited States Geological Survey .

—U n ited S tates Nation al Mus eum .

Welli n gton —New Zealan d In stitute .—Polyn esian S oc ie ty .

Wiscon si n —Academy of Scien ces, Arts an d Letters .W iirttemberg —Natural History S ocie ty .

3“ Yokohama z—As iatic S ociety .

a - Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Natur un d V olkerk un de

asien s .Zagreb z—Archeeological Soci ety .

Zurich —Naturforschen den Gesel l schaft.







28 An n ualRep ort. [FEB.


Jan uary 26th, Ordin ary Meetin g.

The request of Prof. Leuman n of th e Strassburg U n ivers ity, aski n g

for the loan of Hari V amca Puran a, a Jain man uscript, from the 1ibra~

ry,was gran ted .

A n ofler from Mr. V. Bal l to exchan ge w i th three complete volumesof the Society ’s Journ als for certain n umbers of the Journ als an d Proceedin gs, wan tin g in his set, was referred to the Librarian for report as to

what n umbers were avai lable .In reply to a l etter askin g to be al l owed to hol d an ambulan ce class

for ladies on Thursdays in February 1893,from 12 to l P. M . ,

Mrs .Rosalie Trelawn y was in formed that ow i n g to the Society ’s bu ildin gbei n g un der repair

,it would be impossibl e to accede to her request .

Messrs . Men ge n s, Kin g an d Simon s were ordered to audit theaccoun ts for 1892 .

February 23rd, Ordin ary Meetin g.

Au exchan ge w ith the Society ’ s Journ al, Part I , an d Proceedin gs,w ith the publ ication s of the Archaeological Survey of Ceylon , was

s an ction ed .

I t was ordered that the request of Mr . E . J . Rapson , offeri n g thetext an d tran slation of the “ Y ajfiavalk yagita

” for publ ication in the

Bibliotheca In dica, should be circulated to the Philol ogical Committee .

An ofi er from Pan di t Satyavrata Samacrami to edit the Aitareya

Brahman a w ith the commen tary of Sayan a for the Bibliotheca I n dica,

was referred to the Philological Commi ttee .Copies of MacD on ell

s“ New San skrit-E n glish Diction ary an d

Gen eral Cun n in gham ’

s Mahabodhi were ordered to be purchased forthe Library .

With referen ce to his offer to exchan ge three volumes of the Socie ty ’


Journ als for certain wan tin g n umbers,Mr . Bal l was in formed of the

avai lable n umbers in s tock .

On the recomme n dation of the Members of Coun cil,an An thrOpolo

gical Assistan t on Rs . 20, was appoin ted from the 1 5th Jan uary, 1893 .

March 30th, Ordin ary Meetin g.

I t was agreed, at Messrs . Luzac (it Co .

’ s request, to supply themw ith on e Copy each of the n ew publication s of the Bibliotheca In dica as

soon as published, to en able them to i n sert the publ ication in theirOrien tal List .

At the request of Babu Nilmon i Mukerj ee, i t was agreed to

A n n ua l Rep ort.

recomme n d him to Govern me n t as an appl ican t for free copie s of th eNot-ices of San skri t Man uscripts . ”

On the recommen dation of the Philological Secretary, a Copy of

Beal e ’s OI icn tal Biographical D iction ary,

” edited by H . G . Kee n e,was

ordered to be purchased for the Library.

Ap ril 27th Ordin ary M'

eetin g.

The request of Pan dit V aman a S’

astri, aski n g for the loan of twoSan skrit Ma n uscripts e n titled Brhat Paracara an d V rddha

Paracara, from the Govern men t C ol l ection ,was complied w i th .

The appoin tme n t of Dr . J . H . Tull Wal sh , Natural History Secretary, to act for two mo n th s as the Ge n eral S ecre tary

, in th e place ofMr . C. R . Wil son

,an d in addition to his own dutie s, was approved a n d

ordered to be reported at the Ge n eral Meetin g .

The outstan din g bil ls of the Orien tal Publication Fun d havin g beenpaid ofi , the Philologica l Committee were ordered to report what workwas in han d a n d what work should be taken up for the mo n ey avai labl e .

IIIay 25th, Ord in ary Meetin g.

At th e reques t of Mr . Robert K . Douglas,it was ordered that a

s econ d Copy of the Socie ty ’ s Journ a l an d Proceedin gs, be se n t free,addre ssed to the Keeper of the Orien tal Books an d Man uscripts

, Briti s hMuseum . Mr . Dougla s was i n formed that the S oc iety would be glad torece ive in some cas es, duplicate Copies of importan t publ i catio n s of thatDepartme n t .

On the death of Mr . James “ food -Mason , Vice -Preside n t of theSociety

,the fol low in g resolution was recorded “ The Coun ci l desire

to place on record their deep se n se of the very great loss the As iaticSociety of Ben gal, a n d I n d ian Natural Scien ce, have sustain ed by the

timely death of their Vice -Pres ide n t, Mr . James Wood-Maso n, a n d

to expres s their sorrow at the sad even t that has deprived the Socie tyof on e of its most active an d e n thusiastic supporters, an d the Coun ci lof amu ch esteemed coll eague a n d frie n d .

” It was ordered that a l etterof con dole n ce shou ld be drawn up in the above terms

,s ign ed by the

Members of Coun cil, an d forwarded to Mrs . Wood-Maso n . The vacan tVi ce -Pres ide n tship was offered to Dr . A . F . R . Hoer n le

, an d to Mr . C.

Little,a s eat on the Coun ci l of the Socie ty .

The deaths of Profe ssor J . O. Westwood of Oxford,an d Mon s ieur

E . Re n an of Paris,both Hon orary Members of the Soci ety,

were orderedto be reported at the Gen eral Mee ti n g, an d the que stio n of fi l lin g upthe vacan cies to the con s idered at n ext Cou n ci l Meeti n g .

At the suggestion of the Ge n eral S ecretary,i t was ordered that

30 An n ualRep ort. [FEB .

he shoul d brin g the ques tion of keepin g the Library open between 7 to

9 A. M.

,in addition to the usual hours

,before the Gen eral Meetin g,

s tatin g that the Coun ci l propose to d iscon tin ue it .I t was ordered that the Assistan t Secretary of the Society should

be asked if he coul d un dertake the compi lation of a n ew edition of the

Society ’ s Library Catal ogue, an d how lon g it woul d take to fin ish it .A n ofi er was made to the Netherlan ds En tomological Society of

Hague for an exchan ge of publ ication for th eir Tidjschrift voor E n tomologie,” w ith the Society ’ s Journ al, Part II .

Jun e 29 th, Ordin ary Ill eetin g.

An offer from Dr . P . Horn of Strassburg,to publish the en tire text

of a History of Mahmud Shah Iihilji in the Bibliotheca In dica, was

referred to the Philological Committee for report at n ext Meetin g.

Mr . C. Littl e ’s acceptan ce of the seat on the Coun ci l of the Society,was ordered to be reported at the n ext Gen eral Meetin g .

Dr. A . F . R . Hoern le’

s acceptan ce of the vacan t Vice-Presiden tshipof the Socie ty, was ordered to be reported at the n ext Ge n eral Meetin g.

In reply to a l e tter askin g for aid for the publ ication of the En gli shtran slation of th e Mahabharata,

” Babu Pratapa Chan dra Ray, was in

formed that the Cou n ci l regretted that they coul d n ot assist him, but

that the Society would subscribe for an ex tra copy of the work.

On the recommen dation of the Phil ological S ecretary, a copy of

Kitabu-l- I n tisar-l i-Wasitati-q i-l-Amsar,” was ordered to be purchased for the Library .

The Budget drawn up by the Philological Committe e of the expe n ses of the Bibliotheca In dica, together w ith a li st shew in g the orderin which theman uscripts shou l d be edited, was accepted, with a recommen dation that the Philological Committee shoul d be directed to drawup a s imi lar Budget in December of every year. The report was orderedto be publi shed in the July Proceedin gs .

It was recorded that the A ssi s tan t Secretary was ready to un dertake the compilation of a n ew edition of the Society ’

s Library Catal ogue .July 2 7th, Ordin ary hfeetin g.

A l etter from the U n der-Secretary to the Govern men t of Ben galwas recorded, con veyi n g the approval of the Govern men t of I n dia tothe n ame of Babu Nilmon i Mukerj ee bei n g in cluded in the l i st of

person s to whom “ Notices of San skrit Man us cripts are se n t .It was ordered that at the n ext Gen eral Meetin g the Secretary

shou ld read an in vitation from Professor Dr . R . Semon to subscribe forthe erection of a marble bust of Professor Dr . E . Haeckel in the

32 An n ualRep ort. [FEB .

In reply to a letter o f en qu iry the Secretary to theGovern me n t ofBe n gal,Public Works Departme n t,was in formed, that theAsiatic Soci etywas n ot in a posi tio n to afi ord an y defin ite opin ion as to the exte n t in I n d iagen eral ly, an d in Be n gal especial ly, of the un touched epigraphical workwhich should be un dertaken by official agen cy, n or as to the period forwhich such age n cy shou l d be main tain ed n or had the Soci ety an y age n cyto col l ec t an d record in formation on the subject . They bel ieved, however

,that there were sufficien t epigraphical material s to ful ly employ

two whole -time epigraphical offi cers for a n umber of years, o n e for theNorth In dian area an d the other for Sou th In dia.

On the recommen dation of the Natural History Secretary, a copyof the n ew edition of J . Hiib n er

s Sammlun g E xotischer .Schmetterl i n ge


”was ordered to be purchased for the Library.

The appoin tme n t of Babu Sarat Chun der Biswas on Rs . 13 for Sixmen ths for the purpose of pu ttin g the stock in order, was san ction ed .

With referen ce to a suggestion of Colon el H . S . Jarrett that thepublication of Mun takhabu-t-Tawarikh s hould be taken in han d as

soon as pos sibl e, the Hon’

ble Maj or E . Noel of the Rifle Brigade wasasked to take over the work .

Sep tember 28th,Ordin ary Meetin g.

The acceptan ce of the Hon’

ble Maj or E . Noel to un dertake thetran slation of Volume I . of “ Mun tak_ l_1abu -t-Tawarikh

,was recorded .

October 26th, Ordin ary JlIeetin g.

The open in g of the Library from 7 to 9 A . M . Was dis con tin ued as

the maj ority of the Residen t Members w ere again s t the proposal .The amoun t, Rs . 90, subscrib ed by the Reside n t Members of the

Society,for the erection of a marble bust of Profes sor Dr . E . Haeckel in

the Zool ogical In stitute in Jen a, on his sixti ’eth birthday, was orderedto be tran smitted to Professor Dr . R . Semon of the Zoological In sti tute


Je n a, for the purpose .The offer of the Hon

ble Mr . H . H . Risley to resume charge ofthe A n thropological S ecretaryship of the Society was accepted w i thp leasin


November 30th, Ordin ary Meetin g.

On the recommen dation of the Natural History Secretary the exchan ge of the Society ’ s J ourn al, Pt . II, for Novita-tes Zoologicee was

san ction ed .

With referen ce to the Coun ci l order on the question of chan g in gthe Agen cy of the Society, it was resolved to draw up the terms of a

l89i ] An n ual Rep ort. 33

p roposed agreemen t w ith Messrs . Con stabl e an d Co . ,an d to circula te themto Coun ci l for approval, together w ith the existin g terms w ith Messrs .Kegan Paul, Tren ch , Triibn er an d Co .

A letter from the Hon’

ble Mr . H . H . Risley to the efi ect that he hadw ithdrawn Pt. III,No . I, of the Society ’ s J ourn al an d. completely re

arran ged the matter, was recorded .

The li s t of petty charges submitted by the Baptist Miss ion Press, n otformal ly accepted by the Society,was referred to the Fin an ce Committee .

I t was agreed at the suggestion of the Gen eral Secretary thatDr . A . W. Alcoc‘k shoul d be offered a seat on the Coun cil of the Societyin the place of Mr . E . C. Cotes, resign ed .

I t was agreed to len d “ Maitrayan i Qak ha an d “ Man ava CulvaSutra,” two San skrit Man uscripts

,to Prof. Dr . F . Kn auer on the security

of the U n iversity of Kiew .

The pay of the Assistan t S ecretary of the Society was raised toRs . 100, from the firs t of Jan uary 1894 .

On the recommen dation of the Natural History Secretary, a copy of

the “ Gen eral Catalogue «of Hemiptera,

” by L . Lethierry an d G . Severin ,

was ordered to be purchas ed for th e Library .

On the recommen dation of the Gen eral Secretary the purchas e of a

copy of Maj or-Gen eral Malcolm ’

s Life of Lord C l ive for the Librarywas agreed to.

Mr . G . A. Grierson return ed from leave an d relieved Dr . Hoern le

of the Philological Secretaryship to the Society .

D ecember 28th, Ordin ary Meetin g.

Wi th referen ce to the request of the Presiden t of the PhiladelphiaAcademy of Natural Scien ce that the As iatic Society of Ben gal shoul dmemorial i z e the Govern men t for the tran smiss ion of obj ects of NaturalHistory to the Un ion coun tries at th e rate of samples of merchan di se


an d n ot at‘ l etter rates,’ which are ten times greater than those of samples

of merchan dise, i t was resolved to forward a copy of the “

Circular to theTru stees of the In dian Mu seum, w i th a n in timation that if they w ere ofopin ion that a memorial shou ld be framed, the Asiatic Socie ty was willin gto .CO-Operate .

A l e tter from the Hon’

ble Maj or E . Noel, to the effec t that he mus tg ive up the tran s lation of the Mun takhabu -t-Tawarikh for the Bibliotheca In dica, as he was goin g o n a year’ s l eave to E n glan d, an dmay n ot

retur n to In dia, was referred to the Philological Committee .Dr . A . W . Al cock ’

s accep tan ce of the s eat on the Coun cil of theSoci ety was recorded .

The ackn owl edgmen t from Professor :Dr . R . Semon of the sumof

34 E lliott Prize for Scien tificResearch. [FEE

£5- 1 1—7, subscribed by themembers of the As iatic Society towards theHaeck el Memorial Bust was recorded .

The question of fil lin g up of the vacan cies in the Hon orary Memhership of the Society caused by the deaths of the late Profes sor Westwood ,an d Mon sieur Ren an ,

deferred at the July Meetin g of Cou n cil, wasordered to be circulated to the Cou n ci l with the previous papers, an d

a l i s t of the presen t Hon orary MemberWith referen ce to an offer from Mr . B . Dé, to edit the Tarikh -i

Rashidi for the Bibliotheca In dica, it was resolved that the proposalshoul d be con sidered when drawin g up the Bibliotheca In dica Budget forn ext year.

Thequestion of publ ishin g the remain in g portion of MajorRaverty ’


article on “ The Mihran of S in d an d its Tributaries,” was referred to theFin an ce Committee.

With referen ce to l etters from the Superin ten den t of the BaptistMi s s ion Press deal in g w ith the subj ect of the An thropological portionof the Society ’

s Journ al,an d en clos in g copies of in struction s rece ived fromthe Hon

ble Mr . Risley, it was resolved to ask Dr . A . W . A l cock to takeup the work of the An thropol ogical S ecretaryship, an d to in formMr . Risley that, fin din g difficultie s in the arran gemen t suggested byhim

,the Coun cil had recommen ded Dr . Alcock to be el ected An thropo

logical Secretary for the en suin g year un der rul eThe Report havin g been read the PRES ID ENT in vited the meetin g

to put an y question s or to offer an y remarks which an y member mightthin k n ecessary in con n ection therewith .

No remarks havin g bee n offered, the PRES I DENT moved the adoptionof the Report. The motion was carried u n an imously .

The PRES I DENT then read the Report of the Trustees of the E lliottPrize for Scien tific Research .

Rep ort on the E lliott Prize for Scien tific Research.

The Trustees have received essays from the follow in g competitorsfor the prize

(l .) Babu Asutosh Muk hopédhyaya, M . A .,F . R . S . E . (three

essays)(a) On an appl ication of difi eren tial equation s to the theory

of plan e cubics(b) Researches on the n umber of n ormal s common to two

sur faces, two curves, or a curve an d a sur face(c) On the appl ication of Gauss ’ theory of curvature to the

evaluation of double in tegrals .

E lliott Prize for Scien tific Research. 35

Babu J n an Saran Chakravarti, Studen t,Pres iden cy CollegA chapter on the gen eral equation of the secon d degree .

Babu Brajen dran ath Seal ,M .A .,Prin cipal ,Berhampore Coll ege .

New methods of determin in g some fun damen tal defin itein tegral s, bein g a chapter in the in tegral cal culusw ith an in troductory section con tain in g n ew formu laefor the summation of s eries, together w ith theirappl ication s .

(4 ) S . L . S . Studen t, Pres iden cy CollegeA deduction of the properties of prime an d composite

n umbers from those of recurrin g decimal s an d theirequivalen ts in other scal es of n otation .

(5 ) Babu Chan dra Kan ta Basu (Sub -Overseer, Madaripur )Mathematical in vestigation s, an d their practical appl ica

tion s,if poss ibl e

,for the determin ation of a soun d

gen eratin g spot, where son orous vibration s commen cean d afterwards produce the sen sation of soun d, fromthe data of observed differen ces of times in whichthe same report is heard from several p laces fixed inpos ition .

The Trustees,after con su l tin g experts , as provided in the scheme,

adjudge the priz e for the year 1893, to Babu Chan dra Kan ta Basu,

Sub -Overseer,Madaripur (No . 5,in the foregoin g l ist . )

C . A . E LL I OTT .

TrusteesA . CROFT .

Calcutta, the Sl st Jan uary, 1894.

The PRES I DENT al so read a short accoun t of Babu Chan drakan taBasu ’ s paper, ki n dly furn i sh ed by Mr . A . M . Nash .

Some years ago a Committee was appoin ted by the Asiatic Society of

Ben gal , to i n vestigate the cau s e s of the n atural phe n ome n on common lykn ow n as the Barisal Gun s ”

, but ow in g to the in sufficie n cy of thei n formatio n on the subj ect

,n o defi n ite con clus ion coul d be arrived at .

I t i s clear that i f the spot fromwhich th e soun ds origin ate cou l d beaccurately determin ed, the difficul ty of the i n ves tigati on woul d be

material ly les sen ed, an d thi s i s th e problemwhich the writer hasattempted to solve . The prin cip le upon which he has based his solutioni s the fol low in g

Assumi n g that the veloci ty of soun d i s k n own an d con stan t,if the same soun d i s heard at two differe n t places

,the d ifferen ce

betwee n the d i s tan ce s of those places from the spot where thesoun d origin ated can be calculated, bein g equal to the vel oc ity of soun d

36 E lection of Officers an d Members of Coun cil. [FE'


multip l ied by the difleren ce between the times observed . From thew ell-kn own p roperty of the hype'rbola that the differen ce between thefoca l d istan ces of an y poin t of the curve i s con s tan t, it fol lows that thesoun d must come from some poin t of a hyp erbola havi n g the two oh

s ervin g station s as its foci, or, i f al lowan ce be made for the curvature ofthe earth ’s surface, from some poi n t of a hyperboloid of revolution .

Whe n there are. several observi n g station s, each pair of station s givesa defin ite locu s for the origin of the soun d, an d if the poi n t common toall the se loci can be determin ed, this poi n t mu st be the on e required .

It is un n ecessary to e n ter in to the detail s of calculation s n eces saryfor th e determin ation of this common poin t

,which are give n at con

siderable l en gth in the essay . The writer has al so given the modification s of the calculation caused by the variation s of the velocity of soun dan d other causes .Babu Chan drakan ta Basu bein g presen t in the meetin g, the

Preside n t pre sen ted himw ith the. medal an d prizemon ey, addin g a few

words of con gratulation an d e n couragemen t.The PRES IDENT then del ivered an address .(The Address has bee n prin ted separately from the Proceedin gs ) .A cordial vote of than ks was proposed by Sir A . W . Croft to

the Hon . Sir C. A . E ll iott for his addres s an d for his services to theSociety

,which was carried by acclamatio n .

The PRE S I DENT an n oun ced that the S crutin eers reported the resul tof the E lectio n of Officers an d Members of Cou n cll to be as fol lows

Presiden t

C . J . Lyall, Esq. , M .A . ,

V ice-Presiden ts

Dr. A . F . R . Hoern le,

Sir A . W . Crof t,M .A

The Ho n . S ir C. A . E l l iott,

Secretaries an d Treasurer

G . A . Grierson , E sq., C.S.

Dr . J . H . Tu l l Walsh .

Dr . A . W . A lcock.C. R . Wilson ,

Esq. ,M.A .

Pa n d i t Haraprasad Sastri,M .A.

C. Little, Esq.

,M .A

1 894] E lection of Hon orary JlIembers . 3 7

Other Ill embers of Coun cilColon el H . S . Jarre tt .Dr . Mahen dralél Sarkar

,C .I .E .

Co lon el J . Waterhous e,B .S.C.

The Hon . Mr . Justice Amir Ali, C.I .E .

MahamahOpadhyaya Mahesachan dra Nyayaratn a, C. I.E .

A . Ped ler, E sq.

,F .R . S .

Dr . W . J . Simpson .

J . Man n ,E sq.

,M .A .

The meetin g was then resolved in to the Ordin ary Ge n eral Meeti n g .

C . J . Lyal l, Esq. ,M .A . ,LL .D . ,

PRES I D ENT, in the Chair .

The mi n ute s of the last meetin g were read an d con firmed .

Six ty- s ix Presen tation s were an n oun ced, detai l s Of which are giventhe Library List appen ded .

The fol lowin g gen tl emen are can didate s for election at the n ext:Mee tin gHis High n ess Raja Vishwan ath S in gh


, Chief of Clihaturpur, proposed by V . A . Smith

, Esq.

,seco n ded by C. R . Wilso n

,E sq.

W . M . Osmon d,E sq.

,proposed by T . H . Hol lan d, Esq.

,s econ ded

by C. R . Wilson,E sq.

The COUNC I L reported that in con sequen ce of the deaths of

Mon sieur E . Ren an ,Professor J . 0 . Westwood, Major -Ge n eral Sir . A .

Cu n n i n gham , Dr . Al oys Spren ger, Dr . War n er Siemen s,Profe s sor H .

Mil n e -Edwards,there w ere n ow eight vacan cie s in the l is t Of the Hon o

rary Members . The Cou n cil therefore recommen ded the seven fol lowin gge n tl emen for election as Hon orary Members at the n ext Meetin g

Sir Will iam He n ry Flower,the presen t Director Of the Natural

History Departmen ts Of the Briti sh Museum,who as Hun terian Professor

of Comparative An atomy in the Royal College of Surgeon s distin gui shed himself by h is researches Ou the Comparative A n atomy an d Osteology of the Mammal ia

,e special ly of the Whal e s . His w ork on the

homologies an d succession Of the teeth of mammal ia is classical, as i sh is “ I n troduction to the Osteology of the Mammal ia .

” Sir Will iamFlower is al so w el l kn ow n as on e of the l eaders Of the moder n a n thropometric school of exact An thropology .

Dr . Edward Fran klan d, E RS .8m. on e of the l ead

in g En gl ish Chemists, who by his researches has largely helped to place

38 E lection of Hon orary Members. [FER

the scien ce of Modern Chemistry in i ts prese n t position . His discoverie shave been made in the variou s bra n ches of Pure, Physical, Appl ied a n d

An alytical Chemistry . By his i solation Of the A lcohol Radical s (E thylwas i solated in he n ot on ly did much to estab l ish the Theory ofRad ical s on a sou n d basis

, but also from his theore tical reason in g on

these bodies, an d from o th er similar researche s on the Organ o -Metal li cbod ie s, he was able to lay the foun datio n of the Moder n Theory ofA tomicity . I n deed Fran klan dmay be said to have -bee n the origin atorOf the doctri n e Of the saturatio n capacity of el eme n tary atoms. Shortly after he had isolated the radical s , he al so by hi s d iscovery Of theOrgan o-Metal l ic bodies placed a n ew an d mos t powerfu l in strume n t ofresearch in the han ds Of Chemists

,an d was able to u ti li se this method

h imself in the d i scovery of man y n ew subs tan ce s, an d in the determi n a

tio n of the con stitutio n ofman y classes of compoun d s . Amon gst h i s man yin vestigation s

,the syn thetical researches on the acids Of the fatty or aceti c

series , on the lactic seri es, a n d on the acrylic series,are most valuabl e .

In deed his re searches in these dire ction s w ere n ot on ly most prol ific In

themselves,but they al so poi n ted the way to the di scovery Of vast

n umbers Of other n ew substan ces in the han ds of other Chemists .In his researches on Physical Chemistry

,he has put forward an

e n tirely n ew theory as to the source of l ight in lumi n ous flames,an d as

to the i n fluen ce of varyi n g atmospheric pres sure on combustion . A l soin con jun ction w i th Mr . Lockyer, he pub l ished man y papers , an d mad eman y d i scoverie s with referen ce to the Chemistry an d the Physicalcon dition s of the Su n ’ s Atmosphere .

In Appli ed an d An aly tical Chemistry he in ven ted an improvedapparatus for the an alysis Of gases, an d in the case Of water an alysi s herevolution i zed the whol e process, an d placed it upon a soun d basis . As

a member of the River ’ s Pol lution Commi ssi o n ,too

,his con tribution s to

our k n ow ledge Of methods of treatmen t of sewage,an d fou l waste-l iquid s

from factories,&c. ,

which l iqu ids were formerly al lowed to pollu te therun n in g s treams in Great Britain ,

have bee n most valuable .In add ition to the above summary Of his w ork in Chemistry, i tmay

b emen tion ed that he has co n tributed largely to our kn ow l edge on suchvarious subj ects as The Source of Muscular Power,” Measuremen t ofSolar In te n si ty,” The Physical Caus e of the Glacial Epoch,” &c. , &c

Mo n sieur Lou is Pas teur,to whose world -w ide reputation —a repu ta

tion based as mu ch upon hi s won d erful biological d iscoveri es as upon hisown remarkabl e application Of them for the be n efit of man kin d—it isalmost superfluou s to refer.Havin g early achieved the highest dis tin ction as a chemist, an d

the n approachin g Biology fromthe chemical s ide,M . Pasteur made his

40 Withdrawal of Members . [FEB.

Professor Theodor Noeldek e of the Un iversity of S trassburg, on e

of the most disti n gui shed Arabists of German y—perhaps, s in ce thedeath of H . Fleischer

,H . Thorbeck e, an d August Mul ler, the most dis

tin guished the author of n umerous works deal i n g w i th the lan guage,l iterature

,religion an d history of the Arabs . But he i s n ot o n ly cele

brated as an Arabist . I n Syriac al so he i s on e of the chief authorities inEurope

,an d has explored the man y d ialects of that w idely spread form

of Semitic speech, of which his grammars are th e sta n dard authorityfor the Ma n daean

,or lan guage of the Gn ostics or Sabia n s of the Kur ’


the n orthern or Edessan Syriac, the Palmyre n e of the i n scription s ofTadmur, an d the dial ects spok en by the Chris tian s of Pal e stin e . I n

the Pahlavi of the Sasa n ian kin gs al so he has greatly advan ced our

k n owledge , an d has edited a work in that la n guage, on e of the few

remn an ts of the l iterature which was swept away by the Muhammadancon ques t, con tain i n g a roman ce or l egen dary history deal in g withArdeshir Papakan ,

the foun der of the Sasan ian dyn asty .

Dr . Rei n hold Rost,the late Librarian of the I n dia Office, a post

from w ich he retired a few mon ths ago after an in cumben cy of 24: years,who is regarded w i th respect an d affection throughou t the en tire worldof Orie n tal studie s . Himsel f the most man y- s ided stud en t in all branches of that departme n t of learn i n g—eve n the most remote

,such as

th e d ialects of I n do -Chin a an d the vas t tract occupied by the Malayla n guages on the on e s ide, an d the Swahi li of the African coast on

the other—he has bee n always ready to place his great stores of k n owl edge at the service of other members of the craft

,an d to help forward

the advan ceme n t of scien ce wherever he foun d an opportun i ty . Yet,

though his favourite studies lay in somewhat out-of-the -w ay region s,he has by n o mean s n eglected the better -kn own fields of Orien tal l e tters,an d he has lo n g sin ce won his place amon g sol id scholars in San skrit .He has bee n ho n oured by the U n iversity of Oxford w ith his

ho n orary degree of M .A . , by that of Edin burgh w ith the degree ofLL .D . ,

a n d by the Govern me n t w ith the Compan ion ship of the I n d ianEmpire . The members of this Society, in whose w ork he has alwavs

fel t the warmest in teres t,recog n iz e that in en rol lin g him amon g their

Ho n orary Members they are doi n g n o less hon our to themselves than to

him .

The fol low i n g ge n tl emen have expressed a w ish to w i thdraw fromthe Society

Moulvie Golam Sarwar .

Rai Bahadur D han apati Sin gh , D ugher .

R. Sewel l, E sq.

, O.S.

1894 ] Bibliotlieoa I n olica Budget for 1894. 41

The S ECRETARY reported the death of the foll owi n g Hon oraryMembers

Dr . Al oys Spren ger .Dr. Warn er S ieme n s .Profe s sor H . Mil n e-Edwards .

The PRE S IDENT laid on the table th e Budget of expen se s on the

B ibliotheca I n dica for 1894, drawn up by the Ph ilological Commi ttee,an d approved by th e Coun c i l .


Held on Mon day, Jan uary 29th, 1894 .

PRE SENTG . A. Grierson ,

E sq. , Hon . Dr . A . F . R . Hoern le .

Phil. Seey. C. Littl e,E sq.

Pan dit Haraprasad Sastri . C , R . Wilson,E sq.


We recommen d that the fol low in g Budget for the “ Bibl iothecaIn dica for the year 1894 be approved .


RECE I PTS. Rs . A . P.

Balan ce in han d 0 0

Governmen t gran t for 1894 0 0

0 0


No accoun t has been taken of the saleproceed s of books,as they cover the

estab lishmen t,postage an d other charges .

0 o


Tattva -cin taman i 700

Svayaxn bhn puran a 1 050

Tul ’si-sat ’

sai 300

Brhad-dharma-puran a 500

Pag SamThi S’


Mark an déya -puran a 600

Ain -i-AkbariNyaya-vfirttika 900

Kalpalata 1 350

Caturvarga-cin taman i 600

Taittiriya-samhité 300

Crauta -s fitra of Camk hayan a 700

Nyayak usumafij'ali 500

Maasiru -l-Umara 500

Aitaréya—brahman a

Mun taghabu - t -tawarikh 600

Ten Arabic Poems 350

Sher PhyinTran slation of Ak barn ama 300

Atharvan a-upan isads 300

Paymen t of old deb ts forcomplete works 180

42 H . Beveridge—Major Fran cklin’

s descrip tion of Gaur . (FEB.

Thefol low in g books have been stopped for various reason s1 . Apastamba -

crau ta -sutra .

2 . Lal ita-vistara (E n glish Tran slation ).3 . Sucruta.

4 . An ubhasya .

5 . Cribhasya .

The followin g list of works san ction ed an d approved by the Coun ci lbut n ot taken in han d, has been draw n up in order of urgen cyl . San k liya


pravacan a-bhasya . 10. Taju - l-Maasir.

2 . Hira n ya-keci- sutra Crauta ) . 1 1 . Naka’

idu‘ lFarazdaqwa Jarir .

3 . Baudhayan a- sutra Crauta ) . 1 2 . Karan a -gran tha.

4 . Vipaka -sutra . 13 . Bhattotpala’

s Commen tary5 . Natadhamma -katha- sutta . on the Brhat - samhita.

6 . Saddharma-

pu n darik a . 14 . Y ajfiavalk ya -gita.

7 . Smrti-can drika. 1 5 . Katha-kosa .

8 . Tawarikh i Yamin i. 1 6 . Kala- Viveka .

9 . Tawarikh i Was saf. Caraka .

We further recommen d that Mr . Beveridge shou l d be in vited totran slate the Ak barn ama, that MahamahOpadhyaya Chan dra -kan taTarkalan kara be in vited to con tin ue the ed ition of the Atharvan aupan isad s, an d that Surgeon -Maj or Ran kin g be in vited to con tin uethe tran slation of the Mun takhabu -t - tawarikh .

The followi n g papers w ere read1 . The Nasa l I n dex Comp ared up on the Head an d Skull— lV ithNotes

up on the Nasal Bon es, a n d An terior Nasal Ap erture—By R . HAVELOC K


, F Z .S. , Ben gal Medical Service.

Commun icated by the ANTHRO POLOGI CAL SECRETARY .

2 . Note on the Tribes, Clan s, a n d Castes of Nep al— By CAPTAIN


The papers wi l l be publ i sh ed in the Journ al, Part I II .3 . Materials for a F lora of the Malayan Pen in sula —By GEORGE


,M .B ., LL .D .

, Sup erin ten den t, Royal Botan ic

Garden ,Sibpur.

The paper w i l l be publ i shed in the Journ al, Part I I .4 . The HONORARY PHILOLOGI CAL S ECRETARY read

,—Note on M ajor

Fran cklin’

s D escrip tion of Gama—By H . BEVERIDGE,I . C. S

, (Retd

(Abstract )This accoun t of Gaul; was a report submitted to the Court of

Directors in the year 1812, by Major Fran cklin,e n titled “ Journ al

1894 ] H . Beveridge—Major Fran cklin’

s descrip tion of Gaur .

of a route fromRagmahdl to Gaur A . D . 1810 —By MAJO R WI L L I AMF RANCKLIN,Regulatin g Ofi cer at Bhagalp ur .

The author was,l ike Warre n Hastin gs an d Impey, a

Westmi n s terboy

,an d was an officer in the army of the Eas t I n dia Compan y .

Hewas the son of a Cl ergyman n amed Thomas Fran ckl i n

, who was aman ofsome n ote in the Literary world

, but who, un fortun ately, got con foun dedwith his more celebrated n amesake, Be n jamin Fran klin . Macau laycorrects the mistake, an d impal es his u n offe n di n g coun tryman o n thepoin t of a Greek epigram . The son i s wel l k n own as th e Biographer ofGeorge Thomas, an d as the author of a w ork o n the s ite of Palibothra,in w hich he en deavours to ide n tify that city w ith Champan agar

,n ear

Bhagal pur . But the most picturesque circumsta n ce in his l ife was a

tour which he made in Pers ia in 1 786, whe n he was a n en s ig n an d on lythree -an d - twe n ty years of age. On thi s occas io n he l ived for about sixmon ths at Shiraz as a member of a Persian family . He became Maj orin 1 8 10, an d a Lieu t. -Col. in 18 14 . For some years he was Regulatin gOfficer of Bhagalpur . Bishop Heber met him at that station s o late as1824, an d describ es himas b ein g a very agreeab l e an d commun i cativeold man ,

an d as the pos se ssor of curiou s an d i n teresti n g col l ection s .Fran ckl i n re tire d from the service in 1825

,an d died in April 1839 at

the age of 76 . At the time of his death he was Librarian to the R . A . S .

The exis ten ce of the repor t was first brought to n otice in late yearsby Mr . Gro te ,who recomme n ded Mrs . Raven shaw to util i se it in editin gher hu sban d ’ s w ork on Gaur. Afterwards Mr . Grote took upo n himselfthe task of an n o tat ion , a n d added man y n otes from Fran cklin to Ravenshaw ’ s text . A few years ago,

our Society appl ied to the I n dia Officefor theMS.

,w ith the view o f pri n ti n g it, if this shou l d seem worth while .

The Secretary of S tate for I n d ia referred the matter to Dr . Burge s s,who

gave it as his opi n ion that all the valuable i n formation in Fran cklin ’ sreport had bee n already extracted by Mr . Grote

,an d

,in co n seque n ce


MS . was n ot s e n t to our Socie ty .

Sin ce the n Mr . Beveridge has examin ed i t an d compared it wi thRaven shaw’

s Gaur, an d agrees w ith Dr . Burgess . He therefore can n otrecommen d that i t shou l d be published, though it does seem hard thata report submitted to the Court of D ire ctors in 1812, shoul d have bee nn eglected til l 18 78

,an d the n be superseded by the pith of i t bei n g put

in to a n other ’s book .

Mr. Beveridge then discusse s various poin ts Of detai l in regard toGaur

,touched on by Maj or Fran ckl in . The most i n terestin g fact n oted

i s that the Chron ological Table of the Muhammada n rulers of Gaur, a n dth e Historical Memoran dumabou t themgiven by Buchan an Hamilton ,

an d reproduced in Mo n tgomery Marti n ’ s E astern In dia,”

are word for

44 P . C. Roy—In dian Foodstufi'

s . Fat a n d Oil. [FER

w ord the same as a similar Tabl e an d Memoran dum given by Maj orFran ckli n . An examin ation of the Buchan an MSS . show s that heObtain ed hi s Copie s from that gen t l eman . Fran ckl i n tell s us that theyare tran slated from some MS . material s procured through the ki n d n essof Mr . E l l erton

,of the In digo Factory at GOOmak i, n ear Gaur, whom he

describes in terms of old-world courtesy as a ge n tlema n who un itesbusin ess w ith service an d love of the arts, an d whose poli te hospi tal ityto us durin g our stay at his man s io n e n titl e s him to every con s iderationan d than ks . ”

The paper wi l l be publ ished in ful l in the Journ a l, Pt . I .

5 . On the Chemica l E x amin ation of certain I n dian Foods tufi'

s .

Part I .

—Fats a n d Oils — By P . C. RAY,ESQ .

, D .SC. Commun icated by


,F .R .S .

(Abstract )Of late years a bel ief has bee n gain i n g groun d in Calcutta, Bombay,

an d in man y other impor tan t tow n s in In d ia— n ot apparen tly w ithou treason —that w holesal e adul teration i s practised in man y of the commonarticle s of d iet, n otably in ghee, bu tter, milk, mustard oil, &c. Thepresen t i n vestigation w as u n dertaken W 1th a vi ew to throw some lighton these poi n ts, an d it emb odi e s the resul t of the work carried on at

i n terval s durin g the last four years .PRELIMINARY .

As bu tter largely e n ters i n to the dietary of th e people of E urope an dAmerica, abu n dan t w ork has been don e by Chemists o n i ts an alys is . I ti s


,w el l kn own that the composition of milk a n d of the butter

made from it is, w ithi n certai n l imits, depen den t on the breed, cl imate,method of feedi n g the cows , period Of lac ta tion an d so on the stan dardfor gen u in e butter, as ge n eral ly accepted in E n glan d , Cspecial ly at

Somerset Hou se, can n ot therefore be always accep ted as a safe guide inthis coun try .

The an alysi s of the fixed oil of mu stard, an d the various other oil sw ith which it i s ge n eral ly sophisticated , al so presen ts con siderabl e d ilficulties . Not much work has b een don e in this field . The history ofthe substan ces wh ich have been subj ected to an alysi s i s seldom give n ,

an d the experimen tal methods are n ot gen eral ly described in sufficie n tdetai l to e n able the resu lt s to be compared . Whil e the i n formationavailabl e is meagre, on the on e han d , the resu lts publi shed from time tot ime are in themselves, in some cases, con trad ictory . It was thus foun dto be n ecessary to work out, in the firs t i n stan ce

,a series of con stan ts


1894 ] P . C . Roy— I n dian lfloorlst '

ufis. Fa t a n d Oil. 45

such I n dian Foodstuff s as mu stard oil, butter, ghee, &c .

,which might be

o f some help in decidin g cases of fal s ifica tio n .

Particular care was take n in procuri n g ge n u i n e samples of substan ce s .The oil s were in man y cases expressed u n der d irect supervi s io n froms eeds carefu l ly sele c ted, so that the puri ty of the products was u n ques

t io n able . A sample of pure mustard oil was al so obtai n ed through thecourte sy of the Superin ten den t, Al ipur Jai l , an d an other of cocoa n ut oil

from the officer in charge of the Kopra works, Viper Isla n d, Port Blair,w ith a certificate from him guaran tee i n g its purity a n d stati n g it to bea stan dard sample .

The prel imi n ary exami n atio n of fats an d oils i s much helped bythe appl ication of certai n physical tests, e. g.

, melti n g poin t, specificgravity

,in dex of refraction

,&C . The w ork i s at presen t con fin ed sole ly

to the ch emical methods . The determi n ation of the phy sica l co n stan tshas bee n reserved for a future occasion .

The fats an d oil s are simply combi n ation s of certain acids, the socal l ed fatty acids , e.g.

,butyric, s tearic, ole ic, palmi tic,&c .

,w ith glycerin ;

hen ce they have been n amed the glycerides . By estimati n g the amou n to f either or both of these con sti tuen ts of fat ty substan ces, valuable information i s Often ob tain ed as to the ir n ature . NOW

,if a fat be treated

w i th an a lkal i,the fat ty acids co n tai n ed in the former

,combi n e s with

the lat ter, resul tin g in the formatio n of an alka l i n e sal t, common lycal led a soap ,

a n d the separatio n of glyceri n . It so happen s,however


that the molecular w eights of some of these fatty acid s vary w i thi n w idel imits . Thus

,bu tyric acid

,occurri n g in bu tter-fat

,has a molecular

w eight equ ival en t to 88, w hile erucic acid, a compon e n t of mustard oil,

has a molecu lar w eight of 338 . A molecu l e of cau sti c potash w eighin g56

,wi l l exactly n eu tral i se 88 parts by w eight of butyric acid, o r 338

parts by Weight of eruci c acid . He n ce a give n weight of but ter- fat w i llrequ ire a far larger proportio n of caustic potash to con vert i t i n to soap,t o sap on ify it, as it i s ca l led, tha n the same w eight of mustard oi l . Koett

storfer has made use of thi s pri n cipl e . It has,in fact bee n foun d by actual

experimen ts,that whi le 100 grammes of butter- fat require very n early

20 grammes of caustic po tash for sapon ification ,the same w eight of

mu stard oil requires on ly 17 grammes of the alkal i . The amoun t ofglyceri n al so w i l l vary in the same man n er . Again




a n d other volatile aci ds,prese n t in cocoa n u t oi l

,bu tter-fat

, &c may beeasily separated from the n o n -volatil e acids by di s ti l la tion ,

a n d theiramou n t ascertai n ed by their potash n eutral i s in g pow er. U pon this principle i s based the w el l-kn ow n Reicherts ’ te s t . The amoun t of iod i n eabsorbed by differe n t fats an d oil s al s o l ie s w ithin w ide l imi ts . The

i odin e absorption has bee n employed w ith remarkabl e succes s by BaronHiibl in decidi n g cas es of adul teration .

46 Fadin g Histories . {F.EB .

The followi n g processes have been made use of

1 . Direct titration of the fats an d oi l s by alcoholic potash—Koett

storfer ’ s test2 . E stimation of the amoun t of glyceri n .

3 . Iodin e absorption —Test of Hiibl.4 . E stimation of the volatile fatty acids-e —Reichert ’s test .For con ven ien ce of referen ce the resu lts obtain ed are pre se n ted

b el ow in a tabulated form

Sapon ification Iodin e ab sorption ,Nature of fat or 011.

equivalen t . p er cen t .


It w ou l d thus appear that as the sapon ification equ ival en ts of n igers eed oil, mowa-fat, mutto n - tal low , se sameoil, lard an d earth n ut Oil are

very close to on e an other, their admix ture s in con siderab l e proportion scan n ot be d etected by Koetts torfer

s test . Even the sapon ifica-tio n

equ ivale n t of ghee is n ot far removed from that of lard or tal low .-Th.e

sapon ificationequ ivalen ts of mustard oi l an d cocoa n ut Oil are, how ever,

h ighly characteristic . The iodin e n umbers on the other han d afford us

valuable hin ts as to the n ature of adulteration ,the most remarkable

features bein g th e exceed in gly low n umbers for cocoan -ut oil an d for ghee.

The results of the application .of Reichert’ s test w il l be commu n icatedlater on .

The paper w i l l be published in fu l l in the Journ al, Part . I I .6 . Fadin gHistories

—By S . E . PEAL, ESQ .


The paper wi l l be published in the Journ a l, Part III .

48 Librarg.

Melbourn e . Royal Society of Victoria,—Proceedi n gs

,New Series

,V ol .

V .

Mexico . Sociedad Cien tifica “ A n ton io Al zate —Memorias y Revista,Tome VII,NOS. 3 et 4 .

Mus soorie . The In dian Forester,—Vol . XX,No . 1 .

Ottawa . Geologica l Survey of Can ada,— An n ual Report,Vol . V,

Parts1 an d 2 an d Maps to Vol . V .

Paris . Société de Géographie, -Comptes Re n dus des Sean ces, Nos . 1 7et 18, 1893 .

Pisa. SocietaToscan a di Scien ze Natural i, —Atti, Processi Verbal i, 9 ‘

Luglio, 1893 .

Ral eigh . E l i sha Mitchell Sci en tific Society,— Journ al,Vol . IX, Part 2 .

Rome . La Societa Degli Spettroscopisti Ital ian i, —Memorie,Tome

XXII,Nos . 10 et 1 1 .

San tiago . La Soci été Scien tifique du Chili, -Acte s, Tome I I I, Nos . 1et 2 .

Schaffhausen . Der Schweizerischen E n tomologischen Gesel l schaft,

Mittheilun gen ,Ban d IX,

Heft . 1 .

Stockholm . Kon g] . Sven sk a V eten sk aps-Ak ademien s

,—B 1han g


n in g 1, Ban d XIV—XV I I ; II, XIV—XVII ; III, XIV—XVII ; IV,

XIV—XVI I .Han dlin ger, Ban d XXII—XXIV,

Parts 1- 2.Lefn adsteck n in gar, Ban d III , Hef tMeteorologisk a Iak ttagelser I Sverige, 1 885—88.Ofversigt, Ban d XLVI—XL IX .

Taipin g . Perak Govern men t, —Gazette,Vol . VI, NO . 30 ; VII, 1—2 .

Turin . La Real e Accademia del la Scien ze di Tori n o,—Memorie, 2n dSeries

,Tome XLII I .

Vien n a. Der An thropologischen Gesell schaft in Wie n,—Mittheilun gen ,

Ban d XXIII, Heft 4 u n d 5 .

Der K . K . Geologischen Reichsan stal t,—Verhan dlun ge n


Nrn .1 1—14, 1893 .

Der Ka i serl ichen Ak ademie der Wissen schaften,—D en k sch

riften (Mathemati sch Naturw i ssen s -chafiiche classe ). Ban d LIX .

Yokohama. A siatic Socie ty of Japan ,—Tran saction s

,V ol. XXI .

fiOOKS A N D f A M P H L E'


p resen ted by the Authors , Tran slators,&c.

CHATTERJEE, M . N . Scien ce of the E thics, i ts n ature an d s ource . 8vo .

Lahore, 1893 .



PA CHANDRA . The Mahabharata, tran slated in to En glishProse

,Parts 85 an d 86 . 8vo . Calcutta

,1893 .

1894 ] Library.


Mélan ges Asiatiqu es tirés du Bul l e tin de L ’

Académie Impérial e de sScien ce s de St . Pétersbourg, Tome X, Livrai son 2 . 4to . St .

Petersburg,1892 .

Catalogus LibrorumImpressorumHebraeorumin Museo Asiatico Imperialis Academies S cien tiarum Petropolita n se asservatorum. Fas c .

I . 4to . St . Petersburg, 1893 .





POTVIN,CH. Homere Choix de Rhapsodies il lustrée s d ’

aprés l ’art an tiqueet l

Archéologie modern e et mise s en vers . 4to . Brus sels,189 1 .


JONKER, J . C . G.Biman eesch-Hollan dsch Woorden boek . 8vc .

Batav ia, 1893 .

RANNEFT, W . MEIJER . V erk larin g van de meest bek en de Javaan scheRaadsels in Proza . 8vo . Batavia, 1893 .


Report of the Cal cutta Public Library for the year 1892—93 . 8vo .

Calcu tta, 189 3 .


Return s of th e Rai l-Born e Traffic of the Cen tral Provin ces duri n g thequarter en di n g 30th September, 1893 . Fcp . Nagpu r, 1893 .


,R . W . Coffee -grow i n g an d i ts preparatio n for market .

8vo . Brisban e, 1 893 .

Report of the Agricul tural Con fere n ce s of the Departme n t Of Agriculture, Brisban e . 8vo . Brisban e, 1893 .

Sugar-Plan tin g in Queen slan d . 8vo . Bri sban e, 1893 .


The In dian Journ al of Education for Jan uary, 1894. 8 vo . Madras,


E D ITOR, IND IAN JOURNAL OF E DUCATI ON, MADRAS .Gen eral Report on the Ce n sus of In dia, 1 89 1 . Fcp . Lon don , 1893 .

Gen eral Report on Public I n struction in Be n gal for 1 892—93 . Fcp .

Calcutta,1893 .

Report on the Cen su s of Calcutta, take n on the 26th February, 1891 .

Fcp . Ca lcutta ,1891 .

Report on the Rai l -Born e Traffic of Ben gal duri n g the year 1892—93 .

Fcp . Cal cutta, 1893 .

Return s of th e Rail an d River-Born e Trade of Ben gal durin g thequarter e n di n g the 30th Ju n e, 1893 . Fcp . Calcu tta, 1893 .


50 Library. [FEB .

Magn etical an d Meteorological Observation s made at the Gover n men tObservatory, Bombay, 189 1 an d 1892 . 4to . Bombay

,1893 .


LEITNER, G. W. The Hun za an d Nagyar Han d-book,Part I . Fcp .

Calcu tta, 1889 .


The I n dian An tiquary for October,1893 . 4to . Bombay

,1893 .

North I n dian Notes an d Queries for December,1893 . 4to . A l lahabad


1893 .


Han d-books of Commercial Products, NO S . 26 an d 30. 8V O . Calcutta,1893 .

TAW SE IN-Ko. A Prelimi n ary Study of the Kalyan i I n scription of

D hammacheti,1476 A . D . 4to . Bombay, 1893 .

WATT,GEORGE . A Diction ary of the Econ omic Products of I n dIa,

Vol . VI,Part 4 . 8vo. Calcutta, 1893 .

GOVERNMENT OF IND IA, REV . AND AGRI . DEPT .An n ual Progress Report of the Archaeological Survey Circl e, NorthWester n Provin ces an d Oudh, for th e year e n din g 30th Jun e, 1893 .

Fcp . Roorkee, 1893 .


Maps to accompa n y the Settleme n t Report of the Rawalp i n di District .Sheets .


An n ual Report of the In dian Museum from April 1892 to March 1893 .

8vo . Calcutta, 1893 .


ALKEMAD E, A . C. V AN R IJN VAN . Toepassin gen der theorie van Gibbsof even wichtstoestan den van Zoutoplos sin gen Met Vaste Phasen .

8 V O. Amsterdam,1 892 .

BEIJERINCK, M . W . U eber die Butylalk oholgahrun g u n d das Butylfermen t . 8v0 . Amsterdam

,1893 .

BEMMELEN,P . V AN. Les Notion s Fon damen tal e s du Droit Civil . 8 V 0 .

Amsterdam ,1892 .

BRESTER, A . Théorie D u Solei l . 8 V 0 . Amsterdam,1892 .

CAPPELLE, D R. H . V AN . Het Diluvium van West-Dren the . 8vo.

Amsterdam, 1892 .

CARD INAAL, J . Over Het On ts-taan van Oppervlak k en van den VierdenGraad Met D ubbelrechte door middel van Projectieve Bun dels V an

Kwadratische Oppervlak k en . 8vo . Amsterdam,1892 .

GROOT, J . J . M . De Le Code D u Mahayan a E n Chi n e Son In flue n ceSur La Vie Mon acale Et Sur Le Mo n de La'


que. 8 V 0 . Amsterdam ,

1893 .

Library . 5 1

HAMBURGER,D R. H . J . Over Het On derscheid In Samen stcllin g tuss

chen Arterieel E n V en eu s Bloed, Bijdrage Tot De Methode V an

V ergelijk en d Bloedon derzoek . 8vo . Amsterdam,1892 .

H OFFMANN,C. K . Etude Sur Le Développeme n t De L ’

appareil Uro

Gé n i tal Des Oiseaux . 8V 0 . Amsterdam, 1892 .




,W . A . V AN . Het Orthocyaan ben zOezuur

en zijn e vormin g bij de in werk in g van . Phtalylchloride Op Ammon iak . 8vo . Amsterdam,

1892 .

J ULI US,W . H . Bolometrisch On derzoek van Absorp tiespectra . 8vo .

Amsterdam,1892 .


,D R. J . V erslag Over Een ige Borin gen In Het Oos telijk e

Gedeelte Der Provi n ci e U trecht ,un d Een ige On derzoek in gen In

D en Nieuw e n Maasmon d . 8v0 .


Amsterdam ,1893 .

IVIOLLLD R. J . W . Observation s on Karyok in esi s in Spirogyra. 8vo .

Amsterdam,1893 .

MULDER,E . Over Een Keto n - V erbin din g afgeleid van Wijus teen

zuur . 8 V o. Amsterdam,1893 .

OUD EMANS, J . A . C. Over Het On derzoek van V erdeelde Luchtbelbui

zen . 8vo . Amsterdam,1892 .

PEKELHARING,C. A . U n tersuchu n gen uber das Fibrin fermen t . 8vo.

Amsterdam, 1892 .

Rapport Der Commissie uit de Kon in k lijk e Akademie van Weten sch

appe n ,to Amsterdam,

Ben oemd in de vergaderin g der afdeelin gNatuurk u n de op Zaterdag 28th November


,ten ein d e der

Akademie te adviseeren ,n aar aan leidin g van de missive van den

mi n i s ter van Waters taat,Han del en Nijverheid ,dato 27th November


1885 (zie Bijlage I) , Betreffe n de de leven swijze en de werki n g van

Limn oria Lig n orum,, 8 V O. Amsterdam l 893 .

V erslagen der Zittin gen van de Wis -en Natuurk un dige afdeelin g derKon in k lijk e A k ademie van Weten schappen van 25th Ju n i



28th Apri l, 1893 . 8 V O. Amsterdam ,1893 .

WAAL S,J . D . V AN D ER. Thermody n amische Theorie Der Capillariteit

in de o n ders tellin g van Con ti n u e D ichtheidsvera n derin g . 8V O.

Amsterdam,1893 .

W ISSELINGH,C. V AN . Over De Kurk lamel en Het Suberin e . 8V o .

Amsterdam ,189 2 .

ZAAIJER, PROF . T . Der Sulcu s Praeauricularis Ossi s I lei . 8vo . Amsterdam,

1 893 .


ABLWARD T , W . V erzeichn iss der Arabischen Han dschrifte n der KOn iglBibliothek zu Berlin

,Ban d . V . 4to . Berl i n ,

1893 .


52 Library . [F EB.

Mon thly Weather Review for August 1893 . 4to . Calcutta,1894 .

Origin al Meteorol ogical Observation s of Calcutta, A llahabad, Luckn ow,

Lahore,Nagpur, Bombay an d Madras

,for August 1893 . 4to .

Calcutta,1893 .


Bull etin of the Microscopical Society of Calcu tta, Vol . II .

,Nos . 1 1

an d 12 . 8vo . Ca lcu tta,1893 .

S ixth Report of the Microscopical Socie ty of Calcutta for the year189 3. 8vo . Calcutta, 1893 .


G . Les Lois de Man on traduite s du San skrit . 8 V O. Pari s,1893 .


E GUIMET, PARI S .A n n al s Of the Royal Botan ic Garde n , Calcutta, Vol . IV. Fcp. Cal

cutta, 1893 .


Nordisk e Fortidsmin der udgivn e ai de t Kgl. Nordisk e Oldsk riftselsk ab,2 Hefte . 4to . Cope n hagen ,

189 2 .


An n ual Repor t of the San itary Commission er w i th the Govern men t ofI n d ia, for 1 892 . Fcp . Cal cutta



Katal og der Reptil i en - Sammlun g im Museum der Sen ek en bergisChen Naturforschen den Gesel l schaft in Fran kfur t ammam. 8 V o .

Fran kfur t A . M . , 1893 .


,A . M .

Tide Tables for the I n dian Ports,for the year 1894 . 8vo. Lon don ‘

1893 .

S URVEY OE IND IA, T I DAL AND LEVELL ING OPERATION S .Sy n opsis Of the resu lts of the Operation s of the Great Trigon ometrical

Survey of I n dia, Vol . XXXIII . 4to . Dehra-D un,1893 .


BAI LEY , VERNON . The Prairie Groun d Squirrel s or Spermophiles of theMissis sippi Val ley . 8vo . Washin gton

,1893 .


Catalogue of Yale U n iversi ty,1893—94 . 8vo . New Have n

, 1893 .


f E PQ O D ICA L S f U FKCH A S E DAl lahabad . North In d ian Notes an d Querie s

,—Vol . III

,No . 9 .

Berlin . Deutsche Litteraturzeitun g,— Jahrg . XIV,Nrn . 40- 44.


Calcutta .The Calcutta Review,

~ —V ol . XCVIII, No . 195 .

I n dian Medical Gazette,—Vol . XXIX,NO . 1 a n d


Cessel. Bota n i sch es Cen tralblatt,— Ban d LV I, Nos . l—(i.

Ge n eva . Arch ive s des Scie n ce s Physique s et Naturell e s,—'


ome XXX ,

No . 12 .

Gottin ge n . Der Kon igl. Ge sel l schaft der Wisse n schaften ,

—Co ttin gis

che Gel ehr te A n zeige n,Nr n . I9—21 , 1893 .


en , Nr . 14, 1893 .

Leyden . I n tern ation al e s Archiv fiir Ethn ographic,

4: un d 5 .

Lon don . The An n als an d Magazin e of Natural Hi story — V ol. X I I

(6th s erie s) , No. 7 1 :

The Chemical New s,— V ol . LXVIII, Nos . 1 7 78—8 1 .

The E n tomologis t, —Vol . XXVI , No . 366 .

The E n tomologi s t ’ s Mo n thly Magazi n e, —Vol . IV (2 n d series ) ,No. 47 .

The Ibi s,—Vol . V (6th s erie s ) , No . 20.

The Journ al of Botan y,— V ol . XXXI,No . 37 1 .

The Lon do n,Edi n burgh an d Dublin Philosophical Magaz i n e


—Vol . XXXVI (5th serie s ) , NO. 222 .

The Messen ger of Math ematics,—Vol . XXIII

,No 4 .

The Numismatic Chron ic l e,— Part III, 1893 .

Numismatic Circular, —Vol . I I,No . 14.

Rhopal ocera Exotica,—Part 26 .

New Haven . The American Jour n al of S cie n ce,— V ol. XLVI , Nos . 2 74

a n d 275 .

Paris . L’

Academie de s S ci e n ces, —Comptes Re n dus des Sean ces,Tome

CXVII ,Nos . 14—18 .

A n n ale s de Chemie et de Physique,— 6me


sé1ie, Tome, XXX ,

Novembre,1893 .

{evue Critique d ’

Histiore et de Littérature ,—Vol . XXXVI ,Nos . 41—45 .

Revu e Scien tifique,—3e séri e, Tome LII,Nos .

26 et 27 40 s érieTome 1

,Nos . 1- 3 .

Ba n d V I,Heft


CAPPELLER, CARL . San skri t-E n gl ish Diction ary : based u po n the St .

Pe tersburg Lexicon s . 8vo . Lon do n,189 1.

GRI F F ITH , F . Ll Archaeological Report, compris in g the rece n t work o f

the Egypt Exploration Fun d,an d the progres s of .l‘lgyptolOgy

durin g the years 1892-93 . 8 V O. Lon do n .

54: Library. [FEB.

LE I TNER, G . W. Dardistan in 1866,1886 an d 1893 : bein g a suppl e

me n t to the se con d editio n of the Hun za an d Magyr Han dbook .

SYO. Woki n g, 18923.

Hun za an d Magyr Han dbook, 2n d Edition . 4to . Wokin g,1893 .

LETHIERRY, L , an d SEVERIN, G . Catalogue Gén éral des Hémip téres,

Tome I . SYO. Brussel s,1898 .

RAY PRATAfPA CHANDRA . The Mahabharata,tran slated i n to

prose, Parts 85 an d 86 . 8V O. Cal cutta, 1893 .

REHATSEE, E . The Rauzat-us -Safa, Vol . III . ,Part 2. 8vo . Lon don


1894 .

THE Z OOLOGICAL RECORD . V ol. XXIX,1892 . 8vo . Lon don

, 1893 .

56 Philological Secretary—Rep orts on Old Coin s . [MAR.

Mahamahopadhyaya Chan dra Kan ta Tarkalan k ar .

Profes sor Theodor Noeldek e .

Dr. Rei n hold Rost,

LL .D .

The fol low in g ge n tl emen have expressed a w i sh to withdraw fromthe Society

Dr . L . A . Waddel l .J . H . Rive tt -Car n ac, Esq. , C.S.

The Philological S ecretary (Numismatic) read reports on the followi n g fin ds of Treasure Trove Coin s

I. REPORT ON 3 1 old S ilver coin s forwarded by the C oll ector of

Patn a, w ith hi s No . 1253R.,of l0th August 1893 .

The coin s are stated, in the Collector ’s origin al l etter, No . 1 526R.,

dated 26th August 1892,to have bee n foun d on the 23rd Jun e 1892


buried in the groun d in a fi e ld at Patn a.

They are Mughal coin s ; 29 are fu l l rupees,an d 3 are half-rupee s

of the follow i n g Emperors : Muhammad Shah (1 specimen ), AhmadShah ‘Alamgir I I Shah Jahan I I I S

_ hah ‘Alam Theyreig n ed from 1 13 1—1221 A . H . 1 7 19—1806 A . D . As Shah ’Alam’


coin s are dated 1 184 A . H . 1 770A . D .,an d Muhammad Shah ’s

,1 151

A . H . 1 738 A . D . , this fi n d covers a period of 32 years .The fol lowin g is a detail ed description No, of


_HAH, type d shdh l azi

,S imi lar to Spedmen s

Briti sh Museum Catalogue,No . 985, min t ‘Azimabad


date2,AHMAD S

_HAH .

a . Type as in Br. Mus . Cat . ,No . 1045, mi n t of

Six :‘Agimabad (n early obl iterated) , date 1 166,

1 166 , 52,11 63

,3 1 ; all ful l rupees

b. Same type, min t an d date 1 166,6,but half



a , Type as in Brit . Mus . Cat . ,No . 1075,min t ‘Agim

abad,11 7 1

,5 2, 1 172, 6

3,1 1 70

,3 2, 1 1 7 1, 4 .

I) . Type, s imi lar to Brit . Mus . Cat ., No. 1066

,min t

Jahan n agar 1T”

,5,Arkat (9 ) 3 . 2 10

4,SHAH JAHAN II I .a . Type as in Brit. Mus . Cat .

,No . 1087,min t ‘Azim

abad (almost obliterated ), date 1073, alzadz, 1074,

almd f’ Total

Philological Secretary—Rep orts on 0c Coin s . 5 7

Type an d min t the same,date “ f “

,allad, a half

5 SHAH ‘ALAM , type as in Brit. Mus . Cat .,No . 1 166,

min t ‘Az imabad, date 1 174, 2 2

Gran d Total11. REPORT ON 14 old gol d coi n s forwarded by the Col lector of

Muzaffarpur,w ith hi s No . 944R. ,

dated 9 th September 1893 .

These coi n s are stated to have bee n foun d by a boy amo n g brickrubbles in a smal l w al l ed en closure n ear Ku n ahra Ghat, in the Bazarof Hajipur

,o n the 2 n d or 3rd August Al together 22 coin s wer e

foun d, but on ly 1 4 of th em cou l d be recovered from the fin der .They are coin s of the followin g three kin gs of the earl ier Gupta

dyn asty : Chan dra Gupta I . , who re ign ed fromab out 3 60—380 A . D . ,

Samudra Gupta,who reig n ed from about 380—395 A . D .

, an d Cha n draGupta II . , who reig n ed from about 395—415 A . D .

1, The coin of CHANDRA GUPTA I . belon gs to th e Kin g-an d

Q n een type, on e spec imen , 1 13 grs . ,(Smith ’s Catalogue,plate I


figure 1 )2,The coi n s of SAM UDRA GUPTA bel on g to the fol low i n g

types : Archer, on e specimen ,weight 11 5 grs . (S . Cat . ,

pl . I .,

fig . lO)— Battle-ax e,1 specime n

,1 13 grs .

, (S . Cat . , pl . 1, fig,

—Javelin ,2 Specimen s

,1 16 an d 1 20 grs .

, (S . Cat .

,p l . 1

,fig .

Total . .

3 , The coi n s of CHAND RA GUPTA I I . belon g to the fol low i n gtypes : Archer

,Class I , 2 specime n s, 122 an d 124 gr . , (S . Cat .


pl . I,

fig . 14,but bow- stri n g i n wards —Archer

, Clas s II . ,1 Specime n

,121 grs . (S . Cat .

, pl . I ., fig .

—Umbrella, 2 specimen s

, 122 grs each, (S . Cat . , pl . I I ., fig .

—Umbrella, n ew

variety (Goddes s walki n g to left, w ith fil le t in right han d) ,1 Specimen

,123 grs . (n ot in S . Cat . ) — Combatan t Lion , 3 speci

men s 121,1 22

,an d 123 grs . (S . Cat ., pl . II .

, fig . 5 ) TotalTotal

111. REPORT ON 890 Old copper coin s, forwarded by th e Pol i ticalSuperi n ten de n t of Palan pur,w ith his No . 286 1 , dated 16 th October 1 893 .

The coin s are stated to have been fou n d in the old Padar ofKhen an a

,a V illage in the Kan k rig Taluk un der th e Pa lan pur Super

i n ten den cy .

With the exception of 5 In do- Sassan ian s they are all coi n s ofthe fol low in g early Sultan s of Delhi (so- cal l ed Pathan s ) : (illiyasu .

58 Philological Secretary—Reports on Old Coin s . [MAR

d a din Balban (A . H . 664—686 A . D . 1265 Mu‘izzu-d -din Kaiqu

bad (A . H . 686—689 A . D . 1287 Jalalu -d - din Fir I'

Iz (A . H . 689

695 A . D . 1290- 1295 Ruk n u-d -din Ibrahim (695 ‘A lau -d

din Muhammad (A . H . 695—715 A . D . 1295 Qutb -d -din Mubarak(A. H . 7 16—720 A . D . 1316 (ihiyasu -d -din Tughlaq(A . H . 720

725 = A . D . 1320—1 324) an d Muhammad bin Tughlaq (725—752 1324

They cover therefore a period of n early 100 years (from A . D .

1 265

The fol lowin g is a detail ed statemen t1 .

2 .

3 .


LHIYASU D D IN BALBAN, type as in the British MuseumCatal ogue, NOS. 1 15


as in BritishMuseumCatalogu e, Nos . 129, 130

JALALU—D -D IN FIRUZ, type as in Briti sh Museum Catal ogue

,Nos . 146—148,

RUKNU-D -D IN IBRAHIM, type as in Briti sh Museum Catalogue,Nos . 154, 1 55,


a ,Type as in British Museum Catalogue,Nos . 182—194 ;

date on ly preserved on 24 specimen s ; via ,9 7 3

, 9 9

7002, 702, 7243, 705, 706, 707, 708, an d seven w i th

imperfect dates, 9* an d 70if

Type as in Briti sh Museum Catalogue, NOS. 1 95

201 dates 701 , 792 6, 703 704 3, 710, 71 1, 7 124,

7 13 3, 7122,7 15 doubtful 1 2,

0, Type as in Briti sh Mu seum Catalogue, Nos . 202,


a . Square type, as in Briti sh Mu seum Catalogue, No .

225 226, date 7 18 20, 7 19 30, 7207, i l l egibl e 617 .Roun d type, as in Bl itish MuseumCatalogue,No .

223 224

0.Roun d type, as in British MuseumCatal ogue

,Nos .

21 7—220 ; dates 7 17 9 , 718 2, 71 9 9, 7203, i l l egibl e02. Roun d type, as in British MusuemCatal ogue,Nos .21 5, 216, date 71 6 3, 717 10, il l egibl e 2

e.Roun d type, as in BIitiSh Museum Catalogue, NOS .221, 222, date 7 1 7

f .Rou n d type, as in British Museum Cataloo ue, No:2 141, da; 136 7 16

2. o 0 00 . 0 00 0 0 0 t o .

g.Square type, as


in Brim

tishMuseumCatalogue,Nos .

229 232, date 719 5, 7204, i l l egible 1 .

2 310

10 128

Philol ogical S ecre tary—Rep orts on Old Coin s . 59


a . Type as in British Museum Catal ogue,NOS . 249

254,dates 7208, 721 1 1, 722 23, 723 27, 725 13

(posthumous) 726 12, 727 7, i l legible 1 23 .

b. Type as in BI itiSh Museum Catalogue, NOS. 255,256

,date 3


c. Type, as in BritishMuseum Catalogue,Nos . 257



a . Type as in British Mus eum Catalogue, Nos . 280

28 1,date 726 5, 727 12, Total

b. Type as in British Museum Catalogue, NOS. 2 78,2 79, date 725 2

c. Type as in British Museum Catalogue, Nos . 282283, date (in w ords ) 727 2

I n do Sassan ianDefaced an d i l l egible. .

Gran d tota l

IV .REPORT ON 190 old si lver coin s, forwarded by the Offg . Deputy

Commissi on er of S ibsagar, w i th his No . 3556, dated 18th November1893 .

The coin s are stated by th e Deputy Commissioner, in his ReportNo . 1 239 dated the 20th Jun e 1863, to have been foun d in Jun e orJuly 1 892, by a time -expired cooly settl er, in an earthen pot buried inhis sugar - can e field in Mouza Hahchhra

,in the jurisdiction of the

Sadar Than a .

The fi n d con s i sts of three classes of coin s : 1 , 116 coin s of MughalSultan s of Delh i 2, 62 coin s of As sam kin gs an d 3

,12 coin s of Jayan ti

pur . The Mughal Sul tan s represe n ted in th e firs t are the fol low in gS_hah Jahan ,

103 7—1068 A. H . 1628—1658 A . D .

,Auran gzib, 1069

—1 1 18

A .

—1 707 A . D .,511 5111

‘Alam Bahadur,1 1 19- 1 124 A . II :

1 707—1 7 12 A . D Farrukh Siyar,1 124—1 13 1 A . H . 1 713—1 71 9 A . D .,

Muhammed Shah 1 131—11 6 1 A . H .= 1 71 9 —1 748 A . D .

,Ahmad Shah

1 161—11 67 A . H . 1 748—1 754 A . D .,

‘Alamgir San i 1 167—11 73 A . H ,

: 1 755 1 759 A . D . Their coi n s c over a period of about 130 years .The A ssamese kin gs represe n ted in the fi n d a1 e : Rudra Sin gh 1 6 181 636 Saka = 1 696—1 714 A . D .

,an d Civa Sin gh 1637—1660Saka 1715

1 738 A . D .

The fi n d con s ists of a large n umber of coi n s, which are of con

siderab le n umismatic i n tere s t, e sp ecial ly the earl ier coin ages of the

East - I n dia Compan y, in the n ame of Muhammed Shah .

60 Philological Secretary—Rep orts on Old Oo'lm. [MAR

The followin g i s a detailed statemen tI . MUCH-AL COINS1, SHAH JAHAN.

a, Type as in Briti sh Museum Catalogue,No .

605,two S in gle -l in ed areas : min t Surat

1059 , Patn a— 11,Agrah 1049



1043,6 Patn a 1048, 10 Multan 1058, 22 ;

1047, 9 ; other mi n ts illegible, dates 1038,1 2 ; 1046, 8 ; 1064, 28 ; others il l egible,

b, Type, as in Brit . Mus . Cat.,No . 588


Multan,104 if

c,Ilahi, 4 Ardibihist

,saw. 1040, an d Akbar

n agar 1038, 2 1 7



,as in Brit. Mus . Cat .

,No . 702 ; min t


Irat, date s 1098, 80; 1 107, 39 ; 1 110, 432 ;1 11 1 , 43 ; 1 1 1 1, 44

2; 11 1 7, 49 ; Patn a 1090,

22 1 1 16,49 ; Narn ol 1399, 30 ;

‘Azimabad1 1 1 7

,50 ; Chin apatan ,


b, Type, as in Brit . Mus . Cat .

,No . 71 1


1081 , 20 ; the rest i ll egible .

c, Type,mihrmun ir, Akbarabad , 39 ,

d, Type, as in Brit . Mus . Cat. , No . 728,Patn a,


a,Type as in British Museum Catalogue, No .

868,‘Azimabad, 1 12 1A

b, New type, ‘A zimabad [1 12 l ] 34, FARRUILEJ S 1YAR .

a,Type as in Briti sh Mu seum Catalogu e, No .893, Dara - l-k

_hilafat S

_hah Jahan abad,

others il legibl eb, Type n ot in Briti sh Museum Catalogue,min ti l legible

,date 1 3


a,Type : s till/lb qirdn , as in British MuseumCatalogue, No . 1029, S_ hah Jahan abad

b, Type bddsbdliL am,as in BiitishMuseum

Catalogue,No . 985, SI'

I Iat 1132,2, 1 136,6,

a n d n in e w ith il legible dates Akbarabad1 137 7 on e i l legibl e ; Machhlipatan 1 15937

Philological S ecretary—Rep orts on Old Coin s . 61

(extremely rare min t) , Arkat, san fragme n tary ja lzls 2, 9 2

,102, 1 1 , 1 7,

22, four i llegibl e, on e w ith i l legib le date

an d mi n t6,Type badshah gl azi,date in


2n dlin e,n ot in

Bi itish Museum Catal ogue, Arkat, 1 14,*jalz


l s i l l egibl ed,Type bads

_hah gjgdzi, East I n dia Compan y ’ s

is sues,n ot in British Museum Catalogue .

Min t Arkat (Madras i s sue w ith tris’ulmark ) , san gon e

, jald s 2 ; Arkat (Pon dicherry is sue w ith cresce n t mark ), scmgon e,jalus 7, 22 , 23 2, 25 2, 7 40



,East I n dia Compan y ’s i s sues, n ot

in Brit . Mus . Cat .

, Arkat, (Madras issue withtrisul-mark ) 3amcut off, jalzls, 4, 7 ,

Arkat (Pon dicherry is sue, w ith cresce n t -mark )1 1 67

,7,in others san cut ofi , jald s allad 2, 2 2,

32, 4, 5, 6, 10 13


‘ALAMGIR IL ,East I n dia Compan y ’ s i ssue s

, as

in Brit . Mus . Cat .

, Nos . 1 2 7 an d 1 63, Arkat(Pon dicherry i s sue, w i th cre sc en t-mark ) sa n

abad 2, 22, 3,Arkat (Madras i ssue, w ith triSI’Il-mark) , san cut


ls 4, 6, others illegibl e 14 19

MOGHUL S—TotalA SSAME SE CO IN S1,RUDRA S INGH . Type as in Marsden ,No . MCLI I,date s,(Sa’ ka ) 16186, 16207, 1621 3, 1622 15, 16232,1 6255, 1627

2,16272 an d 16303, 1 632

1, 1633


16344,16354, 1636

1, (the on ly omitted dates are

2, QIYA S INGH . As in Marsden , No. MCLVII, date



3, Old A ssamese,SimilaitoMaI Sden ,No .MCCXXI,


Type as in Marsde n , No . MCCXVI ; all datedSaka 1683 I 1 761 A . D . Total

Gran d Total

6 2 Philological Secretary—Rep orts on Old Coin s . [MAR

V . REPORT ON 72 Old S i lver coin s forwarded by the Deputy Commis sion er of Delhi, w ith hi s No . 1 119 , dated 11 th December 1893 .

These coin s are stated to have been foun d outside the Delhi Citydur in g the course of some excavation s .

They are all rupees of the followi n g three Mughal emperors of

Delhi ; via ,Farrukh Siyar, 1 124—1 13 1 A . H . 1 7 13—17 19 A . D .

,Rafi‘ n

d -daulah (or S_ hah Jahan II . ) 1 131 A . H . 1 719 A . D . , an d MuhammadShah, 1 161—1 131 A . H . 1719—1 748 A . D . The earlies t coin of the fi n d

i s dated 1128 A .H.

= 1 71 7 A . D .,an d the latest 1 151 A . H.

= 1 738

A .D . accord in gly the fi n d covers a period of 2 1 years .The fol low in g is a detai l ed statemen t1 . FARRUIgH S IYAR, type as in Brit . Mus . Cat .

,No . 891 ,

Slbdh Jabd n dbdd, date lost, reign 5

2 . S_ HAH JAHAN I I .

a,Type as in Brit . Mus . Cat .

,No . 947


- l

Ifi rlldfat Akbarabad, 1 131 , abad

b, Type as in Brit . Mu s . Cat .

,NO. 9 52, but D am- l

Kl rlldfat 18325177. Jabd n d bdd, 1 13 1, abad 2 3


a,Type n ot in Brit . Mus . Cat.


b qirdn ,min t

D dru- l-lfi tildfatfill-(lit Jalzdn dbdd, 1 141, 10, 1 143,

1 144, 13, 1 139, 8, i llegibl e 12b,Type as in Brit . Mus . Cat . ,No 1029,mintD amu lfi ildfat Slzdh

1 148, 1 133, 3, 1 150, 20, 1 135, 5, 1 137, 73,

6 , Type as in Brit. Mus . Cat .,No . 959

,min t D ara-l

Elzildfat fifidh Jabdn dbdd, 1 133, 3 2

d,Type as in Bri t. Mus . Cat .

,No . 967 (badshah

gfidzi) min t Mustagiru- l-b lldfa t Ak barabad,

1 14 1, 1 7, 1149 , 1 9 , 1 143, 1 3, 1 132, 2, 1 140, 10,i l l egible 3 ; Bareli 1 13 7, 7, 1 145, 15 ; D dru-s

Sa ltan at Labor, 1 132, 2,1 136 6 ; Gwdliyar,

1 147,1 72, 1 1 14, 4, 1 140, 10, 1 142, 12, 1 148, 8,

Mullan zmadabdd-Ban dras 1 151,2 1

,i l legible b

e, New type of badshah gl azi, mi n t D dru l ]_1 7 n'ldfat S_hah Jabdn dbdd, 2

, a twig I n u sualplace of am 1 68


Phil ol ogical Secretary~ Rep orts on Old Coin s .

D dru-s-Salgan at Ldlzor, an d Mubammaddbad-Ban arass,

date s 1 144, 4, 11 52, 22, 1 157, 27, 1 131 , almd, 1 154,24,1 149, 19, 1 155, 25, 1 148, 18, 1 1 51 ,20, 1 143, 13, 1 132, 2,


_ HAH, as in Briti sh Museum Catalogue, No .

1039 . Min t D dru- l-Kl t ildfal Shah Jahan abad, 1 167, 6,1 16 1 abad

,Sd rat 1 161 , alzad ; Saha ran p ur 1 13 1 , abad ;

VIII. REPORT ON 40 old s ilver coi n s forward ed by the A ss i stan tSecretary to the Chief Commission er, Ce n tral Provin ces, w ith his

No . 1 37, of 6th Jan uary 1894, an d No . 869, of 7 th February 1894 .

These coin s are s tated to have bee n foun d in the city of Nagpur .

The time an d l ocal ity is n ot further specified .

They are Nagpur Rupees , struck in the n ame of the Mughalemperor, Ahmad Shah Bahadur, who reign ed from 1161—1 167 A . H .

1 748- 1 754 A . D . They are mostly in a very in differen t con dition ;n ei ther mi n t n ot date i s V is ib l e on an y of th em

,a n d the emperor’s

n ame occurs in the merest fragmen t . Most of them have pun ch -marks(perhaps shroff-marks) impressed on their edges, as a rul e o n ly fromon e to three ; but there are four amon g them, which have their edgese n tirely covered w ith a series of such pun ch -marks, about on e dozen ;an d it i s i n tere stin g to n otice that some of these pun ch-marks muchresemble certain marks on the well-kn own (so cal led) Old Hin dfiPun ch -mark Coin s .

IX. REPORT ON 25 old silver coin s forwarded by the Collector of

2Bhagalpur, w ith hi s No . 72 1 G .,dated ifjg 1893 .

The coin s are stated to have been foun d in a pot which was dugout of the groun d in a house in Barchpura, n ear Bhagalpur, on the 1 1 thFebruary 1893 .

They bel on g to difi eren t classes,via , on e i s an imperial Delhi

coin of (ihiyasu-d -din Balban,who reign e d from 664—686 A . H . =

1 265—1287 A . D . The other tw en ty-four are Ben gal coin s,of I lyas

Shah,on e of the i n depen de n t kin gs of Ben gal

, who reign ed from 740

7 59 A . H .r: 1339—1358 A . D .

The fol lowin g is a detai led stateme n tI . IMPERIAL DELH I CO IN S .

GHIYASU-D -D IN BALBAN, l ike Brit . Mus . Cat ., No .

103, date an d mi n t out 011,i n ferior specimen 1 1

List of Committees .


a, Type as in Brit. Mus . Cat .

,No . 17 . Mi n t

F irdzdbdd, 750, in others mutilatedb,Type is in Brit. Mus . Cat ., No . 20. Min tF Zrz


tzabdd, 9 54, 950

c, Type, as in Brit . Mus . Cat. ,No . 25 . Mi n tHasrat Jalal,Son drgdb, 754

2, Slidhr-i- n au,

The SECRETARY read the n ames of the foll owin g ge n tleme n who had

bee n appoin ted to serve o n the various Committee s for the prese n t year :F INAN CE AND VI S ITI NG COMMITTEE.

H . K . W . Arn old , E sq. A . Pedler,E sq.

Babu Pratapa Chan dra Ghosha . Dr . J . Scul ly .

Dr. A . F . R . Hoern le. Col. J . Waterhouse.M . H . Oun g, Esq.


H.K . W . Arn ol d, E sq. J . Man n


Babu Gau rdas Bysack . Dr . Asutosh Mukerj ee .Dr . D . D . Cun n i n gham . L . de Nicevill e

,E sq.

G . W . Forrest,Esq. MahamahopadhyayaMahesacha n dra

Babu Pratapa Chan dra Ghosha. Nyayaratn a.

Dr . A . F . R . Hoern le. A. Pedler, E sq.

The Rev . H . B . Hyde . Dr . Mahen dralal Sarkar.Col. H . S . Jarrett . Dr . J . Scu l ly .

Pri n ce Jehan Qudr Mahammad Col. J . Waterhouse .Wahid Ali Bahadur.


Babu Gaurdas Bysack . MahamahopadhyayaMahesachan dra

Dr. A . Fiihrer . Nyayaratn a.

Babu Pratap a Chan dra Ghosha. F . E . Pargiter, E sq.

Dr . A . F . R . Hoern le. Captain D . C. Phillott .Col . H . S. Jarrett . Rai Rajkumar Sarbadhik ari BahaMou lvi Khudabak sh Khan Baha clur.

dur . Dr . Mahen dralal Sarkar .J . Man n

,E sq. S ir Sayid Ahmad .

Dr . Asu tosh Mukerj ee . Maj or R . C. Temple .Babu Blin dev Mukerj ee . Dr . G . Thibaut.Babu Nilmon iMukerj ee . A . V en is

,E sq.

6 List of Committees . [M.A-R.


Dr . A . Fiihrer . Dr . J . Scul ly .

Dr . A . F . R . Hoern le. V . A . Smi th,E sq.

C. J . Rodgers, E sq. E . Thurston,E sq.


Hon . Mr . Justice Amir Ali. The Rev. H . B . Hyde .

H . K . W . Arn old, E sq. Pan dit Mohan lal V ishn ulal Pan dia .

Babu Gau rdas Bysack . Mahamahopadhyaya KavirajW . H . P . Driver, E sq. mal D as .

Dr . A . Fuhrer. Maj or R . C. Temple .Babu Pratapa Chan dra Ghosha.


E C. Cotes, Esq. Dr . Fritz Noetlin g .

Dr . D . D . Cun n i n gham. R . D . Oldham,Esq.

J . F . Duthie, Esq. S . E . Peal, E sq.

Dr . G . M . Gil es . Dr . D . Prain .

C. S . Middlemis s, E sq. Dr . J . Scul l y .

L . de Niceville, E sq. E . Thurston , E sq.


Dr . J . R . Adie. Dr . Asutosh Mukerj ee ,

Babu P . N . Bose. Dr . Fritz Noetlin g .

Babu Gaurdas Bysack . R . D . Oldham,E sq.

Dr . D . D . Cu n n in gham. A . Pedler, E sq.

J . E l iot,E sq. Dr. D . Prain .

S . R . E l son,E sq. Dr . Mahen dralal Sarkar.

Dr . G . M . G i les . Dr . J . Scu l ly .

Dr . G . Ki n g . Dr . W . J . Simpson .

The Rev. Fath er E . Lafon t . Col. H . Thuillier.

J . J . D . La Touche, E sq. Col on e l J . Waterhouse.

C. S . Middlemiss, E sq.


W . Crooke, Esq. Rai Rajkumar Sarbadhikari BahaM . L . Dames, E sq. dur.

Babu Sarat Chan dra D as . S . E . Peal , Esq.

E . A . Gait, E sq. E . Thurston , E sq.

Mr. L . de Nicevil l e exhibited a rare n ymphal id butterfly, E UTHALIAIV A,Moore, recen tly re-discovered in Man ipur, an d read a n ote on thespecie s .The n ote will be published in the Journ al , Part I I .

Lieute n a n t J . A . D ouglas—Nole on Ohilcis tradition s . 67

The fol lowi n g papers were read1 . Notes on Childs tradition s .

—By L I EUTENANT J . A . D OUGLA S .Commu n icated by the PH ILO LOGI CAL S ECRETARY .

The on ly con n ected tradition s n ow curre n t in the Chilas n eighbourhood

,date back n o further than the i n vas ion of the coun try by the Sh i n s .

Before thi s everythi n g i s ascribed to Devs deitie s, of whom littl emore than the n ames survive . Narun was the origi n al fou n der ofChilas

, an d Taiban i s said to have foun ded Ger . The Shi n s of Chilastrace their origin back to Ran a D as , a son of the Rajah of Pakli

, who

i n vaded Chilas some 500 years ago .

* At that time the whol e of

Shin kariwas gover n ed by a kin g Spoke n of as Chachai Ra. After somefighti n g

,Chachai Rawas defeated ; he himself, all his family, an d ma n y

of his followers w ere kill ed , an d Ran aD ds ru l e d the cou n try— Ran aD aswas a Hin du. On hi s death the people refused to elect a n ew kin g

,a n d

from that time Chilas has bee n a republi c .

Ran aD as left two son s , Bhoto an d Machuk , an d from them spran gtwo tribes, the Bhote an d Machuk ai.

The las t eve n t of which there i s a n y record i s the quarrel betweenthe Bhote an d Machuk ai, which has al ready bee n referred to by bothCol . Biddulph an d Dr . Leitn er . The Machuk aiw ere expell ed from thecoun try a n d migrated to Hu n za, A stor, an d other place s in the n eighbourhood . This is said to have taken p lace 200 to 250 years ago .

A l ittle later (7 ge n eration s , perhaps 200 years ago ), the firs t i n troduction of Muhammadan i sm i n to the cou n try took place . This waseffected by Shah Zaman , a Saiad from Kagan , an d an an ce stor of the

presen t Kagan iSaiads . He en tered Chi las wi th an army,an d

, presumably by force of arms, con verted the i n habitan ts . They s ay that afterthis they gave up burn in g the ir dead, though i t i s probabl e thatthe custom l i n gered for some years later . Shah Zaman w i th his ow n

han d lai d the foun datio n ston e of a n ew fort i n to which the peopl emoved . An d which they con tin ued to i n habit un til i t was taken an d

destroyed by the Kashmir army in 1 851 . As an i n s tan ce of their prosperity at thi s period, they relate that Chilas con ta i n ed 500 weavers .For man y years after this the Chilasis paid tribute to Kagan

, an d the

people of Bun ar do so sti ll .The n ex t i n vas io n of the cou n try. was by Shaikh Aman u ’


Hakim of Kashmir, un der Ran j it S in gh . He was d riv e n out after 18days fightin g . Shortly afterwards , in 1851, the army se n t from Kash

My in forman t , an oldman of about 70, gaveme his pedigree back to Ran aD as . This in cluded 17 n ames , but he himself said it was 20gen eration s ago, which,

at 25 years to a gen eration ,would be 500 years .

68 Lieute n an t J A . Douglas —Note on Ohilds tradition s . [MAR.

mir by Maharajah Guléb S in gh en tered Chi las by the Kamuk do ri Pas s,at the head of the Niat Val l ey,while a smal l force, probably auxiliaries,crossed over from Astor by the Mazen o an d Tosho Passes . Chilas wastake n after a s i ege of some mon ths, an d man y of the people wereki l led .

The Chilasis say that, at the time of the Kashmir in vasio n,they

coul d mus ter fighti n g men from the fort of Chilas alo n e ; n ow

it i s doubtful whether they coul d raise 120 amon g the remain s of the

Bhote, or people of Chi las proper . They can give n o satisfactory ex

plan atio n of what has caused this rapid dimin ution of their n umbers,attributin g it en tirely to sickn ess . There are said to have bee n two badepidemics of cholera

,w ithi n the last 30 years, besides periodical out

breaks of smal l -pox . A good man y families have al so emigrated oflate years to more fertil e districts . Numerous ru in s of forts ; lan d,which mus t have cost years of labour to terrace, n ow d eserted an dun cul tivated ; broke n watercourses their own tradition s, an d thereputation of dari n g raiders

,~—which th ey have obtai n ed amon g their

n eighbours —all tes tify to the fact that the coun try must formerly havebeen much more thickly populated than at pre sen t . I t i s on ly of recen tyears

,too, that the n eighb ourin g val l eys of Thak

,Bun ar



ceased to pay an n ual tribu te to Chilas .The peopl e of the Thak Val l ey cal l themselve s Khan ai . They

trace their descen t to Khan u, who i s sai d to have come from Chilas .Khan u had a son cal led T imra ,

who migrated to the adj acen t val ley of

Niat, where the ru i n s of his fort, cal led Timruk ot,may be see n clos e tothe vi l lage of Theh . I n the same way, the people of B un ar are cal l edBagote. They say that their an ce s tor Bagota came from Khan bari 24:gen eration s ago . The people of Hodar are Hodure, an d of Thur,Han uk e. In the Khin argah Val ley, which belon gs to Chilas, are tworu i n s of forts, cal l ed Khin uk ot an d Sherin gah . These are said to havebeen stron ghold s of two kin gs, cal led Khi n u Shah an d Sheo Shah, ofwhom n othin g el se appears to be kn own . (In the Sh i n a lan guage,Khin a mean s black, an d Sheo white ) .The so-cal l ed “ Horse of Taiban in Gor, s i tuated on the steep


scarped, rocky side of Chahmuri Peak, which overlooks the Gor Val ley .

Though the peopl e say it i s cut in the rock, as see n from below i tappeared o n ly to be a rough outl i n e, the dark l i n es bein g formed bywater which had foun d its way through crevices in th e rock, an d it i son ly by the exercis e of s tron g imagi n ation that an y resemblan ce to ahorse an dman can be made out . Its position i s almost

,if n ot qu ite,

i n accessibl e, but the story is that Taiban rode up there, an d that hean d his horse were turn ed in to s ton e . Lower dow n in the Gor Val l ey

189 1 ] Library . 69

i s a spot k n ow n as Taiban ’ s Garden . I t co n s ists on ly of some trees(i lex) an d rocks . A smal l un cu l tivated patch in the midst of cul tivatio n . Formerly the people believed that an yon e cu tti n g these tree swoul d di e at o n ce, but the spirit of sceptici sm has spread eve n to Ger,an d they beli eve it n o lon ger . The Gor people say that they becameMuhammadan s on ly three gen eration s ago .

2 . On n ew or little-k n own Butterflies fromthe D ido-Malayan region .

—By LIONEL D E N I CE ’VI LLE, E sa ,& c .

The paper wi l l be published in the Journ al, Part I I .


The follow i n g additio n s have been made to th e Library s in ce themeetin g held in February last


presen ted by the resp ective Societies a n d E ditors .

Berlin . D er Kon igl ich Preus sischen Akademie der Wissen schaften zu

Berlin ,—Abhan dlun ge n , 1892 .

Sizun gsberichte, XXV I—XXXVII I .Bombay .

The In dian An tiquary, —Vol . XXIII, Part 282 .

Budapest . Société Hon groi se de Géographie,—Bul letin , Tome XXI,No . 7 .

Calcut ta . I n dian E n gin eerin g,—V ol. XV, Nos . 6—9 ; an d I n dex toV ol . XIV .

I n dian Medical Gazette, —In dex, V ol. XXVIII .Maha-Bodhi Society,—Jour n al, V ol . II,No . 9 .

Photographic S ociety of In dia,—Jour n al, V ol. VII,No. 2 .

Chicago . The American An tiquarian an d Orien tal Journ al,—V ol. XVI


No . 1 .

Copen hagen . K . Nordisk e Oldskrift -Selsk ab ,—Aarboger, I I Roek k e,VIII Bi n d, 4s Heft .

Dresde n . Ge sell schaft Iri s zu Dresde n ,—Deutsche E n tomologi sche

Zeitschrift,Ban d VI, Nr . 2 .

Flore n ce . La Societa Ital ian a di An tropologia, E tn ologia e Psicol ogiaComparata,—Archivo p er L ’

An tropologia e la Etn ologia, TomeXXIII,No . 2 .

70 Library. [MAR.

The Hague . Kon in k lijk In stituut voor de Taal,—~Lan d-eu Volkenku n de van Nederlan dsch- In die,— Bijdragen tot de Taal-Lan d -eu

V olk en ku n de van Nederlan dsch-I n di ’

e,5e V olgr, Deel X,


in g 1 .

Havre . Société de Géographie Commercial e du Havre, —Bul l e tin ,

Novembre—Décembre, 1 893 .

Lon don . The Academy,—Nos . 1 1 3457 37 .

A n thropological I n stitute of Great Britai n an d Irelan d,Journ al

,Vol . XXIII

,Nos . 2 an d 3 .

The A then aeum,—Nos . 3457—60 ; an d I n dex

,July to Decem

ber,1893 .

Geologi cal Soci ety,—Quarterly Journ al , V ol . L , Part 1 .

I n stitution of Mechan i cal E n gin eers,—Proceed i n gs

,No . 3


Nature,—Vol . XLIX

,Nos . 1265—68 .

Royal A siatic Soci ety of Great Bri tain an d Irelan d ,—Journ al,Vol . XXVI

,No . 1 .

Royal Astron omical Soci e ty,—Mon thly Notices, Vol . L IV,

No . 3 .

Royal Geographical Socie ty,— Geographical Journ al , Vol . III,No . 2 .

Royal Microscopical Society, —Journ al , Part 6, 1893 .

Man chester . The Man chester Literary an d Philosophical Society,

Vol . VIII,No . 1 .

Mun ich . Der K . B . Akademie der Wissen schaften zu Mun chen,Math e

matisch-Phy s ikal ische n Classe, Abhan dlun gen,Ban d XVII I,

Abth. 1 .

SitZun gsberichte, Heft . 3, 1892 ; 1 un d 2

Philosophisch -phi lol ogischen u n d historische n classe,

S itzun gsbericht,Heft . 3 un d 4

,l892 1 u n d 2

,1893 .

Mu ssoorie . The I n d ian Fores ter,—Vol . XX,No . 2 .

Paris . Journ al Asiatique,— Tome II (IX e Série ), No . 2 .

Société de Géographie,—Comptes Ren du s des Sean ces


Nos . 1 et 2 , 18941 .

Rome . La Societa degl i Spettroscmpiste Ital ian i,—Memorie, TomeXXII

,No . 12 .

St . Petersburgh . Russian Imperial Geographical S ocie ty,

- Proceedi n gs

,Tome XXIX, No . 5 .

S tockholm . E n tomologisk Tidsk rift,—Ban d XIV,Heft 1—4 .

Kon gl. Sven sk a V eten sk aps—Ak ademien s


— Biban g, Afdeln



Taipi n g . Perak Gover n me n t, —Gazette,Vol . V II, No . 3 .

72 Library. [MAR

ROSEN,V . Les Man uscri ts Arabes (Collect-ion s Scien tifiques de ’ L ’

In stitut des Lan gue s Orie n tal es, St . Petersbourg, i) . 8vo. St .Petersburg

, 1877 .

Les Man uscrits Persan s (Collec tion s Scien tifiques de L ’

I n stitut des Lan gue s Orie n tal es, St . Petersbourg, i i i ) . 8vo . St .

Petersburg .

L .



MARCH,FRANC I S A . The Spelli n g Reform . 8 V O. “

fashin gton .


Report of the Cor n el l U n iversi ty Library for the year 1892-93 . 8 V O.

Ithaca, 1893.


Return s of the Rail a n d River-Born e Trad e of Ben ga l d uri n g the

quarter e n din g the 30th September 1893 . Fcp . Cal cu tta,1894.


Man ual of Stan di n g I n formation for the Madras Presiden cy,1893 . Fcp .

Madras,1893 .

Report o n the Admin is tration of the Madras Preside n cy duri n g theyear 1892 - 93 . Fcp . Madras . 1893 .


Report on the Admi n i s tration o f th e Pun jab a n d i ts D epe n de n cies for1892 93 . Fcp . Lahore



Mon thly “ f eather Revie for Oc tober,1893 .

«Ate . Calcutta,1894 .

Origin al Me teorological Observatio n s of Calcutta,Al lahabad

,Luck n ow


Lahore, Nagpur, Bombay an d Madras for October 1893 . 4to . Cal

cutta, 18945.


Alphabetical List of Photographs in the Nor th-Wes tern Provi n ces an dOudh

,Provi n cial Museum, Luck n ow, correc ted to Sls t December

1892 . 8 VO. A l lahabad,1893 .


GOEJE,M. J . D E . Bibl iotheca GeographorumArabicorum

,Part 8 . Ki tab

a t-Tan bih. Wa’

l-Ischraf Auctore al-Masudi. 8vo . Batavia, 1894 .



f E RIO D I‘

c A LS f U RCHA SE D ,

Al lahabad . North I n dian Notes an d Q ueries,—V ol. I I I

,NO. 10.

Berli n . Deutsche Litteraturzeitu n g,— Jahrg X IV , Nrn .

- 5 1 .

Zeitschrift fiir E th n ologie,—Heft 5, 1893 .

Cassel . Botan isches Cen tralblatt,—Ban d LVI, NOS. 7—12 .

Library. 73

Ge n eva . Archives des Scie n ces Phys iques et Naturelles,

—Tome XXXI,

No . I .

lottin gen . Der Ko n igl . Gesel l schaft der IV is sen schaften ,v —Go ttin gische

gel ehrte An ze ige n ,Nrn . 22—2 t

,893 .

Nachrichte n,Nrn . 15—18, 1893 .

Leipzig . An n al e n der Physik u n d Chemie,— Baud L I , Heft 1 un d 2

Beibliitter,Ban d XVII, Stiick 12 ; X V III, l .

Leyde n . I n tern atio n al e s Archiv fiir Eth n ographie, Ban d VI , Heft 6 .

Lon don . The An n al s an d Magaz i n e of Natural History, (6 Series ),

Vols . XII,No . 72 ; XII I , 73 .

The Chemical News,— V ol . LXIX, Nos . 1783- 85, 1789 .

The E n tomologist —V ol. XX V I, No . 367 .

The E n tomologis t 3 Mon thly Magaz in e,—V ol. V (2 n d series ) ,Nos . 48 an d 49 .

The Journ al of Bo tan y,— Vols . XXXI, Nos . 372 XXX II,

The Lo n don ,Edin burgh , an d Dub l i n Philo s ophical Magaz in e

an d Journ al of Scie n ce,—5 th Series, V ol s . XXX V I , Nos . 223

XXXVII, 224.

Numismatic C ircular,—V ol. II,No . 15 .

The Quar terly Jour n al of pure an d appl ied Mathematics,

Vol . XXVI,No . 104 .

New Have n . The American Journ al of S ci e n ces,— V ol . XLVI (3rd .

Series ), No . 276 .

Paris . L ’

Academic des S c ien ces ,— Comptes Re n dus de s Sean ces,Tome

CXVI I, Nos . 19—25 ; et Tabl e s , V ol. CXV l .

A n n al e s de Chémie et de Physique,—Tome XXX (6

Série ) , Décembre 1893Revue Critique d ’ Histoire et de Littérature

,—Tome XXXVI


Nos . 41, 46—50.

Revue Scien tifique,—Tome I (49 S érie ) , Nos .-I—7 .

Philadelphia . Man ual of Con chol ogy, -Vol . XV , No . 1 ; 2 Serie s, IX , 1 .

Vie n n a . Vien n a Orie n tal Jour n al ,—V ol. V II,No . 45 .


RAY, PRATAPA CHANDRA . The Mahabharata, tran slated in to E n glishProse

,Part 87 . 8vo . Calcutta, 1893 .

RODGERS , CHARLES J . CO IN -collec tin g in Northern I n dia . 8 ro . Alla

habad, 189 4 .



f o a f li l L , 1894.

The Mon thly Ge n eral Meeti n g of the Asiatic Socie ty of Be n gal was

h eld on Wedn essday, the 4th April, 1894, at 9—15 P. M .

Dr. A. F . R . Hoern le, Vice-Presiden t, in the chair .The fol lowi n g Members w ere prese n tDr . A. W . Alcock, Babu Gyan en dra K -umar RaiChowdhuri, G. A .

Grierson ,E sq. , T. H . Hol lan d,E sq.

,Babu Sarat Chu n der Lahary,W .A .

Lee, Esq. , KumarRameshwar Maliah, C . R . _Marriott, Esq.,C.R. Wilson ,

E sq. ,

Themin utes of the last meet i n g were read an d con firmed .

Thirty-eight p re sen tation s were an n oun ced, de tail s :of which are

given in the Library Lis t appe n ded .

The fol low in g gen tl eman is a can didate for election at the n extMeetin gShams-ul-ulama Maulavi Muhammad Shibl i Noman i, Profe s sorof Arabic in the Muhammadan Ang lo-Orien tal College, Aligarh, proposed by Sir Syed Ahmed, s econ ded by T . W . Arn old

, E sq.

The Secretary reported the death of the followi n g MemberBabu Y adulél Mul l'ick .

The Chairman an n oun ced that the Coun c i l had elec ted Mr . A .

Pedler, to officiate as Treasurer in the place ofMr. C. L i ttl e .

Dr. Alcock shewed a n umber of reli c s smal l metal images, &c. )obtain ed by Babu P . C . Mukherj i, in the Bhagal pur District, an d

76 Will iam Irvin e— In scrip tion fromShamsabad . [APRI L,stated to have bee n exhumed from a k un k er quarry at Chan dipur, n earPatharghatta .

Patharghatta (ride Cun n i n gham ,Archeeol. Survey Repor ts, Vol .

XV,1882, p . 36) i s S ituated n ear 'Kolgon g, on the Gauges , an d i s

remark able for some sculptured caves . Near Kolgon g al so are rocktemples an d rui n s .The most perfect of the rel ics was an eight -petal lotus

,each petal

sculptured in high rel ief on the i n s ide a n d Open in g an d foldin g on a

hin ge,the whole en closi n g a cen tral man y -armed femal e figure .This was con sidered by experts to be late, an d corrupt, Bud dhis tic .

The fol lowi n g papers were read1 . Note on an I n scrip tion fromShamsdbdd, F drru ldtd bdd D istrict,

N .-W.P .


, B . C. S.

, (retired )The accompan yin g copy of an i n scription has bee n lyin g by me

for a good man y years . I t was prepared by my order an d se n t to meo n the 1 1th February 1878, by Mun shi Ibrar Hasan Khan ,

then Tahsildar of Qa’

imgafij. It i s taken from a ston e on a mosque upon theto; (s ite of the ol d fort ) at Shamsabad ILhOr, a tow n n ear the Ga n ges,in pargan n ah Shamsabad Wes t, Farrulghabad District . From the copythe ston e appears to be 51 i n che s x 22 i n ches, the l e tters seem to beraised, an d the verses are arran ged in two rows of three misra‘ each,havin g a row of scrol l or n ame n ts be tw ee n them . If the word s Kl id n a-i

I lahi (702 H .

,Augu st 1302 to August 1303 A . are take n as

yieldi n g the date, the mosque i s a comparative ly an cie n t buil di n g . In

an y case, the Muhammad K_ han n amed in the first l i n e can have n othin gto do with Muhammad K_ han , Ban gash, the foun der of Farruli iabad(Born 0 . 1660, died 1743 A .

I have referred to Dr . Fiihrer’

s volume, con tain in g lists of in scription s in the N .

-W . Provi n ces, an d I fi n d n o men tion of the on e ofwhi ch I n ow sen d you a copy, for publ icatio n , if thought of an y value .

[The fol low in g tran scrip tion an d tran slation has bee n furn i sh edby Maulawi

‘Abdu-l-haqq ‘Abida s) a“ ! US web 1

wlw-a l wig ) ” L3 “ b e. L5) f W 3 ) ? 2

Ail/o) M“Lal


$ 9 11: OJ .) 3

wlbj e d b l w e 5? A?”

ale 9 453 4

13K) M f r)"w a

“) J 5

we, aga ve an a

s. 6

U . C. Batabyal—Neu: Copp er


p la te Gran t of D harmap dla . 7 7

D in parwar-i-Muhammad Iihfm-i-bulan d rutbat.Burdast gI

I-i-daulat ba sauljan -i- ihsan .

Darad cu gan q-i- ta‘at an muhsi n -i- zaman a .

Tartib dad masj i d az‘aun i lutf i-yazdan .

Tarikh 1 -an Rizai j ust az khir(ad ) bigufta.

6 . Shud kl_ _1an a i- Ilahi tai iLch 1 masj id I k

_han .





Literal Tran slation .

1 . The n ourisher of the faith o fMuhammad, th e, Kh an of high ran k .

2 . Has carried away the bal l of fortun e w ith the polo- stick ofben eficen ce.

3 . As that be n efactor of the age has a des ire for devotio n .

4 . He arran ged for (i. e. ,bu i l t) a mosque by the help of the

grace of God .

5 . The date thereof Rizai sough t of w isdom , she said .

6 . ILhz‘ma-i- Ilahi (God ’ s house) was th e date of the mosque of

the K_han .

In l in e 2 m ay ,» (burdast ) is a co n traction of cum! 8b) ; (burda ast)which i s the prese n t perfec t-te n s e of L9 3

5) ? to carry .

In l in e shou ld be éj '

s w isdom,the letter i s n ot writte n in the

origin al . I t must be an oversigh t .The date

,accordin g to the Abjad cal culatio n , comes to 702 H .


wil l appear from the fol lowin g i llustrat ion

2 . On a New Copp er-

p late Gran t of D harmapala .




,in drawin g atte n tio n to the

i n teres t which attached to thi s di scovery,said that the members presen t

w ould remember that our kn owledge of the hi story of Be n gal duri n g the9 th an d 10th cen turies depe n ded almost e n tirely on a few i n scription s .The first ki n g of the Pala dy n asty, GOPALA I, was represe n ted by on e

78 Library . [APRI L,short in scription dated in the seve n th of his re ign . His successorD HARMAPALA, who came to the thron e about 830 A . D ., has hithertoal so been represen ted by a sin gle Epigraph at Bodh Gaye‘ t

,the co n te n ts

of which give us l ittle in formation . The presen t Copper-plate gran twhich has been foun d by Mr . Umes Chan dra Batabyal cl ose‘

to the

an cie n t city of Gaur, an d in which D harmap ala makes a gran t of certainlan d

,was therefore of more than usual importan ce . The plate carries

our kn owl edge of the Pala family two degrees above that of Gopala.

Mr. Batabyal reads the n ame of the gran tee as Bhattan arayan a, whichi s the same as that of on e of the five Brahman s brought in to Ben galby AdiCara . If it i s the same Bhattan arayan a, the n the question of thedate of AdiCaramay be taken as approximately fixed, an d wemay becertai n that AdiCara preceded, in stead of fol lowi n g

,the Pala dyn asty .

There has n ot bee n suffici en t time ye t to have the plate examin edby experts, but a ful l accoun t of i t w ill be publ i shed in the Journ alin due course .

3 . Noviciae I n dicae VII . D escrip tion of a n ew Mecon opsis fromSikkim,

—By D . FRAIN, E sa ,MB .

4 . Noviciae I n dicae VII I . Some addition al sp ecies of Con volvulaceae,—By D . PRAIN, E sa ,

MB .

The papers w il l be publ ished in the Journ al, Part I I .


The followi n g addition s have been made to the Library sin ce themeetin g held in March last

TRA N SA C T ION S , f RO C E E D l N G S , A N D jo uRNA L S ,

p resen ted by the resp ective Societies an d E ditors .

Baltimore . Joh n s Hopki n s U n iversity,— Circu lars

,Vol . XIII, No . 109 .

Bombay . Bombay Natural His tory Socie ty,— Jour n al , Vol . VIII,No . 3 .

The In d ian An tiquary,—V ol. XXIII, Part 283 .

Calcutta . Geological Survey of In d ia,— Records, Vol . XXVII, Part 1 .

I n d ian E n gin eerin g,—Vol . XV, Nos . 10—13 .

Copen hagen . Kon gelige Nordisk e Oldsk rift Selsk ab,—Aarboger, I I

Roek k e, IX Bin d, 1 Hefte .Edin burgh . Royal Society of Edi n burgh.

, Proceedin gs,V ol. XIX .

Tran saction s, Vol . XXXVII, Parts 1 an d 2 .

80 Library. [APRIL,BOOKS A N D f

’A M P H L E T S,

p resen ted by the Authors, Tran slators, 5m.MORSE

,EDW . S . A Curious Ain o Toy . 8vo . Sal em,Mass .If Publ ic Libraries

, why n ot Publ ic Museums ? 8vo . Salem,

Mass ,1893 .

SWYNNERTON,FRED . On some Rude Ston e Implemen ts from Back Ray,

Middl e Colaba, Bombay . 8vo. Bombay,1893 .

V ENKATASESHAYARYA, V ETSA. A San skri t-Telugu Diction ary . 8vo .

Madras, 1893 .

WALSH,J . H . TULL . Hemp Drugs a n d I n san ity . 8 vo . 1 894.

List of Deep-Sea Holothurian s,col lected durin g season s 1887

to 1 890, w ith description s of n ew specie s . 8vo . Cal cu tta, 189 1 .

On certai n Spiders which mimic A n ts . 8vo. Cal cutta,1 89 1 .

On the Habits of certain “ Harvestin g An ts . 4to . Calcutta,


Caaama,M . Erken n e n Erleb e n E rschl iessen . 4to . Mun i ch

,1893 .

GICEBEL, K . Gedacht n isrede auf Karl von Nageli . 4to . Mun ich,


FAMINTZIN,A . Ubersicht der Lei s tu n ge n auf dem Gebiet-e der Botan ik

in Rus slan d, 1890 un d 1891 . 8vo . St . Pe tersburg,1892—93 .

VV IED MANN,D R. FERDINAND . Ehs tn isch-D eu tsches .WOr terbuch,

Lieferu n g 1

—3 . 4to . ' St . Pe tersburg,1891—93 .


Mon ume n ta Co n ciliorumGen eralium. 4to . Vi n dobo n as , 1892 .


B ERGAIGNE ,ABEL . In scriptio n s San scrites de Campa et du Cambo dge,

2e Fascicul e, an d Plates .MON S I EUR A . BARTH .

Report on the Admin istratio n of the Cen tral Provin ces for the year1892—93 . Fcp . Nagpur, 1894 .


BEAMES , JOHN. Grammar of the Be n gali Lan guage . 8vo . Oxford,1894.


BAILEY, F . M . Co n tributio n s to the Queen slan d Flora. 8vo . Brisban e1893 .


Report on the Admin istration of Be n gal, 1892—93 . Fcp . Calcutta, 1894.

Library. 8 ]

Report on the River-Born e Traffic of the Low er Provin ce s Of Ben gal ,an d on the I n lan d Trade o f Cal cutta, an d on the Trade of Chittagon gPort for the year 1892—93 . Fcp . Calcutta, 1893 .

Resolutio n review in g the reports on the w orki n g of Mun icipal ities inBe n gal duri n g the year 1892—93 . Fcp . Cal cutta

,1894 .


North In dian Note s an d Querie s for Jan uary 1894 . 4to . A l lahabad1894.


Records of the Botan ical Survey of I n dia, V ol. 1,


Nos . 1 an d 2 . 8vo .

Calcutta, 1893—94 .


An n ual Admi n is tration Report of the Forest Departme n t,Madras

Preside n cy , for the fif tee n mo n ths e n di n g 30th Jun e,1893 . Fcp .

Madras , 1893 .


MUL LER,F 1\’IAX. The Sacred Books of the East,V ol. XLI . 8vo . Oxford



Report of the An n ual Meetin g of the In dian Association for theCul tivation of Scie n ce for 1892 an d 1893 . 8vo . Calcutta

,1892—93 .


The Light of the East for February 1894 . 8vo . Cal cutta,1894 .


Mon thly Weather Review for '

September 1 893 . 4to . Cal cutta, 1894.

Origi n al Meteorological Observation s of Cal cutta,A l lahabad

,Luckn ow,

Lahore, Nagpur, Bombay, a n d Madras for S eptember,1893 . 4to .

Calcutta,1894 .


Bulletin of the Microscop ical Socie ty of Calcutta, V ol . II I,Nos . 1 an d 2 .

8vo. Calcutta, 1894 .


GRIEG, JAMES A . Ophiuroidea (D en Norske Nordhavs -Expeditio n ,

1876—1878 . XXII . Zoologi ) . Fcp . Chris tian ia, 1893 .


Bull e tin of Miscel lan eous I n formation of the Royal Garde n s,Kew,1893 .

8 V O. Lon don , 1893 .


S cien tific Memoirs by Medical Officers of the Army Of In dia, Part,VIII . 4to . Calcutta, 1894 .


82 Library . [APRI L,ERIO D IC ALS f uRC I


Al lahabad . North In dian Notes an d Queries—V ol. III, No . 1 1 .

Braun schweig . Jahresbericht fi ber .die Fortschritte der Chemie un dverwan dter Theile an derer Wissen schaften ,

—Heft 4, 1889 .

Calcutta. In dian Medical Gaz ette,— V ol. XXIX, No . 3 .

G e n eva. Archives d es Scien ces Physique s et Naturel les,—TomeXXX I,No . 2 .

Leipzig. An n al e n der Physik un d Chemie,—Ban d LI, Heft 3 ; un dNamen register, Ban d l—L .


atter, Ban d XVIII, Stuck 2 .

Lon don . The Chemical News ,—Vol . LXIX,NOS. 1 787—90.

Numismatic Circular,—Vol . I I, No . 16 .

Paris . Revue Scien tifique—4e Série, Tome I ,Nos . 8—1 1 .


FORBES,JAMES . Ori en tal Memoirs : a n arrative of seve n t een years re si

de n ce in I n dia, 2n d Edition . Vol s . I an d II,an d Plates . 8vo.

an d 4to . Lon don , 1834 .

HAMI LTON FRANC I S . An Accoun t of the Ki n gdomof Nepal, an d of the

territor ie s an n exed to this domin ion by the House of Gorkha . 4to .E din bu‘

rg,ML'LLERS, IF . MAX. The Sacred Books of the East

,Vol . XLI .

-8vo .

Oxford, 1894.

VALENTIA, GEORGE. Voyages an d Travels to I n dia, C eylon ,the Red Sea


Abyssin ia, an d Egypt, in the years 1802, an d

1806,Vols I—III . -

.4to . Lon do n , 1809 .

V ERELST, HARRY. A V iew of the rise, progress, an d pres en t state of

the En gl i sh Govern me n t in Ben gal : in cludin g .a reply to themi srepresen tation s of Mr . Bolts

,an d o ther writers . 4to. Lon don ,

1 7 72 .




f o g MA Y c? f uN E , 1894,

The Mon thly Gen eral Meetin g of the Asiatic Soc iety of Be n galwas held on Wed n es day

,the (5th Ju n e, 1894, at 9—15 P . M .


,in the chair.

The fol l owi n g Membel s we1 e p1 esen tH . K . W . A1 n old, Esq Babu Gyan en dra Kumar Rai Chaudhmi,

A . Ho o g, E sq, C. R . Marxiott,E sq.

,A . Pedler, E sq.

,C. R Wilson ,

E sq.

The min ute s of the April Meeti n g were read an d con firmed .

The Coun ci l reported that n o meetin g was held in May, as a quo

rumof members w as n ot presen t .Fifty- n ve prese n tation s were an n oun ced, detai l s of which are given

in the Library Lis t appe n ded .

The follow i n g gen tleman,duly prop osed an d sec on ded at the April

Meetin g of the Socie ty,was ballotted for an d ele cted a n Ord i n ary

memberShams -ul-Ulama Mau lavi Muhammad Shibl i Noman i.

The fol l owin g ge n tleme n are can didate s for election at the n extmeetin g

Surgeon -Captain D . M . Meir,

prep osed by SurgeonCaptai n J . H . Tul l Wal sh

,secon ded by Surgeon -Captain A . W . A lcock .

Ku n war Kushal Pal Si n ha, M . A .

,proposed by Colo n e l H . S .

Jarrett, secon ded by Dr . A . F . R . Hoern le.

84 W . Hoey— Séhgamfi Copp er-P late. [MAY JUNE,

The fol l owi n g gen tleman has expressed a w ish to w ithdraw fromthe Socie ty

Maj or M . J . Meade,S.C.

The SECRETARY reported th e death of the follow i n g membersPrin ce Iskan der A liMirza, Bahadur,Babu Bhudeva Muk erjea, C.I .E .

Kumar In drachan d ra Sin gh .

J . P . Scotlan d , Esq.

, C. E .

The CHAI RMAN an n oun ced the followi n g el ection s made byCoun ci l :Dr. A . F . R . Hoern le

,as Officiatin g Philological Secretary, vice

Mr . G . A . Grierson .

Dr. A. W . A lcock,as Natural History Secre tary

,vice Dr . J . H . Tul lWal sh .

Dr . Wal sh , as An thropological Secretary, vice Dr . Alcock .

The CHAI RMAN al so an n oun ced that Dr . Wal sh had resign ed theAn thropol ogical Secretaryship of the Socie ty .

The CHAIRMAN read a l etter, dated l0th May 1894, from thePrivate Secre tary to the Viceroy an d Gover n or-Gen era l of I n d ia,con vey i n g Lord E lgin ’ s acceptan ce of the offi ce of Patron of the

A siati c Society of Ben gal .

The CHAIRMAN also read letters from Dr . Rein hold Res t,Mon sieur

Loui s Pasteur, Sir Will iam He n ry Flower , Dr . Edward Fran klan d,an d Professor Theodor Noeldek e, expressi n g than ks for bein g electedHon orary Members of the As iatic Society of Ben gal .

The PH ILOLOGI CAL SECRETARY exhibited the SOhgaura Copper-plate,an an cien t in scriptio n in AcOk a characters (see Plate I ) presen ted tothe Society by Dr . W . Hoey, an d read the foll owi n g n otes on

the same by Dr . Hoey an d Mr . V . A. Smith,I .C .S.

N ote on the Séhgaurd Copp er-Platefi By D R. W . HOEY, I .C.S.

Shortly after the Rapti river passes Gorakhpur city it makes aserIes of rapid ben ds , an d o n e of these occurs j us t after i t has bee nj ow ed by the Ami river . It i s abou t a mile - an d -a -half across then eck of this be n d, an d the whole l e n gth is a series of moun d s


or le ss con tin uous , a n d these give their n ames to the homestead s orvi l lages, begi n n in g with Tikar on the North, then Kaithauli, SOhgaura,

PRe s omcs .As Soc .BENGALJ894 .


Phot o-etehmg 0 Calcutt a .Ju n e 189 4


Fu ll Size .

86 W . Hoey— SOhgawrd Copp er-Plate. [MAY JUNE,

n ear each corn er, an d i t i s evide n t that i t was in ten ded to attach theplate by rivets to some other objec t. The upper portion of the plate,to the exten t of about on e- third of the surface

,i s occupied by symbols,

su ch as are common ly cal led Buddhis tic, an d the remai n i n g two-third sof the surface are covered by an i n scription in four l in e s . Both symbol san d l etters are cast in high rel ief

,an d are in a state of almost perfect

preservation . The back of the plate i s rough .

The symbol to the left i s a con ven tio n al represen tation of a tre e,con sisti n g of a stem an d three l eaves w i th stalks

,stan di n g i n side a rai l in g .

The n ext object may be described as a pavilion w ith curved con vexroof restin g on four pil lars, an d surmou n ted by a duplicate s imilarcurved roof, restin g on three supports, an d topped by three short pole s .Next in order comes an obj ect like a lon g-han d led spoon , w ith a

k n ob at the en d of the han d le, sta n din g on the kn ob The four thsymbol i s the so-called co n ven tion al “ Buddhi st caitya, formed ofthree curves

,surmoun ted by a crescen t, w i th a bal l en closed . The fifth

symbol , placed above the l in e,con sists of a d isc or bal l (the sun ) , w ith

a crescen t (th e moon ) , placed ob l iquely above it .The sixth symbol i s a curved tree - stem

,withou t l eaves, s tan din g

in a rail in g . The seven th an d last symbol i s a repetition of the secon d,n amely, the two- storied pavilion .

The tree of the first symbol may be in te n ded for a sail (Shared

robusta) tree . The leafles s tree can n ot be ide n tified, n or can I explai nthe spoon - l ike object. The shape of the roofs of the pavil ion s suggests that the figures are i n ten ded to represen t bu i ldi n gs con structed of

wood an d bamboos .The n umber of characters (aksam) in the i n scriptio n i s as


Total 72

The characters are an cien t Nagari, of the Maurya period , an d

appear to me n ot to differ materially from those used in Acok a’

s Girn ar

i n script ion ,as give n by Dr . Burges s in Plate V of V ol. IV of the Archaeo

l ogical Survey Reports of Western I n dia.

A lmost every l etter is perfect, an d can be read at sight withoutdoubt or hesitation .

The on ly exception s are as followLin e 1 , character 1 1 . This character is blurred, bu t seems to be a

q p . The dot on it seems to be an usvdm.

W . Hoey— Séhgaw d Copp er-Plate. 87

Lin e 3, character 9 . This letter i s sl igh tly damaged,an d may be

ei ther a c, or I

The las t l e tter in l in e 1 , i s plai n ly at k, though of smal l si ze,owi n g,

appare n tly, to wan t of space . Most of the le tters are about i n ch inheigh t.The lan guage seems to be Pan ,

but I am u n abl e to tran slate th edocume n t . The in i tial 5 in l i n e 2, an d the i n i tial a in l in e 4, certai n lymake the begi n n in gs of word s .The plate was fou n d several years ago durin g the excavati on of the

fou n dation s of a hous e at Sohgaura n ear Gurmhi, the seat of a con s iderable an cie n t town in the Gorakhpur d i s tric t . Gurmhi i s abou t eightee nmil e s d i stan t from Gorakhpur, a l ittl e eas t of south .

The gen uin en ess of the p late i s beyon d question .

No copper- plate i n scription of n early equal an tiqui ty has ever beenfoun d, so far as I amaware

,an d the discovery n ow an n oun ced is


f ore,of co n s id erabl e i n terest an d importan ce .The tran sl i teratio n of the Sohgan ra copper -plate as read by me i s

as fol low sn ataaan w n afiefin aafufaw

fi rqfa n fifien fia’

wfifzafi an n i’n

fireafi n vjn aafliw fifl fi

“ Fan fw famfw aflm‘smaNote on the same—By D R. A . F . RUDO L F HOERNLE .

There are some more let ters in this in scrip tion which appear tome doubtfu l .Li n e 1

,l etter 7 , may be a gh ; an d l etter 1 ] appears to me rather

to be Hm. The dot above i t i s attached to the le tter,

an d may bemerely on e of the un even n e sse s of the cast . There are n umerou s(appare n tly) mean i n gless d ots on the surface s of the p late

,bei n g the

resul t of the plate havin g been cast in a san d -moul d of imperfec t smoothn ess such dots


, are seen to the left of l etters 3 , 4, 5 , in l in e 1 . Thew ord here i n te n ded may be sascmé (Shr . cé sawé ) . The l en gth of

vowel s doe s n ot s eem to be always in dicated .

Lin e 2, le tters 1 an d 2 are n ot quite clear . Letter 2may be fa ti,

though there are traces of a l eft-han d tai l , scarc ely v is ibl e in thefacsimile plate

,w hich suggest the readi n g fi t si. Le tter 6 i s probab ly

on ly H dha . Le tter ] 0 i s probably on ly a t a ; the dot i s attach ed tothe l et ter

,an d i s probably n ot an a n usvara but on e of the above- n oted

imperfec tion s of the cas t . Letter 13 i s n ot f? (H,but g (in . The w ord s

here are ere dare kéflt - agczlan i (Sk r. kwh- drgalc'

in i or perhaps kam

88 J . Cockburn -A D ec/

ritep lug. [MAY (it JUN E,

dgd rdzzi t.e.,these two bolts of storehouse s or these two store

They w oul d seem to refer to the two house s, d epicted above thew ri tin g .

Lin e 3,le tter 11

,may be q dam; there i s a d i s tin ct dot on the

right of the top ; though this agai n may be merely o n e of the imperfectio n s of the cast . Letter 14 is un certai n ; It looks like if l w ith itsleft (smaller) l imb crossed by a straight lin e . I t can hard ly be iv“? 16,as read by Mr . Smith th e stroke for the vowel 6 wou l d be attached tothe left side of th e right (lo n ger) l imb Of the con son an t Z. It i s ju stposs ibl e

,that there are really two let ters we

,made verymi n utely


a n d 1: m. There are several le tters,in thi s in scription s

,made smal ler

than the res t . The last l etter a»? k in the first l in e,i s an other in s tan ce

of such a mi n ute letter. These min ute le tte rs may have been origin al ly omitted, an d w ere afterward s in serted in the avai labl e space .Other rather smal ler letters are No . 2, H gh, in l in e 3, an d below itNo . 2 , it? It, in l in e 4. The smal l n es s of these appears to be due to thehole betw ee n them .

Li n e 4,letter 1

,i s in all probabil ity H s (n ot it p ) . The left

(lon ger ) l imb an d i ts tai l are cl early traceable in the origin al, an d can

be just distin guished in the facsimil e plate . Letter 6 may be i f


In the origi n a l there is a dis tin ct dot to the right of W a,just d is cern

ible in the facsimile . This wou ld give the w ord cmittiyd Letter14 has a curious form ; the body of i t i s clearly g h, a n d the markattached to the top of it, is the usual mark of the vowel but in a re

versed pos i tion ; moreover, there i s a dot w ithin the an gle of this mark .

The meeti n g resolved that a vote of than ks be give n to Dr . Hoeyfor the copper-plate .

The NATURAL H I STORY S ECRETARY exhibited a Diori te plug,for

warded by Mr . J . Cockburn , Opium Departmen t, an d read the fol lowin g n ote that accompan ied the specimen

“ Some years ago, probably in 1880, I prese n ted a specime n of a

polished cel t of D eorite to the In dia n Museum . The specimen was

from the Ban da District, an d i s remarkable for havin g a perforationthrough i t which wou ld at first sight lead to the in fere n ce that i thad bee n hefted in the modern way, that is , w ith the han dle througha n eye in the head of the hatchet, i n s tead of the head bein g p ut

through a n eye in the han d le,which was the usual pre -his toric method .

As there has been n o kn own i n stan ce of a perforated cel t havin gbeen foun d in I n d ia, the specime n in question ought to be extremelyvaluabl e, were it gen ui n e . This u n fortun ately it i s n ot, an d the

J . Cockburn A D iorite p lug. 89

e n cl osed core has bee n dril led out of it an d ought to fit th e perforatio n .

To begin wi th,the cel t i tself i s a gen u i n e an tique— but the per

foration i s a forgery . This Specimen was brought for sa l e to a ge n t l eman in the Archaeological Survey at Ban da by a n agate lapidary n amed ,Kiratally,

who d ied lately, so there i s n o harm in men tio n i n g his n ame .The perforatio n in the ce l t was smeared w i th red - lead

,a n d o n

exami n i n g the specime n carefully, I at o n ce pro n oun ced it a forge ry .

To begin w ith , th e perforation was at right -a n gle s to the edge,an d th e

implemen t did n ot look l ike a n ad ze .

2 n dly. I con sidered the perforation too smal l to admit a moderately stron g an d prac ticable han dle— though there are specime n s of

E uropean perforated axe s in which i t i s n ot much larger.Sad ly . On removi n g a portion Of the pigme n t which had bee n

freshly appl ied , I at o n ce said that the borin g had bee n recen tly don e .

However I purchased the specime n as a forgery , for 8 or 10 rupees,a n d prese n ted it to the Mu seum—as such .

On my retur n to Ban da ,in 1883 or 1884, Kiratally presen ted me

w ith the accompan y i n g core , which he said he had himself bored out

of the celt he sold me . The semi-polished face t at o n e cor n er of thean gu lar en d sh ow s the origin al weathered surface of the cel t .

The flat en d shows where it was broken off, whe n i t stood up as a

pi l lar after the borin g had bee n n early completed .

The fragmen ts were probably k n ocked ou t from the opposite en dw i th a chisel , he n ce the pi llar in its l e n gth w il l n ot corre spo n d w iththe ce lt in th ickn es s, though it ought to n early do so in diameter


difi eren ce bei n g due to th e los s of material which has bee n bor edaway .

I have n ot been abl e to fit the plug to the specimen in the Museum,

but th ere can be n o doub t as to the authen ticity of th e fragme n t .

Application might be made to the authoritie s of the I n dian Museumto exhibit the cel t a t th e meet i n g of the S ociety at which the paper i sread . I prepose to prese n t the plug to the I n dian Museum after theSociety has don e w ith it .

The meth od of borin g adopted is very an cien t an d very efi ective .

A tube of copper, bras s, or tin n ed sheet- iro n i s u sed as a dri ll , the cutti n gedge bei n g charged with fi n ely powdered emery powder . The emeryis fromthe mi n e s of Pipra, in Rewah, which woul d appear to have bee nworked for the past years .

Mr . Flin ders Pe trie, in his paper on The Mechan ica l Methods of

the A n cien t Egyptian s,”

has proved by partia l ly bored specime n s, thatthe Egyptian s perforated hard rocks in thi s way .

90 C . J . Rodgers— Jahan gir’

s lll ohm'

s an d Rup ees . [MAY JUNE,I may men ti on that I met at the Shop of Kiratally, on e of the most

en terprizin g n ative Coi n Collectors in I n dia, aman from Kan ouj, who,

when he obtai n ed a rare coin,always careful ly copied it, an d sold his

copies to the public . I have see n n umbers of hi s forgerie s Kiratally ifwasa perfec t Flin t Jack, an d could turn out flin t flakes

,cores , an d arrow

heads which cou ld hardly be disti n gui shed from ge n uin e . He was a

fi rst-rate workman ,an d had there bee n a larger field in I n dia for th e

sal e of sto n e impleme n ts might have emu lated that misguided i n dividual .

The followi n g papers w ere read1 . Coin s Supp lemen tary to Thomas ’

Chron icles of the Pa tha n Kin gs

of D elhi, No . 5 .

—By C. J . RODGERS, ESQ , Hon orary Numismatist to the

Governmen t of I n dia .

The paper w i l l be publ ish ed in the Journ al, Part I .2 . Jahan gir

s ZlIohn rs an d Rup ees,—By C. J . RODGERS, ESQ . ,Hon o

rary Numisma tist to the Governmen t of I n dia .

I . I have ju st come across a passage in the Tozuk -i-Jahan giriw hich Imarked years ago, but which had qu i te escaped my memory whe nI wrote my “ Catal ogue of the Coin s of the Mogul an d Suri Emperorsof In dia,” for the Pan jab Govern men t. It i s in the chapter headedufi

l‘wb U NA? j l wi gs an d run s thus,at page 96 of the ’

A ligarhE dition of 1864, edi ted by the Hon

ble S ir Sayid Ahmad, K .O.I E .



“ rifle re)

? ”A? “if (thy ?



s o w ls)[s amp le y) AS at ”

) uéj"?

rLfl ) o a)

; it‘d» )

ur fllw l ) 0m”) EM » w) ? “ 5“ w) ? 5 “ M y ”

Aim”may, 66 51 an

(é);pi; c amb hin C515“

L391.» 1) i jx" eJllu o G Amb G U


s tatany

“ da m

This passage i s exceed i n gly valuable . A t page 5 he gives an ao

cou n t of the coin s he ordered to be struck . The silver coin s he ment io n s are of 100 tolas, 50 tolas, 20 tolas, IO tolas, 5 tolas, l tola,


, (n isar 1—‘

ath of a tola . He does n ot me n tion a n y coin of more

than a tola, except mu l tiple s . Now ,in all Coi n Catalogues there are

rupees of Jahan gir weighi n g from 2 10 to 221 grai n s whereas his u sualrupees weigh o n ly about 1 76 grai n s . The Mohurs of his early years

,too, run up to 2 10 grain s, as again s t the usual w eight of 168 grai n s .The chan ge made by the Emperor dates from the 11 th of Ardibihisht


C. J . Rodgers J ahcin gir’

s Mohurs an d Rup ees . 9 1

Of the 6th year of his reig n . In my catal ogue,a mohur of Farwardin

of year 6,weighs 218 grain s , but i t has a loop attached an d would pro

bably weigh but 2 10 grai n s without i t . An othe r mohur of D i,the same

year, we ighs 168 gra in s , D i bein g the te n th mon th an d Earwardin thefirs t ; while Ardibihisht i s the secon d mon th of the year . Of rupees ofthe 6th year in my list i s On e struck in Ardibihisht w eigh in g 2 17 g rai n son e of Lahor, of Tir 2 1 7 , an d o n e of Lahor, of Amardad ,

of 175 grai n s .Tir i s the fourth mon th

,a n d Amardad i s the fifth

,so that we see that

the orders of the Emperor reached Lahor after the s triki n g of thesetwo rupees . They did n ot reach Kashmi r a n d Qan dahar

,however, so

easily, for in my ca tal ogue are 3 rupees of Kashmir of the 7 th year,

weighin g 209 5,2 10 a n d 2 1 1 grain s

,a n d on e of Qan dahar weighin g

209 5 .

There is a difficu lty, however, in the pas sage . I t says that the increas e in the mohur an d rupee was on ly three ratis . Now

,three ratis

i s a n ordi n ary variation in rupees fromw ear an d tear, as can be s ee n by

a casua l glan ce at an y Coi n Ca talogue, an d such a smal l i n creme n t w ou ldn ot i n con ven ien ce a n ybody . The w ord for 3 in Persia n i s a“ , I propose to cha n ge it to or 30. I fi n d that 30 rati seeds gathered byme on the fie ld of Karuk hshetra w eigh 44 gra i n s

, an d 44 i s the diff ere n ce between 1 76 a n d 220. I fi n d, however, that 30 rati seeds gatheredby me at Nfirpur in th e Kan gra District weigh 54 grai n s, s o that wemu s t kn ow what kin d of ratis were in use in Agra

, where probablyJahan gir held his Court .Suppose we a lte r the word rati to masha, the n three mashas are

e qual to 24 ratis . Now , 24 of the Nurpur “

atis d raw exactly 44 grai n s .Some time ago I obtai n ed from th e bazar a ston e w eight, a masha,


w eighed 9 ratis . This is the masha in use amo n gst j ewel lers an d

sel lers of precious sto n es .I thi n k the word shoul d be masha, an d n ot rati. Ratis are n ever

u sed for w eighin g thi n gs that are a mash-a I n weigh t. on ly for weigh i n gfractio n al parts of the masha . Both methods of correctin g the tex tagree w ith the weigh ts of rupees in our col lectio n s . I have n ot a n y

other editio n of the Tozuk . The Urdu tran slation gives 3 ratis,so I

presume it was made fromthe Aligarh Edition .

The differe n ce in the w eigh ts of the mohurs i s n ot the same as thedifi eren ce in the rupees 210 grai n s . It i s , how ever, n eare n ough . Some Of the early mohurs w ere o n ly 202 grain s . A s thosein the Lahore Museumare as fresh as if they had come from the min tye sterday, wemay say that that was their origi n al weigh t . A fterward sthey rose ' to 210 grai n s .

I believe this is the o n ly pas sag e in which Jahan gir n oti ces his

9 2 C . J . Rodgers— Johdn gz’


s Zlfohn i's a n d Rup ees . [MAY JUNE,heavy mohurs an d rupees . It gives us th e key, however, to hi s earlycoin age . Perhaps in the Library of the Asiatic Society there is a goodman u script of the Tozuk -i-Jahan giri. The passage certain ly n eedscorrection .

I I . In the Tozuk -i-Jahan giri,Aligarh Edition of 1864, by SyudAhmud

, at p . 207,we have the follow in g .

“ a“ ;

If“ V 319 )

o rv [sagg ing b an i, 39 3 An s

Afi iuléao) ¢

a» ; dim; but»

u(g.13 | r Aim


mea “M b )

? (u h) ? l l' 61“ “


ii w t ) “ 33wit/0,6 f ee

We 5? 1 °“ 1 u ‘ o

{15j ! u» :

g a inthis ; 19

213j111, am

) was fi r: sin[ Sus i





!; w g sl

fi . a n ;On


I n the U rdu tran slation of the Tozuk , pri n ted at the Nigami Press,

Cawn pore, in 129 1 H . (1 874 A . the first part of thi s extract i s thu stran slated —

p . 154, &c., 195) K6 753

” l ill -lo afi i [5 pi“ Lit”

u7s° U fi€31) ) l


‘sRad -J 8A”) ) ,l J r


In the Pe1 sian we I ead that the w eights of the tan kas wei e to beten , twen ty t imes the weights of the mohurs or rupees . In the Hidnwe read they w ere to be halves of the same, an d the n ew coin s aretermed tan gas n ot tan kas .

Agai n in the latter part of the Persian we read “

M 511 ? ”

thi s has n o mean in g . I t ought to be d “ j lj -gfi besides copper .

I wou ld remai k that the tan ga s w ei e s iyah a n d safecl, the siyahw ere of bil lon ,

an d the coi n s of the Lodis,an d of Firoz Shah Tughlaq

e n eai ly all of th is kin d . The sufed tan kas were silver,an d thi s

n ame was given to the coi n s which were stru ck by Bihar an d HumayI


In,an d the ir forefathers . The tan gas were a lways fraction al p arts of a

rup ee : they w ere n ever heavy coin s , or valuabl e coi n s .

My obj ect in draw in g the atten tion of the members of th e Societyto this passage, i s to obtain variou s readi n gs of the parts overli n e-d .

There must beman uscripts Of the Tozuk -i- Jahan giri,by the dozen ,


differen t libraries in I n d ia . Will members kin dly ass is t in ascertai nin g the true readin gs .

94 L ibra ry . [MAY J UNE,

Chicago , II] . The American An tiquarian an d Orie n tal Journ al, —Vol .XVI

,No . 2.

Colombo . Ceylon Bran ch of the Royal Asiatic Society,— Jour n al,Vols .

XI an d XII I .Proceed i n gs

,1889 -90.

Fran kfurt a . 0 . Des Naturw is se n schaftl iche n Verein s des Reg .

Bez . , Fran kfurt, —Hel ios, Jahrg XI, Nrn . 10—12 .

SocietatumLitteree, Jahrg VIII, Nrn 1 -3 .

The Hague . Kon in k lijk e In stituut voor de Taal,

—La n d -en Volkenkun de van Nederlan dsch- In d i 'e, —Bijdragen tot de Taal -La n d-eu

V olk en k un de van Nederlan dsch- In dié, 5

e V olgr ., Deel X, Aflver

in g 2 .

Kon in k lijk e Natuurk un dige Vereen igi n g in Nederlan dsch

I n die,— Natuurk un dig Tijdschrift voor Nederlan d sch-In die, Deel

LII un d LIII .Nederlan dsche E n tomologi sche Vereen igin g, —Tijdschrift voor

E n tomologie,Ban d XXXVI


, 1 u n d 2 .

Havre . Société de Geographie Commercial e du Havre,—An n uaire,Jan vier, 1894 .

Leige . La Soci été Géol ogiqu e de Belgique,— An n al e s,Tome XXI


No 1 .

Lon don . The Academy, —Nos . 1 142—50.

The Ath en aeum ,— Nos . 3465—73 .

Geological Soci ety,— Quarterly Journ al, V ol . L,Part 2 .

I n stitution of E l ectrical E n gin eers‘,—Journ al

,V ol. XXIII

,Nos .

109 an d 1 10.

List of Offi cers an d Members, corrected to Jan uary3 1st, 1894 .

Nature,—Vol . XLIX,

Nos . 1273—78 ; L .,12 79- 81 .

Numismatic Circular,— V ol . I I, Nos . 1 6—18 .

Royal A siatic Society of Great Britain an d Irelan d,—Journ al ,

Part II, 1894 .

Royal Astron omical Society, - Mon thly Notice s, V ol



Nos . 4 an d 5 .

Royal Geographical Society,—Geographical Journ al, V ol . III,

Nos . 4 an d 5 .

Royal I n sti tution of Great Bri tai n ,—Pro'ceedi n gs

, V ol. XIV,

Part I .Royal Microscopical Society,—Journ al

,Part I

,1894 .

Royal Socie ty,—Proceedin gs, Vol s . LIV, Nos . 326—30 LV,

331 an d 32 .

Royal S tatistical Soci ety,—Journ al, Vol . LVI, Part 4 .

189 I, ] Library. 95

Lon ddn . Zoological Society of Lon don ,—Proceedi n gs

,Part IV

, 1893 .

Tran sactio n s, Vol . XIII , Part 8 .

Melbourn e . Royal Socie ty of Vic toria,~ —Proceedi n gs, New Series , V ol .

VI .Mexico, La Sociedad Cien tifica “ An ton io Al zate

,—Memorias y Re

vista, Tome V II, Nos . 7—10.

Nan tes . La Société des Scie n ce s Naturell e s de L ’

Q uest de la Fran c e,

—Bul l etin,Tome I I I

,Nos . 2—4.

New Have n . American Orie n tal Society,— Journ al , Vol . XVI, No . 1 .

Paris . Journ al A siatique,—Tome II (IXe Séri e ),No . 3 .

Musée Guimet, Revue de L ’

His toire des Rel igion s,Tome

XXVII , No . 3 ; XXVIII, 1 .

La Soeiété d’

An thropologie de Paris —Bul l etin s , Tome IV(IV e Série ) , Nos 5—10.


Tome I (38 Série ), Fasc . 1 .

La Socié té de Géographie,— Bul letin ,Tome X IV (V IIe Série ),

No . 3 .

Comptes Re n du s des Sean ce s,—Nos . 5—10, 1894 .

Pisa . La Soci eta Toscan a di S c ien z e Naturali,—Atti,Memorie



Proces s i Verbal i, 21 Ge n n ai o, 1894 .

Rome . La Societa Degl i SpettrOSCOpisti I talian i, - Memorie,Tome

XXII I , Nos . 3 et 4.

San Fran ci sco . Cali forn ia Academy of S cien ces,—Memoirs, V ol . I I,

No . 3 .

San tiago . La Société Seien tifique da Chil i, —Actes , Tome I I I, No . 3 .

St . Petersburgh . Royal Imperial Russian Geographica l Society,—Pro

ceedin gs, V ol . XXIX , No . 6 .

Stockholm . Sverige s Ofi en tligaBibliotek ,—Access ion s -Katal og,1886—92 .

Sydn ey . Lin n ean Society of New South Wal es,— Proceedin gs, V ol .

VII I,Parts 2 an d 3 .

Taipin g . Perak Gover nmen t ,— Gazette,Vol V II

,Nos . 4

, 6—10.

Tok io . Der Deutschen Gesel l schaf t fiir Natur-un d V olk erku n de Os

tasien s in Tokio,—Mittheilun gen ,Heft 53 .

Trin g . Novitates Zoologicae, Ban d 1, Nos . 1 un d 2 .

Turin . La R . Accademia del la Scie n z e d i Tori n o,—Atti, Tome XXIX,

Nos . 5—10.

Os servazion e Meteorologiche , 1893 .

Vie n n a . D er A n thropologes‘

chen Gesel lschaft in Wie n ,—Mittheilun

gen ,Ban d XXIV,

Heft 1 .

D er K . K . Geologi sche n Reichsan sta‘


— Verhan dlu n ge n,Nrn .


96 Library . [MAY 85 JUNEWashin gton . U n ited States Nation al Museum'

,- Proceedin gs

,Vol . XV .

Well i n gto n . New Zealan d I n stitute,Tran sactio n s a n d Proceedi n gs


Vol . XVIII .Polyn esian Society

,—Journ al

,Vol . III, No . 1 .

Zurich . Der Naturforschen den Gesel l schaft in Ziirich,—Vierteljahrs

schrif t,Tome XXXIX, Nrn . l .

fiOOK S A N D f AM P H L HT s ,

p resen ted by the Authors, Tran slators, &c,

GRUNWED EL, ALBERT . Buddhistische Ku n st in I n dien . 8vo. Berlin,

1893 .

L YMAN,BEN JAMIN SMITH . Age of the Newark Brown ston e . 8vo .

Philadelphia, 1894.

OLDHAM,R . D . The Evolution of I n dian Geography . 8vo . Lon don ,

1893 .

FRAIN,DAVID . Memoirs an d Memoran da, chiefly Botan ical . 8vo . Cal

cutta, 1894 .


Y,PRATAPA CHANDRA . The Mahabharata, tran slated i n to E n glishProse

,Part 88 . 8vo . Calcutta, 1893 .

RAHTJI, ALOPI D IN. The Book of Wisdom . 8vo . Allahabad,1894 .

STE IN,M . A . Zur Geschichte der Qab i s von Kabul . 8vo . Stuttgart,

1893 .

]VI ISC E L LA N 13 0 U S f RE S E N T A T ION S

BENDAL L,CEC I L . Catalogue of San skrit, Bali, an d Prakrit Books in

the Briti sh Museum,Lon don ,

acquired durin g the years 1876—92 .

4to . Lon don ,1893 .

BEZOLD, C. Catal ogue of the Cun eiformTablets in the KOl'lyll IIJIkCollection of the Briti sh Museum, Lon don ,V ol . II I . 8vo. Lon don ,1 893 .

MARGOLIOUTH,G . Descriptive List of the Hebrew an d Samaritan MSS .

in the Briti sh Mu seum, Lon do n . 8v0 . Lon don ,1 893 .

OG I LV IE-GRANT,W . R . Catalogue of the Bird s in the Briti sh Mus eum ,

Lon don , V ol. XXII . 8vo . Lon don ,1893 .


Notes on the An n ual Statemen ts of the Govern men t Charitable D ispen saries in

the Ce n tral Provin ce s for the year 1893 . Fcp . Nag

pur, 1894.

Report on the Lu n atic A sylums of the C e n tral Provin ce s for the year1893 . Fcp . Nagpur, 1894 .

98 Library . [MAY JUNE,Gaze tteer of the Amritsar District

,1893 -94. Revised Edition . 8 V 0 .



In dian MuseumNotes, V ol . II I, No . 3 . 8 V O. Calcutta, 1894 .


The In dian Journ al Of Education for February to May 1894 . 8vo .

Madras, 1894.


S CHRE I BER,TH EODOR. Die Alexan dri n i sches Toren tek . U n tersuch

un gen fiber die Griechische Goldschmiede Ku n st imPtolemaeerreiche, Thei l I .

D ERKONIGL . SACHS I S CHEN GE SELLS CHAFT D ERW I S SENSCHAFTENI n dian Meteorological Memoirs , Vol . VI , Part I . 4to . Cal cu tta, 1894 .

Mon thly Weather Review for November an d December,1893 an d

Jan uary,1894. 4to Calcutta, 1894 .

Origin al Meteorological Observatio n s of Calcutta,Al lahabad, Luckn ow,

Lahore,Nagpur, Bombay aud Madras for November an d December


1893 an d Jan uary, 1894. 4to . Cal cutta,1894 .


Bul l etin of the Microscopical Society of Calcutta, Vol . II I, Nos . 3 an d

4 . 8vo . Calcu tta, 1894.

Library Catal ogue of the Microscopical Society of Calcutta, March1894 . 8vo Calcutta, 1894.


An n ual Report of the D irector of th e Royal A lfred Observatory,

Mauritius, for the year 1892 . Fcp .


Massachusetts Tufts College Stud ie s,No . 1 . 8 V O Massachusetts , 1894.


Report of the Preside n t of Yal e U n iversi ty, New Have n,for the year

e n din g December 31 st, 1893 . 8 V 0 . New Haven ,1894 .



Allahabad . North I n d ian Notes an d Q ueries,— Vols . II I, Nos . 12 ;

IV, 1 .

Berl in . Deu tsche Litteraturzeitun g,— Jahr . XV

,Nr n . 1—6 ,

Braun schweig . Jahreshericht iiber die For t-s chritte der Chemie u n d

verwan d ter Theile a n d erer Wissen schaften ,Heft 4 1889 ; I , 1890

Cal cutta . T he Cal cutta Review,—Vol XCVII I, No . 196 .

In dian Medical Gazette, - Vol . XXIX,Nos . 4 an d 5 .

Casse l . Botan isches Cen tI-alblatt, —Ban d LVI,Nrn . I3 ; LVII, 1—7 .

Library. 99

Ge n eva. Arch ive s des S cie n ce s Physiques et Naturelles,—Tome XXXI,

NOS. 3 et 4.

Gotti n ge n . Der Kon igl . Gesellschaf der VV issen Schaften,

-Gottin gis

che gelehrte A n zeigen,Nrn . 25 un d 26 1893 1 un d 2



Nachrichte n ,Nr n . 19—2 1

,1893 .

Leipzig . An n al e n der Physik u n d Chemie,— Ban d LI, Heft 4 ; LII, I .Beiblatter, Ban d XVIII, Stiick 3 u n d 4.

Leyde n . I n tern ation al es Archiv “

fiir Ethn ographie , -= Ban d VII,Heft 1 .

Lon don . The An n al s an d Magaz i n e of Natural History,a V ol. XIII(6th Serie s ),NOS. 74 u n d 75 .

The Chemical News,—V ol . LXIX

,Nos . 1 79 1—98 .

The E n tomologist,—Vol . XXVII,Nos . 368—70.

The E n tomologi st ’ s Mo n thly Magazin e,

-V ol. V Serie s ) ,Nos . 357 an d 58 .

The Ibis ,V ol. VI (6th Series) , No. 2 1 .

The Jour n a l of Botan y ,-V ol . XXXII

,Nos . 374 an d 75 .

The Lo n don ,Edin burgh an d Dubli n Philosophical Magazi n e

an d Journ al of Scie n ce,

—Vol . XXXVII (5th S eries ) , Nos . 225an d 26 .

The Messen ger of Mathematics—V ol . XXIII (New Series ) ,

The Numismatic Chron icle,— Third Series, Part IV,1893 .

Numismatic Circular,— V ol . 1 1,Nos . 1 7 an d 18 .

The Quarterly Journ al of Microscopical S cien ce, —V ol . XXXV(New Series) , Parts 3 a n d 4 .

Rhopal ocera E xotica,

—Part 27, 1894.

New Have n . The American Journ al of S ci e n ce,—V ol. XLVII (3rd

S erie s) , Nos . 277 an d 278 .

Paris . L’

Académie des S cie n ce s, —Comptes' Ren dus des Sean ces, TomeCXVI I

,Nos . 26 ; CXVIII, 1—8 .

An n al e s de Chimie et de Physique,— 7me S érie, Jan vier et


Revue Cri tique d ’ Histoire et de Littérature,—Tome XXXVI,

Nos . 51 et 52 ; XXXVII , 1—8 .

Revue S cien tifique,—Tome I (4e Série) ,NOS. 12 -18 .




I n dex to the Reports an d Tran saction s of the British A ssociation forthe Advan ceme n t of Sci e n ce from 186 1 to 1890 i n clusive , 8vo .

Lon do n,1893 .

100 Library . [MAY JUNE,

KEENE, HENRY GEORGE . An Orien tal Biographical Diction ary,fou n ded

on materials col lected by the late Thomas Wil l iamBeal e . New

Editio n . 8V 0. Lon do n,1894 .



of Shel l s . 8vo . Lo n don,1893 .

11 1 111353, W . F . J . HUBNER Exoti sche Schmetterl i n ge,Parts 1 an d

4 to . Brus sel s,1894.

NEWBERRY, PERCY E . Ben i Hasan,Part II . 4to . Lon don

,1894 .


,tran slated i n to E n gl ish

Prose,Part 88 . 8vo . Calcu tta, 1893 .

102 Mitra, S . C.

—0n some Behari Customs an d Practices . [JULY,

THE S ECRETARY reported the death of the followin g membersMahamahapadhyaya Kaviraja Shyamaldas (Ordin ary Member) .

B . H . Hodgson,Esq. , (Hon orary Member) .

THE SECRETARY reported that Mr . E . D . Maclagan had compoun dedhis subscriptio n as a n on -residen t member by the paymen t in a S in glesumof RS. 300.

Dr . Alcock exhibited an d remarked upon some marin e In vertebrateslately dredged at a con siderable depth by the survey Ship I n vestigator .

The first Specimen exhibited was a n ew species Of Brachiopod , of thegen us Terebratula, remarkable for its huge size, an d in bein g slightlyin equ ilateral as w el l as from the depth of i ts habitat (719 fathoms) ,an d from the fact that i t was on e of the first species of the gen us recorded from I n d ian waters .The species w il l be described an d figured in Pt . II . of the Journ al.The secon d Specimen exhibited was the curious Thalassin id Crus

tacean,Ca locaris macan clreée, Bell , lately dredged in the Laccadive Sea

at a depth of 636 fms . , the bottom temperature bein g about 44° Fahr .

This species w as in terestin g on accoun t of the w ide exten t of its ran ge .First dredged in Loch Eyn e, Off the south-west coast of Scotlan d, at acon siderable depth, an d subsequen tly in Scan din avian waters, it wasn ext reported from the Gulf of St . Lawren ce

,an d then from the an ti

podes of New Zealan d . It i s n ow recorded as an addition to the In dianfaun a .

The third Specimen exhibited was a n ew Species of Crab of thegen us Calapp a, Special ly n oticeable, first for its large siz e, an d

secon d ly for the depth (11 2 fms . ) at which it occurred .

The Species of the n umerical ly smal l gen us Ca lapp a were as a ru lel ittoral in habit, but thi s Species belon ged to the fau n a of the deep sea,

al though it exhibited n o con spicuous structural modification s for life ata depth . The Specimen w i l l be described in Journ al Part I I, an d w i l lbe figured in an early is sue of “ Il lustration s of the Zoology of theR . I . M . S . I n vestigator.

The followin g papers w ere readOn some Behari Customs an d Practices —By BABU SARAT CHAN



M . A.

Abstract . )In Behar a w ife ’s elder S i ster i s regarded as a superior member of the

family who is to be approached in a respectful attitude ; while in Ben gal,She is regarded,as a boon compan ion ,with whom on e is at l iberty to crack

Mitra,S . C.

-North I n dian Folk -lore about Thieres an dRobbers . 103

j okes . Mother ’s brothers w ife i s regarded as a superior in Ben gal , buts he i s n ot SO regarded in Behar .

TO beat w i th a broken cookin g-vessel i s regarded as a great in su l tin Behar an d if the vessel be covered w ith soot it i s doubly i n su l ti n g .

The Behari women,when they meet after a lon g time , give ven t to

their feel in gs in l oud lamen tation an d take each other in their arms .

The Beharis greet thei r frien ds by sayin g “ RamRam.

T he Han u

man,is regarded in Behar as a sacred an imal, an d i s n ever molested

though it often commits mischief.They thin k that they get loosen ess of the bowel s when these are

displaced, an d the best remedy for loosen ess amon g them i s rubbin g the

abdomin al parts .Behari women are fo n d of w earin g bras s orn amen ts . They Ofte n

have to i n voke the ass istan ce of iro n smiths to fit these on their perso n .

People sufferin g from severe il ln es s often take a vow of measurin g thewhol e distan ce from their home to a sacred place w ith the ir personan d often rai se a stan dard in hon or of the Mon key-

god .

2 . North I n dian Folk - lore about Thieves an d Robbers .—By BABU


,B .L . Commun icated by PAND I T HARA ~


(Abstract )The Thieves an d Robbers in In dia are said to be un der the special

protection of a femal e deity, who i s kn own un der various design ation sas Kali, in Ben gal ; D evi or Mdta in Hin dustan ; an d Bharcin i amon gthe Thugs . The images of this goddess in the immediate n eighbourhood of Cal cutta,

n amely,that at Kalighat an d that at Chitpore,u sed to be

greatly hon ored by Dacoits before the E n glish became the rul ers ofBen gal . There are man y protectresse s of robbers kn own all overBen gal as D ahate Kali; at Man asaDevi, n ear Kalka, a fair is stil l held inhon or of a robbers ’ deity though the fair has at prese n t chan ged itscharacter very material ly . The Ben gal col lection of proverbs are ful lof al lu sion s to th ieve s, dacoits . No fewer than fifteen have been givenin the paper . There was a curiou s way in which the thieves us ed toget the i n strume n ts of hou se -breakin g made by the blacksmiths . Theyu s ed to go, s ecretly at dead of n ight

,to the blacksmith ’s Shop an d

depos it a piece Of iron an d a few pice by w ay of wages , an d, the n extn ight at that very hour they u sed to get the i n strumen t deposited there .

There i s a proverb in Ben gal that the thief an d the blacksmith n evermeet an d yet the in strumen t for hou sebreakin g is at work .

Remarks — In the Mriceha katika,the god Kartika, the Gen eral of

the Gods, i s regarded as the patron of thieves an d the origin ator of the

104 Library.

art of steal in g, an art which used to be taught careful ly to thefupperclasses of the In dian Society, as a part of liberal education . See Dacak umaraeharita .

The pap ers w i l l be publ ished in ful l, in the Journ al, Part I II .3 . Note on the s tridulatin g p owers of the Ocyp ode Crab (Ocypo da

cera tephthalma, Pall) . - By SURGEON -CAPTAIN A . R . AND ERSON, B .A.,

M .B . ,Surgeon

-Na tura list to the Marin e Survey.

The papers wil l be publ ished in the Journ al, Part I I.


The followi n g add ition s have been made to the Library S i n ce theMeeti n g held in Jun e las t


p resen ted by the resp ective Societies a n d Editors .

An gers . La"

Seciété d’

E tudeS Seien tifiques d’

An gers ,— Bul letin


V el l e Séri e, XXIIe A n n ée .

Bal timore . Joh n s Hopki n s U n i vers ity,—C ircu lars , V ol . XIII

,No . 1 12 .

Batavia . Bataviaasch Gen ootschap van Kun sten en Weten schappen ,

Notulen ,Deel XXXII, Afieverin g l .

Tijd schrift voor I n dische Taal ,-Lan d-eu Volkenkun de

,Deel XXXVII , Afieverin g 3 un d 4 .

Bombay . Bombay Natural H istory Society,—Journ al ,V ol . VIII,No . 4.

Calcutta . Ge ol ogical Survey of In dia, Record s , Vol . XXVII, Part 2 .

I n d ian E n gin eerin g,~ —Vol . XV,Nos . 23 - 26 .

Maha-Bodhi Society,

—Journ al, Vol . I II, No . 2 .

The Medical Reporter,—Vels . III, Nos . 1—7, 9—12 ; IV, 1 .

Chicago,III. The American An tiquarian an d Orie n tal Journ aI, —Vol .

XV I, No . 3 .

Floren ce . La SocietaAfrican a d ’


-Bulletin o, Tome I (28 Série) ,Nos . 7 et 8 .

Havre . Seciété de Geographi e Commercial e du Havre,—Bul l etin ,Mars—Avril, 1894 .

I thaca . Corn el l U n i versity,—Library Bul l etin ,V ol. III

,No . 6 .

Leipzig . D er KOn iglich Siichsisehen Gesell schaf t der VV is sen schaftenzu Le ipzig, —Verhan dlu n gen ,Math -phys Classe, I , 1894.

Liege . La Seciété Géologique de Belgique,—An n ales,Tome XXI,No . 2 .

Lo n don . The Academy,~ -NOS. 1 151- 54 .

106 Library. [JULY,HOUTSMA, M . TH. Ein Turkisch-Arabisches Gl ossar. 8vo. Leide n ,


HOWELL,MONTIMER S LOPER . A Grammar of the classified, Arabic

Lan guage . Part I . 8 .vo. Al lahabad, 1894.

N I S BET, JOHN . The cl imate an d Natio n al -Econ omic I n fluen ce of Forests .8V O. Lon do n ,

1893 .

PRINGLE, ARTHUR T . Selection s from the Con sul tation s of the Age n tGovern or an d Coun ci l of Fort St. George, 8ve . Madras,1893 .

RAY, PRATAPA CHAND RA. The Mahabharata, tran slated i n to E n glishProse, Part 89 . 8ve. Cal cutta, 1894 .

WH ITNEY,W . D . On a rece n t attempt, by Jacobi an d Tilak, to deter

min e On astron omical evide n ce the date of the earl iest vedic periodas B . C. 8V O. New Haven

,1894 .

MI SC E L LA N EOU S PRE SE N T A T I ON SThe Thirty- sixth An n ual Report of the Trade an d Commerce of Chicago

for the year e n din g December 3 1st, 1893 . 8ve . Chicago, 1894 .


Report of the S ixty-third Meetin g of the British Associatio n for theAdvan ceme n t of Scie n ce hel d at Nottin ghamin September

,189 3 .

SV O. Lo n do n,1894 .


Seven th An n ual Report of the Can adian I n s ti tu te,Toron to

, Sessio n1893-94. 8 V O. Toron to



F I SKE,W I L LARD . Catal ogue of the Rhaete~Roman ic Coll ectio n . 8vo .

I thaca, 1894.


An n ual Report of the Departmen t of Agricul ture,Brisban e

,for the

year 1892 -9 3 . 8ve . Brisban e, 1893 .


Results of Observation s of the fixed stars mad e with the MeridianCircl e at the Govern men t Observatory, Madras, in the years 1880188 1 an d 1882 . 4to . Madras

,1894 .


An n ual Repor t on the Lu n atic Asylums of Be n gal for the year 1893 .

Fcp . Cal cutta, 1894.

C e n sus of I n dia, 189 1 . Ge n eral Tables for Bri ti sh Provi n ces an d

Feudatory S tates,Vol . I I . Fcp . Lon do n

,1893 .


Library . 107

North I n dian Notes an d Queries for April, 1894. 4to. Allahabad




Report of the Mysore Govern me n t Orie n tal Library, 1892 -93 . Fcp .

Mysore,1893 .


The I n dian Journ al of Education for Ju n e,1894 . 8vo . Madras

, 1 894 .



E I CHLER , D R. OSWA LD . Die Wege des Blutstromes dureh den vorhofun d die bogen giin ge des men s che n . 4to . Leipzig

,1894 .



HAM PSON,G . F . The Fau n a of Briti sh I n dia in cludin g C eylo n an d

Burma . Edited by W . T . Blan ford . Moths, V ol. I . 8ve. Lon

don ,1892 .


Mon thly Weather Revi ew for February 1894. 4to . Calcutta,1 894 .

Origi n al Meteorological Observation s of Calcutta, Al lahabad, Luck n ow,

Lahore, Nagpur, Bombay an d Madras for February 1894. 4to .

Calcu tta, 1894 .

M ETEOROLOG I CAL REPORTER To THE GOVERNMENT OF IND IA .Gen eral Report on the Operation s of the Survey of I n dia Departmen t

durin g 1892 -93 . Fcp . Calcutta, 1894 .


The Fourth An n ual Report Of th e Zemin dary Pan chayet, Cal cutta


held on Saturday the 3rd March, 1894 . Fcp . Calcutta,1 894.



Allahabad . North I n dian Netes an d Queiies, —May, 1894.

Berlin . Deutsche Litteraturzeitun g,- Jahrg. XV, Nrn . 7—14.

Zeitschrift fiir E th n ol ogie,— Heft 6, 1893 .

Calcutta . Calcutta Review,— V el . XCIX,

NO. 197 .

In dian Medical Gaze t te,—V ol . XXIX, No . 6 .

Cassel . Botan i sche s Cen tralblatt, - Ban d LVII,Nrn . 9—13 ; LVIII,

Gen eva. Arch ives de s S cien ce s Physiques et Naturelles,— Teme XXXI,No . 5 .

Gottin ge n . Der Ko n igl . Gesell schaft der Wi ssen s chaften ,—Gottin gis

che gelehrte An zeigen ,Nr . 3,1894 .

Nachrichte n ,Nr . 1,1894 .

Leip zig . An n al en der Physik un d Chemie,—Ban d LII, Heft 2 u n d 3 .


atter, Ban d XVIII, Stiick 5 un d 6 .

108 Library. [JULY,Leyden . I n tern ation al e s Archiv fur E thn ograph ie

,Ban d VII

,Heft 2 .

Lon don . The An n als an d Magazin e of Natural History,

-V el. XIII,

No . 76 .

The Chemical News,—V el. LXIX,

Nos . 1800—1803.

The E n tomologist,—Vol . XXVII

,No . 37 1 .

The E n tomologist ’s Mon thly Magazin e, - V el. V (2n d Series ),NO 52 .

The Ibis,—Vol . V I (6th Series) ,NO. 22 .

The Journ al of Botan y,—V el. XXXII, No . 376 .

The Lon don ,Edin burgh

, an d Dublin Philosophical Magazi n e,

V el . XXXVII (5th Series), No . 227 .

The Messe n ger of Mathematics,—V ol. XXIII (New Series ),NO . 6 .

Numismati c Circular,— V el . I I, NO. 19 .

New Have n . The American Journ al of Scien ce, —V ol . XLVII (3rdSeries), Nos . 279 an d 280.

Paris . L’

Académie des Scie n ce s,—Comptes Ren dus des Sean ces


Tome CXVIII ,NOS. 9—14.

An n al e s de Chemie et de Physique,—Mars et Avril

,1894 .

Revue Critique d ’ Histoire et de Littérature,—Tome XXXVII,Nes 9—14 .

Revue Scien tifique,—Tome I (4e Série) , Nes . 21—24.

Philadelph ia . Man n ual of Co n chology,— V ol. XV,

No . 2 ; 2n d Series


Vol . IX,No . 2 .



K IRBY,W. F . J . Hiibn er Exotische Schmetterli n ge

,Plates 21—25


27 30. 4to. Brussel s, 1894.

L EVI,SYLVA IN . Le Theatre I n dien . 8 V O. Pari s, 1890.

OPPERT, GUSTAV . On the Origin al I n habitan ts of Bharatavarsa OfI n dia . 8 ve . Len de n ,

1893 .


,tran s late d in to E n glish

Prose,Part 89 . 8vo . Cal cutta, 1894.

RECNAUD , PAUL . La Rhétorique San sk rite exposée dan s sen developeme n t historique et ses rapports avec la rhétorique classique . SV O

Pari s,1894.

WEBB, W I L L IAM W I LFRED . The Curren cies of the Hi n du State s of

Raj putan a. 8ve. Lon don ,1893 .

110 D ea th ofMr B . H. Hodgson . [AUG.

The fol lowin g obituary n otice was read by Dr . A . F . RudolfHoern le *

In Brian Houghton Hodgson the Society has to deplore the les s ofon e of its Oldes t an d most distin gu ished members . He join ed theSociety on the 24th April, 1833, as an Ordin ary Member

,an d on the

6th Ju ly,1858, he was elected an Hon orary Member . He was , probably,

the largest con tributor that the Society ever pos ses sed . The paperspublished by him in the Society ’s Asiatic Researches ”

an d JOurn al

amoun t to a total of 1 12 besides, he made large don ation s of exceedin glyvaluable man u scripts an d Specimen s of Natural History . In fact,the progres s of the Society duri n g the whole period of his residen cein In dia, was in tim ately con n ected w ith him , an d the Society Showed

i ts appreciation of his s ervices by votin g him a bust on the eve of

his departur e from In dia, on the 6th February, 1844. He first came outto In d ia in 1818, the year of Warren Hastin gs ’ death his term of

s ervice was fin i sh ed before Lord Hardin ge became Govern or-Gen eral,

an d he survived in to Viceroyal ty of the secon d Earl of E lgin,dyin g

on the 23rd May of this year,in the n in ety-fifth year of his age. A lmostall his period of public work was spen t in Nepal

, where he was

appoin ted Secretary in 1820,

an d Reside n t in There,

“ by hisprofoun d kn ow ledge of the peopl e, their coun try, lan guage, an d rel igionhe succeeded in makin g the Briti sh n ame n ot on ly feared but respected .

In 1843 he resign ed the servic e , an d return ed home . Two years afterwards, how ever, he came back to In dia,where he settled at Darj eel in gto con tin ue his researches, ti l l 1858, when he fin al ly retired to

E n glan d .

Brian Hodgson ’s chief merit li es in havi n g utili sed, w ith ex

traordin ary zeal an d in du stry, the un ique opportun ities which he en j oyedfor the coll ectin g of material s that helped to advan ce our kn owl edge ofI n dia in the w idest s en se . Nor was his in terest in thin gs In d ianl imited to an y on e departmen t of s cien ce . Most of our kn ow l edge ofNepal we stil l owe to him . Though he was n ot a l low ed to explorethat coun try himself, an ymore than European s are to this day,

yetby his person al i n fluen ce w i th the govern in g class

,by in terviewin g all

stran gers who vi sited the Court an d sacred places of Nepal, an d by

s e n din g out n ative coll ectors in every direction,he was able to accumu

late an immen s e store of trustworthy in formation about the people an dthe coun try . The resu l ts are to be foun d partly in the n umerous paperswhich he con tributed to th is Society but s ti l l more in the in valuablecollection s ofman uscripts, an d specimen s of Natural Hist ory with which

3“ See also an obituary n otice by J . S. C. in TheAcademy, Jun e 2, 1894 .

Phi lological Secre tary .

-E .rhibition of Assamese Gold Coin . 11 1

7he en riched the museums of Europe as w el l as of I n dia .

“ I t was fromthe MSS . he the n sen t to Paris that E ugen e Burn ouf was e n abled tou n dertake the firs t accurate examin ation of the origin of B uddhi sma n d equal ly importan t was his acquis ition of the great Tibetan E n cyclopze dia,

in 334 volumes , w hich n ew repose in the l ibrary of the I n diaOffice . He was al so the first to col l ect vecabularies of the u n writte ndialects of the hil l tribe s throughout I n dia, from the Himalayas toCeylon . But he was n o l es s devoted to Natural History . The pages ofthe Journ al of thi s Society bear ful l w i tn es s to his research es . No les sthan el even species of the Mammalia an d on e gen us of the Aves of

I n dia are n amed after him ; an d both the In dian Museum an d theBritish Museum owe man y of the ir Specimen s to his gen erosity. Tothe solution of practical question s, too, he con tributed h is share of

pion eer-work such as the possibi l itie s of commerce between Nepal an d

Briti sh I n dia,the pol icy of e n roll in g Gurkha battal ion s in the n ative

army,the su i tability of the Sub -Himalayas for san itariums, an d

others .Though Brian Hodgson received n o mark of distin ction from hi s

ow n Govern men t, our Society— his ow n Society— gave him (as a lreadys tated) a bust

,placed in the room in which we meet to-day, the Royal

Society made him a Fel low,an d the Oxford Un iversity gave him the

D . C. L . degree . Fran ce al so gave him the Legion of Hon our ,a medal

Special ly struck by the Seciété Asiatique,an d the Correspon din g Mem

hership of the In stitute . But his real distin ction i s hi s w orks, of whichthree col lected volumes were published in 1874 an d 1880.

The PH ILOLOGI CAL SECRETARY exhibited a n ol d Assamese Go ld Coi n ,

an d read a n ote o n the same, by E . A . Gait, E sq.

, C. S .

The n ote wi l l be publ ished in the Journ al, Part I .The follow in g papers were read1 . Abstract Con ten ts of on e of the AhomBalhis of Asdm.

—By E . A .

GAIT, E sq.

,C . S .

The papers w i l l be published in the Journ al, Part I .2 . Guru Gobin d Sin gh an d Ban dah.

—By WM . IRVINE, Esq.

,I . C . S.


Retired .

3 . An Accoun t of the Collection of D eep Sea Crustacea recen tlymadeby theR. I . III . S .

“ I n vestigator,

in the Bay of Ben gal an d Laccadive


The paper wi l l be publ ished in the J ourn al, Part II .

1 12 Library. [Ava


The fol low in g additio n s have been made to the Library sin ce theMeetin g held in July last


p resen ted by the respective Societies an d E ditors .

Bombay . The I n dian An tiquary,—Vol s . XXII, December 1893, Part

II ; XXIII, Part 285 .

Buen e s Aires . La Academia Nacion al de C ie n cias en Cordoba,—Boletin ,

Tome XII, No . 1 .

Calcut ta. A siatic Society of Be n gal,—Journ al, Part I,Nes . 1 an d 2 .

Proceedin gs,Nos . 5 an d 6,1 894.

I n dian E n gin eerin g,—Vol . XVI

,Nos . 1—4.

The Medical Reporter,

-Vol . IV,No . 2 .

PhotOgraphic Society of I n dia,—Journ al , V ol . VI I, No . 7 .

Cassel. Des Verein s fi'Ir Naturk un de zu Kassel,— Bericht


The Hague . Kon in k lijk In stituut voor de Taal,-Lan d-en Volken

ku n de van Nederlan dseh - I n die,—Bijdragen tot de TaaI-Lan d-en

V olk en k u n de van Nederlan dsch-I n die, 5e V elgr. , Deel X,Aflever

in g 3—4 .

Havre . Seciété de Geographie Commerciale du Havre,—Bul l eti n , Mai

Juin,1894 .

Lon don . The Academy, —NOS. 1 155—58 .

The Athen aeum,

-Nos . 3478—8 1 .

In stitution of E lectrical E n gin eers—Journ al, V ol. XXIII,NO. 112 .

Nature,—Vol . L

,Nos . 1 286—89 .

Numismatic Circular,—Vol . I I, No. 20.

Royal Geographical Society,—Ge ographical Journ al,Vol . IV


NO. 1 .

Man chester . The Man chester Li terary an d Philosophical Society,

Memoirs an d Proceedin gs , Vol . VIII (4th Série) , No . 2 .

Moscow . La Société Imperial e de s Natural istes de Moscou,—Bul le tin


No . l , 1 894.

Mu ssoorie . The In dian Forester, —Vol . XX,No 7 .

Paris . La Société de Géographie,—Bu l letin , Tome XV,No . 1 .

Comptes Ren dus des Séan ce s No . 13, 1894.

La Société Philomathique de Paris,

- Bulletin,1892—93 ,


,1 14, Library. [AUG.

Return s of the Rai l-Born e Traflic of the Cen tral Provi n ces duri n g thequarter e n din g 3 1st March 1894 . Fcp . Nagpur



MCCULLOCH, R . W. Rice Growin g an d i ts preparation for Marke t.8vo . Brisban e, 1894.


Admin istration Report on the Jai l s of Ben gal for the year 1893 . BySurgeon -Maj or D . W . D . Comin s . Fcp . Cal cutta, 1894 .

An n ual Report on Emigration from the Port of Cal cutta to Briti sh an d

Foreign Colon ies, 1893 . By R . Macleod . Fcp . Cal cutta,1894.

An n ual Report o n In lan d Emigration for the year 1893 . By R .

Macl eod . Fcp . Calcutta, 1894 .

Report on the Calcutta Medical I n stitutio n s for the year 1893 . BySurgeon -Colon el R . Harvey . Fcp . Calcutra,1894.


,M I L LER . The Voyages of Captain Luke Foxe a n d Captai n

Thomas James, in search of a North -West Passage in 1631—32,

Vols . I an d II . 8vo . Lon don , 1894.

The I n dian An tiquary for December 1893 Part II, an d April 1894.

4to . Bombay, 1894 .

North I n dian Notes an d Queries for May 1894 . 4to . Al lahabad, 1894.


Han dbooks of Commercial Products. No . 23, S ilk. 8vo . Calcutta ,1893 .


Settl emen t Report of the Amballa District, 1893 . By A . Ken sin gton .

Fcp . Lahore, 1893 .

Settl eme n t Report of Karn al-Ambala . By J. M. Douie . Fcp . Lahore,

1891 .


A Gu ide to the Z oological Collection s exh ibited in the In vertebrateGal l ery of the I n dian Museum . 8vo . Calcutta, 1894.



C . Woorden lijst van De Baree,—Taal. 8 V O. The Hague,1894 .


CREDNER, H . Zur Histologie der Falten zahn e Palaozeischer S tegocephalen . 4to . Leipzig, 1893 .



ZSCH,FRIEDR ICH . Beitrage zur E n tzifi erun g un d Erk larun g der

Kappadokisehen Keilschrifttafeln . 4to . Leipz ig

,1893 .

F I S CHER, OTTO . Die Arbeit der Muskeln un d die Leben dige Kraft desMe n schl iche n Korpersi 4to . Leipzig

,1893 .

Library. 1 15

B ULTS CH, FRIEDRICH . Die Erzahlen den Zeitforme n bei Polybios ein

bei trag zur Syn tax der Gemein griechischen Sprache . 4to . Leipzig,

1893 .

ILBERG,JOIIANNES. D as Hippokrate s-Glossar des Eretian es un d Sei n e

Urspriin gliche Ge stal t . 4to . Leip zig,1 893 .

ME I STER, R ICHARD . Die Mimiamben des Heredas, herausgegebe n un d

erk lart mit ein em an han g tiber den dichter,die iiberlieferun g u n d

den dial ekt . 4to. Leipzig, 1893 .

P FEFF ER, W . Druck -un d Arbeitsl ei stun g durch Wachsen de Pflan zen

4to . Leipzig, 1893 .

SOCIN,ALBERT . ZumArabischen Dialekt von Marok k o . 4to . Leipzig1893 .

STUDY,E . Spharische Trigon ometri e, Orthogon al e Substitution e n un d

E l l iptische Fu n ction en , ein e an alyti sch-geometrische un tersuchun g4to . Leipzig, 1893 .


Admin istration Report of the Marin e Survey of In dia for the officialyear 1893—94 .


Memoran dum on the s n owfal l in the moun tain districts borderin gNorthern In dia an d the abn ormal features of th e weather in I n diadurin g the past five mon th s,wi th a forecas t of the probabl e characterof the south -we s t mon soo n rai n s of 1894. Fcp . S imla, 1894 .


An n ual Report of the Board of Regen ts Of the Smithson ian I n stitutionfor the year e n din g Jun e 30th, 189 1 .



Calcutta . In dian Medical Gazette,—V ol . XXIX,Ne. 7 .

Ge n eva . Arch ive s des Scien ces Physiques et Naturelles,—Tome XXXI


No . 6 .

Leipzig . An n alen der Physik un d Chemi e,—Ban d LII, Heft 4 .

Lon don . The ChemicalNews , —Vol s . LXIX,NOS . 1804 an d 1805 LXX ,

1806 an d 1807 .

Numismatic C ircu lar, - V ol. II,No . 20.

Pari s . Revue Scien tifique,—Tome I (4e Série) , Nos . 25 et 26 ; I I, 1 et 2

1 18 Shastri, H . P .

—An cien t Ben ga li Literature. [NOV .

The fol l owi n g gen tl eman is a can didate for election at the n extmeetin g

Fran k Fin n ,E sq.

,B .A.

,proposed by Surgeon -Captai n A . W .

Al cock, secon ded by A . Ped l er, E sq.

The fol low i n g ge n tl eman has expressed a w i sh to w ithdrawfrom the Society

Coun t H . Con den hove .

THE SECRETARY reported the death of the fol low i n g membersProfessor Wil liam D wright t itn ey (Hon orary Member) .Babu Gyan dra N n th Chaudhury,

WV . M . Osmo n d ,E sq. l (

Ordi n ary Members) .

THE SECRETARY read a Circu lar from the Royal Society of New

South IvV ales , e n umerati n g pri zes to be given for origin al res earches

on certain subj ects con n ected w ith Au stral ia . This can be seen in

the Society ’ s Oflice .

The fol low in g papers w ere readI . The Top ography of the Arabia n Sea in the n eighbou rhood of the

Lacearlive Isla n ds .

—By COMMANDER C. F . OLDHAM,R . N . Commun icated

by the Natura l History Secretary .

2 . The Physica l features of some of the Laccadive Islan ds,with somesuggestion s as to theirmode of formation — By COMMANDER C. F . OLDHAM


R . N . Commu n icated by the Na tural History Secretary .

3 . An Accou n t of the Shore an d Sha llow-water BRACHYURA collectedon board H . M . Surrey Steamer, “ I n vestigator


durin g 1893—94— By

A . ALCOCK , ESQ ,M .E .

, a n d A . R . AND ERSON,ESQ ,

B .A .

,MB .

4 . On a New Sp ecies of F lyin g Lizard fromAssam.~—By A .



The papers w i ll be publish ed in the Journ a l,Part I I .

5 . An cien t Ben ga li Literature u n der .Muhammadan Patron age—ByPA N D IT HARA PRASAD SHASTR I

,M .A .

Ala-U dd in H n sain Shah was on e of the greatest Sovereign s ofBen gal . He rose from the humble posi tion of a men ial servan t to aKayastha oflicer, of the later Il lias ShfihiDyn asty of Ben gal . It is saidthat hi s Master, Subuddhi Khan , did n ot s cruple even to beat hi shumble Muhammadan Servan t . The secret of Hu sain

s success appears to have bee n his con ci liatory policy towards the Hi n dus . He gavehigh offices u n der the State to learn ed Brahman s an d shrewd Kayasthas . RL


Ip an d San é ton w ere his min is ters . Hiran ya an d Gobardhanheld un der him the Viceroyalty of the whol e of Satgaon .

The fami ly

Shastri , H . P .


en t Ben gali Literature. 1 19

of NarottomD z'

ls rose to emi n en ce duri n g his reig n . He tolerated theHi n du religion . Chaita n yaism flourished an d spread duri n g his time .

San skrit l earn i n g rev ived duri n g the prosperous period of the rul eo f his dy n asty .

Followi n g the example Of their Nob l e Master,the Provi n cia l

Govern ors a n d Ge n eral s al s o assumed a co n ci liatory pol icy towardstheir Hin du subj ects . This e n ab l ed Husa i n to make ex te n s ive con quest sin every d irecti on . He co n qu ered a port ion of Tripura, an d the greaterpart of Chattagram . He destroyed the powerfu l dyn asty of Kamtapur ,

in the n orth,a n d led several exped ition s again st the Ki n g of Orissa .

He afforded an asylumto the last fugi tive Ki n g of Jau n pur, an d therebyri sked the d isp leasure of the pow erfu l Lodi Kin g of Delhi . All th ishe w as e n abled t o do b ecau s e the Hin dus w ere frien dly towards him


an d he had n othi n g to fear at home .

On e of the mean s by which he an d his Ge n eral s con ci l iated theHi n du s was the e n courageme n t of their Vern acular literature . BeforeHusai n 8 t ime the Be n ga li s posse s s ed a Vern acu lar l iterature . The Ra

mayan a had been tran slated by Ki rttivasa an d the Bhagavat by Gun arajKhan . There were i n n umerab l e popu lar version s Of the stories of Ma

n asa,Man galcan di, an d D harmaraj. The Man asa Man gal

,by Bipra

D as,was composed in 149 5 . But i t appears that as yet the Mahabharata

had n ot been tran slated . It was a great des id eratum . Popu larH in du ism can scarc e ly do w ithout a Ben ga l i version of the Mahabharat


an d a Muhammadan Gen eral of Hu sain Shah u n dertook to have i ttran slated u n der his ow n partron age. His n ame was Paragol Khan .

1 do n ot kn ow how the n ame w i l l sp el l in Persian . Paragol was theLashar or Gen era l of Husa i n Shah

,a n d held his Court at Chittagon g . (1)

He employed a n ative bard Paramecvar, who w as d ign ified w iththe t itl e of K a ri

n ara . (2) The Mahabharat that was tran slated was

azms ire are a n es tate I us e Jllé'

a as? are if g uts n

t arm-

s tars es tate (33m? HEW aria was ”? afar u

Graft fair-ri fi rs t ”if“

s temu i nflame s tem t t u

r(WEI a? are ass is ts 1 11mmn a e


fl farm“ firs safe u

siegema n ta sits twat lt t wire s ! ” i

n fer n

Farm-iii we ? s it e: n a ar-fl a l eaf 1first: “ ma n ia s tashmart Imafia ass t-7 1 a s ”amn e wHl eaf 55film‘J e


sierra;wa s w a s I a re “

a ria seama shes? aw 11 16mg 95wa s ERNIE wit W ait I ashes aw ait (Fast wart . n l eaf 29 1

120 Shastri,H . P .

—An cien t Ben gali Literature. [Nov.

Jaimin i’

s an d n ot V aisampayan a’

s . (3 ) Jan iamajaya Seems to havein curred the w rath of a Rish-i

,who cursed him,

an d the curse producedleprosy . The ki n g in d is tress sen t for V yasa, who ordered the kin gto hear from his pupil

,Jaimin i

,the story of the Mahabharata . The

in terlocutors are Jan amajaya an d Jaimin i. It i s curi ou s that theJaimin i Bharata i s n ot to be foun d in its en tirety in San skrit . TheOn ]y Pa rva

,that is extan t, i s the Acvamedha Parra . But the Ben gal i

v ersion co n tain s the whole of the Jaimin i Bharata . From thi s itappears certain that 400 years ago, in Husain Shah ’s time, the Jaimi n iBharata w as procurable in its en tirety . I have procured a copy of


s Mahabharata,very n early complete

,at Komilla,

from a shopkeeper who came from Chittagon g .

At the en d of the Aera n iedha Parn a of this work which run st hrough 1 2 l eaves on ly

,there i s a curiou s passage (5) to the effect that


s son , Chut i Khan ,had ordered Crik ar Nan d i, an other poet, to

give a ful l accoun t of the wars described in that Parva . This stimalated my travel -l i n g Pu n dit Bin od Vihari Kavyatirtha to see if ChutiKhan ’s Acvamedha Parva was procurable . After a di ligen t search inTripura durin g the last rain y season his exerti on s were rewarded w ithmarked success . He foun d in the collection of Babu An uk fi l Chan draRay ,

a lan dholder in the vicin ity of Komilla, a copy of Chu ti Khan ’


w ork, complete in 87 l eaves . He has brought a complete n otice of thew ork, from w hich it appears that Chu ti Khan was as great a patron of

(3 ) W 1 33?“ an! law is ?“

3a we? 1 I t? war are eraarfi lW EFT-f s in

—sumErn s t


srms n aarn a rfawma n l eaf 3a egis aw fr $ 131 Frisia n s afaris; in f


s ew sun s for “ II l eaf 22(4) See Notices of San skrit Mss . by RajaRajen dralal Mitra vol

vi page 2 19 .

(a) was UTTJI'

QT e ra-


Free: 1 in firm375K 85217 EU ? sawu


Fergus are n ew n a n -{fa 1 w e fa as s ! at ?! Bffi fi were? u

sha t wilt? afi ite n re


ahm was tera fs éla un fit muu l eaf 304,6mm: swan


ar,n ew“ swam,

mums a nt Guts ama tria egret , gtaaz W t

, {i ts Earth Ruffi an {frail u

(4137 w as? as ,assault s ages , fifzshweu emit u

faw n ,extras

firearm, wan n a as mis t n

n e w age? tam,

assumart a a,Gle ameafiqr as u

é fi li tails"

eta iifiéfit n ew eta,afifi a wan n a u leaf 307

122 Library . [NOV .

The C odex belon gi n g to Babu An uk ul Chan dra Bay was copied onthe 24th of Crahan ,

in the 1585 th year of the Caka era, that i s, 233 yearsfrom thi s date .


The fol low in g addition s have bee n made to the Library si n ce theMeeti n g held in Augu s t last


p resen ted by the resp ective Societies a n d E ditors .

Bal timore . Joh n s Hopkin s U n iversi ty,— Circulars,Vol . XII I, Nos . 113

a n d 1 14 .

Batavia . Bataviaasch Gen ootschap van Ku n ste n en W eten schappen ,

— Tijdsch rift voor I n di sch e Taal ,-Lan d -eu V olk en k un de, DeelXXXVII

,Afleve l in g 5 ; XXXVIII, 1 - 2 .

Berli n . D er Gesel l schaft Naturforschen der Freu n de zu Berl i n,—Sit

zun gs- berichte, 189 3 .

Bombay . A n thropological Society of Bombay, - Journ al,Vol s . II,

Nos . 2—4, 6 ,8 ; III, 1—5 .

Bombay Bra n ch of the Royal As iati c Society,— Journ al

,Vol .

XVIII,No . 99A .

The I n dian An tiquary,— Vol . XXIII, Nos . 286—90.

Buen os Aires . La Acad emia Nacion al de Cie n cias en Cordoba,

Boleti n,Tome XII

,Nos . 2 et 3 .

Brussel s . La Société E n tomologique de Belgique,—An n ale s



Cae n . La Société Li n n éen n e de Norman die,— Mémoire s, Tome XVIII .Calcutta . A siatic Society of Ben gal, —Journ al , Parts I, No . 3, 1894 ;

I I,No . 3 , 1894 .

Proceedin gs,No . 8

,1894 .

Geol ogical Survey of I n d ia,—R-ecords

,Vol . XXVII

,Part 3 .

I n d ian E n gin eeiin g,—Vol . XVI

,Nos . 5—18 ; a n d In dex to

Vol . XV .

Maha-Bodh i Socie ty, —Jour n al,Vol . HT

,Nos . 4- 6 ,

The Medica l Re porter, —Vol . IV,Nos . 3—9 .

Photographic Society of I n dia, -Journ al,Vol . VII


. 8,

10,1 1 .

Chicago, 111. The American An tiquaria n an d Orie n tal Journ al,—Vol


XVI,No . 4 .

Library .

Dubli n . Royal Dub l i n Socie ty,

~ —Scien tific Proceed i n gs, Vol s . V I I,Parts 5 ; VII I, 1 a n d 2 .

Scie n tific Tran saction s, Vols . IV (21'd Series ) , Nos .

141 ; V,I—ét


Royal Iri sh A cademy,—Proceeclin gs , V ol . III (3rd Serie s ) ,

No . 2 .

Tran sactio n s,Vol . XXX,

Parts 1 1 an d 12 .

Edin burgh . Royal Physical Society,— Proceed i n gs

,1892 -93 an d

1893 - 94 .

Floren ce . La Socie ta Ital ian a di A n tropologia, Etn ologia e PsicologiaArch ivio per L ’

A n tropologia e la E tn ol ogia, TomeComparata,

XXIII,No . 3 .

La SocietaA frica n a d ’ Ital ia,

— Bull etti n o della Se zio n e Flore nti n a

,Tome II (seri e secon da) , Nos . I et 2 .

Fra n kfurt,A . M . Der Sen ck en bergischen Naturforschen deu Gesell schaftAbhan dlun ge n

,Ba n d XV II I, Heft 2 .

Berich t,1894.

A . 0 . Des Naturw isse n schaftli che n Verei n s des Reg-BezFran kfurt, —Helios

,Jahrg XII, Nrn . 1—6 .

SocietatumLit terae, Jahrg VIII , Nr n . 4—9 .

Graz . Des Naturwis sen s chaftliehen Vere in es fiir Stei ermark,—Mit

theilun gen ,1893 .

Hal l e . Der Kai serl ichen Leopoldin o -Carolin ischen Deutsche n Akademieder Naturforscher

,—Leopoldin a

,XXVII I un d XXIX .

Nova Acta,Ban d LVII— LX .

Hamburg . Naturh i storische n Mu seum in Hamburg,—Mi ttei lun ge n


Jahrg . XI .

Na turw i s se n schaftl iche n V eren is in Hamburg,—V erhan d

lu n ge n ,1893 .

Havre . Soci été de Geographie Commerc ial e du Havre,— Bull e ti n ,

Juil l et— Aout,18941 .

Helsi n gfors . Societatis pro Faun a et Flora Fen n i ca,—Acta

,Tome V


Nos . I et 2 ; V I et VII .

Meddela n den , Tome XVI et XVII .

La Société des Sci e n ces de Fin lan de,—Observatio n s pubhees

par L’

In s titut Météorol ogique Ce n tral,Tome V I—VIII, XI .

Observatio n s Météorolog ique publ iées par L ’ I n stitutMétéorol ogique Ce n tral

,1881 -82

,1883 -84

,1885 -86, 1887 -88 .

Leipzig . Der Deutsche n Mo rgen lan dischen Ge se llschaft, —Zeitsch ri f '

t,Ban d XLVIII , Heft 2 .

Lon don . The Academy,— Nos . 1 159 - 72 .

A n thropological I n s ti tute of Great Bri ta i n a n d I re lan d,

Journ al , Vol . XXIV,No . I .

124 L1:lira ry , [Now

Lo n don . The Athe n -aeum,—~Nos . 3482 - 95.

Geological Society,— Quarterly Journ al , Vol . L,Part 3 .

I n stitution of Electrical E n gin eers, —Journ al, V ol . XXIII,

No . 1 13 .

Nature, Vol . L,Nos . 1288—96 .

Royal As iatic Socie ty of Grea t Bri tai n an d Irelan d,—

.Iourn al,

Vol . XXVI, No . 3 .

Royal Astron omical Society,— Mon thly Notices, V ol. LIV ,

No . 8 .

Royal Gen aphical SOCietY>— GeOgraphicaJ Journ al , V ol , IV ,

Nos . 2—4.

Royal Microscopical Society, Journ al , Part 2, 1894 .

Royal Society, —Philosophical Tran saction s , Vols . CLXXXIVA an d B .

Proceedi n gs, V ol . LV,No . 333, an d Lis t of Mem

bers to 30th November, 1893 .

Zoological Society, —Proceedin gs,Parts 2 an d 3, 1894.

Tran sactio n s , Vol . XIII, Part 9 .

Mu n ich .Der Ko n igl ich Bayerischen Akademie der Wes sen schaften ,

Abhu n dlun gen ,CI. I, Ban d XX,

Heft I ; II XVIII, 2 ; I II, XX, 3 .

Si tzu n gsberich te, Ban d I I, Heft 1—3 ; Heft 3,Mussoorie .

The I n d ian Forester,— Vol . XX, Nos . 8—IO.

Nan te s . La Société de s Scie n ces Naturel le s de L ’

Oues t de la Fran ce,Bul l e ti n ,

Tome IV,NO. 1 .

Prague .K . K . Ster n warte zu Prag,— Magn e tisch e un d Meteorologis

che Beobach tu n ge n ,Jahrg . L IV .

Paris . Musée Guimet, —Revue de L ’Histoire des Rel igion s,No . I,1894.

La Société d ’

An tln '

opologie de Lyo n ,— Bul letin , Tome XII

La Société d ’

A n thropologie de Paris,— Bul letin , IVe Série

Tome IV,Nos 1 1 et 12 ; V, I .

Mémoires,Tome I (3 8 Série) , No . 3 .

Société de Géographie,—~ Compte Re n du de Sean ce,No . I t


Société Philomatb ique de Pari s, —Bul l e ti n,Tome VI

,No , 2 ,

Comptes -Ren dus Sommaire des Séa n ces,Nos . 11



Philadelphia . American Academy of Political an d Social Scie n ce,

A n n als, V ol, V,NO. 2

,a n d Supplemen t to Vol . V, Nos . I an d 2 .

Rome .

L ’

Orie n te ,— An n o I , No . 3 .

La Societa Degli SpettrosCOpis ti I ta l ia n i, —Memorie, TomeXXIII

,No . 6 .

12 6 Library. [NOV

po o KS A N D PA M P H L E T S ,

p resen ted by the Authors, Tran slators, 5m.AHRLING, EWALD . Carl von Li n n és B refvex lin g. 8vo . Stockholm, 1885 .

HAECKEL,ERNST . Bericht iiber die feier des sech zigste n geburtstages

von E rn st Haeckel am1 7 Februar, 1894,in Je n a .lite . Je n a


N I SBET, JOHN . On the selection of species of Trees for Woodlan dCrops . 8vo . Lon don ,

1893 .

P I L LAI,P . SUNDARAM . Some early Sovereign s of Travan core . 8vo .

Madras, 1894 .


,tran slated in to E n glish

Prose,Parts 90 an d 9 1 . 8vo . Cal cutta,

1894 .

SANDBERG, GRAHAM . Han d -book of col loquial T ibetan _:—A Practical

Guide to the lan guage of Cen tral T ibet . 8vo . Calcutta,1894.


Bombay,1894 .

WEBER,ALER . Vedische Beitrage . 8vo . Berl in,18941.

JVI ISC E L LA N E O U S PR E SE N T A T I ON SCatal ogue des Livre s publies par L ’

Académie Imperial e des Scie n cesParts I-II . 8 V O. St . Petersburgh

,1888—9 1 .



RUD INGER, N . U eber die Wege un d Zie le der Hirn forschun g . 4to .

Mun ich,1893 .


An n ual Report of the Trustees of the Au stral ian Mus eum , New SouthWal e s

,for the year 1893 . Fcp . Syd n ey

,1894 .


CHIJS, J . A . V AN D ER. Nederlaudsch- I n disch Plak aatboek ,1602—1811 .

8 V O. Batavia,1894.


Catal ogue of the Birds in the Briti sh Museum,Lon do n

, V ol. XXIII .8vo . Lon don ,


Catal ogue of the Mesozoic Plan ts in the British Museum,Lon don


Part I . 8vo . Lon do n,189411.

A Mo n ograph of Lichen s fou n d in Britain : bei n g a descriptive Catalogueof the specie s in the Herbarium of the Briti sh Museum

,Lo n don

,Part I . 8 V O. Lon don , 1894.


Notes on the An n ual Stateme n ts of the Registratio n Departmen t of

the Ce n tral Provin ce s for the year 1893-94. Fcp . Nagpur, 1894.

Library . 127

Notes on the A n n ual S tateme n ts of Vacci n e Operation s in the C e n tralProvi n ces for the year 1893 - 94 . Fcp . Nagpur, 18943.

Report of the Departme n t of Lan d Records a n d Agricu l ture of the

Ce n tral Provi n ce s for the year 1892 -93 . Fcp . Nagpur, 1894 .

Repor t on the Jai l s of the Ce n tral Provi n ce s for the year 1893 . Fcp .

Nagpur, 18943 .

Report o n the Judicia l Admi n istration (Crimi n al ) of the C en tralProvi n ces for the year 1893 . Fcp . Nagpur


Report on the Pol ice Admi n i stration of the C e n tral Provin ce s for theyear 1893 . Fcp . Nagpur

,1894 .

Report of the San i tary Commissio n er of the Cen tral Provi n ce s for theyear 1893 . Fcp . Nagpur

,1894 .

Resolution on the Reven ue Admi n i s tration of the C en tral Provin cesfor th e year 1892-93 . Fcp . Nagpur, 1894 .


, ALICE . The Cu l t of A skle pio s . 8 V O. I thaca,1894 .


Report on the Progres s an d Con d ition of the Govern me n t Botan icalGarde n s

,Saharan pur a n d Mus soorie, for the year e n din g 3 1 s t.

March,1894 . Fcp . A l lahabad, 1894 .


Admi n is tratio n Report of the Madras Govern me n t Museum for the year1893-94 . Fcp . Madras , 18945.

THURSTON,E DGAR . Coin s, Catalogue No . 2 . Roman ,

In do-Por tugues ean d Ceylo n . 8 V O. Madras, 1894s.

THURSTON, E DGAR . Note on Tours al on g the Malabar Coast. 8 V O.

IiIadraS,1894 .

THURSTON,EDGAR. Pearl a n d Chan k Fi sherie s of the Gu lf Of Man aar .

8 V 0. Madras, 1894 .

GOVERNMENT C ENTRAL MUSEUM, MADRAS .Repo rt on th e Govern me n t Horticu l tural Garde n s

,Luckn ow

,for the

year en di n g 31 s t March IS9A. Fcp . Luck n ow,189i .


A n n otated Return s of the Charitable D ispen sarie s in Be n ga l for th eyear 1893 .

An n ual Report on the Pol ice Admi n i s tratio n s of the Town of Calcuttaan d i ts Suburbs for the year 1893 . Fcp . Cal cutta, 1894 .

A n n ua l Report of the San itary Commiss ion er for Ben gal , 1893 . Fcp .

Ca l cutta,1894 .

An n ual Statis tical Return s an d Short Notes on Vacci n ation in Ben ga lfor the year 1893-94 . Fcp . Calcut ta,

1894 .

128 Libra ry . [NOV .

HAMPSEN,G . F . The Faun a of British In dia



in cludin g Ceylon an d

B urma . Edited by W . T . Blan ford . Moths . Vol . II . 8 V O. Lon don ,

1894 .

HUNTER, SIR W I LLIAM W I L S ON . Be n gal MS . Records

,Vol s . I—IV .

8vo . Lon don ,1894 .

No te s o n the Admin is tratio n of the Registratio n Departmen t in Be n galfor the year 1893 -94. Fcp . Calcu tta, 1894 .

Report on the Admi n i stration of the Cu stoms Departme n t in th eBe n gal Preside n cy for the year 1893 - 94. FOp . Calcutta,


Report on the Admi n is tration of the Polic e of the Low er Provin ce s,Be n ga l Pre siden cy for the year 1893 . Fcp . Ca l cu tta,

1894 .

Repor t Of the A l ipore a n d Hazaribagh Reformatory School s for th eyear 1893 . Fcp . Cal cu tta

,1894 .

Report on the Exter n al Trade o f Be n gal w i th Nepal , Tibe t, Sikkiman d Bhu tan for the vear 1893 - 94. Fcp . Cal cut ta, 1894 .

Report on the Lan d Reven ue Admin is tration of the Low er Provi n ce sfor the year 1893 -94 . Fcp . Cal cutta


Report on Publ icatio n s issued an d registered in the several Provi n cesof British I n dia duri n g the year 1893 . Fcp . Ca lcut ta, 1894 .

Return s of the Rai l an d River-born e Trade of Be n gal duri n g th equarter e n din g the 3 1 s t March 1894 . Fcp . Cal cutta,

1894 .


The I n d ian An tiquary,Vol . XXIII, Parts 286—290. 4to . Bombay,1894 .

MARKHAM, CLEM ENTS R. The Le tters of Amerigo Vespucci,an d other

docume n ts i l lustrative Of his career . 8V O. Lo n do n ,1894 ,

North I n dian Notes an d Queiies,—Vol . IV,NOS. 3 a n d 4. 4to . Al la


Report on Pub l ication s i s sued an d regi stered in the several Provin cesof Briti sh I n dia duri n g the year 1893 . Fcp . Calcu tta


SANDB ERG,GRAHAM . Man ual of the S ikkim-Bhut ia lan guage or Dé

j on g Ké . 8vo. Calcu tta,1888 .


Epigraphia I n d ica, V ol . II I,Parts 3 an d 4. 4to . Calcu tta,

1894 .


An n ual Report of the A rchaeological Survey of Southern I n d ia for1893 -94 . Fcp . Madra s


GOVERNMENT OF MADRAS .DUBO I S , EUG. Pithecan thropus Erectus . E i n e Men schen aehn liche

U ebergan gsformaus Java . 4to . Batavia,1894 .


Fin al Report o n th e Revisi on of Settlemen t of the Amritsar Distric tin the Pu n jab, 1888—93 . Fcp . Lahore

,1893 .

Fin al Report on the Revisio n of Settleme n t of the Guj rat Distric t, 1893 .

130 Library. [Nov.

Ce n ten aire de la Fon datio n du Mus éum d’


Naturelle, Paris,10th Ju i n , 1793 l0th Juin ,

1893 . 4to . Pari s, 1893 .



Ori en tal S tudie s . A selection of the papers read before the Orie n talClub of Philadelphia, 1888—94. 8vo . Bos ton



Catal ogue of Notices to Mari n ers issued durin g the year 1893 . 8vo .

Cal-cutta, 1894.


A n n ual Report of the Provi n cial Museum Committe e,Luckn ow, for

the year 1894 . Fcp . Luck n ow,I894 .


Resul ts of Meteorological Observation s of the Royal A lfred Observatory

,Mauritius, for the year 1893 . Fcp . Mauritius

,1893 .


Resul ts of the Mag n etical an d Meteorological Observatio n s,made at th e

Royal Observatory, Green wi ch , in the year 1 89 1 . 4to . Lon don ,1893 .


Catal ogue of Scie n tific Papers, compiled by the Royal Society ofLon don

,V ol . X . 4to . Lon don ,

I894 .


S IMMONS,ORVI LLE L . D evel opmen t of the Lun gs of Spiders . 8vo.

Mas sachusetts, U . S . A .,1894.


,U . S . A .

Catal ogue of the San skrit Man uscripts in th e Library of His High n essthe Maharaj a of U lwar. 4to . Bombay . 1 892 .


POLLOCK,SIR FREDERI CK . The Law of Fraud, misrepresen tation an d

mistake in B ri tish In d ia. 8vo . Cal cu tta,1894.


Report of the Library Syn d icate of the Cambridge U n iversity for theyear e n d i n g D ecember 3 1s t, 1893 . 4to . Camb ridge , 1894 .


Life of Wil liam Dwight Whitn ey (Reprin ted from The Nation of NewYork

,Jun e 14th, 8vo . New York, 1894 .


Obituary Record of Graduate s of Yal e U n iversity deceased durin g theyear e n di n g in Jun e , 1894 . 8vo . 1 894 .

Report presen ted by the Board of Man agers of th e Observatory of Yal eU n iversity for the year 1883 -84 . 8vo . 1894.

WY LIE, LAURA JOHNSON . Studie s in th e Evolution of E n gli sh Criticism .

8 V O. Boston ,1894 .

P E R I O D I C A L S P U RC H A S E D .

A l lahabad . North I n dian Notes an d Queries ,— V ol . IV , No . 3 .

Berl in .Deutsche Litteraturzoitun g,

—Ban d XV,Nrn . 7 ; XVI , 1 5—23 .

Ori e n tali sch e Bihliographie, - Ban d VII , Heft 1 .

Zeitschrift fiir E th n ologie,— Heft I , 1894 .

Braun schweig . Jah resberich t tiber di e Fortschri tte der Chemie u n d

verwan d ter Theile an derer Wisse n schafte n ,— Heft 4,

1889 .

Cal cutta . The Cal cutta Review,—Vol . XCIX , NO. 108 .

In dian Med ical Gazet te ,—Vol . XXIX, Nos . 8—10.

Cassel . Botan ische s Cen tralb latt,— Ban d LVII, Nrn . 8 ; LV I lI,

2—1 1 .

Ge n eva . A rch ives des Scie n ce s Physique s et Naturel l e s,— TomeXXXII

,Nos . 7 9 .

Gotti n ge n . Der Kon igl . Gesel lschaft der Wisse n schaf ten , Gotti n gisch e gelehrte An zeige n ,

Nrn . 4—6, 1894.

Nachrichte n ,Nr . 1, I894 .

Leipzig . An n al en der Physik u n d Ch emie,— Nrn . 9—10, 1894 .


atter, Nos . 7—9, 1894.

Lo n don . The A n n al s an d Magazin e of Natural H istory, - V ol . XIIIS eries ) , Nos . 7 7 an d 78 .

The Chemical News,—Vol . LXX

,Nos . 1808- 20.

The E n tomologist,— V ol. XXVII

,Nos 372 an d 373 .

The E n tomologi st ’ s Mo n thly Magaz i n e,— Vol . V (2n d Serie s ),

Nos . 53 an d 54 .

The Jour n al Of Botan y,—V OI. XXXII,NOS. 377 an d 378 .

The Lon don ,Ed i n burgh an d D ublin Philosophical Magazi n e

an d Jour n al of S cie n ce,

- Vol . XXXVII (bih Serie s) , Nos . 2 28

an d 229,

The Messe n ger of Mathematics,— Vol . XXIII (New S eries ) ,

Nos . 7—10.

The Numismatic Chron i cl e, -Part I,1894 .

Numismatic Circular, —Vole. I I , Nos . 21—23 .

The Quarterly Journ al of Microscopical S ci en ce,—

. Vol .XXXVI (New Series) , Par ts I an d 2 .

The Qua iterly Jour n a l of pure an d appl ied Mathematics,

V OI. XXVII,No . 105 .

Rhopal ocera E xotica,

- Part 28, 1894 .

New Haven . The American Journ al Of Scie n ce,—Vol . XLVII (3rd

Serie s) , NOS. 281 an d 282 .

Paris . L ’

Acad émi e Cle s Scien ces , —Comptes Re n dus de s Sean ces, TomeCXVIII

,Nos . 15—22, et Tables, Tome CXVI I .

132 Library . [NOV ,

Paris . An n al e s de Chimie et de Physique,— Tome II,Mai et Ju in ,

1894 .

Revue Critique d ’ Histoire et de Li ttérature,Tome XXXVII,

NOS. 15—18, 20—22 .

Revue Scien tifiqu'

e,— Tome II (4e Séri e ), Nos . 3—16 .

Vien n a. Vie n n a Orien tal Jour n a1,—Vol . VIII, Nos . 1—3 .


An Atlas of An cie n t Egypt . 4to . Lon don,1894 .

BEZZENBERGER, ADALB ERT . Klein ere Schriften von Theodor Ben fey .

Ban d I un d II . 8 V O. Berli n,1890.

BRUGMANN,KARL . Grun driss der Vergleichen den Grammatik der I n do

German ischen Sprachen , Ban d I ; I I Heft I , Heft 2 Lieferu n g1 u n d 2 ; II I, un d I n dices . 8vo . Stras sburg

,1886—93 .

BURNOUF, EMI LE . La Bhagavad-Gita ou Le Chan t du Bien heureux

Poeme I n die n . 8vo . Na n cy,1861 .

Greek Tran slation of the Bhagavad -Gi ta. 8V O. 1848 .

HUNTER,SIR W 1 LLIAM W I L SON . Ben gal MS . Record,Vols . I—IV . 8vo .

Lon do n,1894.

K I RBY,W . F . J Hubn er Exotische Schmetterl in ge, Parts 4 to 6, Plates

32—53, 55—60. FOp . Brussel s

,I894 .

LEFMANN,D R. S . Fran z Bopp , sei n Leben u n d sein e Wissen schaft



alfte. 8vo . Berli n ,189 1.

Mul ler’ s Sacred Books Of the East, Vol . XLIX . 8vo . Oxford , 1894.

RAY,PRATAPA CHANDRA . The Mahabharata, tran slated i n to E n glishprose

,Parts 90 a n d 9 1 . 8vo. Calcutta, 1894 .

Report of the S ixty - third Meeti n g of the Bri ti sh Associatio n for theAdva n ceme n t of Scien ce, held at Notti n gham in September 1893 .

8 V O. Lo n do n ,1894 .

S TEVENSON, ROBERT C. Judson ’s Burmese -E n glish Diction ary . 8vo .

Ran goon ,1893 .

TAYLOR,J . J ; GRIFFITH, F . LL . The Tomb of Paheri at E l Kab. 4to .

Lon don ,1894 .

134 H . Beveridge —The ffi turihicl Jahfi n - n un te‘

l . [D EC.

Mr . T . H . Hollan d exhibited an d explain ed Specimen s ofn ew variet ies of peridotite, from the Be n gal coal fields . (2 ) Specimen ssh ow i n g the co n tact Metamorphismproduced in coal an d san dston eby the i n trusion of the above peridotites . (3 ) A n ew Meteorite .

The followin g papers were read1 . Fu rther observa tion s on the History an d C

'oin age of the Gup ta

Period .

—By V . A . SMITH, E sq., I . C. S .

2 . On the hypothesis of the Babylon ian Origin of the so-called lun ar

zodiac—By D R. G . THI BAUT .

The papers w i l l be pub l ished in the Journ a l, Part I .

3 . The fi drshhl Jahdn - n umci,of Sayyid I ld lii Buhhsh d l Husain i

An gaéza-bddi. —By H . B EVERIDGE

,ESQ .

,late C. S .

(Abstract)Mr . Beveridge

s paper co n s is ts of an an alysi s a n d partial tran slationof the Be n gal chapters of Bakhsh of Maldah ’

s M . S . w ork call edthe Ig iurshid Jahan Numa. l lah '

i Bakhsh gives a detai led accou n t of

the a n tiquitie s of Gaur an d Pan dua an d copie s of the i n scriptio n s tobe foun d there . He began his book so lo n g ago as 1853, but it hasn ever bee n published ,

an d so mos t of h is in scrip tio n s have appearedalready in the Society ’ s Journ a l, an d in Raven shaw ’

s Gaur . Five in scriptio n s how ever, appear to be n ew,

via,those of 7 1 1

, 9 1 3 ,943

,1000, an d

1059 A . H . He has al so given chron ograms of the deaths, &c .

,of the

Sain ts of Pan dua via,Jalalu- d-dln Tabr



‘A liu- l-Haqq

,an d Nur

Qutb an d much curious an d n ove l i n format io n about their shri n es, 850 .

He has al so d escribed a coi n of Mahmud Shah of 944 A . H .

Mr.Beveridge recomme n d s that the Society shoul d publish Pers ian

extracts from D el hi Bak hsh '

s work, via , pp . 4 a n d 5,so far as they

describe the compositi on a n d con te n ts of the Jahan Numa,an d pp . 1 45 (begin n in g w ith the accoun t of Pan dua)— 224

,omitti n g

the pla n s an d certain portion s . It does n ot appear n ecessary to prin t therest of the volume except portion s of pp . 246 an d 280

,an d the author ’ s

accou n t of h imself from p . 49 7 to the en d . Mr . Beveridge has give ntran slatio n s of the importan t parts of the book . By referri n g to themthe coun ci l w i l l be able to judge what portio n s of the tex t should bepri n ted .

The date , 738 A . H . or 1 337,given by Ilahi Bakhsh for Jalalu- d -din ’


departure from Pan dua i s very in teresti n g as i t agrees with Ibn

Batuta’ s accoun t . That traveller saw Jalalu -d -din in Sylhet or Assamabout 740 A .H.

,a n d before Jalalu -d -din had go n e to the Maldives . Mr

Haraprasad Qés tri—Remn a n t3 of Buddhismin Ben gal. 135

Beveridge has al so given a n extrac t from the tran slatio n s of the BombayGeographica l Soci e ty co n firmatory of the traditio n that Jalalu- d - d i n is

buried in the Mald ive i s la n d s .

This paper w i l l be pub li shed in ful l in the Journ a l,Part I .

4 . D iscovery of the remn an ts of Buddhismin B en ga l— By PA N D IT


Dharma-worsh ip prev a ils in W' estern an d Souther n Be n ga l . It

has the fol low in g n oteworthy features w hich d is tin gu ish it from o therforms of H in duw orship .

1 . The n ame of the dei ty i s e ither Dharma -raj or simply Dham ~

ma . His w orship i s cal led Dhamma pilje.

2 . His templ e s face e ither East or South . But he i s ofte n wor

shiped u n der a tree a n d sometimes in the ope n magadan .

3 . Wh ere he has a perman e n t habitatio n he i s represe n ted by a

piece of roun d s to n e w i th o n e or two bra ss n ail s, called gap ,

drive nthrough i t . In other places he i s worshiped in the form of a ghata ,

orearthen jar, ful l of water .

4 . His priests a re Den is , Pods, Bagdis , an d men of other lowcastes . Brahma n as rare ly w orship himas Dharma .

5 . Daily w orship is n ot i n s i s ted upon . The w orship i s mostly of

a votive character .6 . The an n ual festival , which i s ge n erally held on the ful l moo n

in th e mon th of V aioak ha,i s a time of great rej oicin g for the l ower

classe s,from wh ich the h igher classes ge n eral ly hold al oof .

7 . The pri n cipal feature of thi s an n ua l fe stival w as the athleticfeat of sw in gin g on a l ofty pol e which was put a stop to in 1868 un derorders of Gover n men t .

8 . At this festiva l a lon g poem is recited which goes u n der then ame of D harma magga l or D hamma Thdhurér Gan .

9 . Dhamma i s worshiped w i th ma n tras which appear to be verycurious .

There are reaso n s to thi n k that this i s a rem n an t of Buddhism,an d

all th e n i n e poin ts e n umerated abo ve lead to the same co n clu sion .

1 . The n ame of the de ity i s Dharma -raj. This i s a n other n ameof Buddha for the Amara Kesa says — Eliliii (we? 33? uhrra emma :Dharma i s al so the first of the B uddhis t Triad . Buddhismwas i tse lfkn ow n to i ts fol low e rs by the n ame of Sad -Dharma or simply Dharma .

Babu Qarat Can dra D as quotin g from an un pub l ished w ork o f the Tibeta n Taran ath,

says,that after the de struc ti o n of Higher B uddhism by the

Muhammada n s,

.the popular a n d tan trik B uddhismremai n ed in Be n d w as k n own u n der the n ame of Dhamma .

136 Haraprasad Qasti‘i—Remn a n ts of Buddhismin Ben gal. [D EC.

2 . Dhamma i s popu larly sai d to be a form of i a . This i s disproved by the fact that hi s templ es face the East while i a templesface the West . The worship un der a tree remi n ds o n e of the worshipof the Brk sa Caityas of the Buddhi s ts or of the Bodhidruma .

3 . The brass n ail s on the s ton e s represen ti n g Dhamma are said tobe hi s eyes . Now,

in the Buddhist Triad Dhamma used to be repre

se n ted by a stup a w ith two eyes on the n eck, i. e.,just where the ston e

umbrellas begin , a n d the s tupa was the great obj ect of worship in a

Buddhi st Vihara .

4 . Dhamma i s p erhaps the on ly deity, who i s w orshiped byother castes than Brahman s . The flguris , Goalas , ilIaya rd s, Bd ruis an d

othersmay be priests of Dhamma . But D ams are regarded as partienlarly fit priests for the deity . Now D oms have n ot as yet admittedbrahman as to be their domestic prie s ts . There are Pan di ts amon g D amswho perform all their rel igious ceremon ies for them . Dhamma i s said tohave given the D ams a been that they shoul d be his con sti tuted priestsan d that they should be al lowed to drin k w in e an d eat hog ’s fle sh .

Babu Qarat Can dra D as quotin g from an u n publi shed work of Taran ath says, that durin g the reig n of Nasiruddin ,

a D omBuddhis t obtain edsidclhi or fi n al success an d organ i zed tan trik Buddhism the n s till prevai l in g in Ben gal .

5 . Wherever a Buddhi st rui n has bee n expl ored, the explorer hasbeen rewarded wit-h a n umber o f Votive stup as in clay or s ton e .

Wooden stripes in the form of ha n tas or wooden caskets w ith highs teeples are still to be foun d graci n g Dhamma tree s . Horses of

burn t earth are offered more freque n tly than hautas . Some of theDhamma Thakurs are said to be Jagrata or wi de -awake a n d tha t theirfavour always gran ts succe ss to the worshiper . Numbers flock to some ofDhamma temples an d offer him Puja for recovery from d iseases


in g advan cemen t in l ife an d so for th . The ofi erin gs are made over tothe pri es t of the temple, a Domor JlIayard or Teli, an d he presen ts i t tothe dei ty . But proud brahman as when they offer a n y vo tive offerin gdi sdain to have i t presen ted by a low fel low an d so they bri n g theirow n priests . I n some temples in the vici n ity of large b rahman a popa latio n ,

there are two priests, on e low born ,an d the other brahman a for

prese n ti n g votive offeri n gs . In on e case the brahman a has completelysupplan ted his low born rival, an d he n ow w orship s the dei ty w ith Qaivaman tras an d looks upon himas i a . But in the dai ly worship he d ivide sthe n aiveclya, or rice offerin g, placed on a brass plate in the shape o f a

con e,i n to two semi - con es makin g a tre n ch w ith hi s fin ger

,an d ofi ers

the j oin t n aivedya to the joi n t deity sayin g fn arq H‘fRT‘

S‘IW as :

ll' See page 3350 of D harma MAIjgal published at Calcutta in BS . 1295 .

1 38 Edward Barlow—J Vote o n the food- in sects of thema n tis .


[D EC.

The n ame of the deity,his lowly pries thood a n d the story of the

Dharma Man gal raised a stron g presumptio n in my min d in favour ofthe Buddhist origi n of the w orship . In review i n g the w ork “ DharmaMan gal ” publi shed by the Baggards l Press, I wrote in on e of the an n ualreports of the Be n gal Library that the Dharma cul t migh t either be a

remn an t o f decayed Buddhism or that i t might be some formof n on

Aryan worship . But the d i scovery of theman tra an d the fact that thean n ual festival is held o n th e birth-day of Buddha l eave l ittl e doubtof the Buddhis tic origi n of this cul t .

5 . Zlfa terials for a F lora of the Ma lay Pen in sula, NO. 7 .

—By Gr.K ING,E sa ,

M .E . ,LL .D .

,C.I .E .

The paper w il l be pub l i shed in the Journ a l,Part II .

6 . A short n ote on thefood - in sects of thema n tis Hierodula bipapilla ,

Serv .—By E DWARD BARLOW, E n tomology Assista n t, I n dia n M



About the begin n in g of the mo n th of November las t,I recei ved

two l ivin g spec ime n s of a. Man tis, Hierodn la bzfp ap illa ,Serv . ,

from an

employee of the Museum,Mu n shee Kassimuddin ,

who had capturedthemat n ight in the vicin i ty of Harriso n ’ s Road where they had bee na ttracted by the glare of the el ectric l igh t . The morn i n g after theircapture they w ere as l ively as ever, evide n tly n ot havi n g suffered muchfrom b ein g con fi n ed the whol e n ight in a closed paper bag ; an d so


b ein g curious to w itn e s s what I had previously read ab out the l i fehistory an d veracity of these i n sects , I con fi n ed them in a large glas srearin g - cage , e special ly selecti n g this kin d of cage as bein g large an deasily see n i n to w ithou t d isturbin g the in sect s . The i n sects o n bei n gtran sferred from the paper bag to the reari n g- cage showed sign s ofgreat deligh t, evide n tly thin ki n g that they had gain ed their l iberty .

On the first day of their co n fi n eme n t I placed a doze n l ivi n g specime n sof a fly (Mn sca Sp . ) commo n ly fou n d amon g kitche n refuse an d otherrubbish

,an d pati e n tly w ai ted to w atch their man oeuvres . Theman

t ises o n perceivi n g the flie s were at o n ce on “the al ert


” pu ttin g th emselve si n to their characterist ic atti tude ; an d whe n the flies se ttled w ith i nreach of their formidabl e en emie s they w ere sei zed w i th u n fai lin gexactitude a n d promptn ess betwee n the two foreleg s , an d devouredw ith great avidity, n ot immed iately, but after the lapse of a few

mi n utes .

I kep t feedi n g the two man ti ses o n flies of the same k i n d o n lyeach devouri n g ab out seven flie s a day ; a n d when the supply of thesew as n early exhausted , I pu t in a few specime n s o f th e common largegreen bl ow -fly (L n rt



a These the man ti ses did n o t seem to relish

Edward Barlow—Note on the food - in serts of theman tis . 139

much,for they attacked them w i th great reluctan ce appeari n g to be

almos t frigh te n ed of them— a n d on ly devoured them whe n they coul dget n oth i n g el se .

The 7 th a n d 8 th of November bein g hol idays,

I did n ot atten doffice

,con seque n tly the i n sec ts w ere left w ithout an y food . A tte n di n g

the Museum o n the 9 th i n stan t, my first though t was of the man t ises,

a n d on goi n g up to the cage I beheld a s igh t which ful ly il lustrate dthe voracious n ature of these i n sects

,for duri n g my ab se n ce the

stro n ger on e of the two, n ot fi n di n g other food, had del iberately mad ea meal of his w eaker compan ion , devouri n g the e n tire abdome n , l eavi n gthe w in gs

,l egs

,&c .

, of hi s un fortun ate victim strew n about in thecage .

My n ext experimen t on the remain i n g ma n ti s was to fi n d out ifthere were an y ki n ds of i n sects that i t woul d n ot eat

,an d havin g read

that these raptorial Orthoptera have been n oticed by difleren t observersto devour caterpillars , grasshoppers, butterfli es, bee tle s, a n d eve n smal lbirds

,I placed in the cage two l ivin g specimen s of a bug (Cyclop etfia

which had bee n sen t to the Mu seum from Poo n a as i n festi n g L eguminosce an d other species of E rythrin a . Previously the ma n tis had bee nkept w i thout food for two days as a just pu n i shmen t for its crime

,s o

on perce ivi n g the bugs it sei z ed the on e n earest to it w i th great eagern ess, an d, turn in g the head from side to side, made two attempts tobite i ts vi ctim ,

the taste of which, however, i t appeared to dislike ,sh ow in g sig n s of its d i sl ike by w ipi n g its mou th agai n st i ts right foreleg several times . I w atched the man tis , off a n d o n

,for about two

hours , but ex ceptin g the two attemp ts it had made to eat the bug itnever moved

,til l its v ictim lay dead betwee n its two forelegs, when

i t let it drop .

The n ext day I placed in the cage some specimen s of an other kin dof a bug (Physomern s which had been se n t to the Museum fromPoon a as i n festi n g Con volvn lacece. The flesh of this bug al so appearedto be distasteful to th e ma n ti s, an d though it destroyed severa l specime n s

,i t wou ld n ot eat them. Con s ideri n g its con ditio n at the time

havin g bee n w i thou t food for severa l days— I ami n clin ed to thin k that

bugs do n ot form the food of ZVIan tt's ; but to prove this man y moreexperime n ts w oul d be n ecessary . U n fortun ately my observatio n s hadto be aban don ed here, as the man ti s d i ed soon after its refusal to eat

the bugs, from sheer starvation I th i n k .

1 t Library . [D E‘C.


The fol lowi n g addition s have been made to the Library s in ce themeetin g held in D ecember last


p resen ted by the resp ective Societies an d E ditors .

Amsterdam . Kon in k lijk e Akademie van Weten schappen ,—Jaarboek ,

1893 .

V erslagen en Mededeelin gen , Afd . Letterk , 3de

Reeks,Deel X .

Batavia . Bataviaasch Gen ootshap van Kun sten -en Weten schappen ,

Notulen van de Algemeen e en Bestuurs -V ergaderin gen ,Deel

XXXII,Afl. 2 u n d 3 .

Tijd schrift voor I n di sche Taal,-Lan d-eu Volkenku n de, Deel XXXVII, Afl. 6 .

Bombay . The I n dian A n tiquary,—V ol . XX III, Part 29 1 .

Brisba n e . Royal Society of Q ueen slan d,—Proceedi n gs, V ol X an d

I n dex to Vol s . V II—IX .

Bue n os Aires . La Academia Nacion al de Cien cias en Cordoba,

Boleti n,Tomo XII

,E n trega 4a ; X III


Cal cutta . I n dian E n gin eeri n g,— V ol. XVI, Nos 19—22 .

Maha-bodhi Society,— Journ al

,V ol . II I

,No . 7 .

The Med ical Reporter, - V ol. IV,Nos . 10 an d 1 1 .

Chicago, 111. The American A n tiquarian an d Orien tal Journ al,

- V ol.

XVI,No . 5 .

Dresde n . Kon igl. Zoologischen un d An thropologisch-Ethn ographische n Museums zu D resden ,

—Abhan dlun ge n u n d Berichte, 1892—93 .

Flore n ce . La Societa Ital ian a di An tropologia E t n ologia e PsicologiaComparata

,— Archivio p er L ’

A n tropologia e la E tn ologia, TomeXXIV

,Nos . 1 et 2 .

The Hague, Kon in k lijk I n stituut voor de Taal, -en V olk en k un de va n

Nederlan dsch-I n die,— Bijdragen tot de Taal -Lan d-eu V olk en k un de

van Nederlan vdsch-I n die,5e V olgreek s, Deel IX .

Nederlan dsche E n tomologische V ereen igin g,“ Tijdschrift

voor E n tomologie, Ban d XXXVI, Heft 3 un d 4 .

Hamilton . Hamil ton As sociatio11 ,—Journ als an d Proceedin gs

,1893—94 .

Leipzig . D er K6n iglieh Séichsischen Gesel lschaft der Wisse n schafte nzu Leipzig, —Berichte iiber die Verhan dlun g en ,

Phi l-Hist . Cl,I,


142 Library. [DECLSt. Petersburgh . Rus sian Imperial Geographical Socie ty


i n gs,Vol . XXX, No . 3 .

Stockholm . Kon gliga Sven sk a V eten sk aps-Ak ademien s,—Han dlin ger,

Ban d XXV .

Meteorologisk a Iak ttagelser I . Sverige,1890.

Taip i n g . Perak Govern men t, Gaze tte, Vol . VII, Nos . 25 an d 26 .

Tokyo . Imperial U n iversity of Japan ,— Journ al of the Col lege of

S cie n ce,Vol . VIII

,Part 1 .

Vie n n a . Der An thropologische n Gesel lschaft in Wien ,—Mittheilun gen ,

Ban d XXIV,Heft 5 .

Well in gton . Polyn esian Society,— Journ al

,Vol . III

,No . 3 .


p resen ted by Authors, Tran slators, gm.B LANFORD

,W . T . No tes on a l is t of 35 birds observed in Dras an d

Suru by Lieute n an t . W . W . Cordeaux . 8vo . Lon don , 1894.

Notes on the In dian Owls . 8vo. Lon don,1894.

On some Ge n era of Orien tal Barbets . 8vo . Lon don , 1893 .

On the Scie n tific Names of the Imperial an d Spotted Eaglesan d on the Ge n eric Names of Bo n elli’s Eagle an d the Black Eagle.

8vo . Lo n do n ,1894.

GODWIN-AUSTEN , L I EUT .-COL . H . H . Expl oration Survey Work . 8vo .

Lon don ,1894 .

HAECKE L,ERNST . Systematische Phyloge n i e der Protisten un d Pflan zen .

8vo. Berli n ,18941.

H I LLEBRANDT, ALFRED . Vedische Mythologie . 8vo . Bres lau,1891 .

OLDENB ERG, HERMANN . Die Religion des Veda. 8vo . Berlin,1894.

RAY, PRATAPA CHANDRA . The Mahabharata, tran slated in to E n glishProse

,Part 92 . 8vo . Cal cutta, 18941.

MI SC E L L A N E O U S f a s s smr ar xo u s .

Mittheilun gen der Aargau i sche n Naturforschen den Gesel l schaft,Heft

6 . 8vo . Aaran , 1892 .


The Report of the Carmichael Library, Ben ares, 1893 . 8vo. Be n ares,18941.


Report on Education in the Ce n tral Provin ces for the year 1893-94.

Fcp . Nagpur, 18941.Report on the Excis e Reven ue in the Ce n tral Provin ces for the year

1893-94. Fcp . Nagpur, 1894.

L ibrary.

Report on th e Railway-born e Traffic of the Ce n tral Provin ces for theofficial year 1 893 -94. Fcp . Nagpur


Resolution on the man ageme n t by Govern men t of Private E s tates inthe Cen tral Provi n ces for the reve n ue year 1892 -93 . Fcp . Nagpur


1894 .

Return s of the Rail-born e Traffic of the Ce n tral Provi n ce s duri n g th equarter e n din g 30th Jun e , 1894. Fcp . Nagpur

, 1894 .


BAILEY, F . M . Con tribution s to the Queen slan d Flora . 8vo . Brisban e,


SHELTON, E . M .-Man ures : the ir man ageme n t an d use

,w ith specia l

refere n ce to Quee n slan d Con di tio n s . 8vo . Brisba n e,1894 .


H IGHT, G . A . Report on Forest Admin i stratio n in German y . 8vo .

Cal cutta,1894.


Retur n s of the Ra i l an d River-born e Trade of Be n gal duri n g the quarte ren di n g the 30th Ju n e, 189 /I . Fcp . Cal cutta,

1894 .


Brief Sketch of th e Meteorology of the Bombay P re side n cy in 1893-9411,

Fcp . Bombay, 1894s .Magn etical an d Meteorol ogi ca l Observation s made at the Govern me n t

Observatory, Bombay, 1893 . 4to . Bombay, 1894.


The I n dian An tiquary for October, 1894 . 4to . Bombay,1894 .

North I n dian Notes an d Querie s,Vol . IV

,No . 5 . 4to . A l lahabad

,18941 .


The Agri cul tural Ledger,Nos . 1—4, 1892 ; l—14, 16—20, 189 3 l

,2,4s, 6

1894 . 8vo . Cal cutta,I894 .

Epigraphia I n dica, Vol . II I, Part 5 . 4to . Cal cutta, 18941.


REA,ALEX . List of Arch itectural an d Archaeological Remai n s in Coorg .

4to . Madras,18949.

South In dia n Buddh i s t A n tiqu itie s , 4to . Madras, 189 1Report on Epig raphical work accompl i sh ed in South ern I n dia duri n g

1893 -94. Fcp . Madras, 1894 .


R I C E,B . LEWI S . I n scription s in the Mysore D istri c t, Part I . 4to .

Ban gal ore,


Report on the Admi n i s tration of Civi l Jus ti ce in the Pun jab an d i tsDepe n de n cie s duri n g the year 1893 . Fcp . Lahore, 189 i .


1414 Library.

Catalogue of the Coi n s of the I n d ian Museum,Part I . 8V O. Calcutta,



The In dian Journ al of Education for November, 1894. 8ve . Madras,

1894 .


CAPPELLE, D R. H . V AN. Der Lochemerberg, ein durehragun gszug imNiederlaen dischen D i luvium . 8vo. Ams terdam

,1893 .

Een ige Mededeelin gen over de Glacial e En Praeglaeiale V or

min gen in Twen te en den Oosthoek V an Gelderlan d . 8vo . Amsterdam

,1894 .

ENGELMANN,TH. W . D ie Erschein un gsweise der Sauerstoffausscheidun g

Chromophyllhaltiger Zel le n imLight bei An we n dun g der Bae terienmethode. 8vo . Amsterdam,

I894 .


Bouw s toffen voor de geschieden is der Wis -E nNatuurk un dige Weten schappen in de Nederlan den . 8vo . Amsterdam,

1893 .

HAMBURG ER, D R. H . J . Een Lymphdrijven de Bacterie . 8vo . Amsterdam

,1893 .

On derzoek in gen over do Lymph . 8V O. Ams terdam,1893 ;

Over D en In vloed Der Ademhalin g op de V erplaatsin g

van S n iker, Vet E n Eiwit . 8vo . Ams terdam,1894 .

HOFFMANN, C. K . U n tersuchun ge n ueber D en U rsprun g D es Blutes

un d der Blutbereiten den Organ e . 8vo . Amsterdam, 1893 .

HUBRECHT,A . A . W . De Placen tatie van de Spitsmuis (sorex vulgaris8vo . Amsterdam,

1893 .

KOLK,D R J . L . C. SCHROED ER VAN D ER. Proeve een er Geologi sche

Karteerin g Der Omstrek en V a n Deve n te r . 8vo . Amsterdam,1894 .

LORIE, D R. J . De Hoogven en en de Gedaan tewis selin gen der Maas in

Noord-Braban t en Limburg . 8V O. Amsterdam,1894 .

LORIE, DR. J . Gron dborin gen Lan gs de Be n ede n -Maas . 8vo. Ams terdam,


Gron dborin gen te Assen . 8vo . Ams terdam,1893 .

MOLENBROEK, P . Over de Toepassin g der Quatern ion e n Op de Mechan ica en de Natuurk un de . 8vo . Amsterdam

,1893 .

MULD ER, E . V ervolg van het on derzoek betreffen de Het Keton zuur

afgeleid van Wijus teen zuur, en over het Parabran digdruiven zuur .

8vo . Amsterdam,1894.

SCHOUTE, P . H . Regelmassige Schn i tte u n d Projection en des achtzelles .

Sechszehn zelles i1 n d vierun dzwan zigzelles im Vierdimen sion al enRaume . 8vo . Ams terdam , 1894 .

SCHOUTEN, D R. G . De V exs n ellin gen van B oogers Orden . 8vo . Ams terdam,

1894 .

146 Library. [D EC.

Proceedin gs of the U n i ted States Nation al Museum,V ol . XVI . 8vo .

Washi n gton, 1894.

Report of the Un ited States Natio n al Museum for the year en din gJun e 30th, 1892 . 8vo . Washin gton

,1893 .


The TheOSOphic Glean er, V ol. IV,Nr . 3 . 8vo . Bombay, 1894 .


LEIGHTON, V I RG I L L . The Developme n t of the Win g of Stern a Wilson n .

8vo . Massachu setts, U . S . A. , 1894 .


f E R IO D l C A L S f U RC H A SE D .

Allahabad . Nor th In dian Notes an d Queries,— V ol. IV

,No . 5 .

Berlin . Deutsche Litteraturzeitun g, - Jahrgan g XV,Nrn . 241- 39 .

Orien tal i sche Bib l iographic— Ban d VII, Heft 2 .

Zei tschrift fiir E th n ologie,—Heft I I- IV, 189 4 ; un d Ge n eralRegis ter zu Ban d I—XX (1869

Braun schw eig . Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Chemie u n d

verwa n d ter Theil e a n derer Wisse n schafte n ,— Heft 2


Calcutta . In dian Medical Gaze tte,

V ol. XXIX, No . 1 1 .

Cassel . Botan i sches Cen tralblatt, - Ban d LV III,Nr n . 12 -l3 LIX,1—12.

GOttin gen . D er KOn igl. Gesel lschaft der Wissen schafte n ,—GOttin g

ische gelehrte A n zeige n,Nrn . 7—9

,1894 .

Nachrichten,GeschaftlicheMittheilu n gen ,

Nr . 1,1894.

Mathematisch -phys ikal ische Klasse, - Nr.

2,1894 .

Philologisch -hi stori sche Klasse,—Nr . 2



Leipzig . An n al en der Physik 11 n d Chemie ,— Ban d LIII, Heft 3 un d 4 .

Beiblatter, —Ban d XVIII,Nr. 10.

Leyde n . In tern ation al e s Archiv fiir E th n ographie,— Ban d VI I, Heft

Lon don . The A n n al s a n d Magazi n e of Natural History,—Vol . XIV

l6th Series ),NOS. 79—82 .

The Chemical New s,—Vol . LXX,Nos . 1821—25 .

The E n tomologis t,—Vol . XXVII, Nos . 3 74—77 .

The E n tomologi st ’ s Mo n thly Magaz i n e,— Vol . V (2n d Series) ,

Nos . 362—65 .

The Ibis,—Vol . VI (6th Series ), No . 23 .

The Jour n al of Bo tan y, —Vol . XXXI I, Nos . 379—82 .

The Lon don ,Edi n burgh an d Dublin Phi losophical Magaz i n e,

—Vol . XXXVIII,Nos . 230—33 .

Library. 147

Lon don . The Messe n ger of Mathematics,— Vol . XXIII, Nos . 1 1 a n d

12 ; XXIV ,1—3 .

Numismati c Chron icl e,—Part II, 1894 .

Numismatic Circular,— V ol . II, No . 24 .

The Quarterly Jour n al of Microscopical S cie n ce,

-V ol .

XXXVI,Parts 3 a n d 4 .

The Q uarterly Journ al of pure a n d applied Mathematic s,

V ol . XXVII, No . 106 .

Rhopalocera Exotica,—Part 29 .

New Have n . The American Journ al of S ci en ce,

—V ol. XLVII I,Nos .

283- 85 .

Pari s . L ’

Academie des Scie n ce s,—C omptes Re n dus des Séan ces, TomeCXVIII, Nos . 23—25 ; CXIX,

1—13 .

An n al es de Chimie et de Phys ique,—7me Série, Juillet

Octobre, 1894.

Revue Critique d ’ Histoire et Littérature,— Tome XXXVI I,Nos . 19



Revue Scien tifique, —Tome II (48 Série ) , Nos . 17—20.

Philadelphia . Man ual of Co n chology,—V ol. XV

,No . 3 ; 2

n d SeriesV ol. IX,

No . 3 .

BOOK S PURC HASE DLACOUPERIE, TERRIEN D E. Wester n Origin of the Early Chi n ese C iv ili

sation from B . C. to 200A . D . 8vo . Lon don,1894.

LEFEVRE,ANDRE’ . Race s an d Lan guages . 8vo . Lo n do n, 189 4.

MULLER, F . MAX. Sacred Books of the East,V ol. XXXVI . 8vo .

Oxford, 1894.

RAY, PRATAPA CHAN DRA . The Mahabharata, tran slated in to E n gli shprose

,Part 92 . 8v0 . Cal cutta, 1894 .

WRIGHT, WI LL IAM . Lectures on the Comparative Grammar of the

Semitic lan guages . 8vo. Cambridge, 1890.

150 I n dex .

A n derson (Dr . A . an accoun t of the shore an d Shal low-waterBrachyura coll ected on board H .M . SurveySteamer “ In vestigator


” durin g 1893 -94

n ote on the stridulatin g powers of theOcypode crab (Ocyp oda cera top hthalma)

An n ual Meeti n gReport

An thropol ogical Committee, el ection ofA n thropol ogyArabia n Sea, topography of theArchaeological Committee, election of

Ar n old (H . K . elected Member of Fi n an ce an d Visitin gCommittee

elected Memb er of History an d Archaeologi

cal Committeeel ected Member of Library Committee

A ssam,flyin g Lizard from

A ssamese Gold Coi n ,exhibition of

Babylon ian OriginBan dah, Guru Gobin d Sin gh an d

Barlow (Edward) , a short n ote on the food- i n s ects of theman tisBasu (Chan dra Kan ta) , pri ze awarded toBasu (Nagen dra Natha ), e le cted a n Ordin ary MemberBatabyal (Umes Chan dra) , on a n ew copper -plate gran t of Dhar

mapalaBathybial Fishes, collection ofBehari Customs an d P ractice sBen gali Li teratureBeveridge n ote on Maj or Fran cklin ’s description of Gaur

the Iihfi rshid Jahan - n uma of Sayy id I lahiBakhsh al Hu sain i A n gréza

-badiBhagalpur, fi n d of Old coin s inBibliotheca I n d ica

budget shew in g the expen ses on theBose (P . N elected Member of Physical Scien ce CommitteeBrachyura ,

shore an d shal low -waterBuddha ’s Ordin ation , golden Book ofBuddhi sm in Ben galBui ldin gButterflie s from the Lido-MalayanButterfly E at/za lia Ira

In dea'. 1 5 1

Bysack (Gaurdas ), el ected Member of History an d ArchaeologicalCommittee

e lected Member of Library Committeee lected Member of Philologi cal Committeeel ected Member of Physical Scien ce Committee

Cen tral Prov i n ce s, fi n d of Old coin s in

Charles (Dr . R . Havelock) , the Nasal In dex compared upon the

Head an d Sku l l, w i th n otes upon the Nasal B on es an d an

terior Nasal ApertureChatteijee (M . N . el ected an Ordin ary MemberChaudhury (Gya n dI a Nath ), death of

Chemical Examin at ion of certai n I n dian Foodstufi sChilzis tradition s, n otes onCockburn (J . n ote on a D IOI Ite plugCoin ,

Assamese goldcabin etcommittee, electi o n of

reports 011 fi n ds of Oldsupplemen tary to Thomas ’ Chro n icl es of th e Pathan Kin gsof Delhi, NO. 5

Coi n age of the Gup ta periodCommittees, el ection ofCon den hove (Cou n t II ) , w i thdrawal ofCon tin en tal Agen cyCon volvu laceae , some addition al sp ecie s ofCopper plate Gran t of Dharmapala

,,SOhgau1 a

Cote s (E . C. elected Member of Natura l H is tory CommitteeCoun cil, members of

Proceedin gs durin g 1893, abstract ofCrab, OcypodeCrimin al Pun i shmen t in Tibetan Jail sCroft (S ir A . W . elected Vice -Pre siden tCrooke elected Member of An thropological CommitteeCrus tacea, col lection of Deep SeaCun n in gham (Major-Gen eral S ir death of

obituary n otice of the deathof

Cun n in gham (Dr . D . elected Member of Library Committeeelected Member of Natural His toryCommittee

152 Iriders .

Cun n in gham (D r. D . elected Member of Physical Scien ceCommittee

Customs an d Practices , BehariDames (M . el ected Member of An thropological CommitteeD as (Sarat Chan dra) , elected Member of An thropological Com

mitteeshort n ote on the Golden Book of Buddha ’ s Ord i n atio nTibetan Jai l s an d Crimin al

Death of Members 1,41 , 75, 84, 102, 1 18,

Delh i fi n d of old coin s inD harmapala,

copper-plate gra n t OfD io xite plug, exhibition of a

Discovery of the remn an ts of Buddhism in Ben galDouglas (Li euten an t J . n otes o n Chilas trad ition sDriver (W . H . el ected Member Of History an d Archaeo

logical CommitteeDuthie (J . F . elected Member of Natura l History Commi tteeE l ection of Members 55 , 83, 101 , 109 , 1 1 7 ,

E lgin (Lord ), accepted the offi ce of PatronE l iot (J el ected Member of Phys ica l S cie n ce CommitteeE l l iott Prize for Scien tific ResearchE l l iott (The Hon . Sir C. elected Vice -Presiden t

vote of than ks toE l son (S . R . elected Member of Phy s ical Scien ce CommitteeE ssays for the E ll iott Prize for Scien tific Research ”

E ‘

Itlll tl lla I ’


Fadi n g Histori esFat an d Oil

Fi n an ce an d Vis itin g Committee, el ectio n ofreport on

Fi n n (Fran k ) , e lected an Ord in ary MemberFlora of the Malayan Pen in su la 42


Flower (Sir Will iam Hen ry ) , elected a Hon orary Memb erletter of than ks for bein g elected a

Hon orary MemberFlyin g Lizard from As samFolk - l ore about Thieves an d RobbersFood- in sects of theman tisFoodstuffs ,Forrest (G . elected Member of Library Committee


154 I n dex .

Hoern le (Dr . A . F . R. ) exhibited a s il ver coin sen t by Mr .

Rodgersn ote on the Sohgaura copper-plateobituary n otice of the death of Maj orGen eral S ir A . Cun n in gham

obituary n otice of the death of Mr . B .

H . HodgsonHoey (Dr . n ote on the Sohgaura copper-plateHol lan d (T . exhibited n ew varietie s of peri doti teHon orary Members, death of 1


, 102,

election of

Hyde (The Rev . H . elected Member of History an d Archaeol ogical Committeeelected Member of Lib-1 aiy Committee

I lahi Bakh sh al Husai n i An gré za-badi (Sayyid ), Khurshid Jaban

n uma of

In dian Mu seumIn do -Malayan region ,

butterflies from theI n scription from ShamsabadI n vertebrates, marin eIrvin e (William ) , Guru Gobin d Sin gh an d Ban dah

n ote on an I n scription from ShamsabadIskan der AliMirza, Bahadur (Prin ce ), death ofJahan gir ’s Mohurs an d RupeesJai l s, TibetanJarrett (Colon el H . elected Member of Coun ci l

el ected Member of Library Committeeel ected Member of Phil ological Committeew ithdrawal of

Jehan Qudr Muhammad Wahid Ali (Prin ce) , el ected member ofLibrary Committee

‘Kan gra district, fi n d of old coin s inKhudabak sh Khan ,

Bahadur (Moulvie) , el ected Member of Philological Committee

Khfi rsh-id Jahan n umaKin g (Dr . George) , elected Member of Physical Scien ce Com

mitteematerial s for aflora of theMalayan Pen i n sula 42,

Kin g (Dr . W il l iam) , Wi thdrawal ofLa Touche (J . J . el ected Member of Physical Scien ce Committee

In dex .

Ladakh , history of

Lafon t (The Rev . Fr . el ected Member of Physical Scien ceComm itte e

Libraryadditio n s tocommittee

,el ection of

Life Members , death ofLitera ture

,Ben gal i

Little electedLi zard from A ssamLon don Agen cyLyal l (C. J el ected Presiden tMaclagan (E compou n ded subscription as n on -re side n tmember

Maclagan (Gen eral Robert) , death of

Malayan Pen in su la, flora of theMalda

,fi n d of old coi n s in

Man n (J elected Member of Cou n ci lel ected Member of Library Committeee lected Member of Philological Committee

Jll cmtz's,food- in sects of the

Mari n e I n vertebra tes , exhibition of

Marx (D r . Karl ) , three documen ts re latin g to the History of

Ladak h

Material s for a Flora of the Malayan Pen in sulaMeade (Maj or M . J W ithdrawal ofMecon opsi s from SikkimMembers

,death ofel ection ofl ist

,report on

of Coun cilW i thdr awal of 40


, 84

MeteoriteMiddlemis s (C . elected Member of Natural History Committee

elected Member of Physical Scien ce CommitteeMiln e -Edward s (Profess or d eath ofMitra (Sarat Chan dra) , n orth In dian Folk- l ore about Thieves an d

Robberson some Behar’

i Customs an d PracticesMohurs an d Rupees, Jahan gir ’


Moir (Surgeon -Captai n D . elected an Ordin ary Member

1 55

156 In dex .

Mon thly Gen era l Meetin gs 1, 37 , 55, 75, 83, 101, 109 , 1 17 ,

Mozufferpur, fi n d of old coin s inMuhammad bin Sam,

si lver coin supposed to be on e ofMuk erjea (Bhudeva ), death of

elected Member of Phi lological CommitteeMuk erjea (Nilmon i) , elected Member of Philological Committee “

Muk erjea (P . C. rel ics obtain ed byMuk erjea (Sivn arayan ) , elected an Ordin ary MemberMuk hop édhyaya (Dr . Asutosh) , elected Member of Library Com

mitteeelected Member of Phil ologicalCommittee

el ected Member of PhysicalScien ce Committee

Mul l ick (Y adulal ) death ofNasal I n dex compared upon the Head an d Sku llNash (A . accoun t of Babu Chan dra Kan ta Basu , essay fur

n ished by

Natural History Committee , election ofSecretary exhibited a Diorite Plug

Nepal , Tribes, Clan s an d Cas tes ofNew South Wales , Circu lar from the Royal Society ofNicéville (L . de ) , e lected Member of Library Committee

el ected Member of Natural History Committeeexhibited a rare Nymphal id butterfly, Euthalia.Iva,

on n ew or l ittl e -kn ow n Butterfl ie s from theI n do Ma layan region .

Noeldek e (Theodor ), elected a Hon orary Memberletter of than ks for bein g elected a Hon or

ary MemberNoetlin g (Dr . Fritz ) , elected Member of Natural History Com

mitteee l ected Member of Physical Scien ce Committee

North In dian Folk - lore about Thieves an d RobbersNoviciae I n dicae, V II an d VIIINyayaratn a (Mahamahopadhyaya Mahesachan dra) , elected Mem

ber of Coun ci le lected Member of Library


1 58 I n dex .

Philological Committee, budget draw n up by theelection of

Secretary exhibited an old Assamese gold coin

exhibited the Soligaura Copper -plateread a n ote on Maj or Fran cklin ’s D escrip

tion of GaurPhysical feature s of some of the Laccad ive Islan ds

,w i th some

suggestion s as to their mode of formationScien ce Committee, election of

Practices,Behari Customs an d

Prain descript ion of a n ew Mecon opsis from Sikkimelected Memb er of Natural History Committeeel ected Member of Physical S cien ce Committeesome add ition al species of Con volvu laceae

Prese n tation s,an n ou n cemen t of 1

,37 55, 7 5, 83, 101 , 109, 1 1 7,

Presiden t , el ec tion of

Presiden tial AddressPubl icat ion s of the SocietyPun i shmen t in Tibetan Jai l sRan kin g (Dr . George) , elected an Ord i n ary MemberRay (P . on the Chemical Examin ation of certai n I n dian Food

stufi s , Part I .

,Fat an d Oil

Relics,exh ibitio n of

Report on the “ E l l iott Prize for Scien tific ResearchRivett-Carn ac (J . w ithdrawal ofRobbers

,Folk - l ore about Thieves an d

Rodgers (C. J coin s supplemen tary to Thomas ’ Chron i cles ofthe Pathan Kin gs of Delhi

,No . 5

el ected Member of Coin s Commi tteeexhibitio n of a silver coi n se n t byJahan gir

s Mohurs a n d RupeesRest (Dr . Rei n hold) , el ec ted a Hon orary Member

let ter of than ks for b ei n g elected a Hon orary Member

Royal Society of New South Wal es, Circular fromRupees, Jahan gir ’

s Mohurs an dSarbadhik ari (Rai Raj Kumar) , e lected member of A n thropo

l ogical Committeeelected member of PhilologicalCommittee

Sarkar (Dr . Mahen dralél ), elected Member of Coun cil

7 ’

In dea’


Sarkar (Dr . Mahen dralail) , el ected Member of Library Committeee lected Member of Philol ogical Com

mit teeelec ted Member ‘ of Physical Scie n ce

CommitteeScotlan d (J . P ) , death ofScu l ly (Dr . el ected Member of Coi n s Committee

elected Member o f Fi n an ce a n d V i s iti n g Committee

el ected Member of Library Commit teeel ected Member of Natural His torv Committeeel ec ted Member of Phys ical Sc ien ce Commi tte e

S ecretarie s, ele ctio n of

oflice ofSewel l w ithdrawal ofShamsabad, I n scription fromShastr i (Harap rasad) , a n cie n t Be n gal i Li terature u n der Muham

mada n Pa tro n agediscovery of the rem n an ts of Buddhism inBen gale lec ted Joi n t Philological S ecretary

Shibl i Neman i (Shams -ul—U lama Maulvie) , el e cted an Ordi n aryMember

Shore a n d Shal low -water Braci’zyma

Shyamaldas (Mahamahapodhyaya Kaviraja) , d eath ofelec ted Member of His toryan d Archaeological Committe e

Sibsagar, fi n d of old coi n s inSiemen s (Dr . IV ar n er ), d eath ofSikkim

,Meco n opsi s from

Simpson (Dr . IV . el ected Member of Coun cile lected Member of Physical S cien ce Committee

Sin gh (Rai Bahadur D han apati) , w ithdrawal ofSin gh (Kumar In drachan dra ) , death of

Si n gh,Bahadur (His High n ess Raj ‘a elected an

Ordin ary MemberSPin ha (Ku n war Kushal Pal) , elected an Ordin ary MemberSmith (V . el ected Member of Coin s Committee

fur ther Observation s on the His tory an d Coin ageof the Gupta period

l 9

160 I n dex .

Smith (V . n ote on the Sohgaura copper-plateSocie tie s I n sti tutio n s

,&c .

,to which the publication s of the As iatic

Society -have been sen t durin g the year,or from which pub l ication s have bee n received

Sollgaura copper-plate, exh ib iti on ofSpre n ger (Dr . A loys ) , death ofStokes (Sir George Gab riel ) , el ected a Hon orary MemberTark alan k ara (Mahamahapodhyaya Chan dra Kan ta) , elected a

Hon orary MemberTemple (Maj or R . elected Member of History an d Archfeolo

gical Committeeel ected Member of Phi lological Committee

Thibaut (Dr . elected Member of Phi lological Committeeon the hypothes is of the Babylon ian Origin

of the se- cal led lun ar zodiacThieves an d Robbers , Folk-lore aboutThomas ’ Chro n i cle s of the Pathan s Kin gs of Delhi, No . 5

,coi n s

supplemen tary toThuillier (Col . elected Member of Physical Scien ce Committee

Thurston (E ), elected Member of An threpelogical Committeeel ected Memb er of Coi n s Committeeelected Member of Natural History Commi ttee

Tibetan Jai l sTopography of the Arabian SeaTreasurer, election ofTribedi (Be n i Madho ), membership can cel ledTribes

, Clan s an d Castes of NepalVan sittart (Captain Eden ), n ote on the Tribes, Claus an d Castes

of NepalV en is elected Member of Philological CommitteeVice -Presiden ts

,el ection of

Viceroy an d Govern or-Gen eral of I n d ia,acceptan ce of the oflice of

Patron by theVisitin g Committee, electio n of

V est (Surgeon -Captai n William ), compou n ded subscription as

n on -residen t memberelected an Ord in ary Member

VV addell (Dr . L . w i thdrawal of“ 7 511511 (Dr . J . H . Tul l ), appoin ted An thropo l ogical Secretary

elected Natural History Secretary



The Hon . Si r c . A . Elliott,K . c . s . I .

V ice-Presiden ts .

A . Pedler, E sq.,F . R. S .

C. J . Lyall, Esq.,M . A . , LL .D . , C. S I ., C . I . E .

D r . A . F . R . Hoern le.

Secretaries an d Treasurer .

G . A . Grierson ,E sq.

, C . S.

D r . J . H . TullWalsh .

The Hon . Mr. H . H . Ri sley,C . I . E .

C. R. W ilson ,E sq.

,M . A .

Pan dit Haraprasad Sas tri, M . A .

C . Little, E sq., M . A .

Other .Members of Cou n cil.

Babu Pratapachan dra Ghosha, B . A .

L . de N i ceville, E sq. , F . E . S.

Colon el H . S . Jarrett .D r . Mahen dralal Sarkar, C . I . E .

E . C . Cotes, E sq.

The Hon . Mr. Justice Amir Ali, C . I .

Colon el J . Wa terhouse, B . S . C .

Maheimahopadhyaya Mahesachan dra Nyayarat n a ,


R. Residen t . N . R. Non -Residen t . A . Ab sen t . N . S. Non -Subscribin g .

L . M . Life Member . F . M . Foreign Member.

N . B .

—Members who have chan ged their residen ce sin ce the list was draw n

up are reques ted to give in timation of such a chan ge to the Secretaries , in orderthat the n eces sary alteration may be made in the sub sequen t edition . Errors or

omis sion s in the follow in g lis t should also be commu n icated to the Secretaries .

Members who are about to leave In dia an d do n ot in ten d to return are particularly reques ted to n otify to the Secretaries whether it is their desire to con tin ue

Members of the Society ; otherwise, in accordan ce with Rule 40 of the Bye-Law s ,

their n ames will be removed fromthe lis t at the expiration of three years fromthe

time of their leavin g In dia .

Adamso n,Maj or Charles Hen ry E l l ison

,M . s . e.

,Depu ty Commission er . Sagain g.

Adie,Surgeon -Captain J . R. , M . B . E urop e.

Ahmad Khan,Hen . Mau lvi S ir Sayid , Bahadur,K . C. S. I . Aligaa


Ahmud,Shams -ui-ulan a Mau lvi, Khan Bahadur,

Arabic Profe ssor,Preside n cy College . Ca lcutta .

Alcock,Surgeo n -Captai n A lfred Wil l iam

,M . e .

,Superin ten den t,I n d ian Mu seum.


li,Sir A’

li Qadr Syud Hassan,Nawab Bahadur

K . C. I . E . Murshedabad .

Amir A’

li,Hon . 0. I . e .

,M . A . Barrister-at-Law


Judge,High Court . Calcutta .

A n derson,John

,M . D .

,F . R. S. , F . L . S. E urop e.

A n derso n,J . A . Ca tcu tta .

A n derson,Dr . R . Bombay.

Arn old , Hen ry K erchever “ falter . Ca lcutta .

Arn old,Thomas Walker

,B . A .

,M . R . A. S.


fes ser,Muhammadan A n glo -Orie n tal Coll ege .

Aligar .

Arthur,O. G. , C. s . E tah,N .

- IV .P .

Ashan -u l lah,Khan Bahadur, Nawab . D acca .

Attar S i n gh,Bahadur

,Mahamahopédhyaya Sirdar,S ir

,K . c . 1 . M . H. F .

, Chief of Bhadour.

Ludian a .

1889 Aug . 29 . Azi z-ud-din Ahmad,Deputy Collector an d Magis

trate . Carn ival.

Baden -Pow ell , Bade n He n ry, C. I . E ., C. S. E urope.

Bail l ie, D . C. , C. S. Nain i Tal.

Baker, Lieute n an t Don ald . Calcutta .

Baker, E . C. S . North Cachar .

Bal l,Val e n tin e, M . A.

,F . R. s .

, F . G . S. E urop e.

Ban erji,Hon . Gurudas, M . A.

,D . L .

, Judge, HighCourt . Ca lcutta .

Barker,R . A .

,M . D . , Civi l Surgeon . E urop e.

Barman , Kishor Kumar RadhaDev, Juvraj of Hil lTipperah . Tipp erah.

Barman,D amudar D as . Calcutta .

Batabyal, Umes Chu n der, C. S. Malda .

Beames,John , C. S. E urop e.

Beighton,T . D .

, C. s . Ca lcutta.

Beveridge, He n ry, C. S. E urop e.

Bhakta,Krishn a GOpal . Calcutta .

Bhattacharjee, Jan ak iNath . Ca lcutta .

iddulph, Col. J .

, B . S. C. Gwalior .

id ie Surgeon -Ge n eral G .

,C. I . E .

,F . L . s .

,M . B .

E urop e.

Bigg-Wither,Maj or A . C. , B . A.

, A. I . C. E . E urop e.

Bilgrami, Syud A'li, B . A.,A. R. s . M .

,F . G. s .

Hyderabad .

Blan ford,W . T ., A . R . s . M .

,F . R . s .

,F . G . s .

,F . R . G . s .,F . Z . S . E urop e.

Beddin g, The Rev . A . Ramp oreHaut.

Bol ton , C. W. , C . S . E urop e.

Bon n erjee, Womes Chun der,Barris ter, Middl eTemple . E urop e.

Bose, Bhupe n dra Nath, Sol icitor. Calcutta .

Bose, Pramatha Nath, B. SC., F . G. s .

, GeologicalSurvey of I n dia .

Bose,RaiNal i Nak sha, Bahadur, Chairman ,

Burdwan Mun i cipal ity . Burdwan .

Bowie , Colon e l M . M ., Commission er, C. P .

Nagpur .

Brad shaw,Surgeon -Maj or -Gen era l A . F .

,Hon orary

Surgeon to the Viceroy, M . D .

,c . B . Simla .

Bran d is, Sir Dietrich, K . c . I . E .

,PH . D .

,F . L . s .

,F . R . S . E urop e.

Brown,Dr . E . H . E urop e.

Bural , Nobin chan d,Solicitor . Calcutta .

Bysack , Gaurdas . Ca lcutta .

Calcutta,The Rt . Rev . the Lord Bishop of . Calcutta .

Caspersz, A . A .

, Barrister-at-Law . Calcutta .

Dé,RajaBaik un tan éth

,Bahadur . Balasore.

D eussen,Dr . Pau l . E urop e.

D han apatiSi n gh D ughar,RaiBahadur . Azimgan j .Diler Jan g, Nawab Syad Ashgar Ali, Khan Bahadur, C. S . I . Calcutta .

D oyl e,Patrick, 0. E .

,M . R . I . A.

, M . I . c . E . I ., F . R . A. s . ,F . R . s . E .,F . G. s .

,F , R. Met. s .

,L . s . (Exam ) .

M . Lon d . Math . Soc , F . S. s .,Fe ] . San . I n st ,

M .

Aus . I n st . M . E . Calcutta .

Driver,Walter Hen ry Parker . Europ e.

Drury, Dr . F . G . Calcutta .

Dudgeon,Gerald Cecil,Lebon g Tea Compan y . D ar

feelin g.

Duthie,J . F .

,Director, Govern me n t Botan icalSurvey,

Northern I n dia . Sahara n p ur .

Dutt, Gerin dran ath . B a twa .

Dutt, Kedarn ath, Depy . Collector . Pooree.

D utt,Narsi n gh . Howrah.

Dutt, Romesh Chu n der, B . C. s . , Barrister-at-Law,Midd le Temple . B urdwa n .

18 70Mar . 9 . Ed in burgh,H . R . H . The Duke of . E urop e.

18 71 Dec . 2 . E lio t, J .,M . A.

,Meteorological Reporter to the Govt .of I n d ia . Simla .

1892 May 4 . E l l iott,Hon

ble Sir C. A .

,K . o. S . I .

,Lieut . -Gover

n or of Ben gal . Ca lcutta .

1 886 Jan . 6 . E lson , Samuel R., Be n gal Pilot Service . Calcutta .

189 1 Aug . 27 . Ern est,Diego

,Merchan t . D elhi.

1879 July 2 . R . Fin ucan e,M .

,O. S. E urop e.

1 869 Sept 1 . A . Fisher, Joh n Hadde n ,

C . 8 . E urop e.

1886 Apri l 7 . N .R Fleet, Joh n Faithful ] , C. I . E .

, C. s . Poon a .

1893 May 3 . A . Forb es,Maj or H . F . Gordon . E urop e.

1892 May 4 . R . Forrest,G . W . , B . A. ,

As si stan t Secretary to theGovern me n t of In d ia

,Home Departmen t . Ca lcutta .

1876 July 5 . N .R Foulkes , The Rev . Thos . , F . L . S.

,M . R. A. S.

,F . R . G. S .



Iadras Presiden cy .

1893 Jan . 1 1 . N .R Gai t,E . A .

,C. S. Shillon g.

1880April 7 . N .R Gajapati, A'

n an da Ram,K . C. I . E .

, Raga of V izian agram . V izia n agram.

1859 Aug . 3 . L M Gas trell, Ge n eral James Eard ley . E urop e.

1867 Dec . 4 . A. Gay,E M . A F . R . A . 8 . E urop e.

1 889 Jan . 2 . R . Ghose, Jogen drachan dra, M . A ., B . L . Calcutta .

1883 Aug . 30. R . Ghose, Man mohan . Ca lcutta .

1889 Mar . 6 . R . Ghosha, Bhupen dra Sri . Ca lcutta .

1 869 Feb . 3 . R . Ghosha,Pratapcha n dra, B . A. Ca lcutta .

1884 Dec . 3 . NR Gile s, George M . J ., M . B F . R. c . s .

, Civi l MedicalOfficer, Lawre n ce Mili tary Asylum . San awar.

1886 Sept . 30. Gimlette, Surgeo n George Hart Desmon d , Be n galMe d ical Service, M . D .

,M . ca ,

M . R. c . s L . s . A ,

Sutua ,E . I . R.

Goethals, His Grace The Most Rev . Dr . Paul,S . J . ,

Archb ishop . Ca lcutta .

Golam Sarwar,Maulavi . Ca lcutta .

Goodwi n -Auste n,Lieut . -Colon el H . H .

,F . R . s .

,F . 2 . s .


F . R. G . S. E urope.

Gosain ,Hem Chun der . Ca lcutta .

Greeven ,R. , C. S. M



Grierson ,George Abraham

, C. S. Howrah.

Griesbach , C . L .

, C. I . F . G . s . , D eputy Superinte n de n t

,Geological Survey of. I n dia .

Gupta, Rajan ikan ta . Calcutta .

Haig, Lieute n an t Wolseley . Altola .

Hardi n g, Fran cis He n ry , B . A., C . S. eusiugh.

Harrison,Lieuten an t W . A .

, R. E .

Heilgers, Robert Phil ip, Co n su l for H . I . M . th eEmperor of Au stria an d Hun gary, K n ight of theImperial Order of the Iro n Crow n , Comman deurOrdre Imperial e de Medj idie, F . R . G. s .

,F . R. s . s .

Calcutta .

He n dley, Surgeon -Maj or Thomas Holbein,C . I . E .

Hickson,F . G . Calcutta .

Hill,Samu e l Charle s . Chiusu-rah.

Hoern le, A . F . R.

, PH . D .

,Prin cipal of the Cal

ou tta Madrasa .

Hoey,W .

,C S. E urop e.

Hogg,Al exan der . Calcutta .

Hollan d , Thomas H . Calcutta .

Hooper, John , C . s . , Secretary, Board of Reve n ue .Allahabad . N .

- IV . P .

Hou s toun , G . L . ,F . G. S. E urop e.

Howe ll,Mortimer S loper

, O. S.

, E . Shahjahan

pur .

Hughes, G ., C. S. E urop e.

Hu ssein , Syud, B . A ., Secy . to Ni zam of Hyderabad ’s

Cou n cil . Hyderabad .

Hyde,The Rev . He n ry Barry

,M . A. ,

Be n gal Ecclesias tical E stablishmen t . Calcutta .

Irvi n e,William , G. S. EuropI skan der A'

liMirza,Pri n ce . bl urrshedabad .

Jackson ,William Grierson , C. S . E urop e.

Jahan Qadr MuhammadWeihidA li,Bahadur

,Pri n ce .

G arden Reach. Calcutta .

Jarrett, Lt.-Col . H . S.

, B . s . C Secy . to the Boardof Examin ers . Calcutta .

Johore, H . H . the Maharaja'. of,K . C. S . I . New

Johore, Siugap ore.

Ke n n edy,Pri n gl e, M. A. Mozufi

erp ur .

Khuda Baksh, Khan Bahadur, Maulavi . B an ki

pur .

Ki tts,Eustace John

, C. S. Europ eKin g, Brigade - Surgeon G .

,c . I . E .

,M . B .

,F . L . s .


Supdt ., Royal Botan ic Garde n Sibp ur.

Kin g,Lucas White, B . A.

,LL . B . C. S.

,Deputy Com

mission er . D ehra Ismail Khan .

Ki n g,W .

,B . A . D . SC.


, Geologi cal Surveyof In d ia . Ca lcutta .

Kupper, Hon . Lala Bun behari. Burdwan .

Lahari, Sarat Chu n dra . Hooghly.

Lake , Philip, B . A .

, (Can tab ) , Geological Survey ofI n d ia . E urop e.

Lal,Pan dit Brij Bukhan . Public Works Depart

men t . Kurn a l, Pun jab .

Lan man , Charles R.

, Corre spon di n g Secre tary ofthe American Orien tal Society, Professor of Sansk rit in Harvard Col lege . Cambridge, Mass . U.

S. America .

Lathom-Brown e, The Rev . D . G . ,Chaplain . Shewboe.La Touche, James J oh n Digges

, B. A., C. s .


Allahabad .

La Touche,Thomas He n ry Digges

,M . A . Deputy

Superi n te n de n t, Geological Survey of I n dia .

Lee,J . Bridges, M . A. , F . G . s . , F . c . s .

,F . z . s .

,Barrister-at-Law . Lahore.

Lee,W . A . Ca lcutta .


,M . A. , Ben gal Education Service . Calcutta .

Lovelock,A . S . E urop e.

Luso n,Hewlin g, C. s .

,Calcutta .

Lyall , Charles James , M . A,LL . D . C. s . I . C. I . E .


Secretary, Govern me n t of I n d ia, Home Departme n t . Calcu tta .

Lyell, George . Ca lcutta .

Lyman,B . Smi th . Philadelp hia,Pa .

, U. S. America .

Macauliffe,Michael , B . A. , c . 8 . E urop e.

Maclagan ,

E . D .

,M . A.

, C. S. Simla .

Maclagan , Ge n eral Robert, R . E .,LL . D . ,

F . R. s . E .,F . R . G . s . E urop e.

MacLeod,Brigade- Surgeon Ke n n eth, M . D . Europ e.

Ma herson , Dun can J .

, C. S . Gya .

1880Aug 4 .

Nolan,P . C. S. Rajshahye.

Norvill, Dr. Frederic H . D ibrugarh.

Nyayaratn a, MahamahOpadhyaya Mahesachan dra,C. I . E . Calcutta .

Oldham,Brigade -Surgeon C . F .

,F . R. G. S.

E urop e.

Oldham,R . D .

,A. R . S. M . ,

F . G. s .

,Deputy Super

in ten den t, Geological Survey of I n dia .

Oliver, Edw . Emmerson,M . I . C . E . E urop e.

Oun g, Moun g Hla, Fi n an cial Departmen t, Governmen t of In d ia . Calcutta .

Pan dia,Pan dit MOhan lall V 1shn ulall, F . T . S., Prime

Mi n ister,Partabgarh State in Rajputn a via

Man dsaur .Pan d it

,Hon . Ajodhian ath . Allahabad .

Pargiter, Frederick E ., B . A.

,C . S. Calcutta .

Partridge, Surgeon -Maj or Samuel Bowen ,

M . D .,

E urop e.

Peal,S . E . Sibsagar, Assam.

Ped ler, A l exan der, F . R . s .,

Ben gal Education Service . Ca lcutta .

Pe n n el l,Aubray Percival, B . A., C. S. Ran goon .

Peppe,T . F .

,Tiril Tea E state . Ran chi, Lohar

d ugga .

Percival, Hugh Melvile, M . A., Be n gal EducationService . Calcutta .

Peters,Surgeon -Major C. T .

,M . B . Bij apur, Bom


Phillott, Capt . D . C. E urop e.

Pillay,P . Sun daram . Trivan drum.

Prain,David,M . A. ,

M . B . ,L . R . C. s .

,I . R. S. E ., 1 . L . s

Royal Botan i c Garden . Sibpur .

Praman ick , Asutosh . Calcutta .

Prasad, Han uman ,Rae s an d Zemin dar . Chun ar .

Prasada,Pan dit Jwala, M . A .

,Assistan t Commis

sion er . Rai BareliPrideaux

, Colon e l W1lliamFran cis, B. S. 0. E urop e.

Rai,Bipin a Chan dra, B . L . Calcutta .

Ray Prasan n akumar, D . SC. , (Loud . an d Edm. )Professor

,Presiden cy College . Calcutta .

Raye, Brigade -Surgeon Dan ie l O’

Con n ell, M . D .

Ca lcutta .

Risley,Hon . H . H .,

B . A. , C. s ., C. I . E . Europ e.

Rivett-Carn ac, John He n ry, C . 1 . E .

, F . S . A., C. s .,

OpiumAge n t . Ghazip ur.

Rowe,F . J .

,M . A.

,Ben gal Educatio n S ervice .

Calcutta .

Roy,Kumar D en en dro Narayan . Ca lcutta .

Roy,MaharajaGirjan ath . D in agepore.

Roy, Peary Mohu n . Calcutta .

Rustomjee, H . M . Calcutta .

Sadl er, Major J . Hayes,B . S. c. Muscat .

Samajpati, Suresh Chun dra . Ca lcutta .

San dberg,The Rev . Graham,

B . A.,Barrister-at

Law,I n n er Temple . Chaplain . Ca lcutta .

Sarkar, Dr . Mahen dralal, C. I . E . Ca lcutta .

Sarvadhikari,Rajk umar,Rai Bahadur . Calcutta .

Sastri,Pan dit Haraprasad, M . A. Calcutta .

Scin dia,His High n es s the Maharajah .

Sclater,William Lutl ey .,

M . A . E urope.

Scotlan d, Joh n Parry, C . E . Europ e.

Scully,Dr . Joh n . Ca lcutta .

Sen -Gupta, Kal i Prasan n a . Calcutta .

Sen ,Hiralal , Exci se Departme n t . D in agep ore.

Sen ,Naren dran ath . Calcutta .

Sen , Y adu n ath . Balia via Cuttach' .


, M . C. S . Bellary .

Shaw e,F . B . Leh Ladalt .

Shill i n gford, F . A . Purn eah.

Shymaladas , Mahamahopadhyaya Kaviraj, PrivateSecy . to the Maharajaof Udaipur . Udaip ur .

Simpso n ,Edmu n d James, L . R . C . P . E .

,F . L . P . s . G. ,L . M . G. E . , Civi l Surgeon . Rai Bareli.

Simpson,D r. W . J .

,Heal th Officer

, Cal cuttaSin gh , Maharajah Kumara S irdar Bharat, C. S.

ZlIirzap ore.

Sin gh, Thakur Garuradhawaya Prasad, Rajé ofBeswan , Beswan Fort . A ligarh.

Si n gh, Kumar In drachan dra . Calcutta .Sin gh,Réja Lachman . Agra .

Sin gh ,H . H . The Maharaja S ir Luchmessur,Baha

dur,K . C. I . E . D arbha n ga .

S in gh,Hon

ble Raja Oodaypratab . Bin ga .

Si n gh, H . H . Prabhun arain,Bahadur

,Maharaja of

Ben ares .



. H. the Maharaja Pratap Narain . Ajodhya,


Sin gh,Hon . RajaRameshwara,Bahadur . D arbha n ga .S ihha, Balaichan d . Calcutta .

Sin ha, Raja Bhupe n dra Bahadur, Raja of Bij oypurMirzap ore.

Sk refsrud , The Rev . L . 0 , I n dian Home Mis s ion tothe San thals . Rampur Hat.

Smith,A . Mervyn , C. E .

, F . S. A. Calcutta .

Smi th,N . F . F . E urope.

Smith,Vi n ce n t Arthur

, C. S. Budaun .

Solf, Dr. W . H ., German Con sulate Ge n eral .

rop e.

S tein,Dr . M . A . E urope.

Stephe n,Carr .

,B . L . E urop e.

Swin hoe,W .

,Attorn ey- at-Law . Calcutta .

Tagore,The Hon . Maharaja Sir Joten dra Mohun ,Bahadur , K . C . S I . Ca lcu tta .

Tate , G . P,,Survey of I n dia . Quetta .

Tawn ey, C. H .

,C . I . E .

,M . A . E urop e.

Taylor,W . C.,Settleme n t Officer . Khurda .

Temple,Maj or . R . C.

,S. C . Ran goon .

Thibau t,Dr . G .


,Muir Ce n tral College .

Allahabad .

Thomas,Rob ert Edmo n d Skyri n g . Calcutta .

Thompson,H . N . llf ouywa .

Thuillier, Major-Ge n l . Sir He n ry E dward Lan der,R . A., o. s . I . , F . R . s . E urop e.

Thuillier, Colon e l . H . R.

, R. E .,Surveyor-Gen eral

of I n d ia . Ca lcutta .

Thursto n ,Edgar. Madras .

Trefftz, Oscar . E urop e.

Tremlett, James Dyer, M . A .

,c . S. E urOp e.

1893 May 3 .N .R V an dya, Raja Ram Chan dra . Mayurbhan ga,

D istrict Ba lasore.

1890 Feb . 5 ,N .R V en is , Arthur, M . A.

, Former Bode n San skritScholar

, Oxford ,Pri n cipal, San sk ri t College

,Be n are s ,Profes sor, Queen ’ s College . Ben ares .

1 885 May 6 . R . V erdeau, Ivan . Ca lcutta .

3'Waddell, Lauren ce Austi n e, M . B . Europ e.

Walsh , Surgeon -Captai n J . H . Tul l,I n d ian Medi

cal Service . Ca lcutta .

Waterhouse, Col . James,B . s . C.

,A ssistan t Sur

veyor-Ge n eral, Survey of In d ia . Ca lcutta .

Watson ,Lieut . Edward Y erbury . llIyin gyan .

Watt, Dr . George, c . I . E . Simla ,

Whitehead, The Rev. Hen ry, Ca lcu tta .

Wilson, Charles Robert, M . A.

,Be n gal Educatio n

Service . Calcutta .

Woodburn ,The Hon . J C. S. Nagp ur .

Wood thorpe, Col. Robert Gosset t, C. B .

,R. E .

,D e

puty Quarter-Master-Gen eral . Simla .


Macgowan ,Dr . J . E urope.

Kramer, A . von . Alex an dria .

Porter, The Rev. J . Belfast.Giische, Dr . R . Berlin .

Murray,A . L on don .

Schlagin tweit, Prof . E . von . Berlin .


Lafo n t,The Rev. Fr . E .

,S. J .

, C. I . E . Ca lcutta .

Bate, The Rev . J . D . Allahabad .

Abdu l Hai,Mau lavi,Madrassah . Calcutta .

Gi le s, Herbert . E urop e.

Rodgers , C . J . Amritsar .

Moore, F .

,F . R. s .

,F . L . S. Lon don .

Fiihrer, Dr . A . Luck n ow .

D as, Saratchan dra .

, C. I . E . Calcutta .

Samasrarn i, Satyavrata. Calcutta .

Briihl,P . J . Seebp ur .


3“ Rule 40.—After the lapse of 3 years from the date of a member

leavin g I n dia, if n o i n timation of hi s w ishe s shal l in the i n terval havebeen received by the S ociety, his n ame shal l be removed from the Lis tof Members .The followin g members w i l l be removed fromthe n ext memberthe Society un der the operation of the above Rule

Surgeo n -Ge n eral G . Bidie, C. I . E . , F . L . s .,M . B .

Joh n Hadde n Fisher, E sq., C. S .

E . Gay, E sq. ,M . A. , F . R. A . s .

WilliamGrierson Jackson , Esq.

, C. S.

Captain E . H . Molesworth .


BY RETI REMENT .Babu Hari Charan Basu .

P . J . Carter, E sq.

F . C. Charmin g, E sq. , C. s .Babu Radhaballabha Chaudhuri .Gen eral S ir He n ry Col lett .P . Do n aldson ,

E sq.

J . S . Gambl e, Esq.

C ol on el T . H . Haldich, R . E .

T W . H . Hughes, E sq.

L ieute n an t-Colon el T . M . Je n ki n s,M . S . C.

W . H . Jobbin s, E sq.

R . H . Macl eod, E sq., C. S .

Nawab Syud Mahomed Zain ool Abideen Khan BahadurFeroze Jun g .

Colo n e l S . B . Miles .J . W . Ol iver, Esq.

A . Simson,E sq.

Raja RamNarain S i n gh .


Ordin ary Members .

Nawab Bahadur Abdu l Latif Khan , 0. I . E .

Hen ry F . Blan ford, E sq. , A. R . S. M .

,F . R. s . ,

G . S. (LifeMember . )Lieuten a n t -Gen eral George Byre s Main warin g .

E . O’

Brien ,E sq. C . S.

Babu Up e-udra Chan dra Roy .

Pan di t Haridas Sas tri , M . A .

Mahai'éja S ir Hare n -dra Kishore Si n gh,K. C. I . E .

James Wood-Mason,Esq.

Hon orary Members .

Maj or-Ge n eral Sir A . Cun n i n gham,R . E .

,K. C . I . E .

,C .

Mon sieur E . Re n an .

Profe ssor J . 0 . Westwood .


Arthur Lew is , '

B . A.

Lieut . -Col. Edward Mol l oy .

Lieut .-Col. C

Babu Sumbhu Nath Suk ul.

Pa n d it Ben i Madho Trebed i


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