gag - Forgotten Books


Transcript of gag - Forgotten Books

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JorzignMoths fizfixuh in Qinglislg, unit ntlgzt g ilbitions,BAR NAS SEAR S, D . D . ,





G O U L D AN D L I N C O L N .



1 8 5 9 .

Entered,according toAct ofCongress,in th e year 1854,byG OU LD AN D L I N C OLN ,

In th e Clerk’s Office ofth eDis trict Court ofth e District ofMassachusetts .






IT h as been th e design ,of th e Publishers, in preparing th e presen t editionofRoget’s Thesaurus, to reproduce from th e new and stereotyped London ed i

tion th e subject-matter ofth e original work,UNABRIDGED AND ENTIRE,thoughwith variations Of arrangement, and with numerous and valuable addition s.In th e first American edition ,which was especially in tended to subserve th eends of education, al l th e phrases, and some of th e words, contained in th eEnglish edition ,were omitted, for reason s stated in th e American Editor’sPreface. These omitted portions have been restored in th e present volumein an Appendix ; not merely from a deference to th e views of critics andholar 'hose opinions are entitled to respect, but from a conviction thatuch a 0 se accords w nature of th e work as an English Thesaurus,ud also l greatly its usefulness,without diminishing its va lueas an instrumen t of education . In addition to th e obvious impossibility ofetting up an absolute standard of purity for th e conduct of such a work asth 2,— a consideration already sugges ted in th e Preface ofth e first edition ,

it is evident that th e words and phrases now restored, however obnox iousmany of them may b e to th e censure of th e classical reader, have neverth eless an admitted currency both in life and in certain departments ofliterature. Hence they certain ly have some legitimate place in a completeThesaurus of th e language and ,by rendering service to certain classes ofwriters and readers, necessarily contribute to promote th e objects ofth ework.

These remarks seem applicable even to such ex pressions as may b e entitledvulgarisms. For “ ifa novelist or a dramatist,” to adopt th e words ofth eauthor in h is Introduction , proposed to delineate some vulgar personage,h e would wish to have th e power of putting into th e mouth of th e speakerexpressions that would accord with h is character just as th e actor,who h adto personate a peasan t,would choose for h is attire th emost homely garb, andWould have just reason to complain if th e theatrical wardrobe furn ished h imwith no suitable costume.

” On th e other hand, it is believed that any ap

prehended injury to th e taste of students and younger read<rs is obviated byth e method used to incorporate into th e presen t American edition th e expressions nowunder consideration . Standing, as these expressions now do,apartfrom th e rest ofth ework, in a separa te list,with their position in th e languageclearly defined, th ey can only enrich th e resources,without misleading th e

40322 5

4 P UBL I SHERS ’ ADVERT ISEMEN Tjudgment, of al l who have arrived at suflicient maturity of age and cl:aracter to engage in any form of literary composition, and to need, therefore,th e aid and guidance of such a work.In prin ting th e new portions of this edition in an alphabetical instead of a

logical or scientific order, th e publishers believe that they have adopted‘


method atonce th emost correct, and th e most practical and useful. Itwas

found,upon ex amination , to b e clearly inex pedien t to repeat from th e bodyof th e work al l th e details of th e author’s ingenious sys tem of clas sifica

tion . No one of th e leading divisions could have been repeated withoutrepeating al l , and these would in turn have required al l th e subdivisionsand so th e entire system would have been reinstated in th e Appendix,withal l th e classes and their numerous categories,—a process mos t inconvenien tand cumbrous, and witha l unnecessary. Resort was therefore h ad to th ealphabetical method, as being simple, economical of space, and en tirely adequate to th e purpose. At th e same time, as will appear upon a momen t’sreflection, th e logical method is in reality so far retained as to secure a l l th e

really practical uses of th e author’s classification, inasmuch as th e leadingwords of th e list are identical with th e minor divis ions Of th e work, termedby th e author “ topics or heads qf sig nification,

”and which, it may b e

added, are th e most directly valuable of al l th e parts of h is elaborate sy stem. Thus th e leading words of th e Appendix serve th e same purpose as

th e headings of th e kindred groups of ex press ions in th e earlier parts of

th e volume, a s both of them designate topics , and include in themselves th egeneral ideas which th e words and phrases ranged under them variouslyex press. To facilitate references which th e reader may wish to make, th enumber is affix ed to each leading word which des ignates th e kindred heading and group of ex pressions contained in th e body ofth e work.In preparing th e Appendix, many words and phrases have been added

to th e very copious collection of th e author such additional ex pression s areenclosed in brackets.Th e publishers have noticed, with some interest, that th e author of th e

work h as, in h is new and stereotyped edition, adopted th e form ofth e American edition , as being more portable and conven ient and also that h eh as incorporated, though silently,various additions which were in troducedby th eAmerican Editor.

It is proper here to state, that th e present edition h as been prepared underth e editoria l care of P rof. JOHN L. LINCOLN, ofBrown University.

With these remarks , th e volume is submitted to th e public, in th e hopethat, in its enlarged and improved form, itwill reach a still wider range ofcirculation and usefulness.

Boe N, July 2, 1855.




THE Thesaurus of Roget is jus tly held in high es tima tionboth in England and in America . Though it is th e firs t workof i ts kind that h as appeared in th e h is tory of our laaguage,th e completeness ofits plan,and its fulness ofdetails,are such asto leave little to be supplied by others . T h e book may, in fact,be advantageously taken up by th e s tuden t ofEnglish compos itiou as an ample vo cab ulary furn ished for his special use.

T h e body of our noble language is, in this invaluable manual,anatomized, as it were,and dis tributed,not under any merelyphilologi cal arrangement, connected w ith th e mechanism and

s tructure of language,bu t clas sified by th e wants of th e mindw ith reference to th e purposes of expression, and th e actual

demands of oral or writt en commun ica tion.

T h e greatest fault of th e work i s that of incorpora ting so

( 5 )


many objectionable words and phrases, which ought never tomeet th e eye or temp t th e tongue. Judged from his own poin tof view,th e author must b e pronounced successful in th e ex e

cution of h is design ; but th e design i tself i s faulty from itssuperfiuity,embracing as i t does words that h ad better b e suppressed. Indeed, i t is not easy to d iscover any advan tage arisIng from so copiou s a collection of vulgar words and phrases,except to th e few wh o,as professed au thors,have frequent occasion to represent th e language of low life,whom we do not undertake to aid . It was, therefore, though t advisable, in i ssu ingan American edition, to omit al l words of this character ; and

as th e greater part of th e phrases are either low or trite,and as

th e residue are of doubtful u tility, they have al l been dropped.

Only those complex terms have been retained which are fre

quently employed in th e place of single words . Of th e largenumber of unusual words,borrowed mos tly from th e La tin,andunknown to our purest and best writers,only a few, and such as

are w ithout any equ ivalents in th e language,have been alloweda place in th e presen t edition. Th e purely foreign Words whichare intermingled w ith th e English throughou t th e work havebeen placed at th e end,w ith an extensive list of others mostfrequently occurring in our present literature ; to al l of whichd efinitions have been added,for th e b enefit of those who understand only th eEnglish language.

Wi th th e classification of topics by th e author it was deemedinexpedient to interfere, though his distinctions are not always


clear,and though h e found it necessary to employ in his synoptical table many terms wh ich are hardly English . These term smay be regarded as merely techn ical when they occur in th ebody of th e work,being uniformly printed in small cap itals,andstanding at th e head of th e groups to which they respectively

Apprehending that many wh o may consult thi s work wouldregard th e plan Of th e author for th e distribu tion ofhis top icsas too obscure for ordinary reference, th e editor h as causedth e index to be g reatly en larged and its numerous errors to becorrected . T h is laborious task h as b een diligently and accurately performed byMessrs. S. T albot and Samuel Richardson,members of th e Newton Theological Institu tion . Nearly everyword standing singly in this vast collection of synonymes w illb e found in i ts appropriate place in th e index, w ith distinctreferences to al l th e paragraphs in which i t occurs. T h e additional words inserted by th e editor of th eAmerican edition aredistinguished from those of th e author by being pu t in parentheses.As th e parenthetical words of th e au thor are bu t occa

sional explanatory terms, or mere variations in orth ogra

phy, they are easily distinguishable from th e additions abovementioned. Afew paragraphs of th e author’s introduction,notapplicable to th is edition,have been omi tted .

In th e preparation of th e edition now offered to th e pub licth e editor h as received importan t assis tance from Will iam


Russell,Esq ., principal of th e N ormal Institution at Lancas

ter, and P rofessor S. S. Greene, superintendent of th e publ icschools of P rovidence, R. I . T h e former,w i th pencil in hand,carefully examined th e whole work tw ice ; th e latter wentthrough i t once in the same way. As there is no absolutestandard by wh ich one can pas s judgment upon words w ithreference to their admission into such a collection as this, i t is tobe expected that differen t persons, influen ced by their individualtastes and a ssociations, w ill judge differently. Whether th eeditor and h is literary advisers have always judged wisely inth iS


respect,it is not their prov ince to decide. In th e n icematter of draw ing a line of distinction b etween vulgarisms andwhat is merely familiar and common,and between words res tingon no good authority and those tha t are only unusual or seientific or of but recent currency,it i s hoped that th e un ited opinions of three individuals ofdifferen t pursuits and men tal habitsw ill diminish the chances of any grea t dev iations from th e right



BOSTON,Februarv 1,1854










GENERAL LITERATURE, O 0 0 0 0 0 0 l C O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O


IT is nownearly fifty years since I first projected a sys tem ofverb al class ification simil ar to th at on which th e present work is founded . Conceivingthat such a compilation migh t h elp to supply my own d eficiencies, I h ad , inthe year 1805,completed a classed catalogue ofword s on a smal l scale, buton th e same principle, and nearly in th e same form, as th e Th esaurus nowpub l ish ed . I h ad often,during th at long interval,found this little collection,scanty and imperfect as it was,ofmuch use to me in literary composition,and often contemplated its ex tension and improvement ; but a sense of th e

magnitude ofth e task,amidst amultitudeofoth er avocations,deterred mefromth e attempt. Since my retirement from th e duties of secretary of th e RoyalSociety,however,fin dn myselfpossessed ofmore leisure,and b elieving th ata repertory ofwh ich I h ad myself ex perienced th e advantages migh t,wh enamplified ,prove useful to oth ers, I resolved to emb ark in an und ertakingwh ich ,for th e las t th ree or four years, h as given me incessant occupation,and h as, indeed , imposed upon me an amount of lab or very much g reaterth an I h ad anticipated . Notwith stand ing al l th e pains I have b es towed on

its ex ecution, I am fully aware ofits numerous deficiencies and imperfections,and ofits falling far sh ort ofth e deg ree of ex cellence th at migh t be atta ined .

But in awork ofth is nature,wh ere perfection is placed at so g reat a d is tance,I h ave th ough t it b est to limit my amb ition to th atmod erate sh a re ofmeritwh ich it may claim in its present form trusting to th e in dulgence of th osefor wh ose b enefit it is intended , and to th e candor ofcritics,wh o,wh ile th eyfind it easy to detect faults,can,at th e same time,duly appreciate d ifficulties.


Feb ruary 12,1853 .


THE presen t work is intended to supply,wi th respect to th eEnglish language,a desideratum hitherto unsupplied in any language ; namely,a collection of the words i t conta ins and of theidioma tic combinations pecul iar to i t,arranged,no t in alph ab eti

cal order as they are in a dictionary,bu t according to the ideaswhich they express . T h e purpose of an ordinary dictionary issimply to expla in the meaning of words ; and the problem of

which i t professes to furnish th e solution may be s tated thusthe word being given, to find i ts sign ification,or the idea i t i sintended to convey. T h e object a imed at in the presen t undertaking is exactly the converse of this ; namely, the idea be inggiven, to find th e word or words by which that idea may be mos tfitly and aptly expressed. For this purpose the words and

phrases of th e language are here classed,no t according to theirsound or the ir orthography,bu t s trictly according to their sigmficatz

on .

T h e communication of our thoughts by means of language,whether spoken or wri tten, l ike every other object of menta lexe r tion, cons titutes a pecu l iar art,which, l ike other arts,canno t b e acquired in any perfection bu t by long and continuedpractice . Some,indeed,there are more highly gifted than others



w ith a faci li ty of expression,and naturally endowed wi th thepower of eloquence ; bu t to none is it,at al l times,an easy process to imbody, in exact and appropria te language, the varioustra ins of ideas tha t are passing through th e mind,or to depic t,in their true colors and proportions, the diversified and n icershades of feel ing which accompany them. T o those wh o are

unpractised in th e art of composition,or unused to ex temporespeaking, these difficul ties presen t themselves in the ir most formidab le aspect. H owever distinct may be our views,howevervivid our concep tions,or however fervent our emotions,we can

not but be often conscious that the phraseology we have at our

command is inadequate to do them justice. We seek in va in th ewords we need,and strive ineffectual ly to devise forms of ex

pression which shal l fa i thfully portray our thoughts and sentiments. T h e appropria te terms, notwithstanding our u tmos tefforts, cannot be conjured up at wi ll. L ike “ spiri ts from th e

vasty deep, they come not when we cal l ; and we are d riven tothe employment of a set ofwords and phrases ei ther too generalor too limited,too strong or too feeble,which su i t not the occasion,which h it not the mark we aim at ; and the resul t of our pro

longed exertion is a style at once labored and obscure,vapid andredundant,or v i tiated by the stil l graver faults of afiectation or

ambigu i ty.

It is to those wh o are thus painfully groping their way,andstruggling w ith the difficul ties of composition, that this wo rkprofesses to hold ou t a helping hand. T h e assistance i t gives isthat of furnishing on every topic a copious s tore of words and

phrases,adapted to express al l the recognizable shades and modifications of the general idea under which those words and phraseare arranged. T h e inqu irer can readily selec t,ou t of the amplecollection spread ou t before his eyes in the fol lowing pages,those


ex pressions which are best sui ted to his purpose,and which mightnot have occurred to him without such assistance. In order tomake this selection,he scarcely ever need engage in any critica lor elaborate study of the subtile dis tinctions e x isting betweensynonymous terms ; for if the materials se t before him be suf

ficiently abundant,an instinctive tac t w il l rarely fa i l to lead himto the proper choice . Even while glancing over the columns ofthis work,his eye may chance to l ight upon a part icular te rmwhich may save the cost of a clumsy paraphrase,or spare thelabor of a tor tuous circumlocution. Some felici tous turn of expression thus introduced will frequently open to the mind of thereader a whole vista of col la te ra l ideas,which could not,withou tan extended and obtrusive episode,have been unfolded to hisView ; and often will the judicious insertion of a happy epithet,like a beam of sunshine in a landscape, i llumine and adorn thesubject which it touches, imparting new grace,and giving lifeand spirit to the picture .Every workman in the exercise of his art should be provided

w i th proper implements. For the fabrication ofcomplica ted andcurious pieces ofmechan ism,the artisan requ ires a correspondingassortment of various tools and instrumen ts . F or giv ing propereffect to the fictions ofth e drama,the actor should have at his disposal a well-furn ished wardrobe,supplying the costumes best sui tedto the personages he is to represent. For the perfect delin ea tionof the beauties ofnature,the painter should have W i thin reach ofh is pencil every variety and combina tion of hues and tints .Now, the wri ter, as well as the ora tor, employs,for the aecom

pl ishment of his purposes, the instrumentali ty of words ; i t i s inwords that he clothes h is thoughts ; i t is by means of words tha the depicts his feelings. It is therefore essential to his successtha t he be provid ed w i th a copious vocabulary,and that he



possess an entire command of al l th e resources and appliantes of

his language . T o the acqu isition of this power no procedureappears more directly conducive than the study of a methodizedsystem such as tha t now offered to h is use.T h e u til ity ofthe presen t work w il l be appreciated more espe

cial ly by those who are engaged in th e arduous process oftranslating into English a work wri tten in another language . Simpl e asth e opera tion may appear,on a superficial View,ofrendering intoEnglish each of i ts sentences, the task of transfusing,w i th perfect exactness,th e sense of the original,preserving,at the sametime, the style and character of its composition, and reflecting,w ith fidelity,th e mind and the spirit of the author, is a task of

ex treme

T h e use of language is not confined to i ts being the med ium through which we commun icate our ideas to one anotheri t fulfils a no l ess important function as an instrument of th ought,not being merely i ts vehicle,but giving it wings for flight. Me taphysicians are agreed tha t scarcely any of our in tellectua l operations could be carried on,to any considerable exten t,w i thou t theagency of words. None bu t those who are conversan t w i th thephilosophy ofmenta l phenomena can be aware of the immenseinfluence that is exercised by language in promoting the development of our ideas, in fixing them in the mind, and de ta in inghem for steady contempla tion . In every process of reasoning,language enters as an essential element. Words are the instruments by which we form al l our abstractions,by which we fashionand imbody our ideas,and by which we are enabled to glidealong a series of premises and conclusions w ith a rapidity sogreat as to leave in the memory no trace of the successive stepsof the process ; and we remain unconscious how much we owe


to this poten t auxiliary of the reason ing facul ty. It is on thisground, also, tha t the present work founds a. claim to u til i ty.T h e review of a ca talogue of words of analogous significationwill often sugges t by association other trains of thought,which,present ing the subject under new and varied aspects,will vastlyexpand th e sphere of our men ta l v ision . Amidst th e many ohjects thus brought wi thin th e range of our contempla tion,somes triking simil itude or appropria te image,some excursive flight orbri lliant conception,mayfla sh on the mind,giving point and forceto our argumen ts,awaken ing a responsive chord in the imagination or sensibility of the reader,and procuring for our reasonings a more ready access b oth to his unders tanding and to his

heart.It is of the u tmost consequence tha t strict accuracy shou ld

regula te our use of language,and that every one should acquireth e power and the habit ofexpressing h is thoughts w ith perspicuity and correctness . Few,indeed,can apprecia te the real extent and importance oftha t influence which language h as a lwaysexercised on human afl'

airs,or can be aware how often these aredetermined by causes much slighter than are apparen t to a superficial observer. False l ogic,disguised under Specious phraseology,too often gains th e assen t of the unthinking mul ti tude,d isseminating “

far and w ide the seeds of prejudice and error. T ruismspass current,and wear the semblance of profound wisdom,whendressed up in the tinsel garb of anti the tical phrases,or set offbyan impos ing pomp ofparadox . By a confused jargon ofinvolvedand mystica l sen tences,th e imagination is easily inveigled intoa transcendental region ofclouds,and the understanding beguiledinto the belief tha t i t is acquiring knowledge and approachingtruth . Amisapplied or misapprehended term is suflicient to giverise to fierce and interminable dispu tes ; a misnomer h as turned


the tide ofpopul ar Opinion ; a verbal Sophism h as decided a partyquestion ; an artful wa tchword, thrown among combustible material s,h as kindled the flames of deadly warfare,and changedthe destiny of an empire.

In constructing the following system of classificat ion of thei deas which are expressible by language,my chief aim h as beento obta in the greatest amoun t of practical u tili ty . I have a ccording ly adopted such principles of arrangement as appeared to meto be the simplest and most natural,and which would not require,e ither for their comprehension or application,any discipl inedacumen or depth ofmetaphysica l or antiquarian lore. Eschewing a l l needless refinements and subtilties,I have taken as mygu ide the more obvious characters of the ideas for which expressions were to be tabula ted,arranging them under such classesand categor ies as reflection and experience h ad taught me wouldonduct the inquirer most readily and qu ickly to the object ofhis search. Commencing wi th the ideas expressing mere ab a

stract rela tions,I proceed to those which rela te to the phenomena of the material world,and, la stly,to those in which the mindis concerned,and which comprehend in tel lect,volition,and feeling thus establishing six primary classes Of categor ies .1 . T h e first of these classes comprehends ideas der ived from

the more general and ABSTRACT RELAT IONS among things,suchas Ex istence, Resemhlance, Quantity, Order, Number, Time

P ower .

2 . T h e second class refers to SPACEand i ts va r ious rela tions,including JlIotion, or change of place.3 . T h e thi rd class includes a l l ideas tha t relate to theMATE

RIAL WORLD ; namely, the P roperties ofMatter, such as So

’id ity,F luid ity, Ifeat, Sound, Ligh t, and the Ph enomena th ey


in the body of the wo rk which con ta ins i t,he will find the groupof exp ress ions he requires, out of which he may cull those tha tare most appropr iate to his pu rpose . For the convenience of

refe rence, I have designa ted each separa te group or heading bya pa r ticula r number ; so that if, during the search,any doubt ordifficul ty should occu r, r ecou rse may be h ad to the copious alphabotica l index of words at the end of the volume,which wil l atonce indicate the number of the requi red groupfi"

ate ar

For the purpose of exhibiting wi th greater distinctness therela tions between words expressing Opposite and correla tive ideas,I have,whenever the subject admitted of such an arrangemen t,placed them in two para lle l columns in the same page, so tha teach group of expressions may be readily contrasted wi th thosewhich occupy the adjacent column and constitute their anti theses .By ca r rying the eye from th e one to the other,the inquirer mayoften discove r forms of expression,of which he may ava i l h imself advantageously,to diversify and infuse vigor in to his phraseology . Rheto r icians,indeed,are wel l aware of the power de r ivedfrom the skilful introduction of anti theses in giving point to an

argument,and imparting force and br illiancy to the diction . A

too frequent and indiscreet employment of this figure of rhetoricmay, i t is true, give r ise to a vicious and affected s tyle ; buti t is unreasonable to condemn indiscrimina tely the occasional

‘5 It often h appens th at th e same word admits ofvarious appl ications,ormay b e used in d ifferent senses . In consul ting th e index ,th e read er will b eguid ed to th e numb er of th e h ead ing und erwh ich th a t word ,in each particul aracceptation,wil l b e found ,b ymeans of supplementaryword s printed in I tal icswh ich word s ,h owet er, are not to b e unders tood as ex pl aining th e meaning of

th e word to wh ich th ey are annex ed , but onl y as as sis ting in th e requiredreference .


and moderate use of a practice on accoun t of its poss ibleabuse .

In many cases,tw: ideas which are completely opposed to eachather admit of an intermediate or neutra l idea, equidis tan t fromboth al l these be ing expressibl e by corresponding defini te terms .T hus, in th e follow ing examples, the words in the first and thirdcol umns,which exp ress opposi te ideas,admit of the intermedia tete rms contained in the middle column,having a neutral sensewi th reference to the former

Beg inning,

In other cases, the intermediate word is s imply the negativeto each of two opposi te positions ; as,for example,

F latness, Concavity.

Inclizfi rence, Aversion.

Sometimes the intermedia te word is properly th e standardw i th which each of the ex tremes is compared ; as in the case of

Insufi ciency, Sufi ciency, Redundance

for here the midd le term,Sufi ciency, is equally opposed, on theone hand to Insufi ciency,and on the o ther to Redundance.

T hese forms of correla tive expressions would suggest the useof triple instead of double columns,for tabula t ing this threefold order of words ; bu t the practical inconven ience a ttending such an arrangemen t would probably overba lance i ts ad

vantages .It often happens tha t the same wo rd h as several correla tive

terms, according to the different rela tions in which it is con


sidered . T hus, to the word Gi ving are opposed both Receiving

and Taking the former correlation having reference to the persons concerned in th e transfer,while the la tter rela tes to themod e of transfer. Old h as for opposite bothMw and Young

according as i t is applied to th ings or t o living beings . Attach:and D efence are correlative terms ; as are a lso Atta ck and

Resistance. Resistance,again,h as for i ts other correla tive Submission . Truth in th e a bstract is opposed to Error ; but th eopposite of Truth communicated is F a lseh ood . Acquisition iscontraste d both wi th D eprivation and w ith Loss . Refusa l i s thecounterpart both of Qfi


er and of Con-sent. D isuse and JIIi’


may e i ther of them be considered as the correlative of Use.

Teach ing,w ith reference to what is taught, is opposed toMs

teach ing ; but wi th reference to the act i tself, i ts proper reciprocal is Learning .

Words contrasted in form do not a lways bear the same contras t in the ir mean ing. T h e wordMa lefactor, for example,would,from i ts deriva tion,appear to be exactly the opposite ofBenefactor ; bu t the ideas a t tached to these two words are far

from being directly opposed ; for while the la tter e x pres ses onewho confers a benefit, the former denotes one who h as v iolatedthe laws .I ndependently of the immediate practical uses derivable from

th e arrangement of words in double columns,many considerations

,interesting in a philosophica l po int of v iew,are presented

by the study of correla tive expressions . I t wi ll be found, onstrict examination, that there seldom exists an exact opposit ionbe tween two words which may at fi rs t sight appear to be th ecounterparts of one another ; for, in general, the one wil l befound to possess in reali ty more force or e xten t ofmeaning thanth e other wi th which it is contrasted. T h e correla t ive term


sometimes assumes the form of a mere negative,al though i t isreally endowed w ith a cons iderable positive force . T hus D isrespect is not merely the absence of Respect i ts significationtrenches on the opposite idea,namely,Contempt. In l ike manner, Untruth is not merely the negative of Truth ; i t involves adegree of Fa lseh ood . Irreligion,which is properly th e want ofRelig ion, is understood as be ing nearly synonymous w i th Impiety. For these reasons,the reader must not expect that al l thewords which stand side by side in the two columns shall be theprecise correlatives of each other for the nature of the subject,as well as the imperfections of language,renders i t impossiblealways to preserve such an exactness of correlation.

T here exis t comparatively few words of a genera l charactert o which no correla tive term,e ither of nega tion or of opposition,can be assigned,and which, therefore,requ ire no correspondingsecond column . Th e correlative idea, especiall y tha t which constitutes a sense n egative to th e primary one, may, indeed,beformed or conceived ; but,from its occurring rarely,no word h asbeen framed to represen t i t ; for in language,as in other mat ters,the supply fa ils when there is no probability of a demand. Oc

casional ly we find this deficiency provided for by th e contrivanceofprefix ing the syllable non as ,for instance, the negatives ofex istence,performance,payment, are expressed by th e compound words, non-ex istence, non-


payment,& c.

Functions of a similar kind are perfo rmed by the prefixes,dis-fanti contra mis in and un-

.T W i th respect to al l these,and

Th e word disannul,h owever,h as th e same meaning as annul and inebri

ety is synonymous with ebriety.

1 In th e case of adjectives, th e ad d ition to a sub s tantive of th e terminalsyl l ab l e less gives it a negative mean ing ; as taste, tasteless ; ca re, ca reles s ;hope,hopeless friend ,fri end less fault,faultless ; &c.


especially the last, grea t la t itude is a llowed according to thenecessi ties of the case a la ti tude which is limited only by th etaste and discretion of the w r iter.

On the other hand, i t is hardly possible to find two wordshav ing in al l respects the same meaning,and be ing the reforeinterchangeable ; tha t is,admitting of being employed ind iscriminately, the one or the other, in al l their applications . T h e

investigation of the distinctions to be drawn be tween words apparently synonymous forms a separate branch of inquiry,whichI have not presumed here to enter upon ; for the subjec t h as already occupied the a ttention of much abler cri tics than myself,and its complete exhaustion would requ ire th e devotion of a

whole life. T h e purpose of this work,it must be borne in mind,is,not to expla in the signification ofwords,bu t s imply to class ifyand arrange them according to the sense in which they are now

used,and which I presume to be a lready known to the reader.

I enter into no inqu iry into the changes ofmeaning they mayhave undergone in the course of time.* I am con ten t to acceptthem at the va lue oftheir presen t currency,and have no concernw i th the ir e tymologies or w ith the history of their transformat ions ; far l ess do I venture to thread th e mazes of the vastlabyrinth in to which I shou ld be led by any attempt at a general

‘5 Such ch anges are innumerab le ; for instance,th e word s tyrant,pa rasite,goph ist,churl,knave,villa in,anciently conveyed no opprob rious meaning . Im

pertinentmerely ex pres sed irrela tive ; and impl ied neith er rudeness nor intr a

sion,as it does at present. Ind ifi'

erent original lymeant impartia l ; ex travagantwas simpl y d


gres sive and to prevent was properly to precede and as s ist. T h e

ol d trans l ations of th e Scriptures furnish many s triking ex ampl es of th e al ters tiens wh ich time h asb rough t in th e signification ofword s . Much curiousinformation on th is subject is contained in Trench ’

s Lectures on the Study ofWords .


dis crimina tion of synonymes . Th e difficul ties I have h ad to contend w i th have already been suffi ciently grea t,w i thout this addition to my labors.T he most cursory glance over the pages of a dictionary wi ll

show that a great number of words are used in var ious senses,sometimes distingu ished by slight shades of d ifference,bu t oftendiverging widely from their primary signification, and even, insome cases,bearing to it no perceptible re lation . It may evenhappen tha t the very same word h as two significations qu it-e op

posite to one another. T his is the case w i th the verb to cleave,

which means to adh ere tenacious ly,and a lso to sepa rate by a blow.

To propugn sometimes expresses to attack ; at other t imes,todefend . To let is to h inder,as well as to permit. To ravel meansbo th to entang le and to d isentang le. P riceless may ei ther meaninva luable or ofno value. Nervous is used some times for strong,

at other times for weak. T h e alphabe tical index at th e end ofthis work sufficiently“ shows the mu ltipl ici ty ofuses to which,by th e elastici ty of language, the meaning of words h as beens tretched,so as to adapt them to a grea t va riety of modified significations in subservience to the n icer shades of thought,which,under pecul iari ty ofcircumstances,require corresponding express ion . Wo rds thus admitting ofdifferent mean ings have,therefore,to be arranged under each ofth e respective heads correspondingto these various accepta tions . T here are many words, aga in,which express ideas compounded of two elemen tary ideas b elonging to differen t classes. It i s therefore necessary to placethese words respectively under each of the generic heads towhich th ey relate . T h e necessi ty of these repe titions i s increased by the c ircumstance, tha t ideas included under one classare often connected by relations of the same kind as the ideaswhich be long to another class. Thus we find th e same rela tions


of order and of quantity exist ing among the ideas of Time as

well as those of Space. Sequence in the one is denoted by thesame terms as sequence in the other ; and the measures of timea lso express the measures of space . T h e cause and the effectare often designated by the same word. T h e word Sound,forinstance, denotes both the impression made upon the car by se

norous vibra tions,and also the vibrations themselves,which are

the cause or source of tha t impression . Ma ture is used for theact ofmix ing,as wel l as for th e product of tha t operat ion . Taste

and Smell express both th e sensat ions and the qual it ies of ma teria l bodies giving rise to them. Th ough t is the act of thinking ;bu t the same word denotes a lso the idea resul ting from tha t act.Judgment is the act of deciding,and als o th e decision come to.

Purch ase is the acquisition of a thing by paymen t,as wel l as thething i tself so acquired. Speech is both the act of speaking andthe words spoken ; and so on w ith regard to an endless mul tipl icity of words . bl ind is essentially dist inct fromMa tter ; andye t,in al l languages,the a tt r ibutes of the one are metaphoricallytransferred to those of the other. Matter, in al l i ts fo rms, isendowed by the figurative genius of every language wi th thefunct ions which pertain to intellec t ; and we perpe tual ly talk of

its phenomena and of i ts powers,as if they resul ted from th e

voluntary influence of one body on another,acting and reacting,impelling and being impelled, con trolling and being con troll ed,as if animated by spontaneous energies,and guided by specificinten tions . On th e other hand, expressions, of which th e pri

mary sign ification refers exclusively to the properties and actionsof ma t ter, are metaphorically applied to the phenomena of

thought and volition,and even to the feelings and passions of thesoul ; and in speaking of a ray of h ope,a sh ade of doubt,afligh t

offancy,a flash ofwit,the warmth of emotion,or th e ebullitions


which are already given. In al l such cases,an “ Sec. indica testha t reference is understood to be made to these roots.


The same verb is frequen tly used indis criminately e i ther inth e active or transitive,or in the neuter or in transitive sense.In these cases I have generall y not thought it worth while to

increase thebulk of th e work by th e need less repetition'

of thatword ; for th e reader,whom I suppose to understand the use of

th e words,must al so be presumed to b e competent to apply themcorrec tly.There are a mul ti tude ofwords of a specific character,which,

al though theyproperly occupy'

places in the columns of a die

tionary,ye t,having no rela t ion to general ideas,do no t comew i thin th e scope of this compilation,and are consequently


ted . Th e names of objects in natural his tory, and technicalterms belonging ex clusively to science or to art,or relating to

par ticular Operations,and ofwhich th e s ign ifica tion 18 res tri ctedto those specific objects,come under this category.





11. SPACE,




III.MATTER,FORMATION or b u s. 450-515




r,516 499






Sec t.Ex IsTENOE,.



8. CAusAT ION,




1 . ABSTRACT, 1 .Ex istence. 2 . Inex is tence.2 . CONCRETE, 3 . Sub s tantiality. 4 . Unsub s tan tiality3 F0 MA Interna l . Ex terna l.

R L’ 5 . Intrins icality. 6 .Ex t rins icality.

Absolute. Relative.

4 'MODM" 7. State. 8. Circums tance.


9 . Relation . 10. Irrelation.

11 . Consanguinity.

1 . ABSOLUTE, 12 . Reciprocality.13 . Identity. 14 . Contra riety.

1 5. D ifference.

2. CONTINUOUS, 16 . Uniformity.

17. Similarity. 18. D issimil arity.


s . PARTIAL, 19. Iml tatl on . Va riation.

2 1 . Copy. 22 . Pro totype.

4. GENERAL, 23 .Ag reement. 24. D isag reement.

26 . Deg ree.

28. Inequality.


42 . Simpleness .44 . D isjunction.


47. Incoherence.

49. Decomposition.




29 .

3 0.

3 1.



Equal ity.



By comparison with a Standard.Greatness .

3 2 . Smallness .

By compa rison with a s imila r Obj ect.Superiority 3 4. Inferiority.

Changes in Quantity.

Increase. Decrease.Add i tion.

Adjunct .Mix ture.Junc tion.



Comb ination.


50. Whole. 51 . Part.52 . Completeness . 53 . Incompletenes s.54 . Compos ition. 55. Ex clus ion.

56 . Component. 57. Ex traneousness .

59 . D isorder.6 1. Derangement.6 3 . Sequence.65. Sequel .67.End .





70. D iscontinuity.

Non-assemb lage.3 . CoLLECT IvE, D ispers ion.

4 . D I sTRIRUT IVE, 77.Ex clusion.

79. S cial ity.

81. ul tiformit'y.

5. CATEGORICAL,83 Unconformity



88.Accompaniment.91 . B isection.

2 . DETERMINATE,94 . Trisection.

97. Quad risection.

99. Q uinquesection,&o.101. Zero .

8. INDETERMIXATE, 103 Fewness .



122 . Preterition.

124 . Oldness .

126 .Evening .

P eriod 128.Age.

13 0. Veteran.

13 3 . La tenes s.

58. Ord er.60. Arrangement.62 . Precedence.64 . Precursor.66 . Beg inning .

68. Mid d le.6 9 . Continuity.71. Term.

72 .Assemb lage.

74. Focus.75 . Clas s .

76 . Inclusion.

78. Generality.

80. Rule.82 . Conformity.

84. Number.85. Numeration.86 . List.87. Unity.

89 . Duality.90. Duplication.

92 . Triality.

93 . Triplication.

95. Quaternity.

96 . Quad ruplication.

98. Five,&0.

100. Plurality.

102 . Mul titude.

104 . Re tition.

105. I nity.

106 . Duration .

Defi nite.

108. Period .

110. D iuturnity112 . Perpetuity.

1 14 . Ch ronometry.

1 16 . Priority.

1 18. Present time.120. Synchronism.

12 1. Futurity.123 . Newness.

125. Mo rning .

12 7. Youth.

129 . Infant.13 1 .Ad olescence.

13 2 Earliness.

184 Occas ion.

107. Non-dura tion.

Indefinite.109. Course.1 1 1 . Transientness.1 13 . Ins tantaneity.

1 15.Anachronism.

117. Posteriority.

1 19. D ifferent time.


13 6 . Frequency. 13 7. Infrequency.

8' R a mmr’ 13 8. Period icity. 13 9. Irregularity.

VII. CHANGE. Ich ange.140. Change. 140.a . Ab sence of14 1. Cessation. 14 2 . Permanence.

143 . Continuance.1 SIMPLE’ 144. Conversion. 145. Reversion.

146 . Revolution.

147. Sub s titution. 148. Interch ange.149 . Changeab leness . 150. Stab ility.

2 . COMPLEX, P resent. Future.151 .Eventual ity. 152 . Des tiny.


ConstantAnte Constant Secedent. quent.

1 . CONSTANCY OP Cause. Effect.Q UENCE, Ass ignment of Absence qfA:

Cause. signment.

Attribution . Chance.2 . CONNECT ION EE 157. ower. 158. Impo tence.TWEEN CAUSEAND

BEEROT, 160. Weakness.162 . Des truction.

1 65 . Destroyer.3 . POWER IN OPERA 167. Po sterity.

T ION, 169 .Unproductiveness.172 . Inertness.1 74 . Moderation.

4. IND IRECT POWER, 177. Liab ility.5' cogfégl

gmm OF

179. Counteraction0




2 , RELATIVE SPACE, 183 . Si tuation.

184 . Loca tion. 185. D isplacement.186 . Presence. 187. Ab sence.

3 ° Em ENCE m188. Inhab itant. 189 . Abode.

SH “190. Contents . 191 . Receptacle.

Degrees159. Streng th.

16 1 . Production.1 63 . Reproduction.1 64 . Producer.166 . Paternity.

168. Productiveness.170. Agency.171 .Energy.

173 . Vio lence.175 . Influence.

176 . Tendency.178. Concurrence.










240. Form.





24 9










itjy.Curva ture.

Circularity.Rotund ity.

Convex ity.

Sharpness .

Smoo thness.Notch .

Fold .


Opening .

Perforato r.

264 . Motion.

266 .

2 68.



272 .


T ravel er.

T ransferrence.

Ca rrier.Vehicle.

193 . Littleness .

195. Contraction.

197. Nearnes s .

199 . Contiguity.201. Shortness .


207. Lowness .

209 . Shallowness.2 1 1 . Base.

2 13 . Horizontal ity2 15. Sn port.2 17. Ob


221 . Interiority.224. Lining .

226 . D ivestment.228. Inteijacence.

23 5. Rear.23 7.Anteposition.23 9. Sinistral ity.


243 . D istortion.246 . Straigh tness.248. Convolution.

251 . Flatness.252 . Concavity.254 . B luntness.256 . Roug hness .

265. Quiescence.267. Navigation.

269 .Mariner.

273 . Ship.

192 .

194 .

196 .



202 .


206 .


2 10.

2 12 .

2 14 .

2 16 .

2 18.

2 19 .


2 22 .

223 .



229 .

23 0.

23 1 .

2 3 2 .

23 3 .

23 4 .

23 6 .

23 8.

Size.Ex pans ion.D istance.Interval .Leng th.

B read th.

1Thickness .

Layer.Height.I) epth .




Invers ion.

Crossing .

Ex teriority.Centrality.Covering .

Inves tment.Circumjacence.

C ircumscription.


I dn fia

Front.Lateral ity.Dex trality.

3 2






ERAL, 3 1,


3 21 .

3 2 3 .

3 25 .

3 27.

3 29.

3 3 0.


3 3 1 .

3 3 3 .

3 3 5.

1 . 1ham3f


3 3 7.

3 3 9.

3 41.


3 43 .

3 45.

3 47.

“m1 3 50.

274 .

3 48.


World .


Dens ity.

Hardness .

Elas ticity.


Tex ture.


iFluid ity.Liquid ity.

LiquefactionWater.Mois ture.






275. Slowness .

3 04 . Shortcoming.3 06 . Descent.3 08. Depres sion.

3 10. Plunge.3 13 .Evolution.

3 17. Immaterial ity.3 20. Levity.

3 22 . Rarity.3 24. Softness .

3 26 . Inelas ticity.3 28. B rittleness .

3 3 2 . Lub rication.3 3 4. Gaseity.3 3 6 .

3 3 8.

3 40. D ryness.3 42 . Land .

3 46 . Island .

276 . Impulse.278. D irection.

2 80. Precession.

2 82 . Prog ression.2 84 . Propulsion.

286 .Approach .

288.Attraction.290. Convergence.

292 . Arrival.294. Ing ress .

296 . Reception.298. Food .

3 00. Insertion.3 02 . Passage.

3 03 . Transcursion.3 05.Ascent.3 07.Elevation.

3 09. Leap.

3 1 1 . Circuition.3 12 . Rota tion.

3 14 . Oscil lation.

3 15.Agitation .

277. Recoil.279 . Deviation.

2 81 . Sequence.

283 . Regress ion.285. Traction.

287. Recess ion.

289. Repuls ion.29 1. D ivergence2 93 . Departure.

295.Egress.29 7.Ejection.

299 .Ex cretion.3 01.Ex traction.


2 . Specific Light.429 .

43 1.

4 3 3 .

4 3 5.

43 7.

43 9.

6 . Light,continued ,

444. Specta tor.445. Optical Instruments .

44 6 .Visib il ity. 447.

448.Appearance. 449 .


Divis ion I . FORMATION o n IDEAS.






Ach romatisBlackness .B rown.



Invisib il ity.

D isappearance.

428 C o lo r.43 0. Wh iteness.43 2 . Gray.

43 4 . Redness .

43 6 . Yellowness .

4 3 8. B lueness .

440. Varieg ation.

3 . P erceptions of Light.44 1 . Vi sion. 442 . B l indness .

44 3 . D imsig h tedness

[tel lect.

450. Intellect. 450. a . Ab sence ofIn451 . Though t . 4 52 . 1ncogitaucy.

453 . Id ea. 4 54 . T opic.455. Curiosity. 456 . Incurio sity.

457.Attention. 4 58. Inatten tion.

459. Care . 460. Neg lect.4 6 1 . Inquiry. 4 62 .Answer.463 .Ex periment. 4 64 . Com arison .

465 . D iscrimina tion. 465. a . In iscrimina4 66 . Measurement. [tion .

467. Evidence. 468. Counter evidence.

46 9 . Qua l ification.

470. Poss ib ility. 4 71 . Impossib ility.

472 . Probab ility 473 . Improb ab ility.

4 74 . Certa inty . 475. Uncer tainty.

476 . Reasoning . 477.

478. D emons tra tion . 479 .

480. Jud gment. 481 .M isjudgment.482 . Over-estimation . 483 . Un




l er-es tima tion .

nbel ief.484 . Bel l ef. 485. iD oub t.486 . Credulity. 487. Incredulity.488. Assent. 4 89 . D issent.4 90. Knowledge. 49 1 . Ignorance.

492 . Scholar. 493 . Igno ramus.494 . Truth . 495.Error496 . Maxim. 497.Ab surd ity.

I 1

Faculties .

ntel igence. Imbecil i

{Wisdom 499° {Fol lyty


V. RESULTS or REASONINC—continued, nsanity.

504 . Madman.1. To theP ast, 505. Memory. 506 . Ob livion.

VI. EXTEN 507. Ex pecta tion. 508. Inex pectation.SION or 509. Disappo intment.THOUGHT, 2 . To the Fuo 510. Fo resigh t.

tare, 51 1 . Pred iction.512 . Omen.513 . Oracle.

5 14 . Su o sition .

VII. CREATIVE THOUGHT, 515. Imiigination.

D ivis ion II. IDEAS.

517. Unmeanin ess .

519. Unintel lig iiil

l ity.


523 .Mis interpretation.526 . Latency.

528. Concealment.53 0.AmbuSh .

53 3 . Secret.53 6 . Negation

II . MODES or COMMUNICA 53 8. Misteaching .

T ION, 53 9 . Learning541 . Learner.

544. Falseh ood.545. Deception.

546 . Untruth .

547. Dupe. 548. Deceiver.549. Ex aggeration.


550. Ind ication.55 1 . Record . 552 . Ob literation.553 . Recorder.


56 3 . Neo logy.

565.Misnomer.2. a nimation 1 . Languag


a!Manua l general y, 568. So lecism.

Qua lities ofStyle.570. Perspicuity. 571 . Ob scurity.

572 . Coneiseness. 573 . D ifl'



516 . Meaning .

518. Intelligib ility.

520.Equivocalness .

52 1 . Metaph or.522 . Interpretation.

524 . Interpreter.525. Manifestation.

527. Info rmation.

529. D isclosure.

53 1 . Pub lication.53 2 . News .

53 4 . Messenger.53 5.Affirmation.53 7. Teaching .

556 .

557. Sculpture.

558.Eng raving .

559 .Artis t.560. Language.

56 1 . Letter.562 . Word .


566 . Ph rase.

567. Grammar.569. Style.


598. Prose.



600. Will .602 .Willingness.604 . Reso lution.

606 . Ob s tinacy

6 19.Evil .62 1 . C h ance.

6 2 3 . Avo id ance.

624 . Rel inquis limem.

629 . Circuit.

6 3 8. Waste.

640. Insufficiency.

642 . Iraportancc . 643 . Unimpcrtanca.

574. Vig or. 575 . Fceb leness.576 . P l ainness . 577. Ornament.578. Eleg ance. 579 . Ineleg ance.580. Vo ice. 581 . Apliony.

582 . Speech. 583 . Stammering584 . Loquacity. 585 . T aciturnity.

586 . Allocution . 587 . Response.

588. In terlocution. 589. Soliloquy.

590.Writing . 59 1 . Prin ting .

592 . CO Irespo ndence. 593 . Book.

594 . Description.

595. D isserta tion.

596 . Compend ium597. Poetry.

599. T h e D rama.

601 . Necess ity.

603 . Unwillingnes s605 . I rresolu tion.

607. T erg ivessation608. Caprice.

609 . Choice. 6 10. Rejection6 1 1 . Predetermination.6 12 . Impulse.

6 13 . Habit . 6 14 . D esuetude.

6 15 . Motive. 6 16 . D issuas ion.6 17. Plea .

6 18. Good .

620. Intention.

622 . Pursuit.625. Bus iness .

626 . Plan.

62 7. Method .

628.Mid course.63 0. Requirement.

1 .Actua l63 1 . Ins trumen tality.

6 3 2 . Means.

63 3 . Instrument.63 4 . Sub s titute.

63 5 . Materials .

63 6 . Store.

63 7. Provision.

63 9. Sufficiency.

641. Redundance.




1 . Simple,

2 . Complex ,

1. Cond itiona l

2 Active,

674 . Non-preparation

678. D isuse.

6 79 . Misuse.

681 . Inaction .

683 . Inactivity.685 . Leisen .

687. Repose.

689 . Refie shment.

717. Defience.

719 . Res istance.

72 1. Peace.

723 . Pacification.

644 .

64 6 .


6 50.

6 52 .

6 54 .

656 .



6 62 .

6 64 .

66 6 .

66 8.

6 69 .


6 71 .

672 .

6 73 .

6 75 .

6 76 .



682 .

6 84 .

686 .



69 1 .

692 .

693 .

6 94 .

6 95.

6 96 .

6 97.



702 .

704 .

706 .



712 .

713 .


716 .



722 .

724 .

725 .

Util ity. 645. Inutility.

Ex ped ience. 647. InSXped ience.Goodness . 64 9. Badnes s.Perfection. 6 5 1. Imperfection.

Cleanness . 6 53 . Uncleanness .

Health . 6 55 . D isease.

Salub rity. 657. Insalub rity.

Improvement. 659 . D eterio ra tion.

Res tora tion . 6 6 1. Relapse.

Remedy. 6 63 . Bane.3 . Contingent Subservience.

Safety. 665. Danger,Refug e. 667. Pitfall.Warning.





Prepa ration.


Undertaking .



Ac tivity.Il aste.

Ex ert ion.

Fa tigue.

Agent.Wo rkshop.

Conduct.D irection.

D irecto r.Ad vice.

Council .Precept.Skill. 699 . Unskilfulness.Proficient. 701 . Bung ler.Cunning . 703 . Artlessness.D ifficul ty. 705 . Fac il ity.

H inderiince. 707. Aid .

Opposi tion. 709. Co iiperation.

Opponent. 711 .Aux il ia ry.

Pa rty.D isco rd . 714. Concord .

Defiance.Attack.Retaliation.Conten tion,Warfa re.

Med iation.


726 . Combatant.727 .Arms .728.Arena.


729 . Completion,73 1. Success .

V. RESULTS or ACTION, 73 3 . Trophy.

73 4. Pro s rity .

73 6 . Med iocrity.

73 0. Non-completion.

73 2 . Failure.73 5. Advers ity.



753 . Keeper.755. Commiss ion.




1 . Propa ty in general, .

73 8 La x ity.740. Lenity.743 . Obedience.746 . Servant.749. Subjection.751 . Res traint.752 . Prison.

754 . Prisoner.756 .Abrogation.

757. Resignation.

76 1. Prohib ition.

764. Refusal.766. Deprecation.

768. a. Release.

773 . Non-observance.

776 . Loss .

778. Participa tion.

782 . Relinquishment785. Receiving .

788. Bo rrowing .

790. Restitution.

796. Sale.

73 7.Auth ority.73 9 . Severity.

74 1 . Command .

742 . D isobed ience.

744 Compulsion.

745. Mas ter.747. Sceptre.748. Freedom.

750. Liberation.

758. Consignee.759 . Deputy.

760. Permiss ion762 . Consent.763 . Offer.765 . Reques t.767. Petitioner.768. Promise.

769 . Compact.770. Cond itions.

771 . Security.

772 . Observance.

774 . Compromise.


777. Possess ion.

779. Posses sor.780. Property.

781 . Retention.783 . Transfer.784 . Giving .

786 . Apportionment.787. Lend ing .

789 . Taking .

791 . Stealing .

792 . Thief.793 . Booty794 . Barte r.79 5. Purchase.

797. Merchant.798. Merch and ise.799. Mart.


804 . Poverty.

806 . D eb t.808. Non-

payment.810. Receipt.813 . D iscount.815. C heapness.

817.Economy.819 . Pars imony.









82 1 .

822 .

824 .

825 .


829 .

83 1 .


852 .




Feeling .

Sensib ility.

Ex cita tion.Ex citab il ity.

823 . Insens ib ility.826 . Inex citab ility.


Pleasurab lenessContent.

Tas te.

Fash ion .


f800 . Money.

801. T reasurer.802 . T rea sury.

803 . Weal th .

805 . C red it.807. Payment.809 . Ex pend iture.

81 1 . Accounts .

812 . Price.

814 . Dearness .

816 . Liberality.

818. Prod igality.

828. Pain.

83 0. Painfulness .

83 2 . D iscontent.83 3 . Reg ret.

83 4 . Relief. 83 5. Agg ravation.83 6 . Cheerfulnes s . 83 7. Dejection83 8. Rejoicing . 83 9 . Lamentation840. Amusement. 841 . Weariness .842 .Wit. 843 . Dulness .

844 . Humoris t.845 . Beauty. 846 . Ug liness .

847. Ornament. 848. B lemish.

849. Simplicity.

851. Vulgarity.

853 . Rid iculousness .

854 . Fop.

855. Afi'

ectation .

856 . Rid icule.

857. Laugh ing stock.859 . Hopelessness .

860. Fear.862 . Coward ice.864 . Caution.

86 6 . Ind ifference.

867. D islike.

868. Fas tid iousness869 . Satiety.










888. Friend ship.


892 .

894 .

896 .



Friend .


Congra tulation.



902 .Endea rment.903 .



912 .

9 14 .

9 15 .

9 16 .



2 . SENTIMENTS, 93 1 .

93 3 .

93 5.

93 7.



Philanth ropy.

Benefactor.P ity .


Gra titude.

Fo rgiveness

Approb ation.

Fla ttery.Fla t terer.Vind ication.

93 9. Prob ity.


886 .

889 .

891 .

893 .

895 .




Ex pectance.D is repute.



Mod es ty.



Enemy .


D iscourtesy.


Resentment.Irascib il ity.

Ing ratitude.

9 19 Revenge.

920. Jealousy.92fEnvy.

870. Wond er.872 . Prod igy.

873 . Repute.

875 . No b ility.

877. T itle.

878. Pride.

880. Vanity.

882 . Osten ta tion.

883 . Celeb ra tion.

884 . Boas ting .

885. Insolence.

887. B lus terer.

904 . Celibacy.

905 . D ivo rce.

907. Malevo lence.

908. Maled iction.909 . T h rea t .9 1 1. M isanth ropy.9 13 . Evil doer.9 14 . a . Pi tilessness.

923 . Wrong .

925. Undueness .

927. Ex emption.

929 . D is respect.93 0. Contempt.93 ° D isappro bation.93 4 . D et raction .

93 6 . Det racto r.93 8.Accusa tion.

940. Impro b ity.

94 1 . Knave.942 . D ismterestedness .943 . Selfishncss.944 . Virtue. 945 . Vice.

946 . Innocence. 947. Guilt.948. Sa in t . 949 . Sinner.950. Penitence. 951 Impenitence.952 .Atonement.


Adj . Adjectives,Participles,and word s having the power ofAdv. Adverbs and adverb ial ex pressions.V. Verb s.







1 Ex rsn nc s , being, entity,subs is tence coexistence, see


Reality,actuality,positiveness,absoluteness,fact,matter offact ;see Truth,494.

Science ofexistence,Ontology.

Existence in space ; see 186 .

V. To be,to exist,have being,subsist, live, breathe, stand,ohta in,occur.To consist in, l ie in.

To come into existence,141,toari se,come out, come forth, appear,448.

To brin into existence ; 1 6 1 .

Adj . Exi sting, being, subsisting, in being, in existence, ex

The heavy figures ind icate the articles to wh ich the figures in the ind ex refer.(43 )

2, Innx rsrnn cn, non-existence, nonentity, no such th irgnegativeness vacuity,4 .

Annih i lation, abeyance, ex

tinction,seeD estruction, 162,andD isappearance,449.

V. ot to be,not to exist,&cto have no existence .To cease to be, passvanish,fade,dissolve,melt awayperish, disappear, 449,to be an

nih ilated, extinct, to be nomore,to die,3 60.

Adj . Inexistent, non-existent,non-existing, (that which doesnot exist,h as no existence,o r isWi thout existence,) nega tive,blank.


taut, l iving,breathing,obta ining,current,undestroyed .

Rea l,actua l,positive,absolute,virtua l, substantial, substantive,self-e x isting, se lf-existent, notidea l,not imagined,unimagined,not supposititious, not potentia l,true


Adv. Actua l ly,rea lly,absolutely, positively,&c ., in fact, in re

a li ty.



3 . SUBSTANT IAL ITY, thing,something,a hs ing,an existence,creature, a body, substance, oh

ject,article,matter,materia l,stufi°


3 16 .

Tota l ity of existences, see

World,3 18.

Ad Substantive, substantia l,b od il


y,materia l.Adv. Substantia lly,bodily,&c .,essential ly.

3 . FORMALInternal conditions .

_ 5.INTR INSI CALITY, inbeing,inherence, inhesion,ess ence,es

sentia lnes s, essential (nature,character,or) part, quintessence,gist,pith,marrow.

Constitution, character, qual ity, 157, temperament, temper,spirit,humor,gra in, endowment,capacity, capability, mood, features, aspects, specia lities,peenl iarities,79,(characteristics,) idiosyncrasy.

4. UN SUBSTANTIAL ITY, nothingnes s,nothing,nought,null ity,zero ; nothing at a l l ; noth ingwhatever ; nothing on earth .

Nobody, 187.

A shadow, phantom, phantasm,vision,dream, air, th in air.

Void,vacuum,vacuity,vacane inanity,emptiness,h ollown ess,b ank, chasm, gap, hiatus, &c .,198.

Ad Unsubstantial,void,vaenous, lank, nul l, inane, vacan t,hollow.


Ex ternal conditwns .

6. EXTRI NSI CALITY, ex trane

oneness,obj ectiveness, acc identAdj . Derived from wi thout ;obj ective, extrinsic, extrinsica l,extraneou s,moda l, adventitious,

adscititious,inc identa l,accidenta l,non-essentia l,220.

Implanted,ingrafted .

Adv. Extrinsica l ly,&c .

Adj . Derived from wi thin ; subjective,intrinsic,intrinsica l,inherent, essentia l, natura l, internal, innate,inborn, inbred

Unrea l,potentia l,vi rtual,bas eless,unsubstantia l,4, imagi nary,idea l, va in,supposi titious, shadowy,(imagine dreamy .)Unborn,uncreated,unbegotten.

Annihi lated,destroyed,extinct,gone, lost, perished, pa ssedaway, abolished, nul l ifie doneaway wi th,) melted, dissolved,faded exhausted,vanished,missing,disappeared, depa rted, defunct, 3 60.

Absence, 187,remova l, 185 .

Adv. Nega tively,virtual ly,Ste.


ed,inherited, immanent, congenita l, indigenous, inthe gra in,bred in th e bone, instinctive, 22 1 .

Characteristic,pAdv. Intrins ica ly,&c .

ecul iar,special,diagnostic,79 .



7, STATE, condition, category,estate, case, constitution, habitnd e,mood,plight.Frame, fabric, structure, texture, contexture, 3 29, conformation .

Mode, moda l ity, form, shape,figure, cut, cast, mould, stamp,s et fit, tone, tenor, turn, trim,gu i se, fa shion, aspect, complexion cha ra cte r.lz’. To be in a state,condition,

&c .,on a foo ting.

To fare ; to have, possess,enjoy,&e .,a state,810 .

To bring into a state,&c .,144.

Adj . Conditiona l, medal, for

mal, structura l,textura l .Adv. Conditiona l ly,810 .


1 .

9. RELATI ON, bearing, reference, concern, cognation, correlation,ana logy, nity,a l l iance,homogeneousness, as sociation,approximation,fi l iation,&c .

, 166,interest,habitude .

Relevancy,pertinency,fi tness,&c .,2 3 ,646 .

Aspect,point of view,comparison, 464, ratio,proportion .

V. To be related,have a relation, &c . ; to re late to, refe r to,bear upon,rega rd,conce rn,touch;to have to do with,perta in to,b elong to,apperta in to, answer to,uns e at.


10, IRRELATION, want, or absence of re lation,disconnection,dissociation,independence,isolati on 44, disproportion —incommensurability, irrelevancyheterogeneousness, irreconcilab lenes s,24, impertinence .V. To h ave no relation,&c . to ;to have nothing to do with not

to concern,&c .

To isolate, separate, detach,segrega te,44.

Adj . Irrelative,irrespective,unrelate d,without reference,&c . to

arbitrary,remote,out ofplace, iro

re levant,fore ign to,a l ien, imper


8, C IRCUMSTAN CE, s ituation,phase,position, posture,attitude,place,point, te rms,fare, foo ting,standing, predicament, contingeney, occasion, j uncture, eon

j uncture,emergence,emergency,exigency, cris is, pinch, pas s,ush .

Ad C ircumstantia l, given,cond i tiona l, provisional, critica l,contingent, incidenta l,6, 15 1 .

Adv. In,or under the ci rcumstances, conditions,&c . Thus,accordingly,being so,such beingthe case, since, seeing that, as

matte rs stand,as things go .Conditi onal ly, provided, if,ifso,if so be,if it be so ; if it so

h a pen,or turn out,provisionally,un ess,Wi thout



To bring into relation with,connect,affil iate, l ink, 43, bringtogether

,bring near, approx i

mate to bring to bear uponAdj. Relative,correlative,c ognate, relating to,rela tive to,relevant, in relation wi th, referable(or referrible ) to, pertinent, 2 3 ;belonging, perta ining, or apper

ta in ing to .

Implicated, associated, connected,affi l iated.

Approximative,approximating,proportiona l, proportionate, proportionable ; comparable,&c .,2 3 .


tinent,extraneous to, stranger to,‘independent, outlandish, exotic,una l l ied, unconnected, disconnected,adrift, isola ted, insular.Not compa rable incommen

surab le, inapplicable,24,irreconc ilab le,heterogeneous.Foreign to th e purpose nothing

to the urpose,neither ere nor

there ; eside th e mark .

Adv. Parenthetica lly, by th e

way,by the by, incidenta l ly

Adv. Relatively, thereof,as to,a s for, about, conce rning,touching,as rela tes to,with relation to,relating to as respects,

w ith respect to, in respect of, respecting ; as regards,withregard to, rega rding,with reference to,while speaking of,inconnection with, inasmuch as, in point of,as far as ,on thepart of,on the score of, ertinently,&e .

In various ways, in a l manner ofways,under the head,categor class,&c . of, 75 .

1 1. elations of kindred.

C ON SANG U IN ITY,relationship,kindred,blood,parentage,fi l iation,l ineage,connection,a lliance,family connection,family tie see Pa

tern ity,1 66 .

A k insman,relation, relative,connection,cousin, brother, sister,&c . &c .

—a near relation,a di stant relation .

Family, fra tern i ty, brotherhood, s i sterhood, cousinhood, &c . ;race,stock,generation,&c .

V. To cla im relationship with .

Adj . Related, akin, (germane ), consangu ineous, family, a ll ied,collatera l,fraterna l,&c .

,nearly or close ly related, remotely or d istautly re lated .

12, Double relation .

REC I PROCALNESS, reciprocity,correlation,(mutua l) dependence,interchange,rec iproca tion,&c ., 148, interchangeableness, 149 .

V. To reciprocate,a lternate,interch ange,ex ch ange,counterch ang e.

Adj . Reciproca l,mutua l,correlative,a lternate .Interna tiona l,interchangeable .13 .

IDENT ITY, sameness, co

incidence, coa lescence convertib ility ; self one’s self, numberone ; iden t ification .

V. To be identica l ; to be thesame,&c . to coincide, coa lesce .

To ren er the same ; to iden

14, Non-coincidence .CONTRARIET Y

,contrast,antithesis, c ontradiction, opposition,

antagonism,708,inversmn,reversron 2 18.

The opposite, the reverse, inverse, convers e, antipodes,23 7,counterpart.


To recognize the identi ty of

to id entif see to compa re 464 .

“Adj . I entica l,same,self)

,verysame selfsame, no other, oneand the same

,una ltered,coinc ident

,coinciding,coa lescing, co

alescent,indistinguishable,equiva lent,convertible .

Adv. Al l one, al l the same,d entica l ly,&c .


V. To be contrary, cppos ite,&c .

, to contrast With, contradict,contravene, Oppose, antagonize,i nvert,reverse .

Adj . Contra ry, Opposite,counte r, converse, reverse, diametrica l ly opposite, opposed, anta g onistic,opposing,incons isterigcontrad ictory .

Adv. Contrari ly, contra riwise,oppositely,on the contrary,quitethe contrary.

15, D I FFEREN CE,variance,varia tion,variety,diversity,modifi cation, shade of d ifference, defl ation, divergence,divari cation, 290,disagreement,24 .

D istinction,discrimination,465,contrad istiction . Anice,fin e,ors ubtle distinction .

V. To be different,&c . to differ,vary,mismatch,contras t.To render different,&c .,to vary,change,modify,&c ., 140.

To distingu ish,465.

Adj . D ifferent, differing, heterogeneous,b le,discriminative,varied,ging,devious,di sagree ing,farrons,multiform,&e.,81 .

Other, another, not the same,quite another thi ng,unmatched,widely apart,changed, 140.

Adv. D ifferently,variously,&c .

,otherwise .


16.UN I FORM ITY, homogene . Absence or want ofun iformi

ousnes s,consistency,conformity, ty,83 .

82, accordance,see Agreement,23,and Regulari ty,80.

V. To be uniform,&c .,to accord w ith.

To become uniform,to conform to.To render uniform,to ass imi late,leve l,smoo th,&c .,255.

Adj . Uniform,homogeneous, homologous,of a piece,cons is tent

,connatura l .

Adv. Uniformly,uniformly w ith,c onformably cons istentlywi th, in unison with, in conformity with,according to,2 3 .


17, SIM ILARITY,relikeness, s imil itusemblance,

18, D I SSIM I LARITY, unlikeness, diss imilitude, diversity :novelty,12 3,original i ty,5 15 .


le lism,2 16,analogy,brotherhood,I

a lifamily likeness ;etition, 104 .

The like,match, fel low, pa i r,mate,twin,pa ra lle l, counterpa rt,broth er, sister ; simile,metaph or,52 1 .

V. To be similar, l ike, resembling, &c . ; to resemble, bea rres emblance, approximate, para l le l,match, imitate, 19, repre

s ent,simulate,persona te .



V. To be unlike,&c .,to vary,20.

To render unlike,to diversify,va ry,&c .

Adj . D issimila r, unlike, of a

diffe rent kind, cla ss,&c ., 75 ; divers ified,novel,new,unmatched,12 3,east in a different mould.

To render simila r, a ssimilate, approximate, bring near,81 0 .

Adj . Similar, like, a like, resembling, twin, analogous,analogica l, para lle l, a ll ied to, of a piece, such as, matching .

Near,s omething like,a Show of,mock,simulating,repres enting,approxima ting.

Exact, accurate,true,fa ithful,close,speaking.Adv. AS if, so to speak,a s it were,as if it were .

19.IM ITAT I ON, as similation,copying, transcribing, trans cription, repetition, 104,duplication,

red uplication, quotation, reproducnon .

Mockery, mocking, mimidry,echoing,simulation, counterfeiting, acting, personation, represcuta tion, arody, (travesty. )Result 0 imitation,seeCopy,2 1 .

An imitator,echo,cuckoo,parrot,ape,monkey,mocking bird.

To imitate, copy, repea t,104, do like echo, ree


eh o, transcribe,matc para lle l,emulate ;to take off, hit off; to modelafter.

20. NO N-imi TAT I ON .


. Unimita ted uncopied,unmatched, unparaileled, inimitable,6 48.

Variation,a lte ration,mod ifica

tion, see D ifference, 15,Change,

140,D eviation,2 79,D ivergence,28 1 .

V. To va ry,modify,diversify,change, 140.

Adj . Varied,modifi ed,diversified,&c .

To mock,mimic,ape,simulate,personate,554,act,repres ent, adumb rate, counterfe it, parody, travesty, cari ca ture,burlesque .

To take after ; to follow,or tread in the steps,or footstepsof to follow in the wake of to follow the footsteps,strike inwith .

Adj . Imitatedmim ic, parod iecf,ph ra stic

copied, matched, repeated, para l le led,&c .,modelled after, moulded on, paraimitative,second-hand,imitable.

Adv. Literally,verbatim,word for word,562 .


consistent with,compatible, rec

oncilab le with .

Apt, apposite, pertinent, germane, to the purpose, to th e

point,bea ring upon,9 applicale,relevant,fit, fitting, suitable,pro er,meet,appro ria te,suiting,e tting, s eas onab e, accommo



1 . SIMPLE25, Absolute Quantity.

QUANTITY,magnitude,192,ampl itud e,mass, amount,measure .

Sc ience of quantity ; Mathemati c s .

Adj . Quantitative .

Comparative,gradua l,sh a in off.

By egrees, gradual ly, step


unbecoming, forc ed, unseas onable, far-fetched, inadmiss ib le,uncongenia l,i ll-sorted,repugnantto, unaccommodating, i rreducib le .

Adj . At va riance with, in defiance of,in contempt of, in spiteof.



26,Relative uantity.

DEG REE,gra e,extent, measure,ratio,standa rd,height pitch,reach, amplitude, range,gradation,shade,compas s,srank, standing,rate .

Point,mark, stage,step,tion,peg ; term,7 1 .

Intensity,might,fulne ss,

imum .

y step, l ittle by liby inches,by slow degrees .


27, Sameness of quantity orde es .

QUAL ITY, pari ty, coex ten

s ion, evenness, level, ba lance,poi se.

Equivalence, equipoise, equilibrium,equiponderance,par,tie .

Equa l ization,equation, equil ihia tion,coOrd ination,adjustment .A match, peer


al,) mate, fellow, brother,17,a makeweight.

V. To be equal,&c . to equa l,match, come up to, come toamount to ; be or l ie on a leve lwith,to balance,to cope w ith .

To render equal, equa l ize,level,ba lance,equate, trim, ad

just,poise ; to strike a balance,

28, D ifference of quanti tydeg ree .

INEQUAL ITY, disparity, oddifference 15,unevenness .Preponderance,t i on, inc lination of th

advantage, prevalenceriority,3 3 ; a castingSh ortcoming, 3 04.

V. To be unequal,&c .,to preaponderate,outweigh, outba lance,overba lance, preva i l, counterva il, predominate, overmatch,To fal l short of,to want, 3 04,not to come up to,3 4.

Adj . Unequa l uneven,unb alaanced, overba lanced, toppreponderating, preva il ing,


to establish or restore equality,to readjust.Adj

. Equa l, even, level, co

equa coOrd inate,on a par with,on a level with,up to the mark .

Equivalent,tantamount,as broad


more than a match for ; abovepar ; below par.

as long,as good as, equiponderant,equiponderous .Rendered e ual,equa li zed, equated, drawn, poised, lev

c l led,ba lance trimmed,&c .

29, MEAN, medium, average, balance, middle,68, the goldenmean . Neutrality

strike a ba lance .

AdAdj .

middle course,628.

V. To split the difference,take th e average,reduce to a mean,Mean, intermediate,middle,average .

On an average ; in the long run ; ha lfway ; tak ing the onew ith the other,tak ing al l things together, taking a l l in a l l .

3 0, COMPEN SATI ON, equation, indemnification, neutra l i zation,counte rac tion .

Asc roff, offs et, (equiva lent,)makeweight, casting weight,counterpoise,amends .952 .

See Counteraction,179,Recoil,277,Atonement,V. To compensate, 973 , indemnify, counterva il, counterpoise,ba lance, outbalance, overba lance, counterba lance, set off, recom

pense,make up for,cover,fil l up,redeem,make amends,neutralize ; 28.

Adj . Compensating, compensatory, counterva il ing, &c ., in th eOpposite scale .


3 1. GREATNEs s, largeness,magnitude, s ize, 192, fulness,vastness, immensity, enormity,infinity, 105,intensity,26 .

A large quantity,deal, world,mass, heap 72, pile, cartload,cargo, shi foad, flood or springtide, abun ance,6 3 9,wholesale,store,6 3 6 .

Th e greater part,52 .

V. To be great,&c .,run high,soar, tower, transcend, rise, or

carry to a great height,&C .,3 05 .

Ad Grea t,large,considerable,big,tinge,ample, full,satura ted,lenaiy,deep,e x tensive,goodly,cavy,mighty,157,arrant,d own

right,utter,gross, arch, consummate,rank, thorough-going,sov

3 2. SMALLNESS,l ittleness,minutenes s,193,tenuity,scantiness,slenderness, meanness,mediocrity.

Asmal l quantity,a tom, particle,molecu le,corpuscle,jot,iota,minutim,whit,tittle,shade,shadow, touch, cast, gra in, s cruple,Spice, drop, sprinkling, dash,scantling,scrap,mite,bit,morsel,crum,trifle,5 1 .

Finiteness a finite (or limi ted)quantitV. 0 be smal l, &c ., to

"unlow, diminish, shrink, dwind le,&c ., 195 .

Adj . Sma ll, little, incons iderable, diminutive, minute, 193,tiny,puny, petty, sorry,mis era


ere ign,above par, unpara lle led,extraordinary, unapproached .

Vast,immense, enormous

towering,inordina te, excessive,extravagant, outrageous,prepos

terous, egregious, monstrousovergrown

,stupendous, prodi

g ious,astonish ing,870,incredible,marve llous,transcendent,incomparable tremendous .Inde nite boundless, nubounded,unlimited,inca lculable,il l imitab le,immeasurab le,infin ite,105,unapproachable,unutterable,unspeakable, inexpressible, b eyond expression unconscionable .

Undiminished, unabated, unreduced,unrestricted .

Absolute,positive,decided,unequivoca l, serious, essential,perfeet,finished,abundant,6 3 9 .

Adv. In a great d egree ; much,well

,considerab ly,largely grea t

ly,very,very much,a dea l,not al ittle pretty,pretty well, enough,to a large or grea t extent,ma inly,ever so,ever so much, insomuch,wholesale, in a l l conscience .In a positive degree truly,

494, purely, positively, verily,real ly, indeed, actua lly, in fact,fa irly,assuredly,decidedly,unequivoca l ly,absolutely, seriously,essentia lly,fundamenta lly, radica lly,downright.In a compa rative degree com

parative ly,as good as to say theeast of, above al l,most,preeminently.

In a complete degree ; altogether,quite,entirely,wholly tota l ly, ia toto,utterly,thorough ly,out and out,completely,outright,to the full, in every respect, ina l l respects, on a l l accounts,n icely, perfectly, fully, amply,richly, wholesa le, abundantly,consummately,w idely,as as

can be every no 1,far and wide.

ble,wretched,pa ltry, 643,wea k .

1 60, slender, feeble,fa int,slight,trivia l,scanty,l ight,trifling,moderate,mean,passable,sparing.

B elow par, below th e ma rk,under the mark,at a low ebb,imperfect,65 1 .

Inapprec iable, evanescent, iafiii ites ima l,a tomic .

Mere, s imple, sheer, stark,bare .Adv. In a sma l l degree ; something,somewhat,ne x t to nothing,little, inconsiderably, s lightly,so-s o minutely, fa intly, feebly,l ightly, imperfectly,perceptibly,moderately, scantily, miserab ly,sparingly, tolerably, pas sab l

weakly pretty well,well enougfi,s lenderly,modestly.

In a l imited degree partia lly,in part ; in a certa in degree, toa certa in degree or extent


,somewhat, rather, in some degree, i n some measure, something, simply,purely,merely, i na manner,at the most,at least,atthe least, at most, as little as

may be,nex t to nothing, in everso sma ll a degree .

Almost,nea rly well nigh, a l l

but, short of,not quite, s carce ly,hardly,barely,nea r the mark .

In an uncerta in degree about,thereabouts, somewhere about,nearly .

In no degree ; not at a l l,not inthe least, not a bit, not a whit,not a j ot, by no means,nowise,in now ise in no respect, by no

manner 0 means,on no account.In a greater degree even,yea,sti ll more .


In a high degree ; highly, deeply, strongly, mightily,powerfully, 157, profoundly, superla tively, ultra, in the extreme,e x tremely, e x ceedingly, excessively, intensely, ex

quis itely,acutely soundly,vastly,hugely,Immensely,enormous ly, stupendously, surpassingly, su reme ly, beyondmeasure,immodera tely,monstrously, inor inately,ex traord inarily,exorbitantly,indefinite ly,immeasurably,unspeakably,inexpressibly,ineffably,unutterably,inca lculably, infinite ly.

In a marked degree particularly,remarkably,s ingularly,uncommonly,unusua lly,peculiarly, notably,Signa lly,egre

gious ly, prominently, glaringly, emphatica lly, strangely,wonderfully,amazingly, surprisingly,aston ishingly,incred i


bly,marvellously,awfully,stupendously .

In a violent degree ; violently,furiously,desperately,tremend ous ly,_

outrageous ly,extravagantly, confoundedly,w i tha vengeance 173 .

In a pa inful deg ree ; sadly, grossly,sorely,bitterly,grievonely, cruelly,wofully, lamentably, shockingly,frightfully,dreadful ly,fearfully,terribly,horribly.


33 ,SUPERI ORITY,majority,su

premacy, advantage, excess,641 .

Ma x imum, acme, climax, ze

nith,summit,utmost height, cul

minating point,2 10,the height of.V. To be superior,&c . ; to ex

oecd, excel, outweigh, surpass,overtop,oap,b eat,cut out,override,(outdo,) out-Herod, overba lance,3 0,0verweigh ;to render larger,194.


Adj . Superior, greater,major,higher,exceeding,excelling,surpassing,ultra,vaulting,transcending, (trans cendeng) unequa lled,648.

Supreme,greatest,utmost,paramount, p

reéminent, culminating,super ative,topmost,highest.Adv.

and above ; at its height.

3 4, INFER I ORITY, minori ty,subordinacy,shortcoming,3 04.M inimum.

V. To be less, inferior,&c . , tofall,or come short of; not to surpass, 3 04.

To become sma l ler, torender sma ller,195 .

Adj . Inferior, smal ler, minor,less, lesser, lower, subordina te,subaltern.

Least, smallest,minutest,&C .,

193 ; lowest.Adv. Less under or below th ema rk ; below par ; at the bottomofthe scale at a low ebb .

At a disadvantage .

Beyond ; over or above th e mark ; above par,over

In a superior degree ; eminently, egregiously,preemi

nently,prominently superlative ly, supremely, a


a l ly, pa rticularly,peculiarly,&c.princ ips5 C

ove al l,



3 5, l NCBEASE, augm entation,enlargement, extens ion, dilatation, 194, increment, accretion,development

,growth, swell,swelling

,aggrandizement,agg ra

va tion,rise,spread,diffusion, 73,flood tide,accession,3 7.

V. To increase, augment, enlarge, amplify, extend, dilate,swell,expand



,run up

,sprout, advance,spread, aggrandize, ad d, ra ise,heighten

,strengthen, exa lt, eu

hance,magnify,redouble,aggravate,exaggerate,exasperate, exacerbate .

Adj . Increased, augmented,enlarged,bloated, und iminish ed

3 6 . NON -I N CREASE.

DEC REASE,d iminution,lessening,reduction,aba tement,h ating,declension,fa ll ing off,dwindling,contraction,195,Shrinking,attennation, extenuation, abridgment,curta i lment,201,na rrowing.

Subsidence, wane, ebb, d ecrement.

V. To decrease, diminish,lessen dwindle,shrink, contract,shrive l, fa l l away,wa ste,wane,ebb,dec line,wea r off.To abridge,reduce,curta il,cutdown,pare down,cut Short,dock,&c .,201, bate, abate, extenuate,lower, weaken, dwarf; to mitigate,&c .,174.

Adj . Unincreased decreased,diminished, lessened,&c ., shorn,sh ort by decreas ing,on thewane .


3 7,ADD ITI ON,annexation,(adjunction,) superposition,superaddition, accession, supplement,accompaniment,88.

V. To add,annex,affix,superadd,subj oin,c lap on,tack to,append

,saddle ou,tag, ingraft,saddle with.

To become added,to accrue .Adj . Added,annexed,&c .,ad

d itional, supplementary, suppletory,(subj oined,) adscititious,ad

d itive,accessory .

Adv. In

An d,a lso, likewise,too,furthermore, and a lso,besides,to boot,et centera,and so forth, into thebarga in, over and above, moreovenWith, together with, Wi thal,

a long with,including, inc lusive,as well as ; not to mentfizn ; conjointly 43 .

3 8, NON -AD D ITI ON, sub traction,deduction,retrenchment,removal, cu rta i lment,&e., 3 6,garbling,mutilation, truncation,abSc i ssion, excision, amputation,789 .

V. To subduct, deduct, subtract,retrench,remove w ithdraw,bate,detract,deduce,take awa

deprive of,curta il,&e .

,3 6,garble,truncate,muti late, amputa te,cutoff,cut out,dock,lop,prune,pare,cl ip, thin, shea r, decimate ; toabrade,&e .,3 3 0.

Adj . Subtracted, deducted,

&c . ; subtractive .Adv. In deduction, &c ., less,

minus,without,except,excepting,with the exception of, barring,save,exclusive of,83 .


39, Thing added.

ADJ UN CT, addition, afli x , appendage,suffix, augment, increment, augmentati on, accessory,supplement,complement,continnation.

Sequel,postscript,codic i l,rider,trappings, tai l, tra in, su ite, ac

compan iment, 88.


40. Thing remaining.

REMAIN DER,residue,remains,remnan

zthe rest,re lic,leavings,odds an ends .

Residuum,ashes,C inders,slay,sediment, alluvium,stubble, re

sult .Su lus, overplus, surplusage,super uity, excess,64 1, b a lance,complement, fag

-end, ruins,wreck .

V. To remain, be left,be leftbehind, to survive, to exceed.

Ad Rema in ing,left, left behind,residua l,residuary,outstan ing,unconsumed.

Superfluous,over and above,exceeding,redundant,supernumerary .

41. Forming a whole withoutcoherence .Mi x T URE, admixture, commixture

,adm ixtion, commix

tion, mixtion, intermixture, al

loyag e .

Impregnation, infusion, d iffus ion, suffusion, interspersion,transfusion, seasoning, sprinkling, interla rding, inte rpolation,interposition, 228, intrusion, ad

ulteration, sophistica tion .

Thing mixed . Atouch,spice,tinge, tincture, dash, smack,sprinkling, seasoning, Inq IOn,

&C .

Compound resulting from mixture . Alloy, ama lgam, mis cellan medley, patchwork oddsand ends z—fa rra g o,j umble,59,mess,salad,sauce,hash,hodgepodo e,salmagundi,mosa ic,440.




To mix,commix, intermix,mingle, interlard, intersperse

ble,59 .

interpolatehuddle together,pound together,stir up,

42. Freedom from mixture.SIMPLENESS, s ingleness,puri

ty,c leames s,h omogenous ness .

Purification, 652, elimination,sifting,winnowing.

V. T o render simple,simplify,Sift,w innow,eliminate ; to separate disj oin,44.

TO purify,652 .

Adj . Simple, uniform, of a

piece,homogeneous,Single,pure,clear,sheer,neat,elementa ry :unmixed, unmingled, untinged,unblended,uncombined,uncompounded, undecomposed, unadulterated,unsophisticated .

Free from,exempt from,excluSive .

mingle, commingle,intershuffle together,knead,b rew,jum

To b e mixed,to get among, to be entangled with .

To insti l, imbue, infuse, infiltrate, dash, tinge, tincture,s eason, sprinkle, besprinkle, suffuse, transfuse, attem er,medicate

,blend, a lloy,amalgamate,compound,48,aduter

ate,sophi s ti cate .Adj .Mixed, mingled,intermixed,&c . composite,mixed


up with,ha lf and ha lf, l insey-woolsey,hybrid,mongrel,hete~rogeneous .

Adv. Among,amongst,amid,amidst,with, in the midst of,in the crowd .

43 . JUN CTI ON,joining,connection, connecting, conjunction,conjugation, annexation, annexment

, a ttachment, compagination, a l ligation, fastening, l inking, coupling, ‘matrimony, 903 ,

grafting, infibulation ; inos culation,confluence


Joint,j oining, juncture, pivot,

h inge, articu la tion, commissure,seam,stitch,suture,meeting,reunion,morti se .

C loseness, firmness,tightness,compactness .V. To j oin, conj om, connect,

assoc ia te, imbody, re imbody,hold together,pack,fix together,

attach, affix, saddle on, fasten,bind,secure,make fast,tie,pinion,

s trap,sew,lace,stitch,tack,kn i t,button,buckle,hitch, lash, truss,bandage, bra id splice, swathe,gird,tether,picket harness .Cha in,encha in,shackle,pin ion,manacle, handcuff lock, leash,couple,l ink yoke,hang together,pin,na i l,bolt,hasp,clasp,clamp,screw,rivet,mortise,doveta il,euchase, ingraft, interlink, inos culate, intwine, interlace, intertwine in te rtwist,inte rweave .

To be joined,&c .,to hang togeth er.Adj . Joined,conjoined,coupled,&c .,bound up together,conjunct,(joint,) corporate,compact.F irm,fast, close, tight,secure,

set,impacted, locked,&c .

,intervolved inseparable indissoluble,insecab le, insevera l s .

Adv. Conjointly,jointly,&c .

With, a long w ith, togetherwith, in conjunction with .

Fas t,firmly,closely,&e.

44. D I SJ UN CTI ON, d is connection,disunity,dis uni on. d isas s o

ciation,disengagement,abstractednes s,isola tion, insularity,s epaprateness.Sepa ration, parting, detachment

,disce rption, division, subdivision,dismemberment, d is in

tegration, dis location, laxa tion,severance,disseverance, sever

i ng, Sc i ssi on, resc i ss ion, ab s ol s

s ion, laceration, dilace ra tion,wrenching, disruption, avulsion,divulsion, tearing a sunder, section,cutting, resection, cleavage,fissure,breach,rent, split,crack,s lit, dispersion, 73, dissection,anatomy.

V. To be disjoined,separated,&c .

To disj oin, disconnect, disunite, dispart, detach, separate,segregate,dissoc iate,Isolate,disengage,set apart, loose,set free,unloose,unfasten, untie,unb ind,

unfi x ,unlace,unclasp,undo,unbuckle, uncha in, unfetter, untack,unharness, ungird, unbolt,unlatch, unlock, unlink, uncouple,unpin,unclinch,unscrew,unhook, unrivet, untwist, unshackle, unyoke, unsolder, nuravel,disentangle,unglue .Sunder,divide,sever,dissever,

absc ind, cut, incise,c leave,rive,rend, sli t, split Splinter, chip,crack sna

p,rend, break, or tear

asunder,s iver,chop, cut up,ripup, hack, h ew, s lash, whittle,hackle,tea r, lacera te,mangle .

D issect,anatomize ; take,pull,

or pick to pieces ; tea r to tatters ;tea r piecemea l, divellicate, d isintegra te ; dismember, dislocate,di sj oint,mi nce,break up .

Adj . D i sj o ined, di sconnected.


Comporn i . ama lgam, impregnanon .

V. To combine,unite,incorporate, amalgama te, imbody, ah

sorb, re imb ody, blend, merge,fuse,melt into one,consolidate,coa lesce, centra lize, to impregnate, to put together,to lump togeth er.Ad


. Combined, &c .

, impregna te with, ingra ined .


compound,resolve,take to pieces,separa te into its e lements, d issect,unravel,&c .

,break up.

Adj . D ecomposed,&c .


50, WH OLE,tota l ity,integ rity,tota lness,collectiveness,individua l ity, unity,87, indivisibility,indiscerptib i lity, indissolvableness integration .

Al l,the wh ole,tota l,aggregate,integer,gross

,amount,sum,sumtota l upshot, root and branch,tz



un hull,skeleton,lump,heap,The principa l part,bulk,mass,tissue,staple,body,the ma in,thegreater pa rt,maj or part,essentia lpart,best part, the marrow,soul,pith nucleus .V2 To form, or constitute a

whole,to integrate, imbody,aggregate,amass ,72 ; to amount to,come to .

Adj . Whole,total,integral,entire,one,unbroken, uncut,undivided,unsevered,unclipped,nucro ped,unshorn,undiminished,nu emo l ish ed, undissolved, nubruised,undestroyed,indivisible,indissoluble,indissolvable,indiscerptib le .

Wholesa le, sweeping.

Adv. Wholly,a l togeth er,tota lly,entirely,a l l,a l l in al l,wholesa le, in the mass,in the lump,onthe whole,in toto,in th e gros s, tothe full, th roughout, every inch,in the long run,in the main .

51 PART, portion, division,subdivision, section, segment,fraction, fragment, detachment,piece, bit, scrap, whit, morsel,mouthful, scantling, s lip, crum,fritter, tatter, splinter cutting,slice, shiver,s liver,drib let, clipping,sca le lamina .

Pa rt and pa rce l, share dividend,particula r,a rti cle,chapter,clause,count,paragraph .

Member, l imb, lobe, lobule,arm, branch, bough, jo int, link,ramification, twig, bush, spray,sprig, leaf, leaflet,stump .

V. To pa rt,divide, subdivide,break,&c .

,44 ; to partition, parcel out,portion,apportion,786 .


. Fractiona l, fragmenta ry,lobu ar,sectiona l, a l iquot,divided,partitioned,&c .

Adv. Pa rtly,in part,partia l ly,piecemea l, in deta i l, part bpart,bydriblets,by inches ; incby inc


52.COMPLETENESS, fulness,completion, 729, perfection, 650,

s olidity, fill ing up, integra tion,ib so lutenes s .

Complement,supplement,3 9.

V. To be complete,810 .

To render complete,or whole,to complete,perfect,finish,makeup,fil l up,make good,piece out,eke out.Adj . Com lete,entire,p

erfect,full th oroug lenary, so id,nudivided,with a 1 its parts .


53 , IN C O ZII PLETENESS, defic iency,defectiveness,fa i lure,imperfection, 65 1,hollowness .Part wanting, defect, deficit,ca ret.V. To be incomplete, &c .,

tofa il,fal l short,3 04 .

Adj . Incomplete,imperfect,defective,defic ient,wanting,fai l ing,short by,hollow.Mutilated,garbled,docked.

Adv. Complete ly,entirely,to the full,thoroughly .

54. COMPOSITI ON, cons titution.

Inclusion, admission, compreh ens ion,reception,(receptivity )Inc lusion in a class,76 .

V. To be composed of,to consist of, be made of, formed of,made up of,be resolved into .

To conta in,include,hold comreh end,take in,admi t,embrace,

involve,implicate .

To compose, constitute, form,make,make up,fil l up,build up,put together, imbody.

To enter into th e compositionof,to be, or form part of, 5 1,tomerge in,be merged in .

Ad Comprehending, conta ining, including,comprising,&c .

Forming,constituting,composing,&c ., entering into, being orforming part of, &c .

, belongingto,apperta ining to,inclusive .56. COMPONENT, componentpart,element, constituent, ingredient,member,limb,5 1,part andparcel,contents,appurtenance .


1 .

58. ORDER, regularity, orderl iness, uniformi ty, even tenor,symmetry.

55, EX CLUSI ON, non-admission,exception, rej ection,repud i~ation

,exi le, banishment,ex com

mun i cation .

Separation,segregation .

Exclusion from a class,77.

V. to be excluded from,&cTo exclude,shut out,b ar, leaveout,omit, rej ect, repudiate,neglect ; lay, put, or set apa rt, or

as ide segregate,pass over,throwoverboa rd,slur over,neglect,460,excommunicate, banish,ex patriate,ostracize,relegate .

To eliminate, weed, winnow,gpfrb le, b ar, separate, 44, strike


Adj . Excluding, omitting ,&c .,exclusive .

Excluded,omitt &c .

Adv. Exclusive barring,&c .

57. EXTRANEOUSNESS,foreignbody,a lien,stranger,intrud er,interloper,fore igner.



59. Absence, or want of or

er &c .

Di ScanER,irregulari ty,anomg .


Gradation, progression, subord ination,course,array,routine .Method, disposition, (a rrangement,combina tion,)system,economy,discipline .

Rank, sta tion, plac e, stand,sca le, step, stage, eriod, term,footing ; rank and fi 8,71 .



To be,or become in order,to form,fa l l in,draw up,arrangeitself, pla ce itself range itse lf,fa l l into its place,fa l l into rank .

Adj . Orderly,regular in order,a rranged, &c .

, 60, in its properplace, well regulated, meth od i

ca l, uniform, symmetrica l, systematic,unconfused,undisturbed,untangled, unruffled,unravelled,&c swaAdv. Orderly, &c .,in turn, in

i ts turn .

Step by step,by regular (gradation,) steps, stages,periods,0interva ls .At stated periods,13 8.

D isjointed, out of joint,


ly, confusion, ccn fusednes s,disa rray,j umble, l i tte r, lumber, farrage,mess,hodgepodge,ana rchychaos,4 1 .

Complexedness, comple x ity,complexness,complication,intri

ca cy, intricateness, implication,perplexity,involution ravelling,entanglement,knot,coi l,Gordianknot

Turmoil, tumult, ferment,fermentation, pother, riot, rumpus,scramble,vortex ,wh irlpoo l,hurlyburly,Babel .Tumultuousness,uietud e, 173 .

erangement, 6 1,inversion oforder.Topsyturvy,2 18.

V. To b e out oforder,irregular,disorderly,&c .

,to ferment .To put out of order, 6 1 .

Adj . D isorderly, out of order,deranged,6 1,irregular,anoma lou'

s,una rranged, immethodica l, unsymmetrie,unsystema tic, unme

th od ica l,undigested unsorted,nuclassified,unc las seconfused, tangled,(disarranged,)


involved, ine x tricable, irreducible .

M ixed,sca ttered,promiscuous, indiscriminate,straggling.

Tumultuous, turbu lent,riotous, troublous, tumultua ry,173 .

Adv. Irregula rly, &c .,pellmell ; at s ixes and s evens ; h e lter skelter ; in a ferment.60. Reduction to order.ARRANGEMENT, disposa l, disposition,collocation,distribution,sorting,assortment,a l lotment,ap

portionment,marsha ll ing, gradation,organ ization .

Ana lysi s,sifting,class ification .

Result of arrangement, digest,synopsis,ana lys is,table,register,

55 1 .

Instrument for sorting ; s ieve,“ idd le,screen .

V. To reduce to order, bringinto order, introduce order into .To arrange, dis ose, place,

form to put,set, p ace, &c ., in

61, Subversion oforder,bringing into disorder.DERAN CEMENT, disarrangement,misarrangement,displacement, mis

placement, d is c omposure d istur ance,disorganization,perturbation, shuffling, embroi lment, corrugation,258,inversion,

2 18.

V. To derange,d isarrange,misplace,mislay, d iscom ose,d is order,embroil,unsettle, isturb ,con

fuse,perturb . j umble, tumblebring,put,or throw into disorder,

confusion,&c .,to break the ranks .

To unh ing e, put out of joint


order ; to set out,collocate,pack,marsha l,range,rank, group,parcel out, a llot, distribute, as sert,sort,sift, riddle ; to put or set torights ; to assign places to .

To clas s, clas sify, file,tabulate .

To methodize,digest,regulate,graduate,organize,settle .



turn over,invert , turn topsymr

vy ; tum inside out, 2 18.

To complicate, involve, perplex, tangle, entangle, ravel,ruflie,dishevel, l itte r,sca tter.Adj . Deranged,&c see 59.

Irreducible,&c .

To unravel,disentangle,disembroi l .Adj . Arranged,methodica l,&c .,

2 .

62, PRECEDEN CE, coming b efore . antecedence, priority, anteriority,antecedency.

Superiority,3 3 ,precession,280.

V. To precede, come before,introduce, usher in ; to lead, toget the sta rt.To place before to

affix,premise,prelude,preTo prepare,6 73 .

Ad Preceding,precedent,antece ent,anterior. prior,previousbefore, ahead of.Former, foregoing ; coming or

going before ; precursory,precurs rve,prel imina ry,prefatory,introductory,preluswe,

prelusory,proemi a l,preparatory .

Adv. In advance, ahead, &c .,in front of,see 2 3 4.

64. PREC URSOR, antecedent,predecessor, forerunner,(harbinger,) vancourier,outrider.Prelude, preamble, preface,prologue, prolusion, proem, proegomena, prefix, introduction,frontis iece,groundwork,673 .

66. EC I NN ING, commencement, outset, incipience, incgption,.

initiative,overture, exor ium, inaugura t ion,onset .Orig in,source, rise,birth,bud,

embryo, rudiment, start, cradle,

refi x ,ace .

see 58.


63 ,SEQUEN CE, coming after,consecution, succ ession, posteri

ority,secondariness .Continuation, order of succession,successiveness .Subordination, inferiority,3 4.

Alternation 13 8.

V. To succeed,come after

follow, come next, ensue, treadclose upon ; to alte rnate .

Adj . Succeeding,coming after,following, subsequent, ensuing,sequent, consequent, next ; consecutive ; a lternate, 13 8.

Latter,posterior.Adv. After

,sub s equentlv Since,behind in the Wake of, in the

tra in of, in the rear of,see 23 5 .

65. SEQUEL, afte rpart, suffix,successor,tra in,wake, tra i l, rear,retinue,su ite,appendix,3 9,postscript, epi logue,afterpiece,afterthought,codici l .

67. END, close, te rmination,conclusion,finish, finale, period,term,term inus,last,extreme,ex

tremity, turn ing point, but-end,ta g ,fa

g -end,tai l, tip, n ib, afterpart,rear,are,peroration.


s tarting point,293 .

Van,vangua rd,titlepage,heading,front,2 3 4,fore part,head,2 10.

Dawn,morning, 125 .

Opening,entrance,entry,in let,orifice, porch, porta l, gateway,door,gate postem,wicket,threshold vesti ule,mouth .

V. To begin, commence,rise,ari s e, originate, initiate, open,dawn,set in,take its rise,enterupon,set out,293 ,to recommence .To usher in,lead off, lead theway,take the lead,or the initiative ; head, stand at the head,s tand first ; broach, set on foot,6 76,set a-going,set up, institute,launch,break ground,break theice.

see Departure,


Completion, 729, w inding-upcatastrophe, consummation, fin

ish ing stroke,1] shot, issue .

V. To end,c ose,finish,terminate, conclude ; come, or drawto an end,c lose or stop.

To bring to an end,cl ose,&c .,

to put a period,&c .

,to to c lose,fini sh

,sea l,&c .,to wind up,com


ete,ach ieve,729,crown,determine .Adj . Ending,closing,&c,,final,termina l,defini tive, crowning.

Last,ultimate,hindermost,rear,cauda l,conterminous .Ended,c losed,terminated,&c .


Adv. Once for al l .

Adj . Beginning,commencing,ari ing,initia l,initiatory,Initiative, incipient,proemia l, inaugura l,inchoative,primoga l,aborigina l,rudimenta l,nascent,opening,dawning,entering .

F irst,foremost, leading,heading.

Begun,commenced,&c .

Adv. At, or in th e beginning, (at the outset ;) first, inthe first place,first and foremost, in the bud.

From the beginning.

68.MI D D LE,mean, medium, middle term, centre, 222, nave,nucleus .Equidistance,midst ; bisection,9 1 .

Interjacence, intervention,228,mid-course,628.

Adj . M iddle,media l,mean,mid,middlemost,midmost,mediate,intermediate,29, intervening, interj acent,228,central,222,equid istant, imbosomed,merged.

Mediterranean,e uatorial .

Ad v. In the mid d e,mid-way,half-way, in the thick of.6 9. Uninterrupted sequence .

CONTI N U ITY,consecution,succession suite,progression,series,tra in,c a in catenation, conca tenation, sca le, gradation, course,procession,column retinue,cava lcade,rank and file

,line ofb at

tle, array, pedigree, genea logy,l ineag e,race .Fi le, line

s tring,thread,row, range, tier,su: o lonnade.

70. Interrupted sequence .

D I SC ONTIN U ITY, interru tion,break,interva l,(ent,) g ap,0 asrn,hiatus,198.

Intermission, a lternation, see

Period ic it 1 3 8.

V. To e discontinuous, &cto alternate, intermit .To discontinue, pause, interrupt, break, interpose, 228 ; to

break in upon,disconnect,44.


V. To follow in a series,&c . ;to form a series,&c . ; to fa ll in .

To arrange in a series, to mar

sha l,&c ., 60 ; to string together,file,graduate,tabulate .


. Continuous,consecutive


s eria success ive,continued,uninterrupted,unbroken,entire,linear, in a l ine, in a row, &c .


g radua l,unintermitting, 1 10.


Adj . D iscontinuous,unsuccessive, broken, interrupted, d esultory,disconnected, unconnected,rhapsodica l .Alternate, every other, intermitting,alternating, 1 3 8 .

Adv. At interva ls,by snatches.

Adv. Continuously, consecutively, &c . ; in a l ine, in a

s tring, In a row, seri es, &c .

, i n succession, &c ., running,gradual ly, step by step .

71. TERM,rank, station,stage, step,degree,2 6, remove, grade,l ink place,point,period,pitch, s tand,standing,footing, range .V1T O hold,occupy,find,fa l l into a place,station,&c .


72. ASSEMB LAGE, collection,colloca tion, levy, gathering, ingathering, muste r, coll igation,association, concourse, conflux ,meeting,assembly,congregation,levee, club,a rray, accumulation,cumulation .

Congress,convocation,convention,quorum, conclave, synod,caucus, conventicle .

M iscellany, museum,menagery,portfolio .

Amultitude,102,crowd,throng,rabble,mob, press,horde,body,tribe

,crew, gang, knot, band,party, bevy,ga laxy,drove,corps,t roop,squad, squadron, pha lanx,platoon,company, regiment,b at


D I SPERSI ON, scattering, d issemination,diffusion,diss ipation,3 reading, distribution, sprinkfing, circumfusion, interspersion,divergence,290.

V. To disperse, scatter, sow,disseminate,diffuse,shed,spread,overspread, disperse, di sband,distribute,dispel strew,spri nkle,issue,dea l out,reta i l,intersperse .Adj . Unassembled, uncollected,dispersed,scattered,diffused,spa rse, 8 rea d, broadcast, &c .,

adrift,dis ex c l led,s treaming,&c

ta lion, legion,host,army,myrmidons .Clan


sisterhood,party,7 12 .

&c .


,Shower, storm, clou

Group,cluster, clump, set,sortment, bunch, pa rce l, packet,

fa crot, truss, tuft, shock,rick,fardAccumulation, congeries, heap,

batch, lot, pack, budget, as

package, b undle, pencil,e stack,sheaf.lump,p i le, ti ssue,mass,ba le, d rift,a cerva tion, agglomera tion, conglomeration, conglomerate, coagmentation,aggregation,concentration .

V. To assemble,collect,muster,meet,unite,cluster,flock,herd,crowd,throng,associate,congregate,rendezvous,resort,flock together, reassemble .

To bring ,or gather together, collec t,drawtogether,group,


convene, convo ‘

ate, (convoke,) scrape tog ether, rake up,dredge,bring In 0 a focus,amas s,a ccumula te, h eap up,p i le,pack, stack,truss,pack togeth er,agglomera te,garner up,lumptog ether.Adj . Assembled,collected,&c .

closely packed, dense,crowded,swa rming,populous .74. Place ofmeeting.

uns cattered ,met together,ud d led together, teeming,

FO CUS,point of convergence, rendezvous, head quarters,centre,222,gathering, resort,museum,repository,depot,6 3 6 .


75.CLASS, division, category,head,order, section, department,prov ince .

K ind,sort,genus, spec i es,fami ly,race,tribe,caste, clan, breed,s ect,set,assortment,suit,range .


,kin,manner,description,denomination,designation .

76 .IN C LUSI O N, compreh en

s ion under a clas s,reference to ac lass .Inclusion in a compound,54 .

V. To be included in,to comeunder,to fa l l under,to range under ; to belong,or perta in to 5 torange with, to merge in .

To include,comprise,comprehend,conta in, admit, embra ce,

enumera te among,reckon among,

77. EX C LUSI ON from a c la s sfifrej ection, &c ., proscription, nobody .

Exclusion from a compound,

55 .

V. To be excluded from,&c . ;to exclude,proscribe,&c .

Adj . Exclus ive,exclud ing,810 .

number among, refer to,place under,arrange under,or with .

Ad] . Includ ing, &c .

, i nclusive, congener, congenerous,of the same class,810 .

Included,merged,&c .

78.GENERAL ITY, universa l i

ty,catholic ism,(bulk )Miscellaneousness,miscellany,genera lization,preva lence,.V. To be genera l,&c .

,to preva i l .To render general,to genera l ize .

Adj . Genera l, generic, co l lec

tive, comprehensive, sweeping,universa l,ca tholic,common,ecumenica l,preva lent,prevai ling .

Every,every one,a l l,to a man,whatever, whatsoever, unspec ified,impersona l .

79 . SPEC IAL ITY,particularity,individua lity, peculia rity, (spec ific difference,)personal ity,char~acteristic, mannerism, ind iosyncrasy, spec ificnes s, Singularity,Particulars,counts .V. To specify, particularizze,indivi'd ua l ize, specia l i ze, d es ignate, determine, to desc end to

pa rticula rs,to enter into deta i l .Adj . Spec ia l, pa rticular, individua l,specific,proper,persona l,

deta ils, items,

T h e same set ofword s areused to ex press ex clus ionfrom a c las s and ex d usion from a'

ompound . Reference is th erefore h ere made to th e former at 55. T h is ident i ty d oe s not

new: w th regard to inclus ion,wh ich , th erefore,required to b e made a separa te h ead ing.


Aw . Conformab lygby rule, unheard of,




17g larly,&c .,agreea y to . script, nu escribe none such,

Lsua l ly, genera lly, ordinarily, unprecedented,unpara lle led,nucommonly,asusua l. familia r, fantastic, new-fangled,

Ofcourse,as amatterofcourse . grotesque,outlandish,exotic,preFor example, for instance, to ternatura l,denatura l ized .

wit,namely, th at is to say. Heterogeneous, h eteroc l

amorphous, out of the pa lemongrel, am

phib ious, epicene,ha lf-blood h y rid

Adv Except, unless, save, barring, eside, without, saveand except.However,yet,but,unusua l ly,810 .



84, NUMBER,symbol,numera l,figure,c ipher,digit,integer,counter,a round number,a formula ; notation.

Sum,difference,complement, roduct, multi l icand, multiplier,multiplicator coeffi cient, multip e, dividend, ivisor, fa ctor, quotient,submuftiple,fraction,numera tor,denominator,decima l,c irculating decima l,repetend,common mea sure,a liquot part,recrproca l,prime number

,permutation,combina tion,e lection .

Ratio,proportion,progression,Sarithmetica l,geometrical,harmoni

ca l,) figurate,pyramida l,and po gona l numbers .Power,root,exponent, index,fogarithm, antilogarithm —differ

entia l, integra l,fiux ion,fluent.Ad Numera l

,complementary,divisible,al iquot,rec iproca l,prime,

fractional,dec ima l, figurate, &c .

, fractional,mixed, incommensurable .Proportiona l,series, exponentia l, logarithmic, logometric, differ

entia l,flux iona l, integral .Positive,negative,rationa l, irrational, surd, radica l, real, imaginary, impossible .85, NUMERAT I ON, numbering, counting, tale, telling, call ingover,recension,enumeration,summa tion, reckoning, computation,supputation,ca lculation,ca lculus,a lgorithm .

Arithmetic,ana lysis,a lgebra, flux ions, differentia l and integra lcal culus .Statistics ; dead reckoning,muster, poll,census, capitation, rollca ll,muster roll,account,score,recapitulation .

Operations ; addition,subtraction,multiplication,division redueti on, involution,evolution,approximation, interpolation,differentiation, integration .

Instruments ; abacus, swan-pan, logometer, sliding ru le, ta ll ies,Napier’s bones,&c .

V. To number,count,tell,cal l over,take an account of,enume


rate,muster,poll,run over, recite,recapitulateé—sum

,sum up, tell

off, score, compute, ca lculate, suppute,—a

amount to.(l, subtract, &c ., to

To check,prove,demonstrate,balance,audit .Adj . Numerica l,arithmetica l,numera l,analytic,a lgebra ic,statis

tical,computable,ca lculable,commensurable, incommensurate .

86. LI ST, cata logue, inventory, schedule, registe r, record, 55 1,registry,syllabus,roll,file,muster roll,ca lendar,index, table,book,synopsis,contents, invoice,bill oflading,red book,prospec tus,programme . Registration,&c .,55 1 .


87, UN ITY, oneness, individua l ity,singleness,solita riness,solitude

,893, isolation,abstracti on.

One,uni t,ace.

Some one,somebody,no other,none else an individua l .V. To be one,to be a lone,&c .

to is olate,insulate .

Adj . One,sole, single,individua l, apart, a lone, lone, isolated,s olitary,lonely,lonesome,dreary,insular insulated, disparate,disc rete,detached,44 .

Unaccompanied, unattended,s ingular,odd,unique,unrepeated.

Inseca b le, inseverable, irresolvable, indiscerptible .Adv. Singly, &c ., a lone,by it

self,only, apart, in the singularnumber,in th e abstract ; one by

cue .

One and a ha lf.

88. AC C OMPAN IMENT, coexistence,concomitance, companva ssocia tion, companionship,partnership,copartnership,coefficiency .

Concomitant, accessory, coeffic ient, 3 9, companion, attendant

,fellow, associate, consort,spouse,colleague,partner,copartner,sate llite,escort,hanger on .

V. To accompany, coexist, attend,be as soc ia ted with,hang on,wa it on,go hand in hand with,toj oin, tie together,&c .,43 .

Adj . Accompanying, coexisting,a ttending, &c ., concom i tant,fellow,joint,associated with,a cces sory.

Adv. With,together with,a longwith, in company with, hand inhand,Side by Side,cheek by jow l,&c . therewith,herewi th. And,&c .

,see 3 7.

89, DUAL ITY,dualism,duplicity,biformity.


,couple,bra ce,pa ir,twins,fellows,yoke,conjuga tion,polarity.

V. To unite in pa irs,to pa ir,couple,bracket,yoke .Adj . Two,dua l,binary,dua listic,duplex,twofold, bifold,b iformbifarious,duplicate,binomia l, twin .

Coupled,bracketed,pa ired,&c .

,Both,th e one and the other.90. DUPL I CAT I ON, doubling,gemination,reduplication,ingem

ination,repetition, iteration, 104,renewal .V. To double,redouble,gerni

conjugate .

91. Divis icn into two parts .B I SECT I ON,b ipa rtition,d ich ot

omy,ha lving, dimidiation,bifurcation,forking’

, branching,ramification, divarication,


c leaving, fork,prong.


nate reduplicate, repeat, iterate,ree'cho,renew.

Adj . Doubled, redoubled, b iform,bifo ld,bifacia l,ingeminate,&c .


Ha lf, moiety,semi l, d emi v

hemiTo bisect,ha lve,divide,cut in

two .

To separa te, fork, bifurcate,Adv. Twice, once more, over branch out,ramify,to split,cleave .

aga in,anew,as much aga in,twofold, 104, 13 6 .

Secondl y,in the second place,again .

92,T R IALT Y,trin ityf



. B isected,ha lved,divided,&c .

, ipartite,b iconjugate,b icus l

pid, b ifurcated, b ifid b ifurcous


ifurcate,C loven, cleft, sp lit,810 .

Three,triad,triplet,trey,trio,temion,trinominal, leash.

Th ird power,cub e .

Adj . Three,triform,trina l,trinomina l,tertiary .

93 . TR I PL I CATI ON,trebleness, trine .o treble,triple, tripl icate .

Adj . Treble triple,tern,ternary,triplicate,threefold,tri logistic .

Adv. Three times,thrice threefold, in the third place, thi rdly.

triplicity, 94. D ivision into three parts .

TR I SECT I ON, tripartition, tri- t‘

ch otomy ; third part,third .

V. To trisect,divide into threeparts .Adj . Trifid,trisected,tripartite.

95. QUATERN ITY, four, quartet,quatem ion,squa re, quadra turequarter.V. To reduce to a Square,to square .

Adj . Four,quaternary,quaterna l,quadratic,quartile .


V. To multiply by four,quadrupl ic ate,biquadrate .

Adj . Fourfold, uadruple,quadreplicate,quadrible .Adv. Four times

,in the fourth


98. F IVE,cinque, quint,quincunx .

Adj . Five, quinary, quintuple .

Si x .

Adj . Senary,sex tt ple .EIG HT octuple .TEN

,a decade .

Adj . Decima l,denary,decuple .

TWELVE,a dozen .

Adj . Duodena ry.

TWENTY,a score .Si x T Y .

EIG HTY,fourscore .HUNDRED, centenary, heca

97. D ivision into four arts.QUADR I SECTI ON qu riparti

tion,quartering,a ourth,a quarter.

V. To quarter, to divide into”?four parts,&c .

Adj . Quartered, &c ., quadri'



Adj . Quinqueparti te.

Octofid .


V. To decimate.

Adj . Decima l,tenth,ti the.

D UODEC IMAL,twelfth .

Sexagesima l,sexagenary.

HUNDREDTH,centesimal .

m ay is h ard ly everused ,ex cept in a. th eological tense,976.


tomb century.—One hundred

and forty-four,grossV. To centuriate .Adj . Centuple, centuplicate,

centennia l, centenary, centuria l.TH O USAND .MY RIAD .MILLI ON, billion, tri ll ion, &c .



100.More than on e .

PLURAL ITY, a number,a certain number,a round number .Adj . Plura l, more than one,

some, certa in, some one, somebody.

102,MULTITUDE, numerousness

,numerosity, multiplicity,legion,host,a great or large number

,numbers,a rmy,sea .

Ash oa l,swa rm,draught,bevy,flock herd,drove, covey, h ive,broo li tter,teem,fry,nest,crowd,

& c .,72 .

Increase of number, multiplication .

V. To be numerous, &c .

, toswarm,teem, crowd, come thickupon


Adj . Many, severa l, sundry,divers,various, full many, everso many, numerous, manifold,multiplied, multi tudinous, multiple,multinomina l,endless, 105 .

101. ZERO,nothing,4,nought,cipher,a solitude,a desert.

Adj . None, not one, 5-0t any,nobody,not a soul .

103 , FEWNESS, aucity, a

sma l l number, scanti ness, rareness,rarity,thinness .

D iminution of number, reduetion, weeding, elimination, thinning.

V. To be few,&c .

To render few,reduc e,diminish the number,weed,eliminate,th in,decimate .Adj . Few, scanty, rare, thinlyscattered,hardly or sca rcely anyreduced

, thinned, weeded, &c .,

unrepea ted.

Frequent,repeated,reiterated,outnumbering, th ick,crowding,thickcoming,many more .

104. REPETIT I ON, itera tion, re iteration, recurrence, 1 3 6,tautology,monotony,chimes,repetend,echo,burden of a

' song,refrain,renewa l,rehearsa l .Cuckoo

,mocking bird .

Periodicity, 13 8. Frequency, 1 3 6 .

V. To repea t, iterate, reiterate,renew, reproduce, echo, reecho,drum,rehears e,redouble .

Adj . Repeated, 1 3 6, repetitiona l, repetitiona ry, recurrent, recurring,re iterated,renewed ever-recurring, thi ckcoming, monotonous,h ar ing,mocki n<r ch iming,aforesaid .

dv. Reo eatedfy, often, 1 3 6, aga in, anew, over ag a in, afresh,

70 TIME.

aga in and aga in, in quick s zc ces s ion,over and over again,d itto .

See Twice 90.

105. IN F I N ITY,infinitud e .

Adj . Infinite numberlesstold,unnumb ei 3d,incalculab le,

innumerable, countlessunlimi ted,limi tless, i li tab le, immeasurable,unmeasured,measureless,unbounded,

sumless, nulimited il l imbound

less, endless, interminable, unfa thomable, e x haustless, terml ess,indefinite .

Adv. Infinitely,&c .,wi thout measure, limit,&c .


1 .

106. D URATI ON, period, term,space,span,spell,s eason,era .

Inte rmed i ate time, the whi le,i nterva l,Interim,pendency, Intervention, inte rmission interregnum


,interm i ttence,respite .

Long duration, 1 10.

V. To continue, last, endure,rema in, to take, take up, fil l orInte rvene .


107. NON -D URATI ON,absence,of time, no time .

Short d ura tion,1 1 1 .

Adv. Never,at no time'

, on no

occa sion,at no period,nevermore.Hardly ever,s carce ly ever.

occupy time, to persist,to

To pass,spend,employ,(while away ,) or consume time .

Adj . Continuing, lasting, enduri ng,remam1ng, pers is tent,permanent 150.

Adv. Whi le,whilst,during or pending,ti ll,until,during th etime or interva l ; the whole time or period ; a l l the time, in

the long run, a l l a long,throughout.Pending,meantime,meanwhi le, in the mean time,in th e

Interim,from d ay to d ay,for a time,for a season,for ood .

108. Definite duration or portion of time .

PERI O D,second,minute,hour,day,week,month, quarter, year,l ifetime,(generation )Century,a g e,millennium .

Adj. Hourly, hora ry ; diurna l,(luotid ian ; (weekly, h eb d oma

a l,menstrua l,mont ly, annua l,s ecular,(centennia l,s emb centennia l . )Adv. From d ay to d ay, from

aour to h ow,&c .

, til l,unt l, upto 0

110. Long dur: tion.

109. Indefinite uration .

CO URSE,progress,process,success ion, lapse,flow,flux, stream,tract, current, tide, marc li,'

s tep,flight of time .

Indefinite time,aorist.V. To e la e, lapse,flow,run,proceed, rol on,advance, I

liaSS,s lide press on,flit,fly,sl ip,g id e.

Adj . Elaps ing, pas smg, &c .,aori sti c .Adv. In course of time ; in duetime or season ; in roos es oftime in the fulness 0 time.111. Short dura tion.


D I UTURN ITY, a long time, anag e,a century,an eternity.

Durableness, durabi lity, persistence,continuance, permancnoc, 150, longevity.

Surviva l,survivance .

D istance of time, protraction,extension or prolongation of

time, 13 3 .

V. To last,endure,stand,tarry, protra ct, prolong, outlast,outlive,survive ; spin out, draw

out,eke out,l inger,loiter,lounge,wa i t.Adj . Durable, of long dura

tion, permanent,enduring,chronic, lasting, persistent ; livelong,longeva l, longlived, diuturna l,evergreen, perennia l,unintermitting,unremitting.

Protra cted,prolonged,Spun out,longwinded,surviving,&c .

Adv. Long, a long time, a l l

the day long,al l th e year round,the livelong day, errnanently,for

ood, ti l l dooms ay, for many a

ong day.

112,PERPETU ITY, eternity,

aye, sempiternity, immorta li ty,everlastingness,perpetuation .

V. To last or endure forever,to have no end,to eternize,perpetuate .

Adj . Pe rpetual, eternal, everlasting, (everduring, unending,)sempiterna l, coeterna l ; endless,ceaseless,incessant, indesinent,

unceasing, interminable, h avingno end unfading, evergreen,never fading,deathless,immorta lundying

,never dying, imperish

able .

Adv. Always, ever, evermore,aye, forever, for aye, forevermore, perpetua lly,eterna l ly,&c .,in (or to) a l l ages, from a g e toa g e,to the end oftime,every d ay .

114. Estimation,measurementand record of time .

115.Fa lse estimate of time .

ANACHRON I SM,prolepsis, Ire

TRAN SIEN T NESS,tran s itoriness,evanes cence, trans itiveness,fug ivtivenes s, caducity, morta l ity,span,shortnes s,brevity .

Quickness, prornptnes s, 1 3 2,suddenness,abruptness .V. To be transient,&c .

,to fl it,pas s away,fly,ga llop,van ish,iatromit.

Adj . Trans itory,trans ient,pa ss

ing, evanescent, fleeting, ugacions, fugitive, fl itting, shifting,flying, temporary, provisiona l,provisory

,tempora l, cursory,ga l

Oping, shortl ived, ephemera l,deciduous, vanishing.

B rief, sudden, quick, prompt,brisk, abrupt, extemporaneous,summary,has ty,precipitate .

Adv. Tempora rily,&c .

In a short time, soon a while,anon, by and b ,b riefly, apace,stra ight, straig i tway, qu i ckly,speedi ly,promptly,d i rectly, Immed iately Incontinently, presently,forthwith.

113 ,Point of time.

IN STANTANEITY, instantaneous nes s,moment,instant,second,minute, twinkling, trice, flash,breath, span,jifly,flash of l ightning, stroke of time, epoch, th etwinkling of an eye


see 1 1 1 .

V. To twinkle,flash, to be in

s tantaneous,&c .

Adj . Instantaneous, momen’ta

ry,e x tempore .

Adv. Instantly, momentarily,suddenly,in a moment, in an in

stant, in a second, in no time, ina tri ce in a twinkling,at one jump,in a breath, extempore, on thespur of th e moment ; on th e

spot ; on th e instant.


CH RO N OMETRY,chronology,h oro l og y,horometry, reg istry, da te,epoch, style .

Almanac, ca lendh r,ephemeris,chron icle, anna ls, reg is ter, j ourna l,d ia ry,chronog ram.

Instruments for th e measurement oftime ; clock,wa tch ch ro

nometer, timepiece dial, sundia l

,horologe, pendulum, hourglass,clepsyd ra .


tach ronism,prochronism,perachronism,

In is d ate .

Antic ipa tion, antichronism .

V. To m isd ate anted a te,post

date, overd a te, anticipate .

Ad M isdated, &c .

, undated,overdue .

Chronog rapher,chronologer,chronologist,anna list.V. To fix or ma rk the time,date, register,&c .,to bear measure time to bea t time,to ma rk time .Adj . Ch ronolog ica l,chronometrica l .

2 .

1 .

116.PRIORITY, antecedence,

anteriority,precedence, preexi stence .Precursor,predecessor,prelude,

forerunner, &c ., 64, ha rb inger,dawn, introduction .

V. To precede, come before,pre '

exist,prelude,usher in, dawn,

forerun,announce,&c .,5 1 1 .

Adj . Prior,previous,preceding,anterior, antecedent

,preex isting



Precursory, prelusive, prelusory,proemia l,introductory,prefatory.

,Adv. Before, prior to, previous ly, anteriorly, antecedently,


Time wtth Reference to Success ion .

117.POSTER I ORITY, succes

sion, sequence, subs equence,supervention,sequel, successor,65.

V. To follow, come or go after,succeed,supervene .

Adj . Subsequent,posterior,fo llowing, after, la ter, succeeding,postliminious, postd i luvia l, postdi luvian,posthumous .Adv. Subsequently, (at aeriod,) after, afterwa rds


ater, next, in the sequel,upon th ereafter,thereupon,uwh ic

afore,ere,erewhile, ere now,before now,already,yet.118. The PRESENT TIME,theexisting time,th e time being ,th epresent moment,the present juncture,the nonce,crisis,epoch,d ay,hounAdj . Present, actua l, instant,current,existing, tha t is .Adv. At this time



See . now,at present,at this timeof day,at the present time,day,

1 19. Time different from th e

present.D I FFERENT T IME,other time.Indefinite time

,aorist .


. Aoristi c .Av. At th at time, moment,

&c .

, then,at which time,&c .


tha t occasion,upon .

When,whenever,whensoever',upon which . an wh i ch occasions,

74 T IME.

immemci ia l, in the memory of

man,time out ofmind .

Already,yet,a length,at last.

Unborn, in embryo, in thewomb of time .Adv. Prospectively, hereafter,

by and by, anon,in future, tomorrow, in course oftime, in proc ess oftime,sooner or later.On th e eve of,soon,ere long,on the point of,beforehand,aga inst the time .After a time, from this time, henceforth, henceforwards,thence

,thenceforth, thenceforward,whereupon, upon which.

2 . Time with Reference to a particular Period .

123 , NEWNESS, novelty, recentnos s, recency

,freshness,greenness, immaturi ty,rawness .

Innovation, renova ti on, (renewa l .)Adj . New

,novel,recent,fresh,green,raw,immature,untrodden,late,modern,new-fangled,verna l,

renovated .

Adv. Newly, &c .,

afresh,anew .


124, OLD NESS, age, an tiqui ty,primitiveness,maturi ty, d ecline,decay, seniority, first-born, eldest,eldership,primogeniture .

Adj . Old,ancient, antique, af

ter-a g e, antiquated,out of date,

of long standing, time-honored,primitive,diluvian antediluvian,primeva l, primordia l, primordinate,prime,preadamite .

Immemorial,invetera te,rooted.

Medie val .Senior, elder, eldest, oldest,

first-born .

Obsolete,sta le,time-worn, faded,decayed, effete, declining,&c .,crumbling,decrepit,128.

125. MORN ING, morn, forenoon

,prime, dawn, daybreak,peep of day, break of d ay, au

rora, first blush of the morning,prime of the morning, twi light,cre nsenle,sunrise,cockcrow.

oon,noontide,meridian,noonime,spring,(summer.)Matutina l,verna l .

127, YOUTH, infancy, babyhood, juveni lity, childhood, j un

iority, minority, nonage, teens,tender age,bloom .

Cradle,nursery,leading strings,puberty (j uvenescence .)Adj . Toung,youthful,j uvenile,beardless,under a g e, in

eens .

126. EVEN ING, eve, declineof d ay, fa l l of d ay, eventide,nightfa ll, curfew, dusk,twilight,eleventh hour, sunset, afternoon,going down of the sun .Midnight,th e dead of night.Autumn,the fa l l,(winter. )Adj . Nocturnal,autumn al .

128, AGE, old ag e, s enil it

senescence,oldness, years, aniity, gra ha irs, climacteric, decrepitu e, hoary a g e,

caducity,superannuation,dotage,seniority,green old age,eldership,elders .

Adj . Aged,old,elderly,senile,matronly, anile, in years, advvenced i n l ife or in years


in years,ripe,mellow,gray,grayheaded, hoary, hoar, venerable,


timewom, declining, anti quated, rusty, effete, decrepit, superannuated .

Patriarcha l,ancestral, primitive,preadarnite,antedi luvian,diluvian .

Older,elder,Senior,turned of.Eldest, oldest, first-born, firstl ing .

(Junior,younger.)129, INFANT,babe,baby, nurs


Child,little one,brat,chit,urth in,bantling,elf.Youth,b oy,lad,stripling,youngster,younker,whipster,schoolboy,cadet,minor.Scion, sapling, seedling, tendri l,mushroom,nestling,ch i cken,larva, Chrysa lis, tadpole, whelp,

130, VETERAN,old man,seer,patriarch, graybeard, gran dsire,grandam,crone,sexagenarian,octogenarian,centenarian .

Pread amite,Methus elah ,Nestor.

Elders,forefa thers, fathers,ancestors,ancestry.

cub,pullet,fry,ca llow,codl ing,ca lf,colt,pup,foa l,kitten.

Girl, lass, las sie,miss,dams el,maid,maideniVi rgin .

Adj . Infantine,infantile, pueri le,boyish, gir ish, chi ldish,baby,babyish,unfledged,new fledged,kittenish ca l low.

13 1, AD OLESCEN CE,maj ority,adultn ess,manhood,Viri li ty,matu.n t

{fears of discretion ; man’s estate ; th e flower of age ; the primeof l ife ; the meridian of life .Aman,adult,3 73 ,a woman,matron,3 74.

Ad Adolescent,mid la-aged,man y,Viri le,adult.of age, out of one’s teens, grown up,mature,Womanly,matronly.

3 . Timewith Reference to anEj ect or Purpose.

132, EARL INESS, timeliness,punctuality, readiness, promptness, prompltitude, expedition,quickness, aste

, accelera tion,hastening,684,anticipationSuddenness,abruptness, 1 1 1 .

V. To be early,to be in time,c .,to keep time .To anticipate,foresta l l.To expedite, hasten, haste,quicken,press, despatch,accele

ra te,precipitate,hurry,bustle .

Adj . Ea rly,prime,timely,punctua l, matutina l, forward, ready,quick, expeditious, precipi ta te,summary,prompt,premature,precoc rous, preven ient, anti cipatory.

Sudden,abrupt,1 1 1,unexpect

133 , LATENESS,tardiness,slowness, delay, procra stination, deferring, postponement, adjoumment, prorogation, the Fabianpolicy.

Protraction, prolongation, leewa

V. To be late,&c .,tarry,wa it,stay,bide

,take time,da lly, d awdle


,loiter,bide one’s time ;to take one’s time,2 75 .

To stand over, l ie over.To put off, defer, delay, laover,suspend

,shift off, stave o

wa ive,remand,postpone,adj ourn,grocras tinate, prolong, protract,raw out,prorogue.Adj . Late,tardy,s low, behind


ed, (unanticipated,unlooked for,)508,subitaneous, extempore .

Adv. Early,soon,anon,b etimes,a

pace, in time,ere long,punctu

a ly.

Beforehand, prematurely, b efore one’s time, in anticipation .

Suddenly, abruptly, (hasti ly,precipitately,) on the point of, at

short notice, extempore ; on thespur of the moment.13 4. OC CASI ON, opportunity,opening,room,suitable or propertime or season, high time, theni ck of time,opportuneness,sea

s onab lenes s,c ris is,turn,j uncture,conjuncture, golden Opportunity


we ll-timed opportunity.

Spare time, leisure, holiday,685, spare moments, hours, &c .,time on one’s hands .V.


1 0 take the opportunity,totemporize,to time well .To use,make use of, employ,rofit b ,

ava i l one’s self of, layold of};embrace, catch, seize,

s natch,clutch,pounce upon,grasp,&c .,the opportunity,6 77.

To give, offer, present, afford,&c .,the opp

ortuni ty.

To spen or consume time .Ad


. Opportune, timely, welltimed,seasonable,happy, lucky,


hand, postliminous, posthumous

,backward,unpunctua l,b ela ted .

Delayed, &c .

, suspended, inab e ance.

dv. Late,after time, too late.

At length,at last,backward.

Slowly, leisurely, delibera te ly.

13 5 INTEMPESTIVIT Y, unsuitable time,improper time,unseas onab lenes s,inopportuneness,evi lhour.V. To be i ll-timed,out oftime,

&c .,to mistime, intrude .

To lose, omit, let s lip, let go,neglect,pretermit,a llow or sufferthe opportunity or occasion topass, slip, go by, escape, lapse,s lip through the fingers,lose time,683 ,to fritter away time .

Adj . Ill-timed,untimely,intrusive,mistimed,unseas onable,outofseason,unpunctua l,(tardy,) inOp ortune

,intrusive,too late,1 3 3,

nuucky,i nauspic ious,unpropitious,unfortunate,unfavorable .Adv. Inopportunely,&c .

fortunate,favorable,propitious,auspicious,critica l .Adv. Opportunely,&c .

,onthe spot,in proper or due time or

season high time a l l in good time .

By the way,b y the by.


136 ,FREQUEN CY, oftness, re

currence, repetition, 104,reiteration,i teration run, reappearance,renewa l,bur en .

V. To recur,revert, return, repeat,re iterate,reappear,renew.

Adj Frequent, many timesnot rare,repeated,reiterated,thickcorning, recurring, recurrent,&c .

137, IN FREQUEN CY, rareness,seldomness .V. To b e ra re,&c .

Adj . Infrequent, rare, unfrequentAdv. Seldom, rare carcely,s, hardly ever ; not unfrequently, scarce ly e ver, hardlyeven


Adv. Often, oft, ofttimes, fre Once, once for a l l, once in a.

quently, oftentimes, repeatedly, way.

not unfrequently, (not se ldom,)many times,severa l times .Aga in anew, afresh, ditto, over aga in, again and aga in,over an over ; ever and anon ; many times over ; time aftertime ; repea tedly, 104.

Perpetua lly, continual ly, constantly, (incessantly, unceasing ly,without cessation .

)Sometimes,occas iona l at times,now and then,from timeto time, there are times w en,&c .Most often,for the most part, (most frequently. )

13 8,REG ULARITY of re cur 13 9, IRREG ULARITY of recur

rence,punctua lity. rence,uncerta inty,&c

PER IOD I C ITY, intermittance, Adj . Irregular, uncerta in, nubeat,alte rnation,alternity, pulsa punctual, capric ious, desultory,tion,a lternatenes s,a lternativeness, fitful,flickering.

bout, round, revolution, rotation, Adv. Irregularly,&c .,by fits,byturn. snatches b

ystarts, by catches,

Anniversary,centenary. Skipping y, y skipsRegula rity of return,cycle,pe

nod, stated time,routine .V. To recur in regular order or

succession to come round,return,revolve, a lternate, come in its turn, beat pulsate, intermit.Adj . Periodic, periodica l,recurrent,cyc lica l,revolving in

terrn ittent,remittent,a lternate,a lte rnating,diurna l,quoti iannua l, &c ., regular, steady, (stated, settled, estab lish ehfjpunctua l .Adv. Periodica l ly,at regular intervals,at s tate d times,atfix ed periods,punctua l ly from day to d ay.

By turns,in turn, in rota tion,a lte rnately.



140.D ifference at different 140. a. Absence ofchange,

times. 265 .

CHANGE, a ltera tion,mutation, V. To let a lone,to let b e.

permutation, variation,mod ifica

tion,modulation, mood, qua lification, innovation, deviation,

turn,invers ion, revers ion, reversa l, eversion subversion, organic change,revolution, 146,transit,transition, 144.

Transformation,transmutation,transfiguration,metamorph os is transmi tion,transubstantiation,metempsychosis .

Vic is s itu e,flux,unrest, 149 .

V. To ch angz


skalter, vary, modify,modulate,qua lify,tam


perwith,turn,shift,veer,tack,chop,shuffle,swe rve,wa de

viate, turn as ide, turn topsyturvy, invert, reverse, eu vert,evert

,turn inside out.

Form fashion mould model vam wa work a chan e7

,7 7 7 7 7 7

superinduce, di sturb, 6 1, innovate,reform, remodel,refound,new model,revolutionize .

Transform, transmute, transfigure,metamorphose, to ringthe changes,pass to,leap to,transfer,2 70.

Adj . Ch anged a ltered,new fangled,warped,&c .

141, Change rom action to rest.CESSAT ION,discontinuance,de

s istance, desinence, quiescence,2 65 .

Intermission, remission, suspension,interruption, suspense,stop


,pause,rest,res ite,truce

,drop, Interregnum, a ey

ance .Comma,colon,semicolon,Sec .

V. To discontinue, ceas e desist,stay,break off leave.

off,hold,stop,pause,rest, drop, give over,relinquish,624,surcease,intermi t,remit.To come to a stand or standsti ll,suspend,cut short,cast off,go out,be at an end ; intromit,interrupt ;put an end or stop to .“

142,PERMANEN CE,pers istence,endurance, ma intenance, preservation, conservation, rest, sleep,


i,265,establishment,fixture .

To rema in sta ,sto ta

hold, last, endii re,ma inta in, keep, hold on, stand,subsist, l ive, stand s ti ll, outlive,survive .

Adj. Persisting,unmodified unrenewed,una lte red,fix ed, settied, unvaried, intact,persistent, stagnant, rooted, monotonous, conse rvative, undestroyed,unrepeal ed,unsuppres sed,unfai ling.

To pass away,go off,pass off,die away,wear away,wear off.143 ,

CONTIN UAN CE i n acti on, continuati on, perseverance,repeti tion,104,pers istence, run .

V. To continue, persist, go on,keep on, abide, keep, pursue,hold on, run on, carry on, keep up, uphold, hold up, persevere,ke

gpi t up,ma inta in,ma inta in one’s ground,harp upon,repeat, 104 .


J. Continuing, &c .,uninterrupted, unintermitti ng, unreversed,unstopped,unrevoked,unvaried,unshifting.

144, Gradua l change to something different.CONVERSI ON, reduction, transmutation, resolution, ass imilation '

chemistry,alchemy ; progress,growth, lapse .Passage, transit, transition, transmigration,flux, shifting,sliding,

running into,&c . phase,conjugation ; convertibil ity.

Laboratory,a lembic,&c .,6 9 1 .

V. To be converted into ; to become,to wa x ,come to, turn to,assume the form of,pass into,slide into,glide into,lapse, shift, runinto,fa l l into, merge into,melt,grow, g row into,0 en into,resolveitself into,settle into,ma ture,mellow ; assume the orm,shape,sta te,nature,cha racter,&c .,of.To convert into,make,render,form,mould,reduce,resolve into ;fash ion,model,remodel,reorganize,shape,mould,modify ; assimi late to reduce to ; bring to .



. Converted into,become,&c .,convertible .

A.v. Gradua l ly, by degrees, step by step, by inches, inch byinch,by little and l ittle,by slow degrees,consecutively.

145, REVERSI ON,reversal,return, reconversion,relapse,re action,recoi l, rebound, revulsion, a lternation, 1 3 8, inversion .

Reinstatement,reés tab l ishment,&c .

,6 60.

V. To revert, return to, relapse, recoi l, rebound, react ; to te

store,&c ., 660,to undo,unmake .Adj . Reverting

,&c .,restored,&c .,placed (back,) revulsive .

146,Sudden or violent change .

REVOLUT I ON,counter-revolution,transilience,jump,leip,plunge,ejerk, start, spasm, convulsion, throe, storm, earth qu

c lysm, 173 .


Legerdern ain, conjuration, sleight of hand, hocus-pocus, harlequinad e,wi tchcraft,&c .

,992 .

V. To revolutioni ze,new model .147, Change of one thing for

another.SUBSTITUTI ON, commutati

ema l l e,metonymy,supplantisynec oche .

Thing substituted. Substitute6 3 4, makeshift, representative

grox y deputy,759,vice,doubleummy, Changeling, stopgap,jurymast, palimpsest, metaphor,52 1 .

V. To substitute,supplant, supersede,for.

To give place to ; to replace,an ersede, cut out, serve as a

eu stitute,&c ., take the place of,sup ly the place of.

dj . Substituted, &c ., vicarious,subdititious .Adv. Instead, in place of, inlieu of, in the mom of.


148. Doublechange .

INTERCHANGE,exchange,commutation, reciprocation, transpcsnion, permutati on, Intermutation, shuffl ing, interchangeableness .Reciprocity,12,retal iation,719,barter,794.

V. To interchange, exchange,andy,transpose,shuffle,changeands, swap, permute, reciprocate,commute,counterchange .Adj . Interchanged,&c ., recipcal,mutual, commutative, inrch angeab l e, intercurrent.Adv. In exchange

and mu tua l


149. CRANGEABLENESS, mutab ility, inconstancy, variableness, mobility, instab i lity, nus teadiness, vacillation, unrest,restlessness, sli perines s, impermanence frag i ity, fluctuation,vicissitude,a lternation,vibrationoscillation, 3 14 flr x ,ebbing and

150. STAB I L ITY,immutabili ty,unchangeableness, constancy,permanence,persistence,106,invariableness, durab il it stead i

ness, immob il it fi x e nes s j s ta

b leness, stabi liment, firmness,

stiffnes s,so l id ity,incommutab il ity,insusceptibil ity,irrevocab lenes s .


flowing,ebbs and flows,ups anddowns,fidgets, fug itiveness, disquiet,disquietude .

AProteus, chameleon, quicksi lver,weathercock, a harlequin,

see Tergiversation,607.

Alternation, the times beingchanged.

V. To fluctuate, vary, waver,fl ounder, vibra te, fl icker, fl ittershuffle,shake,totter tremble ebband flow

,turn and turn about,change and change about

To fade ; pass away like a

c loud,shadow,or dream.

Adj . M utable,changeable,variab le,checkered,ever-changing,inconstan unsteady, unstable,unfix ed, uctuating, vaci lla ting,versa ti le,restless, erratic, unsettled, mobile, fickle, wavering,fl ickering


,oscillating, vibratory, va

grant,waywa rd,desultory,afloat,a lternating, disquiet, alterable,lastic .

Fra i l tottering, shaking, trembling,fugitive, ephemera l, trans ient, 1 1 1,fading, frag i le, dec id


Rock, illar,tower,foundationV. Tobe permanent,&c .

,265to stand,rema in .

To settle, establish, stablishfix, set, stabilitate, reta in, keehold, make sure, na il, c l inc

rivet,fasten,43 ,settle down .

Adj . Immutable, unch angeable,una ltered,una lterable,not tobe changed,constant,permanent,inva riable, undeviating, stable,durable,265,perennia l, 1 10.

Fixed, steadfast, firm, fast,steady, confirmed, immovable,irremovable, rooted, stablished,established, inconvertib le, stereotyped, indeclinable,settled,&c .,stationary,stagnant.Indefeasible, irretrievable, intransmutable, irresoluble, irrevocable, i rreversible, inex tinguish

able, irreducible indissoluble,indi ssolvable, indestructible,undying, imperishable, indelible,indeciduous, insusceptible of

change .

uous, s lippery, unsettled, irres olute,605 .

PresentEvents .

151, EVENTUAL ITY,event,occurrence,incident,affa ir,transaction,proceeding, fact,matter offact,phenomenon,advent.Business, concern, c ircumstance, articular, casua lty,acc ident, a venture, pas sage, crisis,pass, emergency, contingency,consequence .

The world, life,things,doings,course of th ings ; the coursetide,stream,current,run,&c .,ofevents .V. To happen, occur, take

place,take effect,come,come of,ecome of, come about, pass,

come to pass fal l, fal l out, run,he on foot,fail in,befal l, betide,

FutureEvents .

152, DESTINY, fatal ity, fate,doom, destination, lot, fortune,star, planet, stars, preordination,foreordination, predestination,fata l ism, inevitableness, see Euturity,12 1,and Necessity,601 .

V. To impend, hang over, b ein store,awa i t,come on,approach ,stare one in the face, foreorda in,preorda in,predestine,doom,must6 .

Adj. About to happen,impending, coming, &c .

, inevitable,gunavoidab le) inexorable fate,oomed, devoted,spel lbound.


ascription, reference to,rationa le,accounting for, imputation, d erivation from, fi l iation . genea logy,pedigree,paternity,i Laternity.

V. To a ttribute, ascribe, impute,refer to,derive from, lay to,point to,charge on,ground on,inve s t with ,assign as cause, traceto,father upon, account for, th eorize .

Adj. Attributable, imputable,a scribable, (assignable,) referable,(or referrib le,) owing to,derivab le from,&c .

Puta tive, a ttributed, imputed,&c .

Adv. Hence, thence,therefore,because,from th at cause,for thatreason,on tha t account,owing to,forasmuch as,whence .

Why ? wherefore ? whence ?how . comes it ? how is i t ? howhappens it ? how does i t h appen ?In some way,somehow,some

how or other in some suchway.

2 . C ONNEC TION BETWEEN CAUSE AND EFFECT .157. POWER, potentia l ity, po

‘encydpuis sance might, force

metaf, int,right hand,as cend eney, sway, control, ability, ableness, competency, effi c iency, effectivenes s, efficacy, efficac iousness, val idity, cogency, agency,1 70,causa lity,153, influence, see175 .

Capability, capac ity, facul ty,qua li ty, a ttribute,endowment,virtue,gift,property.

To be powerful,&c .,to exercis e power, sway, &c .

,to con

stra in .

T h e word Chance h as tw i d is tinc t meanings : th e firs t,th e absence ofass ignab lecame as above and th e second ,th e absence of desig n. For th e latter,see 621.

CHAN CEfi? indetermina tion ac

eident, fortune, ha za rd, h ap az

ard, chance medley, random,lot, fate, 152, casua lty, contingence adventure,venture,hit.A lotte ry, toss up ; game ofchance ; a cast, a throw Of th e

dice,hazard heads or ta i ls,&c .

Possibility,contingency,odds .

V. To chance,happen, to fa l lto One’s lot, to be one’s fate,&c .,

152,to light upon .

To take one’s chance, to game,gamble,cast lots,toss up for,raffle,play for.

Adj . Casua l, fortuitous, ran

dom, accidenta l, adventitious,causeless, incidenta l, contingent,uncaused,undetermined,indeterminate, poss ible,470.

Adv. By chance, by accident,perchance,peradventure



may be,mayhap,haply,possibly.

Casua l ly,&c ., at random,at a

venture,as it may be, as it ma

chance,as it may turn up, as it

may happen, as chance, luck,fortune,&c .,would have it.

158,-IMP OTEN CE,inab il ity,d is

abi lity, disablement, imbeci lity,inaptitude, incapacity,incapab ility,inva l idity, ineflicacy, ineffi

c iency,ineffi cac iousnes s,ineffectua lnes s, disqua l ification, he lplessness, i ncompetence .

V. To be impotent,powerless,&c .

To render powerless,&c to de

rive Of power,disable

,d isena

le, inca ac itate, d isqua lify, inva lida te,gead en, cripple, cramp,pa ra lyze,muzzle,hamstring, C lipth e wings Of. See Weaken

, 1 60


To be the rope ,virtue,attribute,&c .,o 5 to be ong to,pertain to .To give or confer power toempower

,enable, invest, in ue,endow

,arm, &c .,see Strengthen,159 .

To ga in power,to take root.Adj . Productive, prolific ; see

1 68, powe rful,potent, puissant,

potentia l

,on ab e, able, cogent,

orcib le, valig,equate,competent .


Adj . Powerless,impotent,unable, incapable, incompetent, inadequate, unequa l to, ineffi cient,ineflicacious, ineffectua l,ineffective, incapac itated imbecile,disqua lified, disable armless,disa rmed,unarmed,weaponless,defenceless, unnerved, paralyzed,nerve less .

effective, effectua l, effi cient, efficacious,ad

Forc ib le, energetic, vigorous, vivid, sturdy, a l l -powerful,res i stless,irres i stible,inexti ngui shable,sovereign,invmcrb le,unconquerable .

Adv. Powerfully,&c .

159. Degree of power.STRENG TH, energy, 17] vigor,

force,ma in force,physical force,brute force,spring,elasticity,tone,tens ion .

Stoutness,sturdiness,lustiness,s tamin nerve,muscle, sinews,pith,pi ines s .

Adamant,steel, iron,oak,heartof oak .

Strengthening,invigora tion,bracing, recruiting, refreshment,

689 .

Science offorces ; Dynamics,Statics .V. To b e strong, &c .

, to bestronger,to overmatch .

To render strong, &c .,to g ivestrength, tone,&c .,to strengthen,invigorate, brace nerve, fortify,harden, caseharden, steel, gird,screw up,wind up,set up .

To ree'nforce,refit,recruit,vivify,restore,660,refect,689 .

Adj . Strong,mighty, vigorous,rob ust, sturdy,powerful,puissant,adamantine .

Able-bodied,athleti c,Herculean

,Cyclopean,muscular,brawny,sinewy,made of iron,strapping,

s ta lwa rt,gigantic .Ma nly, manlike, mascu line,ma le,Virile, manful

160. WEAKNESS, feebleness,debi lity,atony, relaxation, helplessness,languor,Slackness,enervation, nervousness, fa intness,fa intishness, infirmity,emas culation, efleminacy,femina l ity,softness,defencelessness .Ch i ldhood

, &c ., 127, 129, an

orphan .

Declension, loss, fa ilure, &c .,

of strength, inva lida tion, decrepitude, pa lsy, para lysis, ex h austion, collapse, prostration, syncope,apoplexy .

V. To be weak,&c .

,to droop,fade, fa int, swoon, languish,decline,fa il,droop .

To render weak,&c .

,to weaken,enfeeble,debilitate,deprive ofstrength,relax,enervate,unbrace,unman,emas culate,castrate,geld,ma im, lame, hamstring, disable,unhinge, cripple, cramp, pa ralyze, spra in, exhaust, pros trate,blunt th e edge of,deaden .

Adj . Weak, feeble, strengthless, nerveless, imbecile, helpless,unnerved,relaxed,unstrung,unbraced, enervated, nervous,sinewless,effeminate, feminine,womanly, unmanned, &c . shat

tered, broke 1, ha lting shaken,crazv,shaky paralyzed, pals ied ,


Unweakened, unal layed, umwithered,unshaken,unworn,um

exhausted .

Adv. Strongly,forcib ly,&c .

,byma in force, by migh t and ma in,tooth and na i l .



161, PROD U CT I ON, creation,formation, construction, fa b rication

,manufa cture building, ar

ch itecture,ed ification,coinage,ganization,putting togeth er,_pformance

,729,workmanship .

Development, genesis, genation, procreation, propagation,bringingforth ,parturition ;growth .

V. To produce,effect,perform,do,make,form, construct, fabricate,frame,manufa cture,weave,forge, coin, carve, Ch isel, build,ra ise, edify, rear, erect, put together

,set up,run up,establish.

To cons titute, compose,organize,institute

,work out, rea lize,bring to bea r, bring to pas s,aocomplish .

To create,beget, generate,eng ender, bring into be ing, breed,bear, procreate, bring forth,givebirth to, hatch, develop, bringup .

To induce,superinduce,susc itate, see Cause, 15 3 .

Adj . Produced,&c .,produc ing,productive of

,&c .


163 . REPROD UCT IO N, renova ~

tion, reviva l,regeneration,revivification, resuscitation, reanimation, resurrec tion, reappearance,ph cemx .

V. To reproduce, revive,renova te, regenerate, revivify, resusc ita te,quicken ; come aga in intol ife,reappear.

162, Non-production .

DESTRUCT I ON,waste, dis solu

tion, breaking it consumption,disorganization, a lling to p ieces,crumbling,&c .

Fa ll, downfa ll, ruin, perdition,crash, smash, havoc, desolation,wreck,shipwreck,ex tinction,ann ih ilation ; doom, destruction ofl ife,see Death,3 60.

Demolition, demolishment,overthrow, subversion, suppression,dismantling,cutting up,cor

ros ion, erosion, crushing, upsetting, abolition, abolishment, sacrifice,immo lati on,h o locaus t,d ilapdation, devas tation, e x terminaron,eradica tion,e x tirpation,rooting out,sweeping,&c .

,dea thblow.

V. To be destroyed, &c .


ish, fa l l to pieces, break up,crumble .

To destroy,do away with,null ify, demolish, overturn, upset,throw down, overthrow, overwhelm, subvert, put an end to

,uproot, eradicate, extirpate, rootout,grub up,break up,pul l down,crumble, smash, crash, crush,quell, qpash, cut up, shatter,

Sh iver, atter, tear or shake to

pieces,nip,tear to tatters,pick topieces,put down,suppress, strikeout, throw or knock down, cutdown knock on the head,stifle,dispe l,fell, sink, swamp, scuttle,ingu lf, corrode. erode, consume,

para lytic,decrepit,drot ping,Ianguid,fa int, sickly,flagging,dull,s lack,spent,effete,weather-bea ten,worn, seedy, exhausted, languishing,wasted,washy, untenable .

Unstrengthened, unsusta ined,nueup orted, una ided, unassisted,umortified,unfriended,fath erles s,&c .


Adj .



sacrifice, immolate, blow down,sweep away, erase, ex pun f

ge,mow down .

To waste, l ay was te, ravage,dilapidate, dismantle,disorganize, devour, swa llow up, desolate, devastate,s ap,mine,stifle,blast,despatch,extinguish,quench,annihi late,kill,3 6 1,unroot,root out .Adj . Unproduced, unproductive, destroyed,&c ., done for,dished,&c .

164,PROD UCER,originator,au

thor, founder,workman,(maker,)doer,performer,&c .


,builder,archi tect.166. PATERN ITY, parentage,parent, father, s ire ; procreator,progenitor, ancestor, ancestry,

forefathers,grandsire house,parent, stem,trunk,stock,pedigree .

Motherhood,maternity ;mother,dam.

168. PROD UCTIVENESS,fecundity,fruitfulness,fertility,pro l ificness .Pregnancy, pullulation,fructi

fication,multiplication, propagation,procreation .

V. To procrea te,multiply,pullulate,fructify,generate .

Adj . Productive,prolific,teeming, teemful,fertile,fruitful,fecund,pregnant.Procreant, procreative,generative,propagable, l ifegiving.

165, DESTROYER,eXtingulSh er,exterminator, a s sassin, 3 6 1, executioner, 975, ravager, annihilator,subverter,&c .

167. PO STERITY,progeny,breed,issue,Offspring,brood,seed,spawn, scion, Offset, child, son,daughter, bantling, shoot,sprout,branch,offshoot, ramification,de

s cendant

Stra ight des cent,sonship, line,l ineage,fi l iation,primogeniture .169, UN PRO D UCTIVENESS, in

fertil it barrenness, sterility,unfruitfulhess,unprofitab lenes s, infecundity,see Inutility,645,nonagency.

V. To be unproductive, &c .,arid.

Adj . Un roduetive,inoperative,barren,ad le,unfertile,unpro l ific,steri le unfruitful, teemless, infecund, issueless, unprofitable,645 .

170. AGEN CY, Opera tion force, working, function, Offi ce, hand,intervention, exerc i se,wor swmg, play, interworking, causation,153,mediation,6 3 1 .

Quickening power,ma inta ining power,home stroke .


.To be in action,to Operate,work,act, perform,play,s upport,sustain, stra in, ma inta in, take effect, qu i cken, strike, strike ha rd,strike home .

ualActed upon,wrought upon .

171. Physical ENERG Y, activity,keenness,intensity,sharpness,pungency, vigor, strength, elasticity, acrimony,causticity, virulence, corrosiveness, acritude,

Adj . Acting,operating,&c .,Opera tive,effi c ient,effi cacious,effect

172. Physica l INERTNEs s, inertia, passiveness, inertion, inactivity,683, torpor latency,torpidity,dulnes s, deadness,heaviness,flatness, Sla ckness, tameness,


poignancy, harshness, severity,edge,point,rac iness,meta l .

Seasoning, mordant, pepper,mustard, cayenne, caviare, 3 92,cantharides .Menta l energy, see 604,men

tal excitation, 824,voluntary energy,682 .

Exertion, activity, stir, bustle,ag i ta tion, effervescence, fermen

tation,ferment, ebullition, splutter,pertubation,briskness vo luntary activity,682,quicksilver.Adj . Strong, energetic, active,keen,vivid,intense,severe,sharp,

acute, irritating, pungent, poignant, mordant, acrid, acrimoni


slowness, languor, quiescence265,Sleep,683 ; suspense, intermission

, 14 1 .

V. To be inert, inactive,passive, &c . ; to hang fire, to le ta lone .

Adj . Inert, inactive, passive,torpid,sluggish,dull,heavy,flat,slack, tame, s low, blunt, lifeless,&c .

Latent, dormant, smouldering,unexerted,uninfluentia l .Adv. Inactively, &c ., in sus~pense,in abeyance .

ous,virulent,caustic,corrosive, racy,brisk, harsh, stringent,double-edged,drastic .

V. To give energy,energize,stimulate,excite,exert, 173 .

173 , VI OLEN CE, inclemency,vehemence, might, impetuosity,boisterousness, abruptness, ebull ition, turbulence,bluster,u roar,riot, fierceness, rage, wil ness,fury,heat,exacerbation,exasperation, ma lign ity, fit, paroxysm,orgasm,force,brute force,stra in,shock,spasm,convulsion,throe .Outbreak burst,d is s il ience,d ischarge, volley, explosion, blowup, b last, detonation, eruption,dis los ion torrent.urmoii,storm,tempest squal l,hurricane tornado, ea rthquake,volcano

,thunder storm,typhoon .

V. To be violent, &c ., to runh igh, ferment, effervesce, runw ild, run riot, rush, tear, rushheadlong,bluster,rage,riot,storm,boil, fume, foam, wreak, beardown .

To b reak out, fly out,bounce,explode, dis lode, fl detonate,b low u fias ,flare,burst, burstout,out urst,shock,stra in .

To render violent,sha rpen, stirup,quicken,excite,incite,stimulate,inflame, kindle, lash, susc itate,urge,accelera te,foment,ag

174, MODERATI ON,gentleness,temperateness, ca lmness, mildness,softness,sobriety,slowness,tameness,quiet,740,reason .

Relaxation,remission,measure,mitigation, tran uil ization, as

suag ement, soot ing, al laying,&c .,contemperation,pacification,72 3 , restra int,check,75 1,lullabySedative, lenitive, demulcent,opiate,anodyne,milk,Opium.

V. To be moderate, &c ., to

keep w ithin bounds or withincompass,to settle down,to keepthe peace,to sober down,relent.To moderate, soften,mitiga te,appease,per,contemper,motake off th e edge,shea the .

To tranquillize, assuage, a

ppease,lull,smooth,compose,sti l,ca lm, quiet, hush, quell, sober,pacify, damp, lay, a llay, rebate,slacken,smooth,soften,a l leviatrock to sleep,deaden, check, re~stra in,slake,curb,bridle,rein 1153hold in, repress, smother, counteract, 179 .


gravate, ex as c rate, e x arcerb ate,infuriate,ma den, lash into fury,e x plode, let Off,dis cha rge .

Adj. Violent,vehement,warm,acute, rough,rude,boisterous,impetuous, ungentle, abrupt, rampant, bluff,turbulent, blustering,riotous,thundering, Obstreperous,uproa rious .Savage,fierce, ferocious, fiery,

fuming, e x cited, unquelled, nu

quenched, unextinguished,unrepressed boiling,boiling over,furions, outrageous,frantic, raging,


Adj .Mode ra te,gentle,mild,s ober, tempera te, reasonable, tempered, ca lm, unruffled, tranquil, smooth, untroubled, unirritating, (unexciting,) soft, bland,O i ly, demulcent, lenitive, cool,qu i et, anod ne, sedative, peaceful, peacea le, pacific, lenient,tame ha lcyon .

Av.Moderately,gently,softly,&c .

running riot,storming,hysteric, wild, headstrong, running wild, ungovernable, nh appea s ab le, unmitigable, uncontrol lable, insuppressible, i rrepressib le,rag ing,desperate,mad,infuriate,exasperated.

Tempestuous,stormy,squa l ly,s asmod ic,convulsive,bursting,explosive,detonating,&c .,vo can ic,meteoricAdv. Violently,&c .

,by force,by ma in force,810 .


175,INFLUENCE, weight, pressure,preva lence, sway,predominance, predom inancy, d ommance,

re1gn, ab leness, capab i lity,&c .,157 .

Footing,hold,purchase, leverage,vantage ground,ascendence.Independence,voluntary influence,73 7,protection,patronage,aus

pices .

V. To have influence,&c .

, to have a hold upon,&c .,to ga in a

footing,work upon,take root,take hold,preva il,dominate, red ominate,outweigh,overweigh,to bear upon,to be in the as cen ant.

Adj . Influentia l, va lid,weighty,preva i ling, preva lent, rife, dominant, regnant,predomina ting,predominant, in the ascendant.176. TEN DEN CY, aptness, proneness, proclivity, conduciveness,bent, b ias, qua lity,inclina tion, propensity, conducement, sub servience 6 3 1 .

V. TO tendb end to,affect,fair to.Adj . Tending,contributing,con

ducing, conducive, working to

wards, ca lculated to, disposing,inclining, bending, leading, car

rying to,subs ervient, subsidia ry,

contribute, conduce, lead, dispose, incline, vergecarry,promote,redound to,subse rve to, 644,to bi

Adj . Unconducing, unconduc ive,unconductmg .

177, LIAB ILITY, liableness,subjection to,dependence on,exposme to,contingency,s ee Chance,156,susceptivi ty,susceptibi lity,ohnoxiousness .V. To be liable,&c .

, incur,to lay one’s se lfopen to,lie under,expose o ae’s self,&c .

,stand a ch ance,to open a door to .


Ad Liable,sub]ect, open to, incident to,expos ed to,dependenton,O tHOXlOUS to.Contingent

,incidental,gua rdless,6 65 .


178,CONCURRENCE coopera

tion,(ha rmony ofaction, combinedaction,) union,agreeme it,pullingtogether,a lliance .

Voluntary concurrence,709 .

V. To concur, co'

ciperate, conspire,agree

,conduce, contribute,unite ; to pull togeth er, to j oin

forces .Adj . Concurring, concurrent,

coopera ting,conspiring,agreeing,pulling togeth er,&c .,in a l liance

with one consent.


179, CO UNTERACTI ON, opposition,antagonism,(contravention,)polarity, cla shing, & c ., collision,resistance, interference,friction .

Neutra lization, nul l ification,compensation,3 0.

Reaction, retroaction, 277, re



terb last.

Volunta ry countera ction,708.

V. To counteract,oppose,contravene,antagoni ze,inte rfere with,run counter,clash,neutra li ze,null ify,render null,withstand,resist,hinder

, &c .,706,repress, control,curb,Check,rein in, 174 .

To react,277,counterva il,counterpoise,&c ., 3 0, overpoise .Adj . Counteracting , Oppos ing, &c ., antagonistic,opposite,

conflictin retroactive,coh ibitive,counter,contrary, 14 .

Adv. unter,notwithstanding, nevertheless, yet, still,

a lthough, though,a lbeit,h owb ei maugre,at a l l events .But,even,however, in Spite O in defiance of, in the teethof,in despi te of,against,see 708.





180. Indefinite space .SPACE, extension. extent,

pause, room, scope, range,

180, a . Inextension .

181. Definite space .REG ION, sphere, ground,

90 SP-ACE.

Adj . Placed,located,&c .,situate s ituated, posted,nestled,

imbosomed,housed,moored, r ooted,unremoved.



occupation,attendance .D iffusion, permeation, pervas ion,dissemination,73 .

Ub i uity,omnipresence .

V. O exist in space,to be present,


0 occur in a place,lie,stand,occup

T O inhabit,dwell, reside, stay,soj ourn, l ive,abide,lodge,nestle,perch,roost,put up at,squat,plantone’s self hive, burrow, camp,encamp, b ivouac, anch or, settle,“

a ke up one’s qua rters,pitch one’stent,get a. footing, resort to,frsquent, haunt, tenant, take root,strike root,revisit.To fill, pervade, permeate, bediffused th rough,be disseminated

th roughboverspread,run through .

Adj .

resident, residentiary.


occupancy, 187, ABSENCE, non-existence,2,non-residence,non-attendance,absenteeism.


ty,vacancy,vacuousness .An a b sentee,nobody.

V. To be absent, not present,&c .,to keep away,to kee out 0the way, absent one’s se f, takeone’s se lf off,vacate .Adj . Absent,not present,away,gone, from home, missing, los t,non-resident.Vacant,untenanted,tenantless,empty uninhabited des erted,void,

devoi ,unoccupietf, unhabitab le .

Adv. Without, nowhere, e l sewhere .

resent,occupying,inhabiting,&c .

,moored,at anchor,

Adv. Here, there, where ? every where, aboard,on boa rd,at home a-field,&c .

188 iNHABITANT,resident,res id entiary,dweller indweller,occupier,occupant, lodger, inmate,tenant,soj ourner,commorant,settler, squatter, colonist, denizen,citi zen, cit, townsman, burgess,villager,cotter,compatriot .Na tive, indigene,aborigines .Garrison,crew,population,colony settlement ; household.

Adj . Indigenous, native, do1nes t1c,(domici led,) domici liated,domesticated.

189. Place ofhabitation or tesort .ABODE,dwel ling,lodging,dom

icile, residence, address


tation loca l habitation,berth,sea t,lap,soj ourn, housing, uar

ters,head uarters,tabernae e .

Nest, la 1r, haunt, eyry, den,hole,aerie, rookery,‘ hive, resort,retrea t, perch, roost ;—nid ificatron .

B ivouac, camp, encampment,cantonment, co

as trametation,tent,Wig wam,awning.

Cave,cavern, cell, grove, grot,g rotto,a lcove,bower,a rbor,cove,chamber,&c ., 19 1 .

Home,fatherland,country,h omestead, homesta ll, fireside,

snuggery,hearth,household gods, roof, household, hous ing.


Build ing,structure,edifice,fabric,erection,pile,tenement,messuage,farm,fa rm house,grange .

Cot, cabin,hut, shed, booth, sta ll, hove l, outl touse, barn,hole,kennel,sty,coot, stable .

House mansron,v i lla, cottage,box, lod e, bunga low, hermitage,folly,rotunda, tower,temple, ca st e, pavilion, hote l,court,ha ll,pa lace .

Inn, hotel, tavern, (public h ouse,) caravansary, h ospire,barrack.

Hamlet,village,borough,burgh, town,city,metropol is .Street,place,terrace,parade, road, row, lane, a lley, court,close

,ya rd,passage, square, polygon, circus, crescent,ma l l,piazza,arcade .

Anchorage,roadstead,dock,bas in,wha rf,quay,port.190. Things conta ined .

C ONTENTS,cargo, lading,freight, load,burden,ware,798.

191. RECEPTAC LE,recipient,receiver,rese rva tory,compartment.Cell

,cel lule,hole, corner niche. reces s,nook,crypt, sta l l,pigeonhole

,lodging,see 189,bed,berth,&c .,2 15,pew ; store room.

Capsule,vesic le cyst,utricle,bladder,utensil,a lembic .Stomach,paunc ventricle


Pocket,pouch,fob ,shea th, scabbard, socket, b ag,s ac, (or sack,)

ga l let,porte monna ie,scrip, knapsack, haversack,s achel,reticule,ud o et.Chest,box,coffer,caddy,case,casket,pyx,or (pix,) desk,bureau,

c abinet,reliquary,trunk, portmanteau, ca rpet b ag,bandbox,valise,boot,imperia l,creel,crate,cage,portfolio.

Vesse l,vase,bushel,ba rrel,canister,jar,can,pottle,basket,pannier,corbeille,hamper,dosser.For li uids ; cistern, tank,vat,caldron,barrel,cask,keg,rundlet,

firkin,ki derkin,carboy amphora,bottle,jar,decanter,ewer,cruise,crock,canteen,fla g on,flask,flas ket, noggin, via l, (or phial,) cruet,caster,urn .

Tub,bucket,pa i l,pot,tankard,jug,pitcher,mug,pipkin,ga l ipot,(or ga llipot,)matrass,receiver,a lembic,bolthead,capsule,retort.Bowl,bas in,j orum, punch b owl, cup, goblet, Cha lice tumbler,glass,can,pan,plate,platter,dish, trencher, patera ca labash porringer,saucepan,skillet,tureen,potager,saucer,ho scuttle. shove l,trowel,spoon,spatula,ladle .

C loset, commode, cupboard, cellaret, chiffonnier, locker, b in,buffet,press,safe,Sideboard,drawer,chest of drawers,ti ll .Chamber,story,apartment, room,cabin,bower,Office, court,ha ll,sa loon,pa rlor,(dining room,sitting room,) state room,presence chamber, drawing room, ga llery,cabinet,c loset, boudoir, lumber room,

d orrn ito refectory .

Attic, oft,garret,cockloft,cel lar,vault,hold,cockpit,ground floor,ba s ement,kitchen,pantry,scullery .

Portico,porch,veranda,ba lcony, lobby,court,ha ll,vestibule,corrid or pa ssage anteroom


Adj . Capsular recipient, ventricular, cystic, vascular, ce llular,camerate 21,locular,multilocu lar.



1 .

192. S ZE,magnitude, d imen

sion,bulls, volume, largeness,greatness, 3 1 expanse, ampli

tude,mass,massiveness .Capa city, capaciousness, tor

nage,(or tunnage,)ca libre,scar.

ling .

Turgidity, turgidness, e x pans ion, 194, corpulence, obes ity,plumpness

,stoutness, b rawn i

ness .Hugeness,vastness,enormousness,enormity, immensity, mon

strousnes s, monstrosity ; infinity,105 .

Amountain,mound,heap,72 .

V. To be large,&c .,to becomelarge, seeExpansion. 194 .

Adj . Large,big,great, c onsidcrable, bulky, voluminous , emple, massive, massy, capacious,comprehensive .Corpulent, stout, fat, plump,lusty,strapping. bouncing,po rtly,burl brawny,fleshy, good ] , in

g oodycase, chopping,j olly, c ub

b y, full-g rown, chubfaced, lubberly,hulky,unw1eldy, lumpish,gaunt,sta lwart.

Overgrown, bloated, tumid,turgid,hypertrophied,swoln,potbellied, puffy, distended, drops rca l .


Huge, immense, enormous,mighty,unbounded,vast,stupend ons,inordinate,monstrous,monster ; gigantic,giant-l ike, colossa l, Cyclopean ; indefinite, infinite .

194. EX PAN SI ON, enlargement, extension, augmentation,increase Jf s ize, amplification,aggrandizement, spread, more




195. CONTRACTI O N,reduction,diminution or decrease of size,defalcation, lessening, deorement,sh rinking,col lapse,emaci

193 . LITTLENESS, sma l lness,minuteness, diminutiveness, inextension, puniness, dwarfi sh

ness, unders ize, epitome, rudiment,microcosm .

Leanness, emac iation, thinness,macilency,flac c id 1ty .

Anima lcule,mite, insect, emmet, fly, gna t, shrimp, minnow,worm,grub,tit,tomtit,sma ll frymushroom,millet seed, mustardseed,gra in of sand .

Atom,point,speck, dot,mote,ac e,j ot, i ota,tittle,whit,pa rti cle,corpuscule, molecule, monad,g ranule, grain, crum, globule,nutshell,minim,drop. bit, thimb leful, sprinkling, das h, minimum, powder, 3 3 0, drib let

,patch, scrap, chip, inch,mathematica l point ; minutiae .

V. To be sma l l,&c .

,to bec omesmal l,see Contra ction, 195 .

Adj . Little, sma ll,minute, diminutive, inconsiderable, puny,tiny, pett miniature, pygmy,undersize dwa rf, stunted

,dwa rfed, dwarfish , Li l iputian ;pocket,portative,portable .Microscopic, evanescent, impa lpab le, imperceptible, invisible, inapprec i able, infinitesimal,h omceopath ic, atomic, c orpus cular,molecula r, rudimentary, tud imenta l .

Lean,thin,meagre,emaciated,lank, maci lent, fa l len away,scrubby, reduced, shrunk,extenuated,shrive lled,flaccid,s tarved,skinny,stunted.


ment,growth, development,pullulation, swell, dila ta tion, rarefaction, turges cence, turgidity,tumefaction intumes cen ce,swel l

ing,d istens ion,pufling,infla lation .

Overgrowth, over-distension,tympany.

Bulb,knot,knob,249 .

Superiority of Si ze .

V. To become larger, to expand,enlarge, extend, grow, increase swell,ga ther,fil l out,deploy,di late,stretch,spread,man

tle,bud, shoot,(put forth,) springup, Sprout, germinate, vegetate,pullulate,open,burst forth,gather flesh, outg row.

To render la rger, to expand,aggrandize, &c ., distend, develop, amplify,magnify,ra refy,inflate, puff, blow up, stuff, pad,c ram .

To be larger than, to surpass,exceed,be beyond, cap, overtop,seeHeigh t,206,and Superiority,3 3 .

Adj . Expanded, enlarged, inc reas ed, &c ., swelled out, bulbous ; exagg era ted, bloated,&c .,

full-b lown,ful l-grown,ful l-formed.

196. D I STAN CE, remoteness,farness, longinquity, elongation,offing,para l lax , rea ch,span .

Antipodes, outpost, outskirt,aphelion,hori zon .

Separation, 44, transferrence,

2 70.

D iffusion,dispersion,73 .

V. To be distant, &c . to extend to,stretch to,reach to,spreadto,go to, get to, stretch away tooutg o,outstep,to go great lengths .TO rema in at a distance, keepaway, stand Off, keep off, standa loof.Adj . D istant, far, far off, re

mote,wide of stretching to,yonder,at a rm’s length,apart,as under,ulterior,ultramontane,transmontane, trans a lpine, ultramundane,hyperborean .


ation, a ttenuation, tabefaction,consumption,marasmus, a trophy.

Condensa tion, compression.squeez ing, cramping ; friction,3 3 1, corruga tion ; contractili ty ;astringency.

Inferiority of s ize .

V. To become sma l ler,to les

sen, diminish, decrease, growless, dwindle, shrink, contract,shrivel, collapse, wither, loseflesh, fal l away, decay, was te,wane,ebb .

To render sma l ler,to contract,lessen,&c .,to draw in,condense,reduce, clip, compress, squeezecramp, a ttenuate, chip, dwa rf?bedwarf, cut short, 201, corruate .

To be sma ller than,to fa ll Shortof,not to come up to .Adj . Contracting, &c ., astrIn

gent, contracted, &c ., stunted,waning,ebbing, &c ., neap, cond en sed,compact.Unexpanded, contractile,compressible .

197. NEARNEs s,nigh 11eSS,pro

pinquity, vicinity, vicinage,neighborhood, ad jacency, c loseness ; perihelion.

A short distance, a step, an

ea rshot,close quarters a stone’s

throw, a ha ir’s breadth, a span,bowshot,gunshot .Purlieus, neighborhood, vicin

ag e, environs, suburbs, borderland,the whereabouts .

Abystander,neighbor.Approach, approximation, ap

proprnquation,appulse,286,junction, 43,concentration .

Meeting, (encountemV. To be near,&c ., to adjoin

,hang about, trench on, bord eru on stand b approximatetrldad

on the hebels of, cling to:


Inaccessible, out of the way,unapproachable ; incontiguous .

Adv. Far,away,far away,afar,Off,a long way Off, afa r Off,wideaway,a loof,wide of,clear of,outof the way, a great way off, outof reach,abroad,y nder, farth er,b eyond .

Apa rt, asunder, wide apart,wi de asunder.


clas p, hug, get near, approach,286, to meet 290.

T O b ring nea r, to crowd,pack,huddle together.Adj . Nea r,nigh,close at hand,

n e ighboring,pro x imate,adj acent,adj oining, bordering upon, closeupon, ha rd upon, trenching on,treading on th e heels of,vergingto,athand,handy,nea r the mark,home, intimate .

Adv. Near,nigh, ha rd by, fastby, close to, clos e upon, withinca l l,within hearing,within an ace of,but a step,at hand,onthe verge of,near the ma rk, in the environs, &c .

, a stone’sthrow,&c .

, cheek by j ole, or j owl,) beside,a longside,at theheels of.About,hereabouts,thereabouts,in the way,in presence of,in round numbers,approximatively.

198. INTERVAL, inte rs ace,see

D iscontinuity, 70, brea gap,opening, 2 60, chasm, hiatus, interstice,cleft,foss,mesh,crevic e,chink


,crack, chap, slit,fissure,scissure, rift,flaw, gash,cut

,leak, dike, fracture, solu

tion of continuity, breach, rent,rime oscitation,gaping,yawning,pandiculation,insertion,3 00Gorge, defi le, ravine,

frith,furrow,see 259 .

Th ing interpos ed,a go-between,see Interjacence,228.

V. To separate,44,gape,260.


2 .

200. LENGTH,longitude,span .

Aline,b ar,rule, stripe,streakspoke,radius .Lengthening, elongation, ro

l ongation,production, producrng,protracti on, ex tens 1on, stretchrug .

V. To be long, &c .

,to extend

to,re rch ,stretch to .

T '. render long. lengthen ex

tend e longate, prolong, produce,stretch, draw out, protract, spinout



199. CONTI G UITY contact,proximity,apposition,no inte rva l.jux tapos 1t1on,touch rng,abutment,osculation,meeting, 294, coinc i

dence,coexistence,adh es ion,46 .

Confine, frontier, demarcation,2 3 3 .

V. To be contiguous, &c . to

touch,meet,adhere,46,osculate,coincide coexis t,abut on,graze.Adj . ontiguous, touching,meeting, in contact, conterminous,osculating,osculatory,proxrmats .


201. SH ORTNESS,b revity briefness,a span,&c .

, see Sma llness,193

Shortening, abbreviation, ah

breviature, abridgment, epitome,curta ilment, d ecurtation, reductior, contraction, compression,195

, retrenchment, elision, e l l ipsis, compendium, 596, conciseness in style,572 .

V. To be short,brief,&c .

To render short to shorten,curtai l, abridge, abbreviate, epito


Adj . Long,lengthy,wiredrawn,outstretched, lengthened, produced,&c .,Alex andrine, sesquipedal ian,interminable .

Linear, linea l,longitudinal,oblong.

Adv. Lengthwise, long itud inal ly,in a line a long, from endto end,fore and aft,from head tofoot,from top to toe .

202. BREADTH, width,la ti

tude, amplitude, diameter, bore,calibre, superficial extent, expanse .

TH I C KNESS, crassitude, 192,e ansiou,dilatation,&c ., 194.

To b e broad, thick,&c .

To become broad, to renderbroad, to swell, dilate, expand,outspread,&c ., 194, to incras sate .

Adj . Broa wide, am le, extended,fan -Ii e,outstretc ed,810 .

Thick. dumpy,squab,squa t .



mi ze, reduce,contract, compress,scrimp .

To retrench, cut Short, cutd own,pare down, clip,dock, lop,rune, crop, snub, trunca te, cut,liack,hew,&c . ; (in drawing,) toforeshorten.

Ad Short, brief, curt, (truncaterf,) compendious, compact,stubby

,scrimp,stumpy, thickset,pug

,oblat e, elliptica l, concise,


203 .NARROWNESS, slenderness closeness, scantiness, exi lity

,lankness, incapaciousness .Al ine,205, a ha i r’s breadth, 0.fingers breadth,streak,vein.TH INNESS, tenuity, lean ness,meagreness, emac ia tion .

Ashaving,a s lip, 205, a mereskeleton, a shadow.

A midd le constriction, stric


,wa ist, isthmus,wasp,hourglass, ridge, ravrne, defile,gorge,pass .Na rrowing, tapering, compression squeezing,&c ., 195 .

I} . T O be na rrow,&c .,to taper,contract, shrink .

To render narrow, &c . to narrow, contract, coarctate, at

tenuate,constri ct, constrmge, cramp, pinch, squeeze, compress,corrugate .

To Shave,shea r,&c .,see 195 .

Adj . Na rrow,Slender,thin,fine,(thread-like,) fi l iforrn,fi lamentous,fibrous,funicular,capilla ry,string ,wi re drawn,finespun, anguilliform, taper, dapper, Slim, s igh t-made, scant,spare,delicate,unenla rged, incapacious .Meagre, lean,mac ilent,emaciated, lank,starvel ing, a tten

uated,Skinny,scraggy,gaunt,raw-boned .

204. LAYER, stratum, bed,zone,substratum,floor,flag,stagestory,t1er.Plate, lamina, lamella, Sheet,flake,sca le,coat, el l ic le,membrane,film,leaf,Slice,shive,cut,shaving,board,plank .

Stratification,scaliness, a nestof boxes,coa ts of an onion.

V. To slice,Shave,&c .

Adj . Lame l lar,laminated,lam

205. F I LAMENT, l ine, fibre,fibril

,ha ir,capillament,gossamer,

wire,thread,cord,r0pe,yarn,&c .,

see 45 .

Strip shred, sli Spi ll, l ist,string

, and,fi l let,ri bon, (or ribband roll, lath,Splinter,Shiver,shaving ; arborescent 9 ,see 256 .


c i lated, lamelliform, sca ly,filmy, membranous,flaky, foliated,foliaceous, stratified,stratiform, tabula r.206, HEI G HT, a ltitude, elevation, eminence, pitch, loftiness,

s ublimity.

Sta ture,ta l lness,procerity,culmina tion,see Summit,2 10.

Agiant,grenadier,giraffe .

Alps,mountain,mount,hill,hi llock,monticle, fell, moorland,hummock

,knap, knoll, cape,headland, foreland, promontory,

ridge, pike, uplands, highlands,rising ground, downs, mound,mole,steeps, b luff, cliff, crag,vantage ground .

Tower,pilla r

,column, obelisk,monument, steeple, spire,minaret

,turret, dome, cupola, pilaster.

Pole,pikestaff, maypole, (l ib

erty pole,)flag staff,topmast,topga llant mast,housetop .

Ce iling, roof, awning, canopy,see 2 10,a ttic, loft,ga rret.Growth,upgrowth , 194 .

207, LOWNESS, lowlands,(flats,) depression, recumbency,prostra tion,see Horizonta lity, 2 1 3,a molehill .Aground floor, 1 9 1, basementfloor.V. To be low, &c ., crouch,slouch

,l ie flat ; to l ie low ; to un

d erl ie .

To lower,depress, 3 06 .

Adj . Low, neap,debas ed,nether, prostrate,flat, level with th e

ground, grovel l ing, crouched,crouching,subjacent,underlying,squatAdv. Under, beneath, underneath,below,down,adown,downwa rds, underfoot, at th e foot of

,underground .

V. To be high,&c .,to tower,soar, ride, beetle,hover,cap,overtop,culm1nate, overhang, hang over, 1mpend, bestride,mount

,surmount, to cover,2 2 3 .

To become high,grow,upgrow,soa r,tower, rise, 3 05 .

To render high , to h eigh ten, e x a lt, see Elevate, 3 07, toperch up, to perk up .

Adj. High,elevated,eminent,exalted, lofty,superna l, tal l,topping,towering,beetling,soa ring, sta lwa rt,colossa l,

tic,Patagonian,culminating,ra ised,&c .,perched up,hanginggardens,) crowning.

Upland, moorland, hil ly, mounta inous, a lpine, cloudtouching,cloud-topped,cloud capped,aeria l .Upper,uppermost.Overhanging, impending, incumbent, superincumbent


(overlying,) eu erim osed,hovering.

Adv. On h ig b ig up,a loft, above,a loof,overhead,in th ec louds,on tiptoe,on stilts,on th e shoulders of.Ove r,upwards,from top to bottom,from top to toe, fromhead to foot .208. DEPTH, deepness, pro

fund ity, profoundnes s, epress ion,bathos,anti-cl imax,depth Of

water,draught.Apit, sh aft,wel l crater, gulf,

abyss .

209, SHALLOWNESS, sh oaliness,shoa ls .Adj . Sh a llow skin-dee eusr

ficia l,shoa ly .

p’ p


214, PENDEN CY, dependency,suspension,hanging .

Apedicle,peduncle,tai l,flap,skirt,pendulum .

Apeg,knob,button,hook,na i l,staple,knot,45,tenterhook .

To be endent,&c .,to hang,swing,dang e,swag,daggle,flap,tra i l.To suspend,hang, sl ing, hookup,hitch,fasten to .Ad


. Pendent,pendulous, pensile, arig ing,swinging,&c .,suspended,&c .


Having a peduncle,&c .,pedunculate,tailed, caudate .


215, S; PPORT,g round,foundstion, b ase, basis, fulcrum, land~ing, landing-pla ce,resting-place,

g roundwork, substratum, flcor,bed sta ll,berth .

Asupporter, prop, stand, stashore truss, sleeper, staff, sticki

,orutc sti lts .Post

,pillar,shaft,column,pedimcnt, pedicle, pedesta l, plinth,

2 1 1 .

A frame, framework, scaffold,skeleton, beam, rafter, j oist, travis, trave, shaft, cornstanchion, girder, tiebkeystone,axletree,axle ; ax i s .

Aboard,form, ledgestage, shelf, hob, brackrac mantel, counter,

l intel, table, trestle, shoulder, perchesk.

divan, cha ir, bench, sofa, settee,settle,bench.

Shakedown, tester,

erpin .

&c .,support ; to bottomAdj . Supported,&c .,fundamenta l.

216.PARELLEL ISM, coex ten

s ion.

V. To b e ara l lel,&c .

Pa ra le l,coextensive .

ong s ide, abreas t, b e

217. OBLI QU ITY, inclination,mpe leaning,slant c rookedness,bias bend,bevel,ti lt,swag,cant,lurch .

Acclivity, uphill, rise, ascent,ris ing ground, bank Declivity,downhill, dip, fa ll, a gentle or

rapid slope,an easy ascent ordescent.Steepness, recipitousnes s,cliff,prec ip ice,escarpment.Measure 0 inc l ination,clinometer.D iagona l, z igzag,distortion, hypothenuse,see Angle,244.

V. To be Oblique,&c .,to slope,slant,lean,incline,shelve,

s toop,bend,sag, s louch,cant.To render oblique, &c .,to slope,ti lt, bend, incl ine, &c.,dis tort.Adj . Oblique,inc lined,leaning,recumbent,Sloping,si elv


ing, askew, aslant, slanting, indirect, distorted,wry, awry,

c rooked, canted, ti lted, biased, swagging, bevel, s louched,s louching,&c .

Uphil l,ris ing,ascending.

Downhill,fall ing,descending, declin ing.

Steep,abrupt,precipitous,breakneckD iag ona l,transverse,athwart,transversa l,anti-paral lel.Adv. Obliquely,&c .

,on one side,askew,askant.Sidewise,slopewi se,a l l on one side.

218, INVERSI ON,contraposition,overturn,overset,somerset,subvers:on,retroversion, reversion, eversi on, transposition, supination,anti odes,23 7.

I’ . T O be inverted,&c .

To render inverted,&c .,to invert, reverse, upset, overset, overturn, turn over,upturn,subvert,retrovert,transpose,turn tOpsyturvy,tilt over,togp

le over,capsize .inverse,upside down,topsyturvy,topheavyInverteInversely

,topsyturvy,b urdy gurdy,&c .

219,CROSSING, intersection,decussation,transversion .

Reticulation,network, in terweaving, tw ining, i ntertwining,mat

ting,pla it ing.


,mesh, twi ll, skein, felt, lace, wicker, trellis, lattice,grating,tracery,fretwork,fil igree .

Cross,cha in,wreath,bra id,St. Andrew’s cross .

V. To cross, intersect,decussate,Interlace,1ntertwme,intertwis t,intwine,weave, Interweave 1nweave, twme, twrst, wreathe, inosculate .

To mat,plai t,plat,bra id,felt,twi l l, tangle,entangle, ravel,net,knot,dishevel .Adj. Cros sing, interse cting,&c .,crossed,intersected,matted,&c.,

cruc1a l cruciform.

Retiforrn,reticulated,cancellated,grated,barred,streaked.Adv. Across,thwart,athwart, transversely


1 . General .

m ,EXTERIORITY, th e out

s ide,the exterior, surface,superficies,superstratum,eccentric ity,ex tremitD isk, ace,fa cet,front,23 4,skin,

&c . see 22 3 .

V. To be ex te or,&c .

To place exteriorly or outwardy,to turn out.Alj. Ex terior, external, outer,

221, INTERIORITY, th e~inside

interi or, interspace, s ubstratumsubsoi l .Vita ls, viscera, pith, marrow,heart, bosom, breas t, entra i ls,bowels,intestines,lap,backbone,inmost recesses, cave, cavern,

&c ., 19 1 .

V. To b e interior,internal,w ithin,&c.

0 That ts,dimens ions having reference to a centre.


outward outlying outside,superfi cia l, sk in-deep, fronta l, cecen

Adv. Ex tema l ly,&c .,out,without,outwards.


To place or keep within,to enclose, circumscrib e,see 2 3 1,2 3 2 .

Adj . Interior, internal, inner,inside,inward,inmost,innermost,deep-seated, intestine, intestina l,inland, interstitial, sub cutane

ous .Home,domestic,in -door, 19 1 .

Adv. Interna lly, inwards, inward l ,with in, inly, therein,w ithinside,in-doors,within doors,at ome,

222, CENTRAL ITY,68,centre,middle,focus,core,kernel,nuc leus,heart,pole,axis,nave,concentration .

V. To be centra l,&c .

To render central,centra lize,concentrate bring to a focus .Adj . Central,centrica l,middle,median,foca l,umbilica l,concen

tric .Adv.Midst,centra l ly,&c223 , COVERI NG,c over,roof,can

opy,awning, ti lt,tent, l id,cover0 efntegument, skin, tegument,ppl l ic l e

,fleece,cutic le,scarfskin,

' de,pelt,peel,crust, bark,rind,cortex,busk,sca le,shel l,capsule,coat,tunic, tunicl e,Sheath, case,sheathing, wrapping, wrapper,envelope,vesic le,veneer.

224. LI N ING, coating, facing,interna l, incrustation, stalacti te,stalagmite .

Wa inscot,wa ll.V. To line,stuff,incrust,face .Adj . Lined,stuffed, incrusted.

Superpositi on,coating,paint,va rnish, anoin ting,incrustation,plaster,stucco .V. To cover, superpose, overspread, wrap, l ap, overlap,case, incase,veneer.T0 coa t,pa int,varnish,daub,bedaub,incrust,stucco,dab ,smear,anoint,do over,gild,plate,j apan,lacquer.Adj . Covering,&c .,cutaneous, derma l, cortica l cuticular,

tegumentary,skinny,sca ly,squamous, imbricate225. INVESTMENT,dress,clothing, raiment, drapery, costume,

a tti re,trim

,habiliment, vesture,

appa rel, wardrobe, fancy dress,accoutrement,outfit,uniform, teg imenta l s, equipment, livery,gea r

,harness,turnout, caparison,suit, rigging, trappings, frippery.

D ishabille, morning dress,nudress,rags,tatters,old c lothes .C lothes garment, garb, robe,tunic, hab it, gown, coa t, frock,

s tole, blowze, bodice, dreadnauht,&c .

ourning,weed s .

226 . D IVESTMENT, nudity,bareness, nakedness, ba ldness,undress, dishabille, threadbareness .

D enuding, nudation, denudation,stripping,uncovering,decorti catron,peeling,flaying, ex coriation,moulting,exfoliation .

V. To divest uncover,denude

,bare,strip,unclothe,undress,unrobe, disrobe, disa rray, take off,doff,cast off,peel, pa re, e x coriate,skin,flay, expose, exfoliate,lay open,unroof,uneas e,moult.Adj . Bare,naked,nude,stripped,


Adi Inte rja cent, intervening, &c .,intermediate, intercalary,in e rs titia l,parenthetica l,mediterranean .

Adv. Between,betwixt

, among, amongst, amid, amidst,midst ; b etwix t and between .

229. C IRC UMSCR I PT I ON,l imitation,enclosure,confinement,shutting up, c ircumva llation, intombment. Imprisonment,inca rcera

tion 75 1 .

V2. To circumscri b e,l imit,bound,confine,enclose,surround,227,compass about


, restrict, restra in, im rison,&c .,see75 1

shut in,shut up,lock up,bottle up,hem in,h e<i3

g e in,wa l l in,ra ilin,fence,picket,pen, infold,coop, incage,cage, intomb,bury,immure, incase,pack up,box up,sea l up,wrap up,22 3 ,&c .

Adj . C ircumscribed,&c .

,imprisoned,pent up,754, landlocked .

230. OUTL INE, c ircumference, perimeter, periphery, ambit, circuit, l ines,contour,profi le,silhouette .Zone,belt,girth,band, ba ldric,zodiac,girdle, c in le,clasp,girt.23 1. ED GE,verge,brink, brow,brim,margin, bor er, skirt, rim,s ide,mouth,j aws,lip,muzzle,door,porch,porta l,260.

Frame,flounce,fri ll,list,fringe,edging,hem,s elvage,welt,furbelow.

23 2. EN CLOSURE envelope,case,box,&c .,191,pen,penfold,paddock,pound

,wa l l

,hedge .

Barrier b ar,gate,door,barricade,cordonet.D ike

,ditch,foss,moat .Fence,pa le,pa l ing,ba lustrade,ra il,ra i ling,pa lisade,battlement,

rampart,&c .,717,c i rcumva l lation,contrava l lati on .

23 3 . LIM IT,boundary, bounds, confine,term, bourn, curbstoneline of demarcation, termination,frontier, recinct,marches,line ofc i rcumval lation,the pillars of Hercules, e Rubicon,the turningoint.Adj . Defin ite,conterminate, conterminable .

2 . Specia l .


teriority,forerank,foreground,vanvanguard, advanced guard, out

post,frontispiece,disk .

Forehead, visag e, ph ys iognomy, countenance, beak, bow,stem,prow.

In a medal,the obverse .

V. To be in front, to front,face, confront, bend forwards,&c .

Adj. Fore anter'

or front.Adv. Before, i n front ahead,

righ t ahead,in the van, oremos t,in the foreground, face to face,nefore one’s eyes .

23 5, REAR, back,posteri ority,the rearrank,rearguar ,the background, heels, tai l, rump, croup,breech,dorsa l region,stern,poop,

afterpart.In a medal,the reverse .

V. To be in the rear,behind,&c .

, to fa ll astern,to bend backwards,turn the back upon .

Adj . Back,rear, postern,hind,hinder,hindermost,posterior,dor

sa l,after.Adv. Behind,in the rear,in th ebackground, behind one’s back,

at the back of, after, aft, abaft,astern,sternmost,aback,rearward.


236 . LATERAL ITY,side,flank,quarter, hand, cheek,wing, ro

le, temple, loin, haunch, ip,broadside,lees id e .

East,orient ; west.V. To be on one side,&c .

,toflank,outflank, to s idle .Adj. Latera l, s idelong,collate

ra l,sideling,many-sided .

Eastern, orient,oriental .Western,occidenta l .Adv. Sidewise, side by side,

2 16,abreas t, a longside, aside,bythe side of, to windward, or toleeward .

23 8, DEXTRAL ITY, right,righthand,off side,starboard.

Adj . D extra l,right-handed,ambidex tral .





FORM,figure,shape,configurati on, make, formation,frame,construction,conformati on,cut, s et, build, trim, stamp,cast,mould

, fashion, see Structure,3 29 .

Feature h neament,phase,turn,attitude . Outline,22Formation, figuration, sculp

ture .

V. TO form,shape,figure,fashion, ca rve, cut, chisel, hew,

241. Absence Ofform .

AMORPH I SM,disfigurement,defacement, mutilation, informity,see Deformity,846 .

V. To destroy form,deface,deform,d isfigure,muti late .


. Sh a eless, amorphous,

form ess,un ewn,rough,unfashioned,unshapen .

roughhew,cast,roughcast,hammer out,trim, lick into shape,mould,sculpture,cast,stamp .

Adj . Formed,&c .,receiving form,plastic,fictile.

Giving form, lasmatic .

242. Regulari ty ofform .

lines s, uniformity, finish,


Beauty,845,arborescence,256 .

243 , Irregularity ofform.

D I STORTI ON,twist,wryness,detortion, contortion, see Uglines s,846 .

237, ANTI-Po s r'

rrON, oppos iteside, contraposition, revers e, ii .verse, antipodes, Opposition, inversion,2 18.

Polarity,opposite poles,north,south .

V. TO be Opposite,&c to subtend.

Adj . Opposite, (over aga inst,reverse, inverse, antipodal, subcontrary.

Fronting,facing,diametrical lyop os ite.

oreal, arctic ; austral,antarcti c .

Adv. Over,over the way,overaga inst facing, against,fronting,2 3 4,subtending.

23 9. SIN ISTRAL ITY, left, lefth and,sinister,near side,larboard,ort.Adj . Sinistral,left-handed.


Adj . Symmetrica l, regular,shapely,well s et,uniform,finis hed, arborescent,256 .


V. TO distort, twist, wrest,wri the, contort .Adj . Irregula r, unsymmetric,distorted, twisted, awry, askew,crooked, on one side, hunchbacked .


244. ANG ULARITY, angula rness,angle,cusp bend,elbow,lmee,knuckle groin, crinkle, crotch, crutch ,crane,fluke, scythe,s ickle,Fold see 258.zigzag,kimbo .

dichotomFork,bifurcation,A right angle, see Perpendicularity,2 12, sa lient and reentering

angles .A polygon, s quare, triangle,&c ., lozenge, diamond, rhomb,&c .,

wedge .V. T O bend,fork,bifurcate,crinkle .Adj . Angular,bent,aduncous,aquiline,jagged,serrated,fa lciform,

furca ted, forked, bifurcate, zigzag ; doveta iled, crinkle kimbo,geniculated,polygona l,&c .

,fusiform,wedge-shaped,cune iform .

245. CURVATURE curva tion,i ncurvation, bend, flexure, flexion,crook,bending,d eflex ion,inflex ion,arcuation,turn,deviation,sweep, s inuosity, curl, curling,winding, recurvity, recurva tion,flexibility, 3 24.

A curve, arc, arch, arcade,vault, bow, crescent, ha lfmoon,lunule, horseshoe, loop, craneneck,conchoid,&c .

V. To be curved, &c .

, to dec l ine, turn, trend, deviate, re

enter,sweep .

TO render curved ; to bend,curve, incurvate, deflect, inflect,crook, turn, arch, a rcuate


,curl,recurve,fri zzle .

Adj . Curved, bent &c .

,curvil inear, (Or curvilineal,) recurved,

246. STRAI G H TNESS, rectil inearity,directness .A stra ight line

,a right line

a direct line ; inflexibility,

3 24.

V. T O be stra i &c .

To render stra i to stra ighten,rectify, unbend, fold,uncurl,uncoil, unroll, unwind, unrave l,untwist,untwme,unwrea the,unwrap .

Ad Stra ight, rectil inear, (orrectil inea l,) direct,even,right, ina l ine ; not inclining, bending,turning, or deviating to ei therside ; undevia ting,unturned,nudistorted,unswerving .

bowed,crooked,arched,vaulted,arcuated,hooked,fa lciform,fa lca ted, semicircular, luniform, lunula r, semilunar, conch oidal cordiform, cardioid, heart-shaped, lenticular, renifirrm ; evious .

247, Simple circularity.

C IRCULARITY,roundnessA circle, circlet, ring, hoop,roundlet, annulet, bracelet, ringlet, eye, loop,wheel, cycle,orb,

248. Complex circularityCONVOLUTIO N,winding,wave,undulation,c ircuit,tortuosi ty,sin

uo s ity, involution, s inuation, circumvo lution. meandering, twist


Peg, button, stut'

, ridge, rib,snag,eaves .Cupola,dom 3,ba cony .

Mount,hil l

,&c ., 206 ; cape,promontory, forelan l, headland,point Of land,mole, j etty, hummock .

V. T O be prominent, &c .

, to

proj ect, bulge, jut out, protrude,a rrow,stand . out,sta rt up,shootup, swell, to hang over, beetle,bend over.


glade, glen, cave, cell, cavern,cove,grotto,a lcove,gully.

V. T O be depressed,&c .,to retire .

To depress,hollow,scoop,dig,delve, excavate, dent,mine,nud ermine,burrow,tunnel.Adj . Depressed, concave, hollow,stove in

,reti ring,retreatin o


To render prominent ; to ra ise,see 3 07 .

Adj . Prominent, proj ecting,sa l ient in relief, bulging,&c .

,bowed,arched,bold,tuberous b el l iebossed,bossy,embossed,gibbous,253 . SHARPNESS,pointedness,

acuteness, a cumination, spinosity,prickliness .Apoint, spike, spine, needle,pin,prickle,prick,spear,bayonet,spur,rowel,barb,sp i t,cusp,horn,

b arb,snag,tag,thorn,brier,bramble,thistle,nib,tooth,tusk spoke,

cog, staple, bristle, bear cr

tuberculous,tumerous,mammiform .

254. BLUNTNEs s, obtuseness,dullness .V. T O be blunt,&c .

,to renderblunt,&c .

, to Obtund, dull, takeoff the O int or edge,turn .

Adj . lunt,obtuse,dull,bluff.

crest,cone,peak,spire,pyrami steep l e,porcupine, hedg ehog.

Cutting edge,wedge,edge tool,knife, ra zor, scalpe l,ax e,adze

,&O .

V. T O be sharp,&c ., to taper to a point, to bristle with .

To render sharp, &c ., to sha rpen, point, ac uleate,whet,barb,speculate,bristle upAdj . Sha rp, poin ted, conical, acute, aculeated, needle

shaped,spiked,spiky,ensiform,peaked,acuminated,sa l ient,cusped, cornuted, prickly, spiny, spinous, thorny, bristling,pectinated, studded, thistly, riery,cragged,craggy,snaggy,digitated, ba rbed, spurred, twoedged, tapering, fusiform,

d enticulated,toothed,cutting,sh arpedged .

Starlike,stellated,stel liform .

255. SM O OTH NESS, evenness,level,&c .,2 13 ,polish ,glassiness,sleekness,slipperiness, lubricity,lubrication,down


V. To smooth, plane, polish,burnish, ca lender, glaze, iron,file, lubrica te, 3 3 2 .

Adj . Smooth even,level,plane,sleek, po l ish e glazed, glossy,s i lken, si lky, v alvety, glabrous,

256. ROUG HNESS,unevennes s,asperity, rugosity, ruggednes s,scabrousness,scragg iness,cra g giness, craggedness, corrugation,nodosity,crispness .Arborescence,branching,rami

ficafi on .

B rush, ha i r, ha i riness‘, beard,shag , mane, whisker, mustache,tress lock,curl,ringlet.


s lippery,oily,soft,lubricated,nuwnn led .


Plumage, p lumosity, plume,crest ; feather, tuft, fringe,wool,velvet, plush, nap, pile, floss,down ; b ssus,moss,burr .

V. TO e rough,&c .

To render rough, to roughen, cri sp, crumple, corrugate,rumple .Adj . Rough, uneven, scabrous, rugged, rugose, rugous,unsmooth, roughhewn, craggy, cragg ed, scraggy, prickly,

253 .

Arb orescen d endriforrn,arboriform,branching,dendroid .

Feathery,p umose,tufted, ha iry, c i l iated,hirsute, bushy,hispid, downy, velvety, villous, bearded, pilous, shaggy,fringed,befringed.

257, NOTCH dent,n ick, indent, indenta tion,dimple.Embrasure battlement,s aw,tooth.

V. To notch,nick,cut,dent, indent,jag .

Adj . Notched,&c .,jagged,crenate,dented,dentated,denticulated,toothed,palmated, indented,serra ted.

258. FOLD,plicature,pla it,pl crease,flex ion,flex urffijoint, el

bow, doubling, duplicature, ga er, wrinkle, rive], ru

gation .

e, corru

V. TO fold,double,pla it,creas e,wrinkle,curl,friz zle,rivel,twil l,corrugate .

Adj . Folded,&c .

259. FuRRow,groove,rut, scratch, streak,crack, score,rib .

Channel,gutter, trench,ditch,dike,foss, t rough, ravine,see 198.

V. To furrow,&c .

,flute,plough .

Adj . Furrowed,&c ., ribbed, striated, sulcated, bisulcate, trisulcate,&c ., corduroy.

260, OPEN I NG, hole, perforation, window, eye, eyelet, keyhole, loophole, porthole, pigeonhole,pinhole,puncture .Aperture, yawning, oscitancy,dehiscence,patefaction,pandionlation,see Interva l,198.

Orifice, mouth, throat, inlet,muzzle, throat, gul let, noz zle,porta l,porch,gate,gateway,door,oorway,arcade .

Channel, passage, tube, pipe,vessel, canal, thoroughfare, gut,aj utage, chimney, flue

, funnel,lly,tunnel,pit,adit, shaft,ga lery, a l ley, a isle,glade, v ista,bore,mine,ca libre,pore,follicle,porousness .

Sieve, cullender, cribble, riddle


261, CLOSURE,Occ lus ion blockade,shutting up,fi l ling up,plugsea ling, Obstruction

, impassableness,blocking u ob sti

patiou,blind a l le ,blin corner.Imperforation, Imperviousness


im errneab ility .

To close, occlude, plug,block up, fil l up, blockade, oh

struct,stop,bungup,sea l,plumbcork up,3 ut up, ch oke, throttle,

d am up,cram.

Adj . C losed, shut, unopened,occluded,&c .,impervious,Imper ‘forate, impassable, path ess, nutrodden, (impenetrable,} impermeable, imporous, Ope:culatedair-tight .


Apertion, perforation, piercing,impa lement,pertusi on,puncture,penetration,3 02 .“

a T O Open,gape,yawn .


boring,m ining, dri l ling,

To perforate, lay open,pierce,bore,mine,drill, scoop out,tunnel, transpierce, transfi x , enfi lade, impa le, spike, spear,gore, stab,pink,puncture,stick,prick,riddle,punch.

T0 uncover,rip,stave in .

uns toTu ular,cannular,nous,follicular,honeycombed.

262,PERFORATOR, borer, au

ger,gimlet,stylet, dri ll,w imble,awl, scoop, corkscrew, dibble,trepan, probe, bodkin, needle,s tiletto,warder,lan cet,punch.


1 . MOTION264, Successive change Of

place .MOTI ON, movement, transit,transition,move,going,&c .,passage,course,stir,evolution .

Step, ga it, post, footfa l l, car

riage,transferrence,2 70,l ocomo

tion,2 66 .

Mobility, restlessness, unrest,movableness, inquietude,flux .

V. To be moving,&c .,to move,go,hie budge, stir, pass, flit,shift,roll,roll on,flow, 3 47 3 48,sweep a long,wander,279,changeor shift one’s place or quarters

dodge .

Adj .Moving,in motion,on themove,going,&c ., transitiona l .

Shifting,movable,270,mobile,restless,nomadic,wandering,vagrant, discursive, e x cursive, er

ratic,279,mercuria l.

Adj . Open,pierced,perforated, &c ., w ide Open, unclosed,

pe oscitant,galping,yawning,patent.stulous,pervious,permeable, forami

263 ,STOPPER, stopple, pl . g,cork, bung, spigot, sp ike, stopcock, ta rammer, ramrod, piston,wa ing

Cover, lid, covering, covercle,door,&c .,see 22 3,va lve .

A janitor, doorkeeper, porter,warder,beadle .



265. QUIESCEN CE, rest, sti llness, stagnation, stagnancy, fi xednes s, immobility .

Quiet, tranquillity,ca lm,calmness, sedenta riness .Pause, suspensionlull, stop, stoppage, istopping

,stand,standsti ll,ing stil l

,lying to

, repose,respite .

Lock,dead lock,dead stopba rgo .Resting-place,anchorage,

189 6 66,V. To

ma in,pull up, It, stop, stopshort, rest, pause, repose, keepquiet,take breath .

T O stay, tarry, sojourn, d186,pitch one’s tent,cast ansettle, encamp, b ivtether, picket, planta light,land,&c .,292chor


runner,courier, pedestrian, peri An ae ria l navigator, aeroraut,patetic,emigrant,fugitive . ba l loonist.Rider, horseman, equestrian,

cava lier,j ockey,postilion .

270. T RAN SFERREN CE,displacement,transposition, 148,removal,185,relegation,deportation, extradition, conveyance, carriage, car»

mg.lyTransmission,passage,transi t,ferry,transport,portcartage,ca rting


, freight, transportation, ttrans ation,shifting,dispersion,73,traction,285V. To transfer, convey, transmit, transport, carry, bear,over,pass,remove,&c .,185,transpose,shift, convey, conduct,voy,send,relegate,turn over to, deliver,waft, ship, embark,over.

To bring,fetch,reach,draft.To load,lade,shi charge .

To unload, decant,empty.

Adj . Transfe rred,&c .,movable,portable,portative .271. CARR IER,porter,bearer,conveyor,conductor.Beast of burden,cattle horse,steed, nag,palfry,ga l loway,er, courser, racer, racehorse, pony, colt, roan, jade, hack,orse, d rafth orse,carthorse,posthorse,bayard,mare,sta ll ion,


g, stud.

egasus,Bucepha lus,Rozinante .

Ass,donkey,jackass,mule,sumpter mule .Camel,dromedary, lama,elephant ; carrier pigeon.

272. VEH I C LE,conveyance . 273 . SH I P, vessel,Carria g e,wagon,baggage wag marine,craft,bottom.


riole,wain,dray,cart,sledge, Navy, fleet,flotilla,

sled, truck, tumbrel, barrow, armada .

wheelbarrow,hand b arrow. Man-Of-war,ship ofthe II

Euipage, turnout, carriage, l ine-of—battle-ship, first ra tecoac chariot, cha ise,p

haeton, ship,frigate,l Op Of war,tcurricle, post cha ise, d i igenc e, port,fire ship,bomb vessel,s tage,stage coach, car,omnibus, ship,tender.gig,cabriolet,cab,ca lash buggy, Ship, bark, brig,tandem, sedan cha ir, pa lanquin, s ch oone

l itter,velocipede . vette,cl '

Shovel, spoon, spatula, ladle, lugger,hod . steam er,

tug.Merchant shi merch antmat},packet,Wha ler,s laver,col lier coaster, l igh tiii' .B oa t, longboa t, innace, launch, sha l lop, j ollyboat,boat, Wherry, cock oat, fish ing boat, lifeboa t, gondola,lucc canoe,float,raft.Ga ley,brigantine,ga lleon,ga l liot,junk .

Ba lloon air ba l loon,aerosta t,pilot ba l loon,kite.Adv. Afloat,aboard .



274. VELO C ITY,speed ,celerity, swiftness, rapidity,fleetnes s,ex pedition, speediness, quicknes s,nimbleness,briskness,agility,promptnes s,promptitude,despatch,acceleration .

Haste,precipita tion, posthaste,hurry scurry, precipitancy, &c .,

68 1,forced march,race .

Rate,pace, step, ga it, course,progress .Ga l lop, canter, trot, run,rush,scamper

,am b le ;fl ight,dart,bolt,flying,&c .

Lightning, light,rocket, arrow,dart, telegraph,e x press tra in .

An eagle, antelope, courser,racehorse,gazelle, greyhound,hare,squ i rre l .

V. TO move quickly ; to trip,speed, ha ste, hie,hasten, press,pres s on,press forward,post, ushon,scamper,run,scud,scour,s oot,tea r,whisk, sweep, skim, brush,glance,cut along,dash on, dashorward s, trot,ga l lop,amble,troll,rush, bound, bolt, fl i t


da rt,boom.

T O haste,hurry,scramble,h asten, accelerate, expedite, urge,

RECOIL. 1 11


275. SLOWNEs s,tardiness,dilatorines s, Slackness, languor,drawl,see Inactivity,683 .

Retarda tion,slackening.

Hobbling, creeping, lounging,&c .,

claudica tion, hal ting, j ogtrot,dog trot

,In incing steps .

A s low goer, lingerer, slowcoach,drone,tortoise, sna il,slug.

V. T O move slowly, to creep,crawl,lag,drawl, dawdle, linger,loiter


,trudge,flag, saunter,lounge

,lumber, tra i l, grovel,glide

,steal a long,j og on, rub on,ha lt,h ob b le,l imp,sh amb le,mince,

fa lter,totter,stagger.TO retard,slacken,relax,check,rein in,curb

,strike sa il,reef.

Adj. Slow,slack, tardy,dilatory, easy, la zy, languid, drowsy,sleepy,heavy,drawling,s luggissna il- like, creeping, crawling,&c ., lumbering,hobbling.

Adv. Slowly, &c ., gingerly,softly, gently, leisurely, delibera tely,gradually,&c .,144,lamely,&c . at a foot’s pace ; at a sna il ’space .

whip forwa rd, hurry, precipitate,quicken pace,ride hard.

To keep up with,keep pace wi th, outrun, outs trip, gainground.

Adj . Fast,speedy,swift,rapid,full drive,quick,fleet,nimble,agile,expeditious,prompt, brisk, frisky, hasty, hurried,flying,&c .

,ligh tfooted,nimble footed,w inged,electric,telegra hic .

dv. Swiftly,with speed,speedi ly,trippingly, &c ., apace,posthaste,by express,by te legraph,headlong .


276. IMPULSE,momentum,impetus, push, impulsion, thrust,shove, jog, jolt, brunt, booming,throw ; volley,explosion, 173 .

Percussion, collision, cc acus

277. RECO I L, retroaction, re

vul s ion,reaction,rebound, repercus s ion,rebuff, reverberation, reflux,springing back,&c .

Aspring,&c .,seeElasticity,3 25

1 12

s ion, clash, encounter, appulse,shock,bump .

B low, stroke, knock, pat, rap,hit,thump,pelt,kick, lunge,ca lc itration, reca lc itration, b ea ting,


V. T O recon ,react,spring back,fly back,bound back,rebound,reverbera te,repercuss .

Adj . Recoi ling,&c .

,on th e recoil,&c .

,reflucnt,repercussive .

972 .

Hammer,ma llet

,fla i l

,cudgel,bludgeon, cane, stick, club,

&c .

, ram, battering ram, catapult, ba listes, rammer, sledge

h ammer.Propulsion,284 ; Science Ofmechanic forces, Dynamics .V. T O impel,push,give impetus, &c .



,thrust,elbow, shoulder, j ostle, j ustle, hustle, j olt,encounter,clash,

fa ll foul of.To strike, knock, tap, pat, smite, butt aga inst, impinge,thump,beat, batter, elt,patter

,drub,buffet, belabor,whip,

&c .,see 972, lunge,ki ck,ca lc itrate,reca lcitra te .

To throw,&c .

,see Prope l,284,to shy.

Adj . Impell ing, &c ., impuls ive, impellent, impelled, &cb ooming .


278. D IRECTI ON, bearing,course, bent, inclination, drift,tenor, tendency, incidence, set,lean ing, bending, trending, dip,steerage,tack,stee ring, a im.

Aline, path, road,a im, range,quarter,point ofthe compas s,2 3 6,2 3 7, rhomb,azimuth .

V. To tend towards, go to,point to or at; trend, verge, inc line,dip,conduct to .T O make for or towards, aim

at, take aim level at, steer forkeep or hold a course,be boundfor,bend one’s steps towards,direct one’s course .Adj . D irected

,&c .,

direct,stra ight,undeviating.

Adv. Towa rds, to, thith er, directly, stra ight, stra ightforwards,628,point blank,before the wind,nea r the wind,close to the wind,whither, in a line with.

280. Going before .PRECESSI ON, leading,heading.

Precedenze in order,62 .

279. DEVIAT I ON, swerving,aberra tion, bending, refraction,sweep, sideling, straying, strag~gling

,warp ing, &c . d igress ion,

C i rcu i t, departure from, divergence,29 1,desultory motion.

Motion Sidewis e,s idling.

V. To a lter one’s course,deviate,depart from,turn,bend,curve,3 1 1, swerve, shift, wa rp, stray,stra ggle, sidle, diverge 29 1, d igress, wander meander,tack, turn as ide, turn a

erratic,cuitons,Adv. As tray from .

281. Going after.SEQUEN CE,fo l lowipg, pursuit,chas e,hunt.

1 14

286 .Motion towards .APPROAC H,appro x ima tion,ap

propinquation, appulse, afflux ,afl‘lux ion, pursuit, 622, collision,276 .

V. To approach,draw near,approximate, to near, drift, come,

get,go,draw near,&c ., to set intowards,make up to,ga in upon .

Adj . Approaching,&c .,apprcx



287.Motion from .

RECESSI ON, retirement, withd rawa l, retrea t, retrocession, see

283, departure 2 93, recoi l, 277,decampment,flight.Arunaway,a fugitive .

V. TO recede,go,move or flyfrom, retire, retreat, w ithdraw,come away,go or get away,drawback,shrink,move away .

To move Off,stand Off,fa l l back,march Off,decamp,sheer Off,boltslip away, run away, pack Oil)

fly, remove, abscond, sneak Off,slink away.

Adj . Receding,&c .,fugitive,run away,671 .

288.Motion towards,active ly .

ATTRACTI ON,drawing to,pulling towards,adduction,attractiveness .Aloadstone,magnet.V. To attract draw,pul l,drag,

&c .

,towards,adduce .

Adj . Attracting,&c .,attrahent,

adductive,attra ctive .

290. Motion nearer to.CONVERGENCE,appulse,meeting, confluence, concourse, conflux,congress, concurrence,concentrati on .

Resort, assemblage, 72,focus,V. To converge,come together,

unite,meet,fa l l in w ith,close inupon,close with,centre in, enteri n,to meet,come across .To gather together,unite,con

centrate,&c .

Adj . Converging, &c .,conver

gent,confluent, concurring, eoncurrent,centripeta l.

292 . Termina l motion at.

ARRIVAL, advent, reception,Welc ome,return .

Heme,goa l,resting-place,des

289. Motion from,actively.

REPULSI ON,(repellency push,driving from, repulse,ab uction,see Impulse,276 .

V. To repel, push, drive,&c .,from,(carry Off,) abduct .Ad


. Repel ling,&c repellent,repu sive,abducent,ab ductive .Int. Begone ! be Off! &c .,293 .

291. Motion farther Off.D IVERGEN CE, a

varication, radiatio44,dispersion,d iflunation

,73 .

Obl ique motion, s idling,a tion,2 79 .

V. To diverge,divaricateder, radiate, branch Off, fildraw aside .


distribute,shed,sow b

To sidle,To art, pa rt company, turn

away rom,wander from .

Adj . D iverging,&e ,divergent,radiant, wandering, ab erring,aberrant,centrifuga l .Adv. B roadca st.293 , Initia l motion from.

DEPARTURE, outs et, removal,exit, exodus, decampment,b arkation,flight.


tination,harbor,haven,port,landing-place .Meeting,rencounter,encounter.V. To arrive,get to,come,come

to, reach, atta in, come up with,come up to, make, fetch, evertake .

To light,al ight,dismount,land,d isembark, debark put in, putinto,visit,cast anc )r.

TO come upon,light upon,pitchUpon,hit,drop in,close with.

T O come back, return .

To meet,encounter,rencounter,come in contact, 199 .

Adj . Arriving,&c .


294.Motion into.ING REs s,entrance,entry,intro

gres s ion, admission, admittance,

intromission, introduction, insinnation, insertion, 3 00, intrusion,inroad, incursion, influx, Irruption,invasion,penetration, interpenetration, .

infi l tration, import,importation,immigra tion .

Amonth,door,&c .

, see Opening,260.

V. To enter,go into,come into,

set foot in, intrude,break in,invade, flow into, insinuate its elf,penetrate, interpenetrate, infi ltrate,to put into, &c .

, bring in,insert

,drive in,run in,wedge in,

3 00, intromit, introduce, import,

296 .Motion into,actively .

RECEPTI ON,admi s swn, importati on, immission,absorption,i ngurgi tati on,inha lation ; see Iusertion, 300.

Eating, swa l lowmg, deglutiti on,devouring ,gorgingD rinking, potation, Sip


suction, suck ing, draught, ib a

tion .

'Masti cation, manducation,ch ewmg .

Va lediction, adieu,farewel l .Astarting po int or post,place

Ofd eparture or emba rkation .

V. T O depa rt, go, set out, setOff, start,start Off, issue,go fortsa lly,sa l ly forth, s et forwa rd,beoff, move ofl


, pack off, begone ,get of? sheer off.

To leave a place, quit, retire,withdraw, go one’s way, takewing,take flight,fl it

,emba rk


on board, set sa i l, put to s ea,anchor,slip cable,decamp,

6 71 .

Adj . Departing, &c ., valed ictoAdv. VVh ence,hence,thence .295. Motion out of.EG REs s,exit, issue, emersion,emergence .Ex uda tion, 3 48, leakage, percolation, dis t illation, oozing ef

fluence, efllux , effusion, ra indropping, dripping, filtering, deflux ion, gush, trickling, erup t

ti on .

Ex port, expatriation, emigrati on .

An outlet, vent, spout, flue,chimney,pore,drain, sewer,3 50.

V. To emerge,emanate, i ssue,go,come,move,pas s,pour,flow,&c .,out of,pass off.

To transude,sex ud e leak,percola te, stra in, istil, dra in, ooze,filter, filtrate, dribble, trickle,drizzle, drip, gush, spout, run,flow out


,disembogue,3 48

297. Motion out Of,active ly.

EJECTI ON, emission, effusionrej ection, e x pulsion, detrus ion,ex trus ion .

D ischarge, ejection, evacuation .

Deportation,e x ile,banishmen t,relega tion,extradition .

V. To be let out,&c .

,to ooze,percolate

,fal l out to emi t,ej ect,expel,rej ect,discharge,gi ve out,

t let out,cast out,c lear out,sweep

1 15 .

1 1 6

V. TO admit, receive intromit,import, abs orb

,imbibe, inh a le,

let in, take in, readmit, resorb ,reabsorb sn fl up,suck in,swa llow, ingurgita te, ingulf.To eat,fare, feed, devour,in, gorge, engorge,fa l l to, st

cram,eat hearti ly,do j ustice to,gormandize,957.

To feed upon, l ive on, feastupon, carouse, batten upon, fatten upon,dine,&c .

,browse,gra ze,crop,chew,champ,gnaw,nibble,mas ti ca te .

To drink,quafi,sip, lap,dra inthe cup,ti ple,959 .


out,clean out,turn out,drive out1root out,pour out, shed, void,evacuate,disgorge,empty,dra in,extrude

,detrude, throw Off, spit,spi ll .

T O vomit,spew,puke,cast up,eructate,belch,give vent to,tap,Open the sluices,heave out,b a eout, shake Off.To unpack, unlade, unload,


T O banish, exile,deport.Adj . Emitting, &c .

, emittc .

Adj . Amitting, &c .

, admitted, &c .

, admiss ible ; omniv

orous .

298. FO OD, pabulum,a liment,nourishment, nutriment, sustenance,nurture


ender, provi s i on, prey, forage,pasture, pasturag e, fare, Cheer,d iet,regimen .

Comestibles,ea tab les Victua ls,meat, bread, b read stuflzs,Viands,

d el icac creature comforts,contents O the larder,pottage,pudd ing,ragout.

299 . EX CRETI ON, emanatiexha lation, exudation, secretievacuation653 ,prespir

V. To emana te,crete, exude, effuse,evacuate,disch arg e,&c 297.

Table,board,commons,good cheer,bill of fare,commi ss ariat, ordinary .

Mea l,repast,mess,dish,plate,course,rega le,rega lement,refreshment,refection,picnic,enterta inment feast,banquet ;breakfast, luncheon, lunch,dinner,supper, essert.D rink,beverage liquor,broth,soups,&c .

Adj . Eatable,e ible,esculent, a limentary,cerea l, culinary,nutritive,succulent,potable .300. Foreib le ingress .IN SERT I ON,putting in,implan

tation, introduction, interj ection,insinuation, planting, interca lation, inj ection, inoculation, importation,intervention,228,doveta i ling,wedge .

Immersion, dip, plunge, bath,submers ion, duck soak .

Inte rment,burying,buria l,&c .


3 63 .

V. To insert,introduce put into,import,th row in,interlard,in

301, Forcible egress .EXTRACT I ON, takimova l, e limination,evulsion,avulsion,wrench .


V. To extract, take out, draw,draw out,pull out,tear out,pluckout,wring from,w rench,rake up,grub up,root up,dredge,remove,get out, 185, educe, e lici t, ex tricate,e liminate .

TO express,8 neeze ou t.Adj . Extracts &c .

1 18

307. E1 EVAT ION, ra ising, lifting, erec t ion, l ift, sublevation,sublimation .

V. To elevate,ra ise,lift,uplift,upra ise, set up, erect, stick up,rea r,uprear,upbea r,upcas t,hoist,uphoist, heave, upheave,weigh,exa lt,sublimate .

T O drag up,fish up,dredge .

Adj . Elevated,&c .

3 09. LEAP, jump,hop,spring,bound,vault,sa ltation.Dance, caper, curvet,

cole .


3 11. Curvi linear motion .


V. To plunge,di duck, dive.

T O submerge, sumerse, s ink,ingulf.

C IRC U ITI ON, turn,w ind,c ircuit,curvet,excursion,c ircumvention,C i rcumnavigation,c irculation .

Turn ing,Winding,twi st,twi sting,wrench,evolution,twming,corl,c ircumambulation,meandering.

V. To turn,bend,wheel,put about, go round, or round about,to turn or round a corner, double a point,wind,whi sk, twirl,twist .Ad Turning,&c .

,circuitous .

Av. Round about.3 12. Motion in a continued circle .ROTATION,revolution,gyra tion,

roll, circumrota tion, c ircumgyration, volutation, c ircumvolution,convolution, whirl, eddy,vortex,whirlpool, gurge, a dizzy round ;Maelstrom,Cha rybdis .Awheel,screw,Whirl ig ig,rolling stone,windmill ; top.


3 13 .Motion in a reverse c irc le.EVOLUTI ON,unfolding,&c .,de

velopment, introversion, reversion ; eversion,2 18.

V. TO evolve, unfold, unroll,unwind, uncoil, untwist, unfurl,develop, introvert,reverse .


Adj . Evolving, &c ., evolved,c .

spindle,pivot,pin,hinge,pole,swivel.V. To rotate, roll,revolve,spin, turn, turn round, c ircumvolve,C i rcula te,gyrate,wheel,whirl,twirl,trundle,troll,rollup,furl,wa llow,welter.Adj . Rotating,&c .,rotatory,rotary,vertiginous,gyratory.

3 14. Rec iprocating moti on,motion to and fro.

OSC ILLATI O N,Vibration,undulation,pulsation,l ibration,nutation,swing,beat,shake,wa g ,seesaw,going and coming.

Adj . Descending,&c .,descend~ent.308. DEPRESSI ON, lowering,

aba sement, detrusion, reduction.

Overthrow, upset, prostra tion,subversion,overset,overturn,prec ipitation .

V. To depress,lower,let down,let fa ll, Sink, debas e, abase,reduce,detrude, cas t down .

Overthrow, overturn, upset,overset

,subvert, prostra te, level,

fel l cast,take,throw,fl ing,dash,pull,cut,knock, hew,&c .


Adj . Depressed, sunk, prostrate,&c .

3 10. PLUNGE,dip,dive,duck


Fluctuation,vacillation,dance lurch,rolling,pitching,tos s ing &c .

V. To oscillate,vibrate,undula te, l ibrate,wave,rock,swing,pulsate,beat,wag,nod,tick,play,dangle .

To fluctuate, vacillate, dance, curvet, reel, quake, ro l l, pitchflounder,stagger,totter, brandish, shake,flourish ; to move up anddown,to and fro,backwards and forwa rds to pass and repass .Adj . Oscillating,&c .,osci llatory,vibratory,undula tory,pulsatory,libratory,pendulous .


Adv. TO and fro,up and down,backwards and forwards,seesaw,Z igzag.

3 15. Irregular motion .

AG ITATION, stir,tremor, shake, ripple, j og,j olt, jar, trepidation,quiver,dance,restlessness,fl icker,flutter.D isturbance, perturbation, commotion, turmoil, turbulence, tumult,tumultuation,j erk,throe,convulsion,staggers,epilepsy,wri thing,ferment,fermentation,effervescence,hurly burly .

V. To be agitated, to shake, tremble, quiver, quaver shiver,writhe, toss about, tumble,stagger, ree l,wa g ,dance,wrigg e, stumble,flounder, shuffle,totter,flounce, curvet, prance, throb, pulsate,beat,pa lpitate,flutter,flitter,flicker.TO agitate,shake, toss,tumble,bandy,wield,brandish,fla flourish,whisk,j erk,h itch,j olt,j ostle,dis turb,shake up,churn, erment,effervesce,boil .


Adj. Shaking,&c .,agita ted,tremulous,desultory,shambling,sa lory.

C L A S S I I I .



3 16.MATER IAL ITY,corporei ty,corpora lity, materia lness, substantia lity,physica l condition .

Matter,body substance, brutematter, stuff, element, principle,materia l,substratum,frame .

Science of matter ; Physics,Somatology, Somatics

,Natura l

Philosophy, Ph Siea l Science,Experimenta l P ilosophy,Mate

ria ism.

3 17. IMMATER IAL ITY, spi ri tua lity,spirit,&c .


,immateria l e

Iiess .Personality,spiritualism.

V. To d is imb odAdj . Immaterial:incorporea l,immateriate, unextended, incorn

pora l, unbodied, d is in b od ied,spi ritual,e x tramundane unearthly ; Spiri tua l ist .Pers ona l,subjective .


Adj .Ma teria l,bodily,corporea l or corpora l,physica l,sens ible,tangible,ponderable ; Obj ective,materia li sti c .

3 18.WORLD, nature, universe ; ea rth, globe ; the wide world,

ph ere,macrocosm .

The heavens, sky,welkin,empyrean, starry heaven,firmament;the vault or canopy of heaven ; th e celestia l spaces,the sta rry host,the heavenly bodies, stars, asteroids, constella tions, ga la x y,milkyway,nebula &c .

mog raph y,Cosmogony orrery.

An a s tronomer,sta rgazer.

Sun, planets,satellites .Science of) the heavenly bodies : Astronomy,Uranograpliy,Cos

Adj . Cosmica l,mundane, terrestrial, terraqueous, terrene,sublunary,under the sun .

Celestia l,heavenly,starry,ste llar,nebular,&c .,s idereal, astra l .3 19.

GRAVITY,weight h eaviness grav itation, ponderosity,ponderousness, pressure, load,urden

,ba llast,a lump

,mass .Science Of gravity, ta tics .V. T O be heavy, to gravitate,

weigh,press,cuinb er,load .

Adj . Weighty, heavy, ponderOus, gravita ting, weighing, &c .,ponderable, cumbersome, mas

s ive,unwieldy,incumbent,super



I .

321. DEN SITY, solidity, solidness

,impenetrability incompres

s rb il ity,cohesion, coherence, c oh es ivenes s, 46, imporosity, impermeability,closeness,compactness

,constipa tion, consistence

spissitude,th ickness .

Specific gravi ty ; hydrometer,areometer.Condensation,conso lid ation,so

l id ification, concretion, coagulation,petrifaction, lapid ifieation,l a id eseence, vitrifica tion, crystall ization, precipitation, inspiss ation

,th ickening.

Indivi sib i li ty, indi scerptib i li ty,indissolvableness .

3 20. LEVITY, lightness, imponderability,buoyancy,a iriness,portableness .

A feath er, dust, mote, down,thistledown, flue, cobweb, gossam er straw, cork, bubble ; a

floa t,buoy .

V. T0 be light,to float,swim,be buoyed up .

Adj . Light, sub ti le, a iry, imponderable,etheria l, sublimated,floating,swimming,buoyant,portable .



3 22. RAR ITY,tenuity,absenceOf solidity, subti lity, sponginess,(porosity,) compressibility ; hollowness

,252 .

Ra refaction, expansion,dilatation,inflation,sub til l ization .

Ether,vapor a ir,g as, 3 3 4 .

V. T O raref expand, dilate,sub til l ize .

Adj . Ra re, subti le, thin, fine,compressible .


Rarefied, e x panded, dilated,sub til l ized,unsubstantia l,uncompact,uncompressed ; holl


fabric,framework,archi tecture,substance,constitution, intcontexture,tissue

,gra in,web,woof,nap,256,fineness or coarsen

of gra in .

Adj . Textural,structural,organic,anatomica l .F ine

,delicate,subtile—Coarse,rough-gra ined.

Pl' unsubstantia l,gossamery.

ULVERULEN CE, state Of powder dust, sand, shingledust,grit

,mea l, bran, flour, lima ture, fi lings,flocculence, efll

cence sandiness,friabil ity.

Reduction to powder, pulveriza tion, commdisinteg ration,contusion,tri turati on, levi3 3 1 .

Instruments for pulverization ; a mi ll,grater,rasp,fi le,pestle andmortar.V. To reduce to powder,to ulverize,comminute,granulate,

rate, levigatepound,bray,b

s crape, file, a rade, rub down, grind, gra te,eat,crush,crumble,disintegra te.

Adj . Powdery, granula r,mea ly,floury,farinaceous, branny,culent,dusty, sandy, gritty, efflorescent, impalpable,pulverizpulverulent,friable,crumbly,shivery,pulveri zed,&c .,a ttrite .

33 1. FRI CTI ON, a ttri ti on, confrica tion, rubbing, abras ion,contrition rub ,&c .

,scouring, l ima

ture filing,rasp ing.

Vi To rub , abrade, &c ., 3 3 0,fray, rasp, pare, scour,rub out.

3 3 2. Absence offriction .

LUBR I CATI ON, preventi

friction O i liV. T b lubri cate smooth,Adj . Lub ricat &c .


1 . F luids in g eneral .

FLUID ITY,fluid,(inc lud inInelastic fluid .

LIQU I D ITv,liqu idness,a l iquid,l iquor,lymph

,humor, j uice,s ap,

s erum,serosity. Solubility,solub leness .

Science of liquids at rest ; Hydrology Hydrosta tics .V. 0 be flu id or liqui d, toflow,run,3 48.

Adj . Liquid,fluid,serous,j u i cy,


Liquefied, uncongea led,melted,&c .,3 3 5 .

3 3 5. LI QUEFACTION fus ion,melting


Soluti on,dissolution,decoction,infusion,&c .,l iquescence.

oth ine lastic and elastic fl3 3 4, Elastic fluid.



Smoke,c loud,3 53 .

Sc ience ofelas ti c fluids ;atics,Aerosta ti cs .V.

‘ To emit vapor,seeAdj . Gaseous, aeriform,

rial, aeria l, a iry,vaporous,ti le,evaporable.

33 6 ,VAPOR I ZATION, volatili

zation, vaporation, evaporation,disti l lation sublimation,etion,vola til ity.


V. To render liquid,to liquefy,run,melt, thaw,fuse, solve,dissolve, resolve ; to hold in solution .

Adj . Liquefied, &c ., molten,liquescent,liquefiab le,soluble .


V. To render gaseous, vapori ze,volati liz e, evapora te,exha le,smoke,fume,steam,disti l,sub l imate .Adj . Volatil i zed,&c ., volati le,

evaporable .

2 . Specific Fluids .

33 7 WATER, serum, lymph,rheum.

_ D i lution, immersion, maceration, humecta tion, infiltrati on,sprinkling

, affusion, irriga tion,ba lneation,bath, inundation,deluge,see 3 48, a diluent.V. To be watery,&c .,to reek .

To ad d water to water, wet,moisten,3 3 9,dilute,dip,immerse,

plunge, merge, immerge, steep,uck, submerge, drown, soak,

3 38, AIR,common air,atmosph eric air.

The a tmosphere, th e sky, theopen air,weather,climate .

Science ofair ; Aerology .

Ex posure to the air orweather.Ad Conta ining air, windy,

flatuent,effervescent.Atmospheric,a iry,aerial,aeri

form .


,wash,sprink le,afl


use,splash,drench,s lop,irrigate,i nundate,deluge .To syringe, inj ect.Adj . Wa te aqueous,wet, aquatic, lymphati c, diluted,

&c .,reeking, ripp ing,soaking,washy, l py,diluent.3 39. MO I STURE,moistness,hu

mid ity,dampness,wetness,madefaction,dew,muddiness.V. To be moist,&c .

To mois ten,wet,damp,bedew,imbue,infiltrate,imbrue .Ad


. Moist, damp watery,undrie ,humid,wet,dank,muggy,dewy, rora l, (roriferous,) juicy ;

N sea, ma in, thedeep,brine,saltwater,tide,wavesur e,&c .,3 48.

&c.,trident.Adj . Oceanic, marine, maritime,pelagic.Adv. At sea,6n sea.

3 40 RYNESS,arid ity,drought.Ex swcation, desiccation, are

faction dra inage .V. To be dry,&c .

To render dry,to dry, dry 'uexsiccate,desiccate,drain,pareAdj . Dry,arid, dried, &c .,nudamped,husky,waterproof,juiceless,sapless .

3 42. LAND,earth,ground,cone, tinent,oasis, ma inland,peninsular,delta,isthmus,tongue ofland .

Cape, promontory, &c . 250,headland,point of land high land.Coast, shore, seaboard, seaside,seabank,strand,beach,bank,lea .

Soil, glebe, c lay, loam,marl,clod,rock,crag,&c .,206,mould,subsoi l.Adj . Terrene, contineuta l.


343 .GULF, b ay, inlet, bight,estuary, arm of th e s ea, armlet,

s ound, frith, lagoon, cove, creekstra it.LAKE, loch, mere, tarn, pond,pool,puddle

,well, standing wa

ter dead water,a sheet ofwater”fi shpond,ditch,dike,&c .

345.MARSH, swamp, morassfen,bog quagmire,slough .


.Marshy, swampy, boggy,paluda l.


3 . Fluids inMotion.

3 47. Fluid in motion.

STREAM,flow,current,jet,undercurrent.V. To flow,stream, issue .3 48, Water in motion .

RIVER,running water,j et,spirt,8 out, splash, gush, waterspout,s uice, wa terfa ll, fal l, cascad e,catara ct,inundation .

Ra in, shower, driving ra in,drizzle


luence, eflluence, efflux , effluxion, effusion,d eflux ion .

Spring, founta in, ri ll, rivulet,streamlet, runnel, brook, stream,torrent,rapids,flood, tide, springtide

,high tide, freshet, current,eddy, gurge,whi rlpool, regurg i

tation .

Confluence .

Wave,billow surge,swell,ripple,ground swe l,surf,breakers .Science of fluids In motion

Hydrodynamics,Hydraulics.V. To flow, run, gush, spout,

roll,jet,well, drop, drip, trickle,ooze,2 95, percolate, disti l, transude,stream,sweat,perspire,over

3 49. Air in motion.

WIND draught, breath, air,breath of2 air,puff,zephyr,blow.

Gust, blast, breeze, squa ll,gale, storm, tempest, hurricane,whirlwind,tornado,simoom,monsoon,trade w ind,s irocco,windiness .Sufllation

To breathe,pufflwh iffie,whsnufil e sneeze,cough.

To an, venti late, inflate,flate,blow up.

Adj . B lowing, &c .,breezy, gusty, squa lly,tempestuous,blustering.

flow,flow over,spla sh,gurgle,spurt,regu rgitate .

To ra in,ra in hard, our with ra in,dri zz le,set in .

To flow Into,fall Into, open into,discharge itself,d isembogue,disgorge,meander.To cause a flow,to pour, drop, disti l, splash, squirt,

3 44. PLAIN, table land, (plateau,) open country,th e fa ce of

the country, champa ign country,basin,downs,waste,steppe,pampas,savanna,pra irie,hea th,com~

mon moor,moorland .Mb adow,mead,pasturage,park,field,lawn, terrace, esplanade,sward, turf, sod, heather ; lca,grounds, leasure grounds .

Adj. ampestrian, a lluvial,champaign .

346 . ISLAND, isle, i slet, reef,breaker.Adj . Insular.




l . Vitality in g eneral.

3 57. DRGAN I ZAT I ON, the or

g mized world, organized nature,living nature, animated nature,living beings.3 59. LIFE vital ity anima

tion,the vita l spark orflame ; thebreath of l ife .

Vivification,revivification .

The science of l ife ; Ph ys iology,the anima l economy.

V. To be living, a live, &c ., tol ive,brea the,respire,draw brea th,to be born .

To come to life, to revive, tocome to .

To bring restore, or recal l tol ife, to vivif revive,revivify.

Adj . Livmg, a l ive,above g round breathing.

Vita l, vivifying, vivified, Prometh ean .

in l ife,

3 58. IN ORGAN I ZAT ION, th e

minera l world or kingdom,unorganized, inorganic, brute, or ihanimate matter.3 60. DEATH,decease,dissolu-wtion, demise, departure, expiration,termination,close or ex tinction of life, existence, &c .,mor

ta l ity, fa l l, doom, fate, release,rest, loss,bereavement .Last breath, last gasp, lastagonies, the death rattle, dyingbreath, agonies of death, dyingagoni es .V. To die,expire,breathe one’slast,cease to live,depart this life,be no more, go off, drop off,loseone’s life,drop down dead,resign,relinquish,or surrender one’s l ife,drop or sink into the grave,close

one’s eyes .Adj . D ead, l ifeless, dece

gone,departed, defunct, exanimate, inanimate, out of


Dying, expiring in the agony of death, &c .,going,lebbing,going off, ife-fa i ling.

3 61. Destruction of l ife,violent death .

K I LL ING,homicide,murder,assassination,blood,gore,b locslaughter,carnage,butchery,massac re .

Suicide,execution, see 972,deathblow.

Slaughter house,shambles .A butcher, slayer, murderer, assassin, cutthroat, execution

see 975 .

V. To kill, put to death, l ay, murder, assassinate,butcher, imm ol ate, massacre, take away life, makedes atch .

o strangle,throttle, choak,stifle,sufloc ate,smother,drown,hang ;to commit suicide ; to make away with one’s se lf.To cut down, sabre, cut to pieces, cut off, out the throat,stab,shoot,behead,decapita te execute,see 972 .

Adj . K i l ling,&c .

,murderous,slaughterous,b lood stair ed.Mortal,fatal,deadly,niortiferous,suic idal,657.

Includ ing th e l ift bath offlam and anima ls .


03 62. CORPSE, corse, carcass, bones skeleton carn on,mains,ashes,earth,clay,mummy,foodShade, ghost.


relic,refor worms .

363 . INTERMENT,buria l, sepulture, inhumation,obsequies,exequies,funera l,wake,pyre,funera l pi le .Funera l solemnity,knell,passing b el l,tolling,dirge,requiem.

A Shroud, graveclothes,winding sheet, pa l l, hearse,urn,coffin,bi er.Grave, pit, vault, sep

ulchre, sarcophag us, tomb, shrine, crypt,cenotaph,mausoleum, cues of death, (the na rrow house,)mortuary,cemetery, churchya rd, graveyard,buria l ground,buria l-place,tumulus,catacomb,necropolis,ossuary,chamel house .Exhumation,disinterment.V. To inter,bury,lay in the grave,consign to the grave or tomb,intomb, inhume, lay out.To exhume disinter.Adj . Buried,&c .,funerea l,mortuary,sepul chral .

2 . Special Vitality.

384. AN IMAL ITY, anima l l ife,animation,breath anima lization .

3 66. AN IMAL,the anima l kingdom,fauna .

Ab east, brute, creature ; created being ' creeping or l ivingth ing dumb creature ; the beas tsof the field ; fowls of the air ;deni zens ofthe deep flock,fol d,h erd,flight.Mamma l,quadruped,bird,reptile,fish,mollusk, worm, insect,zoo'phyte, anima lcule, & c .

, menagerie,fossi l rema ins .Adj . Animal,zoiilog ical,pisca

tory, fishy,molluscous,vermicu

.ar,&c .

3 68. The science of anima ls :Zob Loc Y,Anatomy, Compa rative Anatomy,Anima l or Com

parative Physiology .

3 70. The economy or management of anima ls :DOMEST ICA’


I oN,(tra ining )V. To tame

,domesticate,tra in,

tend,&c .

3 65. VEGETABILITY,vegetab lelife,vegetation .

3 87. VEGETABLE,vegetable kingdom,ag e .

Tree, frui t tree, shrub, bush,creeper,herb,grass a perennial,an annua l, biennia l, &c ., an

exotic .Forest,wood,greenwood,bush,grove, copse, planta tion, thicket,underwood, brushwood, j ungle ;clump of trees ; garden,parterre .Herbarium,herba l .Adj . Vegetable, herbaceous,herba l, botan -

c, sylvan, woody,rura l,verdant.3 89. The science ofplantsB OTANY, Vegetable Physiol


nt, the

ora, herb

°gya3 71. Th e economy ormana g ement of plants :AG RI C ULTURE,cul tivation,hus~bandr fa rming, tillage,garden.

ing,orticulture, vintage, &c .,

a rboriculture,floriculture .

Vineyard,garden,bed,nursery,arboretum, hothouse, orcha rd,conserva tory.

Ahusbandman, horticulturist, gardener, florist, agriculturist,farmer.


Adj . Agricu ltura l, agrarian, a rab le, pastora l, bucol ic,»

agrestic . )3 72.MAe N D ; the human race or species ;man,human na ture,(humankind humanity,morta lity,flesh,genera tion .

The science Ofman : Anthropology,Ethnology,Ethnography.

Human being, person, individua l, crea ture, fellow-crea ture,morta l,body,somebody,one,some one,a sou l, l iving soul ; partypersonage ; i nhabitant,see 188.


,population, the pub l ic, society,the world,community,nation,state,rea lm,commonwea lth,republi c,common weal,na tiona l ity.


. Human, morta l, persona l, individual, cosmopolitan ; na

tiona c ivic,public,socia l .3 73 .MAN,manhood,virility. 3 74. WOMAN,fema le,feminalAgentleman, s ir,master, eo ity womanhood,mul ieb rit

man, c itizen, c it, deni zen, ur Womankind, the sex, t egess, c osmopolite, Wight, swa in, th e fa ir s ex ,th e softer (orel low,blade . sex .

Adj .Male, masculine, manly, Dam e, madam,mis trevirile . bel le,mDamsma iden,

Adj. Fema le,feminine,womanly, ylike,matrononly,girlish.


Sensation in general .


sens i tiveness,feeh ng,perCept1v1 TY obtuseness, dulnesty,acuteness,&c . ca lous ness,82 3 ,para lys rs .

Sensation, Impress ion, con V. To be Insensible,&c .

s crous nes s, 490. TO render insensible,to

T h e externa l senses,sensation . dull,benumb,pa ra lyze .

V. To be sensible Of, to feel, Adj . Insensible, unfeelperceive, be conscious of. sense le ss apathetic, ca llous,TO render sensib le,to sharpen . tuse, du ll, para]


c, &c .,To cause sensation,to impress, fected,untouch e &c .

excite,produce an impression.

Adj . Sensible, conscious, sens itive,sensuous,aesthetic,perceptive .Acute, keen, vivid, l ive ly,impreserve .


bodily enj oyment, anima l grati sufferancefication, luxury, sensua lity, vo smart, emiuptuousnes s .

V. To fee l,experience,receive,


h eat,in a glow,m a fever, in a

b laze &c .

Adj Hot, warm. mi ld, unfrozen,genia l, tep id, lukewarm,blood (warm,) th en ta l ca lorific


,su ltry,b a ing,boi ling

, b roiling, torrid,.

tropica l,canicular,glowing, pip ing,sca lding,reeking, &c ., on fire, afire,

fervid, fervent, ardent, nuquenched.

Igneous , fiered -hot, wh ite ot,smoking,bla zing.

Une x tinguished,smouldering.

3 84. CALEFACTI ON,increas e ofemperature,heating.

Melting, fusion, liquefaction,thaw, liquescence .

Burning, combustion, cremation, cautery, roasting, broiling,frying, torrefaction, s corification,b randing, incineration,cinera tion,carbonization .

Boi ling,coction, ebullition,simmering

,scalding, decoction,smelting, incineration .

Ignition, inflammation, settingfire to,d eflagration,arson,conflagration,(incendia rism . )Inflammab il ity,combustibility.

V. T O heat,warm,fire,set firekindle,light ignite .

To melt,thaw,fuse, l iquefy .

Ad . Cold, cool, chill, gel l dfrigid],bleak,raw,inclement, b itter,biting,cutting nipping, piercing, fresh, pinched, shivering,&c ., aguish, frostbitten, frostnipped, frostbound



Icy, glacia l frosty, freezing,wintry, bruma l, hiberna l,b orea l,arctic hyemal, hyperborea l, i ceboun

3 85. REFRIGERAT I O N, infrigidation,reduction of temperature,cooling,freezing,congea ling,congelation,cong lac iation .

V. To cool,refrigerate congea l,freeze, benumb, refres damp

,slack, quench, put out, blowout, extinguish, starve, pinch,out, erce .

A Cooled,frozen,benumbed.&c .. igorific .

Incendia ry .

to, set on fire, kindle,en

To burn,inflame,roast,toast,broil,fry,s inge,parch,scorch,

b rand, scorify, torrif bake, cauteri ze, sear, char, ca lcrne,incinerate,smelt,re uce to ashes .To boil,stew,cook,seethe,sca ld,parboil,simmer.

To take fire,catch fire,kindle, light,ignite .

Adj . Combustible,heating &c .

3 88. FURNACE, stove, ki ln,oven,bakehouse, hothouse, con

s ervatory, focus,fireplace, grate,(range,) sa lamander, heater,wa rming pan, stew pan, boi ler

3 87. REFRIGERATORY, icehouse,freez ing mi xture,cooler.

ca ld ron,kettle,chafing dish,gridi ron,frying pan,sudatory.

3 88 FUEL,firing, coa l charcoa l, peat,firewood,fagot, combustible,tinder,touchwood, lucifer,brand,match,firebrand,inceiembers .3 89, THERMOMETER. pyrometer,ca lorimeter,thermos cope ; (isothermal .)


3 .

390.TASTE,fla r or,gust,savor,

sapor, twang, smack, aftertaste,sa id ity.

as tmg,gustation,degustation .

Palate,tongue, tooth,stomach.

V. To tas te, savor,smack,flavor.Adj . Sapid,gustab le,gustatory,

s aporific .

13 1


3 91. l rpID IT r,tastelessness,insipidness,vapidr ess,mawkishness,mildness .

V. To b e void of tas te,to betas te less,&c .

Adj . Insipid,tasteless,gustless,savorless, i stib le, mawkish,flat,vapid,mi ld un tas ted.

3 92. PUNC EN CY, s trong taste, rac ines s, saltness, sharpness,roughness .V. To be pungent,&c .

T O render pungent,to season,spice,salt,pepper,Adj . Pungent,high-flavored sharp,piquent,racy,p

ickle .iting,mordan t,spicy seasoned,high-seas ons hot,peppery.

Sa t,sa line, b rackish.

3 93 . COND IMENT,salt,mustard,pepper,cayenne,curry,(catchup,sauce,) seas oning,spice .3 94, SAVO RINESS, pa latableness,da intiness,delicacy, re l i sh,zest

Atidbit,dainty, d elicacy, ambros ia nectar.V. To be savory,&c .

To render a latab le,&C .

To relish,°

ke .

Adj . Savory,well-tas ted, palatable, nice, dainty, delectable,delicate,delicious,exquisite,rich,luscious,ambrosial.

3 98. SWEETNESS, nectar, eu

gar,Si rup,treacle,molasses,honey,manna, confection, conserve,jam, j ulep, suga r candy, plum,sugar plum, comfit, swee tmeat,nectar,honeysuckle .

V. To be sweet,&c .

To render sweet, to sweeten,candy,dulcify .

Aj . Sweet,saccharine,dulcet,candied,honeyed,luscious,nectan ous .

3 98. OD OR,smell,scent,efflu

3 95. UNSAvOR I NEs s, umpa latab leness, bitterness, acrimonyacritude,rough ness,acerbity,ga llan d worrnwood .

V. To be unpa latable,&c .

To sicken, disgust, nauseate,pa l l .Adj . Unsavory, unpalatable,i l l-flavored,bitter,acrid, acrimo

nious rough .

Oflzen s ive, repulsive, nasty,sickening, nauseous, nauseating,disgusting, loathsome, a ll ing.

3 97. SO URNESS, a cid acidity,ta rtness, crabbedness, hardness,roughness,th e acetous fermentati on .

Vinegar,verj uice,crab .

V. To be sour, &c ., set theteeth on edge .

To render sour,turn sour,acidify,acidulate .

Adj . Sour, a cid, acidulous,sourish, tart, crabbed, acetous,acetose,hard,rough .

3 99. IN OD OROUSNEts,absencevium,fume,e x halation, essence. or want 0 smell.

13 2

The s ense of smell, act Of



V. To be inodorous,Adj . Inodorous,scentless,want

V. To have an odor, to smell ing smell, inodora te .of,to exha le, to give out a smell,&c .

To smell,scent,snuff.Adj . Odorous,Odoriferous, smelling, s trong-scented, pun


Relating to the sense Of smell ;400. FRAG RAN CE, a roma,red

Olence,perfume .

Incense musk, frankincense,ottar, bergamot, ba lm, scentbag,nosegay .

V. To perfume,scent,emba lm.


. Fragrant, aromatic, redolent

,a lmy,scented sweet—smelling, sweet-scented, perfumed,muscadine .

Olfactory ; quick-scented .

401. FETOR, strong smell,stench,stink

,mustiness, fustiness, rancidity, foulness, putrea'

cence putridity.

V. To smell,to stink .

Adj . Fetid, strong-smelling,noisome, offensive rank, rancid,moul dy,musty,foul,frowzy,stinking, rotten, putrescent, putrid,putrefying,mephi tic .

5 . Sound .


402 . SOUND,noise,strain,voice,580, accent, twang, intonation,resonance ; sonorousness, audib lenes s .

Science of Sound ; Acoustics,Phonics, Phonetics, Phonology,D iacoustics .V. To produce sound ; to sound ;

make a noise ; give out or emitsound,to resound .

Adj . Sonorous,sounding,sonorific,sonoriferous,resonant,audible .

404. LouDNEs s, din, clangor,clang, roar, uproar, ra cket, hubbub , flourish Of trumpets, pea l,b last, echo, chorus, clamor, hueand cry, la rum,wh oop,vociferation, lungs .Stentor.Artil lery,cannon,thunder.V. T O be loud,&c .,to resound,echo, ree

' cho, pea l,clang, boom,thunder, fulminate, roa r,whoop,shout, 41 1, deafen, stun, pierce,split or read the ears or head.

403 . SI LEN CE, stil lness,qu ipeace, calm, hush, lull ;ness,581 .

V. To be si lent,&c .

To render s i lent, to sisti ll,hush,stifle,muffle,Adj . Si lent, sti ll, nor

soundless, inaudible, h&c .,mute,mum, solemn,deathlike .

Adv. Silently,softly,&c .

405. FAINTNESS,lowness,faint


Hoarseness,huskiness raucity.

V. To whisper, breathe,murmur, purl, hum, gurgle, ripple,babble,flow.

Adj . Inaudible, scarcely audible, low, dull, stifled, muffled,hoarse, husky, gentle, breathed,&c ., soft, floating, purl ing, &c .,

l iquid,mel l ifluous,ducet,flowing,soothing .

13 4

bawl, &cvoice.Adj . Vociferating,&c .,see


raise or l ift up the


Cuckoo,screech owl .V. To c ry,bellow,rebe l icw,&CAdj . C rying, &c .

, b .atant, latrant.


Pitch,note, tone, intonation,treble

,tenor, bass ; high or low,

acute or grave notes,alto,soprano,ba rytone,fa lsetto .Sca le, interval, gamut ; d iatonic,chromatic and enharmonic

s ca les ; key, (or c lef,) chords ;modulation,temperament,syncopatiou.

Staff,lines,spaces,brace ; b ar,rest.

414. D I SC ORD, discdissonance, jar, jarring,ony.

Hoarseness,croaking,V. To be discordantcroak

,gra te,jar.

Adj . D iscordant,Of tune,unmus icaous, inha rmoniousCacophonous, Iicroaking,grating, j arring,slous,&c .,4 10.

CON C ORD, harmony, unison, unisonance, concent, consonance,chime ; ha rmonics .V. To h armonize,chime,symphoni ze to be inunison,&c .

Adj . Harmonious harmonica l, in concord, in unison, intune,in concert, in armony,unisonant,symphonizing.Measured,rhythmica l,diaton ic,chromati c,enha rmonic .Melodious,musica l, tuneful, tunable,sweet,dulcet,cano

rous,mellow,mel lifluous,silver-toned,euphonious,euphonic,euph onica l,symphonious enchanting,ravish ing,&c .

415. MUSI C, tune, air, overture, symphony, accompanvariations ; fugue,march,wa ltz,&c .,serenade,Opera,oratoricomposition .

Instrumenta l music, solo, duet, trio, quartet, &c .

band, orchestra.

Voca l musiccle

,canzonet, ltrio,&c . ; glee,choir,chorus .

chant, salmody,psalm,hymn,song,sonnet,ay, b a l ad, ditty, pastoral, recitative z—Solo


D irge,requiem,lullaby,knell,lament.

Performance,execution,touch,expression,cadence .

V. To play,pipe,fiddle,strike,strike up,th rum,touch,8trumpet,&c .,execute,perform .

To compose, to set to music .

To sing, chant, hum,warb le,carol, chirp,ch irrup, purl, quaver,tri ll,shake,twi tter,whistle .To put in tune,to tune,a ttune,accord,string.

Adj .Musica l, harmonious,&c ., 41 3, i nstrumenta l,voca l, choral,operatic erforming,playing,singing,&c .

418. USI C IAN,performer,player,minstrel .Organist, pianist, ha rper,violinist,fiddler,flutis t,fiier, trumpeterpiper,drummer,&c . band,orch esata .


Voca l is t, s inger, songster, songstress,chanter,chantres s, troub adour,minnesinger.Ch orus,cho i r.417.


1 . Stringed instruments ; ha rp,lyre,lute,mandolin,guitar,cithern,rebec,&c .

Violin,fiddlePiano forte,

r’EO l ian harp,&c .

2 .

“Wind instruments ; organ,

Violoncello,b as svio l,doub leb as s,psalte ry,&c .

ha rpsichord, clavichord, spinet, virgina l, dulcimer,siren, pipe, pitchpipe, Pandeanpipes


,fife, clarionet, cornet, clarion,fla g eol et, hautboy, b assoon, horn, bugle, trumpet, trombone, accordeon, s'eraphina, b ag

pipes .3 . Vibrating surfaces , cymba l, bell, gong, tab or, tambourine,drum

,kettledrum,timbrei ; cas tanet,harmonica,sounding-board,&C .


418. Sense of sound .

HEAR ING,auscultation, listening,eavesdropping.

Acuteness, nicety, delicacy of


Ear, acoustic organs, auditoryapparatus,eardrum,tympanum .

A hea rer, auditor, l is tener,eavesdropper,andito audience .

T O hear, over ear hark,listen, hea rken, give or lend an


give a hea ring or audienceto .

419. DEAFNESS, hardnes s ofhearing,surdity .

V. To be deaf,to shut,stop,orclose one’s ears .To render deaf, to stun, to

deafen .

Phr. T O turn a deafear to .

Adj . Deaf hard of hearing,surd, dull of; hear ing, deafmute,stunned, deafened, having no


To become aud ible,to catch th e ear,to be heard.Adj . Hearing,&c .,auditory,auri cular,acoustic.

6 . Lig ht.


420. LIG HT,ray,beam,stream,gleam,s treak, enc il,sunbeam.

Day, da lig t, sunshine, sunl i‘ht, th e igh t Of d ay, the light

0 heaven, noontide, noonday,i ioontide light,broad daylight.Glimmer, glimmering, phos

ph ores cence,lambent flame,playof light.Flush,ha lo,glory .

Meteor,northern lights aurora

borea lis,ignis fatuus,will-o’-theWl sp.

421. DARKNESS, n ight, midnight,Obscurity,dusk,duskiness,gloom, gloom iness, shade, umbrage,shadiness .Obscura tion, adumbration, obfus cation, ca ligation, extinctioneclipse, penumbra, gathering ofth e clouds,dimness,422 .

V. T O be dark,&c .

To darken, Obscure, shade,dim, overcast, overshadow Oh

fus cate, obumbrate, adumbrate,

13 6

Spark, sparkling, emication,scintillation,flame, flash, blaze,coruscation, fulguration, lightning.

Lustre,shine,sheen,gloss, tins el,spang le,brightness,bri ll iancy,refulgence da zzlement, resplendence,(splendor,) luminousness,lucidity,

lucidness,radiance,transp endency, i l lumination, ir

radiation,glare,flare,glow,effulgence .

V. To shine,glow,glitter,gl iseu,glister,twinkle,gleam,flare,glare, beam, irradiate, shoot outb eams,shimmer s arkle,s cintillate,coruscate,fla s blaze,d azzle,hang out a light ; to clear up,brighten .

To i ll uminate,i llume,il lumine,enlighten,l igh t, light up, irradi

ate,shine upon cast lustre upon,cast,throw or shed a l ight upon ;to brighten,(relume .)Adj . Luminous,Shining,glowing,&c .,sheen,glossy, lucid, lu

zent, luculent, lustrous, glassy,clea r,bright,scintillant,uncloudcd,sunny,orient,noonday,noontide, beaming, vivid, splendent,radiant,radiating,cl oud les s,c lear,unobscured.

Ga irish,resplend ent,transplendent, refulgent, effulgent, in a

b laze,relucent,splendid,blazing,meteoric,burnished .

423 . Source oflight,self- luminous body .

LUM INARY, sun, Phoebus,(moon,) star,orb,meteor,galaxy,blazing star,glowworm,firefly .

Artificia l light, flame, torch,candle, flamb eau, l ight, taper,lamp, (gasl ight,) lantern, rush


cast in the shade, becloud,bedim,put out,'

e x tinguis h .

To cast throw or Spread a .

shad e or gloom .

Adj . Dark, unenlightened, Ohscure,da rks ome, tenebrious, rayless

,beamless,sunle s s,pitch dark,pitchy,ca liginous,Stygian,Cim

meri a ii .

Sombre,dusky,unilluminated,nocturna l,dingy, lurid, overcast,cloudy,murky, shady, umbrageous .

422. D IMNESS,pa leness,glimmer,glimmering, nebulous ne ss,nebulosity


,film,mi st,ha ze,

fog, smoke, haz iness.

eclipse,cloudiness, dawn, lWl ll gh t, crepus cule,moonlight .V. TO be dim,&c .

,to glimmer,loom,lower

,twinkle .

T O grow dim, to render dim,todim,Obscure,pa le .

Ad D im,dull, lacklustre,dingy,glassy,fa int,confused .

C loudy,misty, ha zy, foggy,nebulous



pus cular, lurid.

424. SHADE, screen, curtain,vei l,mantle,mask ; C loud,mist,gauze blind.


Adj . Umbrageous,&c .

l ight,firework,rocket,b luel igh ts,electric light.Chandelier,candelabra,girandole, lustre,sconce .Lighthouse,beacon,watch fire,cresset.Adj Self-luminous,phosphoric,phosphorescent.425, TRAN SPAREN CY, (trans

'ucency,) pellucidn ess, lucidity,l impidi ty,water.

426 . OPAC ITY, thickness, turdnes s,Opaqueness,muddiness,film,haze.


late liver-colored,maroon,foxy, brunet te, sal low.

V. TAdj . Brown,&C .

Primitive Colors .

43 4. REDNESS,scarlet,vermili In, crimson, pin-k, ca rnation,4amask, ruby, ca rbuncle, rose,ub es cence, rosiness, ruddiness,ru b icundity, blush, color, fleshcolor.V. To become red, to b lush,flush,mantle,redden .

To render red,redden

, rouge,

Adj . Red ruby crimson, inkrose-colored,blushing, mant ing,blood-red claret

,rubiform, sorrel

43 6. Y’ELLOWNESS, buffcolor,flesh color,crocus,saffron,&c .

Adj . Yellow, C itron, gold-colored,aureate,c itrine,fallow,fulvous, saffron, lemon, sulphur,amber, straw-colored, sandy-colored, cream-colored.

43 8. BLUENESS, bluishness,azure


,ultramariii e,bloom.

Adj . B lue, cerulean, sky blue,sky-colored, a zure, bluish, s aphire .


o render brown,to tan,&c .

Complementary Colors .

43 5. GREENNEs s,verdure,(verdancy,) emera ld,verdantiqueAdj . Green,verdant,pea-greengrass-green, apple-green, Sea

green,olive-green, bottle-green,virescent.


&c ., ruddy,florid,roseate,&c ., erubescent, rubicund,

43 7. PURPLE,violet, pluvender, l i la c,peach color ;ness .Adj . Purple,violet, l ivid,&c .

43 9. ORANGE, gold,copper,brass,apricot color.Adj . Orange,golden,&c .

440. VARIEGATI ON, iridescence, play of colors, variegatednpatchwork

,maculation,spottiness .

Ara inbow,iris,tulip,peacock,chamelion,butterfly,tortoiseleo ard,zebra,mother-of—pearl,Opa l,marb le .To be variega ted,&c .

To variegate,speckle,stripe,streak,checker,bespeckle, inlay.Adj . Variegated,many-colored,colored

,polychromatic .

Iridescent,prismatic,opa line,pearly,shot,pied, ieb ald,motlemottled,veined, marbled, paned, dappled,c loud e ,al l manner

colors .

many-hued,d ivers-colored,party


Mosa ic, inlaid, tesselated,Checkered,tortoise shell .Dotted,spotted, b esg

otted, spotty, speckled, bespeckled,maculated,freckled,stud d eStriped, stri ated, streaked,_

b arred, veined, brinded, brindled,tabby,grizz led, l isted .


s ight, view, look, espial,glance,442. B LI ND NESS,cataract,meotatron,w ink,b l ink.


glimpse,peep, gaze, stare,’

leer,perlustra tion, contemplation, re .

gard, survey, introspection, ins

pecti zn, speculation,watch, oc

uar demonstration .

Apo int of view, vista, loophole,field of vi ew, theatre, am

ph ith eatre, horizon, arena,com

manding view,periscope .

The organ of vision ; the eye ;the naked or unassisted eye,retina,optics .Perspicacity, lynx, eagle,Ar

gus .

V. To see, behold, discern,have in sight, descry, catch a

sight,glance,or glimpse of,spy,espiy .

0 look, Vi ew, eye ; to Openor set one’s eyes on look on or


V. To be blind,&c .,not to see,to lose sight of.Not to look,to close or shut th eeyes, to look another way,to turn

away or avert th e eyes,to w inkblink,nicta te .

To render blind,&c .

,to put outthe eyes, to blind, blindfold,hoo dwink,dazzle .

Ad B lind, purblind, eyelesssight ess,dark, stone-blind,sandblind,sta rk-blind,da zz led,hoodwinked, blindfolded,und isceriii n O



34a . Blindly,&c .,blindfold.

one’s eyes,glance on ; cas tupon ; turn or bend one’slooks upon ; turn the eyes to ; peep, peer, scan, survey,glance round,reconnoitre, inspect, recognize, mark, regard,watch, contemplate, speculate, discover, distinguish, see

through,specu late .

To look intently,stra in one’s eyes,stare,gaze,pore over,gloa t on, leer og e,see 459 .

Adj . Visual,ocular,optic,Optical .Seeing,&c .

,the eyes being directed to,fixed,riveted upon .

Sh arPSIgh ted, quicks igh ted, eag le-eyed, hawk-eyed,lynx-eyed,keen-eyed,Argus-eyed,piercing,penetrating.

Adv. Vi sibly,&c ., in sight Of, to one’s face,before one’sface,with one’s eyes Open ; at sight,at first sight,at a glance .443 . Imperfect vis ion .

D IMSI G HTED NESS, confusion of vision, fa il ing sight,shortsig h teduces, longsightedness, squint,strabism,cast of th e eye .

Fa llacies of vision ; refraction, fa lse light, phantasm,dis tortion,looming,mirage,ign is fatuus,phantasmagoria,dissolving views,&c .

V. T O be dimsighted,&c .,to see double,to squint,look a skant oraskance to see through a prism,wink .

To glare,da zzle loom .

Adj . D imsighted, h a lfs igh ted, shortsighted, nears ighted, rcngsighted,blear-eyed,winking.

444. SPECTATOR, looker on, bystander, inspector,spy,beholder,Observer,stargazer,&c .

V. TO witness,behold,&c .,441 .

445. OPTI CAL INSTRUMENTS, lens,magnifier,microscope,spectac les, glas ses, goggles, eyeglass, (Opera glass,) telescope, spyglass,glass .M irror,reflector,speculum,looking glass,pier glass,kal e idoscopePrism,camera obscure,mag i c lantern,phantasmagoria .


448. V SI BIL ITY,perceptib il i

ty,conspicuousness,distinctness,conspicuity,appearance .

V. To be visib le, &c , to appear, come in sight, come intoview

,heave in sigh t,open to theview

,catch th e eye,Show its fa ce,

present itself, sh ow itself,maniest itself,produce itself,discoveri tse lf, revea l i tself,e x pose itself,betray itself, come out, come tolight

,come forth, come forward,

arise,peep out,peer out,start up,loom,glare,burst forth.


. Visible, perceptible, discerni le,in sight,ap

parent,pla in,manifest, patent, O vions, clea r,distinct

,definite, well-d efined,

well-marked, recognizable, evident, unmistakable, palpable,naked, bare, barefa ced, ostensib le,conspicuous,prominent,staring

,gla ring, notable, notorious ,overt, above-board, exposed to

view, (phenomena l .)

Inte l ig ib le,&c .,see5 18.

448 APPEARAN CE, ph enome

non, S

ight, spectacle, s ow,premonstration, s cene, view, lookout,prospect

,vista, perspective,bird’s eye Vi ew, scenery, land

s cape,picture,di splay,exposure .Pageant,spectacle,raree show,panorama, diorama .

Phantasm,phantom,appari tion,spectre,mirage,&c .,

Aspect,phase,seeming,guise,look, complexion, s h ape, mien,air,cast,carriage,port,demeanor,presence, expression, first b lush .

Lineament,feature, tra i t, lines,


447 INVISI B IL ITY, indis tinctness, imperceptibility, non-appearance, concea lment, latency,526 .

V. To be invisible, &c .

,to liehidden, concea led, &c ., to be inor under a cloud, in a mist, in aha ze,&c . ; to lurk,lie in ambush,skulk .

Not to see,&c ., to be blind to.To render invis ible, to hide,concea l,&c .,528.

Adj . Invisible, Imperceptible,unseen, iinb eh eld, undiscerned,viewless, undiscernible, indiscern ib le, s ightless, unapparent,non-a parent, hid, hidden, concea led


&c .,528,covertConfused, d im, Obscure, dark,mis ty, ha zy, foggy, indistinct,shadowy, il l-defined, indefinite,i ll-marked, blurred, shadowy,nebulous, hazy, C louded, misty,shaded,screened,veiled,masked.Unintelligible,&c .,see 5 19.

449. D ISAPPEARANCE,evanescence,eclipse,occultation .

V. TO di sappear, vanish, dissolve,fade,melt away, pass, b elost, 810 .

To efiace,blot,blot out,erase,rub out,expunge,552 .

Adj . D isappea ring, &c ., los t,vanish ing, evanescent .

missingunconspicuous,Inconspi cuous.

Outline,face,countenance,ph s iognomy,visage,phiz,profile,(contour. )To seenu


look, appear, show ; to present,wear,carry,have,bear,exh ib i t,takp',take on

,or assume th e appearance

of; to look like ; to beTo show,to manifest,&c .,525 .

Adj. Appa rent, seeming,&c .

sible,see 446 .

Adv. Apparently,to a l l appearance,&c .,on th e face of it;

at the first blush ; in full view.


V. To t!.ink, reflect, cogi tate,excogitate, consider, delib era te,speculate,contemplate,medita teponde r, muse, rumina te, broodover animadvert,con over,study,bend or apply th e mind, digest,discuss,weigh,take into account,take into consideration.


Adj . Va cant, unintellectua l,unidea l, 499, unoccupied, un~

thinking,inconsiderate, thought

less, absent, ina ttentive,458, diverted,distracted, (a b stracted )unbent,&c .

Unthought Of,uncons idered,nudreamed .

To harbor,enterta in, ch erish,nurture,&c .,an idea or a thought,

a notion,a View,&c .

To enter th e mind, come intc the head, occur, presentit


self,pas s in the mind,suggest itse lf to fancy,trow,dream0

TO make an impression ; to sink or penetra te into the mindto fas ten itself on the mind .

Adj . Thinking,&c .,

though tful,pensive,meditative,reflect ive, wistful, contempla tive, speculative, (philosophica l,ahstract) deliberative,studious,sedate,Platonic .C lose,a ctive, diligent, ma ture, deliberate, labored, s tead

fast,deep, profound, intense, &c .

, thought, study, reflection,Intent


, absorbed, deep-musing, rapt, abstracted453 , Object Of thought. 454,

Subject Of thought.IDEA, notion


,TO P I C, subj ect,matte r, th emm

thought, fancy, conceit, impres thesis,sion, perception, image, senti proposmen t, see Opinion, 484, fantasy, affa ir,flight Offancy. argument, motion,head, chapter ; ni ce or subpoint, moot point, problem,

46 1

Adj . Thought of.

Point Of View, light, aspect,ield ofView.


455. The desire Of knowledge .

CURI OSITY curiousnes s,inquisiti venes s .

V. To be curious,&c .,to takean interest in, to stare, gape ; tosee sights, to l ionize .

Adj . Curious, inquis itive, In

quiring,over-curious,staring,gapIng,agape .

457.ATTENTI ON, advertence,

advertency,observance, Observation, notice, heed, look, regard,

458. 1NATTENT I ON, incons id~

eration, Inconsiderateness, mad:vertence, Inadvertencv, non-Ob o

456. Absence of curi osity.

IN C UR IO SITY, inwant Of interest.V. To be incurious, &c ., to

have no curiosity,take no interestin,&c .,not to ca re,not to mind,&c .

Adj . Incurious,uninquismve


View, remark, inspection, introspection, mindfulness, lookout,watch,Vig i lance,circums pection,consideration, revision, review,revise, particularity, see Care,459 .

Close, intense,deep, profound,&c . a


tention, applica tion orstudy.

V. To be attentive,&c . ; to attend

, advert to, mind, obse rve,look,look at, see,view, look to,see to,remark,heed,notice,takeheed

,take notice,mark ; give or

pay attention to ; give heed to,ave an eye to ; turn, hend,) apply or direct th e min th e eye,or th e attention to ; look after,give a thought to,animadvert to,occupy one’s selfwith.

To examine cursorily ; to

glance at,upon,or over ; cast orpas s the eyes over,run over,turnover the leaves, dip into, pers tringe to revert to .

To examine closely or intently,(scrutinize ;) to consider, gi veone’s mind to, overhaul, poreover,note,mark,inspect,reviewto fix th e eye,mind,thoughts,orattention on, keep in View, contemplate,&c .,45 1 .

To fa ll under one’s notice, Observation


servance, disrega rd , regardless

ness, unmindfulne s s, giddiness,thoughtlessness,see Neglect,460,wandering, distracted,&c .


tion .

Absence ofmind, abstra ction,preoccupation,distraction,revery,brown study.

V. T O be inattentive, &c .

, tooverlook,disregard,pass by,slurover,pass over,gloss over,blink,miss,skim,skim the surface,460.

To ca l l Off draw Off, ca ll away,dive rt,&c ., the attention ; to distract ; to disconcert,put out,discompose, confuse, perplex, b ewilder.Adj . Ina ttentive,mindless nuob servant, unrn indful, inadver

tent, heedless, regardless, careless,see 460,unwa tchful, listless





ursory, percursory, blind, d eac .Absent, abstra cted, lost, preoccupied,dreamy,napping.

D isconcerted,put out,&c .

,dizzy,see 460.

Adv. Inattentively, &c ., cavz

l ierly.

&c .

, to catch th eeye ; to catch, awaken,wake, invite, so lic it, attract, cla im,excite




, a rrest, fix, engross, absorb,rivet,&c .,th e attention,mind,or thoughts .Adj . Attentive,mindful, heedful,regardful, a live to,bearing in mind

,occupied with

,engaged, taken up with, eu

g ros sed, rapt in,absorbed.

Awake,watchful, 459, broad awake, wide awake, intenton, with eyes fixed on

, open-eyed, undistracted,upon thestretch.

459. CARE, caution, heed,heedfulness,wa riness, prudence,discretion,698,watch ,vig il,watchfulnes s,vigilance,c ircumspection,watch and ward, deliberation,forethought, solicitude, precaution;673,scruple,scrupulousness,scrupulos ity,particularity.

480.NEG LECT, negligence,omission,heedlessness, carelessness

,remissness,imprudence,s et

curenes s,indiscretion,incautiousness,indiscrimination, rashness,

86 3 , recklessness .V. To be negligent, &c ., to

neg lec t, pas s over, omit, pre~

1 44

V. To be ca reful,&c .,to takecare,have a care,look to it,heed,take heed,keep watch, keep

watch and wa rd, set watch, takeprecautions .Adj . Careful, cau t ious, heed

ful,wa ry,guarded,on one’s gua rd,on the a lert,on the watch,watchful, on the lookout awake,Vig ilant, circumspect, broad awake,h aving th e eyes Open,Arguseyed .

D iscreet, prudent, surefooted,provident, s cru nlous, pa rticular.Adv. Careful &c .,with care,

840 .


te rmit, s et as ide, cast or pe r

aside .

T O overlook,disregard,pass by,s l igh t, pa y no rega rd to, makelight of, trifle with,wink at, con



,unseen,unnoticed,unnoted, unmarked, unattended to,overlooked, unmissed,uii ex amined, uns tudied,unscanned,unweighed,unsifted .

461.INQU I RY,search ,resea rch,

nes t,pursuit,examination,s crutiny, investiga tion, inquest, in

quis ition,exploration,sifting,ca lculation,ana lysis,dissection,reso lution,induction ; th e (inductiveor)Baconian meth od a sea rchinginquiry.

Questioning,asking, inte rrogation,interrogatory, examination,cross ex ammation,cross questioning, catechism th e Socra tic

meth od.

Reconnoi tring, ryl ng, spying,esp ionage ; th e amtern of D i

agenes .Subj ect Ofinquir QUEST I ON,moot-poin


,diffi culty,problem, desi eratum, point to bes olved ; point or ma tter in dis

462. AN SWER,rereplication,rejoind etort,repartee,antiphedgment.

Explanation,tion, exposition,pretation,52 2 .

Akey,master key,clew.

V. TO answer, re spond,rebut,retort,rej oin,give or

To expla in,pound,d ec iph522,to unrid dknot


clew to.

Adj . Answering, res ond

&c ., responsive, respon e

pute ; question at issue,pla in question, fa ir question, openquestion, knotty point, vexed question .

Enigma,riddle,conundrum,a bone to p ick,Gordian knot.An inquirer,(investigator,)querist, uidnunc,newsmonger.V. To inquire,seek, search, look or, look about fo r


out for,cast about for,bea t about,grope for,feel for,reconnoitre, explore, sound, rummage, ransack, pry, look round,look over,look th rough .


Sca le,graduation,g raduated sca le,quadrant,theodolite,&c .,b al

ance, sca les, steelyard, beam,weather glass, barometer, areomo

eter &C .

V1. TO measure,mete,va lue,assess ,rate,appra ise,estimate,form

an estimate,set a va lue on,apprec iate,span, paceéste apply the

compass,rule,)s ca le,&c .,

gauge,plum b,probe,sounweigh


fat om,a lance,hold th e sca les, take an average,place in the beam,to take into account.

Adj . Measuring,&c metrica l,ponderab le,measurable .


467. EVI DEN CE on one Side,premises,data, indication, 550.

Testimony,testimoni a l,deposition

,declaration, attestation, tes

tification,authority warrant,warrari ty, surety, handwriting, autogra h, signature, indorsement,s ea ,sigi l, Signet, supe rscription,entry.

Voucher,credential,certificate,deed,indenture, docket probate,

affidavit,a ttestation,diploma ; admission, concession, a llega tion,deposition,citation,quotation,reference .Criterion, test,

Check, argument.Awitness,eye witness,indica

tor,earwi tness,deponent,tellta le,sponsor.Reason, proof, see Demonstration,478.


Ex parte evidence, one-sidedVi ew.

Secondar evidence,confirma

tion, corrO oration, ratification,sugp

ort,approva l.TO be evidence, &c ., toevince, Show, indicate, 550,

ply, involve, argue, admit

,nowledge, a l low concede

, cer

tify,testify,attest,bear testimony,depose,witness vouch for, sign,seal,se t one’s hand and sea l toindorse, confirm, ra tify, corrob

orate, support, bear upon, bearon to s eek volumes .

0 a duce, attest, c ite, quote,


468, Evidence on th e

side,on th e other hand.


Adj . Countervai ling,trad ictory. Unattested

489. QUALI F I CATI ON, tion, modification, a llg ra ins Of a llowancetion, extenuatingcondition, proviso,assumption,5 14.

V. To qua lify,a llow for, maketake into account, inconditions,admit ex cepexception .


. Qual ifying,

&c .

tiona , ex ceptiona , 83,tory,hypothetica l,5 14 .

Adv. Provided, if, unlyet, according as, cadm itting,supposingposition assumption

, presumption, a llegation, hypo thesis,&c.,

of w ith the understanding,even,although,for a l l tha t,after all.



refer to,ca ll,bring forward,a l lege,plead,produce,bring intocourt,confront witnesses ; to collect, bring together,or rake


up evidence,to make out a cas e.

Adj . Showing, indicating, &c ., indicative, indicatory, following

,deducib le, consequential, consectary collatera l,cor

roborative,confirmatory ; presumpti ve .

so emonstrative,i rreScund, logical, strong

, val id, cogent, ersuas ive, perenarag ab le,irres is tib e,&c .,478.

According to ; w itness ; sti ll more,stil l less,&c .

Degrees ofEvidence.

470. POSSI B IL ITY,potential ity,contingency, see Ch ance, 156,wha tmay be,what is possib le,&c .

Practicability,feas ibility, 705,com atib il ity,2 3 .

To be possible,&c .,to ad

mit of,to bear ; may,may be .TO render possible,&c .

,to putinto the way of.

Adj . Possible,contingent.

Practicable feasible, ach iev

able,atta inable,obta inable,Cpatible .

Adv. Possibly, by poss ibility,may be,perhaps, 156 .

472. PRO BAB ILITY, likelihood,veris imil itude,plaus ib il ity,a showof,cred ib il it reasonable chance,favorable c ance fa ir chance,presumptive evidence, c ircumstantia l evidence .V. To be probable,&c .

,to bidfa ir,to stand fa ir for,to standgood chance,to stand to reason .

Adj . Probable,l ikel likely

471, IMPOSSI B ILITY,what cannot be,what can never be,hopelessness,859,a dead lift.

Impracticability,incompatib il

ity. 704, incredibili ty.

V. To be imposs ible, &c .


have no chance whatever.Adj . Impossible, contrary to

reason, inconceivable,unreasonable, incredible,marve llous desperate,hopeless,unheard O

Impracticab le,unattainab le,unachievable,unfeasible,unob tain o

able,beyond control.

473 . IMPROBAB IL ITY, unl ikel ih ood,unfavorable chances,smal lchance &c .,incredibility.

V. To b e im rob ab le, &c . to

have a sma ll, ittl e, poor, 3rd ,chance .Ad Improbable, unl ikely, in

credi ls .

Yhappen,in a fair way,hopeful,well founded ; to be expected, 507Plausible, spec ious,ostens ible,colorable,standin to re a

son, reasonable, credible, easy of belief, presuma le,presumptive .

Ado . Probably,&c .

,in all probability or likelihood,apparently,to al l appearance .

CERTAINTY, certitude,

posi tiveness,infal libleness,infa l

475. UN CERTAINTY, incertitude, hes i tation suspense, perib il ity, gospez,

scripture, surety plex ity see Doubt,485 .

assurance, in


Fact,matter offact

isputab lenes s, sec Doubtfu lness dubiousness, ind efiniteness,indeterminati on,amb iguity ; vaguenes s, &c ., pre


V. To b e certain, &c .

, to b el ieve,454 .

TO render certa in, &c .

,to in

sure .

Adj . Certa in, sure, assuredsolid, absolute, positive, determinate categorica l, unequivoca l,inevitab le


,unerring,infa l lib le indubitable, indubious,indis utable, undisputed,unconteste ,incontestable incontrovertible,und oub ted,doubtles s,with outdoubt,beyond a doubt,past dispute,unanswerable,decided,unquestionable beyond a l l question,

unquestione questionless, demonstrab le,478,authorita tive,Of_ficia l .Adv. Certa inly, assuredly,&c .,

for certa in, sure, sure ly, sureenough,of course,as a matter Ofcourse,yes,see 488.


476. REASON ING, ratioc inat ion

,dia lectics, induction,gener

al ization .

Argumentation,discussion,controvers polemics,debate,wrangling, ogomach y,disputation .

The art ofreasoning,logic,process

,tra in or cha in Of reasoning,

argument,5 14,proposition,terms,premises,postulate,data,sta rtingpoint, principle ; result, conclusron .

Correctness, soundness, force,Va l l d l ty, cogency, conclusiveness .A disputant, controversia l ist,

controvertis t, wrangler, arguer,debater.V. To reason, argue

,discuss,debate,dispute,wrangle ; bandy

words or a rguments ; hold or carry on an argument


c ontravene,comment upon,mor

a l ize upon,spiritual ize .

TO Open a discussion or case

477. The absence ofreas on iINTUITI ON, instinct,ment.Fa lse or viciousshow Of reas on .

cariousness, slipperiness, fa llib il ity.

V. To b e uncerta in, (to be at

fault,) &c .

T O render uncerta in, &c .

, toperplex

,embarrass,confus e,con

found .

Adj . Uncerta in, doubtful, dubions,precarious,casua l,random,contingent

,indecisive,depend enton circumstances, undecided,vague, indetermina te, indefinite,



und efinab le,puzzling,enigmatic,questionable, apocrypha l, probl ematical, hypothetica l, controvertible

,fa llible

,fa llacious,

pic ious,slippery,debatableUnauthentic,unconfirme


iousnes s,plausibility,lusrvenes s, irrelevancy, inval1

V. To judge intuitively,&c.

To reason i ll,falsely,&c . T:

pervert,quibble,equivocate,mystify, evade, elude, gloss over,

varnish, m isjudge, misca lculate,481 .

To refine, subtilize, mislead,&c .

,53 8.


c ome to,a rrive,or jump a t a conelusion to derive, ga ther, collect.T O estimate, appreciate,value,count, assess, rate, account, re

ga rd,review

,settle,pass an Opin

ion,decide,pronounce,pass judgment, arbitrate, see Investiga te,

46 1 .

To ascerta in, determine, find,find out,make out,detect,d is cover,elicit,recognize, trace,get at;


cate,dogmati ze,have a b ias,&c .,presuppose,presume .

To g ive a bias, twist, &c . , tobias,warp,twist,prejudice,810 .

Ad Prejudging, &c ., prejudiced,j aundiced,narrow-minded,dogmatic, besotted positive, Ohstimate,tenacious, having a bi

twist,&c .,warped,partia l.

get or arrive at the truth ; meet with,fa l l upon, light upon,hi t upon, fix upon, fa l l in with, solve, resolve, unravel, fishout,worm out,ferret out,root out,fi sh up .

Adj . Judging,&c .

,deducible,467 .

Impartial, unbias ed,unprejudiced, unwarped, unbigoted,equitable,fa ir,sound, rational, j udici ous .482. OVER-ESTIMATI ON,ex ag

geration .

V. To over-estimate, overrate,overva lue, overprize, overweigh,outreckon ; exaggerate, extol,make too much of,overstra in .

Adj . Over-estimated,&c .

483 . UNDER-ESTIMATI ONprec i ation, di sparagement,traction, underrating, under


,not to do

light Of, slight ;make nothing of,holdregard, to care nothing for, set at nought, derog93 2 .

To scout,deride,mock,scoff at,laugh at,play w ith,trifwith ridicule,856 .

Ad Depreciating,&c .

,derogatory,detractory,cyn i ca l.Depreciated &c .

,unva lued,unprized .

484. BEL IEF, credence, fa ith,trust, confidence,credit, dependence on,reliance,a ssurance .

Opinion,notion, idea,453,conc eption,appreh ens ion,impres s ion,c onceit, m ind, Vi ew, persuas ion,conviction,sentiment,voice,j udgment,estimation, self-conviction .

System ofOpinions,creed,doctrine,tenet,dogma,principle,wayOfthinking,popular belief,publicOp inion .

Prose lyti sm,propagandi sm,53 7.

V. To believe,credit,give fa ithto,give credit to,rely upon,make

no doubt, doubt not,confide in,

belief,D O U


lieve,misbelieve,controvert ; putor set as ide ; j om issue,dispute,0 .

To doubt,be doubtful,&c .

,d is~

trust,mistrust,suspect,have,h ar


count upon,depend upon, calculate upon,take upon trust,swallow,take one’s word for, take

Upon credit .To think

,hold,take,look upon,take it, consider,esteem .

To b e of Opinion, to Opine, tohave, hold, possess, enterta in,adopt, imbibe, embrace, foster,nurture


,&c ., a notion,

idea,Opinion,&c . ; to think, lookupon,view,consider,take,take it,h old,ween,conceive,fancy,apprehend, regard, esteem, deem,aocount.T O cause to be believed,

thought,or esteemed ; to satisfy,persuade, assure, convince,convert,bring over,win over,indoctrinate see Teach,53 7.


I‘. 151

bor, enterta in, &c ., doub ts ; demur, Stick at, pause, h es itatescruple,question,ca ll in question .

To cause,ra ise,suggest,or sta rta doubt ; to pose, sta rtle,stagger,embarrass, puzzle ; shake, or

stagger one’s fa ith or bel ief.Adj . Unbelieving

, &c ., s cepti

cal,shy ofbelief,at s ea,at a loss,487.

Doub ting,&c .

, doubtful, dub ious, scrupulous, suspicious ; see

Uncerta in,475 .

Unworthy or undeserving Ofbeli ef, hard to believe,doubtful,dubious, staggering, puzzling,&c .

, paradoxica l, incredible, inconceivable .

Adj . Believing,&c .,impressed with,imbued with,weddedto unsuspecting, unsuspicious, void of suspicion,&c .,cred

uous 486,convinced,&c .

Be lieved,&c .

,c redited, accredited, unsuspected,received,current,popular.Worthy or deserving of belie‘ le,see Probable,472,fiduc ia l,doctrina l . i

éf commanding belief,crediduciary ; relating to belief,

Firm, implicit, steadfast, fixed,rooted, stanch,unshaken,invetera te — ca lm,sober,dispassi onate, impa rtia l .

486. CRED UL ITY, credulousness, infatuation, self-delusion,self-deception,superstition,g rosscredulity,dogmatism,&c .

,606 .

Acredulous person ; dupe,547 .

V. To be credulous,&c .

,to fol

low implicitly,to swa llow,&c .

To impose upon,practise upon,palm upon, cajole,&c ., seeDe


Adj . Credulous,eas ily deceived,cajoled,&c .

,superstitious,simple,unsus ic iO tzs,&c .

,484,soft,childish,Si ly, s '

upid ; over-credulous,over-confid ent.

ASSENT ,acquiescence,admi ss ion,nod,consent,concession,accord, accordance

, agreement,concordance, concurrence, ratification,confirmation, recognition,

487. IN CRED UL ITY, scepticism,Pyrrhonism, suspicion,&c .,

see 485, suspiciousness, s crupulousnes s,scrupulosity .

Anunb eliever, sceptic,misb el iever.V. To be incredulous

,&c .,to

distrust,see 485 .

Adj . Incredulous hard Of b e

lief, sceptica l, unbelieving, inconvincible .

489, D I SSENT,discordance,denia l, 53 6, dissonance, dis agreement ; difference or diversity of

Opinion,recusancy,contradiction,nonconformity, schism ; seces

sron,protest .


acknowledgment, acceptancegranting,avowa l,confession .

Unanimity, chorus ; see Affirmation,5 3 5.

V. To assent,acquiesce,agree,accede,yie ld assent,accord,concur,c onsent,nod assent, accept,coincide

,go with,go a long with,

chime in with,strike in wi th,closewith

,conform with,defer to .

To acknowledge, own, avow,c onfess, concede, subscribe to,admit,a l low,recognize,grant.Adj . Assenting, &c ., acquiescent

,wi l ling ; agreed ; uncontradicted, unquestioned, uncontroverted.

Adv. Afiirmatively, in the af

firmative,5 3 5 .

490.KN OWLED GE,cognizance,

cogni tion, a cqua intance, priv i ty,ins igh t,familiarity, compreh en

sion,understanding, recognitiondiscovery


Intuition consciousness, conscience, li ht, enlightenment,glimpse

,ink ing


s uspicion ; conception, notion,idea,453 .

System or b od ofknowledgescience

,ph ilOSOp y,doctrine,theory, l iterature,560.

Erudition lea rn ing,lore,scholarsh ip, book learning, bookishness

,bib liomania, education,instruction

,information, a cquisi

tions,acquirements, accomplish

ments,proficiency ; a l ibera l ed

ucation, encyclopedica l knowledge,omniscience,pantology.

Elements,rudiments,ab ecedary, cyc lopaad ia, encyc lopzed ia,s chool, &c .

Depth,extent, profoundness,profundity, stores &c ., solidity,

accura cy,&c .,Of knowledge .V. TO know,be awa re of,ween,

h ave, possess, conceive, appre

hend,understand, comprehend,

make out, recognize, be master

7Adissenter,nonconformist,reeusant.V. To dissent, demur, deny,disagree, secede, refuse a

to ignore,to refuse to admrepudia te,protest,contrad icAdj . D issenting, &c .

, dissentient,dis cordant, protestant, re,

cusant; unconvinced, unconverted, unavowed, unac knowledged.

Unwi l ling, reluctant, extorted,&c .

Adv. Negatively, in the nega;tive,53 6 .

491.IG NORAN CE,unacquainfi

ance unconsciousness,darkness“,blindness, incomprehension, iaex erience,emptiness .mperfect knowledge,ing, sciolism, glimmering ; b ewilderment, perplexity ; inca


Afiiectation of knowledge,pedv

TO b e ignorant,&c .

,not to

know,to know not, to know notwhat,not to be aware of, to be ata loss,to be at fault,to ignore tobe blind to, &c .

, not to un er

stand,&c .

Adj . Ignorant, unconscious,nuawa re,unwitting,witless,a stranger to

,unacquainted, unconversant unenlightened,unversed,cultivated, in the dark .

Uninformed, uninstructedtaught,unapprised,untutored,unschooled,unguided.

Sh a l low,superfic ia l,greha lf-learned, i l lite ra te,uneducated, unlearned, unlettered, having a sma ttering, &c.,

pedantic .Confused


,bewildered,lost,ben ighted,at a loss,at faut,


ous,nice,mathematica l,a x iomatic, demonstrable, scientific,nuerring

,fa ithful

,curious, deli cate .

Genuine,auth entic,legitimate,orthodox , pure, sound, sterling,

unSOph isticated, unadulterated,unvarnished ; solid, substantia l,undistorted, undisguised, unaffected,unexaggerated,unroman

ti c .

Adv. Truly, verily, veritably,certa in ly, assuredly, in truth , Ingood truth,Of a truth, rea ll ,indubitably, in sooth, forsoot inrea lity, in fact,indeed, in effect,a ctua lly, positively, virtua lly, at

b ottom.

Precisely, accurately, &c .

,mathematica lly,to a nicety,to a

ha i r.In every respect, in a l l te

spects,at any rate,at a l l eventsby a l l means .496. MAX IM, aphorism, apo

th egm, dictum, saying, adage,saw, proverb, sentence precept,6 97, rule, formula, co e,motto,word by-word,moral, sentiment,concius ron, reflection, thought,golden rule, axiom, theorem,scholium,truism.

Catechism,creed,profession Offa ith.

Adj . Aphoristic, proverbia laxiomatic,conclusive .

Wise,sage,true, rece ived, ad

mitted, recognized common,

h ackneyed, trite, commonplace .

498. INTELLmEN cE, capac ity,parts, sagacity, saga ciousness,wit,mother wit,quick parts .Acutenes s, a cumen, shrewd

ness,astuteness, sharpness,elevcrnes s, aptness, ia titud e, quickn ess,subtlety,arc es s . o enetra

receive a fa lse impression to l ieor labor under an error,mis take,&c ., to blunder, be at fau lt, to

misapprehend,misconceive,misunders tand, misconjecture, misreckon,misca lcula te, miscount,misestima te,misjudge, flounder,trip .

Adj . Erroneous, untrue, fa lse,unrea l unsubstantia l, ba seles s,groundless,ungrounded .

Inexact, une x act, incorrect,illogica l,pa rtia l one-sided,unreasonable, indefinite, unscientific,inaccurate,aberrant.In error, mistaken, &c ., tripping,flound ering,&c .

Il lusive,i l lusory, idea l, fanci

ful, chimerica l, visionary, shadow

gr,mock .

purious, illegitimate, bmeretricious, deceitful, socated,adultera ted .

497. AB SURD ITY, absurdness,nonsense, paradox , incons istency, quibble, sophism, 477, bull,H ibernic ism . Folly in action,6 99 .

Jargon, gibberish,fustian, rant, bombas t,rhapsody, extravagance,montade, romance .

Twaddle,fudge,verbiage,trash,stuff,ba lderdash, pa laver,moono

shine,wishwash, platitude,flunkmery, inanity .

Vagary,foole ry, mummemonkey tri ck .

Ad Absurd,nonsensica l,fooish , c ., see 499, Sophistical, inconsistent, e x travagant, quibbling, trashy,washy, twadd ling,c .

499, IMBEO I L I T Y, incapacity,vacancy Ofmind, poverty of in

te l lect,sha l lowness,dulness,stupid ity,obtuseness,stolidity,dO ltl sh nes s .

Si lliness, simpl ic ity, ch i ldishness, puerility ; dotag e, second


tio 1, perspicacity, perspicaciousness, clearsightedness, d is crimination,d iscernment .Head, bra ins, headpiece, a

long head.

WI SD OM,sapience,sense,goodsense,common sense,pla in sense,reason,reasonableness,J

udgment,j udiciousness,solidity, epth,profoundnes s,enlarged Vi ews ; reachor compass of thought.Genius,inspira tion,the fire Ofgenius .Wisdom in action ; prudence,discretion

,864,sobriety,tact,b a llas 698.

To be intelligent,Wise,&c .

,to reason, 476, to discern, 441,discriminate,465,to penetra te,tosee far into .Adj . (Aplied to persons .) In

tel l igent, longheaded, sagaciousnick, sharp, clever, apt, acutes rewd, astute, sh arps igh ted,quicks igh ted quickeyed, keen,keeneyed, keens ig h ted, keenwitted, sh arpwitted,



piercing, c lears igh te discernmg .

Wise,sage,sapient, sagac ious,reasonable, rationa l, sound, sensible, judicious,enlightened,impartia l, unprejudiced, unb ia sed,unprepossessed, undazz led, unperplexed.

Coo l, coolheaded, longheaded,ca lculating,thoughtful,reflecting,oracular,Heaven directed .

Prudent, discreet,sober, sta id,solid,cons iderate,provident,polth e.

(Applied to actions . ) Wise,sensi e, reas onable, judicious,well-jud ged, well-advised, prudent,politic,expedient,646 .

500,SAGE,wise man, expert,



childishness, fa tuity, idiocy, idi

otism,503 .

FOLLY,absurdity, irra tiona lity,sense lessness,foolishness,inconsistency, conceit, giddiness,extrava g ance, od dity, eccentri city,ridiculousness .Act offolly, blunder,497, imprudence 699,rashness,86 3 .

V. To be imbeci le,foolish,&c .,to trifle,drivel,ramble .Ad


. (Applied to ers ons

intel igent, unintel ectua l,low, weak, soft, sap y,Weakheaded weak-minded, feebleminded,half-witted,short-wittedsha l low-bra ined,dull, stupid,Obtuse,blunt stolid,doltish,asinine,dull-witte blunt-witted .

Childish, infantine, infanti le,babyish,childlike .Fatuous,idiotic,imbecile,drivelling, bra inless,witless, havingno head or bra ins


,blockish Brnotian,BceoticFoolish, silly, senseless, Irra

tiona l, insensate, nonsensica l,muddy-headed, ungifted, undiscerning,unenlightened,unph ilosophica l ; prejudiced, bigoted,purblind,narrow-minded,wrong

headed, crotchety, conceited,self-Opinionated, mulish, besotted, infa tuated .

Wild, gi ddy, thoughtless, cc

centric, odd, ex travagant, lightheaded ha irbrained,sha tter

bra ined 503, ridiculous .(Appiied to actions .) Foolish

,unwise, injudicious, imprudent,unreas onab le

,nons ens ica l,absurd,ridiculous Si lly, stupid, as inine,il l-advise ,i l l-j udged,i ll-devised,inconsi stent, irrationa l, unph ilosophica l, extravagant, preposterous,egregious, imprudent, indis

orcet, improvident, impolitic,improper,645,641.

501. FO OL,wiseacre, simpleton,witl ing,ninny,dolt,numskull

1 56

Oracle,a Solomon,a Nestor a

master mind, a shining light,schoolman, academician, acade

m ist.Venerable,reverenced,author


502. SA'NITY, rationality, b eing in one’s senses, in one’s rightmind,in one’s sober senses ; SO

b riety,lucidness, lucid interva l .V. To be sane, &c ., to reta in

one’s senses,reason,&c .

T o become sane,come to one’ssenses,sober down .

To render sane,bring to one’ssenses,to sober.Adj . Sane,rationa l,reasonable,sober, in one’s sober senses, inone’s righ t mind


Adv. Sanely,soberly,&c .

Ad Insane,mad, lunaticbere t of reason, insensa te,


ha lf-wit, driveller, idiot ; child,infant,baby,innocent,greenhorn,flat,dunce, lout, changeling,dotard,driveller.

503 . INSAN ITY, lunacy, madness, derangement, a lienationaberration, mania, ca lenture ofthe bra in, frenzy, raving, monomania,disordered intellect,incoh erence,wandering,delirium,h a lluc ination,fantas ia ; vertigo,d izzines s,swimming,dementation .

V. To be or become&c ., to lose one’s senselects, reason, faculties, &c .,

run mad,rave,dote,ramble,wder,drivel .

To render or drive mad ;madden, dementa te, turnbra in, turn one’s head,befool,fatuate,derange th e head .

cra zy ,crazed,out of one’s mibeside one’s self,

sessed,maniaca l,delirious,incoherent,ramb l idering, frantic, raving, rabid, l ightheaded,nous,wi ld,haggard,fligh ty,distracted.

504.MADMAN, lunatic,maniac,bedlamite,raver,monoma

niac,dreamer, insane,a h ig hflier,madcap .


1 . To the Past.

505.MEMORY, remembrance,

reminiscence, recognition, retention,retentiveness,tenac ity,read i

ness .Recurrence,recollection,retro

spection, retrospect.Suggestion, prompting, 514

hint.Token ofremembrance,memo

rial,memento,souvenir,keepsake,relic,re liquary,memorandum,rememb rancer.

Art ofmemory,artificia l memory mnemonics .V. To remember,reta in,mind,

506 ,OBL IVION, forgetfulneobliteration


,a short

the memory fa i ling,bein

or deserting one .

V. To forget,lose,unlearn,discharge from the memor

T O slip,escape

,fade,from the memory, to sink intoOblivion .


. Forgotten, &c .,

lost,face blotted out


,past recollection,unremembered .

Forgetful oblivious,mindless,out ofmin


Aba lk an afterclap .

V. T O be disappointed,&c .,to look blank ; to look aghas t.To disappoint,ba lk, to crush or dash one’s hope,859 .

Adj . Dis appomted,aghast,blue . r

510. FORESIG HT, prescience, foreknowledge, forethought,forecas t,prevision,precognition,second sight,cla irvoyance .Anticipation,foretas te, presentiment,foregone conclusion,proviedence .Announcement,programme .

V. To foresee,foreknow,forejudge,forecast,antic ipate,wards or beyond ; look,peep,or pry into the future .Adj . Foreseeing,&c ., prescient, farseeing ; farsighted ;

Wi se .

Rationa l,sagacious,perspicac ious .

511. PRED I CTIO N, announcement, prophecy, va tic ination,nostication, premons tration,augura tion,augury,horoscope,fortune te lling,ominousness ; see NecV. To predict,prognosticate,propbode,forebode,foretell,soothsay.

To foretoken betoken,prefigure, portend, foreshadow,usher in, h eraid, sign ify, premise, announce, point to,warn,forewarn,advise .Adj . Predicting,&c .

,predictive,pOminous, portentous, auspicious,cant of, regnant with,weatherwise .

512. MEN, portent, presage, prognostic, augury, auspice,fore runner,precursor,64,harb inger,hera ld,monitor,warning.

513 . ORACLE,prophet,seer,soothsayer,fortune teller,Witch,romancer.

S ection VII . CREATIVE TH OUGH T.514. SUPPOSITI O N, conjecture, surmise, guess, divination

ceit; assumption,postulation,presumption,esis,postulate, theory ; suggestion, proposi

a llusion .

V. To suppose,conjecture,surmise, guess, divine, give a

hazard a conj ecture, row out a conj ecture,&c .


,take it,dare to say,take it into one’s head,presume .

To suggest, hint, insinuate, put forth, propound, propose, start,prompt,put a case,move,make a motion,a llude to.

T O suggest itself, occur to one,come into one’s head ; to run inthe head ; to haunt,505 .

Adj . Supposing,&c .,supposed, sup os ititious, suppositive, putative, sugges tive, a l lusive, conj ectura presump ive, hypothetical,theoretica l .Warranted,authorized,fa ir,reasonable just,natura l .Unwarranted, gratuitous, baseless, wi ld, hazarded, rash, unten

ab le,gx travagant,unreasonable,unsatisfactory,loos e,vague,uncen



515.IMAG INATI O N,fancy,conception, idea l ity, idea lism, ins iration

,dreaming, somnambuh sm, frenzy, ecstasy, excogi tation ; ive

l iness offancy .

Invention,origina lity, fertility, conceit, figment,coinag e, fiction

,romance,novel,fa i ryland,myth,dream,daydream,vapor, phantom,fantas whim,whimsy,vaga ry,rhapsody.

AVi s ionaryseer,fanatic,

romancer, rhapsodist,h ighflier, enthusiast,dreamer,knight errant,Don Qui xote .

V. TO imagine,fancy, conceive, idea l ize, rea li ze ; fancy or picture to one’s self; create,devise, invent,coin,fabricate .Adj . Imagining, imagined, &c . ; idea l, unrea l, imaginary, fi cti

tious,fanciful,air-drawn,air-built, origina l,fantastic,unsubstantia l,whimsica l,high-flown .

Imaginative, inventive,crea tive,fertile,romantic,fligh ty,ex travagant,fanatic,enthusiastic,Utop ian,Quixoti c .Warm,heated,excited,sanguine,ardent,fiery,boiling,wi ld,bold,daring ;playful,fe rti le,&c .


Section I . NATURE OF

516. Idea to be conveyedMEAN ING,signification,sense,import,purport,significance,drift,gis t, acceptation, bearing, inter

pretation,522, read ing,tenor, a l

us ion, spirit, coloring, ex presSi on .

Literal meaning,obvious mean

ing, first blush ; after a cceptatron.


Thing signified ; matter, subs tance, pith, marrow, argument,text.



517. Absence ofmeaning.

UNMEAN I N G NESS,empty s ound,a dead letter, inexpressiveness .Nonsense, gibberish, emptybabble empty sound .

V To mean noth ing,to be unmeaning,&c .

Adj . Unmeaning,void ofmeaning,of sense,&c ., senseless, nots ignificant.Undefinab l e, unmeant,uncon

ceived .

V. To mean,signify, express, import, purport, convey,

imply,bespeak,bea r a sense, involve, declare,52 7, insmuate, allude to,point to,drive at.TO take, understand, receive, or accept in a particular

88 11 88 .

Adj . Meaning, Sign ificative,pithy,tell ing,s triking,full Ofmeaning, i regn ant with meaning.

Synonymous,equivalent,tantamount ; th e same thing as .


Plain, simple,


natura l, Obvious, e x plicit, precise, 5 18,downright,defini te,distinc t,defined, l itera l,os tensible,overt,broad, naked,h onest, emphatic, true .

unstra ined,undisguised


, forma l,Implied,taci t,understood,implic it,inferred, latent.Adv. Litera lly,&c ., 522 .

518,INTELL IG I B I L ITY, clear

ness, lucidness, perspicuity, explic itnes s, distinctness

,pla in

s eaking, e x pressiveness, legib enes s, visibi lity, 446 .

Intelligence, comprehension,understanding, lea rning,53 9 .

V. To be intelligib le,&c .

TO render intelligib le,&c . ; tothrow l ight upon,to s implify.

TO understand, compreh entake, take in, catch, gra sp, collect ; to come to an understandIn

adj. Intelligible, clear, lucid,explic it, express ive, s ignificant,ex ress,distinct,precise,definite,

we l-d efined, erspicuous, pla in,Obvious,manifest,pa lpable,glaring,transparent,above board,unshaded,recogni zable,unamb iguous, unmistakable,legible, Open,positive, unconfused, unequivoca l, graphic .

519,UN INTELL I G I B ILITY, incomprehensibleness


ableness,da rkness,42 1, Ob s curity, confusion, indi s tinctness, ihd efinitenes s, vagueness, (mistiness

,) ambiguity, looseness, nucerta inty, mys terious ness, 526,pa radox

,ine x pl icab leness .

Jargon, gibberish, rh odomon

tade, &c .,497.

V. T O be unintel ligible,&c .

TO render unintellig ib le, &c .,

528, to perple x , confuse, confound, bewi lder, darken .

Not to understand,&c .

,to lose,miss,&c .,to los e th e clew .

Adj. Unintel ligible, inappre

h ensib le, incomprehensible, in

conceivable,above or past comprehension

,inexplicable, il l eg ible

,und emph erab le, inscrutable,beyond one’s depth,paradox ica l,insolvable,impenetrable,Obscure,dark,confused,indistinct, indefinite, nebulous undefined, il l-d efined, crooked, indirect,perplexed,loose,vague,ambiguous,enigmatica l,mys terious,mystic,mystica l, intricate .

Hidden, sea led, recondite, abstruse, transcendental, farfetched.

520. Having a double sense .EQU IVO CALNESS, double mean ing, equivocation, prevarication,

s lip of the tongue .

Having a doubtful meaning,ambiguity,see 475 ; homonymy.Hav ing a fa lse meaning,see 544.

V. To be equivocal &c ., to have two senses,&c .,to equivocate,prevaricate,pa lter to t e understanding.

Adj . Equivoca l,ambiguous,d oub le~tongued,equivoca ting,&c .

521.METAPH OR,figure,metonymy,trope,figure of speech,figurativenes s, image, imagery,type,22 .

Pers onification,a l legory,apologue,pa rable .

Implica tion, inference,a llusion,adumbration,hidden meaning.

V. To employ metaphor,&c ., to personify,a llegorize,adumbrate,shadow forth,imply,understand,apply,a l lude to .

1 62

view,set b efore one’s eyes,ShowUp, shadow forth,bring to light,di splay, demonstrate, to unroll,unvei l,unmask,disclose,see 529,to e licit, educe, draw out, bringout,disinter.To be manifested, &c ., to ap

pea r,transpire,come to light, toc ome out, see Vis ibi lity,446 .

Adj . Manifest,clear, apparent,evident,visible

,446, rominent,

in the foreground,(in ull view,)sa l ient,open,conspicuous,pa lpable,glaring.Man ifesterkshown, expressed,

&c .,disclose see 529,frank, ca

able Of being shown, producile .


in the background, occult, priva te,privy, sequestered .

Unconspicuous,indis coverable,unperce ived, invisible, 447, nuseen,unwitnessed, impenetrable,unspied,nusus ected .

Untoldunpub ish ed,unb reath ed,unta lked of, unsung, unpronounced, unreported,une x oecd,unprocla imed, unex pres se notexpressed, tacit, implied, undeveloped, unsolved, unexpla ined,undiscovered, untracked, unexplored, uninvented .

Adv. Openly,before one’s eyes, face to face, above board,in Open court, in Open daylight, in the open streets .527.

IN FORMATI ON, communication, intimation, notice, notifi

cation,enunciation, announce

ment, annunci ation, statement,specifica tion, report, advice,mon ition,mention,acqua inting,&c .,intercommunication,communicativenes s .

An informant,teller,intel ligencer,mes senger,5 3 4,authority.

Hint, suggestion,5 14, insinuation,inuendo,wink,glance, leer,

nod,shrug,gesture,whisper, impl i cation,cue .

V. To inform, acqua int, tel l,mention,express, intimate, commun icate,apprise,make known,notify, signify to, let one know,advise,state,specify,give notice,announce, annuncia te,report,setforth bringword,sendword,leavewor write word, declare, pronounce, expla in undeceive ; toconvey the knowledge cf to Openth e eyes Of to give an account of.To say,&c .,see

582 .

To hint, give an inkling of;give,throw out, or drop a hint ;insinuate,


a l lude to, glance at,

make al lusion to ;to wink,glance,

528, CON CEALMENT, hiding,&c .

, secrecy,stea lth,stea lthiness,Slyness, disguise, masquerade,mystery, mys tification, freema

soury, reservati on, suppression,reserve, uncommun i ca tivenessa secret path, a trap door.A mask

,visor, ambus &c .,

see 53 0, en igma,riddle,&c . 53 3 .

V. To concea l, hide secrete,cover,screen,cloak,veil,Shroud,shade,eclipse, ensconce,muffle,mask,disguise .

To keep from,lock ubury, s ink, suppress,Iii

keep snug or close,&c .

To keep in ignorance, blind,hoodwink,mystify, pose, puz zle,perplex,emba rrass,bewilder,&c .,545 .

To ignore ; to Shut one’s eyesto turn a deaf ear to .To be concea led, &c .,to lurk,skulk, smoulder, lie hid, l ie in

ambush,sneak, retire,stea l into,stea l a long.

T O concea l one s self,put on

a vei l, mask,&c .

,53 0; to retire

from sight .Adj . Concea led, hid, hidden,

sea l up,ush up



leer, nod , shrug, gi ve the cue,wave,Whisper, Si ggest, prompt,whisper in the ear.

TO be informed,&c .,of; madeacquainted with to understand .

To hea r of; to come to one’sears,to come to one’s knowledge,to reach one’s ea rs .

Adj . Informed, &c ., of, madeac rua inted W i th ; undeceived .

eported ,made known,b ruited .

Ex press ive, Significant, pregnant with meaning,&c .

,see 5 16,decla ra tory, enuncia tive, nuncupa tory, e x pository, communicatory,communicative .

Ad v. Expressive ly,s ignificantly,&c .

By post,courier,ex press, tele

graph,messenger,&c .

,53 4.

1 63

&c ., secret, aun cuiar, c land estine, close,furtive, surreptitious,stea lthy, underhand, sly, sneaking, skulking, und ivu lged,


unrevea led, undisc losed

, unmer. ‘

tioned .

Mysterious, mystic, mystica l,enigmatica l,problema tica l,pa rad ox ica l, occult, recondite, ab

strude, une x pla ined, impenetrable,indiscoverable,inexp l icable,in a ma ze,irrevea lable


covered .

Covered,closed,Shrouded,vei led, masked, screened, shaded,disguised, under cover, under acloud, veil, &c .

, in a fog, haze,mist,&c .,under an eclipse .

Reserved, uncommunicative,mum,ta citurn,585 .

Adv. Sec retly,clandestinely,privi ly, in secret,incognito


w ith c losed doors,under the rose, underhand, private ly,inprivate,behind one’s back ; one’s back being turned,beh indth e scenes,behind the curta in .

Confid entia l ly,between ourselves, between you and me,in strict confidence it must go no fa rther.529, D I SCLOSURE,revea lment,

revela tion,exposition .

Acknowledgment,avowa l,confes s ion .

V. To d is c lose,o en,lay Open,divulge,revea l,un old, let drop,

let out,lay Open, acknowledge,

a llow,admit,concede, rant,own,confess, avow ; to un urden ordisburden one’s mind or one’sconscience

,to unb osom one’s

self to Open one’s mind.

530,AMBUSH,h 1d 1ng -place,retrea t, cover, lurking-hole secretplace, recess, ambuscade, trap,gin,see 545 .

Amask,veil,visor,c loak screen,curta in, shade, cover, disguise,ma squerade dress,domino .V. T O lie in ambush, lurk, l iein wa it for, lay or set a trap for.

To unfold,unsea l,unvei l,unmask .

To blab,let out,tel l ta les,speak out.T o make public,publish,see 5 3 1 .

To make no secret Of,to di sabuse,undeceive .To be disclosed,revea led,&c .,to come out,to transpi re,to

ooze out to cree out.Adj . Disclose revealed, divu lged, la id open,&c .

,unridd led,&c .

Open,public,ex oteric .

53 1, PUBL I CATI ON,announcement, notification,enuncia tion,,


nunc iation, adverti sement, promulgation, c i rculation, propag ation,proclamation .


Publicity , notoriety, currency,flag rancy,cry,b ruit, rumor,famereport, the town ta lk .

Notice,not ifica tion,manifesto,advertisement,(despatch,) pla card,

bill,newspapers,ga zette .

V. To publish,make known,announce,notify,annuncia te,broach,set forth,put forth,emit,give forth,give out,utter,advertise,placard,c irculate,propaga te,spread, spread abroad,promulga te,edit, rumor,d ifl


use,disseminate, blaze about ; bla ze or noise abroad ; bandy,h awk about, trumpet, hera ld give tongue, ra ise a cry, rai se a ~hueand cry ; to bring, lay,or drag before th e public,g ive currency to .TO be published,&c .,to become public,to go forth,to get abroad,to get wind,to get afloat,to acquire currency,to spread,to go th erounds .Adj . Published,&c .,made public,rumored,rife,current,floating,

afloat, notorious, flagrant,whispered,disseminated, reported, trumpet-tongued,encyclica l .53 2.

NEW S,piece Of informa


of news,word, advice,message,errand, embassy, despatch, bulletin .

Report, rumor, hearsay, fame,ta lk, gossip, scanda l, bruit ; thetown ta lk.

53 3 .SEC RET,profound secret,mystery,problem,enigma,riddle,uzzle, conundrum, cha rade,re

us, logogra h,monogram,para »

d ox ,maze, ab yrinth, perplexity .

Letters,ma il,post,5953, letter b ag,(telegraphic despatch .)

Glad tidings ; fresh news,Ol d news, sta le news ; a sta lestory .

534, MESSENGER, envoy,nunci o,mternuncro, hera ld, ambas sador, lega te,emissa ry.

Ma rsha l,crier,trumpeter,pursuivant,courier,runner.Narrator,&c ., ta lebea rer, spy,scout .53 5, AFFIRMATI ON, predication,assertion, decla ra tion,word,

averment, asseveration, protestation, protest, profess ion, deposition

,avouchment, assurance, a llegation,acknowledgment,avow

a l,confession,oath.

Remark, observation,position,ground,) thesis,proposition,s ay

i ng,dictum,theorem .

Positiveness,dogmatism .

V. To assert,make an assertion, &c ., say, affirm, predicate,declare, profes s, aver, avouch,hold out, put forth,advance,a llege propose,propound, broach,set orth,mai nta in,contend, pronounce,pretend,pa ss or hazard anOpinion,&c . to reassert,reaffirm.

536 . NEGATI ON abnegation,denia l,disavowa l,disc la imer,abjuration,contradiction,contraventi on, retraction, retractation, recantati on,renunc iation, recusancQual ification,mod ification,469 .

V. To deny,disown,contradict,negative, ga insay, contravene,disc laim, withdraw, eat one’swords, recant


,re tract,

revoke abj ure .




,ca l l i n questi on,g ive the l ie to,rebut,belie .

Adj . Denying,&c .,denied,&c .,contradictory,recusant.Adv. NO,nay,not,see 489 .


Orator,spealrer,mouthpiece,582 .

Professor, lecturer,reader,prelector, (principa l, head master,assistant teacher, schoolma s ter,


men, cla ss, form, (division, secti on . )Pup i lage, apprenti ceship,

Vi t iate,ma tri culati on .


schoolmistress,schooldame,)usher. pedagogue .

542,SC H O OL,univers ity, college, semina ry, lyceum ac ademy,institute,institution

,gymnasium, (Latin s chool,high s o 001,grammar school,secondar or intermediate school,prima school,infants chool,charity schoo public school,common schoo , law,medica l,divinity school

,theologica l semina ry,scientific school,polytechnicschool, norma l schoo l, young ladies’ seminary, boa rd ing school,family school,school of design,asylum for the deaf mutes,for th eblind,for idiots .)Horn book,rudiments,school book,manua l .Professorship


,cha ir,forum, stage,rostrum, platform,pulpit.

Adj . Scholasti c,academic .

543 . VERAC ITY, truthfiilnes s,truth,s incerity,franknes s,stra ightforwardness, ingenuousness,candor, honesty, fidelity, openness,unreservedness,bluntness,plainness,pla in speaking,pla in dea l

Sim l icity,artlessness,703,loveof trutV. TO speak the truth, speakone’s mind,think a loud .

Adj . Truthful,true

,verac ious,s incere,candid,frank Open,free



-hearted, onest,s im

e s imple-hearted, ingenuous,lunt, plain-spoken, s traigh tfor

ward,fa i r,artless,guileless,pure,natura l,unaffected,s imple-minded, undisgui sed, unfeigned, nufla ttering.

Adv. Truly, &c ., 494, abovebeard,broadly.

544. FALSEH O O D, fa lseness,mendacity, fa lsifi cation, erver

sion of truth, romance orgery,prevarication,equivoc ati on,Shuffl ing,evasion,unfa irness,dishonesty,mi srepresenta tion .

l nsincerity, duplicity, doubledea ling, dissimulation, diesembling, hypocri sy,cant, humbug,

Jesu i try,menta reservati on, d i sguise, s imulation, acting, Sham,pretending, &c ., crocodile tears,fa lse coloring,art,artfulness,702,perju%

,deceiver,see 548 .

V. 0 be fa lse, to speakfa lsely lie, fib, tell a lie or untruth,&c .,546,to mi stake misreport, misrepresent, fa lsify, prevaricate,equivocate,pa lter,shuffle fence,mince the truth .

To forswea r swea r fa lse, perj ure one’s s eff, bear fa lse wit

ness .To garble,gloss over,disguise,

c olor, va rnish, dress up, put a

fa lse coloring or construction upon,52 3 .

T o invent,fabricate,trump up,forge,romance .

TO dissemble, diss imulate, ergu, assume, put on, act or

pl ay a pa rt,simula te, pas s Off for, counterfe it, sham, makeel ieve,cant .Adj . Fa lse,dishonest,fa ithless,truthless,unfa ir,uncandid,disingenuous,hollow,insincere,canting,hypocritica l,Je suiti


ca l,phari sa ica l,double,double-tongued,double-faced,smoothtongued,plaus ible .

Artful, insidious,sly,designing, diploma tic,Machiavelian .

Untrue, unfound ed, fictitious,invented, forged, fa lsified,

&c .,counterfe it,spurious,Sham,mock, disguised,s imulated,&c .

,artificia l, supposititious, colorable, catchpenny, i llusory,elusory,surreptitious,i ronica lAdv. Fa lsely,&c .

545. DECEPTI ON,fraud,deceit,guile, imposition,artifice,'

ugg lc,ugg l ing,sleight Of hand, legerdema in,conjuration,trickery,fraudulence,imposture,c ircumvention collusion .

Quackery,charlatanism,charlatanry, empiricism,humbug,mummery.

Stratagem,tri ck, cheat,wile,a rtifice,fraud, deception, ruse,ma

ne uvre,finesse,hoax,forgery,delusion .

Snare,trap, pitfa ll,decoy, gin, springe,noose, net, meshes,ambush,ambuscade,see 547.

V. To deceive,mislead, cheat, impose upon,practise upon,circumvent,play upon,put upon,du e,mystify,blind,hoodwink,outreach,trick,hoax,befool, entrap, eguile, lure,inveigle, decoy,insnare,entangle, lay a snare for,trip up .

To defraud, cheat,take in, j ockey,cozen, j ilt, swindle, victimize,outwi t,overreach,pa lm upon,foist upon,ba lk,trump up .

Adj . Deceiving,cheating,&c . Dece ived duped,&c .

Deceptive, deceitful, i llus ive, i llusory, de lusory,(delusive,) elusive, insidious .546 . UNTRUTH, fa lsehood, l ie, fa ls ity fiction, fabrication, sto

ry,fab le,novel,romance humbug,white l ie .

Fa l s ificati on,perj ury,forgery,fa lse swearing,misstatement,misre

ggesentation .


retence,pretext,profess ion, subterfuge,evas ion, d i sgmse,

irony,plea,6 17,claptrap, s nd le,shift,mas k,cloak,veil .547. D UPE, gul l,victim, pup 548, DECEIVER,liar,hypocri te,

pet,see Credulity,486 shuffler,dissemble, Pharisee,Jesuit,Janus .Pretender, imposter, kna re,chea t, rogue, trickster, juggler,

swindl er,sharper,j ockey,blackleg,Sharp,gipsy.

Quack,charla tan,mountebank,empiri c, quacksa lver.Actor,player, tumbler posture master.

549, EXAG GERATI ON,hyperbole,stretch,stra in,coloring,flourish,vagary, bombast, figure of speech, flight of fancy, extravagance,rhodomontade,see Boas ting 884.

V. To exaggerate ampl if,heighten,overcharge,overstate overdraw,overcolor, p overlay, stra in, stretch, flourish ; to h yperb ol ize,aggravate .

Adj . Exaggera ted, &c ., hyperbolica l, turgid, highly-colored, extravag ant,bombastic .



1 . NaturalMeans .

550,IND I CATI ON, symbolization, notation,prefigurement, repre

sentation,554,exposition,notice,527, tra ce,55 1 .

ASign,symbol, index,point or exponent,indi cator,mark,token,symptom,type,figure,emblem,c ipher,devi ce,motto .Lineament, fea ture, line, stroke,dash, tra it,score, stripe,streak,dot,point, notch,asterisk,red letter, Ita lic s, print, impress, imprint,underlining,j otting.

For identification : Badge, criterion,check, countercheck, counters ign,duplica te, ta lly, counterfoil, label, ticket,bille t, card, bill,witness

,voucher,signature,handwriting, sign-manual,c ipher, sea l,

Signet,autog ra


word,pas swor

Insignia : Banner,b mneret,flag,colors,streamer,standard,eagleensign,pennon, penna nt, pendant, gonfa lon ; crest, a rms, armorialbearings,shield,escutcheon,l ivery,cockade,epaulet .Indication Of loca l it Beacon,post,staff,flag s taff,hand,pointer,vane, guidepost, h an post, finger post, directing post, Signpost,landma rk, seamark, l ighthouse polesta r, loadstar, cynosure,guide


,direction,s ignb oar watch fire .

Monitory indication : Signa l, rocket, bluelight, nod wink,beck,cue,gesture,gesticulation,dumb Show,pantomime,telegraph .

Indica tion of danger : Alarm,a larum,a larm bell,tocs in,beat ofdrum,fire cross

,sound of trumpet,war cry,war whoop .

Badge of auth ority, 747 ; of triumph,73 3 .

V. To indicate, point out, be th e Sign,&c .,of, denote, betokenrepresent,stand for,typify,Shadow forth,argue,bear the impress oWi tness,a ttest,testify.

To ut an indication,mark,&c . ; to note,mark,stamp, label,ti cket, in orse,Sign, countersign ; put,append, or affix a sea l or sig nature ; set one’s hand to, jot down,book, score, trace, ch a lk, underline



,engrave,stereotype,make an impress Of.

T O make a Sign,s ignal,&c .

,signa li ze give or hang out a signa l ;give notice,beckon,beck,nod, wink, give the cue ; wave, unfurl,hoist or hang out a banner,flag, &c Show one’s colors ; give or

s ound an alarm,beat th e drum,sound th e trumpets,ra ise a cry,&c .

Adj . Indicating,&c ., indicatory, indicative, typica l,symptoma tic,x ponentia l,emblematic attesting,a rmoria l .Indicated,&c .,typifie impressed,&c .

C apable of being denoted,denotable, indelible .

551 . RECO RD, tra ce, vestige, 552. Suppression of sign .

rel ic,rema ins,scar footstep,foot OBL ITERATI ON eras ure,rasure,mark,footprint,footfa l l,wake,tra il, cancel cance llation,deletion,ap l

s cent. plica tion of the Sponge .

Monument,trophy,obelisk,pil V. T O efface

,obliterate, erase,

lar, column, testimonia l,memo ra ze, e x punge, cancel, blot out,n al,meda l. take out, rub out, scratch out,


V. To pa int,depict,portray,draw, Sketch,pencil,dash Off,chalkout

,Shadow out,adumbrate daguerreotype,&c .,to take a po rtrai t,

to take a likeness .Adj . Pa inted,&c . ; pictoria l, graphic,picturesque ; l ike,&c .


557. SC ULPTURE,ca rving,mod el ling.

Astatue,statua ry,sta tuette,figure,model,bust,image,cast,marble, intaglio,anaglyph ; meda llion,cameo .V. To sculpture,carve,cut,chisel,model,mould,cas t.Adj . Sculptured,&c .

558, ENG RAVING,etching,xylography,&c .


An etching,mezzotint,aquatint,stippling, l ithograph .

V. To engrave,grave,etch, l ithograph,print,&c .

559. ART IST,pa inter,limner,drang tsman,drawer,sketcher,deSigner,engraver,copyist.Academi cian hi storica l, landscape, portrai t, miniature, scene,ign,&c .,pa inter ; engraver.Asculptor,carver,modeller.Implements of art: Peri, penci l, brush, chalk, crayon ; s tump,graver,style,burin,canvas,easel,pa l let,&c . studio.

2. Conventiona l Jlfeans .

1 . Language genera lly.

560. LANG UAGE, tongue, vernacular, mother tongue, vutongue, native tongue ; th e king’s English ; th e genius of a

guage . Speech,see 582 .

Li tera ture, letters, polite literature,th e belles lettres,theth e humanities ; th e republic of l etters .

Scholarship,490,scholar,492 .

V. To express by words .Adj . Litera ry, lingu istic, dia lectic, vernacular, current,polyg lpantomimic .561. LETTER, a lphabet ; character, 59 1, hieroglyphic . Conant,vowel,diph thonSyllable,monosyl lafii le,pol syllable .

562. WORD, term, vocafile, 563 . NEOLOG Y,neolO sm,monogram, cipher, terminology, b arism,Slang,cant,b y-word.

etymon . Apun, play upon words, co

A dictionary,vocabula lexi nundrum,acrostic .

con, index, polyglot g os sary, D ia lect,brogue, provincialism,thesaurus ; lexicography ; a lexi broken English.cograph er.

lD eriva tion et 0 O

Adj . Verbdl, lit


gra lftitular.

Similarly derived,conjugate .

Adj . Nominally,&c .,verbatim,word for564. NOMEN CLATURE. 565.

Aname appellation, d esignaion, appellative, denomination,


term, e x pression, epithet, style,title,cognomen,patronymi c,surname .

Synonyme, namesake ;ph emism.

Quota tion,c itation .

V. To name, ca ll, term, denominate, designate, style, entitle, dub, Christen,chara cterize

,specify),define,distinguish .

To e ca lled, &c ., to take thename of quote,cite .



V. To misname,missay,mi sca l l,misterm,nickname .

T O assume a name ; to coinwords .Adj .Misnamed,pseud on ous


&c .,self-ca lled, self-stylecfuriew

fangled expressions .Nameless,anonymous,without

a name,having no name,innominate,unnamed.

Named,ca lled,&c .

,known as ; nuncupatory,nuncu

pative,cognornina l,ti tu lar,nomina l .Litera l,verba l.566. PH RASE, expression, phraseology, paraphrase, periphras is,c ircumlocution, set phrase, round te rms ; mode or turn of expres

s ion ; idiom,wording,pla in terms,plain Engli sh.

Sentence,paragrap motto.Figure,trope,metap or,52 1 antiphrasisV. To express,ph ras e,couc clothe in words,to give expressi on


567. GRAMMAR,acc idence,rud iments, syntax, punctuation,philology.

V. To parse, (analyze,) punetua te .


Adv. Expressed,&c .

,couched in ; periphrastic,c ircum locutory .

568. SOLEC I SM, b ad or falsegrammar, sl ip of th e pen or

tongue bu l l .V. To use b ad or faulty gram

mar to commit a solecism.

Adj . Ungrarnmatical,incorrect,faulty, inaccurate.

569. STYLE,diction,phraseology,turn ofexpress ion,idi om,manner,s train,composi tion,authorship .

570. PERSPI CU ITY lucidness,c lea rness,plain speafiing,intel l ig ib ility,5 18.


. Perspicuous, clear, lucid,intel igib le, plain, transparent,correc t.572. CON C ISENESS, brevity,briefnes s, terseness,compression,

c ondensation,laco nism,pithiness,succmtness ,quaintness, s tiflness .

V. To be concise,&c .

,to con

dens e, comflres s, abridge

,ab b reviate cut 8 ort, curtail,abstract.Adj. Concise,brief,short,terse,neat, compac t, laconic, pithy,


571. OBSC URITY ambigu ity,&c .

,see Unintelligib ility,5 19,ihvolution,vagueness.Adj . Obscure, confused, am

b iguous, vague, un intelligible,&c .


573 D I FFUSENESS, prolixity,verbosi ty, pleonasrn, tautology,copiousness,exuberance, laxity,loo seness, verbiage, flow, pleo


s digression,circumlocution,perip rasis,redundance, episode,ex letive see Length,200.

TO be diffuse,&c .

,totlate, enlarge, launch out, dilate,


nervous, succinct, qua int, stiff,c lose,cramped,elliptica l .Adv. In Short, briefly, in a

word, in a few words ; to thepoint.

gres s ive, discurs ive, excurs ive,ph rastic,episodic .

expand,spin out,dwell,ha rp on,insist upon,descant,digress,ramble,rant.Adj . D iffuse, wordy, verbose,prolix copious, exuberant,flOW°

ing, bombastic, lengthy, longwinded, spun out, long-spun,loose, flatulent, dionas tic

, pcri~

Minute,deta i led,particular,c ircumstantia l.Adv. In deta il .

574. VI G OR,power,force,Spirit

,point, raciness, liveliness,g ow,warmth, piquancy, boldness

,gravity sententiousness,elevation, 10 tines s, sublimity,

elo uence .

dj . Vigorous, powerful,forcib le, nervous, spirited, l ively,glowing

,sparkling, racy, bold,piquant, pointed, antithetica l,

s ententious,lofty, elevated, sublime,eloquent,vehement,impassi omed,full of point,poeti c,&c .

576 . PLAINNESS, simplicity,homeliness,chasteness,nea tness,dryness,monotony,severity.

Adj . Simple, unornamenta l,pla in,unadorned,homespun,dry,unvaried, monotonous, severe,&c .

575. FEEBLENESS, baldness,tameness,meag reness, coldness,frigidity,poverty,puerility,chi ldish nes s,dulness .Adj . Feeble, ba ld,tame,meagre, j ej une, vapid, cold, frig id,poor,dull,languid,prosing,prosy,prosa i c .

577. ORNAMENT, floridnerichness, flourish, flower


5,speech ; well-rounded periods ;high-sounding words ; turgidity,pomposity, inflation, pretension,fustian,affectation,invers ion,figurativeness,rant,bombast,frothiness .V. To ornament, overcharge,overlay with ornament, to round a period .

Adj . Ornamented,&c .,florid,rich,pedantic,affected,pompous, declamatory, fustian, h igh-sounding, sententious, inflated

,bombastic, high-flowing,swelli ng, grandiose, grandiloquent, magni loquent ;

eonian .

578. ELEGAN CE, grace, ease,nature,purity, concinnity, read i


Adj . Elegant, polished, classical, a ttic, C iceronian, graceful,easy,natura l, unlabored, chaste,pure,flowing,mel l ifluous,euph onions

,rhythmi cal .

frothy flowery tur id,t u

579. INELEGAN CE, stiflh es s,uncouthness, barba rism, rudeness, a b ruptness, artificialnes s,aflectation,cacophony.

V. To be inelegant, &c .

Adj . Inelegant,dry,stiff,forced,harsh,cramped, rude c rude,nucouth, ba rba rous, affected, artificial,graceless,abrupt.


bler, ranter, sermonizer, proser,gossip,drivel ler.V. To be loquacious, &c ., to

prate, palaver, prose, chatter,

grattle, ab b le, outta lk, descant,ilate,dwel l on,expatiate,launchout.Adj . Loquacious,ta lkative,gar

rulous,Open~mouthed,chatty,cosy chattering,&c .


Fluent,voluble, glib,flippant,long-winded .

586,ALLOCUTI ON, address,

apostrophe, appea l, invocation,sa lutation .

V. To speak to,address,accost,apostrophize, appea l to, invoke,ha i l,make up to, cal l to, ha l loo,salute .

Adj . Accosting,&c .

588.INTERLO CUTI ON,col locu

tion,colloquy,conversation, converse, confabulation, ta lk, disc ourse, verba l intercourse, d ialogue, logomachy, communication, commerce .Cha t, chitchat, smal l talk, table ta lk,tattle,gossip,idle ta lk.Conference, parley, interview,

audience,reception,pal aver,debate .


To render s ilent,s ilence,put tosilence,sea l one’s lips, smother,suppress,sto one’s mouth, gag,muffle,muzz e .

Adj . Taciturn, close, reserved,mute, sparing Ofwords,uncommunicative, inconversab le .

587, RESPONSE,answer,reply,see 462 .

V. To answer, respond, reply,c .Adj . Answering, responding,replying,&c .,respondent,responsive,see 462 .

589. SOL ILOQUY, monologue,apostrophe.V. To soliloqui ze ; to s ay or

ta lk to one’s self; to sa aside,toth ink a loud to apostrophize .Adj. Soli loqu izing,&c .

Ata lker, interlocutor,gossip, tattler,chatterer babbler.V. T O ta lk together, converse, discourse with, engage in

onversation hold or carry on a conversation ; chat, gos sip,tattle,babble,prat 584,prattle ; to put in a word .eTo confer with, hold conference, &c ., to parley, pa laver,hold intercourse wi th,be closeted with,commune wi th .

Adj . Conversing,&c .,interlocutory,verbal,colloquial,cosy,chatty,gossiping,&c .,conversible .

3 . Written

590, WRITING, chirography,penmanship,ca l igraphy.

Scribble,scrawl,scratch,scribbling,&c ., j otting, interlineation .

Transcription,insc ription, eu

pers cription m inute .

Shorthand,stenograph y,tach igraphy .

Languag e.

591, PRINTING, print, letterpzres s, text, context, note, page,c .

Typography,&c . type,character, black letter, out, pie, &c .,capita ls,maj uscules .Folio,quarto,medium,octavoduodec imo,octodecimo, &c .


cret wri ting, writing in ci V. To print,put to press,pubpher,cryptography . l ish,edit,get out a work,&c .

Compos ition,authorship . Adj . Printed,&c .

Manuscript, copy, transcript,rough C opy, fa ir c opy, handwriting,autograph,signa ture,sign manua l.Ascribe,amanuensis, scrivener,secretary,c lerk,penman,co yist,transcriber,penny-a-liner.Vriter, author, scribbler,pamphleteer, essayist, novelist,

fabu l is t ; reporter,editor,(cri tic, reviewer;) booksel ler, bibliopole .

Pen,quill, pencil,style, paper,parchment,vellum, tablet,slate,&c .

V. To write, en,write ou t, c y, en S,write out fair,transcribe,serib le,scra

'wl,sera te ,inter ine ; to Sign,unders ign,countersign,indorse,Set one’s hand to.To compose, indite, draw up, minute, j ot down, make or

ta ke a minute of, put or set down in wri ting ; to indite,todictate .

Adj . Writing,&c .,written,in wri ting,penned,&c .

592. CORRESPONDEN CE, letter, 593 . B OOK,writing,work,volepistle

,)note, billet,missive, cir um e,

tome,l ibra ry, tract, codex,

cular, illet doux, despatch, bul manua l,pamphlet, circular,publetin . l ication

,pa rt, number, journal,Letter b ag,mai post. album .

V. To correspon write to,send Knowledge Of books ; b ib l ima letter to . graphy.

Paper, bill,sheet, leaf,flyleaf,a g e .

Chapter, section, paragraph,head, arti c le, passage, clause .

594. DESCRIPT ION,historiography,a ccount,sta tement,report,return delineation, monograph, sketch, representation, narration,na rra tive

,relation recita l,re earsa l,anna ls,ch ronic le, j our nal, 55 1,itinerary, log boo

Story, history, memoir, ta le tradition, legend, anecdote, fable,novel,romance,apologue, a rab le .

B iography, necrology, O ituary, l ife, persona l na rrative, adventures,autobiography.

An historian,historiographer,narrator, annal ist,j ournal ist,b iographer,fabulis t,novelist.V. To describe,speak of,state,set forth,sketch,delineate,repro

s ent,portray,depict,pa int,shadow forth,adumbrate .To relate,recite,recount, sum up, run over,recapitulate,na rrate,rehea rse, tell,give or render an a ccount Of, report,draw up a statement,&c .

TO take up or handle a subject to descend to particul ars to enterinto deta i l,parti ‘ulars,&c .

,to deta il,reta i l to come to the point.

Adj . Descri tive, graphi c,wel l-drawn, hi storic,traditional,traditionary,lege l ‘. ary, anecdoti c,described,&c .


595 D I SSERTAT I ON, treatise, tract, tractate, essay, discours e,mer


disquisition,exposition, compilation, s e rmon, homily,

i an ect1V. To descant, trea t of, discuss,write,compile,touch upon,h an

d le or ventilate a subject ; to do justice to a subj ect.Adj . D iscursive

,expository ; compiled,&c .

596 .COMPEND I UM,compend,s ummary,abstract,epitome,digest,

sum and substance,draft,brief,recapitulation,abridgment,abbrevia

zion, Ipinute


, synopsis, syllabus, contents,heads, prospectus,c rrcuar.

Scra 600k,album, note book,commonplace book, extracts, textbook, owers, anthology.

V. To abrid abbrevia te,recapitu late,run over,Skim,make 0 see 201 .

us,&c ., abridged,&c .

597. POETRY, poetics, poesy, 598, PROSE.

the Muse . Aproser, prosai st, (prose wriVerse, metre, measure, foot

,ter. )

numbers, s train, rhyme, blank V. T O prose.verse, vers ification, doggere l Adj . Prosa ic prosing, rhymerhyme, prosody. less

,unpoetical, commonplace.

Poem, epic, epic poem, Ode,epode, idyl, lyrics, ec ogue,pas

toral, bucolic, Anacreontic, sonnet, l ay,, roundelay, madrigal, canzonet, Opera, anthology,distich, stanza, canto, strophe, couplet quartrain, cento ;monody.

Apoet,bard,poetess,rhymer,rhymist,versifier,rhymester,sonneteer, poetaster‘


V. To rhyme,‘ versify,Sing,make verses.

Adj . Poetica l,poetic, lyric,metrica l,epic,&c .

599 . T HE DRAMA, s tage, theatre, th e hi strionic art,acting,&c .,the buskin,sock .

Play,stage play, piece,tragedy, comedy, melodrame, interlude,afterp iece,Op

era,farce,pantomine,dumb Show,puppet ShowTheatre,p ayh ouse,stage,scene, the boards,greenroom.

An actor,a player,stager stage player, performer,mime, comedian, trag edian,Thespian,c own,harlequin,buffoon,s tar.

D ramatic writer,playwright ; pantomimist.V. To act, play, perform, personate, 554, play a part, rehearse,

spout, rant ; to star it.Aaj . D ramatic,theatric,theatri ca l,scenic,h istronic,comic,trag ic,buski ned,farc ica l,tragi-comi c .


learn ng,humor,mood,vein,Lent,bias, propensity,proclivity, aptitude,predisposition,predi lection,proneness,docility,assent,488.

V. To be wi l ling, &c .,

to incline to, lean to,mind, see Des ire,865, to have l ief,to ropend .

Adj . Will ing, fa in, ciisposed,inclined,minded, bent upon,setupon,forward,predisposed,hea rty,cordia l,genia l, prepense, doci le .

Free, spontaneous, unforced,unasked, unbiased, unsolicited,undriven,600.

Adv. Willingly, freely, hearti ly,genia lly,600,certai nly,be itso,488.


posed nes s, backwardness, d is inc l ination, averseness, aversion

,reluctance, repugnance, demur,remissness, S la ckness, ind iffer

ence .

D islike, 867 scrupulousness,scrupulosity, delicacy, demur,scruple,qua lm,hesitation,shrinking, recoil,suspense .

Arecusant.V. To be unwilling,&c .

TO demur, stick at, hesitate,605

,waver, hang in suspens e,scruple,s tickle boggle,fa lter ; tohang back ; to ang fire .Decl ine

,rej ect,refus e,764,re

fra in, keep from, abstain,recoil,shrink,swe rve .

Adj . Unwilling, unconsenting,disinclined, indisposed, averse,reluctant, not content, laggard, backwa rd, remiss, slack,indifferent,frigid,scrupulous,repugnant,disliking,867.

Demurrmg,wavering,&c .

,refusing,764 .

Adv.~Unwill ingly,&c .,perforce .

604. RESOLUT I ON, d eterrm'


tion,decis ion, resolvedness, fi xednes s, steadiness, constancy,unchangeableness, inflexibility,firmness,doggedness,tenacity ofpurpose,solidity,perseverance .

Energy,manliness,vigor,spirit, spiritedness, pluck, bottom ;self-re liance mastery over one’sself; self-control.Adevotee,zea lot,enthusiast.V. To be resolved, &c .

, tohave resolution,&c .

, to resolve,determine“


,make up

one’s mind ; to stand, keep, orrema in firm, &c ., to come to a

determination ; to form a resolution to take one’s stand ; tos tand by,hold by,hold fast,stickto,abide by,adh ere to,keep one’sground, persevere, keep one scourse,hold on,not to fa i lTo i 1 sist upon to make a point

Ad Resolved,resolute, firm,

stea y,s tea dfas t stanch, stable,

cons tar t.

695. IRRESOLUTI ON, indec ision,(want Ofdecision or d etermination,) indetermina ti on, demur,hesitation, suspense, hesitancy,vacillation, unsteadiness, incoastamey, wavering, fluctuation,flickering, changeableness, mutab ility, ficklenes s, levity, trimming,softness,weakness .Awea thercock,a shuttlecock,

a butterfly, a harlequin .

V. T O be irresolute, &c .


hesitate, hang in suspense, debate,demur,waver, ba lance,c il late,quaver, fluctua te, shuffle,blink, boggle,fl icker,fa lter,pa lter,hang fire,d a l ly


with .

Adj . Irresolute,undec ided


resolved,undetermined,vac i l lat~ing, wavering, hesitating, fa ltering,blinking,shuffling,&c .

Unsteady, unstable, uns teadfast,wavering, fickle

,changing,ch angeable, versati le, va riable,inconstant,mutable, fluctuating,unsettled,unfi x ed .

Weak, feeble-minded, fra il,


Decided,determinate, defin


determined, fixed, unmoved, unshaken, unbending,unyie lding,unfl inching,stiff, inflexible unwavering, unswerving,unfa ltering,unsh rinking,umdiverted, immovable, not to be


soft,pliant,g iddy,volatile, fitful,freakish, lightminded .

In suspense, in doubt,see 485 .

Revocable,revers ible .

moved,unhesitating,see Obstinate,606 .

Peremptory,indomitable,strenuous,persevering,bent upon,set upon, intent upon,proof agains t, steeled, staid, serious,irrevocable,i rreversible .Adv. Resolutely,&c .,wi thout fai l.606 . OB STI NACY obstinateness, wi lfulness, se lf-Wi l l, pertinacity, pertinac iousness, tenacity

,tenac iousness, inflex ib il

ity, doggedness stubbornness,headiness, see esolution, 604,restiveness, contumacy, Ob duracy,Obdura tion,obdurateness,umrul ines s .

Intolerance, dogmatism,bigotry,Opiniativeness,zea lotry,infatnation,monoman ia,indocility,intractableness .An Opinionist, opin ionat

s tickler, zea lot, d ogrnatist,natic .

Afixed idea, rooted prejudice,b lind side,&c .,481 .

V. T O be obstinate, &c ., topersist,hold out,stickle .

Adj . Obstinate, Opinionative,opinionated, Opinioned, se lfOpinioned, rejud iced, 481, wilful, self-wi led, positive, tenacrous .

Stiff,stubborn,obdurate,starch,rigid, stiffnecked, pertinacious,dogged, restive,


cious,dogmatic,unpersua able,“

inex o

rable,mulish, unmoved,uninfluenced,unyielding, waywa rd, ihtractable, ha g gard, headstrong,ha irbra ined, refractory, unruly,infa tuated

,heady, crossg ra ined,contumaci ous ,fanatica l .

Adv. Obstinately, &c .


long ; at any rate, risk, ha zard,price,cost,or sa crifice .

607. Change of mind, ints ution,purpose,&c .

TERG IVERSATI ON,retractation,recantation, revocation, reversa l,renunciation, ab'

uration, abjurement, rel in quis ment, 624

, re

pentanes, 950, vaci llation, &c .,605 .

Going over,apostasy.

Arenegade, apostate, b acks lider,trimmer, timese rver, deserter,weathercock,&c .,605 .

V. To change one’s mind,&c .,to retra ct,recant, revoke, abjure,renounce, apostatize, relinquish,trim, veer round, change sides ;

go over, as s, change, or s kiprom one s rd e to another ; swerve,fl inch .

Adj . Changeful, changeable,versa ti le, mobile, unsteady, 605,trimming, doublefaced, doubleminded,timese rving.

Fugac ious,fugitive,revocatory .

608. CAPR I CE, fancy humor,whim,crotchet, quirk,freak,vagary,Whimsey, prank, fit,freakish nes s skittishness, volati lity,fancifu lness,Whimsica lity,g idd iness, inconsistency.

V. To be capricious,&c .


. Capric ious, inconsistentfanc iful,fantastic,whimsica l,ful lof whims,&c .,erratic, crotchety,perverse, humorsome, waywa rd,captious, contra ry, skittish, restive, fitful .


609. C II O ICE, Option, election,adoption,selection,g lean in cc

lecticism, preference, pre i leotion.

Decis ion,determination,award,adj udication,vote, suffrage, b a ll ot,verdict,voicAlternative,dilemma .

Persuasion,seduction,bringingover see 6 15 .

Thing chosen,650.

V. To choose, decide, determine,elect

,l ist, think fit, useone’s discretion, fancy shape

one’s course, prefer, ta e one’schoic e, adopt, select, fix upon,


610. Absence of ch i ice, see

Necessity, 601 .

REJECT I O N, refusa l, see 764 ;declining,repudiation,e x clusion.Indifference, indecision,605 .

V. To rej ect, refuse, &c .

, decl ine, give up, repudiate, exo lude, lay aside,to refra in,spare .

Adj . Rej ecting, &c ., rejected,ca st out,&c .

,not chosen, c .

Having no choice, indifferent,undecided, 605 .

Adv. Nei ther ; neither th e onenor the other.

pitch upon,pick out, single out, pick up, take up, catch


To persuade,overcome

,seduce,entice,see 6 15.

Adj . Optiona l,discretiona l,eclecti c,choosing,&c .

, chosen,&c .,decided,&c .

Adv. D iscretionally,at pleasure,atwill .D ecidedly,&c .,rather, in preference,before ; once for a l l,e ither the one or th e other.6 11. PREDETERMI NAT I ON,pI’emedita tion predeliberation, h aving no a lternative, compulsorychoice .V. To predetermine,premed i

tate resolve (beforehand )Adj . Prepense, premeditated,predetermined, advised, predesigned,preconcerted.

613 . HAB IT, habitude, wont,rule,routine .

Custom, use, usage, practice,run,way,preva lence,observance,fashion,852,etiquette,vogue .

Seasoning,tra ining,hardening,&c .,6 73 .

A second nature, taking root,radication.

V. To be habitua l,&c .,to be inthe habit of, be won t,be accustomed to, &c .

To follow,Observe,conform to,obey, bend to, comply with, ao

commoda te one’s se lf to, adaptone’s se lfto fa l l into a habit,custom,Or usage to addict one’s s elfto .

612. IMPULSE,sudden thought,ins iration, flash .

To flash on the mind .

Adj . Ex temporaneous, impulsive,unmedita ted,unpremed itat


614. DESUET U DE,d isus e,wantof habit or of practice.Nou-observance,infraction,violation, infringement.V. To be una ccustomed

, &c .,to be new to ; to leave Off,cast Off,wean one’s selfof,break Off,breakthrough, infringe, violate, &c .

,ahabit, usage, &c . ; to disuse, towear Off.Adj . Una ccustomed, unused,unus ua l, unwonted,uncustomary,unfa shionable

,non-ob s ervant,d isused,weaned .

Unseasoned, uninured, unhab ituated, untrained, unh ackneyed .


mend,encourage, invite, solicit,press,enjoin entreat, 765,court,plead,advocate,exhort,enforce,dicta te,seduce, overpersuade, entice,a l lure,decoy, charm, concilia te,wheedle,coax,cajole, inveigle,persuade,preva il upon,get to do,bringover,enlist,procure .

To act upon, to impel,excite,suscitate,stimula te,ex suscita te, incite,animate, instigate, provoke, set on, urg e,pi ue,spirit,inspirit


, awaken, l ight up,kindle,enkin le,rekindle,whet,quicken, goad, spur, hurry on,stir up,


, fan, fire inflame, set on fire, fan the flame, b ow th e

coa ls, stir the embers, put on one’s mettle, set on,force,rouse

,a rouse .

Adj . Iinpul swe motive, persuas ive, hortatory, seduct ive,suasory,suasive, oney-tongued,tempting,a lluring,provocative,exciting,p i quant,tanta l izing,&c .

Persuadable, persuasible, suasible, soft, yielding, facile,eas i ly persuaded,&c .

Induced, moved disposed, led, persuaded, &c ., spel lbound,instinct wit

Adv. Because,for, Since, on account of,out of,from ; byreason of.AS,forasmuch as,therefore,hence,wh y,wherefore .617. Ostensible motive,or reason assigned .

PLEA,a l legation, prete x pretence, excuse, a

pology, cue,gloss


,handle,sh i t,quirk,guise,makes ift,specia l pleading,claptrap .

V. To make a pretext, &c .

,of; to use as a ple &c . ; to plead

a llege, retend,excuse,make a handle,&c .

,Of toz

Shelter one 5 se lfunder e plea of.

Adj . Ostensib le, colorable,pretended,a l leged,&c .

3 . Objects of Volition .

618. GOOD,benefit,advantage,service, interest,wea l,boot,ga in,profit, good turn, blessing ; b eoof,beha lf.

619. EVIL,h arm,1injury,wrong,curs e


,urt, damage,di sservice

,111 turn, grievance,prej udice

,loss, m i schief, d is adLuck

,good fortune, piece of

luck,windfal l, godsend, bonus ;pri ze .

Cause of good,see Utility,6 44,Goodness

,648,and Remed 662 .

Adv. Aright well,favora ly.

In beha lf of, in favor Of.

vantage, drawback, tro uble, nunoyance, nuisance, molestation,Oppression, persecution, plague,corruption,659 .

B low, bruise, scratch,wound,muti lation, outrage, spoliation,plunder,pillage, rapine,destruotion,dilapidation, havoc,devastation, inroad,sweeforray

,7 16,desolation .

M isfortune, mishap, mischance, mis adventu'

ae pressure,reverse .


Affl iction, woe, visita tion, disaster, ca lamity,ca tas trophe,downfa l l,ruin,prostration,blight,blast.Cause of evi l,see Bane,66 3 .

Production of evi l,649 .

Adv. Am iss,wrong,evil .


1 . Conceptiona l Volition .

620.INTENTI O N, intent,inten

tiona l ity,purpose,design,purport,mind,meaning, view, proposa l,

study,bent,turn .

F ina l cause, Object, aim,end,scope,drift, destination, ma rk,

point,butt, goa l, target, prey,

qua rry,game .

Decision,determination, re



, predeter

mination,6 1 1 set purpose .

A hobby, amb ition, wish ; seeDesire,865 .

V. To intend,purpose,design,mean,propose to one’s self,havein view,have in one’s eye,havean eye to .To be at, aim at, drive at,b e

after,point at, leve l at, take aim,aspire at or after,endeavor after.To meditate, think of, dreamof,premeditate,6 1 1,contemplate,study

,destine,destinate .

To propose, proj ect, devise,take into one’s head, take uponone’s self, to have to do ; to seeone’s way.


. Intended,&c .,intentiona l,min ed, earnest, e x press, prepense,set upon,bent upon,intentupon, in view,in prospect .Adv. Intentiona lly, &c ., ex

press ly,d os igned ly,purpose ly,onpurpose, studiously, for, Wi th a

v iew to,for the purpose of,wi th

the view of. in order to,to the end

621 . Absence Ofpurpose in th esuccession of events .C II ii N CEfl

L fortune, accident,ha zard, haphaza rd, lot, chancemedley, hit, ca sua lty , conti ngenoy, fate, adventure, randomshot, lottery,&c ., 156 .

Agodsend, luck,a run ofluck,a w indfa l l,&c .,6 18

D rawing lots .Wagerj iet, betting,gambling.

V. To chance,turn up ; to

stand a chance .

To take one’s chance,try one’sluck bet, wager, lay a wag er,gamb le,raffle, toss up,cas t lots,draw lots .To risk,venture,haza rd,stake,incur or run th e risk ; stand thehaza rd .

Adj . Casua l, fortuitous, acci

denta l, contingent, random . adventitious, incidenta l .Unintentiona l, a imless, driftless,designless,undesigned,undirected ; purposeless, c auseless ,

without purpose,&c .,unmed i ta‘.

ed, unpremedita ted, unpurposed.

Indiscriminate,promiscuous .Adv. Cas ua l ly,&c .,b chance,by accident, accidenta l y,&c .,athaphaza rd.

T h at is ,vo l ition h aving reference to a future Object.t See no te on 156.


that,on account of,in pursuance of,pursuant to,with theintent,&c .

622. Purpose in action .

PURSU IT, undertaking, enterprise, adventure,game

,end eavor,see 6 76 .

Prosec i tion, s earch, angling,chase, hunt, race, scramble,course,direction .

V. To pursue, undertake, en

gage in, take in hand, carry on,prosecute,endeavor.To court, seek, angle, chase,give chase, course, dog, hunt,track, follow, run after, prowl,hound,bid for,a im at,take aim,make a leap at,rush upon,jump at.To take or hold a course ; to tread

a path ; to sh ape one’s course ; todirect or bend one’s ste s orcourse ; to run a race,rush ead

tong,rush headforemost,make aplunge, snatch at, &c .

, to startame .


. Pursuing,&c .

Adi) . In order to, for the purpose Of,with a view to,&c .,620.

623 . Absence ofpursuit.AVO IDAN CE, forbea rance, ab

stinence,Sparing, refra ining, 681Flight

,&c .,evasion,e lusion .

V. To avoid, refra in, absta in,not to attempt ; to spare, hold,shun




,run away

from,get out of the way,shrink,hold back, draw back, s ee 286,

recoi l from, fl inch, blench, shy,e lude,evade,parry.

Adj . Avoiding, &c .,elusive,evas ive,flying, fugitive,&c .,un

s oufrh t,unattempted .


dv. Lest ; with a view to prevent

624. REL INQU ISH MENT, derel iction, abandonment, renunc ia o

tion, desertion, see 607, discontinuance.

D ispensation,riddance .

V. TO relinquish,give up,giveover, leave Off, desist, 681 ; putaway ; set,put,or lay a s ide


card, dismiss ; to leave, quit,drop, desert, forsake, abandon,renounce, forswea r ; to depart

from,swerve from,see 279 .

Adj . Relinquishing,&c .

,relinquished,&c .,unpursued .

625. BUSINESS, aflair, concern, task,work, job,e rrand,commiss ion,ofli ce,charge,care, art,duty.

Province,department, unction,mission,vocation,ca l l in or avoca0 )tion,profess ion,c loth,faculty,trade,craft,mystery,wa lk,beat,race,

career,wa lk of life .

Place,post,orbit,sphere,capacity,employment,engagement,excrc is e,occupation ; situation,undertaking,6 76 .

V. To ca rry on a business,trade,&c .

Ad Business-like,Offi cia l,functiona l,professiona l, in hand.

Av. On hand,on foot,afoot,afloa t,going.

626 . PLAN,scheme,device,design,proj ect,prOposal ,proposition .

Line of conduct, game, card, course, tacti cs, strategy, poli cy,polity, 6 92,craft,pra ctice,campa ign .

Measure,step,precaution,proceeding,procedure,process,system,economy,organ i za tion, expedi ent, contrivance, artifice shift, stopgap,manoeuvre,stratagem,fetch, trick,702,stroke, stro e Of po licymasterstroke .

Intrigue cabal,plot,conspiracy,complot,machination .


Adj . Requisite,re uired,&c .,needful,nec essary,urgent,exigent,essentia l,ind ispensa le,prerequisite ; that cannot be spared or di spensed with

2 . Subservience to Ends .

1 . Actual Subservience.

63 1. Ii~STRUMENTALITY, medium, interrned ium, intervention,media tion,dint, seeAgency, 170.

Key,master key,pass key,pas sport.


Adj . Instrumenta l, intervening, intermediate,subservient,(ancilarAdv. Through,by,with,by means of,a long with,thereby,throughthe medium, cf,wherewith .

632 .MEAN S, resources, appliances, ways and means, ap O intments, expedients, steps, measures, 626, aid, 707, interm

' um ;dem ier resort.Machinery, mechanism, mechanics, engi neering, mechanica lpowers,scaffold, ladder,ma instay.

Instrumenta l,subservient,ministerial,mechan ical .How, by what means,by a l l means,any h ow,6 2 7,by th e

aid of,by dint of,by the power or agency of.

633 . IN STRUMENT, tool, implement,apparatus,utensil,craft,ma

chine,engine .

Weapon,arms, a rmory,batterEquipment,gear,tackle,tackling,rigging,harness,paraphernal ia,equ ipag e .

Awheel,jack,mill,clockwork,wheelwork,pulley,spring,screw,wedge,flywheel, lever,pinion crank,winch,crane, capstan,Windlass, hammer, ma l let, mattoc mal l, b at, sledge hammer,ma ce,c lub,truncheon,pole,staff, bill,crow,crowbar,poleaxe,handspike,c rutch,boom,b ar.

Organ, l imb arm, hand, finger,fist,claw, paw, talons, tenta cle,wing

,oar, addle,pincer,plier,forceps

Handle, ilt,haft,sh aft, heft, trigger, ti ller, helm,treadle,pummel,peg,2 15 .

Edge tool,see 253,axis,see 3 12 .

634, SUBSTITUTE, shift, makeshift, see Substitut ion, 147, andDeputy,759 .

63 5. MATERIALS,stuff,raw materia l pabulum,fuel,g rist,provender,provisions,food,298,al iment,fodder. forage,prog,pasture,pastura g e.

Supplies,munition,ammunition,reenforcement,relay .

B aggage, luggage, b ag and bagga g e, effects, goods, chattels,po

pseh o ld stuff,equipag e,parapherna lia,stock in trade,pelf,ca rg o,

a mg .

638. STORE, stock,fi nd, supply reserve, relay, budget, quiver,reserved find,mine,quarry,vein, ountafn .


Collection, accumula tion, heap,72, hoard,maga zine, pile, rick,savings, bank 802, treasury, reservoir, repository,repertory,d epos-oitory,depot, es aurus, museum, storehouse,reservatory,conservatory,menagerie,receptacle,warehouse,d ock,la rder,ga rner,grana ry,s toreroom,cistern,well, ta nk, armory arsena l, coffer,&c ., 19 1 .

V. To store,s tock,treasure up,lay in, lay by,s et by,lay up,fund,garner,save,res erve,keep back, husband, hoard,depos i t,accumuate,72 .

Adj . Stored,&c .,in store, in reserve .63 7. PRo v ISI ON, supply, pro

vid ing, supplying, &c ., purveyance, purveying, reenforcement,husbanding, commissaria t, victua l l ing .

Forage,pasture,food,&c .

,299 .


termas ter,feeder.V. To provide,supply,furnish,purvey, replenish, fi ll up, feed,

s tock with,recruit, ca ter, find

,keep, lay in, l ay in store,store,forag e,husband,see 63 6 .

63 9 . SUFF I C IEN CY,adequacy,(full supply,) competence ; satiety,enough .

Fulness, plenitude, plenty,

abundance, copiousness, amplitude, richness, ferti lity, lux uriance,uberty,cornucopia .

Irnpletion,repletion,satura tion .

Riches,803,mine, store,fund,6 3 6 .

Aflood,draught, shower,ra in,

3 47, stream, tide, springtide,flush.

Modera tion, see Mediocri ty,651 .

V. To be sufl‘ic ient,&c .,to suffice,to do,satisfy,saturate makeup,(to meet the case, to supplyth e want.)To abound,teem,stream,flow,ra in,shower down, pour,swarm .

To render sufficient, &c .


make up,to fill, replenish, pourin .

Adj . Suffi cient, enough ad e

quate, commensurate, (w at isrequisite or necessary.)

638. WASTE, consumption,(squandering,) expenditure, exh austion,dra in,leakage,wear andtea r,dispersion,73,ebb,see Prodiga l ity, 819 .

V. To waste,spend, (squander,to be lavish,) expend, use, consume,spi ll, leak,run out,run towas te, disperse,73 , eb b, dry up,impoverish dra in, empty, exhaust ; to t row away,ca st away,fritter away.

Adj . Was ted, spent, &c .

, at a

low ebb .


, inade

quacy, inadequateness,incompetence .

Defic iency, scantiness, (iusuffic ient supply or store,) defect,defectiveness, defa lcation, default, deficit, shortcoming, fa l ling short,3 04,what wi ll not do,scantiness


,&c .

,3 2 .

Scarcity, dearth, want, need,lack, exigency, inanition, indigence,pove rty,penury,804,destitution, dole, pittance, shorta l lowance, starvation, famine,drought,emptiness,vacancy,flacc id ity .

V. To be insufficient,&c .


to suffice,&c . to come short of,

to fa l l short 0 fa i l,stop short,towant, lack need, require,6 3 0.

To render insuffi cient, &c .,to

stint, grudge, hold back, withhold sta rve,pinch,famish,(to puton short a llowance . )To empty

,dra in,&c .

,see 6 3 8.

Adj . Insufficient, inadequate,incompetent,not enough, &c .,



Full, ample, plenty, copious,plentiful, plentious, plena ry,

abundant, abounding, replete,iad en,ful l -lad en,ch arged fraught ;well stocked or provided, libera l,lavish,unstinted,to spare,unsparing, unmeasured .

B rimful,to the brim,choke-full,satura ted

,crammed, rich,lux uri

ant,heavy- laden .

Une x hausted, unwasted, exh austles s, inexhaustible .


scant,s cang,deficient,defec tive,i l l-furnis h e i ll-provided

,i l l

stored, in default, sca rce, empty,devoid,Short of,wanting,&c .

Destitute, dr ,dra ined,un ro

vid ed, unsupplied, unfumis ed,unreplenished, unfed, unstored,untreasured, bare,meagre, poor,thin,spare,stinted, sta rved,famish ed,pinched,sta rveling,j ej une,without resources .

641, RED UNDAN CE, superabundance, superfluity, superfluence,e x uberance,profuseness, profusion, p lethora, congestion, glut,surfe it, load,turgidity, turgescence, 192,pleonasm .

Excess,an overdose,oversupply, overplus,surplusage,overmeas

ure, overflow, inundation, deluge, extravagance, prodigal i’ty, 818,exorbitance,lavishment.

V. To overabound,(superabound,) run over,overflow,flow over ;rol l in wa l low in,swa rm .

To overstock, overdose,overlay, gorge,glut, load, overload, surcharge,overrun,drench, inunda te,deluge,whelm.

Adj . Redundant, superfluous, exuberant, superabundant, ex ces

s ive, in excess,overmuch,too much,needless,over and above,40,more than enough,running to waste,overflowing,running over.

Turg id,gorged,plethoric,profuse,lavish,prodiga l,extra,supernumerary, expletive, surcharged, overch arged, overloaded, overladen,overburdened,overrun,overfed .

Adv. Over,over and above too much,overmuch,over and enough,too far,Without meas ure,Wit out stint.

2 . Degree of Subservience.

642. IMPORTAN CE cousequence,moment,weight,gravity,seriousness, concern, consideration

,significance, import, influence, 1 75, pressure, urgency,

s tress, empha sis, preponderance,p rominence,250,greatness,3 1 .

The substance essence,quintes s ence,gist,pit marrow,soul .The principa l, prominent, oressentia l pa rt ; th e corner stone .V. To be important or Of im

portance, &c .

, to s ignify,import,

matter,boot,weigh, to e prominent,&c .

,to take th e lead .

To attach or ascribe impor

643 . UN IMPORTAN CE, ind ifference,in s ignificance, triflingnes s,pa ltriness, emptiness, nothingness, inanity, l ightness, levity,frivolity, vanity, frivolousness,pueri li ty.

Poverty,meagernes s,meanness,Shabbiness,&c .,804.

Atrifle,sma ll matter,bagatel le,gi

lph er,molehill, j oke, j es t, bub .

e .

Astraw,pin, fig,button

, rush

,feather, fa rth ing, brass fa rthing,peppercorn,pebble,sma ll fry .

Toy, plaything, knickknack,gimcrack,gewgaw,bawble .


cable,adequate, effi cient, effi ca

c ious,effective,effectua l, 1 68.

Adv. Usefully,&c .

646, Specific subservience .Ex pED IEN CE

, expediency, fitness,suitableness, aptness, aptitude,appropriateness,pertinence,seas onableness, 644, adaptation,congrui ty, consonance, 2 3 , convenience, el igibility, applicability,seemliness .V. To be expedient,&c .

T O suit,fit,squa re

adapt itself to,agree with, con

sort with,ta l ly with,accord with,conform to .

Ad Expedient, fit, fitting,

suitafi le, applicable,eligible,apt,appropria te, adapted,proper,advi sable



g ruous, seemly, consonant, b ecoming, meet, due, consentane

ous, congenia l, well-timed, s ea

sonable, opportune, befitting,happy, felicitous, auspicious,ac

c eptab le, &c .

, convenient, commod ious,see 2 3 , 1 3 4 .

648, Capabili ty of produc inggood .

GO ODNESS, excellence,va lue,worth, preciousness, estima tionrareness, exquis iteness, (goodqua li ties .)Superexcellence, superiority,supereminence


Mediocrity, innocuousness,see65 1 .

V. To be good,&c . ; to be superior, &c ., to excel, transcend,top,vie,emulate,&c .

To be middling, (ordinary,orindifferent,) &c .

,65 1 to pa ss .To produce good, b enefit,&c .,to ava il,to profit,to benefit, to be

b eneficra l,&c .

,to confe r a benefit,&c .,to improve,658.

inept,w ithered

,wasteful, il l

spentUnneeded, unneces sa ry, nuca l led for, incommodious, discommodious .Adv. Uselessly,&c .

647, INEx PED IEN CE, inex pe

d iency,disadvantageousness,nuserviceableness,dis service,unfitness,(unsuitableness,) inaptitude,ineligibility




g ruity,in ipertinence,inopportuneness,unseasonableness .Iiiconven ience,incommodiousness, incommodity.

V. To be inex pedient, &c .,toemba rrass,cumber, lumber, &c .

Adj . Inexpedient,d is advanta

geons, unprofitable, unfit, unfitting,unsuitable amiss, improper,unapt,inept

,unadvisable, ineli

g ib le, Obj ectionable, inadmis s ible, unseemly, inopportune, nuseasonable,see 2 4, 1 3 5 .

Inconvenient,incommodious,in the way, cumbrous, cumbersome, lumbering, unwieldy, nu


649. Capability of p roducingevil .BADNESS, hurtfulness, disser

viceab lenes s,inj uriousness,banefulness, mischievousness, noxious nes s,ma lignancy,venomousness, virulence, destructiveness,curse,bane,6 6 3 .

Vileness, foulness, rankness,depravedness, pestilence ; deterioration,see 659 .

V. To be b ad,&c .

To cause, produce, or infli ctevil ; to ha rm, hurt, injure,mar,damage, endamage, sca the, pre

judi ce .

To wrong,molest,annoy,g rieve,aggrieve, trouble, oppress, ersecute weigh down, run own,overlay.


Adj . Harmless,innocuous,hurtless,unobnoxious .Good, beneficia l,va luable, estimable, serviceable, advanta

geons,precious,favorable,prOpitious .

Sound,sterl ing, standa rd, true,genuine,fresh ,unfad ed,unspoiledunimpaired,uninj ured,und emo l

iehed, undamaged, undecayed,natura l,unso h is ticated,umadulterated, unpo luted,unvitiated .

Choice, nice, fine,ra re, felicitous,unexceptionable, excellent,admirable, first-rate, prime, car

dina l, superlative, superfine, su

pere x cel lent, exquisite, highwrought,mes timab le, inva luable,pri celess, incomparable, trans cend ent,matchless,peerless,inimitable,unriva lled,spo tless,immaculate,perfect, 650.Moderate ly good,65 1 .


To ma ltreat,abuse, i l l use, i l ltreat,bruise,scratch,maul,strike,smite, scourge, 972,wound, lame,ma im, scotch, cripple, muti late,hamstring, hough, stab, pierce,&c ., crush,crumble .

To corrupt, corrode, pollute,&c ., 659 .

To spoil, despoi l, sweep, rav

age, lay waste,devasta te,d ismantle,demolish,level,ra ze,consume,overrun

,sack, plunder, destroy,

1 62 . a

Adj . Bad,evi l,wrong,prejud ic ial, disserviceable, d is ad vantageons,unprofitable,unlucky, sinister,Obnoxious,untoward,unadvisable, inauspicious .Hurtful, injurious, gri evous,detrimenta l,nox i ous, erni c ious,m i sch ievous,baneful, a leful .Morb ific,rank,peccant,ma lignant, corrod ing, corros 1ve, virulent, c ankermg, mephi ti c, nar

coti c .Deleterious,poi sonous,venom

ous, envenomed, pesti lent, pestiferous, destructive, deadly,fa ta l,mortal ,azotic .

Vi le,s ad,wretched, sorry, shabby, scurvy,shocking, horrid,horrible .

Ha teful,abominable,villanous,dire detestable,execrable,cursed, accursed,confounded, damnab le, diabolic, devi lish,demoniaca l, inferna l,hellish, satanic .

Adv. Wrong,wrongly,badly,&c .

650, PERFECT I ON, perfectness indefectibility, impec cab ili ty

,beau idea l,2 10.

Master ieee, model, pattern,mirror, p (Enix, paragon, prime,flower,cream,nonesuch .

Gem, j ewel, pearl, diamondruby,bril liant ; bij outry.

V. To be erfect, &c .

,to ex

cel,tran scen overtop,&c .

To bring to perfection,to per

feet, to ripen, mature, &c .,52,

729 .

Adj . Perfect, best, faultless,fin ished, ind efic ient, indefective,

indefectible, immaculate, spot

651. 1MPERFECT I O N, imperfectnes s,unsoundness,faultiness,deficiency, d rawback, inad equacy, inad equateness .Fault,defect,flaw,crack,twist,ta int,peccancy.

Mediocrity,mean,29, inferiortyV. To be impe ct,mid d l ing,

&c .,to fa i l,to l ie under a d is advantage .

Adj . Imperfect, deficient, defective, faulty, inadequate, umsound, unremedied

,cracked,wa rped,fra i l, tottering, decrepit,ricke ty,b attered,worn out,thread


less,matchless,peerless,&c .,see

648, in mitab le,superlative,trans cend‘ .

,t superhuman,divine


bare, wormeaten, used up, deca

yed,mutilated .

nd ifferent, (ordina ry,) midd l ing, secondary, second-rate ,s ecorid best, second hand .

Tolerable,passable,pretty well,well enough, rather good,admissible, not b ad

652 CLEANNESS, cleanliness,purity, neatness, tidiness, spotlessness, immaculateness .C lean ing, purification, lustration, abstersion,


d epuration, expurg ation,purgation .

Washing, ablution, c l arifica

tion,defecation, colation, fi ltra

tion .

Fumigation,venti lation, d is infection .

Scavenger ; brush, broom, b esom

,Sieve, riddle,screen,filte r.

V. To be clean,&c .

To render clean,&c ., to clean,cleanse,wipe,mop,sponge,scour,swab,scrub,brush ,sweep,brushup .

To wash, lave, absterge, deterge,clear,purify,depura te,d efecate, l ixivia te,edulcorate, clarify, rack,filte r,filtrate .To disinfect, fumigate, ventilate,purge,emasculate .To sift,winnow,pick,weed .

Adj . Clean,pure, spotless, nuspotted,immaculate

,unsta ined,

sta in less, unsoi led, unsull ied,ta intless,unta inted, uninfected .

Spruce, tidy, wa shed, swept,&c .,cleaned,purified,&c .

smear, spatter, bespatter,

not ami ss, linob jectionab le .

653 . UN C LEANNESS, (fi lth i

ness,) uncleanliness, soi ines s,foulness,impurity,pollution,nastines s,offensiveness, beastliness,d efi leinent,contam ina tion,abomination,ta int,ta inture ; see 659 .

Slovenliness, untidiness, sluttish ness,coarseness,grossness .D i rt, filth, soil,slop,dust,cobweb,flue,smoke,soot,smutD regs,grounds,sediment,lees,settlement,dross,drossiness,pre

c ipitate, slag, scum, swee ings,Offscourings, scurf, scur nes s,dandriff,vermin .

Mud, mire, quagmire, sslough,a l luvium,sl ime,spawn,offa l,i ecrement, fences, excrement, or


post, dunghill, sink, cess, cesspool,sewer,bilge-water.Sty,p igsty,dusth o le la ir,den.

Rottenness, corruption, decay,putrefaction,putres cence,putridity, purulence, feculence, ranknes s,ranc idity,moulding,mustiness,mould, mother, must, mildew,dryrot ; see Fintor,401 .

V. To be unclean, dirty,&cto rot, putrefy,mould, mould er,fes ter,&c .

T O render unclean,&c .

,to dirt.dirty, soi l, begrime, smea r, b esplash, b edragg le, daub,bed aub,beslime

,to cover with dust,&c .

To foul,befoul,pollute,defile,debase,contaminate, ta int.c orrupt, deflower,rot,&c .

Adj. Unclean, dirty, soiled,&c .

,dusty, dirtied,&c .,sooty

,smoky, turbid,d regg .

Slovenly, untidy, sluttish, unkempt, unscoured, unswept,unwiped,unwash ed,uns tra ined,unpurified .

Nas ty,foul impure,offensive,abominable,beastly .Mouldy,musty,mildewed,rusty,mouldering,effete,rotten.


ment, conva lescence, recoverv.

curableness .Repa ir, repa ration, c icatri zation,correction, reform, reforma

tion,epura ti on, purifica tion,&c .


652, refinement, re lief,redress .Reformer,radica l .V. To be,become,or get better,&c ., to improve, mend, advance

,progress, 282, to get on,make progress, ga in ground,make way,pick up,

ra lly,recover,get the better 0 get well .T O render better, improve,mend

, amend, better, meliorate,ameliorate .To repa ir,refit,retouch, botch,vamp, tinker, cobble, patch up,

touch up,cicatri ze,darn,rub up,furbish,polish,bolster up,prune,ca lk,careen,to stop up a g ap,tostanch.

To correct, rectify,redress,rerestore,660.

purify,depurate,652,d efecate,strain,filter,rack,refine,disinfect.To advance,forward,enhance .

To relieve,refresh, restore,renew, redintegrate, heal, see

6 60 to pa l liate,mitigate .Adj . Improving,&c .,improved,

&c ., progressive, corrective, re

para to emenda tory,sanatory.

Cura le,corrigible


Impa irment, in;ary, i l tiation,debas ement, a lloy, crverSIO: ,corruption,prostitution,pollution,poi son ing,venena ti on .

Decline, declension, declination,fa ll ing Off,going down hil l,recession, retrogression, retrogra

dation, 2 83 , caducity, d ecrepitude,decadency .

D ecay, disorganization, wearand tear,fa l ling to pieces,mouldines s,rottenness,moth and rust,dryrot,blight,marasmus .Incurableness


see Hopelessness 859 .

V. To be or become d eteriora ted, to deteriorate, wane, ebb,degenerate,fa l l Off,decline sink,lapse,droop,be the worse for,recede,retrograde,fa ll into decay,fade, b reak down,fa l l to pieces,w ither,moulder, rot, rust, crumble, totter, shake, tumble, fa ll,perish,die,3 60.

o render less good ; to d eteriorate, injure, impa ir,vitiate, debase,a lloy,pervert.To spoil, defile, taint, infect,contaminate,sophisticate,poison,impoison, canker, corrupt, pollute,deprave,dena tura l ize, leaven,envenom,debauch,prostitute,defile, adulterate, sta in, spatter,bespatter,soi l,ta rnish .

To corrode, wea r away, wearout,gnaw, gnaw at the root of,sap, mine undermine, shake,break up,disorganize,disman tl e,di sma st,lay was te,ru in.

To imbitter,ac erbate,aggrava te .

T o in ' ure,harm,hurt,damage,endamage,&c .,649 .

Adj . eteriorated,become worse, impa ired, &c .,degenerate,on the dec line,dec iduous,unimproved,unrecovered,restored .

Remediless,hopeless,past cure,past men/l ing,i rreparable,irremediable,cureless, incurable, irremed icab le, irrecoverable i rre trievable,irrecla imable,irrevers ible .

Decayed, &c .

, motheaten, wormea ten, mildewed, rusty.

timeworn,mossgrown,effete,wasted,worn,crumbling .


660 RESTORATI ON, reinstatement, replacement, restora l, instauration,reestablishment, rectification, redintegration,refection,cure,refitting, recruiting,redress,retrieval,&c .


Renovation, reanimation te

covery,resuscitation,reviva l, rejuvenescence, regeneration, re

genera cy,regenerateness,redemption,6 72 ; a phoenix .


661, REL -. PSE, laps e , fa ll ingback, retrog ression, retrograd ation, &c .

, 659 .

Return to, or recurrence of a

b ad state .

V. To relapse, lapse,fa l l back,slide b ack,sink back,return,retrograde,&c .

V. To return to the origina l state,to right itself.To restore,replace, reestablish, reinsta te, reconstitute,tebuild, redintegra te, set right, set to rights, rectify, redres s,recla im, redeem,recover, come to, retrieveTo refit, recruit, refresh, rehabilitate, reconvert, reconsti

tute,renova te, revive, regenerate, resusc itate,reanimate, tecal l to life,set on one’s legs, reseat.To cure,hea l,cicatrize,remedy,phys io,medicate.Adj . Restoring,&c ., r

estored,&c .

Restorable,sanable,remediable,retrievable,662, REMED Y, help, redress,cure, antidote

,counter-poison,corrective,restora tive,seda tive .

Physic,med icine,drug,medica

ment, nostrum, prescription, ca

th ol icon .

Panacea,el ixir, balm,ba lsam,cordia l .Sa lve,Ointment,plaster,embrocation,cataplasm,poultice,vulne

ra ry,cosmetic,&c . ; sanativeness .Pharmacy ,Pharmacology,MateriaMedica,Therapeutics, D ie

tetics, D ietary, Regimen, Chirurgery, Surgery.

A hosp i ta l, infi rmary, pesthouse,lazaretto .

663 .BANE,rod,scourge,cursescathe, sting, thorn ; ga l l and

wormwood .

Poison, leaven, virus, venom,miasm,ma laria,a zote, pest, rus t,canker,cancer,canker worm,Hemlock,h el leb ore,nigh tsh ade,henbane,aconite .Aviper,adder, serpent, ra ttlesnake,cockatrice,scorpion,wireworin, torpedo, hornet, vulturevampire,&c . ; D emon,&c .,980

Fury,see 9 13 .

Science of poisons, Toxi cology.

Adj . Remed ia l,medical,medicina l,therapeutic,chirurg i cal,s anatory,sanative,salutary, sa lutiferous,hea ling, restora tive,tonic, ba lsamic,anodyne,sedative,lenitive,demulcent,emol

l ient,detersive,detergent,abstersive,disinfec tant,corrective .

D ietetic .

3 . Conting ent Subservience.

664. SAFETY,security, surety, 665, DAN CER, peril, ins ecuriimpregnability, invulnerability, ty, jeopardy, risk, h azard,.


invulnerableness . ture,precariousness,slipperiness,Safeguard, guard, guardian see 667.

chip, protection, tute lage, ward L iability, exposure. 177,vul


ship, wardenship, safe conduct,escort,convoy,garris on .

Watch,wa tch and wa rd sentinel,scout,watchman,patrol,picket,bivouac



fender,warden,wa rder,preserver,tutela ry sa int. guardian angel ;

see Defence,7 17 .

Custody,safekeeping,751 .


To be s a e,&c .

To render safe,&c .,to rotect,gua rd,mount guard,shiel shelter, flank, cover, screen, shroud,ensconce,ward, secure, fence,hedge in, intrench,house .

To defend,for-fend,escort,convoy,garrison .

Adj . Safe, in safety, in se curity secure,sure,protected,guarded snug,fireproof.Defenc ib le, tenable, invulner

ab le, unassa i lable, impregnable,inexpugnable .

lProtecting,&c .

, guardian,tutear

finth reatened,unmolested,unharmed,harmless, scathless,un ~

hazarded .

666,Means of safety.

REFUGE, asylum, sanctuary,fastness, retreat,hiding-place .Road stead, anchorage, break

wa ter, mole,port, haven,harbor,harb or of refuge,pier.Fort, citadel, fortification,&c .,shield,&c .

,see Defence,717.

Screen, covert, wing, fence,ra i l, ra il ing, wal l, dike, ditch,&c .

,2 3 2 .


nerab il ity,vulnerable point ; th eheel ofAchi lles .Hopelessness,859,forlorn h 0pe,

a la rm,see Fear,860,defencelessness,

V. To be in danger,&c .,to beexposed to, to run, incur or eucounter danger,run a risk .

To place or put in danger,&c .,to end anger, e x pose to danger,imperil,j eopa rdi ze, compromise,adventure



,venture,stake .

To insnare,entrap,entangle,Adj . In danger,peri l,j eopardy,

&c .,unsafe, insecure,ungua rded,unscreened, unsheltered, unprotected,helpless,ex posed,defence~less,at b ay .

Unwarned,unadmonished,nuadvised .

Dangerous,peri lous,hazardous,fraught with danger,adventurous,precarious, slipper unsteadyshaky,tottering,top cavy .

Threatening, a larming,mina

tory,minacious,909 .

667. Source of danger.

PITFALL, rocks, reefs, sunkenrocks, snag s, sands, quicksands,breakers,sh oa ls, sha llows, bank,shelf,fiat, lee shore,precipice .

Trap, snare,gin, springe,toils,noose,net,spring net,spring gun,masked battery,mine .

Anchor, sheet anchor, prop, stay, ma instay, jury mast,lifeboat,plank, (life preserver,) stepping stone


668. WARN ING, caution, noti ce, premon i tion, premonishment,lesson,dehortation

,admonition,see 864.

Beacon, l ighthouse,pha ros,watchtower,signal post,&c .

,s ee 650.

Sentinel,sentry,watch ,watchman,patrol,&c .,6 64.

V. To warn,caution,forewarn,premonish,give notice,give warn c

admonisn,dehort .in%lo take Warning,to beware,to be on one’s guard,86 1.


ting to rights, learance,a rrangement,disposa l, organization, ad

justment,a iaptation, disposition,accommodation

,putting in tune

,tuning, putting in trim,dressing,putting in harness,outfit, equipment,accoutrement,&c .


pedesta l,&c ., see 2 15, first stone,scaffold,scaffolding.

State of being prepared, preparednes s, ripeness, ma turity,readiness,mellowness .Preparer,pioneer.V. To prepare,get ready,make

ready,get up,anticipate,forecast,pree' stablish, preconcert, settleprelimi naries, to found.

To arrange,set or put in order,set or put to rights, organize,dispose, cast the pa rts, adj ust,adapt,accommodate,trim,betrim,fit, predispose, inure, e labora te,


Adj . Unprepared,rud imenta l,immature,unripe,raw,green,crude,rough,roughcast,rough hewn,unhewn, unformed,unhatched, nufledged, unnurtured,uneducated,in a state of nature,unwrought,unconcocted, undigested, indigested

,unfashioned, fa llow, nu

cultivated, untra ined, undrilled,unex ercised,unseasoned,d isqualified .

Unbegun,unready,unarranged,unorganized,unfurnished,unprovid ed,unequipped,undressed,indishabil le, dismantled, untrimmed.


Unpremeditated,offhand, 6 12,from hand to mouth,extempore.

mature, ripen, nurture, ha tch,cook,brew,tune,put in tune,attune,set,temper.To provide,provide aga inst,make provis ion, keep on foot,take precautions,make sure ; to l ie in wa it for,507.

To equip,arm,man,fit out,fit up,furnish,rig,dress,dressup,furbish up,accoutre,array,vamp up .

To prepa re one’s self; lay one’s self out for,get into h arness,gird u one’s loins,buckle on one’s a rmor.To tra in,dri ll,discipline,break in,cradle, inure habituate,harden,season,acclimatize,qua lify,educate,teac &c .

Adj . Preparing,&c ., in pre aration, in course of preparation, i n agitation, brewing,fbrth coming, in embryo, afoot,afloat,on the anvil,on the carpet,on the tapis,on the stocks,provisiona l .Prepared

,tra ined


,&c .

,forearmed,ready, in read iines s, ripe, mature, mellow, fledged, ready to one’s hand,ready-made,cut and dried,concocted .

Adv. In prepara tion, in anticipation of,&c .,against.675. ESSAY,trial, experiment,46 3,probation, endeavor, attempt,venture,adventure,random shot.V. To try,essay,make tria l of,experiment,make an experiment

attempt,make an attempt ; to grope,feel one’s Way,pick one’s way ;to venture,adventure .

To endeavor,strive

,use one’s endeavors .

Adj . Essayi ng, &c ., experimenta l, tentative, empirica l, on tria l,probative,probatory,proba tionary ; attempting,endeavoring,&c .

1Adv. Experimenta &c .,at a venture .


676, UNDEErAx I N G, enterpri se,move,first move, the initia tive,first step,see Beginning,6 6,debut, embarkation.

V. To undertake, take in hand, set about,go about,set to,fa l l to,s et to work,engage in, launch into,embark in,plunge into,vo lunteer.To begin, set on foot,set a-going, take the first s tep,take the ini

tiative ; to break ground,break the ice .Adv. Undertaking,&c .

677. USE, employment, employ,application, appliance,disposa l,e x ercise,agency, see 170.

Recourse,resort,ava i l,service,s ear

,conversion to use .

V. To use, make use of, employ, 1 3 4,apply,dispose of,work,wield

,put to use ; turn or convert

to use ; ava i l one’s self of, resortto,have recourse to,recur to,takeup with ; to betake one’s selfto.To render useful, serviceab le,

ava i lable, &c . ; draw, ca l l forth,tax ,task,try,exert,exercise,consume,absorb,expend .

To practise, put in action,setwork,set in motion,ply,put in

practice .To be useful, to s erve one’szurn,&c ., see 644.

Ad Used, employed,&c .,applied{ex ercised, tried,&c .

679.MI SUSE,mis employrnent,

678, D ISUSE, forbearance,abstinence,dispensation,desuetude,dis ens ab lenes s .

To d isuse,not to use,to d owithout, to dispense with, to leta lone, not to touch ; to spare,wave .To lay by ; set, put, or lay

aside ; to di sca rd, dismiss, castoff, throw off, turn off, turn out,turn away, throw away,do awaywith ; to keep back.

To dismantle,dismast .Adj . D isused, &c ., not used,

unemplo ed, unapplied, undis

po sed o unspent, unexercised,e t back.

nes s ayed, set aside,ungathered, untouched, unculled, nutrodden.

misapplication,misappropria ti on,abuse,profanation,prostitution,desecra tion.

Waste,wasting,spi lling, exhaustion,6 3 8.

V. To mi suse,m i semploy, mi sapply, mi sappropriate, desecra te,abuse,profane,prostitute .

To waste,spill,fritter away,exhaust.Adj .Mi sused,&c .


1 . Simple Voluntary Action.

680. ACTION, performance,work,operation, roceed ing, procedure,process, and icraft,workmanship, transaction,job,doings ;business

,affa ir.

Deed, act, overt act, move,

s troke, blow, fea t, exploit, passage,stroke of policy.

681. INACTI ON,ab stinencetromaction, see Inactivity,683 .

V. Not to do, to let be,absta infrom doing ; let or leave a lonerefrain, desist, stop, leave 0

keep one’s se lf from doing ; letpass, lie by,wa it.To undo, take down, take or


V. To act, do, work, pe rform,perate, commit, perpetra te, infl i ot exercise,practise ; ' to strike

a b low.

To labor,drudge,toil,ply,d ab

b le ; to set to work, go about,s erve,offic ia te.


pull to pi eces,do away with see

16 3 .

Ad Not doing, not done, leta lone


,&c .

Adj . Acting, &c ., in action, in opera tion, &c ., on foot, at

work, opera tive, in harness, in e x erci se,in play ; on duty .

682,ACTIVITY,briskness,(livel ines s,) quickness, promptness,promptitude readiness,a lertness,sma rtness,sha rpness,nimbleness,agilitySp i ri t,viva city,eagerness,a la c

rity, zea l, energy, 171,vigor, intentnes s .

Movement, bustle, sti r, fuss,ado,fidget, restlessness .Wakefulness,vigilance, sleeplessness,459 .

Industry, as siduity, assiduousness,sedulity,sedulousness,diligence perseverance,pers istence,plodd ing, pa instaking drudg ery,i ndefatigability, in efatigab le

ness, patience, habits of busines s .

Dabbling, meddling, interference,inte rposition,intermeddling,tampering with,intrigue,s upe rerogation,superfluence.

V. To be a ctive,busy,stirring,&c .,to busy one’s se lfin,stir,b estir one’s self,bustle,fuss,makea fuss,speed,hasten,push,makea push,go ahead.

To plod,drudge,keep on,holdon, persist, take pa ins ; to takeor spend time in ; to make progress .To meddle, intermeddle, inter

fere, interpose, tamper w ith,ag itate, intrigue .

To ove ract, overdo, overlay,outdo .Adj .Active,b risk,quick,prompt,

a lert,on the a le rt, stirring, Spry,sharp,smart,quick,nimble,ag ile .lightfooted, tripping

, read)

683 .INACTIVITY,inaction,lul l,

id lenes s,s loth ,la ziness,indolence,ine rtness, lumpishness, supineness,sluggishness,languor,torpo r,listlessness, remissness, want ofoccupation .

D ilatoriness, procrastination,13 3 , relaxation, dronishness, truantship, lagging, dawdling, rust,rustiness .Somnolence,drowsiness, doz iness, nodding, oscitation,s leepiness .Sleep,nap,doze,s lumber,leth c

argy,h yb ernation .

An idler, laggard,truant, s luggard,slumberer,drone, lounger.Cause of inactivi ty, see 174 ;tor edo .

To be inactive, &c ., to donothing, to let a lone, l ie by,l ieidle,keep quiet,re lax,la g ,lounge,loiter ; to waste, lose,idle away,kil l,trifle awa fritter" away time .To sleep, slumber, nod, closethe eyes,close th e eyelids,doze,

fa l l a sleep,to drop as leep,h yb ernate,yawn .

To render idle,&c .

Ad Inactive,unoccupied,nuempliiyed,unbusied,doing nothing,at leisure,685 .

Ind olent, lazy, slothful idle,slack, inert,torpid, s lugg is l an

guid, supine, h ea ,dull,lumpish,exanimate sou less,li stless .

D i latory, iaggard, lagg ing,draw ling, c reep ing, dawdling,rustS eeping, asleep, fast as leep

,in a sound s leep.


V. To be fatigu ed, &c ., to V. To refresh, re cruit, repa ir,d roop,sink,flag,lose oreath ,gasp, give tone, restore .

pant, puff, blow, yawn, swoon, To recover, regain,renew,&c .,

fa int, succumb . one’s strength.

To fatigue, tire, weary, fag, Adj . Refreshing,&c .,refreshed,jade,harass, e x haust, knock up, &c .

,untired,unwearied,&c .

wear out,stra in, overtask, overwork, overburden, overtax, overstrain .

Adj . Fatigued,tired, unrefreshed, unrestored,weary,weari ed,j aded,wayworn .

B reathless,out of breath .


D roop ing,flagging,fa int,fa int ing,exhausted,Sinking,prostrate, spent,overspent, over-fatigued,&c .

Fatiguing, &c .

,tiresome, irksome,weary,weari some,try

ri g .

690. AGENT, doer, performer, opera tor, hand, executor,maker.Artis t,workman,worker,a rtisan, artificer,ar chitect, handic rafts

man,mechanic, machinist, manufacturer, practitioner, Operative,journeyman, laborei',smith,wright,d a laborer,co-worker.69 1, WORKSH O P, laboratory,manu actory,mill, factory, cabinet,

s tudio, counting room,) workhouse .C i'uci le,a lemb ic,ca ldron.

2 . Complex Volunta ry Action .

692. COND UCT,course of action,practice, procedure,trans action,doings,deal ing, business,ways,tactics, policy,polity, genera lship,statesmanship

,economy, husbandry, seamanship, housekeeping,housewifery.

Execution,manipulation, treatment, process, course,campaign,career,race .

B ehavior, deportment, carriage, demeanor, bearing,manner,ohservance .

V. To conduct, carry on, transact, execute, car out,work out,carry through,go through,despatch, treat,dea l wil

fii,proceed w ith,otiiciate,acquit one’s self,discharge .

To behave,acquit one’s se lf,demean one’s self.Adj . Conducting,&c .

693 ,s ta tes .

manship,conduct,692, regulation,charge,agency,ministry,ministration,guidance, steerage,pilotage, superintendence, stewa rdship,proctorship,supervision,(control .)Board,boa rd of control,committee,council,&c .,696 .

V. To direct,manage,govern,guide,conduct,regulate,steer,pilot,h ave or take the direction,fi reside,take the helm,have th e ch argeef,superintend,overlook,s upervise,control .To head

,lead,show th e way,&c .

Adj . D irecting,&c .

694. D I RECTOR,manager, master,745, head, minister, premier,


governor,comptroller, superintendent, intendent,supervis or, supe rcargo, pres ident, i nspector, Vi s i tor, moni tor, overseer, taskmaste r,t)ffi C l a .,Oflicer,726 .

Conductor,steersman, pilot, guide,cicerone,guard, driver,charioteer,coachman,postilion,carman.Steward,factor,foreman,proctor,procura tor,housekeeper.695. ADVI CE, couns el,suggestion,recommendation,hortation,de3

h orta tion, instruction,charge, monition,admonition, caution,wa rning,expostulation, injuncti on,pe rsua s ion .

Guidance, helm, cynosure, rudder, gui de, hand b ook,manua l,itinerary,reference .

An adviser,counsellor, counsel,monitor,Mentor, guide, teacher540.

Referee,arbiter,arbitra tor,referendary.

V. To advi se,couns el,give ad vi ce,admoni sh,cauti on,warn,forewa rn,see 668 .

To persuade,6 15,to dehort, exhort, enj oin, expostulate, cha rge,ins truct.To deliberate,consult together,hold a council, &c .,confer, cal l

in,refer to, take advice,be closeted with.

Adj .Monitory,admonitory,recommendatory,(hortatory,) deho rtstory,wa rning,&c .

696 . CO UN C I L, conclave,court,chamber,cabinet,house,committee, sub-committee,board,meeting.

Senate, (house of representatives,) pa rliament, synod, convocation, congress,consistory,diet,cortes,divan,Areopagus,sanhedrim,directory,&c .

Ameeting,assembly, sitting,session.

697. PRECEPT,di recti on,instructi on,prescript,prescripti on,ord er,see 74 1 .

Rule, canon code, formula, formulary, maxim, apothegm, &c .,

496 .

698, SK ILL,skilfulness, c lev

ernes s, ab il it , ta lent, ingenuity,capacity,ca li re,shrewdness ,seg ac ity,parts,genius,fac ul ty,gift,forte, turn, invention ; cunning,702 .

Address, dex te rity, adroitness,dex terousness,fac ili ty,knack,expe rtness,aptitude,aptness,quicknes s,sha rpness,readiness,excellence,felicity.

Qua lification, proficiency, ao

compl ishment,acquirement,craft,mastership .

Tact,know ledge of th e world,

discretion .

Prudence, dis cretion, see Caution,864.

699. UN SK I LF ULNESS,1na b il l ly,incompetence incompetency,infel icity, inexpertness, unaptness,awkwa rdness, ma lad roitness,clumsiness, Slovenliness


ness,rawness, inexperi ence,qua lification .

Bungling, blundering, firm .

bling,flo undering,stumbling,d nl oness,unteachableness .Indiscretion, imprudence, 863,

folly, th oughtlessness, giddines s,wi ldness, mismanagement,misconduct,ma ladministration,misrule,misgovernment mis appl ication ; misdirection .

V. To be uns killed,unski lful,&c .


Art, management, tactics,ma

:iceuvering, sleigh t, policy.

Amasters froke,a masterpiece,a bold stroke .V. To b e skilful,skilled, &c .,to e x cel in,be master of.Adj . Ski l led,ski lful,&c .,elever, able, accomplished, ingen

ions, inventive, gifted, sagac ions.Ex pert, dexterous, adroit

, apt,sh a rp,handy,ready,quick,smart,nimble .

Conversant, versed, proficient,knowing, competen?qua lified,good at, mas ter 0 , at home

in .

Experienced practised, hackneyed, tra ine , in itiated, pre

pared,primed,finished,thoroughred .

Technica l, artistic, workmanlike,masterly,statesman-like .


To mismanage misconduct,bungle, blunder, botch, boggle,mistake,misapply,missend,th isdirect.

Adj . Unskilled, &c .,unskilful,bungling,& c ., awkward,clumsy,unhandy,ma ladroit .Una t,unqua lified,incompetent,dis uafified, il l qua lified, inapt.naccustomed, unused, nu

hackneyed, unexerc ised,un

tra ined,unpra ctised, und i s c i

pl ined, uneducated, undrilled,uninitiated, unschooled, unconversant,unversed, ine x perienced,

unstatesman-like .

Unadvised,misadvised, i l l devised, i ll im Oi ned,il l jud g ed , i lladvised,unguided,misguided illconducted,misconducted,foolish,wi ld.

D iscreet, o l itic,surefooted,fel icitous .Adv. Skil ully, &c .

, aright, artistica lly,&c .,with consummate ski ll .700. PRO F I C IENT, ade t, genius, master, mas terh an tacti

c ian,politician,marksman,veteran,picked man,conjuror,wizard,&c .,994 .

702. C UNN ING, cunningness,craft,artfulness,subtlety,shrewdness,

arch ness, insidiousness,shyness, artific ia lnes s, artificia l

ity . Artifice,device,manoeuvre,stra tagem, wile, finesse, trick,ruse,d iplomacy, o l itic s .

Duplicity, gui e, c ircumvention, chicane, chicanery, Machlevelism, legerdema in, trickery,&c ., 545 .

Net,toils,trap,&c .,6 67.

V. To be cunning,&c .

,to con

trive,design,manoeuvre,intrigue,C i rcumvent .

701. BUNG LER,greenh orn,nov

we,no conjuror,fiat.

703 . ARTLESSNESS, na ture,natura lness simplicity

,ing enu

ousnes s, frankness, openness,candor,sincerity,stra ightforwa rdness,honesty,93 9 .

V. To be a rtless,&c .

Adj . Artless, natura l, native,pla in,simple-minded,ingenuous,candid,na ive,sincere,frank,open,open hearted,above board downright,guileless,inartifieial,und e‘signing,single-minded,h onest

Adj . Cunning,crafty,a rtful,wily,s ly,subtle,arch, designing,intriguing , contriving, insidious, dece itful, 545,tricky,

a rtificia l, crook 3d,deep,profound,diplomatic,Machiavelian,times erving .


ble,not feasib le

,infeasible,unachievable,inaccessib l e,inex

tricab le,impassable,i nnavigable,desperate,msuperab le, insurmountable .

In difficulty,at a loss,perplexed, &c .,beset,put to it,hardput to it, run hard,hard pressed,adrift,at fault.Stranded,aground,stuck fast,at b ay.

Adv. With difficulty, hardly,&c .,uphi ll.

2 . Active Antag onism.

706 . HINDERAN CE,prevention,preclusion, retardment, retardation,emba rrassment,interruption,Obstruction stoppage, interception, interc lusion, coa rctation,restra int, inhibition,embargo .

Interference,interposition, obtrusion

,discouragement,d is coun


An imped iment,h inderance,ob

stac le, knot, obstruction ; stumbling stone or block ; ch eck, b arbarrier barricade, wa l l deadwa ll, bulkhead, portculli s, &c .,

717,d am,wear boom .

D rawback,obj ection .

An encumbrance, c lo g , dragweight, dead weight


pack, incubus ; trammel, &c .,

752 .

A hinderer, an interloper ; anopponent 7 10.

V. To hinder,impede,prevent,preclude,reta rd,slacken,obviate,torefend, avert, turn aside,wardoff,draw off,cut off, incommode,discommode,undermine .

To obstruct,stop,stay,b ar,lock,debar, inh ib ic


,cramp, clog, restra in,check, iscourage,d is coun

tenance,foreclose .

To thwart,traverse,contravene,interrupt, intercept, interc lude,frustrate,defeat,dis concert,undo,intercept ; to ba lk,cushion,spoi l,mar.

To interpose, interfere, izter

meddle,ob trude,682 .

To hamper, clog, cumber,ener, saddle w i th, load wi th,

707. AI D,assistance,help,succor,(helping hand,)support,relief,advance, furtherance,promotionPatronage,ch ampionsh ip,coun

tenanc e,favor.Sustenta tion a limentation


trition, nourishment ; min i s tration,ministry,accommoda tion .

Suppli es,re


énforcements, succors, recrui ts ; physica l support,see 2 15 .

V. To aid,as sist,help,succor,support, promote further, a bet,advance,foster ; oment; to give,bring

, furnish, afford or supplysupport,&c .,to re'

elnforce,nouri sh,nurture .

To favor,countenance,b efriend,cherish, encourage, patronize,make interest for.

To second, stand by, back,take part with,s ide with,to c omeor pass over to ; to join,to ral lyround.

To serve, do service,ministerto, tender to, oblige,accommo

date,work for,admini ster to,pander to ; to tend,attend,take careof,wa it on,nurse,entertai n .

To speed, ex pedite, forward,quicken,hasten,s et forwa rd.

Adj . Aiding,helping,a ssisting,&c ., aux i lia ry, adj uvant,coadjutant, anci llary, accessory, subs id iary.

Friendly, amicable, favorable,prop i tious .Adv. On or in beha lfof; in t" 6service of; hand in hand .


overload, overlay, lumber block up, incommode ; to curb,shackle, fette r.Adj . Hindering &c .

,(repugnant in the way of, inimica l,unfavorab le. onerous ,burdensome .

Hindered,&c .,windbound .

708. OPPO SIT I ON, antagonism,counteraction,179,contravention,control, c lashing, collision,competition, riva lry,emulation .

Absence oi a id, &c .


plot, 7 19 .

V. To oppos e,with stand,antagonize . cross, counteract, conti


o l,contravene, counterva i l,counterwork stultify, thwa rt,overthwa rt,counter-m ine, run counter, goaga ins t,clas h, riva l, emulate,pitaga inst, milita te aga ins t, bea tag a inst, stem, breast, encounter,compete with.

Adj . Opposing, &c

antagonistic, opposed,adversepitted

709. COO PERAT I ON, concert,collus ion,c oeffic ien cy, see Con

currence, 178.

All iance, colleagueship, j ointstock,copartnership, coa l ition,

federation confedera tion,7 12 .

V. To co '

operate, concur, conspire,concert ; draw or pull to

gether, to j oin with, unite one’sefforts,club together,fratern ize,b ein league,&c .

,with,be a pa rty to .

Adj . Cooperating, &c ., in co

operation,&c .,in concert,a llied,&c .


aga inst,contra ry,confl icting,unfavora b le,unfriendly.

Una ided, unass i sted, unhelped,unsus tai ned, unseconded,&c . uns upported,unbefriend ed .

Adv. Aga inst, counter to, aga inst th e stream, tide,wind,&c


in the way Of, in spite of,in despite of,in the teeth of,inth e fac e of.Across,athwa rt .Though, a lthough, 179,even710. OPPONENT, antagonist, 711 . AUX I L IARY,assistant,ad

ad versary, adverse party, riva l, juvant, adj unct, adj utant, help,competitor, enemy, foe, 89 1, as helper,helpmate,colleague,pa rtsai lant, ner, coadj utor, coOperator, a lly ;vota

Fn end,’ confidant, champion,partisan, sec ta ry adherent,abetter,confederate,accomplice,

accessory ; se rvant,see 746 .


,pa rtners hip,fra ternity,company,society,firm,house,body,corpora tion, corpora te body,gui ld,j oint concern .

Fel lowship, brotherhood, sis terhood, commun ion, clan,c lansh ic lub, clique, junto,coterie,faction,caba l, league, a lliance,confedc racy,confederation,federation ; side,partisanship,party spirit.Band,staff,crew,set,posse, h a lan x .

V. To unite, j oin,club together, join forces, cooperate, befriend,aid,&c .,

707, cement,form a pa rty, league, 810 .

Ad In partnership,a lliance,&c .

,banded, l inked,cemented,&c .


toget er.713 , D i s c D variance,differ 714. CO NC ORD, accord, c reeence

,dis s ent,misunders tano ng, ment, 2 3, unison, unity, union,


dissension, jar, jarring, clashing,odds ; disunion schism, breach

fa l ling out, ru_

) ture, d is ruption,open rupture, feud, fac tion, contentious nes s l itigiousness, strife,contention 720.

D ispute,controversy,polemics,quarrel, a lte rcation, bickering,

chicanery, squabble, row, brawl .Litigation,words,war ofwords,

logoma chy,wrangling,jangle,seeWa rfa re, 722 .

Subj ect of dispute ; ground of

quarre l,disputed point ; th e bone


good understanding,quiet,peace,72 1

,unan im i ty

, 488, harmony,am i ty,a l l iance .

V. To agree,accord,be in un ito ha rmonize with

,fratern i ze .

Adj . Concordant,agreeing,&c .,united, in unison, &c ., ha rmonious, a l lied, cemented, friend ly,amicable, fraterna l, a t peace,peaceful,pacific,tranquil .

of contention ; the apple of d iscord .

V. To be discordant,&c .

,to differ,dissent, disagree,clash,To fa l l rut,dispute,controvert,litigate ; to quarrel,wrangle,

b icke r,s ar, j ang le ; to break with ; to split ; to decla re war.

To em roil,entangle,disunite, set aga inst,pit aga instAdj. D iscordant,d isagreeing,d iffering, d isunited,clashing,

jarring,dissentient,at va riance,controversia l .Qua rrelsome,disputatious,litigious,litigant,factions,gladi

atoria l,pettyfogg ing, polemic,sch ismatic ; unpacified,unrecoucfled .

715. DEF IAN CE,cha l lenge,d adudV. To defy,chal lenge,da re,bea rd:Adj. Defying,&cAdv. In defiance of with a rms akimbo .

716, ATTAC K, aggres sion, of

fence, assault, cha rge, onset,ons laug h t,brunt,thrust, pass,sa lly,inroad, invasion, i rruption,sortie,storm, storming, boa rding,forray,dragonade,see 6 19,siege, investment.F ire,volley,cannonade,broad

s ide,bomba rdment,raking fire .

An a ssa ilant,aggressor.V. To attack, assault, assa il,impugn, fa l l upon, close with,cha rge, bea r down upon,set on,strike at,fly at,butt,ti lt at,make

a pass at,thrust at,cut and thrust,buffet, beat, s ee 972, pelt ; to

ma rch upon, march aga inst,advance aga inst.To shoot at,fire at. fire upon

,shoot,0 en fire, b cmb ard,pour ab roads i 3 into,fire a volley.

717. DEFEN CE, self-defence,self-preservation,protection,ward,gua rd, gua rdianship, shielding,&c .

,see Resistance,7 18,and Safety,664 .

Fence,wa ll,parapet,d ike,&c .,

2 3 2, boom, picket,mound,mole,outwork, intrenchment, fortifi cation,embankment, bulwa rk,b arb ican,battlement,stockade,ab attis, muniment, va l lum, c ircumva llation. contrava llation,buttress,abutment, breastwork, portcul lis .

glacis,bastion,redoubt,rampart.Hold,strongh old,fas tness,kee;

fort, fortres s, citad el, tower, castle, capitol,asylum,6 6 6 .

Sh ie ld, buck ler, aegi s, breast

plate,coa t of ma i l,cuirass, h awerk,habergeon,screen,&c .

,666,helmet,cas que panoply.


722.WARFARE, war, h ostil ities

,figh ting,&c .

,open war war

to th e knife .

Ba ttle array, campaigt crusade .

The artofwar,tactics,strategy,military evolutions,a rms,service,&c .

War cry, fire-cross, trumpet,clarion bugle,warwhoop,beat of

d rum to a rms .V. To figh t,set to,spar, justle,skirmish, stave, fence, engage,combat.Adj . Contending,&c .,unpeace

ful, contentious, belligerent,bell icose,martia l,warlike, military,militant, gladiatoria l, chiva lrous,in a rms,embattled.


723 .PAC I F I CAT I ON, reconcil i

a tion, accomm od ation, arrangement,adjustment.Peace offering, o live branch,pre l iminaries ofpeace .

Truce,armistice,suspension ofa rms, of hostil ities,&c .

, conven

tion .

Flag of truce,ca rtel.V. To make peace, pacify,make it up, settle, arrange, ao

commodate matters, tranquilli ze,compose, hush up, settle differences restore harmony,h ea l thebreacAdj . Pacified,&c .

724.MED IATI ON, intervention, Interposition, interference, intermeddling,intercess ion,parley,negotiation,a rbitration,mediatorsh ip,good offi ces,diplomacy,peace offering.

Amediator, intercessor,peacemaker,makepeace,negotiator,bottle hold er.V. To mediate,intercede, interpose, interfere,negotiate,arbitrate,

see Com romise,774 .


tion cessUBMISSION, surrender, non-resistance, yielding, capitula

I}. To surrender succumb, submit, yield, give In,bend,capitalate ; la down or deliver up one’s arms,retreat, give way.

Adj . urréndering,&c ., non-resisting,submissive .

Undefended, untenable,indefensi b le .726 . COMBATANT,a rmigerent,champion,disputant, litigant,com-t

petitor, riva l,assa i lant,bully,fighter,duellis t,pugilist,boxer,gladiator,athlete swordsman,wrestler.Warrior,soldier,man at arms,foot soldier,trooper,dragoon, huss ar, ligh t h orseman,(or hussar,) grenadier,fusileer,gua rdsman,l ifeguard, lancer, cuirassier, spea rman, musketeer, carabineer, rifle .

man, sharpshooter ; ens ign, standard bea rer, halberdier privatesuba lte rn,conscript.Arti lleryman

,gun ner, cannonier,bombardier.

Marine,j olly.

Armed force, th e army,the military, soldiery, infantry,caval ry,horse a rti llery .

M il itia, tra inband, legion, pha lanx, levy,squadron troop,cohort,regiment,corps, platoon batta lion, company, 72, co lumn, detachment,brigade,ga rrison,battle array.Man-Of-war,wa r ship,priva teer,&c .,273 .

727. ARMS,armament,a rmor,armory,quiver,arsena l .Mail,lorication ; ammunition,powder,gunpowder,cartridge, 635.


Arti llery, pa rk, ordnanc e piece, gun, cannon, swivel,howitzer

,carronade,cu lverin, fiel dpiece, ba s i li sk, mortar,. g renad e,petrone l,petard,fa lconet.Firearms,sidearms,stand of arms,musketry, musket,fusil, firelock,matchlock,fowling p iece,rifle,revolver,carabine,blunderbuss,pistol .Bow,harque buss,crossbow, ba l l ister, sling, catapult.Mi ssile,proj ecti le,shot, ba ll, grape,grapeshot,cha ins hot, bullet,shell,bomb,rocket.Pike, lance,spea r,spontoon,

(jBayonet,sword,sabre, b roa

avelin,dart,arrow, reed, shaft.sword, cutlass,fa l chion,pier, claymore, dagger, d i rk, poni ard, sti letto, dudgeon, a x e,

c imeter rainn,poleaxe

,ba ttleaxe,ha lberd,tomah awk, b owieknife .

C lub,mace, trunch eon, s tafi

,bludgeon,cudgel .Ca tapult,battering ram.

728. ARENA,field,wa lk,battle fie ld, field of battle, lists,pa laastra,course,stage, boards, racecours e, turf, c ircus,ring,scene of aotion,theatre of war, the enemy’s camp, amphitheatre, hippodrome,coliseum.


729. COMPLETI ON,accomplishment,performance,fulfilment,execution, a chievement, despatch,work done, superstructure,finish,te rmina tion,consumma tion,winding up, the keystone, th e laststroke,finishing stroke,las t finish,fina l touch, crowning touch, see

End,6 7,Arriva l, 292, and Completenes s,52 .

V. To complete, effect, perform, do, execute, go through,accomplish, fulfil, d isch aro'e,achieve, compass,effectuate, e

spatch ,close,termina te,conclude,finish, end, 6 7, consumma te,

730. NON -C OMPLETI ON,inexacution, shortcoming, 3 04, nonperformance, neglect ; incom

pletenes s,53 .

V. Not to complete,perform,

&c .,to fa ll short off, leave unfinish ed &c .

,neglect,leave undone,&c .

Adj . Not completed, &c ., nucompleted, incomplete, unfinish ed,left undone,5 3 ,short,unaccomplished,unperforni ed,unexeouted,(sti l l in progress,going on,or inh and .)

bring about, bring to bea r, bring to pass,go through, carrythrough,bring through,work out,make good,carry out,windup,bring to a close, termination, conclusion,&c .

To perfect,bring to perfection,stamp,crown .

To reach,arrive,292, touch,reach,a tta in the goa l ; to runone’s race .

Adj . Completing, fina l, concluding, conclusive, crown ing,&c ., done, completed, wroug


zf, high-wrought, &c ., out ofl a nd.

Adv. Completely,&c .,62,effectua lly,wi th a witness,w i th

l vengeance.


73 1, SUC CESS, successfulness,Spend,thrift,advance, luck, goodfortune,73 4, godsend,prize, h it ;lucky or fortunate hit ; boldstroke

,masterstroke, Checkmate ;

see Skill,698, time well spent .Continued success,run oflucktide,flood,high tide .

Advantage over, the upperhand, ascendency,maste ry, conuest

,subdua l,victory, subjugati on,triumph,exultation,&c .


Aconqueror,victor.V. To succeed,to be success

ful,to come off successful, to becrowned with success,to come

off well ; to thrive, speed, rosper, bloom, blossom, flourish,goon well,be well off.

To ga in, a ttain, carry, secure,or win a point or obj ect ; to triumph, be triumphant, &c . ; to

surmount, overcome, conquer,master or get over a diffi culty orobstac le .

To advance, 282,get on, ga inground,make one’s way, to findone’s way,make prog ress, progres s to strive to s ome purpose,to g a in an advantage .To bring to bear,to bring about,to effect, accomplish



729,make sure ; to reap,ga th er,&c .,the benefit of.To maste r, g et the better of,to get the upper hand ; conquer,subdue, subjugate, reduce,overthrow, overpower,vanquish ; getor ga in the ascendency,Obta in avictory ; beat, floor, put down,

Checkmate,nonsuit,capsi ze,shipwreck,victimize,put to fl ight,&c .

To b affl e,disconcert,frustra te,foil, outgenera l, outmanaauvre,outwit, overreach, ba lk, outvote,c i rcumvent.To answer,succeed,work well,run smoothly, take a favorableturn,turn out well.Adj Succeeding,&c .,success

732 .FAI LURE, want of suc

cess, non-fulfi lment, disappointment


,frustration, abortion,misca rriage, lost trouble ; vain,ineffectua l,or abortive a ttempt oreffort.Amistake,e rror,blunder,fault,miss, oversight, slip, trip, stumble,fa lse s tep,wrong step,botch,

s ad work,h ad j ob,want of skill,

s ee 699 .

M i schance,mishap,misfortune,misadventure,disaster.Repulse

,rebuff, defeat, fa l l,

downfa ll, rout, d is comfiture,wreck,perdition,shipwreck,ruin,subj uga tion, overthrow, deathblow,destruction,&c .

Avictim, b ankrupt, insolvent,808.

V. To fa il, to be unsuccessful,&c .

, to come off il l, go on ill,go amiss,go wrong, turn out il l,work ill, lose ground, recede,283 , to fa l l short of, 3 04 .

To miss,miss one’s a im ; to la~bor, toi l, &c ., in va in ; to loseone’s labor, flounder, miscarry ;to make va in,ineffectua l,or abortive efforts ; to make a slip ; tomake or commit a mistake,fault,or b lunder ; to botch, make a

botch of.To be defeated, overthrown,

foi led, worsted, &c . ; to breakdown, js lump through,) sink,drown, ound er, go to ruin,&c .,

fa l l,slip,stumble,fa lter,be capsized,&c ., run aground .

Adj . Unsuccessful,fa il ing,&c .,uncompleted,73 0,unfortunate, ina b ad way,unlucky,luckless, il lfated, i ll-sta rred,disastrous .Unava iling, abortive, addle,sti ll-born,fruitless, bootless,ineffectua l, unatta ined, lame, h o bbling.

Aground, grounded, swamped,stranded, cas t away, wrecked,foundered,shipwrecked,&c .,73 1 .

2 14

domin ion,d omination, suprema

cy, lord ship, seign iory, mastery,government,empire,body politic .

Acquisition of authority, ao


see 755 .

Hold,grasp, gripe, grip,reach,fang, clutches, ta lons, helm,re ins .

Reign, d irectorship,proconsulship,prefecture,ca liphate,senesch a l sh ip,electorate,magistrature,magistracy, presidency, presid ents h ip.


Depriva tion ofpower,dethrone

ment .V. To be l a x , &c .

, to hold a

loose rein, tolerate, to relax, tomis rule .

To dethrone .Adj . La x , loose, slack, remiss,rela x ed, l icensed, reinless,unb ri

d led,ana rchica l .Unauthorized,925 .

Empire, monarchy, dynas ty, roya lty, rega l ity, kingcraft,aris tocracy,ol igarchy, democracy,milita ry, dicta torsh ip,protectorate,protectorship .

Vica rious auth ority,see 755 and 759 .

V. To have, hold, possess, or exercise authority, &c . ; tob e in office to fil l an Offi ce ; to hold or occupy a post.To be master,&c . ; to have the control, &c . ; to overrule,overawe .

To rule,govern, sway,command, control,direct, administer, lead, preside over ; to dictate, reign,hold the reins ; toposses s or be seated on the throne ; to ascend or mount th ethrone ; to sway or wield the sceptre .

Ruling,&c .,dominant,authoritative,executive, offic ial,im erative,peremptory,ove rruling.

mperia l, rega l, sovereign, roya l, monarchica l, princely,aristocra tic,&c .

Adv. In the name of,by the authority of, in vi rtue of.73 9. SEVER ITY,strictness,rigor,rigidness, sternness, s tring en

cy,austerity,ha rshness,stiffness,rigorousness, ine x orableness .Arbitrary power, absolutism,despotism

,dictatorship, autocra

cy, domineering, tyranny, ironrule .

Assumption, usurpation, a rrogance, see 885 .

740. LEN IT Y, mildness, lenfence, gentleness, indulgency,clemency,mercy.

V. TO be len i ent,&c ., to tolerate, indulge,to a llow one to havehis own wa

Adj. Lement,mild,gentle,soft,indulgent, tolerant,element, 9 1 4.

V. To be severe,&c . to as sume,usurp,arrogate,take liberties to dictate to domineer,tyrannize, inflict,wreak.

Adj . Severe, strict,rigid, ste rn, stiff; straitlaced, rigorous,stringent, peremptory, absolute, positive, uncompromis ing,h a rsh, inc lement,austere, haughty,a rrogant, d c tatoria l,im

perious, domineering, tyrannica l, ex tortionate r b durate, inex ib le, inex orable D raconian .

Adv Severely,or heavy hand.

3,with a high hand ; with a strong,tight,


741. COMMAND order,act, bidding,beh est,ca l l, beck,nod,mess age,direction, injunction, charge,appointment, de naud

,exa ction

,imposition,requisition, requirement, cla im .

D ictation,dictate,mandate decree,er actment,precept,prescript,writ, rescript, law,ordinance, ordination,bull, regula tion, pres c ription brevet,warrant,passport,summons .To command, to issue a command, order,give order,bid, require,enjoin,appoint,cha rge, cla im,ca l l for, demand,exac t, ins is ton

,make a po int of, impose,set,

tax , prescribe, direct,dain,decree,enact ; to i ssue a ec ree,&cdicta te,or

To c ite,summon,ca l l for,send for.

Adj . Commanding, &c ., authoritative, peremptory, &c .

, see 73 7,decretory . decretive,decreta l .742,

D I SOBED IEN CE,non-com

pl iance, inobservance, contumacy,insubordina tion,defection, infring ement, infra ction,violation .

See Defiance,7 15, Resistance,719,and Non-Observance,773 .

Rising, insurrection, revolt,rebellion, strike, riot, riotousness,mutinousness, mutiny, tumult,sedition, treas on .

An insurgent,mutineer, rebel,revolter, rioter,tra itor.V. To dis obey, resist,7 19, de

fy,7 15 turn restive,mutiny,rise,rebel, lift the hand aga inst,turnout.Adj . D isobedient,resisting,nuruly, unsubmissive, uncomplying, uncompliant, res tive, insuord inate,mutinous,riotous, seditious,refractory

,contumacious .

743 . OBED iEN CE, submiss ion,non-resistance,passiveness,res igna tion, cession, compliance, surrender, 725, subordina tion, d eference, a llegiance, obeisance,homage,fea lty,prostration,kneeling,genuflec tion,submiss iveness,obsequiousness, see 886, subjection, 749 .

V. To be obedient, &c . ; toObey, submit, succumb, give inknock under, cringe, yield, 725,comply, su rrender, follow, giveup, give way, resign, bend to,bear obedience to.To kneel,fa l l on one’s knees,bend the knee


,pay homageto .To attend upon, tend ; to beunder the orders of, to serve .

Adj . Obedient, submissive,resigned,passive,complying, compliant, yielding,unresisting ; restra inable,unresisted .

744. COMPULSI ON,coerc ion, coac tion, force, constra int, enforcement,press,conscription,brute force,ma in forc e. the sword .

V. To compel,force,drive,coe rc e,constra in,enforce,put in force,oblige,force 11 on,press,extort,put down,bind,bind over.

Compe ling,&c .

,compulsory,forc ib le,COBFC I‘e,peremptory,rigorous,s tringent,i nexorable,&c .,s

ee 73 9,b eingO

faii i to do .Adv. (Forcibly,)by force, erforce,by rompuls ron,&c .

745, MASTER lord,chief, eads r,capta in,h ea Chiefta in, commander, commandant, director,6 94, governor, ruler, lord ara

mount, po tentate, dictator, iege,s overeign, monarch, autocra t,

746 , SERVANT,servitor, subaltem, reta iner,vas sa l, dependant,pensioner, hanger on,

puppe t,emissary,see 886 .

Retinue,staff,court.An attendant,s quire,chamber

2 16

despot, tyrant,gogue, ring leader.Emperor, king, maj esty


trach,regent, v ice king,protector,president, stad tholder ; empress,queen .

Princess, duchess,margravine,&c .

Nobility,see 875 .

M ilitary authorities, marshal,field ma rsha l, genera l issimo,commodore command er-in-chief,admira l,genera l, colonel, officer,c apta in, maj or, lieutenant,adjutant,a id -de-camp,ensign,comet,cadet, sub a lte rn, non-commis

pacha, dema

s ioned offi cers, sergeant,corporal,


la in, follower, usher, page, domestic, footman, lackey, s cout,flunkey, va let, wa ite r, equerry,groom, liver servant, und erl ing,menia l

, un ers trapper, j ourneyman,

ba i liff, senescha l, cupb earer.Serf, slave,he lot, b ondsman .

A ma id, handma id, wa itingma id,nurse,scullion,&c .

Badge ofslavery,bonds,cha ins,see 752 .

V. To s erve,attend upon,wa itupon,squire .

centurion .

C ivil authorities,mayor,prefect. chancellor,provost,mag istra te,burgomaster,a lderman,wa rden, constable,beadle .Sta tesman,politician,statist, legisla tor, lawgiver.President, cha irman, speaker,modera tor, vice president,comptroller,director, 694 .

747. Ensign,badge,or insignia of authori ty.

SCEPTRE,rega l ia, rega li ty,crown, coronet, rod of emp i re, mace,wand, truncheon,staff.

Helm,b it,curb, re ins, leading stri ngs .Athrone,cha ir,woolsack .

D iadem, tia ra, e rmine,signet. sea ls, robes of sta te .

748. FREED OM, independence,liberty, scope, range, latitude,play,swing, free play,full play,elbow room,ma rgin .

Franchise,immunity, e x emption

,emanc ipa tion, 750, deniza

tion .

Free land,a l lodium,see 780.

Afreeman,freedman .

V. To be free,to have scope,&c .

To render fre e,&c ., to free, toemancipate, enfranchise, affran

chise, manumit to denizen.

Adj . Free,independent,at large,loose,unconstrained,unrestrained,unchecked, unprevented, unobstructed, unconfined, unbound,uncontrolled, ungoverned, unens laved, uncha ined, unshackled,unfettered, uncurbed, unbridled,unres tricted, unmuzzled, unin

749, SU BJECT I ON,dependence,subord ination, thra l l, thra ldom,subjuga tion, bond age, serfd om,servitude,slave ry,va ssa lage,villanage, service, c lientship, l ia

b il ity, 177,enslavement .Yoke,harness, colla r,75 1 .

V. To be subject, d epend ent,

&c ., to fa l l under, obey, serve,743 .

To subj ect, inthra l l, ens lave ,keep under, control, &c .

,75 1

, toreduce to slavery .

Adj . Subj ect, dependent, subjected,subordinate, in subjectionto, feudatory, feuda l, a s lave to,at the mercy of, stipendia ry, inleading strings, inthra lled, control led,constra ined, see 75 1


th e puppet,sport,plaything of,&c .

B eing a puppet,or footba l l.


Signment, ass ignment, deputation, legation, mission,embassy,agency clerkship,agentship ; crrand,charge,diploma .

Appointment, nomination, te

turn,ordination, instal lation, in

auguration, investiture, coronati on .

Vicegerency, regency, regentsh ip .

V. To commission, delegate,depute,send out,consign,charge .To appoint, name, nominate,return,orda in,instal l, induct,enroll,inaugurate,invest,crown.


s ilon,rescinding,depo sal , h amissa

Abolit ion, abolishment, counter order, counterrnand, repudiation,nul lification,recantation,retraction,see 607.

V. To abro te,annul, cancel,revoke,repeaffres c ind overrule,abolish,disannul,disso lve,quash,repudiate,nul l ify,retrac t,recant,recall, countermand, connteror

der, break off, discla im, declarenull and void, ignore, set as ide,do awa with .

T O ismis s, send off, sendaway,discard, turn away, cashi er


,unseat, unthrone, dethrone,depose,send back .

757. RESI GNATION, retirement, abdication, renunciation, ab juration .

V. To resrgn,give up, throw up,retire,abd icate,lay down,abjure,renounce,forego,discla im, retract,&c .,see 756 .

758. CONSI G NEE, delegate, comm issary, commissi oner, vrcegerent, legate, ambassador, consul, representative, Secondary, nominee

,surrogate, functionary, plenipotentiary, emi ssary, nuncio, in

ternuncio .

Agent,fac tor attorn ey,broker ba i liff,c lerk,man ofbus ines s,gobetween middleman,curator,p laceman .

759. DEPUTY,substitute,vice,proxy,delegate.Regent, Viceroy, vicegerent, minister, premier, commissioner,

ch an ce l lor,prefec t,provost,warden, l ieutenant, consu l, legate, suirogate .V. TO be deputy,&c .,for; to appear for.


760. PERM I SSI ON,leave,al lowance,sufferance,tolerance,tolera tion, l iberty,law, license, concession, grant,au thorization, a cc ord ance, admission, favor, dispensation,ex cmption,connivance .


permit,warrant,prece t,auth ority, pass, pas sport, fur ough,licens e .V. To permit ; give leave orpermission ; to let,a llow,admit,

suffer, tolerate, concede, accord,vouchsafe, humor, indulge, toleave it to one ; to grant, em

761, Pnoa IT I ON,inhi b ition,

veto, disal lowance, interdictionhinderance, 706, restriction, re

straints, 75 1, embargo, an interd ic

lt,b an, proscription .

To roh ib it,forbid, inh ibit,disallow, ar,debar,interdic t,taboo,keep in,hinder,restra in


coh ib it, restric t,w ithhold, imit,circumscribe,keep within bounds .

To exclude sh ut out,proscribe.Adj . Proh ib i tive,restrictive e x

c lus ive, prohibitory, forb idding,c .


power, l icense, authorize, warrant.To let off, absolve, dispense

with,favor,wink,connive at.


Not permitted,proh ib ited,&c.,unlicensed,&c .

To take a liberty ; to us e a freedom .

Adj . Permitting,&c . permissive,conced ing,&c .

Unconditiona l,unfor id,unforbidden .

762, CON SENT,compliance,ac uies cence,assent,488,agreement,concession,acknowledgment,sett ement,ratification,confirmation .

V. To consent,give consent,assent,comply with,acquiesce,agreeto,accede,accept.To concede, yie ld, satisfy, grant, settle, acknowledge, confirm,ratify,deign,vouchsafe.Adj . Consenting, having no objection,&c .,unconditional,seeAs


763 . OFFER, proffer, tender ;overture,proposition,motion,proposal, invita tion, present, presentation,offering,bribe.V. To offer,proffer,tender,pre

sent, invite, volunteer, propose,move make a motion,hold out.Adj . Offering,&c .

764. REFUSAL, rejection, de,c liriing, non-compl iance,deelension,dissent,deni a l, repulse, rebuff,discountenance ; see 489 .

D isc la imer,recusancy,abnegation,protest.Revocation, violation, abroga~

ti on,756,flat refusal,peremptorydenia l .

V. To refuse,rej ec t,deny,decline,disclaim,protest,res is t,repel,refuse or w ithhold one’s assent,to negative.0 discard, set as ide,rescind,revoke,discountenance .Adj . Refusing,&c ., recusant, uncomplying,unconung ranted,being out of th e question .

Adv. No, by no means,489 ; on no acc ount ; not for th eworld.

765. REQUEST, asking, pe tition, demand, suit, solicitation,craving,entreaty,begging,solicitation,canvass,prayer, supplication,imploration,importunity,application,address,appea l,motion,overture,invocation,imprecation.

C la im,reclamation .

V. To request,ask,be crave,pray, petition, solicit, emand,prefer a request or petition,applyto, make application, invite, begleave,put up a prayer.

766 . Negative request.DEPRECATI ON, expostula tion,interces sion .

V. To deprecate, protest, exostulate ; to enter a protest ; to

intercede for.

Adj . D eprecating, &c ., deprecatory,expos tulatory,depreca ted,protested.


TO beg hard,entreat,beseech,supplicate,implore,conjure,invoke, imprecate,appea l to,addres s,pres s,urge,beset,importune,dun besiege.To b e speTo cl aim,rec lam, sue.

canvass,make interes t,


Adj . Requesting, a sking,beseech ing,&c ., suppliant, sup

pl i catory, importunate,&c .,suppli cant,postulant.767. PETITI ONER,solicitor,applicant,suppliant,suppli cant,men

dicant,beggar,suitor,candidate .


768. PROM ISE,word, word Of 768, a . Release from engag ehonor,assurance,vow,oath . ment,see Liberation,750.

Engagement, pree’ngagement

,Adj . Absolute

,uncond itiona l.

i nsurance, assurance, contract,769

,obligation,affiance, betrothment .V. To promise,give a promise, assure ; to give or pledgeone’s word

,honor, credit,&c . ; to swea r,vow,take oa th ; to

a ttest.To engage ; to enter on,make or form an engagement ; tobind or pledge one’s se lf; to contract an obligation ; to bebound ; to undertake .

To answer for,be answerable for,secure,g ive security,771.Adj . Promising

,&c .,promised,pledged,sworn,&c . ; votive .


,contract, agreement,ba rga in,pact, paction,stip

ul ation,covenant,settlement,charter,treaty, indenture .Negoti ation,transaction, bargai ning, h aggh ng,chaffering ; d iplomacy,diplomati cs,embassy.

Ra tification,settlement

,signature,sea l,Signet,bond .

Anegotiator,diplomatist,agent,attorney,broker,&c .,759 .


.To contract, covenant, bargai n, agree for, engage, &C, see

Promi se,768 to underwrite .

To treat,negotiate,barga in,stipulate,higgle,chaffer, insist upon,make a point of,compound forTo conclude,close,confirm, ratify.

To subscribe,Sign,sea l,put the sea l to .770. C OND ITI ON S, terms articles,arti cles of agreement, c laus es,provisions


,stipulation .

V. To make it a condition,&c .

,to stipulate,insist upon,&c .


. Conditiona l provisiona l,guarded,&c .

Av. Conditiona l ly,with the understanding ; provided,unless,see469 .

771. SECUR ITY, surety, guaranty, mortgage, warranty, b ond,pledge,hostage,sponsor ba i l .D eed, instrument, indenture,warrant, debenture, charter, cartel,protocol, recognizance ; verification, acceptance, indorsement, Signature,e x ecution .

Stake,deposit,earnest .772. OB SERVAN CE, perform 773 . NON -O BSERVAN CE, fai l

ance,fulfilment,sa tisfaction,dis ure,neglect,infringement,infraccharge,compliance, acquittance

,tion,violation, transgression .

acquittal,adhesion, acknowledg Retraction,repudia tion,nul lifiment,fi ielity,93 9,see Obedience, cation,protest,forfe iture.74&


Adj . Possessing,&c .,possessed of,worth,endowed wi th, instinct

with,fraught, laden with,cha r ged with .

Possessed,&c .,on hand, in hand,unsold.

778. Joint possession .

PARTI C I PATI ON,j oint stock,comrrr0n stock,partnership,copartnerShip

,possession in common, communi ty of possessi ons or goods,

c ommunism.


V. To pa rt icipate,partake,Share,go ha lves to have or possess,&c ., in common ; to come in for a share .Adj . Pa rtaking,&c .

779. POSSESSOR, owner, holder, proprietor, propri etary, master,occupier,landlord,tenant ; roprietres s .

Future pos sessor,heir,i eritor.

780, PRO PERTY,possess ion,ownership,occupancy.

Estate,effects,assets, stock, good s, chattels, fixtures,movab les,

furniture patrimony.

Rea l property,land, landed estate,tenement,freehold,farm.

Ground,a cres,field, land . )State,rea lm empire,kingdom principa lity.

Adj . Pred iaf,manoria l,a llodia l,freehold leasehold,copyhold,&c.

781, RETENT I ON,h Old ing,keeping,reta ining,detention,custody,gra sp ; tenacity .

V. To retain, keep, keep inhand deta in, hold fast, gra sp,c lutch, clinch, gripe, hug,withhold,keep back,keep close .

Adj . Reta ining, &c .

, retentive,tenacious .Unforfeited,undeprived,undisposed, uncommunicated, incom

municab le.

782. ELIN Q UI SHMENT, ces

sion,abandonment, renuncia tion,surrender,riddance,776,resignation, 758.

V. TO relinquish,give up,layaside, resign, forego, renounce,surrender, part w ith lay downabandon,cede, yield,dispose ofidivest one’s se lf Of, give away,throw away.


j. Relinquished, &c.,

leftunc led,residuary,40.

2 . Transfer ofProperty .

783 . TRAN SFER, interchange,exchange,transmiss ion,barter,794,aba l ienation,demise .

V. To transfer,consign,make over,demise, pass,transmit,interchange,exchange 148.

To change hands,change from one to another,a l ienate,devolve .

To dispossess,aba lienate,disinherit.784. GIVING, bestowa l, donation,accordance to, presentation,presentment



Cession, concession, consignment,communication, dispensation .

Gift, donation, boon, present,benefa ‘tion,chari ty, a .ms giving,

785, RECEIVING,reception,aoceptance,admission .

A recip ient, (b eneficiary,) stipend iary,beggar.V. To rece ive, take, 789, ao

cept,admit, take in .

Adj . Receiving, &c ., recipi«



gram,0 fering,contribution, subs criptior, donative,meed,tribute,gratuity, bribe, free gift, favor,


Not given,un bestowed.

bounty, largess, subsidy, a llowance, endowment, charity,a lins,see Payment,807.

Bequest,legacy,demise,dotation .

V. To give,bestow,accord,confer,grant,concede,present,'

ve away,deliver,de liver over,make over,consign,renderimpa rt,hand over,part with,communicate,yie ld,dispose 0 ,put into the hands of,vest in,as sign,put in possessi on,sett e upon,endow, invest.To bequeaths

,leave,demise,devise .

To give out,di spense dea l,dea l out,dole out,mete out.To contribute,sub scri e,pay,807,spend.

To furnish, supply, afford, spare, accommodate with, indulge w ith,admini ster to .To bribe,suborn .

Adj . Giving, &c ., given, &c .


charitable, e leemosynary,786,

APPORTI ONMENT,distribution, a llotment,assignment,tion,division .

D ividend,portion,contingent,share,a llotment,lot,measure,d ole,meed,p i ttance,ra ti on,ratio,proportion,mess,a l lowance,appropriation .

V. To apportion,divide,distribute, billet,a llot,Share,mete,parcel out,dea l,partition,assign,appropriate.

Adj . Apportioning,&c .

787. LEN D IN G, loan,advance,mortgage,accommodati on,pawn,i nvestment.Lender,pawnbroker.V. To lend,advance,mortgage,invest,pawn,place or put out to

interest,accommodate with.

Lending,In advance .

789,TAK ING, appropriation,capture,seizure,abduc tion,catching,seizing,&c .

Abstra ction,st b tractin ,deducfion

,sub ducfi on

Dispos ses s iori, depriva tion, deprivement, bereavement, divestment, sequestration, confiscation .

Resumption,reprisa l .C lutch

,swoop wrench.

V. To take, lay one’s handson ; l ay, take,or get hold of topossess one’s selfof,take po s sess ion of,make sure Of.

788. BORROW ING, pledg ing,re levin .

orrowed plumes, plagiarism,plagia




V. O borrow,raise money,desume .Adj . Borrowing,&c .,borrowed,second-hand.

790. RESTITUTI ON,return,rendition, restoration, reinvestment,re a ra tion,a tonement .dempti on,recovery,recuperation,re lease,replevi n .

V. To return, i restore, giveback,render up,bring back,render,refund,reimburse,repai r,redeem, reinvest.

' To let go,unclutch,disgorge.

Adj . Restoring,&c .

To appropriate,pocket,put into one’s pocket.


To pick up,ga ther,collect,ab s o .IJ,297,reap,glean, in ter

cc t.If‘o take away,ca rry away, carry off,bear off,pounce upon,

run away with,abduct,kidnap .

To lay violent hands on,scramble for,fasten upon,catch,s eize,snatch,grasp,clutch,wring,wrest,wrench,pluck,tearawa

T c); take from"

, deduct, 3 8, subtract, curta il, re trench,abridge dispossess,take away from, abstract,deprive of,b ereave,divest,despoi l,strip, fleece,levy, distra in, confiscate,s equester,sequestrate,ous t,extort,usurp,dra in,exhaust.Adj . Taking,&c .,privative, predatory, rapacious, predia l,para sitic ravenous .791 . STEAL ING, theft, thieving, thievery,appropriation, plagiarism. depreda tion,pilfering, larcen robbery,shoplifting,burglary .

Spoliation,plunder, il lage,sac rapine,forray,marauding.

Peculation, emb ezs ment, swindling,545, smuggling, th ievishness .License to plunder ; letters ofmarque .V. To stea l,rob ,abstra ct,appropriate fi l ch pilfer,purloin .

To convey away,carry Off,run Offwith,abduct,kidnap,seize, layviolent hands on,&c .,789 .

To cab b e,sponge,swindle,peculate,embezzle,poach,smuggle.


To plun er, pilla g e, rifle, sack, spoil, spoliate, despoi l, s trip,I eece .

Adj . Stea ling,&c .

,thievish, l igh tfingered,stolen,furtive,&c .

792. TH IEF, rob b er spoiler, pick ocket, cutpurse, de redator,foo tpad,highwayman,burglar, house reaker, shoplifter ; e l ightfingered gentry .

Swindler,smuggler, sha rper, blackleg, shark, ha rpy, peculator,plagiarist.B rigand,freebooter,bandit,pirate,corsair, buccaneer,marauder.793 . B O OTY; spoil,plunder,prey.

3 . Interchang e ofProperty.

794. BARTER,exchange, interchange,commutation .

Traffic,trade,commerce,dealing,business,custom,jobbing, b arga in,comrneIC ial enterprise,speculation,brokery.V. To barter,exchange,interch ange,commute,traffi c, trade,spec

ul ate,transact or do bus ines s wi th,dea l with,have dealings wi th ;open or keep an account wi th ; to carry on a trade .To b ar in ; drive,make or strike a barga in ; negotiate,higg le,

chaffer,c eapen,compoundfor,beat down,outbid.

Adj . Commercia l,mercanti le, interchangeable ; wholes reta il .795. PURCHASE, buying, pur 796, SALE, dispo cus~chasing ; preemption,coemption, tom.

bribery. Auction .

Abuy er,purchaser,customer. Lease,mortgage .

V. T 3 buy,purchase,procure, Vendibi l ity,vendibleness

h ire,rent,farm,pay,fee, tepui Avend er,se ller,&c .



a capita lis t; a 1 .il l ionnaire ,’

a na

bob,Crmsus,D -ves .V. To be rich

,&c .,to afford .

To ra ise mmey to makemoney,s ee 775 .

To enrich,fi ll one’s coffers,&c .

Wea lthy, rich, affluent,opulent,flush .

805. CRED IT,trust,tick,score .

Letter of credit,duplicate .

A creditor, (lender,) lessor,mortgagee ; a usurer.V. To keep an account with,to credit,a ccredit.Ad


. Crediting .

Av. On credit,on account.

due,unpa id, in arrear,l i


to impoverish,reduce to povertyru in .

Adj . Poor, indigent, penni lessmoneyless, short of money, on

of money, out of cash,out of

pocket,needy,destitute,neces s itous,distressed, in need, in want,in distress,pinched,reduced,insolvent,see 806,beggared,fleec ed,s tripped .

806 . DEBT obligation, l iab il ity, debit, in eb tednes s, arrears,deficit

,default, insolvency.

Interest,usance,usury .

Adebtor,lessee,mortgag er ; aefaulter,808.

V. To be in debt, to owe, toanswer for

,to incur a debt, see


Adj . In debt, indebted,ow ing,le,answerable for,insolvent,outstanding,uure aid,unrequited,unrewarded .

807. PAYMENT, efrayment,discharge,quittance,acquittance,settlement,clearance,liquidation,satisfa ction, reckoning, arrangement, acknowledgment

, releaseeceipt in full.Repayment,reimburs ement,re

tributi on, reward,see 973 .

Bil l,c h eck,cash, ready money,remittance,&c .,800.

V. To pay,cash, defray, discharge ; settle ; a ccount or reckonwith ; clear,l iquida te, re lease .

To repay,make repayment,re

fund,retri ute,reimburse .Ad Paying,&c . ; pa id,owingnothing,out of debt.809. EX PEND ITURE,expenses,disbursement,outlay.Money paid ; pay, payment,

fee, hire, wages, perquisites,ava ils,a llowance,stipend,sa la ry,sub s rdy.

Re auneration,recompense,reward,see 973, drink money, largess, modi tu rn, bribe, h i shmoney.

808, NON -PAYMENT,defa lcation, protest .Insolvency, bankruptcy, repu

d iation .

Waste paper bonds,dishonoredor protested bi lls,&c .

Adefaul ter,a bankrupt,an iasolvent debtor.V. Not to pay,to fa il,to break ;to become insolvent or bankrupt.To protest,dishonor,repudia te,nul lify.

Adj . Not paying in debt,insolvent, bankrupt, beggared, &c .,804.


810. RECEI PT, income, revenue,rent,renta l,return,proc eeds,premium,bonus .Pension, annuity

,dower,dowry,a l imony .

Emoluments,perquisites, rec

ompen se,&c .

,see 809,sinecure .V. To receive


,&c .


785, 789, to draw from, derivefrom .



Pay in advan ce ; earnest.Contribution, donation,

scription, deposit,dole,quota .

Investment, purchase,&c .,see

795,a lms,see 784.

V. To expend spend,pa ,d isburse, lay out ; fay or pay down ;to cash ; make up a sum ; to invest,sink mone



To bring In,YIBIJ,afford,pay,acc rue .

Adj . Receix ing, &c .,received

,&c .

Ga inful, profitable, remunerative,lucra tive,advantageous,&c .,775 .

Adj . Ex pendmg,&c .,expended,&c ., sumptuary.

811. AC C O UNTS, money matters, bills, score, balance sheet,books, account books, leger, d ay book, debtor and creditor ac

counts .Bookkeeping,audit ; double entry .

An accountant,auditor,actua ry,bookkeepV. To keep accounts, enter, post, credit, debit,carry over ; b a l

an ce,make up accounts, take s tock,audit.To fa lsify or garble accounts .812. PRI CE, cost, expense,charge,demand,damage,fare .Dues,duty, toll, ta x , levy,as

sessment, benevolence, cus tomexactment,ransom, excise,tariff;brokerage .

Bi l l,a ccount,Score,reckoning .

Worth, rate, va lue, va lua tion,apprai sement ; money’s worth,pennyworth .

813 . D ISC O UNT,abatement,reduction,a l lowance,d rawb ack,percentage,rebate,setoff,sa lvage .V. To d iscount,bate,abate,rebate,reduce,take off,a llow,give,

d iscount.Ad D iscounting

,&c .

A At a discount.

V. T0 set or fix a price,appra ise,assess,charge,demand,ask,require,exact,d i stra in .

To fetch, se ll for,cost,bring in,814. DEARNESS, costliness,high price,expensiveness,rise inprice, overcharge, extravagance,exorbitance .V. To be dear, &c ., to cost

much,to overcharge .Adj . Dear, high, high-priced,expensive costly, dear-bought,unreas onab le, extravagant, exorbitant,extortionate .

Adv. Dear,at great cost.

816,LI BERALITY, generosi ty,

bo unt mun ificence, bounteousnes bountifulnes s, charity,hospita ty


V. 0 be libera l, &c ., spendfreely.

yield .

815. CHEAPNESS, low pric e,ba rga in,gratuity,&c .

V. To be cheap, &c .

,to cost

l ittle, to come down or fa l l inprice .

Adj . Cheap, low, moderate,rea sonable, unexpensive, lowpriced, worth the money, ha lfpri ce .

Gratuitous,gra tis,fre e,I"or noth

ing,free of cost,without cha rge,not charged, untaxed, soot-free,free of expense .

817, EC ON OMY,frugal ity,th rift_.thriftiness , care, husbandry, te

trenchment,savmgs .

V. To be economica l, &c ., tosave, economize, meet one’sexpenses, retrench ; to lay by ;


Adj. Libera l, free, generous, to save money ; to in rest moncha ritable,hospitable, bountiful, e

b ounteo zs, unspa ring, ungrudg Acilj. Economical,fruga l,th rifty,ing

,openhearted, freehea rted, care ul,saving,chary,sparing.

munificent,princely. Adv. Spa ringly,&c .

Overpa id.

818, PROD I GAL ITY, unth riftiness,waste, profusion, profuseness, extravagance, prodiga li ty,squandering

A prodiga l,spendth rift,squanderer.V. To be squan

der, lavish,was te, dissipate,exhaust, run out, misspend, throwaway mone dra in.

Adj . Pro iga l, profuse, thriftless, unthrifty,wasteful ex travagant,lavish,over liberai.




820. AFFECTI ONS, character, qua l ities,disposition, nature,spirit,temper,temperament, idiosyn crasy ; cast or frame of mind, or soul,turn,bent,bias, turn ofmind, predisposition,proneness,proclivity,vein,humor,g rain,mettle,nerve .

Soul,hea rt, breast,bosom,th e inner man, inmost heart, heart’score,th e heart of hea rts .Pass‘on,pervading spirit,ruling passion master ass ion flow of

s oul fulness of the heart,heyday of the blood fies an d blood.

T ) have or possess affections,&c . ; be of]a character,&c .

Adj . Affected,characterized,formed,mou lded,cast,tempered,at

819, PARSIMONY,stint,stinginess, niggardliness, i llibera lity,closeness, penuriousness, ava

rice covetousness, greedines s,avidity, rapac ityh vena lity, mercenarines s,cuprd rty.


,ha rpy.

V. To be pars rmonious,&c .


g rudge,stint,pinch .

Adj . Parsimonious,stingy,mis erly,mean, shabby, nigga rdly,clos e,close-fisted, chary, grudging, i llibera l, ungenerous, churlish, sordid, mercenary, vena l,covetous, ava ricious, greedy, rapacious .


impass ive, unsusceptible,to, passionless,


impassible, uzvmpres sib l e, eeeasp i ritless, unfeeling, soulless, apath etic

phlegmatic, ca l lous, obtuse, proof aga inst, inured, steele0rains t, stoica l, dull, frigid, cold, coldblood ed, col d h eart

e flat, maudlin,obtuse, inert,supine,Slugg l ish , torpid, languid,tame, numb,numbed,sleepy,yawning,s tupefied .

Indifferent, lukewarm, careles s .Unfelt,unaffected,unruflied, unimpressed,unmoved,uninspired untouched,&c . ; unshocked, unstruck,without beingmove &c . ; Platonic, imperturbable,vegeta tive.824, Ex c ITAT I ON offeeling ,e x citement,stimulation,provocation,ca ll ing forth,infection, an imation, ag itation, perturba tion, fasc ination, intoxica tion,enravishment,unction .

Repression of feeling,see 826 .

V. To ex cite, aflect, touch, move, sti r, stir up,wake, awaken,arouse ; fire,ra i se,rai se up,evoke,cal l forth,ca ll up,summon up,rake up .

To impress,strike,quicken,work upon ; to warm, kindle,stimulate,whet, animate, Insp i re, Impassmn, Inspmt,provoke,_irrita te,sting,rouse,work up,hurry on .

To itate,ruffle,flutter,flush,mantle,swe l l, shake,thrill, penetrate,p i erce,out,work one’s self up .

To soften,subdue,overcome,mas ter,overpower, overwhelm .

To Shock, stagger, stun, astound, electrify, give one a shock,petrify.

To mad den,intoxicate,fascinate,transport,ravish, enrapture,enravish,entrance .Adj . Excited,affected,&c ,see 825,wrough t up,workedup,fired,lost,wild,haggard,feverish,mantl ing.

Exciting,&c .

,impressive,warm,glowing,fe rvid,swelling.

825. Excess of sensitiveness .Ex C ITARIL IT Y, impa tience,

wincing, disquiet, disquietude,restlessness, fuss, hurry, agitation

,flurry, flutter

,i rritability,

901 .

Passion, excitement, veh e

mence, impetuosity, flush, hea t,fever,flame,fume,wi ldness,turbulence, boisterousness, tumult,effervescence,ebullition,boiling,boiling over,gust,storm,tempest,breaking out


paroxysm .

Fierceness,rag e, ury, rav

ing, delirium, frenzy, intoxication .

Fascination,infa tuation,fanaticism,infection .

V. To be (impatient, restive,)&c .,not to bear,to bear i ll,wince,

826. Absence ofexcitability.

INEX C ITAB I L ITY, d ispas s ron,hebetude, patience .

Coolness,composure,ca lmness,imperturbation, collectedness,ness

,sedateness,soberness grav


y,sta idness,placidity, sobriety,p ilosoPh y,equanimity,stoic ism,demureness, meekness, gentleness, mildness .Submiss ion,resignation,suffer

ance,endurance, long-s ufferance,"

orb earanc e,fortitudeRepress ion offeeling ,(restraint,

s ubdued fee ling,) composure,&c .

V. To be composed, &c ., tobea r well,tolerate, put up with,take up w ith, b ear with, take


chafe, fuss ; not to be able tobear, &c .

To reak out,fly out,burst out,e x plod e,run riot, boil,boil over,fly off, flare up, fire, take fire,fume, rag e,rave,run mad .

Adj . Excitable, &c ., excited,Impatient

,feverish, unquiet,restless, irritable, mettlesome,

skittish,chafing, wincing, &c .

Vehement,boisterous, impetufierce,fiery,flami ng,boi ling

,over-zea lous,pass iona te,impassioned, enthusiastic, ram

pant, mercuria l, high-wrought,over-wrought,hotheaded, turbulent, furious, fuming, (mad

d ening,) rag ing, raving, frantic,delirious,intoxicated, d emonia

ca l .

Overpowering, overwhelming,soul-sti rring, soul-subduing, umcontrolled, irrepressible, ungovemab le,uncontrollab le.

Meek, tolerant,

23 1

easi ly,make the best of, acqui

esce, submit, ' iel d, bow to, re

sign one’s se f, suffer, endure,support,go through, reconci le

one’s self to, bend under.To brook,digest,eat,swa lpocket,stomach,brave.To be borne,endured,&c .

, togo down .

To a l lay,compose, ca lm,-still,lull,allay,pacify,quiet,tranquilliz e

,hush, smooth, appease,suage,mitigate, soothe, soften,

temper, a l leviate, moderate, s ober down,chas ten,mollify,tame,blunt, dull, dead en, s lacken,damp, repress, restra in, Check,curb, bridle, rein in, smother,quell, l ay, see 174 .

Adj . Ine x citable, unexcited,ca lm,cool,temperate, composed,collected, placid,quiet, tranquil,undisturbed, unruffled, serene,demure,sedate,sta id, sober,dispassionate, unimpassioned,philo s oph ic, stoica l, imperturbable,coldblood ed .

atient, submissive, unresenting, content,resigned,ch astene subdued, bea ring with, long-suflering,gentle,mild,unpassionate,sober-minded,coolheaded.


1 .

827. PLEASURE, gratification,enjoyment,fruition,relish,zest .Well being,sa tisfaction, con

tent, 83 1,comfort, bed of roses,b ed of down, velvet .Joy, gladness, delight, glee,cheer,sunshine .

Physica l pleasure,see 3 77.

Treat, feast, luxury, vo luptuousnes s,clover.Happiness,felicity,bli s s,beati

tud c,b eatification, enchantment,



828, PAIN,suffering.

Physical pa in see 3 78.

D ispleasure,dis s atisfac ion,discontent,discomfort.Uneasiness, dis niet, inquietud e, weariness, eje ction, see

83 7.

Annoyance,irritation,infliction,plague,bore,bother.Care, anxiety, mortification,ve x ation, chagrin, trouble, trial,solicitude .

O r th ose ‘l ich concern one

’s Own s ta te offee ling .

23 2

transport,rapture,ravishment,c cs ta sy, paradise, Eden, Elys ium,981 .

Honeymoon, pa lmy days, h a lcyon days,golden age .

V. To b e pleased,&c .,to feel,receive,or derive pleasure,&c . ;to take pleasure or delight in ; todelight in

,rej oice in,relish, l ike,enjoy, take in good pa rt.To indulge in,treat one’s self,

feast on,revel,luxuriate in,&c . ;to enjoy one’s se lf.Adj. Pleased,enjoying, rel ish

ing, l iking, gratified, glad,gladd ened, rej oiced, charmed, delighted.

Ch eered, enlivened, flattered,indulged

,rega led,&c .

Comfortable,at ease,cosy,satisfied, content, 83 1, luxurious,&c ., una l loyed,with out a lloy.

Happy, blest, blissful, overjoyed,enchanted,captivated,fasc inated,transported,raptured,euraptured,in raptures, in ecstasies,in a transport, b eatified, joyful,see 83 6 .

Adv. Happily,&c .


Grief, sorrow, di s tress, affl ic

tion, woe, bitterness, hea rtach e,a heavy hea rt,a bleed ing hea rt,abroken hea rt, heavy affliction,&c .

Unh appines s ,infe l ic ity,misery,tribulation,wretchedness,desolat ion,Ache, aching, hurt, sma rt,twinge

,stitch , shoot, cramp,

Spasm, nightmare, convulsion,throe .

Pang, anguish, agony, torture,torment.Asufferer,victim,prey,martyr.V. To feel,suffer,or experiencepa in,&c . ; to suffer,ache,smart,

ail, tingle,wince,writhe .

To grieve, fret, pine, mourn,worry one ’s self, chafe, yea rn,droop, Sink,give way, despa i r,

859 .

Adj . In pa in ; feel ing, suffering, enduring, &c ., ain ; in a

sta te of pa in, of sufering, &c .,sore,aching,suffering,a i l ing,&c .,pa ined,hurt,stung,wounded,&c .,

s ee 83 0.

D ispleased, annoyed, d is satisfied, discontented, wea ry, &c .


83 2,uneasy,uncomfortable, i ll ateas e .

Concerned, affl icted, in affliction,sorrowful, in sorrow,bathed in tears,83 9.

Unhappy,unfortunate, hapless,comfortless,unblest, luckless,unlucky, i l l-fated, i l l-sta rred,wretched,miserable,careworn,disconsolate, inconsolable,woebegone,forlorn, a prey

to grief,&c .,despa i ring,in despa i r,859,heart-broken,brokenhearted,doomed,devoted,undone .829.

Capabi l i ty ofgiving pleasure .

PLEASURAB LENESS, pleasantness,gra tefulness, acceptable


deliciousness, da intiness, sweetness,luxuriousness,lusciousness,voluptuousness .

Charm, attraction, attractiveness,fascinatim,loveliness .V. To caus e, produce, create,

830.Capability ofgiving pa in .

PAIN FULNESS, dis agreeableness

,unpleasantness, Irksome

ness, unacceptableness, bitterness,vexatiousness,troublesomeness .Trouble,care,annoyance burden, load, nuisance, plague, iaflic tion .

Scourge,bitter pill,curse, ga lland wormwood, sting, scorpi


nauseous, d isgusting, sickening, revolting, shocking, vi le,abominabl e, accursed.

Sharp,a cute,sore, severe, g rave,hard,harsh,bitter,cruel,b i ting,corrod ing,consum ing,ra cking,excruc iating,&c .

Adv. Pa infully,&c .

83 CONTENT, contentment,contentedness,satisfaction,entiresatisfaction, serenity,sereneness,ease,heart-ease .

Comfort, snugness,well being.

Moderation, patience, endurance,res ignation,reconcilia tion .

V. To be content,&c . ; to rests atisfied,to ut upwith ; to takeup with ; to e reconciled to .

To rende’r content,&c ., to setat ease, to conci liate, reconci le,satisfy, indulge, slake, gratify,&c .

Adj . Content, contented, satisfied,at ease,snug,comfortable .

Patient,resigned to,reconciledto,unref


ipining .

Una icted, unvexed, numolested, (undisturbed,) &c .

834. REL IEF, easement, a lleviation,mitigation,pa lliation,solace,consolation,comfort,encour

ag ement,refreshment,689,soothi ng .

Delive ry from evil,&c .

Lenitive,ba lm, oil,restorative,(pa llia tive,) cushion, pillow,bolster,bed,&c .,2 15 .

V. To relieve, ease, a lleviate,

832. D I SC ONTENT, discontentment, dissatisfaction, disappointment,mortification .



burning, hea rt-grief, s ee Regret,83 3 .

V. To be discontented, &c .,

d issatisfied ; to repine, regret,83 3 ,grumble,83 9 .

To cause discontent, &c ., todisappoint,dissatisfy,mortify.

Adj . D iscontented,dissatisfied,unsa tisfied,ma lcontent,mortified,disappointed.

Repining, g rumbling, (complai n ing,) exa cting.

D isappointing,unsatisfactory.

83 3 . REG RET, bitterness, re

pining ; lamentation, 83 9 see

Penitence, 950.

V. To regret,deplore, lament,rue, repent,950.

Adj . Regretting,&c .


835, AG G RAVATIO N,heightening, exacerbation,e x as peration .

V. To aggrava te, to renderworse, heighten, imbitter, sour,nvenom,exacerbate,e x aspera te .


. Aggravating, &c ., aggravate &c .


mi tigate, pa l l iate, soften,soothe,assuage, a l lay, cheer, comfort, console, encoura ge,bea r up,refresh ,restore,remedy,cure,6 60.

Adj . Relieving, &c ., consolatory, soothing, a ssuaging,assuasive ; ba lmy,balsamic,lenitive, anodyne,&c .,662,remedia l,curative .83 6 . CHEERFULNESS, gayety,cheer, good humor, spirits, b igspirits,high glee,joyfulness,j oyoneness, hila rity, exhilaration,l iveliness, sprightl iness, briskness, viva ity, jocundity, levity,

83 7. DEJECT ION, depress ion,low spirits ; lowness or depsion of spirits, dejectedness ;weightor oppression on th e spirits damp on th e spirits

,sadness .



sportiveness, sportfulness, j ocularity, sprigh tfulness .

M irth, merriment, merrymak

ing, laughter, see 83 8, amusement


Gratula ion, rejoicing, exultation,j ubi la tion, j ubilee, triumph,pecan,heyday.

V. To be cheerful,&c . ; to be

of good cheer, to cheer up,b righten up

,light up take heart,bear up.

To rej oice,make merry,exult,congra tulate one’s se lf, triumph .

To cheer,enliven,e late,ex h ilarate inspire,entrance,&c .

Adj . Cheerful, g ay, blithe, of

good cheer, in spirits,in good orhigh spirits, buoyant, debona ir,bright, lighthearted, hearty, freeand easy, a iry, canty, sprightly,lively,vivacious,sprightful .Merry, j oyous, j oyful, j olly,

jocund Winsome,bonny, bux om,playful, playsome, frisky,frolicsome,Sportive,j ocose,j ocula r.Rejoic ing, elated, e x ulting,jubilant,pa lmy,flushed.

Cheering, inspiring, ex h ilarat

Cheerfully,cheerily,&c .

23 5

j oylessness, gloom, darkness,dolefulness,weariness,841,h eavines s of heart,fai lure of heart.Melancholy, melancholiness,

th e disma ls, spleen,the horrors,hypochondria .

Despondency,despa ir, discons olatenes s,prostration .

Demureness,s erious ne S,gravity,solemnity,solemness,sullenness,&c .

Cause of d e '

ection ; a damper.V. To be ej ected, s ad, &c . ;

to grieve, to give way, droop,sink, look downcast,mope,broodover,fret,pine,see Despa ir,859 .

To refra in from laughter ; tokeep one’s countenance .

To de ress, discourage, dishearten, ispirit,d ull,dej ect,lower,s ink,dash,unman,prostrate .

Adj . Cheerless,uncheerful,joyless, dull,flat, dispirited,out ofspirits,out of sorts, low-spirited,in low spirits,spiritless



Grave, serious, sedate, sta id,sober,solemn

,demure grim

,grim-visaged, rueful, sullen,sulky.

D iscouraged, disheartened,downcas t, cast down, depressed,d ownli earted, desponding, crestfa llen,dashed,drooping,sunk .

D isma l,melancholy, sombre, pensive,mournful, doleful,moping,splenetic,gloomy,lugubrious,funerea l,forlorn,hearts truck melancholic,hypochondriaca l,bilious,jaundiced, s atumine.

D isconsolate,despa i ring, in despa ir,859.

Depressing,preying upon the mind,&c .

83 8.Expression of pleasure .

REJO I C IN G,ex ultation,triumph ,jubila tion,j ubilee,see 884,pman,see 990.

Smile, simper,b road grin .

Laughter,gi gg le,titter,chuckle,shout, hearty laugh ; a shout

,burst,fit,or pea l of laughter.

smi rk, grin,

83 9. Ex press ion of pa in .

LAMENTAT I O N,compla int,emur,mutter,pla int, lament,wa i l,sigh,heaving.

Cry,whine,whimper,sob,tear,moan,grumble,groan .

Outcry,scream, screech,howl,whoop, rawl,yell,roa r.Weeping,crying,&c . ; a fit of


Deris ion,ri sibi lity,856 .

V. To rejoice, exult, triumph,883 , 884, to congratula te one’sse lf.To smile,simper, smirk, grin,mock ; to laugh, gigg le, titter ;to burs t out,shout.To cause, create, occasion,

ra ise, excite, or produce laughter,810 .

Laughing,&c . ; j ubilant,triumphant.

Laughable,risible,ludicrous .


crying,compla ining,frown,s cowl,sardonic grin or laugh.

.D i rge, elegy, monody, j eremi ade .

Pla intiveness,querimonious

ness, languishment, querulousness .Mourning, weeds,w illow, cypress .Ag rumbler, croaker, b raWler.

V. To lament,compla in, murmur,mutter,grumble,sigh give,

fetch,or heave a sigh .

To cry, weep, sob, blubber ;snivel,whimper to shed tears .To g rumble, groan, creak,whine,moan, bemoan, wa il,bewai l,frown, scowl ; to makea wry face .

To cry out,growl,squea l,s ing out, scream, s c reech,bawl,halloo,bellow,yell,roa r to cry out lusti ly .

Adj . Lamenting,compla ining,&c . ; lachrymose,pla intive,querulous,querimonious .840,

AMUSEMENT, diversion,entertainment, sport, divertisement,recreation, relaxation,pastime,holiday, red-letter d ay.


,pleasantry, drol lery

,j ocoseness, laughter,83 8.

Play, game, gambol, romp,prank,heyd ay.

Dance,b a l l,(polka,) ree l,c otillon,

rigadoon, sa raband, hornpipe, bolero, fandango, minuet,quadrille,wa ltz,gavot,&c .

Festivity,festiva l,jubilee,merrymaking,rej oicing,ga la,revelry,revels

,ca rniva l, satuma l ia .

Feast, banquet, enterta inment,ca rousal,wassa i l ; j olli ty,jovia lity,j ovia lness.Buffoonery, mummery, tom

foolery, ra ree Show,puppet show,masquerade .

Bonfi re,fireworks .

Toy,plaything,bawble,&c see

6 43 .

Amaster of ce remonies or revels

841. WEAR INESS, tedium,l ass itud e,fatigue,see 688,dej ection,see 83 7.

D isgust,nausea loathing,sickness disgust of li e .Wea risomeness, irksomeness,tiresomeness,monotony.

Abore,a button holder,proser.V. To tire,wea ry,fatigue,borend to sleep ; to yawn .

To sicken,disgust,nauseate .

Adj . Wearying,&c .,wearisome,

tiresome, i rksome, uninteresting,devoid of interest,monotonous


flat, prosy, prosing,slow,s opori fic,somniferous .

D i sgusting, sickening, nauseating.

Weary, tired, &c . ; uninteres ted, flagg ing, used up,weary of

l ife ; drowsy, somnolent, s leepy,&c .,yawning.

Adv. Wea ri ly,&c .



1 amuse d ivert,enterta in,rejoice, cheer,recreate,en

23 8

ornament,see 847, a rray,ga rnish,

furbish, trick out,trim,embla zonTo polish,burnish

,gi ld, var

nish,j apan, lacquer,&c

Adj . Beautiful,handsome,fine,pretty, lovely, graceful, elegant,delicate, refined, fa ir, comely,seemly,well-favored, proper,


y ell-proportioned, symmetrica l,b ecoming, goodly, neat, spruce,s leek

,brighteyed, a ttractive, cu

ri ous .

B looming,brilliant, shining,beaming, splendid, resplendent,dazz ling,gorg eous, superb,mag

nificent, sublime .Picturesque,artistica l .Pass able, not amiss, nude

formed, undefaced, spotless,uhspotted.


ta in soil, tarnish, sully,daub,bedaub, beg rime,smear


la te .

Adj . y,pla in,homely,g ross,inelegant, unsightly, i ll-looking,ordina ry, unseemly, i ll-favored,hard-featured, ha rd-visaged,unga inly, uncouth, s louching, nu

g raceful,c lumsy,gra celess, rude,rough,rugged,homespun, gaunt,rawboned,haggard .

M isshapen, shapeless,misproportioned, i ll roportioned, deformed

,i ll-marfe, i ll-shaped,gro

tes que, disfigured, dis torted,unshapen, humpbacked, hunchbacked,crooked,ba ld ,rickety.

Squa lid, grim, g risly, grimfaced, grim-visaged, gha stly,ghostlike

,deathlike, cadaverous,repulsive,forbidding.

Frightful,odious, hideous,h orrid,shocking,monstrous .

Foul,soiled, tarnished,sta ined, dista ined,sullied, blurred,blotte d,spotted


grimed,spattered,b ed aub e

847.ORNAMENT, adornment,decoration, emb el l ishmeng


,ornateness,gaud,pri e .

Garnish, polish, va rnish, gilding,japanning,lacquer,&c .


,bri lliant,&c .

,650,spangle,trinket, carcanet .Embroidery,broidery,brocade,ga lloon,lace,fringe,a igulet,trapping,trimming,hanging.

Wreath,festoon,ga rland,chaplet,tassel, knot, shoulder knot,brooch, flower,&c .,epaulet,frog,

errn ine .

Feather,plume .Nosegay,bou uet,posy.

Tracery, mou ding,a rabesque .Fripper finery, gewgaw,tinsel,tawdriness,&c .

Flourish, flowers of rhetoric,577.

Excess of ornament,see 85 1 .

V. To orname nt,emb el l i5h ,d ec

otty,splashed, smeared, b es

d,besmeared .

848. BLEMISH , disfigurement,eyesore,defect,flaw .

Sta in,blot, spot, speck, blur,

freckle, mole, blotch, speckle,spottiness, maculation ; soil, tarnish , smut,soot,dirt,&c .

,653 .

Ex crescence, pimple, &c ., see


V. To d isfigure, deface, &c .,

see 846 .

849. SIMPL I C ITY, pla inness,undress, chastity ; freedom fromornament or affectation, h omel i

ness .V. To be simple,&c .

,to render

simple,&c .

,to simpl ify.

Adj . Simple, p a in, homely,chaste, homespun, unaffec ted.flat, dull .Unadorned

,unomamented,nudecked, unga rnished,unarra ed,untrimmed ; in dishabille .


ora te,adorn, beautify, ga rn ish, polish, gild , &c bespangle,dizen,b ed izen ; embroider,&c .

,see 845 .

Adj . Ornamented, &c .

, beautified, ori‘

n te, d ed ecked,showy, gaudy, gilt, begilt, gorgeous .850. Good taste .

TASTE, delicacy, refinement,nicety,finesse,grace,polish,elegance dilettanteism .

Science of taste,fEsth etics .

Aman of taste, connoisseur,judge, criti c, virtuoso, ama teur,d ilettante .V. To appreciate, j udge, discrimina te,c ritic ize,465 .

Adj . In good taste,tasty, tas teful,) unaffected, pure, 0 as te,class ica l, attic, refined, elegant,aesthetic .

Adv. Elegantly,&c .

852. FASH I ON,vogue .Manners,breeding, politeness,good behavior,genti lity,decorum,punctilio, form, forma lity, eti

quette, custom, demeanor, air,port carriage,presence .

Show,equipage,&c .,see 882 .

The world, th e fashionableworld,high life,town,court gentil ity, civilization, c ivi li ze life,see Nobi lity,875 .

V. To b e fas hionable,&c .

Adj . Fashionable, in fashion,in vogue,modish,stylis courtly,genteel,well-bred,well eh aved,polished, gentlemanly, ladylike,wel t-spoken, C ivi l, resentab le,refined, thorough-I re unemb arra s s ed .


Adv. Fashionably, in fasl on,0 .

style, mode,

851 . Bad taste .

VULGARITY,vulga rism,barbari sm,Vanda lism,Gothicism.

Coarseness, grossnes s, indecerum, lowness, homeliness, low

l ife,clownishness,rusticity,boorish ness , brutish ness, bruta li ty,awkwardness,want of tact.Arough diamond,slattern,s lov~en clown,&c .

,876 .

x ces s of ornament, (gaudiness,) fa lse ornament,tawdriness,finery, frippery, trickery, tinsel,gewgaw.

V. To be vulgar,&c .

Adj. In b ad taste,vulgar,coars e,unrefined,gross


ol ish ed, homely, homespun,omeb red, uncouth, awkward,ungraceful, Slovenly, s lattem ly,impolite, il l-mannered, uncivi l,ungentlemanly, unladylike, nufeminine,unseemly,un

(pres enta

ble,unkempt,uncomb eRustic,boorish, clownish,b arba rous, barba ric, Gothic,nuclas

s ica l,hea thenish, outlandish,untamed,876 .

Obsolete,out of fashion, nu

fashionable,antiquated,old-fashioned,gone by.

New-fangled, od d, fantastic,grotesque,see ridiculous,85 3, serio-comic, tragi-comic, affected,meretricious

,extravagant, moristrous, shocking,horrid,revo l tin rr

Gaudy, tawdry, bedizenedtricked out.Adv. Out of fashion,&c .

853 . RI D I C ULOUSNESS, ludicrousness,ris ib il itj. Oddness, od di ty, whimsica lity, comica lity, grotesqueness, fan

crfulnes s, qua intness, frippe ry,prepos terousness, extravagance,monstrosity.

Bombast,bathos, fustian ,


. Ridiculous,e x travag ant,monstrous, preposterous .0 d,wh imsma l,qua int,grotesque,fancifu,eccentric,strange,out

of th e way,fantas tic .


Laughable, risible, ludicrous, comic, comica l, funny, derisive,fa rcica l,burlesque,quizzica l,bombastic,infla ted .

Awkwa rd,lumpish,uncouth,&c .

854, FO P, dandy, exquisite, coxcomb, beau, macaroni, blade,b lood, buck,man-mil liner.855, AFFECTAT I ON, mannerism, pretension,a irs,conceit,foppe

ry,dandyism,man-millinery, affectedness,charlatanism,quackery,foppishnes s,pedantry,a cting a pa rt.Prudery


,coquetry,stiffness,forma l ity.

Apedant,mannerist.V. To affect,to give one’s se lfai rs,to simper,mince,to act a pa rt,overact.Adj . Affected, conce ited, pedantic, pragmatica l, priggish, puri

tan ica l,prim,sta rch,stiff,forma l,demure .

Foppish,namby-pamhy,simpering,mi n cmg .


856, RID I C ULE,deris ion,mockery,quiz,banter,irony,ra i lle ry.


,taunt satire,scurril ity,s cofling .

Apa rody

,b urlesque,travesty, farce,comedy,tragi-comedy,doggereB lunder


,sl ip of the tongue,bathos,ant i-climax .

Buffoonery,vagaiy,antic,mummery, tomfoolery,grimace,prank

V. To ridicule, eride, laugh at, 929, scoff,mock, j eer,banterquiz, ra lly,taunt,point at,grin at; to play upon .

To pa rody,ca ricature,burlesque,travesty .

Adj . Derisory,scurrilous,burlesque,Hudibrastic .857, Object and cause of ridicule .

LAUG H IN G STO C K, j esting stock,gazing stock,butt ; an original ,oddity,buffoon,j ester,844,mountebank.


858, HO PE, trust, confidence,reliance,fa ith, assurance, credit,security

,e x pecta tion, affi ance,

promise, assumption, presumpti on .

Hopefulness, bright prospect,optimism,enthus iasmAnchor,mainstay,sheet anchorstaff,&c .,see Support,2 15 .

V. To hope ; to feel,enterta in,harb or,cherish,feed nourish,eucourage,foster,&c .

,hope or confid ence .

To trust,confide,rely on, feelor rest a ssured,confident secure,&c . to flatter one’s self,ex pect,presume .To g ive or inspire hope ; to

859.Absence,want,or loss ofhope .

HO PELESSNESS despa ir, desperation, despondence, 83 7, forlornness,a forlorn hope .

V. To despa ir,to give over ; todespond to lose ; give up,abandon,relinquish,&c .

,a l l hope ; toyield to despa i r.

To inspire or drive to despa i r ‘

to dash, crush, or destroy one ’shopes.Adj . Hopeless, having lost orgiven up hope losing

,&c .


,past hope, forlorn,desperate, incura b le,i rremediable


Inauspicious,unpropitious,unpromis ing,threatening,&c .


take courage,to muster,summonup,or pluck up courage .

To venture, make bold, face,defy,brave,beard,hold out,bearup aga inst.To give,infuse,or inspire cour


timorous spiritless,fa int-h eartedchicken carted .

D asta rd, dasta rdly,base, craven,recreant,unwa rlike .

a g e ; to encourage,embolden,i nspirit .Adj . Courageous,brave,va liant,va lorous,ga llant, intrepid.

Spirited, high-spirited, high-mettled,mettlesome, manly,inanful, resolute,

‘ stout, stout-hearted, iron-hearted, heart ofoak, firm, indomitable .

Bold,bold-spirited,daring,audacious,fearless,undaunted,unappa lled,undismayed,unawedflinching, unshrinking,unb lenchh ens ive.

unabashed,una la rmed,uning, unblenched,unappreEnte rprising,venturous,adventurous,venturesome,dashing,doughty,chiva lrous,heroi c,fierce,savage .Unfeared,undreaded,&c .

863 . RASH NESS, temerity,aud ac ity, presumption, precipitancy, precipitation, recklessness,foolhardiness, desperation, Q uixotism.

Imprudence, indiscretion.

A deperad o, madcap, bully,bravo, Hotspur, Don Quixote,kni ht errantTo be rash, incautious,&c .

Adj . Rash, headstrong, foolhardy, reckless, desperate, hotheaded, ha irbra ined, headlong,hotbra ined,precipitate,Quixotic.Im rndent, indiscreet, over

confi ent,overweening, ventures ome, unca lculating, incautious,improvident865.

DESIRE,wish,mind .

Inclination, leaning,bent,fancy, fantasy, partia lity,p

red ilec

tion, liking,fondness,re ish .


Longing,hankering,sol icitude,

eagerness,anx iety,yearning,cov

eting,aspi rati on, amb i tion, overanxiety.

Appetite,appetence,keenness,hunger, th i rst, thirstiness, prurience, cupidity, lust, concupi s

cence .Avidity, greediness, covetous

864. CAUTI ON, cautiousness,discretion, prudence, wa rines s,heed,circumspection,ca lculation,deliberation,see 459 .

Coolness,self-pos session,presence of mind, self-command,steadiness .V. To be cautious

,&c .,to takecare,to have a care, take heed,tobe on one’s guard,to look aboutone .

Adj . Cautious,wary, careful,heedful,cha ry,C i rcumspect

,prudent,di screet.Unenterprising,unadventurous,cool, steady,self-possessed.

866. IND I FFEREN CE,coldness,coolness, unconcem, inappetency, l istlessness, lukewarmness,see D isda in

, 93 0.

V. To be indiffere nt, &c . ; tohave no desire,wish,taste,or relish for ; not to care for; to disda in,Spurn,93 0.

Adj . Indifferent,undesirous

,cool, cold, unconcerned, unsol ic itous, unattracted, &c .


warm, listless,unambitious,unasp i ring.

Unattrac tive,unal luring,unde



Craving, voracity, canineap etite,rapacity, rapaciousness .

ass i on, rage,mani a, inex tin

guish ab le desire,vaulting ambition, impetuosity.

A gourmand,glutton, conh o

rari t,see 957.

An amateur, vota ry, devotee,aspirant, solicitant, candidate .

Object ofdesire ; attraction,a llurement, tempta tion, idol,magnet,hobby.

V. To desire, w ish, longfancy,have a mind to,be g lwant, miss, need, fee l the wantof,would fa in have,to care for.To hunger, thirst, crave, lusthanker after,burn for.

To desidera te, sigh,cry, pine,pant, languish, yearn for, aspireafter.To woo,court, solicit,&c .

To cause,create,ra ise exci te,or provoke desire ; to a l lure, at

tract, solicit, tempt, hold outtemptation or a l lurement,to tanta l ize.

To gra tify desire,slake,satiate,827.

Adj . D esirous, inclined,partialto, wishful, wishing, desi ring,wanting,needing, hankering af

ter ; l ickerish .


Greedy, over-eager, voracious,agog, covetous, ravenous rapacions, unsated,uns lacke ins atiable, insatiate .Eager,bent on, intent as

piring,amb itious,vaulting,impetuous .

Desirable,desired,desidera ted,&c .,see Pleas ing,829


sired, undesirable, &c . uncaredfor,unwi shed,unva lued.

Va id,tasteless,insipid,mawhish, at,stale,va in .

867. D ISL IKE,distaste, d isreli sh, disinclina tion, re luctance,backwardness, demur.Repugnance, disgust, nausea,loathing, averseness, aversion,

abomina tion, antipathy, abhorrence,horror, hatred, detestation,see 898, hydrophobia .

V. To dislike, mislike, disrel ish .

To shun, avoid,eschew,withdraw from, shrink from, recoi lfrom, shudder at.

To loathe,nauseate,abominate,detest,abhor,see Hate,898.

To cause or excite dislike ; todisincline, repel, sicken renders ick,nauseate,disgust, shock .

Adj . D isl iking,averse from,adverse,shy of, d isincl ined .

Loathing, nauseating, sick of,abominating,abhorrent.D is liked, disagreeable, un

palatable, unpopular, offensive,oath some,sickening,heart-sicken ing, nauseous, nauseating, repulsive, disgusting, detestable,execrable abhorred, 3 3 0.

Adv. D i sag reeably,&c .

868. FASTID I OUSNESS, n icety,da intiness, squeamishness niceness,difficulty in being p leased,ep icuri sm .

Excess of delicacy, rudery .

V. To be fas tidious, c .,to di sdain .

Adj . Fastidious,nice,delicate,difficult, da inty, squeamish, difficult to please ; querulous.

869. SATIETY, repletion, glut,saturation,surfeit.V. To sa te, satiate, sati sfy, saturate, quench, s lake,pail,glut,

gor e surfeit .Sa tiated,sated,s ick of,hearts ick,used up .



870.WONDER, surprise, mar

vel, astonishment, ama zement,

admiration, awe, bewilderment,s tupefaction,fascination,&c .

V. To wonder,marvel, be surprised, admire, &c . ; to stare,gape,sta rt .

To surprise,astonish, amaze,

astound,dumfounder,strike startle,take by surprise, strike with

wonder, &c .


871. Absence of wonder.Ex pECTAN CE,expecta tion,5 3 7V. To expect, not to be surprised, not to wonder, &c .

Adj . Expecting, &c .

Expected, &c .

, foreseen,ma zed,astonished atnothing,841 .

Common, ordinary, see 82 .

I ify, confound,stagger belief,stupefy,bewilder,fas cinate .To be wonderful,&c .

Adj . Surprised, astonished, amazed, astounded, struck,startled,taken b surprise, struck dumb,awestruck, aghast,

agape,dumfoundered, thunderstruck,stupefied, petrified.

Wonderful, wondrous, surprising, astonishing, amazing

,stunning,astounding,startling,unexpected,unforseen,strange,uncommon,unheard of,unaccountable, incredible,inex pl icable,indescribable, inexpressible,ineffable,unutterable,monstrous,prodigious,stupendous,beggaring description,miraculous,passing strange .872. PROD I G Y,phenomenon,wonder,marvel, miracle, monste r,

83, phoenix, gazmg stock, curiosity, l ion, sight, spectacle, Sign,portent, 5 12 .

Thunderclap,thunderbolt,volcan ic eruption .


873 . REPUTE.

D istinction,note,name,repute,reputation,figure,notoriety,vogue,celebrity,fame,famousnes s,popc larity,renown,memory,immor


Glory,honor,lustre, i l lustriousnes s,g loriousness,credit,account,rega rd, respect, reputableness,re spectability, respec tab leness .D ignity,stateliness,solemnity,grandeur, splendor, nobleness,lordliness, maj esty, sublimity.

Rank,standing, station, place,order,degree .

Orpersonal affections derived fromth e opin ions or feelings ofothers.

874, D I SREPUTE,d iscredit,ingloriousness, derogation, abasement, abj ectness, degradation .

D ishonor, shame, disgrace,odium, s lur, scanda l, obloquy,opprobrium, ignominy,base

ness, turp itude, Vi leness, infamy.

T arni sh,ta int,defilement,pololution .

Sta in, blot, spot blur, stigma,brand, reproa ch, s lur.V. To be conscious of shame,to feel shame,to b lush, to colorup, to be ashamed

,humi liated,


tl aman, squ ire, patrician, lordling.

Prince, duke marquis, earl,viscount, baron, baronet, knight,count,esquire,&c ., see 745 .

V. To b e noble,&c .

Adj . Noble, exa lted, princeofrank,titled,patrician,a ristocratic,high-born,well-born, gentee l,gentleman

y, fashionable, &c .,

852 .

877.TITLE,honor, knighthood,

&c .

Highness, excellency, gracelordship,worship, reverence, esquire, sir,master,&c . ; his honor.Decoration,laurel,pa lm,wreath,medal,ribbon,blue ribbon,cross,star, garter, feather, crest, epaulet,colors, cockade, l ivery 3 order,arms, shield, scutcheon.

878. PRIDE,haughtiness,loftiness, stateliness, va inglory, eu

percil iousnes s, a ssumption, lordiness, stiffness, primness, crest,a rrogance .

Aproud man,&c ., a h ighflier.

V. To be proud, &c ., to preume,a

ss ume,swagger,s trut.To pride one’s selfon,glory in,pique one’s self,plume one’s self,to stand upon .

Adj . Proud,haughty,lofty,high,mightly,h igh-flown,high-minded,uffe up, flushed, superci lious,Idisdainful, overweening, couse

quentia l, swollen, a rrogant.Stately, stiff, starch, prim, in

buckrarn, stra it-laced, vainglori

ous,lordly, magisterial, purse

proud .

Unabashed unblushing, &c .

880. VAN ITY,conceit,conceitednes s, se lf-conceit, se lf-complacen cy, self-confid ence, selfsufficiency, self-esteem, self-approbation self-pra ise,self-laudation, s elf-gratulation, self-admi


Acommoner,one of th e peo

ple a peasant,countryman,boor,serAswa in,clown,lout,underling.

An upstart,snob,mushroom.

Abeggar, tatterdemal ion, caiff,ragamuffi n .

AGoth,Vandal,Hottentot,sava g e, barbarian .

V. To be ignoble,&c .

Adj . Ignoble,mean, low, plebeian,vulga r,untitled homespun,subaltern,underling,homely.

Base, base-born, begga rly,rustic, cockney, menia l, sorry,vile

,uncivil ized, boorish. rude,


879. HUM IL ITY, humbleness,meekness, lowness, lowliness,affability, condescension, abasement, self-abasement, humiliation, submission,resignation, seeModesty,881 .

V. To be humble,&c . ; to condescend,humble,or demean one’sself; stoop,submit,knuckle to.To render humble ; to humble,humi lia te,set d own,abash,abase,take down .

Adj . Humble, lowly,meek,soer-minded,submiss ive,resigned,nofiend ed .

Humbled,humi l iated,&c .

881,MODESTY,humility, 879,d iffid ence, timidity, bashfulness,shyness, coyness, sheepish ness,shamefacedness,blushing.

Reserve, constra int, demureness .V. To be modest,humble &c . ;


Pretens ions mannerism, egotiam, coxcomb 7, va inglory,943 .

Acoxcomb,&c .

,see 858.

V. To be va in, &c ., to piqueone’s self; to plume one’s s elf.To render va in,&c .,to puflup,to inspire with vanity, &c .

Ad Va in,conceited,overweening,fbrward, va inglorious,puffedup, high-flown, inflated,flushed .

Se lf—satisfied, se lf-confident,self-sufficient,se lf-flattering,selfadmiring, se lf-applauding, selfOpinioned .

Unabashed,unblushing,un constra ined,unceremon ious,free andeasy.


to retire, keep in the background,kee private .

ffdj . Modes d iflid ent,humble,879, timid,b as ful,timorous,shy


skittish,coy, shamefaced, blusing, over-modest.Unpretending


assuming, unostentatious, uno


Abashed, ashamed, dashed,out of countenance, crestfa llen .

Reserved,constra ined,demure .

Adv. Humbly, &c ., quietly,privately,unostenta tiously.

882. OSTENTATI ON,display, show, flourish, pa rade, pomp,state,solemnity,pageantry,dash, glitter, s trut,magn ificence, pomposity,pretensions,showing off.Pageant,spectacle,procession,turn out,gala,rega tta.

Ceremony, ce remonial, mummery, solemn mockery ; formality,form, etiquette, puncti l io, puncti liousness, frippery, court dress,&c .

V. To'be ostentatious, &c . ; to d ispl a exhibit, show off, come

forward,put one’s selfforward,flaunt,em lazon,glitte r ;make or cuta figure,dash,to figure .To observe or stand on ceremony,etiquette,&c .

Adj . Ostenta tious, showy,gaudy,ga irish, d ashing,flaunting,glittering,pompous,sumptuous,theatrica l.Pompous,solemn,stately,high-sounding,formal, stifl


, ceremonious,punctil ious.883 . CELEBRATI ON, jubilee,commemoration,solemniza tion,ovation,pwan,triumph .

Triumpha l arch,bonfire, saluteInauguration,instal lation .

V. To celebra te, keep, signalize, do honor to, pledge, drink to,toast,commemora te, s olemniz e .

To i naugurate, Insta ll .Adj . Celebrating,&c ., in honor of, in commemora tion of,&c .

884. BOASTIN G, boast, vaunt, vaunting, brag, pretensrons pufl'

,puffing,puffery, flouri sh, gasconade, bravado,vaporing, rho omonfade,bombast,seeExaggera tion,549 .

Exultation,triumph,jubi lation .

Aboaster,braggart,braggadoc io,Gascon ; a pretender.V. To boast,make a boast of,brag ,vaunt,pufl


,show off, flourish,strut,swagger.To exult,crow, chuckle, triumph .

Adj . Boasting,vaunting,&c .

,vaing lorious, braggart.



885, Undue assumption of

en eriority.

NSOLEN CE,haughtiness, a rrogance, imperiousnes s,contume l i




Impertinence,sauciness, pertness,flippancy, etulance.

Assumption, orward nes s, presumption,impudence, a ssurance,front,face,brass, shame lessness,effrontery,auda city.

V. To be insolent,&c . ; to b luster, vapor, swagger, swell, arrogate,assume .To domineer,bully,beard,beardown,beat down,browbeat,tram

ple on, tread under foot, outrave .


886. SERVIL ITY, obs equiousness

,suppleness fawning, s la

vish nes s, abjectness, prostra tion,genuflection,&c .,990.

Fawning,sc ph ancy,see Flattery,83 3 ,and Humility,879 .

Asycophant,paras ite, hang erOu,time-server, 941 .

To c ringe, bow, stoopkneel fa l l on one’s knees,&c .

T O sneak, crawl, crouch, truckle to,grovel,fawn.

Adj . Servile, obsequious, supple, mean, cring ing, fawning,slavish grovelling, snivelling,begga rly, sc Ph antic, paras iti

cal ,abj ect.

Adj . Insolent,&c . haughty,arrogant,imperious,dictatoria l,contumelious,supercilious,overbearing, intolerant .Flippant,pert,cava l ier,saucy,forwa rd, impertinent.B lustering, swaggering vaporing, bluff, assuming, impudent,brazen,bra zen-face shameless, bold-faced, unblushing, unabashed.

887. BLUSTER,bully,swaggerer,vaporer.



1 .

888. FRIEND SH IP,amity,amicab leness, friendliness, brotherhood,fraternity, sodal ity, confratemity, fratemization, harmony,good understanding,concord,714.

Acqua intance,introduction,intercours e, intimacy, fam i liarity,fellowship .

V. To be friends,to be friendly,&c ., to frate rni ze,sympathizewith,897,to be well wi th,to b efriend 707.


889. ENM ITY, see Hate, 898,and D iscord,713 .

Unfriendliness, a l ienation, es


Animosity, pique,hostil ity.

V. To be inimica l,&c .,to es

to fa l l out,a l ienate .

Inimica l, unfriendly, d

vari ance,hostile .


To become friendly,to make friends with .

Adj . Friendly, ami cable,brotherly,fraterna l,harmon ious,cord ial,neighborly,on good terms ; on a friendly,a fami l iar,

or an intimate footing ; on friendly,&c .,terms ; well-affected.Acqua inted,familiar,intimate .


introduc tion, greeting, recogn i

tion,welcome respect.

Obeisance,sa lutation


ence,bow, courtesy, shaking

hands,embrace,sa lute,kiss .Va lediction, s ee 292


lenc e,see 9 15 .

V. To be courteous,civi l,&c .,to Show courtesy,civility,&cTo visit,wa it upon, presentone’s self,pay one’s respects .To receive,do the honors,greet,

welcome ; hold or stretch out th ehand ; Shake, press, or squeezethe hand .

To sa lute, kiss, embrace,nodto,smile upon,bow,courte sy,&c .

To pay one’s respects ; to payh omage or obeisance,&c .

To render polite,&c .,to pol ish,c ivilize,humanize .Adj . Courteous, civili zed, po

-b red,wel l-man

mered,mannerly,urbane, gentlemanly,ladylike .

Gracious, affable familiar,bland

,obliging, mifd, ob sequious .

896 . CO NG RATULATI ON,feh crt


su lkiness, acrimony, sternne ss,

aus terity,moodishness, asperity,captiousness, sha rpness, perver

s ity, irascibility,see 901 .


,b lackgua rd


V. To be rude, &c .

, frownscowl


,&c .

To render rude,&c .

,to b ruta l

Adj . D iscourteous, uncourteous,uncourtly, i ll-bred, il l-man

nered, i l l-behaved, unmannerly,unmannered,impolite

,unpolite,unpolished,ungenteel,ungentlemanly,unladylike,uncivil ized .

Uncivi l,rude,ungrac ious,cool,repulsive, uncompla isant, unac~commod ating,unga inly, unceremonious,ungentle,rough,rugged,bluff,blunt,gruff,churlish, bearish,bruta l,stern,harsh,austere .

Il l-tempered,out of temper orhumor,crusty,ta rt,sour,crabbed,sh arp, Short snappish, pettish,testy,peevish,waspish,captious,snarling,causti c, acrimonious,


Perverse,cross-gra ined, way

ward,humorsome, restiff, intractable, sulky,morose, scowling,surly,sullen, spleeny,spleenish,moody,dogged.

tion,wishing joy.

V. To congratula te, felicita te, give or wish joy,tender or offerone’s congra tulations,&c .

Adj . Congratulatory,&c .

897. LOVE, fondness, l iking,inclination, regard, good graces,partia l ity, predilection, admiration .

Affection, sympathy, fellowfeeling,heart,affectionateness .Atta chment, yearning, amour,passion, tender passion, flame,devotion, enthusiasm, transportOflove,enchantment,infatuation,adora tion,idolatry.

Attractiveness,&c .,popularity.

A lover, suitor, follower, ad


To congratulate one’s self,see 83 8.

898, HATE,hatred,disaffection.

disfavor, a lienation, estrangement,od ium,see D isl ike,86 7,andAnimosity,900.

Umbrage, pique, grudge,dudgeon,spleen,bitterness,i l l blood,acrimony,ma lice

, 907,implacab il ity.

D i sgust,repugnance, aversion,loathing,abomination,horror,detestation,antipathy,abhorrence .

Obj ect ofhatred an abomination aversion,anti athy.

V. To hate, d isfike, disrelish



h ea t,flame,love, truelove,paramour.Betrothed,affianced .

V. To love, l ike, fancy carefor, regard, revere, cheris ad

mire,dote on,adore, idolize .To bear love to ; to be in lovewith ; to be taken,smitten, &c .,

with ; to have,entertain, harbor,cherish,&c .,a l iking,love,&c .,for.

To excite love ; to wrn, ga in,secure, &c ., th e love,affections,hea rt,&c . to take th e fanc of;to attract,attach,endear,se uce,cha rm fascinate,captivate,enamour,enrapture .To get into favor ; to ingratia teone’s self, insinuate one’s self.Adj . Loving, liking, &c ., at

tach ed to, fond of, taken w ith,struck with,sympathetic,sympath izing w ith, cha rmed, ca ti

&c .,96 7,‘Oath e,nauseate,detest,

abominate, shudder at, shrinkfrom reccrl at,abhor.To excite or provoke hatred ;estrange,a lienate,set aga inst, tobe hateful,&c .

Adj . Hating, &c ., abhorrent,averse from,set aga inst.Unloved disliked,unlamented,unde lored, ua L

' med, unbelove uncared for, unendeared,unva lued.

Crossed in love, forsaken, re ~

jected,lovelorn,j ilted.

Obnoxious,hateful,odious, repuls ive,Offensive,shocking,loathsome, sickening, nauseous, disgusting,abominable,horrid .

Invidious,spiteful,mal ic ious .

Insu lting, irritating,provoking.

vate fascinated,bewitched, ovelom.

ectronate,tender, l ovrng,amorous, amatory,eroti c,ux orious,ardent,passiona te,devoted .

Loved,beloved,&c .,dear,darl ing,favorite,899,pet,popularLovely, sweet, dear, charming, engaging, amiable, winning, attractive,adorable,enchanting, captivating, fas cinating,bewitching .

899, FAVORITE,pet,dear,darling,j ewel,idol,spoiled child .

900. RESENTMENT,anger,wrath, indignation .

Soreness, dudgeon, moodiness, acerbity, bitterness, asperity,spleen,ga ll,h eartbuming,rankling,animos ity .

Excitement, irritation,wa rmth,bile,choler,ire,fume,passion,fit,burst,explos ion,storm,rage,fury.

Temper,petulance,angry mood,pique,miff,pet,umbrage .

Cause of umbrage ; affront,provocation,offence,indign ity,insult,929 .

V. To resent,take amiss,take offence,take umbrage,front n 9 00 v

lower.To chafe,mantle,fume ; kindle,get,fa l l,or fly into a pass-or:,&c

r we storm foam .

7 7

To cause or ra ise anger ; to affront, offend, give offence or umbrage d i scompose,fret,ruffle,nettle,rrri tate,provoke,chafe,woundsting, incense,rnflame,enrage,aggravate, imb i tter,e x asperate .

Adj . Angry,wrath,b orlrng, fuming, raging, &c .,nettled

, ruffled,chafed,&c .

F ierce, rageful, furi ous, infuriate,mad W i th rage, fiery,savage,

ra rkling,bitter,set against.


Relentless,ruthless, implacable, unpitying,piti less,9 19,inex orable, remorse less .901 IRASC I B IL ITY,sus ceptibility,ex crtab il ity,temper,petulance,irritab i lity, fretfulness, testiness, peevishness,snapp i shness, hastiness,ta rtness,acerbity,pugna city,see 895 .

Ashrew,vixen,termagant,virago ; a tarta r.V. To be irascible,&c . to take fire,flare up,&c .,see 900.

Adj . l rascible, susceptible, excitable, irritable, fretful, fidgety,geevrsh,hasty,warm hot,touchy,testy, pettish,waspish, petulant,ery

,pas s ronate,cho errc .

Ill-tempered,cross,churlish,sour,crabbed,out of sorts,fractior s,splenetic .

Qua rrelsome,querulous,di sputatious, sarcastic, resentfu l, resen~

tive,vrnd rctrve,pugnacrous .

902 . Expression of affection or love .ENDEARMENT, caress, bland ishment, fondling, embrace, salute,kiss .Courtship,wooing,suit,addresses,flirtation .

Love letter,va lentine .

V. To caress,fondle,pet,dandle,nestle,c lasp,embrace,kiss,oa

lute .To court,woo,fl i rt.To win th e heart,affections,love,&c .,of.

Adj . Care s s ing,&c .,caressed,903 . MARR IAGE, matrimony,


riag e.

Wedding, nuptia ls, espousals ;leading to the a lta r.A married man,

a husband,Spouse,bridegroom,consort.Amarried woman,awife,bride,helpmate,better half.Monogamy,bigamy,polygamy.

V. To marry,wed,espouse .To marry,join,give away.

Adj . Matrimonia l, conjuga l,connubia l, nuptial, hymenea l,spousa l,brida l,marita l .

2 .

906 . BENEVOLEN CE, goodwil l

,good nature,kindness,kind

l ines s, benignity, b eneficence,cha rity,humanity,fellow-feeling,sympath y, good feeling, kindh eartedness,amiability .

Charitableness, bounty, boun

&c .

904. Unlawful marriage a lefthanded ma rriage .

CELIBACY, singleness, singleblessedness .

An unmarried man, bachelorCcs leb s .

An unmarried woman,a spinster,ma id,ma iden,virgin .

V. To live single .

905, D IVORCE, separation, divorcement widowhood.

Awidow,relict,w idower,dozvagenV. To live sepa ra te,to d ivorc e.


907. MALEVOLEN CE, i l l wil l,nuki-ndnes s, i ll nature,ma lignity,ma lice,ma l iciousnes s,spite,spitefulness,des ite,despitefulness .

Unch arita lenes s, venom,gall,rancor, rankling, bitterness,acerbity,harsh ness,mordac ity.


A philanthropist, util itarian, Adj . M i santh ropic,s elfish,eg ocosmopolite,citizen of the world, tis tica l,morose,unpa triotic .

patriot .Adj . Philanthropic, utilitarian,patriotic &c .,public-spirited .

912. ENEFACT OR,savior,goodgenius, tutelary saint, guardianangel,good Samari tan .

3 . SPECIAL SYMPATHET IC AFFECT IOK S914. PITY, compassion, coma 914. a . PiT I LESSNEs s, me rcia

miseration,sympath y,fel low-fe el lessness, unmerc ifulness, &c .,ing,tenderness, yearning, for see 907.

bearance,mercy, clemency, leniency, long-suffering, quarter.V. To pity,commiserate, compassionate, ympath ize feel

for,enter into the feelings of, have pity,&c . ; Show ormercy ; to forbear,relent,s are,relax,give quarter.

To excite pity,touch,so ten,melt,propitia te .

To ask for pity,merc &c . ; to sup l icate,im lore,deprecate,appea l to,to cry or quarter,&c .

, eg one’s'

fe,knee l,fa ll on one’s knees,&c .

Adj . Pi tying, commisera ting, &c ., itiful, c ompa ss iona te,tender,clement,merciful, lenient, re enting, exorable,&c .

sympathetic, tender,tender-hea rted .

915.COND OLEN CE, lamentation, lament,see 83 9,sympathy,solation.

V. To condole wi th, console, sympathize ; express, testify,&c .,

pzity to afford or supply consola tion, lament w i th, weep wi th,c, 83 9 .


916. GRATITUDE,thankfulness,feeling of Obligation .

Acknowledgment, recogn ition,thanksgiving,giving th anks,b ened iction .

Thanks,pra ise,paean,990.

Re nita l, thank-offering.

V. 0 be grateful, &c . to

th ank,to give,render,return,offer,tender thanks,acknowledgments,&c . ; to acknowledge,requite .

913 .Ma leficent being .

EVI L-D ona, evi l-worke mrschief-maker, anarchis t,firebrand,incendiary,evi l genius,978.

Savag e,brute,ruf‘fia a, barbaricatiff,desperado.1mMons ter,demon, im devil .F iend, b loodh oun be ldam,


917. IN GRAT rT o DE,thanklessness,oblivion Of benefits .V. To be ungrateful, &c . ; to

forget benefits .Adj . Ungrateful

,unmindful,unthankful, thankles s .

Forgotten, unacknowledged,unthanked, unrequited, i ll-requi~ted,unrewarded.



To lie under an Obliga tion,to b e obliged,beholden,&c .

Adj . Grateful, thankful obliged, beh olden, indebted to,under ob ligation, &c .

918. FO RG IVENESS, pa rdon,grace remiss ion, absolution,amnesty, oblivi on, indulgence, re

pri eve .Reconci lement



pacification, 72 3 .

Excuse,exonera tion,quittance,

acquitta l, propitiation, exculpatron .

Lon rran imity,placability.

V. To forgive, pa rdon,e x cuse,pass over, overlook, forgive and

919. REVEN GE, vengeance,avengemen reta lia tion .

Rancor,vindictiveness, implacab il ity,Nemesis .V. To revenge, take revenge,

avenge .

Adj . Revengeful, vindictive,vengeful,rancorous, unforgiving,piti less,unrelenting, implacab le,rigorous .

forget, abso lve, remit, reprieve,exculpate,exonera te .To a llow for; to make a llowance for.

To conciliate,propitia te,plac ate,make it up,reconci le.ddi. Forgiving,&c .,

placable .Forgiven,&c .,unresented .

920. JEALO USY,j ea lousness .V. To be jea lous,&c . to View with jea lousy.

Adj . Jea lous,jaundiced,yellow-eyed,unrevenged,horn-mad.921. ENVY,riva lry.

V. To envy .

Adj . Envious,invidious .


1 .

922. RIG HT,what ought to bewha t should be .

Justice, equity, equitablenessfitness,fa irness,fa ir play, impartia lity,reas onableness, propriety .

Mora lity, mora ls, ethics, &c .

st r Duty, 926 .

V. To be right,j ust,&c .

To deserve, merit ; to be wortlry of, to be entitled to,see 924.


. Right . j us t,equitable,fa ir,equa even-handed, legi timate,

iustifiab le,rightful,fit,proper,b ecoming,&c .,see Duty, 92 6 .

Des erved, merited, condign,entitled to,924.

Adv. Ric h tl in justi ce, inequity,fairfy, c .



923 . WRON G,what ought notto be,what sh ould not be .Injustice,unfa i rness,foul play,partia li ty,favor,favoritism, partyspirit,925,unreas onableness,unlawfulness, 964, encroachment,imposition,&c .

V. To be wrong,unjust,&c . to

favor, lean towa rds,to encroach,impose upon,&c .

Adj . Wrong, unjust,unfa ir,undue,mequitab le,unequal,partia l,unreasonable, unfit, immora l,see945 .

Unjus tified, unjustifiable, nuwarranted, una llowed,unauth orized,una llowable .

Adv. Wrongly,&c .


924. D GENESS,due .

Right, privi lege, prerogative,ti tle,cla im,birthright,immunity,licens e, liberty,franchise .

Sanction, authority,warranty,tenure, bond, security, cons titution, cha rter.Acla imant,appellant.V. T O be due,&c .,to .

To have a right to, to be entitled to, to have a cla im upon,atitle to,&c . to deserve,merit,beworthy of,to deserve richly.

To demand, cla im, ca l l upon,exact insist on,cha l lenge,makea point of,enforce, put in force,use a right.To appertain to,belong to,&c


To lay cla im to,assert,assume,a rrogate,make good,vindicate a

cla im,&c .

To give or confer a right ; toentitle, authorize,wa rrant, sanction, license,lega li ze,orda in,prescribe .

Adj . Hav ing a right to,a cla imto, &c . ; entitled to ; deserving,meriting.

Privi leged, a llowed, sanctioned, warranted, authorized,permitted, orda ined, prescribed .

Prescriptive, presumptive, ah

solute, indefeasible,una lienable,ina lienable, imprescriptible,invio lab le .




925. Abs ence of right.UN D UENESS,unlawfulness,im«

propriety,unfitnes s .

Fa ls enes s,spuriousness,emptiness or inva lidity oftitle,il leg itimacy.

Loss of,righ t,ment.

Usurpation, Violation, breach,encroachment,stretch,relaxation.

V. Not to be due,&c .,to ; to b eundue,&c .

To infringe,encroa ch,violateto stretch or stra in a point ; tousurp .

To disfranchise, disenti tle ; torela x ,to disqua lify, inva lidate .

To misbecome,misbehave,

945 .

Adj . Undue,unlawful


s titutiona l .Unauthorized,unwarranted,unentitled,disentitled, nuua l ified,unsanctioned,unjustifie ,unprivi leged, unchartered, il legitimate,spurious, fa lse, usurped,unch ar

tered,unfulfil led.

Undeserved, unmerited,earned .

Improper, unmeet, unbecoming, unfit, misbecoming, unseemly.



Allowa b le,permissible,lawful, legi timate,lega l, lega li zed,96 3 , constitutiona l, proper, equitable, unexceptionable,sonable, 922 .

926. DUTY,what ought to bedone mora l Obligation,a ccountableness, l iab ilit responsibility,b ounden duty ; uenes s .

Al leg ianceh fea lty, tie, Office,function,province, post, engagement.Mora lity, mora ls, conscience,accountab leness, c onscientious" 6 88

927. Derelic tion ofd uty,guilt,&c ., see 947.

Ex EMPT I ON,freedom,irrespon

s ib il ity, immunity, liberty, license, relea se, exoneration, ex

cuse, dispensa tion, absolution,franchise, renunciati on, d ischa rge .

Non -observance, non-performance, neglect, infraction, viola


to,esteem, revere,to think much

of, to think highly of,to venerate,ha llow.

To pay homage to, kneel to,bend the kr-ee to,present a rms


fa l l down before,prostrate one’s

self.Adj . Respectful, reverentia l,obsequious, ceremonious,cap inhand,&c .

Respected,honored, ha llowed,c .


disrega rd,make light of, hold inno esteem,esteem of no account,set at nought, speak s lightinglyof, set down, pass by, overlook,look down upon, see 93 0.

To deride, scoff,sneer at,laughat, ridicule,856,mock,j eer,taunt,hiss,hoot.Adj . D isrespectful, slighting,disparaging, dishonoring, &c .,scornful

,940,i rreverent,supercilious,contumelious


ris ive,aweless .Unrespected,unworsh ipped,unrega rded,disregarded.

Adv. D isrespec tfully,cava lierly,&c .

93 0. CONTEMPT, disda in, scorn, contumely, slight, sneer, fl ing,Spurn a byword .

Scornfulness,disda infulness,haughtiness,contemptuousness .V. To despise

,contemn, scorn, disda in,scout,Spurn,look down

upon,disrega rd,slight,make light of,hold cheap,hold in contempt,hoot,trample upon .

Adj . Contemptuous,disda inful,scornful, derisive,supercilious .Contemptib le,despicable,poor,&c .,s ee 643,unenvied.

93 1. APPRO BATI ON, approva l,esteem, admiration, estimation,good opinion, appreciation, r e

gard,a ccount,popularity.

Commendation, pra ise, goodword ; meed or tribute of pra ise,encomium, eulogium, eulogy,panegyn c .

Laudation, applause, clappingof hands, acclamation ; paean,benediction,b les s in or


V. To approve,mink well of,think highly of,esteem,appreci

ate,va lue,admi re,countenance .To commend, speak well of;recommend, pra ise, laud, compl iment, clap, applaud, cheer,pane


yrize,eulogize,cry u exto l,gIorif magnify, exa lt, less .To re ound to th e honor orpra ise of; to do credit to to ringwi th the pra ises of.To deserve pra ise

,&c .,to bepra ised,&c .


. Approving, &c ., com

men atory,complimentary,laud

93 2. D ISAPPROBATI ON, d is approva l, blame, censure, odium,disesteem, depreciation, d etraction, condemnation .

Reprobation, insinuation, ani

madvers ion, reflection, stri cture,Obj ection, exception, criti cism,correction .

Satire,sneer, fl ing, taunt, sarcasm, lampoon, cavil, pas quinad e,invective,castigation .

Remonstrance, reprehension,reproof, admonition, ex postulation,reproa ch,rebuke,reprimand.Evil Speaking,hard words ,cutting words. foul language .

Upbraiding, abuse, vituperation, scolding, obj urgation, ra i ling, revi ling,contumely,execration,908.

Aset down,trimming,frown .

Alecture,curta in lecture,blowup,j e remiade, h il ippic ; clamo r,outcry,hue an cry,hiss,hissing,Sib i lation .



atory,panegyri sa l,eulogistic,encomras trc .

Approved,pra ised,uncensured,unimpeached, admired, &c .,deserving or worthy of ra ise,&c .,

pra iseworthy,commen able,plaus ible .


V. To disapprove,dispra ise,find fault with, critici ze, ins inu

ate, cut up,ca rp at,cavi l, objectto, take exception to,animadvertupon,

protest aga inst,frown upon.

To rspa rag e,d epreciate,speakil l of, decry,vilify, defame, detract,see 93 4,re n l s ,s a tirize,lampoon, inveigh aga inst.

To blame, lay or cast blame upon ; to reflect upon to censure ; pass censure on ; Impugn, censure,brand, stigma ti ze,reprobate .

To repreh end,admonish, remonstrate,expostulate,reprove,lecture,pull up,take up,set down, twit, taunt,reprimand,teproach, load with reproaches,rebuke .

To chide, scold,ra te,obj urgate,upbra id,vitupera te,abuse ;excla im aga inst,ra i l at, revile,blow up castiga te,chas tise,lash.

To cry out aga inst,cry down, run down,clamor,hiss,hootto accuse,see 93 8, to find guilty.

To incur blame ; to excite disapprobation ; to scanda lize,shock,revolt.TO take blame ; to stand corrected.

Adj . D isapproving,&c .,condemnatory,damnatory,reproachful,abusive,objurga tory,clamorous,vi tuperative .

Censorious, critica l, carping, sa tirica l, sa rcas ti c, cyn ica l,hypercritica l, captious,sharp,cutting,biting,severe,squeamish,fastidious,stra ightlaced,&c .


D isapproved,&c .

,unapproved,unblest,unlamented, unbewa iled, &c .

Worthy of blame, (blameworthy,)uncommendable,ex ceptionab le,see 6 49,945 .

933 .FLATTERY,adulation,syo

3phanoy,blandishment,caj olery,fawning, wheedling, coaxing,blandiloquence .

Incense,honeyed words,flummery.

V. To flatter, wheedle,cajole,fawn upon

,coax, humor, court,

pay court to.Adj . Flattering,adulatory,O ily,

smooth, unctuous, fa ir spoken,s ervile, sycophantic, fu l somecourtierly,courtier-like .

935, FLATTERER,eul ogrst,encomras t, sycophant, hanger on,courti er,paras i te .

934, DETRACTI ON, obloquyscurril ity, scanda l, defamation


aspersion, traducement, s lander,ca lumny,ba ckbiting ; critic ism.

Libel, lampoon,sarcasmV. To detract, asperse,depreciate,run down,bla cken defame,brand, ma lign, backbite, libe llampoon,traduce,slander,ca lum


Adj . Detracting,&c .,-ib e l lousscurrilous,scurrile,sarcastic,cynica l, &c ., see 9 3 2, foul-tongued,foul-mouthed,slanderous,d efamo

atory,ca lumnious .

93 6 . DETRACTOR, critic, censor, caviller, carpe r, defamerbackbiter slanderer,traducer, l inb e l ler,calumniator.


93 7. VI N D I JAT I ON,reply, j ustification

,e x oneration, exculpation,a cquitta l .

Ex tenuation,pa l liation,soften

Plea,excuse,apology,defence,gloss,varnish, sa lvo,6 17.

V. To vindica te,j ustify,ex culpate,acquit, clear, set right,exorrerate .

To e x tenuate, pa ll iate,excuse,apologi ze, varnish, s lur, glossovenTo lead, advocate, defend,speak or,make good, vindicate,

s ay in defence, contend for.

Adj . Vind icatory,exculpatory ;vindi cati ng,&c .

Excusable,defensible,pardonable,venia l, specious, plausible,justifiable .

3 . MORAL93 9,

PROB ITY, Integrity, uprightness, honesty, fa ith, go odfa ith, fa irness, honor, fa i r pj ustice,equity,equitableness,1mpa rtia lit

y, principle, fidelity, in

corrupti i litTrustwort

' nes s,trustiness,nucorruptedness, truth, candor, ve

rac ity, 545, stra ightforwardnes s,s ingleness of heart .Conscientiousness,punc ti liousness


a lity.

D ignity,re utab leness,see 873 .

Aman of onor,a gentlemana man of his word.

V. To be honorable, &c . ; tokeep one’s word to dea l honorab ly, impartia l ly,fa irly,&c .

Adj . Upright, honest, honorab le,fa i r,rig h t,just,equitable,impa rtia l,even-h anded,squa re, loya l,see 944 .

Trustworthy, trusty,uncorrupt,true,Stra ightforward, ingenuous,


03,frank,Open-hearted .


93 8. AC C U SATI O N,charge,imputation, inculpa tion, crimination, recrimination,invective,&c .,93 2 .

Denunciation, d enouncemen

cha llenge, indictment, libel, dela tion, citation, a rra ignment,impeachment,bil l of indictment.V. To accuse,cha rge, ta x ,impute, taunt with, slur, reproach,criminate, inculpate, implicate,

&c .,see 93 2 .

To inform against ; to indict,denounce,a rra ign,impeach,cha llenge,Show up, cite,summons .

Adj . Accusing, &c ., accusa tory, accusative, imputa tive,criminatory,accusable, imputable,Indefensible

,inexcusable,nupardonable,unj ustifiable .

940, IMPROB ITY,b ad faith,unfa irness, infid el it fa i thlessness


want Of fa ith,dishonesty,d is loya lty,ones idedness,disingenuousness,shabbiness,l ittleness,meanness, baseness, Vi leness, abjection, turpitude, insidiousness,knavery,knavishness,fraud,&c .

,545 .

D isgrace, ignominy, infamy,ta rnish,blot,sta in,spot,pollution,derogation, degrada tion, &C see

Dishonor,874 .

Perfidy, perfid iousnes s, treason,high treason, perj ury,apostasy,backsliding,brea ch offa ith,defecti on, disloya lty, foul play,double deal ing.

V. To be of b ad fa ith,dishonest, &c . to play fa ls e, breakone’s word,fa ith ,&c .,betray,forswear,shuffle,545 .

To disgra ce one’s self,dishonorone’s se lf,stoop,demean one’s self,lose caste .

Adj . D ishonest,unfair,fraudu


Adj . Virtuous, good, meritorious, deserving worthy, correct,dutiful,duteous ,mora l,righteous&c .

, see 9 3 9, laud able, well-intentioned, pra iseworthy, excellent admirable, sterling, pure,noble .

Ex emplary,match les s,peerless,sa intly, sa int-like, heaven-born,angeli c,se raphic,godlike .

corrupt,profligate, deprave


V. To b e vicious,&c . ; to sin,commit s in,d o amiss,err, transgress, go astray, misdemean ormisconduct one’s s e lf,mis b eh ave

to fa ll, lapse, s lip, trip, Offend,trespass .

Adj )”r Vicious, sinful, wicked,immora l,unprinci led, d emora l

ized, uncons c iona le worthles s,unworthy,good for not


ng,graceless, hea rtless, Virtueless, unduteous .


tiv,incorrect, crimina l,d i ssolute,abandoned, g raceless ,shame .

less,recreant,villanous,sunk, lost,obdurate, incorrigib le, irrecla imable .

Weak,fra i l, la x , infirm,imperfect,indiscreet,erring,transgressing,sinning,&c . peccable .B lamable, blameworthy, uncommendable, discreditable,

d is re ntable,exceptionable .

In ecorous,unseemly,s inister,base, scurvy,foul,vile,felonious ,nefarious, scandalous, infamous,vil lanous,heinous,grave,flagrant, atrocious, sa tanic, diabolic,hellish,infernal,fiend -like,demoniaca l .Un

p)expia e '

ard onab le,indefensible, inexcusable, i rremissible,ih1

Adv. Wrong,&c . wi thout excuse .

946. INNO CEN CE,guiltles s nes s,blamelessness,sinlessness,harmlessness, innocuousness, incorruption, impeccability.

Alamb .

V. To be innocent,&c .

Adj . Innocent, guiltless, faultless,s inless,clear,spotless,sta inless

,immaculate, unspotted, innocuous,unblemished, unta r

h ished,unsullied,und efi led .

Inculpable, unculpable, unblamed, blameless, irreproach able,irreprovable,irreprehensible,

unreproached, unimpeachable,unimpeached, unexceptionable,unerring.

947, GUILT, guiltiness, culpab il ity,crimina l ity,sinfulness .M isconduct

,mi sbehavior,misdoing,ma lpractice,deviation fromrectitude,dereliction .

Indiscretion, la se, slip, trip,fault, error,flaw, lot, omission,fai lure .

gres sron, m isdemeanor, deliuquency,felony, Sin, crime,enor'mi ty

,atro crty.

Harmless,inoffensive,dove-like,lamb-l ike,pure,uncorrupt,uncorrupted,undefi led, undepraved, undebauched, unharcened,unreproved .

Mos t of th ese adjectives are applicab le bo th to th e act and to th e agent.


Adv. lnnoc ently,&c .,with clean hands,with a c Tear cons cience .

948,SAINT, lamb,worthy, ex

ample, pattern, mirror, model,paragon,phrEnix , hero,demigod,seraph,angel,see Perfection,650.

949,SINNER,evil-doer,culprit,delinquent, crimina l,ma lefactor,


Knave,rogue,rascal,scoundrel,scapegrace, varle t, blackgua rd,vagabond, recreant, outlaw, see


Villa in,ruffran, miscreant,ca itiff,wretch,monster,repti le,urchin, imp, demon,cu tthroa t, incendiary .

950, PEN ITEN CE, contrition,compunction,regret, 83 3 ,repent

ance,remorse .

Self-reproach ,self-reproof,selfaccusation, self-condemnation,qua lms orprickings ofconsc ience .

Confessi on, acknowledgment,apo logV. o repent, regret, rue, repine,deplore .

To confess,acknowled e,apolog ize, humble one’s sel to re

cla im,to turn from sin .

951 . IMPEN ITEN CE, obduracy,recusance, ha rdness of heart, a

seared conscience, induration .

V. To be impenitent, &c . ; tosteel or ha rden the heart.Adj . Impenitent,uncontrite,obdura te, ha rd, hardened, seared,recusant,re lentless, unrepentant,graceless, lost, incorrigible, i rre

c laimab le,unatoned,unrec laimed,unreformed,unrepented.

Adj . Penitent, repentant, contrite, repenting,&c .

,self-aocus ing ; self-convicted .

Not hardened,unhardened,recla imed .

952, ATONEMENT,repara tion,compromise,composition,compensation,3 0,quittance ; propitia tion,expiation, redemption .

Amends,apology,satisfacti on,peace-Offering,sin-Offering,s capegoat,sacrifice .Penance,fas ti ng,ma ceration,sackcloth and ashes,lustration,pur

gafi on .

V. To atone, expiate, propitiate, make amends, redeem,makegood,absolve,do penance apologi ze,purge .Adj . Propitiatory,piacu ar,expiatory .



s obriety,fruga lity.

Abstinence,abstemiousness .

V. To be temperate, &C



denyabsta in, forbear, refrain,one’s self,spare .


,forbearance,abnegation,selfdeni a l,se lf-conquest,se lf-control,

954, INTEMPERAN CE, epica !

rism,sensua lity, luxury,anima l :ism,fple


sure, effeminacy ; th e

l ap O pleasure or luxury ; indulgence, se lf-indulgence, vo luptuousnes s .

Excess,d is s ipatio r, licentiousness, ieb auch ery, c is soluteness,


Adj . Temperate, moderate,sober, fruga l, spa ring,abstem ious,

ab stinent, Pythagorean, vegetarian .


brutishness, revels, debauch,orgres .V. To be intempera te

,sensua l,

&c .

To indulge,exceed,revel'


a loose to indulgence,s ensuaffty,

&c .,to wa llow in voluptuousness, luxury, &c . to plunge

into dissipation .

To pamper,pander,slake .

Adj . Intemperate,sensua l,pampered,self-indulgent,l icentious,wild,dissolute, rakish, debauch ed,brutish, epicurean,voluptuous,swini sh .


Adebauchee,free-l iver,aman ofpleasure,voluptuary,rake,a vota ry ofEpicurus,see 962 .

955, As cET rC I SM,austerity,mortification,maceration, sackcloth

and ashes,fla g el lation,&c .,martyrdom.

An ascetic, anchoret,ma rtyr ; a recluse,hermit,&c .,893

Adj . Ascetic,puritanica l .956, FASTIN G,fast,spare diet,Lent,famishment,starvation .

V. To fast,sta rve .

Adj . Fasting, lenten, &c ., unfed .

958, SO BRIETY,hydropathy.

Awater drinker teetota le r, orteetota l ist,hyd ropa thist.V. To take the pledge .

teetota l ism,

957, GLUTTO NY, epicurisrn,greediness,good cheer,high living,voracity .

A glutton,epicure


gorrnand .

V. To gormandize,gorge




. Gluttonous, greedy, gorman iz ing, swinish, pampered,over-fed .

959. DRUN x EN NESS, ebrie ty,inebriety, inebriation, intoxi cation drinking, toping, tippling,sottishness,bacchana ls,compotation .

A drunkard, sot, toper,ti pler,bibber,w ine-bibber,dram rinker, revel ler, carouser, bacchana l,bacchana l i an .

V. To drink, tipple, tope; to guzz le, swi ll, carouse, getdrunk,&c . to take to drinking,&c .

To inebriate, intoxicate .Adj . D runk, drunken,tipsy, intoxicated, in liquor, inebri


Sottish,bacchana l,bacchana lian.

960. PuRrT Y modesty, decencv,decorum,d eficacy,continence,chastity pud ic ity.

Adj . Pure,modest,delicate,decent,decorous .

961. IMPURrrY, immodesty,grossness,coarseness, indelicacy,indecency, obscenity, riba ld ry,smut obsceneness, smuttiness,bawdiness,bawdry,


Sheriff,officer,constable beadle .Adj . Juridical, j udicia l,forensic,municipa l, executive, adminis

.rative .

966, TRI BUNAL, court,bench,judicatory, senate house court oflaw,court of justice .

Assize, sessions,court ma rtia l .967, JUD GE,j ustice,j usticiary,chancellor,magistrate,arb -ter,ar

b itrator,umpire referee .

Prosecutor,pfaintiff,accuser,appellant.Defendant,panel,prisoner, the accus ed968, LAWYER, the b ar,advocate,_coun s el lor,counsel,pleader,spe

c ia l pleader,conveyanc'er,c ivilian,barrister,jurist, juri sconsul t,no~

tary,notary public,attorney,solicitor.969. LAW SUIT,suit,action,caus e,trial,l itiga tion,713 .

D enunciation, cita tion, arra ignment,pers ecution, indic tment,peachment, apprehension, arrest, committa l, imprisonment, sec

75 1 .

Pleadings,writ,summons,plea,bill,affidavit,&c .


Verdict,sentence, judgment, finding,decree, arbitrament, adja

d i catron,award.

V. To go to law to take the l aw of to appeal to the law to joini ssue ; file a bill,file a cla im .

To denounce, cite,apprehend, arraign, sue, prosecute, bring to

tria l,indi ct,attach,di stra in,to commit,give in charge or custodythrow into prison .

To try,hear a cause,sit in judgment .To pronounce, find,j udge, sentence, give judgment ; bring in a

verdi ct ; doom,to arbi tra te,adjudicate,award,report .970, ACQU ITTAL, absolution, 971. CONDEMNATI ON, convio

see Pardon, 918, clearance, dis tion, proscription death warcharg e,releas e, reprieve,respite . rant


Exemption from punishment ; Atta inder,atta inmentimpunity. V. To condemn convict, cas t,To acquit, absolve, clear, fi ilty, ros c ri e.

discharge, release, reprieve, re Con emnatory,&c .

s ite .pAdj . Acquitted,&c. 972 . PUN I SH MENT, chastiseUncondemned,unpunish ed,un ment,cas tigation,correctiomch as

chastised. tening, discipline, inflic tion .

Retribution, requita l, reward,973 .

Immrsonment, 751, transporta tion, ex i le, 297, thmil l,galleys penal settlement.Beating, lash,flagel lation,flogging,&c ., pillory,the gantlet.Execution,hanging,beheading,decollation,gui llotine,cru

c ifi x ion, impalement,&c .,martyrdom.

V. To punish, chas tise, castiga te,chasten,pun ishment.To execute,hang,behead,decapitate,decollate,guil lotine,

DEITY. 267

shoot,gibbet,hang,draw and quarter; break on th e wheel ;torture,&c .

Adj . Punishing,&c .,pena l,pun itory,punitive,inflictive.

973 ,REWARD,recompense,re

muneration,meed, premium, ind emn ity, indemnification, compens ation, repa ration, requita l,retribution, quittance, acknowl

edgement, amends, atonement,redress,consideration,return,tribnte.

Crown,laurel,bays,cross,medal,ribbon,decoration,&c .

V. To reward, recompense,requrte, remunera te, compensate,make amends,atone, sati sfy,


knowledge,acquit one’s selAdj . Remunera tive,compensa

tory,retributive,repara to'ry.

974. PENALTY,pa in,penance .F ine,mu lct, amerc ement, for

fe it,forfeiture, damages, sequestration, confiscation .

V. To fine,mulct,amerce,confiscate,sequestra te .

975. Instrument of punishment.SC OURGE,rod,cane, stick, ra

tan, cane, switch, ferule, birch,cudgel.Whip,lash,strap, thong, cow

h idePi llo stocks Wh i in ost.Rackt

yWh eel,scaffold, ga llows, gibbet, ax e,


Executi oner, hangman,headsman .



976. DEITY,D ivini ty,Godhead,(the D ivine Nature orExistence,)Omnipotence,Providence .

Qua lity of being divine ; divineness,d ivinigy.

The Almighty ; TheGOD,Lo rd,Jeh ov'

upreme Being Th eFirst Cause ; The Au or,&c .

,of a l l things,The Infinite,The Eternal .

Attributes and Perfections ; Infin ite Power,Wisdom, Goodness,Justice,Truth,Mere Omnipotence, Omn is crence, Ornnipresence,YUnity,Irumutab il ity,Holiness,Glory,Majesty,Sovereignty,Infini ty,Ete rnity.

The Trinity,The Hol Trinity.

eMaker,The Creator,Th e Preserver.GOD THE FATHER,(Functions ) Creation, Preservation, D ivine Government,Th eoc

racy,Providence,th e ways,the dispensations,the vrsrtatrons ofProvidence .

THE SON or GOD,Christ,Jesus,Th eMessiah,The Savior,Th eRedeemer,The Mediator,Immanuel .

Th e Intercessor TheTh e Anoin ted, Th e Son ofMan, Th e

Advocate,The Judge,of God, Th e Word,Lamb

Th e Incarnation,Th e Hyposta tic Union.



Functions .) Sa lvation, Redemption, Atonement, Propitia tion,Media tion, _ntercess ion,Judgment .THE HOLY GH O ST The Holy Spirit,Pa raclete, The Comforter,The Spirit of Truth,Th e Dove .

(Functions ) Inspira tion, Unction, Regenera tion, Sanetification,Consolation.

V. To create,uphold,preserve,govern,&c .

To atone, redeem,save,propitiate,mediate,&c .

To predestinate,elect,ca l l,orda in,bless,j ustify,sanctify,glorify,e.

Adj . Almighty,&c .

,holy,hal lowed, sacred,divine,heavenly,cclestia l .Superhuman,ghostly,sp iritua l,supernatural,theocratic .977. Beneficent spi rits . 978.Ma leficent spi rits .ANGEL,a rchangel. SATAN,the devil .The heavenly host the host of The tempter, th e evil one, theheaven,the sons ofGod . author of evi l, the wicked one,Seraphim,cherubim,minister the old serpent, the prince of

ing s irits,morning stars . darkness the foul fiend,the archAdj


. Angelic,seraphic . fiend.

Fa llen angels, unclean spiri ts ;devi ls.Adj . Satanic,diabolic,devi lish .

Mythological and otherfabulous Deities and Powers .

979. JUPITER,Jove,&c . &c . 980. DEMON,evi l genius,fiend .

Good gen ius, demiurge, fa iry, Fury,harpy,siren, satyr,&c .

l h. Vampire, imp, elf, dwarf,urFa iry-like,sylph-like,syl chin,sprite,&c .

Ghost, spectre, apparition,Spirit,Shade, vis ion,goblin, hobgoblin.

Adj . Supernatura l,ghostly elfish ; unearthly spectral, g ostlike,fiendish,fiend-l ike, impish ;demoniaca l haunted .

981. HEAVEN,the kingdom of 982. HELL, bottomless pit,heaven ; the kingdom OfGod,th e place of torment ; the habitationheavenly kingdom ; the throne of offa llen angels,Pandemonium .

God,th e presence of God. Hel l fire,everlasting fire .

Pa radise,Eden, the abode of Purgatory,limbo

,abyss .

the blessed ; celestial bliss,glory, Mythologica l hell ; Tart&c . Hades,Pluto,Avernus .Mytholog ical heaven, Olym The inferna l region th e

pus,mythologica l paradise,Elys i shades below,the realms o Adj . Helli sh,inferna l, stygiarr.Resurrectia r, 163, translation,

apzth eosis .



987 P IETY,rel igion,(spiritua l ity,)fa i th,religiousness,godliness,reverence, humility, veneration,devoutness


,ed ification ; holiness,sanctity, sacredness,consecration .

Regeneration, conversion, j ustification,s anctification,sa lva tion,inspira tion .

A believer, Theist, Chris tian,sa int,devotee .

V. To be pious, &c ., to b elieve,have fa ith ; to convert, edify, sanctify, regenerate, inspire ;to consecrate,to enshrine .

Adj . Pious, religious, devout,reverent, godly, heavenly-minded,pure,holy, spiritua l, sa intly, De istical, anti-Christian,

s a i nt-l ike . christian, worldly-minded munB elieving, fa ithful, Christian, dane,ca rna l, earthly-minded.

catholic,&c .

989. IMPIETY,i rreverence,profanenes s

,profanity, blasphemy,

desecrati on,sacrilegiousness te

vil ing,s coffing .

Assumed piety hypocrisy,pietism,(mysticism),formalism,austerity sanctimony,sanctimoniousness,pharisa ismAscoffer,h rocrIte,pietist,religionist,formal ist.Abigot,ent us iast,fanatic,Pharisee.V. To be im ious,& c .

To profane, esecrate,blaspheme,revile,scoff.Adj . Impious,

nplrofane, i rreverent,sacri legious, desecra ting,blasphemous,u a llowed,unsanctified,hardened,

Hypocri tical,pietistical, sanctimonious, pharisa i c overrighteous .B igoted,priest-ridden,fanat ical,enthusias tic .


990. WORSH I P,adoration,devotion,homage,service,humi lia tion,kneeling,gen '


Prayer, invocation,supplication, petition,orison, &c 765, litany,the Lord’s prayer,paternoster,collect.Thanksgiving,giving or returning thanks, grace,pra ise,benedino

tion,doxology,hosanna,hal lelujah .

Psalmody,psa lm,hymn,chant,antiphon,res onse, anthem.

Oblation,sacrifice,Incense,l ibation,burnt-o ering .

988, IRRELI G IEN,ungodliness,unholiness .Scepti cism, doubt, unbelief,disbelief, incredulity, incredu

lous nes s,485,487.

Atheism, deism,(materia lism )infidel it freeth inkrng .

An at eist,sceptic unbeliever,deist,freethinker, infidel .V. To be irre ligious,disbelieve,doubt,question,&c .

Adj . Irreligious, indevout, nudevout,ungodly,unholy,unsanetified .

Sceptica l, unbelieving, freethinking, incredulous,unconverted


D isc iplin e,self-discipl ine,self-examination,self-denia l,fas ting.

V. To worsh ip,adore,do service,pay homage,humble one’s self.kneel,bend the knee,prostrate one’s self.To pray, invoke,sup l icate, petition,put up prayers or petitions ;

to ask, implore,b eseec &c .,765 .

To return or give thanks ; to s ay grace, to b less, pra ise, glorify,magnify,sing pra ises,give benediction.

To propitiate,offer sacrifice,fast,deny one’s se lf; vow,offer vows,g ive a lms.Adj . Worshipping, &c ., devout, solemn, reverent, pure, fervid,

h eartfelt,&c .

991 . ID OLATRY, idle worship,devi l worship,fetichism.

Deification,apotheosis,canonization .

Sacrifices,hecatomb,holocaust ; human sacrifices,immola tion,ih ~fantic ide,se lf-immola tion .

V. To worsh ip idols,pictures,re lics,&c .,to de ify,to canonize .Adj . Idolatrous .992. SORCERY,magi c,th e black art necromancy, theurgy, thaumaturgy, witchcraft, fetichism, sortilege, conjuration, fascination,mesmerism,cla i rvoyance, second sight, (Spiritua l rappings,) divination,ench antment,hocus-pocus, 545,ordea l .V. To practise sorce ry,&c .; to conjure,exorcise,charm, enchant,bewitch, entrance, mesmerize, fascinate ; to taboo, Wave a wand,cast a s ell,ca l l up spirits,(to be a spiri tua l medium . )Adj . agio,magical,caba listic,ta li smanic, incantatory,charmed,exorc ised,&c .

993 . SPELL,charm, incantation,exorcism.

Ta lisman, amulet.Wand, caduceus,rod,divining rod .

994. SORCERER, magician, conjurer, necroman cer, seer,w izard,witch,weird,charmer,exorcist,sooth sayer,5 1 3 .


995, CHURCH D OM,mlnlStr apostleship,priesthood,prelacy,hierarchy,church government,0 urch z— (in a b ad sens e) priestcraft.Monachism,monasticism.

Ecclesiastica l offices and dignities ; pontificate, primacy, archbishopric,bisb )pric,episcopate episcopacy,see, diocese ; deanery,sta ll. canonry, canonicate, prehend, prebendaryship ; b enefice,incumb ency, living, cure, rectorship, vicarship, vicariate, deaconry,deaconsh Ip,cura cy, chapla incy,chapla inship .

Holy orders, ordination, institution, consecra tion, induction,preferment .Council,conclave,convocation,(as sociati on,consecration,presby

l ery conference,) synod,consisto ry, chapter,vestry,696 .

I} . To ca l l,orda in, induct,prefer.Adj . Ecclesiastical, clerica l, sacerdota l, pri estly, prela tica l,pas

tora l,ministeria l .Pontifical,episcopal,canonica l ; monastic,monkish .


996 . CLERG Y, ministers, the 997. LAITY, flock, fold, con

ministry,priesthood,presbytery. gregation, assembly, brethren,A clergyman, divine, ecc les i people .

astio,churchman, priest,presby Tempora l ity,secularization.

ter,pastor,Shepherd,minister. Alayman,parishioner.D ign ita ries ofth e church ; pri V. To seculari ze .

mate,archbishop,bishop,prela te, Secular, lay, c ivi l, temdiocesan, suffragan ; dean, sub profane .dean, a rchdeacon, prebendary,cancn rector, vica r, incumbent,pa rson,chapla in,curate, deacon,preacher.Ch urch warden ; clerk, precentor, choir,a lmoner,beadle,sexton.

Roman Ca tholic priesthood ; pope, pontiff, high priest,cardi na l ; confessor,spiritua l director,&c .

Cenobite,conventua l,a bbot,prior,monk,friar lay brother;mendicant, Franciscan, (or Gray Friars,) Capuchin,Domini

can,(or B lack Friars,) Ca rmelite,Augustin,(or Austin Friars .)Abbess,prioress,canoness,nun,novice,scribe .

998. RITE,ceremony, ordinance, observance,formulary,ceremonia l,solemnity,sacrament.Liturgy,ritua l,book of common prayer, l itany,&c . ; rubric .Service,duty,minis tration,&c .,see 990 ;preaching ; s ermon,homn

ily, lecture .


Confirmation, imposition,or laying on of hands .

The Eucharist,the Lord’s supper,th e _communion,the sacramen

Roman Catholic rites and ceremonies mass; high mass ;matins,vespers ; the seven sacraments, auricu la r confession,flagel lation,&c .,brevia ry,missa l,&c .


V. To erforrn service, do duty, minis ter, officiate ; to b e tize,dip,s rin ls,&c . ; to confirm,lay hands on,&c . to give or a minis ter e sacrament.To preach,sermonize, lecture .Adj . Ri tua l,ceremonia l,&c .

999 . CAN ON I CALS ; robe,gown, pa ll ium, surplice,cas sock,scan.


ic/y,stole,tonsure, cowl,hood,bands,&c .

itre,tiara, tri le crown,crosier.

1000. Place 0 worship,house of God .

TEMPLE, ca thedra l, minster, church, chapel, meeting house,tabernacle .Parsonage


a lace .4

Altar, Sh rine, sanctuary, sacrrsty,communion table ; aptistery,font .Chancel,choir,nave,a is le, transept,vestry,crypt,stal l,pew,pul

pit,ambo,read ing desk confes s Iona l .Monastery,priory,abbey,convent,nunnery,c loister.Adj . Claustral,monasti c,conventual .


Ab rupt,trans ient, 1 11.s teep,2 17.

s tyle,579.

unex pected,508.

Ab ruptness,vio lence, 173 .

sudd ennes s , 132Ab s ces s, (555.Ab scis sum,retrenchment,8.d ivis ion,44.

Ab scond ,es cape, 671.

fly from,287.Ab sence,n on-pres ence,18

ina ttention,458.

tlwughtl es sness ,452.

Ab sen t,notpres ent,187thoug h tles s ,452 .

Absen tee, 187.

Abs en teeism,187.Ab so lute,not rela tive,1.cer ta in,474,3 1.due,924.

true,494.unconditional ,768.

autho rita tive,737.

s evere,73 9.

as s ertion,535.

Ab so lutely,2.Mmo luteness, l , 52,Ab so lution,750.

forg iveness 9 18.

W 327.



Ab so lut ism,73 7,739 .

Ab so lve,forg ive,918.

ex empt,927.l ibera te,750.permit,760.


Ab so lved,ex empted,92.Abs onan t,unreasonab le,495.

d is cordant,414.

Ab sorbb ,take in, ink,451.comb ine,48.attend to,457

feel,82 1.consume,677.

Ab sorb ing,82 1.Ab so rption,296.Ab s tain,

refra in, 603 .temperance,953 .

forbear,623 .Ab s temious,953 .

Abs temiousness ,953 .

Abs terge,652.Abatemion,652.

I N D EX .

Ab s ters ive,662.Ab s t inence,d isuse,678.

forbearance,953 .

Ab s tinent,953 .

Ab s tract,s epara te,44.

to neg lect,457.

to ab r idg e,596,572 .

to take,789.

d ivert,452 .

to s tea l,79 1.Abs trac ted ,4552,458.Abs traction,idea,45 I.

s eparation,44.un i ty,87.taking ,789 .

Ab s truse,recondite,5 l9.

h idd en,528.

Ab surd ,497,477.

Absurd ityfoul/a 4nons ens e,497.

Abund ance,capionsnes e,639.

g rea tnes s ,3 1.Abund ant,copious ,63 9.

g rea t,3 1.Abuse,misus e,679.

il l treat,649.

upbra id ,93 rea t,909.

of language,523 .

Abus ive,upbraid ing ,932.

th rea tening ,909.Abut,res t on,215.touch ,199.


hel l,Academic,53 7,542.Academician, 500,


Acad emy,542.Accede,762,488.

Acce lerate,velocity,274, 173.ear lines s , 132.h as te,686.

Accelera ted, 13 2.Acce leration,has te,686 .

velocity,274.ear lines s , 132.Accens ion, 384.

Accent,tone ofvoice,580.

sound ,402.



cons ent, s en t,488.Acceptab le,ag reeab le,829.ex ped ient,646.Acceptab leness ,829 .

Acceptance,s ecuri ty, s en t,488 .


Acceptation,meaning ,516.

Acces s,627.

Acces sib le,705.

Access ion,increas e,35.add itio n,3 7.

to power,737.

Acces sory,adjunc t,3 7,39.

add itive,3 1.

aux il iary,711.aid ing ,707.

accompanying ,88.

Acc idence,567.

Acc id ent,ch ance, 156,62 1,6.

event, 151.Accidenta l,6,62 1.Acc identa l ly,62 1.Acc lamation,93 1.Acc l imat ize,inure,6 13 .tra in,6721.Accl ivuy,2 17.

Accommod ate,suit,23 .

reconcile,723 .lend ,787.

prepa re,673 .

a id ,707.

hab it,6 13 .g ive,784.

Accommod ating,23 .

kind ,906.

Acetummod ation,adjus tment,723 ,23 .

prepara tion,673 .a id ,707.

Accompaniment,mus ica l,4 15 .

add ition,3 7,39.

coex is tence,88.Accompany,coex is t,88, 120.

add ,3 7.

Accomplice,71 1.Accomplis h ,ex ecute, 161 .

fi nis h ,729, 73 1.Accompl is hmen t,ta lent,698 .

completion,729.lea rning ,490.

ecord ,

Accord ,g ive,784.

gr ant,760.

spontaneous ,600.Accord ance,agreement,23 , l fitas s ent,488.


AcéZmlant,23 .

Acco rd eo n,417Acco rd ing to,conforma b ly, 15.evid ence,467.

Accord ing ly,476,8Acco s t,586 .

Accoun t,money, 811.b il l,812 .

computation,85.lis t,86 .

d es cription,594.value,644 .

es tima tion,484.judgment,480.approba tion,93 1.fame,873 .


s ake,6 15.

Accountab le,926.

Accountab leness,Accoun tan t,811.Account books ,811.Account for,155.Accoutre,dres s ,225 .

c ip,673 .

Acggutrement,673 .Accred it,money,805.h onor,873 .

Accred ited ,484Accretion,46.increas e,35.Accrne,resul t, d,3 7.

acquire,775.receive,8 I0.


Accub ation,2 13Accumbent,2 13Accumulate,co l lect,72.s tore 63 6 .

Accumula tion,co l lection,72.Accurate,ezact,494.likenes s , 17.



Accumed ,pa inful,830.

d is as trous ,649.Accusa b le,Accusative, 938.Accusatory,Accusation,908.

I N D EX . 275

Accmse,charg e,93 8.d is approve,Accused ,966 .

Accuser, 967.Accus tom,

hab i tuate,613 .usua l,82 .

Accus tomed,82.Ace,unit,87.

sma l l in s ize,193 .Acerba te,imb itter,659.

Acerb ity,acrimony, 395.rudenes s , 895 .

malevol ence 907.

spleen, 890, 900,901.

Acervate,72.Acervatio n,72.


Ach e,physical pain,378.

Ach ievemen t,completion,729.Acl l romatic,429.Ach romatism,429.Ac id ,397.

cid ify,397.

Ac id ity,3 97.

Ac idulate,397.Acknow led ge,avow,53 5.

dis c los e,599.assent,488.

cons en t,762.

reward ,973 .repent,950.

g ra titude,916 .


observe,772 .


Acknowled gment,avowal,53 5 .


ass ent,488.

reward ,973.repenta nce,950.

g ra titud e, 916.cons ent,762 .

payment,807 .

observance,772.answer,462.Acme,un it,210.sig hest d egree,33 .


Acon ite,663 .Acoustic: 402 418.


P la y" )

Actua l,ex is ting , 1.real,494.

pres ent,118.Ac tua lity,ex is tence, 1.rea lity,494.Ac tua l ly,truly,3 1 .

rea lly,2.Actuary,811.Actuate,6 15.Aculeate,253 .

Aculeated ,253.Acumen,498.Acuminated,253 .


Acute,pointed,253 .

vio len t,phys ical ly. ls ens ib le,phys ica l ly. l375°hear in 418.

pain moral ly,830

s troup' feel ing ,820,821.

mus ica l tone,410.

perspicacious ,, 171.Acutely,much ,3 1.Acuteness,s harpness ,253 .s ens itive, 3 75.hearing ,418.Adage,496.Ad aman t,ha rd,323 .

s trong ,159.Adaman tine,159.Ad apt,


adjus t,673 .agr ee,23 .

hab it,613 .Ad aptation,fi tnes s ,646 .

ad jus tment,673 .


j oin,37.



Ad der,viper,663 .ma leficent bm g ,913 .

Ad d ict,ha b it,613 .Ad d ition,adjunction,3 ing ad d ed ,arithmetical ,85.Ad d itive,37.d d le,barren, 169.

incom e,73 0,732.Ad d le—h ead ed ,499.Add ress,speak to,586.

skill ,698 ues t,t eZidence, 189.d irection,550.

Ad d resses ,courtsh ip,902.Ad duce,br ing to,288.

evid ence,467.

Adductive,288.Ad ept,700.

Adequate,sufiicient,689.power, 157.

s treng th, 159.for a purpose,644.Ad equatenes s,s afiic iency, tness,644.

Ad h ere,s tick,46.fid elity,772.reso lutenes s ,GOLAd h erence,46.Ad h erent,fa l low" ,

Ad h es ion,s tick,, 199.obs ervance,772.Ad h es ive,46.Ad ieu,292.Ad infinitum,105.

Adjacency, 197Adjacent, 197Ad jo in, 197.

Adjourn, 13 3 .

Adjournment, 133Adjud ge,969.Ad jud icate,969.Adjud icat ion,

ch oice,609.lawsuit,969.Adjunc t,t hing add ed ,39 .

a id ,707,710.

Adjure,reques t,765pr imiu,we


Adjus t,fi t,27.

prepare,673 .

s ettle,723 .

Adjus tment,fi tnes s ,27.prepara tion, 673s et tl ement,723 .

Adjutage,pipe, 350.

open ing ,260.

Adjutan t,aux i liary,military,745.

Adjuvant,h elper,707,710.Admeasurement,466.Admin is ter,g ive,784.

ex ercise auth ority,737.

Adminis tration,ofjus tice,965.

d irection ,693 .

Admirab le,ex cel lent,648.

virtuous ,944.Admira l,745.Admire,approve,93,897.

wond er,870.

Admired ,approved ,93 1.loved ,897.Admira tion,approva l,93 1.wond er ,,897.

Admirer, 897.

Admiss ib le,to lera b le,651.Admis s ion,ing res s, 294,467,760,78

compos ition,54.

as sen t,294,488.Admiss ib le,Admittance,Admitted ,Admi tting,Admit,let in,296.


include,76.composition,54.concede in or


as s ent,488.

Admit of,470.

Admix tion,41 .

Admix ture,41.

Admonis h ,a dvis e,695.



pred ic t,5 11.Admonition,advice,695.



I N D EX .

Admonition,warnin 668.reproo 932.

Admonitory,ad vis ory,695.

warning ,668.Ado,ex ertion,686.activity,682.d ifliculty,704.Ad o lescence 13 1 .

Ad o lescen t, i3 1Ad opt,609 .


Adorab le,897.Ad oration,love,897.wors h ip,990.Ad ore,love,897.worsh ip,990.Adorn,845.

Ad ornment,847.Adown,207.

Ad rift,unrelated, IO.d ispersed ,73 .

writ;omAdign,(seé.Admitness,698.Ad scititious,intrins ic,6.

ad d ed,3 7.

Adulation,933 .

Adulatory,933 .Adul t, 13 1.Adul terate,mix ,41.deteriorate, 659.

fa ls ify,1495 .

Adul terauon,mix ture,41.Adulterer,952.Adulterous,961.Adul tery,96 1.Adul tres s,13 1.Adumb ra te,sketch ,594.

pa inting ,556.faint likeness,personify,521.da rken,421.

Adumbrationlik enes s,52 l.darkness ,42 1.


282 73 1PM 3 a 5

to pizzas ,658.forward ,707.increas e,3 5.lend ,787.

as s ert,535.Advanceme


ipro es s,


Ad vances (to make),892.

Advanced guard,93 4.

Advancing,282.Advan ta ge,g a in,6 18.


g ood nes s,648.

superiority,3 3 .

mummy,28succes s,705,73 1.Advantageous,useful,644.g ood,648.

g ainful ,810.Adven t,arrival,292.event, 151.futun ty,121.Ad ven tit ious,ex tr ins ic,6.casua l,156,62 1Adventure,event,151.chance, 156,621.


tria l,675.

da ng er, 665.

h is tory,594.Adven turous,courag eous ,861da ng erous ,665 .

Ad versary,710.Ad verse,oppos ed,708.

d is liking ,867.

unprosperous ,735.Ad vers ity,735,83 0.Advert,457.Ad vertency,457.Advertise,53 1.Ad vertisemen t,53 1.Ad vice,

Ad vise,inform,527.

couns el,695.predic t,511.Advised,vo lun tary,600.predetermined ,611.Adviser,couns ellor, 695.teacher,540.Advocate,couns ell or,968.

Advoca te,to vind ica te,93 7.Savior,976.Egis,717.Aeria l,aeriform,33 4,3 38.

elevated ,206.Aerie,189 .

Aeriform,33 4,Aerology,3 38.Aeronaut,269.

Aeronautics 267.Aeros ta tic,273 .

Aeros tatics,207, 33 4


Es th etic,

Affab ility,humil i ty,879.


ab le,courteous ,874.humb le,879.Affa ir,bus ines s , 625 .

event, 151.topic,454.

b attl e,720.a ctio n,680.Afl'


d es ire,865.lend to , 176.touch ,824.



pretens ion,855in s tyle,577.Affec ted , 85 1, 855,


Affectedness ,855.Affectio n,s ta te of soul, & 0,82 1.


Afi '


ectionateness,897Alli ancetrus t,858.

promis e,768.Aflianced ,897.

Affid avit,eviden '

e,467record, 551.

Affi l iate,to connec t


Affi lia ted ,9.Affi l iation,rela tion,9.kind red , 11.Affi n ity,9,17.Affi rm,

as sert,535 .

confirm,488.Affi rmatively,488Affi x ,to j oin,43 .

add ,3 7.

s equel,39.

preced e,62.

Affiation,349.Afflict,83 0.

Afflic ted,828.

Afflic tion,6 19,828Afl‘l ictive,83 0.Affluence,803 .

Affluent,Atflux ,286.

Afflux ion,286.Afford ,


Alimony,d owry,810.

revis ion,803 .Aiquot,51.Al ive,l iving ,3 59,,682 .

826,83 4.

Al lay ing, 174.

Al lec tation, 6 l 5.

Al lege,evidence,467.

as sert,535.

AIdea , 6 17.

legation,evid ence,467

lea ,6 17.

AIeg iance,743 ,926.Al legorical,464,521.Al legorize,521.Al legory,464,521.Al leviate,modera te,174,a l lay,826 .


Al leviation,834.Al ley,pas sag e,260.

way,62 7 .

cour t, 189.Al liance,rela t ion,9.

kindred, l l .

phys ica l wdperation, 178.

vo luntary codpt ion,709.

union,714.Al l ied,ak in, 11.l ike, concert, 709.

h armonious,714.Al ligation,43 .

Al l itetation, 17.Al loca tion ,586.Al lod ia l,780.Al lo t,arrang e, 60.

d is tribute,786.Al lo tmen t,

arrang ement,60.d is tr ibution, 786.Al low,

permit,760.ass ent,488.

admit,529 .


g ive,784.

d is coun t,813 .

al lot,786 .

Ali?“ 809 °



l lowance,qua l ificatun, le,640.

permis s io n,760.

ex pend iture,809 .

d is count,813 .

forg iveness ,918.Al loy,mix ture,41.d ebas e,659.

Al lude,mean, 516.suppos e,514.refer to,521 .

Al lure,6 15,865.l lurement,des ire,865.

motive,615.Al lus ion,meaning ,516.reference,5631suppos ition ,514.Al lus ive,9,52 1.Al luvia l,344.Al luvium,

depos i t,40.

s oil , 653 .

Al ly,711.Almanac,114,551lmigh ty (th e),lmoner,996.Almos t,32 .



Aloft,206.Alone, 87.Along,200.

Alongs ide, 197, 216,23 6

Along with ,tog eth er,3 7,43 ,88.

by means of,63 1.Aloo f,d is tant, 196.

h ig h ,206.s ec lud ed,893 .Aloud ,404.

Alph abet, 56 1.Alpine,206.Alps ,206 .

lready,anteced ently,116.even now, 118.

pas t time,122.Also,37.

Al tar,marriag e,903 .church,1000.Al ter,chang e, 140.

Alterab le, 149.

Al teration,chang e, 140.

var ia ti on,20.

Al terca tion,713 .Al tered ,chang ed , 140.

Al ternate,reciprocal,12.

Al terna te,s equence,63 .

per iod ic,13 8.d is con tinuous,70.

Al ternating,13 8, l 4i .Al ternation,63 .

revers ion, 145.

chang e, 149.

Al ternat ive,pla n,626 .

ch o ice,609.

Alternativenese, 138.

Altemity,138Al th ough ,coun teraction,179.

qua lifica tion, 469.oppos ition,708.

counterw id ence,468.

Al titud e,206 .

Ito,4 13 .

ltogeth er,co llectively,50.en tirely,3 1.lwaya,1 12 .

Amain,684.Ama lgam,

mix ture,4]compound , 48.mal gamare,41,manuens is,590.Amas s,who le,50.

to collect,72.Amateur,850, 865.


Amb idex ter,clever,698.

r ig h t and left,238.

Amb idex tral,238.Amb ien t,227.mb iguity,uncer ta inty, 474,475.

ob scurity, 57 1.unintel l ig


ib il ityfi lmb iguous,uncer ta in,475.obs cure,571.un intel lig ib le,519.

d oubtful,520.

mb it,23 0.

mb itlon,des ire,865.intent ion,620.

Amb itious,865.

mb le,pace,266 .

fleet,274.mbo ,pulpit,1000.

Amb rosna 394.

Amb ros ia 3 94.


Ambulatory,266.Ambuscad e, 530.Ambush ,53 0.

Ame l io ra te,658.Ame liora tion,658.Amen,488.

Amenab le,926.Amend , 658.Amendmen t,658.Amend s,compens a tion, 30.reward,973 .

a tonement, 952.menity, 894.Amerce,974.Amercemen t,974.Amethys t, 43 7.

Amiab le,897,906.Amiab il itysuavity,894.b enevo lence,906.Amicab le,friend ly,888.ass is ting ,707.

Amica l ilenes s 888.Amicab ly,Amid s t,4 l ,228.

Amiss ,619,647.Amity,friend sh ip,888.concord ,714.

peace,72 1.

Ammunit ion,ma teria ls ,63 5.war like,727.


morph ism,241.morph ous,for mless ,24 1.irreg ula r,83 .

Amoun t,quantity, 25 .

wh o le,50.sum ofmoney,800Amour, 897.

Amph ib ious,83 .Amph ith eatre,arena ,728.

prospec t,441.Amph ora,191.Ample,much ,3 1.copious , rg e, 192 .

broad ,2 32.

spacious,181.Ampleness, 639.mpl ification,d i la tion,, 180.Amplify,en larg e,3 5;d i la te, 194.ex ag g erate,549.mpl itud es ize,25,192.bread th ,202.

Amputa te,38.

Amputation ,38.Amulet,993 .

Amuse . 840.

Amused,840.Amusmg, 840.

Auniseinent,sport,840.mirth ,83 6 .

Anach ronism,1 15

Anacreontic, 597.

Anag lyph ,554.Anu'rram,46 1,842 .

Ana log lca l, 17Ana logous, iAnalogy,relation,9.

s imilar ity,17.

Ana lys is,decompo sition ,49.

a rrang ement,60.

al o'

ebra,85 .

Anal yt ic ,461.Ana lyze,decompos e, pa rs e,567.

s earch ,46 1

iiiquiri 461.

Auamo rph oms,opt ica l,443 .

mis repres enta tion,Anart h icul,738.

Anarch is t,913 .Anarch y,d is ord er,59.

social ,73 8.

Ana th ema,908.

Ana tomic,3 29.Anatoni ize,d is s ect,44.

inquire,461.Ana tomy,d is s ection,44,3 67.

skeleton,3 29.inquiry,461.Ances tor,gl fifi’ 130,Ances tra l

Ance s try: 122’ 128'

Anch o r,66safeguard ,3 .

h ope,858.

Anch or (to),186.Anch orage,roa ds tead , 189,255.Anc h ore t,955.Ancient,Old , 124.

Anc ien tly,122.Anc il lary, 707, 63 1,

Anecd o te,594.Anecd o tical,594.Anew, 104,123 ,36.

Angel,sugernatural being ,


um, 912.obj ect of love,948.Angelic 944.


I N D EX .

Ang le,244, 182.Ang leS

to),622.Angui l iform,

na rrow,203 .

s erpent ine,2 48.

Anguis h ,phys ica l,3 78,383 .mora l,828.

Angular,Angularness, l244’Angularity,244.

Anh e lat ion,688.

Amle, 128.

Anil ity, 128.

Ammad vert,repreh end,932.con sider,451.

Annua l, 3 66,3 64.

Anima l cries ,412.Anima l l ife,3 64.

Anima l ph ys io logy,3 67.

Anima l cule,minute, 193 ,3 66 .

An imal ism,

s ensua lity,954.An ima l ity , 3 64.

An ima l ization,3 64.

Anima teex cite,824.s timula te,6 15.An imation,animal ity,ex cita tion,824.Animos ity,enmity,889,900.

hatred ,898.

ang er,900.

Anna l is t,553 ,115.

Anna]record,551.h is tory, 114.

account,551.Annex ,add ,3 7.

j oin,43 .

Annex a tion,add ition, 3 7.

Annex men t,43 .

Ann i h ilzl te,ex ti nguis h ,2.d es troy, 162.Anni h ila ted ,2.Annih ilat ion,des truc tion ,2.Annih ilator, 165.Ann ivers ary,138.Anno tation,no te,550.g los sary,522.

Anno tator,524.Announce,inform,527 .

pub lis h ,53 1.predic t ,5 ! l .as s er t,535.

Announcemen t .informa tion,527.

pred iction,511.


Announcemen t,prog ramme,5 10.Annoy,83 0.troub le,649.Annoyance,pain,828,830.

end ,6 19.

Annoying,830.Annua l,year, 108.

period ic, 13 8,3 67.

Annuity,803 ,810.Annul,75 6.Annular,247.

Annulet,247.Annulment,756.Annuncia te,i nform, 527 .

pub lis h ,53 1.Annunc ia t ion ,Anodyne, 662, 174,

83 4

Ano int,coa t,223 .

al l,3 55.

Ano inted ,976.Ano intmen t,3 55 .

Anoma l is t ic,83 .

Anomalous,ir regular,83 .

d is ord ered,59.

Anomaly,irreg ula r ity, 83 .

d is order,59.

Anon,ere long , 132.s h ortl y, and by, 121.

Anonymous,565.Anoth er, 15.


to an inquiry,462.reply,587,468.

to succeed,73 1.Answer for,768.

Answer to,correspo nd ,9.

Answerab le,926.


Anta gonism,


erence, 14.

vo lun tary,708.phyewa l, 179.

An tago nis t,710.

Antagonis t ic, 14,708.

Antagon ize, 14, 708,179

Antarctic,23 7.

An teced ence,in ord er,62 .

in time,1 16.

An tecedent, 65, G2,1 16

An tech amb er, 191.An ted a te, 115.An ted iluvian, 124,


An te lope,274.

Antepos ition,23 7.

An terior,in order, time, 116 .

in place,23 4.An teriority,in order,62 .

in time, 1 16 .

in place,234.

Anteroom, 191.

An tovort,706.Anth em,990.

An th o logy,po em,597.

co l lecti on,596 .

Anth ropo logy,3 72.Antic,856 .

Ant ich ronism,fa ls e time, 115.Anticipate,ear ly, 13 2.future, 12 1.anach ronism,115.expect,537 .

foresee,5 10.

prepare,673 .

Ant ic ipati on,future, 12 1.ex pecta tion,507.

fores ig h t,5 10.

prepara tion,673 .ear ly, 13 2.

Anticipatory,132 .

An ti-c lima x ,d epth ,208.

bo t/ias ,856 .

An ti-c l ina l,217.Antidote,662.

Anti- lo garithm,84.Antl lo gy,477.

An t i-para l lel,2 17.

Antipath y,867,898An tipod a l,23 7.

Ant iphon,answer,462 .

wors hip,990.

An tiph ras is,565,566.Antipod es,d is tance, 196.

antepos ition,237.

d ifference, 14.d epth,208 .

An t ique, 124.

Antiquated ,851.Antiquity, 122, 124


Antith es is,contract, 14.

s tyle,574 .

Antnh etic,574.Antitype,22.Anvil (on th e),plan,626.

preparing ,C7

3Amt iety,para,828 .


des ire,865.

Aoris t,ind efinite time, 119109.


Aoris t ic, 119.Apace,swift, or t time, 111.ear ly, 13 2.Apart,d is ta nce, 196.

s in lenees ,87.

d isj unc tion,44.Apartmen t, 191.Apath etic,Apa th y,ph ys ica l, 3 76.mora l,823 .

Ape, 19.Apertion,Aperture,lApex ,2 10.Aph eh on, 196.

Aph o ny,581.Aph ori sm,496.

Aph o ris tic,496.


Apoca lyps e,985.

Apocryph a,985 .

Apoc l iryph a l,475.

Apo l lo,music,415.

Apo log ize,950.

Apo lo gue,594,521.APUlOtpen itence,950.vindica tion,93 7.atonement,952.ex cus e,6 17.

Apoplex y,160.

Apos tasy,pa linody,607 .

d is h onor, 940.h eterodozy,984.

Apos ta te,9 41,607.Apos tat ize,607.Apos t le,985.

Apos to l ic,985.Apos troph e,ad d res s ,586,589.Apos troph ize,589.Apoth egm,496.Apoth eos is,991.h eaven,981.

Appa l l,860.

Appa lled ,860.

Appa l l ing,83 0.Apparatus,633 .

Apparel,225.Apparent 446,Apparen tly,448.

Apparit ion,g h os t,980.appearance,448.

ppeach ,93 8.

Appeal,reques t,765.add res s ,586.

Appear,come into being , 1,come to lig h t,525.

come in to view,44FAppear for,759.


Appearance,s ig ht,448,446 .

probab i l i ty,472.Appeas e,physica l ly, 174.

mora ll y,826.

Appe l lan t,924,967Appe l lation,564.

Appe l lat ive,554.Append ,3 7.Append age,39.

Append ix , 65 .

Apperta l n,belong ,777.

rela ted to,9.

rig h t, 922.


Appet ite,855.

Applaud ,93 1.Apple-green,435.

Apple ofd iscord,7 13 .

Appl iances,63 2.Appl ica b le,to use, 644.ex pedient, 646 .

relative,23 .

Appl icab leness,us e,644.ex ped icnce,646Appl ican t,767.Applied,us ed,677.

Apply,th emind ,457Apply to,765 .

Appl icat ion,us e,677.

reques t,765.s tud y,457.

Appo int,741,755.Appo intment,interview,892.

res ource, 632 .

command ,741.commis s ion,755.Apportion,a llo t,786.arrang e,60.

por tion,51.Apportioning,786.

Apportionmen t,a l lo tment,786.arrangement,60Appos ite,

23a cent


a tioee.

Appos it ion,closenes s,199

Appraise,va lue, tima te,466 .

Appra isement,va lue,8 timatitm,466.Appreciate,measure,466 .


jud g e,480.

approve,93 1.

Apprec iation,judgment,480.approva l,93 1Appreh end ,know,490.



s eize,Appreh ens ion,fa ir,860.b el ief,484.Appren tices h ip,learmng ,53 9.train ing ,673 .

Apprl se , 527.Approach ,move,286.

nearnes s , 197.

j oin,43 .

path ,627.

of time, 12 1.Approb ation,93 1.Appro b inquation,


Appropria te,fit,23 ,646 .

to as s ig n, take, s teal ,791.

Appropria t ion,s tea ling , ped ience,646.Approve,commend ,93 l .corrobora te,467,17.

Approval,corrobora tion,467.Appro x imate,approach ,286.nearness , 197.

in ma th ema t ics ,85res emb le,17.

re la ted to,9.

Appro x imated ,9.Appro x imatmg, 17.Appro x imation,nea rnes s , 197.

rela tion,9.

approach ,286.

Appro x imative,9,Appulse,co nverg ence, llis ion ,276 .


con sonan t,23 .

cl over,698.


wil ling ,602.ex ped ient,G46 .tend ency, 176 .

in tellig en t,498.Aptitud e,intel lig ence,498.

Aptness ,c levernes s ,698.

d ocd ity,53 9.

czpedumcy,646.tendencr 176.Aquat ic , 3 3 7.

Aquat int,558 .

Aqueduct,Aqueous ,33 7 .

Aqn l l ine,244.

Arabesque,847.Arab le,3 71.Arb i ter,jud a e,967,482.advis er,695.

Arb rtrament,s entence,969jud gment, o ice,609.

Arb itra i ines s,964.

Arb itrary,with out law,964.irreg ul ar,83 .

with out rela tion,10Arb itro te,mediate,724.judg e,480.

cond emn,969.Arb itrat ion,724.Arb itra to r,judge, 480.a dvis er ,695 .

Arbo r, 189,2 15.Arbo res cence, 205,

25 6,242.

Arborescen t,256,242Arb oricn lture,371.Arbo rito rm,256.Are,245 .

Arcad e,189,260.

Arch ,curve,245.

g rea t, 3 1.cunn ing ,702.Arc h aeo logy, 122.Arch aism,22.

Arch ange l,977.

Arch b is h op,996 .

Arc l ih is h opric , 995.Arch deacon,996.Arch ed ,250.

Arch etype,22.

Arch fiend ,978.Arch itec t,cons tructor, ent,690.Arch itec ture,

cons truction, 161.fab ric,3 29 .

Arch ive,551.Arch nes s ,cunn ing ,702.c levernes s , lig ence,450.Arch -tra ito r,94 1.Arctic. 2 37, 383 .

Arcuate,245.Arcuation,245.Ardent,M. 339,513


Assassination,361.Assault,716.Ass ay,463 .

Assemb lage,72.res or t,290.

Assemb le,72.Assen t,agr ee,488.cons ent,762.Ass ert,afi rm,53 5.

c la im as a rig htmoAs sert ion,

property,8Aweverate,53 5.

As s iduous,682.As s ign,

a ttr ibute,155.g ive,784.a llo t,786.duty,926.Ass ignab le,155.As s ignation,892.As s ignment,al lo tment,786.commis s ion,755.

Ass imila te,res emb le,16, 144.imi tate, 19.a ree,Z3.As sun ilation,resemb lance, 17.transmuta tion,144.

As s is t,aid,707.

benefi t, 906.As s is tance,

a id , 707.

Ass is tan t,711.Ass ize,measure,466.tribuna l,966.

late,accompany,88.unite, l lect,72.friend,890.

s ociety,892Assoc iated ,9As soc iation,accompanim 88.relatitm, 9.

Mt,relig ion, 995 .

co llection,72.society, 892.As sert,60.

Assortment,class ,75.


Assortmen t,a l lotmen t, 60.Assuage.

phys ica l ly 174.mora l ly, 26.

rel ieve,83 4.As suagmg,83 4.Assuas ive,834.

Assume,suppose, 514.hope,858.

r ig h t. 924.ins o lence. 885,739.prid e,878.

fal s eh ood,544 .


Assuming,885 .

Assumpt ion,h ope,8





prid e, 7

arrog ance,885.conjecture, 514.qua lifica tion, 469s ever ity,73 9.

As surance,ass ertion,535.promis e,768.

cer ta in ty,474.belief,484.hepe,858.

ins o lence,885.Assure,to ass ert,535 .

to h ope,858.

promis e, 768.

persuade,484.Assured ,cer tain, 474.Assured ly, 3 1.As terisk ,550.

As tern,2 33 .

As termd ,3 18.

As ton is h ,870.As tonis h ing,

at,3 1.

ggpr is ing ,870.Astonis h tnent,870.

As tound,surpris e,870.ex c i te,824.

As tounded ,870.

As tound ing, 870.As tra l, 3 18.

As tray,279.As tringency,195.As tringen t,195 .

As tronomer,3 18.As tronomy, 3 18.As tute, 498.

Asunder,s eparate,44 .

d is tant,196.

Asy lum,retrea t,666.


insti tution,54.

At h and , 197.

Ath eism,984,988.Ath eis tic,988.

Ath lete,159,726 .

Ath letic,159.

Ath wart,o b l ique,2 17.

cr os s ing ,2 19.

oppos ing ,708.At las ,554.Atmos ph ere,a ir,33 8.

czrcmnambience,227.AtmOSpl ieric,33 8.Atom,

sma l l in degree, size,193 .

Atomic,in d eg ree, 8 128, 193 .

Atone,952 .

reward ,973 .

Atonemen t,religious ,976.ex pia tion 952 .

reward,973 .

res titution,790.

Atony, 160.

Atra tnento ns,43 1.Atroc ious ,945 ,947.Atrocity,945,947.Atroph y .

Attach ,3 .49m,897.leg a l,969.

Attachmen t,j oining , 43 .leg al ,,897 .

Attack,716.Attain,arrive,292 .

succeed ,73 1.Attainab le,poss ible,470.ea sy,705 .

Attainder,971.Atta inment,learning ,539 .

cond emnated ,971.Attemper,mi x ,4 1.mod erate,174.Attempered ,afiectional,820Attempt,675.Attend ,accompany,88.

fo l low,28 1.apply th e mind ,457.bepres en t, a id,707.At tendance,presence, 186.Attendan t, 88, 281

746 .

Attention,45 l ,457.

Attentiw ,457.

Attenuate,les s en,3 6 .


Attenuate,narrow,203 .Attenua ted ,203 .Attenuat ion,con traction, 195.d iminis h ing ,36.Attes t,b ear tes timony,467.

ind ica te,550.adjure,768.Attes ta t ion,certifica te,551.evid ence,467.Att ic,

arret,191.igh ,206 0wit,842 .tas te,850.

s tyle,578.Attic sa lt,Attic wit,ttic ism,842.Attire,225.Att i tud e,pos ture, 183 ,240.

circums tance,8.Attorney,cons ig nee,758,76!in law,968.

bring towards ,288.end ear,897.

a l lure,865 .

pleas e,829.Attracting,d rawing ,288.

fas cina ting ,897.Attraction,gravity, lination,865.cha rm,829 .

mo tive,6 15.Attrac tive,beautiful,845.des ira b le,865.lovely,897.

d rawing ,288.

Apleas a nt,829.ttractiveness

d rawing ,288.pleasantness ,829lovelines s ,897.


Attrah ent,288.Attribute,157.

Attribution, 155.Attrite, 3 3 0.

At trition,3 3Attune,music,415.

prepare,673 .Attuned to,ha b i tua ted, 613.Auburn,43 3 .

Auction,796.Auct ioneer,797.Aud acity,courag e,861.ins olenee,863 ,885

Aud ib le,402.Aud ie nc e,h ear ing,418.

co 'rversatzon,588Aud it,accounts,811.nm erauo n,85.Aud i tor,418,811.Aud i tory,4 18.Auger,262.Augh t,5 1.Augme n t,to increase, ing added,39Augmen tat i o n,increas e,35.expans ion 194.addi tion,59Augur,Augury, 5 11,5 12.August,873 .August i n e,996.Au rea te,43 6 .Au ricu l ar,418.

Auscu l tat ion,418.Auspice,512.Auspices,175.Auspic ious,hopefu l,858.prosperous,734.ex pedient,646 .

ans , 13 4.

predictio n,511.Auste re,sev ere,739.dis courteo us ,895.Austeri ty,as cet ic ism,955.

sever it y,dis courtes y,895 .Austra l,237.Au th en t i c,494.Au then t i cate,551.Au then ti ca t ion,494.Au thor,produc er, 164.

writer,590.Au tho ri tat i ve,certain,474.

peremp tory,741.Au thori ta t iven ess,A u thori ty,power,737.command ,741 .

righ t,924.perrms sion ,760.tes timony,467.Autfl


fiiation,760Au thor ize,permit,760.

sanction,924.Au tho ri zed ,m otioned ,994.reasonab le,514.

I N D EX .

Authorsh ip,590.Au tob iography, 594.Au tocracy,73 9.Au tocra t,745.Au tograph,warran ty,467.

s igna tu re,550.wr it ing,590.Au toma t ic,601.Au topt i c a l,446 .Au tumn,Au tumna l, l 126'Aux i l ia ry,a id,707.helper,711.Ava i l,use,677 .

u t i l i ty,644,548.Ava i lab l e,677 .Ava i ls,809.Ava lanche,fa l l,3 06 .Av ari ce,819.Avari c io us,819.Avast,141,265,624.Avau n t,disappea r,459.repu lse,289.Avenge,919.Avengeme n t,919.Aven u e,627.Aver,53 5.Averme n t,53 5.Average,29 .Ave rnus,982 .Averse,608.

repugn ant,6 16 .Ave rsion,d islike,ha te,898.

unwil l i ngn es s,603 .Avers en ess,867.Ave rt,706.(th e eyes),442.Av id i ty,des ire,865.avarice,8 19.Avocatior . 695 .Avo i d

, 867 .

Avo id ance,623 .Avo id l ess , 474.Avouch,535.Avouchmen t,535.Avow,ass er t,53 5.assent,488.disclose,529.Avowa l,ass trtion,535.

assent,488.disc losure,529 .Avu ls io n,separation,44.

extrac tio n,301Awa i t,fu ture, 12 1.impend, 152 .Awa i t i ng,12 1.Awake,ex cite. 824.


Awake,incite,6 tive,682.attentir e,457.canful ,459.Award,969.c hoice,609.Aware,490.Away,187.

Awe,wonder,870.fear,860.Awe l ess, 929.Awes truck,860.Awfu l,great,3 1.fearful,860.s il en t, 403 .

.Aw h i l e, 111.Awkward,unsk i lfu l,699.

vu lgar,85 1.rid ic u lous,853 .

d iflicul t,704.inexpedien t,647.Awkwardn ess,unsk i lful ness,699.

vulgarity,851.d ifiict l ty,704.Aw l ,262.Awn i ng,tent,223 .dwell ing,189 .height,206,2 10.Aw ry.oblique,217.

distorted,243 .Axe,edge too l,253 .wea on ,727.

for b eh ead ing ,975.Ax iom,496.Ax ioma t ic,494,496.demo ns trab le,478.Ax is,2 15,222,3 12.Ax l e,2 15.Ax l e tree,2 15.Av,yes,488.

'Ay esever,112.Az imu th,dir ection, 183 ,278.ob l iquity,2 17.Azote,bane,663 .

fa tal ,649.

morb ific,657.Azot ic,649.Azu re,438.

discord,4 14.Baby, 129,501.Baby ho od , 12 7 .Baby ish, 129,499 .

Bacch anal iun,959.Bacchana ls,959.Bache lor,904.Back,rear,235.

convvx ity, aid ,707.Back ou t of,revoke,607.

rel inq u ish,624.Bac k b i te,traduce, trac t,934 .

Rackb iter,Backbo n e,in ter ior,221.Back fri endenem 89 l.Backs l ider,607.Backsl id i ng,dishonor,940.del inq uency,945.(rel igions),984.Backward ,

tar dy, 133 .unwil ling,603 .Backwardness,unwil lingness,d isl ike,867.Bad,649,735 .Bad fa i th,773 ,940.Badge,550.Bad n ess ,649.Baffle,73 1.Baffl ed,73 2 .Bagsrec eptac l e,191mater ial s,635.Baggage.mate

Baguio,961.Bagpipes ,417.Bail,771.

Bail ifl'


directo r,694.


9Bakehouse 386.Bak i ng,382.Ba lan ce,equal ity. 27.mean,29.

rema inder,40.

numerat ion,85measure,466.


Bal ance,compensate,3 0.Ba lanced,l evel led,527.

Bal ance sh ee t,8 11Ba l co ny,250.Ba l d,


ugly, style,575.Ba l d erdash,497Ba ld n ess,bareness,226 .

sty le,575 .Ba l d ri c,ird le,247

throw out, 185.Ba l e out,297Ba l efu l ,649.Ba l ister,arms,Ba l istes,23 6.Ba lk,h inder,706 .

fail ,73 1.d isappo int,509 .dece ive,545.Ba l l ,globe,249.missile,284.


da nce,840.Ba l lad ,song,415.poem,597.

Ba l last,weight,3 19.

wis dom, 498.Ba l loon,273.Ba l loon i st,269.Ba l lot,609.Ba lm,

frag rance,400.rel ief,83 4.

remedy,662.Ba lmy,fragr ant,400.

s oot/ting ,834.

Ba lneatl o n,ba th ,33 7.Ba lsam. (See Ba lm.)Ba l samic,sal ubr ious,656.soo th ing,83 4.

remed ia l,662 .Ba l us trad e,232 .Bambooz l e,545.Ban,proh ib i t ion,76 1.denunciat ion,908.Band,lig ature,45.

fi lamen t,205.

assemblage,,712.o m ,416.

I N D EX .

Bandage,l igature,45.

to t i e,43 .Band bo x, 191.Band i t,792.Band s,999.Bandy ,ag i tate,3 15.

con test,720.

publ ish,53 1.arg ue,476 .

excha nge, 148.Ban e, 663 .Banel


ul,649.Bariefulness ,649Bang,sound,406.Ban ish,exc l ude,55,sec l ude,893 .Ban ishmen t,sec lusion,893exclus io n,55.

ej ect ion,297.Bank,s ide of lake,342 .

accliviti 2 17.

safeguard,,63 6.


L an k er,801.Ban k no te,800.Bankrupt,732,808.Ban k ruptcy,fa i lu re,73 2 .

non-paymen t,808.Ban n er,550.Banq u et,mea l,298.feast,840.Ban te r,wit,842.r idicu le,856 .Ban t l i ng,ch il d, 129.

ofopring ,167.Banyan,fast,950.Bapt ism,998.Bapt istery, 1000.Bapt ize,998.

name,,h inderance,706.

l in e,200.

to excl ude,55.

enclosure,23 2 .

musica l,413 .on,752 .

fi h ib itzon ,761.

l ega l profession,968.

Bath ,sp ike,253 .

nag ,271.Barbacan,717.Barbarian,876,913 .Ba rbaric,85 1.Barbarism,563 ,851,895.

Barb arity,ma lrficence,907.

style,579.Barbarous,maleficent, lg a r, 85 1.rude,876 .

style,579.Barl iarousnos s,907.Ba rb ican,717.Bard, 597.Bare,mere. 32 .

s imple, 3 2.

nude,226 .

scanty, 3 2 .

exposed to v iew,446 .Barebon e,203 .Barefaced,44 6.Bareh ead ed,928.Barely,3 2.Bar enes s,n ud i ty,226.Barga i n,compact,769.barter,794.

promise, 768.

cheap,813 ,815.Barga i n i ng, 769.Barge,273 .Bark,r ind,223 .

sh ip,2 73 .

to yelp,412 .Barn, 189 .Barome ter,466.Baron,875.Baron e t, 875.Barrack,189.Barred,crossed,219.striped,440.Barre l,vessel , l inder,249.Barren,ster ile, 169 .

useless,645 .Barrenn ess,steri l i ty, 169.usel es snes s,6 15 .Barricade,fence,23 2 .

pr ison,752 .

ob s ta cl e, 706 .Barri e r,fen ce,obstacl e,706.Barri ng,except, 83 .save,38.Barrister,968Barrow,

veh i c le,272.g rave, 3 63 .Barter, 148,783 ,794.Bary tone,408,413 .Base,lowest pa rt,211.s uppor t,2 15.

Base,music,413 .

grave no te, 108.bad, 649.d ishonorab le,940.shamefu l,874.vic ious,945.coward ly,862 .

plcbcian,876 .Base-hem,876 .Base co i n,800.Base l ess,un real ,2.erroneo us,495.Basemen t, 19 1. 2 11.Bas emi nd ed ,940.Basen ess,v ice,945.disrepu te,874.

cowardice,862Bashfu l,88 1.Bashfu l n ess,881.Basi l isk,cannon,727Basi n,ha llu‘w,952.vessel, 19 1.pla in,3 44.dock,189.Bas is,prepara tion,founda t ion,215.Bask,warmth ,382.phys ical enjoyment,3 77.

mora l enjoyment,”prosper i ty,73 4Baske t,191.


in mus ic,408.Bas svio l,417.Bass oon,417.Bastard ,erroneous, 495Bast i l e,752 .Bast ion,717.Ba t,ma l l,63 3 .Ba tch,co ll ect ion,72 .

quan tity, 25.Ba te,d iminish ,3 6,38.

reduce pr ice,813 .Bath, 3 00,33 7Bath e,300.Ba thos,depth, t i-cl imax ,497,856r idicu lous,853 .Bat i ng,decrease,30.Ba tta l ion,army, 726.assemb lag e,72Batten,296.Ba tter,bea t,276.

destroy,IQ .


Beh ave,to cred i t,844.piety,987.B e l ike,472.B e l l,sound,4 17.

funerea l,3 63 .a larm,Be l l -shaped,globose,249.

concave,2 5 2 .B e l l e,3 74.

Bel les l e t tres,560.Be l l icose,722 .

Be l l tgerent,722 .Be l low,

cry,412 .

compla in,83 9.Be l lows,3 49.B el l y ,2 50.B e long to,related, 9.

proper ty, tr ibu te, luded ,76.du ty,926 .Be loved,897,899.Below,207.Bel t,g i rdle,247.ou t l i ne,23 0.Bemo an,83 9.Benc h,support,2 15.counc i l,696.tribuna l ,966.Bend,curve,245,250.angu la rity,244circ le,247.

wa n n ac i rcu it,3 11.ob l iq u i ty,2 17.descen t,3 06 .dev iat ion,279.stoop,879.Bend to,tend, 176.ha b it,613 .Bend i ng,p l ia nt,324.incl in ing, iat ing,279.Benea th,under,207.unbecoming ,940.B ene dict i on,approva l,93 1.g rat itude, 916.worsh ip,990.Benefac t ion,784.Ben efacto r,912 .


Beneficence,boun ty,906 .

Beneficent,906.B en efic ia l

' N D EX .

B en efic i ary,use, 644.B en efi t,advanta e,618.

good, 6 8.acquis i t ion,775.ava i l,644.

benevolem e,906.B e n evo l en ce,k indness,906.

tax ,812.Ben evo l e n t,kind,906.Ben igh ted,49 1Ben ign,906 .Ben ignan t,906 .B en t,direct io n,278.

incl ina t ion,602.

des i re,865 .tendency, 176.

in tent io n,629 .

afi ectimis ,820.B e n t on,wi l l ing,602 .

reso lved,604, 620.des i rous,Ben umb,co ld , 3 83 ,823 .

g eneral insensib il ity,3 76tac tua l i nsens ib i l ity,38 1Beq uea th,784.Beq u est,

acquis itton,775.Bereave,take away,789.B ereaveme n t,loss,776.dea th,3 60.

taking ,789.Bergamot,400.Berry .brown,433 .Berth,lodging,189.

bed, 19 1.repose,2 15.B eseech,request. 765.

pray,990.B ese em,926 .B ese t,surround,227.d ifliculty,704.

en treaty,765.


by th e side of,216.Beset t i ng,6 13.Bes id e,excep t,83 ,2 16.

near,197.B esid e on e‘s se lf,503 .B esi d e th e mark,10.B es ides,moreover,3 7.Besi ege,attack,716

Bewildermenigno ran ce,4 I.wonder,870.Bew i tch,p lease,829.ezorcwe,992.

Bewnch ,influence,615.Bewi tch ed,897.Bewi tch i ng,p leas ing,829.

lov ing,897.influence,6 15.Beyond,3 3 ,196 .B ias,slope,2 17.

prepossession,48!(mental ),602 .tenden cy, t ive,6 15.disposi tio n,820.

Bib l ier,

B i b l iography,593.B i b l ioman ia,490.B i b l iopo l e,590.B icker,disco rd,713 .quarrel,720.B ic k eri ng,720.

Biennju a te,91.Bicuspi 9 1.B i d,

order,741.B i d fa i r,472 ,507B id e, 133 , 142.B i d et,271.B i en n ia l,3 67.B i e r,3 63 .B ifac ia l ,90.

Bifarions,89.Bifid ,91.B ifo l d,90.

Bitorm,90,91.B ifu rca te,fork,244.ha lve,9 1.B ifurcat ion,fork,244.

.ha lv ing,91.1g,in degree,3 s ize, 192.B igamy,903 .B igh t,343 .B igo t,984,989.B igo ted,imbec i le,499.

h eterod ax ,984.

impious,989.B igotry,prejud ice,481.

obst ina cy,606 .

h eterod ozy,984.B igw ig,(iron ica lly),mB ijo u try . 650.B i l bo,727.B i l e,900.

B i lge water,653 .B i l ious,83 7.B i l l,money account,811.charge,812.placard,53 1.paper,593 .

money order,800.

in law,989.ti cket,550.hatchet, t 33 .


Bil l offate,298,632 .B i l l e t,epis t le, 592 .ticket,500.

to locate, 184.B i l l e tdou x,592,902.Bil lmgsgate,unprecatm


y,B i l l i on,98.

B i l low, 348.B i n, 19 1.B i nary,89.B i nd,connect,43 .compel, 744.

ob l igat ion,926.conditio n,770.B i nd i ng,duty,926 .B i nd over,744.B i nomia l ,89.B iography,594.B io logy,357.B ipart it ion,91.B iq u adra t ic,96.B i rch . 975.B i rd,3 66 .B i rd ’s-ey e v i ew,B ird l ime,45.B i rth ,beg i nning . 66 .

nob i l ity,875 .B irthplac e, 153 .B i rthrigh t,924.B ise ct ion,68,91.B ishop,996 .

Btsh opric,995.B isu lca te,258,259.B i t,par t,51.sma l l quan t i ty,32.curb,747 .B i t by b i t,51.B i te,pa in, 378.

pa inful ,83 0.B i t ing,co ld,383 .

pungent,392 .

pa infu l,830.

reproacltfa l,932.B i t ter,ta ste, ld,3 83 .

a imod ty,898.

I N D EX .

B i l evolent,907regret,83 3 .

pa i nfu l,83 0.B i t tern ess,taste, 3 95 .

wra th,900.

re cl ,833 .

p aid,83 imos ity, levo l ence,907.B i vouac,repose, encamp,, 189.

wa tch,664.

Blah ,529.B lac k,co lo r,43 1.B l acken,932.B lackguard,rude,895.

vagabond,949.base,940.B l ack l eg,sha rper, ief,792.B lac k l e t ter,591.B lack ma i l,theft, 79 1.B ladder,B l ad e,373 ,854.B la i n,250.B lamab l e,945.B l ame , 932 .B lame l ess,946.B l ame l essness,946.B l ameworthy,945.B lanch,43 0.B land,courteous, d, 174.B land i loq u e nc e,93 3 .

Bland ish tnent,902,93 3B lank,2,4.B lan k ve rs e,597.B l aspheme,mB l asph emous,989.B lasphemy,989 .

3 82B laze abou t,53 1.B la z i ng,382.B lazo n,53 1.B l each,429,43 0.B l eached ,43 0.B l eak,383 .

Blear-eyed,443 .8101 1,412


B l e n ch,avo id,623 .

fea r,850.B l end,mix ,41.comb ine,48.B l end i ng,comb ini ng,48.B l ess,827,829,93 1,976 .


ssmg,618.approval ,93 1.B l igh t,end ,619.decay,659.deterio ra t ion,689.B l i nd,cecity,442.ignorant,491.screen,424.decep t ion,545.concea lmen t,528.necessity,601.heedl ess,458.

pretext, 6 17.imperforate,261 .B l i n d a l l ey,261.B l i n dfo l d,s ightl ess,442.ignorant,491.B l i nd n ess,cec ity,442.ignorance,49]B l i n d sid e,obstinacy, ejud ice,48 1sinful,945.B l i n k,wink,442.fal ter,605.overlook,458.B l i ss,827.B l i ssfu l,827.B l ister,250.B l i the,836 .B loa ted,35,192,194.

Block,den se, 32 1.execution,975.


c k “

361ugmid e,706 .B loc ad e,26 1B loc k ish,499 .B londe,43 0.B lood,ki l ling,ej ections 820.

n ob il ity,é7s.

wa rm. 382.

fol ),854°

consangu in ity, l l .B lood hou nd,913 .B lood-red 434.Bloodsh ed,36 .

B l oodsta in ed,murderous, 3 leficent,907.

Bl oo d tl i irsty,907.B loody, 907.B lood y-mind ed, 907B loom,

youth , 127.

prowerity. 73 4h ea l th ,651.succes s,73 1.b lueness,433 .beauty,845.B loomi ng,prosperous,73;beaut iful ,845.successfu l,73 1.B lossom,73 1,734.B lot,ob l i terate,552.darken, 43 1 .

dis appear,449.dece leratio n,429.ugly,846.

b lemish,848.

gu i lt,947.B lo tch,b lackn es s,43 1.blemish,848.B l otted o ut,fo rgo tten,506.B low,w ind,3 49.knock,276.action ,680.

fag ,688'evi l,6 19.

pa in,828.annoy,83 0.d isappo in tment, prosper,73 4.B low down , 162.B lowho l e,3 51.B low ou t, 122,385.B low over,122B low up,fan,6 15.

wind ,349.inflate, 194.

erup t ion, 173 .objurgation,932 .B low i ng,349.B low n,fiztigued,B l u bbe r,cry,839 .

fat,356.B l udgeo n,c lub,270.weapon,727B l u e,co lor,438.

l earned,490.d isappointed,509B l u e jack e t,669.Bluel ig lits ,423 ,




B l u ish,co lor,Blulf,h igh,906.v io l en t, 173 .

b l un t,254.

inso lent,885.d is conrteous ,895.B l under,error,495.

fo l ly,499.

mistake,73 2.r id i cu lo us,856 .B l u nd erbuss,727.B l u n d e ri ng,awkward,699.B l u n t,inert, 172 .


insens ib l e,376.incza


tab le,826.stup id,499.

to moderate, dam, 6 16.B l un t-w i tted,499.B l un tn ess,obtuseness,25 4.frankness,543 .B l u r,deformity,846.blemish,848.

o uts h ine,874.B l u rre d,447,846.B l ush,redden,43 4.feel,82 ashamed,874.appea rance,448.B l ush i ng,881.B l us ter,v io lence, 173 .

i nso l ence,885.defia nce,7 l5.B l ustere r,887.B l usteri ng,inso lent,885.

windy, 3 49.Board,l ayer,204.s uppo r t,2 15.


to atta ck, unc il ,,599.Boards,728.Board i ng,attacking ,716.Boas t,884.Boaster,884.Boas t i ng,884.Boa t,273 .Boa tman,269.Bob ,r ise, 3 05.stoop,3 06.

Bode,5 11.Bod ice,225.

Bodi ly,3.

I N D EX .

Bo l t,fasten i ng,45.tofasten,43 .


move rapidl y,274.escape,67 1,750.

sha ck le,752.upri gh t,2 12.decamp,287.Bo l th ead, 191.Bomb,727.

Bomb vesse l,273.Bombard,716.Bombard ier,726 .Bombardmen t,716.


rid icu lous,853 .

boast ing ,884.Bombast i c sty l e,549,573 ,577,853 .Bond,


compact,769.securi ty,771.r ight,924.

fetters,752.servan t, 746.Bondage,749.Bonds,808.Bondsman,746 .Bon e ofcon ten t ion,713 .Bon es,corpse,362.Bonfire,382,83 8,840

Bonus,advantage,,810.Booby,ignor amus,493 .Book,vo l ume,593 .

to enter accounts,811.

to recor d, reg ister,86 .Book keepe r,553 .

Bookk e eping,811Book ish,erudite,490.Boo k ishn ess,490.Book l earn ing,490.Boo k l ess,493 .Bookworm,492.Boom,

bar,63 3 .defence,717.

obsta cl e, sa il ,967.

rush ,274 .

sound,404 .


Boon compan ion,890.Boo l‘,cl own,876.ridicu lous,851.Boorish,c lownish,876 .

Boo ris l iness ,851.Boosy,959.Boo t (to),addi t ion,3 7.dress,225.

importa nt,642.b ox ,19 1.advantage,6 18.punis hment,975.Boo th,189.

Boot less,useless,fa i l ing,732.Booty,793 .Bo rd er,edge,23 b e near,197.ord e ring on, 197Bord er lan d, 197.Bore ,ho l e,260.

d iameter,202 .

to tro ub l e, p lague,83 0to weary,

Borenl,23 7,383Boreas,349.Borer, 262 .

Bomouse,225Bo rough, 189Borrow,388.

ottowoorrowing,i788Bosom,brea st,22 1.mind,450.

friend sh ip,888.wil l ,600.

aflections ,820.Bosom frien d,890Boss,250.Botan ic,3 67.Botany,3 69.Botch,to mend,658.tofa i l,732 .

un sk ilful,699.Both ,89.Both er,tro uble,828.Bo t t l e, 191.Bo t t l e-green,432.Bo t t l e up,en close,229.

pres erve, 670.Bo tt l eho l d er,724.Bot tom,

lowes t part, ip,2 73 .

bas e,2 15 .

pluck,604.courage,861.Bottoml ess,208.pit,982.Boudo i r,191.Bo ugh,part,51.curve,245.Bounc e,v io l ence,173 .ou n c e upon,surprise,ennewg,l arge,192.ound ,l imi t,23 3 .

c ir cumscr ibe,229spr ing, cend,305.loop,309.


Bri l l ian t,beau t ifu l,8 15.glo r ious,873.perfect, (5 0.

g em,847.

Brnn ,23 1.


ul,C3 9.Brimled ,440.

Bund led,440Brin e,sa l t,3 92.s ea,341.

Bri ng,transfer, 270.induce,615.

Bring abou t,cause, 153 .ach ieve,729.succeed,73 1.Bring forth,16 1,467Bri ng fo rward,525.Bri ng i n,294,812.

B l i ng n ear,9,197.Bri ng off,672 .Bri ng ou t,525.Bri ng ove r,persuade, ci te,6 15.Bri ng toge th er,9.Bri ng up,educate,53 7.Bri n k,23 1.Br isk,qu ick, 274.act ive,682.

prompt, 1 11.Briskn ess,activ ity,682.

glee,83 6 .

qu icknes s,274.Bri s t l e,253 .Bri tt l e,3 28.

Btittlenes s,Breach , 66, 53 1,

53 5.Broad,space, 202 .

ind eli ca te,961.meani ng ,516,53 5.Broadcast,sca ttered,73 .

shed,291.Bro ad si de,sal e,23 6.

cannonade,716.Broad sword,797.Brocad e,847.Brogu e,563 .B ro i d ery,847.Bro i l,heat,3 82 .

tofry, 3 84.


Bronlmg, 3 84.Brok en, 160.Brok en-h earted,828.Broken -w i n ded,688.

Broker,ag ent,758,769.

I N D EX .

Broker,mercha n t,797.Brokerage,pay,812 .Brok ery ,794.B rooch,847.Brood , 102, 167.Brood o v er,t h ink,451.mope,83 7.Brook,stream,348.

to bear,821,826.Broom,652 .Bro th,298.Bro th e l,96 1.Broth e r,kin, 1 1.

s imila r, 17.

equa l,27.

friend,888.Bro th erhood,kin, 1 1.

s imi lar ity,17.associa t ion,72.

fr i endsh ip,888.fratern i ty,712.Brotherly,712,906.Brow,

summ it,2 10.

edg e,23 1 .Browbea t,i nt imida te,860.swagger,885.Brown,43 3 .B rown study,reper i 458.Browse,296 .Bru ise,hur t,619.

to i njure,649Bru i t,53 1.Bru i ted ,r eported,527.Bruma l,383 .Brun e t te,433 .Brun t,impu lse,276.a ttack,716 .Brush,rap id mot ion,274.

to c lean,652 .

pa inti ng ,559.fight,720.

rough,256.Brushwood ,3 67.Brust le,406.Bru ta l ,v ic io us,945.

il l -bred,895.s ava fr e,907.Bru ta l i ty,savageness,907.

v ic ious-n ess,945.

lowness,851.Bru ta l ize,833 ,895.Bru te,an ima l, 3 66.


maleficent,913 .

Bru te force,964Bru t e mat ter,ma teria l i ty, 3 16.inan imate ma tter,3 58.

Brutic h ,vu lgar,876.

intemperate,954.Bru t ishn ess,cruel ty,907.

vulgar ity, temperance,954.Bu bb l e,air, 3 53 .

l ight, ifle,(543 .

error,495 .

v is ion,515.Bu bb l ing,spou ting ,3 48.Buccan e er,792.Bucepha l us,271.Buck,to wash ,652.fop, 854.Buc k e t, 191.Buck l e,to t i e,43 .

fas ten ing,45.Buck l e to,apply one’s self,082 .Buc k l e r,

d efencc,666,717 .Buc kram,3 23 ,855.Buco l ic,pastora l,371.poem,597.Bud,b eginnin 66 .

to ex pan 194.


ect, 154.

gr aft,3 00.Buddh a, 986Budge,264.Budget,hea t,72.

store,bag,news,53 nance,

Bufl' co lor,43 6.


et,cupboard,191.bea t,276 .a tta ck,716.Buffoon ,humor ist,844.

butt,857.acto r,599.Buffoon ery ,amusemen t,840.r id iculous,856.Bugaboo,669.Bugbe ar,fear,860.a larm,669.Buggy,272 .Bugl e ,instrument,417.

desi re,865.Bu rn ing,pass ions,821.consumption,384.Burn ish,pol-is h,255.

bea u t ify, ine,Bu rn ish ed,420.Bu rn t offeri ng,990.Burrow,

ex ca va te,252.

lodge, 186 .Bursar,801.Bu rsa ry,801,802 .Burst,explosion,173 .

shou t,838.

sound,406 .


paroxysm,825Burst fo r th,appear,446.sprout, 194.Burst upon,508.Bury.enclose,229.

inter,3 63 .conceal,528.Bu ry i ng,3 63 .Bu ry ing grou nd,363 .Bush,branch,51.shrub,367.Bushe l, 191.Bushy,256 .Busi ness,occupat ion,625.

event, 15 1.action,680.

I N D EX .

Busi n ess,top ic, ter,794.Busi n es s-l ik e, 625 ,Busk,r ind,223 .Busk i n,dress, 225.

drama,599.Bus-1,car riag e,272.Bu st l e,activ ity, 682 .haste, 684.

energy,ear l iness, 132.Bus t l i ng,ac tion,682 .

even tfu l,151,Busy, 682 .Busybody,682.Bu t,excep tion,83 , 179.counter evidence,Bu tch er,3 61,913 .Bu tch e ry,36 1.Bu t-end,67.Bu tt,a im,620.

la ugh ing stock,857.

to push,276.

to a ttack,716.Bu tte r,softness,324.ozl iness ,356.Bu tte rfly,ficklenes s ,605.

va rieg ation,440.Bu t ton,kno b,250.

tofas ten,43 .

fastening,45.hang inrr, ifle, 643 .Bu ttoned up,tac iturn,585.Bu t ton ho l d er,Bu ttress,717.Bu tyraceous,355.Buxom, 836 .Buy,735 .Buy er,797.Buy ing, 795.Buzz,sound,409.

y,ins trumenta l,63 1.departure, 293 .

By-gon e.farmer,122.

flirg otten,506 .

By-path ,by ' road,627.

By-road 627.By-s tander,spectato r,444.near,197.By th e by,134.


p lan,626 .Caba l i st i c,myster ious,526.mag i ca l,992 .Cabbage,purlo in.,791.Cab i n,room, 189.receptac le,191.Cab i n et,receptacle, shop,691.counc i l, 696.Cab l e,45.Cabrio l e t, 272 .Ca ch i n n a t ion,838.Cack l e,of geese,412 .ta lk 588Cacophonous,disco rda n t,414.8 ll 1‘ltl ,410.Cacophony,d isco ; d,414.s tyle,579.Cad averous,pa le, 429 .h ideous,846.Cad en ce,accen t,580.

mus ic,415.descen t,306.Caddy, 191.Cadenza,413 .Cad et,jun ior,129.

oflicer,745.Cadger, 797.Cad uce us,993 .Cad uc i ty, 1 11, 128,659.Cage,pr ison,229,7 immure,751.[ c use,191.Ca irn,grave,363 .



raj ian,876,913v il la in,949.chur l,876.Cajo l e,persuade 615.fla tter,953 .impose upon,486.Caj o l ery,fla ttery,93 3 .

persuas ion,6 15.

Cake ,aggregate,46.dens i ty,3 2 1 .

d l tl lh '

l ‘ l l , 191.

pa lann l ouadverse, 73 5.

pa infu l,83 0.

C a lannty,’

ev i l,6 19.advers ity,735.

s uj } ring,83 0.

ca l tl s l l

v eh ic le,272 .


C alcme , 381.Ca lc i t ra te,276 .Ca l c i tra t io n ,276.Ca lcu lab l e, 85 .Ca lcu la te,reckon, 85.


bel ieve,484.invest igate,46 1.Ca lcu la ted,l end i ng to, 176.premed ita ted ,600Ca l cu lat i ng,pr udent,498.Ca l cu lat ion,considerat ion,61caut io n, 854.

expecta t ion,507.

investig at ion,46 lreckonin 85.Ca l cu l us,Ca l dron ,vessel,191.hea t ing, 386.laboratory,691Ca l efac t ion,384.Ca l endar,of time, 114.

l ist,86.

record,551.Ca l en der,to glaze,255.Ca lf, 129 .

C a l l bre,s i ze, 192 .

breadth,202 .

open i ng, lectual copcea g698.Ca l id i ty,382 .Ca l iga t io n,42 1

Cah genous,42 1.C al l l graph y, 590.Ca l iphate, 737 .Ca l k, 658.Ca l l,to name,564.

inv i te,9 76 .

insp ira tion,985.Ca l l down,908.Ca l l for,order,741.


requ ire,63 0.Ca l l fo rth,resort to,677.


Ca l l on,892.C a l l over,85.Ca l l to,586 .

C a l l up,505.C a l l upon,belmovo, 926.v is zt, 892 .

cla im,765,924.Ca l l ing,62 5 .Ca l los i ty,323 .Ca l lous,ob tuse, 3 76 .

insensi b le,823 .Ca l lousness,3 76.Ca l low,infan t,129.

young, 127.C a lm,

physica l, 174.l eisure, 685.mora l,826.sober,484.

qui et, 265.dis suade,6 16.Ca lmn ess,physica l, ra l,82 6.qu ietness,265.Ca lori c, 3 82.

C alorific,382 .Ca lorime ter,3 89.Ca l umn ia tor, 93 6 .Ca l umny, 93 4.

C alvimsm,984.

(Jame l,27 1.Camera obs cure,445.

Camp,to loca te, 184.abode, 186,189.Campa ign,warfa re,722.p lan,626.

conduct, 692.

Campanil il’


cupped,252.Campanu l a te,249.C ampestrian,344.Can ,power, 157.mug , 191.Can al ,260.Cance l,ob l i tera te, 552a bro

g al e,756 .

nu ll ify, 773 .Cance l l a ted,2 19.Cance l la tion,obl i teration,532.Cancer,d isease,( 55.

foulness,653 .Cand e l abra,423 .Cand id ,sincere,543 .

i ng enuous ,703 .honorab le,S’fuid id ate,767,

I N D EX .

Cand i ed,396.Cand l e, 423 .Cand l est ick,423 .Candor,verac ity,543 .art l essness,703.honor,93 9.Candy,3 96.Can e,scourg e,975.

to beat, 276,pun is h,972 .Can icu lar,3 82.Can ister,191.Can k er,d is ease,655.bane,663 .deteriora t ion 659.Can k ering,649.Cannon,arms,727.Can non ad e ,716.Can non i e r,726 .Cann u lar, 260.Canoe,273 .Canon,rul e, 80.precept,697.

pr iest,996.Canon ess 996 .Canon ical,eccles ras tical ,995.

norma l,82 .Canon ica l s,999 .Canon i za t ion,991.Canon i z e,to de ify,991.Cano nry,995.Canopy,height,206.roof,2 10.

cover ing,223 .

armpy of h eaven,3 18.Canorous,413 .Can t,neo log y,563 .obl i que,217.hypocr is y, 544.Can ted, 2 17.Can teen, 191.Can ter,move,266 .

ga l lop,274.Can tharid es, 171.Can t ic l e,4 15 .Can to,4 15,597.Can ton, 181 .Can tonmen t,loca t ion, 184.abode, 189.Can ty,83 6 .Can vas,sa i l,267.Can vass,i nves tiga te,46 1.solic i t,76 5 .Can zon e t,song,4 15.


C ap.h at, 225 .

en ced , 194.

ll l l g ltl ,206 .

to be super io r,3 3 .Capab i l i ty ,power, 157.

strength, 159sway, 175 .

fa c i l ity, 705.

endowment,5.Capabl e, 157.Capac ious,large, 192.memory,505 .

spacious,180.Capac iousn ess,si ze, 192.Capac i ty,space, 180.apt itude,53 9.

power 157.

s ize, 192 .

endowmen t,5in tell ect, 450.tal ent,698.


u ti l ity,644.

ofi ce,625 .Caparison, nd,3 42.proj ection,250.he ight,206.Caper,rise,3 05.

l eap,309.

dance,840.Capi l lamen t,fi br e,205.Cap i l lary,203 .Capi ta l,excel l en t,648.

importan t,642.summi t,2,800.

wea l th,803 .Capi ta l ist,803 .Capi ta l s,591.Capi ta t ion, 85.Capi to l, 717.

C apltulate,725.Capi tu lat ion,725.Capo te,225 .Capri ce, (508.Capric ious,irregu lar, 13 9.

wh ims i ca l, 608.Caps i ze,invers ion,218.

wreck,73 1.Caps tan ,63 3 .Capsular,191.Capsu l e,vessel, 191.tun icle,223 .Capta in,745.Capt i on,544,789.

Captions,capric ious,(108.

Captions,censor ious,93 2.

d is-courteous,895.C aption x ne s s , 895.Capt i va te, 897.Capt i va ted,smi t ten,897 .

fa sc ina ted,827.Capt i va t i ng,p leasing, 829.

lovely,897.Capt i ve,75 1,754.

C aptl vity, 75 1.Captu re,789.Capuch i n ,997.Car,272.C ara bme,727.Carab i n eer,726.Caraco l e,r ise, 3 05.

l eap,3 09.Caravan, 266.Caravansary, 189 .

l arbomzation,38 1.C arl ioy, 191.Carb un c l e,434.Carcane t,847.Carcass, 3 62.Card,tie/cel , 550.pla n,026 .Card i na l,importan t, 642.excel len t,648.dress, 925 .

fruga l i ty,817.

pr iest,996 .

Card imd,245.Care ,at ten t ion,459.pai n,828,83 0.

bus iness,625.

custody, 751 .Care fo r,desi re,865.

l ove,897 .

va lue, 642.Care en ,058.Career,bus iness,625.

conduct, 692 .Careful, 459, 8 7864.Care l ess,inatten t ive,458.neglec tful , 460.i nsens ib l e,826.du l l,823Care l ess ness,neglect,460.Caress,902.Caress ed ,Caress i ng,902.Care t,incomplete,53 .

C arewom,828.Cargo,goods,798con ten ts, 160.

materials ,635


Caw,412.Cay enn e,condi ment 3 93 .

pungen t, 71.Cease, 141.Ceas e to be ,2.Cease l ess, 112 .Ced e,782 .Ce i l i ng,206,2 10.Ce lebra t i ng,883.Celebrat ion,883 .Ce l ebri ty,873 .Ce l eri ty,274.Ce l est ia l,physica l, 3 18.

mora l,829.heaven ly,981.

religious,976.Ceh hacy,C el l ,cav ity,252.

receptacl e, 191.abode, 189.

pr ison,752.Ce l lar, 191.Ce l l are t, 191.C e l l u l ar, 191.C e l l u l e, 191.C emen t,unit ing medium,45.

u nio n,46.

conco rd, 714.

l eague,712.Ceme n ted,714.Ceme tery,3 63 .C enob i te,recl use,893 .ancho ret,996.Cenotaph,3 63 .C ense r, 1000.Censor,93 6 .Censorious,932.Censu re,93 2.Census,85 .Cen t,800.Cen taur,83 .Ce n ten arian,130.Cen t enary,98, 13 8.Cen tenn ia l,98.C en tes ima l,99.C ento,597.Cen tra l,68,222.C e n tra l i ty,222 .C en tra l i zat ion,48.

C entra h ze,48,222.C e n tra l ly,222 .

C en tre,in order,68.

i n space,222.Cen tre i n,290.Cen trifuga l,29 1.Cen tripe ta l ,290.Ce n tupl e,98.Cen tupl i ca t e,98.Centuria l ,98.Ce n tur iate,98.Cen tur ion,745 .

C en tury, 98,108.Cerea l,298.Cerebra l,450.

I N D EX .

Certa i n ly,474,488,494.Certa i n ty,sure,474.Cert ifi ca te,vouch r r,551.

evidence,467.Cert ify,ev ince,467.

i nform,527 .Cert i tud e,474.Ce ru l ean,43 8.Cess,sewer,653 .Cessa t ion,141.Cession,surrend er, 725,7compl ia nce,743 .gift ; 784 °Cesspoo l,653 .Cestus,girdl e,225.ring,247.Chafe,pa in,3 78.irrita te,825,828.vex,83 0.incense,900.Chafed ,900.

Ch afi'


vu l or,876.C h a er,

barga in,769.sal e,794.

C h afl'

ering,barga in i ng ,769.Ch afi ng,825.Chafing d lSh ,386.Ch agr in,828.Ch a i n,series, 69.tofasten,43 .

v incu l um,45.

to impr ison,751,“

52l 0Ch a i n shot,727.Ch a i ns,bonds,746.Ch a i r,support,215.

veh ic le,272 .

professorsh ip, rone,747.Cha i rman,745.Cha i se,272.

Cha l i c e,cup,ho l low,252.Cha lk ,mark ,550.drawing ,556.white,430.Cha lk ou t,626.Cha l l enge,defy,7 l5 .accuse,938.

c la im,924.Ch amber,room, 189, 191 .

counc i l, 696 .Chamberla i n , 746.

C h a iii el io n, 149,440.Champ,296 .Ch ampa ign,3 44.Champion ,aux i l ia ry,7 11.defence,717.

combatan t,726 .Champio nsh ip,707.Chance,absence of ca use,156.absence ofaim,621.Chance l, 1000.Ch ance-med l ey,156,62 1Chan ce l lor,pres iden t,745 .


dep uty,759.Chanc e l lor ofth eexch eq u er,801.Chand el ier,423 .Change,al tera t ion,20,, 148.

mar t,799 .

inconstancy, 149.sma l l com,800.Changeab l e,mutab l e, 149,607 .

irreso l u te,605 .Changeab l en ess,irreso l u tio n,605 .Changed,a l tered, 140.

va r ied,15.Changefu l,mu ta ble, 149 .

vo l i tion,607.Change l ing,cha nged, l,501.Chan n e l ,open ing ,260.condu it, 350.way,62 7.


0 1111111,mug ,415.

worsh ip,990.r i tes,998.Chaos,d isorder,59.Ch ap,198.

Ch ape l , 1000Chapfa l l e n ,83 7,C hapla i n,Chapla i ncy,995.Chapl et,circl e,247.dress,225 .

ornamen t,847.trophy,73 3 .Ch apman,797.Ch apter,part,5 i c,454.

bo ok,593 .

church,995.Char, 3 84.Charac ter,natu re,5.disposi t ion,820.state,7 .

l etter,56 1.type,591.Charac teris t ic,spec ia l,79.

intr i ns ic,5.Ch arac teri z e,564.Ch aracteri z ed,820.Charad e,53 3 .Charcoa l,fuel,3 88 .

black,43 1.Ch arge,d irect io n, 693 .adv ice,695.

commiss ion,755.loud,270,639 .

order,741.acc usa t ion,938.attack,716.price,812 .

cus tody,751.Ch arger,Chariot,272 .Chario tee r,694.Ch ari tab l e,giving,784.

l ibera l,816.b enevo l ent,906.Chari ty,g iv ing,784.

be nevo lence,boun ty,816 .C h arl a tan,moun teb ank,impo sto r,548.

C liarl atan ism,545.855.Ch arm,

to plea se,829.


motive,6 conjure,999.spel l,993 .Ch armed,del ighted,82 7.

love I,897.conj -in d ,992.

Cha rmer,sorcerer,

Ch armi ng,pleas ing,829.

lo omo , 897.

Chan nel house,Cha rt, 183 ,554.

Charter,pr iv il ege, mpact,769.

secur i ty,commiss ion,755.Chary,economical ,817,819.cau tious ,8154.Chary bd i s,3 12.Chase,pursue, ll ow,28 1.wood,367.Chasm,

d iscont i nuity, terval ,198.

g ap,4Ch as te,s imple,849.g ood ta ste,850.pure,,576.Chasten,pun ish,979.moderate,826.Chasten ed,826.Chast en i ng,pun ish i ng,972.Chas t ise,93 2,972.

C h aetl sement,972.Sh astity,s implic i ty,849.pur i ty,930.Cha t, 588.Chat te ls,goods,63 5.

proper ty,780.Chatte r,talk, ld , 383 .Cha tterbox,584.Ch a tterer, 584,588.Chatty,584,588.Ch eap,

lowpr i ce,8l 5.wor th l ess,643 .Ch eapen,794.Cheapness ,815.Chea t,d ecezt er,5 18.

to dece ive,545.Ch eck,restrain, 174.pac ify,8526 .

sla cken, unteract, 179.h inder,706 .

d issuad o, 6 16.ev idence,467 .cr iter io n, 467.ticket,550.

mmey order,807.

I N D EX .

Ch eck,numerica l,85.Chec k ed,440.Ch e cker,440.Chec k ered, 149,440.Ch eckma te,73 1.Che e k,23 6 .Ch ee r,

mi r th,83 6.r ejoic ing,829.amusement,840.p leasure,827.

to£06 p l easure,0.

rel ief, 83 4.cry,4 11.

repast,298.applaud,93 1.Chee red,827 .Cheerfu l , 83 6.Ch eerfu l l y,Ch e erfu l n ess , 83 6.Cheering,C h eerl ly,83 6.Ch eerl ess,83 0,83 7.Ch emi se,2255.Ch emistry,144.Ch eri sh,love,897.

enter ta i n,820.aid,707.

support,821.Cheru b,977.Ch est,box , 191.cofer (mon ey),Ch estn u t co lor,Ch ew,296.

C h cwmg,296.Ch ew th e cud,451.Ch i can e, 702 .Ch i can ery,sophis try,477.

wrangl ing,713 .dupl ic ity,702.Ch i cken,you th, 127.weakness, 160.Ch ic k en-heart ed,


sma ll part, 193 .to de ta ch 44.

to reduce ‘95.Ch i rograph) 590.Ch i rp,

( See Ch i rp.)Ch i rurgery,Ch i ru rgica l,662.Ch ise l,scu lpture,557.


fabr icate,161.Ch i t,infan t, 129.Ch i tcha t,588.Ch i v a l rous,mart ia l,722.honorab l e,939 .

bo ld ,861.generous,942.Ch i va l ry,courage,861 .

generos ity ,942.con test,72 31.Ch l amys,225.Choco l ate co lo r,433 .Cho ic e,elect ion,609.

excel lent,648.Cho i r,mus ic,415.


church,996, 1000.1 C h OkP,1 close, '26 1.

Chok e,hender,706.sufi oca te, 3 6 1hok e-fu l l,639h o ler,900.h o leric,901.Choose,609.Chop

,d i s-jo in,44.change,140.Chopfa l l en,88 1.Chop logi c,476.Chopping,large, 192.Chora l,415.Chord,413 .Ch orister,mus icia n,416.sacerdota l,997.Chorography, 183 .Chorus,sound,404.

411 0

mus ic ians,416.unan imi ty,488.Ch rist,976.Chri s ten,584.Ch risten i ng,998.Chris tendom,983 .Christ ian,983 ,987.Ch rist ian n ame,564.Christ ian i ty,983 .Ch romat ic,co lor,428.

musica l sca l e,413.Ch ron ic l e,ann als,55 1.measureme nt oft ime, 114.account,594.Chronogram, 114.Ch ro no loger,Ch ronologi ca l, 114‘

Ch r ono logy, l .l 4.Chro n ome ter, 1 14.Ch ro nome trica l,114.Chronome try, 1 14.Ch rysa l is, 127, 129.Chu b by, 199 .

C hub faced , 192.Chu ck l e,laugh,83 ack, 412.exu lt,884.Chu rch,Chr ist ians,983 .templ e, 1000.Churchdom,995.Chu rchman,996.Churchward en,998.Churchyard,303 .Chu rl,r ude,895.

ira s cib l e,901.Churl ish,n igg ard ly ,E19.

ira sc ib l e,901.rude,895.

mm owm,9070


Churn,3 15,352.

C iczitrization,658.C i ca tri z e,(358.C i ceron e,540,694.C i ceron ian , 578C i l ia ted,256.C imeter,727.C immer ian,42 1C i n c ture, 247.C i n d ers, 10.C i nera t ion, 384.C i nereous,432 .C i nqu e,98.C ipher,zero, 101.number,84.

un impor tan t,643 .mark,550.

monogram,562.wr it i ng ,590.C i rce,seduc tor,6 15.

sensua l ity,954.C i rc i n a t ion,3 12.C irc l e,fo rm,, 181.soc ial ,892 .C i rc l et,247.C i rcu i t,dev ia t ion,279.

indirect pa th,629.windi ng,248.tu rn,3 11.tour,, 181.C ircu i tous,dev io us,279.turn ing , 3 11.ind irec t,629.C i rcu lar,rou nd,247.

letter,592.C i rcu l ari ty,247.C i rcu la te,rotate,3 12.

pub lis h,53 1.C i rcu la tio n,publ i cation,53 1.winding,3 11.C i rcumamb i e nce,

C irc iimamb ient,

C i rcumambulate,move,266.wind, 3 11.

C ircumaiiibulation,3 11.C irc umference,230.C i rc umferen t ia l,

C irrumfluent,227,3 11.C i rcumfusio n ,73 .

l ircumgyration, 3 12 .C i rcumjac ence,227.C i rcum locu t ion ,566 ,C i rcumlocu to ry,566 .

I N D EX .

C ircomnav igation,267,3 11C i rc umro ta ti on ,3 12 .C ircumscri be,surround,229.l imit,76 1.

C ircumscrib ed ,229.C i rcumscript ion,C i rcumspec t,a tten t ive,457.

ca reful,459.

caut ious,864.C i rc umspec t ion,cau t ion,,459.atten t ion,457.C i rcumstance,phase,8.

event, 151.C i rcums tan t ia l,8,573 .C i rcumva l lat ion,enclosure,229.

pa l isade,232 .defen ce,717.C i rc umven t,env i ron , 227.chea t,545.

ba lk,73 1.defeat,73 2.

cunn ing,702 .C i rcumven ted,732.C i rcumven t ion,cheating,545 .

cunni ng,702 .

wind i ng,3 11.C i rcumvest,225.C i rcumvo lut ion, 248,C i rcumvo lve,3 12.C i rcus,arena,728.

edifi ce,189.C istern,recep tac le,,63 6.C i t,c i tizen, 188,3 73 .itad el,

for t, 666.

defence,717.C i ta t ion ,as ev idence,467.accusat ion,938.

quo tat ion,564.arra ignmen t,969.C i t e,quo te as examp le,as ev idence,467.summon,741.accuse,938.arra ig n,969.C i th ern,4 17.C i t i z en,inha b i tan t, 188 .

man . 3 73 .C i tr i n e,43 6.

j C i tron,43 6.

C i ty, 189.C i v ic,3 72 .

C ivnc crown,73 3 .C iv i l,courteo us, ity , 997.

fas h iona b le,852 .C i v i l ian,968.C i v i l i ty ,894.C iv i l i za t ion ,C i v i l i z e,894.C i v i l i z e d,894.C l ac k,ammo! cry,412.C lad ,225 .C la im,demand, 741.r ight,924.

req uest,765.C l a iman t,924.C la i rvoyan ce, 510,992C l amber,305.C l ammi n ess,352.C lammy,352.G lamo ro us,d isapproving,932.voc iferous,C lamor,404.disapprove,93 2.C lamp,tofasten,43 .

fasten ing ,45 .C lan,75.C land est i n e,528.C l ang,404.C langor,404.C lan k,410.C l an sh ip,712.C lap,explosion,406 .

to applaud,93 1.C l ap on,3 7.C laptrap,p lea,6 17.

pretence, 546.C l are t,434 .C larificat ion,652 .C l arify,652.C lari n et,417.C l arion,4 17,722.C las h,oppose,708.dis ag ree,24.discord,7 13 .Contest, 720.

concussio n, 276.sound,406 .

counterac t, 179.C lash i ng,opposing,708.d iscordan t,7 13 .

coun teract i ng, 179.C l asp,to un i te,43 .

fa s ten ing,45.

embra ce,903 .came cl ose, 197.C l ass ,category, 75.

C l ass,to arrange,60.

lea rner,541C l assica l ,578,850.C lass ifi ca t io n,60.C l ass ify,GO.C la t ter,407.C laud i ca t i on ,275.C l ause,part, 51.passage,593 .

condition ,770.C l austra l, 1000.C l avic l iord,417.C law,hook,63 3 .C lay,earth,3 42 .

corpse, 362.C laymore,727.C l e an,unsta ined,652.en t i rely,3 1.C l ean out,297.C l eann ess,unspot ted,652.C l eanse,purge,652.C l ear,transparen t,425.l l h t,420.

vis ib l e,446.

i ntel l ig ib l e,518.perspicuous styl e,570.

to prepar e,673 .tofree, v indicate,937.

to acqu it,970.

innocent,946s imp le,42vo ice,580.


to pa 807.C l ear ecks, 673 .C l ear of,d istan t, 196 .C lear out,297.C l ear up,522.C l earan ce,paymen t,807.

p la inness ,518.

prepa ra t ion,673 .acqu i t ta l,970.C l earn ess,simpl ic i ty,42.

style,570.C l ears igh ted ,v is ion,441.shrewd,498.C leave,ad h ei e, 46 .

sunder,44,91.C l ef,413 .C l eft,ch ink, 198.

bisect ion , 9 1.Cl emen c y , 91 1 .

C l emen t,l enien t,


Cogen cy,power, 15.argument, 176.Cogen t,powerfu l, l 57.argumen t,467. 4 3.Cogi tat e,45 1.

451C og i iate, 80.C ognal lon,9.Cogn i t ion,490.C ogn izai ice, 490.Cog n i zan t,490.C agno inen,564 .

( Iog iiomina l,564.

C o g iios cence,490.Cognosc i b l e,490.Cohab i tat ion, 184.Cul i ere,uni te,dense, 32 1.Coherence,3 21.Coh eren t,3 21.

C oh esmn,un ion,46.

dens ity,3 2 1 .tenac i ty, 3 27.Cohes i v e ,un i t ing,46.

dense,3 2 1 .tenac ious,3 27.

Co h es iveiies s,un ion,46.denseness,3 21.

C o l iib it,restra in,751.proh ib i t, 7b ].counteract,179.d i ssuade,616.Coh ib i t ion,di ssua s ion,6 16.Coh i b i t ive,confl icting, 179.


Jo h ort,726.

Co il, 225.Co i l,convo lut ion,248.

circuitzon, 3 11.disorder,59.



tofabr icate, 16to imagine,515.

CO l l l C l d e,iden ti ty, 13 .

opin ion,488Co i nc ide nce,id entitv, 13 .

i n t ime, 120.Jo inculent,t ime, 120.ii pla ce, 199.

.n opin ion,48Co la ture,652 .Co l d,fr igidity,3 83 .

sty le, l evo lent,507.insensible,823 .

ad ifcrent,866.

I N D EX .

Co l d b l ond,823 .Co l d -b lo od ed,ma l evol ent,907.

d ispas s wna te, 823 ,82 6.Co l d -h earted,907.Co l dn ess,style,575.indifi’erence,866 .

ins ens zb il ity,823 .Co l iseum, 728.Co l lapse,con tra ct ion, 195.

prostration, 160.

fat igue,688Co l lar,dress,225 .

s h ack le,749, 752 .Co l late, 464.Co l l atera l ,relatton, l l .la tera l,23 6.cons e ria l,467 .

C o l l i ition,298,464.Co l l eague,auxi l iary,7 11.cooperat ing,709.Co l l eagu esh ip,709 .Co l l ect,assemb le,72 .

take, 789 .acqu ire,775.

l earn,53 9.



prayer ,990.Col l e cted,ca lm,826 .assemb led,72 .Co l l ec tedn ess, 826Co l l ec t i ng,775.Co l l ec t ion,store,63 6.assemb lage,72.Co l l ec t ive,78.Co l l e c t i ven ess ,50.Co l l ege,542.Col l ier,2731Co l l igat ion,72 .

C o l l iquate,3 3 3 .Co l l ismn,approach,286.percussion,276.c lash ing , 179.

oppos i t ion,708.

encoun ter,720.Co l lo ca te,arrange,60.p la ce, 184.Co l locat ion ,p lac ing, 184.

ar ang ement,60

g a ther ing,72 .Co l lo cut ion, 588.

C o l loqma l,588.Col loq uy, 588.Co l l ude,709.Co l l us ion ,decctt, 3 15.

conspmr g, 709.

Co lon, 141.Co lone l,745.Co lon ist, 188 .Co lon i z e, 184 .Co lonnade, 69.Co lony, 184, 188.Co lora t ion, 428C o lorific,428.Co lossa l,s ize, 192.height,206.Co lossus,he ight,206 .Co lor,hue,428,434.

p lea,6 17.d isgu ise,544.Co lorab l e,decept ive,544.

ostensib l e,472 .apo logetic, 674.Co lori ng,mean in/g,5 16 .

em rr g erati o n,549.Co lo r es s,429.Co lors,standard,550decorat ion,877.Co l t,horse, 129,271.Co l umn,s eries ,69.he ight,206 .

mo numen t, l inder,249.troop,726 .Co l umn ar. 249 .Comba t,720, 722 .Comba tan t,726.Comb i n e,48.Combina t ion,48,58.Comb i na t ions,ari thmet ica l,84.Combust i b l e,hea ting ,384.fuel,388 .Combust ion,384.Come,arr ive,292 .

res u l t, 154 .approa ch ,286.issue,295.happe 151 .Come ab ou t, 151 .Come acro ss,290.Come a lter,63 .Come away,287 .Come back,292 .Come b efo re,62.Come down,descend, 3 06 .cheapness, 815.

pay,809.Come fo rth,I .Come from, 154.Come n ear, 286 .Come n ext,63 .Come out,295.Come to,292 .Come toge ther,290.

Come Up to ,equa l,27.Come up w i th,293.Come open,292 .Comed ian,599Comedy ,drama, 599 .

r idicul e, 858 .

Como l ines s , 8 15.Come ly,845.

C o inestih le,298.

Comfit,3 96 .Comfo rt,pleasure,827 .

con ten t,83 1.r rl ief,83 4.Comfortab l e,p lea sed,827.

pl easuig ,829.Comforter,976 .

C omfortles s,828.Comic,wi tty,84°r id icu lous,853 .Comi ca l ,wi tty,842 .

r idicu lous ,853 .

C omica l zty,853 .Comic drama,5219 .

C omitv,89 4.Comma, 141.Comman d ,o rder, thor i ty,Command an t,745Command er 745.Comman d er-m-cb iei74a.Command ing,741.Commemo ra te,88 3Commemora t ion,

Commen ce,66.Commen cemen t,66'

Commend,93 1.

C ommend ah le,93 1Commend at ion ,93 1.C O l l l l l' l e lHl d l o l


y ,93 1,

C ominens nrab le,85.Commensura te,accorda n t,23 .

adequa te,63 9.Commen t,rea son,476 .

i nterpret,522.

Commerce,588,79 !CommCommCommC omin i n l l te,47,3 3 0Commi n u t ion,3 3 0CommCommComm

637 .

C ommis snrv,cons ig nee . 758.


Commiss ion er,758,759.

Commifi ure,43 .Commi t,aci ,ow.deleg ate, 755.


is on. 75 rest,9 . 9.

nemo ry,505.

C o i i i i i i itta l,arrest, 91 9.Commi t te e,directo rs,693 .

counc i l,Commix,41 .C o imi i i x tion,Comin ix ture,Commode, 19C o l i l i i io d ious,646.Commod i ty,798 .Commodore,745.Commo n,ordinary 82,871.genera l, [8tri te,496 .

pla in,3 4 4.Commo n er,876.Commona l ty,876.Commo nplace,82,598,64 3 .Commonpl ace book,

Commo n sense,450.Common stoc k,778.Commons,298.

C on i i i i o nwea l, 3 72.Commonwe a l th,3 73 .

Comnio ra iit, 188Commo t ion,3 15.Commu n e,451,588.Commu n ica te,tel l,527.

g ive,784 .Jin n,43 .

converse,588.Commu n i ca t io n,g iv ing,784.

rela tio n,527.

conversat ion,588.

lommun icato ry,527.Commun ion,soc iety,712.sacramen t,998.Commun io n tabl e,Commu n ism,7 78.Commu n i ty,372 .

Commutation,substit u t ing, ter,794.

exchange,148.Commu t e,bar ter,794.

substitu t ion, 147.

exchange,148.Commu tual, 12.


Compact,close,43 .dense,3 2 1,572.compend io us,201.condens ed, 195.barga in,769.

C ompactiies s ,c loseness,43 .dens i ty,32 1 .

Co nipag ination,43 .Compan ion ,890.Compan iona b l e,892.Compa ii ionab leness,

892.Compan ionsh ip,accompan iment,88.

soc ia l i ty,892 .Company,assemb ly,72 .accompan iment,88.

partnersh ip,,7 12 .Compara b l e,9.Compara t i ve,degree,magnitude,3 1.eo ii tras tive,464.Cornparative anatomy, 3 67.Compare,464.

Compa i ison,9,464.Compartmen t,cel l, 191.regio n , 181 .place, 182 .Compass,degree,26.embrace,w.

space, imuth,278.

mea sure,466.tho ught,498.


to ach ieve,729.Compass ion,9 14.Compass io na te,914.Compati bi l i ty,470.Compa t i b l e,cons entaneous,23 .pas s-ib l e,470.Compatri ot, 188, 890.Compeer,equa l,27.

friend,890.Compe l,744.Compe l l ing,744.Compend , 596.Compend ious,201,6.Compend i um,

shor t,201.wri t ing,596 .Compensa te,make up for,30.requ i te,973 .

Compenmtion,repara tion,952.requ ital ,973 .amends,3 0.Compe nsa tory,30.


Compe te,oppose,708.

w ri te/id ’2 0.Compe tent 0,power, 157.

s afliciency, 63 9.wea l th,803 .Sk i l l, 698.Compe ten t, 157.Compe t i t ion,708,720.Compe t itor,

opponent,7 10.

combatant,726.Compi l at ion,595.Compi l e,595 .

Complace n t,con ten t,83 1.k ind,906.Compla i n,murmur,83 l,65.Compla i n i ng,83 2,

3 9.Compla i n t,murmur,83 9.i l l ness,655 .Compla isan t,906.Compl emen t,adjunct, 3 9.

rema inder,40.part, i thmet ica l,84.Compl ementary,84.Complete,en tire,52.g reat,3 1.end , 67.

s ucceed,73 flun k,729.Compl e ted,Compl e te ly,Compl e t i ng,Compl e t ion,Compl ex ion,state, lor,428.appearance,448.Compl iance,observance,762,772.ob edience,743 .Compl i an t,743 .Compl i cate,Compl ica ted,259.Compl ica t io n,Compl imen t,courtesy,894.pra ise,93 1.Compl imen tary,93 1 .Complo t,626 .Comply,consen t,762.obey,743 .observe,772 .Comply ing,743.Compon en t,56.Comport,692.Compo rt w ith,agree,23 .


Compose,ma ke up,54.produce, 161.moderate, 174.mad e,79 3a ss uage,mus ic,415wr ite,590.Composed ,self-possessed ,826made up of,54»Compos i te,41.Composi t io n,const i tution,54wr i t ing 590.

mas cc,415.


compromise,774.atonemen t,952.Compos t,653 .Composure,826 .

C o inpotation,959.Compound,mix ,41.comb inat ion,48.

compromise,774.Compound fo r,compact, 769.

barter,794.Compreh eiid,incl ude,76.


understand,513 .know,490.Compreh ension ,made up of,54.

unders ta ndin 518.knowledge,4 0.Comprehensive,genera l,78.wide, 192 .Compress,condense, 32 1,572.

narrow,203 .cur ta i l,201.con tract, 195.Compressi b l e,195.

Compres smil ity,325Compression,na rrow,

contractwn , 195.condensation,572.curta i lmen t,201.Comprise,76 .Comprobat io n,ev idence,457.demonstrat ion,473Comprom i s e,compound,774.a tone,952 .

to endanger,665Comptro l ler,dire; tor,F33 1ma ster,745.Compu ls io n,744.Compu ls i ve,744.Compunction,950.

Compurga t ion,970.Computa b l e,85.

3 00

Compu ta tion,85.Compu te,85.Comrad e,890.Con,451,505.

C on catei iation,69.Concave,2 5 2.Con cav i ty,252.Concea l,h ide,528.

inv is ib l e,447.Con cea lmen t,h i d,528.

unseen,447.Conced e,consent,762 .admit,467,529.give,784.assent,488.

permit,760.Conce i t,idea,453 .b ell tf,484.

s uppos i t ion,514.

imaginat ion,515.ofectation,855.

van ity,880.wit,842.

fo l ly,499.Con c e ited,499,855,880Conce i tedn ess,880.Con ce i v e,bel i eve,484.

imag ine,515.Concen t, 413 .Conce n trate,converg e,290.Con cen trat ion,assembly,72.converg ing,290.cen tre,222.approach, 197.Con cen tri c,222.Conc ept ion,intel lect,450.idea ,453 .


knowl edge,490.

imagination,515.Con cern,rel atio n, ief,828.

usmes s,625.

impor tance, rm,797.Con cern ed,gr ieved,828.Con cern ing,9.Con cert,mus ic,415.cooperat ion,709.Con cess ion ,grant,762,784.assent,488.


C onchmd ,245.Concho i da l,245.C onCi l iate,ta lk over,


Conc i l ia t e,sa t isfy,83 1.Conc i n n i ty,styl e,578.

beau ty,845.agreement,23 .

Cuneis e , 201,572.Con c isen ess,brev ity,20 l .terseness,572.Con c lave,assemb ly, unc i l,696.Churd lr’ 9950Conc l ude,end,67.


ratify,769.op i ne,480.compl ete,729.

determi ne,604.Con c l ud i ng,729 .Conc l usion,end ,67.

inference,476.op inion, x im,496 .Con c l us i v e,476,478,729 .Conc l usi ven ess,reason ing,478.Concoc t,

673epare, a

gran,626 .Co n coct ion,preparat ion,673 .Con comi tan t,synchronous, 120.a c company ing ,88.Con cord,agreemen t,23 .

in mus ic,413 .assen t,488.harmony,714.ami ty,888.Conco rdan c e.(See Concord.)Concou rse,assemblage,72 .

convergence,290.Co ncrete,mass,46.densi ty,3 21.Con cre t io n,mas s,46.dens i ty,3 21.Co ncu b i n e,962 .Con cupiscen ce,des i re,865 .

impur i ty,961.Co n cup isce n t,961.Con cur,cooperate, 178.

in con cer t,709 .

converge,290.assent,488.Con curre nce,coopera tio n, 178.converg ing,290.coexistence,120.

Con cu rren t,converging,290.coex isten t, 120.Con curri ng,290.Co n cussi o n,276.Condemn ,cens ure,93 2.conv ict,97 1.Condemna t ion ,censure,93 2.

conv iction,971.Cond emna tory,932,9Condensat io n,195,3 2 1,572.Condense,195,3 21,572.Cond e nsed,compac t, 195 .Cond esce nd,879.Cond escension,79.Co nd ign ,93 ,924.Co nd imen t,393 .Cond i t io n,si a te,7.term,770.

modific at ion,469.Cond i t ion a l ,s tate,7,8.term,770.Cond i t ion a l ly,7,8,469Condo l e,915.Condo l e nce,915.

Cond nce,tend, 176.

concur, 178.

ava i l,4644.

con tr ibute, 153 .

Conducnve,ava i lable,644.Con d uc i ven ess,ben t, 176.

ond nct,l ead,693 .transfer,270.

procedure,692.Conductor,guard, 66 6 .d irector,694 .

conveyer,271.Cond u i t,3 50.Condy le,250.Con e,round,249 .

po in ted,253 .

Confnbulation,588.Confec t ion,3 96.Co nfed eracy,party,712 .

cooperat ion,709.Confederat e,71 1.Confer,give,784.

converse,588.adv ise,695 .Conference,counc i l,995Confess,avow,529,53 5.

Confess,assert,488pe ni tence,950.

r ite,998.

Con tes q o n,

a vo zmi l, sert ion. 488 .

aflir munce,53 5.pen i ten ce . 959.creed,983 .

CO l lfCa b lo l l il l , 1010.Con fes s o r,998.

Confidunt,71 1,858.

Confide,trust,484.hope,858.cou rage,861.Confid e n ce,trust,484.hope,858.

courage,861.Co nfid en t ia l,528 .Co nfigu ra t ion,24(Confine,l imi t,23 3 .impr ison,751.circumscr ibe,£429.fron t ier, 199 .Co nfin ed,655.Confinemen t,restra in t,229.

imprisonment,751.Confirm,corroborate,467.consen t,762 .

r i tes,998.Confirma t ion,consent,762 .assent,488.

corroborat ion,467.compact,769.r ite,998.

Confi rmatory,467Confi rmed,150.

Confiscate,condemn,971.take,789.Confisca t io n,7SRConflagration,Confl i c t,720.Confl i c t ing,Conflu ence 43 , l,

3 02

Co n s truc t, 16Co nstru c t ion,form, 240.

mean ing,522.Co nstru e,522 .Co n s u l,758,753 .Co nsu l t,695.Consume,destroy, 162.wa s

-te,63 8.

us e, 677.

rat ag e,649.c onsumi ng, 83 0.‘o nsunin iate,grea t,3 1.complete,729.

iki l l,698.Co nsumma t ion,end ,67.

completio n,729.Co nsumpt ion,shr i nk ing ,195.

waste,use, 6 77.Con tac t,199.Co n tagious,657.Co n ta i n,incl ude


be composed of,54.Co n tami nate,

spo i l,659.sml,653 .Co n tami nated,d iseased,655.Con tami nat io n,653 .Con temn,93 0.Con temper, 174.

C o titemperation, 174.Con templ ate,v iew,44 i nk,451.purpose,620.expec t,507.Co n templa t ion,v iew,441.thought,expectation,507.Co n templa t i v e,t houghtfu l,451.

C onteinporaneous,120.Co n temporan eousness , 120.Con tempo ra ry, 120.Con tempt, 93 0.Co n tempt ibl e,643,

Co n temptuous,930.Co n tend ,j ig/Lt,720.


( in tend ing,hosti l e,722.Co n ten t,sat isfi ed, 83 lm,826.

pat ience,82 1.wi l l,600.Con ten tedpl eased,827.

I N D EX .

Con ten ted,sa tisfi ed 83 1.Con te n tedn ess,83 1.Co n ten t io n,d isco rd,7 13 .

strug gle,720.Con ten t ious,722 .Con ten t iousn ess,713 .Con ten tmen t,83 1.Con ten ts,ingred ien ts,SF.components, 190.

l ist,86.compend i um,596.Con termi nab l e, 23 3 .Co n termi nate,limit,233 .

onterminous,adjo in ing , 199.ending,67.Contest,720.

Comestation,720.Co n text,591 .Con t ex ture,sta te,7.texture, 3 29 .Co n t igu i ty,199 .Co n t iguous, 199.Co n t in en c e, 15 1,960Con t i n en t,land,342 .

chaste,960.Con t in en ta l,3 42.Con t i ngen cy,chance, 156.

pos s tb il ity,470.

cas ua l ty,62 rcumstance,8.Con t i ngen t,condit iona l,8.eventual, 15 1.l iab le,177.

chance, 156.

poss ible,470.uncer ta i n, 475casua l,62 1 .

money,809 .a llo tmen t,786.Con t i n ua l ly, 136 .Con t in uance, 1 10.Co n t i n u a t ion,seq uence,63adjunc t, 3 9.persistence,143 .Conti n u e,pers is t, 143 .

end ure, 106 .Con t i n u i ng, 143 .Con t i n u i ty,69.Con t i n u ous, 69.Con tort,243 .Con torted,248.Co n tort ion ,d is torti on,243 .

convo l ution,246 .defo rmity,846 .Con tou r,23 0,448.Con tra,708.Con traband,il licit,964.

Con traband,fa lse,544.Co n trac t,decrease, 36.

s h r trel , 195.

cur ta i l,201.narr .w,203 .promise,768.

barga i n,769.Con trac ted,Con trac t i l e, i 195 ’

Co n trac t i l i ty,corruga t ion, 195.

elasticity,325.Co n tra c t i ng, 195.Co n trac t ion,decrease,3 6 .

shr ivel l ing, 195 .

cur ta ilmen t,201.Con trad ic t,ev idence,468.deny,53 6 .

oppose, 14.dissent,489.Con trad i c t io n,oppos ztion, 14.

ev idence,468.di ssent,489.Con trad icto ry,14,53 6.Co n trad i s t i n c t ion,15.Con traposi tion ,revers ion,23 7.

i nvers ion,218.Con trar i e ty, 14Co n trari ly, iContrariWise,14.Con trary,opposete, 14, 179.opposing,708.

capr i cio us,608.Co n trast,contrar i ety,14, 15.comparison,464

Contrzi va l lation, 232,717 .Con traven e,countera ct,179 .

oppose, 14,708.h inder,706.counter ev id ence,468.arg u e,476.deny,53 6Con traven t i on

,den ial ,53 6.coun terac tion, 179.oppos rtion,708.Con tr i bu te,tend, 176 .

concur, 178.


cause, 153 .Con tri bu t ion,g iv ing,784.expenses,809.Con tri te, 950.Con tri t io n,abras ion,3 3 1.pen i tence,950.Con tri vanc e,626.

Con trivep lan, 709.Co ntri v er, 626 .Con tri v i ng,artfu l,702.Co n tro l,power, 157.auth or i ty,73 7thra ldom, reg u la te,“

693 .

to check, 179,708.Con tro l l ed ,subjected,749.Con trover s ia l,d ispu ta t ive,713 .argumentative, 476

Controversml ist, 476Con troversy,d iscu ssion ,476.d ispu te,713 .Con tro ve rt,d iscuss,476.dispu te,713 .Co n trover t i b l e,dub ious,475.debatable, 476.

C ontuinacious, 606

Contuniacy,606,749.Con tume l ious,arrogant,885.

scornful ,929 .Con tume l iousn ess,5Co n tumely,

disrespec t,929arrogance,885.

rudeness,895.sco rn,930.


secr et,53 3 .pun,563 .

wit, 842 .

prob lem,46 1.Co nva l escence,658.Co n ve n e,72 .Conv en i e nc e,646.Co n ven i en t,646.Conven t 1000.Con v en t i c l e,assembly, 72 .Con ven t ion,compact,769.trea ty of peace,73 '

cong ress,72 .Con ve n tu a l,Co nverge,29 0.Con vergen ce,290.Con vergen t,290.Con verging,290.Con v ersan t,knowing, lfu l,698.Conversa t ion,588.Convene ,reverse, 14.ta lk,588 .Convers i b l e,Conversion, 144.

00marsior,chang e,144.

religious,987.Conve rt,opin ion,484.learn er,54 ch ange to, use,677.

rel igious,987.Conv erted,ch anged, 144.Con vert i b i l i ty,ident ity, 13 .Convert i bl e,id en t ical , 13,144.Con ve x ,250.Conv ex i ty,250.Con vey,270,516.Co nvey an ce, 270,272.Con veyan cer,968.Conveyor,271.Con v i c t,condemn,971.

felon,949.Conv i c t ion, 479,484.Con v ince,53 7.Conv i nced,485.Conv i ncemen t,484.Conv iv ia l , 892 .Con v ivia l i ty,892.Convo ca te,72.Con vocat ion,counc i l,096,995.Con vok e,72.Convo l u t ion,Co il,248.

rotation,3 12.Convoy,transfer,270.g uard, 664.

Convn lse,v io lent,173 .agita te, 3 15.

para,3 rture,83 0.Con vu lsion ,v io l ence, 173 .ag i ta t ion ,3 15.

pa in,3 78,828.

revo l ution, 148.Convu lsi v e, 173 .Coo,4 12 .Co ok,h at,384.

prepare,673Coo l ,co ld,3 83 .yudic ious, refr ig era te, modera te, 174.

to a l loy,82 6.i iid 'fcrm t, rpid, 826 .

(IISJ OUNII‘, 6 16.Coo l er,3 87.Coo l h ead ed,torpi d,826.jud icio us,498.

I N D EX 3 03

Coo l n ess, Cork,sto icism,823 . l ightness,320.moderat ion,82 6. plug,263 .co ld,383 . Co rk ing pi n,45.

in d ifl'


prudence,864.Coop,confine,229,752.Coopera t e,physica l ly, 178.

vo l un ta r i ly,709.un i te,712 .Coopera t i ng,709.Cooperat ion,physi cal ,178.

vo l un ta ry,709.

Coiiperator,71 1.Coord i na t ion,27.C oiird inatc,27.Coot, 189.Copartner,par t ic ipator ,"

78.assoc iate,892.

a ccompany ing ,88.Copartners lnp,assoc ia tion,892.partic ipat ion,778.coa l ition,709.Cope,con tend,720.equa l,27.Copi ed, 19.Copious,abundant, 63 9.styl e,573 .Copiousn ess,style,573 .abundance,639.Copper,money,890.

C opper~co lored,43 9 .Coppice, (or copse,)3 67.

COpula,45.Conv,imi ta t ion,21 .

pro totype,22.

to wr i te,590.

repr esen t,554.Copyh o ltl,Conving,imita t ing , 19,590.Copy ist,559,590.Coq ue try,855.Co rbe l,2 15.Cord,h e,45.

fi lament, 205.Cordage,45.

COl 'd l d l,gratefu l,829.wa rm,wil l ing,602 .

fri endly,888.

remedy,662 .Cord ia l i ty,82 l .C o rd ilb rm,245.Co rdon ,2 30,23 2.

C o rduroy,258,259.Core ,222 .

Corksc rew,262.sp iral ,248.Cork up,26 1.Cormoran t, 865, 937Co rn,proj ect ion,250.Corn ed,Corn eo us,3 23 .Corn e r,p lace,182.

receptacl e,191.Corn er s ton e,2 15.Corn e t,mus cc,417.offi cer,745.

C o ru'ce,2 10.Co rn ucopia,63 9.Corn u te,253 .Coro l l ary,deduct ion,480.Corona, 247.Coro nad o”,755.Coron e t,747.Corpora l, 745.Corpo ra l i ty,3 16.Corpo ra t e,43 .Corporat ion,assoc ia t ion,712.Co rporea l,3 16.Co rpore i ty,3 16.Corps,assemb lag e, 72.troops,726.Corpse, 3 62.Corpu l ence, 192Co rpu l en t, 192.Corpuscu l ar,193 .Corpusc l e,atom, 193 .j ot,3 2.Correct,true,494.

reason,476 .

v irtuou s,,570.

to improve, censure,932 .tenac ious, 505.

to pun ish,972.Correc t ion,censure,932 .

punishmen t,972 .Co rrec t i v e,658,662.Co rrectness,v irtue,944.reason,476.Corre l a t ion,relat ion, 9 .

rec ipro c i ty, 12 .Corre l at ive,re lating to,9 .

rec iproca l, 12.Corre lat i v en ess,11.Co rrespond,ag ree,23 .

wr i te,592.

Correspon denc e, 592Co rrespon den t,23 .Co rrespond i ng,23 .Co rrido r,p lace, 191.passag e,G27Corrigibl e,658Co rro bora te,4Co rrobo ra t ion,467.Corrobora t ive, 467.Corrod e,erode, 162,659.con sume,649.

afll ict,83 0.Corrod ing,83 0.Corrosion,ev il , 6 19.eros ion, 162.orro swo,acrid, 171.destruct ive,649.Corros iv e n ess,171Corrugate,constr ict, 195.

narrow,203 .

rumpl e,258.Co rruga t ion,constr ict ion,195.rumple,256,258.derang eme nt,6 1.Corrupt,fou l,653 .

nox ious, spo i l,659.

v ic ious,945.Co rrupt ion,decomposi tion,49.spozl ing ,659.v ice,945 .

ev i l,6 19.Corsa i r, 792 .Co rse,3 62.Corse l et,225.Corse t,225 .Cortes,696.Cort i ca l,223 .Coruscate ,420.

Coruscatl o n,420.Co rve tte,273 .Cosme t i c,602.Cosmica l, 3 18.Cosmogo ny , 3 18Cosmography , 3 18.Cosmo logy, 3 18.Cosmopo l i tan,osmopo l ite,3 73 ,9 10.Cost,8 12 .

C o s tlmes s ,814.Cos t ly,814.Costume,225 .Cosy,827.C o t, 189.Con tempora ry,Co tcne,Jan to ,712,892society,892.Co t i l lon,840.Cottage,189.Cot te r,188.

3 04

Couch,b ed,2 15.

to l ie,2 13 .

to s toop, 3 06.

b e in wa i t,53 ,566.Coti t hunt,2 13 .Cough, 3 49.

C ounc l ,sena te,696.eccles iast ica l,995

Course], 695,9Counse l lo r,adviser,teacher,540.


C8.Co u n t,Compute,85.



est ima te,480.c lause,5 1.lord,875 .Coun ten ance,face,23 4.

favor, 707.approba tion,93 1.appea rance, 448.Cou n ter,con tra ry, a inst, 179,708.number,84.token, le, 2 15 .

shopboard,799.Cou n terac t,physwa l ly, 179.

vo lun ta r i ly,708h inder, 174.

compens a te, 3 0.Cou n terac tio n,ph i/Siea l,179.

vo l un tary ,708.

compensat ion,30.Coun terba lan ce, 3 0.Co un terb last, 179.

Counterchunge, 12,148.Cou n terc h eck,550.Cou n ter ev id ence,468.Coun terfe i t,s imulate,544.

imi ta te, 19.coun terfo i l,550.

copy,Co un terfe i t i ng, 19.

C ounte i niand ,756.

C ountermi rc h , 283 .

Counterinark,550.Cou n termi n e,708.C ounterino tion, 283 .Co u n ter order,756.C oui iterpart,copy,2 1.match , 17.

reverse, 14.Coun terplo t,703 ,718.

rim ,Co .nter3uise,3 0,179.

I N D EX .

Coun terpo ison,662 .Cou n te r proj ec t,718.

pro test,468.

p lan,626.Co u n te r re vo lut ion,146 .Cou n ters ign,550,590.Coun terstro ke,718.Co un terva i l,compensa te, 3 0.

oppose, l 79,703 .acerba lance,28 .

evidence,4 38.

Countei‘work,708.Coun t i ng,85 .Co un t i ng hou s e, 799.Cou n t less, 105.Coun try,Co un tryman,Co un ts ,79.Co un ty, l81.Couple,two, 89.

to un i te,43 .Co uplet,597.Coupl ing,43 .Courage,86 l .Courageou s ,861.Con rier,53 4.Cou rse,

o rder,58.

con tinu i ty,69.

of t ime, 109 .direct ion,278.

mo t ion,264.

locomo tion,266.


ect, 154 .

rapid ity,i 274.

pursu i t,622 .

p lan,626.

way,627 .conduc t, 692 .arena,728.d inner, 298.Co urser,271.swift,274.Court,house, 189.

counc i l,696 .ha l l, inv ite,615.

to pursue,622.

to so lic i t,765.

to wish,8 woo,902.

toflatter,93 3 .

gen t i l i ty,852 .tribuna l,966.ret inue,746.

Comteous ,894.Cou rt esan,962 .Cour tesy,98 1.

obe isa nce,894.s toop, 3 06 .Cou rtier, 93 5.Court ier- l i k e 911 3.Co u rt i erly,95 3 .Court ly,852 .Co urt mart ia l ,96 "Courtsh ip,902.

Cou s i n , 11.C ous in ltoo d , l l .CoVe,cel l, 19 1.haun t,189ho l low,952 ,b ay,3 43 .Covenan t,769,770.Cover,dre ss,225.

mipemose,223 .

concea l,528 .

retrea t,53 0.h ig h ,206 .


to compen sa te,3 0.

stopper,2 63 .Co verc le,223 .Covering,223 .

l id,263 .Covert,447.Co vert way,260.Cov et i ng,805 .Co vetous,miser ly,8 19.desirous,865.Covetousness,avar ice,819 .

des ire,865 .Co vey, 102 .

Cow,i n t imida te,860.Coward 862 .Coward ice,862 .

Cowztri l l ines s , 862 .Cow a rd ly ,862 .Cower,s toop, 3 06 .Cowh ide,975.Cow l ,dress, 225.

sacerdota l,999.Co ~wo rker,690.Coxcomb,Co xcombry,880.C oy 881 .Co y n es s ,881.Co zen , 545.Crab , 3 97.

rubbed,sour ,897 .

d tjficulf,704.

uncw i l,895.tes ty,901.Crabb ed n ess,sourness,3 97.

inciv i'l ity,895.Crab-l ike,279,283 .

Crack ,spl i t,44.

snap,328.fis sure, 198.


to destroy, 162.

s ou-rid ,406 .

C rack h ruined ,499.

C racked ,

faul ty, 651.Crack er,406.Crack l e,406.

Crad l e,bed,2 15.

or i g in, 66 153.infimcy, lto pla ce, tre l u,673 .Craft,cunn ing ,702.

( 98.

p la n, 626 .

appara tus, 63 3 .625.

sh ipping ,273 .

ra lty,702 .

rngg,253 .

C ruizged ,rou gh, 256.

Craggetlnes s ,256.Crugey, 256.

C raggyncs s,Cram,

s tilfi'

, 194.

fi l l,63 9.

gorg e,296.tea c/i ,53 7.

choke,26 1.Cramp,la nder,706.

res train, rrow,203 .

fasten,45 .

para lyze, 158.wmll en, 160.

spasm,378,828.Cramped ,sty le,572,579.compress, 195.

fi l led,G3 9.

romping, 195.Cran e,244, 633 .Crane-n eck,245.Cran k ,instrument,633 .wit,842.Cran ky,znfi rm, 655.Cranny, 198.

C l‘l l s h ,sound,406.des tr uct ion, 162.ras s itud e,breadth,202 .th i cknes s,3 52.Crate, 191.Cra terho l low, 252.depth,44 .

C rttunch ,bru ise,44.Cravat,Crave,ask,765.des ire,865.Craven ,862 .Crav i ng,asking,765 .

d eszrtng ,865.Craw, 19 1.Craw l,move,275»


3 06

Crust,223 .Crusty,895.

Crutc li,support,2 15.ang le,2 44.

i nstrument,63 3Cry,an ima l, 422.

human,l oudness, 404.c ame,580.

p ub l ish,53 1.weep,83 9.

C ry down,932.C ry for,des ire,865.Cry up,praise,Cry ing,83 9.Crypt,cel l, 19 1.

grave, 3 63 .a l ta r, 1000.Cryptography,590.Crysta l,3 21,425.Crysta l l i n e,dens e,3 2 1.transparent,425 .Crysta l l i zab l e,Crys ta l l i zat io n,Cu b,

yo ung, 129.

c lown,876.Cu be,92 .C uckoo,repet i t ion,104.imi ta t ion, 19.sound,407.cry, 412.

C nd gel .bea t,975.bludg eon, 276, 727.Cu e,h i n t,527.

watchword,550.plea,6 l7.Cu i rass, 7 17.Cu i rassi er,726 .Cu l i nary,298.

Cul l,609.C u l l e nd e r,260.C n l h b il ity,486.

' d iipe,547.Cu lmi nat ion ,206.Cu lmi nate,max imum, 3 3 .heig ht, 2 38,2 10

( Julpnb il ity ,947.Culpnb le,945.

3ulprit,949 .Cu l t ivat ion,3 71.Cu l t i va te,improve,6 38.

b it, 371.Cu l veri n ,Cu l vert,3 5 9.C l imbe r .load,3 19.

to i ncommode,647.t: abstract,

f32 1.

I N D EX .

Cumb ersome,loaded,3 19.

incomnwd ing ,647.C nmb roux

, 647.

Curi iulatlon,72.Cuniulous,3 53 .C unc tat io n,inactivity,683 .Cu ne iform,244.Cun n i ng,art, 702 .

sagaci ty,698.

wel l planned,626.Cunnmgness ,702.

Cup,ho l low,252.vessel, 19 1.Cupbearer,746.Cupboard, 191.Cup id i ty,a i arice,819.desire,865.

height,206.Cu rab l e,658.Cu rab l en es s,658.Cu racy,995.Cura te,996 .Curat iv e,834 .Cu ra to r,758.Cu rb,restrain,751.h ind er,706.shack le,752.moderate, 174.check,826.di ssua de,616.coun terac t, 179.slacken,275.b i t,747.Cu rd,mass ,46.den s i ty, 3 21.pu lp,3 54.Curd l e .condense, 32 1.Coag u late,46.Curd l ed, 3 2 1.Curdy,352.C ure,remedy,662,83 4.reinstate,660.rel igious,995.


improve, 658.Cu re l ess,655,659.Cu rfew, 126.Curios i ty, 455 .

phenome non,872 .Curious,true,494.except iona l, 83 .

bea ut iful,845.Curl,bend,245.cockl e up,tress, 256.Curl ing,245.

Curren cy,p ub l ic ity,53,803 .Cu rren t,exis ting, 1.happen ing, 151.presen t, 1 18.

p ub l i c,53,3 47.l i terary, 560.

r iver, 3 48.

opin ion,484.

co urse, 109.

preva i l ing ,82.Curric l e,272 .Curry,3 93 .Curry favor,933 .Curse,ma l ed i ct ion,908.

bane,663 .

evi l,6 19.


pa infu lness,83 0.Cu rsed,bad,G49.accursed,908.Cursori l y,hastil y,684.C urso ry,transien t, I l l .

inattent ive,458.neglect i ng,460.Curt, 201.Cu rta i l,sho rten,re trench, 38.abr idge, 572.decrease,3 6.depr ive,789.

Curtuilment,decrease, 3 6.

re trenchment,38.Curta i n,424,53 0.Cu rva t ion,245.Curva tu re,245.Cu rve,245,279.Curve t,r ise,3 05.

leap, 3 09 .

osc i l late,3 l 4 .

c ircu it, 3 i ta te,3 15.Cush ion,pil low,2 15 .

tofrus trate, lief, 83 4.C u sp,paint,253 .angle ,244.Cusped,po inted,253 .Cu s tod ian ,753 .Custody,capt iv i ty,751,781.captive,754.


ru le,80.hab it,6 13 .



sa l e,796.barter, 794.ta r, 8 12.Customary,6 13 .Customer,purchas er,795.dea l er,797.Cu t,div ide,44 .

interva l,70.b i t,sculpture,557.

curta i l, 201.g ap, 198.

layer, 204 .

notch, rm,240.road,prin t,558.


ect, 824.

decl ine acquain tance,893 .

sta te,7.

co ld,385.

Out acro s s, 3 02 .Cu t a long,274.Cu t and d ri ed,673Cu t and run,escape,Cu t cape rs,leap, 3 09 .dan ce,840.Cu t down,d imin ish,36.destroy, 162 .

shor ten,201.lower, 3 08.k i l l,3 61.

subduct,38.impede,706.Cu t out,surpass, 3 3 .ret i each,38.

plan, 626.Out sho rt,shor ten,201.abr idge, 572.decrease,3 6 .

con tract, 195.Outup,div ide,44.destroy, 162.censure,93 2.Cu tan eous,223 .Cu t ic l e, 223 .

Cuticul d r, 223»Cu t lass,727.Cu tpu rse, 792 .Cu tter,273 .Cu t throat,3 61,949Cu tt i ng,co ld,383 .

d is iunction,44.ej ec t ing,82 1.reproachful ,932Cyc l e,period, 138.

Dab ,cl ever,700.

to pa int,223 .

to slap,276.Dabbl e,medd le, ibb le,683 .Dabb l i ng,ac ti v ity,682.

Dze d al ian, 698.Dagger,727.Daggers d rawn,discord,7 13 .enmi ty,889.Dazzl e,2 l 4.Daguerreotype ,5 36 .Da i n t i ness,pleasure,829.fas t idiousness,868.

Damty,savor 'i,3 94.

fast id ious,868.

Da le,252.Da l ly,irreso l ute, 605.delay, 133 .

inact ive,683 .


parent, 166 .

to ‘k,3 50.close,ob «tract, 706.

D 1m up,3 48.Damage,evi l, 619.

to injure, 649.

to spo i l, 659.

payment,812 .Damag es,074.Damask,43 4.Drum,374.

I N D EX .

Damnab l e, 649.Damna tory,932.Damp,mo is t, 3 3 9.

co ld,to moderate, d is enad e,6 16.depress,83 7,ca lm,826.Dumper,dissuas ion,616depres sion,83 7Dampness,3 3 9.Damse l,you th, 129.

lady,3 74.Dan ce,osc i l late,3 14.agi ta te,3 15.

r ise,3 35.

jump, 3 09.

sport,840.Dand le, 932.Dand ruff,653 .Dandy,854.Dandy ism,855.Danger, 665.Dangerous,665 .Dangl e,hang,2 14.

Ming,3 14.Dan k,3 3 9.Dapper,203 .Dappl e,43 3 .Dappl ed,440.Dare,defy,715 .

face da nger,861.Dari ng,86 1.Dark,obscure, 421.dem,422.

inv isib l e,447.

u n inte l l igible,519.igno ran t,49 1.b l ind,442.laten t,526 .

joyless,83 7.Darken ,519.Dark ness,obscur i ty,42 1.ignorance, 491.b l indness ,442 .

la tency,526.joylessness,83 7.Darksome,42 1.Darl i ng,favorite, 899.beloved,897.Darn, 658.Dart,missi le,727.

to propel,284.

Mlfl ,274.Dash,spr ink l ing,32,193 .

to mi x ,4 row down,308 .

d isplay,882.dep ass ,

3 07

l Dash ,disappo int,539 .

shine,873 .Dash down,3 38.Dash ofl'


sketch,558.Da sh on,has te,684.r ush,274.Dash out,ru sh,274.ha ste, 684.Dash ed,depressed,83 7.timid,881.Dash i ng,b rave,861 .mil l ion ,4 1.d isplay, 882.Dastard ,862.Dastard ly,862.Dastard ness,862.Data,ev id ence,467 .

reason ing ,476.Da te, 114.Dau b,cover,222,223 .d i rt,653 .

bad pa int ing, deform,846Daugh ter, 167.Dau n t,8ho.Dau n t l ess ,861.Dawd l e,tardy, 13 3 .

Dawd lmg, 683 .Dawn,morn ing, 125 .

precursor,116 .

beg in,66.d im, impse, 490.


per iod, 108.l igh t,420.Day book,811.Day break, 125.Daydream,515.Day l aborer,690.Day l igh t,420.Daz z l e,420.

co nfuse,442Dazz le'l ,442.Dazz l n g,845.

Darzlement,420.Deaco n,996.Dead,l ifel es s, 3 60.heed l ess,458.

insens ib le,83 lorl ess,429.Dead en,weaken, 158, 160.modera te, 174,826 .

ben umb, 823 .Dead dru n k,959.Dead l i l t,47 l .D ead l i ness,

b ead lock,stoppa ir e,265.h inderance, 706.Dead ly,morta l, 3 6 1, 657.pernicwus ,649.

I lead ness ,n umbness,381.i n er tness, 172, 823Dead sho t, 700.

Dead water,3 43Deaf,419.

mute,4 18,581.D eafen, 404,4 19.D eafness,4 19.Dea l,quan t ity,3 1.g ive,784.

bar ter,794.Dea l ou t,73 ,78 1.Dea l er,797.Dea l i ng,794 .Dea l i ngs,692.Dean,996.Dean ery,ofli ce, 995.ho use, 1000.D ear,loved,897,899 .h igh priced,814Dear bough t,644.Dearn ess,814.Dea rth,640.Dea th,3 60.Dea th b low,kil l ing,3 6 1.fa i l ure,732 .Dea th l ess,112,873Death l i k e,h id eous, l ence,403 .Dea th ra tt l e,3 60.Dea th song,3 63 .Dea th strugg l e,720Dehar,proh ib i t, 761.h inder,751.D ebark,292.De base,depr ess,3 08.deter iora te,659.find ,653 .De based,lowered, 207.De basemen t,659.De bate,rea so n,476.d ispu te,720.hes ita te,605 .ta lk,588.De ba ter,476 .De ba tab l e, 475,476Debauch ,spo il , (559.intemperance,954.impur ity,961.Debau ched,impure,96 temperate, 354De bauch ee,95 4.


Decan t,270.Decan ter, 191.Decapi ta te,3 61,9 2.D ecay,spo i l,659.

o ld , 124.d isease, 655.

s h rwel, 195.

l uck l ess,73 5.Decziyed ,imperfec t,65 1.d is c/wed ,055 .

o l d , 124.advers i ty,735 .

spo i l ed,G59.Decczis e,3 60.Deceased,3 60.Dece i t,545.De ce i tfu l,545,702 .Dece i v e,545 .Dec e iv er,548.D ecency,960.Decen t,960.Decept ion,545.

s oph is tri 477.D ecept i v e,545.De cide,judg e,480.choose,609.

Dec i d ed ,reso lved,664.assert ion,53 5.certa in,474.

gr eat,3 1.Dec iduous,transitory,111,149.

spo i led,659.De c ima l ,84,98.Dec imate,s ubduct,38,99,103 .

Decipl ier,interpret,522 .

so lve,462.

Dec is io n,in ten t ion,620concl usum,480.

reso l u t ion,604.Deck ,floo r,21 beautify,845.

I N D EX .

Dec l a im,582.

Dcc lamation,582.D eci ama to ry ,577.D ec l ara t io n, 467,a.Dec lara t i v e,527.

Dec lare,assert,53 5.

mean ,5 16 .

inform,527.Dec len s io n,descen t,3 6,3 06.deter iora t ion,650.Dec l i na t ion ,descent,3 06deter iora t io n, 659.D e c l i n e,decrease,3 6.

wea ken, 160.

d rcay,73 5.

d isease,655.

become worse,659.reject,6 10.


be unwi l l ing,603 .Dec l i n i ng,decay ing,735.age, 124, 128.rcfii smg ,764.D ecoct i on,3 35,384.Deco l l a te,972 .D eco l la t ion ,972 .Decompose,49.D ecomposed, 49Decompos i t io n,Decompoun d, 149.D e co ra t e,embel lish,845,847.Deco rat io n,847,873 ,De co rous,960.Decort ica te,De co rt ica t io n,226.Decorum,

po l iteness,852.respect,928.

purity,960.De co y ,en ti ce,6 15 .

deceive,545.deceiver,548.Decrease ,in degr ee,3 8.

in size,195.Dec reased,3 6.Decre e,law,983 .

j udgment,969.o rder,74 1.Decremen t, 3 6,195.D e crepi t,old , 124, 128.

weak, 160.

fra i l,65 1.Decrepi ta t ion,406.Dec repi tude,age, '


j eeb s nes s , 160.

Decre ta l ,Decre t i ve, $741.Decre tory ,Decry,deprec ia te,483 .cen s ure,932 .Decumben cy,2 13 .Decumb en t, 2 13 .Decu pl e, 98.

Decurtation,201.Decussa t io n,2 19 .Decypher.(See Dec iph er. )Ded icate,873 .Ded i ca ted,Ded ica t ion, l 873 'Deduce,


retrench ,38.Deduc xh le,467,480.Ded uc t,retrench, 3 8.depr ive,789.D ed uc t io n ,infere nce,480.r etrwnchment,38.deprivat ion,789.Deed,act, F80.

ev idence,467.

record,55 1.secur i ty,771.D e em,484.D e ep,profound,3 1,208,451

th e sea,3 41.c unn ing,702 .

feel ing,82 1.sound,404.Deep-la id,626.Deep-musi ng,451.Deeply ,3 1.Deep-s eated,interior,22 1.deep,208.Deep—ton ed,408.Deface,render ug ly,846.destroy form,241.Defacemen t,241.

Defa lcatton,shor tcoming,304.

contra ct ion, 195.

in compl eteness,53 .


non -paymen t, 808.Defama t ion, 93 4Defama to ry,Defame,detract,93 4.shame,874.

censure,932 .Defamer,93 6.D efau l t,in suflieiency,640.

non -

paymen t,806,808 .De fau l ter, 806,808Defea t,479,73 2.




Defea ted,732Defeca to,c lean, 652.

improve,658.Defecat ion, 652.Defect,incomplete,53 .imperfect,651.fa i l i ng,945 .D efec t io n ,742,940945.Defect i ve,

incompl ete,53 .imperfect,insufficien t . 640.Defec t i v e n ess,53 .Defenc e,res istance,717 .

v indicat ion,,664.D efe n c e l ess,weak, 158, 160.ezpw ed ,665.Defence l essn ess, 665Defensi bl e,664,93 7.Defendan t,967.Defended,Defend ing,g717.Defens i v e,Defer, 133 .Defer to,respect,998.assen t,488.Deference,743 ,928.Deferri ng,133 .Defiance,dar ing,715.threat,909.Defic i ency,fra i l ty,945.incompleteness,53 .imperfect ion,65 1.insufiiciency,640.D efi c i en t,incomp lete,53 .

imperfect,(551.fa i l,945 .

sho r t of, 3 04 .

insufiicient,640.Defi c i t,deb t,806 .incompleteness,53Defi gure,846.Defi le,rav ine, 198,203 .march,266.d irt,653 .

spo i l,659.shame,874.

Defi lement,shame, l th, 653 .

Defi l tng,march i ng,966.Defin e,name,564.

expla in,529.Defin i te,exact,494.c lea r,516.

3 l i

Den ou nce,a z

cas e,908

th i l l e,969 .

c i te,965.Dense,c lose, 3 21.crowded,72.

Densny,c loseness,46,32 1.De n t,notch, 257.ho ll ow,252.Den t i cu l ated ,253 .Denudat ion ,226

Denud e,226 .Den u n c iati on , 908.969.Deny,negat ive,536 .dissen t,489.

refuse,764.Deopp i l a te,705.Depart,s et out,293 .

d ie,3 60.Departed,gone,2 .Depart i ng,293 .Departme n t,cl ass,75.

reg ion, 181 .

bus ine ss,625 .Departu re,recession, 287 293 .

dea th, 3 60.Depend,hang,2 14.

be cont ingent,475.D epend upon,trust,484.

b e th e efl‘

ect of,154.aflirm,53 5.Dependen cy,214.D ependen t,l iab l e,177,749.servan t,746.Dependen ce,subjection,749.D epi c t,pa in t,55descr i be,594.Depl e t ion,640.D eplo rab l e,bad,649.

ruinous,735.pmnfal , 83 0.Deplo re,regret,833 .

compla in,839.remo rse, 950.Deploy, 194.Depo n en t,467.Depopu la te,d isplace, 185.deser t, 893 .

Depopulatto n, 893 .


Depor ta t ion,displa ce, 185.


I N D E X .

Deporta t ion,emi grration,297.Depo rtmen t,692.

Depo ce,ev idence,467.te l l,527.record,551.dethrone,756.dec la re,535.D eposi t,place, 184.

secure,771 .expendi ture,809.

store,63 6.Deposi t io n ,plac ing,184.ev idence,467.dec la ra t ion, 535.Depos i to ry,63 6.

Dépat,74,63 6,799.Depravat ion,v ice,945.Deprav e,spe l l , 659.D epraved,b ad ,649.

v ic ious,945.D epreca te,766 .

pi ty, 9 14.Deprecat i ng,Depreca t ion , 766 .Deprec atory,Deprec i at e,detra ct,483 .cens ure,93 2.Deprec ia t ion ,censure, 932 .detract ion, 483 .D epredat ion,791.Depred a tor,792 .D epress,dampen,843 .defect,83 7.

lower,207,308.Depressed,lowered,3 08.dej ec ted,83 7.D epressi ng,83 0, 83 7.Depress ion ,lower ing,3 08 .

lownes s,207.depth, 208.

concav i ty,252.

dej ect ion,83 7 .Depressi v e, 83 0, 83 7Depriva t ion,loss,776 .

se i zure,789.D epri v e,take,789.

sub duct,38.

lose,776.Depth,phys ical ,208.

menta l,450,490.

Depnrate,c lean,652.

improve, 658.Depu rat io n ,652.


D epu ta t i o n ,755.Depu te,755 .Depu ty, 147, 757,759.Derange,61 .Derangemen t,

menta l,503 .ph ysical ,6 1.Dere l i c t ion,rel inquishment, i l t,947.D e rid e,redwul e,856.d is respect,929.

tr tfle wzth,643 .

s cofi’

, 483 .Derision ,r idicu le,856.laughter,83 8.

contempt,929 .D er is i v e,comzca l,853 .

con temptuo us,93 0.

d ts respectful,929.D erisory,856 .Deriva t ion,or igi n, 153 .verba l,562 .Deri va t ive, 154.Deri ve,attrtbute, 155.

receive,785.acquire,775 .

income,810.Derived,5,6 .Derma l ,223 .De roga te,d isparage,483 .demea n, 940.shame,874.Derogat ion,shame,874.Derogato ry,depreciatwe,483 .

shamefu l,874.abj ec t,940.Descan t,d l s sert,595 .dwel l upon,584.

d lfi‘

usenes s ,573 .D esce nd, 3 06 .Descendan t, 167.Descenden t, 3 06 .D escend ing,2 17,3 06.D escension , 3 06 .Descen t,2 17, 3 06.Descri b e, 594.D escript ion ,k ind,75 .

narra t ion,594.D escri pt i v e,594.D esc ry , 441.D esec rate ;misuse,679 .


Desecmtmg,989.Desecra t io n,misus e, 679.profan ity,989.

Dese rv i ng,944 .

Deswcate, 3 40.

Deswcatio n,3 40.Des id era te,630,8e 5.Desid e ra ted,865.

Demdera tum,461,63 0.D esign,

intentron,620.cunn ing,702.

p lan, 626 .

d elmeatlon, 554

pro totype,22.Design ate,79,564.D es ignat ion,la nd,75 .

name, 564.Design ed,i n tended,600.Des igner,ar t is t,559,626.D esign l ng,fa lse,544.artful,702 .D esign l ess,621.D esi n ence,dwcontinuanee, 141.Desi rabl e, 646Des i re,865.D esi red,D es i r ing, 865.D es irous,Des ist,d iscont in ue, 141.rel inquzs h ,624;mactwn,68 1.

Desrstence, 141Desk,suppor t, 2 15.

r eceptacle, 191.D es o l ateal one,87.

s eclud rd ,893 .

afilwted , 828.

to ravage,162Deso la t ion,ev il , 162,619.D espa i r,hopelessness, tef,828 .

DeSpainng,837.D espatch,162 ,53 1.Desperado,863 .

Deeperme,great, 3 lcnf, 173 .

hopeless,859.ras h,863 .difficult,704.impas sib le,471.DeSperatton,859,

863 .Despicab l e,s hauuful,874.

cantemptib le,93 ifling,643 .

Desptse,contemn, 93 0.deride,483 .

Desms ed nes s ,93 0.

Despi te,notwi thstandi ng ,179,708.

ma l evo lence,907.Despi tefu l, 90,Despitet


ulness , iLespo il ,take,789.rob,791 .hurt, 649.Desp ond,859.Desponden cy,sadness,83 7.fea r,860.despa ir,859.De spo nd i ng,83 7.Despo t,745.

Dcspo tl c,964.Despotism,arbi trar iness, t hor i ty . 73 7.

sever i ty, 739 .Dessert,298.Dest ina t ion ,fate, 152,601.a rr iva l,in tent ion,620.Des t i n e,620.Des t in ed,fated,601.Dest i ny,fa te,601.chance, 152.Dest i tute,msufi cient,640.

poor,804.Des ti tu tion,poverty, ck,640.

Destroy,demo l ish, 162.

i nj ure,649.deface,241.Des troy ed,2 ,162 .Destroy er,165.Des truct ion,demo l i t io n, 162,73 2.inezts tence,

'2 .

ev i l,6 19.Destruc t ive, 649.D estruct i ven ess, 649.De su e tud e, 6 14.

dim e,678.

I N D E X .

D esul tory,discon t inuo us,70.

i rregular in time,


mul t iform, iating, 83 , 149279agi ta ted,3 15.D esume,borrow,788.De tach,sepa rate,10,44,47De tach ed,ir rela ted, 10,47.D e tachmen t,part,5 1.d isj unct ion,, 726.De ta i l,to descr i be,594.

spec ia l por t ions,79De ta i n,781.D e te c t,480.De ten t ion,781.De ter,616,860.D e terge,652.

D etergen t,remedy,662.De terio ra te,659.De teriora t ion,659.De termi na te,specia l,79.

exact, 474.

reso l u te, 604.De termi n at io n,604.

Wi l l,600.

purpose,604 .

j udgment,480.D etermi n e,judge,480.

i n tend, ion,278.

res o lve,604.designa te,79.D e tersi ve,662 .De tes t,867,898.De testab l e,bad,649,867.De testat ion ,867, 898.De thron e, 738,756 .De thronemen t,anarchy,738.Detonate,ex plode, 173 .De tonat ion ,sound,406 .

explosion, 173Detort ion,243 .Detract,subduct,38.deprec iate,483 .

cens ure, 93 2.slander,93 4.De trac t ion,censure, 93 2.

sla nder,93 4.depreci ation ,483 .

detracto ry,483 .

3 1 1

De tractor, 93 6.De trimen t, 619.De trime n ta l,649.D e trud e,cast out, 297.

cos t down,3 08.

Detrunctation,38 .De trusion,297, 3 08.D eu ce,dua lity,89.D evas ta te,destroy, 162.mjure,649.D evasta t ion,havoc,619.Deve lop,cause, 153 .

produce,161.increase,35 .

ex pand,194 .

evo lve,3 13 .Deve lopmen t,increase,35.expansion, 194.

evo l u t ion,3 13 .ej


ect,154.De v iat e,d ifi


er, 15.turn,279 .

Dev ia t i ng,15, 279.D ev ia t ion,circu it,629.turning,279.

deference,15,20.d iv ergence, ange, 140.

flezure,245 .D ev ice ,expedien t,626 .

mo tto, 702.Dev i l,Satan, l eficent being ,9 13 .D ev i l ish,3 tan ic,978.


Devil worsh ip,991Dev ious,dev ia t ing,279.

d lfi'

erem, 15,245.Dev ise,int en d,620.imag ine,5 15.

bequeath,784.D evo id,empty,640.absen t,187.

not having ,776 .Devo l v e,783 .Devo lve on,226 .D evote,g ive up,457.curse,908.

employ,677.cons e ' rate,873 .D evo tee,Piet'ys 987°

reso l ute,604,865

Devoted,lov ing ,897.

fr i end ly, 888.doomed, 152,828 .Devot ion ,piety,987 .

wo rsh ip,990.respect,928.

love, 897 .

d csznteres tednes s,942.Devo ur,eat, 296 .destroy, 162 .

Devourmg,296.Devou t. 987.Dew,3 3 9.D ewy,33 9.Dexteri ty,698.Dex tra l ,238 .De x tra l i ty . 23 8.Dextrous,698.D iabo l ic,ma levo lent,907.

wicked, il ish,978.bad,649.D iacou s t ics,402 .D iad em,747.D iagnost i c,5,79,465D iagnost ics, 465.D iagona l ,2 17.D ia ram,554.D i a 1 14 .D ia l ec t,563 .D ia l ec t i c,argumen ta t ion,476 .

language,560.D ia logu e,588.D iame ter,202D iamond,lozenge,244.

g em,650.D iapason,413 .D iaphanous,425D iaphragm,partition,228.D iary,record,55 1.'

ourna l, 1 14D iaton i c,413 .D i bb l e,262 .D ice,156 .D i cho tomy,9] 24 1.D ictate,command,741au tho r i ty,73 7enj o in,6 15.wri te,590.D ictat ion ,741D ictator 745.

Dictaton a l, 739,D i cta torsh ip,73 7,

3 12

D i d act ic,537.D i e,chance, ecpire,2,3 60.

cease, 142 .D i e t,food,298.

counc i l, 696.D i etet i cs,662.D ifi


er, 15,713 .D ifferen ce, 15.inequa li ty, 27.d iscord,713 .

numer ica l, 84.D ifferen t, 15,713 .D ifferen t ia l ,84.

D ifl'

erentiation, 85.D iffering, 15 .D iffi cu l t,fa s t id ious,868.D ifficu l ty ,401,704.

D iffi d e i ice,modesty,881.fear,860.

Diflid ent,modest,881.fearfu l,860.

D itfusc,style,573 .

d isperse,73 ,291 ~pub l ish ,53 1.permea te,186 .D iffusion,sty le,573 .

d isperswn, 73 , 196,2

Dig.excavate,252 .deepen,208.D igest,arrange,60,820th ink,45 1.prepare,673 .

plan, 626.

compend i um,596.D igest ion,arrangemen t,60.epurat ion,673 .D igi t,84.D igi tated,253 .D igl ad iat ion,720.

Dig ii itied ,873 .

Dign ity,873 .D ign i tary,997.D ign i ty,glory, 873 .honor,939.D igress,dev iate,279.

style,573 .D igression ,style,573 .devia t ion,279.D igressi v e,573 .

D ij i id icatioti,480.D i k e,ditch, 198,232 .defenc e, 666,717.D i l acerat ion,44.

Di1apida led, 160


I N D E X .

1 D i lap i dat ion,619.D i lu te,increase, 35 .

swel l, 194 .

l engthen ,202 .

rarefy, 3 22.sty le,573 .dis course,584.D i la t ion,swel l, 194 .

l eng t hen ing,202 .

was te, 162.D i la tori n ess,slowness,275.inactiv ity, 683D i l a to ry ,slow,275.

inact ive,683 .D i l emma,d ifiica lty,704.

logic,476.dou bt,485.D i l e t tan te,492,850.

D i lettaii tc ism,850.D i l igence,coa ch,272 .act iv i ty,682.D i l igen t,a c


study,45 1.D il itescence,447.D i l uc ida t ion ,522.D i l u en t,33 7.D i l u t e, 3 3 7.D i l u ted ,3 37.D i l u t ion,3 3 7.D i l u v ian,124,128.Dim,dark,42 1.obscure,4 22.

inv is ib le,447.D ime n s ion, 192.D imi d ia t ion,91.D ini inish ,l essen,3 2,36.contract, 195.D imi n u t ion,in degr ee,36 .

in size, 195.D imi n u t i v e,in deg ree,32 .

i n s i ze, 193 .D imi n u t i ve n ess,D imn ess,422.darkness,421.obscuriti 422.D impl e,concav i ty, tch, 257.D imsigh ted ,443 .

ool is h ,499.

D ims igh ted neu, 443 .D i n,no ise,404.

repet i t ion, 104.loquac i ty,584.D i n e,296 .D ingd ong,r epeat, 104.


um l ean, 653 .

D i sad van tageous,647.


ection,898.D isagree,713.D isagreeab l e,unpl easing,830.d isl iked,867.D isagreeab leness,


D ingl e,252,262.Dmgy,dark,42 1,43 1.gray, 43 2.

(I nn,422.

co lor less,429.

D ing i iies s,darkness,43 1 .D i n i ng room, 191.D i n ner,298.

Diiit,power, 157.instrumen ta l ity,63 1D iocesan ,996.D ioc ese,995.D iorama,view,448.

pa int ing,

p lunge, 3 10.

slope,2 ion ,278.dive,208.

i nser t, 3 00.

immei s e, 3 3 7.D ip i n to,457. 461.D iph tho ng,560.D iploma,commission,755 .do cumen t, 55 1 .D iplomacy,media t ion,724.artful ness, 702 .

nego t ia tion,769.D iplomat i c ,544,702 .D iplomat is t,769.D i re,fearfu l,860.

g r ievous,830.

ho rrid ,649.D i rec t,stra ight,246 ,628.

to order,737.

to command, teach , 53 t less,603 .tend,278.

manage,693 .D i rec ted,278.D i rec t ion,tendency,,,693 .

p lace, 183 .

precep t,697.

pursuit,62 2.D i rect ly,soon,1 11.towards,278.D i rec tn ess,246.D i rec tor,manager,694.master,745.teacher,540.D irectorsh ip,73 7.D i re c tory,696.D i rge,song,415.lamen t 83 9.funeral. 363 .

d iscord,7 13 .d issent,489.D isa l low,76 1 .D isa l lowance,761.D isan nu l,756 .D isappare l,226 .D isappear,van ish ,2,449.D isappearanc e,2.D i s appeared,2.D isappearing,2.D isappo i n t,discon ten t,832\ba lk,509.

Disappomtedba lked,509.discon ten ted,832D isappo i n t i ng,832D isappo i n tmen t,fa i l ure,732.

ba lk,509.D isapprobat ion,D isapprove,932 .D isarm,

D isarmed , 158.D isarrange,6 1.D isarranged,59D isarrangement,61D isarray,d isorder,59.

undress,226.d issociate,44.D isaster,ev i l,6 19.

fa i l ure,732.adversity,73 lami ty,830.

3 1 4

D ish evel ,loose,47.disordered,61.d ispersed,73 .

intermwed,219.o twis t,248.D ish evel l ed,47,248.Dishon est,fa lse,544.fa ith less,940.D ishon esty,940.D ishonor,ba seness, repudiate a bi l l,808.d isrespec t,872, 929.

D is l iono rab le,874.

base,940.d issuade,616.D i sho nored,874.D is imbod ied , 3 17.Dis imb ody,3 17.

Dismcarcerate,750.D i si nc l i n at ion,603,867.D i sinc l i n e,disl ike,86 7.D is i nc l i n ed,603 ,867.D i s i nfect,pur ify,652.improve,658.

Dismfectant,662.D isi nfec t ion,652 .D i si ngen uous,false,544.d ishonorable,940.

D is ingeiiuonsness,940

D is i n h eri t,783 .D is i n tegrat e,separate,44.pu lver i ze,3 3 0.D is int egra t ion ,separat ion,44.crumb l ing,3 30.D is i nter,exh ume,3 63 .discover,525 .D is i n terested,942.D is i n terested n ess


D is i n termen t, 3 63 .D i s in thra l l,750.D isjo in ,42,44.

D isjo i n ted,44.

i n d isorder,59.d isjunct ive,44.isk,

face,23 4.exter io r,220.D i sl ike,867,898.rel uc tance, 603 .D is l i ked,867,897.D isl ik i ng,867,897D islocate,44.D isloca t io n,d isjunct ion,44.d ’ lacement, 185.

d is odgmen t, 185.D is lodge,185.

I N D E X .

D isloya l ty,940D isma l,83 7.D i sman t l e,destroy, 162.

disuse,678.despoil ,649.

injure,659.D isman t l ed , 674.D isman t l ing,162.D ismast,d isuse,678.dismantl e,659.D ismasted,unprepared,674.D ismay ,860.D ismay ed,800.

D ismeinb er,44.D i smembermen t,44.D ismiss,d iscard,678.

lib erate,750.

rel inqu ish , 624.D ismissa l,750,756 .D ismoun t,descend,292,3 06 .d isable,674.D isobed i ence,742,773 .D i sobed ie n t 742

D iso licy,742.D isobl iging,907D i sord er,confusion,59.

to derange,61.d isease,655.D isorgan i z e,destroy, 162.spoi l,659.D isorgan i zat i on ,destruction, 162.derang emen t,61.despo i l , 659.D isown,53 6.D isparage,deprec ia te,483 .disrespec t, 929.

censure,93 2.

D isparagcment,deprec ia t ion,483 .

d is respect,929.D ispara te ,s ingle,87.d isagr ee ing,24.D i spari ty,28.D ispart,44.D ispassion,826.D ispass ion ate,826.D ispatch,speed,274.haste,684.

ear l iness, 132 .

to conduct, 692 .

comple te,729.k i l l,3 6 l igence,532.epistl e,592.D ispe l,destroy, 162 .

scatter,73 .Dispensab l e,678.

D ispen sab l eness,678.D ispe nsat ion,l i cense,760.

calami ty,83 0.

prov ide nt ia l,,784.di s use,678.

rel inquishmen t, 624.ezemption,927D ispense,exempt,927.

permi t,760.

d isuse, 678.

rel i nquish,624.g i ve,784.disperse,73 .

reta i l,796.D i spen s e w i th,760.D ispeopl e,893 .D isperse,scatter ,73 .

waste, 63 8.

separate,44.diverg e,29 1.D ispersed ,73 .D ispers ion,remova l,270.d is ta nce, 196.d i vergence,291.separat ion,44.

waste,63 8.

scatter i ng,73 .D ispi ri t,sudd en,837.d iscourage,616.D ispi ri ted,83 .D isplac e,remove, 185 .transfer,270.D ispl aced, 185 .D ispl acemen t,d islodgmen t, 185.derangement

, 6 1.D ispl ac en cy,dislike,867.d isapproba tio n,93 2 .D ispl an t,185 .D isplay,show,525 .appear,448.

parade,882 .D ispl ease,830.D ispl eased,828.D ispl eas i ng,83 0.D ispl easure, er,900.D isp od e, 173 .D isplos ion , 173 .D isport, 840.D isposa l,60,673 ,796D ispose,arrange,60.

pr epare,G73 .tend, 176 .

i nduce, 615.D ispose of,sell ,796.


rel inquish, e,677.

D i sp. rod 890.D lSpOSl tiO l l ,order,58.arrangemen t,60incl inat ion,602.mind,820.D ispossess ,take away,789.transfer,783 .D ispossessed,776.

D ispos ses smn ,789D ispra ise,932 .D ispri z e,483 .D isproof,468,479.D i sproport ion ,irrela t io n,10.d isag reement,24.D ispro ve,confu te,479.D ispu tan t,476,726.

Dispi itatious,i rr i t ab le,901.po lemic ,476.D i spu te,discord,713 .den ia l,53 6.d iscuss ion,476.doubt, 485.D isq ua l ifica t ion,i ncapacity, 158.

unski lfi il , 699.

immatur i ty,674.D isq ua l ifi ed,158.D i squa l ify,incapac i ta te, 158weaken, 160.

d isen t i t le,925.unprepared,674.

Disq ti iet,excitemen t,825.

uneas iness,149,83to g ive pa in,83 0.

D isqmetud e,apprehens ion,149,825,860.

Disq u i s i t ion,595.D isregard,over look,458.

n eglect,460.

ind ifi‘

eren t, ight,483 .D isre l ish,d isl ike,867ha te,898 .D isre l ish i ng 867.D isrepu tab l e ,v i c ious,874,945.D isrepu te,874.D isrespec t,929 .D isrespe c tfu l,929

Dis ro l ie,226.Disrupt ion,44,713.D issa t isfact ion ,d iscon ten t,832 .

sorrow, 828.D issat isfied,d iscon tented,832d ispleas ed,828.D i ssect,ana tomi ze,44.

D issect,investigate,461.decompose,49.D issect io n,44,46 1.D i ssemb l e,544.

Diss e inb ler,548.D issemi n ate,scat ter,73 .diverge,291.publ ish,53 vade, 186.Dissemi nat ion,scatter ing,73 .D issension,713 .Dissen t,d isagree,489.refuse,764.discord,713 .

D i sse n ter,heterodox,984.

d isagreer,489.

D issen t i e n t, 489,713 .D i sse n t i ng,984.D issertat ion,595.D isserv ice,d isadvan tage,619.

inexped ience,647.D isserv iceabl e,649.D issever,44.D isseveran ce,44.Dissndence,24.D issid e n t,984.D iss i l i en ce, 173 .D issimi lar, 18.D iss imi l i tude, 18.D iss imu late,544.D i ssimu l at ion,544.D issipate,waste, 63 8.

prod irr a l ity,818.d isso ute,961.D iss ipat io n,was te,73 .

l icentions ness , 954.D issoc i ab i l i ty,893 .D issoc ia l,893 .D issoc iate,44.D issoc ia t ion,ir relat ion,10.D isso l u te,in temperate,954.prnflig ate,945.

debauched,96 1.D isso l u ten ess,945,954D isso l u t ion,


l iquefact ion, 3 3 5.death,3 60.D issol vab l e ness,3 2 1.D isso l ve ,van ish,2 .disappear,449.abrogate,756.l iquefy, 3 3 5.

D isso l v ed , 2 .D issonanc e,dis ag reement,24.

I N D E X .

D issonanc e,discord,414.D issonan t,414.D iss uad e, 6 16 .D issuad ed,616.D issuas ionD issuaswe: 616°D ista i n,846.D ista i n ed,846.D istance, 196 .

to overta ke,282.

to l eave beh i nd,732 .


of time,1 10.D i s tan ced,732.D istan t, 196 .D is tast e,d isl ike,867D istastefu l,d isagreeable,830.D istemper,d is ease,655.

paint ing,556co lor,428.D istend,194.D iste nded, 192.D istension , 194.D ist ich,597.D ist i l ,evapora te,3 36.flow, 3 48 .

drop,295.D ist i l l a t ion,295,3 3 6.D i st i nct,v isib le, l ig i b le,516,518.

d isgoined,44.asser tion ,535.D ist i n ct ion,d ifierence,15.d iscr imina ti on,465.fame,873 ,875.D ist i n c t i ve,465 .D ist i n ctn ess,518.D ist ingu i sh,perceive, 15,441.D is t i ngu ishabl e,15.D isto rt,deform,846.s lant,2 17.

pervert,523 .twis t,242 .D ist orted,846,873 .D istort io n,obl iqu i ty,2 17.misrepresentat ion,555twist,243 .

of v ision, 443 .perversion, 523 .

ugl iness,846.D istract,458.D istrac ted,nisans,503 .

foo l ish,499.

confused,491.D istruin,sei ze,789,811, Q



3 15

D istress,afil iction,828.cause ofpain,83 0.poor,804.D istressed,poor,804.

pa ined,83 0.D is tri bu te,d isperse,73 .a rrange,60.a l lo t,786.d iverge,D istri bu t ion ,al lotmen t,786.d ispers ion,73 .arrangement,60.D istric t, 181.D i strust,disbel i ef,485,487.fear,860.D isturb,derange, ange, 140.harm,649.agita te,3 15.D isturban ce,derangemen t, 61.agi ta t ion,3 15.D isun ion,separatio n,44.d iscord,713 .D isu n i te,separa te,44.d isag ree,713 .D i suse,unemploy,678.

desuetude,614.D i tchcondu i t,350.ho l low,252.trench,259,3 43 .D i tto,104,13 6.D i t ty,4 15.D i urn al,108,138.D i u turnal,110.D i van,sofa,2 15.counc i l,696.D ivaricate,291.D i varicat ion,d ivergence,29 1.b isect ion,91,92.d ifi

‘erence, 15.D i v e,

p lung e,3 10.inqu i re,46 1.D i v e l l icate,44.D i v erge,291.D ivergen ce,variat ion,20.

d ifi'


d ispers ion,73 .

separat ion, ia tion,279.D ivergen t,291.D i v e rgi ng,separat ing ,291.d ifi

ering , 15.D i v ers,many, 102 .

D i v ers,d ifl

ercnt,15.D i v ers ifi ed,, l .8D i ve rs ify,D i v e rs io n,840.D i vers i ty,

d ifi'

eren ce, 15.di ssimilar ity, lt iform,81D i v ert,amuse,840.abstract,452.D i vert isemen t,840.D i vest,denud e,226.take,789.D i ves t on e’s se lfof,782D i v est ing,840.D i v estmen t,789.D ivi d e,sep ara te,44.b isect,91.part,51.appor tion,786.D iv ide nd,part,51.number,84.por tion,786.D iv i na t ion,pred iction,511.sor cery,992.D iv i n e,D e i ty,976.cle

gggyman,983 ,

to guess,514.

relw ious ,983 .pe ect,650.D i v i n i ng rod ,993 .D i v i n i ty,D ei ty,976.theo log y,983 .D i v is i b l e,84.D ivis ion,separat ion, ass,75p art, i thmet ica l,85.discord,713 .

d istr ibu t ion,786.D i v isor,84.D ivorce,matr imon ia l,905separation,44.D i vorcemen t,905.D i v u lge,529.D i vu ls ion,44.D izen,beau tify,845.


Dil zmes s,503 .D izzy.confused,458.

act,680.produce, 161.complete 729.satisfy,639.

3 16

Do,chea t,545.

Do away wi th,remove, 85.

destroy, 162.des‘i s t,6 3 1.disuse,678.Do fo r,pun is h,972 .

Do i n to,522.Do over,223 .

Docd e,teac/tab le,53 9.wi l l ing,602.Doc i l i ty,53 9.Dock,cu t of,38.dimin is h,3 6 .

shorten,,63 6.por t, 189.yard,691.

Docked ,53 .Dock e t,467.Doctor,sage,492 .

remedy,658.Doctri na l,484,S37.Doctri n e,tenet,484.knowledge,490Documen t,551.Dodge,

orig ina tor,164.



Dog,to pursue,622.

Dog days,3 82 .Dogged,obst inate,606.

d is com-teens,895.Dogged n ess,606.Doggere l,verse,597.

r idicu lo us,853 .Dogma,tenet,484.theo log ica l,983 .Dogma t i c,obstinate,606.assert ion ,535.

b igoted,481 .Dogmat ism,obst inacy,606.assert ion,53 5.

prejudice,481.Dogniatist, 606.Dogmat i z e,481 . 533Dog -trot,275.

Domgs ,ac t ions,680even ts, l s l .conduct,6917.Do l t,

to g ive,784


Do l e,to a ll ot,786 309.want,640.Dol e ou t,784Do lefu l,83 7

Do l eful iies s 83 7.Do l i tt l e,Do l l,image,55 4.Do l lar,800.Do lo r,3 78.Do loro us,83 0.Do l t,501.Do l t ish,499.Doma i n,region,181.Dome,250.Domest ic,in ter ior, 188,221.servan t,746.

sec luded,893 .Domest i ca ted, 188.

Don iesticution,3 70.Domic i l e, 189.Domi c i l ia ted,188.Domi n ance,175.Domi nan t,preva i l ing,175,73 7Domi na te, 175.Domi na t ion,737.Domi n e er,tyra iinize,73 so lence,885.Domi n i can,996.Domi n io n,73 7.Domi no,dress,225 .

mask,530Don,to put on,225.nob le,875.Don at ion,784,809Donat i v e,784.Don e,fin ished,729.cheated,545.abo l ish ed,2.Don k ey,ass ,271.

foo l,Don Qu ixote,515.Doom,

fa te,152.death,360.

necess ity,601.destruct ion, 162 .

to sentence,909.Doomed,undone,828.

fated, 152,601.Doomsday, 12 1.Door,open ing,260.pas sage,627.

cover,263 .

b r ink,23 1.en trance,66,294.

barr ier,23 2 .Doork eeper,263 .Doorway,260.

Dorman t,l aten t,526.

inactive, 683 .i nert, 172.Dormi to ry, 191.Dormo use, 683 .Dorsa l,235.Dose,5 1.Dosser,191.

D ot,speck, 193 .

place,182 .Dotage,128,499 .

Dorarcl,501.Dotat ion,784.Doto,dr ivel,503 .love,897.Dot ted,440.Dou b l e,duplex,90.

proxy, 147.turn,283 .

fo ld,258.d ishonest,940.fa lse,544.Doub l e-bass,414.Dou bl e—d ea l ing, 544.dishonor,940.Dou bl e ~ edged, 171.Doub l e—e n try,811.Doub l e-faced,deceitfu l, imming,607.Dou b l e-mean i ng,Dou b le-mi n d ed,607.

Doub le s ig h t,443 .Dou b l e -tongued, 520,544Dou b l e t,225 .Dou b l i ng,258.Dou b t,disbel ief,485 .

scept ic ism, 988.Dou b tfu l,uncer ta in,475.

incredu lous,485 .

Doub tful iiess,475.Doub t l ess,474.Dough ,3 54.Dough-faced,607.

Don t,42 1.Dough ty,861.Dou s e,immerse,3 10.Dove, 976 .Dove l i k e 946 .Dove ta i l,in ter vene,228.intersect,2 19.i nser t, 3 00.angular,244.j aw ,43 .agree,23 .Dove ta i l ing,3 00.Dowager,widow,905.

lady,374.Dower,803 ,810.

Down,l ev i ty, 3 20.smoothness,255.plumos c, 256.b ed of,3 77 .

below,207Down cast,83 7.Downfa l l,ru in, 1 62 ,732.fa l l,3 06 .

ca lami ty,6 l 9.Down h eart ed,837.Downh i l l,217.Down right,abso l ute,plant,516.

sincere,703 .Downs,pla i ns,3 44.upland s,206 .Downwards,207.Downy,256 ,324.Dowry,803 ,810.Doxo logy, 990.Dox y,962.Doz e,683 .Dozen,98.Dra b,co lor,43 2.

Dracoman,739.Draft,copy,transfer,270.sketch,554.abstra ct,596.dep th, 208.

check,800.Drag,trac tio n,285.a ttract,288.

crawl,275.D rag up, 3 07.Drag we ight,706Draggle,ha ng,2 14.Dragoman ,524Dragon,monster,83 .Dragoon, persecute,907.

B l a i n,condu i t, 350.

to dry,3 40.emp ty,297.

exhaust, 789.

waste,63 8.d iss ipate,818.flow out,295.empty i tself, 348.dr ink up, 296.Dra inage,3 40.Drama,599.

Drama t ic, 599Dra in d rinker,Drapery,225.Drast i c, 171.Draugh t,dr ink,296 .tract ion, 285.s tream of air, 349

Du dgeon,anger,900.discou rteous,898 .

c l ub,727.Du e,proper, ay ,806expedient,646.ob l igat ion,926.Du e l,720.Du e l l ist,726.Duen ess,924.Dues,812.


D 1 k e,noble,875.


melodious,413 .agreeab le,829.m eet,3 96.Du lc imer,417.

Du l l,inert, 172 .

insensib l e,376.tame, l lo us,823 .

s imple,849.b l un t,254.


moderate, 174.

co lorless,429.dejected,837 .

inexc itab l e,82 6.sto l id,499 .

pros ing,843 .

unapt,699.Du l l-bra i ned ,499.Du l l-w i tted,499.Du l n ess,b l un tness,254.

inertness, 172 .

ca l lousness,823 .

deject ion,prosiness,843 .

incapac i ty,538.

inep tness,699.tameness,575.Dumb,581.Dumb creatu re, 3 65.Dumb show,550,

I N D E X .

Dunce,ignoramus,493foo l,501.Jung,653 .

. )ungeon,752 .Duodec ima l,99.Duod ec imo,591.Duodem' ry,98.Dupe,to docetae,545deceived,547.credu lous

,483Duped,dece ived,545.

uplex , 89.Dupl i ca te,double,89.

copy,2 1.pledg e,550,&5.Dupl i ca t ion,imita t ion, 19.doub l ing,89 .Dupl i catu re,fo ld,258.Dupl i c i ty,89,544,702 .Durab i l i ty,150.Durabl e, 110,150.Du ran ce,75 1.Dura t i on, 106 .Du ress,751.Duri ng,106.Dusk,even ing, 126.

obscur i ty,42 1,422.Dusk i ness,42 1.Dusky,42 1 .Dust.powaer,3 3 0.l ev i ty,3 20.dir t,653 .trash,643 .Dust ho l e,653 .Dusty,d irty,653 .

powdered,3 3 0.Du teous,944.Du t ifu l ,944.

Duufulnes s,944.

uty,ob l igat ion,926business,,,812 .

r ite,998.

Dwarf,sma l l,193 .


to l essen,3 6.Dwarfed,Dwarflsh , gDwarfis h ness,Dwe l l ,ta rry,265.reside, 186 .descan t,573 ,584.Dwel l er, 188.

Dwe l l i ng,a b l e

, [ 89.

re 1mce, 184.

Dwi nd l e,d imin ish,32,195.

l essen,3 6.

Dwmd l ing,3 6.Dy e,428 .Dy ing,3 60.Dy n amics,159,276.Dy nasty,73 7.


Each,79.Eager,ardent,507,82 1des irous,865.act ive,682 .Eagern ess,desire,865.act i vi ty,682.ardency,82 1.Eagl e,steift,274.

sigh t,441.standa rd,550.Eagl e-eyed,44 1.Eagle-Wi nged,3 74.Ear,418.Eard rum,418.Ear-d eafen ing,404.arl 875.

arlmes s, 122 .arly, 13 2 .Earn,775.Earn est,in tent ion,620.

strenuous,682 .

emphat ic,642 .

p ledg e, i n advance,809.eager,82 1.Ear-pi erc i ng,404.Earshot, 197.

arnes tnes s ,821.arn i ng,775.Earth,land,3 42 .

ground,2 11.wor ld,3 18.Earth ly-mi nd ed,selfish,943 .

worldl y,988.arth quake,146 ,Earthy,3 42 .

EarWi tn ess,467.Eas e,fa c i l ity, 705.

rel ief,83 4.conten t,83 1 .in sty le,578.Easel ,frame,2 15.

pa in ter’s,559.Easemen t,83 4.Eas i l y,705.Eas i ness,gent leness,705.Eas t,23 6.Easy,gentl e . 275.

Eat,296,826.Ea tab l e ,298.Ea t i ng,296.Eaves,250.Eavesdmpping,418.Ebb,regress,283 .

decreas e,3 6.con t ract, 195.waste,638 .

spoil, 659.Ebb i ng, 149,195.Ebony,43 1.Ebri e ty,959.E bu l l i t ion ,heat,384.

energ y, 171.vio lence, 173 .excita t ion,825.Eccen tri c,irregu lar,83 .

exter ior,220.

wrongheaded,499Eccen tri c ity,ir reg u lar ity,83 .

fo l ly,499 .

cc les iastic,996.Ecc l es iast i ca l,995.Echo,repeat, 104.imi ta te, 19.loudness,404.resonance,408.answer,462 .

Ech ori ig, 104.

e l ect i c,609.el ec t ic ism,609.Ec l ipse,h ide,528.da rkness,42 1,422o utsh ine,874.

clogue,597 .

conomica l ,couo in ize, i817Economy,order,58.

p lan,626 .

conduct,692.fruga l ity,817.Economy (an ima l),Ecstasy,5 15,821,

827.Ecumen ica l,78.y,current,3 48.

wh i r lpoo l,3 12 .Ed en,827,981.Edge,brink,23 1,253 .

energy, 171.Edge too l ,253 .Ed i b l e,298.Ed i c t,963 .

Ed ification,bu i lding, 16 1.ins truct ion,537.

Ed ifice 189.

may,lead ; 53 7.

piety,987 .Ed i t,5311,591Ed i tor,590.Educa te,tra in ,673 .Educat ion,learn ing,490.teach ing,537.tra in ing,673 .Educe,3 01,525Eilulcorate,

cléan,652.Edu lcorat ion,552.Efi



obli terate,552.disappea r,449 .


aced ,


(fee t,consequence, produce,16 complete,729,73 0.Effec t iven ess,157.Effec ts,property,780.goods,798.

mater ia ls,635Effective,capab le, 157.useful,644.


ectua l,capable, 157.

usefu l,644.

Efi’ectua l ly,729.Efi‘ectuate,729.

Efl‘eminacy,weakness,160.sensua l i ty,954.t imidi ty,862.


eminate,weak, 160.t imorous,862 .


erves ce,

bubb l e up,3 53 .ag i tate, 3 15.

energy, 171 .

v io l ence, 173 .

exci ted,825.



boi l ing,353 .ag itat ion,3 15.ener


ex ci tement,825 .Effervescen t,3 3 8.


ervescing,353 .Effe te,old , 124.

weak, 160.


foul ,653 .

spo i l ed,659.

Efficacious ,powerfu l, 157.eflicient, 170.

Effi cacrous ness,157Effi cacy,power , 157.

I N D E X .

EEcacy,util i ty,644.Effi c i ency,power,157.u til ity,644.

Effi crent,usefu l,644.

powerfu l, 157.operat ive, ey,represen ta t ion,554.Efiiorescence, 3 30.Efflorescent,33 0.Effluence,egress, 295.


Efflux ,egress,295.

flow,3 48.

Etflux mn,348.

Effluvium,odor,3 98.

vapor,3 3 4.Effort,686.Efl




ii lgence,420.Efi'

ul gent,420.Effuse,pou r out,295,297.

excrete,299.Effusion,speech,582.soon,111.early, 13 2.Egest io n,297.Egg-shape d,247,249.Ego t ism,selfishness, 943 .van ity,880.misan thropy,911.Egot ist,911 .Egot ist i c,943 .Eg regious, 499.Egregiousl y,32.Egress,295.E ight,E igh ty ,i98“E i ther,609.

EJaculate,propel,284u tter,580.Ejacu lat ion,580.Ej ect,d isplace, 185.

emi t,297.Ejec t ion,d isp lacemen t, 185.

emiss ion,297.Ek e,a lso,37.

to complete,52.spin out, 1 10.E laborat e ,673 .E l abo rat io n

,673 .E l apse ,

pass, 122 .

flow, 109.E las t i c,resi l ient,325

E l ect,601,609,976.E l ec t io n,necess ity,601.numer ica l,84.E l ectorate,73 7.E l ectric,274,82 1.E l ec tri c i ty,274.E l ectrify,exc ite,824 .astoni sh,870.E l e emosyna ry,784.E l egance


beau ty,845.

in style, 578.taste,850.E l egan t,tastefu l,850.beautifu l,845.sty le,578.E l egan t l y,850.E l egy,d i r e, 415.

pla int,83 9.E l emen t,componen t,56.matter,3 16.cause, 153 .

rud imen ta l knowledge,490.E l emen tary


simpl e,42.E l ephan t,carr ier,E l evate,3 07.E l eva ted,h igh,206.

ra ised,3 07 .

improved ,658.

mi nd,942.


l eva t ion,he ight,206.

" ra is ing, 3 07.plan, 54.



glory,873E leven th hour,126.

El f,infant,129.demon,980.Elfish ,980.E l ic i t,manifest,525d iscover,480.draw out,3 01 .E l igi b i l i ty ,646.E l igi b l e,646.E l imi nate,

' exclude,55.ex trac t, 301weed, 103 .E l imi nat ion,ex tract ion,301.exc l usion,42 .

weed ing , 103 .E l is ion,shorten i ng ,201.E l ix ir,662 .E l l ipse,247.E l l ipsis,c urta i lmen t,201.E l l i pso i d,247,249.E l l ipt i ca l,572.E locu t ion,582.E longa te,200.E longat ion,lengthen i ng ,200.

d istance, 196E lope,671.E loq uence,of style,574.speech,582 .E l oq u en t,574.E l sewhere, 187.Eluciilate,522 .E l u c idation,522.E l ude,ava id,623 .

escape, l ter,773 .

soph istry,477.succeed,73 1.E l us ion,623 .E l us i v e,545,623 .E l usory,544.E lys ia n,829.E l ys i um,

paradise, iss,827.

Einaciated , 193 ,203Emaciatiui,contraction ,193 .sma l lness,195.

slender ness,203 .Emacu l ate. (SeeImmacu l a te .)Emana te,g o out of,295.excrete,299 .

proceed from,154.Einanation,odor,299.Eman c ipa te,free, 748,750.fac i l i ta te,705.Eman c i pated,748,750.

3 20

Eman c ipat ion, 748,Emascu late, 160.Emascu lat ion, 160,

750.Emba lm,preserve,670.memory,505 .

to perfume,400.Emban kmen t, 666.Embargo,prohib i t ion, 706,76 1.

stoppage,265Embark,depar t,270, 293 .

engage in,676.Embarkat i on,engageme nt,676.departure,293 .Emb arrass,render (1i172 cul t,704.

perp lex,475,528.h inder,706.camber,647.hes i tat ion,485.Embarrassmen t,h inderance,706.d ijficul ty,704.hes ita tion,485.Embassy, 532, 755,769Emba tt l ed,722.Embed, 184.Embe l l ish,beau t ify,845 .

ornamen t,847.Embe l l ishmen t,847.Embers,388.Embe zz l e,791.Embe z z l emen t,791.Embmer,aggrava te,835.deteriorate,659.acerbate,900.Emb l a zon,co lo r,428.beau tify,845.d isplay,882.Emb l em,550.

Emb l emat i c,550.Emb ody,comb ine,48.


jo in,43 .

form a who l e,50.Embo l den,encourage,861.hope,858Emb oso ii ied ,midd le,68.

lodged, 184.

beg irt,227.



enclose, 132 ,227.cou rtesy,894 .

endear-men t,902


Emb rasure,257.Embrocat ion, 662.Embro i d er,847.Embro id e ry,847.Embro i l,d iscord,713 .

derange,6 1.Embro i lmen t,61.Embryo,cause, 153 .

prepara tion,674.beginn ing,66 .Embryon ic, 153 .Embryo t ic,153 .Emend, 658.Emendat ion,658.Emenda tory,658.Emera ld,co lor,435 .Emerge,295.Emergen cy,d ifiiculty,704.conjuncture,8.

event, 151,295Emersion,295.Emicat ion,420.Emigran t,268.Emigrate,remove,266 .

eg ress,295.Emigrat ion,eg ress ion,295.

removal ,266 .Emi n en ce,height,206.fame,873 .Emi n en t,h igh,206.famous,873 .

Eminei itly,3 3 .Emissa ry,messenger,53 4.cons ignee,758.Emiss ion,297.Emi t,publish,53 1.discharge,297.Emi tted,297.Emi tt i ng,297.Emme t, 193 .Emo l l i en t,662.Eii io lument,775.

rece ipt, 810.Emo t ion,821.E inpa l e,transfi x , 260.

pass through ,302.

execu te,972.Empalenient,transfi x ion,260.

execu t ion, 972.Empero r,745.Emphas is,acci nt,580.

urg mcy,642.Einpl iatic,pos i t ive assert ion,53 5.

mean ing,516.impi rta nt,642.

Emph at ical l y,3 1.Empi erce,perfo rate,260.Empire,domin ion,737 .doma in,780.Emp iric,548.Emp irica l,tentat ive,675.

exper imen tal,463 .Empiric ism,

exper imen t,463 .

quac kery,545.Employ,us e,677.

commiss ion,755 .

b us iness,625.Employmen t,us e,677.Empo ison ,659.Empori um,799.Empower,power,157.commiss ion,755.permi t,760.Empress,745.Emprise,622 .Empt i n ess,vacuum,4.

ignorance, 491.insufliciency,640.inval id iti 925.Empty,vacan t, 187.tran sfer,270.was te, 638.


un impo rtan t,643 .dra in,297.

mpty-h eaded,491.Empyrean ,sky, 3 18.Emu la te,riva l,708.imi tate,19.transcend, 648.glory,873 .Emu la t ion, lsion ,milk,352.oil,354.Emu l s i v e, 352.Enab l e, 157.Enact,order, 741.a law,963.En ac tmen t,order,law,963 .En a l lage,147.Ename l,pa in t ing,556.Enamou r,897.Encage,229,751.En camp,lo cate, 184,265.inhab i t, 186.En campmen t,abode, 189.

location, 184.

En caust ic,pa in t i ng,556.Encha i n,43 ,751Ench an t,p lease,,897.conjure,992 .Enchan ted,827.nch anting,

pl eas in ,829.

tunefu 413 .Ench an tmen t,del ight,827.


spe ll,992 , 993 .Enchase,43 .Enc irc l e,227.Enc lose,compass,227.

c ircumscr ibe,229.Enc losure,fence,752.

space, 181.czrcums cnption,

Encomiast,935.Encomiast ic,93 1.Encomiiim,93 1.Encompass,227.Encompassmen t,22’7Encoun ter,meet, 292.c lash,276.

con tes t,720.

wi thstand,708.Encourage,an imate, 6 15.a id,707.

embolden,861.p e,858.comfort,834.En couragemen t, 834En croach,transgress, 303 .infr inge,925 .

ncroachment,transgres sion, 303 .

infract ion,925.

injust ice,923 .Encrust,223 .Encumber,706.Encumbranc e, 704,706.Encyc l ica l,53 1.Encyc lopaed ia,Ency c loped ica l,490.


Enunc iate,publ i sh,53 1.inform,527.votct,580.

Enuncmtion,524Enve lope,cover ing ,223 .

enclosure,23 2.En venom,poison,649.deprave,059.

exasperate,835.Env ious,92 1.Env iron,227.Env i rons, 197.

Envoy,53 4.En vy,92 1.Enwrap,225 .Eo l ia n harp,417.Epau l e t,badge. 550.decoratio n,877.ornament,847.Eph emera l,trans ien t . 111.changeable, 149.Eph eme i is,calendar, 1 14.

record,5 5 1.Epi c,597.Epicen e,excep t iona l, 83 .Epi cure,sens ua l,954.g l utton,957.

fast id ious,868.Epicurean ,954.Epicurism,868.Epi cyc l e,247.Epi cy c loid, 247.Epid emi c,d isease,655.

Epigra in,842.Epigramma t ist,844.Epi l epsy,3 15.Epi logu e,65.Episcopacy,995Episcopal,995.Ep isod ic,style,573 .Epis t l e,592.Epistl es,985.Epi taph,3 63 .Epi t het,564.Epi tome,compend i um, 596.

short,201.minia ture,193 .

Epoch,time, 1 13 .

per iod, 114.

pod e,597 .

quab le,922.Eq ua l,even,27.

equ i tab l e,922.Eq ua l i ty,27.Eq ua l i z e, 27.

Equa l ized,27.Eq uan imi ty,826.

I N D E X .

Eq u ate,27.Eq uated, 27.Eq ua toria l, 68.

Eq iierry,746.Eq u estrian,268.Eq u id istan t,68 .Eq u i l i bra t ion,27Eq u i l i bri um,27.

Eqmp.dress, 225 .

prepare,673 .Eq u ipage,v e h i cle,272 .

instr ument,633 .

mater ials,635.fashio n,85 2.Eq u ipmen t,preparation,673 .

instr umen t,63 3 .Eq u ipo ise,27.

quipond erant,27.

q iiiponderous,27.quitab le,just,922.

rat iona l,480.fa ir,939.due, 924.Eq u ita t ion,266.

h onor,939.Eq u i va l e nce, 27 .Eq u i va l en t, 13 ,27,30,516.Eq u ivoca l,

dubwus ,475.

do uble meaning ,520.

impure,961.Eq u i voc ate,pervert,477.

prevaricate,520.Eq u i vocat ion ,477Eq u i voq u e,961.Era, 105.Erad ica te, 162.Erad ica t ion,162.Erase,efi


ace,162,rasu re,552.

Ere, 116.Erec t,raise,3 07.

bu i ld,16 1.vertic le,212.Erect ion,house, 187,2 12.

rectnes s ,2 I2.

re long,132 .

rewh i le, 122, 116Ergo, 476.Erm i n e,ornament,847.

badg e of authority747.Erod e,destroy,162.Eros ion,162.Erot i c,amorous,897

Erot ic,impure,961.Err,in opin ion, 495.

mora l ly,945.Errand,commiss ion,755.

bus iness,625.message,53 2 .Erra t ic,capr ic ious,608.

wander ing,264.deviat ing,279.changeab le,149.rrattim,

er ror, 495.mispr in t,555.Erri ng,945.Erron eous,495Error,fa lse op in ion,495.

fa i l ure,732 .

v ice,945.

gu i lt,947.E rst, 122.Erub esce n t,434.Eru c tate,297.Erud iie,490.Erud i t ion,490.Erupt ion,

29e ess, 5.



lence,173 .Esca l ad e,mounting,305.Escape,flight, 671.omi t, 135 .

l iberate,750.ev ade,927 .

forget,506 .Escarpmen t,217.Eschew,avo id,623 .

d islike,867.Escort,to accompany,88.safeguard,664.keeper,753 .Escu l en t,298.Escu tcheon,550.Esoter ic,private,79.conceal ed, 528.Espec ia l ,79.Espec ial l y, 3 3 .Espia l,441.Espi onage,461.Esplanad e,fi at,2 13 .

pla n, 3 44.Espousa l,903 .Espouse,903 .Espri t,shrewdness,498Espy, 44 1.Esqmre,875,877.

Essay ist,590.Essence,nature,5.odor,3 98 .

p i th,M2.Essen t ia l,g rea t, 3 tural ,5,Essen t i a l i ty,63 0.Essen t ia l n ess,55Estab l ish,fi x ,184.demonstrate,478.crea te, 16 1.substan tiate,494settl e, 150.sta b l ished,received,82.sett led, 150.stated, 138.Estab l ishmen t,fix tu re,142.lo ca t ion,184.Esta te,cond it ion,7.proper ty,780.Esteem,J udge,480.beli eve,484.approve,93 1.Es t imab l e,648.Est imate,

466.measurejudge,480.s timation,op in ion,484.ood,Judgment,480.approbat ion,93 1t ime,1 14Estrad e,213.Estrange,a l iena te,889.ha te,898.secl ude,893 .Es tranged,893 .Estrangemen t,hate,898.

sec l us ion,893 .a l ienat ion, 889stuary,3 43 .t c ietera,3 7.E tch, 558.E tch i ng,558.

Eten ial,112.E tern i ty, 112 .E tern i z e,112.E th er,vapor,3 3 4.

lev ity, 3 20.E th erea l,light,320.

vaporous,33 4.E th i ca l,926.Eth i cs,922,92&

th iopic,43 1.

th n ic,984.

th nography, 372.Ethno logy,372.

Et iology,knowledg e,490.causes, 155Etique tte,fash ion,852 .

custom,613 .

ceremony,882 .E tymo logy,562 .Etymon,or ig in . 153 .verbal,562 .Euch arist, 998.Eu logist,93 5.Eu logi z e, 93 1.Eu logy,93 1.Eiiph emism,564.Euphon ic,mus ica l,413 .style,578.Euphony,413 ,580.Evacuate,emit,297.

excrete,299 .Evacua t ion,emiss ion,297 .

excretion,299.Evad e,avo id, 623 .

escape, phistry, 477.

ex empt,927.Evan escenc e,449.

Evaiiescent,trans ien t, 111.minute,32 , 193 .d isappeari ng,449.Evange l ica l,983 .Evange l ist,985.Evaporabl e,3 3 4.Evapora te,3 3 6 .

Evapora t ion,3 36 .Evas ion ,escape,671.

soph istry,477.

fal sehood,544.avanl u-nce, 623 .

un truth,546.exempt ion, 927Evaswe,avoid ing, 623 .

fa i l ing, 773 .

s op/tis tica l,477.

Eve, 126.

Even,equa l,27.

ea ,3 2 .

w et,2 13 .


s tr aigh t,246.a lthough, 179 469 .Eve n so,488.Even n ess,equa lity,27.

smoo thness,255.Evenl iand ed ,equ i tab le,922.honor ab le,93 9.Even i ng, 126.Eve n t, 151 .

I N D E X .

Even tfu l,st i rr ing, 151.remarkab le,642.Even t ide,126.

Even tua l , 12 1.ventua l ity,Even tuate, 151‘

Ever,always,1 12 .

seldom, 137.Ever-changi ng,149.Ever-endu ri ng, 112 .Evergre en,1 10,1 12.Everl ast i ng,112,982 .Everlast i ngn es s,

Evermore, 112.Ever-recurring, 104.Eversion,140, 218.Evert, 140.Every,78.Every day,82, 112.Every where,180,186.Ev ic t,776.Ev i c t ion,776 .Ev id ence, 467.Ev id en t,v isib le,446.

demonstrable,478.c lear,525 .Ev i l,harm, 619.

bad ,735 .

produc i ng evil,649.Ev i l do er,

ma leficent, 913 .cu lpr i t,940.Ev i l eye,907.

EVl l gen ius,735,913 ,980.Ev i l -mi n d ed,

ma levo l en t,907.

v ic iou s, 945 .Evi l speak i ng,93 4.EVi l star,735.Evi l work er,913 .Evi nc e,show,467 .

prove,478.Evok e,82 4.Evo l u t ion ,numer i ca l,85.turn ing out,3 13 .circu it ion,3 11.Evo l v e, 3 13 .Evu lsion ,3 01.Ewer, 19 1.Ex acerba te,i ncrease, 35.aggr avate,835.exasperate, 173 .Exacerba t ion,aggravat ion,83 5 .

fury, 173 .Exac t,true,494.

3 23

Exact,s imi lar 17.

requ ire, 741.correct,505 .

cla im,924.ta x , 812.Exact i ng,832 .Exac t io n,741.Exac t i tude,494.Exact l y,Jus t s o,488.Exactmen t,812 .Exaggera te,increase, 3 5.

over-est imate,482 .

misrepresent,549.Exaggera ted, 194.Exaggerat ion, 482 .Exa l t,increase, 3 5.

elevate, 3 07,873 .

ex to l,93 1.boast,884.Exa l ta t ion,873 ,942Exa l ted,heroic,942.h igh,206 .

famous,873 .Ex amina t ion,study,,46 1.Exami n e,457,461.Exampl e,instance,82.


model, 948.Ex an imate,idl e, 683 .lifeles s,360.Exaspe rate,increase,35 .

exa cerba te, 173 .

ag oravate,835.

in me,900.Exasperated, 173 .Exasperat io n,wrath,173 .aggrava t ion,835.Excavat e,252.Exceed,su rpass,3 3 .

rema i n,40.

expand, 194.transgress,3 03 .Ex c eed ing,rema i n ing ,40.super ior, 33 .Exceed i n g l y,3 1.Excel ,3 3 ,648,650.Exc e l l e n cy,sk i l l,698.t it l e,877.

goodne ss,648v ir tue,944.Exce l l en t,good,648.

v ir tuo us,944.Exc e l l i ng,33 .Except,subdual,38.

Ex zept,r u le, 93 .Exc ept ion,to a rul e,83 .

qua l ificat ion, 469.exclus ion,( ensure,93 2 .Except ion ab l e,v ici ous,944.

reproachfu l,932.Except ion a l,spec ia l,79.irr egular,83 .Excern, 299.Excess,rema ind er,40redundance,641intemperance,954 .

super ior ity, 3 3 .Excess iv e,3 1,641.Exch ange,mu tua l chang e, 12,148.transfer,783 .


mar t,799.Exch eq uer,802.Exc ise,8 12 .Ex c is ion,38.Exc i tab i l i ty,exc itement,822,825 .

irasc ib il ity,901.E x c i tab l e,sens i tive,822 .

irasc ib l e, ss ionate,825.Exc i tat ion,824.Exc i te,v io l ent, 17moral ly, 824anger,900.E x c i ted ,v io len t, 173 .

passiona te,82: 825Ex c i t i ng,824.Exc i teme n t,anger,900.mora l,824.pass ion,825 .Ex c la im,580.Exc l amat ion,580.E x c l ud e,l eave out, 55 .

proh ib it, 761.Exc l us ion,omission, ivacy,893i rregu lar ity,83 .Ex c lus iv e,omi tt i ng,55.

spec ia l, 79.

simple, 42 .

irregula r,Excogi tate,451.Excogi tat ion,imagi nat ion, 515Ex commun i cate,excl ude,55,893 .

E x commun icate,hate,898.curse,908.E x commu n icat ion,curse,908.

exile, 893 .

exclus ion,55.Excoria te,226.Excori at ion ,226.Ex cremen t,299,

653 .Ex cremen tal,653 .Excrescen ce,project ion,250.blemish,848.Excre te, 299.Excre t ion ,299.Excruc ia te,3 78.

Ex cmciating,378,83 0.Excu lpate,

forg ive,918v ind i cate,937.Excu l pat ion,forgiveness,918.v indica t ion,937.E x cu lpatory,93 7.Extcurs ion,tou r,266 .c i rcu it,3 11.Excursi v e,s ty le,573 .

s h ifi m ,264.

x cusab e,937Excuse,p lea,617.


forg ive,918.

v ind i cate,937Exe crab l e,bad ,649.

ofens ive,83 0.nauseous,867.x ecrate,908.

x ecration,908.Execu te,conduct, 692.

p erform,729.

in law,771.mus ic,415.E x ecu t ion,dea th, 3 6 1.performance,729.conduct, 692.


law,771.E x ecu t ion er,165,3 61,975.E x ecu t i v e,737,965.Execu tor, 690.Exegesis,522.Exege t ica l,522.Exempl ar,22 .Exemplary,82,944.

Ex empl ificatmn,quotat ion,82.

i l l ustrat ion,522.

Ex empl ify,quote,82 .

i l l ustrate,522.

I N D E X .

in wr i t ing,573 .Expan ded, 194.Expanse,space,180,202 .

s i ze, 192 .E x pansion,size,192.

breadth,202 .swel l ing , 194.E x pansi ve,spaciuus, 180.Ex parte,467.Expat iate,in wr iting,5Tin discou rse, 582,584.

Ex patriate,depor t,295.

exc l ude,55 .Expa tria t ion,295.Expe c t,look for,507.

not wonder,871.wa i tfor, 12 1.wonder,870.hope,858.Expec tan ce,871Expe c tan t,509.Expe c ta t io n,hepe,858.

unamazement,871Expected,unsu rpr ised , 871.Expe c ting,871.Ex ped i en c e,u t i l ity,646.Ex ped ien t,means ,63 2.

usefu l,646.plan, 626 .Ex ped i te,accelerate,274.ear l iness,132.a id, 707.Exped i t ion,speed,274.has te,132 .

march,266 .

Ex ped itions,132.x pel,d isp lace,185.drivefrom,297push,284.Ex pend,us e,,809.

Ex panded ,809.E x pend i ng, 809.Expe n d i ture,809.Ex pense,price,812 .

waste,63 8 .Expenses,809 .Expensi ve,814.Expen si ve n ess,814.E x peri en ce,knowledge,490undergo,821.event, 151.E x peri en ced,sk i l l ed,698.Exper imen t,tr ia l,463 .

endeavor,67EXperimentalten ta t ive,463,676.Expert,698.Exper tn ess,698.E x pia te,266 ,952 .Expiat ion ,952 .Expi ra t io n,3 60.Expi re,3 60.Expi red,122.Expl a i n,expound,522.inform,527.

3 26



sta te,7.

Fa ln icate,make, 161.invent,5 l 5.forge,544.

fal sify,546.Fa bri ca t ion,fa lsehood,546.

construct ion,161.Fabu l ist,590.Fabulous,515.Face,exter ior,5220.


fro n t,23 4.

l in in fr ,224.aspec t,448.Fac e abou t,279.Face to face,525.Facet,220.Face t ious,842 .Face t iousness,842.Faci l e,irreso l ute,605,705.

persuasive,615.Fac i l i tate,705 .Fac i l i ty ,705,707.Fac i ng,294.Fac i no rous,945.Fae-s imi l e,copy,2 1.representat ion,554.Fac t,event, 151.cer ta in ty,474.tru th,494.

ex istence, l ,Fact ion ,party,712,713 .Fac t ions,713 .Fac tor,numer ica l,84.d i rector, 694.

consig nee,758.

merchan t,797.Fac tory ,691 .Factotum,


employee,758.Facu l ty,power, 157.

Slt l l l ,698.

profess ion,625 .Fadd l e ,683 .Fad e,van ish,2 .d isappea r,449.los e co lor,429.Spo i l,659.

droop, 160.change, 149.become ol d, 124.ins ipid,3 91.Fad ed,vani shed,2.

Fud ge,23 .

I N D E X .

Fad i ng,149.Faeces,excret ion,999.fou lness,653 .

Fag,labor,686 .act iv i ty,682 .

fat igue,688.drudge,690.Fag end ,rema inder,40.end,67.Fagot,bund le,72.

fuel,3 88.Fa i l,i ncompl ete,53 .


sho rtcoming,3 04.non-observance,73 2.

non-payment,808.droop, 160.

imperfect,651v ice,945.Fa l l i ng,945.Fa i l ure,droopi ng , 160.shor tcoming, 3 04.

exemption, i l t, 947.

v ice,945.

non~ observance,neglect,773 .

incomp let ion,53 .Fa i n,will ing,602.compu ls ive,744.Fa i n t,weak,160.

sound, 405.d im,429 .

co lor, 429.sma l l in degr ee,32 .

swoon, 688.Fa i n th earted ,862.Fa i n theartedness,862Fa i n t ishn ess, 160.Fa i n tn ess,

weakness, 160.

swoon ing,688.Fa i r,in degree,3 1.wh ite,43 0.reasonab le,476.

just,992 .honorab le,93 ee 543 .

p leas ing,8529 .

beaut iful,845.mart,799 .Fa i r ( th e), 3 74.Fa i ring, 784.Fa i rl y, 3 1 .Fa i rn ess,just ice,922.honor, 939.


Fa i r pl ay,just i ce,922.honor,93 9.Fa i r sex,3 74.

Fa irspoken,93 3 .Fa i ry ,979.Fa i ryl and,515.Fa i th,bel ief,484.hope,858.honor,93 9.creed,983 .

p iety, 987 .Fa i thfu l,l ikeness, 17.true, 494 .

p ious,987.

observant,772 .

ortho dox,983 .Fa i th l es s ,fa lse,544.d ishon orable,940.

memory,505.Fa lca ted,curved,245.

sharp,244 .Fal ch ion,727.Fa l c iform,244,245.Fa lcon e t,727.Fal l,descend, 3 06.

d estruct ion,162.slope,2 17.

fa i l,732.

d ie,3 60.adversity,735.decl ine, 659.happen,151.v ice,945 .

of water,3 48.Fa l l away,decrease,36.shrink, 195.Fa l l back ,

reced e,283 .

relapse,661.Fa l l down,3 06.worsh ip,990.Fa l l i n,marsha l,58,60.happen,Fa l l i n to, 144.Fa l l i n w i th,find, ree,23 .Fa l l off,659.Fal l out,happen, 15 1.quarrel,713 .emit, 297 .drop,296.Fa l l short,s h ortcomin a ,3 04.

neg lec t,73foi l,53 .

insufiiczen cy,640.Fa l l to,work,686.devour,296.fight,722 .

Fa l l under ’

5 .Fa l l upon,attack, 7 ise,Fa l l i b i l i ty,475.Fa l l acy,error,495.

uncer ta inty, 475.s rrph is try, T7 .Fa l l en away, 193Fa l l i b l e,475,477.Fa l l ing, 162 .Fa l l ing off,36 .Fa l l i ng ou t,713.Fa l low,

y ell ow,43 6 .

un ready,674.Fa lse,unt rue,544.error,495.

Soph istry,477 .dishonorab le,940Fa l seh ea rt ed,940Fa l sehoo d,lie,546 .Fa l s e mon ey,800.Fa ls e n ess,spur iousness,925Fa lse tto,4 10,413 .

Fa ls ification,523 .Fa lsify,mis i nterpret,523accoun ts,8 11.d cccivg 495.

lie,544.Fa l ter,stammer,583 .hes i ta te,605 .capsize,73 2 .demu r,603 .

s lownes s,275.Fa l ter i ng,stammer ing ,583 .Fame,renown,873 .

r umor,53,53 2 .Famed,873 .Fami l iar,common,82 .known,490.

fr iend ly,888afl

ab l e,89 l .Fami l iari ty,known, 490.

fr iendl iness,788.Fam i l y,class,75.

consangu in ity,11Fami l y conn ect ion,1 1Fami lyl ikeness,17Fami ly tie, 11.Fami n e,640.Fami sh,640.Fami shed,640.Famishmen t,956.Famous,873.

Famousn ess,873 .Fan,b low,3 49.

exc i te,6 15.Fan -l i k e,202.Fan th e flame,384,984, 989.Fanat i c,5 15.Fana t ica l,

ob st inate,606.

rel ig ious,984.

a l l atIC l s l l l ,

fo l ly, 499.obstinacy,606.rel igious, 984.frenzy,Fanc ifu l,capr ic ious,608.

imaginat ive,515.


witty,842.sangu ine,858.

anc ifulness,853 .Fan cy,th ink, 451.bel ieve,484.wit, 8 42.

idea,453 .

s uppose,,897.

imagine,515.capr i ce, 608.theme,609 .Fandango,840.Fang, 737 .Fan tasi a,madness,503.error, 495.Fan tast ic,odd ,83capric ious,608.

r idicu lous,853 .

grotesque, 851.imag inary

,515.Fan tasy,des ire,865.


banter,842.r idi cu lous, 856 .Farc ica l,r id ic u lous, 856 .

wi t ty,842 .drama t i c,599.trifl ing, 643 .Farde l,72 .Fare,c ircumstance,8.

even t, l 5 l .to eat,296.


pr ice, 812 .Farewe l l,293 .Farfe tch ed,i rrelevan t,24.

i rra t io na l,477.

obscure, 5 l9.Farinaceous,3 30.

I N D E X .


to ren t,795.Farm house, 189.Farmer,'

17 1.Farmi ng,

371.Farn ess,196.Farrago,mix ture,41.confus ion,59.Farsee i ng,5 10.Farsigh ted,510.Farther,196.Far th i ng,com,800.

worthles s,643 .Farth i nga l e,225.

Fas cra,band,205.

c irc le, 247.Fasc i n ate,p lease, 829 .

exc ite,824,825.aston ish,870.


conj ure,992.Fasc i n a ted,827.Fasc i n a t i ng,pleasing,829.lovely,897.Fasc i n a t io n,spel l,993 .

exc i temen t,824,825 .aston ishmen t, 870.conjurat ion,992 .Fas h ion ,fo rm, 144,240.

custom,6 13 .

mode,8 5 2 .

mould, 140.

nob i l ity,875.Fash ionab l e,noble,875.

modal , 852.customary,613 .Fash ionably,852.Fast,rapid,274.

steadfast, 150.s tuck,265 .devoted,888.

joined,43 .

rel ig i ous,990.not to eat,956.Fast and loose,fal se,544.Fas t by,197.Fasten, 43 , 150, 2 14751 .Fas ten ing,43 ,45.Fast id ious,868 .

reproachful,932 .Fast id iousness,868.Fast i ng,abst inence,956.atonemen t,952.Fastn ess,asylum,666.

d efen 717.

3 27

Fat,o leagrinous ,3 56.unctuous,3 55 .

corpu l en t,192 .Fa ta l ,lethal,3 61.dead ly,657.pern i c ious,649.

Futa l tsm,152.Fa t e,necess ity,601.doom,3 60.

chance,152 ,621.Fated,fi xed,601 .Fa th er,pa ternity,13 0, 166.Fa th erlan d,189 .Fath er upon, 155.Fa th ers,aposto l ic,985.Fath erl ess,160.Fa thom,measure,466 .

invest ig ate,461.Fa thoml ess,208.

Fatigatton,688.Fat igue,lass itude,688.

wear iness,841.Fa t igu ed,688.Fa t te n on,296.Fa tty,355.Fami ly,452,499 .Fatuous,499 .Fa t-w i tted,499.Fau l t,imperfect ion, 651v ice,945 .

gu i l t,947.

erro r, 495.

fai l ure,732.ignorance,491.Fau l t i n ess,651Fau l t l ess,perfec t,650.mnocent,Fau l ty,567.Fau na,3 66.Favor,a id , 707.permi t,760.partia lity,923 .

g ift,784.Favorab l e,648.

Opportune, 13 4.

p ropit ious,648amic ab l e,707.Favorab l y, 618.Favorer,890.Favor i te,plea s in 829 .

be love 897,899.Favori t ism,923 .Fawn,co lor,43 3 .

cr i nge,886.fla tter,93 3 .Fawn i ng,cr inging ,886.

3 28

Fee l for,s eek,46 1 .Fee l er,463Fe e l i ng,sense, 3 75.touch, 3 79.

mora l,821.Feet,266.Fe ign,544.Fe i n t,545.F i e ld mars ha l,7-3Feh c itate,896 .Fe l ic i ta t ion, 896.Fel icitous,exped i ent,646 .


sk ilful,698.

s uccessfu l, 73 1.happy,827.Fe l ic i ty ,h appiness,827.

skil l,698 .Fel l,mounta in, cut down,3 08.

d ire, 162 .

wicked,907.Fe l low,


equa l,27.

compan ion,88.

swam, 3 73 .dua l,89.

Fe l low-c oun tryman,890Fel low-crea ture,3 72.Fel low-fee l i ng,897,908,914.Fe l lowsh ip,soc ia l i ty, 892partnership, iendsh ip,888.Fe lon ,949.Felon ious,945.Fe lony,947.Fe l t,2 19.Fel uc ca, 273 .Fema l e, 3 74.

Femma l lty,feeb lencs s , 160.womanhood,3 74.Femi n i n e,160,3 74.

Fen,3 45.Fen ce,c ircumscribe,229.

enc lose,232.defence,717.figh t,722 .


refuge,666pr ison,752 .

to evade,54 4


Fun d ,7 17.Fe rmen t,d is order,59.

energy, 17 1.v io l ence, 173 .agi tatio n,3 15ej ervcs ce,353

I N D E X .

Fermen tat ion,d is order,59 .


erves ceiice, 353 .agi tat ion, 3 15.

Femcwus ,bruta l,907.

fi erce, 173 .Feroc i ty,bru ta l ity,907.v io lence, 173 .Ferre t ou t,480.F erry,transferrence,270.way,627Ferryman,269.Fert i l e,product ive, 168.abundan t, 63 9.

imagina t ive,5 15.Fert i l i ty,product iv eness, 168.abundance,63 9.

imaginat ion,515.Feru l e,975 .Ferven cy, 82 1.Ferven t,hea ted,382 .an imated,821.Fe rv id,an ima ted, 821, 824.devout,990.Fervor,heat, 3 ima t ion, 82 1.Foster,

d isease,655.corruptio n,653 .Fest i va l,840.Fest ive,840,892 .Fest i v i ty,840,892.Fes toon,847.Fe tch,br ing,270.a rr ive,292 .

stra tagem, ice,812.Fet i ch ism,991,992.Fe t id,401.Fe t lo ck,cha i n,45.

sha ckl e,752.Fe tor,401.Fe tter,h inder,706.

restra in,751shack l e,752.Feud,713 .Feuda l ,749.Feudatory,749Fev er,heat,3 82 .

exci temen t,825 .

Fevcn s h ,824,825.

Few , 103 .Fewn ess, 103 .

F tb ,

fa lsehood, 544, 546.thump,972F i bre,.izh ,45.

F i bre,fi lamen t,205.

Fib ri le,205.F i bro us,203 .F ic k l e,cha ngeable, 149.irreso l u te,605 .F ick l en ess,605.icti le,240.F i c t ion ,un tru th,546 .

fancy,515 .F i c t i t ious,5 15,544.F i dd l e,to play,415.v io l i n,417.F idd l er,416.F i d e l i ty,honor,93 9 .

observance,772.F idge t,exc itabi l i ty,825.irascib i l i ty,901.act iv i ty,682.F i dge ts,149.F i dge ty ,exc i tab l e,825.

i rasc ib le,901.F iduc ia l,484.F iduc iary,484.F i e l d,pla in,3 44.arena,728.


proper ty,780.F i e l d mart ia l ,745.F i e l d of batt l e,728.F i e l d ofv i ew,v ista,441 .idea,453 .F i e l dpi ece,727.F i end,demon,980.

ruflian,913 .F i end ish,ma l evo len t,907.

wicked,945.F i en d l i ke,907,945.F i erce,v io l en t, 173 .

pass ion,825 .dar i ng,861.angry,900.Fi ercen ess,passwn,825 .

v io lence, 173F i ery,v io len t, 173 .excitable,825h ot,382.

fervent,82 sswnate,90

arden t,516F i fe,4 17.

F ife l‘,4 16.F ig,643 .F igh t,222,720F igh t er,726.Figh t i ng,722.F igmen t,515.

Figura te,n umber,84.F igurat ion,240.F igurat i ve,metaphor ica l,,577.

comparison,464.F igura t i v en ess,521.F igure,state,7.

parade,882.n umber,8 rm,240.

metaphor,52 1,566.imag ine,515.represent,550,repu tat ion,873.accoun ts,811.Fi l amen t,sl ender,205 .

l iga ture,45.F i l amen tous,203 .F i lch,791.F i l e,to smooth,255.

to pulveri ze,330.

to str ing tog eth er,60.

row, 69.

l ist,86.regi s ter,551.Fi l e ofl',mare/i,2 66 .diverge,291.F i l iat ion,consang u inity, l l .posteri ty, 167.der ivation, 155.F i l iform,203 .F i l igree,2 l 9.F i l i ngs ,3 3 0.

Ful l, 186.F i l l ou t,194.F i l l u p,compl ete,52.sat isfy, 63 9 .

c lose,26 1.compensate,aoF i l l e t,band,45 .

fi bre,205.

c irc l e,247Fi lm,layer,204.opaque,426d imness,42 1F i lmy,204.Fi l ter,cl ean,652.pcrco loto,295amend,658 .Fi l tering,295Fi l th,653 .

F i lthmess ,F i l thy, l 653 “

F i l trat e,c leanse,652 .

perco late,MF i n,63 3 .F i na l ,67,729

3 30

F l ee.avoid,623 .F l eece,tegumen t,223 .

to rob ,791.

to strip,789.

impover ish,804.F l ee t,swift,274.

ships,273 .F l ee t i ng, l l l .F l e etn ess,274.F l esh,man/a nd,3 72.F lesh co lor,43 4.F l esny,corpu lent,192 .F lex i b l e,curve,245.

p l iant, 324.

plast i c,705.easy,735.

Flex mil i ty,p l iancy,3 24,705.curvature,245.F lex i le,324.F l ex ion ,bend ing, ld,258.F l exuous,248.F l exure,bending ,245.

fo ld,258.Fl ick er,flut ter,3 15.

waver, 149, 605.

Fl ickermg,waver ing,13 9,149

)05 .Fl ight,depa rture, 287,293 .

flock, 3 66.vo l i ta tion,267.


shunn i ng,623 .F l igh t offan cy,imag i nat ion,5 15.idea,453 .F l igh ty,503 .F l imsy,texture,329.

irrationa l,477.soft 3 24.trifl ing,643 .

F lmc h ,fear,860,862 .avo id,623 .

swerve,607.F l ing,propel,284.


jeer,929 .

con tempt,930.F l i ng down,208 .F l i n t,3 23 .Fl ippan cy,pertness,805fluency,584.

I N D E X .

F l ippa 1 :pert,385.fluen t,584.F l irt,coquette,902.


scrap,51.fl icker, 149.flutter,3 15.F l i tt i ng,evanescent,111,149.rov ing ,266loa t,nav igate,267.buoy up, 3 05.l ightness, und, 405 .F loa t boat,273 .F loa t i ng,l ight,3 20.

buoyed up,3 05.F loccu l en ce, 3 3 0.F loccu l en t,soft, 3 24.

pu lveru lent,3 30.F lo c k,herd,3 semblage,72.mul t i tude, 102 .

la i ty,997.loggi ng,972 .

l ood,wa ter, 3 48,3 78.abundance,63 9.success,of l ight,420.

loo dmark,466.F loodgate,3 50.F lood t id e,35,282.F loor,base,211.l evel,204.ho r izonta l,2 13 .

suppo rt, 2 15.

to over throw,73 1.F lora,3 67.

Flon culture,371 .F lorid,color,428.

red,43 4.

h ea l th,654.

s tyle,577.

lon duess ,571lo rist,3 71.

loss,256 .

lot i l l a,273F lounce,agi ta tio n,3 imming,23 1.

lou nder,toss,3 15waver, 149, 3 14.

F lound er,mistake,495.

to b l under,499,73 2.

struggle,704.F lound eri ng, 699.F lo u r,3 3 0.F lourish,brandi sh,3 14,3 15.

succeed,73 1,734.

d isplay,873 ,882 .

exaggerate,549.boas t,884.

qf speech, 577,582 .F l oury,33 0.F lou t,sn eer, 929.F low,

stream, 347,3 48.

mot ion,264.

resu l tfrom, 154.

verb iage,573 .coarse, 109.issue,295.

fa in t sound,405.though t, 451.swim,705 .F low i n to,294.F low ou t,295.F low over,run over,3 48.abound,64 1.F lower,ornament,845, 847.perfection,650.

prosper, 73 4.of l ife, 127.

of speech ,577 .hono r,873 .F lowery,577.F low i ng,s tyle,573 .

loose, 2 14.

sound, 405 .abundan t,63 9.F l uc tua te,os czl late,3 14.

waver ing,605.

luctuating,149.F l uc tua t io n,waver ing ,149,osci l la t ion, 3 14.F l u e,a irpipe,3 51.

fi l th,653 .

egress,2955 .

open ing,260.down, 3 20.F l u ency,584.F l u en t,speech,584.

l iqu i d,3 3 3 .flowi ng,3 48.luid ,3 3 3 .F l u ke,244.

lummery,va in, 643 .flattery,933 .absurd,497.

F l u s ter,exc i temen t,825.F l u te,259,417.F l u ted,259.F l u t ist,416.F l u t ter,move, 3 15.throb,82 1.exci temen t,824.

fume,825.F l u t teri ng, 149.F l u v ia l ,3 48.F l u v ia t i l e,348.F l u x ,flow, 109,348.mot ion,264.cha nges, 140, 144,149.F l u x io n 85 .

F ly .depart, 293 .take win 267escape, 71.


shun,623 .

r un awa y, 862.minu te, 193 .t ime, 109, I l l .burst, 173 ,328.F ly at,7 16.Fl y back,reco i l,277 .

elast ic,325 .F ly b lown, 653 .F ly bo a t,273 .F ly l eaf,228 .

book,593 .F l y ou t,burst, 173 .pass ion,825 .F ly -wh ee l,63 3 .F ly i ng,swift )!ess,274.

vo l i t at ion,267.Foa l, 129 .Foam,

spray,173 ,passion,900.Foaming,353 .

shaded,426.Fo i b l e,945.Fo i l, 73 1.Fo i led,732 .

Fonstm,22 8.Fo ist upon . 545 .Fo l d,pla i t,258.flock, 3 66.

pen,752 .

cong reg at ion,997.b isect,91.Fo l iaceous,204.Fo l iage,3 67.Fo l iated,204.

Fo l io,591.Fo l l i c l e,ho l low,252 .

open ing,260.cyst, 191 .Fo l l i cu l ar,260.Fo l low,

in order,63 .

in t ime, 1 17.

i n mo t ion, imi ta te, 19.conform,82 .

pursue,622 .

resu lt from, 154.

obey, 743 .Fo l low up,46 1.Fo l lower, 28 1.part isan,746,897.

Fo l lowmg,mo tion . 281 .indica t ive,467.Fo l ly,irrationa l ity . 499.


m i s conduc t,699.

bui ld ing, 189 .Fomen t,promo te, 707.

exc i te, 173 .Fond,897.Fon d l e,902 .Fond l i ng,899,902.Fon dn ess,love,897 .desire,865.

Fangtypes,or ig i n, 153 .al tar, 1000.

I N D E X .

Food,ea tab le,298.

ma ter ia ls,635, 63 7 .Food forworms,3 62.Foo l,501 .Foo l ery,497 .Foo l hard i n ess,863 .Foo lhardy,863 .Foo l ish,unwise,499 .tr ifling,643 .

i rra t iona l,477.absurd,497.

inapt,699 .Foot,stand, 2 11.metre,597.Footbal l,749.Foo tfa l l,mo tion,264.trace,55 1.Foot i ng,s i tua t ion, 183 .

fo undat ion,211.p lace,58.rank,71.influence, 175.Foo tman, 746 .Footmark ,551.

Foo .pad ,792.Footpath, 627 .Footprin t,551.Foot so l d i er,72 6.Footstep,551 .Footstoo l,215.Fop,854.Foppery,855.Foppish,855.Foppishn ess,855.For,reason,476.tendency, t ive,6 15.Forage,prov is ion, 298, 63 7ma teria ls,63 5.Fo rami nous,260.Foray,atta ck,716.

robbery,791.havoc,6 19.Forbear,spare, 678.

leave of,624.

p ity,9 14.absta in,953 .


erance,826.Forbearance,p ity,914.

spar i ng, 678.avo idance,623 .abst inence,953 .


erance,826.Fo rbid,76 1.Forb idd ing,repu ls ive,846.Force,power , 157.

reason,476 .

strength, 159.

3 3 1

Forc e,agency, compel, induce,615.

ofsty le,574.Forc ed,out ofplace,24.Forceps,G3 3 .Forc i b l e,powerful, 157.compulsive,744.

style,574.Forc i b l y,strongly, 159.

compu lsory,744.

necessa r i ly,601.Ford,627.Fore,234.Fore armed,673 .Fore bod e,511.Forecas t,fo resee,510.p lan,626 .

prepare,673 .Fo rec lose, 706.Foredoom,601.Forefa ther,old , 13 0.ancestor,166 .

Foretend,uard ,7 17.

inder,706.Forego,rel inqu ish, 782 .

renounce,757.Forego i ng,past, 122 .

preceding , 62 .Foregon e,481 .Foreground, 23 4.Foreh ead, 23 4.Fore ign,a l ien, 10.

purpose, 10.ex traneous,57.Forejudge,481,510.Fore k now,510.Fore land,h igh,206.

projection, 250.Foreman,694.Fo remos t,front,23 4.

beginn ing,66.Forenoon, 125 .Foren sic,965 .Fo reorda i n, 152 .Fo re ran k,23 !.Fo reru n, 116.Forerun n e r,in order, t ime, 116.omen,512.Foresee,foreknow,510.

expect,507.Fo resee i ng, 507.Fo resh adow,511.


Foreshc r ,5 11.

ores igh t, 510.orest,3 67.Fo resta l l,ear ly, 132 .


ex pect,507.Fo resta l l i ng,507.Fore taste, 5 10.Fore te l l,5 11 .Fore thought, 459,510.Fore tok e n ,511Forewarn,


adms e,035.pred ict,511.Fortei t,lose,776.fa l l,773 .pena lti 974.Forfe i ted,776.Forfe i tu re .loss,776.

fa i lure,773 .Forfend,664.Forge,produce, 161.workshop,69 1.trumpup,544.Forged,544 .Forgery,546 .Fo rge t,506, 664.Forge tfu l,506.Forge tful n ess, 506.Forgi ve,9 18.Forgi ven ,9 18.Forgiven ess,918.Fo rgo tten,unremembered,5mpast, 122.

zng ratztude,917.ork,91,244.Fo rlorn,abandoned,893 .dejected,8 $7.hopeless,859.

wobegone,828.Forlorn hope,hopeless,859.

da nger,665 .Forlornn ess,859Form,sha pe,240.conc ert,144.

s ta te,7.

60s rran e,e,s

to make up,54produce, 16 1educa te,53 7.

cha nge, 140.hab i tuate,613bench ,2 15.

fashi on,852 .

etique tte,law 963 .

manner,627.beau ty,845.

l ikeness,21.p up i ls,541.

3 3 2

Formal ,regu lar,82 .

sh owy,882.


ected ,855.

posit ive,5 15,535 .Forma l ism,989.

Formal l st,989.Forma l i ty,ceremony,852.parade,882.

afi ecta tion,855 .

law,963 .Format ion ,productio n, 161shape, 240.


Fo rmed of,54.Former,in order,62 .

in t ime, 122.Formerly, 122.Formi cat ion,3 80.Formi dabl e,860.Fo rml ess,241.Formu la,rul e, 80.


code,,963 .Formu lary,697.Forn ica t ion, 96 1.Forn i ca tor,962.Fors ak e,624.Forsaken, 898.Fo rsooth,494.Forswear,renounce,624.


refuge, 666.excel lence,698.Forth,282.

Fo rth coming,l 21,673 .Fo rthw i th, 111.Fo rtification,defence,7 17.

refuge,666.Fortl t


y, 159.Fort i tud e,courage,861 .


pr ison,752.Fo rtu i tous ,156,621.Fortu n a te,13 4,Fortun e,cha nce, cul en t,62 1.wea l th,803 .Fortun e hu n ter, 942 .

Fortu n e te l l er,5 13 .

Fortu n e te l l ing,5 11 .orum,

sch oo l,542.Forward,early, 13 advance,282to help,707.


Forward,act ive,682 .

wi ll ing,602 .

va i n,880.

impert inent,885 .

orward nes s,885.

o s s, 198,259.Fosse,232 .Fossi l,3 58.Foster,707.Fou l,co rr up t,63 3 .odor,401.ugly,846.

v ic ious,945.Foul -mou thed,907.Fo u l n ess,badness,649.cor ruptness,653 .ou l pl ay,923 ,948.Fou l- tongued,93 2.Fou nd,cause, 153 .

suppor t,2 15.prepa re,673 .Fou ndat ion,base,2 1 1.prepara t ion,673 .

support,2 15.Founded,732.Fou nder,or ig ina tor,164.s ink,73 2.Foun ta i n,cause, 153 .

r iver,3 48 .

store,63 6.Fou r,95.Fourfo l d,96 .Fourscore,98.Fourth,97.Fou l,3 66.Fow l i ng pi ece,727.Fox,702.Frac t ion ,par t, 51.numer i ca l,84.Fra c t ion a l, 5 1.Frac t ious,901.racture,44,198,3 27.ragile, 149,3 28.

Fragih ty,mu tab i l ity, 149.

br i ttl eness,328.Fragmen t,51.Fragmen tary,51.Fragran ce,400.Fragran t,400.Fra i l ,br itt le, 3 28.

irreso l ute,605.

imperfect . 651.changeab le, 149.

fa i l ing,945 .Frame,cond it ion,7.

suppo rt . 2 15.texture,329.

p lan,626.

fo rm,240.

Frame,substance,3 16 .

to construct,161.border,23 1.Framework,215,329.Framed,820.Franch ise,r ight,924.

freedom,748.exemp t ion,927.Franc iscan,996.

Frang i lnl ity,3 28.Frangib l e,328.

Frangc,ar tl ess,703 .


sweere,543 .hon orab l e,939.Frank i ncense,400.Frankn ess,ar tl es sness,703 .s inc er i ty,543 .Fran t ic,de li r ious,503 .v io l en t, 173 .

exc ited,82 5 .Frate rn a l,brotherly,11.iend ly, 888.

lud ly,906.Fra tern i ty,brotherhood, 11,,712 .

friendsh ip,888.s ocia l zty,892.Fra tern i za t ion,888.

Fratemize,cooperate,709.ha rmoni ze,714.

sympath i ze,888.associ ate,892.Fraud,decept ion,545.dishonor,940.Fraudu l ence,545.Fraudu l en t,940.Fraugh t,hav ing, 777.fu l l of,63 9.Fray, 3 3 1, 720Freak,608.

Freak ls h ,605.Freck l e,848.Freck l ed,440.Free,detached,44.a t l iber ty,748.

spon taneous, 600,02.

exempt,927.acqu it,750.unob s tructed,705.

l ibera l,816.gra tu i tou s,815.Freebooter, 792.

Freeh orn,748.Freedman ,748.Free gift,784.Fre e h earted ,816.Freeho l d,780.

Free land,748.Fre e l i ver,954.Freeman,748.Freemason ry,secrecy,528.Free play,748.Freespok en,543 .Free th i n k i ng, 988.

F reewnl,600.Freed,750.Freedom,l iberty,748.looseness,47.fu l l play,705.ex emptw n,927.


space, 180.Free z e,385.Free z i ng,383 .Free z i ngmix ture,387.Fre igh t,contents, 190.cargo,798.

lade, 184.transfer,270.Fren zy,503 .Fre q uency,136.Freq uen t,in t ime, 13 6 .

i n number, space, 186.Fresco,pa in t ing ,556.Fresh,new, 123 .

co ld, 3 83 .

uiifurg otten, lor,428.flood,348.hea lthy,654.good,648.Fresh-wate r sa i lor,674.Fresh e t,348.Freshn ess,newness, 123 .co ldness , 3 83 .

to ga l l,83 0.

sadness,837 .

to ir r i ta te,900.Fre tfu l ,901.retful ness ,901.retWo rk,2 19.Friab i l i ty,bri t tl eness,3 28.sand iness, 3 30.Friabl e,3 28,3 30.Friar,996.ri bb l e,dawdl e,683 .

rication,3 3 1.Frict ion,r ubb ing,33 1.corr uga tio n, 195obstacle, 179.Fr i en d,wel l washer,890

3 3 4

Ga i n u pon,approach ,% 6.become a ha b it,613 .Ga i nfu l,644,810.Ga i n ing,775.Ga in l ess,645 .Ga i n say,53 6 .Ga i rish,co lo r,428.

l ight,420.Ga i t,wa lk,264.speed,274.

manner,627.Ga i ter,225.


fes t iva l,840.d isplay,882.Ga laxy ,stars,3 18.

l umi na ry,423 .

glo ry,873 .Ga le,3 49.Ga l iot,273 .C a l l,b i t terness,3 i n,378.

to pa in, levo l ence,907.anger, 900.Ga l l an d wormwood,663Ga l lan t,brave,861.r ake,962.liccntious,961.Ga l lantry,bravery,86 1l ic entious nes s


Ga l l eon,273 .Ga l l e ry,room, ssage,260.Ga l l ey,273 .Ga l l eys, 972.

Ga l l igask ii is,225.Ga l l im, 273 .Ga l l ipot,191.Ga l leon,847.Ga l lop,r ide,266.scamper,274.Ga l loway,271.Ga l l ows,975.amb l e, 156,62 1.ambl i ng,621.ambo l,840.Game,chance,156.pursu it,622.p lan,626.i nten t,620.Gamu t,413 .Gang,par ty,712 .

knot,72 .Gangre n e,655.Gangway,627.Garitlet.

(See Gau nt l e t.)Gaol . (See Ja i l .)Gap,dis con t i nui ty,70.chasm,4, 198.Gape,

open, 10,260.wonder,870.cur iosity,455.Gapi ng, 198.Garb,225.Garbage,653 .Garb l e,retrench,38.

exc lude,55.

mis i nterpret,523 .

fa ls ify,544.arb led ,incomplete,53 .Garb l i ng,mis interpreting ,523 .

rctrench ing ,3 8.Gard en,3 71,845.

ard ener,3 71.

ardening,3 71.Garl and,847.Garmen t,225.Garn er,co l lect,72 .

store, 63 6.Garn ish,adorn,845.ornamen t,847.add i t ion,3 9 .

Garre t,room, 191.h igh,206.arr ison, 188,664.

Garml ity,584.Garter,877.Gas,322,3 3 4.Gasl igh t,423 .Gascon,884.Gascon ade,884.Gaseous,Gaseous n ess,Gash,198.Gasp,pant,688.

des ir e,865.

droop,655.Gate,beginn ing,66.way,month ,260.

barr ier,23 2.Gateway,260.Gath er,co ll ec t,72,789.acq u ire,775 .

en large, 194.l earn,53 9.conc lude,480.

fo ld ,958.

unite i n a focus,74290Gatheri ng,co l lect ing,72 .acqu iring,775.Gaud,847.

Gaudmes s,851.Gaudy,co lor ing ,428.orname nted,847.flaun t ing ,882.tawdry,851.Gauge,measure,466 .

security,771.Gaugi ng,466 .Gaun t,bu lky,192 .spare,203 .

ugly,846.Gau n t l e t,defiance,715.

punishmen t,972.

glove,225.anger,909.Gauze,424.Gavot,840.Gawky,awkward, 699,853 .

Gay,cheerfu l,83 lor,428,558.Gay e ty,83 6.Ga z e,44 1.Ga ze l l e,274.Gaz e t t e,pub l icat ion,53 1.record,55 1 .Gaz e t teer,55 1 .Gaz i ng stoc k,857,872.Ge ar,

clot/we,( 25.

Gear,ha rness,633.G e l at i n e,3 52.Gela t i nous,3552 .Ge ld, 160.Ge ld i ng,271.G e l i d,383 .Gem,

o rnamen t,847.j ewrl , 650.Gemi n ate ,90.G emi nat io n,90.G ender,75.G en ea logy,69,155 .G en era l ,gener ic,78.

oflicer,745.G en era l iss imo,745.G en era l i ty,78.G en era l i za t ion ,476.Gen era l i z e,78.Gen era lsh ip,692.erate, 161,168.crat ion,mankind, 1 1,372.

produc tio n,161.period, 108.G enerator, 168.Gen eric,78.Gen eros i ty,l ibera l i ty,816.n oblen ess,942.Gen erou s,l ibera l,816.d ismterested,94?Genesis,161.G en ia l,warm,382 .cord ial,602,Gen icu lated,Gen i us,ta len t,498.

i n tel lect, l l,698.spir i t,979.

profi cien t,700.G en tee l,852,875.Gen t i l e,984.G en t i l i ty,

G en t l e,174moderate

meek,286.l enien t,740.courteous,894.sound,405.G en tl eman,person, 373 .

squ ire,875 .

ma n of honor ,939 .

Gen t l eman l iness,courtesy,894.G en t leman ly,po l i te,852 .

nob le,875.cou r teous,894.

entlenes s,moderation, 174.


Gentleness,meekness,826.courtesy,894.Gen tly,slowly, 174,275.Gen try,875.

Genud ex ron,hornag e,743 .

respect,928.serv i l ity,886.

worsh ip,990.Genu ine,true,494.

good,648 .

Genumeness,494.Gen us,75.G eod e t i cs,466.G raph y, 1823 .

Geo ogy,358.Geome try,466 .Germ, 153 ,674.

Germans ,9, 11,23 .

Germlnate, 194 .Gesta t i on,pr eparat ion,673 .Gest icu late,550.Ges ture,h int,527.

indication,550.Ge t,775.

Get at,480.Get away,293 .

Get down,3 09,3 06 .G e t n ear,286.

G e t off,293 .Get on,ad vance,282.succeed,73 1.improve,63 8.Get ou t, 185,123221.Ge t th e startG e t to,196,592.G e t up,r ise,3 05.

prepare,673 .Gewvgaw,tr ifl e,643 .

ornamen t,847.t insel,851.Ghast ly,h ideous,846.frightful ,860.Ghost,soul,450.appar i tion,980.shade, 3 62.H o ly,976.Ghost- l i k e,846 .Ghost l y,sp ir itua l,450.rel igious,976.

Gran t,ta l l, 206 .large. 192 .G ian t-l ik e, 192 .

Q l ltbe l',583 .G ibberish,19

'ar on,5

imiens e,517.


I N D E X .

G ib bet,ga l lows,975 .

to execu te,972.G i bbos i ty,250.G ib b ons,globose,249.convex,250.G i be,jeer,856.ta unt,929.

t d iness ,capr ice,608.

inatten t ion,458.bungl ing ,G idd y,careless,460.

irreso l ute,605.

bung l ing,699.

l igh theaded,503 .G i ddy-bra i n e d,460G ift,given,784.

power,157.ta l en t,698.G ig,272.G igan t ic,large, 192.strong, 159.tal l,206.G iggl e,838.G i ld,adorn,845.

o r nament,847.coat,22 3 .G i l d i ng,223 ,847.G i l t,847.G imerack,va l uel ess,643 .ornamen t,8427.wh im,865.G iml e t,262 .

Gm,trap,667.G i ngerbread,ornament,847G i ngerly,slowly,275.G ipsy,548,844.G i raffe,206 .G i rando l e,423 .G i rd,b ind,43 .

sur round,227 .

enc lose,23 1.streng then,159.G i rd er,bond,45.

beam,2 15.G i rd l e,247.G i rl,yo ung, 199.

fema le,3 74.G i rl i sh,young,129.

fema le,3 74.G i rth,band,45 .

outl i ne,23 0.G ist,essence,5.

G ist,impor tan t,C42.mean ing,G i v e,784.G i ve account,594.G i v e bac k,790G i v e i n,submit . 725.

obey,74 3.G i v e not ice,i nform,527.

warn,668G i v e ou t,emi t,297 .


pub l ish,53 1.teach,53 7.G i v e over,rel inquish,624.cea se, 141.lose hope,859.G i v e u p,relinquish,624.res ign,757.

y ield,743 .

rejec t,610.

property,782.G i v e way,yield,725 .

obey,743.despond,837.G i ven to,6 13 .G i v ing,784.G i z zard,191.G labrous, 255.G lac ia l,3 83 .G l ac iate,385.G lac i er,383 .

G laeis,717.G lad ,827.G ladden,829.G lad e,open ing,260.ho l low, icket,3 67.G l ad ia tor,726.G lad ia toria l,713 ,722.G l adn ess,827.G l adsome,829.G laring,518.G lari ngly,3 1.G lan ce,look,rapi d mction,274.a t tend to 457.h int,527 .G l are,l ight,420.vis ib le, 446 .co lor,428 .

obv ious,5 18,525 .G l ass,ves se l, i tt l e, 3 28.

spectac les,445.G l assiness,255.G l ass y,dim,420,422.transparen t,425co lor l ess,429.

3 3 6 I N D E X .

Go for th ,depar t,293 .

pub l ish,53 1Go i n to,294.

Go near,286.Go otf,cease, 142.d ie,3 60.

Go on, 143 .Go on board,293 .

Go on e ’s way,293 .Go ov er,607, 1502 .Go rou nd ,Go th e round,53 1.Go through,pass,3 02.

complete,729.endure,82 1.Go to,di rect ion,278.remonstrance,695.

dista nce, 196.Go up,3 05.Gow i th,assen t,488.Goad ,615.Goa l,object,620.reach,292.Gobe tween,agent,758.Gobb l e,cry,412 .Gob l et, 191.Gob l i n,host,980.

ug bear,860.God , 976.God h ead,976.

God l ike,944.God l i n ess, 987.God ly,987.Godsend,l uck,62 1.advan tag e,618.success,73 1.Goer,horse,271.Goggl e,445.Go i ng,futurity, 12 1.Go i ng o ver,607.Gol d ,800.Go l d-co lored ,436.Gol d en age,827.Go l d en mean,73 6.Gon do la,273 .Gon e,non-extan t,2.

dead,3 60.absent,187 .

Gon e by,past, l 22 .Gonfa lo n, 550.Gong,4 17.Good,advantag e,6 18.advantageous,648.v irtuous,944 .Good ch eer,298,957.

Good fee l ing,906.Good fe l lowsh ip,892 .Good fortun e,734.Good l uc k ,73 4.Good ly,large,192.beautiful,845.Good man ners,894Good n a ture,Good offi ces,724.Good opin io n ,93 1.Good turn, 6 17,906.Good w i l l,906 .Goo d word ,93 1.Goodn ess,v irtue,944.advantage,648.Goods,ej

ec ts,780.

merchandis e,798.mater ia ls,635.Gord ian k not,problem,46 1.d ifiiculty,704.Gore,b lood, 3 61.stab,260.Gorge,rav i ne, 198.

na rrowness,203 .to devour,296 .

fu l l, 64 l .gl uttony,957.

sat iety,869.Gorgeous,co lor,428.

sp lendid,845.ornamen ted ,847.Gorging,2 96 .

Gorma iid ize,296,957.Gorse,3 67.Gospe l,Scripture,985.tru th,494.certa in ty,474.Gossame r,texture,3 29.

slender,205.ligh t,3 20.Gossamery,3 29.Gossip,conversa t ion,588.

n ews,53 2 .

babb l er,584.Goth,876.

Goth ic,85 l .Goth i c ism,85 1.Gou rmand,865,957.Govern ,d irect,693 .author i ty,737 .Governes s,540.Governmen t,au thor i ty,737.d irection,693 .Gove rnor,

d irector,694.r u ler, 745.

Gown,225.Gra b,snatch,789.rac e,elegance,845.

po l ish,850.forg iveness,918.t it l e,877.

p iety,987.

worsh ip,990.

style,578.Gra c efu l ,elegan t,845 .

style,578.Grace l ess,


tent,951Grac io us,courteous,894.

good-na tu red, 906G radat ion,degree,26.order,58 .arrangemen t,60.con ti nuity,69.rad e,

Grad i e n t,2 17.Gradua l,degree,26.

con t inu i ty,69.G radua l ly,gen tly, degrees,144.Grad ua te,to a rrange,60,69to adapt,23 .

to measure,466scho lar, 492 .Graduat io n,measure,466.Graft,inser t,3 00.lo cate, 184.teach,53 7.Graft i ng,j o i n ing,43 .

insert ion,184.Gra in,essence,5.

minu te,32 .

particle, 193 .texture, 3 29 .

sou l,820.

G ramina i ,567.

G ra iiiercy,916 .Gran ary,03 6 .G rand,important, 642.

glor ious,873 .

G rand a in, 13 0.Grand ee,875.Gran d eu r,873 .G rand i loq uence,eloquence,,577.Grand ios estyle,57

sen try,753 .

safety, 064. aGuard ed,c ircumspect,459.conditiona l ,770.Guard ian , 664,717.Gu ard i ansh ip,664.Guard i ng, 7 I7.Guard l ess, 177.Guard room,752.Guardsman,726.Gu ess,514.Gu idance,teach ing ,53 7.direc t ion,693 .adv ice,695 .Gu id e,direct,693 .director, 694.advice,695.teach,537 .teach er ,540.

road book,266Gu id e book,53 7Gu id e po s t,i ndicator,55 0.


G u i ld,co rporat ion,712partnership,797.Gu i l e,cu nning,702.dece i t,545.Gu i l e l ess,artl ess,703 .


I N D E X .

Gu i l lot i n e,eng ine, 975.

to decapi tate,372.Gu i l t,c r ime,947.

d erel ictwn,927.

v ice,945.Gu i l t l ess,946 .Gu i l t l essness,946.Gu i lty,945 .Gu ise,s tate,7.appear ance,448.

p lea,617.


ulf,208,3 43 .ti l l,dupe,547.credu lous,486 .G u l l et,throat,260.Gu l ly,conduit


open ing,260ho llow,252.a lp,bel ieve,484.

Gum,45,46,3 52.Gummi ness, 46, 3 42 .Gummy,46 , 352.Gu n,406,727.Gun n er,726 .Gunpowder, 727.Gunshot,727.Gu rge,eddy,3 12 .torrent,3 48.Gu rgl e,sound,405 .

bub bl e,3 53 .

flow, 348.Gurgl i ng,3 48.Gush,flow,295.flood,3 48.Gus t,wind,3 49.pass ion,825 .

phys ica l taste,390.

enj oyme nt, 826 .Gustabl e,3 90.Gusta t ion,3 90.Gustato ry, 390.Gustfu l ,3 94.Gust l ess,3 91.usty,3 49.nt,open ing,260.Gu tter,cond u i t,3 50.groove,259.Gu ttu ra l,583 .Gu zz l e,t ipp le,959.Gymnasi um,

schoo l,542 .

tra inin 673 .Gymnast ic 686Gyrate,3 12.Gyrat ion, 132.

H .

Habergeon ,717.Hab i l imen t,225 .Habi l ita t ion,698.Hab i t,cus tom,6 13 .coat,225.Hab i tat ion,abode,189.

loca tion,184.Ha b i tua l,regu lar, 82,613 .

Ha lntuate,accustom,613 .tram,673 .Hab i tud e,state,7.

relation,9.ha bi t,613 .Hack,cut,44 .

shor ten,201.ho rse,271.Hack l e,cut,44.Hackn eyed,re ar,82.ha itua l ,6 13 .tri te,496 .

ex per ienced,698Had es, 982 .

insane,503 .

in tractable,606.asid e.cut,44.

agglmg,769.a i l,ca l l,586.

sal ute,928.

ice,383 .

ail stone, 383Ha i r,thread, lamen t, 205.

roughness,256.Ha i rbra i n ed ,wi ld ,499.

obst inate,606.

rash,863 .

care less,460.Ha i rb read th,a i ri n ess,256 .a l herd,727 .

a lb erd ier,726.Ha lcyon,prosperous,734.

Ha l cy o n .

j ouful .pa lmy,829 .ca lm, l 74.Ha l e,654.Ha l e ness,654.Ha lf,91.Ha lfblood,83 .Ha lfl ea rn ed ,49 1.Ha lfmoon,245.Ha l fway,68.Ha lfwit, 501.Ha lfw i tted,499.Ha l l,chamber,189.rec tacle, 191.

Hal lee

liijah ,990.H a l loo,callwonder 870.cry,41l .a l low,928.Ha l lowed ,928,976Ha l l uc i n a t ion,er ror, 495 .del us ion,503 .Ha lo,l i h t,420.

a l t,stop, 265.flag . 655'rest,687.

l imp,275.Ha l ter,45‘”I”,

punishment,975.Ha l t i ng,lame, 160.motion,275.Ha l ve,9LHa l v i ng,91.aml e t, 189.ammer,to knock,276.

ins trumen t,633 .auction,796 .Hammock,2 15.Hamper,basket, 191.obstruct,706.amstring,injure,649.

weaken, 160.

i ncapac itate,158.Hand,instr ument,63 3 .

ind ica to r, ent, de,a ency, lH aiid i n hand,88.Hand ( i n),possession,777 .

busin ess, 625 .Handbarrow ,272.Handbook,695.Hand cufl


b e togeth er,43 .ma nacl e,752.

Handful ,25.Hand icraft, 680.

Hand icraftsman , 690.Handk erch ief,225.

Hand l e,instrument, (53 3 .

plea, b l ‘i .

feel (touch),3 79.descr ibe,59 1.disser t,595.

Hamlma ld , 746.Handsome,beaut iful,845.dis interested,942 .Handsomenes s,845.Handspi k e, 63 3 .Handwri t ing,omen,5 12.s ig na ture, to irraph 590.Handy, 197, 698.Hang,pendency, l l, 3 6 1.execu te,972.Hang fi re,rel uc tance,603 .

vacil la t io n,605refuse,764.

slowness,275 .Hang on,88.Hang ou t,550.Hang over,fu tu rity, 121.desti ny, 152 .heigh t,206 .Hanger on,servan t,746 .accompany,88.

paras ite, 886.flatterer,935.Hangi ng,2 14,972 .

Hangi ng gardens,206 .Hangi ngs,

o rnamen ts,847.Hangman,raj ian,9 l 3 .

executioner,975.Han k er,865.Hank eri ng,865 .

p .b2 1

Hapli azard ,156 62Hapl ess,hopeless,859.

miserab le,828.Hapl y, 156.Happe n , 151, 156.Happi l y,Happinefi ,Happy,g lad,827.

oppor tune, 3 4.

expedient,646.Harangu e,582.Harass,9 7worry, 0


vex ,83 0.

Harass ing,830

I N D E X .

Harb inger,64,116,5 12 .Harbor,re ucr e,666.cheri sh,821.haven,doub ts,485.haught,451 .

L ard,dense,323 .

d iflicult, ievous,83 0.

impen l ten t,951.sour,3 97.Harden,acc us tom,613 .

strengthen,153 .tra i n,673 .

re nder ca l lous,823 .


impemtent,951.Hard en ed,impzous,989.impen l tent,951 .Hard headed,698.Hardhearted,907.

Hard l h oo d,86 1.Hard l ife,735.Hard ly,scarcely,32 .

infrequ ency,137Hard n ess,denseness,323 .

sourness,3 97.Hard n ess of h eart,945.Hardsh ip,830.Hard t imes,735.

Hard visaged ,846.Hard u pon, 197 .Hardwork i ng,682,686.Hardong ,159.heal thy,654.Hare . 274.Hare bra i n ed,460.Harem,961.Hark,4 l8.Harl eq u in ,

pantomimic,599.changeab le, 149 .humor ist,844.

irreso l ute, 605.Harleq u in ad e, 146 .Harlot,962.

ma l evo lence,907.Harml ess,safe,664.innocen t,656 ,946 .

i nnocuou s,648.Harmon i c,413 .Harmon ica,417.Hurmon ious,melodious,413 .fr i end ly,888.concordant,71 1 .

Harmo n ize ,714.Harmony ,ag reement,23 .

me lody, 4 13 .

concord,714.peace, iendship,888.Harn ess,fasten,43 .

fasten ing,45 .accou tremen t,225.instr umen t,633 .

subject ion, imming,673 .Harp,mus ical instrument,4 17.

to repeat, weary,841.Harper,416.Harpsi chord,417.Ha rp upon,403 ,573 .Harpy,demon,980.

miser ,819.Harq u e bus,727.Harrow,83 0.Harrow i ng,83 0.Harsh,severe,73 9.morose,895.

disag reeable, r id,sound,4 10.Harsh n ess,severity,739acr idness, 171 .

mal evo lence,907.Harvest,775.Hash,mixture. cut,44.Hasp,lock,45.

to lock,43 .Hassock,2 15.Haste,i n t ime, mo t ion,274.

in actio n, t iv ity,682 .Hasten,to promote,707.

speed,274.stir,682.Has t i ly,132 .Hast i ng, 132 .Hast i n ess,901Hasty,transient, 111.b r isk,274.

irr ita b le,901.act ive,684.Ha t,225 .Hatch,produce,161.p lan,626.prepare 673 .

Hatch et,63 3 .

Ha tchway, C27.Ha te,898.Ha tefu l ,non ous , 649,898

pamful,83 9.Hat i ng,898.Hatred,d isl i ke,867.ha te,898.

Il auherk,717.

Haug l itines s,pr ide,878.

inso l ence,885.

scorn,930.Haugh ty,proud,878.

severe,73 9.

ins o lent,885scor nful,930.Hau l,285 .Haunch,23 6.Haun t,presence, 186 .

a la rm,860.abode, 189.trouble,830.Haun ted,980.Hau tboy,4 17.Have,777.Have i t,484.Have to do,9 .Haven,292,666.Havers ack, 191.Havoc, 162,619.

Hawk,sel l,798.

publ ish,53 1 .Haw k er,797.Hawk eyed ,441.Hawser,45.Hazard,chance, 156,621danger,(it5 .Hazardous,665.

Haze,mist,3 53 .d imness,422 .

opac i ty,42 6.Ha z l e,43 3 .Hazy , 422, 426,447.Head,beginn ing,66.c lass,75.chapter,593 .

summi t,2 10.

i n tel lect,450.wisdom,498.

master,745 .direct ion,693 .di rector,694.topi c, 454.

Headach e, 3 78.H eadforemost,rash,863 .

obstinate,606H ead i ness,606H ead i ng,t it le,530l eader ”Ed

3 40

Head i ng,bea inning

,66Hea lan d,project ion,250Cape,3 49.he ig ht,206.

Il ead‘

long,rash ly,460,83 1.has t i ly,684.ob s tii iatelzj,C06.

swift ly,274Headpi e c e,ski l l,698.

wisdom,498.Head q uarters,74,Heads,compend ium,596.Headsman,975.H eadstro ng,rash,863 .

Obs tinaw,6060vio l en t, 173 .H eadway,282.Headwork,45 1.Heady,606.

Hea l,repa ir,658.

forgive,918.Hea l th e breach,

723 .Hea l th,654.Hea l thfu l,Hea l th i n ess,Hea l thy,654,656 .Heap,co l l ect ion,,63 6.

mass,3 1,50.Hear,aud it ion 418.lea rn,539.

l l earer,418.Heari ng,4 18.Hearsay,532.Hearse,3 63 .Heart,in ter ior,99 1.cen tre, 229 .

mind,450.wi ll ,600.


ections ,820.

courag e,86,897.

He art ache,828.H eart b reak i ng,830.He art broken ,82 3 .Heart burn i ng,900.

He in cas e,Heart fe l t,821,990.Heart gri ef,83 2.

l l earth , 189.

Hea i tiness ,

feel ing ,soc ia l i ty,892 .Heart l ess,945 .

Heart rendmg, 830.Heart sick,869.Heart si nk i n g,860.

Heart attack,83 7.

I N D E X .

Hea rt swel l i ng,900.Heartily,602.Hearty,hea lthy,654.

wi l l ing ,feel ing,89 1.cheerful ,83 1,836.Hea t,warmth,382 .

ca lefa ctwn,384.contes t,720.

v io lence, 173 .

exci tement,825 .H eath,3 44.H e at i ng,384.Heath en,pagan,984.H eath en ish ,vu lgar,851.H e athen ism,984.Hea th er,3 44.H eave,raise,3 07.

pan t,821.Heave i n s igh t,446.Heav e ou t, 185,297.Heaven,981.parad ise,981.b liss,,3 18.Heaven-born ,944.Heaven-d irec ted ,498Heaven ly,d iv i ne,976,981.rapturous,829celest ia l,3 18.Heav en,3 18.He ivines s,iner t ia, 172 .defect ion,837.dul ness,843 .

weigh t,3 19.

rude,85 1.large,3 1.inac tive,682.He bdomad a l, 108.Hebe tude,499,82 3,

Heed l ess,inat ten tive,458.nocr lectful,460.Heedl essness,460.Hee l,swerve,291.Hee ls,235 .Hee ls over h ead,460.Heft,handl e,63 3 .

exert ion,686.He ight,a lt itude,,26.H e igh ten,increas e,35.aggravate,835.exa l t,206 .He igh ten i ng,835.H e i nous,945 .He i r,possessor,779.

fu turity, 121.H el i aca l,248.He l l,gehenna ,982.abyss,208.

H e l l e bore,663 .

He l l fire,982.H e l l ish,bad ,649.

ma l evo l en t,907.

infernal ,982 .

v ic ious,945.He lm,hand le,633 .

auth oriti 73 7.

sc eptre,747.H e lme t,225,717.H e lo t,746 .

d id ,707.a ux il iary,711.uti l ity, 644.

remedy, 662.(not to ),601.Helper,7 10.H e l ping,707Helpl ess,weak, 160.

incapab le, 158ex posed,665.He lpl essn es s,158.H e lpma te,auxil ia ry,711wife,903 .

Hel ter sk e l ter,disorder,59.

res tra in,751.Hemi ,91.H emi sphe re, 181.H emlock,663 .H en bane,663 .Hen ce,aris ing from, 155.

H en ce,mo tive,615.deduc t ion,476.departure,993 .H en cefo rth, 12 1.Henceforwards, 121Hera ld,messenger,53 4.


to pred ict , pro cla im,53 1.Herb, 3 67.Herbaceo us,Herbage,Herba l,Hercu l ean,159,686H erd,an ima l,3 66.flock,72.mul t i tude, 109 .H ere, 186,292.H ereabou ts,197.Hereafter, 12 1.H ered i ta ry,der iva t ive,154.hab i t,6 13 .H eresy,error,495.

Hrel ig ious ,984.eretic,He re t ica l, l 984’Here tofo re, 122.Herew i th,88.

possess ion,777.H eri tage,futuri ty, 12 1,777.Hermaphrod i te,83 .Hermet i ca l ly,26 1.H ermi t,893 ,955Hero,948.H erons ,brave,86 1.glorious,873 .

mag na n imous,949H ero i sm,861.Herri ng,

pungen t,Hes i ta t ion,rel uctance,603 .

irreso l ut i'on, 605.

uncerta in ty,475.fear,860.

scept i c ism,485.

stammeri ng,583 .H esi ta te,reluctant, 603 .i rreso l u te,605.

uncer ta in ty,475.fearful ,860.

sceptica l,485.

to stammer,583.He tero c l i te,83 .He t erodox, 98 1.He terodoxy,984 .He terogene i ty, 10.Heterogen eous,mixed, 10, 15,41mu ltiform,81

ecceptwna l ,83 .



vu lgar,low,,576.

Ho nies ta l l, 189.Homestead, 189Homic id e,3 6 1.Homi ly,adv ice,595.sermon ,998.Homoeopath ic , 193 .

Homogene i ty,relat ion, 9.

un iformi ty,16.s implwity,42 .Homogeneo us,16,42 .

l l omogeneousness ,9.Homo logo us,16 .

Ho inonymy,equ ivocal,520.Hon est,pure,960.

s imple, ue,543 .honor,939 .art less,703 .Hon es ty,honor,93 9.tru th ,543 .artl essness,703 .Hon ey,396.Hon eycomb,252.l l oncycombed ,260.

Ho n eyed,3 96.Ho n eymoon ,happiness 827 .Hon eysuckle,3 96.Hon ey-tongu ed,615.Hon or,93 9.

glo ry,873 .t itl e,877.


to pay,807.Hono rab l e,uprigh t, 93 9.fa i thfu l,772.famed,873 .Ho nora ry,815.Hono red,928.Ho od ,cowl,999 .

I N D E X .

Ho t,der ide,929.

scorn, 93 0.scout, 93 2.OD,leap,305,309.


Il opetul,probab le,472.t rustfu l,858.Hopefu l n ess,858.Hope l ess,Hope l essness,859.despera te, 859.

impossib l e,47 1.irreparab le,659 .dangerous,665.Hoping, 858.Ho ra ry, 108.Ho rd e,72.Horizon,distance, 196 .

v iew, 441.Hori zon ta l ,2 13 .Hori zon ta l i ty,level,2 13 .

low,207.Hor izon ta l l y,213 .Horn,sharpness,253(Fren ch ),4 17.Horn book ,542 .Horn mad ,920.Horn ofplen ty,639Horn e t, 663 ,830.Hornpipe,840.Ho rny,323 .Ho ro logy, 114.Horome try,114.Horoscope,511.Ho rri b l e,no x ious,649.

fea rful,860.Ho rrid,nox ious,649ugly,846.dire,83 0.

vu lgar,851.fearful,860.Horrific,830.Horrifi ed,860.Horrity,83 0,860.Horrify ing,83 0.Horror,dis like,867.

fear,860.h a te,898.Horrors,837.Hors e,an imal ,27 1.cava l ry,726.stand,2 15.Horseman,268.horseshoe, 245.Horta t io n,6 15, (395.Ho rta to ry,615, 695.Hort icu l ture, 3 71.

Hort icul tur ist,371.

Hosan n a,990.Hospice, 189.Hospi tab l e,soc ia l,802 .

l ibera l,8 16 .Hospi ta l ,662 .Hospi ta l i ty,soc ial ity,892 .

l ibera l i ty,816.Hos t,mu l titude, l l ect ion,72 .

h raven ly,987.

friend,890.Hostage,771.Host i l e, 889.Host i l i t i es,722.Hos t i l i ty,889.Hot,warm,un ent, 3

frasfib le,901.Ho tbed ,workshop,cause, 153 .Hotchpotch,mi xture,41.confus ion,59.Hote l, 189 .Hotbra i n ed ,rash,863 .Hotheaded,exc i ted,825 .Hothouse,conserva tory,3 86.agricu l ture,3 71.workshop, 691.Hotspur,rashness,863 .Hot te n tot,876.Hot wat er,704.Hough,649.Hou nd,pursue, 622.Hou r, 108.Hou rgl ass,t ime, 114.

form,203 .Ho urs, 13 4.House,to lo cate,,664.p arty,7 12.sena te, 696.

partnersh ip,797.Housebreak er, 792.Househo l d,183 , 188.Househo lder, 189.Hou sek eeper,694.House k eepi ng,692.House l ess, 185 .House room, 180.Ho use top, 296.Housew ife,682.

Housewilery,692 .Housi ng,lad ing , 189.Hov e 189.Hover,

Hover,r ise, 305.luph ,206.Ho veri ng, 206.


in wha t way, wh atmeans,on .Howbe i t, 179.However,excep t,83 .

d!notwith s tan179.


degree,96.How i tzer, 727.Howl,411,412,83 9.Howsoever,Hu bbu b,no ise,404 .disco rd,713.Hu ck s ter,797.H udd l e,mix , l l ect,72 .

don,225 .

near-ness, 197.Hud i brast ic,Hu e,428.Hu e and c ry,no ise,404 .

censure,93 .Hue l ess,429.

“grborder on, 197.reta i n,781 .Huge,i n degree,3 size, 192 .Huge n ess,192.Hu lk,sh ip,273 .Hu lky,b ig, 192.Hu l l,50.

Hum,fa in t sound,405con t inued sound,407 .

to sing,415.Hum and h aw,demur,605.Human,3 72.Human e,benevo l en t,906 .

ph ilanth rophw,910.Human i t ies,l et ters,560.Human i ty,human na ture,379.

benevo lence,900.H uman ize,894.H umb l e,meek,879.

modest,88 1to aba sh,874.p ious, 987.H umb l e n ess,Humbly,881.

Humdrum,841,S43 .Humec ta t io n,33 ?Humid, 3 3 9.Humi d i ty,33 9.Humi l iat i on, 879990.Humi l iatehumb le,879.

shame,874.worsh ip,990.Humi l ia ted,879.

Huun l rtv,piety,987.


modesty,88 1.Hummo c k,206,2:Hmnoris t,844 .Humorous,842 .Humor,essence,5.

liq u id ,3 33 .m l ,842.dispos it ion, 602.

capn ce,608.

indu lge, 760.ej ect ions, pl ease,829 .Humorsome,capric io us,608.discour teo us,895.Humpback,846 .H un ch back,243 ,246.Hundred,99.Hunger,865 .Hu ngry,865.H u n t,

fo l low, 281.pursue,622.

inqu ire,46 1.Hu n t down,907.Hu rl,284.Hurly burly,confusion,59.

turmozl , 3 15.Hu rrah,83 6.Hurrican e,tempest,3 49.

v io l ence, 173 .Horn ed,684.Hurry,ha d e,684.

swiftne i s ,274.

ear l iness, 13 2 .

to urge,6 15.

to EZ CttC,824,822Hurry scurry,684.H u rt,evil ,6 l 9.

phy s ica l pain,87mora l pa ra,828to injure,G49,9 7to mo l es t,83 0Hurtfu l,049 .Hurt i ng,83 0.Hurt less,648

I N D E X .

Husb and,spouse,903 .

to sto re,63 6.Hus-band i ng,63 7.

Husb aud inau,371.Husband ry,agr icu l ture,371.conduct, 692 .

eco nomy,817.Hush,s i l ence,403 .

moderate, l suage,826.Pac'fy’ 723»stop,265.Hush-mon ey,774,809H ush up,concea l,528.

pacify,723 .Husk,223 .Husk i ness,405.Husky,dry,3 40.

vo ice,581.fa int so und,405.H ussa r, 726.Hust l e,push, ita te,3 15.

Huswife ry,economi 817.conduct,692.Hu t,189.Hu zza,83 6,83 8.

Huzzar. (Sec Hussar.)Hybernate,683 .

Hybernation,683 .Hy b rid,41,83 .Hyd ra, 83 .Hy d rau l ics,3 48.Hyd rodynami cs,348.Hydro logy,33 3 .Hyd rowe l er,3 2 1Hyd ropath ist,958.Hydropathy , 958.

Hyd rOph o b ia,867.Hydrostat ics,33 3 .Hyema l,383 .Hyena,913 .Hymen ea l,903 .Hymn,990.Hyperbo l e,549.Hype rbo l i ca l , 196 .

Hyperb o l l ze,549.Hyperbo rea l, 383 .Hypercri t i ca l ,932 .

HypertrOpl iied , 192 .Hypochondriaca l,837Hypoc risy,decep tion ,545.

rel igious,989.Hypocri te,548,989 .

suppos it ion, 8, 5 14.

qua l ificat ion,469.Hypocr i t ica l,544,989 Igneous,38 3.Hypos tat i c,976 .

H) po th enuse,2 17.


Ppo th es ns ,5 14.

1 ypo tl ietica l,475,514,469.

Hy s teria, 173 .

Ign is fa tu us,l ight, 490.fa lse l ig h t, 443 .I t n i te, 3 8 1.l l l i l O l l ,3 82 , 38 1

.gno b le,876.

3 43

I .

Ice,383 .Ice berg,483 .Ic ebou nd,383 .

l cehouse, 387.Ich nography,554.Ic ic l e,3 83 .I cy ,3 83 .Idea,not io n,453 .

imaginary,515.bel ief,484.

knowl edge,490.perfec tion,650.

mezis tencc,2.

Id eaherroneous,495.unrea l,2.Id ea l ism,450.Id e a l i ty,mtell ect,450.imagina t ion, 515.

d eal ize,5 15.

entica l,13 .

Id entification,l 3 ,464.Iden t ify, 13 ,464 .Id en t i ty , 13 .Id iocrasy,5.Id iocy,499.Id iom,phrase,566 .

style,569.Id iosyncrasy,essence,5.

spec ia lity,79.temperament,820.Id io t,imbec il e, 501.foolish,499.Id le,slo thfu l, 683 .tr iv ia l,643 .Id l e r, 683 .Id l e n ess,683 .Ido l, 865,899 .Ido l worsh ip,991Ido la ter,984 .Id o l a trous,superstit io us,984hea then ish,991.Ido l atry,superst i t ion,984.i wpious worsh ip,,897 .Ido l ize,love,897 .

impiety,989.dy l,597 .

Ignomi ny ,d ishono r, 940.


Iguoramus,493 .Ignorance,491.Ignore,repudiate, 756,773 .dissent, nceal ,528.

Il l,sick,655.adverse, 735.ev il ,6 19.I l l -ad v ised,499,699I l lat ion,480.I l l -bred,895 .

Il l -bre ed i ng,875.I l l-cond i t ion ed,discourteo us,895.

ma levo l en t,907.I l l-cond u c ted,699 .

III-d efined ,447.I l l-dewsed ,499,699I I-d isposed, 907.I l ega l,964.I l l ega l i ty, 964.I l l egi bl e,519.

“ l egi t imacy,undueness,925.i l l ega l i ty,964.I l l egi t imate,undue,925 .

il l ega l,964.erroneo us, 495.I l l-fated,afll icted ,828.adverse, 73 3 .

un l ucky,732 .I l l-lavored ,846 .I l l-flavored ,395.

III-fu rn ished,640.I l l i bera l,selfish, ing y,819.I l l i bera l i ty,stingn nes s ,819.

selfis hness,943 .I l l ic i t,984.I l l - imagin ed,499,699.

Il l imira b le, 3 1.I l l imn ed,i nfi n i te,105 .I l l - i n ten t ion ed,907I l l i t era te,491.

Il l-judged,foo l ish,492 , l-advis ed,699.

I l l - look i ng,846 .I l l -n a tured,907.I l l n ess,655.I l l ofl’,73 5.I l logica l ,soph ist ica l,477.erroneous,495.I l l-propo rtiom-J,846I l l-pro vid ed , 640.I l l-reun i ted ,9 17.

Il l-spen t, 645.

I l l -s tarred,73 2,735.l l l-a l O l'ed ,640.

Il l- temper,discourtesy,895 .

iras Cib i l ity,901.I l l -t imed,24, 13 5 .I l l trea t,649,907.

I II turn,6 19, 907.I l l umi na te,en l ighten,420.

co lo r,428.I l lumi na t ion,420.Il l ume,I l l umi no,1420'

I l l usion,error, 495.

sophism,477.decei t,545.

Il lus nve,erroneous, 495.I l l usory,soph ist i ca l,477.dece i tfu l, 544,545.

I l l ustra te,in terpret,522 .

exemplify, 82.I l l us tra t ion ,i n terpretat ion,522 .

ex empl ification, 82.r epresen ta t ion,I l l ustra t i v e,82.I l l ustrious,873 .I l l ustriou s n ess,873 .[ 11Wi l l, 997.Image,representation,554.metaphor,52 1.i dea,453 .

sta tue,557.

l ikeness,I7.Imagery,metapho r,521figure,55 4.

fancy,5 15.Imagi nary,non-ex ist ing,2.

erroneous, 495unrea l,515 .

quan t i ty,84.Imagi na tion ,515Imagin e,515,626Imagi n ed ,u nreal, 1,2.

l in b erile,foo l ish,499.

irra t ional,477.

weak,incapable, 158.

lmb ec i l i ty,

fo l l i 1 99.

incup zity, 158.Imbed . (See Emb ed. )lmb i b e,rece ive,296.learn, 53 9.

l inb ricated , 22 1.'iubrue .

mo is ten, 33 9.

mpreg nate, 300 i

I N D E X .

Imb u e,mit ,41.teach,537.t inge,428.

impregnate,3 00.moisten, 3 3 9.feel,821.Iuibued w i th,484.Imi tabl e, 19.Imi ta te,to copy,19.

to represent,5 4.Imi tated,19.Imi tat ion,copy, 19,21 .Imi tat i ve, 19,554.Imi tato r,19.Immacu late,ex cel len t,648.

spo t less, 652.

fau l t l ess,650.i nnocen t,946.Immacu laten ess,Imman en t,i nherent,5.Immanu e l,976.

Iinmateria l,spir i tua l,3 17.

men ta l,tr ifl ing,643 .

Immziteriate,3 17.Imma teria l i ty,3 17.

Imniaterialnes s,3 17.Immature,new, 123 .

unpr epared,674.

lmma turi ty,newness, 123 .

unpreparedness,Immeasurab l e,infin i te, 105 .

grea t, 3 1.Immed iate ly, 11 1.Immed i cab l e,655,Immemoria l,124.Imme nse,i n degree, 3 s i ze,192.Immensi ty,degree, 3 1.s ize, 192.

lmmeasurab le,3 1.105.Immerge,i n troduce,3 00Immerse,d ip,3 3 7 .Immers io n,3 37.Imme thod ica l, 59.Immigra t i on,migra t ion,266.en trance,294.Immi ne n t, 12 1.

I l l l l II ISt‘ l ll l l l l y , 47.


Inimitieab le,i re,

Immi t igab l e,ru in, 659.Immo b i l i ty,immu tab i l ity, 150.qu iescence,265.

reso l ut ion, 604.

Iinmo derate ly,3 1.I inmod es t,96 1.Immod esty, 961.Immo l ate,destroy, 102.kil l,3 6 1 .Immo l at ion,destruct ion, 162.wo rsh ip,991.Immora l,v icious,945.

wrong,3 23 .Immo ra l i ty ,945.Immorta l,perp etua l, 1 12.

g lo r ious,873 .

celebra ted,883 .Immorta l i ty,glory,873 .

perpetui ty, 1 12.

Imniovah le, 150,265,604, 6 16.Immun i ty,exempt ion,927.

r ight,924.

freed om,748Immu re,enclose,229.

imprison,75 1.Immu tab i l i ty,permanence,150.of G od 976 .Immu table, 150.

Imp,rufiian,913 .

wretch,943 .Impac t,inser t ion,3 00.Impac ted,43 .Impa i r,659.Impa i red,659.Impa i rmen t,659.Impa l e.( See Empal eImpa lpab l e,sma ll , 193 .

powder,3 3 9.

in tang ib le 381.Impurity,28.Impart,g ive,784.

info rm,527.Impart ia l,jus t,922 .

fa i r,480.

ho no rab le,989.

sensib le,498 .

Impartialuy,just ice,922 .hono r,93 9.Impassi b i l i ty, 823 .

Impas s ib lcnes s ,26 1.

Impas smle,c losed ,26 1,704.

Impassio n,CI C Il C, 824.Impa s s ion ed,exc i ted,825 .

sub l ime, 574.Impassi ve,823 .Impa t i ence,825.Impa t i en t , 825 .Impeach,938,909.Impeachme n t,su i t, 969 .

charge,938.Impeccab i l i ty, 650

946Impede,706.Imped imen t,h i nderance,706.speech,583 .

Impedue,706.Impe l,p ush,976.throw,984.

induce,6 15.l mpe l l ed,Impe l le i it,g276Impe l l i ng,Impeml,fu ture, 121.he ight,206 .

dest iny, 152 .Impen e trab i l i ty,32 1.Impe n e trab l e,la ten t,519,526.dense,3 21 .h idden,528.

Impen iteiice,Impe n i te n t,95 1.Impera t i v e,73 7.Impercept i b l e ,inv is ib le,447.

minu te, 193 .Imperfec t,incomp lete, 1’

fa i l ing,65 1.v icio us,945.small ,3 2.Imperfec t ion,v ice,945.

fa i l u re,651.incompleteness,SJ.

Iniperforate, 26 1.Imperfo ra t io n,Imperia l,737.chest,Imper i l, 605.

Impermus ,stern,73 9.

i ns o lmt, 885.

Imperio iis ness ,Imperishab l e,eterna l, 1 12 .

glorious ,873 .

stab l e, 150.Imperman en ce, HS)Impermea liil ityclose,2 61.dense, 3 521.

Impermeal i ie,Cw‘Cd , Q U I.

d ens r 3 2 1.

3 46

l napprecinb le,ob scure,5 19.Inappropria te, 24.

l nappropriateness,

l napt,inrx ped ient,647.incong ruo us,24.Inapt i tud e,fa tal ity,645.impoten

' e,158 .Inaptn ess,647.Inart i cu l ate,581,583 .

Inal tific la l,703 .Ina t ten t ion ,458 .I na tten t i ve,452,458.Inau d i b l e,Sl lml t, 403 ,405.

mu te,58 1.Inaugura l,66.Inaugura te,b eam, 66 .

celebrate,883accede, '7 3 7.Inaugurat ion,

beg inn ing, 66 .

commiss ion,755.

cel eb ratron,883 .

acces s con,73 7.

[ Da l l Spl L IUUS,hopeless,859 .

un timely, 13 5.

unt oward, b49.In be i ng,5 .In bo rn,5, (313 ,820.In bred,5,820.Incage,75 1.Inca lculnh le,infi nite, 105.

much,3 1.Incnlescence,382.In ca l esc en t,3 82 .In cand escence,382 .In cand escen t,382.In can ta t ion,spel l,993 .

[ incan ta to ry ,magica l, 992 .In capab i l i ty, 158 .In capab l e,weak, 160.

u nab le, 158.In capac io us,203 .Incapac iousn ess,203 .Incapac i tate, 158.Incapac i ty ,impo tence, 158.

weakness, 160.s tup idi ty,499.

indo c i l i ty,538.Incarce ra te,impr ison,75 rround,229In carcera t ion,impr isonmen t,751.l imi ta t ion 229.

In carnat ion , 976 .In ca se,223 ,229.In ca n ions,460,863 .Inc a itiousness,460.

I nD Ex .

Incend iarism, 3 3 4Incend i ary, 384,3886 15,9 13 ,949.Ince n s e,

frag -ance,400.

to provoke,930.hatred,898.fla ttery, 93 3 .

wors lup,990.Incept ion ,66 .In cen t i v e, 6 15.

Incemtud e,475.In cessant, 112Incest,96 1.In cestu ous,961 .Inch, 193 .Inch by i nch, 144.

Inc l loatlve,66 .Inc id e n ce,278.Inc id en t, 15 1.I nc iden ta l,extr ins ic,6,8.curren t, 151 .lmb le, 177.

casua l, 156,62 1.irrelatwe, 10.

Incmerate,3 84.Inc i nera t ion,3 84.Inc ipien ce, 66.Inc ipi e n t,66.Inc ise,cut,44.Inc ision,open,200.

Inc xte,urnre,6 15.

in. ome, 173 .

exasperate, 173 .Inc ivi l i ty, 895 .Inc l emen cy,383 .Inc l emen t,co ld, 3 83 .

severe,73 9.

v io l en t,173 .Inc l i na t ion,s lope,2 17 .di rec tion,278.tendency, 176 .

wi l l ing ness, 602.desire,865.Inc l i n e,slope,2 17.di rect ion,278.tenden cy, 176 .

wil l ing,602 .

d CSU '

C,865 .

love, 897.

induce,6 15.Inc l in ed,des irous, 805.b iased,820.In c lose, 23 2.Inc losure, 23 2.Inc l ude,compound,54.

cla ss,76.Inc l us ion,54.In c l usi ve,in a compound,54.tog eth er 101th ,3 7.

In c l usi ve,in a c lass,76.In cogi tan cy ,452 .

Incogmto, 528.

Inco h erencc,phys ica l , 47.

mental ,503 .In coh eren t,phys ica l, ta l,503 .

Incomhus tib il ity,

Incombust i b l e n ess,Income,receipt,810.

wea l th ,803 .In commensurab i l i ty,10.

Incommensnrab le,

quan tity,84.

trrela twn, 10.disagreeing,2A.Incommensura te, 85 .I ncommod e,to h inder,706.annoy,83 0.Incommod ious,inconven ient,647.

useless, 645.Incommod i ty,647.Incommunicnb le,

781.Incommu tab i l ity,150.

Incmnparah le,3 1,648.

Incompassion a te,Incompa t i b i l i ty, 471.In compa t i b l e,24.Incompe tence,inabil i ty, 158.

insujficzency, 640.

unski lfulness, 699.

incapaciti 499.In compe te n t,unab le, 158.

insufiicient,640.uns kilfa l,699.Incompl e te,defect ive,53 .

not compl eted,73 0.In complete n ess,defection,53 ,73 0.fa i l ure,3 04.Incompreh ensib i l i ty,5 19.Incompreh ensi b l e,5 19.Incompreh e nsion,

Incompressi b i l i ty,32 1Incompre ssi b l e,3 2 1.In con ce i vab l e, 471,485,5 19.Incon ce i vab len ess,519In conc i n n i ty,24 .

Inconc l usi v e,477.

I nconco c t io n,674[ inco ngru i ty ,647.Inco ngru o us,24.In conseq u e n t,477Incon sul emh le,i n 8 12 8, 193 .

in degree, 3 2.

Inco nsulerute,tho u ght l ess,452.heed less,460.

foo l i sh, 099.

Incon s iderduon ,458.Inconsi s tency,

fol ly,499 .absurdity,437.capr l ce,608.

IIICO IH N IGHI,con trary,14.

foo l ish,499.Capr icious, 608.disagreeing ,24.absurd, 497.

Inconso lah le,828.Inconstan cy,Inconstan t, 149, 605.Incon testab l e,474.

Inco n l ignous , 196.Incon t in en ce,96 1.Incon t inen t,Incon t i n en t ly, 1 11 .


ertib le,474.Incon ven i ence, 647.In con ven ien t, (347.

Inco nversnb le, 585.

Incom era b le, 158.

Inconvmceab lc,487Incorpo ra l , 3 17.I nco rporea l, 3 17.Incorpora te,48.In corpora t ion,48 .I ncorrec t,erroneo us,495.

s oMus trca l ,477.

ung rammaucal ,558.Inco rrec tn ess,495 .Inco rrigi b l e,v ic ious,945impe-n i ten t, $15]irr emediab l e, 649In corrupt i b i l i ty ,hon or,93 9.hea l th,654.

Incorrnptil ile,hea l t hy, 654pure,

Inco rruptl on,hea lth,654.i nnocence,946.In crassa te ,th ickness, 2 32 .

gummy, 3 52.dens i ty,32 1.Incrassa ted , 32 1.l ncrass atl on, 3 52 .Increase,i n degr ee 35 .

in sue, 194.

Increased,I l l degr ee,3 5.

m s ize, 194.

Incred ib l l ity,lmptN SIb tbl l

y,471 .

unprob ab i l ity,4711.Incred i b l e,unpos n b le,47 1.impro bab le,473much, 3 1.doubtfu l,485.

wonderfu l,870lm red .Iity,unbel i 'f, 487.

rel igi ous,983In credu lo us,sceptical ,485 .

re l ig iou s

,988In cremen t,i n degree,33in s ue, 194.addit ion,3 9.In crus t,’

lD l ItB,2 2 4.

I n crustated . 224 .

l ncrustatio n,223 .Incu ba t ion,6 73 .Incu bus,706 .Incu lca te, 53 7.Incu lcat i on ,537.In cu lpa b l e,94 6 .Incu lpa te, 93 8.

Incu l pa t ion ,938.Incumben cy,995.Incumben t,height, 206 .

we igh t, 3 19.du ty,926 .

cl ergyman,993 .I ncumb er. (SeeEncamb er.)

Incnr, 177.In cu ra b l e,655,659,859.Incu rab l en ess,655.In curious,456 .Incurios i ty,456.

l ncursno n,294 .Incu rvat io n,245.

l ndeb ted,owing, 806 .du ty,926 .

gra titude,916 .Ind ebtedness,806.i n decen cy ,961.Indece n t,96 1 .Ind ec i d uous, 150.Indecis ion ,605.

Ind e c is i v e,475 .

[ inde c l i n ab l e, 150.Ind eco ro us,v ic ious,945 .

impure,961 .I nde corum,

v ice,945.impur i ty,961.vulgar i ty,851.In d e ed,very,3 1.

I N D E X .

Ind efa t igab l e,682 .

l nd efeas rb le,150,924.I nd efec t ib i l i ty,650.Ind efec tib l e,650.

I nd efec t i ve, 650.Indefens i b l e,i nexcusab le, 93 8.wrong,945.

untenab le,725.

weak, 160.

Ind eficient, 650.I nd efin i te,vague,5 19 .

par t ia l,495 .

tnvts tb le,447

i n s i ze, 192 .

uncerta in,475.infini te,105 .

i n degree, 3 1 .

Ind efin iteness ,vaguenes s,5 19.

uncer ta inty,475.Ind e l i b l e,mark, 550.cond it ion, 150.

memory , 505.

feeli ng,82 1.Ind el icacy,961 .Inde l i ca te,9 5 1.Ind emn ifi cat ion ,reward,973 .

compen sat ion,3 0.Indemn i ty,reward, 973 .

compensa te, 30.

Ind emmty, 973 .I nden tat ion,252,7 .Inden ture,

no tch, 257.

record, 55 1.s ecumty,ev idence,467.compact,769.Ind epend ence,i rrela tio n, 10.

wea l th ,803 .

freedom,748 .Ind epen d en t,free,748.

i rrela ted, 10.Ind escri bab l e,870.

Ind esment, 1 12 .Indestru ct i b l e, 150.Indetermi n ate,uncerta i n,475.

chance, 156 .Ind e termi nat ion ,cha nce, 156 .

uncer ta inty, 475.

irreso l u t ion,605 .In d evot io n ,988.Indevou t,988.

3 47

In de x ,s ign,550.

l ist,86,562.n umerica l exponen t,I ndex teri ty,699.Ind i cate,poin t out,550.

man ifest,525 .

ev idence,467.In d icat ion,po in t i ng out,550.

manifes tation,525.Ind i ca t i v e,Ind ica tory,gm ‘550‘

In d ict,arra ign ,969.accuse,938 .Ind i c tmen t,cha rg e, ra ignmen t,969.

Ind ifl‘


unconcern, ldness,823 .

unwi l l ingness,603 .

u n impo rtance,643 .imperfec t,65 1 .Ind ifferen t,co ld ,893 .

unconcern ed,866 .

unwi l l ing,603 .

r ej ected,6 10.

un impor tan t,643 .Ind igen ce,640.Ind ige n e, 188.Ind igenous, 5, 188.Indigen t,poor ,8-04insufiic ient,640.Ind iges t i b l e, 657.Ind igest ion, 674.Ind igna t io n,900.Ind ign i ty,i nsul t, 929 .



ou trage,83 0.Ind igo . 438.Ind i l igen ce ,683 .Ind i re c t, 2 17 .Ind iscern i b l e,447.I n d iscerpt i b i l i ty,who leness,50.dens i ty,82 1.Ind i s cerpt i b l e,who le,50.inseverab le,87.dense,32 1.Ind iscoverab l e, 528.


foo l ish,499.

b lamab l e,945.neglectfu l,460.

rash,863 .Ind iscre t ion,947.

fau l t,947b lame,945.

rashness,863 .

u nsk i lfu lness, 699.Ind iscrimi n a te,mu l t iform, 81.

l nd iscrinzftnate,und i s tmguish ed,


unarrang ed, sua l,62 1.

Ind i scriminatian,460,465,a.Ind i spen sab i l i ty, 63 5Ind ispe nsab le , 63 0.Ind isposed ,disincl ine, 603 .

to dissuade,6 16.

s ick,655.

Ind ispo snion,s ickness,655 .d is incl i na t ion,603 .Ind ispu tab l e, 47 I.Ind ispu tabl en ess,474 .Ind isso l u b l e

who l e,50.Ind isso lvab l e,dense, 3 2 1.un i ted,43 .

unchangeab l e, 150.Ind isso l vab l e n ess,50.Ind ist i nct,vague,519.

dun,447.Ind ist i nc tn ess,vag ueness,5 19.

indiscr imi nat ion,465.Ind ist ingui sh able,

minu te,447 .

iden ti ca l, 13 .Ind i te,wr i te,590.

Ind ivmua l,specia l,79.

un ity,87.

person,3 72 .Ind iv i dua l i ty,unity, 87.

specia l ity,79.tota l i ty,500Ind iv i d u a l i z e,ecify,79.Indi v is i b l e,

who l e, 50.dense,3 2 1.Indoc i l i ty,obst inacy,606 .incapaci ty, 538

Ind ivns ib il ity,en t ireness, 50.den seness, 32 1.

Ind octrin s te 484

7 .Indoc tri n at io n,Indo l ence,683 .In do l e n t,683 .

Ind oml tab le,res o l u t ion, 604.

coura o'e,861.

un yield ing,719.Indo rs e,wr ite,590.

voucher, 771.

3 48

In deisemen t,771.I ndu b io us,474.

Induli itab le,474.I nduc e,mo t ive,6 l5.cause,153 .

produce, 16 1.Induced,6 15.Induceme n t,615.I nd uct,755 .

Inducnon,investiga t ion,461.reason ing, 476.

of a pr ies t,995.appo in tment, 755.Ind uct i v e ,method,461.Ind u e, 157.Indu lge,a l low,760.

ive, 784.


p leasure,827.p leas i ng, 829.

in temperance,954.

sa tisfy 83 1 .In du lgep leased,827.

in tempera te,954.Ind u lgen ce,pardon,9 18.

l en i ency,740.Ind ii lgeii t,740.Indu ra te,3 23 .Indura ted,3 23 .Indura t io n,ha rden ing,323 .

impen i tence,95 1.Ind ustrious,682Ind ust ry,682.l ndwe l l er, 188.

Inel iriated ,959.




zib le,870.


ab ly, 3 1.In effec t ive, 158.In effec t i ven ess,158.


ec tual,incapab le, 158.

Ineflicacious,weak, 160.

Inefiicaciousnes s,158.

Ineifi cacy, 158.


fa il ing,73 2 .In e l ast i c,not elast ic,326.Soft,3 24.In elas t ic i ty,325.In e l egan ce,ugl iness,,579.In e l egan t,ugly,846 .

in style, 579.In e l igi b i l i ty , 647.In e l igi bl e,647.


I N D E X .

Inept,inexped i en t,647.usel ess,645.In eptn ess, 645 .In eq u a l i ty, 28 .Ineq u i tabl e,923 .In e tuphysica l ly, 172 ,683 .

moral ly,823 .In ertn ess,mo ral ,823 .

phys ica l,683 .In ert i a, 172 .In es t imab l e,648.In ev i tabl e,152,474,601In exac t,495.In exac tn ess ,495.In exc i tab i l i ty, 826.In exc i tabl e,826 .In excusab l e,938,

In exec u tion,730.In exhaust i b l e, 639.I nex is tence,2 .Ine x is ten t,2.In exorab l e,reso lved, 604.

fated, 152 .

ster n,73 9.compel l i ng,744.

wrathfu l,900.

relent less,907.

unavo idab le,In ex o rali leness,73 9.In expe cta t ion, 508.In e xped i en c e, 647.In exped i en t,647.In experi e n ce ,ignorance,492.disqua lifica t ion ,699.In experi enced,699.In expert,699.Inexpertn ess, 699.In expiab l e,945.

IneXpl icab le,wonderful , 519,870.In e x pl icabl eness,519 .I n expres si b l e ,870.

grea t deg ree, 3 1 .

Inex pressmles ,225Inex pres swe,5 17.

Inex pres sweness,517In expugnab l e,664.In ex tension,193 .

Inex tingnieh ab le,150, 157 .In ex tri cab l e,

d i’

fiicult,704.d isorder ,59 .

l nex tricab leness ,704.In fa l l i b i l i ty, 474.Infa l l i b l e,474.I nfamous,shameful 874.

v ic ious,945.

Infamy,d isho nor,shame,874.vice,945 .Infancy, 127.Infan t, 129.

1nfimtwide,991.Infan t i l e,puer il e,643.youthfu l, 129.

foo l ish,499.Infan t i n e, 129 .Infan try ,726.InfaJuate, 503 .

Infinuafion,fo l ly,499 .obst inacy,606.credu l i ty,486passio n,825.

love,897 .Infeasi b l e,471,704.Infeasi b l e ness,704.Infect io n,

d isease,655 .con taminat ion,659exc i ta tio n, 125 ,824 .Infec t ious,657.I nfecund, 169.Infecund i ty, 169.Infel ic i ty,unhappiness,828.inexper tness,699.Infer,480.Inference ,480,52 1.Inferen t ia l,52 1 .Inferio r,642.Inferio ri ty,34,Infe rna l ,b a d ,649.hel l ish,982.wicked, 945 .

mal evo l ent, 907Infe rt i l i ty, 169.Infest,83 0.Infes t i v i ty,sadn ess,837,

Infibulatl on ,43Infid e l, 988.Infid e l i ty,d isho no r,940.

irrel ig'io n,988.

Infi ltrate,in tervene,228.

imbue,33 9.

mm,4 1.teach,53 7.Infi l tration ,wa ter,3 3 7 .


interven tion,pa ssage,3 02 .Infin i te,in quan tity,, 180.

i n degree,3 1.size,192.

Infinitely,3 1.

Infimtes ima l ,in degr ee, 32.

in quan ti ty,193 .

Infin i ty,in qua nt i ty, 106in deg ree, 3 1.i n s ize, 192 .

of G od ,976.

l nfi rm,

wea ’r, 160irreso l u te,605.v icio us,945.Infi rmary,062 .

Infirmiry,weakness, 160.disea se,055 .

fa i l ing,945.

Infi x ,537.

Inflame,burn,3 84.

fume,900.cra te, 173 .

invite,6 15.

Inflammab l l ity, 384Inflammat ion,384.Inflate,expand, 194.

rarefy,3 22 .

blow,3 49.

style,577.r i dicu lo us,853 .

van i t 880.

l nflatva i n,880.

foo l ish,853 .

Inflafion,expans ion . 194.b lowi ng ,3 49.


Inflex ib il ity,hardness,3 23 .obstinacy,606.stra ightness,246 .

reso lu t ion,604.

Infiex ib le,h ard,323 .

reso lved, 694.stern,73 9 .

Inflex ion,245.Inflict,act upon,680.

give pa in,83 0.tyrann i ze, 73 9.In d ic t ion,828,830.I nfl i c t i v e,pun i tive,972.I n fluen c e,phy s i ca l, 17au tho ri ty,73 7.

inducemen t,6 15.importance,642.Influ en t i a l,175,642 .Influx,294.Info l d,23 1.Inform,527 .I nform aga i nst,938.

Informa l,irre r,83lawfe


fif964.Informa l i ty,irregu la rity,83.a wles sms s ,964.

3 50

l nsid iousn ess,meanness,940.Ins igh t,490.Insign ia,550.Insign i fi can t,643 .

l ns incere,544.Ins i nceri ty,544.Insmuate,in tervene,228.ingress,994.

mean,5 16.endea r,897.suppose,514h in t,b lame,93 s ert,3 00.

Ius tuuatton,in terven tio n,ing ress ion,5294.ins ert ion,3 00.

censure,93 2 .Insi p id,tas tel ess,3 91.indifi

erent,866.Insipid i ty,Ins ipidness, i 3 91‘Insist,741.Insnare,cheat,545.

endanger,665.Insul a t ion,3 89.Inso l en ce,885 .

Inso l e n t,885 .Inso l u bl e,3 2 1.Inso l vabl e,519.Inso l ve n cy,debt,806.

penu ry,804.defau l t,808.Inso l ven t,bankrupt,808.

ru ined,73 2.ind igent,804.i ndebted,806.

Insomu ch,3 1.In spe c t,look,44 tend to,457.Inspe c t i on,441,457.Inspecto r,specta tor,444.d irec tor,694.

In s pi rat ion ,impulse,6 12 .

ima g ina tion,515.

wis dom,498.


prompt ing,6 15.revelat ion,In s pi re,prompt,6 15.

cheer,83 imate,rel imous ,987In spi ring,83 6.Inspi ri t,u r o e,6 15.

an ima te,824.courage,861.Inspissate,321,3 52.

I N D E X .

celebrate,883 .Insta l l a t i on,insert ion, [84.commis sion,73 7,755.celebra t ion,883 .Insta lmen t,portion,51.Ins tan c e,exampl e, tive,6 15.Instan t,moment,113 .

presen t, 1 18.

future, 12 1.Instan tan e ity,113 .Instau ra t ion ,660.Instead, 147.Ins t igate,615.Inst igat i o n ,Inst iga tor, i 615'Inst i l,insert, 3 00.tea ch,53 7.

max ,41.Insti nct,in tell ect,450.i ntu i t ion,477.

impu lse, 601.innate,5.tea ch,53 7.Inst i n c t i ve,intu i t ive,477.

impu ls ive,601.inna te,5.hab i tua ted,6 13 .Inst i n ct w i th,615.Inst i tu te,542 .

Institutlon,academi c,542.rel igio us,995.Inst i tu to r,540.Instru c t,teach,53 7.advise

,695.Instruc ti on,697.Instruc t i v e,537.Instruc tor,540.Instrumen t,

implemen t,63 3 .record,551.secur i ty,771.I nstrumen ta l,mea ns,,4 15.

subserv ient, 63 1 .Instrumen ta l i ty,63 1.Insu bord i na te,742 .

Insuliord inatlon,742 .

Insuh stantia l ity,4.Insufferab l e,83 0.Insuffi c i ency,640.Insuffi c i e n t,640.

Insufl’lution,3 49.Insu l ar,island,346.detached,44.S ingle,87.Insu la ri ty ,44.Insu l ate,87.Insu l t,rudeness,895.afi ence,900.Insu l t i ng,898.Insupe rab l e,704.

Insupportal ile,83 3 .[ insuppress i b l e,173 .Insuranc e,708.Insure,474.Insu rgen t,742 .Insurmou n tab le,704.Insurrect i on ,disobed i ence,742.

res ista nce,719.In tac t, 142.In tagl io,557.In tangi b l e, 381.In t eger,50.In tegra l,50.

Integra l ca l cu l us,84.In tegran t part,56.In tegrat e,conso l ida te,50.In tegrat ion,50,52,In tegri ty,who le,50.

mrtue,944.prob i ty,93 9 .In t egumen t,223 .In te l l ect,450.

[ inte l l ect io n,I n te l l ec tu a l, gInte l lectual l ty,In te l l igen ce,mind, 450.

news,532 .

wit, 498.In te l l igencer,527.I n te l l igen t,498.In te l l igi b i l i ty,518,570.In te l l igi b l e,518,570.In temperate,954.

Inteuipestivity, 135 .Inte nd,des ig n, 620.In te n ded,600.In t ense, 17 1.In tensely,3 1.In tensi ty,degree,26.grea tness, 3, 171.In ten t,ac t ive,682 .tho ughtfu l,451.In ten t ion ,d esurn,620.In ten t ion a l,600.In tentn ess ,attent ion oug h. 451.

In ten tness,act iv ity,689.In ten t on,457,604In ten t upon,620.In ter,bury,3 63 .insert,300.In terca l ate,ins trt,3 00.

intl rvene,228.In te rca lat ion,insert ion,300.

interventio n,228.In tercede,mediate,depreca te,766.In terc ept,h i nder,706 .

dam,3 48.I n tercept io n,706 .In t erces s ion,766.In te l cessor,724.Savior ,976 .In terchange, 148.reciprocate, 12 .

bart er,794.transfer,783 .In terchange abl e, 148commercia l ,794.rec iproca l, 12 .

Interch angeab lenest

12, 148 .

Interc l ianged , 148.In terc l ud e,706 .In terc l us ion,706.

Interco tnmun ication,527.In tercommun i ty,so c ial ity,892.In tercourse,588,In te rcurrence,228,3 02 .In tercurren t, 148,

In terd ic t,76 1In terd i c t ion, 46 1.In terd igi ta te,i n tervene,928.i n tersec t,2 19.

Interd ig ttation,228.In te rest,advantage,6 18.concern,9.debt,806 .I n te rfere,in tervene,228.medd l e,680.d isagree,94.counteract, 179.thwart,706 .

media te,724.activ ity,682.In terfe ren ce,thwart ing,706.interven t ion,228.

co un terac ti on, iat ion,724.act iv i ty,682.In ter im,106.Interior,291.

Interiori ty,22 1.In terjacen ce ,coming between,middle,68.In te rj ac e n t,68.

In terj ect,i nser t,3 terpose,228.

[ntetj ection,300.In terl ace,twine,2 19.

j am,43 .

l n terlard,interpose,228.

mit,inser t,3 00.

[ interlard i ng, 41.In terl eave,228.Interl in e,insert,228.wr i te,590.Interl i n ea t ion,insert ion,228.

wr iting,590.In terl i n k,43 .In terlocat ion,228.In terlocu t io n,588.In terlocu to r, 588In terlocu tory, lIn terloper,interven e,228.

ab stract,706.

extraneous,57.In terl u de,dramat ic,599.t ime, 106.In termarriage,903 .In termedd le,h inder, 706.

i n terfere,682.In termedd l ing,media t ion,724 .

in terference,682.In termed i ate,mean,29.instrumen tal ,63 1.midd le,68 .

interv en ing,228.

Intertned ium,

i nstrumen t,63 1.means,63 2 .

in terven t ion,228.In termen t,3 00,3 63 .

l n termi nab l e ,infin ite, 105.

eterna l, 112.


Intenmng le,41.In termiss ion ,disco ntinuancc,lIn termi t,int errupt,70.

d is cmttinue,I4] .recur, 138 .


Internnittence,recurrence, 138i n t ime, 106 .

Intermitten '


I N D E X .

Intemi ix ,41.Intertn ix ed ,41.In termi x ture,41.Internnitation,148In terna l,i n ter ior,22 trins ic,5 .

l in ing,224 .In terna l ly,22 1In ternat io na l,rec ipro ca l . 13law,933

Internuncimessenger 53 4consign ee,75C.In terpene trate,Interpen e tra t io n,passage,3 02 .

ing ress,294.I’ 'erpo late,r..tervene,mit , 41.analyt ica l,85.In terpo la t ion,mix ture,41.interven t io n,228.In terpose,i n tervene,228.

media te,7224.act,6812.h inder,706.In terposed, 198.In terposi t ion,ac t,6822 .

in terven t ion,228.

media t ion,724.hi nderance,706.

mix ture,41.In terpret,explain,answer,462 .In terpre tat io n,mean ing,516.answer,452.

explanat ion,522.In terpre ter,524.In terregn um,

to a t? 738.

in termiss ion, 106 .

cessa t ion, 14 1.d iscont inu i ty,70.In terroga te,46 1.In terroga t io n,46 1.Inte rrogatory,461.In terrupt,d iscon t i nu ity,70.hmd erance,706 .

cessa t ion,pause, '265.In t errupt ion ,pa use,265.

cessat io n, l 4 l .hinderance,706.disconti nu i ty,70.In tersec t,9 19 .In terse c t ion,2 19.In terspace,interv al , 198.interio r, ‘22 1.

3 51

In terspe rs e,d ifius e,73nut ,41.intervene,228.In terspersio n ,mixture,4 1.diffus io n,73 .In ters t i c e, 198.In terst i t ia l,mterj acent,228.

in terna l,29 1.In tert ex tu re,tissue, 329.i ntersect ion,219.In tertw i n e,cross,2 19.In tertw ist,un i te,43 ,219.In terv a l,of space,2 19.ofmusic,4 13 .

of order,70.

of t ime, 106.In tervene,in space,228.

in t ime, 108.mediate,724.In terven i enc e,in space, time 106.

Intervenmg,68.In terven t ion,med iat ion,68, 724.inser t ion,3 00.

interj aeence,228.

i nstrumenta l tty,170, 63 1.In terv i ew,


soc iety. 892 .In tervo l ved,43 .In t erweave, 2 19.In terwo rk i ng, 170.In t estate 552.In tes t i nal,22 1In t est i n e, 22 1.In th ra l l ,75LIn t imate,to tel l,527.

fr iend ly, 888.

c lose, l 97.In t imat ion,527.Intinud ate,fr ighten,860inso lence,885In t imi da t ion,threat,909.

fr ight,860.In to l erab l e,83 0.In to l eran ce,885.In to l eran t,inso l en t,885.

prejud i ce,481In tomb,3 63 .In ton at ion,sound,402 .tone,4 13 .

vo ice,580.In tox i cate,ex cite,824,825.

.Tnto x icate,inebr iate, 959.In tox i cated,895In t ox ica t io n .ex c ite/nent,894 . 825inebr iat ion,959.

Intracta ln l ity,d ifiiculty,704.

obst inacy,606.Intractah lc ,diffic u lt,704.obstina te,606 .d iscourteous ,895In transi en t, 110.

l n transi t i v e, 110.In transmu ta b l e, 110.In trench,717.In tren chmen t,717.Intrepid,881.In trepid i ty,861.In tri cacy,

d ifiicul ty,704,888confus io n,59.In tri ca te,d iflicutt,704.

perpl ex ed,5 19.In tricateness, 704.

In trigu e,plot,626 .cunn ing,702 .activ i ty,682.l icentious ncs s ,961In trigu i ng,702.In tri ns ic,5.

Intrins ica l l ty,5.In trodu c e,i nser t,3 00.

precede,62.In troduct ion ,i ngr ess,294.inser tion,3 00.

pr ior i ty, 1 16.precurso r,64.acqua intance,888.

presen ta t ion,894.In trod uc tory,preceding,62.

precurso ry, 1 16.beg inning,56.In trogress io n,294.In tromiss ion,294.In tromi t,receive, $294,296.d isco n t inue, 141In trospe c t ion,look i n to ,44 tend to,457.In trove rs io n,3 13In tro vert,inver t,2 18.

evo l ve,3 13 .In trud e,in tervene, 228.

en ter 294.

i noppor tune, 13 5interfere,24 .In trud e r,57,228In trusion,intervention,29‘

3 52

In trusion,en trance,294.d isagreemen t,24.mixture,41.In trusi ve, 135.In tu i t ion,mind,450.knowledge. 490.

In tu i t ive,477.In tu i t iven ess,477.

l umin escen ce, 194,250.In tw i n e ,43 ,248.Inu nda te,


us io n, 3 3 7.

flow,3 48.redund ance,641.l n u nda t ion,overflow,3 48.

ej/usmn,3 3 7.redundance,641.In ure,hab ituate,6 13 .tra in,673 .harden,823 .In u red,823 .

[ n u remen t,673 .

l nu t i l i ty,645.Invad e,ing ress,294.a ttack,7 16.

Inva l id ,655.In va l idate,disable, 158.disen t i t l e,925.confute,479.rebut, 468.In va l ida t ion,weakness, 160.confu ta t ion,479.infirmi ty,655.In va l i d i ty, 158, 479,Inva l uab l e,648.Invariab l en ess, 150.Invariab l e,150.Invas ion,i ngress,294.a ttack,716 .In vec t i v e, 93 2.In v e igh,blame,938.Inve igl e,dece ive,545.

seduce,6 15 .Inven t,imagine,515.d evis e,628.

fa lsehood,544 .In ve n t i on,ski l l,698.imag ina tion,515.Inven t i ve,skilfu l,698.fanciful, 5 15.Inven tory,86 .Inverse, 14,23 7Inversely,2 18.Invers ion ,reverswn,145 .

I N D EX .

Invers ion, In vo l ve,ofposition, derang e,61.of rela tion, 14.

of style,577.

oforder,59,6 1.In vert,change, 140.reverse, 14.derange,01.overset,2 18.In vest,ive,784.

end,787 .


empower, 157,755.ascr ibe, o th e,225.

bes iege,716 .In vest iga te, 461.Inv est igat io n,461Invest igator,46 1.In vest i tu re.( See In vest.)Investmen t.(See Inv est.)Inv e tera te,hab i t,6 13 .

o ld , 124.

bel ief,484.Inv id io us,envy,92 1.ha tred,898.Inv igorat ion, 159.

Inv im ib l e, 159.Inv io l a b l e,r ight,924.ho no r,93 9.In v io l ate,93 9.Inv ious,close,26 1.path l ess,704.Inv isi b l e,not to be seen,447.sma l l, 193 .

concea led,526 .Inv i tat ion,aski ng,763 .i nducemen t,615.

1n v i te,ask,765 .


cr,763 .

induce,615.In v i t i ng,p leas ing,829.In vo cat ion,p lead ing ,765.apostrophe,586.nvonce,86 .Invoke,implo rgé


or 0.

address,586.curse,908.I nvo l u ntari n ess,603 .I n vo l u n tary,601.In vo l u t ion ,d isorder,59.convo l u t ion,248.numer ica l,85.s tyl e,571.

incl ude,54.wrap,225 .


mean ing,5 16.In vo l ved ,59.In vu l n erab l e,664 .In vu l nerab l eness,Inward 221.Inward ly,22 1.Inweave,2 l9.Inwrap,2 25 .Iota,part ic le,32 .

minu te, 193 .

IIaSC l b l l l ly, 895,901 .

l rasc i b l e,901.Ire,900.Irid escence,440.Irid esce n t,440.Iris,440.Irksome,t i resome, 688 .tedi ous,841.oppress ive,830.Irks omen essted ium,841.oppression,83 0.Iron,strength, 159.ha rdness,32 3 .to smoo th,255.

ronh earted , ica l,544.I rony,r idi cul e, 856.un tr uth,548.trad ia te,420.I rrad ia t io n,420.Irra tio na l,n umber,84.s i l ly,477,499 .

I l' l 'd tl tlna l l ty,499.Irrec l a imab l e,degen erate,659.v i le,945.

impen i ten t,951.Irrecoucilab le,d iscorda nt,24.

un rela ted, 10.Irreconc i labl e n ess,10Irrecoverab l e,

los t,776.


pos t, 122.Irrede emabl e,776 .

Irreduc l h le,d iscordan t,24.

out oforder,59.

invo lved,6 1.fixed, 150.Irrefragabl e,cer ta in, 475.

proved,467,478.Irrefu table,cer tai n,475.


utab le,proved,478.I rregu la r,out of o rder, uino t ru l e,83in t ime, 13 9.distor ted,243 .mu l tiform,81.Irregu lari ty,83 ,59.

Irreo nlarly, 139 .I rrela t ion, IO.I rrel a t i ve, 10.Irre l e van ce,477.Irre l e van t,unrela ted, 10.unaccordan t,24.soph ist ica l,477re l igion, 988.Irre l igio us,988.Irremed iab l e,lost,776.spo i led,659.hopel es s,859.

bad,649.remed i l ess,659.Irremissib l e,945.Irremov ab l e, 150,265.Irreparabl e,loss,776.


i ncu rable,659.I rreprehensi bl e,946Irrepress i b l e.‘D l O lel l t, 1725.

exc itement,825.

free,748.I rreproachab l e,946.I rreprovab l e,946 .I rresist i b l e, 159, 60]457 .

rreso lute,149,605.rreso lution,605 .

Irreso lval i le,87.Irrespe c t i ve, 10.rt

espons ih le,exempt,927.arbitrary,964.

rretrievab le, 150,659,776.Irre verence,d is respect,929.

impiety,989.Irreveren t,impious,989.

di srespectfu l,929.Irrevers r'n e,past, 122 .


immutable, 150.hopeles s,659 .

rrevocab le, 150,601,604.Irrevocab l en ess,150.Irrigate,3 3 7.Irrigat ion,3 37 .Irrision , 83 6 .Irri tab i l i ty,anger,901.ex ci tabil ity,825.

3 54

Judge,arb i trator,96dei ty,976 .

d ecul e,480.ta s te, 350.Judgmen t,dec ision, tel lect, 450.belief,484.wisdom, 498.

sen te nce,969.Jud i cat io n,480.

Jutl icatory,965.

l nd i cato re,965.

uil icml,965.J ud ic io us,480,498Jug,19 l .J u i ce,3 3 3 .J u ice l ess, 3 40.Ju i cy,33 3 ,33 9.Ju l ep, 3 96.J umb l e,confus io n. 59.derangement, ture,41.Jump,m e,3 05.

l eap, 146,3,840.Jump at,sei ze,789 .

pursue,622.conc l us ion,480.J ump o ver,460.Ju n c t ion,43 ,197.Junctu re,perwd , 13 4.circumstance,8.junc t ion,43 .

Ju ngl e,3 67 .

Jun ior, 127,Ju n i ori ty , 127.Ju nk,273 .J u n to,712.J upi ter,979.

Jui id ical,965 .Juri sconsu l t,968.J u risd i c t io n,965.Ju ri spruden ce,963 .Jurist,968.Ju ry,967.

Juiymas t,subst itute,147resource,666.J us t,a ccu ra te, 494.fair, 480.

r ig h t,922.

equ i table,93 9.

reasonable,476,5 19.

.us t so,488.J ust i ce,r ight,922.d iv ine,976 .

mag istrate, titl ary,967.

us ti fia b le,r ig ht,922.venial,93 7.

I N D E X .

Justiflcation,rel ig ious,987.

v ind icatum,93 7.Just ify,93 7, 976.Justle,p ush,276 .

fight,722.toss,3 15 .Jut out,250.Jutty,250.Ju ven esc en ce,127.J uven i l e 127.

Juveml ii 7, 127.Jux taposuion,199.

K .

Ka l e i doscope,445.Kee l,2 11 .Kee n,energ etic,171acu te,3 75.

po ig na nt,82 1.eeneyed,441,498.Keen n ess,desi re,865 .

energ y,eens igh ted ,498.

eenwitted,498.Keep,reta i n,150.custody,751.prison,752 .

to observe, 772 .

to celebra te,883 .

to persist, cont inue, 143 .c i tadel ,717.


prov is ion,G3 7.Ke ep away,126.

eep hack,conceal, 528.disuse,678.d issuade,6 16.eep c lose,781eepfrom,

refrain,603 .Keep i n,76 1.Ke ep i n v i ew,457.Ke ep off,196 .Keep on, 143 .Ke ep u nder,restra i n,751.Keep up, 143 .Ke epe r,753 .Keepi ng,congr u i ty,24.ho ld ing, 781.Keep q u i et,683 .K eepsake,505.Keg,Ken, 490.Ken n e l ,hovel. 189 .

Kerbs tt tie,K erch ii 225 .

Kerne l, 222.

Ke t tl e,vessel, 191.caldron,3 86.

K ettleilrum,417.K ey,i nterpreta t ion,522 .answer,462 .

mus i c,413 .ca use, 153 .

instrument,63 1.Keyho l e,260.Key not e,music,413 .

model ,22.Keys to n e,215,729.K ick .

str ike,276 .

res ist,719.K id n ap,789,791.K i lderk i n,191.K il l,3 6 1.K i l l i ng,3 6 1.K i l l t ime,683 .K i l n ,386.K i l t,225 .K imbo,244.K i n , 75.K i nd,cl ass,75.

ben evo l ent,906.K i nd hearted ,906 .

Kmd h earted ness ,906.Kind l e,setfi ro to,3 use, 153 .

quicken,17 1.incite,6 15.ex c ite, 173 ,824.i ncens e,900.K i nd ly, 906 .K i nd n ess,906.K i n dred, 11.K i ng, 745.K i ngcraft,73 7.K i ngdom, 181,780.K i ng’s Engl ish,560.K i nsman, l l .K i rk, 1000.K i rt l e,225.

K i te,flying ,973loan,788.K i tten,K i tten ish,Knac k,ski l l,698.

toy,840.Kn ap,r idge, 206 .Kn apsack, 191.Kn ave ,d ecewer,548.

rogue,94 l .honor,949.

Knavery,v ice,945.disho nesty,9405Knav ish,940.Knav ishn ess, 94aKn ead,mix ,41.soften,324.Kn e e,244.

Knec l,beg,765.


pr ay,990.

serv i li' ty,743 ,886Kn ee l i ng,prayer,990.

submiss ive,743 .Kne l l,3 63 ,4 15 .Kn ic k k nack,643 .Kn ife,253 .Kn igh t,nob le,875.

n luerran t,717,863Kn igh thood ,877.Kn i t,43 .K nob ,pro tuberance,25°bal l ,249.

sound 406.beat,672.

K nock down,162,3 08.Knock und er,

obey,743 .Knock up,688.Kno ii,206.Knot,en tanglement, 59g roup,72 .

i n tersectio n,2 19.d ifiiculty,704.

kno b, 194.h i nderance,706 .

ornament,847.Kno t ted,wes tion,219,461Kno tty,d ifi cult,704.dense, 3 2 1.Kn ow i ng, 698 .Know i ngly,600Know l edge, 490Know n,490.Knu ck l e,244.hand,244.Kn uck l e to,humb le,879.Koran,986.

work,680.Labo ratory, 144 , (391.La bo rer,og0i bo rious,6 3 6.Laboriousness,704.Labyri n th ,secret,53 3 .

d ifi‘iculty. 704.

convo lut ion,248.Labyri n th ic, iLa byri n th i n e,i 704Lace,

La c erate,44,830.Laceration . 44.Lachrymose,809.Lack,


Lamb en t flame,420.Lamb l ike,946.Lame,weak, 160.

bad, (349.fai l ing,73 2.lax i ty,73 8.

a el la,204.Lamel lat ed,Lame l l ifo rm,Lame ly,2 75 .Lamen t,compla i n,839.

regret,83 3 .

Lamenta b ly,3 1 .L .men tat ion,compla in t,83 9;pi ty,915.Lamen t ing,839.Lami na,layer, r t,5 1.Lami na ted,204.Lamp,423 .Lampoon,93 2.Lance,throw,284.

javel i'n, 727.Lan cer,726.Lan cet,262 .Land,ground,3 42 .

to arr ive,292.

to stop,,780.Land ing,2 15.Land i ng-pl ace,2 15,292Land locked ,227 .Land lord,779.Landmark,550.Lan dscape,v iew,448.del ineat ion,,

street, 189.

way,627.Language,560.Langu id,weak, 160.slow,275.

inactive,683 .torpi d,823 .

style,575.Languis l i,des ir e,865 .

fa i n t, 160.

ill ness,655.Langu ishmen t 83 9.

L angri or,weakn ess, 160inac t iv i ty,275,683 .du lness, 172 .Lan k, 193 ,203 .Lan kness,203 .Lan tern,423 .


cover,225.inter ior,22 1.

3 5


Lap,to wrap,223 .

encompass,227dr ink,296 .Lapid escenc e,32 1.Lapid ifieation,32 1.Lapse,of t ime,109.

pa s-t t ime,122 , 135.

ful l , 3 06.

g rowth, 144.deg eneracy, i l t,947.Larboard,23 9.Larceny,79 1.Lard,355,356.Larder,store,63 6.

Large,in quantity,3 si ze, 192.

Large r, 194.Largen ess,in quan t i ty,3 1.i n s ize, 192.Larges s,784,809.Lark ,mount,305.fro l ic,840.Larum,a larm,669.s ig na l,550.

loudness,404.Larva, 127, 129.Lasc i v ious,961.Lasc i v iousn ess,961.Lash,t ie togeth er,43 .pun ish,972.sco urge, 975.censure,93 2 .

v io l ence, 173 .Lass, 129,374.Lassi e,374;Lassi tud e,fa tigue,688.

wear iness ,841.Lasso,45.Lassy,129.Last,in order,67 .

in t ime,122.endure, 106.continue, 142 .durab l e, 110.model,22 .Las ting,888.

Ifii tCh ,45.Latche t,45.

new, 123 .Late ly,122 .Late n cy,i nertness, 172 .

concea lmen t,4 17Laten t,concea l ed,

La ten t,impl ied,516.

i ner t, 172 .La ter, 1 17.Latera l,Laterah ty,23 6.La th,205.La ther,3 53 .La t i tud e,scope, 180.p lace, 182, 183 .

b readth ,202freedom,748.

Latitudmariun,98kLa tran t,412.La tra t ion,412La t ter,sequent,63 .

past, 122 .La tt ice,2 19.Laud,pra ise,93 1 .Laud ab l e,944.Lauda t ion,93 1Lauda to ry,93 1.Laugh,83 8.Laugh a t,r idicu le,856.s neer,929.der ide,483 .

joke,842.Laugh ab le,r idi cul ous,838,842,853 .Laugh i ng,838.Laugh ing stock,857.Laugh ter,83 6,83 8,840.Launch,propel,284.begin,66.undertake,676.boa t,273 .adventure,87&Laun ch ou t,expat iate,584.sty le,573 .Laure l,trophy,73 3 .

reward,973 .

glory,873 .decorat ion,877.Lave,652.Lave nder co lor,Law s h ,

prodiga l,818.profuse,63 9,641.Lavishmen t,64 1.


ru le,80.ordina tion,963 .comma nd,74 1.permis s ion,760Lawfu l , 924 .

i wg iver, 745.Law l ess,arbi trary,964.

irregular,83 .

a les s ness,i rregularity,83.

3 56

Law less n ess,n on -observa i i t,773 .Lmm,3 44.Lawsu i t,909.Lawy er,958 .Laxincoheren t,47.

soft,3 24.

d rfi'

us e,573 .

remi ss,73 8.

l icmttous ,945.Laxa t ion,44.Laxn ess,i ncoherence,47.


lwentiousnes s ,945 .Lay,p lace, 184.

assuage phys ical ly,13 4.

mora lly,826.b et, 151.



level,2 13 .

secular,997.Lay as id e,rel inqu ish, 624.

g ive up,782.reject,6 10.Lay bare,525.Lay by,store,63 3 .econom i ze,817.Lay down,assert,535.

renounce,757.Lay i n,store,296,63 6,63 7.Lay open,d isc lose,529.

s h ow,525 .d ivest,226 .

Lay ou t,3 63 .Lay to,be inact ive,683 .repose,687.

Lay “Pai l lness,655.Lay waste,ravage, 649.

d isorg amze,659.Lay e r,204.Layman,997 .La zare tto,662 .Laz i n ess, 683 .La zy,ina ct ive,683 .slow,275.

Lea,3 42,3 44.Lead ,to precede in order,02 .

preced e in mot ion,280.

to tend, 176 .

to direct, 693 .

to induce, 6 15.

autho r ity,7117.

I N D EX .

Lead,heav iness,3 19Lead off,66 .Lead er,745.Lead ing,importan t, 642.heading ,280.Lead ing stri ngs,re ins,747.

subj ectwn,749.Leaf,part,layer,204.of a book,593 .Leafle t,5 1.League,712Leak,dr ibble,295ch ink, 198.

waste,63 8.Leakage,295.Leak i ng,638.Learn,thm, 193 .

incl ine,602.

na rrow,203 .

ob l ique,2 l7.

recl ine,2 15.Lean i ng,direct ion,278.

wd l ingnes s ,602.s la nt,2 17.

desire,885.Lean towards,923 .Leann ess, 193 ,203 .Leap, 3 05,309.Leap to,change,140.Learn,by rate,505.

Lean ied , 490.Learn er,54 1.Learn i ng,acqu iring,53 9.erud i t ion,490.Le ase,796.Le ash,tre,43 .three,92.Leaseho l d,780.Least,3 4.Leather,trifle,643 .Leave,qu it,293 .d iSplace, 185 .

rel i nqu i sh,624.permission,760.bequeath e,784.des ist,Le ave o il , 141,6 14,624.Leave ou t,55 .Leaven,cause, 153 .

bane,663 .

d ir t, 153 .

to sport,659Lean na-1 , 40.Lec her,L am in co l o r,43 6.

Le nd ,787.

Lech emns,961.Lec h ery,96 1.Lec tu re,teach,53 7.

censure,908,932 .

disco urse,582.sermon,998.Lec tu rer. 541.Ledge,2 15.Le ech,suck,789.

physic ian,695.

Lee sho re, 667.

Lee s id e,23 6 .Le eward,23 6 .Leeway , 133 ,3 04.Leer,44 1.Lees,652.Left,rema in i ng, 40.

si nistra l,23 9.Lefthanded,699.Legacy,g ift,784.a cqu isi t ion, l,leg i t imate,924.

rela t i ng to law,963 .Lega l i ty,963 .Lega l i z e,924.Legate,consignee,750.messenger,534.

deput i 759.Lega t ion,755 .Legend,narrat iv e,594.record,55 1.Legendary,594.Leger,a ccounts,811.l ist,86.Legerdema i n,trick,545 .

change, 146.c unn ing,702.Leggi ng,225.Legi b l e,518.Legi b l en ess,518.Legio n ,army,726.

mu l ti tude, 102 .assemb lage,72 .Legisl ate,963 .Legisla tor,7416Legisl ature, 3 61;Legi t ima te,true,494.due,924.

just, ,963 .Legi t imi ze,494.Legs,266.Le isure,unoccupi ed, (385.

opportnnttn l 3 4.Le isu re l y , l 3 3 ,275,

lo ng,260.Le n i ence,mi ld ness,740.

covapas s ton ,914.


compass ionate,936moderate, 174.mi ld,740.Len i t i v e,remedy,662.

mild, 174.relief,834.Le n i ty,740.Lens,445.Len t,95 6.Len ten,956.Len t i c u lar,245.Le n to r,v iscidity,3 52.iner tness, 172.

ina ctiv i ty,683 .Len tous,v iscid,352.Leopard ,440.Leprosy,655.Less,inferior,3 4.

subducti on,88.Lessee,806.Lessen,in quan tity or do

ee,3 6.

in iiic, 195.Lessen i ng,in deg ree, size, 195.

3 58

L iq u efied,3 3 3 .L iq uefy,disso l ve . 3 35.

mel t,384.Liq u esc en ce,3 84.

L iq ii escent,so l ub le,3 35.L iqu id,flu id,3 3 3 .

sound,405.Liq u ida te,pay,807.

L iqmdation,807.L iqu id i ty,3 3 3 .

L iquid ii ess,33 3 .L iquo r,l iqu id,3 3 .

potab le,298.L i sp,583 .l i,cata lo o ne,86.

str ip,205 .

fr ing e,23 1.unit,6 00.choose,609.L isted,440.L isten,418.L isten e r,4 18.L isten i ng,418.L ist l ess,ina ttent i ve,458.

inact ive, 683 .


erent,866.L ist l essn ess,inact ion,683 .

ind ifl'

erence,866.L ists,arena,728.L i tany,998.L i tera l,ec act,564.

verba l,562 .

mean ing,5 16.L itera l ly,19,772.L i terary,560.L i tera ture,l earn i ng,490.

languag e,560.L i the,3 24.L i thograph,558.

L itiga iit,7 13 ,726.L i t iga te,7 13 ,969.L i t iga t ion,7 13 ,969L i t igious,713 .

L itig iousues ,71Li tt er,diso rder 59.

to derange,6 1.mul t itude, 102.trash, 643 .

useles s,645.

I N D EX .

L i tter,veh ic le,272 .L i tt l e,i n degr ee,3 2.

in S i ze, 193 .L i t t l en ess,i n degree, 32.

in si ze, 193 .L i t tora l,3 42 .L i turgy,998.

brea the, 359.con t inue,142 .dwell , 186 .

fame,873 .L i v e on,296 .L i v e l ihood,803 .L i v e l i n ess,sprightl i ness,83,574.L i v e lo ng,1 10.L i v e l y,sprig h tég

, 83 6acute, l .s ensuive, 3 75,822 .act ive,,574.L i v er-co lored, 43 3 .L i very,badge,co lor,428 .

servan t,746.

su it,225 .L i v id ,dark,43 1.purpl e,43 7.

Livulness,43 1.L i v i ng,ex istencebenefi cc,995.L i v i ng sou l ,3 72.L i x i v ia te,652.

LO 3see, 441.wonder,870.Load,weigh t,3 19.transport,270.cargo, 190.

lade, 184 .

redundance,641.h inderance,706.

thememory,505.anx iety,828.

to oppress,83 0.Loadstar,beacon,550.

gu ide,695.Loadston e,Loam,3 42.Loan,787.Loa th e , 867.ha te,698.abhor,867.Loa thsome,h ateful,898.abho rrent, useous,3 95.

Loath i ng,a bhorr ing , 867.

h atin rr,898.

nauseat ing,841.Lob e,51.Lobby,191.Lo bster,43 4.Lo bu l ar,5 1.Lo bu l e,51.Loca l, 183 .Loca l i ty, 182.Loca l i zat ion ,184.Loca te, 184.Loca ted , 184.Locat io n, 184.Lock,j asten,43 .confi ne,229 .


enc lose,232 .

barr i er,706 .

canal, 3 50.tuft,256 .Lock up,528,751.Locker, 191.Locomot io n,264,266,267.Locomot i v e,266,

Locu lar,191.Lod esto n e. (SeeLoadstone.)Lodge,presence,186.dwel l ing, 189.

r eceptac le, 191.p lace,184.d ger,inh ab i tant, 188.Lodging,dwell in 189house,{9Lodgmen t,184.Loft,garret, 191.

Lo ltiness ,h ighness, ide,878.

sub l imity,574.

mag nanimtty,Lo l ty ,h igh,206 .

sub lime, 574.

proud,878.mag nanzmous ,942 .

Log.measure,466 .

record,Log b ook, 594.Log l in e,466 .Logari thm,84 .Loggerheads,quarrels,713 .Logic,476.Logi ca l,467,476.

Logograph ,533 .Logomachy,words,588.

d ispute, 713 ,720reason ing ,476.

Logomete r,85 .Logome tr ic,85.Lo i n,23 6.Lo i ter,slow,275.

mactive, 683 .tardy, 13 3 .

l inger, 110.l o l l,rec l i ne,2 15.

lounge,683 .

sprawl,2 13 .Lo n e,87.

Lo ne l iiies s,893Lon esome,87,,8é93Lo n esomen essLong,

i n space,200.

in t ime, 1 10.Longbo at,273 .Lo ngeva l, 1 10.

Longliead ed ,498.Lo ngi ng,865.Longi nq u i ty, 196 .Longi tud e,200.

Longitud innLong itud iuaLongl i ved, 110.

Longs iglitc d ,sagac ious, 498.

presbyopic, 443 .Long-spu n,573 .Long-sufl'


826.Long-sufferi ng,914.Lo ng—w i nd ed,d lfi


use,573 .

protracted, 1 10.

loquac ious,584.Look,s ee,441.appearance,448.Look after,457.Look b lan k,509 .Look down upon,93 0Look for,seek,46 1.expect,507.Look fo rward,expec t,507.

foresee,5 10.

Look i n to,461.Look out,prospect,448.Lo ok out for,ezpcct, 507.Look over,Lo ok upon,484.Look up to,928 .Look er on,444.Look i ng glass,445.Loom,

d im,443 .

come tn s irr h t,446weaver’s,69 1Loni) ,curve,245.circl e,247.

L00pl.ole,opt g


v ista,44 1.plea , 6 17.

plan, 626 .

refug e,666.escape,67 1

incoherent,47 .

vague,5 19.

s inful,945.

style,573 .

lax , 738.

forget,506.disso l u te,96 1.Loosen,47,750.n ess,

cm,945 .

lax ity,73 8.

vagueness,519 .

style,573 .Loosen i ng,47,738.retr ench, 3 8.

shorten,201.Loq uac ious, 584.Loq uac i ty,584.rd,nob l eman,875ruler,745.God ,976 .Lord i t o ver. 885.Lord l i ng,875.Lord l i n ess,pr ide,878.

873 .a nd eur,Logi'll ly,pro ud ,878.

gr and,873 .Lordsh ip,ti tle,73 l ,871,877.Lore,490.Lose,135,776.waste,683 .

priva t ion,776.

ofstrength, 160.m l,6 10.death,3 60.Los t,inv is ib le,449.

non -ex isting,2 .

bew i ldered ,491.demor al i zed,945.ab sen t, 187.

impeni ten t,951.inattent ive,458.


dest iny, 152.chance, l 56, oup,72 .allo tment,786.Lottery, 156,621.Loud,404.

Loudn ess,404.

I N D EX .

Lounge,inact ive, 683 .

to lo iter, 110,275Lounger, 683 .Lou ng i ng,275.

at tachmen t. 897.

favor ite, 899.Lov e l e tter,900.Lov e l i n ess,845.Love lorn,loves i ck,897.

rejec ted,898.Lovely,dear,897.

p leas i ng,829.

beaut iful,845.Lo ver,897.Lov i ng,897.LOW,depressed,207.

deba sed, lgar,876.cry,412.

pr ice,815.

sound,403 .Lower,depress,207,3 08.decrease,d im,422.

infer io r,3 4.d iscourteous,895.

ira te,900.

pr ed ict,511.Lowering,depress i ng ,308.sad,83 7 .Low lands,207.Low l i n ess, 879.Low ly,879.

Lowmnided ,840.Lowness,humi l ity,874.fla tness, lgar i ty,851.

Low spi ri ts, 83 7.Loy a l,939 .Lo z e nge,244.Lub ber (or Lub bard),slow,683 .awkward,699.

b i 192.Lubierly,192.Lu bricate,smooth ,255.Lu brica ted ,3 3 2.Lu bricat io n,255,33 2.Lu bric i ty,sl ippery,255.

impur i ty,961.Luc en t,420.Lu c id,l uminous,420.

intefl ig ib lc,5 18.sty le,570.Luc i d n ess,san i ty,502 .

c lea rnes s,518.

3 9

Luc i dn ess,bri htness ,420.

sty e,570.Lu c ife r,match,388.Lu ck,chance,156,62 1.good,6 18.

success,73 1.prosper i ty,734.Luck l ess,fa i l ure,73 2 .adversity,735.distressed,828.Lu cky, 134,734 .Lucra t i v e,810.Lucre,ga in,775.

weal th,803 .Lucubrat ion,451.Lucu l en t, 420.Lud icrous ,laughab le, 83 8.

r idicu lous, 853 .

wi tty,842 .

Lud icrons ness ,853 .Lug,285.Luggage,materi als ,63 5.Lugger, 273 .Lugu brious,837.Luk ewarm,temperate,382.ind ifi


erent,866 .to rpid,823 .

Lukewami ness,ind ifli'r ence,866 .

insens ib il ity,823 .Lu l l,assuage, l 74.mitiga te,826 .

s il ence,403 .qu ies cence,265.Lu l laby,song, 415.



embarrass,647.trash,643 .d isorder,59 .h i nderance,706.Lumb e r room, 191.Lumbering,cumbrous ,647.Lumi nary,l ight,42 3.sage,500.Lum i nous,420Lump,mass,3 19.dens ity,32 1.concrete, ta l i ty,50.

to amass,72 .Lumpish,massive, 192,321.elu gish,683 .

n o 853 .

Lumpishn ess . .83 .Lunacy,503Lu na t i c, 504Lun ch, 298.Lunch eon ,298.Lu nge,276.Lungs,loudness,404Lun ifo rm,245.Lu n u lar,245.Lun u l e,245Lurch,sink,3 06.difficu lty,704decep t io n,545.oscil la tion,3 14.

to incline,2 17Lu re,en tice, 615.

decep t ion,545.Lu rid,d im,

conceal ed,528.

unseen,447.Lu rk i ng-place,53 0.Lusc ious,savory,3 94.

gr a tefu l,829.du lcet, 396 .Lusk,683 .Lust,des i re,865.concupisce'nce, 961.

Lustmes s ,159.Lustrat ion,purification,65 2 .a tonemen t,952.Lustre,br ightness,420.chandel ier,423 .g lory,873 .Lustrous,420.Lusty, 192,961Lu t e,cement,45.

to cemen t,46 .

gui tar,417.Luxat io n,44 .Luxu riance,63 9.Luxu rian t,63 9.Luxur ia te,827.Luxurious,829pleasi ng,829 .

grateful,827.Luxur iousn ess,E38Luxu ry,phys ica l, 3 77.

enj oymen t,827sensu a l i ty, 954.Lyceum,542.Ly i ng,decumbent,2 13 .decept ive

,546.Lymph,3 3 , 3 3 7,425Lymphat ic,337 .

3 60


Macaron i,854.Mace,cl ub,63 3 .

weapon,727.scep tre,747.Macera '

e,3 3 7.Macerat ion,ascet ic ism, 955.di l at ion, 3 37.atonemen t,952 .Mach iave l ian, 544,702.Mach iave l ism,702.Mach inatmn, 626.Mach i ne,63 3 .Mach i n ery,63 2.Mach in ist, 090.Mac i l en cy, 193 .Macul en t,Mm, 193 .

narrow,203 .Macro cosm,3 18.Macu l ate, 846.Macu la t ion,440,848.Mud ,insane,503 .

v io l en t, 13 7.Madam,3 74.Madcap,504,863 .Madd en,exacts, 173 ,83 4.demen ta te,503 .Madd en ing,82 5.Made laction,3 3 9Mad e of, 54.

lMadman,504.Mad nes s,503 .Madr iga l,597 .

tiae ls trom,3 12.Magaz i n e,63 6.Maggo ty,653 .Magic,992 .Magi ca l,992 .Magic ian , 994.Magic lan tern ,445.l iagisterial ,878.ll agistracy,author i ty,737.

ju r isd ict ion,965.

dagis trate,jus t ic iar'y,967 .

ru ler,745 .

i agis trature,737.

agnanimity,942.Magnan imous,Magne t,865 .Magmficence,g randeur,882.

sp lendo r,845.Magn ifice n t,grand, ne,845.

I N D EX .

Magn ifi er,445.Magn ify,increase,3 5.

en la rge, 194.pra is e,990.approve,93 1.Magm loquence,582 .Magn i loq u en t,577.Magn i tud e,quan t ity,25.s i ze, 192 .Mahogany co lor,433 .Mah omet,986.Mahometanism,984.Ma id e n,ri 129 374.Mfid ,’servant,746.spinster,904.Ma id en ly,374.Ma i l,letters,592 .defence,7 17.armory,727.Ma im,injure,649.weaken , 160.Ma i n,who l e,50.condu i t, 350.

ocean, 3 41.princ ipa l, 642 .Ma i n l an d,3 42 .Ma i n ly,3 1.Ma i nspri ng,cause, 153 .

mo tive,6 15.Ma i nstay,means,refuge,666 .hope,858.Ma i n ta i n ,con t inue,143 .

preserve,670.hold , 142.sus tain, 170.asser t,535 .Ma i n tenan ce,permanence,142.preserva t ion,670.Maj es t i c,873 .Maj estykin ,


rar 873 .

D aily, 976 .Major,g reater,3 3 .

ofiicer,745 .Majori ty,age, 13 1.super ior ity, 33 .Majuscu l es,591 .Make,produc e, 144, 161.cons t itu te,54.

form,240.arrive a t,292.Make be l i eve,544.Make fast,43 .Mak e i t up,918.

MakeMak eMake l i ht of,930.Make 0 671 .Mak e out,dec ipher,522.d iscover,480.Make o v er,783 .Mak epeace,724.Mak e up,complete, 52.

satisfy,63 9.Compose, 54.Make up for,30.Mak e up to,ac cost,586.approach,286Mak er,a rtificcr, tho r, 164 .

D eity,976.Mak esh ift,

494 .


subst i tute,64,147.

p lea,6 l7.Make way,progr ess,282.

improve,658.Mak ewe igh t,equal , ensatian,3 0.Ma la mi n istra t io n,699 .Ma l ad ro i tn ess,699.Ma lady,655.Ma laria,657,663 .Malcon ten t,83 2.Ma l e, 159, 37 3 .Ma l ed i c t ion,908.Ma l efac tor,949 .Ma leficent,907.Ma l e vo l e n ce 907.Ma l evo l en t,907.Ma lformat ion,Ma l ice,spite,907.

h a te,898.Ma l i c ious,spiteful ,907.

invid io us,898.Ma l ign,93 4.Ma l i n an t,ma evolent,907.

pern ic ious,649.Ma l ign i ty,violence, 173ma levo l ence, rse,649.Ma l ign er,544.Ma l l,c lu b,63 3 .

street,189.Ma l l eab i l i ty,softness,3 24.duct i l ity,705.Ma l l eab l e,soft,3 24.fac i l e,705.Ma l l e t,hammer,276.

Ma l l et,in strumen t,63 3 .Ma lprac t i ce,947.Ma l trea t,i njure fu‘f'.

ag g r iece,83 0.

mo les t, 907.Mamma l,one.Mammiform, 250.Mammi l l a,2 3 3 .Mammon,803 .Man,mankind, 3 72.mal e,3 73 .adu l t, 13 arm, h 73 .Man at a rms,726.Man-ha ter,91 1.Man-mi l l i n er,854.Man -mi l l i n ery,8554Mnu-o f-war,273 .Manac l e,sha ckl e, fetter,43 .Man age,6m}.Man ageab l e,705.Managemen 698.Manager,Man c ipa t ion,750.Mandate,741.Mando l i n ,417.Mandu ca t ion,296.Man e,256.Man euvre. (SeeMa ne uvre.)Manfu l,strong, 159.brave,86 1.Mangl e,44.Mangy ,655.Manhood,v i r il ity, 13 1,bravery,861Man ia,insanity,503 .des i re,865.Man iac,5M.Man iaca l,508.Man ifest


v is ib le,446.obv ious,5 18.

to show,525 .

to appear,448.Man ifesta t io n ,525Man ifesto,53 1.Man ifo ld, 102.Man i k i n,image,554.dwarf, 193 .Man ipu la te,h and le,3 79.conduct,092.Man ipu la t io n,379.Mank i nd,372.Man l i k e,159 .Man l i n ess,reso l uti on,604.Man ly,adoles cen t,13 1 ,brave,801.

3 62

Mayhap,chance, 156.Mayor,745.Maypo l e,206.Ma z e,convo lut ion,248.

bewi ldermen t,49en igma,53 3 .

labg,rin th ,704Mead,3 44.Meadow,3 44Meagre,thru, 193 .narrow,203 .

scan ty,640.ummnortant,643 .style,575.M eagren ess,Mrrownes s ,203 .

un importance,643 .style,575.M ea l,powder,3 3 0.repast,298.Mea ly,3 30.M ean,average,29.

midd le, (58,628.sma l l,32 .

contemptib le,643 .



imperfec t,651.humb le,879.

v u lga r,876.sneak ing,886.selfish,943 .

st ingy,819.

to i n tend, s io nify,516Mean er,circu i t ion,3 11.convo l u t ion,248.r iver,3 48.

wander,279,629.M eand eri ng,wi nding, 3 11,3 48.M eann ess,sma l lness,3 2 .

selfishness,943 .con temp tib leness,643 .M ean ing,

in tent ion, 620.

signifi cation,516 .M eans ,appl iances 63 2.

fortune,803 .

medium,63 1.M ean t ime, 120.M eanwh i l e, 106.M easu rab l e,466 .M easu re,exten t,,26.

means,modera t ion,63 9.

to compu te,466 .

proceed i ng,626 .

to apport ion,786.

I N I EX .

Meas u re,in music,413 .in poetry,597.M easu rel ess, 105.M eat, 298.M echan ic,690.M echa n ica l,automat i c,601.powers,63 2 .Mech an i cs,63 2.M echan ism, 63 2.Meda l ,reward,973 .

pa lm,73 3 .

record,decoration,877M eda l l ion ,577.M edd l e,interpose,682.act,680.Medd l i ng, 682.M edd l esome,682.M ed iaeva l, 124.Med ia l,68.M ed ia te, 68,724.M ed iat i on, 63 1, 724,976 .M ed iator,

Sec tor,976 .

peacemaker,724.M ed ia torsh ip,724.M ed ica l ,662 .M ed icamen t,662.Med icare,hea l,660.compound,41.M ed ic i na l,662 .M ed ic i n e, 662 .M ed ieva l .(See M ed ie va l .)M ed iocri ty,

modera te,32 .

offor tune,73 6 .

imperfect,65 1.harmless,648.M ed i ta te,th ink,451 .

p urpose,620.M ed i ta ted,M ed i ta t ion,451.M ed i terranean,middl e, 68.

in terjacent,228.Med i um,mean, 29.

instrument,G3 1.outsk irts,227.

pr in t ing,59 1.Spir i tua l,992.M ed l ey,41.N eed ,reward, 973 .ft,784.

flie rs, 786.

pra ise,93 1.

gent le,826.M e ekness,humi l i ty,879

M eekn ess,gen t l eness

,EffM ee t,

con tact, 199 .agreemen t,23 .converg e,990.assemble, 72.face, 52 92.

expedie nt,646.

proper,996.adjo in, 197.

fulfil ,7 72Mee t w i th,find ,480.happen, 151.M ee t i n g,junct ion,43 .convergence,290.

encoun ter ing,299 .adjoin ing, 197,199.assemb l ing,72.

res is tin a, 719.M ee t i ng ho use, 1000.M el an cho l i n ess,837 .M e lancho l y

d istressing,83 0.dej ec t ion,83 7.M e l iora te, 658.Meh oration,658.Mel l ifluous,sound,405.

melody,4 13 .style,578.

vo ice,580.M e l low,

sound,413 .o ld , 128.

ma ture,673 .

change, 144.s ofl, 324.t ipsy,959.

vo ice,580.M e l lown ess,673 .M e lodrame,599.Me lody,413 .M e l t,l iquefy, 3 3 5.

fuse, 384.

chang e, 144 .d isappea r,449.pi ty,914.

comb ine,48.M el t away ,2,449.M e l ted , '2, 3 3 3 .M e l t ing,afi c ting . 821


l iquefy,3 3 5 .M ember,par t,5 1.componen t,56.Membran e,204.M embranous,904.M emen to, 505.M emo i r,594, 595.Memorab l e, 642 .M emorand um,505M emoria l .record,551.

Memory,remmi scence, 305

fame,673 .M e nac e,908.M en ac i ng,909 .M enage, 692.M e nage ri e,of an ima ls, 3 l l ec t ion,72.s tor e,63 6.M en d, 658.M end ac i ty,544.M end i cancy,804.M en d ican t,begga r,767.monk,996.Mend ici ty,804.M en ia l,servan t,746.r ust i c,876 .Mens trua l,108.M ensu ra t io n,M en ta l,450.M en t ion,527.M en tor,adv iser,695.tea cher,540.M eph i t ic,fetid,401.pern ic ious, 649.del eter ious, 657.M ercan t i l e,794.M ercenarin ess,819.M ercen ary,819,943M e rchand ise,798.M erchan t,797M erchan t man 973M erchan t Sh ip,5273 .

erciful,914.Merc i l ess, 907,£514,M ercu ria l,exc i tab le,8255.mob i le, 264 .

qu ick,974.M ercy,740,914.div ine,976 .M ere,Simpl e,32l ake,3 43 .M e re tric i ous,fa lse, lgar,85 i.l icen tious,961.M e rge,p l unge,3 37.insert,3 00.

change, 144.tnclud r’,76 .

comb ine,48.mid s t,68.M erging, 68.M e rid i an,summi t,210.

noon, 125.

reg ion, 181.M eri t,desei t,9 14.

usefulness,644.sticeJ“M eri ted,’922,924.

Meri toriou s, 944.Merrimen t, 83 6.Merry ,83 6.Merry and rew,844.Merrymak i ng, 83 6,840,892.Merrymeet i ng,892.M eseems, 484.M esh 2 ter va l,198.M esh es, 704.M esmerism, 992.Mesme rize,992.Mess,

mixture,41.disorder,59 .

mea l,298.

por tion,786.Message,command, te ll igence,532.M essenger,534M ess iah,976 .M essuage, 189.M e tach ron ism,115.M e ta l,mater ia l,63 5.po intpower, 157.M e ta l l u rgy , 3 58.Me tamo rphose, 140.M e tamorphos is,140.Me taphor,fi g u re,52 1,566 .

compar ison,464.ana logy, 17.

substi tu t ion, 147.M e taphori ca l,fi gura t ive, 52 1.comparat ive,464.M e taphysica l ,450.M e taphys ics,450.M e te,measure,466 .

g ive, 784.dis tr ibute,786.Me tempsychos is, 140.M e teor,l uminary,423 .

l igh t, 42M eteoric, 173 . 420.M e th i n ks,484.M ethod ,o rder,58.

M e thodica l , 58,60.Me thod ize, 60.Me thuse lah, 13 0.M etonymy, 147,52 1.Metro,597.Metrlca l,466,597.M e tropo l is, 189 .M e t t l e,spir i t,823 .courage,861.M e t t lesome,exc i tab le,825.

b rave,86 1.c

onsuive,822 .

I N D EX .


enc lose,23 1.Mezzr t in t,558.Ml asm,663 .

mic rocosm, 193 .M icroscope,445.M icroscop ic,193 .M id,68.M i d cou rse,628.M i dd l e,in order,68.

in degr ee,29.

in space,222 .M i dd le-aged,13 1.M idd l e term,774.M i dd l eman,d irec to r,694.a en t,758.Mitfii lmg,651.M id la nd,3 42.M i dn igh t,even ing, 126.darkness,42 1.M idsh ipman,269.M idsh ips ,68.M idst,222 ,228.M i dway,68.M i e n, 448.M id ,900.M igh t,power,,26.

v io lence, 173 .M igh ty,much,3 1.large, l fi .

powerful, 159.haughty,878 .


igration,266 .


i ld,moderate, 174.insipid,3 91.l en ien t, 740.

ca lm,826 .



warm,3 82 .M i l dew, 653 .M i ldewed,659.M i ld n ess,calmness,826.len ien cy,740.moderat ion, l 74.ins ipidity,3 91.M i l i tan t,722 .M i l i tary ,726,737.M i l i tary evo l u t ions,722.M i l i tate,708.M i l i t ia,726.M i l k,174,3 52,43 0.M i l k an d wa ter,65 1.M i lk -wh i te,43 0.M i l ky ,

semi- transparent,427.

emu ls ive,3 52.M i l ky way,3 18

3 03

M i l l,machine,33 0,683 .workshop,691.M i l l enn ium,

period, 108.

fu tur i ty, 121.M i l l es ima l,99.M i l l e t se ed, 193.M i l l ion,98,876.M i l l ion na i re,803 .M i l lston e,weight, 3 19.M ime,player,599.M imi c, 19.M imic ry, 19.Minaceous ,665 .M i nare t,206 .Mmatory,threaten ing,909.

dangerous,665.M i nce,cut up,44.slow,275.

to afeet,855.equ ivocate,544.Mincmg,slow,275.


ected,855.M i nd,in tel lect, 450.wi l l,600,602.des i re,865 .

purpose, a ttend to,457.bel ieve,484.

remember,505.M inded, 600, 602,M i n dfu l,a tten t ive,457.

remember ing,505.M indfu l ness,457.M i n d l ess,inattent iv e,458.forgetful ,506.Mme,store,63 6 .abundance, 63 ho l low,252.


s ap, 162.

damage,659.M i n era l,3 58.M i n era logy,358 .M i n g l e,41.M i n ia ture,por tra it,555.sma ll , 193 .M in im, 193 .M i n imum, 193 .M in ing,260.M i n ister,depu ty,759.

d irec tor,694.

to a id,707.

rel igi ous,995.

r i tes,998 .M i n ister ia l,632.

i 1in . s tration,d irect ion, 693 .

r i tes,998.ass istance,707.M i n istry,d irect ion,693 .church,996.serv ice,707.M i n n esi nger, 416M i n now, 193 .M i nor,inferior,34.

infan t,129.M i no ri ty,chil dhood,129 .

infer iority, 34»M i notaur 83 .M i nster 1000.M i nstrel,416 .M instre lsy,415.M i n t,workshop,691mould,22.

weal th,803 .M i n u e t,dance,840.M i n us,less,38.

deficien t,loss,776.M i nu te,in quanti ty,32.

in s i ze, 193 .of t ime,108.wr iting, 590.instan t, 113 .

compendium, 596in style,573 .

reco rd,551.Mi n uteness,in quan ti ty, 32 .

in s i ze, 193 .M i n u test, 3 4.Minutiie,32 .M irac l e, 872 .M iracu lous,870.M i rage,443 , 448.M i re,653 .M i rror,reflector,445.

perfect ion, in t,948.

g lory,873 .M i rth,83 6 .M isac c eptat ion ,523M isadv en ture,fa i l ure, 73 2 .

misfo r tune,830.

ev i l,619.M isadvi sed,699 .M i s a n th rope, 9 l 1.Misanthropica l, 911M isan th ropy,911 .Mis apph cation,mi suse, 679 .

mismanagement,699 .M isapply,


mis in terpret,523 .

3 64

M isappl y,mis manag e,699M i sapprehend,mistake,495.mis in terpret,523M isapprehension,mistake,495.

iii is i nterpr i tation,

M isappropria te, 679.Miszippro iiriation,679Miszirrange,6 1.Mis zi rrai igement,61.Mis liecome,945.Mis liecoming,925.M i s b ehave,925Mis h e l iavior,g u i l t,895,947.Misbe l i ef,485.Misbel i eve,485.M is bel iever, 487.Mis cal ci i late,soph is try,477.surpr ise,5118.M i sca lcu l at ion,soph istry,477.decept ion,495.Misca l l 565.M iscarriage, 73 2.Mis carriagery,732 .M isce l lany,m ixture


genera l ity,78.

co l l ectio n,72.M is cl iance,misfo r tune,83 0.ev i l,619.

fa i l ure, 7352.M isch i ef,619.M isch i ef-mak er, 911M isch i evous, 649.Misc l i ievmi sness,649M iscompu tat ion,495M iscompu te,495.M isconcei ve,mistake, 495.mis interpret, 523 .M isconception,496 .M iscond u ct,gu i l t,947.

bungl ing ,699 .Miscond iicted ,699Misconjectiire,495M isconstruct ion,M i sco nstru e,523 .M i scou n t, 495.M iscreance,485.M iscrean t,wretc h,949.apostate,941.M isdat e, 1 15.M isd eed,947.Mis ileinean,945.Misdemeanor,947.Misd evot ion 989.M isd i rec t,53 8,699 .M i s d irec t ion , 699.Misdo i ng, 947.

ii iseiiiploy,679.

I N D EX .

M isemploymen t,679.M i ser,8 19.M iserab l e,con tempt ib le,043 .


sma l l,352.M iserly,819.M ise ry,828.M isest imate,495.M isfortun e,ev i l,6 19.

fa i l ure,73 2.u nhappiness, 83 0.M isgi v i ng,fea r,860.doubt, 485.M isgovernmen t, 699.M isgu ide,538, 699.M ishap,ev i l,6 19.

fa i l ure,73 2 .d isaster,83 0.M ishn a,985 .Mis in lorinationM is instru ct ion ,Mismterpret,523 .M is i n terpre tat ion,5M isi n terpreted, 523 .M isjo i n ed ,24.M isj udge,err,480,495.

sophistry,477.Misj iid gment,error,480,495soph ism, 477.

islay,lose,776.derange,6 1.M islead,d cceive,545.


erro r,495 .M i s l i k e,867.M ismanage,699.M ismanag emen t,699.M isma tch, 15.Misna ine,565 .M i snomer,565 .M ispl acemen t,61Mispriiit,555.M ispri z e,483 .M ispro nounce,583 .M isproport ion,846 .M isproport ioned,

M isrepresen t,546.M isrepresen tat io n ,523 ,544,555 .M isru l e,

miscond uct,699.

lax ity,73 8.

M issta temen t,error, 495 .

fal sehood,544.untru th,546 .

perversion,523 .M ist,422 .M is tak e,error,495.

fail ure,73 2 .

mismanagemen t,misconstrue,523 .M isteach i ng,53 8.M is term,565.M is th ink,495.M ist ime, 135 .M istranslate,523 .M i stress,lady,3 74.

conciibine,902.M istrust,485 .M i s t i n ess,5 19.M i sty,opaque,426.

d im,422 .

inv i s ible,447.Misuni lerstand ,err, 495.

m isinterpret,523 .Misunderstzind ing,error,495.

misrepresenta t ion,523 .

d iscord,713 .

isuss ,679.M isused,679 .M i te,sma l l, 192 .

in sect, 193 .b i t,132.

mo ney,800.M i t iga t ion ,rel ief,83 4.aba temen t, 174.M i t igate,abate,3 0,


rel ieve,83 4.

M itigato,ca lm,826.

improve,658.M i t re,999.M i t ten,225.M i x,41,M i x ed,41,59.M i x t ion,4 1.M ix tu re,41.Mi ieinon ics, 505 .Mo an,411,83 9.Moat,enclosu re,23 2 .d itch,3 50.Mo b ,crowd,72 .

pu l a ar,876.Mob aw,964.Mob i l e,movab le,964.changeab le, 149.

i n consta n t, 607.Mob i l i ty,149,264,Moccason,225 .Mock,imita te, 17.der ide,483 .

repea t, 104.

erroneous,495.fa lse,544 .

to ridicu le,856 .

laugh at,83 8.Mock ery,imitatimi, 19.

r idicu le, 856 .Mock i ng, 19.Moc k i ng b i rd, 19,104.Mo da l,6,7.Moda l i ty,7.Mode,852 .Mode l,proto type,22.change, 140, le,80.

exampl e,82 .


to copy, 19.

scu lptu re,557.

perfection,650sa in t,948.Mode l after, 19.Mo del l e d,Mode l l er,559.Mod era te,sma l l,3 2 .

to a l l oy,174.

to assua ge,896.temper ate,953 .

s nfiicwnt,63 9.c heap,815 .Mod ei ately, 174.Mod era t ion,temperance,953con ten tment, 83 1.sobr iety, 174 .Modera to r,745 .Mod ern, Ii i.Mod es t, 881.

3 66

Mot l ey,mu l t iform 3 1.var ie ates ,440.Mott l e ,440.Mot to,devi ce,550.

max im,496.phrase,566.Mou ld,form,240,329.

change, 140.cond i t ion,7.

convert,,3 42.

to model,554 .

carve,557must,653 .

ma tri ce,22 .Mo u lded,Mo u ld ed after,19.Mo u l ded on, 19.Mou l d er,659 .Mou l d ing,847.Mould iness,659.Mo u ldy,decayed, 653 .

fet id,401.Mou l t,226.Mou nd,defence,717.

s i ze,1952.h i l lock,206.Mo un t,to r ise,3 05 .

h i l loclr,208,5250.Mou n ta i n ,nan,one.

s ue,weight,3 19.Mountamous,206.Mo un t 'eba n k,qua ck,548.


oon,844,857.Mou rn,gr ieve,828.

lamen t,83 9.Mou rnfu l,s a d ,83 7.affli cting,83 0.Morn i ng,839 .Mouse,to search,46 1.Mouse—co lored,432Mouth ,en trance,66, ing .

br ink, 23 1.vo ice,580, 583 .Mou thfu l,port ion,51.Mou thpiece,speaker,594,540.

speech,582 .Movable,270.

Fl ovab les,780.A} ove,be in mo t ion, 264.


mduce. 6 15 .

flute, 824.

I N D EX .

Movo,advance,282 .

act, 680.

beg in,676.propose, 514.Move ofl’



depar t,293 .Move on,282 .Moved ,615,82 1.Move l ess,265.Mov emen t,mo t ion,264.sti r,682.Mow 162 .Much, 3 1 .Mno i lage,3 52.Muc i l aginous, 3 52 .Muc k,653 .M u cosi ty ,352.Mucus, 3 52 .M ud,3 52, 653 .Mudd i n ess,mo istness,3 39opac i ty,426.Muddy,opaq ue,496.

mo ist,3 3 9.Muddy-head ed,499.Muffle,s i len t,403 .

concea l,528.tac iturn,5 35.

wrap,225 .Mug, 191.Muggy,mo ist,33 9.M u l atto, 83 .Mu lct,974.Mu l e,beast,271.mongrel,83 .

obst inate, l,499.Mu l ish,foo lish,499 .

obst inate,606.Mu l i e bri ty,3 74.Mu l t ifarious,mu l tifo rm,81.various, 15.Mu l t ifo rm,15,81.Mu l t ifo rmi ty,81.Mululocul ar, 191.Mul tinominal, 102.Mu l t ipart i te,44.Mu l t ipl e,numerous, 102 .

product,84.Mu l t ipl i cand ,84.Mu l t ipl ica tor,84.Mu l t ipl i cat ion,arithmettca l,85 .

increase, 102.reproduct ion, 163 .Mu l t ipl i c i ty, 102 .M u l t ipl i ed, 102Mu l t ipl i er,84.Mul tlply,102,168.

Mu l t i tud e,number, 102 .

a ssemb lage,72 .

mob ,876 .Multitudmous,102.Mum,s i lence,403 .aphony,581.secrecy,528.Mumb l e,mu tter,583 .Mumb lmg,583 .Mununery,absurdi ty,497.r id i cu le, 856.parade,882.

imposture, 545.

masquerade,840.Mummy,corpse,3 62 .dryness, 340.Mundan e,wor ld,3 18.selfishness,943 .irrel igion,988.Mun impal,965.M un ic ipa l i ty,965.Munificence,816.Mumficent,816.Mun imen t,record,551.defence,717 .

refuge,666 .Mun i t ion, 635Murder,3 6 1.Murd ere r, 3 61.Murd erous,3 61.Murky,42 1.M urmu r,sound,405.

compla i n t,83 9.Murra i n,655 .

uscad ine,400.M usc l e ,159.Muscu lar, 159.Muse,to reflect, 451.poetry,597.

l anguage,500.Museum,

sto re,63 6.

co l lect ion,72.


sma l l, 193 .

young, 129 .

upstart,734.M u s ic,415.Mus ical,413 .Mus ic ian,416.Musi ng,451.Mus k,400.Musket,727.Mu s k e teer,726.Musk e try,727 .M us t,muco r,653 .

neces s d y, 159 .

o b l igation,926 .compul s ion,744.

Mustard, 171,303 .Mustard seed, 193Must e r,co l lect,72 .

numerat ion,85.(to pass,) 65 1.Muster book,551.Muster ro l l,record,551.l ist, 86.Mus tmos s ,mueor ,653 .

ronlcnes s ,401.Musty,fou l, 653 .rank,401.Mu tab i l i ty, 149.Mu tabl e,changeable, 149 .

i rr eso lu te,605.Mu tat ion,140.M u te,s i l en t, 403 .

speech l ess,581.tac i turn,585.Mu ten ess,58 1,585Mu t i lato,retrench,3 8.deform,941.garbl e, 65 1.

rncomplete,53 .

injure, 649.

spo ltation,619.Mu t i la t ion,retrenchmen t, 38defacemen t,241.spo l iat ion,6 19.Mu t i lated,53 .Mu t i n eer,7452 .Mu t i nous, 709.Mutmousnes s,742.M u t i ny,revo l t,719,742.Mu tter,speak,583 .

mu rmur,405.lament,83 9 .

Mu tua l, 12,148.Mu z z l e,opening ,edge,23 S i l ence,581.taci tur n, i ncapa c ita te,158 .

restra in,751.impr ison,752 .Myr iad,98 .

y ruud ou,swa r m,72 .M y st erio u s,co ncea led,528.obscu re,5 19.Mys tery,secret,53 3 .

concea lmen t,528craft,6525 .

y s tic,conceal ed ,528.obscure,519.

Hystification,falsifi ca t ion,477concea lmen t,528Myst ify,to deceive,545.h ide, 528 .

fa lsify,477 .

misteach,538.Myth,5 15.My tho log i ca l de i t i es979My tho logy,93 4.

Nabob ,803 .Nad ir,2 11.Nag,271.Nmade,341Na i l,tofasten, 43 .

fie, 150.

fas ten ing ,45.

ha ii tr,3214Naked,denuded,226.v is ible,446 .Nak edn ess,226.Name,appel la t ion,584.

fame,873 .

to appomt, 755.Name l ess,anonymous,565.

obscu re,874.ame l y,82 .Namesak e,564.Nan,sleep,683 .down, 256.texture,3 29.Napping,inattent ive,458.

inact ive, 683 .Nappy,fro thy,3 53 .

t ‘

COt ,649.Narra te,594.Narra t ion,594.Narra tor,53 4, 594.Narrow,203 .Narrow house,3 63 .Narrow-mi nded,b igoted,499 .

prej ud iced,481.sel/ish,943 .

Narrowmg, 203 ,arrowness,203 .Nasa l ,accen t,583 .Nasce n t,66 .Nast iness,653 .Nasty,fou l,653 .

u nsavory,395.

ugly,846 .Na ta t ion , 267.Nath l ess, 179.Na t ion,372 .

I N D EX .

Nat iona l,872 .Nat iona l i ty, ive,i nha bi tan t,ar t l ess, 703 .


atura l,intr insic,5.

sty le,578.

reg u la r,82.impu lse, 612.true, 543 .artl ess,703 .fa ir,5 14.Natura l h i story,3 57.Natura l ph i l osophy,3 16 .Natura l ism, 984.Naturalness,703 .Na tu ra l ized,ha b i tua l,613 .esta blished,82.Nature,essence,5 .

world, 3 18.

organ iza t ion,


ections ,820.

rea l ity,494.

rule, 82 .a rt lessness,703 .a nfash ioned,674.spon taneous, 612.

style,578.Naugh ty ,945.Nausea,disgust,867.

wear iness, 841.hatred, 808.

unsavo ry,3 95.Nause ite,.d isgust,867.

weary,841.Sic/ten,83 0.

unsavory,3 95.

Nauseatmg,weary,841 .d isgust ing ,867.Nauseous,898.Nau ti ca l,267 .Nava l e ngagemen t,720.Nave ,

midd le, 68.centre,222.

church , 1000.Nav igat ion,267.

NavIgator,269.Navy ,2 73 .Nay,53 6 .


i n t ime, 12 1.approach,286 .

st i ng y,817.

a ll/pini ng , 197.

l ikeness, 17.Near re la t ion, 11.N ear s id e ,239.

3 67

Nears ighted,443 .Neamess , 197Nearly,32.Nea t,spruce,845.

s impl e,42.c lean,652 .

in wr itzn 572576.

g ’

Nearn ess,spruceness,845.c leannes s,652.

in wr it ing ,576.Neb, 250.Nebu la,stars,3 18.d imness,422.

invi s ib l e,447.obscure,519.ebulos ity,stars, 3 18.d imness,422.inv is ib le,447.obscure, 5l 9.ebulous,d im,422.invis i b le,447.obscure,5 19.Ne cessari ly, 154.Nec ess i tous,fated,601.ind igen t,804.

requ i red,630.Necess i ty,fa te,601.indigence,804.

requ irement, 63 0.Neck,contrac tion, 195.

narrow, 203 .Neckc loth . 225.N e ck l ace,247.Necro logy,594.Necroman cer, 513 ,994.Necroman cy,992 .Necropo l is , 3 63 .Nectar, 3 94,3 96.Nectarious,3 96.Need,requ iremen t,insufiicieney,640.indigence,804.desire,865 .Needfu l,63 0.Need i ng,865 .Need l e,sharpn ess,253 .

perforator,262 .Need l ess,64 l .Need l e-w i tted,493N eedy,804.


egation,53 6.Negat ive,inez is tmg , 2.

quan t i ty,84.den ia l,53 6 .

refusa l,764.


Negativeness, lect,disregard,460.d isu se,678.

omit, 135.

non -observance,773 .

to l eaveundone,73 0.

to sl ight,929 .

to evade,927.Neglec tfu l,460.Negot iat e,barga in,769.trafi c,794.

mediate,724egotiation ,

bargain,769.trafiie,794.mediat ion,724.Negotiator,traflicker, tor,724.Negro,43 1 .Ne igh,cry,412.Ne ighbor, 197,890.Ne igh borhood, 197Ne igh borly,soc ia l,892 .

fr iend ly,888.Ne i ther,6 10.

emes rs,918.

eogamist,903eulogy,563 .Neptun e,341.Nerve,strength, 159,820.courage,861.Nerveless,158,160.Nervous,weak, 160.t imid,860.conc ise style,572.

vigorous style,574Nervousn ess,weakness, 160.timidity,860.Nesc i ence,491.Nest,lodgi ng , 189.

cradl e, 153 .host, 102 .Nest l e,lodge,186.endear men t,902.Nest l i ng,129.Nestor, 13 0.

Net,i n tersect ion,2 19snare,667,702 .

d ifiiculty, clea r,775.Nether,207.Ne th ermost,21 1Nett l e,to s t ing, 830inc ense,990.

e t t l ed,900.Ne twork,2 1 1

3 68

Neu tra l 29.Neu tra l i ty,29 .N eu tra l i zat ion,counteract ion, 179.compensat ion,3 0Neu tra l i z e,coun teract, 179.compensate,3 0.Never, 107.Nevermore, 107.Neverth el ess, 179.Never t i ri n g ,

New. 18, 123 .

New T estame n t,985.

New-tangl ed,new, 123 .

strange,83 .

misnamed,565.barbarous, anged, 140.

ew ly , 123 .Newn ess, 123 .News,532.Newsmo nger,461.Newspaper,53 1,551.Nex t,fo l lowing ,63 .

later, 117.N i b,po i n t,253 .

summi t,2 10.N ib h le,eat,296.N ic e,savory,3 94.good,648.

exac t,494.

p leasi ng,8h ono rab le,93 9.fastidious,868.N i ce ly,3 1.N icenes s,exactness,494.honor,93 9.

fast id ious ness,868.

icety ,taste,850,868.N ich e,recess,182.

receptac le,191.Nick,no tch,257.

of t ime, 13 4.N ick name,565.N ic t i ta te,442.N i c t i ta t ion,442.

N id ification, 189Niggard,819.N iggard l i n ess,819.Nigh, 197.N iglmes s, 197.N igh t,42 1.N ightfa l l, 126 .Nigh t i nga l e,416.N ightmare,pa i n,3 78,828 .h inderance, 800.N i gh tshad e,6 63 .Nigres cen t,43 1.

I N D E X .

N imb l e,swift,27 “ 2act ive,682.

skilful,698.Nimb le-foo ted,274.N imb l e-w i tted,842 .

Niinb lenes s,swiftness, t iv i ty,682.N imbus,3 53 .N i n e,98.Nru ny,501.Nip,cut,44.destroy,162.N ippi ng,co ld,383 .

N ippl e,250.No,489,53 6,764.No bi l i ty,875.Nob l e,rank,873 .

generous,942.v irtuous ,944.Nob l eman,875.Nobl en ess,rank , 873 .

dist i nc t ion,875.v ir tu e,944.

g enerosu-y,942.Nob l esse,875.Nobody,absence,4,77,187.

zero, 101.Noc tu rna l ,dark, 126,42 1.b lack,43 1.Nod,sleep,683 .

s igna l,550.assen t,488.

order,741.infomna tion,527.


to wag ,3 14.Nodd i ng,683 .Nod e,250.Nodosi ty,roughness,256.

tuberosny,250.Nodu l e,250.Noggi n, 191.No ise,402 .No ise abroad,53 1.No ise l ess,4 ‘3 .No isome,401.Nomad ,vag rant, ler,268.

locomo t ive,266.Nomad ic,vagrant, l er,268.

locomot ive,266 .Nomenc l a ture,564.Nomi na l,564.Nomin a l ly ,562.Nomi nat i o n ,755.Nomi n a te,755.Nomi n ee,758.

Non age,127.


Non-a t te ndance,187.Non -appearan ce,447.Nonc e, 1 18.

No n-co i n c i d enc e, 14.Non -compl e t ion,73 0.Nou-compl iance,742,764Non conformist,dissen ter,489.

sec tar ian,984.

Noncontormity.dissen t,489.

sectar ian ism,984.Non descript,83 .None, 101 .Non-en durance,821.Nonen t i ty,2 .Non—essen t ia l,7,643 .Non esu ch,650.

Non-ex ist ence,2 ,187Non -ex isten t, 2Non~ex isting,iNon-expectan ce,508.

Non-fulfi lment,73 2.Nonc b servance,4586 14,773 ,927.Non—o bservan t,6 14.Non-paymen t,808.Non-performance,73 0,927.Nonpl us,704.Nou-preparat ion ,674.

Non-residen c e, 187.Non -resid e n t, 187.

Non-res istance,submission,725.obed ience,743 .Non-res ist i ng,725 .Nonsense,unmean ing ness,517.absurdity,497.

fo l ly,499.trash,643 .Nonse ns ica l,absurd,497.

foo l ish,499.Nonsuit,to cast,73 fa i l,73 2.Nook,place, 182 .

receptac l e, 19 1.Noon,midday, 125.

l ig ht,420.Noonday,midday. 125.

l ight ,420.Noon t i d e,midday, 125.

light,420.Noose,l igature,45.


snare,667.Norma l,regu lar,82 .

ver tica l,2 12.

North,23 7.North ern l ights,420Nose,2 5 0.Noscgay,fragrance,400.ornamen t,847.Nosology,G55.Nostri l, 351.Nostrum,662.Not,489,53 6.Notab l e,v is ible,446.impor tan t, t ive,682 .

famous,873 .Notab ly,3 1.Notary,553 ,968.Notary pu b l i c,No tat ion,550.Notch ,n ick,257.

mark,550.Note,s ign,550.

record,5 5 1.

letter, int ing,591.mus ic,4 13 .fame,873 .

not ice,457.mi nu te,596 .

money,800.No te boo k,55 1,596Noted,873 .Noth ing,nih i l ity,4.

zero, 101.trifle,643 .No th i ngn ess,n ih i l i ty,4.trifle,643 .Not ice,observe,457.mark,550.

informat ion,527.

warn i ng,668.

otiflcation,i nformat ion,527announcement, 53 1Not ify,info rm,527.

pub l ish,53 1Not ion,idea,453 .

bel ief,484.knowl edge,No tor ie ty ,fame,873 .

publica tion,53 1Notorious,known,490.seen,446.

famous,873 .

pub l ic,53 1.No twi thstand i ng,179.Nough t,no th i ng,4.

zero, 101.Nourish,707.

3 70

Ob v ia ,9,706Obv ious,v isib le,446 .

c lear,516,518.Occasion,juncture,E.opportun ity, 3 4.cause, 153 .

Occas nonal ly ,1 36.

Occasion er, 153 .

Occiden ta l,23 6.Occ l ud e,261.Occ l ud ed, 153 .

Occ l us ion,261.Occu l t,la tent,526.h idden,528.Occu l ta t ion,449.

Occupancy,presence,,780.possess ion,777.Occupan t,dwel l er,188.propr ietor,779.Occupat ion,business,625 .

pres ence, 186.Occupi ed w i th,457Occupi er, 186.dwel ler, 188.

possessor,779.Oc cupy,dwel l, 186 .


Occupy ing,186.Occur,ex is t,I .happen, presen t,186.

to the mi nd ,451.Occu rren ce,151.Ocean, 3 41.Ocean ic,3 41.O ctave,591.

O ctofid,99.

Oc togena rian,13 0.Oc tupl e,98.

Ocu l ar,441 .Odd,ei ception,83 .

s ingle, l ish,499.rema i n i ng,40.

l ud icrous,853 .

v ulgar,851.Odd i ty,fo l ly,499,853 .

la ug hing stock,857.

Oddn ess,853 .

Odds,inequa l i ty, ance, 156.d iscord,713 .

Odds and e nds,mixture,40,4 1.

O d e,597.

Od ious,ug ly,846.

I N D EX .

Od ious,ofl


ens ive,830.

h a tefu l,898.Od iousn ess,846.Od ium,

blame,93 2.d isg race,874.ha tred,898.

Odor,3 08.OdoriferousOdorous,Off, 196.

Otfh andspontaneous,612.easy,590.


Off-sid e,23 8.

O tfa l,653 .


end,aj ‘rani,900.displea se,830h‘en d er,945


ence,atta ck,716.

uil t,947.

O ousi vo,unsavo ry,3 95.fet id,401.attackin o'


fou l,65displ eas i ng,83 0.d ista stefu l,867.obnox ious,898.


ens iveness,653 .



proposa l,763 ,829.


O eri ng,763 ,784,990.

Offi ce,funct ion,644.duty,,170.

bus iness,625.mart,799.

room, 191.Offi cer,d i rector,694.constab l e, 965.

ma s ter,745.

O lfi cral ,author itat ive,737.true,474.

bus iness,625.

O tfi c iate,conduct,692.act,680.rel igious,998.


Ofling, 196.


scourings,dirt,653 .trash,643 .

Offse t, 3 0, 167,213.Ofl


s h oo t, 167.

Offspri ng, 167.


uscate,42 1.O truscation,421.C h en,100, 30.

Oft,ftnes s, 136Oftt imes,SOgle,44 1.O i l,unctuos ity,355,356.smoo th,255.flattery, 93 3 .

b land,894.

rel ief,83 assuage, l 74.Oi ly,unctuos ity,355,356.

smooth,255.fla ttery,93 3 .rel ief,83 4.

b land,894.

to assuage, l 74.Oi l ing,3 3 2 .

O i l i n ess,3 55.

Oi n tmen t,3 56,662.Old, 124.

Older, 128.

Old est,Ol d -fash ion ed,851.Old n ess, 124, 128.

Old T estamen t,985.

Oleagi n e,356.Oleaginous,3 55.Olfac to ry,3 98.

Ol igarchy,737.

Ol ive,433 .

Ol i ve bran ch,723 .

Ol i ve-gree n,43 5.

Ol ympus,981.Omen,5 12.

Omi nous,511.Omi nousn ess,511.Omi t,excl ude,55.

neg lect,13 5 .

non-fulfi l,773 .Omi ss ion,neglect,460.

non-fulfi lment,773 .


Omn i bus,272.

Omn i po ten ce,976.Omn ipresence,186,


Omn isc i en ce,490.d iv ine,976.

Omn iscien t, 186.

Omn ivorous,296.n)


On end,2 12.

Once, 122, 13 7.

One,13 ,87,3 72.Onen ess,87.


One’s se lf, 13 .

Onesi ded,prrjud iced,481.part ial ,940.

incorrec t,495.

O nes iiled nes s,940.On ly,87.

Onse t,atta ck,716.

Onset,be '

nning ,ns a l igh t,7On to logy, l .Onward,Ooze,disti l ,295,23 4r i ver,3 48 .

transpi re,529.ozing,295 .

pac l ty,426 .

pal escence,Opa l i n e,427,Opaq u e,426 .

Opaq u en ess,426.Open,begin,66.

v is ibl e,446.expand, 194.

p la i n,518.

u nclose,260.manifest,525.r evea l,529.

ow, 144.

ganic,543 .ar tl ess,703 .

Ope n coun try,Open ey e d,457Openh earted,s incere,543 .frank,703 .

l ib era l,816.hono rab le,939.

Open ing,aper ture, inninocfas ion,

gl 3 4.

s ap. 198

space, 180.

Ope nmouthed,l oud,404.

loq ua c io us,584.Ope n war,722 .

Openness,frankness,543.a rtl essness,703 .c lea rness,525.Ope ra,drama,599.mus ic,415.


Opera gl as s,445.

Opera te,inc i te, 170,615work, 680.

Operat i c,4 15.

Opera t i ng,170.

Opera t ion,work,680.act io n, 170.


perco lated,201.Operose ,d iflicult,,682.exert ive,686 .

Opiate, l 74.Opi n e,484.

Opin ion,484.

I N D EX .

Ordea l,exp er imen t,463 .

sorcery, 992.

Order,regu la r ity,58.subord ina te c lass,75.

law,963 .

precept,697.command,741.s tand ing,873 .rank,877.

qual i ty,875.draft,800.Orderl i n ess,58.

Orderly,82 .

Orders (ho ly ),995.Ord i nance,command,741.l aw,963 .

r i te,998.

Ord i nary,meal ,298.

usua l,82 .common,871.ugly,846.

Ord in at ion,741,755.

Ordnance 727.

Ordure 653 .Ore,63 5 .

Organ ,i nstrument,633 .music,417.

Organ ic,3 29.

Organ ist,4 16.Organ i za t ion ,texture, 3 29.arrangemen t,60.

pr eparat io n, 673 .product ion, 161.wor ld,3 57.Organ ize,a rrange, 60.p lan,626 .

pr epare,673 .produce, 16 1 .

Organ ized,3 57,626.

Orgasm, 173 .

Orgi es,954.Ori en t,23 6,420.Ori e n ta l ,236 .

Or ific e,66,260.

Origi n,cause, 153 .

beg inn ing ,66.

Orig ina l,model,22.odd i ty, 857.

invented,5 15.

pr imary, 153 .

Orig i n a l i ty,18.Origina te,caus e,153 .begin,66 .

i nven t,515 .

Origi na te i n,154.Origina t ion,caus e, 153 .

i nven t i on,515 .

Origi nator,164.

3 71

Orison ,prayer,990Ornamen t,8 17.glory,873 .

beau ty,845.sty le,577.

O rnamental,577.

Orna te,847.

Orna ten ess,847.

Orn ature,847.Orph an, 160.

Orre ry,3 18.

Orthodox,true, rel ig ion,983 .

Orthodoxy,983 .Orthoepy, 580.

Orthogon a l ,2 12 .

Orthography,590.Crts,refuse,643 .


Osc i l l ate,3 14.

Osc i l la t i ng, 149,3 14

Osc i l lat ion, 149,3 14.Osc i l lato ry, 3 14.

Osc i tancy,260.Osc i tan t,250.

Osc i tat io n,sleepiness, 683 .

fat igue,688.

gaping, 198.Oscu l a te, 199 .

Oscil lat i ng, 199 .

Oscu l at ion ,199 .

O ss ification, 3 23 .

Ossuary, 363 .

Ostens i b l e,v is ib le,446.probab l e,472.


expl ica te,516.

Osten ta t ion, 882 .

Osten ta t ious,882.Ostrac ize,excl ude,55 .

d isplace, 185.

secl ude,893 .

Ostrac ism,893 .Oth er 15.

O th erw ise , 15.

O ttar, 400.

O ttoman ,2 15.Ought,926.Oust,d isp lace, 185.depr ive,789 .

dismiss,756 .

Ou t,220.

Ou t and ou t,3 1.Ou t ba l an ce,28,3 0.Ou tb id,794 .

Ou tbra z en,885 .

Ou tbreak,v io lence, 173 .

con test,720.Ou tcas t,s i nner,949.aposta te,941.

Outcrynois e. 411complaint. £39censure, $ 3 2 .

)utdo,3 3 ,O u ter,220.Ou tfi t, 673 .

Outflank,23 6.

Ou tgenera l,73 1.Ou tgo,transg ress, 3 03 .d istance, 196 .

Ou tgrow, 194.Ou t-Herod,b laster,173 .exaggera te,549Ou thouse, 189.

Ou t lan d ish,irregu lar,83 .

foreig n,10.

barbarous,851.Ou t l ast,110.Ou tl aw,

reprobate,949.Ou t l awry, 964.

Ou t l ay,8l19.

Ou t l eap,303 .

Ou t l e t,egr ess,295.

open ing ,260.Ou t l i n e,contour,230.



p lan,626.

form,240.Ou t l i v e,surv ive, 110.con tinue, 142.Ou t l y i ng,220.Outinamnuvre,73Ou tnumber, 102.Ou t ofplace, 10.Ou tpost,distan ce, 196.C i rcumjacen t,227fron t,234.

Outrage,ev i l,6 19.g rievance, 83 0.Ou trageous,excessive,3 1.v io l ence, 173 .Ou treach, 545.

Ou tre ckon,482 .

Ou trid er,64 .

Ou trigh t,3 1.Ou trun,274,3 03»Outset,beg inning,66 .departure,293Ou tsh in e,g lory,878.

ecl ipse,874Ou ts id e,220.

Ou tsk i rts,env irons,227.distance,196.

Ou tspok en, 562IOu tspread,202.

3 72

Outstand in 40806

g) a

Dl ttsi ep,g o beyond,303 .d istance, 196.

Outstietch ed , 200,202 .

Ou tstri p,274.

Ou t ta lk,584.

Ou tv i e,con tend, ine,873 .

Ou tvote,73 1.Ou tward ,220.

Outweigli,exceed, 3 3 .



Ou tw i t,deceive,545.

succeed,73 1.Ou twork,r efuge,666 .defence,717.

O va l, 247.

Ova te,247.Ova t ion,tr i umph,733 .

celebra twn,883 .

Oven,388.Over,more, 33 .

beyond,23 7.

past t ime,122 .above,220.Over an d above, 37

40,641 .

Overabou nd,641.Over aga i nst,237.Overac t,ac t,680.

bust le,682 .afeet, 855.

Overac ted,855.

Ove ra l l s,225 .

Over anx i e ty,865.Overawe,int imidate, thor ity,737.Overba lance,inequa l i ty,28,33 .compensat ion,30.Overba lanced,28.O verh eating,885.Overboard ( to th row),


Overb urd en,fat ig ue, 688.r edundant,641.Ov erburd en ed,64l .

Overcast,dark,421.d im,422.

Overcharge,exaggera te,5 4

9.redundanc e, 61 1.dea rness,,577.Overcharged,641 .

Ove rco lor,549.


Overcome,conqu er,73 1, 732.shock,824.t ipsy,959.

Over—confident,486,863 .

Over-credu lous,486.Over-curious,455.

Overda te, 1 15.Over-d istens ion,194.Overdo, 682 .

Overdon e,855 .

Overdose, 64 l .Overd raw,549.

Overdu e, 115.Overest imat e,482.

Overest imat ion,482 .

Ov erfat igu ed,688.

Overfed ,64 1,957.Overflow,stream,3 48.

redundance,641.Overgo, 3 03 .

Overgrowth,194.Overgrown, 3 1,Overhan


Overh aninqu i re,461.a ttend to,457.Overhead,206 .

verh ear,hea r,418.learn,539.

Overjoy ed,827.

Overjump,3 03 .

Overlad en,641 .

Overlap,cover , 223 .

g o beyond,3 03 .

Overl ay,excess,641.act ive,682 .oppress,649.h inder,706 .

s tyle,577.

exag gerat e,549verload ing,64 1.

ver-l ibernl,818.Over load,excess,641.ab s tra ct,706 .

Overlook,d is regard,458.

neg l ect,460.

super intend,693 .

for ive 918.

s l ig

gh t,bee.

Overly i ng,206.

Overma tch,28,15Overmeasure,64l .Over-mod est,881.Overmuch,641 .

O verni ht, 122.

Over-o c ions,682.

Overpa i d, 816.

Overpass,exceed, 33 .transgress 303 .Over-persuade,6 15.

Overpl us,excess,641.r ema inder,40.

Overpo ise, 179.Overpower,subdue,73 1.emot ion, 824.Overpowe red,732.verpowering,825 .

Overprize,482Overrate,482 .

verreach ,pass, 3 05.dece ive,545.

bafil c,73 1.Overr ide,pass,3 05.

be super ior,3 3 .

Over- righ teous,989 .

Overru l e,contro l,737.cancel ,756.verrul ing,737.

verrun,ravage,649.excess,641 .

vet-s crupu lous,93 9.


Overset,l evel,3 08.

inver t,2 18.

subver t,73 1.Overshadow,42 1.Overshoot,303 .Oversigh t,error, 495.

fa i l u re,732.Overspen t,688.verspread ,cover, 223 .

pervade,73 , 186.Oversta te, 549 .

verstep,303 .

versteck,641.Overstra i n,over rate,482.fat igue,688.


Overt ac t,680.

Overtak e,arr ive,292.Overtak en ,t ipsy,959.


Overthrow,de s troy, 162.

level, 3 08.confute,479.

vanqu is h,73 1,732 .

Overtop,surpass,33 .height,206 .


Over ture,beg innin 66.

Offer,7mus ic,415.


Ovo id,249.

Owe,806 .

Ow i ng,806 .

Ow i ng to,155.

a cknowledge,d ivu lge, 529.possess,777.Own er,779.

Own ersh ip,780.

Pace,speed,274.step,266 .

measu re,466.Pac ific, 174,714,73Pacification, 174,7

Pacified ,723 .Pac ify,a l l ay, l 74.compose,give peace,723 .forg ive,918.ack,to join,43 .

frame,626 .ar ran 60.

bring ilc

o s e,197.loca te,184.assemb lag e,72.Pack ofl



depart,293 .

reced e,287.

decamp,671.Pac k up,229 .Pac kage,72,184Pack e t,

Pack hors e 271.Packth read,45.Packing,184

3 74

Parce l,group,72.Parcel out,a rrange,60.appor t ion,51.a l lo t,786.Parch,dry , 3 40.

bake, 3 84.

l arc hment,man uscript,590.

record,551 .Pardon, 9 18.Pardonabl e,937.Pare,scrape,226,3 3 t,3 8.

shorten,decrease,3 6.Paren t, 166.Paren tage,ki nd red, 1 1, 166.

Parentl ietl cal 228 .Paren thet ica lly, 10.Pari ng,par t,51. ( SeePare.)Parish,Paris h io n er,997.Pari ty,27.

Park,p la in,3 44.

v eg etatio n,3 67 .ar t i l lery,727.Parl anc e,582 .Parl ey,ta lk,588.

Parl iamen t,696.Parlor,Parod i ed, 19.Parody,imi tat ion,19.copy,2 1.travesty,856.

mis i n terpret,523 .Paroxysm,

v iolence, 173 .

emot ion . 825.anger,900.Parrot,imitat ion, 19Parry,aver t,623 .

defend,717.Pa rse,567.Pars imon ious,819.Pars imony,819.Parson,996 .Parson age,1000.

Part,p ort ion,componen t, d iverge,29]pub l ica t ion,593 .

to div ide,44 .

busmes s,625.

funct ion,644.Part wi th,rel inqu ish,789.


Part with,g ive, 784.Partake,778.Partak ing,778.Parterre,3 67.Pa rt ia l,spec ial ,79 .

unjus t,923 .

ones ided,48]love,897.desire,865.erroneous,495.Part ia l i ty,injust i ce,923 .des i re,865 .Part ia l ly,3 2 ,51.Part ic ipa te,778.Part icipat ion,778.Part ic l e,quan ti ty, 32 .

s i ze,193 .Part icu l ar,spec ia l,,573 .

even t,151 .ca reful ,459.capr ic iou s

, 608.

od d,85 1.

item,51.Part icu lari ty,nature,5,457.


a lity,79.

careful ness,459articularize,79.Part icu l ars ,79.Part icu larl y,3 1,3 3 .Part i ng,44.Part isan ,711,880.Part isans h ip,712.Part i t ion,a l lo t,786.

wa l l,228.appor tion,Partn er,711,778.

artners h ip,partic ipat ion,778.

c l ub,,797.

companio nsh ip, 88.arts,in tel lect,450.

wisdom,498.ta l en ts ,698.Partur ien t, 16 1.Parturi t ion,161.arty,assemb lage,72 .assoc iat ion,712person,3 72 .

soc i ety,892 .

specia l,79.Partyco lored,440.Pa rty wa l l,228.Party spir i t, 923 .

move through, 302.transfer,270,783 .

exceed, 3 03 .

conjunc ture,8.thrust,716 .

passpo rt 760time, 109.Pass away,cease,2, 141.

P ass by,forgi ve, 458,918.neglec t,929 .Pass for,544 .Pass in th e mi n d,451.

P2185 over,d is regard,458neglect,460.

forgiv e,918.

ex c ud e,55.traverse,3 02.Pass i n to, 144.Pass 05 ,295 .Pass th rough,302 .Pass th e t ime, 106 .Passab l e,3 2,65 1,845.Passage, 151,260,264, 302,627.

(See Pass .)transfer,270.text,593 .trans i t, 144.


room, 191.assau l t,720.Passed,2.Passenger,268.Pass ing,sma l l,32.travers ing,302trans i ent, 111 .Pass ion,emot ion,820, re,865 .

czcztemen t,825.

love,897.ang er,900.

Passnonate,warm,825 , 897.

irasc ible,82 1,901.Pass io n l e s s,823 .Pass i v e, 172Passi ven ess,172,Passport,permi t,760.instrumen t,63 1.order,741 .Password,550.Past, 122.Paste,cemen t,45 .

to cemen t,46.

p ulp,354

Past ime,840.Pastor,996 .Pastora l ,ag rwultura l,371.


rel ig ious,995.Pasturage,29863 5.



prov is ion,637.

materia ls,635.Pa t,per t inen t, 9.

to str ike,276.Pa tch,reg ion, 181 .

sma l l ness, 193 .

b lemish,848.

r epa ir,658.Patchwork,mixtu re,41.var i egat ion,440.Patefact ion ,260.Pa ten t,open,260.

v is ible,446 .Patera,p late, 191.chu rch, 1000.Pate rn i ty, 155, 166.Pa tern oster,990.Pa th ,way,627.

d irection,278.Pa th e t ic,83 0.Path l ess,c losure,261.dzfiicult, 704.

spac ious 180.Pa th o logy,655.Pa th os,82 1.Pathway,627Pa tien ce,endurance,826.content,83 1.perseverance,Pat i e n t,i nva lid,655.con tented,83 1endur ing ,826Pa triarch, 13 0.Pa triarch a l , 128.Pa tric ian ,875.

Pammony,780.Pa trio t,910.Pa triot ic,910.Pa trio t ism,910.Patro l,safeguard,664.warn ing,668.Pa tro n,890.Pa tronage,707, 73 1Pa tron i ze,7Patro nymic,Pa t ter,276.Pat tern,model,22.type, 80.


Pattern,sa int,948.Pau c i ty,fewness, 103 .

scant iness, 640.Paunch, 19 1.Pauper,804.Pauperism,804.Pause,stop, 141,265.discontinue,70.

rest,687.d isbel ief,485.

Pave,prepare, 673 .Pavemen t,2 11.Pav i l ion, 189.Pav i ng,2 11.W,finger,633 .Pawn ,787 .Pawnbrok er,787.




profi t, 775.Pay ing,defrayi'ng, 807.

ex pend i ng,809.

profita ble,775.Paymas ter,801.Paymen t,807,809.Pea,% 9.

Peac e,sil ence,403 .amity,72 1.conc ord,7 l 4.Peaceab l e,gen tl e, l 74.

pacific 721.Peacefupacific,721 .

concorda n t,714.

mi ld,174.Peac emak e r,724.Peace offeri ng,pac ification,723 .

media t ion,724.aton emen t, 952.Peach—co lor, 43 4.Peacoc k,variega t ion,440.

Pea-gree n,43 5.Peak,2 10.Peak ed,253 .

Pea l,loudness,404.

laughter,83 8.applause,93 1.Pean . (See Pe arl .)P earl ,g em. 650.

glory,873 .Pearly,nacreous,440.

semi- transparent,427.

I N I E X .

Pearl y,whi te,430.

Pear~ sh aped ,249.Peasan t,876.Peasan try,876.Pea t,388.Peb bl e,hardness,3 23 .tr ifle,643 .Pecca b i l i ty,945.Peccancy,d isease, 655.

imperfect ion,651.Pe ccan t,bad,649.d iseased,655.Pec t i n ated ,253 .Pecu l ate,79 1.Pecu l at ion ,791.Pecu lator, 792 .Pec u l iar,spec ia l,5,79.except iona l,83 .Pecu l iari ty,spec ia l ity,79.anomal ous,83 .

nature,5.Pecu l iarl y,3 1,33 .Pecun iary ,800.Pedagogu e,scho lar,492.tea cher,540.Pedan t,scho la r,492.afi eeted ,855.teacher,540.Pedan t ic,afi ected,855.ha lf lea rned,,577.Ped an t ry,afecta tion,855.ha lf l ear ning ,491 .

Pad d le,medd l e,682.Pedd l er,797.Pedesta l,215.Ped estrian,268.Ped i c l e, 214.Ped igree,ancestry, 166 .cause, 155.

con tinu i ty,69.Ped ime n t,capita l,210.base,2 15.Pedun c l e,2 14.Ped uncu l a te, 214.Pe e l,skin,222 .

to uncover,226.Pe ep,441 .Peep out,446Peer,equa l,27.

nob l eman,875.

pry ,441

i nqu ire,461 .appear,446 .Pe er out,446.


Peerl ess,perfrct,650.excell en t


vi r tuous,944.Peev ish,cross,895.

irasc ibl e,901.Peev ish ness,crossn ess,895.

i rasc ibi l i ty,9401.fig,degree,26.projec t,250.

i ns trument,hang,2 14.

j og on,266 .

egasus,27 1.e lagianism,984.Pe lagi c,3 41.Pel er i n e,225.Pe lf,mon ey,803 .

mater ials ,635 .a i n,775.

Pa l e t,249.Pe l l ic l e,fi lm,203 .

skin,223 .Pe l lmel l ,59.Pe l luc id ,425.Pe l l uc i d ness,425.Pe l t,sk in,223 .throw,276.attack,716.

Pen,s urround,229.

enc lose,232 .

imprison,752 .

wri te,559.Penal ,972.Pe na l ty,974.Pen ance,a tonemen t,952.pena lty,974.Penc i l,bund l e,72 .

of l igh t, t ist,556,559,Pendan t,fla ,550.Pen en cy,duration,106.hanging,2 14.Pende n t,hanging,214.Pend i ng, 106.Pendu lo us, 2 14.Pendu l um,

c lock,osc i ll a t ion,214,3 14.Pen e tra te ,p ierce,3 02.affect,824.

Pet etrated ,821.Pen etra t i ng,d iscern ing,441.sag acious,498.ej ecti ng ,821.

Penetrat ion,i ngress,23 4.

passage,3 02.puncture,260.discernmen t,441.

sagac ity,498.

ej ectio n,821,824 .Penfo l d,232.Pen i nsu l a,3 42.Pen i tence,950.Pen i ten t

,950.Pen i ten t iary,752.Penman ,590.Penmansh ip, 590.Pen n an t,550.Pen n i l ess,804.Pen non,550.Pen ny,800.Pen ny -a—l i n er,590.Pennyworth,812.Pe ns i l e,2 14.Pension,803 ,810.Pension er,746.Pens iv e,thoughtful ,451.

sad,83 7.Pensive n ess,45 1Pen t up,229.Penumbra, 42 1,42 1Penurious,819 .Penuriousn ess,819.Penu ry,pover ty,804 .

scant i ness,640.Peopl e,373 ,876.Pepper,h ot, 171.

pungen t,3 92 .cond iment, 3 93 .Peppercorn ,643 .Peppery,3 92 .Peradven ture,156Perambu late,266.Perambu l at ion,266 .Perce ive,375.Percen tage,813 .Percept io n,

idea,453 .

feel ing,3 75.of touch,380.

Percepti h le,446 .Percept i b l y,32 .Percept i v i ty,3 75Perch,suppor t,2 15 .

to a l ig ht, 186.ta l l,206 .hab i ta t ion,189.Perchan ce, 156 .Perco l ate,295,297,3 48.Perco la t ion,295.Percursory,458.Percussion ,276.Perd i t ion ,ru in,73 2 .

waste, 162 .Peregri n at ion,266

3 76

Perempto ry,assert ion, WWr igorous, 73 thor i ta t ive,7 37 .

compulsory ,74 4.o rder,741.Peren n ia l, 110, 150,Perfect,complete,52,729.excel len t,650.abso l u te,3 1.Perfec t ion,goodness,648.Julnes

's ,52 .

excel lence,050.Perfec t ly,3 1 .Perfid i ous,940.Pcrfid y, 940.

l ’erflate,3 49.Perfo ra te,3 02 .Perfora t ion,260.Perfo rator,262.

P erforce,744.Perform,

d o, 170.a ch ieve,729.

produce, 16 ceed,680.act,599 .

fu lfi l,772 .du ty,926.Performa bl e,705.Perfo rman c e,ej ect,154.act ion,680.ach i evement,729.du ty,926 .


Perfo rmer,mu s ic ian,,599.workman, 164.agen t,690.Perfume,400.



unctory,460.Perh aps,possib ly, 470.chance, 156 .

suppos i t ion,514.Per ihe l ion, 197.Pe ri l,665.Peri lous,665,860.Perime te r,23 0.Period,end,67.

0 t ime, 106,108.

po i n t,7 1.recu rrence, 138.Period ica l,138.Period ica l ly, 138.Period ic i ty,138.Peripat e t i c,travel l er,208.ambu la to ry,266.Periph ery,230.

I’eriph rase,phrase,566.

d ifius enes e,573 .

I N D EX .

Periph rastic,d ifus e,573 .

c i r cumlocutory,566.Periscope,441.Perish,van ish,2 .

was te, 162.d ie,3 60.decay,659.Perished,2 .Pe riw ig,225.Perju red ,fa lse,940.Pe rju ry,falsehood,544.un tru th,546 .Perk ed , 206 .Perl ustra t ion,441.Perman en ce,endurance, 142.

sta b i l i ty,150.last ing ness,110.Perman en t,unchanged,142 .

unchangeable, 150last ing , 106, 110.hab i tuated,6 13 .Permea bl e,260.Permeate,pervade, 186.

ins inua te,228.

pass throug h, 3 02 .Permeat ion,per vasion, 186.passage, 3 02.

ins inuat ion,228Permiss i b l e,924.Permiss io n ,760.Permi t,760.Permi t ted,924.Permi tt ing,760.Permu ta t ion,cha nge, 140.

numer ica l,84.Permu te,exchange,148.Pern ic ious,649.Perorat ion,67.Perpend, 451.Perpend icu lar,212.Perpend icu l ar i ty,2 12 .Perpetra te,680.

Perpetual, 112 .

frequen t, 13 6.Perpe tu a l l y, 13 6.Perpe tua te,112.Perpl ex,to derang e,61.bewi lder,458,519.bother,83 0.embarr ass,475.pu zzle,528.Perpl exed,704.Perpl ex i ty,diso rder,59.d ifiicuiiy,7u4.

ign orance,491.doubt,475.maze,533 .

Perqunsnte,809,810.Persecu te,wo rry,83 0, 907.

oppress,649.Persecu t ion,6 19.Perseveran ce,fi rmness,604.act iv i ty,682.con t inua nce,143.Perse vere,con t inue, 143 .be firm,604.Pers ist,endu re,106, 143 ,606 .Pers istenc e,activity, 110,142,158 682.Pers isten t, 106.Person,372 .Pers onab l e,845.Pe rsonage,372,875.Pe rson a l,spec ia l,79,3 17,3 72 .Persona l i ty,specia l ity,79.sp i r i t,3 17.Perso na te,imita te, 17.

a ct,554, 599.Persona t ion, 19.

Pers on ification,metaphor,52 1.r epresen ta t ion, 554.Person ify,metaphor, t,554.Perspec t i v e,v i ew,448.

futur ity, 12 1,507.

sagac i ty,498.

s ight,441.erspicac ious,510.Perspicac i ty,498.Perspicu i ty,518, 570.Perspicuous,518,570.Perspirat ion,299.Perspi re,3 48.Perstri nge,457.Pe rsuad e,

induce,6 15.choose,609 .teach,537.adv ise,695.Persuasi b i l i ty,615.Persu asi bl e,53 9,6 15.Persuasion,op in ion,484.

creed,983 .tea ch ing,537.adv ice,695.

cho ice,609 .

inducemen t. 6 15.Persuas i ve,instruct ive,537log ic a l, 407.

P e rt,va i n,880.

Port,saucy,885.dis cou rteous,896.Perta i n,belong,76,777 .

relate to,9 .

behoove,926.Perta i n i ng,9.Pe rt i nac ious, 606.Pert i n ence,rela t ion,9.appl ica tion,ertinent,rela t ive, 9.congruous,23.relevan t, 476.appl icable,646.Pertnes s,885.Pertu rb ,derange, i ta te,3 15.

emo t ion,82 1.ferment,171.erturbation,emo t ion,824.derangemen t,61.ertus ion,260.Peruke, 225.Pervade,extend , 186.afi ct, 821.Perve rse,cro tch ety, 608.difficu l t,704 .

wayward,895 .Pe rv ad i ng, 82 1.Pe rvasion ,186.Perv ersen ess,701.Pe rv ersion ,injury,659.

soph is try,477.

fa lsehood,544.mis in terpretation,523 .

misteach ing,53 8.Perv ers i ty,895.Perv ert 523 .Pe rv icac ious,606 .Perv io us,260.Pest,663 .Pest house,662.Pes t ifero us,657.Pes t i l e n ce,649.Pest i l e n t ia l,649,657Pest l e,3 3,p layth ing ,840.favo ri te,899.pas swn ,900.

to love,897.

to fond le,902.etard,727 .

etition,a sk,765 .

pray,990.Pe t i t ion er,767.Pe trifact ion, 32 1Betrified ,astonished,870.

3 78

P iper,416.P ip ing,s auna,410.h ot, 382.P i pk i n,191.P iquan t,pungent,3,574.

mo t ive,6 15.keen,821.P iq u e,umbrage,889ha te,898.

incete, (i 15.anger,900.P iq u e on e’s self,878P i rat e,792 .P isca to ry, 3 66.P isto l, 727.P is to n ,203 .P i t,ho l e, ing,260.deep,208.

grave, 3 63hel l,982.P i t aga i nst,708.P i tapa t,82 1.Pi tch,degree,26.term,5 1.height,206.

descent,3 06 .

summit, 2 10.

mus i ca l note,413 .da rk,42 1 .b lack,43 th row, reel,3 14.

to place, 184.P i tch on e ’s ten t,186,P i tchpipe,417.Pi tc h upon ,c hoose, 609.reach, 292 .P i tch ed b attle,720.P i tch er, 191.

Pitt h y,42 1,P i teous,830.P i tfa l l,667.P i th,g ist,5.

strength, 159in ter ior, 22 1.essen t ia l,50.

impor tant,642.mean ing,5 16 .

P itl iy,5 16,572 .

Pitl i ines s,streng t h,159.terseness,572.P i t iab l e,643 .P i tifu l,643 ,940.Pi t i l ess,ma l evo l en t, 9 7,9 14,a.

revengefu l,9 0.

ru th less,901)

I N D EX .

P i ttance,a l lotmen t, 780lack,640.P i ty,compassion,914reg ret,833 .P i vot,cause, 153 .

am ,3 12 .

j unc tion, 43 .Pi x ,b ox , 19r ites,998P lacab l e,918.

Placa li leness,918P lacard,no t ice, pub l i sh,53 1.P l aca te,918.P lace,s itua tion, 182,

c i rcumstances,8.rank,873 .arrange,60.term, order,58.abode,189.

to locate, 184.

subs ti tu tion,147.oflice,625.P l aced, 184.Placed back,145.P laceman,758.P l ac i d,ca lm,826.Plac i d i ty,826.P lacke t,225 .P lagiarism,

stea l i ng,791.borr owing,788.P lag iarist,792.P lagiary,788.P l agu e,d isease, i n,828.end ,6 19.P la i d,225.P l a i n ,hor i zon tal , 213 .coun try, 3 44.

obv ious, 446.

mea n ing,516,518simpl e, less,703 .

ugly,846 .

style,566,576.P la i n d ea l i ng,543 .P la i n n ess,s impl i c ity,849.ugl iness,846 .

frankness, 543 .

style,576.Pl a i n speak i ng,verac ity,543 .

perspicu i ty,570.P l a i n spok en,543 .

I’laii it,cry , 4!1.

lamen ta tion,

fo rm, tab le, 149.

faul e, 705.P last ic i ty,324.P lat,2 19.P la te,layer,204.

plane, 251.engr av ing,558.d i sh, 298.P lateau ,2 13 ,3 44.P l atform,

support, 2 15.

stage,542 .hor izon ta l, 2 13 .P la t i tud e,497.P l a ton ic,con templat ive,45 ld,823 .

chaste,960.P l atoon ,army, 726.assemblag e,72.Pl atter,receptacl e, 191.layer,204.flatness,251.

Pla iiSib il i ty,probab i l i ty,473 .soph ism,477.P laus i b l e,probab le, 472.

soph ist ica l,477.fa lse,544.

spec ious,937 .approvable,93.

P lay,opera t ion, 170.scope,180,748.cha nce, 186.d ram/i ,599 .amusemen t,840.mus ic,415 .oscula t ion,3 14.

to net,680.P l ay a part,544.P lay ofco lo rs,440.P lay u pon,545.P lay w i th,deride,483 .P l ay er,ac tor, 599.deceiver,548.

mus ician,416.P l ayfe l low,890.P l ayfu l, 83 6 .P layhouse,599.P layma te,890.Pl aysome, 836.Playtl i in

we,84trifle,643 .dependence,749.P laywrigh t,599.P l ea,excu se, 617.

v ind i ca t ion,937.

falsehood, law,909.P l ead,arg u e,467.

encourage,615.vind ica te,93 7.excuse, 6 17.P l ead er,968.Pl ead i ngs ,969 .P l easan t ,agreeab le,829.w itty. 842.amus ing,840.

P l easan tness,829.P l easan t ry,wit, 842 .amusement,849.P l ease,829 .P l eased,827 .Pl eas i ng,829,865.Pl easure,wi l l,600.

phys ica l, 377.

mo ra l,827.P l easure grounds,344P l easu ra b l e, 829 .Pl easurab l eness, 829P l e be ian,876.P l edge,secur ity,771.promise, borrow, 788dr ink to,883 .P l edging,788.P l enary,fu ll,3 1.complete,52 .ab undant,63 9 .P l en ipo t en t iary,768.

Plenin d e,63 9.Pl en teous,639 .P l en t ifu l,63 9.P l en ty, 03 9.Pl eo n asm,573 ,641.P l eonast ic,573 .P l etho ra,641 .P l e thoric,641.Pliab ih ty, 324.

Pl lah le,3 24.P l iabl en ess,324Pl lant,soft,324.

fac i l e,705.

trres olute,605.Pl ian tness, 3 24.Pl i cature,258.Pl ier,63 3 .Pl ight,sta te, 7 .Pl i nth,base,rest,2 15.Plod,trudge,275 .

work,682 .Pl odd i ng,du ll, 843 .ac t ive,682.Plot,plan,626.

ofg round ,181.Plough,259,673 .Pl uc k,take,789.

ex tract,courage,861.reso l u tion,604.Pl uck ou t,301.Pl uck ed,610.P l ug,stopper,263 .

to cl ose,261.Pl um,sweetness,3 96.mon ey,800.

Plum~co lor,437.Pl umage,256 .P l umb,c los e, 26 1.

measure,466.Pl umb l i n e,466 .Pl ume,256,847.P l ume on e’s se lf,878.Plumme t,466 .P l umos e,256 .P l umosi ty,256.Pl ump, 192.P l ump down,306.P l umpn ess,192.P l und er,booty, 793 .

to stea l,791.ravage, 649.

ev i l,6 19.Pl un ge,d ive, 3 10.

l eap,146,3 09insert,3 00.

I N D EX .

P l unge,nnmers e,337.

prec ipi tate,3 0&adven ture, 676hur ry,684.P l u ra l, 100.P l ura l i ty,100.P l us,3 7.P l ush ,2 5 6.P l u shy,3 45.P l u to,982 .P l uv ia l, 3 48.



fo ld,253 .Pn euma t ics, 33 4.Pneuma to logy, 150.Peach,791.Poac lung,964.Po achy, 3 45.Pock e t,pouch, pla ce, 184.take,789.

endure,826.rece ipts,810.treasury,802 .diminu tive, 193 .Pock e t mo n ey,800.Poem,

597.Po e t,597.Po e taster,597.Poe tess,597.Poe try,597.Poet i c,metr ica l, 597.

style,574.Po ignan cy, 171.l ’o ignant,physica l, 171.mora l,821 .Po i n t,cond it ion,,26.term,71.p lace, 182 .

quest ion,46 1.though t,453 .head land,3 42 .top ic,454.

prominen ce,250.


i n ten t ion,G20.wit, 842.sty le,574.

puncti l io,93 9.

speck, 193 .

po ignancy,,253 .

Pomt b lan k ,278.Po i n t l ess,843 .Po i n t ofView,

aspect,idea,453 .

relat ion, 9.Po i n t ou t,550.

Pomt to,indicate,,525 .

3 79

Po l i ty,conduct,692.Po l l,count,85.Po l l u te,corrupt, i l,653 .di sg race,874.d ishonor,940.Po l l u t ion,v ice,945.disease,655 .ta in t,874.

corrupt ion,659.s ozl ing ,653 .Po l troon ,862 .Po l troonery,862 .Po l y chromat i c,440.Po lygami st,903 .Po lygamy,903 .Po l yglo t,560,562.Po lygon,figure,244.bu i ldings, 189.

Po lyégg

nal n umber,

Pol ysy l lab l e,56 l .Po ly the ism. 984.Poma tum, 3 56.Pomme l,249.Pomp,882 .Pompous sty l e, 577,882Pon d,3 43 .Pond er, 451.Po nd erab l e,3 l 6.Pond e ra tion, 466,480.Pond erosi ty,3 19.Ponderous,3 19.Pond erousn ess,3 19.Pon iard,727.

Po ntifi'

,996.Pon t ifica l, 995.

Pontificate,995.Pony,P001,3 43 .

ind igen t,804.weak, 160.

irra t iona l,477.

insnjficient,640tr ifl ing,643 .

con tempt ible,930.

st i/le,575 .Poorn ess,643 .Poorly,655.

Pop,no ise,406.

unexpected,508Pop upon,fi nd ,480.Pope,996 .Popgun,406 .Popu lace,876.Popu lar,cu rrent,484.favor i te,897.

cel ebra ted . 873 .

3 80

Popu l ari ty,fame,873 .approbat ion,93 1.fmid nes s ,897.Popu la t ion,mankind,373 .

inhab i tants,188.Popu lo us,crowded,72.Po rch,entr i nce, 66opening,260.mon t h,way,627.recep ta cle,191Porcup ine,253 .

Pore,Open ing,260.conduit,295,350.look,441.apply t he mi nd,457.Poros i ty,3 22.Porous,foraminous,260.

l igh t,3 22 .Porousn ess,260.Po rringer,191.Po rt,harbor,666.g a i t,264.abode,189 .

rest ing-place,265.arr iva l,292 .

left ha nd,239 .

carriage, 448.demeanor,852.

Portabl e,movable,268,270.l ight,3 20.l it t l e, 193 .Portab l en ess,3 20.Portage,270.Porta l,en tranc e, 66.month ,23 ing,260.


Portat ive,268.

movab le,270.sma l l, 193 .Portcu l l is,706,717.Portend,511.Porten t,5 12,872.Porten tous,prophet ic,511.fea rfu l,860.Po rter,car r ier,271.jan i tor,263 .

Po rterage,270.Portfo l io,record,551.miscel la ny,72.receptac le, 19 1.Portho l e,260.Port ico,en trance,66.

roo m, 191.Po rt ion ,piece,51.


Port ion,a l lotment,786 .Port ly, 192.Portman teau,19Portra i t,556 .Po rtra i ture,556.Portray,

h ide,528.

d ifiiculty,704.embarrassment,491Poser,704.Pos i t ion ,c i rcumstanc es,8.

s ituat ion, 183 .po i n t,26.assert ion,535.

P o s i t i ve,certa i n,474.prejudiced,481strict,82.mean i ng ,516.rea l,true,494.

unequ ivoca l,518.abso l u te,73 9.obst i nate,606 .asser tion ,535.

quant ity,84.Posi t i v en ess,1.Posi t i ve ly,gr eat,3 1.Posse,pa rty,712.Possess,have,777.feel,82 1.Possessi ng,777.Possession,property,780.occupancy,777.Possesso r,779 .Possi b i l i ty,chance, 156.con t ingence,470.Poss i bl e,cont ingen t,470.casual , 156,62 1.fac i le,705.Poss i bly,156 .Post,support,2, 184.

rest,265 .


mo t ion,264.


ofiice,926 .

to record,551.accoun ts, i l,53 2,592 .

to stigma t ize,874.Pos tdate,1 15.

Po std iluvmu, 117.Poste d,p laced, 184.

Posthorse,271.Posthumous,la te, 13 3 .

s ubsequent, 117.Post i l ion,268,694.Post l imi nous,117,Pos tpon e, 133 .Pos tpon emen t,133 .Pos tscript,sequel,65.append ix,3 9.Postu lan t,767.Pos tu l ate,supposi t ion,514.reasoni ng,476.Postu l at ion,supposi tion,514.Postu latory,469.Posture,8.Posture master,bufoon, untebank,548.

Poster,53 1.Posterior,i n t ime, 1 order,63 .

i n space,23 5Posterior i ty,in order,63 .

in space,235.

at time, 117.Pos teri ty,in time, 117, 12 1.descendan ts,167.Postern,back,2 35.

por ta l,66 .Post-ex istence,121.Pos tli aste,fas t,274.

prec ipi ta te,684,

Po t,mug , in,73 2.Potab l e,298.Potager,191.Potation,296.Pot-be l l i ed, 192.Pot-compan ion,890.

Poten cy, 157.Poten t,157.

Potentote,745.Poten t ia l ,v irtua l,2.pos s ib le,470.power, 157.Poten t i a l i ty,power, 157.

poss ib i l ity,470.Poth e i',confusion,59Pothooks,590.Po ttage,298.Potter,682.Pott l e,Po uch, 191.

Pou l t ice,soft)remedy,662.Pou nce upon,789.Pou nd,bru is e,3 3 0.

mix ,41.enclose,23 2.

impr ison , 752:Pou nds,800.Pour,295,348,350.Pour out, 185,297,3 48.Pove rty,

ind igence,804.scan t iness, 640.

meagreness,575.trifle,643.Powd er,193 ,33 0,721Powdery,3 3 0.Power,efiicacy, th ority,737 .

much,3 1.d iv i ne,976.

numer ica l ,84.of style,574.

owertul, 157,159,574.Pow erfu l ly, 157.Powerl ess, 158, 160.Pox,655 .Pract icab i l i ty,easiness,705.poss ib i l i ty,470.Pract icab l e,pos3 ible,470.easy,705.

Practicab leues s,705.Prac t ice,act,680.conduct, e,677.habit,6 13 .

rul e,80.

proceeding,626.Prac t ise,deceive,645 .Pract i sed,698.Prac t ise Upon,463 ,486,545.Prac t i t i on er,690.Pragma t ica l,pedant ic,855.

va i n,880.Pra i ri e,3 44.Pra ise,cominendaticn,03 1thanks,9 16.

worsh ip,990.

Praisewortliy,commend a b le,93 1v irtuous,944

France,dance,3 ce,266 .Prank,capr ice,608.amusement,840.vag arg 855.

3 82

Prereq u i si te,63 0.Preroga t i ve,r ight, thor i ty,73 7.


to predict,5 11.Presby ter,996 .Presby te ry,995,996.Presc i en ce,5 10.Prescrent,510.Prescri be,order,741.en t itl e,924.duty,926.Presc r i bed,924.Prescript,decree,741.precep t,,263 .

Prescn ption,remedy, 662.

precept,697.Prescript ive,924.Presen ce,in space, 186.appearance,448.carr iage,852.Presence chamb er,Prese n ce ofmi nd,


Presen t,in t ime, 118.

g ive,784.

ub iqu i tous,187.ofer,763 .

in troduce,894.

to themi nd,451.Presen t th e appearan ce,448.

Pres en tab l e,852.Presen ta t ion ,efi


cr,763 .t,784.l

igiitfroduction,894.Presen t imen t,prejudgment,481.ins t inc t,477.

fores ight,510.Presen t l y, 111.Presen tmen t,784.Preservat ion ,con t inuance, 142 .

conserva ti on,670.Preserva to ry,Preserv ed, 670’

Preserv er,guard,664.D e ity,976.

Presid e,command,737

I N D EX .

Pres i d e,d i rec t,693 .Presid ency,737 .Presid en t,694,737,745.Press,has ten, 13 2 .

urge, 684 .


compel ,744.

we igh, 3 l ic it,6 15 .crowd,72.c loset, 191.vel ocity,274.Press i n,3 00.Press i ng,urgen t,642 .Pressu re,we ight, 3 19.influence,175.

u rgen cy,642.afll ictwn,830.

misfortune, 169.Presuma b l e,472.

Presume,suppose, 514.hope,858 .

misjudge,481.Presump t ion,arrogance,885 .

misjudgment,481.rashness,863 .

probab le,472 .

r ight,92 4.hope,858.Presumpt i v e,conjectura l,514.

r ightful,924.

probab le,472 .

ind ica ti ve,467.Presuppose,481 .Presurmise,481.Pre t enc e,untruth,546.accuse,617.Pret end,s imu la te, sert,535 .

excuse,6 17 .Pre tend ed,6 17.Pre ten d er,booster,884.dece iver,548.Pretension,afoetat ion,855.van i ty,880,884.P re tens ions,882 .

Pre teri t ion, 122 .

Preterlapsed,122.Pre termi t,omi t,460.Pre tern atural ,i rregu la r,83 .Pre ter—perteet 122 .Pre ter-pluperiect,

Preto x t,excus e,617.

fa lsehood,546.

Prett i n ess,855.Pre t ty,845.Pret ty we l l,much, 3 1.imperfect,65 1.Preva i l,influence, 175.

preponderatc,28b e genera l,78.Preva i l upon,615.Preva i l i ng,prepond eratin 28infiuenczng , l 5.

us ua l,82.Preva l en c e,influence, 175.usage,6 13 .

p reponderance, 28.

general i ty,78.Preva l e n t,genera l,78.

usua l,82.

i nfluen tia l,175.Prevarica te,fa lsehood,544.

equ ivo ca te,520.Prevarica t ion,520.Pre ven t,706.Prev e n t ion,h ind er ance,706 .

pr ej udice,481Prev ious,in order,62 .

in t ime, 1 16 .Pre v is ion, 510.Prey,food,298.

booty,793 .object,620.vict im,828.Price,money,812.Pric e l ess,inval uab le,648.Pri ck,sha rpness,253 .

to st i ng,3 78.

st ick,260.Pri ck l e,253 .

Prick lmes s ,253 .Prick ly,253 ,256.Pr id e,loftiness, 878.

ornamen t,847.Pr i est,996.

Pries tcra i‘

t,995.Pries t l y,995 .Pri esthood,996.Pri es tri dd en,989.Priggish,855 .Prim, 855,878.Primacy,995 .Primary, 153 ,642.Primate,996.Prime,ear ly, 13 ime va l, 124.excel len t,648, 650.impor tan t,642.

to prepare,673 .

Prime,n umber,84.Primed,698 .Primeva l, 122,124.Primi t i ve, 12 4, 128.Primi tiv e n ess, 124.Primness,878 .

Primogema l,66.Primogen i ture, 124,167.Primord ia l , 124,156.

Pruno rd inate, 124 .

Primrose~co lor,43 6.Pri n c e ly,autho r i ta t i ve,737.l ibera l,8 16 .

generous,942.nob l e,873 ,875.Pri n cess 745.Pri nc i pal,540,642 .Pri nc ipa l i ty,Pri n c ipl e,elemen t,3 16.cause,tru th,494.

reasoning ,,80.tenet,484.

metres,615.Pri n t,mark,550.

record, 551.engr av ing,558.l etter press,591Pri n t l ess,552.Pd egin order,62.

in t ime, 116.rel igious,996.Pr iori ty,in order,62 .

in time, 1 16.

Pr ioress,996.Pri ory, 1000.Pri sm,445 .Prisma t ic,428,440.Prison,752 .Prison hous e,752.Pri son er,capt ive,754.defendan t,967.Pr isonmen t,751.Prist i ne,122.Pri vacy,secre 526 .

s ecluswn,893 .Pri va t e,spec ia l,79.

ret ired,893 .

secret, 526.Pri va te ly,881.Pri vate er,726.Pri va t ion ,l es s ,776.

pover ty,804.Priva t i v e,789.Pri v i l ege,924.Pri v i l eged,924 .Priv i ly,528.Privi ty ,490.

booty, 993 .

success,73 1pa lm,73 3 .

goo d,6 18.

Pri ze fight i ng,720.Probab i l i ty,472 .Probab le,492 .Probate,467.Proba t ion ,tr ia l,463 .

essay,675 .demonstration,478.Pro ba t ionary,tr ia l,463 .a ttempt,675.Pro batory,675.Pro be,stil et to,262.

measure,466 .

invest igate,461.Pro b ity,v ir tue,in tegr i ty,93 9.Probl em,

en igma,53 3 .

in iry, 454,46 1.Prob ematica l,uncer ta in,475.hidd en,528.

Probosms, 250.Procac i ty,anger,900.Procedure,conduc t,692.action,680.pla n,626 .Proceed,advance,282.from, 154.lapse, 109 .happen, 151.Proceed ing,action , 680.even t, 15 1.plan,626 .Proc eeds,money,800.

receipts, 810.Proc eri ty,206.Process,project ion,250.

plan,626 .act ion,680.

conduc t, 692.t ime, 109 .

Proces s ron,tra in,69ceremony,882 .travel,2 66 .Proc hron ism, 115.Proc l a im,53 1.Proc lama t ion,53 1.Proc l i v i ty,dispos ition,602.

bias, 176.


Proconsu l,759.

I N D EX .

Proconsuls h ip,737.Proc rast i n a te,13 3 .Procras t i nat ion, 133 ,Procrean t, 168.Procreate,161, 168.Proc reat ion, 168.Promeator,166 .Proctor,officer,694.Proc torsh ip,693 .Proc umb en t,2 13 .Procura t ion,775.Procura tor,694.Procure,get,775 .

cause, 153 .

buy,795 .

prmp,962 .Proeu ress,962.Procuri ng,775.Prod iga l,extravagant,818.

lav ish,641 .Prod iga l i ty,818.

Prod ig lous,wonderful,870.

much,3 1.Prod igy,872.Prod uce,cause,153 .create,161.more,798.

pro long,,525.


resu l t,154.fru i t,775.Produc er,164.Prod uc i ng,product ive,157.Prod uct,mu lt iple,84,154,775.Product ion,show,525 .cause, 153 .

res ul t, 154.Prod uct i v e,168.Produc t ive n ess,158.Pro em, 64 .Proemia l,preceding in order,62 .

beginn ing, 66 .

i n t ime, 116.Profan e,impious,989desecra te, 679.

la ica l,997.Profan i ty,impiety,989.desecra t ion,679.Profess,53 5.Profess ion,business,625.pretence,546.a ssert ion,53 5.Professiona l,625Professor,540.

3 83

Proffer,763 .Profic i ency,ski l l,698.knowledg e,Profic i e n t,adept,700.knowledge,490.

ski lful,698Profi l e,la tera l,23 6.

ou t l ine,23 0.appearance,448 .Profi t,acquisi t ion 773 .avazl ,64 4.

advantag e,618,6 0Profi tab l e,useful,644.

g amful,775, 810.good,648.

Profi tab leness,644.

Profi tles s,645 .


Profluence,3 48.


Profoundeep,208.knowledge,490.sagac i ty,702 .

feel i ng,82 o ught,451.Profou


ndness,208.Profound l y,3 1.Profund i ty,depth, 208 .knowl edg e,490Profuse,prod iaa l,818.

lav is 641.


usenes s,818.Profusion,prod igal ity,818.excess,641.Prog,mater ia ls,635.Progen i tor, 166 .Progeny,167.Prognost ic,5 12 .Prognost icate,511.Prognost i cat ion,511.Programme,ca ta logue,86 .announcemen t,5 10.

p lan, 626 .Progress,advance,282 .

owth, 144.

geed,274 .

of t ime, 109.tmprovement,658.

success,Progressmn,ser ies,69.

grada t ion,58.

n umerica l, t ion,

Progress ive,mov ing, 282 .

improv i ng,658.Progres s iven ess, 282Proh i b i t,761 .P roh i b i t ion ,761.Proh i b i tory, 761Proj ec t,bu lge,250.

propel,284p lan, tend,620Proj ecti l e,mis s i l e,284weapon,727Projec tion,map,554.bu lg e,250.

mot ion,284.Pro l ific, 157,168.644.

Prol ificness,168Pro l i x,573 .Pro l i xn ess,573 .Pro locu tor,speaker,582 .Pro logue,64.Prolong,l eng then, tract, 110, 133 .Pro longa t ion,13 3Pro l u s ion ,beginn ing,64.

l esson,53 7.Promenade,266.Prome thean,359.Promi n ence,convex ity,250importance,642 .Promin en t,convex,250,252consp icuous,446impor tant,642 .

famous,873 .

man ifes t,525.Pron

égnently,3 1,32,

Promiscuous,irreg ular,59.

casua l,62 1.Promise,engage,768.augur,507.hope,858.Promised,hepe,858enga

gement 768


engagemen t, 768.Promissory note,800Promon tory,cape,3 42.height,206.

projection, 250Promote, 707.Promot ion,658,707.Prompt,in t ime, 111.ear ly, 132.

3 84

Prompt,qu ick,274.

suggest, l, 527 .

remind,505.induce,6 t i ve,682 .

Prompter, 6 15.Prompt i ng,505.Prompt i tud e,action,682.ear l iness,13 2 .

qu ickness,274Promptn ess,quickness,274.

ear l iness,13 2.act iv i ty,682 .Promu lgate, 53 1.Promu lgat io n,53 1.l ’ronanon,2 18.Pron e,hor i zon ta l,2 13 .t end ing, l ined,d isposed,820.

Pron en e ss,tendency,176.d ispos i t ion,820.Prong,91.Pro nou nce,ar t i cu la te,580assert,535 .


sen tence,969.Pmnunc iative,

Pdemonstra t ion,476,478ev idence,467 .hardness,323 .tes t,463 .


refuge,666 .Propagab l e, 168.Propagan d ism,484,53 7.Propagate,produce, l ish,53 1 .Propagat ion,pub l ish ing,53 1.production,681P rope l,284.Prope l l i ng,284.

Propensi ty,1 76,602.Proper,spec ia l 79.

r ight 922 ,926.expedien t,646.consonant,23 .ha ndsome,845.Property ,possess ion,780.

power, 157.

weal th,803.

I N D EX .

Prophecy,pred ictio n, 511.scr iptura l, 985.Prophes y,5 11.Prophe t,5 13 ,985.Prophet ica l,pred ictive,scr ip tura l,985.Propi nqu ity, 197.Propi t ia te,forg ive,918.a tone,952.pity,914.

worsh ip,990.Propi t ia t ion,a tonement,952.


rel igious,976 .

Pmpitiatory,952.Propi t ious,favo ring ,707.

opportune,13 4.prosp erous,734.ausp icious,858.

benefic ia l,648.Proport ion,rela tion,9.

mathemat ic a l,84.Proport ionab l eProport iona l,Proport iona te,Proposa l,p lan,626.suggestion,514.

inten t ion,620Propos e,ofi

er,763 .

in tend,620.

suggest,514.b rooch ,53 5.

ask,46 1.Propos i t ion,rea soning,476 .

suppos ition,454.

overture,763 .

suggestion,514.avermen t,53 5.p la n,626.Propou nd,b roaeh ,53 5.inquire,461.sug cres t,514.Proprietary,779.Proprie tor,779.Propri e torsh ip,777.Propri e tress,779.Proprie ty,consonance 23 .duty,922,(no.Propugn ,v ind ic ate,937.Propu lsion,276,284.Propulsi ve,284.Proroga t ion, 133 .Prorogu e,133 .Prosa i c,du ll ,598,843 .style,575.

Prosa i st,598.Prescri be,i nterd ict,761.curse,908.

condemn,971.deno unce,938.

excl ude,77.Prosc ript ion,ban,908.

denunc ia tion, 93 8.

interd iction,761 .condemna t io n,971.exc l usion,77.Prose,not verse,598.

to pra te,584.dul nes s,843 .

to weary,841.Pms ecute,pursue, ra ig n,969.Prosecu t ion,a rra ig nment,969.pursu i t,622 .Pros ecu tor,967Prosely te,541.Prose ly t ism,tea ch ing,53 7be lief,484.Proser,


fu tur ity, 121,507.Prospec t i v eProspect ively, 121

Prospe ctus,scheme,626.compend ium,596 .

programme,86 .Prospe r,Prosper ity,Prosperous,Prost i tu te,to corrupt,659.

mis use,679.

dishonor,962.Prost i tu t ion,misuse,679 .cor ruption,659.Prostra te,low,207.

l evel,2 13 .

to depress,3 08.weak, 160.


laid up,655.dejected,83 7.hea rt-broken,83 0.Prostrat io n,rui n,6 19 .

serv i l ity,743 ,886.obeisance,928.worsh ip,990.

exhaust io n,dejec t ion,83 7.

lowness,207Pros y,575,84Prosy l l ogism,Prote ct,sh iel d, 664.defend,717.Pro t ec t ion,defence,7 17.influence,175.shi eld,664.Protec t i v e,664 .Protec tor,717,745.Protec tora te,737 .Protec torsh ip,737.Protest,d issen t,489.

den ial,53 6.afi m ,53 5 .

refus al ,764.

deprecate,766.cens u re,93 2.

non-observancenon-paymen t,808ro tes tant

,489 .

rotestanttem,984.Protested,766.Proteus, 149 .Prothonotary,553 .Protoco l,document,551.wa rran t,771.Pro to type,22.Protrac t,t ime, 110, 133 .l eng th,200.Protrac ted, 1 10.Protrac t ion,133 .Protrud e,250.P rotuberan ce,250.Proud,any,878.dign ifi ed,873 .Prove,demonst rate,478.try,463 .

coun t,85 .turn cut, 151.afoot,82 1.rovender,


mater ial s,63 5.Prov erb 496.Proverb lal,490,

496.Prov id e,fu rn ish,63 epare,673 .Pro v i d ed,qua l ifica tio n,Mcon di tion,770.cond i t ional ly,8.rovid ence,

3 86

Pufl,g u rgle,405 .

mus ic,4 15.Purl ieu , 197,227.Purlmg,3 48.

Pn rlmu,791.Pu rple, 137.Purpo rt,me Hung ,516.inten t, (3123 .Purpose,620.

Pnrptns eles s,601,G2Purpo s ely,LOO,020.Purr,4 12.Pu rse,money bag ,802.wea lth,803 .Pu rse,to shr ivel, 195.

Pursebearer,801.Purse-prou d,878.Pu rser,801.Pu rsu an t to,620.Pu rsu e,fo l low,281.con t inue,143 .

a im,622 .

inqu ire,461.Pu rsuer,281.Pu rsu i t,chase, 281.advance,282.approach, ,682.

inquiry,46 1.Pursul vaut,534.Pu ray, 192.Puru l e nce,653 .Pu ru l e n t,653.Pu rvey, 63 7.Purvey an ce,637.Purveyor,63 7.Push,

fr igrency,8.accelera te,274.impel, 276.propel,284.

repel ,289,act iv ity,682 .Push on,haste,282 , 684.Push i ng,284,682.Pusi l l an imi ty,862 .Pusi l lan imous,862.Pustu l e,p imple,250.

blemis h,848,Pu t,p lace, 184.a ques t ion, 46 1Pu t abou t,turn back,283 .

c ircu i tion,3 11.Pu t asule,55.

Put away, 624.Pu t by,817.Pu t down,destroy , erce,744.bqflle,73 1.

I N D EX .

Pu t down,humil iate,874.Pu t fo rth,a s ser t,535 .

publ ish,53 1.suppose,514.Pu t i n to,inser t,300.en ter,, 292 .Pu t off, 133 .Pu t on,c lo the,225.

dece ive,544.

ut ou t,quench,385.darken, 412 1.

perpl ex,458.

d ifliculty,740.

Pu t toge th er,44.Pu t to sea,293 .Pu t u p w i th,82 1.Pu t upon,545.Pu ta t i v e,155,514.Pu trefa c t io n ,653 .Pu trefy,653 .Pu trescence,401,653 .Pu trescen t,401.Pu trid,653 .Pu tty,45.Puzz l e,en igma,53 3 .mystify,528.

d i lemma,704.stag g er, 485 .

bewi lder,491.Pu zz l i ng,uncerta i n,475.Pygmy, 193 .

rami d,253 .

re,3 63 .

rometer,3 89.Py rotechny,382.Pyrrhon ism,487.Py thago rean,953 .Pyx ,191.

Qu ack,impostor,548.cry,412.Quacksa lver,548.Quackery,545,855.Quadran t,mea sure,466 .Quad ra te w i th,23 .Quadra t ic,95.Qu ad ri b l e,96 .Qu adri l l e,840.

Q uad ripartuion, 97Quad risec t ion,97.Quad ruped ,3 66.Quadrupl e,96.Qu adrupl icate, 96 .

Q uafl‘

,296.Quagmi re,bog ,3 45.

mire,653 .

Quagmi re,d iffic u l ty,704.Qua i l,860,862.Qua i n t,ad d ,83 .

r id i cu lous,853 .

style,572.Qu a i n tn ess,853 .Qu ake,shake,3 15.


reel , 3 14.

co ld,3 83 .Qua l ificat ion,modifica tion,469.accomp l ishmen t, ange, 140.

retrac t ion, 53 6.traimng ,673 .Qua l ify,train ,673 .

mo d ify, ange, 140.teach,53 7 .Qua l i ty,power,157.bias,176 .

na ture, 5 .

character,820.nobil ity,875.Qu a lm,fear,860.hes ita t ion,603 .

scrupl e,616.d isbel ief,485 .

pen i tence,950.Quand ary,704.Qu an t i tat i v e, 25 .Quan t i ty,25 .Quaran t i n e,664.Quarre l,713 .Quarrelsome,713 ,901.

Q uartain,597.Quarter,fourth ,97.

reg ion,181.dwell ing,186.

s ide,23 6.d irection, p lace,184.mercy,914

Q uartermg,97.Quartermaster,63 7.Qu arte rs, 189.Quarte t,95.Quarto,59.Quart i l e,95.Quash,destroy,162 .ann ul ,756 .

Q uatemal,95.Qua ternary,95.

Q uatemion,95.

Q uatemity,95.Quaver,shake 3 15.

so 407.

Quaver,hes ita te 605fear,860.

sh iv er,383 .Quay, 189.Qu ee n,745.Qu ee r,83 .Que l l,destroy, 16 2.hus h, lm,826.moderate, 174.subdue,732.Qu ench,coo l,3 85.

d issuade,6 16 .

ext ing u ish,162.satiate,869 .

Q uerimon i ous,83 9Q ueggg


Querist,46 1.Qu eru lous,

contpla imng ,83 9.

qua rrel some, 901.fastidious,868.Queru l ous ness,3 39Que ry,46 1.Quest,46 1.Quest ion,

inquiry,46 1.d is bel ieve,988.

to doubt, deny,53 6.Qu est ion ab l e,475.Qu est io n l ess,474.Qu i bb l e,sophis try,477.absurd ity,497 .

wit,842 .Qu ick,rap id,274.trans ient, 111.

ear ly, 132.

ski lfu l,698.fee l i ng,821,822.Qu ick en ,hasten, 132.animate, 163opera te, 170.

u rg e,6 15.exc i te,824.promote,707v io lence, 173

Q uickeyed ,498.Qu icksc e n ted,3 xQu icksand,667 .Qu ickn ess,haste, 13 2.

I N D EX .

Quote,82 .Quot id ian, 103, 138.Quoti en t,84.

Rab b i,996.Rabb l e,mob ,876 .assemb lage,72Rab id,503 .Race,to r un,274.

con test,720.course,622 .

career,625 .

l i neage, l l ,69.kind,75.Racecourse,728.Racer,horse,27 1.fleetnes s ,274.Racehorse,horse,271.fleetnes s ,274.Raciiiess,strong,171.pungent,3 92.

wa rm,82,574.Racy,strong, 171.pungen t,3 92.

warm,,574.Rack,frame,215.physica l pa in,378.pun ish,975.purgfy,652.

refi ne,658.

c loud, 353 .Racket,noise,404.

ro l l,407.Rack i ng,800.Rad iance,l ight,420.

beau ty,845.Rad ian t,di verging,291.l ight,420.


glo ry,873 .Rad ia te,291.Rad iat ion,291.Rad i ca l,cause,153 .a lgebra i c root,84.reformer,658.Rad i ca l l y,3 1.Radi cat ion,6 13.

Rad i us, 200.Raffl e, 156,62 1.Raft,273 .Rafter,215.Rag,225.

Ragamuflin, 876.

3 87

Rage,v io l en ce, 173 .

fury,825.des ire,865.

wra th,900.Ragged ,848.Raging,v io l en t, 173 .


Ra i l,encl osure,fence,666.impr ison,752.Ra i l at,932.Ra i l i n,229 .Ra i l i ng,93 2.Ra i l lery,85i‘.Ra i lway,627.Ra imen t,225.

Ram, 3 48.Ra in bow,440.Ra i ny,3 48.Ra ise,elevate,307.increase,3 5.

produce, 161erect,2 12.

exc i te,824.Ra ised,206 .Ra isi ng,2 12,307.Rake,954.Rak e up,co l l ect,72.ex tract,3 01.recal l,505.

ev ince,467.exci te,824.

Rak is l l ,intemperate,954.

Iicentwus ,96 1.Ra l ly,r id icu le, 856 .


stand by,707 .

pluck up courag e,Ram,

impel,276 .

press in,261.i nsert, 3 00.Ramb le,stro l l, 266.wander,279.

del ir ium,503 .d ifus e,573 .

fo l ly,499 .Ramb l er,2 68.

Ramification,branch,51,‘256.b isec t ion,9 l .poster i ty, 167.Ra in i l'y,9 1.Rammer,pl ug,263 .

impel ler,276 .Ramp,ascend,305.Rampan t,vio lent, 173 .

Rampan t,vehemen t,l icenttous ,96 1.

sa lta tory, 3 05.

free,748 .Rampart, 717 .Ramrod,263 .

RanC id ,Rancul i ty,40] 653K anegir,mal evo l ence, 907.

revenge,9 19Ran corous,9 19 .Rand om,casua l, 156,uncerta in,475 .Range,Space,180.drawup,58ex tent,26.

to co l locate, 60.

room,266 .


ser ies,69.

fi repla ce,386.term,71.class,75.freedom,748.Rank,degree,26.tho rough,3 l loca te,60.

row,(59.term,71.fet id ,401 .bad,649.

to es t ima te,480.nob i l i ty, 875.

glo ry, 873 .Ran k l e,an imosi ty,505, 900to corrupt, 659.Rank l ing,ma l evo len t,907ha t ing, 900.Ran k n ess,649Ransack,seek,461.Ransom,


libera t ion,750.Ran t,nons ense,497.speech,582 .acti ng, 599 .

style,573 ,577Ran ter,584.

Ran.knock,276.Rapac ious,avari c ious,819greedy,865.

preda tory,791.Rapac iousness,865Rapac i ty,avar ice,819.g reedmes s,865 .Rape,v io la t ion ,961 .



Rapid i ty,274.Rap ids,348.Rapier,727 .Rapi n e,spo l iat ion,791.end ,6 19.Rapt, 451.

Raptuge,emotion, 82 iss,,897.

Raptured,827.Rapturous,829.Rare,i nfrequent,13 7.l ight,3 22.few, 103 .

excep t iona l, 83 .

excel len t,648.Raree show,

sight, 448.amus ement,840.Rarefact ion, l 94.Rarefy,expand, 194.render light,322.Rare ly, 137.Rare n ess,fewnes s, 103 .

infrequency, 137.excell ence,

Rasca l, 949.Rasca l i ty, 945.Rash,reck less,863 .ca re less,460.Rasher,204.Rashn ess, 863 .Rasp,3 3 0,3 3 1.Rasp i ng, 3 3 1.Rasure, 552 .Rat,607.Ratan,975.Ra t-a- tat,407.Ratchet,253 .Ra te,degree, 26.speed, 274.measure,466.est ima tion, ic e, abuse,932.Rath er,32,609.Ra t ifica t ion,consen t,762 .

compac t,769.

o lfi rma tion,488.

eoul ence,467 .Ra t ify,consent,762 .

ofi rm,488.

smnpact,769Ra t io ,relation, 9.

proportion,,26 .

Rat ioc ina t ion. 476.Rat ion,786.Ra t iona l,


I N D EX .

P l j onal,ud icious mjust,480sog acwu 510.

intel l ec t: al,450Ra t io na l e,cause, 133 .a ttr ibut ion,155 .answer,462 .

in terpreta tion,522 .

Rat iona l ism,984.Ra t iona li ty,502.Ra tt l e,nowe,407 .

prattl e,584.

attleenake,663 .anc ity,405.Raucous,581.Ravage,destroy 162.evil ,6 19.despoil,649.Rave,madness,503 .

ex c i tement,825.Rave l,entangl e,219.convo atio n,248.

d ifficulty,704.derange,61.untwis t,59.Rave l l i ng,59.Raven,black,43 1.avenous,789,865.Raver,504.Rav i n e,pass, 198,203 .dike,Rav i ng,mad ,503 .

v io l ent,825.Rav ish,emo tion,824.ecstasy,829.Rav ish i ng,cheer ing ,827.ecs ta ti c,829.

dulc et,4 13 .Ravish inent,82 1.Raw,immature, 123 .

unprepared, 674.unski lful ,699.

co ld,383 .

sens it ive 378.

awb oneéidg'g aunt,

ugly,846.Rawn ess,123 ,674.Ray,420.Ray l ess,421.Raze,level ,3 08.demol i sh,649.ob l itera te,552.Razor,253 .Reabso rb,296.Reach,l : ‘

g th,200.

Reac h,degree,26.d is tance, 196.fete/l ,270.compass 498.a rr ive a t,292.attain,7529 .

gr asp, 73 7.Reac t,reco i l,277 .

revert, 145.

Read i ng,516.Read i n ess ,ea r l i ness,132 .

pr epar edness,673 .cu ernes s,Rea i ng d esk,1Readj ust,27.Readmi t,296.Ready,prepa red,673 .capabl e, 157.

eager,682.skilful ,698.memory,505.early, 132 .

style,578.Ready-mad e,673 .Ready mon ey,Beafiirm,535 .


Reaexis ting , ite,494.Rea l i ty,truth ,494.ex is tence, l ,2.Rea l ize,a ttrib ute, 155.produce, 161.caus e, 153 .substan tiate,494.imagine,515.acq u ire,775.

Rean imate,rev iv ify, 163 .

re insta te,660.Rean imat ion,rev ival , 163 .




frequency, 136.remoe, 163 .Reappearanc e,repet it ion, 104.freq uency, 136.rev iva l, 163 .Reappeari ng,163 .Rear,back,235.

erect, r6 1.use,3 07 .seque l,65.end,67.Reargua rd ,23 5.catwara 235

eari ng,512 .Reason,cause, 153 .


ev idence,467.

in tel l ect, 450.argue, 476.wisdom,498.modera t ion, l 74.easonab le,judic ious.r ight,922.

equ i tab le,924.

probab le,472sane,5052.fa ir,5, 815.moderate,174.R eas onab l en ess ,922Reaso n i ng,476.Reaso n l ess,499 .Reassemb l e,72.Reassert,535 .Reassu re,858.Re ba te, 174,813 .ch ec k,417.ebe l ,742 .Reb e l l ion,719,742 .Re bel low, 412.

ebound ,reco il ,277,react,179.revert,el as ti c,325.Reb u i ld,660.



refuse,76 1.r epuls e,732res is t,7 19.

reca l, 277.Reb uke, 932.Rebus,533 .Re bu t,answer,462.confute,479.deny,53 6 .cou nt er eviderwe,468Reca lc i t ran t,7 16.Reca l cul ate,276,7m

Recaic itration,276Re ca l l,col lect, 505.ff

3 90

Red o l ence,fragrance, 400.Rei lo lent,400.Redoub l e,duplica tion, 90repea t, 104.increase,35.Redoub t,717.Redoub tab le,860.Redound,conduce, 176 .Redress,remedy,662 .rectify,658.res tore,660.reward,973 .Reduce,lessen,3 6 .

contract, orten,lower, 3 08.

weaken,160.convert,M4.subdue,73 1.impoverish , numb er,103 .Reduc ed,contracted, 193.impove rished,804.

Reduc i b le,103 .Reduct i on,ar i thmet ica l,85 .contrac tion, 195abatement, 3 6 .lower ing,3 08 .

in number, 103 .retrenchment,conversion,,813 .Redunduuce,641.Redund annamp le,641.rema in in 40.

Redupl ica t ion,imi tat ion, 19.doubl ing,90.

R eech o,imitate, 19.repeat, 104.

redupl ication,90.sound,404.

Reef,slacken, oal,346 .danger,667.Reek,h ot,382 .fume,3 3 7.

Reeiflng,3 3 7.


nfiirce,’07 .Reen te r i ng,angle,244 .Reestab l ish , 660.

Reestab l ishmen t,145,660.

I N D EX .

Refect ion,refreshment,689restoral,660.meal,298.

Refecwry, 191.Refer,at tr ibute, 155.rela te, 9.Re fe rable,pert inent,9.attr ibuta ble,155 .Refe ree,judge,480, 967.adv iser,695.Referenc e,467 .Re fe renda ry,695Refine,improve,658.myst ify,477 .Refin ed,tas te,850.elegant,845 .fashionable,852.Refinemen t,eleg ance,845.fash ion,852.taste,850.

wisdom,498.Refi t,repa ir, insta te,660.

Refle c t,th ink,451.Reflec t upon,b lame,932 .R eflect i ng,th oug h tful,498.Reflec t ion,max im,496.l ikeness,2 1.b lame,93 2 .

Reflect ive,451Reflector,445.Reflex ,repeti tion, 12 1.thought,ofsound,408.

Reflex ion,repet i t ion, 21.thought,ofsound,408.

Reflex ively,283 .

Refluence,283 .

Reflnent,recod ing,277 .reced ing,283Reflux ,regress,983 .

reco i l,277.Re foc il la te,refresh,689.

Refo rm, 658.cha nge, 140.Re formed, 140.Re frac t ion ,279,443 .

Re frac to ry,res is ting,719.

obst inate,606 .d isobed ient,742.


Refra i n,avo id , 623 .desist,681.rej ec t,6 10.

unwilling,603 .

mus ical, 104.ab s tain, 6 16 .temperance,953 .Re framing,623 .Refresh,cool,385 .relieve,834.refi t, 658.

thememory,505.res tore,660.

s trength en, 159.R efres h ed,689.Re freshment,food,298.recruit ing,689.rel ief,83 4.

streng th en ing,159 .Re fresh ing,plea s ing,829.Re fr ige rat io n,385 .Refr ige ra to ry,387Refuge,666 .Re fulgence,420.Re fulgent,420.Refund,restore,790.

pay,807 .Re fusal,764.Re fuse ,decl ine,764.rej ect, 610.rema ins,40.


sco urmg s,643 .Refus ing,734.Re futable,479.Refuta t ion ,479.


Rega in ,Regal,73 7.

refres h,689.

pleasmg,377 , 829.amusement,840.Regaled ,8527.Rega len1ent,228.Regal ia,747.Rega l i ty,royal ty,737.Regard,esteem,93 1love,897.v iew,44 1.



ee,484cr ed i t,973 .R ega rd ful , 457.Regard ing,9 .

R egard les s,45&Rega tta,840,882.Regency,755 .Regene ra cy,660.

Regenera te,r eproduce, 163 .res tore,660.

d iet,298.remedy,662.Regime n t,army,726 .

a s s emb le e,Reg imenta 3 ,Region, 181.Registe r,record,551.l ist,86 .

to arrange, (0.R eg ist ra ry,553 .

Reg istrat io n,60R eg istry, 1 14.Regnan t, 175.Rego rge,790.Reg rate,777 .Reg ress,283 .Regress ive,283 .Regress ion,283 .Regre t,sorr ow,83 3 .pen itenc e,950.Regre tful,Reg re t t ing,lRegular,orderly,58.according toMsymmetric,242 .p er iod ic,138.Re gula r i ty,per iod ic, 138.


order,58.Regulat e,arrange,,693 .Regula t ion,direction,693 .


order,74,963 .Regurgi tate,return,283 .flow,3 48.restore,790.Regurg i ta t i on,return,283 .

flow, 348.

Rehab i l i ta te,reins ta te,660res tore,790.Reh ea rsal,repetit ion,104.description,594.Reh earse,

04.repea t,1describ e,594

Reh earse,drama t ic, 599.Re i gn, 175,737.Reimbod y,43 ,48Reimburs e,resto re,,807.Re imbursement, 807.Rein,moderate, l eck, 179 .slacken,275.

restra in,6 16.h old,73 7.curb,747.Rei ns,737,747.Re info rc e,s treng th en, 159.

d id ,707.

Reintorcement,supph es,63 5.prov is io n, 63 7rel ief,707 .

Re in less,738.

Re instate, 660.

Re instatement,145,660,784.

Reinves t,Re investment,ERei te rate,frequent,136.repea t, 104.

mult itude, 102.Re i te rat ed, 136.Rei terat ion,frequency, 136.repetit ion, 104Re i terat i ve,102.Rejec t,decl ine,6 10.refuse,764 .ex clude, 55.

ej ect, 297.

unwi ll ing, 603 .Rejected,898.

Rej ec t io n,refusal, 754.

ex clus ion,55.

Rejoice,cu lt,888.

cheer,83 6 .amuse,840.Rejo i ced,827.Rejo ic ing,een lting , eer ing,83 6 .



Rejc l nd er,answer,462.ev idence,468.Rej i l venescei ice,660.

Rek tnd le,6 15 .

Relaps e , 145,66 1.RC Id te,narrate,594.


Re la ted,all ied,Re lat ion,9, ' l ,594.

I N D EX .

Re la t ionsh ip, l l .Re la t ive,9,11.Re la x ,weak en, 160.soften,324 .sla cken,275.unbend th emind,452.repose,687 .amuse,840.lounge, 683 .


misrule, 738.release,750.relent, 914.Re lax at ion,repose,687.loose,47.

weaken ing, 160.loungi ng,683 .

unhiwfa lnes s ,925moderat ion, l 74.Relay,63 5.Re lease,liberate,750,768,a.d ischarge,970.restore,790.ex emp t,927.repay,807.death ,3 60.Re leased,ex emp ted,927.freed,748.Relega te,transfer,270.remove, 185,297.ban ish ,55 .Re legat ion, 185,297.Re len t,moderate, l 74.p ity,914.soften,324.Re len t ing,914.Re len tless,ma levo len t, 907.wrathfnl,900.

flag itious ,945.impen itent,95 1.Re levancy,pert inence,9.

cong ruity,23 .

Relevant,9,476.Re l iance,confidence,484.hope,858.Re l ic,rema inder,40.remznis cence,505.token,55 1.corpse, 3 62.sacred,998.

wors h ip,99.

refresh ,,707.improve,658.

Re l ieve,comfort,83 4.

refres h ,(589.

3 9 1

Re l i eve,h elp, 707 .improve,658.Rel iev ing,83 4.Re l igat i on,297.Re l ig ion,th eo logy,983 .pi ety,987.Rel ig ion is t,989.Re l ig ious,ex act,494.

pious,983 ,987.

Re l igi ously,772.Relmquis h ,a purpose,624proper ty, ange,607.

to d iscon t inue,141.Rel inquishedpurpose,62h.

property,782 .Rel inquishment,change,,782.Re l iquary,191,505,

998Re l ish,l ike,827.en '

ny,3 77 .

s aimry,394.

des ire,865.Re lucent,luminous,420.transparent,425 .

Re luc tance,d is l ike,867.

unwil lingnes s,603d is suaswn,6 16 .

Reluctan t,489,603 .Re luc tate,719.Re lume,420.Rely,confidence,484.

ex pectat ion,507.hope,858.

Rema in,endure, 106.

to be left,,265.

cont inue, 142.Rema inder,40.Rema ins,co rpse,362.vest ige,551.Remand,139.

Remark,observe,457.assert,53 5.Remarkab le,642.Remarkably,3 1.R emed iab l e,660.Remed ia l,reliev ing,83 4.cur ing, 662.salubr ious,656.Remed iless,659,859.Remedy,care,662.salubr ious,656.relief,83 4.

Remedy,to res tore,660.Remembe r,505.Rememb rance,505Remembranc e r,recorder,553 .Remi nd,505.Remin iscence,505.

Remiss,neg lectful ,460.idle,683 .re luc tant,603 .lax ity,738.Remiss ion,forg ive, 174,918disconti nua nce, l ~l lRemiss ness,idleness,683 .

reluctance,603 .Remi t,forg ive, 174,918.a is continuance, 141re

'a zr, l er, 174.Remi ttance, 807.Remi tten t, 138.Remnant,40.

Remode l,140, 144.Remonstrance,ex postula t ion,932.dissuas ion ,6 16.Remonstrat e,d issuade,6 16.ex postula te,93 2.R emo rse,950.Remorseless,900.

Remo te,d is tant, 196.not rel ated, 10.R emo tenes s, 196 .Remo t i on,d isp lace, 185.retrench,38.depart,293.recede,287.transfer,270.ex trac t,term,71.Remova l,retrenchment,38.departure,293 .d isplacemen t, 185.transferrence,2 70ex tract ion,3 01Remove,displace,185 .

retrench . 38.depart, $ 3 .

recede, $287.

transfer,270.ex tract,3 01.term,71.Remunera te,reward,973 .pay,810.Remunera t ion,rewar l,973 .

ex penditure,809Remunerauvo,compensatory,973

I N D EX .

Rennmerative,profitab le, ing,775 .

Renasc e n t, IG!Re ncounte r,figh t,720.

meeting ,292.Rend,44 .

Render,g ive,784.restore,790.interpret,522.

Rend er ing,522.

Rendmg,404,83 0.

Rend i t ion,790.Renegade,apostate,941.turncoat,607Renew,repea t, 104.frequent, 13 6.refresh ,689.repa ir,658.Renewa l,repeti t io n,90, 104.novel ty, 123 .frequency, 136.

Renew ing, 104.Ren iform,245 .

Ren i ten t,reluctant,603 .counterac ting,179.

Renounce,rel inquish, 624.WWW,782recant,607.resign,757.deny,53 6.repud iate,927.Renova te,reproduce,163 .restore,660.

Renova t i on,reproduction, 163 .novel ty, 123 ,R enown,873 .Renowned,873 .Re nownless,874.Ren t,fissure,44,198.

lme,795 .


Ren tal,810.

Renunc iat ion. (SeeRenounce . )Reorgan ize, 144.Repa i r,mend,658.refresh ,689.

restore,790.a tone,9522.Repa i r to,266.Repara t ion,me nd in trreward, 973 .

res torat ion,790.a tonement,952 .

Reparato ry,mend ing,658

Repo rt,name,406 .

record,551.inform,publish ,53 1.sta tement,594.rumor,532 .


Repo rter,590.Repose,quiescence,,687 .

le isure, 685.Repose on,2 15.

Repos ing, (385,687.Repos i t, 184.Reposi t ion, 184.Reposito ry,store, 63 6.focus,74.Repreh end,93 2 .

Reprehension,932.Represen t,del ineate,554.

imita te, 19.simul ate,17.describe,594.denote,550.commiss ion,755 .Represen tat ion,imi ta t ion,19,21.des cript ion,594.

Represen ta t ive, 147,758.Repress,qui et, l 74.calm,826 .con tro l. 179.

Repri eval,671.Repr ieve,pardon, l iveranc e,671.respite,970.Repr imand,932.Repr int,21.Repr isa l,reta l iat ion,718.resumption, 789.

Reproach,b lame,932.disg race,874.Reproachful,93 2Reprob ate,blame,83 2 .

imp ious,989.

Reprobat ion,93 2.Reproduce,repeat,104 .

renovate, 163 .

Reproduced, 163 .Reproduct ion,copy, 19.renova tion, 163 .Reprova l,93 9 .Remove, 932.Rept i le,an imal, 3 66 .base,940.apostate,941.mi s creant,949.

Repub l ic,372.Repud iate,ex clud e 55.rej ect,610.deny,489 .v io late,773 .evade,927.

non -payment,808.Repud iatinn,repeal ,756.non-payment,808.v io lation,773 .ex clus io n,55 .Repugn,719.

Repugnanc e,d is like,867.


Repugnan t,reluctant,603 .dissuas ive,6 16.Repulse. (SeeRepe l .)Repulsi on,289.Repuls ive,disagreeab le, 830.unsavory, ly,846.ofi


res is t ing,719.adverse,867 .

repell ant,289 .

shocki ng ,898.

Repuls nvenesgbgm

Repurchas e,Reputab le,873 ,939Reputab leness 873

Reputa t ion,875.Repute,873 .Reques t,765.Requiem,funereal, 363 .dirge,Requi re,need ,630.

insuflicient, ex act,741.charge,812.Requi remen t,need, 63 0.

ex act ion,741.Requi r ing,63 0.Requisi t ion,741.Requi ta l,reward,973 .grati tude,9 l 6 .pun ishmen t,972.Resc ind,abrogate,756.

3 94

Reafonn,2 3.R e t i na 44 1Re t i n u e,fo l lowers,65.s a l t,69.

servants,746Re t i ro,recede,287 .depar t,293.h ide,528.

res ign, modes t,881.Re t i red,893 .Re t i red n ess,898.R et iremen t,sec lus io n . 893 .

pr ivac y,526 .

conca vi t 252.Re t i ri ng, ”2.Re tort,answer,462.confuta tion,479.

reta l iation,718.wit,842 .Re touch,658.Ret race,505.Re trace steps,283.Re trac t,deny,53 6.

recant,607.abjure,757.ennui,756 .

v iola te,773 .Re trac t ion,den ia l,576.recantation,607.annulment,756 .

vio latio n,773 .Re treat,reced e,287.abode, ylum,666 .

submi t,725 .

escape,671.h id ing-place,concavity,252.Re tren ch,subduct,38.

sho rten,201.

lose,789.economi ze, 81Re tren chmen t,subduc tion,38shorten ing,20economy,879.

Re trib ute, 807.Re trib u t io n,reta l iat ion,7 l8.

punishment,972973 .

payment,807.Re tri bu t ive,973 .

Retrievnb le,800.Re tri eva l,860.Re tri ev e,660,775.

Retro ac t ion,r eco il ,277.

regression,283 .co unteraction, 17Retroactive, 129.

I N D EX .

Retrocession,287.Re trogradat ion,659.Retrograd e,mot ion,283 .decl ensio n,659.

re lapse,6 6 1.Re tro gress ion,mo t ion,283 .decl ension,659.relapse,601.

Retrogresswe,283 .Re trospec t,memo ry, oug ht, 451.past, 122 .Re trospect ion , 122 .Retrospect ive, 122.Re troversion ,2 18.Retrovert,2 18.Re turn,regres s ion,283 .a rr iva l,292.frequency, restore,790.reward,973 .

rel apse,,55 ] 594.

rec ur, 13 6.appoint,755.revo lve, 138.

profi t,775.proceeds,810.Reun ion,juncti on,43 .Revea l,529.Revea l i ng,446.Reve l,enjoy,827.amuse,840.regal e,3 77.diss ipa t ion,954.Reve la t ion,disc losure,599 .theo logica l,985Reve l ry,83 6,840Revenge,9 19.Revengefu l,919.Revenu e,weal th,803 .

receipts,810.Re verb e ra te,sound,408.

reco il,277.


regard,897.Rev eren ce,respect, 928.

sa l utat ion,894.p iett 987.ti tl e,877.Reveren t,devout,respectful ,928.p ious,987.Reversa l,change, 140.

relapse, 145.apostas y,607.

emlution,recurrence, 138pcr l l l d t-C l lu, 138.Revo l u t ion i ze,change, 140, 116.

rotate,periodica l, [ 38.Revo l ve,

Reverse,a ntipos t


l ion,93 7.

con trary, 14.

evol ut ion,3 13 .

i nvers ion,2 18.chang e, 140.

ev i l,619.

mi sfor tune,83 0advers i ty,735.back,23 5.

Revers i b l e ,605.Revers ion,cha’nge, 140.oppo sitio n, 14.

evol ut ion,3 13 .Rev e rt,change, 14.

rec ur, 13 6 .Revert i ng, 145.Revcry,tra i n of thought,

45 1 .

ina ttention,458.

imaginat ion,5 15.

eview,cons ider,457.

judge,480.eviewer,90,485.ov i l e,ab ase,b laspheme,989.Rev i l ing,abus ing ,932.

b laspheming,989.Rev i se,457.Rev ision,457.

Re v isi t 186.Rev i val,restora l,660.

refreshment, 689.renovat ion, 163 .

evive,live,3 59.


renova te, 163 .


Revivnfication,163 ,3 59.

evivrfy, 163 .

evoc ab l e,615.Revocat ion,recan ta t ion,607.cancel l i ng,756 .

Revocato xy,607.Revok e,recant,607.

deny,53 6.cancel,756.refuse,764.Revo l t,res is t,719.disobey,742.shock,83 0.

Rew lter,742.Revo l t i ng,”vu lgar,851.repuls ive,83 0.Revo l u t io n,ro ta t ion,3 12.chang e, 140, 146

Revo l v er,727.Revo l v ing, 138 .

Revuts ton, 145,277.Revu lsi ve,ME) .Reward,807,809,973Rhapsod i ca l ,70.Rhaps od ist,515.Rhaps ody,discontinu i ty,70.

nonsense, 497fancy,5 15 .Rh e to ric,heum,

watflr ,33 7.

Itod nniontade,nonsense, 497.

un intel lig ible,519.boast ing,88 1.

Rh oml ),244.Rhumb,278.Rhyme , 59 7 .Rhyme l ess,598.Rhymer,Rhymist, £597Rhymes ter,Rhy thm, 413 .Rhy thmica l,413.578.

R ib ,r i dge,250.fur row,2 59.

iha ld ,874,96 1.iha ld ry,96 1.

tb hed ,259 .R i bbon,fi l amen t,2 35.t i e, 45 .

reward,973 .decora t ion,877.R i ch,wea l thy , 803 .

abundan t,03 9style,576.savory,394.R ich es,803 .R ich l y,3 1.R ich n ess,639.R ick,sto re,63 6 .acc umula ti on,72.R i cke ty,imperfect,65 1.u l 840.

maf’ y


rel inquish , 789.abandon,(P24.del iver,672.R i dd anc e,lo ss,776.

I N D EX .

Rid dance,rel inquwh , 7852.abandon,624.del iver,672.

fi dd le,cmgma ,quan tum ,461 .


an aug c, 60.

Rule,name,2 3 6.

g et above,206.

Ruler,eques tr ian ,288.

aypeudw, 3 9.

Ridge,narrownes s ,E203 .

prngection, 250.

Rl d lcule,856.

d eprecwte, 483 .d isrespect,929.

Rid iculous,gr otesque,853 .tr ifling , 043.s al ly,499.

Rid iculousnes s ,853 .

Rife, 175,53 1.

R ifle,wplund er,791.musket,726.

Riflemd n,727.

Rift,fi ssure,198.R igadres s , “225.prepare, 673fro l ic,840.Rngad oo n, 840


g ear,225, 663 .cordag e,45 .

Righ t,jus t, 922 .

privi letr e,924duty, $ 6 .

h and,23 8.

Ium or,939.

s tra cg h t,246.Ri gh teous,v irtuous ,944.Jus t,922 .

Righ teousness,944.

R ighu’

ul,929 .

Rigid,h ard,exact,494.s trwt,772.

s evere,73 9.

s tubb orn,606 .

reg ular,82 .

Rigid ity,3 23 .

n l d ness ,exactnes s ,494.

s ever-n

ib73 9.

Ii igmaro e,

n ons ens e,497.

umntet hg ab le,519.

Rigor,s everity, 73 9.

compul ow'

n,744 .

3 95

Ro l l,record, )51lis t, 86 .

Ro l l ca l l,85 .Ro l l on, 109.

Ro l l up,3 12.Ro l ler,249.

Ro l l ing, 3 14.

Ro l l ing s tom 512Romance,fi ctwn,5 15.

fa ls eh oo d, 5 14.

a bsurdzty,497.

fab le,594.

Romancer,5 15 .

Roman ism,984.

Roman tic,5 15,82 3.Romp,840.

Rompish ,840.


h etg h t,5206.cover,h ous e, 189 .

Roofiess ,226 .

Ro okery,189.

Room,space, 180.

occa s ion, 13 amber,Roomage, 180.

Ro omy, 180.

Roo s t, 186,189.

Roo t,caus e, 153bas e,2 11.

a lg ebra ic,84.

to p lace, 184.


permanen t,142.old , 124.

s ta b le,150.

s itua ted, 184.

h ab ttuatcd ,6 13faithful,484.

Roo t out,des troy,169.d zsplace, 185.ej ect,297.extract,d ea-cover,450

Ro pe,cord,205.

fa s tening ,45.

Rope d ancmg,693Ropiness ,Ropy, 3 59 .

R0 ra l,3 3 9 .

Rcriferous ,339Rosary,998.R ose, 33 4.

Rosea te,43 4.

Rose-co lor,43 4Roses (b ed of), $77Ros trum,pulpit,5 42.

Rosy,3 3 4.


3 96

Rotatory,3 12 .

Ro te (by ),505.

Ro t ten,foul, 653 .fetid,Rottin 659.

Rotun 249.

Ro tunda, 183Rotunduy,243Rouge,43 4.

Rough ,uneven,256.

s hapeles s ,241.sour,3 97 .

aus tere,395.vio lent, 173 .

s ound,410.unprepared,674.

ug ly,846.chur l is h , fag ,686 .

Rough cas t,674.

Rough grained ,329.

Rough h ewn,rug g ed,256.

unprepared,674.Rough en,256.Rough nesunevennes s ,256.acervity,3 97.pung ency,392.aus teri ty,3 95 .

ug li nes s,846 .

chur l is h nes s,895 .

Rouleau,cyl inder,249.Round,circular,247.j ig/it,720.

as sert ion,535.periodicity, 138.

of a ladder,2 15.Roundabout,circuitous ,3 1.way,629.turning , 3 11.

Rounde lay,597.

Roundh ouse,752.Round let,247.

Roundnes s,247.

Rouse,s timulate,6 15.pass ion,824.

Rout,d is com/it,732.rabb le,876.

Route,627 .

Routed,73 2.Routine,order,58.cyc le, 138.

rule,60.cus tom,6 13 .

I N D EX .

Rove,wander,266 .devia te,279.


Roving, 266 .


s eries ,69.

brawl,7 13 .

na vig a te,267.road, 189.

r io t,720.

Rowe l,253 .

Roya l,73 7.

Roya l ty,737.

Rub ,fric tion,33 1.

d ificulty,704.Rub down,3 3 0.Rub out,dis appear,449.efl


ace,552 .

Rub up, 658.

Rub b ing,33 1.Rub b is h ,643 ,645.Rub b le,643 .

Rubes cence ,43 4.

Rub icon, 2 33 , 303 ,667

Rub icund,434.Rulnform, 43 4.

Rub ify,43 4.Rub ric,precep t,697.l i turgy,998.



Rude,violen t, 173 .vulg ar, 851.uncwd ,895.

ug ly, 846.ig noran t,491.uncivilized,876.

Rudenes s, 895.

Rud imen t,beg inning ,66 .

imma tur i ty,674.caus e,smal l nes s , 193 .

Rud imen ta l,beginning ,66.sma l l, 193 .

imma ture,674.

Rud imen tary,193 .

Rud iments ,elementaedg e,4

s ch oo l,542.knowl567.

repen t,950.Rueful,83 7 .

Ruffi an,mal efieent, 913 .s coundrel,949. 00.

Raifle,derang e,61.


Sabb a tarian,$ 9Sab ba th ,687.Sa b le,43 1.Sab re,weapon, lull ,3 6 1.

Ruffle,fo ld,248.dis compos e,82 1.exci te,ang er,900.

Ruffled, 900.

Rugged,roug h ,256.

u ly,846.c uriisa,895.Ruggednes s,roug h ness,256.chur lish nes s, 895.

Rugose,256.Rugo s ity,256.

Rugous,256.Rum,decay,659.failure,732 .

was te, 162 .

evil ,6 19.

impover ish,804.

advers ity,735.Ruined,73 2.Ruinous,73 5 .

Ruinousness ,735.Ruins,40.Rule,regularity,80.leng th ,200.

measure,466 .

g overnment,737precep t,697.cus tom,6 13 .

law,9b 3 .to dec ide,480.

Ruler,745 .

Rul ing,73 7.Rumb le,407 .

Ruminate,45 1.Rummage,46 1.Rumor,pub licity,53 1.

repor t,53 2 .

Rump 23 5 .

Rumple,256 .Rumpus, 59.Run,move quick,274.move out,295.

recur, 13 6.flow, 109,3 3 3 .

happen, 15 1.continue, 143 .s tream,3 48.

smug g le,791pooch ,964.

Run after,622.Run away,es cape,671.avoid,623 .


recede,287.Run down,censure,93 2.deprecia tc, 483 .

Run h igh , 173 .

Run in,144,294,300Run on,continue,143 .

Run out,elaps e, Q 2.

was te,G38.spend,818.

Run over,

redund a n t, 641des cr ib e,594.

Gaunt,85 .

a ttend to ,45 7.

a br idg e, 596 .

Run rio t, 173 .

Run up,expend,809.

increas e,35 .

Rund le,circ le, 247.

ro tundi ty,249.

naalet,19 1.unnel, 348.

Runner,courier,268.mes s eng er,53 4

Runmug,con tinuous ly,69.liquid,3 3 3 .

Runn ing figh t,Rupture,7 13.Rura l,3 67.

Ruse,cunning ,702.

decep tion,545.

Rus h ,rapidity,274.

to pursue,622.vio lence, 173 .tr ifle,643 .

Rus set,43 3 .

Rus t,deca y, 659.s lug gis h ness ,, 33canker,663 .

ustlc,cl own, 876 .

vulg ar,85 1.usticate,893 .

us ticatiou,893 .

Rus tic i ty,85 1,895.

Rus t ines s , 683 .

Rus t le,409,410.Rus ty,

un serv ieeab le,645.decayed, 659.di rty, 653 .

Rut,259.Ruth les s,s avag e,907ang ry,900.

3 98

Bayspeak,582.a s s ert,53 5 .

ay ing,as s ert ion,535.

496 .Sca b b ard, 191.Scnh ruus,256.S ca b rousnes s,frame,9 15.prepara tion,673 .way,627.

mea ns ,632.

execution,975.Sca ld,burn, 3 84.S.a ld ing,382,384.Sca le,s l ice, 204.po rtion,,223 .

a tta ck,716.order,58.

measure,466.series ,69.

g amut,4 13 .

to moun t, 305.Sca l ines s,204.Sca l lop,249.Sca l pe l , 253 .Sca ly,204.Scamper,274.Scan,441.Scanda l,dis g race,874.vice,945.ob loquy,,532 .Scanda lize,932 .Scanda lous,d is g raceful,874.vicious ,945.Scandent, 3 05.Scam,

n arrowness ,203 .

insufliciency, 640.Scant iness ,

narrownes s ,‘

203 .

sma l lness ,32.

fewnes s , 103 .


l i ttle,32 .

fun, l o3 .

insuffi cient,640.Sca ntlmg,d imenswns , 192.

examp le,82 .

s mal l quan tity,32.s crap,5 1.Scapegoa t,Scapegrace,949.Scapulary,999.Scar,b lemish ,848.

rel ic,55 1.S carce, 640.Scarcely,

I N D EX .

S carcely,ra re, 13 7.Scare,860.S ca l ed ,860.Scarec row,

ug ly,846.

buo bea r,860.S cari,225 .

Scarfskm, 2 23 .S carlet, 43 4.S ca th ,b ane,663 .

badnes s, 649.Scath les s,s ecure,664.s aved,672 .S catter,d is pers e,73 .diverg e, 29 1.derang e,6 1.S cattered,73 .Sca t tering,73 .S cavenger,652 .Scene,appearance,448.arena,728.pai nting ,556 .drama . 599.Scenery,448 .

Scemca l,599.S cen t,smel l,398.knowledg e,490.

tra i l,551.Scen t b ag,400.Scen t les s ,3 99 .Sceptre, 487.Scept ica l,485, 487.S cepticism,doub t,487.

reltg tous ,988.

unbel ief,485.ceptre,747Sch edule,lis t,86 .

record,551.draft,55 4.Sch ema tis t,620.Sch eme,p la n,6526.draft,554.Sch emer,626 .

Sc l lemist,626.Sch ism,dis cord,7 13 .dis sent,489.

h eterodoxy,984.Sch ismatic ,dis cordant,713 .heterodox,984.Sch o lar,learner,541.erudite,492.S cho larsh ip,s ch oo l,490.learn ing ,53 9 .Sch o las tic,490, 537 .Sch o l ias t,524.Sch o l ium,496,522Sch oo l,537,549.

Sch oo l b ook,53 7.Sch oo l boy,541.Sch oo lfe l low,890.Sch oo l ing, 53 7.

Sch oo huan,s ch o lar, 492 .

s ag e,500.Sch oo lmas ter,540.S ch oo lmis tress ,540.Sch ooner,2 73 .Sc ience,knowledg e,490.

ofezis tence, l .ofqua n ti ty, l l,698.Scien t ific, 494.Sc in til la te,420.

Scintnl lant,420.Scin t i l lat ion,382,420.Sc iograph y,556.Scio l ism,491.Sc io l is t,493 .S c io n,ch i ld, 129 .pos terity, 167Sciss ile,44.Sc i s s ion, 44.Sc is sure, 198.



r idicule, 856.mock,483 .der ide,929.

impl tt'yv 989.Snuffer,989.

Scoffi ng,r id iculing ,856.impious , 989.Sco ld,abus e,93 9.vix en, 93 6.S co l lop, 248.Sconce,summi t,2 10.defence, ndles tick,423 .Scoop,dep th , 208.depress ion,252.perfora tor,262.S cope,degr ee, 26.

ex ten t, 180.

in tention,(390.freedom,748.Scorc h ,3 84.S core,mark,550.

motive,6 15.

emph as ize,642.

pri ce,812 .

accoun ts ,,805.

twen ty,98.

furrow, coun t,85.

Scorificatlon,33 1.

Scon fy, 384.Scorn,.9 3 0.Scornful ,980.

Scorntzlnese,939Scorpion,bane,603 .painful, tch ,649.


rub,3 3,274.c lean,652 .Scourge,wh ip,942 .

b ane,663 .

rod ,975 .



Scourmg,3 3 l .Scouriugs,643 .Scout,mes seng er,534.wa tch ,664.

s ervant,746.mock,483 .

to dis da in,930deriae,643 .S cow l,frown,895.

comp la in,ang er,900.Scowl ing, 895 .

Scraggmess ,25kScraggy,roug h ,256 .

narrow,203 .Scramb le,Confus ion,59.

has te,684.

d tfltculty,704.swift,974.

moun t,3 05.pursue,6m.

s eize,786.Sc rap,piece, 51.b it,32.

sma ll portion,193 .Scrap book,596.Scrape,

d bfi culty,704.

mis chance, 732.

abrade,3 3 0,Scrape toge th er,co l lect,72 .S cratch ,259oove,


rite,590.daub,555 .

hur t,6 19.

to wound,649.S cratch out, 559.Scraw l,590.S cream,410,411,

Screech ,410,411.comp la in,83 9 .Screech ing,581.Screech owl,412.

Screen,concea lment, 528.defence,7 13 .

asy lum,666.

ambus h ,53 0.s ieve,260.

s afi e

,664 .

shade,424.Screened,s afe,664.

invis ib le,447.Screw,

fas ten ,43 .

oining ,45 .

ins trumen t,63 3 .

rota tion,3 12 .Screw up,s treng th en, 159.Scrib b le,590.Sc rib b ler,590.Scrib e,wr i ter ,553 ,590.pries t,996 .Scrimp, 201.Scrip, 191.Scriptura l,b ib l ica l,985.

or th odox,983 ,a .Scripture,revela tion, 985.

cer tain,474.Scrivener,590.Scro l l,551.Scrub ,652.S crub by,trifling ,643 .

“ma l l, 193 .E 'up le,doub t,, 459.

reluctance,603 .d is suas ion,616.sma l l quan tity,32.S crupulos ity,ca re,459.

inc: ed a lzty,487.

repug na nce,603 .pr ob ity, 93 9.Sc rupulous ,ca reful,459.doub tful,485 .

incredulous ,487.

dwsuaswe,6 16.


repug nan t, 603 .punct il i ous,93 9 .

vir tuous ,944.Sc rupulous ly,672.

Scrutin izo ,457,46 1.Scrut i ny,46 1.Send ,speed, 274.

s o il ,267 .

s h ower , 3 48.

h a ze,3 53 .

Cutflu,720.cul l,257 .Scul lery, 19 1.Scul l ion,746 .Sculptor,559.

tN D Ex .

Scul pture,ca rmn 557.

form, 40.

Scum,643 ,653 .S co rt’,653 .Scurri l ity,r id icule, 856.detraction, 934.Scurrilous ,856 .Scurry,274.Scurvy,bad ,649.

fi l th y,653 .

bas e, 940.

vile,945.Scutc h eon,s ta ndard,550honor,877.Scutiform,25 1Scutt le,tray, des troy, 162.Scy th e,244.

Sea,3 1 1.

Sea b ank, 3 42 .Seaboard,3 42.Seafarer,269.Seafaring,267.

Sea figh t,720.

Sea-green,43 5.Sea l,to c los e,67 261.



record,compa ct,769.Sea l th e l ips,585Sea led,h idden,519.Sea ls,747.Sea l up,

s hut up, 229.concea l,528.Seam,43 .Seaman,269.Seamans h ip,conduct,692 .

s ki l l, 698.Sear,burn,3 84.deaden,823 .Search ,46 1, 622 .Seared,951 .Seas ide, 3 42.Seaso n,time, 106oppor tun i ty, 13 4.pung en t, 3 92, 3 93 .

to pres erve,670.

prepa re, 673 .

accus tom,6 13 .Seasonab le,Oppor tune, 134.


sui tab le,23 .Seasonab lenes s , 134.Seasoned,3 92.Seasoning,ma ture,41 .

pang s/icy,171,393 .

3 99

Sea t,ab ode, 189.pos i t ion, 183 .

to pla ce,,2 15.Sebaceous, 3 55.Secede,489.Secern,299.Seces s ion,489.Sec lude,893 .Sec lus ion,526,893 .Second,of time,108.

ins tant, 1 13 .

abet,707.Secondary,cons ig nee, 758.deputy,759.

i nferi or, 643 .

imperfect,65 1.Second—bes t,65 1.Second ~ h and,b orr owed,788 .

ind lfi erent, 651.imi ta ted, 19.Second ly,91.Seco nd-ra te,651.Second-Sigh t,prediction, 510.

witch craft,992.Secrecy,528.Secre t,la tent,526.h idden,528.

r idd le,53 3 .Secretary,recorder,553 .

wri ter,590.Secrete, 528.

s epara te,299.Secret ion, 299.Sec t,75.Sectarian,dis s enter,984.Sec tarianism, 984.Sec tary,adh eren t,711.d is senter, 984.Sec t ion,part, 51.divis ion,541.c la s s,75 .

ch ap ter, 593 .disunion,,-tiona l,5 1.

ecular,108,997.Seculariza tion, 106.Se cularize,997.Secure,fas ten,43 .s afe,664 .

eng ag e,768

g a in,775.

confident,858.Securenes s ,858.Securi ty,p ledg e,771.

wa rranty,924.

s afety, (564.

trus t,858.

Sedan,Seda te,t houg htful, lm,826.g ; a ve,83 7.Sedatenes s ,826 .Seda t ive,ca lming , l 74.remedy,062 .

Seden tariness ,26 5.Seden tary,265.Sed iment,dreg s ,653 .

r emainder,40.Sed it ion,742 .Sed i tious,742.Seduce,entice 6 15 .love,697 .Seducer,6 15,9 62 .Seduc ing,829.Seduc ive,615.Seduc tion,en t icemen t,615,,897.Sedul ity,682 .Sedulous,682 .

See,view,44 1.look,457.

b ish opric,995.

Seed,caus e, 153 .pos terity, 167.Seed l ing,129.

weak, 160.exhaus ted, 688.Seek,inquire,46 1.pursue,622 .Seem,448.

Seein ing,448.Seem les s,846.Seeml iness,exped ien ce,646propriety,926.

ha nds omeness ,845Seeml y,expedient, 646.proper, 26 .

hands ome,845.Seer,veteran, 13 0.orac le,513 .

sorcerer,994.Seesaw,3 14.Seeth e, 3 82 3 84.Segment,Segrega te,s epara te,44.

exc lude,55 .

no t rela ted, 10.

incoh erent,47.Seg rega ted,44.Segregation,55.Some,take,789 .

rob 791.


Seize,pos s es s ,777.Seiz ing,789.Se l zure,789 .Se ldom, 13 7.Se ldomnes s, 13Se lec t,£09.Se l l,13 .Se lf-ab asement,879.Se lf-ab nega t io n, 942 .Se lf-ac cus a t ion,95 3 .Se l l-admira tion 880.Se l l-admiring, 380.

Se l fapplaud ing, 880.

Se lf~ appl :mse,880Se lf-approb a tio n,880.

Selfica l led ,565.Se l l command,864.Se lfcommumng,4Self-cmnplaccncy,880.Se lf—conceit,880.Se lf-condemnation,950.Self-confid ence,880.Self-confident,880.Se lf-conques t,953 .Se lf-con tro l, 942.Se lf-couvxcted ,950.Se lfconv ic t io n,484.Se l l—counse l, 45 1.Se lf-deceit,495.Se lf-deception,486,495 .

Se lf-defence,717.Se lf-de lus ion,486.Se l l -den ia l,dumteres tednes s ,942 .

temperance,953 .Se l l-dis cipl ine,990.Se l l-es teem,Se lf-evnd ent,478.Self-e x mnination,990.

Se l ll ex ns tent, 1.Self-e x ns tmg, l .Sel l-flattering, 880.Se lf-gratulatlo n,880.Se lf-governmen t,944.Self- immo lation,901.Self- indulgence,943 .

mtemperancc,951 .Se lf- indulgen t,954.Se lf-in teres t,943 .Se l fis h ,9 1 1,943 .Self-know ledge, 881Se lf-Iaud atl on,880.

Bel l love, 943 .Se lf- luminous,Selfi opimo nated,foa l ts h ,499 .

va in,880.

ob s ti na te,GOG.Self-Opi nioned,faul cs h ,499.mun,880.

I N D EX .

Self-opinioned,ob etmate,606.

sel l-DOSDGSb iOfl, 864.Se lf-pra ise, 889.Self-preservat ion,717.Se lf-re l ian ce,604.Se lf- l eproac h ,950.Self—l epro o t, 950.Se lf-s acrifice ,942 .Se lfsame, 13 .

Sc l ll s amsfaction,880.

Sel f—szuisfied ,880.Se lf-seek ing,943 .Se lf-s tyled,565 .Se lf—suffi c iency,880.Se lf-sutfi cnent,880.Se lf- taugh t,490.Se lf-Wi l l,but}.Se lf-w il led,Self-worsh ip,943 ,990.Se l l,796.Sel ler,796 .Se lvedge,23 1.Semb lance,l ikenes s , 17,19.copy,20,21.Eeml,9 1.

e l n ic ircular,246 .

Scmnco lon,Semlfluld ,552 .Semil iquid, 3 52 .

Selm l lquid ity, 352 .Semilunar,245 .


Semitranspurence,427.Semitransparent,427Sempiternal, 112.Senary,98.Sena te,696.Senator,695.

Senators h lp,693Send,propel,284.

trans er,270.

errand,755.Send out,297.Senes cence, 128.Senes ch a l,746 .

Senesch als h ip,73 7.Senile, 128.Senil ity, 128.Senior, 124,128.Sen io rity,124, 128,737.Sensa t ion,3 75,821.Sense,

in tel lect,450.

wisdom,498 .

meaning ,516.Senses,3 75.Senseless ,foo lis h ,499 .

ins ens cb le, 3 76.

unmeamng ,5 17.

Senselessncs s, 499.

Sens ib il ity,phys zcul,3 75.

mora l,822 .Sens ib le,ma ter ia l,3 16 .

emo t io na l,829 .

wi se,498 .Sens ib ly,822 .Sen s it ive,phys ica l ly, 3 75.mora l ly,822 .Sens it iveness,phys ica l,375.

mora l,822.Sens ory,450.Sensua l, 3 77,954.Sensua l i ty,3 77,954:Sensuous, 3 75.Sen tence,ph ra s e,556.

mar l in,496 .

judg ment,969.deciswn, 480.Sen ten t ious,574,577 .Sen tent iousnes s ,574.Sen tien t,3 75,822.Sen timen t,

Opl‘n l on,484.

maxim,496.idea,453 .Sentimenta l,822 .Sen t ine l,guardwn,664.keeper,753 .

wa tch ,668.Sen try,guardian,664.keeper,753 .

wa tch ,668.Separa te,s zmple,42.b is ect,9 d lej O ln,44.

exc lude,55.diverg e, 29 1.c lea ve, 198.divorce,905 .dis ta nt, 196.Separa t ion,d is tan ce, 196.d i verg ence,d isjunc tion,44 .


exc lus ion,55 .Separa tis t,984.Septuag in t,985.Sepulc h ra l,funerea l,363 .vo ice,581.s ound,408,4 10.Sepul c h re,Sepul ture,3 63Sequac ity, 3 24

Seque l,fo l lowing ,65i n time, 1 17.

addi tion,3 9.Sequence,i n order,63.

Sequence,I l l. tune, 117.mutton,281Sequen t,G3 .Seques ter,take,789.

h idden,526secluded,893 .co nfi s ca te,974.Seques tered,take,789.

h idden, 526 .

s ec luded,893 .confi s ca te, 974.Seques tra te, 789Seques trat ion,s ei zure,789.corms catron,974Serag l io,96 1.Seraph ,a ng el, 977 .

s a in t,948.Seraph ic,b l is sful,829.

vir tuous , 944.

a ng el ic,977.Serenade,'" l l l S IC, 4 15.comp l iment,902 .

Serene,ca lm,826 .con ten t,837.Serenenes s ,83 1.Serenity,83 1.Serf,c lown,876.

s lave, 746 .Serfdom,749.Sergean t,745.Seria l , 69 .Series,69.Serio—comic,851.Serious,3 ]ea t,


porta nt,642.dej ec ted , 837.

res olved,604.Seriousness ,impor ta nce,642.dej ection,83 7.Sermon,dis ser ta tion,595 .les s on,537.pas tora l,998.Sermo n ize,les s on, 53 7.

speech ,582.Seros ity,3 3 3 .Serous ,3 33 .Serpen t,tor tuous ,248.

Sa tan,978.evi l,663 .

Serpentiue,248.Serrated,244,257Serum,lymph ,3 3 3 .

wa ter, 3 3 7.Servan t,711,746»


Sh arpnes s,a cutenes s ,253 .pung en cy,3 92.energ et ic,171.rudenes s S95 .

s h rewd nes », 498.c lever nes s . 095.

activity,03 2 .Sh a rps h oo ter,726 .

Sh arps l gh ted ,441,498

Sh arpwntted ,498.Sh as ter,986.Sh atter,des troy, 162.

weaken, 160.Sh a tterb ra ined,499.Sh attered, 160.S h ave,203 ,204.Sh aving,layer,204.

fi lamen t,205.

small part,51,203 .Sh awl,225 .

Shear,72.Sh ear,38.Sh ea th ,recep tac le,envelope,223 .Sh ea th e, 174.Sh ea th ing,223 .Sh ed ,building , emit,297.

s ca tter,73 .d iverg e,291.Sh ed tears,83 9.Sh een,420.Sh eepish ,881.Sh eepis lmess ,881.Sh eer,narrow,203 .s imp le,42.

mere, 32 .

Sh eer off,293 .Sh ee t,‘layer,204.paper,593 .ofwa ter,3 43Sh ee t anch or,666,

58.8Sh elf,suppor t,2 l 5.

(o n th e),073Sh e“,c over,223 .


I N D EX .

Sh el ter,refus e,666.s afety,

Slic lve,s lope,217.loca te, 184.Sh eph erd,d irector,G94.pas tor,996.

Sh erifl'

,965.Sh ield,defend,717.Safety,664.h onor,817.

buckler,666 .Sh ield ing,717Sh ift,move, ang e,140.

subs ti tute,63 4.transfer,270.

growth , 144.

expedient, 626 .

evas ion,546.dres s ,225.p lea ,6 17.

d rfliculty,704.Sh ill ing,tra ns ient, 111.moving,270.

chang ing ,144.Sh ift less ,unprepared,674.

znh ab ile,699.Sh il l ing, 800.Sh immer,

to emit lig ht,420.lory,873 .ca n ty,845.Sh ing le,3 3 0.Sh ip 270,273 .Sh ipload ,carg o,3 1.Sh ipman,269.Sh ipma te,890.Sh ipment,270.Sh ipwreck,73 1,732.Sh ipwrecked,732.Sh ire, 181.Sh i rk,avoid,623Sh irt,225 .Sh ive,51,204.Sh iver,sh ake,3 ld,385 .layer,204.

spl i n ter,328.

fragmen t,5 lamen t, divide,44.des troy, 162.Sh ivering,383 .Sh ivery,b r i ttl e,328.pulverulent,33 0.Sh oa l,sha l low,209.

Sh ortwitted ,499Sh ot,mis s il e,284.weapon,727 .

var ieg a ted,440Sh oulder,projection ,250.suppor t,215.kno t,847.

to s h ove,2 76.Sh ougloudnes s,404.cry,411.

app laus e,93 1.voice,580.

oy,838.Sliovel,veh icle,272.receptac le,191.Sh ow,

ma nifes t,525 .

appear,446,448.ounce,467.demons tra te,478.parade,852,882.Sh ow one

’s co lors,

550.Sh ow up,accus e,93 8.Sh ower,ra in,3 48.

abundance,as s emb lag e 72.Sh owery,348.Sh owy,co lored,428.

g audy,847,see.Sh red,b it,51.

fi lament,205.Sh rew,

vixen,901.s co ld,932.Sh rewd,in tel lig ent,450.wis e,491.c lever,698.

cunning , 702.h rewd nes s,intell ig ence,mcleverness ,698.cunnin 702.Sh riek, 11 .S h ri l l ,4 10,580.Sh rimp, 193 .Sh rine,a ltar, 1000.

rnterment,363.Sh rink,s h rivel, 195.narrow,203 .decreas e, 3 6 .

smal l,32 .

recent,287,898.avoid,unwil l ing ,603 .b e s ens itive,822.Sh rinking,s hrivell ing ,195»decreasing ,3 6.

avers ion,867

ha te, ld,383 .

Sh iid dering,383

Shufile,mix ,41.disorder,59 .

bandy, 148.

a itate, 3 15.

ug e, 149.

evas ion,544,546.

irres olutwn,605.dwar ace,940.

Shufler,548.Shufll ing,derangmg ,61.bondyug , 148.evading ,546 .Shun,avozd,623 .dis like,867.Shut,26 1.Shut out,exc lude,55.proh ib i t,761.Shut up,imprisdn,clos e,26 1.Shuttleco ck,605 .

Sh y,

I N D EX .

S icken,ha te,898.

repel,867.S ickening,naus ea ting ,3 95.dis gus ting , 830.weary/ing ,84 1.repel l ing ,867.

h a ting ,898.S ick le,241.S i ck lines s,655.S ick ly,i l l, (555 .

weak, 160.S ickness ,655,841.S ide,la tera l ly,23 6.par ty,712 .S idearms ,727 .Side Wi th ,707.S ideboard, 191 .S id le,ob l ique,2 17.demo te,279.diverg e,29 tera l,23 6 .S ide l ing,diverg ing ,29 1devia ting , tera l,23 6 .S ide long,23 6.S iderea l,3 18.Sideways ,ob l ique,2 tera l,2 36 .S ide Wi nd,626.Siege,716.S ieve,perfora tion, s ert,60.Sift,to s or t,60.

winnow,42.clean,652 .

inquire,46 1.Sitting,sorting ,60.

winnowing ,42.s earch ing ,46 1S igh ,83 9 .S igh for,865.S igh t,vis ion,441.

spectac le,448.prodig y,,846 .larg e quantity,3 1.Sig h t les s,b l ind,442.invis ib le,447.S ig i l,eviden ce,467 .

Sig ino id a l,248.S ign,i ndica tion,550.omen,5 12 .

record,55 1.wr ite,590.prodig y,872 .



S ign,compact,769 .S ign manual ,Signa l,s ig n,550.

important,642.S igna l po s t,668.S igna l ize,celeb ra te,883 .

g lory,873 .S igna l ly,3 1.S ignature,ma rk,5 0.wr i ti ng ,590.

surety,771.evidence,467.S ignet,evidence,467.

s ig na ture,550.

s ig n of author ity,747.Significan ce,

mean ing ,516 .

impor tance,642Significant,meaning ,516.c lear,518.

express ive,527.

foreboding ,5 11.impor tant,642 .Sign ify,mea n,516.

inform, impor tant,forebode,51 1.Silence,no s ound,403 .

aph ony,581.confute,479.taciturn, ten t,526.

to check,73 1.S ilenced ,732 .S i lken,255 .S ilky . 255 .Sil l iness,499.S i l ly,477,486,499.S i lver,money,800.Silver-toned,413 .S i lvery,co lor,43 0.voice,580.Similar,res emb ling ,17.comparis on,464.S imile,res emb ling , 17.comparis on,464.

Simil iti id e,res emb l ing , 17.comparis on ,464.S immer, 382,384.S immering,3 84.S imony,995.S imoom,

b las t,3 49.h ea t,382 .

Slimper,smi le,838.

Siinper,afi ecta l ion,855.S impering,855.S imp le,unmixed 42 .

unad orneii,849.

sma l l , 3 2.credulous,486.

s i l ly,499 .

meaning ,516.true,543 .

plain,576 .S imp le-h earted,5 13Simp le minded,542703 .Simpleton,501.

Simpl icny,unmizture,42nea tness ,849.p la innes s , l lines s ,499 .truth 543 .S impl ify,meaning ,518,849

Simularity,res emb l ing , ea ting ,544.S imulate,res emb le, 17.

imi ta te, 19.Simula ting,17.S imul taneous , 120.S imul taneousness,120.


guil t,947.

vice,945.S ince,i n order,8,63 .in t ime, 117.

motive,6 15.S incere,veracious ,543 .

ing e nuous ,703 .Sincerity,truthfulnes s ,543 .ar tless nes s ,703S inecure,810.

Sii iew, 159.S inew less , 160.S inewy, 159.S inful,945.Sing,mus ic,415.poetry, 597.S inge,3 84.S inger,416.S ing le,unit,87.


s ec luded,893unmarried,904.S ing le b les sedness,904Sing le out,609.Sing lenes s,

unity,87 .

unmuture,42 .

s eclus io n,893 .ce l ibacy,904.


S ing lenes s of h eav93 9.

S i ngular,c r eeptiona l,83 .one,87.

spec ia l,79.

remarkab le, 3 1.S ingul ari ty,83 .S in is ter,left,23 9.bad,649.discour tesy,895.v icious ,945.

Sinis tra l,23 9.S inis tra l ity,23 9.S ink,des cend,3 06.

l ower, 3 08 .deep . 208.

ba nkrupt,735.

fa i l,73 2.

submerg e,3 10.des troy, 162.decay,659 .

relapse,66 1.fa tigue,688.

depres s ed,837 .droop,828.

con cea l,528 .

i n th ememory,5 5 .c loa ca,653 .S in less,946.S inner,949.

Sin offerin g,952.S inuous,curved,245.convo luted,248.S inuosity,curve,245.convo lution,248.Sip,296.S iph on,3 50.S ipping,296.Sir,873 ,877.S ire, 166 .S iren ,mus ician,416.

in s trument,417.

s educm 6 15.demon, 0S iro cco,wind, 3 49h ea t,382.S i s ter,kindred,11.l ikenes s,17.S is terh oo d,, 712.

Sit,repose,215.116,2 13 .des cend, 306.S ite, 183 .S it t ing,consul ta tion,696S i tt ing room, 191S i tua te, 184.S itua ted, 184.S itua tion,circums tances ,8.

I N D EX .

S ituat ion,p lace, 183 .

bus iness ,625.

Si x ,98 .

SU N.) 98.S izeorzg n itnde, 3 1,192 .

g lue,45,3 52 .S iz ines s , 352.S izy, 3 5 2 .Ska te,266.Skein,knot,2 19.Ske le ton,corpse,362.

frame,626 .

framework,2 15.

imperfect,65 1.s hadow,203 .

es s entia l pa rt,50.Sketch ,pain ting ,556 .des cription,594.p lan,626 .Sketch er,559.Skewer,45.Skid '

,273 .

Sk iltul,698.Sk i l l, 698 .Sk i l let, 191.Sk im,

move,266 .


abridg e,596 .

attend l i htlSkin, g y’

tegumen t,223 .to peel,226.surfa ce,220.Skin-deep,220.

k inny,sma l l, 193 .

s lend er,203 .

tegumentary,223 .Skip,jump,3 09 .

as cend,3 05.

neg lect, 460.da nce,840.Skipjack,87 6 .Skirmis h ,720,722 .Sk irt,edg e,23 1.appendix, 3 9.pendent,2 14.circumj acent,227.kittish ,capr icious , 608.

res tl es s ,825.

bashful,881.timid,862.Sk ittis h nes s,608.Skulk,h ide,447,528.

Skul l,450.Skul l cap,225 .

Sky,wor ld,3 18.

c ar,3 3 8.

summit,2 10.

Sky-b lue,438.

Sky-co lo red,438.Sky lark ,Skyro cket,3 05.

Slah , 204.S lab by,3 52 .S lack,loos e,47.

weak, 160.s low,275 .

ina ctive, 683 .

inert, 172.

unwil l in or,603 .la xi ty,7 ' modera te, l 74 .

reta rd,706 .ca lm,826.S lacken,loose,47.


Slackei iing, 275.

Slack less ness ,160.S lacknes s ,inertnes s , 172.

s lownes s ,275.laxi ty,73 8.

relucta nce,603 .S lag,refus e,40.dir t,053 .S lake,quench, l 74.

indulg e, 954g ra tify,s attate,865,869.S lam, 406 .

s lap,276 .S lander,93 4.S landerer,93 6.S lang,neo log y,563 .languag e,560.S lap, 684.S lapdas h , 111,113 .S lash ,44.S la te,590.S la te-co lo r,432 .

S latii ig, 2 10.S lattern,s loven,851.awkward,701.

Slattem ly,vulg ar,851.unski lful,699S l augh ter,3 6 1.S laugh ter h ouse

Slaugl iterous , 3 1.S lave,s ervant,746.

to wil,086.S laver,s h ip,973 .S lavery, l l, 686.S lav is h ,885.S lav is h ness,886.S lay ,3 6 1 .

SIS tud ,272 .

S l edao,279 .S led ge l l d l l lm07,impel, 976.erm ine,63 3 .S leesmoo th ,955.pretty,845.S leep, 142,683 .S leeper,support 2 15 .S leeples s , (582.S leep les snes s ,682.

S leepy,inactive,083 ,82 3.s low,275 .

weary,841.S leet, 383 .S leigh t,698S leigh t of h and,14C545.S lender,

narrow,203 .

smal l,32 .tr ifling ,643 .

Slend eriies s ,sma l lness ,32.

narrownes s,9G}.insufi ciency,640.S l ice,layer,204.par t,51.S l ide,pa s s,264.

relaps e,66 1.des cend,3 06.

elaps e,109 .

b ecome, 144.ska te,266 .S l ide in,228.S l id ing, 144.S l igh tsmal l,32.

neg lect,927.trifle,643 .deprecia te, 483 .

to neg lect, dis h onor,929S l im,203 .

S l iin iness ,352.S l imy,vis cous ,352.dir t,653 .S l ing,h ang,2 14.proj ect,284.weapon,727.

Sl iiik,recede, cape,671.S l ip,des cend,306.s trip,205 .par t, 5 1.err,945 .

transfer,970fa i l,B il .from nund ,506 .l ib erate,750wor l-‘siiop,

gui. 947.

flu. 967So b ,83 9.Sober,modera te, l 74.tempera te,953 .

a bs tinen t,958.

bel ief, 484.

s ane, 509.

wis e, lm,826 .

g rave,83 7.So ber-minded,wis e,502 .ca lm,826 .So bernes s,8526.

So b rie ty,modera tion, l 74.temperance,953 .

abs tinence, 958.

s an i ty,502 .

wi sdom, lmnes s ,S ocmb il ity,892 .So c iab le,892.

Sociab le iiess ,So cia l , 3 72,892.Soc ia l ity,8952.Soc iety,th e pub lic,372,892.par ty,712 .Sock,s tocking ,225.drama, 599.Socket, 191,252.Socratic meth od,461

Sod ,3 44.Sod a l ity,ass ociation,892.friends h ip,888.Sofa, 215.

Soft,modera te, 174.

s ound,405 .

smoo th , 255.


s i l ly, 499.irreso lute,605 .timid,862.lenient,740.

tender, soo th e,826.

mitig a te,83 l l ia te,93 7.

So i‘


moderate, l l ify, 32 4.mi tig a te,83 4.pi ty,9 14.Softening,pa l lmtlng , 937 .

mod ifyi ng ,3 24.Soft ly,275.

Softi ies s,wea knes s 160.

modera t ion . 174.tenderness,3 24,822timidness,862.irreso lutenes s ,605.

I N D EX .

Soil ,land,3 49.d irt, 653 .

spo i l, 659.

des e,846.ta rnish ,848oiled,846 .

So ilness,653 .

StlJO l l l’


abode, dwell , s et tle,265.Sojourner,res ident, 188.So lace,rel ief,83 4.comfort,8527.

recrea tion,840.So lder,coh ere,46.cemen t,45 .So ldering,46.So ld ier,726.So ld iery,726 .So le,al one,87.

bas e,2 11.So lec ism,

a ngr amma tica l,568.

soph is try,477.So lec ize,568.So lemn,sacred,873 .

firm,53 5.

reveren t,990.pompous ,882 .

gr ave,83 7.

impor tant,642 .

s i len t,403 .

So lein nes s,837.So lemn ity,parade,882.r ite,998.

dulnes s ,843 .So leinnization,883 .

So leninize,883 .So l icit,induce,615.

reques t, a n ,865.So l icitan t,865 .So l ic ita t ion,765.So l icito r,968.So l icitude,anxiety,860.core,459.

des i re,865.pain,828.So l id,comp lete,coh erent,46.den se, 32 1.certa in,474.

knowledg e,490.

true, rm,604.


So l id ificationdens eness ,32 1.So l idit'y,46,32 1.

So l id ity,permanence, 150.dens ity,32 1.wis dom,498.

So l i ilnes s,dens enes s ,32 1.comp leteness ,52.So l iloquize,589.So l iloquy,589.So l i tary,a lone,87.

s ec luded,893 .des er t, 101.So l i tude,a lone,87.

s ec luded,893 .des er t, 101.So lo,415.So lon,s ag e,500.

wis e, 498.So lub il ity, 3 3 3 .So lub le,3 3 3 .

So l iib leness,33 3 .So lution ,d is so lving ,33 3 .

So lve,3 3 5.So lven cy,803 .Somato logy,3 16.Somb re,dark,421.gray,432 .la ck,43 1.melanch o ly,83 7.Some, 32, 100.Somebod y,on e,87 .

man,372.Someh ow,155.Someth ing,th ing ,3 .l ike, 17.

sma l l degree,32.Sometimes, 13 6.Somewh at,32 .Somewh ere, 182.So ninamb ii l ism,515.Somn iferous,s leepy,683 .

weari 841.Somno lence,s leepy,683 .

wea ry,841.Somnoleiit,s leepy,683 .

wea ry,84l .Son, 167 .

Son ofGod ,970.So n ofman,976 .Song, 4 15.Song (o ld ),643Son g s ter,4 16.Son il

erous, 402Sonnet,music,415.poetry,597.Sonneteer,597.Sonorous,402 .

Sonsh ip, 167.Sonorous ness ,401Soon,ear ly, 13 2.

by and by, 121.trans ient,11 1Soo t,b la ck,43 1.(l l ? t, 653 .

b lemis h ,846Soo th e,a llay, l 74.Ca lm,896 .

rel ieve,83 4.Soo th ing,a l loying ,174.

mel lifliious ,405rel i eving ,83 4.Soo th say,5 11.Soo th s ayer,5 13mag ic ia n,994

Soo ly,653 .

Sopli ism,

b ad log ic,477 .

ab s iird it 497.

SOpli istical,ill og ical ,477.

absurd,497.Soph is tica te,mix ,41.deceive,495.debas e,659.So ph is try,477.


Soprano,410,42Sorcerer,994.Sorcery,992.Sord id,819.So re,pa in,376,3 78.

g rievance, inful,E30.

an a ry,900.Sore ly, 3 1.So reness ,900.Sorites ,476 .Sorre l,43 4.Sorrow,828.Sorrowful,828

mea n, 876.trifling ,643 .sma l l,3 2 .Sort,kind,75.

deg ree, 26 .

to arrang e,60.Sorting,60.

Sort i lege,992.So-so,3 2.


Sotti s lmes s,959.Soul,intel lect, 450.

afi ecuons ,820.pers on,3 79 .

impor tant part,50

So i i l-sub d ii ing,825Soul less , 683 ,823 .Sound," ti l-s e,402 .

o r t hodox,983 ,a.

hea l thy,654.perfect,650.val id,407.



to measure,466 .

reas on,476 .

to inves tig a te,461 .true, 494 .

a n a larm, 550.

m e, 498.

bay,343 .Sound ing bo ard ,417 .S ound ing l ine,466.Sound i ng rod , 469.Sound ings,208.

Bound les s,deep,208.s i len t,403 .Sound ly,3 1.Soup,298,352.Souran d, 3 97.

uncivi l,895.

mis an th ropic, imb i tter ,83 5.Source,66, 153 .

Souris li,397 .

Sourness, 3 97South ,2 37.Sovereig n,eat, 3 1.


wer,73 7.


s trong , 157 .lord,745.

Sovereignty ofGo d,976.


s ca tter,73 .

prepare, 673 .

Sow b roadcas t,291.Space, 180.

Spa ces ,413 .Span,dis tance,196 .

nearness , 197.

br iefnes s ,201 .leng th ,200.

mea sure,466.time, 106 , 113Spang le,spark,420.Spar,dis cord, 713 .con ten tion,720,722.Spare,meag re,203 .

s canty, 642 .lack,640.

to g ive,784.

rejec t,6 10.disus e,678.

refra in ,623 .

pi ty,9 14.

I N D EX .

Spareness,628.pare time,685.Sparing,tempera te,953 .

sma l l,32 .

economic,8 17.Sparing ly,817.Spark,l ig h t, 420.

fire,382 .

lis ten,420.

bubb le,3 53 .Spark l ing,bub b l ing ,353 .s tyle,574.Sparse,73 .Spasm,

fi t, 173 .

th roc, in,378,828.Spa tter,d irt,653 .

dow n ,659.Spa tterdash ,225.Spat tered , 846 .Spatula,191,204,272 .Spawn,dir t,653 .


spring ,167.Speak,582.Speaker,teach er,540, terpreter ,524.pres iden t,745.Speak ing, 17.Speak of,594.Speak out,529.Speak to,585.

to pierce,260.pas s th roug h ,3 02.Spearman,726 .Specia l,par ticular,79.pleading ,616.peculiar,5.Specia l ity,5,79.Specie,800.Species,kind,75 .Specific,79.Specifi ca l ly,79.Specify,name, l,527.particula rize,79.

pecimen,82.Specious,probab le,472 .

s oph is tica l,477.p laus ib le,937 .Speciousness,477.Speck,d ot, 193 .

sma l l quantity,32 .


Speck,b lemish,848.Speck le,var i eg ated,440.

b lemis h ,848.Spec tac le,appearanc e,448.

s how,882.

prod io'

y,872 .


les,445Spec tator,444.Spec tre,vision,448

ug ly,846 .

g h os t 960.Spec tral,984.Speculate,th ink,451.traffic,794.view,44 1.Speculation,view,441 .trafiic,794.Speculum,445 .Speech ,582.Speech less ,581.peed.velocity, 274.

activity,682 .

to h elp,707 .

suc ceed,73 1.Speed ily, 111.Speed ines s ,274.Speedy,274.

Spel l,in terpret,522period,106 .

ch arm,993 .

neces s i ty,601motive,6 15.exer tion , 686 .Spe l lbound,152,601,615.Spencer,225.pend,

ecpen d ,809.

g ive,784.

wa s te,63 8.Spend th rift,818.Spent,exhaus ted, 160,688 .

was ted,63 8.

Sperinaceti,356 .Spew,297.Sph ere,ba l l,249.

reg ion, 181.

wor ld,3 18.

rank,26 .

bus ines s ,625 .Sph erica l,349.Sph eric ity,249.Sph eroid,249.Sph ero ida l,249.Sph erule,249.Sph inx,mons ter,83 .Sp i ce,smugi quantity,32.mix ture,41.

Spice,pung ent,892condimen t,393 .

Spic ii late,253 .

Spicy, 3 92.Spigo t, 263 .Sp ike,to pierce,260.p lug ,263 .pas s th roug h,302.s h arp,253 .

Spil l ,filament,205to s h ed,297.was te, 63 8.

sp las h ,3 48.misus e,679.Spi l l ing,679.Spin,3 12 .


Spin out,pro long , tract, [ 10.

s tyle,573 .Spind le, 3 12 .Spine,253 .Spinet,417.Spinos ity, 253 .Spinous,253 .Spins ter,904.Spirac le,35 1.Spira l,248.Spire,peak,253 .

heig h t,206soar,305 .Spirit,es s ence,5 .

incite,6 15.

imma teria lity 812meaning , lec t,450.

afections , rty,712 .

res o lution,604.

courag e,861.g h os t,980.s tyle,574.

activi ty,682.Spirited,brave,86 1.

enerous ,942 .

Spirited iiess ,861.Spirit les s,torpid,823 .

dej ected,837Spirits ,83 6 .Spiritua l,imma teria l,3 17menta l,450.


rappings,992 .Spiritua l ism,3 17.Spiritua l is t,3 17.Spiritua l ity,imma ter ia lity,3 17.d ivine,976 .Sp iritua l ize,476.


gush ,3 48 .Spiss itude,32 1,952


Spit,ej ect,297.p ierce, 3 J2.b ar,253 .Spite,ma levo lence, 907.

notwiths tanding ,179.Spiteful,odious ,898.

ma levo len t,907.

Spitefii l iies s ,907.Sp las h ,efi

as e,3 3 7.

spil l,348.

spa tter, 653 .sul ly,846 .

Splas l ied , 846Sp leen,melanch o ly, 837.

ha tred,898.

a ng er ,900.

dis courteous ,895 .Splendent,220.Sp lend id,beautiful, 845.brig h t,420.

lorious ,873 .Splendo r,873 .

Spleiietic,s ad,837.

iras cib le,901.Spl ice,43 .Sp l inter,divide,44.

fibre,205 .

br i ttl e,b it,5 1.

Spl iiitry, 3 28.Sp l it,div ide,44.

quarrel,713 .b is ect,91.fa il,732 .

laug h,83 8.Spl it h airs ,465 ,477.Spl itt ing,44.Sp lut ter,h as te,684.energ y, 171.po il,vitia te,659.

h inder,706 .p lunder, 791.b oo ty, 793 .



Spmler, 792.Spoke,too th ,253 .

radius ,200.

obs truct,706.Spoken,582 .Spokesman,in terpreter,524.

speaker,Spo l ia te,plund er,791.evi l,6 19.Spo l iation,evi l,6 19.plunder,791.

I N D EX .

Sponge,c lean,652 .

ob l i tera te,552.despo i l, 791 .porous ,3 22.s oft,3 24 .

ob livion ,506.Spongy,324.Spons ion,771.Sponso r,s ecurity,77 1.evidence,467.Spo n taneous,vo lun tary,600.impuls ive,6 12.

wi l l ing ,602 .

Spontaiieous nes s,600Spontoon,727.Spoon,

recep tac le,191.ladle,272 .Sport,amus ement,840.g ayety,83 6.wit,842 .

enj oymen t,827.

subj ec tion,749.Sportfulnes s ,836 .


g ay,83 6.

witty,842.Sportivenes s,83 6.Spo t,p lace,182 .

deco lora tion, 429b lemis h ,848.

to sully,846 .

b lot,874.

dis g race,940.Spo t less ,innocent,946 .

clean,652 .perfect,650.g ood,648.

fa ir,845.Spo t les snes s,652.Spo t ted,var ie ated,440.fair. 84aSpo tt iness ,440.po t ty,440.Spousal , 903 .Spouse,married,903 .

companion,88Spouseless,904.Spout,conduit,3 50.e ess,295 .

fibre out,348.

speak,582 .

act,599.Spra in, 160.Spraw l,

l ie,2 13 .leap,309.Spray,spr ig ,51.foam,353 .

Spread,enl arg e,35.


dispers e,73 .d iverg e,erpans e, l ish ,53 1.Spread ing,en larg in g,3 5 .

dis pers ing ,73 .Sprig,5 1.Sprig h tlmese, 83 6.Sprigh t ly, &36 .Spring,ear ly, 125.caus e, 153 .

ar isefrom, 154.ensue,15 1.s treng th , 159.velocity, 274.leap,3 09.

rivulet,348 .

ins trument,63 3.Spring b ack,ela s ti c,3 25.

reco i l,2 77.



ing tide,w,3 48 .

abunda nce,639.Spring up,g row, 194.Springe,snare,dec ep tion,545.

pringines s, 3 25.pringy, 3 25.

pring gun,667pring net,667prink le,mix ,41.dispers e,73 ,2910emit,297.

wet,33 7.

prinkl ing,sma ll quantity, 32.s ca ttering ,973 .mixing ,41.wa ter,3 37.littl e, 193 .Sprite,$ 0.Sprout,g row,3 5.

ex pand, 194.

aris efrom,154.

ofspr ing , 167.


beautiful,845.Spruceness ,845.Spry,act ive,682.

c lever,698.pume,353 .punk,861 .


s harp,253 .incite,615.Spurious ,false,544.erroneous,495.

Spurious,i llegitimate,925.

Spun ous nes s,925Spurn,d i s da in,866 , 930Spurned,253 .Sp l i tter,etammer,583 .

Spy,s ee, 441.

specta to r, 444.

emiseary,53 4.

pyglass,445 .Squab,larg e, 192.broad,202 .Squab b y, 192.Squad,72.Squadro n,na vy,273 .

army, semb lag e,72.Squa l id,846 .Squa l l,cry,411.

wind,3 49.

vio lence, 173 .Squa l ler,846.Squal ly,3 48.Squamous,223 .Squander,63 8,818Squanderer, 818.Squandering,818.Square,number,95.buil ding s, 189.cong ruity,23 .


des troy, 162.Squauto encamp, 186sit,larg e, 192.broad,202 .

fia t,2 13 .Squat ter, 188.Squatting,213Squea lvc,

l lcry,4Squeal,Sq


ueamis h ,fas tidious,868cens or-ious ,932.Squeamish ness,Squeeze,contract,195.narrow,203 .

condense,32 1.Squeeze out,301Squeezing,contmctin.g ,





W es-mag ,narrowing ,203


th oug h t, 451.S tead ines s,cons tancy,150.cautious nes s ,864.reso lution,604

Steady,res o lved,604.

periodic,138.cautious ,864.

still ,265 .cons ta nt, 150.

normal,82 .Stea l,rob ,791.

h ide,528.creep,275.S tea l away,671.S tea ling,791.S tea l th ,528.Steam,

vapor,3 3 3 , 33 s a il , 267.S teamboa t,273 .S teamer,273 .S teamsh ip,273 .S teed,271.S teel,s treng th , 159.harden,951.inure,823 .S teeled, 604.S tee lyard,466 .S teep,s lope,2 17.

heig h t,206 .

immers e,300.soak,33 7.

Steeple,spire,253 .

h ig h ,206.S teeple ch ase

race,622 .S teepness,217.S teeps, 206.S teer, 278,693 .teering,278, 693 .S teerage,278.S teersman,694S tel lar, 3 18.S te l lated,253 .S tel liform,253 .S teworig in,153.

I N D EX .

Stem,fron t,23 4.

to oppose, res is t,718.S tench ,401.S tenograph y,590.S tentorian,404.S tep,deg ree,26.way,627.

s ta tion,58.term,71.near, 197.

suppor t, 2 15.

motion,264,266 .

measure,46 6.expedient, 626 .

means ,63 2.teppe,3 44.S tepping s tone,way,627.

res ource,666.

Stercoracious , 653 .




5S tereo typed, 150.S terile,unproduc tive,169us eles s,645.Steril ity,169.S terl ing,true,494.

g ood,648.

vir tuous ,944.S tern,back,23 5.

s evere,739.

forb id d in§35895S ternmos t,S ternness ,

s everi ty,73 9.

forbidding ,895S ternutation,3 49.s ound,409.S tew,confus ion,59.

d ifliculty,704.h ea t,3 82.cook,384.


bag nio,96 1.toward ,694.S teward sh ip, 693 .S tew pan,386S tick,adh ere, 46.s taj '

,2 15 .

to s tab,260.

h es ita te,603 .pierce,302 .

difficul ty,704.scourg e,975.S tick at,485.S tick in,loca te, 184.S ticking,46 .S tick out,erec t, 2 12.up lift, 3 07.S tick to,604.

S tick uperect, 212.uplift,3 07.S tick le,contend,720reluctant,601S tick ler,606 .S ticky,cohering , 46 .

s emi-liquid,352.Stifl



r ig id ,323 .

res o lute,604.

res trained,751.s evere,73 9 .


ected ,855.

haug hty,878.pompous ,882.

ug ly,846 .

s tyle,572,579.


necked ,obstinate,606 .

res o lute,604.S tiffness ,s tab i lity,150.

ri ity,323 .

seizuy,73 9 .

ug lines s ,846.

haug h tines s,878.afiecta tion,855.s tyle,572,579.

Stifle,s ilence,403 .

des troy, l l,s ound,405.

Stifled ,3 23 .S tigma,d isgrac c,874b lame, 932.

Sti ma tize,874.Sti etto,piercer,262 .dag g er,727.S til l,ever, 112 .

s ilen t,ii o3 .

iet, 74.

gies cence,265.calm,826 .

no twiths tand ing ,179.S til lbo rn,73 2.S til l l ife,556.S t il lnes s,265.S til ts,

support, 2 15.heig h t,206.

boas ting ,884S timula te,incite,615.vio lence, 173 .energize,171pas s ion,824.S t imulation,824S timulus,615.S ting,pa in,378.Mering ,82 1,830.provoke,900.

co llar,225.


spring , 1665Stockade,717.S tock ing,225 .S tocks,funds ,802.

punishmen t,975.res tra in t,752.S tock -s ti l l,265.S toic,ins ens ib le,SQ }.inexcitab le,826.d ismteres ted ,942S to ica l,823 , 826to icism,823 ,826.S to le,225,999.Sto len,791.S to l id,dul l ,843.stu 499 .S to li ‘


S tomach er,225.

Stone,dens e, 32 1.hard,323 .

mis s i le,284.weapon,727.S tone-b l ind,442.S tone-co lor,43 2.S tone 8 th row,197.

Stoo l,2 15.

Sump,lower,3 06 .

s lope, 217.

humb le,879.servile,886.WP,clos e,67,261,418.

d em t, 68 1.

res t,265 .

preven t,706.con t inue,142 .

dis con tinue,141 .S topco ck,% 3Swpgap,

s h ift, 626.plug , 147.Stoppage,res t,265 .


d is con tinuance, 141.prevention,706.Stopper,263 .S topple,263 .


mag azine,63 6.provis ion,63 7.

s hop,799 .

abundance,63 9.

th ememory,505 .

much ,3 1.Store h ouse,63 6.S to re room,63 6.S tore sh ip,273 .Storm,

wind,3 49.vio lence, 173 .pas sion,825.convuls ion,146.ang er,900.

to a tta ck,716.assemb la e,72.torming, 16.S tormy,348 .S tory,h is tory,594.l ie,546 .

layer, 204.

b rave,801.Stoutnes s,s treng th , 159.lus tines s , 192 .S tove,386 .

I N D EX .

S tow,184.S towage,space, 180.loca tion, 184.S trab ism,443 .S tradd le,2 15.S tragg le,s tro l l, 266.devia te, 279.

dis order,59.S tragg ler,268.S tragg ling,disjunct ive,44.

devia ting ,279.S traigh t,rectil inear,246.mean,628 .

vertical ,2 12.direction,278.S tra igh ten,246 .S traigh tforward,artles s ,703 .direct,278.

hones t, 939.true,543 .

mid cours e,628.S traigh tforwardness,art les sn es s,703 .

truth ,543 .S traigh tway, l l ].S train,efi b rt,686.vio lence,173 .

fa tigue,688.s ound,402 .

melody,413 .

to clanfy,658.

perco la te,295.transg res s, 304.



mis interpret,523 .

s tyle,569.S train th e eyes,441.S trained,686 .S trait,maritime,343 .

wan t,804.

d ifliculty 704.


severe,73 9.censorious ,932 .

res trained,751.h augh ty,878.

fas tidious ,868.S tra it wais tcoat,752 .S trand,3 49.S tranded,704,732.S trange,

exceptional ,awful,870.


ridiculous ,853 .S trange ly,g rea t ly,3 1.S tranger,ex traneous , 10,57.ig norant,491.(tang le,36 1.


S trap,to tie,43 .

s courg e,975.lig ature,45.S trapping,la rg e, 192 .

strong , 159.S tra tagem,p lan, tifi ce,702 .

deception,545.S tra tegic,626.S tra tegy,conduc t,6skil l,698.warfare,722.p lan,62 6.S tratifi ca tion,204.S tra tified,204.S tratiform,204.S tratum,204.S traw,lig h t,320.

trifling ,643 .S traw-co lor,436.S tray,wander,266.devia te,279.

exceptional ,83 .S traying,279.


s tripe,440.

narrow line, 200,203 .

in tersection,219.S tream,flow,3 47.

river,348 .

of lig h t,420.

of time,109.

ofeven ts ,151.abundance,63 9.S treamer,550.S treamin g,incoh eren t,47.dispersed,73 .S treamlet,348.S treamy,348.S tree t,build inway,6 7.S treetwa lker,962.S trength ,vig or, 159.

energ y, 171.tenacity, 3 27.S trength en,to increase,35 .S treng th ening, 159.S treng th less,160.S trenuous,a ctive, borious ,686 .

reso lved,604.S tress,weig h t,642 .

intona tio n,580.

strain,686 .

S tretch ,increas e,3&expand,194.leng then,200.dis tance, 196.exer tion,686.mis in terpreta tion,525.

encroachment,925exag g era tion, 549S tretch to, 196.S tretch ing to,200.S trew,73 .S triated,440.S trict,severe,739.


fa i thful,792.S tric tnes s ,739 .S tric ture,cons tric tion,203censure,93 2.S tride,266.Strider,410.S tridulous, 414.S trife,713 ,720.S trike,h it,276.

bea t,972 .

harm, 649.

revo l t,719.impres s , 824.wonder,870.

opera te,170.

mus ic,415.S trike off,exclude,55.Strike out,invent, 18,515.p lan,626.


ace,5 32 .S trike sail,275.S tring,con tinuity,69.

to tie,43 .

fi bre,205.lig ature, arrang e,60.

tringency,73 9.tringent, 739,744

Strlngy,203 .S trip,to divest,226.rob,791.d ives t,789.

fi lament,205.S tripe,leng th,200.b low,972 .

mark,550.varieg a tion,440.S triped,804.S tripl ing,129.S tripped,poor,804.S trive,exert,686.contend, 720.



S troke,impulse,276.mark,550.b low,,680.

exped ien t,626.S tro l l,266 .S trong,pcwerful, 159.

energ etic, 171tenacious ,327pung en t,3 92 .

feel ing ,821.cog ent,467.S trong b o x ,802.S trongh o ld,defence,717 .pris on,752 .S trong l y,3 1.S troph e,597.S truck,870.S tructura l,moda l,7.

tex tura l,329.S truc ture,s ta te,7.texture,3 29.

building , 189.S trngg lc,contend, 720.exert, (586.g rapplewi th ,704.S trumpet,962 .S trut,parade,882 .travel,266.pride,878.S tub b le,40.S tub born, 606,704.S tub b ornness, 227,6 OS tub by,

s h ort,201.S tuc co,cement,45.

covering ,223 .S tuck fas t,d ifliculty,704.

s topped,265.


point,253 .

h orses ,271 .S tudded ,253 ,240.S tuden t,541.S tud io,559.S tud ious,th oug h tful,451.doci le,53 9.S tud ious ly,600,620.S tudy,th oug h t,45 1.learning ,53 9.res earch ,46 ]intention,620.S tuff,sub s tance,3 .

ma t ter,3 teria ls ,63 5.

ab surdity,497

I N D EX .


,trifle,643 .memory,505 .

to feed,296.line,222.cram, 194.

Stul tified , 732 .S tul tify,coun teract,708.S tumb le,fa l l,3 06 .

fa d,732 .

unski lful ,699flounder,3 15 .S tumb le on,483 .S tumb l ing b lo ck,d ifiiculty,704.

h inderance,706S tumb ling s tone,706.S tump,trunk,51.painting ,559.Stumpy,

confound,870.deafen,4 19.

as tonis h ,865.loud,404.S tunning,loud,404.confounding ,870.S tung,828.S tun t,sma l l, 193 .contracted,195.S tun ted,sma l l, 193 .con trac ted,195.S tupef'act ion,s tunn ing ,823 .wonder,870.

Stupefied,s tunned, 823 .

ama zed,870.S tupefy,s tun,wonder,870.S tupendous,grea t,arg e, 192.

wonderful,870S tupid,dul l,843 .credulous ,486 .

foo l ish ,499.S tupid i ty,dulness ,843 .foo l ish ness ,499S tupo r,823 .

Stupratlon,96 1.S turd ines s ,S turdy,157, 159.S tutter, 583 .S tuttering,588.

Sty .dir t,653 .


S tygian,dark, 4210S tyle,s ta te,7.

writing , 590.time, 1 14.

fas h ion,852.tas te, 850.

to name,564.diction ,569.penci l,559.S ty let,262.S ty l is h ,852 .Suas ib le,6 15.Suas ion,6 15 .Suas ive,6 15.Suasory,6 15 .Suavity,894.Sub a l tern,p lebeian,876.inferior,34.

servant,746 .

ofiicer,726,745.Subaqueous,208 .Sub committee,696.Sub contrary,2 3 7.Sub cutaneous,22 1.Subdean,996.Subd ititious, 147.

Subd iviSl on,44,51.Subdua l,73 1.Sub ducgretrench , 3 8.Sub duc tion, 789Sub due,ca lm, 174.

succeed,73 1.Subdued,826 .Sub itaneous, 132Subjacen t,207Subjec t,topi c 454.liab le, 177 .

to inth ra l l,749.ubjectma tter,454.Subjec tion,743 ,749.Subjec tive, 5, 3 17,450.Subjec tiveness,5.Subj o in,37 .Subjugate,

subjec t, nquer,73 1,732.impres s , 824.Subjugated,73 2 .Subjugation,conquering , 73 1,732 .

subjec tion, 749 .Sub levat ion,3 07.Sub luna te,to eleva te,3 07,33 6.Sub l imated,320.Sub l ima tion,vapor ization,3 36 .

eleva tion,307.Sub lime,h ig h ,206 .


Sub l ime,lory,873 .


mag nanimous ,mSub l imity,b eauty,845 .

mag nanimity,lory,873 .

gm,206 .Sub lunary,3 18.Submarine,208.Submerge,immers e,s teep,3 3 7.

s ink,208 .p lung e,3 10.Submers e,3 10.Submers ion,300.Submiss ion,surrender, 725.obedience,743 .

endurance,826.Submiss ive,humb le,879.

endur ing ,826 .tracta b le,705.

obed ien t,743 .surrender ing ,Submis siveness ,743Submit,725.

endure,826 .

obey,743 .

s toop, 879.Submul tiple,84.Subordgnate, 3 4,GE,

74Subord ina tion,in order,58 .

b ondag e,749.

obed ience,743 .s equence,63 .


h ire,795 .

br ib e,784.Sub s crib e,

as s ent, ree to,769.

g ive,784 .Sub s cription, 784,809.Sub sequen t,

in time ,1 order,63 .Sub s erve,644.Subs ervien ce .ten dency, 176.uti l i ty,644.Sub serv ien t,63 1,Sub s idence,s inking , 306.decrea se,3 6.Sub s id iary,tend ing , 176.aux i l iary,708.Sub s idy,pay,809 .

g ift,784.

ub s rs t,exi s tence, 1.cot t



Supercil iousnees,ins o lence,haug h tines s ,878.Supereminence, 873 .Superero ga tion,us eles s nes s, 645actwtty,682.

Suiie re x a lted ,873Superexce l lence,£48.Superexce l len t, 648.Superfi c ia ls ha l low,509.

ig noran t,491.ex terna l,220.


Superfluence,Superfluil y,redundance,641.rem inder,40.

Superfluous,40,641.Superhuman,d ivine,976 .perfec t, 650.Superimpose,220.Superimpo sed,2002.Superincumben t,a bove,206 .

weig ht, 3 19.

res t ing ,2 15.Superinduce,140,16 1Superintend,693 .Superin tendence,693 .Superin tenden t,694Superior,

g rea ter,3 3 .

unporta nt,642.g ood,648.Superiority,g rea tnes s,3 3 .disparity, 28.

pr iori ty,62.g oodnes s ,648.Superlatives,perfect,650.g ood, 648.Superna l,206.Superna tant,3 05.Supernatura l,976,980.Supernumerary,

redundan t, 641.r emamm 40.

Superposmon,3 7,223

Superscription,ma rk,550.writing ,590.m dence,467Supersede,disus e, 678.

subs titute,117.Supers t ition,crerlul tty,486.

rel ig ious ,984 .Supers titious ,984.Supers tratum,290.

Suoerstructure,72 1

I N D EX .

Supervene,happen,succeed, 117.Superven tion, 117.

Supervrso,693 .Supervis ion,693 .Supervisor,694.SUpine,h or izo 2 13 .

inver ted, 18.

Supremacy,autho rity,73 7.summi t,2 10.Supreme,super ior,3 3 .crowning ,2 10.Supreme ly,3 1.Surceas e, 14 1.Surch arge,64l .Surch arged,64l .Surc ing le,45.Surd,419.Surdity,419.

s afe,664.Surefooted,careful,459.skilful ,698.Sureness ,664.Surety,s ecurity,771.evidence,467.urf,foam,3 53 .tide,3 48 .Surface,220.Surfeit,s atiety,869.

redund ance,641.Surge,ocean, 3 41.wave,3 48.swel l,3 05.Surgery,662.Surl iness ,895.Surl y,


unk ind,907.Surmise,514.Surmo un t,ris e,3 05.

tower,206 .

overcome,73 1.Surmoun ta b le,705.Surname,564.Surpass,superior,3 3 .


gr:beyond,3 03 .urpas s ing,g rea t,3 1.Surp l ice,g own,925.canonica l,993Surp lus,rema inder,40.

redundanc e,641.Surplusage,remainder,40.

redundance,641.Surprise,wonder , 870.

non-expecta tion,508.

disappoin tment,509 .Surpris ed , 870.Surpris ing,870.Surprising ly,3 1.Surrender,submd ,725.

Surrender,obey,743 .

rel inquis h ; 782.Surrendering,725;Surreptinous,fa ls e,544.

furtive,528.Surroga te,cons ig nee,758.deputy,709.Surround ,227,229.Surve il lance,supen utend cnce,

Sus ceptib le,l iab le, 177.impres sib le, 829.iras cib le,Sus cept ive,822.Sus ceptivity,177.Sus c i ta te,caus e, 153 .produce, 161.induce,6 15.


s tir up,173 .


uspend ,h ang ,$2 14.dis con tinue,141.defer, 133 .

s top,965.Suspense,doub t,485.dis con tinuance, 141.paus e,265 .

irres olutum,605.unwil ling nes s ,603 .uncer ta inty,475Suspens ion,dis con tinuance,141.hang ing ,2 14.

s topping ,265.Suspicion,doub t,485 .


incredul ity,487.

uncertainty,475.Sus tain,suppor t,215.

a id ,707.

opera te, 170.preserve,(270.Sus tenance, 298.Sus ten ta tion,a id,707.pres er va tion,670.Sut ler,79 7 .Suture,43 .Swab ,652.Swadd le,295


des troy, 162.Swal lowmg,296 .Swamp,marsh ,345 .

des troy, 162.Swamped,73 2.Swampy,3 3 9,344.Swan-pan,85.Swap,in terch ang e,148.

wap out,297.Sward,3 44.Swarm,crowd,72 .

sufi ciency, 639.

mul titude, 102.abound,64 1.Swarming,72.Swanny,43 1.Swath e,clo th e,fas ten,43 .Sway,power,157.

influen ce, 175.

auth ority,737 .

induce,6 15.Swear,pro mis e, 768.affirm,Sweat,transud e,3 48.

hea t, 382 .

fatigue,688.Sweep,space, 180.



rapid ity,274.clean,652 .disp lace, 185.des troy, 162.devastaticm,Sweeping,50,162 .Sweepings ,refus e,653 .

tr ifle,643 .Sweet,s acch arine,396.agreea b le,822lovely,897.

melod io us ,413Swee ten,3 96 .Sweeth eart, 897Sweetmea t,396 .

weetness ,saccharine,396 .

I N D EX .

Swee tness,p leas antnes s,829.Swel l,increas e,3 5.

expand, 194,202.bulg e,250.tide,348.

emotion,821,824.ex to l,93 1.swag g er,885.Swe l ling,in creas ing ,35 .

expand i ng ,194.

b ombas tic,577.

emotiona l,82 1,824.Swe l ter,Swept,652.Swerve,devia te,279.diverg e, 29 ang e, 140.

irres o lution,603 .terg iversa tion,607.

qui t,624.Swerving,279.Swift,274.Swiftness,274.Swig,tope,959.Swrl l,tope,959.Swim,floa t,,705.

navig a te,267.Swimming,succes sful, 73 1.ver tig o,503 .buoyan t,320.Swind le,pecul ate,7910ch ea t,545.Swind ler,defrauder, arper, 548.Swind l ing,791Swing,space, 180.p lay, 170.

h ang ,2 14 .

os ci l la te,3 14.

freedom,748.Swinging,3 1.Swinis h ,954,957.Switch ,975.Swive l,h ing e,3 12.cannon,727Swo l len,proud,878.

woon,fa inting , 160fatigue,688.Swoop,s eizure,789.des cen t, 306.Sword ,727 .Swordsman,726.Sy coph an cy,serml ity,885 .


Sycoph ancy,adula tion,933 .Sycoph an t,serviluy,885.flatterer,SKIS.Sycophan tic,s ervil e, 885 .

ada la t 93 3 .Syl lab le, 1.Sy l labus,lis t,86.compendium 596.Syl logism,476.Sylph ,979.Sy lph id,979.Sy lvan,3 67.Symbo l,s ig n,550.

math ema tica l,84.Symbo l ization,550Symmetrica l,


b eauty,845.Symmetry,form,242.


beauty,845.Sympath e tic,lovr


,897.piti 914.Sympa th ize,love,897.

pity,9 15.Sympa th y,kindnes s ,,897.pity,914.Symph onious, 413 .Symph ony,mustc,415.Symptom,550.Symptomatic,550.Synch rona l, 120.Synch ronous,120.Synch ron ism, 120.Syncopation,413 .Syn cope,160.Synecdoch e,147.Synod,council , ,995 .

as s emb lag e,72.Synonyms , 564.Synonymous,516.Synops is,arrang ement,60.compendium, 596.Synoptica l,596.

& mtax ,567.Syn th es is,48.Syringe,3 3 7.Syrup,3 96 .Sys tem,


body,490.p lan,62 6.Sys tematic,58.

T .

Tabb y,400.Tabefac t ion, 195.Tabernac le,Tab id,lean,203 .s h rive ll ed, 195.noxious ,649.Tab le,s tand,215.layer,204.lis t,86.

record,551.repas t,298Tab le land,p la in, at,2 13 .Tab le ta lk,588Tab leau,pain ting ,556.Tab let,record,writing ,590layer,204.Taboo,proh ib ition,761.conjure,992.Tab or,417.Tabular,204.Tabulate,arrang e,60,69.reg is ter,86.Tabulation,551 .Tacit,5 16,596 .Taciturn,528,585

T acitumity,585.Tack,direction,278.

to turn, ang e course,140Tack to,add,3 7.

j oin,43 .Tack le,g ear,63 3 .

fas tening ,45.Tac t,touch,3 l l,698 .

wisdom,496.tas te,850.dis crimina tion,465Tac tician,adept,700.c lever,698.Tac tics,conduct,692.p lan,626 .

skil l,698.

warfare, 722 .Tac t i le,3 79.Tac t il ity,379.Tac t ion,3 79.Tac tua l ,3 79.Tadpo le,129T ag,ad d,37 .

fas tening ,45


T ag,adjunct,39.end,67503pomt,Ta l l,end , 67.

ba ck,23 5.

adjunc t, 3 9.Tailed,2 14.

T ain t,di s eas e,655.

decay,659.dir t, 653 .

faul t,651.disg race,874Tain ted,dis ea sed,655.Tain t less ,652 .Take,to appropria te,789.receive,785 .

s a tisfy,829.


b el ieve,484.unders tand,518.p leas e,769.Take after,19.Take aim,620.Take away,los e,776.

remove,38.Take care,864.

fake down,no te,55 1.lower, 308.

humilia te,879.Take effec t,170.Take fl igh t,293 .Take heed ,457.Take h o ld,789Take in,inc lude,54.admit,296 .

lea rn,539 .

unders tand,518.chea t,545.Take it,

believe,484.suppos e,5 14.Take off,remove, 185.vaca te, 187.


imi ta te,19.persona te,554.Take out,3 01,552 .Take part with ,707.Take p lace, 151T ake roo t,dwel l 186.T ake ship,267.

T ake up,inquire,rema in,106 .

censure, 932.Take upw ith ,b ear, e,676 .Take wing,293 .

Paken up,457.

I N D EX .

Taking,vena tion,s eizure,789.ang er,900.Ta l b o type,556.Ta le,narra tive,594.coun ting ,aleb earer,53 4Ta len t,698.Ta l isman,993Talk,speak,582.

rumor,532.conversa tion ,588.Ta lka tive,584.Ta lkativeness ,584.Ta lker,588.

T a l l,206.Ta l lnes s,206.Ta l low, 3 56 .Ta l ly,23 ,85,550.credi t,805 .Ta l l y w ith ,646.Ta lmud,985 .Ta lons,claw,63 3 .auth or i ty,737.Tambourine,417.Tame,iner t,172 .

modera te, l 74.feeb le, lm,82 6.teach ,537.domes tica te,370.Tameness,174.Tamper,ac tion,680.change, 140.

ac tivity,682.T an,43 3 .Tandem,272.Tangib le,touch, 3 79.

materia l,3 16.Tang le,derang e,6 1weave,2 19.Tang led,d is ordered, tted,2 19.Tank,r ecipient, 191res ervoir,63 6.

'1 ankard , 191.Tan ta l ize,865 .Tan ta lization,615.Tan tamount,equa l,27.

synonymous , 516.T ap,p lug ,263 .

to let out,297.Tape,45 .Taper,na rrow,203 .

s h arp,253 .candl e,493 .Tapering,203 ,253 .

Tapes try,556 .Tapis , 673 .

T ar,269.

T ardmes s,de lay,13 3 .

s lownes s,275.Tardy,dilatory, 133 .

un timely, 13 5.

s low,275.Tares,643 .Target,620.Tariff,812 .Tarn, 3 43 .

T amish ,dis co lora tion,429.defa ce,846.spoil,659.dis g race,874.dis honor,940.

T amis h ed ,846.Tarry,rema in,110.

continue, te, 13 3 .


rest,265.Tart,acid,3 97.

rude,895.iras cib le,901.Tartan,225.Tartar,732,901.Tartarus,Tartness,3 97,895,901 .Task ,

bus ines s,625.

to put to us e,677.

function,644.les son,53 7.Taskmas ter,694.Tasse l,847.Tas te,sap idity,390.

to experience,821.dis cr imina tion, 850.Tas teful,850.Tas te less ,vapid,3 91.una ttra ctive, 866 .Tas te less ness,3 91.Tas ting, 3 90.Tas ty,850.Ta tter,51.

T atterd emal ion,876.Ta tters ,925 .Tat t le,588.Tat t ler,588.Tattoo,407.Taun t,reproach ,938.

ridicule,856.h oo t,QQ Q .Tauto logy,repet ition, 104.

d ifl'

us enes s ,573 .Tavern, 189.Tawdriness,847,Tawdry,851.

Tawny,432,43 3.T a x ,impos t, accus e,impos e,741.emp loy , 677 .Teach ,537 .Teach ab le,539 .Teach er,540.Tear,s epara te,44 .des troy, 162.vio lence, 173 .

move rapid ly,274weeping ,839.Tear out,301.Teas e,830.Teas ing,830.Tea t,250.Tech nica l, 690.Tech y,901.Ted ium,841.Teem,

abound,63 9.

numerous , 102.Teemful,168.Teeming,popul ous , 72.fruitful, 168.Teemles s, 169.Teens,127.Teeth ,708.Teeto ta ler,958.Teeto ta l ism,958.Tegument,


egumentary,223 .Te leg raph ,s ig na l 550.

velocity,274.Te legraph ic,274.Te les cope,445.Te l l,inform,527.coun t,85 .

speak,582.des cr ibe,594.Te l l off,85.Te l l ta le,467.Te l ler,801.Te l l ing,s ig nificant,516.Temerity, 863 .Temper,prepare,673 .

nature, 5 .

e las ticity,323 .s oflnes s ,324.

aflection s


to modera te, 174.s often,826.ira s czb i l ity,901.Temperamen t,na ture,5.dispos ition,820.

mus ic,413 .Temperance,953.Temperate,modera te, l 74.s ober . 953 .

mild,826 .


T h icnet, 201,3 67 .

Th icknes s,b readt h,202.dens en es s,32 1.vis cidi'ty, 352.Th ickse t,3 2 1.


.l h ickskul l,499 .Th ief, 792 .Th ievery,791.Th ieving,791.T luews l l,791.

T luevis lmes s ,79C.Th imb leful, 193 .Th in,sma l l, 193 .narrow,203 .


a ir, 4.

s canty,640.

few, 103 .

to subduct,3 8.Th ing,3 .Th ings,even ts ,Th ink,co ita te,451.bem m,484.Th ink fi t, 609.

T inok of,intend,620.Th ink upon,remember,505.Th inness,sma ll nes s,193 .

narrowucs s 203 .

fewness,103.Th ird part,94.Th ird ly, 93 .Th irs t,865.Th irs t iness 865.Th irs ty,865.Th is t le,253 .Th is t ledown,320.Th is t ly,253 .

T h l th er,278.Th ong,4 5 .Th orn,s h arp,253 .

painful,83 in,3 78.Th orny,253 ,704Th orough ,52 .Th orough -going,3 1.Th orough—bred,698,852.Th orough fare, 260.Th orough l y,3 1.Th orough -paced,3 1.Th ough ,

notwi th s tanding ,179,7 38.

evidence,468 .

T h ough t,reflection . 451.

max im,496.

idea ,453 .

Th ough tful,refieetnw ,451.


I N D EX .

1 h ough t less,i ncog itan t, les s ,460fool is h ,499.



h ough tlessnes s,incog itanc: 452 .

ina tten tion,458.


ulnes s,699.Th ousand,98 .Th ra ldom, 749.T h ra l l,749.Th read,tic,45.

filamen t,205.con t inui ty,69.

to pas s t hroug h ,3 02 .Th read one’s way,266,463 .Th readbare,

b ore,226 .

imperfect,651.Th reat,909.Th reaten,future,121.a larm,669.

mena ce,909.Th reaten ing,imminent, 121.mena c ing ,909.

da ng erous ,665inauspicious ,Th ree,90.Th reefo ld,93 .Th res h o ld,66.Th rice,93 .Th rift,success ,73 1.prosperity,734.

economy,817.Th rift les s,818.Th rifty, 817.Th ri l l,touch , 3


ect,82 1,

Th ril l ing,ting l ing ,380.affec ting ,82 1.cha rmi ng

,E29.Th rive,succeed,73 1prosper,734 .Th roa t,opening ,260a irpipe,3 51.Th rob,ag i tate,3 15.

emo tion,82 1.Th rob b ing,821.T h roe,vio lence,173 .

ag i ta ti on,3 15.

pa ra, 146 , 3 78828.

l‘l rone,

seat,2 15.

author ity,747.Th rong,72.

Th ro t t le,occ lude,26 1 .


ocate,Th rough ,pas s ag e,3 02.

i ns trument,63 1.owing to, 154.

(go),ej ect,720.Th rough out,to ta l ity, 50.t ime, 106.Th row,propel,284.

exer tion,686 .dr ive, 276.Th row away,los e,776 .

rel inquis h, 782.Th row down,162,308.Th row in,3 00.Th row off,297 .Th row overboard,55.Th row up,757.Th rum,415.Th rush ,416.Th rus t,pus h , 276.a ttack,716.Th rus t in,ins er t,3 terpos e,228Thumb ,379.Thumb screw,975.Thump,beat,276.Thunder,nois e,404.

vio lence, 173 .Thunderbo l t,872.Thunderc lap,872.Thundering, 173 .Thunders torm,173 .Thunders truck,870.Thus,8,476.Thwart,obs truc t,706.intersec t,2 19.oppose,708 .Tiara,747,999.Tick,s ound, 407 .oscil la tion,3 14.credi t,805.Ticket,550.Tick le,touch,380.p leas e,377.Tick l ish ,d ifli


uncer ta in,475Tida l,3 48.Tide,ocean,3 41.flood,3 48.abundancecours e, 151.success ,73 1.Tid iness ,652.T id ings ,532.Tidy,652.


T ie,fas ten,43 .

fas tening ,45.

equa l i ty,27.

ob l ig a tion, 926.T iebeam,2 15.

T ie up,751.T ier,continuity,69layer,204.Tigh t,fas t,43 .

T ig l itnes s ,43T igh ts,225.Ti l l,to cul tiva te,371.cofl

er, 19 1.

up to th e time,HRTil lage,3 71.Til ler,63 3 .Ti l t,s lope,2 17.

des cent,306.cover,223 .

toss ,284.Til t at,716.T il t over,218.T ime, 106 .Time les s, 135.T ime l iness,132.Timely,ear ly, 132.opportune, 134.Timepiece, 1 14.Timep leaser,941.Timeserver,servil ity,83 6 .

apostate,941.cunn in fr


versa ti e,607.

s ycopha nt,886.s el/is h ,943 .Timeworn,o ld , 124 .

exhaus ted, 659.Timid,coward ly,862.fearful,860.

humb le,881.Timidity,fear,860.cowardice,852 .

humil i ty,881.Timorous,(See Timid.)T in c ture,4 1Tinder,3 88.

n e,co lor,428 .

mix ,Ting le,3 78,380,821828.Ting l ing,82,380T inker, 658.Tink le,408.T inse l,

ornamen t,847.g l i tter,420.

g ewg aw,851.Tin t,428.

Tiny,li ttle,32.sma ll, 193 .

T ip.summit,210.Tippe t,225.Tipple,296,959.Tippler,959 .Tippl ing,959.T ipsy,959.Tiptoe,h ig h ,206.curios i ty,455.

T iptop 2 10.Tire,weary 841.

worry,83 0.

fat igue,688.Tired,688,841, 869Tiresome,688,83 0,Tiresomeness,841Tissue,50,329T it,sma l l, 193Titb it,392.Tith e,99 .Titil la te,380Titil lation,380.Ti t le,distinct ion,877.

name, 564.


rig ht,924.Tit lepage, 66.Tit led,875.Titter,laug h ,838.Titt le,smal l quantity,32.l i tt le, 192.

T itiib ation,

fa l l, 3 06.T itular,562,564.

T o and fro,2 14.

T o arms,722 .Toas t,roas t, 384.

celebrate,83 3 .Tocs in,a larm,669 .

indica tion, 550.

T oe,2 11.Togeth er,added,37.

s imul taneous ,120.

accompanying ,88.Toil,exer tion,686 .

ac tivity,682.trap, 667.

craft,702 .T0 i l ing, 682.Token,550.To lerab le,651 .To lerab ly,32 .To leran ce,permis s ion,761.endurance,821.

I N D EX .

To leran t,740,826.To lerate,endure,821.permit,760.licens e,750.lenity,740.lax ity,738.To leration,la xity,738.licens e,750.permis sion,760To l l,

“ sound,407.

ta x ,812 .To l l ing,3 63 .Tomah awk,727 .Tomb ,3 63 .Tome,593 .Tomfoo lery,absurdity,497.

ridiculous , 856.amus ement,840.To~morrow, 121.Tomtit,193 .Tone,s tate,7.

s trength , 159.melody,413 .mins trels y, lor,428.Tongue,390,560.Tongue of land,342.Tongueless,58 1.Tonguet ied,581.Tonic,662.Tonnage,192 .Tonsure,999

T oo 3 7.Too l,63 3 .Too th ,proj ect ion,notch, 257.

s harp,253 .link,45.ta s te,3 90.Too th ed,257.T op,summit,2 10.

sp inn ing , 3 12.

g ood,648.Topaz-co lor,43 6 .Topga l lan t,206 .Tope, 959.Toper,959 .Toph eavy,inverted,2 18.

dang erous ,665.

unba la nced,28.Topic,454.Topica l,183 .Topmas t,206 .Topmas t,3 3 ,2 10.Topo graph y, 183 .Topping,206.T op le,

fall,3 06 .

ruin,659.Topple over,28,218,Topp l ing,3 06.


T ops awyer,700.Topsy turvy,59,218.423 .Torch ,Torch l igh t,420.Tormen t,

phys ical ,3 78.mora l,828,830.Tormen ting,830.Tornado,vio lence, 173 .wind 3 49.Torpedo,683Torpid,iner t,ins ensib le,823inac tive, (3 3 .Torpid ity,inertnes s , 172 .

ins ensib i li ty,823 .Torpo r,ins ens ib i li'ty, 823ina ctivity,683 .

T orret'

action,3 84.

3 84.Torrent,flow,348.vio le nce,173 .Torrid,3 82.Tors ion,3 11.Torto is e,275 .Torto ise sh e l l,440.Tortuos ity,248.Tortuous ,248.Torture,physica l,378.

mora l,828,83 0.Tos s,os ci ll ate,3 14ag ita te,3 15.derang e,6 1 .Tos s up, 156 ,621Toss ing,3 14.To ta l ,50.To ta l ity, 50.To ta l ly,3 1.To tter,limp,275.

os ci ll ate,3 14.

ag ita te,3 15.

waver,149.decay,659.T otten ng,dang erous ,665 .

imperfect,651.Touch ,tact,3T) .


ity,199 .

fto re ate to,9.

mus ic,415.mix ,41.reach ,729.

sma ll quan tity,32.trea t on , 595.exci te,824.p ity,914.tes t,463 .Touch up,658.Touch ed,82 1.

Townsh ip,181.Townsman, 188.T ownta lk,532.T oy,amusemen t,840.Trace,inquire,,480.

ves tig e,550,551Trace to,155.Tracery,la ttice,2 19.orn amen t,847.Traces,h arnes s ,45.

T rac l iea,351Track,way,627.

to trace,461 .pursue,622.Track less ,d ifiicult,704.

space, 180.Trac t,regi on, 181.dis s er ta tion,596Trac t oftime, 109Tractab le,e ,asy l leab le,3 24.Trac tate,595 .Trac tab lenes s ,705.Trac tile,eas y,705 .

mal leab le,324.Trac t il ity,mal leabi l ity,324.readines s ,705.Trac tion,270,285.Trade,busines s. 625.


Trade,trafiic,794.Trade wind,349.Trader,797.Tradesman,797.Tradit ion,record,551.description,594.

Trad itiona l,594.I‘rad itionary,594.


raduce,93 2.Traducer, 93 6.Traffi c, 794.

T raged ian,599Tragedy,drama,599.

dis a s ter,830.

I‘ragic,d is tressing ,830.drama tic,599 .Tragi~comic 599 .Tram-comedy,856.Tra il ,s equel,65 .pendent, 2 14.draw, 285.

s low,275.indication, track,461.Train,s eries ,69.

th oug h t,451.s equel,65.

appendix,3 9.trac tion,285.

tea ch ,537.accus tom,613 .dril l , 673 .Trainband,726.Trained,673,698.Training,dril ling ,673 .taming ,370.Trait,appearance,448.l ineament,550.Traitor, 941.disob edient,742

T ramme l,fet ter, 752.res train,751.h inder,706 .Tramon tane,dis tant, 196 .Tramp,to s tro ll,266 .Trample,vio la te,927.

bul ly,885.spam,930.Trance,inactivity 683 .Tranqui l,calm, 174,826.peaceful,721.quiet,265.

fra terna l, pacify,723 .Tranquil l ity,265.

Tranquil lization,174.

I N D EX .

Tranquil l ize,72 3Tranquilnes s,826Transa c t,conduc t, 692.

traflic,794 .Transac tion,151,680,769 .Transa lpine,196.Trans cend,0 beyond,3 03e g rea t,3 1 .

be perfect,650.Transcenden ce,g oodnes s ,648.trespas s ,3 03 .Trans cenden t,g rea t,3 1,3 3 .


g ood,648.

g lorious ,873 .

incomprehens ib le,519.Trans co late,3 48.Trans cribe,

wri te,9590.



ligcriber, 590.Trans crib ing, 19.Transcript,write,





Tméurs ion,3 03 .Transept ofchurch ,cros s ing , 219,1000.Transfer,th ing s,270.

proper ty,783 .

remove, 185.T ransferrence,270.Transfigura tion,divine,140,998.

T ransfignre,140.Transfix,perforate,260.Transform,140.Transforma tion, 140.Transfuse,transfer,270.

mix ,41.trans late,522.Transfusion,41.Transgress ,go b eyond, 3 03 .

infring e,773 .

Transgress ion,trespas s ,303 .

infri ngemen t,773 .

vio la tion,927.

s in,947.Transien t, 111,149.Trans ilience,146,03 .3Trans il ien t,303 .Trans it, 140, 144,

270264,Trans it ion, 111,140,

144,264.Trans itional ,264.Trans itory,111.

Trans late,interpret,522.tra nsfer,270.Prans lation,in terpreta tion,522.transferrence,270.

h eaven,981.Trans lucen t,425 .

T ransmigrauon, 140,

Transmiss ion,moving , 270.

ofproper ty,783 .pas s ag e,3 02.Transmit,425.Transmontane,196.Transmutation,140,144.Transmute, 140,144.Transparency, 425.Transparent,425.clear,570.

obvious , 518T ranSpicuous,425.Transpierce,260Trans pire,appear,525.dis cl ose, 529.Transp lan t, 185, 270.Transp lantat ion,270.

T ransplend ence,420.Transp lenden t, 420Transport,transfer,185,270.s hip,273 .

emotion,82 1,824.p leasure,827, 829.Transporta tion,270.Transported,827.Transpose,displace, 185.invert,218.

transfer,270.excha ng e, 148.Transpos ition,removal ,185.

invers ion,2 18.

excha ng e,148.Transude,ooze,295.

exude,348.Transverse,2 17.Transverse ly,2 19.Transvers ion,219.Trap,667 .Trap doores cape,671.pitfa l l,667Trapping,cl othes ,225.

ornament,847ins trument,6ifi .Trappings,39 .



Trave 2 15.T ravel 266.Trave ller,mTraverse,move,266.pas s,3 02.

abstract,706.Traves t,copy,21 .

to imita te, 19.mis interpret, 523 .bur les que,Travis ,2 15.Tray, 191.Treach erous ,940.Treach ery,940.

'l‘reacle, 3 96 .Tread, 197,266.Tread le,63 3 .Treadmil l,972.Treas on,revolt,742.trea ch ery,940.Treasure,money,800.s tore,63 6.perfec tion, 650.Treasureup in thememory,505.Treasurer,801.Treasury,802.

s tore,63 6.Trea t,manag e,692.barg ain,769.

hand le,595 .

amuse,840.p leas e,827.Trea tise,595.Trea tmen t,692.Trea ty,769.Treb le,number,93 .mus ic,410,413 .Tree,p lant,367.

execution,975.Tre l l is 219.Tremb le,agi ta te,3 15 .

with cold,385waver , 149.with fear,860.

with emotio n,Tremb l ing,wavering ,149.

fearful 860.Tremendous,grea t,3 1 .fearful ,860.Tremor,ag ita tion,3 15.feeling ,821.fear,860.Tremulous,a g itation,3 15.feel in 82 1.

fear,560.Trench ,furrow,259.


Tue,s h ip,273Tuition,537.Tul ip,440.Tumb le,ful l ,3 06.

derang e,6} , ita te,3 15.Tumb ler,glas s , 19 1.

a non,844.

'1 1m l ing,856'l

'uinb rel ,272.Tumefac tion,194.



nmerous,250.Tumid, 192 .Tumor,250.Tumul t,disorder, ita tion,3 15.

res is tance, 719.excitement,825.

emotion,82 5 .revo l t,742 .Tumul tuary,59.Tumul tuation,3 15.Tumul tuous,59.Tumulus,3 63 .Tunab le,413 .

Tune,mus ic,413 ,415 .

to pre are,673 .Tunel'u 413 .Tunic,cover, 223 .dres s . 225.Tunic le,cover, 223 .dres s ,225 .Tunnage, 192.Tunne l,260.Turb an,225 .Turb id,opaque,426.foul, 653 .Turb idnes s,426Turb inated,248.Turbulence,vio lence, 173 .

ag ita tion,3 15.

exc ita tion,825.Turbulen t,disorder ly,59.

v io lent, 173 .exc ited,825 .Tureen, 191.Turf,3 44,728.Turges cen ce,ex panswn,194.redundance,641.

Turgescen t,expanded,194.

redundant,64 l .exagg era ted,549 .

Turgul, 192,549.Turg id ity,s ize, 192 .

pompos ity,577.


Turmo il,confus ion,59.

ag i ta tion,3 15.

vi o lence, 173 .Turn,s ta te,7.

juncture, 13 4.


of expres s ion,566 .

period of time, 138.

curva ture, 2 45.

coi l,248.devia tion,279.circuition,3 11.b lunt,254.

ro tation,3 ang e, 140.

trans la te,522purpose,620.

ap ti tude,098.emo tion,820.Turn away,diverg e,dismis s,756.Turnco at,941.

Tum out,h appen , 151.ej ec t,297.equipag e,852Turn over,

ins er t,2 18.derang e,61.pag es ,457.

reflect,45 l .Turn round,3 12 .Turn up,happen, ance,62 1.Turning,3 11.Turning po in t,67.Turn to, 144.Turnpike road,627.Turns, 138.Turpitude,dis h onor,940.disg race,874.Turret,206.Tus h ,s ilence,403 .

taciturn,585.Tusk,253 .Tute lage,664.Tutelary,664,912 .Tutor,tea cher, teach,53 7.Twad d le,absurdity,497.loquaci ty,584.

wang,tas te,392.s ound,402,410.T vo ice,583 .

wa t t le,ta lk,584. U‘

j arg on,497 Ub erty,63 9.Tweak, Ub iquitous, 180,186.s queeze,195,203 . Ub iquity, 186.punis h,972. Ug l ines s,846 .Tweed le,215. Ug ly,846.

Twe lfth ,99.Twelve,98.Twen ty,98.Twice,90.Twig,5 1.Twrl ig l it,morning , 125 .

evening , 126 .

gr ay,43 2 .Twil l,2 19, 258.


I‘wil led ,219.Twin,dup l ica te,89.

s imilar, 17Twine,th read,45.e'


inters ect,219.convo lution,248.c ling ,46.Twinge,pa in,3 78.

Twming . 2 19,3 11.

Twink l ing,momen t, 113 .Twirl,3 IS.convo lute 248.turn,3 11 3 12.Twis t,cord,45.dis tor t,243 .

ob l iquity,2 17.

convoluti on,248.bend,3 1 1.imperfec tion, 651.prejudice,481.Twis ting,3 11Twit, 93 2.Twitch ,pul l,285.Twitter,

Tympanum,418.T y tnpany, 194.Type,pa ttern,22.rule,80.indica tion. 550.prin ting ,591.Typh oon, 173 .Typica l,52 1.

T ypi l'

y,550.Typograph y,591.Tyrannize,73 9.Tyranny,739.Tyrant,745.Tyre, 541.

U .cer,dis eas e,655.U l terior,in space, tune, 121.U l timate


U l tra,3 3 .

U l tramarine,438.U l tramontane,198U l tramundane,

196 .

U lulation,412 .

Umb il ica l,222.Umb ra ge,shade,424.

darknes s ,421.pate,889.

afi ence,900.


unhash ed,bo ld,861.h aug h ty,873 .proud,878.ins o lent, 885.

concei ted,880.Unab a ted,3 1.Unab le, 158.

Unacceptab le,83 0.Unacceptab lenes s,

83 0

Unaccommodating,dis agr eeing ,uncivi l,895.thank les s ,830.

naccompanied ,87Unaccmnpl ished ,71‘snaccountabl e,obs cure,5 19.

wonderful,870.arb itrary, 964.

irrespons ib le 927.naccus tomunus ed,6 14,unskil l ed,699.unusua l,83 .

Una ch ievab le,d ifiicult, 794.

impos si b le, 471.Unacknnwled ged,ig nored,489.

unrequited,917 .

Unacquainted,491.Unacquaintod ness,

49 1.

Unac tua ted,6 16.

Unadmon ish ed,Unad omed ,s imp le,849.s tyle. 575 .

Unadul tera ted,s imp le,42 .

g e nuine,494.

g ood,648.

nnd venturousUnadvisa b le 64Unadvised ,665,699Unaffec ted,ca llous,376.

Unaffected,g enuine,494.


s incere, 543 .

in g ood ta s te, 850.Unaffl ic ted,83 1.Una ided,weak, 160.

unsuppor ted, 708.

Unalarmed,86 1.Una l ienab le,92 4.Una l layed , 159.Una l l ied, 10.Unn l lownb le, 92 3 .

Una l lowed,923 .

Una l loyed,827.

Una l luring,866 .Una l terab le,id e ntica l, 13 .

unch ang ed,unch an a eab le,150.

Una l tere

iden t ica l,13 .

unch a ng ed, 142 .

unch ang ea b le,150.Unamazed ,871.Unamb iguous,518.

Unambmous,866.Unamiab le,907.Unanimity,a ccord, sent,488.

nanne x ed ,44.

Unanswerab le,demons tra t ive,478.certa in,474.

irrespon s i b le,927.

arb i trary,964.

Unamicipated , 132.

Unappa l led, 861.Unapparent,invis ib le, tent,Unappeasab le, 173 .

Unapp l ied ,678.

Unappreh ended, 491.Unappreh ens ive,861.Unappn zed ,49 1.

Unapproac h ab le,d is tant, 196 .

grea t,3 1.Unapproach ed,dis ta nt,,3 1 .

Urgpprovcd ,Un apt,incong ruous,24.inexped ient,G47 .

unski lful,G99 .

Unarmed, 158, 160.l inarranged ,in di s order,59.

unpre pa red, 674.Unarrayed ,849.

Unas certmned ,491.

Unas ked ,vo lun tary,600,602Unaspiring,ind lfl


erent,866 .

modes t,881.

I N D EX .

Unas sailab l e,664.Unassailed,748.

Unas semb led,73 .

Unas s is ted, 160,708 .

Unas soc iated,44.

Unas suming,88 1.Una toned ,951 .

Una ttach ed,44.

Unnttama b ie,d lfi cult,704.

impos s ib le,Unat tained,73 52.Unattempted,Unattended,87.

Unattended to,460.Una ttes ted,counter evidence,


unrecorded,552.Una ttrac ted,6 16,868.

Una ttrac tive,866.Unauth en tic,475.

Unauth en t icated,552.

Unauth orita tive, 474Unauth orized,undue,925 .

wrong , 923 .

s lack,738.lawles s ,964.

Unavailing,useles s,645.

fa i lure,732 .

Unavo idab le,n ecess ary,601.fa ted, 152 .certa in ,474.



ig noran t,491.impuls ive,601.Unawares,508.

Unawed,86 1.Unb a lanced,28.

Unb ar,750.

Unb eaten,73 1.Unb ecoming,undue,925 .

base, 874.

disg raceful,940.incongruous ,24.

Un befi tting,undue,925.

bas e,874.disg raceful,940.

incong ruous ,24.

Unbefriended,708.Unb ego t ten,2 .

Unbegui le,529.Unb eguiled,490.Unb egun ,674.

Unbeh e ld,447.Unb e l ief,485.

infidel i ty,988.


Unbe l iever,i ncredulous 487.

infidel,988Unbe l ieving,465.



Unb end,s traig h ten,246.repos e,687

Unbendmg,h ard, 3 23 .

t hemind,452 .

res o lute,604.s tra ig h tforward,282 .

Unben igl ited ,490.Un ben t,246,452.

Unbeseeming, 940.Unb esough t,602 ,766.Unbes towed,785.

Unb etrayed, 93 9.

Unb ewa iled,932.Unb ias ed,wis e,498.spon taneous, 602.jus t,480.'uninfluenced,616.Un b idden,spontaneous, 600.Unb igo ted,490.

Unb ind,deta ch ,44.

releas e,750.

Unb lamab le,946.Unb lemis h ,946 .

Unb len ch ing,861.Unb lended,42.Un b les t,828,932 .

Unb lus h ing,impuden t,885.proud,878.

new,880.Unb oas tful,881.Unbod ied,3 17 .

Unb o l t,44,750.Unb orn,future, 121.not ezzs tin 2 .

Unborrowe 787Un b osom,529.

Unbough t,796,942 .

Un b ound,free,748.

exemp t,927.

Unb ounded,g rea t,3 1 .larg e, 192.

infi n i te, 105.

space, 180.Unb race,weaken,160.Unb reath ed,526.Unb rib ed, 942.Unb rid led,la r,738.


Unb roken,entire,50.con tinuous,69.

unvio la ted,939.Unb ruis ed ,50.Unbuckle,44.

Unburdened,705.Unbus ied , 683 .


Uncalculatiog,863 .

Unca l led for,useles s ,645.

no tus ed,678.

Un cand id,mor os e,907.

ins incere,544.

Uncared for,i nd ifi erent,866.dis l iked, 867.

h ated , 898.Unease,226 .

Uncaugh t,748.


Unceas ing, 1 12,13 6Uncensured,93 1.Unceremonious,rude,895.

va in,880.

Un certain,475.

irregular, 139.

vag ue,519.Uncerta in ty,vaguenes s ,519.

irregular i ty, 13 9.doub t,485.

Unch am,

unfas ten,44.l ibera te,,748.

Unch ained,748.Un ch angeab le,fi rm, 150,604.Unch angeab leness,permanence, rmness ,604.

Unch anged, 142 .

Unch aritab le,907.Unch aritab leness,

907 .

Unch artered ,Unch as te, 96 1.Un ch as t ised,970.Unc h ecked,748.

Unch eert’

ul,83 7.

Unch ris tian,988.Uncircumspec t,4C0Unc ivil,rude,895.

impo lite,851.vulg ar,876.

Unciv il ized,rude,895.

“vulg ar,876.

Unc laimed,748.

Unc lasp,44.

Unc lass ed,59.Unc las s ica l , 85 1Unclas srfied ,59.

Un c lean,653 .

Unc leannes s,653 .Unc l inch ,44.

Unc l ipped,50.Unc log,705,750.Unc los e,260.Unc lo th e,226 .

Unc louded,lig h t,420.

j oyful,827.

Unc lutch , 790.Uncoif,226


Unco il,s tra ig h ten,246.evo lve,3 13 .

Unco l lec ted,73 .

Unco lored,Uncombed,85 1Uncomb ined,Un come l iness,Ea lUncome ly,846.Un comfortab le,annoyed,828.

annoying ,83 0.Cncommend ab le,b ad,945 .

b lamab le,93 2.Un common,ra re, 83 .

s trang e, 870.Un commo n l y,3 1.Uncommunica tive,c los e,585.concea l ing ,528.

Uncommun icativeness ,528 .

Uncompa c t, 322.Uncompas s ionate,

907.Uncompe l led,600,748.

Uncompla is an t,895.

Uncompleted ,73 0,732Uncomply ing,refus in rr

,764.di s obedien t,742 .

ncompound ed ,42 .

Un compres sed,rare,322 .

Uncompromis ing,82,Unconceived,unmeaning ,517.Unconcern,866.

Un conco c ted,674.

Uncondemned,970.Un cond itional,762,a.768,a .

Unconducing,176.Unconduc ive,176.

Un conduc ted , 6 12 .

U nco nducting, 176.

Unconfined ,748.

Unco nfirmed,475.

Unconformab le,dis ag reeing ,24.irregular,83 .

Unco nformab lencss ,83 .


used ,c lea r,5 18.methodica l,58.Unconfuted,true, 494.

demons tra ted,478Uncongealed,33 3 .Uncongen ia l,d isag reeing ,24.

ins a la bri ous ,657d nconnected ,irrelatwe, 10.

d is continuous ,70.

Unconquetab le,157

I N D EX .


Unconsen ting,refus ing , 764 .

unwil l ing ,603 .

Uncons c ionah le,excess ive, 3 1.unpr ineipled,945.

nconscious,ins en s ib le,823 .

ig norant,491.Uncons ciousnes s ,491.Uncons idered, 452.Unconso l idated ,47.Un consonan t,24.

Unconspicuous, 477526 .

Uncon s titutional,925,964

Uncons trained,free,748.

wi l ling ,600.


Um:onsumed ,rema in ing ,40.


id 474

Uncon trad ic ted ,$ 38.

Uncon trite, 951.Un con tro l lab le,vio len t, 173 .


Uncon tro l led,748,825.

Uncontroverted, 488.

Un conversan t,ig nora n t,49 1.unski l led,699.

Unconverted ,489.

Unconvin ced ,489.Uncopied ,20.Uncork,750.


Uncourteous ,895 .

Uncourtlmess ,895.Uncoun ly,895.

Uncouth ,ug ly, 846rid iculous, 853s tyle,579vulg ar,Uncouth nes s,ug l ines s ,846.s tyle,579.Uncover,open,260.

denude,226.d is c los e, 529.Uncrea ted,2 .

Uncropped,50Un c tion,emo tion, 824.p iety,987.

rel ig i ous ,9 7 6,998.

Un c tuous ,O l ly, 355.

fla ttering ,93 3 .

Unc tuos i ty, 3 55.

Unc tuousnes s,3 55 .

Un cul led,678,782.Unculpab le, 946.

Uncul tivated,ig nora n t,491.unprepared,674.

Uncurbed ,748.

Uncurl,246 .

Uncus tomary,614.Uncut, 50.


Undamped ,3 40.Unda ted,t ime, 1 15.Undaun ted,86 1.Undaz z led , 498.

Undebauch ed, 946.Undecayed,648.

Undecei ve,527 529.


Undec ided,461,475,605.

Undec iph erab l e,5 19.

Undec ked,849 .

Undecomposed,42.Undefaced,845 .

Undefended,725Und efi led ,946 .

Und efinab le,unmeaning ,517.obs cure,5 19.

uncerta in,475.Undefined,unmean ing , 517.

obs cure,5 19.

uncer ta in,475.


Undemo l is h ed,entire, 50.

g ood, 648.Undemons trab le,475.Undeniab le,474.


Undepraved,946.Undeprived,781.Under,below, 207.les s ,3 4.

Underb reath ,405.Underb red,85 1.Undercurren t,3 47.

Underes t imate,483 .

Und eres timntion,483 .

Underfoo t, 207.

Undergo,82 1.Underground,low,207.deep,208 .

Underh and, 528Underl ine,mark, 550.

empha tic,642.

Underl ing,s ervant,746.c lown,876.

Underl in ing,550.

Underly ing, 207.Undermine,burrow,262 .

counteract, 706.dama g e, 659.

depres s,252.

Under z'

ned,156 .

Undermos t,2 11.Underneath ,207.

Underpin,2 15 .

Underplo t,626 .

Underprop,2 15.

Underra te,483 .

Underreckon,483 .

Underse l l,796.

Unders ign,590.

Unders ize,Unders ized, 193 .

Unders tand,know,490.

meaning ,516 .

in tel l ig ib le,518.Unders tand ing,in tel lect, 450.

knowledg e,490.

a a recmen t,714.U h ers tood ,imp l ied,5 16.metaph orica l,Unders trapper,746 .Undertake,promis e,768.pursue,022.

endea vor,676.Undertaking,en terpr is e, 676.pursuit,622 .

bus ines s ,625.


Underva lue,483 .

Underwood, 3 67.


Undes cribed,83 .Undeserved,925 .

Undes igned ,601,Undes ign ing,Und cs irab le,83 0,Undes ired,866 .

U nd es imns,866.Und espairl ng,858.Undes troyed,wh o le,5 3 .pers is ting , 142exis t ing , 1.nd etermined ,irres o lute,605.un tried,461.obs cure, 5 ance, 156 .

Undeve loped,la ten t,526Undevia ting,prog res s ion,282.

s tra ig h t,246,278mid cours e,629.unchang ed, 150.Undevout,988.Undiges ted,una rrang ed,5crude,674 .

Und tgn l ficd ,940.

1 Und imin is h ed,wh o le,50.

g reat,3 1,3 5.Und irec ted,deviating ,279 .

casua l,621


Ungen teel,rude,895.Ungent le,rude,895.

vio lent,173 .

Ungent leman ly,vulg ar, 85 1.rude,895 .dishonora b le,940Ungifted,499.


Ung lue,44,47.

Ungod lmes s,988.Ungod l y, 988.

Ungovernab le,v io lent, 173 .pas s ion,825.

Ungoverned,748.Ungraceful,ug ly,846 .

vulg ar,851.ngrac ious,unc ivi l,895.unfriend ly,907Ungrammat ica l, 568.

Ungran ted ,764.Ungranting, 764.



Ungrudging,816.Unguarded,neg lected,460.

dang erous ,665.

spontaneous , 6 12 .

Unguen t,3 56.

Unguided, 699.Unguil ty,946 .

Unh ab itab le, 187.

Unh ab ituated, 6 14.

Unh ackneyed,6 14,699.

Unh a l lowed,profane,989.Unh andsome,940.Unh andy,699.

Unh appines s ,828.J nh appy,828.

Unh ardened,peniten t,950.innocent,946 .

Unh armed,664.

Unh armonious,dis cord,414.

incong ruous ,24 .

Unh arness,disj oin, 44.l ibera te,750.Unh a tch ed,674.Unh azarded,664Unh ea l th y,al l,655.

unwh o les ome,657.Unh eard of,ig norant,491.exceptiona l,83 .

imposs ib le,471 .

wonderful, 870.

Unh eeded,460.

Unh elped,708.

Unh eal tatmg,604.

I N D EX .

Unh ewn,formles s ,241.unprepared,674.

Unhmd ered ,free,748.Unh inge,weaken, 169.derang e,6 1.

Unh ing 732 .

relax,Unh o l iness ,988.Un h o l y,988.Unh onored,874.

Unh ook,44.

Un h oped, 508 .

Unh orse,732.Unh orsed,73 2.

Unh oused, 185.Unhurt,670.

Unicorn,mons ter,83 .Un idea l ,true,494.

e1 is ling , 1.Uniform,h omog eneous,16 .

s imp le,42 .

order ly,58.

reg ular,82 .

symmetr ica l,242.l ivery,225.Un iformity,in order,58.

in usag e,80.

inform,242 .

Un iformly, 16.Unil luminated, 42 1.Un imagined, 1,494.

Un lmitated ,20.

Un impa ired,preserved,670.

s ound,648.

Un impas s ioned,826.Un impeach ed,innocen t,946.prais ed,93 1.

Un impel led,6 16.Un importan t,643 .

Unimpress ed,82 3 .Un impress ib le,823 .

Unimproved, 659.

Unin cited,616 .

Unincre ased,3 6.

Un induced, 6 16.

Unmfected ,652 .

Uninfec t ious ,656 .

Uninfluenced ,obs tina te,606,6 16.

Un influential , 172.Uninformed,491.Un inh ab i tab le, 187.

Uninh ab ited, 187.

Uninitiated, 699 .

Un injured,g ood,648.pres erved. 670.

h ea l th y, 654.

Jn inqnis itive, 456 .

Jninspired ,unexcited,823 .

Un inspired,unactua ted, 6 16.

Un ins truc ted, 49 1.Un in tel lec tua l,imbeci le,452,499 .

Un in tel l igen t,499.Un inte l l ig ib le ,

s tyle,5 l9,571.Unin te l l igib leness ,

5 19.

Unin tended,601 .

Unin ten tiona l,601,62 1.

Unin teres ted ,841.Unin teres t ing,841.Unin termi t ting,unb roken,69.

durab le, 110.con tinuing , 143 .


Unin terrupted,continuous,69.

unremztting , 143 .

Un inured,6 14.

Uninven ted ,526 .

Un inves tiga ted,491.Uninvited,893 .Union,junction,43 .comb ina tion,48.con cord,23 ,714.concurrence, 178.

ma rri ag e,903 .

n iq'ue,

al one,87 .

excep tiona l, 83 .

Unirritatmg, 174.

Unison,ag reemen t,23 .concord,714.

uniformi ty, 16 .

melody,413 .

Unisonan t,413 .


Un ite,j o in,43 .league,7 12.comb ine,48.

ag r ee,23 .concur, 178.

as s emb le, 72.converg e,290.

Unity,s ing lenes s ,87.concord, 714.

divine, 976 .

in teg rity,50.

Un iversa l,78.

Universe,3 18.

Univers ity ,542 .

Unjus t,92 3 ,925 .

Unjus tifiab le,923 ,592.

Unjustified,923 ,925

Unkempt,s lovenly, 653 ,851.Unkenne l,turn our, 185.Unkind,907.

Unknown,ig noran t, ten t,526 .

to fame,874.Un labo red,s tyle,578.

Un la ce,44.

Un lad c,270,297.Un lady l ike,vulg ar,851.Urude,895.



Un latch ,44 .

Un lawful,undue,925 .

i l leg a l,964.

Un lawfulness,unduenes s ,925.

unjus tnes s,W3 .Un learn,506.Un learned,491.Un l es s,circums tances ,8.qua lifica tion, 469.condi tion,770.rule,83 .

Un le ttered,491.Un licensed,761.Un l ike, 18.

Un l ike l iness ,473Un l ikeness , 18.

Un l ike l y,473 .Un l imited,infini te, 105.

space, 180.g rea t,3 1.Unl ink,44 .

Un l iquefied , 32 1.Unh vely,dul l,843.Un load,unpa ck,297.

di s

encumber,705.empty,2 70.

Un loaded, 705.Un lock,unfas ten,44.

exp la in,462.Un locked for,132,


Un looseunfas ten,44.l ib era te,750.

Un loved,898.

Un lucky,inopportune, 135 .pa inful ,83 0.

fa i l ing ,73 2.unfor tuna te,luck les s , 828.

ba d ,649.

Unmaimed,654.Unmake, 145 .

Unmanageab le,pervers e,704.

unwiel dy,647.Unman ly,940.Unmanned ,weak, 160.

Unmanned.sad ,837


Unmannerl y,895.


s ound,654.pres erved,670.Unmarried,904.

Un inzisk,sh ow,525.disc los e, 529.Unmatch ed,unpara l leled,20.d is s imi lar, 15, 18.

Unmeaning, 5 17.

Unmean t, 5 17.Unmeasured,abundan t,63 9.

infi nite, 105.

un di s t i'nguis h ed,465, a.

Unmed ita ted,impuls ive,612.casua l, 62 1.


Unmelod ious ,414.

Unme l ted,3 2 1.Unmen t ioned,526 .

Umnerc ifnl, 907,914, a .

Unmeri ted , 925.

Un ineth od ica l ,59.

Unmmdfnl ,ung ra teful,458,460, 9 17.

Unmindfulnes s,458.

Unming led,42 .

Unmissed, 460.

Unmis takab le,c lear,5 18.

vis ib le,446 .

Unmit igab le, 173 .

Unmixed,42 .

Unmod ified, 142.Unmo les ted,83 1.Unmourned,898.Unmoved,quies cen t,255.

reso lute, 6 14 .

obs tinate,606.torp id,823 .

un induced,6 16.Unmus ica l 4 14.

Unmuzz led,748.

Unn amed,565.

Unna tura l ,83 .

Unneces s ary, 645.Unneeded,645 .

l l nnerved , 158, 160

Unno ted,neg lected,406.

ig nob le,874.

Un not iced,neg lected,406.ig nob le,874.

Unnumb ered , 103 .Unnurtured,674.Unobjec

’tienab le,651

I N D EX .

Unobnox ious,648.

Unob scured,420.Unob served,460.

Unob servan t, 458.Unob s truc ted,free,709 748 .c lear,705.

Unob ta inab le, 471.Unob ta ined,776.

Uno b trus ive,881.Uno ccupied,vacan t, 187.

unth inking ,452.inactive,683 .

Unoffended,humb le,879.Unoffi c ia l,964.

Unoften, 137 .

Unopened,26 1.Unopposed,709.

Unorgan ized,minera l,3 58.

unprepared,674.Unornamen ted,s tyle,576,846,849.

Unos ten tatious,881.Unpacnfieri,713 .


Unpalatah le,uns avory,3 95.

d is a g reeab le,830,867

Unpulatab leness,395.

Unpara l leled,g rea t, 3 1 .

exceptiona l, 83 .

unma tch ed,20.

Unpardo nab le , 945.

Unpatriot ic,9 1 1.Unpeaceful,722 .

Unpenetra ted,261.Unpeople, 185.

Unperceived,latent,526 .

neg lected,460.

unknown,Unperformed,73 0.

Unperjured , 93 9.


Unpersuadab le, 606.

Unph ilosoph ica l,499.


Unpitymg,ruth les s ,907.

an ry,900.

Unp casan t, 83 0Unpleasan tnes s , 83 0.

Unpleasmg,83 0.Unpoetica l, 598.

Unpo l is h ed,rude,895.

vul irar,851.Unpol ite,895.

Unpol luted, 648.

Unpopular,830, 867.Unpos ses s ed,776 .

Unpri ictiscd ,699.

Unprecedented . 83 .


Unprejud iced,480,498

Unpremed itated,impuls ive,6 12 .

unprepared,62 1,674.Unprepared,674.

Unpreposs es sed,498.

Unpresentab le,851.Unpretend ing,881.Unprevented ,748.

Unprinc ipled,945.

Unprivileged,925.Unprized,483Unproc l aimed,526.

Unproduced, 162.Unproduc tive,barren, 169 .

us eless ,645.

Unproduc tiveness,barrennes s, 169.

inuti lity,645.

Unprofic xency,699.

Unprofitab le,useless , 645.



unproductive, 169.Unprofi tab lenes s ,barrenncs s, 169.

us eles snes s, 645.Unprol ific, 169.

Unpromismg,859 .

Unprompted,6 12 .

Unpronounced,526 .

Unpropitious,i l l—timed, 13 5 .

inauspic ious,859.


Unpro s perous,735.

Unpro tected , 665 .


Unprovided,s canty,640.unprepared,674.

Unprovoked,6 16 .

Unpub l is h ed,Unpunctual,tardy,13 3 .

un t imely,135 .

irregular, 13 9.

Unpunis h ed,970.

Unpurch ased , 796 .

Unpurified,653 .

Unpurpos ed,62 1.Unpursued,624.

Unqua l ified,inexper t,699 .

un en tit led, 925.


Unquel led,173 .

Unquench ed,fi erce, 173 .

burning , 3 82.Unques tionab le,474.

Unques t ioned,certain,474.

ag reed upon,488.

Unquiet,825 .


Unravel,un tie,44.s tra ig h ten,246.s o lve,462 .decompos e,49.dis cover,482.interpret,522.

to dis embarras s,705.

to arrang e, 60.a rrang ed,58.

Unrave l led,58 .

Unreach ed, 3 04.

Unread ,49 1.Unready,674.

Unrea l,non~ exis ting ,2 .

erroneous ,495.

iinag inam,515.

Unreasonab le,foo l is h ,499.

exorb itan t,814.unjus t, 923 .

i mpos si b le,471 .

erroneous ,495.

Unreasonab leness,923 .

Unrec laimed,951.Unreconcd ed ,7 13 .

Unrecorded,552 .

Unrecovered,659.Unreduced,3 1.Unrefined , 85 1.

Unref'ormed,951 .

Un refresh ed , 688.

Unrefuted,478,494 .

Unregarded,neg lected, 460.

urirespected ,929.

Unregis tered,552.

Unrela ted, 10.

Unrelen t ing,ma levo len t,907.

rel eng eful ,919.Unrel ieved ,83 5.



nrcmed ied ,651 .

Unrcmemb e:cd 506Un remitting,con tinuing , 110.

indus tr ious,682 .

Unremoved,184.Unrenewed , 142.


Unrepea led, 142Un repea ted,fewnes s . 103 .


Unrepentan t,951.Un repin ing,83 1.Unreplenis h ed,640.Unreported, 526 .

Unreprosscd ,173 .

Unreproac h ed ,946.Unreproved,946Unrequited ,owing , 806 .

ing ra t i tude,917.Unresen ted .

forg iven,9 18.


Unrese ted,endurzng ,Unresen t in g,Unreserved, 143.Unreservedness, 543 .

Unres is ting,743 .Un reso lved,005.

Unrespec ted,929.Unres t,moving ,264.

ch ang e, ang ea b le, 149.

Uh res to red,659, 688.

Uh res trained,free,748.

unencumbered, 705 .

Unres tric ted,undrmrn ish ed,3 1.

free,748 .

Unrevea led,Unrevenged,920.

Unreversed, 142,143 .

Unrevoked , 143 .

Unrewarded,Unridd le,s o lve,462 .


d rs clos e,529.

Unrigh teous,945.

Unrigh teousuess ,945.Unripe,674.

Unriva l led,648.Unn vct,44.

Unrob e,226 .

Unro l l,s tra ig h ten, 246.

evo lve, 3 13 .

d tsplay,unravel,47.

Un romzmtic,494.Unroof,226 .

Unroo t, 162.Unruffled,calm, 174.p lacid,826 .

unaJected,823 .


order ly,58.

Unruliness ,606.Unruly,dis obedient,742 .

obs tmate,606.Unsafe,665 .

Unsa luted,929 .


Unsanctioned,925 .

Uns a ted,865 .

Un sat isfac tory,dmpleas ing ,83 0,83 2.Unsatisfied,83 2 .

Unsavorines s,3 95.

Uns avory,395.

Uns canned,460.Uns ca th ed,654.

Unsc attered,72.'Jns ch oo led,i ll itera te, 491.uneduca ted,699 .

I N D EX .


Uns coured , 653 .

Uns creened ,665.

Uns crew,44.

Uns crupulous,940.Unsea l,529.

Unsearch ed,460.Unseasonab le,all -tzmed , 13 5.

inex ped tent,647.

inappropria te,94.Unseas onab leness,


Unseasoned,unprepared,674 .

unaccus tomed,614.

Unsea t,756.Unseconded,708.

Unseeml y,undue, 925.

vici ous ,945.

vulg ar, ly,846 .


Un seen,envis tb le,447.

neg lected,460.

Unse lfis h ,942 .

Un servicea b le,G45.

Unserviceab lenes s,647.

Unsett le,derang e,6 1.irreso lute,605.mutab le, 149.insa ne,503 .

Unse tt led , 149.


Uns h ack le,free,748.lib era te, 750.un tie,44.

Unsh ack led,748.Uns h aken,s trong , 159.

res o lute,604.

fa i thful,484.

Uns h apen,amorph ous , ly,846.Unsh ea th e,720.Uns h e l tered,665.

Uns lufting,143 .

Unsh ocked,823 .

Unsh orn ,50.

Unsh rink ing,determined,004.

courag eous ,861.Uns ifted,460.

Uns igh t l iness,Uns igh t l y,846.Unsinged,670.

Unskilful, (599 .

Unsk ilfulnes s ,699.Un s lacked,865 .

Unsmoo th ,256.Unsoc iab le,893 .Unsoc ia l ,893 .

Unsorled ,659

Unso ld, ‘

77 .

Unsuited ,inexpedient

,647.time, 135.

Unsul l ied,c lea n,652.h onorab le,939 .

guil t les s ,946 .

Unsung,526.Unsuppl ied, 640.Unsupported,weak,160.

oppos ed,708.

Unsuppre ss ed , 142 .

Un susceptl h il ity, 150Unsus ceptib le,823 .UnSl l Spcct ,484,

Unso lder,44,47U nso h cnted , 602Unso lncitous,866iUnso lved,526.UnSOph isticated ,s imp le,42.

g enuine,494.

g ood,648.


Unsough t,avo ided,023 .

unreques tcd,766.Unsound,imperfect,65 1.unh ea l th y,655.

s oph is tica l,477.

Unso undness,nsparing,63 9,816.

Uns peakab le,g reat, 3 1.

Uns pec ified,78.

Unspen t,678.

Unspied,526 .

Uns po iled,648.Unspoken,581 .

Unspo tted,cl ean,652.

innocen t,946.beaut iful,845 .

ns tab le,149,605 .

nstained ,c lean,h onorab le,93 9.Uns tatesman l ike,699 .

Uns teadfas t,605 .

Uns tead iness, 149 .

Uns teady,muta b le, 149 .

irreso lute,605, 607.dang erous ,665nstin ted ,63 9.

nstopped ,open,260.continuing ,143 .

nstored ,640.

Uns trained,unexer ted, 172.

relaxed,687 .turb id,6 5 3 .

s imp le,5 16 .

nstrength ened, 160.

ns tmck,893 .

ns tmng, 160.

" s tud ied ,460.

Unsubdued,73 1.Unsubmissive,742 .

Unsub s tan tia l,rare,4,3 92 .texture,329.

imag inary,515.

erroneous , 495.Unsub s tantia l ity,4.

Unsuc cessful,732.Unsucces s ive,70.

Unsui tab le,incong ruous ,24.inexped ien t,647.time, 135 .


Unsuspec ting, 858.Unsuspic ious ,credulous ,486.

sure,484.h opeful,858.

Unsus tained,weak,160.

opposed, 708.Unswayed,6 16.Unswept,653 .Unswerving,s traig h t,246 .

determined,604.Unsymmetric,i rregular,59.

dis torted,243 .Unsys tematic,59.Un ta ck,44.

Untain ted,h ea l th y,654.pure,G52 .

h onorab le,93 9.

Unta lked of,526.Un tamed,rude,851.ferocious ,907.Un tang led ,58 .

Un tarnis h ed,939,946 .

Untas ted,39 1.Un taugh t,49 1.Untaxed,8 15 .

Unteach ,538 .

Unteach ab le,699.Un tempted,6 16 .

Un tenab le,weak,160.

undefended,725s oph is tica l,477.

Un tenan ted, 187.

Un th anked , 9 17.Un th ankful,9 1Unth awed,80 l td,3 2 ld, 3 83 .

Unth inking,452.Un th ough t of,neg lected,460.

uncon sidered,452.Un th reatened,664.

Unth ril‘

tmess ,818.Un th rifty,prodig a l,818.



Vacancy,voidnes s ,4.

ab s ence, oug h t lessnes s,452 .

foo l is hnes s,499s cantines s ,640.

Vacant,vord ,4.

abs ent, 187.

th oug h t less, lish ,499.

s can ty,640.Vaca te, 187.

Vacation,685.Vac i l late,undula te, 3 14.waver,605.

Vac tl lating,149.Vacil lation,ch angeab lenes s,


undul a tion,3 14.wavering ,605.


ab s ence,187.inex is tencc,2.unintel l ig cnce,581.expanse, 180.Vacuous,4.

Vacuousnes s,7.Vacuum,void,4.

ab s ence,187.Vagabond,


wa nderer,268.Vagary,wh im,608.

a bsurdity,497.

imag ina tion,515.anti c,856.Vagrancy,266.

Vagrant,moving ,264.

fickle, 149.devious , 279.

roving , ler,268.

Vague,uncerta in,475.

ob scure, 519.s tyle,571.Vaguenes s,uncerta inty,475.

obs curity,513.s tyle,571.Vail,228.

‘Jai ls,809

I N D EX .

Vain,unrea l,2.unprofitab le,645.

conceited,880.unva lued,866 .

Va ing lorious ,h aug h ty,878.boas ting , in,880.

Va ing lo ry,boas ting ,878.vanity,880.Va le, 252 .

Va led ic t ion,departure,293 .courtes r 894.

Va led ic tory,293 .Va len tine,cour tsh ip,Va let,746.

Va letudinarian,655.Va l ian t,86 1.Va l ian tness,861.Va l id,s trong ,159.cog en t,467.powerful,157.

influen tia l, ica l,476.Va l id ity,power, 157.

reas on, 476.Va l ise, 19 1.Va l ley,252 .

Va lor,861.Va lorous,86 1.Va luab le,648.Va luation,480.

Va lue,812.price,

goodnes s ,648.

importance, measure,466 .

es timate,480.

Va lueless, 645.

Va lve,s top,263 .conduit,350.Vamp,658,673 .

Vamplform, 140.

Vampire,bane,663 .demon,980.Van,fron t,23 4.beg inn ing ,66 .

Vanda l,876 .

Vandal ism,851.Vane,550.Vanguard,fron t,234.

6.b e innin 6Vanish ,

g ,

disappear,449.peris h ,2 .

trans ien t,1 11.Van is h ed,2.Vanis h ing,449.Vanity,conceit,880.

Vanity,wor t h les snes s,645.

Vanquis h ,73 1.Vanquis h ed,732 .

Vantage ground, 175.

Vapid ,ins ip id,3 91.una ttract ive, 866.

s tyle,575.

Vapitlness,3 91.Vapo rer,887.

Vapo rizat ion, 336 .

Vapo ring, 885.

Vaporize,83 6.Vapo rous ,3 3 4.

Vaporous nes s,3 34.Vapor,gas ,33 4.

ab b le,303

ins olcncc,885.

to boas t, 884.

ch imera,515.


Variab le,cha ng eab le, 149.irres o lute,605 .

Variab leness ,149.Variance,d ifl

erence,15.dis agr eemen t,24.dis cord,713 .

Variation,non-imi ta tion, 20.mus ica l, 415.

irrela tion, 10.

chang e, 140.


Variega te,440.

Variega tion 440.

Variety,diference, 15.

excep tion,81.Various,d tfl



many, 102.Varlet,949.Varnish ,coat,223 .decora te,845,847.

soph is t 477.

fa ls ehood,544excus e,93 7.

Vary.d ifi

er, 15.

d .versify,18.


chang e, 140.

fluctua te, 149.

Varying, 15.

Vas cular, 191.Vase, 191.Vass a l,746 .

Vass a lage,749.Vas t,in quan tity,3in s i ze, 192.

Vas tness,in quan tity, 3in s ize,192 .


Va ticinate,511.Vatic ination,511.Vaul t,cel la r, 191.s epulch re,363 .

to leap,3 05,309.Vaul ting,superwr ity,3 11as pir in 865.

aunt,aunting, 884.Veer,regression,ch ange, a ng e intention,607.

Veering,283 .

Vegetab i l ity,364.

Vegetab le,3 65,3 67

Vegetarian,953 .

Vegeta te,ow, 194.

Vegetation,3 64.Vegetat ive,823.Veh emence,vio lence,173 .fee l ing ,82 1.emo tion,825.

Veh emen t,vio len t, 173 .

emotional ,825.s tyle,574.Veh ic le,272.Veil,mask,to co ncea l , ade,424.covermg ,225.

eiled , te nt,526.Vein,humor,602.afi ections, in,203 .

mine,636 .

Veined, 440.

Vel lum,590.

Ve lo cipede,272 .

Ve lo city,273 .

Ve lvet,s oft,255 .

p lus h ,256 .

cas e,705 .

phys ica l p leasure,277

morafpleasure,827Ve lve ty


Vengeance, 919Vengeful,919.

Verna l,937.


bane, 663 .

ma l ig nity,907Venomous,649Venomousness ,649.Vent,a irpipe, 351.emit,295.

Ventilate,perflate,3 49.dis cus s ,595 .c lean,652.

inquire,46 1.Ven tila t ion,sufllation,349.dis i nfec tion,652.

Ventilato r, 3 49.Ventric le, 191.Ven tricular, 191.Ventriloquism,580.Ven triloquis t,580.Ven ture,cha nce, try,675 .dang er,665.wager, 62 1.courag e,861Venturesome,da ring , 861 .

reck les s ,863 .

Ven turous,86 1,Venue, 183.Vorac ious,543 .

Verac ity,543 .

Veranda, 191 .

Verb a l,562 ,564,588.

Verh iage,Mus e,573 .

nons ens e,497.

Verbose,573 ,584.Verbo s ity,d ifi

’us enes s ,573 .

g arrulity, 584 .

Verdancy,43 5.

Verdan t,g reen,435 .

vs eratum,3 67.

Ver iet,opinion,480.s entence,969.

Verdure,435 .

Verecund ity,modes ty,881Verge,brink, 2 31.

to tend,278.con tribute, 176.Verger, 996 .

Vernier,466 .

Verifica tion,test,463 .warrant,771.

I N D EX .

Verify,m , .demons trate,478.judg e,480.warrant,771.Ven ly,pos i tively,32.truly,494.

Veris imil itude,472 .

Veritab le, 494.

Verity,494.Verjulce,3 97.

Vermicular,248,3 66 .

Vermiform,248.Vermi l ion,434.

Verminbase,876.unc lean, 653 .

Vernacular,82,560.Verna l,ear ly,12 3.spring , 125 .

Versat i l ity,149.Vers e,597.Versed, 698.

Vers ification,597.Vers ifier,597.

Vers ify,597.

Vers ion,522.Vertex,2 l 0.Vert ica l,2 12.

Vert ica l ity,2 12 .

Vertiginous , 3 12.

Vert igo,503 .Very, 3 1.Ves ic le,ce l l,191.coverin o ,223

g lob e,249.Vespers,998.

Ves se l,recipient, ip,273 .tube,260.Ves t,dres s, 225 .loca te, 184.

g ive,784.

Ves tibule,en trance,,

Ves tige,551.Ves try,conc lave,, 1000.

Ves ture,225.

Veteran,o ld, 13 0.

adep t,700.Veto,761.Vex ,83 0.Vexa tion,828.

Vexatious,83 0.Vexa tiousnes s,83 0.Via l,bott le, 191.wra th ,900.

Viands ,298.

Vibrate, 149,3 14.

43 1

Vibration,varia tion, 149.

os ci ll a tion,3 14.Vibrato ry,variab le, 149.pendulous ,3 14.

Vicar,996 .

Vi carage,office,995.h ous e, 1000.

Vicarious, 147,755.Vi ce,guil tines s 945.sub s titute,147.deputy,75 '

Vicegerency 755 .

Vicegegent, 745,758


Vice pres iden t,745 .


Vicinage,197.Vicmity,197.Vic ious,fa l lacious ,477.

immora l,945.

Viciss itude, 140,149.

Vic tim,


sufi’erer, 828.

Vic timize,deceive,545.

bafile,73 1.Vic tor,Victo ry,73 1.Victua l l ing,63 7.

Vi c tua ls,298.Videl icet,examp le,82 .

namely,522 .

specification,79.Vie,648,720.View,s ig h t,441.appearance,448.

to a ttend to,457.lands cape,556.opinion,484.

in tention,620.View les s ,447.Vigil, 459.Vig i lance,457,459,

682 .

Vigilant,457 .

Vignet te,558.

Vigor,s treng th ,149.h ea lth, 654.

activity,682 .

res o lution, 604energ y,s toutnes s, 159.s tyle,574.Vigorous,s tout, 159.efl


ective, 15'

s tyle,574.Vi le,bad ,649.

odious ,83 0.

Vi le,va lueles s , 643 .disg raceful,874.dis h onorab le,940.

pleb eian,876.i leness,badnes s , 649.vulg ari ty,874.

Vil ify,censure,93 2.s h ame,874.

dis respec t 929,930.

Vil la, 189.Vil lage,189.Vil lager,138.

Vil lain, 949.

Vil lanage,749Vil lainous,645.

Vil lany,945.

Vil lous,256.

Vinculum,45Vind icate,jus tifi ,93 7.

a c la im,924.

Vind ication,93 7Vind ica tory,93 7.

Vind ic tive,reve ng eful,919irascib le,901.Vinegar,397.Vineyard,3 71Vin tage, 3 71.Vio l,417.

Vio la te,dis obey,742 .

eng ag emen t, 773 .duty,927.

a us ag e,6 14.

Vio lating, 773 .

Vio la tion,infraction,83 .

engag ement, 773refus al ,764.dis obedience, 742.rig h t,925.duty,927.

Vio lence, 173 .

arb itrarines s,904Vio len t,fierce, 173 .zea lous ,825.Vio len t ly,3 1,173 .Vio let,43 7.

Vio l in,417.

Vio l inis t 416.

Vio loncello,417Viper,bane,663 .

Virago,901Vires cen t,435.

H ,129.



l ibacy, 904.Virgina l,417.Viri le,man ly,3 73 .ado les cen t, 13 1.s ir ong ,Viril ity,man liness,373 .

43 2

Viril ity,ma turenes s, 13 1.Virtua l , 1,2 .

Virtua l ly, 494.Vi rtue,g oodnes s ,944.power, 157 .

Virtueless,945.Virtuo so,850.Virulence,ener g y, 171.

ins a lubr ity,G57.

ma l ig nity, (549.

ma levo lence,907." irulent,energ etic,ma l ig nan t,649.

ma levo len t,907.Virus,pors on,663 .dis ease


Visage,fron t,23 4.

appearance,448.Vis cera,221.Vis cid,352.

Vis c id ity,3 52.

Viscoun t,875.

Vis cous,3 52 .

Vis ib le,446,518.

Vismly,441.Vis ion,s ig h t,441.s hadow,4.

apparit ion,980.Vis ionary,erroneous , 495.imagi nary,515.h eterodox,984.Vis it,s ocia lity,892.civi l i ty,894.

arrival , 292

Vis ita tion,pain, lami ty,619,83 0.Vis ita t ion,(divine),976.

Vis iting,892 .

Vis itor,director,694.

Vis ta,poin t ofview,441.prospect,448.

Vi sua l,441.Vi ta l ,3 59,642Vi ta l ity,3 59.Vita l s,22 1.Vitiate,659.Vit ia ted,655 .

Vitiat ion,659.Vi treous,3 21.Vitrifi cation,321.Vi trify,821 .

Vituperate,93 2.Vitupera tion,932.Vituperative,932.Vivac ious,active,682.

sensit ive,822.

I N D EX .

Vivacious,ch eerful,83 6.

Vivacity,act ivit y, 682.

sen s itivenes s ,822 .

ch eerful/l es s, 83 6.Vivid,lig h t,420 .l ively, lor,428.

energ etic,171.cog en t, 157.

Vivrfication, 3 59.

Vivifietl, 3 59Vivify,3 59.

Vivify ing,3 59.

Vixen,901, 932 .

Vocab le,562.Vo cabulary, 562 .

Vo ca l,voice,580.

mus ic,415.Vo ca l is t,416 .

Vocal ization,580.

Voca l ize,580.Vocation,625.Voc iferate,cry,411.loudness ,404.voice,580.

Vo c ifera tion,s ound,414.


Vociferous,404.Vogue,fas h ion, 852,873 .cus tom,613 .

Vo ice,580.sound,402 .

cry, oice,609.

opinion,484.Vo ice less,581.Vo id,vacuum,2,4.

ab s ence, 187.

to emi t,297.

Voidness , 187.

Vo lan t,267.Vo latile,vaporizab le,33 6.

irres o lute,605 .

Vo latile,3 3 6.

Vo latil ize,3 3 6 .

Vo lat i l iza tion, 3 3 6Vo latil ized,33 6Vo latil ity,608.

Vo l canic, 173 .

Vo l itation,267.Vo l ition,600.Vo l ley,impulse, 276 .

a t ta ck,716.

vio lence, l lection,72.Vo lub il ity,584.

Vo lub le,584.Vo lume,bulk, 192 .

book,593 .

Vo luminous,192.Vo lun tariness ,602.

Vo lun tary,wil ling , (300, 602 .

mus ic,415.Vo lunteer,endeavor, 676.


er, 600,763 .

Vo luptuary, 902.Vo luiituous,sensua l,954.p leasure, 3 77,827,829.

Vo luptuousness,s ensua l i ty, 954.


Vo luta tion , 3 12.Vo lute,248.Vomit,297.


Vorac ity,appeti te, 865.

g luttony,957.Vortex,3 12 .

Vo tary,71 1,865,954.Vo te,609.

Vo tive,768.

Vouch ,tes tify,467.

as s ert,535.

Vouch er,evid ence,467.

record,550,551.Vouc l is afe,permit,760.

cons ent,762.


promis e, s er t,535.

wors h ip, 990.Vowel,560.



Vulgar,unrefined,851.cotnmonalty, 876.Vulgarism,851.Vulgarity,851.Vulgate,985.

Vulnerab il ity,665.Vulnerab le,665.


Vul ture,663 .

Wages ,809.

Waggery, 842VVagg is li,842 .

VVaggish i ies s,842.VVd gun,272 .

Wa il ,83 9.

Wa in,272 .

Wa insco t . 224.Wa is t,203 .

Wais tcoa t,225.

Wa it,tarry,110, 133 .expect,507.

inac tion, (581.Wait on,a ccompany,88.

h elp,707.

ca l l on,894.Waiter,746.

Wa iting maid,746.Waive,133 .Wake,s equel, 65.

b a ck,23 5.trace,55 exc ite,824.funera l . 3 83 .Wakefulness, 682.Wa lk,move,266.

reg ion,181 .

bus ines s ,625.way,627.

conduct, 692.arena,728.

Wa l l,l ining ,224.enclosure,229, 232prison,752 .

erectnes s,2 ylum, 666 .defence,717.

obs ta c le,705 .

( take th e),878.Wa l let, 191.Wa l low,3 12,641.

Wa l low in,377.

Wa l tz,840.Wan, 429 .

Wand,747,993 .Wander,roam,266.devia te,279,291.circuit,629.


del ir ium,503 .

Wander from,291.Wanderer,268.


deviating , 29Wane,decay,659.

decreas e,3 6 .con tract 195.

Waning, l95.Wan t,des ire,865.

require,630.s cant,640.

. 3 4

Weigh ,h eavy,3 19.ponder,45 1measure,466 .

import,642.l lfl,307.We igh an chor,293 .Weigh down,

ag gr ieve,649.lVe igh ing,3 19.

We igh Wi th ,6 15.

Weig h t,influence, 175.

gr a vi ty,3 19.

impor tance, 642 .

VVe igh tles s,3 20.W'

e igh ty,influentia l, 175.

h ea vy,3 19.

impor ta nt,642 .

We lcome,g ra teful,829.g reet,894.Weld ,46 .

We lfare,73 4 .

Welkin,3 18.

Wel l,wa ter,3 43 .

toflow,348 .

much ,3 1.s tore,63 6.

h ea l th y,654.

a rig h t,6 18.deep,208.

as sent,488.

Orig in, 153 .

We l l to d o,734.

We l l-a-day, 83 9.

Wel l-a -way,839 .

We l l—advised,498.We l l-being,prosperity,734.

g ratifica tion,827.

We l l-b o rn,patricum,875.We l l-b red,courteous ,894.

g en teel,852 .

VVe l l-conned,490.

“fe l l-d efined ,446 .

VVel l-devised ,62 6.We l l -do ing, 944.


e ll enough ,3 2,651.We l l-favored ,845.

Wel l ~foui id ed ,probab le,472“fe l l -g rounded 490.

VVe l l - i i ifo rined ,490.

We l l—in tended,944.

We l l -Judged,498.


e l I-k i iown,82 .

Vl ' e l l- la id,620.

We l l-mannered, 894.We l l -marked,446 .

We l l-meant,906.We l l -met,892.We l l-na tured,906 .

VVe l l -n igh , 32 .

Wel l off,73 4.

Wel l s 'spent,73 1.

I N D EX .


el l - tas ted,394 .

We l l- timed , 13 4,646 .

VVe l l -weigh ed,626.

We l l -w is h er,890.


e lt,23 1 .

We l ter, 3 12.

Wen, 250.

Wend ,266 .


es t,236 .

Wes tern,23 6.Wet,wa ter,3 3 7.

mois ture,3 39.

Wetnes s,3 3 9.

Wh a ler,273 .

Wh arf, 189, 691.Wh a tever,78.Wh ea l,250.

circuition,3 11.devia tion,279.

turn,283 .

ro ta tion, 3 12 .

ins trumen t,63 3means ,63 2 .

Wh ee l (b reak on th e),tor ture,3 78.

execution,972.rack, 975 .

Wh ee lb arrow,272 .

Wh eelwork,633 .

Wh eeze,b low,3 49.his s ,409 .

Wh e lm,641.Wh e lp, 129.

Wh en, 119.Wh en ce,a ttr ibution, 155departare,262 .

Wh enever, 119.

Wh ensoever,119.Wh ere, 186 .

Wh ereabouts,183 ,197.

Wh ereas,476.Wh erefore,reas on,476.

a ttribution, 155.accoun t, 155 .caus e, 153 .

motive,6 15.Wh erever, 180.

Wh ereupon, 12 1.Wh erewith , 63 1.Wh erry,273 .

Wh e t,excite,824.incite, 615.

s h arpen ,253 .des ire, 865.

Wh id ’

, 3 49 .

Wh iffle,349.

Wh ile, 106, 120.Wh ile away, 106.

Wh ilom,122.

imag ina tion, 515.wit, 842.

Wh imper,83 9.Wh ims ica l,fan ciful,608.

rid icul ous ,853 .

imag inary,5 15.

Wh ims ica l i ty,853.Wh ine,cry, 411.comp la in,839.

Wh ip,drive,276.s courg e,975.

Wh ipper in,director, 694.

Wh ips ter, 129 .

Wh ipp ing pos t,975.

Wh irl,3 12.

Wh irl igig,3 12.

Wh irlpoo l,vor tex, 3 12.eddy, 3 48 .confusion,59.

Wh irlwind,3 49.Wh isk ,rapidity,274.circui tion,3 ita ti on,3 15.Wh isker,256 .

Wh isper,fa in t s ound,403s tammer,583 .tel l, 527.

Wh is t le,h is s ,409.

mus ic,415.

Wh is t le at,deprecia te,483 .

Wh i t,poin t, r t,51 .

sma ll , 193 .

Wh i te,43 0.

Wh ite h ea t,3 82.

Wh ite l ie,546 .

Wh iteness ,430.

Wh i tewas h ,wh iten,430.


Wh i th er,tendency, 176 .


Wh itt le,44.Wh iz,409 .

Wh o le,ent ire,50.

h ea l thy,654.

Wh o les a le,3 1,50,794

Wh o lesome,656 .

Wh o lesomeness,656.

Wh o l ly, 3 1,50.Wh oop,cry,404,411.

weep,83 9 .


Wind,b last,3 49.

s ig na l,550.

circui tion, 3 11.convo lution,248.

Wind up,s crewup, 159.

end,67comp lete. 729 .

“'indb ound,706.Windfa l l,

0d,6 18.

uck, 62 1.Wind ing,curved,245,3 11.undula ting ,248.

Windiness ,349.Winding sh eet, 363 .

Wind las s,63 3 .

Windmil l,3 I2 .


Windpipe,3 51.Windy, 388.

Wineb ib ber,959.Wing,s ide,236 .

l imb,63 3 .

(under th e),asylum,(take),move,266.Winged,rapid, 274.Wink,b lind,442.nic ti ta te,443 .

h int,527.

ind ica te,550.Wink at,permit,760.

over lo ok,460.

Winning,pleas ing ,829.lovely,897.

Winnow,l ift,42ezclude,55.clean,652.inquire,461


innowing, 42.

Winsome,829,Win ter, 383 . ean,652 .

Wipe out,552.

Wire,fi lament,205.lig a ture,45.

Wired rawn,203 .

Wireworm,663 .

Wis dom,498.

Wisemay,Wis h ,in tent,620,865.unit, 600.

Wish ful,lWis h ing,

Wish joy, 896.

I N D EX .

Wishwas h ,391,497.

Wis tful,45 1.Wit,intel lect, 450.humor,842 .

wisdom,498.humoris t,844.Witch ,orac le,513 .

profi cien t,700.s orceres s ,994.

Witch crafi,Witch ery,a ttraction,615.With ,ad dition,37 .

junc tion,43 .

accompanying ,88.

medium,63 1With a l,addition,37.

junc tio n,43 .

accompanying ,88.

medium,63 1.With draw,

sub duct,38.

recede,287.diverg e, 290.deny,53 6 .depar t,293 .

With drawal,287.With er,sh rink,195.decay,659.With ered,futil e,645.

With h o ld,retain,781.s ti nt,640.proh ibit, 76 1dis suade, 616.With in,22 1.With in ca l l,197.With out,un les s ,8.abs ence,187 .

exterior, 220.

sub duction, 38.

exception ,83 .

circumjacent,227.With s tand,res is t,719.

op os e, 179,708.

Wit ess ,i oran t,491.oo l is h,499.

ne lectful, 460.

Wit mg,501.Witnes s,

eviden ce,467 .

vouch er,550.

Wits ,450.

Witt icism,842.Wit tines s,842.Witty, 842 .


(ml, 6 19,828.

Woebe gone,828,837.

Woful . 830.

43 5

Woful ly, 3 1.Wo lf, 669.Woman, 374.

Womanh ood ,374.Womankind ,3 74.

“’oman ly,13 1, 160,3 74

as ton is hmen t,870.

prod tg 872.

Wonderul 870.

Wonderfully,3 1Wondrous ,870.Won t,h ab i tua l,613 .

usua l,82 .

Wonted,h ab itua l,613 .

usua l,82.Woo,des ire,865.

cour tsh ip,902.Wood ,3 67.

Wood cut,558.

Woody,3 67.



Woo ing,902.

Woo l,256.

Woo l ga th ering,fo l ly,499.

ina tten tion,458.madnes s,503 .Woo lsack,pil low,2 15.


tribunal ,966 .

Word,562.ass er tion ,535.

in tel l ig ence,532.promis e, 768.

revela t ion, 985Deity,976.max im,496.Word for word,litera l,119.

Word ing,566 .

Word less,581.Words,quarrel,713 .

VVordy,573 .

Work,product, ency, us e,677.

ac tion,680.


book,593 .

Work one’s way,

282 .

Work out,conduct, 692.

a ch ieve,729 .

Wo rk up,incite,6 15.inflame,824.

Wo rk upon,i nci te,175,6 15

1Work wel l,73 1, 847Workh ouse,691.Work ing, 170,Workma n,

ag en t,690.

orig ina tor, 164.

Workman l ike,698.

Workmans h ip,16 1.Works h op,691.World,universe, 3 18.mankind,3 72.fas h ion,852.

even ts , 15,3 1 .

orl d ly,s elfis h ,943 .

irrelig io us,988.World l y minded,

943 .


sma l l, 193 .

anima l, 3 66.

spira l,248.

Wormeaten,651Worm in,ins ert,300.

interpose,228.Worm out,480.

lVo rinwood ,3 95.Worn,651,659

Worry,vexa tion, teas e, 83 0.

haras s , 907.



Wors h ip,rel ig iotw ,9900titl e,877 .

servility,886 .

Worsh ipful,87 3.Wors ted,defea ted, 732.Worth ,g oodness , lue,644.

pos s es s ion,777virtue, ice,812.Worth les s ,us eless ,645 .

proflig ate,945.Wortl i les snes s,645

Worth wh ile,644.Worth iness , 9 44.

Worth y,vir tuous ,944.s ain t, 948.


Wound ,evil,6 19.

bad nes s ,649.hur t,900.

Wounded,828.Wrang le,dispute,713.7 eas on,476.

4L3 ii


VVrangl lng,713 .

‘Vrap,Co ver,223 .dress ,225 .

circums cr ibe, 229.VVrnpped in,457.Wrapper,cover,223 .dres s , 225.


rath ,900.

Wreath ,73 3 ,847,877.“ ’

reatl ie,2 19,248.

Wreck,40, 162 ,732 .

VVi ecked ,73 2 .

Wrenc h ,extrac t,301s eize,789.

draw,285.Wrencli ing,44.

s eize,789.twis t,243 .d is tor t,523 .

Wres t ler,726 .

Wres t l ing,720.

N retc li,s inner,949.

apos ta te,9 11.Wretc lied ,unhappy,828.bad,649.petty, 32 .contemptib le, 643 .

VVretch ed nes s,828.“


rigg le,3 14,3 15.

Wrigg le out of,671.Wrigh t,690.Wring,pa in, tormen t,830.

VVring from,

Wrink le,258.Writ,

order, law,969.

“ ’rite,590.


l ite to,sea.

I N D EX .

Writh e,ag ita te. 3 in,243 , 3 78,828.

Writh ing,3 15 .

1Young, 127.Young lady,37kYounger, 128.

Yon iigs ier, 129.Writ ing, Younker, 129.gact of), Youth .

oak,593 . a g e, 127.

Wrong, la d , 129 .

evi l,6 19. Youth ful,127.badnes s ,649.vice,945.immoral ,923 .

Wrong doer,949.

Wrongh eaded,499,606.

Wrough t up,824.Wry.

ob lique,2 17.dis torted,243 .

‘Vryness,243 .


Yach t,273 .Yard ,works hop. 691.abode, 189.Yarn,fi la nent,205.prate, 584.

exag g era tion, 549.Yaw l,273 .Yawn,open,260.

fa tigue,688.

s lug g is h ,683 .

ins ens ib le,82 3.tire,841.Yawn ing,open ing , ,198.


tiguing ,688.tiring ,841.

Yawning,torpid,823 .

Year, 108.Yearn,des ire,865.pine,,897.Yearning,p i tying ,914.des iring , 865loving , 897Years, 128.Yeas t,353 .Ye l l,cry,411.comp la in,839.Ye l low,43 6.

Ye l low—eyed,920Ye lp,4 12 .Yeoman,3 73 .Yes terday, 122 .

Yet,exception,88.time, “ 6, 122 .countera ction,179.Yie ld,submit,725.obey,743 .bend,3 24.cons ent,762 .

furn is h ,784.

res i gn ,782.

g am,810.price,812 .to lera te,826.fac il i ty,705 .Yie ld ing,bending , 324.facile, 705.

submitting ,725 .

obeying , 743 .persuas ive,6 15.Yoke,j oin,43 .

vinculum,45.coup le,89.

subjection,749.Yonder, 196.Yore,122.

Zea l,activity,682 .

j ed ing ,821.Zea lo t,active,682.

res o lute,604.ob s tina te,606.Zea lo try,606.Zea lous ,82 1.Zeb ra, 440.

Zend avesta,986.Zenith ,summit,2 10.c l imax, 3 3 .Zeph yr,3 49.Zero,no th ing , 4.noug h t,101.Zes t,relis h ,enj oymen t,827Zig zag,ang le,244.ob liquity,2 17.os ci ll a tio n, 3 14.circuit, 629.Zod iac,23 0.Zone,circl e,247.c lima te, 181.bel t,23 0.

lay er,204.Zoologica l,3 66.

Zd ilogy,368.

Z( bphyte,3 66.Zt roaster m6 .9


have a finger in the pie to go thewhole hog .

ACT IVITY V. To stick to ,to buckle to, to peddle, to potterto udder .

hr . The thick of the action ;too many cooks new brooms toomany irons in the fire .

To look sharp to bear a handto lay about one ; to have one ’shands full to kick up a dust tostir one ’s stumps ; to set or putone ’s shoulders to the wheel ; totug at the oar ; to put one ’s bestleg foremost to do one ’s best todo all one can ; to leave no stoneunturned ; to have all one ’s eyesabout one make the most ofone ’stime to make short work of totake time by the forelock to makehaywhile the sun shines to strikethe iron while it is hot ; to killtwo birds with one stone to moveheaven and earth ; to 0 throughfire and water ; to stea a marchupon ; to do wonders ; to go alllengths to stick at nothing notto suffer the gras s to row underone ’s feet ; to have a and in ; tothrust one’s nose in : to put inone s oar to put one ’s foot in itto mix one ’s self up with .

Ph r . Up and stirring up inarms u to one ’s ears in busy asa b ee ; usy as a hen with onechicken brisk as a bee ; quick asa lamplighter nimble as a squirrel ; the fingers itching ; a rollinstone gathers no mess ; the usekey is always bright having one ’shands full having much uponone’s hands .ADJUNCT garnish , sauce

ta " , skirt,flap, lappet .hr .More last words .ADVERSITY P hr . The

frowns of fortune ; the u s anddowns of life the time being outof joint .P hr . Behindhand in th e world

111 off having seen better days ,born with a wooden ladle in one ’smouth .

AFFIRMAT ION PM. Roundly to as sert ; to swear till one isblac k in the face I doubt not I

warrant you I’l l engage depend

upon it ; I ’l l be bound ; I am sure ;sure enou h .

AGE P hr . The vale of

years ; the decline of life ; “ the

sere and yellow leaf. ”Having one foot in the grave ;ad

vanced in life or in years strickenin years ; marked with the crew’


foot .AGREEMENT P hr . W'

homth e cap may fit at home in one ’sproper element just th e thing ;quite the thing to fit like a

glove .AG ITAT ION twitter, bob

b in ground-swel5. To twitter,bob,flop ,quake,

wag le,go pit-a-pat, jog , joggle,hust e, jounce,wallop .

PM. To'

ump like a parchedpea to sha e like an aspen- leafto move, or drive from pillar topost to be the sport of the windsand waves .AID P hr . To take thepart of to take up or e spouse thecause of to enlist under th e banners of to join hand in hand tolend or bear a hand to hold out ahelping hand ; to come to the a idof to give one a lift to play intothe hands of to give one a turn ;to take in tow to help a lame dogover a stile ; to beat up for re

cruits ; to suckle, to dry nurse ;to lend one ’s self to ; to consultthe wishes of.AMUSEMENT quip, qu irk,

rig , lark, hop,jo l l ification ,regal e,junket, wake ; solace h eyday,antic ; polka,Jig ,fling ; convivi~ali‘ty .

T .) game,dally,foo t it,junket.


PM. To play the fool to jumpover th e moon (to cut didoes, orcapers) to dance one ’s selfOfi'

one’slegs playful as a kitten ; onthe light fantastic toe .”APPEARANCE P hr . To

make its appearance ; to show itsface ; to speak for itself; to ofier

to one’s view to turn up to appear to one’s eyes ; to come uponthe stage.

APPROACH P hr . To treadon the heels of to hug the shore .


shout, or chorus, or thunders Ofap lause .

hr . TO say a good word for ;to sing, sound, or resound thepraises of to extol to the skies ;to win golden Opinions (to bringdown th e house) .

Lavish of praise ; lost in admiration .

ARRIVAL terminus .V. To pop upon, bounce upon,plump upon, bump against .P hr . To be in at th e death ; to

beat up th e quarters to get hometut welcome hail !a l l hail goodday good morrow &c .

ARMS magazine ;fire-ballbattery, siege train, batteringtrain battering-ram ; bolt, slug,carcass, congreve, shrapnell ; gun,Minié, Lancas ter gun , Paixbangun , Brown Bess ; bilbo, glave,errara,bodkin .

ASCENT P/zr . To cut capers to get u on one ’s hind legs .ASSENT (48g) . P h r . To b e at

one with to be ofone mind withone consent with one accord bycommon consent in chorus to aman with ut a dissentient voiceas one man ; one and all, on allhands .ATONEMENT P ier Towipe

off old scores ; to set one ’s housein order to pay the forfeit or penalt-y


ATTACK a kick, yerk, arun at, a dead set at, a lunge, aplatoon-fire,a cut,passado .

V. To have at, run at,make arun at,poke at, pitch into,kick,yerk, lay about one, lift a handagainst, come on, have a fling at,slap on the face, throw stones ,popat, let off a gun ,pepper .P h r . To lay about one ; to strike

home ; to spring a m ine ; to assume or take the offensive to takethe bull by the horns ; to have acut at ; to ride full tilt against ;to run a muck to show fight toa im a blow at .ATTENTION V. To bend,scrutinize, revise, revert to .

P hr . To trouble one ’s head abou t ;to take Cognizance of to prick upthe ears to lend or incline an ear

to ; to have one ’s eyes open ; tohave one ’s eyes upon ; to bear inmind ; to come to the point ; totake into account .ATTRIBUT ION P hr . To put

the saddle on the right horse topoint out the reason,ground,&clay to the door of tell how it

comes .AUTHORITY P hr . To have

the upper hand to have the whiphand ; to have one ’s own way torule the roast to have under one’sthumb ; to keep under ; to turnround one ’s little finger ; to leadby the nose to wear the breechesto have the ball at one’s feet ; toplay first fiddle .

Th e gray mare being the betterhorse .AUXILIARY ri h t- hand

man , sectarian,bottle-h o der, cand le-holder .AVOIDANCE V. To shirk,

to dodge .

P hr . To steer or keep clear ofto fight shy of; to give the slip,or gO—by to lead one a dance tobea t about the bush ; to take to


one ’s heels to have nothing to dowith to keep out of the way tokeep at a respectful distance ; tostand or keep aloof to beat a retreat .

BADNESS P hr . TO playthe deuce with to break the backof to crush to pieces to crumbleto dus t ; to grind to powder ; toravage with fire and sword .

Bad being the best .

BEAUTY V. To dight,bedight, smarten, prank, prink, emb roider to be beautiful , to shine,beam,bloom to Adonize .

Bonny,dapper, tight,natty,quaint, smart, janty, tricksy(trier) .


fiemmx e P h r . The risingOf the curtain ; to make a beginning ; to break ground ; to breakthe ice.

BELIEF PM. To pin one ’sfaith upon to take at one ’s word .

TO ta ke it into one ’s head ; torun away with the notion .

TO carry conviction ; to cramdown the throat to pass currentto be received, admitted ,&c . ; to

go down ; to take for granted ; tocome round to an Opinion .

BENEVOLENCE (906 P hr . Themilk Of human kin ness ; havingone’s heart in the right place .

BLACKNESS soot, smut,blackamoor , lividity .

Adj . Dark , jetty,murky .

P hr . Black as my hat black asa shoe ; black as ink ; black asNovember ; black as (a) thunder(cloud) .

BLUSTERER roister, prigpuppy, saucebox,malapert,jackanapes,jack-pudding,jack-in-Ofiice,draw-cans ir . swash b uckler, Captain Bobadil Sir Lu ius O ’

Trigger .

BXASTING (884) crake, brag

gard ism,flourish oftrumpets , jaetitation ,jactancy .

V. TO crake, crack, trumpet,to take merit to one ’s self, creak,neigh , talk b ig .

P hr .Much cry and little woo l(great I and little you) on stilts ;cock-a—hoop .

BORROWING P h r . To raisethe wind fly a kite .

BUNGLER (701) marplot, lubber,fumbler,sloven a bad hand at,theawkward squad a fresh-watersailor (one who would not set theriver on fire) .

BUSINESS Phr . TO haveto do with to have on one’shands to have one ’s hands ful lto betake one ’s selfto to occupy orconcern one’s selfw ith to have on‘one ’s shoulders to make it one’sbusiness to go to do to act apa rt ; to perform the office or funetions of to drive a trade to

spend time upon ; (to do chores) .Apress Of business .


CALEFACT ION calcination,arson .

V. TO chafe, stive .Adj . Heated,warmed ,unfrozen,

mel ted, boiled , stewed , sodden,&c .

P hr . To apply the match to,stir th e fire,blow the fire, fan theflame to make a bonfire of, to seton fire, to burn to a cinder .

CAPRICE Adj . Partienlar, cross-grained, cantankerous .Phr . The head being turned ;

the deuce being in h im to take itinto one ’s head to stra in at a gnatand swallow a camel :CARE P hr . Catewea sel asleep ; the eyes of


burr) to cling like ivy ; to clinglike (a) burr to stick like wax .

COLD P h r . Goose~skin ;clay-cold ; cold as a stone, as

marble, as a frog, as charity, asChristmas ; cool as a cucumber ;cool as a custard .

COLOR glow, flush,tone,key . Pure or

fio sitive color ;

primitive color . roken,color,

secondary, tertiary color .

V. To Ingrain .

Adj . n ent, dyed ; raw, mell ow, harmonious, pearly ; flecked ,tattooed .

P hr . The lay of colors ; allthe colors 0 the rainb ow ; allmanner ofcolors .COMBATANT figh ting

-man ,the fancy,figh ting-cock, fire-eater,Amazon , Paladin, Guerilla, Cossack, (Turk), sepoy, spahee,janissary, sta


, cadet, rank and file,volun teers , horse,light-horse,horseand foot ; the line, militia, trainband .

COMMAND the word of

command, reclamation ,hatti-sher

Pkr . To pu t in requisition . Bya stroke or dash of the pen ; atbea t of drum ; on the first summons .COMMONALTY (876) rab b le rout,vermin, nobody . A proletary,

earl , churl, kern, tyke, chufl'

, re

got,fellah . A hind,clod-h Opper,bog-trotter,bumpkin, ploughman,

gaffer, loon , looby, lout, skipjack,gaberlunzie, muck-worm .

P hr . A man of straw ; nobodyone knows ; “ the swinish multitude tag-rag and bobtail ; riffrafl


. An unlicked cub .

Adj . Earth-born,scrubby,mushroom, dunghill , loutish, churlish,rafrish .

COMPACT V. To haggle(or higgle) , stic le for .

Phr To come te an unders tand

mg ; take at one ’s word ; come itterms .COHPENSAT ION PM. T<

split the difference . As broad in

it’s long ; it is an il l wind that

blows nobody any good . Measunfor measure .COMPLETENESS (52) P/zr

To give th e last finish, or finishingtouch to pu t the last or finishinghand to ; supply deficiencies ; ugo the whole length ; to put thcseal to ; to get In the harnessfrom first to last from beginningto end the race being run .




o pixdown ; to cram down the throatto


say it must be done to make spo int of; under the lash .


draw or close the curtain .

pla at bO-peep, to play atan seek , to hide under a buto throw dust in the eyes , (todark, towax ; likenot to be sof secrecyhold one ’s tongpeace to keep one ’sto seal the lips ; not to breathe rsyllable about in the backgroundCONCISENESS Adj . Curtsummary .

P hr . The short and the longit comes to this for shortness ’ sakeCONCORD P h r . Th «

bond ofharmony the happy family . To understand one anotherto remain at peace ; to enter int:the ideas or feelings of to sing iichorus ; to keep the peace . II

still water at one with .

CONFORMITY P hr . Til lcommon run Of th ings ; matter 0

course ; regular as clockwork being the order ofthe day .

CONFUTAT ION a retort,t

settler .P hr . Aknock-down argumeafi


a tu(uoque argument . To clinchan argument or question . Havingex hausted the subject ; at the endofone’s tether (having got to theend ofone ’s rope) on the adversary ’s own showing cmdemned outofh is own mouth ; ;0 give one aset-down .

CONTEMPT P hr . Not to

care a straw, fig ,button, &c . ,for

(see 643 ) to turn up one’s noseat ; to shrug one ’s shoulders ; tosnap one’s fingers at ; to turn acold shoulder upon ; to laugh toscorn ; to take the shine ou t of;to trea d or trample under foot ; toin t the finger ofscorn at .CONTENT PM.

“ Pa

tience sitting on a monument ;”Pa tience sovereign o ’er transmut

cd il l .

” To take in good part ;to make the best Of'; to bear withto let well alone ; to set one’sheart at case or rest ; to speakpeace . To one ’s heart’s content ;so be it ; amen it cannot b e helped .

CONTENT ION (720) steeple-chase,b ickerment, mill, spree, rumpus,b rabble, brigue, tuss le, shindy,bout, battle-royal .V. To square, buckle with,wrestle .PM. Astand-upfigh t ; a hand

to—hand fight ; bush fighting . Togo to loggerheads to fall foul ofto join issue ; to join battle ; tobandy, or try conclusions with tohave a brush with ; to break thepeace ; to take up the cudgels ; tomeasure swords ; to unsh ea th or

draw th e sword ; to couch one ’slance to run a tilt against ; to letslip the dogs Ofwar hard knocksa single combat a triangular duel .CONT INUAN CE PM. To

let be to keep going to keep upthe ball to hold on the even tenorofone’s way .

CONTRACTION P hr . Towizen,purse up, pinch . To grow


small b degrees and beautifullyless ;” to ide its diminished heat .

CONTRARIETY P hr . Thereverse of the medal ; the otherside of the shield ; th e tablesbeing turned . As op osite asblack and white, as l ight anddarkness, as fire and water .CO-OPERAT ION P hr . Along pull, a strong pa 1, and a pullall together . To understand oneanother ; to be in the same boat ;to hunt in con les ; to play intothe hands of. Il’Vind and weatherpermitting as one man .

COURACE(861) bull—dog courage,game, spunk,face . A hero, Il ector,Hotspur,Amazon , bully, fireeater, &c . A lion, tiger,bull-dog, game-cock,figh ting-cock .

P hr . To look in the face ; toshow a bold front to come to thescratch to screw one’s courageto the sticking place (to facethe music) ; to hel l the cat ; totake the bull by the horns ; tomarch up to the cannon ’s mouth ;to go th roh gh fire and water upto the scratch ; brave as a lion ;bold as brass ; brave to the backbone .

COURTESY soft words,sweet words, scrape, salaam, capping, hug , squeeze, buss, kiss inghands, presenting arms, kneeling,genuflex ion , prostration, ob sequiousness ,nod, pledge,hob and nob .

V. To kiss hands, b id welcome,b id God speed , smack, hug, drinkto, pledge, uncover, take off th e

hat .Adj . Well—spoken, fair-spoken,soft-spoken,fine—spoken .

P h r . To make a leg ; to touchwith open or outstretched armswith a good grace .COWARDICE the white fea

ther, Dutch courage, shy-cock,dunghill-cock, milk-so whiteliver,nidget, coistril, a b Acres .


fight shy, shy, turn tailcut and run, fly fer one’s life .

Lily-hearted,pigeon-hearted, white—livered, milk-liveredsmock-faced .

P hr . To show the white feather .“ In face a lion, but in hea rt adeer .

” The devil take the hindmost .

CREDIT a dun .

Ad v. On tick,or tally .

P h r . (To get a thing char ed) .

CUNN ING dodge, Teteh,doubling, sharp practice, backstairs influence . A sly-bootsUlyss es,Machiavel .Ph r . To steep to conquer ; to

know on wh ich side one ’s bread isbuttered . Cunning as a fox .

Adj . Shrewd, astute, felinedeep-laid .

CURIOSITY a quidnuncnewsmonger, Pau l PrPhr . Al l agog ; on tip—toe with

Open mouth .


DANGER Phr . A stormbrewing ; th e ground sliding fromunder one ; th e sword of DamoCles ; breakers ahead ;Mother Carey ’s chickens . To be on the edge,brink or verge of a precipice ; tohang by a thread ; to stand on avolcano to sit on a barrel of gun

powder . To engage in a forlornOpe . Not out of the wood ;hanging by a thread ; out of thefrying-pan into th e fire ; betweentwo fires ; between S cylla andCharybdis .DARKNESS Phr . Dark

as pitch ; dark a s a pit ;dark asErebus ;darkness; the palpable obscure .

DEAFNESS P hr . Deafas apost ; deaf as a beetle ; deaf as atrunk-maker ; stone-deaf.DEARNESS V. To overcharge,suzch arge,to fleece, to risein price .

Phr . To pay too much to(pa;eathrough th e nose ; to pay too



for one ’s whistle .DEATH P hr . The

of l ife ; th e jaws of death ;Stygian shore ; dead and gem'l‘o pep ofl


; break one’s neck ; t

give up the ghost ; to be allwith one to pa

ythe debt

to take one‘s a st sleepfle off this mortal coil ;way ofall flesh to kicket ; to h e the twig ; toStyx, or t e Stygian ferrythe wall ; to go off likeOfa candle to come to aly end ; to be numbereddeadto oneural death . Dead as a doe

nail ; dead as mutton ; dead as

door-post ; dead as adead as nets ; (dead as Claunched into eternity gone 1

one ’s last home ; gathered to onefathers gone to Davy Joneslocker . At death ’s door ; on onedeath-b ed ; at the point of deathin the jaws ofdeath dea th starirone in th e face ; one ’s days beiInumbered having one foot in tlgrave one ’s hour being come being on one ’s last legs at th e lagasp ; life hanging by a thread .

DEBT score,floating debbad debt, floating capital .PM. TO run up a bill or score

to go on tick . Involved in dDECEPT ION hocus-poeucoggery, humbug, ammon,makbelieve,hum,bubb e,fetch , readgo—by,dodge, bite, forgery, stall

ing-horse, (gonge), hook, blim

feint, thimble-rig .

V. TO hum, hocus, nickthe go-by,diddle,nab, ch03

Phr . To throw dust into hang ou t false colorsthe pill ; to spread tl e toils ;


Phr . To go to the dogs ; to gc set fast, stand, (dead stano ‘ dto pot to go by the board ; to be lock , hard work , hard task .

all over with (to 0 all to smash) P hr . Aticklish card to pl(togo over the am) ; to go to screw loose ; where the

wrecV. To quash ,rent out,burke .PM. To lay the axe to the root

of; to make short work of,makea Clean sweep of; to cut up rootand branch to make mince meatOf; to scatter to the winds ; tothrow overboard ; to tram le

der foot ; to '

ve a death b ow toto nip in th eTiud ; to strike at theroot of to sap the foundations Ofto pluck up by the roots ; to ravage with fire and sword .

DESTINY P h r . The decrees Of fate ; the wheel of fortune .The d ie being cast It is writ~

ten it must or wil l be so ; itmust have its way .

DETERIORATION Phr . Togo to rack and ruin to fall intothe sere and yellow leaf to oon from bad to worse ; to sa t efoundations of to go further andfare worse .

To pla the deuce with .

Out 0 the fryin -pan into thefire nodding to Its all the worsefor wear worn to a thread wornto a shadow : reduced to a skel e

ton (out at the elbow) .

DETRACT ION P h r . Toview in a bad light ; to speak il lofone behind one ’s b ack ; to damnwith faint praise .DEVIAT ION P hr . To fly

Off at a tangent ; to face to theright about ; to go ou t of one’swa to lose one ’s way .

11 manner ofways ; in all d irections .D IFFEREN CE P hr . As d if

forent as chalk is from cheese ;this, that, or the other .D IFFICULTY (704) hobble,pinch ,pickle, scramble,pitch , dead set,

oftroubles aAy, there ’

s the rrow to hoe ), (a hardTo stand in one ’sstick in the mud ; twater ; to get in to aa muss) to hold aears (to shear a wolftroubled waters ; towaves ; to be put to one ’sto go hard with not towhether one stands on one ’or one ’s heels to be at one ’end .

TO leave in the lurch ; topretty dance ; to putone’s wheels to be in thAdj . Uncoged , thrown out , abroad .

P hr . At a stand stillthe grain surrounded wiand breakers thrownbeam ends ; at a pinchtwo stools out of onedriven to one ’s w it’s endstick ; in hot water ; onscent driven fromdriven to the wall ;come to a pretty


frying-pan into t e fire ; againslthe stream , against the graD IFFUSENESS P h r . To beatabout the bush ; to spin a longyarn to branch ou t .

Adj . Washy, slipslop .

D IMNESS owl ’s lightulae, aurora,dusk, starlight .

P hr . Shorn ofits beamsD IMSIGHTEDNESS

tude, double sight, nictitaColor, blindness , chromato

pseudoblepsis, Dal tomsmLimitation of vision, l

l inkerscreen , &c .


Adj .Myopie,presbyopic,mooneyed,mope-eyed,goggle-eyed,oneeyed,blind ofone eye,monoculous .D IRECT ION P hr . To ascertain One ’s direction to seewhich way the wind blows as thecrow flies .D ISAGREEMEN '

I‘ P hr . Toh ave no business there ; to brindrag, or lug in , head and shouders .Out of character ; out of keep

ing ; out of tune ; out of place ;out of season at odds a fish outof water on all fours neitherhere nor there .D ISAPPEARANCE Phr . Not

in sight out of sight lost in thed s leaving no trace Of.

D ISAPPROBAT ION P hr . Arap on the knuckl es a slap on thefacePhr . Not being able to say

much for to set one’s face againstto view with dark or jaundicedeyes to bend or kn it the browsto pick a hole in to pluck a crewwith to have a fling at ; to reada lecture ; to take to task to bringto book ; to call over the coals ;(to haul over the coals) (to overhaul) to give a rapon (or over)the knuckles ; to pi ck to pieces ;to cast in one’s teeth to abuselike a pickpocket to speak daggers to forfeit the good Opinionof to come (down) upon one forto snapone up to call to account

to rai in good set terms .D ISCLOSURE Phr . To let

into the secret to let the cat ou tof the bag to own to th e soft impeachment ; (to acknowledge th ecorn) to make a clean breast Ofit to tell tales out ofschool notto mince th e matter to be on thetip Ofth e tongue (to leak out) .

TO get wind ; the murder wil lout.

DISCONTENT taking On .


Phr . TO take on to look blueto make a wry face .Cut up, glum, home-sick ; ou t

Of sorts ; in the dumps ; down inthe mouth .

D ISCORD hubbub, tifi'

,snips nap, sing—son brabble, abone to pick, (a bob cry).

V. To squabble,brang e brawl .P hr . To misunderstand one an

other to have words with tohave a bone to pick with ; to beat variance with to join issuewith to pick a quarrel with tobreak squares with ; to live likeeat and dog .

To set together by the ears (tokick up a bobbery) to fall foul of.D ISCOURTESY inurbanity,contumely, crossness, morosity,sauciness, procacity sulks,dudgeon,mumps,black looks a shortanswer .Blackguard,an unlicked cub .

V. To glower ; snap,snarl,pout,to cut .P hr . To turn one’s back upon

to take a liberty to turn on one’sheel to look black upon to tun:a cold shoulder on .

Adj . I l l conditioned,cantankerous, curst,froward, glum, grim,

glowering, sinistrous, growling .

P hr . Cross as a cat cross as twosticks ; cross as the tongs ; crossas a dog sour as a crab surly asa bear .D ISCRIMINATION P/zr . TO

Split hairs ; to cut blocks with arazor .

D ISEASE Phr . To keepone ’s bed ; to lay (l ie) b to feignsickness to sham Abra am .

Out of sorts ; out ofjoint outof heart ; good for nothing onthe sick list in a bad way wornto the stump on one ’s last legsat the last gasp (under the weatherDISLIRE queasiness, turn


V. To shrug the shoulders at ;not to be able to bear or endureto go against the grain ' to conceive or entertain an aversmn to toturn one’s stomach to go a ains t

the stomach to make one ’s loodrun cold ; to have enough Of tomake a wry face to turn up one ’snose at .D ISMISSION P hr . To turn

off to send about one ’s businessto send to the right about ; to turnadrift ; to put one ’s nose out of

joint .D ISOBEDIENCE V. To shirk,kick, strike .Phr .

’To champ the b it ; to raise

the fire-cross .The gray mare being the better

horse .D ISORDER P hr . WVh eel swithin wheels confusion worseconfounded ; most admired d isorder hell being broke loose .A pretty kettle of fis h ; all the

fat being in the fire .

The cart before the horse ; byfits and snatches higgledy-piggledy harum-scarum .

D ISPERSION P hr . TO scatter to the winds ; to sow broadcast to Spread like wildfire .D ISREPUTE P hr . Aburn

ing shame ; a crying shame ; thebend sinister a badge Ofinfamya blot on one ’s escutcheon a byword of reproach .

To feel disgrace to take shameto one ’s self to hide one ’s face tolook fool ish to hang one ’s headto laugh on the wrong side of themouth to go away with a flea inone ’s ear not to dare to showone ’s face to hide its diminishedhead .

To lose caste .To hold up to shame ; to one’ssham 3 be it spoken .

Tc ut to the blush ; to cut apoor gure to put out of coun


tenanee ; to draw in one’s hornsto cast in the shade .Shorn ofits beams in bad odorbranded with shame,D ISRESPECTgame of to int

to make a fool of toridicule to laugh to seeD ISSENT P h r .

the headto join issuAflat contradiction

many minds .D ISPLACEMENT (185)

house, take off, takeaway .

P hr . To make a cleD ISSIMILARITY P hr .

ing ofthe kind ; far from iin a different mould ; asd eck as a daisy ; verywhale .

D ISSUASION Phr . To tcold water upon ; to turn acar to .

Awet blanket .D ISTANCE (196 F lIr . Th

termost parts 0 the earth ;jumping-Off placefar and wide over

pole to pole fromfrom Dan to Beersheba out ofthe?sphere ofg Ia ) .

D ISUSE Phr . To send

packing ; to lay on the shelf to

ay u In ordinary to lay up In anapkin ; to cas t, heave, or throwoverboard ; to cas t to the winds ;to turn out neck and heels .DRAWING PM.

pull, a strong pull, and atogether .DRUNRENNESS P hr . To

take a drop too much ; to drinklike a fish to get into the head ;to Splice the main brace ; to take;a hair ofthe dog that b it you (toliquor up ; to take a horn) .


to slope, to absquatulate, to beammg the missing) .

ESSAY PM. To do one ’sbest ; to tempt fortune ; to feelthe pulse to take one’s chance toput out or throw ou t a feeler tosend up a pilot balloon .

EVENING P hr . The deadof night, the Witching time of

night, dewy eve .

EVENTUALITY P hr . Stirring events the u s and downs oflife, th e chapter 0 accidents, thecast of the d ie .

Th e plot thickening.

In the course of things in thelong run as it may hap

pen hap

pen what may at ai eventscome what may or will ; as thetree falls ; as the cat jumps ; asthe world goes .EVIDENCE P hr . Q uota

tion of chapter and verse the casein point ; special pleading .

P h r. To hold good to holdwater ; to speak for its elf to tellIts own tale to speak volumes .Atuquoque argument ; the other side of the shield .

To tell another story .

With grains of allowance .EXAGGERA'I

ION rant, caricature, hig

h coloring .

P h r .

'1 0 color too highly ; to

stretch a Oint ; to spin a longyarn ; to s oot with a long bow ;to deal in th emarvellous ; to makea mountain of a mole-hill to ou tIIerod Herod .

Al l h is geese are swans ;' much(grea t) cry and little wool to talkat random .

EXCITABILITY fidgetiness,wh ifl


, the blood boiling, Quix otIsm .

P h r. To be all ou t of patienceto be in a stew, or in a pucker ; tofly off at a tangen t .Adj . Over head and ears, hur

ried,wild mad-cap . boiling ,heart


swelling, heart-thrilling, stanchless .EXCITEMENTup, ive a fil l ip, flusP T . TO come home to one’s

feelings to put one on one ’s mettle to prey on the mind ; to go toone ’s heart ; to give one a turn ;to cut to the quick to go throu hone ; to las h into fury ; to striieone all of a heap ; to make one’sblood boil .Being all of a twitter all in a

pucker ; in a ferment ; ready toSink on one s high ropes ; theheart beating high the head beingturned .

EXCLUSION out direct,dead out.

ATroglodite, Santon, pilgarlic,ruralist,outcast,Pariah .

Phr . To kee snug ; to send toCoventry ; to ook cool upon ; toshut the door upon .

To retire from the world .

Left to shift for one ’s self not

putting up horses together .Adj . Bye, snug, cut,balled, unwelcom e, lorn .

EXERTION a stitch 01

work a dead lift .Pier . To set one’s shoulderM

the wheel to strain every nerveto put one s bes t leg foremost t(

do as much as in one lies ; to g<

through fire and water ; to worlday and night to do double du tyto work double tides to put fortlone ’s strength , bend the bow,&c .

to move heaven and earth to worllike a galley-slave ; (to work h isa trOOper) to leave no stone unturned,&c . seeBy the sweat of one ’s broww ith all one ’s might w ith mi Ifand main ; with tooth and nailhammer and tongs throu h th icland thin through fire an waterEXPECTATION P hr . On th 4

tiptoe of expec ta tion looming ix

V. To I‘lp



the distance the wish being fatherto the thought ; to have in storefor .

EXPENDITURE money going out,out-goings,appointments,batta, shot, scot .V. To come down with (to

come down handsome) to fork outto fork over ; to pon up to plankdow n the cash) to leed ; to loosethe purse-strings ; to pay the piper (to shell out) .


FACILI TY a clear stage, aholiday task .

P hr . To have it all one ’s ownway to walk over the course to

go with the stream to make nothi ng of.

To leave a hole to creep out of.

The coast being clear .Being quite at home bein g in

one’s clement on friction wheelson velvet .FAILURE cross,blot, foot

fall, split,mess, lurch , stale-mate,botchery, bankruptcy, nonsuit.P hr . A flash in the pan alos ing game the bubble burstinga wild-goose chase a mare ’s nesta sleeveless errand .

V. To go cross .

To make nothing of to bringto naught ; to limp, miss one ’sfooting ; to make a mess of totumble .

P hr . To come to nothing tocome ofl

’ second-best ; to end insmoke ; to slip through one ’s fingers to fall to the ground to fallstill -born ; to take an ugly turn ;to go hard with one to hang fireto miss fire to miss stays toflashin the pan to split upon a rockto be thrown on one ’s back tom iss one’s aim to bite the dustto be thrown on one’s beam endsto go to the wall between twostoo ls to fall to thegroun d to go


to the dogs to go to ot to breakone’s back to be a I over withto be all up with ; to be in thewrong box to stand in one ’s ownlight ; to catch a Tartar ; to gethold of a wrong sow by the ear ;(to bark up the wrong tree) toburn one ’s fingers ; to shoot at apigeon and kill a crow ; to beatthe air to skin a flin t to wash ablackamoor white ; to roll thestone of Sisyphus .Adj . Out of luck, capsized,

dished, planet-struck .

P hr . Wide of the mark ; leftin the lurch on a fool ’s errandbein all up ; not having a leg tostan upon ; ruined root andbranch ; the sport of fortune ;hoisted by one ’s own petard ;(rowed up Salt river) out ofthefrying-pan into th e fire ; to gofurther and fare worse .FASH ION PM. The height

offashion a star offashion manof the world .

To fall in with the prevailingtaste or fashion ; to have a run,or be the rage .

FALSEIIOOD (544 ) humbug,mealymouth edness, misstatement, malingering .

V. To belie,malinger .P ier . To play the hypocrite tosham Abraham ; to give the goby ; to h eat about the bush ; toplay fast and loose ; to blow hotand cold ; to be like a conjuror ;to look as if butter would notmelt in one’s mouth .

Al l is not gold tha t glitters .FAST ID IOUSNESS Adj . Quea

sy, squeasy .

P h r . To turn up one ’s nose at .

FAT IGUE Adj . Ready todrop ; dog-weary .

P h r . Ofl’

one ’s legs ; on one’slast legs ; tired to death ; pulleddown ; foot-sore ; unrefreshed ;unrestored having too much .


FEAR ague—fit,heart-sinking , (heart-ache) . Stampede .Object of fear ; bugaboo,bogie,gorgon,mormo, ogre .Phr . Raw head and bloodybones .V. To wince, boggle, skulk,

cower, crouch,funk,flutter .Ph r . To smell a rat ; to grow

pale to stand aghast to shake a l lover to shake like an aspen-leaf(to feel streaked) . To fright fromone ’s propriety ; to strike allof a heap ; to make one ’s skincreep ; to make one ’s hair standon end .

White as a sheet pale as deaththe hair standing on end ; notdaring to say one ’s sou l ’s one ’sown more frightened than hurtafraid ofone ’s Shadow frightenedout of one ’s wits, or out of one ’sseven senses .FEELING fluster, twitter,ruffle,hurry of spirits ,thumping .

P hr . To come home to one ’sfeelings,or bosom to swallow thepill to pocket the afl'ront.

The fulness of the heart ; fromthe bottom of one’s heart .FLATNESS Phr . Flat as a

pancake ; flat as a flounder ; flatas a board ; flat as my hand ; adead flat a dead level .FLATTERY P h r . To curry

favor with to hang on the sleeveof to lay it on thick ; to lay it

on with the trowel ; to lick thedust to lay the flattering unctionto the sou l ; to soft sawder ; (tosoft soap to stuff) .

FLATTERER white-washer ,toady, toad-eater, touter, spaniel,claw-back, flunkey, lick-spittle,pick-thank, ear-wig , doer of dirtywork .

FOLD rimple, crinkle,crankle, crumple, rumple, ruck,do ’

s ear,frounce, pucker .To cockle up,cooker,frizzle,


crimple, turn under, tuck, ruckturn down .

FOLLY P hr . The fool ’sparadise one ’s wits going a woo lgathering .

To play the fool ; to play themonkey to go on a fool ’s errandto pursue (go on) a wild-goosechase to reckon without one ’shost ; to quarrel with one ’s breadand butter ; to go on aerrand to strain at aswallow a camel to gethe wrong sow by the earwise and pound-foolish .

Adj . Beetle-headed ,beef-witted,fat-witted, spoony, blunder-headed ,addle—headed, clod-pated, shallow—pated, dull—brained, d imsighted, short—sighted, vacantmuddle—headed ,muddy-hea dedFOOD (298) fodder,ration,keeprog,belly-timber,flesh -pots,fspread,junket, bever,tiflin ,snack,dainty,whet,bait,pot-luck,collation .Mouthful, bolus, gobbet, sipsoIi’hr . The staff of life ; breadand cheese .

FOOL blockhead, tomfool ,simpleton, ass, goose, booby,noodle,nizy, noddy, owl, goose-calack-wit, ninnyhammer, na turaii,lackbrain, loon, oaf, lown, dullard,dull-head, doodle, calf, colt,buzzard, block, put, stick, stock,Dumps , owk, clodpoll, c lod h o

per, lub er, bull-calf, bull-head,thick-skul l, dunder-head, addlehead,dizzard, hoddy-doddy, nonny, looby, nincom Oop, shallowbrain , a poor hea logger-head

,sot, jolt-h ead ,b eetle-head , jobbernowl,gross-head,moon- calf,giddyhead ,rantipole,old woman , croApril fool,Cyclops,bush-wha

Ph r . One who would not set

the Thames on fire one who is no


No sooner said than !Pressed for time ; in full

a momen t .done .til t .HATE Phr . The phials

of hate . To owe a grudge ; tobear malice to conceive an aversion to ; (to take a spite to) ; tomake one ’s blood run cold . Nutual hate . There being no lovelos t between them being at daggers drawn .

HEALTH Phr . To keepon one’s legs ; to take a new orfresh lease oflife . Having a cleanbill ofheal th being on one’s legsfresh as a rose hearty as a buckin fine or high feather . In goodcase . Sound as a bell .HEAT Phr . Hot as fire ;warm as toas t ; warm as wool ;pi ing hot .

EARING P hr . To hangupon the lips of. To prick upone ’s ears ; to be all ear .HEIGHT Adj . Perked up,

h eaven-kissing, top-gallant .Phr . Tall as aMay-pole ; tall

as a steeple ; tall as a poplar ;over hea d and ears .H INDRANCE let, pitch,

turnpike, mill-stone, night-mare,a hea d wind .

Phr . Aspoke in the wheel ; awet blanket ; the old man of thesea . To lay under restraint ; tonip in the bud ; to tie the handsto cross the path of to stopway . (Alion in the way . )HOPE Phr . A ra

gleam or flash of hope ; a brig t

prospect ; a clear sky . To seand ; to look on the bright s id

of to be of good heart or cheerto live in hope ; to cling to h Opeto pin one ’s hope or faith uponto apply the flattering unction toone ’s soul ; to catch at a straw ;to h Ope against h ope .HORSE hunter, jumen t

fill y, foal, l arb, pad, cob, tit


punch ,roadster,goer,ketch ,sh e]:tHUMILITY Phr . TI

lower one’s flag ; to lower one’l

note,fall on one ’s knees,&c . ; t<

knock under to sing small to cahumble pie to ea t dirt to pecket an affront ; to get a set-downto stoo to conquer ; to snub . TI

throw Into the shade to put 011

ofcountenance to teach one one*distance to take down a peg l ower (to take the wind out ofoue’lsails) (to take the starch out 0one) to send away with a flea iione ’s ear . Out of countenancershorn ofone ’s glory down in titmouth ; down on one ’s kneesdown on one ’s marrow-bones?humbled in the dust ; not bein;able to say Boh to a goose(begging pardon of all flesh fabeing in the world)HUMORIST (844)spark, Joe Miller, scaramoickle-herrinP hr . The ife of the party, (0

the occasion) .

I .

IGNORANCE P hr . To bcaught trip

ping ; not to knov

what to ma e of not to be abito make head or tail of not tknow a h awk from a hand-sawHaving a film over the eyes unable to make anything of to maknothing of.ILLEGALITY P hr . To

take the law into one ’s own handsto set the law at defiance ; tdrive a coach-and-s ix throughstatute . The law being a dead letter . Might makes right .

IMAGINATION P hr . Thmind ’s eye ; a flight of fancyfumes of fancy a fine frenzythick-00min fancies tlr

coinage ofthe rain ; a stretch o

imagination . Cas tle-building


a Canterbury tale . Air-drawndagger , the man in the moon,menin buckram, Will-o ’-the-wisp,Jack-o ’-lantern,Utopia .

To take into one’s head ; to figureto one’s self; to strike out something new ; to give a loose to thefancy to give the reins to the im~

agination ; to set one ’s wits to work;to strain or crack one’s inventionto rack or cudgel one ’s brain (tobuild castles in the air) .

IMPERFECT ION Adj . Seedy,gimcrack,gingerbread .

P hr . To play second fiddl ebarely to pass muster to have ascrew loose . No great catch ; nogreat shakes milk and wateronl better than nothinIiiPORTANCE hr . To be

somebody, or something . Tomake much of to set store on orby ; to lay stress upon ; to makea stir, a fuss, a piece of work, ormuch ado about . Amatter of

life and death . Being no joke .Not to be sneezed at .

IMP OSSIBILITY PM. Towash a blackamoor white ; tomake a silk purse out of a sow ’sear out of the question thegrapes being sour .IMPOTENCE P hr . Tobreak the neck of,break the backto spike th e guns to cl ip thewin of laid on the shelf; laidon t e back ; not having a leg tostand on .

IMPROBABILITY Phr . Contrary to all reasonable expectation ; having scarcely a chance,IMPROBITY roguery, jobjobbing .

Adj . Low-thoughted, scabby,scrubby .

P hr . Double-tongued ; lost toshame dead to honor .V. To sneak,derogate .P h r . To break one ’s word ; to


sell one ’s self; to play false ; to goover to the enemy .

IMPROVEMENT Ph r Totake a new lease to be one ’s selfagain ; to turn over a new leaf;to come about to go ahead .

IMPULSE P hr . On the

Spur of the moment, or of the occasion . Extempore,off-hand .

INACTION P hr . To letwell alone to bide one’s time ; totake one ’s time ; to cool one ’sheels to stay one’s hand to washone’s hands of to take it easy ;to leave in the lurch ; not tostir a peg ; to have other fish tofry .

INACTIVITY (683 ) snooze,dream,

trance, snore, a wink ofsleep,forty winks . A do-little, lubber,slow-back,marmot .PM. The Castle of Indolence ;

the Fabian policy masterly inactivity the thiefof time . Awaiter on Providence .V. To hang fire, slouch , loll ,

drawl , slug,dally,dawdle to foolaway time .

P h r . To play truant to weighdown the eyelids ; to fold one ’sarms ; to rest upon one ’s oars toburn daylight ; to l ie fallow ; towhile away the time . To take anap, go off to sleep .

‘ To sleeplike a top to sleep as sound as atop ; to sleep like a log ; to slee

plike a dormouse to eat the breaof idleness ; to 1011 in the lap ofindolence .Adj . Faddling, tardigrade,

lackadaisical, fid d l e-faddle,shillyshally .

P hr . With folded arms ; withthe hands in the pockets . Theeyes beginning to draw straws .In the arms ofMorpheus (goneto the land ofNod ) .

INATTENT ION PM. Thewits going a wool ath ering a cursory view . Caug t napping . To


take no account of to come in atone car and go out at the other .INCURIOSITY P hr . Not to

trouble one ’s self about ; to carenothing about the devil may care .INELEGAN CE P h r . Words

that dislocate the jaw, that breakthe teeth . To smell ofthe lamp .

INEQUALITY P hr . Tohave or give the advan ta e ; toturn the scale to kick the camto topple over .INEXCITABILITY (826 V. Tostand,bide,abide,ab i e with,rubon .

P hr . To pocket the affront ; toswallow the pill ; to swallow theleek ; to kis s the rod ; to shrugthe shoulders ; (to bear it like aphilosopher) . To set one ’s heartat rest or ca se . Gentle as a lambpatient as Job ; armed with patience cool as a cucumber .INEx ISTENCE P h r . To benull and void ; to “ leave not awreck behind .

INEXPECTAT ION F lir . Toreckon without one ’s host ; tocount one ’s chickens before theyare hatched . To drop from theclouds to trust to a broken reed ;to dash the cup from the lips themountain bringing forth a mouse .INFANT bairn, bratling,

wh i per-snapper, h ob bardy-hoy,

hob ledy-hoy; wench .

P h r . In leading-strings ; at thebreast ; in one ’s arms ; in one ’steens .INEERIORITY P hr . To

hide its diminished head to throwinto the shade . Weighed in thebalance, and found wantinINFLUEN CE V. 0 tell,

to rage, to be rife .P hr . Atower of strength . Tobe in the as cendant ; to spreadlike wildfire .

With telling effect .INGRATITUDE Phr . To


look a gift h orse in the mouthThank you for nothingI NGRESS Ph r . To pop

into, ram into to find one’s wayinto ; to creep into ; to wormone ’s self into ; to Open the doortoINHABITANT householder,backwoodsman ; a new comer ; see(57INJURY (see Badness,649) P hr .

To play the deuce with, to breakthe back ~of to crush to pieces ;to crumble to dust ; to grind topowder ; to ravage with fire andsword .

INQUIRY PM. Thethreshold ofan inquiry . To scratchthe head ; to slap the forehead ;to look, peer or pry into everyhole and corner to beat the bus hes to leave no stone unturned toseek a needle in a pottle ofhay (orin a hay-mow) to mouse,dodge .

To subject to examination to putto the proof; to pass in review ;to take into con siderat


grapple with a question ; to ventilate a question to seek a clue .

INSAN ITY PM. To addlethe wits ; the hea d being turned ;having a b ee in one’s bonnet far

gone ; stark staring mad ; mad asaMarch hare ; the devil being inone giddy as a goose one ’s witsgoing a wool-gathering, or abird ’s-nesting out ofone ’s mindout of one ’s senses ; out of one ’swits ; like one possessed ; themind having lost its balancein rats in th e upper story a cand i ate for Bedlam .

INSENSIBILITY coma,trance,hebetation,stock and stone,neu trality .

V. To numb, case-harden, h eb etate.

Adj . Thick-skinned, pachydermatous, case-hardened, chl oroformed, comatose,anaes thetic .


ble upon ; to pop u on, layfinger on, smoke,gru up ; to d isin ter ; to verify . To holdscales to set in judgment to layone ’s finger or one ’s hand u on .

JUNCTION V. To uniteut together, to bridge over,atch , belay, clap together, braet, impact,wed e, rabbet,jam .

Adj . JammP hr. Rolled into one .JURISDICT ION (965) Catch-poll ,bum-bailiff. Sbirri, alguazil, l ic

tor .K .

K ILLING V. To burke,do for,éiut an end to,bowstring

turn 0

P hr . To put to the sword ; torun throu h the body ; to put tothe edge of the sword to blow thebrains out ; (to make daylightshine through) to give a quietusto ; to give a death-blow to ; toknock on the head to launch intoeternity ; to imbrue one ’s handsin blood .

K NOWLEDGE P hr . Themarch of intellect ; the progress,advance,&c . ofscience the schoolmas ter being abroad .

To have in one’s head ; to haveat one’s fingers’ ends ; to knowwhat ’

s what .

At home in behind the scenes ;one ’s eye being open ; the scalesfalling from one ’s eyes ; to th e

best of one’s knowledge .

Educated, enlightened,shrewd, blue, recognized, hacknoyed, trite, common-place .


LAMENTATION P hr . Themel tin g mood ; a flood of tears,wringing ofhands and gnashing ofteeth .

V. To bibber, maunder, pule,

take on, grunt, mew, mewlueak .

PM. To melt or burst in to tears ;to cry one ’s self blind ; to crytone ’s eyes out ; to beat one’sbreast ; to wring one ’s hands ; to;gnash one’s teeth ; to tear one ’s’

hair ; to roll on the grouroar like a bull to bellow

Being in the melting moodwith tears in one ’s eyes ; b ath edior dissolved in tears ; the eyedsuffused, swimming, brimful , or

overflowing with tears ; wi

moistened or watery eyes ; thetears standing in the eyes , or start-3}in

gjrom the eyes .TENESS PM. A

after the fair ; at the elevhour .An afternoon man .

To tide it over ; to push or

drive to the last to let the matterstand over .LAWYER (968) bencher,proctor,equity, draughtsman, notary,scrivener .LEARN ING V. To grind,cram , (coachPM. To flas h on the mind .

To run away with an idea ; tocatch the idea to make one ’s selfacquainted with to turn over th eleaves ; to make one ’s selfmasterof ; to go to sch oo l ; to get up asubject ; to get scen t of to serveone ’s apprenticeship ; to serveone’s time .LENGTH PM. To make along arm to drag its slow lengthalong there being no end Of.

As long as my arm as long asto-day and to-morrow .

LEVITYous, weightless, uncompressed ,volatile .PM. Light as a feather ; light

as thistle-down light as air .



one’s purse~strings to bleed free1yAdj . Handsome ful l ~ h anded .

L IBERAT ION PM. To cutand run '

; to cast off trammelsslip the collar shake offthe Oke,tear asunder one ’s bonds,grcakprison ; to unhand,get clear of.LIFE(3 59) life-blood the breath

of one ’s nostril s .PM. To see the light to come

into the world to draw the breathof life.

To keep life and soul (sou l andbody) together all alive and kickIn

TI IGHT PM. A flood of

light ; to strike a l i ht .

Bright as silver,Tirigh t as day,bright as noonday .

LIST tally, panel, ledger,synopsis,bill of fare.

LITTLENESS (193 ) a dwarf,runt,pigmy, lilliputian, chit,pigwidgeon,urchin,elf, doll, puppet,TomThumb, manikin, skeleton, shadow,mouse, pollard .

Adj . Wee,minikin, hop-o ’-mythumb .

PM. In a small compass, in anut-shell .Thin as a lath worn to a shad

ow skin and bone .LOCAT ION settlement

lod e .V. To domesticate, put up at .PM. To itch one ’s tent ; to

put up one’s erses at .LOQUACITY gab , gabble,bher, cackle, clack, rattle, b ible-babble,gibble gabble .PM. Athrice-told tale a long

yarn .

To d in in the ears ; to drum into the ear ; to spin a long yarn ;to talk at random ; to talk one ’sself out of breath ; to b andv

about .

The tongue running fast ; hoarsewith talking .


Loss PM. To allow to

sl i through the fingers .LOUDNESS (404) PM. To d in in

the ear ; to shout, or thunder atthe pitch ofone ’s breath, or at thetop ofone’s voice .Enough to split the head orears in full cry .

LOVE PM. To take to ;to take a fanc to (to cotton to)to make much of to look sweetupon to fall in love with to setone ’s affections on ; to lose one ’sheart to become enamored,&c .

to curry favor with to pay one ’scourt to to set one’s cap at .Over head and ears in lovelove-sick,sweet upon .

To one ’s mind, taste,or fancyin one ’s good graces ; dear as theapple ofone’s eye ; nearest to one ’sheart ; like an angel ; the idol ofthe people .


MALEDICT ION PM. Todevote to destruction ; to invokeor call down curses on one’s headto swear like a trooper ; to re

out an oath ; to curse with bebook, and candle .MALEVOLENCE PM. To d ipor imbrue one ’s hands in blood .

Betraying the eleven foot havin no bowels .MANKIND earthling,folkthe masses ; blade, chap, gafl


er,good—man,master .PM. The lords ofthe creation

th e body politic .MAN IFESTAT ION PM. Tolay one ’s finger upon to hold upthe mirror to draw,lift up,raise,or remove the curtain ; to throwoff the mask ; to crop out ; tospeak for itself to give vent toon the stage plain as a pike-staff.MARRIAGE Hymcn ,Spousals, the torch ofHymen ; nuptial benediction, the honeymoon .


PMTo lead to the al tar ; totake to one’s self a wife ; to takefor better or worse ; to give one ’shand to ; to bestow one ’s hand11 on .

To tie the nuptial knot to giveIn marriage .MATERIALS PM. Ashotin the locker a hand at cards .MEANS PM. Wheelswithin wheels .By hook or by crook ; by all

manner of means ; somehow orother for love or mone

PM. he tablet)f the memory .

To have at one’s fingers’ ends .To call to mind ; to jo or re

fresh the memory ; to pulTby thesleeve to bring back to the memory ; to call to remembrance ; totax the memory ; to carry one ’sthoughts back ; to put in remembrance .To say by heart, repeat by rote,say one ’s lesson, repeat as a parrot .To task the memory ; to treas

ure up in the memory ; to keepthe memory alive ; to keep themound green .MISINTERPRETAT ION PM.

To put a bad or false cons tructionon ; give a false coloring ; to playat cross purposes .MISJUDGMENT party spirit,partisan sh ixil


Adj . Pig eaded ,one-sided ,b iassed, Intolerant, infatuated, fanatical, self-Opinioned, Opinionative,unpersuadable .M. Wedded to an opinion .MODERAT ION PM. To

pour oil on the waves ; to pouralm into .

Gentle as a lamb mild as mother ’s milk milk and water .MODESTY PM. To drawit. one ’s horns ; to give way to ;

to cast a sheep ’s eye ; to keep one’ldistance .W'

ithout ceremony ; withoutbeat of drum poor In spirit ; atone’s feet .MONEY bulli on, ingot,nu get .eady,rhino ,blunt,dust,pi ece,

mopus, tin , (red cent, a pile, fancy stocks, hard cash,dosh, mintdr

gq, yellow-boys) .

ash note, slip, kite ,kiteper, (shin-plaster, bogus, Wil dcat money), the pocket, b reecpocket .PM. The sinews of war ;

almighty dollar .To touch the pocket .MOTIVE PM. To pat on

the back or shoulder ; to talkover to lead by the nose to baitthe hook to tamper with to las hinto fury to act on principle toturn the head ; to go or comeround a person ; to set an example ; to keep in coun tenance .To follow the bent of to follow

the dictates of to make no serule to make no bones .Th e forbiddenMULT ITUDE profusion .

arra laxAyhugdl


, thousand, myriadm illion,&c .

Adj . Agreat many ; teeming,po ulous , peo led .M. A s ig t ; thick as h Ops ;thick as hail plenty as b lackb erries in profusion and what notand heaven knows what .MUSIC aria, arietta, sonata, fantasia,fugue, ibroeh , jig,dithyramb, score, ful score,zonet, catch , canon, mad rigalApollo . TheMus es,Erato,Eus

ter Terpsichore .iren, nightingale, Philomel ,

thrush ,&c .

V. To strum,grind, tweedle.


OBS'l INACY PM. To stickat nothing .

Wedded to an Opinion ; ob stinate as a mule .

Heels over head ; at any risk atany rate,price, cost, or sacrifice .OCCASION PM. A stitch

in time a golden opportunitywell-timed Opportunity .

To turn the occasion to accountto strike the iron while it is hotto make hay while the sun shines .In the nick of time in pudding

time ; in the fulness of time b e

tween the cup and l ip on the spurof the moment or occasion all ingood time now or never at theeleventh hour ; the third time of

askinOFFER oblation,b id ,sac

rifice,immolation .

V. To start, press, b id , bribehawk about .

OLDNESS PM. Nothingnew under the sun Old as the hillsOld asMethuselah old as Adam.

OPEN ING mouse-hole eyeof a need le ; wizen, main ; colander, honey-comb .

PM. To cut a passa 0 through .

OPPOSITION (708 M. To setone ’s (one ’s self) ace against toturn one ’s back upon ; to make astand a einst ; to fly in the faceof to Tall foul of to be or toplay at cross purposes to spoilone ’s trade ; to ki ck against th ericks to stem the torrent toufl


et the waves .In spite of one’s teeth ; with a

head wind with the wind aheadwith the wind in one’s teeth upin arms .ORNAMENT Adj . Bedight,

(jantyjgairish or garish) pranked

out, g ittering ,flashy, tricksy .

PM. Fine as aMay-day queenfine as five-pence ; fine as a carrotfresh scraped .

OSCILLATION to wagg e .

bob,wamble,wabble, swag, quaver, tep.

OSTENTAT ION splash(splurge), stage effect clap-trapflourish of trumpets, salvo of artillery ; set-out .V. To prink,Splash ; (to make

a splurge) (to spread one ’s self)to make a Show .

PM. Gaudy as a peacock,butterfl tulip,&c .

Wyith flourish oftrumpets,withbeat of drum .

P .

PACIFICAT ION PM. Hollow truce .

To put up the sword to sheaththe sword to bury th e hatchet .PAIN (378) botheration,cark,dole,fret, cut,twitch,dolor,sufl


erance, rack, cruciation , crucifix ion ,martyrdom purgatory,hell .PM. The canker-worm ofcare ;



peek of troubles : a sea of

troubles the ills that flesh is heirto the iron entering the soul .V. To ache, ail , . bleed, shoot,

twin e,gripe, lancinate .

j . Cut up,ungratified , sorry,fretted, carking ; the heart bleeding ,accursed .

PM. To sit on thorns to be onpins and needles to take to heartto take on ; to labor under affliction s to drain the cup Of miseryto the dregs .PAINFULNESS cross, poth

er ; worm , canker, cancer, u lcer,wh ip, lash, rack, wheel, sword,dagger .PM. Athorn in one’s side ; abitter pill where the shoe pinches .V. To bother, pester, pother,

Irk, regrate,gnaw,prick, cut,cutup, stick, gravel , smite, twinge,gripe,badger, harry .

To turn the stomach ,mumble,di senchant, shock .

PM. To barb the dart ; to set


the teeth on edge to stink in thenostrils to tweer the nose tobreak the heart ; to add a nail toone’s coffin ; to plant a dagger inthe breast t ) put to the questionto break on sh e wheel ; to woundthe feelings to put to the rack .

Like a toad under the harrow .

PALENESS Adj . Coldghastly .

PM. Pale as death pale asashes pale as a witch pale as aghost pale as a corpse .PART rag,tag, snatch ,flit

ter, cut, snip, snick, collop oddsand ends, shadow .

Adv . Bit by b it ; by inches ;foot by foot ; drop by drop ; inlots .PART ICIPAT ION snacks,


portion .

To go snacks ; share andshare alike .

PARSIMONYstrait-handedness .Achurl , screw, skinflin t, crib,codger, muckworm , scrimp, lickpenny, hunks, curmudgeon .

PM. To skin a flint to drive aclose bargain .

Adj . Close—handed,fast-handedhide-bound, griping, pinching .

PM. Having an itching palm ;with a sparing hand .

PAST T IME PM. LangSyne the good old time time outofmind ; the rust ofantiquity .

PAYMENT PM. To forkou t money ; to pay on the nail ;to honor a bill (to foot th e bill)to strike a balance to quit scoresto do the needful ; to settle, balance , or square accounts with tob e even with ; to wipe off oldscores to sa tisfy all demands topay in full of all demands ; (totake up a note) .

PENITENCE PM. Thesteel of r epentan ce ; an awakenedconscienc : the cutty stool .



To plead guilty to own the softimpeachment to sing miserere; tocry peccavi to eat humble pie toturn over a new leaf to put onthe new man to have a wei ht onone’s mind to make a clean reastof


Down on one ’s marrow-bones .PERFECT ION PM. Thephilosopher ’s stone ; th e flower of

the flock ; the cock of the roost ;th e pink or acme of perfection .

PERMANENCE (142 PM. Thelaw of theMedes an Persians .Stand fast to keep one’s footing .

Adv . PM. For good,finally, ata stand, at a stand-still .PERMISSION PM. To

give carte blanch e ; to give onerope to give a horse h is head tostretch a point leave the doorOpen ; to let one paddle -one ’s can oe ; (to give the reins to) .

PERPETUITY PM. Stretching to the crack of doom foreverand a day for ever and everworld without end time withoutend ; to the end of time tilldoomsday .

P IETY Phr . Spiritual existen ce the Odor of sanctity thebeauty of holiness .To work out one ’s salvation .

The children of God ; childrenof the kingdom, children of light,c .

PITY PM' . The meltingmood ; bowels of compassion .

Tender as a chicken .

One’s heart bleeding for ; tut !for pity ’s sake ! mercy ! cry youmercy God help you !PLAN great gun , trumpca rd .

PM. To have many irons in thefire ; to d ig a m ine ; to spring aproject ; to take or adept a ccurse ;to set one ’s wits to work .

PLEASURE ease, heaven,empyrean ; third heaven .



V. To solace one ’s self; to beon velvet, in clover, in heaven ; tohu one ’s self.M. TO slake the appetite ; tobask in the sunshine to tread onenchanted ground .

Adj . Tickled,treated,Welcomed ,on velvet, in clover, on a bed of

roses,blessed , in heaven, in para


PM. With a joyful face ; withSparkling eyes happy as a kingleased as Punch ; in the lap of

ux ury ; happy as the day is

long .

PLEASURABLENESS (829) welcomeness, attractability,takingness,invitingness .

A treat, dainty, tit-b it, sweet,sweetmeat, sugar-plum,nuts .PM. To tickle, to take one’s

fancy to do one ’s heart good .

To one’s heart ’s content ; doingone ’s heart good .

PLUNGE to souse,plump,squash, douse .POSSESSION V. To be

seized of to have In hand,or onhand to inherit to get into one ’shands .PM. Abird in hand ;nine points

of the law .

POSSIBILITY PM. Windand weather perm i tting ; withinthe bounds of possibility .

POVERTY PM. To livefrom hand to mouth to come uponthe parish to go to the dogs notto have a penny .

To bring to the parish .

Adj . Seed hard-up, dowerless,fortuneless,gereft,bereaved .

PM. Unable to make both endsmeet ; out at elbows ; underhatches not having a stiver,or adoit ; not having a shot in one ’slocker ; not having a penny ; notworth a farthing ; not worth asou poor as a rat ; poor as a churchmouse ; out at the heels ; poor as


Job ; to go to rack and ruin ; tobeg)one ’s bread .

RECESSION PM. To goin the van ; to take the lead ; tolead the way ; to have the start ;toget before .REPARAT ION PM. A

stitch in time clearing decks ; anote of preparation .

To prepare the ground to takesteps ; lay or fix the foundations,the basis, groundwork, &c . ; to

lay the first stone ; to clear theground, clear the way, smooth theway, clear decks, clear for action ;close one ’s ranks ; plough theground dress the ground ; till thesoil sow the seed open the way,pave the way ; lay a train ; d ig amine ; prepare a charge ; to get upth e steam to erect the scaffolding .

TO hold one ’s self in readinessto keep one ’s powder dry to shoulder arms .To beat up for recruits ; to sound

the note of preparation .

Armed to th e teeth armed capa-pie ; th e coast being clear .

PRESENT TIME PM. Forthe time being,for the nonce,onthe nail, on the spot, on the spurof the occasion .

PRICE figure, run upon ;salva e .

P ar . To run up a bill ; toamount to, come to,mount up to .

To stand one in ,afford .

Adj . Priced, charged, &c . ; to

the tune of.PM. No penny, no pater nos

ter ; no longer pipe ; no longerdance .What it will fetch .

PR IDE. PM. To bridle,look b ig , toss the head, hold upone ’s head,perk one’s self up ; tocarry with a high hand ; to beupon stilts ; to take the wall ; to

give one ’s self airs ; to ride th e

igh horse .


herring ; salt as Lo t ’s wife ; hotas opper .IPUNISHMENT A blow,slap, h it, kn ock, rap, thump,bang, stroke, cufl


, kick, thwart,douse, box, punch, pummelDressing, lacing, cobbing,fustigation, picketing,leathering,decapitation . Duckin stool .V. To pay, 0 for, serve out

visit upon, lynch, lay on, leathercane to bang,thwack,thump,fib ,punch , pummel, drub, wallop,apidate .

PM. To make an example ofto serve one right ; to give a dres sing ; to lace one ’s jacket ; (to apply the oil Of birch ; to ride on ara i l to tan one’s hide) to tweakor pull the nos e to box the earsto give a black eye to beat blackand blue ; to lay about one ; tobeat to a mummy,or jelly ; to tarand feather . To be hanged,&c .

to be spread-eagled ; to come tothe gallows to d ie in one ’s shoes .PURSUIT V. To fish ,

angle, bob for ; to run down, tosnatch at .PM. To run or ride full tilt at .

In full cry after ; on the scent Of.To follow the scent to ride one ’shobby-horse .

Q UANTITY definite or finitequantity, hand ul ,mouthful,&c . ,batch , lot .Q UIESCENCE PM. Not

to stir a peg or step ; to go tobed ; to come to a stand-still ; tocome to a dead lock . To bring toa stand-still to lay an embargoon .

Still as a statue ; still as a postquiet or still as a mouse .


RASENESS PM. Ablind bargain . Arashling, dared evil . To buy a pig in a poke to

o on a forlorn hope ; to temptrovidence ; to rush on destruction to have too many eggs in onebasket ; to go further and fareworse . Without bal last ; handover head ; post has te ; neck ornothing ; head foremost ; the devilbein in one .REASON ING PM. The

horns ofa dilemma a paper war .TO take one ’s stand upon to choplogic ; to try conclusions ; to cutthe matter short ; to have the lastword to impale on the horns ofadilemma .

RECEIPT money comingin , incomings, rent-roll , ren tal .PM. To get what will make thepot boil ; to keep the wolf from

the door .RECEPTACLE follicle, dog

hole, poke,kit, stoup, hutch , dorser,rummer,horn ,posnet,thimble .D ining-room, pew, sitting-room,

Offices .RECEPT ION gulp,gulping ,epulation, carousal .V. To ingest, take down,gulp,

ingulp,bolt,snap,get down ,(worry down),

give entrance to . Totuck in , ick, pick, peck, gobble,guttle,raven . To munch ,cranch .

royne,mumble . To guzzle, swill,swig,drench ,sn

ip,tipple,drink in ,

drink up, toss o toss one ’s glass,empty one ’s glass .M. To wet one ’s whistle .

RECESSION PM. Toturn tart ; to take one’s self Off;to take to one’s heels ; to takeFrench leave ; to sound or beat aretreat ; to cut and run ; to hopthe twig to cu t one’s stick (tocut stick) ; to give leg bail ; thedevil take the hindmost .RECORD copy, duplicate,

inden ture, munimm t, magazin elegend .

V. To depo se, report, return,inscroll .


Adv .

seal .REDNESS Adj . Reddish,lurid,brick-colored,blowsy, stammel , carroty .

PM. Red as fire red as bloodred as scarlet ; red as a turkey~cock .

REDUNDANCEdrug, an expletive .

PM“ . To put butter upon b acon ; (to carry coals to Newcastle)it never rains but it pours tgo a begg in g over head and earshaving too many irons in the fireenough and to Spare .

REFUSAL V. To nill,grudge,begrudge . To forswear .PM. Not to hear of to turn adeafear to to shake the head tosend to the right about to hangfire ; to wash one ’s h ands of tohave nothing to do with . Refused,ungranted being out ofthe question .

REGRESSION reflex ion , reflex .

PM. To turn tail turn one ’sback upon ; retrace one’s steps ;to turn upon one’s heel to dancethe back-step to beat a retreat(to take the back track) .

REJECT ION PM. TO layon the shelf; to make a virtue ofnecessity to throw overboard .

First come first served Hobson ’schoice .

REJOICING crow, cheer,horse- lau

fgh , revelling, sardonic

in , gu aw, roar, cachinnation .Momus,Democritus the Abderite .

V. To crow, tickle, cackle,snicker, chuckle .PM. To laugh in one ’s sleeve torub one ’s hands to shake one ’ssides to leap with joy ; to blessone ’s stars to hold both one ’ssides to split one ’s sides to rearwith laughter to burst into a fitoflaughter to die with laughter .

Under one’s hand and

being a


To tickle one ’s fancy to‘ set the

table in a rear to convulse withlaughter ; to be the death of one .Ready to burst or split convulsedwith laughter laughter holdingboth h is sides .”RELINQ UISEMENT V. Tolet go,get rid of, s are, cast away,flin away, let 8 ip, make awaywit make way for .

PM. To drop all idea of toback ou t of to think better of

it to wash one’s hands of toturn over a new leaf; to pass tothe order ofthe day to throw upthe game, or the cards to shu t upsh Op ; to take leave of to haveother fish to fry to draw in one ’shorns .REMAIN DER heel-tap,cheeseparings,candle-ends,ofll scourings .

REPET IT ION cuckoo-note,harping,battology .

PM. To do or say over againto ring the changes on to harp onthe same string to d in or drum inthe ear to conjugate in all itsmoods,tenses,and inflex ions . Regular as clock-work . Again andagain , in quick succession, overand over again, over and anon,time after time,year after year,&c .

REPOSE PM. To restupon one ’s oars to take a holiday ; to shut up shop . Time tos are ; time on one ’s hands (see6 5

R)EPUTE chief,leader,&c . ,

(345) cock ofthe roost,cock ofthewalk,first fiddle .

PM. Afeather in one ’s cap aniche in the temple of fame ; ahalo ofglory a fair name blushing honors .To acquire or gain honor,&c .

to take precedence ; to bear thepalm ; to bear th e bell ; to redoundto one ’s honor to win laurels towin one ’s spurs to make a noise


in the world to exalt one ’s hornto have a run .

To exalt to the skies .Redound in to One ’s honor

One ’s name iving forever .

REQUEST postulation, 1metration , instance, Obsecration ,

Interpellation,apostrophe, orison,incantation . Mendicancy, begging letter . Revendication .

To b eg a boon, call upon , ply .

PM. To pop the question ; tofall on one ’s knees to come downon one ’s marrow-bones to begfrom door to door ; to dance attendance on ; to throw one ’s selfat the feet of.To evoke, kneel to , impetrate,

apply to , put to, call for, tax,cry to . To tout,revendicate .Cap in hand .

Ade . Prithee, do, please,good enough, pray,be so good as,ave the goodness, vouchsafe, forheaven ’s sake,for goodnes s ’ sake,for God ’s sake .RESENTMENT tantrum ,

pucker, dander, taking, huff, tiff.

The Furies, the Eumenides .PM. Black looks the bloodbeing up ; the blood rising ; theblood b oil in a towering passion ;the phials o wrath fire and fury .

Asore subject .

V. To take huff, gnash, pout,bridle up,bris tle up,flare up,snarl,growl, gnarl, snap . To froth up ;to fire 11 rage, &c . fly out,fire,boil , oil over .PM. To take in bad part to loseone’s temper to take it il l to takeexception ; to stick in one ’s gizzard to stand on one ’s hind legs ;to show one ’s teeth to stamp thefoot to swell or foam with rageto breathe revenge to cut uprough ; (to et mad) to pourth e phials c one’s wrath .

To stir up me’s bile ; to put out of


humor to lash into fury to raiseone ’s dander or choler ; to makeone ’s blood boil to drive onemadto work up into a pass ion (to putout) . One ’s back being up ;flushed with anger, rage ,&c . upin arms ; in a stew ; the gorgerisin on One’s high ro es ; inthe height of pas sion ; t e eyesflashing fire.

RESISTANCE oppugnation,reluctation , kicking .

PM. TO present a front ; toshow a bold front ; to make headagainst to stand one ’s ground tostand the brunt of; to keep atbay to stem the torrent to champthe b it to sell one’s life dearlyto fly in th e face of; to kickagain st th e pricks .RESOLUT ION PM. Topass the Rubicon to take a decisive step ; to nail one ’s colors tothe mas t ; to screw one ’s courageto the sticking place (to keep astiff upper l ip) .

Firm as a rock steady as timetrue to one ’s self master of one ’tself.

Through thick andthrough fire and water .

RESTRAINT cohibition, coarctation,entombment, durancevile .

V. To pin down , clap up,pen ,coop, jam in , box up, mew, wal lin , rail in , cloister, bolt in , closethe door upon .

PM. To put in irons ; to put ina strait-waistcoat (jacket) to pu tin bilboes .Adj . Buttoned up, pent up,cribbed, cabined .

In limbo ; in LOb’s ound ; in

quad ; laid by the b ee s ; boundhand and foot .RETALIAT ION PM. Tit

for tat ; a Roland for an O liver ;give and take measure for meas



dulge one’s self; to coddle

one’s self; to have an eye to themain chance .The dog in the manger the char

ity that begins at home .

SENSIBI I.ITY PM. To bewith outa skin ; to be thin-skinnedto d ie of a ros e in aromaticpain ; to feel where the shoepinches .SEQUENCE PM. To

go in

the rear, or in the wake o to

tread in the steps,or on the heelsof to follow as a shadow to lagbehind ; to get behind ; to bringup the rear .SERVANT bondswoman,(hel dependant,creature,(maidOf—a -work) a mercenary,henchman, led captain, donzel, trainbearer, yp,flunkey,jockey, tiger,cad, g i l ie, hireling, whipper-in ,castellan .

PM. To hang on the sleeve ofto pin one ’s self upon to danceattendance upon . In one ’s pay oremploy in the train of.SEVERITY a tyrant, disci

pl inarian , martinet, bas haw, astrong hand, a tight hand .

PM. To stretch a Oint ; to puton the screw ; to ho d or keep atight hand to bear or lay a heavyhand on to lord it over to carrymatters with a high hand to riderough-shod over ; to rule with arod of iron . An iron rule ; thereign of terror .SERVILITY (886) mealymouthedness . A toad-eater, (dough-face,

tool), toady, spaniel, lick-Spittle,tuft-hunter, reptile .

PM. To pay court to to danceattendance on ; to pin one ’s selfupon ; to hang on the sleeve of.To go with the stream to worshipthe rising sun ; to hold with thehare and run with the hounds .SHARPNESS PM. Sharp

as a needle sharp as a razor .

SHIP snow, ketch, h eybuss ,(seow,ark,seventy-four) , igfunny, dingy, bum-boat, cob le,pun t, cog,kedge, outrigger, catamaran, coracle, caique . Galleyfoist, bilander, dagger, howker,argosy, polacca, tartane, praam,

saic, prahu, sampan, xebec .


a dummPM. To s cak low or softly ;

to close one’s lips to stick in thethroat ; to keep silence ; to holdone’s tongue ; to bold one ’s peace .Mute as a fish hoarse as a ravenwith bated breath ; with the finger on the l i Still as a mouse ;deathlike si ence ; silent as the


Int. Hush silence soft .

mum ! whist ! tush ! chut ! tut !SIMILARITY PM. One ’ssecond self birds ofa feather .True to nature to the life thevery image ; as like as two peasfor all the world like ; as like as itcan stare cast in the same mould ;a chip of the old block .

SINNER sad do rafl'


cal l ion , rapscallion, cu lion, roister, hell-cat, rake-hell .SIZE corporation, flesh

and blood .

A giant, An taeus, monster,mammoth ,Cyclops, whale, leviathan,elephant, orpoise, colossus,tun , lump, bu k, block, mass,bush el, thumper,Whopper,spank.

er, (bouncer) .

PM. The largest portion ,&c .

the lion ’s share .

Adj . Mighty swag -belliedpreposterous ; Brobdignagian in

good condition .

PM. ATriton amon thenews ; large as life ; p ump as apartrid e ; fat as a pig ; fat as a.quail at as butter fat as brawnplump as a dumpling ; fat as be»con .


SKILL sleight ofhand .

PM. To play one ’s cards wellto kn ow what one is about ; tostoop to conquer ; to cut one ’scoat according to one ’s cloth ; tolook after th e main chance ; tokn ow which side one ’s bread isbuttered .

Sharp as a needle ; (bang-up ;up to snuff; up to snuff and apinch above it ; curious ; up totrap all sorts of) .

SLOWNESS shambling,dawdle .V. To slug, bundle on, toddle,waddle, wabble, shuffle, loseground, claudicate .To march in slow time in funeral procession “ to drag its

length along ; to take one ’stime to hang fire.

To take in sail ; to put on thedrag to apply the break ; to clipthe winAdj . i eden, tardigrade .PM. Under easy sail ; with

mincing s teps ; with cl ippedWings .

SMALLNESS a dot, speck,ace, thought,idea ,smack,scantlet,dole, thimbleful, spoonful, handful ,mouthful .PM. To lie in a nu tshell .PM. The shadow ofa shade a

dro in the bucket,or in the ocean .

MOO THNESS V. Tosmoothen ,macadamize .

PM. Smooth as glass s moothas velvet ; smooth as Oil ; slippeg

as an eel .CIALITY A rout, (a

Spree, a jol l ifica tion , jolly time),at home, house-warming, festival .PM. TO pick or scrape acquain t

ance with ; to beat up one ’s quarters to make one ’s self at home ;to be on oed or friendl y termswrtn ; to e at home ; to hangout give a warm reception to te

4 I l

ceive with Open arms ; to ki ll thefatted ca lf.

Free and easy hail fellow wellmet ; hand in glove with . (NOfreedom no friend sh i


SOFTNESS M. Soft asbutter ; soft as down ; yielding aswax ; soft as silk ; tender as achicken .

SOLECISM PM. To murder the king ’s (or people’s) English to break Priscian '

s head .

SOPH ISTRY PM' . Beggingtl


i e question ; reasoning in a cir

c e .

The meshes or cobwebs of sophistry a flaw in the argument anargument falling to the ground .

To throw Off the scent ; to b egthe question ; to reason in a cir

cle ; to split hairs ; to cut blockswith a razor ; to lose one ’s reckoning .

Away from the point ; foreignto the purpose or subject havingnothing to do with the matter notbearing upon the poin t in question travelling out of the record .


vinegar sour as a crab .

SPACE elbow-room .

PM. Th e length and breadth ofthe land ; far and near ; far andwide ri ht and left all over allth e worId over ; throughout theworld ; under the sun ; in everyquarter ; in all quarters ; in alllands ; here, there, and everywhere ; from pole to pole ; fromChina to Peru .

SPEECH PM. The gift ofth e gab .

To say one’s say ; to have atongue in one’s head ; to have atthe end of one ’s tongue ; to haveon one ’s lips ; to pass one’s lipsto wag th e tongue ; to fall from,

or escape the lips or mouth ; toOpen the lips ; to give utteranceto ; to speak one ’s mind .


STAGE PM. To strut one’shour 11 on the stage .STAMMERING traulism, abroken or cracked voice .V. To haw,hum and haw,Splut

ter,mump .

PM. To cl ip the king ’sEnglishnot to be able to put two wordstogether .

STATE pickle,plight, (fix ) .

PM. As th e matter stands .STEALING black-mail,piracy, privateering, fil libustering ;rapacity,cleptomania .

V. 0 na n im, prig, grab ;make off with , crimp, crib, ransack, gut, forage, pluck, pigeonsweep levy black mail , pickeer .PM. To live by one’s wits torob Peter to pay Paul ; to set athiefto catch a thief to lift cattle .STORE PM. To husband

one ’s resources to have twostrings to one ’s bow .

ST RENGTH PM. A giantrefreshed ; a tower of stren th .

SUBJECT ION PM. To draga chain to be led by the nose tobe or l ie at the mercy of; to wearth e collar . To have one on the h ip;to break in .

Under the thumb of not daringto say one ’s soul ’s one ’s own ator under one ’s command ; at thefeet of under the lash ; at thecall or h eck of at th e mercy Of.SUBMISSION V. To truckle

to, knuckle to, knock underknuckle under .PM. To beat a retreat to strike

one’s flag or colors ; to surrenderat discretion (to cry quarter tocry quits) .SUBST ITUTION PM. To

stand in the shoes of take theplace of, supply the place of.SUCCESS (73 1 trump card

stroke . The Wil l -hand .

V. To have t e best of it ; toworst, l ick, trip up, beat hol low,

elude, trip up the heels of,drownto roll in the dust .PM. To sail before th e wind ;torun hard to swim with the tide ;to walk over th e course ; to rulethe roost to stem th e torrent toturn a corner to wea ther a pointto trample under foot ; to fa ll onone ’s legs or feet ; to go on well ;to go on swimmingly to turn uptrumps ; to have the game in one ‘shands to work or make one ’sway to have the ball at one ’sfeet ; to come off with flying colors to have it all one ’s own wayto win , carry, or gain th e day towin the palm to make short workof to run on all fours to get theupper hand to get th e whiphand of; to have on the h ip; tocarry the prize ; to light on one ’slegs like a ca t ; to make the enemybite th e dust to get th e start ofto have a run of luck to make ah it ; to h it the right nail on thehead ; to reap or gather the harvest ; to carry all before one.

Flushed w ith success : one ’scourse being smooth .

SUFFIC IENCY (63 93,a bum er, a

bellyful ,a cart-lea a ship oada plum er .PM. The horn of plenty (cor

nuOOpia) .

Having two strings to one ’sbow enough and to spare cutand come again ; full as an egg ;full as a vetch ; ready to burst ;plenty as blackberries flowingwith m ilk and honey ; enough inall conscience ; the measure beingfull .SUPERIORITY PM. To have

th e advan tage to kick the teamto turn the scale (to beat all hollow to beat all to smash to bea tall to pieces) . ATriton among them innows .SUPPORT stirrup ; girder,lintel floor, mantel-piece ; souab.


fault to lose the clue or thescent.

To tremble in the scale to hangby a thread .

UNCONFORMITY PM. Outof one ’s element a fish out of

water ; neither one thing nor another neither fish ,flesh nor fowl ,nor yet a red herring .

To have no business there ; tobeggar description .

nl ike what the world ever sawwithout a ara l lel none buthimself cou d be h is parallel .”UNDEREST IMAT ION PM.

To snap one’s fingers at to throwinto the shade not to care a pin ,rush, for (643 ) to slurover .UNDERTAKING V. To

make a beginning to be in for itto ut one ’s foot in it.

‘0 break cover to set up shop

to 8 ring a mine .Prim To break the neck of the

busines s to pass the Rubicon to

take upon one ’s self to take onone ’s shoulders .To take the bull by the horns ;

to rush in med ias res to have toomany irons in the fire to attemptimpossibilities .UNIMPORTANCE nonsense,

fudge, flummery, nonen tity, abulrush .

PM. Fiddle-stick ; leather orrunel la tweedle-dum and tweele-dee much ado about nothingmuch cry and little wool .To catch at straws to make

much ado about nothing .

Not worth a straw not worthmentioning, or speaking of nothin

g)to Speak of as light as air ;cing no object .Tut ! no matter ! pshaw pugh !

pooh-pooh fudge ! fidd le-dee

nonsense stufl' never mind

what of that !Uumrm amm rr PM

Not to know what to make of not

to be able to make either head ortail of to pla

yat cross purposes

to ass compre iens ion .

BNSK ILFULNESS PM. Tomake a mess or has h of to beginat the wrong end ; to make sadwork of ; to put one ’s foot in itto do things by halves to lose ormiss one ’s way to throw a stonein one ’s own garden ; to stand inone’s own light ; to quarrel withone’s bread and butter ; not toknow what one is about to havetoo many irons in the fire to havetoo many eggs in one basket ; toplay at cross purposes to kill thegoose which lays golden eggs .Adj . Gawky, inexpert, raw,

green, (jolly green), rusty, shiftless ; unteachable, inconsiderate,adrift,at fault .UNTRUTH flam,bam ,hum ,

bounce, gammon, nursery- tale,flim-flam .

PM. The thing that is not ; atub to the whale a cock-and-bul lstory the grapes being sour .UNWILLINGNESS PM. Tostick in the throat .

To set one ’s face against .Against the grain ; will he n il

he not for the world (forworlds) with a bad grace .

USE PM. To take ad

vantage of ; to turn to accoun t ;

to ma e the most of to make thebest of to put in requisition topla ofl


to bring to bear upon ;to al l back upon to press or enlist in to the service to makeshift with .

To ull the strings or wiresto ma e a cat ’s paw of; to layone ’s hands on to bring intoplay .


As ill luck would have it in evilhour after meat,mustard afterdeath, the physician ; the time


having gone by a pardon afterexecution”To let slip through the fingers .


VAN ITY PM. TO have ahigh or overween ing Opinion of

one ’s self, one ’s talents, &c . ; tobl ind one’s self as to one ’s ownmerit not to think small beer, orvin ordinaire,of one ’s self to putone ’s self forward ; (to be forthputting) to fish for compliments .Wise in one ’s own conceit vain

as a eaeoek .

A v . Vainly,&c . ostentatiously,&c . (882) with beat ofdrum,&c .

How we apples swimVEH ICLE pon toon,bury, sulky, brougham,

hurdle .VELOCITY eagle-speed,

pernicity ; steeple—chase ; handgallop spurt, rush,bounce fullgal lop, a rattling pace .Cannon-ball,wind , quicksilver .Mercury,Ar iel, Camilla, Har

lequin .

V. TO whip, bounce, flounce,bolt, trot .PM. TO mend one’s pace ; to

make haste ; to make th e best of

one ’s way ; to put one ’s best legforemost ; to take to one ’s heels ;to fly off at a tangent ; to wingone ’s way to clap Spurs to one ’shorse to carry sail to crowd sailto run a race to run like mad togo off like a shot ; to outstrip thewind ; to fly on the wings Of th ewind (to streak it) .

Swift as an arrow ; swift as adoe ; off like a shot ; quick aslightning ; quick as thought .Ad v. Slap, slap—dash, hurryskurry .

PM. Under press ofsail or canvas ; by forced marches ; on ea

gle ’s wings in double quick timewith giant or gigan tic steps ; in




seven-league boots whip and spuras fast as one ’s legs or heels willcarr one ; th ) devil take theh in most .VERACITY PM. Not to

mince th e matter .

In plain English ;mincing the ma tter ;equ ivocation .

VESTURE (225 traps, slopsHaik , smock-free blouse, wraprascal, poncho . Headg ear .V. To lap up, dight,fig out .To huddle on, erk .

VICE M. The eleven

foot ; the lowest dregs of vice ; asink of iniquity .

TO deviate from the line of duty, or from the path Of virtue,rectitude, &c . ; to hug a s in orfault to sow one ’s wild oats .Not having a word to say for

One’s self.VIN '

O ICAT ION to put in agood word for ; to plead the causeOf; to ut a good face upon ; tomince t e matter to make allowance for ; to help a lame dog overa stile ; to take thewill for th e deed .

VIOLEN CE ferocity,vescence, rumpus, shog,outburst, rush , tumult .A fury, dra on , demon, tiger,beldame, Tisiphone, Megaera,Alecto .

PM. To break the peace, toout~Herod Herod, to run a muckto add fuel to the flame .

Fierce as a tiger all the fat b ein in th e fire .

%3y might and ma in, tooth andnail at the point ofthe sword atone fell swoop .

VIRTUE PM. To haveone ’s heart in the right place ; tokeep in the right path ; to set anexample ; to be on one’s good b ehavior .Above or beyond all praise .

VISIBILITY (446) PM. To break




through the clouds ; to heave insight ; to show its colors ; to tellits own tale ; to stare one in theface .

Open as day; clear as noon-day ;

plain as a pi e-stafl' under one ’s

nose ; plain as the nos e on one’sface ; staring one in the face ;there being no mistaking ; in fullview .

VULGARITY a hoyden,tom-boy, dowdy, cub .

PM. TO smell of the shop .

Adj . Dowdy, unlicked, ungenteel,tramontane (gawk,gawky) .


WARFARE V. TO tussle,tilt, bo x , stickle ; to serve, to seeservice .PM. To go to war to appeal to

arms ; to take up arms ; to draw,or unsh eath the sword ; to appea lto the sword ; to come to blows ;to spill the blood ; to lay aboutone ; to measure swords ; to throwaway the scabbard ; to give satisfaction to break a lance with tofight l ike devils ; to fight hand tohand ; to go to battle ; to engagein battle ; to enter the lists ; tojoin battle to give battle to wagewar to carry on war to come toclose uarters with ; to carry onhostilities ; to let sl i the dogs ofwar ; to take the figld , keep thefield ; to sell one ’s life dearly ; tofight it out ; to fight one ’s way .

Together by the ears .The tug of war sword in hand .

In the thick of the fray .

WARN ING (668) PMThe

griting on the wall ; the yellowa

To put on one’s guard ; to soundthe alarm .

Tut beware take care mindor take care what you are about .

WASTE PM. To castpearls before swine ; to employ a

steam-engine to crack a nut ; tobreak a butterfly on a wheel .WATER V. To sense,swash , douse , slop,slobber .Adj . Squashy, splashy,slobb ery,sodden, soaked,drenched .

PM. Wet as a drowned rat ;wet as a rag wringing wet .WATER INMOT ION squirt ,linn or l in ; scud, m i zzle ; gill ,gullet, rillet, sike, burn, beck,river,flush, swash, rush , bore .

V. To dribble, swash, guggle,sputter .To rain, Spit, mizzle, set in ir

rigate .

PM. To rain cats and degs ,andpitchforks to rain in torrents .WEAKNESS a reed,a thread,a re Of sand a house Ofcards .

dj . Incapable, inadequate,marrowless,poor, infirm,decayed ,rotten .

Unarmed, aidless , defenceless ,Indefensible .

PM. On one’s last legs ; weakas a child weak as a baby weakas a chicken ; weak as a cat ; weakas water ; weak as water-gruel ;weak as gingerbread ; weak asmilk and water ; (not having anyback-bone) oed for nothing .

WEALTH PM. Awelllined purse ; the purse OfFortunatus ; a mint ofmone ; a flush Ofmoney ; l eaves and fis es .

TO roll in riches ; to wallow in

weal th ; to hold one ’s head abovewater .Made of money ; well to do ;well off rich as Croesus rich asa Jew ; rolling in riches,&c .

WH ITENESS PM. Whiteas the driven snow ; white as asheet .WHOLE head and shoulders, neck and heels, hulks ; (teeto tal) .PM. The lion ’s share ; Benja

min ’s mess .




N . 13.—T h e word s and ph rases in th e fo l lowing co l lec tion are such as are curren t inmod ern litera ture,as wel l on th e con tinen t ofEurope as in Eng land . T h e words are not

a lways c lass ica l,and th e sense in wh ich th ey are used is Often peculiar,differing sometimesmateria l ly from th e s tandard of th e languages from wh ich th ey are taken. T h e definitionsare necessarily b rief; and,th erefore,could not a lways be l itera l.

Ans nnv T I om .—L. La tin ; F. French ; I. I ta lian ; 8. Spanish ; G. Grant.


A,or ab,L. From,by,of.

A,F At,alter th e man ner of,to.Ahas ,F. Down.

Abon mar ch é,F. Ch eap,at a good b argain.

Abras ouver ts ,F. With open arms .

Acapite ad calum,L. From h ead to feet.a cha rg e,F. At th e expense of,burdensometo.

Acheva l,F. On h orseback.

Acond itum,F. On condition th at,providedth at .

.a contr cwur,F. Agains t one’s wi ll , reluctaut ly.

,9 corps perdu, F. Head long,neck or no thing.

A( cup sfir,F. With certainty,surely.fl coup perdu,F. Ach ance b low or stro l e.

d convert,F. Covered,pro tec ted.Adate,L. From da te,from th is time.

A! decouver t,F. Uncovered,unpro tec ted.Adame,F. By h a lves , h a lf.Ades s em,F. Des igned ly.Adeuz mains F. Bo th ways,doub ly.

Ad ie,L. From th at d ay on.

Adis cretion,F. Atone’s dis cretion or pleasure,with out reservation .

Adroitc,F. T o th e righ t.Afond,F. Th orough ly.Aforfait,F. By th e job or con tract.Afor tiori, L. For a s ti ll s tronger reason,

s til l more.

Ag auch e,F. T o th e left.Ag enoux,F. On one

’s knees.

Ag rands frais ,F. At great cos tAhaute voiz ,F. Aloud.Al mis c los ,F. With c losed doors,privately.Atenant,F. T o th e east.

AJos eprincip ium,L. Beginning with Jove.o r with prayer.Ala,F. After th e manner of,at,on.

A l ’abandon,F. Negl igen tly,at random.

A l’abri,F. Under pro tec tion,defended.Al ’Ang lats e,F. In th e Eng l ish way .

A l’aven ture,F. Upon a venture.

Ala bell e étoele,F. In th e Open air.

Ala bonne h em-c,F. Very wel l .A la campagvtc, F. In th e country, rus tics imp le.


Ala dérob ée,F Secretl y,s tea l th il y.A la faveur,F Favored or a ided by.

a la F rangaisc,F. After th e French manner.

Ala mo de,F. In fas h ion.

Al ’cx térteur,F. Ex terna l l y.d l ’cz trémzté, F. In ex treme necess ity, atth e end ,at th e fina l h our.A l ’tmpromstc, F. Sudden ly,unexpec ted l y,unforeseen.

Al ’ordma ire,F. In th e usua l way.

A la Tartufe, F. Hypocritica l l y, like T artufe.

A mers cil le, F. Marvel lous ly wel l, sp lend id ly.

Apcrtc dc vac, F. Beyond one’s view,or

sph ere.

Apcupres ,F. Nearl y.Apezzi,I. Piece by piece.Apidcerc,I . At p leasure.Apied,F. On foo t.Ap lomb,F. Perpend icularly,firmly.Anesczrc ad non ease,L., (inferring ) Froma wan t ofknow ledge,non-exis tence.

Apoint,F. Exac t ly righ t,jus t enough .

Apos se ad case,L. From poss ibi l ity to realApos teriori,L. From experimen t or observa tion,prac tica l ly .Apotzori,L. From th e grea ter numb er or

part.Aprima vista,I. At firs t s igh t.Aprio ri,L. Th eore tica l ly,with out erpetimen t or o b serva tion .

A propos, F. Pertinent l y, seasonab ly,pertaining to .

Apropos d c bottcs,b y th e by,(th e connec tionbeing ludicrous or ab surd,) with out reason.

Arecalons ,F.

’ Backwards.Arcbours ,F. Reversed.Arevoir,F. Ti l l we meet again.

Atdtons ,F. Groping in th e dark.

Atouts force, F. With al l one’s migh t, indefiance ofal l ob s ta c les.A taut ha zard,F. At al l events .A touts outrance,F. Carried th rough to th e

end ,to th e utmos t .A tout prix, F. At any price, cos t wh at itmay .

A s erbis ad verbera, L. From word s to

b lows .

Aw e d ’m‘

l,F. With in th e range ofth e eye.

Avo lon té,F. At p leasure.

Ab,L. From. (SeeA.)

Ab antique, L. Ab anttco,I. From ancienttimes .

All extra,L. From with outAb incunabul is , L. From th e crad le, fromth e firs t.

Ab mitio,L. From th e b eginning.

Ab mteg ro, L. Anew,over again .

Ab in tra,L . From Wi th in.

Ab 000,L. From th e beginning.

Ab ovo ris que ad mal a, L. From beg inn ing

to end .

Abandon,F. Giving up,ab andonmen t,neg[ igence.

Abbino,L. From th is or th a t time.

Abattoir,F. S laugh ter h ouse.

Abonncmcnt, F. Subs cription, or prepaymen t.Abrég é,F. An ab ridgmen t.Abs ence d’esprit,F. Ab sence ofmind .Ab sens ca reus ,L. T h e ab sen tee comes oi!

minus.Abs en tia,L. Absence .

Absque id la conditions,L. Uncond i tiona l ly .Abusus non to lli t usum,L. An abuse no ar

gument agains t th e righ t use.

Academia del la Crus ca,I. Aso c iety in I ta lyfor res toring puri ty to th e language.

Acarcdtrc,F. Peevis h , il l na tured .Acccpi,L. I h ave received it.Accep ta,L. T h e receipts, (in accoun ts . )Acco la de, F. Emb race by put ting th e arm

round th e neck.

Accouch eur, F. O ne wh o pra ctises ob s tetrics,a man-midwife.Accouchement, F. Confinemen t, lying-in,parturi tion.

Accueil,F. Reception,wel come.

Acerva tim,L. By h eaps .

Acetum,L. Vinegar.

Ach arné,F. Raging, b lood th irs ty.Ach arnemen t,F. Anger,rage,con tinued violence.

Acics ing enu,L. Acutenes s of in tel lec t.Acies aca lor am,L. Acutenes s ofs igh t.Acta, L. Proceed ings in courts of jus tice,transac tions .

Acti laborcs jucundi,L. Pas t to ils are p leasant.

Actio ,L. An ac tion,es pec ia l ly in law.

Actual iter,L. Ac tua l ly.Actnm es t,L . It is al l over,or finish edAcme,L. An act.

E quo ammo,L. Wil ling l y,with compo

sure and firmness.

Erepermnius ,L. Ever-enduring.


Al la,I . T h e same as Ala ,wh ich see.

Al l ’ a lba,I. At daybreak .

Al la breve,I. Quick.Al la pezza,I. Piece by piece.

Alla Po lacca,I. In Po lis h fas h ion.

Al la Sici liana,L In th e S icilian way, ins h eph erd’s dress .Al la zoppa,I. In a lame,imperfec t way.

Al légr es se,F. Jocundity.All eg ro,I . Ch eerful,joyful .Al lons,F. Letus go .

Al lez,F. G0 on !

Al lez-vous en,F. Away with you!Alma ma ter, L. T h e co l lege in wh ic hwas educated .Alter eg o,L. My o th er self.Al lerum ta ntum,L. As much more.Altesse,F. His or h er h igh ness .

Al to rel ieve,I. In h igh re l ief.Altum si len tium,L. Profound silence.

Alumni,L. Graduates.Alumnus ,L. Agraduate.Amant,F. Alover.Amantium ire ,L. Lovers ’ quarre ls.Amb ag es ,L. Wind ings ,wanderings.Ame de boue,F. Amean wretch .

A-me qui vive,F. Not a living soul.Amends ho norab le,F. Repara tion,apo logy .


Amicus ,L.

Ami de cour, F. A courtMend, an uncertain friend.Amitié,F. Friendsh ip.Amwnitates,L. Pleasures,del igh ts .

Amor,L. Love,Cupid.Amor patria ,L. Love ofcountry.Amoroso,I. Alover tenderl yAmour propre,F. Self- love,vanity.Anal ecta, L. Selec t pas sages from ancientunpub l ish ed works,selec tions.Ancien reg ime,F. T h e o ld order ofth ings.Anéan tis sement,F. Annih ila tion.

Animal d isputaz,L. Adisputatious man.

Animus ,L. Mind ,soul,feelings .

Annulus,L. Aring.

Annus mirabilis ,L. Ayear ofwonders .Ante,L. Before.Ante la cem,L. Before dayb reak.Antemerid rem,L. Before noon.

Antrum immane,L. An immense cave.

Apag e,Sa tanas,L. Get th ee b eh ind me,Satan.

Apergu,F. Asurvey,or sketch .

Aqua tinta ,I. Awa ter co lor in engravmg.

Aqua T ofana,I. Asub tile po ison.

fAfriend,a lover.


Aqua cl igne interdietus ,L. Depriw d offire

and water, b anish ed.Arab esque, F. Painting or s culpture withflowers and p lants .

Arbiter el eg antia rum,L. Aman of tas te,acritic.Arboretum,L. Anursery for " em.

Arcades ambo,L. Both a like,b irds offeather.

Areanum,L. Asecret. Arcana,secrets.Arc-en-eiel,F. Rainb ow.

Argumentum ab invuha,L. An appea l to lowpass ions in reasoning.

Argumentum ad hominem,L. Aplain,s imple demons tration,a h ome th rus t.Argumentum baeculinum, L. A cudgell ing.

Argumen tum ad crumenam,L. An appea l toth e pocket.Argumen tumad mis ericordiam,L . An appealto one’s compassion.

Argumentumad verecundiam,L.An appea l toone

’s h onor.

Armada,S. Afleet.Arrectis auribus ,L. With at ten tive ears.Arrét,F. Ajud icia l decis ion.

Afl iempensée, F. A th ough t kept b ack, amenta l reserva tion.

Arrondis sement,F. Ad is tric t,or circ le.

Ars long a, vita brevis ,L. Art is long, andl ife is sh ort.Artes lib era les,L. T h e l ibera l arts.Artis te,F. An artis t,an actor.Artiummag is ter,L. Mas ter ofarts.As inus ad lgram,L. (As fi tting as ) an ass to

a l yre.

Ass igna t,F. Papermoney issued in Francein 1789.

As tma reduz, L. T h e reign of jus tice re

s tored .As trum,L. As tar.Atelier,F. Aworks h op,or artis t’s room.

Atrium,L. Acourt,a yard.Attach é, F. A subaltt rn, especia l ly of an

amb ass ador.Attenta t,F. Criminal act,vil lany.Aubout de s on La tin,F. At one’s wits ’ end,at the l imit ofone’s know ledge.

Aucontraire,F. O n th e contrary.Aucoura n t,F. At th e curren t price,up toth e time.

Aufa it,F. Wel l skil led .Aupts al l er,F. At th e worst.Aures-te,F. For th e res t.Aurevoir,F. Til l we meet again.


Audaeem fortuna juva t,L. Fortune favorsth e b rave.

Audi a l teram partem,(L. Let th e o th er

Aud iatur et a l tera pars , party h e h eard.Augus tana Confes sio,L. T h eAugsburg Confes s ion.

Aula,L. Apub l ic h al l,or court.Aal icas ,L. Acourt ier.Aurea med l om tas, L. Neith er poverty norri ch es .Auri saora fumes,L. An accursed lus t ofgain .

Aurig a,L. Ach arioteer.Aut Cazsar aut nih i l,L. T h e Wh o le or no thing.

Aut v incere autmori,L. T o conquer or d ie.

Auto da fé,S . Th e punishmen t ofa h ereticb y burning.

Avan t coureur,F. Ah arb inger,a forerunner.Avant courr ier,F. Acourier going b efore agreat personage.

Avan t propos,F. Preface,prel iminary.Ave,Maria,L. Hail,Mary,a prayer to th eVirgin.

Avec permis sion,F. By permiss ion.

Avis ,F. Advices, in te l l igence,no tice.Avoca t,F. Advo cate.

Avunculus ,L. Unc le.

Anus ,L. Grandfa th er.


Badinag e,F. Jes t,sport.Bag a tel le,F. Atrifle.

Baroque,F. Out ofsh ape,gro tesque.Bam ére,F. Bar,gate, l imit.Bas b leu,F. Ab lues tock ing.

Bas ti l le,F. Name of th e ol d s tate prison inParis .Baton ,F. Ared ,s taff.Bavardag e,F. Garrul ity,id le pratt le.

Bea ter:memori es ,L. Of b lessed memory.Beaurrwnd e,F. T h e fash ionab le world.Bel esprit,F. Aman ofwit.

Bel é tag e,F. T h e second and b es t s tory ofah ouse.

Benevo le lector,L. Gen t le reader.Bes oin,F. Need,wan t.Béte,F. Ab eas t.Betis e,F. S tupid ity.Bévue,F. An error,a b lunder.B l b l l oth eca , L.

iAlib rary.Btblwth-éque,F.

m ium,I period oftwo years .


B iens e’an ce,F. Decomm, civil ity.B ienvenu,F. We lcome


é,F. Cance l led,erased.B ij ou,F. Ajewel .B ij outerie,F. Jewelry.Bil let d’amour,or b il let douz,F. Alove Iotter.

B is ,L. Twice.

B is d at qui cito dat,L. He gives twice wh ogives promp tly.Bizarre,F. S trange,od d .

B las é,F. Pa l l id ,faded.B londine,F. Alady with l igh t-co lored h airand comp lexion.

B lous e,F. A lab orer’s frock,a frock wornb y fema les .Boi te, F. A sma l l box or cas e carried bylad ies.Bona fi de,L. In good faith ,genuine.

Bon ami,F. Good friend .Bon b on,F. Confec tionery.Bon gré,mal gré,F . Wil lingly or unwil lingly.

Bon homme,F. Adear good man.

Bonh ommie,F. Good nature,simp licity.Bon j our,F. Good d ay.

Bon mot,F. Aw itty saying.Bonne,F. Afema le wh o h as th e supervi;ion ofch ildren .

Bonne foi,F. Good faith .

Bonnemeut,F. Simp l y,precisely.Bono animo es se,L. T o b e ofgood ch eer.Bon s oir,F. Good evening.Bon ton,F. Good s ty le,refined manners.Bon vieant, F. A h igh liver, or ma n of

p leasure.

Borne, F. Narrow minded .Bottines,F. Boo tees,h a lf b oo ts .

Bouil lon,F. Soup.Boulevards,F. T h e wa lks around th e ol d

parts ofParis wh ere th e wa l ls once s toodBoulevers é,F. Dis turbed,upset.Boulcvers ement,F. Overturn,sub vers ion .

Bourg eois ,F. Aburgh er,or peasan t. Bour

g eois ie,th e free citizens .

Boutade. F. Acon ceit,a freak of th e fancyBoutique,F. S ta l l for th e sa le ofgoods .

Brach ium s eculare, or eio ile, L. T h e Civilarm or power.

Bravoure,F. Bravery, courage.

Brevet, F. A commis s ion, a tit le to rankab ove one

’s pay.

Brig andag e,F . Rob bery,rapine,p lunder.Brocard,F. Agib e.

Brochure,F. Apamph le t.


Brouil lerie,F. Disunion s trife.

Brunette, F. A lady with b rown or darkcomplex ion and h air.

Brus que,F. Uncourteous,ntugh ,bo is terousspark ling,h as ty.

Brutum fulmen, L. Harmless thunder, orth reatening,b lus ter.

Ca baret,F. Atavern .

Cabaretier,F. An innkeeper.Cabotag e,F. Coas ting,th e coas t trade.


zbriolet,F. Aligh t,two-wh ee led,coveredcarriage.

Jae-no,F. Ah id ing-place,buried s tores.Jaché,F. Concealed,secret.Jacket,F. S tamp,sea l .Cach ot,F. Adark prison .

Ca coeth es loquendi, L. Over-fondness for

speaking.Ca cum,L. Ad ark or b lind passage.

Cro cus ,L. B l ind .Café,F. Coffee, coffee h ouse.

Cafetier,F. Keeper ofa coffee h ouse.

Caztera desunt,L. T h e res t is wan ting.Ca ter-is 'paribus, L. O th er th ings b eing


Ca ira,F. Itwil l go,” a song ofth e Frenchrevo lut ion.

Co ll ier,F. Numb ers ofa periodical,a notebook,manus cript no tes.

Ca léche,F. Ah a lfcoach ,or calash .

Ca lembour,F. Apun .

Ca lotte,F. Asma l l cap,a Skul lcap.Camarade, F. Acomrade.

Caman l la, S. A smal l ch amber, secret advisers ofth e King of Spain.

Camb io,I. Exch ange.

Cameral ta,L. T h e s cience ofpo l itical econemy.

Campus .Mar tius ,L. Ap lace ofmil itary exercise.

L‘ana i lle,F. T h e dregs ofth e peop le.Cancel larius,L . Ach ancel lor.

Cancel l i,L. Ala ttice enc losure in a churchor court h ouse.

Can ta te,L. Ah ymn ;th e fourth Sunday afterEas ter.

Cantatormm,L. Aboo k con tain ing th e re»

Spouses sung in th e Cath o l ic church .


tce,I. Afema le 5 ager.Cantor,L. As inger.

Canzéne. I. Asong.


usages .

C’es t a‘ dire,F. Th at is to say.

Ces san te caus d ces sat efi ctus ,L. Th e effect

ceases with th e cause

Cap—d -pie,F. From h ead to foot.

Capo t,F. Ac loak with a h ood.Capre,F. Apirate.

Capta tio benevolentiaz,L. Bespeaking th e fivor ofan audience.

Caput mortuum,L. Worth less remains ,re

s iduum.

Caraco le,F. Vaul t ing to th e righ t and leftin h orsemansh ip.Ca rbonari,I. Members ofa secret po li ticals ociety in I tal y.Careme,F . Fas t . Len t.Carmagno le,F. Adance,with s inging,during th e Fren ch revo lution.

Ca ros s e,F. Ach ario t ofs tate.

Carpe diem,L. Seize or improve time.

Ca rré,F. Asquare or four-s ided figure.

Carrefour,F. Cros s ing or fork in a road .

Carrelag e,F. Paving Wi th square s tones .

Car te b lanche,F. Ful l permis s ion .

Car tel,F. Ch al lenge,s tipula tion.

Carton, F. Cartoon, a painter’s roughsketch .

Cas eme,F. Barrack.

Cass a,I. Money ch es t,money on h and .

Casu,L. By ch ance.

Casus cons cientiaz,L. Acase ofcons cience.

Casus for tuitus ,L. Aib rtuitous occurrence.

Casus in terminis ,L. One and th e samecase.

Ca sus reserva tus,L. Areserved case .

Cata logue rais onné, F. A sys tematic catalogue,a catalogue by subjec ts.Caus a sine qua non, L. An indispens ab lecondition .

Cautela ,L. Caution,s ecurity.Cautionnemen t,F. Security, bail.Cavea t,L. As topping ofa process,a wammg.

Cavea t emptor, L. Let th e purch aser beware.

Cedemaj ori,L. Give p lace to your superior.Ceinture,F. Gird le, cinc ture,b order.Célébre,F. Ce leb ra ted,renowned.Célérifli re,F. Aquick coach or pos t.Cenobztum,L. AC lois ter.Cen time,F . T h e hundred th part ofa franc.Cents L. Pa tchwork,a med ley-poem.

Cen tum,L. Ahundred .Cerea l ia,L. T h e cerea ls or grains .Ceremon ia l, F. Festiva l ceremonies and


Comptoir,F. Coun ting room.

Comte,I". Acount.Comtes s e,F. Acoun tess .

Con amore,I. With pleasure,with zes t .Concorda t, L. A treaty between secularprinces and th e pope.

Coneours,F. Compe tition .

Con d d ig enza,I. With dil igence.

Conditio sine qua non,L. An es sential cond ition.

Con do lore,I. With pain,or grief.Con/2,or Confer,L. Compare.

Cozrfiteor,L. ACa th o lic formula of confess ion.

Cmfrére, F. Assoc iate, a b ro th er of th e

same monas tery.Uong é,F. Leave,departure.

Zoujmwtis vimba s ,L. With united powers .


Jonnois s eur,F. Aman of tas te,a critic inth e fine arts .

3onquies cat m pace, L. May h e res t inpeace.

30mm bones mores ,L. Agains t good morals .Jontrad ictio in adj ecto, L. T h e putting to

geth er ofcon trad ic tory terms.Jon tro,F. Agains t.3ontrecoup, F. A counters troke,someth ingadverse.

Dontrefait,F. Imi tation, copy. 0Contra emps,F. Unseasonab le time, irregularity,dis turban ce.

Janeena b le,F. F it,b ecoming.

7onvers azione,I. Aso cial and fami liar d iscuss ion.

Copia verborum,L. Afluency ofwords.Jordon,F. Acord,a l ine ofmilitary posts .Tomueopiaz,L. Horn ofp lenty.3 0rps d zplomatique, F. T h e wh o le b ody ofamb as sadors at court.Corpus delicti,L. T h e fac t or eviden ce of a


{orpus juris ,L. T h e co l lec tion of th e R0

man civil laws..b rrig enda,L. Correc tions to b e made,typograph ical errors .

Cortég e,F. An es cort.iortez,L. Bark,rind.‘o smos,G. T h e world as a beautiful system.

Cote, F. Sid e. Droite, g auch e, righ t, leftside.

Coterie,F. Apriva te or secret circ le.Coup d ’état, F. A sudden deviation fromconstitutioml order, a mas ters troke in

po l itics .


Coup d’azil ,F. Aglance of th e eye,a lus tyView.

Coup de g race,F. Adea th b low.

Coup demain,F. Tak ing b y surprise.Coup de ma i tre,F. Amas ters troke.

Coup d e p lume, F. A l iterary b at t le or at


Coura,F. Course.

Créance,F. Faith , trust.Credat Judo cas .apel lo,L. Be lieve th at whomay.

Credo,L. Acreed.Crevas s e,F. Agul ly,or ravine.

Créve cwur, F. Deep sorrow, grief, avers ion.

Crimen lasso. majes tatis ,L. High treason.

Cui bone, L. For wh ose benefi t ? ofwh atuse ?

D .

D’accord,F. Inunison,agreeing.Dame d ’lwnneur,F. Maid of h onor.Dames de la Ital ic, F. Marke t women in

Paris.Damnati ad metalla,L. Condemned to th e

mines .

Data,L. Th ings con ceded,fac ts.Da ta et accepta,L. Expenses and receipts .D avus sum,non (Ed ipus ,L. I canno t so lveth e ques tion.

De ban augure,F. orgood omen.

D e bonne grace,F. Wil l ing l y and kind ly.D e congruo, L. According to reason and

propriety .D e facto, Iauth ority.

In fac t, real l y,by one’s own


Cuis ine,F. Akitch en.

Culbute,F. Asomerset.Culottee,F. Pan ta loons,b reech es.Cum bona ven ia,L. With k ind permiss ion.

Cum gr ano eal is , L Wi th cons idera tion,with a grain ofa l lowance.

Cumprivd eg io,L. With th e favor or privilege of.

Cuneus cuneum trudit,L. One wedge d rivesano th er.

Cure,F. Acurate,a who offur.Curia,L. Asena te ch amb er,a court.Curr-cute calamo,L. Writing rapid ly or oil 'h and.

Curriculum, L. Acareer or course of l ife,of s tudy.Cus tos,L. Akeeper.


D c. indus tria,L. Des ignedly.D e i n teg ra,L. AnewD e jure, L. By lega l righ t, th ough not in

fac t.D e mortuis nil nis i bonum,L. Say no th ingevil ofth e dead .

D e nova,L. Anew.

D e profundis ,L. (Out of th e depth s.) One

ofth e Pen iten tia l Psa lms.D e tempore,L. At th e proper time.D o trap,F. T oo much .

c l tum,L. Deb t. Deb ita,deb ts .

D éboueh e,F. O pening,way out.Débris ,F. Fragmen ts ,remains .D ebut, F. One’s firs t appearan ce [on th e

s tage ]D eeenm

um,L. Aperiod often years .Décro tteur,F. Ashoeb lack.

Defic it,L. Wh a t is wanting to make up a

wh o le.

Dég ag é,F. Uncons trained,easy and trim.

D ég out,F. Dis re l ish ,avers ion,disgus t.Dollars ,F. Outs ide,outward appearance.D ei gr a tia,L. By th e grace ofGod .

D efieuner,F. Breakfas t.Déj euner d la fourchette,F. Ameat b reakfas t.Dé labremen t,F. Di lapidated s tate.

Dele,L. Eras e.Dé lice,F. Pleasure,del igh t.Del ictum,L. Afaul t,a crime.

D el.,or D el ineam’

t,L. Used after th e artis t’sname wh o drew a pic ture.Demele,F. S trife,broil.D emens ,L. Insane.

Demeure,F. Dwe l ling,res idence.Demi-jaur,F. Twiligh t.D emozsel le,F. Ayoung unmarried lady.Dénouemen t,F. T h e unravel l ing ofa p lo t.D ea g ra tias ,L. God b e th anked.D eo vo lente,L. IfGod wil l .De'pech e,F. Adespatch .

Dernier res s or t,F . Las t resort.Dé sag rémen t,F. Someth ing disagreeab le orunpleas an t.Dés h ab il lé,F Nigh tc loth es,un dress .

D es id era lum, L. Someth ing des irab le or

needed .Des iderium,L. Wish .

Desipar a in loco,L. T o jes t at a proper time.D éSOb l l g


Cantc’,F. Asulky,or carriage,wit“


one sea t.Désor ien té,F Confused, h aving los t one’sbearings .

Des s in,F. Asketch ,or out l ine.

EX P RES S I O N S . 487'

Désun i,F. Dis connec ted.Detour,F. Devia tion, circuitous way.

Detritus ,L. Ab ras ions,wh at is worn ofl".

Deus ea: mach ine,L. Aforced explanationofa p lo t,unexpec ted fortuna te oc currence.

Devoirs,F. Duties,respec ts .

D ie our h ie,L. Say wh y youare h ere,keepin your proper Sph ere.

Dicta probantia,L. Proofpassages,or prooftex ts .D ictum,L. Asaying,a decis ion.

Dictum factum, L. No sooner said th andone.Dies ire ,L. Day ofwrath .

” Aceleb ratedh ymn ofth e midd le ages .

Dieucl mon droit,F. God and my righ ts .

D ii maj oram g en tium, L. T h e O lympiangods .

D zis a liter visum,L. It is o th erwise determined by th e gods .

Diluvium,L. Ade luge.

D iné,F. Dinner.D isj acta membra, L. Sca ttered remains or

fragmen ts .

Dis tingué,F. Dis tinguish ed.D is tinguendum es t, L. One mus t dis tinguish .

Diva;memoriar,L. Ofb lessed memory.Divertis s emen t,F. Amusemen t,divers ion.

Divide et impera,L. Divide and conquer.Diz i,L. I h ave said al l I h ave to say.

Dizi et ealoam'

animam meam, L. I h ave

c leared my cons cien ce.

D oeendo d is eimus, L. We learn by teaching.

D actrinaires , F. Conserva tive repub l icansin Fran ce.

D olcefar niente,I. Sweet id lenessDo la ma le,L. By deceptive arts .

‘iy ch ica

nery .Do lus,L. Fraud.Dominica ( dies ) ,L. Sunday.Domino,I. As ilk mask rob e.

Dominus vobis cum,L. T h e Lord h e withyou.

Domus ,L. House,a famil y.D on ,S . Aman ofrank .

Donna,I. Alady ofrank.

Dors um,L. T h e back.

D auane,F. Cus tom,custom h ouse.Doub le en tendre,F. Adoub le meaning.Douceur,F. Gent leness ,a sma l l present towaiters ,& c.

Douch e,As h ower b ath .

Doyen,F. Adean,an elder.


Drama tis persona , L. T h e ch aracters of a

p lay.Drap d ’arg cnt,F. Silver lace.

D rop d’or,F. Go ld lace.

D roiture,F. Rec titude,in tegrity.D rale,F. As il ly fel low,a bufi‘

oon .

Duena,S. Agoverness,a lady wh o h as th esupervis ion offema le servan ts.

E, l ike Ex ,out of,from.

Econ trario,L. O n th e con trary.Ep lur ibus unum,L. O ne composed ofmany.Ere,L. T o th e point.Ereg io ne,L. O ppos ite.

Ere na ta,L. Accord ing to th e emergency.Erepub l iea,L. For th e pub l ic good.Evesteg zo,L. On th e Spo t, ins tan t l y.Eaucasmétique,F. Lo tion for th e toilet.Eaude co logne,F. Co logne water.Eaude lavande,F. Lavenderwater.Eaude vie,F. Brandy.Eb aneh e,F. Firs t sketch ,out l ine ofa workofart.

Eb ranlement,F. Vio len t agitat ion,a sh ock.Ecee homo, L. Beh o ld th e man ; a pic tureofCh ris t,as presen ted by Pilatewith th esewords .

Eccles ia cath edral is , metmpolitana, milito nspres sa, or triumph ans, L. A ca th edral,metropo l itan,militan t, persecuted, or triumph ant church .

Eeh auj‘

ement,F. Heat,ex citemen t.Eelaircis sement, F. Clearing up, exp lanation.

Eeole de droit,F. Alaw sch oo l .Eco le d emedicine,F. Amed ica l sch oo l .Eeo lemih taire,F. Amilitary sch oo l .Eco le po lytechnique,F. Apo ly tech nic or sc ientific s ch oo l.Ecos sa is e,F. AScot tish dance.Ecoutez,F. Hark,h ear, l is ten.


toire,F. VVril ing case,secretary.Ecu,F. Acam n,a piece ofmoney.Ede,b ibe, lude,L. Eat,d rink,and be merry.Editio princeps,L. T h e firs t printed editionofa La tin or Greek c lass ic.Efi


royant,F . Frigh tful .Efi routé,F. Sh ame les s,b o ld.Eg al ,F. Equa l . Eg alué,equal ity .Eg ards ,F. Regards .Egaremen t, F. Wandering,bewildermen t.Eh bicn,F Wel l,jus t so .

Elaps o ternpov-e or termino,L. T h e term c .

period being elaps ed.Eleg a nt,F. Adandy,an exquis ite.

Eleve,F. Apupil ,a fos ter ch ild.Elite,F. Ch oice,se lec t soc iety .Elog e. F. Eulogy.Email,F. Ename l.Embal lag e,F. Packing,package.Embel l is s ement,F. Embe l lishmen t.Embanpoint,F. Port liness,or corpulency.Embouchure,F. Mouth ofa river.

Embrouillement,F Disorder,confus ion.

Emeritus ,L. O ne retired from ac tive d l tiesofoffi ce.

Emeute,F. A popular outbreak or dis turbance,as ofa mob .Emigr é,F. Emigran t.Empéch ement,F. Hinderance.Empirie,F. Empiricism.

Emp loi,F. Office,service.

Emp loyé,F. Oflicial,one wh o h as a pl aceor offi ce.

Emportemen t,F. Transport,rage,pass ion.

Empreinte,F. Imprint,impress ion.

Empres semen t,F. Zeal,d iligence,ard or.Emptio,L. Purch ase.Emp tio ct venditio,L. Purch ase and sale.

En,F. In,as.

En arr iére,F. Backward s,b ack,b eh ind.En a ttendant,F. Meanwh i le.En ac ant,F. Forwards,a head .En badinant,F. In jes t,in sport.En bagutell e,F. Disparaging l y, contemptuonely.En bas,F. Below,down.

En b lane,F. Wh ite,unwritten,vacan t.En b loc,F. On th e wh o le,summarily.En canail le, F. Like the populace,vulgar,low.

En carriére,F. In a ga l lop,with loose rein

En ch ef,F. As leader,in ch ief.En ch ifres,F. In ciph er.En cart/lance,F. In confidence.En dépit,F. In s pite,despite.

En eeper,F. In keeping, in depos it.En désha bi l lé,F. In d ish ab il le orund ressEn detail,F. In deta il.En c


ch elon,F. S tep by s tep, l ike s tairsEn ofet,F. Rea l ly, in fa c t,indeed.En es carp ins,F. In th in s h oes or pumps.En especas ,F. In s pec ie or cas h .

En é ta t,F. In cond i tion, in read inesn

En éventa il,F. Like a fan .

En famulo,F. In th e family c irc le.En g ala,S. In s tate, in court dress.


Etag e,F. S tory ofa h ouse.

Eta lag e,I '. A sh ow window,th e exposureofgood s for an e.

Eta t,F. C ond i l ion,s tate.Eta ts g é'nérauz,F. T h e s tates genera l.Etendue,F. Ex ten t.Etoufi znt,F. Ch ok ing,s tifling.

Etourd efle,F In con s iderateness,rash ness.Etrang er,F'. S tranger.Etrcnnes ,F. Gifts,such as are presented onb irth days,new years ,& c.Etude,F. As tudy,a piece for prac tice.Etud zant,F. As tuden t.Etui, F. A case, a smal l b ox for need les& c.

a ng cl ium,L. T h e gospel .Evénemcnt,F. An even t.Eventa il ,F. Afan.

Even tua l iter, L. Even tual l y, in a possib lecase.

Eventus stultorum mag is ter,L. T h e resul tin th e teach er offoo ls.Ex ,L . From,out of.E: abrupto,L. Ab rupt l y,suddenly.

Ex adverse,L. From th e oppos ite s ide.E2: azoua et b ono,L. According to wh at isrigh t and jus t.Ex animo,L. Heartil y,in tentional ly.Ex as se,L. Wh o l ly,entirel y.Ex bene p lacito,L. At p leasure.Ex capite,L. From th e h ead,frommemory,on accoun t of.Ex cath edra ( Perri) ,L. Papal or auth oritative decision.

Ex commis s a,L. According to orders .

Ex compos zto,L. Ac cord ing to agreemen t.Est conces s o,L. Fromwh a t is admitted.B2: con tinen ti,L. Ins tan tly.Ex h ypo th esi,L. Accord ing to th e hypoth es is,by th e suppos ition.

Ex improvis o,L. Unexpec ted ly,unforeseenEx incur ia,L. From neg l igence.Ex insperato,L. Unexpec ted ly.Ex jurc,L. By l aw,or righ t.Ex mera g ratin,L. Frommere favor.Ex more,L. Accord ing to cus tom.

Ex new ,L. Out ofconnec t ion.

Ea: nunc,L. From th is t ime.

Ex ofi cio,L. By virtue ofoffi ce.

Ex apere operate,L. By ex terna l work s,oroutward ac ts (ofwors h ip.)E1: pac to et conventu,L. According to contrac t and agreement.Ex par te,L. On one s ide,on th e part of.Er pedeHerculem,L. From th e s ize ofth e

foo t,it 15 known to b e th at ofHercules l

s ing le s ign ofgreatnes s,a criterion .

Ex pos t facto,L. After th e deed,retrospective.

Ea: profes se,L. Des igned l y,profess ed l yEar:proprus,L. From oue’s own means.Ex quocunque capite, L. From wh atevercause.

Ex s chedule,L. From the s ch edule.

Ex specia li gratia,L. From specia l favor.

Ex sped a l imanda te,L. By spec ia l command.Ex ta cito,L. Tacit ly.Er; tempore,L. On th e spur of th e momen t.Ex traduce, L. By descent, or propagaticnfrom paren t to ch ild .Ex uno disco omnee,L. From one s pec imenjudge ofth e res t.Ez:ungue leonem,L. T h e l ionmay be knownby h is c laws .Ex as a ,L. Fromuse,b y use.

Ez vote,L. After one’s wish es ; accord ing

to a vow.

Emmen domus ,L. T h e famil y h ive or cluster.

Ema di,L. T h e sixth Sunday afterEas ter.Ezeeptis ex cipiend is ,L. T h e proper ex ceptions being made.

Excerpta,L. Ex trac ts .Exclus ive,L. Exc lusivel y .Excudi t,L. Placed before one

’s name on an

engraving,deno tes th e engraver.Excursus ,L. Ad igress ion,a note or append ix .

Ezempla cunt ediosa,L. Examples give 0&

fen ce.

Ex ercitium,L. Ex erc ise,prac tice.Ercun t omnes ,L. Al l go out.Exit,L. T h e departure ofan ac tor from the

s tage,dea th .

Exl ex,L. An outlaw.

Exordium,L. In troduc tion to an ora tion.

Expediteur,F. Aforwarding agen t or merch an t.Experimentam crueis ,L. Ad0ub le test.Experto crede ( Ruperto) ,L. Bel ieveme,forI h ave tried it.Ezpilatio,L. Plundering.Exp licite,L. Expl icit ly.Ex pose,F. S tatemen t,exp lanation.

Expres s is verbis,L. In express terms .Exquis ,F. Exquisite, cho ice.

Et tra,L. Out of, b eyond.Extra culpam,L. Innocen t.Ex tra macros, L. Beyond or Without thewa l ls ofth e c ity.


Mas s ive, L. In ex ten t, opposed to intens ive, in in tens ity.Ex trait,F. Extrac t.Extra ord ina n,L. Ex traord inary.Extravag anza,I. A piece ofincoh eren t mas ic.

m m ,L. Cas t-off th ings,especia l ly skinsand sh el ls ofan imal s.

Faber qusqus fortunes m ,L. Each one is

th e arch itec t ofh is own fortune.

Fab liaux, F . Metrical ta les of th e Trouvers , or earl y poets in th e north of

Fran ce.

Facade,F. T h e fron t view or elevation of

a building .

Facctia , L. Sal lies of Wit and humor,jokes .

Fach cuz,F. Il l humored,sad .Fa cile prin ceps ,L. Clearly th e firs t,th e ac

know ledged ch ief.Facit,L. T h e answer,th e answer in arithmetic.

Fagon,F. Manner,style.

Fagon d o par lor,F. Forms ofspeech ,mereph rase.

Fac tum,L. A d eed or ac tion.

Fade,F. F lat,sta le.

Fa ces,L. T h e dregs,th e ex crements ofahimals.

Faill ite,F. Failure,bankruptcy.F a inéan t,F. Id le,doing no th ing.

Fa it accomp li,F. Th ing a lready done.

Fa ls etto,I. Afa lse voice,or an o c tave aboveits na tura l pi tch .

Fama c lamosa,L. Pub l ic s candal.Fameuz,F. Famous.Famulus ,L. A h ouse servan t orwaiter.Fanfare,F. Sound of trumpe ts and kettledrums , or of a hunter’s h orn ; no ise,d isplay.

Fanfaronnade,F. Swaggering,h luster.Fan tasia, I. Ins trumen ta l mus ic unres trained by rule.

Fan taccini,I . Drama tic representa tion withpuppe ts .

Fanum,L. A temple ; p l .fana.

Fam ien te,I. Do ing no th ing,id leness.Farouch e,F. Timid,s hy .

Fas ces , L. Bund les of rods, badges ofau

th ority carried before Roman consuls.Fas cza,L. A b el t,or sas h .

Fas ciculus ,L. A bund le,a tart (ofa workpub l ish ed in numbers.)Fas te,F. Display, gaudy dress .Fas ti,L. A ca lendar.Fas tig ium,L. Pinnac le,top.

Fat,F. A dunce,a foo l.Fa ta morg ana, I. Fan tas tic atmosph ericappearances a long th e coas t of S icily .

Faubourg s, F. Clus ters of h ouses with outth e gates ofa city .

Fauccs,L. T h e pos terior part ofth e mouth ,jaws .

Fauna, L. T h e animal s of any coun try ord is tric t.

Faute,F. Faul t.Fauteui l,F. Arm ch air.Faux coup,F. A miss ing s troke.

Faux pas ,F. A fa lse s tep,a b lunder.Fax ct tuba,L. T h e torch and trumpet,th ering leader.

Febris ,L. Fever.Fea t,L. He executed it3 (putafter th e nameofan artis t.)

Feta d e s e,,

L. One wh o purposely causes h isown death .

Felucca,L A two-mas ted vessel,prope l ledby oars ,used in th eMed iterranean.

Femme de chambre,F. A ch ambermaid.Femme de charg e,F. A h ousekeeper.Fenes tra,L.


Fe mna tures ,L. Wild animals . (Literal ly,ofa wild na ture.)

Fariaa,L. Ho lidays,vacation.

Fermeté,F. Firmness .

Festzna len te,L. Has ten s lowl y.Féte,F. A fes tival .Féte champetre,F. A rura l fes tiva l .Péta dieu,F. Corpus Ch ris ti fes tiva l in theCath o l ic church .

Feudej oie,F. A b onfire.

Fcuroi,F. T h e late or deceased k ing.

Feuil leton, F. T h e bo ttom of a newspaper.

separate from th e res t,and devo ted to l iterary and en tertaining matter.

F taC’I'e,F. Hack.

Fl a t jus ti tia ( at rua t ca lum) ,L. Let jus ticeb e done th ough th e world perish .

Fid es ,L. Faith ,fidel ity.Fades Punica,L. Punic (i. e. b ad ) faith .F idus flcliates,L. A faith ful companion.Ficr,F. Haugh ty,b rave.

F ierté,F. Haugh t ines s,nob le prideF igurines ,F. S ta tuettes.t a,L. A daugh ter.

iA window,a h o le.


Fil ius ,L. A son.

Fllius terraz,L. In Oxford,a s tudent oflowb irth .

Fi l le,F. A daugh ter.Fil ls do ehambre,F. A ch amb ermaid.Fil le d ’h onneur,F. A court lady.Fi l le dej oie,F. Woman ofp leasure.

Fde,F. A son.

Fimbriaz,L. Fringes.Fina le,I. T h e conc lud ing piece in mus ic.Finibus .fltticie, L. T o th e Attic sh ores or

boundaries .

Finis ,L. T h e end .

F inis coronal opus , L. T h e completioncrowns th e work ; al l is we l l th at end sWe l l .”

Firma,I. A firm.

F is cus,L. A treasury.Fis tula,L. A reed ; a deep,narrow ul cer.Fi tz,F. (Norman,) a natura l son,espec ial lyofa k ing.

Fixum,L. A fi xed salary or income.

F lagon,F. A smel l ing b ott le.

F lag el lum,L. Ascourge,a wh ip.Flag itium,L. Ab ase crime.

F lagr ante bel lo, L. Wh ile th e war was


F lagran te del icto, L. During th e commis

s ion ofth e crime.

Flamb é,F. Alos t man,a gone case.F la tus ,L. Wind, inspira tion.

F leur,F. F lower.F leur d’eau,F. Evenwith th e surface ofth ewater. F leur de terre, level with th e

ground.F libus tier,F. Afreeboo ter, a pirate in th e

American wa ters .

Flora,L. T he bo tany ofa particular country.

F lor ileg ium, L. Anth o logy, or a co l lec tionof(ptietical ) flowers .

F los,L. Aflower ; pl .flares,flowers .

Floscul i s ententiarum,L. F lowers ofwit.Flumen dicend i,L .

F lux do bouche,F.

Foib les se,F. Weakness.Fo latre,F. Playful,wanton.

Fonctwnna ire,F. Afunc tionary .l b ns et orig o,L. Source and origin.

Fontazne,F. Afoun tain.

Foramen,L. Ah o le,an aperture.

Formal iter, L. In form, opposed to ma terial it er,in sub s tance.

Fortiter in re,L. Firmly,with s tringency .Forum,L. Court ofjus tice.

2Superfluity ofwords.


Fou,F. Afoo l .Foudre,F. Thunder.Foule,F. Acrowd,a th rong.Fourrure,F. Furs .

Fra, l . Broth er,us ed of low or common

monks .

Fra i cheur,F. Coo lness .

Frais,F. Cos t,expense.

Franga is e, F. A French lady, a Frenchdan ce.

Frangote,F. AFrenchman,French .

Franco,I. Pos t free.

Frappan t,F. S triking,surpris ing.

Frater,L. Ab roth er ; p l . fra tres ,b reth ren.

Fraus pia,L. Apious fraud .

Frere,F. Ab ro th er.Fn

andiee,F. Daintiness .

Fripon ,F. Arogue,a vil lain.

Friponnerie,F. Roguery,vil lany.

Friseur,F. Ah airdresser.Froideur,F. Co ldness,co ld .

Fronde, F. A party in France Opposed to


Frondeur, F. Ad erid ing opponent of th egovernmen t.

Front dfron t,F. Face to face,man to man.

Fronti nulla fides , L. Trus t not to appearancos .

Fructus ,L. Fruit,produc ts .

Frug es consumers na ti, L. Born on ly toconsume.

Frus tra,L. In vain.

Frus tum,L. Afragmen t,crum.

Fuimus Troies ,L. O n ce we were Trojans ;we are no longerwh a t we were.

Fulmen brutum,L. Harmless th reatening.Funambulus,L. Arope dancer,a funambul is t.

Functus ofiicio, L. Having terminated h isduty or offi ce.

Funebre,F. Funerea l .Furor poeticus ,L. Poe tic rage or fire.Furtum,L. Th eft.Fus illa de,F. Firing ofsmal l arms.Futur,F. Afuture b ridegroom.

Future,F. Afuture b ride.


Gabel le,F. Atax upon sal t.Gag e,F. Ap ledge.Gaieté de ewur,F. Hilarity .Gai l lard, F . A gay man, a jo l ly compan



Hoe sensu,L. In th is sense.

Hoc tempore,L; At th is t ime.

H odie,L . T o—d ay.

Hodie mih i, eras tibi, L. My time to-d ay,yours to morrow.

Hommc,F . Aman.

Homme dea afl'

a ires, F. A finan cier one

wh o h as th e d irec tion of bus iness .Homme dc b ien,F. An uprigh t manHomme d e cour,F. Acourt ier.Homme defor tune,F. Alucky man.

Homme de lettres,F. Aman oflet ters.IIumme d ’t‘pée,F. Aso ld ier.Homme d’espr it,F. Aman of talen ts,a wit.Homme d’élo t,F. As ta tesman.

lIommc d e robe,F. Aman in civil o l‘n’ ee.Homo,L. Aman.

Home a l ienijuris,L. Oneunder th e con tro lofa fath er or guard ian.

Homo omnium harm-am,L. Aman wh o canturn h is h and to any th ing.

Homo sui juris , L. One wh o is h is own

mas ter.Homo triam l iterarum (fur),L . Ath ief.Honnéte,F. Honorab le,gent leman l y.Honnéteté, F. Honor, gent leman l y ch aracter.

Honni soit qui ma l y pens e,F. Evil to h imwh o evil th inks .

Honores mutant mores, L. H onors ch ange(mens

) ch arac ters .

Honoris causa,L. Honorary,to one’s h onor.Honorarium,L. An auth or’s fee or pay .

Hones habet onus,L. Honors bring respon

s ib il ity.

Hora,L. Hour p l . horas,h ours ofprayer inmonas teries.

Home cunonias , L. T h e same, pres cribedh ours for prayer.

Horis succes s ivis ,L. At convenien t or leisureh ours .

Horresco referens,L. I shudder as I relate.

Hers tl e comba t,F. Disab led .Hers de la loi,F . In the condition ofan outl aw.

Hors depropos,F. Not to tl purpose.

Hers de sais on,F. Out ofseason .

Hers d’esuvre, F. A subord ina te or incid ental matter.

Hortus s iccus , L. T h e s ame as Herbariumwh ich see.

Hospice,F. Atavern.

Hos tia,L. T h e consecrated b read orwafer

in th e Cath ol ic service .

Hotel do Dieu,F. Alarge h ospital in Paris.


Hotel des Inva lides, F. T h e h ospita l atParis.

Ho tel g arni,F. Lodgings with furniture.

Ho tel de Vil le,F. T h e C ity Ha l l in Paris.Hujus anm, loci,or mens is ,L. Of th is year,p lace,ormouth .

Humaniora, L. Class ical stud iec, Greekand Roman l itera ture.

Ibid em,L. In th e same p lace.Idem,L. T h e same.

Id est,L. Th a t is .Idéefize,F. Adefinite idea.

Idemvel le atque idem no lle,L. T o have thosame l ikes and d is likes.

Ig norance cras se,F. Gross ignorance.

I lias mal aram,L. Ah os t ofevils.I lias pos t Homerum,L. Asuperfluous th ing.I l licite,L. Un lawful l y.I llotis monibas , L. With unwas h ed h and s ;i. c.,with out preparation.

I llumina ti,L. Free th inkers.Imbrog lio,I. Confus ion,d isorder.Imitatorum, (s ervum),pecus, L. T h e h erd

of imitators.Imo pectore, L. From th e bo t tom of the

h eart.ImpariMar te,L. With unequa l s trength .

Impera tor,L. Agenera l,an emperor.Imperium in imperio, L. A s ta te with in a

s ta te.

Imperium Romanum, L. Th e Roman empire.

Imp licite, L. By imp l ication.

Impa l l ,F. Unpo l ish ed,rude.

Impol itesee,F. Rudeness,uncourteousnesaImpos an imi,L. Weakminded, imbecile.

Imprans i,L. Hungry,poor.Imprima tur, L. Let it be printed permit!s ion or l icense to prin t.

Imprimis,L. In th e firs t p lace.

Impromp tu,F. Sud den sal lies ofwit,unpremed itated speech .

Improvvis a tore,I. An impromptupoe tImprovvisatriee,I. An impromptupoetes s.Impuberes,L. Under age,unmarriageab le.In,L. In,in to,for, towards,agains t.In abs trac to,L. In th e ab s trac t.In aetu,L. In rea l ity,ac tua l ly.In ag one,L. In th e dea th s truggle.In aeguilzbrio,L. In equil ibrium.

In wtemum,L. Forever.


In a lbz‘

s . L. T h e second Sunday after Easter, from th e wh ite rob es of th e pries tswom on th at d ay .

In amb iguo,L. In doub t.Inamora to,I. A lover.

In angus tus ,L. In dis tress.In armis ,L. Under arms .

In artwulo mort is ,L. In th e act ofdying.

In b ianco,I . B lank .

In bona pace,L. In peace and quiet.In brew,L. Quick ly.In capi ta,L. By th e h ead.In coma Domini, L. A papal bul l agains th eretics.

In communi,L. In common.

In concreto,L. In th e con crete.In cons es su,L. In th e sess ion or s itting.

In consuetaforma,L. In th e usua l form.

In con trariam,L. On th e contrary.In corpora,L. In a b ody, togeth er.In cur ia,L. In court.In dubio,L. In doub t.In es s e,L. In exis tence.

In extens o,L. In ful l,in its wh o le ex ten t.In ex tremis ,L. In one

’s las t momen ts.

Inforo cons cientiw,L. In casuis try.In g ratiam,L. T o th e favor of.

In h on orem,L. T o th e h onor of.

In infinuum,L. Indefinitely,to infinity.In hmine,L. On th e thresh o ld,in th e outset.

In loco parentis ,L. In p lace ofa parent.In luminw oras ,L. In to th e regions ofl igh t.In med ias res,L. In to th e mids t ofaffairs .

In med ia,L. In th emids t.In mcd io tutis s imus i b is , L. T h e midd lecourse is th e safes t.

In nomine,L. In th e name of.

In nub ibus,L. In th e c louds .

In nuce,L. In a nuts he l l.In omnibus a liquid, in to to nih il ,L. A litt lein every th ing,in no th ing complete.

In pace,L. In peace.

In par tibus infid el-tum, L. In unbelieving,(i. c., not inMo h amed an coun tries .)

In patr la,L. In one’s own country.

In perpetuam reimemoriam,L. For a perpetual memoria l.

In perpetuum,L. Forever.In petto, I. Secret l y,confined to one

’s own

b reas t.In plcno,L. In ful l as semb l y.In pontij ica l ibus ,L. In pontifical s .

In pos s e,L. Pos s ib le.

Ia 3 r0pria persona,L. In person.

In puris naturalibus,L. In a purely naturals ta te,naked .

In quantum,L. In so far as.

In rerum natura,L. In th e na ture ofth ings.In sano s ensu,L. In a proper sense.

In s itu,L. In place or s ituation.

In s oladum,L. Al l comb ined together.In s ta tupupi l lari, L. In a s tate of pupillage.

In 3 1amqua,L. In its former s tate.

In s tatum qua,L. (Res tored) to its formers tate.

In summa,L. In fine, in one word.In suspens o,L. In uncertain ty.In toto,L. Wh o l l y,entirel y .In transitu,L. In passing.In usu,L . In use.

In usum Delphini, L. For th e use of th e

Dauph in.

In verba mag is tri jurare, L. T o adopt anOpinion on th e auth ority ofano th er.

Incaute,L. In cautious ly.Incendium,L. Asetting on fire burning.Inc lus ive,L. In c lus ivel y.Incogn ito,I. In d isguis e.Incong rue,L. Incongruous l y.Incredulus od i, L. Not bel ieving, I canno tendure improb ab il ities.

Incunabula, L. T h e crad le th e earlies tcopies of a printed work after th e invantion of prin ting.

Indicium,L. Sign, token,mark.Inedz

ta,L. Writings not pub l ish ed,exis tingon l y in manuscrip t.

Infamia notatus ,L. Branded With infamy.Infundam renovare d olorcm, L. T o revive

unpleasan t reco l lec tions .

Infan ta,S. A k ing’s daugh ter, a prin cess .

Infante,S. Ak ing’s son, a prince.

Inferi, L. Departed souls in th e lower regions .

Infra,L. Below.

Ing enium,L. Mind , ntel lect.

Ing enu,F. Ingenuous .Iniciam,L. T h e b eginn ing.

Inops cons il ii‘,L. With out counsel orknowledge.

Insercnda ,L. Th ings to be inserted ; usedof no tices and advertisemen ts.

Ins eratur,L. Let it b e inserted .Ins ig nia ,L. Signs ofrank, badges ofofficeIns omnium,L. S leep lessnes s.Insaucz


ance,F. Ind ifferen ce, carelessnes s.I ns ouciant,F. Ind ifferent, careless.Ins tanter,L. Earnes t ly,quick l y.


Inazar omnium, L. A s pecimen of th e

wh o le.

Inwg lio,I. Carving in s tone a preciouss tone with figures engraved on it.

Intempes tive,L. Out ofseason,untimely.Intendant,F. An inspec tor, a s teward .In tens ive, L. According to inward power,or in intens ity.

Inter,L. Among.Inter a lia,L. Among o th er th ings.Inter arma s il en t leg es , L. In war,th e law

s lumbers.Inter canem ct lupum,L. At th e evening twil igh t.Interfontes ctflumina nota ,L. Among wel lknown fountains and rivers .

In ter nos,L. Between us,confiden tial ly.Inter pocula,L. At one’s cups.In ter spem ct mctum,L. Between h ope and

Intermezzo,I. Interlude.

Internuntius ,L. Aspecial messenger ofth eP000

In tra,L. With in.

Intra muros ,L. With in th e wal lS.Intra parietes privates,L. In secret.Intriguant,F. An intriguer, a quarrelsomeman.

Introitus,L. Entrance,or b eginning (of th emass in the Ca tho l ic church .)

Intuitu,L. In respec t to.

Intuitn prima,L. At th e firs t g lance.In tus,L. With in.

Intus at in cute,L. Th rough and th rough .

Inverso ordine,L. In an inverse order.InvictumanimamCatonis ,L. Aph ilosoph er’sfirmness .

InvitaMinerva. L. Without capac ity.Invocavit,L. Firs t Sunday in Len t.Ips o ain ’

t, L. Auth oritative as sertion of a

teacher.Ips is s imis verbis ,L. In th e very words .

Ipso facto,L. By th e act itse lf.Ipso jure,L. By th e law itself,or in itse lfcons idered.

Ita es t,L. It is so.

Item,L. L ’kewise,also .

Ivres se,F Drunkenness.

La g abel lc,F. T h e ta x upon sal t.La médecine expectan t, F. Trus ting to time

Iacquerie, F. An insurrec tion of tha peas for a remed y,th e Fab ian po l ts in th e north ofFrance in 1758. L’

avenir,F. T h e future.

Iacta cat al ea. L. T h e d ie is cas t. Lab ium,L. Lip; pl. lab ia,l ips.

Jal ous ie,F. Jealousy window b lind,Venotian b l ind.Jaloux,F. Jealous.Janitor,L. O ne wh o h as ch arge ofth e door,doorkeeper.Jardin dos P lantce, F. Th e Bo tanical Garden ofParis.

Jarretlére,F. Agarter.Jean,F. Joh n.

Jc na 80i8 quot,F. I know notwh a t,someth ing indescrib ab le.

Jet d ’cau,F. A springing fountain,a jet ofwater.

Jeu,F. P lay.Joci cause,L. For th e sake ofa joke,in joke.Jocos a,L. Jocom th ings .

Jocula tor,L. A mountebank.Jocus ,L. Ajoke.

Jo li,F. Pret ty.Jong leur,F. Amoun tebank.Jouj ou,F . Play th ings, toys.Jour,F. Day.

Journa lier,F . Ach ange ling.Jub ila te,L. T h e th ird Sunday afterEaster.Judez,L. Judge.

Judica,L. T h e fifth Sunday after Lent.Judicium,L. Tria l ,judgment,sentence.Jug e dcpa ir,F. Jus tice ofth e peace.Junta, S. A party, an assemb ly, a state

counc il in Spain.

Jura,L. Righ ts, laws.Jure,L. By righ t.Juris per itus ,L. One skil led in law.

Juris utriusque doctor, L. Doc tor of

laws (civil and canonical .)Jus ,L. Bigh t.Jus canonicum,L. Th e canon law.

Jus civi le,L. T h e civil law.

Jae divinum,L. Divine righ t.Jae ct norma loquend i,L. T h e rule and lawofspeech .

Jus g entium,L. T h e law ofnations.Jus temilieu,F. T h e go lden mean.

Jus titia,L. Jus tice.

Jus to tempore,L. At th e proper time.Juxta,L. Near by.


Lus trum,L. Aperiod offive years.Lusus na ture ,L. Afreak ofnature,a moneter.

Lutum,L. Mud ,c lay.

Lucas ,L. Luxury .


Ma fois ,F. Upon my faith .

Macte c irtute,L. Go on in your good way.

.Macula,L. Aspo t,a s tain.

Madame,F. Amarried lady,daugh ter ofth eking or dauph in, or wife of th e k ing


b ro th er.Mademois elle, F. Ayoung lady, th e eldes tdaugh ter ofth e king’s b ro th er.Madonna, I. T h e VirginMary, or a pain t~ing of h er.Maéstro,I. iMas ter.Mag is ter,L.

Magma Charta,L. An o l d roya l ch arter securing th e l ib erties ofBritish subjects.Magma spes a ltera Rom , L. T h e secondman ofth e s tate.Magnificat,L. T h e song ofMary ; my souldo th magnify th e Lord.Magnum opus ,L. Grea t work .Mag nus .dpol lo,L. Great Apo l lo ; an orac leor auth ority.Maig re,F. Fish d iet,fas ting.Ma in,F . Hand .Main d o jus tice,F. Hand ofjus tice ; seeptre.

Ma intien,F. Main tenance,deportment.Ma ire,F. Mayor.Mais on,F. House.

Ma is on d c campagn e,F. Coun try seat.Mais on d e s anté,F. Priva te h ospital .Mauro,F. Mas ter..Mattn d’h otel,F. S teward.Mai tre dc rcquétes,F. Mas ter ofrequests,amemb er ofth e counc il ofs tate.

Mai tres se,F. Mis tress.Maj or domus ,L. Firs t s teward in th e courtofth e o ld Frank ish kings .

N a! d propos,F. Out ofp lace, improper..Ma l en tendre,F. Mis take,error..Ma la fid e,L. In b ad faith ,d eceitful ly.Ma lade,F. S ick .

Ma la dio d a pays ,F. Homes ickness.Ma ladrmt,F. Unskilful ..Maia is e,F. Uncomfortab lenes s,uneasiness.Male,L. Bad l y,wrongl y.Maifagon,F. Deceit,trickery.

Malg ré,F. Unwil l ing l y,in spite of.Ma lg ré s ot,F . In spite of h imself.Malkeur,F . Misfortune.Mala mode,L. In a bad or evil manner.Malpropre,F. Fil th y,squa l id.Ma lum,L. An evil ; p l . male,evils,minimtunes .Man chet te,F. Acuff,ruffle.Mancipium,L. T h e righ tofpossession,ownersh ip.Mane,L. In th emorning.Manég e,F. Horseman s h ip,a riding sch oo l.Manes ,L. Souls ofth e departed,s h ades.Manet in a l ta men ts repb s tum,L. It remains

deep l y fixed in th e mind .Manupropria,L. With one’s own h and.

Jl anum dc ta bula ,L. Hands off.Mantis,L. Hand .Maraud,F. Aknave.

Marchand ,F. Merc h an t .Mardi gras ,F. Sh rove Tuesd ay..Maréclta l,F. Marsh a l.Marionette,F. Puppet..Maritas ,L. Husband.Marseil laise, F. Marseil les Hymn, a cele

b rated nationa l song used in th e periodofth e French revo lution.

Matel o t,F. Sailor.Ma ter,L. Mo th er.Mater do loros a,L. T h e Virg inMary weeping for h er Son ; an image ofth e same.

Maten am superabat opus , L. T h e workmansh ip was b etter th an th e ma teria ls .Ma tin,F. Morning.Mauvais g out,F. Bad tas te.

Mauvais h on te,F. Bash fulness.Mauva is sujet,F. Aworth less fe l low.

Maximum,L. T h e greates t amoun t.Me judice,L. I being judge.

Méchan t,F. Bad ,wicked .Médecin expec tant,F. Trus ting to time for aremedy.Medicus , L. Ph ysician ; p l . medici, ph ysic rans .

Med ia tutis s imus ib is ,L. Youwil l find themidd le course th e safes t.Medio cre,F. Moderate, ind ifferent.Medium tenuere bea ti,L. Th ey are fo rtun atewh o h ave kept th e midd le course.Melang e,F. Med ley,misce l lany .Mélée,F. Broil,figh t.Memento mori,L. Remember th at youmustd ie.

Memorab ilia,L. Memorab le th ings .Memoriter,L. Frommemory.


Menag e,F. Housekeeping,h ouseh o ld.Mans d wimor,L. T h e inspired mind of th epoet.Mens leg is ,L. T h e spirit ofth e law.Mons sum in corpora sano, L. A soundmind in a sound bod y .Mans s ib i cons cia recti,L. Amind consciousofrec titude.Mente captus ,L. Having los t one’s senses .Meo vota,L. Ac cord ing to my desire,or bymy wil l .Méprts ,F. Con tempt.

.Mcprise,F Error,mis take.Merci,F. Th anks ; I th ank you.Meritum,L. Merit.

.Mervei lle,F. Marvel,wonder.Mésa l liance, F. Marriage with a person of

inferior rank .

Mésaven ture,F. Misadven ture.

Mes dames ,F. Ladies.Mc'ticr,F. Trade,h and icraft.Metre, F. A measure of length , about ayard .Meub les ,F. Househ o ld goods,furn iture.

Mea nt ct tuum,L. Mine and th ine,property.Mezzo , I. Mid d le.

Mezzo termme,I. Midd le term.

Mezzo tinto,I. Ha lf tint,a s ty le ofengrav


Mnimum,L. T h e sma l les t amoun t.Minus ,L. Les s.Merab d e d icta,vis a,L. Wonderful to re lateto b eh o ld .Mirab ilia,L. Wonders.Mirag e,F. Aeria l ph an toms,fata morgana.Mtrum in modum,L. In a wonderful man


Mis cel lanea . L. Mis ce l lanies .

Mis er-e,F. Misery .Mis er-ere,L . T h e beg inning ofa ps alm sungin th e Cath o l ic service.

Mis er icordia s Domini,L. T h e second Sund ay afterEas ter.Mcs sa,L. Mas s , (8 church service.)

Jil is ew m par tee infid elium,L. Miss ion to th eun b el ieving.

Mix tum compositum,L. Amix ture, at med

l ey,mis hmash .

Mob ile perpetuum,L. Someth ing perpetual lymoving,perpetua l mo tion.

Mode,F . Fash ion.

Moderé,F. Mod era te,of th e moderate partMoiicum,L. Asma l l quan tity.Modus,L. Manner.

EX P RES S I O N S . 499

Marius operaad i,L. T h emode of opera tion,th e proces s .Moitié,F. Mo iety,h alf.Mo les ,L. Mas s,bulk,weigh t.Mo l less e,F. So itness,effeminacy.Mol lio tempera,L. Happy or go lden times.Monach as ,G. A monk .Mon ami,F . My friend .Mon ch er,F. My dear friend.Mons ,L. Moun tain.

Mons ieur,F. Mr.,s ir; p l . messieurs .Mons trum,L. A mons ter.Mons trmn dig ito mons tratum, L. Wh at l lpo in ted out as s trange.Mora,L. De lay.Morons ,L. Disease.

More consueto, or s o lito,L. In th e cus tomary way.

Mor e Iflbernico,L. In th e Irish way .Moremaj oram,L. Afterth e mannerofone’sances tors.More ph ilos ophico, L. In a ph i losoph icalmanner.

More suo,L. In h is way .Mares ,L. Mora ls,manners .Mor tuus ,L. Dead.Mot da guet,F. Watchword .Mo tette,F. Church mus ic,with word s takenfrom th e B ib le.

.Motwé,F. Supported by a s tatement of th egrounds or reasons .Momproprio,L. Ofone’s own accord.Mouch ettes,F. Snufl


ers .

Mous seux,F. Foaming.

Mous tach e,F. Mus tach e ; a mil itary man.

Mul tum,L. Much p l . multa,many th ings.Mul wmmparvo,L. Much in a l itt le space.Mundus mi tt d eczpi,L. T h e world wi l l bedeceived .Muta tis mutandis ,L. T h e necess ary ch angesb eing made.

Mamas cons ensus,L. Mutual consen t.

N a is s ance,F. B irth .

N a ive,F. Simple h earted,natura l.N atal itia,L. Birth day,b irth day celebration,th e d ay ofa sain t’s dea th .

N a tura naturans, L. Na ture producing al lth ings.

N atura l to, L. Natura l th ings , natural pmductions .

N aturel,F. Nature,dispos ition,affec tion


Mp lus ultra, L. T h e farth es t l imit orpo int ; perfection.

.N‘a quid nimis , L. Not too much of any

th ing.

we enter ul tra crepidam,L. Let th e sh oema

ker s tick to h is las t ; let every man keepin h is own sph ere.

N ebula,L. Aworth less fel low.

.N'ég lig é,F. Undress,morn ing dress .

N emesis ,G. T h e goddes s ofrevenge.N emine contradicente,ordis sentiente,L. Without a d issen ting voice.

N eminem time,L. Fear no one.


emo,L. No one.

N ervus probandi,L. T h e ch iefargument.N ervus rerum g erundarum, L. T he nerves

ofexp lo its ; money.N etteté,F. Neatness ,elegan ce.

N exus,L. Connec tion.

N i fa ll or,L. Un less I mis take.

.N‘iais ,F. As imp leton.


cais erie,F. S il l iness,foo l ish ness .

.N‘idus ,L. Anes t.

.N'ien te I .

N l h l l ,

L 2Noth ing.JV'u‘u

l ad rem,L. It is no th ing to the point.N i l desperandum,L. O ne sh ould despair of

no th ing ; never despair.Mmium,L. T oo much .

N ’impor te,F. It is ofno consequence.

N isus,L. An eti‘

ort,a natura l tendency..Mtimur in vetitum,L. We s trive or long afterwh a t is forb idden.Moeau,F. Level,water level .

N welIement,F. Level l ing.

N o b ili,I. Nob les .

N ob less e,F. Nob il ity.N odus ,L. Akno t.N odus Gordius,L. T h e Gord ian kno t..N


o lens vo lens,L. Wil ling orunwill ing..N


o l l me tang ere,L. Touch me not..N


om de guerre,FN am de p lume,F.

Women at omen,L. Aname signifi can t ofth e th ing ; app l ied to proper names,asMrMil ler,(named from th e occupation. )

N on compos me ntis , L. With out commons ense, imboch e.

N on cons ta t, L. It is not known or ev i

den t.JV'on datur tertium,L. Th ere is not a th irdone.

N on ens,L. Nonentity.

N on liquet, L. It is not c lear; we canno tdecide.

As sumed na me.

N on mi ricordo,I. I d o not rememb er.N on multa,sed mul tum,L. Notmany th ings,butmuch dep th ofknowledge rath er th anexten t.

N on obs tan te,L. No twith s tand ing ; a documen t for th e res titution of someth ing to it.former s tate.

N on omne licitam h onestum, L. Not everyth ing th at is lawful is h onorab le.

N on omnia pos sumus omnes ,L. We cannotal l d o all th ings .

N on quis,s ed quid,L. Ad eed is to be judgedfrom its na ture,not from its auth or.

N on s equitur,L. It does not fo l low ; an illogica l inference.

N oncha lance,F. Careless nes s, l is t lessness .N on cha lant,F. Careles s, l is t les s .N onparei l le, F. Someth ing very sma l l, assma l l ribbons,sma l l type,& c.

N ouum prematur in annum,L. Let a workbe kep t b ack til l th e nin th year before it ispub l ish ed .

N orma,L. Rule,model .N orma l,F. Accord ing to a rule or mode l,norma l .

N osce te ipsum,L. Know th yse lf.N ota bane,L. Mark wel l take no tice.N otatudig nam,L. Worth y ofno te.

N otre Dame, F. Our Lady name of the

Cath edral ofParis .

N ous verrons ,F. We wil l see.

N ouvelles ,F. In tel l igence,news.N ovus ,L. New.

N oeus h omo, L. Aman of low b irth , on )recentl y elevated .

N ovum T es tamen tum,L. T h e New Tes tamen t.

N oza,L. Injury .Nuance,F. Ash ade,a s l igh t d ifference.

Nuc leus ,L. T h e kernel, th e germ.

N udis verb is,L. In p lain words .

JV‘udum pactum, L. A con trac t with out a

cons ideration .

N ugae,L. Trifles ; s il ly speech ,or verses .Nugaz canons ,L. Id le sound .N ul la dies s ine linea,L. Net a day with outsome acquis ition.

.Mtl lz s ccundus ,L. Second to none.

Mmcrus ,L. Numb er.

N umeri,L. T h e Book ofNumb ers .

Nuncius , L. A nuncio ; a Papa l ambassador.

Nunquamnon paratus ,L. Always ready.

Nuptia ,L. Wedding,marriage.Nuts-ix ,L. Anurse.


Par pre'caution,F. By way ofprecaution.

Par preference, F. In preference.Par rail ler ie,F. Jes tingl y.Parap luie,F . Umb rel la.

Parco au—cerfs,F. T h e serag l io ofLouis XV.

Parcm non fert,L. He wil l not endure an

equaLPari pas su,L. With equa l pace.

I’arietes ,L. T h e wal ls ofa h ouse,or cavity.Parole d ’honncur,F. Word ofh onorPars advers a,L. T h e oppos ite party.Partag e,F. Division,partition.

Par ticeps crimmis, L. A partaker of th e


Particul ier,F. Aprivate gen tl eman .

Par-tie qua rrée,F . A party offour personsparty oftwo men and oftwo women.

Partout,F Every wh ere.

P arturiuntmontes ,L. Mountains are in la

b or.

Parure,F. Attire,finery.Parum refert,L. It is of litt le consequence.Par-ea componere mag ais, L. T o comparegreat th ings with smal l very l ike a

wh a le.

Parvenu,F. Ups tart.Pas seng er,F. Passenger.P as se,F. Gone by,by-gone.

Pas se partout,F. Pass key,master key.

Pas se temps,F. Pas time.

Pas sez,F. Pass on.

Pass im,L. Every wh ere,in various places .

Pasttcc io, I. Patchwork.Pater, L. Fath er, a church fath er; pries t,monk p l. patres ,fath ers .

Paterfamzl tas ,L. T h e h ead ofa family.Pa ter nos ter,L. T h e Lord’s prayer.Pater putrid ,L. T h e fath er of one’s country.

Pater, peccavi, L. Fath er, I h ave s inned ;confess ion.

Pa tis serie,F. Pas try.Pa tois , F. T h e provincia l d ial ect of th epeasants .

Paulo maj ora,L. S til l greater th ings .

Pave,F. Pavemen t.Par vob is cum,L. Peace b e with you.P eccatum,L. Sin p l . pecca ta,s ins.Pecunia,L. Money.Pede claud o,L. With a lame foo t, lame.Pench an t,F. In c l ina tion.

Pendant,F. Pendan t,coun terpart,fel low.

Pendente lite,L. During tria l,meanwh ile.

Pcnctral ia,L. T h e secret recessesPensée,F Th ough t.

Pensieroso,I. Pensive.

Pens ion,F. Aboard ing sch ool.Pensum,L. Task .

P er,L. Th rough , by.

Per abusam,L. By abuse.

P er accidens,L. By acciden t.P er ambag es ,L. By c ircuitous weya.Per angus ta ad augus ta,L. Th rough Rial:to triumph .

P er aspera ad as tra,L. Th rough toil! and

sufferings to renown.

Per capita,L. By th e head,sing ly.P er cas s a,I. In cas h .

P er casum ob liquum,L. By sly ways.P er chm-tam,L. Accord ing to writ ten willor documen t.

P er candatta,I. By escort or transportation.

P er cans ensum,L. By consen t.Per cans equens , L. By consequence, consequen t ly.

P er cantante,I. For cash .P er canto,I. Upon accoun t.P er contra,L. Con trariwise.P er fas et nefas ,L. By righ t orwrong.Per gradus,L. S tep by s tep,gradua l ly.P er ind irectum,L. By an ind irect way.

P er inspirationem,L. By inspiration.

P er inter-call a,L. By in tervals.P er literas, L. By letter, th rough corre


Per maj ora ( vota) ,L. By majority.

P er me l icet,L. It h as my consent.

P er mes s,I. For th e mon th ,by th emonth .

P er madam,L. By means of.P er otium,L. For emp loymen t,from wantofoccupation .

P er pal es ,L. On foo t.P er sal tum,L. By leaps,by fits and starts .

Per s e,L. In its e l fconsidered .Per tertium,L. Th rough a th ird person .

P er trad ctionem,L. By trad ition.

P er varios casus ,L. Th rough various mish aps .

P er viam,L. By way of.Perdu,F. Los t.Perea t, L. Let h im perish down withh imPerg e,L. Go on.

Periculum in more, L. Th ere is d anger indelay.Peritus,L. Skil led .

Perpetuum mob ile, L. Amo tion constantlyperpetuating itself.Perpetuum s ilentium,L. Perpetual s ilence.Perruquier,F. Aperukemaker.


Pers cflag c,F. Quizz ing,fine rail lery.

Persona,L. Person .

Pers onal ta ,L. Personal mat ters,personal ities.P erson al tter,L. Pers onal ly.Personnel, F. Personal qua l ities a bod yof persons .Perte,F. Loss.P es ,L. Afoo t.Pes an t,F. Heavy .Peso,I. Weigh t.P ass ime,L. Very bad l y,in th ewors tmanner.Pes s imi exempli,L. Ofth e worst example.Petil lant,F. Crack l ing ; spark l ing.Petit F. Sma ll .Peat coup,F. Amask for th e eyes and noseon ly.

P ctttmai tre,F. Adandy.Petites moral es,F. Minormoral s .Petitio principu,L. Begging th e question.

Petitum,L. Reques t,petition.

Petto,L. Breas t .P eu-d -

peu,F. By degrees.P eudc ch os e,F . Atrifle.

Pezzo L Apiece ; a piece ofmoney.Ph il os ophers ,L. Ph ilosoph er.Ph ys icien,F. Ana tura l ph i losoph er.P ia caus a,L. Apious or ch aritab le institution.

Pia des ideria, L. Devout wish es ; th ingsdes ired.Piaculum,L. An a toning sacrifi ce.

P ia;memorize,L. orpious memory.Piano,I. Soft.Pica,I. Apeak.Pico lo ,I. Sma l l .Plece justificatiee,F. Aproof; il lus tration.

Pied,F. Afoo t.Pied d terre,F. Atemporary lod ging.P iétan,F. Apedestrian.

Pig nus ,L. Pledge.

Pimen t,F. Pimen to,al l spice.Pinceau,F. Apain ter’s b rus h or pencil.Piquan t,F. Pungen t, cutting.

Pirouette, F. AWh irl ; a turning round ono ne foo t.

P is a l ler,F. T h e worst.

Pis te,F. Trace,s cen t, track.Pittoresque,F Picturesque.

P in,1. More.

Pius usus ,L. Ach aritab le cause.P lacer,L. It is approved be it so.

Pla cido laminc,L. With p lacid eye.Placitum,L. Adecis ion,a decree .

Plain te,F. Complain t.Pla isantm e,F. Pleasantry.


Plaisir,F. Pleasure.

Planch e,F. Ap late,an engraving.Plan ta pedis ,L. So le ofth e foo t.Plateau,F. Tab le land.Pla titude,F. F latness,vapidness .Plaudite,L. Clap,app laud.Plebiscitum, L. A decree of a popular as

semb ly.

Plebs,L. T h e common peop le.

Plein pouvoir,F. Ful l power.

Plena jure,L. With ful l righ t or auth ority.

P lcno are,L. With ful l utterance,or g low~

ing words .

Plenum,L. T h e wh ole number of a bodyofmen.

Pleureus e,F. Weeping.Plexus ,L. Net,web .

Plumbum,L. Lead.Plus ,L. More.

Plus minus,L. More or less.Plus ofi


e'rtmti,L. T o th e h igh es t b idder.Poch e,F. Pock et.P aco,I . Al itt le.

Poculum,L. Cup; pl . pacula, cups.Puma,L. Punishmen t .Paanus est,L. He is a Carth aginian i. c.,

cunning.Poe‘ta laureatus,L. Poet laureate.

Poids ,F. Weigh t.Poin t d ’appui,F. Ful crum,prop.Poissarde,F. Afis h er-woman.

Poiss on d ’Avril ,F. April foo l.Po li,F. Po lish ed,refined.P oIis son,F. Alow fel low.

Po litesse. F Po liteness.Pallet ,L. Thumb .

Po lonais e, F. A Po l ish woman a Pol ishdan ce and mus ic.Pa lus ,L. T h e po le,or end ofan axis .P ommadc,F. Poma tum.

P omumfldami,L. Adam’s apple.

Ponceau,F. Poppy co lor,red .

Pondera verbqrum,L. Weigh t ofWords .

Pandere,non numero,L. By weigh t,not bynumb er.

Pans ,L. Ab ridge.

Pans as inorem,L. Ah elp to dul l students :an ass

’s b ridge.

P ontlfez,L. I l igh pries t.P ontlcvis ,F. Drawb ridge.

Pontus ,L. T h e sea.

Por ts-cha is e,F. Asedan.

Por to crayon,F. Apencil case,crayon canPor to-monnaie,F. Afiatmoney purse.

Por to-voice,F. Aspeaking trumpet.


Porto,I. Pos tage.

P oséda,S. Alodging ; a tavern.

Posé,F. S taid,s teady.Posito,L. Assumed,supposed.P ostfes tum,L. After th e feas t,after th e fair.Pos t nub il a,jub ila,L. After sorrow,joy.

Pos t mor tem,L. After dea th .

Post nub ila Phoebus, L. After c louds th e

c lear sun.

P as te res ta nte,F. T o be left ti l l cal led for;( l etters in th e pos t ofiice. )Pos teri, L. Th ose wh o sh al l come after;pos terity.Pos tremo,L. Las t l y,final ly.P astulatum,L. Postula te taken for gran ted.P atio,L. Apo tion.

Pot-pourri,F. Ahotch potch ; a med ley.Pouce,F. Thumb .

Pour,F. For.

Pour acquit,F. Received payment.Pour fa ire ais ite,F. T o pay a vis it ; a vis it

ing card.Pour pass er le temps,F. T o pass away timePour prendre cong é,F. T o take leave.Pour rire,F. In joke,for fun.

Pourboire,F. Drink money.Poursuivan t,F. Suitor.

Pouvoir,F. Power.Pm d ium,L. Aland es tate.P razmom


tus , prm unitue, L. Forewarned,forearmed.

P ramumerand o,L. By prepayment.Pm s cs,L. Pres iden t.Precario,L. By entrea ty,uncertain.

Pre'cieus e,F. Aprude.

Précis,F. An abs trac t,a summary.

Prémices ,F. Firs t fruits .

Premieres ébouch es,F. Firs t sketch es .Presence d’espr it,F. Presence ofmind.Pretium,L. Price.Pram: ch eval ier,F. Abrave knigh t.P réoennnce,F. Kind a tten tions .P révdt,F. Provos t.Prima donna,I. T h e b es t actres s or s inger.P v ima faeie,L. From th e firs t view ; selfeviden t.Primas ,L. Primate.

f rimitiae,L. Firs t fruits .

Primo,L. At firs t.Primo intuitu,L. At firs t g lance.

Pr imo uomo,I. T h e firs t ac tor or singer.Primummobile,L. F irs t cause ofmo t ion.

Primummavens ,L. T h e ch iefmo tive.

Principals obs ta,L. Res is t beginningsPrincipium,L. T h e beginning.

Prior tempore,prior jure,L. First come,firstserved.

P ro art's et fools , L. For one’s al tars and

one’s fires ide.

Pro bono pub llco,L. For th e pub lic good .

P ro at can,i. e.,pro et contra,L. For and

agains t.Proforma,L. For form’s sake ; for th e sake


P ro hae vice,L. For th is time.

Pro memoria,L. For a memoria l .Pro nuns ,L. For th e presen t.Pr o parte virili,L. According to one’s powers.P ro rota,L. In proportion to ; to each h isown part.

Pro re na ta, L. Accord ing to th e circumstan ces ofth e-case.

P ro tan to,L. For so much .

Pro tempore,L. For th e time.

Proba tum es t,L. It is tried or proved .

Pracul a Jove, pracul a fulmine, L. Far

away,one is out ofdanger.

Prodromus ,S. Precursor,preface.

Pro '

emium,L. Proem,in troduc tion .

Profanam vulgus, L. T h e vulgar or com

mon peo ple.

Proh pudor,L. O ,for sh ame !Pro lé ta ire,F. Aperson of no dis tinc tion a

common laborer.Proneur,F. Apufi

er orflatterer.

Propag anda,I. An ins titution for propagating certain doc trines.Propria manu,L. With one’s own h and .

Pr0pr io .Mar te,L. With one’s own s trength .

Propria motu,L. From one’s own free will .

Proprietaire,F. Proprietor, land lord.Propter,L. On ac coun t of.Prop ter h oe,L. O n th is accoun t.Pros cenium,L. T h e fron t ofth e s tage.

P roteg e,F. Apro tegee, one wh o is underth e pro tec tion ofano th er.

P rox in o,L. Next mon th .

Pub lice,L. Pub l ic l y.Pub licum,L. T h e pub l ic,th e peop le,an nud ienes .

Pucell e d’Or leans ,F. T h eMaid of Orleans.Pudeur,F. Mod es ty.Puis né,or Puiné,F. Ayounger b ro th er.Palm'

s ,L. Dus t.Puncto s ex ti,L. In relation to th e s ix th com~

mandment, (th e seven th in th e Eng lishdeca logue .)Punc tum sa liens,L. S tarting or sal ien t po int.Pure pute,L . Purel y and so lely on ly andalone.


Ra zzia,1. Demo lition.

Re infecta, L. T h e business b eing unfinish ed .

Ra vars ,L. In truth .

Rebus ,F. Arebus,a pun.

Réch aufl'

é,F. Warmed up,s tale,o l d .

Recharch é,F. Ch oice,s tudied,e legan t.Reconnais sance, F . Recognition, acknowled gment,survey.

Raga,F. Receipt.Recueil , F. Co l lec tion.

Recucil lemcnt,F. Co l lec tedness.Redeunt Sa turnia regna,L. T h e 8 11 t

reign returns.Reducao ad ab surdum, L. An argumen tfrom th e absurdity ofth e contrary supposition.

Reg alia, L. T he crown righ ts and perquis ites.

Rég imc,F. Regimen system.

Reine,F. Queen.

Réj ouis sancc,F. Rejoicing.

Remake, F. Intermiss ion, respite, relaxation.

Rel ig ieux,F. Amonk,a friar.Rel ig io loci,L. T h e spirit ofth e place.

Remacutetig isti,L. Youh ave h it th e nai lon th e h ead.

Remisaa anima,L. Listlessl y.

Renaissance,F. Reviva l (oflearning or art.)Bancontre,F. Encoun ter.Rendezvous,F. Appointment to meet ; placeofmeeting.

Rom eo,F. Renown.

Rapestarium,L. Repertory.

Répriae,F. Reprisal.Raquicscat in pacc,L. Let h im rest in peace.

Res angus ta domi,L. S canty fortune.Res g ame,L. Exp loits .

Res lapse,L. Pros tration ofati‘


Residen t,L. Dregs .

Recpicc finest, L. Have respect to th e end

or object.Rastaurateur,F. Restorator.Resume,F. Asummary ; recapitul ation.

Rczicantia, L. Someth ing withh eld in

speech for rh etorica l efi'


Retour,F. Return.

Réunion, F. Meeting of a party ; a social

meeting.Révcill é,F. An a larm; ca l l ing up sol d iers

togeth er in the morning by heat ofdrum.

Remnant d nos mautons,F. We wi l l returnto our subjec t.

Revue,F. Areview,amil itary review.


Rex ,L. KingRe: dc chauss ée,F. Ground floor.Ricochet,F. Repeating th e same notes ; Dboundi ng ; succes s ion.

Rid e,.n sepia,L. Laugh ,ifyouarewise.Rifaciménto,I. Ree


s tab lis hment.Rio,8. River.

Ripéeta,I. Economy.

Risum teneatie L. Can youres train laughter?

Ritarnello,S. A repeat; the burden of a


Roi,F. King.Role,F. Ch arac ter or part in a drama.Romanesque,F. Romantic,ex travagantRaqualeure,F. Ac loak.Ras h -um,L Ap latformforpub lic speeches.Raué,F. Arake.

Roug e,F. Red color.

Rouleau,F. Aro ll,a rol ler.Ruade,F. Akick.Rua t ca lum,L. Let th e heavens fal l.

Rudis ind igestaque males ,L. Acmde mass .

Rue in urbe,L. Acountry place in th e cityRus e,F. Artifice,trick.Ruse con tra rus e,F. Trick fortrick.Rus e dc gum

-e,F. S tratagem.

Seculum,L. An age ; pl . m ule,ages.SatAtticufn,L. At tic wit.Sade,F. Hal l.

Salon,F. Saloon .

Sa las popul i,L. Th e safety or good ofthe


Sa leo jure,L. With out affec ting one’s righ ts.Sanctum eanctorum,L. T h e h o ly ot' ho l ies.Sanpfroid,F. Co ld b loodedness.Sane ammonia,F. With out ceremony.

Sans complimens,F. With out comp l iments.San: culotte, F. Wi th out b reech es ; general ly app lied to th e populace.

Sane doute,F. With out doubt.Sans fafon,F. With outceremony ortroub le.Sane pared ,F. With out an equal ; incomparab le.

San: peine,F. With out troub le.Sm pour at can: reproclte, F. Above fi atand above reproach

Sans rime at sane rattan,F. Without rhymeor reason.

Sans eouct'

,F. With out care; a palace at

Potsd am.


Sapa,L. Soap.Sor ter resartus ,L. T h e cob b lermended .

Sa tis superque,L. Enough ,and more thanenough .

Saturnia regna, L. T h e reign of Saturn ;th e go lden age.

Sauna qui pout, F. Let every one look outfor h imself,or es cape as h e can.

Savant, F. Aman of letters.Sus an-fain , F. Bus iness tact, con trivanceor skill.


vre,F. Aknowledge ofthe world ;refined manners.

Savon,F. Soap.Scé l érat,F. Aculprit,a wretch .

Seclus ,L. Acriminal act,an outrage.Sch olas tica, L. Afema le instructress in a


Scarab ,L. Dross ; Cinders.Scriptores ,L. Writers .

Sculpsit,L. Placed after a name in engrav

ings,indica tes th e engraver.Séance,F. Sitting,sess ion.

Scoundum artem,L. Accord ing to art.Scoundum ordinem, L. In order, one after

ano th er.Sad he a hactenus ,L. So much for th is.Sedes Aposto lica, L. T h e Papal court at

Rome.Sein eur,F. Lord .

&j our,F. Res idence.

Semel ct eimul,L. Once and al l together.Semel pro temper,L Once for all .Semper Augus tus, L. Always an extenderofth e empire.

Sempcr fel iz,L. Always fortunate.Scraper peratus,L. Always ready.

Smatus,L. Senate.

Sena ,bis puer,L. Once a man,twice a boy.

Senor,8. Lord ; sir.Samarium, L. T h e supposed seat of th e

8snsubona,or eana,L. In a good sense.

8am male,L. In a bad sense.

Scum ,L. Sense.

Sententia,L. Opinion,apo th egm,sen tence.Separatia a than at mence,L. Separationfrom bad and board .

Separatio quoa d vine-a lum,L. Aful l d ivorce.Septuag csima,L. Seven tieth d ay (ninth Sunday) beforeEaster.

Septmn,L . An enc losure.Bon us eervarumD ei,L. Servan t ofth e servan ts of God ; th e title assumed by th e

Sesquipeda lia verbs,L. Long,h igh-so l ndingwords.

Sex ag es ima, L. T h e six tieth d ay beforeEas ter.

Scztum, L. T h e s ix th command, (th e sev

enth in th eEng l ish deca logue.)Si dials placet,L. Ifit p leases th e gods.Sic,L. 80, thus.Sic cunt fata hominum,L. So it goes in th e

world .

Sic itur ad as tra, L. Thus one ascends to

th e h igh es t h onors.Sic sempcr tyrannis,L. So may it a lways bewith tyran ts.

Sic trans it g loria mundi,L. 80 th e g lory otth e world passes away.

Sic vo lo, sic jubeo, L. I will it, and so it

mus t be.

Sies ta,S. S leep after d inner; repose.Sig

-nora,I. Lady ;Mrs. Sig nor

-c,Lord ;Mr:

Signum,L. Sign ; p l. s igna,s ign s .Silo,ctph ilosaphus esto,L. Be s till,and passfor a ph ilosoph er ; say no th ing.

Silentium al tum,L. Deep s ilence.

Silentiumperpetuum,L. Perpetual s ilence.Si lhouette, F. Aprofi le ; outlines fi l led inwith b lack.

Simplex mund itiis ,L. Simple in ornaments .

Sine die,L. With out day.

Sine dub io,L. With out doubt.Sine ira ct s tudio,L. With out anger orfavor,i. c. impartia l.

Sine loco ct anno,L. With out place and yearor date.

Sinemora,L. With out delay.Sineprajud icio,L. With out d isadvan tage.Sine qua non,L. Ind ispensab le cond ition.

Sists,via tor,L. Stop,travel ler; an epitaph.Sit vcm

a verbo,L. Excuse th e ex pression.

Sobriquet,F. Nickname.Socius ,L. Fel low,associate ; pl . socu,associates.

Soi—dis an t,F. Sel f-s tyled.Soiree,F. Evening ; evening party.

Sol,L. T h e sun.

So li D eo g loria,L. T o God alone be the

g lory.So lidar ité,F. Apledge to adh ere togeth er;joint responsib ility.

So litaire,F. Arec luse.

So lus,L. Alone.

Sorbonne,F. Aceleb rated co l lege in Path .

S’oricntcr,F. T o find one’s bearings.

Sor tie,F. Egress,sa l ly.Sottis c,F . Fo l ly,nonsense.


Soubrette,F. An intriguing woman.

Souppon,F. Suspizion.

Souper,F. Supper.

Sous,F. Under.Sous tows lee rapports ,F. In al l respects.Souvenir,F. Memen to ; keepsake.

Spars im,L. On al l s ides ,sca ttered .

Spcs unica,L. T h e on ly h ope.Spid lcg

-ium,L. G leanings .Spirituel,F. In tel lec tual,Witty.

Spiritus Sam-tits,L. T h e Ho ly Spirit.Spo lia opima,L. Grand s poi ls.Spontesua,L. Ofone’s own ac cord .Spreta! injuria for-«me ,L. T h e ofl


ence ofde

spis ing h er form.

Stabat ma ter, L.“ T h e moth er s tood ,” be

ginning ofa Latin h ymn.

Stannum,L. T in.

Stat aomim‘

s umbra,L. On ly th e sh adow of

th e name is given ; anonymous.Stat pro ratione vo lun tas ,L. T h e wil l stands

in p lace ofa reas on.

Sta tus qua,L. T h e same s tate as before.

& oa,L. T h ePorch ; th e ph ilosophy ofZeno.

&riw,L. Furrows,ridges.Stric te,L. Exactly,strict l y.Stridor den tium,L. T h e gnash ing ofteeth .

Studio,I. An art ist’s room.

Stultus,L. Afool .Suavitcr in mode,fortiter in re,L. Gentle in

manner,but firm in ex ecution.

Sub,L. Under.Sub co lore juris ,L. Under color of law.

Sub conditione,L. Under th e cond ition.

Sub d is ,or Sub Jove,L. In the open air.Sub has ta,L. At pub l ic auc tion.

Sub judice, L. In th e h ands of the judge ;not yet decided.

Sub pra tex tujuris ,L. Under th e pretex t ofjus tice.

Sub quocunque titulo, L Under wh atevertit le or pretence.

Sub rosa,L. In confidence,secret.Sub s ilentw,L. In silence.Sub specie,L. Under th e formor appearanceof.

Sub utraque specie, L. (Communion)underbo th forms,(bread and wine.)

Sub voce,L. Under th e word .

Subswaum,L. Bas is,groundwork.Suceedancum, L. Help in need ; resort introub le ; sub s titute.

Sug g es tio fal si,L. T h e sugges ting ofwh at

is fa lse.Sui g eneric,L. Unique,ofa pecul iar kind .

Sui juris ,L. One’s own master.

Summa summarum,L. T h e sum total .Summum bonum,L. T h e ch iefgood .

Summumjue summa injur ia,L. T h e strict“ !righ t is th e greates t injus tice.

Sumptibus pub l ic is ,L. Atthe pub l ic ex pense.Sampras ,L. Expense,cos t.Sunt lacryma rerun ,L. Th ere are tears formmery.

SuoMarts,L. By one’s own s trength .

Super,L. Above,over.

Supercherie,F. Deceit,impos ition.

Supplicium,L. Punishmen t.Suppress io veri,L. T h e suppression oftruth .Supra,L. Above.

Sursum corda,L. Bab e your h earts to God.Surveil lance,F. Supervision,inspec tion.

SueMmervam,L. Aswine wil l teachMlnerve !

Suum cuique ( tribuito) ,L. To each one h is

own (be given.)Sympos ium, G. AM; a l iterary fes tival,g;d inner.

T .

Tab le d’hote,F. Ord inary ; th e common tab le at a h ote l.

Tab leau,F. Apicture,representation,tab le,or l is t.

Tabul a rasa,L. Asmoo th ed tab le t ; an umwritten tab let or sh eet.

Te diumvita ,L. Weariness of l ife melanch o ly.

Tail le,F. Cut,form,sta ture.Tal iter qua l iter,L. So so.

TamMar te quamJifi aerva,L. With no lesslearn ing th an courage.

Tandem,L. Fina l ly,at length ; horses h arness ed one before ano th er.

Tang ereulous,L. T o touch a sore place.Tantpis ,F. So much the worse.Tan t s ’en.faut,F. Far from it.Tant soitpeu,F. Ever so l ittle.Tanti,L. Worth so much .

Taatum,L. So much ,onl y.Tantum vidit Virg ilim , L. He simply sawVirgil,or th e greatman.

Tapis ,F. Carpet.Tas s e,F. Cup.Tdtonnemeat,F. Groping.

Te Deum ( laudamus ) , L. T h e Ambrosiah ymn, We praise thee,O God.”

Teint,F. Comp lexion.

Tel est no treplais ir,F. Such is ourpleasure


Vale,L. Farewel l .Va let de chambre,F. Abody servant.Varia lectiones ,L. Various readings .

Variorum no tes,L. T h e no tes ofvarious editota.

Vaudevill e,F. Ab al lad.Vaurien,F. Agood-for-no th ing fel low.

Vedute,F. View,prospec t.Velut a g ri somnia, L. Like a sick man’sdreams .Vena,L. Vein .

Veneficus ,L. Apo isoner.Veni,vid i,viei,L. I came,I saw,I conquered.Venue,F. Arriva l,adven t.Vera pro g ratis ,L. T rue th ings ins tead of

agreeab le th ings ; truth before favor.Verbatim et literatim,L. Word forWord,andle tter for let ter.Verb i eauea,L. For ex ample.

Verbi diviniminis ter,L. Minis terofth ewordofGod .

Verbum s at sapien ti,L. Aword to th e wiseis sttflicient.

Vere adepti,L. Truly adepts.Vermoulu,F. Wormeaten.

Vérole,F. Pox .

Versus,L. Towards.Verte,L. Turn over th e leaf.

Verve,F. Rapture,nonsense.f rat

-5 , is. Blad der.Vestibulum,L. Vestibule,porch .Vestig ia,L. Tracks,trails,ves tiges .

Vettura,I. Ah ack.Vetturino,I. Ah ackman.

Vetue Tes tamentum,L. T h e Ol d Testament.Vex a ta ques tio,L. Vex ed or d isputed ques

Vi ci armis ,L. By force and arms,forcib ly,vio len tl y.Via,L. By way of.

We Lactea,L. T h eMilkyWay.

Via med ia,L. Middle course.


N ote referred to on p. 509.—Th is l ine is a quotation,not,as h as been genera l ly supposed,

from a c lassic auth or,butfrom a German poet,Matth ias Borbonius,who represents it as asaying of Loth arius I. In th e original, omnia” s tands in the p lace of “ tempera.

" The

editor is indeb ted to Prof. J. L. Linco ln,ofBrown Univers ity,for th is information.

Via ticum,L. T h e las t communion.

Vice verso,L. T h e opposnte way reversed

Vide,L. See.

Videtur,L. It appears ; opinion,decis ion.


,F. Vivid .n lw,L. Vigils ; keeping watch .Vig na,S . Vine,vineyard .Vil ioris eond itt


onis, L. Of a low rank 0!

cond ition.

Vi n,F. Wine.Vinculum,L. Bond .

Vinculum matrimonii, L. Bond of matrimony.Vindicta,L. Revenge.

Virg il ium tantum eid i, I only sawVirgil,or th e dis tinguish ed man.

Vir ta,I. Aknowled ge ofth e curiosities ofart.

Vir tuoso,I. One skil led in such curios itiesofart.

Vie-d -o is,F. O ppos ite.Vie eomica,L. Comic power or talent.Vita brevis,are long s ,L. Life is short,and

art is long.

Vitinee,L. Vice.Via'eum,L. G lass .

Wm eoee, L. With l iving voice ; by wordofmouth .


wat,L. Ashout of Long l ive,” &c.Vivida vie animi,L. Menta l energy,animation.

Voila,F. Beh ol d ; there is,th ere are.Vo lente D eo,L. God wil ling.Votum eas titatis ,L. Vow ofch astity.

Vo tumpaspertatis ,L. Vow ofpoverty.

Vos etpreterea nih il,L. Noth ing but bound,empty sound .

VozMei: in fas eibus,L. He h esitates or

s tammers .

Voz popul i voz D ei, L. Th e voice of the

peop le is th e voice ofGod .

Vraisemb lanoe,F. Probab il ity.



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Profes sor of Logic andMetaphys ics,Univers ity ofEd inbui g h ; embrac ing th eMETAPHYSi.CAL and Lemon . CO URSES with N otes,from Orig i na lMateria ls,and an Appendix ,containing th e Author’s La tes t Deve lopment of h is New Logical Th eory . Ed ited by Rev.

HENRY LONGUEVILLEMANSEL,B. D .,Prof. ofMora l and Metaphysica l Philosophy inMagda len Col lege,Ox ford,and J01m Va l rcu,M.A.,ofEd inburgh . In two roya l oc tavovolumes,viz.,

I . MsrAPars Ax. LECTURES (now read y). Royal oc tavo,cloth .

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th e Authorized American Publishers of th is d is ti nguished author's ma tch less LEC T URES o x METArn rsw s AN D L o o rc , and they are permitted to prin t th e same from advance shee ts furn ishedthem by th eEnglish publ ishers .

MEN TAL PH I L OSOPHY ; Including th e In tellec t, th e Sensibilities, and th e

Will. By JOSEPH HAVEN,Prof. of In tel lec tua l andMora l Ph ilosophy,Amhers t College.Royal 12am, c loth,embos sed,It is bel ieved th is work will b e found pre-eminen tly dis tinguished.1 . T h e Cours nra n a s s with wh ich it presen ts th e whole subject. T ex t-books general ly tre at

of on ly one class of faculties 3 th is work includes th e wh ole. 2. It is s trictly and thoroughly Sc rENT IF IC . 8. It presen ts a careful an aly s is of th e mind, as a whole. 4. T h e h is tory and li tera tureof ea ch topic . 5. T h e la tes t results of th e sc ience . 6. T h e chas te,yet a ttrac tive s ty le. 7. T h eremarkable condensation of though t.Prof. PARK ,of Andover,says It is m s rmo vrsun ) for its clearness of s tyle,perspicui ty of

method, candor of sp irit,acumen and comprehens iveness of thought.”T h e work, though so recen tly publ ished,h as metwith mos t remarkable success hav ing been

al ready in troduced in to a large number of th e lead ing colleges an d schools in various parts of th ecoun try ,an d bids fair to take th e p lace of every o ther work on th e subject n ow before th e public.

T HESAURUS O F EN GLI SH WORDS AN D PHRASES, so c lass itied and arranged as to facilitate th e ex press ion of ideas,and assis t in l iterary compos ition. New and Improved Edition . By PETERMARK Roc s r, la te Secreta ry of th e Roy alSoc iety,London,&c . Revised and ed ited,with a Lis t of Foreign Word s defined in Eng .

lish,and o ther add itions,by BARNAS SEARS,D . D .,P res ident of Brown Univers ity. A.Naw Armamen t Edition,with Annm os s AND IMPROVEMENTS. 12mo,cl o t h,T his edi tion is based on th e L ondon ed ition , recen tly issued . Th e firs t American Edi tion h av

ing been prepared by Dr. Sears for s trictly educa tiona lpurposes, those words an d phrases properlytermed vulgar,“ incorpora ted in th e original work,were omitted . T hese ex purga ted por tion s have,in th e presen t ed ition,been restored, but by such an arrangemen t of th e matter as n ot to in ter.fere with th e education al purposes of th e American ed i tor. Bes ides th is, i t con ta ins importan tadd ition s ofwords and phrases not in th e Engl ish ed ition,making it in a l l respects more full andperfect t han th e auth or's ed ition. T h e work h as al ready become one of s tandard authority,bo thin th is coun try and in G reat Bri tain .

PALEY ’S NAT URAL THEOL OGY. Illus tra ted by forty Pla tes, withSelec tions from th e No tes of Dr. Pa x ton,and Additiona l No tes,Origina l and Selected,with a Vocabulary of Sc ientific Terms . Edited by Jon):WARE.M. D . Improved edition,with elegan t new ly engraved pla tes . l 2mo,c loth,embossed,T his work is very genera lly in troduced in to our bes t Schools and Col leges throughout th e coun

try . An en tire ly new and beautiful set of I llus tra tion s h as recen tly been pro cured,which,withother improvemen ts,render itth e bes t and mos t complete work ofth e kind ex tant.


PR IN CI PLES O F ZOOLOGY ; Touching th e Struc ture,Development,Dis.tribution, and Natura l A rrangemen t,of th e RACES or ANIMALS, living and ex tin c t,with numerous I llus tra tions . For th e use of Schoo ls and Col leges . Part I . Cox .

PABATIYE PHYSIOLOGY . By LOUIS AGASSIz and Aucusrvs A . GOULD . Revised ed i.tion,12mo,c lo th,It is nota mere book,buta work a real work in the form ofa book. Zoology is an in teresting

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T his work placesus in possess ion of informa tion ha lf a cen tury in advance ofal l our elementaryworks on th is subject. No work of th e same dimens ion s h as ever appeared in th eEnglish language con tain ing so much newand valuable in formation .

"PRO F . Jn uts HALL ,Albany.

T h e bes t book of th e kind in our language.


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T his is just such a work as is n eeded for our schools . We see no reason why it should nottake its place as a tex t-book in al l th e schoo ls in th e land.” N . Y. Observer.Admirably adap ted for use as a tex t-book in common schoo ls an d academies.”—Congrega tion

ELEMEN T S O FMORAL SCIEN CE. By FRANCISWAYLAND,D. D.,la teP resident ofBrown Univers ity. 12mo,c loth,MORAL SC IEN CE ABR IDGED, and adapted to thes use of Schools and

Academies,by th e Author. Halfmorocco,50 cts .

Th e same,Gmur SCHOOL EDIT ION,boards,25 cts .

T h is work is used in th e Bos to n Schools,and is ex ceed ingly popular as a tex t-book wherever ith as been adopted.ELEMEN T S O F P OL I T I CAL ECON OMY. By Em ma WAvLAND,D . D. 12mo,cloth,

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h as an in teres t in th e wealth and prosperi ty of h is coun try. It is a subject li ttle unders to od, evenpractica lly,by thousands,an d s til l less unders tood theoretically. It is to b e hoped this wil l forma class book,an d b e fa ithful ly stud ied in our acad emics,an d that it wil l find its way in to everyfamily l ibrary I not there to be shut upunread, but to afford rich material for though t an d discus~s ion in th e family c irc le.

”Puritan Recorder.

A l l th e aboveWorks by D r.Wayland are used as tex t-books in most of the col leges an d h igherschoo ls throughout th e Union,and are highly approved.

{13 G . 6; L . keep,in ad d ition to works pub l is h ed by th ems el ves,an ex tens ive as s ortmen t of wo rks pub l is h ed by oth ers, in a l l d epartmen ts of trad e,wh ich th ey supplya tpub l is h ers ‘

pric es . T h ey invite th e atten tion of Books el l ers , T ravel l ing Agents,T each ers ,Sch oo l C ommittees,Cl ergymen ,and P rofes s ional men gen eral ly (to wh oma l ib eral d is c ount is un iformly mad e),to th eir ex tens ive s tock. C opies of T ex t-b ooksfor ex amination wil l b e sent by ma il o r oth erwis e,to any one transmitting ONE

sumth e price of th e s ame. [13 O rders from any part of th e country promptlya ttend sd to with faithfulness and despatch . (3 3 )



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I have ex amined,with much in teres t, th e Youn g L adies ' C lass Book. byMr. Ba iley, an d havebeen very h igh ly pleas ed with its con ten ts . I regard i t as n o t on ly remarkably wel l fi tted to an swerits particular object as a book of ex ercise in th e art of elocution , but as calculated to have an influence upon th e charac ter and conduct which wil l be in every respect favorable.



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ro run Aurnon‘s New Sr s r s x or ENGL I SH GRAMMAR,wh ich formsa gradua l in troduction to th e firs t prin c iples of compos i tion . T h e plan pursued in these ex erc ises,as in th e G rammar, is foun ded on th e application of th e principle of im itation . T h e pupi l is conducted progress ively from th e s imp les t ex press ion of thought to th e prac tice of connected compos i tiou.

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Perhaps n o work h as con tributed so much as this to ex c ite a fondness for th e study of Na tura lPh ilosophy in youthful minds. T h e fami liar comparison s wi th which it abounds awaken in teres tand rivet th e atten tion of th e pup il.BLAKE’S F IR ST BOOK IN AST R ON OMY ; designed for th e use ofCommon Schools . I llus t. with s teel-pla te Engravings . By J . L . BLAKE, D . D. Clothback,50 cts .

I know of no other work so well calculated to in teres t and ins truct young learners in thissublime sc ience.

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ship,” bound in one Book,163 cts .

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T h e copies are arranged in progres s ive series,and are likewise so divers ified by th e in troductionofvari a tion s in s tyle as to command th e con s tan t a tte n tion and ex ercise th e in genuity of th e learn er.T hey are d iv ided in to five series , in tended for th e like number of books, and are so arranged andfolded tha t a copy always comes over th e top of th e page on wh ich i t is to be wri tten .

T here are n inety-si x copies, presen ting a regular inductive sys tem of Penman sh ip for ordinarybus ines s purposes, fol lowed by ex amples of every variety of Ornamen talWriting.T h is work is in troduced into many of th e Bos ton Public and Private Schools,and gives univerui sa tis fac tion. (2 1 )



Incid ents in h is Life. Ed ited by h is son,War. It. s aes ca,M. D . Wi th elega n t Portraits ofAmos and Ab bo tt Lawrence,an Engraving of th eir B irth place, an Autographpage ofHandwriting,and a copious Ind ex . One large octavo vo lume,c lo th , 5roya l1 2am,c lo th ,A DIEMO IR O F THE L I FEAN D T IMES O F I SAAC BACKU S.

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airs . For every Baptis t,especially, it is a necessary book.

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in th e seven oc tavo vo lumes of th e Lond on ed ition . T h e C h ris tian pub lic in America wil l welcome such a memoir ofa poet wh ose h ymn s and sacred melod ies h ave been th e d eligh t of everyh ouseh o ld .

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ros ,D . D . Withan Introducto ry Ch apter,b y Rev. JAMES G . N IALL,Auth or of “ Foo tsteps of our Fore~fath ers,” 610. With beautiful I l lus trated Tit le-page and Frontispiece. 16mo, c loth ,60cents .


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British Review.

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I tmerits th e specia l no tice of al l wh o are in teres ted in th e business ofeduca tion,and d eservesa place by th e sid e ofBrews ter‘s Life ofNewton,in al l th e lib raries ofour sch oo ls,acad emics,andliterary in stitutions ." Wa tchman and Reflec tor.

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My path lies in a val ley,wh ich I h ave sough t to adorn with flowers. Sh adows from th eh il ls cover it but I make my own sunsh ine Author's Preface.


THE TEACHER ’S LAST LESSON . AMemoir ofMARTHA e mo, la teor th e Ch arles town Female Seminary,with Reminiscences and Sugges tive Reflec tions .

By Cunmma N . BADGER,an Assoc iate Teach er. With a Portrait, and an Engravingof th e Seminary . 12m0,c lo th ,T h e subject of th is Memoir was,for a quarter ofa cen tury ,at th e h ead ofone of th e mos t cele

bruted fema le seminaries in th e coun try . During th at period sh e educated more th an th ree th ousand young lad ies. Sh ewas s kindred spirit to Mary Lyon . (1 7 )


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D R. HARRI S is one ofth e b es t writers ofth e age and th is volume wil l not in th e leas t d etractfrom h i s wel l-merited reputation .

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Ph il ad elph ta Ch . Observer .

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gan t vo lumes,octavo,cloth ,each ,Th e immense sa le ofal l th is auth or’s Works attes ts th eir in trinsic worth and great populari ty .


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We are con s tan tly remin d ed ,in read ing h is eloquen t pages, of th e o ld Eng lish writers,wh osevigorous th oug h t, and go rgeous imagery,an d varied learn ing ,h ave mad e th eir writings an inoxh aus tib le mine for th e sch o lars of th e presen t d ay .

"Ch . Observer.

REL IGI OU S P R OGRESS ; Discourses on th e Developmen t of th e Ch ristianCh aracter. ByWILLxAMR . WILLIAMS,D . D . Th ird ed ition . 12mo,cloth ,85 cts .

H i s power ofaptand forcib le il lustra tion is with out a paral lel among mod ern writers . T h emutepages spring in to life b eneath th e magic of h is rad ian t imag ination . But th i s is n ever at th e

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much poetical inven tion y ield s such a wil ling h omage to th e logica l elemen t.” Ha rper’sMon th lyMiscellany .

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P rice Reduced . 12mo,c lo th ,W D r.Wil liams is a profound sch olar and a b ril lian t writer. N. Y.Evangelis t.


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run Amnoa . 12mo,c loth ,T HE PR IEST AN D T HE HU GUEN OT ; or,Persecution in th e Age ofLouis x v Trans la ted from th e French ofL. F. Bungener. Two vo ls . 12mo,c lo th ,sa ss .

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"N. Y. Ch rome ls.

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T h is book treats of a subject of great in teres t,especially at th e presen t time. It furn i shes amorecomplete and reliable accoun t of th e Camel than any other in th e lan guage indeed, i t is believedtha t there is no other. It is th e result oflon g s tudy, ex ten s ive research,an d much personal o b servation , on th e part of the author,an d i t h as been prepared wi th spec ia l reference to th e ex perimen tofd omesticating th e Camel in th is coun try, n ow going on under th e auspices of th e Un ited Statesgovernmen t. It is written in a styleworthy of th e d ist inguis hed author‘s reputation for great learning and tine scholarship. (3 3 )


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