Excerpta Bi Scriptis Publii Ovidii N Ason Is - Forgotten Books


Transcript of Excerpta Bi Scriptis Publii Ovidii N Ason Is - Forgotten Books


in preparing this littl e volum e from the writing sofOvid,

g reat care has been taken to adm it nothing in the slig htest

de g ree indelicate , or im proper for the study of youth.

Suficient attention does not appear to have be en paid to

this point in the se lections from Ovidwhich have com m only

been used in schools.

One object has been to furnish exam ples ofthe dt'



kinds of m easure used by this polished and fascinating

w riter. It IS not a little surprising , that in the whole course

ofstudies preparatory filer and~piirsitéd atEejit colle g es,

notaverse ofPentam eter m easureoacurrs There are a

few lines ofthe Ele g iac m ensuré ip QieGollectanea O1acaMinors , which form erly served; a

s a:text, whereby to

explain this m easure ; but siric‘

e the e‘


chl sidn of that ex

c e llent book from the requisitions for entrance , nothin g of

the kind rem ains, either of Greek or Latin , in the w hole

com e .

This is the m ore surprising , since , in addition to the

fie quency w ith which this kind of versification occurs, it

m ay be considered one of the m ost easy and g raceful

which the ancient poets used.

There m ay be exceptions to this rem ark, althou g h there'

is noneWithin the w n ter’aknow ledg e .

As this book is desig ned for a kind

fabulous history, the notes g ive a m ore full account 9? $0subjects connected w ith the m atter im m ediately under con

is the m ore necessaryfrom the circum stance , that boys are

not usually intrusted w ith a Classical Dictionary at so earlyan ag e as this book will probably be g iven to them . For

this reason very little reference has been m ade to Lem

priere .

The Questions are desig ned to direct the student’


m ention to the subjects ofthe notea as w ell as m thoseo i

the text ; for a know ledg e of the characters here intro~

subsequent studiesdn Latin and Greek. The text is Bur

m enn’s. The selection from the Metam orphoses is the

sam e w ith that published in En g land byMr. Bradley, w ith.


ofMr. Bradley have been

E me plan ofthis work.


Luann V .

Phineas et Socii in San m utati

Proserpine. a Plutone rapta

L ml m VI.Wiobe in Statuam m utate

Petens, Procne , Philom e la in Aves m utati

Lrnz n VII.

[anon et Medea.


orm ics in Hom ines m atatan


Philem on et Baucis

Luann IX.

Lrnm t X.

)rpheus et Eurydice

Hyacinthus in Florem m utatus

Luann XIII.[Bertam en inter Ajacem e t Ulyssem de Achil lis Arm is 115

Hecuba in Canem m utata 127

l em nom s Cineres in Aves m utati 133


Eneas et Rag es Alban i

Luann XV.

Pythag oras Serm o

lul ius Caesar in Com eten m utetua

m ax.


Penelope Ulyssi

Dido iEne ze

Ariadne Theseo

Laodam ia Protesilao


Rom ulus et Rem us



Genus suum exponit Naso






In nova fert anim us m utatas dicere form as

Corpora. Di, coeptis (nam vos m utt'

istis et illas)Adspirate m eis ; prim aque ab orig ine m undi

Ad m ea perpetuum deducite tem pora carm en .


Ante, m are et tellus, et, quod te g it om nia, caelum ,

Unus erat toto Nature vultus in orbe ,

Quem dixére Chaos ; rudis indig estaque m oles ;Nec quidquam , nisi pondus iners ; con g estaque ebdem

Non bene junctarum discordia sem ina rerum .

Nullus adhuc m undo praabebat lum inaTitan

Nec nova crescendo reparabat com ua Phe be ;Nec circum fuso pendebat in aere tellus

Ponderibus librata suis :nec brachia long o

Marg ine terrarum porrexerat Am phitrite

Q ufique fuit te llus, illio et pontus et aer



Sic erat instabilis te llus, irm abilis unda,

Lucis e g ens aer nulli. sua form a m an ebat.

Obstabatque aliis aliud quia corpore in m m

Frig ida pu g nabant calidis, hum entia siccis,

Mollie cum duris, sine pondere habentia pondus .

Hanc Deus et m e lior litem Natura direm it

Nam ca lo terras, et terris abscidit undas,


t liquidum spisso secrevit ab ae'

re ca lum .

Q ua postquam evolvit, ca coque exem it acervo,

Dissociata locis concordi pace lig avit.

Ig nea convexi vis et sine pondere ca li

Em icuit, sum m aque locum sibi le g it in arce .

Proxim us est aer illi levitate , locoque

Densior his te llus e lem entaque g randia traxit

Et pre ssa e st g ravitate sui. C ircum fluu s hum or

Ul tim a possedit, solidum que coercuit orhem .

Sic ubi dis/

positam , quisquis fuit ille deorum ,

Cong eriem secuit, sectam que in m em bra rede g it

Principio terram , ne non aqualis ab om ni

Parte foret, m ag ni speciem g lom eravit in orbis.

Tum freta difi'

undi, rabidisque tum escere ventis

Jussit, et am bita circum dare littora terra .

Addidit et fontes, im m ensaque stag na, lacusque

Flum inaque obliquis cinxit dec livia ripis

Q ua diversa locis partim sorbentur ab ipsa

In m are perveniunt partim , cam poque recepta

Liberioris aqua , pro tipis littore pulsant.

Jussit et extendi cam m s, subsidere valles,

Fronde te g i silvas, lapidosos surg ere m ontes.

t ue dua dextrti ca lum , totidem que sinistra

Parte secant zona , quinta est ardentior illis

Sic onus inclusum num ero distinxit eodem


Cura dei totidem que plag a te llure prem untur.

Q uarum qua m edia est, non e st habitabilis astu

Nix te g it al ta duas totidem inter utrum que locavit ;

Tem periem que dedit, m ixtacum frig ore fiam m ti .

Im m inet his aer :qui, quantaest pondere terra

Pondus aqua levins, tanto est onerosior ig ni.

Il lic et nebulas, illic consistere nubes

Jussit, et hum anas m otura tonitrua m entes,

Et cum fulm inibus facientes frig ora ventos.

His quoque non passim m undi fabricator habendum

Aera per misit. Vix nunc obsiatitur illis,

Chm sua quisque re g ant diverso fiam ina tract u,Quin lanient m undum tanta est discordiafi'atrum .

Eurus ad Auroram , Nabathaaque re g na recessit,

Persidaque , e t radiis jug a subdita m atutinis.

Vesper, et occiduo qua littora sole tepescunt,

Proxim a sunt Zephyro Scythiam Septem que trionem

Horrifer invasit Boreas contraria te llus

Nubibus adsiduis, pluvioque m adescit ab Austro.

Hac super im posuit l iquidum e t g ravitate carentem

E thers , nec quidquam terrena facis babentem .

Vix ea lim itibus dissepserat om nia certis ;

Chm , qua pressa diu m assalatuére sub illfi,Sidera ca perunt toto effervescere ca lo .

Neu re g io foret u lla suis an im antibus orba,

Astra tenent ca leste solum , form aque deorum

C esser unt nitidis habitanda piscibus unda

Terra feras cepit :volucres ag itabilis aer.

Sanctius his anim al , m entisque capacius al ta

Deerat adhuc , et quod dom inari in cateta posset.

Natus hom o e st sive hunc divino sem ine fecit

l lle opifex rerum , m undi m elioris orig o


Sive recens tellus, seductaque nuper ab alto

E there , cog nati retinebat sem ine ca li.

Quam setus Iiipeto, m ixtem fiuvialibus undis,Pinxit in efl

‘ig iem m oderentfim cuncta deorum .

Pronaque ci‘

un spectent anim al ia caters terram ;Os bom ini sublim e dedit : ca lum que tueri

Jussit, et erectos ad sidera tollere vu ltus.

Sic , m ode qua fueret rudis et sine im ag ine , tellus

Induit ig notas hom inum converse fig ures.


v. 89.

Aureaprim e sate est ates, qua , vindice nullo,

Sponte sue, sin e le g e , fidem rectum que colebat.

Pa ne m etusque aberant nec verbe m inaciafixo

E re le g ebantur:nec supplex turba tim ebant

Judicis ore sui: sed erant sine judice tuti.Nondum case suis, pere g rinam ut viseret orhem ,

Montibus, in liquides pinus descenderet undesNullaque m ortales, prater sua, littore norant.

Nondum pracipites cing ebant oppida fossa

Non tuba directi, non aris com ua flexi,

Non g al ea , non ensis, erant. Sine m ilitis usu

Mollie secura'

perag ebant otia m entes.

Ipsa quoque im m unis, restroque intacta, nec ullis

Saucie vom eribus, per se debet om nia tellus

Contentique cibis, nullo cog ente , creatis,

Arbuteos foetus, m ontanaque frag a le g ebant,

Cornaque , et in duris harentia m ore rubetis ;

Et qua deciderant petulaJovis erbore g lende


Ver erat aternum , placidique tepentibus auris

Mu lcebant zephyri natos sine sem ine flores.

Mox etiam h'

u g es te llus inerata ferebat :

Ncc renovetus ag er gravidis canebat aristis.

Flum ina jam lectis, jam flum ine nectaris ibant

Flaveque de viridi stillabant ilice m e lla.


, Setum o tenebrosa in Tartara m isso,

Sub Jove m undus erat ; subiit erg entea proles,

Auro deterior, fulvo pretiosior are .

Jupiter antiqui contraxit tem pora verisPerque hiem es, astusque , et inaquales autum nos,Et breve ver, spetiis exe g it quatuor annum .

Tum prim um siccis aer fervoribus ustus

C enduit :et ventis g lecies edstricta pependit.

Tum prim t'

im subiére dem os. Dom us entrafil erunt,Et densi frutices, et vincta cortice virg a .

Sem ine tum prim inn lon g is Cereal ia sulcis

Obruta sunt, pressique ju g o g em uére juvenci.Terrie post illes successit aenea proles,

Savior in g enus, et ed horrida prom ptior arm e ;

Nec scelereta tem en . De duro est ultim e ferro.

Protinus irrum pit vena pejoris in avum

Om ne nefas fu g ere pudor, verum que , fidesque

In quorum subiera locum fraudesque , dolique ,

Insidiaque , et vis, et am or sce leratus habendi.

Ve la debet ventis, nec adhuc bene noverat illos

Navita:quaque diu steterent in m ontibus altis,

Fluctibus ig notis insultavére cerina .

Com m unem que prius, ceu lum ina solis et auras,

Cantus hum um lon g o sig navit lim ite m ensor

Nec tantum se g etes alim entaque debita dives

Poscebatur hum us sed itum est in viscera terra



Q uasque recondiderat, Styg nsque adm overet um bris,Efi


odiuntur opes, irritam ente m alorum .

Jam que nocens ferrum , ferroque nocentius aurum

Prodierant:prodit be llum , quod pug nat utroque ;Sang uinetique m enu crepitantia concutit arm a.

Vivitur ex rapto :non hospes ab hospita tutus,

Non socet a g enero :fi'

atrum quoque g ratis. rare est.

Im m inet exitio vir conjug is, illa m ariti

Lurida terribiles m iscent aconite noverca

Filius ante diem patrios inquirit in annos.

Victs jace t Pietas :et Virg o cade m edentes,

Ultim a ca lesu'

im , terresAstraa re liquit.

Neve foret terris securior arduus ather ;Afl


ectfisse ferunt re g num ca l este Gig antes

Altaque cong estos struxisse ad sidera m ontes.

Tum pater om nipotens m isso perfre g it Olym pum

Fulm ine , et excussit subjecto Pelio Ossam .

Obruta m ole suacum corpora dire jac erent ;Perfusam m ulto natorum sang uine Terram

l ncaluisse ferunt, calidum que anim asse cruorem

Et, ne nulla fera stirpis m onum ente m anerent,

In faciem vertisse hom inum . Sed et ille propag o

Contem ptrix superfim , savaque evidissim a cadis,

Et violenta fuit :seires e sang uine netos.


v. 163.

Q ua pater ut sum m itvidit Saturnius arce ,Ing em it et, fecto nondum vulg ate recenti,Fade Lycaom a referees convivia m ensa ,


Ing entes anim o et dig nas Jove concipit iras ;Ce nsilium que vocat. Tenuit m ore nulla vecate s.

Est via sublim is, ca le m anifesta serene

Lectea nem en habet ; candere notabilia ipso.


ic iter est superis ed m ag ni tectaTonantis,

Be g al em que dem um . Dextrii lavfique deorum

Atria nebilium valvis ce lebrantur apertis.

Plebs habitant diversa locis. A fronte potentes

Ca licola , clarique sues posuére penates.

Hic locus~

est quem , si verbis audacia detur,

Heud tim eam m ag ni dixisse Pal atia ca li.

Erg o ubi m an neree superi sedere recessu,

Celsier ipse loco, sceptroque innixus ebum e ,

Terrificam capitis cencussit terque. quaterque

Casariem cum quate trem , m ere , sidera, m ovit.

Tal ibus inde m odis era indig nantie se lvit

Non e g o pro m undi re g no m ag is auxins illi

Tem pestate fui, quacentum quisque pareban tInjicere eng uipedum captive brachia ca lo .

Nem , quenquem ferus he stis erat, tem en illud ab une

Corpore , et ex une pendebat orig ine be llum .

Nunc m ihi, quatotum Nereus circum tonat orhem ,

Perdendum m ortele g enus. Perfium ine jureInfera, sub terres Styg io lebentia luce ,

Cuncte prius tenteta :sed irnm edicebile vulnus

Ense recidendum , ne pars sincere trahetur.

Sunt m ihi Sem idei, sunt rustice num ine Nym pha ,Faunique , Satyrique , et m onticola Silvani

Que s quoniam ca li nondum dig nem ur honore ,

Ques dedim us, certe terres habitare sinem us.

An satis, e superi, tutos fore creditis ille s,

Chm m ihi, qui fu lm en, qui vos habeeque , re g eque ,


Struxerit insidias, notus feritate , Lycaon

Confrem uére om nes studiisque ardentibus ansum

Talia depe scunt. Sic , chm m enus im pie savit

San g uine Casareo Rom anum extin g uere nem en,

Atte nitum tanta subite terrore ruina

Hum enum g enus est ; totusque perherruit orbis.

Nec tibi g rate m inus pietes, Au g uste , tuerum ,

Quam fuit ille Jovi. Q ui pe stquam vece m anuque

Murm ura com pressit ; tenuére silentia cuncti.

Substitit ut clam or, pressus g ravitate re g entis ;

Jupiter hoc iterum serm ene silentie rum pit

Ille quidem pa nes (curem hanc dirnittite)se lvit ;Qued tem en adm issum , qua sit vindicte , deeebe .

Contig erat nostras infam ia tem peris eures

Quam cupiens fal sam , sum m o delebor Olym pe ,

Et deus hum ane lustre sub im ag ine terres.

Len g e m ore est, quantum noxa sit ubique repertum ,

Enum erare m iner fuit ipse infam ia vere .

Manal a transieram , letebris herrenda ferarum ,

Et cum Cyllene g e lidi pine ta Lycei.

Arcade s hinc sedes et inhospite tecte tyranni

In g redier, traherent chm sere crepuscule nectem .

Sig ne dedi venisse deum vulg usque precari

Ca peret. Irridet prim e pie vote Lycaon .

Mex ait, Experier, deus hic , discrim ine aperte ,

An sit m ortalis nec etit dubitabile verum .

Nocte g ravem som ne nec epine perdere m erte

Me peret. Hac illi placet experientie veri.

Nec contentus eo , m issi de g ente Molossa

Obsidis unius jug ulum m ucrone resolvit

Atque ita sem ineces partim ferventibus artus

Mollit equis, partim subjecto terruit ig ni.


Q ue m are , quo tellus, cerreptaque re g ia ca li

Ardeat ; et m undi m oles operesa laboret.

Te la reponuntur, m an ibus fabricate Cyc lopum .

Pa ne placet diversa, g enus m ertal e sub undis

Perdere , et ex om n i nim bes din l ittere ca lo.

Protinus JEe liis Aquilonem claudit in entris,

Et quacunque fii g ant inductas fiem ina nubes

Em ittitque Notum . Madidis Notus evo lat elis

Terribilem piceatectus calig ine vultum .

Barbe g ravis nim bis cenis fluit unda capil lis

Frente sedent nebu la rerent pennaque , sinusque .

t ue‘

m anu late pendentia nubile pressit ;

Fit frag or hinc densi funduntur ab athere nim bi.

Nuntia Junonis, varie s induta colore s,

Concipit Iris equas, alim entaque nubibus afi'


Sternuntur se g etes, et deplerate coleni

Ve ta jacent lon g ique laborperit irritus anni.

Nec ca lo centente sue Jovis ire sed illum

Caruleus frater juvat auxiliaribus undis.

Convocet hic em nes. Q ui pestquam tecte tyranni

Intravere sui, Non est hortarnine lon g o

Nunc , ait, utendum vires efi'

undite vestres.

Sic opus est :aperite dem os :ac , m o le rem ote,

Flum inibus vestris totes im m ittite hebenas.

Jusseret. Hi redeunt, ac fontibus era relaxant,

Et defranate ve lvunm r in aquera cursu .

Ipse tridente sue terram percussit :at ille

Intrem uit, m etuque sinus patefecit aquarum .

Exspatiata ruunt per aperte s flum ina cam pe s

Cum que satis arbuste sim u l , pecudesque , viresque ,

Tectaque , cum que suis rapiunt penetralia sacris.

Si qua dem us m ensit, petuitque resistere tante

LIBER I. l l

Indejecta m ale culm en tem en altier hujusUnda te g it, pressaque laban t


sub g urg ite turres.

Jam que m are et te llus nul lum discrim en habebant.

Om nia pontus erant. Deerant quoque littora ponte .

Occupet hic collem cym basedet alte r adunca,

Et ducit rem es illio, ubi nuper ararat.

Ille supra se g etes, aut m ersa culm ina villa

Nevig et :hic sum m apiscem deprendit in ulm e .

Fig itur in viridi (si fers tu lit)anchera pretoAut subjects. ternat curva vineta carina

Et, m ode quag raciles g ram en carpsére cape lla ,

Nunc ibi deform es penunt sue corpora phoca .

Mirantur sub aqualuces, urbesque , dem esque


des silvesque tenent de lphines, et altis

Incursant rem is, e g itetaque rebere pu lsant ,Nat lupushater eves fulve s vehit unda leones

Uride vehit tig res nec vires fulm inis epre ,

Crura nec eblete pre sunt ve locia cerve .

Q ua sitisque diu terris, ubi sidere detur,In m ar-e lassetis ve lucris ve g a decidit elis.

Obruerat tum ule s im m ense licen tie penti,

Pulsabantque nevi m ontana cacum ina fluctus.

Maxim a pars undarepitur quibus un da pepercit,Ille s le ng a dem ent inopi jejunia victu .

Separat Ae nie s Actais Phoc is ab arvis,

Terra ferex, dum terra fu it ; sed tem pere in ille

Pars m aris, et letus subiterurn cam pus equarum .

Mons ibi verticibus petit erduus estra due bus,

Nem ine Pam essus, supere sque cacum ine nubes.

Hie ubi Deucalion (11am catera texerat aquer)Cum ce nsorte tori parvarate vectus edha sit

Cerycidas nym phas, et nurnina m ontis adorant,


dicam que Them in , qua nunc oracle tenebat.

m elier quisquam , nec em antier aqui

Vir fuit, aut ille m etuentier ul la deorum .

Jupite r ut liquidis stag nare paludibus orhem ,

Et superesse videt de tot m ode m il libus unum ,

Et superesse videt de tot m ode m illibus unem ;

Innecues afnbos, culteres num inis em bes ;Nubile disjecit :nim bisque Aquilone rem otis,

Et ca lo terres estendit, et athere terris.

Nee m aris ire m anet ; positoque tricuspide tele

Mn lcet aquas rector pelag i supraque profundum

Exstantem , atque hum eros innate m urice tectum ,

Caruleum Tritone vocat ; cenchaque seneci

l nspirare jubet ; fluctusque et flum ina sig ne

Jam revocare date . Cave buccina sum itur illi

Tertilis, in latum qua turbine crescit ab im o

Buccina, qua m edie cencepit ut aera ponto,

Littora vece replet, sub utroque jacentiaPha bo .

Tum quoque , ut ere dei m adidare t entis barba

Contig it, et cecinit jusse s inflate receptus,

Om nibus audite est te lluris et aquoris undis

Et quibus est undis audite , ceercuit om nes.

Jam m are littus habet :plane s cepit alveus em nes

Flum ina subsidunt :colles exire videatur.

Surg it hum us:crescunt lece decrescentibus undis.

Postque diem lon g am nudata cacum ina silva

Ostendunt, lim um que tenent in fronde re lictum .



v. 348.

Redditus orbis erat. Quem pestquam vidit inanem ,

Et desolates e g ere el ta silentia terres,

Deucalion , lecrym is ita Pyrrham afi'

atur obertis

O soror, o conjux, e fa m ine sole superstes,

Quem com m une m ihi g enus, et petrue lis orig o,

Deinde torus junxit ; nunc ipse periculajun g untTerrarum , quascunque vident occasus et ertus,

Nes due turbe sum us. Possedit caters pontus.

Nunc quoque adhuc vita non est fiducia nostra

Certe satis :terrent etiam num nubile m entem .

Quid tibi, si sine m e fatis erepta fuisses,

Nunc anim i, m iseranda, foret ? que sole tim orem

Ferre m ode posses que consolante dolere s ?

Nam que e g o (crede m ihi,)si te m ode pontus haberet,

Te sequerer, conjux : et m e quoque pontus haberet.O utinam possim pepule s reparare paternis

Artibus ; atque anim es form eta infundere terra !

Nunc g enus in nebis restet m ortale duobus,

(Sic visum superis)hem inum que exam ple m enem us.

Dixerat, et flebant. Placuit ca leste precari

Num en , et auxilium per sacras quarere sortes.

Nulle m ore est ; adeunt pariter Cephisidas undas,

Ut nondum liquides, sic jam vade note secantes.

Inde ubi libates irrorevére liquoresVestibus et capiti ; flectunt vestig ia sancta

Ad de lubra dea :quorum fastig ia turpiSquelchant m usco ; stabentque sine ig nibus era




Ut tem pli tetig ére g radus precum bit uterque

Prenus hum i, g elideque pavens dedit oscula sexo .

Atque its , Si precibus,’dixerunt, num ine justis

Victs rem e llescunt, si flectitur ire deorum ;

Dic , Them i, quag eneris dam num reparebile nostri

Arte sit :et m ersis fer epem , m itissim a, rebus.

Mote dea est' ; sortem que dedit : Discedite tem ple ;Et ve late caput ; cinctasque resolvite vestes

Ossaque post terg um m ag na jactate parentis.

Obstupuére diu rum pitque silen tia vece

Pyrrha prior jussisque dea parere recusst°

Detque sibiveniam , psvido rog at ere :pavetque

Ladere jectstis m atem ss ossibus um bres.

Interea repetunt oacis obscure letebris

Verba data sortis secum , inter seque ve lutant.Inde Prom ethides placidis Epim ethida dictis

Mulcet ; et, Aut fallax,’ait, est se llertis nobis ;

Aut pie sunt, nullum que nefas oracula susdent.

Mag us parens terra est:lapides in corpere terra

Osss reer dici:jecere hes post terg ajubem qafConjug is aug urie quenquem Titania m e ta est ;

Spes tem en in dubio est :edee ca lestibus em bo

Diflidunt m enitis. Sed quid tentare necebit ?Descendunt ; velantque caput, tunicasque recing unt ;

Et jussos lapides sua pestvestig ia m ittunt.Ssxa (quis hec credet, nisi sit pro te ste vetustas

Ponere duritiem ca pére , suum que rig erem ;

Mollirique m ore, m ollitaque ducere ferm am .

Mex, ubi creverunt, natureque m itior illis

Contig it, ut quadem , sic non m anifests , videri

Form s potest hom inis ; sed uti de m erm ere capto

Non exacts satis, rudibusque sim illim a sig ais.


Q ua tem en ex illis aliquo pars hum ide succe ,

Et terrena fuit, verse est in corporis usum .

Qued solidum e‘ ectique nequit, m utstur in ossa

Qued m ode vena fuit, sub cedem nom ine m ensit.

Iuque brevi spatio, supererum num ine , ssxa

Misse viri m anibus faciem traxére virilem

Et de fa m ineo reparsts est fa m ine jactu .

Inde g enus durum sum us, experiensque laborum

Et docum ents dem us, quaaim us orig ine nati.


v. 438.


quidem nollet, sed te quoque , m axim e Python ,Tum g enuit populisque novis, inee g nite serpens,

Terror eras


Ante,Mille g ravem te lis, exhaustspene pheretrt



Perdidit, efi'

use per vulnera nig m dfieneno.

operi; fsm am possit delere vetustss,rii'certam ine ludos,

His juvenum qu1c\unqaamenu , pedibusve , re teve

Viceret ascu lea capiebst frondis honorem .

Nondum lsurus erat ; lon g oque decentis crine

Tem pora eing ehst de quelibet arbere Pha bus.




v. 452.

Prim us am or PhabiDaphne Pene1s ; quem non

Fors ig nara dedit, sed save Cupidinis

De lius hunc nuper, Victe serpente superbus,

Viderat adducte flectentem com ua nerve

Q uidque tibi, lascive puer, cum fortibus arm is

Dixerst: ists decent hum eros g estam ina ne stre s ;

Q ui dare certs fera , dare vulners possum us hesti.

Q ui m ode, pestifero tot ju g era ventre prem entem ,

Stravim us innum eris, tum idum Pythons, sag ittis.’

Filius huic Veneris ; Pig at tuus em nia, Phabe ;

Te m eus arcus, sit ; quanteque anim alia cedtm tA

Cuneta tibi, tante m iner est tus g loris nosu'


Eque sag ittiferfiprom psit due tela pharetrA‘

Diverserum operam . Fug st hoe , faeit illud am erem

Qued facit, auratum est, et cuspide fn lg et acute

Qued fug et, obtusum est, ethabet sub arundine plum bum .

Hoe deus in nym phs Peneide fixit ; st ille

LasitApolliness trajects per case m edullas.Protinus alter am st ; fug it alters nem en am antis,

Silvarum letebris, captivarum que ferarum

Exuvns g audens, innuptaque am uls Pha bes.

Vitta coercebat positos sine leg e capillos.

Illa fug it, neque ad hac revocantis verbs resistit.Nym phs , precor, Penei, m ane non insequor hostis.

Nym phs , m ane . Sic sg ns lupum , sic cerva leonem , 456

Sic equilam pennafug iunt u'

epidante colum ba ;


Fer, peter, inquit, epem sifium ine num en habatia.

Vix prece finite, torpor g ravis el lig at artus 491

Mollie eing untur tenui pracerdie libro :n

In frondem crines, in ram es brachia crescunt.

Pes, m ode tam velox, pig ris rsdicibus haret

Ore cacum en obit :rem anet nitor unus in ills.

Cui deus, At conjux quoniam m ea non potes esse ,

Arbor eris certe, dixit, m es . Sem per hebebunt

Te com a, te cithara , te nostra , lsure , pharetra .

Tu ducibus Latiis aderis, cum late trium phum

Vex canet et leng a visent Cepitolie pom pa .

Postibus Aug ustis eadem fidissim e custos

Ante fores stabis ; m ediem que tuebere quercum .

t ue m eum intonsis caput est juvenile capillis ;

Tu quoque perpetuos sem per g ere frondis honores.

Finierst Paan . Factis m ode lauree ram is

Annuit :utque caput, visa est ag itasse cacum en .


v. 625.

Centum lum inibus cinctum caputArg us behebst.

Inde suis vicibus eapieban t bins quietemCaters servabant, atque in stations m anebant.

Constiterst quocunque m ode ; spectsbst ad 10

Ante oculos Io, quam vis sversus, behebst.

Luce sinit pasci cum ee l tellure sub alts est,

C laudit, et indig no circum dat vinculs ce llo.

Frondibus srbute is, et am arapascitur herba‘


Proque tore , terra , non sem per g ram en hebenti,

Incubat infelix lim esaque flum ine petat.


Ille etiam supplex Arg o cum brachia vellet

Tendere non habuit, qua brachia te nderet Arg o

Conatoque queri m u g itus edidit ere

Pertim uitque sonos propriaque exterrits vece est. 520

Venit et ad ripes, ubi ludere sape solebat,

Inachidas ripes novaque ut censpexit in undt’


Com ue, pertim uit, seque extem sts refu g it.

Neides ig norant, ig norst et Inachus ipse ,

Q ua sit. At ills petrem sequitur, sequiturque sorores

Et patitur tang i, seque adm irsntibus ofl'


Decerptss senior porrexerst Inachus herbas ;

Il la m enus lam bit, petriisque dat oscula pslm is ;

Nee retinet lecrym as et, si m ode verbe sequentur,

Oret epem ; nom enque suum , casusque loquatur.

Litters pro verbis, quem pes in pulvere ducit,

Corporis indicium m utati triste pere g it.

Me m iserum exclsm at pater Inachus :inque g em entis

Com ibus, et nivea pendens cervice juvenca ,

Me m iserum in g em instu Tune es quasits per om nes,

Neta, m ihi terres ? Tu non invents reperta

Luctus eras levier. Betiees nee m utua nestris

Diets refers :alto tanthm suspiria predis

Pectore quodque im um potes, ad m es verbs rem ug is

Ncc finire licet tantos m ihi m orte dolores

Sed noe et esse deum praclussque jsnue letim um nostros luc tus extendit in avum .

ste llatus subm ovet Arg us,atri diverse in pascue natam

Abstrshit. Ipse procul m enu'

s sublim e cacum en

Occupat :unde sedens partes speculetur in om nes.

Ncc superfim rector m ale tanta Phoronidos ultra

Ferre potest :natum que vocat ; quem lucida partu


Ple iss cuixa est: leteque det, im pei'

et, Arg am

Psrva m ore est, alas pedibus, virg sm que potenti

Som n iferam sum psisse m enu , te g im enque capil lis.

Hac ubi disposait, patria Jove natus ab arceDesilit in terres . l l lio te g imenque rem ovit,Et posuit peunss tantum m odo virg s retenta est.

Hac ag it, ut pester, per devie rura cape llas,

Dum venit, abductas et structis cantat svenie.

Voce novacaptus custos Junonius, At tu ,Quisquis es, hoc poteras m ecum considere saxe ,

Arg us sit : neque enim pecorifa cundier ulloHerbs loco est :sptsm que vides psstoribus um brem .

Sedit Atlantiedes, et euntem m ults loquende

De tinuit serm one diem junctisque csnendo

Vincere arundinibus servantis lum ins tentet

Ille tem en pug nat m olles evincere som nos

Et, qusm vis sopor est oculerum parte receptus ; 565

Parte tem en vig ilst. Q uarit quoque , (nam que reperts.Fistula nuper erat)quasit ratione reperta.

Tal ia dieturus vidit Cyllenius em nesSuccubuisse oculos, sdopertsque lum ins som ne .

Supprim it extem plo vocem firm atque soporem ,

Lan g uida perm ulcens m edicare lum ins virg a.

Nec m ore :falcato nutan tem vulnerat ense ,

Q ue ce llo confine caput :saxeque cruentum

Deycit ; et m aculst praruptsm sang uine cautem

Arg e , jaces :quodque in tot lum ins lum en habebss 5

Exstinetum est :centum que ocu los nox oecupst uns .

Excipit hes, volucrisque sua Sam m ie pennis

Ce llocst ; et g em m is caudem ste llsntibus im plet.

Protinus exarsit, nee tem pers distulit ira ,

Horriferam que oculis anim oque objecitErinnyn


Pellicis Arg olica , stim ulosque in pectora caces

Condidit, et profug sm per totum term it orhem .

Ul tim us im m ense restabas, Nile , labori.

Quem sim ul ac tetig it, positisque in m arg ine ripa

Procubuit g enibus, resupinoque ardus ce llo,

Q ues potuit, solos to llens ad sidera vultus,Et g em itu , et lacrym is, et luctisone m ug itu

Cum Jove visa queri est, finem que orere m alorum .

Conjug is ille sua cem plexus ce lls lacertis,


m ist ut pa nes tandem , re g at : Inque futurum

Pene m etus, inquit, nunquam tibi cause doloris

Hac crit et Styg ies jubet hoe audire paludes.

Ut lenita dea est, vultus cepit ills priores :

Fitque , quod antefirit. Fug iunt e corpore seta

Com ua decresetm t :fit lum inis arctier erbis

Contrahitur rictus :redeunt hum erique m anusque

Ung ulsque in quinos dilspsa sbsum itur ung ues.

De bove nil superest, ferm a nisi candor, in ms

Oflicioque pedum nym pho contents duorum ,

Erig itur :m etuitque loqui ; ne m ore juvencaMug ist:et tim ide verbe interm isss retentat.

Nunc dea linig erti colitur celeberrim aturbe.




Reg is Solis erat sublim ibus alts colum nis,

Clare m icante euro, flam m asque im itante pyrope

Cujus ebur nitidum fastig ia sum m a tenebatArg enti bifores radiabsnt lum ine valva .

Msteriem superabat opus, nam Mulciber illioIEquore calt


irat, m edias cing entia terres,

Terrarum que orhem , ca lum que , quod im m inet erbi.Caruleos habet unds does ; Thitons canorum ,

Proteaque am big uum , balanarum que prem entem

[Eg aens suis im m ania terg a lacertis,

Deridaque , et natas :quarum pars nare videatur,

Pars in m ole sedens virides siecare capil los ;

Pisce vehi quadam . Facies non om nibus una,

Nee diversa tem en :qualem decet esse sororum .

Terra vires, urbesque g erit, silvesque , ferasque ,

Flum inaque , et nym phas, et caters num ine ruris.

Hac super im posita est ca li fu l g entis im ag e

Sig nsque sex feribus dextris, totidem que sinistris.

Q ue sim ul acclive Clym ene1s lim ite prolesVem t, et intravit dubitati tecte parentis ;

Protinus ad patries sue fert vestig ia vultus

Consistitque proenl neque enim propiora ferebat

Lum ine . Purpureave latusveste sedebetIn solio Pha bus, claris lucente sm arsg dis.

A dextra, laveque Dies, e tMensis, etAnnus,


Sacul sque , et posita spetiis aqualibusHora

Verque novum stabst, cinctum florente corona

S tabat nude E stes, et spices serta g erebat.

Stabat et Autum nus, calcatis sordidus uvis,

Et g lacialisHiem s, cane s hirsute capillos.

Inde loco m edius, rerum nevitate paventem

Sol oculis juvenem , quibus edspicit om nia, vidit.

Q uaque via tibi cause ? Quid hfic , sit, srce

Prog enies, Phaethen , hsud inficiands parenti

Ill e refert : O lux im m ensi publica m undi,

Pha be pater, si des hujus m ihi nom inis usum ,

Pig nera de , g enitor per qua tus vers propsg o

Creder, et hunc anim is errorem detrshe nostris.’

Dixerst. At g enitor circum caput om ne m icantes

Deposuit radios ; prop1usque eccedere jussit

Am plexuque date , Nec tu m eus esse ne g sri

Dig nus es ; et Clym ene veres, sit, edidit ertus.

Queque m inus dubites ; quodvis pete m unus :ut illua,

Me tribuente , feras. Prom issis testis adesto

Dis jursnds palus, oculis incog nite nostris.

Vix bene dosierst :currus rog st ille patem os,

Inque diem alipedum jus et m oderam en equorum .

Pa nituit jurasse petrem . Q ui terque quaterqueConcutiens illustre caput, Tem ereria,

’ dixit,

Vex m es facts tus est. Utinam prem isss liceret

Non dare ! Confiteer solum hoe tibi, nste , neg arem .

Dissuadere licet. Non est tus tuta voluntas .

Mag us petis, Phaethon , et qua nec Viribus istis

Munera convenient, nee tam puerilibus ennis.

Sers tue m ortal is non est m ortsl e quod optes.

Plus e tiam , quem quod superis contin g ere fes sit,

Nescius afl'

ectss. Placcat sibi quisque licebit ;


Non tem en ig nifere quisqusm consistere in axe

Me valet excepte . Vssti quoque rector Olym pi,Q ui fers terribili jeculatur fuhnins dexu


Non sg st hos currus :et quid Jove m ajus habem us ?

Ardus prim e via est :et quevix m ane recentes

Enitsntur equi:m edio est sltissim a ca lo ;

Unde m are et terres ipsi m ihi sape videro

Fit tim er, et pavidatrepidst form idine pectus.

Ultim a prone via est ; et e g et m oderam ine certe .

Tune etiam , qua m e subjectis excipit tm dis,Ne ferer in praceps, Tethys solet ipse vereri.

Adde , qued adsiduarapitur vertig ine ca lum

Sideraque alts trahit, ce lerique volum ine totquot.Nite r in adversum :nec m e , qui cate rs , vincit

Im petus :et rspido contrerius evehor erbi.

Fin g e dates curras. Quid ag es ? poterisne rotatisObvins ire polis, no te citus suferat axis ?

Forsitsn et luces illio, urbesque , dem osque

Concipiss snim o :delubrsque ditis donis

Esse . Per insidiss ite r est, form ssque ferarum .

t ue viam te neas, nulleque errore trsharis ;

Per tem en sdversi g redieris com uaTeuri,

Ham oniosque srcus, vie lentique ore Leonis,

Savaque circuitu curvantem brachia long o

Scorpion , atque sliter curvantem brachia Cancrum .

Nec tibi quadrupedes anim osos ig nibus illis,

Que s in pectore habent, ques ere et naribus efilant,In prom ptu re g ere est. Vix m e patiuntur, ut acres

Incaluére anim i ; cervixque repug net habenis.

At tu , funesti ne sim tibi m uneris sucte r,

Nate , cave :dum resque sinit, tus corrig e vets .

Scilicet, ut nostro g enitum te sang uine credes,


Contig it ; et rspida fecit patientia flam m a .

Im pesuitque com a radios :prassg aque luctfis

Pectore sollicito repetens suspiria, dixit

Si potes hie saltemi

m onitis parere paternis ;

Parce , puer, stim ulis et fortius utere loris.

Sponte sue properant. Labor est inhibera volentes.

Ncc tibi directos placeat via quinque per arcus.

Sectus in obliquum est late curvam ine In es,

Zenarum que trium contentus fine polum que


ug ito eustrsl em , junctsm que squilonibus Arcton .

Hfie fit iter :m anifests rota vestig ia cem es.

t ue fereat aquos et ca lum et terra calores,

Nec prem e , nee sum m um m olite per athere currum

Al tius e g ressus ca lestis tecte crem abis

Infer1us terres :m edio tutissim us ibis.

Nen te dexterior tortum dec linet in Ang uem ,

Neve sinisterior pressam rots ducat ad Arsm

Inter utrum que tene . Fortuna caters m ando ;

Q ua juvet, et m e lius, quem tu tibi, consu lat, opto.

Dum loquer, He sperio posites in littore m etas

Hum ide nox tetig it. Non e st m ore fibers nobis

Pe scim ur. Eflii l g et tenebris Aurora fug stis.

Corripe lore m enu ve l , si m utabile pectus

Est tibi, consiliis, non curribus, utere-nostris

Dum potes ; et solidis etiam num sedibus sdstes ;

Dum que m ale eptstos nondum prem is inscius axes.

Q ua tutus spectes, sine m e dare lum ine terris.

Occupat ille levem juvenili corpore carrum

Ststque super ; m anibusque dates conting ere habenas

Gaudet ; et invite g rates ag it inde parenti.

Interea volucres Pyroe is, Ee us, ci fEthen ,Solis equi, quertusque Phle g on , hinnitibus auras


Flam m iferis im plefit, pedibusque repag ule pulsant.

Q ua pe stquam Tethys, faterum ig nsra nepotis,

Repulit et facts est im m ensi cepia m undi

Corripuere viam , pedibusque per sere m otis

Obstantes findum t nebulas, pennisque levsti

Pratereunt orte s isdem de partibus Euros.

Sed leve pondus erat ; nee quod cog noscere pessent

Solis equi solitaque jug um g ravitate carebst .

t ue labsnt curva justo sine pondere naves,

Perque m are , instabiles nitm a levitate , feruntur

Sic onere edsueto vacuos dat in aera saltus,

Succutiturque alt'

e , sim ilisque est currus inani.

Qued sim ul ac sensere ; rune t, tritum que relinquunt

Q uadrijug i spatium nec , que prius, ordine currunt.

Ipse pavet ; nee quacom m isses flectat habenas,

Nec scit, quasit iter :nec , si seist, im peret illis.

Tum prim um rsdus g elidi caluére Triones,

Et vetito fi'

ustre tentarunt aquere tin g i.

Q uaque polo posits est g lacial i proxim s Serpens,

Frig ore pig ra prit‘

is, nee form idsbilis ulli,

Incaluit:sum psitque novas fervoribus iras.

Te quoque turbetum m em orant fu g isse , Beete ;

Q uam vis tardus eras, et te tus pleustrs tenebant.

Ut vere sum m o despexit ab athere terres

Infe lix Phae thon , penin‘

is penitt‘

isque jacentes ;Palluit, et subite g enus intrem uére tim ore

Suntque coulis tenebra per tantum lum en eborta .

Et jam m al le t eque s nunquam te tig isse patem os

Jsm que ag nesse g enus pig et, et valuisse rog snde

Jam Meropis dici cupiens its fertur, ut acts

Pracipiti pinus Be l-

ea, cui Victe rem isit

Frans suus rector, quem dis votisque reliquit.



Quid facist ? m ultum ca li post terg a relictum

Ante oculos plus est. An im o m etitur utrum que .

Et m ode, que s illi fate contin g ere non est,

Prospieit occasus interdum respicit ertus.

Q uidque s g st ig nsrus, stupet : et nec frans rem ittit,

Nec refinere valet :nee nom in e novit equorum .

Sparse quoque in vsrio psssnn m irecula ca lo,

Vestarum que videt trepidus sim ulaera fererum .

Est locus, in g em inos ubi brachia coneavst srcus

Scorpios ; et caudti fiexisque utrinque lacertis

Perrig it in spatium sig norum m em bra duorum .

Hunc puer ut nig rim sdidum sudore veneni

Vulnera curvatfim initantem cuspide vidit ;

Mentis inops, g elidi form idine lore rem isit.

Q ua pestquam sum m um tetig ére jacentis terg um ,

Exspetiantur equi nulleque inhibente per auras

Ig nota re g ionis eunt ; queque im petus eg it,Hie sine le g e ruunt :altoque sub athere fixis

Incurssn t stellia, rapiuntque per evis currum .

Et m ode sum m a petunt, m ode per dec livs , vissque

Pracipites spatie terra prepiore feruntur.

Inferiusque suis fraternos cutrera Luna

Adm irstur eques :sm bustsque nubile fum ant.

Corripitur fiam m is, ut quaque s ltissim s, te llus ;

Fissaque ag it rim ss, et succis are t adem ptis.

Pabula canescunt :cum fre ndibus uritur srbos

Materiam que sue prabet se g es srida dam no .

Psrva querer. Msg na pereunt cum m a nibus urbes

Cum que suis totes pepulis incendia g entes

In cinerem vertunt. Silva cum m ontibus ardent.

Ardet Athos, Tsurusque Cilix, et Tm olus, et (EteEt nunc siccs, prius celeberrim a fontibus, Ide ;


V irg m eusque Helicon, et nondum (Esg rius Ham es.

Ardet in im m ensum g em inatis ig nibus E tne ,

Pam essusque biceps, et Eryx, et Cyathus, et Othrys,Et tandem Rhodope nivibus cariturs , Mim ssque ,

Dindym aque , etMycel e , natusque sd sacra Citharon .

Nee pre sunt Scythia sua frig ors :Caucasus ardet,Ossaque cum Pindo, m ajorque sm bobus Olym pus


riaque Alpes, et nubifer Apenninus.

Tune vere Phaethon cunctis e partibus orhem

Adspicit sccensum nee tantos sustinet astus

Ferventesque auras, velut e fom ace prefunda,

Ore trahit, currusque sue s candescere sentit.

Et neque jam cineres ejectatsm que favillamFerre pe test :cal lidoque involvitur undique fum e .

Quoque eat, aut ubi sit, piece calig ine tectus

Nescit ; et arbitrio velucrum raptstur equorum .

Sang uine tum credunt in corpora sum m e vocate ,

Ethiepum populos nig rum traxisse colorem .

Tum facts est Libye , raptis hum eribus astu,

Arids ; tum nym phs:passis fentesque lseusque

Deflevére com is. Q uerit Ba etie Dircen ,Arg os Am ym onen , Ephyra Pirenidss uncles.

Ncc sortite loco distantes fium ine ripes

Tutam anent :m ediis Tansi s fum avit in undis,

Peneesque senex, Teuthranteiisque Ostens,

Et ce ler Ism enes, cum Phocaico Erym enthe ,

Arsurusque iterum Xanthus, fiavusque Lycorm ss,Quique recurvstis ludit Maandres in undis ;Myg deniusque Me les, et Tanarius Euretas.

Arsit et Euphrates Babylonius, arsit Orentes,Therm odonque cites, Gang esque , et Phasis, et Ister.E stust Al phaea



ripe Sperchei'




Quodque sue n us am ne vehit, fluit ig nibus, am . 250

Et, qua Maenias ce lebrArant carm ine ripes,

Flum inea volucres m edio caluére C eystre,

Nilus in extrem um fu g it perterritus orbem ,

Occuluitque caput, quod adhuc latet. Ostia septem

Pulverulenta vacant, septem sine flum ine val les.

Fors eadem Ism srios Hebrum cum Strym one siecat,

Hesperiosque am nes, Rhenum , Rhodenum que , Padum que ,

Guique fuit rerum prem isss pote ntia, Thybrin .

Dissilit om ne solum penetrstque in Tartara rim is

Lum en , et infernum terret cum conju g e re g em .

Et m are contrahitur siccaque est cam pus arena ,

Qued m odopontus erst. Q uosque al tum texerat aquor,

Exsistunt m ontes, et sperses Cyc lades su g ent.

Im a pete nt pisces nec se super aquera curvi

Tollere consuetas eudent de lphines in auras.

Corpors phocarum surm no resupina prefundo

Exanim ate jacent. Ipsum quoque Neres fam e est,

Doridaque , et natss, tepidis letuisse sub entris.

Ter Neptunus equis cum torvo brachia vultu

Exserere susus erst ter non tulit seris a stus.

Alm a tem en Te llus, ut erst circum date ponto,

Inter aquas pelag i, contracte s undique fontes,

Q ui se cendiderant in opeca viscera m etris

Sustulit om niferes ce llo tenus arida vultus

Opposuitque m anum fronti m ag neque trem ore

Om nia cencutiens pault‘

l m subsedit ; et infra,

Quem solet esse , fuit sicceque its vece lecuta est

Si placet hoe , m eruique , quid o tus fulm ina cessent,

Sum m e deum ? Liceat peritura viribus ig nis,

Ig ne perire tue ; clsdem que auctore levere .

Vix eqpidem fences hac ipse in verbs resolve ,


(Presserat eravapor,) te ste s en adspice crines,

Inque ocolis tsntum , tantum super era favilla .

Hosne m ihi fructus, hunc fertilitatis honorem

Oflicuque refers qued adunci vulners aratri,

Restrerum que fero, totoque exerceor anno ?

Qued pecori frondes, alim entaque m itia, frug es,

Hum ane g eneri, vobis qued thura m inistre ?Sed tem en exitium fsc m e m eruisse quid unda ,

Quid m eruit freter C ur illi tradite sorte

E quora decrescunt, et ab athere long ius abeunt ?

Qued si nec frstris, nee te m ea g ratis tan g it ;

At ca li m iserere tui. Circum spice utrum que

Fum st u terque polus ques s1vmaven t 1g m s,Atria vestra ruent. Atlas en ipse leberat :

Vixque suis hum eris candentem sustine t axem .

Si frets , si terra pereunt, si re g ie ca li ;

In chaos antiquum confundim ur. Eripe flam m is,

Si quid adhuc superest : et rerum consule sum m a .

Dixerat hac Te llus : neque enim tolerare vaporem

Ultertus petuit, nec dicere plura :suum que

Retulit e s in se , propioreque m anibus antrs.

At peter om nipotens supere s testatus, et ipsum ,

Q ui dederet currus, nisi epem ferst, om nia fate

Interitura g ravi ; sum m um petit arduusaarcem ;

Unde solet latis nubes inducere terris

Unde m ove t tonitrus, vibrateque fulm inajectst.

Sed neque , ques posse t terris inducere , nubes

Tune hebuit :nec , que s ca le dim itteret, im bres.

Inte nat : et dextre libratum fulm en ab sure

Misit in aurig am pariterque snim aque rotisque

Expulit, et savia com pescuit ig nibus ig nes.

Consternantur equi et seltu in contraria fecto



Ce lls jug o eripiunt, sbruptsque lora relinquunt.

Illic frans jacent, illio tem one revulsus

Axis ; in hair:radii freetarum parte rotsrum

Sparsaque sunt late laceri vestig ia currus.

At Phaethon, rutiles fism m ti populsnte cspillos,

Ve lvitur in praeeps, long oque per sere tractu

Fertur ut interdum de ca le stella serene ,

Etsi non ceeidit, potuit cecidisse videri.

Quem procul s patrie diverse m axim us orbe

Excipit Eridanus, spum antiaque sbluit era.

Nsides Hesperia trifidti fum antia flam m ti

Corpors dent tum ulo sig nantque hoc carm ine ssxum

Hie situs est Phaéthon , currus surig s paterni

Quem si non tenuit, m ag ais tem en excidit susis.

Nam pater obducte s, luctu m isersbilis a g re ,

Condideret vultus : et, si m ode credim us, unum

Isse diem sine sole ferunt. Incendia lum en

Prabebant ; sl iquisque m ale fuit usus in ille .

At Clym ene pestquam dixit, quacunque fuerunt

In tantis dicenda m alis lug ubris et am ens,

Et lsniats sinus totum percensuit orhem

Exanim esque artus prim e, m ex e sse requirens,

Reperit esse tem en pere g rine condits ripe.

Ineubuitque loco :! 10m enque in m arm ore lectum

Perfudit lecrym is, et aperto pectore fovit.


v. 340.

Nee m inus Heliades fletus, et, inanie m orfiMunera, dent lecrym as :et casa pectora palm ia


Hue ubi pervenit be lli m etuenda Virag o ;Constitit ante dom um , (neque enim succedere tectis

Fas habet)et postes extrem acuspide pulsar.Concussa pstuére fores. Videt intus edentem

Viperess carnes, vitierum alim ents suorum ,

Invidism :visaque oculos avertit. At ille

Surg it hum o pig rti : sem esarum que relinquit

Corpors serpentfim :passuque incedit inerti.

t ue deem vidit form fique srm isque decoram ,

In g em uit :vultum w e im s ad suspiria duxit.

Pallor in ere sedet :m acies in corpore toto

Nusquem rects acies : livent rubig ine dentes

Pectore fel le virent : lin g ua est sufl'

uss veneno.

Risus sbest ; nisi quem visi m overe dolores.

Ncc fruitur som ne , vig ilacibus excite curis

Sed videt ing ratos, intabescitque videndo,

Successus hom inum carpitque et carpitur use.

Suppliciumque suum est. Q uam vis tem en oderat illem ,

Talibus afi'

ats est breviterTritenia dictis

Infice tsbe manatsrum Cecropia unamSic epus est. Ag lauros ea est.

’ Haud plura lecuta

Fug it ; et im pressfite llurem rept

Ills deem oblique fu g ientem lum ine cem ens ;

Murm urs psrva dedit ; successurum que Minerva

Inde luit baculum que cepit ; quod spines totum

Vincula eing ebaut sdopertsque nubibus atris,

Q use unque in g reditur, florentia preterit arve ,Exuritque herbas, et sum m e cacum ina carpit

Afilatuque sue pepulos, urbesque , dom e sque

Polluit : et tandem Tritonida conspicit arcem

In g em is, opibusque , et festapace virentem

Vixque tenet lecrym as ; quis nil lacrym sbile cernir.




v. 24.

Cadm us ag it g rates, pere g rinaque oscula terra

Fig it : et ig notos m ontes, ag rosque saluts t.

Sacra Jovi facturus erst :jubet ire m inistros,

Et petere e vivis libsndas fontibus undas.

Silva vetus stabst, nu llaviolate securi

Est specus in m edie , virg is ac vim ine densus,

Efiiciens hum ilem lapidum co m pag ibus arcum ;

Uberibus fa cundus equis.

(Hoe conditus antro

Martins ang uis erat, cristis prasig nis et sure .

Ig ne m icast oculi corpus tam e t om ne veneno ;

Tresque vibrant lin g ua triplici stsnt ordine dentes.)Q uem pe stquam Tyrie lucum de g ente prefecti

Infausto tetig ére g radu ; dem issaque in 1m das

Urns dedit sonitum leng um caput extulit antre

Caruleus serpens ; herrendaque sibila m isit.

Efiuxére urna m anibus ssng uisque re linquit

Corpus, et atte nite s subitus trem or oecupst artus.

Il le volubilibus squam osos nexibus orbes

Torquet, et im m ense s saltu sinuetur in srcus

Ac m ediaplhs parte leves erectus in auras

Despicit om ne nem us tenteque est corpore , quanta,Si totum spectes, g em inss qui separatArctos.

Nso m ore :Pha nicas (sive il li te le parsbant,Sive fug am sive ipse tim er prohibebst utru m que)Occupat :hos m ersu, long is com plexibus illos ;



Hes necat afllatos funesti tabe veneni.

Fecerst exig uas jam sol altissim us um brss

Q ua m ore sit socns m irstur Ag enore natus ;

Vestig stque vire s Teg im en derepta leoni

Pe llis erst ; telum splendenti lancea ferre ,

Et jaculum te loque anim us prastantior om ni.

Ut nem us intrsvit, letstsque corpora vidit,

Victorem que supra. spatiosi corporis hostem

Tristia san g uinealam bentem vulners ling ua;‘Aut ultor vestra , fidissim a corpora, m ortis,

Aut com es, inquit, ero .

’ Dixit:dextrzique m olerem

Sustulit ; et m ag num m ag ne conam ine m isit.

Illius im pulsu cum turribus ardus ee lsis

Ma nia m eta forent : serpens sine vulnere m ansrt

Lericaque m ode squsm is defense s, et atra

Durititi pellis, validos cute repulit ictus.

At non duritisjaculum quoque vincit eadem ;Qued m edio lenta fixum curvsm ine spina

Constitit ; et toto descendit in ilis ferre .

Il le , dolore ferox , caput in sue terg a retorsit

Vulnereque adspexit, fixum que hastile m om erdit.

q ue , ubi vi m ultfipartem lsbefecit in om nem,

Vix terg e eripuit :ferrum tem en ossibus haret.

Tum vere, pe stquam solitas accessit ad irss

Plag a reces s, plenis tum uerunt g uttura venis

Spum aque pestiferos circum fiuit albida rictus

Terraque rese senat squam is ; quique halitus exitOre nig er Styg io, vitiates inficit auras.

Ipse m ode im m en sum spiris facientibus orhem

Cing itur :interdum le ng atrabe reotier exit.

Irnpete nunc veste , ceu concitus im bribus am nis,Partur, et Obstantes proturbat pectore silvas.


Cedit Ag enorides psult‘

tm :spolioque leonis

Sustinet incursus ; instantiaque ors retardat

Cuspide pratentfi. Furit ille , et inanie duro

Vulnera dat ferro :fi'an g itque in acum ina dentes.

Jam que venenifero ssn g uis m anare palate

Ca perat ; et virides adsperg ine tinxerat herbss

Sed leve vulnus erst quis se retrahebat ab ictu ;

Lasaque ce lls dsbat retro ; pls g sm que sedere

Cedendo srcebat, nee lon g ius ire sinebst

Donec Ag enorides conjectum in g uttura ferrum

Usque sequens pressit, dum retro quercus cuntiObstitit ; et fixa est pariter cum rebore cervix .

Pendere serpentis curvste est arbor, et im a

Parte fisg ellari g em uit sua rebore cauda .

Dum spatium victor vieti considerat hostis

Vex subite audits est : (neque erst cog noscere prom ptum

Unde ; sed audits est) Quid, Ag enore nste , perem ptum

Serpentem spectas et tu spectabere serpens.


ll le diu pavidus, pariter cum m ente colorem

Perdiderst ; g e lidoque com a terrore rig ebant.

Ecce viri fsutrix, superes de lapse per auras,

Pallss sdest :m e taque jubet supponere terraVipereos dentes, populi increm ents futuri.

Psret :et ut presse sulcum patefecit aratro ,

Spsrg it hum i je sse s, m ortalia sem ina, dentes.

Inde (fide m ajus)g leba ca pére m overi

Prim sque de sulcis acies apperuit hasta .

Te g m ins m ex cspitum picte nutsntia cone

Mex hum eri pectusque , eneretsque brachia telis

Exsistunt :crescitque se g es clypeeta virerum .

Sic , ubi tolluntur festis aulaa theatris,


Surg ere sig ns solent :prim um que ostendere vultum

Caters paulstim placideque eduets tenere

Tots patent ; im oque pedes in m arg ine penunt.

Territus hoste nevo Cadm us capere arm s parsbat

Ne cape , de pepule , quem terrs cresverst, unus

Exclam at ; nee te civilibus insere be llis.

Atque its terrig enis rig ido de frstribus unum

Com inus ense farit :jaculo cadit em inas ipse .

Hie quoque , qui leto dederet, non lon g ius illeVivit, et exspirst, m ode ques scceperat, auras.

Exem ploque psri furit om nis turbe sueque

Matte cadunt subitiper m utuavulners frstres.

Jam que brevis spatium vita sortite juventusSen g uinesm trepido plsn g ebant pectore m atrem ,

Quinque superstitibus :quorum fuit unus Echien .

Is suajecit hum i, m onita Tritonidis, arm s ;

Fraternaque fidem pacis petiitque , deditque .

Hos operis com ites habuit Sidonius l e spes ;Chm posuitjussem Pha beis sortibus urbem .



Jam stsbant Theba poteras jam , Cadm o, vidt r i

Exsilie felix soceri tibiMarsque Venusque

Contig erant :hue sdde g enus de conju g e tanta,Tet nste s, netssque , e t, pig nors care , nepotes.

Hes quoque jam juvenes. Sed, scilicet, ultim e sem per

Exspectanda dies bom ini:dicique beatus

Ante obitum nem o suprem sque funers debet.

Prim e nepos inter tot res tibi, Cadm e , secundss 115


C ause fuit luctus, alienaque com ua fronti

Addits , vesque canes satieta san g uine barili.

At bene si quates ; Fortuna crim en in ille ,

Non sce lus invenies. Qued enim scalus error behebst ?

Dat sparse capitivivacis com ua cervi 120

Dat spatium ce llo sum m asque cacum inat sures

Cum pedibusque m enus, cum lon g is brachia m utat

Cruribus et vels t m aculose ve llere corpus.

Additu et pever est. Fug itAutone ius heros

Et se tam c e lerem cursu m iratur in ipso.

Ut vere solitis sua com ua vidit in undis,

Me m iserum dictaras erst :vex nulla secutn est.

Ing em uit ; vex ills fuit : lacrym aque per era

Non sue fluxerunt. Mens tsnthm pristine m ensit.

Quid facist ? repetstne dom em , re g alia tecte ?

An latest silvis ? tim er hoe , pudor impedit illud.

Dum dubitst, videre canes :prim usque Me lam pus,Ichnebstesque sag as latretu sig ns dedere .

Inde ruunt alii rapids.ve loeius aura,

Q uosque referre m ore est. Ea turbe cupidine prada

Per rupes, scopulosque , sdituque carentis saxs,

Q ue via difiicilis, quique estvia nulls , feruntur.

Ille fug it, per qua fuerat loce sape secutus.

Heu fem ulos fug it ipse sue s clem are libebet,

Actaen e g o sum :dom inum cog noscite vestrum .

Verba snim o desunt :resonet latretibus ather.

Prim e Melancha tes in terg e vulners fee1t

Proxim s Theridsm ss ; Oresitrophos hasit in m e .


ts exierant, sed per com pendis m ontis

An ticipate via est. Dom inum retinentibus il lis

C aters turbe con, confertque in corpore dentes.

Jam lees vulneribus desunt. Gom it ille , sonum que ,



Etsi non hom inis, quem non tem en edereWtCervus, habet :m astisque replet jug s note quere lisEt g enibus supple:pronis, sim ilisque rog anti,

Circum fert tacite s, tanquam sua brachia, vultus.

At com ites rapidum solitis hortstibus ag m en

Ig nari instig ant, oculisque Actaeas quarunt

Et ve lut absentem certstim Actaeas clem ent.

Ad nem en caput ille refert :ut abesse queruntur,

Nee capers oblate se g nem spectacu la prada .

Vellet abesse quidem ; sed adest :ve lletque videra,

Dilacerant fsla'

dom inum sub im ag ine cervi.


v. 577.

Adspicit hunc ocolis Pentheus, ques irs trem endosFecerat :et, quenquem pa na vix tem pora difi



O periture, tueque aliis docum ents dature

Morte , sit, ede tuum nem en, nom enque parentfim ,

Et patrism ; m arisque nevi cur sacrafi'


l l le m etu vacuus, Nom en m ihi, dixit, Aca tes

Patria, Maonia est :hum ili de plebe psrentes.

Non m ihi, qua duri colerent, pater, arve juvenci,Lsnig erosve g reg es, non ulla arm enta reliquit.

Pauper et ipse fuit :linoque solebst et hem e

Decipere , et calam o salientes ducere pisces.

Ars ill i sua census erat. Cum traderet artem

Accipe , ques habeo, studii successor et hares,Dixit, epes m oriensque m ihinihil il le reliquit,


Inque aditu ohdste . Furit audacissim us om ni

De num ere Lycabas :qui Thuscti pulsus ab urbe

Is m ihi, dum reste , juvenili g uttura pug neRupit :et excussum m isisset in aquera, si non

Hasissem , quam vis am ens, in fune retentas.

Im pis turbe probant factum . Tum denique Bacchus,

(Bacchus enim fuerst)veluti clam ore solute sSit sopor, aqua m ere redeant in pectore sensus, 215

Quid facitis ? quis clam or ? ” sit ; quit, dicite , nauta ,

Hue ope perveni ? que m e deferre peratis

Pone m etum ,

” Prereus, et ques conting ere portus

Ede ve lis, dixit, territ sistére petite.

Naxon , sit Liber, cursus advertite vestres.

Ills m ihi dem us est :vobis erit he spita tellus.

Per m are falleces, perque om nis num ine jurantSic fore m eque jubent picta dare vele carina .

Dexters Naxe s erat. Dextram ihi lintee danti, 224

Quid facis, o dew ees ? quis te furor,” inquit, Aca te ,

Pro se quisqu e , tenet ? lavam pete .

” Maxim s nut u

Pars m ihi sig nificst ; pars, quid ve lit, sure susurrat.

Obstupui: Cspietque alius m oderam ine, dixi

Meque m inisterio scelerisque srtisque rem ovi.

Increpor a cunctis, te tum que im m urm urat ag m en .

E quibus IEthal ion, Te scilicet om nis in une

Nestra sslus posits est ?”sit. Et subit ipse m eum que

Explat opus :Naz oque petit diverse re licts.

Tum deus illudens, ta uam m ododenique fraudem

Senserit, e peppi pentum prospectat adunca.

Et tientisim ilis, Non hac m ihi litters, nauta ,

Prom isistis, sit : non hac m ihi terre re g ata est.

Q uo m erui panam facto ? qua g loriavestra est ;


Si puerum juvenes, s1 m ulti fallitis unum .

Jsm dudum flebam . Lacrym as m enus im pia nostras

Ridet :et 1m pe lht properantibus aquera rem is.

Per tibi nunc ipsum (nee enim prasentior ille

Est deus)adjuro, tam m e tibi vere referre ,

Quem veri m ajors fide . Stetit aquore puppis

Haud aliter, quem si siccum navale teneret.

Il li adm irantes rem orum in verbere perstant

Ve lsque deducunt ; g em infique ope currere tentent.

Im pediunt hedera rem os, nexuque recurvo

Serpunt ; et g ravidis distrin g unt vela corym bis.

Ipse , recem iferis frontem circum dstus evis,

Pem pineis ag itstvelatsm frondibus hestam .

Quem circa tig res, sim u lacrsque inanie lyncum ,

Pictarum que jacent fers corpora panthererum .

Exsiluére viri sive hoe m ssn ia fecit,

S ive tim den n ig reseere pinnis

C orpore curvsm ins flecti

In cipit. In qua m iraculs,” dixit,

Verteris e t leti rictus’

, et pends lequenti

Neris erst, squam am que cutis dursts trahebat.

At Libys, Obstantes dum vult ebvertere rem os,

In spatium resilire m enus breve vidit ; et illes

Jam non esse m enus ; jam pinnss posse voceri.

Alter ad intorte s cupiens dare brachia funes,

Brachia non habuit ; truneeque rependus in undas

C orpore desiluit. Fal csts novissim a cauds est :

Q ualia dividua sinusntur com ua luna .

Undique dent saltus :m ultaque adsperg ine rerent

Em erg untque iterum ; redeuntque sub aquera rursusInque chori ludunt speciem : lsscivaque jactantCorpors ; et acceptum pstulis m are naribus emsnt.


De m ode vig inti (tot enim ratis ills ferebat)Restabam se lus. Pavidum , g elidum que trem enti“

Jerpore , Vixque m eum firm et deus, Exeute , diece s,

Corde m etum , Dism que te ne .

” De lstus in illem ,

Accensis aris, Bacchei'

a sacra frequento.



v. 55 .

l ’yrsm us et Thisbe , juvenun1 puleherrim us alter,

Alters , ques Oricas habuit, pra lata puellis,Contig uas tenuére dem os :ubi

Cocfilibus m uris cinxisse Sem ir

Notitiam , prim osque g radus vicinia fecit

Tem pere crevit am or : tada quoque jure ceissent

Sed vetuére patres, qued non pe tuére vetarc .

Fissus erst tenui rim e, quem duxerat olim ,

Chm fieret paries dom ui com munis utrique .

1d vitium null i per saculs lon g s notatum ,

(Quid non sentit am or prim isensistis am a ntes

Et voci fecistis iter. Tum m urm ure psrvo

Multe prit‘

ts questi, statuunt, ut nocte silenti

Fallere custodes, foribusque excedere tentent.

Cum que dom e exierint, urbis quoque clause s relinquantNeve sit errandum late spatiantibus arve , l l}

Convenient ed busts Nini lateentque sub um brit


Arboris. Arbor ibi, uiveis uberrim a pom is,

Ardua m orus, erat, g e lido conarm inPacts placent :et lux, tardé decedere visa,

Pracipitstur equis, et equis nox surg it ab isdem

Csllids per tenebres, versato cardine , Thisbe

Eg reditur, fall itque sues :sdopertsque vultum

Pervenit ad tum ulum ; dicuique sub arbore sedit.

Audacem faciebat am or. Venit ecce recenti

C ade leans boum spum antes oblits rictus,

Depositure aitim vieini fontis in m idi .

Q uem procu l ad hm a radios BabyloniaThisbe

Vidit:et ebseurum trepido pede fug it in anti-um .

Dum que fug it, terg e ve lam ina lapse re linquit.

Ut lea save aitim m ulti com pescuit unda,

Dum redit in silvas, invente s forte sine ipse

quoque san g uine tinctsmReperit ; Una dues nox, inquit, perdet am antes

E quibus ills fuit lon g e dig nim im avita:Nestra necons snim s est. Eg o te , m iseranda, patem i,

In lees plena m etris qui jussi nocte veniresNcc prior hue veni. Nostrum divellite corpus,

Et scelerata fero consum ite viscera m orsu ,

O quicunque sub hac habitatis rupe , leones.’

Sed tim idi est optsre neeem . Ve lam inaThisbes

Te llit, et ad pacta secum fert atheris um bram .

t ue dedit nota lecrym as, dedit oscula vesti

Accipe nunc , inquit, nostri quoque sang uinis haustus

Quoque erst accinctn s, dem ittit in ilia ferrum .

Nee m ore ferventi m oriens e vulnere trexit.


Ut jacuit resupinus hum i, cruer em icst alté ,Non aliter, quem ciun vitia. fistula plum bo

Scinditur, et tenues stridente foram ine long é

Ejaculstur aquas ; atque ictibus sere rum mt.

Arborei fa tus adsperg ine cadis in atram

Vertuntur faeiem :m adefactaque sang uine radix

l ’a nicee ting uit pendentiam ore ee lore .

Ecce , m etu neudam posito, na fsllst em sntem ,

Ills redit:juvenem que oculis, anim oque requirit

Q uentaque vitt'

irit narrare pericula g estit.

t ue locum , et verssm cog novit in arbore form am ;

(Sic fecit incertam pom i color)haret, an hac sit.Dum dubitat, trem ebunda videt pulsare eruentum

Mem brs solum , retreque pedem tulit :ereque buxoPallidiora g ercus, exherruit, aquoris instar,

Qued trem it, exig uti chm sum m um string itur aura.

Percutit indig nos

Et lsniats com es, am plexaque corpusVulnera supplevit lserym is, fletum que cruori

Miscuit :et g e lidis in vul tibus osculafig ens,‘Pyram e , clam svit; quis te m ihi casus adem it ?

Pyram e , responde . Tue te , carissim e , Thisbe

Nom inat :exaudi, vu ltusque attolle jacentes.’

Ad nem en Thisbes oculos, jam m orte g ravatos,

Pyram us erexit, vissque recendidit il le.

Q ua pe stquam vestem que suam cog novit, et ense

Vidit ebur vacuum ; Tue te m enus, inquit, am e rque

Perdidit, infelix. Est e t m ihi fortis in unum

Hoe m enus est et am or debit hic in vulners vires.

I’ crsequsr exstinctum letique m iserrim e dicer

Cause , com esque tui quique a m e m orte revelli


Hon solspetaras, poteris nee m orte revelli.

Hoe tem en am borum verbis estete rog sti,

O m u ltum m iseri, m eus illiusque , parentes,

Ut, ques certus am or, ques hers novissim a junxit,C om poni tum ulo non invidestis cedem .

At tu, qua ram is arbor m iserabile corpus

Nunc te g is unius, m ex es tee ture duorum

Sig ns tene cadis :pullosque , et luetibus sptes

Sem per hebe fa tus, g em ini m onum ents crueris.

Dixit :et aptate pectus m ucrone sub im um

Incubuit ferro ; qued adhuc a cade tepebst.

Vets tem en tetig ére deos, tetig ére parentes

Nam color in porno est, ubi perm aturuit, ater

Q uodque reg is superest, use requiescit in um i .


v. 416.

Tum vere totis Bscchi m em orabile Thebis

Nam en erst ; m sg nssque nevi m atertera vires

Narrst ubique dei:de totque sororibusrexpersUna doloris erst, nisi quem fecére sorores.

Adspicit hsne netis, thalam oque Atham antis habentem

Sublim es anim es, et slum no num ine , Juno ;Nec tulit : et secum , Potuit de pe llice natus

Vertere Maonios, pe lsg oque im m erg ere , neutas,

Et lecersnda sua nati dare viscera m atri,

Et triplices operire novis Minyei'

dss sl is

Nil peterit June , nisi inultos fiere dolores ?

q ue m ihi satis est ? hac una potentia nostra est ?

Ipse decet quid sg sm ; (fss est et ab hoste doceri)


Q uidque furor vsl eat, Pentheaeade satisque

Ac super estendit. Cur non stim u letur, estque

Per cog nate suis exem pla fureribus Ine

Est via declivis, funesti nubile taxo

Ducit ad infernss per m ute silentis sedes.

Styx nebulas exhalat iners :um braque recentes

Descendunt illac , sim ulacrsque funete sepulcris.

Pallor Hiem sque tenent late lees seats :novique ,

Q uasit iter, m anes, Styg ism qued ducit ed urbem ,

Ig norant :ubi sit nig ri fers re g ie Bitis.

Mille capsx aditus, et aperte s undique portss

Urbs hebet. t ue fi'etum de tote fium ina territ,Sic om nes sn im ss locus accipit ille nee ulli

Exig uus populo est, turbam ve eccedere sentit.

Errant exsan g ues sine corpore et ossibus um bra

Persque forum celebrant, pars im i tecte tyranni

Pars alias artes, antiqua im item ine vita .

Sustinet ire illuc , ca lesti sede re lictfi,

(Tantum odiis iraque debet)Satum is Juno .

Q ui) sim ul intrsvit, sscroqu e a corpore pressum

In g em uit lim en ; trie Cerberus extu lit era,Et tres latratus sim ul edidit. Il ls sorores

Nocte vocat g enitas, g rave et im placabil e num en .

(Carceris ante fores clauses adsm sn te sedebsnt

Deque suis atros peetebant crinibus se g ues.)Quem sim ul ag nerunt inter cslig inis um bres ;Surrexére dea . Sedes sce leretavecetur.

Viscers prabebat Tityos lsnianda ; novem que

Jug eribus distentus erat. Tibi, Tam ale , nulla

Deprenduntur aqua quaque im m inet, efi'

ug it srbos.

Aut petis, sut urg ues ruiturum , Sisyphe , saxum .


Parsque jacens hum eris, pars circum tem pora lapsa

Sibila dent, ssniem que vom unt, lin g uasque coruscant

Inde duos m edns abrum pit crinibus an g ues ;

Pestifertique m enu raptos im m isit. At illi

Inoosque sinus Atham anteosque pererrant ;

Inspirantque g raves anim ss ! nee vulners m em bris

Ulla ferunt:m ens est, qua dires sentiat ictus.

Attuleret secum liquidi quoque m onstra veneni,

Oris Gerberei spum es, et virus Echidna ;

Erreresque vag os, cacaque oblivia m entis,

Et sce lus, et lecrym as, rsbiem que , et cadis sm orem

Om nie trite sim ul :qua , sang uine m ists recenti,

Coxerst are cave , viridi versets cicutti .

Dum que pavent illi vertit furiel e venenum

Pectus in em borum , pracerdiaque intim s m ovit.

Tum face jectstaper eundem sapins orhem ,

Consequitur m otes ve lociter ig nibus ig nes.

Sic victrix, jussique petens, ad inanie m ag ni

Be g na redit Bitis :sum ptum que recin g itur en g uem .

Protinus JEolides m ediafuribundus in eu la

C lam et, Io, com ites, his retia tendite silvis

Hie m ode cum g em ine vise est m ihi prole leana.

t ue fera , sequitur vestig ia conjug is am ens

Deque sinu m etris ridentem , et psrvs Learchum

Brachia tendentem , repit, et bis terque per aurasMore rotat funda :rig ideque infantis sexo

Discutit ossa ferox . Tum denique eeneits m ater,

(Seu dolor hoe fecit, seu sparsi cause venew

Exu lulst ; pessisque fu g it m ale sane capillis

Teque ferens parvum nudis, Me licerta, lacertis,‘Evoe, Becche , sonst. Bacchi sub nom ine JunoEl lsit c t, Hos usus prastet tibi, dixit, sham ans



Im m inet aqueribus scepulus. Pars im s eevstur

Fluctibus, et tectas defendit ab im bribus undas

S e rum s rig et, frontem que in apertum porrig it aquor.

Occupat hunc (vires insania fecerst)IneS eque super pontum , uullo tardsts tim ore ,

Mittit, enusque suum . Pereusse recsnduit unda.

At Venus im m erita neptis m iserata labores,

Sic pattue blandite sue est : O num en squarum ,

Proxim s cui ca le cessit, Neptune , potestas

Mag us quidem posco sed tu m iserere m eerum ,

Jactari que s eem is in Ieuie im m ense

Et dis sdde tuis. Al ique et m ihi g ratis poute estSi tem en in die quondam concrete profunde ,

Spum a fui, Grsjum que m auet m ihi nem en ab ills .

Aduuit orantiNeptuuus et sbstulit illis,

Q ued m ortal e fuit ; m ajeststem que verendemIm m suit ; nom enque sim ul faciem que uovavit

Leucotheeque deum cum m etre Palam eus dixit.


v. 562 .

Nescit Ag enorides natam parvum que nepotem

JEquoris esse deos. Luetu serieque m alorum

Victus, et ostentis, qua plurim a Viderat, exit

C ondite r urbe sue ; tanquam fortune le corum ,

Non sue se prem eret lon g isque erratibus sctus

C ontig it Illyrice s profu g ti cum conjug e fines.

Jam que m alis aunisque g raves, dum prim e retractant

Feta dem us, rele g untque sues serm one laberes

Nam sacer ille m eatraj ectus cuspide serpen s ,’



Cadm us sit, fiierit ; tum , cinn Sidone prefectus

Vipereos sparsi per hum um , nova sem ina, dentes?

Quem si cure deum tam certsvindicst ire,

Ipse preeor serpens in loug am porrig ar slvum .

Dixit :et, ut serpens, iu len g em tenditur slvum ;

Duretaque euti squam es increscere sentit,

Nig reque caru leis variari corpora g uttis

In pectusque cadit prenus :com m isseque in unum

Pau latim tereti sinusntur acum ine crura.

Brachiajam restaut :qua restsnt, brachia tendit ;

Et lscrym is per adhuc hum ans flueutibus ore ,

Accede , o conjux, accede , m iserrim s , dixit

Dum que aliquid superest de m e , m e tan g e , m anum que

Accipe , dum m enus est ; dum non totum oecupst ang uis .

Ille quidem vult plure loqui:sed ling us repente 246

In partes est fisse dues. Nee verbe volenti

Sufiieiunt :quotie sque sliques paret edere questus,

Sibilet hanc illi vocem Naturs re linquit.

Nude m enu ferieus, exc lam st, pectora, conjux,Cadm e , m ane teque his, infe lix , exue m onstris.

Cadm e , quid hoe ubi pe s ? ubi sunt hum erique m s.


Et ce ler, et facie s, et, dum loquer, om nia ? Cur non

Me quoque , ca lestes, in candem vertitis en g uem ?

Dixerat. Ille sua lam bebat conjug is eraIuque sinus cares, veluti cog ne se eret, ihat ;

Et debet am plexus ; adsuetsque ce lls pe tebat.

Quisquis adest (ederen t com ite s)terretur. At ille s

Lubrica perm uleeut cristati ce lls drsceues,

Et subite duo sunt ; juncteque volum is e Serpunt ;

Dance in appositi nem oris sub1ere lstebrss.


Nunc quoque nec fug iunt hom inem , nee vulnere ladunt

Q uidque pu ns fueriut, placidi m em inere dracones.


v. 620.

Inde per im m ensum ventis discordibus aetus

Nunc hue , nunc illuc , exem plo nubis aquosa ,

Fertur, e t ex alto seductssathere loug e

Despectat terres ; tetum que superve lat orhem .

Ter g e lidss Arctos, ter C sncri brachiavidit

Sape sub occasus, sape est ablatus in ertus.

Jsm que cadente die , veritus se credere necti,

Constitit Hesperio, re g nis Atlantis, iu orbe ;

Exig uam que petit requiem , dum Lucifer ig nes

Evoeet Aurora , carrusAurora diurnes.

Hie hom inum cuuetos in g enti corpore prastans

Jspetienides Atlas fuit. Ultim e te llus

Re g e sub hoe , et pontus erat, qui solis anhelis

E quora subdit equis, et fesses excipit axes.

Mille g re g es illi, totidem que arm enta per herbss

Errabant : et hum um vicinia nulls prem ebsnt.

Arborea h'endes, euro radiante virentes,

Ex sure rem os, ex sure pom s te g ebaut.

Hospes, sit Perseus illi, seu g leria tan g it

Te g eneris m ag ni g eneris m ihiJupiter euctorSive es m irstor rerum ; m irsbere nostras.

Hospitium requiem que peto.

’ Mem er ille vetusta

Sortis erat : (Them is hanc dederet Parnassia sortam )Tem pus, Atle , veuiet, tus que spolisbitur euro

Arbor: et hunc prada titulum Jove natus hab e‘dn ?1d m ew ee s, solidispom aria c leuserat Atl as

5 a


Ma nibus, etveste dederet servanda draceni

Arcebstque suis exte m os finibus om nes.

Huic quoque , Vade procul , ue lou g é g loria rerum ,

Ques m eutiris, sit, len g e tibi Jupiter absit.’

Vim que m inis addit foribusque espellere tentat

Cunctautem , et plecidis m isceutem fortis dictis.

Viribus inferior, (quis enim par esset AtlantiViribus At quoniam parvi tibi g ratis nostra est ;

Accipe m unus, sit ; laveque a parte Medusa

Ipse retreversus squalleutia predidit ere .

Q uantus erat, m eus factus Atlas. Jam barbs cem aque

In silvss abeunt :jug s sun t hum erique m anusque .

Que d caput ante fil lt, sum m e est in m ente cacum en .

Osss lapisfiuut. Tum partes anotus in om nes

C revit in im m ensem , (sic di stetuistis)et om neC um tot sideribus ca lum requievit in ille .


v. 662 .

C leuserat Hippotades aterne carcere veutos

Adm ouitorque operum ca le clarissim us alto

Lucifer ertus erat. Pennis lig et ill e resum ptis

Parte ab utraque pedes ; te leque adcing itur

Et liquidum m otis talaribus aérafindit.

Gentibus innum eris cirehm que infreque relictis,

E thiopum populos, Cephei'

s conspicit arve .

Illic im m eritam m eterua pendere ling ua

Androm edan pa nes im m itis jusserst Am m on .

Quem sim ul ad duras re lig atsm brachia cantes

ViditAbsn tisdes ; sit, 0non dig ua cateuis,


Pande requirenti nem en terraque tuum que

Et cur vincla g erss.

’ Prim o silet ills nee audet

Appe llate virum Virg o m anibusque m odestes

C elasse t vultus ; si non relig ate fuisset.

Lum iua, qued potuit, lscrym is im plevit ebertis.

Sapins instanti, sua ue de licts fateri

Ne lle videre tur, nem en terraque suum que ,

Q uantaque m eterua fuerit fiducis ferm a ,

Indicet. Et, nondum m em eratis om nibus, unde

Inse uuit veniensque im m ense be llue poute

Em inet, et latum sub pectore pe ssidet aquor.

Conc lsm st virg o : g enitor lu g ubris, e t am ens

Mater adest ; em bo m iseri, sed jusuus ille .

Nee secum auxilium , sed dig ne s tem pore fletus,

Plsn g orem que ferunt vinctoque in corpore sdharent.

Chm sic he spes sit : Lscrym srum len g a m anere

Tem pere vos pe teruut ed epem brevis here ferendsm

Hane e g o si peterem Perseus Jove ustus, et ille

Gerg ouis au g uicom a Perseus superstor, et alis

[Ethere es susus jactatis ire per sures ;Praferrer cunctis eerte g ener. Addere tantis

Doubus et m eritum (fave snt m ode num ine)tento.

Ut m ea sit, servats m eavirtute , paciscor.

Accipiuut le g em , (quis enim dubitaret et orant,

Prom ittuntque super re g num dotale , parentes.

Ecce ve lut navis, prafixo concits re stre ,

Sulost aquas, juvenum sudantibus acts lacertis ;

Sic fers , dim etis im pu lsu pectoris undis,

Tantum sberat scopulis, quantum Bal earica tertoFunds potest plum bo m edn transm ittere ca li

Ozim subitej urenis, pedibus tellure repul se,


Arduus in nubes abut. Ut in aquere sum m e

Um bra viri visa est, visam fers savit in um bram .

t ue Jovis prapes, vacue chm vidit in arve

Prabentem Phabo liveutia terg e drsceuem ,

Occupat eversum neu save retorqueet era,

Squsm ig eris svidos fig it cervicibus un g ues

Sic ce lerifissum prapes per inane volatu

Terg e fera pressit:dextroque fi'

em eutis iu srm o

Inschides ferrum curve tenus sbdidit ham o .

Vulnere la ss g revi, m ode se sublim is in auras

Atto llit:m ode subdit equis m ode m ore ferocis

Verset spri, quem turbe csuum circum sons terret.

Ille svidos m orsus ve locibus efi'

u g it alis

Quique patent, nunc terg e cavis super ebsits conchis,

Nunc leterum costss, nunc quit tenuissim e cauds

Besluit in piscam , falcato vulnerat ense .

Be llua pa uieeo m istos cum sang uine fluctus

Ore vom it. Maduére g raves adsperg ine peuna .

Nec bibulis ultraPerseus tslaribus sususCredere censpexit scepu lum :qui vertice sum m o

Stantibus exit equis operitur ab aquore m e te .

Nixus eo, rupisque tenens jug s prim e sinistre,

Ter quater exe g it repetita per ilia ferrum .

Litters cum plausu c lam or superssque deorum

Mplevére dom es. Gsudeut, g enerum que sslutant,

Auxilium que , dem us servstorem que fateutur

Cassiope , C epheusque pater. Resolute catenis

Iueedit Virg o, pretiumque et cause leberis.

Dis tribus ille fece s totidem de cespite ponit ;

Lavum Mercurio, dextrum tibi, bellies virg o ;Are Jovis m edia est. Meetstur vaece Minerva,Mpecfiw


m lus ; tsurus tibi, sum m e deorum .




v. 1.

Dum que eaC epheuum m edio Danae1us heros

Ag m ine com m em orat ; frem itu re g alia turba

Atria ce m pleutur:nee coujug islia festa

Q ui canet, est clam or ; sed qui fers nuuciet arm s .

Iuque repentinos convivia verse tum u ltus

Adsim ulsre freto possis qued save quietum

Ventorum rabies m otis exasperat undis.

Prim us in his Phineus, belli tem erarius auctor,

Frsxiuesm qustiens arata cuspidis hestem

Eu , sit, en adsum prarepta conjug is ultor.

Nee m ihi te peuua , uec falsum versus in eurum

Jupiter, eripient.’ Couautim ittere Cepheus,

Quid facis ? exc lsm st qua te , g erm ane , fureutem

Mens ag it in facie ns? Meritisne hac g ratis tantis

Redditur ? hie vitam servata dote rependis?

Quem tibi non Perseus, verum si quaris, adem it,

Sed g rave Nerei'

dum num en , sed coruig erAm m on ,

Sed qua visceribus veniebst bellue poute

Exsstursnda m eis. Ille tibi tem pore rspta est,

Q ue peritura fuit. Nisi si, crudelis, id ipsum

Exig is, ut pereat : luctuque levabere uostro .

Scilicet hsud satis est, qued, te spe etsnte , revincte est ;

Et nullsm qued epem patruus sponsusve tulisti

Insuper, a quequsm qued sit servata, dolebis


Pram iaque eripies?qua si tibi m ag ne videntur

Ex illis scopulis, ubi erant afiixs , petisse s

Nunc sine , qui petiit, per quem non orbe senectus,

Ferre , qued et m eritis et vece est pectus:cum que

Neu tibi, sed certa pra letum inte llig e m orti.’

Ille nihil contra:sed et hunc , et Persea vultuAlterno speetsus, petet hunc ig norst, an illum .

C tm ctatusque brevi, centertsm viribus hastsm ,

Q usutes ire debet, uequicquam in Persea m isit.

Ut stetit ills tore ; stratis tum denique PerseusExsiluit te leque ferox inim ica rem isso

Pectore rupisset ; nisi pe st sltaria Phineus

Isset : e t (indig num )sce lerete profuit are .

Freute tem en Rha ti neu irrite cuspis adhasit.

Q ui pestquam ceeidit, ferrum que ex esse revulsum est,

Pslpitat, et posites adsperg it sang uine m enses.

Tum vere indem ites ardescit vul g us in iras,

Te leque conj1ciuut et sunt, qui C ephea diesut

Cum g enere debere m eri. Sed lim ine tecti

Exierst Cepheus teststus jusque , fidem que ,Hospitiique deos, es, se prohibeute , m overi.

Be llies Palles adest, et prote g it a g ide frstrem

Detque anim es. Erat Indus Athis, quem , flum ine Gaug e

Edits , Lim nate vitrais peperisse sub anttis

Creditur, e g re g ius form s:quem divite cu ltu

Aug ebat, bis adhuc octouis inte g er ennis ;

Indutus chlam ydem Tyriam , quem lim bus ebibat

Aureus em absut aurste m onilia collum ,

Et m edidos m yrrhacurvum crinale capillos.

Il le quidem jaculo quam vis distantia m isso

Fig ere doctus erat ; sed tendere dectior srcus.

Tum quoque leuta m enu flecteutem com uaPerseus


Stipite , qui m edia positus fum abst in sulfi,

Pereulit ; et frectis eonfudit in ossibus era.

Hune ubilsudatos jac tentem iu san g uine vultus

Assyrius vidit Lycabas, junctissirnus illi

Et com es, et veri non dissim ulator sm oris ;

Postqusm exhaleutem sub scerbo vulnere vitam

DeploravitAthin que s ille te tenderat, areus

Adripit ; et, Mecum tibi sint certam ine , dixit

Ncc lon g um pe eri fate latsbere que plus

Invidia ,quem landis, babes.

’ Hac om nia nondum

Dixerat : em icuit nerve penetrabile te lum

Vite tum que , tem en sinuose ve ste pepeudit.

Vertit in hunc herpeu , spectatam cade Medusa ,

Acrisie uiede s, sdig itque in pectus. At ill e

Jam m oriens, oculis sub nocte natsntibus atra,

C ircum spexit Athin seque sde liuavit in illum

Et tu lit ad m anes janeta soletis m ortis.

Nee Phineus ausus concurrere com inus hosti,

Intorquet jaculum qued detulit error in Idsu ,Experte m frustrebe l li, et ueutra arm s seeutum .

Ille tuens oculis irnm item Phiuea torvis,

Q uaudoquidem in partes, sit, sbstraher, sccipe ,Phineu ,

Quem fecisti hestem , peussque hoe vulnere vulnus.

Jam que rem issurus tractum de corpore te lem

Sang uin e defectos cecidit collapsus in artus.

Hie quoque Cepheuum post re g em prim us Odites

Euse jaoerC lym eui Proteuors perculit Hypseus

Hypsea Lyncides. Fuit et g randavus in illis

Em athion , aqui cultor, tim idusque deorum

Quem quoniam prohibent auui bellsre , loquende

Pu g uat ; e t incessit, sce lerataque devovet arm s .

Huic Chrom is am plexo trem ulis altaris palm is


Dem etit ense caput ; qued protinus incidit era

Atque ibi sem auim i verbs exsecreutia lin g us

Edidit, e t m edie s auirusm exspiravit in ig nes.

Plustarnen exhausto superest :nsm que om nibus unum

Opprim ere est anim us. Conjurats undique pu g nent

Ag m ina pro c ause, m eritum im pug nante fidem que .

Hire pro parte soc er frustrapius, et nova conjux,Cum g enitrice , favent ; ululstuque atria cem pleut.

S ed senus arm orum superat, g em itusque cadeutfim

Pollutesque sem e l m ulto Be llena PenatesSan g uine perfuudit ; reuovstsque pra lis m isce t.

Circueunt unum Phineus, et m ille secuti

Phines . Te la volant hibernag randine plura

Prater utrum que letus, praterque et lum en et sures.

Applicst hinc hum eros ad m ag na saxa colum na

Tu taque terg a g erens, sdversaque in ag m ine versus,

Sustinet instantes. Instsbeut parte sinistra

Chaouius Molpeus, dextrsNabathaus Ethem ou .

Tig ris ut, auditis diversavslle duorum

Exstim ulate fam e m u g itibus srm enterum ,

Nescit utre pot1us rust et ruere ardet utroque

Sic dubius Perseus, dextre laven e feretur,Molpe s trajeeti subm ovit vulnere cruris ;

Conteutusque fu g a, est. Neque enim dst tem pus Ethe

m eu

Sed furit e t, cupiens al to dare vu lners ce llo,

Neu circum spectis exactum viribus ensem

Fre g it : et extrem e pe rcussa parte colum na

Lam ina dissiluit ; dom inique in g utture fixe est.

Neu tem en ad letum causes satis ille valentes

Plag a dedit. Trepidum Perseu s, et inerm ia frustraBrachia tendentem Cyllenide coufodit harpe .



Verum ubi virtutem turbe succum bere vidit,

Auxilium ,Perseus, quoniam sic cog itis ipsi,

Dixit, ab hoste petam ; vultus avertite vestros,

Si quis am icus adest et Gorg onis extulit ora.

Q umre alium , tua quem m oveant m iracula,’dixit

Thesce lus :utque m anu jaculum fatal e parabat

Mittere , in hoc haasit sig num de m arm ore g estu .

Proxim us huic Am pyx anim i plenissim a m ag ni

Pectora Lyncidte g ladio petit:inque potendo

Dextera dirig uit, nec citram ota, nec ultra.

At Nileus, qui se g enitum septem plice Nilo

Em entitus erat, clypeo quoque flurnina septem

Arg ento partim , partim c ze laverat auro,

Adspice , ait, Perseu , nostra:prim ordia g entis

Mag na feres tacitas solatia m ortis ad um bras,

A tanto cecidisse viro.

’ Pars ultim avocisIn m edio soppressa sono est :adapertaque ve lle

Ora loqui credas ; nec sunt ea pervia verbis.

Increpat hos, Vitioque anim i, non crinibus, inquit,

Gorg oneis torpetis, Eryx incurrite m ecum

Et prosternite hum i juvenem , m ag ica arm a m oventem

Incursurus erat ; tenuit vestig ia te llus

Im m otusque silex, arm ataque m ensit im ag o .

Hi tam eo ex m erito pcenam sub1ere sed unus

Miles erat Persei, pro quo dum pu g nat, Aconteus,Gorg one conspectfi. saxo concrevit ohotto.

Quem ratus Astyag es etiam num Vivere , long oEnse forit z sonuit tinnitibus ensis acutis.

Dum stupe tAstyag es, naturam traxit candem

Marm oreoque m anet vultus m irantis in ore .

Nom ina long a m ora est m edia de plebe virorum

Dicere . Bis centum restabant corporapug nac


Gorg one bis centum rig uerunt corporavisa.

Paanitet injusti nunc denique Phinea be lli.

Sed quid ag at ? Sim u lacra videt diversafig uris ;

Ag noscitque suos : et nom ine quem que vocatos

Poscit opem :credensque parum , sibi proxim a tan g it

Corpora :m arm or erant. Avertitur ; atque itasupplex,Confessasque m anus, obliquaque brachia tendens,

Vincis,’ait, Perseu :rem ove fera m onstra ; tue que

Saxificos vultus, quacum que ea, to lle Medusa .

Tolle , precor. Non nos odium , re g nive cupido

Com pulit ad be llum :pro conjug o m ovim us arm a.

Causa fuit m eritis m e lior tua, tem pore nostra.

Non cassisse pig et. Nihil , o fortissim e , pre ter

Hanc anim ani concede m ihi tu a cater-a sunto.

Talia dicenti, neque cum , quem voce rog abat,

Respicere nudanti, Quod, ait, tim idissim e Phineu ,

Et possum tribuisse , et m ag num m unus inerti est,

(Pone m etum )tribuam nullo violabere ferro .

Q uin etiam m ansura dabo m onum ente per aevum ;

Inque dom o soceri sem per spectabere nostri ;

Ut m ea se sponsi soletur im ag ine conjux.

Dixit : et in partem Phorcynida transtulit il lam ,

Ad quam se trepido Phineus obverterat ore .

Tum quoque conanti sua flectere lum ina cervixDirig uit, saxoque oculorum induruit hum or.

Sed tam en os tim idum , vultusque in m arm ore supplex,

Subm isswque m anus, faciesque obnoxia m ansit.




v. 341.

Prim a Ceres unco g lebam dim ovit aratro

Prim a dedit fru g es, alim entaque m itia terris

Prim a dedit le g es. C ereris sum us om nia m unus.

Illa canenda m ihi est. Utinam m ododicere possem

Carm ina dig na deaa certe dea carm ine dig na est.

Vasta g ig anteis ing esta est insula m em bris

Trinacris ; et m ag nis subjectum m olibus urg uet

E therias ausum sperare Typhoea sedes.

Nititur ille quidem , pu g natqu e re surg e re sacpe

Dextra sed Ausonio m anus est subjecta Pe loroLaeva, Pachyne , tibi ; Lilibaeo crura prem untur

De g ravat JEtna caput : sub quaresupinus arenas

Ejectat, flam m am que fero vom it ore Typhoeus.Saepe rem oliri luctatur pondera ter m ,

Oppidaque , et m ag nos evolvere corpore m ontes.

Inde trem it te llus et rex pave t ipse silentfim ,

Ne pateat, latoque solum rete g atur biatu ;

Im m issusque dies trepidantes terreat um bras.

Hanc m etuens cladem tenebrosasede tyrannus

Exierat curruque atrorum vectus equorumAm bibat Siculae cautus fundam ina term .

Postquam exploratum satis est loca nul la labare ;

Depositique m etus :videt hunc Erycina vag antem

Monte suo residens, natum que am plexa volucrem

Arm a, m anusque m ere , m ea, nate , potentia, dixit,

Illa, quibus superas om nes, cape tela, Cupido,Inque dei pectus celeres m oliro sag ittas,


Tantaque sim plic s afiifit annis,

Hac quoque virg jactura dolorem .

Raptor ag it currus, et nom ine quem que vocatos

Exhortatur equos quorum per colla jubasqueExcutit obscuratinctas ferru g ine habenas.

Perque lacus al tos, et olentia sulfure fertur

Stag na Palicorum , ruptaferventia terra

Et qua Bacchiada , bim ari g ens orta Corintho,Inter inaqual es posuerunt m a nia portus.

Est m edium Cyane s, et Pisaa Arethusa ,

Quod cort au g ustis inclusum cornibus aquor.

Hic fuit, a cujus stag num quoque nom in e dictum est,

Inter Sice lidas Cyane ce leberrim a nym phas ;

Ag novitque deum Nec lon g lus ibitis,’ inquit

Non potes invita C ereris g ener esse rog anda,

Non rapienda fuit. Quod si com ponere m ag nis

Parva m ihi fas est ; et m e dilexit Anapis.

Exorata tam en , nec , ut hac , exterrita nupsi.’

Dixit et, in partes diversas brachia tendens,

Obstitit. Haud u ltratenuit Saturnins iram

Terribilesque hortatus equos, in g urg itis im a

Contortum val ido sceptrum re g ale lacerto

Condidit. Icta viam te llus in Tartara fecit,

Et pronos currus m edio cratere recepit.

At Cyane , raptam que deam , contem ptaque fontis

Jura sui m oerens, inconsolabile vu lnus

Mente g erit taciti , lacrym isque absum itur om nis

Et, quarum fuerat m ag num m odonum en , in il las

Extenuator aquas. Molliri m em bra videres

Ossa pati flexus :ung ues posuisse rig orem

Prim aque de totatenuissim a quaque liquescunt,

Carulei crines, dig itique , et crura, pedesque


Nam brevis in g elidas m em bris exilibus undas


Transitus e st. Post hac terg um que , hum erique , latusque ,Pectoraque in term es abeunt evanida rivos.

Benique pro vivo vitiatas san g uine venas

Lym pha subit:restatque nihil , quod prendere possis

Interea pavida nequicquam filia m atri

Om nibus est terris, om ni quasita profundo .

Illam non rutilis veniens Aurora capillis

C e ssantem vidit, non Hesperus illa duabus

Flam m iferfi. pinus m an ibus succendit ab E tna;

Perque pruinosas tul it irrequieta tenebras.

Kursus, ut al m a die s hebetarat sidera, natam

Solis ad occasum , solis quarebat ab ortu .

Fe ssa labore sitim colle g erat ; oraque nulli

Colluerant fontes :cum tectam stram ine vidit

Forte casam parvasque fores pu lsavit at inde

Prodit anus ; divam que vide t ; lym pham que rog anti,

Du lce dedit, tostaquod coxerat ante polenta.

Dum bibit illa datum , duri pue r oris et audax

Constitit ante deam risitque , avidam que vocavit.


ensa e st: neque adhuc epotfiparte loquentem

Cum liquido m istz'

i perfudit diva polentz'


Com bibit os m aculas et, quam odobrachia g essit,

Crura g erit :cauda est m utatis addita m em bris

Inque brevem form am , ne sit vis m ag na nocendi,

Contrahitur parvaque m inor m ensura lacertaest.

Mirantem , flentem que , et tan g ere m onstra parantem

Fug it anum ; latebram que petit :aptum que colori

Nom en habet, variis ste llatus corpora g uttis.

Quas dea per terras, et quas erraverit undas,Dicere long a m ora est. Q uarenti defuit orbis.

Sicaniam repent. Dum que om nia lustrat eundo 5


Venit et ad Cyanen ea, ui m utata fuisset,

Om nia narrasset, sed et 05 et lin g ua volenti

Dicere non aderant nec , quo loqueretur, habebat.

Sig na tsm en m anifests dedit :notam que parenti,

Il lo forte loco de lapsam , g urg ite sacro

Persephones zonam sum m is ostendit in undis.

Quam sim u l ag novit, tanquam tum denique raptam

Scisset, inornatos laniavit diva capillos

Et repe tita suis percussit pectora palm is.

Nec scit adhuc ubi sit : terras tam en increpat om nes ;

In g ratasque vo cat, nec frug um m unere dig nas.

Trinacriam ante alias, in quavest1g 1a dam ni

Reperit. Erg o il lio savavertentia g lebas

Fre g it aratra m an u, parilique irata colonos

Ruricolasque boves leto dedit ; arvaque jussitFallere depositum , vitiataque sem ina fecit.

Fertilitas te tra , latum vulg ata per orhem ,

Cassa jacet :prim is se g ete s m oriuntur in herbis

Et m odo sol nim ius, nim ius m odocorripit im ber.

Sideraque , ventique nocent :avidaque volucres

Sem ina jacta le g unt lolium , tribulique fatig ant

Triticeas m esses, et inexpu g nabile g ram en .

Cum caput Bleis Alpbei'

as extulit undis

Roran tesque com as a fronte rem ovit ad aures

Atque ait . O toto qua sita virg inis orbe ,

fit fru g um g enitrix, im m ensos siste labores

Neve tibifida violenta 1rascere te tra .

Terra nihil m eruit :patuitque invita rapina .

Ncc sum pro patriasupplex huc hospitaveni.

Pisa m ihi patria est ; et ab Elide ducim us ortum .

Sicaniam pere g rina colo : sed g ratior om ni

Hac m ihi tetra solo est. Hos nunc Arethusa penates,


Hanc habeo sedem ; quam tu , m itissim a, serva.

Mota loco cur sim , tantique per aquoris undas

Advehar Ortyg iam ,veniet narratibus hora

Tem pestiva m eis cum tu curisque levata,

Et vultus m e lioris eris. Mihi pervia tellus

Frabet iter subterque im as ablata cavem as

Hic caput atto llo, desuetaque sidera cem o.

Erg o, dum Styg io sub terris g urg ite labor,

Visa tua e st ocu lis illio Proserpina nostris.

Illa quidem tristis, nec adhuc interrita vultu

Sed re g ina tam eo , sed opaci m axirna m undi ;

( Sed tam en inferni poll ens m atrona tyranni.’

Mater ad auditas stupuit, ceu saxea, voces

Attonitaque diu sim ilis fuit utque dolore

Pulsa g ravi g ravis est am entia ; curribus auras

Exit in atheriss :ibi toto nubilavultu

Ante Jovem passis stetit invidiosa capillis.

Proque m eo venio supplex tibi, Jupiter,’ inquit,

San g uine , proque tuo . Si nu lla e st g ratis m atris

Nata patrem m oveat ; neu sit tibi cura, precam ur,

Vilior illins, quod nostro est edita partu .

En quasita diu tandem m ihi nata reperta est

Si reperire vocas, am ittere cernus ; aut si

Scire ubi sit, reperire vocas. Quod rapta, ferem us ;

Dum m odo reddat eam neque enim pradone m arito

Filia dig na tua est ; si jam m ea filia dig na est.’

Jupiter excepit Com m une e st pig nus onusque

Nata m ihi tecum sed, si m odonom ina rebus

Addere vera placet, non hoc injuria factum ,

Verum am or est neque erit nobis g ener ille pudori,


Tu m odo, diva, ve lis. Ut desint ca tera ; quantum est

Esse Jovis fratrem quid quod nec catera desunt, 365


Nec cedit nisi sorte m ihi? Sed tanta cupido

Si tibi discidn repetat Proserpina ca lum

Le g e tam en certa; si nullos contig it illio

Ore cibos nam sic Parcarum fa dere cautum e st.’

Dixerat. At C ereri certum est educere natam .

Non ita fata sinunt :quoniam jejunia Virg oSolverat : et, cu ltis dum sirnplex errat in hortis,

Pa niceum curvadecerpserat arbore pom um

Sum ptaque pallenti septem de cortice g rana

Presserat ore suo :solusque ex om nibus illud

VideratAscalaphus :quem quondam dicitur Orphne ,

Inter Avernales haud ig notissim a nym phas,Ex Acheronte suo furvis peperisse sub anttis.

Vidit et indicio reditum crude lis adem it.

Ing em uit re g ina Erebi ; testem que profanam

Fecit avem : sparsum que caput Phle g ethontide lym phi

In rostrum , et plum as, et g randit lum ina vertit.

Ille sibi ablatus fulvis am icitur ab al is ;

Inque caput crescit ; long osque'

reflectitur ung ues ;

Vixque m ove t natas per in ertia brachia pennas ;

Foedaque fit volucris, venturi nuntia luctus,Ig navus bubo , dirum mortal ibus om en .

At m edius fratrisque sui m aestaque sororis

Jupiter ex aquo volventem dividit annum .

Nunc dea, re g norum num en com m une duorum ,

Cum m atre est totidem , totidem cum conju g e m enses.

Vertitur extem plo facies, et m entis, et oris

Nam , m odoqua poterat Diti quoque m aestavideri,

Lata dea frons est ut sol , qui tectus aquosis

Nubibus ante fuit, victis ubi nubibus exit.




6. 148.

Ante suos Niobe thalam os cog noverat illam ,

Turn cum Maoniam virg o Sipylum que colebat.

Ncc tam eo adm onita est pu mapopularis Arachnes

Cedere ccelitibus, verbisque m inoribu s uti.

Multa dabant anim os. Sed enim nec conjug is artes,Ncc g enus am borum , m ag nique potentia reg ni,

Sic placuére illi, quam vis ea cuncta placebant,

Ut sua prog enies et felicissim a m atrum

Dicta foret Niobe , si non sibi visa fuisset.'

Nam sata Tiresia, venturi prascia, Manto

Per m edias fuerat, divino concita m otu ,

Vaticinata vias : Ism enide s, ite frequentes,

Et date Latona , Latonig enisque duobus,

Cum prece thurs pifi: lauroque innectite crinem .

Ore m eo Latona jubet.’ Paretur at om nes


ides jussis sua tem pora frondibus om ant

Thuraque dant sanctis, et verba precantia, fiam m is.

Ecce venit com itum Niob ce leberrim a turbz'


Et, quantum ira sinit, form osa :m ovensque decoro

C um capite im m issos hum erum per utrum que capillos

Constitit :utque oculos circum tulit alta superbos ;‘ Q uis furor auditos,

’inquit, praponere visis

Cce lestes ? aut cur colitur Latona per aras ;Nrm en adhuc due thure m eum est MihiTas u s au cm t ,


Cui licuit soli superorum tan g ere m ensas.

Ple l adum soror est g enitrix m ihi m axim us Atlas

Est avus, a therium qui fert cervicibus axem

Jupiter alter avus : socero quoque g lorior illo .

Me g entes m etuunt Phryg ia m e re g ia Cadm i

Sub dom inae st fidibusque m ei com m issa m ariti

Ma nia cum populis a m eque viroque re g untur .

In quam cunque dom iis adverto lum ina partem ,

Irnm ensa spectantur opes. Accedit eodem

Dig na dea facie s. Huc natas adyce septem ,

Et totidem juvenes ; et m ox g enerosque nurusque .

Q uarite nunc , habeat quam nostra superbia causam

Nescio quoque audete satam Titanida Cao

Latonam praferre m ihi ; cui m axim a quond

Exig uam sedem paritura terra ne g avit. 40

Nec ca lo, nec hum o, nec aquis dea vestra recepta est.

Exsul erat m undi ; donec m iseratavag antem ,

Hospita tu terris erras, e g o,’dixit, in undis,

Instabilem que locum De los dedit. Illa duobus

Facta parens uteri pars est hac septim a nostri.

Sum fe lix quis enim ne g e t hoc fe lixque m anebo.

Hoc quoque quis dubitet ? tutum m e copia fecit.

Major sum , quam cui possit Fortuna nocere .

Mu ltaque ut eripiat ; m ultom ihi plura re linquet.

Excessére m etum m ea jam bona. Fin g ite dem i

Huic aliquid populo natorum posse m eorum ;

Non tam en ad num erum redig ar spoliata duorum

Latona turbaquo quantum distat ab orba?

Ite sacris, properate sacris ; laurum que capillis

Ponite .

” Deponunt ; infectaque sacra re linquunt

Q uodque licet, tacito ven erantur m urm ure num en .

Indig nata dea est sum m oque in vertice Cynuix


Il le , ut erat pronus, per colla adm issa jubasqueVolvitur ; et calido te llurem san g uine fa dat.

Phadim us infe lix , et aviti nom inis hares

Tantalus, ut solito finem im posuére labor-i,

Transierant ad opus nitida juvenile palastmEt jam contulerant arcto luctantia nexu

Pectorapectoribus ; cum tento concita cornu ,

Sie ut erant juncti, trajecit utrum que sag itta.

Ing em uére sim u l ; sim ul incurvata dolore

Mem bra solo posuére ; sim u l suprem a jacente sLum ine. versfirunt ; anim am sim u l exhalarunt.

Adspicit Alphenor, laniataque pectoraplang ens

Advolat, ut g e lidos com plexibus allevet artus

Iuque pio cadit ofiicio nam De lius illi

Intim a fatifero rum pit pracordia ferro.

Quod sim ul eductum , pars e st pulm onis in ham is

Eruta :cum que anim i“

; cruor est efiirsus in auras.

At non intonsum sim plex Dam asichtbona vulnus

Aficit. l otus erat, qui crus e sse incipit, et qui

Mollia nervosus facit internodia pople s.

Dum que m anu tentat trahere exitiabile telum ,

Altera per ju g ulum pennis tenus acta sag itta est.

El tpulit hanc san g uis seque ejaculatus in altum

Em icat, et long e terebrati prosilit aura.

Ultim us Ilioneus non profectura precando

Brachia sustulerat : Dique o com m uniter om nes,’

Dixerat, (ig narus non om nes esse rog andos)‘Farcite .

’ Motus erat, cum jam revocabile telam

Non fuit, Arcitenens :m inim o tam en occidit ille

Vulnere ; non 11t perc corde sag ittii.

Fam e m ali, populique dolor, lacrym aque snorum

Tam subite m atrem certam fec'

ére ruina ,


Mirantem potuisse ; irasc entem que qued ausiHoe essent superi, qued tantum juris haberent.Nam pater Am phion , ferro per pectus adacto,Finierat m oriens pariter

cum luce dolorem .

Heu quantum hac Niobe Niobe distabat ab illfi,

Q ua m ode Late l s populum subm overat aris,

Et m ediam tulerat g ressus resupina per urbem ,

Invidiosa suis ; at nunc m iseranda ve l hosti

Corporibus g e lidis incum bit et ordine nullo

Oscula dispensat natos suprem aper om nes.

A quibus ad cce lum liventia brachia tendens,

Pascere , crude lis, nostro, Latona, dolore ;Pascere ,

’ait ; satiaque m eo tua pectora luetu

[Cerque ferum satia,’dixit : per funera septem ]


erer : exsu lta ; victrixque inim ica trium pha.

Cur autem victrix m isera m ihi plura supersunt,

Quinn tibi fe lici post tot quoque fanera vinco .

Dixerat insenuit eontento nervus ab arcu

Q ui, praterNioben unam , conterruit om nes.

Illa m ale est audax . Stabant cum vestibus atris

Ante tores fratrum dem isso crine sorores.

E quibus una, trahens harentia viscere te la,Irnpe sito fratri, m oribunda re lan g uit ore .

Altera, se lari m iseram conata parentem ,

Conticuit subite, duplicataque vulnere caco est.

[Oraque non pre ssit, nisipe stquam spiritus exit.]Hac frustrafug iens ce llabitur ; illa sorori

Im m oritur late t hac ; illam trepidare videres.

Sexque datis leto , diversaque vulnera passis,Ultim a restabat quam toto corpore m ater,Tetaveste te g ens, Unam , m inim am que relinque

De m um‘

s m im'

rnam posco,’clam avit, et unam .


Dum que re g at:pro quarog at, occidit. Orba resedit

Exanim es inter natos, natasque , virum que

Dirig uitque m alis. Nullos m ovet aura capillos.

In vu ltu color est sine sang uine : lum ina m a stis

Stant im m ota g enis nihil est in im ag ine vivi.

Ipsa quoque inter1ns cum duro ling ua pal ate

Con g e lat, et vena desistunt posse m overi.

Nec fiecti cervix, nee brachia reddere g estus,

Nee pes ire petest :intra quoque’

viscera saxum est.

Flet tam en , et validi circum data turbine venti

In patriam rapta est ubifixa eacum ine m ontis

Liquitur, et laerym as etiam num m arm oram anant.


v. 620.

Ad m attem veniebst Itys. Quid possit, ab illoAdm onita e st oculisque tucus im m itibus, Ah quamEs sim ilis patri dixit. Nec plura le cuta,

Triste parat facinus ; tacitaque exastuat irz’


Ut tam en accessit natus, m atrique sal utem

Attulit, et parvis adduxit colla lacertis,Mixtaque blanditiis puerilibus oscula junxit ;Me ta quidem est g enitrix infractaque constitit ira

Invitique ocu li lacrym is m aduére ceactis.

Sed sim ul ex nim iam atrem pietate labare

Sensit, ab hoe iterum e st ad vu ltos versa soreris ;

Inque vie em spectans am bos, Cur adm ovet,’inquit,

‘Al ter blanditias ; raptasilet altera lin g ua?

Q uem vocat hie m attem , our non vocat“la sm orem 2


C ui sis nupta vide , Pandione nata, m arito.

De g eneras scelus est pietas in conju g e Tereo.

Nee m ora ; traxit Ityn , ve luti Gang etica eerva

Lactentem fa tum per silvas tig ris opacas.

t ue dem us al ta partem tenuére rem emm ;

Tendentem que m anus, et jam sua fatavidentem ,

Eia,’et jam ,

‘m ater,

’clam antem , et ce lla petentem

Ense ferit Procne , lateri qui pectus adharet :Nee vultum avertit. Satis ill i ad fats ve l unum

Vulnus erat ju g ulum ferro Philom e la resolvit.

Vivaque adhuc , an im aque aliquid retinentia m em bra l 90

Dilaniant. Pars inde cavis exsu ltat aenis

Pars verubus stridet m anant penetralia tabe .

His adhibet conjux ig narum Terea m ensis

Et patrii m oris sacrum m entita, qued uniFas sit adire vire , com ites fam ule sque rem ovit.

Inde , sedens solio, Tereus, sublim is avito,

Veseitur :inque suam sua viscera eon g erit alvum .

Tantaque nox anim i e st, Ityu hue arcessite ,’dixit.

Dissim ulare nequit crudelia g audia Precne ;

Jam que sua cupiens exsistere nuntia eladia ;


‘Intus habes, qued poscis,’ait. Circum spicit ille ,

Atque ubi sit quarit. Que renti, iterum que vocanti,Sieut erat sparsis furiali eade capillis,

Prosiliit, Ityosque caput Philom ela cruentumMisit in ora patris :nee te m pore m aluit ullo

Posse loqui, et m eritis testari g audia dictis.Thraeius in g enti m ensas clam ore repe llit

Vipereasque xe iet Styg iade val le sorores

Et m ode, si possit, reserate pectore dim s

Eg erere inde dupes, dem ersaque viscera g m


Nunc sequitur nude g enitas Pandione ferro .

Corpora C ecrepidum pennis pendere putares ;

Pendebant pennis. Q uarum petit altera silvas ;

Altera teeta subit. Neque adhuc de pectore cadis

Efiluxére nota , sig nataque san g uine plum a est.

l ll e dolore sue , pa naque cupidine ve lox,

Vertitur in volucrem , cui stant in vertice crista

Prom m et im m odicum pro lon g s cuspide rostrum .

Nom en Epops volueri facies arm ata videtur.

Hie dolor ante diem , lon g aque extrem a senecta

Tem pora, Tartareas Pandions m isit ad um bras.



v. I .

JAMQUE fretum Minya Pag asaspuppe secabant,

Multaque perpessi c lare sub I'

sse ne , tandem

Contig erant rspidas lim osi Phasidos undas.

Dum que adeunt re g em , Phryxeaque vellera poseunt ;

Lexque dstur num eris m ag nerum horrends laborum

Coneipit interea validos lEetias ig nes.

Posters depu lerat ste llas Aurora m ieantes

Conveniunt populi sacrum Msvortis in arvum ;

Consistuntque ju g is. Medio rex ipse resedit

Ag m ine purpureus, se eptroque insig nis ebm no.

Ecce adam anteis Vu lcanum nsribus e 'ilant

E rzpedes tauri: tsetaque vaporibus herbaArden t. Utque selent pleni resonate m m ,


[bl terrenasilices fornace soluti

ipiunt ig nem liquidarum adsperg ine aqusrum

1rs sic intus c lausas volventiafiam m as,

iraque usta se nsnt. Tam en illis ZEsone natus

Is it. Vertere truce s venientis ad ora

bile s vultos, prafixaque com ua ferre

reum qu e solum pede pu lsavére bisulco

ficisque locum m ug itibus im plevére .

uere m etu Minya . Subit ille nee ig nes

t subs late s, (tantum m edieam ina pe ssunt)u laque sudsci m u leet palearia dextra

tositosqu e ju g o pendus g rave cog it aratri

re , e t insuetum ferro prescindere e sm pum .

Jtur Colchi Minya e lam oribus im plent,

iun tque anim e s. Gal es tum sum it sens

reos dentes et arstos spsrg it in ag ros.

ins m ollit hum us, valido pratinets venene'

escun t, fiuntque sati nova corpora dentes.

oi visceribus g ravida te lluris im ag e

ta e st hom inis, fte te eonsurg it in arve

lque m ag is m irum , sim ul edita concutit arm s .

ubi viderunt praacuta cuspidis bastas

[put Ham onn juvenis torquere parate sisere m etu vultum que anirnum que Pe lasg i.

quoque extim uit, qua tutum fecerat il lum

e pe tijuvenem to t vidit ab hostibus unum ,

tit ; et subite sine san g uine frig ida sedit.

partim val eant a se data g ram ina, carm en

l iare cauit ; secretasque advocat artes.

g ravem m edios silicem jaculsm s in hestes,depulsum Martem convertit in ipsos.


g ena persantper m utua vulnera bases 3



Civilique cadunt aeie . GratanturAchivi

Vietorem que tenent ; avidisque am plexibus harent.

Pervig ilem superest herbis sepire draconem ;

Q ui cristaling uisque tribus prasig nis, et uneis

Dentibus herrendus, custos erat arietis aurei.

Hunc pe stquam sparsit Lethai g ram ine succi

Verbaque ter dixit placidos facientia som nos,

Q ua m are turbatum , qua concita flum ina sistant ;

Som nus in ig notos oculos subrepit :et sure

Heres fEsonius pe titur:spolioque superbus,

Muneris auctorem secum , spolia al tera, pertans,

Victor Iolciseos tetig it cum conju g e portus.

Ham onia m atres pro g ustis dons receptis,

Grandavique ferunt patres ; cong estaque flam m fi

Thurs liquefiunt, inductaque cornibus aurum

Victim s vets cadit. Sed abest g rstantibus E sau,

Jam proprior leto, fessusque semlibus annis.

Cum sic ZEsenides : O cui debere salutem

Confiteer, conjux, quanquam m ihi cuneta dedisti,

Excessitque fidem m eritorum sum m a tuerum ;

Si tsm en hoe possunt quid enim non earm ina possint ?

Dem e m eis annis, et dem ptos adde parenti.’

Nee tenuit lacrym as. Me ta est pietate rog antis

Dissim ilem que anim um subiit fEets re lictus.

Non tam en sfi'

ectus tales confessa, Qued,’ inquit,Excidit ore pie , conjux, scelus ? erg o e g o cuiqusm

Posse tua videar spatium transcribere vita

Nec sinat hoe Hecate nee tu petis aqua:sed iste ,Qued petis, experiar m ajus dare m tm us, Iason .

Arte m easoceri lon g um tentabim us avum ,

Non annis revocare tuis. Mode diva triform isAcfiuvet etprasens ing entibus adnuat sua:


Pulsafug it m acies :abeunt pallerque siw sque

Adjeetoque eava supplentur corpore vena

Mem braque luxuriant. [Eson m iratur, et e lim

Ante quater denos hunc se rem iniscitur annos.


v. 517.

E aeus ing em uit ; tristique ita voce locutus

Dira lues itspopulis Junonis iniquaIncidit, exesa dietas a pellice terras.

Dum visum m ortale m alum , tantaque latebat

Causa noeens clsdis pu g natum est arte m edendi.

Exitium superabat epem ; qua victs jacebat.

Principio ca lum spissficalig ine terras

Pressit ; et ig navos inclusit nubibus astus.

Dum que quater junctis im plevit cornibus orbemLuna, quater plenum tenuate retexuit orhem ;

Letiferis calidi spirsrunt flatibus Austri.

Constat et in fontes vitium venisse , lseusque

Mil liaque ineu ltos serpentfim m ults per ag ros

Errfisse atque suis fluvies tem erfisse venenis.

Strag e canum prim a, volucrum que , evium que , boum que ,Inque feris subiti deprensa potentia m orbi.

Coneidere infe lix validos m iratur arstor

Inter opus tsuros ; m edioque recum bere sulce .

Lanig eris g re g ibus, balatus dan tibus a g ros,

Sponte sualanaque cadunt, et corpora tabent.

Aeer equus quondam , m sg naque in pulvere fam a ,

Deg enerst palm as ; veterum que oblitus honerum ,

Ad 1718 88178 g em it, leto m oriturus in etu.


Non aper irascrm em init ; nee fidere cursu

Cerva ; nee arm entis incurrere fortibus ursi

Om nia lan g uor habet :silvisque , sg risque , vusque

Corpora feeds jacent :vitiantur oderibus aura .

Miraloquer:non ilia canes, avidaque volucres,

Non cani tetig ére lupi dilapss liqueseunt ;

Afistuque nocent ; et ag ent contag ia late.

Pervenit ad m iseres dam no g raviere colonos

Pestis, et in m ag na dom inatur m a nibus urbis.

Viscera terrentur prim e :fiam m aque lstentis

Indicium rubor est, e t ductus anhe litus a g re.

Aspera lin g ua tum et ; trepidisque arentia venis

Ora patent:Iauraque g rave s captantur histu .

Non stratum , non ulls pati ve lam ina possunt ;

Dura sed in te trapenunt pracerdia nee fit

Corpus hum o g elidum , sed hum us de corpore fervet.

Ncc m oderator adest :inque ipsos savs m edentes

Erum pit clades ; obsuntque auctoribus artes.

Q ue prepior quisque est, servitque fidelius a g re ;

In partem leti eitius venit. t ue salutis

Spes abut ; finem que vident in funere m orbi ;

Indul g ent anim is :et nulla, quid stile , curs est

Utile enim nihil est. Passim , pesiteque pudere ,

Fentibus, et fluvus, puteisque capacibus harent

Ncc -

pr1us est exstineta aitis, quam vita, bibendo.

Inde g raves m ulti nequeunt consurg ere et ipsis

Im m oriuntur aquis :al ius tam en haurit et illas.

Tantaque sunt m iseris invisi tadia leoti ;Prosiliunt :aut, si prohibent consistere vires,

Corporadevolvunt in hum um , fug iuntque penates

Quisque sues sua cuique dem us funestavident

E:quis causa latet, locus e st in crim ine . Notes


Sem anim es errare vus, dum stare valebant,

Adpiceres ; flentes alios, terraque jacentes ;Lassaque versautes suprem o lum ina m otu .

Quid m ihi tune anim i fuit ? an , qued debuit esse ,Ut vitam edissem, et cuperem pars esse m eorum ?

Q ue se cunque acies oculorum flexerat ; illic

Vul g us erst stratum :ve luti cum puttis m otis

Pom s cadunt ram is, ag itataque ilice g landes.

Tem pla vides contra, g radibus sublim is lon g is

Jupiter illa tenet. Quis non altsribus illis

Irrita thurs tulit ? quoties pro conju g e conjux,Pro g usto g enitor, dum verba precantia dicit,

Non exoratis anim am finivit in aris

Iuque m anu thuris pars inconsum pta reperta est

Adm oti quoties tem plis, dum ve ts sacerdos

Concipit, et fundit purum inter com ua vinum ,

Haud exspectate ceeiderunt vulnere tauri

Ipse e g o sacra Jovi pro m e , patriaque , tribusque

Cum facerem natis, m u g itus victim s dire s

Edidit : et subite collapss sine ictibus ullis

Exig uo tinxit subjectos san g uine cultros.

Fibra quoque a g rs notas veri, m onitusque deorum

Prediderst : tristes penetrant ad viscera m orbi.

Ante sacre s vidi projects cadavers postes,Ante ipsas, que m ers foret invidiosior, aras.

Pars anim am laquee e laudunt ; m ortisque tim orem

Morte fu g ant :ultroque vocant venientis fats .

Corpora m issa neci mullis de m ore feruntur

Funeribus :neque enim eapiebant funera perta .

Aut inhum ata prem un t terras aut dantur in altos

Indotata rog os. Et jam reverentis nul la est

Deque teg is pug nant slienisque ig lubus ardent .


Q ui laerym ent, desunt :indefletaque vag antur

Nstatum m atrum que anim a , juvenum que senum queNee locus in tum d os, nee suficit arbor in ig nes.

Attonitus tanto m iserarum turbine rerum ,

Jupiter ? dixi, si non pudet esse pat entem ;

Aut m ihi redde m eos, sut m e quoque eende sepulere .

Ille notam fiil g ore dedit, tonitruque secundo.

Aecipio, sintque ista precor fe licia m entis

Sig na tua , dixi: qued dss m ihi, pig nerer, om en .

Sacra Jovi, quercus de sem ine Dedonao .

Hie nos frug ile g ss adapexim us ag m ine long o

Grande onus exig uo form icas ore g erentes,

Rug osoque suum s'

ervantes cortice callem .

Dum num erum m irer, Totidem , pateroptim e ,”dixi,

Tu m ihi da cive s et ioanis m a nia reple .

Intrem uit, ram isque seuum sine flam ine m otis

Alta dedit quercus. Pavido m ihi m em bra tim ore

Herruerant, stabsntque com a . Tsm en oscula terra ,

Roberibusque dedi use m e sperare fatebar ;

Sperabsrn tsm en :atque snim o m eavets fovebam .

Nex subit :et curis exercits corpora som nus

Occupat. Ante oculos eadem m ihi quercus adesse ,Et ram es totidem , totidem que anim alia ram is

Ferre suis visa est ; parilique trem iscere m otu

Graniferum que ag m en subjectis spsrg ere in arvis.Crescere qued subite , et m ajus m ajusque videri,Ac se tollere hum o, rectoque adsistere trunco

Et m aeiem num erum que pedum , nig rum que colerem

Ponere et hum anam m em bris inducere form am .

Som nus abit. Dam ne vig ilans m es visa; querorqne


Murm ur erst :vocasque hom inum exaudire videbar,

Jam m ihi desuetas. Dum suspieor has quoque som m

Ecce venit Telam on properus foribusque ree lusis, 235

Speque fideque , pater,”dixit, m ajors videbis.

Eg redere .

” Eg redier ; qualesque in im ag ine som ni

Visus eram vidisse vires ; ex ordine tales

Adspicio, ag neseoque . Adeunt ; reg em que salutant.

Vets Jovi solve , popu lisque reeentibus urbem

Partier, et vacuos priscis eultoribus ag rosMyrm idonasque voeo nee orig ine nom ina fraudo.

Corpora vidisti. Mores, ques an t‘

e g erebsnt,

Nunc quoque habent ; pareum que g enus, patiensque laborum ,

Q uasitique tenax, et qui quasita reservent.’



v. 183.

Dadal us interea Creten , long um que perosusExsilium , tractusque soli natslis am ore ,

Clausus erat pelag o. Terras licet,’ inquit, et undas

Obstrust :at coelum certe patet :ibirnus illae .

Om nia possidest ; non pe ssidet aera Minos.

Dixit :e t ig notas an im um dim ittit in artes

Naturam que novst. Nam ponit in ordine pennas,

A m inim é caeptas, len g sm brevie re sequenti

[ It 0l 0 crevisse putes. Sic rustica quondsm


Fistu la disparibus paulstim sm-

g it avenis.

Tum lino m edias, et ceris al lig at im as.

Atque its com positas parve eurvam ine fleetit ;

Ut veras im itentur aves. Puer Icarus un i

Stabat et, ig narus sua se tractare pericls ,

Ore renidenti, m ode quas vag a m overat aura,

Captabat plum as :flavsm m ode pe llice ceram

Mollibst, lusuque sue m irabile patris

Irnpediebat opus.

Postqusm m anus ultim a captis

Im pe sita est ; g em inas opifex libravit in alas

Ipse suum corpus m otfique pependit in aura.

Instruit e t nstum : Medioque ut lim ite eurrss,

Ieare ,’sit, m oneo :ne , si dem issior ibis,

Unda g ravet pennas si ee lsier, ig nis sdurat.

Inte r utrum que ve la. Nec te spectat e Booten ,

Aut He licen jubeo, strictum ve Orionis ensem .

Me duce , carpe viam .

’ Pariter pracepta volsndiTradit ; et ig notas hum eris sdeom m odat alas.

Inter opus m onitusque g ena m aduére seniles

Et patria trem uére m anus. Dedit oscula nato

Non iterum repetends sue pennisque levatus

Ante ve lat ; com itique tim et :velut al es, ab alto

Q ua tenersm prolem predueit in aera nido .

Hortaturque sequi dam nesasque erudit artes

Et m ovet ipse suas, et nsti respicit alas.

He s aliquis, trem uladum captat arundine pisces,

Aut pastor baculo, sfivfive innixus arstor,Vidit, et ebstupuit :quique athera cerpera pe ssent,Credidit esse deos. Et jam Junonia lavaParte Sam e s fuerunt, Delosque , Parosque relicta

Dextrs Lebyntbos erant, fa eundsque m ell e Calm s QQ

012m puer audaci capit g audere volam


Deaeruitque ducem cm lique cupidine tractus

Altius e g it iter. Rapidi vicinia solis

Mollit odoratus, peuuarum vinculs , ceras .

Tabuerant eera nudesquatit il le lseertos

Rem ig ioque carens non ullas percipit auras.

Draque catules, patrium e lam antis nem en ,

Excipiuntur aqua: qua nom en trsxit ab illo.

At pater iufe lix, nee jam pater, Icare ,’dixit,

Icare ,’ dixit, ubi es ? qui te re g ione requiram ?

Icare ,’dieebat :pennas adspexit in undis,

Devevitque suas arte s ; corpusque sepulero

Condidit, et tellus a nom ine diets sepulti.

Hunc m iseri tum ulo ponentem corpora nati

Garru la ram oss prospexit ab ilice perdix,

Et plausit pennis, teststaque g audia cantu est ;

Unica tune volucris, nee visa prioribus annis,

Faetsque naper avis, lon g um tibi, Dadsle , crim en.

Nam que huic trsdiderat, faterum ig nars, decendam

Prog eniem g erm sns suam , nstalibus actis

Bis puerum senis, anim i ad pracepta capaciS.

Il le etiam m edic spines in pisce notate s

Traxit in exem plum ferreque incidit acute

Perpetuos dentes ; et serra reperit usum .

Prim us et ex uno duo ferrea brachia nodeViuxit ; ut, aquali spatio distan tibus illis,

Alters pars staret ; pars alters dueeret orhem .

Dadalus invidit ; sacrfique ex arce MinervaPraeipitem m ittit, lapsum m entitus. At illum ,

Q ua favet ing eniis, excepit Pallas avem que

Reddidit, et m edic ve lavit in aéro pennis.

In g ue pedes abut nem en, qued et m ic, rem ains“.


Suscitat besternos ; foliisque et eortiee siceo

Nutrit ; et ad flam m as anim i produeit anili

Multifidasque faces, ram alisque arida tecte

Detulit, et m inuit, parvoque adm ovit seno .

Quodque suus conjux rig ue eolle g erat horto,

Truncat e lus foliis. Furealevat ille bicorni

Sordida terg a suis, nig ro pendentia tig no

Servate que diu resecat de terg ore partem

Exig uam ; sectam que dom at ferventibus undis.

Interea m edias fal lunt serm em'

bus horas

Sentirique m oram prohibent. Erat alveus illio

Fag ineus, curvaclavo suspensus ab ansfi

Is tepidis iruple tur aquis srtusque foveudos

Accipit. In m edio torus est de m ollibus ulvis

Im m situs leete , spends, pedibusque salig nis.

Vestibus hunc velant, quas non nisi tem pore feste

Sternere consuérant :sed et hac vilisque vetusque

Vestis erat, leete non indig nanda ss lig ne .

Adeubuére dei. Mensam succincta trem ensque

Ponit anus. Mensa sed erat pes tertius im par

Tests parem fecit. Q ua pe stquam subdita clivum

Sustu lit ; aquatsm m enta tersére virentes.

Pouitur hie bicolor sincera baccaMinerva ,Conditaque in liquids com a autum nalis face ,

Intubaque , et radix, et lactis m asss coseti ;

Ovaque , non acri leviter versata favilla;

Om niafictilibus. Post hac calatus eadem

Sistitur arg illficrater fabriestsque fag o

Pocula, quacava sunt flaventibus illita'


Parva m ora est ; epulasque foci m isere cslentesNee leng a tarsus referunturvins seueeta

Bantg ue Iecum m ensis paulum sedueta secundss.

m m 91

Hie nux, hie m ixta est rug osis caries palm

a sque , et in patulis redolentia m ala esnistris,

Et de purpureis col lecta vitibus uva .

Candidus in m edic favus est. Super om nia vultus 135

Accessére boni nee iners pauperque voluntas,Interea, quoties haustum craters replet


Sponte sua, per seque vident sucereseere vina,

Attoniti nevitate pavent, m anibusque supiuis

Coneipiunt Baueisque preces, tim idusque Philem on : 140Et veniam dapibus, nullisque paratibus orant.

Unicus an ser erat, m inirna custodia villa

Quem dis hospitibus dom ini m aetare parabant

Ille ce ler pennatardos atate fatig at

Eluditque diu :tandem que est visus ad ipsos

Ceufu g isse deos. Superi vetuére necari

Dique sum us ; m eritasque luet vicinia pa nes

h pia,”dixerunt vobis im m unibus bujos

Esse m al i dabitur m ode vestra re linquite tee ta ;

Ac nostros com itate g radus ; st in ardus m ontis

Ite sim ul .” Parent sm bo , baculisque levati

Nituutur len g o vestig ia ponere c livo.

Tantum aberant sum m e , quantum sem el ire sag itta

Misss petest :flexére oculos, et m ersa palude

Caters prospiciuut :tan tum sua teeta m anere .

Dum que ea m irantur du1n deflent fats suerum

Il ls vetus dom inis etiam casa parva duobus,

Vertitur in tem plum fure ss sub1ere colum na

Stram inafiavescunt ; sdopertsque m arm ore te llus,Ca lataque feres, auratsque teeta videntur;

Talia cum placido Saturnius edidit ere

Dicite, j uste senex, et fa m ina conjug e N 0

a g r s, quid optetis.”C um Bsucide panes.M um s


Consilium superis aperit com m une Philem on

Esse sacerdotes, delubrsque vestra tueri

Poseim us :et quoniam concordes e g im us anuos ;

Auferat hora duos eadem :nee conjug is unquamBusts m ea videam ; neu sim tum ulaudus ab illi .

Ve ts fides sequitur:tem pli tute la fuére ,Deuce vita data est. Anuis avoque soluti

Ante g radus sacres cum starent forte, locique

Inciperent casus ; frondere Philem ons Baucis,Baucida censpexit senior frondera Philem on .

Jam que super g elidos crescente cacum ine vultus,

Mutua, dum licuit, reddebant diets ; Vsleque ,

O conjux , dixére sim ul , sim ul abdita texit

Ora frutex . Ostendit adhuc Tyan e i'

us illic

Incols de g em ini vicine s arbore truncos.

Hac m ihi non vani (neque erst cur fallere vellent)Narravére senes. Equidem pendentia vidi

Serta super ram os :poneusque recentis, dixi,

Cura pii dis aunt, et, qui ce luére , coluutur.



v. 134.

Long s fuit m edii m ora tem peris :sotaque m ag niHerculis iruplérant terras, odium que noverca .Water ab G ehaliaCenao sacra parsbat

Ve ts Jovi, cum Fam a loquax praeessit as aures ,

94 m xuoapnesaex

Ca ruleusque duit toto de corpore sudor

Am bustique sonant nervi:cacaque m edul lis

Tabe liquefactis, tendens ad sidera palm as,

C ladibus,’exe lsm at, Ssturnia, paseere ne stris

Pascere et hsuc pestem epcots, crude lis, ab alto

Corque ferum satis . Ve l si m iserandus et hosti

(Hostis enim tibi sum )diris cruciatibus a g ram ,

Invisam que anim am , ustsm que laboribus, sufer.

Mers m ihi m unus crit decet hac dare dons novercam

Erg o e g o fa dantem pere g rine tem pla eruore

Busiriu dom ui ? savoque alim ents parentis

Antao eripui ? nee m e pastoris Iberi

Form s triplex nee form s triplex tua, Cerbere , m ovit ?Vosne m anus val idi pressistis com ua tauri ?

Ve strum opus Elis habe t, vestrum Stym phal ides unda , 50

Parthenium que nem us ? vestravirtute re latus

Therm odentiseo ca latus balteus sure ,

Pem aque ab insom ni m ale custodita dracene ?

Nee m ihi Centauri poteete resistere , nee m i

Arcadia vaststor aper ; nee profuit Hydra

Cre sc ere per dam num , g em inssque resu mere vires ?

Q uid cum Thraces eques, hum ane san g uine ping ues,

Plensque corporibus laceris prasepia vidi,

Vissque dejeci, dom inum que ipsosque perem i ?

His e lisa jacet m oles Nem eaa lacertis ?

Hie ca lum cervice tuli ? Defesss jubendo est

Savs Jovis conjux e g o sum indefessus ag eudo.

Sed nova pestis adest cui nee virtute resisti,

Ncc telis arm isve potest. Pulm enibus errat

Ig nis edsx im is, perque om nes pascitur artus.At valetEurystheus, et suut, qui credere possint


11aliter g raditur, quam si veusbuls tig ris

bore fixa g e rat, factique refug erit auctor.

illum g em itus edentem , sape frem entem ,

retentsntem totas infrin g ers'


l entem que trabes, irascentem que videres

tibus, su t patrio tendentem brachia ceslo.

rboribus ca sis, quas ardus g esserat (Ete ,e pyram struetis, arcus pharetram que espacem ,

isque visuras iterum Trojans sag ittas,

e jubes Paante satum que fiam m s m inistro

lita:dum qu e avidis cem prenditur ig nibus ag g er ;

geriem silva Nem eao ve llere sum m am

l is et im positac lava cervice reeum bis,

1she voltu , quam si conviva jaceres,

plena m eri redim itus pecula sertis.

m que valens, et in om ne latus difi'

uss senabat,

uosque artus, contem ptorem que petebat

im s suum . Tim uére dei pro vindice terra .

5 its (sensit enim )la te Saturnins ore.er alloquitur Ne strs est tim er iste voluptas,

[peri totoque libens m ihi pectore g rater,

d m em eris populi dicer recte rque paterque

l ea prog enies vestre quoque tuta favore est.

1 quanquam ipsius datur hoe im m snibus actis

g or ipse tam en . Sed enim , n e pectora van e

m etu pavean t, (Etaas spernite flam m es.

tis qui vicit, vincet, que s cernitis, ig nes,

nisi m ate rnaVulcanum parte potentem

iet. iEtem um est, a m e qued traxit, e t expers,is im m une neeis, nu lleque dom abile flam m a.

e eg o defunctum terrzi ca lestibus oris

Jiam , canctisque m eum latsbil e factum


Dis fore confide . Si quis tam en Hercule , si quisForte deo doliturus crit, data pram ia nolet

Sed m erursse dari seiet ; invitusque probabit.’

Adsensére dei. Conjux quoque re g is visa estCaters non duro , duro tam en ultim a vultu

Diets tulisse Jovis ; seque inde luisse uetetam .

Interea, quodeunque fuit populabile fiam m a ,

Mu lciber abstulerat ; nee cog nosceuda rem ansit

Herculis efiig ies ; nee quidquam ab orig ine ductum

Matris habet : tantum que Jovis vestig ia servat.

t ue nevus serpens, posits cum pe lle senectfi,

Luxuriare solet, squam ique virere recenti

Sic , ubi m ortale s Tirynthius exuit artus,

Parte sui m e liore vig et ; m ajorque videriCa pit ; e t su g ustafieri g ravitate verendus.Quem pater om nipotens, in ter cava nubila raptum ,

Q uadrijug o curru radiantibus intulit astris.



Inde per im m ensum crocee ve latus am ictu

Aéra dig reditur, C iconum que Hym enaus ad eras

Tendit ; et Orpheauequicquam voce rog atur.


uit ill e quidem sed nee se lem nis verba,Ncc late s vultus, nee fe lix sttulit om en .

Fax quoque , quam tenuit, lacrym ose stridula fum e.Usque fuit, nullesque invenit m otibus ig nes.


Talia dicentem , nervosque ad verbs m oventem ,

Exsang ues debant anim a . Nee Tantalus undam

Captavit refug am stupuitque Ixionis orbis.

Ncc earpsére jecur volucres :um isque vscfiruntBelides :inque tuo sedisti, Sisyphe , saxo.

Tum prim um lscrym is victarum carm ine fsm s est

Eum enidum m aduisse g enas :nee re g ie conjuxSustinet oranti, nee qui re g it im s , ne g are

Eurydicenque vecant. Um bras erat ills recentes

Inter et incessit passu de vulnere tarde .

Hanc sim ul et le g em Rhodopsi’

ns accipit heros,

Ne flectat retro sua lum ina ; donec Avernas

Exierit valles sut irrita dons futura.


r acclivus per m uts silentia tram es,

Arduus, obscurus, calig ine densus opacs.

Nee proenl abfuerunt te lluris m arg ine sum m a .

Hie , ne deficeret, m etuens, svidusque videndi,

Flexit sm ans oculos:et protinus ills re lapse est.

Brachisque intendens, prendique et prendere eertans,

Nil nisi cedentes infe lix arripit auras.

Jam que iterum m oriens non est de conju g e quidquam

Q uests sue :quid enim nisi se quereretur am atam

Suprem um que vale , qued jam vix auribus ille

Ace iperet, dixit :revolutsque rursus eedem est.

Non aliter stupuit g em inanece conjug is Orpheus,Quem tria qui tim idus. m edic portante catenas,

Ce ll s csnis vidit :quem non pavor anti reliquit,

Quem natura prior, saxo per corpus oberto

Quique in se crim en traxit, voluitque videri

Olenos esse nocens :tuque e confiss fig ura ,

[ nfelrlr Lethas, tua junctissim a quondamPe c tora, nunc lapides, que s hum ida sustinet Ids .


Orantem , frustraque iterum transire volentem ,

Portitor steuerst. Septem tam en ille diebus

Squalidus in ripe, Cereris sine m unere , sedit.

Cure , dolorque anim i, lacrym aque alim ents fuere ..

Esse deos Erebi crude les questus, in al tem

Se reeipit Rhedopen , pulsum que Aquilonibus Ham en .


v. 162 .

Te quoque , Am yclide , posuisset in athere Pha bus,

Tristia si spatium ponendiFeta dedissent.

Q ualicet, a ternu s tam en es :quotiesque repellit

Ver hiem em , Piseique Aries suceedit aquoso ;Tu toties oreris, viridique in ce spite vem as.

Jam que feré m edius Titan venientis et acta

Noctis erat, spatioque psri distabat utrim que

Corpors veste levan t, et succe piu g uis olivi

Spleudescunt, letique ineunt certam ine disei.

Quem pr1us aerias libratum Pha bus in auras

Misit, et opposites disjeeit pondere nubes.

Recidit in solidam lon g o post tem pore te trem

Pondus :et exhibuit junctam cum viribus artem .

Protinus im prudens, aetusque cupidine ludi,

Tollere Tanarides orhem properabat at il lum

Dara repercusso subjecit ab se'

re te llus

In vultus, Hyacinthe , tue s. Expalluit aque,Ac puer, ipse deus ee llapsosque excipit artus

Et m ode te refovet :m ode tristiavulners sieest

adm etis fug ientem sustinet h er‘

ms .


Nil presunt artes :erst im m edicabile vulnus.

Ut si quis violss, rig uove papaver in horto,Lilisque infring at, fulvis harentia virg ie ;

Marcida dem ittant subite caput ills g rsvatum ;

Ncc se sustineant ; speetentque cacum ine terram

Sic Vultus m oriens jacot et defects vig ere

Ipsa sibi e st oneri cervix ; hum eroque reeum bit.

Leberis, (Ebalide , prim e fraudete juventa,’

Pha bus sit : videoque tuum , m es crim ina, vulnus.

Tu dolor es, fecinusque m eum . Mes dexters le to

Inscribenda tuo est. Eg o sum tibi funeris auctor.

Q ua m ea culpa tam en ? nisi si lusisse , voc eri

Culpe potest nisi eulpa potest, et am asse, vocari.

Atque utinam pro te vitam , tecum ve liceret

Reddere sed nuoniam fatali le g e tenem ur

Sem per eris m ecum , m em orique harebis in ore .

Te lyre , pulse m enu , te carm ine nostra sonsbunt

Flesque nevus scripto g em itus im itabere nostros.

Tem pus et illud erit, que se fortissim us heros

Addet in hunc florem ; folioque leg atur eedem .

Talia dum ve re m em orantur Apollinis ore ,Ecce cruer, qui fusus hum i sig naverat herbam ,

Desinit esse cruer:Tyrioque nitentior ostro

Fles oritur form sm que cepit, quam lilia si non

Purpureus color huic , arg enteus esset in il lis.Non satis hoe Phoebe est, (is enim fuit auctorhonoris)Ipse suos g em itu s foliis inscribit ; et A] , AI

Flos habet inseriptum funestsque liters ducts est. I”Nee g enuisse pudet Sperten Hyacinthen :henerque if

Durst in hoe avi, celebrandaque m ore priorum

Ane ttapralataredeunt Hyacinthia pompa.


Hesperides donfisse putes. Si postibus al tis

Adm ovit dig ite s posts:radiat e videntur.

Ille etiam liquidis palm as ubi leveret undis,

Unda fluens palm is Danaen e ludere posset.

Vix spes ipse sues snim o cepit, aures fing ens

Om nia. Gaudenti m enses posuére m inistri,

Exstruetes dapibus, nee tosta fru g is e g entes.

Tum vere, sive ille suaCerealia dextri

Munera centig eret, Cerealia dons rig ebent.

Sive dspes evido conve lle re dents parsbat,

Lam ina fu lva dapss edm e te dents niteben t.

Miscueret puris auctorem m uneris undis,

Fusile per rictus aurum fiuitare videres.

Attonitus nevitate m ali, divesque , m iserque

Efiiig ere optat opes e t, qua m ode voverst, edit.

Copia nulla fam em re levst :sitie arida g uttur

Urit, et inviso m eritus terquetur ab euro.

Ad ceelum que m enus e t splendids brachia tollens,

Da veniam , Lenae pe ter ; peccavim us,’ inquit

Sed m iserere , precor, speciosoque eripe dam no.

Mite deum num en Bacchus pe cefisse fatentem

Re stituit, pactam que fidem , data m unere , solvit.

Neve m ale opteto m ens es circum litus euro,

Vede ,’ait, ed w ag nis vieinum Sardibus am uem

Perque jug um m ontis lsbentibus obvius undis

Carpe viam ; dense venias ad flum inis ertus.

Spum iferoque tuum fonti, quaplurim us exit,

Subde caput :corpusque sim ul , sim ul e lue crim en.

Rex jussa suce sdit aqua . Vis aures tinxit

Flum en, st hum ane de corpore cessit in am uem .

Nun c quoque jam veteris percepto sem ine vena

Arve n g eu t, euro m adidis pelleutia g l eba


Ille , perosus epes, silvas st rum colebat,

Paneque m entauis habitentem sem per in entris.

Pin g ue sed ing enium m ensit :necituraque , ut ants,

Burens erant dom ino stolida prac erdie m entis.

Nam , frets prospiciens, late rig st arduus alto

Tm olus in sdscensu , clivoque extentus utroque ,

Sardibus hine , illinc parvis finitur Hypapis .

Pan ibi dum teneris jactet sua carm ine nym phis,

Et leve ceratam odulstur arundine csrm en

Ansus Apollineos pra se eontem ne re cantus,

Judice sub Tm olo certam en venit ed im psr.

Monte sue senior judex consedit ; et aures

Liberet arboribus. Q uercu com a carula tantum

C in g itur et pendent circum cava tem pora g landes.

Isque deum pecoris spectans, In judice , ’ dixit,Nu lls m ore est.

’ Calam is sg re stibus insonat ille

Barbarieoque Midau (aderat nsm forte canenti)Carm ine de linit. Post hunc sacer ora retorsit

Tm olus ad es Pha bi:vu ltum sue silva secuta est.

Ille caput fiavum lsuro Parnasside vinctus

Verrit hum um Tyrie saturate m urice pelle

Instructam que fidem g em m is st dentibus Indis

Sustinet a lava:tenuit m enus alters plectrum .

Artifieis status ipse fuit. Tum stam ina docto

Pollice sollicitat quorum dulcedine captus

Pans jubet Tm olus cithara subm itters saunas.

Judicium ssnctique placet sententia m ontis

Om nibus. Arg uitur tam en, atque injusts voesturUnius serm one Mida . Nse De lius aures

Hum anem ste lidas patitur retinere fig urem ;

Sed trehit in spatium , villisque albentibus unmet.



Caters sunt hom inis partem dam natur in unam

Induiturque aures lente g radientis ssel li.

Ill e quidem ce lat, turpique enerata pudore

Tem pere purpureis tentat ve lare tiaris.

Sed, solitus long os ferro resecare capillos,

Viderat hoe fam ulus. Q ui, cum nec predere visum

Dedecus auderet, cupiens efi'

erre sub sures,

Nee posset reticere tem en , secedit ; hum um que


odit : st, dom ini qu e les adspexerit aure s,

Voce refert parve ; terraque im m urm uret hausta .

Indicium que sua voeis tel lure re g ests

Obr uit, et scrobibus tacitus dise edit opertis.

Creber erundinibus trem ulis ibi surg ere lucus

C espit : st, ut prim um pleno m aturuit anne ,

Prodidit ag ricolam . Leni nsm m etus ab Austro

Obruta verbs refert ; dom inique coarg uit aures.


v. 410.

Interea fratrisque sui, fretrem que secutis

Anxia prodig iis turbatus pectora Ceyx,Consulat ut sacras, hom inum oblectam ina, sortes,

Ad C larium parat ire deum nam tem pla profanus

Invia cum Phle g yis faciebant Delphics Phorbes.

Pertubus exierant ; st m overat aura rudentes.

Obvertit lateri pendentes navite rem os

Cornusque in sum m e le est arbore tetaque m al e

Carbesa deducit ; veniente sque excipit auras .

Aat m inus, aut certé m edium non am pi ms teapot


Pectore in arm s feri, pm tentaque te la leones ;

Sic ubi se ventis adm iserat unda coortis,

Ibat in arm s ratis ; m ulteque erat al tier illis.

Jam que lebant cunei, spoliatsque te g m ine eera

Rim s petet ; prabetque viam letslibus undis.

Ecce cadunt larg i resolutis nubibus im bres

Iuque fretum credes totum descenders ca lum

Inque plag as ca li tum efactum sdscendere pontum .

Ve la m adent nim bis ; st cum ca lestibus undis

E quorea m iscentur aqua . Caret ig nibus a ther

Cacaque nox prem itur tenebris hiem isque suisque .

Discutiunt tam en has, prabentque m icsntia lum en

Fulm ins fu lm ineis ardescunt ig nibus unda .

Dat quoque jam saltus intrs cava texts carina

Fluctus et, ut m iles, num ere prastantior om ni,

Cum sape sdsiluit defensa m a nibus urbis,

Spe pe titur tandem laudisque aecensus sm ere

Inter m ille vires, m urum tem en oecupst unus

Sic ubi pulsarunt acres latera ardus ductus ;

Vasuus insurg ens decim a ruit im pe tus unda

Nse prius sbsistit fessam eppu g nere csrinsm ,

Quem ve lut in capta descendat m a nia navis.

Pars ig itur tentsbat adhuc invaders pinum

Pars m aris intus erat. Trepidant hsud se g m us om nes,

Quem solet urbs, aliis m urum fodientibus extra,

Atque aliis m urum , trepidare , tenentibus intus.

Deficit srs :anim ique cadunt totidem que videntur,

Que t veniant ductus, ruere atque irrum pere m ortes. 1

Non tene t hie lecrym as :stupst hie :vocat ille beatos,

Funere que s m aneant hie vetis num en aderat

Brachisque ed ca lum , qued non videt, irrite tollens

Poscit opem subeunt illi fratresque parensqu e 3

LIBER X1. 107

Huic cum pig noribus dem us, st qued cuique re lictum e st.

He leyone Céycs m ovet :Ceyeis in ere 181

Nulls nisi Halcyone est : st, cum desidsret unam ,

Gsudet abesse tam en . Patria quoque ve llet ad eras

Respicere , inque dem um suprem osvertere vultus.

Verum ubi sit nescit. Tents vertig ine pontus

Fervet e t inductfipiesis e nubibus um bra

Om ne latet ca lum duplicataque noctis im ag e e st. K

Fran g itur incursu nim bosi turbinis arbos

Fran g itur et re g im en spolusque anim osa superstsns

Unda, ve lut victrix, sinuates despieit undas .

Nse levm s, quam si quis Athon , Pindum ve , revulsos

Sede sua, tote s in apertum everterit aquer,

Pracipitsts ruit :pariterque et pendere st ietu

Merg it in im s retem :cum quapars m ag na viro rum

Gurg ite presse g ravi, neque in aéra reddits , fate

Funete sue est. Alii partes et m em bra carina

Trunca tenent. Tenet ipse m enu , quasceptre solebat,

Fre g m ina navig nCeyx , socerum que patrem que

Invoeat (heu fm strs. Sed plurim a nantis in ore

Halcyone conjux. Illem m em initque refertque

l l lius ante oculos ut ag ent sua corpora fluctus,

Optat ; et exanim is m anibus tum u letur am icis.

Dum netat absentem , quoties sinit hiscere ductus,Nom iuat Hel eyenen , ipsisque im m urm urat undis.

Ecce super m edics fluctus nig er arcus equsrum

Fran g itur st ruptii m ersum caput ebruit unda.

Lucifer obseurus, nee quem cog ne se ere posses,

ms necte fu it :quonism que excedere Olym pe

Non licuit, densis texit sua nubibus ora.

[Eolis interea tsntorum ig nars m alorum

Dinum ere t noctes etjam , quas induat il l e ,


Festinat vestes jam quas, ubi venerit ille ,

Ipsa g eret :reditusque sibi prom ittit inanes.

Om nibus ills quidem superis pie thura ferebaiiAnte tam en cunetos Junonis tem pla colebat

Proque vire , qui nullus erst, veniebst ad aras.

t ue foret sospes conjux suns, utque rediret,

Optabet ; nu llum que sibi praferret. At illi

Hoe de tot vetis poterat conting ere solum .

At dea non ultrapro fun ete m orte re g ari

Sustinet ; utque m enus fun estas stosst aris ;

Iri, m ea ,

’dixit, fidissim a nuneis voeis,

Vise soporiferam Som ni ve lociter aulam

Exstinetique jube C eycis im ag ine m itts

Som nis ad Hal cyenen , veros narrantis casus.

Dixerat. Induitur ve lam ina m ille colorum

Iris, st arquato caelum curvarm ne eig nens

Tects petit jussi sub rupe lstentis re g is.

Est prope Cim m erios long o spe lunca recessu,

Mens esvus, ig navi dem us e t penetral iaSem ni

Q ue nunquam rsdus oriens, m ediusve , cadensve

Pha bus adire potest. Nebula calig ine m ixta

Exhalantur hum o, dubiaque crepuscu le lueis.

Non vig il al es ibi cristati cantibus oris

Evecat Auroram use voce silentia rum punt

Sollieitive canes, csuibusve seg aeior anser.

Non fers , non pecudes, non m oti flam ine ram i,

Hum anave sonum reddunt convieis ling ua .

Mute quies habitat. Ssxo tam en exit ab im o

Rivus aqua Lethes per quem cum m urm urs labens

Invite t som nos crepitantibus unda lepillis.

Ante fores entri fa eunda papavers flerent,


Verba. Sed hie soles hom ines im itstur. At alter 276

Fit fers , fit volucris, fit lon g o corpore serpens.

Hunc Iec lon superi, m ortal e Phobetors vu l g us

Nom inet. Est etiam diversa tertius artis

Phantasos. Ille in hum um , sexum que , undam que , tra

bem que ,

Q uaque vacan t suit es, fe liciter om nia transit.

Re g ibus hi, dueibusque suos ostendere vu ltus

Noc te solent populos sln plebem que pererrant.

Pra terit hos senior cunctisque e fretribus'


Morphea, quj perag at Theum entitlos edita, Som nus

Elig it : et rursus m olli lan g uere solutum

Deposuitque capu t, strate que rece ndidit alto .

Ille volat, nu llos strepitus facie n tibus alis,

Per ten ebres : intreque m ora breve tem pus in urbem

Pervenit Ham oniam positis lue e corpore penn is

In faciem C eycis sbit form aque sub il ls

Luridus, exsang ui sim ilis, sine vestibus ullis,

Conjug is ante torum m isera stetit. Ude videturBarbe viri, m adidisque g ravis fluers unda capil lis.

Tum leete incum ben s, fie tu super ora refuse ,

Hac sit Ag nose is C eyca, m iserrim a conjuxAn m ea m utate e st facies nec e ? Respice ne sess

Inveniesque tuo pro conju g e conju g is um bram .

Nil epis, Halcyene , nobis tua vote tu lerunt.

Occidim us :falsa tibi m e prom ittere ne li.

Nubilus n ao deprendit in aquere navim

Auster, e t in g entijactatam fism ine solvit

Oraque nostra, tuum frustrs c lam antia nom en ,

Im plérunt fluctus. Non hac tibi nantiat auctor

Am big uus non ists vag is rum oribus audis

Ipse eg o fats tibi pra sens m es usuirag us see

LIBER X1. 111

Surg e , ag e :da lecrym as ; lug ubriaque indue :use m e

Indeploretum sub inanie Tartara m itte .

Adjicit his vocem Morpheus quam conju g is ills

C rederet esse sui. Pletus quoque funders vere s

Visus erat : g estum que m enus C eycis habebant. fii 310

[ In g em it Halcyone lacrym ens, m otstque lacertos

Per som num corpusque petens am plec titur auras

Exclam atque , Mane . Q ue te rspis ? ibim us una

Voc e sui, specieque viri, t urbeta soporem

Excutit et prim e si sit circum spicit illio,

Q ui m ode visus erat. Nam m oti voce m inistri

Intulerant lum en . Postqusm non invenit usquam

Percutit e ra m enu lanietque a pectore veste s

Pectoraque ipse ferit. Nec crinem solvers curat

Scindit et altric i, qua luctfis cause , rog anti,

Nulls est Halcyone , nu lls e st,’sit ; occidit umi.

C um C eyce sue . Solantis tollite verba.

Naufre g us interut. Vidi, ag nevique m anusque

Ad discedentem , cupiens retinere , tetendi.

Um bra fug it sed e t um bra tam en m anifests , virique 325

Vera m ei. Non ille quidem , si quaris, behebst

Adsuetos vu ltus nee , que prius ore , nitebe t.

Pal lentem , nudum que , et adhuc hum ente capille

Infe lix vidi stetit hoe m iserabilis ipse

Ecce loco et quarit, vestig ia si qua supersint.

Hoe erat, hoe snim o qued divinante tim ebem

Et us , me fu g ieus, veutos sequere re rog abam ?

At c erts ve llem , quoniam periturus abibss,

Me quoque duxisses. Tecum fuit utile , tecum

Ire m ihi. Neque enim de vita tem pore quidquam 335

Non sim ul e g isse m nee m ors discrete fuisset .

Nunc ebsens pereo, j es ter nunc fluctibus ab sens


Et, sine m e , m e pontus habet. Crude lier ipse

Sit m ihi m ens pe lag e , si vitam ducere nitsr

Lon g ius, et tento pug nem superesse dolori.

Sed neque pu g nsbo nee te , m iserande , relinquam

Et tibi nunc saltem veniam com es inque sepulcro ,

Si non urns , tam en jun g et nos liters si non

Ossibus ossa m eis, at nom en nom ine tan g am .

Plurs dolor prohibet ; verboque intervenit om n iPlsn g or e t attonito g em itus e cords trahuntur.

Mane erat :e g reditur tectis ed littus et illum

Ma sts locum repetit, de que spectarst euntem .

Dum que , Moratus ibi dum que , Hie retinacula solvit,

Hoe m ihi discedens dedit oscula littore ,’dicit, 350

[Dum que ne tsts oculis rem iniscitur acts , fre tum que]Prospieit ; in liqu ids, spatio distante , tuetur

Nescio quid, quasi corpus, aqua:prim oque , quid illudEsset, erat dubium . Postqusm psule appu lit unds

Et, quam vis aberat, corpus tam en e sse liquebat

Q ui foret, ig nerans, quis naufre g us, om ine m ots est,

Et tanquam ig noto lacrym am daret, He u, m iser,’

quit,Quisquis es, et 31qua est conjux tibi Fluctibus se


Fit propius corpus. Qued que m ag is ill e tuetur,

Hoe m inus, e t m inus e st em ens sua. Jam que propinquaAdm otum terra , jam qued cog ne seere posset, 361

C ernit. Eret conjux. Ille est, exc lam at st unit

Ora, com as, ve stem lsceret :te ndensque trem entes

Ad C eycs m enus, Sic , o carissim e conjux ,Sic ad m e , m iserande , redis ait. Adjacet undis 365

Facts m enu m oles :qua prim es aqueris iras


Fam e tenet, sum m eque dom um sibi le g it in arcs

Innum erosque aditus, ac m ille foram ina tectis

Addidit, et nullis inclusit l im ine portis.

Necte dieque pa te n . Tots est ex sure senanti

Tote frem it vocesque refert :iteratque qued audit.

Nu lle quies intus, nu lleque silentia parte .

Nee tam en est clam or, sed parva m urm urs voeis

Qualia de pe lag i, si quis procul eudist, undisEsse solent :qualem ve seuum , cum Jupiter atrasIncrepuit nubes, extrem a tonitrua reddunt.

Atria turbe tenent veniunt leve vul g us, euntque

Mixtsque cum veris passim com m ents vag antur

Millie rum orum confusaque verba ve lutant.

E quibus hi vacuas im plent serm ouibus suresHi narrate ferunt alii) m ensuraque ficti

Crese it ; et auditis aliquid nevus sdjicit auctor.

Illic Credulitas, illic tem erarius Error,

Vanaque Latitia est, censtem atique Tim ores,

Seditioque repens, dubioque auctore Susurri.

Ipsa quid iu ca le rerum , pe lag eque g eretur,

Et tellure , videt, te tum que iuquirit in orhem .






Consedére duces :st, vul g i stente corona,

Surg it ad hos c lypei dom inus septem plicis Ajax .

t ue erat im patiens ira , Sig ers torvo

Litters respexit, clessem que in litters , vultu

Intendensque m enus, Ag im us, proJupiter,’ inquir

An te rates causam ; et m ecum cenfertur Ulysses

At non Hectoreis dubitavit cedere flam m is

Q ues eg o sustinui quas hire a classe fu g avi.

Tutius est fictis ig itur contenders verbis,

Quem pu g nere m enu . Sed nee m ihi dicere prom ptum

Nee facere est isti:quantum que e g o Marts feroci,

Q uantum acie vs leo, tantum valet iste loquende .

Nse m em oranda tem en vobis m ea facts , Pelasg i,Esse reer vidistis enim . Sue narrst Ulysses

Q ua sine tests g erit, quorum nox conscia sols est.

Pram is m ag na peti feteer sed dem it honorem

E m ulus. Ajaci non est tenu isse superbum ,

Sit licet hoe ing ene, quidquid speravit Ulysses.

Iste tulit pretium jam nunc certam iuis bujneQ ue cum victus crit, m ecum certt


isse feretur.

Atque e g o, si virtus in m e dubitebilis esset

Nobilitate petens essem , Te lem ene cre stus

Ma nia qui forti Trojans sub Hercule cepit


Littoraque intravitPag asaaC e lcha csrina.

E scus huic pater est quijurs silentibus illic

Reddit, ubi [Ee liden saxum g rave Sisyphon urg e t.

E acen sg noscit sum m us, prolem que fetetur

Jupiter e sse suam . Sic ab Jove tertius Ajax .

Nec tem en hae series in cause prosit, Achivi ;Si m ihi cum m ag ne non e st com m un is Achille .

Frater,erat fraterna pete . Q uid san g u ine cretus

Sisyphio , furtisque , st frauds sim illim us illi,

l nscrit JEscidis aliena nom ina g entis ?

An qued in arm s prior, nulleque sub indies veni,

Arm s ne g ande m ihi ? potiorque videbitur ille ,

Ultim e qui cepit, de treetevitque furore

Militiam ficto douse solertior iste ,

Sed sibi inutilior, tim idi com m ents retexit

Neupliades anim i, vitsteque traxit in arm s?

Optim a nunc sum at, qui sum ere noluit u lls

Nos inhonorsti, et donis patrue libus orhi,Obtulim us qui nos ad prim e pericu la, sim us.

Atque utinam aut verus furor il le , aut creditus, esset

Nec com e s hic Phryg ias unqusm ve nisset ad arces

Hortator sce lerum ! Non te , Pa antia pro les,

Expositum Lem nos nostre cum crim ine haberet.

Q u i nunc (u t m em orant)silve stribus abditus antt isSaxe m oves g em itu , Laertiadaque precaris,

Q ua m eruit:qua (si di sunt)non van s preceris.

Et nunc ille eedem nobis juretus in arm s ,

(Heu pars une ducum , que successors sag itta

Herculis utuntur, fractus m orboque fam eque ,

Ve laturque el iturque avibus ; volucresque petendo

DebitaTrojenis sxercet spicula fatis.

Ille tam en vivit, quis non com itavit Ulyssem .


Sustinui ; sortem que m esm vovistis, Achivi

Et vestra val uers preces. Si quaritis bujneFortunam pu g na non sum superatus ab illo .

Ecce ferunt Tree s ferrum que , ig nem que , Jovem que

In Denass classes ubinunc facundus Ulysses ?

Nem pe e g o m ille m ee protexi pectore puppes,

Spem ve stri reditfis. Date tot pro nevibus arm s .

Qued si vera licet m ihi dicere ; quaritur istis, 95

Quem m ihi, m ajor honos conjunctaque g loria nostra e st,

Atque Ajax arm is, non Ajaci arm s petuntur.

Conferat his Ithscus Rhesum , im be llem que Dolone,

Priem idenque He lenum rapta cum Pal lade captum .

Luce n ihil g e stum , nihil e st Diom ede rem ote

Si sem e l ists datis m eritis tam vilibus arm s

Dividite et m ajor pars sit Diom edis in illis .

Q ue tam en hac Ithaco ? qui clam , qui sem per inerm is

Rem g erit st furtis incautum dec ipit hostem?

Ipse niter g slea , clsro radisntis eb euro ,

Insidies prodet, m anife stabitque latentem .

Sed neque Du lichius sub Achillis casside vertex

Ponders tan ta fere t n e e non on erosa g revisque

Pe liss esse potest im be llibus haste lac ertis

Nee c lypeus, vesti ca latus im ag ine m undi,

Convenie t tim ida , nataque ed furte sinistra .

Debilitaturum quid te pe tis, im probe , m unus 5’

Qued tibi si populi donaverit error Achivi,

C ur spolieris, crit ; non , cur m etuaris ab hosts .

Et fu g a (quasols cuncte s, tim idissim e , vitreis)Tarda future tibi est, g estam ina tanta trahenti.

Adds , qued iste tuns, tam rare pra l ia passus,

Inte g er est clypeus nostre , qui tela fereudo


Mille petet plag is, nevus est successor hebendus.Benique , quid verbis epus est ? spectem ur


ag endo

Arm s viri fortis m edics m ittan tur in hostes

Inde jubete peti et referentem ornate re latis.’

FinierstTe lam one satus vulg ique secutum

Ul tim e m urm ur erat de nec Laé'

rtius heros

Adstitit atque oculos paulum te llure m e rete s

Sustulit ad proceres ; exspectatoque resolvit

Ora seno neque abe st facundis g ratis dictis.

Si m es cum vestris ve lu issent vote , Pe lasg i,

Non feret am big uus tanti certem inis hare s

Tuque tuis arm is, nos te poterem ur, Achil le .

Qu em quoniam non aqua m ihi vobisque ne g arunt

Fats (m eneque sim ul ve luti lecrym sntis tersit

Lum ina) quis m ag ne m ehus succedst Aehil li,

Quem per quem m ag nus Denars successit Achilles?

Huic m ode ne prosit, qued, ut e st, hebes e sse videtur

Neve m ihi noeeat, qued vobis sem per, Achivi,Profuit in g enium m esque ha c facundia, si qua est,

Q ua nunc pro dom ino, pro vobis sape lecuta est,

Invidiacare st bone ne e sue quisque recuset.

Nam g enus, et pre eve s, et qua non feeim us ipsi,

V ix ea nostra voce . Sed enim , quis re tu lit AjaxE sse Jovis pren epos, nostri quoque san g uinis auctor

Jupiter est :totidem que g radus distem us ab illo .

Nem m ihi Laertes pate r e st, Arce sius ill i,

Jupiter huic neque in his quisquam dam natus et exsul .

Est quoque per m atrem Cyllenius addita nobis 146

Alters nebilite s deus est in utroque parents .

Sed n eque m aterno qued sum g enerosior e rtu ,

Nee m ihi qued pater est fraterni sang uinis insons,

Proposita arm s pete :m eritis expendite causam .


Dum m odo qued fretre s Te lam on Pe leusque fuerunt,

Ajacis m erittun non sit :nee sang uinis ordo,

Sed virtutis honos spe liis quaratur in istis.

Aut si proxim itss prim usque requiritur hares ;

Est g enitor Pcleus, e st Pyrrhus filius illi.

Quis locus Ajaci ? Phthiam Scyronve feruntur.

Nee m inus est iste Teucer patrue lis Achilli.

Num petit ills tam en num sperst, ut suferat arm s ?

Erg o operum quoniam nudum certam en habetur ;

Plura quidem fe ci, quam qua com prendere dictis

In prom ptu m ihi sit :rerum tam en ordine ducer.

Prascie venturi g enitrix Ncriéis leti

Dissim ulst cultu natum . Decepe rat om nes,

In quibus Ajece m , sum pta fallacia vestis.

Arm s e g o fa m ine is, anim um m otura virilem ,

Mercibus insem i. Neque adhuc projee erat herosVirg inee s habitus, cum parm am hastem que tenenti,Nate dea,

”dixi, tibi se peritura reserven t

Perg em a. Quid dubites in g entem evertere TrojamInjee ique m enum , fortem que ad fortis m isi.

Erg o opera illius m ea sunt. Eg o Te lephon haste

Pu g nsn tem dom ui :victum orante m que refeei.

Q ued Theba cecidére , m eum est ; m e credite Lesbon,Me Tenedon , Chrysenque , e t Cyllan , Apollinis urbe s,Et Syre n eepisse m es cencusss putete

Procubuisse solo Lyrnesie m a nia dextra.

t ue alias taesam ; qui savum perdere posse t

Hectors , nem pe dedi per m e jace t inc lytus Hector.

Il lis hac arm is, quibus est inventus Achilles,Arm s pete vivo dederam , post fate repe sse .

Ut dolor unius Dansos pervenit ad om nes,

Aulidaque Euboi'

cem com plérunt m ille carina


Mente ferant placidi :doceo que sim os alsndi,

Arm andive m ode :m itte r que postulat usus.

Ecce Jovis m onitu , deceptus im ag ine som ni,

Rex jube t incepti curam dim ittere be lli.

Ille potest auctors suam defenders causam .

Non sinet hoe Ajax, de lendaque Perg em a poscatQuodque potest, pu g net. Cur non rem eratur ituros 220

Cur non arm s cepit? Dat, qued ve g a turbe sequatur ?

Non erat hoe nim ium nunquam n isi m ag na lequenti.

Quid, qued et ipse fu g is? vidi, puduitque videre ,

Cum tu terg a dares, iu honestaque velaparsre s.

Nec m ore , Quid facitis ? qua vos dem entia,’dixi, 225

Coneitet, o socu , captam dim ittere Trojam ?

Q uidve de m um fertis decim o , nisi dedecus, enno

Talibus atque alus, in qua dolor ipse disertum

Feceret, sversos profug ade c lasse reduxi.

Convocet Atrides socios terrore paventes

Nee Telam oniades e tiam nunc hiscere quidquam

Ausit at susus erat re g es incessere dictis

Thersites, etiam per m e haud im pune, protervie.

Erig or, et trepide s cive s exhorter in he stem

Am issam que m eavirtu tem voce repe sce .

Tem pere ab hoe , quodeunque potest feeisse videri

Fortiter iste , m eum est qui dentem terg a re trexi.

T Benique de Dausrs quis ts laudatve petitve ?

At sua Tydides m ecum com m unieet acts

Me probat : et socio sem per confidit Ulysse .

Est aliquid, de tot Grejorum m illibus, unum

ADiom ede le g i. Nse m e sors ire jubebstSic tam en et spreto noctisque hostisque periclo,

Ansum eadem , qua nos, Phryg la de g ente Dolona

n te rim o :non ants tam en , quam cune ta coég i


lere st edidiei quid perfids Troja pareret.is cog norem nee , qued specularer, habebam

m pram issapoteram cum lauds reverti.

i contentus ea, pet n tentoria Rhesi,

3 suis ipsum castris cem ite sque perem i.

e ita captive victor votisque potitus,

dior eurru late s im itan te trium phe s

ls eque s pre tium pro necte poposcerat hostis.

1 ne g ate m ihi fu eritque benig niorAjax .

d Lyen referem Sarpedonis ag m ine ferro

istate m ee Cum m ulto san g uine fudi

m en , Hippasiden , ctAlastoraque , Chrom ium que ,

1drum que , Helium que , Noem onaque , Prytaninque ,

oque dedi cum Chersidam ante Thoene ,1haropen , fatisque im m itibus Ennom on actnm

us m inus celebres nostrasub m a nibus urbis

ubuére m enu . Sunt e t m ihi vu ln ere , cives,

pulchra loco n ec vanis credits verbis

site en (vestem qu e m e nu didueit)et, Hac Sunt

are se m per,’ait, vestris exercita rebus. 265

hi] im pe ndit per tot Te lam onius ennos

uinis in socios et habe t'

siue vulnere corpus.

rid tam en hoe refert, si se pro c lasse Pe lasg ii

r tulisse refert contra Troasque Jovcm que

iteorque , tu lit :neque enim bene fac ts m alig ne 270

stars m e um e st : sed n ec com m unis solus

lpe t, atque s liqucm vobis quoque reddat honorem .

l l lt Actorides, sub im ag ine tutus Achillis,

s eh srsuris cum defensore carinis.

m e tiam Hectoreo so lum concurrere Marti

utet, oblitus re g isque , ducum que , m eique

IS in officio , et pra lstus m ouere sortis.


Sed tem en eventus vestra ,fortissim e , pu g na

Quis fuit ? Hector abit violatus vu ln ere nu llo.

Me m iserum , quanto ce g or m em inisse dolore

Tem poris il lius ; que , Grejfim m urus, Achilles

Procubuit Nso m e lacrym a , luctusve , tim orve

Tardarunt, quin corpus hum o sublim e referrem .

His hum eris, his, inquam , hum eris e g o corpus Achillis,

Et sim ul arm s tu li qua nunc quoque ferre labore . 285

Sunt m ihi, qua val eant in telis pondera, vires

Est anim us vestros certs sensurus honores.

Seilicet idcirco pro g usto caru la m eter

Am bitiosa sue fuit, ut ca lestia done ,

Artis epus tanta , rudis st sine pectore m iles

Indueret ? neque enim clype i ca lam ina norit,

Occanum , et terras, cum que alto sidera ceelo ,

Pleradesque , Hysdasque , inununem que aqueris Arete n ,Diversssque urbes, nitidum que Orionis ensem .

Postulat ut e spiet, qua non inte llig it, arm s .

Quid ? qued m e , duri fug ientem m unera be lli,

Arg uit incepte serum aceessisse leberi

Nse se m ag nanim o m al edieere sentit Achilli?

Si sim ulasse vocat crim en , sim ulsvim u s em bo .

Si m ora pro cu lps est e g o sum m aturior ille .

Me pie detinuit conjux pie m ater Achillen

Prim eque sunt illis date tem pora, catera vobis.

Haud tim eo, sijem nequeo defenders crim en

C um tento com m une viro . Deprensus Ulyssis

Ing enio tam en ille st non Ajacis, Ulysse s.

Neve in m e stolida convieis funders ling ua

Adm irem ur sum :vobis quoque dig na pudereObj 1eit. An false Palsm eden crim ine turpe

Accusasse m ihi, vobis dam nasse decorum est ?


Ire per excubias, st se com m uters nocti ?

Perque feres suses, non tantum m a nia Trouw ,

Verirm etiam sum m as arces intrare , suaqueEripere ads deam , raptam que efl


erre per hostes?

Q ua nisi fecissem , frustrsTe lam one creatus

Ge stfisset lavateurorum terg ora septem .

ms necte m ihi Troja Victoria parts e st

Perg em a tum vici, cum vinci posse coe g i.

Desine Tydiden vultuqus et m urm urs nobis

Ostentare m eum pars est sue landis in il lis.

Nee tu , cum soc1a clypeum pro c lasse tenches,

Solus eras :tibi turbe com es, m ihi contig it unus.

Q ui, nisi pu g nacem scire t sepiente m inorem

Esse , n ec indom ita deberi pram ie de xtra ,

Ipse quoque hac peteret peteret m oderatier Ajax ,Eurypylusque ferox, e laroque Andrem ene natus

Nec m inus Idom eneus, patrieque cre stus eadem

Meriones peteret m ajoris frater Atrida .

Quippe m enu fortes (nee suut tibiMarts seeundi)Consiliis cessers m eis. Tibi dexters be lle

Utilis ing enium est, qued e g et m oderam ine nostri.

Tu vires sine m ente g eris m ihi curs futuri est.

Tu pug n ere potes :pu g nandi tem pora m ecum

Elig it Atrides : tu tantum corpore predes ;

Nes snim o quanteque ratem qui tem perat, anteit

Rem ig is officium ; quante dux m ilite m ajor ;Tauto e g o te supero. Nse non in corpore nostre

Pectora suut potiora m enu vig or om nis in illis.

At vos, o proceres, vig ili date pram ie vestre ;Proque te t arm orum curs, ques enxius e g i,

Hunc titulum m eritis peusandum reddite ne stris.

Jam labor in fine est:obstantia fats rem ovi


Al taque , posse cepifaciendo, Perg em a cepi.

Per spes nunc socias, e ssuraque m a nia Troum ,

Perque deos ore , ques hosti nuper adem iPer, si quid superest, qued sit sapienter ag endum ;

Si quid adhuc audax , ex pracipitique petendum

Si Troja fatis aliquid restare putatis ;Este m ei m em eres :sut si m ihi non datis arm s

Huic date .

’ Et ostendit sig num fatale Minerva .

Mots m enus procerum est et, quid facundia posset,Re petuit fortisque viri tulit arm s disertus.

He ctors qui solus, quiferrum , ig nem que , Jovem que

Sustinuit to ties unam non sustin et iram

Invictum que virum vincit dolor. Arripit ensem

Et, Meus hie certs est. An st hunc sibi poscet Ulysses ?

Hoc ,’ait, utendum est in m e m ihi quique cruore

Sape Phryg um m aduit, dom ini nunc cade m adebit :

Ne quisquem Ajacem possit superare , nisiAjax .

Dixit : st in pectus, tum denique vulners pessum ,

Q ui patuit ferre , letalem condidit ensem

Nec valuére m enus infixum educere te lum

Expulit ipse cruer rubefsctaque sang uine tellus

Purpureum viridi g enuit de cespite florem ,

Q ui pr1us (Bhalio fuerst de vuln ere natus.

Liters com m unis m ediis pueroque viroque


scripte est fe liis ha c nom inis, ills querela .


v. 404.

Troja sim ul Prism usque cadunt :Friem e l e conjuxPerdidit iufe lix hom inis post om niaform em ;


Lon g us in ang ustum quaclauditur He lle spontus,

l lion ardebat ; n eque adhuc consederst ig nis

Exig uum que senis Priam i Jovis are crue rem

Com biberet. Tractate ce m is antistite Pha bi

Non prefectures tendebat ad a there palm as.

Dardan idas m etre s petrierum sig ns deorum ,

Dum licet, am plexas, succcnsaquc tem pla tenentes

Invidiosa trahunt victores pram ie Graji.

MittiturAs tyanax illis de turribus, unde

Pug nsntem pro se , proavitaque re g na tuentem ,

Sape videre pe trem , m onstrstum a m etre , solebat.

Jam que viam suadet Boreas ; flatuque secundo

C srbase m ote sousn t jubet uti navite ventis.

Troja, vale repim ur,’c lem ent :den tque oscu la terras

Troade s et pe tria fum entis te cte re linquunt.

Ul tim e conscendit c lessem (m iserabile visu)In m edus Hecube netorum invents sepu leris.

Prenssntem tum ulos, atque ossibus oscu la dentem

Dulichia trsxére m enus. Tam en unius heusit,

Inque sinu cinere s secum tulit Hectoris heuste s .

Hectoris in tum u lo eanum de vertice crinem,

Inferias inopes, crinem lscl l rym ssque re linquit.

Est, ubi Troja fuit, Phryg ia contraria te llus,

Bistonus habitats viris. Polym e storis illic

Re g ie dives erst, cui te cem m isit elendum

Clam , Pe lydorc , peter, Phryg nsque rem ovit ab arm is.

Consilium sapiens, sce leris nisi pram ie m ag nes

Adjecisset opes, anim i irritam en avari.

Ut e ccidit Fortuna Phryg um , cepit im pius ensem

Rex Threcum , jug u leque sui defig it alum ni

Et, tanquam te lli cum corpore crim ine pessent,Exsm


m em e seepulo subjectes m isit in undas .


Non captive , rog st g enitrici corpus in em ptum

Reddite neve euro redim et jus triste sepu lcri,

Sed lscrym is. Tune , cum poterat, redim ebat et auro .

Dixerat. At popu lus lecrym as, quas ille tenebst,

Non tenet. Ipse etiam fiens invitusque sacerdos

Prabita conjecto rupit pracerdie ferro .

Il la, super terram defecto poplite labens,

Pertu lit intrepidos ad fats novissim a vultos.

Troade s excipiunt, deploratosque recensent

Priam idas, e t quid dederit dem us une crueris.

Teque g em unt, virg o ; teque , 0 m ode re g ie conjux,Re g ie dicta parens, Asia florentis im ag e

Nunc e tiam prada m ale sors : quam victor Ulysses

Esse suam nolle t, nisi qued tam en He ctors partu

Edideras. Dom inum m atri vix reperit Hector.

Q ua corpus ce m plexe snim a tam fortis inane ,

Ques toties patria dederet, natisque , viroque ,

Huic quoque dat lecrym as ; lecrym as in vu lnere fundit

Osculsque ore le g it, consuetsque pectore plan g it

C snitiem que suam con cre te in san g uin e ve rrens,

Plurs quidem , sed et ha c , lanieto pectore dixit

Nate tua (quid enim supere st dolor u ltim e m atri,

Nets , jeces :videoque tuum , m ee vu lners , vu ln us.

Eu , n e perdiderim quenquem sine cade m eorum ,

Tu quoque vulnus hebes. At te , quis fa m ine , rebsr 490

A ferro tutam cecidisti et fa m ine ferro .

Te tque tue s idem fiatres, te perdidit idem ,

Exitium Troja , nostrique orbetor, Achilles.

At pe stquam Paridis cecidit Pha biqu e se g ittis

Nunc c erts,”dixi, non e st m etuendus Achilles.

Nunc quoque m i m etuendus erat. C inis ipse sepu lti

In g enus Izoc savit: tum ulo quoque sen s’

xm us‘nos\em


E acida fa cunde fui. Jscet Ilion in g ens

Eventuque g rsvifinite e st publica cledes

Si finite tam en . Soli m ihi Perg em a restant

In cursuque m eus dolor est. Mode m exim s rerum ,

Tot g eneris natisque pe tens, nuribusque viroque ,

Nunc trshor exsul , inops, tum ulis svulse m eorum ,

Pe n e lopa m unus :qua m e , data pense trahentem ,

Matribus ostendens Ithaeis, Hac Hectoris il ls e st

Clara parens hac est,”die st, Friem e l e conjux .

Postque tot am isse s tu nunc , qua sole levabas

Meternos luctus, hostilia busts plasti.

Inferias hosti peperi. Q ue ferres resto

Q uidve m oror que m e serves, dam nosa senectus ?

Quid, di crude les, nisi que nova funera cernem ,

Vivee em difi'

ertis enum Q uis posse putsre t

Fe licem Prism um , post diruta Perg em a, dici?

Fe lix m orte sua, n ee te , m e s n ets , pere m ptem

Adspicit, et vitam pariter re g num que re liquit.

At (puto)funeribus dotsbere , reg ie Virg oConde turque tuum m onum entis corpus avitis.

Non hac e st fortune dem us. Tibi m unera m etris

Contin g ent fle tus, pere g rinaque haustus arena .

Om nia perdidim us. Superest, cur vivere tem pus

In breve sustineem , prole s g retissim a m atri,

Nunc solus, quondam m inim us de stirpe virili,

He s datus Ism srio re g i Polydorus in ores .

Quid m eror interea crude lis vu lners lym phis

Abluere , et sperse s im m iti san g uine vu ltus

Dixit e t ed littus passu processit snili,

Albentes lsniats com es. Date , Troades, urnam ,

Dixerat infe lix , liquidas hauriret ut undas

Adspicit ej e ctum Polydori in litters corpus ,



Fae taque Thre l cus in g entia vulners te lis .

Troade s exe lam eut obm utuit ille dolore

Et pariter vocem , lscrym ssque introrsus ebertas

Beverst ipse dolor duroque sim illim a saxo

Torpet et adversafig it m ode lum ine tetra

Interdum torvos sustollit ad athera vultus

Nunc positi specte t vu ltum , nun c vulnere , nati,

Vulnere pracipué seque arm st et instruit ire.

Q uasim ul exarsit, tanquam re g ina m aneret,

Ulcisci statuit pa naque in im ag ine tots est.

t ue furit catulo lactente orbate leans ,

Sig nsque n ecte pedum , sequitur, quem non videt, he stem

Sic Hecube , pe stquam cum lue tu m iscuit iram ,

Non oblita anirnorum , arm orum oblita snorum ,

Vadit ad ertificem dira Polym este rs cadis

Colloquium que petit nam se m oustrare re lictum

Ve lle latens illi, qued nato reddere t, aurum .

Credidit Odrysius :pradaque adsuetus am ore

In secrets venit cum blendo callidus ore ,

Tolls m ores, Hecube ,’dixit ds m unere nato .

Om ne fore illins que d das, qued ct ante dedisti,

Per supere s juro .

’ Spectst true u lenta loquentem ,

Falseque jursntem : tum idaque exa stuat ire ;

Atque its correptum captivarum ag m ine m atrum

Involat, et dig ite s in perfide lum in s condit,

Exspoliatque g enes oculis, (fecit ire vsl entem )Im m erg itque m enus fa dataque sang uine sonti

Non lum en , neque enim superest, loca lum inis haurit.

Clade suiThracum g ens irritate tyranni

Treads te lorum lspidum que incessere jectuCapit. At has m issum rauco cum m urm urs saxum 560

Morsibus insequitur rictuque in verbe parem


Occidit a ferti (sic vos voluistis)Achille .

De , precor, huic al iquem , solstia m ortis, honorem ,

Sum m e deum rector, m aternaque vu lners leni.’

Jupiter annuerst ; cum Mem nonis arduus alto

Corruit ig ne rog us, nig rique volum ine fum i

Infeeére diem ve luti cum flum ine natas

Exhalant nebulas, nee sol adm ittitur infra.

Atrs fsvilla volat, g lom eratsque corpus in unum

Densatur ; feciem que cepit : sum itque calorem

Atque anim am ex ig ni. Levitas sua prabuit alas.

Et prim e sim ilis volucri, m ex vere ve lucris

Inseuuit pennis. Pariter senners sorores

Innum era , quibus est eadem netel is orig o .

Terque re g um lustrant et consonus exit in auras

Ter c lan g or quarto seducunt castra volstu .

Tum duo diversapopuli de parte feroces

Bella g erunt, rostrisque , et sduncis un g uibus iras

Exercent, alasque adversaque pectora lassant

Inferiaque cadunt cineri cog nate sepu lto

Corpora seque viro forti m em inere creates.

Prapstibus subitis nom en fecit auctor ; ab illo

Menm onides dicta , cum sol duodeua pere g it

Sig ns , parentali peritura Marts rebe llant.

Erg o aliis latrasse Dym entida flebile visum

Luctibus est Aurora suis intents , piasque

Nunc quoque det lecrym as, et toto rorat in orbe .




v. 445 .

Solvitur herboso re lig atus ab ag g ere funis

Et procul insidias, infam ataque re linquunt

Tects dea , lucosque petunt, ubi nubilus um bra

In m are cum flavaprorum pit Tybris arena.

Fauuig enaque dem o pe titur nataque Latini

Non sin e Marts tam en . Be ll um cum g ente feroci

Suscxpitur pactaque furit pro conjug e Turnus.

Concurrit Latio Tyrrhenis tots diuque

Ardua sollicitis victe ria quaritur arm is.

Au g et uterque sues externo robere vires

Et m ulti Rutulos, m ul ti Trojans tuentur

C estrs . Neque E neas Evandri ed lim ine fi'ustra,At Venulus m s g nem profug iDiom edis ad urbem

Venerat. Il le quidem sub l epyg e m axim aDauno

Ma nia condiderat, dotaliaque arve tenebat.

Sed Venu lus Turni pe stquam m andate pere g it,

Auxilium que petit ; vires [Etolius heros

Excusat nee se soceri com m itters pug na

Ve lle sui popu los nee , que s e g ente snorum

Arm et, habere vire s. Rutu li sine viribus illis

Be l ls instructs g erunt m u ltum que ab utrinque crueris

Parte datur. Fert ecce avidas in pines Turnus

Texts feces ig nesque tim ent, quibus unds pepereit.

Jam que picem , et e eras, alim entaque catera flam m a

Mulciber urebat, perque altum ed carbass m alum

Ibe t, e t incurva fum ebant transtra carina



Cum m em or has pinus Idao vertice eases

Sanete defim g enitrix, tinnitibus eera pulsi

E ris, st inflati com plevit m urm urs buxi.

Perque leves dem itis invests leonibus sures,Irrita sacrile g ajactas incendia dextra,Turns ,

’ait. Eripiam ; use , m e patients , crem abit

Ig nis edax nem orum partes et m em bra m eorum .

Intenuit dicente dea:tonitrum que secuti

Cum saliente g raves ceeiderunt g randine nim bi

Aersque , et subitis tum idum eoncursibus aquor

Astrai turbant, et suut in pra lia, fratres.

E quibus elm a parens, unius viribus use ,Stupe s prarum pit Phryg ia retinacula c lassis

Fertque rates prones, m edioque sub aque re m erg it.

Robore m ollito, lig noque in corpora verso,

In cspitum faeiem puppes m utantur adunca

In dig ites abeunt, et crura natantia, rem i

Quodque prius fuerst, letus est : m ediisque carie sSubdita navig us, spina m utstur in usum .

Lina com a m olles, antenna brachia fiunt.

Carulus, ut fuerst, color e st. Q uasque an te tim ebant,

Il las virg ineis exercent lusibus undas

Nsides aquorea durisque in m ontibus orta

Me lle fretum ce lebrsnt :nee ess sua tan g it orig o .

Non tam en oblita , quam m u lta pericula save

Pertulerint pe lag e , jactatis sape carinis

Supposuére m enus nisi si que vehebst Achivos.

C ladis adhuc Phryg ia m em ores, odérs Pe lasg os.

Spes erat, in nyrnphas anim atec lasse m arinas,

Posse m etu m onstri Rutulum desistsre be lle .

Perstat, habetque deos pars utreque quique deorumInstar, habent anim os. Nee jam dotalia re g na,

133 marm oarnosaou

Cornig er exsequitur Veneris m andate :suisque ,

Quicquid in Ense fuerst m ortal e , repurg at,

Et resperg it equis. Pars optim a restitit illi.

Unxit, et am bros1a cum dulci nectare m ixta

Contig it es, fecitque deum quem turbe Q uirini

Nuncupst Indig etem ; tem ploque arisque recepit.Inde sub Ascenii ditione binom inis Alba,

Resque L atins fuit :succedit Silvius illi:

Q ue sstus, antique tenuit repe tita Latinus

Nom ius cum sceptre . C larum subitAlbaLatinm n

Epitos ex illo est :post hunc Capetusque , Capysque ;

Sed C spys antefiiit. Re g num T1berinus ab illis

Cepit ; st in Tusci dem ersus flum inis undisNom ine fecit aqua . De que Rem ulusque, feroxque 105

Acrota suut g eniti Rem ulus m aturior annis

Fulm ineo pere t, im itator fulm inis, ietu .

Fratre sue sceptrum m oderatier Astete forti

Tredit Aveutiuo qui que reg usrat, eedem

Monte jacet positus ; tribuitque vocabuls m onti.Jam que Paletina sum m am Procs g entis behebst.

Re g s sub hoe Pom ona fuit :quanulls LatinasInterHam adryades solnit sollertius hortos,Nse fuit arborei studiosior alters fa tfis

Unde tenet nem en . Non silvas ill s , nee em nes ;

Rus sm st, et rem os, felicia pom s fersutes.

Nec jaculo g ravis est, sed aduncadexters false

Q uam ode luxuriem prem it, et spatiantia passim

Brachia com pescit :fisse m ode eortiee virg em

Inscrit, et suecos elieuo prastat slum no.

Nee patitur sentire aitim :bibulaque recurvas

Radicis fibres labentibus irrig at undis.


roxim us Ausonias injusti m iles Am uli

it ope s Num ite rque senex em issa nepotu n

ere reg na cep1t fesfisque Palil ibus urbis

1ia cenduntur. Tatiusque patresque Sabini

1 g erunt arcisque V1s Tarpeia recluse

is anim am pa ns cong estis exuit arm is.

sati Curibus, tacitorum m ore luporum ,

prem unt voces, e t corpora vista sopore

l uut, portasque petunt ; quas obj rce firm s

serat Ilisdes. Unem tam en ipse ree ludit,

stre pitum verse Ssturnis sardine fecit.

Venus porta ceeidisse repag ule sensit

leusura fuit nisi qued reseindere nunquam

ieet acta deum. Jauo locajuncta tenebantesAusonia , g elido terentia fonts

rog at auxilium . Nse nym pha justs petentemnuére deam venasque st fium ina fontis

lére sui. Nondum tam en invia Jeni

patentis erant, neque iter prac luseret unds .

l a supponunt fa cundo sulfura fonti,

1duntque caves fum ente bitum ine venas.

us his aliisque vapor penetravit ad im s

is et Alpine m ode qua certers rig ori

batis aqua ,non e editis ig nibus ipsis.

1m iferag em ini fum ant adsperg ine pestes

rque , uequicquam rig idis perm isse Sabinis,

e fuit prastructa neve ; dum Martius arm s

ret m ile s. Q ua pe stquam Rom ulus ultro

lit ; et strata est te llus Rom ans Sebinis

oribus, strata estque suis ; g enerique cruerem

uine cum soceri perm iscuit im pius ensis

tam en sisti bellum , use in ultim e form



Decertare , placet ; Tatium que eccedere re g ne .

Occiderat Tatius, populisque aquata duobus,

Rem u le , jura dabas :posits cum casside Mevers

Talibus afiiitur divfim que he m inum que parentem

Tem pus adest, g enitor, (quoniam fundam ine m ag ne

Res Rom ans valet, nec praside pendet ab uno)Pram is , qua prom isse m ihi dig noque nepoti,

Solvers , et ablatum terris im ponere ca le .

Tu m ihi concilio quondam prasente deorum ,

(Nam m em oro, m em orique snim o pis verba notavi)Unus crit, quem tu te lles in caru la ca li,

Dixisti. Reta sit verborum sum m e tuorum .

Annuit enm ipotens, e t nubibus sere cacis

Occuluit, tonitruque e t fulg ure terruit Urbem .

Q ua sibi pre m issa sensit data sig ns rapina ,

Innixusque hasta , presse s tem one eruento

h pavidus conscendit eque s Gredivus, s t ictu

Verberis increpuit pronum que per acre lapsus

Constitit in sum m e uem orosi ce lls Pal ati

Reddentem que suo jam re g ie jura Q uiriti

Abstu lit Ilisden . Corpus m ortale per auras

Dilepsum tenues ceu lets plum be s funds

Misss solet m edic g lans intebescere ca le .

Pulchra subit facies, et pu lvinsribus altis

Dig nior, et qualia trabeati form s Q uirini.

Flebet ut sm issum conjux cum re g ie JunoIrin ad Hersiliem descenders lim ite curve

Im peret et vacua sua sic m andate referre .

O et de Lane , 0 et de g ente Sabina

Pracipuum , m atrona, deeus ; dig nissim a tanti

Ante fuisse viri, conjux nunc e sse Q uirini

Sists tues fietus e t, si tibi cure videndi


Et rerum causes, st quid natura, docebst

Quid deus unde nives qua fulm inis esset orig o ;

Jupiter, an venti, dise ussanube tonarent ;

Quid quateret terres quasidera le g e m earent ;

Et quodeunque late t. Prim usque an im slia m ensis

Arg uit im poni prim us quoque tslibus ora

De cts quidem solvit, sed non st credits , verbis

Farcite , m ortales, dapibus tem erare nefandis

C orpors . S im t frug es, sunt deducentia rem os

Ponders pom s sue , tum idaque in vitibus uva

Sunt herba dulces suut, qua m itescere (l em m a,

Mollirique queant. Nec vobis lacteus hum or

L ripl tl l r, nee m e lla thym i redolentie derem .

Prodig a divitias, alim entaque m itis te llus

Sug g erit :atque spules sine cade et san g uine prabet.

Cam e fera sedent jejunia nee tam en om nes.

Quippe equus, st pecudes, arm eutsque g ram ine vivunt. 25

At quibus in g enium est irnm ansuetum que , ferum que ,

Arm eniaque tig res, iracundique leone s,C um que lupis ursi, dapibus cum san g uine g audent.

Heu quantum sce lus e st, in viscera viscera condi,

Con g estoque avidum pin g uescere corpore corpus

Al teriusque anim entem anim antis vivere leto

Scilicet in tantis epibus, ques eptim a m atrum

Terra parit, nil ts n isi tristia m audere save

Vulnera dents juvat, ritusque referre Cyc lopum?

Nee , nisi perdideris alium , placare voracis,

Et m ale m orati poteris jejunia ventrisAt vetus ille ates, cui fecim us Aurea nom en ,

Fa tibus arhoreis, et, quas hum us educst, herbis

Fortunate fuit nee polluit ora cruere .

Tune et eves tuta m ovére per acre pennas


Et lepus irnpavidus m edus errsvit in ag ris

Nec sua credulitas piscem suspenderat hem e

Cuneta sine insidiis, nullum que tim entis fieudem ,

Plenaque pacis erant. Postqusm non utilis auctor

Victibus invidit, (quisquis fuit ille virorum )Corporeasque dapes avidam dem ersit in alvum

Fecit iter sce leri:prim aque e cade ferarum

l ncaluisse putem m acu latum san g uine ferrum .

q ue satis fue rst :nostrum que pe tentis letum

Corpore m isse neci, salve pietate , fatem ur

Sed quam dende neci, tam non spu lende fuerunt.

Lou g ius inde nefas abut et prim e putstur

Hostis sus m eruisse m ori, quis sem ina pando

Eruerit rostre , spem que interceperit enni.

Vite caper m ersaBacchi m ae tandus ad aras

Ducitur u lteris. Noeuit sua culps duobus.

/Quid m eruistis eves, plecidum pecus, inque tuende s\

iNstum hom ine s, plcno qua fertis in ubere nectar

Moll ia qua nobis vestrs s ve lam ina lan es

Prabetis, vitaque m ag is, quam m orte juvatis.Quid m eruére boves, anim al sine frauds dolisque ,

Innoeuum , sim plex, natum tolerare labores ?

Im m e m or est dem um , nee frug um m unere dig nas,

Q ui potuit curvi dem pto m ode pondere aratri

Ruricolem m aetare suum qui trite labore

Il la, quibus totie s durum renovaveret ervum ,

Tot dederet m esses, percussit ce lls secut i.

Nee satis est, qued tale n efas com m ittitur:ipsos

Inscripsére deos sceleri, num enque supernum

Cade laboriferi credunt g enders juvenci.Victim s labs cerens, et prastantissim a form s,

(Nam placuisse neset)vittis prasig nis et euro,


Sistitur ante aras, auditque ig nera presentem

Im ponique sua videt inter cornua fronti,

Ques coluit fru g es percusseque san g uine cultros

Inficit in liquids pravisos forsitan unda.

Pre tinas ereptas viventi pectore fibres

Inspiciunt, m entesque defim scrutsntur in illis.

Uude fam es bom ini vetite rum tanta ciborum ?

Aude tis vessi, g enus o m ortale ? qued, ore ,

Ne facite et m ouitis anim e s advertite nostris.

Cum que boum dabitis casorum m em bra palate ,

Mendere vos vestros scite et sentite colonos.

Et quoniam deus era m ovet, sequer ora m oventem

Rite deum De lphosque m eos, ipsum que recludam

E thera st au g usta reserabo oracu la m entis.

Mag us , nee in g enus evestig ata priorum ,

Q uaque diu lstuére , cansm . Juvat ire per al tsAstra juvat, terris et inerti sede re lictis,

Nube vehi vslidique hum eris insisters Atlantis

Palantesque snim os passim ac rationis e g entes

Despectere pre sul , trepidosque , obitum que tim entes

Sic exhortari ; seriem que evolvere fsti.

O g enus attonitum g e lida form idine m ortis

Q uid Styg a, quid tenebres, quid nom ine vane tim etis ,

Heterism vatum , felsique piacule m undi ?

Corpora sive rog us flam m a, seu tabe vetustas

Abstul erit, m ale posse pati non ul ls putetis.

Morte cerent anim a sem perque , priors re licta

Sede , novis habitant dom ibus vivuntque recepta .

Ipse e g o (nem m em ini)Trojani tem pore be lliPanthoide sEuphorbus erem :cui pectore quondamSedit in adverse g ravis haste m inoris Atrida .

Cog novi clypeum , lava g estam ina nostra


Nec par aut eadem nocturna form s Diana

Esse potest unquem sem perque hodierna sequente ,

Si crescit, m inor est ; m ajor, si centrahit orhem .

Quid non in spec ies succedere quatuor annum

Adspicis, a tetia pers g entem im itam ins nostra ?

Nam tener, et lacteus, puerique sim il lim us ave

Vere neve est. Tune herba nitens, et roboris expers

Turg et, e t insolids est, e t spe de lectat s g re stem .

Om nia tum flerent ; florum que coleribus e lm us

Bide t ag er neque adhuc virtus in frondibus ul ls est.

Transit in iEstatem , pe st Ver, robustie rAnuus

Fitque valens juvenis :neque enim robustie r ates

Ulla, nee uberior, nee , qua m ag is a stue t, u lls e st.

Excipit Autum nus, posito fe rvore juventaMaturus, m itisque , inter juvenem que senem que

Tem perie m edius, spersis per tem pore canis.

Inde senilis Hiem s trem u lo venit horrida passu

Aut spolista suos, aut, que s habet, albs capil los.

Nostre quoque ipsorum sem per, requieque sine ul ls, 155

Corpore vertuntur nee , que d fuim usve , sum usve ,

C rss erim us. Je suit prim e sine viribus infans

Me x quedrupes, rituque tu lit sua m em bra fersrum

Paulatim que trem ens, e t nondum poplite firm e

Constitit, sdjutis alique conem ine e rvis.

Inde valens ve loxque fuit spatium que juventaTransit st, em ensis m edn quoque tem peris annis,

Labitur occidua per ite r dec live senesta .

Subruit has avi dem oliturque prioris

Robora fle tque Milon senior, cum spectet inanes

Ille s, qui fuersnt sol idorum m ole tororum

Herculeis sim iles, fluidos pende re lacertos.

F/et quoque, ut in speculo rag es adspexit, m as s ,


Tynde ris e t secum , cur sit bis rapta, requirit.

Tem pus edax rerum , tuque , invidioss vetustas,

Om nia destruitis :vitistaque dentibus avi

Pau latim lents consum itis om nia m erts .

Ne tem en oblitis ad m etum tendere long s

Exspatiem ur equis ca lum , et quodeunque sub illo est,

Im m utat form as,te llusque , e t quicqu id in il ls est.

Nos quoque pars m undi, (quoniam non corpora so lum ,

Verum etiam volucres anim a sum us, inque ferinas

Possum us ire de m os, pe cudum que in pectora condi,)Corpora, qua possint enim as hebuisse percutem ,

Aut fratrum , aut alique junctorum fa dere nobis,

Aut hom inum certs, tuta e sse et honesta sinsm us

Neve Thyesters cum ulem ur viscera m ensis.

Quem m ale consuescit, quam se parat il le cruori

h pius hum ane , vituli qui g uttura cultro

Rum pit e t im m otes prabe t m u g itibus aures

Aut qui vag itus sim iles puerilibus hadum

Ede utem ju g ulsre potest ; eut e lite vessi,Cui dedit ipse cibos quantum est, qued desit in istisAd plenum fecinus ! que transitus inde paretur

Bos aret, aut m ortem senioribus irnputet annis

Horriferum contra Beresn evis arm s m inistret

Uhers dent satura m anibus pressende cepc lla .

Retis cum pedicis, lequeosque srte sque dolosas

Tollite nee volucrem visc ets fal lite virg s

Nse form idetis servos inc ludite pinnis

Nee ce lste cibis uncos fallacibus hem os.

Perdite , si qua nocent ve rum has quoque perdite tantum .

Ora vecent epulis, alim entaque con g rua serpent.”


sum u s CE SAR IN c ou a'


v. 746.

Casar in Urbe suadeus est quem Marts te g sque

Pracipuum , non be lls m ag is finite trium phis,

Resque de m i g esta , properstsque g loria rerum

In sidus vertere novum , stellam que cem entem ,

Quem sua prog enie s. Neque enim de Ca saris se tis

Ul lum m ajus opus, quam qued peter exstitit hujus.

Seilicet aqueree s plus est dom uisse Britannos,

Perque papyriferi septem flua [lum ine NiliVictric e s e g isse rate s, Num idssque rebe lle s,

C inyphium qu e Jubsm , Mithridete1sque tum entem

Nom inibus Pontum , populo adjeeisse QEt m ultos m eruisse , s lique s e g isse trium phe s,

Quem tan tum g enuisse virum , que praside rerum

Hum ane g eneri, superi, cavistis abunde.

Ne fere t his ig itur m ortali sem ine cretus,

Ille deus faciendus erat. Qued ut aures vidit

ZEnea g enitrix vidit quoque triste perari

Pe ntifiei letum , et eonjurate arm s m overi.

Palluit et cunctis,ut cuique erat obvie , divis,

Adspice ,’dicebst, quantam ihi m ole parentur

Insidia quanteque caput cum frauds pe tatur,

Qued de Dardsnio solum m ihi restet Iiilo .

Se lene sem per ere justis exercita curls

Quem m ode Tydida C slydonie vu lnere t hasta,

Nunc m ale defensa eonfundsnt m a nia TrojaQ ua videsm natum lon g is erre ribus actum ,

Jecterique fre to, sedesque intrare silen tfim,

Bel/aque c um Tum o g erere , aut , si vere ietem ur .


Et Die m edsos iEness fu g eret enses.

Talibus hens g enitor: Se la insuperabile fatum ,

Nata, m overs paras ? intres licet ipse Sere rum

Tects trium , e em es illis m e lim ine veste

Ex are , et 30t rerum tabularia ferro

Q ua neque concursum ca li, neque fulm inis iram ,

Nse m etuun t ullas tuta atque atem s ruinss.

Invenies illis incisa adam ante perenni

Fats tui g eneris : le g i ipse , anim oque notavi,

Et referem ne sis etiam num ig nara futuri.

Hie sua com plevit (pro quo, Cytherea, laboras)Tem pora, perfectis, ques terra debuit, annis.

Ut deus assedat ca le , tem plisque coletur,

Tu facies, natusque suus, qui nom inis hares,

Im pesitum feret Urbis onus, casique parentis

Nos in be lls sue s fortissim us ultor habebit.

l l lius auspicus obse ssa m a niapecem

Victe petent Mutina Pharsalia scotist illum ,

iEm ethiiique iterum m adefecti cade Philippi

Et Mag num Siculis nom en superebitur undis

Rom anique ducis conjux E g yptie , tadaNon bene fisa, cade t fiususq11e crit ills m inete ,

Serviture sue Capitolia nostra C snopo .

Q uid tibiBarbarism , g entes ab utroque jacentesOceano, num erem Q uodcunque hebitebile te llus

Sustinet, hujus crit pontus quoque servist illi.

Pace dataterris, anim um ad civilis vertet

Jurs suum , le g e sque feret justissim us auctor

Exem pleque sue m ores re g e t inque futuri

Tem poris atatem , venture rum que nepotum ,

Prospiciens, prolem ssne ts de conjug e natam

Ferre sim ul nom enque suum enrasque jubebit.


Nec , ni31 cum senior sim iles aquaverit annos,

lEthereas sedes cog nateque sidera tsn g e t.

Hanc auirusm interea ca se de corpore raptam ,

Fae jubar, ut sem per Capitolia nostra Forinnque

Divus ab exce lsaprospeetet Julius ade .

Vix es fetus erst, m ediacum sede Senstfis

Constitit e lm a Venus, nulli eernenda, suique .

Casaris eripuit m em bris, use in sere solvi

Passe recentem anim am , ca lestibus intu lit astris.

Dum que tulit, lum en capers , atque ig uescere sensit,

Em isitque sinu . Lunavolet al tius ills ,

Flam m iferum que trabens spatioso lim ite crinem

Ste lla m is st, n etique videns bene facts , fetetur

Esse suis m ajors , et vinci g audet ab illo.

Hie sue praferri quanquam vetat actapetem is ;

Libera fam e tem en , nu llisque obnoxia jussis,Invitum prafert unique in parts repu g nat.

Sic m ag ni cedit titulis Ag em em nenis Atreus

E g ea sic The seus, sic Pe le e vincit Achilles.

Benique , ut exem plis ipsos aquentibus utar,

Sic st Saturnus m inor est Jove . Jupiter arces

Tem perst at here es, et m undi re g na triform is

Terra sub Aug usto pater est s t rector uterque .

Di, preser, ZEnea com ites, quibus ensis et ig nisC esserunt, dique Indig ete s, g enitorqu e , Q uirine ,Urbis, e t invicti g enitor, Gredive , Q

Vestaque Casareos inter secrets Penates,Et cum Casareatu, Pha be dom estics , Vesta,

Quique tenes altus Tsrpeias, Jupiter, arces,Q uosque e lios vsti fss appe llare pium que

Tarda sit ills die s, et nostre serie r ave ,

Q uacaput Aug ustum , quem tem perat, orbe re licto

Assedat ca le , feveatque precentibus ebsens.



v. 871.

Jam que opus exe g i, qued nee Jovis ire , nee ig nes,Nee poterit ferrum , nee edax abolere vetustas.

Cum volet ille dies, qua nil nisi corporis hujusJus habet, incerti spatium m ihi finist avi

Parte tam en m e liore m ei super alts perenn is

Astra fersr nom enque erit inde lebile nostrum .

Q usque petet dem itis Rom ans potentia terris,

Ore le g sr populi, perque om nia saculs fam e

(Si quid bebent veri vatum .prasag ie)vivam .


Atque eliquis posits m onstrst fers pra lie m eusa

Pin g it et exig uo Perg em a tots m ere .

Has ihat Sim o'

is, hie est Sig e1a te l lus ;

Hie steteret Priam i re g ie ce lsa senis.

Illic JEecides, illis tendebat Ulysses

Hie lacer adm isse s terruit Hector eque s.

Om nia nam que tuo senior, te quarere m isso ,

Retuleret uato Nestor at ille m ihi.

Retu lit st ferro Rhesum que Dolonaque ca se s,

t ue sit hie som ne proditus, ille dole .

Ansus es, 0 num um n1m 1um que oblite tuerum ,

Thracia nocturne teng ere castra dole ;

Totque sim u l m aetare vire s, sdjutus ab uno .

At bene cautus eras, e t m em e r ante m ei.

Usque m etu m icuére sinus dum victor em icum

Dictus e s Ism arus isse per ag m en equis.

Sed m ihi quid prodest vestris disjects lac ertis11105 ? et, m urus qued fuit ante, solum

Si m sueo, que lis Tr0j a dursnte m enebsm

Virque m ihi, dem pto fine carendus, abes?

Diruta suut aliis, uni m ihi Perg em a restant

Incols captive qua bove victor are t.

Jam se g es est ubiTroja fuit, resecandaque false

Luxurist Phryg ie san g uine pin g uis hum us.

Sem isepulta virfim curvis feriun tur aratris

Osss ruinosas oecu lit herba dom e s.

Victor abe s ne e scire m ihi, qua cause m ersndi,

Aut in que lateas ferreus orbe , lice t.

Quisquis ad ha s vertit pere g rinsm litte rs puppim ,

Ille m ihi de te m u lts re g stus shit.

Q uem que tibi reddat, si te m ode viderit usquam ,

Traditur huic dig itis charts neteta rue s .


Nos Pylon , antiquiNe le 1a Nestoris arve,Misim us incerta est fsm a rem isse Pyle .

Misim us et Sparteu Sparte cquoque nescia veri.

Q u es habitas terres, aut ubi lentus abes ?

Utilius starent e tiam nunc m a nia Pha bi.

(Irescor ve tis heu levis ipse m eis

Scirem ubi pu g nare s st tantum be ll s tim erem

Et m ea cum m u ltis juncta querela foret.

Q uid tim eam ig nore tim eo‘

te m en om nis dem sus

Et petet in cures area lets m ess.

Q uacunque aquor habet, quacunque pericu la te llus,

Tam le n g a causes su spicor e sse m ora .

Has e g o dum stu lts m editor (qua vestra libido e st)Esse pere g rine ceptus em e re pote s.

Forsitan e t narres, quam sit tibi rustic e conjuxQ ua tantum lanes non sinet esse rudes.

Fe l ler ; e t hoe crim en te nue s ven e scat in auras

Neve , revertendi liber, abesse ve lis.

Me peter Icarius viduo disc ede re leete

Cog it, et im m enses increpet usque m ores.

Increpet usque lic et tua sum , tua dicer oportet

Pene lope conjux sem per Ulyssis ere .

l lle tam en pietate m eaprecibusque pudicis

Fran g itur, et vire s tem pere t ipse sues.

Du lichii, Sanm qu e , e t, que s tu lit alts Zaeynthos,

Turbe ruunt in m e luxuriosa, pre ci

Iuqu e tuare g nant, nu l lis prohibentibus, au la.

Viscera nostra, tua dilenien tur opes.

Q uid tibiPisandrum , Polybum que ,Medontaque dirum ,

Eurym schique avidas, Antinorque m enus,

Atque e lios referem , que s om nes turpiter ebsens

Ipse tuo partis sang uine rebus alis ?


Irus e g ens, pecerisque Melanthius actor edendi,

Ultim us accedunt in tua dem us pudor.

Tres sum us im be lles num ere sine viribus uxor,

Lsertesque senex, Te lem schusque puer.

Ille per insidias pens est m ihi nuper adem ptus

Dum parat, invitis om nibus, ire Pylon .

Di preser hoe jubesnt, ut, euntibus ordine fatis,- Ille m eos oculos com prim at, ille tues .

Hoe faciunt custosque boum , lon g avsque nutrix

Tertius, im m unda curs fide lis hara .

Sed neque Laertes, ut qui sit inutilis arm is,Hostibus in m edus re g na tenere valet.

T e lem sche venie t (vivat m ode)fortier atesNunc erst auxiliis ills tuende patris.

Nee m ihi suut vires inim iee s pe llere testis.

Tu citius venias, portus et are tuis.

Est tibi, sitque , prese r, natu s, qui m ollibus annis

In patrias artes erudiendus erat.

Respice Leerten ut jam sua lum ine condas,

Extrem um feti sustinet ille diem .

Certs e g o , qua fueram , ts discedente , pue lla,

Protinus ut redeas, facts videber anus.



SIC , ubi fate ve cent, udis ebje ctus in herbis,Ad vade Ma endri concinit albus olor.

Nse , quis te nostrasperem prece posse m overi,Al loquor adverse m ovim us iste deo .

Certus es ire tem en , m isersm que re linquere DidoAtque idem venti ve lafidem que ferent.


Non e g o sum tanti, (quam vis m ercerie, inique ,)Ut perees, dum m e per frets long s fu g is.

Exerces pretiose odia, et constantia m ag ne ;

Si, dum m e caress, e st tibi vile m ori.

Jam venti ponent ; strateque aqualiter undi ,

Caruleis Triton per m are surrst equis.

Tu quoque cum ventis utinam m utabilis esses !

Et, nisi duritis robors vincis, eris.

Quid ? si nescieris, insane quid aquera possint ?

Experta toties quam m ale eredis aqua

Ut pe lag o suadente etiam retinacula solves,

Mu lts tem en letus tristia pontus habet.

Nee violfisse fidem tententibus aquera prodest.Pe rfidia pa nes exig it il le locus.

Pracipué cum la sus Am er quis m aterAm oris

Nude Cytheriecis edita fertur equis.

Perdite ne perdem tim eo, noce em ve nocenti

Neu bibet aquerees naufre g us hostis aquas.

Vive , precor sic te m e lius, quam funere , perdem .

Tu pot1us leti cause fersre m ei.

Fin g e , ag e , te rspido (nu llum sit in om ine pendus)Turbine deprendi quid tibi m entis crit ?

Protinus occurrent falsa perjuria lin g ua ,

Et Phryg ia Dido frauds ce scta m eri.

Conjug is ante oculos deeepta stabit im ag e

Tristis, e t efi'

usis seng uinolents com is.

Q uicquid id est, totum m erui, cencedite ,’dices

Q uaque sedent, in te fu lm ina m isss putes.

Da breve savitia spatium pe lag ique tuaque

Grands m ora pretium tuta future via est.

Nee m ihi parcetur ; puero parcetur Iule .

Te satis est titulum m ortis habere m ea .


Quid puer Ascanius, quid di m eruére penates?

Ig nibus erspte s chrost unda deos.

Sed neque fers tecum nee , qua m ihi, perfide , jactas,Presserunt hum eros sacra paterque tue s.

Om nia m entiris nee enim tua fallere lin g ua

Incipit s nobis prim aque pleetor e g o.

Si quares, ubi sit form osi m ater Iiili

Occidit, a duro sols re lieta vire .

Nec m ihi m ens dubia est, qu in te tua num ina dam nent

Per m are , per terras septim a jactat hiem s.

Dive parens, seniorque peter, pie ssrcina nati,

Spem m ihi m ausuri rite dedere viri.

Si fuit errandum , causes habet error honestas

Adds fidem nullaparte pig endus crit.

Durst in extrem um , vitaque novissim a nostra

Persequitur feti, qui fuit ante, tenor.

Occidit internas conjux m actatus ad aras

Et sce leris tanti pram ie frater habet.

Exsul ag er cineresque viri, patriam que re linque

Et ferer in duras, hosts sequents , vies.

Applieor ig notis fretrique e lapse frete que ,

Qued tibi‘

donavi, perfide , littus em o .

Urbem constitui leteque petentis fixiMa nia, finitim is invidiosa locis.

Be lle tum ent :be llis pere g rina et fa m ine tentor

Vixque rudes portas urbis, et arm s , pare .

Mille procis pleeui:qui m e co1ére , querentes,Nescio quenr the lsm is praposuisse suis

Quid dubites vinctam Gatulo traders Iarba

Prabuerim sce leri brachia nostra tuo.

Est etiam frater ; cujus m enus im pie possit

Resperg i nostre , sparse eruore viri.



Pens deos, ct qua tsng endo sacra profanas

Non bene ca lestes im pie dextre ce lit.

Si tu cultor eras e lapsis ig ne futurus

Pa nite t e lepsos ig nibus esse deos.

Sed jube t ire deus. Ve llem vetuisse t adire

Punics ncc Teucris presse fuisse t hum us.

Hoe duce (nem pe Dee)ventis ag itaris iniqu is,Et teris in repido tem pora leng a fre to .

Perg em avix tento tibi erant repetends labore ,

Hectore si vivo, quanta fuere , forent.

Non patrium Sim oénta petis sed Tibrides undas.

Nem pe , ut perveuias que cupis, he spes eris.

t ue late t, vitatque tues abstruse carinas,

Vix tibi contin g et terra petite seni.

Hos pot1us populos in dotem , am bag e rem isse,

Accipe et advectss Pyg m alionis ope s.

Il ion in Tyrism transfer fe lic l us urbem

Hancque , locum re g ni, sceptreque sacra tene .

Si tibi m ens svida est be lli, si quarit Iulus

Unde sue partus Marts trium phus est

Quem superet, ne quid desit, prabebim us he stem .

Hie pacis le g es, his locus arm s cepit.

Tu m ode, per m atrem , fraterneque te la, sag ittas,

Perque fug a com ites, Dsrdeua sacra, deos

(Sic superent, que scunque tus de g ente reportss,

Mars ferus et dam uis sit m edus ille tuis,

Asceuiusque sue s fe liciter im pleat anne s,

Et senis Anchisa m ol liter e sse cube nt)Parce preser dom u i, qua se tibi tredit habendsm .

Qued crim en dicis, pra ter am asse , m eum ?

Non e g o sum Phthias, m ag nisque oriunda'


Nec steterunt in te virque paterque m eus.




MITIUS iuveni, quam te , g enus om ne fererum

Credits non ulli, quam tibi, pejus erem .

Q ua le g is, ex illo, Theseu , tibi litte rs m itte ,

Unde tuem sine m e ve la tulére retem .

In que m e som nusque m eus m ale prodidit, et tu,

Per fecinus som nis insidiate m eis.

Tem pus erat, vitree que prim um terra pruiuii

Sparg itur, et teeta fronds queruntur eves.


1m vig ilans, a som ne lan g uida, m ovi

These s pressures sem isupine m enus.

Nnllus erst :referoque m enus, iterum que retente ,

Perque torum m oveo brechie :nullus erat.

Excussére m etus som num . Conterrita surg e

Mem breque sunt viduo pra cipitata tore .

Protinus edduetis sonusrunt pectora palm is

t ue erat e som ne turbids , rapta com a est.

Lune fuit speeto, si quid, n isi litters , cernam .

Qued videant ocu li, nil , nisi littus, bebent.

Nunc hue , nunc illuc , e t utroque , sine ordine , curro

Al ta pue llares tardet arena pedes.

Interea toto c lem anti litte rs, Theseu ,

Reddebent ne m en concave saxa tuum

Et quoties e g o te , toties locus ipse voe sbat.

Ipse locus m isera ferre volabat opem .

Mons fuit apparent frutices in vertice reri

Hine scopulas reucis pende t adesus equis.

Adscendo (vires anim us dabat), atque ita leté

E quora prospectu m etie r alts m ee .


Inde e g o (nem ventis quoque sum crude libus use)Vidi pracipiti carbass tents Note .

Aut vidi:aut etiam , cum m e vidisse putarem ,

Frig idior g lacis sem anim isque fui.

Ne e lan g uere d1u patitur dolor. Exciter illo,

Excite r, et sum m eTheses voce voce .

Q ue fug is exclem o sce lerete , reverters , Theseu .

Flecte ratem num eram non habet ills suum .

Has e g o . Q ued voci deerat, plen g ore replebam .

Verbera cum verbis m ists fuere m eis.

Si non eudires, ut saltem cernere posses,

Jac teta late sig ns dedére m enus.

Candidsque im posui le n g a ve lam ina virg a ,

Scilicet oblitos adm onitura m ei.


am que oculis ereptus eras tum denique flevi.

Torpuerent m olles ante dolore g e na .

Quid pot1us facereut, quem m e m ea lum ins flerent,

Postqusm desierent ve la videre tua ?

Aut e g o difi'

usis erravi sols capillis,

Q ualis ab Og yg io concits Baccha deo

Aut m are pre spiciens in sexo frig ida sedi

Q uem que lapis sede s, tam lapis ipse fui.

Sape torum repete , quinos scc eperat em bos ;

Sed non accepte s cxhibiturus erst.

Et tus , quapossum , pro te , ve stig ia tan g o

Streteque , qua m e m bris intepuére tuis.

Incum bo ; lecrym isque tore m enante profusis,

Pressim us,’exc lem o, te duo :redde duos.

Venim os hue em bo cur non discedim us em bo

Perfide , pars nostri, lestale , m ajor ubi est ?

Quid fsciem ? Q ue sole fe rer Vacet insula sultu .

Non hom inum video, non e g o facts boum .


Om ne letus terra cing it m are . Navita nusquam

Nulls per am big uas puppis itura vies.

Fin g e dari cem itesque m ihi, vente sque , ratem que

Quid sequar ? Aecessus terra patem s ne g at.

Ut rate felici pscata per aquera labar ;Tem peret ut veutos JEolus ; exsul ere .

Non e g o te , Crete , centum dig ests per urbes,

Adspiciem , puero cog nita terre Jovi.

Nam pater, et te llus justo re g nsts perenti,

Prodita suut facto, nom ina cars , m ee .

Cum tibi, ne victor te cte m orerere recurvo,

Q ua re g erent passus pro duce file dedi.

Girm m ihi dicebss, Per e g o ipse perleule juro,Te fore , dum nostrfim vivet uterque , m eam .

Vivim us : srnon sum , Theseu , tua si m ode vivis,

Fa m ine , perjuri frauds sepults viri.

Me quoque , quafratrem , m actasses, im probe , slave.

Esse t, quam dederes, m orte solute fides.

Nunc e g o non tantum , qua sum pessurs , recorder

Sed quacunque potest u lls re licta pati.

Occurrunt snim o pereundi m ille fig uraMorsque m inus pa na , quam m ore m ortis, habet.

Jam jam venture s eut has , aut suspicor illes ,

Q u i lenient svido viscera dents , lupe s.

Forsitan et fulve s tellus s lat ists leones.

Quis scit, an has saves tig ridss insulahabet?

Et frets dicuntur m ag nes expe llers phoces.

Q uid vetat et g ladie s per letus ire m eum

Tantum ne re lig er durfi. captive catenfi

Neve traham serve. g randia pense m

Cui pater e st Mine s, cui m ater filia Bhahn

Q uodque m ag is m em ini, qua tibi pacts fui.


Ibis C ecrepios portus, patu sque receptus

Cum steteris urbis ce lsus in area tua ,

Et b ene narrsris letum taurique virique ,

Sectaque per dubias sexes teeta vies

Me quoque narrate sols te llure re lictam

Non e g o sum titulis subripienda tuis.

Nee pater est E g eus nee tu Pitthe1dos [Ethra

Filius auctores saxa fretum que tui.

Di facerent, ut m e sum m e de puppe videres

Movisset vultus m a sts fig ure tue s

Nunc quoque non oculis, sed, qua potes, adspice m ente

Harentem scopu lo, quem veg a pulsat aqua. 136

Adspice dem isse s lu g entis in ore capillos ;

Et tuniess lscrym is, sicut ab im bre , g raves.

Corpus, ut im pu lsa se g etes Aquilonibus, horret

Litersque articu lo presse trem ente labet.

Non te per m eritum , queniarn m ale cessit, adore .

Debita sit facto g ratis nulla m ee

Sed nee pa ns quidem . Si non e g o cause sslutis,

Non tam en est, cur sis tu m ihi cause necis.

Has tibi, plan g endo lu g ubris pectora lasses,Infe lix tendo trans frets lon g s m enus.

Hos tibi, qui superent, ostendo m a sts capillos.

Per lecrym as ore , quas tua facts m oventFleets retem , Theseu ; versoque re lebere ve le .

Si prius oecidero ; tu tem en ossa le g es.




Mn 'rrr, et optat am ens, que m ittitur, ire , salutem ,

E m onis JEm onio Laodam ia vire .

Aulide te fam e est vento re tinente m orari.

Ah m e cum fug eres, hie ubi ventas erat ?

Tum frets debuerant vestris obsistere rem is.

Illud erat savis u tile tem pus equis.

Oscula plurs vire, m andstsque plura dedissem

Et suut qua volui dicere plura tibi.

Raptus es hinc praceps :e t. qui tus ve la voceret,

Quem cupereut nauta , non e g o , ventus erat.

Ventus erat nautis aptus, non aptus sm anti.

Solver ab am plexu , Protesileé , tuo ;

Ling ueque m andentis verba im perfeeta re linquit ;

Vix illud potuit dicere triste‘Vs le .

Incubuit Boreas, ebreptaque ve la te tendit ;

Jam que m eus long s Protesilaus erat.

Dum potui specters virum , specters juvabatSum que tue s coules usque secuta m eis.

Ut te non poteram , poteram tus ve la videre

Ve la diu vultos detinuére m eos.

At pe stquam use te , nee vela fug acia vidi

Et qued specterem , nil , nisi pontus, erst ;

Lux quoque tecum abut tenebris exsang uis chortis

Succidue dicer procubuisse g enu .

Vix socer Iphic le s, vix m e g randavus Acastus,Vix m eter g e lidi). m a sts refecit aqua.

Officium fecére pium , sed inutile nobis.

Indig ner m isera non licuisse m ori.


Ut redut anim us, pariter rad1ere dolores ;

Pectora le g itim us casts m om e rdit am or.

Nee m ihi pectendos curs e st pra bcre capillos

Nee libct auretficorpore ve sts te g i.

Ut quas pam pineate tig isse Bieornig er hestfi

Creditor ; huc illuc , que furor e g it, so .

Conveniunt m etres Phyl lerdes, e t m ihi clem ent,

Indus re g ale s, Laodam ia, sinus.

Scilicet ipse g eram saturates m urice vestes

Be lla sub Iliacis m a nibus ille g eret ?

Ipsa com as pester g elcs caput ille prem atur?

Ipsa novas ve stes :dura vir arm s feret ?

Q uapossum , squalors tue s im itate lebe res

Dicer et ha s be lli tem pera tristis e g am .

Dux Peri Prism ide , dam no form ose tuorum ,

Tam sis he stis iners, quam m e lus hespes eras.

Aut ts Ta neria feciem cu lpssse m erites ,

Aut illi vel lem displicuisse tuem .

Tu , qui pro raptaninuum , Mene lae , laboras,

He i m ihi, quam m ultis fiebilis ultor eris

Di, preser, a nobis om en rem overs sinistrum

Et sua det reducivir m eus arm s Jovi.

Sed tim eo quotiesque subit m iserabile be llum ,

More nivis, lacrym a , sole m adentis, eunt.

Ilion et Tenedos, Sim e 1sque , e t Xanthus, e t Ids ,

Nom ine suut ipse pens tim ende se no .

Nse repere ausurus, nisi se defenders posset,

Hospes erst vires neveret ille sues.

Venerat (ut fam e est)m ulto spectabilis euro,

Q uique suo Phryg ias corpore ferret opes.

Classe virisque petens, per qua fers be lls g erunturEt sequitur reg ni pars quotecuuque sui.


Inter m ille rates tua sit m illesim a puppis,

Jam que fatig ates ultim s verset aquas.

Hoe quoque pra m eneo de nave novissim us exi.

Non est, que propere s, terra patem a tibi.

Cum venies, rem oque m ove veloque serinam ;

Inque tuo ce lerem litte rs siste g radum .

Sed tua cur nobis pallens occurrit im ag e ?

Cur venit a verbis m ults querela tuis ?

Excutior som ne sim ulaeraque noctis adore ,

Nulls caret fum e Thessalis are m ee .

Thurs dem us, lacrym sm que super ; quit sparse re lucet,Ut solet adfuso surg ere flam m a m ere .

Hoe quoque , qued venti prohibent exire carinas,

Me m ovet e invitis ire peratis equis

Quis ve lit in patriam vento prohibente reverti ?

A patris pelag o ve la vetante datis.

Ipse suam non pra bet iter Neptunus ad urbem .

Q ue m itis ? Vestras quisque redite dom e s.

Q ue ruitis, Danai’

? Vente s audits vetantes.

Non subiti easiis, num inis ists m ora est.

Quid petitur tento, nisi turpis sdultera, belle ?

Dum licet, Inachia vertite ve la rates.

Sed quid e g o revoco hac Om en revocantis abesto, 115

Blandeque com posites sure secundet aquas.

Ultim e m andate claudetur epistola parve

Si tibi curs m ei, sit tibi curs tui.’


LIB. 111. l . LIB. II. 383. LIB. IV. 809.


Bann e rs, depe sitis clypeo paulisper et hasta,

Mars, sdes ; st nitides casside solve com as.

Ipse vides m anibus perag i fers bells Minerva .

Num m inus ing enuis artibus ills vecet ?

Palladis exem plo ponenda tem pore sum s

Cu spidis :invenies et qued inerm is ag es.

Tum quoque inerm is eras, cum te Rom ans sacerdos

Cepit, ut huic Urbi sem ina dig na dares.

Ilia Vestalis (quid enim vetst inde m overi

Sacra levatores m ans petebat aquas.

Ventum erat ad m ol li declivem tram ite ripem

Pouitur e sum m it fictilis urns com a.

Fessa resedit hum i ven tosque accepit aperto

Pecte re turbatus .restituitque com as.

Dum seder, um brosa sal ices, volucresque canora

Fecerunt som nos, et leve m urm ur aqua .

Blends quies victis fortim subrepit oee llis,

Et cadit s m ente lan g uida facts m enus.

Lan g uida consurg it, use scit cur lan g uida surg at

Et pere g it tales arbore nixs sonos

Utile sit faustum que , preser, qued im ag ine som niVidim us an som ne clarius illud erat}?

Ig uibus Iliacis aderem cum lapse capil lisDecidit ante sacres lanes vitts feces.

Inde dua pariter (visu m irabile)palm a

172 FASTI.

Surg uut. Ex illis alters m ajor eratEt g ravibus ram is totum protexerat orbem ,

Contig eratque nevi sidera sum m e com a.

Ecce m eus ferrum patruus m olitur in illes.

Terreor adm onitu , corque tim ore m icat.

Martia Picus evis g em ino pro stipite pug nsnt,

Et Lupa tuta per hos utreque palm s fuit.’

Dixerat et plenam non firm is viribus ursem

Sustulit. Im plérat, dum sua visa refert.

Interea crescente Rem o, crescente Quirino,Ponders ca lesti Silvia m ater erat.

Has ubi cog novit contem ptorAm ulius aqui,

(Nam raptas fratri victor habebat opes)Auferri jussit pervos, st in am ne necari.

Quid facis ? ex istis Rom ulus al ter crit.

Jussa recusantes persg unt lacrym ose m inistri

Flsnt tam en , et g em ines in loss jussa ferunt.Albula, quem Tiberin m e tsos Tiberinus in undfi

Reddidit ; hibernis forte tum ebat equis.

Hue ubi veneran t, nee jam procedere possunt

Long ms ; ex illis unus, an al ter, sit

At quam suut sim iles at quam form osus uterquePlus tem en ex illis iste vig oris habet.

Si g enus erg uitur vultu ; (ui fallit im ag e)Nescio quem vobis suspicor esse deum .

At si quisvestra deus esset orig inis auctor ;In tam pracipiti tem pore ferret opem .

Ferret opem certs, si non ope m ater e g eret

Q ua facts est une m ater et orbs die .

Neta sim ul , peritura sim ul , sim u l its sub undas


’ Desierat ; deposuitque sinu .

Ve g ieruut clam ore pari:sentire putares.


Sex Rem us, hie volucres bis sex videt ordine paste

Statur st arbitrium Rom ulus urbis habet.

Apta dies le g itur, quam a nia sig ust arstro.

Sacra Pelis subersnt :inde m ovetur epus.

Inde prem ens stivsm desig nst m a nia sulco

Al ba jug um niveo cum bove vases tulit.

Vex fuit has Re g ie : Condenti, Jupiter, urbem ,

Et g enitorMevers, Vestaque m ater, ades

Q uosque pium est adhibere deos, advertite cuncti

Auspicibus vobis hoe m ihi surg at epus.

Lon g s sit huic ates, dom inaque potentia terra

Sitque sub his erisns occiduusque dies.

Ille precsbatur. Tonitru dedit om ina lave

Jupiter et lave fulm ina m isss polo.

Aug urie lati jaciunt fundam ine cives ;Et nevus exig uo tem pore m urus erat.

Hoe Celer urg eropus, quem Rom ulus ipse voesrst ;

Sintque , Ce ler, cura ,

’dixeret, iste tua .

Neve quis eut m uros, eut festem vom ere fossem

Transeat :audentem te lis dede neci.

Qued Rem us ig nerans, hum iles eontem nere m uros

Capit et, His populus,’dicere , tutus erit

Nso m ore , transiluit. Rutro Celer oecupst ausum .

Ille prem ifduram seng uinolentus hum um .

Has ubiRex didicit, lecrym as introrsus ebertas

Devorst, et c lausum pectore vulnus habet.

Flere palam non vult, exem pleque fortis servat

Sicque m eos m uros transeat hostis,’sit.

Dat tam en exsequias :nee jam suspenders fletum

Sustinet et pistes dissim ulata petet.

Osculsque applicuit posito suprem e feretro

Atque sit‘Invitofrater adem pte , va\e .

m , BRI G“.

Nux e g o ju ncta via , cum sim sine crim ine vita ,

A populo saxis pra tereunte pete r.

Obruere iste solet m anifestos pa ns nocente s,

Publiea cum lentsm non cepit ire m orem .

Nil e g o peccavi nisi sipeccasse vocetur,

Aunua cultori pom s referre sue .

At pr1us arboribus, tum cum m e liora fuére

Tem pere , certam en fertilitatis erat.

C il m dom ini m em ores senis ornsre solebant

Ag ricolas, fructu proveniente , deos.

Sape tues ig itur, Liber, m iratus es uvas

Mirats est oleas sape Minerva sues.

Fom eque lasissent m attem ni subdita ram o

Lon g s laboranti furea tu lisset epem .

At pestquam pletsnis, sterilem prabentibus um bram ,

Uberior quavis arbore venit honos

Nos quoque frug ifera (siuux m ode ponor in illis)Ca pim us in petulas luxurisre com as.

Nuue neque continue s nescuntur pom s per annosUvaqt


ie lass dem um , laseque bacca venit.

C erts e g o, si nunquam peperissem , tutior essem .

Iste Clytem nestra dig na querela fuit.

Si sciat be e vitis, nascentes supprim et uvas

Orbsque , si sciat hoe , Palladis arbor crit.

Hoe in ‘

ne titiam veniet m aleque piroqueDestituent silvas atraque pom s sues.

Q uasque sibi vario disting uit pom s co\ore ,Audie t hes cerasus ; stipes insnis e rit .


Non equidem invideo num quid tam en u lls feritur,

Q ua sterilis soli. conspicieuds com e est ?

Cernite sinceros om nes ex ordine truncos,

Q ui m ode nil , quere percutiantur, bebent.At m ihi sava nocent m utilatis vulners ram is

Nudeque dejectt'

i cortice lig na patent.

Non odium fecit hoe , sed spes indulta rapina .

Sustineant alia pom s querentur idem .

Sic reus ille fers est, de que victoris lucro

Esse potest inopie vindice facts serent.

Sic tim et insidias, qui scit se ferre viator,

C ui tim eat :tutum csrpit inanis iter.

Sic e g o sols peter ; soli quis cause petendi est.

Frondibus intactis ca tera turbe virent.

Nam qued bebent frutices alii quoque proxim s nobisFreg m ina, qua laso vim ine m ulta jecent ;

Non istis sue facts nocent :vicinia dam no est.

Excipiunt ictu saxa repulse m ee

q ue fide careat ; si non , qua long lus absunt,

Nstivum retinent invie lsta decus.

Erg o, si sapient, et m entem verba sequentur ;

Devoveaut um bras proxim s quaque m ess.

Quem m iserum est, odium dam nis eccedere uostris

Meque ream nim ia proxim itatis ag i

Sed, puto, m ag na m ei est eperoso curs colone .

Invenies, quidet nil m ihi, prater hum um .

Sponte m eafscilis contem pto nascor in ag ro

Psrsque loci, quii sto, publica pens via est.

Me , sets us ladam (quoniam sate laders dicer),Im us in extrem e m arg ine fundus habet.

Non m ihi fslx nim ias Satum ia deputat um bras

Dare tam renovat non m ihi fosser hum um .

Sol e l icet sicceque siti peritura l aborers


At rubus, et sentes tantum m odo laders nata ,

Spinaque vindictacatera tuta suaest.

Me , quis nee noceo, nee obuncis vindicor ham is,

Misss petunt svidasaxa protervs m enu .

Quid, si non sptes solem fug ientibus um bras,

Finditur Icario cum can e terra, darem ?

Quid, nisi sufi'

u g ium nim be s vitantibus essem

Non exspectate cum venit im ber aqua?

Om nia cum feciam , cum prastem sedula cunctis

Oflicium , saxis oficiosa peter.

Hac m ihi perpessa , dom ini patienda quere la est.

Causa habee r, quere sit lapidosus ag er.

Dum que repurg at bam um , collectsque saxa rem ittit,

Sem per bebent in m e te la psrate via .

Erg o inviss aliis, uni m ihi fi'ig ors pre sunt

1110 m e tutam tem pore prastat hiem s.

Nuda quidem tune sum nudam tem en expedit esse

Nec spolium de m e , qued petet, hostis habet.At sim ul induim us nostris sua m unera ram is ;

Ssxa uovos fructus g randine plura petunt.

Forsitan hie aliquis dicet, Q ua publica tang unt,Carpere cencessum est :hoe via juris habet.’

Si licet hoe oless distring ite :sadite m esses.

Im probe , vieinum carpe , viator, olus.

Intret et urbenss eadem petulantia portas ;

Sitque tuis m uris, Rem ule , juris idem .

Q uilibet arg entum prim a de fronte tabem a

Tollat et ad g em m as quilibet alter eet.

Auferat hie aurum , pere g rinos ille lapillos

Et quescunque potest taug ere , tollat opes.

S ed n eque tolluntur:nee , dum re g it om nia Casar,Incolum is, tento praside raptor erit .


At non ille deus pacem intre m a niafinit

Auxilium toto sparg it in orbe suum .

Quid tam en hoe prodest, m ediasi luce palim que

Verberor, et tuta non licet esse m ihi?

Erg o nee nidos foliis harers , nee ullsm

Sedtbus in nostris stare videtis svem .

At lapis, in ram o sedit quicunque bifurco,

Haret, et ut captavictor in arcs m anet.

Caters sape tam en potuére adm isse n e g ari,

Et crim en nox e st inficieta suum .

Nostra ne tat fusco dig ite s injuria succe ,Cortice contactas inficiente m enus.

Ille cruor m eus est illo m aculata cruore

Non prefecture dextre levetur aqua.

O e g o, cum len g a venerant tadis vita ,

Optavi quoties arida facts m ori

Optavi quoties, sut caco turbine verti,

Aut valido m issi fulm inis ig ne peti

Atque utinam subita raperent m ea pom s preeella ,

Ve l posse m fructus excutere ipse m eos.

Sic , ubi de tracts est a te tibi cause perie li,

Q ued superest, tutum , Poutice caster, hebes.

Quid m ihi tune anim i est, cum sum it te la viator ;

Atqu e oculis plag a destinat ante locum ?

Nec vitare licet m ote fers verbera trunco,

Q uem sub hum o radix vinc laque firm s tenent.

Corpors prabem us plag is ut sape se g ittis,

Cum populus m anicas deposuisse vetst :

Utve g ravem candens ubi te lli vecca securim ,

Aut strin g i cultros in sua ce lls videt.

Sape m ess vento frondes trem uisse putfistis

Sed m etus in nobis cause trem eria erat .



Si m erui, videorque necens ; im ponite fiam m a ,

Nostraque fum esis urite m em bra focis.

Si m erui, videerque nocens ; excidite ferro

Et liceat m isera dedecus esse sem e l .

Si nee cur ursr, use our excidar, habetis ;




e g o, qui fuerim , tenerorum lusor em erum ,

Quem le g is, ut noris, eccipe , Posteritas.

Sulm o m ihi patris est, g elidis uberrim us undis,

Millie qui neviss distat ab Urbe decem

Editas hie e g o sum :necnon , ut tem pora nous ;

Cum cecidit fate Consul uterque pari.

Si quid id est, usque a proavis vetus ordinis hares ;

Non m ode Fortuna m unere factus eques.Nec stirps prim e fui ; g enito jam fratre creatus

Q ui tribus ante quater m ensibus ertus erst.

Lucifer sm borum natalibus sdfuit idem

Una celebrate est per (1110 libs dies.

Hac est srm ifera festis de quinque Minerva ,

Q ua fieri pug ufiprim e cruents solet.

Protinus excolim ur teneri, curfique psrentis

Im us ad insig nes Urbis ab arts vires.

Frater ad eloquium viridi tendebat ab ave ,

Fortia verbosi natus ed arm s Fori.

At m ihijam puero ca lestis sacra placebautb que suum furtim Muse trahebat. Opus .



Successor fuit hie tibi, Galle ; Propertius illi.Quartus eh his serie tem peris ipse fui.

t ue e g o m ajores, sic m e ce luére m inores

Ne teque non tardé fac ts Thalia m ea est.

Carm ina cum prim um populo juvenilia le g i ;Barbs resecta m ihi bisve sem e lve fuit.

Moverat in g enium , totem cantata per Urbem ,

Nom ine non vere dicta Corinna m ihi.

Mults quidem scripsi sed qua vitioss putevi,

Em endeturis ig nibus ipse dedi.

Tum quoque , cum fug erem , quadem placiturs crem avi,

Iratus studio carm inibusque m eis.

Molle , Cupidineis nee inexpug nsbile te lis

Cor m ihi, quodque levis cause m overst, erat.

Cdm tam e n hoc essem , m inim eque eccenderer ig ni

Nom ine sub nostre fabu le nu lla fuit.

Pens m ihi puero uec dig na, nec utilis, uxor

Est date qua tem pus perbreve nupta fuit.

Illi successit, quam vis sine crim ine , conjux ;Non tem en in nostre firm s future tore .

Ul tim e , qua m ecum seros pe rm ansit in annos,

Sustinuit conjux exsu lis e sse viri.

Filie m e m ee bis prim e fa cunde juventa,Sed non ex uno conju g e , fecit evum .

Et jam cem pléret g enitor sue fate ; novem que

Addiderat lustris alters lustre novem .

Non aliter flevi, quam m e fleturus adem ptum

Ille fuit. Metri proxim s justa tu li.Fe lice s em bo , tem pestivéque sepulti,

An te diem pa na qued per1ere m ea

Me quoque fe lieem , qued non viveutibus ill is

Sum m iser ; et de m e qued sam e.


Si tem en exstinctis aliquid, nisi nom ine , restet,Et g racilis structos efi


u g it um bra re g e s

Fam e , parentales, si vos m ea contig it, um bra

Et suut in Styg io crim ine nostra fore ;

Scite , prese r, causam (nee vos m ihi fellere fss est)Errorem jussa , non soc lus, e sse fug a .

Menibus id satis est. Ad vos studioss reverter

Pecte re , qui vita qua ritis acta m ea .

Jam m ihi canities, pulsis m e lioribus annis,

Venerat antiques m ise ueratque com as

Postque m eos e rtus Pisasvinctus olivfi.

Abstulerst decie s pra m ie victor equus

Cum m aris Euxini positos ad lava Tom itas

Q uarere m e lasi Principis ire jubet.Cause m ea cunctis niuuum quoque nota ruina

Indicio non est testificsnds m ee . 100

Quid referem com itum que nefas, fem ulosque nocentes ?

Ipsam ulta tuli non l evie rs fug a.

Indig nata m e lis m ens e st succum bers sequePrastitit invistam viribus use suis

Oblitusque to g a , due taque per otia vita ,

Inse lits cepi tem pe ris arm s m enu .

Totque tu li terrfi. casus pe lag eque quot inter

Occu ltum ste lla conspicuum que polum .

Tects m ihi tandem lon g is e rre ribus ee to

Juncte phsretrstis Serm stis ora Getis.

Hie e g o , finitim is quam vis circum se ner srm is,

Tristis , que possum , carm ine feta leve .

Q ued, quam vis nem o est, cujus refe ratur ad aures ;

Sic tem en absum o dee ipioque diem .

Erg o, qued vivo , durisque leberibus obsto,

Nee m e sol licita tadis lucis bebent,


Gratis , Muss , tibi. Nem tu solstia prabe s ;

Tu cura requies, to m edicin e m ali

Tu dux, tu com e s es tu nos abducis eb Istro

In m edioque m ihi das He licons locum .

Tu m ihi (qued rerum )vivo sublim e dedisti

Nom en ab exsequus que d dare Fam e solet.

Nee , qui detrec tst pra seutia, Live r iniquo

Ul lum de nostris dents m om erdit opus.

Nem , tu lerint m ag nos cum sacule nostre poe tas,

Non fuit ing enio Fam e m alig na m ee .

Cum que e g o praponem m ulte s m ihi non m inor

Dicer st in toto plurim us orbe le g or.

Si quid bebent ig itur vetum prase g ia veri

Protinus ut m orisr, non ere , terra, tuns.

Sive favors tuli, sive hanc e g o carm ine fam em ,

Jure tibi g rates, candide lecte r, ag o .

186 NOTES .

1. In nova corpora for corpora m u tata in novas

form as ; the post, in al lusion to his de sig n of w ritin g of

tran sform ations, be g in s by m akin g a tran sform ation of his

w ords — Fert anim us I de sig n .

2 . Nam vos il los for you al so tran sform ed them .

The poet therefore w ith proprie ty invoke s their aid in de

scribin g the se chang e s

4. P erpetuum a con nected poem .

5 . Ants ‘ in the be g inn in g .

6. Unus in orbe e xhibited one appearan ce ofna

ture throu g hout the w orld .

7. R udis indig estaque unform ed and confuse d.

8. Cong estaque rerum : the construc tion is,discar

diaque sem ina rerum non bene j anotaram cong esta eedem .

D iscordia sem ina the jarrin g principle s.

Titan no suu .

’For an account of

the Titans,see Le m priere

’s C lassical Dictionary.

11. P ha be the m oon ; a nam e ofDiana,the sister of

Pha bus or the sun .

12. Circumfnso am bien t.

13. Nos brachia Amphitrite nor had the sea ex

tended itse lfto the distan t coasts .

’ Am phitrite , the dau g hter ofOce anus and Doris, and the w ife ofNeptune , is here

put for the sea itse lf.

17. Nu l li m onobat nothin g appeared in its proper form .

18. Uno ‘the sam e .

20. S ine pondere habentia pandas‘ thin g s heavy, w ith

thin g s l ig ht.’

23. L iquidam ca lum ‘the c lear s ir.

24. Q ua pestquam l ig avit‘w hich e lem e nts


ter he had disen g ag ed them , and separated the m from the

chaotic m ass, thou g h dispersed in differe n t place s, he com

bined in harm on ious order.

26. Ig n ea arse the con struc tion is, ig n ea vis ca l i con

vexi st sinepondere em icuit, lug itque locum sibi in sam m ti arse.

27. S ibi leg it che ss for itse lf.’

29. Tel lus est is understood .— G randia the heavie r.

30. Circumfluus hum or the w ater.

31. Ul tim o possedit spread ove r the u tmost parts-



the earth’s surface .

- Sol idum quo ceercuit orbem and

beg irt the solid g lobe .

32. S he orbis the constru ction 1s,ubi qu isqtiu de


orum il le fuit, secuit corg c iem sic dispositam , redcg itqac

e am sic sectam in m em bra , principio g lom eravit torram , no

nonforet wqualis ab om niparte , in speciem m ag ni orbis.

33 . In m em bra in to distinc t parts.

34. P rin cipio in the first place .

37. Am bitcc e n com passed by w ater.

’— C ircum dare

to m ark out.

38. I mm ensaque stag na and vast m arshe s.

39. F lum inaque ripis and he confined w ithin

w indin g banks the rivers flow in g dow nw ard .

40. D iversa locis ‘ in the ir diffe ren t courses .

’ —lpsd

sc . terré .

4 l . Campo liberioris aqua : the ocean .

46. Zon ce the w ord z ona,sig n ifie s a be lt, or

g irdle . The c e le stial sphe re has be e n divided by astrono

m ers in to five of the se broad be l ts , w hich division s are sup

posed to be tran sfe rred to the earth,or te rrestrial sphere ,

w hich the refore has likew ise five z one s.— Q uinta : i. e . et

at g ain ta z ona.

47. 011115 inclusum : the earth.

48. P rem un tur are m arked out.’

49. Media : the torrid z on e . The part of the earth

w hich is situated be tw e e n the tropics , and w hich is cal led

the torrid z on e , w as thou g ht by the anc ien ts to be un in

habitable , on accou n t of its heat and barren ne ss ; but later

discove rie s have proved it to be the m ost fe rtile,and not

the least popu lou s part ofthe earth.

50. D uas : the tw o frig id z on e s ; situated be tw een the

arctic and an tarctl c c irc les and the pole s.

50. Totidem i. e . the tw o tem perate z one s— Inter utrum

que not u tram que this w ord is freque ntlyused thus by the

be st w rite rs in a differen t g ender from the pre cedin g nouns,

ag ree in g w ithJ atus, or som e other w ord,understood.

51. F lam m d ‘ heat.’

52. Q ui ig n i the con struc tion is, qui est tanto

onerosior ig ni, quan tapandas aqum est levius pondere terrae.

55 . Motura :‘that w il l te rrify.

57. H is : se . ventis .— P assim habendum ‘

to be

had by the m at larg e .

58. Vix n unc obsistitur il lis they are now scarce ly


59. S aa . flam m a‘the ir ow n b lasts .

60. Q a1'

n lam ent m undum from tearin g th e nich e. is.

pie ces’

188 NOTES .

61. Eurus: the w inds are here m entioned w hich blow

from the four cardines, or prin cipal poin ts in the w orld,

hen ce cal led cardinal points. Eurus,the east w ind :

Zephyrus , the w est w ind :Boreas,the north w ind : and

Auster,the south w ind — Nabathceaque reg na a coun try

ofArabia, w hich derived its nam e from Naboth, the son of

Ism ae l , w ho is said to have se ttled in it.

62. P ersida : the Greek accusative from P ersis, Per

sia,’a coun try ofAsia.

64. Zephyro to the habitation of the Zephyr, or theWest w ind.

’Zephyrus or Favon ius , the son of Astraeus

and Aurora, w as m arried to Chloris or Flora, the g oddess

of flow e rs . He w as said to produce flow ers and fru its bythe sw ee tness of his breath— S cythiam , Scythia,


exten sive coun try in the northe rn parts ofEurope and Asia,the ancien t boundarie s of w hich cannot be exactly asoer

tain ed — S eptem que trioncm for S eptem trionem que , bytm e sis .

66. Austro the south w ind .

’ Au ster w as the g od of

rain . His breath is said to have be e n as pern iciou s to the

flow ers,as the breath ofFavon ius w as beneficial .

68. {Ethera aether,the firm am en t.

70. Massd il ld :i. e . chaos.

73. Coeleste solum the re g ion ofheaven .

75 . Ag itabilis :‘

yie ldin g .

76. Mentisg ue capacius alta: endow ed w ith hig her fa

cu ltie s.

80. S educta separated.

81. Cog nati kindred.

’— S em ina the nature,the pro

pe t tie s.

82 . Q uam tel lurem ,is here understood — Saw s Iapcto

Prom e theus ; the son of Iape tus , one of the Titan s,an d

of C lym ene,the dau g hter Oceanu s and Tethys . Havin g

form ed a m an w ith c lay, he is said to have infused l ife in to

him by m eans offire , w hich he had sto le n from the chariot

of the sun , and brou g ht dow n to the earth at the

e nd of a rod. To pun ish him for his m any acts of im

pie ty, Jupiter ordered Me rcury to chain him to a rock on

m oun t C aucasus,w he re an eag le or vu l ture con tinual ly

preyed on his liver, w ithout de stroyin g or dim in ishin g it.When he had l ived thirty years in this painfu l state of con

fin e/n eat, be was de l ivered from it by He rcu le s , w ho kil ledthe vul ture , and broke his chain . Prom etheus w as.n



190 NOTES .

110. Nec rcnovatus ag er and the land, w ithout beingrenew ed ,

’or turned up by the ploug h.

113. Tenebrosa m isso be in g driven by his son

Jupite r into g loom y Tartarus a place in the infern al re

g ion s, w hich w as said by the ancien ts to be the abode of

those am on g m ankind w ho had deserved a heavy de g ree

ofpun ishm en t by the ir g u ilt and im pie ty on earth.

117. In e quales chan g eable .

119. Ustus scorched.

’— S iccisfer110ribus w ith parch

in g heat.’

123 . S em ina Cerealia: ‘the se eds of C ere s


’i. e .

corn . Ce res w as the dau g hte r ofSatu rn and Vesta,and the

g odde ss of corn and husbandry. She is said to have bee n

the first w ho in struc ted m en in the arts of ag ricu lture , and

taug ht them to conve rt the ir corn in to bread. The

place in w hich she w as prin cipal ly w orshipped w as the

island of Sic ily ; w hich w as her favorite residen ce duringhe r con tin uance on the earth.

125 . Il las sc . w tates.

126 . Ing eniis‘ in the ir disposition s.

128. Ven cc p g'

oris in revum‘ in to an ag e of baser m e

tal . ’ In m ine s the ore is found in streaks, cal led vein s.

131. Am or habendi covetousness.

134. Insu ltavére bounded over.

135. Com m unem que pr ms before enjoyed in com m on .

137. D ebita that it ou g ht to produce .

138. S ed itum est but m en pen e trated.

139. R econdiderat se . terra, w hich she had con

e ealed .

’— S tyg iis um bris to the S tyg ian shades , deep

parts of the earth.

’The Styx w as a river of Arcadia,

w hich,from the poisonous nature of its w aters

,and the

suddenne ss of its disappearance at a short distance from its

source,w as supposed by the anc ien ts to be a rive r be lon g

in g to the infernal re g ion s, in the m iddle of the earth. Itw as by this rive r that the g ods w ere accustom ed to sw ear ;and w heneve r they sw ore by it, they considered the ir oath

inviolable . It rece ived its nam e from the nym ph Styx, w ho

w ith her thre e dau g hters, Victory, Stre n g th, and Valor, as

sisted Jupite r in his w ar ag ain st the Titan s.

142. Utroque w ith both iron and g old i. e . w ith the

sw ord and w ith bribe s.

144. Err rap to: by rapin e .

’ —Hospes est is understood .

146. I l la she seeks the destruction


147. Aconita ‘


’The aconitum is a poisonous

he rb .

148. Patrios annas consu lts the aug urs to knowhow lon g his father w il l live .

149. Cade m aden tes re ekin g w ith m urder.

150. Astraa : the dau g hte r of Astra us,one of the Ti

tan s,and Au rora ; or, ac cordin g to the Opin ion of others


she w as the dau g hter of Jupiter and Them is. She is said

to be the g oddess of justic e ; and w hen the im piety of

the iron ag e constrained he r to leave the earth, she w as

placed am on g the conste l lations of the z odiac u nder the

nam e of Virg o.

152. Afectasse aim ed at.’

-Forant they say.

’ —G i

g antas that the G ian ts the son s ofCa lus and Terra, or

of Te rra alone , m on sters. of g reat statu re and m ost ex

traordinary stren g th. They are said to have m ade w ar

ag ain st Jupiter, at the in stig ation of the ir m other, in order

to reven g e the defeat and de struction of the Titan s,the ir


154. Olympam Olym pus, or, as it is now cal led, Lacha,a lofty m oun tain be tw e en Thessaly and Macedon ia


sum m it of w hich be in g g en eral ly e nve loped in m ists,w as

supposed by the ancien ts to reach the heavens , and w as

con sequen tly im ag in ed to be the re sidence of Jupiter and

the g ods.

155 . Excussit Ossam struck off Ossa from Pe

l ion lyin g under it’

The se w e re m oun tain s n ear to

Olym pus.

156. Corpora . Gig antum , 18 he re understood.

159. Et, no . . hom in 11m ‘and , le st no rem ains of

that dreadfu l race of he r’

s shou ld survive,that she turned

them into the shape of m en .

162. Natos that they w ere sprun g .

163 . Q ua : i. e . the w ickedn e ss and im pie ty of m an

kind,and of those w ho w ere sprun g from the blood of the

Gian ts — P ater Saturnius Jupiter.—Arce sc . ca li.

164. Et . 1ras . the con struction is, et referons anim o

fada convivia Lycaonia m ensa,aut m en sae Lycaon is, non

dum vu lg ata, facto an t crim ine recenti, con cipit anim o iras

ing entes et digornas Jove. Lycaon not on ly slew those

w hom be e n tertained,but had them placed before other

g uests to be eate n .

170. Hac : m a is understood.—Superis : tor th e 2,c

192 NOTES .

- Tonan tis Jupiter, w ho alon e w as supposed to m akethunder.

172. Atria ‘ the hal ls.

’- Cclcbrantur are thron g ed.

173. P lebs ‘ the infe rior g ods.

’- Diversa locis ‘ va

rious places.

’-Afronte in the fron t.

174. P enates habitations .

178. Ipse : Jupiter.

181. Hafl zs w ords.

’— Salvit he opened.

183 . Q ud ca lo :the con struction is, qud quisque an

g uipedum Gig an tum paraban t inj icere sua cen tum brachia

captivo ca le . Q uisque , be in g a partitive , m ay have a verb

e ither in the sin g u lar or plural ag ree in g w ith it.

185 . Uno corpore one fam ily or body ofGiants .

187. Nere us the se a.

’ Nereus w as the son of Ocea

nus and Te rra, and on e ofthe m ost anc ien t of the sea dei

ties. He m arried Doris, the dau g hter ofOceanu s and Tethys, and had fifty dau g hters , w ho w ere called the Ne re ides.190. Ten tata fuisse is he re understood.

191. Tralzatur shou ld be infe c ted .

192 . S em idei the se w e re he roe s g reater than m en , butinferior to the g ods

— Nympha the se w ere fem ale deities

of several kinds, the Ocean ide s and Nere ides,inhabitin g

the ocean the Naiade s, pre sidin g ove r foun tain s andsprin g s ; the Napsza , Dryade s, and Ham adryade s, w ho hadthe care of fore sts and m eadow s ; and the Oreades


w hom w as com m itted the charg e ofthe m oun tain s.

193 . Faunique, S atyrique the se w ere rural de itie s, hav

in g the le g s, fee t, and ears of g oats , and the re st of the irbody hum an . When they be cam e o ld , they w ere cal led Silen i, and w ere rem arkable for the ir habits of in toxication .

Bacchus w as educated in his infancy by the S ile n i.— S ilvan i de itie s presidin g ove r g arden s and boundarie s. This isa spondaic verse the que in the se cond foot, after Fauni,is lon g by casura. See Gram m ar.

194. Ca li ofbe in g rece ived into heaven .

199. S tarl ets z eal .’— Ausum , the m an w ho had dared

to com m it.’

200. Savit rag ed , furiou sly strove .

201. Ca sarea ofCae sar an al lusion is here m ade tosom e con spiracy ag ain st Au g u stus.

204. Tuaram ofyour subje c ts.

205 . I l la ira deorum , understood.

210. a d adm issum What h'

rs cr'

rrne w as

194 NOTES.

246. Dolori a cause of g rief.’

247. Mortalilm s orba deprived of inhabitants .


249. P aret: w hether Jupiter desig ned.

250. Q ue rentes se . eos.— Ca tera al l such thin g s.

252. P rom ittit orig ine m ird he prom ise s to produce

from a m iraculous orig in .

255 . Long us axis the ancients supposed that an axle

tre e passed throu g h the m iddle of the earth,on w hich, not

on ly the earth, but the w hole fram e of the heavens turned


256. Esse in fatis‘ that the fates had decreed.

’ The

Parca , or Fate s, w ere three g oddesse s. w ho constan tly re

sided in the palace of Pluto , and w ere the suprem e arbiters

of life and death, and of al l the destin ie s of m en . C lothe ,the youn g est of the se g odde sses, he ld a distaff in her hand,

and fixed the m om en t in w hich every m an w as to be born ;

Lachesis he ld a spindle , and spun out all the even ts and

actions of his life ; and Atropos, the elde st of the three ,

out the thread of his l ife w ith a pair of scissars, and thus

determ ined the m om en t of his death.

257. Correpta havin g taken fire .

258. Laboret should be in dan g er of perishing .

259. Cyclopum ofthe Cyc lops a race ofm e n ofg ig an.

tic stature , havin g one eye on ly in the m iddle ofthe forehead,

and said to be the sons ofl us and Terra. They w ere the

assistan ts of Vu lcan ,and m ade the thunde rbolts of Jupiter.

262. o liis in antr1s ‘ in the caves ofo lus ;’the son of

Hippotas, and m onarch of the w inds. His habitation is

said to have be en an im m e n se cave rn in one of the Lipari

islands n ear Sic ily, w here he he ld the w inds in confine m e n t,

and se t them at l iberty at his pleasure— Aquilonem the

n orth w ind w hich g eneraly brin g s dry w eathe r.

263. Inductas spread ove r the face of the heaven s .

266. F luit flow s from .

267. Fron te sedent nebu la m ists settle upon his brow .

a —S inusque and the folds of his robe .

270. J unon is June w as the sister and w ife of Jupiter ;

the g oddess of empire , riches , m arriag e s, and births ; and

the que en of heaven and of the g ods.

271. Concip it ; draw s up, col le cts .

’— Iris a dau g h

ter of Thaum as and Ele ctra, and the atte ndant and m e s

sen g er of Juno. She is said to be the sam e as the rain

bo w , and is con seque ntly represen te d as a ‘walu



of various colors .-Alim enta supt e s .


273. Vota ; the hope s.’

275. Caru leus frater, Neptune , one ofthe sons ofSaturnand Rhea

,the brothe r of Jupiter, and the g od of the sea.

276. Q ui w hich rivers.

279. Dom os source s, foun tains.

’ —Mole every obsta

c le .

281. Fontibus ora relaxan t ope n the ir fountains.

282. In aquora ; tow ards the ocean .

283 . Triden te sua : ‘w ith his tride nt.

It is said that

Neptune w ith a blow of his tride n t cou ld cause earth

quake s , or raise islands from the bottom of the sea.

234. S in us ag uaram he r se c re t repositorie s of w ater.’

286. Cum que satis and w ith the g row in g corn .

287. P enetral ia the inte rior parts of any buildin g , in

w hich the Penates or other g ods are placed.

294. Ducit rem os pl ie s his oars.

297. S i fors tu lit‘ if chan ce so direc ted.

305. Vires fulm in is the stre n g th of his tusks. The

force , w ith w hich the be ar strike s w ith his tusks, is often

c om pared by the poets to the force of lig htn in g .— Apro

p rosunt, is here unde rstood.

306. Aoluta w ashed aw ay.

307. Ubi sidere detur w he reon it m ig ht rest.’

311. P ars hom inum , or an im antium ,is understood .

312. Inopi vieta by w an t of food .

313. S eparat f uit the con struction ; is Phocis terra

feraz , dum terra fuit, separat Adn ios ab Acta is arvis.

Adn ios se . ag ros, or cam pos ; the lands ofAon ia, orBa otia,a coun try ofGree ce borderin g on Attica

,c e le brated as the

re side nce ofthe Muse s.— Acta is ofAttica,

a country of

G re ece,ofw hichAthen s w as the capital . —P hocis a coun try

ofGre ece , renow n ed for a w ar, w hich its iuhabitants carried

on ag ainst som e of the Gre c ian states, particu larly ag ain st

the Am phic tyons and Theban s , w ho sou g ht to deprive them

ofthe ir independe nce . The ir he roic stru g g le w as how ever

u n succe ssfu l,and abou t 348 years before the Christian era,

they w e re ove rpow e red by the ir n u m erous e ne m ie s.

316 . JlIous p etit ardu us a steep m oun tain rises uptow ards .

317. P arnassus Parnassus is on e of the hig hest m oun

tain s in Europe ,it is sacred to Apol lo and the Muse s , and

said to be the ir favourite re side nce .

318, [ l oam /ion the son of Prom etheus , an d th e En g a\

196 NOTES .

1 part of Thessaly.

319. Consorte tori : his w ife ; Pyrrha, the dau g hte r ofEpim e theus and Pandora.

320. Corycidas nymphas :the nym phs inhabiting Corycus,a cave at the foot of Parnassus

,dedicated to the Muses .

321. Fatidicam Thom in : ‘

prophe tic Them is’a dau g h

ter of l us and Terra, w ho , at her orac le°

1n Attica, predicted future even ts. She is said to have be e n the firstam on g the heathen de ities, w ho had atem ple dedicated to

her on earth.— Q ua nunc oracla tenebat : w ho at this tim e

w as g ivin g an sw e rs by an orac le .

322. Il lo than Deucal ion .

323 . M ia:fam ina is understood.

324. J upiter videt is here understood — Stag nare : to

be covered.

325. Unum : hom inem ,is understood.

326. Unam fam inam ,is understood.

330. Maris ira : ‘the violen ce ofthe w ater. — Tricuspide

telo : his trident.’

331. S up raque vocat : the construction is, vocatquc

caru leum Tritona, ecstan tem supra prefundum ,atque tectum

hum eros m urice innato —Hum eros is g overned by secundum ,

or quod ad , understood ; by a Greek construction . See

Gram . R . VII. Obs. 3.- Innato m urice: w ith purple she ll

fish g row in g natural ly on them .

233. Tritona :Triton ,the son ofNeptune and Am phi

trite , a sea de ity hal f m an and half fish,w ho ru led the

w ave s of the sea by a she l l w hich he used as a tru m pe t.

Many of the g ods of the sea re sem ble Triton in form , and

w ere cal led afte r his nam e .

336. In latum in breadth.

’The narrow m ou th of

w hich w iden s by de g re e s to a larg e exten t.

337. Concepit aera it w as blow n .

338. Sub atraque P habo in the east and in the w e st

where Pha bus, or the sun,rise s and se ts. Pha bus is a

nam e ofte n appl ied to Apo l lo , the son of Jupite r and La

ton s , and the g od of e lo que n c e , poetry, m usic , m edic in e,

and au g ury. The w orship of this de ity w as once e xte nde d

throu g hou t the c ivil iz ed w orld ; he had statue s and te m ple s

in eve ry coun try but his m ost m ag n ificen t tem ple , as w e l l

as his m ost ce le brated orac le , w as at De lphi, a tow n ofPho

cis. The Eg yptians worshipped Apol lo u nde r the nam e of

l 98 NOTES .

391. Fudaz est sol lcrtia nobis m y skil l in com prehend

in g fails m e .

392. Pia suadent the orac les are not im pious,and direct. us to nothin g c rim inal .

395. Titania Pyrrha w ho w as descended from the

Titan s.— Aug urio explanation .

396. Spes in dubio est her hope is m ixed w ith fear.

399. Post vestig ia behind them .

400. Nisi sit vetustas if an tiquity did not bear

w itne ss to the tradition .

402. Mord by de g rees.

’—Ducere form am to as

sum e a n ew shape .

404. Con tig i t‘w as g iven .

’ Ut sig nis the con

struction is,at quadam form a hom in is potest videri in il lis,

quanquam adhuc non sic m anifesto ,sed uti de captam arm orc,

non satis czacta, sim il l im aque radib us sig ais.

405 . Marm ore cap to a statue just be g un .

406 . R udibusque sig n is and very like to statue !

in a rou g h state .

408. In corporis usum in to flesh.

412. Faciem traz ére virilem took the shape ofm en .

413. Fa m ina ‘the fem ale race .

416. I l la : the earth. After the hum an race had been

ren ew ed from the stone s throw n by De ucalion and Pyrrha,the earth is said to have spon taneously produced the other

an im al s from the m ud and stag nated w aters, w hich w ere

left on its surfac e after the de lu g e . Am on g the an im als

thus produced w as a se rpe n t of enorm ous siz e, cal led Py

thon . Havin g be en raised up by Jun e to persecute and

de stroy Latona, the m other ofApol lo , he be cam e the objec tofher son

s hatred, w ho is said to have slain him before he

had attained the ag e of m anhood. From his victory ove r

this serpe n t, Apol lo is som e tim e s cal led Pythius.

418. Tenebas ‘thou didst cover w ith thy body.

419. D eus arcitenens :Apol lo ; w ho is g en eral ly repre

sen ted as carryin g a silver bow .

421. G ravem oppre ssed .

’- E1;haustd em ptied ofits

arrow s.

424. Celebri certam ine w ith ce lebrated contests or


425. Pythia se . certam ina.

428. 19529: at the se .

’— Manu , pedibusuc , retem . at

boxing , running , or the chariot race .


427. 1Esm kafrondis : a crow n ofbeech leaves.

430. Daphne P eneia erat is understood ; P oncins, a


Daphne w as the dau g hter of Peneus, the g od of

a river in The ssaly flow in g throu g h the vale ofTem pe .

431. Cupidinis‘of Cupid.

’ He was the g od of love ,and the son ofVenus.

432. D eliu s a nam e appl ied to Apol lo from De los, the

place ofhis birth. De los,or, as it is now cal led, Sail les, is

said to have be en sudden ly raised from the bottom of thesea by Neptune , as a refug e for Latona, w hen she w as pur

sued by the serpent Python ,and cou ld find no place of

safe ty on the earth.

433. Adducta nervo by draw in g its strin g .

’— Cornuahis bow .

434. Q uidque tibi w hat have you to do ?’

440. C'edunt are infe rior.

442. E l iso be in g cut.’

445 . D iversorum operam ofdifferent properties.

446. Q uodfacit that w hich excites love .

447. Et habet p lum bum and is tipped w ithlead.

448. Hoc w ith the latte r.

450. Alter Apol lo.— Altera Daphne .

452. P ha bes of Phoebe,

’or Diana ; the dau g hte r of

Jupiter and Latona, and the g odde ss of forests, m oun tains,

and hun tin g , w ho ,havin g m ade a vow ofpe r tual ce libacy,

shunned the socie ty of m ankind, and passe her tim e in

the w oods , attired as a hun tre ss,and attended by a train of

sixty nym phs. This g oddess w as born at the sam e tim e

w ith Apol lo ; and, l ike him , had tem ple s in alm ost everypart of the civiliz ed w orld. Hum an sacrifice s w ere ofte n

offe red on her altars.

453 . P ositos sine leg e lyin g w itho ut order.

454. Fug it i. e . flie s from Apo l lo , w ho w as pursuin ghe n— R evocantis Apol l in is is understood.

455. P ene1 this w ord be in g a Greek vocative has the

i final short. Nom . P ene1s, Gen . P encidos.

456. Ag na, cerva fug it is understood after each.

463. Cui p loceus w ho it is you have thus captivat9

465 . Horridus ‘ in m ean appare l .’

467. C laros Clarus or C laros,a town of i onia , wh ere

Apol lo had an oracle . Tenedos:an isienu in the E111,“

200 NOTES .

sea. opposite Troy and near Le sbos.— P ataraaque reg io

the c itade l ofPatara,’or, as it is now cal led, Patera, a town

ofLyc ia, fam ous for an orac le ofApollo.

469. Concordant nervis are fitted to the string s of the

lyre are se t to m usic .

4 0. Nostra : sag itta, is unde rstood.

471. Vacuo w hich w as before free from love .

476. Locu turum Apol l inem is unde rstood.

4 Cam'

s Gal l icus a g rey hound .

479. Il le lepus petit, u nde rstood.

480. Inha suro sim ilis : as thou g h about to se iz e’the hare .

481. S tring it vestig ia: presse s c lose lyupon him ; touches

his he e ls.

487. Et crinem aj lat and breathes upon her

hair flow in g ove r he r shou lde rs.

490. Num en a divin e pow e r.

492. di al l ia prm m rdia he r de l icate body.

494. P ig ris :‘ im m ove ab le .

495 . Cacm ncn obit the top ofa tre e covers.’

499. Latiis : ‘ Rom an .

500. Capitolin‘ the Capitol .

It w as c ustom ary am on gthe Rom an s for eve ry g e ne ral , w ho had a trium ph, to g o at

the head of the trium phal procession to the Capitol , and to

offer the re a sacrifice to Jupite r.

501. Aug ustis ofAu g ustus.

502. fil odiam qu ercum the oak, or civic crow n,w as

hun g on a laure l , in the porch ofthe e m pe ror’s house .

513 . In tonsis‘u n c ut.

’ Apo l lo is g e n e ral ly repre se n ted

w ith lon g and flow in g hair, an d a chaple t of laure l on his


504. P erpetuos unfadin g , everg re e n .

505. P a an : Apo l lo ; a n am e de rived from the pa w n

or hym n ,w hich w as sun g in the w orship of this de ity, in

com m em oration ofhis trium ph ove r the serpe n t Python .

506 Annuit nodded asse n t.’

507. Cen tum Arg us : 10 w as the dau g hte r of In a

chu s,a son of Ocean us and Te thys , and the founde r of

the kin g dom of Arg os . While she w as the prie ste ss of

June at Arg os, Io unw il l in g ly attrac ted the atten tion and

e n g ag ed the afl'

e c tion s of Jupite r, w ho,in orde r to conce al

his attachm e n t from June,chan g ed he r in to a beautifu l

he ifer. The artifice w as how ever im m ediatehj diseoxere d .

Jun o becam e acquain ted w ith the treachery oi ne t‘

uu o

202 NOTES .

550. Alas pedibus Mercury w as alw ays repre se n ted

w ith w in g s on his fe e t, calle d talaria ; a cap w ith w in g s on

on his head , called p eto‘

isus ; and a rod or w and , cal led

caduceus ; around w hich w ere e ntw in ed tw o se rpe n ts.

Mercury is said to have re ce ived this rod of Apol lo , in ex

chan g e fbr a lyre , ofw hich he w as the inven tor he alw ays

m ade use of it in conduc tin g the sou ls of the dead to the

infe rnal re g ion s , and he had the pow e r of lu l lin g persons

to sle ep w ith it,and eve n ofraisin g the dead to l ife .

55 1. S umpsisse w hile he w as placin g .

555 . I l l c : virg a is understood .

556. D am ven it, abductas stolen as he passes alon g )

S tructis ‘

joined tog e the r.

557. Voce novd w ith the sound of this n ew instrum en t.

’— J unonias placed there by Juno .

561. Atlantiades the g randson ofAtlas .

562. D etinuit diem be g u iled the tim e .


. Lam ina Arg i is understood.

568. Tal ia dicturus w hile he is about to re late the

history of the pipe — Cyl leniu s Me rcury, w ho derives this

nam e from Cyl lene , a m oun tain in Arcadia, on w hich he

w as born .

577. Volucris sua : of the peacock ; a bird sacred to

to Juno.

579. Esrarsit : J uno is unde rstood.

580. IIorriferam Erinnyn a dreadfu l Fury,’by

w hich she w as drive n fran tic ove r the e arth.

581. P ol licis Arg olica ofhe r Gre c ian rival .’

583. Ultim us fin is is u nde rstood.

585. R esupino ardua col lo raisin g her head hig h abovehe r ne ck .

589. I l le Jupite r.

593. (ft len ita dea est :‘w hen Jun o w as appeased .

597. D ilap sa disappearin g .

’— absum itur is chan g

599. Qfiicioque duorum and the nym ph satisfiedw ith the se rvice oftw o fe e t.

600. Erig itur stands e re c t.’

601. In term issa ‘ lon g disused .

L inigrerd c lothed in line n .

In is w orshipped bythe Eg yptians as 1818, w hose priests w ear hn eu roh e s .



PHAETHONTIS Mon s . Phat ton w as the son of Pha bus

and C lym ene , on e of the Ocean ide s. Proud of his birth,and distin g uished by the favour ofVenus, w ho had confidedone of her tem ple s to his care , he ofte n boasted of the se

honors before Epaphus , the son of Jupiter and l o, and ar

rog an tly assum ed the supe riority over him . In on e of the

con te n tion s be tw ee n them,Epaphus, to hum ble the pride of

his com pan ion ,denied his divine orig in , and charg ed C ly

m e ne w ith deception in repre se n tin g Pha bus as his father.

Stun g w ith the in sult, Phat thon hastened to his m other,w ho

,in orde r to convince him of her verac ity, and of his

de sc e n t from the g od ofday, advised him to appeal to Phea

bu s him se lf,and to repair im m ediate ly to his palace . The

advic e w as joyfu lly re ce ived by her son,and in the fol low

in g history, Ovid re late s the re sult ofhis journ ey.

1. Alta ‘raised hig h.

2. Pyropo the pyropus , or carbunc le is a precious stone

ofa flam e colour.

5 . Materiem ‘ the m ate rials .

’—Opus the workm an ship.



,a nam e of Vu lcan the g od of fire and ofsm iths


and the son ofJupiter and Juno , or, accordin g to the opin

ion ofothe rs , of Juno alon e . Soon afte r he w as born , it is

said , he w as kicked dow n from Olym pus by Jupite r, and

broke one of his le g s in the fall . From this acc ide n t he

n eve r w ho l ly recove red , so that lam ene ss w as added to the

othe r de form itie s of his person . The island of Lem nos is

said to have been the place ofhis reside nce durin g his con

tin uance 011 earth ; but his forg e s, at w hich the thunde r

bo lts of Jupite r w ere fabricated,are alw ays placed by the

poe ts u n de r E tna, a m oun tain in the island of S ic ily, ce l

e brated for its vo lcan ic e ruption s. Throu g h the kind office s of Bac chus, Vu lcan w as at len g th re con c iled to his

fathe r : he re turned to heave n , and be cam e the husband of

Ve n us .

8. Unda i. e . the repre se ntation of the ocean carved on

the foldin g doors.

9. Proteaquc am big uum and the chan g efu l Prote us.

Proteus w as the son of Oc ean us and Te thys . He w as a

sea de ity, ce le brated for his know ledg e 01°

inturitxj an d ion

204 NOTES .

the pow er w hich he possessed of assum in g w hatsoever

shape he please d.

10. n ceona: E g anon f or,as he is m ore freque n tly cal l

ed , Briare us, the son of Caelus and Te rra, a g ig an tic sea

deity, havin g a hundred hands and fifty heads .

11. D orida : Doris w as the daug hte r of Oce an us and

Te thys ; and the m othe r of the sea-nym phs, cal led Nafeddes, from the ir father Ncreus .

14. Q ualem se . habe nt faciem talem ,but they have

I n ch a fac e , as .

18. S ig na sez six ofthe tw e lve sig n s ofthe z odiac .

19. Accl ivo l im ite by an asce ndin g path.

20. D ubitati Epaphus had raised this doubt.

21. Ad patrias valtas : ‘ he g oe s into the presence

ofhis father.

26. Spam s «equal ibus at equal distance s from each

othe r.

27. F lorcnte offlow e rs.

30. C'w m s lu'

rs 'rta capil los rou g h w ith hoary hair.

31. Loco m edias ‘ in the m iddle .

36. S i (105 ifyou w il l al low m e to cal l you

by the nam e offathe r.

38. Errorem‘

u nce rtainty.

40. Depos u it m'h


ns Plu e hn s laid aside the crow n of

rays , w ith w hich his head w as surroun ded , and w hich, byits brig htne ss , had preve n ted Phae thon from com in g near

him .

41. Nee tu es the construc tion is, nec tu dig n as es

neg ari esse m eus fil ius.

42 . Veros edidit artus de c lared your true de sce n t.’

45. D is j uranda : by w hich the g ods are accustom ed tosw ear.

’ —Palus the S tyx.

47. In diem for one day.

55 . Non est m ortale ‘ is not al low ed to m ortals

is beyond the ir pow e rs .

57. P lat eat sibi m ay think hig hly of his ow n pow er.

58. Q wisquam : s uperfim is u nde rstood .

62. P rim a via ‘ the first part of the w ay.

This de

scription of the path of the sun,thou g h distin g uished by its

poe tical be auty,is founded on the e rroneous opin ion that

the sun revo lve s round the earth,inste ad of the earth round

the sun .

64. tim er the con stru ction is , u m l e tim er scepc

fit ”xi/ii ridere m are ct terras.

206 NOTES .

109. R epercusso Phoebe by reflec tin g the sun .

114. Lucifer the nam e g iven to the plane t Venus,w hen the m orn in g star. It is the last star that disappears

w hen the sun rise s. Venus is cal led Hesperus, w hen it is

the even in g star, and is then the first star that appears aftersunse t.

116. Extrem e ofthe fadin g .

’Velut : ready.

117. Horis the three Hours,dau g hters of Jupiter and

Them is, to w hose care the horses ofthe sun w ere en trusted.

122. Fecit patientia and m ade his face capable ofen

durin g .

123 . Luctiis ofhis future sorrow .

128. Net tibi arcus the con struction is , nec via per

quinque arcus directos p laceat tibi.— Arcus the five im a

g inary circ les, w hich divide the z ones from each other.

130. Zonarum fine contained w ithin the lim its

ofthree z ones.

’ Most of the stars w hich form the conste l

lation s of the z odiac are w ithin the torrid zone ; but a few

are on the borders ofthe tem pe rate z ones .

134. P rem e ke ep too low .

137. Neu te dexterior se . rota le t not the rig ht

w he e l .’— In Ang uem to the Serpe n t w hich is up near

the North pole .

138. Ad Aram to the Altar w hich is n ear the

Sou th pole . 1‘

he g ods are supposed to have transfer

red to the heaven s the altar on w hich they first e n tered into a confede racy ag ain st the Titans.

142 . L ibera allow able ; optional .’

143 . Poscim ur w e are cal led for

w an ted.

154. R epag u la the bars, or opposin g barriers, to

prevent the horses from startin g before the exac t tim e .

155 . Nepotis ; of her g randson .

’Te thys w as the m o

ther ofC lym ene .

156. Facta est m undi the m om of the vast hea

ve n s w as laid open before them .

160. Cog noscere to fe e l .’

164. S ic onere inan i the con struction is, sic curras

dat saltus in aera vacuos assueto onere , succntiturque a lté,esi g ue sim ilis inan i currui.

167. Sp atium : path.

’— Q uo prau s in w hich they did

before .

170. Triones the seven bri g ht stars m th e ass u m e s“

i. e . our l ig ht is


UrsaMajor, which are now cal led Charles’sWain , near the

North pole .

175. Boo'

te Bootes, a conste l lation near Ursa Major.

176. Tuaplaustra i. e . the Triones , w hich appear as

a w ag on ,and which Boote s is said to drive .

182. Valu isse rog ando that he prevailed over his fa

ther by his en treaties.

183. Meropis dici cupiens w ishin g to be cal led the

son ofMe rops i. e . the husband ofC lym ene , a kin g oftheisland of Cos , w ho w as chan g ed in to the conste l lation of

the Eag le .— Itafertur rel iquit

‘the con struction is , ita

fertur, atpinus ve l navis acta pra cipiti Bored , cui suns

rector rem isitfram e aut g ubernacu lum , quam nevem reliquit

dis votisque .

192 . Vario diversified by various conste l lationsR— Mracu la m onsters i. e . stran g e and fearfu l obje cts .

195. S corp ios the scorpion one ofthe con ste l lations

of the z odiac ; the Greek nom inative .- F lez is extended


198. Vu lnera cuspide threatenin g to inflict woundsupon him w ith the stin g in his crooked tail .’202. Impetus :

‘their fury.

205 . S um m e the hig he st re g ions.

209. (It quceque al tissim a the hig hest parts of the

e arth in succe ssion .

216. Atl ws a lofty m ou n tain ofMacedonia, now cal led

Mon te Sau te , and inhabited by n early four thousand m onks.

—Ta nru sque Cilia: and C ilic ian Taurus ; a ran g e of

m oun tain s in Asia. Tm olus a m ountain of Lydia, now

cal led Bouz dag .— G 'Jte a m ountain be tw een Thessaly and

Macedonia ; its m odern nam e is Banina.


2I7. Ide ‘ Ida ; a ce lebrated m ountain ofPhryg ia, n earm y.

218. Helicon a m oun tain ofBce otia (now cal led Zag areVoun i), sacred to Apol lo and the Muse s . The epithe t vir

g ineas is applied to it, because it w as sacred to the Muses,

w ho w e re al l virg ins. At its foot w ere the ce lebrated fountain s Ag an ippe and Hippocrene .

—Nondum m ag i-ins Hae

m os Haem us, not ye t cal led (Bag rian after the nam e of( Eag rus, or (Eag er, a kin g of Thrace ; or probably afterthe nam e of Orpheus, his son ,

w ho w as m urdered on this

m oun tain , w hich is be tw een Thrace and The ssakxj .

219. In imm ensum w ith fury to a vasth e’

xg‘m ? —G m

208 NOTES '



s ig nibus . i. e . w ith its ow n fire , and w ith the fire fromt


he chariot of the sun a burn in g m ountain in Sic1Y220. Parnassus a m oun tain in Phocis— Eryn: a m oun

tain in Sicily, w hich rece ived its nam e from Eryx, a son of

Butes and Ve nus , w ho w as buried on it ; its m odern nam e is

Giu l iano.— C’ynthus a m oun tain of De los.

— Othrys a

chain of m oun tains in The ssaly, the residen ce of the

Cen taurs.

221. Rhodope a m oun tain of Thrace , covered w ith per

petual snow s. It is said to have rece ived its n am e from

Rhodope , the w ife of Haem us , w hom Juno chan g ed into

this m oun tain for professin g to vie w ith her in beauty.

Mim as a m oun tain of Asia Minor.

222. D indym a a m oun tain of Phryg ia, sacred to Cybele.

— Mycd le a m oun tain and city ofAsiaM'

a m oun tain of Bre e tie , sacred to Bacchus, Jupiter, and the

Muse s.

223 . Caucasus an 1m m en se cha1n ofm oun tam s be tw een

the Euxin e and Caspian seas.

224. Ossaque Ossa, Pindus and Olym pus are m oun tains

in The ssaly. Le t it be rem em be red that the re are four,

othe r m oun tains nam ed Olym pus, be side s this in Thessaly,sacred to Apol lo and the Muse s . viz . one in Mysia ; one

in Elis ; one in Arcadia ; and another in the island of


225 . Alpes the Alps w hich separate Italy from

France .— Aperminus : the Ape n n 1ne s ;

’a ran g e of m oun

tain s dividing Italy into tw o parts.

234. In corpora sum m o vocato : be in g draw n by the

heat to the exte rior of the body.

235 . {Ethiop um‘of the [EthiOpians E thiopia is a

236. Labye Libya a dry and barren country of

238. Dircert: Dirce a foun tain n ear Thebe s , w hich

took its nam e from Dirce , the w ife of Lycus, a kin g of

The be s .

239. Arg os undas Arg os bew ails the loss ofAm ym 6n e , and Ephyra (Corin th)the w aters of Piren e .


verse m aybe scan n ed thus

Arg os AImym olnen Ephylre Enemi es w as“ .


source ofthis ce lebrated river, thoug h it w as for ag es a sub

ject of inquiry, rem ain ed unknow n til l a few years since ;w hen the trave l ler Bruce is said to have discovered it. It isnow ascertain ed that it takes its rise in Abyssin ia, and after

flow in g throu g h Abex, Nubia, and Eg ypt, it e m pties itse lfbyseven m on ths or channe ls into the Mediteranean sea


the city Al exandria. The Nile annual lyoverflow s its banksabout the latter end ofMay, and for four m on ths the countryof Eg ypt is covered w ith its w aters. This in undation is

said to be occasioned by the periodical rain s w hich fal l w henthe sun is vertical in Ethiopia in the m on ths of April andMay ; and thoug h it is som etim e s dan g e rous and de solatingin its consequence s w hen the rise of the waters is excessive ,it is in g en e ral attended w ith the m ost ben efic ial efi



fe rtiliz in g the lands, and enrichin g the natives.

255 . Vacant : are de stitute of w ater.

256. Ism arios sc . am nes i. e . the Thracian rivers.

Ism arus w as a m oun tain of Thrace , near the rivers Strym on and Hebrus, or, as it is now cal led

,Mariz a.

257. Hesperiosque om nes and the rivers in the w e st

— Rhenam ‘ the Rhin e ;’a larg e rive r of Europe , w hich

divide s Germ any from Gau l .— Rhoddnum the Rhone ; a

rapid river in Gau l .— Padum ‘ the I’o ;’a river of Italy,

som e tim e s cal led Eridanus.

258. Cui to w hich river,’i. e . to Rom e , w hich is

built on the Tybe r.— R erum poten tia the sovere ig n ty of

the w orld.

’The Tybe r rise s in the Apen n in e s , and after

runn in g throu g h the m idst ofRom e,fal ls into the Tyrrhene


260. Conj ug o Proserpine .

263 . Cyclades the Cyc lade s ;’a c luster of about fifty

islands in the n ean sea. They are so cal led from 111511109,a circ le , on account oftheir circu lar position .

267. Fam a est‘ it is said.

278. S ip lacet hoc, m eruique if you approve of m yde struc tion , and ifI have de served it.

279. L iceat periturce se . m ihi m ay it be al low ed m e ,

ifI m ust pe rish by fire .

280. An ctore by the g reatness of its author,’i. e . by

its proce edin g from you .

284. f ructus‘rew ards.

’— Hon orem‘Xxen em ble te

001:rp e nse .

286 . E z erceor am harassed

989 . F a e suppose .


290. Q uid m eruitfrater w hat has your brother Neptune deserved

296. Az cm the heavens ; w hich the m ountain Atlasw as supposed to support.299. Rerum sum m as the safe ty ofthe


un iverse .

302. Manibu s to the shades,

’i. e . the departed spirits

in the re g ions ofPluto .

303 . S uperos testatus havin g m al led the g ods to w itn e ss .

Jupite r w ished to justify his conduct in destroyin gthe youth, and especial ly to Apol lo .

304. Dederat: se . P hae tl wnti had g iven up to Phaeton .

312 . Ig n ibus : i. e . fu lm in is.

313. In con traria ‘ in a dire ction Opposite’to that


w hich they w ere previously g oin g .

321. Etsi quas is u nde rstood before etsi.

322 . Q uem Phaé tom — Orbe part ofthe earth.

324. Hesp eriae ofHespe ria ;’

a Greek nam e of Italy,and a Latin nam e ofSpain , de rived from He sper or Vesper,the settin g sun , and applied to these cou n trie s , because the

one w as situated to the w e st of Gre e ce , and the othe r to

the w est of Rom e . Trifidd flam m d from the forkedl ig htn in g .

329. Credim us w e m ay credit the tradition .

338. Aperto naked.

339. H eliades the dau g hters ofPhcs bus and C lym en e

the siste rs of Phae ton ; the ir nam es w ere Pkaetkusa,

Lampetie , and Phcebe.

340. Ca se pectora se . secundum beatin g the ir


343. Luna orbem :‘the m oon had four tim e s ap

peared quite round,as a ful l m oon i e . four m on ths had


344. Morem fecesl i : had m ade the ir lam en tations ha


348. Subita sudden ly g row in g from her fe et.’

350. Tertia the third sister,’Phoebe .

352. Impetus :‘ fren zy.

361. Electra am ber w hich w as supposed to be a

g um exudin g from certain tre es its orig in , how eve r, is un

certain ; it is by som e considered as a m in er-ahasses sm en

212 NOTES .

INVIDIE Dom us. Mercury havin g fal len in love w ith

Herse , the m ost beautifu l ofthe dau g hters of Cecrops, kingof Athens, hired her siste r Ag lauros, for a larg e sum of

m oney, to aid his su it. Mine rva, indig nan t at the m erce narydisposition of Ag lauros, inspired her w ith envy at the g oodfortune of her sister ; and thus induced he r to prevent

Mercury from see in g Herse . Me rcury in reven g e conve rted

Ag lauros into a stone . The description of the abode of

Envy, to w hom Min erva repairs, is hig hly poe tical .

364. Petit . Minerva is understood. Val libus


366. Ig naw slu g g ish havin g a tendency to m akem en dispirited and l istle ss.

368. Virag o Pal las or Minerva. This de ity was the

dau g hter of Jupiter, and is said to have sprun g from his

brain arrayed in com ple te arm our. Hence she w as consid

e red as the g odde ss of w ar ; thou g h the superior w isdom

w hich she m an ife sted in the coun cils of the g ods, and thevarious kinds of know ledg e w hich she com m un icated to

m ankind , caused her to be re g arded also as the g oddess of

w isdom and ofall the liberal arts and scie nces.

370. Extremacuspide w ith the e nd ofhe r spear.

377. Vultum dusit the con struction is , que ad

vu ltum Minervze dus it im a suspiria. Envy w as troubled at

see in g the love ly coun tenance ofthe g odde ss .

379. Nusquam recta acies she n eve r looks direct uponone .

’ Envy alw ays sees thin g s aw ry.

381. Q uem‘the sm ile w hich.

383 . Ing ratos sibi, is understood.

384. Carpit and she torm en ts and is torm en tedat the sam e tim e .

386. Tritom'

a a nam e applied to Minerva from Trito

n is, a river ofAfrica, n ear w hich she had a tem ple .

387. Cecropis‘ofCecrops anati ofEg ypt, w ho se ttl ed

in Attica about 1556 years before hristian era,w here

he founded Athen s,and form ed the savag e tribe s of C ecro

pia in to a civiliz ed state . He is said to have in troduced thew orshipofthe pag an de ities in to Gree ce . Ce crops at his de

cease left three dau g hters , Ag lauros, He rse , and Pandrosos.

389. Et impressd hastd and pushed he r spear

ag ainst the g round,’

1. e . in order to show her dis g ust , and

to hasten her flig ht.

214 NOTES .

22. Tatum sc . serpentem ; i. e . the conste l lation of the

Serpe n t, w hich is be tw een the tw o Bears.

29. Vestig at seeks by the ir tracks .

36 . Molarem a stone as big as a m il lstone .

40. Loriots m ode as w ith a coat of m ail .’

43. Lentce flexible .

49. Sol itas recens to his usual fierce ness w as

added the recen t w ound .

5 5 . R ectior exit he unfolds him se lf straig hter.

57. P roturbat bears dow n .

65 . Dabat retro he drew back .

’— P lagbat and prevented the stroke from pierc in g ve ry de eplyby shrinkin g from it.

68. Eunti, se . serpen ti the se rpen t retreatin g .

71. S aa robora that its tru nk .

72 . Dam hostis w hilst the victor is con tem plat

in g the vast siz e of his vanqu ished foe .

73 . P romp tum‘easy.


_Unde w hen ce it proce eded.

75 . Sp ectabere serp ens Cadm us w as afterw ards changed in to a serpe n t, tog e ther w ith his w ife He rm l one .

79. Mata plou g hed.

80. Vipereos ofthe serpen t he had slain .

81. P resso he ld dow n .

82. .Mortalia ofm en .

83. Fide m aj us a w onder beyond be l ief.’

84. Prim aqn e hasta and first appeared from the

furrow s the poin ts of the spears .

85 . Teg m ina cap itum he lm ets.

88. Tol luntur are l ifted up.

’In the Rom an theatres

the curtain be fore the stag e w as not draw n up at the com

m encem en t of a pe rform ance , accordin g to the pre sent

practice ; but the stag e w as laid open to the view of the

audience by le ttin g the curtain fal l dow n on it. Whe ntherefore it w as ag ain draw n up, at the con c lusion of an

act, the heads of the fig ure s painted on it be cam e visible

first,and the other parts of the pain tin g s w e re g radual ly

raised and exhibited to view ..Se e Virg il , Gee r. III. 25.

P u rpurea in tes ti tol lan t au la a Britanni.

91. [ m o m arg ine the edg e ofthe stag e .

96. Jacu lo cadit the on e w ho had just advised Cadm usn ot to lig ht, havin g sm itten one of his n ew born brothers,falls him se lfby a dart throw n from a d

xstan e e .


99. S uo'

Martc in fig ht w ith each other.

100. Subiti sudden ly born .

102. Matron : the earth.

103 . Q uinque superstitibus the ablative absolute .

105 . Fidem a prom ise .

106. S idon irts haspas Cadm us, the Sidonian stran g er.

Sidon w as the capital of Phce nic ia.

107. Urbem The be s the capital ofBce otia.

109. Soceri tibi your fathe r and m other in law . Cadm us, afte r he se ttled in Gre ece , m arried Herm 1one , w ho

w as said to be the daug hter ofMars an d Ven u s .

Mars w as the son of Jupite r and Juno. He w as w or

shipped by the Rom an s and in som e parts ofGreece , as the

g od ofarm ie s and w ar. Ve nus w as the g oddess ofbeauty,

ple asure , and love , and the m ost be autifu l of al l the g od

de sse s. Ve nus is said to have sprun g from the froth ofthe

sea, near the island of Cyprus. Havin g displeased Jupitersoon after she w as carried to heave n , he offered her in m ar

riag e to the u g ly and deform ed Vulcan , whom she w as

com pe l led to m arry. Cupid and Hym en w ere her childre n ,

as w e l l as the Grace s and the hero tEneas . The history of

Ve nus, l ike that of the heathe n de itie s in g en eral , is l ittle

m ore than a disg ustin g historyof l ic e n tiou sn e ss and crim e s ;

ye t he r w orship w as once un iversal ly e stabl ished in the

Gre ek and Rom an e m pire s. The place s , in w hich she w as

m ost particu larly honored, w ere Am athus , Cythera, an d Pa

hos.p112. Has quoque j am j uvenes and these too now

g row n up.

’- S ed

,scilicet, debet : this sen tence appears

to be a tran slation ofa ce lebrated sayin g ofthe philosopher

Solon to Crte sus, a pow erfu l and opule nt m onarch ofLydia.

This princ e , boastin g be fore Solon ofhis prospe rityand hap

pin cas , w as re m inded by him ,that the in stabil ity of hum an


airs w as such,that no m an cou ld prop erly be cal led hap

py before the day of his death. Soon after his in terview

w ith the philosopher, Crce sus w as taken captive by Cyrus,kin g ofPe rsia

,and conde m ned to be burn t. When placed

on the pile , the unfortunate prin ce rem em be red the w ords

ofSo lon , and w ith a pierc in g cry thrice repeated his nam e .

This invo lun tary exc lam ation saved his life . Cyrus orde r

e d him to be taken from the pile , and havin g heard the his

tory of his conversation w ith Solon,set him at

m ade him on e ofhis m ost in tim ate friends .

216 NOTES .

115. Ncpos Actaeon , the son ofAristaeus and Auwnhe ,the dau g hte r of Cadm us. Aristaeus w as the son of Apolloand the nym ph Cyré ne ,

and is said to have taug ht m ankindthe cu ltivation ofolives

,and the m anag e m ent ofbee s.

116. Al iena ‘not his ow n .

118. Fortuna: crim en an un in tentional crim e .

’ Ao

taeon , w hen e n g ag ed in the sports of the fie ld,acc idental ly

cam e to a foun tain ,w here Diana and


her attendants w ere

bathin g , and w as im m ediate ly chan g ed by the enrag ed g od

dess into a stag .

120. Dat se . D iana — Sparse sprinkled w ith the

w ate r ofthe foun tain .

129. Non sua not natural to him .

135. Q uasque est and others w hich it would

take too lon g too enum erate .

138. t i t :per loca,understood.

142. Melancha tes, Theridam as , Oresitrophus

n am es ofActm on’s dog s.

145 . Anticipata est w as shortened.

147. Vu ln eribus for inflictin g w ounds.

’— Sonum quchabet the con struc tion is

,habetque sonum , qu i, etsi

non sit sonus hom in is, tom en e st son us, quem cervus non

possit edere .

155 . Abesse that he is absen t.’

156. Nec capere‘ that he doe s not e njoy.

161. Hanc Aca tes — P en theus he w as the son of

Echion and Ag ave , the dau g hte r ofCadm us . When Bacchus in his infan cy cam e to The be s

,Pen theus , at that tim e

the sovere ig n of the c ity, prohibited his subjects from offerin g adoration to him ; and w hile the Theban w om en w ere

ce lebratin g his org ie s, he ordered Bacchus him se l f to be

brou g ht before him . His servants how eve r w ere e ithe r unable or unw il lin g to execu te this com m and

,and instead of

the g od , they broug ht to him Acm tes , on e ofhis attendants.

Enrag ed by this disappoin tm en t, be re so lved to g o him se lf

to the place , w here the w orshippers ofBacchus w e re assem

b led,and after havin g g ratified his curiosity by w itne ssin g

the ce lebration of the ir rite s,to orde r the ir im m ediate de

struction . The Bacchanals,w hen Pen the us arrived am on g

them , had reached the he ig ht of the ir fren zy, and as soon

as they pe rce ived his approach, they rushed upon him and

tore him to pie ces. His ow n m other is said to have beenthe firs t who attacked him .

218 NOTES .

the g ods, having previously sworn by the Styg ian w et ? to

g ive her w hatsoever she should ask, was constrained to

com ply w ith her request ; and al thoug h he endeavoured b

lessen the terrors of his dig n ity, the daug hter of Cadmuw as unable to bear the shock of his appearance , and “

ashes in his presence . Her child how everh asdestruction . Jupiter entre smd him to them

of Silenus and the nym phs in the island of Ni xon, one'

ofthe Cyc li des. As Bacchus first inven ted the art ofm akingw ine , he was considered as the g od of w ine , and of

drinkers. He is g eneral ly represented as holdin g in his

hand, instead of a sceptre , a thyrsus, or sm al l lan ce cover

ed w ith ivy and vine leaves. The w orship ofthis deity was

conducted in the w ildest and m ost l icentious m anner. Hisw orshi rs, clothed in the skins of tig ers, or of panthers,crow ne w ith g arlands of ivy, the vine , or the fir, and car

ryin g l ig hted torches in the ir hands, ran-about in the open

air in all the w ildness of fren zy, shouting Evoé Evan ,


‘Good Son ; a nam e g iven by Jupiter to Bacchus, for theintrepid bravery, w hich be m anifested on his behalf in the

w ar w ith the Giants. These rite s, w hich were ce lebrate

principal ly in Greece , w ere cal led Dionysia, Bacchanalia,

Trictria, or Org ies.

214. Solutus dissipated.

216. Q ud apc by w hat m eans.

219. Terré sisttrc pctitd : you shal l he landed on the

shore you w ish.

220. Liber a nam e g iven to Bacchus, because he delivered from slavery several cities in Breotia.

222. Fal laccs se . nauta the treacherous m ariners.’

224. Dez trd lintea danti sailin g to the rig ht.’

229. Artis ofthe steerin g .

233. P ctit diversa he steers in a different direction .

242. P rascntior m ore able to discove r a fal sehood,or m ore ready to aveng e one .

243 . Tam m c .fidc : ‘ that what I re late is as true,as it is incredible .

246. R em aram perstant: persist in plying the oars.

247. Deducunt ‘ they unfurl .’

248. Hedcrcz ivy this everg reen plan t is said to

have been dedicated to Bacchus,as an em blem of his per

pe tual youth.


250. Racem zferis unis w ith bunches of g rapes.

Fronten :_ see Adam s

s Lat. Gr. Ru le VII. Obs. 3.

253. Fa ith ful-um of panthers.

’The panther, lynx,

and tig er were sacred to,Bacchus.


Ezsiluérs ‘ leaped overboard.

256. Cam era dcpresso his body be in g flattened.

’- Et

spina; incipit and be g ins to be curved as to hisback.

’ He was chan g ed into a dolphin .

258. L oquenti “w hile he w as speakin g .

260. Obstantes entang led .

261. In spatium vidit perceived his hands to

contrac t.’

236. D are brachia to lay hold on .

265. Fal cata est and the extrem e part of histail is hooked.

267. D ividuaz Im us of the n ew m oon ,



in g in the for f a crescen t,appears as thoug h its ex

trem e parts w er separated from each other.

272. R estabam solus all the others w ere chang ed in todolphin s

—P avidum m e is understood .

273. Vixque m eum and scarce ly m yse lf,’i. e . alm ost

sense less.

275. Be selm a sacrafrequents I ce lebrate the sacred

rites ofBacchus.

Here ends the story of Aca te s, w hich he told to Pen

theus. The indig nation ofPentheus, how ever, was unahat

ed. He ordered Acoetes to be put to death ; and w ent in

pe rson to pun ish those w ho w ere ce lebratin g the rite s of

Bacchus on Mount Cithaeron , w here he w as torn in pieces

by the infuriated fem ales .


THE fol low in g story of Pyram us and Thisbe afl'

ords an


ectin g il lustration of the usual consequences of youn gperson s actin g in opposition to parental authority.

4. Coctilz’

bus built w ith bricks’ and m ortar. Urbem

Babylon .— S em iram is, a ce lebrated queen ofAssyria, w ho

flourished about 1960years before the Christian era . h e

soon as she was born , she w as exposed by her m a m a.

220 NOTES.

desert, in which destitute situation she was discovered bySim m as, a shepherd, w ho s aved her from perish



broug ht her up as his ow n child. Havin g m arried eno

nes, the g overnor ofNinéveh, she w as present w ith her hus

band at the sie g e of Bactra, w here her beauty and talents

so m uch attracted the adm iration ofNinus, the son ofBe

lus and the first kin g of Assyria, that be resolved to m akehe r his queen . Menones at first refused to g ive up his

w ife , bu t dreadin g the rese n tm en t of the kin g , he at len g th

de stroyed him se lf,and Sim iram is im m ediate ly be cam e the

consort ofNinus. But even this e levated station cou ld not

satisfy her boundle ss am bition . She soon prevail ed on the

kin g to re sig n his crow n to her, and afterw ards e stabl ished

herse lf on his throne by puttin g him to death. Her reig n

was how ever distin g u ished by acts ofbe n eficen ce and g reat

ness. Babylon ,the capital of he r em pire , rem ained for

ag e s a ce lebrated m onum en t of her m a’ ficence . If not

orig inal ly bu ilt by he r, it w as so m uch en larg ed an d e m be l

lished by this que en , that it becam e the m ost supe rb c ity in

the w orld .

5 . Gradus am orz'

s is understood.

7. Vetué'

re forbade .

’Vetare to preven t ; to control .

8. D urw rat ‘ it had g otten .

10. Vitium : defe c t,’i. e . the chink in the w al l .

16. Neve sit spatiantibus that they m ig ht not

m iss each other w hile w anderin g .

17. Busta Nim’

the tom b ofNinus ;’an anc ient king

ofthe Assyrian s .

23. Su es he r friends .

25 . Audacem il lam is understood .

26. Oblita : besm eared ;’from obl inor .

32. S ine ipsd by itse lf,‘w ithout her.

33. Am ictus ‘ the veil .’

38. E quibus ofw hom i. e . ofw hich lovers.

44. Tim idi est ‘ it is the part of a cow ard.

’— Optare

m ere ly to w ish for.

47. Inqm'

t he says to the veil .

49. Traxit g ladim a is understood.

51. Fistu la : i. e . a leaden pipe in w hich w ater is


54. Arboreifw tus‘the youn g m u lberries.

58. I l la :Thisbe .

60. In arboreform am‘the appearan ce

oi w e tree

222 NOTES.

them w ith so stron g a desire of eatin g hum an flesh, thatthat they first kil led and afterw ards devoured Hippasus, theson of one of the sisters. They w ere at len g th chan g ed

by Bacchus into bats. The nam es of the Minei'

des w ere

Leuconbe , Leucippe , and Alcithbe , but Ovid cal ls the two

first C lym ene and Iris.

108. Ipse Bacchus him se lf.’

110. Our non Ina w hy should not Ino be filledw ith fren z y, and in her fury fol low the exam ple of her kin

dred ? These are Juno’s reason in g s w ith herse lf.

113. Mata silentia silent and dreary paths.

115. S im u lacra sepu lcris and the sou ls of those ,w hose bodies have rece ived the rites of burial .

’ The eu

cients supposed, that if the body rem ained unburied, the

the soul w as not al low ed to pass the river Styx til l it had

w an dered a hundred years on its banks.

117. Urbem P lutonis is understood .

120. t ue fretu m accepit is understood.

121. Nee u l li est :‘nor is it too sm al l for any

num ber of people .

124. Im i of the infernal .’

125 . P ars alias artes sc . exercent som e practise

various trades.

127. Tautum dabat so m uch did she g ive w ayto he r hatred and passion .

130. Cerberus a dog , w ho w as said'


g uard the

entrance of the infernal re g ion s, and to g ive adm ittance to

al l the shades of the dead,bu t to suffer none to return .

Cerberus had three heads, and w as covered w ith serpents

instead of hair.

131. Sorores : i. e . the Furie s.

137. Tityos Tityus, a ce lebrated Gian t, w ho, havin gin sul ted Diana, w as slain by Apol lo, and sen t into the in

fernal re g ion s , w here a serpent w as continual ly preyin g on

his liver, and vu ltures on his bow e ls,w ithout destroyin g

them .

138. Tantal e Tan tiilus was a son ofJupiter and a kin gofLydia. At an en tertainm ent, w hich he g ave to the g ods

in one of the ir visits to the earth, in order to try the ir divin

ity, he caused to be se t before them , am on g othe r dishes,

the lim bs ofhis son Pe lops , whom he had crue l ly m urdered.

For this ac t of im pie ty he w as sent to Tarthru s ,aah eon

de m o e d to suffer perpe tual hun ger an d th irst , m th e



of the richest abundance . He was placed in a pool ofw ater

,w hich flow ed aw ay from him

,whenever he attem pted

to taste it ; and over his head hung a tree , covered w ith them ost de licious fru it, w hich, thou g h apparently w ithin his

reach, he w as never able to touch.

140. S isyphe S isyphus w as a son of E blus, and thefirst kin g ofCorinth, a prin ce re m arkable for the skil l w ithw hich he com m itted his plunderin g depredations in Attica.

Afte r his death he w as sen tenced to rol l over the top of a

m oun tain a larg e'

stone,w hich had no soon er approached

the sum m it,than it rol led back ag ain in to the plain , and

thus m ade his pun ishm en t etern al .

141. Ixien Ixion w as kin g ofThessal y, and the father ofthe C entaurs. Havin g kil led De ion e us , his fathe r in law ,


w as de spised and shunn ed by al l m ankind , til l Jupiter, incom passion to his dese rted situation

,rem oved him to heaven .

Here he renew ed his crim es, and havin g offended Juno , he

w as sent to Tartarus and tied to a w hee l,on w hich he

is described as con tinual ly g oin g round.

143. Belides the fifty dau g hters of Danaus,m ore frs

que ntly cal led the Danai’

de s. Be lus , the kin g of Babylon ,

left his kin g dom at his death to his tw o son s , Danaus and

E g yptus. In conseque nce of a dispute be tw e en the broth

ers,Danaus left his native land , and after havin g se ttled in

the Pe lopon ne sus, dethroned Ge lanor, the kin g ofArg os, andestablished him se lf on his throne . Here he w as visited bythe fifty sons of E g yptus and thoug h he had been inform

ed by an orac le that one of them w ould one day slay him ,

he w as constrained to g ive them in m arriag e his fifty dau g hters. The n uptial s w ere accordin g ly ce lebrated

,bu t Dana

us ordered his dau g hters to m urder the ir husbands on the

nig ht of the ir m arriag e ; and w ith the exception of Hyperm u e stra, the youn g est, w ho had m arried Lynceu s , they al l

obeyed the inhum an com m and. To pu nish them for this

barbarous act oftreachery, they w ere sen t to Tartarus, and

conde m n ed to fil l a leakyvesse l w ith w ater, w hich they had

no m eans of draw in g out of the w e l l,but by sieve s, that

w ere unable to hold it.

146. His efatribus : sc . solus. Sisyphus and Atham asw ere brothers, the sons of 1Eolus.



Ne staret m ig ht fal l .’

I5}. Sorores ‘ the Furies.

’They w ere three


224 NOTES .


m e , Alecto, andMe g bra ; daug hters ofNex and Acheron.

155. Movit : ‘shook .

157. Facta puta :‘consider as done .

160. Thaum antias Iris ‘ Iris, the daug hter ofThaum as.

166. Lim ine Atham an tis is understood.

167. fEe lu ofAtham as , the son ofB olus.

170. Infeliz i. e . produc in g unhappiness.

177. Inee'

sque pererrant creep ove r the bosom s

ofInc and Atham as .

178. Graves anim as m al ig nan t dispositions.

180. Menstra a banefii l com position .

181. Ee lu'

dnee ofthe Hydra,’a serpent, w hich sprung

from Echidna, a ce lebrated m on ster, hal f w om an and half

serpe nt. This Hydra lon g infested the ne ig hbourhood of

Le rna, a lake in the Pe loponnesus, but it w as at le n g th kil led by Hercules.

185. zEre cave ‘ in a braz en ke ttle .

188. P er eundem orhem in the sam e circ le .

189. Ig uibus se . aliis ; she m akes a con tinuous ringoffire .

190. Je ssi petens : havin g executed the com m and ofJuno.

’- Inanie : ‘

e m pty ; or shady ;’

be cause inhabited byshades, or spirits not havin g bodies.

191. Sumptum que e ng uem and un loose s the ser

pent, w hich she had g irded around her body.

196. Learchum Learchus.

’ Atham as and Ino had

two sons, Learchus and Me lice rta.

201. Male sana: ‘distracted .

203. Sub at.’

204. Has usus‘ this service .

211. Neptis : of her g randdau g hter.

’Inc w as the

dau g ter ofHerm ione , the dau g hter ofVe nus.

213. Casio i. e . to the pow er, w hich Jupiter exercises in

heaven .

215. Ionio im m ense the vast Ion ian sea a part oftheMediterranean be tw een Sicily and Greece .

216. Adda: ees is understood—Alique est : ‘and

I have som e interest in the sea.

218. Grey'

um nem en i. e . Aphrodite , from (impie, froth.

Leuee tlseéque dixit: and cal led the g od Pa

laem on, and his m other Leucothe e .

’Leucothoe is the cor

re c t reading , thoug h com m onl y w ritten Leu cotho’


223 . Ag enorides Cadm us , the son oi hg error

226 NOTES .

the heavens on its sum m it on account ofits im m ense he ig ht,

w hich the ancients thou g ht inaccessible .

Hi petades lEblus, the g randson ofHippbte s.’

A iter eperum i. e . w ho an nounce s the ap

proach of day, and thus calls upon m an kind to resum e theirlabors.

308. P ennis w in g s.

’ When Perseus unde rtook hisce lebrated expedition ag ainst the Gorg ons, he rece ived from

the g ods w hatever w as l ike ly to ensure his success . Pluto

le nt him his he lm e t, which had the pow er of m akin g itsw earer invisible ; Me rcury supplied him w ith his w in g s for

his fee t and head from Min erva he rec eived a buckler,

which w as so re splendent, that it refle cted w hateve r objectw as before it ; and Vu lcan forg ed for him a short dag g er

in the form of a scythe , called the hem e.

310. Talaribus the w in g s of the feet,’w ith w hich

Me rcury had supplied him .

312 . xEtIu’

apum of the Ethiopian s ,’the inhabitants

of an exte n sive coun try of Africa, situated on the south

of Eg ypt— Cephea: of Cepheus ,

’a kin ofEthiopia,

and one of the Arg onauts . The van ity o Cassibpefihis

queen , proved to this m onarch and his kin g dom a source

of m isery and distress . Proud of her beauty, she boasted

that she w as fairer than Juno or the Nere ida,and thus pro

voked Neptun e to pu n ish her insole nce by de lu g in g EthiOpia, and se ndin g a hu g e sea- m onster to ravag e the coun

try. In this season of distre ss, the orac le of Jupiter Amm an w as consu lted , and it w as found that the on ly m eans

of appeasin g the an g e r of Neptun e , w as to sacrifice to the

despised g oddesse s Androm eda, the be loved dau g hter of

Cepheus and Cassiope . She w as ordered by the orac le to

be tied to a rock , and exposed to the m onster,w ho w as lay

in g w aste the country. This crue l com m and w as accot

din g ly carried in to execution,and the innocent Androm eda,

w as abou t to be de stroyed, w hen she w as discovered byPe rse us .

314. Am m an Am m on , orHam m on,

’a nam e ofJupiter.

The w ord sig n ifie s sand . When Bacchus and his arm yw ere ready to perish w ith drou g ht in the desert of Libya,Jupiter is said to have appeared to them in the shape of aram , and to have led them to a n eig h

ooafirrg toao tain . To

show his g ratitude for this seasona‘

me aim ,Bacchu s arom as.


a tem ple on the spot to his father under the nam e ofJupiterAm m an , or Jupiter the Sandy, in allusion to the sands ofthe desert. In this tem ple , w hich w as about one hundred

and fifty m iles fi'

om Alexandria,there w as for m any ag es a

ce lebrated oracle .

316. Abantiades Perse us, the descendant ofAbas,’the

eleventh kin g of Arg os, and the father of Ac risius.

322 . Sapius indiout the construction is, naviden turnal le fateri sua delicta, indicat il li sapins instantinom enqu eter m suum que nem en .

324. Q uanta indicat and inform s him how

m uch her m other had presum ed upon her beauty.

327. S ub pectore p essidet covers w ith his breast.’

334. Hana natus ‘z l fI Perse us

,the son ofJupiter,

shou ld ask her of you .

337. Gen er as your son- in - law .

339. Servata if she is saved from destruction .

340. Gran t they en treat him to rescue her.

341. D etale as a dow ry.

342. Can cita ‘m ovin g rapidly.

345 . Q uantum cash as the distan ce in the air,throu g h w hichaBalearian slin g w ou ld throw aw hirled bu l le t.

— Baleariea,‘Balearian .

’The islands ofMajorca,Minorca,

and Ivica, in the Mediterran ean,w e re cal led by the ancients

the Baleiires , and w ere inhabited by a race of pirates, te

m arkable for their expertn ess in the u se of the bow and

the sl in g .

347. P edibus tel lure repu lse spurnin g the g round

w ith his fe e t.’

350. J ovis prapas the eag le .

351. P ra bentem terg a baskin g in the sun .

354. Ce leri ve latu ‘ descendin g sw iftly throu g h

the yie ldin g air.

355 . P ressit stood on .

356. Inachides Perseus , a descendan t of Inachus.

366 . Bibu lis We t, drippin g .

368. S tantibus ag uis‘ in a calm .

371. Cum p lausu clam or a shout and applause .


Adam s’s Lat. Gram . Rule LIX . Obs. 5.

— Superasque

deorum dam es the air.

376. Dis tribus ponit to three g ods he erects as

m any altars of turf.’

377. L waum‘the al tar on the l eft hand

223 NOTES.

379. Ali edi Msreuria is understood.

381. I tata w ithout the dow ry, or kin g dom ,

’w hich

had been prom ised to him— Hym em us Hym en


’the son

ofBacchus and Venus, and the g od of m arriag es . This

deity w as supposed by the an cients to be pre sen t at all for

te nare m arriag e s and to shake around him a torch, w hich

he is repre se n ted as alw ays carryin g in his hand ; these

nuptial s, at w hich he did not attend , w ere consequentlysupposed to be a source of m ise ry.

387. Cepheu is an adjec tive ag ree in g w ith reg is. It

seem s the party w en t from the tem ple to the palace and

the princes of the E thiopian m onarch g o into the spl endid

banque t not Cepheni or Cepheuum .

394. Ora : the head of Meddsa, one of the thre e Gor

g ons, the dau g hters of the sea de itie s Phorcys or Phorcus,and Ceto . Of the se sisters Medusa alone w as subject tom ortality. As a pun ishm ent for the im purity of he r con

duct in her te m ple , Min erva is said to have chan g ed her

hair in to se rpe n ts , w hich had the prope rty of turn in g al l ,w ho looked at them

,into stone . As soon as Pe rse us had

attained the ag e of m anhood , he prom ised Polyde ctes the

head of Medusa as a pre se nt, and , as is he re re lated byOvid

,he succeeded in the arduous enterprise ofobtain in g it.

395 . Ag enorides This is the rig ht readin g ; and not

Aban tiades, as in som e MSS . for Danaus the ance stor of

Perseus derived his orig in from Ag enor.398. Phareydas : the Graiee , the dau g hters of Phor

cys,’and the sisters ofthe Gorg ons. The accoun ts

,w hich

the anc ient m ytholog ists have g ive n of the Gorg on s and

the Graiaa, are ve ry confused and con tradictory. Theyappear to he ofte n spoken of as the sam e pe rsons , and the

description , w hich som e poets have g iven of the on e,is ap

pl ied by othe r poe ts to the othe r. It see m s how ever to

have be en the g eneral opin ion that the Graiaa w ere on lytw o in n um ber, and that they had but one eye and one

tooth betw een them , w hich each of them m ade use of in

her turn . By the assistance of the he lm e t,w hich he had

rece ived from Pluto,and w hich rende red him invisible ,

Perseus succe eded in obtain in g posse ssion of the ir eye ,w hile they w ere passin g it from the one to the other, and

refused to re turn it. til l the sisters inform ed him w here he

m ig ht find the habitation ofthe Gorg ons.

399. Dam traditur w hile it is passed iroro on e \o tha

230 NOTES .

27. Nunc sine pe ctus now perm it him , w ho hasrequested her, and by w hom ,

in m y old ag e , I are preventedfrom be in g childless, to have w hat he has m ade his ow n byhis services and by m y prom ise .

31. P etat il lum : ‘ is in doubt whether to aim at

him , or at Perseus.

45. Ba m over-i that this tum ul t w as m ade ag ainsthis w il l .

46. Fratrem her brother Perseus.

47. Q uem creditur whom Lim ur'

ite , born of the

river Gan g es, is supposed to have broug ht forth in the

g lassy caverns ofthe river.

50. B is annis ‘sixteen years old.

54. D istan tia obje cts at a distance .

56. Flectentem se . Athin — Com a the ends of his

bow .

57. P asitus placed on the altam—M abat was

sm okin g .

74. H esti Perseus .

76. E zpertem frustrd secutum w ho had in vaindec l ined takin g any part in the con test, and had not joinede ither party.

78. In partes to join one of the parties in this con


81. Sang uine defectos failin g from the loss of blood.’

82. Cephenum prim us first of all the nobl es ofCepheus, and next to the kin g in rank.

87. Incessit: ‘ inve ig hs ag ainst.’

92. Plus tam en sup erest:althoug h g reat slaug hterhad

now been m ade , yet stil l g reater rem ained to him


94. P ro causd fidem que‘ in a cause at variance

w ith justice and faith.

95. Hda parte the side ofPerseus.

98. Bel lena the dau g hter ofPhorcys and Cats , and the

g odde ss ofw ar. This nam e is often applied to Minerva.100. Seeuti P hinea fol low ers ofPhineus.

101. P lura ‘thicker.

102 . Latus P ersei is understood.

104. In versus facin g .

106. Ckaan ius of Chaouia,’a m ountainous district of

I07. Diaersci on each side ofhim

I 12 . Temp us i. e . tim e to pursu e “mood s .


115 . Ez trem ii parte fi'

om the side .

117. Mm tamen dedit: but the wound was too

slig ht to obcasiondeath.

Cfojaenide i i. e . which he had received from Marcury, w ho was born on Cyllene , a m ountain ofArcadia.

126. Sign er:de m arinara a statue ofm arble .

Ing ue petendo and in attem ptin g to stab .

130. Septem

dpl t

a having seven inouths.



136. In ni'

e seno w hile heWas utterin g it .

137. Ea his m outh.

156. and stil l incredulous.

acknow ledg m ent’l

ofhis fault.

160. w hoeve r she be .

165 . Hana tt1tt m y life .

1 7. Ait:Perseus is understood .

1 Inerti: ‘to it cow ard .

173. Phorcynida Medusa, the daug hter of Phorcys.

Pharaj]nis,—’iilas.175. F lectere to turn aw ay.

178. Faci’

esque obnoxia and his suppliant appearance .

After the defeat ofPhineus, Perseus returned w ith his brideto Seriphos, and there turned into stone Polydec te s , w hohad treated his m other w ith crue l ty in his absence , and w as

on the poin t of forcin her to m arry him . Anxiou s to re

i n Ha n ative lair Perseus im m ediate ly left Se riphos ;w m u “ fi vu c o n

but before he could reach Arg os, he was induced to visit

Teutam ias, the kin g’

of Larissa, w ho w as then celebratin g ,by the ushal g am es, the funeral of his fitther. At this

place the prophecy of the oracle received its accom plish

m ent, Acrisius, w ho was present at the g am es, w as inad

verten tly kil led by a quo'

it throw n by his g randson ,and by

his death left to him ,as his he ir, the throne ofArg os. Per

seus, how ever, oppressed w ith g rief and rem orse , refused to

sticce ed ,to the king dom to which he w as en titled , and ex

chan g ed it for Tirynthus and the coast of Arg blis, where hebuilt the ce lebrated c ity Mycenae. In this city Perseus

ended his eientfil l l ife , and here , as .w e l l as at Seriphos and

in Eg ypt,he received, alter his death, divine honors.

185. Trinacris Trinacria an ancient nam e ofSicily,

186. Typhoea Typhoeus,’

or, Typhon the son of

Tartarus and Terra, and one of the m ost form idable of the

Gian ts, w ho m ade w ar ag ainst the g ods . The fahie

flam es offire , whichproceeded h'

om his m ou th an d

232 NOTES.

rid ye l ls, w hich he utte red , excited at first so m uc h fear

am on g the de ities, that they assum ed difl'

eren t shape s to

fac il itate the ir e scape from the Gian t ; but Jupite r at len g th

tore the island of Sicily from the contine nt, and buried him

beneath it.

188. AusonioP eloro i. e . the prom ontoryPe ldrus, w hich

is situated n ear the coast of Ausonia, or Italy.

189. Lava m e nus subj ecto est, understood.— P acltyns

Pachyn us,’or, as it is now cal led

,Passaro , a prom ontory

at the south-east corner ofSicily.— L ilibcea byLilibaaum ,

or, as it is now cal led, Coco , a prom ontory of Sicily, near

w hich w as a ce lebrated tow n of the sam e nam e .

192. R em e liri to throw

194. R ex silentum Pluto.

201. Eryeina Venus ; so called from Eryx, a swap“

m oun tain of Sic ily, on w hich she had a tem ple .

202 . Natum volucrem :C upid , w ho is alw ays represented

w ith w in g s.

206. Cui trip licis reg ni to w hom the last portion

fe l l of the universe divided into three parts.

209. Tartara quid cessan t w hy shou ld the infernal

pow e rs be exem pted.

210. Ag itur is at stake .

214. Abscessisse m ihi defy m y pow er,’i. e . have m ade

a vow of perpetual ce libacy.- Cererisfilia Prose rpine , or,

as she w as cal led by the Greeks, Persephbne , dau g hter

of Jupite r and Ceres. Virg o erit w ill rem ain unm ar


216. P ro socio reg na if I have any influencew ith you for prom otin g the in tere sts of our join t kin g dom .

217. P atrue to her unc le,


220. Mag is audiat‘ is m ore obedient to.

223. Henneeis a m a nibus from the w al ls ofEnna a

tow n situated in the m iddle of a beautifu l plain in Sicily ;its m odern nam e is Castro Jann i.

224. Cajjstros Ca‘

yster a river of Ion ia fam ous for

the num be r of sw ans that fi'

equent it ; Greek nom inative .

228. Frig ora dant pre serve a coolness around it.’

Hum us se . fundit.

234 NOTES .

297. Aptum g ue habet : “and has anam e g iven him

adapted to his color.’ He w as chan g ed to an evet, or

steflie ,Which sig n ifies starred,’or speckled .

302. Ni m utate Cyane had been chan g ed to a foun

tain by Pluto, for attem ptin g to stop him in his flig ht w ith

Proserpin e .

308. Tanquam scisset then as thoug h she had

at len g th discovered that her dau g hter‘had


be e n carried

317. Fal lere depasitum to refuse any produce from

whatever w as com m itted to them .

319. Prim is in horbis as soon as it spring s‘


324. Alphetas Are thusa cal led Alphean’from being

be loved by Alpheus.— E leis undis "‘from her w aters t hat

flow from El is.’

328. Violante raéh.

329. Nihil : no punishm ent.333. Has sedem I Arethusa ‘

now have this for m yabode , this for m y hom e .

334. S ervo preserve to m e .

3 35. Mata sim w hy I am rem oved from t he

place of m y birth.

338. Melieris m ore cheerthl .’

347. t ue am entia and when her ~

stupor was

ban ished by exce ssive g rief.’

350. Invidiosa: i. e . desirous of exc itin g in dig nation

ag ain st Pluto.

354. Q udd nostra be cause I am h er

m other.

356 . S i reperire eertius ‘ if to be '

assured of‘


loss is to find her.

357. Q add rap ta , ferem us w e w il l pu t up'

w ith her

be in g forcibly carried

363. Nobis pudori a disg race to u s.

364. (It desint ca tera suppose other recom m endations

w an tin g’to Plu to.

367. D iseidii of their separation .

370. Oerori eertum est C ere s is resolved.

371. Jeiunia salverat : ‘ had eate n som e thin g .

373 . Paan ieeum pom um‘a crim son apple ;

’i. e pom e

g ranate .

376. Asealapbus Ascalaphus , the son of Acheron and

Orphas , havin g testified that he saw Proserpin e car s exed

g rain s of a pom e g ranate in Pl uto’s g arden !

w as ch an g ed

by h im in to an ow l .


379. Radiu m adam it: deprived herofthe poe ofre turnin g .

380. Ersbi of the infernal re g ions.

Erebus was theson of Chaos and Darkness and be in g one of the princi

pal deities in the kin g dom of Pl uto , his n am e is som etim esu sed to sig n ify the infernal re g ion s

— P refanam unc lean


profan in g sacred places.

‘381. P hl eg etlum tide ofPhle g e thon ariver in .the ih

fornai re g ion s, the w aters ofw hich w ere said to she burn in g .

383. S ibi ablatus no lon g er re tain in g his natural form .

384. In g ue caput ung u es his head becom es ofa dis

proportionate siz e , and his nails are turned into lon g and

c rooked c law s.’

388. Fratris the g en itive case, g overned hy .the adjec

tive m edius.

392. Faeies the appearan ce .

395 . Victis dissipated by his rays.


Nl e ns,the dau g hter of Tan talu s, passed the early part

of her life in Sipylu s, a c ity of Lydia. She married Am .

phien , kin g of Thebes , and had seven sons and seven

daug hters , of w hom she becam e so proud as her

se lf superior t atbna and her children ,Apol lo and Di

To pun ish her,inm lence , ,Lat6na caused the death

,of her

children . Nibbe , in her .g rief, w ept herse lf to death, ,and

w as chan g ed in to stone over the ir tom b.

l . I l lam i. e . Arachne , the daug hter of Idm on ,a dyer

ofColephon , a tow n ofIonia. Vain of her skill in needle

w ork , she g ave a chal len g e to Minerva, theng oddess of. the

art ; and , havin g been surpassed by her in the trial, . she

w as so stun g w ith e nvy and vexation ,that she imm ediatel y

han g ed herse lf, and w hile suspended by the cprd , .was

chan g ed by her successfu l rival into a Spider.

2. Maon iam : Lydia.’

3. Popu laris Aracl mes of Arachne , , her country.w om an .

-4. Minaribus‘ less arrog ant.

5. Malta daban t an im os y circumstanc es

spired to m ake he r m in i— Can‘




is art es : tth esh ih o\

her husban d.

Am phion , the son of Jasin s , k m g , oi Q ‘ t "

236 NOTBB.

m ew s. There w as another and a m ore celebrated ancient

of this nam e , w ho w as the son of Jupiter, and w ho is often

confounded by the poe ts, and is in this history by Ovid , w ith

the son of Jasius. That Am phion w as the son of Jupiter

and An tiope , and w as ce lebrated for his skil l in m usic . Heis said to have m oved stones, and raised the w al ls of The

bes , by the sound of his lyre .

10. Sata fi resid Man ta Man to the dau g hter of Ti

resias .

’This Tire sias w as a ce lebrated prophe t ofThebes ;

and his dau g hter inherited from him the art of divination.

She is som etim e s cal led Daphn e .

l l . Mata im pulse .

12. Ism enides ye w om en of Thebe s,livin g near the

river Ism enus.

19. Phryg ns Phryg ian .

’Phryg ia, a coun try of Asia

Minor, w as rem arkable for the skil l of its inhabitan ts inneedlew ork , and the rich g arm en ts, w hich they sent to

other coun trie s.

23. Auditos of w hom you have on ly heard.




to those deitie s, w hom you have se en .

27. P leiadum soror i. e . Tayg eta or Tayg ete , one of

the Pleiades or daug hters ofAtlas.

29. Sacera as m y father-in - law .

31. Cam uissa bu il t.’

38. Nescio qua: I know not w hom ,

’i. e . a m an nu

know n to fam e — Cwa of Cams one of the Titan s.

43. Hospita undzs thou w anderest about as a

stran g er over the earth,and I in the se a.

De los said this.

45. Uterinostri ‘

this is but a seven th part of m y

50. Fing ite m aarum suppose som e part of this

m ultitude of m y children m ay be taken from m e .

53. Q ua se . exig ua num ero : byw hich sm all num ber- Turbé ab orbd how far does she differ from one

destitute of children .

57. B ed Latona.

59. Anim asa proud .

61. Cu ltis aris: ‘from al tars adorned for m y worship.

64. Ta ntalis Niobe,the dau g hter of Tantalus.

66. P atem am‘ like that of her father w ho is said

to have divulg ed the secrets of the g ods atter he had beenadm itted to their btnquets.

238 NOTES.

confined her in a lone ly castle ; and crue lly cut out her

ton g ue , that she m ig ht not disc lose his treacherous treat

m ent. Procne , deceived by Tereus, im ag in ed for som e

tim e that her sister had died on her°

ourney but w as at

len g th m ade uainted w ith the trut by a piece of tapestry, w hich P om é la found the m eans of secretly con

veyin g to her, and w hich contained the history of he r sui:

ferin g s, and of her husband’s g uilt. Concealin g he r te

sentm ent, she w aited for the execution of her reveng e till

the ce lebration of the org ies of Bacchus, when she had

the l ibert ofw andering from hom e , and exercising , w ithout

con trol , m anner ofviolence. As soon as the rites be g an ,she hastened to de liver her sister from her confinem ent, andconducted her secretly to her husband

’s palace . Here ,

w hile conce rtin g tog ether upon the m eans of aven ging on Tereus their m utual m juries, Itys, herinto the apartm ent, and the sig ht of him sug g ested to her

the dreadfu l act re lated in the follow i lines.

166. Q uid possit‘w hat she can] do.

170. Salatam attuh'

t saluted .

182. Gang etica of India, the countryof the riverGan

g es.

187. Latcri adhwrct i. e . betw een the side and

the breast.

193. His M 888 this feast.’

194. P atrii vira pretendin g to celebrate a sacredrite , in the m anner of her country, at which it w as lawfulfor but one m an to be present.

200. Sam cladis desirous herse lf to announce

the m urder she had com m itted .

204. Ityas of Itys.

’The g enitive case .

207. Thracias the Thracian kin g .

213. Cecrepidum the two sisters, w ho, as Athenians,w ere of the country of Cecrops.

214. Altera Philom ela, w ho w as turned into a nig hting ale .

215 . Altera Procne , having now becom e a swal low .

216. S ig n ataque sang uine both the nig htin g ale and thehave reddish marks upon the ir feathers.




is . Jason w as the son of d isco andAlci

m ede . The education of this hero w as entrusted to

the centaur Chiron, who continued to instruct him in everybran ch of science

,til l he w as com m anded by an orac le to

return to Iolchos, his native country, the sovereig nty ofw hich had been usurped by Pe l ias, his uncle . The w isdom , courag e , and popularity of Jason fil led the m ind ofPe lias w ith fear and envy and in order to rem ove or destroy the object of his jealou sy, he urg ed him to undertakean expedition ag ain st fEé tes, the kin g of Colchis , for theaven g in g of the death of Phryxus, and the recovery of the

g olden fle e ce , w hichE ete s had taken from Phryxus, afterhe had m urdered him , The brave and en terprisin g Jasonreadily accepted the proposal of Pe lias ; and, havrng as

sem bled a se lect band of heroic com pan ions, he se t sailfor Colchis.

l . Minyaz : Jason and his com panions. This nam e isappl ied to these heroes, eithe r be cause they w ere de sceuded h'

om Minyas, a kin g of Orchom énos ; or be cause the

inhabitants of Iolchos con sisted principal ly ofa colony fromthat kin g

’s dom inion s.

— P ag asm d pu pa i. e . in a shipbuilt by Arg o at Pag asm , a tow n of ag n esra in Macedo

n ia. This ship, cal led Arg o, alter its builder, g ave to Jasonand his compan ions the nam e of Arg onauts.

3. P hasidos: Phasis is a larg e river of Colchis, risin g in

the m ountains ofArm enia its m odern nam e is Pec z .

5 . Lean: the conditions, on w hich Metes en g ag ed to t e

store the fle e ce . These conditions w ere m ost form idable .

Jason w as to tam e bul ls, w hich breathed flam es, and w hich

had fee t and horns of brass . With these bul ls he w as to

plou g h a fie ld sacred to Mars, and sow in it the tee th of a

serpent, from which a num ber of arm ed m en w ou ld arise ,w hom he w as to overcom e . He was also to kill am onstrousdrag on , that constantlyg uarded the tree , on w hich the g oldenfleece w as hung .

6. Concipit validos ig nes the daug hter of E étes

conceives an ardentpassion .

’ Medea, havin g form edan at

tachm ent to Jason as soon as he arrived at her fathe r’s court


eng ag ed to assist him in his enterprise w ith a\\ th e m ag m as

240 NOTES .

arts of w hich she was posse ssed, on the condition that he

should al low her to return w ith him to Thessaly.

9. J ug is on the hil ls.’

11. Vu lcanum fire .

’Fig . Metonom y.

14. Terr-end saluti flin ts , or l im e- stones, soften ed in an

earthen furnace or kiln .

I5. Co neipiun t ig nem g row hot take fire .

’The al lu

sion is to the slackin g of quick- lim e .

18. Traces tauri is understood.

20. Bisu lca c love n .

26. Insuetum unused to the plou g h.

27. Imp len t fill his ears.

33. Fw ta fruitfu l ; prol ific .

36 . Hre m anii j uvenis of the Hmm onian , or Thesalian

youth i. e . Jason .

37. P ela sg i his com pan ions the Greeks. The Pe lasg i

w ere orig inal ly a people , inhabitin g Arg ol is, or Pe lasg ia, in

the Pe loponnesus but as they frequently rem oved from one

part of Gre e ce to another,they caused al l the Gre eks in

discrim inate ly to be cal led Pe lasg i.

38. Ipsa Medea herse lf.’

41. Gram z'

ua : the poisonous herbs.

’— Carm en auxil

iare an auxiliary charm .

46. Achivi ‘ the Greeks Jason’s friends.

L etkw i causin g sleep, or forg e tfu lness.

Le the

is a rive r in the infernal re g ion s, the w aters of w hich occa

sion a forg etfuln e ss of the past in al l w ho drink of the m .

54. Ig natas stran g e rs to sleep.

66. Hac passant : sc . aficere ; can do so m uch.

69 . D issim ilem un like the m ind of Jason, undutiful

tow ards her ow n ag ed parent, w hom she had be trayed andforsaken .

ye t not acknow ledg in g anysuch com punction .

72. Transcribers to tran sfer.

73. Hecate the pow erful g odde ss ofm ag ic and enchantm ents

,said by som e m ytholog ists to be the sam e as Pros

e rpine ; w ho w as cal led Luna in heave n, Diana on earth,

and He cate in the infernal re g ions. Hence she is som e

tim es term ed M far mis.

16. Non tuis w ithou t dim in ishin g the num ber of

your years.

79. In p lenos “itow n in to a. profioon h

sl eep by her in can tation .

242 NOTES .

life . And, seein g a g reat m ultitude ofan ts in a hol low_tree


he besou g ht Jupiter to g ive him as m any c itiz en s as there

w ere an ts. Jupiter im m ediate ly chan g ed the ants in to m en,

w ho w ere calledMyrm idons, w hich in Gre ek sig n ifies ants.

Eacus te l ls this story to Cephalus.

116. Dictas a pel lice nam ed for her rival .’

117. Martale ‘natural ; proceedin g from natural causes.

119. Q ua: i. e . the m edical art.

127. Tem crdsse corrupted infec ted.

132. Lan ig eris g reg ibus from the sheep.

134. In pu lvere‘ in the dusty race .

135. Deg enerat palm as dishonours his victorie s.

’ Do

g enerare, w hen it g overns an accusative , sig n ifie s m uch the

sam e w ith dehanestare .

141. Il la corpora is understood.

148. Trepidisque patent and the m outh, dryw ith the throbbin g vein s, is opened w ide .

153. Moderator a physician .

154. Artes m edicine is understood.

158. Indu lg en t anim is they fol low the ir incl inations,’

i. e . w hen they se e that the disease m ust end in death.

163. Alias il las and ye t another drinks these


171. Lassaqu e m otu and rol lin g their w earyeyes w ith the ir last m otion

172 . An , quad . m earum w ere not m y sen tim ents

w hat they ou g ht to be , to hate l ife , and to w ish to share the

fate ofm y subjects ?184. Concipit

”m akes.

189. S ubj ectas . appl ied to it.’

190. F ibra . pradiikrat . the en trails too,affe cted

w ith the disease,had lost al l sig n s of the truth, and the

w arn in g s of the g ods. The anc ie n t soothsaye rs profe ssed

to fore te l l future events by inspe ctin g the en trails of beasts

offered in sacrifice .

193. Foret invidiosior m ig ht cast a g reater reproach

on the g ods.’

199. Indatata w ithou t the custom ary presents.’The

ancients burnt the ir dead m their ornam ents,and w ith such

presents as the re lations m ade for the occasion .

303. Ncc locus . ig nes .

‘ there is neither suflicient

suflicient w ood for fu neral piles.’

om en and.Xreceive as a. ph ag e .

the om en which you g ive m e


211. Dodona o brou g ht from Dodona a tow n ofThes

protia in Epirus, buil t byDeucalion after the De lug e . Near

this city there w as a w ood sacred to Jupiter, the oaks ofw hich are said to have be en oracles, and to have fore told

fu ture even ts .

212. Frug i leg as form icas g rain-

g atherin g ants.

227. Crescere caepit is understood.

231. Dam ne visa w hen I aw ake I blam e m ydream .

234. Som ni to be but the il lusions ofa dream .

235 . Telam on the son of Eacus. Havin g acc iden tal

ly slain Phocus,his brothe r, by a quoit, he fled from his

n ative coun try to Salam is, w here he m arried Glance , the

dau g hte r of Cychre us , the kin g of the island , at w hose

death he succeeded to his thron e . He accom panied Jason ,

as on e ofthe Arg onauts, and w as for som e tim e arm our-bear

e r to Hercu les.

242 . Myrm idonas Myrm‘

idons ;’a w ord derived from

the Greek , sig n ifying ants. See note on verse 114.

Accordin g to som e ofthe ancien t writers, the Myrm idonsrece ived the ir nam e from Myrm i


don,the son ofJupiter and

g randfather ofn ina. That nation inhabited the sou thern

borders of Thessaly, and distin g uished them se lves under

Achil les in the Trojan w ar.


1. Dm na ws w as the son of Eupaliim us, a descendan t ofErechtheus, kin g of Athen s. He w as early distin g uished

for his g reat skil l in the m echan ical arts, and lived in hig h

reputation at Athens, til l in stig ated by envy be m urdered

Talus, his sister

’s son ; and w as obl ig ed by the discovery of

his crim e , to fly to the court of Minos, the kin g of Crete,

w ho w as then at w ar w ith the Athen ians. Here he m et

w ith a favorable reception ,and in return for the kindness

of the kin g , he m ade for him the ce lebrated labyrin th,w hich w as afterw ards the habitation of the Minhtaur. Atl en g th, how ever, be incurred the displeasure ofMines, andw as im prisoned by him ,

w ith his son l oin“ , “1 “NA“?rin tb, which he had constructed.

244 NOTES .

3. Terras obstruct althoug h Mines m ay blockup sea and land .

7. Naturam que navat and contrives a nove lty in na


13. Aves w in g s ofbird

15 . Ore rcnidenti w ith sm ilin g countenance .

25 . Helicen He lice ,’a nam e of the conste l lation Ursa

Major, derived from He lice , a city of Arcadia, in w hich

Cal listo is said to have been born — Orionis : ofOriono ne of the m ost splendid con ste l lations in the heavens


w hich received its nam e from Orion , a ce lebrated Gian t.

35 . Has: i. e . Dmdalus and Icarus .

39. Sam es: an island in the E g ean sea, sacred to Juno,who is said to have been born in it.—Delas, Paras two

ofthe Cyclades.

40. Lebyatlios an island in the E g ean sea near Pat

m os.— Calym ne an island near Lebynthos .

46 . R cssig‘ia his w in g s.

48 . Q ua se . a

ge the Icarian sea

, apart ofthe E g ean , near the island yci

m e .

53. Tcllus the island Ici ros .

57. Unica tunc ve lucris the on ly bird of the kind at

that tim e .

’This w as Talus, the nephew ofDiedsl us, now

recen tly chan g ed in to a partridg e .

58. Long um crim en a severe reproof.’

63. Traxit in eg emplum: fol low ed as an exam fle i. e .

took the hint of a m echanical invention from the backboneofa fish.

65. P rim us vinz it i. e . he first invented the in strum en t cal led a pair of com passe s.

69. Lapsum that it w as an accidental fal l .’

73. Nom en i. e . Talus or Perdix, a partridg e .

PHILIEMON ET s crs . Jupiter and Mercury, whe n

trave l lin g over the earth to learn the dispositions of m e n ,

w ere hospitably en tertained by Philem on,a poor Phryg ian ,

and his w ife Baucis. As a rew ard for the ir hospital ity, Ju

piter converted the ir cottag e in to a m ag nificent tem ple , andm ade them the priests of it. They l ived to a very g reat

ag e , and w ere then chan g ed into tw o trees before the

tem ple .

78. As? L elex is understood ; a kin g of a sm al l nation

in M e'

g r’ira cal l ed after him L d

é g es . “e t e\a\e s sw a g

m reply to an irreverent spe e ch ofYir'




246 sores .


Mons Hsacnu s. Hercules w as the son of Jupiter

and Alcm éna, and the m ost ill ustrious hero of an tiquity.

Fated fi'

om his birth to be subservient to the w il l of Eu.

rystheus, a jealous and cruel kin g ofArg os and Mycsna , he was exposed by him to innum erable dan g ers, and

com pe l led to undertake the perilous en terprises, w hich havebeen denom inated the tw elve labours ofHercules. After

these and m any other dan g e rs, w hich the enm ity of June

broug ht upon him , had been succe ssfu l ly encountered , Her


iles w en t to Calydon to the court of(En eus, kin ofAstolia, and becam e one ofthe suitors ofhis dau g hter jan ira,w ho had been prom ised in m arriag e to the hero


should overcom e his rivals. Ache lous alone w as w ill ing to

con tend w ith him for the priz e , in the contest whic h ensu

ed but findin g him se lfinferior to his opponent in stren g th,he had re course to stratag em ,

and chan g ed him se lf, first iato a serpe nt, and then in to an ox. While w restling w ith

him in the latter shape , Hercules wrun g off one of his

horns and the loss so filled Ache lous w ith sham e and hu

m iliation , that he subm itted to his adversary, and w as im

m ediate ly chan g ed in to a river. To con sole him for this

defeat, the horn ,w hich he had lost, w as taken up by the

Naiades, and fil led by the g oddess of Plen ty w ith the fruitsof autum n , and rece ived the nam e of Cornucopia, or the

Horn ofPlenty. Re turnin g from E tol ia in trium ph w ith

his bride , Hercule s w as stopped in his course by the ewoi

len stream s ofthe Even us ; and w as induced to com m itDe

jan ita to the care of the centaur Nessus,w ho en g ag ed to

carry her in safe ty to the other side ofthe river. No soon

er however had he arrived w ith her on the opposite ban k,than he be g an to abuse his trust

,and to treat w ith crue lty

his charg e . Alarm ed by her cries,Hercules aim ed a poi

soned arrow at the perfidious centaur,w ho

, w ounded and

dyin g , g ave Dejan ira a g arm en t dipped in his blood, which

he pretended had the power of recal lin g the afl‘

ections ofher husband , if ever they should becom e estrang ed from

her. Dejan ira received the g ift, and after having beenher husband

,accom panied him to the court



be tw een the shooting ofthe Centaur and the events now to

be re lated.

2. Noverca ofJuno, his stepm other.

3. Gl obalid: (Echal ia ; atow n in the Pe loponnesus, de

strayed by Hercule s, because Eurytus, its kin g , had refus

ed him Iole , his dau g hter, after he had pledg ed him se lf to

g ive her to him— Cenao of Cm ne ,

’a tow n on the coast

of Lacon ia, sacred to Jupiter.

7. Amphitryaniaden Hercu les. Am phitryon ,a The

ban prince , w as the husband ofAlcm éna, the m other of

Hercules. ardore by an attachm en t to Idle .

8. Veneris passion .

15 . Om nibus to al l other expedien ts.’

17. Defecto am ari to al ienated afi’

ection .

18. L icha : to Lichas a servan t of Hercule s, w ho,for de liverin g to him the poisoned g arm en t, w as afterw ards

throw n by his m aster in to the Eubcean sea, w here he

w as chan g ed in to a rock.—Lactas suos the cause

ofher future sorrow .

21 Lem m a Echidna ; of the Hydra, w hich infested Lerna, a country of Arg olis, and w hich Hercule s destroyed. This m on ster had seven hu g e heads , as soon as

e ither of w hich w as cut off,tw o Othe rs im m ediate ly g rew

up in its place bu t Hercu le s com m anded his friend Iolas

to burn w ith a hot 1ron the root ofevery head as he knocked it off ; and thus in the end trium phed over the Hydra.

After it w as slain , he dipped his arrow s in its blood , and it

w as w ith on e of these arrow s that he w ounded Ne ssus .

The de struction of this m onster w as the second labour of


22. Prim is ‘

just kindled.

39. C ladibu s pascere nostris g lut thyse l f w ith m ym ise ry.

46. Busiriu . Busiris, the son of Neptune , and kin g of

Eg ypt, who sacrificed every fore ig ner, that entered his do

m in ions , and who w as slain byHercules -Paren tis : Terra

is understood.

47. Antao Antteus,’the son of Neptune and Terra


an im m ense and crue l Gian t, who slew al l his com petitors ,whom he overcam e in w restl in g . Eve ry tim e he touched

the earth, he received from it renew ed streng th ; so that

in his strug g le w ith him , Hercules w as obhg ed to “Q . him

249 NOTES.

Iberi i. e . Of Geryon , a m on ster represented by the poets

as havin g three heads and three bodies. In his dom in ions

in Spain , he had im m en se he rds of oxen , w hich be fed on

hum an flesh ; and w hich w ere g uarded by Orthos , a dogw ith tw o heads, and a drag on w ith seven heads. The se ,

w ith Geryon the ir crue l m aster, w ere slain by Hercules,

and this achievem ent is con sidered his tenth labour.

48. Cerbere O Cerberus.

’ The drag g in g ofthis m on

ster from the infernal re g ions, w as the last labour, which

Eurystheus im posed on Hercules.

49. Vosne m anus did you , O m y hands.


tauri of the m ig hty bu ll w hich, vom itin g fire and

flam es,laid w aste the island of Cre te , and w hich was

brou g ht alive by Hercules in to the Pe lOponnésus . This ex

ploit form ed his seventh labour.

50. Elis Au g ias, a kin g Of Elis, had an im m ense

stable , in w hich three thousand oxen and as m anyw ere constan tly confined , and w hich had not been

ed for thirty years. To rem ove this accum u lation offilthform ed the fifth labour of Hercules ; and this arduous

w ork the hero accom plished, by chan g in g the course ofthe

river Alpheus, and m akin g it pass throu g h'

the stable . Au

g ias how ever proved him se lf unw orthy Of this im portant

service . He refused Hercules the rew ard he had prom ised

him ,and so provoked his benefactor, that he plunde red his

city, and drove him from his kin g dom .— Habet w itness

— Stymphal ides undas the river and lake Of Stym pha

lus in Arcadia. These w aters w ere lon g infe sted by a

num be r of hu g e and vorac ious birds, w hich preyed on hu

m an fle sh, and al m ost depopu lated the neig hbou rin g coun

try. The de struc tion Ofthe se carn ivorous anim als w as the

sixth labour ofHe rcules,and w as successfu l ly accom pl ished.

51. P arthenium que nem us a g rove and m oun tain ofArcadia, on w hich

,after pursuin g it a year, Hercules at len g th

caug ht a stag , fam ous for its incredible sw iftne ss, its braz enfe et

,and its g olden horn s. This w earisom e chase w as the

hero’s third labour.

52. fl erm odantiaca Of the river Therm Odon .


country con tig uous to this river w as inhabited by the Amazons, a ce le brated race Of fem ale w arriors. The ninthlabour assig ned to Hercule s w as to subdue the se feroc iouswom en , and to brin g to Burysthen e the g irdle of Hippo]

f’te, their queen . In this enterprise al so the hero w as so o

250 NOTES .

Troy w as effected. After the w ar w as ended, Philoctetes

set sail for Italy‘

and settled in Calabria, w here he bu ilt a

tow n call ed Pe tilia.

77. Jubes Paunte satum se . O Hercu les you order

0 Herciiles, that the son Of l ’aaan i. e . Philoc tetes.

F lam m a subdita the pile w as set on fire .

80. Clam s on your knotted c lub ,’the in strum e nt,

w ith w hich m any Of his achievem ents w ere perform ed, and

which he alw ays carried in his hand .

84. Secures apparen tly in sensible .

87. Nastra voluptas pleasin g to m e .

91. Datur hac this con cern is m an ife sted on account

Data pram ie nalet and should be unw il lin g that

rew ards be g iven him .

103. Visa est Jovis seem ed to bear the other

rem arks w ith no ill g race , but the latter part w ith an Of

fended look.

109. Vestig ia the l ikene ss.

112. Tirynthiu s : Hercu le s w as so cal led because be

g eneral ly resided at Tirynthus, a tow n Of Arg olis.


2. Cicanum Of the C icen e s ,’a people of Thrace .

Hym enaus Hym en attends the m arriag e ofOrpheus and

Eurydice , but not w ith auspic iou s om ens.

3. Orphed : of Orpheus,’a son of the Muse Cal l iope

and (Edg er, or, accordin g tO others, Apol lo. Soon after

he w as born , he rece ived a lyre from Apol lo or Merchry,w ith w hich, accom panied w ith the harm ony of his voice ,he is said to have an im ated and charm ed al l nature . The

beasts of the forests g rew tam e in his prese nce , the cur

ren t Of rapid rive rs w as arre sted, furious tem pe sts w ere

calm ed, and tree s , rocks, and m ountains,follow ed him from

place to place to liste n to his son g— Rag atur

‘ is invoked .

At the m arriag es Of the an cient heathen s, the pre se nce of

Hym en w as invoked by loud shouts of Hym en Hym e n

4. Salem m’

a auspicious

8. Lacrym oso excitin g tent s? \t w as cu stom s“


am on g the ancien ts to carry before the bride torches, whichw ere shaken in the air, and the brig ht burn in g of whichw as considered a favourable om en .

8. Nupta nova the bride Eurydice .

11. Ad superas auras‘ in the upper air.

’i. e . upon

upon earth.

12. Ne nan um bras ‘that he m ig ht try also the

shades be low .

13. Ad S tyg a the river Styx.

’Ta tian a porté

by - the entrance on Tee narus ; a prom on tory ofLacon ia,on w hich there is a deep cavern , supposed to lead to the iafernal re g ions.

18. In quem cream ur to w hich w e all final lycom e , w ho are m ade subject to m ortality.

22. Monstri C erberus. He cal ls him Medusa-ou fi'


his havin g snake s for hair.31. Prapenata retez itefila untw ist the thread Of her

l ife , too hastily spun .

36. Haze Eurydice .

37. Usum the enjoym ent Of her society for a shorttl m e .

38. Certam est m ihi I am resolved not tO return .

52. Aut irrita fu tura or the favour shou ld be of

no avail .’i. e . or Eurydice shou ld be recal led to the shades.

65. Q ui a m an,w ho w as so terrified at the sig ht Of

Hercules drag g in g Cerbe rus alon g from the infernal re g ions,that he becam e a stone — Media partante catenas the

m iddle neck havin g a chain about it.’

69. Olenos Olenus, a son ofVulcan , w ho w il lin g ly tookupon him se lf the g uilt of his w ife Le thaza, in preferrin ghe rse lfto the g oddesses, and w as chan g ed w ith her, by the

insulted de itie s, into a ston e .

71. Ide Ide or Ida, a m ountain near Troy, from w hich

sprun g , am on g other rivers, the Scam ande r, Sim ois, and

Gran icus.

73 . P ortitor : Charon , the son ofErébus and Nox ; anOl d, m e re se , and hideous de ity, w ho ferried the shades of

the dead ever the rivers Styx and Acheron . As Charon al

w ays required a piece ofm on ey for adm ission into his boat,the ancien ts placed the ne cessary sum unde r the ton g ue of

the ir departed friends, that they m ig ht be prepared to satis

fy his dem ands.

74. Ce'rm'

s sine m unere w ithout food ? AN “m e “u

252 NOTES .

ofEurydice , Orpheus total ly separated him se lf from the so

m ankind , and l ived am on g the m oun tains of

Thrace ; till , irritated by his continual sorrow and se c lu

sion,his coun tryw om en attacked him durin g the ce le bra

tion of the Bacchanal org ie s , and tore him to pieces. Hislyre w as afterw ards m ade a con ste l lation in the heavens.

78. Amyclide Hyacinthus, the son Of Am yc las and

Diom ede . While he w as playin g at quoits, w ith Apol lo ,by w hom he w as g reatly be loved , he w as struck on the head

and killed by a quoit, w hich had be en throw n by Apollo,and rebounded from the earth.

— /Ethere heaven .

93. Teenarides : Hyacinthus‘OfTasn i rus.

’— Illm nrepercusso subj ecit m ade it rebound .

105. w halide : O Hyacin thus.

’ (Ebal ia was an eu

cien t nam e ofLacon ia, taken from (Ebalus, one ofthe firstof its kin g s .

1l 3. Mem orique and thou shalt dw e l l upon

m y lips m indful ofthee .

115 . S cripta by an inscription .

’ The flow er, w hich ishere cal l ed the hyac inth, is said by Pl iny to have represen t

ed byits fibre s the le tters , AI, w hich form the first syl

lable of At’

u g , Ajax, as w e l l as the Greek interjection ,sig

nifyin g alas .

l 2 l . Lilia haben t is understood.

122. Arg enteus il l is w hich w oul d have been silvery w hite in the m

128. F re lata extraordinary.

’ —Hyacinthia these

w ere annual solem n ities ce le brated at Am yc le , a tow n of

Italy. They contin ued for thre e days ; the first Of w hich

w as spen t in silent g rief; the se cond w as devoted to m usic ,dancin g , and the chariot race ; and the third w as e m ployedin feastin g , and in offe rin g sacrifices to Apol lo.


Mrn s s , a kin g Of Phryg ia, w as the son ofGordius or

Gorg ias and Cybele . He w as re m arkable for his richesand his avarice .

I fl una Bacchus. - Frequentant attend thron gabou t.

254 NOTES.

conse crated to him by Evander, near w hich Rom hlus and

Rem us w ere nourished by the lupus or w olf. Milk and

honey w e re the sacrifice s g eneral ly offe red on his altars.

The flute or syrinz , w hich he alw ays carried in his hand,w as invented by him in honour Of a nym ph, w ho had been

chan g ed into a reed to save her fi'

em his violen ce .

60. Ping ue m ansit ‘ but his stupidity rem ained.

Ut ante as before w hen he requested every thing he

touched m ig ht becom e g old.

63. Utraque on both side s.

64. Hypeepis Hypzepa,’a city ofLydia.

75. D elinit please s ; de lig hts.

77. I l le Apol lo .

79. D entibus Indis ‘ ivory.

81. Artificis fuit his very posture indicated his

skil l .’88. Trahit in spatium

‘ len g then s them .

89. Dat passe m averi g ives them the pow er of m ov

m g96. Eferre sub auras to m ake it publ ic ly know n .

97. S ecedit ‘steps aside .

99. Voce hausta ‘ in a low voice te l ls,and w his

pers to the hole .

100. R eg estd be in g thrown in ag ain .

104. P rodidit ag ricolam i. e . exposed the one w ho had

buried his w ords there .

105. Obruta w hich had been buried,

’viz . Midas has

ass’s ears .

Cai x . C e'

yx w as the son Of Lucifer,and a king of

Trachin ia, a sm al l coun try n ear Moun t (Eta. He m arried

Halcyhne or AlcyOn e , the dau g hter of JEOIuS , w ith whom

he l ived in the g reate st harm ony, til l , anxious tO learn the

fate Of Dm dalion,his brother

,w ho had bee n chan g ed by

Apol lo into a haw k , he undertook the voyag e , w hich Ovid

has here de sc ribed.

106. In terea C'ejas : the construction is, interea

Ceyx, turbatus quoad an z ia pectora prodig us sui fratris,pradig iisque secutisfratrem .

109. Ad C larium deum to the tem ple ofApollo at

110. Pharbas an avariciou s an d fl oods roh‘per w ho

at the head ofthe Phl e g yas, a rapacious pe ephr.


plundered and burnt the tem ple ofApol lo at De lphi. For

this sacrile g ious act, Phorbas and m ost of his fol low ers

w ere de stroyed by the g ods, before they could return to

the ir ow n lan d.

112 Obvertit rem os the sailors, no lon g er he edin gthe ir oars, le t them han g alon g the sides ofthe ve sse l .

113. Com m a arbore and fasten s the sail-yards

on the topofthe m ast.’The extrem ities of these yards re

sem bled the horns of oxen . They w ere fixed on the top of

the m ast to g ive the ful l extent of the sails. Totaque

deducit and draw s dow n the w hole sail alon g the m ast.’

124. Mum'

rc Iatus to stop al l leaks in the sides ofthe


1p25 . Eg erit throw s out.

133. Incursa by the dashin g .

138. S tem itur it is leve l .’

149. S e adm iserat had raised itse lf unrestrained.

150. R at ratis ‘ it dashed ag ain st the rig g in g of

the ve sse l .’

151. Grand : ‘the pin s w ith w hich the planks of the

vesse l w ere fastened tog e then— Cerar ofpitch.

168. Absistit ceases .

169. Mam ie! i. e . the w al ls or side s into the hold.

177. Funera a burial ; fune ral rites.

’Because those

on ly w ere al low ed to pass over the Styx, w hose bodies w ereburied .

188. Arbos ‘ the m ast.’

191. Nee levm s nor less violently.

205. Nig er arm s ag uaram a dark archin g w ave .

210. 1130153 Halcyiine , the dau g hter ofEolus.

213. Ipsa g erat she m ay w ear herse lf.’

219. Hoe this last viz . that he m ig ht prefer noothe r lady to her.

221. Funestas pol luted.

’ When any m em be r of a

fam ily died, al l the re lative s w ere considered pol luted, til lthe funeral w as over, and the house purified w ith frankincense .

223. Som m ofSom nus the son ofErebus and Nox,and the g od of sleep. Morpheus, his prin cipal attendan ta


nd m essen g er, is how ever som e tim e s cal led the g od of

s e ep.

228. J ussz'

to whom she w as ordered to g o ?229. Ci


m m en‘

os the Cim m eru z, a w on“:on

256 NOTES .

ern coast ofItaly, who, from the ir dw e l lin g in caves insteadofhouses, w ere said to live in perpetual darkness.

234. Vig il ales the cock .

236. Sag acior anser the g oose is said to be m ore

w atchful than the dog s, because the eese alarm ed the sen

tine l , w hen the Gau ls, havin g ascended the Capitoline Hillat the dead of n ig ht, w ere about to take the C itade l of

Rom e .

240. R ivas aquas L ethes a branch of the river Le the .

This is the river offorg e tfu lness w hose w aters are said to

cau se an entire oblivion of al l that is past in those w ho

drink ofthem .

247. Ebeno atrd placed hig h upon black ebo

258. Excussit sibi se at len g th roused him se lf.’

259. Cog no'

rat il lam is understood.

264. Trachine ‘ in Trachis the capital of Trachi

n ia, w hich w as e ither founded by Hercules , or chosen byhim as the place of his residence after he had slain Eunc


m us ; hence it is som etim es cal led Heraclea.

265 . Sim mer-aque fing an t and assum e the ap

pearance ofone , w ho has be en shipw recked.

268. Labique artus and when she fe lt sleepsteal ing upon her lim bs.

270. P ed er sc . Som nus.

271. Fig ure; u ll ius is understood .

277. Icelan , Phobetora, Phantasos Icélos, Phobetor,Phan tasos nam es derived from the Greek , the first sign ifyin g resem blance, the second fear, and the third fancy or im ag ination .

278. Est Phantasos ; there is likew ise a third,cal led Phantasos, m aster ofa different art.

283. Senior Som nus.

284. Edita: ‘the com m ands.

209. False : dece ived by false hopes of m y return .

306. Lug ubria m ourn in g .

320. S cindit: but she tears it.’

336 . Non sim ul separate from you ; w ithout you .

338. Et sine m e habet and the sea holds m e,not

contained w ithin it.’ That is, the sea has m y sou l , m y af

fections ; whilst m y pe rson is here . This is the sam e sen

l im en tWith that e xpressed in.

the ore e e dxo g ver g o .

343. L z'

l era an in scription anWWW“

258 NOTES .


Cnnm m nst. After the death of Achil les, the arm s,

w hich Vulcan had g iven him ,w ere c laim ed by Ajax and

Ulysse s, tw o of the Gre cian chiefs. Ajax, the son ofTe la

m on , a kin g of the island of Salam is, w as distin g uished as

m uch by his rashne ss and im pe tuosity, as by his invincible

bravery. Ulysse s, the son of Laertes,and kin g of Ithaca,

w as less valiant in w ar than his rival ; but be m an ifested

g reater e loquence and w isdom in council,and re ndered

m ore e ssential assistance to the Greeks by his advice , thanAjax by his arm s. In the contention betw e en the se heroes,Ovid has accurate l delineated the ir characters . The

speech of the son 0 Te lam on evinces the honest blun tness

of the soldie r ; w hile in the reply of Ulysses, w e perce ive

the in sin uatin g and artfu l address ofthe orator.

l . Corona a circ le .

2. C lypei sep temp licis of the seve n-fold shield i. e .

cove red w ith seve n thickn esse s ofox hide .

3 . S ig eza of Sig aaum a tow n and prom ontory near

Troy, now cal led Cape Jan iz ari.

6. An te rates be fore the Gre c ian ships i. e . w hich

I prese rved from the fury of the Trojan s, w hen they had

overcom e Ulysse s and the other Gree ks, and w ere about to

burn the fleet.7. H ectoreis flam m is

‘ to the fury of He ctor.

’ Hew as the son of Priani , kin g of Troy, and the brave st of al lthe Trojans. He w as slain near the e nd of the w ar byAchil les .

9. Fictis plausible .

17. zEm ulus such a rival as Ulysse s — Aj aciperbum it is no honor


to Ajax to have g ain ed .

18. S it licet Ulysses ; w hatever Ulysse s m ig hthope to g ain ,

how ever g reat in itse lf.’

20. Q ua‘ in as m uch.

25. H uic ofTe lam on .

26. o liden the son ofBolus}

30. Achil le Achil le s w as the son ofPe leus and The tis.

Soon after he w as born,his m other plun g ed him in to the

river S tyx an (1thus m ade him invuin e ra‘

oie in exerg on“

excep t the hee l , by which She heid him . This. ore eao ti en

w as n ot howeve r sufficie nt to dive st h e r oi“aWe“ ‘0‘ “ 3


future safety ;'

and w hen the Grec ian arm ie s assem bled to

besie g e Troy, she se nt him disg uised in a fe m ale dre ss to

her brother Lycom ede s, kin g of Scyros, an island in the

E g ean sea but he re he did not lon g re m ain undiscovered .

An orac le had dec lared that Troy cou ld not be taken w ith

out his aid , and Ulysses unde rtook to find him , and lead

to the fie ld. Disg uised as a m erchant, he w ent to the

court of Lycom edes w ith arm s and jew e ls for sale . Achilles discovered his sex by eag erly purchasin g the arm s , and

im m ediate ly yie lded to the solicitations ofUlysses , and sail

ed w ith him to the Trojan coast. Afte r havin g distin g uish

ed him se lfabove al l his coun trym e n by his valour and intre

pidity, Briseis, a favorite fe m ale captive , w as taken from

him by Ag am em non , and he re tired in disg ust from the ar

m y. The death of Patroc lus,w ho was slain by Hec tor,

re cal led him at len g th to the fie ld. Arrayed in a splendid

su it of arm our, m ade for him by Vu lcan , he reven g ed the

death of his friend by the slaug hter of m any of the m ost

em ine nt Trojan heroes . Hec tor him se lf w as sacrificed tohis reven g e . After havin g slain him in sin g le com bat, he

in hum an ly drag g ed his body thre e tim e s round the w al ls of

Troy, and afterw ards sold it to the ag ed Priam . In the

te nth year ofthe w ar, the affections ofAchil le s w e re su g aged by Polyxena, the siste r of He ctor, and as he w as so l icit

in g her hand in the temple ofMinerva, he rece ived a w ound

in the hee l from her b rother Paris , w hich caused his death.

31. Frater m y cousin .

’Pe leus, the father of Achil

les , w as the broth ! of Te lam on .—Q uid sang u ine cretus

Sisyphio w hy does this desce ndan t of Sisyphus.


se s , w hose m othe r An tic lea is said to have been g iven byher fathe r to S is)phus a few days before her m arriag e w ith

Lae rte s .

33. Inscrit g entis intrude the nam e ofa stran g e

fam ily am on g the E ac idaa.’

34. Nu l loqu c sub indies and w ithout any one to dis

cover dece it in m e i. e . as Palam ede s did in Ulysse s.When the Grec ian chiefs w ere sum m oned to the sie g e of

Troy, Ulysse s had re ce n tl y m arried Pene lope , the dau g hter

ofIcarus ; and unw illin g to leave her socie ty, be coun te r

fe ited insan ity. Havin g yoked tog ether a horse and a bu ll"


he proce eded to ploug h w ith them the san d on th e se e .

shore, and afterwards to sow it w ith sal t . This artihc e as

110we ver unsuccessful . Palam edas the son oi “fiN'


250 NOTES .

discovered his treache ry, and exposed it to the Gree ks. He

placed im m ediate ly before the plou g h Te lem achus, his ih

fan t son,and thu s constrained Ulysses to prove that his

m adness w as pre te nded , by so g u idin g the cattle , that the

l ife ofhis child m ig ht be saved . This detection oblig ed the

kin g ofIthiica to join the Grecian w arriors ; but he soon af

terw ards base ly reven g ed him se lf on Palam edes , by charging him w ith treason . Producing a sum o f m oney, which

he had caused to be buried in his tent,and le tte rs, w hich

he had forg ed , to substantiate his charg e , the in nocent oh

jec t ofhis e nm ity w as condem ned by the arm y as a traitor.and stoned to death.

35 . An na Achillis is understood.

43. Creditas or be l ieved to be real .'

45. P wan tia proles Philoctetes, w ho in consequen ce ofan offe nsive w ound in the foot, w as left by the Greeks,in the island ofLem nos, at the in stig ation ofUlysses.49. Vana ‘ in vain .

50. Eadem nobis arm a the sam e w ar with us.‘

51. Sag ittce Herculis Hercu le s at his death g ave hisbow and poisoned arrow s to Philoctetes. On e ofthese arrow s fe l l upon his foot and caused the wound al luded to

above .

57. Viveret haberet w ou ld have been al ive ; orat leas t w ou ld have died w ithout a crim inal charg e uponhim .

61. S ubduz it sc . Ulysses. He had caused Philoctetes tobe left in exile , and Palam ede s to be put to death on sus

pic ion . Se e verse 34, note .

63. Nestora Ne stor w as the son ofNere us and Chloris,and the kin g of Pylos . He w as distin g uished above theothe r Greeks in the Trojan w ar for the g reatness of hisw isdom , the sw eetne ss of his e loquence , an d his inflexiblere g ard to justice .

64. Desertam Nestora the forsakin g ofNe stor.

68. Tydides :Diom edes,‘the son of Tydeus ;

’he w as

the kin g of iEto lia. He w as surpassed in valor and m artialre now n by none ofthe Gre c ian chiefs, e xcept Achil le s andAjax the Te lam on ian . After the de struc tion of Troy, hereturned to his native land

,but the conduc t ofhis w ife d ig i

i l e caused him to quit it in disg u st an d he settl ed w ith hiscom pan ions in Italy, w here he m arried the dau g h te r oi

Daun us, the king ofthe cou nt?

262 NOTES .

107. Du lichius vertex the head ofUlysses in w hose

dom inions w as Dulichium ,an island in the Ion ian sea.

109. P elias ofAchil les , the son ofPe leus.

114. Eril eausa is understood .

119. Novas . habem lus : i. e . a new shie ld m ust takethe place ofm ine now full ofhole s.

122. Referentem ea arm a is understood -Relatis

sc . arm is : w ith them w hen rescued.

124. Ultim a . verba 1s understood.

127. Gratia : ‘

g racefu lne ss ofaction .

130. Tuis an nis : se . potireris‘w ou ldst n ow enjoy

thine arm s.’

134. Danazs successit joined the Grec ian force s.’See

verse 30, note .

135. Huic m odd videtur on ly let it not profit this

fe l low that he seem s to be a blockhead, as he real ly is.’

145 . Exsu l : an exile .

’ An al lusion is here m ade byUlysse s to the ban ishm e n t of Pe le us and Te lam on by their

fathe r, for acciden tal ly kil lin g w ith a quoit their brother


152. Sang u inis ordo rank ; noble ancestry.

155 . Pyrrhus som etim es cal led Neoptolem us,the son

of Achil les and De idam ia, the daug hter of Lycom edes.

After the death of his fathe r, he joined the arm y at the

sie g e of Troy, w here he displayed the g reatest bravery and

the m ost feroc ious crue lty. He w as the first, w ho asce nd

ed the ce lebrated w oode n horse ; and the first, w ho slau g h

tered in the city its defen ce le ss and unarm edinhabitan ts.He butchered the venerable Priam at the altar, to w hich hehad fled for refug e , and treated w ith the g reate st barbaritythe rem ain s of his fam ily. On his re turn to Greece he

settl ed 1n Epirus.

156. Phthiam : to Phthia ;’a c ity ofThessaly, m w hich

Pe le us lived.— S eyronve


‘or to Scyron

’w here Pyrrhus

w as— Ferantur . arm a is understood.

157. Nee m inu s . Aehil li : ‘Nor is Teucer less a

Zousin to Achille s than Ajax.

’Teucer w as the brother of


162. G enitrix Nercio : i. e . Thetis, the dau g hter ofNereus, and the m other ofAchil les.

— Leti . sc . Achil l is.

169. P erg am a : Troy’

, in w hich was the citade l called

P erg am us, or pl . Perg am a.

I 70 Adfortia . to achieve ‘orave action s


Telephon Te lephus, a kin g ofMysia, the son of

Hercules and Au g e . Havin g m arried one of the dau g hters

ofPriam , he attacked the Gre eks as soon as they landed on

his coast ; but as he w as on the point ofobtainin g a de cided

victory over them , Bacchus caused avine sudden ly to sprin gup, w hich entan g led his feet and threw him on the g round.

Achil les im m ediate ly g ave him a severe and painfu l w ound,w hich an orac le dec lared cou ld on ly be cured by the sam e

spear and the sam e hand, w hich inflicted it. Ulysses, w ho

knew that the assistance of a son ofHe rcule s w as n e ce ssa

ry for the success of the ir e n terprise , prevailed at len g th on

the Thessalian hero to adm in ister re lief to Te lephus, byrubbin g on his w ound a l ittle rust, scraped from the poin t

of his spe ar. He w as im m ediate ly restored to heal th,and

proved his g ratitude to the Greeks by join in g the ir arm y.

173. Theba:“

a tow n near Troas not the capital of


otia.— Lesbon Le sbos ; a laig e island in the E g ean

sea, cal led form erly Pe lasg ia and Macaria,and now know n

by the nam e ofMe te l in .

174. Chrysenque , ct Cyl lan Chryses and Cyl la ; c ities

near Troy.— Apol l inis in w hich Apol lo w as w orshipped .

176. Lyrn esia ofLyrn e ssu s ;’a c ity ofTroas.

178. Dedi I g ave to the Gre c ian arm ie s a hero.

180. Dederam arm a is understood .

181. Unius : i. e . of Me ne laiis, the injured husband of

He len .

182. Au lida Au lis,a tow n w ith a larg e port

' on the

coast of Boeotia, w here the Greeks assem bled before theyw ent to Troy. The island of Eubcna

,now cal led Ne g ro

pon t, is said to have been once join ed to the continent by a

bridg e near Aulis.

184. Ag am em nona Ag am e m non , the kin g of Mycénmand Arg os , the e lder son ofAtreus, and the brother ofMen

e laiis. On account of his m ilitary tal ents and near re la

tionship to Mene laiis , he w as chosen com m ander in chiefof

the Grecian force s de stined for the sie g e ofTroy but hav

in g offended Diana, by kil lin g one of her favorite stag e, he

w as cal led on by an orac le to sacrifice to the g oddess his

dau g hter Iphig enia, or the Gre cian flee t cou ld neve r quit

the harbor, in w hich it w as de tained. This crue l order the

w re tched father long refused to obey, but he w as at len g th

prevailed on by the persuasive e loquence of “basse s to con

sen t,the t the blood of his dau g hter shou\d h e sh ed im th e

264 NOTEI .

cause of Greece . Under the pretence of being m arried to

Achil les, Iphig enia w as broug ht byUlysse s from he r m other

Clytem nestra to Aul is ; w here she was sacrificed on the ai

tar ofDiana, and procured for the Gre cian ships a favorable

w ind. The actual death of Iphig enia is den ied by som e

m ytholog ists, w ho assert that Diana substituted in her stead

a hart , and placed Iphig en ia in her tem ple at Taurics .

After the destruction ofTroy, Ag am em non re turned to Mycénae ,

but as soon as he arrived in the c ity, he w as m urder

ed by the unfaithfu l C lytem ne stra and he r crim inal com

pu m‘




g ‘gen si I g ained .

’ —Iniquo: partial ; fi'

om pa

re ntal afl'

e ction .

I192. Sam m a seeptri the hig h oflice of com m ander

in chief.’— P enset he should balance .

200. Helenum He len , the daug hter of Jupite r and Le

da, w as the w ife ofTyndi rus, kin g ofSparta. Her beautyw as so re m arkable even in her infancy, that she w as car

ried offby The seus before she had attained her tenth year,and de tained by him at Aphidnaain Attica, til l she w as t e se ued by her brothers Castor and Pol lux. Herhand was eag erlysolicited ofher father by al l the prin ce s ofGre ece ; but be

in g left to m ake her ow n choice , she se lected for her hus

band Me ne laiis , the brother ofAg am em non , to w hom Tyn

darus soon after re sig ned his kin g dom . At the m arriag e

ofHe len , al l the Grec ian chiefs, w ho had soug ht her hand,

pledg ed them se lves to defend her person and character

from injury and violence . About this pe riod a con te ntion

w as exc ited by the g oddess of discord betw een Juno , Ve

nus , an d Minerva. Each of the se g oddesse s c laim ed the

superiority in beauty, and they ag reed at len g th to subm it

the dispute to the de cision of Paris , a son of Priam , w ho

w as livin g as a shephe rd on m ount Ida. Paris decided

in favour of Venus, and rece ived from her a prom ise of the

m ost beautifu l w om an in he world for his w ife . This

prom ised rew ard he w as soon inform ed w as He len,the

bride ofMen e laus, and he accordin g ly se t sail for Spartato obtain her. He re he w as rece ived and entertained w ith

every m ark of respect, until he base ly abused the law s of

hospitality :durin g a tem porary absence of the kin g fromhis court, he prevailed on the faithless He len to accom panyhim to Asia. Their flig ht occasion ed the m ost ce le brated

war re corded in the annal s offahuioas or au th en tic histo“ .

266 NOTES .

chiefs here m entioned byUlysses w ere com manders in the

laea honourable fiom their situationi. e. in m y breast.

273. Actorides :Patroclus, the son ofMem etius and the

g randson ofActor. When Achilles retired in disg ust firmthe war, Patrocl us, his fiiend and com m nion , re tired al so

w ith him ; but bein g at len g th prevailed on by Ned or toreturn to the fie ld, as the enem y w as about to fire the fleet,be arrayed him se lf1n the arm our ofActhe Trojans to seek for safety w ithin theHe was at le h overcom e and slain byHector.

274. Cum en sare . i . e . w ith Ajax, w ho w as defend

ing them . Som e suppose defensore to refer to Hector.275. Hectoreo Marti . i. e . Hector 1n sin g le com bat.

277. Nonus sortis : ‘ he w as but the ninth in that


air, and preferred only by the chance of lot.’ There

w ere nine g enerals who w en t out to fig ht Hector in sin g le

com bat ; and they cast lots to determ ine who should an

Carula m ater Thetis.

290. Rudis m iles : a roug hw ithout understandin g .

’ He derides A

arm s of Achil les curiously w rou g ht by the skill

w hen he cou ld not even understand the devices ( ca lam ina)upon them .

305. Aj acis ing enio is understood.

308. Falso : si is understood beforefal sa.

312 . P retia : by the g old found in his tent. -Obj ecta:the charg es ag ainst him .

319. Essej idelem : for a m an to be faithful .’

320. Q uem :Philoctetes.

321. Ne m andate . do not com m it the bring in g ofhim

here .

324. Sim oi s a river of Troas, which rises in m ount

Ida, and fal ls into the Xanthus :it is now a sm all rivulet.

325 . Aehaia : Greece .

332. Tui m ihi : se . faeta est copia.

339. S ine il lis w ithout these services.

349. Vin ci posse cao'

g i : I m ade it capable of beingconquered.

350. Desine m eum : forbear then , hi; thy looks


and thy m utte rin g , to brin g forw ard m y friend Diom edes.

Ajax had said that Ulysses did nothin g w ithout Di'

om édes.

354. P ug naeem hom inem esse understood .

356. Moderatior Aj ax the m ore discreet AjaxAjax the son ofOil eus.

357. Eurypylus a brave Thessalian in the Grecian ar

my.—Andrem ane natas Thoas, the son of Andrém on , a

Grec ian chief.

358. Idom eneus the son of Deucalion , and a kin g ofCrete . On his return from the Trojan war, in which he

distin g uished him se lf by his m ilitary prow ess , he m ade a

vow to Neptune durin g a violent tem pe st, that if he w ere

pre served from its dan g ers, he w ou ld sacrifice to him the

first l ivin g creature that presented itse lf on the Cretan

shore . Idom ene us escaped the fury of the storm , but his

son ,w ho cam e first to the shore to con g ratu late his father

on his landin g , w as doom ed to be the price ofrhis safety.

In conform ity to his vow , he sacrificed him to the g od, but

the indig nation , w hich this act ofcrue lty excited am on his

subjects , oblig ed him to leave Crete and se ttle in Cala ria,w here he built the city Salentum , and w here , after a lon gan d peaceful re ig n ,

he ended his days.

359. Meriones the charioteer of Idom eneus, and a

brave soldier.

362 . Nostri ing enii is understood .

376. Dec: Minerva. The plura], num ber is here used

by a poe tical license for the sin g u lar, and the m ascul ine

g ender for the fem inine .

378. Pre cipiti loco is understood .

396. aflbalio ofHyacinthus. See Book X,verses 105

and 115 notes.

398. Ha s querela: the construction is, ha s est

l itera nom inis Ajacis, il la est l itera querela Hyacinthi.

a usx m CANEM MUTATA. After an unsucce ssful

sie g e often years, the Greeks at len g th de spaired oftakin gby force this ce lebrated city. Recourse w as therefore had

to artifice . They secre tly fil led a larg e w ooden horse w ith

arm ed m en , and w ithdrew the ir arm ies from the plains of

Troy. This horse the Trojans w ere prevailed on by the

treacherous w ile s of Sinon ,a Greek , to brin g w ithin their

w al ls ; and when nig ht approached , their en emi es , “i

w ere con cealed w ithin it, rushe d out , set. fin e to ”h e “Vt s

268 NOTES.

and, notw ithstandin g a vig orous resistance , put the g reater

part of the inhabitants to the sword. Am on g the few who

w ere saved by the conquerors, w as Hec iiba, the w idow of

the m urdered Priam . In the division of the captives , she

fe ll to the lot of Ulysses, w hom of al l the Greeks she m ost

dreaded and abhorred.

399. P riam e'

ia cory'

uz Heciiba,‘ the w ife of Priam .

After the destruction of Troy, Heciiba w as conveyed bythe Gre cian fle e t to Thrace , w here she expected to find at

least one of her son s safe . For Priam ,w he n his country

w asfirst invaded , had . se nt w ith m ost of his treasures his

youn g est son Polydorus, to be broug ht up secre tly by P0

lym ne stor, orPolym estor, kin g ofThrace , w ho had m arried

Priam’s e lde st dau g hter Il ione . But on her arrival Hecti

ba found that Polym nestor had m urdered Polydt'



soon as he heard of Priam’s death, in order to secure the

g old intrusted to his care . In her fury at this discovery,Hec iiba tore out the eye s ofPolym nestor ; and, as she was

pursued by the Thracians casting ston es at her, she was

chan g ed in to the form ofa dog .

402. In ang ustum clauditur becom es narrow .



pontus the He llespont now cal led the Dards

ne les, a narrow strait betw een Asia and Europe , w hich re

ceived its nam e from He l ls , a sister of Phryxus , w ho was

drow ned in it.

404. Jovis ara Pyrrhus had slain Priam near an altarbehind which he had concealed him self.

405. Antistita P htebi the prie stess of Apollo ; i. e.

Cassandra, the dau g hter of Priam and Heciiba. She re

ce ived from Apol lo the know ledg e of future even ts,but

havin g deceived that deity by a breach of prom ise , be

caused her predictions to be alw ays disbe lieved. After thedestruction of her native city, w hich a re g ard to her proph

etic de c larations w ou ld have saved, she fe l l to the lot of

Ag am em non ,and shared his fate as soon as she arrived

w ith him in his ow n land.

410. Astyanax the son of Hector and Androm ache .

416. Troades the Trojan ladies .

420. D u lichia m anus the hands of Ulysses ; kin gof Dulichia.

—Hausit “she took i. e . from the tom b.

425. Bz'

stoniis the Thracinu s are som etim e s called

Bis tb’

nes, fi'

om Bistonia ; on e .oi their c'


1e s .

428. [ Viki adiecisset had he n ot. se nt.With h im

270 NOTES .

557. Luca haw -it ‘she tears out the sockets of

his eyes .

563. Nam es i. e . the nam e of Cyneum ,a word den ved

from the Greek sig nifyin a dog .

564. Sitlum ios of hrace of which Sithon ia, a

country betw een Mount Ham us and the Danube , form ed a

565. l llius sc. fortuna m acerat, her hard fortune had

m oved.

567. S ic se . m om m a— Ipsa Juno always m anifested

the m ost violent enm ity to the Trojans, and m ore especiallyto the fam ily ofPriam .

Ms mmom s cru snas IN svs s u u'rx'rr. Mem non w as a

kin g ofEthiopia, and son of Tithonus and Aurt'

ira. Atthe be g innin g of the Trojan war, he cam e w ith a larg e ar

m y to the assistance of Priam,w ho w as his uncle , and dis

tin g uished him se lf by his courag e and succe ss ag ainst the

Gre eks. Havin g slain Antilochus, the son of Nestor, theag ed father chal len g ed him to sin g le com bat ; but the g e netons Mem non refused to fig ht so ag ed and venerabl e a

m an , and accepted another chal len g e from Achille s, andfe l l in the conflict. After his death, his subjects , the Ethiopians orEg yptians, erec ted to the honour oftheir m onarch

an im m ense statue , the ruins ofw hich still rem ain ,and are

c e lebrated for their g randeur and beauty.

569. Non vaeat Aurore Aurora w as not at le isure .

575. P al luerat had becom e pale .


heaven s.

580. Aureus tether : the g lorious heavens.

585 . Noctis servo I w atch the lim its of n ig ht.’

i. e . do not let nig ht pass its boundaries and encroach upon

the day.

603. Lustrant they fly around.

604. Seduet mt castra they divide into two partie s .

608. Inferias corpora and the ir bodies fal l as

offerin g s to the buried ashes, to w hich they w ere re lated.

610. Auctor the ir parent Me m non .

613. Dym antida Heciiba, the daug hter ofDym as

a Phryg ian prince .

615. Rorat sprinkles her tears as dew .

METAMORPHOSES, soox xrv. 271


Adam s e r Rac e s As sam . rEnéas w as the son ofAnchises and Venus. He m arried Crefisa, the dau g hter ofPriam kin g of Troy ; and w as distin g uished for his cour

ag e , patriotism , and filial piety. His adventures form the

subject of Virg il’s celebrated Epic cal led the E n e id.When Troy w as in flam es and every hOpe ofsavin g it from

destruction w as extin g uished , E neas fled from the c ity,bearin g on his shoulders his ag ed pare nt , and carryin g in

his left hand his household g ods, and leadin g w ith the oth

e r Ifilus, orAscan ius , his infan t son . Crefisa, w ho fol low edbehind, w as lost in the hurry of the ir flig ht. iEn éas, w itha few of his countrym en ,

w ho escaped from the bu rnin gcity, im m ediate ly proceeded to the orac le of Apol lo at Delos, w here he w as directed to repair to Italy and a prom

ise .w as g iven him that he should there e stablish him se lf.

After he left De los in search of the country spoken of bythe orac le , he visited Crete , Epirus, and Sicily, in w hich

last place he lost his ag ed father by death. From Sicilyhe sailed for Italy, but w as driven by a violent storm on the

coast ofAfrica, w here he w as kindly received by Dido, w ho

had recen tly built Carthag e , and w ho offered her hand and

he r kin g dom to the exiled Trojan . E n éas how ever w as

com m anded by the g ods to reje ct the proffered al liance and

to leave Carthag e . The hero obeyed, and after havin g vis

ited Cum s:and the infernal re g ions, he reached that part

of the coast of Italy, w hich was the residence of Circe , a

crue l and licen tious enchantress, the daug hter of So] and

Pe rse1s. Be in g w arned by one ofthe com pan ions of Ulys

ses of the dan g ers that aw aited al l w ho touched her shores,the Trojans im m ediate ly renew ed their voyag e , and landed

in another part ofItaly.

1. Pam'

s the cable .

2. Et procu l dea: and they leave far behind themthe in trig ues and abode ofthe infam ous enchan tress Circe .

3 . Um brd arborum is understood.

5. Patitur E neas is understood — Faunig em Latiof Latinus, the son of Faunus,

’and kin of the Ah

orig ines or orig inal inhabitants of Italy. avin ia, the

daug hter of this m onarch, had been secret“ stoma ch

272 NOTES .

m arriag e by her m other Am ata to Turnus, the son ofDaunus and Vene tia, and the kin g of the Rutuli, a ne ig hbour

in g nation . The orac les how ever opposed this un ion , and

dec lared that the daug hter of Latinus m ust becom e the

w ife of a foreig n prince . Encourag ed by this de cree of

the Fates, E neas soon after he landed in Italy, dem anded

Lavinia in m arri and obtained the consent ofher father

to their union . urnus was fil led w ith g riefand indig nation at the proposed al liance

,and be in g determ ine d to re

rent it, he im m ediate ly m ade w ar on the Trojan s. g l utneither his ow n heroic bravery, nor the assistance of a nu

m erous arm y of al lies, could ensure him succe ss. After alon g con tinued strug g le , the contest was at len g th dec idedby a sing le com bat between . the rival chiefs, in which Turnus w as slain .

8. Latio Latium , a country of Italy, situated on the

south of the Tiber its l im its w ere orig inal ly very circumscribed, but the conquest of the Rutul i and

other neig hbou tin nations en larg ed its territories and m ade it a


siderab e kin g dom . Tyrrhenia Etruria, or Tuscany, acountry ofItal y w est ofthe Tiber.

12 . [Eneas venerat is understood— Evandri ofEvander orig inal ly a kin g ofArcadia


,being oblig ed

to abandon his throne and country, he established a kin gdom in that part of Ital in w hich Rom e w as afterw ardsbuilt. tEn éas had app iod to him for aid

, and Evandersent his son Pal las w ith considerable forces under him andadvised {Enéas to apply to the Tuscans

,whence he like

w ise obtained assistance .

13. At Venu las he w as an am bassador ofTurnusPrqfug i Diom edes left his own coun try and settled in Italy after his return from the sie g e of Troy. See BookXIII, verse 68, note .

14. Ven erat frustrti is understood — Iapyg e Danna

Iapyg ian Daunus ;’a kin g ofApulia, or Daunia, part of

w hich coun try is cal led Iapyg ia.

15. Dotalia i. e . which he had received as adow ry w iththe daug hter ofDaunus, w hom he had m arried.

17. Vires excusat pleads as an excuse his w ant of

stren g th.

19. Suorum ofhis countrym en i. e . the Greeks .

20. 1112'

s i. 9 . those which they had schemes .

274 NOTES .

deities, who w ere once inhabitants ofItaly, and whOse wor

ship was principal ly confined to the Rom an nation .

98. Binom iais oftwo nam es ;’for he w as called As

canius and Nilus — Alba Alba Long s , a city of Latium ,

bu il t b Ascan ius, B. C . 1152, and destroyed by the R0

m ans, C . 665.

99. S ilvius w as a son of E néas and Lavinia. This

nam e was often applied to al l the kin g s ofAlba101. Nom ina i. e . w ith the ancient sceptre ofLatium

he received the nam e ofhis g reatg randfatherLatinus [ repetita] renew ed in him .

’— Subit succeeds.

’ —Alba the

son ofLatinus.

103. Tiberinus the son of Capétus , w ho was'


in the river Albi’

i la, w hich divides Latium from Etruria orT uscany, and which w as afterwards cal led the Tiber.

107. Im itator fu lm inis w ho endeavoured to im itate


l l l . P alatine g entis ofLatium , in which Moun t Palatine w as situated.

112. P om ona a nym ph of Latium , the g oddess of g ardens and fruits. Em ployin g her tim e in the cultiv ofthe earth, she lon g rejected every offer ofm arriag e om the

ods of the coun try, but w as at len g th induced to m arryertum nus, w ho introduced him se lfto her under the form

ofan ag ed fem ale . The worship ofthis deity was confinedto the Rom ans.

115. Nom en her nam e P om dna from pow er, an apple.

121. Patitur arbores is understood .

123. Ausonias ‘ofAuson ia an ancient nam e of It

aly.- Iry


usti m iles Am u li the arm y of the w icked em u.

l ius.’ After the death ofProca, or Procas, the throne ofAl

ba devolved upon his e lde st son Num itor ; but Am u lius,his young est son , dethroned his brother ; and

, to se cure

the crow n to him se lf, m urdered his son Lausus, and m ade

Rhea Sylvia, his dau g hter, one of the Ve stal virg ins. The

unjust desig ns ofAm ulius w ere how ever frustrated. Rhea

be cam e by Mars the m other ofRom ulus and Rem us, w ho,w hen arrived at m anhood, attacked and put to death the

usurper, and re-instated their g randfather on his throne .

125. Pestis P alilibus on the day of the ce lebration of

the Palilia,’

festivals in honour of Pales, w ho w as re g arded

by the Rom ans as the g oddess of sheep-io\ds en d oe stoxes .

Urbis of Rom e w hich was but“.by“am ide s an d m e

m (18.


126. Tatius he w as the kin g of Cures, a tow n of theSabines.


To ave ng e the injuries of the Sabine wom en ,

w ho had been treacherously carried off by Rom ulus and

his com pan ions, Tatius m ade war ag ainst Rom e , and ad

vanced at the head of his arm y to the g ates of the city.

Tarpeia, the dau g hter ofTarpe i'

us,the g overnor ofthe cit

ade l , im m ediate ly se n t a m essen g er to the Sabine arm y, of

ferin g to open to the m the g ates ofRom e , on the conditionthat she shou ld rece ive fiom every so ldier w hat he carried

on his left arm . Her offer w as accepted, but the Sabine sas they en tered the city, not on ly g ave to the treacherous

Tarpe i'

a the brace lets, w hich they w ore on the ir left arm ,

and w hich she expe cted to re ce ive , but, to pun ish her per

fidy, they cast on her also their shie lds,and crushed her to

death ben eath their w e ig ht. S he w as buried in the Capitol

and g ave to it the nam e ofthe Tarpe ian tow er or citade l .

129. Sati Caribas the natives ofCures.

130. Corpora Rom anorum is understood.

132 . Iliades Rom ulus, the son ofIlia,a nam e ofRhea.

136. J ana: the tem ple’

of Janus the first king w hore ig ned over Italy. The virtues and popu larity of thism onarch caused him to be ranked after death am on g the

g ods, and m any tem ples w e re erected by the Rom ans to his

honour. His princ ipal tem ple at Rom e was never shut ex

cept durin g a period ofpe rfect peace .

140. Elicué'

re they opened .

141. Ora: the front ofthe tem ple .

145 . Et Alpine ipsis and you w aters,which re

cently dared to vie w ith Alpine snow , in coldness, now do

not yie ld to fire itse lf.’The sum m it of the Alps is cover

ed w ith perpetual snow .

149. P re stru cta fortified.

’—Martius the Rom ans

had their orig in fi'

om Mars, the father ofRom ulus and Re

m us.

152 . Generi the Rom ans w ere sons in law to the Sa

bines, w hose dau g hters they had seized for their w ives.

155. Tatium que reg na and that Tatius shouldshare the Rom an throne w ith Rom iilus.

165. Cam i la cuel i the az ure vault ofheaven .

166. Rata: fulfilled.

169. Rapim e the takin g ofRom iilus from the earth.

174, Q uiriti i. e. to the Q uirites a nam e g iven to t


Rom ans fiom their connection w ith the inha‘


ttm ts oil C u .

276 NOTES.

175. P er :‘ into.

179. Trabeati : ‘ arrayed in the trabe'

a ;’o robe som e

tim es worn by the Rom an kin g s.180. Flebat Rom ule os is understood— Corsica the

w ife ofRom ulus, Hersilia, one ofthe Sabine w om en , w ho

w ere carried ofl'

by the Rom ans.

182. Vacate the w idow Hersilia.

202. Ora ng e s cocat : ‘apd cal ls her Ora ;

’ instead of

Hersilia.— J uneta Q uirino worshiped in the sam e tem

ple with Rom itlus.’

Param ount saau o'

. Pythag bras w as a native of Sam os,and one ofthe m ost ce lebrated and virtuous phil hers oftiquity. Born of opu lent parents, he rece ived e m ost

liberal education w hich his country could afford,and soon

becam e em inent for his proficiency in the liberal arts. After havin g distin g uished him se lfin the Olym pic g am es, he

w ent in pursuit of know ledg e into the East, and afte rw ardsin to Eg ypt and Chaldaaa. En riched by the learn in g and

w isdom , w hich he acquired in his trave ls, Pythag i'

rras revis

ited his native country but,disg usted w ith the despotic

g overnm ent of the tyrant Polycrates, he ag ain retired fiomSam os , and se ttled at len g th in Crotona, a tow n of Italy.

He re he opened a school , and not on ly obtained the ven era

tion of the inhabitan ts by his virtu e s , but corrected the li

ce ntiousne ss ofthe ir m anners by his precepts and the influ

ence of his e xam ple . The doctrines w hich this philoso

pher taug ht, thoug h not in every instance founded in truth,w ere in g eneral favorable to m oral ity. Mode sty, tem per

ance , industry, patriotism , and benevolence,w ere am on g

the virtue s he inculcated ; and in order to form in his pu

pils habits ofreflection and se lf- exam ination , he im posed on

som e ofthe m a silence of two, and 011 others offive years ,and obl ig ed all to review every evenin g the actions of theday.

His know ledg e ofastronom y w as g reat ; and it has been

and that the world is indebted to him for th e asstern g en e r.

ally call ed Copernican which p\aces the son in the centt e

273 NOTES .

HeWas slain by Mene laiis. To prove that he had reallyEuphorbus, Pythag oras is said ‘to have pointed

out, at first sig ht, the shield df this hero , which had been

placed am ong m any other weapons‘

of a sim ilar kind , in‘

the tem ple ofJuno at Arg os.105 . Abante


s in w hich A‘

bas once reig ned .

109. Ne stor spiritus 1t is understood.

115. Cog nates ofyour-kindred inhabitin g the bed

ies ofan im al s.

117. Et quoniam dedi i. e . and since‘l have be

g un thus w ide ly to expatiate .

119. Vtg ans chan g eable .

125 . Q uad it an té fuerat i. e . the tim e,w hich

w as on ce the ture , becom es the past, and that becom es

present, which once had no existence .

131. Alias its color is difl'

e ren t.’

132. P allantias Aurora, w hom Ovid considers as the

daug hter ofPal las .

133 . Ip se clypeus i. e . the face ofthe sun ; w hich

is round l ike a shie ld.

137. For ant eadem un iform or the sam e .

138. Hodierna this day’s m oon .

140. In species quatuor‘ is divided into four sea

sons differin g from each other in appearance .

149. Mag is w stuet‘ is m ore w arm and vig orous.

152. Temperie in tem perature .

154. Aut spaliata the con struction is, ou t spol iata suos

capil los, au t alba il los, quas habet.

158. Q uadrupes i. e . be cre eps upon his hands and

knee s.165. M lan Milo ,

’a native ofCrotdna

,and one of the

pupils ofPythag éras . His stren g th is said to have bee n so

g reat, that he w as able to carry on his shou lde rs for several

yards a live ox,w hich he afterw ards kil led by a blow w ith

his fist.169. Tyndaris He len , the dau g hte r ofJupiter and Le

da,w ho w as the w ife ofTyndiirus, kin g ofLacedm m on .

173. Ne tam en aquis yet, that I m ay not stretch

out too far w ith horses forg e ttin g to m ake fbr the g oal .’

176. N03 the nom inative to sinam us.

177. Valucres fleetin g ;’

passin g from one body to



182. Thy/esters m ensis w ith Thyestean m eal s. Thye stes was the son of Pe lops, and the g randson of Tan

talus. To reveng e an injury, w hich he had rece ived fromhim , Atre us, his brother, slew his son ; and having caused

a part of his body to be served up at a splendid feast, he

g ave it to Thyestes, who ig norantly ate it.183 Q udm m ale consuescit : how w icked a habit does

he form .

’Pythag oras m eans to say, that he , w ho can kil l

a calf, a kid. or a.bird, m ay. by practice easily. be led to killhis fe llow m en .

189. Ad plenum facinus i. e . to m u rder.

1901 Bos aret : ‘ le t the ox. ploug h.

But: do not doom

him to g re ater evil .- Irnputet : let him ow e .

191 Am .

protection .

196; FM datis. pinnis : lines w ere stretched

on which w ere hung feathers ofvarious; colours to

prevent the door from passing and to turn. them into the

snares se t for them . An apparatus Of this kind was cal led

198. Epu lis from anim al food.

Ca ssa. Julius Casar was one ofthe. m ost celebrated ofthe Rom an Em perors, and, fiom him the nam e of Casarw as transd ttod to the

. subsequent Empem Endow edw ith extraordinary talents, and influenced by boundlessam bition , he m ade him sefl m aster of the l iberties of his

country, and assum ed at leng th the im perial pow er. Hisre ig n was how eve r of short continuance . A conspiracyw as form ed ag ainst him w ith Brutus and Cassius at itshead ; and he w as assassinated in the senate-house

, on tho

Ide s ofMarch, forty-four years before the Christian era.

Soon after his death a new star, or rather com e t, w as seen

in the heavens ; and the abject fiatterers of Au g ustus, thenephew and successor ofJulius, dec lared it to be the departed em peror, w ho had take n his place am on g the g ods. Atem ple w as accordin g ly erected to him , and priests appointed to supe rintend his worship. Ne ither w as this honour

confined to‘

him al one . Au g ustus him se lf, even before his

death, w as ranked am on g the g ods, and altars w ere raised

to him in alm ost every c ity ofthe Rom an e m pire .

199. Marta tog dque in w ar and in peace .

S e ap rog en ies : Au g ustu s , the n eph ew an d aeanm k

son ofJul i us C aesar.

280 NOTES.


us i. e . ofAu g ustus Octavian“ .

q uoreos encom passed by the sea.

’- Brz



nos the Britons who w ere invaded and

‘partly subdued

by Jul ius Caesar, B. C . 55 , and rem ained or ne arly fivehundred years tributary to Rom e .

5206. P apynferi on the banks of the Nile g rew the

papyrus, a reed ofw hich paper w as m ade by the anc ien ts .

208. Oinyphium Jubam Juba w as a kin g of Num idia

and Mauritan ia in Africa, in w hose dom inions w as the riv

er C inyps or Cinyphus . In the civil w ars he joined Pom

pey and the republ ic ag ainst Caesar ; but, after som e partial

succe sses,he w as conquered in the battle of Thapsus, and

be in g total ly abandoned by his subjects , he at le n g th put

an end to his l ife .— Mithridatezs nom inibus w ith the g lo

ry ofMithridi te sf a kin g of Pon tus, who, alte r wag in gw ar ag ainst the Rom ans for forty years, w as at len g th over

com e by them , and his country m ade a tributary province .

211. Gem a'

sse to have adopted as his son .

213. £150 Au g ustus.— Mortal i sem ine of hum an oris‘

l n .

g215 . zEnece g enitrix:Venus was the m other of En eas,

from w hom Rom u lus w as said to be descended .

216. P ontifici of Ju lius Caesar, w ho after the death of

Mete l lus obtained the oflice of hig h-

priest to the g oddess


220. Dardam’

o Trojan .

’Troy w as founded by Dar

danus , a son ofJupiter and Electra.

222. Tydida: ofDiom éde s ; w ho, in adesperate con

flict w ith E neas before the w al ls ofTroy, w ounded Ven us

in the arm as she w as assistin g he r son .

5330. Neve ce de Vesta and do not,by al low in g

the m urder of Caesar, extin g uish the fires of Ve sta.

’ The

w orship ofVesta w as in troduced into Italy by E n éas '

; and

in the re ig n ofNum a Pom pil ius a tem ple w as built to her

at Rom e , in w hich a fire w as kept con tinual ly burn in g uponan altar

,and virg in s, cal led Vestales or Ve stals, appoin ted

to atte nd it. Ifthis fire w as ever suffe red to be extin g u ish

ed , som e g reat and sudden calam ity w as supposed to threat

en the state the prie ste ss, w hose office it w as to have keptit burn in g , w as pun ished w ith the g reate st severity an d it

was on ly by the rays ofthe sun that the fire w as al low ed to

be rekin dled . The nu m ber ofthe V e st-aka w as. at h et.

bu t was afte rw ards in creased to am . The“ person a m ene


EPISTLE I. Pnn z m‘

ips TO Unvsss s.

An na the destruction ofTroy, as the victorious Greeksw ere return in g hom e , they w ere re tarded by storm s and

driven to various parts ofthe w orld, in consequen ce ofhav

in g offendedMinerva. Som e of them w ere m ade to w anderfor ten years in quest of their country. A these was

Ulysse s, w ho had left his father, w ife , and in t son at

Ithaca. The fol low ing epistle , Ovid pretends, w as ad

dressed to him by Pene lope , his w ife , w ho inform s us in

the course ofit, that she w rote by everyone w ho sailed from

Ithaca,in hOpe that som e one ofher le tters m ig ht find him .

1. Hana m ittit : this le tter thy faithfu l Pene lopesends to the e de layin g to re turn .

2. Ipse veni com e thyse lf.’ As this is probably the

first tim e the youthful student has been introduced to thiskind of verse

,it m ay be w el l for him to observe that Ovid


the m ost fin ished of al l the Rom an writers of pentanteter,un iform ly ends the verse w ith a w ord of two syllables ; andthat of the two ways of scann in g it, g iven in the g ram m ar


the follow in is the m ost easy and natural .

Nil m ihifitesori bi s fit tam en ipse ven i. Thefirst tw o fe e t m ay be e ither dactyles or spondee s, then s. cm

sfira, tw o dactyles, and another caesura.

The learne r w il l likew ise observe the necessity of scann in g , in order to determ ine the quantity ofcertain syl lables,on w hich the m eanin g of the word depends ; e . g . thee of the prese nt tense ofve


o be in g short,and of the per

feet vém’

,lon g , w e m ust determ ine the quantity of the e,

which be in g found short show s ve’

n i to be ofthe second person ,

and not ofthefirst.

Whils t Achilies, enrag ed ag ain st Ag am em n on ,\ eexfitm


se l f alooffrom the battle , he perm itted his friend Patroc lus

to appear in his arm our. Bu t, after Patroc lu s had pu t the

Trojans to flig ht and caused m uch slau g hter, he w as slain

by Hector.

20. Barbaraprada the spoils of the barbarians

of the Trojans, w ho w ere so called. These spoils w ere

hun g up in the tem ples.

22. I l li :the Greeks w ho had returned.— C'anun t : nar

rate .

29. fEacides ‘ the g randson ofAli ens ? i. e . Achille s.— Tendebat spread his ten t.

31. Te qua rere m isso sent in que st ofyou .

34. H ie Rhe sus — I l le dolo : im punity w as prom ised

to Do lon ifhe w ou ld reveal the plan s of the Trojan s ; butDiom éde s kil led him afier he had told them w hat theywanted to know . See Me t. Book XIII, ve rse 98, n ote .

40. Ism aru s Thracian .

’ My heart stil l palpitated

even after you were said to have returned in safe ty to your

arm y, w ith the horse s ofRhesus.

46. Incola am t w hich the conqueror now

plou g hs w ith captive oxe n .

61. Phabi i. e . of Troy. Phcs bus and Neptun e are

said to have assisted Laom edon in bu ildin g Troy.

75 . Viduo lecto cog it urg es m e to e nd m y w id

ow hood .

84. Viscera nostra :‘our livin g .

89. Irus eg ens the be g g ar Irus this w as an Ithacan ,very poor and very larg e , w ith little stren g th

— Melan thius ;this w as the keeper of the flocks of Ulysse s, w ho join edw ith the su itors in consum in g them .

90. Ultim us pudor the last disg race w he n such

m iserable w re tche s can prey upon us w ith im pun ity.

104. P ortus tuis ‘ the harbour and altar to thyfam ily i. e . the safety and defe nce of your father, son,and w ife .


AFTER the destruction of Troy, En'


as and hi“ talke rs

e rs, w ho escaped the fate of their n etn e , sat ed m op en at

286 NOTES.

84. Addefidem add also the plig hted faith.

86. Fati tenor the sam e series of disaste rs,which pursued m e before .

91. [ g natis se . oris to unknown shore s.’— E lap sa

havin g escaped secretly.

99. E rba : Ii rbas w as the kin g of Getulia ; ofhim Di

do purchased the land upon w hich she bu ilt Carthag e .

He was an unsuccessfu l suitor ofDido, be in g rivall ed by

116. Viz tibi sem'

scarce ly w il l you find the

coun try soug ht, even in old e .

118. Pyg m alionis apes hen Dido escaped from her

brother Pyg m al ion, who succeeded to the throne and w ealth

of her husband Siebe ns , after he had‘m urdered him , she

broug ht away m uc ln of the royal . treasures.

127. Superent prosper be victorious .

128. Mars tuis and the crue l ' w arWhich you

have carried on , lot that be the and ofyour sufl'

l nin g l .’

131. D om ui the fam ily i. e . her own .

133. P hthias a Phthian Phthia w as a city in Thes

saly, from w hich Achilles cam e , and‘ Mycém w as a

city from w hich Men el i us and Ag am em non cam e .

155. Te a m ora : your pre sent.’ E nse. had lefi. his

sword with Dido, w hich she is now about to use as the ih

strum ent ofher ow n destruction .

161. E lissa S icha i Eliza the w ife of Sichmus.’ Di

do’s nam e was also Eliz a.

EPISTLE X . Anu m vn 'ro Tn nsnns .

Mm os , king of Crete , havin g m ade w ar upon the Athen ians

,on account ofhis son Androg eus , w hom n e us, kin g

ofAthen s,had caused to be assassinated throu g h jealou sy

ofhis popularity, final ly conquered them . He m ade peace

w ith JEg e us on condition that he shou ld send yearly, se ve n

hays and seven g irls to C re te , to be de stroyed by the Minotaur, a m on ste r hal fm an and halfbeast.When the lot fe l l to The seus to g o ,

be in g aided by Ari

adn e , the daug hter of Minos , he su c ce eded‘

m te am s, tine

m on s ter, and in re tracin g his steps ou t at th e “Min sk“


m eans ofa thread. The seus escaped from Cre te in a ves

se l,and took w ith him Ariadne , w hom he left asleep on the

island Naxos,by order of Bacchus. Ariadne

,havin g

aw oke and discovered her forlorn condition ,w rites this le t

ter to Theseus, com plain in g ofhis in g ratitude .

3 . Q uce leg is se . verba w hat you now read.

6..Insidiate in the vocative sin g u lar.

26. Adcsus excavated at the base .

34. Theseu . the Greek accusative .

Og yg ia dea i. e . by Theban Bacchus . Og yg iusw as a kin g of the Theban s.

— Baccha nBacchanal,


w om an ce lebratin g the rites ofBacchus.

60. Facta boum i. e . ploug hed rounds.

althou g h.

’ —Labar m ay sail .’

66. Ersa'

l era I shal l stil l be an exile .

71. Ne victor that you m ig ht not, after conqueringthe Minotaur.

77. Q uafratrem w ith which you slew m y brother.

The Minotaur and Ariadne w ere born of the‘

sam e m other.

80. S ed qua cunque pati but w hatever a he lplessfem ale ,

thus abandoned, is exposed to sull'



91. Filia Phnhi the daug hter ofApol lo i. e . Pasi

p as .

99. Androg eos her brothe r. See the introduction tbthis Epistle .

100. Cecropi. terra O Athe'

nsfi—Funeribus tuis bythe de struction of your youth i.

e . those w ho w ere sent

yearly to Crete .

105. S i stat victoria tecum : ifyou g ained the victory.

107. Com a se . Minotauri.108. P ectore by the hardness ofyour breast.

Cecropias portus the harbour ofAthe ns.

131. Nee tu .filius ‘nor are you the son of AB.

thra,the dau g hter of Pittheus.

’In her an g e r she den ies

the possibility ofhis havin g had hum an parents, and says hem ust have sprung from the rocks.


‘ Labat shakes ; trem ble s.

143. Salutis ofyour escape from death.

288 NOTES.

Be la'rra XIII. Ls om n ia TO Pao'rssrni iis .

Pao're srLZiis the son of Iphie lus, havin g sailed w ith a

fleet offorty vesse ls for Troy, w as detained w ith the al lied

Greeks by contrary w inds at Aulis, w he re the confe de rated

pow ers assem bled to pursue the voyag e tog e ther. Laodam ia,to w hom Protesil i iis had recently been m arried, learn ing the

fact and al arm ed by her dream s,w rote the follow in g Epis

tle to him , rem indin g him ofan oracle w hich had said,that

the first m an ofthe Greeks, w ho should set his foot on the

Trojan shore , w ou ld be slain , and beseechin g him to be

cau tious and keep back .

2. fEm om’

s a Thessalian wom an .

’Thessaly w as call

ed Em onia.

13. Mandantis ofm e w hile g ivin g you charg es.

25. Iphielus, Acastus Iphie lus w as her father- in - law,

and Acastus her ow n father.

33. Ut quas creditar ‘ like w om en w hom Bao

chus is supposed to have touched w ith his thyrsus.’Ricor

nig er is a nam e g iven to Bacchus from the supposition of

his havin g horn s. The thyrsus is a spear-staff w ith vine

leaves entw ined around it.

35 . Matres Phyl le'

ides the Thessalian ladies so cal l

ed from Phylace , a tow n in Thessaly, w here Prote rili iis

re ig ned. It w as built by Phylacus, his g randfather hence

Prote sili iis is som e tim es cal led Phylacides.

38. Il le m y husband.

41. Q ud possum se . m a as I can .

’— Squalm'

e‘ by

ne g l ig ence ofm y person .

44. Hospes Paris w as the g uest ofMene laiis w hen hes loped w ith Helen .

45. Au t te m aritcc e ither that you hadfd isl iked

the looks ofHe len .

’She w as cal led Tre narian

,from Tas

narus, a prom on tory in Lacon ia, w here she w as born .

50. R educi Jam to Jove the preserver.

58. P hryg ias : i, 9. m ig ht show how rich the Trojansw ere by his ow n appearance

60. P ars quam cunque a very sm al l part.’

61. Consors g em el lis O sister to the tw in son s or

Leda,’i. e . Castor and Pol lux.

70. S z’


for her.


R em us AND Rance.

3. Manibus Minerva : ‘that fierce wars are m an

ag ed by the hand of Minerva.

’ And yet she has leisure

for encourag in g the liberal arts. The poe t invoke s Mars,the g od ofw ar, but w ishes him to com e unarm ed.

7. Ram ona sacerdos i. e . Rhea Silvia, w ho was a

priestess ofVesta.

8. Cepit’

captivated .

9. I lia Vestalis Ilia, the vests] virg in i. e . Rhea.

Inde m overi a be g inning from thence .

20. Arbors m’

z a recl inin g ag am st a tree .

29. Patruus Rhea’s unc le Am ulius had

his e lder brotherNum itor ofthe throne ofAlba, and usurped it him se lf. He had also m ade her a vestal virg in to pre

vent her m arriag e . Neverthe less Rhea becam e the m other

of Rom ulus and Rem us, w hom her unc le ordered to be

throw n into the Tiber, and herse lfto be buried al ive .

Martia Picus avis the w oodpecker sacred to


34. Sua visa her dream .

36. P onders ca lesti w ith ce lestial ofi'

sprin g .

43 . Albula this w as the ancient nam e ofthe Tiber,M

fore Tiberinus fe ll into it and g ave it his own nam e .

54. Mater it orba a m other and childless .

63. Pasta g em el los w hich had broug ht forth tw ins.

74. Iliadafratres the brothers, sons ofIlia.’

77 Editas m ade know n to them ; i. e . Mars.

81. Frater Num itoris Am ul ius.

92 . Sacra P alis Pales w as the g oddess of sheepfoldsand of pastures. Her festivals w ere cal led P alib


a, and

celebrated w ith m uch solem nity at Rom e .i

99. Dom inm terres and let it have pow er as m is

tress ofthe earth.

105. Celer Rom ulus had appointed C e\er superh u ma

en t ofhis work.


IN this juvenile production ofOvid, he supposes a walnut

tree , g row in g near a public road,to m ake the fol low in g

com plaint of the outrag e s com m itted ag ainst it by those

w ho passed by.

13. Matrem their parent tree .

19. Continues successive .

22. Clytem nestrce dig na : See Lat. Gram . Rule XIII.

Obs. 2. C lytem nestra was slain by her ow n son Orestes.

27. Q 11aque cerasus and let the cherry-tree hear

this, w hich tin g es its fruit with various colours.’

29. Fm’

tur : i. e . is any tree which bears only leaves

pe l ted’


3L Sir1ceros unm arred ; unbruised

qua victoria : the conquest of whom .-L11cro

for g ain .

40. 0rri tim eat that for w hich he should fearm oney, or treasure

44. Frag m ina frag m ents broken branches.45 . Vieim


a nearness to m e .

53 . Sed, puto but, I suppose .

’Ironical ly.

68. Parca colona: O rustic housew ife , too frug al .’

81. Rapti of w hat is plundered.

’—Relicti ‘of that

w hich is lefl,

’viz . for m y ow ner.

88. Solve nor the sun .

90. 1!! a est .

‘ is a m isfortune .

9l . Polydore . Polydorus the son of Priam w as m urder

ed for his w ealth, by his brother-in- law . See Met. Book

XIII, verse 399, note .

92. Aom'

rm 1 virum : her husband Am phiaraus. To

avoid g oin g to a w ar, in which he knew he w as to perish ifhe w ent, Am phiaraiis had secreted him se lf. But his w ife

Eriphyle , induced by a diam ond necklace , discovered the

place of his concealm ent , and Am phiara‘

us we

g o to the w ar. But

292 NOTES.

on his son to kill his m other,as soon as the tiding s of his

own death should reach him,w hich com m and w as execut


94. Opes the Hesperides, or daug hters of He sperus,had a g arden in which som e of the trees w ere said to bear

g olden apples.

97. Nee ham is and am not defended by crookedthorns.

100. Icario cane w ith the dog-star.

105. Here m ihi perpessce after I have sufl‘

ered all

these evils .

115. Q ua publica tang unt thin g s that g row by the

way-side .

127. At non j im'

t but the divine Aug ustus has

not confined the blessin g s ofpeace to the city ofRom e .

137. Fuseo sueeo the juice from the bark ofthe w al

nut tree , and from the outer coverin g of the nut, when

handled, stains the hand w ith adin g y ye llow ,which w ill not

yie ld to w ater, and can on ly be worn cd'


153. Sag i ttis this is an al lusion to m alefactors con

dem ned to be shot, w ho are tied to the stake,and therefore

cannot m ove to shun the arrow w hich they m ay see aim ed

at them .

162. D edecus esse sem el for the“

punishm ent to he

inflicted at once .

294 NOTES.

C lavi . by saying that the w idth ofhis purple was con tracted

,he m eans that he did not receive the senatorial dig n ity,

w hich,as above stated

,w as desig nated by a broader stripe

of pui'ple upon the robe .

43. S ue s volucres leg it read his description of birds.

E m iline Macer,a poe t ofVerona, w rote concern in g birds,

serpe nts , and plants.

47. P onticus :Pont1cus and Be ssus w ere contem porary

poe ts w ith Ovid. One w rote in heroic , and the other in

iam bic verse .

50. D um ferit while he strikes the lyre to his po lished

51. Tibuflo:Tibul lus died w hen Ovid w as very young ,soon after the com m ence m ent of their acquai

Som e say he died the dayOvid w as born ; but this 18 a m is

take .

56. Thalia : the construction is, m eaque Thalia [m uss]non tardéfaeta est nota.

60. Corinna . this 1s the nam e under which Ovid ce le

brates a favorite m his Am orum Libri, which he cal ls j uveniliu .

90. Errarem it is not know n ful ly w hat w as the cause

ofOvid’s banishm ent but he is supposed to have been

g uilty of som e violation of honour, in re lation to Aug ustus.

95. F isca l oliva the victors at the Olym pic g am es w ere

crow ned w ith olive at Pisa, a city of the Pe loponnesus.

96. Abstulerat deeies i. e . after te n ce lebrations of the

Olym pic g am es. These took place every four years, and ofcou rse he m ean s, after he w as forty years old.

97. Tom itas Ovid w as ban ished to Tom os.

108. Occu ltum i. e . the concealed, or South pole , the

North pole be in g visible .

123. Q ui detrectat presentia w hich undervalues the

works ofl ivin g authors .



Boon I.

In w hat city, and at what pe riod

w as Ovid born ?

Under w hich of the Rom an e m

pe roradid Ovid flourish

To w hat place w as Ovid banish

edWhe re is Tom os situatedWhat are the pecu l iar exce l len

c e s ofthe poetry ofOvidWho w e re the Titans ?Who w as Phcebe ?Who w as Am phitrite ?What is the form ofthe earth

How m any z ones are there ?What part of the earth is in the

torrid z one ?Where are the tw o frig id zone s

situatedWhat nam e is g iven to the tw o

z ones, w hich are situated be

tw ee n the torrid and frig id

z on es ?Who w as Aurora ?Why is the nam e ofAurora used

to sig n ify the east ?Whe re is Nabathe a, and from

w ho did it re ceive its nam eWho w as Zephyrus or Favoni

usWhich ofthe de ities w as the g od

dess offlow ersWhich of the w inds is cal led BoreasWhat w ind is cal led Auste r ?

By w hat fig ure is Septem lrionemdivided, in verse 64 ?

From w hom w as Prom e theus desce nded

By w hom , and by w hat m eans isthe first m an said by the poe tsto have be en form ed and anim ated ?

How w as the im pie ty ofProm etheus punished ?Which w as the first of the fourag es ofthe w orld ?

How w e re the law s of the R0m ans m ade know n to the peo

pleWho w as the sovere ig n of the

g ods ?Why w as the oak dedicated toJupite r

By w hom w as Saturn de thronedHow w as the em pire ofthe w orlddivided, afte r Saturn w as drive n from his throne

Under w hat nam es is Jupiter suposed to have bee n w orshipped

y the Africans, Babylonians,and Eg y tians ?What ag e ol low ed the g olde n ?

In w hat ag e is the year said tohave bee n first divided into sea

sons ?What w ere the first habitations ofm ankindWhich of the g oddesses w as

thou g ht to pre side over corn

and harvests ?

In w hat island w as Ceres princ ial ly w orship ed ?What is the t

u h as}. oi N ! !

w or\d ca\\ed 2

296 oussrros s.

What ag e succeeded the braz en ?What evils w ere in troduced intothe w orld in the iron ag o ?

By w hat river w ere the g ods accustom ed to sw ear ?Where w as the Styx, and whyw as it so posed to be a riverofthe in ernal re g ions

?Who w as Astrrea ?Who w ere the Giants, that m adew ar ainst Jupite r ?Where id the ancie nts eu posethe habitation of their euies

to be situatedWhere is m ount Olym pus ?Where are the m ountains Pe l ionand Ossa situated ?What de ity w as supp

osed to bethe author ofthus er ?Who w as Nereus ?Who w as Doris ?Who w ere the Nereides ?What otherNym phs w ere thereWho w ere the Faunaand Satyrs ?What is there pe cu liar in verse


By w hom w as Bacchus brou g htupWho w e re the Sileni ?Who w ere the Sylvan i


In w hat country w ere the m oun

tains Maenalus, Lycaans, and

Cyl lenus, and to w hom w e re

they dedicatedWhere is Arcadia situated, and

for w hat is it ce lebrated ?Who w as Lycaon

l nto w hat beast w as Lycaonchan g e d ?Who w ere the Mo lossi ?What w ere the Pe nates ?Who w as Erinnye ?Who w e re the Furies, and forw hat purpose s w e re they e m

loyed by the g odsWat w as the Opin ion ofthe eu

c ie nts concern in g the axis ofthe earthWho w ere the Parcaaor Fates ?What w as the nam e and office of

e achBy w hom w ere the thu nder-bol ts

of J up ite r fabricate d?Who w e re the Cyc l ops?

In w hat part ofthe earth w as the

habitation ofBolusWhich of the w inds w as cal led

AquiloWho w as said to be the quee n of

heaven and the w ife of Jupiter ?What g oddess w as the m essen g er

ofJuno ?Which ofthe de itie s is represe nt

ed by the rainbow ?Who w as the g od oi the se e ?

How did he obtain his sovereig na



tat country is Bm otia situat

eWhere is IEtol ia ?Of w hat country doe s Phocis

form a part ?

To w hom w as m ount Parnassus

sacredWho w as Deucal ion ?

To w hom w as Deucalion m arri

edWhere is Corycus ?Which of the g oddem s had an

orac l e in Attica ?Who w as The m is ?Who w as Triton ?Who w as Pha bus

Over what scie nces did Apol lo

pre side

In w hat tow n w as the m ost ce l

e brated orac le oft busWho w as Epim e theus ?Where doe s the river Cephisus

rise , and w hat ce l ebrate d cityand m ountain doe s it as ?What did the anc ie nts 0 before

they approached the al tars of

their de itie s ?What answ er w as returned bythe orac le ofThe m is to the in

qu irie s of Deucal ion and Pyr


How did Deucalion interpret the

answ e r ofthe orac le

How is the earth said to have

bee n repeopled afte r the de l

u g e de scribed by OvidWho w asWby '

\s ek e“

in s ?


dedicated, and w hat is it now

cal led

From w hom did m ount He m us

rece ive its nam e

In w hat countries are the m oun

tains Ida, Etna, Parnassus,Eryx, Cynthus, and Othrys ?Where are RhodtSpe , Mim as,Mycale , and Caucasus ?

For w hat is Scythia rem arkable?

To w hich of the de itie s are Dindym a, C ithm ron , and Pindus

dedicated, and w here are theysituatedWhere are the Alps and the Ape nn ines

To w hat c ircum stan ce does Ovid

ascribe the orig in of the dark

colour ofthe Ethiopians ?

In w hat quarter of the earth are

Ethiopia, and Libya ?Where are the foun tains Dirceand Am ym one

In w hat country w as the c ityofArg os ?Where is Corinth, and w hat is its

m ode rn nam e

To w hom w as the fountain Piré

ne sacred, and near w hat cityw as it situated ?Where is the Don , and w hat w asits an c ie n t nam eWhere are the rivers Caicus, Is

m enos, and Erym anthus ?What river w as se t on fire durin gthe Trojan w ar ?Who w as Evenus, and to w hatriver did he g ive a nam eWhere is the Meande r, and forw hat is it rem arkab l eWhere are the rivers Me las, Eurotas, and EuphratesWhich is the larg e st river in India

In w hat countries are the rivers

Faoz , and Danube , and w hat

w ere the ir ancie nt nam esWhere are the Tag us, Spe rcheus,and AlpheusWhat is the m odern nam e of the

Cayster, and for w hat b irds

w as it form erly c el ebrated ?Where are the rivers Strym on

and Hebrus


Where are the Rhine and the


In w hat countrythe Tiber ?

On the banks of w hat river w as

Rom e buil t ?What part ofthe infernal re g ionsw as cal l ed Tartarus

In w hat sea are the CycladesWhat w as the e ndpfPhaeton?What country w as cal l ed Hespe

ria by the Rom ansWhat w as Italy som e tim es call

ed by the Greeks

From w hat is the nam e Hesperia derived ?Who w ere the He l ihdes .

In to w hat w ere the sisters ofPhaeton chan g ed ?Which of the de ities w as conside red the g odde ss ofw ar ?What w as there pecu l iar in thebirth ofMinervaWho w as the g oddess of w isdomand the sciences ?

In w hat places w as Pal lascipe l ly w orshipped

How w as the g odde ss of envyem ployed, w hen Minerva visited he r abodeWhat de scription has Ovid g ivenofthe raon ofEnvyWhich o the ddesse s is som etim es cal led ritonia ?

By w hom w as Athens foundedWho w as Ce crops, and w he n didhe settl e in Attica

How did Min erva pun ish the ave rice ofAg lauros ?Who w asHorseWhy did the ddess of e nvyw eep at the sig ht ofAthe ns


are the Po and

Boon In.

Who w as Ag enorWhat duty did he im pose on hisson Cadm us ?Why did not Cadm us return to

hrs ooom rg 2

How the ( h om e s hem rtmo e on

th e ph ase ( or‘oohmh g


y‘oeloenWhere is Th eb es ?


By w hom and at what periodw as the use ofl etters introdu ced in to Gre e ce

In w hat count w as’T e ?What w as the ate of t e Phoeni

cians, w ho w ere sent to fe tch

w ater from the fountain sacred

to Mars ?What w as the issue of the con

fiict be tw ee n Cadm us and theso at ofMars ?Whio of the g odde sses w as

frie ndly to Cadm us ?

How w as the stag e laid Ope n to

the view of the audience in

the Rom an theatres

How did Cadm us dispose of thete e th of the serpent, and into

at w ere they chan g ed ?

Ofwhat country w as Thebe s thecapitalWho w as Herm ione , and to

whom w as she m arriedWho w as the g od of w ar and ar

m ie s

Frosn w hom w as Mars de scend

e‘From w hat is Venus said to havesprung

To w hom w as Venus m arriedWho w as the m other of Cupid,Hym en, and the Graces ?Whose son w as E ueas ?Where w as Venus particularlyw orshippedWho w as C rce sus, and how w as

he saved from death, w hen

c onde m ned by Cyrus to be

burn edWho w as Actaeon , and into w hat

w as he chan g ed ?What w as the end ofActteonWho w as Pe ntheus, and w hat

w as his end ?Who w as Am althzea ?Who w ere ‘the Hyades, and intow hat w e re they chang ed ?Where is the island ChiosWho w as Sem el e , and w hat w as

her e nd ?

From w hom w as

scended ?In w hat island w as the infancyofBacchus spe n t

Bacchus de


Why w as Bacchus said to be the

g od ofw ine

How w ere the Bacchanals or

w orshippers of Bacchus arrayed, and in w hat m anner d1d

they ce lebrate his rites ?What w as the thym us of Liber orBacchusWhat anim als and plants w ere

sacred to Bacchus

How did Bacchus punish the seam en , w ho cam ed him fromChios ?

Boox IV.

In w hat country w as Babyl on ,and by w hom w as it b uiltWho w as Sem iram is, and at w hate riod did she live ?W0 w as Ninus, and w hat w ashis e nd ?

Give som e account of Pyram us

and Thisbe .

How does Ovid say that m u lherrie s w ere co louredWho w ere Inn and Atham as ?Which of the g odde sse s pe rse~

cuted the race ofCadm usWho w ere the Min eyde s, andhow did Bacchus ave n g e thecontem pt w ith w hich theytreated his divinity

To w hat evil w ere the souls of

persons unburied said to besubjectedWho w as Cerberhshim .Who w as Tityus, and how w as

he punished in Tartaru‘

s ?Who w as Tantal us, and how w as

he pun ished after death ?How is Sisy has said to be em

ployed in t c infernal re g ions ?W0 w as Ixion , and how w ere

his crim e s punishedWho w as Be lus ?Who w ere the Danatdes, andw hom did they m arryWhat w as the crim e and pun ishm ent oi the Beh oea or “m i x




Why is Juno som etim es cal ledSaturnia

For w hat purpose did Juno visitthe infe rnal re g ions ?Who w as Iris ?Who w as Tisiphone

How m any furie s w e re there , andw hat w ere the ir nam es

By w hom w as the H dra kil l ed,w hich infested the akc ofLernaWhat not ofcrue l ty did Atham ascom m it in his fre nzy

How did Ino not afte r she he

cam e frantic ?Where is the Ionian sea ?What is the Gre ek nam e of Ve

nus, and w hy w as it applied to

her ?

Into w hat w ere [ no and Me l icer

ta chan g ed by NeptuneInto w hat w ere Cadm us and

Herm ione chan g edWho w as Perseus ?

G ive som e account ofhim .Who w as AtlasWhy did Atlas refuse to Perseus

the rites ofhospital ity?

Into w hat w as Atlas chan g edWhere is m ount Atlas, and w hyis it said by the po ets to sup

port the heave ns on its sum

m it ?Who is the g od ofthe w inds ?

How w as Perseus arraye d and Boox V,

arm e d , w he n he unde rtook the

expedition ag ainst the Gor

g ons ?

By w homWhe re is Ethiopia ?Who w as C epheusWhat evils w ere brou g ht upon

him by his w ifeWho w as Androm eda ?Why w as Androm eda exposed to

the seao m on ster ?Why w as the nam e Ahnaou g iv

en by Bacchus to Jupite r ?Whe re w as the ce l e brated oracle

ofJupiter Am m on?

l eares, and for w hat ?What bird is sacred to Jap1teri

By w hom w as Androm eda rescued from the sea-m onster ?

By w hat w eapon did Pe rse us slaythe sea-m onste r, and fromw hom did he re ce ive it ?

To w hom w as Androm eda m ar

riedWhy is Me rcury som e tim es cal l

ed Alipe s ?Who w as Hym enWhy is Pe rseus cal led Abantiides and Ag enoridesWho w ere the Gorg onsWho w as Medusa, and w hat ci

fe ct did the sig ht of her head

produce on those w ho looked

at itWho w ere the Graim ?

How did Pe rseus obtain posses

sion ofthe eye of the Grain ?

By w hom w as the head ofMeduas cut 03 ?

How w as Perseus enabled to

look on the head ofMedusa,w ithout bein g turned in to

stone by it?Who w as Pe g asus, and w hat w as

his orig inWhere is the fountain Hippocrene , and how w as it form ed

How is Libya said to have be

com e infe sted w ith serp'

ents ?

By w hom w as the m arriag e feastofPe rseus and Androm eda inte rruptedWho w as Phineus, and w hy didhe attack PerseusWhy is the epithe t eom tg er appl ied to Ju iter Am m o n ?

Did C epheus avour the c laim s ofPerseus or ofPhincfl ?Who w as Be l lena, and to w homis he r nam e often appl iedWhe re is Chaonia ?Why is Mercury som etim es cal l

ed Cyl len ius ?

How did Pe rseus overcom e Phih ens and he oom pao

’too s

tWhere as Y erseos g o wh en h e

\eit th e coast oi C adm u s !

309 QUnsn ons.

In w hat island w ere Phe bus andDiana born

Il ow w as the arrog ance ofNiobe

punished, and into w hat w as

she ehan d ?Who w as ereus ?Who w ere Procne and Philom elaWhat not ofcruelty did the m oth;er ofIt s com m lt ?

How di Procne discove r the

treachery ofhe r husbandWho w as Ce cm ps

Into w hat w ere Tereus, Procne ,and Philom ela chang ed


Boon VII.

Who ”

w as Jason , and in w hat

country w as be bornWho w as zEéte s, and by w hom

w as Jason se nt a ainst him

For w hat urpose id Jaso n nu

dertake tis ce lebrated expedi

tion to Co lchis ?Who w e re the Min’

seWho w as the chic of the Arg o

nauts, and by w hom w as the ir

ship buil t?Whe re is the rive r Faoz , and

w hat w as its ancient nam e?

On w hat conditions did E etes

e n g ag e to re store to Jason the

g o lde n fleece ?

To w hom w as Jason indebted

for su ccess in his e nterprise at

the court ofE etes ?Who w as Medea Boox VIII.

How does Ovid de scribe the

bul ls, w hich w ere to be tam ed

by JasonWhy are the Greeks often cal led

Pe lasg i ?

How did Jason overcom e the

w arriors, w ho sprun g from the

te eth ofthe serpe nt?

By w hat m ean s w as the drag on

overcom e , w hich g uarded the

g olden fie e ee?Where is Le the , and w hat pecu

l iar prqperty w ere its w aters

suppose to possess

By w hom w as J ason aecom pam

ed o n his return to The sshly?

Who was h onWho w as Hea ts , and w hy isshe cal led triforn ia .


By w hom , and in w hat m anner



as the youth ofE con re stor

eWhere is Hm m onia ?How did Medea reven g e the in

juries, w hich Jason had rece ived from Pe lias ?

How w as the harm ony betw eenJ

gson and his que en interrupt


How did Medea reveng e herse lfon G lance , and afterw ards on

JasonWho w as E g eus, and to w homw as he m arried

From w hom is Media said to

have re ceived its nam eWho w as Eacus ?How w ere his people restored ?From w hom did the island E g ina take its nam e

How did the anc ie nt soothsayers profess to discove r futureeve nts ?Whe re w as Dodona, and byw hom w as it built ?

For w hat w as the w ood ofDodOna re m arkableWho w as Te lam onWhat part of the world did theMyrm

idons inhabit ?What is said to have be en theorig in ofthe Myrm idon s ?

Who w as Dm dalus, and for whatw as be distin g uished ?Where is C re te ?What w as the Minotaur ?Who w as Minos ?

How did Daedalus escape fromCreteWho w as Icarus ?Who w as Boote s ?What c onste l lation is cal led He ltceWho w as Orion ?Wh ere is h em os , aah m “ a

g oddess w as


Where are Paros, De los, Lebyn(has, and Calym neWhat w as the consequence of

the disobedience of Icarus to

the advice ofhis fatherWhe re is the Icarian sea ?Who w as Talus, and into w hat

w as he chan g ed ?Whe re is Phryg ia ?Who w as Le lex ?Why is Mercury styled Atlantides and cadur’lferWho w ere Em m aand Philem onWhy w ere g eese he ld in hig h as

tim ation by the Rom ans and

kept in then housesHow w as the piety ofBauc is and

Philem on rew arded, and intow hat w ere they eventual lychang edWhere w as Tyana situated

Boon IX.

Who w as Hercule s ?To w hose w il l w as Hercules lon gcom pe ll ed to subm it ?Who w as Eurystheus ?Which of the g oddesses w as an

e nem y to Hercules?Who w as Dejanira ?

How did the contest be tw ee n

Hercules and Aehe lotts endWhat is said to have been the

orig in ofthe Cornucopia 1!Who w as Nereus ?

How did Dejan'

ira com e into the

pow er ofNessus ?Wat g ift did Dejanira receivefrom the d in g Centaur ?Whe re w as t e city (Behalia .Whe re w as Caane , and to w homw as it sacredWhyis He rcules som etim es cal l

a Am hitryom'

ddesWhy di Dejan lra send the g ar

m e nt ofNessus to her husbandat (Echal ia ?Who w as Lichas, and w hat w as

his endWhat w as the se cond labour ofthe son ofAlcm enaWhat w as the effect of the pois

oned arm ent on the body of

Hercu es ?Who w as Busiris, and by w hom

w as he slain ?Who w as Antaeus, and how w as

he kil ledWhat w as the tenth labour ofHercul esWho w as Ce rberusWhat w as the tw e lfth labour of

Hercule sWhere is the Pe loponnesus ?What w as the seventh labour of

the son ofAlcm énaWhere is Elis ?Who w as Aug ias ?What w as the fifth labour ofHercules

In w hat country w as the lake

Stym phalusWhat w as the sixth labour of

HerculesWhat w as the third labour thatlEurystheus im posed on Hercu.

esWho w ere the Am az ons, andw he re did the

yresideWho w as Hippo yteWho w as The seus ?What w as the ninth labour of

Hercu lesWho w ere the Hesperides?What w as the e leventh labour of

Hercules PBy w hom w ere the Centaurs destroyedWhat was the fourth labour ofHercules 7Where is Arcadia7

How did Hercu l es destroy theHydra ofLerna 7Where w as Lerna situate d 7Where is Thrace 7What w as the eig hth labour ofHercu les

In w hat count w as Nam saaWhat w as the rst labour, w hichEurystheus im posed on the sonofAl cm ena7Who w as the w ife ofJu iter 1

On w hat m ountain did create s

die , and wh enWhe w as Y‘


h e cmu s , w k Ww het. m anner Kfi

‘N b W‘“


hate to the de struction ofWhat count was som etim esTroy cal led (Eb ia

How w as Hercules g ene ral ly In to w hat w as Hyacm thus chan gc lothed and arm ed ed by Apol loWhat honour did J u iter c onfer What w ere the Hyacinthia, andon Hercu le s afte r eath ? how w ere they ce l ebrated ?Why is Hercu le s som etim es cal l

ed Tirynthius

Boon XI.

Boon X.

Who w ere the Cicones ?Who w as Orphe usWhat re m arkable efl'

ects are saidto have be e n produced by the

m usic ofOrphe usWho w as Hym e n , and w hyw as

be invoked at m en ing esWho w as Eurydice , and w hat

occasioned he r deathWhy is the epithe t Rhodopetusappl ied to Orpheus

here is the pro m o ntory Ta na

rus, and for w hat w as it re

m arkab leWhe re did Orpheus g o in order

to re cover Eurydl ceWho w as supposed to be king of

the infe rnal re g ions, and to

w hom w as he m arriedWhat re quest did Orpheus m ake

ofPlutoWhat re m arkab le efl'

ects w ere

produced by the m usic of Or

phe us in the infernal re g ions?

On w hat condition w as Eurydi

cc al low ed to re turn to the

earth, and how w as he r re turn

reve nted ?W0 w as Olenus, and w hat w as

his e nd 2?Where w as m ount Ida, and w hyis the epithet hum ida appl ied

to it PWho w as Charon , and w hat w as

his e m ploym e nt ?Why did the anc ie nts place a

pie ce of m oney unde r the

of the ir departed

What w as the e nd ofOrphe u s?

l Vbo w as Hyac in thus , and how

w as his d e ath o c casioned ?

Who w as Silenus ?Who w as Midas, and for w hatvice w as he rem arkab l e ?What w ere the anc ient Org iaWhat rew ard did Bacchus promise Midas for re storin g Sile

nus ?What request did Midas m ake ofBacchus

How did Midas be com e the punishe r ofhis ow n avariceWhere is the river Pactolus, andhow are its sands and w aters

said to have bee n first tin g edw ith g o ldWho w as the g od of shepherdsand huntsm e nWhat w as there rem arkab le in

the shape and feature s ofPanWhat w ere the Greek Lym e and

the Rom an LupercaliaWhere did Pan principal ly re

sideIn w hat art did Pan conte nd w ithApol lo

How did Apol lo pun ish the fol lyofMidas in preferrin g the m u

sic ofPan to his ow nWhy is Apol lo som e tim es cal l e dDelius .


How w as the pun ishm ent of M idas m ade know nWho w as Ce

rt ?Who w as He oyoueWhere w as Trachin ia situatedWho w as Daedal ion , and into

w hat w as he chan g ed 11Where is C laros, and to w ho m

w as it dedicatedWho w ere the Phle g yae ?Who w as Phor‘e as , an d {or w hat.

oiien c e w as h e he athen; eh !What. dhsaster p ete“ dang‘


w h ich S exist em b ark eh1

306 sum mons.

By w hom w as the Pal ladiumtaken from Troy ?Which of the Grecian chiefs w as

g ene ral ly the com panion ofUlysse s i n his exploits 7Who w as Dei hebes ?Who w as An rom ache ?Where is the island DulichiumWhy are the epithets Ithdcus andLaertius ap lied to Ulysse s ?

How does U sses trace hissce nt from upiter ?Who w as Pyrrhus, and what w ashis character ?Who w as Priam , and by w hom

w as he slainWhere are Phthia and Scyros ?Who w as Te ucer ?Who w asTe lephus, and by w homw as he w ounded, and byw hom healedWhe re is Le sbos, and w hat is itsm ode rn nam e 3Where is Aul is ?What took place there ?Who w as Ag am em non , and w hyw as be appointed the com

m ander ofthe Gre cian arm iesWhat cause of offence did Ag a

m em non g ive to Achil les in

the Trojan w ar ?What w as the end of Ag am emnon ?Who w as Clytem ne stra ?Who w as Iphig e nia, and w hyw as she doom ed to be sacrificed ?Who w as Diana ?Who w as Tyndarus ?Who w as He le n , and to w hom

w as she m arried

Give som e account of e l en .Who w as Paris, and h ofthe

g oddesses did he de c lare to be

l e ss beautiful than Ve nusWho w as Mene laus ?What occasioned the ce lebrated

Trojan, w arHow cam e thefiremen princes

to unite in that w ar

How l ong did the sie g e of Troyco n tinue ?

I n w hat m e m orable event did

the Troj an w ar end ?

Who w as Anterior, and w here

did he se ttle after the destru c

tion ofTroy 7Where is Padua, and w hat w as

its ancient nam e 7Who prevailed on the G reeks tore new the sie g e of Troy, after

they had reso lved to return to

Gree ceWho w as Thersites 7Describe him .Who w as Sarpedon ?Who w as Europe ?What m onarch did Sarpedon at

tem pt to de throne ?

Of w hat country did be afterw ards obtain the sovereig nty

By w hom w as Sarpedon slain 7What w ounds w e re e steem edhonorab le by the ancients ?Who w asPatroc lus, and to w hichof the Grecian chiefs


w as be

particularly attached 7By w hom w as Patroc lus slainWhere '

is the river Sim ois, andw hat is its prese nt stateWhere is m ount Ida 7Was the re m ore than one Ajax inthe Gre c ian arm y ?

Ofw hat country w as Idom eneus

kin gWhy did Idom e ne us cause hisow n son to be slain 7

In w hat country did Idom e neus

settle after his expulsio n fromCre te , and w hat c ity did hebuild in it 7Who w as Meriones ?

To w hom w ere the arm s ofAchil les adjudg edWhy did Ajax slay him se lf7What flow e r is said to havesprun g from the b lood ofAjax

By w hat m eans did the G re ekseventual ly succeed in takin gTroyWho w as He cuba ?Where is the He l lespont, andw hat is its m odern nam eWho w as Cassandra, and for w hatw as she di stim g m sh eh

tWhat w as the e n d at C asem en tWho w as hsty‘tm ax


Which ofthe w inds is cal led Boreas

To w hose share did Hecuba fal lin the division of the Trojancaptive sWhat did Hecuba carry w ith herfrom Troy

?What eople w ere som etim es

cal le Bistones ?Who w as Polym nestor, or Po

lym e storWho w as Polydorus, and to

w hose care w as he intrustedbyb his father ?

By w hom , and from w hat m otive

w as Polydorus slain ‘?

How did Hecuba discover the

m urder of her son Po lydOrus ?

How did she reve n g e his deathWho w as Polyxena, and w hy w as

she slainWhere w as the tom b ofAchil le sWho w as Neoptolem us, and w hyso cal led ?Who w as Pene lope , and w hatw as her character ?Who w ere the Odrysm ?

In to what w as Hecuba chan g ed ?Where is Sithon ia ?Who w as Mem non ?Where and by w hom w as Memnon slain ?Who w as Antilochus ?

Into w hat w ere the ashes ofMem non chan g ed ?

Is there any m onum ent ofMemnon re m ainin g ?

Boox XIV.

From w hom was Il l ness de


For w hatvirtues w as E nen dis

tin g uished

How w as Anchisee saved from

the flam es ofTroy 7Where did An chise s die ?Who w as Creusa ?What w ere the tw o nam es oftheson ofE néas ?

In w hat coun try w as E n éasc om m anded by the oracl e tose ttl e ?

By w hom w as Carthag e built ?Who w as Dido, and how cam e

E neas at her court ?Who w as Circe , and w here didshe re side ?

Near the m outh ofw hat rive rdidE néas land in Italy

?What w ere the first inhabitantsofItaly cal led 7Who w as Latinas 7Who w as Lavinia ?

To w hom w as Lavinia prom isedin m arriag e before the arrivalofm ucus in Italy 7Who w as Turnus ?What w as the cause of the w ar

betw e en Turnus and E neas ?

How w as this w ar term inated ?Where w as Latium situatedWhat w as Etruria or Tuscanysom e tim es cal led ?Who w ere the Rutul i ?Who w as Evander ?

How did he treat E ases ?

Of w hat country w as Danauskin gWhy did Cybele prevent theships of the Trojans from bein g burned ?Where is m eant Ida7

Into w hat w ere the ships ofE neas chan g ed 7Where did Diom edes com e fromWho w ere the Achivi ?What w as the end ofTurnus ?

Of w hat nation w as Ardea thecapital ?

In to w hat w as the city Ardeachan g edWhy is the epithe t Cythcrem s

som etim es appl ied to E neas

By w hat w as the chariot of Venus draw n 7What w as the end ofE neas ?

In w hat country w as the riverNum iciusWhat de ities w ere cal led by theRom ans Indig tl es QWhe n and by w hom w as AlbaLon g a builtWho w as Shaina“

tWho w as M‘oa


From w hom an m oao\ be:u se “ .

re c eive‘

us n am e i.


What w as the ancien t nam e of Boo: XV.

the river Tiber ?Who w e re the Ham sdryadas ?Who w as Pom Oua ?

To w hom w as the g odde ss of

arde ns m arriedWat w as Italy som e tim e s cal led

by the ancie ntsWho w as Num itor ?


om w as Num ttor dethroneWho dethroned Am u l ius and re

store d his throne to its law ful

possessorWho w ere the pare nts of Rom a

lus and Re m us ?Who w as Rhea S ilvia 7

By w hom w as Rom e founded ?What w e re the Pol itic ?Who w as Pales ?Who w as Tatius

Of w hat nation w as C ures thecapitalWhy did the Sabine s m ake w ar

ag ainst Rom eWho w as Tarpeia, and w hat w as

her e nd 7Who w as the g oddess Saturn ia?Why did not Ve nus shut the g ate

of Rom e , w hich Juno had

openedWho w e re the Naiade sWho w as Jan us ?Whe n w as the te m ple of JanusshutWhe re are the Alps 7Why is the e pithe tMartin s som e

tim e s appl ied to the Rom an

pe opl e 7What w as the issue of the w ar

be tw e e n the Rom ans and Sa

b ine s

At w hose reque st did Jupiterc o nse nt to re ce ive Rom ulus

into the num be r of the g odsWho w as Gradivus ?Why w e re the Rom ans som e

tim e s cal l e d Q uirites 7What w as the Ro m an trabea 9Who was the w ife ofQ uirinus ?What was Hersilia cal led , after

she was received into heaven?

Who w as Pythag oras ?Whyis the epithe t Sam ius ap

p ied to Pythag oras 7

In w hat country w as the cityCre tona ?What w ere the virtue s , w hich

the Sam ian philosophe r princi

pal ly tncu lcated

How did Pythag oras en deavour

to brin g his pupils to habits

ofrefle ction and se lf-e xam ina

tionWho is supposed to have been

the author ofw hat is g e neral lycal led the Copern ican system

ofastronom y 7What w as the astronom ical sys

te m ofCopernicus 7What w as the doctrine of m e

tem psichhsis, w hich Pythag oras tau g ht

?Why did the philosopher of Sam os prohibit his discipl es fromkil l in g an im al s or eatin g the ir

fie sh 7When did P thag hras dieWho w ere t e Cyc lops?What w as the food of m ankind

in the g o lde n ag e 7Why w as the g oat sacrificed toBacchus ?

From w hat part of the an im al

slain in sacrifice did the e u

c ie nte attem pt to discove r:


eve nts offuturity ?

How did Pythag oras atte m pt to

prove that the soul an im ateddiffe re nt bodie sWho w as Euphorbus ?Who w as Lucife r ?

To w hat pe riods of l ife are thesprin g and sum m e r com paredin the spe e ch ofP; thag oras

To w hat seasons of the ye ar are


nianhood and o ld ag e co m par

eWho w as Milo , and for w hat w ashe re m arkable



What is the m ost easy m ethod ofscanning pentm eter verse ?


be l ieve fi tness w ould rem ain

w ith her ?

Doe s a kuow led e of Prosody Who w as Iarbas ?

ever assist in determ inin g the Who w as Pyg’m al iou , and w hom

m eanin g ofa w ord ?Give an instance .Who w as Patroc lus ?

Give som e account ti him .Who w as Rhesus, and w hat w asthe oracle re spe cting him ?

How w as Dolon taken , and byw hom

B w hom w as T built ?

ho w as Irus, an w hat w as his

character ?Who w as Me lanthiusWho w as IcariusWtéat did he urg e Pe ne lhpe to

o ?

How w as Pe neIOpe amicted in

the abse nce ofher husband ?Whom did Ulysses leave w ithPene lope



DIDO TO ENEAS .Who w as DidoWhy did she l eave he r native

countryWhat city did Dido build ?How did Dido treat E néas and

his com panions w hen cast upon

her coast ?Why did not E neas rem ain at

Carthag eHow did the inte nded departure

ofE néas affect DidoWhat is the object ofthis epistleWhen is the sw an said to sin g ?

How is uurui, in the 27th verse ,appl ied to Dido

?Who is m eant by fratrcm in thesam e verseWhy is Venus cal led Cytherea ?What doe s Dido say m ade he r

did he m ur er ?What doesDido m ean by Pyg n sls



s ope:7What nam e , besides Dido , hadthe queen ofCarthag e ?

Errs'ru r. X.



o THESI US.Who w as Minos, and w hy did hem ake w ar upon the Athen ians ?

On w hat conditions did Minorm ake peace ?What w as the Minotaur ?Who destroyed this m onster ?Who aided Theseus, and w hat

re turn did he m ake ?

By w hat sig nal did Ariadne en

deavour to recal l Theseus to

the island for her ?

Errs'ru :XIII.

LAODAUIA TO PROTBS ILAUS .Who w as Protesilaus, and w hatw as his e nd ?What happe ned to the Grec ian

fieet at Au l is ?Who w as Laodam ia ?

For w hat purpose doe s she w rite

this le tter ?Who w e re Iphiclus and Acastus ?What w as the thym usWho w e re cal l ed Phyl le tde s?Who w as Phylacus ?Wl


rose sons w ere Castor and Po l

ux ?What had Neptune to do w ith




Wn ou doe s the poet invokeWho w as Rhea Silvia ?Who w as Am u lius, and w hat hadhe done ?Who w ere Rom ulus and Rem us ?What did Am u l ius do w ith Rheaand her infant childre n

How w e re Rom ulus and Rem us

pre se rved

From w hom did the Tiberderiveits nam eWhat w ere the Palil ia ?

Ove r w hat did Pales pre side?


Or w hat does the w al nut tre e Ofw hat injustice from its ow ner

com lain ? doe s the w alnut tree comWhy oes the w al nut tree com lain ?

re itse lfto (‘

l tem nestra ? Wat m arks does the w alnut treeWat connexion as the fate of le ave on those w ho com m it

Pe lydorus w ith that ofthe w al depredations upon it?

not tree ? What com pl im ent is paid to CmWhat is the story of Arnphiaraus ear ?

and Eriphyle? How is the tree com pared to aWho w e re the Hesperides, and m alefactor ?

w hat. treasure did they possess ?


Wanna w as Ovid born , and how in w hat m anner w as that festi

lon g before the Christian era ? val kept ?Where is Sulm o ? Whe n d ld this festival com

Of w hat rank w as Ovid’s fam i m e nce ?

ly What w as the claim s , and b e;What w ere the .Quinqw tria, and whom w orn2

What did Rhea Silvia dream ?Who w as Num itor ?How w as Num itor reinstated inhis kin g dom

In w hat w aydidRom ulusand Rem us de te rm ine w hich should

g ive a nam e to the ir city ?Who w as Ce ler, and w hat ordersdid he re ce ive from Rom ulus ?Who slew Rem us, and w hy

How w as Rom ulus affected bythe death ofhis brother ?