A Collection Emblemes - Forgotten Books


Transcript of A Collection Emblemes - Forgotten Books





Qg ickened

VVlth M E T R I C A L L l L L V S T R A’V I O N S

M owfl and Diving And difpoIEd intoL o r r s s t s s


That fnflrufl ion andGood Coflnfell maybee furtheredfi by an Benell and P leafimt Recreation.


The F z'

rfi Booke.

L e n n o n,

Printedby W . (OrRic/94rdRoy/ion, andare to be ib ldat his Shepin h ie-Lane.



u —h h i t -M “


W R IT o F P REV ENN ONC o ncerning the Av


r H o n s‘Deo zca tion

o f the foure fo llow ing B o o it ); s to the ft:Royall,“Princely, and I lluflriom l) 5 R s 0

N A c s 3,wholeNames arementionedin this L cafi .

Have no t o ftenus’

d,w ith Epigmmes,

IQr,W ith Infcriptiom unto m any'

NAM E s,

To charge my Bookés No r,hadl done it



If I,

to pay theDutiesw hich l ow e,

Hade ther mem es Or,anybette tW/ayes

To honour them,W ho le Verme m eritsp


I T8 CT, it giv'

eth good

(Andpalleth fo ra prailbfull Ornament)If

,to ado rne the FORE-FRONTS,

(Builders reare

The S tatue; o f their SovereigneAnd

,trimm e theOutfitter,o f the o ther S tnv A R E 5

‘With“P ortraiture; o ffom e Hero icke P E E R E S .

If,therefo re

,l (the m o re to beautific

This P ortion o fmyM V 5 s s Galleria )Do e

,here, prefum e to place ,theNAM E S o f thofe

To W horeDcfim , myL ovs rem em bran‘ce ow es


I hope’

tw ill none oflénd. Fo r,m othw ho lee

Theirw o rthy mention,in this Be o s s

,to bee


Wil3th inke them homo r’d And, perhaps, it m ay

(To theirh igh praile) be found5ano therday,That

,in thele L EAVE S theirNamesW il f’tand nurse’d


When m any fairer STRVCTVRF 8 are defac’


fir this Hepe , [havepieced on FOR E ,

FRONT (or before the lizt ft Boe ite 0 '

fi efi’ E M B L E M sQnl C it lB lCt' iptlz

on to K 1 N a andQv t. s N s s ine/Zm a llow M A I E s T I t

i““Upon theRigh t

/ Side s hro r of this Ba il,

ding (or before the SecondBooks) One”



lTo the NI A JE s T I E o f Great

‘E rzminen , P rensa ,

andfro/and, th eM o ll: lllul’trious K ing,

C H A . R L ¢E S ;

And his excellently beloved the 1110 05‘

t eeneMARY.


nyearesare full CXpired, Royall S rRSince laItI kneel’d, an o liring to prefet teBefore yourfeere

; where , now ,my felfe I throw

To payonce mo re , the Triéntes which I owe .

v i : manyyear”n epafl, mofi beanteonr (k s s N r:

S incewitnejfes, m ine enrer and eyer, hav e hom e

of tbofe P erfeo'

fion: 5 wi ne/7 t/oeg enem ll FameHareflinneledfiirtl gin loononr of yonrName ,

And,borh your beaming -flrlendors (oh yee faire,Thrice bleffed, andm e ltfitly

-matchedP A 1 R a )

Vponeach e ther, m ake fuch bright,reflections 5

Andhave fo fweetlym ingledyouraf efi ionr,YourP rezfi

, yourP ow’

re, yourVerteer,andyourBeentie

That, (ifpreferving o f myS ov ernignedune,Thismaybe faid)youdo e appeare , to me ,

TWOP E R SON S in OneMA I E sa w,to be 5

To whom,there,a

ppertaine s (in venerationOf yourlargeWortn the right of fom e ablationAnd


,I thought ,myHemerg ewouldbe done,


,the tenderwere to B o r H - lll-ON r

VVhich,inthishumble C v t rr,myL ov e prefents 5

And,wilbeth it m ayadde to yourC ontents.

P e rhaps it { hall Fo r,thoug h I dare ne t th ew

Thefe F igures, aswellmeriting yourView 5

Norboalt, as if theirW ore/ls couchedought ,Bywhich your {acredWifg’omes maybe taug ht

Yet,l hav humble Hoping g that, theym ightP rove

,foilxe way, an o ccah onofdelight 5


S ince,meane and commonObjeei r, now and then,

Beget contentments inthegreatefl-menl

But,that befo re this Boo/re, I {houldpropo fe

YourpraifefullNAM a 3 , there is (as I fitppofe )A faire inducement For

,confidering thefe

Are EM 3 L r M s who le intentionis to pleafeAnd profit vulgar Iodgements(by the View;Of what they ought to fo llow , o refchew . )And, Iwell knowing

,thatyourMA I r: s r I E s

Set fOOrth befo re myBoo/ta il] Emblemuwfi


3 Through

1 Lands,n1o rc Vertne: might convay


11) Pfl ames o f theIe E rna/em s,m ay,

1 ed”ei t~- :rcafln, to o m it

3 ts pgood o c saliono i endeavouring 1tfli c 11

. MA l 12 $ 1 1 11 s well heeded,

double- treble foure fold Emé/ern: are 5

-1 ~ h,fullyto i




t r t rm I want ; or, meanes to taife, that higherVJKid : 1 have gain’

d5(and, which, asyet,hath fit)I. v meouragtments but byherowne .

0 1 all the Veri fi er (Jr c ONOM I c A L,

( i i Dut i esMOR A L and P OL c a r 1,

Y. L i v e: are P atternes and fairc BM 11 1. aM s 5whetherC ontio


ered apart,o rborh to o ether.

YourC n 1 I. DH 0 0 D swerebrightM irna”, which didDutie s d a

’ren, to theirP arentsowe


oythe {equelt g we now underftand,1 11 it

,theywho be lt ehy

d, canbefi command.

t forions P t f i ti fi o f yourNV? 1 1 A 1.

wi eiers, find fo hard to im itate ,

That, theyadmire them,rat her 5 and ,

w ould (weave,

HadOthers to lti,what, now theyfee and he c re)

M inted.

Ar d,fnch as are w ith goodly{i hrs, delighted,

ivlay fee in1 7 on, all E x cellence united .

You,S 1 1 1 who b e

are l ov es Thunders iny our Fifi,A 1d, (Ili alze thi s [lands EM r 1 R 15 wh enYouh it)Didneve 1 inyourOr f'h ,

’ aTempe/‘i m o ve

Bur.,by the Beautio asM i rejfe o fyour L ov e

I t rriigh t 1 e c 1 lm’

d. An , znyo ur 10 5 ySpheare ,

(A M /1 lov eZrQv 13 13N 1: TourM otions ev er, were

Vo f ema l e,and

, fit dzrefi ; that , none eanfly,o ffer11a te efrazvne I


m Roya’L/zeart away

F rom 1 if}DeIignes W/iieb, load/y ¢eate5yonr P raife,A i J

, Wei/”n o 35 m ile}; more ,”rang er, i t fates .

ca be 111 YourSplendor. doe I'

o glo rious grewe ,And You, h e ther have ou -vyed i o ,In”i f: te ai1dOtherVertnes 5 that,o nYou,Shon d1 co i te i re whatpraife I thinke ,rsdue ,Thu? er l lCh fio zn hat Itaine have

,tye ,beene cleate )

fee rne,unto anenvious care .

eds F lat :’

where the Trier/1 mayteachin d immode i’t F lart ’rzer reach 6


what can be tter thew,

which have th rived Io ,l

Whil’ft i


h ilfi Youhave raign’


, y1

.1 people fee

,A M aker, 0 1 mo re P eace/5'

s] 1111 h r;weeYourCruz/l Ari s

e/15 (to th i prhizite eye

Are fit ite ex am/111 ; o ffli n e/J

So i11anif'

eft 5 Tl:3 t , if i1 did i213,we: A


MyM ufe: dare , w ith bo lciuelfe to pref}.A (Shaft, 21 P ious, and 9. P ro (

"porous Age .


,the (to : ruesW" “bitesdmesShallallbe quite re moveTillyouAfcend 5And, F1 ? times have fo ene

Tl11 t, yourEx1mple s h ay, t i t fo llo vved been.

Thu youare living Emé‘lcm , to thisNarim'



hich being un di d w ith heedefull(pen ile :MayIerve, asWe i 0 help : us how m i ce

B ew erb e

Shouldvexe blmd Z eale,‘ o r zinge r 1:prem iere 5And

,teach well-tem fl er

d Spirits , how to fee,

That,we, fo rBlerfings, oft,Vnthm kefull be .

For,as you, Bot/7, P rime

Cbzldrm are of thof'


Two S i/Zer betwixtwhom, yet, growesVnfeemelyflrzfi: 5 So , Tau, perhaps,maybe ,

AnEmélem , how tho feMo r 11 E 11 s mayaagree.

And norbyyourEmmy/e , oueéy,lh ow

,Howwrought itmaybe 5 but, (3 eét it (0 .

Ye i, pemdventure , Go united You,

Th at, fuch able iTedVN 1 o r: m ight c ofueA‘id


,Your lavmg - lo-v rng ly, toget

her ;Yo urC hrifliauboflefiz/L

’mefie, o f oue number 5

m tlde forbearance , h .1r1’h attempts to proove 5

Yo zi 1' m z tzeall—w4 zeihg , untill Godx

ihull mov eBy Iomém ime—v oice

, o roeztcefullTh 1: HeartW hich ueedrth be tternfbrmateonA=1d


, yourCbzzrzezee, m ight give a fig /”i t ,the Daug hters, o f the Div ine

M igh t reco nc iled be 5 And,Ihew


, _S words,1 11422 25

, Three“, andF ume make no true Accord:Go o g rm t abetterV N 1 0 11 mayappeaié

I 11 0 the fol/lend ing ,he re


0 I.

P uf fi n - Agreemeneg (f urther thOurwho lfome L mver . (fad




s to man,

W i'

h F i ery, floo r but,fuch

,113 mayMake up able ifed 8 0 11 conD

,everyw ay

1113 51 115 13 16 3 yourF armer, Would bec omeA C lo -

10 313 B/qflfng , to all C II s 11

1. N 11 0 1 1 12

Yo 1

r 1 11 1 1 Ih ould byfuture Ge1 11 3 13the famous Cut i e/121110225 ,



(though , Mee ,thisAg e de lp

7theft: p a,

as, had heeue Prof a n e.“

What evermayfuccccd,myP raj r: andP owr’


Ate thiswaybent 5 w ithHope, that TauorTu rk

ShallHelf: (at lcafi) become , that Bra e/1 to clofe,

Which , m thc 5 2 AM L 5'

s -ROB z yet , w idergrowcs.

5 0 B a Ir And,let bright your Gloria bee,

Forever, though To»neverfhint: onMa e

TourM At s s r t s s

moflL oyd”Subjefi?’



F there had hot heenefametea

’lyeompofid, knelfutahle tom’


a ttest,

or”doflhtf Whethq j fiq‘tlf jver


hem e/o delig hted in reading ,at thereh] toattaine to the little K nowledge I hav e

F or, I that, thing : ho

nefilyplcafant, hroughtwee?degrees, to

lov e that which iii truelypro table,And

or Davidfain, H i; Heart {hewcd him the wrckcdneffc o f the

Vngodly5Lineaniug perhaps,that heefelt inhintjélfim e Ext

perimcnts, of thefame natura/l‘ Corrugtion h] which they are

overcome , who ge/tiom: at their fir/Z moti on:Ewenfl) , I inayi truly acknowle g e, that mine awne Experienpehathjhowneni ce/omath of the common I mo rance and Infirmi

tieinm ine owneperfim, that it hath taug ‘

t m ee,‘how tho/é thing&_

th at} hewrought upon inothers, to their,heftadv antag e.


Therefore, thoug h I eanfayno more to dzfiwaa’efi om Vlce , of,

to ineoarag e men toVertue , thanhath alreadyheenefaq in gnany learned

-Autho r5 5 yet/[ m ay he an oeeafion h] theft Endea ‘

vours,to hring th at , theoftner into rernemhranee , which the} ,

hav e, more learnedly,


eel anal perhape, h] [itch circum f

flaieees , at they wouldnot dZ/Z ena

’unto inay infinuate floriher.

alfo wi thfor/re Capacities, t anm ore applauded Mcanos: V iniger, Salt, or commonWater; (whith are‘

fuery ineane Ingrogliems) make 5 4 1176 65 morepleafing tofome tafleg than Sugar, and,


. I 73likemanner,pla ine an'

el vulg ar notiong fiajbnedw'


a little P lonfamneffc , anal reltjh'


d with a moderate Sharpa feu"

worhe that , otherwhile, which the my?adm ired C ompofidohgcouldnever {fled} inmanyReaders 5 yea , wee have

'hadfiequent ,

proofes, that a hiant Icfi hath“WW, tomore eonfmferatzon, than‘

a judicious Difcourfe .

I take li ttlepleafuret inRymcg, Fifi ions, or conceitedComfl

pofitions , for thei r ownefalzer 5‘

nei ther- eoula’I Ever take[3

m aehpainef ,no to[pendtim e toput mym eaning s into otherword:thanfitth ae

flowedforth, Wi thout Studio 5 Partly‘

heo'aiefi: I do;light more in M atter than in VYo rCly Flourilhes But ,ehiefi ly, heeanfi thofi

' Verball C oncéitc s, which 5] fame, are,

accountedm oftElegant, arenot onely(for theg reaterpart EmP‘tie Sounds . and [invertinent C linchcsan them/Elv es 5 hut , fuah ,

Invent ions . aa dofim etirne, alfi) , ohfiare the Seh fif, to oognrnonRe aders 5 ana

,firm to little o’


,hut for Wittiemen

tojhew Tricks one to another ,

F or, the Ignorant“underfland

them not 5 ana’

theWife needthemnot .

S o much of t/rem, at (wi thout darhning the matter, to thenh

who m o/i need’

in/truttion) mayhe made ufe of, to[Hi re to]: thatAfft é


tions, winnb Attention, or helpthe Memo ry,fl atware/bandma ke afeof; to tho]? g ood purpofit , according ,“in; lafm fi

and the meafiere of my Facixltic will permitm ig ht

To the Reader.

m ig ht not , to wo'

ft ends , g et them who/l] into her P o ffeflion.

f or, I know that them eanejt offuch concettos are aspert inent toat Rattle s

,and Ho bby

—ho rfcs to Children 5 or an the

C . and Spelling ,'

were atfir/l to thofe Readers, who are

nowpaflthem .,And

,indeed, todefif eMeane Inventi ons,P lea

fatii C ompofitions and Verbali Eleganc ies"

, (ht ing h‘ua lzl

fiid at is (fore/aid) or to hanijh them out of the world, hecaujéthere heother thing s of more ekcellencie, werena


ahfitrd, at toittglefl

‘andf oot out a ll Herbes, whi ch Wi ll not m ake P ort 2

Or, to tie/fray a ll Flowers,wh i ch“are leyh heauttf ull than



Tulip, or.lef t [weerthan theRo fe .

I (that was nev er [0fullenlj mfe) hav e alwaies interm ing ledSpo rts wi th Serio d izcflé in mj

lnventions 5 and, tah’

Cfl -I il

Verball-conceites, at they came to hand, wi thout Affl étatiofi5lint, hav ing , ov er aj rned,

rather toprofit my‘

Readers,than to 3

gam e theirpratfi ,I nev erpumpefbr tho/e thing s 5and am ,


wht le,contented tofieme Fo o li ih, (yea, andperhaps , morefirelfl

than ] am ) to the}

Over weenin -Wife5tha t , I maym ake oi l, er;

Wiler thanthey we re :‘

g/ l n-(na 1 now doe)


am not dfidfl l fid

iofet forth a Game,at Lo ts

,or (as it were a P tppe t


play tn

P iétures , to a llure m en to the m ore firtons ohferv atton of t/st

piofitah/eMo rals,couched intl efe Emblem s. Nev er/helefl /f

for te hav efayd, and thoug ht truly) my P oem s hav e inflruc7ed,and reti tfied man] P eople :n the Courfe of HonefiJiving , (whichit the htjt,W ifedome ) much m ore than the Auflerer Vo lum esof fl i ne criti ca ll Autho r3 5 who, are ly the Common-fo rt


therefore onel] , judg edWife, hecaufe theycompofedBooks, whichfewunderfliznd, [av e theywho need them not .

"i In the/él ots and Emblem s

,I hav e the fame aym e which I

h id in mybtherWritings and thoug h I hav e not drcfll’d them

l utahly'

to curtains Fancies; yet , they yi

eld who/flint nour; m en:

to [q ng then the con/l itutzon of a Go od- life 5.

and, hav e fol/tittyenoug h for a P lay game,wh i ch was hut accidenta lly compofi'd 5rind, 6] th isO




‘Tl efeEmblehrsg rav enin Copper hyC rifpinusP afrxus(witha Mono in Creche, L atzne, or I talian, round ahout ev er] Figure;andwith twoLines (or Verles) in oneof the fame Languages,periphra/ing tho/E Mo tto

’s) came to rn] hands , almo/l twenti e

j eur'


s pa/t; 7 he Verles were fit meane, that , the] were afterward cut of fiom the P lates ; And, the C o lleétor of thefatdEmhlems , (whether hee were the

Verfifier or the Graver,war

neither[0 well‘

adv i/Z’d in the C ho ice of them ,

norfo ex a ti in

ohferv ing’

the true P roprieties helong ing to ev er] Figure , a/s heem ig ht hav e heene.

Tet , theWo rkman-{hipheincc,Jrjudg ed v eryg ood,for the m ofl

part 5 and the rejl excufithle 5 fom e of my F ri ends werefo muchdelig hted in the Gravers art , and, in tho/


e Illufirations,



for m ine ownepleaficre, 1 hadmade uponfom efew'

of them , that ,they requo/tedmee toNo raliz e the re/l . Which ! concltfcendedttnto And, they hadheenehro

ftg ht to v iew man]peares ag oe, hutthat the C opper P rints (which are now g otten) couldnot heproeuredeut ofHo lland, uponan] rea/bnahle Condi tions .

~ If th q were worth] of the Gravers and P rinters cojl, ht ing



i u'

:h e Reade r.

one/y dutnhe P 1sures, l.' itle afiffitll to anyhut toyoung Grat'ers or

P artne rs and as litt le delg htfu/i, ex ceot ,"

to C h ildren andC l

i l ldiih -

g ..a e rs they m ay now he'

m uch‘

m tre worthy5fi’eingthe lft of Speach l

‘etng added unto them ,

maymahe them Teac ixcrs and i‘l em emb a ce rs of profitahle thing s .

1 doe noc arrog ate o rn/cch unto my“imi t a ti ons,“to think ,

theywell he able to teach anything to th e Learned 5 ye: if theyt a/i thei r eyes upon them, perhaps , thefit _

Emblem s,


4 .td the rMo rals

,mayrementher them ,

ot h er offinne Datie , whi ch theyt lfi


forg et or m tnde them to heware of firm : Dang erwhw h theym g ht otherwtfe he unheedfull to prev ent But

, fire

1 am , the Vulgar" C apac i ties, mayfi om the/m



e many waxeshath Ia i


,and Remembred5 yea , the ; that h_av m ofl


need to he Iriflrufi ed, and Rem embred, (and theywho are mojl

ha l l’ward to ltflen to Inflruétions, and Remembrancesghy thecommon Courfi: of Teaching,andAdmonifliiiig [ha/l he, herehy,infirm edof t/seerDangers,or

‘Duties,hythewayoj an hone/2R



creation,hcfore theyhe aware.


F or, when lev i t i c, or a chi ldz/h delight in trifl'

ng ohjee’



hath all/t rod them to loo/ee on the i’ i étures 5 Can ofitie mayurg ethem to peepe ftt i ther that theym ig htfi

'ehe out alfit theirMea

nings, tn onr annex ed Illufiranons 5,

In which, may lur/eefirmeSentence

,or Expreffion . fit ev :dentlypertinent <to their E?

flares , P ot io ns .

or Aflt-ctio zi s,as wrll (at f that. infiant or dfi f”:

ward) mahe wayfor‘C onlide rations

,which wi ll, at lafl,

wholly chang e them ,or much hotter them, in their C onver

lil tio n‘.

Tofi che out the Autho rof ev eryparticular Emblem ,were ae

lahour wi thoutprofit 5 and, I hav e heenefiafarfiom endeav ouringit ,that ,1 hav enotfor

nuch natared tofindout theirmeaning s inanyof t/ye e f ig ures ; hug


appli ed them ,rather

,to [uchpttrpofits, a

I couldthinkooflaty‘irfi lig ht ; whi ch , upon afi

condv i ew, Ifoundni g ht ha

-e heene much lvetterd, if I couldhav eflared time19

1other imployrnents . S om ethzxg ,

alfit, Iwae C onfined, hyohltgingmyfilfi to ohferv e thefitm e numher of lines in ev ery

lllufiration5and, othirwhile, I was therehy conflra tned to conclude, whenmyhe]? Med i tationswere hut newhegunne which (thoug h i t hathlpleafedS om e

,hythem ore com elya form ttie, in the P ag es yet,

i t hath m ach tnjnrédthe lzhertte of myMLife .

There he, no comm ittedhythe P rinter, hath

L iteral/ and M ateria ll, and[bm e E rrorsof the Gravers in thiFigures , (as tn theTecragrammttton5 intheF igure of Arion;and in the P roprieties duetofinne

otherHieroglynhickx hat,

for them ofipart, they arefitch, at C ommon Readersw’

idnev er

erceiv e ; and'I thtnhe, that they who are rdicious, wi llfi

plainlyfinde them to henoflank s of nam e; that, leav ing t hem to

he amended thofe , towhom t hey appertaine ; and, You, to‘

of th P lay-games at you pleafit I bid you Fare?

To t i1C Reader.

f TheOcca li on,Intention, andufe oFthe Fourc

L otteries adyoyncd to thele Fourc Bo o ks

o f fmhlemt .

STulto rtim plena fun


t omnia. The world it g rcwnefi nL ov e

wi th Fo llie,that the Imprinting ofov er

tileswould 0 2 t the Book-fillerg efltecia lly, hang /bcharg eahleAt the manycoflly S culptures hav e made thi; B oo/re ther ty



(to advance t hei r P rofits, rather than tofittt tfiem y o wne lud f’


m eri t ) ! wat mov ed to inv ent fomewhat , wh'

ch m tg ht he Ethel)topleafe the v ulg ar Citpacttte, without hindrance to mychzejéEnd. And,


thottg h tha t which 1“refolv ed on, henot fit P loufio lt’:

toCriticall tinderjlandmg g yet l am contented tohaz at et'am er


them ,fit much of nyReputat i on-na that corner to.

t hav e often ohfirv ed ,that where the S t inll le l‘ {f

Rerreation are placedneare'

the C hurch,it drawer thither new


peoplefrom the remote Ham lets,than would elfi

' he there . Now,

thoug h I pra /fi: not theirDevouon, yet I am g lad tf anythtng(whi ch it not ev tll in ttfelfe) mayhe made an oecafion of C oe d‘

(heeanfiy th‘

ofe thing s may perhapt , ,he continued at lit/t fir

Confctencefitke,which were atfir/theg ttnnen on v aine occalions)and,


hav e therefore added Lo tterie s to the e Emblems, to occa ~

f on them ore frequent not i ce of the Mo rals,andg ood CounIE

-J;tendredtn thei r Illufiratio rs 5 hoping that, at one tu ne er other


fime jhall draw thofi? LO15 , whi ch wi ll m ake them the hei fer,

m tthe ha pier , wh'

tlefi theyltW . I confif e that tht’

t Dev tfi'may

pt ohahly‘e ccnfitred, at ttnfit tahle to the g rav ttie expec


ed inmjripeyeitret and he re ntedat g reat an Indeeorttm ,

a t eree7ing m

{Ale-[muleat the C hurch-(til yet, thefizme hav ing hadheg fg .

lning in my


yottng er dayet , I do now refolv e not to he a/ham ed g"

i t}for the‘

Renfan: afbrementioned. Tofitch at I mm, mm ]! 53

fitmeway av ay'

leahle a‘


dperhapt , if the VVilefl dzd otherwhde,when theywalhc ahroad, to Vncertaine parpo lE

‘s,tahe up the



R ich ,and (without Superfiitious C onceites)m ahe tryall whet

their Lo ts wouldrememher or g iv e them eanfi' tothtnhe on ; i t

m ig ht , now andthen, eitheroceafionhotter P roceeding s, orpt gv entMifchieve



S om e Gameswere ev er in nfi’

5 ever, -I thinhe, will he, and

for oug ht ] know,ev ermayhe withottt ex cept i on. And, I helxvev e,

the} Recreation, wi ll hena harm le/fe at any, if i t henfi’

a’a cew



tomy Intentiont . F or, mym eaning it not that any[h orrid

ffe ztananOracle,which conldfighzfieg nfizllzhly,what h clt v tne.

y a lloted 5 ha t, tofirm one‘

lyfor aMorall P afiinte . And, that I

mayno wayencourag e thefecrit enterta ining of f/tel; a t ntafie,

7 -doe'

hefore handaf irmeunto them,that none hut C hildren


Ideorsmayhe tollerated ta‘hefitfooltjh,wtthottt laitg htng at .

Tet,if anyone jhall draw that Lo t wherein ht; Secret vices

are reprov ed 5 or fimeg ood Cottnfeltpropofi’d

, whi ch inh it ownetender/landi ng arepertinent to hh

welfare, let not fitch at tho le,page them ov er at m eere C afualties to them 5 for, what oev erthe/


e Lors are to others,or in themfelves

,they are to al thele ,

do 3 6 6 5

The AV 1”H o R s Niecfication upon

figh t o f h is P I C T V R E .


n I my P ifi ufc,_ andperceive,Hop fvdine it if : our P o rtraitures to leave

InL ines,and Shadow cs; (which make[17m m to dgj

F arm

Andsflillfupplfed, out of otberC reatures;To kejep; w Iiviq géy tbg irwafled naturesRenewing , anddecaying ;cv


Vntl that Vaile mufl be remov’

dawayF or, tbu 1017

’d Flefh wherern tbsyct elath’a'I s no

tf éefame,wee bad[e‘

v’”Jeane: ago

(But, rather;fimetbing whicb if

‘taken-m ,

To lerra infleedof what bathwaflea’bin,Wounds in S ickncffes, inCo lds andHeates


InallExcrclcions and in Fumes and SWcates.

NorjbaH, tba prcfmt Plcfll , long flay"wit/Jw

A ndra?“my we”beplem ’




For, a! 1 (v iewsthol l ,I OWflC’S : dfidF ieldi s LC

11;M d ipdi’mvm


; gm fg, gm tbg'

nlu, IfeeAglimpessfaxfle afl: (fbrcm


gb Ex l'


s P rofiacé‘tivc

Of that, which afierfl cagb;wifl'

come top41]? 3 gla

h aw/7111]? {by are,I thankfullyWayldmake ,

Tbat a]? of tbcm, fo‘r their C REATOR

Sfakes .


Odgbr/ball ram s,irben 1 rcmob ’d, muffbe,

L et it beM ;M arti); itmybe fuiem’


The Man that batb trueWifdome got,

Continue: firme, and w avers

l u vs-i n. I I.

For,hencewe learnc 5that,Wi[dam dorh no tHOWFrom tho l


e unconfiantmen,whom ev’

ryBk},Or (mallOccafitn, turneth to and froBut

,from a Setthd ba d that fiandcthfitfl.


everflrouldcrs,him, hegivesno place

What S torm foe’

re,hisTime: orq mtt , breath,

He neitherhides his arm , nor turnes h is Fm 5



peshis Lookcsundaunted, ev’

ninfl eatb.The L a ncet bud, uponthe Pillar fer,Thus fignifies ; Andthat Bxyfi ru tb doth ihowThat conRants dm ewill the conquefi get,Whengiddy-

Palm? prevailes nor(0 .


,thoudefirefi to he taught,

P ropo l'

e goodEndswith hone-fl Mem es thereto,

And thereinConflaat be, tillthouhafibra g heTo perfea and;thatWérkeuhouhall to due.

Let neitherflatt’

ring P leaftm't,notDifgmce,

No rfrofling Ce’

bfitres, nor the cunning S lag/rt:Ofglo z ing Sj cbpbatm ,divert that Here

To w hich,a harmelefl

c Purim,thee invites.


Though o the’

rs plo t, confpire, andundermine,K eepe thoua plaine right Pub 5 and let theirGo

Forno advantage,make thee change fromm ,

A lthough it (fo r the prefent) feemes theWorfe.

He,thus that wo rkes

, puts Polit ic to Schoo le,Andmakes the Macbafujlt


anprove a foole.

Tbs L aw g iven to direct 5The Sw ord

,toPunilh andproteét.



I I I.

For, arm’

dwith F ire: andTband'

m , fo rth it came.Bywhich, that great Law-makerm ight inferreWhat dreadful]Vchgm toewouldonthofe attend


Who didagainfi thofe holyPrecept: erre 5And,


, h is Power, well-doers coulddefcnThereto

,thisEmblem, alfo do th agree 5

For, Ioe, before theTable: of‘the Lame,

A naked Swordisborne,whofeufemaybeeAswell to keepe inSafity, asinAme.

“Whence, Printer(iftheypleafe) thisn0 te ma(And it fhallmake them h appilyto raigneThat

,manygood andwholfome Law : to make

Without anExecutzortcr, is vaine.It likewife intimates, that fuch as are

InSo‘vom igtteplace,aswellobligedbeTheir z eale for true Relig ion to declare,As, what concerneth Manners, to forefee.

It ,laflly,‘

fhowes that Prmm {houldafleet

No t onely, overOthers to Command,But Sword: to weare, their Subject : to ptotAnd,

fortheirGuard, extenda willing ha

For,L arva , o rPeace to boall of 5and, the

TheP ob/iqoe-mez lc, to weakenordifarme,

Isnor the way to hinderGivxll-Broyles,Norto fecure it from a F arraigrtcb arme.For,AsbyL aure: a Land iskept inframe 550

,Armor is that

,which mufiprOtefi the fame.

B 2

Book. I

By Labour, Vertuem ybegoin’



ByVertue,Glorie it attain’


Mayclaime thofeWreatbe: which true Defer'vittgIsHonourdue to thofe

, who fpend theirdayes

Incourting one ano ther0: orconfuming

TheirFortunesand themfelves, onDrabbs andInfleeping , dri k ing, andTobacco fuming


Not fo . For, (t ough fuch Fooler, like children,place

GayTitlesoneachOther) Wzfiamcnknow 3

WhatHaves theybe 5howmiferably-bale 5,

And,where fuch Attributeswouldbetter(how.

An idle Bodyclothes avitiousMimic 5And

,What (atbell) ispurchac

dbythe fame,I5no thingelfe, but {linking SmokeandWind:Orfrorh ie Bubble: of anerupt Fame.

True Glory, none did everparc afe,yet,

Till,to beVerm in theycouldfirfi attaine

Nor {hall thofe menfaire c mfavourget,Who labourno t, fuch Digtmies to gaine.

And, this Imprefit do th inferre no HimFor

,bytheSf adc, is Labourhere implide 5

The Snake, avertuous Prudence, do th exprefle 5And

,Glorie, bytheWreatb isTypifide.

Fo r,where avertuous Indy/fryis found,

S he,{hallwithWreathsof 6 1077, thus be crow

TbougbFortuneprove trueVertuesF ac,I tcannotwork: herO


Dortbrowg .

Shewindesmeno ft, before theybe aware 5And

,whentheydrearne of mo lt Profim




Downe,headlong, throttes them lowerthentheywere.

You, then, that feeke amoreaffur’

d efla'


Ongood, andbone“objem,

fixe yourM indc,AndfollowVenue, that youmaya F oreExempt from feare ofC hange, o rDangets,findc.For, he that


s Vermont , whetherhigh or low

His Fortunefeemes (orwhetherfoule o rfaire

His Potb he findes) orwhetherfriend, orfoe,TheWorlddorh prove 5 regards itnora haiteHis L ojfe isGain: 5 h is PovertyisWroltbTheWorldsContempt, hemakes hisDiadem 5

inSickneflo, he rejoycerh , as inHa t/lbYea


,Doorb it felfe

, becommeth L ife, to him.

He fearesno difrefpeét, no bitterfcorne,No rfubtile plo ttings,norOpprtfli ons force 5Nay.though theWorldfli ouldrcpfie-turvie turne,It canno t fright h im,

nordivert h is C ourfe.

Above allEarthlypowres hisVortue reares him 5

And,upwith Eglm wings, toHeav

n it beareshim

AfickleWoman wanton g roomer“

P referrer a Crowd, before a Crownc,


. V I I.

es hold

She that withWealtb, andTubmanhewonne,Orwoo ’dwith Vanities,willway ring bee 5And


Love, thoumofi dependell on,A F tddloflzoke {hallwinne herheart from thee.

To ToutbandMnfio/te, Venn; leaneth mo lt 5And (though herhand {he on the S cooter lay)L etGrcotflefle, 0 i herFavbursneverboafiFor,Hcort andEye, are bent ano therway.And lo , no glorious P urchace thatMangets,Who hath with fuch pooreTrzflof ,WOo


Her. fo oring , ona Boll, h isMz'

jlrcj fi’ fets


Wh ich inamoment flips, andfh’

e is gone.

AWomon,meerely with anOutfide caught,Ortemptedwith aGolliard, o ra Song ,Will h im


forfake (whom {hem o lt lovelyForP layer: andforTumblers,


t be long.


,tharwifh yourL

‘ow {houldeve

rlair,(AndwouldenjoyAfireél ionwithout changing)L ove where yourL ow smayWorth ilybeplact ;And


sAlfi fitllfrom ranginge noble M ooney,yourLongingsw attaine 5S eeke equallM inder, andwell befcem


Theyare (atbelt) vaine P aola , whom Follic gaine

But, there isEli/fie, where, Vertocmo ltendearesAnd




eétion[bot pro cures,InlpightOf allTomytatt

om, it endures.

Tin}Ragga of Death ,which tbou/baltfce,

Confiderfi it ; And P ious bee.


That horridCountenamedoth fecme to grin.


No mortal]Pawn,norWit, cankeepethee

L ive (0,thatDeatbmaybetterthyeflate

C onfiderwho created thee ; andwhyRenew thySpirit, ere thyF lejb



AnInnocent noDangerfear“,


Thou h to be fwallow’

d intheDeep: it were,No r id it perilh For,uponherBackeADolpbt


»wake him ,forhisMvfich fake :

To intimate,that Verne{hallprevaile

With Bruin/bC reatures,if with Men it failel

Mo ltvaine is thentheirHape,who dreame theycanMake wretched



For,he whom Vertuous lmm m eadornes


Infults 0 re Crucln'

e: 5and, Pw’




,bywhich , Menpurpofe toandoehim ,

In theirdelpight) {hallbring greatHonour: to hint .Adm-like

,theMalice o ftheWorld,

Hath into Sea: ofTroubles often hurl'


DefervingMen, althou b no Caul'

e theybad,But that theirWordsan War/m(weerMtg/{ekemade.Of all theiroutwardHelps it hath bereft themNormeanes

,nor hopes o fC omfort havebeene left them,

Bur(ugh, as in the Houfe o f Mourning are,And

,what mode m/acm e canaffo rd them there

Yet,Dolp17in-lrl e, theirInnocence hath reat

dTheirHeads above thofe Dmg en that appear


Godhath voueh laf’

d theirharmelelle Cate/e to heed,And,ev

ninThraldome, (0 theirHearts hath freed,Thar, wh il

l‘t they feem

dOpptefe and lorlorne

Theyloyal, and Sung , and L augb

d theWorldto[com e

JFo ole,inFo llytaketc oine,

Althoughbe laoozcrflz'

ll in‘


neo .

Yea,knowingnor(orcaring no t to know)

That theyarew orne andweary’

d out invaine,Theymadlyroyle to plunge th


And,feelteuncertaine Eafi, incertaine Paine.

Such P oole: are they,\tyho dreame theycanacquire

A‘Minde-content,byL ab


eg/liflformoreFor,WealthEncreafing, do th encrealeDefirc,Andmakes Contentment lefferthenbefore.

Such P oole: are they, who leHope: doevainelyfiretchTo climbe byTitles, to a happyHeightFor

,having go ttenoneAgnoitioaoJeeacb,

Ano thercomesperpetually infight.And

,theirfinpidityisnothing lelTe,

Who dreame thatHelloandBloodmayVpto the ,

M ot mtofperfefl -Holine/fiFor(at ourbelt) corrupt andvile are we.

Yet,we are boundbyFaith,with L ove andHope,

To ro ll the S tone’

o fGood-Endeavour, Gill,As neere as maybe, to Perfefl zom rop;Though backe againe


it tumble downe theHill.So 5What ourWorkerhadneverpower to doeGod

s Grace,at lalt

, (hall freelybring us to .

C 2


As, to theWo rld I naked em u ,

So, naked-firm} [em the/21mg :


Though he that hath among them,hisDelight,

Brave things imagines them (becaufe they.blindeWith fome falfe Luftrehis beguiledfight)He that

sabove them , theirmeane-Worth mayfinde.L ord, to that Blej ed-Srariomme conveyWhere I mayview theWorld, andview herfo,That I her true C onditionmayfurvey5Andallher Imperfeaions rightlyknow.


that once there was aDayWhen thoudidftweane me from themwith content,Ev

nwhen Ihurupwithinthofe Gates I layThrough wh ich the P lag ee-inflzfi ing Ang elwent»And

,letme {till remember, that anHoure

Is hourelycumming on,whereinI (hall(Though I hadalltheWorldwithinmypaw n?)Benaked (tript, and turnedout ofall.

But m inde me,chiefely, that I nevercleave

To o clofelyto mySelfe 5 and caufe thoume,No tOtherEarthlythings alone to leave,But to forfake mySelfe for love o fTheeThat Imayfay, now I have a”Ming : lcfi,

Before that l ofall th ings, am bereft;

To him ahappyL orbefallrThathath a Ship, andpro lp


Thofe aydes(onwhich the Commonfaz’

th depends)Art: from theirhoped aymes repelledbacke,Ormade to


labourforunfruitfull ends.Yet neither inthe Ship,Wind, 0 am , orsailor,Nor inthewant ofOutwardmeaner, alone,C onfifis it

,that ourHopefucceedesOrfailes 5

But,mo lt in that

,wh ichMene leaft thinke upon.

Fo r.[m eendeavour,andtheirP ainesare bleft

With Galeswh ich are fo fortunate,that they


,andfwiftly on, among thebelt,

VVh il’

fi Others labour,and are call away.

S omeOthers,onthisWorld: wideOceanfloate

,AndneitherWind, norTide alliftant have,NorSaile

, nor re'

,norAnchor,norfoundBeale,Nortake fo much as heede themfelves to (ave 5

“Andyet are late : A thirdfort

, then, there are'

Who neitherwant fit“Mooney;noryet negleét'

Thepainelulld ndaflrie, o rhonefl Care,W h ichNeonlrequires 5


yet find fmall go odeiTeC’r.

Th erefore,letthat which youp


ropofe,beThen, ufe the fairell Meanes, tocompaffe itAnd

, though M eanct faile, yet fo fierno m iftrufiBut fearelefly, to Goa

l, your Coorfi: comm-ir

Fo r,Hoe


F aithfn/l-HeartsmndHone/LM ina’er

Turtles L oj]e'

to Gaine 5 and S tormcmoyrojp’


Thoughhe endeavour allhe can,AnApe,


fwillM oor he aMan.

I L L V S TR .

’ X I I I I.

Laughtermove yourSpleene,,

Tillyouhadmade the littleTo lye withinfome Auger-ho le,unfeene.

I mul’t confelfe I cannot chufe but fmile,WhenI perceive, how MenthatworthleITe are,P iece out theirImperfeé



ionr, to beguile,Bymaking fhowes, of what theyneverwere”For

,in theirhorrow

d-ShapeJJknow thofe Men,

And (through theirM asher) fuch infight o f them haveThat l canoftentimes difclofe(ev

n then)How much theyfavourof the F ool: ora o.

A P igmcy-fiirit, andanEarthly.M z'


Whofe looke is onelyfix t onObjeétsvaine 5Inmyefleeme, fo meane a place do th finde,That ev

ryfuch a one, Imuch refraine .

But,when inhonour’dRobe; I fee it



d,as iffome thing ofWorth itwere ,

Lo okebig , andonthe S tilt: of,

Greatngfjii, flrut 5From leorning it, cannot thenfo rbeare .

For, whento gro fTeVnworthinejfe,MenaddeTho leDues

,wh ich to theTm efl worth pertaine 5

Tis like anApe, inHamane-Ve/lmentrf lad,

Which ,whenmo ltfine, deferveth m o ltdifdaineAnd


rd,tho feMenappeare to me,

Thenth isTantafliche-Monhe] feemes to rhee.

1 pine, that othersmayno'



w af’te my § elfe, theirL ife tocheri/h.

I L L V S TR . X V. BookJ .

Andere their L ives confume, confumes theirTrcafures.S o fares itwith luch


Wanton: as due feedeVnehaflDeli res 5 for, ev’rydaytheygrowVntill theirL onging , theirSupp/ice exceede,

And, quitedevoure tho lementhat fed them fo .

S o fares it with all tho fe that fpend theirTooth


ring to enrich ungrateful!Men,W ho

, growing Great, andWealthy,bytheirTrut

Returne them Smo/eeandAfborbacke agen.

So fares itw ith goodS tatefmen, who to keepeA thankeleile Commonwealth inhappyP eace,Deprive theirMine/esof ReIt, the ir Eyes o f Sleepe,

And,wafie themfelves, that Othersmayencreafe.

And,lo it fareswith Men that palle away

Theirtime inS h ah“, (and theirHealths impaire) ‘Thathelps to Othermenbecome theymay,And,theirdeieétive K nowledges, repaire.

But,let myF lo/h, myTm e, and myEflate,

Be [0 confum’

d 5‘

f o pent 5 fo wall edbee,’

I hat theymayno‘

q h Grace, and penfit that

For‘Wh ich all thelewere firfl beflowd

d onmeSo whenq


uite a‘

m vanifh’

d out o ffeeing,I (hall enjoymyNon-concealed-Being .

Whento fupprelfe at.Monintend,

Theymake nohigher to afcend.

Adverfitics, onewhile ourheartscon-(traineTo fi0 0pe, andknock the P avements of 0 41742”5Hope, like aWhirle—windmountsusupagaine,Tillo ft it lofe us inthe emptyayre.

Sometimes, above the Battlementswe looke 5Sometimes,we quite below the L ineare tofiAnother-wh ile, againfl the Hom e!flrooke,We

,butalittlewant, of being loft.

Detroaion,£w ie, M ifcbief, andDejpigbz,One P at tie make, andwatchfullyattendTo catch uswhenwe rife to anyHeigbt

Leltwe above their hatred fhouldafcend.

Good Fortm e, P raifex, Hopes, and [ado/Mes,Doe Ede-together, andmake P14] to pleafe usBur, whenbythemwe thinkemore high to rife,

More great theymake ourPM,andmore difeafc us.

Yea, theythat leeke ourLofle,advauce out Gain: 5And to ourWz/bes, bring us oft the nigherFor,we that t ileuponthe Ground had laine,Are

,bytheir (h iking ofus lifted higher.

WhenBoll; againfi the S tones are hardefi throwne,Thenhigheftup into the Aire theyfly 5S o

,whenmenhurle us (with mofi fury) downe,

Wee h0pefullare to be advanc’

d therebyAnd,whenthey fm ite usquite unto the Ground,Then, upto Heav

n,we trufi

,we (ball rebound.

F rom thence,whoreNet s andSnarcs are

Make-halt ; lofl elsyou bebetrqy’


I L L V S TR . X V I I I.



how to be enricht byOthers wants,Andbring the Poor: to utterDefo lation.

Avoyd them therefore,though compel

Or ifa Storm : inforce, (yee lab’

ring Bees)Thatyee muli


allamong them 5 Flie with,

From the‘


C ommerce, when(Jo/fl iesyourpaffa e

Much more;letwaftfull Gaflant: bah e from thelgsElle

,when thofe Idling


painted-Barmflici, 1Have 6utter

d-out their Summen time, incafe,

(And pent theirWealth inloolilh Vanities)The Blafis o fWontmayforce them to be brougFo r(helterth ither, where they(hallbe caught.

I L L V STR . X’X I.

W hen Sorrow is conceiv’

d,it mutt haveVent

InSighes o rMoyhurt ) orthe Heartwillbreathe5And

,much theyaggravate ourDifcontent,

W ho,out o f Sufi», Reajonfeeme to

fpeake.Yet,fince out Frailtymayrequire we ihouldRemembrance: admit to keepeus from

Excefle inGriefe this t lem here behold,And take fuch HopeasmayourTeam become.TheWheat,although awh ile it lyes inEarth

(Andfeemerh lo ll ) confumesnot quite away5But, from thatWomhe receives another




,withAdditionm ifetb from the C lay.

Much more lhal!Manrevive, whofeworth


,who from ourDrofl


ewillasrefine,Vuto that o therL ife,becom es the Dean ,

W here, we in Immortalrtte [hall ibine.

Whenonce out Glafle is runne, we prefentlyGive upourS ank: to Death ; 50 Death mull giveOurBo/zesbacke againe, that we, thereby,The L ight o f L ife eternall.mayreceive ;The Venom

dS ting ofDeath is'


oke away5And


theGravc thatwasa P lace ofFa rt,Ismade a BedofRe whereinwemayLye downe inHope, and h ide in(alety, there.Whenwe are Borne, to Death-wardflraightweAndbyourDeath , outweisnew-begnnne:

WhenVice andVertueTomb[ballwove;Tis bardtofqy,which way

twiHgoo .

ForneitheroftheirServicesunfit.Bo th, woo

dmyTomb And, borh'

perfwadecl (0 ,That (like the Twang p m inourEmblem here)I ery

d,A6 1 wbieémy(794111g oe

To me (o pleafingborh theirOfl‘

erswere ,

Vt c n, P lea/am belt C onrentmentspromiflmee,Andwhat thewantonF lefb

defires to have

S erv eme(aidVI C E,4nd tbouflultfioone aeqm


Afltba/EA chievement: wbiobmySen/ irebringsServemefaidV E R1 7yE

,and[lo raifefi ee big/oer,

Tom VI C E seon, afldteacb t/yeehattertbz’

ng r.

Whil’ i’e thus they{trove to gaine me, I efpydeGrim Death attending V I C E and

,that herFace

Was“burapainted 70 e , which didhide

The foul’

ltDeform itythat everwas.L o RD gum


fi eg racefor efvermoreto v iewHerVg lam/fie And, tba: 1 v iewing it,Her Falfe/yoodsanalog/Izorement; mayeff/yewAndonfaireV e a T v 1: myAfi fi ion/et;Her Beoutie: oonremplate, éer L ove embrace,And 6] li ef




on, Hom emyRace.

ByPaine, onP leafur'

esWe doe'

feiz e ;Ana

m’éby Sufi’rance

,purcbofeEafe .

I L L v sr u, XXI‘

I Iw Book . 1 .


Right fo‘

,the S

fifimIJ-Manthat hemaygaine

Hisbruitifh La a thoufandperillsdares ;And

,that his Lawleflew ill he mayattaine,

NorConfozenoep redit, Cofl, norL abour (pares.’

Twerefltamefullbafeneffe, therefore, ifthat he

Who knoweth Ve‘

rmemnd is thought herLo'ver,

Should(0 byanyP et ills frightedbee,To make him fuch Afi c


fiom to give-over.

For,whyfhould thatWine-Crewwho le ValourfpringsFrombcaiily Fury, or inflamed

~ P afiron,Enabled be to compalTe bo lderthings,ThenSabenWit

,andGrave Coafidem tz


Or,whyfhould lilping ~W4atom , fortheirLeftSo much adventure asonefinger, th ere,Where we ourLives inhazardwouldn0 t thrull:ForVem mGlory, if it needfullwere


Fo r,though

herSwormefle fall isclofedl itiWith many-T/oomcs,-and luch a Pudding


guard,That wemull (mart, befo re that priz ewe winne,The Paine is fo llow

d,with a Red: Reward,

ByStaf fi ng , I havem ore Contentment had,Thenever I acquir

d byS lotbfolLEafe 5And

,IbyGriefe, (0 joyfull have beenemade,

That Iwillbeare myCrofle,wh ile God(hallpleaFC.For, (0 at laftmv S ou/emayo procure,I careno r, inmyF/cjbwhat I Cndure .

Who bygoodMeanes,goodtbingswouldgaz



Shallnever feeke,nor aske inm erino .


I I I I . Boom.

Thewinged Arrow furelyhits the fame.Her Fig ure, therefo re , inthisplacedoth”16WTheNature of theirM inderwho Cyntbz


Andfaint not till theycompalTe what theyFor

,noughtmoreGod-like inthisWorld is

Thenfo Refolv’

d a man, that norhing mayHis Refilurionalter orconfound,Whenany taske ofWortb, he do th affay.

No r,is there greaterBafeneffe, thenthofc

Thatfrom anHone/Z-pmpofe, canbe wroughtByTbrearm


ngr, Bribes, Smootb Gale; orBoy/Z’

raat Winde;What evercolouror excufe be brought.Youthen, thatwould,with P leafurefi lorygaine,

Dim e like,thofemodefi things require,

Wh ich truelymaybefeemeyouto attaine ,And {toutlyfollow thatwhich youdefire

Fo r,changing though theMame to us appeare

She ho ldsaErme Dependence on the Swine 5And, byaConflu L Motz



W ithh im,doth inConjuafi ion o ftenrunn

So,Confldfi t-m m

, {lillmove theirhopes to winneBut

,neverbyaMotion-endi ng ;

Nor.w ill theyflop theGouife that theyVntill theybring theirpurpofe to ef


Fo r, w ho foeverHound-Ming : requires,A P romxfe bath of all that he defires.

,WitbPatience, I tbe Storm efuflaineF or, Sun-[h im flit)dorbfitflowRaine.

I L L V STR . X X V I.

Norfearcrh to adventure through the Reine ;BUt skippeth out, andbeares it as {he may,Vntill the Scalonwaxeth calme againe.Right thus, have I and,

Others,o ftenfar

d 5For, whenwe firfi into theWorldwere brought;We foundburlittle

,foroure prepar


Save that,wh ich byHard

-Labour, muttbe fought.

InmanyS tormes, unheeded,we are fa'


To focke out needfull things 5 and, fm ilinglyTo jefi, atwhat fome otherswould complaineThat

,nonem ight laugh at ourNecefie


,fomeh ave liv

d onHusker, whrl’

it others fedOnthat which was theirLabour: due Reward ;And

,were purfu

d (till theyaimo li were deadW ithout theWorlds C ompaflion orRegard.Yet

,byEnduring , they

out. liv’

d the BlafiOf Adverfe. P erform ; andfwith good (accede,(Expecting calmerSeafons) at the late,Arrived at th eP orto f Happinefi .

TheirSufi mg mw b, hath made theirSafiitrrg : none 5Andbrought forthHopes, bywhich,perceive theymay, a

ThatNizbts have but theirTurnes , and (they once gone;Tre ir Darkeflefle,makesmuch welcomer, the Day.

AllGrzq‘e (hall have anending

-I am litre 5And

,therefore, I with Patience, willEndare.

mereHellcn in t/acre,yawbeWarrc i ‘F or,Death andLufi

,Companions are;



d,asyet, I neverwent

For,when (asTook : pretend) theygoe to feelte

Experience,wheremore Ill then6 004, theyfeeTheyVenture for theirK none/edge,Adam . like 5And

,fuch as his

,will theirAtobievemenrsbee .

Let,therefore, thofe


thatwould lo o ieTu ll: deteft,C onverfe with none

,but thofc that model?are 5

Fo r, theythat cano fWboredomemake a left,W ill entertaine it

, etc theybe aware.

‘C‘ba/l-Company,andGbaji-s roarfe,doth makeTheMindemorepleifedwith it, ev


,Frequent viewerofWantonnrwfe


,will take/

The Senle‘

andHatred,of the Vzoeaway;

Some ,I have knowne,‘


Who ,but tofie tbeir F a/hzons. firflpretended


By fuddaineQuarrells, there, theirDayeshave ended.

Por,inthéLodg ings o fa Lnflfufl.Woman,Immodefi Impatient : hath [till herBeingThere

,P uree

,Fraud, andCrno/tz


esare common:


,isWant , and Sbame, and

Dzfizgreeing .


nBeauty, o fit felfe, {litres loo feDJires,Occafioning b0 th Iealonfiea, andF earerIt kindleth in the Brelt

, concealed F em ,

Wh ich burne the Heart,befo re the F lameappeareS f

(And, ev’

ryday, experiencedare wer




whereHeden is TfoyerFate Wzill bee.

By m anyStrokes, rimWerke it dame,

And, thenanother, and“another


Yea, till thyP ow

rand Life (hall quite beP erfilt infeeking what thou{houldfi defite

For,he that falleth from a good [meats

Defervesnot that,to which he didafpi‘


Rich Treofiores, are byNative,placeddeepe gAnd

,erewe gaine them,

wemull pierce the Rom;

Such P ond/s, alfo , them,asGuardians

That, none canwinne them withoutwoundsandnot ices;Moreover



“275mm : arefo fublime


That,whofoevet thinkes theirTopto gaine,


wearyReps he clime,Dorh


foo lehintleli'

e,byMufingswhichare varne.And

, yet, there isa Fatbm y, which do th leadeAbove the h ighefith ings that Mancanfee 5And(thoughit benorknoWne m allwho tread

The Common-Trail) itmayafcendedbe.As

,therefore,none flrouldgreaterthingsprefume

Thenwellbecomes their{trength 5 So , none fhouldfeareThrough S lorb

mrBot/mejfe) to allumeTho fe thingsuponthem ,

which befeeming are.

InTime,andbyDegree: mayth ings ,

be wrought,That feem

d i'


to have heene done,Whentheywere firfi conceived in the thoughtAnd, fuch as thefe ,

‘wemayadventure on.

Mine Arm , I know,intimewill fell anoke ;

But, I willnev’

rattempt it,at a S troke.

Affliéiions Fire conforma l) Sinne ;But, Vertue toketbL ife tberet




a m a . xx x.

The fiercerand the longerHem there are,

The livelyer inthe fame the Bed]?willgrow 5And

,much thebrighter,will the some appeare.

Th is Crowned-soun d ed”inthe F ire,

May, therefore,no : unfit ly, fignifieThole, who inF ieryCh arm /o, doearpircE[gob-like to Im



,thore Hiroioke-flirito, who unharm

dHave throug h theF ire: ofTroroéleo, andAfi


(W i th Verme,andwith lmrooeoor


e arm’

d)Walkt onward

,inthePath way, o f P erfelh

ofl .

The which likeWood andH4] ,C onlumes theW'

orltes o i ev’

ryWorked-one 5Andmalteth all theirHope: to fume away)DOth purifiewhat Foitbfyll-mm havedone .

They triumph in theF lower, and {hall obtaineThe


glorious Crowne ofErodlefi . fi appinefle,Whenall that (how o f Eli/[e appeareth vaine,Which Worldlymen have (cemed to po ffdle .

For, though fume som e; andF ollies, g ilded are,AndThine like puteli Gold, and Pred ator-Stone: 5Th isTefl, will finde o f Wt Alla] theywere ,And,make them knowne burCom terfiiredOne:Fo r

,inthisFornace, all fuch Worm s expire 5

And,none bu: Venue liveth in this F ire.


ee, over all tbe S’



Oro fthe Seojom and the Timor, alone,C an [loppofe the Hand ofGod


Tho le many S torm ,we nightly’

gaz e upon :

Fo r,bo th byReafim, andbyCommon-fujé

We know (and oftenfeele) that from above

The P lanets have , onus ,an Influence 5And

,that our



eo varie,as theymove:

Moreover, HolyWritTnferres

,that thele

Havq lome fuch pow’

r 5 ev’

n in thofe P laces,where

I t namesOrion, and the Pleiorleo 5Wh ich, S iam ; ofmuch inferiourNature are .

Yet,hence conclude nor, therefore, that theMiracle

Is by the S tem : conflramtd to ohe

Their Influence 5 or, (oby them inchn’d,That

,byno meanes refillthe

‘fame we may.

For, though theyfo rmerthe Bodiestemp’


4nd though the Monde incl tneth after that)

BV Grace,ano therTom

loerwe pro cure,

Wh ich guides the Mom s : oFSuppofia’Fate.

The Soot/e o fM an is nobler then the Sfbxrt’:

And, if it gaine the P lace wh ich may be had,No t here alone o nEarth , the Rule it b a res,But, is the Lord, o f all that Godhathmade .

Be my} in loom 5 and, if jo lt caufe there bee,The Sam eandMoore, {hall (landandwayt on thee .

A P rinces

J P rincesmofl t

em obling P arts,

Are Ski”inArm es,rmd L ove toAm .

I L L vsr n. XXX I I.

Andas a Luflre to hisDid erot.

All falfe Relig ion, S ebzfme, and Ignorance,AsOtherpublilteprofits to contrive.

But,he is ratherGod: immediat

If thoudefirelt inch 3 Prince to be,

Or, to acquire thatWorth which mayallureSu

ch Prince! to vouchfafe fomeGrace to theeTheir K inglyVi rtues, labourto procure.InMilitaryP raétices deligh t,No t fora w icked

,orvaine-glorious end5

Bur,to maintaine the


C aufe that is upright,Or thydifirefledCom treyto defend.

And,drive that thou

,as excellent mayfi bee

InK nowledg e, as, thouart inthyDegree.

WhenTw o agree in theirDelit e,One Sparkewillfet them borh onFire.

I L L V STR . XXX I V. scala r.

Wh ich onL ove: AlterskeepeaLafiing -Heat 5Are thofe,which intwo Hearts

,two L ike-Define

Vponeach Other, mutually beget .Hence, therefore,

-learne thou,firfl, no t tocontemne


, who to angerare no : prone 5Left, manywrongsdoe {litre UpF ires inthem ,Andworke theeMil


chiefe when th oulo ok’

fi fornone.Bc wary, next, though thou


thy(elfc be thong,Howwith a pow’

rfuil Foe thoudoficontend 5Fo r,theythat wraftle inConiemim , long ,Will,fure

, befli tew theirMadnelTe, in the end.

And,i f to warme thee byL ove: Eires thoufeeke

,ThyP etra inTeam , andManners, prayto finde 5Let borhyourAyma , and L egging s, be alike 5Be one inF aztér, andW111 5 and, one inM imic

So, you(hall waive the fruits ofyourDefite,Andwarme each o therwith a kindlyF ire.

He that deligh t toP lant and Set,MakerAficr-

Ages inbe}Debt .

Orelfe, wh (houldthey fut h th ings rate t

For, if theyi'

hinlte theirCbildrm {hallgsccrpg



, canbelieve, that theybego t theirHein e5Theycouldnor, furely, doe (o foule aDeed,Asto deface the Land, that lhould be theirs.

What ourR a

fa/7m planted,wedefiro

yNay,allMens abouts, living heretofore,Andallourowne

,we 1t m imploy

To ferve ourprefent Luj h 5 and, forno more.

But, let thele careleffeW m learne to know,

That, asVame-Spoyle is openInjury5So , Planting is aDebt, theytruelyowe,And ought to payto theirPafleritj .

S elfe lov e, fornone, but for it felfc ,doth care 5'

And,onely, forthe prefent, taketh paine

But,Cbamyforo thers dorh prepare5

And,joyes inthat,which Future-Tjim (hallgi iue



If,After-AgesmaymyL abour: blelre 5

I earenorm ed) , how L iz]: Ipo lleffe ;F 2

He, timehis C ourfe a’irer‘ily S teeres,

Nor Sto rm es,norWindy-C enfuresfeares .

I L L V S TR .Book. 1 .

C l little li z e,or elfe of larger frame.

Some, have the Boats o ftheirowac L ife to guide,Some, o fWho le F amiliesdoe row theBarg e,Some, goveineperkyToweefbips too , befide ,(To thole compar

d,wh ich ofl


mallBer/res have Charge) 2

S ome orhers,

rule greatmore“: 5 and, theyRefemble Captaines of huge Argoje:But , whenof K ing

a’omer, anygayne the Sway,To Genera/1: offi cers, we likenthefe.

Each hath hispro erConrfeto h im allign’


His Card, h is.

Compe e,h isdueTao/cling s, too 5

And,iftheir Bufinefie, as theyought, theymind,

Theymayaccomplilh alltheyhave to doe .

But, mo ltMenleave theCare of theirowne Coorfe,To judge o rfo llow o thers, in their


wayes 5And,when theirFolliesmake theirFortunesworl



e the Defliny, which theylhouldprayl'


Fo r,Wav es, andWinder, andthat oft-chang ing Weather

Which manyblame, ascaufe of all theirL ojfer,(Though they oblerve itnot)

helpesbring together

Tho le Hopes, wh ich theirow‘

ne s édome, oftencro lles.

Regardnor, therefo remuch ,what tho fe th ings be,Wh ich com e

,w irhout thy fault, to thwart thyWay5

No r,how

,Rafi-L ookers-ofiwill cenfure thee 5

But,faithfully, to do e thypart, allay

For,if thou ihalt no t from th is Carafe/1vary,

Let myHopes faile me,if thyHope: mifcarry._

AfaddenDeath ,with Sham e,is due

Tohim tha nf'

srearerWhat isuntrue .



faydaloud5 So 6c it am



r; didI ,



e t




d ; or, ifwithintheirBtefiA Fraudulent-Intentionhadbeene hid


Theymeritedfuch Via e,as that Beef .

For, bythe Swine thatracyhadflaughtted(o ,(Which,during Life, washelpefull unto none)Of Lifedeprivedbya faddenblow,

And, then, call out, thatnonemight feedthereon5They, myfiicallydid inferre 5 that, he 5

Who ialfify’

d tharpetbwhich he had fm me,Del



d, bySudden-Death, cut OEto be ;

And, as aBealluncleane, to lye for-lame.

ThatHeatheniih Hierog lyphieke, dorh implyeThis CbriflionvDeflrine 5 that,we fllould inVetoes,InL eagues, andGerber, afl

ume no Liberty,But

,what fincerefi Honeflyallowes.

BySrv‘ine,the babbling Soph


fler: are meant,InHierog lypbieefl Significa ion 5Which wee doe S acrifice,whenour intentIsfree from Fulfilmd, and E qaiw ee tim .


,let ev

tyManendeavourfor,W ho loves theBleflings, forint!menprepar

d 5Or, if the Sinne he doe notmuch abhorre,At leafi,theDan

ger let him well regard

For, to purfue im,Vengeanceneverleaves,

Thatfi ljc/ySwear“, o rVii/erg!) Demeter.

Whereflrong B efires are entertain’



twixt Hope , andFcare, ispoin’


BookJ .

A Smoking Heart, theyplaced juli betwixtA F aflmdAmber, and a Berra/edBow 5To


which a Barbed-Arrowfeemedfixt, 5

And,readyfrom the S trayrgeai S tring to goe .

The Smokedo th Sig-hes, the Amberdo ih declare

That Hope,wh ich keepesus from Delpairing quite 5The Bow: andArrow, {i gnifie that F eare,Which doth

, perpetually, the Soule afli ight.

And,bythis Emolem , it appeares to me

Thattheywhich are with fitong Define oppreli ,(Though good orbad theObjeét of them be)Infeck ing P lea/ores, finde no {malluntefiFor

,theyareno t byF rom ,

alone, dilturbed,But

,as theWifimm faith , ev


Torment: rbeHeart 5 and, whenDefire is curbed,The Soule becommeth fad, and ill-apayd.

A Granndlej fe-Hope, makes entrance forDe/pez‘



ing fhowes theHeart betrayesA Coo/eleflef eare, dorh Reofimr fo rce impaire,And

,terrifies the Soule, indoubtful]wayes.

Yer, quite negleét them nor5 Fo r, Hope repells

ThatGriefe fometimes, wh ich would ourHeartsOppreli'


And,F eare is o therwhile the Somme]!

Which touz eth us from dang’

rousCerel emrfle.Thus

,Both are good : but , Barb are P lagues to fuch,

Who eitherF ondlyfiare, o rHope too ref/ob.

TheMinde/bouldben’e afixed Eye

OnObj t/mt areplac’


I L L V S TR . XL I I I.

plying,by the fame, that there is noughtWh ich in th is lowerOrbe, ourEyes canfee,80 fi t anObjeét fo ra m


anlythought,As thofe th ings, which inHeav


nabove usbe;

God, gave Mankind: (above all otherC reatureS)

A lovely Forme, andupward-looking Eye,(Among the reflof hispeculiarF eatures)That he m ight lift h isCountmance onhighAnd (havmg view

d the'

Beauty,wh ich appearesW i thin the outward S igéu


c itcumference)That hem ight elevate above the Sphaeres,The piercing Eye,ofhis Intelligence.Then

,h igher, andHill higherfltive to wife

His Contemplatiam Eyes, till theyafcendTo gaine aglimpfe o fthofe eternal]l ayer,To which allundepraved Spirit: tend.


tis the propernature of theM ina/e

(Till fleih lyT/aorigbu corruptlit) to defpife

Tho le LullsWhereto the Bodyflands inclin’

d 5Andlabouralwayes, upward to arife.

Some, thereiore, thought tho fe Goblin: which peare

To haunt o ldGraver'

andTomber, are Scale: o f


to thefe loathfome placesdoomedwere,Becaufe

,theydo zed onthe F147) to o much .

But, (arewe are , well-minded,

Mm {hallgoe

To live 4600 6,whenOthers bideMom.

TbofeFields, whicbyet appearenotfa,WhenHatveit comes,willyellow grow.


We hopefullare a Iojfirfl-Spring to feeYet, oft,before the following brig /y: bepall,It chanceth

,thataVapor, oramy},

Do th all thofe forwardbloom ingswhollywalle ;And



Sweemefleand theirBeautie’

s loft.Such

,is theRate of ev

rymortallWightInTomb, ourGlorier,and ourL il/II we fhew ;We fillour[elveswith ev

ry vaine Delight,And

,willmo lt thinke onthatwhich mayinfue.

But,let uslearne to fined, aswellaskm ,

That, Spring dorh paffe ; that, Sum mer flealcs'


And,that the F low

rwhich makes the fair’



re manyWeekes,mull witheranddecay.


And,from this Emblem , let each L ab

rrzzg . Sm4ine

(Inwhatfoevercourfe of life it be)Talte heart

,andhOpe,am idll hisdailypaine,

That,ofh isTm 'vazles, he go od fruits {hall fee;

TheP low’

d andHarrow’

(1F ield, which, to thine eye,Seemes like to be the e e, inwhich the SeedsShall (without hope o f


rifing) buryed lye,Becomes the FruitfullWamée, where P lenty,


,w illbe Co me, where noughtbutM ire appeares ;

TheDurtyS eed,willfo rme a greenifh bladeThe Blade,willrife to Summ erwith fruitfulTho le Bares, will ripen, andbej el/owmadeS o

,ifin ho h


tHopes, thouperfevere,A o fullHarveflwill at lafi appeare .

ads/bong o: w e to bee,begunne ;

We didbeg innes to beVndone .

I L L V S TR , X L V.

The Cbildefo pifiur’

d,was to lignifie,

That, from'

out veryBirtb, ourD ing fptings

The Snake,herTailedevouring ,goth implie

The Revolution, of allEarthlythings.For


everhath beg inning , here,Beginnes, immediately, to vary from

The fame itwas 5 and,doth at lall appeare

Whatveryfewdid thinke it {hould becomeThe fo lid Stone, dorh molderinto E artb,

That Eartb, e’

re long, toWater, rarities 5ThatWarer,gives anAiryVaponrbirth,And


,a F iery

-Comet dorh arifeThat,moves, untill it felfe it (0 impaire,That from aburning

-Meteor, backe againe,It finkethdowne, andthickens into Aire 5That Aire,btcomes aCloud5 then, Droprof RaineThofeDrops, defcending ona Rocky


There,fettle into Eartb, whichmore andmore,

Do th harden, fiill 5 fo , running out the round,It growes to be the Stone itwas beforeThus, All thingswheele about 5 and,each

Made entrance to it owne woman», hath .

The L ife o fNature, cutteth inwith SinningAnd

,is fo rever

,wayted onbyDeatb

The Lifeo fGrace, is form’

dbyDeatb to S inne 5And


,doth L ifiz-ete mall, firaight beg inne.

Thoughf uery (mall, atfirfls it be,

I L L v s r k . X L V I. '

NorWit,norPatience, have we to conceive,That ev

ryth ing, which maybyManhewrought,P roportionableTime,andMa net, mull have 5Before it canbe to Perfed ion, brought .Yet, ev

ryday,inthingso fev


rykinde,Experiencehath informed us, herein;And


,inmany things, achange we finde,

Wh ich,at the fitfi

,would fcarce believ

d havebin.

Fo r, though aGoflmg willnot prove aVnrnely

-Colts become well-trayned Swear,A S idy c bi la

’egrowes upaMt’


And,Lofty-Treesdoe Spring from Little Seeds.

L earne,therefore hence


,no thingyou

Becaule it may, at firfi, imperfea feeme :


,how allth ings (infome fort) to ptife,

Although , yougive them no: the bell efieeme.

From hence,moreover,learne5not to defpaire,W henyouhave jalizoccafion, to purfucA toylefo me wo rke , o ranygreat aflaire

S ince,all-toing s, at the firfi, from no th ing, grew.

And, I myft lfe w ill, alfo , learne, from hence,

(Ofallmy P aines, though little fruits I fee)No r to repine, nor to receiveOffence 5But

,rather joy inw hat befalleth mee.

Fnr,though myHope: appeare but meane grownc,

Theyw illbeGrea t, when fome [hall thinke them none .

I L L V STR . XL VIL ‘ Beck i .

Which Worth our God. ardi willa re.

For,bythofe Cbar§fi em



e§1 feepptn

WhichWay,wemull toHa inefl‘

e afcend;Then

,bywhat Meanet, that athmaltclymedbee

And,what Reward, {hall thereuponattend.

TheCrgflé ,doth thew,that stifling is theWay,

The S erpent, feemcs to teach me, that, if IWillovercome, Imuffnorthen, allayTofitrce it but, my felfe thereto applyt .For

,byembracing whatwe [hallnorlhunne,

Wewindeabout the Croft, tillwee arifeAbove the fame 5 and, then,what Priz e iswoune,TheGranne,which overtops it,fignifies.

Letme,OGod, obtainefrom thee theGrace,

To be partakerofthy'

Blciied Pafiion5Letme



e,thyCroj fe imbrace,

And, [bare the Comforts of thyBxaltntt’


To beare thatPart,whereto I doomedam,

MyHeart,with Stre th,andCourage, Lord, infptre

Then, CrucifiemyF il

efiuponthe lame,Asmuch asmyCorruption {hallrequire.And,whenbythyAflifiance, I amrear



Above that fi nrtb m.which lyesyetuponme 5And, overall,wh ich (jufilymaybe fear

d)Shall,during Life

-time,be infliaedonme 5

Among tho le Blefléd-Sonler, letmebe found,Which, with eternallGlory, {hallbe Crown


I L L V S TR . XLV IJI. M r.

Have all the likewe enie) had theirDegrees,AndHonours


ering intime o f bru tb

The fame (inStatenDifcretioncomely fees.Nor, fliOuldwe hence inferre

,that itwere

To difefleeme thebreathleffe Cnreafler,

o f K ings. and P rinter,whentheyfleepe inDali 5For,Civid-Rw eience isdue to theft . 3

, 3

Nor, ought we, intheirLife-time, to applyThe Truth, which bythis Emblem isTheDignitt


et ofMen to vilifie 5Or, bring upontheirP er/on: lefie regard.

That,which from hence, I ratherwiih to preach,15 this 5 thatev

ryManof each degree,Wouldmarke it (0

,that he

,himfelfemight teach

What thoughts and deeds, to h im moltpmperbe.

If he be great 5 let him remember, them,

That (linc e, n'

orWealtb, nor-Ti tle, canprocure himExemprionfrom theDoomes o f OtherMen) ,

He ought to feeke, howVertuemayfecure him.

If he be P oore 5 let h im th is Comfirt take,’

That,though, awhile, he be afflitfied here,

Yet,Deatbmay him as fullyhapp make


As he,that dorh a Gramat i mperia weare.

Fo r, whenh is'

Fatall-blow,Dent/1 comes to (hike,

He,m akes the B egg ar, and the K ing , alike.

Of L ittle-Gaines,let Care be hail 5F or, offmalIEares,great Mow es aremade.

I L L vsr a . L .

Becaufe, to many, itappeareth none.

I hude,that petty things are {0 neglected ,

(Wellnigh of all) inL rfingr and inWinningt ,As if, what ere theythought to have effected,SubfifiedWithoutMembers, orBeginnings.

TheMan, that lo feth everyMont/7 a Penny,

Maylalve-UpTwelve-month: Lotfes, with a

But, if ofo therLofl'

es he hath many,To favea P in, at l th

,hefhallbewilling .

For,he that fees hisWine-fill

dVefli ll drop,(Although a Drop, invalue ,bebut fmall)Should


,Oceafiontake, the L ea/reto Rep,

LeftmanyDropping : draine him drye of all.Mo reover, they, thatwillto Greatnej érife,A Courle,no tmuch unlike to this,mull keepeTheyought norS tand

-Beg inning : to defpife5No r

,flrive to rnnne, before theylearnt to creepe.

Bymanyfingle E am , togetherbrought,The Hand isfill

d 5 byHandfnllr,we maygaineA S beafe 5 with manySbeavet aBarne is fraughtThus, o ft, byL ittle, we doe much obtaine.

C onfider this 5 And, though IwiflrnortheeTo take

,of Try


ng-tbingt , too great a care 5

Yet,know thusmuch (fortruth) it beltwillbee,

Ifall thingsmay beweighed aS theyate

Byflender Lo ifes, great-onesare begunne 5Bymanytrifling Gaines, muchWealtb iswonne.

F 1 N 1 s L ibriprinti.


u,dofi overmuch refpec


t I

hat,wh ich

‘will thyharme effect 5

Yea,th ine Emblem fltowes thee , to o


;What to lhunne“and,what to doe,

See, Emblem I.


It isa little fear’

d,that you

Are to yourowne Defigties, untrue 5'


,ifyoumore conflant

weregYouWouldbe richer, thenyouare,(Itmaybe, alfo , wifer, too )Lonke, therefore ,what youare to .dne

Then, fo llow youwill fay,That well advis

d,youwere3 to day.

See, Emb. I I.


How rich orpoorelfoe’



,art a Printer, infome degree 5


re thyfelic, thou ihOuldil command

As dorh aM onareb, inhis Land.

W ith inthyHeart,therefore'



The Lawes;that GraceandHarare gaveFor

,thus (to counfellthee) inclines

ThatEmblem,which; thyLot'


See, Emb. I I I.4

Much Liberty,-thouhall ali'


d 5'

And,heretofo re

,fo much prefum

dOnTime, which, alwayrideth poali,That



awhile,fome Hope: are ero lia

But, ic e, to keepe thee from D



,thyM itfiirtnne, to repaire,

Marke,what to thee, by

L ot;befell,And

, p‘

raétife,what iscounfell



See,Emb. IV.

The Fi r/l L otterie.



youare eitherwooing ,r,fome otherBnt

ncfle,do ing 5‘Which , you{hall attemptjinvaine,Or

,much haz z ard allyourpaifne}

Yet,ifgood, your

meaning : are,

Doe norhoneflmeane: forbeare 5 gFo r

,where th ingsare, well, begunne, .

Gail, o ft,workcs,whenManhathdone.

See, Emb. X I .

Be not angry, ii I tell 1That,youlove theWorld, tooWell 5For, this Lot,



That, fuch F aults;youmight efchew

Marke, to what theirSoules

Who , true Blwfi ilnel fe, defire :For, ifyoucandoe,like thofe, 1



whéjuBari/Jyou10 13.See

,Emb. X I I.


Youlove the Rich 5and, honour them 5

The needy-

perfon, youcontemne

Yet ,Wealth, no t want ofWealth, is that,Which, wretchedmakes, orfortunate :From OtherConfer, thofe th ings‘flow 5Which, {inee, youeitherdoe norknow,Or

,heede no t much,thisEmblem came


That,youm ight learne to minde the fame.See5Emb. XI I I.

M 14ThyChance isdoubtful!5 and, asyetI know no t,what to fayof it 5But, this I know, a foe thouare

To what t hine Emblemhath, inpart,EXptcfledbya MimicheSha 65Or

,thou, thyfelfe, art fuel)


Now,which of thefe, pertaines to thee,

Let them,that know thee, Iudgcs bee .


T he I‘D/l L ottery .

1 5

ThyVertues hemaywrong, that fayesThoufpend

lt thy felic, inwantonwayes 5But

,fome have th ought, and lay

d oflate,

That,tho fe thoulowit, conlume thy [true

When 1.

Though Trouhles,youmayhave (orhad)Enough ,

to make fome Othersmad 5Yet

, be content fo r, they, that areAsweake, haye hadas mueh t o beare ;And


,whichMalta didcontrive


To make them poore, hath made them thrive.

That Emhlm'

,wh ich , by L ot, youdrew,

P rognofiieatesf asmuch ,«foryou.

See,Enh. X V I .

I 7

Though , you(offerblame andpainc,You

,at lafi

,m ayC omfo rt gaine,

(SharingHanan" , truflygo tten,When

,yourfoésaredead, arid rotten)For, o f this, youhave apawn


Inthe Lot, that‘

youhavedrawne 5And

, bythat, itmayWhat your, paines, andwages, are.


L' 3 ' X V I I.18

5 1

Take youferious heed, l pray,‘

Wh ither, youdoe goe to day

Whom youcredite 5 and, forwhomYou

,ingaged, (hallb

e come ;And

, unlefl'

eyouwifh forSorrow,

Be asprovident, to m o rrowFo r,there are fome traps and Snares,Wh ich


may takeyouunawares .

' See,Emh. X V I I I;

YourWit, (0 much ,you trul'

tUpon,That, weakerMemes, hath yours ont-gone

Sometime, yourunne, whenthere isneedOfmuchm oreWarixefle,thenSpeed;But, you, to Gad-ward, wo

rfe have etr’

d 5And, yet, Am nebm t isdeferr


S ee, therefo re,what yourChancedorh fayAnd

,take go odCmnfill, wh ile youmay.

See, Emh. X I X .

The P ir/l Lo rterle.

Take heed5 youdoe no t quite forget,

Tha t youare dauncing ina Net

Mo re,thena few, yourC ourfe doe fee,

Though, you, fuppofe, unleene to be .

Yo urFault, wewill no nearer touch 5Me -thrnkesyour Emhl

tm blabs too much

But,if, youm inde, what 15 amiffe,

You, (hallbe nere thewo rfe, fo r this.4 See,Emh. X X .

2 I

Let fuch , asdraw this Lot, have care,Fo rDeath, and Sorrow, to prepare

All times, .to come,left one of thefe


Theirperfons, unexpeéted, feiz e‘


Fo r, them ,o rfome of theirs,to flay,

P ale p eath , drawesneerer, evfrydayYet

,let them nor



Fo r,1 it theirEmhltm , they(hall fee,

Dea th , may(though , in appearance, grim)Become , a hlfi


mg ,unto them .

See, Emh. X X I.a :

W ith Mary;thouart oneBywhom ,

the betterpart, is chofe 5And


And,View thy Let, W

WhatHag , hath layd

2 3Although, that, thoudemure appeare,Fo rP lea/are, there isno manhereW ill venture more : And, fome thereare,W ho thinkeyouventure overfatreHereo f, confiderwell, therefore,E


, youventure, anymore 5And, ,inyourLo tted Emhlem , fee,Forwhat,your.Sflfi ing : ought to bee.

1“S ee

,Emh. X X I I I



Ifought, thoupurgo fe, to allay,P urfue the fame

,without delay5

And,ifthoumeane to gather fruit,

Be confiant in thyHep”purfuitFor, bythine Emblem,

thoumayflfiude,Thy S tem s, to thee, are well-inclin

d5P rovided

,thyAttemptsbe good

Fo r, that5 iseverunderflood.

See, Enh. X X IV.

The Fir/lL otterie.

Take heed, thoulove no t theirdt'

ce ip'


Who Namher g ive, in[teed o f Wetght 5No r

,let the irFanfies

,th ee abufe,

W ho,fuch-like foo lith Ctr/lama , ufe.

P erhaps, it may concerne thee, much,To know the Vanitiet o f fuch 5And

,who theyare :Markc, therfo re,what

Thine Emblem,will, to theerelate.

See, Earth. XX V .

Thou,to Impedance, art inclin


,hall a difcontentedMinde 5

That,therforg thoumayfi: Patience learne,

And,thine owacOver-fig ht: difccrne,

ThyL ot (as to a Schoo le to day)Hath fent thee to the Squirreh

lt Dray5Fo r, {he infimas thee, to indure,Till

,thou, a betterfiate, procure. .

See, Emb. X X V I.27

Your Lot, isverymuch to blame,Or elfe, yourperfon, or, yourNameHath injut

dbeene,o r

,may havewrong

Byfome lo o le wanton, ere'

t be long :Thetfore



, youpaffe away,Marke

,what yourEwhlem , now,

dorh fay.

P erhaps, bydrawing of this Let,S omeHom e: preventionmaybegot.

See, Emh. X X VI I .

3 8

Vponyourhead, tho fe /weightswere laid,

Which, yourBaden /car

s, downewardwar8h


,tho fe

,who doe yourm ale envie


Much feare,your t0 pwill fpticg too h igh 5

Nay,yet, lome'

Earthen, y

ou fuflaineBut

,what theirMalicewill obtaine

,YourEmhlcm proph elies 5 ifyou,With P atience, Honeft-waj er, purfuef

See,Emb. X X V I I I .



This Let, befell thee, forthenonce 5For

,if th ings coménot, all at once,

Thou,to defpairing, foone, dofirunne,


fl theWo rke,that

swellbegunWh ich

,to prevent, regardfullbe

Of what thineEmhlcm counfells thee.

See, Emh. X X I X .

The Fur/l Lotterte.


Beware,thou (hare no t in their crime

W ho care , but fo rtheprefent t imeFo r, bythy L ag

-wee mayOr th a'

,or th ings, to that efl



If fo It be,o r if thyMinde ,

To luch anErrottr, be inclin’

d,ThyChance. unto anEmblem , brings,Which,will advife to bet tert h ings.

Sce, Emb. X X X V .


You, love tofirm -

5 th is,allMenfee

But, wouldyou loy’

d,asWt ll

,to bee.

If, alfo , betterufe were m ade

Of tho lego odBlafimg ty ouhave had ;Yourpraile were mo re. Marke therefb te, well,W hatMa d e, now, yourEmblem , tell 5And, gather, from it, what youmay,To letyou inabetterway.

0 See, Emh.X X X V I .


To fcape a S to rme ,great thoughtyoutake 5But

,little heed



anet youmake.

You,lo ve yourcafe



Troubles, feare ;But, careleffe are, what Coztrfe youfieere.

t ch Inch/en trant , to prevent,You,

to anEmblem , now,are

Whereo f, ifyouregardfull awill feare , and betterfare.

Se e, Emb. X X X V I I.38

Whatyouhave , done, confider, nowgFor

,thisyour Chance, dorh feeme to fhow

Thatyou have fwo rne, orvow’


Orprom iled (youbeltknow what)Wh ich

, you have, fiuce , unw illing bin,To karpe ; o r, elfe, did faile, therein.

If it be fo 5 repent, or els,Whatwillbefall,yourEmblem tells.

See, Emb. X X X V I I I .39

ThyHopingt , and thyF earer, are fuch,That

,they affiiét, andpaine thee,much 5

Becaufe,thoug iv

ft too great a fcopeVnto thyF eare, or to thyHape

Fo r, theyw ill paine , o rpleafure thee,As theyenlarg

d, o rcurbedbe .

But , lo 5'

thine Emblem , if thoupleafe,Inflrué’cs manncge thefe.

S t e,Emb. X X X IX.

The Fzr/Z L otterie .

L et them,who get this Chance, beware

L eftCupidfnarle them ina Snare :For

,by theirL ot, they fhould be apt

To be,infuch-like Ginnes, intrapt.

S ome helpe, isbytheirEmblem, gor,Ifthey, too late,obferve itnor5But, then, no profitwill be done themFor

,Com/i llwillbe loftupon them .

See, Emb. X L .

Whether,meerely, Chance, orno ,

Brought this Let, we doenot knowBut


,let it he,

As, divinely, fent to thee :Fo r


,merits thyregard,

Which , th ine Emblem hath declar’


,the belt


,have need


Such Edwfimmtt, well to heed.




oudo ll afle’


oodGerm/é”comes inhappytime.

ake ufethereof 5and,thinke itnotMeere cafuall

,oraneedleffe L ot.

SCC, E”J6. XL I I I.Thou

, either, toomuch love,haltplae

tOnth ings, that will ho talwaylaft

thouart a little fear’


What, inthineEmblem

,thou(halt finde.

The Ftr/l L otterie .

When thouhall Changer, good, o rbad,Ore-joy


,orovcr fad 5

As if it feemedvery {trange

To fee theWid e orWeather, changeLo

, therefore, to rememberthee ,How changeable, thingsMortal]


Thou, art aflified by this Lot 5Now,

let it be, no more, forgot .

See, Emb. X L V .

4 6

Of thyjuftAymet , though meanesbe fligh t,Thoumayftattaine theirwifhedheight 5

thyFo llyfltall defiroyTheWeale

,thoufeekeft to injoy,

By thyDefpaire, orbynegleétOf that, which, may thyHopes efl


For, by th ine Emblem , thoumayli know,

Great things,ft0m fmall Beg irming g gro vv.

S CC’ Emé. XL V I.


Thoumull have Crofitt ; but they, (hall,To Bleliivgr, be converted, all5And, S afi


ng t ,willbecome , thyP taife,If,Wtfefgcme order, well, thywayes

Yea,when thyCroflét endedare ,

A Crowne o fGlory, thou(haltweare .

Yet,no te

, how this to pafl'

e is brought

For, inthine Emblem, it is taught.

Sec, Emb. X I. V I I .


Ifthey, who drew this L ot,now be

Ofgreat Ejlate, orhigh Degree,They{hall ere long,become aspoore,As thofe

,that beg from doore to doore .

If poore theybe ; it plaine appeares,They {hallbecome great Prim e; P eeres

And, in theirEmblem,theymayknow,

What veryday, itwill be, (0 .


j 3 SCC, Emh. X L V I I I.49



attemptedmanya thing ,Wh ich, you, to palfe, could neverbring 5Nor

,that, yourWorke was hard to do e



dwrongMeaaes,thereto .

Hereafter, therefore, learne, I pray,TheTimes ofWorking, and, theWay5And

,o f thineEmblem , take thouheed,

If, better, thoudefire to fpeed.


See,Emb. XL IX.

‘The F itfl Lotterie .


u, to greaterWealth ,will rife,Youinnitno t

,flenderGaine, defpife 5

Nay, if, youm inde no t, to bepoore,‘

Youmull regardflight L oflet , more :For,Wealth, and Poverty, doe come,No t all at once

,but, fome andfome.

If this, concerne you, anywayes,See‘,whatyourEmblem,

further, fayes.


5 1

YourF ortune, hath deferved thank,That (he

,onyou, beflowes a Blank

For,asyou,no rh ing good, havehad 5

So,you, have no th ing , that isbad.

Yea, (he, in this, hath favour lhowne,

(If, now,your Freedamc'

wellbe knowne)Fo r

, you, byL et, thefe Emblems,Thatyou, may chufe out,which youlifi

You,byanEmblem, féeke to get

What C ounfelyourAficim mayfit 5But, inparticular, there


Which, you,byLet, can light uponAnd


r becaufe,no More”, there,

Dorh, worthy o fyourHeed, appeareNo5 but becaufeyourather, need,Ofev

ryEmblem, to takeheed.

TheStarrer, are, now,no friendsofyour,Or th is 15 northeir luckyhomeFor

,at th is time

,unto yourLot,

They, byanEmblem , anfwernot.If,therefore, youdefire to know

Whatgoodadvice theywillallow,Some furtherMeaner,youmuit affay,Or, tryeyourChance, anotherday,


You, inyourfecret thoughts, defpifeTo thinke anEmblem fhould advife,Orgive youcaufe to m inde


Thofe th ings,whereofyoumayhaveAn


d,therefo re, when, the L ot, youtry


,juilly, was deny’d.

Yer'(byyourleave) there are but few,

Who , needgo odCortnfell, more thenyou.


(mickenedVVith NI E T R I C A L L 1 L L V S T R A T I O N S ;

difbo l'

ed into L o T TnR 1 E s bo th M oral]

and D ivine ;

That j‘nflmfl ian , and

Good Counfefl may bee furtheredby an Hond t and. P leafant R um my .

B) G E O R G E I T H E R .

Jr TheS econd Booke .


Printed by AV G V S T I N E PAA T H E VV E s .




"F or,MADAM E , (a? haP R o xYfi tmig ht”.

That, Yo v bothRead, and anfw erefor himaycte

To Yo vforHIM ,j therefizre tender, .here,

To knowwhatRecreat ions,andwhat Spo rts

Becomeyoung PRINC E8 or, tofindout thofe ,





TheirM inde5 to VERTVE : neither in thezr Cradles,

Shouldthirhe heeded lee/fie,than zntheir Sadlesto know

,We doe beg in,

d jmaflf C ecaron letsmuch Evill zn.

Among thofe things , fwhzch hoth Inl’t ru


ét andPleafe“But fem, forChildren ) arefurpajfzng the}eF or

,thQis to looke onP ictures

,mach def re

And,not to L o oke alone

,but, to enquire

What thzngs thofe are, that reprefentedhe,Inev


,which theyflee .

dadsthat which they /ha11view ,or[hall he to ld,

(”Bymeane: of any Figure they hehold)Experience breeder , afizflethMem oryOr

,helps taforme a WittyFantalie :

And, If thoje Fo rmes to goodInflrac'


Ofifleads them, al/o till thezr lives have end.

Thensfince elr’

nall of m,mach Good receive

By(Dam ion: P R iNc Es And/hould, thercfbrcsfl

To addcfirmc helpes,whereby theymight acquireThat Excellence

,nhzchwee in them defre

I (being 1

Wehefl lhaflquiet clamorotaTh ro ugcs,When,we oar[elven canruleOurTongues.

I L L V S TR . I .

They fleight,-(who , caufelesg ive‘

them anoffence}

Vouchfafing,' fcarce to cafi uhde theireyes

To lo cke upon that fooliih Infolence.

Me th inkes,bythe


Example, I am taught

To fleight the flaunders o f InjuriousTonguesTo ferthe fc

offes of'

Cenfnrerr, at naught,And

,with abrave angled , to beare out Wrong


Hee, doubtles,whom the Pjalmifl; long ag e,

Vnto a lonelyDrfirt-owle com’



Didpraétife thus 5 And, whenI canhoe fo,1, (hall forallafi


,become prepat


And;(though,thisDoétring Flefh andbloYet


re,to fioppthe malice ofDe/pz

g ht,There isno better


no other) way:S ince

,Rag ebyOppofitiongathersM ight.

GoodGod l w aehfizfe,fiefficz’

entgrace andThe : (though I havenotyet, fitt

‘h Patiencegott)I mayattaine tht


c hapj g ift, at leng thAnd,finalethe canfifthet,yet, I have itnot.Thoughme, myNeighbours, andmyFoesrem/eM e leemeah d theirwords, a P atientobearcrWhener’e I fufi


er,letmehe, thewhzle,

A; a thefi/eee'a be hefitre the Shearer.80 thoughmyfpeak ings, cannotquiet any.MyPatience


nteyrcflrame theTongue: of many.

ThoughMuficke he rffitme ahhor’

d, :

She,if theHandmaid of theLo rd.

And, l'

oone, mayfall into fome dangerousfolly,a eiie theylabour, to prevent the lame.

The aregarlic-things, thathavebelool’

dlTheir Iodgements,with hege tling f kntefier,Which (if theybe no t, bydifcretion, fchool

d)Willplunge them into greaterVanities;For, Mefioke, is theHandmaiel of the L OnD,

And,for hisWar/hip,wasatfirlt ordayned


,therewithall (he fitlydorh



,whereDevotion thriveth, is reteyned.

Shoe, bya nat'


doth helpe to rail'


Them ind to God,whenjoyfullNoresare (canAnd

,P ejs

‘rom fierceDifietnperatures,alaies~;

When,bygraveToner, them elodyis boundedIt,all


o may inMyfliche-fenfi, implyWhatMufic/ee, in(tier-fewer, ought {till to beAnd

,that ourjarre


ng . li'vee to certilie,


Wee lhould inVoice, inHand, andHeart, agreeAnd

,ling out, F aith}new

fl fong‘smith fullconceal?

Vuto the L ower, ten-li tihgedInfirnneent.L a

I L L V STR . V I.

ByGuilt ines,‘Death hatred in.

And,Milbh iefcflillpurfucth Sinnei

(Which well befitted hisprel'

umptuousC rime)A terror,

fand,awarning, to become,

ForWickedmen, through all fucceeding time.

Asdid his long ings, and h is after Paine,So , theirsafi



norefleeteth ought,But, that ,which proveth either ialle


And, theirfalfe P leofiem , areasdearely, boughtYea

,that ,where

ontheybuild their taiteli Hope,May, bring them (inconclufionof theDeed)To clime theGallow s, andto liretch a Rope 5Or

,fend them thither where farrewo rle they peed


nthither,Where, the nev erfionding -Whorle

0 {w a tching -f orm er, turneth round,And

,racks the Confeienee, t ill the foulé dorh fet le

All P aines, that are inS enfe, andReefer found.

For, neitherdorh blaclt Night,more Iw iftlyfo llow,Declining Day-light Nor,with N'

ifii blerMo tionC anwanes, each o ther,downe theirC hanne llfo llow,

P rom h igh-rais


the bigg-womh

dOcean,Then, In


/iicewill,when (he dorh once begin, 0

To proiecute'



Whenwee hemegreatefhGriefes andPeak s,

5 I L L V S TR . V I I I. .

Hadwee no Winter, Som erwouldbe thought

Norhalfe lo plealing : And, if Tm pg/i : ,

were nor,

Such C omfortscouldnorbya Colour, be broughtFor

,th ings, lave bytheirOppofiter, appeate not.

Both henlth, andwealth, is tali lesunto fome 5And

,[0 is eefie, andeveryo therpleefnre,

Tillpoore, orfiche, orgrieved, theybecomeAnd


,they rclilh thefe, inamplermeafure.

God, therefore (fullas hinde, ashe iswife)80 rempreth


all the Favourshewilldoe us,That


,hisBounties, may the betterpriz e

And,make his chafiifementt lelie bittet to us.

Onewh ile, a lcorchin {indignationburnes

The Flowers and omes of outH o e E s, away;

Wh ich into Searfitie, ourP lentie turnes,And


geth wnmowne Grogo to parched-HeyAnon

,his fruitfullflam es, andplealing Jenner,

C ommixt w ith cheerefullReyes, he lendeth downe 5And then the Barren-earth hern ow renewcs


Which with rich Harvefls, Hills, andValliesC rowneFor, as to relilh foyer, he forrow (ends,5 0

, C omfort onTemptation, fiill, attends.

Ta firm lefbrGaine, theCo ckc dotbflcigbt ;But

, fbfr‘btf: Fem ales

,bewillflgbt .

w e“I L L V STR . IXL"

P ut uptheLye, andgivemenleave to layWhat words they

pleafe , till fpo ile theyfeeke to makeOftheirefiates And



le kill andflay.

But, o fallHack/1m , farre the fiercel’care


OurCot/trill: of tbeg ame;(S irCupid’

s knights)Who

, (ontheirfooliih Coxceméamftenw eare‘

The Scarres theyget intheirVeracru z-fgh t.

Take heedc of thefe for,youmaypacific

Thefirfl; bytime : Thefecana’,will be pleas

dIfyoufubmit, orelfeyourwords denie 5The tlyird,

byfatisfaétion, are appeal’


But,he that forh is P emble

,takes offence


Through Iealoufy, ormadncflc, rageth (o 3That

,he accepteth ofno recompence,

Tillhe hathwroughth isRival: overthrow.

Such Fury,fhun and,£hunne theirVulgarminde,

Who fo rbale tralh defpitefiallycontendBut

, (when ajufi occafion, thou(halt finde)ThyVertuousM i/Zrcflh, lawfullydefend.

For, he, that infuch cafes turnes h is face,Ishelda Capo”, ofaDunghillRace.

Theythat inHope, and Silence, lives

The befl Contentm ent,mayate/j ive.

' I L L V S T R .


And,inretyredmfle, lye clofelyhid.

The clejjzed-Baelea, dorh warne thee, to m arine

Thythoug h]: with inthe compaffe of thybreafi,And

,ina quietfiléme to remaine,

Vntill, thym indemay fafelybe exprefla

That Ape/yer,do th inf’

orme thee,that thoumuff:Walke on inHope 5and, inthyP ilgrimage ,Beareup(without defpairz

ng o r a’zflmjl)

Jhofe wrongs, and iufl‘

erings,wh ich attend thineAge.For



oe groweth rife,oéfeurmefle, ismore fafe thanEminence 5Hee

,that thenkeepes hisTan


TillTimesw illbetterfavour Innocenee.

Truth fpokenwhere untrutb ismore approved,Will but, enrage themalice of thy foes ,And


,a wickedmanismoved

To ceafe from wrong, it no manhim Oppo l'


Let th is ourEmblemnherefore, counfcll thee,Thy life in fafe Retjrednefle, to {pendLet

,in thybreaft, thy thoughts referved bee,

Till thouart layd,where none canthee ofl’cnd.



And,whilltmo lt o rhers,give theirFancicfcope,


Enjoythy(fi fe, inS ilence, andinHope,

F orsP rudence,grentei

' fest/JanFate .

I L L V S TR . X I I.

To thee , thefe F igures betterQ

Doa rines teach,

Thanthofeblind Sniffer,who neéeffitateContingent thing : 3and, arrogantlyteach

For doubtleffe truths) theirdreames ofchangelefl'

e Fete.

Though true it bee, that thofe thingswh ich pertaine,As Ground worker, to God

's glorie,and ourblifle,

Are fixr, foraye,unchanged to temaine,All, isnorfueh , that thereonbuilded is.God

, givesmenpower, to build onhismandarin»;And

,if theirmarke: bee thereunto agreeing,

No Power ( reared, brings thatVariation,

From whence, no Conflcfi aionmove him can.

And,th is is that

,whereof I ma k e take


From this great S tem , enclofed bya Snake.

{A C andle that affords no light,Whntprqfits it. lavDay. orNight


For, to maintaine theirLoni pe, ing iving light,OfWaxe, andOyle, and Famefle,

theyhave (trite,Which over-flowesunto them



nas a pot, orCandles, onaTable,(Or, Ext ongoldenCandlesticks, onhigh)To light Aflemh/ier, Great andHonourable


They, oft, have(alfo) place of Dignitie.Bymeanes o f which, theirSplendor m ightbecomeHispraife,who thofe h igh favours did bequeathTheymight encreafe the

L ig ht o fChrijienn'onoe,

And,make them fee, who (i t infhades ofDeath.But, manyof them ,

lilre thofe Candles bee,

That fiandunlightedin a Bronoh'

of go ldFor

,bytheir helpe wee no thing mo re canfee,

Thanwee ingro ifefi darknellé, maybeho ld.

If fuch there be, (as there bee fuch , I feare )

The quefiion is, F orwhatg ood nfi they‘are.’

The Sacrifice ,God loveth heft,AreB ro ken-hearts

,fizrS in,opprefl.

To form: new Leflnre 5 or, a Chaplainekeepe,To pleafefl imjélfq or, preach h isWife afleepeSome Others, thinke theybring fincere ablationr,When

, fir’

dwith z eale, they roare out Imprecotiont’

Againltall thofe,whom wicked theyrepute‘

And,whento God, theytenderanyfute,

Theydreame to merit what theywouldobtaine,Bypreying-long ,with Repetitions vaine.

(With manyo therfuch like SacrificesMen“come toGod but,he fuch g ift: defpifes


neitherg ifts,norworketmoranything(Whichwe caneither doe, or[a], orh ing )Accepted isofGod5 untill he findeA Spirit

-humbled, and a gratified-minde;A contriteHeart, is that, and, that alone,Wh ich Godwith love, andpitie,lool<esupon.Such he affeéts 5 therefore (0 6 L ord) to thee 3Such, letmyHeart, and, fuch,mySpiritbee

..AK ing, thatprudentlyCommands ,Becomes theg lory of his L ands.

I L L V S TR . X VI.

A K ing , that is anhonourto hisL and.A K ing dom , isnoralwaies eminent,

Byhaving C onfines of a large extent ;For

,Povertie, andEarharonfnefi ,are found


n inform largeDominions, to alioundNor

,is itWealth,which getsa glaring -Na

For, then,thofe L andswouldfpread the widelt Fame,From whence we fetch the GoldandS ilv er-ore 5And

,where we gatherP earle: uponthe {bore

Nor,have thofe Countries highefl exaltations,

Which breed the flrongefi, and theWarlikflNatiem'

For, proudof theirowne p



Andquarrell, till them/élves theyoverthrow.

Nor,doe the chiefefi

g lories, ofa L and,InmanyCities, o rmuch P eople,fiand :For


,tho fe K ingdom s,moltrenownedwere,

Inwhich Vnehrijlian K ings, and, Tyrantsare.

It is the K ing bywhom aRealm ? renowne,Is eitherbuildedup, oroverthrowne .

By Solomon, more fam’

dwas ludah made,

Then,bythe Multitude ofmen it had

Great Alexander, glorified Greece,Throughout theWorld

,which, elie hadbene apiece

P erhaps obfcure 5 And, Cajar addedmoreTo Rome, thenallhergreaine ife did befo re.


,the]? 1169, for evermayhehlefleal,

Withwhat, inthto attrEmblem isexprefied.

WhenMars,and P allas

,doe agree,

great”morlees, hythem.ejfefledhes .

I e v sa-R . X V I I I.

And,Sottldiers,wheregm!order bearesno ftvay,

Will, veryquickly, ro’

ut themfelves away.

Moreover, in ourprivate Ael ions too ,There mufi bee both a K nowledge, how to doe

The war/repropos’

d 5 andjlreng th to finifh ir5Or

,wee {hall profit little byourWit.


eretion takes efleet,whereVig our failes5Where Cunning fpeedsnot, outwardafitrtfeprevailt s,And

,o therwh ile

,the priz epertai0es to neither,

Till they have joyn’

d theirVertttesborh together.C onfider this 5 and, as occafionsare,

To both of thefe yourdue refpeasdeclare

Delight not’

fo inArts, to purchafe barmesByNegligence,orIgnorance o f Arm s

IfMartial Difet'

pline thou(halt aifeéi:5Yet

,doenorhone/l Polieie, negleét.

Improve thyMinde,asmuch as e’re thoumay,But foole thou

northyBodies giftsaway.

TheVertttesboth of Body, andtofM ind,Are


,to be regarded intheirkind.

And,wee lhouldneither of the two difgrace5

No r,eitherof them ,

raife above hisplace :For

,when thefe two wee value aswee


Greatworks,by theirjoyntyowemo paile are brought.


They, afi er fuming /71411be crow n’


Inwbom, e: C onfiant a faith, irfbuml.

I L L V S T R . X I X.

Which ,whetherfide;foe’

re you turpe it on,S tands fall , and, is that Cornerfiope,wh ich


props,And firmely


knits the (truéture of ourHopes.Sbee, alwayes,beares a Grage 5 to .fignifie,

That, there wasneveranyCab/(and: l

Without herTrye/1s and,thar


Shallneverbe attain’

d,without Afflifl ion.

A Cupthee hath ,morcover, in herhand5And, bythat F igure, thoumayfi underfland,That

,flrec hath draughtso f Comfort, alwayes necre her,

(At ev’

rybrunt) to firengthen, and to cheare her.And

,lo e

,leer head is erown

d 5 that we mayfee .

Howg reat, herGlories, and Renter ,,_willbe.

Hereby, thisVerme’

: naturemaybe knowne

Now, praet lfe , how to make the fame thine owne.


dbenor, though thouart purfu’


With manywrong‘

s,which canno tbe efchewtd,No ryeeld thento Defiar


ng, though thouhaltA


Crofle (which threatens death) to be embrac’


Or, though thoube compell’

d to (wallow tip,The very\

dregs, o f Sorrow“bitterClap,For,whenfo evergriefes, orto rments,paine thee,Thouhall the fame F ofindatian to fufl


ainc thee

The felfe fame CupofComfort , is preparedTo give thee flrength ,w henfi rming


f r: are fearedAnd

,when thytimeof tryall, isexpired,

Thou(halt obtaine the Crowne, thouhall defired.

Lovg a M hfician {aprofefl,

And, of allMufickc,t}1be befi.



dtare to beare yourHa m away.

Asis the Bq fi hich, here , youpiéiured fee,Let them be

yarmg , o rlet them ,rather


Offering -W t (wh ich is inflead of year/z)And

,wooe youinthem td mfle, o f Tu rk,

Nor in the common and difguifcd—Cloréch

Of Mignie/r-g tjflures, Complements, andLet them bewing edwith a fwifrDefine;And

,t10 twi thfltm-dfifl ioymhatwill tyre.

But,looke to this

,as to the princ ipali,

That,Love doc make them trulyMafia ?

Fo r,Love

s a good”fifty.“5and,will {howHow

,everyfaithful]Leverm aybe (0 .

Each wordhe (peakes,willprcfcntlyappeareTo be melodiousW ares inyour careEachgq

’iuzeof his bodygwhenhe moves,Will feeme topiety, orfmg ,


5 S ang off-Lave:

The veryfeeble} , andmotions of h iseyes,Will touch yourHeart-fi rings, withfiveetHflmmrifi ;And

,if the Nameo f him

, be bueexprefi,T


Will caufe a thoufaud (Interact ing : inyourbreaii.Nay, ev

nthofe t CWdI , which occafion'


give C redit butafirfb,Well 60 174753Before tboutrufi tbems

'who theyate.


This Emblem , here,hath filledupa roome 5"

And,though a vulgarf igure, it mayfeeme,

TheMore”, of it ,meriteth elleeme.

That Seeing-Pelvi c, (endowedwith anEye,And handling o f aHeart)mayfignifie

WhatwarieWatcbfalnefle, obfervewe muli,‘

Beforewe venteronaweightieTm}?


,to keepe ourbindmfle from abure


There is of double-ding o“, anule.

Mens hearts,are growne fo falfe, thatmolt are loath

To trufi each o thersWords, or Bands, ofGarb .

For, though wee had ineverypart anEye,We couldnot fearch out allHypocrifie,Nor

, byourutmoftprovidence, perceive

Howmanywayes, are opento deceive. e

Now,then(although perhaps thou art foWife,

To know already, what I wouldadvifie)Yermaythis Emblem, orthis


Mom , bee t

Infiead o f fome Remembraneer, to thee.

So,take it therefore And

,be fure

,if either

Th isWarning , o r thyWi t, (o rborh to gether)C an

,(till, fech te thee from downfall-beam ,

Thylurk exceedeth all thyOtherparts.

Hee, that onEarthly-th ings ,doth trufl.

Dependeths ttpon Sm 0 ake,andDuff.

I L L V S '


R . XX I I I. Boob :

to acquire

Tho le vanities,which Enneiedoth defire

WhatViolence is uled,andwhat Canning

What nightlyWatching , andwhat dailyWhatfam ine: felt r

’ what dtfiicuh iel entred r

What lofli t haz arded «3 what‘peril]: ventredf

And, liill, how fortilhly, doe wee perlevcr

(Byall the power, andmeaneswee canendeaver)To wheele ourfelt/es, inaperpetual]Ronna


In quell o f that,which neverwillbe foundi

Inobjéfl t , here onEarth, we feeke to fiudeThatperfe


ét fo llidnelle,wh ich is confinde,

To things inHew ett, though everydaywe fee,What emptinel


le and faylings, in them be .

To teach usbetter; th is, our Emblem , here,Allayes to make terreliriall things appeareThe fame theybe, (b0 th too ur

eares and eyes)That

,weemay righ tlytheirC onditionpriz e.

The bell, which of earths beflthing s,wee canlay,Is this;that theyareGrofle

, andwillbe Hay.

The rel},maybe refembled to the Smoke,(Which doth but eitherblind the light orchoke)Orelfe

,to thatuncleanlyMnflirnm obtt/l.

Which, infome C ountries, wee a Puff-fly]!callW hole ontfide, is a nallie rotten skin,C ontaining durt, or fmok ing

-duli within.

Th is ismymind; ifwrong you thinke I’

ve done

Be P oole: 5and,atyourperils,do te uponthem .

Good-fortune,wifl{y tboflabides

InwhomTrue-vertue dothrefide.

ThisHierog lyphic/frmeanin ere yougoe.The Sog ero ld, b thisMer inn-wand

(Caduceus nam’

were wont to underllandArt,Wz/érlm e, Vertne, andwhaie lle we finde,Reputedforendowmentso f theM inde.The Cornnwpioo, well

-knowne Emblem , are,

Bywhich ,greatwealth, andplentier, figur’

dwere 5And(ifyou joyne together, what theyfpell)It will

,to ev

ryVnderllanding , tell,That

,where Interna/l-Grneet maybe found,

E ternoll-blefingr, ever, willabound.

For;this is truth, and(though fome thoughtsinyouSuggell, that this is, o ftentimes, untrue)Th is, ever is the truth , and, theyhave got

Few right-form

dVerni er,who believe it not.I willconfeile

, truc

Vertnehath norever

AllCommon-plentierforwhich molt indcavour 5Norhave the P erfet

‘ljfl-Vertuet , thole high places,Which K nowledge, Arts (and, fuch ashave the facesOf outwardbounty)manytimes, attaine 5For

,thele are things,whichgo iten) thofe mengaine,

That aremorefle/b, the'

n[firit 5and, have needOfearned-helper, till highertheyproceede.

But,they, of whom I {peake, are flowne l


o ‘high,As

,no t to want tho le f oyer, forwh ich wee crye

And, I had lh owne oulomewhat o f

-their liore,

But, that, this Pog o, ad roome to writeno more,

TheGo lpcl, thank fully imbracoF or,God

,moncbj ttfi zl no, thisGrace.

I L L V S T R 5 X XV I I .

And(inGm“0 85, CitizenandMountain“, once ayeare)

Wereglad,with haz ardof theirgoods, to heare 5Or

, in lelle blondy times, at theirownehomes,To heare, inprivate, and obfcured th omesaLo tho fe

,thofe od -tytling t ,we do e live


d,ineveryVi llage, to perceive ;


,the lounds of Glttdnefle, eccho may,

Through all ourgood] Tentplet , ev’

ryday“This was(Oh God) t ydoing 5 tutti thee,

for ever, let all Prayfet tee.P rolong thisMetele, and, vouchfirfé thefruit,M ayto thyLabour, on thatVine-yardJnttL r/l,fizr ourfinitle/nefle, thyLight of grace,Thon,from ourGolden-candleliicke,We doe,me thinker, already,Lord, beg inne

To‘wantonize, andlet that loath ing in,

Wbtebnukes thyManna tojllejfe And, (flare,That

, of tho/EC hrili ians ,whomtore oftenheate,7 benprnfl tfi



theyknow, webonetoomanyAnd, 1[nfltefi mylelfc, ormnebor tiny.

ob niendm efit, that, byamending mee,Amend; inOthers

,theyinereofid be

And, let allGraces, which thoubet/l beflow’

f/ t‘Relttrrte thee honour

,fiom firhom,jirji, theyflo

The Bees,wiflinanHelm et breed

aAnd, P eace,dothafterWan e

,fu med.

To make theirdwelling, ina Flamed-Craft,AMoral is implycd,worth elteeme.For, thele inferre, myfierioufly, to me,


Peaee, andArt, andTh iftm o ll firmeabides,

Inthofe Rapublika , where, Amer cherifht bee ;And


, true Martiai a’ijeiplim , refides.

When, of theirStings‘


-the Beer,difarm


They,who , ono thers Labours, ufe to prey,lncourag

d are,with violence, to come,And,beare theirHoney, and, theirWaxe, away.

S o whena People, meerely, doe aifeétTo gatherWealth ; ,


(foo lifhlyfecure)Defencesneceliar‘y, quirenegleét 5TheirFo es, to fpoyle theirLand, itwillallure

Long P caoc,bringsWarre 5 and,Warreb rings P eace,againe

For, whenthefmart ofWar/Care feiz eth onthem,

Theycrye,Alarm : 3 and, then, to fight, are faine,Vntil| , theirWa m, ano therPeace, hath wonne them 5

And,ouro ftheir o ldruflyHelmetr, then,

New Beerdoe (wa rm,and

,fall to worke agen.


That,thofe,to Lafltag -gbrier, themadvance e

Or, canmen thinke, {itch Goods, orG‘ifteofNam ,

AsNtmhle-apprehenfionc,m y,nAhle-hedy, or,a comelyFeatrtreithout improvement) them,

fli z li dignifieMay8lo th,and Idlenefl



Inus, becaufeourF ather: have beenrich 4:

Or, are wee, therefore, truelyhonourable,

Becaufe our Predeceflottrt , have beenefuch f

When,nor ourFortunes,no rournattirafl17am ,

In,anymealurc, are improved byus,

Are o thers bound(as if We haddeferts)W ithAttributes of Honour to belye us cNo

,no“5 themo re out P redeceflearr left,

(Yea, and, the more, bynature,we enjoy)We



ofthe more efteemc, {hallbe bereft 5

Becaufe, ourTalentt,wedo emifiimployaTrue Glory,doth onLaheaer, fiiilattend,But

,without Lahonr,

Ghotywe have hone.

She, crownes goodWorm ,whentheirWa ttshave end,

And, Shame, g ivespayment,where isnothing done.




,bee Bur

,left the Spade

(which , here, do rh I trhoarmeane) thouuie inThe Serpent, thereu

nto,be (are thouadde

That is, Let P rudence guide thy taking-

palm .

For, where,‘

awtfée ndeew nr, fh allbe found,

AWreath o f Glory, will inclo l'

e it round.


eholcl,_you they, the P iéture, here;


what, keeper

I L L v s-rn , X XXI.

Yet, blufh norLadies 5 neitherfrowne, I pray,Thar

, thus ofWomen, I prel'

ume to (ay5Nor


,asyet , among yourfie: 5

For,l am more yourfrtend, thenyou(uppo(e

Nor (m ile ye Men, as if, (tom hence, yehadAnArgument, thatWoman-kindewere bad.The Birch, isblamelelle (yea, bynature, (weer,Andgentle) t ill, with fiubborne Boyes, it meetBut


,it (marts. So

,Women, will be kinde,

Vntill,with frowardHothanolr, theyare joyn


,thenindeed(perhaps) like Birchenboughes ,

(VVhich , el(e, hadbeene a trimming , to theirHouh )They, (ometimesprove, (harpe tit/ripe;and


'r,to them,

ThatWifdome, and, Inflraction doe'


AWoman,wasnorgiven’fo ilCori efi ion 5


ftirtherance t'

o Perfee'




A prec ious Bolme'

of‘lofve, to cureMans gri

And,of his P leafures, to become the ch ic

If,therefore, (h e occafionany(mart,

The blame,hemerits

,who lly, or inpart

For,like (weerHoney,(he, good S tomachet,pleafes 5


But, paines theBody, (ubjeét to Difeojer.




s one long-Sleepe , and, L ife

s nomore,

Bat one {h on-Watch,onhom ehefbre .

I L L v s'

rn. XXXI I.

My Fortune, 1 hadrather beare,Thencome,wheregreaterpert”: tire.

I L L'


rx . X X X !V.

And though, the Cagewereopen,morewould(cafe,To venture out, thento continue thereSo , if thoucouldft recive, what Bird: ofprey,Are hov

ring roun about thee,everyday,

To (erze thyScale(when{he abroadlhallgoe,To take the F reedom , (he dcfireth (0 )Thou tarte more (earefirll,wouldfi ofthem, become,Thenthouart,now,

of what thouflyelt(tom .

Not Prece tr, burExperience, thus hath taughtme ,Which

,to uch refolutions

,now have broughtme,

That, what(oeverm i(ch ie(csOthers doe me ,I make them yield (ome true Contentments to me ;And, (eldome itruggle from them

,till 1 (cc


That, fmetherffirtnnet will(ccurcrbc .

What (pig‘

ht oocremyFoes, to me, candoc,I laugh thereat,withinanhoure ortwo :

For, though theWorld,and I

,at firll

, believe,MySnfitings, g ive me cau(eenough to grieve 5Yet , afie rward, I findc (themore to gladme) .

That we;re : f ortunes in;gbr(atre wo rfe have mademe.

By tome 3 earn7 Deca l/r though , i (cratched am,

t,i am hor‘eft .ii. I sh all leaf: e t

h eirDon



llbe, Iiill, a great,andglo rious,

f ire,

Thus fares the man,Whom‘fl 'ffétsBeaeonlikcs

Hath,fixt upon theHit/so lEminenge, f

At him,the Tempefis ofmadEnwf (trike,

And, rage againfi h is ,Piles ,ofinnocmcc sr

But,Gill, the more theywrong h im,andthC 310 5?

Theyfeeke to keepe h isworth fromhe ing knowne,They, daily,make it greater, thenbefore 51And

, c'

aufe h isFume, the farther to beblowue .When

,therefo remo l e lfe-doting Arrogance,

But,Verne“, cover’dwith amOdffi vaile,

Breake through ohfem z’

ty, and, thee advanceTo

place , where Enw'

e lh all thyworth aflaile ;Difeourage northyfelfe but,(land th e (ho ckesOf

wrath,and fury. Let them fnarleand bite ,

P urlue thee,w ith Detrafiion, Slanders,Math is

And,all the venom

dEngines of Defiights ;Thou art above theirmalice , and, the 514“Of thyCe le/ZiaII-fire,fhall fhlmc lo cleare,That

,theirbeforred foules, thou(halt amaz e“;

And, make thy Splendoars, to theirfhame, appeare.If th is be all, that Emmet rage cando e,L ord

,g if'

vemeVertues,though Ifigjfer too.

1) z

I havedifiill’d theQuinteifence of P leafiere,

Nor underpre’


theGifts,thus /halt heflowBur

,know the ufe

,orall theft: fading Smoker ,

And, he refrefhr, by that,which orht rs chokes.


buy(Imofortrof weigh“) inpraétice are, with [0 1116 5And


“both of there, theyafrenfalfifie ,

That,theyto great, andfidddm vmd th, maycome.

But, C onfeience make ofrayling yourcfiates,

By{iJcha bait

,and (uch a wickedway

Fo r,this Injultiee , God expreffelyhates 5

And,brings, at tall, foch theivm to decay.

ByWeig ht andmed/are,He,onallbeflowesThe P o rtions due 3 That,Weight andMeafare,WhichMan to God, or to hisNeighhour owes,Should

, jultly, .be returned backe agen.Give ev

ryone, inev’

ry thing ,

his owneGivehonour, where anhomer lhall bedue 5Where youare loved, letyour love be lhowneAnd

,yield them fueeours, who have fuceour’

dGive to thyChiwen, breeding and Correfiiom ;ThyChannel , ev

n to thyF ee: extend

Give to thyWife, the belt o f thyAfleéfiom ,

To God, thyje/fi , and, all the irhalt,commenAnd

, left thoufaile, Rememberwho h rth layd,S uch meafure

,ae that: g iv

jiJhoé!he repoy’


He needsnotfl are,whatjpz'

ght candoe,


e, andFortune,too.

11. 1,vs r n. x x x rx .

The F lying-hall


,verywell, ex relic

AllOatwardh /efsiiogt, and, theirfieh enej e.OurEag le: meaneth (uch,

Contemplation ,

As,in th iswo rld, doepafi


e awaytheir lives,By(0 poliel


fing that which theyhave or,

As ifthey car’

dnor, though , theyha it nor.

The Seed/tee, maywell refemble thofe,among them,Who

,rm erelyouro f envie, feeke to wrong them



ll thefe F igures‘

(thus togetherlayd)Doe (peake to me, as ii thefewords, theyfaydThurman

,whohaild: upontheheflfoundation,

(,Andflvreads thewide my ofContemplation)Whilyi, in theflelh, ehides,wiflmedfimeprop},ofearthly-fo rtunes,”Zapper: hir



,other-while, thofi t tings,m ym elee: hea v e,

The/ling ; ofEnvie, tofemrehm fiom .

And,hence, I leerne that

,(uch, aswillabide,

AgainltallEm it , firo ngly iorrrfy’


Mo lt joyne, great Former, and greatWealth, together.c


e fie/106m ,were, poore

, fouls-s,whoftareehaveeitherTime

Tim e,it a Fading



Eternitieswide round;

And,is a P rogreffe, all theworkes of Nam e,

,Within the circuit of it



n till theperiod, oftheOutward-creature.

END is thefim th, of thoft fiveTerm s I meane 5(As briefe, aswas Beg inning ) and, ordayned,To l


et the lalt ofmoments, to that Seem ,

Which , onthisWorlds wide S tage, is entertayned.


Thefifth, weEV E R L A ST ING , fitly, call 5For

,though , it once hegemoe, yet, fhall it never

Admit,of anyfifteen-end, at all5

But,be extended onward, ltill, forever.

The knowledge oi thefeTerm s, and ofwh

To each ofthem belongs,would let an'


To manyC ontroverlies, andDiftraétions,Which do e {0 manytrouble, and ofl


T1M E’

s nature, bythe F odihg

‘flowre, appeares;Which

,isa Type, o f Tranfitorythings :

The Ciro/ed.joodlee, ET 13 RN 1: dec lares ;Withinwho le Round

,each fading C reature, fprings.

S ome Rider/e; mo re,to utter, I intended,

But,lo 5 afudden lt0 p,mywo rds have ended.

B e,onthe F ences, alfo hath aneye.

And,though hefee the chillingWinter,


bringSnow s, F loudmndP rofit , hisLabours to annoy 5Though hhfiing -wittflet doe nipthem in

And,Sa mm y

-tMeldewes, threaten to defiroy :

Yea,though not onelyB ayes, butWeekergtheyare

(Nay, manyWa kes, and,manyMm tht befide)Inwhich he mufiWith payne, prolong hiscare,Yet, confiant inhis hopeshe doth abide.

For this tefpea ,Ho a s’

s Emblem , here,youfee

Attends the P lough, thatmenbeholding it,Maybe infiruéted, orelfe minded be,WhatHopes, continuing willbefit.

Though , long thou toyledhalt, and, long attendedAbourfuch workings as are neceflary 5


And, oftentimes, ere fullythey'


e ended,Shalt finde thypaines indangertomil



,be, norout o fhapemorquite dejeaed :

For, buryed SeedswillfprourwhenWinter’sgone 5

a ikelier things‘

are man timesefl'



And, Godbrings helpe, whenmentheirb'

eith‘ave done.

Yea, they that inGoad-marke: theii' life imploy;

Although, they/owe in. tu rei ,/haflreape injq .‘

Though Fo rtune, hath rtpowerful!Name,TftsVCl

tUC overcomes thefirmer

I L L V S TR . XL‘V I I ‘.

That Pickle-fortune, fromWh ich ,none are free.Above this8411, the Shakeadvanceth too,The Laure/l, andthe Sword5. which,EmhletttsWherebyourAnthem maketh much adoe,A Conque/l overFortune, to declare .

And,wellenough thispurpol


e it befits;If (Reader) anyone o f thofe thoube,Whofe F ortoncs

mufi bemendedbytheirWitsAnd

,it affords infiruétions fit for thee


,thoumaylt co lleét, that, no cfiate

C an,byMlsfirtttm’smeans, become (0 bad,

But, Prtoa'ettre(who isM iflreflé overRate)

Mayrule it (0 , that, good itm ight bemade.Though Fortunesoutlawes, onthyRiches

Bys edowo, there ismeanes, of getting more 5And;ev

ryrub that’

splacedinthyway,S hallmake theewalkemore lately, thenbefore.

NorPoverty, no rP aines, norSpightfitlmfi ,

Noro ther‘Mifeht


efes, that Mifohoneecandoe thee,Shall bring thee anyformat or tdiflrefl


Whichwillnot advantage to ,


,g ivemefirth 4 P rudence : fit myFortunePutsmonyfoyles, andtrue”thmjisflport'me‘I hyhelpe, long hurt , it made,

me to importune ;And, those, did/[grant it, or[he hadtone/oneme.S till, dat


gnemethyrtfizflortee, Lord, and, than,L et allMisfo r


tunes,ride thewo


True Vertue it a Coat ofMaile,

Themfelveswith irons,whentheyride abroade

How wife andwary“too , cantheybecome,

To fortifie theirpe’


l‘ons Upat home,

W ith lockes, and barres e and (uchM elt / aim ,

Asmayfecure theirbodies, there, fromHermes e


s done,we lee, theirfoes

Breake in, fometimes, andworketheiroverthrowes.For

, though (about themfelves,with Cable-quanta,Theycould inclofe ahundredtw andmiles)


Thegun/hot of a flanderous tongue,mayfinite,TheirFome

quite th rough it, to the veryWhite.Yea

,more (though , there, fromOthers, theywere free)

Theywounded, by themfelves,todeathmight be,Except theirImooeertee,m


ore guards them, than

The fireng th of twentyroyal]Arteries, can.

If, therefore, thouthySwim ,wiltbeguile,Thoumull be armed

,like this Croeodtle 5


nwith (uch nat'

rallAm our(ev’

ryday)As no m an canbellowe

,ortake away

Fo r, fpitefullMoltenat one time orother,Willpierce all borrowedArmours,put together.Without, let Putteueednt ifie thySkin5Let Innocenet


e, line thy heart Withht

L et conltant F ortitude, unite them fo,That, theymaybreake the force of ev



And, whenthouthus an arm’

d, if ill thou[peedLetme fufiaine


the M i ehiefe, inthyReed.

F inis L t‘

ff /Je fecond L otterie s .

But,be no t griev


d for, now and than


The Gaflm es makes anhonel’t m an 5And

,fame,who {cape anoutwardcurfe,

Borh in theirlive: and death: are wo rfe,

See,E0 35. I V.


lt be lorh,we lhouldful

pThoudidftnot twell thyK ing allec



,that, thoulhould


Marke,what thine Emblem teaches thee.

See,Emb. V .

Inyou, anaturalldefire



which doth yourProfitbreed,Mayharme yon,


if youtake n0 t heed

7 1B e careful],What yougoe about5For

, by this Lot, theremaybe doubt,Thatyou, fomewickednelTe intend,Which willundoe you, inthe end.

youhave done thedeed, repentpurpos

d ill, the fame prevent.

fe,though injijl, this

Intame/i, youmayrueS ee

,Emb.V I I.

Thouart affliéted5 or, ere longShalt ling fome lamentable SongAnd

,o f thofe troubles, take fo

me {haWhich

,thouartvery10 th to beare.

But,be n0 t overmuch difmayd,

Norpine, what cre‘

onthee be layd,Fo r, comfort lhall thyjoyrefiore,And

,make thee gladder, thenbefore.

See, Ettté. V I I I .

And, go odfor'


l’t have done,

W ho , yet, hall pleafur’

d few,ornone.

If th is b e true , thy Lat perul'



s go odgifts, no moreabul'

e .

See,Emb. X IV.

1 5Religious thouwould


l’i faine be deem’



,to many thouhalt leem


But,to this mattermore there goes,

Thenz ealous lookes,and formall lhowes.

L e oke,rherefo re, that thyheart be true,

What e’

re thou leeme inoutwardview.


s favourthouwould’

fi have,Obfervewhat ofi


ttgs, he dorh crave.

See, Emb. X V.

1 6

That Emblem , wh ich this Lot willbring,C oncernesthe honourof a K ingHow,

therefore, thee it may concerne,By thydilcretion feelte to learne.

P erhaps, the Royall-

pawn hath feem’


To thee,not fo to be efieem

d, .

As well it merits, to be priz’


If lo,nowbetterbe advis


1 V

1 7

Bo th learn’



fi become,(Elle thouhall much deceived fome)B li t

,ifthyboper thou,


efi ,

Thoumufi not likelymeane: negleét 5And w hat the likelyefi m eme maybee,Thine Emblem hath advil


ed thee :

For, bya P ow/e, that’

s blockifh thought,Good eaten/ellmay to thee b



See, Emb. X V I I.I 8

If,toprefirmem thouwilt rife,

Thoumuf’t no t Am , norArmor, defpife 5Nor(0 inoneof thefe delight,That thouthe otber,whollyfleight.Nor

,to thyBodybe inclin



So much,as to negleé

t thyM inde.

Th is,bythine Emblem, thoumayli learne,

And,much thygood itmayconcerne .

See,Et V I I I.


Thyfirtam t have appearedbad 5Fo r

,manyfitf rt


tag r thouhall: badAnd tryofls too ,

as yet madeknowne

To no mans knowledge, but thine owh e.

Bur, let nor loffe, no’

r fame,no r (mart


From couflant hopesremove thyheartAnd

,as th ine Emblem do th fo relhew


A good couclufionwill infue.See

,5 016. X I X .

W 3 0

YourLot informeth how to know

Where,belt yourLoveyoumaybellow

And,bythe fame it mayappeare

What Mot/fakemoi}afieétsyour care.

Denye itnor5'for(byyourleave)

Wee byyourlookes, yOurheartperceive.And

,this perba sy0u

l thinkeupon

(To purpole) w enyouare alone.

See, Emb. X X.

ThisLotmaymake us all fufpea ,

That fome wrong ebjee’

l youaflfea 5


,where dearenelléyoupretend,

It is norforthe nobleft end.

What mifchiefe from (uch falfli oodflow'




And,maymore happymakeyourFate,

If counfellbenot come to o late .i

Sea f ront .X X I.

Totrufi ono thers, thouart aptAnd

,hall alreadybeene intraprg



it er’

e long bemuch deceiv’


Byfome, whom thouhaltwel l believ’


Be heedfull, therfo te, of thyL et 5And, let it neverbe forgo t

50 , though fome haz a rd thoumaylt run,Yet, thou{haltneverbe undone.“

See,Eat-b. X X l I

23It feernes thou tak

fttoo great a care

For things, that vaine, and fading are 5Orelfe

,do llOverptife them lo ,

As ifallblille from themdidHowe.

That,therefore, thoumayll view theirworth,

InHierog lypbleleelhaddow’


ThyLot befriends thee marke theAnd

, be iuthis, nb'

more to blame.


24Though fome ,fhouldthee,forone,miltake,Who le m olt/o isallupon hisbacke,If what thouhalt,bee all thine owh e,


,hath enough onthee bellowne.

Tbe/ecoutlL otl erla o .

A P rinces ranlome, wee maybeare,

In[ewe/ls, which m oltprecieu; are 5

And, yet, to manymenmayleeme


To carry no rh ing worthelteeme.

Therefore, though fmail thy lubfiancebe,

Thine Emblem, lomewhat comforts thee.

See,Emb. X X IV


BythisyourEmblem,wee dilcerne,

That, youare yet of age to learne 5

And, that, whenelderyoufhall grow,

There,will be more foryou to know

P refurne not, therefore of yourwit,

But, llrive thatyoumaybetterit.

For, of yourage, we many'


That, farremorewifedome have, thenyou.

See,Ebb. X X V.


Bythycomplaints, it hath appear’


ft thyVem mwant reward 5And


,if they theirmerit had,

Thouritb, and aobler lhJuld’

l’tbc made.

To drive'

thee from that partiall thought,


anEmblem; {haltibe taught,That

,where true Ve nuemaybefound,

The truell melt/owill h ill abound.

See, Emb.XK V I .27

Bythis thyLot, thoudoll appearc


To be of tho le,who love to heare

The Preatber’

t , voyce 5 or,elle of'


That undervalue, orcontemne

Tho le dayly(boom : of whollcmewords,

Which God, inthele ourtimes,affords.Now


which loete of thele thoubee,Thine Emblem,

lomething, teaches thee.

See, ,


XX V I28



ll,Whentheethyfee offends,

As if, youneverlhouldbefitemls.Inpeace, thoulo leevredoll grow,

As if, thoucould’

fi not have afire.How,

therefore, PeaceandWe "?purlues

Each other, this thine Emblem lhewes,That, thoumayli learne, inev

ry tide,Forfuturechances, to provide.

86 6 ; BU 5.XXV I I I.


What e’re thouart in outward t W,ThyHeart iseververy true,

The/(scone!Lotteriu .

Becaufe thouartnorfiraight releafi

From tho le thingswhich have thee opprefi.

To thec,a Lot is therefore lent,To qualifie thyell/247mm,

Bylhewing , that thyprefentFare

P referves thee, from a worle eliate.


3SThyP erm sand thyWort/7 are fuch,That

,manydoe envie thee much 3

And, they that hate thee , takedelight

To doe theemifch‘


But,heart allume

,andfo llow on

The rouffe that thou haltwellbegunneFor

,all theirfpight fhalldoe nomore,

But,make thee greater thenbefore .

See, Em5. x x x v.


Inoutward pe,'

th leafures are ;Thyhope owak isglzfced there 5And

, thou thisfall] wilt ne t leave,Till, all content, it lhall bereave


a elTe,thoutime lycome to fee

How vaine,all earthlyGlorie: bee.

AnEmblem, therefore, thouhall:gai

Bywhich, this K nowledge is obtain’


See, Emb. X XX V l.37

Itmaybe feared, that thouhall:Inpublicke, or inprivate,Somepramife, o relfem ade fomevow,That

s broke, or elfe indanget’


If fo ; th i’

s Lot is come,intime,

To mend,orto prevent this crime


, {hewwhat lhould bythem be done,’

Twixt whom Aflefl r‘

m isbegunne.




Thouart reproved ofdeeeipt,lnfaultyM eajirrer, and inWeight ;And


Ingiving ev’

ryone h is owne :ThineEm l lem,



gore -inf},hereafterbe .

For,t at

,w ich ish clear! or

Makes likelyflrowegybu




X X V I l.

39So highly, thoudollVenue riz e


That,thoudoftF ortune: h pe defpife,

‘T/Je/econdL ottery .

As if,where Vertaerprefent are,

Her favours alwayes needlelle wereBut

,fometimes there

s enough to doe,For Fortune,and forVenue too ,The pt of envious tongues to charme,And, iceepeanInnocent from harme.

Thcrfo re, make b0 th oftbefe, thyfriends 5For, thereunto th ine Emblem tends.

See,Emb.X X X I X.


Thoumayll be one o f thofe,perchance,Who Seb1em , andHerefier advance,Becaufe theyTinterandTerm }millalte;And



rmee knownorhow to make’

Twixt that,which temp

n ll doth appeare,And

,thofc th ingswhich erermflare.

Thou,by thyL ot, arethereforewaru


To fearch what fhould of thefebe learn’


See,Emb. X L .


Greatworkes tgdoe,


thouhall awid e 5But


r thereto thoucanft norfiude.Sometime


r isnorunfit;Bur, thenthou lazlel

‘t inthywit.

Such V”{em /ring s, therefore, chul'e(If thouwilt no : thy time abul


As to .thypew’

rs, andwire agree

And,let them borh imployed bee.

See, Bu b. x L

4 a

Whenany i31a thouhall gain’



fi no t whence itwasobtain’



llzthy(el(e, as if the fame

Byth ine owne pom’

r, ormerit, came

That,therefo re, thoumay]!betterheed

From whence, allGrace: doe proceed,Thou, ha}, anEmblem, byth is Let,From whic h , goodCautionsmaybe got.

See,Emb. X L I I.

4 3Bythis thyLat, it lhouldappeare,The Mufis thyacquaintance are

44Inmany thing sg heworfethouart,By thydelpayring, fainting heart 5

‘Tbe/econdL otterib .

And,o ft

,thy labour, and thyco il,

Fo rw ant o f l ape/ulmfle, is lo ll .Th is indifcretidn to prevent,Thou

,therefore, by thyLet, art

The Plougb-matt

t hopefulnefle to iceOblerve i t 5 and, reformedbee .

See,Emb. X L I V.


Asroone as e’

re iihySeed: are fawne,

Thoufrttttt expecteli, fullygrowne.

And,if theyripe norina clay,

Th6u,foo lelt all thy/ hOpes away

That w ifer, therefore,thoumayfi grow,

ThyL ot, anEmblem do th bellow,To teach

,that workerbo th faire and great,

By[mall-degrees, aremade compleat .St e

,Emb.XL V0


Thouhadll, orfiat}, orthoulhalt have

Much trouble, ere thoufill thy 6 74And


lt, when thouexpeaell well,W ith paine, orfo rrowes, be o pprefl.But

, be content, ,

andwaile no rmuchFo r

,Foe '


nllmake thee rieb.Thepaine wallro one be overpafl,And

,thou{halt happybe at lafl .

See,Emb. .XLV I.



F erttme, be iigood orbad,May,by thywit, be bettermade 5Yea

,whatfoere mile/92mm fall,

Bypredator, thoumay’

lt helpe them a ll.That

,hapefull, therfo re, thoumaylt

What chang e fo ever,fliallbetide


, by thy Lot, informed art,What fuccour do th im




A manat Annex, thoh wouldll be thought,And

,hall the C rowne of Honour fought,

But, thouhaltmuch m iflo oke themay“,Which tend to well‘defetvedpnefi,


, therefore, maybego t,Thouart informed by,

thy Let 5And

,with what Feet , and, forwhat m l,

Thoulhouldfi be ready to contend.See

,Emb. X L V I I I.

4 9 IP erhaps, thoumayfi be one of thofe,Who dorh God? ho lyChurch oppofe ,

T/JefecondL atteriu .

For. inyourheart, youmuch defpife,To follow that

,which theyadvil


Theiradmonitions, youdoc jeere,

And,(come to helpe yourWifedeme, here.

The M ayes, therefo re, leave you, (till,To be as foolilh, as youwill.

5Itwould, perhaps ,

have made thee proud,If, now,

thyL ot hadbeene allow’


To let anEmblem'

lhadow fo rth

What is conceivedof th wertb.Or

,if thyVertrttrwere efcry


P erchance, thouwouldftbemore envy'

dThenprayfed, whentheyare ex relt

ABlank: for thee,wastherefore ll.



No Emblem, to th is Let, replycsMinde

, therefore, well I thee advife)What from the Predeber’: vo ice thouhear‘fi,When inthe Cbttreb, thounext appear



Yea,there indeavourtht

m,to feeke

ThyL ot of Connfefl, ev’


For,atall feafons

,therewill bee

Such Propbeeiet, concerning thee,That

,if of thofe, thou takell heed,

Theic Emblem , thou{haltneverneed.

F ]N 18.

Of thofe Af ee'


ionr,whichwithinyour Breit,Have to tl.e wo rld 1(mainedunexpre f



That,fiJtUIC times

,to yourapplaufe maymade,

The matchi'

eflb of aWidelawei bed,Wh ich you have drawne, fo rthofe to imitateWho can , and, fo r the teft to wonde rat.For, what (thereto )yetwante th, inmyd eafe,YourGRA c E asmyM inerva,may infufc .

Nor,will it be invaine

,to ibew the worth

Of tho fe P e'

rfeflionr, trulyblaz ed fo rth,Which youmaypcrfbnate : No r, lhall it beTo yourContent unufefull , whenyoufee

The Bg/Z‘partq ottrfilfé, as ina Chef ? )

Difclofed, andfe'

tup, before yourGR Ae a

To reprefent tho fe Beauties, wherein lurkes,More fweetneffe, than inf ig ure-drawer; W orkes;Andibew

,how temp



,and Af efi tenr,

Have houre lyripenedyou,'

fortho fe P irjetftr


That, make Immortall 5 and, which are that En] ,Whereto , allEarthlyGrae

er,ought to tend. I

Then, if yourEire a r L E NC 11 deli re to beare,

Thofe_Mv s a s , honouryou,who.fe prayfesare

Attending Verttte ; and, fhall pleafe to live

That L if? of Glory,which myVerfe can giveYour 6 3 A c r s favour, (whenyoupleafe) hath pow’


To make bo th M r z, and all myW afer yours,

And,wee are hopefull, that, fo well wee know

YourM erits, and thofe,

Ditties,which wee owe,


wee {hall raife ,yourHo uo vn'

s Tropbie: high,Théugh ,Wee onrfelv et


Thus, I have made mine of fi ngAttending,now, to kiffe yourGa it c a 3 hand;

Tour gRACé'




GEOtWr-ra s xi

TOm e: HIGHANDM IGHTYPrince , dM -E S Dulce

U c.

Nor,what theyfeele, whom Fate’


fifaintr, to‘


OnfiormyP latnes, h ithoht a SANCTVARIEL

Ayfoonc,4c fi om aniong no, hem ademag,MyHopesdid waine

and, I fiegm tofing'

A Mournfull—fong,not tafic tofirg ct 5,


, I hearc'

thc burthenof i t, yet .

Norwas Ifilcnt (thoug h”57EpicedeAffe


dnot ,fitr thepnhli/ce‘cye'

to rcadé) 1Eat, grie


dinpit ta/ate,Togw c, the Life Mdcfart a

Which, if ] con/d hw ékq‘



Name,H i?Death hadg ain’

dmyVerfe,a living-Fame

4 nd, whyexprefl'

e I this ex cept it g iv e

Your GRACE ,a fit océajion toperceiv e,


hat , tnydecayedHopes I ivonldrenew,

“And, faznc deriv e them downe,fioinH[M toTOV 3

That , atyouhranchcdfi'

om his P rincelyS temme 3

(fi re , hononr’

dwi th hisDucalliDiadem)11nd, imitate htit Vcrtnc S o, youm ight


c Lord, inmet , of that, whichwac hilt r

And;fbr hisNohlcfihc,fvonchfafc to own,

u f Servant, which, toyon, isyct unknown

L4 : P rologue, to the[tw ice I intend,This P RE S ENTcome: 5 and, without Hope , orEnd,

Qfg ainingfnrthcr Grace ,'

or moreE lleeme,

Than may, with hnmhlc/l mode/fie, hcfijeinc

Hi; Love, andHoue lt-rneaning, to expec


Who/EMeritshav e, no v i/ihlc ejfet’


Canda t ing toyonr profit 5 and,f ont whom

The heftof hit intents, areyet to come.I cannot thinke, theft Lots;or Emblems, are

S o {horthytnthtmfciv c: ,na they’

l appeare

In yoftr acceptance 5 Q t , th

at theycang ifv



S uch Grace to Tar ,at they

lfiomyott t ot em/c.

I L L V STR . I I I.

Thefe vulgarEmblems, are lignificant 5“And

,that authorityw h ich

P rinces grant

To Bodies-PolttiC/ee, was


eclated, bythofe Enfignes, which theybore. 1

The braz ing Mace (although , perhaps,w

I t be no t in th‘

efe times, reftrained thus)

That branch o f Royall-

power did fignifie,‘Wh ioh dorh byf ines, or lofl

eof liberty,C o rretf’tOffenders. By the Swo

rd, they

Th trlarge rbranch



r, to reprefent,

W h ich takes theMaf

cfaci ors life away5’

And,armes it felfe, when Rehellsdifobay



As o ften, therefore, as thou {halt efpie

S uch Hierog lyphic/res o fAuthority ;

Fae mindefull, andadvis’

d (how meane foere

The f erfoasmrthe y/acesmayappeare,W ho gt t th ispom

r) that'

flill thouhonour them

L e ft“,th ouin thofe ,


r o f Godcontemne.

i f norfor theirs , yet for thySov’

raignas caufe,

W hom theft doe perfonate Or, forthe L am'


Wh ich th zeatenpunilhmcnt) thyfelfe fubm it’


An l, lufh t whatAuthorityth inkesfit

For,wii atfo ere theybe that guide th

H it, gave the p

m”,who gave it, nor, to vaine;V 2

Mnfl loo/(ebefore him, andbehinde.

I L L v sr fi . I V.


And this oldHierog lyphichedorh compriz eAmultitude of HeathenifhMyfteries ;Which ,weeomitting, will infi ft onwhatThisBmhle


sMotto,chiefelypoynteth at.

Intrue Div inity,'

tisGodalone,To whom, all hiddenth ings are truelyknowHee,onely, is that everyrifent

-heing ,Who

,by the verrue o f h tspow

rall-feeingBeho lds

,atone afpeét, all things that are

That ever{hadhe, and that everwere.Bur



This denhleface, that manto fignifie,Who (whatfoere h e undertakes to doe)Lo okes

,bo rh htfere h im , andhehmde h im , too .

Fo r,he {hallneverfruitfullyforecalt


aires to some, who m iudes no twhati spajl

And, thus;we doe noron‘

elyfruits receive,From that ibort fpace oftime, inwhich we live 3Bur

,byth ismeanes, we hkewife have a iba


Intimes to come, and, times thatpaflcdare.


If thou thyDuties trwelydoe,Of tby Reward


I L L V ST R . V I I .’

That anyhope of M erck canbe go t“,

Till theythemfelves, by theira rmed -deed, 1

Have meritedtheFavours they (h illneedAnd

,fo rhey,priz e theirworking ; that, forGm e;

They feeme to difallow allufefull place .

Bo th fo rts, theirerroursmaybe purged from,

W hento the F ieryt ryaflthey“(hall come.

S o, likewik , mayanother F ofl t

ort too,

That erre more deadlythenthere forme’

rdoe.“There do e (forfo oth) affirm-e,thatGod

s decree

Befo re allWorld: (whatWo rds canionlerbe t'


d the greatef’cpart o i humane-rare,

t hOtltrefpefi ing {i tine, fromhopeofGrace;And

,that, howere th is numberfl ull indeaver,

Theymnft continue Rambo“, fo rever.Thefirfi

,are errours o f Impiety 5

But, this, afcendsthe topof blafphemy 5DifpaylesRelig ionwholly of her fruits;And

,wrongeth ‘Godinall h is Attributer



Theic E‘

rrortrr, therefore fhunne 5and, (o 6

That wee thyF {tit/1 .mayby thyWorkerperceive., So warke, that_ thyoelz



ttg mayapprove


fi norfo rthyWag es but, for low .

Fo r(wharfo e’

re thoube ) if thus thoudo e,Tho rm tyil have bapes, and, Godwillgrant them

B_yWifidom e





awg ’,

.Are beflprefervedfromdecry .

I L L v s i' R . VI I I .,

Two S erpents (W I 3 Do M E’

s Emblem ) twiiledareAbout th isbranch o f L am e”, to declare,That,s dome is the {urefi meanes to faveOurNames andAétions

,from Oblivt


en‘tG rave.

The Snake: are two, perhaps, to fignifieThatM ama-wit, and CbrifiM po/iot


(Vnited borh together) doe contriveThe fafellguard, andbellprefer


m ttioe.C onfiderthis

,allyee, that trufi yourName:

To MarbleMonuments 5 or, mount yourFm ei

By thofepo ore meanes,which Poo les and K navesAnd

,mayeffetftas eafilyasyou

Nay, w ith more cafe 5 and, overtopyoutoo ,Whenyouhave done the bcfi, yourwits candoc .

I fay;confider this 5 and, let the PenOf learned

, _

wife,andunderfianding men,

Renowne yourWorths, andreg ifier the floryOf yourdeferved, and, well-gonenglory5Left


, it fuflerclofe-imprifontnents,With in the walls of fuch poore M onuments,As oft are built

,to leave it quite fo rgo tten,

Whofe bones theycover’


re tho fe bones be rotten.

But, you {h all belt preferve yourHanefl-fdm ,

YourWorker, yourHopes, andHonour: o f yourName,If youyour (elves be w ife5and, (0 provideThat Pmdence, allyourWorker, and Speech : guide

“By Studioufii ell'e‘, invenue’saortic: TY(24m gaine



Out of thefe vulgarF igaro-3 youmayreadA Men d; (altogether) norunfitTo be remembred


n, bymenofwit



And, ifthe K ernel move to be ofworth,No matterfrom w at ibell

,we drew it fortThe Squ rewhereontheGloée isplaced, here,Mull Verteebe 5 ThatGlobeuponthe Square,Mull meane theWorld

5 TheF igure, inthe Reward,(Which inappearance doth herTramp“found)Wasmade long

-wag The Boole[be beares,mayt W,



What Brent/r it is, which makes herTruwpet blowTheWreath, inclofing all,was to intendA glorious P raife, thatneverlhall have endAnd


,inone (umm

dup, doe feeme to lay5That, (ifmenfirmlyina fvemtow 3537)

The Trumpet ofanever ceafing F ame,Shall through the worldproclaime theirpraifefuNow Retailer, iflarge P ag e, be thy

ambitiongThis Errol/em doth informe

,1bnwhat conditionShemaybe gain

d. But, (herein, mebeléeve)


Thyfludieformeere praife,will thee deceiveAnd


ifthyVerni er, be, but onely, thofeForwhich the vulgar f ame, h erTrumpetbloWes,ThyF ame

ra blafi 5Thy. Vertttet , VicesbeThyStadr


: vaine ; and,firm : willfollowrhee.‘


. l


.A Shepherdrarefiedof the Sheepe,Atafltimer,fitithfitllWatch doth keepe)


By fome,thought norimproper, to exprefi’


The irpaiuefull, and theirferions, watchfulfleflesW ho take upon themfelves, the Fallon /1047: 5And

,inthat Function, truelywatchful!are.

The S hepherds-Crooke, do

th forne exprel'

fionmakeOf that regard, wh ich , o f theirF lor/er, theytake.The P ehle in the Fun, do th ,

loeme to lhowe,That

,thelemull fartherdiligence



And,ufe theirutmo tl paw


t) themfeIVes (6 keepeFrom/lawful!Eafe 5 and from intemp

ratejleepeFo r

,he that hath fuch Dulles undertooke

(And, mufi the lives o f Others overlooke)S hall fi

nde himfelfeatnto h imfelfe becomeA but-then

,and a C hargemore troublefome

Th "

uall his F loche, unles, he (till provide

His owh e,alwellas o therswaier

,to guide.

Now,th ough this EmhlemsMorall dorh concerne

The Clerg ie m oh , yet, hence we all may learneS triétwa tch to keepe 5 fince, unto all that bee,A Watchman: placebelongs, infome degree.

W h ich,to difcharge, ifwee endeavour, (till,

OuruniverfallShepherd aide uswi ll,

And as from. hl

arrnes ,and erro r he will keepe,

For,Hee thrztg rs

ft re/eth Ifr'

ell doth h otfleepe.

I L L vs'



a . XV I I I;

His P ace muflwary[resend(low ,

That hath a’Slippery

Havemanypaliages, asdangerous,


AsFroz en-Islets 5 and,S lippery-wayes,we tread,

Inwhich ourLivesmayfootiebeforfeited,(With all ourhopes of Life 1


e,wew ell confiderwhatwe doe,

There isno privateWay,~orpublicke Path,

But rubs, orhole'


tinelfe it hath,

Whereby,wee fhailwith Mifchieflsmeet 5Wee walke it,with afledfafl-w rimfle.The fieps to Honour, are o

nP inacles


npos‘dof melting Snow

,andHick s 5

And, theywho treadnotnicelyontheirtops,

Shall ona fuddaine flipfrom all theirhopes.

Yea, ev’

n that way, wh ich isbo th (meandholy,

And, leades theMindefrom Vanitiesand P o lly,

Iswith fo manyOther l’ath-myescroll ,


that, byRaflinelfe,itmayfennebe loft5

a effe,we welldeliberate,upon


is, inwhich ourAnte/fours have one,

And, theywho withmore hafle, thenher,


Maylofe theway,inwhichmeyy ell begunne.


I L L vs '

ra . X x .

OurmiferableNam to bemone


ofe“,the tea

res of’

Myhood,When he behel his owheunthan ullBretonl

HisFAQ/00”, and hisHarries, then, contemne,Whenw ith hiswings hewouldhavebroodedthemAnd, fought theirendleiiepeace to have confitm


Thoug h, to procure his ruine,they_werearm


To be theirf ood, h imfelfe hefi'

eelygave ;HisHeart waspierc

d,that he theirSettlesmight°

Becau|e, theydifobey’

d the Sa‘cred-wtfi,

He,did the Lawof l ig hten/ire”: fulfill 5Ahd, to that end(though guiltlelle hehadbin)Wasoflred, forourVitiverfitlfingu.


Oh God forever, fixemine eyesVpon theMerit


of that Secrdiz eLet me retaineadue commemorationOf thofe deareMercia , and thatblondyFaf ian,Which here ismeant 5 and, bytrue Faith, fiill, feed


drops, thifiP elicandidbleed5Yea, letme firme unto thyL aw abide


And, everlove that'

I forwhich heayid.

Ableft Inhabitant,



nto make h im

And, there (as'

Poets d) he dorh (till;To love, andothen


Gad d c, Netftarfill, 2Though this

be ut 3 Fable, of theirfi gm zt

The More! isaR we“, pertaynitgTo ev

ryone (whieh harbours a'

defireAbove the StarryCircles, to afpire. )ByGanymed, the Sade isunderflood,That


swafhed inthe h e dg ing floodOf facred 8.rpa which dorh make herfeemeBo th pureandbeautifull, inGod

”: efteeme.)

The c/Eg le, meanes thatHeav’

nlyContemplam ,

Which, afterWaihingso f Regeneration,L ifts up theM ade, fromthings that earthlybee,To view thofeobjefi

‘r,which F aith


sEyes doe fee.The Neaai , which isfilled out, andg ivenTo all the blefi of.Hem ;Are thofeDtkgbfl


, which (Ch i/i hath fayd)Whenfome Repemm fimh beginnes to leaveHerfonlnefle ; by renewihgbf herMM; 1.

And, {lighting all the Pleafam of the Earth .

l askenot,Lord, thofe Blel


sings to receive,Which anyManhathbow

r to take, orgive 3Nor, what thisWorldafiords ibr

,I contemne

HerFavours and have fech e the belt o f them :


a it felfe,will unfnflicient bee,

a cfle,Th e , alfo , g iveTbyflfe, to th ee .

I L L V ST I . X X I I L . t

To wait uponhercommmg,everyyeare.

There Rem i t/Ir,helpe to fbew rhc Nyi'

er]Of that immenfe andb lefi Erem



Fromwhence the C 11 EATVR E fpdmg ,and,itito

It (hall, againe;wirh fullperfeé’tionc ome,

W henthofe Additiopr, it hath full-yhad,Which all the fev

rall 0 750 of Time canadd.

It is a fall,and fairclywrit tenSammie,

W hich (to into it felfe , i t felie dorh rowleAnd

,bya oldmg , and, Infiddz

ng , {howes

A Round, wh ich lT‘itt End, norentrance

.And(bysthis Barb/em)youmaypartly‘

fee,Tis that which ! S ,

but, canno t ttt be.

Though ruggedP afl'

ages itbath.

l L Lv sn .

-X X V I.'

It brings (uswhenwepaffe thecommonlight)Through eafyTrolls, to gaine ourHearts delight.The o therWay


(though feem ing fireight, it lyes,To P ledfrere

sP allaces,before oureyes)

Hathmanyrubs, andperills,which betweeneOurHopes, andVs, will alwayes lurke unfeene 5Tillwe are drawne fo farr



twillbevaine,To feeke

,with fafety, to retutne againe.

This, let usheed and

, ftillbe carefull, too ,Which Cm flitmoltconcemeth us to goe.

And,though the Léfi

lm rel my,more fmoorhnefl'


Letusgoe forwar inthe Rtg ht-hfl dffl h.I on e

.AndI refi lve tofiandmyground.

I L L V STR . X X V I I .

I am no tfo prophane, as to delireSuch Ethnick z eale lhouldferourh earts onfireBut

,wiih I could,Menbetterdidregard


Tho leRounders, which Antiquityhath rear’

d 5And


,theyWouldnot ,with Inmuch delight,

Theic, make ioorooohmeoss, where theyhave no right:That, ev

rymanmight keephis owne Poflefit’

om ,


d inreverent Proeefi om'

(W ith z ealousprayers, andwithpraifefullcheere)To walke their Parl/hJimz

ts, onceayeare

And,wellknowneMar/res(which facrilegiousHandsNow cut orbreake) (o bord

red out theirLands,That


ry one difiinalyknew his owh e ;manybrawles, now rife

,were thenunknowne.

But,{ince negleé

ted, facredBoarderswere,Moll men Inerooehers, andImroa



They grieve each o ther, and their Does theyfieale,From f rim


e, from Parent, and from Common-week .

Nay, mo re5thefe bo ldVfurpersare (0 rude,That


‘s Inheritance intrude.

But,that willbe aveng

d 5 and (onhisright)Though fuch incroaeh , hewill no t lo fe it quiteP o t



s that Rounder, and that Corners/lone;W’

ho alleonfioes, and is cofifirs’

el, of none.1

Where L overs/it!) matchedbe,Inmutuall-duries, theyagrep


The h ie of that, which here youpifi ut’

d fee.

Moll L overs,m inde theirPratt] , ortheir P leafm 5 _

Or, paintedHonors 5 and, theyall thingsmealure,

Not as theyare, but as theyhelpfull feeme ,In

compalfing tho le toyes, theymo lt eiieeme .

Though manyw ilh to gaine a faithfii ll Friend,Theyfeldome (edge one, forthe noblell endNor

know they (fhould theyfinde what theyhadfonght)How Friend/hplhouldbe manag

d,as it ought.

Such as goodHusbands cover, orgoodM o os

(The deare companions o f mo lt happylives)WrongCouries take to gaine them 5yer,contemne

Their honefl love,who rightlycom fell them :

And; left, theyunawares theMarkemayhit,

Theyblinde theirjedgem nts, and befoole theirwit.He

,that will hude a F riend, mullfeelte outOne

To excreii'

e unieignedlow upon5And

,mutanfl-datttt ,mull both yield, and take,

No t forhimfelfe 5but, forhis Freer-ampfake.Such

,as doe rightlymerry, neitherbe


W ith Dowrt'

es caught, norwooe a Pedigree 5No r,meerelycome together,when theywed,To reape the youthful]pleaf


ures o i theBed :

But,reclte that fi mefli: and

,that Sympathy,

Wh ich malteth upthe perfefi’

lt Amity.

Apain , (0 match’

d 5 likeHank’s thatmfls each other,Asm ea l helpes,


w ill (weedylive togethetg

Such Ire/irttmertts,as,iathcrhave efieemeFortheiremerging, thenfor;whattheyfeeme.Much more, fltouldall thofeRoles beWee goe about, o ur felvesto refiify5 g

And,build up, what in‘Bed], orin"strode,

Wemaydefefi ive, orimpairedfinde:Elfe, peradventut e,

‘thatwe rhinlreto mend,

More faultymaybecome, at laterend.




chiefly learne, to takea care,My L sfe,

and dol lops,ratherbefirtoere,Thenflouting (uch : And, yet, 116 thinkeTofirm ,

to be as,hon


eft,as I or» .

Infee/ting othermom comm a .


This is theLoro f fome,whom I have knowne


Who, freely, all theirlife time, have befiowne

In(uch indufirious labour,asappeares,.To further


o thcrsprofits, more thentheirs 5And

,all their wellnigh fpent,

The ruining o f o thers, to prevent.

The wit, theflung-

eh, and all thepow’

r they had,(Which m ight, byprobability, havemadeGoodmea nes to taife them,

in th isworld,ashigh,

As mo lt,who climbe to wealthydignity)


n there, theyhave befiowf

d,to better them


Who their indeavours, fortheirpaines, contemne.Thefe are thofem s,whofeflemes, from time to time,

Have through each Ag e, and through-out ev

ryCline,To one ano ther

,that true L ight convey

d, Q

Which Ignorance, had, els, long fince betray’

dTo utterdarknell


e. Thefe, defpightfull Prtde

Oft (muffs 5 and, oft , to t them out,hath tr



, from the brightne e of fuch L ights, ast ey,We got ourL ight of knowledge, at this day.

To them , Godmake us kinder5 and to Him,

Mhre thankfull, thatwe gain’

d(uch light bythem.

TbcfafifiR ich sfiee/ballgaz’



eare e .

Thofe mengrow poore,who faitbfuflfeeme to beeThus, oft itproves 5 and, therefore, F aljbou


Inlikelihood, muchmore inrich aman,ThenblamelcfleF l i‘b and, then, the Mom hereImproperto this Emblem ,doth a peare.

But, wellenough theyfun: 5 an ,all is true,

Which thefe th ings(being thus united) fhew.

Should it be thenconcluded, that all thore,Who poore and honefi feeme, have made but {howesOf reallh ub And


, plagu’

dhavebinW ith publlckc lafltes, fo rtheirprivate finIndeed, lometime it hath fucceededfoBut, know youfltould, that, mo ltwho richefigrow,

InOutward-wealth areverypoore inthat,Which brings trueMamie, andablefi EflateAnd

,that, Good.now , thoughpoore they(cant: to bee,

Have Ricb u,which the Worldling canno t fee.Now He, who fiudes himfelle endow

dwith (rich,

(Whate’rewee thinke h im) is exceeding m 6.P oore


Wo rd,z’

n P alsion,nor inDeed.

I L Lv s'


a . X XXv,

TillGrace, andReafim, come to governe us.

The Square, and Bredle, therefore let us heed,

And, thereby learne to know,what /alga wee need,

Lefi, el(e, (theyfayling,timely


,to bee had)

Quite out of Order, wee, at l‘eng th , bee made.

The Square, (vVhich isanufel ull Inflmmem,

To fhape foorth fenfelefl'

e Former) mayreprefent

The Lam Becaufe,Mankind, (which isbyNature,

Almofl asdull, as is the [en/elefie-ereamreg

Is thereby, from thenativerodenefle, wrought5And, intheWayof honelt

-living taught .

The Bridle, (wh ich Inventiondidcontrive,To rule, and guide the C



Maytype forthDifez

pline 5which, whenthe L ow

Hath fchool’

d theWit,mull keepe theWe'

ll inawe.

And, hee that canbythefe,his P eg/from bound,

This Emblemsmeaning ,ufelully,hath found.

Lord, let thyfacred L aw, at all times,bee

A Role, aMailer, andaGlofie to mee 5

(ABridle, and a L ight) that Imay, (till,

Borh knowmyDottie, and obeythyWell.

Direét myF eet 5 myHoods, inltrué

‘t thoufo ,

That I mayneitherwonder normzf a'oe.

MyLooker, myHcaring , andmyWordes confine,

To keepe [lillfirme to ev’

ryWord of thine.

On thee, let alfo myDefirerattend

And, let me hold th is“mgr, tillm

ine end.

a z

Wee tbenhm got thejeep-effprop,

WhenGod,atom s l eeomer ourHope:

That,I am of no dangers,now afraid.

Yea, nowI fee, mee th ink’es ,whatweakeandvaimSupporter: I have fought, to helpe fufla ineMyfaintin heart 5when fome injurious hand,Wouldunermine th e Stationwhere I fland.Me thinks

,I lee how fcurvie, andhow bale,

I t is to letape fo r favours, andforgrace,To men o f earthlym inds ; andunto thofe,Who may, perhaps, before to morrow lof


TheirWealth, (or their abus

dAuthoritie)And, (land asmuch inwant o f helpe as I.Me thinks

,in this”m graptore, I doe fee

The hand o f God from heaven fupportingme,W ithout thofe rotten-Am, forwhich I whinde,When[was ofmyto thervulgar-minde.

And,if infome one part of me it lay,

l,now,could cut that L imbe o fm ine away.


m ight I keepe thismind, therewere enoughWuém my lelfe, (befide that cumbring [l ittleW ee feeke wit/rode) which; husbanded aright,Wouldmakemee Ric/Mnall theWorld: defpight.And

, I have hopes, that, had{hee quite bereftmee,Of 'hole few ragga and toyes,which ,yet, are leftme;I flrould onGod,alone, lo much depend,That

, I fhould need, norWealré, nor otherF riend.

Truth50fi o preffedfveemayfee.“Bur, quite (59131169: it cannot bee.

I L L vs r n. X X XV I II.

And fpight of Hell, did labourto devoure)Sprung high, andflourilhed themore, thereby,WhenTyrants crulh

d it with theircrueltie.And

,all inferiourTruths, the famewill doe,

According as theymake approaches toThe bell P erfeéi z

oro5 or,as they



To Goa”: duepraife, orfome fuch piousufe.

L ord, (till, preferve thisTrutb

: integritie,Although onev

ryfide thewickedprie,To (pie how theymaydifadvautage it.Yea

,L ord

, though S inner: inhigh place doe fi t,AsDavid faith) yet, let them norOpprelleThyVeritie bytheir imperioufnelfe.But,make both Her, andher Proq orr, bideTheTell , like S ilverfewere timerpurzfde.Thar

,aliTrue/rs lovers,maywith comfort fee,

Shee maydeprefi , but,h or, opprefledbee.


Before hisp‘


,all the day, he fliflyploddt th on,

Vntill the labourof thedaybe done :And

,feemesasfreflt (though he h istaske hathWrought)

Aswhento worke. he firfl ofallwasbrought.Meane-wh ile

,the“Palfrey;which mo refWiftnelTehad,

Hath left hisbreath,Orprove

-ea Refly-jee'


This Boi l /em , therefore, maketh it appeare,Howmuch it profiteth , taper/EttoreAnd

,what a little Indufltywilldoe,

‘Il wee continue eooflm thereunto .

For,meanell P ou ltice,dik te'


tl,M ayget the (tart, of noblerGifitf abus


,_maybbferuedbe. inmanya one :

For(whentheircomfe til"


Some,who le refined tom , alpi

rd as h“li‘


As if above the'

Splre ret'

, theyWereito fire'


ByS loth , orPride, m o ver-Nail ing toTheirowne Sulficiene ies,-themfelves_undoe.Yea

,and thofefervtw d.wits, have liv

dtO'feeThemfelves inferiours. tmto 'thofe

5tb be



‘inltheitt jo llity, c'



As blocks , o r of them .


, Great-wztr, this fo llyto p


LetMem e nuts, take from: hence, inc'


,let us all, inourAfiaire


o cee'

d;With timelyleefm mndwuthteomely,(Iteed.

I L L vsTni~"

XL I I."

The S tone, which clogs his Otherhand,m (h ow


w rte‘

eand Fortune, keepe h im low :

And,twixt thefe two, the M k and themed ,

Such labours,andfuch great



ons finds,That

,if youdidno t fuehme


nswants contemne,You couldno t chufe but herpe,orpitie them .

AllAgeshad (and, this I know h’

arh fome)Such men, as to thismifery, doe come

And,many of them ,arthe ir L

at, fo'

grieve,As if theyknew, (ordid at leali belt


That,had theirWealth fufliz

d them to afpire

(To What theirWim deferve, and theylehre)The prefentAge,and future Ages too ,Might gaine have had, from what theythought to doe.

P erhaps Idrea’


dfo once : But, Godbe prais

d,The Clog which kept me downe, from being rais


Was chain’

d (0 fall,that (if

(uch Dra ma I had)My thoug hts, and luge

ig t , are not now (0 mad.

Fo r, plaine I fee, that , hadmyF ortune: brmg ht

Such Wealth, at firl’

l,asmyfmallWet hath fought;

I might myfelfe, ando thers‘

,have undone,

Infiead of Cater/er,which I thought to tunh e.I finde my Povertt

e, for mee was fit 5Yea, and a plefsing , greater thanmy.WitAnd

,whe ther


,I rich orpom become,

Tis normuchplufing , normuch treyh/efm e.

AMifihiefe, hdrdlyedithe(lone,Where,

m any-


rsare knit inone.

ThisEmblem,therefore, firlydoth implyThat Safeguard, which,

isfound inKnit) , t

And, fliewes, that, whenDrfnm'


is begunne,It breedethdangers,Where beforewere none;The Pfizlmijl, numerous!) fi rings,dor


To fi g h ters, that with S aft: replenilh’

d are.


tj hath knit them inherhermit,Theyprove like Arrow s ina Gyemtt hands.And, though , forthefe, theirFoes inwaythave layd,They lhallnorbe fupriz

d,not madeafrayd.

C ouli derthis, yee Children cf oneS ire,

Twixtwhom is kindledfome contentiousfire,And


,leftyou, at length,

C onfumc away the marrow of yourjlreng th 5Or

, bydividingp f yourjoyned-pw’


Make wayforthole,who (indie to devoure.Yea,le t us all confider,aswe ought,What L eyan, bythis

Emhlern, we are , taught.

For,wee are Brethrenall 5 and(bya Blond

More prec ious, thenournat’

rallBrotherh ood)

Norknit, alone, but, m ingled, as itwere,Into a League 5 wh ich is, bymuch,more deare,And

,much mo redangerous, to be undone,

Thenall the Bann't, that canb

l:thought upon;

B a

TheHeartsof K ingsare inGod’

sHands 5Alida4) H0 llflf ) H8Them (W ildl .

Hisjttfl, ondhis oI-feelngWid omeknow s,

Bathwhom,andwhyhe crownes, orwm hrowet 5


, forwhat caul'

e,theHurtsof Princes, hee


d,or lhut 5

whenweno tuft confersWe fometime know


swell, andwhat'sBut

,of thofeTruths, the rootconcealedis ;

And, Pane-hoods,andU ncertainties,there are,

Inmofi of thofe things, which wemake, orheart.Then

,were norK ing sdir


eétedbyGoa”: hand


They, who are bell , andwil‘

efl intheLand,Might oftmifguide them,

eitherbyreceivingA Fol/e report or

,by fomew eng .heliefzt!ng .


sGreet i t is, thatGood-menrays

dhavebinIf S innersfiourilh,wemaythankeourS in.Bo th GoodandBed, fo


like inont-fidesbe,That, K ings maybedeceiv

d,inwhat theylite,

And,ifGodhadnot rul


d theirHurst ar'


TheWorld,bythis time, hadbeenruin’


I :i


tber Sloth orGrace abm’


I L L v s'



R .


irglorioufipart, iS‘bht a P ainted-d eath

W hofc F igurem o the Weill-ward, f’rill are hung.

Theirh idden(Verifies, are apparant'

Sletb 5

And,all theirlifeg is to the publike wro

ng :

Fo r they-doe reape


e Fruits,'


And,leave to -Other


no thing o'

i th‘eirowne.


“which it decrcafing now,When/hee returnes willfilllcr, grow.

I L L‘vsr n. XL V I I I.

I tellhertoo , how little I doe care,Forher dg/fnls yea, and I tell it not,That

, helpe, orpitie ,m ight fromherbe got;But


,that herFavouritesmayfee,

I know myWaymngs, yet, canpleafcd bee .

MyL igbt, is from the P lanet of the Sumac;And

,though the .

Com[e,-which I obliquelyrunnc,

Oinbrings myoutward Fam i ne to theWa in,

My Lig 19: (hall, oneday, bee renew’


Yea,though to fome, I quitemayfeeme to lofe

MyL igbt i becaufe , myfollies interpofeTheir {hadowes to eclipfc it : yet, I know,

MyCrefeentsmill increafe, andftflef , grow.

Alfo onc as inthe F lefl) , I beeing had,I mooved oninCam/é: retraggd e,

Arfirf’t I came,I flnllat F ell become.


Week ly“of l


Though youaremyth .youmuch maydoe,If youwill feryo urWi tsrheretoa 1

For,meaner Poem ;thanyouhave had,And

,meanerWits, go od fh ifi have made,

Borh to contrive, andcomp‘


e that,Which abIEr





YourS trefig ib, andWit,unite, therefore,And


b0 th lhall growimtO’

ovfd the m0 !See

,Emb. I I.

The Third L otterie s .


Thouhafi, unworth ily, repin’


Or, beendifpleafed in thym ind,Becaufe, thyEmm et do e norfeeme

To fit thyWord (in thy eflctme z“)oefio c Ci fi lydifconrent,

aM dkdo tb prefentsAnd(ha ves, that, if thouver‘ntotte bee,

GmLFertt/m ,will attend on thee.

See,£0 15.V.


Wh enthyDefites have good fuccefle,Th ine owne Enl eew e, thoudofl blelIc;iBut

,t ieldome unto God thou iv


Due thanks, for that,wh ich onreceiv’

li .

Thine Emblem,H


ells from whom

The fruitsefgéhd Efldeam n , come


thtive intend)Onwhom

,themalwayesnnufl de

See, E V I.

It maybee, thou i t! one of thore,Whofe


I-‘e ttly,more bold,thanfittitfx”g

And tbuildi‘

ng onfome falfe Decree)Dilheart


nefi tho fe,thatWet/tat: beTogaine(with awfufl-jeyh hat M i c,Wh ich

,unto no man


That workes inHope ; and,lives byF eitb.Marke, therefore, what thine

“Emblem faith.

See,Emb.V I I.

Thouhall beenwilling,that thyNevin,Should live


life of,

Hmfl-F eme,And


,thylabm fl to thypraifc)

C ontinuem ight, infuture dayes:Beho ld the bet, thouhapnefi on,Hath fhown

e,how th ismaywell beedo

P urfuéthe Chat/e,which there is taught,And


defires to pafl'

e are brought.

Sec, E 11 6.V I I I.9

Thou, manythings, hallwell begun,Bur


, to goodpurpol'




Becaufe, th0nhall afickle‘


Tbe ‘Ybi rdL otteriL .

1 5 e

Thouhall;fomeClwq who 6re thonlpe)Which ,Tcredencemayoxpefl fronmhe


And, Wd lap fll‘aP‘a“$ 391? c dTis often left, without t rd :

Or, that, thoudoft fecure (leap,When, thou ihould

fi watch, more firmly,Thouknowell befi , ifit ,be foTake thereforeMed, What istoM m

S ee,Brno.X

1 6

Infecret,thoudono ft complaint,


d, andwrought invaine;And

,th ink

fi thyj -d , is {w e morehard,Thanwhat forothers is psepm


AnEmblem therehare, thouhafigo t,To {hew

, it is ourem ote-AmTo marl-eand haze,and, that,thauhad:A Bit/King byit , at the la“.

See, Emo.XV I1 7

That thouhall Honeflie, we grant;But, Prudence thoudofl o ftenwant s.

And,therefore, form; have injur

d shot-g r

Who iarremoreWife, thanfootie]? bee .

Thar,now,Difcretiett thoumayft add,

To tho le good-meaning s thouhafihad;

TheMoroflo f thine Ewh/ow, View;And

,what it counfels, that”


See,Emb.X V I I.

To yourLeagq bom ,younearerThanyou(it mayboom awar

Yea,andmore cafie is theWe) ,

Thanyou,{Perchancg conceiveit


may.Len, there ore,Daub, lhould grimAnd

, putyou ina’

caufelelfe feare

(Orout ofmindingwho llypafie)This Chance, toyou allottedW853

See, Emb. X V I I I.

The Third L otteria .

Ii wee minake not, thouart one,Who loves ro

court the Rifmg -Satiric5And,if this Lot, thynature finde,Thouto Preferenceshall aminde :If fo a l


hence,bywhole rel'


(Neitt 0d) thouméyfi thyhopes elite}:Then, feelre to wiunhis grace to thee,Of whatellarefde

re thoubee.

See,5 016. X X V.


See, Euh.XXVI.



et youyourBoard: exceed 5And


alfo,thai yoube notfound,

To comewithinyourNeighbours Board.There maybe {ome concealed C an


That,none butyou, th is Ewhl mdraives.

Examine it , And, If you let:A fault,,let irathended


S ec Emh.XXVII.

“The third L ot terze,Dame Forming: favour feemes to beeMuch



and longed for, of thee;

As if, inwhat , her’handbefiowes,

Thoumightfi thyconfidence rcpofe.

But,that,herma tter: may bee knowhe,

ThisChance, uponthee,wasbcfiowne.

C onfidcrwell, what thouhaltgot,

And, onher'


e thounOt .

See, Emb. X L i

4 1'

The Steele andF 113”,declare, inpart,The Temper of

a S tony-bean 5

And, them , that thence,no Vem eflowes,

Till it: beforced out,with blowes.

Some o ther,Mord : thoumaift learne,

Thereby,wh ich will thygood, concern



therefore, what they,doc declare,

And,minde it,as‘

occafions are.

See, limb. XLI .


Thouthinkfi thyWitt, hadmade theegreat,

Had Pm rtienorbeene

Bat,hadthyWealthasamplebeene ,

As thouthyWitt, didft overweene 5

Infieedof thy,

P erhaps, thouhaditbeene tuin


Hereafter, therefore,be content,

With .whatloeverd hath fent.

t See, Emb. X L I I.


To Difcord, thouart Iomcwhatfirort



And,th inkfi thoumayfi fub fifi al


Regarding no t howlate theyh ide,

Who , iafi,inCamera? bandsgaie tide“,

BUt,that th ouma

ylt the liett


What Good,irom Vntgmdothproceed,

AnEmblem is become thyLot;

From which , go od04mm maybe got.

See,Emb. XL I H .


Thouwouldltbe lov’

d 5 and, to that end,

Thoudo ltboth T1m ,and Laban? pend'


More Love, thanthoudo ltmeane to

If (0 thou,then,art muchto blame

For, Low afl’eé‘ts a M mu fi-flm c 5

Which , if it faile oneitherfide,

,t l never, long time, true abide.

See Enth x LW .


Th e 7 bi rdL otterid .

If allyourpown , you lhouldunite,P revailc to yourDefires, youmight

And, fooner lhould efl‘eét yourends,

Ifyou fhouldmullet UpyourF riends.

Bur,finccyour Gem


w doth {ufpe&,

That, you (uch PoliricYourLot prefenteth to yourviewAnEmblemwh ich infiruéteth you.

See, E016.X [ V46

Becaufe thoumayli be one‘of them


Who dare the deedso f K mgrcondemne;(As it {uch eyes as theirs andyoursC ouldview thedepth of.




5”Or,fee how in each Timc,and Place,Godrules theirhearts,m cv

rycafe. )

To check thyfawcinefl'

e,in this,

AnEmblem comes ne tmuch amilTe.See, Emb, XL V I.

, 47 1

Of.manygoodlyparts thouvauntii ,And,much thouhalt,thoughmuch thoiiEat,well ItWere,that lelTe,thouhadli,Vulelfemore uf


e thereo f thoumadTi

That, therefore, thou m ightlie omé to fee,HOW Vaine verifierbee


P erul'

e thine Emblems”

,and, from thence,Take ulefiill heed of thyOfiem



3 g See,E3 25.XLVII.


thyLet, it mayappeare,Deca ddibyHopl's, orF ortunes are.

But, t at , thoumayfi no courage lofe,Thine Emblem, byexample, lhowes,That,as the


Mount dorh from theWarmReturne

, andfill herOrbe againeSo , th0u

2thy mayli rene

If,boh oltHopei , thou fhaltputTue .

I I ;561

3157735. XLVIIL


T/Je Tbirrl L atter-re ) .

Youm ight have drawne anEmblem , here,Inwh ich yourmanner: pietur


But, fomewfllvexe, whentheylhall fee

Themlelves, fo painted out to bee,And

,blame this l ookems if it hadByfomeunlawful]u mbeenmade

(Or, wascontriV’


,to theirfltame,


tnfelves,of UM frame)And

,lefiyouma bee o unwife


YourLot, an Em len ,now,denies.


efi eoelCbafleer'

, others drew,

To trie thefe Len, it pleafedyou.

But, hadyoufuch anEmblem found,As fitsyourightly,youhad froun


,inwardly,youWouldhave ebefr,

Although you'

otrtm idlyhadlaugh’


You,therefo re, verygladmaybee,

Thisproves a'

Bl ack ; and, (0 maywee.

F IN I S .

" 4130 “t“


Q tickehedVVith M E T R I O


A L L l,L L V


S T R A T I 0 N S,

M onti andDivine; And difpoLEd into

L o r r s n t n g

That‘fnflmfi ion, and Good s maybee furtheredby anHoneli and P l

B} G E OR G E I T H E R .


Printed byAV G V S T I N E M AT H E VV E s .


Yet,by .his L ef t , I have Oeufiom had

To feele,whyOth ermenare prizen{21d

And, I , (who blulhed, to be troublefom c

To anyFriend) therby, almoltam comé

To {uch a pafle 5 that,what I with to h ave,I lhould growimpudentgnou h to Crew ,

Hara t impartiallDear/b, an wailingTime,Of? my

~RriendsquiteWorne awaytheP rime;An left mee none, to whom I dareprefentThe meade


fi fuitewithout‘

cftco em'



A lthough , the greatefih’biirze; I


w uld im'


Shouldcolt them,but aWord,Orlitt le more“

Yet, fome there are, no doubt, forwho le refpeé



I m ight endeavour,with no vaine'

efl‘eéi;Had I butcattle“,to haveas h igh


me,Ofmine -oy

viieM eriirfiis I‘haveoP



dtftffim iif fh’


fo in’


d;As I defire; I,now am litre to findeAnotherP embrooke

, b“Whofc aydefuliain


Imaypreferve ,what in’


Tomake adventure;li

ttiyv’ itwill ucceed,

I now am celiti'




yj-Isonn inlice

Of betterAdvoeerer,'

IExitbegin}Mine EM B r. E M s


thc l iim}, to Viherin,That, rbey, mayefl



ForM ee, andfortberr; yourk inde refpefi .

That,which inthe ,b

eftWorthy oul hall

Is this 3 that, theyare Sy’nig

torhes aM inde,Alfeé


ting honeitic : andofaHeei't,

SOtrulyhonouring a truedefer'


That,I am hopefullmade“,L theywill acquire

Asmuch refpeétas I cah'

Welldefire ta

And,S rR yourbandai

‘fi éiirknowne Courtefies,

With o therpraifefullVeri a’


, makemee rifeTOthis Yo v b




Hereafter, ,mayas bighl honour

dbe ;Asbyfome


forhier‘Bo ties andencreafe

My Future M erit , by'

yourHowever, what Lem or{ballbe knowne

TOBee, byTarirDefirv irrgr, ormine awne,Youmaycommand it

“5 and, be fure to finde

(Though falfemyEm il i a-

prove) a Faithful]Mimi .



truefl { labourers

GE OEWrTH E tt .



H ENRI ’E ,Earl:

o f H o i , L A' N D, (k c ,


e of theGuard g o r'

d-ch iefe-lufiicc ia'


of all be}fl / Mjeflier F qrrefls,(P arker‘


on thisfideTrent 3 70 11314 ofthem’

o ltnoble

derofthe Garter, andone o f h is'

MafcfiiesmoltHonourable Ifri


eih l bbékeames


Whofc faire Afpeéts mayleeme to promife ftuit,Acco rding to the V irtues o fthe /Route .


Afloone 44 Ffln fiebad inflrm’

dmefir,Tow Lordfli ip,mme tomyrernEmfr

‘em te


, too,

Witbw/mt our Soveraigne’

s F av our,VulgarFame,Or, your amp;Merits,

‘addet enj oy) ;Name .

Wine/7, buf fing w ig /i d,no'

donbt : i t all I fu el,

of Wo rth in Yov 5 But, rather, doub ting : mda'


d r, 41103]Q’Vitswqfl ld infigfzcierzt be ,

To met/ti

ethatWorth ;55m m 4 Friend tomee

F or, I lw veoft oéférfv

d, t/mt, Favour[b

Tkeée/iDefé rt, z'

f after her, it farmer.

ff ef, who cantellwhat.maybefall


’thought I

It is‘no greatAdv enture, ifI,try



: And if, I gainemyEne’


I am affuredofaNoah -F riend. t

His honourable . FAr ur: a , deem’

dmee worth

Somuch rcfpeéttiig as to leekeme forth,

When, Iwasmo re Oéf mre And, M E a , fornought


But,onelyto Befi zendm ee, forth H s B

fough t .


,o f h is S onN a fli ould I fufpefi:

iThat -(feeli ng H t M_ )hee canmylove rejeét

lS ince , q tefie doth alwaies , there , abound,

Where fuch a lovelyP erflnag e is'


Foure c lm , wh ich the glallieworke empale,Infirua thee, that the Verena Cardinall,

To guard the M ank ind, {hould bee (lillemployLeftelle the feeblefabrick bee dellroy’


TheSand, {tillrunning forth,without delay,Doth thew, that L ife time;palleth fall away,And,makes no {to yea, and the Motto too,

(Ifelt thouforget allprove) informes thee loByviewing th is,Occafion, therefore, take,Of thyfall-flying Ham s,mo re ufe to mal e;And

,heedfullbee, to lhumte theircommoncrime

,Who takemuch care to trifle out the time;As if it merited their utmoltpaine,To lofe the ga m e

,which molttheyleelte to game.

Time-pafl is lofi already Tim -to mm ,

Belongs, asyet, thoukh owli not unto whom.

The prejent-hoores_are th inc,and, onelytho le,Ofwhich thouhail Cm fitm to difpofeAnd, theyfrom thee

,doeaye awayto fall,

That, theyare fcarcelyltttowne, till theyare pail .L orafig ive m eg rm , tom ale, and ifeTimefo,The}, I maydoe thyworhe, hefore { goe.

Repent ,

Whenw oe it inoatrfel‘pos begun,

Then,whitherfi'om i t, canW e run

I L L V STR . V 1.

Making that Arrow,which butprickes thyhide,To pierce thytenderentralles, through thyfide.And

,well Imay th iswoundedHortbe


,here, me th inkes, I

m taught to looke uponMine owh e condition 5 and, inhim,

to fee

Tho fe deadlywounds, myS innerhave made inmee.I greatly feare theWorld , mayunawares

Intangle mee, byheralluring fnaresI am afraid


Some poyf'nous fume

,mySpirit to infect,

W ith ghofily P ejlzl mce and, I‘

alfay,To t he from thele

,with all the pow

ts I may.


oh myFlelh ! this veryF lejh I weare,Is worfe to mee thanWorlds,andDevi ls areFor

,without this

,no pow

ron mee,theyhad.

This is that S hirt,which made Alf ie/e: mad.

It is a g riefe,whieh I lhall never cure,Nor

,file from fwhilllmylife

-time doth endure

Frbm t OCéfi b L ord,mygreatell [arrow s bee,And



, from (HY.

Se/fe, I file to Thee.

Tyrannous, or wickedMagi/9721,I


Is fitly‘mprlefented bya cm l


For, though theM irea ha’


,Cats the remedie 5yet, oft weefee,

That, bythe M ice, farlefl



,fome h


oufe wiv‘es leefe,

Thenwhentheyferthe Catt to keepe the Cheefc.A ravenous Ci t,Willpuuilh intheMoo/e,The very fameOffences,inthe houfe,Which hee himfelfe commits yea


,for thaw/ laces ,

Which wash is owh e(with praife) h'

e kils the fl lflfs‘

And,fpoyleth noranothers life alone,


n for that veryfaultWhich'

washisawng , I.But flair, andflattens, int he fpoyle

‘of them,

Whom hee,

.without compaliidnjdidmadame " ,

Nay, worfe thanfo ; he'

e can‘

tiot bee'



To {laugh ter them who areas iniiocent,As hee him/elfe , but, heemhfl alfoplay,And (port hiswofull Pris


lives away; ,1\More torturing them,

twiiti fruitlefle hop}: andfiafqt,Thanwhentheirbowels,with

his teeth 1he tgaresFor

,bymuch terrour, andmuch




Hee kills them, ,tentimesover,



re theydie.When

,fuch likeMagrflm terh


ave rule obtain’


The bell menwilh theirpowre‘

might be reflrain’

dBut, theywho (hun Enormities, through F oam,Are gladwheng ood


rr out ofOffice are .

Yea,WhetherGovernor”: bee goodor bad, a ,

Of theirdifplacings wicked-me}; are glad,And

,when they fee th

em brought into difgraces‘


Theyboldlyplaythe K M‘UCS before their


Themotion of theWorld,tbi: days"

lu v s-tn. X I.

AnarTeward Iourneyon the Cancer’

s backe)Movescounterwi fe 5 as ifdelight it had,To tunne a race, inGa ffes . retrograde

And,that,isVerylikely‘to be true,

Wh ichfih is ourEmblem purpofcrh to fhcw.

For, I have now, of late, not onelyfeene,What backwardme tions,inmyFriends have beene5And

,that myoutwardF ortune: and dj afer,

Doe of themiclves,come tumbling downe thefiaitcs:

But, I have alfo found, that Otherthings,Have got awheeling incontraryRiggs ;Which Reg q , ho lding on

tis like thatwee,

To Irma , orE tbnjrks, back'

c lhall turnedbeSomepunie Clerk“, prefitme that theycanteach

The anc ient ho lyDamn , how to preach.Some L air/c: , .lear


nc their Pafforrhow topraysSome Parem ,arc,

compelledto obayTheirSom e: 5 and, (0 theirDignitie to Iofe,As to be fedandclorh

d,at theirdifpofc.

Nay, ivee have fome, who have aiTay’

d to draw,All backward, to the Bandage of the L 4m5Ev

nto thofe abrogated K im andDryer,Bywhich , thewandring l entmarkes oat hiswayes.And, to purine th isRormd, theyare [0 heady,That, theyhave made themfelves, andOthers g iddy.

Doetbax, zbefifrow n!Motions, Lo an,

re risingAndJct tbeWorld inbar dueroxrfe ag l iflc.

g 2 Invincibilitie

Invincibilitié t} there,

WhereOrdet 55trcngth,emdVnioh Ire.

Offliron0 1mm , orof armod‘

li orfi,

Inwhich,the K ing fecuritiemayfinde,

U nlcfle‘

the Ridersbee wellDifezptiade.Nor

,lyes it inthe Souldiers c ommon Skill


Paflmer; nor intheirs ,who drillThe Ran/re: and Pyle»; to orderthem aright,According as -aeeafien,

makes the F ight.

But,menmull vfe afurtherPrudence to oOrelfc

,tho le vulgar-f1m will allundoe.

For, thefc, are onely3mm injoynd,To orderwell the Bodjmorth e MudAnd5menbellm ind inthefe (oft times)we fee,TheH4 te-brein

a’flflak“: inall ourAm ie: bee.

Tofireegsb, andr'

kifl, unite wemull, therefore,A manlyFre e/mee, comprehendingmore


Thanall thele‘


e -ev”nfeels,aswhen{heepleal



To all her mannaget'


,ibew ushow to cure, o rt o prevent.

AllHawaii 5 or, withall‘tofibee content.

Hee that’

s alone,


Although his Hon/e will coverbut hisback5And of hisTalmhe C with fetm

dasglad,As Alexanderwas of a l hee had.When I am fetled inaplace I love,A {hrubbybedge-row, feemes a goodlyGrove.My liking maketh P414“: of Sleds,And

,of plaine Couches, carved IvoryBed:


rypark,andpathlcilc tu ll e which liesC ontemn

d,asrude, orwilde,ino thers eyes,

To mee ispleafint 5 not alone in (how,

Bur,trulyfuch : For, likingmakes them fo .


d intheirs,the S eeder, andCode: dwell,

As clo th a Scal e; in h ispearly(hell :For,that commends theHos/emhich makes it fit,To fer-ve theirturncs,who lhouldhave ufe of itu


Itwere the P ig of fome well-nuttut’

d Sew

Perhaps,you thinke there be not anywhere

Such Amie/m, but inthis out Emblem here .

But,it youtake thele Charm s, and then get forth

Among fome troupes;whichpride forfolkesYoufiralldifcovcr,quickly, if youpleafit,A thoufandfights, asmimicall as thele .

Here,youiball fee anobleTitle worne,(That hadnot mii-bcleem

d one better borne)Byhim,whole vertues are c l


little price,And

, wholegllate, wasgonenbyhisVite.You iball beholdano therMu/brame, there,Walkewith out Lerdt, as if hee were theirThatwaswell knownc,to be but to thcr


day,No fit companionfor(uch menas they5


And,hadno othermeanes to clinme thisheight,

But Gaming , orto PlaytheParefite.

Yet (though heneitherhath hisTw ig norL imi t,Noranyhonell M em e, byhis bendt )Hec,oft confumcs at once, inGame: orChem ,

More thanwould keepe his Better all the yeate.

Yea,manyfuch as thci


c,thou ihouldll beho ld,

Which wouldbeevext, if I defcribe them ihouldFor, thus unworthily,blindF ortune flings,To Cranes, andGee/é, and Swine, herprecious things.

I L L V S TR . XV I I I.

Ofus, thatare thej ieafatiahle-creettttr'


For,wee are truelybyourhat



rth,L ikeVent: undrefi

,and creeping onthe earth,

Nor free from fpoyling , nor inf

eaie to beareGoodfr



ts,or leaves, while we are groveling there.But

,if nem htm e by

Gfttce, fireight home arewee,From earthlycreepings, bythat Living tree,Which


,was planted, meerely to this end,

Thar,by hispow

r, ou'

rweakttej]emight afcend.

And,hee outfit t

ltie to himielfe (0 takes,

So,o f hismight, the partnersus hee makes ;

That,hee,inus,do th feeme to hide hi sponi

rt ,And


mal<e the,firmg th hee gives, appeare as ours.

C ontinue,Lard,~thisGrace, andgrant ,wee may,

Firme ho ld,onpurSupporter, alwayes lay

So climbing , that wee no rneglect, no rhideHis L ove;norovéryclitnbe it,by ourP rede.Thus

,ouryet fiaggering mea

hne/je, {hallBee fullychanged‘

into pérfeét S treng th.






I L L vs'

rn, XIX.

This rambling Archer lparesnorone,norOther

Yea,Otherwh ile,the W et-they{boots hisMorher.Though yoube little Childfenfl omen



For,I remember(though'



Now gone andpath) that,whenIwasaLed,MyB earr,apricke,bythisyoungWantonhad,That

, pain’

dme {evenyeatesafter norhad IThe grace (thuswarn

d) to fcape h iswaggery5But many times, ev

nfince I was aman,He ,fho tme, oftnerthen I tellyouCanAnd

,if I


hadnorbene the fitonger-hearted,

I, formyover-daring, might haveMatted.

You laugh now,as if thiswerenothing fo 5

But,ifyoumeet thisBlinkardwith hisBow,

Youmay, unlefleyoutake thebettercare,Receive awound, before youbeaware.I feare himnot 5 for, I have learned howTo keepe myheart

-firings from hisArrowAnd, (0 mi ghtyou, and{0 might ev


That vaine accafiom,truelyfeekes to fhunn.

But, if you {leight myC ounfells,youmaychanceTo blame at lafl,yourwillful!ignoranceFor


,who thought,at fitfi, hiswoundsbut (mall

Have dyedbythem,inanBuying


H a

I L L V S TR‘. XX.

andfiz e

(There,manyyeates compelling him to lie,

Oppréflwith dii-‘


peét orpovertie)Hee keepes the place to wh ich hee Hands enjoyn


And brookshis chances with a confiantm ind

If {hee remoove h im thence, and[erh imup

Then, place us inthyfpiritual]

”t emple, Fo,

That, into one firme S trttt tre, we maygrow;And


whenwe,by thyGraee,are fitted thus,DwellThate thyfilfe foreverm ore,ih us.

a vs'

rrt . XXI I.

Some give theirHand: 5 and, thenbymanyadeed,To ratifie thegtfi, theydare proceede gYet

,lteeptheir tongue: from faying what theymeant,

To helpe excufe theirheartr,whentheyrepent .yea

,fome canverycunninglyerrpreffe,

Inoutward ibew, awinning heartinefle,And, fieale the


deare efl'

eéttm theyhave fought,From thofe ,

to whom theymeant, norpromis’

dought .

Then,will they, if advantagecome thereby,Makeall theirDeeds, forwant o fWordt,, aly.

Among Deyeaub1m , inthings temporall,TheieRushed; are thever

efi K hm erof all.

fi n»?


kle,‘M inds

-unconfiant are:

I L L v s'

r R. X X I I I.

h im ,that thewomansWant ing; are themore 5

But , fo rth is caufe zs Mo i’tVices, heretofore,

AndVertheh to o , ourAME/lots didf

render,Bywordsdeclined in thefimdogehden

Thewihgrd Ball, (whore to ttering Foundati on

Augments the cauies of ourvariation)

Meanes,here, tho fe ufeleffe,andvaine t



That come andgoe,with never-h aying m ngt5

And,which (if thereuponourhearts we let)

Make Mto andWomen, the Vertigoget.

Hereafter,then, let neitherSexeaccufe

Each Other5 but,theirbeltendeavours ufe,

To cure thisMaladt'

e inone another,


I i L vsr R . ,XXl V.

Who le Betterpart, quite {iupifyed grower,Bybeing Cauteriz ed inthe Fires

Of childifhF earet , o r temporallDefect .Fo r, as the Valiant (whenthe Garrard(wounds)

With gladneffe lets the S ttrg t’

oh fearch hisWounds ;And

,though they(mart, yet c

heercfully indure

The P laifiers,and. the P robe,inhope ofCures

5 0, Men, affuredthat Affltfl tom pain:

Comesno t forvengeance to them,norinvain

But,to prepare, andfit them fo r theplace,

To wh ich , theywillinglydireét theirpace ;inTroubles

,are lo fatre from being fad,

That, of theirSuffrag , theyare troelyglad.

What everothers thinke, I thus beleeve 5And, theretefore, joy,whentheyfuppofe Igrt



The commonW age, of the Lifi of W u,

:1. eth no t the largenefi


e of a film .

The SW —like Moreno, flye away(0 {at},Thatg eom are ont



re wee thinke m onth are pafiYeag manytimes, ourm

rafl' dcy is gone ,Before wee loo k

d fo r twelve a claret a Name;And

,where wee fough t fo rBea m, 4: tbc P d ,

Wee finde the F 141; quite rotted from the S ledLet thefe Exmeilionso fTime; pafiége, bee

4am : fo r ever, Lord , to mee

That, I may {fillbee guildefl

e o f their crime,Who im itlefly coniume their prec ious TomAnd, m indemyDeatb ; not w ith a {lavilh feare ,Em,

with a thankfullufe,o fHom e, here

No t grieving, thatmyJaye: awaydoe poll'

sBut,ttating rather, that theybee not lo ft,And


ring w ithDifcretion, how I mayRedefi ne the Ttime, that

s vainely flipt away.

So,Whenthatmoment comes

,wh ich Others dread


I, undifmay’

d, {hall climbe mydying

-bed ;W ith joyfiill Hora ,my£141: to dult commend;InSpfm

t, with a (tedfm F aitb a(cend 5And,whilfi I living am ,

to firm {0 dye,That flying , I may live eternally.

Ii z\

I L L v s '

rn.,X XV I I I.

For, as it

That,wh illl theybreed, the furyo£the feas

Is through the wo rldalayd and,that theirBrood

Remaines infafet ie, then,arnidfi the floodSo

,whenthe ChrifiianClmrobwas in herbirth


Therewasa general!Pm : throughout the earth ;And

,thofe tumultuousWow s,which after that

Begant o rile, andW ag’


Were calmed(0 , thatHe: was home inpeace,From whom,the faithfullGif

f-{firing did encreaf'


They, likewife, onaRooke, thcirdwellings have,As here youfee 5 and, though the rag ingWave,Of dreadfull Sm , hath beaten, everfince,Againfi the Form/[e of theirfirong defence,Yet, [till it (lands ; and, (ale, it lhall abide,Ey

n in the‘

midfi o fall their fom ing pride.

Vpon this Rocks [0 place me, oh myGod!That

,wharfoeverTcmpcflrbee abroad,

I mayno t feare the furyofmyFoe,No rbee indangerof anoverthrow .

My life is full of Storm : 5 theWaters roule,As if theymeant to (wallow upmyfoule .

The Tide: oppofe ; the furiouswindsdoe roare;MyCablc

rweake,my tarklingr, Lord,are poore,

And,myfrailemej é/l canno t long endure;Yet

,reach to mee thy hand, and I


m fecure.

M ot/Juli its item of P eace.



Except the Sword have alway fome commandYea


thar,forwhich ourforraine Spoylm come


Damefiicltc Fm ,willelfe devonre at home;And,fi nger-dram the peacefullBee: will harme,a cfl


e with warlike (tings, themfelves theyarme.

C onfidering this, let none bee fo unwile'


The Sword: well-us’

dprotection to defpife :Or

,thinke thepraGtice of thisdouélog uard,

Inanyplace, orage, maywell bee fpar’


Let northe Sword-manfleight the pow’

rfull c omm;NorGowm m ncall the Sword our of theirTowne,Becaufe it terrifies, ordraweth Blood5For, o therwh ile Phlebotomy isgoodAnd

,though to kill a Lowfe, the feare;

(ThoughM m baptfli love no Sword to weare)Yet

,being drawne, to fright, orcut off Siam,

Itmaybee brandifh'

d bya C herubin.

However, from the.

Sworddivide no t youInanycafe) thepeaceful]olive boagé

That is, let P am , at all times he that End,

Forwhich,to draw the Sword youdoe intend;

And,form il-doirg , bee as ready, (till,

To give round uasHomes, for,


ngb ifl.


,AFortune it orddu’

dfbrrim s

According on thy L abours bee.

I tlL v s '

rn. X XX I.

Mull prove awavering ,andunconltant gaineFor,


he that (oweth Vanitie, lhallfinde,Atreaping-lime, no betterfruit thenWid e


Yourhoures, inferionsmatters, if you fpend,Or

, fuch , as to a lafling purpole tend,The purchafe of your paineswill everlafi ;And,bringyouP leofim, whenthe Labour


: pafl.

Yea,though in teares, yourSeed



YourHom e]!iballbe fetched hOme,with ioy.Ifmxcbbe wrought, much profit will enfue ,If little, but a little meede

is due.Offi otldog , nothing comes On evil dude:Ancviil confcience;and, ill fame fucceedesAnbomjl lzfc (tillfindes preparedfor


SweetHope: inDeath goodrcpm ,

Of Sexe, o r ofDegree, there’

sno regard:

But,asthe Labour, (uch isthe reward.

To worka arigb'

tmh Lord, infiruét thounice 5And

, groundmyWorker, ,

andbuildingsallon thee:That,by the fieryTefl,whentheyare tride,MyWort-emayRand, and Imayfiféabide.


Wherein, a trulifullprom ife maybe found,Thar

, quite ,your linkw ldr, lhall norbe drown'


The SmJbim , through the foggymifls appeare,The lowt ing Skit , begins againe to cleare;And

,though the,

Tmpéfl, yet, your eyes aflright,Faire weathermaybefallyou,long erenight.

Such comfort fpeal es ourEmblem , unto thofe,Whomfiormie P erforation doth enclofe,And

,comions him



s for’

theprefent fa’


With hopes, that better feafons maybee had.

There b nortrouble, forrow,nordillrefi



Butmitigationhath o r fome releal'


Long aft , or time, the fiormc awaywill turne,Ell

e,P atr



malres it betterto be borne .

Yea,[ brewerlowting dayes,will come and one,

Aswell asprofp’

rous houres o f S ar/biné dh eAnd,when

tispafl, thepaint that went before ,Willmake the fo llowing pleafure leeme the more.For, hee,hath promis


whom we may beleeve,Hisbleliingmnto thole that mourae

and g riuve,And


,though forrow much dejects theirhead,

In ev’

ry need, wee {hallbe comforted.

Th ispromife I beleeve; in ev’

rygriefe,P erforme it

,Lord, andhelpe myunbeliefe

S o , o thers viewing how thoucheerefi mee,Shall, inallfmom s, put their truli in thee.

I L L vs‘

Ta . X XXV.

Thus,hath it chanced unto manya man

And,he that firfl inmiferybegan,

Yea,overtOpt and aw

d,the beltof thofe


Who fought to curbe h im,when he firflarofe.

This,I have feene,And, aswee feldome find

A Tice grow faire , that canno t brooke theWind,Or,muftbebous

datWinter o r, onwhom

The Gardner: pruning-knife


So, I have rarely knowne thofe mento rife

To any good, o r noble qualities,Who feele no t, fir


ftfome baraybipf or fomeflm ne,

To prune,"

to difcipline, andto reforme

Theirwits andmanners. For profperitie,Eafe, pleuric, and too large a libertie,oth oftenblaf’t them 5 andJomtime bereave them,

Ofwhat theirP redecejjm worth’

s,did leave them.


,no man, fearewhen this he knowes,

Although in { fluff/ff , andthroughflreégfinhe goes.K k z

God,everwill beefrefemstbd


Wheresof on Faith , andMindtheyare.


To (ha fdow out ag reeing Me'

xdr, that bee


d inone Try/1. Andfl vell it may,That V0 11“, o f the ho lyCbmcb difplay.

For,as ourbu dg ihe bettermeanes canmake,

To g ame, as well as to retaine, or take,The besaefirs we feeke,whenwee intend,Ourdiflermg F ingers, ,

all,toworlte one end

So,whenthe Church of

“Cbrifl (whereinwee finde

A difl'


ence o f Degrm }(hallwith oneminde,Pnrfue a faithfull hOpe,they

'l footie obtaine,Thatwiihedbenefit

,theyfeche to gaine

For,whenbut two orthree {hall inGael:name,

Requefi a bit/ring , hewill grant the fame.Let all thy



rallCbarebes, Le an (thatflandL ikemanyF ingers, members of one Hand)ThyWil Eflémiafl with joynt love obay,Though circumfiantially, theydiffermay.

Some have the largerCircuit, f’

éme areflrong er,Some are o f ibort confinemenfome of longer;But, though theirGmfflr


maydiffer, yet‘



,onone F oundatiafl ,theymaybide ;

And, that, all thofe ,who inone F air}; agree,May, inone Band of Lov e unitedbeeTill ourconfineds dome comes to know,That,many th ings,for


Which wee wrangle (0 ,Would further that

,who ie h indrance wee d

Ifmoreo ur andlefl‘e ourDijeordwere.

P ro tedl:

I L L v sr n. XXX I X .

Arifing’twixt a Husband, and hisWife,

For, 7 not]; conceal’



Mayonc or th’

o thergrieve, orbath divide.

I wouldnotWith mymo lt familiarNote,

Be P artner in the who'


ofmyefiate 5Left l, byOthers erro rs m ight ofl


nd,Or,wrongmyFamily, o r, lofe myFriend.I would nor, willingly, inmydifirefl



From anunworthyhand, receive redrefl'

c 5

Nor, when I need a Suretie, would I call

An‘Vrrtlrrrft, ora roaring Prodigal!

For, eitherthefe l thankleflymufi'

fhun,Or, humourthem ,

and beperhapsundone;I would no t heare myFriendunwifelyprateTho le th ings, o f wh ich I muft informe theSAnd

,leeme unfriendly5 or, elfe leave to doe,

That, which a fironger Bored obligeth to .

No rwould I,iorthe world,my heart (houldbee

Enthraldbyone , thatmigh t norfl urrymee 5Or, fuch like,po



tom, beeperplexed in,As hang betw im a Verroe,enda S inne5Or, fuch , aswhetherwayfoe

re I went,

Occafion’dguilt,or fhame, ordifcontentFor, howfoe

rewee mannage (uch like things,Wee handlewindingVipw , that have fiingS



Thegaining of a rifbfi ftate,stems,nutri tion“, reflrain’dbyP aris.

I L L V S TR . XL .

To fuch a height“and, whyhee mountsno higherFo r, whatfoere theirAuthorsunderflood,Thefe Emblems , now,

{hallfpeake as I thinkegood.

The Cornucopia fafined to a Round,Thus fixt,maythew ,

that Riches have theirétana’5And, eanbe raifed,bymanspowfr orwits,No h igher thanGods P rovidencepermits.

Theplacing of them onthatWbeele,d0 th (how,

That,fome waz e Pom , asOthersWealth] grow

For, looke how much the higher, onedothSo much the lower, fiill, the o therlies5And

,whenthe height of one is at anend,

Hee fiuitesagaine, that o thers mayafcend.


manyfiops,which on thisWéeele youfpie,Thofe many oé/iaeles may typifie,‘

Wh ich barre all tho fe that untoWealtbafpire,From compaifing the Roundof theirdefire .

The want o f Wit, from Ric/res, barreth fome5

Some,cann0 t rich ,becaufe of S lot/7, become.

S ome , that are mfi, andpoi refer/I, are deny’


Encreafe of wealth, through P lea/are, or through Pria'


S ome,lofe much pro fit,wh ich they elfe mightmake,

Becaufe o f Conference, o r forCredi t fake.

If noneo f thefe did hinder, wee have fiore,That m ight bee Rio

-6, who , yet, are very Poore.

do e come to be thofe F ates,

Which/keepe moi!men, from getting large Eflates.

Wee, bring theHonyto tireHive 5But, others; by our labours thrive.


The fo llowingWinters famine to prevent,

Fortheirgoo fervice, eithertheyare fir’


Or, forth into anemptie Hive are fent :And, there,with flenderdiet theyare ferved,To leave ano therSammersw o rlte,

to thofeWho rake no care

, through“the fwarme be finned,If weake

,and quitepail labouronce it growes.

Aswith fuch Bees, it fares withmanya one,i

That,(pends hisyouthfirll time inhonefi thrift;

And,bytheWage, theHornet, o r theDrone,.Of all their labours

,theyare foone bereft.

Sometime, theherdring I nasmuch wrong thish ood,

Through idle o ifitt’

ngt 5 or, them def yle,Bymaking friendlyflrewes ofneg oer/nod 5When


all theirComplements, are nought guile.Sometime

,theirpowerfull Foesdoe rob th quite5

Sometime, theirL ordsp rLandlordsm ith pretence, x

Of,claiming onlywhati s jail and r



Opprelfe them without rnereie,or'

Je enee.Thus

,byone courfe orOther, daily, fome .

(That are laborious inanhonefi way)The preyof P ride, or Idleneife becomeAnd,fuch as thefe,may therefore truelyfly,That,wharfo ever theyto paii


e have brought,Natfir t/rernfilves, h ototh er, thy64m wrongbl.

. I L_L V STMXL I ]. I.

If th'

15 were true~

the S tarres‘

aionRe no have bin‘


i "ALT l

P roviding fo , _

thatnonemaybee unfeel,

Doeh offerto the Dvggctl the Civili an!bread.‘i

And, bythis Emblem;wee advifedare,Oi theirprefnmpt


uousbold e to beware,~Who boundGod

’sMerrie ; and, have (hut outfome

P rom hope of Gru tb'

efore theNigbt is comei’w

S ince,to theDagnhismeatis flat




If theyrem me, (though not tillEvening

-tide.)Moreover,Wee, fom


e notice hencemaytake,That, it provifion,G

od, vouchfafes to make,

For Lya'

m ,Dqgr, andRavens, intheirne


Hee will his Lambés,andharmleffeTurtle: iee'


And, (0 provide, that they {hallalwayeshave



to maintaine the L ift hee gave.1 (M Gconfelfe, I nevermerit (hall;

Th e Cmmzam r,~Which from thy


CHUrém table

Yet, thouhaltoft,and iieelyfedmee, Lord;

Among thyCbildrcn,at thyHoly-board

Nor have], there, beenfill’

dwith Bm dalone,Buc

,onthe bleffed Eadieof thySome;

My3 0c hath feafled;

“And, if thoudofi grant

Such tavouré, Lord what can”care to wantf or, doubtldi


e,if thySeime thoupleaIe to give,

AllOtherthings,with h im,I {hallreceive.

“A a

Jill Flefli,it like tbewitber


Am t/o it firingsmxdfm r away.

And, withers ev’

ry halite, untill hee dyesNow

,flouriflaing, asGaye,whenit is growne,

S traightperiflimg , asGa ge,whenit ismowne.‘

If, wise withOtherth ings,'

mans Agecompare,His L ift isbut aD17 For, equall

d are

HisTum with Hu m His Mamba,with Mim e:

Fit parallels 5 and, ev’

ry b eatéing ,weeMay tearme aD11) yet,Tome, ev


nat the High

Of that fl10 ttD47, are dead, and witherd quite .

Before theW arning of ourlives bee done ,The F lt/boft fades: Somerimej t growestillNew .

But, there'

sno mortali PM», that willabide

Vnparchedlonger, thantill Evening-mil .

Fo r,init (elfe, it alwayes carries that,

Which helpeth fo, it felic to urinate ;That

,though it feele;norflam e, nor fcorchin

Aninbred Ca banwilldorifume the fame.

C onfideting well, andwell remembring this,Account the F 145no better thanit isWrong no t

. thine everlafling Seek , to cherifh

A Gourd, which'

ina moments time w illpet iih

Give it the tendsnce, fit'

forfading Crops ;But

,forfl ayh rw ff, lo le net better hopes.


. {313 211d adbwflflw c. .1N.

Wbomntlzc Conleydoibpaging . 1 03 .

.To fome fmallnumbert, For,whoe’

re 64mAndperfiu



cs theprofer’


And, God refpeétsno perlons nei ther lay’c

A humbling blocice in anyof ourWaiesgThis be ing lo , lei no manthinlt

tenotghTo ferh is hand

,alittle, to the Plough,

And,thtndefi ft ; but,

"let h im fiillpurfue,

To doe thatWorkt ,to which thatWreatb isdueFor, noronGood beg inmn, noronthore‘

That. hurl/ccbalfi-my, (much lelfe onhim,that g%

No fieppat all) Wi llGod th is g ift conferteBut, onely, unto tho le thatpetfwm .

Lo up,by thyGrace, an entrance I have


fi Pat/m ; and, thyalliflance had,To make inthem ,


pm ccdwgrtoe .

Oh grant m e, full abilitie, to doeThyfacred


,to h g imnndend

Sneh Work h as t'

o thyg lory,flill, may tend.

That (Walking , anda nima ting inthe P ar/7,



Hon, ofanobleminde, art thought,Which ,heav

nlythings, hath chieflyAnd


fl thyvenue to échale,By loving tho fe of lowerplace.

If (0,thine Emélani do th CXpreffe

ThyWiflome, andthywortéynefle.But, if to earthyvard th



,learne Afi

refi iwitfmoreDivine.

See,Emb. I .


Somewords o r tbaugbtt ,perhaps, ofyourHave wrong

dGodsprovidence, orP aw’

r‘E's, you(it maybe) to lomeplace,C onfine hisunconfinedGrace 5


Q t,thinke

,he nevertaketh care,

Of any Rea/me, but where youare.YourL ot, now therefo re

,dorh provide;

To haveyour Iadgemettt refl ifide .See, Emi . I I.


Thoumaifi bewife, but, there is, yet,S ome crack, onlailing inthy reg!Fo r

,thoudOffPerfomfl e apart,

That,(howes tnee o ther, thenthouart.

Thine Emélem , therefore, doth declare,WhatHabit, (uch deferveto weare


Whotitm t, that, which he appeeres.See, E 016. III

Youhave, asyet, much worke todoe,But,yoo have littletime thereto :

That, little, 8yes awaywith fpeed

And, youthe Lrj e, as little heed.

Left,therefore , all your, time be gone,

Before youduelythinke thereon,Amm oru dtm youhave gor,Bydrawing, of this luckie Lo}.

>See, EM .

Mm :

The Faun/JL otteria .


Th h on, rha no permdread,A ti




igh t;ban



s abg e your head5Bywhich ,you(taking little care)Mayperilh ereyoube aware.

To minde you, therefore, to efchew

SuchMitt ties asmayeniueYourLot, th is‘warninfBurb

s/em feat ;

Oblerve it, andyour a rm: prevent.

SCC, E0 16. V0



fl, inhope, to fhunthyg riefe 5Thouelm tge/l place, to feelte releefe ;And



e thingsare {bent

As,caufers ofthydifcontent .

But trouble,now,no more thyminde,

The roo t o l thydifeale to finde

Fo rgb ythineEmblem thou(halt fee,

TheF a m ine, whence thytormentsbee .

See, Emb. VI.


Thouart, orels thouseen“,oflate,

Some great,orpetty,Magi/irate;Or, f ortune thereunto , perchance,Intime to come,will thee



But , bythine Emélem, thou{halt lee,That,whenrefire in

d,thypm ? {hallbe,

Offenders, thereo fwill be glad,Andskotfe thepow

re which thouhafihadObferve it ; andbe fo npf igét,


thoumaiit langhar theirdejpigbt.See,Bub. V I}.


Prmetiott thoudollmuch defire,And, fpaciousFortune: to acquire;A

s,ifthouthoughtfi, thoumightfi attaine,


Bleflea'nefle,by(uch againe


To lhew thee, therefore, what event,

Whai happinefle,andwhat content,Such th ings,willbring vs, at the



l, nbw, themhall .

See,Embi V l I I.


Dilheartnedbe not, though thoufee,‘

ThyHopes, quite fruliratc feeme to beFor,manyHopes, appearing pail,Have, beene renew

dagaine;at lafl 5And, grew fargreater, then before,When




) revermore.

Bxu upler, therefore,now are brought,That, (till, to Hope, t

‘hOumayft be taught.See Barb. I X.

, uod




if itiyvere, unknowne

The poweryouhavewerenotyourownBut, had youno t anable Prop,Youeouldno

or beare fo high aTop,And,if tha


tAyala forlalte you(hall,

owh e to the ground, you(oonewiAcknowledge this and

,humble grow,Youmaybe, fi ill, fupported (0 .

866 5 13 5. X V I I I,," l

This Lb: of'


do th plaincly(how,That, inTomedangernowyougo .

But,”a nd; byf lee/e, yet,{rare


younotNorFwd-mg , nor‘Cmaon-jbo'



rtarherfi read thejbafl: thatfly,From fome deenei lvounding‘

wdi t sYourgt'

eatefi perills are from thenceGet therefore,

“ArmOur o fdefence .

3t SeeEmé. X I X.



fi Proforma-f, asathing,Which £4 orWejlcrnew inds might bring;And, thin {tro gaine a temp

rall Crowne,Bygowm

and (”W oof thine owne zBur



now, thyn

Lot inloqnm’

tromwhom,The S taffer, andprefa mem come5Seeker


ytihy“lawfull60c fru


‘no: a vaine


m bzrim .


This L ot, though rich, orpoore ,thoubee,nEmblem, fitt for thee.

IfRic/z, itwaffl es, not to beproud5Since

,Fog txnéof avours are allow

dTo Smiqi/lz-m a lf thoubepoore,B ejea thounotlthyfelf q

the more;‘For

, mqhyworthymen, there are,Who, doenor lewclsweave.


1 1 7

Thou, do ll no t greatly care,-bywh om

Thym alt/J; or thy'

P rcfem’

zm ts,conie f

So , thouma’

ifl et them,P oole or K now ,

Thyp ayerséan thypraifemay have 5Becaule,houdo ll no r feare

, nordreame ,What difidVanta"

e comesby thembythiqeLfm lcm , thou{halt fee


t,lwfifiié‘im , in theirfavour: bee.

See,Emb.XV IL


F aurtb L ooterra '


ThyVermes, beene '


To finde whitep‘ro o les theywi ll abide

Yet, th inke m’

ofia ll th‘

yTriéf‘lo pail,

Ti ll thouon‘éViryrfide art



Nor,feare th o tl, chance to

If tru’

ely, fqru rd

t hydealings beFo r, then, what ever


Norbomg nofjbiirbe’

, bétide thee lhall.a


1 3 45 3 " 3:

See,E 0 15.X X;

Fine Clothcsffair'

eWonk,éntifing F oot,WithMme; per

fume“and‘c lm f

Oft, cheat you,_withfanou’

ward (how,

Ofthat,wh ich prooveth


ng (0 .

Therefo re, Morallread 3

And,ere to o“failegyoudoeproceed,

Th inke;whom‘

youdeale withall,to

Who , byFaire lhe'




1 See, Emb.XXI.

You,areacc us


o fno thanIhere,As, if to any;faljle,

youwereInword, o r need and

,w ilh

,we doe

,YourConfczcocemayacquityoutoo ,Bur

,ityour felley



, unto (uch a ault inclin’

d)The crime


And, what isyet undone, preven



Youhaue delightedmuch, oflate,GainltWm »: ficklenefie, t


o prate;As iF'

this traileryyou'

did find,Entail

d,alonc onwomankind

Bur, inyourfelfe,ther’

s now and then,

Great proo fcs,-o i wav

ring m inds,inmen

Then, jugde notfaultswhich areunknown;

But”,ratherlearne to utendyourowne.

Sée,Emb.XXl I I.


ourAfi‘lifi imrfiyourepine,

,ia all tr0 ubles,cry“,andwh

As if,to]ufier, brotightpo“j;

But, quite,didallfico titents dellroy.

That, youmight, therefore, patient grow,

And, learne,thatVe




rC,to know,

Th is L ot,'

untoyourview; isbroughtP erufc

,andpraaife what is t


au ht .

See, Em .XXlV.

onout. fide Fricpdmhoumuch teli'l'


And,wailep, o ft, before thoutry'

fi;Bywhich, ifCoot/page thouefcape,ThyWitweepraile not, bUt th 114;But, lefi byi mfl, (e

reWe”in},Thou, overlate,

thyTrafiing rueOblerve the Moral of thyLot,And,loo lte that thoufor itnot;



By thisyourLot, it lhouldappeare, ,

lfhat,youyour lelfe are too feveres.


,byfome,per[waded bin,


ry Pl ufure is afin»!That

,wifer th


erefore, youmaygrow,

Youhave anEmblem , nomto lhow,Hee,wholewrldome allmenprail



Sometimedaycsdowne hisEomundplayer;See

,Eb XVI.


Thou little heedfth owf im is loll,Or

,how thineHowresawaydoe po

Norartthoumindfull of-the day,Inwh ich thy life ,will breath away.

To thee th is i n,now,th

erefore, came,

To make thee heedfull o f the famet”

S o ,o l thy‘Duri'e, let itmind thee, (theex


That, thoumail}: low ,whenDm b lhallfinde'


A fafe-abiding,wouldfl thouknow,

When Sm doe rage,andwind: doe blowItlb ; thine Emblem lh

ewesmeg-whereSuch Primledge: gained are.Oblerve itwell then

,doe thyhe'

ll,.To bee. a Yong


ng , inthatneltI


d, and,moeke thounotAt what istaught thee,bythisL ot.

x See,Emb.XXVIIl.

(I he f ourth Lot teri es


fl,to climbe, to harm

dbafiia .

Yet,wouldlt not palfe through flound er


it them (0 , as if therewere

No wayto lhfi , whereM lle: are.Left, theti, thoulofe thyhop

’delorpea-ilk,By, lechingwide, andedit . eswayS ee what thineEinblm dorh dilclo




And, feare dot cv’

rywk deehat blowes.

See, EM . XXXV


Sometimes,itmaybe, thoudol



That, Goda“thypfhytrmlothnot

No r, heede , of thofe P etition: take , . 1.


Thou, ball beenveryforward, (till,Topaw/bthofe, thatmerit ill ,But, thoudidfi never,yet regardTo giveDejm ,herdueRe fu nd.

That , thetefOte, thoumaifinowhaveOffuch Injafltoe, to beware, 7»

Thine Bu l let» , dorh to theeprefcnt,AswellReward, aspflazlbm t.


Thou, eitherhall aballing Mga ,

Which, cannot keepe afrom long 5»

Or, {halt,perhaps, ind'

dg rowe ;'

By inch , asutterall theyknow.

In one,orother, of the twatnc, w

Thoumaifibe harm’



It mayredormd, when thoufltalt fee,What, now, thine Eotl ltm, counl


els the .

See, Emb. XXXVI II.


Bythis, thyLot,we underltand,That, lbmewhat, thouhaliwoke inhand,Which, (whether, further, rhoq omJ

‘1 be F ourth L otterie o .

4 0


nles, thoublame“, much,Becaule, thoucanfl: notbe [0 rich,As o thersare : But, blame no moreThe Doflm

tg ashere tofore 5For, if itpleal


etheeto behold,What

,by th ine Enbkc hallbe told;

Thouuhgredhalt find,which be tho l‘

c F or“,That, keepemenlow,intheiroffer“.

. 3 See,£0 16.XL .

4 t

Thou thinltlt, that thoufromfi altrart free,And, here, unblamed thoulhalt be.

But, ifto ,allmen, thouwilt feeme

Asfaire, as in thine owhe efieeme,P relumethounorabroad to lie


Vntill, byev



pool ingfi laWhich

,in thyMom/l, is ex



Thouhali,bo th Mingle, 21; the

See Emb. X L I.4 2

Some,lalmrhardly; all theirdaies

Inpainefull-ptofitable wayes. gt . 3.And, Others talle the fweeteftgoingOf that, forwhichahefe tooke thepalm

theyno t aloneundo ,But

,having told, they”M ar to o.

Thewrongs of-fttch


, irhis l orb/gm'


951 1

That, thoumayfl:helpe; orpitty thofeii

See, .EmltlXL“o t



afpeflr, andmotion: o f the ti’

mrrer,JAs it

,theythreatned Fm : to


Which , Godcouldnever fave them from;Ifthis

,thydream ing Errorbe, so I l


Thine Emblem Morall'

ihewes to th e’


That,God rellrainesthewo man“;

And nomalls harme,cmccfd tkm3

r:zal L

7 ffifi'




negle€t the wrongAnd

,thoudo ll little (eeme to heede ,

WhatW eit threats,if thouproceed.To thee, anEmblem,

therefore, ihoWesTo what, olmfib l


Oblerve itWell and;make thyPom ,

Before to FromM ark increafe .

I a"

See, £036.XLIVJN n a

TheFourth L otterip .

Thouhall the helps'

of Nature: light ;Exym


en“too, doth ayde thyfightNaymore, them at Gra em ena,

D0 th round about thee daylit thine 5Yet , Rea/om eye isblind inthee,And, clearell cannOt fee.

Now,ftom what caufg thisEli-dufi

TheMoral of thineEmblem (howes.Seemed .XL


T cufi, thyMoney, orthy Friend,Mg; make th '

ee forwardto contend5And, give theeHopes,that thyintents,Shall bring theepro l


perom events.

Butview thyLat ; then,marke thouthere,That Viflom: uncertaine are ,And rafhlyventurenot onthatWholeEndmaybefim h ave}?notwhat.


To themwhogru‘

d I re”he,




gsgc ligl


This Let pertaigesg or, unto thore,Who,whentheirne


li nt) : needyC oatemneh im5 asl?he wese left,Of God and

,ofallh bereft.

If this, orthat;be f la thee,Thou, bythyMorafi; taugh t {halt be,Thar, tltert

' isnone lo illbel'

pedBut may havehope, he fhall be fed.


A 48

ThyF la/bthoulov’

ll, as if itwere,Thechiefefi 0 61m

l,of thyCan 5

And of(uch value, asmayferme,Wellmeriti thybelt efleerne.But

, now, to anilh that conceit,ThyL nanEmblem brings to fight,Whichmithoutflattery, lhewes to theeOfwhat regarditought to be.

Segfi ngi .XL VI I I.



Milpent eTim ,that


gone andpal!For

,to anEmélm thouart lent,


smadg fuch folly to retie'

nt t

The m am/1heed. 5


t yCW"

And, Labout ,to Redca u‘

tbeTun .


.sLS eg E-G.XL IX.

The I‘mirth L otterze,

What L ot.on thee , {he fhouldbellowNor

,can“thbu tell

, (if thoumight“haveThe cho ice)what P u tting thoufhonldfieFor, and .novV, th minde requires


Anon, 435. itdefirzs.WhenRefo lutionthouhall got,Then

,come againe, anddraw th


TheChancem hich thou obtainedhall,Of all ourChances, is the hillAnd

,callin upthe torallfemem ,

We finde t yGaine, to Nothipg cqmes.Yet ifitwellbeunderflood

f ,

11This Chancemaychance to doe thoe good}For

,it inferreswhat Pam

‘m fhall

,To ev’ryone, (at lafl) befall 5Andwarnes

,whilefoma hing , is"



, well it (alwaies jbe imployd.

ASrrperfideaa to all them , whofe t iJilom e

it is,vvith0ut anydelt rvin ,to importune

to give unto r em thcir


Anger, normyBlame,”Thar, thus I have inferib’dthis Epig mm :

For, theywho knowme, know,that

,Each : thuslarge,

And,fraught with Emblem , do augment the Charge

Too much abovemyFortunes, to afford

A Gift (0 cofily, for anAim e-17nd.

And,I have prov

d, yourBrggr




63 456 13,80 forward

,to OppreflemyMade/lit 5

Thag formyfuture eafe, it feeineth fit,To take lome

Order, forpreventing it.And

,peradventure, otherAuthforsmay,Find Caufe to thankeme for


t, anotherday.

Thefemanyyears,ithath yourCaflor‘

n bin,

That, when inmypoflt ii ion,youhave[eerieA Volume, .ofm ine owac

, youdid no more ,But, AlbaandTales , As if youthou htmy. Gore

Encreafi,without myCo il And

,1 at


'vizg ,

(Be th Paine: andC harges to o ) I got myliving ;Or


,1 find thePaper and the Printing ,

As eafie to me, as the Booker Inventing;

If,of my b


tudres, no efieemeyouhave,You, thenabufe the Courtditsyoucrave,And,a1e Vmbankfall.

If youpriz e them ought,Why{houldmyL abw , no t enough he thought,a eiie

,I adde Expenéer to mypaines

The S iariomnaffoo rds for littleGaines,The goo/earyoucrave : And,He , afwell as iMight g ive away, whatyourepine to buyFor, what heeGiver,doth onelyManyGod,Inmine

,bo th Mary, 7

”5m , andWit is10 11.


I {hallGive , andwhat I have befiow’


,to whom,

.I S tre it‘

e ow'


I grudge nor And,I thinke it is from them

Sufficient,that inch Giff: theydo efieemeYea, and, it


isa Fw our too,When they

Will take theicTrifl/cr,my large'

Duer to pay 5(Or,Aske them atmyhands, when I fo rget,That, I am to their Lov e, f0 much indebt. )But

, th is inferres nor, that, I (hpuld bell owThe like onallmen



Or, have the Face to aske: Fo r, then, I m ight,OfWuandMany, foone bebeg



d, quite .

Somuch,already, hath beene Beg


daway,(ForWhich, Ineitherhad, .norlooke formy)As being valo

dat thecommonRate,


d,F ivebrmdm lCrooner, inmyEfiate .

Which12 4 -1:


_z z z zz ’““fi t-ni l 1 a W