Tutorial Skenario a Blok 22- B6

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Transcript of Tutorial Skenario a Blok 22- B6

  • 7/23/2019 Tutorial Skenario a Blok 22- B6


    Mr.s Ani, 72 year-old came to dr. Mohammad Hoesin Hospital with a 2-month history

    of increasing pain in her lower back, which has not improved with ibuprofen and is

    causing diculty with walking and dressing. !n "uestioning, she reports having lost

    about # cm of height since she was a young woman.

    !n e$amination, there is mild kyphosis in her lower thoracic spine but no point

    tenderness. A lateral spine radiograph reveals that the %& vertebra is biconcave inappreacnce a 'nding that is consistent with a vertebral fracture and (rom these

    information, doctor suggested to e$amine her bone mineral density.

    Her lumbal vertebra $-ray)

    *. +lari'kasi istilah. %ower ack ain) /yeri punggung bawah) nyeri yang dirasakan di

    daerah lumbosacral dan sacroilliaca, dapat berupa nyeri

    local0 in1asmasi.

    2. *buprofen) !bat anti in1amasi non-steroid yang digunakan dalampengobatan nyeri, demam, disminorhae, osteoarthritis, arthritis

    rheumatoid, kelainan peradangan rematik, dan non rematik lainnya

    serta nyeri kepala vaskuler.&. Mild +yphosis ) +elengkungan thoracal tulang belakang yang

    berlebihan saat dilihat dari samping dengan dera3at ringan.4. 5adiograph ) foto yang dihasilkan oleh radiogra' 0pembuatan rekaman

    'lm struktur tubuh bagian dalam dengan melewatkan sinar 6.#. iconcave ) mempunyai 2 permukaan konkav.. one Mineral 8ensity 0+epadatan mineral tulang ) anyaknya kalsium

    dan mineral lain di area tulang tertentu.7. (raktur ) ecah atau rupture pada tulang.

    9. 6-ray ) %ihat dibawah 5ay 0kurang lebih merupakan berkas nyataenergi pancaran berupa cahaya ataupun panas yang ber3alan kea rah


    **. *denti'kasi Masalah1. Mr.s Ani, 72 year-old came to dr. Mohammad Hoesin Hospital with

    a 2-month history of increasing pain in her lower back, which has

    not improved with ibprofen and is casing di!clty with walking

    and dressing.2. !n "uestioning, she reports having lost about # cm of height since she

    was a young woman.&. !n e$amination, there is mild kyphosis in her lower thoracic spine but no

    point tenderness. A lateral spine radiograph reveals that the %& vertebra is

    biconcave in appreacnce a 'nding that is consistent with a vertebral

    fracture and (rom these information, doctor suggested to e$amine her

    bone mineral density.Her lumbal vertebra $-ray)

    ***. Analisis Masalah

  • 7/23/2019 Tutorial Skenario a Blok 22- B6


    . Mr.s Ani, 72 year-old came to dr. Mohammad Hoesin Hospital

    with a 2-month history of increasing pain in her lower back,

    which has not improved with ibprofen and is casing di!clty

    with walking and dressing.a. agaimana anatomi vertebrae: 0;alih, 8icky, Anggib. Apa hubungan 3enis kelamin dan usia pada kasus: 0menopause

    0Marlan,!ctiarac. Apa sa3a penyakit yang berhubungan dengan nyeri punggung

    bawah: 05essy,

  • 7/23/2019 Tutorial Skenario a Blok 22- B6


    d. Apa diagnosis ker3a pada kasus: #emae. agaimana epidemiologi osteoporosis pada kasus: 0Ar3un, 5anif. agaimana etiologi osteoporosis pada kasus: 0ianca, Ar3ung. Apa sa3a factor resiko osteoporosis pada kasus: 0;alih, 8ickyh. agaimana manifestasi klinis pada kasus: 05essy,