Ukusl4sela ku 2- Ukuya ku 5 - - UJ IR

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Transcript of Ukusl4sela ku 2- Ukuya ku 5 - - UJ IR




The Mouthpiece of the Native Peoples. Aulhorllied 10 publish Governmenl Nollces affocllng Nallv ••.


VOL. 2. No.7l . Price 3d. lou~NNEsBunG, :lnD SEPTEMBER, 19H. Roe/.! .tered ~t he l,t: II Poll Ofh<-t: ;as ill New P"I

Hi" lL very powerful disin[uetau~ although U()ll- I H poisonous in u se. It is de finitol~' gllurantcod to do all the manufacturers ci;)im it will do.

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O Iy proyents influen za germs en toring tho sys- 10 tern. As an internal rem.,dy \4 drops Lo a smail glass of water) it has hoen proved to bo

l a rapid curo for influenza. l Delilroy .. all FLEAS In d\"Vlllng HOUSES or in NUTS

MEDOl. I HIS WONDERFUL LltJlMENT SH OULD BE APPLIED 'lEAl TO wru\'n~. It also cures Eczema, Scab. Ringworm and "llIrr <kill diseases, and this is delinitely guaranleed.

EOOL i~ brgely used by min e'S in the I.reatml!nt of WOl1no R. It

prevent~ hloocl poisoning.

II IEkHPERS ShOUld wrl e 10:-

PEARSON'S HYCOL Ltd., P. 0 , Boz 17'8 Joha nnesburg, Bnll: 368 Capetown. Bo)( -19 Mo~1 Bay.

Boz 38 Ultenbage. BOll: 34 East London, Boz 82 Queenstown, S01 245 Durba.n

Free literHtllre will ~18nly be :"ent to enq uirers.




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Zidla IS/QINGATA ~ ~ G ~ (ij


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e e Inani I

~ ~ 9 ~ ~ e ~

Ukusl4sela ku 2-Ukuya ku 5 -

IN YE. • ~








Main Rd., nex! Ra'l~ ~ote l. Rdndlonteln .01.'> Main Reel ~Dad near Central Hotel. "lI)I

Cor. Rosltn & Gold St~eets ~ near Roo~epcOl'l U:lltetl M.R. Com pd. $ r.ear ilew Unified Compd. !laln Reef Rd., nr. Consd. I angte Mine e Corner 11th Avenue & Park Street. • Corner of Plm & QUI,lR Streets Corner t st Avenue e Concord Street <!21 8 Main Reef Road 'i!II'

National Bank Buildings ~ Near Simmer & Jack Batterg. Bazaar Buildings, Knox Street ® Main Reef Rd., ndar Knights Deep Mine. @ near Witwatersrand Offices opposite Orielonteln Com pd., E.R.P.M. e near New Comet Mine ~ nr. Main gate, Hew Kleinlollteill Com pd • • "'l'> Main Reei Roart near Apex Bakeru. '"" Gtadslone Avenue, nr. Native Bloscope ~ I st Avenue near Main Reef Road A.P!.

Main Avenue, near Springs Mines. VOtJ

Zidla ISlQ N~ATA SE .... A I

® e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ e ®

20, l mele I . 01S0

Inani I zo z •


'U 20'· t

Zifunyanwa kwezivenk I lingentia.

" • - - -~!!'!!!!!!!--. , " ri,e Si'dl,' I H4 'I111happy fIl1fl l' t,t1tfui nflll WUJlIf(~ 1' that II ,c ~\Ii,t' Il1'0pll'. ;,\. n'I'I)1f1I1 . j!l ""' (' O\l,'h'~hucklf'!\

I j m t.icI·; and I ht'y how tlwll' I,l l ck:-. f'~ I wei" Ily I h I' t h, I 'g h r III HilI I \ \ ,i[<:h the !;;(OJ e", I ren ,illded hlill ~s

-.·111 (ommfJ " ,

MAftlAQE: R, po. E ~ ...



:O-VII ." CIlIi 'n f.\~ HI\1"F One Year

_( 11\' l 'O IH) .. . 1(,/·

f-, ix ~1 Inths T hree ~ I onth'

A i l \ MI·II~h)I I."T AJtIl".

,/6 4'. SiDllle Column JIG per incb. Uoubte " 1/- "

t'pec1al lb les for tbe front a.nd back pagc9 aad $pllciall v pl .'\(;tld a(lVLrtisemeot~. .

Bl r lb Marrii\Ke~ H,.1th5 tlnd lJomasllt Notice!'!., not I . c ceell" lmes, will be in· <>e rt f:'d a.t a char' 01 '0. for each Notice.

Umt~hii J1 buntu. -====

3rd SEPH. : ER, 1921, ,


I k b I ' 6 t· I t ' I ' I I r .. lt tll.l t he w·, s IrVII ,a 10 ,,·tl d' to t Ie yo c e('<tu~e t ley mll:-l t , III lie n I n SeCloJl , fif e f.I j (>('II '( " ,.; 1 r·,w alld Jlut foJ' lo,'e of t heir task- and forlorn , alld that the 11I 1 1~!:'CS hi ... b.w el Be qu tot, ,·nd W"{Cl, the

s You sa id it could (Jot make fire. flJa~teJ'to\. There is ~moll O' them a leTld theUlselve~ more and more B t II th· "'" u you ,!,:l see a t ,It can. Watcb g rowillg hosti lity t{~ European easily to th e heg uile r who ai nu.; at the stone· And I gn pped his ha d goverllRllce, alld the (7overllmellt t he RpreAd of U'I l'f'st. t iRhter, determ inE"d th:\t he should ~ h 'l~ In9t cl'~oit by reaSon of its The Governmen t must get bllsy convinced of the pow!:! of my lreasu

f ·1 I . 1 ' I d 1 I . I I A.t last, wi th a howl, he sprang up torr"

{U nrc to P"fT 1S ate WIt 1 e\'ell- nn ' (0 ::-;om et IllIg l'e~l fi l l( I e i 11

hIS hand from my de taining grasp a d Il:Ind.d J·ustice, lind its d" liullce tH ttl!i ble . h e temper of lhe d " 1 b . I 1 • , . screame , am ur DlDg am burn. with laws of vital cnn cel'O to the .i\ative p eople", is ri sillf{, a.nd iog I" We both looked at his band Nnl.i \·e population. A people plrscA.toTY rn e£l~ l1res HI'f> e8~'wlltiH l and, sure enol lgh, there was a nast' wh()~e feeli llgl'l are played opon Lig h te n th eil' cLirkll t'sl:) hy givi llU" burn whi ch h .. lmmE:!cil ,tel", Pll t to h i~ , n l.V h)" !',he f u rni s her qf di:-:mnI t hem Romt:' thin g t o liv~ for ~lI1 d to hps an d sucked. lookI ng daggers at me

L 1 the whil e· " Well", I liia id, "You did

pjctt1r"~ of oppresc,;ion :\11/1 s ,{\"pry l ope for Give thpm the right t (') not believe tha t my stone could make will den~lop a doJorous spirit. alld plII'chase };l lld , with !o;pcllrilY " f flre . Wh<tt do YOIl say now?" will expe·rience n. quickened selll'e tellu re, on whicll tn bldld cl ~'('1J1 t H e said noth ing, but favoured me of the tyrnqny an d per sccutioll to hl1 n~e~ anci r ll i .. e df'cel ll fad il.cs with a IrIOI; whic h plainly exprf's<;ed hIS which thpy iUlagi lle tbemst-lw>l$ t.o Give them all OPl'OIt IIJii:',; I II e·q·. nlurd€'rons f~el lng'" HIS after rider

1 I ' "1'[· . I . . I I ' I I . I clnJe up wdh the horses· and my

Jes tl )JPeICu. 118 JS tie 1>1):0-111011 SIIC l WH!!eSlist }t' lr aJOI·t"ISWlll'l I, frIend mounted al Ollce, Jus t atlbat of the Bantu nat ion after .. u ffe ri II${ And do :.;w~h thillg-..; *~ 1n.IV he ml)men t the hrm;eman \\ e hat! seen In many l]fl.r(l~hip~, ack nl)wleriged::ls done to ellco urage t hprll to ;t'~:-i·t the dlst~nce ca me up, and as the Bush. Rueh by the most proOl illent of towar ds th ~i r OW lJ ll PjlroVCITICIIt. m~11 rode ~wa y I cal!ed out tohlQJ

1 lIP Boot n trd){ s Ot ~ () uth ou r ~tates.mel1, a ll d nf ter enduring I rn plrtllt ill th~m all ambition, alld "You See I was ngbt· It is a cbese~ I·· ilk d b with a whi te hoof. And the man Qf.

Afric:! lin' ill I'd 1t '( ;) ( :l r l1e>8, for gel1eratio ll ' a tota l "n d el, e · prov ide the "C" I'C, to ltJake t ll,m · . B rtes a ll asseg;u". ut the little mall tb eir !'ocial E'lI :.Lr:':;l"mC'llt is checked rate llPglect ,)£ bene fi ciAl mea~ures selves worthy of a place i ll tIw ,., llll; was sulky and dld'nt turn hIS llead. by the i'flr'd) ilW snrd idlle1-is of consE''lue n t UPOII Enropf'"1l11 dete l'- al\d e ndeavoUl' by e(IlI':Si .. tl'l1t1y But r had seen h im glance at Ihe t heir' (:'\l\irol nlcnt. \I. hile t~H'il' in - minntion to pr eser ve Europ ean cOIl"iderate treatme llt to illd uct-"' stranger as he came UP. and I knew be d t

· I I · ' I'· t 1 t tl h r ' . I ' h;Ht taken in tbe details we ha.d discus· Ll S 1"1:1 Ill I' 1 l II IS 11111 er 0 Ie supremflC), t em to lOl'get m a ll ::; III 1!J mal lltv

I . 1 I } I 'J.J 5eJ As t-bey rode away I wished

work I' ,,, S{' lit I \\' Ii, ' 1 t 1e \V l ite T he ~nti ve peopl e chee rfnl ly to mfl n . them "Hamba Kohle" (3 plea",.t ma ll (listl ,. ill ~ to Cl er The :llltn ~lCC('pt white sU}ll"emHcy, Tlwy nsk ~~~~""''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''~ Jou rn ey) . Tbe afte r·ridE" r turned his natio ll is bl.: lJ i,(l. ll'd 'II" } c:n ele l' :"' , for nothing bette r than to bet i IN _=- . __ -:._ .... __ l1li head to S<ly "Ewe" (Yes), but his and bec(llIse <,f tIlt' Jl tilJ lwl inrlif- gninecl by those w ho"c fo r tulle i I ~ . - -- ~~ master \\-',1$ badly hll ffed Not a look,

f .. I I . I ' £ I II· I I not a word f ro m him· Poor fellows'. e r pl1 Ce It 1;-; If 1 . t..~<' lt preS('nt to 18 to Je scton", 0 a o llg eslR.) l:-i lee, M'1."'C HOFf '."" S'" ",_n-;.

II 1 n. n ... S" ~ - L ittle did they or I know then the

attem pt t ,) ill tHllCt. tie n n ti lln\, ci\"' i li ~al i () n, even tho('gh the) do ARE T H E BEST awful doom to wh ich they were un. mind. , ' he 1; :1 l ln oi"ldu111 1 not pt':lctice the democracy tllPy can ciouc;lr hasteni ng. how'en))", i~ III crltlr 1y differe l:t re pre~ent and PI'Oft'6S. Tht' p o :..i. The weather became hotter and

I· I Agricultural a nd Veg ~labl8

Proposit ion. ,I~ is :l llg Il!' re- t ion of t he whitt, J.".tce in A.rl'!CH i ~ hOHt- r. Not a cloud \vas in the sky, ,;eeds of .he best qua lity 0 8pon5i\"f~ im·tl'l1 IH nt out of \I ' hi~h assnred for h undred!:; of years to ur water cou rse was dry, for a l t hou~b therc mfl:' Ill' pnn1u('ed chord,;;: corne, I)l'ov ided th '-It the:' bi ll11 cler on ly. rhe-re was a plentIful supply at the

h [ Spring the sun ~ucked it up before It

beauti f ul (Jr re\-\Jltl1l~ :I t t e w ill of rt'pression i("o rectified ~md N<iti\'e could reach us. T he cattle rnade for the of the lWl' lur 1 " t" . There is no affairs a re more :::;ane1:, COIlHdt' ref l. Mangels, Swedes Grasses, forest, and mu Iched the cuarse grass o ther J'ncf' 1 :-;'['·C!llgly sUF'ceptible But the first th in g to be dOlle is tI l Beet, Carrot, Turnip, Cabbage ull derthe trees· Our b. rses,relettserlfrom to th e illfilH?l lC of o ra tor, . Alld lift 1hr g loom w! lich p b ::;'C ll rtS til e ALL TE;n:o ~ND G U IiR\ N"N~[.D the stable, went ou t to loo k fo r p~sture , the N ::ltiY{~ a.p·iultt'r is al~~a,s o.n Native o u tlook bv aCl ive!v and a l\d, D(J t fi nd ing anv, returned to tbe

" J J J KIRCHOFF'S SEED '> , table again. The htt le grass , hoppers orator . conscientiously tacklillg t lt e se'~l'rn ! c a n be obtained from y our known as the " H f) tten tot gCld "

The Nnti 'l~ if: 11; L Il r ; lIy a cheer ou tstnnding g r iev81lce6 whi ch storekeeper . shr ieked louder and Inud t'r their delight fnl bei ng. l ~ f· J !)r~ th e l\ hite man NAti\'e delegnt ions hnve so of ten :l.S the day wore on to noon and the beat br ou"lTit t upon IIim the civilisati on represented, The d iffi culties in I ASK FO R T H EM g, ew ever mo,. ,nto erAble. All natU/,

I I £ seemed p . rch,·d and l"I~n ting and

of curope wi l lit s ~ ril'itllil :lnd the way of a setti t'm ellt 0 the 1 dls tre!'sed. T he \\eek came to :l.II ~nd, spirituous e, ,' con ,i tcmt", theNatiye N.ti\·e (I"estio n are fully r€cogni s' KIRCHOFF'S SEED STORtS a nd on Sotu,".,y, .. !>"u t m.d.I", , had fe w wan ts a!l ci fewer cares. ed. It wi ll Hot be sa ti !'J faCti1ril y CORNER OF st~ ! w~rt K lffi r <1l'pt" .. !e 1 111 tht:t!o f\\l\'

He liyed itt t be m nment "tt d w as settled unti l black rattks equally, i n LOVEOAY & JEPPE STS. " f onr hut ""d, "I., . I) g"O ",,'gO.1 "OJ

h B· I d · 1 I · B I thecl. orsleps;oJd 'YlIlIl.m 1\\tht?'

apl'Y' tS mora s ,\ere SOUtt , every re"l:>€ct, wtt, IV li te . UL t te JOHANNESBURG " _Yes I we. 1101\ I t "VVh;\ t mess<l.geoo

hc o-a\·e de.-oted , en· ice to h i. black m ille ltnium is rem o tely • yon hnn" from ~lnh l o" blo ?" heredita r y or cOIlsrituted C hief, distant) an d lllA y be viewed with- __ ===========:::::;:... "The Ch ief i:lsks vou to gi ve "1m wa s u nm urmnr j n .~·i~ obedient to out mi:-givillg by the whites o f _ ..: _HIiI ~ome s.dt . " t r ibal law, faithfu :l.> obSHvant of tlli, compara li '·ely crude age. "Sa ' t ?. we. repeH led. "What does

I i h bl· h M' I· b d M"hltm hlo w<l nt s.d t for?"

com mUlI " custom ali e e It e· 1 eatttlme,'om et lIltl! must e one " The Rain Maker, T he Ch,ef ones not Hsk for salt for ly f "l fi lled such o b li:':fltio ns as to disp"1 t be clo ud of d epression h;",self, but fur the llu, hmen, who '" wer e l a id upon him. Those days and ho pelessness "which OVel'ha ll!,!s --- making rOl In They <Ire e~ ti n g much o f ligh t hen.l"t~d ron tpr: tmen tare tb e N A ti \'e peoples, a cl o ud \v hich L::;'t:?e,!.~6:~::'a:/;ItJ~d~o:~~ a::wbYp~h,,~ meat " T he messenger hl"" re expressed 110W h istory The) are gone for diuH:i the v ista of progress for IIs h e d f o rthe firs t "tltne. hlSlOdLgnatlOn b vspnti ti gon theground) ever . And the [)l'eSeHt day Nnti ve white ns wpH as black, F ortu na- Continued/rUIn tUilt issue, "ann they s'"'- y tha t they ust hrlvesal t tom

rna e It digest. And If salt IS not giveD is dissnti~fiec1 3t1(1 t"estie.<s. T he t£ly the Native is as respon ~i ve to to them there will be no rain. "

1 f I Ch· f ' L k i d . fl b d ·' Now". l said , r et urnin~ to hi m and r a e 0 t le Ie s ' " uro en, a tH .,0'00 ' 10 ue ll ces as to a o ne', f " Do y,m beheve the,e A hal"" exhibi tI ng the lens 0 Ib~ telescope, t h' ,'r p eople drift o n the waste ~u d we {o re:::ee a g r eAt wave o f 'h L ',B ushmen) can ma l.. e rain ?" we asked "1001< at thrlt . Isn { t <\ t a lIetter stone wh ich lips between the Jilllit~d de· p r o- ~ bite feeli llg imm ediAtely th e than yoms? Isn' t it bn ghter? You may sir e and ahlllld~ lI t ea~e of s:tvag~ry, Gover n m en t m a kes known i ts bol d It and examine it" · r placed tbe and t he cnl t m'e fmd e-tntus of defiu ite inte ntio n to bring some o f lens III his hands· "There is my stone.

I·· . I . I I f I' f ' I ' h You would'nt let me touch your stone, E urore!lll civi l~:l t lOn WIll Its im - t)e p eaS31Jttle::5S 0 l e \vI t lln t e but r am not afntld for mi ne". m uui ty f ro m ()J1p re~sion alld its l'ench of tbe wo rthy native. The H e look at the thing, tum ing it over privilege of exemption from in- lethargy ot the Govern ment in and over and scru t1D i, ," ~ It \'ery close· dustri . i restrain t. They a r e COll- Native alfairs w ill" eact UpOIi th e Iy. " Bul what is thIS?" he asked, seio us of loss. I u t they have no coun t ry, j ust as sU l'dy ns ils well · poin t ing to the metal r im rOllnd t l::i e clear cut fi bI,i r nti"llI' nl, Ll the" sub r easoned . rt,ivit), toward s a be t ter , glass.

J " Thf'lt is to ke"p lit safe", I replied. mit r eflc1ily to the dominatiOllof m erit of :Kali ve conditl(JllS will "But 1'111 sure It can 't ma\{e fi re li ke the p10quen t ,'.dvocf!,te of strife. satisfy Native ciemands, a nd mv stone" , the Bushman asserted, Evep ' N at ive H!ritator preach es tran,form a li,tiess nnd d isco lltent· "' iL-can and shall",

J <., • II " Sh U from an auti "hite te::s:t, and b is ed people ' li to a sta te asset 0 t 1e ow . influence is t.he .~.reatel" bectl:use IJig hest value. I took the glass from him,an~Nseiz~?

, . his ban d as he gave I t to me· .I: ow , there is sn much ,e,f (ruth in bis D on't t ro ubl e about t he 1 told blln, " 1 mllst hold this hand so most incendiary prollonncements franch ise. The N ative is not that you cannot touch my stone <'gi\IQ,'" against white llilH,\!le. ) he Bantu, a llxioUb for en t rance to t he .:field And I held hiS hand closely and placed b'owever , are iltl ' '' lely friendly, and of E uro l"'an poli tics. He \V a nts it firm ly agaios t the Imtel of the door.

d· . 1 I h· If I h "Now look steadlly at the stone, and

n' m· " 1 do not know. But this 1 knt.lW,

thtt t they have promised the ChIef that the re sh::t.11 be rain on the fifth da~ after be had given them something to

fi • , ;acn c e o "\Vhat was given to them for

·fi '" sacn ce _ " ' b t T ile Chi ef gave them a large ox, . u"

they said the ox would oat avail. They dema nded a horse. Tbey must have the ChIef' s black borse to saCrifice. You know the horse which the Chi ef rides? H e is very food of jt. \ 'Velll IVIohlonhlo was very angry and would not p~rt with the b?rse, B ut the am 7.pakati (councillors) said to him that the people were al ready starvlOg, and that there would be many deaths If rain did not come· ADd ~

. blS the Chief was persuaded to give up horse "

«'Vhat did the Bushmen do with tbe larg e, hear te lie, • . IS ". natlO11a on y to gO"er ll tmse, all( e don't tal<e your eyes off it for a moment" , trai t, E'\en theu' mIsdeeds al'e will n ot cavil a t a close s nper vision I ordered. horse?" us ually free fro m malice, and are of h i. condact of affai rs , ·l he "Very good" , he .. iJ. "l wil l s tare "They killed it, And now they:,:

g ene t'a ll), ]lroml,led b)' a cra" ing N ative "ffairs Act is a t wel ve· hard al tbe stone" . eating it· Eating the Chiefs to' black horse !" And aga in he spa to possess the :n nenitieA to wh ich m o nth o lel , and for nll that it h >1s T be sun was growing very hot by ..J ' I ' ...I' UN ' w J ~ rn this time. Stil i ho ltlH"lg his ri ~ h l h ' ld the ernun rl In l " fll <:C'llSt J 0 . h

" thev are £or bilhlcll to .mak e.1egiti- pli s h t.: u d u ri r.l g· i lS ljfe i t I .. en t for s~d t " ~ I, d II I U'l I" t rdurn \\'I I~ J i b in my lefl, hl~ p,lim 011 lle hnto·1 of III. b fi Jl~ mate c1aim . III t llt'l l' p l llDltlve Hlig h t hrt\'e been SLiI· 01'11 llS was doorway alld the brlc k d hiS hdlld ex It the r.111l will 11 co li e on t e sta te t he Bantu pt:1ople wer e laW . / lhe Native (L rbnn Al'i:"· ns) ; ill posed to the SUll, I ma lla~'ed, nftt:r 1 I eta\''' abidin!{ and happy, To, d ny they some year s ago. It is bm all lltt le mauq.m!atlOu, to focus lh.:: ~uu ·s "vVheu IS Lbe fi ltb Jell ?"

UM rtTELl \VA BAN1'O, JOHANNESnUI (), :iii, SbPTE~tBEf{, [II:.!\.

"NCOl11SO ,Qtl1D)'~:~ (The day after t~morrow).

I Vve gave the salt, sent ~alutaltons to Mnbloob1o. and the messenger departed

I may here explajn that tbe clfdentials of Mnhlonhlo's messenger cbpsisted of a very large and peculiar askegai, and two leopard tails· The s~aft of tbe weapop. about fi\'e feet lonG', was pushed lengthways through the tails, which completely co\'ered It·

The blade was ver}' bro.ld. and lookt:d ¥ though It had at oue lime been n mason's trowel. Hut It \"'as ground to D. fine,' sbarp edge. • ad had i\ most f~rm,dable appearance. "Thl~'" ~a ld :\tohlonhlo to li S on lhe occasion of' his

fi rst \'1st, when he showed u.. the peculiar weapOD, ",s a pledge and token

\bat whoe\'el c.une~ Il Ie:; 011 my . ..


• The Poll Tax.

L Jl:'lt wt:lJk till"'l Acting 1./"1 '\I+-' \lUlitill-l"

waS 1Ilttlrdewod b,Y ;t d~>"' Uhf1IHJ ltppflinta 'l by the I t)t~r.rlen(l~lll ,l\ l nlJ ( 1 N"li"'e Ml1Iii!ters' A~~" '111111"'. wi!t-'ll

thtl P\)ll Tax Orclillo\lIc,' \I.fttl flil3~tIS::;cd. 'rh o lntarvia w \\ ~ ... wboll \ al.ltrrive. :\Ir. MI)I~II f\{~vis€' 1 1 th .. Nali," 8 l ·, " 11. \ Ibtlit· htlst" to pay t he taX . HI:' fnrlh.I' r Niicl that tbtl illtt'nlinll "f Ihf'l Nati\'e rlif" iI'B .8.1,;t W'dS that tbe N fltivf>tl fl bould bt1 c<lnsllheJ IJcf(tr~ .. t'''' taxation wall imVr>ded on llJ~W. but ue liNda IlU Hpolog)' fol' tba Gc,\'cl'nwant foiilnl'e tn avv1y fht! Act ; 1I0r t1id he expl" · ~ contrition for thtl GOVt'l' lIlUldl fs SIJI of commission wht\n it l'ndow",1 Provil1cial COIHICils with authority I{\ Illlpose tIi r . 'r htXdliolJ O!l lb~ N~tive peopltt. It i .. t sophism to Si:iY thH fhe l;,tX is a just ('Ille becaus .... tbere is DO discrimi· Jlati on betwern Natives ,lOd Europeans. The Ordinan·c-l Mes discriminate, Mud fo r that and otht' r reaSODS the Orrlinance is unjust ami hnmornl in its a.ppli cat ion to· Nalive8. 'I.'he Acting 'Prime Miuidter prob"bl y .said !:til that h e could 8<'Y to the d l:' lHHation, but , . what he ditl Ray m ight jost :18 Wf' lI baVA beell left The N!ltive people at't\ grateful for ayml)athy of the kind wbich i'B helpful , but a sympuby barren of servictl is chpap ;Iud nu[oeaning,

We were earlit-r convinced of the ilJe~aljty of 1)10 Ordinance, as tbose wllo re.t,) os will remember. We are st ill una ble to ijbake off a 1m'king tlDBp' OIOn of its legal 8oun'dllcss. althougb we bave, at our own co~t, obtainadopiniohs [rom legallnmin 6ries which vanqoish our p oo r a rgument\} . We ClU) therefore, do no more, 301.1 it would ~eelD that Native men most bow to the wickedness Qf tb~ Provincial aUlhorily,-mu&t piiS tb~ tax. and try to look pleasant.

r. But ev~'y avenus of t:8cape has Dot yet bo~n e"lplO1'ed, \Va may r emind the people that Gt::.utlr .l l SUlnts is ag(\in in 30uth Africa, and tb ,lt P ,lrlhtml-nt will m eet next mnuth, Why out (,I

deputation froQ] tbe 'rr .... llsn;l.1 Native OongreB8 to w~it nl\ th-=: Pre.mier? Generi'll Smuts ls Olll' .strong mr.o. lill d if relief ia pOSHitJlo he bu.s the frt ~n<..l· Jiness and the cap·lcily to 6ud it Moreover we It 1\'6 rh .. conl'tf; f lJr the drlteL'mination of It>o.!a lit ies V d. li ant r68;ol(Jsion~ Wfore pa,:.sed ,It a l'eCt" nt m eeting of cnloureu peoplt' in

1. ne~bofjO!; . but we have seeu nothing as: yot to :ndicattl !be pro':la­

:,b'ffitY -that .... ny fJ f thew will be ~11111tfuJ -of t' ~nlt. .\ tu.tlt u IStl "Wonld . ppt \Ull' 16r the pxpenditl1ro of tbe' ' b:'On~~E11i1 o( thollsand:.! of pou nds

which thtl pr1lpo::Jed levy of lOf- per coloured he..u, i[ m t l, w on ld pl'oducp, aDd tht'N is nQ r~tI u why a test ca~E' ~hon1d n ut tw h~lnd , A commnnily Ii bent I t' nou~ll to pn)vide funda to de(idY 1he exp' naes of dd egatea to rid icuious !ne~linKS (t Nt'grOo.:e in varioo8 Etlro}>'ean ~ ... ~tl·e~ will sl1l'ei) fornisb the c~lmr.Mf'd.!ivdy 1I1ootllSider able snm II lja,tecl f?r tbp fet' ing of l l.:g tl t'xperts, ami we 8h~H be d ia appointtld ami unbappy if prt'ssortl i8 not brousht to bt>ar 11 pon the aut boriti1's to 81 &pE'lui nIl prosecutions

, of-~ ilt i.y e8 undur the Ocdina,;~ until: its ~~nformfty to law "bha bl' P,D argued &nd decider! ilt th tl bi gh~f' CO'lr.tB.

GoJ beljJll tho~I' \\ hv lit'II' I hews .J (o\.l ,

Illlrt It the- Na1ht:' wn111tl ",' 111 throngh· h e tUllJ:'t bl'B'll' hirt,!t~l i Iu 'eni,'\' s aud depuhttiolHt art! 100sti ~ I' ro,;;y, vapiLi an ,1 nflproullcti\ tt »i1' lirtl, hOi WI:' r ecoruaH'ucl Trand'·, I.t N lth·,· .. l 'IIII,~ i.\ll eff~lrJ" to cnl i:d;, Pri llll' MlLljdtu r 's KotivrI sYlllpalhy, I, wilile tbey BttCUre lU6 ho .. l pf\"IAihJ .. le!.!ul IIs., i tlitJnct' ,I d h~r;lke thpmseh·el:il t il lil(> C,lul'lb,

If till' O,·rfi1U\nr.1-' is lawl'lll, Ih~ IlX III .~t L, .. I' -if!. Thn hi",,, III IJJS!uv(>

I, H i~t,l1 ICe '" iI Potupid O U I:'. It t'J unot SIll't·,·\,d N \[i,.' ""(',Uli~atlon i .. not .:;tr()"~ "nO' I ~h I f) t!i l " l>~tt'f 111 thH

Go\ Ct't If Wilt !Illy hn» i> of \ iot!I I ," ;'\1111 it IUt' t,I' !II Ihl b ... pMid, t.he only tb ing to fi ~ ht HIl·til\~ t i ~ ittl n'C t lfl'I~t)\W,

ADVERTISE , , -, .

1'uo power of the pn)~~ IS not confined to pub· lie subjeds. It is man· ifCbtpc1 in bus I n os 5

lu!.:, all ,1 110 commer· cial mall can afford to Ignol'(~ its sel'vices a~ a llleans of retaining and oxtending his busines~. Traderti in Sou t h .\11'ica should consisten tly us e the columns of this !Japer to give the widest pub· licity to their speciali· ties for ~ative nbO or consumption.

The Atti tude of the Natives, Politically.

1'0 the Editor, Umteteh wa Bantu , Sir, Kiodly allow me II .>pace ID yout

paper to comment upoo th e present state of affairs. Whether we are drlhmg Into 3.onibtlatloo, or whether we are in a t'raosltory pt: rlod and shall sooner or Ill ter be ID perCecI freedom, or whether we are emanating from a people 1010 a beast of burden, no ooe can tell. However, I Lblnk Ihe third stale IS

where we are being pressed to . Tne query then IS . do all the NaU\les see thai we are belDg forced to a Ilad )Iate of exi!ltence? If we cau at all exist m the state) The an~wCr IS. nol OaJya [t.w see th at, Our young men (lod yOUDg women are spendmg tbelr time to fool Ish cooversatlons; tbey are wl\ltlllg tbelr braIDS in writing love letters. and are engaged in propagating Impunty. wh ile Ihe white people do not sleep bUI are formlllg association after association Meo an.d womcn, even tbe back. veld Carmer. Dom Koo:.. ban' been educated 10

tbis hoe. All these associaLlon .. are formed for the mere reasoo of attacklDg or solviog • .... hat the-y caU "Tbe Native Problem. Wbat is tb e Problem after all ? How to gel Njllives iDlO perfect servitude) How to make tllem beasb of burden?

}low the few Nahve~ wLo baye percel\'ed thiS lleen slrugghn g to mab.t the others see io hile manner. Out With httle success. ::'0 little tbat to da.y they seem not to <l OOW ho\\ they caD obtam reasonable result .. fro m their ~peDt energy , and they seem to have lou toeir Ideal , These are the memb~rs of the Native Coo gress, When one looks mto tbe constuu. 1100 of the T N G. o~e sees ID J. 0, 2.,­espeCially (a) to (d)-exactly the idea!. our leaders sbould have fo llowed until they got worthy re5uhs. I thmk there are (Our capi tal POlolS ID whIch our co:Jgress shou ld navo been bUSied, and should even now busy iLs~1f (I) The educatin6':: of tbe Native mmd on pubhc qu~tlons (2) UnlLy (3) Sell.Rellance (') Edu­~hon . Its treasures should be mostly i>pend ID carry 109 out the preacblng of these All Nauves should bp. made aware tbat their ~a.l. Vllotioo or their freedom is tn the ll" baods. That unless they unite and ~ave one VOice, and uoless the}' educate their youths and maldeos properly (and they Will not be properly eduCllt. ed unless parents clire 10 better the schoo!!,) they Will oever abatO the standard tbey waot. Now, our leaders, perhaps froft) the fear that our doom may be much nearer than we can­cellie, have shpped aod are engaged 10 preach­Ing tbe sending of delegate!> over seas 10 get help from outSide_ In spite of tbe lact that no bette(meDt ha.!. ever beeo wrouC:ht by these delegates. money IS yet spent on tbem Our appeal by three delegatlon :s, to the Impenal Government, hili> not bene6ted U~ . lind now I learo from the press thaL our deleg;l.te~ art" gOlDS to &.0 Aml:f1c3.n Confereoce called Tbe Pan.A{f1can Cong ress I think If '\I r Garvey had called for re presentative" from South Africa. WI: should bave !lent them 10 hiS New York Conference, Uur people ba ... e bad blgh expectations from the:.e mIssions of.dele· gates, but now tbey are 10SI0t; confideoce e ... eo In our leaders . If they. to day. take IDlerei>t In the present delegal loo, it will be only ht. cause It IS not 10 tbe English Go\·ernment but to a.:~hlferent people. but when Ihe'~le8ates .relUrn with Lhe same old story, the hope tbat Googress can do $OmCI~liDg ,toward, Natl\·c ,

• • . ,', ' . , • •




, ' '. ~~FLA~' " 'OIIJ(,9·

okunye bE.lngatl kuulJ.nge •

olunye uhlobo lwe Cigaret­

tes kodwa ungazitati kuba

J. F"lag.s zczona "ilu-

ngil eyo kakuiu .

... .... • .,..' t -

w.o.. tl.o. w ........... .... ", .... _0 LO'_


66FL.A.G.," MOHLOMONG ba ka re u ko u leke mofuLa

• , o r,Jong

oaCiga,ettes empa u seKe ua 0 nka kaha

Flags e lc tsona tse 10kJ.leng haqolo , ~ ... " I"',~.-




mhlauillbe bfl. 11 ga t i ake uli-

nge olunye uhlobo lwe Cig-

arettes, ~odwa ungabo vurna

ngoba 1 Flags YHO eZ). -... f.IOU'nf) LT&. . .., -", .... ,.. ... ".L ...... 1\ItIe.,.. ~ Lif"

lungl1eyo kakulu, ,


. . ..... -~ - , - . _ ..... ,.-~- ... - . - . ' .-,,- '

(reedom WIll vaoish from the NatIVe's mlOd Uf course, some of us are educnttd enough to see the bit of good done by these deleg.'l. tions, namely, to acquaiot the outside world wJth od r critical posltton and to to Its sy m pa tby But the maJonty of us fall to;:,ee no.; fa r as that, They are ClI:pectlOg imm .. diate belp and liberation A s soon as all Hope of finding belp outSi de is de,:,plred 01 and aband­ooed, our l ead~rs Will fiod no more place In the people's cooceplions to i>OW aSplflto( hope for deliverance by an}' other means tbey may devise. .

!lauel \1 Malmane. O. l' C. Pletersbur~.

• Pan-African Congress.

---[ uaugural llll:'t:.ti'lgtl of lht' Pall­

African Congr..--W.'! 11:.o\"(-1 I 'een ljf\ld in London. but nothing' ,f intf're:st (,r l,r cooaeqaeLCt3 b:\:, r~till1t~!l The South Afl'ican dt"lt"ga.t S ,lr,1 tHlt "1'" tiQu,·,1 i,l the reportt.;, :Jlld th,:, Ill'OCt Pdiuf's Wf're appal'antly conhn~d t(l il IltiCl1b·

bion 011 tb.. posirif n IIf ~egl'o· b I ,

Americ;\ and in W ,:)I Africa.


The BuHhoek Commission. At a dt'm'J{ltli~ratio ll held on Sund~y

afto?rnorJt1 at ~\l.lhp,d, oil belll'lf of the 1 ... t" lit s, tile folloW IPS r~801ntion was nn' 0111 ()\Ht1." d('lpted .

"Tha t rLls l{J.thl'.lillg r ec,orOs ils pro ­tlst with PI'> ·~r ('1H'C" lln in cOlloe9tioll witb ~he <,'tilwli- (If t h e Government in 11'PfJiil:iu' tht' NatIve Affairs ('om· lIlissil.)/l to invl:stigate into the caalt:8 C\~11~ tLe conduct l f I~ n:;,i1 i~a rs au~bo ntl l?S at 13aJibol:"'k ,Ifler it had promia ~d au iullependt!t:t and impartial Coru Ul i~io1:, v, uich t'ow ruission woold ha\·(! h,tti I).j. l'.l)tWt'ction whJ.tsue"I'r with t.ile l ' ll"~vious to t1lt~ shoot· ing:. 1<'uHbt:r. th:,d thj~ garlteriog feel ::! Ihat the N.~livt'B b .. d 1 01 been con. siJert:!u iI( (loll Ly ,h~ appointment (if the two atldiciolJ'JI c.:owmissloners.aDII consiu r~ that in ,IllY Commission that may i:'~ apPoirltE"d at I"'a~t olle or two wemler.:; 01 tbat Corumis::Iion ebooJd he Wtm t\.th tbe kllow leuge of mili. wry mal (1'\1\·n.'lj,


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , • • • • • •

Abantsundu bonke abasebenza e Rautlni nangapandle mabafune ezlzihlangu Zomgodl.

Nugget Footwear Manufacturers, limited. £:135 MARI<ET STREET, JOHANNESBURG

a~o~a~~~~~~~a~~ I, I, !

• •

I ,

Sirman Yorsion of the Bullhoek Affair,

"'jItlll ~niet1 h .. heeD OoI,ull"<l 10 tlWol. by tbo )lati •• Io ... llt. ofrray t t .BoU.o.1I beibg rl"pr.tT@nt~d from 'tfir.,..'I\.Jonrft:8 as 1\ Jewiph rising in Sli1Jtb Afri{", A GHmiolll ne\Vil,fnper 'l'lt,lf!h~d in RQR'ill. wbicb hll8 just N-"~ r\,.,,<"'YtI,1 in ~(luth .lUI'jeli. oem­L'tflt:t Itl. t'4 Hn-o.~'I.\" ~nlAllill~ 9U011nCe,,· JII-+'f.t :

"~'-h'1l of J ..... I~ S""tb Alri •• , ,~ , ,JOJt(,r ,J .... lolll"b.blta.bI c.u ..... Lo

f"tt:lU. __ \:frIQlh nOVt'rom~Clf. ruocb . "·Mlbl ... , ~n rhu enrtouudln8S or'

Q'H·'er,ttA~.n liiu;on8 ~U:tP(lf'UHlllkl h~. tu;,(I'.e" ,T •• , aD,1 troopl!i- han~ laken f,t.tt9. ·rh. fronp. b'\t e t»lwn 6l1eamp· )!"tenl, (If .lewlt in ('1""0 lJ,it.ll~·, .\bont J.i(>Jtlw, bl\'e '~D kHl~d 11 \\onod· f! t."

Stftp' hi". alread}' bhO t8k~D to ,.))Otradlct tlHl AboTe hlpe teport Imd to give the r~l fact~ rf fb<' 1o'9l'4.", ~o 99

II' aU;(:t KIlXif'ty. - ... rb~ tOllo'''lng 0&1....,1]\1 .. h l\'O:} bf'·n appomlt;d

t-1 h ••• l"I1,f,lnat:e efftc~"1 (n, Coloured perron'i

TR \S~\·.\\I. P~O"'I)<JCl

1. I.h)u~l~ ,leOMI. f I th"ll <.;t""a of the Su li-'I.ItJ\l., \AHnm;,,:,;"ioncr. :,\~lstrt"Om. lor tbe T)l"'trict of WatCtberi. vice W O. van den nerg. tran"fcrrf'd .

2. Jolln f. ll ~tIlC~ furlltr. of the Pass Offi..:c. Gef"!aif.toD , f(nt ne District of (jermtllotou. dar­I~:::' tbe tlbscn(.c o j D l: . Moor, on leave.

J DouSlas ·}ohllJJlyn, of tbe st"jJ of th~ ""ub-N<luve ComQ] I"JSloner. Hamenskraal. for the Dl llo :.rICI of l-'rc.toni1 . vIce 1.J Jenner. IlIms· lened. .. R~vcneod Adam Luturobu . . \Icican \JcILod-

1:.1 Epis.:epal Cbarcb RiI\'ereDd Jeremiah Hennell Zokuf ... , \ fril.:30

Vrcsbyleriao Church. ror Ibe Dlbtricts or Pcort E Ir.abeth. Uneobalf", And I-Jl.lmilnsdorp.

PRO\-'I"C~ Of ~A·lAL.

Re-wre.d'Villlam NtlaoglllUs" Bouomnu, African Preobytenao Church

J(..: ... -erond Heuben C hoonoo. Wesltl Yd'll ~h:lb&dlst C burch.

He.verend Arthur John Choonoo. Wtllileynn Metbodibl Church.

i{everend John J ames Khasuke, .\(rtC<iU

\lcl}jodist EpiscopAl Churcb • Reverend John Pilulo!> N't)'lDgila.. Afr ic:J D

.uJetllodist Epl sc:opall ;hurch. .k.twe-retld O"vld Tabat-Inca . .\fnc .. n Method­

Ist Episcopsi Charch PIlOV I Nce Of THE OlUMai. FI,EE SLUE,

He-rereed Tbeopbilos :\lareka. Mric:an \lethod~t Epi9COpal Churcb.

The !r(hueter ol tbe Jnt8f10r bas bUD v.lek~, iD terms of section /011.., of Act ~o. 43 of 191t>. to revolUas from tbe 91b August. 1921 tbe daBiQ:catioD at tbe }(evereod Harry Her· man lr2az"Pi AInta!! Pres.byterian t,.;burcb t 69 " ~t.!Ti~ OffiCii {or the Durtricts of Umtata, f.,11,utdale. Iduty""a. Mqandol i, Engcobo. Tsolo. Li"ode, lI.od Ngq eleni. P rcmn(!e of the Cap" 01 Good Hope .

... - ...... • - - .. --- ...._-Ulidenge tttondini.

Alikol wa ooko okoko ha .bantu aba leaule •• ukuteta okunjA ngoku kunge. nUa ba..akuba benyanlBiI., kosukoba kongel«> nyanieo kul ollto bayitelayo kOlll<e nga ngokuboua imeko ukuha;nba kwazO· S kumbula ikwa. hla elitHa kud.l. " Komani elaka I. taKa. la4alekiti8 orouLa walo ngokosike 3wiBwe lihash e ~1i4dl wayo okuqeliBwa: wabangacaza lornntn iDdlela Iidlokova ogayo elohashe wabonakala e&Hpra yi ntwengento kulomlongo ote wamfs· niB~ nayo youke into esil wanyana eroblabeni. watsho iodod3. yangl1ti azi .. Jilanga. Ngamiuflzau3 itiit> , ekubolla­kala oknba nokal)i wayesete lilibele eliliashe waeike wl:\lanua ubuhle n o· kutyeba okn k waln, labaoj\Va walsbo V3zulll. Uvile! K-wati nknzE'kncace okokoba lizakuYt Ilz'into eJihashe kwa· qala kwakoke-Ia f.JllJoq\Vllzi umniniwo foOl!ep.tIZlll u. Lamll, hlli lamhloma nge· IJtioko ~fusilli \Vat:,t .\';1 :tpo engena ku· tuta kub' nwLowo w;"\\iu.l-p ..... lek ' l1lubI::lba ewati wakuputHl WI\ nJ.!ngqira kwasike k"'a""" .tnazlnyn wo/tlo ! 4Bigoo,di ke nokokob. kwakunolrnl'lDga :ia Ia· mfit\1 :wake wayeDok~ii . ,ko"Y,~, uaw~ ; . k"':illi i;III~"" uoltd.mgo, l1iIt1l1dt1d,

!tuba kwnoebRlb& .10 .. ~ .rand.olnl yen8 .fon'u~ulldub.l. kwal.po ngelo" .. ba. K wakDn8 boo nk. abantu abawaalyo amabholu ba· yazl okoknba angtlm.doda aloodl .. illoaka zawo Dalltonioa ugeUlvabu; Kosand'okwlu .. p iota onjolo .pa ngase PitoU k1l1lh ,mje, idJs{l08ba. htti Jlkoxe-Jelwa okokoba inkonzl yaoko­roo lie Y811, I.nq.rola I.tuka yango fordomu kllori yonkd 10nto; kOllwll sinosiat k.b, IOIlt! 1I:e linge80 sidomi Iit.,lt pllntli kwamatancJiIobuBO Iilmnkul"p nl()1tu kw~qir.i. Ite lel,kons( eko:­ko.')(mllblob'llmntft kukobi y.nqowl~ ytlflumelR IODa idlagusho eto tWto ezi .. ntllukn y"Ubhovuij& opondo lWftpoDl6 .

10 Ilwalloy. loalo, y.)laroba illt.ta JIl. po ... pe£olo nmz'o"ak!wo okullt.mlel •• Malo .. akati okqhb. lipilUe k~' ngalnn~ o!cubo. ntnutn lowo wayabl.; t~\1Ie kUljda Dlib~"'A nkubJ:l Ucinga nt~ .. ulna ngokl. Aelbooi nb:ab& nkoli ~.Idom" 10 k .6Ie. Liti iIi.,yi I.boz'ziyo •• ioinlo "M.kuhle II\. mnye." Zilnmkeleni izioto el\i~i U+· tay(\ Abantu haltnblelw8 yinto.

• Inama Iyafuneka.

--'-\y.kode iqondwo lento y"Icu.olokb

kW8blekw. a BMlnln bak,,"· aboe kolilVO bodw~ abat.nd~ inYRro8 Quga8k!i sebekala nge "namlj monna," aka.nje nllokuba beg::t.."ekwh noko~ lndd.b~ f'zivel9. nsa~e New CasUe kwehse N.tala ziboniaa . 'kOk~· bl1 kweoye IftllUlt kate kwah inkom}) ezim~i~i \VazIQ~IQngu IIQ'Oktt ranel~ oknh zlbnlewe BIBifo wazimt~la. Ito" kaoti impi iyamhona, yabun'oknba koo yemko. j "nama/' yakupa inkomo ere ebosaku yazihlinza yat(J~inyama yashiya izikotnba, Ublldens. babo bnba bnlele, bokung'zimbeli kwakona llJkomba, kob~ umlooga 'Obone inko, 000 zake ngl')Bokn olnlandelal'o i'.ikala apo zikota ezo zikumh3. wasotIa wahi. ka komkulu yabonjw. impl I.yo ngo' k.nbl,:",arela itrifo nakuba kon~ekabiko zlmbl zifayo kwakoDa. kodwo. ieenzo Balom.doda sikangelelwe ekoknb.d .iknku hlwayela Isi£o. EIOIbnmi I •• madode liblaullswe isboml leponli emnye ati ong"lDslo an gene entolo­ngweni inyan,ga ezimbini e8ebenza D.lm.. H.I Inama betu. kaloka pge· nxa ye ha1 ko6 lIoniu alrnhlia ukull fnmana la;ve Hfoneka lona konke. Wonks "'madoda .nrabBSebenri kwi. mlgodi.yamnlahle\ion Colliery ekubon.kala k. ogoko okokuha itnilo roo y .. " 'aba it .. ysbaba akllqubis.Da ne dylvi.

• Impilo lane.,


lko~iti yo kuo,qand'wa kwe Ngozi epaotsl kwe Rand Mutual Assurance Co' Lld ' l inikela U/l1V9Zo wokuQ.I. we £1, OWMibin', we Ib/. zouke In'yaDga n~~Dcwa~di eshlya ezinye eteta nanga· Ylplna mto emahtnga nama'nyatelo empiIo nokouqandwa kwe ngozi.

Okwangoku .b.zigqatsayo kofaneka batete nga01anyatelo anokwenziwa maluoga nomsebenzi wemigodi kupela.. Olugqatso luvulelwe bonke abafundl bo Umt.ieli wa Banlu p.kati kwe British South Africa· Mabakele booa eyoDa nto ba bbala ngayo, babbale nangayipi. n3 iuteto yesi Ntu. Incwadi zin,abi namagaroa angapezu kwamakula asixe­nxe, zibbalwe ngdkucacileyo; calanye kupela e p ~ pen i., Ab,zigQ,at.sileyo Incwadi zabo bazltumele, tibekwe "S.fety First Cortlpttiiidn," ku ElIit"r Ul)lteteli w~ Banlu, Ugq.lso luYa kuvalwa ftg~ 30 zonke inyang., aye amagatn. ~eodawo .~l?apumel.leyo ey~kupapasbwa kulo blipbpa, Incwiidi ziyakahluzwa ngabaniki mivuzo bance· disaoe no Mbleli wO MteteIi \Va Bantu. Aba~ini skimu bayakuba ueluDgelD lokupapasba nayipina icewadi etonye· Iweyo ngapandle kwesbiye ezinye, kodwa bayakwenza intlaulo eqondaka. layo ngokupapasha incwadi Snjalo , . -

Kwelo Sami. Kaloku okoko yapelayo okaoye kwa·

tiwa ipeliJe imfazwe Ibwlile e alikazallge ngapa k1"elo bbanan., base Mai!;1IS nuls allO~j denro !!Ii

MINE BOYS! VVatch for bad hanging.



DO NOT WAIT until it KillS or injures somebody • _ ....... -"" - .. -_ ... --

-MUSANI ukulinda kude kwenzakale umntu.

.. -- .... --- -..


Elelloang :l\'.I:ajoe Aoang. HA LE A BONA. BOLELLANG LE·


SEIERB U emela bore a be aotse motbo kotsl .

ntlambo Kuvakala okokuba ululi lomite esekute kult) kwabulawa i ofisa ezimbini namapolisa amahini, kwara kwaban;wa amashumi amane abalwi. Kufumanel-a okokuba: leoto isokela en$"Qobokweni yesizwana esitile e~uiwa ngama Moplahs esinke serna pakati k\vama Moslems, ke kaloku ke akuva­~i pabanini ndawo, lusuka apo utulL U. Rulu01ente ute watumela imantyi .. ., .... ukuYa kuteta amatyalay nokucima 10' mliJo, kodw3 pgati imke imantyi leya' l~g'abblisanga zimbumbulu kunye nomkos50buyikap;le. Kubleni bo_?ami, yioin:l kodW:l! Yiyo leoto lugxotwayo na:lapa oluhlanga Iwe koviya, luyinkata­zo Monke. \

EiAMVA: Kwidabi e1ito lali",a kuzo eziDtsuku i Moplah zinga pezuln ku 400 ezifileyo,

• Yinina kodwa mzi wakowetu l kUDini

iblkwa intcs yokokuba umntu angabot i

ewela isip'olo setteni ayeke ukukangela macala omabini hfeze ati kaDti akeva itreni seyikufutshane'! Apo umotu angaqubi oqwelo ahambayo nj.e nge· nyavrd iya yalezwa kakuln tn:!awo yoKub. makakwele e6ulorw~oi angaba· mbi konke esipolweoi . Kodwa pezu 1CW3YO YODke I.mig~du ~baDtn_baya!,ela ko kutyucrnzwa ~'tr<nl yonlre lemlhla, ab.ntSundu nabentlaoga 20n.e. Sitota· nje kuko oots'nodu cbulewe kunye namaba~e abewaquba kwistishi sase Mgeni e Natala. Yivani ukucety iswa bakuti.

Abakwa ••

Mneube kelwe,


Impendulo, "A. N." (Rosetteoville): Sinosizi koba asinako ukwamkela i odolo zamapepa ngamanye ngapandle kokuha abe umlltu uqale ngokublaula iposi. UDcede unl"akat.azi izipata·mandla ze pesi nta· kufa.ka Imali eyiotsimbi pakati encwa· dini. "s. Z." (Rabula) : Mzal",aua iDcwadt yako asin. koyif.k. kobo ubbale ;pel'" maeala omabini kwave asiyiva kakuble neyonanto uteta ngayo. ':10bn TsoleoyaDe" (Kokstad) : Bobl. ba ratang hore mangolo a bona abatlsot l?a no a romela ka tsela ea bore a. 6hle ho rOD a ka Monday bokeng e'Dgne I, e'oiue. La haa le fiblife ese ele morlo haholo fe se re seDa !lona bo ka Ie ba· tisa 'm. ka Ise latelanr a'ioeke taba !So laoa hadi sana thuso. "B. R. G." (Benoni): Uyakuti okoltt· ba ukangela .koQaJeni komhlati ... NgeSi epepeni letu ubone amanaDi esiwabizayo ngezaziso ezifaoa D05im' mele sona sokuvela komntana OYUDti wakublaula lamaH sisifake. "1. Z." (Oogies Colliery) : Sinos;,i kubo aiDgena kukucebisa ngemicimbi yemizi enjengalo usifuna ieebo kuwo·

1181, INDEBIO~ STREET, JOHUNEItIIBI, ngi;- Ntsiko &I

Izlnslzwa HOllntomll IllinD11n QalO.

Ku!ungwa ngapand'e koku buza. Umsebenzi opambili

owenziwayo kupela. I Suit ~Dkupum.l. I ... " ku

8 guln •••• lbulukw. I. _".nell 1111.1•

ku E.Mgungundblovtl bekuietwa ical. lika SiDlon Ndblovu lokubulala inkosi yama Neube, ehIala ugase mgwaqeni Omaabinl obulatako kwenye ind.",'o uble o)'a e Tekwioi. Kubonakala ukuti apuke rnpela. Yinlo enjalo .kWI1:J,ulr kl.lku ibkosi Ie ibinrze'Zwani ne nkosikazi yayo ogetyisi. oko!e okoneamisa konene: V!~

.. - k' ~, k ' t ' . r b _,_ .,!9ka jlkll& ~Ico _hn .-U, "'!'lily! 'Pte "'~ , 1 um owa 0 we' ly'" 10 PIlputnmln!Jt, tJk",uI!a ~h'" nkoSlkazl )0 obanJlwe wazenzela I kuya ko'M~e om%imba useNaft kihlll ••

mese wa.e t ;i'jDf'wa k"; k.mi.! •••• ok;l. ""Ind ...

Indyikitya e Lusutu. Amapepandaba aleveki RvakahsR

l'kuk'uk'uiisB kwesifo se "flu" pakati kamzi Vt'akWB i"l oshoshoe. Kuko imizi exelwBYo ngamngalllB e!)esitllte kuyo abaotu ngobuniozi obuknlu, njengRse Quthing opo kulW8 ~omnye silllke De 44 yaLanln kn wumbl !'ifltatn . mn 3 1 njalonj.lo. 8iyabikwn jikelel. !lase ~l ohaleshoek kude kllye e l\1orijn e Si,ufllen i opo 8i£ (e sernlta no Barrett J obn.too Mesbologu. 8ivelen. kakl1-lu oabazali balomntanR kuba ubefuoda emele ukuogeroela i Second Year yoke nouyaka njc, kodw~ ke wnti u Md. li ubon. ugevake ,odlela . Co­magu mn.B hele mekanikntnze u 80-maodln Ilgaloododana 5~y.e siugen.a k u t i u M E'llzi wnzo zonke lZ1I1tO UPOSI ­si le. A kukolllo it i u},ototn lomknblane ubikwR ku7.o zOllke inoawo bakuti.

• Babhaleli.

Sillcedeni toro, og( ,kuli umntl1 akn­gqiba ukllbhn l ~ inCW8(~ i afulID uknyi­tumela epepent ake ay ' f~ ,~de. a~angel~ uku ba iya,fa kala na . ZlIlIlIZI Illcwadl nakulo eli lanamh'a ipepa esiuJ!aha­nan nuko ukula ltdela into aSl'1 kubn u~nlu dunn uknte ta YUDO, ke ngoko sinyanzeleke tl kllzifll ka ngalolldlt>la zi hhalwe ngll)'o lIokl) zingaf'3 kltli. 8i· Ylt kude sillDyanzelt·ke ukungnzifaki iucwnd i t'zinjalo.

E nye into yahl nh nani II kubhala isi N gesi o in l!'as i qond i~akuh le toro; aei­Dax~sha lj ,kllsil ungiSd ke ngnko ning-a­dalli Sll kuhn si ngasif8 ki . K llnanina umntll 8s',kllbhala inteto yakowabo nizid le ng ayo.

- • Ukul1ikelwa kwe N. R. C.


l!!di tor UwtE'teli wa BUlto, N J!"ok weltjt"nje ndazisa bon ke aba·

dl, li, Ilhlnho f'kunikf1lwe n!:italo i cop ehi III df'lw1 kwe seilS 'n t:lp"lilt:'ro, yald. kw" p 1, ngok'l ba i Figbt· F orfover ibe viso, e .fOy lS8 zonkp • Kt'I egl'"l kn ndiS l ­kalis· i"h,to ezenziwa ri CJmpanr yase G .. ldenbnis.

Kat .. kQ~iz", ko 1 L ~.m. yabA 8eknz~· Ie abaeto Ilba\fela kwi nda vo abaze kwesosidlo. i clubs ezite zaba ko aku voyis,na ne F 'ubt·Fore\fer, Ol' ienta l C.C Fear Not C.C. W,t Deap C.C. "a Slone Bretl ke l's, ego 3 p.m. kofike i Compoonrt Manager ipablwe ogama lungo P Board 0 M!-SSI'B Nogaga, Mjule_ ni, S. Mtoba, aDd Mr Gq'lbaza. Ilulama lomfo otandwa ngabantu bake.

U Compound Manager. timfo kll Edmund, utete amazwi oko­ko ktza i club, wabule la ubuko be Board nahamenywa. Wati konke kulungile ze simaziae okokuba u Sibonda 0 Mr Gqabaza aka s3nelisanga ute yonke into ori v olele kllye okokn ba ze SODwa be, nje n~e old kric\(eter " crickett: r" kwase Kimberley. Uacome' Ubl1 xa­biso be Cop esiyi nikwe yi N. R. C. wati utata inyameko kaktl ln kwi sport sloba ntBuudu, youke lento oyifonda kakulo kn mhlobo wake orena ongo· Ulrihtli obllkali kunene u Mr Telberer,

ongamncedi wab'l, wtlti u'\OyidaU3 ua boyisi eslti D~nye eya knhe iyi1.11ze zesi"("uyisane nayo naknba (,8im syi kufomaoe ipume aps. Wateta kamna. nui nX8 ~m i ke l a i Medals kubadlali bale team ebancoma nje ngokn nga.ti ukp ababone b~dlal a. Em\fa koku km ete n )Ir Nogaga chulela ukuva olm knt .. b kwe Kompanndi Manager, okubl e kobe Hht' llgazi ('kokllha b<lko kanti ab [Ina nnwak\' II L amL..l-NktHl/i \1 Mr ~lac KPllli ·· ., Cr .. ,\n hlilllf'.

K.t''ta I.m\"i.t kwak~ n6 Nkc si inl.Wl,n t n Cbipr Dahlbile, yaya watet<\. ngohncul~ Jo't> ti f:;int' sihlanu f"sicihlk" lero aVa, ncell:l okokulJa i Compound :Manager iba bllyisele kw i.l lapa, itemhi­Be Il~~knti Jonto iya kuyi k~ngela, YI-t· n ikwa lIrn3eamn abo, emvakokn siln· ngiStch.lwe.izidlo. Ndincome ukubet· nillzi kwe Dinn ~r eyE'tlziweyo.

Hai IH ll lhla aBadl~ dnlau ula raz.i gnsba nalamanzi tI"("uyh;\ ukucinga kwalUadoda ayeko kuqolltlakala oliO­kubd ang,lwfI. Into e te yat a ng-aba kUknhHlgiselelwa kwam ,l ledi ate ak.\: bina tuba loknbako Oklllllkplwem kwarn .

Noo 5. :lO p.Ul. kugal.J eke i photo­~rdphpr rase Jobannesburg etnllYf'lwe kwlt~' i Kom pnni izt>k,lltata lamaqcl~ umftllekitlo kwangxama no Ranqai ngokll akufllna nkuba pflkati bHyl:-' ab lntn sehf'ke bafumana kakuln kule . nto yase Kana . Ke ngoku malunga no 6 p.m. kwaba knpcirakalwa . yayi ml11i engasoku lityalw3 ng,tba. bek on3 , . kWltku wllandl.

I Bmll'd it .. p,uuhi I;:okuba yabluk'lIlP y<\fakana ngentloko okoknha kwnis\\e i chairnH\n "g"" Ctt Wl\ 4. tb Septpml)E.-r ilie yintlauganiso ye Leagu e e Wpm­mPr ZOUkiO i clubs zibeko knSaB:l ngo 11 ' .Ul.

H Bri,:!"g" Old Cricketer

Priv, te, S. Mto"., . 1 Crown Road, Fordsbnrg_

• Makoloni Pulapulani Apa. Mhleli.

Kawuodipe iaituba k,v elo pepa lak o tndumo oluble, ndivakalise le ama Koloni, 08izi ekulo ikomiti ye Zibuko, bona!)i ke mawefo njangokuba tlisati nisoloko nisiya okuba koko umpopo· abo omemeza lIkllfuneka ama Koloci akEl ablangane abllzf', wayeke tom po­posbo onezinto ezininzi omawozi beke p:tmbi kwama Kol oni pziyi ngozi yawo n oncedo Iwawo, pzinye zikaolezile ka· kulu zifnna ukuhltl.ogatyezwa majnya, ke ngnkolityaziswa loniozi lamaKoloni anlZaSlz~ziyo ukuba aaisizwe sokllfn. ndisa izizwe ezingHvaliyo u Mbuso wama Ngesi, ke ngoku knngene omci· mbi omkulu okawulf'ztleyo onzima kakulu ehekofllneka ufik~ sekeaabla· ngana fotifuti. lowe rafu yptil izwe. Ke ngokulibala k nkaLwa nento eniyi­yo ubu KoLoDi, aoizikuba nazwi nina

Ikanti bekufanele ukuba utatwe kuoi nrnzekelo knnoknba utatwe ku Zulu, koba oisalibele liratshi nomona nama­kwele nOllungahlonela:J. i into engeyo mvela yenukeleyo, ngenisenivela kozo ne Nkosi ukuyakozi bikela ufonzo olnbi enilwenzilevo. zanixJ iela nazo. U Zalu sebetumele umnumzana u Dobe pesbeya, abena boJ.umo nisali· bele kukuhadla izitende. U Mr Rnbosan:t, Pelem, Jabavu.! Maxeke, yihaoi nentlrmi, sininika ituba qonrtani indttwo eSingekafikeleli kozo ukuze


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• EMBROIDERED KA DUNGAS & BLANKETS. 135e-13 7, MerRill ~lrlllll, eMI.

JOHANNESBURG, P ,0, B1lX 4753: 'Phone 2689, Te legrams: " HIPPO,"

Lt' rE\lIWH, 1\l~1.

nazi ukuba tlitinina, ukuZt' h.dung .. ezondawo DlUlibt-ki~e kuoozakuzaka we Zi'>oko. zim~we;te ukuba kuzo_ knhlangan"' .... nazo ikomiti ze Z,hnko.

P. O. Naocotiald.

G_ G. Nqhinl. CbiJo'f Or~allisel"

Unani Angab'undim. lllgozi ulu~a. kwayu eUlli twilii :.I.,i­

mbikeli kwanjc ngokubn nr'~ll m"llntJa linjalo ukum6kel. kIValo. B.k" aba­ntu aboxumekAYo nge.ndleh, "bahe­ngayilindele. Am'apepaDdaim npe~he­ya axeln itams8nqa legq \veta eliti l ~ lejaji ebelimele esinye isihandiba sesi tyebi sase ~Ielika etyaleni plibi kunene lokubulaln ebelitetwo e Bag­dad. L :l kuUI\ li/!qityiwc ilyub l:!Jlku­lulwll esi sihn.diba si lilc gic.lli eli­~qwetn is bumi lamawukn <'pOliti uklt­lihlauJa, ishumi lamawnka niqollde, Asiyoolwaotl ke lcyo kuba inkoli::;o yamadoda esi ti :u.izlty ebi kweillilwe ak.Doyo oe haiu y.lomali. KIlI.po siti ke, lingake til,.. emntwiul elotam­sonqa linjalo, flstlzi. KodwtL 3)'ilo acedo imali engako kum-Aflliuka konkc, jyameezisa. omnye npambanc kube kupelile, ati oogapambannngn aqube izioto zokupumbnnu, ke ngoko kung-acaei ukullga pnmbaOi kwake. I mali isoyisile tina 1'tu : haninzi aba­utu b::l kuti t.- kudK la beyipata kodwa ali nmntu eudaweni yokwcnzela aba­ntwaun bake ili£n a~ike aqube izinio zokugeza konke.· ~lani))1.i amadoda aheke abrtmbe amawaka e Kim bali Ilgexesba idnvimuni ibi~a III'lgile asike ageze ngn)"o Ulnntu nyok uf l elibuxe- I uge elityiwa zintwa la se lcngasenako ukubuye ayifRmane ngoku. HA.i IIbu -Ntu betu.

• Ixego El lsi leyo ,

A::.ituki XIl sisitsbo bakuti kodw8 siyaxela. lJ"mlltu ubekwa ugenxn yokuzipata k~kc njengokobll be.e,ikc s(!,tsht) kuzo e.ti\'tki sali koko abantu abati ngemikwa yabo , paLDbi lnvE'zi · blwele ufiike Sf'kositwa nkn bizwa k"abo, z ingwt!vana . Aknkooto intle njeugokubekeka kwe Dwele ~zim hlope, kwaye knngekonlo imanynmnyezi nj .... ngoku bl aug ola..umkita ebanlwaoe· ni ngenxa yaruanyala aqutJ wa Jlgu· yise wabo. Kwa lon3 igama eli lou wa eliti U xego H ngijmaxesha lmandlllo belinobuo .ti ma eliti lak ubizw?> 10wo ulh·ayo eve intli ziyo yake imxelela okokuba lomntn kntw3 nlixego­twa yimbeko. ngelisbwa esingalelziyo lomaxesba :.l.pela, umkita wavutuluka es i-zweni esisiso kon' ukoze sibe na mhlanje BizioteaU ngalendlela . Lama­xeeha mabi ku zO zonke intlanga. Klls"\nd' ukngwetywa omDye .. nma­dala .. ava omhlope wahlauliswa ishnmi eliuesiblanu leponti engonalo inyanga ezin tata eButwini. Kufuillaneke oko· kuba elixego liye lipetp ibbot ile yo­tywala eudlini yenye iutokazi aU une 35 yeminyakl bl"oli'Jazana. bafika baseb bocabini. ebnsuku konke. Ukmmka apt) waknsebenza uI»didi zeliso um'lda­la usnk e wadidizelisa lon tok;t zi wapata kuyHyanda nge~esi kwakubi yaye nayo seyibooa lnziz;i: AyibanAa aa· ocazelo iotle ematyaoleni kwanje ngo madal 3, 64 imi nYilka, k l\ ba naye enga· zanga kakuble ukwenzpka kwayo j'on ke Ion to. Lixego elisileyo, lkuko mntu onokoyipika londawo, li sile kunjalonje abalenzsnga nto.

• Kwa Komani.

Ezintokazi Annie Mqalaza, Sarah Ann no H Jnllah Storm",n zifayiuwe I 00. - emll)"e !l!o?okul:lila utywala elokisbl­nit knngeojalo iveki ezintatll e Siualeni.

Abantn : Ke R8novn j'O aknbona 11 Mr. Tt'mba Msikiny~ oyi S,mitl.ry I nspector (l gqira lempilo) kwabantsu ndu e Blot'rufonteio . Ukangeleka eBempii weni. Kaloku ngowoknqala kwt\bantbundu oyi Sanitary IlJep"ctor , onomnye pantai kwake oyi aSBi~tant.

lkomisboni yabantu Ilungist'ltllwa sbnsbn t! kay'apa waye unobbala n osi­hlalo weotlang:1uiso yomzi aballgaba­lQngi!"€' I~1i lizwi bohabini }x:!tihu~bu

t>1Dcimldni 10"\\'0. Kllse kuhl : Slse­buku.

Amawt!le' K\v~zics.wa zUlnlileyo aliqeh1 8mak08ikazi anuu. ndl1 , abeleke am'Hveie: kownye bdoe babt-tutll, kon'apl" elokisbini ngecawe ye 21 ku dug. enye intokuzi ebibltmba nowakwayn ht-vl;<la ~ Mtnta ibelf·ke amA.wt<l.· .. bo:"uliu. €lk 'lngo n~l\i to ll",I.)­V ni p,ult~i kOIU1,q.1 IIg.,..,t>/i ",olfiOl. Siva okokoL<l II Kuaut.'k)t"j Ihthall{W ,l -11.1 abu bi.t~:qjil;t honl~ t', ll:trtCfJlla b ... n ·i ... I, lnnrllt' tlugqt..ltlui.

hil-olo' I nidoh'J11i Scbonl ,. ';'·d.\~a .liliudd ... 11 ).JL:.ungt:n zikolll kW'"'zi \e-lti tiloyu. .\..1 a fun ·1 si I) ·\PO bak'lh:uu;t · x:tl~. ~i)·")lK\""'I<t.

lUlid la lo K uvtlkala ukub" ht .... la I ~e ,\I'JOti I .. Huub.y liYdkub... l"I .. l ngomhl ,\ we t-l. ka :S~pl. I1kuza wlI.Il .. la ue (.lllel:'n l'town ~ativt) Hugby Unioll. Zlnd oa el.llnnand i eZI)cdt teruba llkn1ia i j'ak I~HIIIl .. If'1 t I .. "matcb." A~i"iI:o·\o lUI m ·,,\{l. !; ISHI ikbaba lahtpa li.d"i ··~pol"t .. :nen · y<tye lp u910pu i~ i "f1'guy C~lltI"P." X~ i\l ohtl nz~ lui U1Hlhl li7. ~l knLD311cne Okllcl~Iu.·u. <tjt' Illlkt' a lll i1lungiselplt) ~>\yt:' 8ell ~i wa shush". Ufnl1le ka~uhle k~ 1I10~~ )I . lng~n h' Ulilli !



Yizan i kum pambl koku 'enga inkomo zenu.

Ndizllonglsa Isisulu ngapazu k wabo bonko abany ••

II FLAGSTAFF, .... ,- ---

Isaziso se Cawa. Ron ke iiLnntll bayazitiwa ukuba

Indlu re Ccwa yase Ethiopian Catholic e Ale~ndra Towllship iyakuvohva og '"' Nlwllzo ez ifaneJe lomseben zi ORO­ruhla Wf' Hh. September ngosnku lw.mge Cttwa. Abantu bayame nywlti bonke. Ncedisa ni Mawetn !



Abefnndisi .

Ndikangele k llfnooane kwe xum iudangan iso ebezike zRq utY\Va ng-dms­odla zOkllllceda awa Sil'ayeH. Anda~ nokuba ngnlomoya ubolD kolo ego ,J ul r kod wa 8 Ike urn ktUlya, saVe 8in8a­se LL oyt>ni , ka nb~ke kuhle oknba n ok o ktlko 31uA II oda vtembekileyo pakat i. Sitka tlaJalata into yamadoda anem fe. sane auosi.ti. korlwa ngati e locebo liyu­bonwa ngokll, nttkuba ndilapa k;o<.hva knko ilingd eli hIe kwiUlpi yase Jozi lentlang,tni::io yalorupoposbo wezibuko. ~na nditi kuyakanya eZQutsi amehlo ayavul eka. Knngatini kukade ukn ti aIDa Koloni ang.tzi keti ezizwen i wona onaLDa.llluge lo ang:'l£ani neziu ye in­dawo n je? Arualinga enziwe awapu ­mt!lela manJitsbo kuba intlang.Y. n iso ebaluleldleyo i Kongolo,:,i aripulD el~. langel nokuUl3nytl uarutla ne Koloni. lzunile I BJ.ntu Union, ukwenza im­visisw<lno" ncarucl " ayake itabo impi pse Tran~lJa fl l lie Free State. Maka· lale nak~ oUlnye umlltu ouona icebo ? X li lsbo nail) nknti kofunzwe kakubi ke ulikapeli Ix~sha uknba knngabu yi kucingwfo', kufunwe i;tibnko, nt.litye moa ndillgakolwa ukuba kocitwa ebe. ziko kaku ... l t' . nj tmge Ndebele mutt antli kol wa, ndiug'.tlld IIdilumkil~ na nx;tntt nditi ll-lUlpi ya kuti kwa :\Izili­k azi ~in<lko nkuLd mgaogdtwell i more: QJ oj~ m na ttpa kllkuzama ukupem be­ItllJ, ol ukanyo lwe Koloni luye apo e :\Irllet)tllJi k ,va Knu.alo. Ndigqib8 kweliti IIW· Kr lOlli, ugesPIlZ'l umfaly. ndawoll ) e eWI) ako amadoda atungd)·o n gokwenene ukuba 9.wasokubuye eze kweli, kojwa ke amanye anamakaya apa amanye anenlt\apo kweli. waWell ZtI nawo ukuba i Transvaal, cbenjo ngl!l1 lawo kllba ~(lltjngqwlUda njo elpnmd kwim foto odknmut.iko engqondo apa. Niyako'\"'umelana Dam nxaoa nditi zoutatn eze Province aknko ioe bigber education kune Cape Province. Yonke I tl oto ke nditi lilioga el ihle eli ngani. uknha ikaba la lapa lingavakaliuje kwezi )lbiw yintu enin;tj e Crown Mines. City Deep. Hnodapoort Simmer & Jack, .Tep.pestown. kuwt.1 omknlu opetwe ogama Koloni selendiyeka apo ndiyaknde ndigabadtl~ gzebe.-Ca. magn.

.. M'OLETYll u


(j R •

Department of Native Affairs. l'bt! folIowlIlg GO\"E' rnment Notkeh arA iHlblisbed {(.I r general information.

E . BA RRETT. ~er retary for :Nati~(> Affairs,

U~p,-l rtmE'lIt of NlIi~e Atlair<'l. Pretoria. •

No. 132.; [1~th Angu.t.1921.

It is herehy nofified fc,r gen e ra l i nfo rmat io n that Hia Royal Hi~hoe6!1 the Ho,ernor· GE'lieral bas bt'E'1l pleased to leT), nnder the provisions of section 2, ( ' haptE'T XII. of the R"'.Il ulatioDs for the Administration of IhA Transkeian Tprritcri l"8 GelIPI'.tl Council, pu blisbed onder Proclamation No. 143 of 1915, a . to('k T,lte in the Distl'ic~ of Tdolo of th e amonDt of ninepecce payable by evpry nRtive p t> fbon i ll Cb:\l ;..:1' of a. len ai or b om es te <1d witbin the jurisdiction of the Tnmske i,tn Tl:'rritor ies General Council in resp E' ct'of each head of cattle in bis ch3rge on the ht Jul y , H121 : the rat e [0 be uoe and payable at the office of the R "'!8iLi e n t MagI!'! ratE", T aolo, on tbf' lst August , 1921.

No. l:l2.i ] [19tb Augast 1921. Ap:l k wali.-~\Va wonk~ nba ni okokoba Umntan 'Omhle u RulunE:li ~Jjkelele

nlw1isekile ll knbi la, pantsi kwe migaqo yesiqenilu 2 bab!. KII, se Miteto ye Nqubo ye Bhnn:.n h P t's ba kwe Ncibtt. eYRpapasbwa nge Nlsbomayelo No. 143 ka 19Li , i l·:) l"o ysoo p:lhla knmm ·tndla w aku Taolo eyi nayimpE'ni (9d.) ngentloko s e n dn·l \ n g<wye epe te urnzi pant9i kolanlo lwe Bhonga l.:l Pe~,",a kwe Nciba, yim31 i y e. ntloko yenkoa:o ngauye "beyikoye nl!e ) ktl July 1921 ; lomali ke knfnne ka ihl \ulwe e ofi5ini ka l\Iantyi, Tsolo, nge 1 ka August, 1921.

110. 133~] [23rd Aagust, 1921.

It is here by Botifi ed for general information tbat His Roya l Hi~bness tbe Governor Gpn eral h as b ~en pleas eu to appoint Senator the Honourable Alexander William Roberts, D.Se.. F R.A.S .. Brigadier General Lodewijk A r Ol)IduR Slabbe r{ L !> 01mer, M.L.A'f Charles Templeman Loram, Esq., M.A., LL.B .. Pb .D., .Jobn Sydney Marwick. l!:sq .• ~!.L.A .• and the Reverend Petru. "aD del" lIe rw€', as ('OIDllliss ioDers to inquire into and report upon :-

(1) Th e orig in, Il<ltul"e, "'lud extent of auy disturbing influences at work among tb e Ilalives of [be Union. and more particularly the origin and nature of thl'! •. hraelite" move meut; and

(2) The origin. nature, aod extent of tbe vario~s religious organizations withiu the Union whicb are solely under native control.

·No. 1339J [23rd Augusl. 1921.

Ara kwaziswa wonke nbani okokuba Umntan 'Omble u R ul nneli·Jikele le u kolisekile ukunyula u Senator the Honoorable Alexander William Roberts, D .Se., .I! .... R.A.S., Brigadier G~lleral Lodewi j k Arnoldus Siabbert Lemmer, III.LA., Charles T ern?leman Loraro. Esq., M.A., LL.B .• Ph.D .• John Sydney Marwick. Esq., M.L.A., no Reverelld Petrus van del' Merwe, uknba babeyi Komisbeni yokupanda nokwenza iugxelo nge :L-

(1) Umtombo ublobo, nobubanzi bE'mpernbelelo ezikatazayo ezikoyo . pakati kwabantsuodu be Xyunyani. ikakllJn umtombo noblobo lwe

shishiui lama II Sirayeli, " nt:! (2) Umtol.Dbo. uhlobo, nOktlllaba kwamabJelo eeawe ezipantai k waba­

ntsoudu qwaha pakati ko Mallyano.

·No. 1339] [23 Phalo, 1921.

Mona bo tsebisoa wang Ie mang hore Ngualla Morena ·Mnsisi·e-mobolo 0

khodisitslle ke ho khetha Senator the HonOllralJle Alexander William Roherta, D .Sc., F.R.A.S., Brigadie-r-Gt> neral Lodewijk Arnoldoa Slabbert Lemmer, M.L.A., eb·arles Templeman Loum, Esq., M.L.A .• Ie Reverend Petros van der Mer we, bore ebe Komiai e ea blabloba me e etse raporoto ka :-

(1) Mohlodi, mofnta Ie ho ata ha meea e ts'nenyang e t611g bar'a Batala ba Knpano, haholoholo m ohlodi, mofuta Ie hoja setsi ha l!ieboka sa " Ba-Iseraele;" Ie

(2) Mohlodi. mofat. Ie ho at. ha dikereke kahare ho Kopano Ise leng taolong ea Batala feela.

Abantwana Betu. ba ngaba knkwazwa abuyo olnogateti nto, nolungajonganga nto ebantwioi besosizwe ezila li n i zon k e abakozo, aenzakele ngenene esosizwe. Uknba ukuteta oknkoyo kufllndis8 u k nba makoogasbunyayelwa ukungcola okn· bonakalayo }lalrati komzi, nasezilalioi labantu, ngaba ke wenzakele amZl esinguwo.

b~cioge ukuba lento siyit", tayo &yi. nj :'llo b"ttlho besiti, mblaombi knDxiJa abantwalla bal ,i:'fnodisi kwezidolopll, mb·laumbi, kobtlla abantwana bama­gqoboka oduma. Uoafuodisi bost'QJ p~fnqll wt.'lli , nohullqoo()ka bUgempp _

fn ml Wf\n i, k w:;t:zi u 'fixe abakwenzHeYIJ n abangakwenzang \ abanjalo Kunyt' kllpela ukwenza okokuko, kokokaba HmzaH Rzl? nZe nynJu ng~nxa yr\bantwa- . Ili.\ bakt' . A ..,inclmp nes ono ngr nxa yab:mtwana bilkp. Aloyikt' nt'bltuo ngenxa yaba nt\\~1.IH\ Lakt>.

[sizat u k6 ngako oko (seuta nkoba babe baninzi kaogaka abantw;\na aha ~wple illlbeko, Ilabaqaqadpkilt:"yo, nauangagqob",kanga. naba8we} ' j ntJoni 1( lln~enxa yokuba abazttli I abo ngo· l{\v.\bo bRl1jalo. B lf\wel'iut!oni, ba· s \\' e lukocinga, bae"'",} ' nkntandaZi\ b.l­Bwele sonke is imo BolfOlldliw" , nokn koliaw(l kwabantw(lna besizwt' gika Ntu. nlBuke abazlili hazenze inyaroa • kazi ezilldl wini zabo Apo ufike ob\bone aoa.Dtwana .., .. t~ XWE'nene ngokwalllat( ,}e t"ntaka. Ukusuka knlo· !lto b)papazele bemke, baye 1cwantli­ziyo nrJise. Ukoba ng:\ba ngenene abantn baH mayibllye i Afr ika baYil. Illinieha. knfllne-ka kuq:da ngoknnga~ pa'1dle kwamatalldabozo kujike aba­\'.al i. batshitl1~he jaimo abaz i pf't~ ngaao. Baziceug'E'. baz~rue uknb .. u TiKO rna· k..lhape ukacinga nge7.iqn 7aho, nange · Zf'nzo zabn, nang" mil~ eftlmlo sabo, nangesipe lo saba lIab"ntw<\lla b,lho, be Afrika em1yihnyidwe. FnLi madod-:t, "Iulldani kakuhle uBilldiso h"'ase mhla_ uf'ni, nolwase Znlwini lusezundleni unit. Ngako oko, YitLmi okuba kwe· nziwe inkohlakalo nikangele. Musaoi ukuha ngabapele lwe ngamand la kanga­ka. Yekaui ukuxoka; Icodwa putu­mani ioy,miso leyo nayifundayo ema. dolwE'ni onyoko. Zinzani t' kutpfeni kW"IlO. Nilncele nofefe luka Soma­ndI.l pf'l.U kwena ngokuteta kweno, nangezenzl"l zenn.

• E Sophiatown.

lsiziha Riviwa ngallina flin~aviwa ngo Dondolo. Into ka Dondolo e Sophia town inx~lDele nlcuzi balnll'1 . Ngnmhla WA 20 kwemiyo nknya kn­mllla we 21 nge Cawa bekoko ingqu­ngqntela yama dodana orntandazo ave· la knndawo ng€'ndawo koma BI. ck B, Kisisi Joholnnesbll rg, Boksharg fla­k wezinye lIH1awo elininzi aza kudiba· na e Sophhltown kozo kllbekwa u Rev Mavi esihlalweni, Yazibalulll apo into ka Dondolo yati ise caweni yaye ipandle ihlllgis€'lela amadodana okntya wauk'utalela ornsebenzi waoaingala kwada kwasa ngecawa kllngeko !lento epaola o k nba aka kangealale wataho wa­bonak",la ukoba ngenyanj ligoea, oziba· lule ngakambi emini xa k ongena lea· wa ka l l .a.m. watsho IIgomtika wake wamnya01a WOLke kwamhlope ugaga lodwa nje-nge hlnngulu kwafaneleka kwabonal(ala ukuti ngenyao i nohaua yena iba la lake limnyama intliziyo yona imb lopE' njel~ ge sinxibo s:lke.

Idinala yaya kudlel \Va emzini was.) esisidwangube. I waiter zake Dazo izezi sIDati nje ngaye, zaba tenda aba· ntu base mzioi zitsolile ezintokazi, baha lida (ieed) bade be va kala be.iti uHai siyaqala ukopatwa ngale ndlela" batsho bakllsbiya nase tafoleni kwa · tyi wa kwada kwatya nogqita ngendle­la. Zeniqonde uknba kwakuyi ndye­bo nezinj~ zafana zdkojdmela nje uku­tya. Umfondisi nayE' oyaqonds. ku­namhlaoje oje nlmb:", hai llfike kolnnye ohlobo lwabaotll, 9.ka wuhlanganisi omloroo. Ube"kiwe ke esiblalweoi sokoba awongamele umblaugano wa­rnadodana Y. M. C. A. wesebe la6e Sophiatown.

Amagosa siwa~i tinll e@ehenzR nj,.lo an~;llinJi ukoba mawade atunywe. U­ogadio wa n mgomso N x-tsana.

• Ngo Mfi Herman Myol i.

• Mbleli.

Kwakona welinqaka U nyana wam~pelo kn JApht;.t B' ,.ni u• d I UIWO

umo Wi·S3 Donkpr Hoek 'I . W8 f"lgu l' COnt llmafongw8she kOhla Bb I ~07.Il!U. ebas:,kulebo n lOti Mr. z. a' Myoh ngu Ztmela kelowo ihko,', k :

k J.. ." Yl wa Iyaoa, mtowbl ka Babn k L'lhla ngubo e Hewn nayo seyandalel: owakwayo ogo 1918, lahlala ke ikebl. h gclnwfl. ?g.o Mrs Mabl1ya intombi yaln yt'6Jb101, kodo kobe yilemioi n· )'0 31., .J uly uge Cawa nRo 10 p l' Ng<> 28 umbbaJi 10 nmbize edlula ~:; u r.~r A. ka A. JOU8.', ~buze ngob, Tyahke nkt!ba kutemna HDali ,. tiklt" nngezanga kayitatanje watabo eyiroJ 1

1.1- ute o~oku indoda eoknln aYizulrU' hn~a ndlfnna ukllha atate i 2/6 OyiDi ke lU.gxowa ~e tya la Ie tyal ike. Paula MIf'151 Ie hnhke yase Rahe yablan~lI_ Iwn n~n Herman nq-okllyin ika. .£100 nambl .l i Middland Border Assoc·,. t· ' 1· IOn 1m l ll)lfiele 10maJi IlRempembe lelo :\lhnd.iSi J.~. Van Stave] ne g08"S~ J. Bntl kwamtswa n koba i longa li. r~le 10/- amankazana 5/- yen a ke wa. )- Irola If) 10/- k wase ntJanti lolo nti ke n.xan~ ekopa Ie 2;6 indoda enkolo ayi­z1kn hnda yona izakuhamba kanti oke. nene ngolweSine 29 walala nknba engaha~ge waoakama. Ude wad lnla pmafin1 eRomalele nmtand~zo wa n g-o_ k~lh. l\Va nje ngpsiko lake wenzplp eha. dl1ll w:tyaleJa intombi yak", u Lpgpn. Mahnya ukuba enzele abantwan a ngo S 30 p.m. ngo Cawa eko u Mr Goorlwill M soli obe-s?lnko e~lala oaye oko ate ,,:~pnrna Pf'll<olwE'nl €'bupumelele nba 'llshal ... , DgO R 45 nb ll ze ixesha waxe. 1E'lwa npindile ogo 8 55 wabnza waxe­lelwa ngo It} p.m. amanzi e J ordaan yapf'znlu.

Imisebenzi yomnta yiyo ~tetayo ye. na f'ngaaeko. Ewe uyakile i tyalike ent~e k~kn l n yase Rabe ngoknba ute kWlxpsba l.t'~yala emagqweteni wayi hlnngnJa eSlh makabede-shwe n Soma nj la . Ungcwatywe ngeri lonzo eznki. ley.o.ngn Rev J . R. Van Stavel omfn • ntilS1 wake enc'ediswa ngo R('Vs J Sol~Ir" St And rews; B. S. Mazwi, Mo: 1':1.\· lao. Nakaba bekopakati evekini kodwa ngomnye we-mingewabo emik n. In al~a?ttl be DQ"Clpezn I.we :lOO. I Famlh yake ebanzi i ko yonke nabazn. kolo bekwi 30 naugapElzalo.

Ngoko ke Mblt·li enziwe amazwi Ogll rnfllndisi e-tYl4likeni ngornfi, nego. sa S. J. Buti egamE'ni lehandla. Ama. z.wi esiyalo kwintsapo enziwe ekayeni itka hladona ngo Rev J. Solilo, MeBln Srepben Sisn@!, E. S. Makalima DO

Mr Jonas ooo],olll.

S. J. Bati.

• Imfund ' eMfutshane.

Mayibuyc i Afr ika e n tshl ~ Yiyo omayiuuyl'l n gokob:J irukile nabantwa­na betu. Bnyemka. baya basiwka abantw an" l e tu bona . Ing xolo e y e­nziwayo iba bangela uknha bemke be ­lupaze h Ilj~ n g() ko n !{d.ti u;mamapi ko. Ioto y o.knqala eeac ile y o yeyokuba yayi ngeyiyo In jongo 'y~n(l.d o k a SO lDanula ukuba kn .. m l wE' , k ll ze kukllliF;we is i zwe

,:oj ,bantwapa ng.IV:tIldle k oq eq esho na­ngapandle kok ll bl imi nqwen o yabo iflnfelwt' . Luqf''1t!suo I\va.l):l l1tw'lna b~seba lll.:illaJl~ knpel<l mto pn ika 'l m a­kaya amaniuzi nlwlJII1l11·. L nq ... qesbo I wabazJlika7. i umadol weni abo kupela olwenza. okuL~t izilUilo ezihle nez i ­nqwen~leka J o ~Ibekona. Amad olo OlD1. :·\llknl.i \l sisikoJo f'.;;i Hu la zonk~ i zi ­kolo ~la7.i \vH.\"U~l"c[lXl yokuba akuko li to ihna l1.tWO O.Hl\"eibt ll lJuhle, no· hlllungis~ }nvi/ i/lll.:qlw.l1l1 zentl:lanll, IIlbantw.\'l I . n.d.:'ltklll 'yo, n liUla: )o.1J, lI!wax·'g '). 0;" .. kuk'lIi Ill·ti il-' izwe

:-:.iogaku K:tIJ.tldli 1,k ll l{nlhS Wi,l kwaba· II [ Wa,TU ln~o. £Ill -!t-'tl1.i II Htlungi6el ro io lUahlf:' ru.~t'l III nJtU(J'~q~ 8bwa k we· lli":ll \ ) .te-o , .t'.o ~.i"we le n oku ba Utt tt-'.BJ.., p-.Hri k 1 III e m a)"io uye . Uku-

Sitsbo kuba ngati kuvele ixesba apa elenziwe kuknteta kwangoku loknba ab"lntwana bafandiBwe inknlnleko apa yokwenziwa kwesono engazangd hayi bone ngapamhili. KoveJe ixesbo apa 10kotunywa kwentshomayelo elutshe­ni nllse bantwmi booke abazipete ngokoyingozi pakati komzi. Abantwa­na ke bona abangafnma.nanga laqpqe sho nakotintwa ntweni, babazinyama­k azi nezilo ekokuleni kwabo. Kanga. ngoknba abaninzi bakaogela imikwa n endlela abazipata ngayo abazali babo; bali u g anisa eBosimo sauo. Ngako oko xa abazali beziyekelele, bezilahlile bona n gokwabo, kuyimposiso l1.knba balindtd e asinye isimo cbantwaneni babo.

Lonto umzali ayiyo nomutwana wak e yiyo, Uknba nmzali mble em­p efnmhveni wake nomtwana wake wabanjalo. Ewa abaninzi oongande

Umzi manbe soloko nkangele nga­m a blo ae.ixe nxe. lzwi ngo mfi Her· man :UroU umbhali w enqakn ngati ob~ u etaUl8aOqa lokumbolla 0 Madllna kw~mbla wa6ka apa pnunlnhva konga· pili kweog~zant8i kwa. ~gqika nnyaka andingewnc3zi kodwa I1knba asing., 1898. WaYAblala kwi kaya Iika Mrs A. N . J. Nkomo eb. liullme ~'klllo ku. tiwa ''The Villa Hoose" apa e K-omani.

Lento iyimfu ndo E'mfotsbane bakati iwonakalisile nmzi ontanndo ngo kuba . lIzi, nangona figati knb leliwe DjP. Koca xa ndijongile eJiqela Ie "dead ' yearl! I.izlcingela ukoba f;eliqokoshe yonkFl mto ngemfnndo. Baketi wa­nyanisa lImlllDgn :l:a ati: " I sitya esi­llgenanto pakati senza ingxolo eO k oln" kuyo le"ka Madikazi ndhele inene nenenekazi kohanjwa knnjeewa eze· mfnnd("t, ndaye nam ndingaro ri nto kllba nembonakalo yabo yayisok ekil e. Anuibonanga nto xa ineaekazi la liee/i· gqwagqweka li si ti , ucing:l uknba Dlo nde ngllpezn kwam, laqw~la ngtlili mfondini uyazicingela. I nene Jas'''' Jagoba umnqonqo laxela in komo ena dolosi litaruzlaa kwi ledi alo lem fondo. Ma wetn nabanina onengqondo aOgB' qonda olrokuba lomfana imflmdo yake iqabele knleyo yentombazana. WeDS f\tombi ncliDi ka Third Year xa ndika­ngple awoq(lDdi nkuba nyazih leba wen a ngokwl:lko, kllti nangoku mandi ­kcbizE' ngegarna oze waziwe yile .A.ftika yonke kuba nbnlpdi Awubufanele. Woblab'ukallgele ntomb'am, umh lana nyagoqu ka udodobeJe nje we:::.a. Dzn­ngati otat'onyawo lambi k wim fu ndo Yl:lko, uyakuzlbona nogaxelelwanga wena ngokwako. NdiyaDicela naui manen~ akowetu jnbalazelani kwezipol' mbili kona ze nibe nokococeka oko ujl'. Uti llmnto n Nokolf'ji ukona akab. awopumpleli zizample uco5elele mb la· ombi wofowRua ingqaboko. Akwaba kanye lllieebo Iin~atatyatwa apl\ eba Tpnjini jikelele kllba ngati u Tem"o UI.esem va k wezi llda wo zon ke ngpmpll cuko. Ndiyabnlel<&


Imposiso Elilisayo.

Ukubarnba knkn ko la. obi Ii ekaya f'Dit'aZ3.nge ahamhe ake adi bane nezi "oi"atontsi abaozi" akakl qini fOkato . KuJeveki ipelileyo umfana wegxagxa osuke apa e Rautioi l1Qiniswe urokoto ngumbuhso 3V1unikwe yi Du rban apo ebe.yo kuruna ~msebenzi wokuhamb_a nuiterneia (steamer) kuba kaloku eZI­ntianea zitanda ukusoloko zise manzin i zlOtlanzl. L ite hsaja me elunxwemeni lika ng&lc esinye sezitemela, ek ubonaka· la okokuba lalise lide lakamisa nom la-000 leva k uko olibuzayo okokuba lif~na otonina. iapeodula ngoku ti lizo­kubona i ·'mail ·boat." Ba te pakati kwencoko yabo omoye wabuza okokuba kuteoina eogayi kwi ofis i ekutwa yi " Immigration Office" apo anokucela uba bamlungtselele kaDa watsho akabi seoza nto ilibalayo wanqumla ko mofu wati uhamba ndlkuse" kanti koko eyakweyelisela i si~an~ana sabaot~.

Bafiki le knlo 01151 acmgele uba ylyona yooa, bamgocagoca kanga ngo k u~a wada walaqazisa amehlo kuba ebengah­odi le mibuzo ingako. Amadolo ebeta· betana ogoku xa beqala h.e mp.en~ulul~ inxowa . Bamgqobisa kWI 06s1 eZIDlnzl ute xa ekwenye wati utshomi wake lowo badibana e!unxweneol wat! f/ kaogela apa F isher akuocedi nto ukufane ut i uyasifih lela usazi okoku ba nguwe 10 sikufunayo·" Ube kuti um unca Im inwe efuoga akokuba aka­nguye u F isber akwanceda o to ukufu· oga kwake. Kwangoko zam faoela izankosi , kude kude esti sblOi se tramu . Kan ike nHane nje oiclDge elohlazo uku bamba umotu ebeta Ikoosatina kwesinkone em lo j ilanga Iihlab 'umhlaba ngento engekoyo Kou! Bttmba zime­I'bobo, kauve lento nati zinetevu (Nat l v e~) siyiva yo, k uba o jalo nak uti xa sesiqutya estraten i slbanjwe ngezi· xao tl lipoiisa ledlagusha sehqosbile l ibonisa amaoye uba li t inioa ukubamba le,

Igxagxana laban tu hde laku lulwa ngomnye u Misisi owati e Court "bai a.! inguye u F isber lo!" \Vaba kuku· kulu lwa kwake, kodwa seleke walayi­sllwa ku " black maria" amehlo sele luhlaza ngakumbi. Kauva po baas! K ubla ngamqala mnye. Uvile uke walala entangeni ukusukela ngomgql ­bela wakutshwa ngornv ulo.

• Enkulu Kunene Indlala.

E zivela kweJase R uss ia zal;:t.ta ukuba iyoY lkeka IDtO eq ubeka kona, ay lzange ibonwe kwelozwe. I<utlwa ngenxa yendlala ekooa aban tu bayafa, baya­bulalana, bayahlinzana, iotsa oa, naba­otwaoa babulawa ogokuntyiliseiwa nasern ilanjenl. Ipepa Ie Komi ti 10' kunceda abemi kona Itti kwis lqingata sase Tartar akusasetyenzwa ntoyim bt ngapandlekokubulalana kwabantu_ Aba · lali ogenxa yentlizLYo eZlhublungu hasehenza ukubulala abaotwaoa. Ku· tiwa apo beoza imililo eziodlwini kutsbixwe jogcaogo nefes tll e nazo zooke iodawo ezi\' ulekil eyo baze a bo baogapakati bare ngoloblobo. Abaoye ba fe kukutsba nezindlu, abanye baf utaniselane ojalo· ojalo. Abaoye benza imitandazo yokuba u Somaodla a tumele ama NJI;esi azok ubalamlela k wesoslbeleFCu. K!\mbe I Vangel! It 1 ngeyokugqlbela Imlhla eziziuto zonke ziyakw~nzeka · Kodwa kukona a bantu booa bengafunl kuva nento Ie ogeq ioga lokus lD dlswa kwemtpefumlo yahoo

• Etinara.

Kulomzi s ibona ukunqubana kwaba· fazi ukulunglseJela umhla we 28 ka August kWI cawa ya~e 1. Peters (EthioPIRD Order) umhla elibaodla 1.ak \va Kushl lanikwa Ie cawa e R ia i lzakuba ngumbla omkulu kW::lye Dodu­ma hyakuba kwanja lo koka Yaya kuba k ubonakala ukuba ufuca uku)'1 "\ utuluJa­kOD ke impi ifana neza nda",;o ave Is kllLo ko. ~hkimb !l l njalo·nlalo. K wa)' e kuageko Sizato nxa ngaba uoalo:o uku} i \ utulula k uba kaloku sisa hndele I Bishop kule cawa · S'\be siu tyele omv. ngokuzele}'o kuba noko Huba aliko o~oku KokunJulwa ukuba ummamkelo ka Re\'. \\ .l.lam ka Ya)a oent~po )'oha ngombla we 19 ka Sepl Nanlso ke mtQ )'ako Yaya koba }'lDlOa

1>-akuba<;; " I l eket L ~u electm.} k",e )"a.ko 't\ &~""e ttbs!ia \ ' 00;1. nle q,ht, yi

paraffin mb j Awu" Hay i betu aha ba fazi nantso ke

kuvakala intsboJo ngati yimpi ka " J ao" pesbey'apa e \\' esile aba ogena zifuba bati kulungiselelwa ikonsati Dgom.hla we I ka ' Sept , Lempi Ipetwe ngu Mama u D. Doze soke s ive nambia otombi vase Bateojin i kuba nga ti i " cboi r" zine, uzuqonde ak uZ:.l ko dlal wa tenn is apa. Iogoma ; ke bafoodmi nantso e \Vesi le, nikumbule ukuba imbila yaswela umsi la ogoku ya leza.

Oka Njoli u E leki uya quba na ye pesbeya paya ogat l aban t wana ba:;,e ku lwioi ( lOO) umnced is i wake ngu Miss Jane Nopondo, oka D lala u J im yingqooyela ye Korni ti e lau!a esos ik olo· S iya WODcoma kaku lu umsebeozi wake oabo akunye nabo.

Umfo ka Makappa ufakwe egu· mbini yinkobla ke bafondioi, iyazama iboy_ Dfuoa ukufana nes i v umbo; sooa siogeoako ukuhlala pactsi kwa· manzi. Siya temba ukuba pa otsi kwale l\Iaoio jala intsba, uyakuqubela pambiJ i, ntonje uswele i Komiti yoku. mncedisa, S iYa ukpba wonwabi le nabanced isi bake, u Mrs , Duze no Miss V . B, Dla mini, s ibaqweneJela inqubo.

Oka G q ibi tole usahleli kweli, Slm va ngati uti uk uba u yal un~el wa ngakwi ­ca la leokonzo, n~eleha uyaku tanda uku · hlala inyaoga ezitile. L onto ixela ukuba nakubeni lozala yaJa pa, seyi. ncamile ekutin i lalupele kanti kuseko umroxozo. Simqweoela u T shezi ukuba illjoogo zake zibe nempumelelo. Sekuzintsuku umfana lokutwa ngu Temba ka G. Kakaza s imbona ekay'a· pa ekubonakala ukuba unenJoogo ezintl engalornzi, naye.

N, Board leotlanganiso id ibene ego· mbla we 18 kwemiyo ukuhlafuna imi · c imbi. omoye ku lomici mbi ib l kukujo· nga izikalazo zaba ntsundu.

Umdlalo Kute c waka ngakwelica:a kuba kaloku bekudlalwa i "Combine" yase Bayi vs Rioi kwe nga paya ivek i, zema ke i F eatures· Noko iaqubo ye Board ye Rugby iyakwlO isa k uba imi· cimbi ayifezi kanti unyaka uh" mbile nijongiwe ke manene, Ndiy~bule l a Mhleli,


• Umb ul iso! Umbuliso!

l otI ng.misl) yo Mbuliso ka Mra Ma­nana Wiise Bh i. B,yamenywa bon ke al ,emi bel ilRe Rl n tin i uknza k l1zi m;J8l imin i yok nholiRWn kwe Gor rl kazi leai zwe, kwegordkllzi 10 Mauyano 1 waba fazi hez we Jonke (Banto Women's L eagup of South Afr ik l). L en thnga niso yoba n~Dgom~, lI ezite ti, nezinto (>zirnnan di zonke uOllsn kn bonke. Ka YA kllblangane lwa e R~ be e Nan ce fi ... ld ngomgqi belo ngnmhla we 3 rd Sep t. n.gnkllhl wlt ngo 8 o·clAck . Bonke abantn, zonke izizwe, z()Jl k," intl»'lIga niso, zsl;, se RUl1tini, honke abaf uud ie.i haya ooenywa. Fikani k<lk tlb le m zi ! K eoi paf e kakable I ll d w~lId\Ve ZtlOIl! N illl t-so ke ! Amangt>oo y i 1/. kubo bonke.

• Mzi Wabantu Kanipula­

pule. Kditeta ngotywala babeluogu into

ebsoga zonke iokohlakalo, wonke umntu ol ibala bubo, akalum kile. B o­oakalisa ubuhle bes izwe, bl1ze booa­kalise um kitn womnlu, umDtu osela uty wa l~ uoet.yala lokooa1i ... a is izwe kunye nesiqu sake . H ubaDgn u rn ­s iado bubanga ububovubovu, uxolo ludla ugokunqaba eodlwini ),ooootl1 wotywal& bonakalisa isimilo esih le. bonakalisa ingqondo yomoln ohe­~~k,wa ,ngabllilye abantu, bumpnnga H~ldlOla l1 oon tu, buze bu rn kahlele pants i, bumem:e umlilJgana wallo bonke a bnutu abaz lmilo zipautr-.i bumenze idlakad laka iu to eDgcint73 zibutywala ku pela. hooo zomotll wotywala tllloakuba. lwa. (a) B ubu. Jlweogu (h) ub llgcbeo;:!a (eJ uhnxoki (d ) ubumenemeoe. Qllke amadodaoa nomt inj ana -nakowetll adinea IJJ'tng!\ wnt!tta lamazwi njengnUlftzwi abh!llwa ngalll3.~ft . IImnt I wflb wa.a nkalutuu li llh~o,",t> lwa'-<£, . bOOk . ,.baot I .hanga­sl'h ubablZ8 ogl.l.mabala ooke amnbi kuba bt ugn ... e li. 81.e ahHIo '" noknb.l­roKl', a~te ugokuba 1 aYR.ntihla b.,..I1-

, I




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seln, kan ti uyabaxoka wel171wa yinto yokuba beogaseii , on\,e :l.mnlungelo omnt l1 on tsu n/ln axomekcke, ek\.Jbeni eza rna \lk ll~ l um la k",ioto l'zi£aua Ilt.'zi

zotYlVllia, amaillogelo !lfal1:l)"o Ilga­pandle kokubll. u mntu ont511udn lIza ­me u \w zeyisa, nokuzilalli a. kwinto ezinje ngotywa ln, onke lamalllllgelo 5; te ta ogawo om:l[H~ edlula nje pezu kwetu, si ngaze sawaf um::lOe, liltha ne 'deputation' ezi t unyelwayo ebu~weni zabaotu abaschlyo bonke zilihhtzo, si ,' a ukuba utywala bak a bapnxo j

deputatiou etile, eyaYlmise lwe lIkuhla· ognna nezi pata m andla ngo 11 a.m . aze lamanene e (depntation J aqaln ogase International H otel, \qtbet:l 1\

11 a.m. eblel i apo selelibt:'le ukuhn ebetuoyiwe sisizwe subo aknfika paya selequ mn, eteta ngokuba ahasode beoze lu to sak uzi lcu111she la, stika ngo 12.30 a .m. ngoku a6.ks amehlo sele lomvu engasakatn.lele mntu, kllbn utywala bubenza botlke babe pa.ntsi kwake Iowo ubuselayo, azilillg~le ukuba bO ll ke ngauake. Alm hunLu bo. buya bengadibananga nezi pahlmu­ndla ku b:l ixesha labo lidlult·. K1Ifll­neka ukuzoyiso. kutywnla halJe!u1l2u, umzi uzoyise ugOkwflwo ngapaudlc kokunY8ozelwn ngl1lntt'to, onkf' am,l­IUl.Igelo etu kwe zombuso fLXOd\ kcke ekl1b~ni njeoge sizwe siyeyisa kwinto esibooayo uku!Ja i1ihlaz') It'!:)izwl~ oomtobi waso, kwaye llmntu ote roqo e ela utywnla unetJala uaku TiX'J, l1 0sisizwe Bonke sake, kuhn

8sinto iVllmayo ukuba uyitye wedwn. bufun Q. ukuba ufllndis(> aban, c nullO ababo, neot()mhazana ebumlJ:/ IIIJllluln

osela lltywala yonn.l<ele unrlowlktl kllba iza! uh"mhll ifeha, ihRmho. Ife ogomzimba wayo, fig XH"\' ..,

yotywala, lenlo ke yon e ) ·jk r' II kak-ubi kwesizwE', Ii~'a 113mBI ma 10 etu oknnye is;zw(' sonke 1 balK. . sizwe ~amanxlla :-iugaz muelc fl a-I IUlige lo kunye nezioye I . f', \

ziyo ukuzoyis8 llokuZlI.\uia Ito efunckayo kuti njE'ng-e lZWf', I I ,

funda l1knzeyl .... a lIO btl rnuandi knngoK:llnan nn, K If III ulmba lOizifllndi .. e Uk"'l) ~ :-i y").) iLona U 1 YO 1 k ubuhle b~tu no . If! b Iz,rc nuke ~mhhllt'Zo tn I)) 0 "'.

lixe~ba :lsa~()lisa I1kubR. ngAlIlshlnzo otrw.da 1l0lHlhilihi ll, nny ipi na info elihbzo iSI1I.;oJi",wC! u l,.uza lwR bLlt.y wa la (lkllt,ri.,-nl k~ il1~11I yomntu wotywa18, akl1l1XltYWil i.wlll/lln y omutu wotywa­In, fI'.n 1:0 11I"zo k\\i ndlu Y')nlotn wotywaln, ng'nOlnbe ron ke in to emhi ilapo kuye, Ouke n~la A f r ika nd inga lnll~az.w:l.n~ [}~j. anga""atpta njenga­m~z\\"l e".lllm lSo alet wll. ngnma \' tI , ~lall!g"a"nIY'~'y~ :lkl,ha lm)'o yonke tn/lawn eudfitke knyo I\div ulelwe i lint£lJl"m nclinike iute to nO"a lend u \\'o

~ ,

Tuos. ill T S H UL .\.

.. Si hleli Kaku hle na!

'!lil;'11 Ulbl :J.hantn ~ba n~ayaz i so iOli ­~Odl ~Ihau 1 l;:uqala bayiqoode in to y 1.,,!':uh;'I. l!nJhhdl'ol f>si l11.i knwo ngo­~.waki\\'a kwe Johll1l1eeourg AW ll/H1.

m,lllm"1l kOllkf'. J'iyol~nto Ilkatazwa "(lsike~aro I{angtlkr:. lonke hf'sha. ':: .. IUllw lwb uye aba ke bfls i. x ki fl I <It! w"k w<-Iwoblokl'l lomh laba flgim ,x >sha 'Imrmdnlo watahona nazi ­k! h' zi)ol,lw,l 19-~llllnhaB IJ 8 yonke Ion In. Ko1-o '\lllabumbulU ol<ok n ba '"' V mm 'w J T .. hil!g Tshonc:; rIO H o ng Ko l? .~ T~II .1:1 kwabako ioyikima en 'Uill:n , . liSG go Disc·mba wanya-Ir, nyt' k .; l\,,' nnakala okok o bCi in '(,i bhai tn ·z'1kala apo la linga-z ' ., In: 1- Ikllb l(> , Kutwa kw 11' t ]1 iii 'JI'ntilt),:llla IJayo \' . 11\, it, . fig t twanfo Ilgezindlu 'culia I I IJl "tyobo kwa k~nre. fhl : '. tl 'Ienz'd;ula)o baboJlwll I 1 X 8 1" ingxelo epurua

n Q U 11, I fl Ilk',J) I IJpbonke abrHltu I I' (: I'~ L Z lOlltaha nen donga

1 I '1 knlu m~bjui amawak~ U 11 '! [(anl!; 1ge baku ti uknfa k • 1 h ng"'min i enye. I t p 1 "l,ta iaenZa okoko-

, •

I I. P l koba l!IiyawBzi Jko i HI 1 PtlZIl komhlaba onge-

11 \I k"l1 Zinjalo t'zclimi 11 1t.; I UJaq(·tllka bezw~ 1 1) 1 y. [HieEl basixelbie U!. 101 i :IOga engozini na,

BI} k b -':ztDu!a kubo kwe • I .

------,,= ~UbS::l·tbi? iTo

.r"tell wa :6Jantn


BASAD •• •



LANKEr , -

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Khai ea l"cleko Ii chocu 10ld .• 1 ,i j, 1/6 Dlwobo t ~a go Ta bala bf6, 12/6.

Olealt U'i:f> 2i;o. 321" 4 ~/ '

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Ii::E GO S :ELE,





DI Koscbu mu t1a basadi 59/6


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RE 1\ ",NU K ()

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Hempe lsa banna dlja 7/6 gaisa go 12, :lsi tsa pula d'Ja

451 - go /sa go 65/· ---



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pha lsimang 2.5/- gOiSd go 451·

bipile go gaisa mabe­nkele otlhe mono



I Sutu tsamehhameko 39}6 42/· lc ,60, ·

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~--~ fl il ae Ise dlneh o l;.ho·

________ __ , t .. n meba l.t t ~le

R k" d"j j I - 1/6. 2;6.31-e re Isa I 0 I .... n:"'" ,.c=

Marukgoe Ie dl herupe tsa ka fa lenl( elengoe e· Ja 2/6. 3/6, 4/6 gOl sa ,/6.

ka poreise ee ko ga ea mabenkele otlhe

- -




t sa basadi Ie dl· 10 tse d ingoe tse d in t le ka p o re isl t se di nyenyane


"Dit lbako tsa baena tse dl tbokoa 15/6 gOiSd go 30/-

Poreisi ea rona e· ngoe fela. Sengoe Ie sengoe se beiloe




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c/o C'o ... and •• , Road s,

F ord.burll

P .Q.Box'. Fordsburl

Tel • • Add. "M 11 FT I a" 'oh.n .... •

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"The Responsibility of Office Bearers."

"Wbso officen of asaociatiol'16 speak on bebalf of tbeir aiSociationa tht'ir tlJM!ecbee roust not be regarded 88 tbeir personal opinion!. I have been T d

gt.l'd8d by Ihe m~w~ldn; of tbi88Mo­... tion .. a nfri ondly to them be .. ol e r had' to ... oice the o'pinione of my a830· elation when I wal tbe President."

Tbus Mr Editor. Mr V. l!';. HtlTnph. ra,," oleared himself from the sospieion tb~t he wal nnfriendly towards oor 91J8oeiatioD, the Transvaal Native Mine Olerks A~ociation. PereonaUy I Wa!i

very qlad to hear eo high and respeet E' d an official of Ibe while race f>Xpret:siDQ' tbfS8 worJe be.:aoee 1 am one of thOAe who have been already branded as 80

IJ,gifator and aD eztremiet for vOioing tbe wiehitl of my aMociation. Mr H umpbrey gave m ocb inter~ljng in · t'lrmation in bie well remembered speech wben be was invited to opt"O tbe meeting of our Exeenii"e Com· mittee Or.! Ango!!lt ~B, and my Execo· the Committee ia able tC' regard Mr Hnmpqreyaa iti friend ae hom ye.eler. <1tty. It ie the willb of my Committee tbatall tboa\> who al'A later invited will be willing to come to our meeting"" Mr Blair Hoo~. lb!' Cbiet Compound Manager of the E U:lt Rmd PrfJprietary Mines walt thts fira t to addrcS8 a m eet­iog of our aaBOchttion. His wor l.h al -.. ,"'I \viJl never be forgotlen . A .. we h ... ·. t'

already aSl!lure.J tbua gentlemen, we aim only to f3Oilitl1t~ mu lmll ~oad ondel'8umding b"hvepn Comp-)itlld Yalillge rs aDd 01· rks. I-lnd to en;ible oor memhera to avoid unneee~ Iry 81lihtion ar,d strif~.

Alii."" W . G. Ghamvion. Vice Chairman

29/ 81 21 Crown Min ••.

-. Ngomfi Manama Molapo.

Nlosi Mble:h, Akako mpanga uyakott.."'18 I p~t ,tudentl ~ LcrvI!II:h.le. nsakombf etaz.l nenyweba yClkoianda klasiru nye oom6 10 Njeocarn Jo. Ngo 1894 saseka ubuqabane sipct\l;'e seso silu· mko se matbematies a J G . Tooke. 0YI loBpec:tOt' ye Zakola aaaka . sa!Q gZlllyaoa k.aku Bene (Inspector W G Bennie ,) 15010\0 I 6.rst prize eyiswilr.. kuba Inkwenkwe lbibal.. KWI FU'5t Year h 1896 waba ngu No. 11. e Soulb Africa puab kv.-etlkolo zaba



P,lo • •

on .. , p lic­

a tion.

Write 10.


iOmblDI kuba. nota. wapasa. kWI second aje 0 Mils Charlotte Sebctlto (then) ekl~Di wemka De 2nd prize. kwi felo nazI bukah Ilh Stormont no Dr. Roberts CEdi no Henry Sto61e 00 Kev - C. Mns:-eogcYl.

Okokuti iompBac- v;etlukali8c ,i!IlZwe cliol­Di5i . be DiamUlaoa odlebe. Kwi Nkosi eti Ntsuadu, kweza !toweto. D6tinye intlancl. be&imbalwa ebezi6h kuyo ogobubele ese ma.­wooKeoi, kuba iwonp e Raolio. liyqeJisa, E-I:lead Olti~ ubnfnttlarUllmbsko namacebo kula Nzw.a .. . Styavel"nt. oalomblolokui ON'­'lwe son'ke !tate LUBotu _0 Nla. 0loko~a.~ . Looy" .• DlJooyt.b ¢'Htad 11:0 Ntn. si!ftl:&lo ebokotloi ojalo I

N she Mbleti. ndilahlekwe ara mblo_o WCOl!tn8. upina 0 5 i010D Pbamotse. IUsake fL8eazcle illuda Ilgalomfi abeli (tlDi& nomtya naye e Dil-eni.

Owe_ap EOfllDi,wenl. ROBERT S. NGOANDU.

Kwa Nko. de. Queen.lo"".,

• Ogqira 8ayalana.

Kakade kakade ubukwele bubi, abu~Dle bube buble kwaoiai, basoloko bODe£iqamo ezirara ojalo. Bubi emfn ' zini fjubi endodeni eliudayo. Ngamaxe. sha amaniozi buyabulalisa. bayenzaka. lisa. Nlase Metele kulo eli lase Transvaal kote xn bekmetwa, amatyala yijaji kozo cziotsuko, kwafumaneka okokuha. 0 Betty Kubheka no Emma babeqesbwe kweoye i botele kulodolo. pu, kuko nelinye ivukuvukwana ellta. ndana DO Emma lowo. Ngamloazana itilt kwaku Agasl apa u Betty kuse eugaruni nokuttta uamotu 1'lOkutya engakuvomi kodwa ukusebeoza koaa ekweoza. Kute kulapo xa bebleli oe sokaoa elo bobatatu waqala wabeta iakewD leyo ngebbotile ezel'amanzi yatsbo yanyauka ukuya kuxelela u Mesisi. Umluolukazl akuya kulo· Ddlwana wafika lentokazi seyibbuqa . bbuqa u Emmit walamla pantsi kwezi. tuko agityioaelwa ogazo zo Ufutseki" ojalo.njalo. Selelapo u Mesisi inqumle leatokazi yamblaba omnve 10, kaoti

m~~~~:ik::~~~ "'-':~" 1 awaka \\akuyo og& atate I I

pasa k ..... 1 ::;ecoad Grade La tOtDlZlllC !"'t ..

imgqibile kub'enleko naoamhla. Ema­€yal. ai ke oMDye agqira ufake inrxeIo yolco ku&a ICDtokazi ipambeae Dalonto iyellzileyo iyiqubele llkuDgapilini kwe. 0iQondo ngenza yobukwele. AbtLbini ogQira bang'qinelana ngokupambana nowok-nqala bati bona akuko nento Ie anayo upilile, otoD;e udlweogulwe bu­bukwele gqita, yaba iyapela Imihlaba ku Beti njalo, asike amadoda e dyuri ati u "gilt,,, ngahnye, waza akalibazisa um&leka!i ukuwuraka umnqw3Z1 wake wekufa pambl kokuba awise iSlgwebo. Umblekazi ukupe ilir:wi ko nQaw'aYI. puzwa lokokoba mayipaDdwe into ebangele obu bnkwele bunje ku Beti. noku kangelwa agxeleshwe ngogqlra

I nleilxesha aogeka xhoo)'wa kuboawe !?e,: ukuba upile kakuble Da j esikolwa oko-

knba lom.mban. ayieatyi kuginyekay6 I ~ntsuku za!ll'aba Byi~h""lIanp

xa ICIt:l1JI, nitftt*l wu(totwa tinja r.ako~ mkuJu niernibuzo into I!l

soben.zi YBbo O",Ada e1ubl.... oml1l1 lIoD'lIDe.

• Aba bhadulayo.

• Okb ..... la nllOlllbla okaq.lo kayo

leny"ega 0 8elemba ko.~lwe D3u Rolomen~ 10kutuneJa abantu nlll!l§f!benzi "ldGe rlUli 06e\ ekay' spe. Umoyaugo unQas~ PI'ltcbard StreHt malon<ra oe oliei loe Mao.ipalitl. So· uke ;ibltDgapaudle kow.ebtmzi kur~~­nt!k~ umntu 3.oka aye kon3 afike anl­kale igama lak~ ne dileei kanye m,'­ncazelo yoblobo lOlllifl'bect:i IIwuftlua· yo okanye QW8Jdyo. 'ionkt Ion to k~ yeuzi..-a nje akoko ntlauJo. MUSU~l ukudeogtt. ke nibe nit~ IiIk tHlltnben l, etruqnklle ~ibb('tdubhadu . I!!hn 1 Nltbo book&- abaqe!ibi abofona. aba!ebenzt be. I1tloho i.ouk~ IJ a LDtiga.Wtl abo k ooa ok-web&ela okoklll" , ba(umane ,,1;0 bafaoel. QQlsebenzi abu\.\Incaza) o, UQ­

ku bo atuko ntlanlo. P<tka~ani 010 zalrt,ti Diyek~ uk uti uwaebenzl olnhlo_ bo olatHe aniwnruw~nj, nftnt~o ke iodl",la yokuqnhisJtua nawO f'nkaoga1u apo nngatil:takalanga kotl~ • .

• IIwimi Zetu,

AbYo ot u :.t-btillhlondu ahaful1dileyn D({baeezidu lopini eebto!} iqondtt ~Ul~Ofl~' aO yokll1eta nokw3zis<t kw~lwlml t'Zl­ntsu1Il1o. Ah~tu aba.selDak~yi'l mh hu\ . mbi u Jna .. bH.)iboni imfupek(l y<'kw,' zi I)luIlyt! nlwiwi lI~a~n1ntlle kolo atJ l tt't~l­yo hlka nina. Singellitdel1 Kt' no ko .b8'1'aleJ we yimida sentlaio yabo ekw ... -IJini eziuye inda wo ezitet~ lwimi zi m bi kweliotlondtl. Kodwn ke eyon<t liteto pez" lnvAl e nUOK\' Leaifnna nko)'.ibhekj!~ kli loteby. 13ebenzi8a Uwimi. nolUl~8zifundAvo, noll1uku · layo. K'oba tona lilt !8ha 10' funa ttkoneedwa ngok t'wgakumbi otavele~ikotweni : ogensN yokoUa looa lacinga ok-aba okoba nku/untlwa. kwe­Iwimi knknkomsba il!li Nge!li kopela, Dokopfp6 IJlwimi X"u knng •. ngoko lunaan. A-baniall1 kWEl~lntw8na z.alemibl's baeinga okub .. liblazo nko ng .. -komJhf:Z3 beblangene bodwa, nkobonin bafondile mabatete 08e8i Ngeai. Ayiko eziogqondweni 11800 i wfonf>ko YNi XOI!l3. Deli Sata, oeai Zalu, nezin y. eziotaondu ilwimi ttkuba ~iyafQneka Eonke kamotu nga­mnye UkUE3zi nkuziteta. Mabaqond~ ke abafundi ukobs iratahi labo lana· mhla aliko eaingf!8ini kallgak-o, kotlwa JileiW8zini il-w-imi ezintlundn zeli· lizwe,

Abaaezidolopini bafomaua ilOba. eli­hie lOkufonda loteto zezizwe ngezizwe. Sicinga nkoba koyinto entia ukuba babe 8010ko bebakataz8 abantwana ukoteta ilwimi zonke. Ngeoxa yoka· ba XCi bevana Dgen~to bobauako ukuba tiiBi~we aliuye.

Fnndaoi ilwimi ten a at'-iHlo bhu:o. Tetani ngezeDtl ilwimi ezintl.angani­aweni okoze !livane !

Ngeua yokuba kwakoua kubhetele OkW8Zi uiwim; lako kODoko teta ago­lwimi lwasem z:in i ongalaziyo kakuhle Njeogokuba abaninzi batanda ukase benzisa isi Ngeai kuyo yonke into abeozayo ukanti abasazi ngokwaneleyo. Abaoye bade batande uknlJb~tl~J& nase mapepeni IIg&SO kaoti abal .ui Dgokw:l. ne le oko. Ngako oko bnbh.,tele abu. eo Ie kolwabantu ulwimi kuneziudlel. ndlelana zikoyo zoknkowsha.

Qoodaoi asililo hl :).;ro nkuteta uge. zeou i1wimi nokuba nmutu ofundHe kbkooa kaba kohl. knvak.l. kaai na­adi akateta Doko ofandil • .

ZiruDdeni ilwimi zenu.

• Baliwa Y,ntluta.

---.yjkCibilo lCeRht hde k; a kola xa

um~toDtalJ ncJo wa Pesba·Kwtf Nctlld oakw€Zinl'e indawiina z .• se Battmjini, ubulamba Ulizi kangangoklloa b Ih" bauinzi abas~bldJlz i abaloba ukotya be· kutenga koua apa. e R""utini okw~nzdd ukuneeda io(sapo ndblu11i amllkays: o Rulnmente wayede ngeloJ:ceb ,t \Va~ toba eliu)e inene lakomknlo 1J Colt)l1tl ROde (Jkokub.t .. yokupatJ illqwelo to kutot:l ukutya ukukoaa kwin.dawo ab,f. · ookuti abaDtlandn ba6kolele kako knl>tJ.oJcabi &bo _. zipelil_ okaya kude, lomnumnna wi4yepatilwe n~ .. mw.ndl .. 01l:111aul& amaodni okolya.

W; *J b -z wL~ .... •

bSab~""bl. Sal ltolOf Ioufllta boot .. , halllb"mtat11lo ~Itob.l_ lIebo ttlU Nla i A .... p"l'.-ndaba e •• 1l1 ep.lll.~.o abika Ilimao,. .. Iqaboh Posh. K;'~ Nciba, kUhn ind,.bo .-seJwini' S't'> o,ummil.0aaJuo 000" ..... oto tdu, IIqlbonp ukuynno hlJ, 1J4a(lOfi3 MI •• wo zoko Jt()rl.b;j. f)kok.'l'a a. ~~ kobbuqwi zinl,rotDo ~ruUl'ftJin' .,jQlt)! ludyw81 .. a~i):i/n IIbZ'. iollD"(4.'Jwcr"',*~Il" ~qeb."n'-t ~.ete'u i nqoul" ~v.nfPufhJ;ru~ Iwah eleYlhhulwt' nj.t1u~ fe),fni 1kwh udlu l3Qut, .. I" in~jJf!'aolu k.auawu!t, ".i lIi:eo .I.( ! epon ti. ~YIlln:)""(1 Weta t omat Y" len i j n ~&p.:-,. u J b kttujlJ,!('a lu 'flfi.l' •• lllwnu f!ponti. Zl\ntr- ~I lmto k4i: ~._ k> .. I w lol b II I; \I n x i I Oil Ob:UK~S~~ " leD,U . yeodyebo ya.uooyak. d UDS'Oi­owe; ogabanta abc;"boJalDha. usizi UgaHt! Dye, kod~'l uarnh lauje bakuba befu~ mene ukuya benza lewihlola. DaHn'u yiDtiutA. o~enyaa;. ba.9allxila bayato,'o beaza aoukel i:tiuro ez.iiJ.aruba U(100d8: kwlt ezon. zlsibomtJo,·svmntu Clmr.!yarcs. odada Immll'Xobow \t'entlelernu. Ha l iml.sebeozi yevanya bmu, hai umdidl­zehso· ESlke sesoDa silo sabiatsoud bonk •• • sif.mani okoknha _ba bas<! KoioOl bodwa abeJJ2a la.maMazo b-J..­ojalo bonke olbaotu ab~unoyama I bati baku'hlata bafune ukucila n;engolmDgatJ aha!. uba salambtt konke. n:antn itza. Oko'ub~ ":aha "olio ukufunda ukuti u Tixo akosipa uk.utra. silrulon46. Joze sikumbule amasesha arnabi. s.iyoa. kuhlala sinl.banla bendl. l. aba¢;llm. pila paulsi kwengqesho npolTape\JQde ~ asifu.ldiuto nak\9iziz..we ez;ipumeleta zipaka~i kwetu zityeba ngatl kodwa kukona ngati sibaJewe k.unll e. Yi~aa mz. ka N tu ~odwa kaniaka. I.aBib."ye boo

• Ubu pmeya.

Kaloka lili intlbontobo _Ii I ."ka"~ "Ill like lapomy. paRfli "w' .ika ninalame (o~'lt.he) ""1<11 lib.",!,_ liaotnkfnmoya nl llrtl na%~ kDn;eko Qlo ikoyo. )jala~r" " . slbollel .... '" Xlab.I •• p \0 ' 00 ... 11. 1. okoke ba " Sip_cin .. wayinl (.A!maJam .... I) bat. bakoboll~ igama lekuti " lIiMielitea-'" bacing' okokoba .nli.... nama In& njeogokllba illga ... o arna lil"llyeU. Wie b."" .... kopepa·ndaba .lipo~ •• ng.~ o L3ebiya be .. hli.. IDUekol. pabn ko Rolntnenlo W816 Sat'afib 1M .....".. .... bali. kP 10010 ,. ... l"'D(!<>. misa urozi wapalhey& Iroo!l.-* kttDSII ngokuba kutunekll kot.t,.. t.. a 8t!l" .. n j'8telo okutoba. ums·jiUbilini. 0 Si­piki(]8S9.'ay ini aeioa koba blaba vak •. lu noko ba},coti, koba bapome {,lAu(,)j kwendzip('l ?eng,.mY8mat "~ond"i nokub. lonto ~likoll"" kab&. 'IRlpi. od'ayifun-wa lJanL

• Pambi kweml&Dt)'J ~ 'J'.k .... iDllJ<!k~ .

misw.e .ieine nwallwahlaD/j ngokuqe . ken lzmdln ehn!oku nObtl8~)a olllt1 ... -nzi kuoene. Omoyo ftblio k:afoUlaa t"­ke okabo ngapandl. kok6 kaooOj" " kW:lse Dorban nyo(onehQ na lCtp-a nge . talapa izigigaba azenzileyo. Asa~i k~ knboi abaei70 Irottirs bona, wmb.lop('. kan ti l loko lIlbafowuna beknlemeto bakayo, Ibe .y.lapa i!llantyl i, it! ok!! ko m~,sela afana nokatilc .

4$1 ~.,.

IodnnR-MbOlJo yo ManYkU() fo M""nt.i Afrik. .k ..... ngo Mplti1l_ Mioimbi y:.. B .. lltu Q GelH!nl SftUttM otikile n~obnya e NgJhtni. Lendedelie .fike kalo ezint.8uku DIl"'"".b. ebi,foe Britaoi ike ytthZd namaliOg1l ttk11ng<4. nda otuli lw .s_ I,.,I""d !c'."S-0lfOktiba nokude kll be kll5ft nqllmwtnite oje "kn~ tlndumis'irnidhidlall1ba nevolo.,olo h. ngt mizamo yityo. Azi woteta atfml1& ka .lena ugesijwili eSikoro pa.bti kOla. po ttlupeteyo mal unga. D~~fl1 enpa... m ele okolnTlIx8.


Knku otuli o}okoyo ellkompoui malungd naba86benzi ab<l.cnb:IOJI8 brtu m goli l n i e Modabi k\VeiCtsa B~I'lODi. KuLttyenwe ugf'nlwanlL tltlCnltnMI eD­geyilungiawe ni<jpl-lDdle kweu .. tazo kouwa impi flneolmilkwahla iwol .. hli18 umsebenzi ko,-o leveki kW»1t kUrlga.­qond , noknb" " lI.lIu ..... l .. hJ. bool'" lH I1 ItH'J. ~ en~i .. h£luQg'J b.tloml'odi kobCl. baziwieele konktJ kaJ~nto br.,e: IIzayo, baye Daba.nini m.eben!i .tt.qi. nile 'ntamo kwelabo leal&. "'l¢oIi~ .kuko ka",..t.I,..... iIp~~ •• kodutyulwa apo. DI.kanJh.lloi;lh,"-W. nII.'.tt a

\-...... ~~. 2 t...



TWO ESSENTIALS V \V.D. 12-A strong servicetl ble Tin Can, very

suitable for Nattve Trade at a pnce fa.r below curteD( Quotations, m otber large centres.

u.\\ ,B. 13-Ttn Buker, which bas proved very popular with the Native, and IS sold at a low figure to Retaller~ direct from tbe fador, •

II tiff. /tJI p(lr'wv'a,·~



Ezase Madikirini. ,

"Maslo,d, k.toni ukol,. inkomo z.m. bbnlu, knlse kwati n~fllDhla utile apa , kweetS,k a, HJi73 l;.ma(lnda li~hl)phn IlI2'U·

mdii1j ie,nJo J(n·~k n b.1 ill kr mo yokUX(~ Jd, Kn'te", 1,\18, k' t:kw::l; I'zi: krtID:oni kwaba,· Ilj' wa i}'kllbf \'z,mLini f'mhlC'lpc> nebo· , 1 1 ,!,! , ~ .

tH,"\! k.V.'l'! CI hm"dctl,\ I'fl<-.rn\'il nanji· ns,", foTazl. inkf1tno ('tl"'ebiJeyo ul(' I{?'lO tI if: '1,,1 1"'13 ~~ ]$I):d x i1one:a, zo~ hi n i j...iin1~j 11; w,+tik:;l iYllejf 6Ul\'U elyt-·bJlf'Yo ftyi'Jllm el -t. nru'ldod"na l'nH" !akowetn 1(~' tl '1j" l1a)(1;:' 1 " h'knmo I,a ~li st8i 11 nyi;h~u"nj. H3tJap' I' I\fttdildrini emhhlH u DS(lkll Ilni ilflladod .. H1:l ytt. bazil;:tn~qll 1pqi kl 'p"'kWf' ll'nkal i ttyl;.'­h" kUltl"'ni" k\" ,/1 ... kw 'pda in ki I,mntu l'n:.tJt'Il7.j il'iln ,:11, It K 'Ill p~1 : tnt\.Hli k"" hitl e;·\"tlJf\ .if./,rII~ I ... '\ k"£kft l'ayipiw3 l eO}3UJ.1 k' .,' kt1~tl\\a k"dwa WOlla W9~,o'ld<:!". .'\~~ikU . l'knholl' kelt-yo 01,01;.,0 a ·ot ,~·lin b' ~(}yldW·1 kukul.mLia 'l~n~abC: "Yi'llHt ~ ~l'~l1i bona ofnkisi

t' ,~ • • , ,

.Qal.rU~~ ~·tn""', hw.IYo kwud ... kwafika P:f1)'P injin~~ )'ttft kisi YCJru lUllg U into ·.&I~ la).ti.J.x\'s~ i'(l ~ i5l::tnd~iJi"1 yfjfika. I~ll(l o d" 'il\\"el~ irA·frf knn) f" ll"pekl .toka· . .. . mba ~gen , I;'ko kllny" l1elloyi rayo YOJlth ifg>ll'\p 1'·kshilJi IJPO u DY(lkm14ni ul~-."1h.t ... ~otla :;angl"l1a kuma Afrika \Ik,\fun~ . :ull.u.dod.l t:klllllbil i dayimani

' ~~,'ye h~111n~u 'ptela k;{UYllandi llama· ;dtkra: ~li\'\\k'u\'uJ..'11 lika. Diger intuni -, ,', .. . \vjj4ee~a kwaknbl wayp ptuh IlJ~Oq'OkO.

, hl 'afD3x8",b H. Fnj" Yfna uZ:lkllmka l !>r· ' ngevpki . k\V;l)'f' kill PI) aLalapa beni· ' kW~ i 8/': Ilgl'v(\k i w,lpa'au ka umzi nklfyj,knn~ell ; ' kn)" w;d",hla luelnngu eknte ,~anJllltiHa "UJ'" imlod:loa wa:yi· !~tnhisl\, an):t,v)ng·l itlll l,:nlu xa j~e y,akt:ll y':'-tf)xl'lt:'ht "g\} DyokmiJlli ukuba wRlJPlwa pinu' kw· ~'e l(>lnlunt{u t'ngt"D(> kak\lbl~ et..mlwillj t'teta ntnlo ,,(nnwa .1glibanln uku J ~ Ul lljl·tll:t(lko azokn· :-4ph P IlZ ul I 1,( /,1 " )\1 lwl (lkotwt'. '~"ft' \(l,lllJ.;1 k't!ct ~·, 1'~ \\., \\-","\. In n ' t.,~,(),."ITdTll 1).11)! ldodalla Jl~IIJ111"t' .It!Jl)' I'uhau 'cll1I )illi \',IM't ,i},,·~,t \"'1111:'111'\

16.f" t'lpjiuda II hy' kll,,1J1 kW',lIj lJ wtd anj .... a. UtnJil u"ku 11\\ Ilto:l ('hri,;tlall·' pilwbi k(lulbll 'kH~i ~q~ J, II"" kl1 ama· dotla. ac'ualla n~il).· " Tl,HI(luani \\oJ.

bona l1mb lE:k,,/i ('Ik' kId" f ~ HI·h, Plr':1 dodana amahtn llkllhn ,1\. k"j ll\,It'1 ya'o m k ot 0 I!tflt} ,t ill ~ d [11:1 ) t-t I; k uwo h.·ll­lele inyan~a eziHtoha. \Vtiteta nmlongo umnini n).;ti l j, w:ui ndifLllld 1.uDauoda u(hw~tub'Jte urof,me~ieo \\;.two onke udi lah4.t-kehvI' ng<twu Duiw8xome llotilin i jau), ukltkayi lnka Dyokmani v~n~j kwalo jbtl n~nmhm'kiso waitt

~ ~xde u Dyc'kmaui kWfI)'e \ankrlJi i.1Ji!<iI1.d\\ R k<tkwo nguwniniyo

·-·~e· :,.. ahi.4 t n~"y. I "iti Ilt'ldbotdbwa '&:'>flkp ja.i~anl .~:dIB yell;), u Oyokman i 1'>-l'IgaBttolM:' ItHU 1'1 ~ q,:-t'i(ama "'pay,\ '~I\llp til"'. U ll~'\'kU).tI'1. L~lDaXe8ha '(IlIYdol'.'O ~l' Jtc', • •• O),,;r'ktlf1 kn( u. t·ki!' UIUlitn .)tt'ta


hg()k nkrllul, , All Ie k H. ... h LD8k~kl1ve i COU1Uli, inn lk I}Jhl1,jt kal,uble t'Olzlni f'lil'lklll Iloi k lJ!!ak" lobllst-la bel1komo"ut·Ull'uhiB. ~aDtbo apo ilt.'le­kona i Afrib;.t klilH lotnhz\\~ iHwe Il~O\;.\1 disizuklll"dtHt (' W"p'tl,

~1',\J,:rMnA yn H{lT:<'HW.\~.\,

T,tll u8~' • , f •

'., '. Akalele Utile, , ..

it:mlO hun:1 rcwu, kubn 8.SlIkuba f88· pumla ekokubeni ebeso1oko esimbha ukuluogi~1l indicia nezinye izinto abRzi ijebenza.yo. Kwintsuku zay(' le'-eki kubonwe enyc indodona ilf'le ngolohloho kwati IIDDti ifudu­kile kwelipakade, Ipaai lake libolli ,e okol:uba ubenge ngnye umsE'benzi uben~umhambl obemelwe kuln.\pinde. I. ekaya pamhi kokuba ivoki irele njengokuba , ibh.l. ipela Dje, H.i intsizi zika 192 I betu,

• Nal' Usizi Lumi Lodwa!

U mntD uti akuba epume ebunzi­lIleni wata wapume1t:: la wapi1a wasilldil 10110 kutiwe okanye naye atsho ati " knde udiboDn," ukut~ho ke usukuba eleta " luti mdala. Siyakolwo oko· kuba pak.ti kw.hantu intlekele ya­pesheya iqalele klldala kukona ama­doda angati nHmhlnlljc ebalisa akn. bonileyo, angntsho 31ile inyembe1.i Imba. abonile, ogenyaui, aye modllla intloko zimhlopo yimbono leyo bate bayibon. oknkllba kuzo ezint8ukl l kuuduloke e Ngilani ikulll 101l-"e lellkamamuoge zama J uda ezi· felwe nga bazali ngodushe lwose La­!Shiya, zizisw'a nganeDo, zizR, ku~cinwa e Kapu zoodliwe, Ahanye kwabo bautw3nfl baugeua baoi eHzweni baba bODa ngamehlo aoazali babo ukuouill' wa kwabo, abanye bacolwa emahlati bepila yincR uezinye izioto abamane bezicolacola. eZRl.iwa ngabo bodwa ukubn ziyaty'wa; bambi 113magama abo ngeoxa yobu­lwituull', kwu utlbazali hnbo abahazi uhuh" ),uyingobnniua boza batillina ninina! Nolo kc l1sizi lUlnl lodwtL Il:;enyani . Abllutu a baboue izillto l'zihonwc L01,oul bndalo ugokll[l ~c IIgliku. SiY8hamha uamaqllmru azi· IU-Il UVt' ukondla no~u kllliflO ezonlwa-119,

• I Konsati kwa Majombolo,

Ubeoc City D eeI' DgulUg'!lbelo we 2(ltb August )921 a •• uhlong.nisi 1l01101l10, uti ibi yen}c yc Koosati ezi­qubiJcyo ~'Vakc wakUZfI yt:ua. Ka­loku lomzi u::i:;lnd' ukudkelwa inzwaoa ye HRIl, yi Genel'll,1 ~lA.n"g'fT, u Percy Shenvell E~q., ilu[Jga l'likulu) o\Vszi­wa kakulll kwezt kl'lkl:ti iodawo. LunhvD llu pl~l \ IJlag'c D~t:p yc Holo ingagin) Wli lIt:mpondo y i "Percy H al1." E!'tejini iLi Dixil.!'~ zodnmo lwrse Town tipetwt yinto ~8 Keyi j

YUDtulumam, ne kwayala yaseb.ayspa yabs 'Cbopit'· yorlumo IWBse \Ya· nderel'B itoho Ie' kwsynlu i ragtime yapaubc ukut!'lhclwn L.icenge. un zi uyayihlaha ilol'i )"e rA~time ogoku. vula linE' r;AntillH kl/lle I.uvu ~u!'on

c - • kupulapuh\O.l )'Ullii lI'\al!:cl~ 01lltlye ~ .. ili .. Tllt'ro.;~'S too 1IIlICh ntgliliH.' nt'rc feu tI)..I' :v I' Chairman I'I"'U~l' ~In! Ib

!"'ome ~I.,;Ullmt'ulJtl UIH~IC'- [ugomll ycngqolldo. U Hadi lucufw .. [Igu Grins hlnucioci u HnlOiltoll ) ella we l\.,lf!\\. En,·' etni ngt:}il~ nHl.ndl U\cU · · ba ibi \·Pf'~,pU~ Iliguina. Illcon,Ywa kak1l1u Ie Choir kll Blllllclcy, ioduoa yabl'l~p :\JplltU:tI:.\llg'iI. 'ne CvulluClor' \'tlbo. , __ ib.lllic ,b •• kw~ Lahckl>:- \1e,­d alIt: ~If\uJ ~ .t. Hutl (.ftt".o\

"q,,/a q,phtJIV la 11." }laud .l(.uan \ Q to"'1I •• \..,pie :\lnW"~i~ bi~:l : Violet :\onbizi Sil:l.5, E_ ~-«t.!.

I Ie marena aqabanyang, Ie bona mare J.lrs llakalitnelft (All x&nlln~ '1,""'10- a blokomela ts'oloho ta. malt (ee~: !'.hip), )H~sts Bella Lot", Gr"C'~ eseog motso oa eona. Ho talingOl. k Nl<:ngn, ~Jnti ilA Nkoll:ll, Tilly Vel.l- tsahalo ea eseng mablol., 'me marte: tntl"~ :\leddit' Edlcl Tlnn, St'hi X 10 ()mn, a tallma lefifi feela. l\:amocao bo bore ~lf!e:sr~ H. Cllllj\\- " U. L. Bop, la, ho buoe baeletsi Efr;:ume Lebakeng ea Dun. Tlao, Sh·,d. ~\l h:lb·h ". AlI~rt I neng a re taha II iS06 lokbotleng Ia. V. NkOIn(', G. 1\'.vtl118, A If. NkomC'o, r.. l orena emoholo Ie James Matete fa DUII " l .. :. ~I..CJlUO 1.( ' ~1r ~la:'llltnICIR. nen~ a re ho tbusang ho haha lesaka Um;i u~t"vi"jhwa Itg"t..ij,jll1g'u, 1I!rldn empn marena. a sa b~blfle b~ looa, n,a,IH.:nC'kazi ulu!,fl"j;,)\, ~lj \.':-' EliI'll e~h:l Lekbotla lea oa oa lOBleka

m~hla, I ~dtlh~lla, Harri{ll. ~ '.~. a~ltd"zll' ,C rt.II' J1I.: l\,cunu :\ no \\ 1I,,{r("l1 u(jl'l,ft.

• TSAMASERU At~ho Illman. neiu\zi l(\v:~t'il"l WI,\;, Ill" knhllnlia. B:t.ti abaziyo i:ljungo )'uh­K(Jllsati, kuhlaug!lI,i:o.WI! illlali lOkU'

t('ngn II HlIdi I UI'P!tHI) h, :1I,' Hntu, Ngcflxn ynklma p:tul:-. i \\, ,' li !dl1 a <:ycHziwl'yo il uillti ell;!alJll IlUtl huh Holo ill1ugiselt.:lll ni.weUl.:1 illipind:\ kwakontl, k";Va e~t'Ult!o.ha It ~('ptl'ndl:1 io :dJafl1l1,Ji bnvulc ollll\,hl!. t'\\I'ui Zf'lipepa , UUlZi \\,o}w IIpn'.(,h\c lIl!l' ,

111M I i t:zClld zi", t:yo. COlilluiftet~ ~1(;S~1~ F, Hr:tllll i!"',

S 1:18. Gq~ba, J oiut'lll .IH. S ol. G. Sent10aIlC, :\Jlloagcr. P ,llli UOj :IU:" Pres idenl , .TRs. E. A, Nknmn, C are T aker & Treasurer

UlUPl L,U'l LJ.

• Kubadlali Bebhola,

"18 Mongolii Rm,"

K. la 12 ho ii, hn '1.loa lipol,. ho lI (ll"ell(l. J Qlltl thRlH' a 'ua n Ii Itl"'ab. k. hft I..fl\· ' .. oetla empa toe hng a Ii anbn 11''"tle, Ka In 13 ~rOI'COn e mohol. I rc 'loreea Seul'hln a ntsc maqOM a e .. ltulhi:-ll hal'll "'a. hn t' Ie eena 0 til nU,,, ha hue, D nt~oR ubI} R tr;all18.ea. ~ott ,,:~ )IaKhnola a elctso. ka hore hi. i~(\I T~d,;oltll(, ha olat 'n honu c tlcrc h. b. duha hn. h1l. fel~ tcug; er:npR. ra mnk .. boa ke MOH;OU e moholo ho. Mor{tlll 1),1 Lcribe a s~ a lumetse hore bn. i80r T~d,oane eE:ua a re ba isoo Leribcatbfl Ie ~oJo Ie re ba isoc ka Borol\ ho Mo tali; :\1ahloll1oh\ ecnn hn a. tlohe ho tlt)liu &l1o:1lu, etH IC' phuso f'1t Lclo\:o h" boleln lebitso I. :\I.blolnol. lIIohl. le l. hotleug, Lipot.o 18" ling Ii hIOf .. ,'ena bo Ii arabel. 0 bile 0 fane k.

Intlan gijl l1 ~n y ... Wit \ \.<it. r ,",\lId X.1· t1n~ CriCket QuioH , t'm~I)I.L t'/. t dut )~ ca i\lol'eu D. Mopelt Joele Jo nUl· .im .. g-tm: l fl Ugt'7.HI 18i Il~ ' <. Ft' , I" ~ "r eOll (-ihobeln: 0 re Morena. 0 l1Ioholo 8

(; C,. Of len I. 1 C,C., Dou't WOITV C.C., co C li hlola i\1:ttsieng. M orena a hi,. Dig-Qors C.C .• Ch ,mp!'H'. C.C., Ndd ,~· kSll ka hore ~loreDa .ToDnthauc 0 ue r-p"'rau·1.11n C.C. n \hdd C.C. I!:,R p, a re 0 amohuoa li kablolo !.sit batho hI \t.N. e,G. Iyaklltlih.1l1 \ c C'IW. t h~lc empa 0 han,. ho nhioleili. bnm hi C.JWVOllO.J., E ,l't R.tIIU. ~-,',k wt'· :\I(Jreu.l Juclc ~lolapo Ie bA bang. !4igfj ibn st'ntl,,;,j.," ',i:.· l'hlrlH ri ll ·~.. Hape tScut.'h la 0 jle a bots:. ho .Morena D~e~ Compound, 14 ka :\u ~U,.,t, 192 1. e 1I10hl/!"I hore on hn bashcmano bl\ ItlJongo kOk llyoh It.' Ul\lun, ,(:II.-l!tn ti< 1 teL i"Hh r t ' nyul", ... · i offic~ IH>,UNB t"J..mll'lllU lal.. I '''l ill t: "Or"g 1, omola I C sCJllaug

b j I ~ I' I .: am )tj ''-V 1\ orena e rno 1010 e. re mo-tjeaStlD. :\le d)') } 'Pt't!'* UlPHU I IJ~ j.J.- j , oikblA ima.1i 1t',Y() kwi (Jflic~ 11f.t'lI't-I~ thu 11:.t a falla.o ea s l,e I ~bola ,IIA ullo ezintl'h~ e",i'0Y1Ih"-tl ·kU\t1 A~tt~'l!l.k\\·\, feelu lt kholIIo II suthe muo. Mar a Mo· knr'tllwlo\ i cluBd z.i\u!OI'le ... bolt 'trrYW i Inpo ,\ lumf' la Ie khonolHl nrc ,ho Olt bazo kolonthwgall iso zlIIg,llosisi, )0- cella ho ea Ii tlosa; hape mora oa hoc ngena int11nl!"lIi~n I · yo IJ~·. 1] kl :\lokohotlr'a a l'e 0 belupla 1.0. TUlllU·

::It'plumb<\. l~)'?l. ku::,:t,,' li>{tC' I \\,) f.I hole a rc utataeo nlonchile TaikoBne Cumet ~ompo1Jud 11 H.,Ill, i c U~fI ~z:' Ie )'lulbokutluc le bakeog tselillg, Mo Ilt"b I f-zlta nd ;1 nku l!g~~1i\ kuh Ullwn, renn a ar:1uu ku mnntsoe a mlltln II re I1tnLIaumbi i II nhuR ezitl1ll.t.l, llk tl/ l bara bll hac b:1 ipha. oahu ell hue 0 ba kum.ny .. na nale W,N C, Ulllon , k',. b I't h b k f I k t b ' , ' I' I se a fe I R a ao e tL e so. ooa \l kufnltPb I clubs ~zllo loll (tIm zlha 1e .... hi f k' :\1 1 ' h I't KWdba aJ"gJwa ~ng .. zallbi. a a. c /.~a ~ f) (?kony.IDlt. ant e e illcwadi Z Zo zoknc~h bllra ba ~ khltbl, (l lie a ba biola bantle Union, l".dti j 0l1i "n .. (!I 1.8 bopilki h ·re moo ba tsckaug ha HC n!:l zilllm~le lIaw IIICW d. ha bcma. Itl. nkUla kong,,"a !r.n).., UuiOll rnanyt>, '7.1: ezo Ullinn~ mblanrnhi i Ullin" Zoic !CittH mh'atlllllJi iCiCisA kW <l kwl'1.o ncwadi ZlZlb,,'lil~so mhl;\"ml ,j iyiV.ilayo, iml)~,hl( ez;z:\ Il'tZO rnhh(l ~

LObi C:'LQ OH)O. Iljen:;<' mali lDhlaornbi j COpl'l. KOlla UkllZO eziya I,we \uka ne~il'a knte lflkH. zihe ~I1IIJ' gaq wt> n.i k wikamv,\ al z"}"O, esiJlPt(lml a .. hkl)lu ok(lkuha i members, ze E R.P. M.N. C C. 0 M l'8SrS Pdg'" Nginil!gini Jt,;. Madlin', Ziqu. Tltl .,. M .. yisl'1la nn Mebln nalli,~nyH "maueIJto alom"o tot :.t)akWt UZ i aUl .. Jungil:'eh~lo ~4nhil .. }o nkwamkt-lll ahatnnywa hi' cl ob ... ze udawQ [WtHlfl lWt1.-Siti ,II flllll.

D , F. S 'I.lNKAZANA. Prt\~id nt. P.O. D· frilf.ll. O~ · lold,

C, S. HCBU::tANA. Y1C1 Pr'''I'd~flt. BOl( 1056, Cn , II · I' H "utll"' .}')' \11'10{, . -


Sibl' tloftizi 1,I"k· dn kltn~ lw I'km I

IJ ~() Mr n ll!) ! ,1 0 was, Ill"

Mpooclwelll ul •• k \t,lJa 1I~'" 1,) k ' .\1I1l. k nngflne .. k"pnml~lli k\\,lllap'ik,d~ mUll w til u ~ll'r' D,n ' t! \htikirlya. IIfIl·

fll od.isikal.i W I' A .. \I.E Ch J·rh ,.. L '8 i ~ kiaiki P" 'Hlr.1 twl. '(!lu, ... hlY" a 1 ~Ilt\\ I­na b"k~ I clIl~ ... ttl 103 k "\ii\"''' fi'~ W ..... ilf' lIel .. HS kW,iWtt~~ 'fi y'lViyH. Ak"file ul,./,., u.mndt4Iclc.



Eve'rywhere ,



• Bophelo Pele.


Lek hutla I. Thi b.lo •• Dlkot.i I. k'itlasu ho s~bnka aid Rand MUlu1:i1 As·· Ot)). Ltd. Ie atea. MopultlO OK

pele oa £1, Mopuloo 001 Bobedl 10/, ka kbo.di tooL)e ka I. ngolo Ie Mle b. fetisiea la I uallS lobtt ak~bu ku llllJII el£' feel. e lebi,ans bo l'bolo •• ug dlk" tail .g.

Ha ju tIe Ijeolt. La ehr:lOg mph~t8 k~ U fele b.i \)Utj [t.'bl" ka thibelo II b: tl tsoang bakt\Dg sa k(ltei tba 1Ju,;"f(lI!f, Mpb~, t e " •• u ffot tl PII;) e lolu,lt tJt' ' bo bdlladi Lobi ... '" Ulllipl"li It'U 1Ja"b~ ka b,tttJ btl Bri l iab St,atll A[rle... gbe bi n a ba ikbetb ~ I .. n~ tatJ!1 ~o ba Ltulfog ka eoua, 'we ba ogulu leba kl t'f~ feeia ea puo tt;a baoals'o. MaDHoio a 8t"k~ a fda mttkholo a 1:H1(Jihmg 1 LIl .. nt~nt'. ' 1J.l~ a IIgoJOI! uaotlo ka Ufj"

elt.' 'ngut;, Il;.'qf·pi.Jf;lII",. B.1 k .' J) ., lauJ( lib" enD :Ud rotnt-le mtw"olo Ii oV1lri bn Edi tllr Uwtt'teJi \~il Bouto I H'\1lI t..,.' \I;l8

.l S tt'ty Firbt Competi tion . Pt,j'lO ana ~ f'a kO.t Joa ka ]a ;30 . klllW~II1e: t8ohle, ime mabitHu u w tKueletH"UU I· at~rp8e lSa boua!:l ila hlal.ti:KIot I;or t.l eng luuna, ~l l1. ngol ll II t1 .. ." CUfJ~ "'" bans II" IJI~I'0tbO Loi tbndane JI~ ~:ditor, Umff:;'(·l i WM B;mtn. B('n;l ha mi .rdt


oua ba IUt 11;1 lok .. l/} l"il bl 1I1II!SII

kOTdntCl lg 1~lIg!jI(1 I"! 1"lUi It'l Ie 1~lIg Itj rom"toDclI~ kiifltl~ bQ JI4 hh)t.t' u~ • waDg'. t'wp 1 h-lIKlIli) I", hlf.tl10811g Jua!'! bl) t GLa I~ Itfu I:t d.doOaog bo,lIw' lana e ItK;IIJf;IJI>:.

M~cl1ine e mdlere nqa.eolue e ble t

rob'be rllr,, ' 1<. nlb'o '. j~.l0 ~o.'4ilc\ld' bose hlaClJnlsise, du Ie II:hang he leo: Haeba ua tSllenoeb ... b.:tng k_pele rett', I~b"'a 'se!lhlrel1g ,~, wliOd'ia' po/tor .. meote, Ho qboba Ita hlare ~eDa bo et.i& hore 'mele 0 ... betse baD de, Se •• 1 •• k. ml'l .. L" I, m.l •• Jt.l. dill.,


-.c.kltotla la Sedtaba ,

(K! Monuolll oa Bona),

T satsi I~ It! 18 Phuptl .:\Jorenu. ~J 1\.

kbaola 0 ile Il lfilebis., L ek hotln hore :\!orenR.e-moholu 0 elltse Olpho en pe­rC" t <:.e pf'1i ho N~onn'A :\-Iorenn Lpqnsn Ip Ph,tll ''"Ilt ' II~', 'ltl ~ l ;t hll e(l l.Jc~.hoth 1.1 ~ ;l1l1l1lwl 'II hu np;1 lnnitofi, '.Jill­!i~l II 111..10-1\ 11l 'l'e }Jt're tseu U ~t' 0. Ii romeletse ho Ng(l.m'n Murena 'me Oil ts'epa hore Ii tIn tl~tlbelo.n bll bt·lo Ie ke l\l ufum ahtdi on NgOllllA ~Jol'e lln eo ka bit 0 \ ' 1 hit' en 1\ IIPng a chll k~tse L p..,,,th.. II eOlia II 'I ,ilell!! a palal1ltl

, \1 ' , pO.i'" •. 1 L l'''I,th ,j I' i\ t'l'l a . ""\1 ,,1 IIl~

I:lcIJOI. I , ... hahol" <llhlllO. Areo so.tlm IUthul .. hul't, Le hutla I" till he Ie St' Ie Ihlllaite ha "" "!lIfo (>1\ Ngll:lll'U ;\J urena e., I-all:tllt'lo ea lipert' tsl'O e fih!;', eUlpa ~Ia liisil hUl e Ii till thabeltlR huhol!'} '1 0 " 0 tI.l t .. elllsa ~lol'l' l1:.1 e mohulu klUlIUO N)!II:I ,'II :'lIon'na Ii arl~ bile"g kl~teng ba ,eng sa Illpho eo ea bl:le.

Kamol' 0 ho eme ~Iorelln L (>If)ko L ero!hf)li a ref"! laet:soe I.e B:dllompllf'. hi ' .\-Juslsi Ie .\Jorcna ·e mohnlo ho ho 1 ... la hnre ke 1..I11IIc h:l bela Morena .10-nathHIlC hlll' t! a tlose barn bll Iwe Ii Itakellg Iseo ha I('og' ho t'O(H\ (l ha ise iln be ling' hae hit hue Leril ,e. B .'r.1 bao \..c hI,) HnbofulloE'} Sels'nhi, N hetho .• , L "jolli, KOt5llll(>, :\bhlo mo Lt Ie Tllmahn!e. A re tnelu en:! hll e II chu e lie e t"boe I..e mofu )lor(;lnl L eL..i.e 0:. 13 heli 'me ho Iti le ita tlO .. O:l S .. bUlIll )1 . tho oalle ka hn ph .. ,hil tuet" E'O. .J o;ti t! :\lol'e lla-e 1110111110 () koplt L t'ldllltla hure It, 1110 eit'lse bore na ho t!:) 'UI1I1PiSP hort, 11..., el. ... oe .i"ang hit. ele mona .\LOl eIlU J Ol/nt.II!we 11 baoa lio phethll llH:·lo eo. Are Morena ,e· luoholo II I'e ha a bntle hme h" hluhlo­joe ke L ek hotla bore 113. taelo eo e Ile­ptlhetse kapa e fosah etse os, ka bllk;1 I» hohane ke kahlllio e selig- (" f'ntsoe khale. Ho eme :Morena Fu ko ~J asopba a re ntl ho et\ qltla ho hOllts'oa ha !la· nyenyllllf' ho hlolllpit a tgelo ea ba bs* 11,,10 I. :. ? hu e tsHf' jOlt Ie nlw ho 'Ite lin elsuot' ... ,'ch:1 Ilcng . E '. Ii ~ hOI,n J IIna­th ,p e I ell' it IJll l'''Ul' s, hl:q'e Jmd et .. 1i

boLle Sil h .. se hi , mpllt' t:i e lu ell ha bttholp, Ho eme ~l tln:lla ,\-Jasophn Ii I'l"

epna na e h';"18 htlla elln . Ho ka ba molt'mo hore Mo-relll\-e-moholo II bilse Jonathanc a e'o 'mot~H tabt\ ella ere haeba J OIlUtlwoe a ~a !ldoe ebe hOlla a ka tlisllnn~ ka pele ho L ekbolla lena. M"rella Tl:i'epillllre Mujara 1\ tlxt~x Masoj-l ha. Ho hOllse ho eme L elo!. 0 a re 'Musi:o.1 kusebdc "K hae 0 se a tsc,a teKua II' .J unathan p 'me J unathalle 0

b-anoe ho plll:'tha 0 hanlle ho pheth .. tuelo ell MOft'na e muhol o, e se e Ie se lemo tupln ena e ('ubul?'. ~lo(· l et~i Mlt l. h .. ltl\tlela are u hme la na Ie :\[<1-sHph'l hurt! 110 bilsue ,Ju.,atba .(> a hl.l­{lise lOuhl1kll 1I0:t hnllt\llg: kH. nUll!! 'tn(>

h'a phehe It:tse hu ham\. t:'be hona mao

rena a maholo a kA eaog ho ca 1110· mphisa Ie bo tii ... a I~aldtllo en oona . ,Morenu Nk hetheleng a re 0 eletsn ka. hOl'e bo seke ha bitsoa..l ollathalle,' Mil sisi Ie ~iol'ena-e m •. holo ha ep ha e'n phe lhis:t. kahlolo en iJona , Ho erne Mueletsi B, Matete " "0 ho hoholo ke polokeho eo. ~echaba} morena ka m!IDf!

a ka shoa. eseog bore ho shQe s~chaba ka baka la bae. ~Jnja1e fli a teug a ka hlahlambng morena eo empa eseng a kit hll1hlamRllg sechllh", . Le !. hoda Ie sekc la ts'Kba ho hltdllsa. lTIaikllL-lo a lana ka ·"ete. Are haeha .Jnllathane a hallne bo vbetlla tat-III E'a ~Jor"l1a · e­moholo, nu ho IhiLa.n~ hore ho seke ha uua L eribe ke'o~ ke barH. b:l ;\Jo ... hoe­shoe bt,ble? haeba JOllt'lthaoe a banue Ie bo 'Musisi no. ba a tlatsoe ke'ng ha ~n ikutloeloa molomong Oll .T onathllne lebaka I~ 1l banang I.ll. lona? )Iul'ellk a is' 0911<'t!llI' ho ell Ll' rih .. Ie rona L e­I hod .• 1I11l'e r e'o ha lipa k i t ... n h()nl-t

h .I.JIIUllth,tll" a h" plwt111\ taelo tt-fL t,olla. Xu hu lI1ureua a iub-e a ~a ph.He ·oot:. undi a ts'o1 .... bu el\u.l..boua a

V A -1

I et~lIf'.I11 !1~ • .I n Ie ent~p eng 10lla mn- ha b~l\.nnynlw f~e1n. h In ,,.., Iltl t l a 1 1a ba r.ll ho latela makbo. r~'m 11:\ .J olllltlillue a L,ilc" 1"1.: 0:\ ha mt. ('lIlP III It:11'l i Ph: lIIut .. C I (I In nit 1 \ I~ 1) Ie. H .. pe bablahiga hore :\11 illlCl);ltJun<lthullea'l!J.h'l huaf ·cl:lhuhnhutol un "prne hMC "n' illll"Ull.lla a nka ·'ap.II ' led lJilt;ull kawoo IOlia IlHlr~ua Ie ecug Ie bu htlllu hu bun LUlla ba hu :\lollqJo. bakl la hl(abloio tse foau.neug- I~ molao l'1;! lea kula ha Ie bitsoa leha Ie sn kulf' Eella ba ho tl.l ba tsco n kll Ii hlli1l1g' t~a mareoa a macba. Banna ba Le­o.tl1e eerla. lea rno ideb ll hOl'o ke leq he- feela. l((~ t:i'o.welo hon laclo h· Icahloin l(hotla banyatsa,ng taba ena ba 'nde ba

I, hi h I 1 hbhls't. mabdka a mdogata haholo a ku Ie tieqhoala, Ie tin reng, A re cena. hln marena I onep une Itn lane la """pang hore haeba ho ka lumeUOct

o elt't~a kn bure ho uo~ Lel'ibe ka p tde} 1t\J kc ke haeba jOlllo' ht3ba h,t ~t·..:ha- oua e tla ba ho bolao\. secbaba k.t ho eseng hore ho bitsoe Jounlho..ue . Arc h!l It kc Itt: tSft lSlHU,H.';\ h lwtk, £eeh haneloa Ie b;Jlpthtso ilape bonx bo tL., r~ bou lela kllhlolo eo. Morenn-e- llioho- bOIlu. ua L eribe lu! 'uele IwI'!:' lin Ila ken}'a mruenana a m.lcha molekoug Qn 10 empa re b'oanelse ho-en tsebn hore tseb~ 1: :lh1oI0 ('0.1 Il' hlH,le 1'1\10 b·, ho j,\ kholllo eiJ kap l pondo l!Je 'lie liD ho eutsoe kR ho loka h(Jh~1I 1,~ r~ ba ng h~ rc e ne ! cLot IIllh la 1111 h...t. I) 1 I l'hot e kl pele Ie kn lieb,\ h J

hoc re Sft ta .... be bana bana, bA. J ogpfll ('tso.wg: mocli O.t \letnti. -\ ft' t '):\ l ~o. kllpt\ 1m Jonathnne. Ho em<! '\loeletsi haku Ia Ill) I'atll )Iu'Iisi Ie ~lol" pI' ,\ I) PllUj LI b,J boetse ha. ke.nua P . .Jl01IseHrt·tl.l.LReIl6elleelo,i~ue II,Ohl,llIot..'U·JlIolllebollah<,r", u:!,h e \E:Jl"'ape b L bang ba'llA. kn mocli oa Mctnti 0 Dong 0 flrulu. ba~ Lel'ihe lw. c'o Ib'thil:'n bAt bo. 0 bl!:1 .',1. ~me ,m.' bJ. oalleng ka lamaoba:ne fa 1m Jo~efu ho ba JfllJuthune. Arc joalo elc motho on L (~ribe :\ b.c OJ I' h~ ~me,!H. Ie h,.J n~ats~.molao oua. 1:S'l khotso eka tau c koaletsocnz 1m Ie UU Utl bao ho hutlllg ka bOl la Ie lthuka bal g b,~ ne ba te hOJ.l ho ka mpa tlrt

" b I I ' fokotsoa ea mpa ea t: b r\ ponrio knr""" khoa :" hoi.'lIg eo J 1,\ e 1m boa e ka bo· tseo n eng lO bonn ml~ () flllDllll:l, • --

I L' 1 b pond~, Ie Je~hom -~, ba 1J:\og ba re ho~ .... L1eltllz batho. A r e 0 lumelltwu Ie bur~ )au ;! ;l 10 hn I<nn t-.;ol· , )(J aile a' k ,. I· .. 1 fi .. , ' mar~I1 a oananS'n BPI I U e &o.i ,;\Joelc tsi Uenllll'd \iatl..'te hare ho nue ha. liang ho b Oll n ba ka. nq a e:sale ho p t!';c lesuome ho e'OR Ie h I

, 'I I I ' ore >.l Lei ib~ kl.! Hlurellll ho ea thihl\ s(' (lleo moell 00 en i\ el-lb 00 lOt ){Je,l;,! Il:J kOP,iUS''' apdi" bl s iee khomo kapa po-oCI1U btll e 1-,3 t:-.OQ ng lio SOlla hahn ho tluha 1m bochahelll ho (l!,n:t. Hllpe lito tse'll '. fabet ena e fie e hide e loa­~e ke hH. scnyehlt LeriLe flo'ela h tl tin B":-'(Itho bll nn Ie mo l( ho:1 0 lOon t! na Llts'oa ka matla ke marena Ie litho lse st'u)'t:lm L "~otho loh le. ;\ l l)L'tmft Le- Itore hal1'\ 1a bang !(f' hn i:ngot,t;.ci h,\ hng ' m ,: 0 em~tsoe ke marena habolo tlllt~1 It botl:i'l le lJa.a leo .Jlltluthane a 1m maill pell O' a ma llU' n Itl' '110' ' mc l~ ho fo!tlsa litho tS,l b:'\ fo, Ha ke.1. hlahl · I'eug' 0 haua ka IonH, a sup .... hore Jo- ilona moo uOfufTlulI :1 °ho Idlllbr:l(Antii,l)(' ~d lit'tba t::;t libui k1. mabltso a tsona, nathune ke morena on khnle oa lilelllu bRna ball a ba bang ba Llpa ll nq-O:l Ie empa uka bolela hore ba neng ba e e ll. lSt!bHllg ho oa hft Muorosi 10 hoa ~Jusopha, .l\loeletsi Q Jlmalco a hll1hisl1 hUl'e ho ee ba tulo Ii ku pele ho J Olla­thane cbe houu ba ea fila cictsfi . .Jlu-hill bn 1J :lsopha Lerotholi 0 nil. 1"01ll(;

hona B:,fokeng ho en eletsa )la50) .ll'I ka hure ele bahltbo.moho1o} ha ba l.ihu­tla ba hloboe ea ba bona Lt'I"Olholi :l

eang ho phetha tSlt borenn bll hae. K e hOlla ha u re ho eo ban\ ba :\Ioshnt'­~hue ho ea eh..tsu. .TOmlth alle. Ho erne ~loe l l'tsi Efmime Lehu.k eng a re ho k hnlll~me lu hkuhlolo ke eoua otho e hakHng nlofl'r ... fere. Hoja m:n'ena 1\

~ a boulela lik:ihl(l lo tss 00n8. Ho uo. hu ~H1e ba. hn.lIg ;\lorelln ~laleb,.llye 0 elOe a re t:ella ,aba ena On e ts' uba ' Ill\:! o I':lpel:l marcna I..", l'e" he bonolo a mpe Il c'o rapela ~Jol'e lll\ .J onathanc. KaLU(.fraO ho buile ba bangntBllyaull bLl eletsa ka hOl'e ho lIoe L eribe J onathn· ne a e'o noe!:10a sehlare sena Ie .\lor :: lln Sernpe N koeb>! a l'e e ke ke ebbn ho tiolll 'olia JOllutilane lto ell phethi .. n kn­hltllo ena.

Ho erne )Jorena FoJatsane :\Iohale a rp J ouatbane 0 I,eile bana buoa a re ke ha hae h~cbt~ ho Ie teng bu reng ba. tlosue 010..., lot bu beileng t.cng hoja ho I-;a ea Luna. ~loeletsi Lo.b::l.rie ChOKO · h6lll' a ipelae tsR ka hore ba ha Molupo bn lhulse ha bit hl:ihise keleLio tsa bu­Ult tabeng enA.. Klloabe n I'e boja bana bll.u ba ka busetsoa. hae L eri be ha. bo~ 1I0a kumorao moo ba k \ isoang teng. Ho eme Morena Motsru upane n tistsil Khollbe, a bUll ka moe Ii 0.\ ~le:ati, a re ba motbo a f'lsitse ou joetsetsoe pllatlah,tsi.l. bo bntho bohle, A re ~J o~ l'ena*e moholo a be sebete it romde lme lla ba hae Ie bo rilllguan'ae ho ele tS:.l J unatbaue Ie ho utloa m<\La ka a kluHlO ea hae, Haelc kahlolo ea ho faiatsli bllshemane bana eella ha e t~e be. .\-lorellli L."loko a tlntsn manboe ao a :\lotsar<l pane. )Iol'eoa ..\lojela a eletsa IlIl1re1H\ hore a be sebele a ce Leribe a e'o IItloll mab lkl:l. 0. khano et\ J unathHne ho phetbll. Ho eme ,Moele­ls i Alec ~lope li e'o b.l bileng Ie nga­IIgiaollno Ie Leloko 'me 1\ hlH.losa hore ha hu es'o seboka. seo bo etsoang ka­blolo ella ho 80na. A. re 0 kenn lita.he Ilg a mpa a thibeloa ke ' ~[usisi ka bo re a st:ke a kena. litabeng a mpe n bla hise keletso ea hae feela, eaba 0 rc 0 elctsll hore warena a seke a ea. L t!ri be ka ntoa empa ehe ka khot.",o. K .. mo­rao bo eme Morena Se~omi It re ka huba baru ba .Jollatbaue ho t.hutn 110 I>ua labs 0 mpe kapa e otle mabapi Ie eena. A re et:ua huse mor'a e mohoio ')8 JOIutt.h81le ho fda .\lorena e-moho 10 'me btl tho hao re ba talimA. ka lelhlo Ie lebe hare ha bolaell. J onat.hane. Setreke sa L el'ibe se aebe baholo Ito fetisa mehleug fA. bo L{Jrd Selborne 'me ec se tsoel\a pele bobeng. A re u makala. ha bfJ thoe taba eoa e-neha. a the ho no ho qaloe mohla ho t10~ I ' o\lIg boo .JI otsara pane ~loJokong Ie btl hung bu tla tihh mnhlll ho t1o~u. aug eellll ~l11thvo{uune. A re ho un. buoolo Ie bu hft IJauol<> psellg ho

,- 1 'b I" 1 'I n)'at'i:l haholo ho marcoa ke bo-Sets.", ,· uaO e eurl vii 0 lb oane t) tsn ,a 1:\- , '

b b 0 HI ' 1\1.l .• w'tnr a r:e, Mots lene Ie marena <l

u 011:1. 1\ 10 Ie Jo:dn 0 hU~1!l hO l'l~ ,n g 'lore' M kba I b k I , • . III _ it n.'\ a 0 a a 0.1 a taba e lla e tin {dolu "I !l~Jsl J ~ ~1~1"{, pUI<;,mo etJ:l. 0 Itse eena a ke ke a re Ita e 0I0ho1o hthoto 113 ha b C,I Len b.· moLlo OUd 0 lalole, feel a ohlabisa pelaclo ba en ka bu tloha La e h1ahlo lJl,c, . II" e kholo hara sechaba. A re 0 tla bOIs4:/. hoo kc Iwo et na a ho t::,'u})ang Innhapl Mocen:\·c-moholo h" re na oena 0 bon .... Ie marcl1a :w it ktl dn, A I'e oa bona hore moiao ona 0 i<a sebetsa banlle borf> :\-lureu') t' ~l1nlw l tl 0 tJH~I~it:-oe:1 sf·chabeng kamoo komlti e boJetseng seke a h()h~lllJa 'n'te a rnp:. ;.t .1/, llo:t }J''lre- e se kile ea 0 hlahlsa lIo eena. .\ rnaliit-.o a bal"a h'l .J onl\thnll~ L.I t';'Qa bOH~la kamoo muena a tla kella t~(Ja mehe lwcha a ,.,a bl: Jisoe hOl'e ts~~tSIDg' ea ho s~nya hotho lse ka

I. h'l !'Illoans- 1I1:\khotleng. a bona ha ho n;,\ .... a a I e "'·,e Iwpa be hi ka Jn pen\! fetcloa pde habane eSltaoa Ie hOlhu lcf€, Hil ho Ie ,Il,;ilo eella U (' ] 1 h1 kll b h 1 t·;t os au mareoa a lItse a " Ja 'In~ hurt! hoj:l m~l'i'lJa a e lL, ·Ih· dl. ho Ie e Ina kh::tb. bo na Ie rnarena Q e lsa ~[orella. ua L I'I'II,e rp'11o,;o 1':1 h,lrl:t jang. Are 0 kopa hore bo hla.Jlo)oe bana pelc ba et ... :\ It'lho. H ohfl a. lule ~eemo sa molao ona sechabeng 'me fat s'e ho eme } Io .. !(~bi P .. \Iuli:"Jc n h,lt'bo 0 kJ.lumelloa ho booae hore na kopa Pbamo'!i{. IHlt'{':I h.t, a 1(· fllo<:.a is:w 0 tJ.'\ be 0 sebehtse eng. Kamor.1O hu btl raruliellJ taln l~n;\ b h'l hlophlsa ho "me! '.i\Iusisi re ha na lekbonono Ia. bol nlo ba h:\Ua bnll:\ Ie tsoalo en bona , ho bea ttba eo J<ape lo ho Lekhotla hore PllfllTlott'e a ara lxt k:1 ho1'(, tSt:O hose Ie b~ntse tumelo ea lona ka bo emlsa

matsohv. (\·ote) . Ha aotse a mamet<:;c tsc lJlO t~'v;.tIlt.:L1n:,!, h"rl" ll~~()tho hn litho 0 fumane hore ba 11 ba loaots'A. rp ha e a.nbe ka tnoku!.uto:lIlO 'm'a taoa ena. aa 8 ke ba e emetsang ba 1

eoua e Ie teng. M orena ,Joll:lthanc 0 ke ba lceb~5elen~ ka Ilq'a tse pell . otS:1. phela 'loOt ke eena utat'a hana ~\ re molao 00 Ice 0 loant:;'aoaog Ie II _

buo, ke eena he ea ka b'l hlopillsa,ng aplil (appe3.l) tse se nang tbusa, Ie tse kUnloO a ht\ tsebang I..ateng. Ho hOt'tse nyeilsang leknotla Ie ahlotseng, 'me ho eme "lorena Setsomi a re batho ha tJ.b·t ena e se e atile bar'a sechaba, a re mp,\ ba I'ata ho bllrt. B :\oa btl buang ke kn. bak<~ la h -aplll tsena tsa rnofLlta ba tseb.\ hllntie h, l'e ke Itil itle ho 110 h') on.l htaba eo thj~laneng makbotleng buoe kn b:lon haIH., esita. I" libl,ktl(lg a maDolo. Ha taba eDa e se e etsetsoa ta lla eon e teng. A l'e .J10rena c rno 1:01,' ho fuman. 'a bore ba e emelang holo 0 sel..Il'lit-sp. han tIe ka monn kamoo ba 3,s ba e! haoaog ba 48. Eaba ho

lumejjnno~ hore taba eo e ke ke- e,l a eut!:;eng kateng. amoheloa hore ebe molao oa sechaba

Mobla la 11 Phupu Lekbotla la sella. 6ecbaba Ie boelse 1a pbutb~ba. Haba Kamoroa ho hlabde Inolao 0 nong 0

b () buloa ka tbapelo joaleka mehla etsoe ke Letsle oa Babe" oa katlo ea Moeietsl Hlakanelo ,,1 tSlbisa Lekhotla mareil:4 a khotsc ko ha nka li be. bore Morena emoholo 0 lumetse se t'ia hu futuhelana. Moren;!. Letsonll hlahisltsoeng I,e Morena l\tasophJ. hore a Tlvatsa molao ona babolo­ho etsoe lengoio Ie eang ho Ngoan'a luilofO moo 0 soug 0 beba kahlolo 'me Morena Leqosa Ie r'hahameng Ie rno 0 )ileng 0 reng ho ke ke. ba amoheloa lebohang ka ho chakela Lesotho. Eaba thapelo, l\forella Leloko Lerotholi CL

Lekhotla Ie khetba bael .. tsl )'Iorena. lumeliana Ie Setsomi, a re hoja tab -l Masopba, Setsomi, Lelol<o, P. l\-Ioltse, ben II se ke tsa Isoa makhotleng a B, Matete, Solomone Nkoebe, 1. Pba· ''\lu '~o ha ho saka ha ts'oloha mall leha motse Ie M.tbilil{Qe ~ratele ho b..i ho nklloe hlhun)'3 feela. Morena Se, Kormtl e leugolo leo.· khonyana ,Rlre;lg a loaots'ana Ie puo rao ho buisanoe ka keketso ea ffi r) lao ena habolo a re hoja ha sebeJisoa Qa chobeliso Ie kemariso ea baroelsana, malao ooa hoba ba esale 0 etsoa ke ha ntoo feteloa ho molao oa boraro oa Letsle oa Bobelr ha 0 eso sebehsoe melao ea L~rothol i oa ho nka. htbunra, It: ho lel<oa feel a, 'me moetsi oa oooa 0

moelets i j os iase Mopete, e mong 0:1. entse a re lie oooa 0 ka . qabeletsang litho tse neng It khetboe ho lokisa knot 0 t>a Ilaha ena ea Lt:so tbo. .\ melao ena a ema a h lalosa hore kabaka J oants'a tokelo en Grlffi tb bo e tsolla !Oe Ia batho ba nkang boipiletso I<a hI.) elltsoeng ke Letsie, a re ha ho Ie joalo te lla marena a bona bona Komiti ba ho ls'oanela hare meJao e etsoe ke fumane bore ho k1. ba moJemo bore Lekhotla I .... sechaba. eseng ke marena motho ofe Ie ofe ea etsang b'JipiJetso kd bo,bolla, T\LrenCi Leloko a ema ka ba Cetelang L ekhotleng Ie ka pele eka mabifi;"\ IUJ.nts\.l. puo ea Morena Se, khona a siee kbomo kapa pondo tse 'ne khouv<tna hore ba bo ea ka etsollans (£+) lekhotleng leo a ipiletsaog ka.hlo- se eutsoeng ke Morena emoholo Morena long ea lona. L ekhotla ka taba ena Ie S .·tsomi a ema a botsa baeba ba koetsoe arohana koto tse pcb, ba bang ba !nololU? bl f<e ke bet bua. ka melao ena, emelana Ie molao 00 ba bang ha 0 ho e :lmohela 110 e halla. Ha loants 'a habolo. Ba neng ba emelana araha Morena a re bo ke Ie oooa bane ba bua ka boipdetso bo ke 11.\ buoa Ie tho bolim'a molao ona etsoang ka bOlkhants'o feela ba batho hoba 0 so no 0 buoe Oil ba 04 tl i~oa ke ba bang bao e eeug ere leha ba ahlotsoe Letsle oa Bobeh Ie Lekhotla Ion a lena. ka ts'oanelo ba re tefo ea bona e ka Ho erne MoeJetSl Filipi Mohse a re 0 mpa ea ea jeoa ke ;\l orena emobolo, loants'ana Ie phetolo ea molao ooa. kantle ho lebaka lena ba bo Ie leng Ie Haeba e ka ba teDg e tla ba Lekbotla leholo Ie kileng Ja hlahlsoa l<e lithena lena Ie foufetse Ie setboto. Morena tseo. Ba nenl( ba hanana Ie t;, ~l"\ en \1 p la a t l.lo t ~ ..I. Filipi Molise a re bo ba ile ba blabisa mab.J.ka a mangata· e,a e 1t f tsoa bo 1m mpa ba eke nyana ; ha bang ba ne ba bl1:J. h'thOlo: t 1 i1iJl n a m Ilao ooa, A re ho ka mafutsan3 a ka hlokang kbomo k _1'a I n. t'Sona pondo tseo t~ 'ne' hOle !l,\ b:1 tla •. Jj.m~( 't""f'~g ~ 1()-."


~**': f"i' ~ X" ufuna i""pu ll}'uuzcla okokubn lJ1Ullinivenkile akunike olu· ; hkbohre Sepa., un!{",",Hni ukuqlltyelwR ukuba enye.



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Mr. A. H. TODD, U • •

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RED HILL, NATAL. ~~~~.*.~*~


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, Printed & Pnbliebfld by the Pl'oprietors, Native Printlrg & PnbliBb : n~ (,,, T .' T. h~ .. (·n.