Britain Still Striving Hard To A vert War - UJ IR

WA BANTU The Mouthpiece of the Native Peoples Autbori .... to pabllah Co •• , Notice. .aectla. N.tI .. _ _ V-,'_1._1 ._o-, N C'Co_"'cO CCo________ JOBHlfM.VBO, 2181' BarTa_UB, 1936. Price 3d LAST LEAGUE MOVES FOR PEACE Britain Still Striving Hard To Avert War I talo -A byssinian Crisis Very Grave English Warships Take Up Stations In Mediterranean N OTWITHSTANDING reports to tbe dfeet that tbe League flf NaLlous "III solve wllbn! dimeuJty tbe dispute betweeD Italy and Abyssinia . tbere Is DOW vil1uJ.I, 110 bope 01 avertlo, war. Italy bas spent £85,000,000 00 btr prep.naliODs for war, and tbe cost of stodiog .. , tbousands 01 soldiery to Eritrea and Italian SomaUland- whlch are on the (roalien of Aby ssinia-are mounting rapid I, . "Do Jon we have done alllhb fOT amusement?" Muuollni, the Italian oationalleader asked an interviewer. .. No, we shall press on," In spUe of this statement which Indicated Ibat notwithstanding wbat the League might do. Mussollni would attack Abyuinia, the news got about London on Monda)' afternoon tbat tbe Frencb Premier was working at a plan wbleb, It was tbougbt, would satisfy tbe Italian leader. M. La,al is a member of the League Council Committee of Five. wblob is striving nl,bt and day to a,ert tbe calamity 01 war. Tbe sebeme wbleb Is being drawn up to avert this war will prob",ly sunest advisers for the EtbloplaD Government, some of wbom presumably would be Italians. Britain. In order to eQSure pellte may stili oller 10 «de a porlloD of SornaUland and tbe port of Zelia, while FraD lle may give a portioo of 'rench Somallland. Meanwbile Britain tbough leading In ber role of peace maker Is determined tb at Italy shall not undermine ber rl,hu or Imptrll ber subjech. Britain bas enormously IDerused ber sea forces 10 tbe Mediterranean, and now bas warships oft' tbe northtrn end of the 5u.,t Canal. !lbe has greatly strengtbened ber garrisons at Malh. and ha s erected booms across tbe barbour moutb to pre,ent subm:&rlne attack Irom tbe sea At Gibraltar, wblcb commands tbe enlf'Dee to tbe Mediterranean Sea from tbe Atlantic Ocean she bas so strengtbened ber position tbat sbe now commands stronglJ botb entrance inlo and ways out .1 tbe Mediterranea n Sea. The southern entranee to Gibraltar bas been closed to shIpping. Mean.bUe an Itali an submarine Hotilia bas gone to Malaga whieb Is one hundred miles norlb-east of Gibraltar. Tbe r.spective naval forces of (ireat Britain. 'ranee , (wblcb Is supporting Britain), and haly are as follows: Grn' Brl1.ain: 12 baUlesbips, 3 batUe cruisers, 8aircratt carriers, 53 cruisers, 142 destrOJers, and 51 submarines. hance : 9 battlesl1.ips, I aircraft carrier, 18 Cfllisers, 70 destroyers, and 96 submarines. Ital)' ; battleships, I aiTeralt carrier, 24 eruisers, 99 destroyers, 69 sllbmarlnes. BRITISH AND ITALIAN NAVAL MOVEMENTS IN Atben· It i. statf'd that a number of Jta lldn woU'Ship!l are ooncentrd.ting 011 tbt' l. .. la"d (If Lt,roe off the coast of Turkey. Meanwbile the British MOth- terranean Floot is {'I!JC(:ted in Greek "Waters in (I-(>Iober .. on IIUDUDer CrtUM." Britain &I:I.",mi.Jling 3011 aeroplalletl "Within faJl lantc of the )juez; ('anal. Appeal Por Red Cross Help f:;heik Bebarrlien. repre«t'ntatlve in South Africa. of tilt: Emperor of l.!oI'uf'(i tilt' eta.temf'nt dra .... mg atten- tion t-o the madcqu8(!y of the h08I)llal facilitietlll1 Et.hiopia .Bebardien til draw tb. · attention 01 the public to tb e terrible conditiona wbich wiU obtain .in in a. war in "hich there .afl' no meaD'! of for tbe lic).. and ,", 'ounded. Without meana of lIuccour the wounded 1riJ1 be l eft to die in agony, '( It. it! now the time to OODIiider 80me practical way of alloviating eulfer- int; wbich must neooo'llrily follow if war i8 declared , and it l$ suggested that and ambulance units be formed and sent to Abyssinia at tbe carlie"" pol!<Iible " It I>! felt that there are thoUBanw of men and women in tbe Union who would Kladly give help if KI\'en tbe opportunity. .. •·unds -.rill be ueeded lor ali this work and by helping to provide for tbe au ppl)' aud maintenaooc of boe- pital __ th e misery of the wounded will be alleviated, " Pt 'NODS, boJllltI alld in.3htutiona illtereeted and willhing 10 helll in this C01II)1I1Ied in page 3 am TrX'LE HAWARL\TE , Ab}'l'3iolan In wbo addrea&cd the League of on be·balf of AbY>18inia at Henev," on September 4 He hllo8 preS<'ntod forocfu ll y ",ply to Italian Charges ap;alllllt it. NotblUg. however. It would .welll, un now pr",vent war. Congress Chaplain's Appeal Meeting To Precede Bloemfooteio Coofereoce Koranna Clicks To Be Recorded Raod Uoizersity's loteresting Task T HE Rev. Surgoon L. S. Motaepe, I (Box 773. Pretoria), Chaplain to AN atklmpt to make records of the the Tranavaal African Congreae, IJends olicks of tho Koranna for poat.erity thlt foUowing announcement for PlJb .' it! .bortly to be by t.wo Iicatioo: 01 the etaff of WItwatersrand UOIver· .. Aooording to the appeal made by , Bity. the President. general of tho . African The Kora.nllD. a Hottentot National Congre8ll, Dr. r. ka. I. Seme, Jangu. which WlIJ proba.bly 800U be 1 hereby lummou a. 01 all and 00 nact IKHlIld-reoord of biabopiJ and ciCflI:'lllen of tbe Nati,.-e basever taken. Some cburobea in tho 'l."'ransvaa) to be beld say It 18 related to tbo BUihman in tho Duggall Hall, Alarabastad, languages, ot hel'!f tbat it U8eiS the Pretoria, on Oetobor lfi, 1935, at 10 Bectional eyatelll of the Hamitic group, a.m., to lllake IIOme neoeeaary 1U"I'&llge.. wl1.ich found in the Sudan, with a mente before tbe BIOOlllfontkin con - vooabulary borrowed from the BtIol!h- vention whiob will be held on Decem · men. If an exact record of their speech ber IG . is taken, however, Koral\l1a can never It. is my deeite that we as African so dead a 1..Jin of reliKioo, should help ItnCleut Greek. for pronunciation th_ men to build up tho Mrican Will be known. nation." Mr. Gilbert ,}' esi of " Kai - Lami, " 1'. 0. Langa , C.P, arrived last week:- end from NaIl'll and 18 aL present staying with Air. an d 11m. W . .Balfour at Orlando. Ho ig enjoying htil vitiit and will It'avo tbe cilyon the 25th inatant for Cupo Prdvince. Mr. .Kalongolo. NkOlli, .ho bas during the I IUII 30 00611 under tbe Northern J(hodNlia C'l'()vf'ln- meot tI.'J "rick-layer. ill n01>l" 00 pt'"nsion. He joined tlw A "\I.E. Cbu.reb at ,"'ort; Jo.llle&On in 1931. At pf'l'"!ent h., 1lf a prooehcr.

Transcript of Britain Still Striving Hard To A vert War - UJ IR

WA BANTU The Mouthpiece of the Native Peoples Autbori .... to pabllah Co •• , Notice. .aectla. N.tI ..

__ V-,'_1._1._o-,NC'Co_"'cO CCo________ JOBHlfM.VBO, 2181' BarTa_UB, 1936. ~::.'r..=. Price 3d -----------~--------~----------~~~==----------

LAST LEAGUE MOVES FOR PEACE Britain Still Striving Hard To A vert War I talo -A byssinian Crisis

Very Grave English Warships Take Up Stations

In Mediterranean

NOTWITHSTANDING reports to tbe dfeet that tbe League flf NaLlous "III solve wllbn! dimeuJty tbe dispute betweeD Italy and Abyssinia . tbere Is DOW vil1uJ.I, 110 bope 01 avertlo, war.

Italy bas spent £85,000,000 00 btr prep.naliODs for war, and tbe cost of stodiog .. , tbousands 01 soldiery to Eritrea and Italian SomaUland- whlch are on the (roalien of Abyssinia-are mounting rapid I,.

"Do Jon lI~ink we have done alllhb fOT amusement?" Muuollni, the Italian oationalleader asked an interviewer. .. No, we shall press on,"

In spUe of this statement which Indicated Ibat notwithstanding wbat the League might do. Mussollni would attack Abyuinia, the news got about London on Monda)' afternoon tbat tbe Frencb Premier was working at a plan wbleb, It was tbougbt, would satisfy tbe Italian leader.

M. La,al is a member of the League Council Committee of Five. wblob is striving nl,bt and day to a,ert tbe calamity 01 war. Tbe sebeme wbleb Is being drawn up to avert this war will prob",ly sunest advisers for the EtbloplaD Government, some of wbom presumably would be Italians. Britain. In order to eQSure pellte may stili oller 10 «de a porlloD of SornaUland and tbe port of Zelia, while FraDlle may give a portioo of 'rench Somallland.

Meanwbile Britain tbough leading In ber role of peace maker Is determined tbat Italy shall not undermine ber rl,hu or Imptrll ber subjech.

Britain bas enormously IDerused ber sea forces 10 tbe Mediterranean, and now bas 2~ warships oft' tbe northtrn end of the 5u.,t Canal. !lbe has greatly strengtbened ber garrisons at Malh. and has erected booms across tbe barbour moutb to pre,ent subm:&rlne attack Irom tbe sea At Gibraltar, wblcb commands tbe enlf'Dee to tbe Mediterranean Sea from tbe Atlantic Ocean she bas so strengtbened ber position tbat sbe now commands stronglJ botb entrance inlo and ways out .1 tbe Mediterranea n Sea. The southern entranee to Gibraltar bas been closed to shIpping.

Mean.bUe an Italian submarine Hotilia bas gone to Malaga whieb Is one hundred miles norlb-east of Gibraltar.

Tbe r.spective naval forces of (ireat Britain. 'ranee, (wblcb Is supporting Britain), and haly are as follows:

Grn' Brl1.ain: 12 baUlesbips, 3 batUe cruisers, 8aircratt carriers, 53 cruisers, 142 destrOJers, and 51 submarines.

hance : 9 battlesl1.ips, I aircraft carrier, 18 Cfllisers, 70 destroyers, and 96 submarines.

Ital)' ; ~ battleships, I aiTeralt carrier, 24 eruisers, 99 destroyers, 69 sllbmarlnes.

BRITISH AND ITALIAN NAVAL MOVEMENTS IN Atben· It i. statf'd that a number

of Jta lldn woU'Ship!l are ooncentrd.ting 011 tbt' l. .. la"d (If Lt,roe off the coast of Turkey. Meanwbile the British MOth­terranean Floot is {'I!JC(:ted in Greek "Waters in (I-(>Iober .. on lt~ ~I\d IIUDUDer CrtUM."

Britain i~ &I:I.",mi.Jling 3011 aeroplalletl "Within faJl lantc of the )juez; ('anal.

Appeal Por Red Cross Help

f:;heik Bebarrlien. th~ repre«t'ntatlve in South Africa. of tilt: Emperor of Aby~~lDia, h,,-~ l.!oI'uf'(i tilt' follov.m~

authotl~NI eta.temf'nt dra .... mg atten­tion t-o the madcqu8(!y of the h08I)llal facilitietlll1 Et.hiopia

"~helk .Bebardien dhlr{'~ til draw tb.· attention 01 the public to tbe terrible conditiona wbich wiU obtain .in Aby~~lDi~ in a. war in "hich there .afl' no meaD'! of providiu~ for tbe lic)..

and ,",'ounded. Without meana of lIuccour the wounded 1riJ1 be left to die in agony,

'(It. it! now the time to OODIiider 80me practical way of alloviating eulfer­int; wbich must neooo'llrily follow if war i8 declared , and it l$ suggested that ho~pital and ambulance units be formed and sent to Abyssinia at tbe carlie"" pol!<Iible momen~.

" It I>! felt that there are thoUBanw of men and women in tbe Union who would Kladly give help if KI\'en tbe opportunity.

.. • ·unds -.rill be ueeded lor ali this work and by helping to provide for tbe au ppl)' aud maintenaooc of boe­pital __ the misery of the wounded will be alleviated,

" Pt'NODS, boJllltI alld in.3htutiona illtereeted and willhing 10 helll in this

C01II)1I1Ied in page 3

am TrX'LE HAWARL\TE, Ab}'l'3iolan AliDl~t{'t In Pilri~ . wbo addrea&cd the League of Ndioo~ on be·balf of AbY>18inia at Henev," on September 4 He hllo8 preS<'ntod forocfully hi~ eountry'~ ",ply to Italian Charges ap;alllllt it. NotblUg. however. It would .welll, un now pr",vent war.

Congress Chaplain's Appeal

Meeting To Precede Bloemfooteio Coofereoce

Koranna Clicks To Be Recorded

Raod Uoizersity's loteresting Task

THE Rev. Surgoon L. S. Motaepe, I (Box 773. Pretoria), Chaplain to AN atklmpt to make records of the

the Tranavaal African Congreae, IJends olicks of tho Koranna for poat.erity thlt foUowing announcement for PlJb. ' it! .bortly to be m~o by t.wo me~be", Iicatioo: 01 the etaff of WItwatersrand UOIver·

.. Aooording to the appeal made by , Bity. the President. general of tho . African The Kora.nllD. ~peak a Hottentot National Congre8ll, Dr. r. ka. I. Seme, Jangu. which WlIJ proba.bly 800U be 1 hereby lummou a. 01 all en~llotl, and 00 nact IKHlIld-reoord of biabopiJ and ciCflI:'lllen of tbe Nati,.-e thell".s~h basever ~n taken. Some cburobea in tho 'l."'ransvaa) to be beld say It 18 related to tbo BUihman in tho Duggall Hall, Alarabastad, languages, othel'!f tbat it U8eiS the Pretoria, on Oetobor lfi, 1935, at 10 Bectional eyatelll of the Hamitic group, a.m., to lllake IIOme neoeeaary 1U"I'&llge.. wl1.ich found in the Sudan, with a mente before tbe BIOOlllfontkin con - vooabulary borrowed from the BtIol!h­vention whiob will be held on Decem · men. If an exact record of their speech ber IG. is taken, however, Koral\l1a can never

It. is my deeite that we as African beoom~ so dead a languB~ a.~ 1..Jin of reliKioo, should help o~ ItnCleut Greek. for It.~ pronunciat ion th_ men to build up tho Mrican Will be known. nation."

• Mr. Gilbert ,}'esi of " Kai -Lami, "

1'.0. Langa, C.P, arrived last week:­end from NaIl'll and 18 aL present staying with Air. and 11m. W . .Balfour at Orlando. Ho ig enjoying htil vitiit and will It'avo tbe cilyon the 25th inatant for Cupo Prdvince.

• Mr. .Kalongolo. NkOlli, .ho bas

during the IIUII 30 .\'t'ar~ 00611 wOrItiIl~ under tbe Northern J(hodNlia C'l'()vf'ln­meot tI.'J "rick-layer. ill n01>l" 00 pt'"nsion. He joined tlw A "\I.E. Cbu.reb at ,"'ort; Jo.llle&On in 1931. At pf'l'"!ent h. , 1lf a prooehcr.


--::...----=="'== B'061ft.~ •• • ~ &Qt:a,.

P.O. Boll: .su, J0fUIf1Q8BVlIO.

'"b/I, lIrd Wttll, . 6~IIaCII-lJ"11Q" R&~BT POBT) ,

Dr. Seme's Visit To Bloemfontein

uncha.ritable a9 it is unjusti­fil.bJe. The conference con­siders that. instead of tbe abolition of the existing Cape

f Native vote, the time bas come when fan citizen rights shall

One Veu 16/- be extended to African people A CORRESPONDEf...'T has favoured 7,. I f b th " f th uswith thefoUowing notes concern· Sb: III..... . ,_ 0 ~ e 0 er provlOces 0 e lng' event .. at Bloemfontein early io Three lI!_~h8 UD'OD

~==================_~===== f ,,'. I August. Although late, thcy wiD still '" Further. 10 the humble not be without interest tolre-aders of

.Bantu (!tmtetcli wa -21&1 SEPTEMBER, 1935,


THE third conference betlVef'n Africa.n chief6, headmef.l

a.nd representatives of Afrioans on thtt one hand, and tbb Native Allairs Committee on the other, cODvened by tbe Government to ascertain thf'l sentiment of Afrioaos on the Native Bills drafted by the Joint Seleot Committee of the Union Parliament, was recenl­ly held at Mafeking. It was notable for the extremely in· telligent eriticisms advanced by Africans, of the unfortunate legisle.tion proposed by the Government., Paramouot Chipf L. Montshioa, seoonded hy Dr S. M. 'Molema, thought, - quile rightly in our opioiOD,-tbat the Bills should he tre.nslated into various Bantu laoguages and oircula.ted. It was aJilo felt that & census of the Native population of the Union ebould be taken t.o "enable tbe Seleot Committee and the Govern ­ment \0 proceed On intelligent lines in their efforts to fiod land for demaroation as ad­ditional areas in VflriOUS pa.rts of the Union." It wae added, .. The conferenoe respeotfully requeate the Governwent to oonsider the expedienoe of pro· viding a far greater morgen age of land to existing Native areae than ie suggested in the BUl."

opinion of the conference, the Umteteli. Government should consider From August :1 to 5 the National tbe advi8!i.bility of making pro- E:tecutive of the African Na.ti.ona.1

. .. . Congress met under the leadership of Vlswn for direct representation Dr. P. ka 1. Seme Preaident General of of N ltive iotere8ts in provin- African National Congress first in the cial conncils of other provinces ~urt Room in tho L?caticm, a~d later II f the Uoi n" m the Y.M.C.A., With the kInd per·

The lastaiternative proposals ~iS8ion of Mr. A. A. MOotlhare the f b

" d"" h Secretary. Later, Mr. Ntionze, 00 Trustee .... re .-It-reac mg. aD inVite t e 10 the A.M.£. Church made: further ot]licil'm tha.t to oonfer filII arrangemeot6 that this most important citiZf'O rigbt8 on &11 Afrio&ns of Conference should sit and complete its tbe Union irrespective of t.bE'ir rwork. We muat thanl!: t~eseg?n~lemen st.-:lDd d rds f ed ncation won Id or what tbey done Illll.'l.SlStlllg ~he

O. ' local Bro.neh of the Congress Thus Dr. ?e e. retrog.rps~lve step. Here· Seme and the other delegates were 10, we t.hlnk, tbe conference able to acrompli.ah the purpooe for was less sound tban usual. which he Conferoooo was called, for,

But for 1 he rest of the pro- 38 will be seen "Umwteli " was able to pOSH-Is' we tbtok tbat tbey em- publish the resol~tion passed.

. , . News waa receIved of the death of body sound cntlClsm of the one of the most prominent leaders of SHIp": and ooght to Sf'rve their ' Congress, tho late Mr. C. S. Mabaso. purpolle in informing the Dr. Seme, hest known as the father GuvernmeDt of the strength of of Peaoo, met tbe local leader8 of the African oppositi D aod t.he CongrC&! a~d tho member~ of the

. a , Native AdVisory. when Mr. J. B. nature of It. Sesing presided. At the next 9008ion

• Dr. Some met the local residents in the

The halo-Abyssinian Crisis

THE Johannesburg Joint Q)!lflcil of EuropeilM and Africans has pub.

lished a r68olution condemning the proposed Italian attack on Abyssinia as being likely to affect adversely the relations between' Africans and Euro· pell-WI ill Union.

The resolution will, we hope, inspire the lea.dera of African opinion to make it clear that Britain is not on the Bide of HaJy in this matter: but baa Btrivcn night and da.y to penmade her not to start on this ca.mpaign in AbySllinia . Britain remains what Bile hB'l always boon, namely, aD enlighwnC<'j influence in world polities. She i~ giving sell.government to India and to Egypt----botb "coloured" coontriOd, and io doing that she is doing what no otller country io the world would have done. In this Abyssinia~\ dispute she hllB opposed Italy from tbe start: and, with the BUpport of France. will, if nOce&:lary, no doubt seek to put effective NlBtra.iot 01\ Italy. Thus, we hope that leaderB of African opinion will make it cltll,lr that mOilt of tho whiw r!\OO!l are striving hard to avert Wtlr: and that there iB no cause for race feeling in South Africa. 'rhe BritiBb 86Ction is againet MU680lini, and a Dutch High Commissioner, Mr. To Water, h88 gOm) to the length of declaring tha.t the Union will not hesitate to support other nations In applying sanctionB ( restraints) againBt Italy if necessary.

presence of tho above mentioD<ld Jeadere when the Doctor was informoo of the Sto.w CommiBsion now visiting the moro importaot centNlB of tbe llrbau MOM. ThOBe present asked Dr. Scme to lead the evidellce on be· half of tho Bloemiontein Loca.tion reaideotd before the St.o.te Commissiou. The local BrallOh under the chairman· sh ips of .Mr. Sam. Aug. Le6hoai COll'

vened several meetings of the local reeidentll to (188iBt Dr. Some in this important work with the help also of the Native Advisory Board.

The Rev. Z. R. Mahabane Wa.B

a.bsent ou his way to Bloemfoatein on Church matter'B.

Providing For Landless Africans

Urban Areas Talks Newcastle At

rHE future of Leunoxtown and Fair· leigh was diBou8llOd at Newcastle

!)Ome day! ago when the commission investigating the po8ition of Natives in urban areAS met at Newcastle.

If we mistako not, any oemus of Native population to-da.y would mako it c lear-as we pointed out in a reoent. editorial on the subjeot-that the mor~ prOVided for, and the monetary plan by whioh it was hoped to seoure the fuods to bring tha.t morgenage into Afri­oan handa, were both unllatis­faotory and liable to end in deadlook. This wonld happe~, we predicted. unlel!l8 the buge funde necesea.ry to make tbe plan eflee~ive, were steadily and DonsisteaUy provided. And we

doubted ", tbo •• fUDd. Workers For Peace would be made available.

The opportunity efforded Native8 to acquire land at Lennoxtown and Pair· Ie.igh WM, Baid Mr. 0_ R Nol, lot P., agail1llt ihe (Ieclarod polioy of tbe Oovernment_ If tbe Government wh<hed to ar"""t the inlllU' of Natil'es from the rom! areas to the towns, he said. lhey would ha ve to adopt a 10ng-nl-U$Ce policy to provide for la.nd· leu Nativ6ol, and they sbould hue the ri~bt to mO\'e the Xatives to landt pro ... ided,

Joint Council's View Of Abyssinian Crisis

The oonference expressed ita emphatio opposition to the proposala contained in the Re· pre!:tenta'ion of Natives .8tll whioh would have effect of A T a meeting oI the JoballJl8lburg abolishing the fraDohiae right! JOIOt. Counell of Euro~08 and oonferred lome SO years ago AJrkans held on Moncia.y, &lpwmber on the Afrioan people of the 9, lM following l'I3II01ution W'M prrrd ;

.. The Joint. Q)uncil of EoropeanB Cape in common with other and A.fricans upI': m it.J gra ... e appre-8eGtions of the Provinoe. Tbe hension conoerning the bad effect upon Conferenoe remarked on this tbto relation bet1"eeD the _hite aod

lIoiDt : •• that the propOfJal to nOll· white race; oI the 'IItOrld. lI.bouhl t " f h • war break. out betweeo Italy and epri'f'8 & eee lOn 0 t e popu- - ..... _J. .... ___ .~.. . t

" f "t" "h"" d .-\ V_UUB.. -,-ne QUlh ....... ocu -..,..... .. lab~n 0 CI a~eD ng t8 18 In. e- itMIf lnth all bodiee working far a feu8lble frllm every ethlc~1 pt .,.(u1 solution 01 the It&lo~ point of vit..... bel!ides being 8! 1 --\bJ"'Slnia.n conJtirt ..

]twu ~<reod to appoint a committee to in\·lIIItiR'at .. the poo!it.icm at Lennox· to..-n and Fa.irlei~h &tid the q\lel!tion of incorpamti"r) In !I.~e'll'CMtle. AU wit­n.eIJIN -apl'e<l that eonditione in the t.wo to'll'llllruP'1 were \-,'ry bad &tid con· Btltut.ed a da~er to Xewcutlo .

Nati ... e Billl and baa wnt~n t:rt.en· ~veJy on Nat!'''e ,-!ueetioru.

He ill &1so a man of lICientiSe repuu.. bi.I 8pe!!'1al Jn~ ~ a.M.rtmOrny. He play.d • pl'<..minen\' pact. in the work of tbe s.-,uth A..ociation for the A'IV&OOt'meot (,f Sciror>e.

Dr. A. W. Roberts To Retire

-Faithful Friend Of The African

---Ax important ehan~e I~ beiu l­

"'bN' :cma.. ... 10_ e J: at.H·o Affairs ('.oD\Uiis~ioll frOUl winch the old~t melUOOr. Dr- \' \~. Roh.ert-~ .• D.Sr .. F RS:g. lo'.R.A S· WIll rdlro In Nov(,lOhor. Ue will bt; succeeded by Mr. n. lIMton NichoU. M.P. for Zullllll-nd, who ha.s " .. " '.

" I" I "6' '-"'!l" PI'IJ' mlOent y It <'nt.1 .... d WIth Nativl11\< " "'" '" ] "] . .'" nnLl. ,,-,(I. 1\' e ogl~ nt.10!1 fllr milO"

and waq a m('mber of tilL' Parh,;,":",' J .,"] '" ary . 0111· ~e (l("t C'.omtlliHM Olt tl

Nathoo Bills. !~ Dr. R~h('rt.~ hM bootl a mt'IDbt'r of

tne NatIve'I CoUlIlli&!ion qitl its inceptiol\ in Hl20 and bas had ~,..\'6

f "' -" YQar:' 0 UHm -crrnpt.ed .. ('rdoo. To th;,

Natl,eg Aen('ro.lly he j~ kuo"n ~ tl "Wbite }'ather," W

He S(lr\'cd in lhe R('llatt' for eil(ht years, '~'a.~ a mcmber of the N&ti\'~ EcolloDlJ~ CO!!I.mi'l6ion, and b3.'i Le..'1l closcl.)' l(lon~ltiod with all matt •. 1'!\

alJcctlug NatIVe!! for many yO¥"<. ScientIfic Work,

He WIl-'l closely ~~oc-iu.lou witb tb~ Lovedale <?ollege at the Cal)(), smt hM don~ l>artlcuJariy.good servloo In ('tin.

ncctlon "nth Natl"'O JoJducation. Dr. Robert!! pf(\'!idcd at I!everal OQ!lfOrtJll(~'~ ?f Nati..-~ chiefs .lIlOrtly aftor till! tl",~ IntroductJon of Gtl!1Or/d lIortwg'~

Continued 111 prel,jou-8 collmm

No deposit required

Bu .... tI,O furniture you roquiru from us. Wo Im\'(\ a reputation for Bupplying good furnilul'C, and our terms aro Iho eaai{\'jt.

'I'his Imaul.Jflll Suite Clonl!i~ting of tl. tahlo and <l cbairtl can be hn.d on terms of


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th .. bP.o~ pori.. .bl .. gr.ono· -p1o~. Prj, ... t:\!_ 10. 0.

inclutlln~ I) rer'lQrde and 2 liM of nMdlt<' Call 1J6 b.d 011

lA·rm. of :!IJ/. J1I'~t payment. and


\Vnt..- to u for a r.&uI0l(U8, awl uU W! ... ha.t .nit! ..... \lIJU r6q'uno, .nd ~" Mh."J gi"l'i'ou lb.e I .... d\'J,,, wh,t hI utd(1'.

DEACON & CO., PO lku ~"J-i, r.AY. Tuw-.


Native Education Problems Last League Moves WAlfUD

500 More Teachers Required For Peace WANTED immPdiatel, a Native

None (~gietered Goyeram"nt Certificate 811f!otial) for ltiiMivn Hoe­pita', Tugela Feny. Nab!' Com­meooing .. Iary £G • monU! aud all fouod. Alia a few Yal6Deiee for Prob.tiouerl. minimum ,relimiuary qu.I.6oatiou St.audard VU. Apply, teudiug teatimoniale. to Mmu<".\L SVPa&l.lI'T.IlOfD"!(T.

Striking Evidence By Director cau..e are requCC'w,} to oommuoicate with the Emperor'. representatiye."

Ix hl~ f" • Id~nte at Pretoria before Ih. eommltlee appomted by the !o(jni.~teI

of tbe Interior to inquire IOt4) Natll""e e-iuca.tlon IIGme rlaya ago. ~lr. C. A. C. KWllhk ... TraDlvaal Dite('tor of FAu, atlon. mAlked that the policy of th(' 'hallBva.a.1 Fronnelal AlimlDllltrat10 n

in r~arrl ill Native education depended I"

upon the fuud!! available for the pllrporoe. lit KWlChke w~ of the opinion 'bat .Native edUca.t\OIl 10 tbe I,ro"inc(' ~hl)u.ld be banded over to tb .. .:\<111,·" Aff,,", Departmpnt. Morronr til(' Xative AfJa.if" Commi..."ion oll~ht to ilLcludo an edurational upo:·rt .... ho IIhoul,j 1>0<'ctly n"'pon.ibl .. to tht: l>t-partmcnt.

'lr. K\lIIchkc ~ubmltted to the c<lm­Wltte'f' • mcwoJ'IIWdum eurl'e)tnQ: Xath'c ednutlon In the province f~m l!t:!:1 t() 1034 The present regulatlOna harl IIN'n crltlCI~e<1 all being inadeqUAk in many roIpe<!tII, e6peciaHy in rel-;ard to Nati "0 teao.:here and thell conwtlow; of IICrVICC, but tbe answer WM tilat tbe" bad proved fairly BU("i.'('R,ful UI

operatHlD for over fivc yea~ Pa,meDt 01 Teachers' Salarlh

Thep lIerc designed to meet the ('banpeo-I oonwtioDII under which the delJartment bad a..'!6umed full respon· IlIt.lhty for the payment of the teach~ ' tlalarlell on the monetary baBis. and to 11('6ne on.. i}road haBia the Bbare of re~poi1f'lhihty Il9 betl'.ocn the Depart. Ilwnt and the Superintendent.

About :")00 additional teachel1l weTl' fe1luilt:d to ~t.a1J e:uetlng !-chools, tbe "'Itne"" ronilnucd. The actual num­I ... ·r of .ebool~ c:ilglblt' for re¢'trah('l1 "all (hllicuit. to a~rtaill

Need FOI Conlrol Th"rt: ,,"('re prohably at lea,t 30u

.. uch I("hool~ at tbe pr('::;ent timc, Binee tberll "::I." 110 law in the Trarulvar\1 Ileb)l.rfln~ allyone from starting a :\Iltiw .. :bool 311)·wbere. Them would apP"ar tl) he a great need for .. onle (·ontrol II',' till' Government over Xati\-I' ~.· i 'IJOI", if it wer<' deemed '\I'ce!I~lIry 1,,,' i>rl\"to ~choolll for EUfO' lteall 1111,1' f("j:l~krcd in til!" Depart. 111I"nt

Tt., re ,,01.8 .. 1..0 a JrOOtI deal of ad· \ "1'1<1' "riti(;l~m f)f t 11(' pre~ent ~.\·lla hu.-a, I,"t tht1 1Il"ltf r wa.~ bt-inll dealt With awl n.·w ~Jllab\U!cs wcre now in cnur80 (,f 0l~ ratIOn. d("(~lared )lr K\U!chk,·. H,' A,lut.l, '" furtll",. {·videnc{'. that if th,' ml HiOIl'lrle~ "ere ruled out. Natin· (,,1'1'".111011 "'oul,1 Itt.' hellilin.'! for failure.

• Umteteli's Big Competitions

Huge Response From All Parts of Union

O~( K a~all\ tiJ('r .. hall hetll n H'ry 11lfJl.t' ft'llpoo . ..e to Ul'llteteli'lI com·

p('htlUn ".bit-Ii clOll('>d IN'! w(l('k. Entfl~ hav{' l>N.-n r('(1!iH'oll frolll ail I""rt;. 01 tb. {'Ilion. tbe l"rotutuateo!l, til" Hhoolf'!1iL'I .n,l from Ih(' X(>rtb.

Th .. a,llllth"lu(Of!I atfJ workin~ ni~ht an'\ Ilay nn the work !lubmitteol and hop" 1<\ announoo tbl' retlulu In a few w('('u t,rot" .Iu. I<I('il !\.II thi~ 1.~ ,1011(1 til" am lit I <,aliI to th,· lIilllncm "Ill I., ~te<1 "II.

Tloe If ,t n"I"'1< . to tl" ... M,IU I~·tlthm all(>.,I-) I anotlwr I'Toot ~,I th"IlH AA'ISC,I lr, ulation(>f l·mh't.h .n \£1

• t bola (:' 1. b ('OL.I1,; 1& a rn,.1 II J"h n I 11"1 an 1111 .. Ith 'n(':1 t {'to., Un

Shots Alleged In flantation

Witnesses From Zion Apostolic Cborcb

One Ab~.n cbief baa uoti6ed that all adherents failing to .rally to the help of the country, 1rilI be W d in women's cloth", .nd!d..

Britain To Con,ult Emt A Renter mea~..&ge from Cairo says

tbat there were oonvenations on Mon­day between Net.~im the Egyptian Prime ?um_tt'r, and the Acting High Commi!l8ioner on the position of EK'i"P~ in tho event of W&r.

It i.~ learncd that tho Egyptian Government obtaioN a. written under·

_ taking from the Britl~h Goverumen' A ~TOR): of t.b~sboot.~aod wound· tbat Britain would not infrin~ any of In!'!: of a Nahye w~o ho a.n~ four \ E~ypt"a rigbt.~ and tbat tbe British

"thcn were .10 a pl .. ?tatlOn at ~ 0 clock authoriti~ will not take any ~f'6Cial I~ 'bo mommg .holding • rehg.ous ~r.. mea.:;ures in Egypt eJcept in agree-­YlC(', .was wid In .tbe Brakpan l'llaglS- meat with the E~y"ptian Go'·ernment. trate 8 court. dunng the week when. Tbe Italians hal'e ('reeted along the Wll1em Jacobus Joubert, aJ:too 28, a Egyptian frontier-from tbe sea. to municipal employe. ap~ before Jarajub, a distance of 150 milos-a Mr. R. At. W. Ha.we8,. ma.gv;trate. on a triple barbed wire feuce witb entangle­cbarge of ~u1t Wltb Intent t:o do ments six feet higb and wide. gnevoU! bodily bir.rl'll, or olternatlvely, Tbe Spanisb Government has begun of pointing !l" firearm. to strengthen the defencea of tbe

Three AfrIcans, two of tbcm dressed Baleario lslanW. in wbite robeB, gave evidooee, one of Tho Dutch·German frontier is to be tbcm sta.ting that tbey belonp;oo to I etrengtbened by HoUand which will tbe "Zlon·Apoetolio" Cburoh. build fortrea&e!'l noor tbe bridges. the~' vraJcd when mOl""OO by the Spltlt. The French newspapers are .. n.noo.;

Mr. } . Jonbert a~pl'ared for the that Britain ahould not support meM­Crown and Mr. W. G. Trolbp for tbe urea of too great severity against Italy defence. if tbe qUe8tion of tho need for reatnin-

Went III to Planlation ing Italy becomes acute as the of Leaguo of Nations meetings at Geneva.

Italy is striving bard througb ita press to pe.l'>;uado .Frauce to side with ber and not with Britain, which ill

Th(' death of Mn Amelia l4ja (J

.sophiato'l"l'n, took pla,'e on \l00n( ,IJ nlgbt. ltn. Gajana ~" tbe mll,h • of Mr. P.\ Gajana. wellll,no\\n In Tran~vaal ("ricket clrck- an,l Iwr dau~htl· 'If" Gajaea, a kho,,1 t<:l8Cil('r at tbe :-Ot. ("'prian' :-:;"h",,1 tiophiatQwn.· ,

Is it HARD to find a Job? E VEN ie tbele bard ,iEee, \ill man

who ie well educated will not bave to look loog for a good polition. Fiodiog and keeping a job i. ea.ier wben ,Oil have kno"ledp. Ttaiu YOlluelf develop your ability

get no"ledge in your 0"0

hOl'lla and in Jour own t.ime by mean. of a UDion CoI1el!e Corf!lepondenoe eoaree.

Ollr feel are 'l"ery 10.­from 10/. per montb . Ule of our Fre. AdTioe Servioe fill in tile ooupon and we Ih.U .end you foil informatiea at. no oo.t t.o YOIl.

:-':olomon, of t be State Minoe, said that on .he night of July 21 be was "Ith four other Natives, Juveosa, ,Jooeph, MaUhew and Sylv6I:!tcr. They went to a plantation near the location at ahout ~ o'clock in the morning to pray

more tban ever opposed to Ital,', _ unworthy adventure ill AbyltSin.ia.

Thus at the ele\'enth hour the The SecretalY. Onloa CoU"., -)lr Joubert: What form did your

praYCN take '-We were Bingin~ and al.o knclt down and prayed.

WhiL;t thus engaged, said Solomon, he >SaW the Iigbt of a torch about I!ix y(U"(is away. aad they an Btood.

Thcn there 11'3.'1 the sound of a Bhot, and tben another. Tbe ~econd "hot ~trlld.; him in tb(' groin.

I fell down and th(' pel'!!On put out tbe torch and wcut awa.y. My ('lIwllllOl{'ns carried roc away."

Tbe~ weI"(' originally ~ittillF in a ~mall CIrcle. They did not make a rWlh toward tbo light. The foticks the)" bad with them were OCl"('monial ijtick~.

The 8'icD, dcooratcd With coloured ""001 .... ",,,re produced.

The cue "' .. adjo\lrntd to ~eJltcmber ;!h.

• Ladysmith News

AMOXG tbO!l8 who re<'<'ntly Vialted tbe town were MEl8I!~ P. C. Zungu

(ltaliwanOl!!kop), A Ytehah , C. Mdladla (S" Cbads), Thea. A. Nene, P. Putini (Ekupumuleni), E. Dhlamini, Zeph. D. Oblamini (Dtiefontem), Zondi (Cundy­cleugb), L. Ns:umalo (Bluebank), J. Mashaba, A. E. Kw (SteinkoolBpruit.). B. D. Buteiflzi (Inkwuie), .MJaa C. Ngwenya (Good Hope), Mrs. B. Nkoai (Peacetown).

Mn. )t. M. J. Kubay of Dunkeld. JohanneF'burg hall returned to tbe City afwr a \""1IJit to hl'r mother '1111. Zeph, Uhlamini, who iB rerovefltlg from bt"r IlIn.., .•

"ott •• : On 7th Septemw Jnmpers Football ('tub met Will Zebra.'! Football ('Iull c.f 'I Chad' in II. fMt and eIciting, ,tf. E. (" .f,,1i (Doctor) of I>lIrl~'1I ",f,·reed. Rolh 11101 pla.yed. "'1"11. 1m! .fllwper' {'lc..ikd III 1'·l.III<in:.::. ')"Iwlr d( ft·nco wa.s 1101111 Z .. Lra.~ ' lor"l>TlI l.owmoCiI well but Il\Ckcoll fiul8h an.1 t ,.01. usel tl} altcUlI.t I • h t wil t.he.f umpcr Il'

, rolli •

question i .. "Pl"'rmOoot R8 to wbe~hor P .O. Bos: 3541, lobaa ... b1ll,. Hritish e£fom for peace wiU 8uooead. d"\h" Tbe general view 19 tbat tbey will 1 ~Ie~ len m~, WI o~ C6I Ot not obhga'loD, f~1I mlor.,'I(ID a~ot

Praycril for tho 8UCce,;a of British tbe couue whlcb I hIVe .arked wltb peacc efforts were offered 10 man, I all X. churches in Soutb Africa 18.I:lt Sunday. •. [allilb

(Walter Mvubu) wbo i~ at hia besttbia seMon. The match ended; ,Jumpers 3; Wild Zebraa I.

Later. RalOhowtl m('t Lily WhiteB. Tho fnrm .. r had a fl'W (.f jWlk'r play('lS ill the tce.m. Lily Whilt-s playl'd w{'11 against 0.1._ t,-!\m and the watch (·nded. Lil\' Whitu 3 Hainoowi nil.

.. Alli"'lDl Zulu

, .. Seaato •. Xo·. •. Sub .. oa ... Aritbmetic ... Hilter, • Ceolllpb, _. Alricoltore ... Sciuct ••. BooU:teplal ,. Sbortblad ... T,pcwrilia,

••!, IV, V, •.. Slud.rd, VI or VII ... JoaMtr CuLiI'iUle . . Matriu.lati .. ... T rannal H.tin

Teu.,,' hi ltd 3r4 Jun

... teatiaaal c...u· citl fn."t ...

.. DqTec La.i .. · tio .. Jo.ulas •

•• PdiCi E._,aa-ti .. , ..

.\ ml't"ti;l2: (.f li,'o :\atin chid~ and ~ome thirty nwn Will hd.1 at thc Lady. ,with Cou'rt rooln Oil 13th Xcptember to con!lider thc draft NatIve Bi1l9 . Aftcr di.~('\I~ion. thl' lUN:tmg wa9 adjourncd to :!1~t Rcptemtcr In ordor to in\·ite mor~ mCII of the educated class to attend. The n('xt p:encrai meeting \\ ill be held 00 1 J th October, and it i~ hoped that It will give it.e final oplnion on th(' pro~d ~ative legislation. Chief W S. Kumalo L~ tbe convener of tbo me<'tinWl·

Name .......................................... .

Addrell ...................................... ..

................. ' ...................... .. J. U. W. II. 11" •• - -

INANDA SEMINARY A large Scbool for Banto Girls.


Apply to:


UILIH ... 'Y J.e., Sta"d •• d VIII t;1"adud V11 ~tf,adard VI laJusl ... 1 Coune ' 1'10..,., re ....

THY. PRl!SCIPAL, I.uro,o, 8IlVlIC.a .. ,

aad 1:-"

l' .... a. !S ... r.J..


For Our Women Readers

Cookery H • t I n (By :-il"TEn KOLLIK)

Good Manners A Little Talk

(BY J . J. M.)

'{ HIS weck take in\(lhd cookery, be· caullO th('r(' has lK'f.'n ~o milch fiu

10 the countr\' and ,",ulIIe bomes may vet be nUr8il~g a patH'nt. It is Im­Portant to kno,", 1':'8o<: tl.\' whaL to sive ,1 ~icL. person III the home, 8ofl(lsome­tim('~ the 1I11r.;1Ilg: party getJl diS· appointed if the patient refuses to take any of the gener"l meals.

WRn..sT you labour to enrich your

1. Poinh to bear 1/"1 .Muld -Re­luember a siek IJcrson dOCll not want anything higbl.... flavoured or with a hi~b smell.

2. Tbe taste of a sick persoll i9 cxaggcmted, OV('i1 lI. little sugar may ta.~te too sweet

3. Avoid aoy rich food, or oily

minds with e.<~eutial virtuCIJ, and to make youraelf competent in domes­tic management, you sh('nld nol neglect to pursue those grace:! and acquire­ments w ieh may ijOt your good poiots in the mo~t advllntagoou~ light, adorn. your manners, and enlarKo your uoder­standing; and this. not in the spirit of vanity, but with the laudable object of rendorillg yourself m()ro useful to

!!ravy. your fellow-creatul"CB. 4. Flwds are much more palatable Politeness of bebaviour, nnd the at.

and t-empting than solids. tainment of such branchc~ of know-s. Above all, cleanliness should ledge and such art./J and aocomplisb­

reign in a !lick room. Tho dishes ments as are proper to : ... our sex, serl"ed must be clean and should have capacity, (lod station, will Ilrovc a pleasing appoo.rallcc, vaillable to yourself through lifo, and

Invalid Beef Tea will make you the more desirable a :'\lince lean gravy boof. Put it into compallion. Tbe neglect of thom may

a- jar ~'O"er it with wat.:::r, add a little rcuon.ably he deemed neglcct of duty, --alt and. stir it with a spoon, cover since it is \Jfidoubtcdly our duty to and pllt the jar into a saucepan with cultivate the powers cntrush·j to u~, the water reaching into the middle of and to rcndcr ourselves ~ perfect as t hE' pot., and steam for four hours and a. we can. 11alf. See that the water does not dry Nothing i~ so st rong a r<: (, m~nd· up in the saucepan, at.rain carefully ation a~ politeness Thi! q'w:o'\'-SO :illdgive to the patient. uni .... ersally admired and n· I ·cted,

B~ef Tea Cust:ud but so rardy po.<. e~,;ed in all eminent , .. dt'"gtec-is well wortb tbe po~~e~~lfig. T\\o nowly-Iald eggs. Bcat Itp two You muSt. a lways appear IIltere~tc~ iu l

yolks and aud white of e~t:~, add a what IS said, and endeavour t{) Im-1'1Ileh of salt, t.hen a small cupful of I pro\·o your.;elf by It In your father's bt'"ef tea. Put 1O a. small ba~1Il and house Ot III your own home It i~ .t{'am o\er a much smaller ~alleepan, certaH}ly proper for you to be conrteous SO that the bottom of the ha.~Jn d<le;l to th" guest and talk to them in your not lSlnk to the bottom of ~aucepan turn-with modesty and respect if '1'he water should simmer till cu~tard they encourage you in conversation. set!:!. Another method LS to tbe It i~ unseemly to interrupt or to laugh eust-ard Ul tbe oven till !let. rudely at a person. I am sorry to aay

COIR Flour Gruel this is of tell observed in young ladie~, who little deserve tha.t titlo whibt they lIldulge their over· flowing spIrits in defiance of good manners.


(By W. JrYA., East Londou)

I would to commend Bantu ladlc~ on t he articles they have contribut·

ed from time to time to "Umtet.eli ," as theso are belpful to young folks be­fore marriage and after,

1 also would like to lIay a lew,; words on the subject. 1t is a livinjl; fad that lIlarrlllge ill the legal and moral provision for generation among human kind. Union of the m~Cllhne Rnd feminine qualities constituteo:l completeness. Tbe masculine mind r('aches a higher tone through certain e lcments of the feminine, wlule tho femiuine mind gain~ courago 8.ud stnmgth through mll~c\l l iue quahtiea. TbO!lC di(Jereot elemeoh join together natura.lly with ooch other, and their true harmony is in spiritual onelles~. Both BUC!I should be loving, pure and true. Beauty, wealth or fame is not enough to moot t be demands of the affectiOn9 and sLou ld never stand or woigh against the better c1alm~ of intelect, goodnc98 and virtue. Marriage is unblC!t or binet, &<:COrd­ing to the disappointmen1.9 it iovolvCil or the hop&~ it flilSh. I think marriage shd\JJd improve human kind If they can U,JC It as a baorrier again~t

common faul'" or rathtr '_!lIural ' HI _

duct ; £IS a mntter of fnct It ought " II a prntuction to II. .... ile ami Ml~I\ll:;th t~ 8 hushami, lind It ~h ,uld hf' , C'1Ih. for theu affllCtion1l. '

. Thi.q, hOl1,cver In III maj(>rLtyof C tieol,

L'I not lh prQIICnt tcndcocy, and . hl'! Becnulle there aTe fatal wiatalr.esunol" r_ mining the foundation of marri ,! "_ Young folk, overlook a Ulo~t imM~ ant question, when they arf' ("nga).:~1 that a mulunl ul1dcr~tandil~ ~hoIL1,i exi>!t bctwt)I'u them hefore runnin~ tQ

take the '-0". "UntiU death do '1. Ilflrl ." We nil know that III arnlll"f'd union'! produce di!leord. Matrim;'IIV shoull\ ne,-cr be cllt"red Into without ~ full recognition of it.~ endurin~ ohh.,_ Iltion~ on both ijid(·~. Som("tiulf'~ "I jealou1 husband confinel himJOIl \\ Itlllll his hou~e. though he is lure, ,,~ lie aih there, that hi~ keeping watch WIll nevt'r create the .. w~t int.erchafu, .... of confidence and love, and a~ain .. wandering de.ire for a lot of ontl'rtAln_ meJlt~ out "Ide tho home circle I~ .. P ~.r practice for the happlne~ of 1II'e<lIock Home is the dearest spot ou earth, and it should be the con~h', thou~h not the bouodary, of afteNlon< .\ wifo ought not to court vulgar t·xtu. va~ance or stupid ca~o bec).u"e hpr hu,;band Sll ppli03 bllt want.s. 8hl: mu,t try to help and please him day in ;11\,1 day out, Ilnn must nover req ll1rC IIf·r

Oorali"ua ill pGgt 15

O .. r 150,000 N.Ii ... U ••


Because tbeyare

the very b •• 1 .Dd gi.. DO Ir.abl •.

Don't be hllmbugged buy (Si03"'f ONLY). - Qill at an1 S.ngt', Sbop or _ olle 01 011. ai!l!nU-IM Pnoe and T",'<lII. .. Be"are of ao oaUed ..-oond band S;OIl~' aetnlll machine,", adverti ... d by de.le... Tb_ are lIloetly bed], "oro ... aob,oe. bllut up foreign parta, and .. ono~ be oI_d l1li geouin e Singor 1Ie",ng m&obitltll."

Anything with cornflour can be used when a. patient suHers from dygenlry or diarrhoea., as it t-ends towards con­stipating a patient and is easy t-o digest.

I t tea<!poonful cornOOur-a little cold

Thero are plenty of subjects enough

tbat are innocent, and on which you :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ may free ly indulge the vivacity of your I spirit.s, for we would not conedmn you to perpertual seriousness, on the con· I teMpoonful 9ugar.

:7Ilix cornflour a.nd sugar, add water, and boil till it. sets and the gruel is clear and jelly-like. Serve hot, j\l8t like porridge.

Oatmeal Gruel

2 tablespoons oatmeal. I teMpoon sugar. 1 cup of milk. I cup boiling water. Salt. llix oatmeal , sugar, Ball. and pour

into boiling water. Cook for 30 minutes; tben strain add milk; beat. alld serve bot.

Egg Hog I egg, 1 cup milk, I teft3poon sugar,

nutmeg. Beat egg thoroughly add Illilk and 6ngar. Strain through a fine I!le\·e. Grade over a little nutmeg.

Scrambled Eggs tT To each egg add 2 tablespoons of milk, a Ji~t1e salt, butter and pepper. Beat egg slightly. Add milk, salt and pepper, Heat pan and add butter. When melted add mixture. Cook until creamy, 8tirring and scrapping the bot· tom of pan. Serve hot io tout.

To be CoJltti,,1Ud

• Birth

REV. and ]'lrs. E. A. Baqwa of Nnncefield of a daughter, Mother

and baby well.

rOltS. Thie is bad, especially among oW' eduea.ted men. Uncharlta.ble gO>'sipin~ i~ a thlllg to gi~6 a. miss tn. Lct k.indJy thoughts 11re,·al1-

trary, there i~ nothing like a jOyOUi and happy, but well·controlled dis· pollition at all ages.

Gossiping (By Elr~ICE v. YAHINDISA)

GOSSIPING is a s ign of empty-hcadedncss. It proooeds from

I ck of principle Gossiping makes mischief in many of our homes. Men and WOOlen often indulge in it to tbeir hurt and to that of others Like all habits, its beginnings are not notice­able but It. can grow to abnormal heights. When one tells another 90me­thing, the other does not wish to appear behind the timCII. She tells sometbing in exchange. So far it ill only the satmaetion of natural curiOllity. People alway like «> hear the latest newt!.

Unforttwately good" news" become exhausted but, to our ganolous men and women, that is merely a temporary phaae. " Did you aee so and so 1 Bow proud she ia!" From tbat a. torrent of ab\l86 fall& upon the unlucky absentee.

One never knows what g068ipers think till their remarks are given in confidence " I only say thill to you bccau>,e 1 know the matter will not apread" Oh that sentenoe! It de· feats its own purpose. The matter spreads like hot cakes. Evil news Ilies fast. The lI:ossipers' tongues touch all, good and bad alike. The mischief is like a. \'o loano which lIe\'er ,n previolU column.


Wrot~ to Colman-Kun (A'r.a) lrd., P.O. Boll 1091, C:apetown, fOf" ~ FREE cop)' of " M)' Book.." It has 56 paces of Coad news for ~II moth",", anO tells now ),ou ",<><lId 'ud· )'9Ursetf properly befMIt &lid after the chdd .s born. and it also tells ),011 how to look after the baby if .t il ~icl, .

"PATENT" , I1S-6.0

Some women get sick be­cause they are not so strong as others, and this means they haven't enough brelSt milk for the baby. In uses like this doctors say It Is best for the mother to take Robinson's • Patent' Groats to make her strong. Give Robioson's • Patent' Barley to the child with ordinary cow's milk. It makes cow's milk next best to mother's milk. Try this and see ehe difference in your baby and yourself.



TOWN AND COUNTRY NEWS Topics Of Interest To Africans

National Sunday School Essay Competition For Bantu

Alrlcan Yearly Relister

We had hO)l':'I\, "hl'lI .til€' .\ll'i'lllI Ye;\flv HeJ.!:l~h'r WIlS hr-;t p\1hIJ'h­

f'tlm{\l'(, tium IhrN YI'n1'S '1j.:1>. Ihal h.1 now !\ "I!<'oml, or rt'vi~I'11 ('dilioll ('of Ihnt 1ll01ll1l1wnta,1 work \\lml,1 IU\\I' 11I.'1'1l compikd, . .\~ ,I ]1\(111('1' of fad. lah' ill~t V('ar anll (lg(l1l1 01 th(' opening «I illli year. \II' lWI",!-: I \'I'II. II, umkf"Ulld _1<'11'4 WI'n.' 111'11Ig- tnk('l1 fot' the- rt'\'I~WII ,m<II'II\0I1) .. ·,'11II'1\t pf tlH,~ prbent I,,\ition. :\ow 'I" I\[(' 1wa<huj: for thl' • lost, "I anolh"1 ,\'1'.,]' hut nothin/Z ~I'('m ttl I,,' fnrthn'lIIinj!.

TIll'ft' ;~ no H a""11 to ,1011\11 th.11 til\' fir,.t ;".11<' w<\.~ .1 f:UIIT 111111'1'11:\

ehl'apt'r ri'i,rmt w.h I'[OIlu('(',\ ttl Lnn:..: the hook within til<' r<>adl 01 1'1'1'1'.'­

intell iJ.!:f..'lIt Afrlc.Il\, It 1\('oll1tll~' a ~,\<I refledioll If tlU' .. \frit-an COlllllllllllti h in for allothtl' "I th(lo<l' p • .'rio,\!' ,h· appointment~ in thi, ennlll',·tillil.

Ba ntu Dramatic Sociely

Mort' than thrf'l' m()nth~ tI~o. II "a~ announce,l that til(' .J ollfllllle~hllrj: Bantu Dramatll' :-';o.:id.\' \I\'n' llrt'I)''l.1 ing 10 prod uct' a~crio'I'o lll i<' plnl- en: tit led "Tho folht·.~ of th(' &ntu, Nothing, hOl'l'evj<I', ~~'m~ to IIn\'e CQlUe of it WI' arc ~ t ll1 \1!\1t111I/:. It "ould be rcgrettablc if Ihl' Jl rod~ct ion"of t hnt p lay wn, heM up by the '"pht whIch \fa'! rumoured to ha]"!' ta \;.('\1 place 111 t he Dramatic ~ei l't,\', H ow(' \'er , con, firmation of that ru llIour ('ould not b(' c>tabli~hl·ll. 0)\ the ol hel' hand it I~ JIO""ible tbat during ~he winter months t he society found It ddfu.'ult to rcbear-e, but With the adn·nt of \I Rrmer weather t here j" IIV reMon why till' Dra matiC' Societ\' should not begin it" go(Xl work ~~ain ~erio\l~ly, ThcS(' perludic InpEl('~ in the cultm.ll life of the RI'C'f Bantn are di~al'pointlll!!:.

Order or Elks What h,), hapI>(:nt,.1 tn till' ,Tuhnn­

nt-_hur. Or<lf'f "f Elk1' 'fh(' la<t that we hea~,l ;IIlU ',n\ "f it w.,< IllIrlll)! til<' c('It'\Jratiml' 01 His :'ILlJI'ly KlIIJ.! Gl'(lr~l' y', :<'11\1'1 .Jl1hlkf'. marklllJ! tl1<' completion of hi'!. ~.) ~I'ar>; r':'I';1I, On that 0I'C'.:I.o'1011 " \..uI'lut't (111 a w-alld ~clllt' wa,~ Io!:iven lit th(' Bantu )Ien's :-;odal l'('nfrt, when more than l,tlll() Afrkan~ III .. \I'I'y \\alk of ilk fore, jlatlwretl to 1'''\: h<H~"gl' ;]n<1 pkllgc losalty \1) 1'-" 'I!LJt,~t.v thf'l "Kl11~: ~illcc th<'1 tLlIlg~ lUll'<' j:01\(' ftrll, It "ill I,,' ftulf'lIlhen.'I1 that \\11('11 II\I~ 1II01('mel,1 'I'I.l..~ "Iartcd \I'ill. nil l)Qnlp a.ntl cnelllOn\" Iypical of I'ducatcd Afri('an ,101111.''; In Jollal\nt'~hllr!;'. almo~t n recnrd was rr(>'lloo b~' tht' inter~'~t and enthu~i'I'lli ,\i~plaSed hy those_ 01 Ollr lM'tttf ('<!ucatl'd and Jlro~re"I"c detntnt __ .\t thaI time thl' Elk~ fur· n i~hed tbe l".~t tOllle for a n~'l>ody who had an),tbm' \\orth ~ayllll:: or li~tcrung to. Howl'v;r_ wh~1l the fe\('ri~b eI· citement sub-idt'd. and ~tark reali t ies of what th,-' lIlf)leul<'nt ~talld~ for. a~pirt',.. to, and expt'Cts from It - memo beJ'!'hip<;, illtere-ot waned and t he Order died ill It~ birth Tlle-c afP ~ad t hought,. reH{'Chn~ 1\.'; t bes do, 011

our eharalta a~ a IlCQplc,

Bible Stories Competit ion The ~l\lh Afri!'an Kahonal ~llnday

School A~<O{'iMioll nnnOUIII't' an ElI'~ay

competition for African~ 011 the,ubject \\ hl\t do you think arc th(\ throo

mo"t, mten'~t ing Bible >It{)ne~ for Bantu (' hihlren ," Full information may b(' obtllHlI't1 from tbe Nationa l SIII;day School As~o!'latlOn. p,O, Box 17, Port l~li1.ab('t b

Guest Night

011 l'nday, 13th tieptember, wn'l j!l\l~_1 night at the Bantu Men 's Social ('('nlre, tho fir~t since fo\pring ruad(\ it~I'lf fl'll, and it creat('d yet allOt her rerortl in att~lIIlance, NI)l)riy10() nlt:lUh':'rs and friends dann·d to tho ~tr,\ill~ of lUu~ic Ii .. ' Jazz :\Ianincl! B'\lI,l, who. incidentally. ~howed gl'Cat. iml'roycment ill theIr technll}lIC allli intcrpretation of jan; musi!'

Ba ntu Music

".\I"'lc Lover writing in Monday nigh!', .. ~tar." ~ay~_ 1 was very muc-h thrilled and i lupre-~ed by the Z\llu 1n\\.!ic rendered b\' the Bantu band on 10th Septelllbe~. 1 believe 1 alll upres-mg- the opinion of many mU~lc lo¥crs when 1 ~a\' t hat these llalliu should be encomaged to be proud of their own mu~ic. If such mll"ic ('ould be given once a fortnight or oneo a month, very \lOon ~uth Africa would hal-e somet hing to he l)roud of a nd t he Bantu would be con· tribll t ing their litt le bit in the music 1I0rl(I,"

Native Bills .. T he greatest' New Deal' that has

Her falle n to t he lot of any nation " ""as how 'II', Heaton Nicholls, M.P. for Znluland, de~cribeU the Nat ive BIII~ III an addres.' to t he Bantu ::-'tutlit"O Society of the University of th(\ \Vitl'l'ater.;rand. He emphasi~ed that be wa~ not eXI)Qlmding the Go\'emmtnt'~ view-point of the Bilk bnt was ginll!.: hi:; own interpretation a~ n member of the Sclea Committee on Xath'e BiIL~ ,<in!'e the ('oIlIlUl!tee'lI II\cq";on eigbt year, ago.

Death of Mr, Segale

Hh man\- frit-nds will be ~ad to b(>ar of tht' Ileatl, of ,lr. Hendrick .\ Rraujal)llnn ~ega!e. of :'Ilakolokot, Bt>thanie, on !tth SeI,temlwr, at th(' end\" &g<' of 41 .vear~. He hll(1 h",:,n ill for '_,owe time, an,l recenth- left Johanne~burg for hi;; home wht:r,' it \\a-" reporttd he was gradually r('C()¥('r, Illj:, Uj~ sudden death comes Il:i a !.huek to friend, and rolathcR, MI'. l:it'gale b mourned by his .voung Wife ami relatil-es to whom we exlcnd out' heartfelt. sympathy,




At the annual Congress of the Cape Prolince Agricultural J\&!ociatlon, Col. Denh Reitz, }I p" said that it was welf t hat the Cniou G<ll'emmcnt and t he Briti3h Gowrnment should realiSt' that the incorporation of t he Pro· t('('torat~ might affect Vitally the cattle farmel'll, but this was a national qUe!>tion, I t was definitely stated. in the Act of Union that t he incorporatIOn

f the Br it ish Protectorates muat cowe. The two Government's had practically agreed t hat a gradual c~ange.?ver was imminent and Col. ReItz slud It IliOS the Cnion Governments intention to bring about an alm~t impsroophblc chan~e. To begin WIth, the Ullion

I would take Ii greater part ill as~lstlllg tho Protectorates in combating locu.~t~. lIc wa~ cOi\fident that tile NatIve;. under the nile of the Union, would be jll~t as fairly treated a,~ under the pre,

People In the Hews Hc'r many frll'I1,I;J will \~, plea. 00 to

hNir that '\ll'll, rOl~~tanco Kotobc_ well known in JohannOlliJlIrg social cllx:lc.'!., i" makmg lltoody iltll'ro,'cmcnt towards colllplct(l rO!ltoration to health.

)fr. Jerry Hampela, who wa..~ well known in .JohallnMburg soccer circles, has bt.'cll 111 the citv Oil II short \'i.sit. llr. Rampela i1 no~ IK'ttl!lfl at Boon.~, \'cntcf3(lorp lIi3trict ..

i\liH~ ~: G MllIlibo, forlueriyof the CrO\\-'1 ~h n(\i Central HO$pital, ha.'! 8('coptefl 1111 nppointment as a. nUJll(l umlcr Dr, r.h ll " of 80pbiatown

Mr. S MolotMnc, afWr 'Vising friond~ III J ohnnno.,bllrg, Idt on Sunda,Y night for Blo('rufontcin.

"Ir. Benjamin Kwcla, of Cnpetown, arri\'ctl in Johanno.~bufg la.'!.t week

~rr. Bernard Reke.~e, commercial t.ra'\"cllcr, has left for th{' Free State on a bu~inOM trip.

"fr, t'ce ll lInyumaM, of pilU\'ille. Johannc ... burg, hM gon!' to Rh(Xl~ia,

Mr. G, 'Iolcfe, of .rabanne.ihurg, ha'i

left for Call1.·II)\\'II . :\fr, P. KII/l. 1\1' , 1'(11111)1 roial 'u\'ellci

of Johanlle>ohurg, n 'Bl hl',1 'ii,' OI'Y Iallt. week Irom the }'ne , W(, I"ft again on '1'u{)jda~' for Hhod&lIa.

A reot'nl "i"itor to ,Iobann('~bl\r)l i'4 Mr. Ilax Yerltnn of the :itl1<it'nt Christian N80datton. Furt Ihre. C I'

A baby boy W8i born to llr, anll MN. Androw Molatole of SopluatowlI, ,Johannoshurg, la4 SIlturdaJ'

Mr. Elia..'!. Q Mokl1cnn. tr(\V{'lIcr, Joba.nno.'!hurg, a.('('omp.'l.nied by lft. S, Thebchaii, paid a \'i"it to (:erllli"ton on Sunday nfwrnoon. Th('.v "I'rc tho glle-t>! of R(lv, and ~IN,.I .'(al('nge of tho Ethopian ChurC'h of RA.

The General Pnrl)QOO-'! ('.()ll1ml~tOe of tho Joha.nne~I.Hlrj! City ('ouncil 1111.\0 decided that a £1111 Counril dchuk should be hf..'ld on tllIl qlu"tlOn of eo!tablishin~ kllflr hut eanOC'(!I~' and eating how;e~ unlit r wUni('lpal control. The deha\(' wa~ h(·If! on 'l'uur><d,\y 12th Scpt(>lnlM'r nt, ,p< .-Htl m, ,tin~ of the Cit.\' ('OUII('II.

EDWALENI INDUSTRI AL SCHOOL l'nr th~ Cbr;,hIlD education of"e bo,J. OHen coune8 ;n the followlOg IUbj~:tl.

Tenoi"8 of a"lu end SkioJ combioe'" w;'b Le.tber Cb~mi~l.y. Te,lo.,njj:. t·e.pentry with M..:.hine Wood Work, u..the. Work. ( .. hieh Includ.~ the repai.iag end making of 8hoe', S!lo ...... te., B,. oe5ee8 •• nd ".TioIU tblOg4 ou~ of lelll"", lin'" .kine),

lind Motor Mech'n;es.


FOR 1'1l0,r&C'nJ', WRtt&

J. S. RICE, Principal, b.ingolweni P.O,.

~ - ...

II He!

Phatsimo e Kakang" Ba!ebetBi ba Batala ba ea ra ta ho eebeJiea Bon Am ~ hobano ha e hlakolo han tle feel. ompa Ie h OD. e e . bcntl'.. FAite. e et •• moebet.i kapeie Ie ha heoolo, Ie hooa 1

Lek. Bon. Ami Illori fiog o. hao Ie likha· meloog. U tla fum. na hore e Ii hl, tlloa bantle ha bolo-hore ha e Ii Ie booa ha e .enye pbp,Lsimo ea hona joaleka ntho tIe ling ts, hoashang, tee aa benta'aog. U­tla rata kamoo Bon Ami e h lakolang hanUe _e e. aie aeputa, monil ho 0 mobe kapa bohluoa ba teila,

N.t.l .

Itllbo ... D., AtII. tltlDd\l . In.DhtD, Am. · ~lInlu. , IDkoll \l to~ Bonlte Oqonaqo.


f.n • • t Britui.. Ittlll".' DU h,.lI,

I-iou~ Government, Col. Reitz 8aid it would be II. mi_~·

take if tht' Association pRl'--<ed 11 reo.olu· tion a.~kinJ! the Gowrnment not to I incorporate the Protectorntt'

BON AMI e hlakola kapele-ha e ngoape



Kroonstad Jottings And Doings Natives In Urban


MEMBERS of the Na"i'fe Urban CommiNion inl peet.ed. tbo Looa

tion and Baotu ecbooll IN t wl!ek. The town couocil wat repreae otcd by the Mayor, Councillors A. Krebeer a nd Rautenbach, and the town olerk (Mr. J . R . Jo. b~rt . The rl" preeeo\8tive8 of the Joint Coun(' il of Europeans aod Afrioans were Rev . Fr Charlci Martin , S .S M, aDd Mr. R. A. Sello. The Location Ratepayers ' Auooiati on 00

behalf of the 8antu Commuoity Wll.@

repre8ented by M68u8 A Modihedi , (cbairman) Jobn Mllaha ; J oel Mnkhatla (Ieoretary) , D. M Chakane ; Keable'Mote and Mr. E K, Nlapo Rev. J. S. Litbeko repre@onted the Bantu Inter.Mioieteu' ASBOciltion. The Town Couocil opposed auy oew legilliation to limit the numbers of Natives into urban areal lor labour requiremeot.e. Reg . rdiog tbe ioflox ef rural Alriclnl into nrhao ar8111. t.he Connoil COllsidered that. leg .. 1 maobioery already ex-iated to co uoter· act tbie, aod tbat it only remained for tbe local autborities to enforce it_ It wu felt, bowenr, tblt much of the preeeo~ inftn coold be checked by improvement io houling conditions on the fIrm. and tbe iotroduction of written CGntrach.

Economie and Social InsecurU, Tbe evidence of repreletati vee of the

Joiot Conncil of Europeaol and Afri. oanll attribuled the influx of NativrII to the urban areal to the geoeflll economic and 8noial iosl'cu rity of Blnt.u life in the roral areas, R~eeves. and ProUiotoratea. Attention was drawn to the insecurity of farm labouren Cluled by low "a(l.e, tbe increale of population beyood nquire. ments of tbe farm ere Ind tbe com· parative attracti'feneBl of employmoot io the toW.I. It wal urged that there abould be pro'fieion withio tbe Inion of land for Alricaoe to ponue tbeir traditional 'fOCationl, and tbe eltab· Jilhment.e of a minimum wsge f, ' r farm worker. was another point. The repreeentetive of Maraballad amoog~t otber thinga duired the Couocil to buy t.beir bOullel, and prOVide more water luppiy to lanotioo a reduction of 9/. atandl' ratel and to auanRe for the inlltallation of more eleotric lightl

Natl'fe Advisor, Board

Late Mr. P. A. Joseph

Loss To Adelaide, C. P. THE late Mr. Percy Aeton Joeepb,

who d 'ed at Adelaide 00 6th September Wl8 born at Somerlet Eaat. He came to Adelaide in 1903. In 1907 he married Miu SUI"n Kolbe. A bui dor hy trlde, be worked al a hlreman uoder Mr . J. Ruuell, 000.· trllCtor, amI he eaw the .toady growth io tbe number of bouee8 io Adlllaide. Be wal highly reapected, as wal f'videoced at hie fuoeral on Sunday, 8t b September, when more tban 300 people ""ere preeent to pay tbeir I"t relpactll. Be i. eurvived by hit wife and oioe children (tbret eool aDd eix daua:hterl) Norse Adp.llide Joaeph il 00'" of tbe dlilugbterll Mlluy telegram. aDd lette ra of Iympa~by were reoeived

Wnatha were 8eot by Wife Ind children, Pucy, Giady8 and cbildreo (B .. dfordl, Eric, Violet Ind cbildren (Alic~), Charlie and Alice Willie, Joy, aod Billie. Lily aod Willie, motber and lath!"r (Som"uet Eut). Linnie and Frl'da (Some-reet. Bait), Peter, D,)fa aod cbildren (PMt E 1inbetb), Florrie aDd J oho nie (Someullt Ealt), Mr and Mre do PleNil(Bedlord), Mr. and Mrs. 'Went.worth (Bedfu.d), Mr and Mre. Sills, Mr. and Mr •. Fitr. Patriok, Mr. and Mra. J OO.'II and Denoi!!, Mr. and Mu. Steyn, Mr. and Mra. 8utjee aod Eddie, Mr. aDd Mfl . A Johannee aDd family, Mr. Ind Mre McKerry, Mr. aod Mrl Crouch aDd family, Mr . "od Mra. Williame and family , Mr. and Mrl W. Jobannel and rem ily, Mr. and Mre. Auretand Raobe!' Mr. aod Mre. K . Buuidenhont lod f. mily, Miae C. de Kock, Mr .• nd ttl". E. Murpby and family, Mr lod Mr •. Meinlj ... and family, Mr. and MrI. A. Adriaan and hmily, Mr. and Mrs. K . Fley and f~mily, Mill Jegel., Mill S Ngeoi, Mr •. A. Prince, Mf'I. Adami aDd family, Mr. and Mfl. Nel (Somer . • et Ealt).

The pIli bearerl were Meull C Hamburg, D Bennett, J. La Fleur. J McKerry, D. Phillipe and }~raok Adriun. 97\

• Randfontein News

Another nomioltion day for the MR. and Mra. Frank Nd .. b. are DOW

election of members of tbe Native reeidiog in the Bongweoi Location. Advieory Board bas been .et. dO'll'D Among recent arrivalll in Bongweni for 30Lb Sep~mber. lAat Sunday a are Mfa. C Femele and Mr. Johanose repreaentative gatberiog of resident' Oubevu of the Robin8on Compound. wall held at "D" Location on behalf Further com menta 00 the Doc.sioo of Mr Andrew Mokhemip.'. nodi- of tbe dedication of the 18 church dature. Amongat tboee prescot were buildinga bave beeD ,made. Fa~ber MelBrI Peter Moliee, Sol. Ngnanabl8e. Rill hal expressed ml08.1e~ feeh~g. 'lDd J Mokbatla. The meetif)~ 'IV"'\ about 80 many church bUlldloge bel~Fl eotbueia8tio aod a vote of co06deoce put up 00 alrooet. ooe place. He said "'" carried by a buge gatbering witb be yeltne t for tbe da,!o of a day WbfO ooly two diueotientl. Tbe Location I all .tbe churcb bUild loRI that were iobabitante are being encouraged to d rdlcated to God would be .one-.t he t ke their lite permitl day wben tbere would be no dles'UllollA

. but. unity and frateruity. Sodal and Persooal Of tbe 18 inltitutione t.wo have roade

Mr. aud Mu. J . Koalepe, of .. A" noteworthy mODEItary contributionl, Location, beld an enjoyable p,rty on vi:t., Paria Evangelic MiaBion, £6 0 0 13th Sepw,mber . Mr. and Mll. W. (Mr. Robert Malie alone oontributing Douglaaof" D" Location held a birth· £1 0 0); Wesleyan Chnrcb, £5 0 O. dayoelebrationofthf'ircbild. Amonglt • those pretent were Mr. and Mre. A Muumo, and Mr. and Mra J Koalepe.

To·day;e an Inter'loboul aportl day . The United Bantu Sc bool will play againat til. Amalgamated Jdethodiat School 61 Vereenigiog The Roman Catholic Sobool with play againet Betblehem.

Mill Roey Mogoye hal JeU for Vereenigill! 00 Ion extended ,.ili&.

Mr. Stephen Rallee, a well·known commereial traveller, apent the week· end here.

MeedamM S. K. Ramanane, O. Dhlamini both of Be'hlehem reptNent.

Conlinutd ill nu' colamn.

Notice T E. MANlNJWA, c/e Mr. H. E.

• Haigh, 70 Cape Road , Port Elizabeth, C.P., .. oold be glad to hear of hil fatber, Mr. Thom .. Beokett Maninjwa, who went tn JobanDeebnrg in January, 1935.

ing the Baotu Women LeaRDe, were the goelt of Rev. and M,... J. B. Litheko.

Rev. S. Moloantoa h .. gone '0 the Nortb·Weatern Free State on million work.



Held at Pr"klria.



Beld at Pretoria.

BETw5E" : Caee No. "839,3.').

MARIA MABOTA (born Gameda), Plaiotiff ". ¥ou are bereby lommoned to ap·

pear before, Court. at Z A.S.M. MARTIN MABUrA, Defeodao'. House, "99, Market Street, Pretoria To MARTIN MABUTA, a Native wbote on tbe 26th day of NO'fember, HI35, 6ud abode i. unlmown at 10 a.m to anewer the claim of JAOOBItT.&. MOENO (born RANYAWO), - You are bereby called upon to for Reltitution of Conjugil Rights, appear before tbit Honourable Coun failing wbich a divorce. kI be held at. Z A S.~. Boute, "99

FURTIII!IK plrtioulara frnm the Market Strl'et, Pretoria 00 the 2;:;th papera filed in above Coort. day of t\overober, 1936, at 10 o'elock

IF you do not appear 00 the laid in the (oreooon or 10 eooo thereafter date, judgment may be ginn in your a8 you cao be hurd, to anlllller tbe abeence. Plaintiff's claim aglinst you for retti.

nated at P retoria tbil 20d day of tution of conj~gl l righta ~ ailiog which September, 11:13(;. a decree 01 divorce a VinCUlO mll/ri.

monil , further puticulau whereof (Signed) H. \.,.. WARMER, bave heen filed in thi, offioe.

Registrar of the Court. Fnrther take notice that if you lail W. C. OCKERSE, to oomply with the allo'fe order, is

Attorney for Plaintiff, will be maiolAined that you do DO\ PO. B01 80, Nigel. dlspnUl the claim of tbe Plaiotin

aod the .. id PlaintiO may pr~eaci and judgOltlnt may be lAkeo in yoar ablt-noe.

'" BANTO NATIOHAL AID SOCiETY Dated at Pretoria tbi. 6tb day of

September, 103.3. NDIYAVAKALISA ndaye odie"zi,a

knwo oob amadoda ar.imaoye "weli qomru uknti ngombla woku I January, 1936, e Torton HaU, Ger. miston Looation, kobako iogquogqn. tela yalo Mbuto enjongo l. Vi report; 2 Conltitution; 3. lotonina emayi. qutywe ye bbiiEinili ; 4. Unyolo; 5. Ukwamkel.-a awamaluogo. Abange. nayo bekude maba"itumele imali kule addre .. : Seoretary (P. B. Goropo), 8.N.A S., P.O Box 328, GermiBton. G. M. SOPANGI8A, Chairman.

H. W. WaSh, Regittrar.

II I •



JOSEPH.-Palaed pelcalully a •• y at hil reBidence, Buiw,okaot Stlee',

Adelaide, 00 Septem ber 6, 1935, Percy Anon JOlspb. A~ed 49 yean 6 montbll. In~rred Sunday aiteroooo 8 Soptember. Not lOll' hu'gone helo".


Ha ho chesa kapa

ho bata \l tla

fumana • Ova1tine ' ele monate 'me _

molemo Ie ho vena

. . . E benolo ho

etsoa bape It theko _ tlue.

I • Ovaltlne' I,.. omeleza amadoda,

Ibal)'ebise abafazi,

ibenze bonwabe ),aphiJe abantwana.

Inencasa emna ndi ye

chocolate, i)'awakha

UOll.imbha, nemit·

hambho nobuchopho.

·OVAl.,1['][NE' Kawuko of ana ne • O\aJtine.' Yen·

ziwe n~obisi olulsha, namaqanda

amatsha namabele . Abelungu bezwe

lonke bayazi ukuti mea bepuza I

• Ovaltine' ibenzela umhlaDdhl.

ipebeze izifo nobutaka.

. 00dI, ... i. -"" ;., &w/."J tao 11_ w ......... I . { ..




And Africans The Editor ," Umteteli."

MR. T. B GEXA, Vndefort, write~: Bir,-To thiok of the Afr Cln8 10

Joballnuburl! givillg away their golden opportullitiee to European., the very people wbo bave COlltribnud to thie ,ad and dreadful .tate of uo{mploy. ment, i, deplorable indeed io tbese time' of ellligbteoment. A few Euro· pe,n,owol'd boeee wit.!!. Africanll 118 dri\'en and coodoCLort ply betwten the African tollJolbipe. Elimio .. tioo of unemployment Imong our people would be avtrted if tbe bUfea were entirely African owoed. Agita.te agaioet European.owoed bU&e1 io your own towoebipa' I \".1 a resideot io tbe city for a oumbl'r of yura, aDd 1 thert! re .peak Irom experience. Some time ego it WI8 common talk amoog Europeaol tbat "Europeaoa driv" Europea". Ind Alrieloll drive Afrlcaol 80 al to lelluu Irichoo." I blye every reasoo to behev~ thll.t tbil ab~urdity III tbe Pimyillt·City rout\) will be averted. ---


'fhe Editor, t'mtd"li,

RE\'. ELI MWELI &: G. D. LEEOW. Waldeck'a Plaut· on· Vaal, write:

Sir,· Please 8110" ue ep.ce ill .. Umh,teli" to I':rpnu our rtsr!!t tbat Mr. Sol }'eioberg hu left tt8diug amoogilt U8, We wi.b to thaok him for hiB maoy kiod del'dl Amongst other tblogs be I )undeo a lOOp· kitcbeo for our lick when they wer" recoveriog from ilIoen; acd be give food geoeroutly to j>tople io oeed of it. Plua all tbi. be boepit .. bly eoter· taiol'd tbe commuolty at Cbriatmll lellooe. We lo.e .. flieod iodeed, .. nd Jubanoetburg , where he i. 80io~, wiDe a thOf()ugb IZtlltlemao Mr. Sol. .FeiobtrM bat beeo a true frieod to the Lower Dij.!~iDgI,


l'hc .t:ditor, ,. Uruteteli"

MR. J,H.J.MADODA BlDI,writee:

enltetb a oltioo." Jf a n .. tion doell 80metbiog good, tbe beaveos rtJoloe with it,

ABOUT WAR The Editor, "Umte\eli,"

MR. BOLOMON LETSOALO, Joban· nelborg, write.: Sir,-Pluee

allow me io "UmteteJi" to exprel. my feeliogs about. war, io tbe Black mao'l world. It dOfIi DOt. mltter bow in· ferior a Black mao may be, bot aoy mlln whoee beaH poIlu.e. God', lovi knows tbat. Africa i8 the Black min'. giH frcm hi. Almighty Ood. Evuy natioo baB a counlty to live in. We b .. ve &&en n .. tiCIl!I aDd even tnbee io w .. r, people killing ooe another .. I" roao kills game for foed Wheo wbe men have .. ssembled together to ex· amine tbe C'O-ell of war, baa it not bet'n .eell tbat. atrong nation. oau~ed war aDd tbeo tlxteoded their owu countries, mObtly to be muters aod have cheap eervaote, who cao be treated aoybow.

If Natiwe forlilke Great Britain'e polioyof cqoal ri~ht. for all civilized people, how cao tbey hope for peace?

Location Board's

• Advisory


Annual Meeting In December

THE Eighth Anonal Stillion of tbe Location Advisory Boarrl.' Coo.

J!:rl'~1 of S A will be beld Ilt. Kroooshd, OF S on 19tb. 20th end 2ht December, 1935. AdvilOry Boarde are requested to prepare and forward , tbrough tbe Secrehry, all ooticl'lof motiool iotended for tbe .. noual eeeeion of the Coogres8 to the Oeoeral Secretary oot liter tbao 16th November.

Snbacriptiool for the ourreot ye .. r of t .. o guinea. (£2 2 0), .. , well ..... trean, are oow due aod cbequel ebould be made payable to tbe Treuurer, LoclI· tioo Boards' CoogleU of S.A., 1437 Commnoity Avenue, Bloemfooteio, o F.B.

Accommodation will be provided by the Kroooet .. d AdvilOry Board at .. cbarge of 3 6d per dell'gate per diem t.o cover boarding .. nd lodging

AdrilOry Boarda wbich bave oat vet affiliated to the ConKreIIl are ootifiw th .. t tbe Anoual Sobeeriptionl, flil

The Edit ,r," Umteteli," fife. of two delet!atee to Congreu "Dd MR A, T. MBETE , Healdtowo, the lubeietenoe allowaoce are borDe

...-utu Sir,-It.'. a troth Ibat by Municipalitiee coucerow. Tbe N&ti'fe youth'l ClIO do loroethlop: Na.tiye Affaif'l Departroeot io itl wortb whilt, 1ih .. o tbeY are d~telmiutd miooke d .. ted 20th Dtcember, 1932, to do 10, 10 Hlubil .. od, whl're 1 bave gave tbe Congre. ao Ull;JflOce that, ~D for a few )MU, the youth tbere whl're a Mooieipality pl .. OM upoo ita atarllli whit i. koo .. n aa tbe "Youtb'l eatimatee, from the N .. tive Reveooe MaI;J, .. oo.' NUlly ever, youog mao Accouot, 10 item to cover the e:lpeolel or "lim ,0 waa ulldl"r tbe iofiaellce of of delep:atea to the Location Advilory chriltilloily. They were oo~ ooly Board9' Coogreu, tbe Native Aa~iu requir~ to 10 to church, bo\ .. lao to Dtpartment 1i"i11 pay tbe .. mooot .. t p,acUoIe aomillODIZ'I aDd pf'rlorm playa beiog io order.

Sir,-a .. dog I( -t my rtIollw .. y ticket. io June, I WII in !!feat difficulty. In th .. t difficulty I w .. helped by a rery kiod gentlemlo from Blikloa in tbe Herbobel Diltrio\ by tbe oame of Li1ford Tie Laoguta, .. mao with whom I wae at tbe Ben800y .. le Train· iog aud ludu.trial loetitotioo laet ye .. r .. od whom I am lliIl with here at N:-.ukwebe. To tbia geotlem.o I OWtl mlny thanks .. nd I allO do oot forstt. Hertchelilnl II a wbole, wbo co1!ec~d to add to Mr. Languta'. belp and to ,eltfl 'he wbole r .. re from Fort. Be .. olort ~ L dy Gley.


dUrlDI:C tbelr leilure time. Tbla worled Boarde not yet .. ffiliated .. re u('elltotly. reqoHwd to place thi, inV'itatiuu

African Motor Drivers' Union A ME~TI~G ~the .Afric .. n Motor I lead io tbe rea1ilatioo of thi, ideal of

Driven UOIOO Will be held on uoit.y, I1loched from the ta.k wben Satorday. ~8th Sl'ptember. 10 the the time arrived. co.mprehen'l'I'e aoo~1I1 report tobe eub· P .. rticolar tbaoke .. re expreued io m~tttd to the mee~IDg the he .. d .com. the report to Menu E. R MotJodi ml~be ~f the !\.fncaD. Motor Drlvera' preeid'nt; J. U. Mabou, ohairmln : Union 10 tbe Tranavaal statel:" It D. A M"pbike viae cbalrma . S E' s~oul? fill every rigbt·minded African Mogoye, geoer~1 I6crehry; e~d S· B' With lOY t.hat. alter ~eaf8 of etrlfe aDd X ... bll, aelijtli.ot goneral lecret.e.ry,· fo; .. fter var.lOua 8ho.rtlve attempts It the voluotsry work they b".e daDe co operation a bUll baa at la6t been tbe Uuioo fouod . fo!, the realiution of ~he ideel Tb6 repc.rt alao refera to the cordial of uOlty The b6ad commlttee de· Do-operation amoog membera of the pre<:atel the f.ot thal .ome of th~lIe committee who cootributed to. to whom tbe people looked lor gUld. ward. placiog the Unioo OD. it. preient aoee, aod wbo mlgbt bave taken the louod footiog.

••••• '0: , '. '. •



Obtainable in un c.olour,.

6 Sheete Cro:lley Cam brio Pad Paper

and ooe Eovelope cao be poat&<i for Id.



CORK TIPPED To tbe BNldtowo 10ltitulioo we t befol" tbeir Ie.pectil"e Mooicipalitiel b:tve tbe lame moYemeot Tbe aim I .. t their e .. rliest (looveoience, ill to ~t lhe atudeote Icqoainted with t Mr. S. P. I4qoboli ia the Ceoe,..1 rtlip:iool m .. un.,.to It"o wi.dom aDd '\' ("nit .. ry. ~ddrMI Pimville, P.O. jtOOd uodnlt.anl!llng. "Rlght~"OOIor. Naocd,ld, Nur JOilllDlWeburg. l


Durban Bantu Activities (8'1: A H.C.)

THE two f,lOth.1I bodie. of tbe I'H.mH',· ,f Natal (Natal Atrio'!)

}'votban AI&tdation and Natal B",ntn

Football A!'8"..iati IU) have b~eD .~k ... d to ,iok the-if rlifltfl'llCea aod oompet" fer III "hiel,1 pr<'tf'lIttod hy Hie Excel· Itncy the Governor Heonal. The propo~al wa.·d by delegatlu in ll"riltbufjl: at tbe b.-gioning of Augull:. and fi:l;turel wl're d r",wQ up

tbe .ame d~y But it bu aioca tranapired tb~t the Durban aud Diatrict Africlo l!'o?tball Anociatioo

may, after all, Dot Clompottl. The TeDoie A9~ociatioD i. playiog

f '·r t.he 1a'I:. staQe. SW !llIowl T C.

won tile shield from WiOtH Ro, e, T.C. 00 311t Aogu~t by 3 matabu allain.t 2. Mr M. Mapumul;) (8) fought b .. rd

io men ';! siaglelJ agaias~ Mr W. eiliu (W.R.). However, tbe Swallow. are ta becongutulated upon their viotory.

The sbield was pre.ented to the olub hut Saturd.y by Mra C. P. Mouemme, aDd the eaphine of both club~ were

iavited to speak on tbe ocaa~ioa.

SpeeGhea of ooagratolation came from tbe Pre~ident, Mr. A. W. Dhl~wini,

and Mr. C. P. Motaemme (aeoretlry).

The day wa. bonoured by the prelenoe of a diatinguiahed viBit.or from North· era RbodeBia, Mr. L. Kaleya, who ia

touring Natal for the pnrpele of

atudyillg Native Education. The following mttohell were pltyed

Jut Satorday for tbtl Woolf..on'. Cup:

Phashe and FeDyang (P R.) 10110 to Mabaae and Ciliza (W R.) by Dil to

3 aetl. In ladiee' doubles, bowever, Winter Rpses loat to lobe Primr08Ps. AD iDt..ereltin~ matoh was of the ladies

single, io wbicb Mrl. Pb.abe (P R)

loat to Misa (W.R.) by 1 let to 2 lIeta. Men's lIioglel 'od mixed double, will bll played neIt Saturday.

Natal Bantu TeacbflrS Uui"o,

Dorban Branob, beard a report in tbe Baah Sueial Ceotre, 00 7th 8ept6lUber

from Mr Z. A. Komalo, of M"riaon bill, aa 100 the confereooo held at

Dundee in luly la!t. Mr . L F J Radebe preaided, with his aecretary

Mr. E. A. Knt.wayo. The me tioK waa well atteDded by tbe teachers of

the District. Mr' G A. Mutwa, a briclr:·l.Oiyer,

Itlt on 7th Sept.emtHlr for .1011 DDe~·

burg Where he ",ill help to build a

chcrohhoose of thtl Afriuo G.lngre.

gationa.! Churoh at Orl"odu. Mr. K C. J .. 1i, aecret~ry for N .. t .. 1

Afrio .. n FootbaU A3IM)Ci ,tioo, p .. id a

viait to Lady.mith last week end.

• Boksburg News

THE Allen League of the A \f E Cburoh iii doing good work iu the

oompouodl. African Darklee r,awD Teooia Club

held ita aonu.1 meeting reol' utly, wh .. n

tbe followi n ~ were elrcted to bold

office:-1. M008pole (col.phio), N. Ngubeni (vic~), S. MaRinA (~ecretary), E. B.b', lo (vice), J. Wilh&m! ex­

captain (ohairman), F . Mokoena (vice),

E. Willi .. ms re elected (trflilOU rl.' rJ . L Masilo (lady captain), A. Z .k~ (vice) ,

J. Ncakani and L. Pooe (maubala).

The club Bi looking to a year of

aotivity. • Bethlehem News (By E. JAY.SON Mf'OSI)

A BAZAAR ..... u held at the Ellenbegrer H,1l on 4tb September.

Brandfort News (By MUL ... ·T<lBL ... )

H-,,"PPILY the ioHuenza epidemic is 00 the waue, ite victima ars

pickin~ up, aod M a. reeult there ia m"rbd im proveml'nt iu the number of cb ildren at IIclH>ol.

The otber week·eod wall an excep tiooall.v busy ooe. Rev. J . M. 8 100gw .. nll, he~d of tbe Bantu

M",tboui~t Church, made ilis firat appearance in the loo,\lity, and a r~c~p!j'HI WM held at Me·gapi 'l Ball ,

to w.,lcilme him At the e"me time in the Methodist Ichool room WM

et",I[l'd a c ·nce rt by the teacbing stall aaeisted by two ~cbool chOIrs, c")o·

ducted by O. P. Pitlo and S Mofabe reepeotively. The attendanoe wa'

fdidy lar!!", the musio ,, " a pll'aaing, aod a lIubet .. nt ial eum was realieed .

Reneotly deleg .. tes from Venteu­burg, Bultfontein, Br .. ndfort and

Wiohurg met at 'fheuni8~en to coo­aider the adviaa.bili\.y of eBt .. bliehiog

a hraneh of tbe African Teachera Aneciatien . All were "gTeld, Inept

Wiohurg, that tbe hraoch be called the Central Brancb. Brandfert ",aa cboseD fiut venue of tbe hrancb.

Sixteen teachere from the centres {Wioburg u:clusivl.'j were ent rtained

00 7th September. The meeting took tbe wbole Satorday morning. lind in the afternoon membera plartoJ t.·oniil,

maoy spectatore heing preent. Busi· oell! was conlioutd io tbe ev,·r.:u iol till

the amaH houri of Suod"y. A g<lther­ing of tbie natura ia ao object le.eon to m09t of tbe re9ideot-e One (.f the

deci!iollB "'al to .£fili .. te wi tu tbe o FS.A.I'. Aaeociation at ooce.

In The Cburcbes

On SDnday, 8th September, the congreg .. tioo of the A M E. Churcb t: .. t"br .. ted ~be quarterly "uagtOa.l." I'be reside ,t minister oonducted

mnrniD~ lervice aod admioi~tered

Holy Communion in the afternoon Tile attendance at both servioea WIo S

good The eveniog eervice Waa con· duoled by Mr. George M .. ngakiloe ,.f

the Coogreg .. tional Churcb, aDd hi. m~B!~g" , t.ken from JubD IV : 29, W8Q i oprp8.ive

Thl! Ri~bt Rev. A. Howe Brown, Bi,Ilop of BlnemfODteio, paid hi. firet

vieit to Braudfurt and adminieter~d

Buly Communion ill the morniog. He aho confirmed 73 Alric.n o.ndidatee. Nine iolllnte aod three adult. were

b"ptit.ed by tbe priest. and a marriage nertmooy .Iso toolr: place.

At tbe Metbodiat Cbureb, besidea the uaa~1 tbrpe Ituvic'" of the day,

it w .. the quar~rly vi~it4tion of the

claaeea aft~r uch &ervice.

Personal Hems

Misa Ch~rlutte Moloioyaoe, who

h"d b~eo eeriou81y ill, i9 now out 01 d,,[I~er

Mlu Rebfcc II. M .... po, of Bloemfon·

tein, is 00 a vieit to her ag .. d p&f~nt&. Mr Paul Kitea, of 'ankbaae Scbool.

apeDt tbe otber weeb·end witb bill p .. reote here He iB leaviog Danlr:bau

.t the end or the currtnt quarter to

join tbe L .. dybrand Uuited School

staff. Mr. F. W. Brandi" court inter .

preter. wa. deleg .. ted to Iltteod tbe

N. Ad vJ80ry &ard Ceoference a~

Pretoria. A .inging competition .. al arranged

for tbe ev~ ning of 13th September at

Thenni.-en, Braodfort and Venters·

burg "'ere amongst tbolle "ho took

Mr. H. Hull, a member tbe Wallers' •

Uoioo Dancing Club here, promot.ed a MNQABISE INOAMHLASELI.


dance 00 5~b Sept..ember Mr. Mo~bibeli, itinerary UKUBA nmnt .. aoa .. ako npuma

of 801100_, played a fine tenoia wame amnioyo k"ezinyanga seblobo

Green Oaget Tennle Club', memben omel_e kokumnqabiu ku rudo gui ne

.. re impNlviog ",itb everyday prantice nkataco yamatombo. Gcina lbotile

Sekororo News (BY J. D. LET ;().&.LOj

ON Saturday, 3ht Angult, tbere oame the Commilliooer from

Leydedorp, wbo .tated at a meeti nll: th .. t the Governmeot had ob~erved

tbat the L!Jc ttiooe were ov .. rstocked with Icrub cattle aod a~ked if thele

scrub cattle could uot be lold to foreign cODotriea in ordH to decreaee the /l umber. aod thu9 let there be good p sture. If this wcre done,

scrub cattle would fir<lt be branded witb .. cerhio brand, and tbeo driven

away or be I',ft to. be .old at su itable pric!!e. No gain would be allowed to a purchaser 00 the !lecood Isle of the

aoimal If the cattle were dri"en for 881e, tbe mOD!)Y paid "ould bll paid

io full t 'J the own .. r of the ftnimJ.l, In reply to th'!.e poiOtil, th8 meetiD~

ioformed the Commiesion ... r tbat in tbi. L1C~ti>1.l th., peoplu did ;.o~.; mplain

of t.he pa.turee or. 01 an.vthing s~ to

tbelr etock. Cblef S~kororo waB amOo~9t thoMe prclaellt in the m>!~tiDg.

TurhH. S. M Rift \,.lIey L'tioalo whose home i~ ,,1, N8rt:lDjO! G~ M .tau ~ :-'h~.l.h., lite been tr"ll~f~rr<ld from

~ekororo So.;ho,ol to G~"ldvi~h. f:cuool In MamathL,la, Loc atIon. n" i8 the priDcipal teachpr of thllt ecbool and

ia ,,~aiete.-J by Mr. S. M. Ra.l!:oma sou Miu GatJaoe.

.-\. baby b 'lV wae born to) "R'~in'

aod Samoel Mat~ete on 27tb Augen.


All children strong

and fit • • •

If you would hke further

particulars writ.e to;­

HIND BROS. & CO. LTD., Umbilo, Natal.


becaul'C it is Good, Pure food that

builds i'lolid booe, firm flesb aDd great

strcngth the way tbat nat. ural

feeding doe~. It can be u~d wi,h, or

iwtead of natural .. nd Nutnne

is AIl;children.

BOYS LEARN FIRSI' AID .. od tbua be able to help those ",bo

may be iojured.


FONDANI U NCEDO KUQA.LA nize oibe nako ukunceda

abo banukeleyo.


ITHUTENG THUSANO PELE Ie tie 18 be Ie bona bo tbo ..

ba bl.heJ~og ke kot4i. From let Oct.ober "'e ask Bethlebem ye Cbamberlain', Celio and Diarrboea

people to .... i,t Mr. Maoye. Prionlpal Remedy endl_inl oknce nti Ir:wa ea .. ·

of Bantu United, in welooming Tea qala uknbooiaa orndo umpe int .. aoa

'b,_,_,,_to_t_b_,_"_'_'_b_'_'_"'_I_n_"_Oo_n_,_,_,_oo_,_,_> __ I~~_'_n_"_i._._._'_k_emiai Due :ti,.;'n;k~ij~'~n~i>~~~~~~~ffi~~~~~~=====================~1





What Is Education? IBY THOMAS JE:-;~n~ JON~~~, New York City.)


W HAT t,lu"ltil'o it tbfl ptullmount rll.b nut tbeoir npfltlid,1 rf'm(luil'l in(IUlry in tbe wbol", ti('ld of un.ltr 1,In.u~ihle ,hlbhlll"th. 11111 futile

edllclti"llal rtll'llr~b Ind , Ih.trlction, Of 111..11, unfortunately, til-n Strlojl:eo II it may appur, lu'" Ire many of t!l" Nootlonll lelVO"ltel t'\('T .... ,j,.,atort Itrm to be inl'rl" .. iolfly (1f wblt tb('y call ·'1·du,ation for ~ \ ",t' Nl. in ihl'ir rtlorta to an.wt'r tbi. C'ballJ(iolf "orid," lod of IU"b, .till lundlmrnu] 'lur.lioo. It ill ltill trUf more unfort'lnltdy , I~ man,V of the .. Delo Jim" Ru ... II. tbtl di.tio· .iO,Nl'I follow,'u of tbe lQ·cllled jo1ui~btll I'rJ(lni'~r of Tt8chtt~ C"lIflft'. ··projl;ru.i~e Ind ne .. f.luOIUOO," 'Iid a ft'_ yean ago, th.t "eIIUl'ltnn, their propllfanda hl~ helPftd • re III drt'~ .• & up and not .ure 'l'l'btre tuchen to ruliM tbeir re.pon,lbility to If 0." Equally troe tud.y u, the to their community Ind to lodoty io • i!ltlificlot u~u,·. tiOD of l'rofp.,or ~t1"rll, mOlt of tbem h,,-e bet'o J.wn Hllln"f Robin,on that "our dllappolntlogly ha .. y aOlI lb6tr.ct And et'hool. dllp.rtm"ott, luhj"d' theIr tducltionll pllnl aod pro'll,loo • And Idente. in .. biob human 1.;00"- hive bM!0 It() limitt\d and 10 locldentll Itdgt: i .. torn into ~rotHque frap:m t'otl A. to I'rol'e their igoorlnoo of tbe wholly uOluit.d for "ducatiooll por- ladal realitiu ttqnlr"d for iotelligeot po~ea " dtneolbip in modern Hri(>ty. Aglin

Nel'.r lotion ha~e tbe demand. we r"turo to the pn"loul quution upon MU, .tion bt"o more oumerou', Whit . tl,eo . it wocahoo morl' l'an~d or more iO"lteot, St'hoult Mon threateoiog tbln III ellll, oow ar" expt'tkd to impart to the youth comet the o;ry for "CODomy io educ.· the overwbdminl= ootpot 01 fact. tieo,. Tbe tl:traver i, 00 the .Ir rt"tlled by explorationl. iD,·t ntic>ol patb to ~move "·r.d. lOll frill. ," 10 aod rtl""r ... bu_ Te'ther, b."" breD reduce .. Iarie., to dt(>f'Olie huUdlog eoti<'ed into a rice witb ooiveu~l tOltl. and to hilt all De" Appropria. ko.wled",e cont'erniog Ibe tilth, tbf' tiool for tdocatioD. Bere, It la,t, II .ir, tbe "Iter lod the varied ~plH In impNative cIII for a united front upon the urth. The bectil' Iddin!: (f III wbo relliu the vital import.oC!e of D .. W lobjt'Ctl, oew d"pt.rlmtntl. of edllcl.tioo io • demooraoy. Tbe oe.- bnildiog. to tbe Ilre.dy ov"r "uly efiet'tive an'Wtr to tbOlO who cro1rdt'd currku!um hu increl."d tbe dQubt tbe .. 101'1 of tbe .,-bool. i. ao coofu.i,o of toth tuC'her Ind taught Ie'curate aod compreheeli~~ .nl .. er to Wb.t. tben, il edocatioo ' the que.tion Wbat i, tbe .cbool for' Dri~eD lod hurd .. o",d \.Iy the pt'r. Wbl~ really i. ooncltien'

p~'tiDjI; .0.:1.1 cODditioo~ of our day, LIMtto w,,11 to the elluia 6O~"er by the .\mHklt.n people, \\ith almott I 1 hom .. Hnd~y in 11<1;" to tbe Soutb lataliati ll faith in edoeat'oo, an turo· I.ondol.l Workiof!: Meo', ColltRe iell: to the achro', for a .()Iuti"n (f' "Ihat mao, I Ihink , hal bad I their to 'i,1 diffi.o.lti::8. Social n" I !ibtta l "docatioo who b.. h"en 10 fOrmPT8 .nd Voi.blul tbiolo'·I'I. di.~ro- , tuintd in youth tbat hi' body i. Ib(' in !,: th. F'.p~11f treod •• od de,ifn, I rUld, Kfvant of bil will, aod dO~1

witb. uae ,od ,.lel.ore 111 t he 'l'l'ork

'f'" 'V"~"~"~"~"~"~

Umnf\.·ana wako mupe CBISI luk.


NESTLE lmpl.lpU yako iyakuba mbaDdi impela uma uyidbla DoBIS I luk.


NESTLE Ubi.i oluhle impel.

loku pelta oluka ~

NESTLE Ubisi oluhle impel .. nxa ulupuza namanzi oluk~


NESTLE, II I meehln;"m, it ia upable of; _hue iole1l(,' i~ I dnr. ootJ.logil.' URloe ."jth all iu. put. d "quII _trt'ngtb. ailli In .meoth .-orking erd f; rtadv, Jikfl a ~tUDl ttljl;10e, to be tUTllfd to any kiert of 'l'l'ork, aod • pin the p;ouamen .. ."ell II forge the ~ncbo" ef the miod. whoee Illind ia Iklr.,d with a kotlwlfdKe of the llreat and food.wentll truthe of Nature aoo.1 of tbe 1.-. of btr opt-rationl. ooe who, 00 .tooted atcdk, il fuJI of life .nd fire, but wL"le pll8ioIll are Irlin"d to come to befl by a vigorno! will. tbe .ervlOnt of a teoder cooadeDce .. ho b .. learned to 10ve.U beauty, .. hether of Natun or of att. to bate III viltoel'. Icd to relpeet OtbN' II bim.ell.

"Such I 001'1 Ind no otber, I coo· ceive, b .. bad a liber.1 eduoltioo, for he is, II oompletely II I man 010 be, io barmooy with Nature. B e will mak e tbe beat of ber, aod Ibe of bim. They will get 00 togetber urely Ihe •• hi. ever beoeficlot motber ; he II bel' moutbpieoe, her oooecio ol 11111, bel' mieiawr and ioterpreter."

Tb_ .tirring wordl are It ill trne lod willlnr be trne to all who .. ould really gnide the individoll to the folJoees of life. Budey lived in tbe da,. of fugged iodividual. itv. It i. well that we of ibi. gener­.iioo .h.lI eeek tbe ideal. eo dramltic· ally urged by the great Bu:l:loy. Bot tbe . ixty.five yelre thlt hue ellpeed lince he tbuodered bil 'l'l'iedom to tbe working meo of Londoo have devrlop­ed I IKlcial cOOloiouloell tbat il "quilly eneotial to the welfare of bomanity.

To k C01Ili,uua

Thaba 'Nchu News -:---:-:----:--:---, MR. R . I ~. 8 1'iTLOOJoi l,0 hu left ami th.nked the J""derl Mr. 'elbow.

Bouth Afrl06 for "~fIlDbDrgb to and MIl.rlamn J. Ii. Moroka Ind M. ootuplete hi. Itudlel. Moroka .

Ou r:.tb kleplemloef Mr. Setlogelo Mu. Molem(l, wife of Dr. ij. Molema, gave ao Inwro.t\o(t addreu kI tbe of Mafeklng. I. lpoodlog I fe" dlYI aohool ohlldr('n 00 Jj'ortltude Ind with MI .. nuLl, '>Ibakuog , On 4th Petlev~ranoe. Mr. J. 1 Nhllpo pre- Beptf'm~r Ibe IdrirUIIe,J tbe 10('11 .Ided. Maetl'fI &lo01alll lod Beta, Wayfarerl. both of the HIgh Prlm.ry. propoted a Nune J . U. Setlogelo continue. to vote of thlnb ill elloell font ~ogilih . letve htr people In the Locltl"o •. Mr. !:lello~elo •• , acoompfioled by The II)I,al Br.ndl of tbe Afriul) Mrl. J. 8 Moroka, TII.oben' Allloolition met thrke .Ioee

Tbo Pruldeot f,r the II~t mootb to drl .. up I memorandum Ohuroh vl.lw:d Thabl 'Nohu Circuit 00 whinh .. 111 be placed before tbe N.tlve :l.·,tb Augll.t. Be prfl.obed 10 St. ":':Iucatioo Commluioo. raul ',Oburoh nt 12 o'olook ood 10 Mr. J. N. Makgothi will attud I tbe Ooloured Ohuroh at 3 p.m_ 00 ml'eting of the Thahl 'Nebu Children tbe Mooday be delivered au in.piriog Anoolation in Bloemfootein on :l20d IddreM to tbe rathfinden , Wlyfarerl BeI)tAlml,~r.


= =

:..., .... ''''''''I11''"''',I''~.J;;,;. ,. ; " . .. rAMOt

FAIRY FATTENINC PILLS RF\IFfllr :: • .. • • ---.. .. .. -.. .. ..

fAIRY STOMACH & BILE PillS ,\",,,,kol,,. "Io ..... i ""br",t..... fink .. 'Ill,,,,. i.,." •• "a 10 n,1 al,.lbit.villlYo k .. f"n~~. 1»0 hlllll> .. lI,ny. k .... k ..... in.~'.I1~ lb. 'elMo".;:", 't;~" "'"i,y ipitil' "}" \"rnil< •• Fai.) ipd •• , .... , ... erolyd" .. ,·o, 10.'1'. kut)l~b6 """) ""~o. l,luj,I"", u'~'e ~i""IlI" ""01<01<_0.1"" •• "'mll •• k.ab.· ",II •. z,.,. 1 .. ,,10. ...... ,1.1. kuP'"~ ntl) .1,.hf>I"h-,/e bt.v .. i".,.,. Z,y"loI.,,,be, .'nl~ kn"k .. uk'l~'o, 'nll "t'l,ilill ,;"IIII'."'';'IIII"li.o. I ..... ,U'M> ..... w . .ltd"l. mp·

I .b,.oo 7' 3111 Ibnlot. 0 ... · oobom ot.utoh. 0,-" ".,ntlllo nil" 10/. 1 .. 1, "" I "'1\<01.,-.

B,~. i".-p •• 1", .. oc.IO '"r".tl1 D,"Y""'. odurao ka F •• ry ollllk .. 1"",.1. ,", ... d; .,.10010,,1, •• '", i .JII ... ltl.)o 'Oi,""I.n.

.. -.. N Y ..

:= ; L

8"ku lib"., ... 0,1 .. 1" l .. m')~1,. ""mM. Tumfl •• P",,'.I Or,I .. , ok .... , ilit.",pu_ (.\11,,110 , ... li yimbi ffutu·lit,-o n .... poe. "11.1"'8<11. It_flub .. , .I .. ~li"'.yo)

Are you clean

He HIli B.r.rtl 15

COflSllt1/11m an!t! If I Q '1/


inside? Intestone all body

I' lu~. I tn~tl

clears • pOIsons . ,

nc rul b '" 10 WIt;:, lbc HL.\lt\N KUY


• j no f, lu

'" , .... ODd "'" L • , "m b ,. j "' . B

.. litre I"



Ibh and e =:yo but tl ~ len.:: m , olver. If chI ~ . " < "" " '" body I~ J"{li ::L,:J. J~TE .TO:'\ S I

medioo ... wh!c'h :kan \\ay tk~ Shm tn

the Stomath, the CxtC~ 0 B. ill J th ma~ of poisonous I1lbbl~h wnich h ID

th~ Bo\\'c1~ INTESTQ:-\E contaLru herb

b 01),/1 J " t .. ch day.

and frw~ for this purpD$C but it als.., Colnt::1.1 chcmica16 for c1eansmg the Blood StI..:.un. This is wby It ckar'> the rolled [Onguo! removtS pimpll:5 from the race and ush from the skio.

FOR MEN Usc Jnte5tonc for \Ill diseasC', of the Stom3ch and

Impurc Blood. FOR WOMEN Iotestone is spleodid for womcn who are pregnilDt and those: who are constipated . FOR CHILDREN If your child rornplams of head3chc, just give a ~mal1 do~ of lntestooc. FOR BABIES If a baby does not have a daily motioo of the Bowcls gn-e It a llnJe IDttslone-thc muir is wooderful.

INTESTONE is just like jam being take.n out of a spoon. Thc price is I '9 p~r po n

aU chemists m thc Union.

Use INTESTONE for Constipation and allthesymptoms mentioned above


I Bantu Methodist e Rhini Usisbiyile U Mnu. Marney VaDgqa

Iziganeko na Bantu NGOMHLA we 1 kwemiyo b&eine· . Ngt»oku olulaodelaJO kacc .. a~ ..

(N{.(; TANDIWE W.&SlI: SO.M.lSE'I1) I Shin eliknln 10 Mou. M. Vangqa. lotombauna y.k ..... lInu. DO Nt.!.Ir;:'

Umfi 10 abgulaoga xeah. lide, ulele Nottbohrana eD~u Eleie. U1II.6t.d kopeJa ilitub. eliogaogeveki waai· 10 ebe~&Ie.b. ehde ebanjWe Il8lI 10 ----

(No" MxOLlSI) I Jac~b. T. Oliver, piaoiat; W. N. Sbele,

I.BANDLA Ie Baotu Methodie' apa ba0JOI.t, no J. AbdoUIl Peter, oyi

Ii buba ngamaodla oko I.qlliayo dromme~. . " i J Iy liaa.hambela pambiJI Olio' Ifiv. Ibambe nZlma plkatl komzl nge k 0 r.;.ni I.maloogo aletyali.k.e bayagol. abaotu, baye bay.bbubb. ngo k:' 0 arna 51Hi. Ngombla we 2 og.maodla, ilaliae abakhulu oabaoei. 8~ t-emt1r ibe yikonaati yelibaodla, n,aoe ogokufao.yo. Abagulayo ogoko . £00 a ipetwe ngu Moo, Thom.e albhalaro Dgaba: Sam Nomgqokw.oa, ~oe~kllitl. ititehala yeeikolo eelihlelo onevekl yooke ele~e; Ma'"aoa Maqa. J'kb. elibaotw.oa ogoko bangama nd,:, oboye p.otel kuoye, ogoku lite­

;~6 ezioowadini. 1 choin ezitaholoUi mbl8llo IIknpil~; Michael Yapi . um·

Ibiya. Ngokwemvaba ebengowue mfolaoJa ... bon_kal.. "ilbiy. Topiy. elilooRD elizeleyo kooa, 00' mhla we J September. U08",,7':' mfao& Dsimilo 8eiyakuba nguml;eltelo ogenko.nzo yama Topi, •• bantu be elotabeni. Umfuodiei wake u baniu!.1 efihlweni. e· Catheciat Nyobo utow ogaye kakoble Le fiva kul~ y~tD idolopa. iSlolah~il nokuba elihlelo Iilflbuhluog.ini ogo· k~ ... ye bebaOiozl a~,otu eb&qetllla,o~ kul.hlekeh... ogomye SI~ovnyo OOk~l:r.ll~ ucuba omaebe . ebetembi~a. Umfi 10 nsh;ya iokoei. ou w.~~dod. Ik.olile ila.ovolil. I • kllti Dab.ntw.Ds .batato .baealnla edolopull u':nleb~ozi .. ocolnogl .. iii. kakolu. Umaebenzi 10 uqale e Ty.· tr.ta koba lIungl,elel. -kulaka ilel Iikeni yake ukokel.e yik •• yala Amadoda. oam,kweoc.e ebekad'~ yeeaw. wakoqokunjelwa emano ... · eogaee~eou .y!'ebeoa. nsokll, • I.

beoi ogu Catbeoiet Nyobo iOgOIDII' sebeozlyo ebleh ngoc.oSA \aodi k~. oboboenko 7.imbhini, iyeye sikolo ntw~D. kilo Mnu. 00 Nkoek, H, Y.

~.neye Baodla. Ioto ete yabaloleka Yapl ; Mou, no NkoBk. Nobat.Da, II: I kooaat.i bubukbo be Ngwevo ne .bagolelwa ogumotwlna 'II'.bo oaelula NU !e't'Gkni Ulli nandla eeip.ule kuzo ode ,!,:,i .. a e ho,lpitili; Mou. Coroeliue

beozi omble kakulo. beDZ~.. . IblzlogJ:lkela zetinsiti lurepelil

io~o 1:0 Mbele'kana, Ngeleza. Nansule. ~ .. Ylh olele otl~a kuoS~pili yi ruma: eke eambik. kuosapili kulemiblati, T ta Stampile Tabazibaoe, Nombu· tlZlm . Ixegokezl u Nkosk. No~eotl uaweleke nge 6 So:;ptember we6hl"a I yo ° . Tokulo. 'Elwlahroni ihe Dgo Tooyel. okoma 90 imioy.ka., ogenkoozo yaae Topiy •. Oda. .M tl Eroeat Nqupe iDgoma ibe yeo ow.ulw.ogo Noogq.oae, uveki mbioi Vbeb.nzi kilo Mnu. Maua· pak~'me kuneoe y~ye neodlu izel. el~le .bod~la, lele~leli ogekaya u Nkoek. rioga Nkayi otehate DO Nko!z. Bali"e

a ogomnyaogo, LIZZIe Sixaba Ylmpilo etambekileyo, Ny.oda. Sivelaoa nzulu 00 Mou. DO ye~DeDz.,Stooebreakert Philharmonio eaalele no Nkoak. Ida Ncaoywa oga · Nko.k. D Lllkashe baae Tinar., ngo· el b Bhai ibioeogxikel. yomrta. Ddletyaoanye. hego u Mnu. Alfted kuuhaba komotwaoa "abo apa oogu n;' we • exhibitioo' .pa oge 7 Bep- Ma?o.m: ~efl1meni k. ~iekerk, ak.ko Noziogqi Lllkaebe obudal. buyiminya. temberapo.maloogieeleloaoc;:,mekayo mpllwem IOtle kooke Ylle fiva etyiki. kilo emi 4, u6blwe ngll Moo, Z.oi eod.,eodwe 6od"e ngo Mno. Peter tyayo, ... ugookoozo yaee UDetllba eli· Ngsiki eooedieao. nab. Num'l. E. Imvula IDlnZl ngolooa blobo, ku, ogange oyanga elfl kayeoi e CiotlO 00 P. Ndumo bal. plio. Eliqel. ?J:I~ele. ukub6 Dzima ukuba ipele Ocuw. u Mno. Bob White Pamla, lue Bh&.i ligaleleke oge lorry Iikuma Ivekl ,h!lgaoao~a, abaotu behambtl. oDgomoye w.madodaoa .Iuncedo plio· 26 oReoani esipaule kubo aba Nomz. emaozlollonke l:leaha. Ueweleke oge kati komzi ng.kumaebeozi .ama W, W. Mabija, N. Ngeai, A, Bungaoe 4. September 0 Moo: WiIIi.m gqwettl.. Nge (I September, ibayi

q.baoekazi abo ama Kon. V. eng.gul.oga toba hde, ... oge. koolati yeotombi 'lue Topiya. Sibe· N~~~ wa, LaDe 00 I. Lan. B.lihl.. okon'to ya.e Topiya.Oda ugu Mlo, novoyo ,:madod.oa ue Fort

I ig Rhioi oge' .tepe' eziot.ha I)Qngwaoa ogoeuko olulaodelayo. Hara komzl eze ngeze 'debate' a~k ko ko'to i 'demoostr.tion ' ze URaleleke apa oge 1 September u nabafuodi ab.mhlope halle Rhodee ~Iue °W.itz, Freoch Taogo, SI~w ~~!ls. Nkoek: R. Mbamboyi .ase Dbai, I College, I~oto iyimfundo may.ix~tJ:iawe t t One Step nemioye fmld.OIlo. ngempllo ekhat.uyo efikele k .. a ogabuall ngeDeoe. 1 KomlahlDl ka ~~ '1110 lid.oiae DgokuDgumaog.lieo NkOllk, Njobloe. Ubelapa. ogemici. Rolumeote eqw.luela 10Ualo yaba. kulq:i •• lap. og.osokob. i Rhin; mbi u Mou, Jamel D, M.gqua wue otsl1odu ezilokiabioi zedolopu ihlala Iiceie okob. b.pbioda·pbinde i FreDch Coyi oge. 3 September w.dlulela e .pa nge. 27 September ~k~~ba~ obu· T 0 oe One Step. Libulele ubobe- Moy.meDI ngoluku ololaodel.yo. Ngo oqio., Izakllqwalaaela ImlClmbl eDgo· I aogmbheko eleozelwe yoo. i Bhai e 7 Septembet kutweleke II Nkoak. Aile kutintela ioaoi lab,oteuodo elihlala :h~:i hnqweoelela nkuba lipindele Heba wafihlwa ogeokoozo yama Weai· ezidolopini ukuba llnele .b.otu aba·

kuh'mbet •. I Donza Baod nmpati Ie 08011Ukll olulaodel.yo, ifiblo lipetwe q·.biwIlYo kupel.; ookogntwa kwa U MOu Benjamin Teeu, oJi Banto ngo Moo Qoko. U ~ou. Maobo Bill, banjlduoekiyo ezidolopioi .bagqite ~:~D ge~iua ya Eutera Provi~ce; Kang~la b.mltloh olonddoyo eoaoioi elifuueka ogeoteebenzo kuyel.,


e T.bahhi o~!e Rabe. Um.ebte:z~ waBe. Tehetahl ubocohbeh,e elibl •. IweOl ugo Mou. Nog'Jegw. 00 III W. T!oteobe bep.hl.e nsu )U, D' S. W. Ndobela t •• m.go ••• ae 0 Sidid" Mg?~. 00 .oyao, Iltw.,.la li~ mblill psotu kweotoog. h Nk08k W. Taotaobe eyeaibioi plo .. 1 k.ek~ 9·. PetrOll Ik •• y.l. ' ..... kOlibll UlIk! umoulo oy.kulibalek. kodal. kutsho .~,,~o •. oa ukllha impi k. "Roy Reader Ziokloteeia zetitah.Ja. Em,. koko kooelwe 00 tit.eb.I. om"k. 0 Moo , D. Soroogeai oltuba eoze In\o emn .odi ogeqel. lab Inill! h w •. hbo ngomty.bolo .eosol.,. ab.tebo .bantu b.pllOgnU, I.e ibe,enle ye timiti ete y.baloleka OgoltaaOla o.ngempomelelo eok.llI. Kwe,ue Rabe om.lebeozi .eo~beh,e 0811 mdala u Dl.Og.oa, kuotYllou ik •• y.l. yentombi neqel.le Wonderf'll Darki" U!lIteba I.ako.eto lop.mile hno. bom, o.wo J msebeoli ape''II'.taku.lile, o Nko~z. M, 1:'aoUiobe .,Miit.ele apl ebyeol lake I week·end epelileyo. Selebe wasiog. kwaeezi\olofiyeoi. No. m,i wezikolo oga'i WOM .. Voiced Higber MiNioo kwe •• ,.. Abuali bay.boogo~w. baklliule .haU' •• 1I1 b,ye uikol.eoi.

Lingumboniso we Sifungo solusu olulungileyo, ukome- I lela nexabiso elifanelekile­yo

l' \ ' ,

Senzelwe ukutintela abanitengisela izihlangu ezibi.


Ngokuba a.bantu b~be soloko benitengisela izihlangll ze migodi ezibi, ebezi8uko &1'

l'ba·rba zo msinY311e zivutulllke, inko~i ezinkulu ezingabanini migodi zeDze eli·

yWlDa. Zaza zali •. Elitywina liya kubekwa kwi ziWangu ezilungileyo kupela,

ezonakala kade. Ukuze ke babe abasebenzi base mgodini boba oako ukubandln·

lula izihlaogu ezilungileyo kwe zibi, into ke leyo oyakwonza okokuba kungue ku·

be sabako banlu baba koblisayo." Qwalaselani ngenyameko lomfanekil!lo we

tywina. K wi xesba elizayo. maze oinga buye nileuge ziblangu zingenalo itywina. -

Isihlangu so Mgodi --sihlangu esine tywina Ie "sihlang" esilungileyo."


-Iziganeko Zakwa Gompo lkonsati

(NUl- \'AIIfILI-LE WA"Z: K,UL1D.)"Wl.)

Ezinge Liso Lomzi IKONSAT1,,, '.'''.y.'' ". lapa etll ayapumelllla ub" iheko

ngovoki f!nll('wele ka Yakobi Illo':enuoi

NGE~rZa.TU .enqaku t'lipbumo kWI yokun~apili k) 'Ilu. J. A Calata ite mibl8t~ ,!to ~p" lalapot kut4blloje pneumonia II Nkoak_~ R. Lupuwanalyenziwa O(ffl Ii "eptemb6f p.nt,i ko

paotsi kwenRulo ze Kllo,elll :' .... l.p". o~ule eut Den,tolle l-.rm e QUmra, Mlu . W S. (0'''''' lnj"ln~o ule koouti k upume ioteto t'wublab~yo n!l:am.odla apo ebelLOge khoo. ogobunbelo. l~b.kO yonkll J doya~a, Ilkuouleh~. um!.i ontsunuu, I·YQIl1.lwe till/II Ceba I • Ind~be erolwe "Ihandlba u CaphlO Col. L~wi8 0 0 C'eba Nk08k. Xcwm"o Walter. w .... ., Trllioing Farm kukufl'u bitekabao i ,inIPl'io yooyaka ye I IZINTO EZENZA INKATAZO amatyal. aook .. h.ko, nokubambill8l. Llcatioo SU~fiotendent, I'tbe kaoli ZESISU. p.mbili lI"j l;~~ Ya.kobi Oo~o"ele. iOl'od.wo etihl~b. ioqnho ye Rugby PUKWA yoku,eben~i.a okllhl.l& Eeiblalweni ib$ Il~U Mlo, W. S. Ga .. e Coioo eratbi o~rllzl'ni yoku:s:akl'lniew. pantll, ukuop:abiko k"eoto enok.e_ no 11011. Moyake_ Ik".y .. la ~ibe yioto eyayiJ:6ka~i'ile, ya.wuoqllwe- oti"'a paodle, ukuo.ll;a bl.foui;!'''a kuku - otl.ou p&nt.i k weotoog. zaba N umz. mi" urodlalu klVlbala ehuba. I'kuq&- ty. kskullit', ukuq'ina i,ibiodi l'sioubu· S. P. Akena, C. lHdyeaha, D. F Il'ni kwe ae.eon ne oqubo yoku[lW~ kiltoyo, ukukataz~lI:. n~zbal. ukuhlut.· Nyauaha, P. Mal" 00 Nko!k K. l,buol!;is". komti olZoku· ... kw. kwe ~qit., okutyiwa Iloku~el". k"uinto Mdyaabao.. ~ittbolote Doroutio 1:'()i~nce Sdlooi cblatywayo pambi kokuba imioyaka yohudal. kwada k".... Iodebe Ipume e k.bukb,li ng~babhaleli ab"tile ab.· oom~ebeOtl titilllogell', zizioto (':tine M.gqubeni p.nhi ko Mou. S. P. n teuodu .bamallq . ku apoma kwimi. :iq_amo.e nkatno yeeilO. Lungi~a Akena. KWlLlandela i Tula pantsi 1<0 blati ya p~p' 1~lap •. I LidO Lomzi Imlllwllo y.ko ngoku taba.tai Chamber- kwe Nllo.k. K.llldyeabaoa. Imali ete ke Iloele umogeoi kuma ('eba. lawo laio', Tablet!! ~e8i8u De aibiodl uyaku - yooziwa yile konsati ibpyi £25 IO~. o Kamele "au umnl!eoi 10"0 wam kaulen upile kw. "ona. Z'tengie"a Nge weell:-end epelileyo 8ibooe ab nkelw. ogam.glnogqe , lay. i Liso zik.emit i woke oeveokile. Namz. \fajomb )zi no M. Sil.oele ba,a Lomzi limem. iotiangaoi,o eaiAibh.-dlal.l. yomsi, eyakubl.ngaoa ngolweei Bioi, 24 S.ptember, e Raile B.n ugo

8 pm., apho izithethi zo,rnzi .z.iy.lIokuni- " TEA k k •• ;tb.b. 1"", •• d. ""b,Io., ,,,a rna es you oge Domeltio. Sci~oce Schoo~, ne N.ti.e reeredlon ground p,ambl k'lfe Deputy Mayor, u Col. V. G. Le,,;' no Nkoek. ~ha Newmllo.

I Kblika Lika Bryant

happy and contented"


Yogqatso Nltokwel,)e .batik~ ogeaitututu. Kuto lIgo Mgqibelo kWllko illtiangani80 ye titlhar. ekw.kukQ uabe fuodili aba Long W. Oawe U'I A. Mblomi. V.yi. meoywe ob. II \Iou. \fajomhozi .<Ji. baue ootiebala ale ol'tim'.) tabu ujeDgokub. en.:omnye oYlikudibau. De Commi,.ioD apo kozo:J,:wa ogelDlundo yabamoyama.

Kwi matcb ye.iue pakati kwe Spriog RJIIe oe Bloea "umolodi okuti ogoko kuqala ite yoyi .... i Sprin'!" Roae yi BI\I~' D~e 6 point" to 3.

":mv. kokull!l:.biko is:elh., utikile u Nk08k_ E. Oliphaot okuvel. e Zw.g\lf8 Hoek. Ukuainga e Rioi ku· oduluke 0 Nkoek. f:'. K"au oy. komkulNe wake no :Nko~k O. Nquru obel.p. ngotyelelo 1,,1' nyao~. (lzi. mbini OIIioge e Oqume. Uaalele 0 Mou. JUD D.ku yimilenzo imbamb.· Ie. Abatuoywa .baye k"i ogquogqu· tel. yo BIIII t.abamuyama e Qooce Dglh. Numz. Sim Xballie no S. P AlI:ena.


L!miny.k. iogange 14 (dluJileyo, abaphati 2.:kolo zabllootau odu ap. edolopini, kw.knnye haho aoloko baba nenyweba eyod"a YlIku quba urooyadala wtl; khak. Jika Hry~nt, umny.dala 10 IVO usenzel"a e Town aall ekupell'ni k"eminyaka yonke. Akun.kah okokuba Ilbnali bah.olw.o. baka baDommdi,okanye .bameli kule aomiti ye kb.II:. ; into boo •• baaoloko bajongaDa D.YO kuku.. cit. imal; zabu ekut-engeleni ab.ntw.n. babo impahla tho1!lellileyo yokuya kuvuma e Town Ball . Ng.palldle k .. am.taodl, imali 6)"l'ozi"6 e kha­kelli Il'mi 14 ewinyaka iogabalwa ogama wllmt'ponti. Namblanje ke "uzam wI",u~' le," aitsho kuba njeogo· kub. i u )ution H.II ifu;we uk .... a · kiwa, ilizwi ~ehkhuhbilll'e lasieipooooo Jivela e Towo Hdl lokuba uku8u6el. oonv.kauj" uku,io~ i'a pilmbili, .ba­otaoodu aba,_y; kobuye baweot.ele e Town 8 .. 11 umay.d.l. .eagom •. Fanukub.. ooko ojeo@:okuba ueiza emtini ojll umuyadalll ugoku, naba­uli babanr"aollo baya.kumenywa oka­oye babbuol!\i~we yi komiti y8 kh.ka, oenqobo jiktlele_ Bill zik. TS.litolo Koloblu t".ba.weli b.B6 Moali k"j

okomf. Ita Ruiomente ebiblaolleae e Qoaoe ukolUeela kombl. we 18 kwe miyo, ngal~m.gama alaadelayo ouge· zelelekileyo. Saoumzanl Jobn F. Tyoheka, Gudoer W. Jamel. uo B!nry D~nil'l 'L'y.wzouhe, bonke og. m.nene edolopini kanye.


Abantu Nento Zabo Am.k()ek. S. M.llbolugu, M. D.

Gzubtka, 8. K. Ndobe bakwele n~olweei Bioi kule caw. ukoeiog. e Dikeui, apo b ka I abe netoba loku blatiy. iogql')odo ogollufuwana i lector6fl kwi d, meetic, motber· o"lt, by."ieoe njalo njalo. U Tlbawe Mou. M. \h,booa wlee Pirie obefudnl. el6 R.utioi ulapa e Saotini ogob •. mbelo. 0 Nkolk N Bottoman w.lapa obuy. epil .. e Kap., apo .oite Iqel. lelDioy.k.. Ukwele ngoh,eli Hioi Iwe 0.". edit.llileyo 0 Nkol'Z.. B . BaUoor, udllde bomfi Faualele, oku boyela e Bbai. Baeinde kwillgozi elDa.oYUlDnyezi yokow. eliweoi ne 1D0~r u Muu. G. R. ldtati nooy.u. k,,1 OIioW. eng. pay., bekode kofnpl oe Rinl, hebeauk. apa ugebalDhelo ye week· end betioga e Alioed.le. U Ni:OIk. M. Mbolek". obefondia. e Adel.ide, Ill. ph. k". Gompo ok.e %Huo.. Iudweodwe :z:aae Qonco tlzi1ioiLe .pa i week·end ngenqwtlo yue lI.k"emt.eni ng. Makon. E. NOlDgqibelo MI.odu, E. IIqot,i, Ba.oum!.. P. M. Ngeli, B . A. Y.ko,

You should drink Tea with every meal


How to Make Good T ea.

Buy your lea in t lb. packets or larger. You get better value that way. U se a tea-spoonfu l of tea for every cup of tea you want to make. Make the lea with boiling water. and allow it to stand for five minutes before pour-ing out.


TEA is good for yOU! Foote Mekot.e. Ngokolibbalayo ain ISSUED BY THE CEYLON T EA BUREAU, P.O. BOX 1565. CAPE T OWN_ o~~"::;':;~'~k:'~b~'~~.~ba::m~bo:k~.~~":'~;m::.~:,~;~ __ ::::::;;;;~;:;::;::~~~~~~:;~;;~;;~~~~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .-



Akaseko Utitsbala Ben Gamanda E z a s e Dordrecht

Izisusa na Bantu e Bbai (NGU QALAZIVE .l

-------ngokub. Ii ' Kwflzi '. Ute ngumbuto wokuuml ukuba baogahlazeklabaotu abaphuookileyo nO'lfokuoceda .bax • . ~ekileyo njeogo .. o abambiopfl benn) Im'OyaDo eziloloblobo pekati kwabo. Ngllowioi bafuOl ukonw.biaaoa Da.

SIKE .. booi.w. im isebenzi emible ogo Vulindlel. no 8ambi Ndltll,

kWlngcnl.wl iqela f'lible kwi lecond cille, elipumetelfl kwi l 'eoderfoot. Sibulol/\ leenM Ie Botwe Ie Mlundo ukoogen. eoye itil.blll eeikol.eni 10

Manyaoo, ekubeoi kukudala iZIOywl leodawo Nlmbla line titabal. ezi G paotei kuka Mou. A. M. Tloti, iogqo­oyel •.

Am. Metbod i abe nempumelelo

eocomeklYo kwi koollti YI.O Yoat.ldt, .e 7 September ebe .koko Ibl't'Qmi blee Lututu. [AdvllOry Bo.rd nyull u Mou A. M. Tloti .h.,. t· kwi komll ye Mlteto Ylbl Nt.eODd.':

KUNGOSIZ I olukbulu ellibik. kule­mihlah nkolwelekl 1I.ol/;a rit.hll.

Ebene~el Gamlnda .1l1li Strip Looa· tion e Walmer, mll.og. ogombll we I't September erDa 34 ImioYlb ubu­dlla emvi kokagoll itubl eJifut.blloe kunene yiogqele emiphungeoi. Ublabe­lie oglmandll ngo Mgqibelo we 7 September, k'ill'loYlozelekll ukuba .tunyel.e e hOlpitili yaee Bhai apo a"babel" kOOI. Obe enkulo yelikolo 8IIIe Walmer Loo.tiou 'I,e T,belllhi k.i,ikuodll eauioomkoluw. wake, om6 Vernou Glmanda 0111"00' ­

odulellYo ngoknbbubb., yenlebbubhl ellndell i",go elingu yiell ela8wllteka iminyaka emibini edluleyo. Ubeyiti­ enezipo eubao71i kuba waye­ngolOoye .abalH'ki bentahukumo ye Pathfinders ne Wlylaren e Bh.i eya­qalwloguye nomD. omkuluw. w8kee W.lmer, Yloglbo Iblvull i Bhai ameblo ng.lonl8buknmo. Ikwlnguye nekwlboowa ukubetwa k .... m.gubu ogab.nt •• na beaikolo e Bhai , ~ukuti ngelifuhbane i Bbai lilablekelwe yenye yenkokeli etipambili zenqubell. Ubhubba iqela bke 8IIlinlltlne kumbuto we Pioneerl (0 Yulindlcla), emlndela o Moo. T. Nli.oliokulu wale Rbi oi. Ubetand.1 kunene zititBbll1 zooke U<Ie Mh.i enobubelll bendalo ogaogo· kok-a ibelapo iokoli80 yazo efiblweoi like eoabanomzan. P J . Nikiwe, E. ltlkuli , J. C. )1.koney, Kula, S. Ngllol, R. Tohhanl, L. Dhllmini, (obefund iu pallt9i .l.wallel. G. Gamaoda, (umni_ olwa, nellto eoinz! yetitabal •. kazi nibalula u N"oe". B . Kama n.m. Kon. R. Mfull , M. Ntei .. o, R. N.eba, Nkoak. Truth Tubali, K . Nikiwe, P. Meaoyaogwa ekude kWako neuse Tioera. Umnc wlbo wake nbeogo­ban71i kooene k".Clca ukuxabiuk. kwaleododana pakati kOOOZi, ebantu bengam. 534 Efibh'eoi. Belipetwe oJtu Mlu. J. Solilo Wlge Tioera eocedi· 8W' ogn Catechiat J. Mguqulwi wama T.hetsbi ngeDkoo'&O eqale kWlle keoi yaka apo kU"a ioteta eziciogilayo n~obomi nemileben~i yaleodod.ol lfihlo belikbokhelwe n,o gsa, ititehala, lillndelw. ogabantwanl beli· kolo aake kWlllndel1 omodllili obene moto uiai bbozo aema Mrikl zizele nglbamkhaRela k.eyokugqibell iodl' wo yab yokopumla. U Mia. Solilo nyincome kunene into yobbnko beti­tllhal. e6.Wweni lomoye wazo, eliti itittbala zanga ziogasikelelekl emae. beD'Zini "IZO omkuiu, w.~eka ogenwto eti omfi Ben Gamloda ofele II Nkoawi weon newiYlleto komz.likazi .... e natl@oku6hlwa kWlke. Ulbiya iokoai· k uti nlbe.ot.lnl abatb.thu ne:r.ego­kaai elingu nina oabaoioawl Ubengumdilli otebauheleyo we tenele .de waeekl ne kllbu yayo YlRe

Qooce, "ooyula yenl 0 Bllo __ \e

Mou ,. H &.'gobo. Umll ubi! De.,~ IH('OW) e:mbuebu nge Uiklo yaba Nt.euodo, u Nobblll .e Dodl we Imlb,I' lIogwe Ilguo Umli u ~ ukubl kweoziwe ImlluoglHklo~ .. tumell Ibitunywi e Blcem1oote .. · •. Co

. .. OVtotlOn ogl> 16 Dtcember. Ahemi blRe Lokiabioi bt.oae 001

ngx~to kwi Couoci l "Be ~'1well Dkol~ baolk~b I!uogelo 10tYII"1 be Siot I Bodl IYlb,mbi Oeeiulnzo kubllllU:~ ke ogl!!e!e Slmhlil oll"vu,1 u

~nu. W. Mpullmpula olokufood' lohapo evel ... e Rlutioi anoye'i: ukubo~a u Nkolfl. O. K.t~y ... R,utim Ipa ekweo~ le impilo, DIl&

w.yne no motwlOI w.k .. o •• ytlDp­pili. Lomotwalll wl.I .. llek •• pa.

bantu, 7liliblleke ioou"u kubl into e Bhai ngeotaala ye 4 St'plember

eobuba iogqoodo tabauto flumane ogebolid8 Yolveki eziolotu, Ngu

be.h~ang~nl ojpngokubl benzile ngalo. Nko~k . Noyauti Mf'roJlo ..... sse B"thele·

mIDI, eJiti yiudl"o daoa ne Sooill dorp oaweleke og~ 30 AUJ/:un ~·afiblw.

Ctotre yase Rbautini. Pawbi kobl 0IlU Mvaogt'li T. Maoyoota Wama

"~ogen'lfe ezipbuogweoi na'K!zieelweoi Method i ~t, beogllma :..'00 ab.otu ,fi·

e7llbando.yo oaaengomeoi. ekuyoliee bl~eoi . U Mou Att ... cll Mgubela

yon. ng .. loojikl lao~I, u Mou . Pendla wa@D New Brighton l'ivuya ukwatioa

WIZi"fI ukuba nge 7 October, umbuto u"uba upuPlil ~ e boopitili ppillle kwi·

we. Kwezi woblnenRayiwayo i aocial nk'atno yomlellte wake ebinl&e konl,

kWI. T_ C. WhiLe Hall e New Brightoo upuOle nile 4 Se-pterobu U Mnu. A

eyoJOOKa ukupbubliel zllombuto Otatl Weotfol uve"i robini el~le nzi.

koogenl kupeta abanoyi!hiweyo nge: ml yinllatazo ye rumatllOime em ll li811

oJI)~go yokutiotela izibboogobhiyaol emtioi wake, uimnqweneleh, ukupila

nt?-I~h~xi tiogaoglloi KuwfI ioteto J kWlk: mpi oYfloe_ UOlbloli "'flzikolo, SivuyUe kakulo ukumbOD' epak ..

UmbutG we Ri.iog Star MntuII Benefit Society (Ikwed) nbene .ocill ebe.uzi kwibolo yue New Brighton ngfl Ca. .. ye " September, ete yooganyelwi ngu Mou. A. F. Peodla .bebalapo i"opela kocwambn IWa8e New Brigblooo nate Koraten. Uliblalo oglwazwi aroafutabaoe kuoeoe nta bablangeoe ogok ... enZi. obodlel.ln. plklti .110' mbuloo oabantu jikelele, ingo. mbnto lbaalnduloku.o aeke e Nfl'" Brighton Ib.wubiu ngelifut.ahaoe

Ipinda "I bioi

impl lo se Sbll· va ul:.. .

£ 1~lef.taa. 00-phdo b~ Wbll.f;8

tea bao babeli.

UIOHltl komaluogu alombuto, ioteto u Mou. J G. L')Qw uq"le ukuvavaoya mile u Mou, J. P. Leaao.Ol' OIJgoDlO

Zlmlne zivang",a olngengoma yeqela itikolo tIl@e New Brightoo nge 9 wa~acbol.cboli ku """'''';Ii,'' ekok~~

lam.yohea, kw.vahra I!ekueebo. luku September beOI ebeaeleoe veki e~ioobiDi elele.

koo~atyiwe oglbo bonke abebelapo, ==r;:::::::::::::~:::::~~~~~~~~~=. S,vuya uli.wazial ukub. i S. A

National Suoday School Ae80ciltion ylee Bbli ivule umnYldala wok bupi­Iwaoo (competition) kw.ban~undu

kupell, ogokubbalwi kwe bali (l'uay) oga1omeimbi .. Veioga uk ubi OglWa· pinl IWOOI lIlab.1i Ulltba.thu auomdla e BbllyibiJeoi If.nele .baotwflnl baba· ntu abaotouod u, nika tako o@'okukhet. ibalaoa ngalioye kulawo mathatbu uwakbetiJeyo, unle oeyooa ndlela ungawabali .. nglyO k o.baotwlol baba~tanodu abaogaplot8i kwemiaya­ka eil 12 ubudlla" Kuoikwa Iljeoge. bhlao ullaX!l.biao amathathu Iyi mali, naOlu::abieo Izioowadi etiot.thu oge­zona mbhaJi ezibbalwe n~okuhbahbe. leyo ogllli Ngeli, ei ·Afrikeao. oboye np:ezioYII zll lwiOli ubaot-,uodu Aku. ~ir;w. y.kunsenll etugqataweni, Inc'?-f' lo ut-Ieyo ifuoYlnwl kwi N.llooal Sond.y Eohod Auooiatioo, PO. Box 17, Por~ Elitabeth_ Nllo ke ie b.m n~okulebtoziila ubuobopho. Nawupiol ofuoayo mllk.ngeoe elugq •. tawenl kwaogoku.

Abankl Nento Z~bo

K~p8odo ohrenziwe yi Mantyi Bbl' ngokull kuh Moo. . Bury

Mko~do "'alfl New Brightoo nimbike l kwehdluieyo, u Mlotyi ufu!l)aniae oknbl umfi ubulewlI kukudllvulwa ~gokuo.yatelw8 ogo.loliwe n . eogozi , logulohwe obel.y i,be am atye_ Nge 3 September, u Nk08k. Jane Jlntjiee ufunyellwe efile eEone-ui ye Frere ne ArmetroDg Street e Bbai U Nkoek. Emml Nyuaela. u I Prieoilla Nyueela, basaleleke ekeyeni e Db.i oge 9 8flptember eWfa kotyelelo olubaoti kweJale Rhloti oi. Yint.ombi yake, u Nkoez . Evelina Nyolela OEe boepitili ukutatela kuOlbla we 20 Augu.t 08f1 operlllbioi, aqubfll flbnbheteleni ogokn. I Ea,tern kugby Footblll Club yal,pl, yeozele u NkoRk. Nyueela i rt'ceptioll eb.nti emzini "'.Ike mllanga. nge Clwa ye 15 September. UmkbOlI .. e Bloto Methodiat Churoh I obellobilielo olubanzi e Tin". ngo 25 August, lpo kuzillillele lbaotu abaogama 75 upet.e ngo. Mlu. J . N. V. Sahli. Eliblel 'l Iiyaqioa olge Kaladokwe lpo laliqlli811 lIga. baotu 187, ogoku landile oglb.ntu Ibloglma 681blZioikeleyo

kUUlha nje. Sivuy. uk"lzi!a uk Ub'l u M I~. D. Nteike we 7th D~y Ad. ventist Churcb ubuyele eoozioi wake I II Bbai ye 9 September emve komjikelo oblnti k ... eleae Muboleoi. Kugaleleke e Bhai oJ/:e nlaaal ye 15,.. Beptmbe-r II Nkol'k_ Florenoe T. Jabuu (u Nolwaodlel pvela e Fort HlTe oabantwaoa bake 0

Lexie nu NtE'ogo . 87le-ogoku8ela umoy. ngt'mpilo'l_IYo e Bethet,dn rp kwa Mnu. no Nko@k_:F H. M Z .. ',,.. ape bohlala kooa inyanga z 'lml,ioi U NUrde Dorab Estrie. wale <.\JL(O

Ka1l.9eia b'mhfati o/alldtfayo

IG"'Zl lETU uurOl'" 1:. ... 1'01,..., .. , UTSHEfU TllSH'" '

Impilo ipuma Ematunjini aklini NANAMANDHLA

:-':oma yipi ipilis; yokurud,sa cnamandhla inoku~il':tu ,. " },;:uymt

clula loko, Ko<I"" ,nin!!; Itmiti yokurudl.a illtlilOOzi ngob:.& UII:O~

htuz" kw:.&}·o ng~m~ndh!:.& kwtnu wonke umb,h,,, ut,e but.k:.& I :.&~.

I.,·mit' 'YMudl>a kcpa ayikwui ukunlk:.& :'&",<IIndhl:.& nom:.& "kwakh~

l·"u<ongddi:.& kut<h~t<;ha kUI)iudclc kUnlunt" ngoba amatumh'

a,::,.'ako nakhi]la ukudhb cngazange atolt :.&mll"d h]:.& okwenu. um_t_

10""11 '1<1110, Kllti kc isigu!ani, ngtso siza t u. sipJ. tck~ k:.&b. Qku,]hl"l~

n~apambili singakt upuzt umull wokurudi5a,

I i\,rlon zchluk ile ku)"o yonke ,miti l-okurudl<a Zihl ... 'gan,

"Io"""d, ... nolou nib 'mandb.l~ . A~.;~bcnz' ngoloweQilq·o_ Ked ....

LI'IIIlI~ckol ... tmn'cbeozill1 wazo, Zlgwmyc kusihlwa IIJe_ Ku,a"

"~,',,k~ti ". h1akic". uyoziz\\'1 "nran:u,I".iJ" ukuy~ ngapandhlf h ."

iyaku<dlcnn n!:okugcw~1c Kungtko kU<lkw<I_ Kung~ko 1mhl,· ,

Kodw. uyokwn; ... Iu.ti it ... mbu 1,1.0 "Ii,.,.'_uk"dhla likl;n i

I· lit; lIyol,aula ukuba isisil sako 1i,ebcnza kangcono ng"b~ , r~rlOI

, ,ikj,"Jule inyongo. zit inte full ~al1lk:.& amamlhl .. cm:.&lulIlI'wlO' alaul~ 1I .. .,kjhhl'a kokudhla, Kuymdhlel:.& }':.IZO ~nku ik.l ama"dhl, ]",

ZI).lkha futl 71111ka amandhla.

t-)""lIa ufulI1an";:l omunye "pctIH likallda. nOIU"

I"",a kugcwelc ni~wini ~mU\'lI kokudhl... ,m,

'·'(,"gclt-kilc. cncnyongo, igllzi lin".tcocekdc. cnuka

moy , noma kukhona olllnye !w,,"impa'l lok",

,..kla. mu,a ukunJ':aban. md".

h k JI'I'" Parton,. I~ihlobo "ak"

k Juga ngeso selulcko. 1 I' rtOIl\ ,izt lchlultkc

Z!t.:'ngi".-a yon .. ,· 10,].\\\0 ng.:' 1/(>

pill>, nOlna. Ulu­

mek ku PO Box 10.12. Capc To

utumelc Imalo.

z. ...... t

UMIElELI W· •• , .......... ~OD'."""·IP<:' .,. ""-,........ ~ ............ ".'O.IA;:!BURG. ;.:~ -"1 SEPIJUlBER, 1833.. 13

Izinto Nabantu e Tinara l ---- Indaba zase Qonce Ak k U

ITlTS~AL.1 t.ombuco lyi Kine: NGE Ca .... yomhla we 6 September ase 0 Mlu Afnc&fa Teacben "WJCt.tiou Ioathl, ~ Ii September. The .nandi

ma,laop k .. ~~.e D~ Bi.bop lb., • (Ceotul)" zidit.eoe D~mhla we ij kak1llu ltmbato, kob6 iolo\ifO Tama "berry.,.. Dbal indhl yee.ilr:oio........ Mtyobo ~p~mber, iOll;o ldOD_- S Huhe eei- Ot.oebJ.i yr.DH itolo nilDllanch .. adoIl'1It1.' ok •• k.i •• II LnlA tat. h41"~Di. Kutuogul_e nge' lect1ll'e' nwuodo oabebala. E.iaikolo ... ·'i- e~Dr.I"e Dgo 1I0u FortlJ Grant M A IalJUlo b ~I:oek. L. n. ~l!'m o~.'i tata ,'m., •• ogama Rome ap. II E 'b I . K K . I I!! be ylDtcto epSk&!D8 bnlo, Panu i~bo e~ete con _tngal~ , ~t::1l Tidr& y.,. b,liqela I!)i.,..yo .banl •• - ZI e en) wa omaDi t~mki.mbi ,I!!mioion Il ~o R D ~lEoa:l Ehabelb Ii .TOIIYIS_ oleh~, na , kno e:r:llikolo. NjeoR'&" • - . Go~bmao oOlh lo~~lo yeotiaagur.iao bo~pta.l. Jl rbl!'oG3aUliG3 e,laq.r!'Ot a ,iqelo ~ko'-ol •• "toto d.aa KONG03IZ[ olokalo ukun.k'h .. ye Comf, ebiblt.oll;eoe t.a (,lomba. ukaba ,hie ap.tame.

kuba nkutu lbe ,imlblali kubt!ot-'Da oko bbob!&t. kaka lilo TbolD .. P wuiu ukoba i komf. el.odE'iavo vo- • ,babeloDjIlaeJt.l.e iaupanda,e !!"IDg.r Mtyot.o. Ubhoblle oiPlwtlli. Ne 12 k. 0' ..... Olt,O iy .... O".ll.p. Iiui'li .. e. . ..

Uiklog' ellllke nl'e B &Opltmboor e11 6,~ !oem1oy.k ... ellglm. 40 !:"DgU I.e, kob. De .... )oth ArtIno T",·bt-u I 0 Y.auh,. NS(:obo •• I!' EtallMni IIbv.hloog'll teaokobbllbb ... OJ''''' mfondwi kluh ... h lue T,beht,i, kwi A..aCI.tIOO tbaodaboya abamblope i lhlOklo "talioo. e ~\i·kt.tidbl., ,u...ko paoyuo lIob Ilno ~~phl'n Nl'lilpi od~.o Dji'e ndawo F.' e Iduogo I~, olb&Ol!OOdli ik •• o.yo ogo JaDfl o",booell! e lfl"oe, 0ll;t. ... Pito11 r. Sg'jl!&O .1" W.Ojl;.E' iDi ol'olloul.. JOIot Coo~i:.'1 J,I.p', "t.logo mhilli ouyo. mIlD' ul.ndel •• baul bab .haulI':a . • III t d HI k ·.·tT Rar nita p.mblh •• b. voti ..... ot.llllodn ' '. ko bot bili • .'. (.I :,.1 1 I ... ~e , 0.00._. bNi thili, kwi netotivl! Ann ahl KWlutl!.Og.o.HO ye Joiot Cooocil . OR"UlDml W. pi Iq~ I ~mloy... I)' lb' ..-- : oll;omhla.e 11 Sept"mbi!'r ibe 10Vllv!) -================ Leagoli imhkla t~benlini a Bh.i I P""'b·Oud"".o/t~.eb· .ske "oku ~ru. olokolo oko .... i Fort Rare ivom;11! -, '--1>0' . d I 0 era ,,"lilt .bbobba . r!.ote xa -- 0111 .10 •• 0 eoo· Itol I' . ultopa o .... l!:obolfOk •• " k.i library y. mbane lI.ou. ob.oJ.e lodogo lamblne fill! loye irOI oogo I!! DillrJd Pltb- ba 14 d b I . ,. .' _...I:

. ,6nder Comml tM. em .n. 00 0 a lpa _qa ... yo, lOi: .... 1 waf. k-•• oko. Upotooy.ayl nkOI,klti u . _J'" . , , aOYloo.1! et'liql!!la r..- othbo 08'otlobo Ititlblll~

.. " .- d , Obi' ..o.u;rOul emor'l •• ~"k ••• pll ku· . Y' npll •• 0 UIIO e .yo.. ..: D I k b be '. lIogapaodla OltO uklllom.ol io:n-nseokoolO , •• WMill! nao M,u J ' yo •• 'yeo~ 0 0 .I... . r:g.l mbl.l, x'l!!ba tull! libr.ry Vmoto. ooyol .. lwe B.m bebaoiot.1 .blte bamlaodtla og,.pambb,'," I .. o.og"."" ",CIOf! !tude lin ukunika obuoqio~ pt.mbi IE_ otl •• • .... • • .1>0' N pe a 'ml • ,0 Upl. .,k!! Um . . .

o oy. D •• 0 yo ogql a •. ogo. b ,. kb be I : HI ogaollo yl! kOtoltl I!pand, ng.mLDani 01fOtl. DOli All ebeogadl'li bbol. ebe- .. kO s .e. u O:? .... 1 aoo .baoto. .b.nhondo .bablal. "l.idolo-:.g.ljb,U OIlDOoediuo. k.iog.uki eko· er:..... .e8~I.QI, pam I .• k~ .. bao.t~ pini ogo Mlu A E Kose. yo yoqela '-badiali koba abeliloogll Ie 'o(l.m. ,opet.e yl Ilhopu ebl. . . B.a 'It P tball CI b II' I Ilodel.. nao 11110. RORe,. " .. e LU:.p"tlbo am.It.,.lkatl .ae Mooot

• "'"," lOOT • ,0 ........ 080• ,UC",'bo

Moheno Aba Loogiaeleli .babello Colle .Ioo~ieelela i ,,:>oveDWln ' •• 0 e w, uog. e " g. 0 ",uo a o. b Ro'f d' K " ""b Vbod.ta bab bebuk.i,icub. ,e 3li Oil.. e weblelo la S,. Mich.aell, yommlo • omt-Oj I .0. im' Ita h' . b' b" JobolOo W.1e Bolot.. oomnye kon. okolosel. ogombl. "e 3 koya

NloJ'b -: I: l'btlo

m '~ESm ::"b ombl'lpe w,l.p.; .bUl~oodo ibi ko"a 7 ku October. A.a!Hl Rod~ b go . '11lo

ko 1m: .a tI ep d ~ ~r oglbl Jioglao .... St M.ttbew, .m.lllllikni 'Y'pitilOI. ng"r.e . Sell

"b • ,.10g .. 1 e. '." .onal ey. u.u, kwe oqubo ye okon,o le,o' ImprovemeotClub ' a8l0dulokoyivul •. a IUO u DI;'lmpo 0 0 Weo.llOma. 'iII'~. S. B ' __ 1 ' . nela o.b,heYlme og.paodle I!!llfeeu . . S&u 0, A S. Yn."I, J. J. K •• Bro.olM ogol.ell m.oo 010-leol kollu.bukum. k"eogom.. III".. Stl •• o., Z. Mubwelo, A S. More, lIyO, 27 &op~m~r ,iolodlom. ye .J.I• u. .. iI.p> iz.eta~a Rtbe Scott, Jobod., F.t.ber Hoffeod dy.rleki •• po .mldod. obe" wolle paOlI! k •• b. Num, 8 M.oka,i Dye . UII!6.lo usbl,a o""po oloklllo, too.".l;lkotti oge c. •• kubeko ,be no MI.o. lIuoy_ DO Nkon. A. Ma.qhio.. IDItOillt .. I" .b'Dt",O' bake o.blto- Faodl" B. NI!!.ell 00 Turr.nt .~u ltipomo .. Iom.beod llba .ibla kolw.o., ellvelao. k.khalu. ogQmcimbi wok?oyolw. komfondiai bkulo. A~aDtu .-allp, e Gqob-ol.

Nlmhla'je (:!l September) a Korateo U Nko.k. Ng~li we Temperanca U Moo R. T Nondomo •• Il •• 0.,.1 yi Eleno E .. perieoced Ailed.· B ,tel a Q) ee oyi cbite .pa. i "eell. HII'II~uo. nch'te i wHk end .p., \100 Foutb.1i Clob y.l.p. e,.lIudl.l. eod u.)lIu t't1~1. u lInu. (:0 NkOlk. epelekwe ogo Moo E L D. Majomb<ni De Port Ehubetb Combioed Anoci.. Ol.d~tooe Pelem lod'ill'!od.a elilr.e ..... NIOk'ill'ebe. U Nlrllll. Doub tioo Foot.b.1I Team 1!1Iy.kohl.ogI0. uboo luI. p,k.ti ~omt.i ,ui' U Mou. E~triO& .,l"p' e Orey BUlpittlobet. DR'll •• frieodly" N~o"eoi yolloo.g.- Eddia T.b.ta ("IpriOI; Uooot), Soillb. b.te ilit .. y .. ,.."ki ubay •• bl •. lio.i.eki lI .. ab.dl.1i oji'eolleoi ,.1e6.,. no (Howo) Jitomy KIIt.oi :r.iyeklla I!! Bb.y' U Mlo J. B'ko wa

illoyo ko,t.l!:uoYIII", k .... ,b. b, ('"PI), 00 MOD Pl!!rry S.mltlo ob.. B.odl. t.m. "eveotb Day AdvaotiJts hal.odel.J": L t:; M.~q., 8. H mba ebooin ogemiliog""l, ozibila ngo. &lte Ba.ptizi. am "1'. kokotyelel. ibaodl .. abnlEa,i, P. M. Ramtotla, J A Moci Itub. yi Weetl-ro Wiurd. U Nk",1t odloltle I!! Mooti. Sivel.oa (clptaio). S Ng".i. E. Noodyol., S. Edmund M, •• tl walap. uodullillilil 00 Mou J. Mpeodo WMe Mt.ombeogo. Sgbon., a Ngboo., J. K. Tbll DO L. oga J.~e Qtt.m.ta og()ku ",I' umo. Ito.biy •• oa"lilufa yiot".u.zao. 7.lIe D. :\0'-.0., W.o ger. Kuk.,I •• ogo ya. U Mou Wilh.m ilt.lli obeoo. ebikov' ukllpomelel. im-vi.o tUboli. ::! pm. tuko .pa 'YI odlel. yoko tioga t~b.l. Emg •• li lioln Be.trlce.

8ivel.o. 00 Moo. ~o. NkMIt. D emttb,t.eoi .od~de 0 Nltou Kwiotl .. oglniso ya L~ L<:tmzl ebi. Lakaaba. ogoko~hlyw •. 710t •• o.uo., Nob.otu Mt".li U 1100. Dabol. dib@oeogombla we 10 k. Septembtr eb_bo-ltool e RIOI·elr..! e&!· Mtiy. u.ill~e e K.p. ogomlehfooti. ogotopate lele k.imbilO ya Bili u mbioi etldloll!Jo. ~go, Nkoll.. 8. Imboto yoku hah .. \I Mou. R. B.otu, 1I0oyu\.e .b.oom .... o. A. 11 Lokl.b. oltwe~ lI.waki e,~hl'yo, oemplimelelo eokolo. r, no B. B. Xioi.e ukomel. 'IIltuaiog •• RIOI ogotyeielo. Sivel.o. I-C. M ".Ilf'U H.II Y.YI t~If'. bllo nmli. Iqf'l. Ito teooiJ eliyi 'O.illa othulo 00 Moo. 00 NkOlk, K. J. olbl mhlope. Em •• II.-a ote\o ui· Big EiQ;bt' Jl!!ojfajeye okolioga e Mod.yi oll,okll,.elek~ kony •. o, .0· ollulu et ••• yo, itil4b.l. tahpa, Il!!ntll Mouot Coke ogombl. we 7 September mkoiliw ••• bo u Willi, Mod4,1 amv&- iJipo ko mOOml.Oa If! Ie "t"to u ,tyi· uklly.llub. oomdl.lo uaql!!l. elitlh. 01 kDllugul-' hob. elide klltulu. Ngo- .eyo "illomio.le<l Iddreu" " ... ikfOle- 1111pe. mea "poml.11l (22 Sepkmboon. k •• I.I! ngu Nkon. Robl!!rt. ~I"na uno· U M.ny.oo I.a Ntombi 'am. Moo DO NkOik W. M. Ndl.lllwlo' bb.l. lo,oml,aoik •• oJ,!t.llI' Itela Mtotbodi .llp' lubo- nembuto J" Tea yiotiaoll'.ui .... '~,lr.lI.O'~ •• kooy.k •• e 'h,-omi t .. t.p. l!!yol')"1() e Wto,itt' ogol ... ",i 91aou nkilliiu ~e Try Agllo C C. yoogeo. ogo .. pm

Nau Moo J.m" Raman, ... a Sdikiod."i (owullaLileyo 100l1l1lbl.oa .m .. eni .Io." .. q.l. Itol.o!lIku umbo&mlle oll.m.OOI, Sgu Nllu.k. S. P. .!\<lubul. O[ljt1l.UIDI koba n.m"il.) yo-o •• I,i .. )"o klltlb. ojl!!. NRO Moo. .'ted ~"t. .. ho. obamba injioi -,ue IIlI»ol •. mbl. wa 8 S"p'ember oko· .'0". LaoIY.l!Pty •• Zuotey 8,.,ioo .~ badtLI" k ... u. .m.w. oko'-'11I. IDdl.-la ka !.Jli.-e.

Ylot •• O', ,M. X.b. M'loll;.ba. oa' o.iof, •• ca i@ .... It.Jo DiolEo ,ibh.layo eluia kakulo ... I.i. kolo ... ntokodial. Y.IIIOOl'" ilili:.o· ok.aoe .... .t1ibilili ,U10g. Dp~k." nibillaioi, kwaollo kw.yi •• k". cqlta ole .ak...... . .. ikllpa t.ut.i OCDOte.oa _ollaha. kakul'll IEw.boD. DpkD.pompo... k ...... i .ItDLoa k.aoko ...... IEa ,


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~ .. ~.::.:-~.~I.:~:~.: .. ~':::' .. ~.~ ..... ::::.--~I----__ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____ TSI:l..~ Y A. I OF"[C~~ ... · lI.~s I.:IGAREl'TE'3

" Mafoko A


KOMITI e e kOpan80!! ea. 1.0 T.T. ea wono Manganog e Jebogs thata

tbulbo e e bonyeng ruo di koaereng. Eri!. k. boligo Y. Ii G September

ra be ttl oa Ie ('oocert e e mooale tba­t.. Gooe go opel. diko.ere tIeDO'

Mount Zion Temple (Sieter Majodina). St. Marka Choir (Mr. C. Ntaipe) Ie ea ga Mr. J. Bilidile. Nth .. e be e phu­thegiJe umtle tbat. go Ie gone Satlo­t legi bana B. Liphuko, Pb. Leeuw. Z. Melk, Rro A. Sabo180. J. MOliano, Babumagadi ole Sitter S. Sohol.a, Lydia J . Seiobaoo, S. Lipitsi, Pbak"e ale gone Moroa Lobeko Natbanielle Bro. QeEE' IE' Sister Majola, N. Mat>.· leog, Kgooe M. Lipbuko, b. tumaea k. linDo tee di molelo Ie dilamunu. liD aetulonl! e no e Ie Mr. Z. P .

B.tho ba ba nang Is dikoko ba cboets bothala ka Dtlba ea magodo a .. tleteeog gats Sa motie. Magodu a utoa dikoko metlha sot the, chono ea bone sa e thulIS srpe hela. Batho ba dita ka. uela e choanang . Ha u na Ie nca ba ba chotae nama, mme ha eka bogola ha e latlbela oama eo. Ka oako oca s yang Dama booa ba choa rela dikoko mo kgeheng ba e ka oooe koa magaeog.

Maloba ... Labotlhano koa mol sen!! oa Batho Locat.ion go Ihetee ntlo, mme etile ba tbaka ea mu!ho e tlbotlho· miaa go. bonala gore motho 0 D. e. go robala a otae a gotediue lebone, mme ya ebubela Iipbats Ie dilo, Ie ene ebile e abole gooe ka. Sat.ereta!!a.

Re latela Ann. Mogapi oa Petrol· borg eo 0 re tlogeteeng. A na • hi. tloa Bentle ke mook.meli Rev. N. S. Mohhumi, b.,.di ba ba kha· bite aentle ka gODoe gooe ko. pbu. pODg, titO ea. .boelioa k.e Rraecbo Jacob Motbibi Ie Rra May.hi, Ie baDa ba gagoe ba De bale gone: ,Cbaena. Ie K eakae Ie ba baDgos.

Oape go tlbokagetle ka : di !}

8ephmbu, Mohumagadi Esther D. Kgogo (M.tlbomola) ka morago nako e telele th.t ... DUa. bobola,6 batla 6 ona dilamo he pali a hobola 00-tlhoko yoa pelo. Pbitlo ene ea nDa ka di 10 September . Titelo mo kere· keng e De tsbegol dicoe ke Rraecho Kgangoe, koa m.bitleng eoe ele Rre P. Mekoa.

Motho 0 sa nt.ane • Ie botlboll:o 11:0. Tempe HOlpital ke Mr. Jacob Kbookbobe, mme gego thoane Ie nako e betlleDg.

Mofum.bali Sara b Moeieleng 0 fa itae kbalo bo ea Aliwal Noth boblo· koog ba 'm'a·rooa Mr,. Modi8e. Eka phetobo e tl. ba teng bekeog ena.


LAUGH your paWl! ..... Y

with "KIl'lU\A." TAlI('!;IS


Dou your held TlDIOB wltb pain t Do yO\.l luff~r eontlDuo.lly from B~. &C'HE~. TOQTH&CBlI:, NBU1AWI&; or from RaBo~I&Tl8)1, LlllUl&oo. N£'01lI. TIS. or eome m.ddfwDg NI:RVE p.t.Jy vou e._at I~OUDt forl .... KUIoJU. " T~Ll':'h will re)ie\'e your p.,DI m • m.~" __ 1 .... y. Sde to .nd Dot " b.abit.formiDg."

FREE Wnte to·d.y for. FHa SUlPLE, enclosiDS 6d. to ('over coat of poltlse.


I Try "KURRA. H Tableb ODte aDd '00 wilt oner be wilboDI them •..


I Mangaung , _____ 1

Loshu La Ga Isaac Titus Kobue

K A di 4 Aogult go tloget •• lefatahe 1100 k. loahu IIt.o Titul Kobue

oa Bongweoi Locatioo, Raodfoouin, 'ml a bolokoa k. di 6 Aogult. MOlboi o tlblgill lelatablng ka di 12 Marcb 1912,0 t.lbokafala. nQ Ie ngolga di Ie 23. 0 01 a ohl a itbuta mo Tiger. kloof loatitutioD, C.P., a itbutela go eega (tailoring), a noa teog fela kgoeli di II tbethero_ 0 simolohe go lnala kgoedi di Ie tbaro koa 81koloog, 1\ 6. t.lba meno gae k. kgoedi e. JUOl e Je di 22 'ml ka di 22 Julya limolola go gatelloa tbat. k. botlboko Edle ka di 26 July a ea Hospital ea Randfooteio Estatee moo a tlbokdalttse' g gooe k.morago sa m.l.t·i a Ie luome .

Mo.hui mo gare ga paholo ea I/:agoe o Daa ipeile mo diatleog tea Modimo , a rata ditbapelo ha baroti II lefoko la Molimo. 0 kgotb.litse Ie go ba· teadi ha gagoe gote oa tee 'me o Be go ba ba.klnyeh. ditulo mo· teeog oa pbl~imo, a dumeli,a bllgi botlhe ba Boogweoi Ie tbaka ha gtgoe.

Tirelo ea buloa ke Moevaogeli T. Nhimaoe 00 Hermaoneburg Million, a tbueitBoe ke Rev. Juda Kgelatlloe, oa Lutbern Bapedi Chorcb eo a Heog a gomotEa phuthego Ie bBuadi blo moeui k. leloko la Modimo. EJile ba anoa h. batee ga ema Moruti S. Mokoena oa. A.M.E. a paka ka fa 0 oeng a otla a h.mlela moloetei .I.oa hospital. Moraga ha gagoe b. em. EvaDK. Koboe • Itboga b.lgi ba Randfooteio ka ditbolbo tae ba di mo direteeng bakeng la pbitlo u mOl:ui. Kefa go em. ntatagoe mOlui. tlblgi .. ditumeliao ta. mOloi mo Ilpens Ie mo buging ba Bongweni Loc.tion. Tiro ea tlo.loa ka thapelo ke Evang. Nhimane. Batbo ba ba neng b. lelegeditl6 mOlui e oe ele 350 mo kerekeng. Koa mabiUeog Mr. S. Mot8lbe fBodibe Poifontein) .I,tlbela maotaoenyen. a 86 mabe mlbapi Ie boichoaro y!. mOloi ha .. 81 otae a phela mo lel.hbeng, Ie go gomatla bateadi b. m08ui. Mr. Moledi oa Franl MiB8ion a dira tbapelo 'me tiro ea feleletlloa ke Eveng T_ Ntsimlne.

Ke leboga diteala tsotlbe heoeog Ii Ie teng.

• T sa Viljoenskroon

(KE AD\')

MOTSE 0 blile oa lube· luht"ba mooa ke linton tea Sontabn, 'me mao

blokomaoe • fumana mOlebetai 0

mobolo Olio ho ablola. Ka entaba. fetileng ho ile ha i,oa baaali Ie banoa ba baogata pello 'maeepal. ba 10lneog. 'Me taba eo ea kbllemeloa.

Evaog. J. 0 tlehiBa boble hore ka Ii !'l khoeliog ea Mphalaol, Jelreu Seotl'o 0 til bonh'. motee 01

Viljoeoekrooo otbo e bitaoao[r "plum pudding." Evang. Thoe. Bikaoi 0

fihlile ho taoa Vtedefoft, Irha aile. lablehaloa ke pitli cbe e fnmanoe. Mr. Mltjele 0 khutli !e han tie l.ejoeleputao.. 'Mali e mooba hape oa Umtet.eii ke Ephraim Moletuoe oa Verd .... lpao . Re bonl ban. b. ViljoeoakronD ba kopane Ie \'jedontein bjeDo. Re thab. Ie ho booa Silter H. Rlmailane, S. J, Work. Le Mila E. Pbayane 0 khotlile bantle Maokeng Ie Ticbere Teokolihan6. Moea 01 nto. ea lIbtopi. Ie Matlliaol 0 h 'o, itae

"Members of the 0 Io'!:oj A T A Senek~1 Brancb, who recently pautd a ruolutioo tblot e.cb member of tbiB Bt.ocb !Lost become a Su~criber to

the" Afriolo Telohft "-tbe offici. I org.n of tbe 0 F.R A.T.A:'

T sa Mahakajane I tlobile ka miotla, e De e ae e blUI e tapile beetale bo Uoba Mr. A. Molotle jOlle bo fiblile seblplli te seog.~

(K" AM E) .eholo 81 tlolog Braudfort, rleug Mr.

MATlCS ERE a kOloo 1\ oe aile Lehlomo; 0 bli le 0 ba boeit!e haholo. phutbehong ell. Ie kala I, Ceotral Ea tfDa fibla moo. ke morali "­

Brancb, maoe Drlndlor!. Ba tla ba Sol. Molehane ona a etet!e Tuo ..... I. kb tbet s~ ho bonah.le be laoa imltts· joale 0 hoel. Lelotbo, 'me 0 It. pbo. fatal. mota. mateateioyana ha Mr. A. E.

Tbaka ell kOlno ea b'oo;1 e blile e Motaog; ke e. bitsoaog Alice Molanl! _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

UJruqaqamba Kwama­tambo Nen~awo.

UJzuqtlqambll Jrwamatambo , i,ifo f,inenco!i. _ kwayf tmlxt_h. a .... nmu, Inth·

&;10. ,J.aUlfU ,onlhl". UnpnlO 01u11110 1010na luh1Debyo I.wol)t kllfund, ~ Lufnn.fnwe lon~ 1.-";001.0. ULu'lina Ir. ... .,mi,ipa, mbhumhi ukuq"'" L" .. n~nmo, mh13omb; amalungtJ IdumbH"yo, anlil"yo nlq.t· qlmba,o. E~o zimpau luifo SokDqaqamba K ... .tm3t~mbo.

Ukuqaqamba Kwm)IGwo .i"fu ~,irnn' ne,okoqaqamha l,,,amaI3''''!'O. S,koli,3 uLuqala ~''''''3'o' .. n, .;qab kubont.i. \ "admnl,," ·bpbom,'o .. A"ale." 1r.:<]3'1.m(." lion z .. zoyik"kayo. Kukoli·a uLuLa Dlalu01'"

lw,,~ifo ,okuqaqamba k .... enya .. 0.

..:mduld .. e kulr.l1D~."",~ul I. •. kuble k ... ,,~isQ, om,indo, kot; n. maDre Dmu.o:sba IIm~'mba 11\1-,,,. .a1f. Umeilo lIyanqaba ub~ bom'l'tl.

f.;UfO zo"k~ i"d,wo Dmntn aO~lIbon .. Ibantu abamn,ama Ib~IDIDnj;, .. ~ I".i.i(o. luulenye y,bo baqwaldl ngeolonll nangemit;-absuako konh Ttl" d ... n13 -b~pil,' uhom beDtlongD Dosi~i. lIDali, inkomo. konh abanako. banC3kODilfia nl0nl10 u bfnoltupitilwi. Bnokuku.ultJ. Dj .. lo.

X ... II J:a "e" ) !t" banoJru'u"' ..... ubpU.. £lo I ..... bo I.lrhotlla ~ .JONES' IlHI:UM'AT.CtrllO, 1NI.l'1 uJru.lra uIouJal4/fl sldfo Soll: .. qll,'Imb .. 1rwoa,...t.",II. onhI.umbl Zhtyo~,.wa oil. r-o ... IbhoU I ... ,.orllya%o I;ncu,...n,albo. Wandlll~. njfngoko uli.rh, Dko. I'~"h ,,,,IJ~I., ol..lIh,t~ 11 ",yo ukuqina kwamAlungu Nokud"mb~. O~O .. .. )la .... n I: "I It,,: ko,,,·· "r..oh~ ufum~ne ;YUI elililo waye uyako!I" , "~"'llI' ~ ,, · ~I, .. 1.;.· ... 1 diD1.1ng~li'~10 nflin~~nl neol; kw.,hat_b3 nab. .101.,_ nm,,)~ "-e J Iii ll'ln ezipamhil; w3.ibbalela incwadi ft3b7~li~" c·,l, n~di"H3 Jilun/:" hn~akDnan~.

1":lhi"o lipll"t~i. lz-lqamo d41"beJrJ~. Kungani u:lyC!kde ng!!ntlunuu sa k"n,eko ,"'"ne"o 310~O. ~. Z'!)huqaqllmba hWlJ"latambo N£nyawoT Tensa lb· '* hoUJe )Ie JONES' KHEUMATJCURO namhlal1jt'. :'\'a)'ipina ikcmisti :'\e'"enkile ziya kukufumanisa.





•••••••••••••••• Ukub" clIl .. .,,,k,, u/ru· ri/l ... """" j JONES RH£liMArlCUROopD kuni, bMkl" hli k_ ok" UI';-






n.. A~InI'" c.., P.o ..... ""


AD maqbrku blmpe.

, Obta'naide frorn all CBnoST. Iud .. ,..iINftsa ftC •• u .... ..

I Dr.\L'" PrL I 0) .. nd :J,' . , II th~y .re • Mbbu ... bl Dnubl u~t1h kukuqlqambl ko ..... nl.; wo.,qolo mbJl1IOIbl Yi· <)ut " .mle dlf('et, fndOling "Jon,.? Ukuba knnj310 u(ont ; JONES' RBEUMATICURO ItwIIIJ~n· lU()n~·. to,) Re tLaba If> Mr.le \\fre. Ephraim ... Lo Ibl~nll kuknqoqanlbl kw~mal.lI1ho.rohllum~1 dnYI .. o. f'lIn<ls

W CROWDEN MEDICINES, TumtJo Leutele ba Pim .. ille ka ho Io .. ;~o ... IU "';n ""1~~,,.1. m.mYI k"fhI'f'ra ell ... 11 N.obq.q.",b~ po. Sea 11).1:; JOHAN!\'ESBt'RG. luoa ngoan. oa moabemaoe pt-uo... komllDtli wOID,!olo ne :-iyon,l.

f b . b "K . mljoeng ka la 7 Loehe. Motbo e I ;, : ~8~"~'~"~O~'O~.~I~"~'~~~'~-:m:'~'~'~.~~O:'~'~·:·:!~m~O:'~b:'~I:e_'~m~"~'~b:'~'~'~h~':O:tl~'~' __ --~c=~~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~::~~~::~~~~~~~~::~~~~-


UMTETELI WA BANTU, IOIlANNKHOURfl. JWrl' H~PTJ(MIHcn., 19M. " Litaba Tsa Majoe-Masoeu Marriage I A F elehoe Ke T .epo

Ke Rheumatism

Mokakallane 0 lie Kajeno

(K. 'MOLA u&U.)

KAJhN'O mokakaUaoo 0 lie leb .. 0 n. ka Hebaba, bo oUote Thoma,

TN.aue, _ooo .. eona 0 kboell. " .. ta .. m .. M. 0 bl,,"e tMbeletaoog ea 11 Ie e. S, bob .. IIkereke II taoe a ~h .. kel. h .. mo'-o .. lIe 0" bae Jobo Mot~.m .. l. moo b. uti" ba qoqa llI .. bl o .. i~hob .. lIl. g.~ og.k\\ II fibl. ke pelo. Nllbooo Mertb .. Cbukulu on .. 0

kulae bltel,,"aoa : eDe ele lelho •• mokh .. hlo oa b .. all h. Wl1l11le. H.oa h .. b .. , b .. t). ka. bouMlh bo bl .. b!l QlllltIl'Og, BIOllmlooUOio Ie Bultfootelo K .. Ion .. &..1.11 leo .. p.,o .. njt ka 1001 h .. fihl .. pehl e .. 'M .. ·roo .. Elinbeth Yoonl. oa Vierkno', M .. le 0 .. mokb .. · hlo oa WeNle, .. paw .. k-. Ie t .. Wllaog

Manba b Labobl .. no 6 Sepkmber ho fibUl. m",'cbere .. 16 .. blab. tolOOr; WeD" TbeooiM80, Vllotenburg Ie BolUooc.elo b. tlile phGtbeboog ~a lebl.. I .. boo.. I. bltlD .. og Ceotr.1 Braoe". Snbok-. .. U"D(II .. I!:op.oel .. Veoter.borilla Nonmber.

SOn.h .... 8 September .bllll 1i1 .. 1I0 tereklD8 \all th .. ro. Moroli J . M. RJou( oa Kerekll e.. Baoto Mei.bodia' a ht .. b.. mOhe k .. moo., Moroti A. Ho •• Bro.oc, BI,hopo e. Chaobe .. 0 bl .. h .. kl maoe, MornU R. Rai.bebe 0 .. A,II( E ... bl .. b .. bar' .. 00 ..

feel .. (la hll ea eb. uieki bore rnoa .. JI e mo~g .. fm, teb'keog lire "~lIjeo~ tearni Ii kop .. oe, bo el fet. tee obll::b .. Cbe babl,nk .. b. Moreo .. b .. it.eboh,'r.. .. maifong .. bao. o\le bo molumo.

H. re 10 bo lIel. 0"" '" roo .. Simoo MOKOpoli ea ra ,iileog bnti·, .lOpa ek.. Moren .. 0 el re teeli ... k. moool e mong 0 .. onogre· glltioo-George Maojl,ak .. oe. Mooo .. eno .. 0 teoa .O!'kolon~ ... bobo'eli, b .. .. 0 fum.oe empa 0 nt·e " haf\! ha .. kopuo .. , Ie m .. boko.i .. hafl! 0 .. et ... b .. oUe 0 b,ol bo pot-o. b .. keog I .. 00... Ke motbo M m.k .. · ..... a .. mGel . Uelereke &a kb .. le inenkeM.OM I. R .. m .. tbeolane-Jimmy Cohen-o kile a e.. ball lMo'ho bo phomol .. .ek. i.M Pfdi.

Ere b ba .. pbnt.ogrllpber' Ie , w .. tcbm .. lter" ela .ieo t.oropoog, 1 .... 0 Laboke ea. l.tjOlo~ ka oDhe .. ilbub bo ok .. Iitao.o~, 0 kboll .. bl baogllta S .. moel Mnahlo.1i eo .. 0

tea lihoroloai.. B ... bOIl .. Afrlk ... B .. .

EmUI Phr.. 0" Beoebl ke moeti h .. mokboeny .. oe, I. B. )loloIDY"o'l. Eliubeth "alebo 0 .. Tb .. ba Nobu 0 t\ile k .. b.k .. I. mokbobloane 0 Otlll 0 kba,b .. lit.M ogoetei ea hae eleog Rebecna Malebu, obe ek .. 0 e. pbel ... S.rah Cbokodo eo .. 1 .. leog .. e-tl .. II .. bw 1 .. bo kGI .. h .. mof II mae 0 , .. Ie teog hall mODa.


MZI .... koftto booiMoi ogomfo .... .... Ket ... II:wo Nosol1l. ok .. ,. ..

tikammandl •• MII Be.a e tl'telkam., oul ... DgO lII.ben.' Dodl. ObO,.. Ngod .... o.. ZIfllOt nke zomblol .. ogll· ziblu OSISO elo. Blab i~ .. m .. ngn D .. vid. obQd .. I. au~ .. ba k.lIi'oba l1li mtolW eli 38. Wen .. pa & &autini OgeO,"beOIO ngo 1928. Ngo 1927 eamgqibel, _beOIa k1ri'ld •• o ekll~i· ... yi Block A CeQtra!. Akuange .. be ..... k .. l .. akuoulll ogoko. Oog ... la.odi.eayo .. bb .. le1& ko :-JOBl'SON MBUU, .... (oaib .. li ... ke), Boll: 25, Wit Deep Compoood, K.o~bte. 973

KOL&HLIi:It.E e Apu, oge C .... 8 September, HI31S, k.itreoi neok.

e Oedald ago 9.29 ko ..... omll:wayo (legalia.) ooom"o nmdal .. wobo Tem· pile (1.0 TT) oo .. m.gatn.. atiqel .. obugo,a. Ol .. odi, .. yo m"k .. ocede .. b'e· ki,e 11:0: R B MLIL .... !U .• Ciroal .. r Bbaft CoOlp'lGBd, Ne. Modderfoot.llio, P.O. V .. n R,o. i117

T sa Pbiritona PBIRITONA I eolia IIbUII Ie booa

bo romela moemeli plttoog 8

blleob teoK Pretorl. h t.. 6 Ie 7 i..oet.le. Moemell ebile Mr. J. M N,bakb... 0 kbntlile bleoo, 0 oohe· I.M pelelo e .. h'aba &ae bnll~og, 'me II .mobet.loe Il .. tb .. bo e kholo e hlme· lIao .. og Ie Ie qlllillNlog lebolleog MIO.

{··Olltinu(,l fro". pai'! ,I.

hu~ I )/"1I1 til l)(I.rlll·'pll.lo in .11 tho IIUUO.)'IUlI'f\'I a"d I'nrl'll of domf'lJtio ('(·'IIII)/IJ.Y tll)r ~""lilu II, mall Olpoct hill Wlf" til ulllkr .. I;11I11 pohtiun.1 ,~onomy 'I'" ... kr "H'r,l~ ""'\ un,.(Jlli~h oare In

what, I'rom"l~ thll ",('Iroro nud h .. p. Ili m_ tof YUllr ",In w,lI 11(111' in Ilro· 101110\1111( IlI'r 1",,,ltil "ud !!Inil()14 mut'b mort) Ihan .. luti,1 lIulifffltcnw or Jll4lou~.)' .

u Uo 8C Letho Leo Nka Le phelelang"

o ee M.t"a Jo.l~ I) uboll, Kr.achu 'Alha u n.IOJ '1I.,.,'" fl,. j",~lo:a 11.0 "0 0

I, bo fIl .... U eoQt.. b". ' .. ha .. h., flb,., .. b rot!tIIolaOtooa,..,la, II lla ' .. 1.& bo ullQt. katt 0<)

m.,..lIe".,. a ot'OI( a pbtllo:"loe b ~Ol('_ .. Ka IIo:" Uoa b '"la "0 botele," roOMlj

O. 01101 .. , "~ .. mt)t)" 'u ..... o.01l' tb"",>, II .. I,) u.k.,ng eoa'"m<)n8" I~~'I~"" . ... 110 ""bool,. .... K ........ "'"o 1I.lte. N .... re ... 'oUIe bo ""nl( ho mOo h~~ha 0 110011' ° ot.""r.I,tboOK. ho. bIn. joa'l) .. " .. I. bQ"a ho ~. w .. tt.. h Lbe., .... I" ho n,Qll)b. m .. lhtohoy ..... Lemon" I.., , .. ht,·ojJ ~. ne k" . ,kla ho ~. kol,a m"'nl!:ol~, JOII, " .. utl<l" )", I. mo"al.(! bo 1,1,lIla. 110 "0 O .. tll n.ko m.,o .. '" M"A Io:~ n .. hLU'~ h" .. h. ho I~thl) leo moth/) a k. II) ph..,I" la"8·

O .. ooa ba Pblfitoo. b .. eme k" ou,o· to ho loklee' ... eboll ..... 16 'f1'lton. 'mo pitta II bua II .. IIbtlke 1oI0hle. Morumu.oa 0 bolela burl lrree Stlte 0

oe 0 IIwet.oe k , rd , tte II mllnRat .. , Vrllde. Uollhr<lu, Krooo.tad.I.lodley, Drilldfdrt, Uloem(oJoc.elo, FaoBMIDlth I" 8 tbulie 0 bile 0 khl)tblll!ua rdl!loIo eIDeuA bo kent. It'khotll'o~ II Lon.tIOU Ad.i." ry Boud,' Congft'., ho 1It.N. j ,ai, ',I~mJOg Hila, bJblo b, t,'epi.ll ••

Kn. P M. B,l'iti8bo 0 ch.I ... Ie II. ble mlt.tateiog aoa, m.oba ° Da .. III K" pjt:'l k.jllDO ° t .. m .. etH oq'a V .. ld .. m

K" miti e. eekolo e lom.llaoe k" boo re eb kboo. Shodard VII fII q.loll boo" IIboeling 1'0 .. a " .. og lIa Mpbalanto 1'111 borll moltlmo. till .. boolbale ba otle q.loogea Hlemo &ena M ,taoll K. bon. ooble baa b"na ba bool ba f"tileog ~t.and.rd VI ek .. kbon. b. bofole 1I'1I<)loog bo e.o" IitbnlO I.,. lteb'opba 160.

Mr. Hlld .. Re.m.Uaoe 0 Ie .. q"lIIe lee'" ,,, b~e Ia. ho ob .. kel .. bao. b .. Ba.nd of B op., mooa. Fr~1I St .. ~, 0 bile In mo."betei 0 moholo mnol Pbi· rit.ool, 0 taoe ,og B .. ltlrol b.boloog Ie b.ocolJ

Poh ekile ea hf.t ... ka 80nt .. b .. ae f~lileog, ", .. e le~letlll bape.

Mr. JoJbn Ta'Q06oe 01 Bt~mhlo. eollbrook. 0 kile a. fe kb .. lo ho u boo n. baD., 0 khutlile ... a!e bopb~I()DIl Mr. Paull,bm ... 1 Ml)nkofl, 0 ile V .... I­d .. m ka mooebet.; "k .. hoja. Inmnhe b"roonat.e tf'og. Mr •. Monkoe 0 tbeo­bile manha ba felebeta. moull u. hae. ho III Leaotbo.

KO!'rekeog e .. A.V E. ebile S",I,lIo ,a Moreu b~kerr; e fetileng }:ka b"ja motebetai oa kereke 0 ot. 0 bol. 0

~1 .. ~Ie. Yr,. Eli ... be,b Ollpb .. ot. oa. Sophi ...

town, Job .. ooe~ba'g. 0 kbnUetH bae kajfOO. Le Mf. Ie Mu. A.roo M.Clle1eki b!l bill eleng b .. Moreo.. Molotlega. kOln .. Kb .. tleng Ilap .. Phokeop:. Kne ele bae" ba h .. Mr. "oaee "oleleki (Brahlei Wilt' ), ba fapohelale ha Mr. Lueru. Holilll'lll ba "' b .. kboUa, b.. bile b.. boo.. Ie metl5O .. lIe emeog e. boo .. e!l kb .. le.

• T sa Alexandra Township

(K:a D. M. Kn,U.uuc)

KA I .. 11 moo .. ballio re bile Ie mOMbet.ei 0 mobolo 0 .. bo bola

kere"" e .. B.oto Methodi,t. Obo tie mo,bo holim'. mo,bo ele lotb .. re booe re nte'e chelete. Cbelete eo b .. e fn· maneog k .. Soot.ab .. NO e .. malom .. b .. 11 ebile £43/10/0; e.. buna (II eb • £26}10}8. Ke boo .. he b .. ke ntae ke bolel .. lI.e ,e bo b .. ttflb .. borere lpopeog j06lell .. let.topa la .amente; ..cb .. ba " a .. fIIt-necg Ie Molimo b .. 0 l1li fllLe. S .. roti b .. Deog: ba Ie teng ke baD" : T. M. Ram1l,h., mook"IlI,li e mobolo oa Bantu lIIetbooiat Cborch; P. M M.bilete .. , P. R!lmolho. E. Mdolomb ... J. S M.ablaogu Ie bll b.og. Moru,i E. Mtimkolll ka l1li011 0" mona b .. e,


EJA Ir.II t8kaoyo, 0 blafooin lijo te .. baa b .. otle. Ho fllt.e libor. tie

hl .. no pele u eja h!lptl. No .. m,,,1 a. k. tlalng gllMe b. u hob .. bOlllog. o te.m"" bl)re 0 otlol1e m .. o~o a. bao kamebl". HlakOlJlal .. born m.i. a hla ... abetsa. ht.otlL lI .. meblo. u 0'>0 .,. blere.e hejoaog .a Cb,mb6rl,io·. T .. blot9 an 10Id,.llg m~!' Ie '6b~ta, 0 tl .. p'lell bllotla. 8d rakin' lik1m,· &eogle mllb~nk8leog hohle.

Mnrn'llo(ll IIhuut.! lIi.'(lIify III onion of h,'url!! , Alld ulllty flf IIpirit giVOl now l"mOIl~ tu JI)Y, ur ,,1"0 joy'. droop n~ w'n~" tr'\11 III du~~. AIl-cr morrio.,qo 11. j" lot.l lato ltJ gflllnblo over your mill' tn.k(l. I nI!:l\inll'~y, mut.uall.lndorIfLand. 11110( .lIo"ld (IiIlj~l b"foro this union and "huuld ('un IIIIIU ,,,,,(Ir nlwr WI doco(lt.ioo ,~ fatui t.o hnpP,n' ·88, and romomi)(,r thnt jN"ouoly '" tho gravo or .tTootion. 'I'hl' pr()!ll.lIl('\1 of mi~trU8t. whcro 000· fid(·m.:u lot dutl withuni tbo flower. of !Vlcil And III'.U('''' love'. 1M) to dN·OY.

. 0,,01. 8,.rl~ 'g I. Smut. b .. bile

Maolt .. oog pbu'b .. b<)ng e. booa Ka· j~oo b .. k"p' hl lu <) .. -to,", ,"eroori e" Mtl.le~Dg k,) .. oo. Rope m ,r"ra o. tbeoa MIIoa II,. ho knp .oya m.t.kboo .. ho hltel10e B ..

,. Lo, ho"a .... n" k" kh~th ... ". htoholo .. ho,~ thul"" ..... ke '''<'D .. na ht)r. h. hI) ' .. n,t) I~ 10k"MI{ iOflI~kll Kru ... htol! aU ... Xe tta no" k8 ~"OII k .. ,o_hl. 10(1 hab,,'1t. bopl""1J b. ka:'-( Mr •. ! y, A,

JIll," he<'t,., jl).'~k.""u l.mAOto ,,,,. loeb". lohnlo, nq.l" m .... OI!: otboeo ... nbob!)l; a .. e el(lU .... IIA kaP'"I~. K, le'u I .. bn hit. w'H, m,lenl': .. btL • keo"a III bohla be. "riel acid l;ta u ntI b bona tt·d. Ina • bob,I.., b .. tiupa .. uric a~ld. 0 GO tit. uUol_ ,i .. bore kll ... baka I.ollla e baka mao bl,ba. bobl/)ko bo bobolo. 'HI> ba II 110 b bo..a Jit." .... b<oo OJ lhotof ... bolla'" ba ta·il. e"". u;ta , " qh!b,tibi.M. a 00 tit. lamela b_ "'oloo<> .. ko ona oa ... boGe'flI u U ....... bi. Ie h·,", 0 be I", tbtll<) b<tblokon~ ba moetwocb ...

Kru ... t...o a .. 1We 'UlD6a.oa L1knml .. 1tfI t..,.. hi. Ie W_beok",'ea, ka 2:e botlalo.

Li Parton's Lia Hloekisa 'me Lia matlafatsa.

lIuna I,· hhlc-kclc ba ma~oi03na a many~ny~n~ kapa mdom.-.n~ana ~.~hdre h" !nala Kt ka ma<ojoana ;tOil rnah a fum~"anil m"ll~ a , o~r>" ";1)"1{ joalda loa Ii f~la Leltnl': Ie silang Ihcb ... "l;tla ~ Ihihane k< hio l~e bohkng ~ba ho hlaha (hd" 'me thdu Hila e ~e"~ ,,.dina;; k;t ona maiojoilna an... Hoo hu ulluah~1a hantl ...

~I 1'.,.Inns P"rilying Pilh h elta )illlho t.e pd, I.<r khol( I-I. I h.·I\~ ~a malen/!: 'me Ii khold,. kaulle 1010 hohl .. hr h<) Ileng 2 ,L •• loinya nyoo1.o Ie hlhn I'e ~ilang I" he nt anK liio lia

~,luiJ. Ii h mallafa"a hare qetelk,og Ii htbe ho ,eb.'". Ii '.' Ihu, 1.e 1~lhu Kamouo ho ho ,ebth,a Ii Parlon·. Puriiying Pills ~

" 1.OOln" r It .("8' ho Ila luma.neha hore mala. leixt<. 1.. I'u~n. ~.,m(h.J. ~;t"llf PO ,~hlar" '0: I<olh""ng. Hoo k ...... 1, P.r1o ... I, hCNlolo.ito., 'm~ I .. litho ho..., Ii "",.,Ih ... oubelai oa una.

II L \I 'knllu\ u k t><: .. ma, ha t1.~ bo·kaltnl b. h,,,, bo I ... ILL hQ hloc1mQ;i,-1.C J.. .. bak. bng ha " ,~ I. ~" I, I' .. rlon!~ U II .. Ii Inm3na Ii 10k,1c ho ftu. 1<\,·"'111.1. ~ l'olh,a"K ka ho I,ukulla e Ih'ng e Ilohelt lI(o\h" • lolo.ot,,· h<)O 1.ap.ele·pelc a ,phuman~ng a ". ;1

k.I, h~Pf

"'·111; , It· l1~nkck ~ "1<::"( Ie e "0;0:1..., 10 n1.i.a II l'~r"'", ]'.1,,1) ;"10':' Pill, j..l II/) bnllnlo c nail": Ie pilisi I,e 50

Ha ho Ie Lh al~ 110.1 h f"manJ n'oo"'l<>lI" ho P,O. 110>; IOJ!. ('ap~ To" n. II ro md~ chetcle.

1o£S. P,P. 1.


Litaba Tsa Maseru K A khoeli e .. boeleng re taoa liuoa ke ba f. e bog ee. utloa phafa, ea ba Dea

moblompbebi <Apt. Ashton, aka 3-1. o ile iefiog kcaoa Eogellne lIa ho &e Kamorao bo moo ho ile b. bap.l. pbela bantle. Mohlompbehi eooa ke Imperial F. C. 800& e hap.I.le N Re. motha ea rataog lip.~li habolo. Be ea Mqeru Mo'upb~la e De e Ie Mr . .oabe. bob.oe Ire mona lipapali ha MaobeJi, ticbere ea Bekolo 8a Lerotboli mona Leeotho Ii 16 Ii Ie haufi Ie bo Technical Bohool. Imperial ea Ibap. fihla qetellong, 'me ho bon.h.l. hore N.R C. ka 4-1. mohlomphehi eooa 0 tla be a Ie eieo. Leba h o Ie joalo re mo lakaletea leeto Ie IeUe Ie tla mo oatetela, 'me a khu­tie bloobo ea hie e blaphobile.


HO leta liIemo tlla m6lilbome a mabl.-DO aetlolo 8eoa 8. Cbamber l~i D"

Salve 8& nt8e 118 plu·kola maqeba a r D· rubileng, bapa Ie lokillit~e Je~Ia.lo I" ba· tbo ba. baogda. Se reki80a Iikeme­teng III mabeoteleog hohle.

Mooa re bile Ie lipapali tae mOllate habolo k& football ka la 14 kboeliog eooa eOI, libapali ebe ele Marratba F.C. ea lekolo ea Morija Tr&ioill~ hutitutioD, e bapala Ie Winllt,. F.C. (B.M P. Matern). Tum teeo. tee peli Ii De Ii bap8lta lebeleog I. Imperial THE AFRICAN MOTOR DRIV8RS' .t·.C .. , Lerotboli Ioetitution . Motea· UNION phala e ne e Ie Mr. Taole. priocipal ea I16kolo 1& Intermediate ea Muero. Bo THE aooual geoeral meetiog of the qaJeog paplh ea bla ea eba mcferefere above Uoioo will be held in tbe ha ba ba bollabala bore libaplti teeoa Baotu World Ball, No. I Pully Street. Ii oe Ii ttofllDe Iipelo. Ba hapala 00 Sa turday, September 28,193.:;, at baoa ba M"attha, lI a ba ka utloa ba 10 a m sb.rp. otlhomola pelo. Moebpmlloll a Ie teog BUBioeu: 1. Receptioo of Delegate.' b6 re ke "Come Sbioe Tbe Mooo", eo Credeotiall; 2. Coofirmatioo of ~e ogolo. 0 na etaa Dtho taa bile, otho MiDule8 ; 3 Hoo. Tteali!ur"r'. State­II hlDa bo fela, ba • De. ,"'cer. bolo mli!oti 4. Electioo of Offioialli! ; 5. bo 00 bo kbot.. ogoan. Ie 'm'ae, b. Ameodmeotor Alteratioo (,f aoy) of hili balbemane & ba Db eebioPba./ Rule.; 6. Geoeral. Refreebmlotl Leha bl blpeke hekallo bao. ba served. "araUb. ba Ue bl bloloa, Winnell ea 911

TOWER PARAFFIN gives more heat, brighter light and

lasts longer.

TOWER PARAFFIN Inika ubushushu oba­neleleyo noku kanya okwaneleyo ihlale

ixesha elide.



Ehlala e Pletoria..

P.U.::ATI KO~ Hr.i .. No. 4839 35.

MARIA MABUTA (onlwa kwa. G"Olede) u Mmanglli


MARTIN MABUrA, u M maogllel WI.

K ... MAf{l'l~ M AII(l'TA, DmDtu 0 Nhu­IIdu ond .. wo ahlala Ituyo iogniwlYo:

Ngoku uyabizwa okok ub. ubekooa kulu Nkoodll i Balultkileyoey kubla­III. e Z. "- S M. Houae, 499 Market Stttet, Pretori", ogomb!a wama 25 ku Noe-ember, 1935, ol(l"J:ubale 10 I"ku· n... ok~Dye kam-ioya emva koko uk nb'lo uv iwe, ulwb\ uzozipeodulela kwi b .. o~u 10 .Mm~D~ali Iofu o~ okotuba umeoz' le imfaoelo zombbllo :la ," Dge· oato i Nkuodla inahlotaDiee "!loku qaufa izibopo zoml6halo. iDgclZelo engenye ikumapepa a&etunyelwe na­ogafumaoeka kule ofi ! i.

Kwakooa tabata iogqalelo yokokuha X6 uogeoakwellzl ogok"alo myalelo, kuyakuqoDdakaia okokubaDI awulipi­ki.i elibaogo 10 Mm.ogali, kwaye D Mmlogali uy.kuquba ngelityala Deli· gwebo eikutlbwe ungeto.

Sibblhl'e e Pretoria ogalombla weei G kD September, 1935.

H. W. WilNER, Ombbali we Nkuodla.


- Ask your Storekeeper for Tower Brand. Buza ku Novenkile wakuni nge Tower Brand. Biza kowe Sitolo sakini i Tower Brand.

Bolella Ralebenkele hore u batla Tower Brand.


SA TRANSJ'ALA, Le LDtteog PretQria.



MONA u bitlel ka taelo bo _la Irtlah pel'a bo Khotla leoa Z A.S .... Ho_


499, Market Street, Plttoria ka -.ui la 26 khoeliog eli Pulo.080UM 193,5 ka 10 bonta ho alabela Ir.~po ~ JAOOBETA Mo."o (ea hoe'-oeng ba RAlfYAWO), ea hOle 0. .0 Nlhele Toblo te. bae ha leoy.lo ka bo khll. tlela bo eeoa, ho &eng joalo ho khaolO8 leoyalo.

M A.RUA a mang a lipaaapiricg .. to u ka Ii lumanlDg KhoUeo8 Ie bole­tsocog kn holimo .

SA. u .. blahe ta .... iog 1& boletlOell( kablolo e ka nebeloa u Ie .ieo. .

E nteitlloe Pretoria hShing la 2 bo Loetlle, 1935.

(Ho IIg0lee) B . W. W.uurn Mongoli oa IAkho~l.

W. C. OCKBRSB, Li Ageotae ha Mokopi,

P .O. Box 80, Nigel.

• ...

We bave received _i_h ttl'lIb a copy of " Roma BCYI' 1I00&h1y" fot September, wbloh contain. iD&elldilll readiog.

TOWER PARAFFIN ifudumeza kakulu ikanyisa kahle ita­ta isikati eside.

TOWER PARAFFIN e ea futhumetsa e Banes a hantle 'me ha e fele


The Texas Company (South Africa) Limited

-:...---- ==================-T_E_X,rl~CO PETROLE~U~N~P~R~O~D~U~C~T~S~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"'I TSUBA OFFICERS' ME~S CIGARETTES


Bloemfontein News 1 • Ahwal North News Na u Feletsoe ke Takabo

Ea Lijo? Urban Areas Commission

(Ih \'1 KI:r, L.f.SF. OIlILl)

MK:-l'iRS H~,,,Jm.o M. S. Phooko, Ho se Thui.. ke L.baka. (BY \HB~U':'I')

Hev. PrI'!fI Mbete with A. P. P, I F:l,hmmo. C, P Matohe alleooodell, I w",re "ppointfo(1 "'~ a lpoolal mootiog of

th" Native AoIvi'l)ry Bo .. rd to re· [lrN~nt AIi\,.1 North at tbe Govero· w"ot N,tive "'Jofel'1lo"e DO N .. tive Bill. It KinKwill1amitowo on 18~h

--Ua u ... n,. tsk.. ~. liJ .. , ...... ken_ u

TAI::- .)('rmortlUlllI(\Jl h"M.1 tl'It)!'ll"O

bl'I'e(.n Illth "'11\111111 S'· l,tt'mht'r. T\\ \' nR't1)(lranthlll1~ \1<'1'0.' "" blml ((-II A,n t> .. ,hllU of til" .\frKn.n :\lI.tlllll!\1 (\lIl~~, ami th" ,\.lvl" .. r), I\o,ud· C'Il\ll.('(-ntral ComtllittCt' hy M. I'll

s,'ulIllt,1 A. l"'flhOOI '~lHl n. 'I"'mha· 1\bikiny.l, t'I'~pootl Vl'\ \'.

Tho monlOT'lndum of th .-\fnt"~ll '\,.tiol1al COI\~'Il~ W~ n'JI'IOu,,1 hy th(l ,'11"iflllal\ M not 1"'i'llo: wlt,hm Iho "phl'''' of tho 1'<.11111111""1011. !'o\r_ 'l-lI-.iIWllo pf'4.lM>nu",1 til .. , \ill'Jl\Ilt,lll.\mn on h,-~lll~U of tho ."dvI~<lry Uoarll, \.1\,1 ah<lo h(l .,\1<\ thll.t. tho in~uf'fl ""nun' 01 !!-t,'\'\l1 IIltull III tho Lot.·a'ion ".w a. l'IIII!: ·~t.aJldml-( 'l(fl("·'UI"'l wi,h t.he town dw(\lIl'f n"",· UIl'tIOIll! 00 tradml( ('01l>!l.ltllh"C.l anotber -:;zriC\'lIolWe_ well ... the 1Ot4t .. 'r fl'08. Ht' "uomitted 'ba.t tb., DJ.)Omlon ... ·1lI

Loc.ation " ... 1(l1f.~uJlPor'ln~ alld tbat it was unjW!lo to debar a ~tlbvo.:- from tradiOS/: amo~t biB OWI1 IX'Ople, to the Qdvantago of lobe small Wblto trader.

Tbo.:- Chairman of the ("(.maullltiioll, before adjoumml'nt. Aaltl that the ca.~.' "f the loeal nJII,llltlllt" ha') 11l'('11 put ('I .. arly and 00001",·1), ~lId wOllld 1'1'.

_'eln! (1"':1)' oonaidcration. On 11th September :\1(l81tf'l Linnel

;iatba.n (Cbairman of Native ('.ommittt'O of thl"Town CoIIII"'II) ,\11\1 R. C'. i:i~tOOwn )::t\ve (lvidt"noo 011

behol.1f of 'be ('ouneil, Roth th~ witneo<<(l!I poioW'd out. that tb\l 8100nl­fOlit ... m Town Coulltil t·oulll not I~rt .. · to a.rl»trary removal by thOJluth?rltu.,. of N3tivea born in the Location or who by long reo>idenl'C were loOked upon a8 pennaneut """idcnt".

Tbe Town Council believt"ti 111 the Vtll:!tOO rigbtA of tht" Nativt."" autl all

lueb looked upon the LocAtion all a db<tin"t Nat.ive city growinjl: uf;' "Ide by ~ide with tbe Europoa.n portl01l of the town.

llr. L. Marquard aLto aa~ evidenl'e, as well &8 ~ J_ R. C',oepet. D, ,Pyne Mercier and S_ C. RoberWon.

Competitloo CODcer1 At the Community HaU 00 Monday,

!)th Sep\ember, a competiti,on conooft Was beld. Tbe competitors were Rivet.Bivert, &ntu Harmony Singerll, and Ha.iwain Bluea, whiiJJt the Merry­Makers assisted to make the venture. a !!ueoees. Mr. Job B. Pusbo WM chait· man for the nigbt. Tho competition pieoo WM entitled "June in.JaOluuy." Haiwain Blutlll came out WlnnCl1l With River.Hivel'll leOOod. Tbo Bantu Harmooy Singel'll were awarded a oon­solation prize, by Mr. Ea&On, wbo h~d accompanied the adjudicator, Miu Grinler. The Haiwain Blu(l!l COnll13t.s of Hesera Joo Jacobe, Mat Hendricb, Joey Koloeile, and N. S. Moliaapoli. Tbeattendance w .. moderate. Amongat tbOllO Pl'(l88lllo WeJ'8 ME8IftI Ramhlt6anet J. D. Ratheoo, E W. lfIlhumpela, D. K. Moiil:aogoa, E. T.jma.~ime, L Debico lleedamea L. Modiae, I. Deblco, Mi"""", M. M. Peba, E. Sejaki, and C. Pb,

£1 £1 .- r ...

........ _ ... .., ... a .08 .... oa, RttDOB aDd oU\oI.

.... u. 0( o,oL. ,\ aU pr&.eto. Cue .rr n'CDI at f 1 per .ollih.

0aI1 o. w.IM


-------Kimberley News

HI'IIIu.m hllr_

GIUc.,Il ~\l,ANU W('fII !},luo'iu.L(i'luh The I~"v, I'tic-II Mbete Ind Mr •. aft"f it", "horl, "XI~t"I\"" 11,\.>1 1>e<'11 Pricll Mil 'te III~vo rdotDf'd from

Iht!<oht·,1. 'I'll<' f"n,>ln,lJ,! wen' iii (I .. Hhron, O.I~~. where tb~y atteoded JIIoml"'r,,: 1>"·,,i,l"ni .• Mf.N,I.~m[,·[t'l: tht'! Inn,.,,,,1 (,I th~ ide Mr, eb.rl .. , Cht\irffllll\. !'ttf, G. ~ .... ing, So','wl""y, Mhulu 01 Heilhroo f.tb·r of RIlv. P lUi"" 0. lIatHml1t': TTNI.surt'r. ~Ii-u. \l. UlJate wh,) IWI1~'1 l\W~y 00 211t Mahto: e'llwh, :\fr_ n Hmllr~- .\1an.IK(·r i\U,l(II~t We ,,![t~II,1 O'ir tlllllp .ympathly Mr. ,I. i'iltuill. OUU'f m<,ml ... r,' ~"r" to Ih,·OI, l'olr_ ,,,,,t Mr ..... I,um«. ~I"" F. SpoI·lllIan, Mr. J{, C,,"I1:~, (lOUft lotf'lpl'l'lter, :'olr. \\" n..-lI<.', i\J.r. 1<'. I'.olldio. Mr .. 1. ha~ U'!I'II gr"lltt"t three weel,,' lick MalM"i '1ml :'olr. J\bh~ak('nl( tTru.i.~,). ["'IVIt, 'tlr. D_ \l ,1·~1t of H~flob,,' i, ("lllwid.'nhl1y Ilnrw,'luh,th.l Diamond "ctinll: a. hi.eohltitute. Fil'ld1 Dan"iIlJl: ('llIb, h" .. '1 1""'1\ 11\. "1-I~h"lfU Ivy A Phlli (R'Je 'thtioi) lluJl:llrakd 1I0d"f ;\Ir .. , C •. 1I,.n,I,} 'I a'lJ \h.rJ'j,o~ l:lohe have returoed to "Mdt'njCc-ntollll:a" all'\ will ~t>Wl' It.e Johano",bllrg. tinlt tlauou on !HiI (ktnbl'r at tilt· lw.:reataon Hall, GI'tII'n Puinl. 'I'h(' dao,'6 tell,bntiftl, '{t_TII \V, P. '\0111. .T. Mobapi and Fl'(l<lcri(lkll, \l"ill he M.e·,. lteveil.,1"t D. ",-i\I ho In .It·

• Evaton News

toodam'c. -Tbo (I'n Blind Build"N fmlll th" MR. J_ P. Tbok.,a orgaoi-r.iog preti.

,\tblono So:h()o)1 and Wnrbbop fVf Iho deot of the Evlttoo Alrie,o 01lild, Blind. Faurie. ('. P, Will a!1\',1 .' '~H 00 bOlioee. filr W~petler aod l'Oll!:l'ft and dcmotll<tratiull ill tl .. , I AIi ..... 1 NoHh. He upecl4 t.o be aw.y Bantu·Batho Hall, 011 14th ( .... wl,,·r, for a "eek under th.l lutronM;t' of HiR 1':'1.(-<.'110.'11<')' I Two m,r~ "I'f!ddiojls took plQCe the Govcruor-Geu('ral, autl tht·ir W!lr· 1'f'00000tly; 001) at thf'l reiid~ooe of Mr. sillp8 the mayors of PreUma .. Iohan - M"khflOe and the otber at th., home of ml!!hu~, Bloemfontein ami Kiml,,'rk,' Mr Twal". B"th ceremoniel were Tltl' a"mi~~ioo will be a flhililTla! fOf well attend&d. A leatore of tbe Ttrata 1~I(llt~ and half price for l,,·1\ wedding WII tbe Blotu dancing of tbe

Tltll fourth annual . compt,titmll for r\n.1 group', tbo Muinigbt Folliea Harmooy Kin!.:" Nutte Edltb OpP'lrmlo of S"Ulbary, tloatlDJI: trophy, whicb i, alway!! ea~"r1y Soutb Rbode.ia, .~o' a fe" d"y, 8.~ait( ... 1 for , takee plae(' on I~t at Ev .. t.on, with her brotber aod Novcwlll·r in tbo K l' C Hall 'rbo, b~f'lfe pUliog 00 to groooe,ad. IIOng ('110--1'0 for oompctition l-t 'My NOlie Edith" .peoolog a .hort holi· Al)ILrt wu slooping" (publi~b('d III I day 10 tbe Union. F('lolml)o'II 40th Album). 'fht' foliov.inJl: • bcxh('IIJ are e:lpected to compew:­(~n'en Poiot (Venetian Lad~. Tel\aClou'I l)arl,;i~); Town {Rhytbm (;irltt, Kru~r'~ Folliee). and Weat }o~nd DI~w Bing Bo)'~. The dance number- .... ,11 be by Rovellere B.

Mr. Jobo Malel .. , formerly of tbe tlty and now a commercial trM'ellor of Port Eliubeth, WIl.9 io tbe city tlurlll~ l&IIt wook·end, and ho left 00 :'oloudav.

I..&.~t Saturday" fMuil.;J were, Holill<'s 7, Zebraall; LyndbWlt ~'~:ontlary I ~, Persevorance 0: ROO "~~it'>ll 3. Llon~ 0 (2nd league)

All Bantu Coovtntlon :'orr. Thoe M. Mapikela hll.9 forllled a

Herschel Notes

TRE di,tric' hal bad oloe raio, of of late and p'lOple are baly pattiog

io wbeat, k.ffir-cafn aod gettl.llJ read, for m'lliy. Tbe mealie orop was oot ftovoortoble bee .. u.e of JOOUtH, r .. t., .od early (tOlt pillt..

Mr K. Martombaoa bu been 10· .~oting diltriet .ohoole, .. oting for Dr. Staoder, wbo i. 00 toick I@ave.

Tbe di.triot Bbungl h .. coot\root&d • low level bridge OVllr the Pela­odlba.Blikaoa River.

• committoo of arrangemelli.9 for th('l S h I forthcoming Convention, with \fr. C 00 Simon Elias as &creto.ry. The tirst

lospection Vredefort

At wceting was held on 13th Scptewoor.

ReveUel'tj Syncopators held 11 'UOOO/l!l' ful concert on 13th Sepwmbet in tbo Community DaU. 10 the aame haJJ a loooeeflful danoo WIl8 organillOO by Mr. Morris Motshikoe on 12th St'ptembt'r_

PersoDalia Mr. S. B. Hot8habi, «lCf\'tar)

BANTU United lobool btod It. aoaual iOlpeotioo 00 3rd aDd 4tb

Sep~mber by Inlpeoto" D. J. G Or~lepp B.Sc. and B. Mothibeli I.H.M.S.

• Imidlalo kwa Komani

Central Committee of the Advlllory Board, who had tendered hi.~ rt·· signatioo to tbat body 4, \Ie(on no-quested by tbo board to coot1lloo hl ~ -&ervicee, and be has comented to do ~o Kwi DuouD" Cup idnto 1(!-r.1 oqo·

Mr. A. A_ Matlhlll'8 bll5 ruligned tl,.· o~opele knmdlalo we rogby ebe'lu. Secret.aryehlp of tbe Y.M.e.A., M htl I' dlalwa i round enye. ko.pela. I .olob to b& away for sometime. Mr.~. Pico I ezintatu zibambeOl olengo~o I log Molat.edi and D. Tembo.-Mbikinya. havt'\ j .... ku booi .. , uye zontatu sinytonze· boon appointed Joint·Socrowi(l!l lekile ukub .. t.ibuye t.i.blaogtooe. lode. protem in 1-be place of Mr. Matlba!'(l. be yokuqala ka Levl~ ~yl taty".e

.... ht.b. I" i"!I"~,, tn .. '...., 1,0 "10. he. " kh.e.lbllt-oo. k& I,,, l'il',t .... 1,,' 1 .. 1, .. 101. 1_ 100_ U 0.1" mQkl,.tt,,,, •• bto h" I,~I.~I" , •. book" ,,' hhu,. m .... o~. n. h ... tI,,, ... ,.,tt,n tl"IoI"a bo phf-k.,la kh.tJ ... teu l ... ,,~.I .... It .. J"" 1oI •• e 1.-·0 ,,,,llto''''111 i,.hlltha ro.--o..k' ' .. mit,,; .... o~h, .. " monll " n"p.arc..lIg lui ,,. b" lo •• I,,'~"''" li~bo t ... ..., f .. k"I.,,1j' It ....... h """bo, It .. I'b~tha mo"~b.t.. ..... ,.,,,,.b W"

kb",~ 0 .. bla' .... H'''Ul h" k" phftt).oll k. " .. "·ocL,,.U ...

W,ll, .. ",.' )',,,k l'ill.-r. hobll"" t'I.,I,.; , .. " .. ii 10"11,.1,,,&\1. II""." I .. ho""li k,,,,,.1l b',ph.l" bo b,,! I" n' 1~"1f ()to It",,, n .. ~ .,~ ... Ito ... th"i ... It .. ""I". lIu opd',,' kp 10'''010" I .. pho· 11<)1 .. Ur W,L1,,,,",,' \'.". 1',L1, Ii lokll. h.I" 1<). I" hoj" ".~.i .. "" "III I!' ~ "" I-.,t~ '" ... 1M·I,~". Ioo.~ tbu~o_

Th"8" ,. '0.,11""-"11: ,. 1,I"hl''lII''Z I." UI'. W,II,.","· "ink P,II. k" "'to b,,~ I,o~-"'I ,uet.-, .. ko r t.,k,I,·ng b .. bolo ",,1'10"." ne,...· "'01{ I .. "0,·1" fl' tII01 ".,. " hl.I.I .... "1I bon.'I" I~ 00, ..... 10. R .. nf"'''' "'''p'' ka D flO Ii pn, ..., m~lhll,,,, I~ 11"".00 i,,, n •• ,itol". t-. " oal.tlfei ... k. ItJo. 0 'QI .. III h" 01 ..... 1 .. nil. I., (>Qo. m.,.. boo,.i u 0 "boothi,1 " ... tw.

g.. b"" q.lto kaJeoo bo ... booli •• Dr • W,oJ'.me' P'"k Pdt, '" .• u eLf-lioa .. moo lutpe"",,,le u II. ' .. m .... "liI 'h~1o() r mati.· f.~"4 L, ... k ..... Ill""'· .. k"t""", .. b1~, .... p" .. ",otl. b. 1)r W,II, • .u. Ih,Ji", .... 00 .• P.O. no" 1Klt, C'rel",",; 3.. 3d. boll"Io •• bpI t.e ,.· .. 1."-0' Ita '","" ... I.'to poo.o.


L UTYA.-U IIh,ma wetu ow,.ilbiy. kwe limiweyo ngomMa we 22

September. 1933, ogalDl Iingn ~Irab. Loty. aku .. ng!'l tolityalwe ol"blntw.· oa b,ke It.: J<lreml.b. Lydia, Jolil, M",tild .. , Am .. lia 00 Elliou.-LYDlA Mt.l!luA., 92~ Penimmon Street, Mtolvero.


NDIBULELA u.mltlben&i oweoai_ og.maneoe o.maornek .... i k.i

IlOO al eb&lilla,o ngombla .DkoC(aIa ku SlIptem.ber e Secood AnODe, k.i­_be lue Clarem!')at. Ndibolel. iosokl oemb-ko eyay;ko p.kau, odi,ui nlagamlo bao'''aoa belil'" loku&a.ltra. 1mbeko euiodeuuJe JOlla inkulll pa'lhi k.~aDg" p".o komltola.­bto. Aodioakugqiba umltlb"nlli a.a­osi.a orml Nenek .. -r.i P.kel. 00 g-.anl -M. NOBIIL"'OB.f., 2, ~ ford Ro.d, ClarelDoot.


KUNG EN'S eknpu-mlen; k.lpak.u o Ireoe Seket.a Keti.eaha, laW­

mbi yamlgqibelo k. NIr.OIk. S . .t. Nilomo no m6 ilion. April NII;0.8, Wate SlpbidOtrO, JoblnuMb.rl_ UlOfil(a"; 10 ebeMle ngo Nkoek Hl.bi_ biblobo malacelil"e ogolombik •. -S A. Nltoltlo (onina). ...


CHIEFS, Leader., Deleptlll, and otbtr Repreeeot.Ati~ t.o tbe 0.­

venti 0 t.() be held on 16th DeeUlMr a' Bl.>olOfon\ein, .re requetted $0 oOlDmouietote with Mr. T M. MtopiUla .t an elrly dto\e 10 .. kI faoili'ate 100 .. 1 arrangemen\l for thil N .. tioDai Conven,loo aad for tbe vi,it.c".-­(Siguedl T. M. MA.PIJt:cu., U LIl.di.. gay .. , B.thu Loototion, BloemlooaUl.

KITSIS80 EA. PIca Mr. R-. F. Setlogelo WILi a pll&!enger yi Uoiver"l. I log Iml ogll iublobo: on tbo Union Li~itod enrouttl for Kwi Donean's Cup P .W.L.D. Pt. . Capetown. He III gOlllg to Scotland. All Blaob 4 3 I - 6 VHOSt TSHABADlRA tI MOROgA

Nuree (Mrs.) J. ~'. Setlog?lo. of Hamiltotll 4: 3 1 - 6 ft. 0 mODO motsen~ oa Naucelield. Thaba 'Ncbu, was a. VISitor durmS tbe 00'."'" • 3 ,_ • k d w Mr I M.N Oz M Pioo ett pono e.. Kholi e kto Ii !Z ..... 00 en . a.n( . . OIIonng. Buff.IDel 4 1 3 - 2 '0'-. N Ii Id t

The 6Ohola.r1l frooo tho Athloll6 § 0 -t _ 0 Bep~mber, <I, ."a aGoe I , a School of thc Blind will give ooncert~ Pirtotetl Ii 29 Beptember. 1935, mu Alnanwa bere on 25th and 27th September. I aport •• ooyah .. koba ogll 7 ka Towolhlp. BlrolDDg ke 0 0 mDkhoai

_ .... UtI .. W_lbrt ....... a Tiekel.ll boon extenllively KOld 01r.toba, apo Ju.akubako .btoftoo~ be o. baoa ba bA.imlu-e. Oil. ba tlhtoob .. 9 __ r- 0 .... I already. Tbere are five Bloomfontclll Healdtown, Loved.le ne'tlUye, beco, S. B. MOLE'l'E, AleDodra .

• :::::::::':n:':':'::"':::8:U:'::'::::::::~~':h~":'"'~"::'~';';h~'~';"~b;OO;:'~.;--n,";c",;o.,~k~"~O;'Y~';O~':;d~';'O~P;O;;'~';;cm;;.;''~O='~O:'="=. ____ ~ __________________________ ..::' . TSHA'IA 1 OFFGIERS' ME~S C(tlAR&rrES



Natal vs. Transvaal Arbor Day At The Bantu Sports Club The Transvaal T earn

East Rand Holds

District Meeting

IN tcrm~ of Articlo l.i of the TTansvaal Bantu Cricket Union Constitution,

£ast n ond Sub·Committee held lUI fi r.<t mcetin~ at Modder Boo. After v. elcoming the repre8Cntative of Clubs, Mr. H MIJere (f'-.t:neral Socretary of tbe Union) e~pres~ed the wisbe9 of tbe Board for 0. successful meeting.

NATAL 'llt'iU moot. TraOilvaal at. the Bantu Sports Club grOWlWJ for tbe

futaJ gameo( the luw-ProvincLalserieil arranged by the African Football Association, on 7th October. The destiny of the Baker's Cup will be dooidod 00 thiB day. At. present, Tta.n.svaal bas omy Doe chaooo--and that. is to win the makh ! Natal may eit.her <ira1'/' or win to sccure the eustodiallBhip of the Baker's CUI) for another yeM'.

As early as 10 a.m. the enthusiastic lIOOC'er [allli, lriU be entertained with I:.dtibitional footbo.ll by first-grade teams. Amplifiers wi ll be fitted at evenly-distlot iutorval.!! , and the crowd will be entertained with music [rom loudspeakers. At 3.30 p .m. the an· rl.ounoor win :lOOounoe the start. of the peat game. The roeults of this game will certainJy be known all over South Africa omy at dusk. Th08e who care to get. the reaults first.·hand will have t his privilege for a shilling.

• Inter District

Match Johannesbnrg

Rand v. West

T O-MORROW the European Ground of the RobiJUlOu Compound, Rand.

fontein , will be crowded with African 6~t8.tol'll from Florida t.o Randfontein, j he occaaion being the contest between Johannesburg and Wcet Rand for the Heooohsbcrg Cup. Randfontein will be celebrating their first opportuwty of a Johannesburg representa­t ive side at home. AJtbougb tbe Witwat(ll'8rand District African }'oot­J.,aU Association has almost WOll the Trophy, tbe game at Randfootein will have a brightness about it, and should prove t.o be the beIIt match of the 6erI'ies. The Jobanoeaburg side lcav6B I ttle to be desired. It includes t be Lest group of players in the PrO\-ince, four meUlbera of the team having (.htainod '!YQ.lIlIvaal Provincial honolU'S. West Rand cauuot afford a defeat at lome and no atone has boon left l"!'lturood to ensure the attendance of the best players available.

The concluding mateh will be played OQ the FlU' East Rand between E38t Rand and Wit1'illotcrsrand, on Sunday, 29th Septemkr. ---"Ngonyama CUp"

Competition SATURDAY League teams are engaged

in the Ngonyama Competition. At present, Negroea head the log, having woo aU throe matches played. Leopards and Royal Hioonlians are following closely, and have stolen a march on the Transvaal Jumpers, Pure Yuur and Highlandcrs. Last Sunday tbe HigWanders got their first check from Pure Your, who played inallired football and kept their opponents at l'3Y, the concluding result ~ng a l\Qintl&19 draw.

This aftt'rnoon th~ main ground of the Bantu Sport'! Club will be occupied I,y Loopards and Negroes at 2:15 p.m Tbeo;e teams will be fighting for posi­tioo, a~ a win for Leopards Will place them olle point abo\'e their It'adc'",

1.'16 ~ep'r()(".

F OLLOWING is the 'ream to represent Trall.8vaal in lhe final match for

thc Baker's Ll.d. Cup against to be played at tbe Bantu Sports Club ground, Johannesburg, on Monday, Octoebr 7;- Mr. Thoo J ordllan Wa.!! unanimously

elected a~ Chairman. The definition Joe :Mandy (BergviUe Liona, Joban- of the terms" Club" and " Affiliated

neeburg); body " :;a'med to puzzle the rep~nt-B. Mate (T. G. Powders,Ea..t Rand) atives, and it was decided to refer tbe

and V. Butelezi (All Blacks, matter to the Board for reconsideration Witwat.crsrand) ; with reference to repreaent.ation.

W . M0SC8 (Shooting Stars, West I E38t Rand District h38 fixed 29th Rand), A. Dhladhla , captain (Old September aa the opening date, and Na$alians, Witwatersrand) and A. has divided tbe }'ir8t and Second Ny06i (Old Nat.alians, Witwaters· League each intotwodivillioU9, in order rand) to make room for Finals, Trials, and

ll. Makhothc (Ocean Swallows, Cbampionahip games. East Rand) L. KOla (Highlanders, Entries for all eompetitioOll cloee for Johanneburg), J. Chiloane (High. the District on 23rd September l a nder s, Jobann08burg) , E. The majority of (Inbs are aIroa.dy Samaniso (Old NataliaDB, Wit· playing fri eudly matches to prepare watersrand) and J . Majola (Winter for the86 competitions. R06eII, East Rand) . With the December Cricket Tourn-

Reserves : P. Xulu (AieIandra XI , Johanncsburg) and G. Mabandla. (Blue Bells, Wcst Rand) .

Manager : Mr. L . J . Butelczi.

-Transvaal Bantu

Cricket Union AT the Central or We&tem Area Sub-

Committee meeting of tbe Trans· vaal Bantu Crickot Union beld at tbe Bantu :&len's Social Centre last Sunday, it W81 decided in view of the short poriod of the cricket season, and also in ordor to aVOId non-completion of the fixtltre8, to divide tbo compet ing teams of this area. into divislolIS­winners of tbese divisions to play semi· finals or fioals. The resuJt of the grading was therefore arranged as foLloW8:-

S~!i"IOBS; Randlontein EatatCII, Sim­mer and Jacks, Orientals, Rand Leases, West Rand Bantu , City Deep, Mendies, Ottomans, Willows, Stone Breakers, IndependentB, Orlando Brotherly, Gaikas, Deeps.

J C!noBS. Oriental A, Oriental B, RandIontein F..,.ta.1..e.s A, Fear Not, West Rand Bantu A, HlU'd Cash, Mendles A, Simmer and J ack A, Willows A, City Deep B, Gaikas A, Rand Lea.o;Cl; B, Cit}" Deep A.

In Vl6W of 0. suggestion to com monce fixtures as from the first. or second week of October, it WIUI resolved regarding tb~ clube still in arrears lti th their affiliations or BubllCription.ll to aUow them graco up to 24th Soptcmber, the closing day of the entriCII. MOIISrB R. D. Mqoboli , N. G. Ngowabe witb S. G. Senaoane (Assist­ant Secretary) were appointed .. Bub· committee to draw up fixtures.

The next meeting of this scctioll will be beld at the Bantu :Men's Social Centre on Saturday afternoon, 28th Sept<lmber at 3 :30, to receive report from Sub·Committee 00 Fixtur08, and t.o determine the date of the commence· ment of fixturos.

10 terms of the Board'a decillion, the foUowing officers were elected to take eharge of this area, namely, JUr. P . S. Owele (chairman), and Mr ,Baartmau (vice cbairman).

At 3:-J.::; p.m. the Trans\'aal Jumpers will make anot her endea\'Our to bent ":\lzilikazi." Both teams have had a »haky beginning in this compditioll. and there is no telling which ~Ide will Will.

ament and the first cl888 games at the end of the &eason, we are justified in hope for 0. succeaa:ful season •

'fhe cHorta of the new Board to guide the Union agailbt pitfalls art' highly appreciated.

• Bantu or African


WHILE aweeing with Mr. E. N. )'Ia.:;IZa. in that our Union the

T,B.C.U.opern its hands to any man irre;:;peeti"e of bis, colour or creed, the rewntion of tbo nalDe .. Bantu" is no sign of colow· bar.

To prove my ease I would ask rum to re-read bis T.RC.U. Constitution. He will find ootuing about" smelling out" what he calls colour bar.

As a Raec, like all other raCe8. we have a right to be proud of ours. We feel always there is something gcod in us, and that ~omething aud feelinl': may be tho original term" u·buntu. " The chan~e of 0. name because of an inclusion of a different race in our Cricket Union would lIurely be a poor. precedent, for we would one day to be IndO-Anglo etc., African Ulllon.

Bantu i9 a llame n~oo for aU pt'Opie using an.\' of the Bantu languagel!.

Read Dr. Bleekon " the Comparl~n of African languages."

Frankfort News (BY CALVIN T. P . LlI'UOEO.)

To Mr. and Mra, Parya Machiniol a baby IOn mother and b .. by both

well. Rev. J . LOlte. A.M.E. Cburch

conducted Holy Commuuion lervieel in Bethel.

R· y. Sekhoto of Vredeadmini.tered the Holy Commnnion in the Anglican Chureh hele.

The Bantu United Scbool Ba,ket.­ball and Football eluha played against Reitz on the 14th illlt, Tbe girll won the match by 6 g .. me. _bile tbe boya 100t the match by 7 goal8 to nil.

Ml1I. M. Sehlall:o, Mn.S . P. Lipboko, MilS A. I. Lipbolr.o aDd Min V. Lipbolr.o paid Onngeville a .b~ie.~ viait r tra velling on Mr , Parj' Mlchllllni sear.

Meuu Sally Seele Ind Jab. &. Mokuer.a and G. T. Malilo attended Ihe circui t court held at Betblebtlm O.F.S.

Mr.. Emily Ndblovn of Orlando To .... r;ship, Jobaontabnrg bas Irrived I a td IS a guett of Mn. M. Z. Mo .. bi.

Football At Gerrniston

- --THE football matcb bet~

combined teatllll of Oe.- II, tilt Location IICbools and tbe Am m~ Board Scbool, George Goc:b, Job ~ b g .. ~_..l • anne.. ~r , aroWJ<>U great Inf.erelt a~ (;

W18ton on 6th September. There ~. more than WOO lpe0t6kq n~ matcb began at >1 p.m. ~n t~ first h.1I1l both sides wereeqllally~ GerDllSton WILlI fortuna'e in ill s,..t goal, but the viSiting tea. did lose courage. Germiaton full.bcw:or ~ad .to 800 that no minake 11'&11 1lI~ I~ glvlDg Jack a ~h3noe within the 2.1 line. Jack, Dougle and Simon hU8lfl6!:lll in the froot Iioe, b.t Ft!8ti1 l?aba, Motshiri and young Samuel w; like stone Jack howev worked his way tbrougb, 'aod Ihot"': h~t goal for J obannesbug. A fn. mmutc8 after , DUlgle (left. wing) ICOftd another goa.1. Tbe 8OOr"e ... thus It hall-time 2-1 in favo~ oJ .JobslUl8!. bW'g. In the second hall thtl combined teams made no score, ba, Jack re. gist.ered 2 goala in suooe&aion, and tiff; more goals were ecored. Tbe match thWl closoo with 6-1 in fa"four of the American Board Scbool.

]l,lr. J . P. Tutu , ,be toI("h and manager of the Joha~ba.rg ie&ID, arranged another matd. He put In his small boys against t.he eombinl'd eleven. The victory 1I'ent \0 Jollaa. n08burg .

Tbe ned feature "as .. toDCtrt. M the American B08l'd Iliesion &bOOl (Johannesburg) in the. TImon B.II. Germi.stan. Mr. H10ngwaae oonduttaf the Gamma Sigma Choa (GerllUdll>Il) and !'air. Tutu tbe AmKiean Boud School Choir. The mll8ie from both eboirs was good . Mr. D. Nduna (principal, St. Peter's, Genni-ltoll) , WM

chairman, while Mr. C L L.lfatleprH'l! (principal, Jobanneaburg IICbool cboirl, Wa.'l master of ceremoniee. Radebe accompanied tbe ~hool CbOll to Gcrmiston, and hor a"eet voice n' once more heard in Turten Hall. Teachers Time and Baq .... wer\" abo contri butors. Amonp; other teacber-, werc Miss Martha. N"dLunlolll6, Am.. A .. Maphumulo (American Bo&rd), Mi. L. MIC'fu'o, JUr. Mcunu, Mr.S. Wilkiw;oll and Jimmie. The Ry\hm Iinf!~ 89M played for the dance.


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