Prof. Jabavu Wants All-African Congress - UJ IR

WA BANTU The Mouthpiece of the Native Peoples A.thor.'" 10 publlab Go ...... m.Dt Notice. affectloa Natlvel Vol. II;, No. ';1'1" JOlU..lflfal'l8oao, I J lJl( fl, 1936. ---===--=-.:....... :..:.:..::...... :;..:.:.:.--- -- , ...... ot .... s U lb. (J. ... 011 ..... "_1· Prioe 3d NATIONAL CONVENTION SUGGESTION Prof. Jabavu Wants All-African Congress Protectorates Issue Native Bills And Dr. P. Ka I. Seme's Invitation T 0 Bloemfontein T HI fOl10wlog Important leUer dated May 22, 1936. bas bfeo addre .. ed to Omlefell by Professor D. 'D T Jabay" from Allee, cape Provl.nee. It suggests a cOoferellce OD tbl MaU,e Bills 00 OIol'aao', 01,. Dt'tember 16. Profenor .Ial-aul wrttes as folloWI: F RO. all sides it is sQggested Iba' lbe aaalu DatioD sbould meet IQ eoorerel'lce at ,omf eeotr31 mettlar; plltil tbls ytar, prefer",i, 00 Dlo,aaa'. DaY,lIonda,. 16, In order 10 volce iI. feellllgs, 10 tlnlted ',sbloD, OD tbe qUMUODI of tbe Go .... rnment Nall,e Bills aDd ..... IncorporatioD ollhe Ptoiedoraici. A$ ... 1i ... .a.en 01 organlsatloDs concernd In mauers are belnl a,ked to :luisi, ) '81 .rlllnil 10 my eapacl1,. at Pruidtnt 01 the Cap. Native Voters' Convention to lodicate my willingness to belp as rar aJ I can manage. In order to "10 a reprneolallve attendance it seema we sbould meet "lUI nil, by a laoll and unopposed agretment at Bloemfontfin 00 Ibe well known bollday menUoned alrnve, not at Ibe Invitation of aD,. partieular pOlitical orgllllsaUon but as IUtsl1 of tbe BIQI'mfonldn local Advisory Board or some olbl'r local competent commiUee to be duided upon by the Bantu Mayor Mr. T. II. Maplkela wbo Is ac«ptable to all 01 us toneerned. For the cb3.lrmansbip d tbe cooventlon Ilrusl we sbaU be unitd in lelilna: Dr Seme take tbe cbair, II beiDa: uDderstood tbat be It tbtre ooly I as our "bOSto. Individual, 00110 bls upaellyas Presldeol 01 tbe AfrlCin Natlooal CODllress, bul as one klodly asked by an 01 us to flillbls emtrgency posllion, and as one wbo will be aille to see Ibe dee!slonltbroul!b to ParUameol and tbereaUer witb more Ibotougbne511 tban Is at the command of us teachets and hlttd lunDU. NO NEED TO COMPETE FOR OFFICE WE need oat. wtaogle abou\ leniority of pOlitico. lor tbere will be plenty of room for UI all to be active AI hi. aupport.,. botb all tbe platform aDd io oommitlee.. For the time being we .hould lZet. hUlY "ith our local organiaatiooa at aDd induoe aome chiefa from Buutolaod, Swazi· land &rid Becbuanaland, if deairable, to be prueDt, alooR with other Doion chief., 10 that tb. voioe of Illoh a gatberiog may be uodOllbted aad carry weiaht wjth the Govefameot. I truat. ev"y leader or capable memo ber of the Baatn race will reali" tbat we are oat. formiag a lIew arlunilatioo bu' t.o .bow a uoitfd froot 00 matterl ... ch.llenge to the wbole Bantu race in the I:'outh of Africa . I hll"e DOt. "ritfpo. to Dr. Stme, for I do not eveo know ,.hue be liv ... liar .m I COllctmed .. jib bie faultl if he h ... ay All 1 d •• ire il lomelioe ILl .. 10 urry oor UlH.age to ita deatioatioll, frtu hem tDe tllt'IIIlIt'. menta of bUline .. liel , able to t':l:prt'fI OUf fe.plio". Ind 10y.1 to the rice. For tbr@ lim he may couot liD Uly 10YI\ eupport aod I hope Ibe wbole Blntll rate 'o\ill. lor ooce, forget. it. uIllal wtllJ,I!lu and ei1lqueace Ind do tbe limpl .. needful thiog. Dr. P. ka J, Seme's Proposiis Another intereltiag Jetter fnm Dr. P. ka I. Seme ha. bfen eeot u. aa follow., which iovitea Africln ludere to an African National Coaateal gathering at Bloemfonteio early in Angud S OOTH AFRICA il the ohief gate· way of Ellropeao io thit oootiDeot aDd we are ttaodiog 00 the acropolit of Africa. The bett. brliD' io the world todayaretlodying Africa aad the Africant. The ,eoent Edocational Fellowahip Coofe,..oce of the world .. hicll w .. held io JohallDet- bllrg h .. {uroilhed UII with aboodaot proof of thi. fact.. We have allO teeo 10 the Eoropeao pree. that. Fraae. I. propoaing to lummoo a P.o Africao Imperial Coo.feren06 to meet. io Pari. for the pllrpole of dilOllliiog Atricao Natin polloy by t.he DOotineatal power. which own and govero Aftican tenilorie •. The. ci,oumll.aoce. hue appealed to the "atiooal u:ecntive co mmittee d the Africao Nat.iooal Congrell and thfl'donl "e hereby iovite III Africln of colleg8 a"d otbtr higher 1I,IUlntioOI of luroiog who hive palled matrioulation and all the priocipala in obarge of Nati'e .choola to atteod the extraordioary coofereol!e of the u:tcutive committeu, provio· eial aDd ClItiooal, of the Africln Nat.iollal CoDgre .. wbich will be .om· mooed to meet. from Augu.t. thi. year to di@(;uu the ecooomic aod political future d Africlo. io tbia country. The propoeed oonfereoce will be tbe fir.t of the eerin of national COil fer· eacn to be held by the African Continlltd in page 3 DR P. K.\ I. SE\IE, .. of the 4fri lO Black Man Seized By Crocodile Suffers T errible loj uries A GRAPHIC tale of a .truggle be· t."etO a tribe of b1acka and a crooodile, which had Itiltd a memhf'.r of the trIbe, WII told by William Bowney aad a oornplaion from Nortb Auttralia 00 Irrivli at MOllot Iaa. Bo"oey Mid th.t while Clompi'd braide Victoria River th,y law a crooodile in ehallow waLer with a black fellow in ita ja"a. Tbe tribe hid allHoUo.dtd the croco· dil. , aod were endeavollring to lift it from tbe water. Agaill aad agaio the blaoka attempted to drag the crocodile 00 to tbe ballk, but were throwa back (.tatea a Reuter mea.age fr <j m Bri.· Umteteli Coupon Competition Results 10 Next Week's Issue A LTffODGa the adjudicatOr! have pract ically comple ted th ei r talk in judgiop: Umtehli's u:tranrdinarily auccel,ful coupon competition. it. h .. been deemed ad,iuble to pllblieh the re.lllt. in a.:l:t wefll'! iUD1!I-wh.o fulier comment on the a"arda will be poni bl •. Readen, !hollid look f(lf 'heir nllmtl 10 ne ::n wed:', iuue. Money prit .. will bfl poated to win.o.efl immediately aD pUblication of thtir Olmel. baDe). The ioqueat 00 Le.h Wakane , 'olho Gia. brougbt tbe IDen 'PU,TiI !l.od WM f'\tAI!y burned whe.n b" clothe. tomahawh, ADd tlley attuclr.ed the caught fire io Lady S,lbarne Town- monaler. One bllClr., In tryiog to drive ahip, Pn·t oria, W'I held in the Pre· hla speAr iota the. crocudile, .truck it I t{r ;a t.1""idtrattl's court las t week • glancinp: t..1 "w and pinOla till'! CNCO· w!Jen a v, nhlt of death due to t'x· dile'l victim through the tbigb to tbe W08he butUI a,'cideotal1y lalld waa rduruld_ Bowot'y lind bi, hicr.d fired , .. nrll A 't-lIl! 0.(-,' of f ,l1r {'uti ,.ith a cane abOls into tbe ilir, fllld Ih(l bllcka r"n wae I""fd uy IUf' Wa! a"ay, giviolt tbe riflem eo a cb.Dce to d Uu[.dll'e (C atly 00 fOj,JO-Ioo kill the crl'(,(ldHe. ('"I,d.ulll 'ol!Jo ",'prared uo a ehlrgtl They relt'ued tbe bliCk, who b.d of thro'oliog • at a d g and aufJered terrible iojuriea. bre,!.ios iuleg.

Transcript of Prof. Jabavu Wants All-African Congress - UJ IR

WA BANTU The Mouthpiece of the Native Peoples A.thor.'" 10 publlab Go ...... m.Dt Notice. affectloa Natlvel

~-~--,-----,-------Vol. II;, No. ';1'1" JOlU..lflfal'l8oao, I ~T J lJl( fl, 1936. ---===--=-.:.......:..:.:..::......:;..:.:.:.--- --

, ...... ot • ....s U lb. (J. ... 011 ..... "_1· • Prioe 3d

NATIONAL CONVENTION SUGGESTION Prof. Jabavu Wants All-African Congress Protectorates Issue

Native Bills And

Dr. P. Ka I. Seme's Invitation T 0 Bloemfontein

THI fOl10wlog Important leUer dated May 22, 1936. bas bfeo addre .. ed to Omlefell by Professor D. 'D T Jabay" from Allee, cape Provl.nee. It suggests a cOoferellce OD tbl MaU,e Bills 00 OIol'aao', 01,. Dt'tember 16.

Profenor .Ial-aul wrttes as folloWI:

FRO. all sides it is sQggested Iba' lbe aaalu DatioD sbould meet IQ eoorerel'lce at ,omf eeotr31 mettlar; plltil tbls ytar, prefer",i, 00 Dlo,aaa'. DaY,lIonda,.

Decem~r 16, In order 10 volce iI. feellllgs, 10 tlnlted ',sbloD, OD tbe qUMUODI of tbe Go .... rnment Nall,e Bills aDd ..... IncorporatioD ollhe Ptoiedoraici.

A$ ... 1i ... .a.en 01 organlsatloDs concernd In Ih~se mauers are belnl a,ked to :luisi, ) '81 .rlllnil 10 my eapacl1,. at Pruidtnt 01 the Cap. Native Voters' Convention to lodicate my willingness to belp as rar aJ I can manage . In order to "10 a reprneolallve attendance it seema we sbould meet "lUI nil, by a laoll and unopposed agretment at Bloemfontfin 00 Ibe well known bollday menUoned alrnve, not at Ibe Invitation of aD,. partieular pOlitical orgllllsaUon but as IUtsl1 of tbe BIQI'mfonldn local Advisory Board or some olbl'r local competent commiUee to be duided upon by the Bantu Mayor Mr. T . II. Maplkela wbo Is ac«ptable to all 01 us toneerned. For the cb3.lrmansbip d tbe cooventlon Ilrusl we sbaU be unitd in lelilna: Dr Seme take tbe cbair, II beiDa: uDderstood tbat be It tbtre ooly I as our "bOSto. Individual, 00110 bls upaellyas Presldeol 01 tbe AfrlCin Natlooal CODllress, bul as one klodly asked by an 01 us to flillbls emtrgency posllion, and as one wbo will be aille to see Ibe dee!slonltbroul!b to ParUameol and tbereaUer witb more Ibotougbne511 tban Is at the command of us teachets and hlttd lunDU.

NO NEED TO COMPETE FOR OFFICE WE need oat. wtaogle abou\ leniority

of pOlitico. lor tbere will be plenty of room for UI all to be active AI hi. aupport.,. botb all tbe platform aDd io oommitlee.. For the time being we .hould lZet. hUlY "ith our local organiaatiooa at hom~, aDd induoe aome chiefa from Buutolaod, Swazi· land &rid Becbuanaland, if deairable, to be prueDt, alooR with other Doion chief., 10 that tb. voioe of Illoh a gatberiog may be uodOllbted aad carry weiaht wjth the Govefameot. I truat. ev"y leader or capable memo ber of the Baatn race will reali" tbat we are oat. formiag a lIew arlunilatioo bu' m~etiog t.o .bow a uoitfd froot 00 matterl ~bro"n ... ch.llenge to the wbole Bantu race in the I:'outh of Africa . I hll"e DOt. "ritfpo. to Dr. Stme, for I do not eveo know ,.hue be liv ... liar .m I COllctmed .. jib bie faultl if he h ... ay All 1 d •• ire il lomelioe ILl .. 10 urry oor UlH.age to ita deatioatioll, frtu hem tDe tllt'IIIlIt'. menta of bUline .. liel, able to t':l:prt'fI OUf fe.plio". Ind 10y.1 to the rice. For tbr@ lim he may couot liD Uly 10YI\ eupport aod I hope Ibe wbole Blntll rate 'o\ill. lor ooce, forget. it. uIllal wtllJ,I!lu and ei1lqueace Ind do tbe limpl .. needful thiog.

Dr. P. ka J, Seme's Proposiis

Another intereltiag Jetter fnm Dr. P. ka I. Seme ha. bfen eeot u. aa follow. , which iovitea Africln ludere to an African National Coaateal

gathering at Bloemfonteio early in Angud

SOOTH AFRICA il the ohief gate· way of Ellropeao io

thit oootiDeot aDd we are ttaodiog 00 the acropolit of Africa. The bett. brliD' io the world todayaretlodying Africa aad the Africant. The ,eoent Edocational Fellowahip Coofe,..oce of the world .. hicll w .. held io JohallDet­bllrg h .. {uroilhed UII with aboodaot proof of thi. fact.. We have allO teeo 10 the Eoropeao pree. that. Fraae. I. propoaing to lummoo a P.o Africao Imperial Coo.feren06 to meet. io Pari. for the pllrpole of dilOllliiog Atricao Natin polloy by t.he DOotineatal power. which own and govero Aftican tenilorie •.

The. ci,oumll.aoce. hue appealed to the "atiooal u:ecntive committee d the Africao Nat.iooal Congrell and thfl'donl "e hereby iovite III Africln of colleg8 a"d otbtr higher 1I,IUlntioOI of luroiog who hive palled matrioulation and all the priocipala in obarge of Nati'e .choola to atteod the extraordioary coofereol!e of the u:tcutive committeu, provio· eial aDd ClItiooal, of the Africln Nat.iollal CoDgre .. wbich will be .om· mooed to meet. from Augu.t. thi. year to di@(;uu the ecooomic aod political future d Africlo. io tbia country. The propoeed oonfereoce will be tbe fir.t of the eerin of national COil fer· eacn to be held by the African

Continlltd in page 3

DR P. K.\ I. SE\IE, Pre~id .. at·Gel.l ~ r,.1 of the 4fri lO N1tion~1 Coo~reu .

Black Man Seized By Crocodile

Suffers T errible loj uries A GRAPHIC tale of a .truggle be·

t."etO a tribe of b1acka and a crooodile, which had Itiltd a memhf'.r of the trIbe, WII told by William Bowney aad a oornplaion from Nortb Auttralia 00 Irrivli at MOllot Iaa. Bo"oey Mid th.t while Clompi'd braide Victoria River th,y law a crooodile in ehallow waLer with a black fellow in ita ja"a.

Tbe tribe hid allHoUo.dtd the croco· dil. , aod were endeavollring to lift it from tbe water. Agaill aad agaio the blaoka attempted to drag the crocodile 00 to tbe ballk, but were throwa back (.tatea a Reuter mea.age fr<j m Bri.·

Umteteli Coupon Competition

Results 10 Next Week's Issue

A LTffODGa the adjudicatOr! have practically completed their talk

in judgiop: Umtehli's u:tranrdinarily auccel,ful coupon competition. it. h .. been deemed ad,iuble to pllblieh the re.lllt. in a.:l:t wefll'! iUD1!I-wh.o fulier comment on the a"arda will be poni bl •.

Readen, ther~f,-, re, !hollid look f(lf 'heir nllmtl 10 ne::n wed:', iuue. Money prit .. will bfl poated to win.o.efl immediately aD pUblication of thtir Olmel.

• baDe). The ioqueat 00 Le.h Wakane , 'olho

Gia. brougbt tbe IDen 'PU,TiI !l.od WM f'\tAI!y burned whe.n b" clothe. tomahawh, ADd tlley attuclr.ed the caught fire io Lady S,lbarne Town­monaler. One bllClr., In tryiog to drive ahip, Pn·toria, W'I held in the Pre· hla speAr iota the. crocudile, .truck it I t{r ;a t.1""idtrattl's court last week • glancinp: t..1"w and pinOla till'! CNCO· w!Jen a v, nhlt of death due to t'x· dile'l victim through the tbigb to tbe W08he butUI a,'cideotal1y r~('eiVE(l lalld waa rduruld_

Bowot'y lind bi, hicr.d fired , .. nrll A 't-lIl! 0.(-,' of f ,l1r {'uti ,.ith a cane abOls into tbe ilir, fllld Ih(l bllcka r"n wae I""fd uy IUf' .\~et8tII.IJ.~ Wa! a"ay, giviolt tbe riflem eo a cb.Dce to d Uu[.dll'e (C atly 00 fOj,JO-Ioo kill the crl'(,(ldHe. ('"I,d.ulll 'ol!Jo ",'prared uo a ehlrgtl

They relt'ued tbe bliCk, who b.d of thro'oliog • ~tone at a d g and aufJered terrible iojuriea. bre,!.ios iuleg.


~------==~---------~II Cflllmuniullonf 10 be ,ddr.1Md 10 :

80'1ll~_ Iol,!u. o~

P .O. Boll: 4626,

\._Irno~ POIT) ,

ODIIV .. r 81s Mout ..

Three )lonth.

wmtctr1i ma

. ..

Jl:111 tn 1st JONE, 1935.

I Ii!-1,' 8

. /-


ON Sunda.y last all the Afrioan l"bourera on the :\lufulira.

Mine went 00 strike. It. was anticipated tha.t. those at Nkana would similar action after­wards. A message from Losaka. on Monday reported tb&t "several tboulu~nd Na.tives are on strike, and the situation is cauBing the miae authorities a good deal of anxiety; but it is boped that the arri val of tbe forces will clear up the eitua.tion witboat the necessity of any demoDstra.tioD," On the same d&y a. me881ge from Broken am etated that "the Mufulirs. Mine Natives have now re­turned to work, but that the seat of dieaflection bas spread to Nkana which was vi8ited by the Chief Commissioner of Police doring the week-en fl - -The Demonstrators at Nkana were yesterday subjeoted to a ba.ton charge by tbe police in wbich sevenl were iojured on both aidea." Otber mpssa.ges made it clear tha.t troops weTe sent to the spot by four R.A.F. troop carriers with two pIa. toons of the Northern Rhodesia. Regiment. More troop' were not far off.

The latest message received sta.te8 that events taken a much more serious turn, that at tbe LU!losba. (Roan Antelope) mine a tbou1",od Awemba. N&tivee and kindred tribes made an att&ck on the mine Native compound on Wednesday, and tbat sbortly before nooo the police io self­defence bad to open fire on the rioter8, sil[ of whom were killed and several injured.

workers, it has in ninety.nine cases out of &. bundred failed to achieve &.nything for them. 10 most casell they have lost wages while 00 strike. have also forfeited privilegell. aod, in many inlltiLoces, their job8. Ooe of the greatest IItrlkes in history-when 80me ye&.rs ago Britieb labour tried to bold up the Uoited Kingdom -reeulted io complete defeat for labour and in the bank­ruptcy of the British Ia.bour party. On tbe Rand, tbree big mine strikes-in 1907, 1913-14, and 1922- resulted in the defeat of the workers, who, in· deed, lost far more than they gained in a.bortive effort! to force their claims on the em· players. In tbe Copper Belt, a similar tale of defeat and )oss will inevitably be told.

There is always a right way lind a wrong way of doing things. In all csse8 where the.e are legitimate grlevancell these 8bould be submitted to, and discussed with, tbe employers. The chances of gain by arbitration are always greater tban by rea ) rt to force.

We repeat, therefore, tba t the African workers of tbe Copper Belt acted with great fooli8hnes8 in going out 00 strike. They ha.d nothing to by doing 80 aDd every· thing to 108e. And as events will turn out they will find them8elves aU the poorer for thei'!- foolish adventure.

• Position Of The


THERE IIIma t.o be muoh mia·

Now with these moet un­fortunate disturbaocfs which appear to have arisen out. of revisions in taxation, coupled with pamphlets preaching violence, and fomented by tbe tea.chings of a oertain agita.tor, we have little @ympflthy . \Vhatever the merits of &. CUf'!

and it i!l qaite pos~ible that some of the stdkPre ha ve It'~itim1.te grievance .. , tlwTe is no excu~e for viokoce, when methods of repref!.ent ation sod negotiation still remain to be tried between the partie8; and we, therefore, IItrongly reprobate those who had recoQl'se to the strike weapon and to violence.

apprehenaion among Afrioaoa with regard to t.he outcome of General Hertzog'a conver.ationa with Mr. J. H. Thoma', Britiah S-cretary for the Domioiooa. Tbe belief ia gen"al t.h.t the battle ialoat., that. Heoeral Hertzog h.s pereuaded the Britiah autboritiM to haod over the Proticwutea t.o the Union, and t.hat fnrther dilcuaaion ia, therefore, futile The mat.ter doee not. atrike ua in that light. With reg.rd to Beohu.naland, neither Britaio nor the Union haa territorial righta over tbat country. The Klng'a authority over 8echu.nalaod ia purely .dminia· tr.tive, not territori.I, 10 that. the territori.l incorpor.tioo of Bechu.Da· l,lud in the Union il uot pouible IInd~r the Law. Umteteli recently madt" thie clear.

With reg.rd to the', generaUy, howevu, Mr. Thom •• de· fioed the Briti8h at.titude to the Ooion .. melniog t.hat, "if there i_ fri ction bet.ween the Union Guvefnment and the territoriea, aed there ia ill·w,II, b nh aides "ill 8uff .. r. The arraOlle· ment. we (Britain) have mlde i. that there .ball be oloae co.operation betweeo the ~rrit, riea and the Union, ao th"t if at any lime tAe cJaa"ye tal.·u plaft, it will be with the good "ill aod co.operation of all partlel, io.tead of the botltihty "hich "oold otherwiee devel0p "

If the undertaking t.o conlult Afri. oao opioion before the ch.nge ia, i. taken in coojuoction "itb Mr. Thomaa'a atat.emeot, it "ould appear tbat a preliminary policy of ut.ended cn operation between tbe Union and the Territoriea ia all that ha. been agreed on 10 far.

The strike we&pon has long aioee been disoredited . Tried 8,Q;ain and agalD by White

That., of COlll"M!, i. a very different. tbinfl: from a 60al t..&ke·onr. Africanl abonld keep the di.tinction. in miad.

Village School Teaching

Often .. Incompetent" Says Sir Herbert


Soulhero Rhod •• iao JeaDes Conference

UNDER t.he aegia of the Carnegie Corporation, and lupported by

tbe Government! of the Brlt.isb Terri· toriel of Ellt., Central .nd Soutbern Africa, aD ioternat.ional Jeanea Con· fenmce "II opened at. Salillbury 00 MondlY lalt..

Dr_C. T. Lor.m preeided, and there ",!ere preeent. : Dr. F . O. Keppel, pre· aldent. of the C&rnegie Corporation; aleo authoritiea from the U.S.A Sou thAttica and tbe Protedorates: t.he Gold Co8llt, Nyauland and the two Rbodeai.a.

The acting Prime M.iniater of Soutb· ern Rbodeaia, Mr. P. D. L . Fynn, read a meaaage from the Governor, Sir Herbert St.nlIY, in wi:Lioh Hia Ex· cellency aaid that every effort. ahould be made to overcome t.he inefficiency of unluperviaed teaching in 8choola. Sir Berbert praiaed the aoundnen of the ayatem of Jeane8 teaching, while at. t.he 8ame t.ime comment.iDg on aome of ita imperfec. tiona. Be added:

"It 88IImi to me inconte.table that whe~ber the prooellll of t.r&ining be carried out. by tbe mieeionaty bodiea or undertaken by the St.ate, one of the moat. important aima mUlt be t.o l5eoure the proper oo·ordin.t.ioo of t.he aotivitiea of the Jeanell teacher with the Government of hill connt.ry," COD· tinued tbll meaaage. "The Jeaoel tMoher who faila t.o reaped the authority of the diatriot officer and attempta to eat&bJisb himself aa a kiog, • rival potentate will become a lonlce of diaharmony prejudioi.1 to the Native8 among .bom be il living and a hindrance rat.her than a help to tbe advancement of N.tive education."

He bad no doobt t.b., the delibera· t.iool of t.he conference would be con· ducted io a Ipirit of .. iadom and good will, and exprlMed hope that" they may redoond to t.he atrengthening and ext.enaion of the great movement. of which the Jeanel teacher ia at once t.he aymbol and iOltrumeot.. to

Bow lea.nM Syatem Started Yr. Fynn deaoribed tbe Itart and

proglen of t.he Jeanea ayatem in Southern Rhodlllia, origin.ting with a viait by Dr. Jeaae Jonee a few yean agO. Little more tban a generation h.d pSSled eioCl work among N.tive •• tarted in thia oountry, aod M, . FIDD pRid a tribute to t.he .. ork of the Olia8iooarin of all deoominationa for t.heir pioneer work

8e trUlted that tbe concluliool arrived at. by the conference .. ould be of the gruteet .lBidance to the Gov. erompnta of Afric.n .taw .nd coloniu in after tbe .. elfare of the Nativra. •

Dr. Keppel deecribed the leatitution of the ~lDf'gie Corporation, aDd &aid the obJ~ct of the oonfereoce waa to .um up the fruit. of "ork in Keny. Ny ... laod aod t.he Rbodeaiaa. '

&hoy p.pell by difJerent aut.boritiea will be given, aod the conference "ill contiooe until Jane 5 The programme includea v1ait. t.o the Dom· bOlha"a Government School, ne., SaJiabury, and to minion !Choo".

• Foor African. bave been coavieted

of m.liciou. iojory $0 property 8Qd aent.enced to 6ve mooths' hard labour each by the Ladyhr80d magiltraw.. They .ofJocat.ed 8Q ox belonging to a farmer by t,iog bot.h It. jawl, joat above the OOItrila., wit .. a riem.

Beer Canteens And Eating Houses --

Deputations To C ily Council

TB E Citv Coooci l Allain ?ommi~tee will hold a IPf'cl&l

m.tetlDg at.,.30 p,m.C'n Mood.y, Jane 1./, tv nce'''e d~putltion' from feli. Rloua or othu bodie., wbo m.y delire to make repreaent.tlOD8 ff'gardiog the propoaal t.1) ut.bliab ka6r bHr can. t~n. and eating boua81 IInder moni. clp.1 oootroi.

The deputationa .hollid coo8ilt of not more t.ban t.hree membeu, wbole n.mea ahould be Bent. to the town clerk ~~~ I.ter t.ban noon on Mooday, JUDI!

• Native Convict

Recaptured Warder Attacked At

Maseru A Ole88age from Malleru atatel th.,

a Nat.ive priaoner, .. ho eac.ped from the MaRern gaol, h.. been reoaptured at Vinie'a @idiog, 0 F.S , where he attempt.ed to break ioto a Itore.

An attack W88 made by a lif. ~eotenoe Native pri.oner on a "ardar In the Maaeru gaol while the tooll for tbe day'. work were being handed onto Seiziog a hammer he attempkd· t.o atrike t.~e .warder, 'but .... pre­ye.nt~ from lofhcting more t.han alilh' InJur~. by t.wo other prilOoenl.


tS POWER I AN ignorant mao will nenr aocceed..

Suoceaa demand, knowJedp. 1"011 can get know lege, in Jour owo u..

and in your .pare time, b, meana of a Union Coli", Corresponde~De Coune. 01lr f"el arll very low-from 10/. a moot.b. We bave helped many hundred. of AfrlcaDI to get. and education. PotS tbia Coopon t.o UI and let ua ahow you how we call help yoo.

- -Tbl Seentall', UnlOIl Collegl,

P .O. 801: 3541, 10h.nn.sbUII.

PleNe lend mf', .. itbout cod or obligation, full informatioo aboat the courll which I ha"e marked .itb an X.

••. Eo,li.b ••. Af,ih.u . I.I. ••. SHulo _. Xu • _. Steb ..... ...• ritbmttic ••. HiIIU1 .. CeOlr.p~, _. A.rica1tue •.. Sciuce •. BooU:cepiaC •. Shorth.Dd • .• T,ptwrili",

• IV, V, •• St.ld.rel. VI ... VII •• JlDiar Certific.t. .. M.tritol.tioa .. T,.o .... 1 Hlti"

TelC~t" III ... 3ri ,tart

•• ~.tioD.1 ea. ••. ci.1 (ra .. i.ll ....

. Decree £a .. , ... liCMtl

•. Jo.r .. I,. •• Pelice El.iaa·

tic" ..

Name .... ........................ ....•.... . " ..•

Addr ....................................... .

............ .......... .................... J. U. w. L tftlt. ---


African Gifts To Mr. Walton I Randfontein Estates G. M. Co. --

Brouze, Gold Cigar Case Aud A ssegais

Dr. P. ka I. Seme's Proposals

Cnnti"..u from '/Xl'Jt J.

National Congrell in every leading city in the Un inn during the couree of tbe yt'ar.

TradUion Not Yet Created

MR. A. J. WALTON, who for Ihe p,.t. 16 year. bioi been gtlDer.1

manager 01 the CrowD ~iOf!l, .Dd i, Jeal"iog to become ooolultiOg ~Dp;I~eer of tbe RInd Min", (Central Mloee Group) .... the .. ftuut of booour" at • big iod.b. 00 MODd~y when the Native employu of 'be mloe g'.tbered at tbe min. ,plrtl,rouod to bid Mr. Walton f,r.""II. The eduoau.d Africanl have DOt

00 behelf of the Native employet, yet created lOY good D.meor tr.ditioD Mr. B. B PHilO pl't18uted Mr WaitoD for th~m' among their own with two lioe bronze ~tudiel by Anton p;or'e III thle OODntry. AI .. m.tter Van WOOff' , • oiglr cue made of I 0 sot, W', edoc.~ Afr.ic'DI, .tand C ... ,. .>td 80d .. .bield ooodemned and dllor.<hted by lb. rown .DIn. , AI' . kno.bkerrie and .... rl.o .. n malset I~ every province and

Mr J. W. L,,,,rt'nce, cbief com- terrltnry AI being merely tout. nr po od man .... r .aid' agent. (If unaClrupulnul intere,tt, Ind

'~ I have b:eo' "kt'd by tbe iedno .. , tberefnre eelfilh and onreliable as police b,~n and Native uodetltrnuod ~e.dedl of our own penple. There .re I and furface ... nrlr;~u nf tb<:"l CrnllPn ?OO. to be conltant Iqulbblee and Minn t.o rl:pre~1 their tf'grt't at your dllunlen amODg .uch I~ad~ra Hrving

MR. A. J. WALTON lelviul!: tbe Crnwn MinPlI, and at tbe lame time to cOD[lratul.te ynu opon btcomiol,; oue d tbe cnololtiog t'Ollio­een of tbe Raud Minel-Cent"l Mioea Adminutration. Th~y are gl.d of tbi6 opportuoi~y to. think you for the l"uy Ifmp.tbetic attitode yno have alway •• dnpted tn"a,d. them, aud tbe prlctical iutt'relt you have II"IYI takt'n i'l the betlermeot of their 000' ditbu. "

1.1 bave to do a. toota or agenh ef dillerent m •• terl whOle main in­tefl~lt. are oppoaed to tbe genuine African It'.dt'r.bip in t.bil cOllntry and ma.tera wbo conanlt the dietat .. of po.litical partiee in foreign co.uotri ...

Prnbleml nf CivilisaUnn The prnbleml nf civilieatinn, tbeir

effect upon tbe mnral courage nf tbe rKe generally, and hnw civili.atinD Ihnuld and eo.old inlpin cnnfidence fnr the future and oreate prnper .. mbitinna in nur young men and I young women to m~lr.e aolid prngreel and to co cperate wltb one anntber in every walk of life jOlt 1.1 tbe Eurn­pean' do. in tbill country_in .bnr~ bo.. to malr.e the Africane alHuent and IIU· .. pporting. Theae problema I '1.1, have never yet been ooneidered by any national cnUDcil of African. compolled nf African men and wnmen nf lette" with tbe view of direntiDg and cnntrnlling publio npioinn nf the rue through the new pbaeea ef life which the European Icbool. and citiN bave bronght into nur midet in Snuttl. Africa. I

Mrlean Lea'ers WaDt~d

Umhlangeni Ambulance Contest WE publitb to.d.y photographl nf

the "inuicg team. in, prnbably. one of tbe big(l;Ht aU·Africln ambu­lance competi~ion y~t held, oamely, the Umblangeni Amhulance Contelt uuder the aUlpio .. of the Randfnnteill FAtate. G.M.. Co. Ltd., at Rancllncttlin

no !:londay, l'Jtb M.y. No. le'l than 114 Ulim. oompeted,

Ind to win in the fllce cf luch Itreounlll cnmpetitinn il a feat of wbich tbole whnle phntograph. we

I pobli,h in thil illue, m., indeed be prnud.


~ ,

. I

? 1< 1 " • .. , ~

\ \

The Wiouiog Tt'Rm: St"r.dioll" (ldt to. rigbt) ;-S.mud, Muh'le, Rubert Millie (Trainer), Tillllf't Ind J ... h'nllel. Shting: MAiu1ebllne .Dd !1 .. lcko.

Mr. Llwrt'oce added thlt the tt:'eater part of thl:! ronDPY eohlcribed for tbe J[ifte bid been in ticlliel aDd penDie •. FioaUy , he mt'ntlnned that the Nativee I,ad aaked him to welcnme tbe Dew general m.nlger, Mr, Lange, on their behalf.

Mr. H. B. Piliao, Chief Indooa, appreciative r~ferencea to. Mr. Walton'l work fer AfriCIO emplnye'., aod meotioned tbpir modrl com pouoda, recreatien jilro(luds, acd churob", •.

Educated Africans mUlt lead their own people: btlt in ord~r to do thi. they moe' create cnnfidence Inr tbem­INIlnl io the mindl of the mauel. We believe that the best way to Ichieve thie victory is by getting into elnll6 cn-eperation with tbe African National CGogrelllllDd tbe great chieh of the race tbroolh the Upper Bnuae of the CGogr~.e tbnl gradually taking over the reigol of leaderabip and Team whicb took Secnnd Ph,ce: St9nding (left to right) :-8.110. become the torah·bea"ra of tbe new (Trainer ), Hendrick, Richard, ZnIu, Rnbert Malie( Supt'n-iling

Mr. Walton, wbn w .. evideQtl~ delighwd "itb the prllNlote, .aid he wnuld keep them in memory nf the gnod"iII betw~eQ tbem, and _ben he died. he would pa .. them onr to hil children..

The proceediogs were fnllowed by aD African dallee.


IBULALA. '-bo ....... Am.a.uodu, loookul .. , .1.111.' h .... a. •• hW,tlllllba. 801111.. ~"<llI:"o.


NOW II your ch.uce ~o obtaio • tint. cI ... Gr.mophooe .t. I"$ •• oo.ble prie. • od 00 II><' ~"(~ptjOQ.tI,.", \.erm. of 10 1_ p<"r montb. Wr;t.t for iU ... t .. t;oll .lId r-rti(ul ... to

DJ::ACO~ ok CO., P.O. Bo., 29J.f, CUlt Tow".

civiliaatinn in thia country. Yuo Trainer). konw that the Uninn Gnvernment I Sitting: Kboeli, Seledi and Jamee.

ba. adnpted the polioy of allowiog ~~:~~~~::~~:~:~~~~~~~~~~~~::::~~~~ "the Hativee 'n develnp along their .0. Ii...... .. ..... d.",m; •• obo. South Africa Driuks Tea 'helNl liDea Ire 'n be bnt ynunelvel, St. Peter's SecoDdary and bn" .. o you do thi. except by --EDeeuDI tGgetller in a pan African DID 'OU knn" tbat tbe three big tea Schools, confere"e ? The problem. are urgent. producing cnuntriea of the "orld­Yno haYe ao other natinnal organia- India, Ceylnn and Dutch Ealt .tion 6t to deal ,nth tbem ezeapt the Indies-prnduce 900 millinn poundl of African Natinnal Coogr~.. The tea annually1 It eeeme a cnln"al natiooal neeo'iYe oommiUee hereby ftgure, and yet it il quite a oon&erntiYe in,vitee. y.. all and ineJndiog oor "timate. Sooth Africa act?ally drio'" prof6l8lOnal "0. and ez.preaidenta 0 .... ' a huodredth part nf thllenormnol general of tile Conveu to come and nutpot, and il drinkiuj;t mnre every rewnn together witb tbe provinolal I year. In fact, Snu~b .Africa il ~ne ?f and tlae .ational u:ecnti.e committe.. the greateat ~a·drIDklog countrlel In of the CoUll"" at Bloemfontein 00 tbe world, t.king the lize of her tbe 3rd . to the 5tb day nf Augud, popolatioo iot-o. c~nlid~ration. ~t. 193.). You ba .. been given the pr~nt ~8 drlnklog :~ mOlt 10 bnuoor and tbe right to help direct I eVidence In the larger cltlt'e poch al ynor own destiny in thil cnuntry and Job~nue.burg. Capl Te!,n, Durban, ynu mUlt do. it. Marltzhurg, Bloemfnntelo, ete., but

Tbole who iotend to come to. thi. I every y~r tb~1 .plueant .nd benefiei.c.1 extlarediollY ennferenoe will pleaeo cOltom:1 f!:.ullng D"ler~ a~d mnre In write to tbe General Secret.ary or to pnputanty In cooetry dl9trlCh. mYlelf II early 1.9 pOleible. Tbnle wbn want accommodation at Blnem. fontein will plelle Idviae tbe Sergelnt . Majnr Peter Phablan~ , Batho Locatinn

I Bloemfootein. Bnard and lodging will be 3'6 per day.. befnre. TbOle who.

ConlillkCd in next (ohi"."

.... .. nt Ipecial accommndatinn mly pay mere.

Nkoai Sikelel. fatea Afrika. ,

Mnreoa Hlebonnln.

(Sigoed) P. ka I. SE"B, Preeidt'ct General.

Rcsetttntille, Johauesb ... ,.

St. Agoe. ' Scbool nf Bntlll.ld Seiellce npt'n to girll lIaving

St.ndard VI Certihate. One or two. ,eafl' Cn.ree.

(Pour T~rou a year ).

FEES: £12. hi year; £18.2.4 ye.,

( tbi, 'lIr1udfl unilnr ........... 11 malen.l, )

Gnnd Kitcben. and Laun4ry. T"ined Eurnpean TeNher fnr

Domeetic Subjute. Cookin@, Llundry, Dre.&m.k· iog, Houle"ifery, ROllle·Nun·

inll", at bt. Allue. '. Gamt'S,. Drill "nd Roriptllre It

St. Ptltu' •.

Apply:-L.DY W.ID£S" St. Agon' S~hool, ROMtttenvIlle.



For Our Women Readers

African Women And Character (BY J. E. COKA)


N0W let oe Ite if African womeD bITe nO) 'Iviog jl;f8CU.

To .tSf~ witb, educllttd African women lte empty buded lod eb.llow. minded. They li re IO Clplbl .. of deep aod eioeete .ff.otioD. Wbat tbey read, tbey f,il to gra'p the obj ~ctivel (I f tbeit peroaale. Their mem orilu .re tltber bid. They bave 00 depth of cbulcter Pro. petit, unduly elate. them, while adveuity '1 unduly deprulel them ..

Co o,taney i, • virtue of whicb tbey hue DO ide.. They follow. Hottentot polioy of .. L-t UI tat lod be merry 'oJt tomorro,," we die," Seldom hIve tbey an y clea r oLjeet o r bigh porpole io life. Their 'O~iOD' are puerile Itld tawdry. With the exception of hUlblod buotiog. io 'lllt'biob tbey 10 lameotably , they exbibit little duire to bave IOfthiog.

A. thinken tbey are nowberb. Seldom doel anyone come acrota lOy great oriRioal idea from Afticao WomeD. Wheo they attempt t o write, tbey olollly commit phgiarilm. Their reading ia con6ntd to novell and all e"ntimeotl.l writioge. They Ihow little capacity for re diog and ledoo. atady. Iodeed tbi. il true of the little mioority tbat at.temptl to read, becanle lobe overwbelming majority doe. oot trouble to read at all.

Tbey are vain aDd frivobua , It ie ooly In 'portl. aDd d"oOfl' that tbey ,biDe witb aoy brilliancy. In DO

other pUrluit.l do tbey manif ... t ability. Here~rcre there b •• oeitbn heeD ao Arriclo women poet, or compo,,,,r, Tbey diapl.,. nO origiolJ­it,. io auyline at all. Neitber do they particlpat.e iD aoy publlo .liJ .. ir.. 10

tbl, oooueetion the Illiterat" Ind deapiaed 'eml,eduoated abow gl't'aler capacity. The latler ofteo b"comfO diltiogailbed member. and worker. of oatioo.1 aod Churoh organi$allUnl, whll6 tbe ladiu an oOD.picloul fllr their ove. t indifJlIlcnOfl if not active bo.tilit"

And tbey dllplay little Ikill in c booeiog their dtfllt" Aa Ito m~Uer of fact the Iemi·llIItforau, brat thf"m 00 t.he poiot of drelliug wfOlI . O .. nfl r· ally, Iidy teaoberl .re bldly dr,. ... d

Notbiog 10 ulily bto.l, PII,-"udo, iotelleetol'll al the aUCH:nt art of cooking. It il aeldnm thllt o otl fiodl a laJy teaoher who caD cook p. rr!d~e WIU. It either btcnm"l t lO ult.y or oat at a ll. Olhf'r di.i.Jl'I • rO' bf')'Olod their rMIRe. In ('o"kiI'Jt ri('p, Ibf"V cillall'\' drowo it io water I·' tU'lt it il wor\!' . muddy thin an~tbilll .. !~e \Vhf'n thn' l..t.L ... tJf'ir h,,",j, .. t IIlt.t, it u.ually b,uol (lr J'll~1 it.ol!n~rfdieoh

Thl'v .~~e a hopei Ii f i!nro!t ... Illrll.

Singrr Srwing ffacbi:lt. S<cond Hand

They blrd]y improve .. WIVOI.

Socially, they are oat good company becau.e they are inclpable of dil' cUIBiog aoy lobject. AU their time il lpeOt io frivolOUI talb They Dever look one straigbt in the eyea and tell ooe plaioly wbat they tbink. Tbey act IIII-e thlt womao of whom Solomoo 8IIye , " her fee' oever abide io her houee," They apend their money u" leuly. They aeldom tbiak of the difficultiee of obtainiog mooey. 1'0 he.r them demand money from their eweetheartl ooe would thinlr: tbat tbe pacr loven were milliooairea. Thia il eepeoially true of girll who oome from povertY'ltrickeo bome. Ind have by meaoe of their little educatioo elevated tbemellvel a bit. In tbat Clee, their demaod, for luxoriel Ire appalling They are etraogera ~ eelf ·dealal aad frogality. Oreat idealogilt, tbey have neitber opioion nor vi.w. of their owo becanee tbey oever take the troable ~ be ioformed of aoy pnblio qotltioo. They mumble. lot of uoiotelligible nooeen.e, ADd I6ldom do they da tbeir work> for the love of it.

Many tbere are wbo .imply take to teacbiag beoanae It ia geoteel Tbey obey 00 ioward call to go lod Ipread Ii~bt among tbeir beoighted people, All they waat il money. For.eimil.r relt.lone haodrede are Bookiog int.c the humane aDd noble oaniog profeelion. Meroeoary motivel impel tbem, and it becomee evideot tbat "Nu18el aDd toloberl are born not made." beoanll in the long roo the mooey boater uloally Ibow. ber troe coloa18. Ho.· ever tbtle two are the oDly profe •• lionl wbieb .atiate tber inD.te vaDity aDd 10 to.d.~ tbey are coogeated with people wbo bave no right to pUrlae tblm.

AI tbey do not .ilb to aecomplilh .oytbiog worth wbile, they have 00

dMlte to mike l oml mao grMt , In· deed tbey koow nothiojil: of greltoea. Th"y are ,enile .orflbippert of the wlIlI· lioed pUUII. Huing DO idea of great Dohility of 1001, elevated ideall

I =:p~:b~~:I~!~:~;:1 t~he:u~u~ ~u:e I They care notbiog for the futare if

tbey can be allowed to eDjoy tbe prueot , Sballow vain, incooltaot aod frivoloUl, tbllY are aeldom oap. able of aoy virtae wbill! tbey blVe maoy vicel. 10 what ree peot Are AfriOlo womeo tbe light of Africa aDd tbe heacoolight that will attraet maDY 1

• Mi~. Eliubetb Agatba LaZtfU" a

pupil oor~1 at tbe St Mary'l B08pitai Kwamacr:wau, h4e lucCt'ltIIfully p.lled the preliroioar.v StatE' f'xU'nination (", f the Soatb AIr ,'an Mtdic",1 Couo('il, he d I""t April. and tbia .f .... r ~oly 15 mont b.' rn deoce at tte hOlp!tal She alr"ldv hold. tbll c.rlifil'lt~ of the c..otra·' ~lidwivf'l' B( ard, which Ihe waa a,..,d-d wbil8t etudYlD1l; It tbtl Bridgmlo H(Jllpital.

till" Joiol Sd~t Clmm ittee 00 GtDUII Hertzog'(I ~.tive 81111, publi" 1XIf'8"

iOil" ... re bf'ld ill K.imbtorl"y I' f ilow. X.t.tive Va""r'. I'Otttioi{ in the Lylldbuflt Ru,1 ~cb()(,1 at 3 p m, 00 Thufeday. 30th M.y: roUI Wfoet· iOgl at N(>. 11 I..->elti.,Q .cd Gr~D Point 00 Unioo Day, _beo IUilgflllti '01

were m.d& IS to wb.t eter- .bonld be hlr~D by the African CommoDity 10

from 12-19-6. d"fl"D09 (If their right ... ci~iu,o. 01 .-\11 "Ibn ' ,an. io .I_k. thia lInd.

The 'ho-.pM' "" I<lorn fur "'p&U"It. AD int.ereetinll .ddren .... piveo H. BODENSn IN, by Mill. G .! 'd,t.bikin, W.yflU" .. r ~. 11_. I :ead .. r, on the occuioo of their retwo

from the Jobilf18 Rally in c.pec.owo. %11, l'Lf:I~ !'iTREET. oor HI] !'iT I b I Ai d r~ ;U~ l"'D~. u.,,, to It large gat uiog 0 ricao. In !:.. ____________ ..: EOfOpMQI in the Elall SltHt fl&11.

Kimberley News

MR. A. MBOLEKWA of De Aar lpaot tu I •• t week·end io tbe

oit,. II the gOelt of Mr. Jno, Muiu., Weet End.

00 Taeada,. enniog in the Ballhl_ Batho B.U, -4tb Jlloa, to be followed by a daoce to the mUlic of tbe Dixiana R evellerl D. Band Admiuioo ~ . grouada will be I· .dolh, 6d cblldrea . T o the receptioo I. alt roand .

All a [Mull. of tbe Spal.Booa Troupe 'plittiog, Meeere Dollglli Mrwebi and Arcbie Netto left I fortnigbt ago for J obaaoelbarg, whillt Melin Siwia. aod S. Jacoba are io Warreotou and City reapeotinl,.

Mrl, G, L , M .... bi, wife of Cooetable P . MOluabi of No. II Loc.tion, hId a aoccellful operation receoUy in tbe 1001.1 bOlpit.1.

Tbe .t .. tJ and etadenta of tbe Per· lever.Dce TraioiDg College hue heeD invited to a lecture to be gino by Advocate D. Coheo io tOe Hall St. Ball. The .ub;eot will be: " Saoe Pridl."

XOI. epeaking p.reoh, elpecially .tadeow, will be pleaeed ~ learn that tbi, laogaage, wbich ... abolilhed in the Secondary Department, will , from oed quarter be inoladed io tbe Iyllabol, at the L,.odhuret Road Secoodary Sohool.

The Tranlvaal Native Rnghy

10 conoectioo with tbe I't'port of

COllt""ud in 'frond rol'''"''

Ju.t blue :« ,<Iud of .,1, ''':c (nr I~e Lt.. fln'~ I ""1'" ,~t ) d,rl., enee It rruokH I" ,il(, Of'·';'; ... ''(

\~'Ur .. ~o.h-tlu, nne I 1'1.: rune! \)"",h,"~ IoiCIS the d," 0",.>1 (h,,,~ ... , but ({'s tho- blue 11ft..., th3' [>UtS tbe .. hilrroc<, in.

Out of the blue comes Ihe whttest wos.~

Touri." will meet the Grique XV 00

WedoeldlY 6,h Jlloe in tbe Union Oroo.ndl, Newton, .t f 15. Cartain rai.e" ere ~be Seco.ndery Schools, uoder 17, Lyndhuretand St, &nilaoe. The Oriquil hIYe been follOWing the keenly througb tbe columnl of .. Umteteli ", and .. t;hi, iI their 60.1 match. it il expeeted to be e keen battle for the lurell, II

oor looal team. twioe defe.ted ongby l.eaml from the R.nd on prllviooe ooollioni. A recept.ioo in hoooor of the Tilito,. will be held


.. l' " . ,

Bana ba hola ba no noe ba thabile. J-Iaeba u rata ho re ol?;onn.l oa h ;1O a hole alc motle, ebe moshemanyana kapa mOf"Ot'I!'oana eol maalla, mo niele " Olalline."

Ke $l'no 6e monale se joalelUl

'II Chokoll'le. Se enUoe ka lebe .. e,

11\0111 If" 'ml·la 'me sena Ie nlho to.e t:h.;1n2 malla.

..... bantwan.l bai.:ula benamile hekulu\Xle, Lma ufuna inganl' yaLo ikule iqinile. itokoZ3 lipi • • Olalline."

lawa am:anzl amtt.'ti annc;hu­J,. ... b f:nziwe n~obisl, maqanda n:J.n{lamalX'le, aqinh.l umzimba.

OVALTINE' A ....................... ~ ........ ""., .... .

"v"- ... ~'".'"'."' •• -_... ...-_ ......... \ ........... _'". Ito_I ... _ ........... ~ ... 1011_ .'i ... - .... I M().,, __ "

Town Health,

U!'ltTETJo:Ll WA DANTU, JORANNL~SUUI>(I , I JUN" " liT ~. 193r..

And Country N hUf/it. lOll Mr Timothy HI'Olon AmniI" ews "f ,Iuhannl'ehurf{, I, atJofluoced to hk~ 111 •• '0 11.1 S .. llud.y, IHb J 0110, III ~ P In

In tl,e lillllto Mtl,boullt Church

Native The

Bills, Native

Protectorates A d I y, .. ttrn N.tu'. TOWIlII,Ip. Rtlceptk.>~ n •. 111,. held at tl," Ihn'" Mell'. t(och,1 ('I'lllrfli u thtl flVtlllUJ(

Q t- TIlt' Itt.. HOl", HI,bop M,tthe'" nes JOn MIlhCJ,e, of M"vhiatuwll. Jubaooel'

______ -' lluf/it. tlj II be ~j.itioR hi, ouoj(rfgatioD.

IN bit rr<,.i.lnltial .ddrru to thl I Union', ~ati,.e policy wal not it.~lf ill 'he l-'rtlfl St.a~ .. from flth JUlla. ~.tlve IDd Chlouted Ih.,lth I:'c,d~t.y on trial. He arguet Ih.t the ,tAttI of ft'r J , 1. O,iph.nt, former b"adm,n

.. h, h I I' " ,,' h U . of Himonltown I..ooatil>D, i, em a abort.

." If' u I /I al](\UI\ OWl' IIIK (1n f. It ,OI~D i. a rea~on Iathn for dd.y Wf'dof'Jday, ?11It. May at Lovt'd.I~. tlU ~tlll"D hOI done il.' Jl4"'rft'('~ work vi,1t to .'ou,nOl"burg .nd Dr. A. B. Xum~, ("If Job.oo ..... bufll, lIood th.t thl) Uniou'. Miul,tefll .blluld . Ol'okt .tll-II; fnr Durb,n. He will.I", dilolla-ed the lll .. d of "ou_iog' puhllo .!t·t tbeir 0 .. 0 hOlile In oulllf, an.1 vilit . rl-I.tiv('l .t Uula",.yo and b".lth and bYRi ... Dlo If'DI' In tba p., .. ibly .. ith a joint oomllliuloo of M.f ... k.IOIl prior to returning to Cape. African l·o'Dmuuil.v in l'onforroity with lU'luiry, lend help for the .. elfare of. to .. n.n July. modl'ro idta.. He Ipoke Oil four thf'ir .. e.ker neifOthboura. Mt'~dam('l R. CloRO, I..itheko and di8M~~' .typbuI, tnhHi.'ulo~I., "'"Oll. Tbe NallYo QuulI Mahllto, of Kroonlta.l, who bave been real dl,e.l. and I('Utvy. '1ooombat 00 In Jobannl'lburg no a .hort vilit tc· tbple t.he whol. loolal Ittf'ogtb of the Arohdeaeon Hulme, of Hiol'mfontein turned to the Io'ree State 00 Monday. people rtquired to bo roult('d and made A It-rong appeal ~o hil ludieni.'e Mr •. P. Mtil1lkulu, of Newcll.ltle, direi.'ted. £v.,r)' Natl~e miDi.lf'r aDd at Harti'mith la.t wed: ill a Itctufll N.tal , bal arrived in Johaolluhurg teAch.r .hould be .n apoatle of health. eotltl.,d" The CommOD Senae Vie. of and il th. Rueat of Mr. and &Ira. D. Dr. Xuma paid a warm tributl'l ~o the th. Native Que.tion," io .. bich be Mlbl"fi, of Orlndo. work of Dr. N. McVicar, who bad ItrE'l&(!d. the oeoenit)' of developing Mr .... P. LtJ"ba, of Johanoe.borg, hooD the plooHr in the tuk of train. ~he Na~lve m~rket of South Afrio. by If"t JUlfrd.y (Friday) for Mapoteog, iog N.tiv. nora&l. Improving hll lpendiDg power aod Teyat'lyneog, U"uwland

"Health," the qUlrterly maguin •• Ito. by him. T.king the Min ~ary Pheto." of Spriog., hal of t.he looiety, i. now to be publilhed Nlhve populatlou of Soutb Alrica .t I bHlu vl.ltlng ber r-rf'ota at Ale:uodra io foor languaRea. Tbe Publii.' Health 6,000,000 aod th.t eaoh Town,b.p. nur Jobanne.burg. Department h .. tbloktd the lo('iety earoed 20.'- per montb, t.h.y would A OOOCllrt (undcr the ,ulpice. of t.he for the .aluAble ... i.tloce tben ",prueot I buying power of Interoation.1 Club) will be given a' by tbe maguioe in t.h.6gbt 'g,inlb,000 per month, he aaid The tbe Blotu Meo', Soci,1 Centre on mal"i,. N.tlve "al an u:or'lI.eDt I~nder. If Thurtday 6th JOM, on beh.1f of

Tbe MaUve Bills th~ averag.e of thel' .rOlnge .. en the Noo.European Bliod. MOlic In a letter to tbe "Star." Rt:v. N. ralud t? £2 per month would .. III be by the Poly~lot Minltnll

B. Tantsi, of \'entf'rtdorp, 1.,1 tbe be .10 lDcrt'aaed marltH for South 'Ih." Spo.... (St. Peter'l Old Nativ~ Rl'pre'f'ntative Bill no' onl, Aftloan lIood. of £60,000,000 per Studeot.' Auocidiou) are organiling robl tbe Native of bit vote and .ooum. 10 Ibott, the Nativel wnuld a concert aud dance to be give~ at citileDlbip, butallo plll'f'1 the whole buytbecoloe .. lamouo.tof£I~O,OOO,OOO the Bantu Me ... '1 Social Celli eo R't'e in a roOlt ridiculou, pOlition. wortb of gooda uc~ yur. }i'o.lIo .. iog }'rld.y, 2Mb Juue, Dani.'e mo.[(' WI~ tbe "comJN!nlation" for the Cape vote upoo the I.tctu!e I~ Wat deCided to be fludtreri by the Merry Bllict Bird. by "recogoitioll" of two merob." in call a m.e~tlog In t~e Dear '?ture to Johannel Mod iRe w •• committed fo~ the Ptol"iocl.1 Council i, a mere f~.rlJ\ a JOint cooooll to go IOtO the trial .t Kimbl'rley lut wpek on A c.mouthge beclu.~ thie rtprelt.otatioo tbe ~.tlve quutloo fully, obarge of morder. It WII alll'gfd m.y be aboli.bed .. '000 a" Kamr Beer Oal1s th.t, in 10 gllDeral fight, Modite threw affecting Africanl Cflllll at any time The Raef Methodi,t Mini.te,,' Coun. 10 .too~ wbich .truck J.cob, to be m.tten in relreet of .. hioh tb. cil bl •• ddreloed a let~r to the who died of the iojury.

Roh .. H Ntlkion, w,. Irilletl .t, l'rf),. p~ct '1'''wlI~b'" 0"+'1 th, W'G*'J. eh.I, .11f·n b., """ hit on thl ",~d 10.


Come to .. Umt.telt'l •

First Annual Staff Ball



Friday, June 21, 1'35. -

1\ I"r,,~ a" ... n,h" ... , ...... , ..... v_et f,,, till. M~a~;o" U tt.. I"~h< .ft" S.II .. ill Illo.t 11 .ft.· r rl(]1e <I"""

rn" '" "''' ftf" HI

Tela UBISI LUKA NESTLE cmpwhini rako,

Xubl uBISI luka NESTLE u.OIan.u ulutelc: C:lPpWlhiai yau, Iyakuba mnandi impell, UBISI luka NBSTLE ubi,i l.uMolDO olunolau. Iwruubwe DOlbldula.


Provinci.1 Council m.y make Ordi. JobaGDuburg City Council 00 bebalf Afrlcan.lof tbe Nqutu ao~ Mliog. nlneel; the Union Native Council i, of 30,000 African Methodi.t.oo t.h.1 r.aervea, 10 the D~ndee dll.trlct, hIve deeigoed .. only a body lor voicing R.e.f, ... Iuog the Couo.cil not to pro- already begUll hUylDg OIolhee aa are· Native grievaucet. mo.t of .hleh mly cMld with the propeled .ILablilhmeo' .ult. of a poor crop. Thele repotta Dent reach the Houte of Allembly j (If Iliffir beer c.nteeol in the city. are coo6r~e~ by f"~e,, in the tbe repre8enLaIion of Unioo Africanl W~!le.pptfciatiDg the diffioulty with Duodee .dlltrlot who pOint ~ut tba~ by only four leo..tor. in Parliament "hlcb the Coonoil il faced, the Mioll' I the dlltrlct d.d not bave Iufficlent bot il a farce; the provilioo t.o nle,"" ten' Couocil il of the opinioo th.t weatbn I .. t lummer. 7,000,000 morgeo of lInd teeml at. muoicipal b~r blill would tend w M~ R. G. 8aloyi of AleIandra Town· ~ractive, bot tb. conditioOi are luch Iggruate a ba.d. potltion tltbtr th.n IblP, Jobaonelburg, left by oar for ~ha' It may tlke aooth.r 100 year. aui.t in lupprHling tile Illicit liquor Pie~ellburllon 10 bu.loe .., acoom· hefor. the propo.ed I.udl are com. nil. "We believe that the upni. panled by Mr. J. ChomeJ.

# •


plttel, relf'.~d. m .. nt io N.tal had oot led t.o lUI :=~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;::'" When tbey wen preeented .. ith illicit liquor trading" the letter pro· Jubilee med,,11 at Omgeoi ooort c.tdl," but. w iocre .. ed drlnkiog and HE' 5 l .. t ..,eet, Chief St.ephen Mini nld degradation amoog tbe N.tive th., io~oded holdiol a meeting onder people. Ne .. atld draetio Government. t.he aoepicel of the Nat.1 N.tiv. Coo· I.gillatioo "ould, we .re con~iuced, gten in Jaoe to con.ider th. Native 1000 put the illioit liquor trade out 01 BiUI. Chief L,og, .. id i~ w" I bulioe ..... wonder among them that the Govern· Mn. En Ph,boe of Dethl.hem meoll Ibould pll' I.w. thlt dir.o~l, paned away quietly at t.he Prio.ce .. atJeeted them .. ithout their being given Alice Nureing Home, Bophiat.own ou ao oppor~uni~y to •• y anytbing ahout. WednHday morniog, M.y 29. Ifter a lucb legl.l,hOo. !ott. D. L, Smit protraet.rd iIIoe". Secretary for N.tive AII.ira, who pre: Mr •. Pbltaoe ..... tbe .. ife of the IIIn~ tbe med.II, .aid thMt .oy late Rev. J. Pb,k'oe of the Ethiopi.n re.olutionl p .. ,ed in coooeotiOD with Cburoh of South Afriea, .nd "III the Bill. might be ItDt w him and he "idely kuown in Free St.te and would pl.ce tbem before tbe Govern· Tnosv_1 oboreh citcl". She had m.ot.. been ailing for a co08iderable time

Protectorates Iood tbe UOIOD and w.. brougbt to Johaotllllbiltg Profeeor W. H. M.cmillan, in a wbere Ihe bad beeo rMidiog with b.r

letter to the" Manchlllter Ouardiao," mlUried, M", Viol.t U L. England, IIYI that the qUeltioo of Mo.beth of Sopbi.t.owo. to .. hom we t.he incorporation of Protectoratel extend our "oold not pu.eeot .oy difficulty if the The Americao Board Minioo in

£1. £1 So_tb Africa "ill bold t.heir OfIllteO' trJ celehratiool (1835-1935) at the AmaoEi_t.ot.i Inlti'nte, Minion Statioo, N.,.I, on 15th aDd 16tb JuDe.

Mr. O'Reilly, the CommoDwe.lth ...

...... ~ (jaDll4_d ..... a

B ....... GEM. RUDGS: .... t otbl' mall: .. of 0,,,1,,.., ,II prl_,

Mo.-rw Cenlor, .. ho i. allo a I.y preacber io moviog a relolutioo at. tbe AUltrali,n Methodist Ceoferenoe 1,,11 week, that a committee be appointed to cooeider tbe qUIII~ion of the UI(! of filml for e.aogelioll purpose., "id: .. If Chriet returned He would UIII the .inema to empbaei%l'l Hil mealage. I lo-tead of canned crimioality Ie' the 6101. portray Chrilt.·, glory."

Cub or Terlll. It 11 pcr lIIolltli. ()o,II II ..... "


.... IUII'...., ...... s. ... "', .... .. 0 .... 111 ' .... 0 ••• I 'O~!fUBtnlO,

The mt.rraige between Pti,cilla BonilwA, onlJ d.ughter of Mr. and "n, A. OuduJA of Orl.ndo, JobaDoel· t


Babies are only happy when they are healthy, and fbr making children fat and strong Robinson's 'Patent' Barley is next best to mother's milk. Thousands of mothers all over the world have fed their babies on cow's milk with Robinson's Barley an d they are very happy and thankful to Robinson's . Patent' Barley for helping them to have such strong. healthy children.


BARLEY h .. , mo,"" ... ""Cd ,ud •• M, e ... ~" .... " .. ••• 10 ,II ..... u •• 11< "'''t '"d •• , 01 .... " ..... ,.d k_ ",",10 bolo, •• trd oI, .. ,~, , .. ,101 ...... , •. I. II ,l><o fuel 01 oood ..... !o, "'om.... w, ... ........ , fo •• flU~ CO"," '0 Co'.·on.It .... </y,. ~f ltd. , ~.o ..... 1091, -:;AI'ETOV.N .



Kroonstad Doings And Jottings -----.,...,--=--

Talkie Cinema At Marabastad

KROONSTAD Afric aD Football A,­IOci.tieo held a . uccenfll) mOlin.1

entert.iomeot. in t he Community 8,n 0021" Y"y. Mal ic '1'1''' lendered by the United Bantu and the Rom&1l {)atholia Bohonl. under tbe oooduo t.o r· .hip of Mellt. D , McGroo Milltiepe a.nd A . J. Gomba respeotively. The yeroanl.r 800gl, whioh tbriJI~d tbe audienle were " Mary Nt"loI Warn," and" Chuah. Makhala," luog by Min Mual>. Ml'8. 1!:va B. Kobedi with Min!!! Mita BOUW'f 'I'd Nahum IltaneoR !: .. e fiDe ddll diaplaya.

The Centr.l Block Committee.of the Natin Ad'f'itory &ard at their monthly meetiog, held laet week, UD'

8Dimoo,', elected Mr. HeDdenoD K. Binda tbe"Mayor" of Varablehd . Mr. Bind. it tbe u:­Pro"ioci.1 Stere· tar, I.O.U. in the O,F,B. and ie the active energetio Org.oi'ing Sec:&.~ MR. B . K . BINDA. tary 0 F S. Natn'eI Ad viaory Board,' Coogre ...

AD eojoyable concert w .. , given in the A.M.E. Chorch on 2(th May. Mr. S. 'Mang .. kan. WAI on the ch .. ir Among,t thOle prNeot were Rev Uld Mn. P. Teune, Mr. aod Mr.. A. Morabe, Ilra. O. L. Mogcye, Mre. E. B. Kobedi and Mte. II. Sebalo.

The Looation Talkie waa officially opened lut lI'riday by the Depoty. Mayor, cuirmao of tb. N.tlve Committee of the Kroonltad Town CoQDCIJ. The hall ..... packed. In the .adienC8 .. ere Mr. and Mre. J. R. Brenf;, and membere of tbe Native AdriMlry Board.od tbeir wivel; mOlt of tbe ... chen. )[n. D. B. Boower, Mr. and lin. Wm.Kbaoo, Hr . Zao. A., Kr. Uld lin. 1. Bloem, '·fI. F. J. Mareb, Noreee Violet A. Ngema. MarlllDo and S Mlui,

!SOfia! anel Personal lb. A. Kodibeli of Krooo.tad it to

be ... rriect tin Mill Jacobite Sello, eldllt d .. ~lroter of Mr. aod Mr •. J. SeUo, of Yereeoiging, (l.tJuo~l.

Me .. d •••• J. S. Litb"ko, R. t iogo aod J. M.bote returned 00 Mood., afternoon from Johann~.borg

Mi.1 ee.ili. Modibell, of Viotoria HOlpital, Lovedale, hal leh Kroon.tad for Vereenigiog.

Me'lre hrat Mac. Maraw. and J . B. Cruhl wen the (l;neet.e of Mr. and Mn. P. Liog.Jo lalt Sonday.

Mr .•. J . M .. reka, leoior t Ncher of the United Saotu Sobool has completely reoovered from hiot recent l eliou. iIIoele .. od hal relumed duth' l .

Meearl. E . K . Nblapo aod A. M. Chakaoe re.pectively Mauager lod Referee of the Kroooitad Africao Football Aeaooiatioo, .ntraio~d 00 WedOMday for Bloemfooteln.

Mr. Obedl of Coleeburg, C P., w" a gueet of the Rev. aDd M,. J . S Lith.ko, of Boiohoko Cot· age, laet week.

Th. eJ:. outive of the Council m~t on 29~h May to dra .. a pr"grlmmfl lod to nudy otber qu •• llooe Th. counoil will meet agalo 00 20th Jun., iu the eo.ooll Chamber.

Empire Da), In Tbe Locations 10 wiod, cold weather t.b. Bip;ber

Primary Scbool beld ita aooual @ohool aport.. Mr . Sefotlh.lo aod member. of the .taft, u,i.ted by Melar. Mochoohoko of the Baota United, Seepe, CoangH and MI .. RathebP of the Sf;. Patriok'. Sobool, .. it.h Mi .. Maplkela , of St. John'. Sobool. 000-duet.ed the ... hloh ocoupled the whole d.,..

Bloemfontein News (BY Au.etlJ:T.)

AT the publio meeting held at the Community Ban preeided over

by Mr . 881iog DO fioality .... come to II to the reply from the To.o Couocil on tbe petition wbich '111"11

preaented by a joint commiHee of the National Cooglell and the Advisory Board. Th. mlltter was refnred blck to the joint oommittee before being prelented to the pnblic. Mr Mapikela explaioed to the meetiog the oanee of the failure of tbe joiot oommitte. not meeting before, and 'lll"hy the chairman had burriedly called the meetiog. Radio Fund For The NatiOnal Hospital

A repreaeohtive gathering w" .d­drelled by Dr. J. du Pre. z, Medioal Soperinteodent at the Y it C.A. The bolk of the teache,., eohool managerl 'lll"ere preeent II wella. repreaent.tin. of the advilOry board : MIIIII Setiog, Mpiodl aod Mapikell. Mr . Kboe<:ke preeided . Prees IllVe a .. eigbty .ddt"B 00 tbe neoellityof our le81 for'on.Wi m.mbe" of the community. ae pointed oot how ,..dio.head phoo .... oold ueiat many a patient to reDOver be b. White ar BlICk by diverting hi. attention from mor­bid t;hought&. After que.tlona had beeo put by IIveral membere af th. aodi.nce a vote af thanu, moved by Mra D&neel, leoonded by Mr.llonaiaa, "18 paae.d. Bome diaaOllion "' .. in­dnlged in, and it w .. Igreed that a proviaionaJ oommittee conaieting of ,11 tbeachool manag.", prinoipal ~Iehetl and a repreeeDu,tive of the adviaary board .hould formDlaWi I programme for raialog foneD.

Baropean ADd Banta loint CoaDell The local DOnneil held it.e meeting

on 22 Hay in the Ounneil Chamber. In the lbeeoC6 of Mr. KbDlcke. Mr. L. Karqaard pre.ided. Aleo official. were eleoted al follo ... : Cbainnao, Mr. 8&ayman; Vice CbairmUl, Mr. Mlikioya; Secretary, Mr L. Marquard; Auietlnt Secretary. Mr. llatlhare. Tbe att&odanOl of the Banto member. ..18 poor a' thi. meding, there being only five Bantu memb.lla. compar~ with "velve Europeana. Tbe Cooocil deoided to eend two repnaentat.ivu to the meeting convened by the Bantu Y.M C A. Board of Management for deliberating on tb •. ?f .re. modelling it, Ind BOCla) orgalll,atlon 10 g.neral io tbe Locatione.

Cont'n~ i" pre.noIU eolKmn



Pambi ko Mhleka~i F. a. Browolee, u

It.yala No . 4.6/ 6/35. P.Ut4Tt KO :


ENOCH MBETE n Mmangalehra.


UYAZISWA ulr.uba i Nkondla ngom· bla we 16 ku May, 1935 , igwebel. u Mmangali oxeh" cgentla ukuba abu­yiael .. e imfauelo zaba tehatil.yo y. yalela okokuba .eoa ubuyele okaDye nmamkele 0 Mmaugali oll;lIpambi oka· oye ngombl •• ama 30 Jnoe, 1935, okob& akuoa Ir.weot.a oj~lo ubooi.e iziutu, :n ~iko, kule Nkuodla ngom· bla w. 15 ku Aogoet, 1935, .yakuba ihleli e Block 7, Z A.S.M. BduM. 499 Markel; Street. Pretoria, okolr.uba ku. ogatinlna umtBbato op.kati kwako no Mmangali nng.q anlwl.

Sibhatwe e Pretoria oga lambla "I 16 ko May. 1935.

H . W. W.u.NU, Unabala ... NluUldll.




Case Na.1t'2 of 1934. BBTW&.'" :

STEPHEN MOKOKA. Plaintiff, and

MAODALINA MOKOKA (barD Monue) DefeDdant..

To MAOOALlNA VOI[OILt., born Mouare, formerly of Bethlehem, O.F S. Pro­viooe, .. ho •• prelln~ whereaboutl ar. unkno.n :

TAKE 1(0"10 & tbat .ommool ha. beeo iSlued .gainet JOU io this Caurt by STaPBRN MOIOtl .... , of Betbl(hem aforeeaid, for re.tihtion of coojugal rightl, or to .how before tbie Court at KinS Williamltown ao th. 2nd September, 1935, at ten o'olock a.m . why yoo Ihan not be ordered to retoro &0 Plaiotill' and reaiare cao· jogal right.e, 'ailing which .hy a deoree of divorce and forfei'.re of the bene6ta of tb. marriage in commuoity Iball not b. 8l1n~d .. i'h eo&t of .uit.

AKO FURTHaa .. .lX& RDnoa thlt au Order baa been granted ~bat the publioatioo of notice of auch lummon" .bln be deemed t.o be good and .uffioient eervle& af the 8IImmon.; and if YOIl fail t.o Ippear befare the Mid Court 00 the date eQmmooed eo to do, t.he oue .IY be proceeded .ith &lid jJadg.-ent .o\&rt!d again.t in yoar IblenGe.

Dated It Kisg WiUialWlt.owo this 20th day of May, 1936.

A. C. B.a'f'&8, Registrlr of tb. Court.

A. W. MoHABBIY, Attorney far Plainti8',

67, Maitland Street, Bloemfontein.


John 1I.b..ela reoeived • eenteaoe of 11 moatU' hardlelaboar and foor laabM at Nyldroom foe killiog Kilter Lamoll wish a m.ali. atamper.

( NATAL .a ", D Tlu.1I"" "'1..1. PU'ftIf('l~ )

Befor. I'. H . Bro.nlee , Et" P,"ideot.

e •• " No . 16;'; 3;). B.Tv> tIN



To Tn E ... nov. !'o· .... UD DEnr;ouiT : T.aK IlI NOTIOB that the Court on the

16th day tJf M .. y, 1935, graoted judg_ meot for the Plaintiff for restitouti(.'O of coojugal rigbt.l aod ordered you to rehun to or reoeive tb. Plaiutiff on or before the 30tb June , 1935, failing which to ebo" C.U86, if any , to thl. Cour\ 00 tbe 15th day of Augu. t. 1935, eitticg at Bloc k 7, Z A S. M. HOUle, 499 Market Street, Ptttoril , why tbe bood. of marriage DOW lub.iatiog between you Ind th t) Plaioti/l .. hall oot b.diuolnd.

Dated at Pret ori. tbil 16th day of May, 1935.

H. W. WA.B.fI'U, Regiatrar.

{ '-J ,,-

8lD,.au.p bito I.e SUoue, Izi10 U

O .. i, Io.b~o I.e Siap.


IlELC[N. Omhl&mbulali .. , a."l Om. adla ... b BiDi. ua111.J:!.P Iabtuo se 81ome. I.gazi. j-Siuyi Amauzi Aoooli]"o, ldloacia so·)(lUllbo, Iulr."l!tu, Ukukula lid&ima, Amat.umb., Ql:Dqala obu Hl\UlflU, I.RumatiMOtI, OmoitO' ODe Tyefu, Amahla. b., ulr.u Dum~ \lim VIUI., hiLoada "I Bbldlika,o, UIr.\lto.ndeaeleh, Ubut.t&Ir;a, [ahlyi eli B\lt.t.u ai Tahileir.a; lilt. 10/6 III U/.. I·lIeleia OmtmeDt ia1.,.,.. Am pa. R Ob\l ....... Amaq.ku" .. UlI:nzsusela. Iacu· IIIb&D1!, lit 0tI '/f.-Ri,htb_'. (lbeml " .. OpUo!&oa. Bo., NGII. 11, Lu'l'1tday8l ..... Johaallubur,. lIi!laleko acealM.

Y,ulli ukuw adiboo. Dgama.-eVa aore.iA.




WHAT OUR READERS THINK Education And Character

" there are many troublN io tbe Uoioo, The Editor" Omt~t.eli," I MR. E: O. :rs.ol':so:rso Petrulburg, but DO natioo ner ruched

WfitM. Slr,-KlUdly allow me to 1 topol tbe Iidder of dvlll ... t.loo wltb. lay a Ie" "ordl about. edooatlon, lOUt. a t.rouble p"tioularl~ In CODjuDc~ioo "i,b 1 I woold ~Ik lOme of tbe people Bilek Alrloanl. Looklog blck "e who oppale InoorpofitioD t.hele quel' find t.bat. tbere were v~ry fe" or 00 t.iODI: (a) Do yoo t.blok ther8 II a Bllok Afrlolo~ who .1!0loytd ad· OourDment. hal to prot.eob .... oced leuDlog '';l ,:a~iool people .ithoob geUiog anyt.hlng Irom bfloehl!l 01 edocatlonll t~IOlogl, them? Tbele people com8 to the ~ocb. al there are t.o~IY· TodlY, much Uoion for work, but. tbelr tall: il II ~d lboot educalioo IDd oh.lnoklr, takeo by Prot.ectorate Oovero. maloly beca~1MI the COODt(ltlO~ be· meot. (b) Do yoo thlok there will edocatloo ao~ character ."1 .. , 08'ur be lacorporatioo 1 11 you !tePJ;l10g oot .. DOflo~ t.b8 period 01 tbiok Iocorporltioo il aD tmpouibility loferlor educatloo, eOJoyed by y.ter. ,00 are b8hiod tbe tlmel 1080rpora. da,'1 Black Afd:"", cbaraokr. w.. '100 ia Dot at. all I De; tbiog. It. be~r off ,bu It. I~ today. We Jodg8 Itlrled with tbe Ooion 10 1910, bot tblOgl by oomparllOo. We o,ooolode tbeo it. WII like a lleepiog ohlld. I that, wheo 8ducat~OD W.I IOferlor, I dare .ay thlt Iocorporatiod woold oh.arao~r WII ~operlor. Todayedue- be I dilldvaoMge to the UOIOD ~tIO~ II luperaor; today obarlo~r II Ooveromeot. Whit il then" of trying lolulor, amooi the Blick MrlOIOI. to pluMr a hOON "heo lomebod,. 10 the .p,,~, tbe bome played a larler bOl, remo.,.ing it behiod yoo I Are part 10 lofluenCi o.ver I!lUl "od oot Nativel io lhe 00100 like a mao daogbter. of Black Aflloaol, I.e., tbere wbo il tryiog to make a haOle beaut. WII panotal cootrol,. but re~l!m~er, iful wh80 IOmebody comel aod t.hroWl thlt wI:" wh~o t'duJltlOo "allofeJlor. uhel ioto it' Somebod, throwlol EdOCl~IOO II f~r adva.oced today; aabel il a Protectorate Nativ8. Be il home lofto~oce II It.epplOg ou~; thol I di .. dvan .... ge to bll brother. Let UI the CODOtC~IOO bet"Ie'eO ~OCat.IOO aDd all be alike, and then we IhalilM character .11 oot off. '1he educated what Afriolol cia do. Incorpuratioo BlleIi, Atrlcaoa .a~e t~OI8. w~o bave will telch the Protectoratel people bl!~" 10 the t.ralOl0g loe~ltut~ool, at t.he val08 of liviog 10 townl, and ~hlch plaoel they were glveo lO~t~UC' therefore there will be more land free tlOO al to tbe proper way of liVing; lor agrioultore; becauI8 the Pro. but thele lame people. finally are tectoratel people will IblodoD loond IOme"hat at a dtladvantage. torallife' and flock to towo.. 1 Ao flUact Itom J. E Coka'i receot pal 'c .

'f ' .. U tet Ii" d'" h lIy,18t oor hlef. Wlke up aDd I~e Wll lOS' 10 me. rea •. how beat they cao get ioto tbe Uoioo. appelrl, 'bbat .ol;ery boelhlebm,o i~o I lay agaio iooorportotioo II the 1010· waott' 0 Ul a IPP? ome I 0 t.ioo of tbe NaHv,) problem. prele" ao UOedUClted Wife to ao ell:· Collegilo." Tbe "bole trouble lall. larg81y upon pareot or hotlle-a oon­nectiog link bet."een edoolt.ion aDd cbaucter. Pareoh, wake op aad reLain yoor dU8 relatio08 between educatioo aDd cbltlcter ; otberwile the eogioe "'ill go, and tbe carriagel get lert bebiod.


Tbe Editor, "Omteteli."

MR. M. K, SEOOGOANE, Stolberg Trtoioing C01l8g8. ",ritea' Sir,­

Wiil ,00 pleUflanow me iD "Umteteli" to reply to Mr. L Molere, of Nigel. it. eeemi a. if b8 vie"l thioge from a ver, nltrow poiot. I m08t I!ay t.bat tbil qoeaitioo of tbe Prouctoretea' io. corpolI,tion ioto tbe Ooion il a very diffioult Doe, bot we AfricaOllbould view tbiogl broJodly bot witb II keeo eye. Tbe incorporatioo of tbe Protectotatel will bring to 01 AfrioaOI oDe Ipirit of onity; That ii, tbe AfticlDa "ill get 10 oivili:r.ed tbat they will automatioilly leave kralll aDd flock to towol, and tbe reeult "ill be tbat more Locltiona will be demaoded. At prneot tbe Uoion of Soutb Afrioa il iooiliog at (I) the tUei of tbe Pro· tectoratea (b) mioeral (c) Labour. If W8 Ilk outlMllvl'le tbe queetioo who will hue tbe immediate R:lin, theo I aOlwer thl~ tbe Uoion GO'f'ernmeot will baTe the beoefit. But I IIY tbat. thie qOeltioo of the Inoorpouuoo il tbe IOlotioo of tbe Nltive prohl~m ID Sooth Alrica. 1 lilli' a mlu "ho r8· IOIlN Iocorporation, retarde Nltive progre... JOlt no" we Afrloaolltlll have r.Of! prejudice, "1'1 lilY" t.hil i. a Zolo," and" J am Mocwaol." But the momeot we feel We Ite one, it il tbe dl, we IblU get ioto Ooion ParliameDt. I Illy Uoity il Itrength. 01lr e.,iell Iboold ooUi08 t.heir IObeml'l to the Uoioo Goveromeot. bot oot reloee Incorporatioo blindly. I koow

The Editor, .. Omteteli." MR EOQARJ. E. MABOTE, Morij.,

Buutolaod, writea: Sir,-Allo" me io •. Umtet.eli" to voiee my opinion 00 the mltter nf t.h8 iooor· poratlon of t.he Protectoratel by Ooioo Oovernmen'. Caltiog my 8yel ioto the futore 01 Sooth AI,in, I CIO forelOe a Dew Banto popolation play. iog 00 tbe triple Itringl of lib8rt.y, proaperitYlod civility. To me it ia tberefore amat.iog to repodiate io· corporatioo. Iooorporatioo, I malo­tain, will Oltrow the bilt.OI b8t"e80 Cbief. aod peallota, aDd will lead to advaDcement of the Banto; tbere· fore my Ippeal to Bantu il to utirpate the idea that proplgaton of tbil Icheme waot to lead DI to de!Olatioo aod ruin.


Fort Malao Weaving Sobool,' Iduty"a, w,itel: Sir,-Kiadly allow Ole u ooe who il a regular readef 01 .. Omteteli," aod .. oDe who regardl your articlea III iotereeting aod coo Itructive, tllpeoillly tbe letten io th page" What Onr Readen Tbiok~" t lay concerniog Mr. H. B. Nuo'a letter, which appeared in th illoe of 13th April.

Mr. Na:r.o etrock the correct DO io chonling Blnt.u Hiltory, Law and Cuatoml u Iltiolea to be dilCOIItId. 10 faot .. e children of today kDOW 10 little or oothiog aboot oor farelathen' customa. We learned a great. deal about. the Lobola COltom from Mr. Ab81 Nkwlnca'a letter aDd otbe" 00 the .ame lobject aud it. gave ue pride to learo tbat amooglt. edocated people tbere are lOme "ho CID write ioterelt.· iogly aboot oar old coeloml and malr:8 th8m .omething worth keeping in .pite of tbe flot tbat mod8rn .. pro· grell " teod. to let them be forgotten.

Good letteu about the.a lol>jeotl belp Irom the ver, .tlrt tbat they Ire not writen aud r~aden and do a grea .. on (lartb to worll: for jUl t tbe better· deal lor tbe Nation al,o. Tho kno,,· Qi8nt of tbt it own partic ular Race ledge brougbt about by Religion aDd uut for th8 Baoto Ra('8 al a "bole ." Education will Ihow our oOltoml and If ooly eb,t idea would glin la"l in a olNorer mirror, aod tbat will atrengtb amonglt our youog people, lurely help to build mon hum'o aod malle them f~1 Imbitioul to do morala aDd enligMeo thoae "ho "ilh IOmetblog worthy lor tbe OIOtU nice , to'llodentlod. l a wooderful cblnge would lOon

I "oold 1110 1i1r:8 to be allo"ed to happ~o! 1 ny "yooog people," .. ~: Mark Mr. MaoBoo NkomO'1 Riot I baolul(! It il 00 tbem tblt theltreogth 1,10" UmteteU" of 27,h April, which aod IUCOIIII 01 tbe oatioo depeod •. laid: "Teaoh your yooog ohildreo I Ocmllrauw in pale 8

2 '.&MOU8 RBMBDfB!: FAIRY IIDNE! PILLS, FAIRY HEADACHE POWDERS, Bakuli b. khalhlt.oog ka Ke bo .. .., 0 kbatbl~ lie blooao moko"ollo. I,pluo, k.ha. e opang J Lett. ebb. e ope tblteo t.1 II'Dye Ie D:IIbla· haklklng pbofo .. Fairy etla e bot mlbll"oren, eka kho. f,Ii'1 kl Ol"'t.o* , mehllDo. 01 bl .. beU., pill,; tea "'Irry "" IIpbio kapele . P,U,i tee .. 1 II pbekol. mllu a IIpbio ,,'1le kab" W,ltaena·

Tbeko !teo 1/. 1I00lllI enlllS Ie paid tee lupillog.

ThlllD k:e 1/$ eOyl1>e kip' 3/3 botlolo e Ilholo.

Ng""1 bo .te~l! eoa III ,I..,. " IUlDlnale..,liDylol Ie len&neb" Ia lIpnaOI e"ble ea Fairy.

• AOMINS I PlY I-l T D .... f{<ljutl,I<"i"utq'{~i'I77""ll POBOX 1438 • CAPE TOWN •

R"'II"11 (0" .. 111 eal e mlkl.lIS kajeoo lenl R"m~la Po,tli Order bpI Llt.elDpe I ... 0 10'0 ea hllo. (T"r" no. poeo e IIOplnlt03 Ie tb~ko ea morll1l1 a ngot<loeogleoeothoog II r01l1 ).


PEPPERMINT CURE I.Papulumente ka Woods',

"Iyeza Eli Lungileyo!"

Linyanga Ukohlokohlo ne Ngqele I

no Mkuhlane.


Burghersdorp J ottjngs --=--------=--Annual Inspection Of Native Schools

---THE Methodid higher minion lohools

Innnal intJlfotion WAI btld rectl)tly in the Wealeyan IchoolroolO. After a detailtd report of tbe children'a and cluata' progreu, Mr. Edwlrd 'Meko, local court inttlrprl'ter, circlllt ,te.Brd "od secretary for the M~tbodi.t Ichool committee, ebo prelided, addre .. ed the I~aff, and impreued upon tbe ('hildreo and pareotl tbe value (If educllotion. Otbl'r Ip"toker. were Mu. Leah Soul Mr ~. Malanya, and Mr. D. Tleg"\!.

Wbile on duty at Capt'town Mr. A. Mbelle, whollt qultterl aud bome are at Pretoria and oer.ohtl rupeotively, received tbe newl ,hit hia two da'Oghwrl, Ida and Victoria, who were recei.i'OJ!: inBlruc\ion in Stand ,rdl VI and \- (under tb. oootrol of Mr. Mao. J. L. Ntombella) had p,.sed.

Good relultl were allo acbieved by Mi .., wbo "-chel Standard. I and II, aod allo D. D H Kolob.. who givel iOltruction to IiI lad IV. At tbe eod of tbe inlpeotioo the inlpeetor Dr. F. P. Stander, adviud Mr. Ntombelll tbat he would reMm­mend hil Dame to the DeplrtOleot for good .erviee recognition

Mr. A. B. Ma.ob, wbo took the principallhip of St. Andrew'l Higber Million Sohool after tbe delth of tbe lite Mr. O. P. Mltahitriza io lncember 1933, bll IhoWD himlell efficient in hiB 00. polition. Vety good relulta are reported of tbe reoent Inn'Oal inlpeotioo of St. Andrew'. Bighu KiNioQ School. Sob.ltandard., ooder Mi. It. Slinger. did very.eU, ebowing: eve~ more progreu tban in the pre· vionl yeat. Mr. Kulati il to be congratulated 00 bit 76 paeael of Standardl I ao<1 II. MadlCn Dora Doze, Ibowed limiluly good worlr: .. in tho previonl year.

Rain il abuodant thl •• IY lod tbere i. every hope for a g30d wbeet harnlt The c31d ""Ither, a. 'Olual at tbil time of y,lr, biodicilpi the atteodlnc, in 'ChOClll.

A lucoeeifnl concert wa. Itaged in St. Andrew' •• cbool on 15th May P"rfortllen were the St. Aodrew'l loblol actotl; aud the leoior Icbool cboit condocted by Mr. A M'I.Ioka. and W. S. Kalati alternatively, reud· ered mUBic.

A Dew I D.T T. Sub Temple baa been opeoed at Steyn8burj( by tbe Bu.rgbfludorp "Star of the Cron Temple" mombere.

Y~lterdlY (31.t M~y) there "'IS a baaketbaU tournD.meot here. The fol· lowiog tl'am, took part: Aliwll N,}ftb Higb Mi .. ion, Jamntowo, St Aodre",'e Methodi.t, and Steyo.burg.

Mr. M. E Eede (late mlgiltrate here) htU kindly donlhd a tropby for the IOCIllChool!, to hI!! oClmptted for io mUlie r.LI~u A Muokl aod M J. Ntombella are bu.y no .... in making a"angemeot. for t.hi •. tropby comp!ltltioo fbey b .... e lovlted lIr. Newol, Departmental MUiio 10ltruot­or to lot II aD Idjudiolt 'l r. It il th~ deeire of tbe looallchool priocipll., for the .. i.e of elevatiog the .t.andard of mOlio io thil di.trio~, tb .. t neigb. bouring .chool. will joio io t.he 000l·


Location butting hke a I.",rm 'f beel aod giviog three hearty ch"trl for eaoh of tbe following' Oeneral S(ouU, the M&yot, Chlirmao of tbe Uoited Party (who .... 18 very gecer<)uI), Mr. J ,ck l?ilCber (Ioul attornoy who at· I.oited io .rra.nging for thfl N~tive gathering), Rev R. Ven'~r (U~oa~er of Scbool, wbo allo tbank~ O,.nerll Smuh on \, ,half of tbe Native lohlbi· Lantl), and Mr. Motl, wbo nri/:Olni.ed the fuoction and read the addre ...

Reitz News --

Happy Gathering At The Location

ON 6tb M,y Reih; b,d more life tb&o Ulue.1. The Nltive COlD'

mi8eiooer (Mr. Pollen) (latled a large liatbering of the Locltion inbabitant. and relld to them the Olenlge from Hill. E:s:cellenoy the Governor Gllner,l. lie W.I 8ccompanied by Mra. Pullen, Rev. R. Veoter Ind the Sergeant of tbe Polioe. Rev. A. T,hongwe, leconded by Mr. S. J. Motl, tbanked the N .. tive CcOlmi"iooer for dtlliv ~ r iog the menage anol .. II!:· d him, duti· fully to reoiprocate tbe belt wilbee ou beb.lf of tbe Nltive oommunity. Tbe lioging of .. God lave the Kiog" Ind tbe B .. ntu National Antbem followed by tbree bearty cbllera for the King aod the Goveroor·Genertl reapeotively.

After addt_ing tbe gltberiog the Nltive Ccmmiuioner opened tbe Jubilee ct.lehrationl of tbe Patbfindefl and Wayfare,.. He coogratullted 00 the progre.. lod growtb Ichieved io thelM! movementl. At rece .. the children and parent. were .. ned with sweet. and nfreahment •.

Visit or Gentral Smols 15th MlY WII lleo a red· day

for Reia. White. and Blacka gltb'r. ed at the Towo Han to lilten to Goneral Smuh who viaiwd Reitz after many ylln. Mr S. J. Mote 00 behllf of the Blotn oommuoity read and prelented the following addreal to General Smuh:-" Rigbt Hoooortbl, Sir,-We tbe noderigned, 00 behllf of tbe Native inbabita.ote of Reitz, deem it a great fivour and bonoor to hive the Right Hooourable Geoeral io our mid,t. We Ire grateful for tbe IIli.hooe granted 01 by the Governmeot io iocre .. ing the fondl for Nltive Edgcdioo aod ne.elop. ment Ind feel lore tllat oext year'. proposall will bring UI prolperity Ind fgrther Itrengtbeo onr loyalty. We "elcome the Union'. New Native Policy Ind Itrongly appell to the Right Honourable Generl to lip-hI. for the Illiinteoaoce of tbe Cape Native Francbise and ih ext:.eoaioo norlbwlrd. We are grateful for tbe Itaunch tUp· port the Right Honourable General gave in thi9 direction duriog the di!cunionl of the Select Committee for tbe Native Billa. 10 conclusion, may we e:s:preu the hope that the bond of frieodlbip wbich already exiat. he~\feeo the two European raC1'1 in tbis couotry will in foture also ioclude the Native People." Tbe addu .. waa eigned by Musr. Sam lIOn J. Mota and A. Mokolokolo 00 bebllf of the Locatioo inbabitaotl.

10 reply General Smute I,id be WII

gIld to Bee tbat the Nativel reaUled that the Gcvernment Wit exploring III mean, to aeei.t Native Educatioo. There wae a grelt futore for tbe N",tivel in Sooth Africa. A "Bbunga" for the whole Union would eventuilly be eltabli,hed and the NatiVe! of all ProviDcel would elect reprueot.tivu who would gnard their iotereatl in legiliition lod administration. He WII impree~ed to lIIIe tbe Path60den and Wayfare" in Ilrge Dumber. at Reitz and he paid tribute to the Teloben for tbil achil'vemeot He laid tbe ohildreo io thue movemeot. ehould loolr: Ihead aod Ir:now that they are prepared for a great future . "When YOUf plreotl give way, ron hive to tll!:e tbeir pllce and oontrlbute grelter aervicel for our ooootry."

Tbe Reitz UOlted Senior School Choir theo rEndered musio io Afril!:&lnl "Afrikanerl Lalldllenote" and tbll sioging of "Nl!:oli Silr:elela i Afri~a" in hippy voicel closed tbe fUOOtIOO, and tbe Afrioan folk retnrned to tbe

C01Itinued in pret,ic1I_ colum1!-

Jubilee Celebration at Hermansberg

ON 6th MlY, the Mapulaoe Tribe living on top of the Berg turoed

out io foil Itrengtb, to take part in the King'l Jobilee Celebration, 00 tbe firm BerlDanlberg where tbey were entertained to a big fean by tbeir Chief, Petale Mogane. There were be· tween 300 to 400 people, together with lohool cbildren. Tbere were 1110 preaeot : Cbief Cheane Mogaoe, cf Kruger'l POlt, witb bil two Counoil· lor.; ex·Bergt. F. C. Snell aod Mn. Snell; Fannie Weppeoer; Mr. and Mre. Bllte., A. J. Phoofolo and eome petty Cbiefl. Tbe Cbief. hed Ilaughtered 14 Ibeep.

Mr. Snell, at tbe reqneet of Cbief Petale, expllioed that tbe occllion WII one of great lignilioillce througb. cot tbe Britilh Empire. Peo"ple of all Ibadel were rejoioiog, and were celebratiog rul Maielty Tbe King'l Jubilee, and he (Mr. Soell) "II gild th.t tbe Nativee of the dl,tridt had turned oot in. Incb big numbert to I .. oeiate tbemeel..-el witb tbe world·widl celebration,.

Chief PeLa", Iddrelling hil fol· ' loweu, .. id that be w ... ery glad tha~ bil people Clme in big nombe" for lueb an important ooollioo.

After other lpeechlll the Fraokfort Sobool choir, under IIr. J . Sidoey Ramolhu (principal) rendered lenral .oogl lod were followed by the Ledo"in, achool. After <lilplay' of lohool drill. and gymolltio enrcllel by the children, th. Chief unit.ed the people to • big feut.

Herschel Notes THE Agricultural Sbow held on 17th

May wu a great 'UCCtH. It wa. opened by AIr Tborntoo, Direotor 01 Agriculture in B .. utollnu. who point ed out that Bencbel di ,trlct app~ artd to go abead more th.n Iny othel Nltive reSt lHI !\gil ero.iOll "ora. Ind improvtd .griculture were feeturu io HtHobe!. WOlll Will very ,!ood aud would compete witb IIflY .001. A d~nce for European. W18 held io tbe eVeoiojl, while tbe Bantu d.nol'l w" beld 00 tbe Saturday night. \'111:1.. bond'. Drcbeltra provided musio for both.

From 28th May, ten leldiog Ba.uto· laod Cbid, have b~on "i,iting tbe dial riot to Itudy agricoltural progreu in tbe diatrict.

Mr A N. Magwegwe, Court Ioter­preter at Sterkapruit, bu been trao.­ferred 10 tbe R et'f, and taket wi!b him the g'.lod .iebu of realdeota bere.

• What Our Readers Think

(Conlinlled from paIlt 7.J Succet. i. impouible without 1m· bition, aDd the time to form ambition is wheo the mlOd i, young Ind pilitic, and imprUliOOI are made .

I abo would like to thlok lod encouragl all the writen for their letterl. The "cretl tbey re,.ea) throogb their lettera encourage tboae wbo Ire n.ot yet writen. So I hope that what M.r. Nar.o bu lugge.ted will be followed up, and I .bould be very glad to read other people'. "ie .... , coneerniDg the lubjeotl he li.ted. Let 01 IU bope to lIIe ao Ind progreuive Sonth Africa.

Iyeza 10 Kohlokohlo lika Cbamberlain.

U·Mateepo "ligule intall.­ku c:tiniuz..i e~t ... e nguml!:u. hlane, ekude Lwah ngoku katan'a kakulu ukukohll> II iroipuoga )a tebieeka. bake ba liuge you I.e into ol!:ckuba afuml!!ne u.i· w. kodwi konke o,"u akwa, nct'danto. Ablntu bonke bulowo !lIzi bable bayiqo­odD. loukataw olwkuba.

w,bll.~nik. iwbodlel. ye yeu. 10 Koh[okohlo liLa Cba. mhl'rl.lin clasebton71 Ilgol!:u. lDangalia'lYo. Urnlmblsne ...a l;ul1lleka, imipunga ya. vuml'll okokuba Ulnnt&na 'pt.fomll' n/.;okwe 8iqelo DO,

mzimba ~abehlo wapola. Uku8usI'la kulowomhla i ve­~!l. II> Koblokoblo lil!:a cha. mberlaio lafumanl indawo I!:uwo wonke amakaya ala. womli.

Dguntlokwr.n.a-~ifo eli. qekua ifokota et.ibl· ogwa Dglbantu aOOl.:o· blakeleyo-lll;Ol!:o, ffi/i:'" ko umntana owake wa· &;inda ku~o, ablntu IlIotO.

kuncamll. bafana. tat,, · mela. imiyalezo yok .. kbo~l. Lonto yab'lka· tan Lakulu abauli ba 1(1 hafuol amltAm],i okuhllu~iaa. ooku I.:h .. · pisa ukweoula ukoda dula jaifo emntant'n, wabo, kodwi "Igula ogol.:u ngoknDga pe-~ulu

Xa eebe buncama, umnt.:loa eya epela, kw,filil uoovenkile

CERS "roo "lL' nr~Tro (SAVE THE COUPONS) blUOKE OFFI .u.L~ ........ .d..L\L.l ~



SOCIAL .. The Will Of God"

from Discipleship (13\ KII!"1 II MlflUU.l Nt.. ... l!L'lH;) TB I'; .ubject of the will of God iM

io\t'r·rolated with the lubje<.:t of guidaoce. ~yery true Chriltiao rMliIM thlt he il ch.lleoged to do lobe will of Ood •• far ae that will il dilcernible,

~OI)W i~ only in ..... rloul degff"el of Imperfection, and that God ('an u.c eYt'o oor ulllt»ke. if we ha'i'e dOlle the belt we koow. In praotlce we .ball probobly Bnd that the .tabL.inll; pomt of the problem i. not that of being unable to percehe what Ood u. to do, but the courage to follow the light that i. giYen to 1,11.


Boweyer good our iotentiool, we C.llno~ be infallibly lore that wb.t wo do il the Divioe will. Tbe croe.dea were thought of II tbe Dlyine will by lOme who too .... ~rt io them. The crowdl lliteniog to the Pope and Peter the Hermit prelching the £irat orosade .houted .. It il tbe will of God! It ia the "ill of Ood'" The pioul l)uritao, CoIoOClI Hu\cbin.oo, decided .fter loog maditatlOD aDd p".yer, to vok for tbe e:recutioo of Ch.rlN I believing himaelf \0 be divinely guided to that conelll,ioo Mr. Glad,tone believed tb.t he bid a apecial leo.e of the Divine will wben be oppoaed tbe .dmi .. i"n of NOP,coDformi.ta to tbe Uoivenitiel. It caul, •• ome to doubt tbe v.loe of any belief in guld.oce if we admit error. "Wby .1"" for guid.oce," they will I.y, "if. after tryiog to know tbe will of God, I .m told th.t I mly be miltlkeo I"

I "aot, In tbi. addrell, to eet forth foor polnta .boot the .. ill of Ood which have llelped to olear my owo tbiokiog. CI) 1'he Bnt il tbat it i. lometimee blaephemy to .. y "Thy .... iII be dooe," wben, by .. ,iog it, life do one or botb of t .. o thing. The Reason For Living

(By Robert RU8sell Wicks) Ca) Acquie.ce in nil in.tead of be.

coming t.he inltrument of God'. will, or (b) aocept _ eitoation .. the DiYlne .iII in order to evade •• kiog Douely" dUitorbing qUNtionl. Persistent Problems

Finding The Right ~'--V:-l-ll--=---

Life (.) We may cont,ut the .Udode

of tbolHl who, ,ean .go, Iccepted . I.very II tbe Divine pl.n, witb tbe ~ttitode of Abnham LiDcolD .tanding ID the Illve market, .Dd w.tcbing the tuffio tblt, lonooately, h .. now become r.,., .od •• ,iog, beoe.tb hie breatb; "If eyer .God giYIII me the obance, 1 will hit hit tbing, .ad by Ood I "m bit. it hard." Without. takiog time to dwell on the point, we O&n reali.e t.hlt it il lio to &<lquiuce in tbe modero loci.1 IYIMm. No troe Cbriltiln oe.o lee the 110m., ~be poverty. &ad tbe e:rploitation of the poor whicb goe. 00, &ad litdowo witb folded hand. luppoeing it it an pllt of the plan of God. We ma.t oppOie tbe Ipirit of thOle who cao ltilliing:


WITH the new frredom of wom,o h .. come a revolt from th.t

m.aacolUle inju.t;ce of oltracilioi • womao for beh.viour that i. condooed in a m.n. Aod on all .id~. we hear tbe qoeltion, "Why Ihouldo'~ women do what men bave .Iw.y. dooe'" That .aoodl logical .nd r,ir; but it. il dodging tbe nal i_oe. Where tbne been two Itand"d., one bigber and the other, wby Ilk if we .honld all take the lower' Wh.t .bout a mutual effort to tbe higber for tbe like d all 1 Of oouree it il ea.ier for tbe a"erlge m.o to han "om.n come dowo to hil level, Rod it may leem e:lcitiDg for lome lIfomeo to come down.

Tbere w •• lometbiog more than ('ulwm back of tb.t old reverence for alwomao·. higher .tandatd. Wb.t il it, really, thlt hll kept women from beiDg too muoh like men' . The fact. il that tbey have been beplng guard onr the belpltll life of little cbildreo for oor flce. Of nect'uity they been ne.rtr tbao mlln to cbildbood, in tbole Stat lew yun when more il

It il a difticllity aod we malt try to thiok it Dot, bot no cilim to iofam. bility un be .dmitted. Hum.n free will, ignoraoce and prejodice, me.n liability to err. The only comfort we have i. tbat it il biDding opon 01 to do tbe .. ill of God eveo tbough we

dooe for life tb.o in all otaer yel" pg~ \.egether. 10 tbat helpleM period, life .blOrbl i"preMiool al a lpooRe tlk. water. That. il wben a ohild le.rnl malt., oat. by In.traction., bot by aD effortle .. ablorption from the life to which it il mOlt cooatantly expoled, No one il more 1I01ltive th.o • cbild to lobe 1.lae &ad t.rue in obarackr. If tbe fioer tbiDgl of lire beeo kept a!it'e io oar rice, i~ il cbiefly becaole womeo h ... e held t.h.t goardi"n.hip of ch ildbood aod haYe beeo held by it to li .. e for tohe future rather ,b.o Sbe indolgence of the momeot. Th.t loog dependence of a cbild'i life 00 tbe hNt io womln_ mUlt be • mutu.1 dilpolitioo to op· hOGd II wb.t haa kept tbe .taodatd hold it for lobe •• ke 01 all concerned. wbere it ie. There will of coune be many who

No" with childbood at, if we do Dot care. But lobe great majority are to bave •• iogle .tandlrd, .h.1l of men aod women will .gree with we accept the ooareer .taod"d of the him who, baving no home of hilOWO, m.n, or Ihan we .11 together try to yet ... wbere tbe deltioy of our race ktfP a Jiule ne.rer to tbe Itaod.n:! II maioly .ettied, .od pointed to the womeo b.n .0 far prelerved lor child io oar midlt with tbe lurcbiog abildreo in a lovely home? Meo no wordl:. "WholO .blU ClUle .ooe of looger blve the riBbt to upeot. women ,bel., httle 0001 to Itumble, It were to keep that '\aodard Iione. There better !hat a mill.tooe be hinged

O _,' _ .• .2 • t •.• I·bout hll oeck .nd thlt he were .uok 0 ... 111_ '" lI.U ...... "'... in tbe midlt of tbe lei. '

Tbe rich man in bit cutle, Tb" poor mao at gate,

God made them bigb or lowly And ordered tbeir e.t.te.

(To be CO"II'irlut41).


X A umlomo ombi lonto itukolDbuu otooi 1 Io~ ukubl iliao

uko libi ikokumban olr:otoba Iyiko iota egqlta bic1ll'ecwe t.ika Cb.mberllio'. xa no eli nkatlto . hi. cwee"e dk. Cblm bedain·. .iblanu r.omeler.e iai.u liI.ogUe .... to.mbu. Zikogiswa r.ikemisi no no .. euile hooke.


baballa Chelete Le bua ka ho "ape Ie bolela ho khotsofala

Seet.a sa

Ie bontsa botle


I.e etaelit80e bore u eek.e oa rekiaetl!Oa lieta tee.a lokang. Hobiwe Ie oe Ie rekisetaoa lieta'tse sa loong, QIe tabohang feela Ie ha fele kapele, bo baue ba ba holo be. li maene ke

bona ba et8eng lebl'oao lena. Ba ile hare " Let.e'oao kloa Ie tla beoa feela bo liet. lokileng, tee tla nka nako e ~lele. Ka hoo he baeebebli merai"ong ba tla tsebe. lieta tee 10kilell8 ho tse talt. lohng, 'me ba ba .. tla theteoa ke ba.rekiai ba lieta Lee "Ioklng." Shebisisa haoUe eefeoaonte'o Mloa sa leta'oao lenlt.. Hore ka moso Ie lleke la biola Ie reb liet. tse !M!naog leis'olo 11'01.


Seet.a se Ie let.s'oao 180 Gauda


Indlu Enkulu ye Lase Mpumalanga

Abazili e Pirie - - -


Am .. Hleke "we01e umamkelo ngo· kohl.a ko Mgqibelo, 20 April, yaula londlu uwabiko odawo. Baihlal ..... el1i iyi oto ka Gaotabo, i Principal Tucber ye Pirie Higber Miuion School, wlizi· bamba intambo ogobuoule obukulu, ingoma ipetwe yi Pooi ka, eyibete i bit! k.ako oyakuwa ogobulO enq.ala. Iodwendwe zamkelwe nga · lamaneoe: laaao Vantyi, P .. Koti,

( NDLU Eoknln ~e. 11068 Mpumalaoga Makobalo (uyiea waha bIZ! titehala), ihlaogeoe e Pirie ogombla .. e l ~ 00 Mblekazi Mabona. Kwicala Ie.

II:w&<la k"angombla we 22 April. lIi- ndweodwe kutete lamanene Peteoi no tiebi ekuhliwe toao ogabavela maca· Gulwa. II. ooke ihe e .. aae Pirie Bait, la~ala Emveoi kwawo kuogen8 i Mboogi elotafa k:wanyakaozela ogokwembo: ye BiZI'Ve, u Mnu. S. E. R. Mqayi. une. Si6ke imp! yak"a Hleke 88~1 Kade odimu eteta ebbala oa&e mape. lapo ioqwelo e~iputnme iod"end"e. peoi , uake waoga oambla kumbla

logane Indlu Eokulo ogo~o~lwa od'imvayo. Eheoga 0 Tixo angake kolo Tyalikekazi iunlo yale Pirie yo ayolnle imibla yalo mDumtaoa uyi Mfuodiai Matahik.e . Jokolo ye tyiwa eaizweoi. Ndlu Eokolo, u Mlu. H . Mama, uyi. Unyolo Iwama OOlia Inme OROlublo. 'f"olile "eoza iohboma~elo ~o.J,;olu ne bo : G T .T., Mlu. a. Mama, G.T.P.C. fundillaYo. Intlangaol.1I? 1&loy .. _e T., Mza Mbanjwa . G.T T ., Mt-a. Mlu. bobnko baba BafuAdll. H . Mama L. N . Mzimba, G.T.C_. Mu. J . ,' orba , G.T.T ., L. N. Mzimb\ G.T.Tr, G O. I G_T.S., Mu. R. H . Godlo, G.T V T_, N~otyaaa G.T.Ch. He,:. Gaoe., F . C. Mu. Bro. J. D . Gulwa. G.T.M_, Mu . Bota, Njolota, Dlok.enl, R Damaoe, S. Mftoaoe, G.T.A.M , Mza . Kala. Ma",bikwe, M.eholo~u 00 Somtombo. G T.P.J. W., Dade M. H. Ndobe, G T. Inkonl.o ye Good Friday iquty.e ogu Ch., Y"za. Min . G. G. Nzotyaoa, G.T. MIo. Hzimba, D D., otaho o~e.nhbo. A S., ?du. S. Manuoa, G.T.A P .J.W , mayelo enga .. kofomaoa IJa~aleke Dade NkoBk. MnyenReta, G.T.I.G, kubo boou ababeko. E~veol ko~ Dada Nk09k. Jorha, G T 0.0., Dade k"amkel_e iod"eodwe eZltooyw~ yl Nkoek. Ngono. __ _ Ndlo Enkolu yela Peeheya k_e NClba • ezibe 'lezi: B.num&. Dam.boZlo, Lueneoi, 1Il0nakali, Mpoodo, Mpablwa, Ndwandwa, Nkoek. Kabaoe, Nkoez. M"gudlw. 00 Mno Loti. Kweaiei toba kufondwe iocwadi yo Mza. R. B. Mlilwaoa waae Raotini eboli!a eyi. Dqwenolela impumelelo Ind!u Eok~lo.

Omcimbi wakwa KomaOi UIOllWe, "wa1& kwagunyazuwa i Qomru laod.l~ Enkula l.koba Iiwuqube. Kwealel toba kn6ke uod.eodwe olungu Mou . DO Nkolk. King bale Monti abe Tempile eyaziwa oknba yi 1.0 G.T ! o Mno. Kiog wenza In\ato emna~d, nekotauyo. U Mollo. Godlo wnue uknba uke wahl.ogana no Moo. Kiog waza w.t.embi .. okuba ama Tempile uuko .. aknpela indabe, wa1:i .. k.a· kona ukaba koko oelioye ineae e\imblope elitemblee utnba oe Banda of Hope Iiza kuzi topela iodebe.

1 Nt-Io ye Ndlo e Nkola eogxelwe. oi yayo, iunkaoye uk"anda tomM' boui wobo Tempile oeo"ode waya kufika kama Damara. U6kelele iuk.· 10 ngenkalo ezikot .... yo nendawo ezi.oi. nzi azibambileyo ukueeka ubu Tempde. Ya1:iE.e ukuba amatempile aeemqolwioi ogama 3072. hem pile ezinttba l.ibe 6. I Nkola yuiee uknba i MiliioD­.,y Cooocil yaeze Migqibo emaeita· Dyelwe kwi Chief , Magietrate yaoe Qooce, ukaba idibaoe De Nko.i o~ba. Dye abale maglloyeni. kupeh.we obnya kooqonyanyiawe iotaebeozo yotyw81a ngemini ye Caw .. ; iNdio e Nkulo yuiIaaa eai.lgqibo. Kufak .. e Dombaodela wokuba oooventile ma' bavalwe ekutengill8ni imitombo. Kwa· gqity .. a nkoba lomcimbi uli"e na.e BODgeDi.

Iogxelo ka 0 Nlr:oet. Ndohe wille Peelton, ubonila okuhla k .. amaoi kulonyalr:a okote kwab .. ogel"a ziozima eziokuln ebant.aneni. Amaluago emqul"ini abonise I2gama 1792. Kolo~aebenzi o?~edi:

Ezase Steynsburg {NGD M.l.zlW.lZOj

( M\-ULA ioa kakbnlu apbaeknpbeleni k"eveki edlolileyo kwade kwaogo

Mvolo idyobba. Umz! waee loki. hioi obooakalila okotyafa mayela oooyulo oluhba Iwa Bbodi yelokiebi olwalume· I .. e kukobalr.ho ekopheleoi konyaka odlolileyo. Ooozakuzaku ababe yoku. khombor.a 0 Nolokilbi ogaleodawo baboya nempeadulo en\le zaxon1"a kwaagoko Oe1&ZMO zooyola. Ngoku yeyuioe iveti lipbelile IUazi!o kube kongeko oto ih.mbela pbambili ogalomcimbi. Ukuba umzi oboJi· qooda iIabi.o noncedo Iwe Bbodi, ogowuphakama emaqaodeoi nlboku· miae abapbatbi bamiilela i Bbtdi yotoblaogabezana oemi cimbbi y"lo. tilhi .

I Tempile eyayi10kueekwa Ii Bandla I. Tempile ya8e Bhiedolopbo o~o Marcb, iqhoba ngamaodla phaotei ko Moo. O. P. Santi olundin k"ilkolo .. be Ballo.

U Mo'O. Enoch Mabala obelakoba ogomqbobi we moto yombloli wer.ikolo

KaJtl}da l :v.mhCati wohgqilMla

t.GI)(O .... 'WI V,,"UNGU

W"'I'1. U T I ANe'; IN'"

Ezase Kaladokwe (NtH· V./lDLULE.)

UMVI w811kolo weeitiJi. u Mnu : Theroo, u"upete ,bu.ho um:u

DlI;tZemvi"o U,aodukuqwela kwa Yakobi Ongcwele, plnhi ko Mou . S. P. Alreoa. Ukueuka kwa Sob A ukuya ku Standlrd VI ibingabantwlna aba:!4 kupnmelele abantwana abayi 232. U Mnu . S. P . Akena kobantwana abayi :.!~ I ko"e 4. II Mnn . C. Mdyesba kubllot"aoa abayi 47 kuwe 5; II Mno. E. F. Nyeraebe Ir:nbantwaoa abayi 34 kuwe 3; Amako8f;. D. Sifaoelo, A. N. ,J. Maneota no E . N. Siooka akoba· osako eipako. Ngoku upete sbnabu kWA Lwaoa paotei ko E . Macember.

Imvula itaho iveki nimbioi ioto eogaqelekanga kweli la~e Kalo yooke into itebo yablaziyeka. Abamagogogo bake beva ukupumla.

Ngolwe,i Hlaeu opelileyo. kw.a Yakobi OogeweJe kute kwako IOI!:.XI'

kela .vekoeRati iuoziwa egamanlO~ otkwaYlla ye Laoga. KtaSltoi yaYI' ngu Mou . \\'. Sifaoelo owati "attho og"m(lqalo aocumieayo.

Kuke k:wako iotl.ogniao ye Joint Couocil ekute yangu Mnu . Butler eeibl§l"eni epablwe ngu Nur@eButier no Mnu . S. P. Akeoa, neqela laba· Illblope nipaule u Captaio Wallen ovela e Mortimer eUile Jeotlanganieo oabe Bala Kwimpi entanndo sipaole rtUu J. B. Mvambo, A. Pokol))j!la, S_ Pakela, J . Qioa, W. Sifaoelo, R. Kwau 00 Mon. J. O. Sitela. higqibo

, ekufikelelwe ko1.O zuoknba kobulelwe bonke ababeluo cedo kwiogquogqutela yo Vulindltla nakwil!ikumbozo eemi· nyaka eo "lama ehoml amabini aoa­ntlanu . Kuxoxwe Djtokubaozi egoku. patelele kwi Native BiIll! e1ihl.fuowa ego Rolumeote kwafikelelwa kwioto yokokuba kocelwe ilnngn Ie p .. l!mente ibe lilo eliookuzakucazela umzl toalu. ogaoa nalemiteto.

I g"ladokwe ibe oabaeta ababioi kupela abafumene i Kinjt'a Medal, n ituoyelwe okovela e PitoH n Sibooda we Dolopi 00 Mlu . J. A. Calata, oseee Nelspoort "oti akuboy. k"~nzi"8 tlo t.eko lokuuikel"a .lr:.waln mbua. I Wotuke kaknlu uIDzi leli wooga ate w.lifuma"a omluodi8i. Siyavuyiunll k .. kulo

U M ... balala Pokomel. emva koku· cbita iveki uimbioi eeibedlela uboyile yile enteric fever. U Moo . E F . Nyarube uke .kabiko ngale "eekeod eyokodlala e Kobooqaba i Rugby apo behelugqatao ne touring team. yaae Rautini. Ziziyaloyalu ukulungl~elela impi yaee Somase ti tuko dlala oempi yalapa kwi rugby De nteDetya. U Mou. P. Lumb oyiobitela aps i I wtek eod.

t"ilitbili Ule Nd"e IIbuyile. Wemb apba ogo 1933 engumdilli opbamhhlli we Rugby ngoku ub.ya eogu. mgala· gal' oogenamcaadi e Wloeaini.

Kolindeleke ukoba indio ye Ct."e Yalle A.M.E. ey.kbi".yo .pb. ogu Mlu. W. Mblamaauo., ulkhutb.U aendoda, igqi'y"e u!r.u1e inl"e ago· mbla we 8 ku June. Sibe noraya ukobona kUhba nje u MID. Bent.eo " ... A.M.E. obetyel81. apba komkbulu"e ... tbe ovel. og ... ntla. ".la· pba no Nkollr:. E. Maqola ".ku Ndooga a80tyelelo. Blpba"ol. uhba .ma Wieile nego.a eliteba raea eliogo. Moo. D. M. Dyantyi. Kbloge ko.bekho nennioane int.bukomo apba n80mbla we Jobbili ka Kumoni.

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Iwa lelinye igorak&%1 lomfuodlelka1.1 wale Hewu u Nkoak . Mnyeogeza . U Nobbala tngIelweoi yake nfikelele inda"o nioia!.i ezikntanro nezioe

GWinya I Partons Kusihlwa Nje- Kusasa Uyokwazi! mlondilO eziokulu .

logn lo ka Ndyebo (Min . Gqira L . No Mzimba) ibe yentle kaknlu e booi .e umncooo we £122 emveoi kokoba 1f.ikut.biwe iodleko.

U Mou. Barbour Bokwa wt o!.e iogxalo oge Tempile yama Sioala e Lovedale. Ibe yindJe\a enUe kaknlo ete yawavuyiea kakulo amI. Tempile Dabauli bOl8po oloae Lovedale, uk •• lli okoba aaapo Iwabo Inf undie" .. abu 'rem pile oua Simoueni.

1 Nkulo ifuode ioc"adana tbiz"a ngoknba .. Uty.ala .ieipanmiao ku maebeou we Liz"i" ibbal"e !icole 0

Mia. A. J . Cook, B.A, ifonyaowa ngeeiaa knmnioiyo oboye ko TitO' 1 .l'ettha, P.O. Lovedale •

Aklltu .buongtltkllt,o abanako ""Ultb~nI._ Xun"b.l it •• i JalM liDelabtlu Lo.II:u hbeDu Iroaklo&lba.le bu ... besilld .. a. 8uin,. begewelt eli,.ini. oh .. llulll ,_ .. a IrHudlol.. Amu ....... "'''h'IIP ....... bJ.buolilini. Kodw& g.ill1& I P",toni P''''''ying Pill ..... [bl .. a nle! Negesikati Kbl .... 'tsi kUla'" uy.kuqonda .... ,,(, ukuhl"nuka Hkuqahlt. ISil1i IOJe~IIU. "gollll/tne· lillleyo. UYOlin upililt ungeono hkbu! ..

U,Uil •• III1t1iko 10 ...... 111.11 . mllllcopa hilt buhluui.... .hnlia etiballl,,,,. Ii,..... Ub",· 1 ........ MliIIlLlallfil nitw ••• _ ... fNJlLllpbti 8Ogll4· hi.... IIIIn,e noh."I. ahbe/I""" ......... 1& ;'"pilo ,aka i~.illi.

Ked ... i P,mOIl I P".ify i n~ Pdl. zi~tbtnu. ngaptIIi kobo ~J£NGOKUB" ZIIlL'fI!A. .PUTI ZINIa:" AMANDHLA. Zitak",. nguinbl&nga"inla u inlkaa.Dlandll la u.twtnl, tIlnJ .... " ..... ,.~hn' "'I.,'." .ab. ipompou IIJtll,oko kur .. ,!,k ... uhu kll~kltona lmpoto ~nblt

Si,a.kholw. lkutk. • P&ftons !" kAkhulli nllapen k1Iltt 'D' ~ Ipilili t .. P ~ e Sotrlh Kunj(oba ZUS& Ilinto uimbili uinknlu. UKUKLINA HOKU· HIKA AMANDHLA Z.ttnJt" •• ,onke ;01 ..... 0 olle 1/ 6 ~h ... 50 p,lIl. Hon.a 1111111118 Itu P.O. BOI 1032. CAPE TOWN ZiIi.'t lI.moM .. UYOKWAZI KUSASA UKUTHI ZILUNGE KANJAN I NA

- 1L"." ....

============="O"M"T~&~~TELI WA BANTU, JOHANNESBURO, I 'lT JONE, 1936. II

I ziganeko Zakwa Gompo 10k. kuk. D. Mokho., damenl yake, DM6(IUbulieo. Ubl.bek, ORO Mgt(ibelo I J May wabub. DFlolweli N~, ... 6hlwa 08 "weei Dlaou. Umllebenzi oqn'ywe DRomvul_, .oogaoyeh,. ago Mfa· odi,i C. M.lkiny.. La manene we Alvane abe uokufllrelel. kulomclmbi ogokukau1eu DRtI mokJ. Moo. O. Kolani, Mou L P. MukDen. DO MOD . M. Phooko. hneko ,ezolo He Yip.' nOli.ana kakulu oaku6rra .... b.otn. O.iti 1I0v/lI",,00 k ... bamhlope o.!:la. ohuudu 1 •• 0010 ukuhooi •• izabieo 1.lomro.

bubi. U Mou. HaiR'" e Qlba ul._ hlet". yioklmbl ogoll:o(a, Nati ap. ,Iy"vuyi,.na De Mooti ngempomeielo In,i tornent.e ,e rogby.

U OQIRA P. W. LAIDLER we Sbuoga Ie Dolopu Ylle Monti,

ukbovu k .. enu ioteto edmbioi u.iba· luleltileyo kutlb .. oje, eoyo ogHifo aemipbuo~. (tuberoulOlie l kwl Rotary Club y.l.p. Eyuiblui )'iog\elo oMnempilo Io;ulo dolopu, .yeole Itowi Bbuop:. luiu~ko. Sio'pula It"eti. otfltO lombiai , OIond •• o rjnent.ingi. .010 Ituma Mrllt.. Uti u Gqir. 10 p.kati lI;"flt.inye in~oo~om., ililo aemiphunp: ••• ud. ogoltub.oga ivulo taml Afrika 'lM!zidoloploi •• ye aibang"a ik.lthulu kukut.ya oko.wele iote".oe n.m.odl. ok ""It. Ig."i, kwanokuhl.l. k.h:indlu eziogafaoele. bog.OO&Onlk.Ii, a. impllo y.b.nt,u. ndu ngobubl bemelto y •• o. Uy"ln, okokuba iodlel. r.okuphepb. okukura kuy,kuf.nolek. ciqioill're ogemluodieo ku •• pbo olntedkol.eoi, Ubuko boo mu wlUl'yell e lokl.bloi buluooedo ekofnodiaeni abantu aball.hulu. o gqiu uh.robia •• d kuyimfuneko okokuba k".ki.e umlli kufuwh.oe nemid. ye loki.bioi (lIo.torium) "P'ti. Rolao. e&iotaoodu er.iookukuf., oy.· koti obe-De D •• i (our.el) eliot.uodu 2011::00". Unc:om. um.ebeo"lomblo .oweo .. IW. ogu None NOOl.Ogui Mara.ret Mlp~kel.-M .. bolo. ook ... • .ziyo v.koteheOr.I"O' oabluh beotl.· Dga SODIr.e nlogeoglbo .heloogo. ODcOIDa k.oaoj.lo loqubel. p.mbili Ylbadltuo. Afrikakui .eknlaodeleoi .m.cebo .bat"e. .. "0-C.I woke iveki It .. i "clloio" yeotlloa, t .. Ulokuoooeka k"eohlDa ub. 'OmaIDakelo k. Dr. A. Rubusbe B.A.

Ekobeni Ie ponl ya.e Kroonltad -:reDle iliqnolo lfIotabum.yelo lr.wi· tlqiza elimoaodi I.bantu Itwi UiUted Bigher Mi .. lon B.II ogokoblw. k.e c. ... umhla "e 19 kwefileyo, Itwe ogobotuku be 20 elOo&el ... ulwamoke· 10 Ii &odl. Ie A M.E Cburoh paotli ko Mlo. Funaoi .... Iapb.. B.ibl.· weni ibe o~a Mia. G. O. Ndwty.o. I.y.oa .e B.otu Prelbyteri.n Church, epabl .. o eligqebeoi oglb.: Drt W. B. Rubo".ca O.Ph. A. Ruboshe D.D., U.A. (U S.A), M.kollr. B. W. B. BabuMoI, Joli. Tyo.i, E. R Godlo, M. Kuneoe: B.oomt.. li. Bea M.zwi ooG. W. Jlmel.. Iogoma emyoIi "kuoeD' yeegoma zeli X~I Ilooke, ini· ""0 yi k"'.y.l. )e .Unlted Higher )1i.1i:)0 School, pantll ""eatcoga ye Dglj,ooyel. yuoaik?lo .u Moo D. M. Dyani. Ir.itbetbl Iheoglba · Dr. Rubullo" Mlu Ndl.ot,lol 00 Nkollt. J. Tyel\. Eozuiltioi zobuluku u Dr. RubUlhe .. eo2.0 ioteto emo.odi k.· khulu oefuodil'Yo og,tioto yioto za Peabey., o.mavI .kbe k"eloJi"we 1"0 Melik. .bleli kulo Ima 21 emioy.k.. U.v~le"l.o okokuba .• m. Afrik. onke lmfu· ndp Ituba kuphell kwelixobo u iOAao lok~l .. el •• meluogelo ethu kwelilizwo. Uhho eaiti ukub. Iblmhlope liooku· b. booi.. Dgemfuodo Daoge~i~i1o nkube ubucopo oengqQodo yeto Iya· fao.,oUoye iy.yedlull,, bay~. kuzioik. ooke a01.loog"lo b.w.filth· leyo o.mbl.ojo. Utbethe iXelb. eli· ogl 1. hOUri, epbullpbulwe ogocolO· lelo o.lullo" U Mou O. W. Jamel. wenze iotet? emfuteb.oe yombolelo ekuphet"eoi komaebeot.i 10, ",aaeke· I",. Dga Mou. Thom., Mam •• helo. Pakati k",ab.oto lbabekhho kule· mbuto IIpaul. u Nkoek. Nobable Mgobo AbaoolDt. Oumood Jamela, Thom~ P.oyaoa, Ncap.yi, n.haoye ab.oiou.


OKO kutebiaok. kukulo kw.oga pakati k .. e mpumlo oomqal. Pli­

kuteketie. ogokoti .. yi ogqele" kuyo kuti kwab.Dye kube ioto e.ololto ib.katar.a obulik. booke. Kod",. XI

ototi •• oa olbantu uYlkulom.o. oko· kobl!. .kuko olmoye •• bo owenz. illiqelo loltu tabat.a I Yen lika Cb.mberlaio 10 Koblokoblo :u enoku· vikel. nokokuba ukototl\.lali •• umku hlaDe. Umltobl.oe a ... uoa kubako ::Ia eliyeza IilltJf!o~i.w. . ~iteogi .. ,. zi kemi.i zonke 00 ooveoklle.

Ezase Cala IVEKI ziyaq~og'leleka kuogeko Ii.

qabu emvuleol. Ukuba amaxeahl ebe.aluogile, Dgeb.liti looya". ogo weogqolo .... kwrli. Koko .ekuku. dal. ed .matemb •• m.hle ebeko apete ogokuwa paot.i ne lahleko ibe. oll:ulu , Kodowa umlimi otjOlleeleyo ''''pelel"a op:u " Mc.ode." . I Jubili ldlule, i.l.bly •• iogqondo

tlpunguzayo mlluoga nemeko yomotu ontlluodu kulo maud I" Wll86 Cilia. Ewe imfuodi 08 okokt>1i ziko, kod"a n!l:o,i"i olukulu kucaoilc ukoL" akuko ludidl kwe"i odidi, lu"imite le ukuaebe. ozela kwa nokuot'eda ukupak.mi .. i,ir.we eaiowundu .. 10 Illaodl.

Apa aipaohi k.eJilu elibi ogoku."e·

U Mfu. R. M. Tuo~i ube oeotauku II.wl kb.y. lik. A. M.todl.n. ogemioimbl .

{mantyi eotlha yaee C.I. aeyifikile. Eblkade iko n Moo. Kockott lbeki. .we Oouwe.. Sioetemb. lokokuba tlml.i woble.o~.hfOuo. unceditano 00

Mhl"luni op:omvl.i .... oo. Lcmfo ... ye· Ite w.k" ng.plmbili ngokublmb •.

I mlliai (moulu) i .. umilO ogolto. wurni.. um:!:i, poru bekoogokabiko

Ngati amd ",.Iap. oogumele okozieondeu ku mapepa.nd.t, •. U,i1:l kukufomaoi •• uiUlb. loto luiod y"':I1~ t.itthala .yiLati Duxeb. kumapepe.. ud.L. oa ... alupioa oblobo.

Sea banks Pharmacy, P.o. Box 88, Durbl •. (MAIL ORDER CHEMIST)

Bh.l. uoele ipepa lemiti ye~o

Umuti oliuyo kubaoto beal· f.uoa ab.hln.b.a yioulo.

loaoi 10/· oge po,1.


"Y ou •

can • " any tIme





NO. • .0.1'1 NOT Y{1I.l


TEA at

How to Make Good Tea. Buy your tea in ! lb. packets or larger. You get better value that

way. Use a teaspoonful of te a. for every cup of tea you wani. to make. Make the tea ·with

boiling water, and allow it to stand for five minute5

before pouring out.

good for you! • IS

" ,




E zase UMHLA ... ama 24 ka May oy.kuli-

balek. kodal. ezioll:qood.eoi zaye .ooke omotu obeae Q?uce oga· 10mioL Ngalombla ibiyimigcobo yeotlobo ogeDtlobo'l ookopela kwe 100 lemioy.ka Y.I6-k •• yo ledolopo. K •• kwiotlultu ed· mbioi eziJIgapambili .b.mhlope beau imidlalo eziholweoi zabo ey.b.kulu Dey.hap.k.ti oey.banciDane. IW!ko eli 1.loog.nyel"e ogobekekiJeyo i RuloDeli.jikelele; ngelltaaa. koqotywe um\yutyumezo ... erozo I.eziooo nge· zioto edbooiee oko izioto Zlzioj.lo k ... eliliz.engo 1835, ninye :tabooil. loqnbel. p6mbili OhlOD kweloJ:61h. kozokoti g. ogeliJ:61b., wnke ezizioto yayakllti.tiob e Market Bqo.te.po loteto yol •• mkelo y.yiZlkweozi •• koo.. Ngeoteto ep6k.mileyo, i )[ayor um.mkele Umotana Omhle. I Rnhmeli yenze .mn.i .makulu okuvoyllan. oedolopu Ie efikelele t .. iminyaka elikulo ubod.I •.

Em,.. k .. i Rnillneli yeoze ioW!to kw.b.owoodu e Ibo. grouod .po bekublaog.nilenll .m.kula·kulll. NgeDl:IIni 1emnl., kODgenwe It.i­bolo 1e Ibo .... luhi, •• iqooga eJlp6' odle.po bekllluogiaelwe koo. iziblitJo z.b.pambill. I Kulonell yule_e Dgo Mno. R. D. B.rry, oyi m.otyi ye nkoodl. yezibbeno. ... i obo· dko. Emnni il:ombolelo i RulDoeli yeoze .maz_i am.kulo ekooikueleDi ku Nkoll Archie Velile S.ndile iotoog. yoyi,emkulu eYlyitat.e y.wn.1 ulw.odle, eliciko litolikelwe ogobuoule ngu Mou. D. G., u Nobal .... e Bbuog. ogezituba bekomao. kob·avuml. i Mhollgi 1e 8it.we (S. R. Mqayi) encedi"w. ngu Mou . P. Emveoi koku, kuoule I cbolr ye Blgber Mi .. ioo Scbool, ya· bbo ngengom. ezintatu,.yo iocom. i Ruilloeli. Em,... ko • Nko.i .ik-elel.' 00' God 8 .... e the Kiog' kopuoyiwe k •• kofooy.ow. izllllo ezib.od.yo ne buol. Kuoge­o"e Itwimidl.lo yogqatto ogahantwa· oa oab.ntu .bakulu. k •• oit.k.l.a ukutlbool k_ellog •.

U NkOli Velile ubn'.kwe zezioye inkOli etlogo Chiefl Moyangtl SandiJe (CoOt.OI), Fuo.oi Joo . T,b.teho, Enoch J.Il, Dilikile Feoi (Ceota.oi) 00 b.yo .baoomz. R. }'. Hay. no B. Bok_e. Kubanto bakude eli· b.booileyo kuloDyambala DgO Prof. D. D. T.,.u, R. B. Oodlo. W. W. J.ban, D. S. Mtyongwe, S. F. 800110a, n.b.nye.

5 .... uyl,.0. no Mlo. Ronl •• lap6 k •• Brownlee ooll ... e yi· nte yue Dipeode e Mooti ukoba locedlle u Mlo. Dr. Robulan. kumlll­benzi ... okojikeleUl kwl r.meolA zelo B.ndl. ull:olUlel. ngomhl. we I ko .Tooe. U Nko .... Mio.b At.pltiu .... I.~ .enle i W!1.p"rty ngombl. we IV M.., e Aleuodr. Road eyi.e og.­m.neoekazi aziziblobo uke .ng.m. ~2; illutu ibikukuvoyialoa oaye nK~nJ:. yokub. ez07e .m.bhuo .m.· bini nge ('ak. uke e Ibowioi raaodo­kudlul •. bate n.bellloRu b.b l,.mui· k. et.ioye ilioto t.OkulI:cobl .. i party JeJo. U Mou. O. F. Stok.e, erDTeoi J,;okopuml. i\'eki elimbloi .ta ... u.i· d\el. k •• pakati komt.i, lelehu· ye1e emaebeoaioi .... ke wokotolika k ... i 'lirgery y. Diatrid Surgeoo. U Mno. Noldon G.ika .... e Mtat. pak.ti komt.l okwelituba IIIveki ni· mbioi, ub.mb. konye 00 Oqit ••• -rDflhlo o)ikeleZlYO. U Moo. J.m8 'FJoloti •• k.... Komaoi oyicite .pa held epelileyo ngomaebeud ... okuta· o~i.. i motor·c.t_ Ukumb knk. VOD. C. E Baber ... ogokutlbi­at, bel.. fI Pretoria kuJil.blako kamt.i onuoDdu, koba lomoomt.lo.'ebo .piliJeyo k ... ioe:J:ol:O I.e Joiot Cooocil. kuhl •• feke w.yi (,bairm.o ye Joiot Cooooil fI Pretoria oll.pambili.

~.t.Ua aWoyi buwl •. Iioi ukub. okUlOHI. o~Qmbla ft I 11.. JuDe de k-ube o~umbll ... e 3d La :->ept.f>mbf.r, impahla ukodiUh ... L.anle ORl!oy.n!l'l onf'ot.ela inl='lt!~

;y .. baai},; •.


Q once Ezase Standerton KULABLEKE Ipa iokweok.aoa ka

Moo. 00 Nk08k. Mlgl8ell, oogo· moye wabe tboroayeli base A M E. Chorch, ogorohla wlml ~O April. Kude kobe namhla lomotwaoa akaka bouak.,li. Igama like liugu hioeel Magaeela.

Abaut"'loa abaohuodo .baltwi

Siva ukoba iqel. Ie Teoese lalapa e1iyi ' O.ikl' Jiy.kodl.l. ok'oye lime· ny ... e okob. lidl.le oe Progreali ... e L T.e. Komgha kwiholide zoka· pel. kweoy.oga. U Nko,". B. B. Xiniwe ""e Stutterheim ug.leleke .p. k,,:veki epelileyo ngoh.mbelo.

oC"'adi yeeitlodatn (VI) bezikolo :talo ogele i o.b att YOkUM ookulaoda IJJaodlA bebthlalele u,.i"o I"enc .... di ab.ntu eliti.hini 13k.a loli.e. U yeaitaodatbu ngomhl. we 16 ne 17 Nune Kule Modder Dee okbaya kweptliJeyo k.ityalike Ylee D. R. C. Iile Premier Mioe kum.odJa WIle iogu mfuoclili wayo, u Mnu. L. H. Pitoli uch.i~ inllukw.n •• p. ku NOfle Jaodtell, i Commi .. iooer. Sio.h I bal.po b.cele ltitebitJ.

emhlope, u MOil. de okoha abafuod;w i Afrikaaol. oje wlimi elOlikolo.

W,' Sitet.

Kuogolizi olukulu uinkali •• lIko. lilbiya k.elipbakAde kulr.. Knu . SAmeoo Zulu o •• ye yiokweli kum· .. e bicycle. Owe eyik.ela Dgo­mbla wa 12 M.y ... eoultal. og.pha. kati •• bhubh. ogombll wa 14 M.y. Wlnchatywl ngu Mfu. Uk .... o.ot.i W.le Zion bebenint.i .bantu efihl.eoi.

Ngu lInu. P.ol MW!mbn OI.go. I.yo ogulomkhobl.oe. U )1110. S. Moaemol. ongomoye .... be bhola Apa waozakele emdlal"eoi .0 bhola. U Mou . .\Ipblul Midi oti\he.

(KII""da ,h",1Uati 1H4ibi,.,)


. I THESE fioe ShOll8 m.rk .0 import.nt reduotion io real foot"6Itr valo81 .nd empb .. ize thl .d .... of porch .. iog direct from the .ctu.1 m.oolactu.rera ___ Tbe benefit of 'pecial leather poroh .. ee oombined with m.1I prodoctiool .Iooe en.ble. CUTHBERT'S to offer yOIl loch .ItooiahiDg nlueI_.tbe most critical eumioation will oouriooe you th.t here il .... IUII right out of the ordin.r, and remember tbere il no foo' too dHlioolt for 01 in fi •.

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U.Ml'JJ:'1'L';L[ WA DANTU, JOHANNICSDUnO. 11:11' JUNJ<J, 19M. .. E zase T • Inara

(Nor \· UI.INl)ltll.:A~.):----:-:===:"----------­,'018, J. PO'8, T. N. KOI)o n"b8uye. Ol'q'HIUI.··I,. otll.h.l~ I~ L. llup8, L. Rul .. lIO Nk<) •• \. V. !:Iabeoa.

NOOKU W.o I,)mli Up!IU kokuba liqllbele pamblJl hnioimbl yalo \mba kwlutl'D~tllIl.o n~ku· Dltena kuyo lu€!ki tioiUlI1 Ilioto ullo, !.lfobeoll.e kowiti !·aakuzl(llllullo kulo utlanttu;ao el/:uyllkoU "",allI1Yo kufu· lI!"e unyoto Iwel.ipat8mf',udlll tluroiulla, iel.ekanga kwiotiaugilliao yokullqibelM.

IdtuDdo I.e AnlveslU'1 Njeol;lIIlqelo 86Dyauga kilo May: kuba

,impitillelo D8"le nYluga kllb ... iluana iokufuuda kwablloutwaua bllzikolo uku· luogi8Gloia imig()obo eyeD"lwa kuma­ emidlalo ngokuluogiaeleiwo. kwQ,. bantwana ng.bauli uotjt~b'lla . Nge -Caw., 10 May, lIiqlllawe e Wuilo .kw.ti kwaogeukoolo y.ltue ..... uuue· benr.i w.vulwa agu Mill . W. T. Whalley (Intnmpa) watlbO yubu­kuma iodin yio.t.thumoyelo Yllomlo, 1I'ugl" 1Iyagqibelila waybuba lot4hu· maJelo yak", kuqll.a kub8ntwana ... aqoahlliita ngokuy,f.ka kubl .... 11 .&teta .. ngel1dluyokaoyo." Ngenui. mbi ynita'u liqllitiwlI illUundo r.aba­.o'''lo.a t.ioot.JblllwlI ugo (Dlet.iuye) u .Mlu. J. Bam. ioule lllikulo ugokuyilu. ugi8a kakuble ngooOl6lelu ioto n eukuba i.eentoiwa, epablwe nRab. Num!.. D. Ngclm, M. Buowa, P Doli, J. NtHva H. Mahlahla, baluuda ab.· "Gtw.o~ bat.tho abanli buipetloge. okapi! inYllmbel.i. Ababllk'o ,ib.lula

..:kuma Koek. E. J. 88m, A. Bun"a, E. Doli, A Pllppe.tI, A. Nkayi, G. Saol, N. Sididi, K. Jiogaua, R. Ndla"i!"aoa, R. IIndayi, V. Sididi no'itebal8 ballpa _baogaba: Mnu. A. Mjuleni, Mlkott:;. N.lllpllklta 00 M. Mlltupula bequ­quz,,\. pall:.'i lr: .. abantwana.

Kwangoloeuku k". Tyulu knqutywe\ k"a izifoodo r.abant, ... n. r.1ootehel"el DgU Hva. K. J.l4odayi Zalwaoa G. M.blall1a ao J. Man IOlldlu iutlha ,ak",.. DIan il.ele imingomnyaogo yampompou uKuya etlSleo!. ba Num!.. J. Mball, S. .solomoD, H. Graotboom, D. Tola, J. Kat.r.h., W. B. Nqiol, R.. Tola, L. KaUiba. Nala MakuI". K Tola, 8. )(goio., S. Ma .. , M. T,ulo, O. Sibldll, JI.. Mbdi oabaaye. Kute ogenn yoknlunda kakuble k .. ab.Dt.ana u «oaa omkalu. J. MaV8 •• bavav. Dge. shllleoi er.iotlano .atelela '0 Mnu. J. Mba!i uge 2/6

Abootu n9"lo Zabe KunKo.ltl ukuv.k.1I88 U Nkou..

Otlluaebe NYllli owell •• kale ellR81weoi 1'lo8udeka ItlllUbo. Ngu Nko.k. N. Nkllmaluia wlla" Blue CIIIT (lfiko kwa. pl,lileyo iv,'ki ogp.ogoai yo¥.ublotywa t'uudltlni Il~&mbo lenyoka ngoku ullllo "1l1Wa kWielbedll,le n.luplJ/Io flduml}8 iogalo. Slvuylaa.Da 110 Nkolk. M . Sididi ogokupulJlolllla kwl Op6rotioll ehioaima bkulll kU)'9 Ofl;t' yuk?ba. lelekulilo. Na"kuuj8\O 8lya· vuyul.nll. 1l0ntwaoa ka Mnu no Nko8k. K. J. Modayillblkll yo.tiwo (\\) kakulu yilp. Ilu ogoia:uv", k'll'ayo. Ngc Nkolk . J . C Arnolda naye o06tyllwe ngu ,Rqlta ukuh. waht8te I op~ration ngt'nklt.llllo JOlieu kwak8malnyaoe.

Ngu Mou T. N Kopo uq8111e umall' boo"i kwi Uitl'obliJl"!l U"'pital uonau. mdlali opMobili kwi Ellmilton Footblll Club yal~pa k"'IIp!lJiI~yo lllyaoga . Sivlliana k .. kolu DO Moo. J. Daman Dgokwlmz~kala kumdlelo WII SWIIoIIDW, ne Bloe Sky ngokuka,yw. ~'iDqeDi wa~obOlb~ka k ... oko aiotluop:u.

Slke labona pakati kom&l 10 kwivelci epelileyo 11 Mnu 00 Nkoek. C. Matui bale. Pllrry Book beyiodlflla yokoya e Bhal Dgemloimht ekauleaill'Yo. Nlto Moo. Molly Pakamile Mad.kl oundo. kunglloa kwi Uit.eoh"RII Banto Referee'e AUl,lci.Uon WU;a w8nlkwa iwooga lokaba bookll abanye abauteli bomdlalo boba paot4i k"'ake.

Sioovuyo ukunklli.. okoba u Nkoe'l Martha M .. pela oDobobblltel1l apo w8hhintahllia kana 1'1 De Aar ogllnkatallo yelifuba. Iquba D8ama· ndla iveokile ka Mou. J . O. Ngbona Dgoknnjo.lo neb Mon. J. N. Klk •.

Imldlalo Ngo Mgqibe.lo we 18 May kohlanlll·

Jill 0 A 00 B twa 1)ulo. Star of Hope A 16; Home Swellpert O. St.r of Hope B 6; Rome SweeperlO. E Lb.o A .e 8U8Y 8_ obetwe hkolo DgO A we Sw.lIowl 20-0. Ab.lkori· Ibileyo be S1I'.lIo"l ngaba: 0.10, Bioi Z Bini, Mdek8zi DO J. Peta obeke ud. r.ambiui U 8 w" 81uI Sky Dbe­tWII 9-3 ogo 8 we S"'III01l'1 Ngn O . Mbl.blllia kwiula Ie Blne Sky.

Kw, CaW," yal6 Topiya kwa ogomhla ."''' HI May ibiJiagqungqutela yoku. Mno . J . Dibi o,itravllfi YMe- KIp. jl,lQda k.abant.aoa lodlu ileill. udlnle apa ulr.uAio~1Io e Mooti owoti Sipaula ababe-ko Min. J. Ntentema, Dkuluka apo a.iolla e Bb~i Bodule­Baou.~. D. Z Kopo, D S. QiqO, J. uk08ioga 1'1 Kap. U Mlu. D. S. W. Pima, M"lwa, Nxu:o, Diodaoi, W. N,",dubllia 1I.Ita .eoT'"boweok.wu kwepe_ :;:;;:,;::;;;;:,,;,;;;;,~;,==== . I@yo w!ulnga e orDgrove ugokuya

I kutllhatiaa.. RUSH! RUSH!! RUSH'!! K.oow.,y •• ng •• ko ••• y.h. . I Bapti1:i kwepelileyo 11 Nkoll\. M Kl file, FOR YOUR CHA.NCE!!! ;I ••••• lid.'. "'ook" .... b.lili".d. ! ili"wi lik&. TiltO nabantu booke, lemkllo

l kllokuble kakulu . AlJautu babe bani· 62;i efihlwtlui.

Flnt grade "Winter Down Quilts" bu" the. dirtd ftom the faclory .at Ie", alld ,-ery reasonable pric~l.

ImvlIla iiambila kwpli I.kwa Nojoli

Ezase Somaseti INOO TMfJ)lwm KON .... ) I BAM LTON8 Rugby Moo\baU Club

_aee Tlnlr. eutl18pa nge Ealter labob"a yl Tlgerl Rugby Footb.ll Oluh ; I 16uolld te.m yate TJoe.ra vab~twa 8 ptllntl to oil yi Tlgllrl, I flrl~ team yay 1 polo~lell draw, Imvola Illna nllm. OAalomioi, ekunaelleyo uleuha I .. olu laUlihl1l lomdlalo obuy. kuha u8opakawlleyo kuneoe.

Ngomhla ",e 24 Mal' koqublaene I Wondrnul Rugby Football Club y~be. bala yalnpa DO I:iwlUOWI Rughy Poot­bnl! Qlub yase Rbfu. lite !Ulka iUlba lomd lelo kwaYlllekumnyama ogumotu eflldiol. UwuvuteJe 0 Muu. Dobo

umtozl "ake u.dkh:ana I fb,t haK yonb kun8eko InlOra omaMnl' I S"aUowl zate Ralu "'ylolnKele I Wondroul emhlalJeuj "ayO. Ziplodll& okweaihlol naofloku zlcinezel". I Wondrou. ngall!l1lipalloi 'laW H/olr. 1M· puma Imlnl yonke ngakwi Wnndrool .od ... noko adb.nlla DakllJlclllbzae defeuOtl ye Ralu. Wlye 0 Bubo .. e IIplkweni (.iug) Oll!lnu l:timangl oga. Ildll atepl ub lIogavumi ooku .. 1 plntli, 0 W. John yeoa elucaogo limn. Lomdl.lo upele umble k.kolo ialkora ely I poiotte .. dr.w.

KuSke ngomhla we)2 May okuela e lUpa u Mno. Dlba eu ngokouko. eela umoya liP" ekayeni lake. No

(Kangela J:umhlat~ wuibilt.)

Are you clean inside?

Intestone clears all body poisons


The Big Bowel is whtre Ct.m.<.Iif>ali()II arises. iJ. 0"5 lar~t: I:llt nuuses 11f(IIf"u{~lr l"hull slwult! I" f><l.lud Ollt (,Irll d'IY.

IN every factory, every wor\u.hop and every kitchen there is some rubbish left over. Ju~t

so with lbe HUMAN BODY. The Stomach and the Liver tum the food IOtO Blood, flesh and eoergy, but they \eave much waste DVtt. If this wastc is not cleared away the body is poisoned. INTESTONE is a medicine which clearS away the Slime in the Stomacb~ the excess of BI!e and the masses of poisonous rubbish which lie in the Bowels. INTESTONE COlltains herb~

and fruits for lbi, purpose but it also contains chemicals for cleansing the Blood Sttta1ll. This is why j[ clears the coaled tongue, n'.IDQVCS pimple3 from tbe face and rash from the skin.

FOR MEN Use Inleslone for all diseases of the Stomach and Impure Blood. FOR WOMEN Intestoneis splendid for women who arc pregnant and most" who arc coostipatcd. FOR CHILDREN If sour child complaillS of headacbe. ju<=( give a small dose of InttStOnc. FOR BABIES If. baby docs not have a daily marion of tbe Bowels give it a little lntestooe-tbe rc:sult is wonderful.

INTESTONE is just like jam being taken out of a spoon. The price IS 19 per pot from

all cbemlsts in the Union.

Use INTESTONE for Constipation and allthe symptoms mentioned above

We all be.utiful aod attractive coloure, i .e., blulI, gold, Yllllo", dark brown, PQrplll, light blue, blue black, piok, ek., etc .

ClJildrtn:r Skin Troubles . You caa either tbelll combioed in one qoilt to luit yoor tute. Bed ...

3/4 .. .. . Double Bed ...

29/6, 37/6, 47/6.

We IlIa llock good Winter Roge, all colaun! loud heavy qu.litiel. Oor pricel are 25/6, 27/6, 35/6. Yoo roay send Da any amooot 801 a lay bye when thll qailt il fuUy paid, we peat aame and deliver free 01 ohlf~1'I to any

-addrBlB i", the Union of South A/rica. We alr.o atook aud apeoialiae in good Wioter Ruga, 11011 coloute and luIavy qualitilli. Our prioel are 25/., 27 f6 and 35/6.

Write aod POlt your Order to:

Me .... Lake Agency, P.O. Bo~ 538, CAPE TOWN.


.­-WATCH your cbild's skiD f The slightest roughness.

irritation or rash, neglected or wrongly treated, may deveklp into eczema or other obstinate disease.

The best and most .reliable remedy is Zam·Buk which is of rare herbal origin and so highly refined that it readily sioks into the tiny pores. Thus Zam·Buk penetrates into inner «UUtlS where skin and scalp disease bas its roots, whereas fatty ointments and dressings never get beyond the skin surface.

Zun.8uk it at 0DCe !oothing', healing' and IUltiseptic:. It apt.edify ends paiD ""d irritatioa, .na:JS inBp"'·atJon, lIubduell nreltiDg IlId giOWii DCW aklD. Zam.Balr. ia oeede4 ill cYUJ boec.



Hlokomelo Ea N guana Le'Mae

E Hlahlobiloe Ke Sol. L. Sidzumo

1'SUANELO ea n~uana Ie 'mae Ie bltkomtlo ta bona ka bobeli Ii

hlalosoa bukaDYilntog e bihoang "Hlokomelo ea Np;uaoa Ie 'Mae" e ngoteotng Ire Dr, Hope Trant, M,A., M.D. oa bose-patala 0 biteoang Bridgman Memorial Roepihl, mona Gauttng. Ke hloka manhoe a 00-nneng bo teebi.a leohab. 811 lete'o ka moo bukanyaoa ena e lokileng kateng ho mafumahali a ma·,Afereka . 'Me e ngoetfOe aa Sekboo~ ea ba e. fet oleloa SefOthong. E eletu. bo 'me ba khu­tieteeog morao bo itlbokomela ka ka nako ea boi­mana Ie tlhoko­melo ea nRoaoa hofiblela a eba Ie -alemo bobolong ; keheblaloeihoeng b8Dtle buaeng ena. "Te'oaoelo ea 'm'a ngoana baee bo tli , ea bana lerateeng feela. ° " 'oane­he bo ba boliu e Ie bana ba pheli-

]'aIr. Sol. L , Sitlzumo

leng bantle Ie ho ba ruta ho ba banna Ie ba.ali ba 'nete" ae mela­nyana eo te e (umanang bokanyaneng ena. Bopbllio b& Babata'o be blo­mola pelo baholo ma.teatling aua ao re leng bo ona. Bana Ie mallea a bll bat.8'o a Iboa Ita bODp'ata bo utloi88ng bobloko ka baaa la botboto ba bo 'me Ie a. baka I. bo ee teebe bantle bo ba phekola ka naao, Rape ho hloka taebo e h 'oanelebileng ka pab&l.o ea ha.ali aa lIo&ko ea boimaoa ke engoe ea ntho t.e bl&loeiteoeog bukeD~ ena b. hela. phetbahat.eog. Joale hI. ho bohlale be fetuang bo tomella uHlokomelo ea Ngoana Ie 'M'ae" aa mot'a teebilo blbaling ba koranta ea eeohaba 118 let.l'o-"Umteteli" bo barekiti. Lenaneo ke Ie tlale haholo, ke 6d feela.

MOiaii emong Ie emong 0 ta'oanete bo ba Ie bukanyana ena ho ipoloka Ie ho babaU. lelea la baa pele Ie kamot'a peleho. Bongata ba baaali ba hau'o ha bo teebe bore ha moaal. a itt'iblona hung la hae 0 ,,'oanetee bo batla mobelehiai ea rutebileng, a ae ae a baballoa haotle a Ie boaepataleng ea ho belehisa. Joale be thnBO e ka fn­macella bukanyaneng ena ea bo'm'e Ie bana ba bona. Phepo ea leeea kboeliDg tile iteeng kapa lemoDg he iteeng e hlaloeiteoe ka t.'oanelo Ie Ita bo tlala bukeDg ena, Ie tee ling tee ngaw. he tII'oaoeteeng ho ba teebe ea bo 'm'e_ Ba-Afertlka e kilo ba baotle bore ba lebohe mODgoli (Dr, Hope

; 'frant) oa bnkanyaoa en. ka hobaDe e Da Ie t.ela e ta'oaDlllebilllng bophe­long ba bona_

• rsa Bethulie

R E bona baporofeta ha nke ba phe-thea kana bar'a mot.e oa rooa.

Oa pele ebile mohLankaoa oa lemumo • t.amae.le moroet.lana eo eleog t o­loko ea bae, ebile h. ena Ie moprofeta emong oa ngoanana, Ha teatai Ie ph.irima bana ba mot88 ba ba nlra eekhakbatha ba hamaea ba biDa har'a motee ba bolra Molimo, Ha bao ha qeta ho tll&lDaea re bona emong a fihla oa moroehana 0 otae a Ie bar'a rooa.

Ese e Ie libekenyana he itteog mo­hlablobi oa Iikuto, Mr. MoikaogoR, a thuea .ekolon8 eena aa rona .a Kopa_ no. Re mo lakaletea leblohonolo ha­mmoho Ie Mi.atre" SeliketAlho eo eleng motbo e mocba aelroloDg.

Re bona kereke lIB Metbodiat e ntae fI eteloa Ite harut; Ie bankameli Irha­feue . Bar'a bona re ka bolela Rev. Ziogitwa Ie Mookamecli SpndJe (Jagenfontein) Rev_ Mhete (AIi .. al


Jubilee ea Morena T eyateyaneng

K A taatsi la JubiJ('eeoa e botehoeng Ie rona ba Teyateyaneng re ue to

Ie har'a tbabo e »holo. Ls ababa la 6 Mote'aanong, h" fihla nako fa bore bo theobuoe ho Doe Lekholleup: la Motlehi-oa-' Mu8iei. Sa pbut beba lIecbllba la Berea aa &uhublellana. TenR ba qaloa ka bo nebanoa metnl on King 0 kopacpog hemmoho Ie Queen. T.ona tal. nllheloe ele mpl o bo ba&ebetai ba khale ba ' Muto ; Ie ba kileng ba 88bete. nako e telele 'M ueong ka bota'epehi. Joale ba blahitoa tee ling tHe relrieoang, aa ho ntee bo reki.oa joelo ha bo otee ho binoa ke Ii choir; ho 00 bo Ie lilrolo t!a Cbacbe Ie tea Fora; bape bo no ho Ie choir ea kerelre ee Fora e neng e tlamaieoa Ire Mr. Et. . Le.enyeho. Ke bona batho ha aileng ba re ba hlapho]a liktle 10 babog ea 'mino, Che Ie banI. ba li­aolo, baholo tea Intelmedi"te ba blile ba leka hantle babolo, Kamor'a moo bo bile Ie lipapali t8& labelo_ 'Me teng ea eba mokete 0 ileng 01' nla nako e telele. Moallte oa qetella ka tbabo e abolo. Eare ka 630 P m, ba uoa tetemeng, teng ho no bo Ie

ba Ii bona, ba bang Ii lIa ta'oaa. Le teng mokete oa qetella k!t. thabo.


80 oh1ola ho kopaneng Ie moabo_ blane bangata ho bakoa Ire ma­

mina mahananeng kapa bo DYOOYO­t.eba ba Iinko. Ho hlokabalug ke moriana 0 ta'oauang Ie Chamberlain', Congh ~medy_ 0 feli.a mamina 'me 0 feliee Ie bo nyonyoheha ba lioko, kahoo 0 phekole boo bang. Cbambtrlain'a Cough Remedy ha ena metlOako e babang, ka baka leo Ie leaeale aa e sebeliaa joaleka motho ea holileng_ 0 reki90a ke Iiktmiee Ie mabeuaele hoble.

• rsa Vredefort

K A Ii 12 May re bile Ie kopano ea Wayfaren Ie Pathfinder ba tea·

mailoa ke Misl M. Mokbahle. Tea· maieo ebile e DUe haholo. Prinoipal Lealie D, G. Mokeena a kbothatea . Ho ba neng ba Ie teng ebite Mon@h)li L_ D. G. Mokoena (Princip.I), T. B. Ge~a, . Min M. Moahable, M. Noge (Prlnolpal, Par,I), D. Lehitu Ie S. omant (ParYI).

Rev. D. J. Pulolno khutlile bo tlOa Transvaal ka SODtaba 18 12 May, 0 bile a ta'oara h 'ebeletao ea matlelilO ho Methodilt Chureh bakeog 18 bafu haoa : Jefren Mataie (Flokaburg) Rev. Ben Zingitwa (BenfOnvale), Mt : 0_ J. .Ma80leog (HeibroD) Jetrou Seitllho (Heilbrou ) Ie Rev. Joho J . Mokitimi (MafeteD!!).

Kerekeog ea Ned. Gettf Kuk Morali, h.o. bile Ie Selal10 ka 12 May, Bateamatll ele Barnti Liebeoberg Warye) Ie Feneal Malema (Vredefort). B. kolobeuoa bana ba bararo me ha amoheloa ba baheli ba bolileng , ipha matla bamp6 VN>de­fort. Mighty Lade F. C_ e t8ejoang babolo Free State e ttohile ka Icbiho la Young Tigers. Bahamaisi ba Mna ke baoa: Preeident, J . B. Bent>dl; Captaio, Tiooi, Martin, Se(,fttary, N. Mac Mogorofli.

Motor.tyr~e ba kbale Ie li torch lighta t:!e afnyehilellg Ii 10kilOa b Mr_ Corneli:.s S~hume_

A sectioo of the oolook~ r.!I a t th~ Ra.·)dfooteio Betatee G.M. Co., Umbtangeoi Amb'Jiaoce Cootelt.


Zt ~ --::w - ."T"

I.! K2:->YA TL80 1lPO ML'\IGOLONO A 8.0

Li / urnanoa ka mtbala wAll".

1'" Y",d I - Pampiri tHe 0 tea Crol:leyCamhrio Pad leen­,"elope Ille 'ngne Ii ka romt'loa ho Ufna kald.

II H, .. !OA"G' "' 0'1 ItO •. , ,,,,,. 00 II ° itIH). SA"G.



' .. " • u • ",Of ~'~I U... ""fI ,

( ... ,,,0 I~

"'O~HL" ... '100>'<" uot( .. , .

(. ~, I "

li Partons li Elsa Linlho Tse Peli Tse Kholo, Ntho ~ pili 10 Ii e elSUlg Ii hlDeILi,a mill. U Ii h,n,. III n .oblll, hDsur. ml.ll. I tI& MbeLa.. HOle mahlab& I wbang. Empa u tla lumlnl ho,e u TSUANET.6E h,,", II et nUl 81.C1 h& ne I. bl n& I, ml,utli be IOtlle, 'mt ba lIebi. borl maU & bon& b .. I bloek&, b& hUlneiN be Ii ",btli» Dike .. nkt klpa tM po=li ba lloenJ& Ii Patton, jCltl'a hi hi. e& raNla. Hao he lIa ttK ha.e D1II& a MbetH lIIog "PI h~beli .. Idnh. ',n. be bloeklM lllpe he ohe hila lohle I 'melen, .

III h01l1 ho DtH hi boell pile,h • matlalillan, to ..

IIt""In, Ii Patlon. ta eOlia e ,In. '''Ol.l:bllli n lenl, E IIATLA­FATSA Mbd. I, mill., .. l i,io,& hkhuIID... taoili. I, ",,,,,II. II htho I.. IIDlan, h. ..hetu. ha mila b& a 111& hpa a oUella lijD kutl •• B. IIlhD II bcJbtli e klltlD e ""Dan, kI Ii Putolli.

Li PatfOhl PII,if,ln, Pill, Ii lumd, hohl. m01ll1 S,"th Ar,i~ III. bail. I. ho'-n. Ii bonUitH HO ItUT,LAFATSA LE HO TSOLLt8A b&uena. MOItbetl; oa taon& b .... b. UIlIJiIl& fH'1 LI BILE LI NATLAPATSA TalLO EOHLE EA LIJO

LipODtlO 1101 ma.l& & Iblbl",ng kt HD SKill, Libloba, Ho TtpeUI, Mlu I n~b'ng, MlkDkDIID, LithD he .pug, Libl_b) til tbllnlln, IIlahong, H. ,kutlul u "mD.u ho IIje, Hote .. bel .. b_nlle hi ,,,,la, Mill I m,be. HD bonl Hnlleli. BDIIoI jnl .. jDII.. KI bD blOtk i ... Ie liD ,n,ti,t.I·, bokahare bl baD IiponiiO IMIII Ii. re'" ' m. mokllh • ph lle bantlB , that.,

R~h "atlolo kljenou Pike sn r. .. b~IIJ'II'. Li Putonl Pllrll,­jn( Pill. Ii .Ib..... hoblt b '/6 botlol" , nL0t I. 50 pilil. X .. ,. u hte u rolll.1I1 bo P .O. P,O. 1032, CAPE TOWH_

~ --

RTONS " •• \ .r U


~ ___ -=_,...,_",_~ _____ O;.;M;;T;.;E;;T;.;;ELI WA BANTU, JOHANNESBURG, hiT JUNE, 19311. ) .;

Litaba Tsa Mafats' e lA8A tee blah"oil Eogel.Deli bolel&

bore Tooa.kholo. Mr- ltamUoY Maodooald ka bake I .. ho kula olelela aetulo b.u6 vekeo~ tile tol.oil Joalo bo utlo.b.i .. bore Mt. Stanley Baldwin .() tl. jtra. 'Mullo oa MaoyuewaM.

'l'I. bl.baug Geneva Ii hoteh. hore mllkboba II. mangate naheoR ea Ethopia. Palo I!a makboba botboll e Bbl .. bo !,OOO,OOO. Bakeng'8 teeko eke boj. bo Ie thata bo et •• kbotao uaheng eo. H. ole b.ltali.le morena oa Topia ba qhoebeabana ka that •.

Mohla Ie 23 Mote'eanoog Morena Hertaog 0 buile mantloo .. lup.og tee· I" ea hore oeDe Ie MODgoli oa Likolooi Mr. J. H. Thoma. ba otlOIOIl hOn! nab .. tea LelOtho, Boohuaolto Ie Soa­taing qetelloog Ii hapoOfl kapa Ii oele li,tleng ua 'MillO oa KapauD, 0 tle­mailo8D.J!: ke eeoa R.'et,ogo. Taba eoa e bullOil moketeng 0 mobolo moo bo bileog teog matona a maholo a tlltoileog. Botboe b 1910 bo DO bo

.e1'.8011 tumellaoo ka Temana ea 151 molaong kapa motbeoog oa Soutb Afrika.

MOfena Herr Bitler, molaoll e mo· bolo oa Jeremane 0 1'.806 oehela puo e kholo eo eleng kbale Hobaba taa Jeropa Ii e oJorotene. Jeremane e batla hore e Ie liobaba taoble. aape Moreoa Bitler 0 bolela hore 0 bltla kbotao. Taba eoa e thabeteoe b.holo ke Majeremloe oble. Baele Maoye-1Iemane klmoo korlota. tl8 booa Ii bole1aog a tbabile hlbolo. Ho ea bonablla hare kajeno Iicbaba taa teOillopele Ii tla utioaoa. Tie hlahang Amerika Ii bolela bore Ie booa ba .ananela puo ea Morena Hittler.

Oeneral a .. rtr.og 0 buile maoteoe a kbotbat .. ug a boot,'ang bore Ile mo· tbo oa kbotlo. 0 ile a buillona Ie '&lulO 08 Maoyelemaoe habolo a ele. 14a hore utoa e (elieoe. Morena Uerteog a blalo.. b011l kboebo ea Sootb Afrika e ~Ia nebo. Engelaoe pele ho ebaba tee Hog. ~ebokoog ho bile leog Moblompbehl Patrick Dunoao.

Merena Mopapa oa Rom. 0 beile baapo,tola ba babed!, eleng Str Thomaa More Je John Fiecher. Bauoa bao ba IboetM tamelo Ie bo emela kereke boimeog Ie bo'batflog.

T .. Souto Ar.rlka

MellO ea 'Molo e holle kajeno, 'me hoble re utloa Iipiteo tla baooa Ie mafllmahali bo m.mel. IItlbalo.o tea Morena Ralokogo. Moroti J, C. Smit o buile Makeleke~la btkeng e fetileng

Re IItloa 1I:a blukoana·la-tlflla hore eka Moruti Smi' oa 'M ... ilo 0 tla ete· la toropo 'ee ogata l!~oreilfllata. Bo tl.bale leboka ,a batbo ba Leeotho Ie Forei..,ta'a Maogaung.

MoreDa J. C. Smok bjeoo 0 liIemo Ii 65j Uaoba 0 kile a booa Reitz, 'me joale 0 k'oaoela ho boa 'Maailo. Moooa elDoog e kileng ea eba IIjane ea llIafokl.i maoe Pretoria 8a bitaoaog J. H. Coetu 0 ahlolettoe bophelo oha· okaoeDg It. ho bola .. kh.rebe.

M.obaoe,31 Hote'eaooulI: ebile mo· kete oa Jubilee.a Sooth Ahica, eleog ho tloba ka 1910 boi.a 1036.

Mogovorooeri, eleng Lord CI"rflodoo o boehe 0 kbet;hUoe ho bo,a lIIemo tie 'oe Rea toO lebohela, Modlmo 0 000

atlebi.e hie. MoreDa Pirow 0 tlOa buoa maotlIOO • matla a hlabotang 6




Wonder Blanket

borll meputto e Dyolloe, babolo ea malutaalla.

T.a morAO tlNl blabaog Amerllt. Ii blalo,. bore Mr. Wm. Oreen, moet .. pete oa ukhotla la Baeetlekj 0 b1alo· It, bore b3 Ua eml.a mM6betai fIOhle fata'eog leo b"oha J'>ltlameote •• a ba mllmele.

Morcoa J . B. M. Berbog 0 theo· hile maoha hI) kbutla Eogelaoe bo tia hae. 0 thabile haholo b'a oebUce mlltl" Ie t.'oallelo ea ho bapa LeIlO,ho Ie mafate'" awaDg a tt'lreleWo. OeD. Berhog 0 hlalolitle bore 0 tla tbu .. Blaotho.

Sir Wm. Clerk, aleng mook • .,eli oa Le.otbo 0 baile haotle haholo bore bo be Ie kutJollouo maharaog a liebaba t,a 'MulD oa Mlnyelflmaoe.


8 A molomo oa hao 0 Ie mooate 0 eo hopoloug f Boo ho boDta'a bore

mala a hao h. a lebetee haotle Ie bore bllkeog .a hoo ha ho otbo e lokileog ho fda Cb.mberlaio'a Tableta. Chamberlain', Tablet. Ii blataoa ebUe Ii matlafatla mila Ie hore a tie a tbomi.e ka ta'06oelo. Li rekl,oa ke !ikemi.e bohle Ie llIabenkele.

• Ka muoabi • mabolo re pbatlalat ..

bo lana leflh'rng ha Mn. Eva Pb"kaoe, mofumahaU 06 molo Rev. Pb.boe, oa Ethlopiao Churcb of Soutb Afrloa oa Bethlehem 011'.8. 0 bloklbaretlfl Prioce .. Alice Nuniog Home, Sopbiatowo, Jobaooe.borg, Ira Laboraro hOlenl ba la20 Mow'raooog. Ka blka la bo kwa 0 ile a t1i.aa ho monli, Mre. Viole' U. L. Hoehoe.boe oa Sopbiatowo, eo • blokabal.keng mateobong a hae. Re Ila Ie baDg Ir:a mofn ta.hleheloog eoa.


Basutolaud GovernmeBt Notice -IT I. hereby Dotified for general io~

formatloo tha. tbe Baeutolaod. Beobuaoalaod aod Bwadlaod 00 .... 1'11.

ment.' Offio61 bave remond from Exploratioo Boildlog. lod are DOW

II.tuated at No. " Old Clew.r Roue, Simmonda Stteet, JobaDDelbnrg.


80 taebillOa "ohaba eoble Lekhotla la lekbetho Ja MollO oe.

Le,otho, Bot joana Ie Boatling Ie fal e­he Ezploratioo Boildin~ 'me Ie lie Ie Ie mona ;- ·No. " Old Clower Bo .. e Simmonde Street, Jobaoneabnrg. '


L 0 ebi.i"l gore Lekgotla la lekgetho la LeIlO\ho Ie la Beehoaoa le

Malwa1:i Ie hudnlitewe mo Ezplorltion Building' Ie i1e mo :-No." Old Clewer HoolfI, Simmonda Street, Johanael­borg.


KWAZISWA booke abaotu oIr.u.u Ima·Hovlli oltol.ela Ita Holn.e·

ode wINe LOlotu. Dowaae Lotahwana OOWale Swazioi .tu.tile ko EIplora. tion Bolldio" maoje akn :-No. 0( Old Cleftr Bonae, Slmm.onde S'reet, lohaooelborg.

(Sgd.) D. M. WlLSOl!I, Repreaeohtive for BlNotolaad, BecholDaland aod Swuilalld

Governmeote, 1'13.



BALE of 5 Blankets, all made in Soutb Africa ...


The ESSAHCO Blanket BaJe 01 5 Blankets --. ...

1 Pare Wool White BI.uket ail.(! 52 in. :It 72 in. for Single Bed. 1 Pore Woul Wbite Blanket lize 80 in. :z 90 in. for Double Btd. 1 Grey Wool Blanket Size 60 in. x 80 in. I Unbleached Cotton. Under Blaoke', lize 50 io. x 70 in . I UnblefWhed Cotton UDder Blanket Bi1:e 60 in. :I 80 in.




1 Pore Wool BlaDket ,ize 56 I 76 for Siogle Bed. -I Pure Wool Blaoket .ize 74 z 94 for Double Bed . I Brown Wool Blanket aize 60,x ... 1 Wbite Cotton Blanket lize 54 x 72. 1 While Cotton BI.Dket lize 60 :s: ... ALL FOR



-----------;TSr<ITUB""A:OO"F"F"I'i'CE;;;;RO'S',...-;MEmSS;QrC;;;IG"A'RD'E"T"'T;;;E"S;-;("a-;;O"L"OuK'7A.--;L"i'I"COV;-;;UC;;P"ON"S=) ----- --'---.--


~~~~~ " Likubu Selibeng Sa Tsa


MINE BOYS! Ho bilfl Ie pitlo fI k~olo k. I

10 fetileng, oelm. ele Mr. Ignatlol bIbaoo a thulitaoe ke banna ba ko· miti e. bae. A bolela hore moea U

teo!! oa bore joala ba Sesc.tho bo ritt!· loe ka mangolo a lilakeen&e katlala kaJoao ea'm8,epala. Mr.S. Ndhlovu " ema a loante'a t8ha eo ka hore e tla ba.llo bolaea lite'oanelo ha Batala, Motle oa 10meUaDa Ie eena.

lI.fomahali a batoti ba litereke tf!o.llie a oe a bokeletee br.8adi kerekeng ea Weee!e ho loante'a tab. 'ea hore joala bo rite!oe ke 'm.sepal •.

Sebokeng aa AfriuD National Con· greM, kheleke ebile mor'a Selematoela a te '"Mara ha a ,eoa libloe!a a ea oela." Ke mant&oe a boiloeng "e Mr. Keable ' Mote b' a kopa aechaba bo kena mokbatlong oa Kookreee, a aupa k.moo makbooa a nang Ie mekbatio, 'me a BiBioya hore eechaba Ie thuBe Dr. Seme bo bopa lekbotla 1110 'nete. Crlin. Herhog 0 entse hore "phalafala Ii fa pane" ka melao ea bae e mecha e re amohaDg lite'oaDelo Kolonl, 'me a bile 8 teoa kopa mafah'e. te'ireleteo aleog Lesotho, BocboaDa Ie Soahing. Liboi tee ling ebil. Meslte H. K. BiDda, Simon Ndhlovo Ie Setiloane, Ie E. K. Nblapo. Mr. Keable 'Mote a khethoa mongoli a eebetae Ie Meeltl NdbloVll, Binda Ie Nhlapho.

Ka Sontana Be fetileng ho bile Ie mehto e mengata ea lijo bara motse . Be bile ra bon. koloi e. "pick op van' e t.eoaog Mat10atune.

Kerekeog ea Roma ho bile Ie mo· kote oa hlateoo ka mohla 25 May. Moeebehi 0 no 0 teamaisoe ke Father Reith. Ho no ho kbabiaitBoa kereke hantle ka makhethe. Bo ile ha hla· teOooa batho ba fetang lekholo ha bo kopana Ie bana. Bo no ho rateha ho 1e lIotle. Lipina tea ba monate tia hlabosa, Ba ele bar'a mOHe likbu· ta'.ane Ii oale ele monyua, lIr. Ja.eob LebODa ebile moeti mODa hu.


HE& many friendl and relatives will regret to bear of *he deatb of

Mn. SUMnna Obeda, of Coleeberg, C.P" who pUled away on the loith May, 1935, at Evaton. Late SOBanna waa born at Lindley, OF.S. She waB the lieter of the Rev. Theo. Mareka .00 the late Azael Mareka. Suaann. leaTOI her hUlband and a baby of aix monthl old to mourn her death. May she reBt in peace. Inl8rted by (Sgd) A!o.'")UtEW P. MARIJMO, Kroonetad.



NOANYWA.-Kungene ekopumleni kwapakade n Lindani Ncaaywa

walile Rhini ogole iveki ezintathu nga· mllUldla. Ubeyindoda elnngileyo na· ngona ebengengomntu waokoo%o. Ullaiye inkoeikazi nentombi azine (4) oOlDfana omnyfl ominyaka Ingama 36. Ufihlwe ngo Mlo. TIeD weble· 10 laae &abe (Dipende). LomphaDga ndiwnbika kuma j ikelele. -B. NC.A.NYWA (u mnina"a wake), 0,0 A. N, Wakaehe. D, Knight &. Co., Grabamltown.

Ho beola ho lokileD'

Sebelisa BLUE



I 6 Pakete ea M.bare a 5 11\ LEKANA GILLETTE TSOBLE

T sa Theunissen

LEN YALO Ie bile teng la Monamoli, ateward a& A. !II.

Cburcb mooa. Ie Ho bile Ie

bMbemaoe Balbemane ba bona Ie ho la ba taikinyehe. MahraUa ea nte'a tee

ba re ba De

ea hosaea

Motll 'ea~ oa mantBibooa Mab~attl a nea Brandrolt 6 nil. Re eoaba ha banana ba Brandfort ba BitiJoe bo oa teng.

Bar'a baeti bekeng re ka. bolela Mr. Leeimola (Jobanoeeburg) , Mr. D. Lebona (Veoteraburg), Ie Mr. Motsatee (Wioburg).

Ka la 25 Mots'eanoog ho fibl ile Gen. Smute a t1i1e ka morl'~O Olio pulo ea nUo e Doha ea lekhotla. 0 ile a etea Bebaka ea bo kopaoa Ie ma·Afrika ba Rev. Senator Smith. Ho no ho phothehile batho ba seblote'oaoa Ie bana ba fe· kolo. Bana ba 8ekolo ba bioa pio. E'

bitsoang 'Die Stem Van Soud Afrik.' M~. Van Wyk, mooke.meli oa loke· &bene a amohela Geo. Smute ka mao ntece a ee makae. AdereBe e enuoeng ke Iitbo tea Lekhotla 116 motle oa oa bats'o (Adviaory Board) ea balina Moh10mphehi kfl Mr. E. p, Me Taiwe. Bar'a manteoe a adreae eo, bo no bo kopiloe' hore Mob1ompbehi a ke a ehe ka matla hare ta'ebelieaoo e loldleog Ie toke Ii be teng pakeng tea mapoie8& Ie Batala. Poong ea haa 0 ile a ta'e· pie. taba ena ha ba it. 'oara bantle bore 0 tl. leka kahoble kamon a nang 1e bODa hore bo utloaooe, H& qetelloa ka "Nkoai Sikelel' Afrika".

• Ka masoabi re tea bo

faJlalefata'eng ka maane Nanoefield, Miohael Tiro, 0. M.feteng. Mofn e ne ele morali Ramok-hele Nt80e1e.

This man is looking for trouble. He is about to'sit down and rest under bad Hanging.


Basebenzi Mgodi! Lendoda icela inkatazo.

IEuna ukublala ipumle pantsi kwamatye asbukumayo.


Basebetsi Merafo! Monna ena 0 batla khathatso.

o rata ho lula tlas' a mafika a sa tieug. TSEBlSA LEKHOOA LA HAO KA POTLAKO MAl'IKA AO 0



~ ~ U ka ba Ie '~ -

.Y -•

Ie uena! Banna ba bangata na Ie MATLA a

ba ho

etsa ntho, empa ha

M.Ib.p' • I,,..,," ,,, f.p". b .... b. m.U.. M'''~~ b'ku~~~O ~~~~~~~O~~'"~ i E ka f.,.uN jN,II'? Sejo sa. tOil. ke tll,?-Tnn. kt Iip.1M ~o M. I;", 'me. H roal. ho , e iu lillbullN.Dtllg ~

llOhle ~ nlethapo. Mdba.po e follol'lI, e ." b4tbo b& balso h re bOlnll' lion. 'mt ,e Ji bort boMe b. lube. Ia.pilen,. Iphtpa ka MjO Itna. M nung Boplttlo. ~

K.ptl t bo Ill. utju. la.ka.t80 u ho tebeU.. >#

E 1.leloe ke 110 ikuUu. II It ma.lla u lokttse ho ~ du Itba tit oft mONUlli. &lphelo bo bo~lt , bo khutltl. ho IItll. . &11&0. bel u. fela. Ltru ~ It belima. I. lio It pdla. Ita pha.hama. Vin.:a t ,.

Melll.po •• "Ia lib.elo lsa. mo~be1!li lit Iloan, Bok .. n, ho ea lilUlon, b oille I&.t. 'me!e. Mullapo e n~lIol o e malh. hmo,.o ho 1I100bo bo tbeoll& h mokohllo. Lltlll.a.pong ena. e meholo bOlla Ie hkde·keh 19a metbapo e meoytnyane e h lt ...... eng 10 'mtle ohle jnaleh lillohna, 'mt Pt keko ra. pbab.mi!l;l. monnna. leh. ele ho ds.a eng kan lle ho hrt ho li Me utlo t tlO&ng Bokon, E TLA KA MOTHAPO 110 II, lael. Irhobo, leoto kapa. stlho ide 110 ttn seD Boko 110 51 baUillg.

tnt$t mosebel,i o. eon •. Vira la t •• kilN. k' lipllulheJolon. lit 'oehl& h 3/3 bollolo klp3 In 6 IIa. IB/·. Kapa II ,onttlt 110 VIRATA CO., P o . BQ~ 742. Cape To .. ,.. ~

Ha mdbapo t tokol. e kula litulo he ~ &llIong Jiba lIlollyenytisi joalrka lIello ~

sa "gullla u. .ula",. Empa. ha Mttb&po ele ,. mati., e tepiJot h.nllt k .• ;iJo tn Vi,al!/.. ~ hoh Ie KHOELETSO e I.o.\nll Boko", 'mt ~ 'mde 0 I!oltlt hOlimo, 0 Ie matla 0 loktl~t ,~ .• mOKiletsi leb. tie papali efe It eft. Kanll. . bo UutumttlO en& e liang ka mflhapo "le~ih •

/ leb. t!e mUla 1If.k:lhng hl e 111 mOlebtl' s£ v.'

.. ~~''''''-'''''''' "'-,'-, ,'-'\. '\....," '\. '-'-.... ~"' .... " ,,'\. '\. '" '\." '\.. ~,. '\., '\.", .... ','to." '" .... '" ... '. .#

------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------------l'~UIlA OFFICERS' MESS ClGARET'fES (BOLOKA LI COUPONS)


I Ruluneli e Bbai --

Izinto na Bantu ---

hbl, Nj(u Mou. F, Mol wal. VU5Jlaal. o .. te M .. ~da ., Rhlui kud~d., .abo u Nkutk. Ountu ollgaphllauga. Uj(ula Ilr.illl~ uUMa MUI!. D.vld NtlbioGI Ileol.;()ttk~ti "Dkulu u Sarah Ny ttl bohabiui ba .. Veepl .. t, o"eli. bioi uduuelw, kuo~ne hhlaha ooko. blu1.o\lhlo. KUMJIKELO .ayo i RultlOeli-Jilr.e·

lei' isaleltl'lt", Dba' IlMent .... ye :.!3 May yaoeqala led.un kwala~e Uha': InUIIoO/ltlooilo y.madndana , Dantu Ekubeol yaytHudel .... e ukulak~vula I ProtbYhrlau Ohufob of South Afrka T.O. Wbite Hall ya." Ne. Hrlj;lbtoo, idlbene, Ne. I3r'~hton oge II May • yapum"lela Il~mpilo elliumeukene, y.oyula Ikomit. yukutl"a, ... la .m.· oamhlaoje iukunll~. elodio~a. 18ke luoRi .. lelo omiebellli wu"khiwo N' ikhat4hwe a Ne. Brigbton~yl Mayor tyalika a Ne" 8r1~Moo ogolublobo De Mayoreu ya~e Dbli . u Ceba T. O. J. J. Mpoogo.he, UUllue .. M8080MN, 00 NkOflk. White, bapablw~ lIgo /3. Ji'olkr, .ioa Maoagor; O. Mbiliol, Nolali oUbamba wal' New Srl[tbton, Cbairmlloj W. B. Mokoo,oy.oe,."i(·e

M C Currie kuoye ua Towo Cbairman; O. M TlOko.'~foret.,y; U Clet:~ .. e '8bai ne AMiltaot N"tive S. Ngqo!o.I, vice 8l'orelary; ::I. Ooromluiooer , u Mou. D. J. Olyo. MPODjtOlbl', Treuurt'r. H Molde, K"ir.itbetbi kubeml bile N,. vice 'frea.uterj S. N.llO, oooduotor of Brijthton kutbetbe u la!ou: Pf!Udla obuir, lbe komitl D. Stelle, H. Mkefa,

T U Z·'OI- U Mou. ZIOI uthetbe A. Mq"yi.e, D. FOltef 00 J Zito. IlO ...... . k iol.eLo elbe yamob~It~~ll"l o~ftoe 0 NlJe 24 May k.,1 T. C. Wbite lI.ll Mb\,kar.i, i Rulooeil Jlae e!. mpe' kobt!ko omq'J lo "" wumaoyaoo ndut"eni yab, i Ruluol'lI (Earl of oluziblta ogokuba yi 'Riliog Star <::Iartlodoo), il.e inq "nela. ukubab~lel~ Mutual 81'01'0, Society' o!uzlpbata kuo,o,egameoi lak, oehaa nkoukar.1 maodla ingabaoumuoa .E. N. Oubu, ",ake ngovel"aoo ngelfthlo e~l~ob!u. H, Maoeli, J. B M.r.,aoqa, MawII, .ogu eODyaoa waho. Uyablqmll(\kll~ C. MOil. W. 8,ltiea, J. SaOIlOtlba lIl'"elwaoo I.,abanuuodu . half! Bbll nabanye. Kuk.,!e apa ogemeyil' .ogalonta .. a lubacboku.mlle °Klper;u ya .. Mooti oge 24 May 0. Nkon. P. kWlbo booke ababoel.e IlTflh~t'ano Oqaogeni ... inga a XIIi. 0 Nkolk, kobo. O'lto bafikayo. kurollot ..... ~ A. Ma'itapeJa obehambele k"a Mlu Afrika aebebambele loda.o ea Otor;1 e Ne. Brighton okweltl k ... -apo kublal .. abAnteuodu, batab.t.a ogololuku "a.iog. e Diklllli. Uthe iounba ,nkulu nltoku.l.abi.ea aba- oge 21 Maya Bb.l u MOll E Nqabeol ot.luodu kwelilizwl', "aye uttmb. ,.,1. e Dikeoi U Moo. W W Jaoavu 'U'ltuba 10oLo Nbe:vi booakalilll;. Pa_ .... I Ne. Brillbtllo oodulake oga klti k.,ninye izloto azi.t?etblleyo, I 23 MIlY oge Vauxball Dlma Ruloo,li ile ojeogokuba Hlya e Qooce I:(u.k. Truth foban 00 EII'e Weolfol .yakooiltl'la ku Mblekar.l Veli\,SaodU, balloga e Dikeni k"iodibaoo yoma­.iodoku yomeimelelo. yoyl,.em'ltul.u 0 oY.OO I"amako.i.k:azi e Uoity Club Saodil' .ama Ngqlka, ol,ogulpbo ebl_ngeoe 'Itooa oSe 2' M.y. Oka .aelikbllmbl1zo IOmoya omble' waba· J.bavu udlulel, e Qooca lIuoye no mbl 'pe !'Igalt.aba l\~UO~U V.te Profe .. Jabnu DO Woo. Dick .:!yati ukuba u lIlb\ekul Veille Saodlle I"a .. Dlk~oi ogok"IID~a kwi Ceuleo . .uyakuyiubitA kunene leotaosa ,ako- aty cel,bratiool SII' Qooce k"epell . • abo, ,y.kuyillikela .koyakumlaodela leyo. Ngobuluku be 2(5 MlY' New .ogobukba.i Ible oguu;okulw.oa ... 10: Brightoo, ibelol.,amokelo Iwe Tranl­.Ddlu. Oko,uka apo, u v .. 1 Touriog Tnm k..,i T. C. uq.ala.ele u(.lo I .. e P.tbOodefi De White UaU. og' 26 May kw.kulo Wayflfera!.lN Bh.; k.,.obitakal.a. bolo yayimbboto yokoo.,abi.a e&()oo

[ 8e~lbafl. Ethiop~1O Catbolio ndwead., eyeotiwe ogombuLo '" -Cburcb of Afrloa. eyvl".~ ~~u Mou. Spring Ro.. R Jr. C. yodomo -<:. }Iagnka .... up a. a:,. I.... Bbai. 0 Mou. George Maya Bbai, ivul.e ngn Mou. J. Ling A. lohebambele ku maiDa ••• ake uti . . oy; Priocip'1 y... GrtlY Colleg' e . t4b.liIo JOM!pb Maya "aae New 'Db.i 00 AfCb.b~bop Pot.aoa oge 31 Brighton ult.ele okugoookela, Kap. MIY. Sivela .. a no Mou_ Sow61e oge 21 May elokt'l. umkublaoe ka "Mbobela .. aae Veepl .. ~ .ogokK,wele. yi .. e Kap. ogolll k .. klliu , HOIpitili t. kooy"ol "ake u Wllh.m 'kao.a yakooa Ngu Mou. Willie Loogota

"'IIgeogozi yokublaty"'" ogemela, k",. .... Walmer Location ohhate no ... eki I'dluleyo, ufibl .. e ogu Moo.. Nkon. L,nie T,bume .eee Klein.kol William ogeokoor.D yue Tlbe· k.epoolH,yo, Ne. Bri~htoo. Aka'lto

Bo-'M'a Bana Ba Hlokang Thuso

Ba Kbatbalits •• k. a Lapa

"Ke .kuttOiloo kft kh .. th~t..., boo Jo .. _, toIlO, bo k.eta. I~tho," ho bol~h~ boJ··m'a baD .. ba IbIoDpte. ba fel~tot"lll \;.t' mati •• ~ t,ol-..g lUI m_bt'bi, ba f.lo,Jt.oeDII' malla Ii .. me ... · bet..oi e ..... n!l:.t. I,' m.t.MIeoyebo " mang. '1'1bo"'om-lo e "'bolo ea bopb~I" h o bo··ma ba .. a, _011 I>a bou. 1~~la ui.a Ie \>.'ll<I-loa bona ke ntho eo bo ke 11ft thCW'1l1l e buoa I,.hoio. -

· e. q~toIO<'n,", ke mOM~t..o', ea 1<h"th,.tMng m.tla 'm~ u e k. 0 tl. rot ... ba mokokotto. e. h.ho Ii Ot'.",", Ie llno ... ke hlooho n.ko eoh~ 011 .itoa DO .. bflltka Ie ho k. blokomela ba .. tlo ... b ... U taoanelo.

Ho oo~fatM matla • b.e 'Ill'. n! .... na e 11l0~ Ie e JOonjl; 0 lokela ho ~~ i .... Dr: ' .... ith ..... ·l'ink P,III, hp,l". tHo .. l, _be~ ka mokho. o. tlh.ho OlIo ho ,,, •• 1 •• '.ka Ie 00 eD •• mali. Ka t..el. eo. U Da'" mol<hOilo 080 ho nlllaf.ka '.;nele ohle, ebite Ii ... bela miIoteGeoytbo a metb.po, bo OIWloo loe bloobo. bo b.poelaD. Ie molooloo· tlong Ie "",Onll, hoblooe maloetiloi 8001 bo· fela h .. opt<!. 0 b.ko .... ~ ho SiIorelol ha mali. Ke tok"lo eoa e. ho eta. mali. mach •• eooeD$ll 0 et.aog bore Dr. Willilml' Pink Pilll I, be Ie th ...... k .. 1e ho b .... I, ba fokotloeDfj:. boa _ret.Re,,& ke miIoli

Kh.'bolla a hao be 'me 0 fepel" IDe. thapo ea ha4 ka ho _beli ... Dr_ Willi ..... ' P,ok 1'0.11 •. Li fum.ooa",keleD.Q: ohle, .. apa ogoll. h .. Dr. William8 loIedi rine Co , 1'.0. Boll' 600i, Cal'e Town.; J..3d. botlolo. kapa lee tlI!'eLewng k. 181. II I. lefe poao.

mpllweoi iotle 0 Moo. Kenoeth Bukaoi oyiLolilii ya!twI Albie apa e Db.i yiogqele. (Anaveetile yttikolo .. kwa H.lli e Kouteoo ibe yeodileke kunene oge Sabata ye 19 1I.y YOllMa­oyel." ogo Mnl'. I'tlctdi.wa J C. Makooey. Seyi= mbbovu ukullqitywa 10z.loa yetya· lik, yam~ W6!ile k.,a Billi ey.kl .. e og .. r.lolJi oam.plallp •• 1D ... t,ba Bod ... la indlll jy.ku~tyeozi'f'h ... kupela illkolo yalr:uvul"a ent1b .... SivII.oa no Moo. 110 Nlcolk. It. Q.lioge bue New Bri~btoo ogoku .welek. e Q')lIoe k(,mll~"eo& womlli 08.11 wlbo u T .. wpilltou (~i1illge kwe Bbulnoeli oge 19 MIY. Kubbublu. I' N.,w [email protected] 0. Nko.1t Lt'&b M.t)" oklya hall ~ylt., uge 17 MIlY_ BaJi vuwe, Bhai i week flod edllll~y(.o .b.· oUlDuna Jllme. G. Ndulnla 00 S. T Yokwe baae Tio.ra.

no E. L . Nzozo bile Ne" Brigbtoo Ngu Mou S Goule "alap. up.ot,e ukolablekel.,a yimpabla YODk' yeodlu ngalewvula idlaleyo 'lob. amanzi aogene nglp.mbi1i Igqobho­:tela ngemvol. impahla yaoq.ndwa leyi. .iroka namaoz' ikoko ukoeioga e1wa· goibeni Ihlmbela pambili loqubelo .pa, koba kuko iotlbultumo evakalayo yokulek.a tomauY.llo oluyi Burial Sooiety Iwabanteoodo olueek", 11110 Moo. Walter Nobat.oa, baliqela elimoaodana .babamba oalo.

I Ambulance e Rhini

Izinto na Bantu

(Nilu M '(o!.l!'II)

SAVUY A k .. neoe abaae Rblol u'ltu. boo. in'lubela pambUi eyenr.lw,

ogaheml bMulopu ablmblope ogok",­ou okuba kubekbo I moLo yeDgoti (ambulaooe vehicle) ,ukutbotba boo llke.bonukole yokwilltbill Il1le Rbloi, eyenr.tolwe Jonto kupbela 10~8ZOkubA ukb"te labala. Kwiogll"owa eyi t:15:.l 1:.1 (i ,bllosaoil'" k.iu'lti ed otatu er.idluleyo, "uko IIingfl eleod., 0lilabantu .baot.undu lokufak .. lnodla kuloojtxowa ye ambulance ,Uocooywe naog"bamhlope, kob. b .... oloko beote. Detyile b,ltaoK, 'a ukob .."eot" Iltonina ab.otluodo k..,loLo e .. kuba ilt'nz"I.,. hooa Lon~ .. owa yooJ!:ezwe all" 1I -I 11 epuma k.,.bant.luodu. I I ft/. Ikutlb", yi Winter R,ee RUKby Football Club yalapa, i 6/. y.kuhbw8 zitit.lhal" IE .. " St. Phllllp'l. yon'lte tlD.II ikbutebelwa egameoi­ot4uodn b .. e Rbioi.

Ahotu Nel110 Z~bo Kug ... lpjekl p,katl .komd bevel.,

Bhai ngl)tyelelo aOll KOik. D. Spaillg (KortgUa .l:umhlali Uluibi",;)

A Ikutloa a Ie Mocba Ha a E-ba MOlesane

21 lb •. ka Khoell I,. Thar .. Ea Fokot8oa ka KruHchen o NYoloba Metballo),aoe .. Joa.leka

N,oana oa lIIemo-tbaro "

., K. kb.".li t..e th .. o I", let.I".," h(> ogol .. m.:.aal, ... k. ,I .. k. 110& Knl ... 'b~,,' 8801"" 100 fo"o .... boon.. loa k., 00 ..... nl! bo 100 16 ~t. 1% lb. . x. bp~e ..., tbaro .... fokoka 61loo1" QUI., 'me ~. jlrLltlo. ~I te '"t)Ilh. kA I~mo toe hlal1o. Jo, l ~ ~~ III k.e fo~ohw.. iii 11.",_. Ie lion .. 10 .. l"'le e De e I, both.", I><> bobolo 1>0 nyolob. m~lhaliny.n., j a.J,. • loanlon 1>0 OOI .. lan, "'ono. OIl Iuo, ... D1010". babobebe J",I.k. O\l<>&n .. ea Iol,·mo.tbaro

(M .... ' R. It H. . nore Litho, ,o"tbdpo Ie m .. loko. maD, a

·melo ... lMlbelNl t 'IIJU~. Oophlll) bo blo". ho .... rn~le 0,. )'''0 0 furn.oe n'l't.ooako e '''''·''Il.'·a mll_, IijODg; t ... bill.

n. IllO!looo M h"o 0 M" furolUle ",.,_; ..... mat .. lot liph.ieo .... ', .... It •• to. ho rlv-~ "" ..... betilo; 0& II"na lo .. t.oa~lo-lolho I .. maloko .. be •• ,toa 110 ... be"'" haollol_bo! 1,' ,1 .. ~. bokeLlao., 110 ea ho .1 .. , e fewh .. ... afar" • "'>IItoraoll' .. mabe a .. wi;""'"" 1I", .. tle.

K.e ntho e tbat. 100 lumana met.OiIoko ena ..... m.~j liJorog 1M0 re I. MbeliMDA' mate... l4in,q .n_ ....... hoo motho m.ol Ie IZUIIIg .. oon...,"1 bo ftta tiIo~aoyo • t ...... ,~lI: ho MbeJi_ Knw:boto SaII4.

Ua og feel. ha Kru""beo !:!altl e una m.hng-u tl. boo. m.rLlr •• 0 ... IllAbe • fll .. Kr~beo 8.lh • fLlmlnOi. likemi .. og

tiIoohl. Ie m.henkeleog ka %jfJ bollolo .




DUr,reolly Con'tru~ted,

Acre .. bJ, Comlortable.

, , , , , , , , , , ,

Special Ankle and IDJtep Sopports.

Rabber Reel IOMr • ladestrQctlbl1 To ..


Tan or














Msikinya and Hendricks Play Fine Game (8'( A CoItRE"PO:Wg"T.)

TRANSVAAL Touring Team arrind

------South African Bantu

Rugby F. Board Tournament CUp

Competition in Adelaide on lritb May and were

met at tb e Itation by tbe officiall and Bome of tbe local play .. n. All roade led to the Newlandl Recreatioo ground on 18 May, when the toorlDg team met a local fifteen ftom the kick·off THE Bxecuth·e of the South African botb lidel meant bUlinl'I!. The game Rugby Football Bonrd gratefully wae not ten minul;cs old wben tbe announcee that it hal been oft"red a homesterl were awaNed a penalty, Cup for TourUlllient Competition, but Hote'. kick failed. After aome kindly donated by 'h~ N,R C. It now fin e passiu~ but futile movemeu~ by reat! with us to briog the tcbeme to a the local. D. Makenyane (Adelaide) aucceuful fruitition. Inatched an opportunity to ecore a try; Tbough RUja;l>y I10ntbusialtl are Mote fail ed to .,;Ill tbe major pointa. Ipread throughout the Union, the Tbe ban frequented the Yisi ton' admioietratioo of tbe game 18 at tHritory and iu one of tbe Icrume prelent lomewhat dilorgauised, exce p~ .. D"arfy" Nyarashe (MidlandelCrum. perbap9 at t he Couto Much spade. half) hroke through to teore • work tberefore mUlt be doue t o eoau re magoificeut try . Williame did not tba~ tbil Tournament Competition ie mate. mil take io eon'ferting. At hllf. run on Iioel worthy of a preeentatiOo time the ICore ",.e 8 poio~ oil. After of thil kiod . TbiB will ~ realized the reeumption the Touriltl gaioed "ben it ie t,a\;en into eooeideratioo moat lerume and the line made ule tbat Tournament. are to be ruo of the ban which WM epoiled by .. Bob" etriotly 0 0 Provinoiallioel. Proviocee Sibenya (the ce otre) Pluing the bill are to be demarcated 81 decided by blindly. The game wal intereetillg, al the Sonth Afrie.n Bolrd io it.e cond oct Tranlv .. 1 Ihowed ita true form , "'hiob of the Currie Cnp gamel. WM good . J Maikinya handled t he Secretariel of Centrea and Provincel, ball 4Dd outcl_d tbe powerfnl who have not already done so .bould defence of the homeetere and .cored a lurnilb Mr. H G. PII.tle, Secretary, great try which w .. not cooverted. S.A B.R F.B., 32 Angel Street, Toward. tbe eod of the game the Kimberley, ",ith their addrelln, 10 epectatore were treat.ed ta lome fine that tbey can be kept informed al to rugby by the vilitorl. The localeide developmeota. are to be congratolated 00 their Another point whicb oonltituLea a triumph over ,he Tonriog te6m, Ho.. majer faalor for the ronning r f the -ever, although the viaitorl 10lt 8-3, Touroament on euceeMfol Hnel il thl they deserve congratulationl for the interpretation of the Rugby Code. fine dieplay they gave. J. M.aikinya That uniformity of interpretation il &!lid HendrioH w.rl the Itart of the IOrely lackinll: "'''' foreibly brougbt riaiton. home at tbe laat inter·Town Competi.

The European publio of Adelaide i.e tion held at Eaat London. tbaDked very much for the patronage In order to obviate thie, tbe tbey r8Ddertd. All claeaaa were Ex:ecotive tenden the followiog lug repreeented, and amoog thOle preaent geetione:-were the Native Commiaeioner, the (1) Eaah Centre and Province Ihould Mayor, membere of the lidfl..har, grade ita refereel aDd ehould puhli!h prof_ionlt meo .. well as prominent an officialli8t from 1 to 10 in order of farmen. merita. Tbie will act al an iueeoth-e

10 tbe eveniog a reception "'''' given to rdereee to improve themaelvee. io honour of the vi.iklre in tbe Prll ' (2) All referM~ ebould Icc~pt the byt.erian Primary Scbool, Mr. E. N. ka . interpretationl (of Neller, which are C. Duna preeidiog. The audience ! publilhed in bf10k fOlm .. nd Ire were lpell·bound by the mUlical iteml ! obtainable from all 8poHI out6ttere. of tbe artietee (Tonrilta) Mr. p , Xala I Thf' Secretllry S.A.B R FB. (32 .. al the accompaniet. Angel Street, Kimberley) will willingly

On the Saturday evening the touriets IDpply any eell tre with a draft con· . attended evening lervice in tbe Dntcb Ititutioo for refereea ' Aasociati008 Reformed Chureh (coloured). Mr. Du .honld applicllota be williog to aVlil RaDdt preacbed an iDltroctive Mrmon. themlelvefl of thil offer . Alterw.rde tbe vilitora were eoter. Alto, lhouldloyCeotrelorPrnviocfl tained to a tea·dllnlaot by Nurae leek elucid.tioD 00 auy matttfa Adelaide JOI6ph and :MiN S. Ngeni at aPPHtaioiog t o tbe Board, they are the residence of the latter, The Idvilf'd to commooiute .. ith the Tooriete enjoyed tbemle/vel very SecretAry, Vi h('lU Iddre,. a~ mentionfd, tuGCb. Speecbee .. ere made by Mr. T. i. 32 , Angel Street, Kimberley. I 1. N. Sondlo (maoager) while Mr. E. N ka C. Dona responded for the hOlteIS8I. On tbe Monday afternoon the toUrilti wefe given a farewell tea­party at" EoqoDqwloi" (Mr. aDd Mra. Duna'l retidence). Among tbHe pre­eeot were Millea R. and 1. Joeepb, N. E, '1'. Mtaba and S. Ngeni. Tbe IOOC8ll of the en~rt.e.inment of the vi.iting eide w .. dne to the untiring work of the aforementiooed lad ill, who deaerve tbanb.

• Bloemfontein Sports I B.A.F.A. versus O.F.S.

Coloured FA.

Ipinda kabini impiln ye ShD­

!i nko.

LIO~:S FOOTBALL CLUB, HARRI~\1lTa Riil;bt S. Mtembu, N. SepitJt'O, L HlI.ywtod, M. Sepitle, P. Moloi,

T. 'febabalala R, _od Row Tbird Row

~. ~1~ibi, A. NllcQl)o. S. Ilepitle. P. D. Mtembu, J, Motlounl!:, O. ZlII'ane.

M .. il>i, A Maihi.

• B Baotu YS O,F.S. Coloured F.A, Resnlls of the B.A F A 1st L~::r.gue

Theae twn Uoiona met in II fr iendly Bibetuiao ::!, Rollinll Blach I match on 25tb lIly I~ Htathe rd.~e. Huogry LioDa 4, Youog Tig\ fI 2. Blue The Coloured team wu .uptriOf in all B,',d. 3 II F' bl 0 0' I I d ,t Tb BI U

· , Igera.w:nta epar mel) e. e ao U 0100 Baeu toland Lad 1 SAP I H .

team llolfd Cilro biuatiOD, tbnugh I SplntO"1 ,) s .. ., olDe tbey bavol ja;ocd playeu iodividuilly ; • ., tbe Colou red tum dOmiO·1 Wbeo the fioall of the Tournlment ated In hcad "or\;;. Tbe 0 F.S. are plleyd no local matches will talt" Coloured Telm won usily by 4 I. pllce on the .ame day .

, •

-• -• -• " " -., -• ~ • '. -" • -, " -

SLOANS .......... v_


KILLS PAIN - ---- ::=-:;;,

"'-'" ... _ .... _ .... ~l~· .. " - .'

Jntet o rziuitai nina kukubollia .. ngendlela ninloti p ~i~et}eL,ti.elllra tooa ilit.mbibO ei ka Slo.n'a, ngap.· lJdle kokuba uyilinge ngok~lko. Kwaba ojalo n.J. um. L'kuqonda amlndJa okunyaoga nokupiliea k .. uo uda~i.ebendla

Kuhhan je EDdi luut'ke kakubi kwi qata 18m, ngukuwa I>'o\i l>ayisi. ki ie Jaw. Nj!:e,bo bu . ~uku .. 00· hl .. oglubu . lorgo em· hlooo C,Vi·" \ , bona uga·

nge IId''''a iqata lalll elali dnmbe ngaJo "aodicebiaa okokuba ndiunge ~ iiitlmbilO @ih Sloln'l. Ukulijobba nj2;okoku

qala kwab ... uglfmliogo ngokueet'leou k .... o; ukudumba kwahohlM: lotlunfU t.adlmba; ngoku kaulFu olfaogeod lela endardi ngayici. nglnga DdniboDa Hodin.ko noku tOchambaza ngapilldle kQk u tenukaiila.

Ngelinye iu rda ndi kohlela kakubl ek"a· kueeku kufohbaoe okokuba odihllleJ. b lillfo lemipuoga. olukauleza.\ 0 ndaiuf~maoa ngoku .mlna. nditambi~a iwiui nobuluku nge­~ltlmbllO aLka Sloao.. SaClca kam~in,a .e.fuba 11m; ndaM J:a ndikohlela klncane zi· p~me ton~e j:zikohlela; ekute ngnuha eliuge' pi ogoku clnga kwahanye ablntu, ndl t ifomltlla ndibuyela empilweoi ogoku keulna.

• •

Oku kulolla .. buluogi.a" obU O I>E ~nlku bal"a bellitambi· 10 ee Sloao'l. Aodic io gi oku· kuoll- kuko okutellgilwayo ok-uva kullna nalO. Lonke ikaya lifauele okokuba libl .. le li jlcine im oodlell: e yaku fumaneka kllu]a XI kwehla inj!:ozi.

f f


E lelefataa boo pbelo ba LiebUMI

tea hao habeli.

BLOEMFONTEIN African Football A6IOciition met 0 F S. Coloured

Foothall AS90ciition on J::llIpire Day in a friend ly m,tch "0 th~ I't'creation ja;round, Tbe weather WII h )i8tncul. The Coloured. kicked I ff with tbe wiod iu tbeir favour . Tbe game wae a ding, dong Iffa ir. Both .ides lott J golden opportunities to ecore, on oue occalioD the centre of tbe CoioUTfd telm, with a defeoceleu goal mouth, Ihooting wide, Tho Colouttd teltm ebowed p:ond combioatioo, hut tbe Xel~la zon~e izibJoho tako ukubl z:i!eb.ftlise i Sloao's Liniment :ra zi hUltle aud boetle of the Afric~OIl Runekile linama Nzebl . upeet tbem. The game ended in a

I win for the Bloemfootein African Kumbnlani, Isitambilo silo SloJD'. siyablikiblwl, uiulw •.

__ ~~~~~:::;;::::;:::;:;:!~~I:':":'~b~'~I~I~A~.~,~,:,~a~t~;'~'~b~Y~3:;'~'~'~I'~"~I~'~~~~;;~-~~;;':;:';~~~~;:~~;:;;~~~~~::::::::::::::::=;_ Printed and Pllhli,hed by the l'roptl~tora batlvtl l"rilltlng &: PuLlldl:.~ Co., Ltd., 4t1 t :lld ~trt('t, J cbllnneebllr.. \.
