The Zearliamentaby Companion - Forgotten Books


Transcript of The Zearliamentaby Companion - Forgotten Books




1 8 4 3 .



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C O N T E N T S .



I x rnonucn ox 6 Peers sitting by one title, and

The Queen 6 addressed by another

Mem bers of the House of Lords,Peers “rho aremm ors

then ages, m arnages, resi

deuces , ofllces,church patron

0 °

Peen cal led to theuse, Pob twal pm cip‘w m m 7


Peen Ofl rel and 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 62 Clerh and 0m of the Hon”Pem o‘ swfl u d 68


A djournm ent “ Interruption of the sitting: of

ih. Parl iam ent

A voidanceof a decision

Bil l s (Private)

Budget 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

cabinet 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Chaim an Of®M ittee'O C O O O O O O

Ch i l tern Hundreds

C l erk of the House of Com

Com m itt‘ l s O O O O O O O O O O O D O I O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

ih. M inister (Prim e)70M inistry

71 Money Bil l

72 N ational Debt

ih. New spaperReportingOmoe (Acceptanceof)

78 O penQuestionsih . Order

ih. Order in the Lord:74 Originating Bil l s

ih . O ther orders (Passing to the)76 Parl iam ent

ih . Peers ofParl iam ent

ih. Previous Question76 Privileges ofParl iam ent

ih. Privy

77 Prorogation

ih. QuestionA 2

4 conrzn'rs .

rA as

Royal Assent 87 Speaker of theHoneeofLordsBedcant at 88 Strangers (Adm ission of)Session


Six m onths (thleday) 89 Threem onthe( this day) i‘

Speaker in Com m ons (duties 00. ih. Ven ting seats £ 1;Speaker in Comm on (pfi vileges) 90Ways and Means (Com m ittee00 9 13


Counties, Cities, Boroughs, Uni Summ ary of the House of Com

verel ties, 0nd Cinque Forte, m om

returning Mem bers to Perl ia Members of the House of Oom

m ent, with a Statem ent of the mom,their parentage, ages,

num bers pol led at the ln tech m arriages, professions, emcee,

tested Elections, the Popal a church patronage, pol itical

tion, m ed Tu es, 101. principlesandpledges, cl ubato

Hom es, Registered Voters, which they belong, their resi



m vy m u ciI Q O O O O O O O O O C O O O D O Q Q 21 8 m ndpal Cl ub’ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Foreign 219 Cabinet M inisters and 00m of

British Ministers 0t Foreign State, &0. not of theCabinet 221


P A R T I.


V I C T O R I A .

ALEXAN DR IN A VI CTO RI A , Queen of theUnited Kingdom

ofGreat Britain and Ireland Defender of the Faith

Sovereign of the O rders of the Garter, the Bath, the

T histle, and ofSt. Patrick.

B . 24th ofMay, 1819. Am ended the Throneon the2oth of June, 1 887 .

Was m arried on the l oth of February, 1840, to PrinceA l bert, of Sa x e

Coburg and Gotha Has thePatronageof 136 l ivings .

St. Jam es’s P a lace and Buckingham Pa l ace, L ondon ; W indem

Ca s tle, Berks Hamp ton Court and Kens ington , M iddlesex ; K ew ,

Su rrey ; Brighton , Sus sex ; Holyrood Hou se, Edinburgh ; The

Ca stle, Dubl in .

The present is thefourteenth Parl iament of theUnited K ingdom , an

the second cal led by Her Meiesty, assem bled et Westm inster, Al 9th , 1841 .

Ber Nejel ty's Oeh l ert is Hi s Royal Highness Freneis Al bert Augustus Cherl e

Em m anuel , DukeofSu e. and Prince of Su e Coburg end Goth . A Fiel d Hersha l in

the Britieh Arm y—com m iu ion dated 8th of Peb . . 1840.- 10

P .0. , Ph .D . Second 0. of the Reigning

Gothe. 3 . August c6 th. 1819. Teheeprecedencenex t ener theQueen.

h ouse or Penns. 7


Their A yes , l arn’

ages, Res idences , Ofi ees , Pol itica l Princip les ,


1 1m . m arked i‘ have supported Lord Melbourne’s government, 0011thus 1'have opposed the m easures of that adm inistration. th . c.l at theend of the account of any Nobl eLord, signifies that hehad boen 0Men

ber of the House of Comm ons, and ceased to be so in the year statedim mediately after those letters.

A bbreviations .—K . G . sl gniflesn ht of thecerta ' 8 . 1( nightGm d

Cross of the Bath, K .T . Knight of the Thistle, K . P. Knight 02 St. _


trick, G . C.H . Knight of theGuelph ofHanover, P. C. Privy Counsel lor,800. Rep . Scotch Representative Peer, Ir. Rep . Irish Representative

Peer, 2nd tit. second title, that usual ly borneby the eldest sonof thePeer,b. born, m . m arried, (1 . daughter, Bp. Bishop, Br. Brother, ar. cres ted .

it When a nobleLord orhonourableMem ber is desen’

bed as thepatronofone or m ore 11

m, it is to be considered that every species of

church patronage hem ay possess is com prised under that tenn.

{ABE RCO RN (2nd Marq. of Jam es Ham il ton 3cr. 1790.

B . 1 811 , m . d. of 6th Duke of Bedford. 2nd tit. Visct . Ham il ton. 1 s

patronof2 l ivings. 1 , Carl ton-Hou se Terrace; Carl ton; D uds’


hou se, Scot land ; B arom’ Court, Ireland ; Bentley Priory, M idd l e

sex .

‘ A BERCRO MBY ( l st Ban), GeorgeAbercrom by ; cr. 1801 .

B . 1770, m . d. ofl st Visct. Mel vil l e. Lord Lient. ofStirl ingshire. This

Peerage was original l y conferred on the w idow of the cel ebrated Sir

l ial ph Abercrom by, with rem ainder to his son. 1 , Regent-s t. , Ta l l i

body, Clael -m am am

fABERDE EN (4th Earl of), George Ham il ton Gordon,K.T P .C. , or. 1 682.

B . 1784 , m . first, (1. of l et Merq . of Abercorn ; 2d1y, d. oftheHon. JohnDougl as. Bits asVisct. Gordon. 2nd tit. LordHedda. (1st Peer a judge.)Was Secretary of State, first for Foreign Affairs, in the Wel hngton

M inistry, and for theColonies in 1834 6 . A gain appointed Foreign Se

cretary in Sept. 184 1 . Is President of theB l i tish Institution and of the

ety of Antiquaries, and Chancel lor of King’s Co l lege, A berdeen

A rgy l l Carl ton ; HaddoHouse, A berdem h .

B E R GAVEN NY (2nd E arl of Hen .Nevil l , K.T . cr.1784 .

B . 1766 , m . d. of ) . Robinson, esq . dead. 2nd tit. Visct . N evin. Ro

rder ofHarw ich ; enJoys 0 pension of as com pensation for l oss

etnee as Inspector ofProsecutions in Cus tom s. l s patm nof 18 l iving .


8 House or Penna.

fABINGDO N (5th Earl of M . Bertie, D .C.L . or. 1682 .

B . 1784 , In. first, (1. of the Hon. Gen. Gage; 2ndl y, d. of Lord Mal tKerr. 2na tit. Lord N on eys. Lord-Lient. 0nd Custos Rot. of Berks ,H igh Steward ofAbingdon. Is patron of6 l ivings . Carl ton:WythamA bbey, Berke.

{AQIN GE R ( l st Ban ), Jae. Scarlett, P.C. cr. 1835.

Dr. 0 e l ate SirWm . Scarlett, Chief Justice ofJam aica, and fathertratheden, m . d . of Peter Cam pbel l , esq . Was A ttnrney-Gen .

?JhQ-Wel l ington Adm inistration. (h . c. 1836 , as M r. and as Sir

am ex Scarlett.) 1 s Chief Baron of the E x chequer. 4, N ew -s t .


n Gardens Carl ton ; A binger Ha l l , Surrey .

M LSSBURY 1 st Marq. of), C . B . Bruce, cr. 1821 .

m . first, d . ofLord Berwick ; 2dl y, d. oftheHon. Chas. Tel l em acho. 2nd tit. E arl Bruce. R angerot


SavernakeFores t. 1 s patronof9l ivings. 4 1 , Grow em r sq. Car l ton . Totl enham Park, Wu“Tanfi eld Ha l l , E a st Sheen, Surrey .

I'AI LSA ( l st Marq. of), Archibal d Kennedy,or. 1831 .B . 1770, m . d. of John Erskine, esq. of Dun. 2nd tit. E arl ofCasil l is .

Whiteha l l Gardens the Ca stle qf Ca sum and Cu tzean Ca s t le,A yrek. D un-House, F od arsh . St. Margaret

’s , M iddlesex .

{Aru m AN D L l N T RA THEN (6 th E arl of, See.

David Ogil vy ; cr. 1639.

B . 1786 , m . first d. of Gavin Dm mmond, esq., 2ndl yMin Bruce. 2 116

tit. Lord O gilvy. Lord-Lieut. of Forfarsh . Restored in 1 826 to the

above honours, which had been forfeited by his ancestors. Car l tonA irh


e Ca stle, F od a rsh .

‘ A LBEM ARLE (4th E arl of), Wil l iam Charles Keppel ,‘

P.C . cr. 1696 .

B . 1772, m . ht at, 4. of 17th Lord de Ci iflord; 2dly, d. of sirH . Hunloke, bt. 2nd tit. Visct. Bury. (1st Peer a distinguished adherent ofW ill iam Has been Master of the Horse to the Queen. I s patron of

9 l ivings. 12, Berkeley-sq.; Qu idcnha m Ha l l , N od ol t .

i ALVAN LBY (2nd Wil l iam Arden ; or. 1801 .

B . 1 789, unm arried. (l st Peer a judge.) 2, A l bm arIe-s t. , Tam ork y ,Cheek” Hamp stead, M iddlesex .

l‘ AM HER ST ( l st Earl ), Wil l iam Pitt Am herst, P.C

D .C.L . cr. 1826 .

B . 1778, m . first, (1. bfLord Archer, and rel ict of6th Earl of l 'lym ou thndl y, d. of2naDukeofDorset, and rel ict of


novel : or em s. 9

Has been oneof the Connie Comm issioners. Has been 0 Lord of the

King’s Bedcham ber end Am bassador to Chine, also Governor-Genersl of

India. 00, Grow enor-st. Montrea l , Kent.

" AN GLE SEY ( l st Marq. of), HenryWil l iam Paget, K.G . ,

K.P., P.C. ; or. 1815.

B . 1708, m . first d. of the4th Earl ofl ersey, divorced,whohsssincebeen

married to the0thDukeofArgyl l ;2dl y,d. ofthe1st Earl of ( htb gamwhose

previous m arriage w ith Lord cow ley had been dissol ved ; 2nd titr E aflofUx bridge. A distinguishedm il itary com m ander, has been twi

veL ord

L ient. of Ireland, is Lord-Lient. and Custos Rot. of Anglesey,Com a“

bl e of Carnarvon Castle, and Capt . oi‘

Cowes Castle, of 7th Hussein.0 Gen. in theA rm y. Ranger of Snowdon Forest. 1s patron 010 l ivings.

1 , O l d Burl ington-st. Beaudesert Park, Stqfordsh . P l dm w'dgJ nglesey, Sta l bridge, D on etsk.

{AR BUTHN O T (8th Visct. Sco. John Arbuthnot ;cr. 1641 .

B . 1778, m . d. of Wal ter Ogilvy, esq . 2na tit. Lord Inverbervie.

(Peerageconferred for m i l itary services .) Lord-Lieut . of Kincardine,

Lord Rector of King’s Col lege, Aberdeen. 04, P a l l Ma l l Car l ton ;

A rbu thnotHou se, K incardinesh .

+ARGYLL (7th Duke of), John Douglas Edward HenryCam pbel l ; or. 1701 .B . 1 777 , m . first (1. ofWm . Cam pbel l , E sq. ; 2ndly, d. of John G l assel ,

E sq . ; 3rdl y, d. of J. Cunningham , E sq. Sits as Baron Sundridge and

Ham i l ton. 2nd tit . M arq. ofLow . HeritsbleM aster of theHousehol d

in Scotl and, Heredi tary Sheriff of Argy l l sh . I s 001. ot theArgyl l and

ButeM il itia. Inverary, A rgy l l sh . R osm a tl x, D um bartonsh .

‘ A RUNDELL or Ws nnovn (1 1 th Ban ), H. Benedict

A rundel l ; or. 1605.

M . i ret, H . P. Sm yth, esq. ; 2ndly, d . of SirH . T ichborne, Bart

Bu l ly, d. of 17th Lord Stonrton. (1 st Peer a distinguished m il itary com

m ander.) 1 s patron of 1 l iving. 17 , D over s t. , W a rdow Ca stle,

W m : Irnham Ha l t, L incolnsh .

{A SH BURNHAM (4th Earl of), B. Ashburnham Ct . 1730.

B . 1797, m . M iss Bail l ie, 2nd tit. Viset. St. Aseph . I s patron of 12

Car l ton ; A shburnham P l ace, Su ssex .

A .Baring, cr. 1835 .


the l ateWm . B inghem , E sq. , of Phil adelph ia ; has been Presi

theBoard ofTrade. (h . c. 1886 , as Mr. A . Daring.) I s patron of 7

82, Piccadi l l y ; Carl ton; theGrange, Hunts ; Shore)"

10 HOUSE or em s .

A 'rnom . (6 th Duke of), John Murray ; or. 1708 .

B . 1778, M ed. Sits es Earl Stum p . 2na tit. M srq. of Tul l eberdine. Heredi tary Sherif ot


Perthsh. Al ina Hom e,

‘ A UCKLAND ( l st Earl ), G . Eden, P.C. , or. 1839 .

B. 1784 . (Peerage conferred for ofi ciel services.) Has been Pres i

dent o( theBoard of Trade, M aster of the Mint, FirnLord of theAdm i

rnry, Q1} of India. m u m , Kent .

+M D‘1JBY , (2oth Bat u), George-Edward Thicknesse


ogchet ; cr. 1297.

i jB 3817 . Sandri’

dgePark, m ush .

tAvu ssr-‘onn (5th Earl of), H. Finch , or. 1714.

B . 1780, m . d. 012m l Earl ofWarwick. 2110tit. LordGuernsey. ( l stPeer0 judge.) Has beenCapt . ei theYeom enof theGuard, and Lord Stewardof the Household. l s patron of 8 l ivings. 60, Grom m et ; Pael

{nylon Ha l l , Wa rw icksh . Ay leqford, Kent.

11m m (2nd Ban ),Wm . Bagot, F .H.S

or. 1780.

B . 1 778, m . first, 0. of 1st Lord Southampton ; M y, 0. ofthe8rd E arl

ofDartm outh, dead. 1s patron of3 livings. Car l ton , Bh’

thfiel d House,

StaJordeh . Pool Park, Denbighsh .

fBALCARRE S (7th Earl of), Jam es Lindsay ; or. 1650.

B . 1788, m . d. of2nd Lord Mnncaster. Sits as BaronWigan. 2nd tit.

LordL indsay . 21 , Berkel ey-sq . Carl ton Ha z

gh Ha l l , Lanca sh.

1BAN DO N (2nd Earl of, Ir. J. Bernard, D.C.L

cr. 1793.

B . 1786 , m . d. at the Archbp . (Brodrick), of Cashel . 2nd. tit., Visct.

Bernard. 8, ConnaugId -p l . Carl a» ; Ca stIc-Bernard, co. Cork .

fBAN GO R (Bp. of Christopher Bethel l , D.D.

2nd s. of Rev. B . Bethel l ; consecrated 3 9 . of G loucester 1824 ; trans

l ated 1880. Form erl y h l low of King's Col lege, Cam bridge. 10petron


94 1ivings . Annual val ueofsee, Warren’s Hotel , Regent

s t . B angor Pa l ace, (Jan sa rvo nsh .

‘ BAT EM AN ( l st Ban ), Wm . Batem an Hanbury ; cr. l 837.

B . 1780. m . d. ofLord 8 . Chichester. 19, Portm an-cqua rn Refer.Club Kalm an h.N ortham p tonsh . ; Shebam , Herefordsh .


m AN D Wnu s (Bp. of G . H. Law, D .D. , F.R .S8 . of Bishop (Lew) of Carl isle, and therefore uncle of Lord E l l e

borough : b. 1701 ; in. d. of Gen. Adeane. Consecreted Bp. of Ches t1 812 ; transl ated 1824. Form erl y Fel l . of Queen‘

s Ool l ., Cam bridge, m g;


House or PRERB. 1 1

Prebendsry of Carl isle. Is patron of 80 livings Annual value of see.-p l Pa l ace, Wel l s .

l-Bs '

m t ms'r (4th Earl ), H. G . Bathurst, or. l 772.

B . 1790. fi nd tit. Lord Apsley . l s patron of 2 l ivings . (h . c. 1 804 as

Lord Ansley). 8, Jelm -st. Berbtey-sq. ; Carl ton ; Oakley Grove,

I‘ BAYN IN G (3rd Batu), Rev. Hen. Wm . Pow1ett ; cr. 1797.

B . 17W, m . d. ofthel ateWm . Henry Fel l owes, esq . Assumefi thenamePow lett in place of the fam il y nam e of Townshend. 10, Suf oIb-seCarl ton B ram Rectory, Eye, S af ol b .

1BEAUCHAM P (3rd Earl ), John R . Pyndar ; cr. 1815.

M 4 1. ofthe 1st Earl of Clonm e1. 2d ti t.Visct.E lm 1ey . Lygon has beenthefam ily nam e, bu t the present E arl assum es the surnam eof Pynder

onl y . 18 patron of4 1n s. 87, Portm an-sq. Carl ton ; Madresfiel dam t,Worcestersk

fBEAUFO B T (7th Duke of Henry Som erset, K.G . ; or.


B . 1792, m . fi rst, 0. oftheHom fl enryPitsroy, al l y, d. ot‘

Chs . c. Sm ith ,esq. 2nd tit. M arq. of Worcester. (h . c. 1886 as Marq. of Worcester

The celebrated M arquess of Worcester, an ancestor of the duke, was

em powered byChtfl t s l l . tocreatepeerages him sel f; but on thedem and

of theHouseof Lords, surrendered thepatent . I s patron of 29 l ivings .

8 , Park-p l . St. Jam es’s ; . Car l ton , B adrm

nton and Stat e GUM ,

G l oucestershire; Troy Hou se, Monm ou tbsh .

‘ BE AUM O N T (8 1h Bar. M iles Thos. Stapleton, or. 1307.

B. 1808. This peeragew ss cal led out of abeysnce'

in 1840. Carleton

‘ BEAUVA LE ( l st Ben ), Fred. J. Lam b, cr. 1839.

std s. of the1 st Visct. Melbourne; b . 1 782 3111 . Mademoisel l eMel tsahn.

Has been Am bassador at Vienna. Beam “, N ous .

‘ BEDFO RD (7th Duke of), Francis Russel l ; cr. 1694.

B . 1 788, m . d of 8rd E arl ofHarrington. (h . c. 1 882, as Marq. of Te

vistock.) TheDuchess was a l ady oftheBedcham ber to theQueen. 2nd tit.

M art]. ofT avistock. Is patron of 27 l ivings. Reform Cl ub W ebaw

A bbey , Oakley.Beav'

ordsh. Ends ledgh, Devon.

BE LFA ST (Earl of), see Ennishowen and Carriekfergus,

( Ban)‘ BB LHsvnN AN D ST EN T O N (8th Ban), Robert M ont

Ham il ton , cr. 1 647.

d. ofWal ter Cam pbel l , esq. H igh Comm issioner to the

end. Bits as Baron Hamm er

12 noses or perm s.

‘I'BERESFO RD ( l st Wm . Carr Beresford, G. C. 111

P.C. ; ct . 1823.

B . 1 770, m . d. of 1stLord Decies. (Peerageconferred form ilitary ser

vices. ) A Gen. in theArm y, 001. of 10th Foot,Governor ofJersey, 0 FieldMershs l in the Portuguese Anny . Has been M sster-Gen. of the ordo

nance. 10, Cavm dish-sqq' Carl ton ; q ford Ha l l , SWw d o


‘ Bj m RS (5th Ban ), Rev. HenryWil son ; or. 1455.

l 8 . d. of Thos. Sum pter, esq. In M ay, 1 882, this title was

Wal let out of abeyenee. D l ddh’

ngton m id A shwel l l horp e, N od al}.

REN VICK (4th Barn), Rev. R ichard Hil l ; or. 1784.

Ma d. ofWm . M . Owen, esq . I s rector of Thornton, Cheshire. andBerrington, and patron of 0l ivings . A ttingham House, Salep .

‘ BESBO RO UGH (3rd Earl of Fred. Ponsonby ; or. 1739.

B . 1 758, m . d. of theflrstEerl Spencer, deed. Sits as B aronPonsonby .

2nd tit.Visct. Dnncsnnon. (Peerageconferred for oncial services.) 60,P orthm d-p l . Besborough Hou se, K i lkenny ; Sysonby, Leices

tersh. Roehamg flon, Surrey .

fBEVERLEY (2nd Earl of), George Percy ; or. 1790.

B . 1778, m . d. oftheHon. J. A . 8 . W . Mackenzie. 2nd tit. Lord Lon

vaine. 1s Capt. of theYeom en oi‘

theGuard. 8, Portm anp sqd Ca rl ton .

fBEXLEY ( l st Ban), N ichol as Vansittart,P.C. ; or. 1823.

B . 1700, m . d. of 1 stLord Auckland, deed. (Pea sgeconferred for00

eial services .) Is a Otnmnlssionerot'

theDuchy ofCornw al l , and a Bencher

ofLincoln's Inn; has beenCh ief Secretary for Irel and 3 Chancel lor of the

Duchy ofLancaster; Secretary to the Treasury, and duringeleven you s

fil led theomoeofChancel lor of the E x chequer. (h . c. 1 828 , as Mr. Ven

sittsrt.) 81 , Great Georgewtq Carl ton ; Foot’s Cray P lace, K ent.

fBLAYN E-Y (12th Ban , Ir. Cadwal lader Davis

B layney, or. 1621 .

B . 1803 (h . c. 1884 as Mr. B l ayney), First Peer 0 M i l itary Connuder. Carl ton B l aym y Cas tle, Mand amus.

‘ Bonm esnox s (4th Henry St. John ; or. 1712.

B . 1780, m . tl . oi'

thel ateBirHenryM il dm ey, bt.; deed ( l stPeertheed elm tetl Lord Bol ingbm ke.) 1s patronof l l ivinc. Lydiard Park.W igs.

+Bon'r0N (2nd Ban),Wil l iam orde Pow lett ; cr. 1

B . 1782 , m . 11. oi 1st Lord Dorchester. Is patronof 9 l ivings.“

ed Hou se, Ham ‘s , BoltonHa l l , Yorbsla.

5, 110081! or m e. 13

fBos‘roN (3rd Ban), George Irby ; cr.B . 1777, m . d. of Wil liam Drake, esq. 0000. Is patron ol el ivings .

Hedsor L odge, Bucks .

fBRADFO RD (2nd Earl of George Augustus FrederickHenry Bridgem an ; or. 18 15.

B. 1789, m . d. of SirT .nl oncrietl‘

e, ht . 2nd tit.Visct. N M .

of theNor. and Shropsh. Association. 1s patron of 8 l ivings. Qaf l ton


tBnm moom (3rd Batu), Richard Griflin cr. 1788.B . 1788 , m . d. of 2nd Marq . Cornwal l is. High Steward of Woking

ham , and Recorder of SeftonWal den, Essex . Is patron of 4 l iving»

10, N ew B url ington—st. A udley End, E ssex B il l ingbear, Bert a.

‘ BREADALBAN E (2ndMarq. of), J. Cam pbel l ; or. 1831 .

B . 1 790, tu . 0. of George Bail l ie, esq. 2nd tit. Earl of Ormel ie. (h .

c. as Visct. G lenorchy, and as Earl of Om el ie.) Lord-Lient. oi

Argyl l sh ire. 21 , Pari a h , K r‘

telm m Ca stl e, 1 1e Taym outh

Castle, Perthsh L angton Hou se, Bm oiobeh.

1BRI ST0L ( 1 st Marq. of F .W. Hervey, cr.1826 .

B . 1709, m . d. ofLord Templetown. 2nd tit. Earl Jerm yn. HereditarySteward of Bury St. Edm und

’s. 1s patron 012 011711138 . 0, St. Jam es


sq. c wortl s Park, Safe”: Pu lney Heath, Surrey .

‘ BRO UGHAM AN D VAUX ( 1st Ban ), Henry Brougham ,

P. C . ; or. 1830.

B . 1779, m . d. ofT . Eden, esq. I s Chief Com m issioner of Inqu iry con.

eerningCharities. President ofUniversity Ool l ., London. Has beenLord

Chancel lor; enjoys a pension of 0 year. (h. c. 1 880, as Mr.

Brougham .) 4 , Grqflm st., B ond st Brougham Ha l l , W est

fBROWN Low ( l st Earl ), J. Cust, or. 1 815.

B . 1779, m . first, Sir A Hum e, bt. ; 2dly, d. of G . Flndyer, esq. s

adly, d. of theEarl ofMonnt-Edgecum be. (Peer.

age conferred for oflcisl services. ) Lord Lient. (2t Bot . and Vices

A dm irel ot Lincolnsh.,co1. ofthe South Lincolnm il itia, and Recorderof

Boston. Is petron of 1 6 l ivings. 12, B elgrave-sq. Carl ton Bol ton

Hou se, L isteohssh.

‘ a cn (Ban ) GeorgeWm . Fred. Bruce ; or. 1748.

B . 1 804 . Bid. s. of theMarq. of A ilesbnry, and therefore by courtesy8 8 11 Bruce. M . d. of the 1 1th Earl of Pem broke. Is a Bep. L ient. of

Wil ts . When this Peer was cal led to the Upper House in 1838 , no

new Peeragew as created, and he takes precedence as cl the year 1740,

tiledateof his father’s barony. (h . c. 1888 , as Lord Bruce.) Savm

I’l eayo, W il ts .


14 House or m as.

{Buccm veu AN D QUEEN SBERRY (5th Dukeof Waiter

Francis Montagu Douglas Scott, K.G . , or. 1663 .

B . 1800, m . d. of 8rdMarq. of Bath. Bits as Earl ofDoncaster. 2nd tit .

Earl of Dalkeith . Is Lord Privy Seal ; Lord-Lieut. of Edinburgh, and

of Rox burghshire ; Capt . Gen. of theQueen’s body guard in Scotl and,

any Co l . of Edinburgh M il i tia . Is patron of 11 l ivings . Montages

W seW ite/sa l l Gardens Carl ton Boughl on Hou se, N orth

W toggh. R ichm ond , S urr ey D a l t es’

th Hous e, Edinburgh

?%n Ca stle, Dumfries-eh . L cm gholm L odge, Dumfn


swi m, saw s.


éil ox m ens m AN D Cns x nos (2nd Dukeof), Rd. Plan

Brydges Chandos Grenvil le, K.G . ,

B. 1797, m . d. o! l st Marq. cl Breadalbane. 2nd tit. him . of Ch an

dos. Has been Lord Privy See]. Is patron of 18 l ivings. (h.c. 1889 as

M arq. of Chandos.) 91 , Pa l l -Ma l l ; Carl ton ; StowePark, Bucks ;

Wotton, B ucks ; Avington Hou se, Horus .

{Bucx m eu s m sm ne (5th Earl of), George Robert

Hobart Ham pden ; or. 1746 .

of Sir A . Pigot. 2nd tit. Lord Hobart . Is patron of 4

l ivings . 1 , Sp asfi sb p l ., Manchester Hamp den House, Bucks .

‘ BURLIN GT O N (2nd Earl of), Wm . Cavendish ,D .C. L . ; 1831 .

B . 1808 , tn. (1 . ofthe0th Earl ofCarlisle,dead. 2nd tit. Lord Cavendish

Chancel lor of theUniversity ofLondon. (h . c. 1884 as Lord Cavendish ,

previously 00 Mr Cavendish). 10, Belgrave-cq. L atin s" , Bud "

Comp towp l ., Su ssex .

I’BUT E (2nd Marq. of), John Crichton Stuart ; or. 1796 .

B . 1798 . m . d. of the 8rd Earl of Guilford, deed. 2nd tit. Earl of

Windsor. Lord-Lient. and Cnstos Rot. of G l am organ, Lord-Lient. endHeritableCoroner ofBute, High Stew ard ofBanbury,Keeper ofRothsayCastle. 001. of the Glam orgsnsh . M il itia . Is patron of 10 l ivings .

Ca rl ton Camp den Hi l l , Km ington L u ton-Hoo, Bedford s l s.

Oardif Ca stl e, Gl m rgm u h. Dum a s Hou se, Ay n». l oans

Stu art, I s l eofB ute.

l"BY RO N (7th Ban ), George Anson Byron ; or. 1643 .

B . 1789, m . d. of Sacheverel Chandos Pole, esq. Capt. in theN avy.

Has been a Lord inwaiting to theQueen. 21 , E atonqfl .

fCADO GAN (3rd Earl ), George CadOgan, C . B. ; or. 1 800.

B . 1788 , m . d. ofJoseph Blake, esq. 2nd tit. Visct. Chel sea. ( l st Peer a

distinguished m il itary eomm m der. ) 1s a Rear Adm iral of the B l ue." stron of 2 l ivings. 188, P iceads

ay ; Sm won-Downham , Suf o l k 5\


HOUSE 01? m as . 15

+C ALBDO N (3rd E arl , Ir. Jam es DupreAlex an

der, er. 1800.

B . 1812 . A Capt in theColdstream Guards, (h . c. 1889, as Lord Al ex

ander), 2nd title Lord Alex ander. 6 , Car l ton Hou se Tar. Ca s tl e

Ca l edon, oo. Tyrone.

‘I'CA LTHO RPE (3rd Ban ), Geo. GoughCal thorpe or. 1796

B . 1787, unm arried. Is patron of0 l ivings . 88 , Gm w enor Edy

ba sten Hou se, W am s’

oksh Am p toss, M olt , E lva tha m ,Hunts .

fCAM Bm DGE ( 1 st Duke of Prince Adolphus

Frederick, K .G . , P.C. ; or. 1801 .

Uncle to theQueen. B . 1774, m . d. of the L andm ave ofHesse Cassel .

A Field M arshal in theArm y, 001. of the Coldstream Guards and 0oth

Foot, Ranger ofRichm ond New Park, Chancel l or of theUniversity of St .

Andrew ’s. Cam bn

dge Hou se, P iceadm y .

{CAM DEN (2nd Marq. of George Chas. Pratt ; or. 1 8 12.

B . 1799, m . d. ofBp. Murray ofRochester. 2nd tit. E arl ofBrecknock.

(1 st Peer a judge.) Dep. Lieut. of Kent. (h . c. 1884 as E arl of Breck

nock. ) I s patron of 2 l ivings. The M archioness is a Lady ofthe bed

cham ber. 22, A rl ington—st., P iccadil l y Carl ton PVi l dom 08 s P ark,

K ent , B recbnock Priory, Sou th W a les B ayham A bbey, Su ssex .

“CAM O Y S (3rd Ban), Thom as Stonor: or. 1383.

B . 1797, m . d. ofP. E . Townley, Esq. This Peerage, in abeyancesince

the reign of Henry VI . , was not cal l ed ou t til l 1889. (h . c. 1838 as

Hr. Stonor.) Stonor, Od ords ls.

“CAM PBELL ( l st Ban), John Cam pbel l , P.C . ; or. 1 841 .

8 . of Rev. Dr. Cam pbel l , b. 1 778, m . B aroness Stratheden, d. of l st .


‘ l binger. Has been Attorney-General in Engl and, and LordChancel l or of Irel and . (h . c. 1841 , as Sir J. Cam pbel l .) A shetead ,

‘ CAM PERDOWN ( l st Earl of), Robert Dundas DuncanHal dane , or. 1 831 .

B . 1786, m . d. of SirHew Dalrym pleHam il ton,bt. 2d tit.Visct. Duncan.

(1 st Peer was the celebrated Adm iral Duncan.) L anda’

e, F osfa rsh . ,

G lm eagl es , Perthsh .

TCANN IN G ( l st Viscez‘ Charles John Canning ; or. 1 828 .

Onl y surviving son of t e R t. Hon. Geo. Canning and ViscountessCanning, Dr. to the M archioness of Cl anricarde and Nephew to the

Duchess of Portl and . B . 1 801 , m . d. of 1st Lord Stuart deRothesay. I s

Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs. (h . c. 1887 as Mr. Canning . ) TheViscountess is a Lady of the Bedcham ber. 1 0, Grosvenor-sq.

{CAN T E RBURY (Archbp. of), Wm . How ley, D .D . , P.C .

O nl y surviving son of Rev.W . How ley ; b. 1 706 . Is Prim ate of a l l

Engl and. Consecrated Bishop of London '1 8 18 ; translated to the Pn

16 8 0068 or ru ns .

n aey 1828 . A Lord of Tradeand Plantations . Is patron of 149 l iving!

Form erly Fel low ofNew Col lege, O x ford. Annual valueofsee

fCAN T ERBURY ( l st Chas. Manners Setter

G .O .B LL.D., P.C. ; cr. 1835B . 1780 m . 1st,d. of JohnDennison, E sq . ; 2adly, d. ofEdmundPow

esq. 2nd tit. Lord Bottesi‘ord . Was Speakerof the Houseof cannot

from 1817 to 1884 enjoys apensionot'

40001. a year. Carl ton Kieth].

fCA RBERY (6 th Bar. Ir. 1 . Evans-Freke ; or. 1715.

B . 1766 , m . d. of the 3rd Earl of Arran. (Ir. h. c. as Sir J. P. Evans)3. Belgrave-sq. 1 Ca rlton Cas tle F ret s, 00. of Cort L ax tm

‘I'CA RDI GAN (7th Earl of), Jas. Thos. Brudenel l ; er. l 66 1 .

B . 1797, m . d. of Adm iral Tol lem ache, whoseprevious m arriagew ith

M ajor Johnstonwas dissolved. 2nd tit. Lord Brndenel l . A Lient.-Ool . in

theA rm y . 1 s patron of 10 l lvings. (h . c. 1 887 . as Lord Brndenel l .) DeanP ark, N ortham p tonsh. fl oiekm ham , K iddies“ .

‘ CA REW ( l st Bar.) Robert Shapland Carew ; cr.


M . d. of M ajorCl iife, LordoLient.Wex ford. (h . c. 1884, as M r. Carew . )Castleborough, co. Wed ord Woods towss, co. W aterford .

‘ CARLI SLE (6 th Earl of GeorgeHoward, P.C . ;

cr. 166 1 .

B . 1778, m . d. oi‘

the 6th DukeofDevonshire. 2nd tit . Visct . Morpeth .

Has been a Com m iss ioner of the Board of Contronl , and Lord Privy

Seal , as al so a m em ber of the Grey Cabinet, w ithout hol ding any of

the emcee usual ly fi l led by Cabinet M inisters. 1 s patron of 0 l ivings .

(h . c. asVisct .Morpeth.) 12, Grosvenor pk; CastleHoward, York ’s. .

N aw orth Ca stle, Cum berland.

fCARLtSLE (Bp. of?, Hon. Hugh Percy, D.D .

8 orl st Earl ofBever ey , h. 1784 , m . first, d. of Archbp. sntton, 2d l y, d

ofSirWJ . Hope. Consecrated Bp . ofRochester 1827 ; translated 1 827 .

Prebendary of S t. Pau l’s, and Chancel l orof the Church of 80m m . Por

m erl y ofSt . John’s Col lege, Cam bridge. Is patron of46 livings. Annual

valueof see £ 8000. R ose Castle, Cum berl and .

fCARN ARVO N (3rd Earl of H. J. G . Herbert ; or. 1793;B . 1 800, n . d. of the is 0 Lord Henry Hol yneu How ard ,

2nd tit. Lord Porchester. (h . c. 1 888 as Lord Porchester.) 1s patron a t

4 l ivings. 48, Grow m r-sq. , H ighoh re House, Hassl e ; Carl ton 3F ix ten , Som ersetsh .

‘ Cs nam orox (2nd Ban), Robert John Carrington ;1796 .

B . 1 790, m . first, 0. of 1st Lord Forester ; 2diy, d. of 19th Lord W11

1 8 110003 or PEERS.

d. of Capt . Robinson (dead). Consecn ted 1 828 . Prebendary of Dar

ham . a nerly Fel low of King’s Col lege, Cam bridge. Is patron of 47

livings. Annua l value of see Pa l a ce, Chester Cl apham

Com m on , Surrey Col l ege, Durham .

{CHE ST ERFIELD (6 th Earl of GeorgeStanhope;cr. 1628 .

B . 1806 , m . d. of 1st Lord Forester. 2nd tit. Lord Stanhope. Has been

MasteroftheBnek-hounds . Thecelebrated Lord Chesterfield died w ithout issue, and the title went to a distant branch . Is patron of 1 1

117 11130. Sou th A udl ey-st ,’ Car lton 1 Bradby Ha l l , D erbysh .

fCB ICHEST E R <3dEarl of), Hen. Thos. Pel ham ; cr. 1801 .

B . 1 804 , m . d. of the 6 th Earl of Cardigan. 2nd tit. Lord Pelham . 1s

patron 01 4 l in ngs . 86 , Portm cm -sq. 3 S l am m er Pa rk, Su ssex .

Cm cnesren (Bp. of), A shurst T urner G ilbert, D .O .

Was principal of BrasenoseCol lege, O x ford , from 1822 to 1842 . Con

secrated 1842 . Is patron of 80 l ivings . A nnual value of see, £ 4200.

P a l a ce, Chichester.

fCHO LMO N DEL BY (2nd George Horatio Chol

m ondeley, P. C . ; or. 1815.

B . 1792, m . first, 11. ofGen. Col in Cam pbel l ; M y, (1. of the6th Dukeof

Beaufort. 2nd tit. Earl of Rocksavage. Joint Hereditary Great Chamberl ain. 1s patronof 6 l ivings. 12, Garbo» Hou se Ter. Carlton , Chol

m ondeley Ca s tle, Cheek Houghton Ha l l , N osfol l'


fCrw acm m . ( l st Ban ), F . A . Spencer, or. 1 8 15.

B . 1779, m . d. of the8ndDuke ofGrafi on. Ranger ofWychwood Forest ,001. ofthe 1st, or Queen’

s Own O x fordsh . Yeom anry, (h . o. 181 6 as LordFrancis A . Spencer.) Com buryPart , Os on WestLavington,

W i l ts .

fCLAN CA RT Y (3dE arl of),W.T .LePoer T rench; cr. 1 803.

B . 1808 , m . d. ofthe 8rd Earl ofGarrick. Sits as Visct . Cl ancarty . 2nd

tit. Viset. Dunlo. Garba l ly P ark, 00. ofGa lw ay .

‘ CLa tcs nnE ( l st Marq. of), Ul ick J. deBurgh, K .P. ,

P.C . Ct . 1825.

B . 1 802, m . d. of theR ight Hon. GeorgeCanning. Sits as Baron Som er

hil l . 2nd tit. Lord Dnnkel l in. Lord-Lient. and Custos Rot. of the co .


Ga lw ay . Has been Am bassadorto thecourt ofRussia. Is patron of

9 l ivings. 1 4 , S i . Jam es’s -sq. P ortum na Ca s tle, Ga lw ay .

I'CL ANWI L L I AM (3rd Earl of), R . Meade ; or. 1776 .

B . 1 796 , m . d. ofthe 1 l th Earl ofPem broke. Sits as BaronCl anw i l l iam .

2nd tit. Lord G i lford. 82, Belgrave-sq . Car l ton ; Gs'

u-ha l l , co . D ow n .

noose op psaus . 19

fC L A RE (2nd Earl of John Fitzgibbon. P.C . or. 1795.

B . 1 792 , m . d. of the BaronessWil loughby de Eresby. Sits as Baron

F itsgibbon. 2nd tit.Viset . Fitzgibbon. (l st Peer a jndge.) Governor of

Bom bay . Mount Shannon, L im erick.

*C LA R E N DO N (4th Earl of), Geo. Wm . Fred. Vil l iers,R C . cr. 1776 .

B . 1 800, m . d . of the 1st Earl ot'

Vernl ain. 2nd tit. Lord Hyde. Has

been Envoy E x traordinary and Minister Pl enl potentiary at M adrid, and

Lord Privy Seal . Patron of2 l ivings . t don, W i l ts GroveP a rk ,

Herts Pm l l s’

n Ca stle, G l am organsh .

{CLEVE LAN D (2nd Duke of Henry Vane, K.G . ; or.

1 833.

B . 1 788 ; tn. (1. of 4th E arl Ponlett . 2nd tit. E arl of Darl ington. 1s

patron of 1 8 l ivings (h . c. 1842 as Lord Darl ington) . 17 , St . Jam es's

Car l ton , R a by Ca stle, Du rham .

‘ Cm rronn or CHUDLE IGH (8 th Ban ), Hugh Charles

C l ifford ; cr. 1 672.

B . 1790, m . d. of Thom as Weld, esq. atterwards Cardinal Weld; dead

(Peerageconferred for otliclal services.) Is patronof2 l ivings. Ugbrook

P a rk, D evon E a s t P ark Ha l l , L anca sh .

‘CLIN T O N ( 17th Ban ), C. Rodolph T rei’

neis ; or. 1299.

B . 1791 , m . d. ofthe 6th Marq. ofLothian. l s patronot‘

6 l ivings . Tre

fu ss‘

s Ca stle, Corm oa l l B eanie» House, Devon .

j CLO N BRocx (3rd Bar. Robert Dil lon ; cr. 1790.

B . 1807 , m . d. of 1st Lord Church il l . Clonbrock. Ga l way .

‘ CLO N CURRY (2nd Ban ), Valentine Browne Law less ;CT. 17890

B . 1778 , m . first, d. of Gen. Morgan, divorced ; 2dly, d. ofA . Dougl as,

E sq . (death) Lyons’ Ca stle, K i l da re; A bington, L im erick.

‘ ConsonNn ( l st Ban), N icholasWil l iam R idleyColborne;

cr. 1839.

Br. ofthe l ateSirM .W . R idley ; b. 1779 a m . d. of theR t. Hon. Thos.

Steele. l s patm n of 8 l ivings , (h . c. 1 887 as Mr. R idley Colborne.

19, 3 611-01 . Berkeley-sq. A thm m W es t Ha ringHa l l , N od e“:

N‘CO LCHE ST E R ( 2nd Bar. Charl es Abbot ; or. 1 8 17.

B. 1798 , m . d . of 1st Lord l enborongh . (1st Peer fi l l ed theonce of

Speaker of the Houseof Cow ons . ) A Capt . in the N avy . Car l ton ,

Kidbrooke, Su ssex .

1’CO LV1 LLE ( 10th Bar. Sco. Col vil l e ; cr. 1609 .

B . 1768, m . l st, d . of Francis Pnrde, E sq 2dl y, d . of 1st L oni

El lenhorough .Vice-Adm iral oi

the B l ue. a Lord-in-w m un:

a 2

20 House or rsnns .

Prince Albert. (Peerageconferred for m il itary services.) 29, Parties“?

p 14 Carl ton: Brom wel l Hou se, Som ersetsh.

100M BERME RE ( l st Stapleton Stapleton Cotton,

D .C L . , P.C . ; or. 1826 .

M . first, 0. of the8rd Dukeof Newcastle; 2dl y, d. of W . F . Grevfl l e,

esq. 3rdly, d. of T . Gibbings, esq., M .D . (Peerageconferred form il itaryservices .) A Gen. in theArm y , Col . of l st Life Guards. G M. of Sheer

ness ; has been Gov. of Barbados ; enjoys a pension. I s patron of 1

l iving. Carl ton : Com bm nereA bbey , Cheek.

‘ CO N GLE T O N (2nd Baron), John Parnel l ; cr. 1841.(Peerage conferred for omcial services.) R a thleagup, Queen

’s co.

Congleton, Check .

‘ CO N YN GHAM (2nd Marq. of Fran. N ath. Conyngham ,

K.P. , G .C.-H. , P.C . ; or . 1816 .

B . 1797, m . d. ofthe l stMarq. ofAnglesey . Sits asBaron Minster. 2na

tit. Earl of Mountcharles. (h . c. 1882 , as Lord Monntcharles .) Has

been Lord Cham berl ain to theQueen. and Postm aster-Gen. Patron of 1

l iving. Park-km e; Sl am s Ca stl e, Heath .

‘ Conx AN D 0RR ERY (8 11‘

1 E arl of E . Boyl e ; or. 1620.

B . 1767 . m . d. ofWm . Poynts , esq. Bits as Baron Boyle. 2nd t it .

V isct. Dnngarvan. (Peerageconferred foroflicial services. ) A Gen. in the

Arm y. Is patron of 10 11vings. 8 , Hard en Ha l l,

Som ersetsh .

fConx . CLOYN E , and Ross (Bp. of), Sam uel Kyle, D .D .

8 . ofSam uel Kyle, esq. ofDungiven Castle; b. 1 770, m . d . of Wm . D .

M oore, esq. Was form erl y Provost of Trin. Col l . , Dubl in. Conse

crated 1 831 . I s patron of 174 l ivings. Annual value ofthesee, £ 4090.

P a l a ce, Cork.

+CO RNWALLIS (5th Earl ), Jam es M ann ; cr. 1753 .

B . 1 778, m . first, 0. of Francis Dickens , esq. ; 2dly, d. of Wil liamHayes, esq. ; Bdl y, 4th d . of Thom as Bacon, eeq. 2nd ti t. Visct . Brom e.

( l st Peer a distinguished m ili tary com m ander.) A ssum ed the nam e of

M ann, instead of the fam i ly nam eof Cornwal l is. 0, Hia-am L inton

p l . Kent.

*CO T T EN HAM ( l st Ban ), CharlesChristOpherPepys,P.C

or. 1836 .

B . 1781 , m . d. ofWm . Wingfield, esq. Lord High Chancel lorofG reatBritain ; has been Sol icitorGem , Master of theRol l s, and Lord Chalcel l or. (Peerage conferred on accepting theseals .) (h . c. 1 886 , as SirCharl es C. Pepys.) 16 , B rutow st. Cap es He

l l , Su rrey .


t'rOWN (4th E arl of Jam es Thom as Stopford ;

cr. 176 2.

B . 1794, m . d. of the4th Duke of Buccl engh , sits as Baron Bal terd n-d .

2nd tit. Visct. Btopt‘

ord . Car l ton ; Courtown Hou se, 00. Wexford .

noose or m a s. 21

+CO VEN TRY (8th Earl of G .W. Coventry ; or. 1697.

B . 1784, m . first, d. of 2nd Earl Beancham p ; 2dl y, d. ofthe8th Dukeof

S t . Al bans . 2nd tit .Visct. Deerhurst. (h . o. 1881 , as LordDeerhurst .) (Thefi rst Lord Coventry w as Lord Keeper in the reign of Jam es Is high

Steward ofTewkesbnry,and RecorderofWorcester. I spatronof 8 l ivings .

1 00, P icca dmg Cron e Court, W orcestersh . Streatham , Surrey .

fCOWLEY ( l st Ban), H.We11esley, P.C. ;cr. 1828 .

B . 1 778, m . first, 0. of the2nd Earl Cadogan, divorced ; 2dly, d. of the

1st M arq. of Sal isbury. Br. to the Duke of Wel l ington. Has fi l l ed

several diplom aticsituations. 1s Am bassador at Paris . 12, Grosvenor

s t. 3 Car l ton.

‘ COWPE R (6 th Earl ), G . A. F. Cow'per ; or. 1718 .

B . 1 806 , m . d. of the 1st Earl de Grey. 2nd tit . Visct. Fordw ich .

Enjoys anhereditary Pension. (Thefirst Lord Cowper was tw ice LordChancel lor.) O fthis fam i l y w as Cowper thepoet . Is patron oi


2 l ivings.

1 1 , L i ttl e l adder s“ Meats Hou se, Kent.

‘ CRAVEN (2nd Earl of), Wil l iam Craven ; or. 1801 .B . 1809, m . d. of the l at Earl ofVernl am . 2nd tit.Visct. Uil lngton. High

Steward of Newbury . l s patron of 18 l ivings. 16 , Charlos -st ., Berk

k y-sq. , Com bo Abbey, W am s’

cbsh . ; Ham stead and A shdm

P arks , Bert a.

{Ch ews (3rd Bar.) Hungerford Crewe; or. 1806 .

s . 1312 . Is patron 010 l ivings. Crews Ha l l , Cheek.

fCaorTO N ( l st Bar. , Ir. Re Edw . Crofton cv. 1797.

B . 1806 , m . d. of the 1st M arq. o Anglesey. Succeeded on death of a

baroness . MotePark, co. R oscom m on.

{CUM BERLAN D ( l st Duke of), His Majesty E rnest Au

gustus, K .P. , P.C . or. 1799.

Uncleto the Queen, b. 1771 , m . d. of the l ate Dukeof Mechlenburgh

Strel ita (dead). A FieldMarshal in theArm y, Chancel lor of theUniver.

sity of Dubl in. Ascended the throne of Hanover in 1887 . Herm

a pAcm -z ( 19th Ban ) , Thom as Brand ; or. 1307.B . 1774. in. Mrs. Wilm ot, d. ofAdm iral O gle. I s patron of 8 l ivings .

2, the Hoe, Harts.

10.1 1.1100e ( l oth Earl of), J. A . Ram say ; or. 1633.

B . 1812, m . d. of the sth Marq. ofTweedda le. 2nd tit. Lord R am say .

Bits as Baron Dalhousie. (h . c. 1888 , as Lord Ram say.) Carl ton ;

B a lloons“Ca stle, M id-Iotht‘

au .

{DARTM O UTH $461 Earl of),W. Legge, F .R .S. cr. 171 1 .

B. 1784, in. first, of2nd Earl Tal bot ; 2al y , d. of 6th Visct. Barrington .

2nd t1t.Visct. Lew isham . (l stPeer adistinguished m il itary com m am'

22 HOUSE or m ans .

Col . 01 the Staflbrdsh . M il itia. l s pattener0 l ivings. 1 , Si . Jam esb

aq. Car l ton Sandwel l Park, Stqfi‘

ordsh . Woodsha l Ha l l , Yarkah .

‘ DE FRE YN E ( 1st Bar. ) Arthur French cr. 1839.

h . c. 1881 as M r French . F rench Park, co. R oscom m on .

fDE GREY ( l st E arl ), T . P. De Grey, P.C . Ct . 18 16 .

B . 1781 , m . d . of the 2nd Earl ofEnniskil len. 1s el dest hr. of theEarl

of Ripon. 2nd tit. Lord Grantham . Has been first Lord oftheAdm iral ty.

I s LordL ient . Gen. and Governor Gen. of Irel and. Changed his fam il y

nam e of Robinson for that of Weddel l,and sincehis accession to the

earldom took the nam eof DeG rey onl y . Lord-Lient . and Ca stes Rot.

of Bedfordshire, 001. of the York Hussar Yeom anry Caval ry , an Aidede-Cam p to the Queen. 1s patron of 10 l ivings . 4, St. Jam es


N ew by Ha l l , Yorksh .

iDE L AM E RE ( 1 st Ban), T . Cholm ondeley ; cr.

B . 1 76 7, m . d. of SirW .W. Wynn, bt. 1s patron of 1 l iving. Va l e

Roya l , Cheek .

iDE LAWARR (5th E arl ), George John West,

P.C . ; or. 176 1 .B . 1791. m . d. of the 8rd DukeofDorset. 2nd tit. Visct. Cantilnpe. (1 s t

Peer a distinguished m i l itary comm ander.) Is Lord-Cham berl ain to theQueen. 1s patron of 6 l ivings. 17 , Upp er Grosvenor-st .; Carl ton ;

B oum eHou se, Cam bridgesh . Buebhurst Park, Su ssex .

fDE L I SLE AN D DUDL EY ( 1 st Ban ), Phil . Ch. Sidney,

D .C .L . cr. 1835.

E16 . 8 . of the l ate Sir John Shel ley Sidney ; b. 1800; m . sister of the

E arl of M unster, dead, and was therefore sonoin-law to Wil l iam IV .

Carl ton Pm shm 'st, K ent .

‘ DE M AULEY ( 1 st Ban ),W. F . S. Ponsonby cr. 1838 .

B . 1787 , m . d. of the6 th E arl of Shai'

tesbnry. (h . c. 1837 , as Mr. Pon

sonhy.) Dr. to Visct . Duncannon. Is patron of 1 l iving. 50, P ort

l and-p l . Canford House, D on etsk.

1DEN BI GH (7th Earl of), Wm . B . P. Fiel ding,P.C. Ct . 1622.

B . 1 796 , m . d. of the 1st Earl of Dneie. Master of the Horseto the

Queen Dowager. 2nd tit. Visct . Fielding. This fam il y is connected w ith

theHou seofAustria. 1 8, E a tono

p l . N ewnham P addor ,W am iet s/s.

“DE N M AN ( l st Ban ), Thos. Denm an, P.C . cr. 1834.

B . 1779, m . d. oftheRev . R ichard Vevers. Is LordChiefJusticeof theCourt o neen

’s Bench, and Speaker of theHouse ofLords . Has been

Sol icitor-Gen. to the Queen of George IV . ; as al so Com m on Sergeant .

Was A ttorney-Gen. from 1 880to 1 882 . Is patron of 1 l iving. (h . c. 1882

as Mr. and as SirT . Deum an.) 88, Portl anGp l . M idd leton, Derbyah .

HOUSE OF Pm e. 23“DE RBY ( 13th End of), Edw . Sm ith Stanley ; or. 1485.

B . 177 6 , n . d. of the Rev. G . Hornby, dead . 2nd. tit . Lord Stanley .

l o rd-Lient. and Gus“ Rot. ofLancashire; Vice-Adm iral ofLancashire;001. ofLu cu hireM il itia. Pxesident of Lim a]: and Zoological Societies . Is father to the Secretary of State for the Colonies . (h . c. 1882

as Lord Stanley .) Is patron of 7 l ivinga. 23, Grosvm or-sq.; Know s

l ey P ark, L a m a s}; The Oaks Su rrey.

fDE Ros (2oth Ban ), Wi l l iam Lenox Lascel les Fitz

gera l d De Ros ; or. 1264.

B . 1797, m . d. oftht Dukeorniehn ond. IsPrem iet Dam n. Strm

ford, B oy le Farm , Surrey .

1-DE SAUM A REZ (2nd Ban ), Rev. J Saum arez ; or. 1831 .

B . 1789, m . d . otviceAdm . Lechem ere. Is Rector ofHuggate. (First

peer a distinguished naval comm ander) . University Clu b Montpel ier

L odge, G lance: tersh .

I'DE T ABLEY (2nd Ban), GeorgeWarren ; cr. 1826 .

B . 181 1 , m . d. of the Count de Sal is. Thefam ily nam e had been Lei

oester, but the present Peer assumed that of Warren. Is patron of 2

l ivings. Carl ton ; Tabley Hom e, Cheek.

fDE VESCI (2nd Visct. Ir. Rep. ) John Vesey ; cr. 1776 .

B 1 77 1 , m . d. of Rt.Hon.Wm . Brownlow , dead. 2nd tit. LordKnapton. Lord-Lient. ofQueen’

s Co. A bbey leix , Queen’s Co.

f‘DEVO N (3rd E arl of), Wil l iam Courtenay : cr. 1553.

B . 1777, m . d. of Sir L . Pepys , Bt ., dead. 2na tit . Visct. Courtenay.

High Stew ard of theUniversity ofOx fm 'd. Was, for m any years before

he succeeded to thePeerage, ClerkA ssistant to the Parl iam ents . 1spatron

ofG l ivings. (h . c. 1826 , as Mr. Courtenay.) Theclaim ofhis Lordsh ip’s

predecessor to the Earl dom was establ ished by thedecisionof theHouse


Lords 1 6thM arch, 1 881 . 21 , Chap el-et., Gram m ar-p l . ; Powder

ham Ca stle, Devon .

“DEVO NSH IRE (6th Duke of Wm . SpencerCavendish,K .G .

, P.C. ; Ct . 1 694 .

B . 1790, unm arried. 2ud tit. Marq. ofHartington. M rd-L ient., High

Steward, and Castes Rot. ot‘

the 00. of Derby. l s patron l ivings .

78, P iccadm y Ghiews’

eb, M idd lesex Chatsw orth, and Hardw ioke, B erbysh .; L ondesborough, cm d Bolton A bbey, L n

m ore Ca stle, co.Wa l erj’

ord .

l'D IG BY (2nd Earl of), Edward Digby, D .C .L . cr. 1790.

B . 1778 , unm arried. 2nd tit. Visct . Coleshil l . Lord-Lieu t . and Onstos

Rot. of Dorset . 001. of the Don etsh ire M il itia. O f the same fam i ly

w ith thewel l -known Sir Kenelm Dighy . Is patron of“vines . 86 ,

B root e-ct Carl ton Sherbom e Ca s tl e, D orset.

24 110088 or 93 3 118 .

°Dm onnnn ( l st Bat u), Wm . Lewis Hughes : cr. 1831 .B . 1767 , m . first, 6 . of R .W. Grey, esq. dead ; 2dl y, d. of G . B . 8m ,

esq.Majorocom m andant of the Roya l Anglesey M il itia . Is Mi l itia Aide

decam p to the (b een. (h . c. 1881 as 001. Hughes), 76 , South Aadayl em m a Part , ea. qfDm bc


gh .

‘I'DO NEGAL (2nd Marq. Geo. Augustus Chichester,K .Po ; cr.

B . 1760, m . d. of 8 11’ B . May, Bt . Bits as Baron Fisherwick. 2nd tit .

E arl ofBel fast. Lord-Lient . of 00. of Donega l . Is patron of12 l ivings .

R ayePark, cc. q owm Orm eau and Fum m Lodge,m .

1DO N ERA ILE (3rd Visct. Ir. Hayes St. Leger ;cr. 1785.

B . 1786 , m . d. of the l atEarl ofBandnn. HydePark Hotel , Car l ton ,

Donera a’

lo Hou se, co. arCort .

fDO N O UGnM O RE (3rd Earl of John 1le Hutchinson,K.P. or. 1800.

B . 1787. in. first, 11. of Lord Mountjoy ; M y, (1. ofLient.-Col . Ren o“.

2116 tit. t t. Suirdale. Bits n Visct. Hutchinson. Lord Lient. of Tippet ary . (Peerage conferred for othcial services.) 6 , Sacbm

lh -cl .; Knock

lany House, T ipperary Pal m erston, Dubl in.

*D0c ns'm n (3rd Ban ), Guy Carleton ; or. 1786 .

B . 181 1 . (1st Peer a distinguished m il itary com m ander.) l s patron of

1 l iving. L ient. in the 7th Haun ts. Sawing» Berks .

‘ DO RM BR (1 1 th 1 08. Thaddeus Dorm er ; cr. 16 15.

B . 1 790, m . d. of S ir H . J. T ichbom e, ht. Peterley Hou se, E ach 3

GrovePark, W anotcbsh.

fDoasm ‘

(5th Duke of), Cha. Sackvil leGerm ain, K.G

P.C. ; cr. 1720.

B . 1767, unm arried. 2na tit. Earl of Middlesex . Has been M aster

of the Horse. I s patron of 5 livings. 52, Harlow“. Carl ton :

D rayton Hou se, N orthamp tonsh.

{DO UGLAS 01? DO UGLAS (2nd Ban ), A .Douglas ; cr. 1790.

B . 1778, unm arried. D ough : and Bethune”0m m , La m bs» .

Am u burv, Wil ts .

1Dowu, CO N N O R, 8: Daouons (Bp. of), Rd. Mant, D.D.

21d. s. of the Rev. Rd. Mam , Rector of A l l Saints, Southam pton ; b.

1776 , m . d. ofWm .Woods , esq. ofOhidham . Consecu ted 89 . of[mi ne

in 1820: transl ated to Down in 1828. Is patron of 24 l iving . Annual

value of t‘ See. £ 4204. Formerl y Fel l ow of Oriel Col lege, 0MThePalace, Belfast.

26 HOUSE or ru ns .

+DUNnas AN D Movn'rm ru . (2na Earl of, Ir.

Windham Henry Wyndham Quin cr. 1822.B . 1782 ; m . d. of Thos . Wyndham , Esq. 2nd tit. Lord M are. Cnstos

Rot. of Lim erick . 76, E aton-sq. ; Dsm ravess Ca stle, Glam orgam lo. ;

Adan A bbey , L im erick.

fDUN SAN Y (14 th Bar. Ir. E .W.Pl unket ; cr.B . 1776, m . 1 st, (1. of 1st Lord Cloncurry ; 2nd ly , d. of 8th Lord

K innaird . Lord-Lient. of Heath . 18, N ew -al ., Sp fi ng-gafdena ;

Carlton Dum any Ca stle, cc. Hea th .

|'Dm m AM (Bp. of), Edward Mal tby, D.D .

Conseorated Bp. of Chichester 1831 ; transl ated 1 886 . Form erl y of

Pem brokeHal l,Cam bridge, andVisitorofDurham University. 1s patronof

47 l ivings . Annual value of see 28 , Curzon-st.; A uckland

Ca stle, D u rham .

fDY N Evon (3rd Ban), George Talbot Rice ; cr. 1780.

B . 1 76 6 , m . d. of the2ndVisct. Sidney. Lo td—Lieut . and Custos Rot . of

Carm arthen, and Col . ot'

theCu m srthen m il itia. 1 s patron of 8 1ivings .

84 , D over-s t. Carl ton : Dynw or Ca stl e, Cam arthm h . Baffi n]ton P a rk, Gloucestersh.

‘ E Fn N Gnau ( l st Earl of), Kenneth A . Howard,cr. 1837.

B . 1767 , m . d. of theM Barl ot Rosebery. A Gen. in theAm y, and

001. Foot. I s patron of8 l ivings. TheGrange, Yorksh.

1‘ EGL 1N T0N andWm t on ( 15th Earl of), A .W. Montgo

m erie ; or. 1507.

B . 1812, m . rel ict of Richard Howe Cocheren, E sq . S its as Baron

Ardm ssan. 2na tit . Lord M ontgom erie. Is Lord Lient. of Ayrshire.

Car l ton Eglc’

nton Ca stl e Skel m orh’

e Ca stle, and Coy lsfi el d Hou se,

Ayrsh . Poolnoon Lodge, Renfrew sh .

{EG M O N T (6 th Earl of), Geo . Jas. Perceval , cr. 1733.

B . 1794 , m . d. of JohnHom by, E sq . ; sits as Bar. Lovel l and Hol land ;

2nd titleViset . Pem val ; a Capt. in R .N . (h . c. 1840, as Capt. Feroen l ) .

1s patron of2 l ivings . 26 , St. Jam es’s P l ace Carlton N orkHouse


fEGREM O N T (4th E arl of Geo. F . Wyndham or. 1749.

B . 1786 , m . d. ofthe Rev.Wm . Roberts. 2011 tit. Lord Cocherm onth .

A Capt . in the N avy. I s patron of 80 l ivings. Orchard-Wyndham ,

Som ersetsh .

fE LDO N (2nd Earl of John Scott ; cr. 1821 .

B . 1806 , In. 6 . of l st Lord Peversham . 2nd tit.Visct. Encom be. (l stPeer 0. Judge. ) (h . c. asVisct. E ncombe.) 1 , Ham s

uw p l . Carl ton ,

“fl com beHou se, Don etsk.

110083 0? ru ns . 27

fE L L E N Boaoueu (2nd Ban ), E d. Law , P.C. ; cv. 1802 .

B . 179o, m . first, d. of the 1st Marq. of Londonderry ; fl y, d . ofBear

A dm D igby, divoreed . (1st Peer a jndge.) Joint ChiefClerk ofthe Pleas

in the Queen’s Bench . Has been President of the Board of Control .

I s Gov .-Gen. ofIndi a. (h . c. 1818 as Mr. Law). 96 , Ea ton-sq. Carl

ton , Southern Hom e, G loucestersh .

fE L Y (2nd Marq. of J. Loftus, K .P. , D.C.L. or. 1800.

of S ir HenryW. Dashwood, Bt . Sits as Baron l oans.

2nd tit. Visct. Loftus . Custos Rot. of the 00. ofWex ford, and Col . of the

Wex ford M il itia . Is patron of 2 l ivings. 8, Portm an—squ Carl ton ;

R a thfa m ham Ca stle, Dublm E l y Castle. Ferm anagh L qflu a

‘ EL Y (Bp. of), Joseph Al len, D.D .

Consecrated Bp . of Bristol , 1 884 ; transl ate6 1 836 . Form erl yFel low of

T rin. 0011. Cam bridge. Is patron of 76 l ivings. Annual value of see

D over-st. ; E ly Pa lace.

‘ E NN t snowsN and Cannxcx m nevs ( l st Ban ), GeorgeHam il ton, P. C . ; or. 184 1 .

B . 1 797, m . d. orl at Earl ofG l engal l . Is by courtesy Earl of Belfast,

being el d. s. of the M arq. of Donegal ; was Vice-Cham berlain of the

Househol d 6 0m 1 830til l 1 884, having received that appointm ent duringtheWel l ington m inistry. Is Lord-Lieut . of Antriin and 001. of the

Antrim Mi l itia. (h . c. 1837 as Earl ofBelfast.) 28 . A rl ington-street

B rool 'es’, United Sevm‘

ce Otterham P ark, Surrey .

{EN N ISK ILLEN (3rd E arl of Wil l iamWil loughby Cole ;or. 1789.

B . 1 807 . 2nd tit.Visct. Cole. Sits as BaronGrinstead. (h . e. 1840, as

Lord Cole.) Carl ton F l om eeCourt, cc. Fem anagh .

‘ E RRO LL (16 th Earl of), Wil l iam George Hay, K.T .

P.C. ; or. 1 453.

B . 1 801 , m . sister of l st Earl of Munster. Sits as BaronKilm arnock .

2nd tit. Lord Hay . Lord-Lient. of Aberdeenshire. Hereditary LordHigh Constableof Scotl and, (which is the highest heredi tary distinction

in theUnited K ingdom , after those enjoyed by the Royal Fam il y .)Has been Lord High Steward of the househol d, M aster of the Back

Hounds, and Rector of M arischal Col l ege, Aberdeen. St. Jam es ’s

Pa lace, Rd‘

orm Clu b : Sl a in’s Ca stl e, A berdem sh . R ichm ond

Part , Surrey .

‘ Ensx m n (2nd Ban ), David M . Erskine , cr. 1806 .

H. d. of Gen. Oadwal lader. (1st Peera judge.) Envoy E x traordinary

andMinisterPlenipotenuary at Munich . Rosam ovd , A ya h .

28 novel : or em s.

fEssnx (6 th Earl of Arthur Algernon Capel ; cr. 166 1 .

B . 1808 , ln. d. oftbe8th DukeofSt. Al ban’s. 2na tit.Viset. Maiden. 1 s

patron of8 l iving's. Cashiobm y Pa rk, Harts .

fEXE T ER (2nd M arq. of Brownlow Cecil , K.G . , D.C .L

or. 1 801 . P. C.

B . 1796 , m . d. ofW. 8 . Poynts , esq. 2nd tit . Lord Burghley. Is Groom

ofthe StoletoPrinceA lbert . Hereditary Grand A lm oner, Lord-Lient . oi’

Rutl andshire, and of Northam ptonshire ; Recorder of Stan ford. 1 s

patron of 16 l ivings. Carl ton ; Burghl ey House, L incolnsh .

tEXE T ER (Bp. of), Henry Phil lpotts, D.D.

B . 1 777 . Consecrated 1 880. Prebendary ofDhrham . Fbrmerl y Fel low

ofM agdalen Col lege, O x ford. l s patron of 42 11vings. A nnual val ueof

see 84, St.Jam es’s-p i. Pa l ace, E x eter Col lege, D urha m .

{E x mou'rn (3rd Edward Pel lew ; or. 1816 .

B . 181 1 . (1 st Peer a distinguished naval comm ander. ) Has been in thecivil service oftheEast India Com pany, on the Bengal establ ishm ent. 1 s

patron of 1 l iving. Car l ton Trevorry, Cornwa l l .

‘ FALKLAN D (9th Lucius B. Cary, P.C. ; ct . 1620.

B . 1808. ln. sister of the 1st Earl of Munster. Bits as BaronHunsdon .

l s Governor of Nova Scotia. I s patron of 1 l iving. Stuttersl 'etfe,Yorks ls W or ley Ha l l , Berks .

s Lmourn (2nd Earl of), George Henry Boscawen ;cr 182 1 .

B . 181 1 . 2nd tit. Lord Boscawen Rose. 1s great grandson to thecel e

brated Adm iral Boscawen. (h . c. 184 1 as Lord Boscawen Rose. ) 1 s

patron of 4 l ivings. 2 , St. Jam es's -sq Carl ton ; W oolham p toss

House, Berks Tregotlm an, Corm oa l l .

fFARNHAM (7th Bar. HenryMax wel l ; or. 1756 .

B . 1799 ; in. d. of 2211 Lord Lo Despeneer. (h . c. 1888 as M x . I l a:

wel l .) F am ham , cc. Gavan .

{FERRA RD ( l st T . H. S. Foster ; or. 1797.

B . 176 6 . in. theViscountess h( assereene, dead. Sits as Baron Oriel .001. of theLonth M il itia. Is patron of 1 nVing. Carlton , Oriol Tem p l e,L oads, Antrim Castle, Anl n

m .

q u ms (9th Earl ) , Washington Sewal l is Shirley cr.

171 1B . 1822. 8nd tit.Visct. Tam worth . 1s patron ot2 l ivings. 0haq

Ca stle, SW ordsh . Stam mm Harold , Lelou tcrsh.

nous: or m as s . 29

fFEvnnsuau (2nd Ban),Wil l iam Duncom be ; cr. 1 826 .

B. 1798 , m . the 8th Earl of Gal loway . 1 s patron of 4 l ivings.

(h . c. 1841 as Hon. w . Dnneom be.) 24, Ar l ington-st. M am bo Park.Yorksh .

‘ F I PE (4th Earl of), Jam es Dufl‘

, K .T . or. 1759.

M . d. of J. Manners, E sq. dead. Bits as Baron Fife. 2na tit . Visct.

Haodnf. Inrd-Lient of Banfshire. Duj'

House Ba lvem‘

e Castl e,B ani sh. [m s House, l oray Delga ty Cas tle, Aberdem h .

‘ F INGALL (9th Earl of A . J. Pl unkett, K .P. ; or. 1628.

B . 1791 , 111 . d. of E l ias Oorbal ly, esq . Sits as Baron Fingal l . 2nd tit .

Lord Kil leen. A Lord inw aiting to theQueen. K i l k m Ca stle, l oath.

tF l 'rzas nA Ln AND VE SEY ( l st Ban ),Wil l iam VeseyFitzgerald, P.C . ; cr. 1826 .

Lord Lient . of00. orCl are, and 001. oftheCl areMil itia. HasbeenChan

cel l or of the Irish Ex chequer , Paym ster-General of the Forces, and

President of the Board of T t ade. 1s Psesident of the Board of con.

trol . (h . e. 1829, as M r. Vesey F itzgeral d.) 17, Whi teha l l -p l . ;

Ca rl ton Inehtcm sa n, Clan .

‘ F l rznannm en ( l st Earl ), Wil l iam F . Berkeley ; cr.1 841 .

B . 1786 , unm arried. 001. of the South Gloucestershire M il itia, and

Lord-Lient. ot' the00 . 1s patron of2 l ivings . Berkeley Hou se, Sp ringGardens Reform Club, Berkeley Ca stle, G loucesh rsh .

‘ Fn zwm m s u (6 th Earl ), Chs. Wm . Wentworth Fitzw il l iam ; or. 1716 .

B . 1786 , m . d. of 1st Lord Dnndas , dead . 2nd tit . Visct. M il ton. (h. e.

1 888 , as Lord M il ton. ) 1 s patron of 26 l ivings. Ha l stJ Mi l ton

Part , N ortham p tonsh. WentworthHouse, Yorksh ; Ha l l o”, co.

qf W icklow .

. FO LEY (4th Ban ), Thos. Henry Foley, P.C . ; or. 1776 .

B . 1808. Has been Capt. of Honbl e. corps of Gentl em en at Arm s. I s

patm nof7 l ivings. (h . o. 1888 , as the Fol ey.) 88, Portm an-sq.

{FO R BE S (17th Bar. Sco. Jam es O choncar Forbes ;cr. 1424.

B . 176 6 , ln. d. ofW. Hunter, esq. Prem ier Baron of Scotl and, a Gen.

in the Am y, 001. of the 21 st Foot. Ca stl e F orbes , A berdeensh .

fFO R BST ER ( l st Ban ), John Geo. Weld Forester, P. C

cr. 1 821 .

B . 1 801 . Is Capt . of thehon. corps ofGentlem en at Arm s . 1 s patron

of8 l ivings. (h . c. 1 828 , as the Hon. 1 . 0. Forester.) 2 1 , Charh s-st. ,

B crt sky-sq . Carl ton Wuh y Park, and R oss Ha l l , Sa l op .

30 nous: os m ans .

‘ Fon'

rnscvn (4th Earl ) , Hugh Fortescue, 1789 .

B . 1788 , m . 1 st, (1. of the1 st E arl ofHarrowby, 2nal y, theDowagerLadySom ervil le. Has been Lord Lient . of Irel and. Is Lord Lieu t. , CnstosRnt. , and Vice-A dm iral of Devon, and Co]. of Devon m i l itia . (h . c .

1 839, asVisct . Ebrington.) LordHigh Steward ofBarnstapleand Sou th

M ol ton. Is patron of 6 l ivings. 1 7 , Grosvenor—sq Ca stle H i l l ,

Devonshq E brington Ha l l , G loucestersh.

{G AGE (4th Henry Hal l Gage ; or. 1720.

B . 1791 , m . d . of the Hon. Edward Foley . Sits as Baron Gage. I s

patron of l hving. 4, M ik ha i l Ya rd ; F s'

rIe-p L, Su ssex ; W es t

bury Hom e, Hants .

‘ GA IN SBO RO UGH ( l st Earl ), Charles N oel Noel ; or. 1841 .

B . 1781 , m . first, 6 . of T .Welm an, esq . ; 2dl y, d. of Sir G . Grey, bt .

86137, d. of SirJ. Ham l yn 4thl y, d . of the Earl ofB aden .

(h . c. 1812, as Mr. N oel N oel .) B arkam Court, Kent.

fGALLOWAY (9th E arl of Randolph Stewart ; cr. 16 23.

B . 1800, m . d . of the 6th DukeofBeaufort . Sits as Baron Stew art of

Garl ies . 2na tit. Lord Garh'es . Lord-Lient . of Wigtonshire, and the

stew artry of K irkcndbright . 87 , Grosvm or-sq. Ga l l ow ay Hou se,

Wigtonsh . Garh'

es , K irkcudbrs‘

yh l .

‘ GARDN ER (3rd Ban ), A l an Legge Gardner ; or. 1800.

B . 1810, tn. 6 . of 1 st Lord Dinorben. (Peerageconferred fornaval ser

vices .) 76 , Sou th A udley-st.. Court Garden , B u cks .

fG l PFO RD (2nd Bar. ) Robt . Fras . G ifford ; or. 1824 .

B . 1 817 . A Lieut . in 6th Dragoon Guards (1 st Peer a Judge). 9,

Park Crescent ; Pu tney Com m on, Surrey .

+G LA SGow (4th E arl of George Boyle, F .A .S .

cr. 1703.

B . 1766 , m . first, d. of the14th Earl ofErrol l 2d l y, d . oftheR t.Hon . S ir

John Sincl air, bt. Sits as BaronRoss . 2nd tit. Visct. Kelbnrne. H awk

head , Renfrew sh ; Kel burneHou se, A yrsh.

“GLEN ELG ( l st Ban ), Charl es Grant, P.C . or. 1835.

B . 1788. son of0. Grant, esq., form erl y Chairm an of the Court of Direc

tors of theEast-India Com pany. (Peerage conferred for ofiicial services .)Has been Chief Secretary for rel and, Vice-President, and afterwards

President of the Board of Trade, President of theBoard of Contronl , and

Secretary of State for the Colonies . (h . c. 1 836 , as Mx . 0. Grant .) l l ,Gt . George-st. , W estm ins ter ; Gb nel g, co. Inversion .

fG L EN GALL (2nd Earl of, Ir. R . Butler ; cr. 1816 .

B . 1794 , m . d . ofW. Mel l ish , Esq. , 2nd tit . Visct . Cahir. 001 . ofthe T ip

pet ary M il itia . (h . c. 1 819 as Lord Cahir.) 64 , Grosvenor-sr. ; Carl tonCa l u

r Ca stl e, cc. of T ipp era ry .

noun :or PE BRS . 8 1

f enm u om (2nd Ban ), G . A . F . J. M urray ; cr. 182 1 .

B . 1814 , Nephew to the 4th Duke of A thol l ; n . d. of Henry Hom e

Dm nsm ond, esq. Lient. zud Dragoon Guards . B ia t'

rA lbeit, Perthsh .

{ GLO UCEST ER AND BR IST O L (Bp. of J.Hen.Monk, D.D .

8 . of C. Monk, Esq. b. 1788 , n . d. of Rev. 11 . Hughes . Oonsecrated

1880. A Prebendary ofWestm inster. Form erl y Fel l ow of T rinity 001

lege, Cam bridge, andRegina Professord Greek. 1s patron of82 l ivings .

Annua l valueof see Cloisters , D ean‘s Yard, Wesm m .

Pa l a ee, Glou cester .

‘ GO DO LPHIN ( 1st Ban), F . G . O sborne ; or. 1832.

B . 1777 , m . d. of l st Lord Auckl and. Is High Steward ofCam bridge.

l s patron of 2 l ivings . (h. c. 1829 as Lord P . Osborne.) Gom agog

H i l l s , Cam bridge; E agl e‘

s , Bucks .

‘ Gosronn (2nd Earl of, Ir. Archibald Acheson,P.C. ; or. 1806 .

M . d. ofRobert Sparrow, esq. dead. BaronWorl ingham , in thepeerage

of the United K ingdom . 2nd tit . Visct . Acheson. Lord-Lient . and Onstos Rot . ot

the county ofAm agh . Has been Governor in Canada . 1s

patran of 7 l ivings . W orh'

ngham Ha l l , Sqfolb ; God ard Castle,cc. qf A m agh .

‘ GnA l-‘ TO N (4th Duke of Geo. Henry Fitzroy, K.G . ,

Ct . 1675.

B . 1760, m . d of2nd Earl ofWal degrave, dead. 2nd tit . Earl of Enston.

Lord—Lient . and Viee-Adm iral ofBnflblk, h angerofWhittlebury Forest,Hereditary Sealer of Queen'

s Bench and Com m on Pleas . Is patron of 4

l ivings . 47 , Cl arges-st. q om Clu b 3 W akefi el d L odge, Buckingham shq E u ston Ha l l , Sta b“.

{GRAN TLEY (3rd Ban ), F letcher Norton cr. 1782.

B . 1796 , m . d. of S irW. Beechey. High Steward of Gnil dtbrd. 1s

patron of 1 l iving. Carlton 3 Grantl ey Ha l l , Yort sh Wonersh

Surrey .

‘ GnANw LL s: ( l st Earl ), G . Leveson Gower,P.C . ; cr. 1833.

B . 1 778 , m . d. of the 6th DukeofDevonsh ire. Has beenAmbassador at

Paris. (Advanced to theEarldom t‘

or dipl om aticservices.)

‘ GREY (2nd Earl ), Charles Grey, cr. 1806 .

B . 1764, m . d. of 1st Lord Ponsonby . 2nd tit . Visct . How ick . Was fi rst

Lord of theT reasury, hom 1880 to 1884 . (h . c. 1 1 06 , as M r. Grey , and

Lord How ieh.) 48 , Berkeley-sq .; Howcel 'Hou se, N orthu m ber

82 Rouseop m as.

+GUILFO RD (6 th Earl of Rev. FrancisNorth ; cr. 1752.

B . 1 772, m . first, 6 . of theRev. 1 . Harrison ; 2dly, d. of SirH . Ward.

2nd tit. Lord North . (1 st Peer a jndge.) Master of St . Cross Hospital ,Winchester ; Rector of St. M ary

’s, Sou tham pton, and Al red


ord in

Ham tvshire. Is patron of9 l ivings . 88 , B roob-s t Carl ton . W a lder

sharePark, Kent Wrox toneA bbey, Oxfordsh .

fHADDIN GT O N (9th Earl of), T .Ham il ton,P.C . cr. 1 6 19 .

B . 1 780, m . d. of the4thEarl ofM acclesfiel d . Bits as BaronMel rose. 2nd

tit . Lord B inning. Has been Lurd-L ienh ot' Irel and, and is first Lord

of theAdm iral ty . (h . c. 1 828, as Lord Dinning.) 48, BerkeleyCa r l ton Tym

ngham cHouse, 00. ar‘

Haddington .

‘ HAm L'rO N AN D BRAN DO N ( l oth Duke of), A lex ander

Ham il ton Douglas, K .C .G . P.C. ; cr. 1643.

B . 1767, m . d. ofWm . Beckford, esq. Sits asDuke of Brandon. 2nd

tit. Marq. of Dougl as . Keeper ofHolyrood Pal ace, Lord-Lient . of L a

narkshire, Col onel of Lanark M il itia. 1s patron of 1 l iving. 12, P or t

m an-sq. ; Ham il ton Hou se, L em ar} , I s‘

m a’

el , L ink'

thgow .

HARBO RO UGH (6 th Earl of Robert Sherard ; cr. 1719 .

B . 1797, 2nd tit. Lord Sherard . 1 s patron of 5 l ivings . Stevens ?

Hotel Stapq ord, Leicestersh . G l ads ton, Rut land sh .

‘fHARDWICKE (4th E arl of C.P. cr. 1754.

B . 1 799, m . d. of 1st Lord Ravensworth . 2nd tit. Visct. Royston. (l stPeer a judge.) Is a Lord in waiting. A Capt. in the N avy . L ord

Lient . and Cnstos Rot. Cam bridgesh . (h. c. 1884 as Capt. Yorke.) I s

patron of 10 l ivings. 4 , N orfolk ct , P arb-l . Carlton ; W imp ole

Ha l l , Cam bridgesh T il l enhanger Ha l l , Harts .

{Hannwoon (3rd Earl of), Henry Lascel les ; or. 18 12 .

B . l 797 , n . d. 012 4 Marq. ofBath . 2nd tit .Visct.Laseel les . Is a Dep ,

Lient . ofYorksh . 1 s descended from aWes t India m erchant, fiom whom

the fam ily inherited considerableproperty in theWest Indies. 1s patronof2 l ivings. Hanover-sq. Harm ood, Yorksh .

fHARRIN GT O N (4th Earl of Chas. Stanhope ; cr. 1742 .

B . 1 780, m . M aria, 6 . of Sam uel Foote, esq . 2nd tit. Visct. Petet shasn.

(Peerage conferred for diplom atic services.) 001. in the A rm y . Is

patron of 2 l ivings. Harrington Hou se, M ik ha il Gardens

E lva ston Cas tle, Derbysh . Gaw sworth , Cheek.

{HARRIS (2nd Ban ), Wm . Geo. Harris, C .B. ; cr. 1 8 15.

B . l 7s2 ,u . first, (1. ofWm . Dick, esq. ; 2dly, d. ot‘

B .HandeockTem p l e,esq . (Peerage conferred tot m il itary services .) A Major-Gen. in the

84 3 0093 01! rnase.

7HERT FO RD (4t11 Marq. of R ichard Seym ourConway,or. 1793.

B . 1800. 2nd tit. Earl ofYarm outh . A Capt. in theArm y . Is patron

of 6 livings . D orchester House, P arb-Iame; Car l ton : V i l l a ,

Regent’s Pa rk ; Sudboum eHa l l , Safol l


; Rugby , W am z‘

cbsh .

{HEYTESBURY ( l st Ban ), Wm . A’

Court, P.C .

or. 1 828.

B . 1 779, m . d . oftheHon.W. Bouverie. Has been Am bassadorat S t .

Petersburgh , and other European Courts. l s Gov. of the Isleof Wigh tand ofCarisbm ok Castle. Car l ton Heytesbm

-y House, Wm s .

+HILL (2nd Visct Row land Hil l ; or. 1842.

B . 1800, m . d. ofJos.G legg, esq. (h . c. 1842 , as SirR . B il l .) I s patronof9 l ivings. (Peerageconferred form il itary services.) Carl ton , Hard

w iebeGrange, and Haw t eston Hou se, Sa lop .

‘ HO LLAN D or HO LLAN D (4th B an ), Henry E dward

Fox ; Ct . 1762 .

B . 1802, m . d. of sth Earl of Coventry . Is Minister at theCourt of

Tuscany (Peerage conferred for official services .) Is patron of 8

l ivings . 83 , Sou th-st Hol land Hou se. M idd lesex ; A m p tl u

l l

P a rk, Bedfordsh .

1 110 19 1; ( 1 1 th E arl of, Soc. Cospatrick A lex ander

Ram ey Hom e : or. 1 605.

B . 1799 ; m . d. of2nd Lord Montagu 3 2nd tit. Lord Dungl as . 1st peer

was Am bassador to E ngland in 1469.— Hs


rsel , Bm oz’



11-100 1) (3rd Sam uel Hood ; or. 1796 .

B . 1808 . (Peerage conferred for naval services .) Whitley A bbey ,

W an oiebsh .; Ca ther ington House, Hunts .

1-HO PET O UN (5th Earl of), John Hope ; cr. 1703.

B . 1808 , m . d . ofLord M aodonal d. Bits as Baron HopetounandN iddry .

2nd tit . Visct . A ithrie. Lord-Lient . of Linl ithgow shire. 6 , Sea sh ore

p l ., Hop el ozm , L inl s’

thgow sh R aeHi l l s , D t‘

ries Om is l on,

Haddm gtcm sh .

‘ Howaao DE WALDEN (6 th Ban ), 0. A . E l l is, G .C.B

or. 1597.

B . 1799, m . d . ofthe 4th Duke of Portl and. Am bassador at Lisbon.

2 , A udl ey-squa re.

l"How1) E N (2nd Ban ), J. Hobart Caradoc ; or. 1819.

B 1790. m . d. of the Count Skavronskey. A 001. in thea rm y . m mto the Duchess of Kent . (Peerage conferred for m il itary services .)18 , I l crqford-st Grim ston Pa rk, and Sp a ldingl on, Yorksh .

nous: or m as s . 35:

fHown ( 1s t Earl ), Richd. Wm . Penn Curzon Howe;D .C.L . P.C . cr. 182 1 .

B . 1796 , m . d. of the 6th Earl of Cardigan ; dea‘

d. 2nd tit. Visct . Cnr

zon. Lord Cham berlain to the Queen Dowager. 1s patron of 7 l ivings .

8. South Audley-st. Pom sHouse, Bucks Gop sa l ,Leicn tersh.

‘ HUN T IN GDO N ( 12th E arl of), Francis Theophil usHenry Hastings ; or. 1529.

B . 1 808 , m . d.ofR . Power, Bsq. 2nd tit. LordHastings. 47, Baber-st.Gum s-Hir, 00. of R adnor .

fHUN T LY (9th Marq. of Geo. Gordon, K .T . ; cr. 1599.

B . 176 1 , m . d. of the l ateBit 0. Cope, bt. , dead. Sits as BaronMel dm m .

2nd tit. Earl ofAboyne. (1st Peer a distinguished m il itary com m ander.)001. oftheAberdeensh . Mil itia . Is patron of4 l ivings. 20, Cha rl es ah ,

B erbeley Carl ton A boym Castle, A berdeensh q' Orton, Hun

tingdonsh .

‘ ILCHE ST ER (3rdEarl of),H. S. F . Strangways ; or. 1756 .

B . 1787, m . d. of the R t. Rev. Lord G . Murray, dead. 2nd tit. LordS tavordale. Is patronof 17 l ivings . 8 1 , O l d Burl ington-cl . Mel buryHou se, D orset Redtynch, Som erset.

fJER SEY (5th Earl ), Geo. Child Vil l iers, P.C .; or. 1697.

B . 1773, m . d. ofthe l oth Earl ofWestm orel and. 2nd tit. Visct. Vil l iers.Has been Lord Cham berl ain. Is m aster of the Horse. 1 s patron of 6

l i vings . 88 , Berteley-sq. Carl ton ; O sterl ey Park, H iddl escx

M iddl eton P ark, Oxford .

‘ KE AN E ( l st Bar. )John Keane, G .C.B . cr. 1839.

8 . of Bit 1 . Keane. B . 1781 ,‘

m . 1st, 6 . ofGen. Sm ith 2ndl y, d. of Col .

Bol and. A Lient .-Gen . in theArm y. 001. of 48rd Foot. Peerage con

ferred for Mil itary Services. Capp oqm’

n, co. W a ted'

ord .

‘ KENM ARE (2nd E arl of) , Valentine Browne.B . 1788 , m . d. of SirRobertWilm ot, Bart. 2nd tit . Lord Castlerosse.

Sits as Bar.Kenm are. Castl erou e, co. K orey .

1KENYO N (2nd Ban), George Kenyon, or. 1788 .

B . 1776 , in. d. of Sir Thom as Hanm er, dead. tl at Peer a judge.) A

Bencher ot the M iddl e Tem pl e, Custos B revinm of the Court of Queen'


Bench . 1 s patronof 2 l ivings . 9, Portm an-sq. ; Carl ton , Greds’


Ha l l , F l intsh .

1K i N os'

rou (4th Earl of), Robert King ; or. 1768 .

B . 1796 , sits as Baron Kingston. 2nd tit . Visct. Kingsborongh .

M il ehch town Ca stle, co. qf Cork.


36 nous]: or Palm s .

‘ KINNAm D (9th Ban ), Geo. Wm . Fox Kinnaird, P.C

or. 1682.

B . 1807, m . d. of l st Lord DeManley . Bits as Baron Rossie. Has been

Masterofthe Buck-honnds to the Queen . Grand Master Freem ason of

Scotl and. Kinna ird Hou se, and 1203 354! Priory , Perthsh .

l’KIN N O UL ( l oth Earl of), T . R . D. Hay ; or. 1704.

ot SirC. Bow1ey,bt. Bits as BaronHay. 2nd tit . 7 1sct .

Dupl in. Lord Lyon, King of Arm s, Lord-Lient . of Perthshire,the Perthshire M i l itia. Is patron of 1 l iving. 68, Green-st. D up

l s‘

n Cas tle, Perthsh .

“KIN T O RE (7th E arl of). A. A . K. Falconer ; cr. 1677.

B . 1794 , in. first, 6 . of ROM . Rennie, esq. ; 2adl y, d. of Francis Haw

kins, esq., divorced. Sits as Baron Kintore. Keith Ha l l , A bm

dem sk. Ingl ism a ldy, K ineards’


fLAKE (3rd Warw ick Lake ; or. 1807.

M . d. of Jam es 8 . Duncan, esq. (Peerage conferred for m il itary ser

vices.) A ston Cl inton, Bucks .

’ LAN GDALE (1 st Ban ), H. Bickersteth , P.C . ; cr. 1836 .

B . 1788, m . d. of the 6th Earl of O x ford. Master of the Rol ls. 8 7 ,

M W“. 3 L angda le, co. qfW estm oreland .

‘ LAN SDOWN E ( 3rd Marq. of), Henry Petty, K .C.G

P.C. ; cr. 1784.

B . 1780, m . d. ofthe 2nd Earl of Ilchester. 2nd tit. Earl ofShel bnrne.

Lord-Lieut. ofWi l ts . Has been Chancel lor of theE x chequer and Pre

sident of theCouncil . The ancestors of theM arquis were ancient Iri shBarons flow the tim eof Henry II . , oneof whom m arried the daughter

of SirWil l iam Petty . (h . c. 1809, as Lord Henry Petty .) Patron of 8

l ivings. TheMarch ionesswas first Lady oftheBedcham ber to theQueen.

64, BerkeIsy-sq. Bowood Park, Wm sb .

1LAUDER DALE (9th Earl of), Jam es Maitland ; cr. 1624.

B . 1784 . Bits as Baron Lauderdale. 2nd tit. Viset . M aitl and .

(Peerageconferred for ofl cial services .) I s Lord Lient. ofBerw iekshireand Heritable Standard Bearer of Scotl and. Thirl estcm e, B er

w iebsb Dunba r Hou se, B . L am a ’s.

“LE EDS (7th Duke of F . G . D’

Arcy Os m e ; cr . 1694.

B . 1798, m . d. of ntchard Caton, esq. 2nd tit . Marq. ot'Cam arthen.


Is patron of 6 l ivings. 8 , St Jam s’s-Sq. Hom by Ca stle, Yorke];


n Park, Cornwa l l .

‘ L E IGH ( 1st Bar. ) Chandos Leigh cv. 1839.

B . 1791 , m . d . of the Rev. W. Shippen Wil les. 7, Park m an . .

S l om k z’

gh Abbey , Wam s'

o l'sl s.

nous]: or ru ns . 87

‘ LE IN STER (3rdDuke 017, Aug. Fred. Fitzgeral d, P.Cor. 1766 .

B . 1791 , m . d. of the 8rd Earl of Harrington. S its as Visct . Leinster.

2nd tit . M arq. ot’

Kil dare. Lord-Lient. and Custos Rot . of K ildare, 1 stCom m issioner of the Board of Irish Education. Grand Master of the

Freem asons of Irel and . Is patron of 8 l ivings . 6 , Carl ton Hou se


‘ Lnl 'ram (2nd Earl of N ath. Cl em ents, K .P. cr. 1795.

B . 1768 , m . d . ofWm . Benningham , esq. dead. Bits as BaronClem ents.

2nd tit . Visct . Clem ents. Lord-Lient . and Cnstos Rot . of the 00 . of Lei

trim ; Co]. of theDonegal M il itia, and Oustos Rot . of the 00 . of Donegal .

l s entitled to a pension of 9855 , for the loss of the abol ished cmcc of

Searcher of Custom s in Ireland, but has not cl aim ed it since 1829 .

(h . c. 1804 , as Lord Clem ents.) 18, Great Gum berl amd—p l . K saa doon,

co. K ildare.

fLEVEN AN D MELVILLE (8th Earl of, Sco. David

Lesl ie Mel vil le or. 1690.

B . 1786 , m . d. of Sir A . Cam pbel l . bt. 2na tit. Visct. Balgonie. Capt .

in theNavy . Ca r l ton cMelvi l leHou se, co. qfF ife.

‘ L ICHPI E LD ( l st E arl of), Thos. Wm . Anson,P.C . ; cr. 1 83 1 .

B . 1796 , in. d . of N ath. Phil l ips, esq . 2nd tit . Visct . Anson. Has been

Postmaster-Gen., and M asterof theBuckhonnds . Is patronof4 l ivings

1 8 , St . Jam es’s Sbugborough Park, Stqfordch .

¢L 1cnrm w AN D CO VE NT RY (Bp. of) 1 3 . Bowstead,D .D .

8 . 01W. Bowstead, esq. Conseerated Bodor and M an,

1 888 . Transl ated, 1889. Formerly Fel l ow of Corpus Christi Col l ege,

Cam bridge. I s patron of 22 l ivings. Annual value of see,

Eccl aslsa l l , Stqfl‘

ords ls.

l"L I LPO R D (3rd Ban ), Thos. A therton Powys ; or. 1797.

B . 1801 . 1n. d. of8rdLordHol land. A Lord inWai ting to theQueen. I s

patron of 8 l ivings. 10, Gram m arp h ; L itford Park, Northam p

l onsh Bew say Ha l l , L anea sh .

l M E R l cx ( l st E arl of, Ir. E . H. Pery ; cr. 1803.

B . 1758, m . d. of H . Om sby, esq. 2nd tit. Lord G lentworth . Baron

Pox ford in the Peerage of the United Kingdom . E qioys a pension

£ 846 for the abol ished once of Clerk of the Crown in Irel andpatron of 1 l iving. 4 , Manafield-st Southi l IPark, B erks .


l N CO LN (Bp. of), John Kaye, D.D.

Provincial Chancel lor ofCanterbury. Consecrated 8 11 . ofBristol 1 820

trans l ated 1 827 . Form erly Fel low and M aster of (mfi st ’s Col lege, and

Regius Professor of Divinity, Cam bridge. 1s patron of 69 l ivings .

B uekdm Pa lace, Hm m‘

ngdom h .

{L INDSEY (10111 Earl of), George Augustus FrederickA l bem arl e Bertie; cr. 1 626 .

B . 1 814. Unm arried. 2na tit. Lord Bertie. Is patron of 2 l ivings .

”j ingl e”, L incolneh.

‘ L I SM O RE ( l st Vise), Cornel ius O‘Cal laghan cr. 1 806 .

B . 1775, m . d. of the 17th Earl of O rm onde, divorced. Sits as B aron

L ism ore. Shanba l l y Ca stle, co. T ipperary .

{LIVERPO O L (3rd Earl of Charles Cecil Cape Jenkinson, cr. 1796 .

B . 1784 m . d. of Sir G . Evel yn, bt . dead. 2natit. LordHawkeebnry .

(Peerageconferred for oflieial services .) 1 s Lord-Steward of theHousehol d. Patron of 2 l ivings . (h . c. 1 828 , as Mr. Jenkinson.) 46 , Upp er

Grow m or-sm Carl ton ; P s'

tckford Ha l l , Sa lop B u s ted P a rk ,

1‘LLAN DAFF (Bp. of), E dward Copl eston, D.D .

8 . ofRev. J. B . Copleston. B . 1776 . Dean of St. Paul’s . Consecrated

1 827 . Form erly Provost ofOriel Col lege. Is patronof6 l ivings. Annua l

value of see, Deanery, St. Pau l's L l am m stfraed, I l on

m outhsh.

I‘LO N DO N (Bp. of), Chas. Jam es B lom fiel d, D .D . , P.C .

8 . of (LB lom fiel d, esq. Provincial Dean of Canterbury, and Dean of

theChapels Royal . Consecrated Bp . of Chester 1824 ; transl ated 1828 .

Form erl y Fel low ofN nityCol lege, Cam bridge. I s patron of9011vings .

A nnual valueof see, L ondon Hou se, Si . Jam s-sq. ; F u l

ham Pa la ce, Hidd lesex .

{LO N DO N DERRY (3rd Marq. of), Charles Wil l iam Vane,P.C. ; or. 18 16 .

11. 1778, m . first, (1 . ot the8rd Ear1 ofDam ley ; 2ndly, (1. of Sir HarryVane Tem pest. Sits as Earl Vane. 2na tit. Vl sct. Castlereagh . A

Gen. in the Arm y, 001. of the l oth Hussars , Cnstos Bot . ot‘

the conn

ties of Londonderry and Down ; has been Am bassador at Vienna. 1 1

patronof5 l ivings . Park-I. Carl ton ; Mount Stewart, co. ofD own .“

Vynyard Park, and Seaham Ha l t, Du rham .


{LO N GFO RD (3rd Earl of), E . M Packenham or. 1785.

B . 1817. Bits as Baron Silchester. Cornet in theGuards . Paekenl uun

Ha l l , 00.Westm eath .

+LO N 8DALE ( l st Earl of W. Low ther, K .G . ; cr. 1807.

B . 1767, m . d. of the 9th E arl ofWestm orel and. 2na tit . Visct. Low

ther. Lord-Lient. andVice-Adm iral of Cum berl and andWestm oreland,Recorder ofCarl isle, a Lient.-Col in the Arm y . Is patron of88 1ivings.

12, Charles-st. Berkeley-sq Ca rl ton Cottssm ore Park, Ru t

l andsh . L ow tlser Castle, W estm orel and ; Whitehavm Castl e,

fLO RT O N ( l st Visct., Ir. R . E . King ; or. 1806 .

B . 1778, 111 . d.ofthe1stEarl ofRosse(dead) . A Lient.-Gen. in theArm y,

Lord-Lient. and Cnstos Rot . of the co. oi'

Roscom mon, 001. of the Ros

com m on Mil itia. 84, Ea ton-sq. , Carl ton 3 Roebs'

ngham , cc. q or

‘ LO VAT ( l st Ban ), T hom as A lex ander Frazer cr. 1837.

M . d. of 6th Lord Stafl‘

ord. 1s head of one branch of the Fraser

fam ily. Beaufort, Inverm ss-eh .

‘ LO VELACE ( l st Earl of Wil l iam King ; cr. 1838 .

B . 1806, In. (1. 01 6th Lord Byron. 2nd tit. Visct. Ockham . (1 st Peer a

judge.) 1s patron of 8 l ivings . Lord-Lient. and Cnstos-Bot. of Surrey.

L ieutecol . Com m andant of the Surrey Yeom anry Caval ry . 10, St.

Jam es-sq. 3 Ockham Park, R ip ley , Surrey A sh ley Com bo, Por

l ock, Som erset.

{Low'rns a (Ban), Wil l iam Lowther, P. C. ; or. 1797.

B . 1787 . Is by courtesy styled Viset . Lowther, being theeldest son of

theE arl of Lonsdale. When this peerwas cal led to theUppet House in1641 no new peeragewas created, and he takes precedenceas of theyeas

1797 , the date ofhis father’s barony . Is Postm aster-Gen. Has been

Chief Com m issionerofWoods and Forests, Treasurer of theNavy , and

Vice-President oftheBoard ofTrade. l s L1eut.-Col . of theWestm orel and

l i l i tia. (h. c. 1 841 as Lord Lowther.) 16, Caracas Tor . Car l ton ;W h inw m Castle, Cum ber l and .

1 140011 1: (3rd Earl of, Ir. Geo. Chas. Bingham

or. 1795.

B . 1 800, m . d. of 6th Earl of Cardigan. L a l eham , Midd lesex ,’ Ca s

ttebar, 00. Mayo.

‘ LURGAN ( l st Ban ), Charles Brownlow , P.C. ; cr. 1839.

M . 1st d. of4th Earl ofDarnley ; 2ndly , d. ofB . Macnei l l , esq. (1P

1880 as Mr. Brownl ow .) L urgcm , co. A rm agh.

40 norm: onru ns .

{Lynnuua s'r ( l st Ban ), John Singleton Copley, D .C . BP.C . ; cr. 1827.

B . 1772 , 111 . first, (1. of0. a adou, esq. : 2dly, d. ot’

L . Goldsm ith , E sq .

I s High Steward ot’

theUniversity ofCam bridge. Has been successivel y ,Sol icitor-Gen A ttorney-Gen., and M aster of theRol l s . Was Lord Ch ancel l or during theDukeofWel l ington

’s adm inistration, Lord Ch ief Baron

of the Court of E x chequer during that of Earl Grey, and again LordChancel lor from N ov. 1884 til l Apn

1 1835. A third tim e appointed L ord

Chancel lor in Sept. 1 841 . (h. c. 1827 , as Sir John Copley.) 26, Georgest . , Hanovm sq. Car l ton ; ?Vim bl edon , Su rrey .

‘ LYN EDocn ( l st Ban ), T . G raham , cr. 18 14 .

B . 1760, m . d. of 9th Lord Cathcart, dead. (Peerage conferred foe

m il itary services .) A Gen. in theArm y. Col . 1st rest . ot'


oot . Governor

of Dun barton Castle. 12 , SM cm -st. Lynedooh, Perthsh .

‘ LYT T ELTO N (4th Bar. ) Geo. Wm . Lyttel ton cr. 1794.

B . 1817, m . d. of Sir 8 . R . G lynne, hart . Is High steward ofBew dley .

Lord-Lient. and Custos Rot. of Worcestersh . Was senior medal l ist at

Cambridge in 1 888 . 1 L , A lbany 3 Hay ley Part , W orcestersh .

M ACCLE SFIELD (5th E arl of T hom as Parker cr.

M . 1st, 6 . of8 . E dwards, esq. ; 2adly, d. of W. B .Wol stenholn|e, esq .

2nd tit . Visct. Parker. ( l st Peer a judge.) l s patron of 6 l ivings .

Sherboum s Ca stle, Od ordsh . B uekfa stlet’

gh, Devon.

fMALM E ss uaY (3rd Earl of), Jas. H. Harris ; or. 1800.

B . 1807. m . d. of 6th E arl of Tankervil le, 2nd tit. Visct . Fitaharris .

(Peerage conferred for dipl om atic services.) (b . o. 184 1 , as Visct . F its .

harris.) 1s patronof 1 l iving. Whiteha l l Gardens ; Carlton 1 Heron

fM AN CHE ST ER (5th Duke of), W. Montagu ; cr. 1719.

B . 176 8 , m . d.ot‘

thedtb Duke ofGordon, dead. 2nd tit. Visct . Hande

vi l le. (1 st Peer a judge.) Lord-Lient. and Cnstos Rot . ofHuntingdon has

beenGovernor ot'

Jam aica, as al so Postm aster-Gen. Enjoys a pension of

for the abol ishedofi ceof Col l ector of the Custom s outw ard, Dab

l in. 1s patron 01 8 l ivings. 4 , Gram m ar Ga l e, P ark K im bol ton

Ca stle, Huntlngdonsh .

fMAN N ER s (2nd Ban ), John Henry Manners Sutton,P.C . ; or. 1 607.

B . 1 818. (First P ut a judge.) The Grove, Sufol b ; Fasten, Lin

42 11017811 or m ans.

for 0111131111 services.) Lord Privy Sea! in Scotl and, and Chancel l or of theUniversity of St. Andrew s ; has beenFirst Lord oftheAdm iral ty . (h . c.

1 81 1 , as Mr. Dnndas.) Carl ton 1 Melvi l le Ca stl e, E dinburgh

D um ira , Perthsh . PVs’

m bledon, Surrey .

.METHUEN ( l st Ban ), Pau l Methuen ; cr. 1838 .

B . 1 779. m . d. of sir H . M il dm ay . (h . c. 1837 , as M r. Methuen.) Is

patron of2 l ivings. 1 28, Pa rk-st d C'orsham Hou se, Wm a .

m DLE'rO N (7111 DigbyWil l oughby or. 171 1 .

B . 1 769. A Com m ander in the N avy . l s patron of 10 l ivings . 1 1 ,

Montague-ct., Portm cm M iddl etonHa l l , W am s'

oksk W el l a

ton-hou se, N otts B ridsa l l , Yorksh .

fM IDLET O N (5th G . A lan Brodrick ; cr. 1717.

B . 1 806 . S its as Baron Brodrick. (1 st Peer a jndge.) 1s patron of 8

l ivings . 12 , Upp er B rook-stq P epper Harrow P a rk, Surrey ; Ca

hirm one, cc. of Cork.

‘ M IN T O (2md E arl of), G . E l l iot M urray Kynynm ond,P.C . , Ct . 1 813.

B . 1 782, m . d. of P. Brydone, esq . 2nd tit. Visct. Melgund . Has

beenAm bassadorat Berl in . HasbeenFirstLord of theAdm iral ty. H into

Ca stle, co. ofR ox burgh .

M O N SO N (6 th Ban), F. J Monson, cr. 1 728 .

m . d . of Edmund Larken, esq. l s patron of 1 1 l ivings. B urton

Hou se, L incoln .

{M O N T A GU (2nd Batu), H. J. Montagu Scott ; cr. 1786 .

B . 1776 , m . d. of 1 st Lord Dougl as . Lord-Lient . ofSelkirksh . Is patron

of 7 l ivings . 6 , Ham i l ton p la ee; Dm on Park, Berks ; Beauh’

eu ,

Sou thamp tonsh .

‘ M O N T EAGLE ( l st Ban), T hos. S. Rice, P.C. ; or. 1839.

B . 1790 ; 111 . 1st, d. of the E arl of Lim erick ; 2adly, d. of JohnM arsha l l , esq. 1s Com ptrol ler of theE x chequer ; has been under Secre

tary of State in theHom eDepartm ent, Secretary to theTreasury, Secre

tary for the Col onies, and Chancel lor of the E x chequer. (h . c. 1889,

as M r. R ice.) 8, Manafield -st. A thenam m and Reform Cl ubs :Mount Trencha rd , cc. L im erick.

‘ M O N T FO RT (3rd Ban ), H. Brom l ey, D.C.L . or. 1741 .

B . 1778 , m . d. of Watts, esq. 1s patronof 1 l iving. 2 , Lower Scym our-cl . Monks-grove, Surrey.

1100811 or PEERS. 48

{MO N TRO SE (4th Duke of), J. Graham , P.C . or. 1707.

B . 1799, m . d. of Lord Decies. Col . of Stirl ing M il itia . Sits as E arlGraham . 2116 tit. Ma g. 01

Graham . Chancel lor of the University of

G lasgow . Hereditary Sherifl‘

of Dum bartonsh . 26, Grow m or-cqCa rlton Bucham m House. D um bartom h .

I‘ M O RAY ( l oth Earl of), Francis Stuart, K .T . cr. 156 1 .B . 177 1, m . first, 11. of Gen. Scott ; 2diy, d. of Sir P. Ainsl ie. Bits as

Baron Stuart , of Castle Stuart . 2nd tit. Lord Donne. Lord-Lient . o!

B lginshire. Dunbn’

sa l Castle, F ife, Ca stle Sm art, Invm ss-sls

D om Ca stle, Perthsh . D arm od y, E lgim h .

“M ORLEY (2nd Earl of Edm und Parker ; cr. 18 15.

B . 1810 In. therel ict ofW111 . Croyton, esq. 2nd tit. Visct. Boringdon.

1 s patron of 4 l ivings. Kent Hou se, Km'

ghl sbrid9e; Saaram , and

N orth Manon, Devonsh.

{M O RN IN GT O N (3rd Earl of), Wil l iam Wel lesley Pole,P.C . ; cr. 1760.

B . 1 768 , m . d. of theHon. Adm iral Forbes . Sits as Bar. Maryborough

l s br. to theDuke ofWel l ington. Oustos Rot. oftheQueen’s County, 00n

stable of M aryborongh Castle. Has been Chief Secretary to theLordLieut. of Ireland, and subsequent ly M aster of the M int , Postm aster

General , and M aster of the Buckhonnds. (h . c. 182 1, as Mr.Wel lesley

Pole.) 8, Savi l lef ow Carl ton F em Hal , Berksh .

1 M O R T O N (18 thEarl of,Sco. S. Dougl as ; cr. 1458 .

B . 1 789, m . d. of theR ightHon. S ir Geo. Rose. Is a Lord in w aiting.

7 O ld Pa lace Yard Carl ton A berdom ' Cas tle, F ife, D a lm ahoy,

M idl oth ian .

‘ M os't YN ( l st Ban) , Edward Pryce L loyd or. 1831 .

B . 1768, m . d. ofSir R . Mostyn, bt . 1s patron oi l l iving. (h . c. 1881 , as

Bit 8 . P. Lloyd, bt.) 9, Low" Seym our Pm ywen s, F l intsh .

I‘ M O UN T -CASHELL (3rd Earl of, Ir. Stephen

Moore or. 178 1B . 1 792, 111 . d. of Sam uel Wyss, esq. 2na tit Lord Kilworth . Is patron

of 1 l iving. C'wvenda

sh-eq. Hoore Park, cc. of Cork , Ga lgorm ,

00. ofAntrim .

fMO UN T -E DGECUM BE (2nd Earl of E rnest Augustus

E dgecnm be ; or. 1789.

B . 1797, m . d . of Adm iral F ielding. 2nd tit. Visct . Val letort. 1s

A ide-decam p to theQueen, and 001. of theOornw al l M il itia . 1 s patron

of 6 l ivings. R ichm ond Hi l l , Sw ay , Cotel e, Cornwa l l ; Houm

Edgeoum be, P lym ou th .

44 nous]; or m as.

fNEwcsn LE (4th Dukeof), Henry P. P. Cl inton, K .G

cr. 1756 .

B . 1786 , m . d . of B . N . Imm dy, esq. dead. 2ndtit . Earl of Lincoln.

Ranger ot Sherwood Forest . High Stew ard of Retford . l a patron of

12 l ivings. 1 7. Portm cm -sq. Carl ton ; Cl um ber Part , W orku pHaa or, and N ottingham Ca stle, N ous Havod, Cardigansh.

‘ Noaponx ( 13th Duke of), Henry Charles HowardP.C. Ct . 1 483 .

B . 1791 , ih . d . of the 1st Duke ofSutherl and. 2 116 tit.Earl ofA rundel

and Surrey . Hereditary Earl M arshal . Prem ier Duke. Has been T rea

surer ot'

the Hou sehol d (h. e. 1841 , as Lord Surrey.) 1s patron of 24

l ivings. TheDuchess is a Lady of the Bedehu nber. 21 , St . Jm s’s

Reform Clu b An m del Ca stle, Sus sex Harfol d , SurreyF am ham , Sqfou' Glossop ,Derbysh.

'NO RM AN BY (1 8tMarq. of), C. H.Phipps, P.C . ; cr. 1 838 .

B . 1797, in. d. of 1st Lord R avensworth . 2nd tit. Eat l ofM ul grave.

Has been Secretary of State for the Home Departm ent , Lord Lient.

of Ireland, Lord Privy Seal , Secretary of State for the Col onies, and

Governor of Jam aica. (11 . c. 1881 , as Lord Nom anby.) 81 , H i l l -s treel .’

Reform Cl ub Mu l grcw e Cas tle, Yorbsls.

‘ Noa 'm AMPT O N (2ndMarq. of SpencerJoshua A lwyne

Com pton, or. 18 12.

B . (1. of Gen. 01ephane, dead . 2na tit . E arl Go-pton. Ro

corder ofNortham pton. President of theRoyal Society . 1s patron of 6

l ivings. (h. c. 1 828, as E arl Compton.) 00 8310c , N ortham p tonchqCowp l on W inga tes , W arw icksh .

(3rd Duke of), H. Percy, K.G .

P.C . ct . 1766 .

B . 1 786, in. d . ofm m Powis. 2nd t1t. Earl Percy. Lord-Lient. and

Cnstos Rot. of Northum berl and, and Constable of Lanneeaton Cast le.

Chancel l or of the Univet sity of Cam bridge. Has been Lord.-Lient .

of Irel and, and Am bassador E x traordinary to Franceon the coronationofCharles I . (The Duchess w as Governess to theQneen.) 1s patron of 1 1l ivinga. Carlton : cu ring Cross , A lm oickand l eader Caatk s ,N or

thum a : Stan House, H iddlesex ; W arrington Park, Com ets" .

fNoaa xcx (2nd Ban ), J. Rushou t, or. 1797.

B . 1770, nn1na1'

ried. Is patron of 1 l iving. 2, Cm m ht-p la cc

N orthw tok P a rk, G loucesm sh .

’ Nonw 1cn (Bp. of E dward Stanley, D . D .

8 . of 81: T . J. Stanley, bu t . 11. 1779, m . d. of Rev. 0. beneater.

nous: 01» ru ns. 45

consensu al! 1887 . Cleahot thecb set totheoneen. M ol a l ohn’s

Col lege, Cam bridge. 1s patsoa ot'

47 l ivincs. An nal valne ot see

1'O N SLOW (3rd Earl of Arthur Geo. O nslow ; or. 1801 .

ln. d. 0! G . Plndyer, E sq . dead. 2na tit. Vise. Oranley . (1stPeer til led theofl ee0! Speaker of theHouseof Comm ons.) 1 s patron of

7 l ivings. 18, A l bem arlo-cl . Clandon Park, Surrey.

1011 170 11 1) (3rd Earl of HoratioWalpole ; cv. 1806 .

A . Pawt ner, Esq. 2nd tit . Ld al pole. (Peerage conferred torofl cial services.) 001. oftheWest Norb lk M il itia, and

High Steward ot‘ Lynn ; has been a Lord of theAdm iral ty, and a 00111

m issioner for the afl‘

airs of India. l s patron of 7 l ivings. Carlton:

fO a zY (2116 Earl of, Sco. Thom as John 11a‘

m il ton Fitzm aurice ; er. 1 696 .

B . 1808 , in. 6 . 01 8111 Lord Boston. 204 tit.Visct. Kirkwal l . Car lton ;

10 11 110 111111 (204 Marq. of), John Butler ; er. 1825 .

B . 1808. Sits as Baron Ormonde 2nd tit. Earl ot'

O ssory. 1s a 110111 10

w aiting. Hereditary Chief Butler of Irel and. 1s patron of 6 l ivings.

103110 117 , Feasts , AN D Lam nam (Bp. of), Jam es Thom as O

’Brien, D .D.

E ld. s. of 11 . B . O’Brien, esq. by thed. of T . Kongh, esq. ; m . d. 0!

Chief Justice Pennet’ather. Form erly fel low of Trinity Col lege, Dubl in.

Consecrated 1842 . Is patron of 177 l iving . Anneal value of the See,

‘ O x poan AN D Moa'rm na (5th Earl of), Edw. Harley

or. 171 1 .

800tt, dead. m ea nwam ney. (Peer

age confi ned t'

or ofl cial sew ices .) 1s patron of 7 l ivings. 94, New

B ond st. , B ram p ton Park.Hsrd ordsk.

fO x ronl ) (B . of Hon. Richard Bagot, D.D .

8 . of 1st Bagot . B . 1782, m . d. 01 4th E arl of Jersey . Conse

erated 1829. 1)ean0! Canterbury. Chancel lor of theOtderof theGas

ter. Posm l y of Al l Soul s Col lege. 1s patron of 1 1 l ivtngs . Annual

valueofsee Ouddssdon Pa la ce theDeanery, Canterbury .

.PAGET (Ban), Henry Paget, P.C. ; cr. 1560.

B . 1797 , at. first, 4. of 001. J. OaI pbel l ; 21117 , d . of theR ight Hon.

8 1s 0. l ap t . l s styled by oonrtel y Bal l of Ux bt idge, being the el des’

46 110031; or ram s.

son of theMarq. of Anglesey. When this peerw as cal led to theupperhouse in 1 882, no new peerage w as created, and he takes precedence

as of theyear 1 660, thedateof his father’s bam ny . Lt .

-Col . in, the arm y.

Has been Lord Cham berlain to theQueen. (h. c. 1882, as Earl of Ux

bridge.) 1 , O ld Burl ington-s t.

‘ PA NM URE ( l st Ban), Wil l iam Maule cr. 183 1 .

hr. of the 9th Earl ofDalhousie,m . first, d. ofG . Gordon, esq . ;

2dly, d. of Barton,esq; on succeeding to thePanm nreestates took the

nam e ofManle in l ien of Ram say ; (h .c. 1881, as M r.M anl e.) 9, Cornw a l l -ter. , R egent

’s p ark B recht”, Foffarsk.

1a saox s AN D MO N TG O M E RY ( 12th Earl of), R . H.

Herbert or. 1551 .

B . 1791 , m . Princess Octavia Spinel l i, d. of the Duke of Lorine, andw idow ofPrinceRnbari, ofSici ly . 2nd tit. LordHerbert . H igh StewardofWi l ton. Is patron of 10livings . 147mm House, m m .

‘ PE T EnBoaouon (Bp. of George Davys, DD .

8 . of John Davys, esq. B . 1 780, ih . d. of Rev. E . Mapletot'

t. Conse

crated 1889. Form erl y Fel l ow ofChrist’sCol lege, Cam bridge. LatePreceptor to Her Majesty, and Dean of Chester. Is patron of 1 6 l ivings.

Annual valueof see, £ 4,600. P a l ace, Peterborough .

‘ PE T RE ( l l th Ban),W. H. Fras. Petre, cr. 1 603.

B . 1793 ; 111 . first, d. of sirRich . Bedingfel d ; 2diy, d. ofHenryHow ard,esq. I s patron of 1 l iving. 8, Mam fi el d-strset ; Thom donHa l l , E s sex

Buckenl sam Hou se, N ad el t ; M et Ha l l , Lem eas ls.

‘ PLUN KE T ( l st Bar. Wm . C. Pl unket, P.C . ; er. 1827.

11. 1764, m . d. or) . M ‘ansl and, esq. : dead. Has been Lord Chancel lor

ofIrel and . (h . c. 1827, as Mr. Pl unket, as also for som e years in the

Irish HouseofCom mons.) O l d Connaught, W ickl ow .


rH (8 th Earl of), Henry Windsor ; or. 1682 .

B . 1768 ln. (1. ofT . Copson, esq. 2nd tit. LordWindsor. 1s patron of

1 1 l ivings . Ca rlton Howel l Grange, Worcestersh ; St. Fugass's

Ca stle, G lm orgam h .

l"Pon'rm om : ( l st Ban ), G . W. Bam pfyl de ; cr. 1831 .

B . 1786 , in. i rat, 4 . of theRev. R . Sneyd ; 2adl y, d. of Gen. Bul let .

001. of the N orth Devon M il itia. Is a Lord of the Bedehalnber. l s

patron of 4 l ivings. 19, Gram m ar Reform Club Kurdistan”

Park, Som erset Pol tim ore, and CourtHa l l , Devon.

“PO N SO N BY ( 1st J Ponsonby, cr. 1839.

B . 1770, m . d. of the 4th E arl of Jersey . Has been AmbassadorE x trae rdinary, and Plenipotentiary at thePotts . B ishop

’s Court, K il dare.

1100311 or Palm s. 47

fPen'rLANn (4th Duke of Wil l iam Henry Cavendish

Scott Bentinck, D .C.L . P.C . os . 1716 .

B . 176 8, m . d. ofGen. Scott. 20 11 tit. M arq. of T itchflel d. Has beenPresident of theCounci l . 1s patron of 1 1 l ivings. 19, Cavm d ish

-sqW elbect A bbey, N am F ufl afl on Houseand Dean Ca stle, A yrsh

B ol sover Ca s tl e, Derbysh .

“PO R TM AN ( l st Ban), Edw. Berkeley.Portm an cr. 1837.

B . 1799, m . d. of the 2na E arl ofHarew ood. Lord-Lient. ofSom ersetshire. l spatron of 15 l ivings. (h . c. 1888, as M r.P0rt1nan.) Bryanston ,

D on etsk. Orchard P ortm an, Som ersetsh.

PO R T SM O UTH (3rd E arl ) John Chas. Wal lop.

B . 1767, m . d. of 1st LordGrantley : dead. Hurstbom eP a rk, Ham s .

1‘ PO 0LET T (5111 Earl ) , John Pou lett ; or. 1706 .

B . 1788, m . d. of the lateH . B . Portm an, E sq. 2nd tit. Visct. H inton .

001. of the l at Som erset M il itia. Is patron of 7 l ivings. 2, Mansfi eldas. Carl ton . Hs

ntm St. George, Som ersel sh .

+Pow xs (2nd Earl of Edw . Herbert, D.C.L . Ct . 1804.

B . 1785, ln. (1. ofthe3ra keofMontrose. 2nd tit.Visct. Cl ive. (Peerage

conferred for m il itary services.) Lord-Lieut. ot‘

Montgom erysh ire. (h . c.

1 889, as Lord Cl ive. ) 1s patron of 1 1 l ivings. 45, B arkab y-sq. P aw s‘


Ca stle, Hm slgom eryshs‘

re; Wa l cotHa l l , Satop .

1PRUDHO E (1 st A . Percy, Ct . 1816 .

B . 1792 , m . d. ofRichard, Earl Grosvenor, and grand d. of the M arq.

of Westm inster. A Capt. in the N avy . I s patron of 1 l iving. 87

A l bem arle-st. Stanw s‘

ck Park, Yorksh .

‘ RA DN O R (3ta Earl of Wm . P. Bouverie ; or. 1765.

B . 1779, 111 . first, d. of the E arl of Lincoln ; 2ndl y, d. of Sir H . P .

S t. JohnM ildm ay. 2nd tit .Visct . Folkestone. (h . c. 1828, as Lord Folkestone.) l s patron of 8 l ivings. 52 , Grosvenor-st L ongford Cas tl e,W s

l ts Coleshs’

l l , Berks .

+R AN FURLY ( l st Earl ), Thom as Knox ; cr. 1831 .

B . 1786 , m . d. of Archbishop Stuart of Arm agh . Sits as Baron Ran

furly. 2nd tit. Lord N orthl and. (h . c. 1838, as Lord Northl and) . D un~

9 4m m Park, 00. of Tyrone.

T . Henry L iddel l ; cr. 1 821 .

B . 1776 , m . d. of 1 . Sim pson, esq. 1s patron of l l iving. Ca rl ton

Percy’s Cross , F u lham ; R avm w orth Ca stl e, cc. of D urham

l s’

ssytosi House, N orthum berland .

48 1100311 or Pam ;

?RAYLEm n ( l st Ban ), John Jam es Strntt ; er. 1821 .

B . 1796 ; s. of Col . Stm tt and of the Baroness Rayleigh. Carl ton

fRE AY 37th Bar. Sco. Eric M ackay ; or. 1628 .

B . 177 nnm . 16 , St. Jam es’s-p l . Car l ton , Tongue and 85660,

cc. of Su ther l and .

fR EDE SDALE (2nd Ban), J. T . F. M itford ; cr. 1802 .

B . 1805, unm arried. (1stPeer a Judge.) Is patm not’2 l ivings . 49, E a r

ley-st. Car l ton Batsford Pa rk, G loucestersh .

fR ICHM O N D (5th Duke of), Chas. Gordon Lennox ,K .G . , P.C . ; cr. 1675.

B . 1 791 , m . d. of 1st M arq . ofAnglesey . 2nd tit . Earl of March . Aide

de-cam p to theQueen ; w as atWaterloo . Lord-Lient. andVice-Adm . of

Sussex , has been Postm aster-Gen. and a Cabinet M inister. Is patron of

8 l ivings. 61 , Portl andp l . Goodwood Park, Sussex .

I‘R IPO N ( l st Earl of Fred. J Robinson, P.C. ; cr. 1 833 .

B . 1782, m . d. of the 4th Earl of Buckingham shire. 2nd tit . Visct .

Goderich . HasbeenLord Privy Seal ; Secretary of StatefortheColonies ;

President of theBoard of Trade; Chancel lorof theEx chequer ; and for a

short tim e F irst Lord of the Treasury. l s President of the Board of

Trade. (h . c. 1827 , as M r. Robinson.) Is patron of2 l ivings . 1 , Car l ton

Gardens N octors, L incohssh Paksey Hea th, Su rrey.

‘ R IPO N (Bp. of Charles Thom as Langley, D .D.

8 . of J. Longley, esq. B . 1794 , m . d. of sir H . Parnel l , bart. Cou e

crated 1 836 ; form erl y of Christ Church , O x ford. Annual valne ot’


B ishop s l oneGrove, Yorksh .

I'R l vsns (4th Ban ), GeorgePitt R ivers ; er. 1802.

B . 1810, ln. d. of 1st Earl Granvil le. (Peerage conferred for dipl om atic

services.) 1s a Lord inWaiting. 1s patron of 1 1 l ivings. 42, Belm o

sq. Ru shm oreL odge, D orset , E l tha m L odge, Kent .

fRoa s'rER (Bp. of George M urray, D .D .

8 . of Lord G . Murray. B . 1784 , m . d. of9th Earl of Kinnonl . Du n

of Worcester. Consecrated Bp . of BM W and M an 1 818 ; trans l ated

1 827 . Form erl y Student of Christ Church, O x ford . 1s patron of 1 8

l ivings. Annual valueof see, Brom l ey Pa la ce, Kent ; th e

D eanery, Woroester .

fRO DE N ( l st E arl of), R . Jocel yn, K .P., P.C . ; cr.

B . 1788, m . d. of the l ateLord LeDespencer. Sits as Baron Cl anbrassi l l .E njoys a pension of for theabol ished officeofAuditorGenetal in

Irel and. 2116 tit. Visct . Jocelyn. Onstos Rot. of the 00 . of Louth . I s

patron of 1 l iving. 66 , Ca dogass-p l . Ca r lton 1 HydeHa l l , B ed s

Tuuym orePark, co. q oum Da m ian:Hou se, ao. ofL oss“.

50 HOUSE 01! m ans.

patron of 8 l ivings. 4, Grqflon Car l ton , HaMel d-house, Hert

fords ls Chi l dwa l lr lsa l l , L anca sh .

‘ SALISBURY (Bp. of), Edward Denison, D.D .

80a of J. Denison, esq. ; b. 1801 ; m . d. ofH . K . Seym onr, esq. dead.

Provincial Precentor of Canterbury. Form erl y ot’

O rie1 0011ege, O x ford .

Consecrated 1 837 . Is patron of86 l ivings. Annual valueofsee

P a l ace, Sa l isbury .

I‘ SALT O UN ( l 6 l b Bar. Sco. A lex . Geo. Fraser,C . B. cr. 1445.

B . 1786, m . d. of 1st Lord Th urlow , dead. A M aj .-Gen. in theArm y ;

was at Waterl oo. 1 , Grea t Cum berland “ Carlson Phi lorth

hou se, A berdem sh .

{SA N DWICH (7th Earl of), John W. Montagn ; cr. 1 660.

B . 1 811 , m . d. of the 1st M arq . of Anglesey . 2nd tit. Visct . Hinchinbrooke. l s Lord Lient. ofHuntingdonsh . (Peerageconferred (or naval

services.) I s patron of 8 l ivings. 89, Hount-st. ; Car l ton ; Hind m a

brooks house, Hm sts’



fSAN DYB ( l st Bar. ) Arthur Moyses Wm . Hil l ; cr. 1802.

B . 1 792. Dr. to the8taMarq . ofDownshue A 001. in the2ndDragoons .

(11 . as Lord Arthur Hil l .) 48, Ga rl and s!" Om bers lcy Gossrt,W orcestersh .

‘ SAYE A ND SELE ( 1 1 th GeorgeWil l iam EardleyTw isleton-Fiennes ; cr. 1447.

B . 1769, m . d. of Lord Bardl ey , dead. 1s patron of 1 l iving . 48 ,Grow enor-st. Reform Club Broughton Ca stle, Ovardeh Delve.

‘ SCARBO RO UGH (8th E arl of), John Savil le-Lum l ey ;or. 1690.

B . 1788. 2nd tit. Visct . a l ey. Lord-L lea t. and Castes Rot. of

Nottingham shire. (h . c. 1886 , as Visct. a ley. ) 1s patron of 1 4

l ivings. 4 1 , South “. 3 Sassdbeck P a rk, Yorbsls L unacy Ca stl e,Durha m Gknhoorth, L s

neohssh .

{SCARSDALE (3rd Nathaniel Curzon ; or. 176 1 .

l s patron of8 l ivings . Kedd l eston Ha l l , Derbysh.

‘ SEAFO RD l st Bar. ) Charl es Rose E l l is ; cr. 1 826 .

B . st,d. ofLos'dHervey ; 2ndly, LadyHardy. Father of l sordHoward deWal den, who inherited his peeragefrom his m aternal great

grandfather. (h. c. 1826 ashir. E l l is 2, Audley sq. , Seaj brd, Sum .

{Snas xann (6 th Earl of, Sco. Rep.) Francis Wil l iamG rant ; or. 1701 .8 .177 8, 1n d. of John 0. Dunn, esq. dead. 2nd tit. 110rd l eidhaven.

noose or Pa lm s . 51

Is a 001. in the Am y , Lord-Lient of Inverness-sh 001. of InvernessM il itia (h. c. 1840, as M x . Grant.) 42 , Belgraw -sq. Car lton ; A thessa m n Cu l lenHouse, Bani sh Castl eGrant, Inven sess-sl s.

1SE A1'

0N ( l st John Colborne, G .O .B. or. 1839.

B . 1776 , in. d . ofJas. Yonge, esq. (Peerageconferred for m il itary services.) A Lient .-Gen. in the Am y. Col . 0! 26 th Foot. Has been Gov.

Gen . inCanada. Sean's, Devaneh .

‘ SBPTO N (3rd E arl of), Chas. Wm . Molyneu x cr. 1771 .B . 1796 , 111. d. 01 11 . G . Hopwood, esq. Sits as Dam n Senon. 2nd tit.

Visct. Mol yneux . I s patron of 1 l iving. (h . c. 1884 as Lord Molyneux .)2 1 , A rl ington-s lreet Reform Cl ub Crox teth Ha l l , Lasseasls Stoke

{Snnm a x (6 1h E arl of, Sco. Dunbar J. Douglas ;or. 1646 .

Ya B . 1 809, am . 2114 tit. Lord Daer. Carlton St. Mary

’s I s le, K irk



{SB APTB SBURY (6 th Earl ), C. A. C00per, P.C . or. 1672 .

B . 1768 , m . d. of the8111 DukeofMarlborough . 2nd tit. Lord A shley .

(Peerageconferred for oM al services.) Chairm an of Comm ittees of the

HouseofLords , Recorder ofDorchester. 1s patronof 10l ivm gs . 24 , Gros

ow r Carl ton ; St . Gi les House, Don etsk ; R ichm ond, Survey.

‘ 8 11 AN NO N (4th Earl of R ichard Boyle; or. 1756 .

B . 1809, of Lord George Seym our . Sits as Baron Carleton. 2na

tit. Visct. Boyle. (Peerage conferred t'

or ofl cial services .) Is patron of

s l ivlngs. 7 , Com augM -p l . Ca stlem artyr, co. of Carl : D oum ham

Ha l l , Suf olk.

{SHEFF IELD (2nd E arl of), G . A. F . O .Hol royd ; cr. 18 16 .

B . 1802, m . d. of the26 Earl ofHarewood . Sits as Baron Shefl eld. 2nd

tit.Visct . Pevensey. 1s patron of 1 l iving. 20, Portland -p l . Carlton 1

M id Park, Sussex Graem eHa l l , Yorksh .

‘ SHERBO RN E (2nd John Dutton ; cr. 1784.

B . 1779, 111 . d. of Lord Stawel l . 1s patron of 8 l ivings. 68, Gros

om om t. SherbaneeL odge, G loucestersh .

“Snanwsnum r ( 17th E arl of John T albot ; or. 1442.

111 . d. ofWil l iam Talbot, esq . 2nd tit .Lord Talbot . Hereditary

L ord High Steward of Ireland. Prem ier Bari . 1s patron of 7 l ivings.

7 , StaM ope-s t. Heythrop House. Od ordsh Grafton Ha l l , Wer

cesterek . A l ton Towers , Stal ord

érh .


52 nous: or m as.

m M O UTa (1st Henry Addington, P.C. D.C.L

or. 1805.

B . 1767, 1 1 . first, 11. ofLeonardE am ond,esq. ; M y, (1.01 11016 Stowe]!

(dead). (Peerageconferred t‘

or ofi cial services .) Has been Speakerofthe

House of Com m ons, First Lord of the Treasury, and Chancel lor of the

Ex chequer ; also 801 m any years Hom e Secretary ; is High Stewau l of

Westm inster and of Reading, and a Benches of Lincoln’s Inn. (h . c.

1806 , as M r. Addington.) 41 , D over R ichm ond Park , Upper

O ttery, Devon.

{SIN CLA IR ( 12th Bar. Soc. 0. St. Clair ; er. 1489.

B . 176 8, ia . first, d. of) . Ch isholm e, esq . ; 2dl y, d. ofA lex . Chatto, esq

(Peerageconferredfor m i l itary services.) Hem m tem s, Hadd s'

ugtom h .

fSKE LM ER SDA LE ( l st -Wilbrahamcr. 1828 .

B . 1771 , m . d. ofthe Rev . E . Taylor, dead. (h . e. 1828 , as Mr. Bootl e

W ilbraham z) 66, Portl and'

p l . Carl ton L athes» House, Laneaeh .

2 8 1m m (204 Marq. of HowePeter Browne, K .P. P.C

cr. 1800.

B . 1788, m . d. ofthe l ath Earl ofClanricarde. Sits as Baron B onteagle.

2nd tit. E arl ofA l tam ont. Has been Governor of Jam aica . I s Castes not .

ofthe 00. of M ayo, 001 . of the South Mayo M il itia. 2, Hanafiel d—st . ;Westp ort House, ea. 07


{Sau na s (2110Earl ), John Som ers Cocks ; ct . 1821 .

B . 1788, 111. d. of 8rd Earl ofHardwieke. 2na tit. Viset. E astnor. l s

001. of the Herefordshixe Mil itia. (h . c. 1841 as Lord Eastnor.) [a

patronof 7 l ivings . E a stnor Ca stle, Herefordsh. ; Priory, Surrey .

“SOM ERSET (1 1 th Duke of Edw. Adolphus St. Mans ,

D .C .L . F .R .S. or. 1546 .

B . 1776 , m ., first, d. of the 9th Duke ofHam il ton ; 2nd. (1. of Sir l l . 8 .

Stewart, bu t. 2na tit. Lord Seym our. A n il lustrious ancestor of the

Dukewas am ongst themost distinguished promoters of theHabeas 00r

pns Act. Is patron of 2 l ivings. Pari ah , Ha idm Bradley House

Wm s W im bledon Park, Surrey Sl ower Lodge, Devousk.

fSO N DE s (4th George John Mil les ; cr. 1760.

B . 1794 , m . d. of 811 15. Knatchbnl l , B t. l apatron of 7 l ivings. Car l

ton 1 Less Court, Kent RoeHugham Castl e, N orthamp tonsh .

fSoa AM P'rO N (31 6 Charles Fitzroy os. 1780.

B . 1804 , m . d. ofthe 11011 .H . Fitsroy Stanhope. 8, Gam es: Garden:Ca rl ton ; F itzroy-p l ace, K iddies“ .

‘ SPBN CE R (3rd Earl ), John Chas. Spencer, P.C . ;cr. 1765.

B . 1782, 111 . d. of R . Achlom, esq . dead. 2nd tit. Visct. Al thorp. Has

1100311 or m ans. 53

been Chancel l or of the E x chequer. (h . c. 1 834, as Visct. Al thorp.) i s

patron of 12 l ivings . 27, St. Jam es-p l . ; A l thorp Park, N ortha Mp

tench”; PVs


m bledon, Surrey , W estfi eld House, I s le of W ight :


randoss, N offolb; I‘Vs'

u ton Ha l l , Nous .

i sT u poan (6 111 G . W. s . Jerningham ; or. 1640.

B . 1771 , 111 . first , 6 . of Edward Snl yarde, esq. ; 2ndl y, d. of Richard

Oaton, esq. Costessy P ark, N orfolk Slu'

fi sa l l Manor, Sa l op .

‘ S'ram (8th E arl of), John Ham il ton Dal rym ple ; or.


B . 177 1 ; 10 . 1st, d. ci'

l l ey . R . A. Johnson ; 2adly, 1st Vise. Duncan.

H as been Keeperof theGreat Seal in Scotland. Sits as Bar. O x ont‘


(1st peerajudge). (7m Hou se, and Ca stle Stew art, PWgtonsh . ;

Sta ir Hou se, Ayrsh. O x onfoord Hou se, E dinburgh.

‘ S'r. ALBAN S (9th Duke of), Wil l iam Aubrey De VereBeauclerk, D .C .L. cr. 1 683.

B . 1 801 , 11 . 1 st. M rs . Conti s, form efl y M iss Mel lon; 2dl y, d. of Gen .

a bins. 2nd tit. Earl of Bnrt'

ord. Hereditary Grand Fa lconer, and

Hereditary Registrar of theCourt of Chancery . 1s patron of 2 l ivings.

1 , Stratton-st ; Rodbum Ha l l , L tneotm ls. Hol l y L odge, M idd lesex .

{ST AM FO RD AN D Waa am oron (6 th Earl of), GeorgeHarry Grey or. 1 628 .

B . 1 76 6 , m . d . ofLord Eleho, son of 6th EarlWem yss. 2nd tit. LordGrey .

Lord-Lient . Ouetoa B ot. andViee-Adm it al of Cheshire. Lady JaneGreyw as of this fam il y, as al so the regicide Lord Grey . Is patron of 9

l l vings . 83, H i l I-st. ; Enm'

l le Ha l l , Staf ordshq M am Ma sseyPark, Cheek.

fST ANHO PE (4th E arl ), Phil ipHenry Stanhope,cr. 1718 .

B . 1781 , 111. d. cl l st Lord Carriagton. 2natit.Visct.M ahon. (Peerage

conferred for m il itary services .) Keeper of the Records of Birm ingham

Tower, Dubl in. Is patron of 8 livings. (h . c. 1816 , as Visct. Mahon).14, Gt. Stanhopeo st. Ohevem


ng, Kent.

. ST ANLEY ofAnneanm r ( l st John T hom as Stan

ley or. 1839.

B . 1766 ; m . d. otthel stEarl ofShemela, dead. 40, Dover.“ A l der

Iey Part , Chesh

ASAP}! (Bp. of Wil l iam Carey, D .D.

consecrated Bp. ofE x eter 1 820; transl ated 1880. Formerly of Christ

Church , O x ford. 1spatron 011 18 l iv1ngs. Annua l val ue P a la ce,

St. A saph .

“ST. DAVID’s (Bp. of), Connop Thirl wal l , D .D .

8 . 0! Rev. T . Thirlwal l ; b. 1797 . Formerl y Fel low ofTrin. 0011. 0am

54 HOUSE or Penna.

bridge. Oonsecrated 1 840. Is patron of 99 l iving . Annual val tw

Abernam Pal ace, Cam a rthen.

fST . GE RM AN S (2nd Earl of), Wm . El iot ; ct . 18 15 .

B . 1767 , m . ht at, 6. of the 1 st Duke of Sutherland; 2dly, d. of LoadB eytesbnry ; Bdly, d. of Gen . Robinson; 4thly, d. of Sir T . Hor

dannt, dead. 2nd tit. Lord B l iot. Is patron ot‘

8 l iving . 7 , N ew B a r

18 1 . JO HN 01? ( 14th St. Andrew Beau

cham p St. John er. 1558 .

B . 1 811 , m . d. ofSir R . H. Hussey, K .G.B . 1s patron of 6 l ivings .

Car l ton B letsoePark, B eds .

‘ S'rova

'rO N (17th Wil l iam Stourton or. 1448 .

B . 1776 , 111.d. ofThomasWel d, esq. 1s patronof 1 l iving. 1 0, K m

fi eld s t. A l lerton Park, Yorksk.

{Sraannaox n (2110 Earl of John Edw . Cornwal l isRons or. 1821 .

B . 1 794 . 2nd tit. Viset. Dnnw ich . 001. oftheEast 8 1180“M il itia. l s

patron of 7 l ivings. 88, Herflbrd-s treet ; 110a Ha l l , Sufolk.

‘ ST B AFFoaD John Byng,P.C . : Ct . 1835.

M . first, d. of Peter Mackenzie, Esq. ; N W. (1. of Sir Wal ter Jam és,B t . A General in the Arm y ; 00 1. 29th Foot ; w as at Waterl oo .

(h . c. 1886 , as Sir John Byng.) 6 , Portm a n-sq. ; Reform Club 1 Lav

i sra aucroan (6 thVisct. )Percy Cl inton Sydney Sm ythe,P.C . G .C.H. LL .D . or. 1 628 .

B . 1 780, nu t. of 8 11'Thomas Burke, dead. Bits as BaronPenshnrst . Has

been Am bassador at Constantinop le, Portugal , &c. Has publ ished trans

l ations from thePortuguese poet Cam oens, and other poem s . 68, Har

ky-cl . 3 Carlton.

fST a A'rHALLAN (6 th Visct. Sco. Jam es Andrew

John Laurence Charles Drum m ond ; or. 1686 .

B . 1767 , 111 . d. of the4th Duke ofA thol . Thepresent Bari was restored

to the forfeited hononrsot'

thefam il y , in 1 824 . (h . c. 1824 , as M r Dru n

m ond.) Stratha l l assH ., Pertm .

‘ S'w s a'

r m :D acm sfl st cr. 1839.

B . 1808 , m . M adamedeO l t. Lord-Lient . ofWatett'

ord. (h . c. 1826 asMr. Vil l iers Stuart.) Drom am s, eo. W a k d ord .

1100311 or m as s. 85

181 0 1 11 1 01:Ro'm ssn ( l st P.C

ct . 1 828 .

B . 1779, 111 . d. of the8111 Earl ofHardw icke. Has been Ambassador at

Paris. Is Am bassador at St. Petersburgh . 4 , Carl ton-looves-ter .; Car l

ton ; Highel tf, Hassl e.

+87 . Vm cnx 'r (2d Edw .

-Jervis Jervis ; cr. 1801 .

ih . first, (1. of l oth Lord Baye and M e, divorced ; 2adly , d. of

Thom as Parker, Esq. (1st Peer a distinguished naval eosnn andet .) 107 ,

P a rk-s t 3 Meaford, Stqfordsh .

‘ SUDELEY ( l st Charles Hanbury T racy cr. 1838 .

B . 1777 , m . d. of8th Viscount T racy, dead. (h. c. 1887 , as hl r. Han.

bury T racy .) Is patron of 2 l ivings. 85, D over-st. , Toddissgt'on.

G l ou cestersh .

‘ SUF F IELD (4th Edwd. Vernon Harbord ; er. 1786 .

B . 1 818 , m . d. of the 2116 110111 Gardner. l s patron of 1 1 l ivings . 7 1 ,

Grosvenorostq Refom Chsb; Genitoq N od .. Hidd l etonHa l l ane.

“SUFFO LK AN D Bs a x sm an (16 th Earl of), T . Howard

cr. 1 603.

B . 1776 , 111 . d. ofLord Sherborne. 2nd tit. Visct. Andovea. 001. ofthe

W il tsh . M il itia. Charl ton, m m .

“Su ssnx ( l st Duke of), H. R . H. Prince Augustus

F rederick, K .G . , K .T . , P.C . ; or. 1801 .

Uncle to theQueen. B . 1778 . Constable and Governor ofWindsorCastle. High Steward of Plym outh , B anger of St. Jam es’s and HydeParks, 001. of theHon. Asfi l . 00m p. , President of the Society of Arts.

Grand Master of theFreem asons. Km ingtoss Pa l ace3 Reform Clu b.

‘ SU'rm -mL AN D (200 Duke of), G . G . Leveson Gower,K.G . P. C. D .C. L. or. 1 833.

B . 1786 .m . d. ofthe 6 111 B . ofCarl is le. 2nd tit. Marq. ofBuford . Lord

L ient . of 80theriandsh . , and of Salerp. Custos Bot. 01“

Stafi rdsh . (h . c.

1826 , as Lord Gower.) 1s patron of 12 l ivings . Stqfl‘brd Hou se, St.


m nes’s ; Trentham Ha l l , Stqford ; W est Km , Surrey ; L i l lesha l l

House, Sa lop .

{SYDN EY (3rd John RobertT ownshend cr. 1789.

B . 1 806 , 1n. d.ol the1stM arq. ofAnglesey . (Peerageconferred forofl cial

services. ) 1 s a Lord inWaiting. 1s patron of 1 l iving . (h . 0. as the

Hon. 1 . R . Townshend.) 8 , Cleveland Carl ton 3 From " , Kent .

56 novel ; or 9333 5 .

fT ALBo'r (2md Earl ), C . C. T al bot, K.P. , P.C. ; er. 1784.

B . 1777, m . d. ot'

Oharles Lam bert, esq . dead. 2nd tit. Visa . l ngestre.

(l st Peerajndge.) Lord-M ent . offltaflordshire; has been Lord-Lient . of

M iam i . 1s patron of 4 l iving; 7 1 Grow m or-ct. Carlton 1 Inges

treHa l l,Stqfordsh .

‘ T A LBo '

r m : MALAHI DE ( l st Bar. ) R ich.Wogan Talbot ;or. 1831 .

M . 1st (1. ofJohnM alpas, esq ; 2dly , d. of And . Sayers, esq. Bib u

Baron Fum ival . Ha l ahs‘

de Castle, co. Dubl in .

fT ANKERVILLE (5th E arl of), CharlesAugustus Bennet,P.C . ; or. 1714.

B . 1776 , m . d. oftheDukedeGn mm ont. 20d tit. Lord O ssnlston. Has

been Treasurer of the Househol d. (h . c. 1 822, as Lord Ossnl ston.) l s

patronof 1 living. 28 , Grow .-eq. Chi l l ingham Cas tle, N orthum b .

fTEN T ERDEN (2nd John Henry Abbott cr. 1827.

B . 1798 , m arried. (l st PeereJudge.) 91 , Portm an Carbon ,

T EMPLEM O BE (2nd Henry Spencer Chichester ;cr. 183]B . 1821 . Dunbrody Park, cc. Wexford Com bo Bank, Kent.

T EYNHAM ( l 6 th George Henry Roper Curzon ;or. 1 6 16Is m arried. L im tead L odge, Kent.

‘ THAN E T (1 1th E arl of Henry T ufion : cf. 1628 .

B . 1776 , unm arried. 2na tit. Lord Tnfi on. Hereditary Sherifl'


Westm oreland. Loni-Lient . of Kent. Is patron of 1 1 l ivings . (h . c.

1 882, as the Hon. H . N ton.) 15, Conna ught-sq. ; Reform Cl ub

Hothfi el d p h , Kent , App k by Ca stle, Westm oreland ; Skip ton

Cat tle, Yorbsh .

{THO M O ND (2nd Marq. of, Ir. Wil l iam O’

Bryen,R .P. ; or. 1801 .

B . 1 768 ; m . d. of l h omas Trotter, esq. 2ud tit. Earl of l nchl quin.

Bi ron Tedcu ter tn the Peerage of theUnited Kingdom . 001. of the

coth City M il itia. and M il itia A l de-de-Cam p to theQueen . Is patron of

8 11m . 41 , B elgrave-sq. ; Carl ton ; R ostel l an Ca stl e, cc. qrCork.

1Tnum .ow (3d Edw . T hos. H. T hurl ow ; or 1792 .

B . 1 814 , m . d . ofP. Hodson. esq : dead. ( l st Peer a judge. ) Is patronof 1 living. Knight

's Hat, Surrey ; Carl ton .

‘ T O RR IN GT O N (7th GeorgeByng ; cr. 1721 .B . 1 812 , m . d. of Sir John D . A stley , hart. L ieut. ih the7th M leen .

B us been s Lord inwaiting to theQueen. Yotu -eourt, Kent.

58 nous]: or m as.

fWALsm GHAM (5th Thom as deGrey ; or. 1780.

B . 1804 , m . d. of SirB . F . Rus sel l , bt. l s patron of 2 l ivings. 7.

Upp er Porfland-p l . Carlton : Horton Ha l l , N od olb.

1-WA RD ( 1 1 th Wil l iam Ward ; cr. 1664.

B . 1817 . M ivart’eHotel ; Him leyHa l l , Stqfl’


fWAnwxcx AN D Bnoox E (3rd E arl of), Henry RichardGrevil le, K .T Ct . 1746 .

B . 1779, m . d. of the2naEarl ofMel borongh . 2nd tit. Lord Brooke.

I s a Lord inw aiting. Lord-Lient. and Cantos B ot . ofWarw ick. 001 . of

theWarw ick M il itia. Recorder ofWarw iok. Is patron of 2 Iivings.

(h .c. 1818 , asLord Brooke.) 7 , Ca rl ton Gardens . Carlton ; Wanm'

el '

Ca stl e, W am s‘

obsh. B rook Hou se.Don etsk .

{WAT ERFO RD (3rd Marq. of), Henry De- la-Poer Beresford ; or. 1789

of 1 st Lord Stuart de Rothsay . Sits as Baron

2na tit. E arl of Tyrone. I s patron of 1 l iving. Carl ton Cu rrey):m oreHou se, cc. W aterford ; F ord Castl e, N orthum ber l and

1WE LL 1N G1'0N ( l st Duke of), ArthurWel lesl ey, K .G

P.C . ; cr. 18 14.

B . 1789, m . d. of 2nd Lord Longford, dead. 2ud tit. Marq. of Douro .

Is Com m ander-in-ch ief. Lord-Lieut. of Ham pshire and of the Tower

Ham lets , 001. of theGren .Guards , 001.-ih -ChiefofRifleBrigade, Consta

bl eofthe Towot , and ofDoverCastle, Lord Wardenof theCinquePorts,a F ield Marsha l , Chancel lor oftheUniversity of Ox ford ; has been Am

bassador in France and in Russia ; held theonce of M aster-Gen. of the

Ordnance in the Liverpool Adm inistration; w as l et Lord of the T rea

sury from 1827 to 1880. Was Sec. of State for Foreign Ail's irs during

the Adm inistration of Sir R . Peel in 1 884-5. E njoys an estate pur

chased by a Parliam entary grant, as a reward for his m il itary services .

(b . c. 1808, as Sir Arthur Wel lesley in the Irish Houseof Com m ons ,as Mr. Wel lesley.) Is patron of 4 l ivings. 149, P iccadi l l y ; Carl ton

W a l m er Cas tle, Km , Stratkfiel dsaye, Hassl e.

fWEMY ss A ND M ARCH (7th Earl of) , Francis Wem yss

Charteris Dougl as ; cr. 1633.

B . 1 772 , m . d. ofWal terCam pbel l , esq . Sits as BaronWem yss . 2ndtit. Lord B lcho . Lord-Lient. of Peeblesh ire. 19, Stratford p l .A m l qfiel d and Goaford House, Ha dd‘ngton ,

’ N iedp atl s Ca s tl e,Peeb lesh .

‘ WBN Locx ( l st Bar.) Pau l Beilby Thom pson ; cv. 1839 .

B . 1784, m . d . of 2nd Lord Braybrooke. Assumed the nam e ofThompson in l ien of the fam il y nam e Law ley, which, however, is re

tained by his Lordship’s chil dten. Lord-Lient. of the East Riding of

nouss or m e. 59

k sh . l s patron of 2 l ivings . (h. c. 1887 ,'

as I r. M m ») 29Berksley-sq. E sert


ckPark, Yorksh .

‘ WE s'rERN ( l st Charles Cal l ieWestern ; cr . 1833.

B . 1767. (h. c. 1 832, as Mr.Western.) Is patron of 1 l iving. 85,

South-s t.3 R iverhs’

l l , and Fel ix Ha l l , E ssex .


rH ( l st M arq. of, 1r. Rep. George Thom as

John Nugent ; cr. 1822.

m . d. of the 1st Marq. of 8 a1isbury. 2nd tit . Lord Delvin.

Lord-Lient. and Custos Rot. ot‘ Westm eath, 001. of the Westm eath

M il itia. 80, G uam “. 3 Carl ton Castletown-Detvin, co. 4! West

’ Ws s'ru m s'm a ( l st Marq. of), Robert Grosvenoi',

K .G . P. C . ; or. 1831 .

m . d.of 1 st E arl ofWil ton. 2nd tit. E arl Grosvenor. Lord-Lieut .of Fl intshire. (h . c. 1 802, as Lord Belgrave.) Is patron of 8 l ivings .

88 , Upp er Gram m er-s i E aton Ha l l , Chcsh " Ha l l i” House,

H intsh . , Hoof Park, Herts , Motcom beHou se, Don etsk.

{Wns'ru onnm nn (1 1 th Earl of), John Fane,G .C.H P.C. , D.C .L . or. 1624.

B . 1784, m . d. of 1st Lord Maryborongh . 2nd tit. Lord Bm ghm h .

Is a Lient.-Gen. in the arm y, and Am bassador to Psussla : has been

M inister to the Court ofTuscany , and is a knight ofm ny foreignorders.

l s patron of 8 l ivings. 8 1 , Grosvm or-sq. ; Carl ton , Ap thom ,

N ortham p tonsh . 3 Britnp ton Hou se, Som erset.

m u mcm PPE ( 1st Jas . Archd. Stuart-Wort

l ey, P.C . ; cr. 1 826 .

B . 1775, m . d. of 1st E arl of Erne. Has been Lord Privy Seal , and is

PresidentoftheCouncil . (11 . c. 1825, as Mr. StuartWortley.) 1s patroh of

8 l ivings, andLord-Lient. ot'

Yorksh .West R iding. Appointed inMarch.

1 885, a Com m issioner to inqu ire into punishm ents in the arm y. 15,

Cu rson-st. ; Carl ton 3 W orth y Ha l l , Yorksh. B el m ont Ca stle,

Perthsh . Broom Ha l l , Hidd lessx .

iWc Low (3rd Earl of, Ir. W. Howard or. 1793.

B . 1 788, m . d of the 1st Marq. ofAbercorn. 2na tit. Lord Clonm ore.

Lerd-Lient. of the00. ofWicklow , 001. of theWickl ow M il itia. 2 . Ca

vend ish-sq Carl ton 3 S utton A bbey , eo. qf W icklow 3 Ca stle

F orward, cc. qfD om ga l .

1-WILLO UGHBY DE BROKE (sth Henry PeytoVerney ; cr. 1492 .

B . 1778, m . d. 01 81: J. Wil l iam s, bt . l s patron of O l ivings .

s l . Carl ton 3 Comp ton Y a ncy, Warwick ’s.

60 HOUSE or Pan s .

1W1LLO UGHBY n’RansnY (19th Peter Robert

Drum m ond, P.C. or. 1313.

B . 1782, n . d . ot l et LordPerth . JointHereditaryGreatCham berl ainofEngl and, and Lord-Lient . ofcounty ofCarnarvon. Is patronof 15 l ivings .

142, Piccadil ly 3 Grim stl som e, L incolnsh Gwydyr, 0m m 3

Dm m m ond Ca stle, Perthsh .

+W1 LT O N (2nd E arl of T hom as Egerton ; or. 1 801 .

B . 1799, m . d. of the 12th Earl ofDerby. 2nd tit. Visct. Grey deWi l ton.

Second Son of theM arq. ofWestm inster. Has been Lord S teward of

theHousehold. l s patron of 4 l ivings. 1 8, Grosvm or-sq. 3 Ca rl ton

Heaton Ca stle, L am ca sh .

.WIN CHE ST E R ( 13th Marq. of), Chas. Ingol dsby Paul et,P.C . Ct . 1551 O

B . 1774 , m . d. ofJohn Andrew s, esq. , dead. 2nd tit. E arl ofWil tshire.

(Peerageconferred forofi cial services.)Gm om of the Stole; Prem ierM arq.

Is patron of 1 l iving. 27, Cavm dish-sq. 3 Amp ort House, Hana .

l N CHE s'rEn (Bp. of), Charl es R ichard Sum ner, D .D .

8 . of Rev. B . Banner, and therefore Br. of Bishop of Chester. Pre

1ate of the Order of the Garter. Provincial Bubdean of Canterbury.

Consecrated Bp . of L l andafl‘

1 828 ; translated 1827 . Is patron of 08

l ivings. A nnual val ueofSee, Form erl y of Trin. 0011 Cam b.

PVinchesterHou se, St. Jam es‘s-sq. 3 F arnham s Castle, Surrey .

m cm Lsns AN D NO T T IN GHAM (10111 Earl of), GeorgeFinch Hatton cv. 1 628 .

B . 1791 , In. first. d. of the8rd DukeofMontrose: 2ndly, d. of the R t .

Hon. Sir C. Bagot . 2nd tit.Visct. M aidstone. Hereditary Lord of thel oyal m anor ofWye. Is patron of 4 l ivings. 9, W iuoss-m seent

Carl ton 3 E as twel l Park, Kent 3 Haverhol m Priory , L incolnsh .

+WO DEHO USE (2nd JohnWodehouse ; cr. 1797.

B . 177 1 , m . d. of J. Norris, esq . Lord-Lient . andVice-Adm iral of N or.fol k, 001. of East Norfolkm i l itia . Is patron of 10l ivings. K im berleyHa l l , and W i l ton P ark, N od ou'


WO RCE ST ER (Bp. of) Henry Pepys, D .D .

8 . of SirWm . Pepys, bt. , and b . of 1st Lord Cottenham . B . 1 788, m .

d. ofRt. Hon. John Sul l ivan. Consecrated Bp. of Bodor and M an 1 840;transl ated 1841 . Form erly Fel low ofSt. John’

s 0011. Cam bridge. Is pa


7 11vings. Annual val ue of see, P a l ace, Worces ter.

‘ Wno'rrnsnm r (2nd John Wrottesley ; or. 1 838 .

B . 1 798 . m . d. of Thos. G il ord, esq. Is patron 01 2 l ivings. 18 ,

Gsorys-ct., Hanover-ag.zWrottn ley Hal l , Stqfordsh.

none: or n uns . 6 1

fWYN l ronn ( l st Wil l . Draper Best, P.C

cr. 1829.

B . 1767 , I 1. (1. ofJ. Knapp, esq., dead. 1s Deputy Speaker oftheHouse

a l ards . Has held the offices of Chiel l nstiee of Chester, a Pnisne

Jnstiee oi'

theKing's Bench, and Chief Justice of the Common Pleas.

l s patron of 1 l iving. (h . e. 1 819, as I r. Serjeant Best .) Carnot"Leesom , Kent 3 Wm os-d Eagle, D on etsk.

‘ s noaouca ( l st E arl of C. A . Pelham ; or. 1837.

B . 1781 , m . d. oftheHon. 1 . Bridgem an Sim pson, dead. Vice-Adm ira1

of the Is l eofWight and county of Southam pton, Recorder of Grim sbyand Newport . 1s patron of17 l ivings. (h . c. as theHon. 0. A . Pelham .)1 7, A rl ington—s i . 3 Reform Club 3 Broeklesby Ha l l , and HassbyL incolnsh .3 Appu ldurcom beP ark, I s le arW ight.

fY O RK (Abp. of), the Rt. Hon. Edward Harcourt, D .D.,

P. C .

8 . of 1st Lord Vernon. B . 1757 3 In. d. of 1st l arq. ofStaiI’

ord, dead.

Prim ate of England, Lord High A lm oner to the Queen. Consecrated

B ishop of Carl is l e 1791 ; trans l ated to York in 1 807 . Is patron of 02

l iving . Form erly of Christ Chnrch, 01 1brd. Annual val ue of see,

Gf ow m or- 3sq. B ishop stlwm s Pal ace.

‘ZETLAN D (2nd E arl of), Lawrence Dundas ; or. 1838.

B, 1795, n , d. of SirH .Wil l iam son, bt. 2natit . Lord Dandas . Lord

L ient. of O rkney and Shetl and, and of the North Riding of Yorkshire.

(h . c. 1889 as Lord Bandits.) 1s patron of 1 l iving. 19, A r l ington-s tq'

Reform Clu b3 A sks and Marsh Ha l l s , Yoru ba Kerse House,Stirl ingsh .

62 IRISH Pm ms.


ThePeerage of Irel and is represented in the Upper House by twentyeight of its m em bers, whom the whole body elect for l ife. Those in the

fol lowing l ist thus m arked ‘ have been so chosen. Those towhom this m ark

is al lix ed f sit and vote in the House of Lords as possessors of a British

peerage. (SeePeers of Parl iam ent in the E x planation of Parl iam entaryTerm s and Proceedings see l ikewise Peers who Bit and Voteunder



diEerent Titlefrom that by which they areusual ly addressed! ) The union

of both m arks indicates the double character of an Irish representative

and a British peer

Aldborough , E .

A l len, V .

Annesley, E .

Antrim , E .

Arden, L atArm agh,

A rran, E .

A shbrook, V.

A shtown, L .

A thlone, B .

Auckland, L .1'

A vonm ore,V.

Aylm er, L .

B andon, E .‘

Bangor, V.

Bantry, E .

Barrington, V.

Balm ore, E .

Besborough, EarB layney, L .

B loom field, L .

Boyne, V .

B ridport, L .

Caledon, E .‘

Carbery, L .‘

Carew ,

Carrick, E .


Carysfort, EatCast lesnaine, V .

Castl e-Stewart, E .

Gavan, E .

Charlemont, E F?Charlevi l le, E .

Chetwynd, V.

Chohnondeley, VJ Dungannon, V. Kothein, L .

Clancarty,Cl amnorris, L .

Cl anricarde,

Clanw il l iam , E stCl are, E urClarina, L .

C l ifden, VarCl ive,

Clonbrock, L .‘

Cloncurry, LatClonm el l , E .

Conw ay ,

Conyngham , M atCork 81 Orrery,Courtown,

Crem orne, L .

Crofton, L .‘

Darnley, E ?De B laqniere, L .

Becice, L .

Desert, E .

Desm ond,

BeVesci , V.‘

Dim . L -‘t

Dil lon, V .

Donegal , M atDoneraile, V .

Donoughmore,Downe, V .

Downes, L .‘


Drogheda, M atDufi


erin, L .

Banal l y, L .‘

Dnnraven, E .‘

Dnnsany, L .‘

Bgm ont, E . 1“

E ly, M ITEnniskil len, B .

Erne, E .

Farnham , L .‘


V.1Ffiench, L .

Fife,Fingal l ,


Fitsw il l ian ,

Frankfort, V .

Gage, v.1Galway, V.


O m agh, L .

G lengali, E.‘

Gort, V .

Gosford , 3 3 1Granard, E stGrandison, v.1Graves, L .

Grim ston,

Gnil lam ore, V .

Harberton, V.

Hartland, L .


Headrest ,Ha dley, L .

Henley , L .

Hea ther, L .

Howden, Melbourne, V .1 Rendleshasn, L .

Howth , B . R iversdale, L .

Huntingfleld, L . M iddleton, Vat Roden, E stKenm are, E ar M i l l town, E . Rokeby , L .

Kensington, L . Moira, E st Roscom m on, B

Kerry, E .1' Molesworth ,V. Rouse, E .

Kilkenny, E . M ornington, R f Rosam ore,

K ilm aine, L . Mount Cashel , E .‘ Sefton,

Kilm orey, E . M onntm orres, V . Shannon, E4K ingston. E 1' Mountnorris, B. Shemel d, E arK ingsale, L . Mount Sandford, L . Sherard,

Lanesborongh, B . MnJgrave, L at S l igo , M arUnncaster, L . Strabane, V.1


Leinster, D .1' Mnekerry, L . Southwel l , V.

Leitrim , E at Nettervine, V . Strangford, V 1'L ifl


ord, V . Newbom ngh, L . T aafl'

e, V .

L im erick, E xt" Norbury, E T al bot, L .1L iahan e, E . Norm anton, E . Teignm outh , L .

Lisle, L . Nngent, Tem pletown , V.

Lism ore, V.f Nngent, L . Thom ond,M

L istowel , n. O ’Nei l l , v. Trim leston, L .

Londonderry , Ousley, L . Tyreonnel , B .

Longford, E st Oranm ore, L . Vent”.L

Onnonde, Mar Wal l seonrt, L .

Lonth, L . Palm erston, V . Waterford, E .1~

14W » E ’ Portarl ington, E . Waterford, M .1a ley, V.1' Powerseonrt, V. Waterpark. L .

Macdonald, L . R adstock, L . Wel lesley, M arMasserene, V . R ancl ifl

e, L . Westcote. L 1"

MW » L . Ranel agh, V. Westm eath, M .‘

Mayo, E .‘ Ranfurly, Ear Wickl ow ,E .

Heath, Rathdowne, E . Winterton, E .


In the Irish peerage theKing of Hanover is Earl of A rm agh , the Marq .

of Lansdowne Earl ofKerry, the M arq. of Hastings Earl of Moira, the

M arq. of Nom anby Lord Mulg'rave, the Earl of Pow is Lord Cl ive, theM arq. of Hertfiord Lord Conway, the Earl ofDenbigh Earl ofDesm ond, theE arl of Jersey Lord Gardiner, theEarl ofVeni lam Lord Grim ston, theEarlof Scarborough Lord a ley, the Duke of Buckingham Earl Nngent, the

E arl ofHarborongh Lord Sherrard, theM arq. of Abercorn Lord Strabane,and Lord Lyttel ton LordWestcote.


ThePeerageof Scotl and is represented in theUpperHouse by six teen of

its m em bers, when the whol e body elect whenever a new Parl iam ent is

ca l led. Those thus m arked in the fol low ing l ist‘ were returned at the

last general election, and thoseto whom this math 1' is afi x ed sit and vote

04 seem s! m e.

in the House of Lords as possesm of a l lritish l ’eenm . (Gee h ers of

Parl iam ent, in the E x pl anation of Parliamentary Terms and Proceed.

ings.” Bee, l ikewise, Peers who sit andvoteundera difies'ent title from

that by which they areusual l yAbercorn, E l ibank, L .

Aberdeen, Elphinstone, L .

Airl ie. E .‘ E rrol ,

Arbuthnot, V.‘ Fairfax , L .

A rgyl l , D.1 Falkland, V.1Aston, L . Forbes, L .

‘ Qaeensberry, M atA thol l , Forrester, L 1 Reay, L .

B ala n ce, Gal low ay, Rol l o, L .‘

Beihaven, L .1 Gl asgow , Rosebery,B lantyre, L . Gray, L . R othes, E .

Breadaibane, Haddington, B ox bu sh,Bneclengh , D .1 Ham il ton, D.1 Rnthven, L .

Bnehan, B . Hom e, E .‘

Caithness , E . Hopetoun,Garnwath , E . Huntly,

Kem m , V.

cathcart, L .1Col vi l le, L .

‘ Kinnon], E .1Cranstonn, L . Kintore,Dalhousie, L anderdale,Dnfl

ns, L . Lennon, D .1Dm nblane,V.1 Leven, E .


Dnm fi'ies, E .1 Lothian, IL 1Dnndonal d, B. M ar, E .

Dunnwre, Montrose,

Egl intoun, E .1 Moray, E .1E l gin, E . Morton, E .

In the Scottish PeeragetheMarq. ofAilsa is Earl of Cassius, the Duke

ofLeeds Visct. Dnm blane, the M arq. of Bute Earl ofM es, Duke 01

Richm ond Duke of Lennon, theEarl of Mansfiel dVisot. Storm nt, and the

Dukeof Sutherl and Earl of Sutherland.



Several Noble In nis bel onging to the Peerageof Scotl and or Ireland, sit

and vote in theHouseof Louis in right ofa British Peerage, or oneof the

United Kingdom . They are usual l y addressed by whichever m ay be

thesuperior titl e, and in thefol lowing statem ent both areset forth. Whenan Irish representative Peer happens to possess a British Peerage of a

rank lower than that which hehol ds in his owncountry , he is, nevertheless, designated in theproceedings of the Housed Lords by the higherdignity ; whereas Peers not invested with thecharacter of representatives,arem entioned in those proceedings by theirBritish or United Kingdomtitles, though on al l otheroccasions addressed by thosewhich they hold in

Seafidd, E .‘

Selkirk, B .’

Sincl air, L .‘

Somervil le, L .


Stormont, V.1Strathal lan, V.

Strathmm 'e, E .

Suthefland, 1mN phichen, L .

Traqnair, B .

66 mum s WHO ARE m uons.

Mendip, Lord, a m inor.

M arq. of Oonyngham M inster, Lord.

M arq. ofDrogheda Moore, Lord, 3 m inor.

M arq. of S l igo . Monteagl e, Lord.

Visct. Ferrard Oriel , Lord.

M arq. ofOrm onde O rm onde, Lord.

Bari Stair O x ent'

oord, Lord.

Visct. Strangford Penshurst, Lord .

Earl ofRosborough P onsonby, Lord .

Ranfurly , Lord.

Rosebery, Lotd.

E arl ofGl asgow Ross, Lord.

Lord K innaird . Rossie, Lord.

E arl ofCourtow n Sal tersford, Lord.


ton, Lord.

Barl of Shemeld Sheflield, Lord.

M arq . ot’

C l anricarde. Bowerhil l , Lord.

DukeofA thol l . Strange, Earl

Earl ofGal l oway S tewart, Lord .

E arl ofM oray Stenart, Lord.

DukeofArgyl l . Sundridge Ham il ton, Lord.

M srq. ofThom ond Tadcaster, Lord.

M arq . ofWaterford Tyrone, Lord.

M arq . ot'

Londonderry Vane, E arl .Eari ot

Balearres Wigan, Lord.

E arl of Gosford Worl ingham ,Lord.


The fol lowing is a l ist of nobl e lords not yet of age, w ith the year in

which each w il l attain his majority. As these peers do not enjoy therigh t01 sittingor voting in Parl iam ent, they are not incl uded in the genera l

account of mem bers of theU per House.

Bath, M arq. o w il l beof age in 1852 .


den, Visct. 1848 .

Darnley, E arl of 1848 .


Durham , Earl of 1849 .

Granard, Earl of 1 854 .

Leicester, E arl of. 1 843 .

Lothian, M arq. of. 1 858 .

Munster, Earl of 1845.

Nelson, Earl 1844 .

Pom fret, Earl of. 1845.

Ribblesdale, Bar. 1849.

IR ISH B i sHOPS .-’


he fol lowing is a l ist of Irish B ishops , of whomfunl ’ sit and vote in theHouse of Lords in annual rotation. Those thnsm arked represent the Irish branch of the hierarchy in thepresent year.

A rm agh , Archbp . E lph in, Bp Kil l a loe. Bp.

Kildare, Bp . Clogher, Bp. Dut y. Bp .

“Cork, Bp. 1 Down, Bp. Heath , B p.Lim erick , Bp .

l'*O saaory . Bp T um , Bp .

t unbl in, A rchbp . Cashel , Bp .


TheM iow ing arePeeresses in their ownright

Lou isa Gravil le, countess of Mansfield, w idow ofDavid, Earl of Hans

fiel d, subsequently m arried to theHon. R . F . Grevil le.

M ary Fram es El isabeth S tapleton, baroness LaDespenser.

Sophia Russel l , baroness DeCiifi m i, widow of John Russel l , Esq.Harriott Anne Carson Bishopp, baroness de laZonebe, .

wife of the

Hon. Robert Carson.

Barbara Hastings, baroness Grey de Rathyn, wifeof the2na Mam . of


Sarah O tway Cave, baroness Braye, widow ofHenry Otway Cave, Esq.

F rances Bassett, baroness Bassett .

Margaret MercerElphinstone, baroness Nairne and Keith, wife0! Count

deHahaul t.

80phi a El isabeth Wykhasn, baronessWenm an.

M ary El izabeth Cam pbel l , baroness Stratheden. wifeof Lord Campbell .M aria Janet Sem ph iil , baroness Sem phil l , w ifeof Baw . Chand ler. E sq.

Cecil ia Letitia Underwood, duchess of Inverness, widow of Sir George

Bnggin, knt.

8m Noah, Baroness North, wifeofJohn Sydney North, Esq.



Thefol lowing l ist comm-ises noble lords who have already been ca l led

to theUpperHouse, al though they areheirs apparent to ex isting peerages.

( See Peers qf Parl iam ent in the E xp lana tion arParl iam ents: 1 3

Term s and

T itles of Courtesy . Sits a s I s E ldest Son of

E arl ofBelfast . Bar. B nnishowen . Marq. ofDonegal .

Bari Brace. Marq. Aiiesbnry .

Visct. Dnnoannon. Bar. Dnncannon. Earl of Besborough.

Visct .Lowther. Bar. Lowther. E arl ofLonsdale.

Bar. Puget . Marq. of Anglesey.


Cha irm an; q! Com m ittees ,Earl of Shaftesbnry.

0107 } gt th Parl iam u . at . Hon. Sir fl m -l u d Wri ter, W. B . Om ey, esq.

rgeK . Rose.Assistant Ditto, Joseph Gurne esq,

Assistant 01s" John Wu . Birch, esq. M l to the Ohm qf m ess ,

A dda . Ass ist . 61m . 13. Carve es


Reading Cl a i m a srb d w . a s

a m ass.Wm . Bose, cm ;ivCl erks]! su m mit . .B.Wa1nnsiey

Cl erk an im u s, Henry atone h i th

031 m b ri e 13s the Of “ , John Fred .

Geo. Dike, Wu . AtkinsonOm en,LearyLionel 11111Thom pson.

B . Pa lh. esq .

Lau ri“ , JohnFred. Leary .esq .

m eri el l em d s , Ed. Parratt‘esq.

(h u t l sm Usher qftil eBlue Red, 8 11 A .

Ysesuus Usher, Jas . Pain an, osSsrj t . at Arm . Co l onel Pom

Bu s iver q! Fees . I r. Fred. Shel ia.

11 2




A s theperusal of newspapers occupies a large portion of the

tim e, not m erely of the studious or the l iterary cl asses, but of the

whole com m unity ; and as the debates in Parl iam ent— during

hal f theyear at l east— fi l l a great space in thepubl ic journal s , i t

is presum ed that no species of aid wil l be esteem ed superfluou s

which tends to el ucidate the proceedings of the Legisl ature. I t

has frequently been observed , that m any discussions and dis

putes arise on pol itical questions, which a sl ight attention to the

usages, phrases , form s, and technical ities of Parl iam ent , woul d

prevent ; and that m any, otherwise wel l-inform ed persons, are

very im perfectly acquainted w ith those m ere elem ents of Pat

l iam entary knowledge, with which al l who write or report for

newspapers presum etheirreaders to befam il iar. In som edegree

to rem edy this, and especial l y to give assistance to those who

take their seats in the gal lery of eitherHouse, for thepurpose of

hearing a debate, the fol lowing brief notices have been prepared

of parl iam entary term s frequentl y occurring in thepages of this

work, and in theproceedings ofboth Houses.

ADJOURNMENT .—8ee Interruption of the Sittings of Parl iament .


AVOIDAN CE OF A DECISION .-When a m otion has been m ade upon

which the House happens to be unwi l l ing to com e to a vote, there are

form a l m odes of avoiding a decision, am ongst which are passing“ to the

other orders,"

or m oving the previous question.

" The form er m eans,that the House shonld—casting aside and taking no further noticeof them atter then bet


ote it—proceed to the other business appointed for th atday ; the l atter, that a vote be previousl y taken as to the ex pediency ofcom ing to any decision on the question raised. 1 “

the previous ques


tion” be carried, the m otion on which it bears is only gotten rid of for

the tim e, whereas a direct negative to the m otion itsel f wou ld be a pro

scription of it for the rem ainder of the Session, as wel l as a denial of its

principle. With respect to a Bil l , m oving that it“be read this day six

m onths,”or this day three m onths, is a m ode of throwing it ou t without

com ing to an ex press declaration against the principleof them easure.

BILLS (PRIVATE).— Thesearechiefly introduced to enable private individual s , associated together, to undertake works of publ ic util ity at their

own risk, and, in a degree, for their own benefi t but there areother pri

vate bil l s, as thoseof natural ization, change of nam e, divorce, or for per

fecting titles to estates, &c. General l y speaking, ex penses, including

the fees, attendant upon a privatebi l l am ount to and frequentl y to a

m uch l arger m m . The fees on a bil l for the natural ization of a foreigner

are l im ited to 1001. The class ofprofessional gentlem enwho act as sol icit

ors in prom oting privatebil ls are cal led Parl iam entary Agents.

BILLS (PUBLIC).—A hil l is thedraft or skeleton of a statute. Anybil l

which the Lords can originate m ay be introduced and laid on thetable by

any individual peerw ithout theprevious perm ission of theHouse3 but in

theCom mons nobil l canbebrought inunless a m otion for leavebepreviously

agreed to. Perm ission having been granted, threeor four m em bers areap

pointed topreparethebi l l . It is then brought in and read a first tim e, and

a day appointed for the second reading, previousl y to which it is printed

and a copy furnished to every m em ber. The bil l , after the second

reading, is referred to a Com m ittee of the whole House, when its detail s

are considered, as its principles were upon each of its several read

ings. It is, however, very unusua l to debateor divide upon the first read

ing of a bi l l ; for if leave to introduce it begiven, or if it shou l d proceed

from theotherHouse, perm ission to read thebi l l once and have it printed ,

is rarely refused . Bat Mem bers are at l iberty to discuss its principle on

any of its stages out of Com m ittee stil l no one is considered to have

decl ared decisively in favour ofits principle unless he support by his vote

its second reading. In Com m ittee thebil l is debated cl ause by cl ause, the

blanks left for nam es, dates, nature and am ount of penal ties, 310. aretil led

up, and som etim es thebil l entirel y new m odel led. The nex t proceeding is,

that the Chairm an of the Com m ittee should m ake a report to the House

of the changes that thebil l has undergone, which he does by presenting a

copy of it to theSpeaker in its a l tered form . The House then re-considers

the wholem easure. Motions m ay be m ade and questions put upon every

cl auseor am endm ent, and thebil l m ay beeven recom m itted . Afterthereport

of theCom m itteehas been agreed to, thebi l l is ordered to be engrossed or

written in a strous gross hand on one or more long rol l s (orpresses) of


70 EXPLANATION os Panu snnuranr

parchm ent sewed together.

” This being done, the hi l l is read a thin!

time, and farther am endm ents m ay then be m ade. If a new cl ause be

added, it is cal led a rider. The l ast question bnt one is, that the bil l do

passr’after this noth ing rem ains ex cept to determ ine its title, wh ich

used to bea general oneforal l the acts passed in the Session, but in m odern

tim es distinct titles are used for each chapter. During theprogress of a bil l

theHousem ay divideon thefol low ing questions : l zt, l eave tobring it in

2na, when brought in whether it shal l then beread a first tim e, and ii'

not ,

when ; 8rd, on the first reading ; 4th , on thesecond reading ; 5th , that it

becomm itted ; 8th , on thequestion that the Speaker do l eave the chair, in

order that theHouseshou ldresolve itsel f into such comm ittee ; 7th, that the

report of thecom m ittee bereceived ; 8th, or that thebil l be te-com m itted

9th , that it heengrossed ; l oth , that it be read a third tim e; 1 1 th, that it

do pass ; 12th , the title of the bi l l . These are quite ex clusive of anydivisions concerning the particul ar days to be appointed for proceeding

with any stageof them easure, or of any proceedings in comm ittee, or anyam endm ents, or of any cl auses added to or ex punged from the m easure in

or out of the Com m ittee. Al terations are not usual ly proposed in a bi l l

until after its principle has been disposed of on the second reading .

Immediatel y after the pass ing of a bil l , the perm anent Chairm an of

Com m ittees in the case of bil ls introduced by the Governm ent, or the

u verot'

the bil l in other cases , takes it and proceeds , accom 1)anied by

a few supporters of the m easure, to convey it to the barof their Lordships’

House, desiring theirconcurrence. It therepasses through the sam eform s ,

ex cept that of engrossing, which has been al ready done. If the bil l be

rejcoted, nofurtherproceedings ensue. When theLords agreewith theComm ons in theprincipleof them easure, but differ on m atters of detail , a con

ference usual l y fol lows between m em bers deputed from each House, who

general ly succeed in adjusting the difference; but if both Houses rem ain

inflex ible, thebil l is dropped . The sam eproceedings are adopted ”m u m'


m u tcm d t'

s when thehil l originates in theUpperHouse. Acts of am nesty

areread onceonl y in eachHouse. Thebil l having thus passed bothHouses ,

rem ains with theLords, ex cept in the case of a bil l of supply, which is

sent back to theCom m ons, to beby them presented at thebar of the Lordsto theSovereign or theroyal Com m issioners. The assent of theCrown is

the final proceedingwhich converts a bi l l into an Act of Parl iam ent . N o

Act ofParl iam ent canbeal tered, am ended, or repea led during the Session

in which it w as passed, unless it containa cl ause authorising a departure

t om thegenera l rul e. (See Royal Assent”)

ntsnors (I11 18H) .— 8eePart 1 . of this volum e.

BUDGET (T HE ). —TheChancel lor of the Ex chequer m akes onegeneralstatem ent every yearto theHouseofComm ons,which is intended to present


a com prehensive view of the financial condition of the country. Som e

tim es there are prelim inary, or supplem ental , or occasional speeches :

but the great general statem ent of theyear has. for a long tim e past, been

quaintly cal l ed the Budget,” from the French bougette, by a com m on

figure of speech, putting the nam e of that which incloses, to signify the

thing contained. The annual speech known by that appel l ation em braces

a review of the incom e and ex penditure of the l ast year, as com pared

w ith those of preceding years ; rem arks upon the financial prospect,

of the country ; an ex position of the intended repeal , m odifications

or im position of tax es during the session ; a detail of the publ ic ex

penditure during the current period, w ith its grounds of justification 3

an account of al l operations relating to the N ationa l Debt (which see) ;

and, final l y , theex cess of incom e over ex penditure, or viceversa , accom

panied by such observations as the occasion m ay seem to require. The

sources of the publ ic incomeare as fol l ow— custom s, Ex cise, Stam ps (ia

cluding various l icenses and tax es), Post-omce, poundage on Pensions and

Sal aries, Crown lands ,w ith certain surpl us Fees ofpubl icomoce, unclaim ed

Dividends on thePubl icDebt, &c. The fol l ow ing branches of the publ ic

ex penditure, al so enter into the com position of the Budget— l nterest and

Management of thePubl icDebt— theex pensesoftheArm y,N avy, Ordnance,

Civil List, Pensions, Diplomatic and Judicial ex penses, m iscel l aneous

charges, &c.

CABINET .— The governm ent of a state or com m unity is understood to

signify the ex ercise of suprem e authority, and includes the ex ecutive, the

legisl ative, and thejudicial powers ; but in popul ar acceptat ion it m eans

onl y the first of these, the h igher and m ore im m ediatefunctions ofw hich

are ex ercised by the Cabinet, a select body in whom , forthe tim ebeing,

the wholeof the royal authority is vested. Its m em bers al l belong to the

Privy Council , but do not include a tithe of that body . The Cabinet is

com riosed of the m oreem inent portion of the Adm inistration, but it does

not constitute m ore than a fourth part of thosewhom a changeofm inistry

deprives of cilice, the persons included in that council being rarel y less

than ten or m ore than fifteen. Thecabinet being m ore im m ediately re

sponsible for the conduct ofpubl ic aifairs, theirdel iberations are alw ays

considered confidential , and kept secret even from theircol leagues, w ho

are less ex al ted in omce. Thedistinguished individual who fi l l s the situa

tion of First Lord of theT reasury, and com bined w ith it som etim es that

of Chancel lor of the E x chequer, is the chief of the m inistry , and there

foreofthecabinet he is usual ly styled the Prem ier,”or Prim eM inister,

but m oreproperl y designated as thehead of her Majesty’s governm ent .

it is at h is im mediaterecom m endation that his col leagues are appointed

and, with hardl y anex ception, he dispenses thepatronageof thecrown.

Every cabinet incl udes the fol low ing high ofi cers z—T he F irst Lord of


72 m l .ANATION or paam mm aar

theTreasury, the Lord Chancel l or, the Lord President of theCouncil , theChancel lor of theE x chequer, and the three Secretaries of State. Severa l

other m inisterial functionaries, however, have seats in thecabinet ; 116 7“

l ess than three, and rarel y so m any as eight or nineof th is l atter cl ass , are

cal led to that station. Their emcee are as fol low — Ch iefCom m issioner of

Woods and Forests, Chancel lor of the Duchy of Lancaster, First Lordof the A dm iral ty, President of the Board of Contronl , President of

the Board of T rade, Secretary atWar, Paym aster-General of theForces ,M aster of theM int, JudgeAdvocate-General , Postm aster-General , Master

General of the Ordnance, Chief Secretary for Irel and, Chief Justiceof the Queen’

s Bench ! { The selection usual ly fal l s upon those am ongst

the l atter m entioned functionaries, whose rank, talents, reputation. and

pol itical weight, render them the m ost nsefhl aux il iaries, or whose ser

vices , while in opposition, m ay have created the strongest cl aim to

the honours of the cabinet. I t has occasional ly happened that a peer

possessing high character and influence accepts a seat in the cabinet

w ithout undertaking the l abours and responsibi l ity ..oi'

any particu l ar

cilice. (SeeCrown, E x ecutive.)


com m ons this ofi cer-aalw ays a m em ber— is el ected by theHouse on the

assem bl ing ofevery new Parl iam ent. When theHouse is in com m ittee onbi ll s introduced by the governm ent , or in com m ittee of w ays and m eans,

or suppl y (seecom m itteeof Supply), or in com m ittee to consider prel im i

nary resolutions , it is his duty to preside but he sits, not in the Speaker'


chair, but at the table in the seat of theClerk of theHouse. In theLords,the Cha irm an of Com m ittees of the whole House is elected by the House

every Session, and he is usual l y selected ( tom am ongst thosepeers who ea

joy therank of earl .

CHILTERN HUNDREDS .— An acceptanceof theChittern Hundreds

is a form which has now no otherm eaning than that theMem ber accepting

resigns his seat. N o office, having em olum ent attached, can be conferred

by the Crow n on a Mem ber of theHouse ofCom m ons without his thereby

vacating his seat , and it is only by obtaining ellice that a M em ber can rid

him sel f of theduties which any body of constituents m ay im poseevenw ith .

out h is consent ; theCrow n, therefore, for the convenience of theHouse

at l arge, is alwaysready to confer on any Mem ber the Stew ardship ofher

M ajesty’s Ch il tern Hundreds a sinsontewhich hecontinues to hold ti l l

som e otherMem ber sol icits a sim il ar accom m odation.

0 The tl rst Lord Bl ienboronl h was the l as t Chief Jus tice who hel d a seat in theCabinet ; having w ithdrawn hens the Adm inistm . he d tsrwards ex press“ l i.disapprobation ofthe practice

74 EXPLANATION or m am amm aar

the table 3 and som e other Mem ber is cal led on to preside, who sits in the

seat of thesenior Clerk. For Com m ittees of Supply , andWays and Means ,

and B il l s introduced by M inisters, there is a Chairm an, who receit es a

sa l ary. (See Chairm an of Com m ittees.)

CONFE RE NCE .— This is a speciesofnegociationbetweenthetwoHouses

of Parl iam ent , conducted by m anagers appointed on both sides , for the

purposeofproducingconcurrence, in cases wherem ntnal consent is neces

sary ; or for the purpose of reconcil ing differences which m ay have arisen .

If theconferencebeupon thesubject of a bi l l depending between the tw o

Houses, it m ust be dem anded by that House, which at the tim e of asking

theconference, is in possession of thebil l . I t is the sole privilege of th e

Lords to nam e the tim e and pl ace for holding a conference, no m atter bywhich House it m ay have been dem anded. Reasons in writing for the

course resolved to be taken, areusual ly furnished to them anagers on both

sides, in which case it is sim ply call ed aconference.

” Shoul d this proceed

ing fail , a free conference m us t be hel d, which gives an Opportunity

for the m anagers individua l ly , and unres trained by any precise form of

argum ent, to urge such reasons as in their judgment m ay best tend to

influence the House to which they are addressed. A tree conference is

u sual l y demanded after two com erences have been hol den w ithout efl‘

ect .

A fter one tree conference, none other but free conferences can be hel d

touching the sam e subject . A t a l l conferences, the m anagers on the part

of theUpperHouse are seated and wear their hats ; thosefor theCom m ons

stand uncovered . The Speaker qu its the chair of the House during the

absenceofm anagers attending a conference

CROWN .—Theprerogatives and functions of theCrown m ay besum m ed

up under the fol l ow ing heads z- To give or refine to bil l s the Roya l

A ssent ;” (which see) to cause the due adm inistration and ex ecution of

the l aws ; to act on behalfof thewhol ecom m unity in its intercourse w ith

Foreign States , and as a part of that, to decl arewar or concludepeace ; to

direct the naval and m i l itary forceofthecountry to adm inister the public

revenue ; to pm rogneor dissolveParl iam ent ; to createpeers ; and to coin

m oney. Them onarch is thehead of the Church the source ofjustice and

ofm ercy, ofal l omces, honours, em olum ents, and chartered rights . But in

every case thesovereign acts by m inisters who are am enable to Parl iam ent,

and the choice of those m inisters is the onl y prerogative, which can be

constitutiona l l y ex ercised w ithout responsible advisers ; bu t even over

this , there is m uch Parl iam entary contronl , for theroya l favour can have

no practica l eii'

ect, unl ess it rest upon m en whosecharacters and m easures

prove general ly acceptable to both Houses (see Cabinet, al so see Privy"nanciu.

m asts AND Pnocannm cs . 75

DISSOLUTION .— 8eeInterruption of theSittings of Parl iam ent.

ESTATE OF PARLIAMENT .— 8trictl y speaking, the three Estates of

the Realm ”consist ot


, l et, theLords Spiritual ; zud, theLords Tem poral

8rd, theComm ons. Parl iament ful ly assem bled consists of theKing, w ith

the two estates of the peerage, sitting in oneHouse, and the Oom m onal tyby their representatives standing bel ow the bar. But instead of the

three estates of the realm , we are accustom ed to speak of the three

branches of the legislature. Neither of the Houses ever del iberates in

“10 presenceof the Sovereign, norwil l either of them perm it any al lusion

in debate to his sentim ents. The King, Lords, and Com mons, in their

united character, ex ercisenonebut the legislativeinactions . Taken together,

they are the Parl iam ent, and there can be no act of Parl iam ent in which

they do not concur. (SeeRoyal Assent.) In addition to this legisl ative

character, com m on to the three, each has separate functions pecul iar

to itself. In the Sovereign resides the w hole ex ecutive authority .

The House of Lords ex ercises judicial authority as a court of dernier

resort , and as a tribunal to which great othcers of state, im peached by

the otherHouse, aream enable. Inasm uch as the House of com m ons thos

possess the power of impeachm ent, and are, m oreover, guardians of the

public purse, and trustees, as it were, on behalf ofthem iddle and working

cl asses , they ex ercise powers of inquiry into the adm inistration of publ ic

amdrs, to which, by the praefioeoi theconstitution, no ex press l im its have

been assigned ; at thesame tim e that theHouse w il l occasiona l l y abstain

from pressing thedem and for papers , returns, or other inform ation, when

a cabinet m inister, acting upon his responsibil ity as a confidential adviser


the 0m wn, afl rm s that com pl iancewoul d be detrinwntal to the publ ic


EXECUTIVE .— The fol low ing com prise the principal departm ents of the

ex ecutivegovernm entz—TheTreasury, theAdm iral ty. theWar Quite, the

Ordnance, theHom eonce, the India Board, theColonial Ofi ce, theBoardof Trade, the Foreign Ofi ce, the Board of Publ ic Works , Woods and

Forests, theM int, theomoe of thePrivy Seal , the 05100 of the Duchy of

Lancaster, and tho Irish omee. Those olnees which are principal ly or

ex clusivel y occupied w ith the col lection of the publ ic revenue are the

Custom s, theEx cise, the Stam xis, the Post omco, the Ofi ce of A ssessed

Tax es, theCrown Lands, The publ ic functionaries to whom thecon

duct in chief of these several departm ents is entrusted, together w ith

the great emeers of the royal household, constitute what is term ed

the M inistry or Adm inistration." I ts m em bers vary according to cir

Thechiefol oers orthe Cnstom sj n iss , Stam ps , and Tax es, are exceptions they do

not goou t cl othce on changes of the Adm inu trat lon.

76 EXPLANATION or PARLIAMENTARYcnm stances, rarel y ex ceeding fifty or six ty persons . They hol d their

othces, not l ike the judges, qua m dtss bene se gessers’

nt , bat dssraetl e

benep l aci to— a tenure which was ancientl y universa l , and stil l prevai l s

in thegreat majority of omoce. The Adm inistration usual ly resign when

they lose theconfidence of either House of Parl iam ent ; or they m ay be

dism issed by the Sovereign, and it is com petent for ei ther House to

present an address to the throne, praying their dism issal . The m-bers

ofa governm ent are understood to concur in principles of legis lation and

pol icy, and cc-operate in Parl iam ent upon al l m atters not specifica l l y

agreed on as open questions. Their acknow ledged chief is the First Lordof theTreasury . When a Com m oner, be frequentl y though not necessari l y

com bines w ith that ofi ce theChancel l orship ot‘

theEx chequer.

FINANCE .— 8eeBudget.

HOUSE OF COMMON 8 .— Th is branch of the Legisl ature no l onger sits

in St. Stephen'

s chapel , bat in what was form erly thepl aceofassem bl age

fortheUpperHouse which, inconsequenceofthecal am itons tirethat occur

red in the m onth ofOctober of 1834 , has been converted into a tem porary

pl aceofm eeting for theHouseofCom m ons . Thatwhich iscal led the stran


ga l iery is pl aced at the lower end, opposite thechair, and com m ands

a ful l view of theHouse. Behind thechair is a sm al l gal l ery appropriated

to the Reporters, w hile the side gal leries are ex cl usivel y for Mem bers .

Persons obtain access to the “strangers

gal lery” through the order of a

m em ber. given inwriting or v iva voce. According to ancient practice, the

House always adjourns to 10o’clock inthemorning ; and shoul d the Speaker

takethechair (forty m em bers beingpresent') at any tim ebetween that hour

and four in theafternoon, the appointed proceedings m ay immediatel y com

m ence; otherwise no business can, on that day, be transacted, and the

Housewil l stand adjourned to 10o’clock on thefol low ingm orning. Down

to 1 888 , the practicewas, that a few m inutes before 4 o'clock the Speaker

took his seat at the table, the Chapl ain read prayers, the strangers'


lery w as then opened, the Mem bers present were counted. and. as forty

general l y attended , business began. The fact im portant to visitors of

the Housewas this, that any M em ber m ight, at any tim e after 12 o'clock ,

cal l upon the door-keeper to open the gal lery—a course which Mem bers

frequentl y adopted for the accom m odation of their privatefriends when

ever a great debatew as ex pected—hence it becam e difi cul t to conjecturehow earl y the gal lery m ight be fil led ; but general l y speaking it was not

opened til l 4 o'clock. During the Session of 1888, a m aterial change

0 Whenever the Com m ons are sum m oned hythe Sovereign, or the royal com m issioners ,to attend at the bar of the Lords , that per s e cons titutes a House, whether l erty m em bersbe present or not . O n days when election com m ittees are to be bel lott (or, onehunared m em bers m us t attend to order to constitutea House

m ans u rn Paocnnnm os. 77took pl ace, the House sitting irom 12 til l 8 o’

clock in the amernoon, and

resum ing at 5. This continued to be the practice in 1 834 , and was occa

atonal ly resorted to in 1835. A t first the early sittings were confined to

privatebusiness and petitions ; bat, towards the l atter end of the Session,

publ icbusiness commenced at noon, and was continued general ly ti l l long

afterm idnight,w ith theex ception of the hours from 8 to 5. For three or

tour years past, however, the old practice of not com m encing business til l

4 in the afternoon h e been general ly observed . A l l Peers , M agnifi ed

foreigners , are. are accom modated below the bar, besides those who are

fortunateenough to obtain Orders from theSpeaker.

HOUSE 01" LORD8 .—The apartm ent in which their Lordships now

assem ble, is that which was form erl y cal l ed thePainted Cham ber. Over

the l ower end- that opposite the throne—there is a gal l ery, two row s of

w hich are appropriated to Reporters and three to the Mem bers of the

Houseof Comm ons , the others being for the use of persons adm itted byPeers

'orders. This gal lery, as in thecom m ons , is not opened til l after

and strangers are ex cluded during divisions. The space bel ow

the bar is open to m em bers of theHouse of Comm ons . TheirLordshipsfrequently si tduring theday as a Court ofAppeal , but do not usual l y as

sem ble in their legisl ativecapacity unti l five in the aiternoon, unless upon

the opening or closing of the session, which general ly takes place at two

o’clock ; orwhen theroyal assent is to begiven to Bil ls by comm ission, on

which occasion theirLordships m eet earl ier than thecustom ary hour, but

for this purpose no precise tim e has been establ ished by usage. Whiles itting in their judicial capacity, the House, like other courts of justice,is open to the public.


INTERRUPT ION 01" THE 8111 1 1 108 OP PARLIAMENT .—The pro

ceedings of the legisl ature m ay be interrupted or suspended either by ad

journm ent, prorogation, or dissol ution . Adjournm ent, as the term im ports ,is apostponem ent ofthesittingorproceedingsot

eitherHouseofParl iam ent

from one tim e, to another specified for thereassem blage. When the sittingsof both Houses are interrupted by royal authority, it is ca l led prom gation .

Dissol ution puts an end to the representative characterof the individual s ,

who at the timecom pose theHouseofCom m ons, as wel l as to that of the six

teen Scottish Peers, and Parliam ent cannot again assem ble nnti l otter a

general election. Thepower ofadjournm ent is inherent in each Housere

spectivel y, and no precise restraints upon this power are prescribed by

theconstitution. E itherHousem ay interrupt orpostpone any debate, defer

theconsideration of any m easure, or al together adjourn its sittings. The

78 EXPLANATION or raam ax sm'

m r

Lords fi'eqnently adjourn during pleasure,” which means that the Lord

Chancel lor or other Speaker of the House m ay, in the ex ercise of his

discretion, take his seat on tho wool sack, two other Peers being present.

and causebusiness to proceed at any honr within the day onwhich such

adjournment “ duringpleasure” takes plwe, otherw ise their Lordships

Housew il l stand adjourned to theusua l hour on thefol low ing day ; but

usage has fix ed l ive o’clock, P .M ., as the time for resum ing ai'ter an

adjournment during pleasure.” The Comm ons, on the contrary, always

adjourn to a tim e specified. The Speaker of that House m ay, in confor

m ity w ith thepreviousl y ex pressed wish of the body over w hich he pre

sides, leave thechairduring any num ber of hours ; but such proceed ing is

m erel y regarded as a tem porary suspension of business, and not cal led an

adjournm ent. (See House of Comm ons .) The adjournm ent of one

House is no adjournm ent of the other. The Crown m ay, pending an

adjournm ent, ,sninm on by procl am ation, either House or both ; and m ay

direct either or both Houses to adjourn to any particular day, w hich

direction has alw ays been obeyed to the letter ; bu t some Mem bers,and even som e writers of authority, have denied the ex istenceof such

a prerogative, yet it has been ireqnently ex ercised, and never resisted .

I t is contrary, however, to modern usage. An individual m em ber m ay for

the tim e interrupt the progress of business, by successive m otions of

adjournm ent, which m ay berepeated indefinitely ; but the adoption ofthis

courserarely has thecl i'

cot ofdel aying proceedings for m ore than a singl e

day . In Comm i ttee, to movethat theChairm an report progress is equiva

l ent to m oving that the debatebe then adjourned. Adjournment does notclose the session ; prorogation does not term inate the Parl iam ent ; the

form er is an act of eitherHouse; the l atter an act oftheCrown, thedarn.

tion ofwhich m ay be subsequentl y ex tended or curtailed, according to the

royal pleasure. A l l unfinished proceedings are quashed by prorogation ;

but during an adjournm ent they rem ain in stam qua . Prorogationnever

ex tends beyond eighty days (see Privi leges of Parl iam ent), but trash

prorogationsm ay takeplacefrom tim eto tim ebyproclam ation, and continue

to berenewed til l it is intended that Parl iam ent should real ly assemble tor

thedespatch ofbnsiness. TheCrown, by procl am ation, m y, notwithstand

ing a prorogation, summon Parl iam ent on giving fourteen days’notice.

Dissolution is the civi l death of theParl iam ent, and m ay be efl’ected by


ef theCrown, by the dem ise of theCrown, or by length of

tim e. The ex istence of a Parl iam ent cannot be prolonged, even by the

authority ofthem onarch, for a greater period than seven years 3 and how

ever recentl y elected, it must ex pire in six months at most tion thedem ise

of theCrown ; but, ofcourse, it m ay be dissolved by the Sovereign in a

less period than six m onths from the death of his predecessor. 1! Parl ia

m ent at thetim e ofthe Sovereign’s death be separated by adjournment or

prorogation, it m ust assemble im m ediately. 1! no Parl iament be then in

m ass m Paocnxnm cs. 79ex istence, them embers ofthe l ast m ast aga in meetand m ay serveas aParl ia

m ent for six m onths , anlese scone prot ogned ; and so m uch im portance

appears to beattached to an instant assem blage, that upon thedem iseof the

Crow n even the intervention of Sunday is not perm itted to delay the

m eeting of both Houses .

LO RD HIGH CHANCELLOR .— This distinguished functionary being

keeper of thegreat seal , is by prescription Speaker of theHouse of Lords ,and is usual ly a Peer. He holdshis ofi ceduring thepleasure of theCrown,

being created by the w il l of the Sovereign, and not by patent or writ .

He is a privy counci l lorby virtueof his omce. He appoints a l l justices of

the peace, and is patron of al l the l ivings in the gift of the Crown rated

bel ow the val ue of 201. a-year. He is the visitor at al l hospital s and

co l leges of royal foundation ; the general guardian of al l infants , idiots ,

and lnnatics, and thehighest judicia l ofl cer in thekingdom . When royal

com m issions are issued foropening the Session, forgiving the royal assent

to bi l l s, or for preroguing Parliam ent, the Lord Chancel l or is a lw ays one

of theCom m issioners, and reads theroyal speech upon theoccasion. Whenthe Sovereign opens orcloses the Session in person, the Lord Chancel l orstands on the right of the throne, and hands to the Monarch the speech

o pening or term inating the annua l l abours ot'

theLegisl ature.

ME SSAGEs—are, in a Parl iamentary sense, of threekinds : 1 st , from the

Crown to either House of Parliam ent ; 2nd, from the Com m ons to the

Lords ; 3rd, from the Lords to the Com m ons . In thepresentation of the

first a M inister, being a m em ber of theHouseof Com m ons , appears at the

bar of that House, and being cal led upon by the Speaker, brings up the

royal m essage in writing, which is then read from the chair, and im m e

diately taken into consideration, or a tim e appointed for that purpose.

Messages t om the Crown to the House of Lords are delivered in at

the table by the m ihister who leads in that House, or by the LordCham berlain; they are then handed to the Lord Chancel lor, read from

the woolsack, and proceeded w ith as in the Com m ons . Messages them

theLords to the other House are conveyed by two m asters in Chancery ,

and when they relate to the Sovereign or any m em ber of the Royal

Fam il y, by two of the judges. Thesem essengers appear at thebar aecom

ponied by the serjeant at arm s bearing the m ace ; and m aking three obei

sauces, they advance to the tableof theHouse, and del iver the com m uni

cation w ith which they m ay havebeen charged. Messages from theLowerto theUpper House are conveyed by m em bers of theHouse of Com m ons ,

who areconducted to the bar of the Lords by the gentleman, or, in hisabsence, by the yeom an usher, and there del iver their m essage to the

80 EXPLANATION or m am aum aar

Lord Chancel lor, who com es down from .thewoolsack to receive them .

Each House usua l l y returns answers by messengers of its own.

M INISTER (PR IME).—SeeCabinet.

M iN l STRY .— SeeCabinet : also E x ecutive.

MONEY BIL L.— SeeSuppl y : alsoWays and Means .

N AT ION AL DE BT— Thatwhich is understood by thewords N ationa l

Debt,”consists of obl igations entered into by theState, to pay to indivi

dual s or com panies , whether subjects ofthis rea l m or not, certa in annu ities

during definiteor indefiniteperiods, l iable, however, to redem ption by the

Governm ent. These annuities were granted at various tim es in cons idera

tion ofadvances ofcapital to the crow n, the necessity forwhich arose ou t

of the several w ars inwhich this countryhas been engaged from theRevo~

l o tion to 1 815. Occasional attem pts to reduce the debt have been m ade ,

but to very l ittleex tent. A pl an, cal l ed the sinking fund, was adopted

in 17 1 6 3 but it w as virtual l y abandoned in 1733 3 it w as again instituted in

1 786 , and after m uch discussion final ly given up in 1830. The fol l ow ing

table ex hibits the several vari ations in this public burden at twenty

six diti‘

erent periods from 1688, when it com m enced, to the present

tim e. In 1 817 , the British and Irish Ex chequers wereconsol idated, and

the fu l l am ount of that year is given. Besides the funded debt, there

is general ly a considerable am ount, varying from twenty to thirty

m i l l ions of E x chequer B i l ls“ in the hands of private persons, or of

com panies, and these the Governm ent m ust either pay in cash , or from

t im e to tim eadd each portion of them as m ay beex pedient, to the publ ic

debt, not howeverwithout the consent ofParl iam ent.

In 1689, the debt w as . In 1780, thedebt was1702 o e o s o o o s s s e s e s e o e s l ,m ’ 7o2 1784 02491851 9628171017 14 0 0 . M 31 720 000 18001727 23817808 0 o o o o o o o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 1 8101 740 o o s a o

1 750 18171 760 1 8201 783 18251 770 18331775 1 838

A t first the interest received for l oans , orwhat w as tantam ount to ln

terest, the annuities granted in consideration of m oney advanced, varied

This species cl security originated in the year 1596 .

82 m m s'non os PARLIAMENTABY

reader m ay beenabled to form som e idea ofboth from thefol lowing brief

outl ine. Every publ ication not copyingfrom , or abridging any other, bu t

giving original reports, keeps one of a series of Reporters constantl y in

the gal lery of the Lords and another in the Com m ons . These, l ihe

sentinel s, are at stated periods rel ieved by their col leagues, when they

take advantage of the interval to transcribe their notes, in order to be

ready again to resum e the duty of note taking, and afterwards that of

transcription for the press . A succession of Reporters ibr each esta

bl ishm ent is thus m aintained, and theprocess of writing from their notes

never interrupted til l an account of the whole debates of the evening

has been comm itted to the hands of the printer. There are onl y seven

publ ications for which a Renorter is constantly in attendance, and these

incl ude the London morning new spapers, from which al l others that

givedebates are under the necessity of copying or abridging them . The

num ber ofReporters m aintained by each varies from ten or eleven to

seventeen or eighteen. They are for the m ost part gentlem en of l iberal

edacation- m any having graduated at the Universities of Ox ford , Cam

bridge, Edinburgh, G lasgow , or Dubl in ; and they m ust al l pou ess a

com petent know ledge of the m ul tifarious subjects which com e under the

consideration ofParl iam ent. Theex pedition and abil ity with which their

duties areperform ed m ust be adm itted by every onewho attends a debate

and afterw ards reads a new spaper, whil e the correctness and rapidi ty

w ith which their m anuscript is put in type and printed, has long been a

subject of surpriseand adm iration.

OFFICE (ACCEPTAN CE 0F).— SeeChil ternHundreds.


ORDER .—By this word is meant an obedience to certain regulations

which are intended to facil itate the despatch of business, and preserve

decorum in publ icdel iberations. The rul es by which thebus iness of the

Houses ofParl iam ent is conducted areof two kinds, oneclass they possess

in com m onw ith al l publ icassem blies, anotheris pecul iar to them selves (see

Speaker, duties of, as al so House of Lords, order ia). For the proper

application of these rul es, it has been found necessary that someofficer

shoul d be appointed, to whose decision deference wil l be paid Such an

ofl cer is theChairm an or Speaker. In theHouse of Com mons (though the

practice in theLords is otherwise), he takes no part in debate, his dutybeing to regul ate the m anner in which business shal l be transacted ; toconnacthosewho address theHouse to thereal subject nnda discussion to

pronounce an Opinion upon any thing rel an'

ng to order ; to put the m atterin dispute into theform of a question, on which thevotes of thebody at

m asts AND m ocnnnm os. 83

l argemay be taken ; to announce the decision of the majority ; to decl aretheproceedings of theassem bly closed at the com pletion of thebusiness of

theday, and to see that they are properl y recorded. The first act of the

mem berwho presides is to intim atethat business should com m ence, which

is donebycal l ing on the individual whose m otion stands first on the 11st of

notices, orwho is otherwise entitled to precedence. A m otionbeing m ade,

it is necessary that it shou l d be seconded, else it fa l ls to theground. This

done, the term s ofthem otion arehanded inwriting to theChairm an, who

reads them aloud. Objections m ay then be taken. Amongst the several

m odes 0! opposing a m otion, are the fol low ing— a direct negative, an

am endm ent, a postponem ent , proceeding to“the other orders ,

”m oving

the previous question,”

or an adjournm ent. A m otion which has

been m oved, seconded, and read, becom es a sort ofproperty of thewhole

body, and cannot be w ithdrawn without l eave. If no objector to a m o

tion present him sel f, neither the m over nor seconderhas a right to speak

again, ex cept in ex pl anation but it an objection be started, a right

ofreply is , according to the courtesy 0 al l assem bl ies, acquirod by the

m over of any original motion, but not by the m over of an am endm ent

theprivilege ofex pl anation, however, is conceded to al l . Thedebatebeing

ended, either by a pause, or at the m anifest w ish of a l arge m ajority, the

presiding l em berputs the question, cal l ing upon those who are favour

able to say ay,”and thoseot


a contrary Opinion to say no.

” He then

declares, that in hisjudgment the ayes orthe“noes ” have it.” If any

or (h airman appointing tel lers ; in the House of Lords , the phrase isconten and not content,

” whilst in m ost other publ ic assem bl ies

the votes previous to a division are taken by show of hands . Whenan am endm ent has been moved, it is usual to take the votes simplyfor the am endm ent, and then for the original m ot ion ; but in Parl ia

m ent the practice is that the Speaker or Chairm an shou ld read to the

H ouse the original m otion, nex t that he should read the am endment,

and then say, the question which I em to put is, that the words pro

posed to be left out (by the am endm ent) stand part of the question .


Should the “noes prevail , the am endm ent then becom es a substantive

m otion, upon which otheram endm ents m ay be m oved, and considered in

l ike m anner as the first. Thus a num ber of successive am endm ents to

the original m otion m ay be disposed oi, though no am endm ent can be

m oved upon an amendm ent ; but al l the am endm ents as wel l as the

m otion itself m ay be negatived. Any Mem ber is at l iberty to interrupt

another by rising to order,” vis . , cal l ing the attention of the chair,

or of the assem bl y at l arge, to the fact, that a breach of orderw as then

being comm itted. When two or m ore Mem bers rise at once to address

the House of Com m ons, the Speaker or Chairm an determ ines who

sh al l have precedence. in Parl iam ent it is contrary to order for those

F 2O

84 u rnsusrm u or rsm sm u ar

engaged in debate, to m ention any Member by nam e (ex cepting the

Chairm an oicom snittees). l t is also out oi order to speak in disect term ed

any proceedings of the other House, unless they havebeen form al l y m ade

known by“m essage,

” or recorded in the notices, votes , or orders of the

otherHouse. It is also irregu lar to refer tothe opinions of the Sovereign ;

speeches iron the throneand royal m essages being treated as the senti

ments of the m inistry , which the Boyereign utters orcomm unica tes on


ORDER IN THE LORDS .— Them icsoforder intheHouseofLords differ

in som eparticul ars from those observed in the Com m ons. In debate those

who speak address thewholehouse, and not thechairm an. ThePeerw ho

sits on the wool sack or in thechairofcom m ittees has noduties to perform

during the del iberations of the House, ex cepting to put thequesfi on.

He is not the judge or guardian of order. If several Peers rise together,

the House decides who shal l first be heard. The speaker or deputyspeaker of the Lords is not disqual ified ex ofl eio from taking a part in


O RIGINATING BILL8 .—With theCrown al l bil ls ofamnesty originate;

—with theHouseofw as al l bil ls relating to a restitution in blood and to

restitutionofhonours3—w ith theHouseofCom mons al l bil ls rel ating to the

publ ic insa ne and ex penditure, and al l other m easures that can properly

comew ithin theclassof money bil ls.” Bil ls aii

ecting theroyal prerou tive

arenot usual ly introduced into eitherHousewithout the previous consent

of theCrown. It is considered unconstitutional as one House to take the

initiative in any measureafl’

ecting theprivileges of theother. ingenera l

it is held that in theLords should originatehil ls of painsand penalties."

or other measures bonded upon oral testim ony , as their Lorthhips, unl ike

theComm ons, havethepowerof ex am iningw itnesses uponoath .

OTHE R ORDERS (PASSING TO — BeeAvoidanceOfa Decision.

PARLIAM ENT - The Com mons arenot theParl iament, neither aretheLords nor the Crown ; but the three united are the “ Estates,

” which intheir triple capacity constitute theParl iam ent, and exercise the legisl ativel tm otions oi the realm . A peer is of course as m uch a m em ber ofParl iam ent as a com m oner, while the Crown is a whole estate of Parliamentcentred in the person of an individual . The two Houses convened byroyal authority, and acting jointly with the Crown, constitute theLexis .

l atnre orParl iam ent ; and its acts are ca l led indiflerently“ Statutes or

Acts of Parl iament :” they have the ih l l force and eil'

ect of law. (SeeBil ls ,

”as also “Estate of Parl iament ”) The power ofParl iament is

rsasss sunm om mies. 85

am to betranscendent, and subject to no l im itation whatever. AnAct of

Parl iam ent binds every subject, and even the Bored“, when special l y

nam ed therein 3 and no authority less than that ofParliam ent can dispense

with or abrogatea t atnte.

PBBRS (m IBH).— 8eePeers of Parl iam ent : al soPart this volum e.

w as 01? PARLIAMENT .—ThePeerageof Great Britain and l reland

m ay bedescribed as consisting of the fol lowing parts ; the reader, how

ever, shoul d bear in mind that every individua l m erage has a local ity,

no matterwith what part of theem pire theex isting possessor m ay other

wise beconnected. There are, in the first pl ace, the Peers of Engl and ;

2diy, thoseat 800tland ; 841y, thoseofIrel and ; 4thly, those at theUnited

Kingdom ; and, 5thly, thoseoftheEpiscopal Bench ; but such distinctions

are chiefly confined to Parl iam ent. In the House of Lords, al l Peers of

E ngl and haveseats and votes, so haveal l of the United Kingdom , though

the l ocal ity m ay beIrish or Scottish . 1t irequentl y happens that Peers of

E ngland, or oi'

theUnited Kingdom , hol d an equal or superior rank in the

peerage ofScotland or that of ireland. 1a which case, though popul arly

known by the higher dignity, they stil l have seats and votes in the

House as of the inferiorrank. Lord Pagettby courtesy Earl ofUx bridge) ;

Lord M al travers (by courtesy Earl of Surrey) ; Lord E nn lshowen thyeonrtesey Earl of Bel ihst) ; Lord (by courtesy Earl ) Bruce, Lord (bycourtesy Visct.) Lowther, and Lord (by courtesy Visct .) Duncannon,heirs respectivel y to the Peerages of Anglesey, Norfolk, Donegal , A iles

bury, Lonsdale, and Besborongh , were cal led to theUpperHouseduringtheir fathers’ l ives The peers of Scotland and Irel and have a pl ace

in the House only by their representatives, of which Irel and sends 28 .and Scotland 10. By the Act ofUnion, no irish Peer enjoying a Britishd ignity can be elected a Representative Peer. But the case of an Irish

R epresentative obtaining an Engl ish Peerage after his election was not

adverted to : there areconsequentl y atpresent som eirish Representatives

who sit by their Irish dignities, thdugh hol ding also Engl ish baronies.

A l l E ngl ish and Wel sh bishops, with the ex ception of the Bishop of

Sodor and Man, sit as barons, and four of the Irish bishops in annual

rotation. TheScottish peers arechosenwith every new Parl iament . The

wenty-eight Irish tem poral peers are el ected for l ife.

PEERS (SCOTTISH) .- 8ee Peers of Parl iam ent : al so Part 1 . 01 this

volum e.

0 The am ofWi l ton, who is second son of the Hare of Westm inster. enjoys a

peerage, which descended tohim from his m aternal m dfather ; and Low!Howard de

Wa lden, who is el dest sonof Lord l eafed .derives his peeragehel l his m aterna l grea t


80 sx m x u ron or ram m snv


THBB .— 8eePeers of Parl iam ent : al so Post I . of this volume.

PREVIOUS QUESTION — seeA voidanced a Decision.

PRIV[LEGEBOP PARLIAM ENT f—Theseareoi threekinds 1st, thepri

vileges which appertain to mem bers individua l l y ; 2nd, thosewhich bel ong

to eitherHousein its col lect ivecapacity 38rd, those ofbothHouses jointl y .

Prom wel l known precedents it appears that the Lords and Com m ons,

actingconcurrentl y, can assume the suprem e power whenever the throne

is vacant, or the Sovereign incapableof ex ercising the royal functions, as

happened at theRevol ution in 1588 3111 1 783, when the sovereign authority

was offered to thePrinceofWales, though George 111 . reoovered so speedi ly

that a regency became unnecessary 3 in 1 812, when a restricted regency

was appointed ; and, subsequently, when the restrictions were rem oved .

The separate privileges of either House are ex tensive, but they

are, at the sam e time, uncertain and indefinite. Am ongst those privi

leges are the power of com m itting individual s to prison, the power of

publ ishing m atters which . if not issuing hum such high authority, m ight

becom ethesubject of proceedings in a court of l aw , the power 01 directing

the Attorney-Geueral to prosecu te persons accused of oil'

eaces against the

l aws, or aii'

ecting theprivilege 0! Parl iam ent, and, fina l ly, a power vested

in each Houserespectively of doing any thing— not direct ly contravening

an A ct of Parl iament— which m ay be necessary for the vindication or pro

tection of itself in theex ercise of its own constitutional h oetions . In the

dail y proceedings of Parl iam ent questions of privilege take precedence ot‘

al l other business . The privileges of individual m em bers of Parl iam ent

arefreedom of speech and person, includingneedom from legal arrests and

seizures under process from the courts of l aw orequity ; this, however,

does not ex tend to indictable oflences, to actual contem pts oi’

thecourts of

justice, or to proceedings in bankruptcy. Mem bers of Parl iam ent are

ex em pt nu n serving the office of sheriif, 1m m obeying snbpm nas, and

serving on juries . E very m em ber can introduce one person to the


gal lery . Pri vilege of Parl iam ent” continues to Peers at al l

tim es , and to Com m oners during eighty days after a prorogation, and tora

convenient” tim e atterdissol ution. Peers areentitled to bepresent at the

coronation of theSovereign, but pl aces were never provided for the 00m

mons at that cerem onial unti l thereign ofWil l iam IV. Peers cannot be

outlawed in any civi l action, nor can any attachm ent l ie against their

persons ; they are ex em pt them attending courts leet, or the posso-com h

tatus ; whenarraigned for any crim inal oti'

enee, it m ust bebeforetheirpeers,who return a verdict, not upon oath , but upon honour ; they have the

privilegeof sittingcovered in courts of justice; they m ay vote in m mm ent by prox y .

reams m raocnsnm cs . 87PRIVY COUNCIL .

—The m em bers of this em inent body are constituted

at the pleasure of the Sovereign, whose principal council they are.

Cabinet M inisters. ii’

not previously m em bers of the Privy Council ,

are usual l y added to that body , im m ediatel y after their appointm ent

to the Cabinet. The duties of the Privy Council are to inquire into al l

ofihnces against the governm ent, and to com m it the oil’

enders to prison.

I t has an appel l ate jurisdiction in Adm iral ty prise causes, and in

col onial and East India appeal s ; as al so in those m atters of l unacy or

idiotcy which concern theprerogative of the Sovereign. The powers of

theHigh Court of Del egates, in ecclesiastical and m aritime causes, have

been added to its jurisdiction. A judicial comm itteehas been formed of the

m em bers who ex opist‘

o areconversant with legal principl es. I t consists

of the President of theCouncil, the Lord Chancel lor or Lord Keeper or

First Lord Com m issioner of the Great Seal , the Chief Justice of the

Queen’s or King

’s Bench, the Master of the Rol l s, theVice-Chancel lor,

theChief Justiceof the Com mon Pleas, the Ch ief Baron of theEx chequer,the Judge of the Prerogative Court, the Judge of theHigh Court of Ad

m ira l ty, the Chief Judge in Bankruptcy, the m em bers of the council who

shal l have held any of theoillces before-m entioned ; and two other privycounci l lors appointed by the Crown, who shal l have held the ofl ee of

judge in theEast Indies or any ofthecolonies. TheSovereignm ay sum m on

to this com m ittee any otherm em bers of the privy council . Four m em bers

constitute a quorum . A 11 Privy Council l ors enjoy the title of “Right

Honourabl e.”

PROROGATION .—8eeInterruptionof theSittings of Parl iament .

QUESTION .— 8ee Order.

ROY AL A888 NT .—Theact by which the Crown agrees to a bi l l which

has al ready passed both Houses is cal led The Royal Assent,”which m ay

be given by the Sovereign in person robed, crowned, and seated on the

throne in the Houseof Lords, theCom m ons standing at the bar: or the

royal assent m ay be given by com m issioners appointed by the Crown for

that special purpose and for the singleoccasion. Theform s observed in

both cases do not vary, and areas fol low — The Lords being assem bled in

their own House, the Sovereign or the Com m issioners seated , and the

Comm ons at thebar, thetit les of theseveral hil ls which havepassed both

Houses are read, and theKing or Queen‘s answer is decl ared by the clerkof the Parl iam ents in Norm an French . To a bil l of suppl y the assent is

given in thefol low ingwords L o roy ( or, l a n ine) rem erete ses loya l

subj ects, accep ts Ism bm evolm cs cl a s‘


ls vea l .

” To a private bil l it

is thus decl ared Sou fa il com m a a est des ire. " And topublicgeneral

bil ls it isgivenintheseterm s 3 Leroy ( os, l a n ine) 14m m .” Shoul d the

88 nm m sn ou or rsm am s ar

Sovereignreihsehis assent, it is in the gentle languageof“L0 ” ( a s

l a n ine) s’avisera A s acts ofgrace and am nesty originatewifi the

Crown, the clerk ex pressing the gratitude of the subject addresses the

throneas fol low s Les p rél ats , seignessrs , cl com m ons, eu cem ent

Par l iam ent aesesnbl és ass nom de tout vou s aestree M eets n m r


em M s bum blem aut votre m aj esté, cl prism d D im votes dem u re»

saute bonus vie cl tongue.

” Them om ent the royal assent has been given,

that which was a bil l becomes an Act, and instantly has the force and

eflect of law , unless som e tim e for the com m encem ent of its operation

should havebeen special ly appointed.

sau nas ? AT ABH8 .- 01

oncers hearing this title, therearesew n! 1

some are attached to the Court of Chancery ; but there are two q rpointed

by thb Crown to attend the Houses of Parl iament, and each has a deputy.

In theHouseofLords, thepractical m aintenanceofdecorum below thebu .

nearthethrone, and in thegal lery , devol ves uponthegentlem an and yearns.

usher, with their assistants, so that the Serjeant at Arias attending the

HouseofLords has less conspicuous duties to perform than thosewhich

devol veupon theSerjeant attending theHouseofCom m ons both, how

ever, ex ecute thecomm ands of theHouse to which they belong, asregards

the apprehension or custody of al l persons comm itted by order of Partia

m ent . In theHouseofComm ons, theSerjeant atArm s is an ol leerofcon

siderabie importance, enjoying largeem olum ents, assisted by a deputy andseveral subordinateofl cers 3 during the sittings oi


theHouseheoccupies a

chair below thebar, and hedirects a l argeproportion of thearrangements

connected w ith them aintenance of order in theapproaches to theHouse

and the omoce adjacent . He is at once the ex ecutive and the cerem onial

ofl cer oi the lowerHouse; but his discretionary powers arenot ex tend” ;

for alm ost al l hism ore im portant duties are perform ed under the immediate

direction of the House itsel f, comm unicated through the Speaks . The

once is usual ly heldby agentlem an ofthem il itary profession, sel dom underthe rank of a field oncer ; the present Seljeant at Arm s attending the

HouseofComm ons ,” is a colonel in the arm y, and is a knight of theorder

of 8 t. Ferdinand and Merit in Sicil y.

term session, applied to the sittings of any pl bi lo

assembly, woul d be general l y understood to signify the period duringwhich they sat without any interm ission or recess ; but in Parl iam entary

Qasen El isabeth at theend of a Session rejected 48 bi l l s agreed to by both BonsesThe power of rejection was ex ercised for the l ast tim e in the year by“ b i l l .

who at 83st rethsed, hat in two years afterwards yielded assent to thehil l (orTriennialPa rl iaments.

90 EXPLANATION on m nu u m n v

the Commons, al though in m odern tim es he is nose cou pled in pl a iding

over the del iberations of theHouse, than in del ivering speeches on theit

behal f. Am ongst thednties oi‘

the Speaker are the fol lowing-To read to

the Sovereign petitions or addresses thorn the Om ens, and to del iver, in

the Royal presence, whetherat the Palace or in theHouse of Lords. suchspeeches as are usual ly m ade on behalf of the Commons ; to m anage in

the nam e of the House, where counsel , w itnesses, or prisoners, areat

the bar ; to reprim and persons who have incurred the displeasure of the

House ; to issuewarrants of com m ittal or releaseforbreaches ofprivi lege;

to com m unicate in writing w ith any parties. when so instructed by the

House to ex ercisevigilance in reference to privatebil ls, espeeial l y with a

view to protect propet ty in genera l , as the rights of individual s, {son

undue encroachm ent or injury to ex press the thanks or approbation or

the Com m ons to distinguished pessonages ; to controul and regul ate the

subordinate ofi eers oi‘

theHouse ; to entertain the m em bers at dinner, in

duesuccession, and at stated periods ; to adjourn theHouseat four o’clock ,

of forty m em bers be not present (see Adjonm ment) ; to appoint tenet s on

divisions. The Speakerm ust abstain from debating. unless in Comm ittees

ofthewholeHouse. As Chairm an of theHouse, his duties are thesam e as

thoseofany otherPresident ofa del iberativeassem bly. (SeeO lder.) WhenPadiam ent is about to be prorogued, it is custom ary for the Speaker to

address to the Sovereign, in theHouseofLords, a speech, recapitnh ting

the proceedings of thesession.


is chosen by theHouseofCom nons from am ongst its own m em bers, subject

to the approval of theCrown, and holds his once til l the dissolution oi

the Parl iam ent in which he was elected. H is salary is 00001. a-year,

ex clusive of a mm ished residence. At the end of his oncial labours

he is general ly rewarded by a peerage, and a pension of 40001. for tw o

lives. He is a m em ber of the Privy Council , and entitled to rank al ter

Barons. When forty mem bers are not present, he m ay adjourn the

House without leave (see Adjonrm nent). General l y speaking, business

cannot be transacted in his absence, though to this rule these was an

ex ception in the year 1000, a prisoner being released by order of the

House during the i l lness of a Speaker. Shoul d a m em ber persevere in

breaches of order, the Speaker m ay nam e" him , as it is cal led, a course

uniform l y fol lowed by the censure oi'

the House. In ex trem e eases the

Speaker m ay order m em bers or others into enstody until the pleasureof the House be signified (see Comm ittals). He has a casting vote on


ru ns AND Pnocm m es . 9!

SPEAKER or 1 1 1 3 novel : or LORDSa—TheLord Chanedlora the'

keeperof thegreat seal , and by virtueof that oncehebecomes on thebare

del ivery oftheseal to h im by theSovereign, speakeroftheHouse of Lords .

Heis usual ly, but not necessaril y , a peer. Therehas always been a deputyspeaker, and som etim es two. TheChairman of Com m ittees general ly fi l l s

the l atter once (see Chairm an of Comm ittees in Com m ons). In the

absenceoftheLord Chancel lor and of theDeputy Speaker, it is com petent

to theHouse to appoint any nobleLoni to take thewoolsack. The Speaker

is the organ or m outhpiece of theHouse, and it therefore is his duty to

represent their Lordships in their eoilectivecapacity when hol ding intercoarsew ith otherpubl ic bodies orwith individual s Hehas not a castingvote upon divin


ons, for shoul d the num bers proveequal , the not contents

prevail . (BeeSpeaker of theHouse of Comm ons, duties oi, privileges of. )TheDeputy Speaker of theLords is appointed by the Crown. (SeeOrder,as also Order in the Lords.

STRANGERS (ADMI SSION 0P).— 8eeHouseof Comm ons .

SUPPLY COMMIT TEE OF .)— A l l proceedingswhich rel atetothepubl ic

incomeor ex pendi ture, m ust originatew ith theHouseofCom mons, and the

ini tiative to the latter consists of resolutions m oved in a Comm itteeot'

Supply, which is always a Com m ittee of thewhol e House. In thecourse

of the session, estim ates are subm itted to a Com m ittee of Suppl y, and

resol utions moved therein, granting to the Crown the sum s requisite for

detraying the ex pense attendant upon the various branches of the pub

l ic service. Those resolutions having been considered and disposed of,

such am ongst them as m ay be amrm ed. are reported to the House, recon

sidered, and adopted or rejected . Under authority of those to which

the House agree, the Lords of the Treasury issue the requisite funds for

carrying on the service of the country . A t the end of the session, the

supply resolutions are consolidated in the Appropriation Bil l , which is

sent up to theLords , and being thereconsidered and decided on, receives

the Royal assent, and becom es l aw . The Lords m ay reject this or any

otherm oney bi l l ; but it would be considered an invasion of theprivileges

of the Com m ons if their Lordships were substantial l y to modify m easuresof this class ; the Com m ons, however, do not object to consider any verba l

em endations which m ay bem ade by theotherHouse. Before any bil l can

be introduced, authorising u penditnreofpublicmoney, resol utions m ust

be m oved in Com m itteeofSupply, agreed to there, reported, and confirm ed

by theHouse.

THREE MONTHS (THI S DAY ). SeeAvoidanceof a Decision.


VACATING SEAT 8 .—8eeChil tern Hundreds .

WAYS AND MEAN S (COMMIT TEE OF .)- As theComm itteeofSuppl y

(which see) rel ates to the ex penditureof thenation, so thefunctions and

duties of a Com m itteeofWays and Means, have reference to thefunds by

which such ex penditure is to be sustained. Loans, duties, tax es, toils,revenueand imposts ofevery description, are subm itted to a Com m ittee of

Ways and Means (which is always one of the whole House). The

propositions of Governm ent on these subjects are reduced to the form oi

resolutions, considered, decided on ; and such as are agreed to, reported to

the House. Those which m ay be thereadopted are embodied intobill s;

and in due course become l aw . As in thecaseofsupply, the Lords m ay

reject, but cannot m odify ; neither can their Lordships insert pecuniarypenal ties in any bil l whatever.




With a Statem ent of theN um ber: pol l ed a t the l ast contested

E l ections, the Papu l ation of each, theRegisteredE l ectors,theA ssessed T ax es, Ten Pound Houses, Q-e.

Thenam es oftheunsuccessful candidates areprinted in I ta l ics .

T he abbreviations here used have the i’

ol lowing significationz— Com . for

eonstitaency ; h . torhouses ; pop . for popul ation ; diet. fordistrict ; reg.

s leet. for registeredelectors.


Col 8 301111 1103 , City .

aw n.A ’

mm ?’ esq. 780

Cons . 18 freem en and 520h. 101.

M mPop. Reg. film . 892.

Oons. h . 101. Pop . ARUNDEL , Sus sex .

Beg. E lect. Engn

Am nt



Stine it t ds. sco an 0 1 11 an s anABERDEENSHIRE 880h. 101. Pop . Re . E lect .

Hon.Wil l iam Gordon. 26 1 . Ass . tax es 8771. e DukePop. Reg.E lect. of Nqfi olh


iiderable inha

ence in t a m agABINGDON , Berks .


Thom asDa l l el d, esq. W Jardine C( ions. soot l hd lfl ibhl bitfl t l “ d


l b] hol ders and 842 l l451 h . POP. Res . B leet . Pop . 4 , 1 66 . R E lect. 269:333 ° M “u “ 5355‘ Ass. tax es 4 181. Lo Cl inton has

ANDOVEB , Hassl e.theonly influence prevai l ing here.

Ra! h E twal l , A 8HTON ~UND RoLYNB L ane.

LarsW. Pl tm

1 12 C. Hindley, esq.


Si n , P7 . ottom b — Harrop , n0011s. the co n tlon.oom ist ins 010 h . 10 a

of88 . and s” 101. Pop. Elect. 07 1 . 111321 “08

8 83 .M . 242. Al l . m e.ATHLONE (00.

Capt. Beresford soDaniel Henry Ferrel l . as 17Ho

sz: O n Petition, in 1842 , theql ’oil was

al tered as fol lows :ANTR IM , County qf.

N . A lex ander, esqJ. irvin e

ropf ’stffieos. neg. m eet.


A Campbell 0‘ Mons ie, ” ‘b Cons . 7 1 freem en and 260h. 101.P01) . Regs Elect s Pop. Bee. E lw ‘.w .

ARMAGH, County af. AYLEfiBURY , Bucks .

V l sct. Acheson..

L B . Hhm t l ton.

Col . Verner. Rice Rich . C layton, esq.

Pop. Reg. Elect. Cons. fieeholders oi thebunch

94 HOUSE or cc11110118 .

and housekeepers of the borough BEDPO BDSHIRE .

not receiving a lm s, and 8 14 h . 101. Win. Astel l , esq .

Pop . R E lect . Lord A IM .

tax es eDuke of Buck Pop. Reg E lect .

ingham has considerable pro e

and influence in this borough? tty

Capt . pgffim m (Borough)

48 3

AYRSHI RE . mart. esq. 42 1

Visot . Kelbnrne.

l bread cc 4 10

Pop. Reg. E lect. c0m”honse'

holgers not " 0017 108aim s and 498 h 101 . Pop .

A“ D i" . B E lect 878 Ass tax es 2 047:Com prising A yr, frame Cc bel l


town, Inverary, and baa? BELFAST , 00 . 4 71171 711.

L rd P J H 0 Stuart1 . B. Tennent, esq.

W G . Johnson, esq. 91 8Gone. 098 h. 101. Pop . EM ,arBetta.“ 82,

R 080 E lect . l ’BW. D . R O" ’ ‘ sq. 792

BAN BUBY , O h Petition, in 1842, election do

HenryWil l iam T ancred, esq . 124 elated void, new writ.

Hol beeh , esq. 100 David Robert Ross, esq. 880

Henry V incent 6 1 Jam es Em erson Tennent, esq. 8511

0011s . the old corporation of 1 8 Lord Ham i l ton Chiehester 600

and 305 h . 101. Pop . l ieg.

E lect. 886 . Ass. tax es 18061. POp. K E lect .

The Ha ness of 11 ai has con.

J D“f 6


k siderable‘ hnflnencein t '

s borough ,

O u the afipm ntm ent ofMx . Jae]; Robert33353

11 135 .

8oh c

1tor-General , new wri t Visct. Barn!“P

Viscount Bernard.

(b us. 1 8 fr m en and 279 h . 101.51703 °

Pop. cg. E lect. 855. BERWl CK , N ofl htm berkm d .


J. M , esq. 8 16836

L argRee


dham 27800 11 and 682 h

°p ’ Reg. m m “ " 7 °

101. Pop. Bee. Biect. 700.

BARN STAPLE , Devon. Ass. tax esF 0M 86 1 eenw xcx sm nn.


ggghw m 323SirH . P. 11 . em be11,lbart .

l 819Sir J. P . B . Chiehester, ha rt . 838

Pop. 8 eat .

Cons. cor oration and freem en,BEVERLEY , Yorkshire.

and 007 h . 01. Pop . A ss .JohnM u lch «9 531

tax es Reg. E lect. 81 1 . ff.


Ffi ogg, esq . :ggox , es‘n Cons . resi

qdent freem en and 807

J. A . Roebuck, e“. 1 151h . 101. 9011 . Reg. E lect .

V iscount Pow erscourt 980A s . tax es

W H . L . 8 7 14900, 081. 990 BEWDLEY ,Worcestershire.

eons . corporatnon. 0 num ber 80. SirT . E .Winnington, hart. 1 73and 7 8 14 h . 101. Pop . 69 282 . R , ”m am , “ 16 8Res . Biect 8 119 . cons . 42 bigness” and 484 h .


P0p. 7 ,384 . Res . 4210.

A l esey , com prising Bea um aris ,A“ tax es 925"

fl dw iph , Holyhea d , L l am gev ln . BIRM INGHAM , Warw ick.

Frederick Paget, esq. G . P . Hunts esq. 2 176Cons .ch1et



ses om eanm aris J. Schoietleiti, esq . 1908

gna 8 12 11 . 101. p. Reg. Sp ooner, os 1 828l«ct. 295. Ass. tax es 001111. h . 101. Pop .

CO NSTITUENCY , m u s, &c. 95

Bee. mm . Ass . tax es 778 . Ass . tax es 1 8081. In som e

de ee under the fniiuence or the

BLA CKBURN , Lanea shdre.W

tm oretam l y.

WhFei lden, el g. 44 1 nam eswsm , Som erset.

bom b! H .Bm adwood, esq 280

e n% 0.q. 426 T . 8 . “m u , m .276

Reg. E lect . 912 . A s . tax es B obine’

m ,24 8

BODhfl ‘

N . Cons. resident househol ders andHon. l imo; Vu ian freem en,& 6 1 1 h. 101. P0p.

38 71311


gzester Reg. E lect. 678 . Ass . tax es

tr p ryOn theaccession ofMr. Vivian to a He

on “304

Peerage inAug. 1 842, new writ. T .Fm tchel l e 282Cons . thecorporation and 8 1 1 h

101. Pop. neg. E lect. 889.

4 ° D ' R ' " 4 b achfm a“q 244

In 80 t. 1841 , on tance ofM " “3 ” “M L Chflyern Hundreds byai r. War

BOLTON Laneaehire. but ton, new writ .P. Aw sworth , esq. 670 A . D . It . W. Bail l ieCochrane, E sq.

Dr. Bowan Cons. househol ders pa 1ng soot— R othwe , esq. 636 and lot and 842 h . l 1 . Pop .

W . 3 0114710, esq. 441 keg. E lect. 008 . An . tax es

Cons . h. 101. Pop . 7621.Reg. E lect. A ss. tax es BRIGHTO N , sm u g ,

Ca tain Pochel l 1446

1 a n {9 8321833”gqahym 1c 6 1rownng’

es if m p8 11 1 . Duke

8’ qc. 8 7 00 er 4

W ood , esq. In 1 842 Mr.Wigney acceptegl theCons. corporation and freem en Chil tern Hundreds, new wri t.

gayi soot and lot, and Lord AM Hervey 1 277

10 Pop . Reg. Sum m ers Harfordt 089 640

Ass. tax es 0. .801



000 l l 10, P 46 741;M . e e 0p. eBRADFORD’ Reg. m eet. Ass. tax es

“q .

W Busfes’

l d esq. 686 BRISTOL, Gb uees lershs’


1 11 Sept . 1841 , on death ofMr. P. w . 8 . m m esq. 4198ter, new writ. Hon. F . H . F . fierhcley

Wi l l iam Badei ld, E l /V. F rt'

pp esq. 8 084W m . W i l berforce, q. 622 Cons . freem en and freeholders,

and 9 786 11 . 1 01 . ma

m m a.

Beg. E lect. s . tax es Reg. i nset.


001 . Thom as Wood. S ir W. L . Young, 08 1 1 . 2678Pop . 6 296 . Reg. E lect. 0. G . Dupre, esq. 2669

DR CON (B orough). it . 8 . M urray, esq. 2647c. H . B . Morgan, esq . Joh nL ee esq .

,L L . D . 496

Cons. res1dent freem en and 860 Henry Afargan Vane, esq . 460h . 101. Pop. Reg. E lect. 11 1 Jul y , 1842, Hon. Wm . Edw .

886 . A ss . tax es

gitm anrice m

ee Sir Wm . L .

Bam cenon'

ru Sa l op .


Thom as Charl tonWh iflhore,esq . 498Popf


féey se. M ' E lect.

Sir Robert Pigot , hart. 477 BUCU NGHAM , B oron h.

How ard , se 221 S ir Thom as P. Frem antle,N 1 7sroe ou , seq. 1 Sir J. Chetwode, hart .

Cons . freem en and our sees, and Cons . corporation of 18 m em bers

880 h.101. Pop. es . E lect . m l 2 26 h. 101. Pop. Br

96 HOUSE or 00111110118 .

m eet. Ass. tax es 8421. The CANTERBURY, Kent.puke of


Buchingham has m uch 8 011 . c, A . F , P. 8 . M yth s 818influence 1 11 th e borough . J, Bu dghaw , “q , 722T . H cc es

0313. r’esigent freem en and 66 7

Harm ” , Ju l ,

h . 1 01. Pop.Reg. E lect.

Cons . 755 h . 101. pop.

Ass. tax es

Reg. E lect. 790. A ss . tax es CARDIFF , D 18 1.

BURY 8T . EDM UND ’S, Sufol t . mfi‘rgfiffi fi:

Earl Jenn n dare, L l andqf‘


M d 0 tm y Dr. N ichol l .H . N “ . Cons . bnrgeu es and freem en, and

R . 1412 10114 01 71 . esq. 827 h . 101. P0 Res .




19? 0, Po




aen. Elect. 700. A ss . ax es

El ect. 70421 8. wilt. 1 9941. 19138 94 8 0104 1000 1.

heMa fl eas Com pn sm Cardagcm , A berget

d Brim ) ! have m m iderabler

gnflu,“nth A par, M d L am peter .

“0° tongse sein u m be h ’

10 n Scandr’



tzi l arford, esBUI EBHIRE



fi vo m em bers;

fiwere regurned



SirWil l iam Rae t . 133 t ereturning o 001 . on accoun o


’ bthe loss of a pol l

-booh ; but M r.

on death of SirW . Rae, 52am” w as decl ared du l y

Hon. Jas. A . S .Wortley.Cons:burgesses and 672 h . 1 01.

6 6 R E lect. Po . 8 Reg. E lect. 868.

Pop 1 95 eg 880taxpes 13381. M r. E . Powel l ,


bthe shire, and L



ai l ing eves


80, 97 . Reg Elect. 420.

P'w ’“v“ pm m


CALNE, m ul Wil l iam Edward Poweléesq .

E arl of Shel bnrpe Pop . Reg. lect.Cons. 19 311 1 111 stew ards and bar

sees and 019 Pop011 11 1 8814 1. Otm erkm l

fi g. Elect. 1 79. A ss . tax es Ph3hp Henry .

The M a ness of Lansdowne Wi l l iam

influence this borough .307960

00 1 (3

133233 en and 687ns . s1 reemCAMBRIDGESHIRE 11 . 101. Pop . 80084 . Reg. El ect .

Hon. E . T . Yorke 968 . Ass . tax es

001 BCARLOW, County qt.

0 m enReg. E lect.

Thos. Bnnbury, esq.

E , B orough .

R . F os ter, 08 CA RLOW B aronyL ord Cosm o 11 8 0011 Capt . Layard.


OO M -freem en. h 101 Pop Cons . 18 freeinen and 408 h .

Re E lect . Ass .

tu es 7 ,701z.g Pop. 9,012 . Reg Elect 417 .


R ight Hon . He Gou lbnrn.

Hon. 0. E . [1 8:15yE l ectors , M asters of Art s whose

nam es are on the books . Reg.

E lect. no return.

98 HOUSE 0? 0011110010.

W vglil THEROE , L am a shs


1 76COVENTRY, W am iel 'sht



l 30“ 05 W. Wi l l iam s, esE dw arq (304 11001 08 Righ tHon. Edwgrd E l l ice 1 830011 Petm on, in 1842, Cardw Thos . W“ “q.

1283v iceM r.Wil son. 1 600Cons . tenants for l ife or in fee of

certam boron h l ands and houses.and 359 h . 1 0 POp . Reg.

Ass. tax es

E lect. 886 . A n. tax es 4001. CRICKLADE . W im

CLONMEL 00. T 1 era JohnNeeld, esq .

R ight Hon D . 11. Pigotfp ry

on. Henry Thos.How ard.

Cons . 94 freem en and 762 h , 10 Cons . t‘

reebolders, copyhol ders

Pop. Reg. E lect . 6 87 .and l easeholders of the ba udre

COCKERM OUTH , Cum ber land .

and borough ; no return of 1 01. h .

Pop . Reg. E lect .esq. 1


A s . tax es no return. M r. Gordon'


v influence in this boron b has notGméofizyfi



and 235 h .

been im paired by the Recm Act.

101. Pcp . Reg . E lect. 288 . CUMBERLAND , E ast.Ass . tax vs 6091.

Hon. 0. w . G . Howard 2086COLCHE STER , E 8 8 8 3 . W. Jam es, esq. 1988

R ichard Step henson , as 1906SirG . H . 8 111 h. hart.

Cons . regdent freem en and 600Pop. aeg E lect

11 . 101. Pop . Reg. E lect . CUMBERLAND , Wes t.ASS . ( 8 1 08

Eaw d Stan] cg

COLERAINE. Co. L ondonderry . 3 , 1 1311, esq.

ey , q

E Litton, Pop . neg. Elect .On the ap intm ent of Mr. Littonto be a g


u ter 1 11 Chancery, newDARTM OUTH , Devon .

w ri t. ir JohnHenry Beale. bart .Cons . 62 freem en and 240h . 1 01. Cons . freem en and 422 h . 101.

Pop . Beg. E lect. 868 . Pbp . 4 597 . Reg. E lect . 26 l . A ss .

coax , County qf. tax es0001.




iliaebq. DENBIGH , Dm

Com rising D enbigh , H011, Ru tht’


3 .


éf940“ p

and W rex ham .

Pop . Reg.mect . T Meinw arins. esq

CORK , ca”.

T . B tddu lph, esq.

p . 8 .M ar res1dent bur eases and 748

D . Ca l lag an “q.

11 . 101. Pop.

Morris , es DENB IGHSHIRE .

Cons. 6 freem en and freeholders. and 5 403 h . P0]:

SirWatkinWi l l iam sWynn , bt .

Reg. Elect. Hon.W i l l iam 3 380‘

CORNWALL, E a “.Pop. Reg. E lect.


m?“11 37


DERBY BHIRE , N orth .

_. as e g esq.

Ssr W . 731210109103, 1688 $10


Pop. 160,684 . B eg. mect . 6 967 . P0 1 8 g ElectCORNWALL,

P-l 88 . Res. ,7 2

Edw . Wm . Wynne Pendan es. esq .DERBY SHl RE ’ 8011 114.

Lord Boscawen Ro se. M . M 9 047 . esq .

O n the l a tter succeeding to a pee R . Col vhe. 039 3209

8a e in


1841. new writ in 1842 . G t‘

sborne. ” 9r hanes Lem on, hart . Lord W atefp a rb 2325Pop . Beg. E lect. Pop . Beg E lect.

0010311 1 03c , POLLS, &c. 99

DERBY , Borough . ex ercise considerable influence in



ai n?esq. 874 the return of the two m em bers .

3 , ,g’

, (3, 1307'

s , £331 DOW'


of Down.

00 David Kerr, e

h .Cons. 498


61. oocnptera and 286

Ans. tu g,h . 1 01. Pop . Reg. E lect. 842 .

DEVIZE S, W i l l a.

DOWN , 00m “? afT . H . 1 . 80theron, eeq.

Vmcf CastlereaghG . H . W. Heneage, esq

“1 Of3 111311010 081!

0003 . the corporatl on and 409 POp. Reg. E'CCt.

h o 1 01 Pop Ree E lect DROGHEDA , co. q outh .

375. A 85 . tax es “01V. s


pme, bt.

u , h mD ns. reen en an cc 0 cm ,-m9m 920 h . 101. neg.

S ir Gear eGrey hart . 932 E lect 506

R igh t ou . G , h, D aw son 730 DROITWICH , W orcestershire.

Cons . h . 101. Pop. John Som erset Pakington, esq.

Cons. bnrgesses and 81 1 h . 101.The pnbl ic establ ishm ents at this POP 3 08 E lect . 357 ° A38


bftve the Governm ent cousi . tax es 5191 .

t a e influence in theelections. DUBLIN , County qf.

DEVON SHIRE , N orth .

H . Ham i l ton, esq. 106 1

ir T . D . A cl and, bt.B . Taylor, esq . 1042

L -W-M u

g 1332m p' 7 ° Re" Pop. 1103 . E lect.DEVON SHIRE , Sou th .

8 1: J. Y . Bul let , hart .DUBLIN »

Visct . Courtenay E1

3W355?Pop . Reg. Elect .

D am'

a a, esq. 8692DONEGAL, County qfl Hu tton ,“ 8662

it Edm und 8 . Hayes, hart . O u the d of Mx .West in 1 841 ,Edward M ichael Conol l y, esq . new w rit.

Pop . Wil liam Henry Gregorywsq. 8825

DORCHESTER, Doraetcha‘





eem en and freeR t. Hon. Sir Jam es Graham

, bu t. hol den , m d h . 1 01. Pop.

Hon. A H. Ash ley Cooper.

Cons . inhabitants ayingscotandReg. E lect .

l ot, and 883 h . 1 0 Pop. DUBLIN UN IVERSITY .

Reg. E lect. 898. Ase. tax es 2 1031. fight Hon. Frederick Shaw .

The Earl of Shm esbury and M r. 1 ht Hon. Thom as Letkoy.

W il l iam s have great influence in r. Lefroy having been appointedDorchester. oneof theJustices of theCom m on

DOBSETSHIBE .Pleas in Irel and; new writ in

Lord Ash le 1842.

GeorgeDa es, esq.Joseph Devonsher Jackson, esq.

H . C . S tart , eMr. Jackson having been rm sed tothe Bench , new writ.P°P° 1 7

35323? l Conn. M asters of Arts, W110”0 nam es are on the books w ith


1222512gel d, bu t . 3

83 schol ars and ex -scholars.


s” c. Ha

zoam bo 033”w " 1727 '

A . a l l oway, coy. DUDLEY , Worcoc’erch ire.

Cons. m iden freem en and 1743 Hawkes, esq . 486h . 101. Pop Elect. Sm ith, 8 8

8. 1 89

Au . tax es The Gone. 80 h . 101. Pop.

Warden of the Cinque Ports can 96 7 . A n. tax es

0 2

100 uousn OF commons .


A . 8m ol lett, un. esq . W. R . Ram sa

g, esq .

Pop . 44 , 6 . Res. E lect. Pop. 226, 28 . Reg. E lect .


John Jam eeH eJohnstone, eeq. Com pn sing E°

n , Bani ; Cu l l en ,

Pap Beg. El ect . M aui , and Peter

aDU” m s D '“

Sir Andrew Leith HayT . D u , ecM " “ 8 Cage. 738 h . 1 07. Pop.

Wm . Ewart , esq. 412BCG E lect . 6 12 .

Sir A . Johnstone 851 ELGIN and NAIRN SHIRE .

Pop. Bes t mw to ”7 0C' L ' c' Bruce afi‘

Genera l B?

16 1

DUNDALK . cc. qrL outh . Pop. 44, 17 . Reg . E lect . 700.

T . N . Redington, esq.

Gone. 82 freem en and 284 h . 101.Hew ittg

lfigm ':g$


Pop . Reg. E lect. 688 . Cons . 1 8 811 and 200b . 1 01.

DESIDRE , Fod archz

n .


Pep . Reg. E lect . 280.

9?Bfi m ififfibf ’m

4n NN 12KtIl

LII -N , co. ojiFem anagh .

00118 . 910 h . 101. Pop.


0°3 860h 10:

Reg. E lect . 2 739.

m . oen eu an

£0111. 6 ,f7§6m m¥k



E liot . 1 79. The

D CANNON e 3 1“

0 en as Pm

Visctvllgorth l and

0 4! one66 m ount influencein this town.

John Fa l l s es 62Conn. 82figem en and 284 h . 101.

BBS“ , Ififorth .

Pop . Reg. E lect. 196 .

3“ Tm “ bmChen. G . Roun

DUNGARVAN , 00. atWaterford. Pop . 8 E lect .

Rt. Hon. R . L . E SSEX Sou th.

0000 iers, and 266 h . 101. P0 G'



Palm er,esq. 2230Reg. El ect. 434 . Thepufe R . A 688

of Devonshu e m ace connderable influencemg: Pop. RCS Elect.

DURHAM, N orth .

EVE SHAM , WHedwm th Lam bton, esq.

Lord M ' H?“ 188

Hon. H . T . Liddel l . 582311323033}a q 1


3;Pop . 200,646 . Reg. E lect.

Cone. burgesses and 880 h . 101.DURHAM , South. Pop. Reg. E lect . 870. Ann.

1131 . G . Vane 2494 tax es

0 n owes, eJ . F a rrer , ec

’q. 1708 W

EXETEB ’ 1)m

Pop. 1 . Reg. E1ect. 4,904 . fig'W 1302

ward v ott , esq. 1 192pURfl AM , City. L ord L ova c’ne 1 119

Ceptam F xtz Roy. Gone. freem en and b. 101.T . C . Gran r, esq. Pop. Reg. E lect.


io 120

5111“ and

81148 h . 1

31. A 80. tax es

A u .


tazesect. L




r F "

ba one. m en an 0 101.Rt. Hon. T . B . M acanfay. Pop . Reg. E lect. 832 . An .

Wm . Gibson Craig “(l o tax es 4 1 1 1 S ir B Kerrisoflue

n '


der$3 this borough 13 const

102 HOUSE or commons .

.GUILDF'ORD , Surrey .l ot and 684 11 . 1 01. Pup.

11 . M angles, esq.Re

g. E l ect . 726 . A 80. tax es

Charles BaringWal l, c8q .

S ir R . Phil l ipa’s influence m thu


3001. Scar lett borough is considerable.

cam e, as

00118 . 48, h .

HEL s'

m NEhcom w aa .

11“R . B . Vyvyan ext .

1 69

a u es l ,6801. cor Sranon and firem en,

and 226 h . 01 . Pop .Reg.

8 11 T . H burn, bart. E lect . 406 . A 00. taxes 8831. The

POP. Reg. E lect . 740.Rfcfm m 13211 111?deblzlr



led Helgtt


em 1 , u no e»

ADDIN GTO N D 58 1 31m°

2§ the revail ing interest of






(1the eoffeeds .

1 u “f G W ” a"nnnnponnsm nn.

J. M . Bal four, esq. KedgwinHoskin8,esq.

R . S




g, J. Bai l


l,£11 11

1;08 t


‘11 8 . 101. P0 12 10. T . B .

as «V: 0. CN

Reg. El ect . 6 60.

p '2Pop .

Reg. E lect .

HALIFAX , Yorksh ire,HEREFORD , City.

E . Protheroe, esq. 4“Edward Bol ton Cl ive, esq . 631

c9m “Wood. esq . 834 H . W . Hobhouse 000

Scr Geo Sincla ir , 6 a ? 1 . 819 D . D . H . Bu rr es


Cons 1800 h . 101. Pop .In obhouseaccent

cd theChil ternHundreds:new wnt.Reg. E lect. 878 . A 88 . tax esR b t Pnl f d e 442o er 8 or s

HAM PSHI RE , N orth . Edw ard Grifi l hs , 283. 297

R t . Hon. Charles Shaw Lefevre, Cone. freem en an 6 1 7 h . 1 01.

W . Heathcote, hart .Pap .

Reg. E l ect. A 88 .

Pcp Reg. E lect. tax es


JohnW i l l is FISHIRE ' Sou th , Visct Grim ston 2686

H . C . Com ptonfn


azg’ esq.

Hon G . D . Ryder266 2

In A ugust 1 842, Mr. F'lem Abel Sm ith ,

lesq . ?ggg

ccPted the Chil tern H0 Row land A esq .

1 t 6new writ .

Pop .Reg. E 00 ,349 .

Lord CharlesWel lesley .HER'


FORD, Borough .

P09 Reg. E lect. {301 11$03:on. w er

J A tt $BWICH:

E ssex . 00m . freegenmousehol den , end

ni“i,“ 4 35 278 h . 101. Pop . Re . E lect .



hestor 6 14 . A00. tax es 2 894 1. 0 M ar

b“ 9 ° qnesaof Sal isburyhas considerab le

a a f obam influence in this borough , as has

Cons . the corporation and 202 h . E arl Cowper.

Reg. E lect. 1 81 ° HON ITON , Devonshire.

Bail l ie


hHAST INGS, Su ssex . F . A . M

Geach es

nHt1111 013J' Pl an“ 00110. inha nan?» pnyingeoot and" Q l ot , and 81 8 h . 101. Pop.

Pop fé 618


31. Reg. E lect . 447 . A ss . tu es l . 1261 .


tHORBHAM Sussex .

m ”M 44L Hon. Robert Scarlett,

HAVERFORDWE ST , P m bf og-“h ,

Cons. barge tenants and 86 6 h .

Com priu n Haverfordwes l F ish 1 01. Pop . 18 , 10. Re E lect . 866 .

“gu a rd , arberl l


'lA sa. tax es 0 Duke of

R . B . Phi l lgf

a, Norfol k's interes t is considerable

Cons . tnha tnntapay ingscot“ a but by no m eans predom inant.


HUDDERSFIBLD, Yorksh ire. Cons . freem an and h . 101.W. R . C. Stan fiel d, Pop . Reg. E lect.Cons. 1 140 h. 101. p. A ss. tax es

Reg. EM“. 866 . An . tax es KENDAL,HULL, K l NGSTON -UPON , York» 0 . W .Wood, esq.

chin . Cons. 6 82 h . 101. Pop .

81: 1 . B ann er, hart . 1841 Reg. E lect . 86 1 . An . tax es

srirW. J

am es, hart. 1 830


czfi hggygg‘I ' 17“

irEdward Knatchbul l ,Cons . reemen and h . 1 01.

h un P Pl um ptre, “8Pop . Reg. E lect. Pap . Reg. E l ect. 7 ,s44

Au . tax es KENT , Wool .

HUNT IN GDON , Borough . Visct . M arshamC 31 . Jonathan Peel . Sir Edm undF ilm er hart .

cu» Frederick Pol lock. Pop. il eg. E lect .

Cons. freem en and 200 h . 101.Pop . 1 8,481 . Re . E lect . 888 .

KERRY : 00W cf

tax es 1 7781. 8 interest of theHon.Wm . Browne 7 61

M ar an J. O’Connel l , esq. 744



w ich Predom m ates m

fH .

bB la m erha n et, esq. 4

33HUN T‘NGDONSHI RE Pop . neg. E lect . 1 ,401

E . Fel lowes, esq.

G . Thornhi l l , esq . KIDDERM INSTBR , Worcestarch .

P0p . Reg. E l ect. R . Godson esq. 209

m ax , Kant.S . R icardo 200

8 , M a oribanks’Cons . 500 b . 101. Pop .

Cogs . fi eem ene

flnd 537 h . 101. n . B lect. 46 9 Au . tax e8

Pop . 6 908 . Reg. E lect . 609. A 88 . KILDARE , Counly es 6401.



’Pern l l , esq .


Com prising Invom ou , Fm cc, For.Pop . Reg. E lect. 978 .

tron , and N a ir» . KILKENNY , County Qf.J M&m wnigs 101 P 18 129

Pierse Butler01‘ r 8 ao , e

3 081

3 1

27“ 757 ~ 19035188 98 Reg E lect.

8 sm "

J 08535535152

. 8 m mo

m " 3 " 739 °

com . 86 6 {m um and fi eehol dIPSWICH. Safel i en , and 607 h . 101 . Pop.


w n. cup 223, Reg. m eet. 880.

i‘. m i m nmn nocx 0m .

R t . Hon . J. 3. Hm “ 304 Com prising K i l m a rnock, D um baw

O u Petition, in 18 12, the above) ton , Ram'

ow . Ru thergkn ,and

el ection was decl ared void, new writ .

‘ P0" 010 09000

T heBar! orDesart 6 80.

A lex . Jobno-one, esq. 490

Thom as G l adstone, esq. 6 73 J . C. Col nhoun os 479

Thom a s G iabom e, esq 54 3 No te urn of 1 1. ex ec t Dam.

GeorgeMo au, esq.but ton and Renfrew , 4 Pop

1 760118

19 3 ioho

il aog, esq.

f 113 R eg. E lect.

n ctition, n t 8 An st 0 ow

‘J‘R'lm i;”0



6m l “90 Hon.a mmg

sum .

cc ate vox new wnJohn Nei l son G ladstone, esq.

m v“ ,062. Reg. E lect . 914 °

S ackfi l l eLanePox , esq . KING’S COUNTY .

George Thom bw y.aaq . Sir Andrew Arm strong, Bu t.Henry V Hon. Col . 1 . C.Westenra .

Thom a : N ichol son N p. Reg.Elect . 1 n-ra

104 HOUSE 01? commons .

KINSALE , LEEDS , Yorkshire.

W . H .Wataon, eaq .

PV. A tw ood , esq .

00118 . 801 h . 101.Reg. E lect . 800.



101. Pop . 168 .86 7 .

Rte. E lect . 6 182. An . tu nOom prm ngK srka l d B ur nl h l and.

g ym ”, andn om .

w xczsm asnm e, N orth .

001. Ferguson,Lord Charles Gou rmet Mu nm

No return of h . (m m Kit .E . B . Fam bam .

ka ldy ; the rest 87 . Pop.Pop . 1 13 ,m 1 . cg. B lect . 4 ,179 .

Reg. E lect . 6 67 . LEICEST ERSHIRE , South .

m na nm cm um s . aflfl52'fifilfl

Murray , esq. 6 72 T . esq . 1 2 13Max wel l . esq .

Ch a " 33Pop. Reg. m eet .

p. Reg S ,M AJ M,

KNARESBOROUGH , Yorkshire. LE ICESTER , Borough.

A ndrew Law son, esq . Wynn E lm , esq .

W . B . Ferrand, esq . Sir John Eu thnpe, BartSturgeon, esq. 00 118 . fi erm en , householdcn , and00118 . ba


getenants and 360 h 1900 h . 101 , Pop , Reg.

1 01. Pap . ,2 8 . Reg. 151801. 240. El ect . 8 , 6 87 . A u . u x 8 8 6 ,2781 .

A 88 . tax es LEJT B D ist .

LAMBETH . Su rrey .Compris inn

lh ,M m u lbm -ah , end

Beniam in Hawes, co


P O f'O ' bf flo .

rford 8B ig tHon. C. T . D’

ynoourt 2 6 6 8 Andrew 3 01116 o 9

3;Lei th0. B a l dw in, esq. 19519 Guns . b . 101. no

T . Ca bbel l , as 1 788 returns fa t Mm l boruh m

0008 . 1?,40g31



701. Pop ??c

Pop . mReg. E ect. Ass . tu t u,



RIM , County qf.Sam uel Whnte, esq .


fiuhKSHIRE .

Lord C lem entsWi'

8 111 Lock 8 esq.


Pop. 1183 . E lect .

P°P° m ”

;LAN CA SH l RE , N orth “'i8 rw . c’q .

3011" l son Patten, esq . O u the appo intm ent of Mr. W1.Pop. Reg. B'CC t .

m m “M a w ;_ w w

South. m m in 1842 .

R i ht Hon. Lor genon esq .

11051 . R . B . Wil braham ta pa 113 8001 8 6 11Popu l ation 8 3 8 10811 8 01 lot . and 196 h. 101.

boroughs . Reg. E lect . 18 , 148 . Au . ( ax es Reg. died .

LANCASTER, Borou gh. w wgs, Sa n a .

Thom as Greene, esq. B u ford , “q.

0 M arten. “ ( l o 593 l l . E lph insm nc. cu].A rm s trong, ” 9 Hon . 1! F al zroyCons. freem en and 6 68 h . 101. y u a , 0m m ?“ aPap. R08 E lect . O n Petition , 8 1842 18M L “11 08 corrected m the fo l l

m n

LAUN CE STON , Cornwa l l .Right Hon. S irHenry HardingeCons . cc ration and (m en,

an11 827 h . 01. Pop . 6 ,894 . RegE lect . 898 . A 8 8 . tax es 687 1. T he

18 very considerable.

106 HOUSE O F commons .


FON , Hana .John Stewart, 8 11m .9 11 111 8709W . A . Mackinnos

g, esq . M . ( 1 1119311323. 8589Kepp el , esq . 106 Sc

r Gear 8 Murray 3 1 1000118 . burgesses and 189 h . 101. Entw ale. ea 9585

Pap. E lect . 806 . A 88 Cons . 12.7% . 101. . 198 408tax es SWH. Nea le

's iufln R E lect . 183 “

ence predom inates here. 40, l .


Lord GeorgeBentincft .

MLord Ernest Bruce

R i ht Hon. 8 11' S . Cu min 11e11 Bi ham Bari50 the appointm ent o§ 81r Strut . 8 118 . men


g ) 11 . Canning to the Turki sh Em Pop . 9.284 . R El ect . 29 | . A 118 .

passy- new writ 111 1 842 . tu n e Marquess ofV l scount 3000170 A i lesbnry has som e influence here.

Cons . t'reem exn fi nd 660 h . 101.

P°P~ Reg . El ect. Wi l l iam ,A “ t‘u “ 2 59 “ S irWin 1133M ACC Rm n Ha m pden , u

John Brocklfiif

lsfl ‘cgd

01108 11 171334 9 0 Petition, 111 1 Mv. Ham pden

T . Grim sditch, esq . 4 10 m ce 8 11 W1 118 111 Clayton. 61 .Stocks , ea agingzoo! and00118 . 1 .180h . 101. Po 101 and 849 h . 10 Pup .

Reg . E Iect. 908 . 143 1 28 18 1.Res . 8 1801 6 7 3;

11 1 1 tu es

hl JM




M r. W11118 m 8 influence ere

very cons iderable.

383856338153? MA RYLEBO NE , 111m m “ .

Sa l om ons , es j ? 3 Hfl lgbflfl

Cons. freem eqn 8 1111 1 4 17 h . 1 111. bWC N“ 18 1 , K-QB

Po R ,0

bel l , “A 33


, tafifzgggu .

8 Eff”St

r J. Ha m al ton .ZaraI’V. V . Sank u

?6 1


M ALDON , E nos . G )M . 2 l , 11 . 01. Pop. 267 ,666 .

Q. D xck, esq. 472 Reg. B led . 1 1 ,626 . An . tax es1 . Round, esq.

A MAYO ,Cons . freem en and 147 h . 101. M . E l ake, ezq .

Pop. Reg . 8 188 1 . 84 1. A8 8 . N . Dt l l on Browne esq .

tax es Pop. hes. El ect.MALLOW, Co . qf

Cork. HEATH County qr.S irc.n. O . Jeph81)n Non e, 108 118 11 1111 0 008 l , esq .

M L o ngfi el d , esq. 6 2 Henry G ratu n, e00118 . 624 fi eeho ldeu and 246 11 1 11 1842. M r. 0

one“m ade his101. Pop . Reg. E lect . 8216 . elect ion to 811 10 1 Cork. new wn t .

H 34811133 8“a

W imw, 81h


“882131118 188 8 .

011 . OW8B u rton , esq . 106 ME R IO NBTHBHIRB .

00 11 8 . 6 11 1388 811 and 86 1 h . 1 111, R ichd. R 1chards ,Pop. 6 ,186 . Rn fl l fi ‘ t. 980. A8 8 .

Puptax es 8881. Lords smfu lk Radnor, BRTHYR-TYDVIL G la m oq a ugl ud Hol land poem s cou

sl den bleg, 4um }, John 0 118 8 1361 11 .1nfluence.

o 1u . 880 h . 101 . Pop.

MALTON Yorkshire. An . (n et1 . Wal banke811 181m .

1 . E . Denison, esq .

0011 8 . 11 88 111 8 11 and 897 h . 101.Pop . Reg. 8 18 01 . 6 68 . Au .

1 111 8 11 9621 . Tho E w l m u w uum118 8 oom 1den blewh ence here.



rm mcv, POLLS, &c. 107

M IDHURSTSirH . B . Seym our.

San e: N ol tm g

Oons . bnr

gge-holders and 839 h .


101. Reg. 1001. 26 1 . A 113 . tax es 630

802‘ B . Hobhou se, esq. 880

M ONAGHAN , County Qf Cons . inhabitantsyayingsoot and

H0n. H. R .Westenralot and 6 10 h . 10 Pop.

B , P , Shirley, “q,

Reg.E lect . l 180. A ss . tu es2 ,866 !

In 1842 , on succession ofMr. w“ ,The Duke ofNewcastle has consi

tenra to a Peerage, new writ. derable influencehere.

Pop . Reg. E lect. NEWCfgS


MONMOUTH D ist.1 ordakirc.

Com prising M onm ou th , N m p ort, J

3001 14911. esq727

R 3 Bland U’k‘ Mi l ler esq g


”m“” (l ' On Petition, in .1u1y, 1842 , e1ectionCons . freem en and 11 . 101 .Pop . Reg. E lect . ??




fldaLQq 313

A3 11.


1333831 1 m uincc Harris, esq. 499

L 11 0'




HSHIBB C. olqu 01m , “ 479


6 Su

fi" e Som erset. O h Petxtion, in 171 155 1 842 M r.

organ Harris w as again unsca l e6, andP0P 1 84,349??c E lec. 41447 M r. Oolqnhonnwas decl ared du ly



Rt. Hon. Cha1-1 tk‘ W .

Cons. freem en and 860 h . 101.e“w“ WY“

Pop . . E lect .

Po 6 ,22p 9 0 Reg E lect 2 842tax es eDukeof Suther

_M ONTGOMERY D i st. l and has considerable influence

Com rm ngMmfiom ery,L laqfifi

lm , here.

L am’

dl oeo, achynl leth ow .oTYN

town and W el shp ool .NEWfififfifififmfid

E ’

Hpn. Ha h Cholmondcly Wm 01 11 eS tr J. E b a rds , ban . 437 1 . [111635611


131 111111, esCom . bur sea and 780 h . 101.

Pop. Reg. E lect . pgm



nz; £3322333

:A 88 1111 6 3 Ass . tax es 1 4 96 1 1.


Com prisin Montrose, A ber C VIVQEJgfifi

’} of Wm“.


thook, _rechin, F orfar, and In W. nam ing" , e


sq . 252

vcrbervw . F . G t’

sbom e, esq.229

P . Cha lm ers . eaIn 1 842, Mr.&M m accepted the




and 445 h . 125?

Chi l tern Hundreds new writ. Po 11 Elect . 669. An .

Jose h Hum e, esq . 111 15111 1341

113 . Montrose60h 101. Brechin'10 11 . 10: Inverbervxe 12 h . 101. NEW BOSS. Co arWexford .

Hon. Robt . Gore.

N o returns for A berbrothock and

F R ect .00m . 38 freem en and 8 1 6 h . 101 .

orfar Pop eg inPap.

Reg. E lect . 277 .

NEWBY Co . at"

D own.

MORPETH, N orthum ber land .

Viact . N ewry a’

Morne 319

Hon. Edward Geo. G . How ard.

Sar J. M . Doy le, K .G.B 237

0011 11. freem en and 446 11 . 1 01. Cons. £ 5 occupners and 820P0 Re . E lect . 868 . A 113.

talpos 946 1. The


011r1131ehas 11





" POP Res . E lect


considerable influencehere.

N AIRN ,ORKNEY , and sm ar n . N . Bum ughes , csq .

LAND .E . Wodehouse, esq. 8498

Frederick Dundas, esq .Sir W . B Folkes , barf. 1879

Pop .Reg. Elect. 626 . Pop.

Reg. E lect.

108 HOUSE 01? commons .

NORFOLK , W est.

629W. 8 8. e

W. L . ca

ke gigPop. 3 . E lect .

esq 142NORTHALLERTON , Yorkshire.

SirGeorge Lam ent

W. B . Wrightson, esq .

Chi l tern Hundreds,’

t.L a accl lea, esq.

J hm


1886Cons. but 0 tenants and 294 11 .11 a er, esq

l101. Pop . 1 ‘75. Re E lect. 281 .

h " SM ?” “q° 1 8°01.A ss . tax es 8 E arl of

00118 . freem en and 2 960 h l

Harewood has som e influencehere. m' iect .

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE , N orth . OLDHAM , L ancashire.

T . P. M aunsel l , esq. 50h“Fiel den,

Aug. O'Brien, esq. Gen. Johnson.

Pop . 101 6 18 . Reg E lect . 00118 . h . 101. Pop .

R .E l Au . tu eaNORTHAMPTONSHIRE , Sou th .


Sir C. Kni htley , bagrt .

H Langsfiofz(City).

1 899Wm . R 11 I Cartwnght, esq.

hfaclean, eui. 1291

Pop . Reg. E lect . Cons . freem an nuq h .

NORTHAMPTON , B orough . Pop . ex clunve of theUmR t Hon. Robert Vernon Sm ith 981 varsity . E lect . 21 773 ' M “Rm kes Currie, tax es

S" H W 6 ? OXFORDSHIRE .P . Ma cD ou a l Lord Norteys00m . inhabitants 11 1113 8001 11 116 G . C.ranvi l leV .Ham ourt esq.

l ot and h . 1 0£ gap. J, W. Henley, esq .



1; l A ss. tax es Pop. Reg. E lect.

OXFO RD U nivers ity .

Lord 0881118 1011 Thos.Grim ston acknal l E stcourt esq .

A . J. B . Cresswel l , esq. 1 163 E l ectors, M asters of Arts whoseV iact. Haw k ]: 1 101 nam es areon thebooks. Reg. E lect .

Pop. Beg. E lect. no return.


rew shire.A . Hu tie esq .


698 h’

. 101. Pop. Reg.

Pop. 1 703866 . Reg. E lect E lect.

kgiiLE S-SIHRENORWIOH'NM ol l : W. F . Mackenm e, esq .

B . Sm ith . 6 811 P0p. Beg. E lect. 868.M ar ofDouro

h30 118 .




11 118 1 ngBROK-ESH l RE '

101. e ect.A 881.


tax es Pop. Res E lect

PEMBRO KE D i s t.N O T TIN GHAM SHIRE : N orth . Com prisingPem broke, Tenby,W l aThom as Honl dsworth , esq. ton, 11nd M f‘ford.Henry 0 11 1?Knight, cu

tS ir John Owen, ht. 246Pop. 1 Reg. lect . Col . Owen 172Ca 1 . Ch i ld 84NOT TINGHAM SHIRE , South .”Com . bu, m e, and 582 h , 101.E arl ofL incoln Pop 1 9 67 Reg E lect 1 179001. Rol leston

A 116:tu b'

The Oo

weh fl :Pop. Reg. E lect. l l 1m havegréat interest here.

1 10 HOUSE or 0011 11 31 18 .

1 01 . Pop . Reg. E lect. 198 . RO I BURGHSHIRB .

A 118 . tax es 66 21 . The Earl Bonnets Hon. F . Scott 830and Lord Hardw icke divide theHon . J . E . E l l iot 748

influence of this borough . Pop . Reg E lect .


P . M . Stew art , esq . G . J. Heathcote, esq. 767001. E u ro Hon. W . H . Dawnay 57“

Pop. Reg. Elect. Hon . 0. G . N oel 054

EAST , N ottingham sh .

“8 21 134“ R°g° m “Hon. A . Duncom be.

BYE , Su ssex

Granvi l leHarcourt Vernon, esq.H 3 Curtem , esq . 262

00118 . burgesses or freem en and C H . Frewm , “ Q 103

freeholders of thehundred of'Bas CO DS freem en and 294 IL 1 0"

set l aw . Pop. Reg. Elect. Pep . Reg E lect 524 A M

A” . tax es 9241. tax es 8 1 61. The influence of the

L am b fam i l 18 sti l l great, but hq sR ICHM ON D. Yorbdm


e. been curtaifed by that 01‘

CurtemHO IL J C Dnndas . of Peasm arsh , a considerable partHon. W . N . I1 . Co lborne. ofw hose estate has been includedCons . burgage-tenants and 801 h m u 1, b the Boun101. Pop . Re . E lect . 289. xg

ficfl'e b° g

A ss . tax es 1 8991. he Earl

Zetl and prea’

erves his 11111118 11SA I‘FO RD

Jose h Brotherton es 990hereum m paxred .

J. Ggm t,$ 4?


RIPON , Yorkshire. 00 118 . 1 , h . 101. Pop .

SirEdw ard 8 113118 11 . Reg. E lect . A ss . tax es 01.

T . Pem SAL ISBURY , W i l ts .

In Se t. 184 1 , on the appointm ent Wadham Wyndhafl}, CSQ 3“of it B B . Sugden to the 011100 Wi l l iam Bird Brodxe, esq . 292

of Lord Chancel lor of Ireland,— A shzoy. esq 231

new writ Cons. oorporatxon and 627 h . 1 01 .

Sir Geo. Cockburn. Pop.Reg. E lect. 698 .

00118 . bu rgage-tenants and 408 11 . A n . tax es

1 01. Pop. Reg. E lect . 383. SALOP, N orth .

Ass . tax e8 8 ,076 1. M iss Law rence, S irRow l and Hiu, bnrt .

one 01'

the m ost wea l th craouaw _0 ah Gore, esin the north of Engl ang, gas the O n



3003881011 of 38 11 . Hi l l to a

patronageof Ripon. Peer; new writ.

ROCHDAL E , L anca shire. Viscount l ive.

W . 8 . Crawford, esq. 899 Pcp . Res . E1ect .

J. Fm ton 838 SALOP, Sou th .

Cons. h. 101. Pop . Hon. RobertHenry C l ive.

Re 1 L 96 6 . . t 8 1481. Earl ofDarlm on .g E cc A” n u

On the m gct

esd on of Lord DarRO CHE STER'Kent. 1111 011 to the dukedom of Cleve

23? 111 11g. 11?

writin 1842 .

Vfact M d gw'

nd 495“m u“ m po; Re E lect .8 776

T D a shw ood sPop . 1 1 1 1 12 8 1

Cons. t‘reem en and h . 3: SANDWIC!’ (Dep t and W a 1m ¢r

Pap . Reg. E lect .

11 11 1t to 11 ,.

Xm l .

A sa tax es 8 11' Edw ard T . T ron ndge, hart .Hugh Ham i l ton Lindsay, eROSCOMMON . COM Qfo Conn. freem enof Sandw ic ,Dea l .F itzste andWa l ther and 79oh 1 01 PopT he

goh ot Do

g B e wt 1 059Re E lect. 977 . A n .

F 289490 3 1 tax es 7861 . he LordWarden ofR088 81 CROM ARTY . the Cinque Ports and theGovern

T . M ackenm e. caq. m ent of the day, divide the iaPop . Reg . E lect. 7 18 . fluencehere.


SCARBOROUGH , YorkshireSir John V. B . Johnstone, hart . 2958 11' F'. T rench001. Phipp s

00118 . thecorporation and 608 h .

101. Pop . 8 ,760. Reg. E lect. 6 69A 88 . tax es


A . Pringle, egg


Pop . Reg. E lect . 6 12.

SHAFTESBURY , D orseteh t’

re.Lord How ard

20200118 . inhabitantspa ingscotan

l ot and 146 h . 1 01. 0p .

Reg. E lect . 491 . A 88 . tax es 6281.The Marquess ofWestm inster hassom e influencehere.

SHEFFIELD , Yorkshire.

" wot 0‘ ‘ flm fi ca— “ W W "

John Parker, esq .

H . C . Ward, esq.

Urquha rt, esq.

Shepp ard , esq .G

00118 . h . 101. Pop .


. E lect. A88 . tax es12 06 1.

SHOREHAM , Su ssex .

S ir Charles M . Barrel], hart .C . Gorin esq .

L ord E ard HowardCons . 11111abitentepe 1 11gecot and

l ot, and fi eeholdcrs theBram ber, ex ec t such 8

included 111 t e 11010115

of 1101eham . Pop . eg. Elect.

Au . tex es 196 1.

SHREWSBURY , Sa l op .

G . Tom l ine, esq .

B Disrael i , esq .

Szr L . P a rry 699Temp le esq. 676Gone. fi'eem en and 11 . 101

Pop . Reg . E lect .

A ss. tax es

SLIGO , County of.

Colonel Perceval .W . B . O . Gure, juh . esq.

In Se t. 184 1 , on the 8

gp0 1ntm ent


01. Perceval to t e omce 01

Serjeant-at-A rm s to theHouse ofL ords, new w rit .

John F to l l iott, esq.

Pop . Reg. E lect .

SLIGO , B orough .

J. P. 8011101 8 , esq.

Cons . 13 freem en and 680 h. 101.

Pop . Reg. E lect . 821 .


Wil l iam GoreLangton, esq.

Wil l iam M iles, esq .

Pop . Reg . E lect.


T . D . Acl and , el q .

F . H Dickinson, es

Pop. eg. E lect .

SOUTHAM PTON , Ham p shire.

C . C. M artyn , esq. 646Lord Bruce 64 8R . Manatee, esq. 663R . Hu tchins , esq. 6 66O u Petition

,in 1842, election de

clared voxd ; but in the m ean

682tents , and

8 03 .

tax es


J. T . Wawn, esq . 24 1

Robert Ingha m , eaq 208

F y l er , 87os

0011 8 . PopReg. E lect 6 86 . A ss . tax es

SOUTHWARK , Surrey .

JohnHum hery , esq .

enjam in ood, esq .

Cons . inhabitantetpalging soot and

lot and h . 10 op .


g}E lect . A ss. tax es

1 1


JesseDav idWatts Russel l , esq .

Charles B . Adderley , esq .

Pop . Reg. E lect.


001. Anson.

Viect . Ingestre.

Pop. Reg. E lect.

STAFFORD, B orough .

Hon. 8 . T . Carnegie 6 81E Bul let , esq . 6 87W Hol m es esq. 889

Gone. resident freem en and 468h . 101. P0p . 20,298 . Reg. E lect .

A u. tax es

1 12 HOUSE or 00111180118 .

8T ALBANS, Harte. STROUD , G loucestershin .

G . W . 1 .


Repton, esq . W . H . Stanton, esq. 694Earl ofL 1stowel . G . Ponlett Scrope, esq. 5”W orley , esq. W rax a l l , ee


G . A . M u sk“, esq . 00118 . 101. Pop .

Cons . freem en and inhabitants Reg . E lect. A se. tax esaym gsoot and 10t

hand 286 h . 101. M r.Watts and Lord Dncxe

p. Beg. lect. 686 . A 88 . possess considerableinfluencehere.

tax esSUDBURY , swam .

ST . ANDREW’S D iet.Com prising St. Andrew

’s , Anew 2

1526136221 , esq.



Mar (E astern 81 Western). 0, Tayl or , esq. 271Cup ar , K1 0 Jones , esq. 27 1

Edw ard e“l O h Petitm n, in 1842, the electionT M acbg dl , esq. was declared void, and thenew

0011 11 . 462 h . 101 Pop. writ suspended.

Res . E lect . 836 '

00118 . freem en and inhabitantsST . IVE S,



soot and lot, and 801 h .

W . T . Praed, esq. 0 p . Reg. E lect. 694 .

T . Ley , ea A ss. tax es0011 8 . in abitante a in m otand

l ot and 802 h . 1026 03.

Lm d Hengggm ‘x j a“

8280Reg. E lect. 698 A 88 . tax es 8871.11 C. BrokeVere, K .G.B . 8 181

STAMF ORD, L incolnsh ire. A lex . Shqflo A da ir, us

. 1 780S1 rGeorge Clerk, bert. Pop. 47 ,022 . Reg. loot.T he M arq. ofGranby.

00ns. 1nhabitant8payingecot 11nd SUFFOLK , W 8 8 1l ot and 460 h . 1 01 . Pop . 001. RnshbrgokeReg. E lect . 679 . A 88 . tax es 8 . Wadd mgton, esq .

The M a new of E x eteroposeeeses Pup . Reg. E lect .

1: f h W11108 0 t 8 101 hom es 111 t eSUNDERLAND, Durham .

lderm a ThST IRLINGSHIRE . avid

W . Forbes, 6 89 1019 In Se t. 184133

611 acceptance 01Sir 1" B ruce, bart. Ch i tern Hundreds by A lderm an

POP. Reg. E lect.


cfhfim pg

nzi’ new writ.

STIRL ING D i st. ‘3

Com prising31111 11719 , Cu l ross .

W 0





66 226ferm l ine, Inverm mmg,“3 ° 1 P°

Quem qferry .

Reg. E lect. A ss. tax es ,

Lord Dalm eny “321°

A 101m , as 419 SURREY , E a 663 101. Pop. H . Kem ble, es

3 08 E lect. Edm und 11 1111 0 118 esq .

STO CXPORT ,PO I) . (11011111. Southwark.

R . Cobden, esq.

SURREY W. M “ t'Thoéom .







6? PopW'l hm Joseph Dem on'esq'

neg. E lect. A se. tax esfi tter’ ewPep . includingGui l ford.2M “


J. L . Ricardo, esq. SUSSEX , Ea st.W . T . 00 cl and, esq . Darby, esq. 2898Hon . J .Buck y R def 46 6 A . Ful ler, esq . 286 7

00118 . b . 01 . Pop. 47 926 . P . Shel leyReg. Elect. 1628 . A se. tex ee4 ,9601. Pop. 1 8 ,948 .

1 14 HOUSE 011 0011176168 .

T808 0, Cornwa l l . WARWICK (Borough).B . Turner

,8 W. Col l ins, 8 811.

John 118 m vim ,if 0 Dougl as



ggormon and 287 h .





3 0811

1210‘ “ a

0 l 00 O l n e 0Re“mm 6“

977 . A 88 . taxpe8 11mA 88 . tax es

ofWm moum AND NORTH em .?,m

h“ “m u m mh

SHIE LDS. N orthum ber land . WATERFORD.County of.

W . V . 8m m , esq.

Hon. R . 8 . CarewPop . Reg. E lect .802 .

WATERFORD (City).m om CO1W W . Chrb tm as, 286

R t.Ho11 . Hen. “68 . 1 40n $ 1 17 .W Morris 259

Lord 01852

5128 Ham il t






0511 art. 2093

0 0 o oS 8M .m g e““m

011 Petitioéf £38841? S11%W .

“Km Barron 011188 yse

J, J aswortb £3Yorkshire.

$33. vie


» W. Christm u , m . an

Hon. PV. S. i a scel l es “0°

11 d011 Petition. in 1842 , Mr. La cenca00m m m am .» 0"

0800 M l . HO l dBWO I'tb .

and 757 h . P011 . 308 .

E lect.00118 . 1 001 h . 101. Pop.

neg. E leét. 809 . An . tax es w . c. H‘


gqm m


3 ° m akm ’w 089

Wil l iam 8 . B l ackstone, esq.

00113 burgu m j reem en, 383Po Re E lect .00118 . the corporatxon and

414 . A” . “ a8

h . 101. Pop. Reg. E lect.sea. A” , tan . 1 0731 , WENLOCK. Shropcldrc.

8 011 . GeorgeCeci l W. ForesterWALSALL, Stqfordchtrc. Jam es M il nes Gaskel l , esq .

Robert Scott , e8q. 00118 . 11111 3438888 8 11 11 460 h . 101 .

l . N . G l ad stone. 3 87. h p. 8 481 . Reg. E lect. 949. A 88 .

00m . 800 11 . 10 Pop. tax esBeg. E lect. 887 . WESTBURY . m m .

11 Ral ph Lopes, bu t.07 8 8 1. 00118 . bur

fugagtenants and 8 1 8

h . 1 01. Pop . 8 , 6 . RegA88 . tax es 9961.

WE STMEATH County qf.H. M . T uite, esq.

B . Chapm an, esq .

Pop . Reg. E lect .“5““mm “ WESTM INSTE R, m ddm cx .

WARRINGTON , L anca shm . 51919 '


233?John Irel and Bl ackbnrne. e o



. 978 11 . 101. 3"3613


1113 180322Reg. lect . 688 . A 88 . tax eslot.8 114 17318 1511 . 102A

WARWI CKSHIRE . North . go 6 tu e

Wi l l iam Stratford Da dale 1

811 nam e 11. Wilm ogt, bu


u qwnsm onnm nn. county qf -1

P0 . 2 ,666 . Re Viact-Low therp gHon. Henry 08011 Low therWARWICKSHIRE : 30W,“ 1 11 Sept . 1841 , on elevation of Lord

8 11 J. Manh unt,bart. Low ther to 8 peen ge, new writ.“

1 13711 John 88

1. A lderm an Thom paon.

Pop . Reg. lect. Pop . Reg. E lect.


WI XFORD County Po R . Em . 666 . 4 8 8 .

fil l ing

m . Hatt’

on, cm .



1118 8 wer

8 . 0. a l l . 0 1 Hon. W . A’Conrt Holm es8

P011 . Reg. E lect. Pap . 42.647 . Reg. E lect.

WEXFORD, B orough8 11 Thos. Edmonde, hart. 408


9113088 1 8 888 11 101 Reg

397118 . en 8 11

Pop. Reg. E lect. 406 .


rc.Compt 19108 W two”, N ew Ga l lo

glue“ w ay. Stram m n m nd

7ope ST 3. M‘Ta gm hart. 15

Ra lph Berécfzqn q 4 971800


FV. D . Christie. 08 00118 . 1 60 h . 101. Pop .



8208 .


111 18 Lord 7 1111

258 Reg. E lect. 898 .

r. 0 were nm eat

M L Bernel 8 11831 1 . Christiebeiné 0

WILTON : 77 1118 .

at the m e tim e decl ared dul y V180t. F1 t8harfi 8 .

elected. 1 11 Oct. 1841 on the 811008881011 of

com .corpom don.freeholdera and Visct. Fitzhm is to aPeerage, new490 Pop. neg.8

1ect . writ .6 60. A 88 . tax es Visct. Somerton.

00118 . the 00 ration 8 1111 299 11 .

WW “YWk'h‘M 101. Pop. 7 . Be . E l ect. 206 .

Aaron Chupwfie Au . tax e8 4921. The 1 1 0m msq.

00118 . 101. Pop. 20 100.

Reg. E lect. 445. A ” . tax es groke

inl lta






§1derable 1111111

WHITEHAVEN Cum berl and .

atthia8 Attwood.

08q .

WI LTBHIRE ’ N orth .

00118 . 900 h . 1 01 . Pop. 8 ir l . Bnrdett, bt.Reg . E lect . 608 . A 88 . tax e8 Wal ter Lon e

TheEarl of Lom da le 1188 great ih Pop. Reg.E lect .

tere8 t here.

WICK D ist Ca itlm cau lu‘



Com prisin M ob. Crom arty.D ingHon. 3 Herbert .

John Benett$ 231.

"W“ andPop . 127378 . Reg. E lect . 2.918 .


Wick an’

d 0m m!92 11 . 101. {3

112E ast» 089 81 8

Bem ock and Kirkw a 11 8 111 109 11 .8m “, “


Din 1111 no returns.

R '

P1row 1 “ 9 1 39

03 . E lect . 742 .

F . goth esq 1 59

w1cx uow 0 117111, qf°°M ~ ha rm and 807 11 . 101.

1 0 Pop. Reg. E lect . 6 18 . es


Elect. JohnRum bottom , esq . 6 16WIGAN , Lancash ire.

R . Nevil le, m g. 8 1 1

1 01 08 11 8 11. esq.W . F

. For soon, esq. 26 6

T . B . Crone m .S" J. E . B eau voir 130

C . Standisfi, esq. 00m inhabita1118 yingsoot and

P . Gr 8 11. 8 89 .l ot , and 778 h. 10 Pep. 7 07 1 .

011 Pa tion, in 1842, Hr. Standhh Reg. E 1ect . 66 7 .


oc T he Ram sbottom funny haveoo»r

00118. 601388808 and 668 11 . 10. sidenble 111



1 16 HOUSE 08 COMMON S .

W OLVERHAMPI‘ON . 1 111111001 11. N u fou .

11 . 0. P. Vil l ieu .

W1 l 8here esq.941

01118 8 Thow el eat


E . Rum bofd, esq.940

. 1 0 Pop . 80.722 .

— S°m m r. ecq48 1

Reg. E l ect . A 88 . tax e8 T BM " ? “ 2 47 1

00118 . Ireem en and 6 . 1 01.

Preyggnsmg. Ov


ordahircEm “

m 11103 8 2 1 18 2 . N orth m m .

Pop. Reg. E lect. 869. A 88 .

“Onofi fflhm Dunn “


;l1871.8m m Dukeof M arl bo E123

“? 82?371




1 0113 a, in uencehere.

M r.$ fincom110 to a Peerage, new

WORCE SHIRE3 . Bam eb 231

3 1! E a stHon. O ctavius Duncom be.

J. A . Tay 07

6m .

Pep . Reg. Elect

Po 12 .007 . ex clu sive of bo O K R 1111

1 0113 8 . Reg. E lect. fiofdlgfiéE a st R M

111 Hotham .


figm Pop . 198 .676 . Reg. Elect .

y , w . Knight.e8qY ORKSHIRE , W 8 8 1 R idi ng.

P0p . 1g1 ,476 , ex clm iveofcity andE







01110! {2228

boroug 8 . Reg . E lect . 4.689.

L0rd l l 1110’

n 12080

Woc sm . City . L ord M 018 1208 1


BIP‘OB.W 1 l de 12


Pop. .924 . 118 33 1801 .

1 e— Ha3y

“1 Y ORK , 01 131.

00118 . freem en and h . 101 L H ° Lowfher, “q '1025

Pop. Beg. E lect . 266 .

11 9 m 123u x " ’900L 00118 . freem en, freehol deu , and

WYCOMBE . CHIPPING . Buch Pop . Beg.

G . H . Dashwood, esq .

Elect Am in es

Y OUGHAL, Co. of Cork.

R . Berna]. esq 1111 .

J . A . Fru ifi:esq.

Hon. 01188 . Com pton 08 178 11111811 .

R . A lex a” esq.00118 . 268 freem an 8 1111 479 h . 101 .

00118 . freem an 8nd 446 11 . 101. B E lect. 498. T h

Pop . 6 299. Res . E lect. 899. A 88 . D9 8 01‘

Devow ire h88 m uch 1n

tax e8 finencehere.


40 Engl l 8h Countie8

2 01117 6 816 88


12 Wel8h Countietl

68 011108 8nd Borongh8

88 Bcowh Counties

70 Cities and nnrghl

82 l rinh Connt1e8



‘ 6 ‘ M , 80116 1118 o o

1 18 HOUSE on 0011110118 .

rights and privileges without infringement or eomm om he; and enable

her to ex tend theblessings ofrel igion to every 018 88 ofthecom m unity .

Prom h ea an unwearied attention to the intereste of agricu l ture 8 1141

thecondition of thel abouring K i l l erton, Devon M inehea d ,

Som eru t.


Court, Edward Henry. (Tamworth)Nex t hr. of Lord Heyteebnry. A 08 pt. in the N avy . A Conserva

tive. Set for Keytesbnry {tom 1820 to 1882. Car l ton.

é’mou , Wil l iam . (Wickl ow )

1 Lieut.-Col . of theWicklow M il itia. A Conm vafi ve; first returned for

t e 00 . in 1 84 1 , having been 8 n nnm oeeu ih l candidate at the general


on8 in 1832 8 8 d 1887 . Carl ton West Aston, cc. W icklow .

Adare, Visct. (Glam organshire)3 111 . 8 . oftheEarl ofDunraven b. M ay 19, 1812 ; m . Angu t 20, 1880,

Augusta, youngest d. of’

l‘hom asGool d,e8q . ofDubl in. Hold8 Conservat ive

Opinions, and gives no pl edges. 76 Ea ton-cq. Dnmravm Ca s tl e,G l am orbtm aha

rc. 03

Adderley, Charles Bowyer. (Stafi ordsh. North)1 8 descended from an old Stafl

ordsh . fam ily, now re8 ident inWarwick.

B . 1814 ; m . in 1842 , d . of l et Lord Leigh. 18 patron of 2 living} .

Adopts theConservative party 8 8 the only onebased on rational and

constitution81 principles.” F irst returned for the00 . in 1841 . 88 , St .

Jam es ’s PL : T ravel lers ’ ; N orton-in-thc-Hoore, Stqfordah. Ham ’


Ha l l , W a rw ickeh .

Agl ionb Henry Agl ionby. (Cockerm outh8 . of t 8 Rev. Sam uel Batem an, of Newbiggen Hal l , Rector of Far

thingstone. B . 1790. A ssum ed the nam e of Agl ionhy, in com pl iance

w ith the testam entary injunction of oneof hi8 aunts. A berri8ter of the

Northern Circuit ; practised for som e years at the Cum berl 8nd, We8 t

m orel and, and Lancashire Sem iom . An advocate of 8 property tax .

the bfll lot, triennial Parl iam ents , and of free-trade; but thinh that

the burdens on l and require 8 fi x ed duty on foreign grain. 18 opposed

to unrestricted paper currency ; to the B ishops being in the Hom e of

,Lords, and having l argerevennee; to thetax eeon soap, insnn ncel ,

and the aseeaeed tax es ; oonsidere tithes in the hands of theClergy as

subject to the control of the Legisl ature, but in the bunch; of Laym en8 8 private property. Undertook to ru ign hi8 n et on m y com iderable

body of h i8 constituents being disaati8fied w ith hi8 parl iam entary con

duct. Has eat for Oockennonth since 1 882 .-6 , Bn

et -court, Ta up lc

Reform Cl u b 1 N m biygm Ha l l , Cum berland .

A insworth, Peter. (Bol ton)B . 1 790 ; m . 181 6 , E l izabeth, 11 . of Ashton Byron ,

esq. Pair-View ,

Liverpool . Deputy-Lieut. forLancashire. A Reform er; 18 in thvear oft he bal lot, 8na shortening the duration of pu l h m enta. A t his hu t

tionfor the borough, m eeeeded 8g8 in8t 001. Torrens, whown 8180

HOUSE or commons. 1 19

8 Reform er, but w ithout the local connections of theHon.m e


on Sm ithfl h Ha l l , L ancaeh .

A l dam , Wil l iam , j 1m . (Leeds)B . 1818 . A Ban ister. A Liberal ; first returned for the borough in

1841 was4th wrangler at Cam bridge, in 1 836 . 8, P lowden ” M i .

Tem p l e Reform W a rm cworth, Yorksh.

A lex ander, Nathaniel . (Antrim )8 . ofRev Robert Alex ander, and grands. ofBp. (A lex ander)d M

b. 1815; m . 1842, Plorinda, 2118 d. of R .Bagley, Esq. ,

and nice: of l a d

Castlem aine. A Conservative. First el ected for thecounty in 1841 , on the

accession of Gen. O ’Nei l l to 8 Peeragm Carl ton ; Me Ha l l , Port

fl m om , eo. Antrim .

A lford, Visct. (B edfordsh.

3 111. 8 . of Earl Brownlow ; b. 1 812 ; m . in 1841 d . of 2nd Mm “of

Northam pton. Lieut.-Col . of the 808 th Lincol n m il itia. The E arl of

Bridgewatet bequeathed a l arge fortune to his grand-nephew , Lord

Al ford, on condition that he obtained 8 higher grade in the peerage

than that enjoyed by his father. In theevent of theCrown’s not con

ferring thehonour, the Egertons, of Tatton, inherit theestates. A Cowsen ative.

- 12, Belgrave-cq .; Garl ic. Bel ton—Hou ae, L incolpsh. ‘ ff

A l l ix , John Peter. (Cam bridgesh )8 . of J. P. Al l ix , 8811 ; b. 1787 ; 111 .M 188 Pardoe. A m agistrateofCam



esh . A Conservative; fi rst returned for the00. in 1841 . Sway“

ham Hou se, Cm bfi dycehirc.

Anson, Hon. George. (Staf ordsh. , South)Dr. oftheEarl ofL ichfield ; b. 1797 ;m . Isabel l a Elisabeth Annabel l a,

8rd 6 . of the l et Lord Forester. A Lient-Col . in theAm y, and A ide-de

Cam p‘

bo the Comm an'der-in-Chief was at Waterloo ; has been Store

Keeper 8nd clerk of the Ordnance. O fWhig principles. Succeeded his

brother in the rem u entation of Great Yarm outh in 1818, and sat for it

down to thegeneral election in Jan. 1 886 , when hew asdefeated. Unm o

cessi’nl ly contested South Stafl'

ordsh irew ith Sir F . Goodricke in M ay fol

l ow ing ; was elected for Stoke-upon-Trent in Feb. 1886 , on the resigna

tion ofMr. Heatheote. Reform Clu b Shugborough-p b. , Stcw'


Antrobus, Edm und . (Surrey, East)E16 . 8 . of Sir E .W. Antr0bns, bt. ; b. 1 8 18 . A Conservativ

elected in 1840, on the death of C8pt. A lsager. Carl ton .

Su rrey ; Am sbury, W i l ts .

A rbuthnot, Hon. M ajor-Gen. Hugh , (K incardinesh.) k

Br. ofVisct . Arbuthnot. A Malor-Gen. in the arm y. Ofconservative

principl es ; supports thepresent corn l aws. Has sat for K incardinesh .

since 1 826 .— 5, H, A l bany ; Carl ton ; A thena mm A rbu tlm ot H0.,

K incardm u h l n .

Archbol d, Robert. (Kildare co. )8 . of the l ateJames Am hbold , esq, ofDavidstown. 18 8 Depoty

120 HOUSE or commons .

and l acietn te h r the county . Cam e in at the general election in

defeat“8 M r. Edward Rathven oneof the l ate neu heu . A Radi

u l M anet . D avidstown, m ar Ca stleDem o, Ki l dun .

Archdal l , Mervyn Edward. (Ferm anagh)Nephew ofGen. Archdal l , the l ate m em ber, and grands. of 001

h “, Who represented the county up to theUnion. B . 1812 . A Lient

l l theI nn’

skil len Dragoons . A Conservative. Has sat for the county

Gh ee theM irem ent of his uncle in 1884 . Carl ton Cacao Archda l l ,

Arkwright. George. (Leom inster)8 . of Richard Arkwright, esq ., of Wil l asley, Derbysh ., and great

M ; of Sir Richard Arkwright. B . 1807 . A barrister ; contested the

Inorthern division of Derbysh . at the general election in 1 887 . A

Conservative. First returned ibr thehot . in Feb . 1842, in the room of his

brother-ino law , Sir Jam esWigram . who w as appointed oneof theVice

Chaneel lors. Carlton A rthur's Oxford and Cam bridge Sutton,

ADerbyeb .

A rm strong, Sir A ndrew , B'

art. (King’s co. )

8 . ofthe l ateE . Arm strong, of Gal len, by thesisterofLord Ashtown

b . 1786 ; d . 016 . A . Ful lerton, eeq . Washigh sherif of King’li

co. in 181 1 , 8nd 1886 . Is adep .-l ieut of the00 . Was receiver general

of stam ps in Irel and, and obtained a pen8ion on the abol ition of that

ofi oe, but resigned it previous tohisel ection. A Reform er; first returned

for theco. in 1840. Ga l l on Priory, K ing's co.

A rundel and Surrey, Earl of. (A randelaBid. 8 . of theDuke of Norfolk. B . Nov. 7 , 1 81 m . in 1889 d. of

Sir Edw . Lyons, hart . Of m oderateWhig prineipl es. Has been an

omcer in theRoyal HorseGuards. N 0. 1 , HydeP ark-p l . Whiu ’

s ;

B rookea’s L ittl e Ham p ton, 8148 8 83 .

Vf .4'

wrd, (Dorsetshire)

E l d. s.of theE arl of Shafi eslm ry, b. 1801 In. 1880, Em ily, 11. ofthe6th

Earl Co er. Has been 8 Com m issioner of the Board of control ;

pointed a Lord of theAdm iral ty in Dec. 1884, but resigned in the pril

fol low ing ; uniform l y advocates the reduction of thehours of labo r for

children em ployed in factories . sat forWoodstock in theParl iam ent of

1 826 , for Dorchester in that of 1 880, and first for the county in that of

1 831 . 49, Upp er Bm oke-st. Car l ton A them zum .

Astel l , Wil l iam . (B edfordshire)8 . ofthe l ateGodfrey Thornton, esq. B . 1774 ; m in 1800, onl y (1. of

John Harvey, esq. (dead) ; assum ed then8m eof Astel l in 1807 . L ient

001. of theBedfordsh .Mi l itia . A director of the East India Com pany .

Gov. of theRussian Com pany. A dep .-l ient. of Bedfordshire. A Con

servative. Represented Bridgewater in parl iam ent from 1807 to 18828! 8gainst the Rom an Cathol ic Rel ief B il l and the 8m 3 11 1 .m Bun ion house, Huntingdom h .

122 HOUSE 011 commons .

Baird, Wil l iam . (Fa lkirk dist.)8 . of the l ate A lex . Baird, esq. ofLockwood ; b. 1796 ; 111 . in 1840. 18

an iron-m aster. A Conservative; first returned fot thedist. in 1841 .

Ba ldw in, Charles Barry. ( Totness )u s . of Col . Bal dwin ; is descended from Provost Bal dw in, Trin.

M in ; 18 . 11 . 01W. Boyd, esq., form erl yM .P. forLym ington. Is 8

barrister a theater of the Australian Bank, of the Investment Society ,and of theEagl eAm Com pany ; was secretary to theFrenchClaim

Comm issioners . A Conservative. Was elected for the Borough in two

Parl iam ents before theReform Act. W hom Um’

on ; Bovine, K ing’s

County Gueruon, D evon .

Ba lfour, Jam es Maitland. (Haddingm dist .)S . oi


Jam es Balfour, esq. and grands . m aternal l y of h e sth of

Lauderdal e ; h. 1 820. A eonservative. F irst returned for the M . in

1841 . 8, Grow m oro sq. t inyham , Hadds‘

ngtom h .

Bankes, George. Don etsk. )Second 8 . ofHenry Bankes, esq.whohad been aMem ber oftheHouse of

Com m ons for upw ards ofhal fa century . M . d. of Sir Charles E .NO


Adm iral ofthePlectr t-Was cal led to the bar in 18 18 . Was appom ted a

fi com m issionerofbanhm pts in 1822 , and afterwards Cursitor-a ofthe

E x chequer; Chairm an of Dorsetsh Sessions ; Recorder of Weymouth .

Was Secretary to theBoard of Controul under theWel l ington Adm m is

tration. Was first elected for CorieCastle in 1816 , which hecontinued to

represent until the passing of theReform Act ; unsuccessful ly contested

theUniversityof Cam bridge 141 1829. First returned for theco. in 184 1 ;

therequisition inviting him to stand having received the signatures of

D on etsk.

Bannerm an, A lex .

8 . of T . Bannem an, esq . ; b. 1783 . ih . M iss Guthrie. A m erchant,

shipowner, and banker in Aberdeen. OfWhig principles . Has sat lot

Aberdeen since 1 882 . Has been 8 Comm issionerofGreeny chHospital .

4 , E fl c ' 3 to 3 B Ofom .

B arclay, D avid. (Sunderland)8 . of the l ate Robert Barcl ay, esq. of Bury Hi l l ; b. 1784 ; m ar. in

1 818, Maria Dorothea, the eldest sister of Sir Hedworth Wil l iam son,hart. A m erchant. A Liberal . Sat for Penryn in the Parl iam ent of

1 826 ; unsuccessfu l l y contested theborough in 1882, butwas returned at

the general election in 1 884 ; did not sit in Parl iam ent 110111 1887 ti l l1 841 .— 8, Belgrave-aq. 3 E a stwicb Pa rk, Surrey .

Q,1Baring, Hon. W11 1 . B ingham . ( Thetfocn8 1d. 8 . of Lord Ashburton, and 8 nephew of 81: 0m s Baring, ht. im . in 1828 Harriet, d. of the 0th Earl of Sandwich . A m erchant .

Is oneoftheSecretaries to the Board ofControul . A Conservative; votedfor the adm ission of Dissenters to the Universities ; in 1882, 1118 l" 1 . 8 111181 Bast, 8 Conservative; sat for Thett

ord in theParl iament of

b M ’h ‘ p ‘

afi usfiU —‘ror com ons .


1826 , for Cal l ington in that of 1880, for Winchester in 1882 and 18a .

and for Stafordsh . North from 1887 ti l l 1841 ,when hewas again returned

for theborough. 12, Gc. Stanhope—stq Carl ton, A thm m .

Baring, R t. Hon. Francis Thornhil l . (Portsm outh) 101 8 1: T . Baring, bart . ; who is patron 01 8 l ivings ; m . 18t. 1 825,

d. 01 8 1: G . Grey , ht. , 2naly, 1841 , d. of l st E arl e! M ngham , w as 8 Lordof theTreasury them 1 880 til l June 1884. w hen hesucceeded M r. 8 . R ice

88 oneof thejoint secretaries of the h eu ury, which he held til l the

dissolution of theWhig M inistry in Nov. of that ye8 r. Resum ed his

ofl ce in April , 1885 ; was Chancel l or of the Ex chequer 110111 1 889 til l

1 841 . Has sat for Portsm outh since 1826 . A l l sm m and Reform

0m m. Manor Hou se, L ee, Kent . 1

Baring, Henry Bingham . (M arlborough)Nephew ofSirThom as Baring, bt Lady A l ign!“

6 th 11 . of the6th E arl of Cardigan. Ah East India proprietorin theArm y . A Lord of the Treasury. Bat for Cal l ington i

l iam ent of 1881 . Has sat forM arlborough since 1882. 18 ,

Carl ton A thm a nn

Barnard, E&fl dGeo. Gr)en§ ch)A ship-bui lder. l s patron of 1 l iving. In favour of the bal l ot,

triennial Parl iam ents, the repeal of the assessed tax es , and the repeal

of the tax es onknow l edge. 11 8 8 sat for Greenwich since 1832 . Dep t

ford ; Reform Cl ub Gosfi el d Ha l l , E ssex .

Barnaby , John. (Worcestershire, East)8 . Nov. 1 799. Chairm anof theHerefordsh . Quarter Seu lons. A 00n

8en 8tive. Sat forDroitw ich in 1886 . 1 8 Patron of 1 Living. 84 , P ort

m an-sq Carl ton, United Univers ity, Boeak’a, A rthur

’s Brook

hamp ton House, Hcrefordsh .

Barrington, Visct. (B erkshire)A Peer 0! Ireland. 8 . Oct. 1 , 1 798 ; 111 . April 21 , 1828 , theHon. Jane

E l isabeth Liddel l , 4th l st Lord Ravensworth . A Conservative

gaveno pledges. 14, South-st. Travcaers’ Beebe“, Berks .

B arron, Sir Henry Winston, bt. Waterford, city)Son of Pla ceBarron, Bsq. , by theonl y 11. of Henry Winston, Bsq. ; b.

1 796 ; 111 . in 1822, onl y 11. of the lateSir Gregory PageTurner, ht . 1 8 8

Dep.-Lient. of theco. Waterb rd ; represented that co. from 1882 to 1841 .

Is authorof Notes on EducationinHol l and and Germ any.” A Repealer.

Was not returned in thegeneral election in 1 841 , but succeded by petition

jointly w ith Mr.Wyse, ousting Messrs. Readeand Christm as .—q om

Belm ont Hom e, 00. Kiu'

m ; G lm cm na , co. Waterford .

Baskervil le, Thom as Baskervil le Mynors, B . C. L .

SHerefarch i ng}.Beeon 8 . of the l ate 11 . Myh ers, esq. of Tiesso, Herefordsh . I n

1817, m anned then8m eot'

Baskervil le. B . 1790; m . in 1887 , 11. of P

none: or commons )

P. C. Guise. Is a Dep.-Lieut. of Wil ts end of Radnorshire. A Conser

vative. First returned for the cc. in 1841 . Was High -Sherifl'

ofWi l ts

yBateson, Robert. co).

Bid. s . of Sir Robert Bateson, ht. s 1 818 . A Conservative ; first

returned for Londonderry in 1842, on the retirem ent of his father.

Wi l l support the tim e-honoured institutions of the country, as wel l

as the agricul tural interests ; but think the pledging ofm em bers ofPar

l iam ent as irrational as it woul d be to pledge a jnrym an before trial to aparticu lar decision.

" First returned for the county in 1842 . on the

retirem ent of his Father. Carl ton, Union ; BelvoirPark, Antrim

Hagherafel t, eo. Derry .

Beckett, Wi l l iam . (Leeds) 6’ J . A

3-0fthe l ate, and bro. orthe present Sir John Beckett, bart. ; b . 1 784

m . sister ofH . C. M . Ingram , esq. Is a banker ; a m agistrate’:oftheWest

R iding ; and a Lient.-Col . of the Yorkshire Hnssars. A Conservative ;

fi rst returned for the borough in l 84 1 . 24, Mount Si . Grosvm or-eq.

Caruon Um'

on K irksta l l Grange, Yorksh ire.

Bel l , John’

. Thin k)B . 1809. A Refiormer; first returned to; thebom ngh in 1841 . 8 4 0m

Th in k.

F k s

Bel l , M atthew . (Northum berl and, South)M . E l izabeth Anne, only duo . ofHenry Uttriek Reay, esq. of Kil l ing

worth House, N orthum berl and. A Conservative. l s opposed to free

trede, and in favour of an efllcient protecting duty on foreign corn,

and the total ex tinctionoftithes . Was el ected for the‘

county in 1 826

11nd 1830. but l ost his seat in 1831 . Has sat for it since 1882 . 86 ,

W im p olc-ct Car l ton ; W ool ss‘

ngton , N orthum ber l and .

Bel l ew , R ichard Montesquieu . (Louth)Br. of Sir Patrick Bel lew : b. 1803; m . 1828 , d. of JohnLalor, esq . of

Gran (dead). Dep. Lient. for theco. Lonth . A Reform er; w il l votefor

the abol ition of tithes in every shape, and for theappropriation ofa l arge

portion of the Church property to purposes of national uti lity. Is in

favourof shortening theduration ofParl iam ents, adm itting Dissenters to

graduate at the Universities, and the vote by bal lot. Has set for the

county since 1882 . 1 , N ew B url ington-street ; B rook e'

s Wynd

ham ; Barm ath , L ou th .

Benett, John. (Wil ts , South)E ld. surviving son of Thom as Benett, esq. oi


Pyt House; b . 1778 ;m . 1801 , Lucy , 11 . of Edm und Lam bert, esq. of Boyton House, co.

Wil ts . l s patron of 1 l iving . Is a. tithe owner. A Conservative ; infnvour ofs property-tu in l ieu of them el t-tax . Has sat for the oonnty


cc 1819 . A thenam m ; N orton B evan: and PytHou se, W i l ts .

l 26 nous: or commons .

Lord of theAdm iral ty iron April 1888, to Dec. 1 884 A L iberal . Was

first elected for thecity in 1882, butwas defl ated at the electionwhich

fol lowed his acceptanceof omce in April 1 888 ; was ree lected in 1836

w as 11 11‘

unsuccessfu l candidate at the election in ma w as again re

turned in Jul y , 1841 . Reform .

Berna], Ral ph. (Weym outh)M d. of White, esq . MD . a surgeon in the navy, of a nthem


yard. A Barrister andWest India Proprietor. Has written variousarticles for theAnnual s. Was

,during theGrey andMelbournem inis

tries, Chairm an of Com m ittees of thewholeHouseon Governm ent m ea

sures . O fWh ig principles. Decl ared him sel f, in 1887, a rel uctant

Convert ” to the system of E lection by Bal l ot. flat for Rochester t om

1820ti l l 184 1 , beforewhich he set a short tim efor Lincoln. Was not te

tnrned at the general el ection in 1841 , but succeeded on petition. 76 ,

E d tm -sq. A them eum and Reform Cl ubs .

Berna l , Ra lph, jun. Wyoom be)E ld. s. of R al ph Bernal , esq . , K .P. for Weym outh, and formerl y chair

m anofCom m ittees a capt . in the arm y . A Liberal , in favouroftheBal l otF irst elected for theborough in l 841 . 75, E a tou-sq United Service.

Be l sct. andon)B id. s. of the E arl ofBandon. B . 1 81 0; m . in 1882 eld. d. of Thom as

Whi tm ore, esq.

, oi‘

Apley, Shropsh . A Conservative. First returned for

theborough in Feb. 1842,on theappointm ent of M r. Sergeant Jackson

to cmcc, who imm ediately succeeded M r. Lei'

roy in the representation

ofDubl in Universitya Ca rl ton Ca stleBerna rd, co. Cork.

Blackburne, John Ireland. (Warringto n)8 . of John B l ackbnm e, E sq ., of Hal e, who represented Lanca .

shire for 47 years. B . M ay 1783. M . Anne, d. of Wm . Bam ford, Esq.

Is patronof 1 l iving. A Conservative. Hesat for Newton eleven years,

from 1807 to 181 8 ; and for Warrington since 1834 , having unsuccess

ful l y contested the borough with M r. Hornby in 1 882 . 2, Pa rk at.

Wes tm inster B oodle’s , Ca r l ton, Croclzford

’s Ha le, L am a sh .

B lackstone,Wil l iam Seym our. Wa l l ingford)Grands. of the great l awyer whose nam e he bears. B . 1809. His

fam ily has thepatronageof the l iving ofWa l l ingford . Dep. Lient. for

Berkshire. A Conservative. Has sat for the borough since 1832 .

B u r l ington Hotel ; Ca rl ton Ca s t le Priory , B erks .

Rb hc, Sir Va lentine, bart. (Ga lway bor. )8 . 01


the 1 1 th bart. ; b. 1780; m . 1803, d. ofJoseph Donnel lan, esq. A

Liberal . Represented theBorough in two form er Parl iam ents, and fre

quentl y contested it .— The Ca s tle, cc. Ga lway .

B lake, Mark. (M ayo)F irst returned for thecounty on thedeath ofSirWil l iam Brabason in

1840. Is a.

Repeater, and pledged to support Irish m annihctnres inandout ofParl i am ent. B a lm afad, Co. May o3 Reform Cl ub .

m snor commons . 127

Blake, l iartin'

Jose h . (Ga lway bor.)l s head ofthehouse0 Bal lyglnnin, fi om which al so sprangthem akes ,

baron “; Of Langham , Suffolk. A Repealer; in favour of rem oving the

Bishops from theHouseofLords . Was an unsuccessfu l candidate at the

general election in 1832 ; but on petition superseded M r. M‘Lachl an in

“33 ° Wyndham and Reform Clu bs ; Brook L odge, co. Ga lw ay .

B lakem ore, Richard. (Wel ls)A Conservative. 1s a proprietor of tin works in G lam organshire. A

b eputy-L iw t. ofHereford and M onm outh. F irstelected for theBorough

at thegeneral election in 1887 . C ontestedHereford in 1826 , 1832, and

1 885 Union ; L egs , Herd'

ordsh .

B lew 1tt, Regina ld Jam es. (zl l onm outh dist.)211 s . of M ajor Edw . Blew itt, of Kensington, M iddlesex , and O i

L l antarnanflAbbey , Monm onthshire; b. May 20, 1799 . His great

st andfather w as Sir Samuel B lewitt, H igh Sheriff of London,

M asterofthe Skinners’ Company , and s. ofa Northam ptonsh gentl em an .

1 s descended on thefem ale sidefrom Sir Edward Morgan oi’

L l antarnaw

Abbey, bt . , a l ineal descendant ofKidivorVawr, Lord of Kil saint, and

of the Ancient British blood royal . Was educated at Rugby School .

Practised for som e years as a Sol icitor, but retired in 1827 . In 1829

establ ished and edited the Monm outhshs'

re Merl in, a l iberal papers

which he rel inquished in 1832. A Reform er. A M agistrate for theco .

ofMonm outh, and actsoccasional l y as Chairm an of theQuarterSessions .

F irst electedfor theborough in 1887 . L lantarnanA bbey , Monm ou thsh

Bodkin, John Jam es. (Ga lway co. )8 . of John Bodkin, esq. form erly Mayor of Gal way. A Reform er ; in

favour of the bal lot . Sat for the town of Galway in 1881 , and has

represented the county since 1 835. K i letoony, eo. Ga hoay .

Bodkin, Wil l iam Henry. (Rochester)Onl y a. of the l atePeter Bodkin, esq . of Northa npton sq. London, who

was descended from an old fam i ly in k el and. B . 1 791 ; m . in 1813, d.

of the late P. 11. Poland, esq. 1s a barrister ; Recorder of Dover ; and

Chairm an of the Society of A rts in London. Haswritten Pam ph lets on

the Poor Law s. A Conservative. F irst returned for the borough in

1 841 . Church court, Tem p le; Carl ton; Hamp stead Hea th, M idd lesex .

Boldero, Capt. Henry George. (Chippenham )8 . of the l ateRev. J. Bol dero, ofA1npton, Snitolk, who w as of an ol d

fam ily in thecounty, and had church patronage; m . Mary, (1. of the l ate

L Neeld, Esq. , of G loucester-pl ace, and sister to theMem bers for Chip.

penhan and Crickl ade, of that nam e. Is clerk of theordnance. Capt

Boldero distinguished h im sel f during the passing of the Reform Bil l ,

by his ex ertions to preserve two m s-bers for Chippenham ; and to

com m em orate the success of those ex ertions his constituents presented

h im w ith a handsom e silvercap . A Conservative. Sat for theborough

in theParl iam ent of 1881 was not in theParl iament of1882. Carl ton

Hurst Grove, Berks .

U noun or oonnsons .

Borthwick, Peter. (Evesham )B. 1 805. Del ivered lectures and held disputation in the principal

provincial towns, infavour of thegradual em ancipati on of the sl aves

in theWest Indies, as eontrad istingnished from im m ediate freedom ,

and received the thanks oi'

the West India Proprietors, accom panied

by a service of pl ate and a publ ic dinner. Was form erly a Pel low

Com m oner oi'

Downing Col lege, Cam bridge. A Conservative. Unm e


nl l y contested theBorough in 1882 ; sat for itM 111 1884 til l the dis

solution in 1887, when he was again returned, but nnseated onPetition.

and he then rem ained out of Parl iament t111 1 841 , when he was again

elected though absent from England .

Botfield, B eriah. (L udlow)A Conservative. Was High 8herif of Northam ptonshirein 1881, and

is a Dop.-Lient . oi thecounty. Is a Fel l ow of the Royal Antiqu x ian

Goeiety, and a Dep.-L ieu t . of First returned for theBox . in 1840.

Car l ton; 10, SaeM IIo -s l . ; N ortonHi l l , N orthamp tonsh

Bowes, John. (Durham , South)b. 1 811 . Is patron of 1 l iving A Reform er ; in ihvout of triennial

parli am ents and rem oving the bishops from theHouseof Lords . Has

sat for the county since1882. Reform Clu b CastleM id

Hi l ton A bbey (co

Bowring, John, 3Eld . s. of Charl m y was for

m any generations connected w ith thewool len trade ofDevonshire. B .

1 792 ; m . in 1816 , Maria, (1. of Sam uel Lev in, esq., oi“

Hackney. Has

honorary diplom as 110111 the Universities of Hol land and Ital y ; is a

Fel low oftheLinnlean Societies of London and Paris, 0! theHistoricalInstitute, of the Scandinavian anti Icelandic Societies. of theRoyal l n

.stitnteof theNetherl ands, 01 theRoyal Societies ofHungaryand Copen

hagen, oi'

the Frisian, Athenian, and various other Societies ; w as for

m any years editor of theWestm inster Review ; has publ ished a num ber

of works on foreign l anguages and l iterature, on politics and pol itical

econom y , and transl ations from several languages . Dr. Bowring was

em ployed by Earl Grey’s Governm ent, with Sir Henry Parnel l . in the

investigation of pnb1ic accounts ; and served with Mx . Vfliim , as 00m

m ercial Comm issioner in France, to arrange the bases of a treaty of

com m erce w ith that country . Has made several Reports onFreen ade

and Pnbl ieAccountancy . 1s a Radical Retainer. Unm eesstail y eon

tested Blackburn in 1882 and 1885, but in the l atter year was returnedforKi lm arnoeh ; had noseat inl ’arl ianent t om 180 1111 1841 .—R4 0mA thenam m .

W am es. Canterbury)8 . of the Lady at Sir try Peyton, Bt., by her first husband in.

M iss T ree, thecelebrated actress. A conservative. 81 ! f“ Bu ck l ey“ 1828 to 1882, and for Berwiek in the Parl iament of 1880. 2South-d n Parb-l . Car l !“

8 ,

r ? f 1M “130 1 HO USE or commons .

Brotherton, Joseph . (Sayord)A ret ired cotton and sil k m anufacturer. Has sat for theborough since

1832 .—E d am Club ; Sa l ford .

Browne, Robert Dil lon. (Mayo)I s descended from the Ki lm aine fam il y, and is s. of the l ateArthur

Browne, esq . oi'

G leneorrib , 00 . M ayo. E lected in 1886 , uses the R t .

Hon. Dom inick Brow ne, created Lord Oranm ore. A Repeal er. Reform

Club Gleneorrt‘

b, Ireland .

Browne, Hon. Wil l iam . (Kerry)8 . of 1st Earl of Kenm are ; b. 1791 ; m . 1 826 , d . of T . flea s“ , esq .

A Depa ment . oi'

the 00. A Liberal . F irst returned for the county in

8 . oiLJohn Studholm e Brownrigg, esq. ; b. 1780; m . in 181 2, El iza

beth , eld. d . of Jel lies Henry Cassam ayor. esq. A m erchant ot

London, and partner in the ilnn of Sir Charles Cockerel l and 00 .

Deputy-Governor oi

the Austral ian Agricu l tural Com pany, and Di

l ector oi‘

theRoyal Bank of Austral asia. A Conservative. Unsuccess

tnl ly contested the borough in 1 882 .— 1 , HydePa rk Gardene; Car l


Bruce, Charles Lennox Cum m ing. (E lgim h 8zc. )Sec. son ofSir A . P G . Cum m ing ; b. 1790 ; 1820grd. d. of Jam es

Brace, theAbyssinian travel ler. A Conservative. Form erl y represented

the Inverness Dist . F irst returned for theco . in 1840. Ca rl ton. Uni ted

Service D unpha i l , E lginsh Ks'

m ta trd , Stirl ingsh .

Bruce, Lord Ernest Au Chas. Brudenel l . (M arl borough)2nd s. of the M arq. of A lesbury ; b. 1 8 1 1 m . 1884 Hon . Lou isa

Beresford, 2nad. of Lord Decies. Is ViceCham berl ainto theQueen. A

Cornet in the Royal Wil ts Yeom anry . Has s

?for thebogu

h since

1882 .— Carl ton ,

° Tottm ham Part , W i l ts . k x 1

B ruen, Henry. (Curlew , co.)M . d. of T . Kavanagh, esq., of Bertie. Is col . of the Carlow M il itia.

A Conservative. 8s t tor thecounty in theParl iaments of1880and 1 83 1 ,but lost his seat in 1882. Was petitioned against in Feb . 1885, and el ec

tion decl ared void ; on the new writ being issued, Messrs. Vim and

R aphael were returned at the head of thepol l , but unseated on petitionby Col . Bm en and M r. Kavanagh. In 1 840, on the death ofM r. Vigors ,w as againreturned for thecounty . Carl ton O ak Park, 00. Ga rb " .

B ryan, George, (Ki l kenny co.)8 . of the l ate George Bryan. esq. oi

' Jenkinstown, by Cathet iaeX averia , onl y chi ld of Henry Byrne. esq. . one of the Cahinteel y fam i l y,

House or com m as. 181

and maternal m ason 01m m , Lord Sl ane. Has a son n . to a sister

ofthe Countess of Shm wsbnry. O t l iberal pol ities . I n st itu tes” , cc.

Buck, Lewis Wil l iam . (Devon. North)11 . «L ot Robins, esq. Represented E x eter m 18% to 1882 .

First elected for the oo. in 1889, on the elevation of Visct. Ebrington00 a peerage. Is a Dep.

oL ientenant of Devonshire. A Conservative.

Ca rl ton Hu ston, Devon.

Buckley, Edm und . (Newcas tk-under—L t’

ne)8 . of John Buckley, esq . of Stalybruge. Is an in n-m astaer and pro

prietor of eoal -works at Manchester. Is a director of several eanal and

railway com panies connected with K u chester. A Oonsc vstive. F irst

returned lor theborough in 1841 Oa rl toss Higher A rdun'


Bu lheley, Sir R ichard Bulkeley Wil l iam s, bart. (F l intdist.8 . oi)the 9th ham ; b. 1801 111 . 1st, 1 828 , d . of 1 st Lord Dinorben ;

2nd, 1882, d. of 8 11 T . 8 . M . Stanley, bark ; assumed the name of

Bul keley in 1827 . Is a De;1 .-Lient. ofAngleeey, and patm noi’

4 l ivings.

A Liberal . sat tor Beanm aris from 1880 til l 1888 , then for Anglesey tiil

1887 . Pint elected for Fl int dist . in 1841 .- q om ; Baron’s Hal ,

Anglesey .

Bu l let , Charles. (Liskeard)B . at Ca1cntta, August, 1 808 . His ihther was in thecivil service of

the E ast India Com pany at Bengal . Was educated at Harrow , at the

University of Edinburgh, and at T rin. Ool i . , Cam bridge ; and he was

cal led to theBar in 1881 . Has been a contributor to several Reviews,

and is anEast India Proprietor. Has been Secretary to theBoard of0011

tronl . A Radical Reform er ; desires the revision, but not theabol ition

of the corn l aws. unless tithes be abol ished al so . Was chief secretaryto Lord Durham when in Canada . Sat for West Loo in 1880. Has

sat forL iskeard since 1882 . Quem’

s -sq.-p l . A thenwum .

Bu l let , Edward. (Sta°

ord)Dr. 01


them em berfor Son Devon ; b. 1800; m . 1824 Mary-Anac,o. of

Gen. Ooote Manningham . O i m oderateWh ig principles. Represented

North l tafl’

ordshire in the Parl iam ent of 1887.- Brocku

’s , Travel

lere’ D i lbem eHa l l , Stqfordeh .

Bnl ler, Sir John Yarde. hart. (Devonsh. South)Grands. ofMr. JusticeBul l et ; b. 1 799 ; 111. 1828 El isabeth , d. of


hos .

Wil son Patten, esq. l s patron of 1 l iving. A Conservative. He con

tested the county unsuccessful l y in 1882, bu t was elected in 1885,'


conjunction w ith Lord John Russel l , w ithout opposition .— 0aruon

YBnnbnry, T hom as. (Carlow Co.)A Conservative. Unsuccesstnl ly contested the00. in 1837 , first returned

1 2

182 noose or commons .

tor it in 1841 . St. Jam es ’e Hotel .Jenny's.“ University ; t reo’


Carlo» .

Bad en, Sir Francis, Bart. (Wil ts, North)B . 1770 111 . in 1798, Sophie, youngest d. of Thom as Contts , esq. the

banker. 1s patron ofo l ivings . Entered Parl iament in 1793 as therep? »

sentativeoi Boroughbridge, forwhich hecontinued to sit til l elected for

Westm inster in 1807 . In the intervening period, he thrice contested

M iddl esex unsnceessihl ly . Sir Francis’s early advocacy of Reform . his

confinement in the Tower and King’s Bench Prison. his condemnation

to pay a fine of 10001. by the Court of King’s Bench, for the course he

took in advocating that Reform , are wel l known. He w as a strongsappottet ot

the Wh ig governm ent, and decl ared him self with“confidence in that of Sir Robert Peel ; but sincehis return for thecountyhas genera11y voted w ith theconservativeparty .

-25, St. Jam es’eop l .

Ca rl ton A thm a um Forem a rb, D erbyshi'

n 1 Ram bury Hm ,

W the.

Burrel l , Sir Charl es Merrik, hart. (Shoreham )M . Frances , d. of the 81d E arl of Egremont. An E ast India Pro

prietor. A Conservative; opposedJpMot, s

and the rem oval of the Jewish disabi Ps i o in r

of the Reform B il l , but opposed several of its detai l s ; is in favour of

agricu l tural protection. Was tirat elected for the borough in thePar

l iam ent oi'

1806 .—5, R s

ehm ond-ter . 1 Knapp Castle. Sussex .

Bnrroughes, Henry Negus. (N orfolk, East)E ld. s. ofthel ate 3. Burkin Bnrroughes, esq. ot


Bnrl ingham , the repac


an ancient fam il y in thecounty, by Christabel , d. and heiress

ofHenry Negns . esq., of Hoveton Ha l l . B . Feb. 8 , 1791 . M . 25ih ot

A ugust, 1818 , to Jane Sarah. sister of the late, and aunt to the present ,SirWm . Hoste, bt. Was High Sheriil of theoo. in 1 817 . Is a conserva

tive. Saeeeeded Lord Walpol e in the representation after a severe

contest, that noble Lord having decl ined to come forward again at the

l ategeneral election. Burl inghaa t Ha l l ,W el t .

Busfeild, Wi l l iam . (B radford. )8 . of J. A . a i

ei ld, esq., of Myrt leGrove, and Ryshworth Hal l . A

Magistrate and Registrar of theWest R iding ofYoxkshine. I " May 18.1800, to Carol ine, d. ofCapt . Chas.Wood , R .N ., of Bow l ing B al l , 111000

to the l ate S ir FraneisWood. bt ., and sister to the present Bit T . L .

Wood , bt . . oi’

Hickleton. Was for m any years a Major in the 1st WestYork M il itia ; and is a Deputy-Lient. tor the West Riding of Yorkshire.Has been for the l ast forty years a staunch Whig and Retom er.


Represented theborough 110111 1887 to Ju ly 1841 ; was an nnsneeeestit icandidate at thegeneral el ection inthat m onth, but was returned, on thedeath ofW . 0. Lister, esq . , in the Septem bet fo l low ing. Up l oad ].

184 none: or comm ons.

servative. Was not returned at them en ! ela tion in l a4l ,bat aa 110:

tition, 1n 1842, was decl ared du ly el ected, oustingM r.Wi l son. Late a

fel low of Bal l iol Col l ege, Ox ford ; was a doubleflrst-cl ass m an in 1885 .

28, Chester-terrace, Regent's Park; Carl ton . Osj erd and Cas t

bridge Cl ub.

\Carew , Hon. Robert Shapl and. (Waterford, co. )Bid. s . of Lord Carew ; b. 1 818 . A Whig. fi rst el ected for the

co. in 1 840. 29, St. Jam es’s-s t. ; Reform Club ; Caetlebom ugh and

W oods tosm , Co.W aterford.

Carnegie, Hon. Swynfen Thom as. (Staford)8 ofthe7th Earl ofNorthest ; b. 1 818 . A Capt. 11 .N . F irst netnrned for

the Borough in 184 1 . A Conservative.— 0arl¢on ; Sp ot, Stqfordsh . a

M ,Wm . Ralph , D .C .L . (N orthamptonsh . Sou th )Uncl e01 6 th Viset. Chetwynd b. 1 77 1 111 . first, in 1 794 , Emm a, d . of

thefirst Visct. Hawarden (dead) ; and 2dly, in 1 810, Jul ia Frances , d. of

Col . R ichard Aubrey . I s patron of 2 l ivings . A Conservative, and

a supporter of the Corn Law s. Has sat for the county since 1 798 ,

interrupted onl y by the Parl iam ent of 1881 , when hew as obl iged , in

consequence of his opposition to thefirst Reform Bil l , to give way to

Lord Mi l ton, now E arl Fitsw i l l iam . 80, A l bem a rl e-st Ca rl ton .

A yM o, N orthamp toneh .

Castlereagh, R t. Hon. Visct. (Down, co. )3 111. s. of the M arq. oi

' Londonderry ; b. 1805. A tor the

00. Was a Lord of the Adm iral ty in 1828. Was appointed ViceOham berlain oi the Househol d Dec. 1 884 , but resigned in Apri l fol low

ing. A Conservative; has sat for thecounty since1826 .— 28 , Cbap el-st ,

Grow enor-p l . Carl ton.

Gave, Hon. Robert O tw ay. Tipperary)E ld. s. ofHenry O tway, esq. ofCastleO tway, who 111 . Sarah , only d. of



hom as Cave, now Lady Braye, a peeress in her own right assum ed

the surnam eof Cave, in 1 8 18, upon succeeding to theLineolnsh . estates

of theCavefam il y . M . 1 888, Sophia, eld . d . of Sir l ’ . Bartlett, ht . K .P .

A Reform er; is in favour of the bal lot, abol ishing the nam e and

rea l ity”of tithes, and m aking the ecclesiastical revenues avai l abl e for

national purposes. flat for Leicester in theParl iam ent 01 1 826 . A the

um and Reform Cl ubs ; Ca s tle O tw ay. eo. Tipp erary .

Cavendish, Hon. Charles Com pton. Yougha l l )Youngest s. of the l ate, and uncleofthepresent E arl of Burl ington, and

cous inof theDukeofDevonshire; b. 1798 ; m . in 1 814 , Catherine, el destd. of 9th M am . oi Huntl y . 01


Whig principles ; sat forNewton, R ants,in the Parl iaments of 1 820 and 1828 ; for Yarmouth in that of 188 1represented East Sussex from 1882 til l 1841 , when hewas iirst returnedfor theborough. Burl ington hon P iccadi l l y Comp ton-

p l ., Stu n s .

W 333“ op commons. 135

C avendish , Hon. Geo. Henry. (Derbysh , North)Bwond s. of theHon. Wm . Cavendish, and hr. of theE arl of Burl ing

ton B . 1 810; In. 1885Louisa, youngest d. of the2110Earl ofHarewood

O fWhig principles. Has sat for the county sincehis brother’s accession

to thepeerage in 1884 .— 1 , Bel grave-sq. La tt


m ers , Bucks .

Cayley, Edward Stil l ingfieet. Yorksh N orth )M . his cousin, Em m a, third d. ofSirGeorgeCayley, bt . lateM .P. forSea1'

borough . OfWhig principles ; opposed to thebal lot and short Parl ia

m ents: is in favour of the preservation of the Yorkshire Registry, the


m itigation of the Crim inal Code, and such a courseof legisl ation w ith

gard to agricul ture as w il l keep wheat at 64s. per quarter, new m ilk

eese at from 528 . to 60s. percw t. , w ool and butter at l s . per 1h . each ,

and other produce in proportion ; he prefers the present Corn Law s(w ith an a l tered m ode oftaking theaverages) to a fi x ed duty. Author of

a work on commercial econom y, and several politica l tracts. Has sat for

the count 5. Wyda le House,a s

a k

Chapm an

An el d. hr. of the Trinity House; an E ast India Propn etor ; 11 Die

rector of the London Fire A ssurance, the London Docks , and the

gl ndson's Bay Com panies ; has had contracts from Governm ent. A

Conservative. In favour of the repeal of the A ssessed Tax es , and of

a Property T ax in l ieu of such as press upon industry . Objects tothat system of fl ee trade which gives to the Foreign shipowner in

entering theports ofthis country, advantages not enjoyed by theBritish .

Has sat for theborough since1832 .— 14, Montague-p l .Edgw are-road

Highbstry Park, Hz’

dd lesex Sta t esby, Yorbeh .

Chapm an, Benjam in.

Jam es. (Westm eath)Sir Thom a Chapm an ; b . 1 810. A “ Radical .” Firat returned

for theco. in 184 1 . Reform ; K i l lna Ca stle, co. Westm ea th .

lCharten s, Hon. Francns. (G loucestersh. E ast)

E14. s. ofLord Eleho, and grands. oi'

theEarl ofWem yss ; b. 1 81 8 . A

Conservativeflint elected for the00. in 1841 . Carl ton 19, Stratford-p l .

Chel sea, Visct. (Reading)E’ld s. ofthe E arl of Cadogan ; b . 1 812 ; m . in 1 886 , his cousin, 8rd d.

of the Hon. and Rev. ValerianWel lesley, D .D . F irst returned for the

Borough in 1 841 . Was petitioned against in 1842, but decl ared by the

Comm ittee du ly elected. A Conservati ve. Carl ton Santa” Dettm

ham , Sufolb .

Chetwode, Sir John, ht. (B uckin ham , bor.)8 . of std hart b. 1764 ; 111 . 1 st, 1785, of 5th Earl oi


Stam ford ; 2nd,

182 7, d. of John Bristow , esq. A Oonservative.— Oakley, Staf ordsh

Clu tw de, Bucks .

186 noose or commons.

Chadian , John Wal banlte. Ma l ian)B. 1798 ; 1a . Anne, onl y (1. of Sir Linley Wood, hart . B lend , Ol a

.Peb. 1886 , on theelevation of 8 1: c. C. Pepys to theofi eeofLord (thaioei lor. Patron of 1 l iving. Is ofWh ig principles . 8 st for Oam bridge

shirefrom Jan. 1888 , toDec. 1884, and nnsneoesalhily contested thecounty

ist.B id. s. of Lord Del am ere; Guards ; col . bf

Chesh . M il itia. A Conservative. 8st forDenbighsh . in theParl iam ent

of 1887 . 2 , Ham il ton p l . . Carl ton ;'

Cr ockford's ; Va le Roya l ,

Christie,Wil l iam Dongs].E l d . s . of the l ate Dongs]Christie, esq., who w as for m any yeats a

physician in Bom bay ; b. 1816 ; a barrister, and goes theWestern eir

cnit ; w as private Secretary to theE arl ofM into, when his Lordshipwasfi rst Lord of the Adm iral ty. Hasw ritten pam ph lets on the Bal lot and

on theCopyright question. Was not returned at thegeneral election in

1 841 , but succeeded on petition. 5, K ing’s Bench W a lk, Tem p le;

Reform ; Oxford and Cam bridge Club Hayes Park, M iddl esex .

{1 Christopher, Robert A dam , F .R .S .

8 . of Phil ip Dundas, esq. , 4th s. of Lord President Dundee,who wastheel d. hr. of the 1 stVisct. Melvil le. B . 1804 ; m . Lady M ary Brace,eld. d. of the 6th E arl of E lgin. Assum ed thenam e01 Christopher in

com pl iancew ith thew il l of the l ateGeorgeM anners, esq. , of B lox hem

hal l . I s patron of 2 l ivings. A Conservative, and gave no pledges .

to the throne at the com m encem ent of Wil l iam the N th‘

s reign. 97

Eaton-sq. Carl ton, Travel lers’ Bios hom -ha l l , L t

m olnsh.

Chute,Wil l iam LydeWiggett. (N orfolk, West)2nd s . of the Rev. Jas.Wiggett, rector of Orndwel l and B ankerton,

Wi l ts . 8 . 16th Jan . 1800 ; m . in 1 887 Martha, 11. of T . R . Enchw orth ,

esq. ofCockl y Clay, Norfolk. A ssum ed thenam e and arm s of the an

cient fam ily of Chute in 1827, by royal l icence, on succeeding to the

estates of that fam i l y on thedeath of the Rev. Thos. Verechute. I s a

m agistratefor the counties of R ants and Norfolk, and a Deputy Lieu t.for the l atter, of which hewas High 8heriil

in 1882. A Conservative.

Was a Second Cl ass m an at Ox ford. 10, Chandos -st. A thena l sl nThe Vine, Ha ste; P iekanl ta asHal l , Norfol k.

C l ay , Sir Wil l iam , Bart. ( Tower Ham lets)Formerl y inbusiness as am erchant and ship owner, inpartnershipwith

138 noose os com mas.

theArmy ; Co]. of theWorcestershireYeom anry. Was under Seem taxyof State for theHomeDepartm ent underLord Bt h. Is patron of

1 l iving. A Conservative; sat for Ludlow fun 181 8 8 11 1882, when he

was returned for the county.— Carl ton A thenam m Oakley Park,

Cobden, R ichard. (Stockport)I s a cottonoprinter in Lancashire. A director of the M anchester

Cham ber ofCom m erce, and a m ember of theAnti-OOt n-Law League. In

favour ofti'ee-trade, thebal lot , ex tension of them fi 'age, and d ost P8 "

l iam ents. Unm ooessta l l y contested the borough in 1887 1 first returned

for it in 184 1 . Reform Ham kester.

Cochrane, A lex ander Dundas Ross Wishart Bail l ie.

(B ridporf.)816 . s. of sirThom as Cochrane, R .N ., by thed. ofGeneral 811 Charl es

B oss. I s cousin to the l oth E arl of Dundonal d. I s author of The

M orea." A Conservative. First returned t

or the borough in Sept . 1841 ,

when Mr. Warburton accepted the Chil ternHundreds ; was an unsuc

cessful candidate at the general election in Jul y 1 841 , and petitionedagainst the return then m ade. 1 1 , Burl ington Gardens Amw ay;

Cockburn. R ight Hon. Sir Geo. G .C.B. (Rim m )Sec. s . of the l ateSir




Cockbarn, bt . ; m . M iss M ary Cochburn. I s’


A dm iral of the Red, a Major-Gen. of Marines , and a Lord of the

Adm ira l ty . a nerly sat for Pottsm onth. A dm ira l ty C'a rl tost

H igh Beech, E ssex .

Codrington, ChristopherWil l iam . (G loucestersh. East)Nephew of Sir Edward Codring

'ton ; el d. s. of Sir ChristopherBethe!

Codrington (who is patron of 8 l ivings) , by theHon. Catherine Fol ey,sister ofthe l ateLord Fol ey . A West India Proprietor. A Conservative.

— Carl tott D oddt‘

npton Park, G loucestersh .

CM e, Hon. Wil l iam N ichol as R idley. (Richm ond )E ld. s . of Lord Colborne; b. 1 814. A L iberal . F irst returned for the

Borough in 1841 .—Reform , WestHarl irwHa l t, Norfol k.

Cole, Hon. Arthur Henry. (Enniskil len)?Br. of the 2na Earl of Enniski l len ; b. 1 780. Formerl y resident at

M ysore. A Capt. in theFerm anagh m il itia. A Oonsetu tive. Has sat

forEnniskiilen since1 828 . Carl ton .

Colebrooke. Sir T hom as Edward, bt. Tatm ton)8 . of thel ateHenry T . Colebrooke, esq.

, P .R .8 . (formerly chirom pherto the Ooart of011111111011 P1eas,) by thed oi

J. Wi lkinson, esq., of Postm an-sq . B . 1818 ; succeeded his uncl e, whowas 8rd baronet, in 1888 . Isa Dep.

-Lieut. of Lanarksh . A Liberal . F irst returned for the hot . inFeb. 1842, when Mr. Ba inbridge accepted the Chil tern Hundredsr -18Parb-km e Juror?» em s CelebroobeP ark, Kent .


Col lett, Wil l iam Rickford. ( Lincoln)8 . ofE . J. Col lett, m any years M P. for Cashel ; 10. A Conserva

tive; first returned for the bon agh in 1841 unsuccessful ly contested

Boston in 1887 . 2, St . Jam es’s-st. ; Carl ton ; Cm serva ts

oe A l bion .

Col l ins, Wil l iam . (Warwick)M . d. of John Tom es, esq ., form erl y m ember for the borough . 1s a

resident in Warwick and engaged in business there as a Tanner.

Was the first mayor of theborough under theMunicipal Reform Act .

First returned on theaccession of the l atem a-ber, Mr. Canning, to the

Peerage. A Radical Reform er. Reform Club ; W arw ick.

Colquhoun, John Cam pbel l . (Newcastle-under-Ls. of A . c. Col quhoun, Lord RegistrarofScotland b. 1 802, 111 .

d. of2nd Lord L il iord. 8at torDnm barton site: the passing of theRe

form Act ; but in 1 884—5 decl ined to com e forward on account of 111

heal th . Is author of som e pam ph lets on Reform ,

” Irel and,” 810.

Professes to belong to no pol itical party, but wil l endeavour to pro

m ote thediffusion ofsoundknow ledge and scriptural principles through .

out thecountry , as one greatend of pol itical wel l -being.

” sattor theKi l

m arnoch district of bnrghs in theParl iam ent of 1 837 Thereturn m ade

at the general election in 1 84 1 having been decl ared void, so fi t as

regarded Mr. Harris , a new election took pl ace in Ju ly, 1842 , and Mr.

Col quhoun subsequently sneoeeded on petition. Was a flrst-class m an at

Ox ford. A thena um K il lem ont, L aw ful: Puhny Hea th ,Su rrey .

Col vile, Charles Robert. (Derbyshire, South)Onl y s. of the l ate 8" Charles H . Col vile, R at. and grandson ofW111 .

Col vi le, E sq. form erly ofNewton Coly tic, Cam bridge, where the fam i l yhad been sett led the several centuries . B . 18 15. A Conservative. Un

successful l y contested Derby in 1 887. First returned for the county in

1 841 . 1 13, P iccad i l ly Carl ton , Oxford and Cam bridge, A rthur’s

M ingtou and DW ld Ha l l , Derbysh.

Com pton, Henry Com be. (Hants, South)8 . 1789 ; m . in 1810, d. of Wil l iam M iles, of Bristance, R ants .

Was first elected in 1885, Visct . Palm erston being the nnsnccessthl

candidate. A Conservative. 1s patron of 8 L ivingaa- Car lkm ; M in.

stead Manor Hou se, Ham s .

Conol l y, Edward M ichael , D.C .L. (Donega lfi/

B id. s . of theHon. Adm . Sir Thom as Pakenham ; b. 1786 ; m . 1 819,

Catherine, eldest d. of Cham bre Brabazon Ponsonby Barker, Esq.

A ssum ed thenam eofOonol l y on inheriting theestates of theRight Hon.

Thom as Conol l y, oi“

Castletown. Patron of 1 l iving . Was Lieut.-Col . inthe Donegal M il itia, and is Capt . of Artil lery . A Conservative ; fi rst

sat for thecounty in 1881 .— Carl ton 1 Univers ity Ca stl e Town, I

da re; Ck’

f , cc. Donega l .


Cooper,Hon. Anth.Hen. Ashley, D.C .L. (Dorchester)

g(Third s. of the Earl of Shaftesbury ; hr. of Lord Ashley , the

ember tor thecounty ; b. 1 807 ; 111 . 1885 JaneFrances, only (1. of Bbt .

Pattison, otWrackl ei'

ord House, Dorset. A Capt. in the arm y . A o 1u

servative. Has sat for the borough since 188 1 .—24, Grosvenor

-sqCarl ton ; St L eonard

’s, Berks .

Coote, Sir Charles Henry, bart. (Queen’s C

31 . d. of JohnWhaley, esq . ofWhaley Abbey ,Wicklow , and gu nd-d .

m aternal ly et'

John, Earl ofClanw il l iam . 1s Prem ier Baronet of Irel and .

001. of theQueen’s County Militia . O fmoderate Conservativeprinciples 1

has sat for thecounty since 1820, havingtw iceunsuccessful lycontested it

w ith Lord Maryborongh, then Mr.Wel lesley-Pol e.—5,

Ca rl ton B a l l yfin, Queen’s co.

Copeland , Wm . T aylor. (Stoke-upon TranO nl y s . of the-l itteWil iiam Oopeh nd, Esq ., partner of the late Josiah

Spode, E sq. of the Stoke l ‘otteries, 8 taib rdsh ., and of Portugal-street ,

London, porcel ain m anufacturers and m erchants. B . 1797 ; m . 1 826 ,

M iss Sarah Yates, 01'

Shel ton, 8 tafi m 1sh . Succeeded h is father as head

of the 11m in PonngaJ-street, and has recently purchased the interest of

the Spode fam ily in the Potteries and in London. Was Sherifl'


London in 1 828-29 . Is an A l derman of the city of London, and fi l led

the omoe of Lord M ayor 1 885-6 . Is T reasurer of the Hon. A t til leryCom pany . A Conservative. Sat for the borough in the Par1ia1nent

of L tneohs'


nn-fi el de Leyton, and L eeHou se, E ssex .

Corbal l y, Mathew E l ias. (Mea l h)Dr.

-in-l aw ofthe E arl ofFinga l l ;m . in 1842, d. oi'

12thVisct. Gom an

ston. I s a Capt. in the Royal Meath Regt. ;. an owner of tithes, but

wou l d never receivethem .

" Was high sheriffot‘

thecounty in 1838 . Is

favourable to an abol ition of tithes , to corporation reform , and to the

bal lot. Is opposed to a continuance of theprivi leges enjoyed by theBank

of Irel and. 8s t for the county in theParl iam ent cf 1887 ; but w as not a

candidate in 1841 , desiring rather that M r. O'connel l shoul d be te

turned ; but, in 1 842, that gentl em an havingm adehis election to serve

for Cork in preference to Heath, Mr. 001-bel ly became m em ber for the

latter. Union, Reform , and United Serv ice Corba l ton Il

l a”, cc

Corry, R t. Hon. Henry T hom as Lowry. Tyrone)Second a. of theEarl of Beim ore; b . 1 803 ; 111 . in 1 880, Harriet Anne,

26 d . ofthe 6 th E arl of Shaftesbury. A Lord of the Adm it aity since

Sept. 1841 . Has sat for thecounty since 1826 .— Carl ton , A ugham s ,


Cowper, Hon .Wm . Francis. (Hartford2nd s. of B ari Cowper, and nephew ofLord Me rne b. 1811 . A

L icnt . in the Royal HorseGuards ; has beenaide-de-camp to theLord

11 42 novel : or commons.

his cousin, Cam l ine Sarah, (1. and oo-heiress of RobertMascal l , .esq.

Peasm assh-pl ace, Sussex (dead). A Trustee oftheAgricu l tural Em pl oyment Institution. A Liberal ; is in favour of agricul tural protection

and a propa ty tax . Represented Sussex 80111 1 880 til l 1882 , before it

was divided under the Reform A ct ; and from 1 882 til l 1 887 sat for the

eastern division of thecounty ; rem ainedout ofParl iam ent item 1 887 ti l l

1841 , when he was returned for the borough .—q orm ,

~ Wyndha m :

Pea sm a rsh, Sus sex .

Dalm eny, Lord. (Stirl ing dist. )E l d . s. ot the Earl of Rosebery . B . 1809. A Lord of the Adm iral ty

from Apri l , 1885 til l Sept. 1 84 1 . Has sat for the district since 1882.

189, P iccadi l l y ; Reform Club 1 D a lm eny Park, L inl tthgow .

Dal rym ple, John. (Wigtonsht'

re)E ldest s. of North Dalrymple, esq. (who is heir-pres . to Earl

Stair) ; b. 1 819. Is an oflicer in the Guards. A Whig ; first returnedfor theoo. in 184 1 .

-Guards’ Broobes ‘ Reform .

Dam er, R t. Hon. Geo. Lionel Dawson. (Portarl iDr. of theE arl of Portarl ington, and br.

-ia-law of Sir H . Par

111 . in 1 825 M ary, 2nd 4 . ofthe l ate Lord Hugh Seym our . l s

Com ptrol ler of the Household. A Col . in the arm y . Was at

thebattl e of Waterl oo . A ssum ed the nam e of Dam er in 1 829, on the

death of his aunt, Lady Carol ineDam er, when he succeeded to considerable estates in Dorset. I s Patron of 2 Livings. A Conservative. Gon

tested the borough in 1 882 w ith Qladstone, esq. 8,

Carl ton . t"l z

Darby , George. (Sussex , E ast)8 . of the l ate John Darby, a m erchant in London. A barrister. O f

Conservative principles. First chosen for the County at the general

election in 1 887 , when hecam e in at thehead of the pol l , defeating Mr.

H . B . Cuneis, the l ate m em ber. 10, K ing’s Bench Wa lk, Tem p l e,

Harbley , Sus sex .

Dashwood, George Henry. Wycom be)El d . s. of Sir John Dashwood King, bt. hi . in 1828 , El izabeth , d . of

Theodore Henry Broadwood, esq . Another son of 8 1: J. D . K ing is

m arried to a sister ofMr. Leader, M . P. forWestm inster. Unsaoeessfni l y

contested the County of Books on a form er occasion. A Libeh l . 5,Char les-st. , Grow m or-sq. W es tW ycom be, Bucks .

Davies, David Arthur Saunders. (Carm arthensh )8 . ofD . Davies, esq . MD . by Susanna, d . ofE rasm us Saunders, esq. oi

Pentre, Pem brokesh . B . 1 792 , m . in 1 826 , E l izabeth l as ia, d . of 001.Phil ippa, oi

'Wil l iam ston, Pem brokesh . Graduated AM . at Christchurch ,Ox ford ; is a barrister-at-l aw . A Conservative. Was returned foa' Carm arthenshire w ithout a contest in 1842, on the vacancy caused by thehath ofMr. Jones. United Universi ty Pa dre, Pem brebssh .

fi w - s'


Dem y, Hon. Wil l iam Henry. (Rut landsh )Bid. s . of Visct. Downe ; b. 1 812 . A Conservative. First returned for

the co. in 1 84 1 .-0¢sr lton 80, Upp er B roobe-st. Bem tt



Dawson, Hon. Thom as Vesey. (Louth )8 . of second Lord Crem orne ; b. 1819. A Lient . in the Guards. A

Liberal ; first returned for the 00 . in 1841 . 8 , Stanhop e-st. , May F a ir

Gtsarde ; Reform .

Denison, Edm und. (‘Yorksht


ra West Riding)Six th s . of the l ate Sir John Beckett, bart., and, therefore, bro . oi


the m em ber for Leeds . 8 . 1787 ; m . in 1814 , d. ofWm . Beverl ey, esq. ,

and then assum ed thenam eof Denison incom pliancew ith thewi l l of a

relativeof his w ife. A m agistrate and deputy-iient . of theWest R iding.

A Conservative. F irst returned to: the co. in 1 841 . Ca r l ton ; Don

caster, Yorbals. w “i {W v1 . 4.“ ir“ "3

Denison, John E vel ynfl Ma l ton) LA distant relation of theMem ber for Surrey ; m . in 1 827 Charl otte, 8rd

(1. of the Duke of Portland. Was a Lord of the Adm iral ty tor a short

period site: the breaking up of the Liverpool Adm inistration. A l te

form er ; a fi end to the present com l aws and the septennial act. I s

Patton of2 l ivinga. Hewas elected forNottingham ah . in 1881 , in oppo

aition to Adm iral Sothen a , who had Opposed the first Reform Bil l ; was

returned at the sam etim eh r Liverpool , bnt elected to sit for thecounty.

8s t for Hastings item 1826 to 1 880. F irst rebarned t’

or theborough in

1841.— 108 , Pal l Ma l l O sstngtossHa l l , N ottingham sh .

Denison, Wil l iam Joseph. (Surrey, West)Uncle to the 2nd Marq . oi

Oonynghatn. I s patron of 2 l ivings .

A Banker; ofWh ig principles ; is in favour of thepresent corn l aw s,

short Parl iam ents , the repea l of theAssessed T ax es and thesubstitution

of a graduated Property Tax ; and a currency based on gol d or sil ver.

Has sat for the county since 1818 .— 90, P au l a“, Reform Clu b


es , Surrey .

Dennistoun, John. (G las ow)8 . of Jam es Dennistonn, esq., er, ot

Go l fHil l , Gl asgow . B . 1808 ,

at . in 1888 , d. of Sir H. Onslow , bt. A banker. A deputy-l ient. of La

narksh . ; has property inLouisiana. A Radical Reform er. First returned

in 1885.— 88, Grosvenor-p l . Broobes ’s .


E yncourt, R t. Hon. Oh. Tennyson. (Lam beth)8 . of the late George Tennyson, esq . of Ussel by, L ineol nshire

m . the only child of the Rev. John Hatton. A ssum ed the surnam e

of D’Eyneonrt, by letters patent, in 1 885, pursuant to his father’s

w il l . A Barrister. For a short tim e, in 1 882 , was clerk of the

Ordnance. A Radical Reform er ; infavourofhouseholdsafihage, triennial

Parl iam ents, the bal lot, and the abol ition oi“

private patronage in the

n .“ M W

144 110083 or commons .

Church . Bat forGreat Grim sby in theParl iam ents of 1818 and 1820; for

Bletchingley, them 1826 to 1881 , when he was elected for Stam ford in'

opposition to the candidate favoured by the friends of the M arq . of

E x eter; fortheborongh since 1882.— 5, A Ibem a rle-st . d ost

’eHa tter,

L im ehu he

D ick, Quintin. (M a iden)B . 1 780. Son ofanem inent m erchant ; took a degree in theUniversity


Dnbl in ; was cal led to the Irish Bar. An East India Pm pnetor. Is

patron of 1 l iving. 01’

Conservative principles. Is in favour of the

repea l of the l l al t T ax and of the substitution of a Pm perty fl at

for West Looe in 1 804 ; for Cashel in 1 807 ; vacated in 1 809 , and

rem ained out of Parl iam ent t111 1826 , when hew as returned forO x ford

has sat for M aldon since 1828 .— 20, Curs on-sa, Hayfa s

r ; Cad “.

Layem tam ey, E s sex .

D ickinson, Francis Henry. (Somersel sh. West)111 . d. ofthe lateGen. Carey. A m agistrate and deputy-l ient . ot theco .

A Conservative ; first returned for thecc. in 1 84 1 , having been an an

snocessfnl candidate at the general election in 1887 . Ca rl ton K ing’s

Weston, Som ersetsh .

Disrael i, Benjam in. (Shrewsbury)E ld. s. of1 . D’israel i , esq. , P. 11 .8 . ofBradenham House, Backs .

B . Dec. 1805, m . in 1889 M ary Anne, (1. ofJ. Evans, Esq. , and w idow of

W . Lew is, Esq ., who previousl y represented Maidstone A m agistrate

for thecounty ofBucks . Is author ofViv ian Grey , Contartm‘

F lem ing,

and various otherworhs offiction; ofa Vindication qftl seBstgl ish Con

s titu tion, addressed to Lord Lyndhurst ; and reputed author of The

G a l l om a m‘

a , TheLetters of Runnym ede, The Sp irit ar“W n s

m ,

&c. A Conservative. Represented Maidstone in the Parl iam ent of

1887 .— 1 , Grosvenor Gate, Park L ane ; Carl ton .

D ivett, Edward. (En ter)81 . 1 886 , d. 01 0 . Ross, esq. ; ofWh igprincipl es ; is in favour of the

M ot and short Parl iaments . Has sat for the borough since 1882

Reform Club ; Bystoek, Devon.

Dodd, George, P.S.A . (Maidstone)M . d. of the l ate Joseph Sanders, esq. Is a com m issioner of Lien

tenancy for London, a Dep.-Lient. for M iddlesex , a m anager of the

Roya l Institution, one of the Council of theZoological Society, anda director of several publ ic com panies. First elected for the hot . in

184 1.— 26 , Mentum s-sq. C”


Douglas, Sir Charles E urw iche, C .M .G . Warw ick8 . 1806 ; m . in 1882, Jane, 6 . ofSir Charles Des Voeux , bt. Was to

Secretary to the E arl of R ipon, when his Lordship was Secretary ofS tate for the Colonies in 1 880, and retired w ith that noblem an when

seceded tron Bari Grey's governm ent in 1884. Hol ds the honorary

146 House or oom tous .

Is Viw b ient. oi'

Perthsh . Is anther of a work on theCoarse orBdnoation pursued in theUniversity ol t


ord , in repl y to an article in the

E dinburgh Review . A Conservative. 8st for St irl ingsh . in theParl ia

m ents of 1 821 , 1 826 , and 1880. fi rst returned for the 1840. Took

thedegreeof B . C. L . at Ox ford. Ca rl ton, Union B la tr—Drsm soad ,

Perthsh .

Duff, Jam es. (Banf shE ld . s. of Lt. -Gen . theHon. 811 A l ex ander Dafl

, G who is heir

presum ptive to his Br. theEarl ofFife. B . 6 Ju l y, 1814 . Bwane m em

ber tor thecounty at thegeneral election in 1887 , in opposition to Capt .

Ferguson of Pitt‘

orce, the form er “ bet . Holds a diplom aticsituation

under governm ent . 01 l iberal politics . 80, Pa l l Ma l l Ih lyatyCa stl e, A berdeem h .

Duflield, T hom as , D.C .L . (A bingdon)M . 1 st, 11. of Robert Cary E lwes, esq., 2ndl y, 1888 , d

Rnshbrooke ; is a Dep .—Lient . ofBerkshire. A Conservative. Succeeded

Mr. John Maberly, who represented the borough from 1818 to 1 882.— Carl ton l areha m Park, Berks .

Dugdale, Wm . Stratford . Warwickshire, N orth)Onl y a. of Dngdaie Stratford Dngdale, esq . oi’ Mem ale Hail ,War

w ickshire, (Patton of 1 l iving.) who m arried Charlotte, d. of Viset.Carson ; b. 1 801 ; m . in 1827 , Harriet-El la, d. ofthe l ateE . B . Postm an,

esq. ot'

Bryanstone, co. Dorset, and sister of Lord Portm an. A

T rustee of Rugby School , and Capt. ot'

theWarwickshire yeom anry .

A Conservative sat forBram ber in 1881 , and beibrethat torShattefln ryh r the county since 1882.

—50, Bert eb y-sq. , Carl ton; 8m mW m iclrsh.

Duke, Sir Jam es. (Boston)8 . ofMr. John Duke, m erchant oi


Monttose. Entered the Civil De

partm ent of theRoyal Navy at an earl y age, under Capt. 811 PeterPar

ker, bt. Was w ith the late Lord Ex m outh when Com ander-ih -Chiet

in the Mediterranean, and w as 8 11 c to the late Adm iral 81: John

Gore at thecloseof thewar. Com m enced his comm ercial career in Lon

don in 1819 ; was chosen Sheril'

of London and Middlesu in 101111,having theprevious year been appointed a m agistrateforM iddlesex . I s

an A l derm an of London. First el ected for the borough in 1887 . Is of

Whig principles , favourable to the bal l ot, and to the shorter duration

of Parl iam ents, bu t opposed to any al teration in thepresent 001 1: Laws .

— Susse.s-p l ., Regent’s t . Reform and City Cl ubs .

Duncan, George. Dundee)B . 1791 . Has been a m erchant in the borough, bat retired in 1831 .

Was m ainly instrum ental in intm dncing Steam N avigation betweenDundee and London. First returned in 1841 . A L iberal . Reform ,

D nncan, Visct. (Ba th)“

t ld. s . of the E arl of Cam perdown, and grands. oi A dm iral 1 st V ist .

MJ110088 or commons . 147


Duncan. 8 . 1812 ; n . d. ofG . R . Phil ips, esq . A Reform er, and pledged

to support the bal lot. flat for Southam pton in theParl iam ent of 1887 .

B roobes’

s Camp erdown, F od‘

arst q Gleueagles , Perthsh .

YDnncom be, Hon. A rthur. (Eas t Retford)Second surviving s . of 1 st Lord Feversham ; b. 1806 ; 1n. 1n

J. W . Field, esq . A Capt . in theN avy . Groom in waiting to theQueen.

A Conservative. Was elected for East Retfim l , in 1830 but l ost his

sea t at theensuing election, in consequenceof his opposition to the first

Reform B i l l . Was reelected 1 11 1885.— Carl ton B ishop F iel d , N am .

»D uncom be, Hon. O ctavius. Yorksh. , N orth R iding.

F ifth s. of the 1st Lord Feversham . B . 1817 ; m . 1842, Lady Em i lyCarol ine, el d. d. of 1st E arl ofCawdor (she was born A L ieat. in

the 1st LifeGuards, and a Deputy-Lient . of Huntm gdonshire. A Con

servative. Firstelected for theN orth R idingwhen h is brother (theformer

m a sher) succeeded to the Barony of Feversham , im m ediately after the

general election in 1 841 . 24 , A rl ington-etreet ; Car l ton Westerda le,

Yarkah . W ares leg Pa rk, Hm tttngdom ls.

D uncom be, Thom as Sl ingsby. (F insbury)E111 . copgrove, nearBoroughbridge(hr. of

1st Lord Feversham ), who 1s Patron of 2 l iving-s . A Radical Reform er; is

in favouroftriennial parl iam ents, thebal lot, the abol ition of s ineearea,and thepurification of the Pension List. Sat for Hertford in severai

Pariiam ents , previons to 1882 , in which year he w as ejected by LordsM ahon and Ingestre, under the influence of the Marq. of Sal isbury ,

hat the electionwas subsequentl y decl ared void. Has sat forFm sbnry

since 1884 — 6 A l bany Courty ard Reform Club .

D undas, Dav1d. (Sa therlandsh. )8 . of Jas . Dundas oi Ochtertyre. B . 1799 ; is at Queen'

s Counsel . OI

l iberal pol itics. F irst returned for the county in Apri l , 1840, without

opposi tion.-18 , K ing

’s Bench W a l t , Tem p l e.

Dundas, Frederick. (N airn, O rkney and Shetland)Bid . surviving s. of the l ateHon. Charles LawrenceDandas. B . 1 802 .

E lected w ithout opposition in the room of Mr. Bal four, the l atem em ber.

A Reformer. 24 , Hanover-sq.

D undas , Jam es Whitley Deans. (Greenw ich)8 of James Deans, esq. MD . of Calcutta ; b. 1 785 ; assum ed the sup

nam es of Whitley and Dundee on his m arriagew ith his first cousin,Janet, only 11 . of the l ateLord Am esbnry. A Rear Adm iral oftheB lue.

Has been a Lord of the Adm iral ty ; a Dep . L ient . t‘

or Berks. Is patron of

1 l iving. OfWhig principles. Unsnccessih l iy contestedQaeenborongh in1 881 ; represented Greenwich in theParl iam ent of 1882 . Unsuccessth l l ycontestedDevizes in Nov. 1835, w ith M x . Estcourt, bnt succeeded in Feb

1 888 , on the resignation of SirP. Durham , and continued to sit for that

Borough ti l l 1887 ; htat elected for Greenw ich in 1841 . —9, BM fl -JL ,

P ortm an-sq . Ba rton Court, Berks .

x 2

U m

148 1161183 or commons ;

Dundas, Hon. John Charles. (Richm ond)Second s. of l ateLord Dundas ; b. 1809 . A Barrister. Lord-L ient . of

Zetl and. A Bethuner. 8s t for R ichm ond from 1880 til l 1885, w hen

he w as elected for York ; te-elected for theborough in 1841 .— 2, P l ow

den Temp le; Brooken's, Travel lers

, Junior Universi ty ,and Reform Cl u bs .

Dupre, Ca ledon George. (Buckingham sh )E 111. s . of]. a té, esq., cous in of the Earl ofCaledon ; h. 1 817 iirst

retun ed for thecc. in 1839 . A Conservative.- 40, Portland-p l W“

ton Bu cks .

East, Jam es Bu l l er, D.C .L . Winchester)3 111. s . of the R ight Hon . Sir Edward Hyde East , hart b nnerl y

Chief Justice at Calcutta ; b. 1789 ; 111 . in 1822 Carol ine E l iza , 2d d . of

1 . Henry Leigh, esq. ofStoneiey Abbey,Warwickshire, by theHon. Jul iaTw isel ton Fiennes, sister of thepresent Lord Say and 8e1e. A Conser

vative. Succeeded his father in the representation of the eity in 1 880

w as thrown out in 1882, but reelected by a l argem ajority in 1835. 99 ,

E a ton-sq. 1 Carl ton A dl estrop Hou se, Od ordsh. Hinehenden

Easthope, Sir John, Bart. (Leicester)B . 29ih Oct., 1784 ; 111 . Ann, d. of Jacob Stokes, esq. of Leopard , near

Worcester, dead. Is a proprietoroftheMorning Chronicle new spaper,

a Director of theCanada Land Com pany , and Chairm an of the United

Mex ican M ining Com pany. Ofl iberal opinions ; gaveno pledges . Was

form erlyMem ber respectivel y for St. A lban’

s and Banbury . Contested the

borough of Lewes withou t success against theHon. H . F itzroy, prior to

the l ast general election. 19, Grqfl on-st.; Reform and Wyndham

Clubs F irm s, Weybridge.

E astnor, Visct. (Reiiate)

El d. s. of Earl Sonnets ; 1 819 . A Conservative ; first returned for

the borough in 1840, when his father succeeded to a pem ge. 8, St.

Jam es ’s-sq. Carl ton Reiga tePriory, Sunn y.

E aton, Richard Jefl'

erson. a m brt'

dgesh. )B id. s. ofR ichard Eaton, esq., w o is Patron of 1 l iving, a banker at

Newm arket, and m agistrateo! thecounty ; b. 1 806 ; m . in 1889 d. of J.

Conyers, esq . A Capt . in theAnny. Has church patronage. A Conserva

t ive. Stated in his Address, that heshou l d go to Parl iam ent oenvim d

that the agricul tural interest was not hal trepresented. Ca rl ton, T ra

vel lers'

, Junior United Service 801-c 311 Part , 06 111511390 11.

E brington, Visct. (Plym outhgE ldest s. ortheEarl Portescue; b. 1 18 . Has been StateSteward to the

Lord Limi t. of Ireland ; a Dep. Lient. ofDeyoneh . A Liberal . F irst tetnrned for the Borough in 184 1 .

— 0a stleHal , Devon .

Reefton, Rt. Hon . Lord Francis. (L ancashire, South)1 1 surviving e. oi


ths 1 st Dukeoi Satherland ; took thenameoi l ’ s

n aant to the w il l of the l ateDukeofBridgewater. B . 1800 ; In.

150 HOUSE or 00111 110818 .

E l l is,Wynn. (Leicester11 descended l ineal ly am ugh s.

Sm ithson, Esq. and niece of Charl es Pearson, E sq., of T ankertm’

t . I s

of l iberal pol itics ; in favour of bal lot and an ex tension of thesatfl'


Was flrst retam ed tor theborough in 1881 , but did not come into Par

l iam ent in 1885. Was returned in 1 889 on therefi rem ent of M r. Duch

worth . 80, Ca dogan-p h ; Refom C lub 1 Ponsbom h , Her“

ofAdm .

Elphinstone, who defeated the Turkish neet at thebattle of Tchesm e

nephew of R .Warburton, esq . ; b . 1804 ; m . in 1829, E l izabeth Jul ia,youngest d . of the l ateE . J. Cnrteis, esq. oi

‘ Windm il l Hil l , Sussex . Is

a Magistrateand Deputy-L ient . for thecounty of Sussex . Is a barrister,

and practises as an Advocateat Doctors’ Com m ons . A Radical l tefom er;

votes for the bal l ot, short parl iam ents, ex tension of the suffrage, repeal

of theCorn Laws, and free trade. Unsuccessfal ly contested Hastings in

1 882, but represented that borough from 1 885 til l 1837 ; contested Liver

pool in 1887, and w as defeated by only a few votes ; first returned for

Lewes in 1841 .- A tlm t¢eum , Reform , 1 7, Batonp lace; 1, Col lege,

Doctors ’ Com m ons 1 OreP l ace, Su ssex .

E m l yn, Visct. (Pem brokesh )El d. s. of theEarl Cawdor ; b. 1817 ; m . in 1842, d. ofHon. 001. Cam

dl sh, and grand-d. of1st Earl oO arl ington. A nep.-Lient . ofCarm arthen

shire. A Conservative. First returned for thecc. in 184L—Carl toss; 74,South A ud leyoet. Stackpole Court, P em brokesh .

E scott, Bickham . Winchestet )8 111 s. ofRev T . Sweet Escott ; b . 1800; m . in l s25, d. ofBev.Wal ter

Trevel yan w as in thesam e year cal led to the her. A Tory, but no

pledges ; a strong supporter of agricul tureand trade.” Stood i

or Ba ncr

set,West, against Mr. Sanford andMr. Tynte, and pol led 2226 plummet s.

i s authorofarepl y to Lord Brougham on Parl iam entary Reform ; and a

Letter to the farmers on the sam e snhject. 9, John-st, Berkeley-eq

Carl ton , Harstrow , Som erset.

E sm onde, Sir Thom as, Bart. (Wm ford bar.)8 . of John Kam ondo, esq. (2nd s . of 6 th hart .) B . 1786 ; m . d. of

Payne, esq. (she died in Is a Dep . L ieat. of the 00. ofWex ford

A Liberal . First returned fot the borough in 1841 .—Refenn 1 Ra l l y

naetra , co. W estford.

E stcourt, Thom as Grim ston Bncknal l , D.C.L. (Osfi rd

Universw)Father of Sotheron, M . P. ibr Deviaes 1 1n. d . and heiress of Joe.

Sutton, esq. , assum ed thenam eof Bnoknal l in com pl iancewith the w il lofhis uncle,W . Bucknal l , esq ., ofO x ley , B erta. Was Chairm an d Wi l tsQuarter Sessions- resigned in 1887. A barrister. 1s patronof 8 l ivings .

HOUSE or commons . 1 51

A Conservative; has sat for theUniversity since 1826 , before that for

Deviaes.—4 , Ba l m }. Car l ton; A thenam m E stcotsrt, G loucestersh.

E twal l , Ra1ph. (A ndover)8 . ofthe l ate 8 . E twal l , Esq. B . 1804. OfWh ig principl es, incl ining

to Radicalism ; in favour ofthe repeal of theCorn Law s and short par

l iam ents. Hew as first elected (or the borough, in which hehadO

snfl cient

influence to becal led oneofits Patrons, in 188 1 , and voted tor the8 6 011 11

Act, al so for w ru ngton’sgpgtion. [A nm er ’

s Hotel ; Brook e’s 1


ord and Cam bridge Univers ity, and Reform Cl ubs L ongstock

D own, Ha ssl e.

Evans, Wil l iam . (Derbyshire, North)B . Jan. 1788 ; m . in 1820 M ary, d. of the Rev. Thom as Gisborne, of

Y ox hal l Lodge, Statb rdshiredand sister of the late Mem ber. Holds

l iberal opinions. Bat for l tetford in 18 18 and 1 820; and for Leicester in13301 1331 , and 1832. A Ik streeHa l l , Derbysh .

E wart, Wil l iam . (D umfi'ies dist. )

8 . of a m erchant and broker at Liverpool . A Mem ber ofthe Counci l

of University Col lege. A barrister. A radical Reform er; in favour

of throw ing open corporations, a thorough reform in the Church , the

abol ition of theCorn Laws , triennial Parl iam ents, and thebal l ot. Sat

for Liverpool from 1880 to 1887 , and before that for B letchingl y .

Was elected for Wigan in 1 839, on the retirem ent ofM r. Potter.—16 ,

E a ton-p l ., Belgrave-sq.; W oseley


l l , L anca sl t .

Farnham , Edward Basil . icestersh. North)E ld. s. of the l ate Edward Pam esq. of a rndon, (High Sheriii

for the county in who m . in 1 795, Harriet d. and co-heiress of

the Rev. Dr. Bhadde, one of the chapl ains in ordinary to George III .

The fam il y have hel d thea rndon estates since the reign of Baw . I .

B . i 9th of Apri l , 1799. Is a Deputy Lient . for Leicestersh . Chosen

w ithout opposition at the general election in 1887 . A Conservative.

Quon sdon House, L eicestersh.

Feil den, Wil l iam . (B lackburn)B . 1772 ; m . 1797 Mary Hanghton, the l ate E dm und Jackson,

esq . M m ber of the House of Assem bl y, Jam aica. A m anuihctnter, a

m erchant, and nativeof B lackburn. A Dep .-Lient . for the co. of L an

caster. Entertains Whigprinciples ; is opposed to al l m onopol ies, l n

cluding that ofcorn ; is favourabl y incl ined to thebal l ot ; doesnot think

household snil'rage and shortening theduration of Parl iam ent necessary

at present. Has sat for theboroughl since 1882. q‘

scow l es, L an

oa shs'


Fel lowes, Edward. (Huntingdonshire)8 . ofWm . H . Fel lowes, esq. , by Em m a, 11. of the l ate Richard Benyon,

esq. , oi“

Englefiel d House, Berks. 8 . April 14, 1809. Was l ately in the

15th Hnssars. 1s a m agistrate, and Deputy Lient. for the county of

Huntingdon. A Conservative; but al togethernnpledged . 8 , Montagu

sq, Junior United Service Ram sey A bbey, Rants , Haverland

152 noose op commons.

Ferguson, SirRobert Alex ander, bt. (Londonderry,city)11. 1782. Lot ti Lieutenant of Londonderry county. 01

'Whig princiP‘u . incl ining to Conservatism . He voted , however, forLoni Borington’

s m otion, ex pressive ofconiidence in theGrey Adn inifi atim . Has

ad for thecity since 1880.—The F arm , co. Derry .

Ferguson, Robert.hSKi

rka l dy Dist.)8 . ofthe lateSir Rona Ferguson, and nephew of the latenobt

gaaon, esq. oi’

naith . Is aL ients co l . in thearm y . I s favourableto the

abol ition oftheCorn-l aws, ex tensionof the m i rage, andeducation toal l

cl asses and creeds.”


Bacceeded his uncle in the representation of this

district in 1841 . 2, Bol ton-rota 1 Brookea’. and Reform 0M " Ra !“

Ferrand, W1 l l iam Busfeild. (Knaresborough)B id. s. of C. P . Bnaieild, esq. and nephew ofWal ker l lam a, esq. 04

Harden Grange, upon whosedeath he assumed the nameof Pa rana, in

com pl iancewith thewi l l ofhis ancestor, Benjam inFerrand, esq . B . 1 809 .

I s a M agistratefor theWest Riding, and anOfl eer in theYotksh . Il lus

sars. A Conservative. Unsuccessial iy contested the borough of Brad

ford in 1887 . Took an activepart in support oftheTen Honrs’ F actory

B il l ; and is strongl y opposed to theharsh cl as ses oftheNew PoorLaw .

- C'onservatt

ve Cl ub 1 Harden Grange, Yorksk.

Ffol l iott, John. (S l igo co.)Is descended 110111 a com m on ancestorwith the Ffol l iotts oi


tersh . B . 1798 ; m . d. of Herberfl l . Stepney, esq. oi’

Darrow , King's cc .

Is patron of 1 l iving. A Conservative, first returned for thecc. in Sept .

1 841 , on the appointinent of Col . Perceval , who had previous ly sat for

8 1130, to the once of Sa jeant-at-Am s to the House of Lords .-Con

sm a l t‘

os Club Hottybroob, co. S h’


F iel den, John. ( O ldham )A m erchant and m anufacturer. AR adical Reform er; is in favoar of

the bal lot, short Parl iam ents, and universal sal vage. 8st for the

borough in theparl iam ents of 1882 and 1838 .—Reform Club 1 M m

den , Yorksh .

F ilm er, Sir Edm und, hart. (Kent, West)8 . of the lateCapt. Film er, and nephew of the Rev . 8 11 John Film er,

dead, whom he succeeded in the baronetcy, on the 15th of Jul y, 1 884.Has taken thedegreeof A .h! . Was elected for thecountywithout oppo

aition on the retirem ent of SirWm . Geary, bt in March , 1888, in conse

quenceof il l heal th . Is a Conservative. Ea st Sutton , Km .

Fitzm aurice, Hon. Wil l iam Edward. (B ucks)Is onl y hr. of the 2naE at l oi O rkney, being a. of the lateVisct . K irk.

w al l . B . 1805 ; 111 . in 1887 , E sther d. of Henry Hart'

otd, esq. Was a

m em ber of Oriel Col lege 1 has served in theQueen’s Royal Lancers, and

is a Capt. in the 2nd LifeGuards. l s author of a Cru ise to Egypt.Palestine, and Greece,

”and has contributed many drawings for 1119Landscape Il lustrations of the B ible,” and forMr. Mu n ,“newm .’


"A Oonsen ative ; pledged to oppose any fia thea

154 HOUSE or commons .

F lower, Sir Jam es, hart. (The! 0rd)8 . ot the iirst bert ., by theel dest d. 0 Joseph Squire, esq. , of Ports

m ou th ; b. 1 794 ; m . in 181 6 , el dest d. of SirWal ter Stirl ing, bart . Fil led

the ofi ce ofSherifl’

ofNorfolk in 1 888. A Conservative. Was returned

(or theborough in 1841 , in conjunction wi th theEarl ofE aston, (havingpol led the sam e num ber of votes) ; but w as decl ared du l y elected by a

com m ittee, and the Earl of E aston unseated . L055 Farm , O x on

W oodford, E s sexIFol lett, Sir Wil ham Webb. (En ter)

8 . of Benjam in Fol lett, esq. ; m . 1 880 d . of sir Harding om ,

l ateChief Justiceof Cey l on. Sol icitor-Gcn. from Nov. 1 884 til t April ,1 885 ; was rea ppointed in Sept . 1841 . A Conservative. Unsaooessthl l ycontested theborough in 1 882 but was at thehead of thepo l l in 1885.

10, K ing's Bench W a l t , Temp le ; 6 , Park-st. W estm inster :

Carl ton, A thm am m .

V Forbes, Wil l iam . (Stirl ingsh )B . 1806 ; 111 . in 1882, d . 01 7th E arl ofWem yss. A O unsem tive ; re

presented the co. from 1885 tin 1887 1 reelected in July, 1887 , butunseated on Petition ; again el ected in 1 841. Cal iendor Hes se,

Forester, Hon. George Cecil Weld. (Wenlock)Br. and heirpresum ptive to Lord Forester; b. 1807. A capt. in the

HorseGuards, and has beenGroom oftheBedchamber. A Conservative;has sat for the borough since 1880. Carl ton W i l ley Part , Sa l op .

Form an, T hom as Seaton. (Bn’

dgewater)An Ironm aster. A Conservative. F irst returned for the borough in

1 81 1 .— E . 5, A l bany Um’

on, W ynd ham , P arthenon ; Pa tydar son

P lace, Gl am organsh .

Forster, M atthew . (Berwick-ou Tweed)A Merchant, Shipowner, and Underwriter in London. A Reform er.

F irst returned for the borough in 1841 . An advocate of treevtrade, a

fi x ed duty on corn, and a reduction of thedu ties on sagas and tim ber.

City Club, Reform 1 Bel l es’

s leHou se, Hm np stead .

Fox , Charles R ichard. Tower Ham lets)8 . of 81d Lord Hol l and ; b. 1 01 ; m . in 1824, LadyMary Pitscl arence.

A Lt.-Col . in the arm y ; has been Sm eyor-Oeneral ot’

theOrdnance. A

Liberal . Has sat forHorsham , forCalne, and forTavistock. Was returned

ibr8trond in 1831 , but accepted theChil ternHundreds to snake room for

Lord John Russel l . Unsuccessfnl ly contested Sandw ich on thedeath of

SirR . 8 . Dent in, a short tim eprevious to thedissolution in 1841 . F irst

returned for the Tower Ham lets in 1 841 .— q om s 1 Addison-rca d,

Fox , Sackvil le Lane. ( Ipswich)8rd s. ofJam es Fox -Lane, esq ., by the only 11. ofGeorgeLord Rivers 1

111. in mm , theLady Charl otteM ary AnneGeorgiana, onl y 11. of the61h‘re of Leeds. A Conservative. E lected and sat forHelstone in the

.re "w ax u w


1100SE or commons . 155

Parl iam ent of 1881 and 1 832 , and for Beverl ey in 1887 fi rst returned

for Ipsw ich in 1842. In the earl y part of that year, the election of Jul y1841 was decl ared void , and theproceedings of the saoceeding election

were attended w ith the sam eresu l t. Mr. Fox was subsequentl y returned

in conjunction w ith Mr. J. N Gl adstone. 8, St.Jam es’s-sq.; Carl ton

O ram -hou se, Yorksh.

F rem antle, Sir T hom as Francis, hart. (B uckingham , bor.)B . 1798 ; m . in 1824 Louise, el dest d. of Gen:S ir George N ugent, ht .

of Westthorpe House, Bucks. A Baron of the Austrian Em pire; a

Director of the London and Westm inster Joint Stock Bank, and has

been a Metropol itanComm issioner ofLunacy. Secretary to theT reasury

from Dec. 1 884 til l April , 1885 ; again appointed to that ofllce in

Sept. 1841 . Has sat for theborough since 1826 . 2 ,Eaton-p l .; Car l ton

Swanbum , Bucks . P N

French, Fitzstephen. (Roscom m on co.)Dr. of Lord DePreyne3 m . in 1 889 Charl otte Bennett, niece of the

Earl of Tankervil le; h. 1801 . Obtained several science prem ium in

Col l ege. His father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, and other

m em bers of his fam il y, have represented the county . O i Whig principles ; is in favour of short Parl iam ents. Did not vote on Mr. 0’


nel l 's motion in 1 884, for the Repea l of the Union. Unsuccessm l l ycontested Sl igo w ith Gen . King in 1 829. Has sat for the cc. since

1832 .-at. Breakag

e”, L ough Erra

tt, co Roscom

m on . WFu l ler, Augustus E l iott. (Sussex , ast)


B id . 3 . of John Trayton Ful ler, esq . form erly of Heathfiel d Park, Sus

sex , by the only (1. of the l at Lord Heathfield ; is ol d. hr. of Sir T . T . P .

13. Drake, hart . m . in 1 801 , d . ofOwen P. M eyrick , E sq . I s a

M agistrate and Dep.-L lent . of thecc . ; Patron of l l iving. A Conserva

tive. St . Jam es ’s ; United University , AUred ; R ose


l l and A skdown House, Su ssex .

Gaskel l , Jam es M ilnes. (Wenlock)Onl y s. of the l ate m em ber for M aldon of that nam e; 11 1810 ; m .

1882, M ary, 2nd d. of the Right Hon. 0. W. W .Wynn. I s a Lord ofthe T reasury. Has sat for the borough since 1 882 .

— 28 A , A l bem ar l e

st. , Carl ton ; Thm m s Hou se, Yarbeh .

Gibson, T hom as M il ner. (M anchester)Onl y s . ofMajor Thom as M ilner Gibson, of the s7th regt. B . 1807

m . in 1882, d. of theRev. Sir T hom as G . Cnl l nm , hart . Is a l iberal . Sat

for Ipsw ich in the earl y part of the Parl iam ent of 1 887 . In 1 839

accepted the Chiltern Hundreds , stood a contest, and w as not el ected

unsuccessfu l l y contested Cam bridge in 1889 ; first returned forManchester

in 184 1 ; was a wrangler at Cam bridge. Oxford and Cam bridge

Univers ity Club Thoberton Hou se, m u .

G il l , Thom as. (Plym outh)8 . ofJohnG il l , esq. banker; b. 1788 . A m erchant and m anufacturer

a Magistrate of Devon, a Director of theWest of Engl and A ssn!

156 HOUSE or commons .

Company . Is opposed to m onopol ies and protecfi ire duties, ex cept forthepurposes ofrevenue ahostile to church-rates as far as dissenters are

concerned, a lso to thebuil ding of churches at the publ icex pense. 0011

sidering the property of thechurch am plefor every legitim ateobject . A

supporter of the Bal lot, if el ectors cannot otherwise be protected .

q orm Crescent, P lym outh .

Glam R ight Hon. Wil l iam Ewart. (Newark )8 . of John G ladstone, esq., theLiverpool m erchant (who is a Church

patron, and aWest and East India Proprietor) . M . d. of Sir 8 . G l ynne.

Was appointed a Lord of the T reasury in Dec. 1884 , bnt on the Hon.

Mr. 8 . Wort ley, who had been appointed Under Secretary for the

Colonial Department, fail ing to obtain his seat, he was transferred to

that situation ; resigned in A pril , 1 835 ; appointed Vice President

of the Board of Trade and M aster of theM int in Sept. 1841 . Has‘


for the borough since 1832. Ca rl ton.

G ladstone, John Neil son. ( Ipswich)

8 . of JohnGladstone, esq . ofLiverpool , and hr. oftheR t. Hon.Wm . B .

Gl adstone. B . 1 807, m . in 1 889, d. of Sir Robt . B ateson, ht. I s a Lient .B .N . A Conservative. Sat forWalsal l in 1840 and 1 841 . F irst returned

for Inswich in Aug . 1 842 . In the early part of that year the election of

Jul y 184 1 was declared void, and the proceedings of the succeeding

election w ere attended w ith a sim il ar resu l t. M r. G ladstone w as subse

quently returned in conjunction w ith M x . Lane Fox . 8, Carl ton-gar

dens A tlm m m m , Ca rl ton Fra sqm , K inoardim sha’


G l ynne, Sir Stephen Richard, hart. (F l intshire)B . 1807 . A Dep .

-Lient. oi‘ F l intshire. Sat for the 00. in the parl ia

m ents of 188 1, 1882, 1885, and 1 837 ; was not returned in 1841 , h t

succeeded on petition. A Conservative. Carl ton ; Hawardin Ca stl e,

F h’

ntsh .

Godson, Richard.

6 th s. ofthe l ateW .

B . i9th June, 1797 ; m . in 1 826 Mary, only 0. of the l ate Henry Har

greaves, esq ., of Springfiel d Hal l , near Lancaster. A Queen's Counsel .l s author of a Practical Treatise on the l aw of Patents for Inventions

and on that of Copyright. A Conservative Sat for St. A lban's in 1831

forKidderm inster in 1832 ; nnsuccessthl ly contested theborough in 1836,

and cam e in for it at thehead of thepol l , at thegeneral election in 1887 .

When form erly in Parl iam ent, hevoted for the Reform B il l ; theenan

cipation of theJew s, and of theNegroes ; against the adm ission of Dis

senters to theUniversities ; and against theAppropriation cl ause. Was

aWrangler at Cam bridge. 1 1, K ing's Bench W a l l : 80, Grosvenor

p l . 3 Colonia l .

Gordon, Lord John Frederick, G .C.H. (Forfarsle)8 . of the M arq. ot

Huntl y ; b. 1799 ; m . 1 886 , sister of the Earl of" n nster. and rel ict ot

theHon. J. Kennedy Erskine. Is a Capt.“oral . First returned for theco. in 1841 . (Lady 1 . Frederick Gordon

£ 6 8 noose or com fohxs .

Gou l burn, R t. Hon. Henry. (Cam bridge University )8 . of MnnbeeGoul burn. of Portland Place, esq., and the Hon. Susan

Chetwynd, sister ofVisct . Ohetwynd . B . 1784 ; m . 181 1 Jane, 86 d . of

M atthew , 4th Lord Rokeby. A West Indiaproprietor. Has been Secre

tary for Ireland, Underm tary tor the Colonial Department, and w as

Chancel lor of the Ex chequer from 1828 til l 1880. Secretary for the

Hom e Departinent from Dec. 1834. ti l l A pril , 1 886 . Was proposed

for theofl eeofSpeaker in 1839 ; had 299 votes . Appointed Chancel l or

of the Eacheqner in Sept. 1841 . Sat for St. Germ ains,West Looe, uniother boroughs , ti l l 1828 , when he sat for Arm agh til l 188 1 was then

elected for the University, which he had nnsneeessfhl ly contested in

1 826 w ith Sir John 00p ley <now Lord Lyndhurst) and Lord Pal m erston.

In 1 881 , Lord Palm crston and Lord Cavendish having voted for Ret ina ,

them . Has sat for the

ht. (Dorchester)Cousin to theEarl ofGal loway and to Visct. Garl ies b. 1792 ; n . 1819

Fanny, youngest d . ofJas . Cam pbel l , Esq. ofA rdinglass . Was First Lord

of theAdm iral ty, and a m em beroftheCabinet, from 1 880til l 1884, when

heretired on account of the ex tent to which it was intended to carry the

Reform of theIrish Church . l s Secretary of Statefor theHom eDepart

m ent. Is patron of 9 l ivings. A conservative, is in favourof the Corn

Laws ; Opposed to the bal lot and short Parl iam ents ; sat for Carl isle them1820 to 1 880; for Cum berland Bast born 1880 to 1 887 . E lected forPent.

broke dist. in 1888 , and for theborough in Gram m er I‘ tfi -i Qfl

' d pGranby, Marq. of.

Eld. surviving s. of theDuke of Rntl and, by the lady E l isabeth, 6thd. ofFrederick, 6th Earl of Carl isle. Nephew of the present Earl , of

the noblem em ber for North Leicestersh . , and of the m em ber torSuthe

landsh . , and cousin germ an of Lord Morpeth . B . 1 8 M ay, 18 16 . Chosen

w ithout opposition tor the borough at the general election in 1 887 , in

pl ace ofGeorgeFinch, esq.. the form er m em ber, who retired. Of Con

servativeprinciples. Ca rl ton , d oc’

r Ca stle, L eiessh rsk.

G ranger, Thom as Col pitts. (Durham ci ty)-A Barrister. A Liberal . F irst returned for the city in 1841 , havingbeen an unsuccessful candidate at the el ections in 1886 and 1 881 - 12,K ing

’s Bench wa lk, Tem p le.

G rant, Sir A lex ander Cray, bart. sCam bridge)B . 1 782 ; is descended from the Grants 0 Dal vey ; w as educated at

8 t‘

. John's Col lege, Cam bridge ; was chairm anofCom m itteeofWays and

Means from 1898 to 1889 ; and one of theCom m issioners of the l oan! ofContronl during the adm inistration of Sir R . Peel . Was in Parl iamentR fl v ing the 20 years antecedent to the Bettina Act3 contested Great

w m m m . 159

Grim sby in 1835, and Honiton in 1887 ; first returned for theborough in

1840. 16 , Gram m er-st.

G rattan, Henry . (M eath) Y8 . of the cel ebrated Hen. Grattaxi . M . d. of Dr. Harvey . A barrister.

A Repealer. Sat for the city ofDubl in, in 1828 , havingbefore unsuc

eessih l l y contested it ; in 1880 hew as thrown out by M r. Shaw , the

Recorder of Dubl in . Was unsuccessful for the 00. of Heath , in 1831 .

Has sat for it since 1882 . Reform Cl ub . Moyra th, cc. Hea th .

Wigan)8 . of Edward Greenal l , esq. ofWiiderspool . B . 1796 ; m . in 1 821 , d .

ofWm . Pilkington, esq . 1s a glass m anufacturer and brewer, Director

of the Union PlateGl ass Com pany, and of the St. Helen‘

s and Ituneom

Gap Railw ay ; Patron of 1 l iving. A Conservative. First returned for

the borough in 1841, having been an unsuccessful candidate at the

election in 1887 .— St.Helen’

s N ew B righton, Cheshire.

G reenaway, Charles. (Leom inster)El d. s. ofG . Creenaway, esq ., oi


BarringtonGrove, G loucestershire. M .

in 18 18 Charlotte Sophia, youngest d. of R . H . Hurst, cm . A m agis

trate, and Deputy Lient. tor G loucestershire. or independent Wh igprinciples, and has given no pledges . Is A .B . ofCam bridge. Reform

Clu b 3 Harrington Grove, G l ouces tersh .


i iG reene, Thom as. (Lancaster) H

m . 1 820 Henrietta, 8rd (1 . of the R ight Hon . S ir Henry

Russel l , Bart. Is patron of 1 l iving. 1s Chairm an owom m ittees to the

House. Cal led to thebar, but never practised. Ah earnest advocatefor

the com m utation of tithes, having, in the years 1826 , 1827 , and 1 829 ,

brought in bil l s to effect that object . A Conservative; opposed to D is

senters graduatingat theUniversities. Has sat for theborough since1824

T ravel lers ’ Whitb'

ngtonHa l l ,W sstm orekm d Sim , L anea sh .

G regory , Wil l iam Henry. (Dubl in)Grands. oftheRight Hon.Wil l iam Gregory, m any years Under-Sec. to

theLoni-Lieut. ofIrel and. B . 1817 . A Conservative. F irst returned for

thecity in 1 842, on thedeath ofMx .West .— Om ~lton Cools P a rk, co.

Ga lw ay .

G rey, Right. Hon. Sir George, bt. Devonport)N ephew to Earl Grey, being the son ofthe l ate Sir0. Grey, hr. to the

E arl , Resident C om m issionerofPortsm outh Dock-yard, by M ary , sisterof

the l ateSam uel Whitbread, esq .M .P . B . 1799 m . 1827 Anna-Sophia, el d .

d . of the l ateB ishop ofL ichfiel d, and nieceof theEarl ofHarrowby . A

Barrister. Succeeded Mx . J. 0 . Shaw Lefevre asUnder Secretary for theCol onies in Ju ly , and hel d the oince til l Novem ber1884 . Resum ed his

situation in April , 1 885 ; was appointed Judge AdvocateGen. in 1839.

and Chancel lor of theDuchy ofLancaster in 1841 ,which heresigned onthe accession to ofliee of SirRobert Peel . Has sat ibr theborough since

1832 .-4 4, E a ton

-p l . , Reform Cl ub.

160 HOUSE or commons .

Grim sditch, Thom as. (M accleA l l ocal descendant of thefam ily of Grim sditehfl m tfld

there in thereignof Henry 1.1L , and possessor, by purehase, of Grim s

ditch Hal l ; thedirect m ale l inehaving become ex tinct. B . 1780. Is a

sol icitor of em inence in the borough , the representation of which he

contested in 1885, but l ost his election by a sm al l majority. A conserva

tive, is opposed to the new Poor Laws, but not tied down by anypledges.

” Park Brook, Haeek sfial d.

Grim ston, Visct. (Hertfordsh.

Bid. s. of the Earl ofVernlam ; b. 1809. A Conservative; sat for St.

A l bans in 1880; for Newport in 1881 , having been unsuccessfu l at St

A lbans ; tor the county since 1882 .—49, Grow m or-sq. Car l ie”

Gorham bury, Harts .

Grogan, Edward. Dubl in city) ,V

E l d. s. of the l ateJohn Grogan, esq.

y.Barrister 1 s a barrister. A Com

servatlve. F irst el ected for the city m 1 841 . Obtaina l honours at the

Dubl in University . 10, Hm m b sh , Dubl in.

G rosvenor, R ight Hon. Lord Robert. ( Chester)Third s. of the 1st Marq . of Westm inster; m . in 1 831 Char

l otte, eldest d. of 1st Lord Cowley. Com ptrol ler of theHousehol d from

1 830 ti l l Nov. 1 884. A Whig. Has sat for the city since18 B a ton

Q LrU J.

Guest, Sir Josiah John, hart. 721” !i Tgldvil )

m . in 1888, 9d a. of the ninth Earlgot L dsey . An iron

m aster, at Merthyr Tydvil . A Wh ig. Sat forHonitonin theParl iam ents

of 1826 and 1880, and for Merthyr Tydvil since 1882 . 18, Grosvenor

sq. A thenam m Reform Cl u b D ow laa’

s House, cc. Gasm an.

Ha le, Robert B lagden. (G loucestersh . West.)8 . ofRobertHale, esq. by Lady Theodosia Bleana , youngest sister of

thepm ent Earl ofMayo, and a descendant ofthecelebrated S irM atthew

Hale. A Conservative. 1s patron of 1 l iving. E lected for the county in

Jan. 1885; on thesuccessionof theM arq. ofWorcester to the Dukedon

of Beaufort. 1 6, Bolton-st ; Ca rl ton 3 A lderky Park, G louces

ters l t .

Ha l ford, Henry. Leicestersh. South)“

8 . of Sir H. Hal ter ht. of Wistow Hal l , 00. of Leicester, who i.

patron of 2 l ivings (form erly known as Dr. Vaughan the favouri te phy.

s lcian ofGeorge D. 1798 ; m . 1 824 hiscousin, Barbara, 98 M r.

JusticeVaughan. A Lient. in thearm y . A Conservative; is incl ined to

an ex tension of thecurrency . Has sat for the county since 1 839.— 16 ,

Curzon-st. Carl ton N ew ton Harcourt, Letcestersb .

Hal l , Sir Benjam in. hart. (Marylebone.

B id . s . of the l ate Benjam inHa l l , esq . som e tim eK .P. for Gl am organshire ; b. 1809 ; m . m ien A ugusta, d. and oo-heiress orthe late hen

flx ,

164 Hover.or commons.

Heathcote, Gil bert John. (Rutlandsh.) CB ld. s. of 8 11' O . Heathcote, bart . ; b. 1796 ; II . 1 897 Genentina

El isabeth , el dest d. of 19th LordWil loughby de Eresby. A m oderate

Reform er. flat forBoston in the Parl iam ents of 1890, 1 898 , and 1831 ;

and forL ineolnsh. them 1 889 ti l l 1841 . Stacker: Ha l l , Rutl andsl s.

Heathcote, SirWil l iam , Bart. (Ham s, North)Only s. ortheRev . Wm . Heathcote, Prebendary ofWinchester, who

was a. of SirWi l l iam Heathcote, bt. formerly m em ber for the m oa t]:and of the sameh m i ly w ith Sir Gilbert Heatheote, bt. 3 . 17th of May ,

1801 ; ia . 1 st, Nov. 1896, to the Han. Caroline Frances, youngest d. of

Lord Arden ; 9ndly, 1841 , d. of 8hiriey, esq. A Conservative.

Carl ton Hun k y Park, and M , Haunts .

Heneage, Edward. (Great Grim sby)9nd son of the l ateGeo. Robt. Heneage, E sq . Dr. toGeorge Fiaschi

B eneage, E sq., l ate mem ber for Lincoln, who had h im sel f sat for thisborough . There is m uch church patronage in the fam i ly. OfWh igprinciplesa—q om Cl ub Ham L incoln ’s. um

, 5; mHeneage, George Henea Walker. (Devizefi

Eld. s. of theRev. Geo.Wy of Speen, Berkshire; b. 1799 ; assum ed

thenam es ofWal ker Kenongo in 1 818 ; m . in 1894 , el d. d of Wi l l iamWebber, Esq. Is a m agistra te and Deputy-Lient. ofWil ts . A Conser

vative. 1s Patron of 6 l ivings . 14, Curson Carl ton ; Tra

vel lers ’ ; Comp ton Ba sset, m m .

late John Pal e, esq.

Hena ileer, Lord. (Sqfolk, East)An Irish Peer. B . 1 801 . tn. d. of L leut.-0en. SirEdwaxd Kerrison,

bt. l s patron of 7 l ivings. A Conservative. Has sat for the eonntysince1889 — 18, Carita s-forq Carl ton Am M ord Hom e,

Hepburn, Sir Thom as Buchan, Bart. (Haddingtom h.)B . 1804 ; m . 1888, Helen, d.ofA . Little, esq. of Shel donPark, Surrey.

Contested theB eddingtonDist. ofBurghs at thegeneral election in 1 837 .

InApril 1838 was returned w ithout opposition. on theelevationof LordRam sey to the Peerage. A Oonm ative. Car l ton . Sm eaton Hepburn, Haddtngtonsh .

eHerbert, Hon. Sidney

. Wil ts, South) v

Hal I-br. of theBal l of e; h. 1810. Is patron of 1 l iving. Hassat for the county since1889 . Is Sea etary to the Ad-in l ty.

— l , Gm !trm -st. Cariton W i l tonHou se, W i l ts .

Heron, Sir Robert, bt. (Peterborough)B . 1766 ; m . 1799, Am el ia, d . of Sir Horatio Mann, and grand-d of the

Earl orcainsborongh . 1s patron of 1 l lviu . A Whig. Has sat for theborough since 1890.

— Refom Club Stub!” Ha l l , Lhu ohu h.

HOUSE or commox s . 165f

Hervey, Lord A lfred. (B righton) 473 0 - 1 Js . of 1st Marq. of Bristol ; b. 181 8 . A Oonhervative. mm returned

for the borough in 1849, on M r. Wigney’s accepting theChi l ternHandreds. Carl ton.

Hil l . Rt. Hon. Lord Arthur M arcus Cecil . (Evesham )Third s . of the 9nd Marq. ofDownsh l re; b. 1798 ; m . April 19 , 1 837.

Louisa, youngest d. of 1 . Bl ake, esq. rel ated to Adm B l ake. Has been

Com ptrol ler of theHousehold. Was defeated at thegeneral election in

1887, but seated on petition is ofdecidedly l ibera1 0pinions ; represented

M M! Q

of the 1 st Lord Omnbernete. F irst elected in 1886 , in the room of his uncleLord ArthurHil l , who succeeded to theBarony of Sandys on thedeath of his mother

the Manchioness Dowager of Downabire. A Conservative. Carl ton

Hi l l sborough Cas tle, D osom h

Hinde, J61m Hodgson. (Newcastle-apon-Tyne)Assum ed the nam e of Hinde on succeeding to the estates of that

fam ily. B . 1 806 ; m . in 1833 d. and eo-heiress of A . Com pton, esq.

E lected on the death of Sir M . W. Ridley, bt. in 1 836 ; w as formerl yin Parl iament. A ConservatiVe. E l sw ick, N orthum berkm d.

Hindley, Charles. (A shton under Lyne)M . 1889, d. o! R . Port, esq . O i

' Whig principles, incl ining to

Radical ism . Contested the borough nnsaeeesstb l ly in 1889, in oppo

aition to 001. Wil l iams, a Radical , and M r. Hel ps, a Conservative. In

1 885, he succeeded against the sam e Opponents, and w as at the sam e

tim e an unsuccessful candidateatWarrington.—q om Cl ub Dubin.

fi el d, Cheek .

Hohhouse, R t. Hon. Sir J. Cam , bt. F .R .S. (N ottingham )B . 1786 ; m . in 1898, Ju l ia Tom l insonHay, d . ofGeorge, 7th Marq. oi

Tweeddale (sincedead). Is a partner in thehouse ofWhitbread and 00.

the London brewers . Has publ ished his Travel s w ith Lord Byron inGreece. Having been prom inently active in the causeofReform in 1818

and 18 19, and havingbeen sent to prison by theHouseof Com m ons in

the l atter year, from which he was onl y released at theend of three

m onths, by thedeath of George III . , hewas , in 1890, elected forWest

m inster. Succeeded Sir Henry Parnel l as secretary-abWar in 1839 ;

was shortl y afterwards appointed Secretary for Irel and, but resigned inMay 1888 , in consequenceofthegovernm ent resolving not to takeoff the

House andWindow tax es, and at the sam e tim e accepted the Chil tem

Hundreds, inorder togivehis constituents an opportunity ofex pressing

their opinion of his conduct for not voting in favour of that m easure.

Col . Evans, whohad unsuccessfu l ly opposed him in 1889, w as then te

turned forWestm inster. In 1884 he was elected for Nottingham , anc‘

shortl y afterwards appointed ChiefComm issioner ofWoods and Fore

166 HOUSE 01? commons.

which ofl ee he held til l Nov. of that year. President of the sawof Control tron April 1885 til l Sept. 1841 . Um eeessm l ly contested

Bristol in 1885, and was returned for theborough , which since then he

has continued torepresent.— 49, Berkeley-sq. ; A thm m and Reform

Cl ubs W estbury Ool t , G l oucestersh . Chm House, W i l l s .

Hodgson, Frederick. (B arnstaple)B . 1796 . Is a brewerand m erchant . A Conservative. and has given

no pledge. Bat fortheborough in 1894, 1896 , and 1831 . Again chosen

at the general election in 1 837 . 59, L ower Grom met , Oarl ton

Cla rm ee-lodge, Rocham p ton , Surrey.

Hodgson , R ichard. (Berwick)Dr. to J. HodgsonHinde, esq . m em ber for Newcastle-oh -Tyne. B. 1 st

April , 1 819 . Is a Onnservative, and a supporter of thetl 'eem en’s pri

vileges.- 18, Upper Broob-st. N ewcastle; and Stelh'

np-hafl , N orth

um berl and .

Hogg, Jam es Weir. (BeverleyM . 1899, d. of Sam uel Swinton, esq .

was cal led to thebar heproceeded to Calcutta , wherehepractised w ith

lnnch success, and l atterly held theonce of Registrar in theSuprem e

Court . An E ast India Director. A 00nservative.-40, Upper Gros

vm or»sh , Car l ton.

Hol l and, Robert. (Hastings)4th s . of the l ate Wil l iam Hol lond, esq. of Grosvenor-pl . B . 5th

Jan. 1808 ; m . in 1 840, d. of Thos. Teed, esq. A barrister ; is a Re

form er, pledged to support thebal lot ." Is A .hl . otCam bridge.

— q en a

and Clarence Cl ubs P a l l Ma l l A l legria , Sussex .

Holm es, Hon. Wm . Henry A she A’

Court. (I . ofWight. )B id. s . ofLordHeytesbury (who m . M aria Rebecca, consin


germ an of

thepresent Earl of Radnor) and nephew of Capt . A’Conrt, RN . m em ber

for Tam worth . B . Jul y 1 1 , 1 809 ; m . Oct 8 , 1 833, to E l isabeth , em . (I. of

the late Sir Leonard Worsley Hol m es , bart., and assum ed the name of

Holm es. I s a Conservative. Ca rl ton Westover, I s leofW ight .

Hope, A lex ander Jam es Beresford. (M aidstone)Youngest s. of the late T . Hope, esq. author of A nastatins,

" by d. of

1st Lord Decies (rem arried to Lord Beresford) . B . 1890; m . in 1849,theLady M ildred Cecil , el d. d. of 8th Marq. of Sal isbury. A “ Tory .


Gained a scholarship and several prizes at Harrow ; in 1840, theEngl ish

and Latin decl atnation prises at T in. Col l . Cam bridge, and in 1841 the

M em bers'D.A . prize for a Latin Essay . First returned for theborough

in 1841 .— 0a rl¢on A ret h a Hou se, ConnaugM-p l .

Hope, Hon. Charles . (L inl ithgowsh. )Br. of the E arl of Hopetown ; b. 1808 ; m . in 1 841 , Lady Isabel l a

Helen, el d. d. of 5th Earl of Sel kirk. Was ca l led to the Scottish barin 1 88 1 . Is a Ctm m l ssioner of Greenwich Hospital . A Conservative.

lO, Jm nyss-et” St. Jam es'


168 noose or oom mns.

Howard, Hon. Edward George G ranvil le. (Mometh)8 . of the Earl of Carl isle; 1809 ; a Capt. in the N avy ; a Whig .

First returned tor theborough in 1 840.— Ca stleHoward.

Howard, Hon. Henry Thom as. Cricklade)Second s.ofthe16th E arl ot

snfiolk ; b. 1808 . A Captd n theAm y . A

Wh ig. First returned for theborough in 1841 .- Bm w ’

s .

Howard, Hon. Jam es Kenneth . (M a lmesbury)8 . 0f the Earl of Suflol k and Berks ; b. 1814. Has been a Groom in

waiting to her Majesty . A Liberal . First returned for the borough

in 1 841 .—R¢fonn ; Charl ton, W i l ts .

Howard, Lord. (Shaftesbury)3 16 . s . oftheEarl ofBflingham ; b. 1806 ; m . in 1889 , d. ofSirGordo

Brenn end, G A Liberal . F irst returned for theborough in 1 841 .“ 22. W i l ton-ereseent ; E d am ; Barbe! Ha l l , Yorbah.

Howard, Phil ip Henry. (Carl isle)Bid. s. of Henry Howard, esq. of Corby Castle, co. Cumberl and, head

of a branch of the DukeofNorfolk’s fam ily ; b. 1 801 . OfWhigwin

ciples ; voted for the Reform Act ; is in favour of rel ievingD issentel s

item Church Rates. Has sat for thecity since 1880.—47 , Louver Brook

st. A them eum Corby Ca stle.

Only s. of the Hon. Hugh Howard and first cousin of the Earl of

Wickl ow ; m . 1887 Lady Fraser. A Dep .-Lient. of the county . or

Wh ig principles. Has sat for the county since 1899—8, Saetvi l le-s t.,

P iccadi l ly ; A tbm m ; Busbg P arb, W icklow .

How ick, Right Hon. Visct. (Sunderl and )Eld. s. ot

Earl Grey. B . 1809, m . in 1 889 d. of Sir Ias . Copley, bt .

Was Under Secretary for the Colonies from 1 880 ti l l 1838 , when he re

signed, not concurring in thepl an proposed for theem ancipafloo of the

sl aves. In thebeginningof 1 834 was appointed Under Secretary for the

Hom eDepartm ent, but resigned in Jul y of that year. Was Secretary at

Warfrom 1 835til l 1839. RepresentedWinchel sea in the Parl iam ent of1 896 , Higham Ferret s in that of 1830, Northum berl and North hon: 198 1

til l 184 1 . First returned for theborough in Sept. 1841 , when Mr. A l der

m an Thom pson took theChil tern Hundreds, in order to stand forWest

m oreland. 1 6 , Wm am P l ace Reform .

esq.wasAttom ey—Gen. to Queen El isabeth . B . N th Jul y, 1797 ; E . l oth

April , 1895, E l izabeth, w idow of HarryWom al d, esq., ofWoodhouseLeeds, and heiress orI . Nettleship, esq., of M attersey Abbey, N ous .

Was form a ly a barrister on theO x ford and Chestercircuits . Cam e ibrw ard in 1 884 for Oarnarvon, as wel l as for Beanm aris, but wi thdrew inM “

cases w ithout going to a pol l . Is friendl y to thep rincip led “

nous]: or commons . [7 1 b i r “16?PoorLaw Act ; is against the Bal l ot, Universal Bnfi age, and the Irish

fl anicipal Corporation B il l .—P l a scocb, A nglesey. c

Hum e, Joseph, F .R .SB. 1777 . A native of

feasten, but on proceeding to India w as , in a few years, em ployed in

thevarious oflees of surgeon, Persian interpreter to the arm y during

the Mahratta war, iron: 1809 to 1 807, Paym aster, Postm aster, &c. , dis

charging theduties attached to them in a way tocal l for thepubl ic thanks

of Lord Lake and other high ibnctionaries . Having real ized a ,com pe

tence, he returned to his native country in 1808. Theyear 181 0, and

part of 181 1 , he spent travel l ing in Spain, Egypt, Turkey, Greece, &0 .

Mem ber of the Col lege of Surgeons in Edinburgh and London ; VicePresident of theSociety ofArts ; Deputy Lient. oi

the 00. of M iddlesex ;

a magistrate in Westm inster, the counties of M iddlesex and N orfolk,

810. 810. An East India Proprietor. A Radical Reform er. Was returned

forWeym ou th in 1811 ; in 1818 was el ected for MontnoseDistrict, for

which hecontinued to sit til l 1 830, whenhe succeeded Mr.Wh itbread inM iddlesex , and represented that county til l thegeneral election in 1837 ,

when he was returned for Kilkenny ; w as not returned toParl iam ent at

thegeneral el ection in 1841 , but was elected in 1849, onMr. Chadw ick

Reform Club

Dyson, E sq. of Bedford.

Is Lord M ayor of the city of London ; a wharflnger and m erchant

in the Borough . A Radical Retorm r ; in favour of the bal lot , tri

ennial Parl iaments, fi ee trade, the repeal of the w indow tax , the

repeal of the tax es on know ledge and industry, the repeal of the

corn l aws , the abol ition of al l m onopo l ies , and such a reform in the

Church as w il l abol ish tithes, appropriate Church l ands to the pur

poses for which they were original l y intended, do away w ith pin.

ral ities, deprive theBishops of al l share in the tem poral governm ent

of the country, and pl ace the election of theclergy in thehands of the

parishioners, paying them according to theirduties and merits . Has sat

for the borough since 1889 .— The M ansion Hou se; Hay

’s Wha rf,

Tool ey-cl .; Reform Cl ub Clapham Com m on, Su rrey .

Hw y , T hom as. (Lyme Regis) YE ld. s. ofJohn Hussey, esq. , ofLym eRegii b. 1814. A Conservative.

Was not returned at thegeneral el ection in 1841 , but was seated on peti

tion in 1849, oustingMr. Pinney. 5, Oork-st. Carl ton Lym eRegis,

D on etsk.

Hntt, Wil l iam . Gateshead)B . 1808 ; m . in 1 8 1 , Mary, Countess of Strathmore, widow of the

l oth Earl . Has takenanactivepart inquestionsofComm ercial Reform ,

m useespecial ly with regard to theon ction ortheSound dues, and the

170 Houseor commons.

dues col lected by theCrownofHanoverat Stade, forwhich he received

the thanks ortheGeneral Sh ipowners’ Society. Represented Hul l iron:

Ingestre, Visct. C.B . (Staf ordsh. , South)8 16 . surviving s. of theEarl Talbot , and ln -in-l aw of the Han . of

Lothian. 3 . Nov. ln. Nov. a, xses, Lady Sarah E l izabeth , (1 . of

the96 Hart]. ofWaterford. A Capt. intheNavy; Lient.-Col . of theQueen’sown Best . ofStat ordsh . M il itia. Form erly sat for theCity ofDubl in. A

Conservative. Bub Hom e, O ld Bramp ton . Car lton Ingestre~Ha l l .

Ingl is, Sir Robt. Harry, bt. ( O xford University. )3 . 1786 ; m . 1807 Mary, el d. d. ofJoseph Seym our Briseoe, of Penhi l l ,

Surrey ; a Barrister, a Mem ber of the Counci l ofKing’s Col l ege, and a

Director oftheUniversity LifeAssuranceSociety . A Conservative. Sat

tbrDnndal k from 1894 to 1896 , and forR ipon item 1896 til l 1898 . Has

sat fortheUniversity since1898, when Sir Robert Peel took the Chil ton

Hundreds, inorder to givehis constituents anopportunity ofex pressingtheir sentiments upon his change of conduct w ith respect to Cathol ic

em ancipation.—7, Bedford-sq. B atters“:R ise, Su rrey Hilton Bry

Irton, Sam uel . (Cum berl and, West)Bid . s . ofthe l ateEdm und Lam pl ugh Irton, esq.ofIrtonHal l b . 1796

m . 1895, E leanor, d. of Joseph T itl in Senhonse, esq. of Cal der Abbey ,Cum berl and. A Magistrate of Cum berland. Patron of 9 living . A

Conservative; returned in March, 1 838 , in the room ot'


uet . Ia wther,

'who m ade his election to sit forWestmorel and

Oum berlegl d.

Irving, John. (A ntrim )A Merchant in London, and partner w ith Sir John R ae Reid, hart .

R P. forDover. Is first President of the Al l iance" AssuranceeonpanyForm erly sat in several Parl iam ents forDu mber. A ConservatiM LRs


m ond -ter. Carl ton A shford , Mddx .;hl aheram oum , eo. d w el t .

Jam es, Wil l iam . Cum berland, East)M . d . ofW. C.a ton,esq. Firstelected in 1886 , vies htrJ lanire, who

was appointed Ch ief Com m issioner under the Tithe Com m utation Act .

A Whig. For m any years represented Carl isle. Barrack Lodge, Owas

berl and .

Jam es, SirWal ter, Bart. (Hu l l )B id. s . ofJohn, 9nd s . of the l ate SirWal ter Jam es James, bt. , by theLady Em ily Jane, 8 . ofthe 1st Marq. of Londonderry, and now Lady ofM ajorGen . theRt . Hon. SirHenryHardin“, K.G.B . 8 . 8rd Jul e 1 816 .

M . 1841. d. 010. E l lison, esq . F irst elected for theborough at thegenera lelection in 1887 . O f Conservativeprinciples . L angley-Ha l l , Bert a.

Jardine, Wil l iam . (A shburton)AL iberal . First returned h r theborough in 1841 - Aehburl ue. og

79 aovsn or commons .

com of Annanda le. A Conservative; bat voted for the Reform Act .

Has sat for thecounty since 1830.— Carl ton R aehtl l s , Am nda k .

Jol l itfe, SirWil liam Geo. Hyl ton, bart. (Petersfiel d )8 . of theRev. Wil l iam Jol l ifl


e. B . 1 800 m . in 1895, d . of the H on .

B . Paget . Has represented the borough inform erParl iam ents . A 00n

servative. Carl ton Merstha m , Surrey .

Jones, T heobald. (Londonderry, co.)8 . of the Rev. Jam es Jones, Rector of Urney, Strabane. B . 1 790. A

Capt . in the navy. A Conservative. Has sat for the county sinee

Carl ton Bovagh, co.Derry .

Kelburne, Visct. (Ayrsh.) kE ld. surviving s. of the Earl ofGl asgo in 1891 , d . of

E dw .Hay Mackenzie, esq. I s a Lient. in theN avy . A Conservative ;

first elected in 1 839, on thedeath ofSir I . Dunl op. Kel bum e-ho. Ayrsh .

Kem ble, Henry . (Surrey, East)8 . of the l ate Edw . Kem ble, esq. , for m any years a m em ber of the

Corporation of London, and an active and disinterested supporter of

M r. Pitt’s adm inistration. B . 1787 ; m . in 1830 d. of the l ate Capt.

Melvill e, Lient. -Gov. of Pendennis Castle. Retired tram business in

1 833 ; is a Director of theEquitableA ssuranceCom pany. I s a decided


” Has given no pledges . F irst returned for the00 . in 1 837

GroveH i l l , Cam berwel l , Su rrey .


Kerr, David Stewart. (Downpa trick)O nl y s . of the l ate David Kerr, esq ., M .P. M . a t 1814 Sel ina, d . of

thel at . Marq. ofLondonderry (dead) ; 9ndl y, 1849, Hon. AnnaDorothea,

d. of 9nd Lord Dufi'

erin and Cl anboye. A Conservative. 36 , Charl es

st., Berkeley P ortavo, D ow nah .

Kerrison, Sir E dward, bt. K.G.B . (Eye)B . 1776 ; m . 181 1 M ary , eldest d. of A lex ander E l l ice, sq. of Fife,

I s Recorder of Eye, a Lient.0 en. in thearm y. 001 . of the14th L ightDra

goons, anInspectorof arm y cl othing, and anEast IndiaProprietor, patrono l ivings ; was at Waterl oo, and has served in Spain, France, and

Hol land . A Conservative. Is Father in-l aw of Lord M ahon, and of

Lord Henniker. 8st for Northam pton in theParl iament of 1818, previ

onel y for Shattesbnry, and for Eye since 1894 .— 18 , Gt. 8¢afl hope-st. ;

Car l ton Oakley Park and Bram Ha l l , Saf ou'.

K irk, Peter. (Carricqergus)Son ofSir P. Kirk ; b. 1 800, m . 1891 , doofN . Del way, esq. Is aDen.

Lient . ot' the county . Has sat for theborough since 1835; fi l led theympeof M ayor for five successive years. A Conservative. Thom field,

W ight Hon. Sir Edward, bt. (Kent, East)B . 178 1 ; m . first, 1806 , Annabel la , d. of the late 81! John Honey

w ood, bt . and Sici l y, in 1890, Fanny Catharine,el d. 6 . Edw ard Knight, esq.

5 0081: or muons. 1731 834, til l April , 1885. Again appointed to that ofl ce in Sept . 1 841 . Is

Patron of 1 l iving. Has sat for Kent since the death of his tether in

18 19.w ith theex ception oftheParl iam ent of 1881 . 71 , Grosvenor-st 3Univers ity, Carl ton ; Mersham -ha tch , Kent .

KnigM em y Gal ly. (N otts, NorthNephew of Lord Si . Helena ; m . Henrietta, of A . H. Eyre, esq . of

Grove, Nottingham shire A Conservative. Is patron ofone l iving. Has

represented this division ofthecounty since 1834 . Has publ ished poem s

and other l iterary works. 69, Grosvenor-st. 3 F irbecl' Ha l l , Yorksh .

Knight, Frederick Winn. Worcestersh. West)E ld. s . ofJohn Knight, esq . A Conservative. First returned for the

co. in 184 1 . Wolver ley Hou se, W oren tersh . Sim on’s -Ba lh, D e


Knightley, Sir Charles, ht},

(N orthamptonsh. Sou th)B . 17 81 ; m . in 1818 Sel ina Diary, 6 . of Pel ton Lionel Hervey, esq . a

relation of the M arq . of Bristol . Is patron of 3 l ivings. A Conserva

tive. Unsuccessful ly (togetherw ith his present col league) contested thewholecc. in 1831 was elected for the southern division on the vacancy

occasioned by Lord A l thorp succeeding to his father‘

s titl e. 10, Upp er

Brook-sb; Carl ton F asos ley, N orthamp tonsh .

Labouchere, R t. Hon. Henry. (Taunton)8 . of the l ate P. C. Labouchere, Esq. of Highl ands, Essex . M . d.

of Sir Thom as Baring, Bart . Lord of the Adm iral ty from 1839 ti l l

N ov. 1834 . Vice-President of the Board of Trade, and Master of

the M int, t om April , 1885, to March, 1839, then appointed Under

Secretary for the Colonies . President of theBoard of h ade from 1839

til l 8ept . 1 841 8 st for 8 t. M ichael ’s in theParl iam ent 01’ 1896 ; for the

borough since 1880.— 97 , B el grave-sq. , Reform Cl ub 3 St. M ichael

’s ,

Cornwa l l ; Highlands , E ssex .

Lam bton, Hedworth. (D urham , North)Br. of the l ateEarl of Durham . and bra in-l aw of theHon.col . Caven

dish, l ateM .P. forDerby ; b. 1797 ; m . in1835, Anna, eld. d. ofthe l ate

GervaiseParker a he, esq. otKilkenny, and nieceof the Countess of

Listowel l . A Reform er,is in favour of the bal lot and short Parl ia

m ents. Has sat forthecounty sib ee1 889. Grosvenor-p l .

Langston, Jam es Hsughton. (O xford, city)14 . in 1894, Lady Jul ia, 9nd (1 . of the 1st Earl ofDncie. Is a m agistrate

and deputy-l ieat . of O x fordshire. A Liberal . R epresented theCity in

formerParl iam ents. 143, P iceadc‘

ay Sa rsden-hou se, Ox on .

Law , Wil l iam Gore. (Som ersetsh . , East)8 d. s. ofWil l iam Gore-Langton, of Newton Park, who assumed th

name and arm s of Langton, in addition to these ofGore, oah is m arriagew ith theonly chil dof Joseph Langton, Esq. ofNewton Park. B . 1787

m . in 1899 Jacintha-Dorothea, only child ofH. Powel l Col l ins, Esq. of

Hatch Beaucham p, co. Somerset. 001. of theOx ford m ilitia, and patron

174 nous mu ons.

01 9 th ings. A Reform er. Is in fi vonr of the bal l ot, and opposed to

short Parl iam cnts. Has sat for thecounty since1831 .- 19, 6 row m r-eq

Lascel les, Hon. Wil l iam Saunders Sebright. (Wake eld )9nd E arl of Harewood ; b . 1798 ; m . in 1893 , el d. (L ot Earl

ofCarl is le. Is a Deputy Lieut. of Yorksh ire. A Conservative. 8 at fi r

Northal l erton previous to the passing of the Reform Act. Bepm eated

Wakefield in the Parl iam ent of 1887 ; was not returned at thegenera l

election in 1841 , but succeeded on petition. 86 , m uon Crescent ;

Car lton.

Law , Hon. harles Ewan. Y(Cam bridge University)Second s. of 1st Lord E l lenborough . B . 1799 ; n . in 181 1 E l inabd h

Sophia, 9d d. of the l ateSir Edward N ightingale, Bt. oi’

Kneesworth ,

Cam bridgesh. A Queen’s Counsel , and Recorder of London. Has been a

Com m issioner of Bankrupts . Reprinted the speech of his father, the

late Lord Chief Justice, against the cl aim s of the Rom an Cathol ics . A

Conservative. Has sat for the University since the elevation of Sir C .

111 . Button to thepeerage, inFeb . 1 835.— 10, Farrars-bm

ldtngsfl'em p lq

16 , Hereford sh, Park-I. Carkon, Od ord 03 Cam bridgeUniversity

Laws (Knaresborough)8 . of the Rev. M arm aduke Lawson, b. 1 800; m . in 1893 Sir

Thos. 8 . Gooch, hart . Patron ofone l iving. A m oderate Tory .


turned for the borough in 1884 ; unsneeesstb l ly contested it in 1837 . 96 ,

Pa l l Ma l l 3 Ca rl ton 3 7710 Ha l l , m ar B oroughbn’

dge, Yorksh.

~ Layard, Brownlow Vil l iers. (CarlowE ld. s . of theRev. Brownl ow Vi l l iers Lay ; m . onl y d. atD . Digby,

esq. , of Dubl in. 1 s a Capt. in theArm y . A Whig. Fm tors’s Heed ;

Upp er Mount street, Herrion-squa re, Dubl in.

Leader, John Tem ple. Westm inster)8 . ofWm . Leader, esq. , m em berforWinchel sea born 1819 to 1 896 , who

was always in opposition to thePereeval and Liverpool Adm inistrations.

B . 1810. Educated at the Charterhonse and at Christchurch, O x ibrd . A

Radica l Reform er. Considers that theE lecti ve franchise is, to m ore

than hal f theE lectoral Body , anevil instead ofa benefit, andnn st m ain

so without the protection of the Bal lot.”— I , Loum da Em

Lefevre, R ight Hon. Charles Shaw . (Hampshire, North.)8 . ofthe l ateMr. Shaw Let


evre, form erl y m em ber forReading. I . 1 794,m . in 1 817 , d. of the l ate3 . Wh itbread, esq. l s br. to w M evre,the Poor Law Com m issioner, who was for a short t e member brPeterstleld and under Secretary for the Colonies . l s Lient .-001. of theN orth HantsYeom anry , and High 8tewani ofWinchester. Wascheeen"

peaker of theHouse in 1880, on theretirement 11 I r. Abern athy. and

176 1 L ‘J‘ f novel :or col um ns.

February 1840. First returned for the borough in 8cpt. 1 841 on theretirement of SirGeo. Anson. Reform , Stom Park, Stqfordsls.

Liddel l , Hon. Henry Thom as. North.)5

8 111. s. ofLordRavensworth ; b . M arch 10, l 797 ; m . 1nNovem ber, 1 890,Isabel l a Horatia, eld. d. of Lord George Seym our. Was formerly in Parl iam ent, haVing been chosen mem berh rNorthum berl and in when

he supported the l ateM r. Canning, and continued to 1b so til l the

of the latter. Professes hima Liberal bot conservative; a sineere

friend to them onarchy, thechurch, and theconstitution.

” First dented

for thecounty al ter thedissohl tion in 1837 , a requisition inviting hi to

come forward having been signed by more than 1 100 electors, and his

return el ected tree of ex pense. m a, Travd kn’

. Ca rlton 3

Lincoln, Earl of. (N ottingham sh. South)Bid. s . oftheDukeofNewcastle, b. 1811 ; m . 1839 Sw an,

onl yd . ofthe

l oth DukeofHam il ton. A Lord of theTreasury from Dec. 1884 , til l Apri l

1 885. Is First Com m issioner ofWoods and Forests. Has sat for the

county since Park-I. Carkon ,’ Rum Hal l , N etting.

ham sh .

Lindsay, Hugh Ham il ton. (Sandwich)Grands . 01 5th Earl ofBalcarres ; b . 1809. A Conservative. First re

turned on the death of Sir Rnt'

ane Shawe Donkin, a short tim e preo

view to thedissol ution in 1 84 1, after a severe contest w ith 001. Fox ;

was aga in returned at the general election, but without opposition.

8, Chesterfiel d -street.

Listowel , E arl of. (St. A l ban'

s)B . 1 801 ; m . in 1881 , d. of Vice Adm .Wyndham , and widow of G .


Wyndham , esq. An Irish peer : is Viee Adm iral ol the pm vin e of

Monster. First electedh r theborough inFebruary 18 11 .—95, Belmsq. 3 0m m ”, cc. Corn 0m m Ha l l , N orfolk.

Loch, Jam es, 8: F.Z.S. (Wick dist.)B id. s . of George Loch, esq., of Drylaw , cc. of Edinburgh, by Mary,

sister of the Rt. Hon. Wil l iam Adam , Lord Chief Com m issioner of the

Jury Court in Scotl and. B . 1780 ; n . 1810 Ann, youngest d. of Patrick

Orr, esq. ot Bridgeton, Kincardinesh . (shedied A Barrister at the

Engl ish Bar, and an Advocate at the Scottish ; a Deputy m m . M

Sutherl and. Steward ot‘

Morpeth ; Auditorto theDukeofSutherland, the

Earl ofCarl isle, Lord Francis Egorton, and to thetrust estates of the late

E arl of Dudley and the l ate Viset. Keith. A Director of theHverpool

andManchester railway, and o! the Birm ingham and Liverpool Junctioncanal . A m em ber of theSociety for the Diilbaioa of Useful Knowledge,and of the Counci l of University (b ilege, London. Has written an“m ount of Sutherl andsh . Voted in favour of Cathol ic Em ancipation,

noose or COMMON S . 177the Reform Bil l , the New Poor L aw Bil l , and am otion forthe revision

of the Corn Law s. 8at for St . Germ aine in 1 897 , and for the district

since 1830 — 19, A lbem ar l e-st. ; Atheism and Reform Cl ubs 3W im bledon Com m on, Surrey .

Lockhart, Wil l iam . (Lanarksh.)l s descended from a fam il y l ong settled inLanarksh . ; b. 1787. For

m erly in the E . I . Com pany's Bengal Am y . A Dept .

-Lient . oi' Lanark

ehire, and Capt. of theDougl as tr00p oi'Yeom anry Caval ry . A decided


” Junior Uni ted Serm‘

on Carl ton 3 Mi l ton Lockharhand Germ iuoun , L anarkshire.

Long, Wa l ter. Wil ts , North)3 16 . s. of Richer Godolphin Long, Esq. , of Roodashton, form erl y

M em berfor the county. B . 1793 ; m . 1819 Mary Anne, (1. of the R t .

Hon. Archibald Colquhoun, Lord Registrar of Scotland. IsPatron of 1

l iving. A Magistrate ofWi l ts and Som erset. Dep. Lient. ofWil ts. and

Capt. in the Royal Wil ts Yeom anry Cavalry. A Conservativein favour of

a Church E stabl ishm ent and 01'

Church Befom CM “Hea se, Wate.

Lepes, Sir Ralph, bart. Westbury)Nephew to the lateSirManasseh Lepes, hart. who w as of a Jam aica

fam ily . Upon his uncl e’s death, in 1831 , hesucceeded to the baronetcy,

pursuant to the patent of creation, and in 1889 assum ed the nam e of

Lopes. M . 1817 , Susannah, eld. d. of A . Ludlow , esq. oi'


House, Wil ts . Is anE ast India Proprietor, and patron of 8 l ivings . A

Conservative. Was first returned for the borough in 1 815, but retired in g

1 819 ; was reelected in 188 1 , and continued to sit forWestbury til l 1837—agatn returned for the borough at the general election in 1841 .

Lowther, John Henry. ( York) Y8 16 . s. ofSir John Lowther. hart . and nephew oftheEarl ofLonsdale.

B . 1793 . A Conservative. 8st forWigton in several Parl iam ents . Con

tested the city unsuccessful ly in 1 839 and 1838 ; sat for it since 1835.

39, Grow enor-sq. 3 Carl ton Sw i l l ington Ha l l , Yorbsh.

Lowther, Hon. Henry Cecil . (Westm oreland)Second s. of the Earl ofLonsdale ; b . 1790 ; m . in 1817 Lucy , sister

of the 6 th Earl of Harborough. 001. of the Cum berland M il itia. O i'

Conservativeprinciples. Has sat for thecounty since 1818 .—8 1 , Bretton

aw aM s

Lyel l , George. London)8 . of the l ate John yal l , esq. , ofLondon. B . 1784 . Is a merchant and

shipowner. Is Chairmanof theHon. East India Com pany a Director of

theLondonBooks ; and chairmanof theIndem nity AssuranceCompany.

Was first returned for theCity on the death of A14 . Waithm an in

hat lbg a m ajority over A ld. Venables of 1 100 votes; A Oense

178 nooseor commons .

Was not returned in 1 837, but stood roar contests for theCity since the

passing of the Retorta Aet . City Cl ub , Um bra, P arb Crescent ,

Regent’s P ark3 N utw ood Lodge, Sus sex .

Lygon, Hon. Henry Beaucham p. (Worcestersh. West )Dr. of theEarl of Beaucham p ; m . in 1894 Susan-Carol ine ; 9ndiy d . of

9nd Earl of S t. Germ ans (dead) ; a Major Gen. in thearm y. A Conser

vative. Has sat for the county since 1806 , w ith the ex ception of the

Parl iam ent of 1831 , when hewas defeated by the Hon. Capt . spencer.

1 6 , Grosvm or p l Ca rl ton Sp ring H i l l , W oreesters l s.

Macau lay, R ight Hon T hos. Babington . ( Edinburgh)8 . ofZachary M acau l ay, E sq . A barrister Has been Secre

tary at War, a com m issioner of bankrupts, a com m issioner of and

subsequentl y secretary to the Board of Contronl , fifth m em ber of and

legal adviser to the suprem e council of India . 8 st for Ca lne in 1830,

and for Leeds in 1889 ; returned from India in 1 838 . Is authorof L ays

ofAncient Borne,”and has written m any articles in theEdinburgh Re

view . A University Schol ar, and Fel low ofTrini ty Col lege, Cam bridge.

Reform Club 8 , Cl arges-st.

M ackenzie, T hom as . (Ross and Crom artysh . )3 . ofKenneth Mackensie, esq . ; b. 1 793 ; m . 1 817 , d. 01


G . M ackenzie,

esq . A wri terto theSignet . Was chosen for thecounty short l y before the

dissol ution ofthe Parl iam ent 01 1837 , on the appointm ent ofMr. Stew art

M ackenzie, the l atem em ber, to the governm ent of Ceylon. Again te

turned, and w ithout contest, at thegeneral election in 1837 . Is a Con

servative. App lecros s , R oss-sh .

M ackenzie, Wil l iam Forbes. (Peebles-sh. )E ld. s. of the l ateCol in Mackenzie, esq. oi Portm ore, and m isabeth ,

d. of SirWil l iam Forbes, ofPitsl igo, bart . B . l ath April , 1 807 m . 1830

Helen A nne, el d. d. of Sir Jam es Montgom ery , of 8 tanhope, bart . , and

ofLady E lisabeth , d . ofDunbar, 4th E arl ofSel kirk. Is a Conservative.

Ca rl ton ; Pom s, P sebles-ah .

M ‘Geachy, Forster A l le ne. (Honiton)Onl y s . of the l ate M ajor

‘Geachy ; b. 1 809 ; m . 1834, d. of O . C .

Adderley, esq . (death ) A Conservative ; first returned for the borough

in 184 1 . 33, St. Jam es's-«l .“quart 3 Oxford

Mackinnon, Wm . A l ex ander. (Lym ing’

ton)Head of theCl an M ackinnon. B . 1 789; rn. 1 819 the onl y 6 . and

heiress of the l ate Ios . Palm er, esq . ,ot


Palmerstown co. M ayo, and

Rush House, Dubl in, A t the death of Mr. B . Palm er, a lunatic, hr. of


l ate Mr. Painer, the property of the Palm er fam i ly w il l go to I r.

M aekinnon, in right ofhis w ife (dead). Chairm an of the United Kingdom InsuranceM oe, and oi

the Society against Cruel ty ; Fel low of theRoyal Antiquarian, Asiatic, Geo logica l , and Astronom ical Societies,and Coionisation Com m issioner for South A ustra l ia (to which no re.

w " tineration is attached). Kept term s at Lincoln's Inn ; but was not


180 110088 OF COMMONS.

Mainwaring, Townshend. (Denbigh dist. )B . 1 807 ; m . in 1 837 , d. of J. L . Bal nsbury, esq. A Conservative; first

returned for theborough in 1841 . Hardness? Hal l , cc. Denbfgb .

M angles, Ross Donnel l y. (Guildford)8 . of the l ate I . M angles, esq., who represented theborough from 1 831

t111 1837 . B . 1801 ; m . in 1 830, d . of the l ateGeo. Newcom be, esq. I s

in the Bengal civil service, a director oftheNew Zealand Ca npany , and

a candidatetor the East India Direcb’on. A Reform er ; first elected for

theborough in 1841 . AM M W oodbn‘

dge, Ston y .

M anners, Lord John Jam es Robert. (Newark)8 . of theDukeof Rntland ; b. 1818 .a Conservative. F irst returned

for theborough in 1841 .— Oaruon l vor

r Ca stl e, Leicestersh .

M anners, Lord C. Som erset, K .G.B . (Leicestersh , North)Dr. of theDukeofRntl and ; b . 1780. A Major—Gen. in the arm y. Gel

of the 1 1 th Dragoons. A Conservative. 8st for Cam bridgeshire in two

Parl iam ents ; elected forLeicestershire in Dec. 1835, on the death of his

brother, Lord Rbt. Manners. Carlton ; Belvos'

r Castle, Rutl andsb .

M arch, Earl of. (Sussex ,West)

E ld. s . of theDuke of R ichm ond ; b. 181 8 . Ah Ofl cer in the Guards .

A Conservative. First returned for theoo. in 1841 . —54, Poraaud-p l . 3Good wood, Sussex .

M arjoribanks, Stewart. (Hythe)S . ofthe lateE d.M arjoribanks , esq . ot


LeesHouse, Berw ichsh . ln. d. of

Ed . Roger Pratt, esq . , and w idow of Wm . Lord Rendlesharn. Is a

Whig. Represented the borough in several Parl iam ents, during a

period of 18 years. 01310“Hom e, F alkner“; Bu sing Grove, Hert

M arsbal l , Wil l iam . Carl isleE ld. s. of John Marshal esq . of endingley, in the co. of York, an

ex tensive l inen m anufacturerat Leeds and 8hrewsbary, and in 1m m em

ber for Y orksh hr. of John Marshal l ,jun. esq. , latemem ber forLest .

B . 1796 ; m . 1898, Georgiana Christiana, 7th 6 . of GeorgeHibbert, esq. ,


M unden, Hertfordshire. A Radical Reformer ; is in avonr d teic

nial parl iam ents, the ba l lot, an ex tension and equitable division of

the snfi’

rage,” the rem oval of al l restrictions which fetter trade, and the

reform oftheChurch Establ ishm ent. Pledgedhim sel f to uncom prom isingopposition to the Peel A dm inistration. 8st for Leom insterand forPeterstlel d before theReform Act. 41 , Upper Grow m or-st. Reform Cl ub 3P a tterda leHa l l , W es tm orel and .

M ehm wsct. (Kent, West)8 1d . s. of E arl of Rom ney ; b . 1808 ; 1889, dtb d . O! dtb M ed

m iccl engh. A Conservative. F irst returned for the ea. in 1861 .Won 8 , York-cl ., Si. Jam es

’s-squars ; Bos ley Park, Kent.

" c wHouse or commons . 16 1

Marsland, Henry. (Stockport)A manah ctnrer. A Beform er ; in favour of

'l ‘riennial Parl iaments , the

abol ition of Monopol ies, and the repeal of theCorn Law s. Unsuccess

t’nl l y contested theborough in 1 839 . Reform Cl ub .

Martin, -Char1es Wykeham . (N ewport, Isle of Wight)8 . of Wykeham , esq . , who assum ed torsel i


and issue the nam e of

Martin, on succeeding to theestates ofGeneral Martin in 1891 . B . 1801

m . 1st, 1 898, d . oftheE arl of Cornw al l is ; 9nd, 1838 , d . of SirI . Trol lope,hart. Is patron of 1 l iving ; unsuccessfu l l y contested the borough in

1887 . A m oderate” Conservative. United University, Avred ;L eeds Ca stle, Kent ; A rclon Manor, I s le of W £910:3 Chacom be

Priory , N ortba rnptoneh.

M artin, John. ( Tewksbury)D. Feb. 9, 1 805. A banker, a director of theGuardian Assurance Corn

pany , and an East India Stock proprietor. Is a Liberal . W indham

and Reform Clu bs , 90, Sp ring Gardens .

M art in, Thom as. (Ga lway, Cc. )8 . ofthe lateeccentricand hum anem em ber for Galway, R ichard M ar

tin, esq . who has given his nam eto the Act passed forthePrevention oi

Cruel ty to Anim als. OfWhigprinciples. Has satforthecounty since1889 .

B a l l inahtneh Castle, co. Ga lway .

M arton, ,George. (Lancaster)

Descended fro. theancient fam iiy of Marten, who have held propertyin the north from theConquest, and one of whom , an ancestor of the

present mem ber, represented Lancashire a century ago. 8 . 1801 ;

In. Nov. 1 833, Lucy Sarah, 6. of the l ate Rt. Hon. Lord Ch ief JusticeDal l as. Is a m agistrate, and deputy

-l ient. of Lancashire and patron

of the Vicarage of Lancaster and its various dependent chapelries. A

Conservative ; gave no pledges. Is LL B . of Cam bridge. 3, P ark .

crescent ; United Univers ity Club Capenuoray-ha l l , L anea sh.

M aster, Thom asWi l l iam Chester. (Cirencester)Bid. s . of 001.Wm . Chester Master, by Isabel l a-hl argaret , d. of Col .

the Hon. Stephen Digby . B . 9sth M ay, 1815 ; m . in 1840, d . of Sir

0 . Oom ewal l , bart . The fam ily of M aster was original l y settled in

( eat, but holds l arge estates in G loucestershire, including the site of

the ancient Abbey of Cirencester, under grant from Queen E l izabeth ,

. adeon theattainderofLord Seymour in 1564 . M r. Master's opinions

are strictl y Conservative.

” Carl ton 3 Knots Park, near Bristol .

Masterm an, John. (London)Is amem berof thefirm ofhtasterm an,Peters, Mil dred, and Cc London

bankers . A Conservative. Was first elected for the city in 1841 . 85,

N ieholasJane, L om bard-street.

Maul s , Right Hon. Fox . (Perth)l id s . ofLord Panm nre, and oonsin-germ anto theEarl of Dalhon


b. 1801 ; 111 . in 1881 Montague, el d. d. of Lord Abercrom by. W

182 noose op comm ons.

years in the 79th highlanders . Sat forPerthsh . 00m 1835 til l the disco:

l a tion in 1837 . Is Lord Rector of theUniversity of G l asgow . Has been

Under-Secretary for theHom eDepartm ent, and Vice President of the

Board of Trade. Was elected for theB lgin district in M arch , 1838 , on

the appointm ent of Sir A . L . Hay to be Governor of Berm uda . D a t

N orth)M . Carol ineE l izabeth , d. and cooheiress oftheHon.Wm . Oockayne, hr.

of Borl ase, 1ast Visct. Cul l en. This l ady was authorized to takerank as a

Visct’s. d. by royal order, 93d Sept . 1836 . E lected on thedeath of Visot .

Cham bers ; 1M :

Cous in of the8d Marq . of Hartford. A Capt. in theN avy. droo inwaiting to theQueen. Has sat for theborough since 1896 . 35, Grosve

nor-sL ,‘ Hdar Cross, Stqfl

’ordsh .

M il dm ay, Hum phrev St John. (Southam pton)Fifth s. ofthe lateSirHenry Paal et st.JohnM i ldm ay. M . 1893, A nne

Eugenia, d. of the int Lord A shburton (she died A m ailer“

tive. Was first returned for theborough in 1849, at theelection w hich

fol lowed a petition. 46, Berkeley-sq . 3 OU‘

ord Court, Keut .

M iles, Phil ipWi l l iam Skinner. Bristol )8 . ofP. 1 . M i les, esq., l ate for Bristol

, and br. om . M il es, esq. ,

M .P.forEast Somerset. A Conservative. 7, Ham i l ton p L; Leigh Court,Som erset.

M il es,Wil l iam . (Som erset, East)8 . of P. J. M iles ,esq . , B . 1797 3111 . d. of John Gordon, esq . oi

Bristoi .

A Conservative. Satfor Chippenham in theParl iam ent of1818 , forNew

Rom ney in 1830and 1831 ; unsuccessful l y contested theen. in 1839 ; has

sat for it since thedeath of Mr. Brigstock in 1 834 . 7, Ham i l tow tq

Carl ton, B oodl e’s , Arthur

’s , Univers ity 3 Beesthorpe, K ingm n len .

Milnes , R ichard Monckton. (Pontefract)8 of R . P. M il nes, esq., M .P. for the borough in m any Parl iam entk

Nephew oi‘

Visct. Gal way, Lord Gam bier, and the Countess Dowagerci

cot t and Orrery . B . 1809. Is author of Mem oria l s of a Tour in

Greece. A Conservative. M .A . of Cam bridge. B oodl e’s, and UnitedUniversity 3 Frys l one ha l l , and Bawtry, Yorksh .

M itcal t'

e, [Ienr I ynem onth)8 . of the l ate i l l iam M iteal i

e, esq., of Tynem outh House; b. 1788m . in 1 818 , d. ot


Dr. EdwardDrury. Is a m agistratet‘

orNorthumberlaahchairm an to the Reform Meetings held in theborongb since 1899. ALiberal first returned for the borough in 1841 . Fann y M “tcy , N orthum berland .


‘ W ,Vn—M o

l 84 HOUSE or col umns .

Muntz, George Frederick. ( B irm ingham )8 . of a Germ anmerchant, ofgreat respectabil ity, who settled in Bir

m ingham in the year 1788 , and m arried a Miss Purden, of that town.

8 . 1794, m . In 1 8 I8 d. of Rev. John Pryce. Is a m erchant, a metal

l oner, and inventor and.

m anufacturer of patent yel low metal shipsheathing and bol ts. Was the first viee-cha irm an of theB im inghm

Pol itical Union, and one of its m ost strenuous supporters : nodexwest

several prosecutions on account of an al l eged riot at a Church-n temeeting, in Birm ingham—was convicted upon this charge in 1887 , but the

proceedings were quashed, the Judge (the l ate Sir J. A . Park) and the

Oonrt ofQueen's Bench beingofOpinion that they were il legal , and thattheprosecution shoul d neverhavebeen instituted. A Radica l Reform er,w ishing to rem oveal l abuses w ithout injury to thejust rights ofany

Hes written several pam phlets on comm ercial , financial , and pol i tico

Francis Stack . (Cork city)8 . of the l ate Jerem iah Murphy, esq., ofCork, and nephew of the Ro

m an Cathol ic Bishop ofCork. B . 1 807 . A serjeant-at law in Engl and. A

Liberal ; in fi ve!" of the bal lot, ex tension of the snfl‘

rage, and a fix ed

du ty oncom . First returned forthecity in 1841 . 2, Bn‘

ob—eou rt, Tm

p 10; Reform .


s A lex ander. (Kirkcudbrightsh.)J. Murray, esq., b. 1789 ; m . 1816 , d. of2nd Earl of Lm n. A

Reform er. Wes elected for the oo. in 1888 . A l bany , Ca l l y Hou se,

Murray, Charles Robert Scott. (Buckingham sh )B 1818 . A Conservative. First elected for the 00. in 1841 . 1 1 , Cave»


sla-éq. 3 Carl ton; White’s 3 Dcm eqfiel d , Bucks .

Napier, Sir Charles, K .G. B . (Marylebone)E ld. s. of the Hon. Charles Napier. B . 1386 ; m . d. of ” Y oung

husband, esq. andrel ict ot' Lieut . Elem . Was an Adm iral in the Pom .

guese service, and com m anded Don Pedro’s fleet in 1888, end i t s

created Count Cape St. Vincent by Donna Marie. Is a Post Captain ,

and held the rank ofComm odoreon the Syrian station, and tecd ved the

thanks of theHouse of Com m ons for his services there. B u received

several foreign orders of knighthood. A Liberal . Unsecoessthl ly eon

tested Portsm outh in 1882 ; first returned for M arylebone in 1 84 1 .

R eform 3 67 , B aker “. 3 Herolu’

stocm , Hatch .

Neel d, John. (Cricklade)Younger s . of the l ate Joseph Neeld, esq . , of G loucester-pl ., Pooh

m sn-sq . ; on ly hr. of the m em ber for Chippenhsm , end hr. in h w n‘Capt. Boldero, M P. for Ch l ppenhem . A conservative Ws q . , Ca rl ton, Universi ty , R ed L odge, W i lts.


HOUSE op commons . 185

ifNeeld, Joseph, F .L .S. (Chippenham )E ld. s. of the l ate Joseph Neel d, esq . of G l oucester-pl .; hr. in l aw of

Capt. Bol dero, the other m em ber for the borough ; hr. of the m em ber

for Cfi cklsde, M . 1881 Cu oh‘

ne, el d. d. ofthe8th Earl of Shaflesbury .

A h E ast India and Bank Proprietor ; Dep.-Lieut. of Wil ts, and High

Steward ofMalmesbury ; patron of6 l ivings. A Conservative. Has sat

h r theborough since 1880. 6 , Grow enor-sq. Gw 'l ton ,’ A thenwum


m etowhouse,W’c'

lts Ketston p ark, Som erset.

N evil le, Ralph. Windsor)E ld. s . of theHon. and Rev. Geo . and Lady Charlotte Nevil l e Gren

vil le; b. 1817. A Conservative; first returned for theborough in 1 84 1.

23, He'

l l -st . 3 Bud dy}; Court, Som erset.

L/Newry and Morne, Visct. (N ewry)E ld. s. of the E arl of Ki lm arey ; b. 1816 ; m . in 1889, eld. d. of the

Hon. Sir Charl es Col vil le, G .C .D. A Conservative. First returned for

theborough in 18 11 .—Carl ton 3 Shavington Park, Shrop shire.

N ichol], R ight Hon. John I l tyd, D. C . L . (Cardzf dist.)8 . of theR t . Hon. Sir John N ichol]. B . 1797 ; cal led to thebar 1824 ;

took thedegree 1826 ; m . 1 821 JaneHarriet, 2na 6 . of the l ate

is Judgethe issue

10, D 00:

.N orreys, Lord. Ozfordsh.)8 1d. 3 . oftheBarl ot Abingdon ;b. 1808 3m . in 1835 E lizabeth Lavinia,

onl y child of GeorgeGrenville Harcourt, esq. K .P. and grand-d. of the

Archbp. ofYork. A Conservative. Sat for the county in 1830, bu t

w as superseded in 1881 by Mr.Weyla‘

nd, on account of his opposition

to the first Reform Bil l . Resumed his seat in 1882. 19, Hm m q. 3

Carl ton 3 Wytham , Berke.

fN orreys, Sir Charles Denham O rl ando Jephson, bart.

phson, formerl y M .P for Mal low . B . 1799 ; m . in 1 821

oa herine Cecil ia Jane, (1. ofWil l iam Franks, Esq. of Carrig, co. of

Cork. in 1888 heassum ed the nam eofNon eys. Is Lord of theManor

otMs l l ow , by descent from Sir John Jephson, who m ., temp . Jam es L ,

the heiress of theHon. Sir John Noneys, Lord President of Munster.

M any m em bers of Bit O . N orroys'fam il y haverepresented M al low since

1892. Is patron of 1 l iving. A Whig ; is in favour of thebal lot . Has

sat for theborough since 1 828, wi th the interruption onlyof the begin

ning of 1 833, I r Dennt having been returned in 1882, becauseMr.

h phson woul d not pledgehim self to vote for the repeal of theUnion ;1k . Den t was, however, unseated on petition. Union Club 3 Mat

l ow Castle, 00. Cork.

186 HOUSE or commons.

Northland. Visct. Dungannon)E ld. s. of the E arl of R aa y ; 1 816 . y ifat elected tbr the ho.

rough in June 1838 , w ithout opposition. A Conservative. Carl to n.Traveflen ’

: Barkam House, Harts ; N orthland Hou se, co . Tyrone.

Cornel ius. (Clare)M . Margaret, d. of Peter Long, esq. ofWaterford, niece ofWil l iam

Roche, esq. M .P. for Lim erick. A Sol icitor in Ireland ; is in favourof the total ex tinction of tithes and vestry eess, hnt contem pl ates no

arrangem ent that w i l l tend to increase the rent-m l l of l andlords . In an

address dated the 8th of Decem ber, 1832 , M r. O’Brien ex pressed a des ire

to give a Reform ed Parl iam ent a fair trial , bu twas prepared to discuss the

question ofRepeal , in the event of efficacious justicenot being done toIrel and .

” O n the l oth Dec. 1834, Mr. O ’Brien pledged him sett’

to the

advocacy ofRepeal . Has sat for thecounty since 1 832 . Reform Clu bB irthfi el d , co. Cla re.


Brien, Augustus Stafford. (N ortham pto nsh. North)E ld . s. of Stafford O 'Brien, esq . , and grand-s. oi

the late Baroness

B srhsm . B . 181 1 3 unsuccessfu l ly contested Lim erick in 1887 . A“Tory;


fi rst retur ned for the00 . in 1 8 1 1 . 6 8, St. Jam es’

s-st. 3 Car l ton O xford

and Cam bridge3 B lutterwyehe P art , N ovihamp toush 3 Crat l oe

W oods , Cla re.

O’Brien, John . (L im erick, city)8:of the l ateJas. O ’Brien, esq. ofLim erick. M . d. ofthel ate Jerem iah

M urphy , esq .. and is therefore br.-in-l aw to the m em ber for Cork city .

A Liberal . F irst elected for the city in 1841 . Reform ; L im erick.

O’Brien,Wm . Sm ith. (L im erick. co. )Second s. ofthe l ate SirEdward 0

Brien,bart. ofDrom ol snd, oo. Cl u e.

B . 1 803 ; m . d . ofJos. Gsbhet, esq. A m agistrateoftheco . A Reform er ;

in favour of a Poor Law for Irel and, theex tinction of tithes , end the

bal lot. Bat for E nnis in 1880. Univers ity : Cal aim wy le, eo. L im erick.

O’W aniel . ( Cork, co . ) MB . 1776 ; m . 1 802 his cousin, M ary, d. ofEdward O ’

connel l , esq. M D.

of Tralee, dead. A Queen's connsefi in Irel and, w ith a patent of pre

cedence. Is an alderm an of the city of Dubl in, and fi l led the ofl ee of

Lord M ayor of that city 1841-2. Holds bishops’and col lege l eases of

som elu gefarm s . H is general l abours infavour oftheRom an Cathol ics ,and his subsequent m easures ofagitation for n repeal of the Union, are

w el l know n. M ade an unsuccessful attem pt to obtain adm ittance into the

House as a Cathol ic, he having been du l y returned for Cl are, hel m the

pass ing of the Rel iet'

lm l ; after that event he w as elected fi rthe sanecounty ; in 1 880 forWaterford cc., and in 188 1 for Retry. Appointedin 1885 a m agistrate for Kerry . 8 st for Dubl in from 1883 ti l l 1887 .when he was unseated on petition, and was imm ediately elected fi n

188 noun: or OOM I ONS.

ord,Wil l iam . (N ewcastle upon Tyne)B id. s. oi the l ateWil l iam 0rd, E sq. of Fenham , Durham ; h . 1 7 8 1 .

l l . tn 1808 d . of Rev. J. Scott . I s patron of 1 l iving. A Reformer ; w i l l

support the ba l lot if necessat y to protect the voter ; has no confidence

in a Tory Adm inistration. Bat for Morpeth thirty years 3 unsuccessful !y

contested Northam berland in 1832 ; first returned for the borough in

1886 .—17 , Berbeley

-sq. 3 A thm wm n, and Reform Cl ubs 3 W infi el d

O ssul ston, Lord. (N orthum berland,O nl y s . oftheEarl of Tankervil le, b. 1810. A Conservative. Has sat

for thecounty since 1882 .- 28 , Grow m or-sq. 3 Carl ton .

O swald, Jam es . (G lasgow8 . of the l ateA lex ander O sw al Esq . of Shield Hal l . A merchant in

G lasgow, and a Deputy-Lient. of Ayrsh . and of Renfiewsh. A Re

form er, in favour of the Bal l ot, a total repea l of the Corn Laws. andex tension of the suffrage. Sat for the borough horn 1 882 to 1837 3 aga in

elected on the death ofLord Wil l iam Bentinck in 1839. 14, A rl ington

st .3 A uchim e’

ve, A rgytesh .

O wen, Sir John, hart. (Pem broke, dist. )Bid. s. of Joseph Lord, esq. by Corbetta, d. ofLient.-Gen. Owen, and

grand-d. 01 8 i: Arthur Owen ; assumed thesurnam e and arm s of Ow en

upon succeeding by bequest to theestates ofSirHugh Owen, the six th

baronet, and was created a baronet in 1818 . M . Charl otte, (1 . ofthe Rev.

John L . Phil l ips ; 2adly, 1830, M ary Frances, 8d d. of E . Stephenson,

esq. of Farley Hil l , Berks. 1 s patron of 8 l ivings ; Lord Lient . and

Onstos Rot . of Pem brokesh ., and Governor of M il ford Haven. A Con

servative. Bat for Pem brokeshirefrom 1808 til l A ugust, 1 841 , when he

was returned for the district . On'

el ton, Pem brokesh.

Packe, Charles Wil l iam . ( Leicestersh. South)Nephew of D . 8 . Dngdale, esq. K .P. b. 1792, m . Kitty Jenhyn, only

(1. of Thom as Hort, esq. , and heiress ot'

Jenkyn Reading, esq., whose

nam e she assum ed. E lected on the resignation ofT . F . Turner, esq. 11

February, 1 888 . A Conservative; a 001. ofYeomanry . Carl ton 3 B a

vm stoneHa l l , Leicestersh .

Paget, Frederick. (B eaum aris dist.)8 . of the Hon. 8 . Puget, Com m issioner of Ex cise; nephew to the

firstHart]. ofAnglesey . B . 1807 . A Capt . in theColdstrealnGw da. A

Whig. 6 , John-s l ., B erkeley-sq. P l am ewydd, Angk sey .

Puget, Lord A lfred Henry. (L iclgft‘

eld)4th s . of the 1st M arq. of Anglesey ; b. June29, 1818 . A Meat. tn the

Royal HorseGuards . A Reform er. Was petitioned against in 1842,but the

Com m ittee decl ared him du l y el ected . Ux bfi dge-housq C'm etferd

’s 3

White’s 3 Beau Desert, Stqfl‘


Puget. Lord Wil l iam . (Andover)8 . of 1 st l am . ofAnglesey g b . 1808 ; n . in (I. of81: P. DeBob

nous]; os commons . 189

tenbnrg. I s a Capt . R .N . A Liberal . First returned for the borough

in 1841 .- R < tbm .

Fakington, John Som erset. (Droitwichz8 . ofWm . Russel l , esq. of Pow ick-ct,Worcesters m . d. of Bianey,esq .

, (shedied Assum ed thenam eofPahington on becom ing heir

to his m aternal uncl e, Sir I . Pakington, hart . Entertains Conservative

opinions . W estwood-

pb. Droitw ich .

Pa lm er, George. (E ssex , South) fDr. ofJ. Horsley Pal m er, esq . , l ateGovernor of theBank of England .

Fifi elected on thedeath of R . W. Hal l Date, esq. in 1838 . A Conser

vative ; com m ands a Corps ofYeom anry, raised by him sel f. 1 1 , K ing’s 1

A m s-yard 3 Car l ton 3 N az ing‘Pa rb, Es sex .

Palm er, Robert. (B erks)E l d. s . of the lateRichard Pa lm er, esq. and grands . of Mr. Pal m er. a

sol icitor, ofGreat Rnssel l -st. Bloom sbury-sq. 3form any years agent to the

DukeofBedford . B . 1 798 . Is patron of 1 l iving. A Conservative; he

voted for theReb rm Act, and objects to any al teration of the corn laws .

Has sat for thecounty since 1826 , w ith the ex ception of a part of 1881

A thenwm n, Ca rl ton Helm s P art , Berks .

Pal m erston, Right Hon. Visct. G .C .B. ( Tiverton. ) NB . 1784 3 m . in 1889, d. of 1st Visct. Mel bourne, and w idow of8th Earl

Cowper. An Irish Peer. Secretary atWar from 1809 to 1 828 3 Sec. of

Statefor Foreign Aflhirs from Nov . 1880 til l the dissolu tion ofLord Mel

bourne’s adm inistration in Nov. 1834 3 resum ed that othee in theApri l

fol l owing, and resigned it in Sept . 8 st for theUniversity of Cam

bridge thorn 1808 til l 1881 , when, ow ing tohis support ofthereform bil l ,he was not returned, but took his seat for Bletchingley. Set for South

Hants in 1 882 , forwhich hewas defeated at the general election in Dec.

1884 . E lected forTiverton, in June 1886 , in the room of M r. Kennedy,who accepted theChil ternHundreds . Lieut. 001. of theKam pah . Mi l itia ,

but with pay suspended.~ 9, Great Stanhop e

-st. A thm m and

R ofbnn-O l ubs 3 Broadl ands , Southa ntp ton .

Parker, John. (Shefi eld?F

8 . of the seniorm agistrate o Shefi el d. A barrister. O i Whig principl es ; is in favour of the im nediate abol ition of m onopol ies , of short

parl iaments, of theestabl ishm ent of fi-cc-trade, and the im position of a

naca duty on corn. Has been a Lord of the Treasury and Secretaryto the Adm ira lty . Has sat at the borough since 1882 . 8 , K ing


B ench W a lt , Tw in Reform Clu b .

Patten, John Wil son. (Lancash. North)3 18. s. of the l ateThom as Wil sonPatten, esq . ofBankHal l , M .P. who

assum ed the additional surnam eofWil son, on succeeding to the estatesof the Bishop of Bodorand M an. 8 . 1802 3 m . 1828, his cousin, Anna

M aria , (1. and cc-heiress of the l ate Peter Patten Bold, esq. of Bold ,

L ancash . A Dep .-Lient . oi‘ Lancash , and 001. of 8rd Lancashire

190 1101188 or com m as .


M il itia . A Conservative. 8st for thecounty in 1830, but l ost h is election1 11 1831 , and was te-elected in 1832. 24 , He


l l -st. A thena rum Ca rl

ton ; Banl Ha l l , Lanca sh . L ight Oaks , 19!q dsh .

Pechel l , George R ichard. (B righton)Youngest s. of the l ate M ajor Gen. S ir Thom as Brooke Pechel l , bt.

Form erl y MP . for Downton ; hr. of Sir Sam uel 1 . BrookePechel l , bart.

form erly m em ber forWindsor, and a Lord of the Adm iral ty . B . 17 89.

m . in 1828 Katherine Annabel l a, coheiress of Cecil , Baron de l aZnche,

of Haryngworth, w ho died in 1 828 , and w as sneeeek fi n the‘ rony

by his eldest (1. Harriet Anne, the present baroness . A Capt. in the

N avy , ofthe year 1822. Patron of one l iving. Publ ished, in 1822 ,A

Visit to the Isleof St. Dom ingo , on a M ission to President Boyer; in

1820, in H . M . Ship Tam ar.” A m oderate Reform er. Unsuccessfu l !

contested the borough in 1 882. 8, Hyde P a rb-p laee, W eal : A r


s , Travel l ers’

, United Service: Ca stle Goring, Su ssex .

Peel , Jonathan . (Huntingdon l8 . of the l ate and hr. of the present Sir Robert Peel . B . 1799 ; m .

in 1 824 A l icia Jane, youngest d . ofthefirst Marq. of A il sa. A 001. in

theArm y. l s Surveyor-General of the O rdnance. Sat t’

or Norw ich in

theParl iam ent of 1828 3 forHuntingdon since 1881 . Carl ton Tw iet

enha m , M iddle” ; Buckingham Hom e, sweet 3 d om inate”

Hou se, La nca sh .

Peel , Right Hon. Sir Robert, bart. (Tam worth)B . 1788 3 m . 1 820.1nl ia, youngest d . ofthe l ateGen . Bit 1 . Fl oyd , bart .

A Governorof theCharter-honse ; and a Com m issioner ofthe Church and

CorporationLand T ax . Patron of 2 l ivings. Havingbeen UnderSecre

tary for theHom e Departm ent, and Chief Secretary for Irel and, he suc

ceeded Lord Sidm outh as Secretary of Statefor theHom e Departm ent in

1822 , and heldthat othceti l l 1827 , when heresigned, andrem ained out of

p l ace til l the form ation of the Duke of Wel l ington’s Adm inistration

he then returned to the Hom e Departm ent, and continued there ti l l

theaccession of Earl Grey to power, in 1880. F irst Lord of the Tees

sury , and Chancel l orof the E x chequer from Dec. 1834 til l Apri l 1886 .

In Sept. 184 1 appointed F irst Lord of the Treasury, and therefore

head of the governm ent. 8st for O x ford University 8 0111 1818 to 1828 .

w hen he was thrown out by Sir Roben Harry Inglis 3 he then sat for

Westbnry til l 1830, when hewas elected for theborough . Wh iteha l l

Pem berton, T hom as. (R ipon)A Queen’

s Counsel at theChancery bar. A Conservative. Bat for Rye

in 1 88 1 , and has represented R ipon since 1882. L incoln‘s but ; 8.

Sp ring Ga rden-ter . 3 Ca rl ton.

Pendarves , Edward Wil l iam Wynne. (Cornwa l l , West)8 18 . surviving s . of John Stackhouse, esq . A ssum ed the additional

surnam e ofWynneby sign m anual in 18 18 , and in the sam eyear that of,Pendan es, in pl ace of Stachhonse 3 m . 1804 Tryphena, third d. and sole


9 nouns os com m as.

Pigot, Sir Robert , hart. (Bridgenorth)E ld. a. of the l ate Sir G . Pigot, bt . 3 b. 1 801 ; m . d . ofW. Bamford,

esq. , has sat for the bot . since 1882. Is deputy-l ient . oi’Stafiordshire.

A Conservative. 2, Parb-st., Pa ts l m l l , Stqfl‘

ordsh ,

Pigeetv, R t. Hon. David Richard. (Clonm el

Was cal led to thebar in 1828 3 appointed Sol icitorGeneral for Irel and

«in 1839, and A ttorney-General for Irel and in 18403 resigned in 1 841 . A

Bencher of K ing’

s Inns, Dubl in. A Reform er. F irst returned h r the

borough in 1839 . Reform .

Pianm , R t. Hon. Joseph , G .C.H. (Hasti s)B . l st of Jul y, 1787 . M . in 1 881 , the witb w of om as 00m , esq .

of Bedford-sq. Was brought up in the Foreign once, and was Under

Secretary for Foreign Affairs for nearly ten years. Attended the2nd Lord

Londonderry at the Congresses of Paris, Vienna, and A ix 1a Chapel le.

Was Joint Secretary of the Treasury for threeyears and a hal f, ti l l h is

retirem ent in Novem ber 1 880. Was created a G .C.H . by H. hi . thekingof Hanover im m ediatel y on his accession, in ful fil m ent of a prom ise of

kingWil l iam IV., given a short tim efi


ore his death . 1s a flrm Con

servative. Sat for theborough previousl y to thepassing of theReform

B il l . The Traveuers ’, Ca rl ton 3 Fa irh'

ght-p l . , Sus sex .

Pl um ptre, John Pem berton. (Kent, E ast)E l d. s. of the l ate John Plum ptre, Esq. ofh edvil l eand of Nottingham ,

and nephew of Sir R ichard Carr Gl yn, bart. 3 b . 1 791 3 in. 18 18 Cathe

rine, 4th (1 . of the l ate Pau l Cobb Methuen, Esq. of Corsham . Ia

patron of 8 l ivm gs . A Deputy Lieut. ofKent ; was cal led to the bar,

but practised only for a very short tim e. A Conservative; against the

em ancipation of the Jews ; seconded M r. Finch’s m otion of June

1833 against pol itical unions . Has sat for the county since 1832 .

3, Grea t George~ st F redm

l l e Hou se, Kent.

Pl um ridge, Jam es Ha l l way. (Penryn and Fa lmouth)A Capt . R . N . Has been Storekeeper of the Ordnance. Was superin

tendent of the Packet Station at Falm outh . A Libera1 3 tin t returned

for the borough in 1841 , having been an unsuccessful candidate at theelection in 1887 . Ardwm a ckHou se, Cornwa l l .

Pol hil l , Frederick. (Bed 0rd)Grands. of the w h eat Boat wark tobacconiat, and 2na s . of the l ate

JohnPolhi11, esq. ofHowbnry Park. B . 1798 3m . in 1824 FrancesM arp

retta, d. of the l ate John Deakin, ot‘

Bagthorpe House, Notts , esq . A

Capt. in theArm y, and patron of 1 l iving. Was for som etim e lessee of

Drury Lane Theatre. A Conservative. Bat fortheborough in 1882 . Un

successfnl ly contested it in 1880 and 1881 . Garl ic!” Junior United

Sem ice 3 Cowbury P ark, Bedfordsh

l ’ol l ington, Visct. Pontqfract)8 18 . s. o! the Earl of Mex boroagh . 8 . 18103 m . in 1 842 l eads Beebe!

b ; s

Houseon commons. b

Catherine, d. ofsrd Earl of01 1011101313was born A Conservative.

First returned to: the borough in1 888 . Ca rltom 88 , Dover-st .

M k, Sir Frederick. (Huntingdon)Br. to General SirGeo. Pol lock, G .C .B . B . 1 788 ; m . 1 st , htiss R ivers 3

2dly, 1884 , 2nd‘

8 . of Capt. R . Langs low , oi‘

Hutton. A Director yt’the

University LifeAssurance Company . A ttorney-Gen. from Dec. 1834 til l

April 1 886 ; w as reappointed in Sept. 184 1 . A Conservative. Has satfor the borough since 1831 . Was a senior wrangler at Cam bridge.

Queen-squa rs Hom e, Gu iWord—et. 3 Carlton, A thm w m ; Tw isdm

bu i l dings , Templ e.

Ponsonby, Hon. Charles Fred. Ashley CoOper. (Boole)B id. s. of Lord DeManley, grands . ot

the 8ta Earl of Desborough ,and nephew of theViset. Dnncannon. B . 8ept. 12, 181 8 . A Whig . 1 1 ,

Hanover sq. 3 Hcmford—hnu se, Do netsk .

Ponsonby, Hon. John George Brabazon Derby)l id. s. ofVisct. Dnncannon, and grands . oi


the8rdEarl ofBesborongh,is rel ated to the Duke of Devonshire, whose fam il y interest in the

borough he is unders tood torepresent . m . in 1838 d . of the l ate

Earl of Durham . I s Precis Writer at the Foreign O thee3 Lord-Lieut.of Carl ow . OfWhig principles ; in favour of the bal lot. Was op

posed, on conservative principl es, by M x . Pole. Sat i‘

or B letchingleyin M ay 1881 , and for Higham Ferrets in Novem ber of the sam e year ;

fi rst elected for Derby in 1834 . 8, Cavm disk-sq. 3 Brook e’s ,

Whi te’s, Travel lers


Powel l , Wil l iam Edward. ( Cardigansh )Bid. 31. of the late Thom as Powel l , E sq. of Nanteos 3 b. 1788 ; in .

1 st in 1 810 Laura Edwyna, el d. d. of Jam es Sackvil l eW ton Phelp,

esq. of Coston House, Leicestersb . 2ndl y in 1841 Harriott Del l , rel ict

of Geo . Ackm , esq . Patron of 1 l iving. Col . of the Cardigansh .

M il it ia , Lord-Lient. and Cnstos Rot. of the county ; at Cornet in the

Anny . A Conservative. Has sat for Cardigansh . since 1 818 . 18,

King-s t., St. Ja m es’s : Carl ton, Bood le

s , the two United Service,

the A l bion ; N anicos , Ca rdigansh .

Powel l , Cal eb. (L im erick, cc. )B id. n ot the l ateEyreButton Powel l , esq . 3 b. 1798 3 ih . in 1888 , d. of

the l ateGeorgeWal ler, esq. ofPriorPark, co.T ipperary. Is a barrister.

A Liberal ; in ihvonr of Church Reform , free-trade, an ex tension of the

suffi ce, and voteby bal l ot . CM , co. L im erick.

Power, Jam es. (Weagford)8 . of Sir John Power, hart. a distil ler in Dubl in, and br.

-in-l aw oi'

Bit N . Pitssimon. A Repeater. 7, Sa okvil ls -st. 3 Reform Club

(St. Ives)8econd s. ofWil l iam Praed, esq . of Tyringham , Bucks ; b. 1780; a

banker inLondon. First elected {or the borough in June 1888. A Con


194P "


sen stive. 8 , .Olw el aud-court, St. Jam es p lace Boodl e’s 3 Theos

how , em ail .

Price, R ichard. (Radnor dist.Lient.-001. Com m andant ef the Radnorsh . Mi l itia, and a Dep .

-Lient .ving. Has sat for the bo

3 Carl ton 3 N orton

bank, an ancient h m i ly in

thecounty . M . in 1880Agnes Joanna, d . of SirWil l iam Dick, bt . of

Prestonfiel d. A Lord oftheT reasury ; an Advocate; Vice-L ieat. of Bel,kirksh. A Conservative. Bat for the county in 1 830 and 1831 3w as

defeated in 1882 by 11 . Pringle, esq . ofCl itton, a Reform er ; but regained

his seat in 1838. Garl ic,” Ya ir, SelHrks/t.

Protheroe, Edward, jun. (Ha l ifax )8 . of Mr. Protheroe, M .P. tbr Bristol from 1810 to l s2o. O f an ol d

Carm arthenshirefam il y, and l atterl y engaged in theWest India trade'


Bristol . A Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lient. for the county of

Gloucester, and an unpaid Comm issioner of Publ ic Records. A Re

form er ; voted, when form erl y in Parl iament, for Rom an Cathol ic and

N egro Em ancipation 3 for therepeal of theTest Act, and in favour of vote

by bal lot. Was elected for E vesham in 1 828 3 unsuccessful l y contested

Bristol in 1 830, and afterwards in 1 832 , having been elected w ithou t

opposition in 1831 . Stood for Hal ifax in 1834, and lost his election by

one vote ; cam e in for the borough at the head of the pol l in 1837

and 184 1 . B rookes 's , Travel lers’

3 N ewnham , G loucestersh.

Pryse, Pryse. (Cardigan, dist.O nl y s. ofthe l ateE . Loveden Loveden, esq. , of Buscot Path, Paging

don, form erly M .P. for Bucks . Assum ed the nam e of Pryse in 1 798 3 In.

first in 1798 , Harriet, d. ofWil l iam , 2nd Lord A shbrook, and w idow of

the Hon. and Rev. John Agar E l l is ; 2diy, in 1814, Jane, d. of Peter

Caval l ier, of Gisborongh . Is patron of2 l ivings. A Reformer; voted in

favour ofQueen Carol ine, CatholicEm ancipation, and both Reform Bi l l s .

Has sat for the borough since 1 8 1 8 . Was returned in conjunction

with John 8 . Haribtd, esq. in 1 841 (al though theborough only has one

m em ber), on account of an inform al ity in theelection; after the report

of a com m ittee, Mr. Prysewas decl ared to bedul y elected. L im m er ’s

Hotel ; Gogerddan , Cardigansh q B uscot Park, Berks .

Pu l sford, R obert. (Hereford)Youngest s. of the l ateWil l iam Pnl sford, esq. ofWimpole street, Lon

don. educated at Trin. 0011. 0am 11ridge. A Libera l , in favouoi

'thebal lot. Was first returned in Sept. 1841 , whenMr. Hobhouse ne

cepted theChil tem Hundreds. 1 1 , Hyde-pa rt terrace.

Pusey, Phil ip. (B erksh )B id. s. of theHon. Phi l ip Bouverie(hal fhr. ofthe 1st E arl ofRedner) ,

196 noose or eom sons.


1818. A Conservative; first returned for the borough in 1841, 3 7 ,

Ricardo, John Lew is . (Stoke-ou Trent)B . 181 2 3 111 . in 1 841 , d . oi

Gen. theHon. 8 irA . Def. A m erd ianb . aRefim ner ; in favour of the bal lot, fi ee-tn de, and a repeal of thecorn

Law s ; first elected for the borough in 1841 . Brook e’s 3

st., Belgrave sq.

Rice, Edward Royd. (Dover)B . 17903 111 . in 1 818, El izabeth, 211 d. of Edward o f

Godm ersham Park, Kent. 1s a Deputy-Lient. for thecounty ofKent ,and

a Capt . in theEast Kent Yeom anry Cavalry. Was High Sherif for‘

thecounty in 1830. A Reformer. A .H . of Ox ford. United W oerm

D ane.

Cou rt, Kent.MR l chards, R 1chard. (Merionethshbfl

3 18 . s. of the l ateLord ChiefBaron R ichards ; b . 1787 3 111 . Harfi ét


of Jonathan Bennett, esq. E lected on the resignation of Sir R .

Vaughan, bt. in 1 838 . A Conservative. 40, Bedford-sq Cal i fa nCan ynwch , Marionethsl s.

Roche, Sir David, hart. (Lim erick, city)E 111. s. of the l ateDavid Roche, esq . , of Carass House, 00. Lim erick ;

b. 1 7933 m . 1825 Frances, d . of the l ate Ool . O rm sby Vandeieex .

A Repeal er. In 1882 Mr. O 'connel l styled him on the hnttings

oneof the m ost warm -hearted Protestants in Irel and.

" He w as

theproposer oi‘

thepl an for the abol ition of tithes in Irel and adopt“by the Mel bourne adm inistration, bat rejected by the Houseof Lords .

Has sat for the city since 1882 .—48, Duke-st. , St . Jam es

’s ; Rd hn u

Cl ub 3 B rum sm’

cb -st. , L imerick3 Gam es Hou se, co. L im erick

Banwick. co. Clare.

Roche, E dm und Burke. (co. Cork)8 . of Edward Roche, esq. , of Trabolgan ; and connected, throng!)

his m other’s fam ily, w ith that of the celebrated Edm und Burke, 5 .

1 816 . A Radical Reformer. Trabolgan , co. of Carl“.

Roebuck, John Arthur. (Ba th)8 . ofB . Roebuck, esq . and grands. oi

thecelebrated Dr. John Roebuck,

ofCarton, in Scotl and. B . 1 801 , at M adras ; m . tn 1884 ,Henriettu dzoi'

the Rev. Dr. Fal coner ofBath , theauthor ofseveral learned worta , npdformerl y B am pton Lecturerat O x ford. A Ban ister. Agent for Lower

Canada, in wh ich hewas resident m any years . Has written m uch i'


theWestm inster and London Review s. A Radical Reform er, an ady'


cate ofFreeTrade, the Bal l ot, T riennial Parliam ents, anex tensionofthe8 ufli-age, and the cl aim s of theDissenters. Represented the city hem1 882 ti l l 1887 ; reelected in 1841 .

- Refom 3 8, R ayn a ta-bufldisv s ,

Gra y’s Inn .

Rol l eston, Lancelot.'

ottingham sh. South) 308 . and heir of Cbfl stopher Rol leston, who was high sherif {OI th


em ty in 1 808 . 3 . 2oth Ju ly, 1 788 . hl . 17 th Nov. 1 888, l iqwd .

197of thel ate, and sister of the present, Sir Geo. Chetwynd, ht . 1s Col . oi

theN ottingham sh .M il itia. O fconservativeprinciples. Watna l l Ha l l .

B ase, Rt. Hon. Sir Geo. Henry. (Christchurch)E 18 . s. of the l ateRt . Hon. Geo. Bose. M . d. of Duncom be, esq .

h Clerk of the Parl iam ents and Lord of the m anor of Christchurch .

A Conservative ; was elected for Southam pton in 1798 ; has been secre

tary of legation at the court ofBerl in, envoy ex traordinary to Munich

and subsequently to Befl in. 8st for Christchurch in the parl iament of

1 818 . Edited theMarchmont papers. 7, O l d Pa l ace Santan a,

Christchurch, Rants .

Ross, David Robert. (Belfast)1 8 . of the l ateRev. Thom as Ross ; b . 1797 , m . 1819, Harriet Knox , d.

oi Bishop Knox (oi L ifi ripk), and grand-d. ofthe1 st E arl ofRant

nrl y .

Form erly in theDragoons . A Dep. Lient . fix theco. ofDown. Stood for

Belfast on the l iberal interest in~1841 3 returned in 1842, al ter voidance

of that election. Holds l ibera l opinions, and is ihvonrable to freetrade.

Reform : R osstrevor, eo. Down .

R ound, Charles Gray. (Essex , North)8. of the l ateGeo. Round, esq. , a banker at Colchester ; m . 1 888 .Hi“

Brock . Is a barrister. Recorder of Colchester, and chairm an of the

quarter sessions for thecounty. A rel ation to the m em berfor Mal don.

A M . of Bal iol Col lege, O x ford. A Conservative. B irch Ha l l , E ssex .

Round, John. (Ma ldon)11. Match, 1788 , 111 . March 111, 1818, eld. d. of George Caswel l , esq.

hf 8aoom bePark, Bests. Was m em ber for Ipswich (tom 1 812 to 1 81 8,

«ba t lost his election to: the borough in 1820. A Conservative. A .H .

and D.C.L . of Bal iol Col lege, O x ford. I s High Steward of Colchester,his native place. Served the ofi ce ofHigh Sheriff of Essex in 1836 .

88,D a vies-s t. Berbeley-sq. 3 Carl ton 3 D anbury Pa rk, E ssex .

li ons, Hon. Henry John. Westm inster)Nex t br. tn theEarl of Stradbro and, therefore, descended from a

fam il y establ ished in 8nfi’

olk since the Heptarchy. B . 1 798 3 m . in

u ses, 11 . d }. 11 . Cuthbert, esq. Entered theN avy in 1818, served under

the l ate Sir W. Hoste3 com m anded on several occasions w ith distin

-gushed success under very adverse circum stances. A Conseryative381 st

tam ed forWestm inster in 1 84 1 . 28, 0M pel -st., Parb lcm e.

R um bold, Charles Edm und. (Yarm outh.

8 . ofthe l ateMrThom as Reinhol d, bt. Gom or o Madras, andgreat

uncle of thepresent 81: Cavendish Stuart num bold, bt. Cousin germ an,through his mothes, to Lord El lenborongh and themem berfor theUni

versity of Cambridge. 8st for theborough from 1818 til l 1886 . Holds

1ibera1 0pinions. Pres ton Caudover, Hassl e.

Bundle, John.


stock)8. ofthe lateW111. nndle, esq. merchant and banker at Tavistock. B.

1791 3 m . 1824 Barbara, yonagsu l . of John 0111, esq.“Tavistock. A


198 aovsnop com m as.

banker in thetown. A Reform er; in favour of Triennial Parl iam ents

and theBal lot. Pleased to resign his seat it cal led upon so to do by a

m ajority of the electors. Cocksp ur-cl . 3Tavis tock, Devonsh .

M ooke, Robert. (Sulfolk, West)

B . 1779 3 m . in 1 808 d. of the ateSir 0. Davies. A Lients col . in the

Am y, and a Mil itary Secretary to theCom m ander of theForces . Delm ty

L ient. of the 00. A 00nservative.— 0arl tom Rushbroobe Pa rt ,

M C3 0)

R ussel l , Charla? (R'

zding)Second s. of the l ateSirHenry Russel l , bart . , b. 1788 . Was anofl cer

in theB . 1 . Omnpany's Bengal Arm y. Chairm an of the Great Western

Railway Com pany. A Conservative3 sat for the borough from 1 880

til l 1 887 3 re elected in 1841 . Was petitioned against in 1 842, but

decl ared by theCom m itteedu ly elected. 27 Charles-st Si . Jam es 3

Carl ton, Travel lers’

, Union, Orienta l .

R ussel l , Lord Edward . Tavistock)8 . 01 8th Duke ofBedford ; b. 1 808 . A Capt. R . N . A Liberal . F irst

returnedfot theborough in 1841 .—Refom .

Russel l , Jesse David Watts. (Stafi'

ordsh. North)8 . of J. Watts Russel l , E sq . of R am Hal l . 8 . 1812 ; m . youngest

d. ofJ. Sm ith Wright, esq., ofl tem pstone, Notts. A Conservative : first

returned for the00. in 1841 . Ovard and Cam bridge Club.

R ussel l , R t. Hon. Lord John. (L ondon)Third and youngest s. of the 8th Duke of Bedford, by his first w ife

Georgiana E lisabeth , 2nd d. of the 4th Visct. Torrington 3 b. 1792 3

111 . 1st, 1885, Adel aide, el d. d. ofThom as Lister. ofA m ytage Park, esq .,

and rel ict of 2nd Lord nibblesdaie 3 2adly, 1841 , Lady F rances A nnaM aria

,2nad. of the 2nd E arl ofM into. Paym aster oi


theForces Inn

1880 til l Nov. 1834 . In Apri l 1 885was appointed Secretary of State

for the Hom e departm ent ; and in 1839 Secretary of State for the

Colonies ; resigned in Sept. 1841 . 8st tor Devon in 1881 , and for Ta

vistoch in thefive Parl iam ents previous, w ith theex ception ofthat for

1820, when hesat forHuntingdonsh . and 1880, when he sat for Bandon

Bridge. Ou taking othee in 1 888, he l ost his seat to: Devon, but was

short ly aiterwards elected for 8tm nd, Lieut.-Col . Fox accepting the

Chi l tern Hundreds in order to createa vacancy . First returned for the

city in 184 1 . Conditional l y in favour of the Bal lot.—80, W il ton

ores . 3 Reform 3 Endsles‘

gh Hou se, Devon .

R utherford, A ndrew . (Leith dist. )M . sister of Sir Jam es Stuart , hart . An Advocateat thescottish Bar.

Has been LordAdvocateofScot l and. Is opposed to the im m ediaterepealof the corn l aws, to the bal lot, and to the ex tension of the snfi age.

First returned for the district in 1889, on the elevation of his p ede“assot in omceto thebench.

209 noose or comm ons.

Scrope, Geo. Paulett, F .R .S. F .G . S . 8 m. (Strand)Second s. of J. Poulett Thom son, Esq. of Roeham pton, Surrey, and

AustinPris!“ hr. of thel ateLord Sydenham 3 b. 1797 3 111 . 1 821 Emm a ,

d . and heiress ofWil l iam Scrape, esq.ofCastleCom be,Wil ts, and 00therington, L incolnsh., whereupon he took the name and arm s of

Bot opo, in addition to those of Ponl ett. A Dep.-Lie11t oi

' W110 ;

patron of 1 l iving. A m oderateReform er ; in favour of theestab lish

ment of sm al l national bank notes, revision of the corn l aws, 11 pro

perty-tax , poor-l aw s for Irel and, an enl arged schem e of colon!sati n

as a national m easure, and tree tradegeneral ly. Has written pam phl ets

on Banking, theCurrency, thePoorLaws, and Pol itical Econom y al so.

Considerations on Volcanos,’ the Geology of and

other geological works. Contested the borough unsuccessfu l l y in 1 882 ,

butwas el ected w ithout oppositionon theres ignation ofMr. Riearde-inM ay 1 883 .

— 13, Belgrave-sq. 3 A them eum tm d Rdom Cl ubs : Ca st l e

Com be, co. W i l ts .

Seale, Sir John Henry, bart. (Dartm outh)M . the only (1. of the l ate Sir Paul Jodrel l , MD . the South

Devon m il itia. 1s patron of 2 l ivings. O i'Whig principl es . Hol ds

strong l iberal opinions,”and is in favour of thebal lot and short Pal i in

m ents. Voted for revision of the Pem ion L ist . Has satfor theborough

since1 882 .— 6 , A lbem arle-st. 3 Brookes

’s , Aviva, and Reform 01146 3 3

Seym our, LoB id. s. of theDuke ofSom erset : b. 1804 ; m . in 1 830 JaneGeorgiana,

youngest d. of the l ate Thom as Sheridan, esq . A Lord of the T rea

sury from 1835 to 1 889, Secretary to theBoat ti of Oontm nl ft'

on (h

Jane 184 1 , when he becam eUnder Secretary of State for the HomeDe

partm ent . Resigned Sept . 1 84 1 . Has sat for theborough since 1831


,18 Sp ring-gardens R eform 02116 3 B erry Pom eroy, D evon.

Segunrr, Sir Horace Beaucham p, K.C.H. (M idhurst)rd Hugh Seym our ; b. 1 791 3 m . 1st, 1 818 , 8 1t h “ ,

bu t 2ndly, 1 836 , d. ofW. 8 Poynts , esq. and rel ict of17th m enu

ton. A Conservative. First elected for theborough in 1841 . Garden 1

28, St. Jam es’s-p l . 3 Cm dray Lodge, Su s sex .

Shaw , R t. Hon. Frederick. (Dubl in University)Second 11 . of Sir Robert Shaw , bt. banker of Dubl in, who repie.

sented that city in Parl iament for 22 years3 b. 17993 11 1m m

Em i ly, (1. of the Hon . George Jocel yn. Cal led to the Irish her in 1822 .

I s Recorder of Dubl in and Dundalk, anda BencberofKing's Inn, Dublin

Obtained som eprem ium s in theUniversity of Dubl in, afterwanl sm .

ated at O x ford . A Conservative. 8 s t for thecity of Dubl in in theM 111 .

m ents of 1880 and 1 881 . Was elected as the additional member:flitthe University in 1882, in opposi tion to Mr. th'

an1pton.- 6, W m “.

fi l o» K im ye-houss, cc. D ubl in.

11011311 or commons. sot

Sheil , Rt. Hon. Richard Lalor. (Dungarvon)B. 1794 3 m . first, nieceof SirWin. MeM ahon, bt . 3 2adl y . 1 880, rel ict

of 8 . Power, esq ofLong Orchard, co. Tipperary . A Queen's counsel 3

has been a Com m issionerof Greenw ich Hospital , Vicef President of the

a Board of Trade, and Judge Advocate Gen. Has written several Tra

gedies, and form erlywrote m uch for difi'

erent portions of the periodical

m ass. A short tim e since hewas opposed to the repeal of the Union,

but is now in its favour, and w il l vote for the abol ition of tithes in

even shape, and under every designation ; for the appropriation of a

l arge portion of the episcopal estates to purposes of national uti l ity ;

and thenom ination ofgrandjnries by thepeop le. 8 111 forMi lboarnePort

in 1830, and (having unsuccessful ly contested it in 1880) for Loath in18313 for Tipperary from 1 832 til l 1841 , when he was elected for

8 18 . surviving s. or the Marq. oi‘ Lansdowne3 b. Jan. 6 , 1 818 ; tn.

6th 11. ofl l th E arl ofPem broke (dead) . 01‘Whig opinions . L ansdowne

house, Berkeley-sqq Bowood, W i l l s .

Sheppard, Thom as. (Frame)M . d. of the l ateRichard Down, esq. His fam ily are cl oth m anufac

turers at From e, and have an ex tensivewarehouse in Basinghal l-street,London. A conservative. Voted for inquiry into the Pension List, andagainst adm ission of the Dissenters to the Universities. Has sat for the

borough since 1832.—20, Grea t George-st. 3 Hamp stead heath, Mid


Shirley, E vel yn John. Warwickshire, South)8 . 1788 3 111 . E l isa, d. of Art 111 Stanhope, esq ., cousin of the Earl of

m u ted eld. E lected on the death of E . Sheldon, esq. in 1838 . Is a

Trustee of Rugby School . A Conservative.— 20, Belgravs-sq

Ea tington-ha l l , W am s’

el ’sh .

Shirley, Evel yn Phil ip. (Monaghan)Bid. s. 0! Evel yn John Shirley, esq. , M .P. for South Warwicksh. 3 is

Ba sin of theEarl s ofFerret'

s and ofChesterfiel d ; b. 1812 ; m . in 1842 , (1 .

ofH . Lechners , esq. A Conservative; graduated at M agdalen Ool l . , 0x

ford 3 tirst elected for the co. in 1 84 1 .— 20, B elgrave-sq . 3 Curtiam

L ower E a l ington , W arwicksh . 3 Lough Fea , Monaghan.

Sibthorp, Col . Charles Delaet Waldo. (L incoln)M . d. andeo-heiress ofPonsonbyTottenham ,esq. Is patronof2 l ivings .

-A conservative. Represented the city previous to 1 832, then lost his

seat, but recovered it in 1 886 .- 3 0, A lbany ; Car l ton : Cam os


Ha l l 3 L tneohu h.

Sm ith, Abel . (Hert ordsh.).8 . of the late Banm e sm ith , esq. , and cousin of Lord Carring-I

ton. B . 1788 ; m . l st , 1822, Marianne Les l ie, 4th 11. of A lex anf‘ "

202 11011311 or oom ons.

l oth Earl of Leven and Mel vil l e (dead) ; 2adl y, 1828 , Frances Anne.

youngest d. of the l ate SirHarry Ca lvert , hart. 1s patron of 1 l iving .

A Conservative. Has sat forWendover and M idhurst in tour Parl ia

m ents previous to 1832 .— 89, Berkeley

-sq. 3 Car l ton 3 Woodhafl-p arb

Harts .

Sm ith, Benjam in. (Norw ich)8 . ofWil l iam Sm ith, esq ., who for m any years represented Snfibnry ,

and subsequently Norw ich , and who was considered the organ of the

UnitarianDissenters . Bat for 811d in the parl iam ent of 1 836 . A

Reform er.— Ha st£nys , Su ssex .

Sm ith, John Abel . (Chichester)8 . of J. Sm ith, esq , banker, and cousin of Lord Carrington ; b

r’ 1 1 801 3 111 . in 1 827 A nne, 11 . of Sir Sam uel Cl arke Jervoise, bt. An East

M ndia Proprietor. A Metropol itan Lunacy Com m issioner. A Directorof

the University Life A ssurance Society . A Whig. Sat i‘

or M idhurst in

1 8303 for Chichester since 1 831 .— 47, Bel grave-sq. 3 D a le P ark,

Su ssex .

Sm ith , Right Hon. Robert Vernon. (N orthampton)8 . ofRobert Sm ith , esq . and nephew oftheRev. 8ydney Sm ith, canon of

St.Paul's. M . d . andcc-heiressofthe l ateE arl ofUpperOssory. A Lordof

the T 'easury, during theGrey andMel bourneAdm inistrations up to Nov.

1 884 . Secretary of the Board of Control fi om Apri! 1835 3 in 1889 w as

appointed Under Secretary for the Colonies ; resigned in 1841 tor

T ra lee from 1829 , ti l l the election in 1831 , when he w as chosen for

N ortham pton.- 20, Savi l le-row 3 Refer"; Cl u b 3 F a rm ing W oods ,

E l d. s.oi‘

Rear-Adm iral John Ronet 81nol lett , oi‘

Bonhi l l , by the d. of

theHon. PatrickBoyle; isgreat-grandnephew of thecelebrated historian

and novel ist. B . 1801 3 is a Mem ber of the Facu l ty of Advocates . A

Conservative. Was an unsuccessihl candidatefor thecounty in 188 6 and

1837 ; first returned in 184 1 . Was educated at theUniversity ofE din

bnrgb . Union3 14, G l oucester-

p lace, Edinburgh 3 Cam eron House,

Dum ba rtom h .

Sm yth, Sir George Henry, bt. (Colchester)B . 1784 ; m . in 181 6 Eve, (1. ofG . E lm ore, esq . ofPenton. A Conserva

tive. Is patron of2 l ivings. Sat fortheborough previous to the passingof theCathol ic Rel ief Bil l .—Carl ton 3 Berechurch , E ssex .

Sm ythe, Hon. Geo. A ug. Fred. Percy Sydney. (Canterburg)Y 111. s. of 8th Vise. 8 trangt

ord 3 b. 18 18, at Stockholm , during h isfather’s em bassy there; educated at E ton and St. John’

s 001. Cam bridge.

A Conservative. First returned for the borough in on the retirem ent of Lord A . Conyngham , afters severe contest, defeating J. H .Wit.son, Esq. by a m ajority of 148 .

—88 Harley-s l Carlton Wehanger House, Kent.


204 .noosn op commons .

the Colonies, during a part of the Goderich adm inistration. 1 1135

Secretary from 1830 ti l l 1838, when he was appointed Secreta ry

of State for the Colonies, w hich be hl l ed til l 1834, when he te

s igned , in consequenceof not being able to agree to his ool leagnes’

p la;of Church Reform . Again appointed to the Colonial Departm ent in

Sept. Has been Lord Rector of Gl asgow University. Sat for

Stockbridge in the Parl iam ent of 1820, and for Preston from 1826 to

1880. when he w as thrown out by Mr. Hunt, and took his seat (or

Windsor (Sir Hussey Vivien retiring in his favour), for w hich al sc

he sat in 188 1 . Has sat for the 00. since 1 832.-4 , St. Janet

’s Sq . 3

Know s ley, L ancaoh .

Stan ley, Hon. Wil l iam O wen. (Anglesey)2nd s. of1stLord Stanley of A l derley, and tw in-brother of theRigh t

Hon. E dward John Stanley. B . N ov. 13, 1802 . M . Feb. 1 4. am ,

E l len, 6th d. ofS ir JohnWil l iam s, bt. Holds Liberal opinions. Pa ti ent ,

Angleu y.

Stansfield, Wil l iam Rookes Crom pton. (Hudderqfield)Bid. s . of the l ateJoshua Crum pton, esq . , who in. AnneM arie, d. and

co-heiress ofWm . Rookes, esq., ofEshol t. Assum ed the nam eof Stone

fleld in com pl iancewith thew il l of his m other, who inherited thepro

petty of her m aternal uncle, Robt. Stsnsfiel d, esq., of Eshol t. B . 1790;

m . in 1824 d. of the lateWil l iam Markham , esq. ,of Bum , eld. s. of

the l ateA rchbishop of York. Professes h im ael t’

a m oderateReform er,

an advocate for a fix ed duty on eom , a supporter of Government m ee

snres in Irel and, favourable to the shortening of the duration of Perl in

m ents, and to thebal lot, w ith s view to protect electors from intimida


" 1s of theUniversity ofCambt idge. Reform Club Bol ton

Ha l l , Yorksh .

Stanton, Wil l iam Henry. (Strand)8 . of the l ateWil l iam Stanton, esq. Wool len Manufacturer at Strond.

m . 1 823, eld. d. of the late Roger Sm ith, egg. of ManorHouse,

Walworth . A Whig. A Magistrateof thecounty of Gloucester. F irst

elected fortheborough in 1841 .— q orm 3 Stratford Cottage, Strand.

Staunton, Sir George Thom as, bt., F . R . s.

(Portsm outh)8 . of SirGeo. L . Stannton, whoaeeom penied LordM acartney to (h int .

B . M ay 26 , 1781 . Is a Proprietor ot E ast India Stock, and was chief

m percargo tor theEast India Com pany in China ; was president of the

Select Com m itteeat Canton, endcom m issionerotem bassy toPekin in 1810,V . P . of A siaticSociety. Form erl y thought the Reform Bi l l too ex ten

sive, bnt subsequently changed his opinion. 8s t for Keyten t;in 1880 and 1 88 1 ; unsuccessfu l ly contested Hem psh . in 1886 . in eon

junction with Lord Palm erston. E lected for the borough in bl ank}1888,on the death of M t . Bonham Carter, the late member. M an! h epenal code of China. Is theau thor ofpam phlets on our told“ with

neosl e! com m it s; 205

(Hm . WesM etohotel Macattney when Ambassador to Ch ina.— 17,

M d ., PM “ A lhenwum ; Leigh Park, R ants

Stewart, John. (Lym ington)A West India proprietor, Dep. Chairman of theUniversal Life Assn:

anee Society ; a Director of the London and Westm inster Joint StockBank. A Conservative. Has sat for the borough since 1832.

- D 8,

Stewart, Patrick M ax wel l . (Renfrewsh )8 . of Sir M . N . Stew art, bart. ; br.

-in-l aw of the Dukeof Som erset .

A m erchant agent forTobago ; a Director of theBritish Am erican LandCom pany, a l so ofthePal l adium LifeAssuranceCom pany, and a M anager

of the l ondon and Westm inster Joint Stock Bank. 1s Vice-Lient. ofRenfreweh. A Liberal . 8st for Lancaster fiom 1881 til l 1 887 ; first

returned for the00. in 1841 .— 1 1 , Upper Broot -et.

Stock , Joseph, LL.D. (Casket)8 . ofB ishop (Stock) ofKil lal oe. Judge oftheHigh Court ofAdm iral ty

in Irel and. A Reform“. First returned thrtheBox . in 1838 .— Tem p le

et., Du bl in.

Strickl and, Sir George, hart. (Preston)B . 1 782 ; m . in 1 818 M ary, (1. and heiress of theRev . Chas. Constabl e


Wassand, Yorksh. A Barrister. Patron of 7 l ivings. A Bel ornu r.

A dvocateot'

thebal lot, Church reform , of Dissenters being rel ieved fi o

Chnrch rates, and of shortening theduration of Parl iaments ; opposed

to the present corn laws, and al l m onopol ies. Sat forYorksh. (West)from 1831 til l 1841 .- q om Club Hz

l dcnley, York ie.

Strutt, Edward. (DerbM . M iss Otter, d. of the ate Bishop of Chichestel '. A barl 'l sta


; a

cotton m anufacturer. l s patron of 1 l iving. A Reform er ; in km : of

triennial Parl iaments, revision of the pension l ist, thevote y bal l ot,fi ee-trade, incl uding that in corn ii the pecul iar burdens on l and he

rem oved ; ifnot, in favour ofa fix ed duty. Has sat for Derby from 1880.

—A thenwum and Reform Cl ubs St. Helen’s, Derbych .

Stuart, Henry. (Bed 0rd)1s grands . oi

the 8rd l of Date, being the second s. of Arch

bishop (Stuart)ofArm agh by Sophie, grandd. ofthecelebtatedWm . Penn.

B. 1804 . A Conservative; first returned for theborough in 1887 ,bnt was

m ated on petition; was reelected in 1840 .—Carl ton ; Tm p aford

Stuart, Lord Patrick Jae. Herbert Crichton. (Ayr dist.)Nex t hr. oftheMat t]. of Bute; b. 1794 ; m . in 1818 Hannah , onl y d. of

Wu . Tighe, esq. A m oderate Reform er ; in favour of an inquiry into


n Law s. Bat for Carditi‘

in several Parl iaments, hut in 1 882.

l b . Nichol l , a Com n ath e, displaced him on the M arq . of Bnte’s

taterest. Hes sat for thedistrictsince1881 —6 , Whiteha l l ? “ A l lu

206 nous]: or commons .

Stuart, Wil l iam Vil l iers. (Waterford, co.)s. of Lord Henry 8tnart : b . 1 804 ; m . m e, onl y (1. ou t. cox .esq


A Reformer. Dr. of the Lient. of the cc. who repm ented the city o f

Waterford in 1826 . E lected in Septem ber, 1880, in the room of hi t .

Powet , deceasedF q om Cl ub Drom ana , co.W’


ord .

Sturt, Henry Charles. (Don etsk )8 1d . s . of the l ate Charles Sturt, Esq. , and M ary Anne. onl y G. of

the l ate and sister of the oth Earl of Shaftesbury. B . 1796 : l ) 1 820

Charlotte Penel ope. std d. of the 7th E arl of Cardigan. Patron o f

7 l ivings . A Conservative. Was elected for Bridport in 1 817 ; was

re-electedin 18 18 . Sat tbr a few weeks of the nex t Parl iament for Dor

chester ; contested Poole unsuccessful ly in 1826 ; was elected for thecounty in 1885.

—16, Portm m t-oq. ; Carl ton Oriteht'

l l , D orm .

Sutton, Hon. John Henry Tho. Manners. (Cam bridge,bor.)2na s. of l st Visct . Canterbury ; b. 1 814 ; m . d . of0. Thom pson, esq .

I s Under-Secretary of State for the Hom e Departm ent. Was first

elected for Cam bridge in 1889, but unseated on petition ; re-elected in

1 841 .—0wrl ton.

T albot, Christopher R ice Manse]. (G lam organsh.)Nephew of the 8rd Earl of I lchester, and son-in-l aw of the l ate Sir

Christ. Cole. M . 1835, Lady Charl otte, 2d dan. of l st Earl ofG lengan.

I s patron of b l ivings. Has sat for the county since 1880. Maryann,Gl dfi

’oryan .

Tancred, HenryWil l iam . (B anbury)A Queen’

s Counsel . OfWhig principles ; favour of thebal lot, the

repeal oftheseptennial Act, and them al t duty. Has sat for theborough

since 1832. 1 1, O ld -Inn ; 121 , Parb-st. : Reform Cl ub.

T aylor, E dward. (Dubl in, 00.

E ld. s. of the Hon. and Rev. Edwar Taylor, hr. ofthe l ateMan . of

Headfort ; b. 1812. A capt. in theDragoon Guards . A Conservative ;first returned for the 00. in 1 841 . Car l ton , A rdgil lan 0m m , cc.

Dubl in.

Taylor, Jam es Arthur. (Worcestersh , E ast)


1 817 . A m agistrate, anddep.-l ient. oi

theco. Trul y Conservati ve.”

F irst returned for the cc. in 1841 . Oxford and Cambridge Cl ubMosel ey Ha ll, PVorceaten h.

Tennent, Jam es Em erson. (Bel act)8 . ofWm . Em erson. a m erchant in Bel t. m . in 1831 Leti

tia, only (1. ofWm . Tennent, esq. ofBel thst. at whosedeath, in 1802. beassum ed thenam eofTennent, and m eeeeded to hl s estates inFexm m aghand 31130. Is a bart ister (at theEngl ish bar). A Secretary to theBow lof contm l . Has publ ished

“Travel s in Greece,

" A History of l odern Greece,

"and Letters hem the E gean.

" Pl rst elected for theborough in 1832 ; defeated at the genera]election in 1887 , bu t subse

208 Hover. or comatos e.

Towneley, John. (Beverley)Second s . ofPeregrineEdward , ofM eiey,Lancash

B . 1 808 ; ln. in 1840, d. of 8 1: Henry A Whig . Firs t

returned for thehot . in 1841 . 7, Parb st.Wash White's, M acrocTovm el ey , Lanea sh . .

rT rail l , George. (Cait’iness

8 . of James Tu il i, esq. . of B atter, who isVice-Lientm f the 00. A

Liberal . A dep.-l ient. oi


the co. for which he was first returned in

1841 , havingbeen an unsuccessful candidateat theelection in 1887 . S at

tor O rkney and Shetl and t’

rom 1880 to 1885, but was not tu rned to M

l iam ent at the subsequent general election. Stevena’s Hotel , q om

Ca stl eHi l l , Ca s'

Ihssess-sl s.

Trench, Sir FrederickWil l iam , K.G.R . (Scarborough)Onl y s. of Frederick Trench, esq . ofHeywood , Bal l inakil l .

l s m l stetlto the Earl of Clancarty . A Major-Gen. in the am y.

~ Was stere

keeper of the Ordnance under the Wel l ington adm inistration. I s

secretary to the Master General of the Ordnance. A Conservative.

8s t for Cam bridge from 1 818 to 1832, when hennsnecessh l l y contested

Scarborough. 7 Bol ton-s t. 3 Car l ton.

T revor, Hon. George R ice T revor. (Carm arthensh.)E ld. s . of Lord Dynevor ; b. 1796 ; m . 1824 Frances, eld. d . of Lord

Charles Fitzroy ; has assum ed the name of fl ew : in addition to th at

of R ice. I s patron of 8 l ivings. Lient. Ool . Commandant of the Roya lCarm arthen Fusi leers . A Conservative. 8 st for thecounty from l aw to

1881 , when he w as thrown out, on account of his opposition to the

Reform Bil l , by Sir J.Wil liam s , bt. Regained his seat in 1 882 . 1 0,

M ad on s l . 3 Ca rlton .

T rol lope, Sir John, hart. (Lincolnsh.

, South)8 . of the six th bath ; b. 1800. A dep.

-l ient . of the co . A cem

tive; fi st returned to: the eo. in 1841 . Car lton Oasew ieb, M e.

C‘M ke

T rottet . John (Surrey, West)M elected in 1840, on the succession of Capt. Percen l to am m .

A Conservative. Horton P l ace, Surrey.

Tronbgidge, Sir Edward Thom as, bt. (Sandwich)8 . of Adm . Troubridge. who fought at the N ile, and was lost in

his Majesty’s ship B lenheim , in 1806 , it is supposed in the Southern

Ocean . M . 1810 Anna Maria, (1. of Adm . Sir A . Ingl is Oochrane,and cousin of Lord Dundonald. Is a Rear Adm iral of theB lue,

and N aval Aid-de-Cam p to theQueen. A Lord of the Adm iral ty (tomApri l , 1 886 , ti l l Sept . 1841 . A h East India Proprietor. Has sat for theborough since 188 1 . 41 , Chestm terr., Regent

's Park; B lm r ,

T ufnel l , Henry. ( Devonport)x


8 . of Wm . T ut'nel l , E sq .

, form erly MJ’. forColchester. B . 1800: til . in880d . of S ir R . W . Horton, Bt. Has been a Lordot theT reasury ; was

nooseor comm ons . 209

PrivateSecretary to 8 1: R .W. Horton (Governor of Oeylon), and alterwards to Lord Minto (first Lord of theAdm iral ty).

‘h -ansl ated M iil ler


Dorians w ith 0 . L . Lewis, Esq. A Whig. Fsvonrabl eto thebal lot and

. to a change in the corn l aws. Was returned for Ipsw ich in 1 887 , but

unseated on petition. 18, Cavm ds’

sh-sq . 3 Brook e’s 3 M kn



uite, Hugh Morgah. (Westm eath)8 . of Hugh Tnite, esq. B . 1795. M . in 1826 , d. of Maurice N .

O ’connor, esq., ofMonnt-pleasant. I s a Liberal . 8st for the co. from

1826 ti l l 1830 ; re-elected in 1841 . 80m m , 00 . Westm ea tls.

er, Edm und. Truro)8 . of a banker at Truro, sad hr. ofChas.Walstngham Turner, who

distinguished him sel f in India as a schol ar and a sol dier, and died at”

T in seltown . 3 . 29th Jan. , 1 792 ; III . in Ju ly , 1 818 theeld. d. ofReuben

Chairm an of Reb nn meetings during the progress of the Reform Bil l ;E lected first M ayor of the borough under the Municipal CorporationM . A Liberal , and a supporter, general ly , of theMel bourneadm inis


tration ; but not pledged on any question. Truro3 Polyteynne-house.

tn Fear}, Com oa l l .

a nor, Christopher. (Lincolnshire, South)8 1d. s. ot ntnnd Tum or, esq. l . 1810 m . in 1887 . d. of l oth Earl

ofWinchel sea. Is a Conservative. F irst returned for the 00. in 1 841 .

Car l ton 3 N ew Um n d ty 3 Stoke Rockford 3 Panton-house, Un

T yrrel l , Sir John T yssen, hart. (E ssex , North)B . 1 796 ; m . tn 1 819 E lisa, el d . d . c1 8k Thom as Pilkington, hart .

of Chevet, Y orksh . 001. of theWest Ru e! M il itia. A Conservative ;

in favour of the present Corn Law s. 8ncceeded the l ate Adm . Har

vey in the representationof E ssex in 1 880 ; but, voting against thetl rst

B othun Bil l , was thrown out at the ensuing election. Recovered his

seat in 1832. Car lton ; Boreham House, E ssex .

Vane, Lord Hart y George. (D urham , South)8 . ottbeDukeofClevel and ; b. 1 803. Has been Secretary ofLegation

at theCourt of8weden. First el ected h r theco. in 1841 . A Liberal .Rdm 3 17 St. Jam es ’

s sq.

Vere, Sir Charles Broke, K.T .S. (Saf aih, East)Dr. ofthe late Sir Ph il ip VereBroke, Capt. of theShannonat the tim e

of theengagem ent between her and the An erican fi igate Chesapeak .

B . 1779. A M ajor-Gen. in the arm y. Was at Waterloo. A Conser

vative; unsuccessful lycontested thecounty in 1882. 4, Scotland Yard.

Whiteha l l 3 Carlton 3 BrokeHa l l , Safe“.

Verner, Col .Wil l iam . (A rm 11, county)_8 .6t the lateJae.Vem er, esq. ; b. 17 3 m . 1 819 Harriet , onl y d. of the

How001.Win field. Dep. Gr. m of thelateOrange Society, servo-a


2 10 stones or common .

in Spain andFram etw ice, andwaswounded at

tive. Struck oil the l ist ofjustices of thepeaceof Norm anby, then Lord Mn1grave, on account of an al l eged po l i tica

toast given at a dinner-party . Has sat for the 00. since 1882 . Contested

it unsuccessful l y in 1828 . Carl ton 3 A rthur’s ; Sen. and Jens. Un ited

Sew iee3 Church-hs‘

l l , eo. Arm agh.

Vernon, Granvil le Harcourt. (E ast Retford)6th s.ot

the Archbp of York, cousin of LordVernon, and nephew oi

the l ate LordHarcourt. B . 1792 ; m . 1814 Frances Jul ia , (1 . of A nthonyB ardol ph E yre, Esq. ofGrove, l ate M .P. tor Notts . Q u eenor of the

diocese of York . A Conservative. Has sat for the borough since1 88 1 31— G

’ram m er-sq. 3 Grove, N otts .

Vesey, Hon Thom as. (Queen’s co.)

E l d. s. ot'

Vi sct. deVesci : b. 1808 ; m . in 1889, d. of i l th Earl ofPenn .

broke. Is a Deps L ient . of theQueen’s co. A Conservative. 8st for the

co. from 1 885 til l 1837 re-elected in 1841 . Obtained m athem atical h o

nours at O x fiord in 1 825. White’s , Travel l ers’

, Carl ton ; A bbeyL es

x , Queen’s co. M

Vil l iers, Hon. Charles Pel ham . (Wolverhampton)8rd s. of the l ateHon. GeorgeVil l iers, hr. of the Earl of Cl arendon .

B . 1802. Clerk of the Council , an‘ Registrarof the Duchy of Lancaster.

A Barrister ; w as one of the Com m issioners of Inqui ry into the ope

ration of the Poor Laws. A Reform er 3 in favour of the Bal lot . H a s

represented the borough since 1885. 10. O ld bu ildings, L inco l n's

Im n A thenam m and Reform Cl ubs .

Vivian, Hon. John CranchWalker. (Penryn 8cFalm ou th)Second s. of the1st LordVivian. B . 18 18 3 m . in 184 1 , MissWoodgm te

Capt. 1 1th (PrinceA lbert’s)Hussars. A Liberal . First returned for the

borough in 184 1 . A rthur's 3 G lynn, Cornwa l l .

Vivian, John Ennis . (Truro)A M agistrateof thecounty residing inTruro. A m oderateReform er

is w il l ing to repeal the tax es which press m ost heavil y upon thepoorer

and m iddl ing cl asses , and substitute a graduated tax on the proper:yreal ised by therich . Contested theborough unsuccessful l y in 1882.

Jerm yn-st.

Vivian, John Henry. (Swansea!B r. of the 1stLord Vivian m . (1.“A rt nrJones, esq. OfWhigprinci .pies ; in fi your of shorter Parl iaments. First elected for theborough m

1 882. A thenam m and Reform Cl ubs 3 Singleton, G l am orga u h .

Vyvyan, Sir Richard Raw l inson, hart (Helston)B . 1 800. High Sherifl

of Cornwal l 1 840-1 ; i s patron of 2 l ivings ; aDep.

-Lient. of Cornwal l . Bat for Bristol fi om 1826 til l 1880, and fro.1 888 ti11 1887 3 for O akham pton in 1 831 . First returned for Hel ston is184 1 . A Conservative. Carl ton 3 Am 3 m am a” , Cors




‘i House 61? o'onnone.

for 8m in 1880 and 1884. Again elected in Hatch, 1m on t he.

death of L t.-Gen. SirEdward Barnes, G .C.B . the l atemem ber. l s Lord

L ieut . of Radnorsh . 28 , Berkley-eq.3 W a ite, Cum ber lm d ,’

Wal ter, John. (N ottinghamB . 1776, at Clapham , Surrey3 m . in 1818, Mary, d. of Mr. h ithe, of

Beetl ing, Kent, a celebrated agricu l tnrist.‘

Is son of the l ateMr. Wal ter,booksel ler, and principal proprietor of The T im es newspaper; became

m anager of The T im es in 1808 , which he rel inquished when he went

to reside in Berksh . In that co . hepurchased estates. a largeportion of

which (Bearwood, whereheresides) was an open comm on al lotted to theicrown. Was the first to introduce a series of inventions which tenni

nated in thesncca sthl appl ication of steam power to theart orprinting,

Is a m agistrate for Berksh . 3 served the omoe of Shem !r tat that cc. in

1 830— 1 , and represented it in the Parl iaments of 1832 and 1m , bnt

retired at thegeneral el ection in 1837 . On first entering Parl iam ent voted

general l y w ith theWhigs , til l the passing of theNew Poor L aw , when

be publ icl y announced his secession from that party. His Opposition to

the Poor Law l ed to a requisition thorn the electors of Southwark , in

1889, to become a candidate for that pl ace: though supported by the

Conservatives, yet theWhig electors and friends of the Poor Law sno

eeeded in retnm ing his opponent. Was elected for Nottingham in

Apri l , 1841 , after a severecontest with Mr. (now Sir George) L arpent .This change in the representation of that borough had the efl

ect of de

eiding the vote of no confidence against the Mel bourne m inistry . A t

the general election in June, 1 84 1, was again opposed at Nottingh am

by SirGeo. Larpent and Sir J. C. Hobhouse, who werereturned . Their

electionwas petitioned against on the ground of il legal practices, and

eventual l y Sir0 . Larpent accepted theChil tern Hundreds . The issue of

a new writ w as for som e m onths delayed. in order that the caseof that

and several other election shou l d be investigated by a Com m ittee, bu tin Aug. 1842, M r. Wal terwas te-elected for the Borough al ter a severe

contest. 8, Cha f ing Cross 3 Beam ood , Berks».

Ward, Henry George. (Slcefi eld)Only s. of Robert PlanterWard, esq. anther of Th e History of the

Law of Nations,” Trem aine.

” De Vere,” &c. ; was at various periodea LordoftheAdm iral ty, Clerk of theOrdnance and Auditor of theCivil List. M . 1824 Em ily, 2ndd. ofSirJohn Sw inburne, bt.Was M inisterPl enipotentiary for acknow ledging theMex ican Republ ic. When firstelected his long absence from England occasioned him to be very ihglefinite in his decl arations ; bu t in 1 886 he avowed him sel f in favou rof the bal l ot, triennial Parl iam ents, and househol d sum age. B e di stinguished bin sel t

in 1 884, by a m otion on the Irish Church , wh ich

nous: or commons. 21’


watson, Wil l iam Henry . Kiusale)B . 17903 m . in 188 1 , d. ofA . Hol l ish, esq. Is a barrister. A Whig.

E ntered thearm y in 1 81 1 as an ofl eer of dragoons, and served as an

cucer of cavalry tinder theDukeofWel l ington til l the peace in 1810.

88, W i'

lton-cresen t 3 Reform , Junior Uni ted Service.

Wawn, John Tw izel l . (South Shields )8 . of ChristopherWawn3esq. , and grand-s. of John Twi l el l , esq. , cl

West Boldon. B . 1801 ; in. l et G. ofN . Horn, esq . ; Sadly, (I. ofWil l iamM atte son, esq. Is a m agistrateofDurham . A Liberal -Whig.

” West

Beldess, co. Durba n.

'Welby, G lynne Earle. (Grantham )Eld. s . of SirW. E .Welby, Bart . ofDentonHouse, Grantham . who is

patron of 6 l ivings ; b. 1800 ; III . 1828 Frances, 2nd d. of the l ate Sir

MontagueOholneley, Bt. A Capt. in theRoyal South Lincoln m il itia ;a Deputy L ient. ofLincolnsh . A Conservative. Has sat for theborough

since 1880.—8, Upp er BeIg

-nw e-st. 3 Car l ton.

Wel lesley, Lord Charles. (Ham pshire south)2nd s. of theDukeofWel l ington 3 b. 1 808 . I s ChiefEquerry and Clerk

M arshal to theQueen. A Conservative. Pin t retan ed tor thecounty on

theretirement ofM l . Flem ing in 1842. Ap sley House3 Carl ton.

Wem yss, Jam es E rskine. (F ifesh. )Bid. s. of the late Lleut .-Gen. Wem yss, who w as nephew of the 6 th

Earl ofWeinyss . B . 1789. M . 1828 Lady Emm a, d. of 16th Earl of Erro l

(dead) . A Capt. in thenavy of theyear 18 14 . A Reformer ; w il l resign

h is seat whencal led upon to do so by the del iberatevoiceofthemajorityoftheel ectors. Has sat for thecounty nninterruptedl y since 1820, w ith

the ex ception of 1881 .—14, St. A l ban’s—p l . 3 United Service and Re

form Cl ubs 3 m ss Ca stle, K irbea l dy .

Westenra, Hon. John Craven. (K ing’

s co. )Second surviving s. of2d Lord Rossm ore; b. 1798 3 m . 1 st 1884E leanor

M ary, w idow of Sir Gil bert E ast, bt. , and aunt of SirWil l iam H. Jol

l ifle, bt. (shedied 2ndly 1 842. Ann. d. of the l ateLewis Charles

Danbnz, esq., otTm ro, Cornwal l . A Lt.-Ool . in theA rm y, and was Capt.

in the Scots ’ Fusil ier Guards, front which he retired in 1848 3 steward of

the Turf Club in Irel and. A Reform er. Unsuccessthl l y contested theco.

in 1881 .—q orm Cl ub 3 The Lodge. B arbs 3 Sharavopue Ca stle,

K ing's cc.

Wbite, Henry. (Lon 0rd, co.)Dr. of the m em ber for e county of Leitrim . 001. of the M agica l

M il itia. A Repeater. Seam osm t, co. ofDu bl in.

White, Sam uel . (Leitrim , co. )8 . or the celebrated LukeWhite, the booksel ler and lottery-ofl ce

keeper ofDubl in, who is said to have real ised the largest fortuneever

m ade by trade in Irel and. N . 11. M G . Bethe, esq. of thecounty onm

kenny.whoh rseveral years held theonceotOol leetorofEx ciselnDahl ie

OfWhig principles. Has sat for thecounty since 1824, m edias

214 none: or commons .

fi ther, who had represented“for some yeara- A tbtem Reform C lu b 3


adford cc. Lettrim .

Whi tm ore, Thom as Charl ton. (B ridgenorth)8 . of the l ate m em ber, Mr. Thom as Wh itmore; b. 1807 3 in. 1 838 ,

Lou isa Anne, eld. d. of the 6th M arq . of Queensberry . I s patron O f 6

l ivings . A Conservative. Has sat for the borough since 1882 .— 1 7


E aten-p l . 3 Ca rl ton 3 Ap ley Part . Sa l

W-alhn basn, Hon. R ich. Bootle. (Lancash. , South)B id . 3 . of Lord Skehnersdal ez b. 1 801 ; In. 1 882 Jessy. 8d d. of S ir

R ichard Brooke, bt. of Norton Priory, Chesh. A Conservative.— 6 6 ,

Ifortland -p l . 3 Carl ton 3 B lythe, L aneas ls. l

Sir T hom as. (Worcester, bor.

1 Thom as Wi lde, esq. B . 1 782 ; m . 1 818, of W.Wilem an. esq .

Form erly an attorney 3 was cal led to the bar in 1817 3 becam ea 8erieantin 1824, King

's Serjeant in 1 827 , Sol icitor-Gen. in 1 889, and Attorney

Gen. in 1841 3 resigned in Sept. 1841 . A Reform er ; sat tbrNewark in

1 881. contested it nnsncoeu thl l y in 1 882 3but was again returned in 188 6 .

m m returned for theborough in Gu iWerd-etq Ruu m -cq 3

9, Seo’

eants ’ Im u Rdonm Bowes Hatter, Hiddlesex .

Wil l iam s, Thom as Peers. (M arlow , Great)8 1d. s. of the lateOwenWil l iam s, Esq. of T-pleHouse.K .P. forMar

l ow from 1796 to 1832, by Margaret, sister of the present Lord Dinorben .

B . 1796. Is patron of 1 l iving. A Capt. in theRoyal Anglesey infantrym il itia . A Conservative ; voted against the Reform Bil l , but was a

ti'eqnent opponent of theL iverpw l and theWel l ington Adm inistrations .

Has sat for M arlow uninterruptedl y since 1820.—4 1 , Berkeley sq .

Carlton 3 Temp leHouse, 3 Craig 33Don , Anglesey .

Wil l iam s,Wil l iam . (Coventry)A m erchant. A Mem berot

theCom m on council ofLondon. A Radical

B etom er.—92, W utkay-s t. 3 Reform Cl u b.

Wi l l shere,Wil l iam . Yarm outh)8 . of the l ateThom asWi l l shere, esq. of Hitchln, B el ts ; la d of the

m anor ofWym ondley, which is held by the tenureofpresenting a sil ver

cup to the Sovereign at the coronation. B . 1806 . Prol esses l iberal opi

nions . Reform Cl ub ; H iteln’

n.Herts .

Wil m ot, Sir John E ardlexEardley, bt. Warwicksh , N . )

B . 1788 ; in. first, E l isabet d. of C. B . Parry, esq. MD . of Bath ,and 2al y, in 1 819, El izabeth, eld. d. of SirRobert Chem , of Bush B a l l ,Herttbrdsh . A Conservative; w il l votefor triennial Parliam ents and the

ba l lot, it‘

Parl iam ent does not adopt som eplan to secure electors the 1mex ercise of their franchise, and w i l l resign his seat il reqnired to do sobya requisition from his constituents. Has sat for the county since 1882.

?A thena um 3 Qerlm oea Ha l l , W am t

eksl s.Wm nm gton, Sir T hom as E dward, bt. (B ewdle

B . 1 8 1 1 ; m . in 1 842. d. of Sir Com pton Dom vil le, bt. 0! £ 1 1.etples . M el b rsh Stanford Court, Wm esten b.

2 18 novel: or commons.

jun. (M iddlesex )8 . ofthemem ber for Breeknocksh. and nephew to theMarq. of Lou

donderry and of the l ady of SirHenry Hardinge. A Capt. intheGrena

dierGuards. Contested the county , w ithout success, in 1885, but cam e

in at the general election in 1887 , defeating Mr.Hum e, the late u m ber.

O fConservativeprinciples. L t'

ttl etort, Hiddln ex .

Worsley, Lord. (L incolnsh. North)El d. s.o! tbeBarl ol Yarberongh ; b. 1809; n . 1881 , Adel aide, el d.

8rd Visct. Hawarden. OfWhigprincipl es . In favont ofa pm pa ty tax

in l ien d that oh m l t. 8st torNewton, R ants, in 1880and 1881 : for

Lineahu h .

(Ba l esh )Queen

's Counsel ; goes

the Northern (firm it. A Conservative. 8at t'

or Hal ifax in theParl ia.

ment of 1886 ; but unsuccessful l y contested that her. in 1832 and 1837 .

Is a Fel low ofMerton Col lege. 1 ,E lm Court, Tw p“3 16 ,Car l ton 3 Traveaers .

Wortley, Hon. John Stuart . (Yarkah , West Riding)ma. s. ofLordwnu ncuee, b. 1801 3 rn. 1826 , Lady Georgiana m m

beth , d. of the 1st E arl of Harrowby . Is Lieut-Ool . of the 801 th West

regt . of Yorksh . Yeom anry Cavalry (West Riding). A Conservative.

First elected tor thecc. in 1841 . 1 5. Can on“. 3 1 , El m ecm rt, Tem

p le3 Carl ton 3 Worth y Ha l l , Yorbah.

Wrightson, Wil l iam Battie. (N ortha l lerton)E ld. s. of Wm . Wrightson, esq., of Cusworth, (who was formerly

m em ber both for Aylesbury and Downton,) and of Henrietta, zud d .

of Richard Hebes', esq . of Marton, Yorhsh ., uncleoi“

B ishop Rebel . B .

1 789 ; m . in 1821 , Georgiana, d. of Inigo Thom as, esq. , oi“

Rattan, Sna

sex . Is patron of 2 l ivings . Was brought up to thebar ; has acted as

one oftheCom m issioners of inquiry into thestateofthePoor ofIrel and.

Of old Whigprinciples ; is apposed to thefurther ex tension of house.

hol d snihage, triennial Parl iaments, the bal lot, the present system of

Corn L aw s; is favourable to theprinciples offree trade general l y. Wu

returned for East Betfiord. in 18203 unseated on peti tion in 1827 ; sat

for Ha l l in 1830 and 1881 3 fai led at Northal lerton in 1882 ; but w as

returned w ithout opposition in 1886 . Brook e's , Boodle'

s 3 0m m ,

Wyndham . Charles. (Sussex , West)8 . 0t


the 8rd 8 arl “w t .

Polwarth . Is a col . in the arm y ; served in France, 8pm , Portugal ,and India. A Conservative. F irst returned for the00. in 1841 . Cad ets.R ega te-lodge, Peterqfiel d .

WM , Wadham . (Sa l isbur8 . 0t the 1atenan-y l 'enm ddoekew , eaq.

cl S l ade. bt. Is patron of 2 l ivings. A resident at Sal isbury. A fl oawatl ve. Has sat be thecity since 1818 . The Col l ege. Sal isbury .

none: or com m as . 217

Wynn, R t. Hon. Cha. Watkin Wil l iam s, D .C.L. P.S.A .

(M ontgom erysh. )B . 1776 ; m . 1806 , Mary, el dest d. of

of 2 l ivings , steward of Denbigh , President of the Royal Asiatic Soci

ety, a Metropol itan Comm issioner of Lansey, a Com m issioner of the

Church and Corporation Land Tax , and was President of the Board

of Control 00m 1822 to 1828 , when he was repl aced by Lord E l lenborough ; again cam e into onceunder the Grey Adm inistration, as se

cretary at War, bnt objecting to the ex tent of the Reform Bil l , he

resigned soon alter it was l aid before the House, he not having previ

ons ly been m ade acquainted with its provisions . Chancel lor of the

Duchy of Lancaster tion Dec. 1 864 ti l l Apri l , 1836 . Mr.Wynn hasdevoted m uch timeto the study of the l aw of Parl iam ent, the precedents

of its proceedings , &o. A Conservative. Has sat for thecounty since

1796 . 20, Grafl on-st 3 A thenam m 3 L l anyedros’

n, Sa lop .

Wynn, SirWatkin Wil l iam s, bart. (Denbighsh )B . 18203 is patron 01 6 l ivings ; an cm in theGuards. A eonserva

t ive. First returned for theco. in 184 1 . -0¢rl to n3 Wm tay, Dm


rs .

Wyse, Thom as. (Waterford, city )111 . d. of Lucien Bonaparte ; has been a Lord of the Treasury. Is of

l iberal pol itics. I s author of a Historical Sketch of theCathol icA sso

ciation,”and other pol itical works . sat forT ipperary in theparl iam ents

o! 1880and 1881 unsuccessfu l l y contestedWaterford in 1882, but was

elected for it in 1836 and 1837 3was not returned at the general election

in 184 1, but succeeded on petition. Breaker s and Reform .

Yorke, Hon. E l iot Thom es. (Cam brid esh.)Third s . of the l ateAdm . S ir Joseph Yorke, an hr. to thel atem em ber

for thecounty, now Earl of Hardw icke. B . 1806 ; m . Em il y Anne l i l l i

cent, onl y (1. of Em il ins Henry Del meRadcl ifl'

e, esq. (dead). A barrister.

A Conservative. 4, N ad elt -st., Park-lane3 8, ChureA-yard Court,

Yorke, Henry Galgacas Redhead. ( York, city)8 . of the late Henry Bedhead Yorke, esq ., a wel l -known pol itica l

writer ; m . d. of the late Lord Brandon. Is a moderate Reform er.

when moderation is snfi cient ; a decided Refunner, when decision is

better ; a radical Reform er, when radical ism is best ; but, above al l

things, an uncom prom ising friend ofthe people." 96 , E atm squan 3

Brook e’s , Reform , Osford and Cam bridge Club 3 Tul bs

cb ha l l ,

L incolns .

Young, John. (Co. Gavan)8 . of SirWil l iam Young, bt. ; b. 1807 ; m . in 1 836 d. 01 8 . T .Dal ton,

esq. Ah East IndiaProprietor. A Lord ofthe‘

neasnry sinceSept. 1841

Was first elected for theoo. in 1881 . 24 , UpperWimpale-s lreet, Ba il s,borough Ca stle. Gavan.



PrinceAlbert.K 0 .

fl anDuke of Sussex , K .

Duke O ‘Cl m bfl dgveA m bb o( (h nterbnryLo rd h Cham florAm hbis op ofYorkLoni Wham d ifle. Pre

l 0





Buckingham , L O .

BncclenchDevonshirc K .G .

Dorset, K .

Ham il tonLeinster, K O .

N orfolk, L G .

N orthum berland, L O .

Port landR ichm ond, K .G .

Wel l ington, L O .


A nglesey, K .GChol rnondeleyClanricardeConynghamE x eterLansdowneM ndonderryN orm anbSal ish“; nu tom s u rn

S ligoOTHE R S .

Westm insterWinchester


EARL s 0. M 06

aAberdeen Hon. S tr0. 8 got

A l bem arleA m herstA uck landBeverley




gs le, K .G .

8" 0°cartChesterfield SirH. J. Ba dges , hartC lare 0

.8 . Byng

C l arendon 8" Stratum ! CanningDe Grey SirDel awarr 8 113Denbigh


ErrolFortescueGosfordGranvil leGre K .G.

Ha din onHarrow yHowe

LiverpoolM into

gom ingtonipon


Ross!ynShafl esbnry8 encer

albotTankervi l leWestm orel andWi l tonVISCOUNTS.

BeresfordCanterburyCom berm ereFa lkl andHerefordMel bourneMel vi l lePalm erston8 idm outh



Earl ofBel fastLord Ernest BruceViscount CastlereaghViscount DnncannonLord F . EgertonLord El iotLord Charles FitzroyLord Robert GrosvenLord A . M arcus Hil lViscount How ickE arl ofLincolnViscount Low therViscount MorpethL ordéolén


zed !

tLord StanleyBu t of Ux bridge


B ishop ofLondonAbingerAshburtonBeanvaleBex ley


tong am

Cain bel l00 eton

Cofi eyDenmanDunfem l ineB l lenboroughE lphinstoneF itzgeral d and VeseyFoleyForesterGlenelgHatherton


ordStuart deRothesayWal l ace

Wi l loughby 6’M y


220 m a m asunionHA‘I‘


CO LUI BIA —Erm . Es . and M iss. W. Tether, esq.

DENMAnL — Env . E x .aHs‘

n. P la t , R t .Hn. 81sH.W.W.Wynn, G .C .B .

PR ANG L—Am b . E x . and P lem , Lord Cow ley .



n. reside with the D iet

a t Praa ort, Hon.W. T . II . 8trangways.GREECE —Hs


n . P lem , 8 irBrim . Lyons, hart .HAN OVEB .

— Env . E x . and M in. l ., Hon. J. D . Bl igh.

MEXICO .—H ln. P lea , Richard Pakenham , esq.

NAPLES — E3 m . E x . and M in. P lem , Hon. Wil l . Ten ple.

N ETHERLAND 8 .— Esw . E x . .3 M in. l Sir E . C.Bisbvowe, O .C .H .

PO RTUGAL — Eow . Be . and M iss. P lea , Lord Howard deWalden.

PRUSSIA .— Env . Br . and H ist . P lem , E arl ofWestm orel and.

RUSSIA .— Am b. E3 . and P lan , Lord Stuart deRothsay.

8ARDINIA .— Bm r. ES . and Mm . P low , Hon. 8 . Abem m by.

8AXONY .— M tn. P lem , Hon. Fr. R . Forbes.

8PAIN .— Esw . E x . and M in . P low , Arthur A ston, esq.

8WE DEN .—Env . Eat . and M in . P lem , Sir Thom as Cartwright, G .C.B .


n . P lem , David R . Morier, esq .

TURKEY.- Am b . E3 . and l . , Bit 8 . Canning.

TUSCANY .—Env . E3 . and M in . P lem , Lord Hol land.

UN ITED 8TATES.—E 1 w. Ex . 3 M in. P low , H. 8 . Fox , esq.

R IO DE L A PLATA .— l fi n. a .

, JohnH. M andevil le, esq.

VENEZUELA .— Charyé d

’Af as’

n s , Sir R . Ker Porter, L CH .

WURTEMBURG .—Esw . ES . and M in . P lem , S irGeorge8hee, Bart.


A l though associations of this naturearenot im m ediatel yconnectedw iththeLefis latnre, yet them ajority ofboth Houses arem embers ofClubs, and

severa of them give their addresses at those establ ishm ents ; but, unl ikehotels , Clnb-houses bear no inscri

Rtions , and m any who have heard the

nam es of al l , areyet ignorant of t e local ity of any ; a l ist is, therefore,here subjoined, which it is ex pected w il l prove as usefu l to Mem bersthem selves as to every person oonn with Parliament, or having ihtem onrsew ith public m en.

O x ford and Cambridge University,16 , SL Jam es

’s S nan

Parthenon. 20, 8t . am es’s 8u

Portl and, 1 , Stradbrd P laceReform Club Pa l l HailRoyal N ava1, 160, N ew Bond 8 .

Travel lers ’

, 49, Pail Ha l lUnion, Trafa lgar Squa re, Cha s .

tug CrossUnited 8ervice, 108, Pa l l Ha l lUnited Service (Junior), CharlesStreet St. Jam es ’


United dam m it P a l l ManBa st,com er QI 8 ol d: StreetWest India, 60, St. Joa n

’s an al

White’s, 38, St. Jm s

’s Street

Windham , 8, fl .Jam s’s Square.



T H E A N N U A L.


sum of Eminent or: Remarkableattache.wno nave. m an wrrnm u m m an 1842.

T m : m ost favourable m om ent for undertaking B iography iswhen the incidents arejust com pleted , and not yet forgotten. l t

has , therefore, been thought that, at thecl ose of every year, the

Publ icwou l d favourabl y receive a vol um e, ofconvenient size and

m oderate price, the Mem oirs in which woul d not obscure.


enlarge events, by surrounding them with a m ist of panegyi'


nor yet present a dry and m eagre catal ogue of uninterestingoccurrences . The fol l owing is a Selection from theT ableofCon

tents .

A cw , 11 .-Col . P.V

A ex ander, Si rW.

A fl l O l d, “CV. or. T 0

Banim , JohnBarnew a l l , R .V .

Beatty. SirWil l iamBel l , S ir CharlesBern ick. LordBush Thom asam t . Dan. deLisle

gm driclt ,

JHon. Gen

rogdcn, antes

B rom ley, Wil l iamBu x ton. Sir John J. BCa l loott. Maria . LadCasherd Rob.M .. D.

Cashel . bishopofChiches ter, a bonofC leveland, Duke ofCongleton, LordCole, Gen. S ir LowryCorbet, GeneralCross Sir JohnCunningham A l l anCnrre SirEdm undDrnn e, L ieu tuv ul .01 SirHen05mm : 0. w




Drom ore, B ishop ofE lphins tone, Genera lE m e, E arl of

Gervis 811 0 .W. T .

Go ld, bot. Charles . C.B .

Gan , ViscountGrifi ths , Rear-Adm .

Hawkins John 8 1Hector, C

orntbwaiteHertford, M a ofHil l , General isconnt

N ea th B ishop ot’

u nfon'

i, Geor nu )Munster, Ea ofN ico l ay, Sit W.

Norfo lk Duke ofE vans , R i ht Hon. Geo. O


Ltien S ir 81 . Bu t

Onse ey SiFerret s arlPosbm i e, Rev. 7 . D .

Fool scap Sy o.

rWil l iamOnseiey , SirRa lphPorter, Sir Robert Ker

Price 9s. cloth .

Potter, Richard

55WBow ley, S ir l oeiasSevestre, 8ir Thom asShannon, Earl of

gar: neh

sgeneral B .

3 ct , Georgen, Archdm on

Thichnea e, Bs

T urner Wi l l iamVane, 8ir h emVarley JohnVivian:LordWa lker Gen. 8 h



Wil son, 817mW SirWil l iamWood! tpe, Henry


a .

Young, 8 1:




D I G N I T I E S, P R I V I L E G E ,





Faun a histories and personal m em oirs of the titled orders have at a l lt im es been so favourably received by the pub l ic, that a volum e describingand il l ustrating the nature, characteristics, and ex tent of the honourswhich these classes possess, cannot h i! to be readily appreciated, and

general ly acceptable.

Peerages and sim i larworhs contain frequent references to the pecu l iaiprivileges and ihactlons of the high oilieers ofd ate, as wel l as to nnm erotu

incidents imm ediatel y affecting thosedignities which thepersonages noticed

in such works enjoy. M ach orthehonour alsowhich attaches to the l ivingobjects ofouresteeln


i s to be traced to the influenceofol el al station as wel

as to thehereditary or otherdistinctions which such persons possess; and

it has therefore long been considered that a com pleteview of the origin,history, em olum ents, duties, privileges, and l iabil ities of every h igh once

and of every title of honour, would bereceived with approbation by ai

readers whofel t a personal interest in the individual s thatior thetim ebein3

possess any distinction, hereditary, personal , or ofl ciai.

A peersge, baronetage, orknightage is necessarily publ ished every year

but, tor thecompleteunderstanding of such a work, a volum e of referencu

is required which shal l not beeflected by lapse of tim e, by births, deaths

m arri ages, prom otions, elections, or appointm ents 3 which shal l ex hibit a]

that is perm anent in titul ar distinctions ; and present accounts, not of th

indivia possessors, but of the institutions them selves;




OneVolum e, fool scap octavo, handsom el y bound in cloth, (uniform w it

Peerage, Baronetage, andKnightage) priceN ine8hiil ings.