List of Serials - Forgotten Books


Transcript of List of Serials - Forgotten Books









A. B . L. S.






The pub l icati on of a l i s t o f p eriodical s in th e Univers i ty of I l l in o i s

l ib rary was recommended by th e S enate Lib rary committee , January 6 ,

190 9 . _The work of comp il ing such a li s t was b egun in the sp ring of 190 9

by Mis s Ann e D . Swez ey, th en b inding l ib rarian , and was continued during

that summer by Mis s Margaret Hutchin s,reference as s i s tant .

Early in th e work , th e s cop e was b roaden ed t o inc lude not only p eriod

ical s in th e ord in ary s ens e of that t erm ,but al s o other s erial pub l i cat ions ,

such as annual and b iennial rep orts,p roceedings , tran sacti on s , etc . , of so

c iet ie s , in s ti tuti ons , and governmental b odie s . I n general s cop e and arrange

ment,therefore , i t i s eviden t that th e p res en t l i s t fo l low s clo s ely th e line s s o

succes s ful ly laid down by the B os ton , Chi cago , and Philadelph ia uni on l i s t s

o f s erial s .

The p reliminary l i s t was ready for final revi s i on in Decemb er 190 9 . I t

has b een the task of Mr Drury,th e as s i s tant l ib rarian

,t o read the entir e

o fficia l s helf l i s t of th e Univers ity lib rary in order to veri fy al l th e in formati on rel atin g to th e entr i e s

,to add the tit l e s of th e many recen t acqui s it i ons ,

and to read the p rint er s ’ p roofs . I n many cas es th e volumes th emselve s

were consulted t o verify items of information .

The fiel d covered b y the s erial s l i s ted in‘

th e Univers ity lib rary in cludes

newspap ers , magaz in e s , p eriodical s , and annual s ; and the s eri al pub l ica

ti on s of s oc ieti e s , corp orati on s , in s t i tut i on s , and governmenta l b odi es .

Entry is made if only one vo lume i s in th e lib rary,an d in s ome in stances ,

notab l y the lab o r j ournals,a p eriodical i s en ter ed even if that one vo lume i s

incompl ete . I n gen eral,only cataloged material i s in c luded . The l i s t ha s b een

revi s ed and corre cted to January 19 1 1 , but th e titl e s of a numb er of im

portan t s ets ordered in March and April o f thi s year have b een included ,thou gh the s et s thems elve s had n ot b een del ivered .

The ti t l e s which might b e exp ected in th i s l i s t but which have b een

omit ted are chi efly the fo l lowing : catalogs and admini s trative rep orts of

co l l ege s and univers it ie s,excep t thos e of I l l ino i s an d foreign ins t itut i on s ,

whi ch are included ; and the rep ort s of s econdary s chool s , a large co l l ect ion

of wh ich has b een gathered by th e Schoo l of Education . The l ibrarie s

oth er than the Univers ity lib rary,have

,in general

,re s tri cted thei r entri e s

t o p erio dica l s and have not a s a rul e in c luded reports n bu l let in s , etc . , whichthey may pos s e s s .The fol lowing tab l e shows app roximately th e number of titl e s supp li e d

by each l ib rary :

Univers ity of Il l inoi s l ib raryStat e Lab oratory of Natura l His to ryS tat e Geo logical Survey lib raryS tate Water Survey lib raryChampaign pub li c l ib rary .

Urbana pub l ic


As usual in a li s t of s uch materia l in a growing lib rary,i t i s

.out of dat e

when i s sued . I t may b e de s irab le to i s sue a revi s ed li st a fter a few years ,and th e Lib rary w il l th erefore b e grateful to


profes s o rs in'

the Univers ity of

I l lino i s , for whos e conveni ence chiefly th e work has b een printed , an d to

others , for co rrect ion s or s uggest ions l ooking to the improvement of th e

l i s t . One of the chi ef values of p rinting such a l i s t l ie s in th e s timulus it

wi l l give each dep artment in th e Univers ity to fi l l in th e gap s in the s et s

h ere recorded as incomp l ete . I t i s exp ected that with th is l i s t as a b as i s

many mis s ing numb ers and volumes wi l l b e purchas ed .

The t it l e s in th e Univers ity l ib rary may b e roughly clas s ified as

fo l l ows :

B ib l i ography and lib rary economy

General p erio dic al s and newspap ers

Phil o s ophy and p sychology

Religion,church h i s tory

Pol iti calEconomicsTransp ortat ionI nsuranc eLawEducationCharit i e s and correct ion sO ther s o c io l ogical subj ect s

Mathematic s , a stronomy , and phys ic sB otany and z oologyChemis tryGeo logyO ther natural s c iences

M edi cineEngineeringAgricultureOth er us eful art s

Fine arts

Li terature and ph i lo logy

His tory and geography

Th e rul e s for en try,exp lanation s , and abb reviati on s w i ll b e found


p ages vii and vi i i .



CHAMPAIGN PUBLIC LIBRARY, 30 6 West Church st . , i n th e

Burnham Athe naeum opp os ite Wes t Side p ark .

volumes ; 55 curren t p eriodical s .Op en 9 a . m . to 9 p . m . fo r r eference and circulation , excep t Sun

days and ho l idays .Aside from it s gen eral co l l e ct ion of b ooks , i t owns th e Western

hi s to ry l ib rary of Edward G . Mas on , Esq . , s ometime p res ident of th eChicago His tori ca l s o ci ety .

The privi leges of the l ib rary ar e ext ended t o non - re s iden t s tudent sup on s at i s factory guaranty .

I L ibrarian : Jeannett e Rob erts .

I LLINO IS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LIBRARY, in Room236 of the Natural His tory bui lding on the Univers ity campus .

volumes .Open 9 to 12 a . m. ,

2 to 5 p . m.,excep t Sunday .

The lib rary i s entirely on geo logica l subj e cts . I t has b een bui l t ups ince th e estab l ishmen t o f th e Survey in 190 5 from three mainsources ; th e l ib rary of Major Thomas B . B rooks , the firs t Stat e Geo logist of Michigan , b eing the gift of h is s on A . H . B rooks ; th e l ib raryof H . Fos ter B ain , th e firs t Director o f th e I ll ino i s Geologi ca l Survey,th i s l ib rary b eing ac quired by purchas e ; and the b ooks , pamphl et s ,and s eri al s r eceived b y gift , exchange and purchas e s in c e 190 5 .

The privi l eges of th e lib rary are exten ded to a l l memb ers of th eUnivers ity of I l l in oi s faculty

,and to such students a s are recom

mended by the in s tructors .Director o f th e Survey : Frank W . D eWolf.


,i n Room 225 of th e Natural H is tory bui lding on th e Uni

ve rs i ty campus .

b ound volumes,

unb ound volumes , 1 74 current p erio dma 5 .

Open 8 to 12 a . m. , 2 to 5 p . m. , excep t Sunday .

The lib rary i s p rimari ly~zoo logi ca l and s econdaril y b otanical


a few other s cien ce s rep res ented b y rea s on of th e rep ort s an d tran saction s of s c ientifi c s oci eti e s covering a b roader fie ld . The co l l e ct i oncontains many valuab l e s ep arates .The privi l eges of the l ib rary are ext ended to al l memb ers of the

Univers ity of I ll in oi s facul ty,and to such s tudent s a s are recom

mended by the ins tructo rs .Librarian : Grace O sgood Kel ley .


ui lding,Uni

vers ity campu/ s .

vo lumes ; p amphlet s ; curren t p eriodical s .Open a . m . t o 10 p . m. , except Sunday; 2 t o 6 p . m . Sundays

during genera l s es s i on . During re ce s s e s , op en 8 to 12 a . m . , 2 to 5 p. m .

The general Un ivers ity Lib rary inc lude s al l th e b ooks b el ongingto the col l ege s an d s ch oo ls of th e Univers ity which are s ituated inUrb ana . The l ib ra ri es o f the Col l ege s of Medi cin e and Dent is try andth e S choo l of Pharmacy are in Chicago

,and their s er ial s a re inc lude d

in the Lis t of s erial s in the pub l i c l ib rari es of Chicago” i s sued b y theJohn Crerar Library .


The General Lib rary is hous ed,for th e most p art , in the Lib rary

bui l ding,and i s for th e us e of th e whole Un ivers ity . The co rp s of

in struct ion and admini s trative o ffi cer s of th e Univers ity , the graduat es tudents , and the memb ers of th e s en ior c la s s have direct acces s t oth e she lve s ; other s tudent s may have th i s p rivi l ege up on the recommen dat ion of their in structors .Practi cal us e of th e books has s eparated s everal coll e cti ons


the Lib rary Buil ding . Fifte en dep artments now have b ooks more orl e s s p ermanently i n their care .The l ib rary i s e sp ecial ly s t ron g in it s s erial s (having ti tl e s

in it s l i s t ) , notab ly in agriculture and horti culture , p ol iti cal economy ,education , rai lro ad admin is traton

,s ci ence

, engineering, and generalp erio dical s .Well devel op ed co l l e cti ons of books are to be found here in

economic theory and h i s tory ; in tran sp ortat ion , commerce , finance ,in surance

,and lab or ; i n p o l it i cal sci ence ; in architecture ; and in agri

cul ture .

I n 1905 th e D z iatzko coll ection of Lib rary Economy , was ,

purchas ed

, 550 i tems ; i n 190 7 th e D it te n b erger co l le ction of th e Clas s i c s ,i t em s , in 190 9 th e Heyne co l l ect ion of German philo logy and

li t erature,

i t ems .

The l ib rary has re ceived bygi fts th e l ib rari es of two of i t s dec eas ed profe s s o rs : The Palmer l ib rary of chemis try ; and .th e Kars tenl ib rary of French and German phil o l ogy and lit erature .

The Lib rary i s p rimarily fo r free reference us e . The privi l ege ofdrawing b ooks i s accorded to all officer s of in s truct i on and governmen t

,to al l " r egi s tered stu den t


“an d t o other accredited p ers on s .

Lib rarian : Phineas Lawrence Windso r .As s i s tant l 1brarian : F . K . W . Drury .

URBANA FREE LIBRARY , on the main fioor of th e City ha l lo n Market st . , oppos it e th e court-hous e .

volumes ; 37 curren t p eriodi ca l s .Op en 6 to 9 p . m . exc ep t Sundays ; al s o 2 to 5 p . 111 . Saturday and

Sun day .

The p rivi l eges of th e l ib rary are ext ended t o non- r es i dent s tudentsup on sati s facto ry guaranty .

L ibrarian z'

I d a B . Hanes .

I LLINO IS STATE WATER SURVEY LIBRARY, in Room 1 16 ofth e Chemis try buil ding on the Univers ity campus .

10 0 volumes .Open 8 to 12 a . m.

,2 to 5 p . m . except Sunday .

The lib rary con s is t s chiefly of rep orts of Health b oards and s imilarpub l i cation s of intere s t to th e Survey and j ournal s received in exchange for its Bull et in . The I l linoi s Water Supp ly Ass ociation subs crib e s t o vari ous s eria l s an d dep os i t s them in thi s l ib rary .

The privil eges of th e l ib rary are extended to al l memb ers of th eUnivers ity of I l l in o i s faculty

,and to such s tudent s a s are recom

mended b y th e in structors .

Directo r of the Survey : Edward Bartow .


A Serial i s a pub l icati on is sued in succe s s ive p arts , usual ly a t regula rintervals

,and , as a rul e , int en ded to b e continued indefinitel y . Serial s in

c lu d e p eriodicals , newsp ap ers , annual s (rep ort s , year- b o ,oks etc . ) andmemo irs , p ro ceedings , and tran s action s of s oci eti e s .Entrie s in th i s s eri al l i s t ar e made in accordan c e with the A . L . A .

Cata log rul es,190 8 .

The transactions,p roceedings

,j ournal s

,memoirs , etc .

, of a s oc iety areentered under the fi rs t word, not an arti c l e , of it s corp orate name or ofthe l at es t form of it s n ame . Excep tion s : So ciet i e s di s t in ctively lo cal areentered under the name of th e c ity .

A s eria l pub l i sh ed by a s o ciety but having an indivi dual t it l e , i s ent eredunder th e tit l e

,with referenc e from the n ame of th e s o cie ty.

A seri al n ot pub l i sh ed by a s o c iety o r a pub li c o ffice i s entered unde rth e fir s t word of th e tit l e

,not an arti c l e , of th e late s t fo rm of the t itl e .

Learned academie s of Europ e with adj ective s at the b eginning expres sing royal p rivi l ege are entered under th e firs t word fo l lowin g such ad j ec~

tive . The word s Kai s erli ch , Reale , Imp eria l e , etc .

,are abb reviated t o

K . , R . ,I . , and are di s regarded in th e arrangement . The words Royal ,

Imp eria l , et c . in Engli sh s oci eti e s are no t abbreviate d n or di s regarded .

Countri e s,s tate s , ci t i e s , tow n s , etc . are con s idered as the authors o f

thei r o fficia l pub l i cat i on s and thes e are ent ere d under th e name of thecountry

,s tate or c ity

,with the names of th e departments , bureaus , etc .

from which the pub l i cat ion s emanate as subh eadings .

Admini s trat ive annual rep ort s contain ed in any s et of co l l e cted c ity ,s tate , or governmen t documents are not as a rul e l i s ted s eparate ly .

I n s ti tuti on s (e s tab l i shments ) are ent ered under th e name of the p lac ei n wh ich lo cated ; excep t that

1 . American and Briti sh in s ti tut ion s , whos e names are dis tin ct ive , areen tered under th e fir s t word of th e n ame

2 . Coll ege or univers i ty in s tituti ons as l ib rarie s , mus eums , col'

i eges , areentered under th e name of th e co l l ege or univers i ty“

3 . National in s t i tut i on s , whi ch incorp orate th e name of the country inthei r own name , are entered under the name of th e country .

4 . American s tate in s ti tut i on s (univers it i e s , l ib rari e s , asylums ) are e n

tered under the name of the state .

5 . Agricu l tu 1 a l Ex p eriment Stati on s in United State s are entered underthe name O f th e s tate or t erritory in which they are organiz ed .

Coll eges and univers it i e s having a geographical d es ignation are e n

tere d undero

th e ci ty , stat e o r country contain ed in tit l e .

Catalogs and report s of U n ited‘

S tate s col l eges and univers it i es ar eomit ted from thi s l i s t

,excep t for tho s e s ituated in I ll ino i s . The Library ,

however ha s a very exten s ive co ll e ction of thes e covering nearly everyins titution and compris ing b oth pas t an d pres ent years .Ob s ervato ri e s , botan ica l and z oological gardens are entered un der th e

name of the place in which s i tuated,unl e s s th ey form a part. of a univers it y,

i n which cas e they are entered under the name of that inst ituti on .

Reference i s made from earli er forms of a tit l e to th e lat es t fo rm ; fromth e n ame of a p lac e to s o cie ti e s havin g th ei r meetings th ere ; i n s ome cas e sfrom the name of the edito r to th e titl e of a s er ial ; and in general whenever a refer en ce s eems neces s ary .

.Cap ital l ett ers prefixed to th e years and vo lumes in dicat e th e l ib rari e sin whi ch th e s eria l can b e found , as given in th e

“Des crip t ive l is t o f l ibrarie s .


A dash b etween volume numb ers and date s s ignifie s from and includingth e fo rmer to and including the latter .

Date s or volume numb ers in b racket s s ignify that the s et i s incomp let efor th e p eriod s o included .

A plus s ign indicate s that th e s et i s comp lete from th e las t date andvolume number given

,and in clude s the current numb ers .

I f no numb er p rec edes the p lu s S ign , i t in dicate s that th e s er ial i s re

ceived currently but the fi l e has n ot b een b ound .

The paral l e l s s i gn (H) indicat es that pub l i cati on ceas ed with the p rec eding date or volume .

Abbreviat i on s :v . Volume , band , tome , etc .

p t . Part , heft , l i efe'

rung , fas ci cul e , etc .11 0 . Numb er, nummer , numéro , etc .

s e r . Seri e s , folge , série , etc11 . s er . New ser ies , neue folge , nouvel l e s éri e, etc .

Word or words omit ted .

0 0 0




A . L. A . book list, see American library association .

A achen (Germany ) S tadische realgymnasium hOhere schule Jahresbericht .U 1900 -0 1

Aarbpger for n ord isk oldkyn d ighed historie . (K. n ord iske O ld sk1 i ft-S elskab. )Copenhagen . Continues A n n aler for n ordisk oldkyn d ighed . U 1866 v . I

Aberdeen (Scotland )— Public library. Annual report . U 190 1+ v. 18+Aberdeen ( Scotland ) University. Calendar. U _ 1904

-0 5 , 0 7+Aberdeen-Angus cattle society, Banff (Scotland ) Herd book. F0 1merly called

Rolled cattle society. U 1884+ v . 1+Abhan dlungen zur didaktik phi losophie der naturwissenschaft . Berlin .

U 1906+ v . 1+Abhandlungen zur geschichte der mathemati schen wissenschaften mit einschlussihrer anwendungen . Leipzig. V .1 -9 have title Abhandlungen zur geschichteder mathematik . U 1877+ v . 1+

Abingdon ( I ll . ) college . Catalogue . U 1867-68, 70 -7 1 , 74-75

R . Academia de ciencias exactas, .

fisicas 8: n aturales. Madrid . Rev


ista .

U 190 8+ v 7+Academia de cien cias medicas, fisicas

81 n aturales de la H aba11a . A n ales . Havan a .

U 1909+ v 45+R . Academ1a espafiola . M adr1d . D1scursos de recepc ion . U 1860 -65 v . 1 -3

Memorias . U 1870 - 190 3 v. 1 -9Academia polytecn ica do Porto. Oporto (Portugal ) A n n aes scien tificos.

U 19os+ v 1 [2-

3 1 4—lAcadémie des inscriptions 81 belles lettres . Pari s . see Institut de France .Académie des sciences . Paris , see Institut de France .

Académie d es sciences de I’

Empereur Francois Joseph I . Prague, see Ceska akademie cisare Frantiska Josefa pro vedy, slovesn ost a umen i .

Académie impériale des sciences . St Petersburg. Bulletin .

U ser. 6, N 190 0+ ser. 5, [v . 14- 16, 25 ; ser . 6, [ 190 7 09+

M emoires. N 190 1+ ser . 8, U has orderedToutes les publications 1728-1806 (avant Memoirs . ) U has orderedClasse physico mathématique . Mémoires. U 190 5 ser. 8, v. 4 . n o. I

Laboratoire zoologiq '

ue la station biologique de S ébastopole . Travaux .

N 190 3 0 5 n os . 1- 10

Acad-émie royale des sciences, des lettres , 81 des beaux- arts de B elqique . Brusse l s .Annuaire . N 190 0+ v . 66+Bulletins . U 1832-

98”ser . 1, v . 1 .

—ser . 3 , v .

Mémoires . U 1840 v . 1 -66IlClasse des lettres des sciences morales 81 politiques . Bulletins

U 1899+ v. 1+Mémoires U 190 6+ 11 . ser. v . 1+

C lasse des sciences . Bulletins. U N 1899+ v. 1+—Mémoires. U 1904+ n . ser. v.

Academy . London . U 1869+ v. 1+Academy ; a j ou rnal of secondary education Syracuse (N . Y . ) G 1886 88 v . 1 -2

Academy architecture 8: architectural review . London . U 190 2 0 3 v . 22-24Academy of n atural sci ences of Philadelphia, see Philadelphia (Pa )


Academy.of science of St Loui s , s ee St Louis .Academy of sciences letters of Sioux City, w e Sioux City ( Ia )Acadia university. VVol fv il le (N . S . ) Calendar . U 1894-96Accademia d

agricoltura, scienze, lettere, arti , commercia . Verona . Atti 81 memorie . N 1896+ v . 72-74, 80+Osservazioni meteoriche dell"an n o.

AN 1904+R . Accademia dei Lincei . Rome . Atti . U 1873-77 ser. 2, v . 1 -8

Atti ; rendiconti . U 1884-91 ser. 4, v . 1-7Atti ; rendiconti dell

ad n un za solenne . N 1899+Atti transunti . U 1876-84, ser . 3 , V . 1 -8Classe di scienze fi sche , matematiche, naturali . Atti ; memorie .

U 1876+ ser . 3, v. 1+Atti rendiconti . U 1884+ ser . 4, v . N 1896+ ser . 5, v . 6+

Classe di scienze morali , storiche 81 fi lolOgiche . Atti ; memorie .

U 1876+ ser. 3 , v . 1+Atti ; rendiconti . U 1892+ ser . 5 , v. 1+

Note : Up to 1870 , when it took its present name, the Academy had published 23 volumes of Atti under name Accademia pon tificia d e i nuovi Lincei .Volumes 24-26 of series 1 were is sued under the old name ; then ser . 2 beganunder the new . In 1875 the Reale Accademia enlarged its scope and formedthe two classes .

R . Accademia delle scienze . Turin . Atti . N 1898+ v . U has orderedMemorie . U

“1784+ ser . 1 v . 1+

Miscellanea . U 1759-73Accademia delle scienze fisiche matematische . Naples , see Naples ( Italy) So

cieta reale rd i Napoli .Accountant . London . U 1904+ v . 30+Accountants ’ j ournal . London .

“U 1883+ v . 1+

Accountants ’ manual . London . U 1884+ v . 1+Acetylene j ournal . Chicago . U 19 10+ v . 1 1+Acta boru ssica . Berlin, see K. Akademie der

.wissenschaften . Berlin .

Acta germanica , organ fii r deutsche phi lologie . Berlin . U 1890 - 190 3 il v . 1

Acta mathematica . Stockholm . U 1882+ v . 1+A cta sanctorum . (Bo-llan d ian a . ) Paris . U 1863+ v . 1+Actuarial society of America . New York . Papers 81 transactions . U 1889+ v . 1+Adelaide (Australia ) University . Calendar . U 190 8+Adelaide, see a lso Royal society of South Australia .

Adelbert college . C leveland see Western Reserve university.

Advance advocate . ( International brotherhood of maintenance-of-way employes . ) St Louis . U 04, 0 9+ v 13 , 18+

Adverti s ing 81 selling . Boston. Continues Profitable advertis ing . U 190 9+ v . 19+Advocate of peace . (American Peace soci ety . ) Boston. U 190 3+ v . 65+Aelfric society . London . Publications . U 1843-56”n o. 1

Agenda special des architectes des entrepreneurs de batimen ts .

Pari s .U 1906 v . 53

Agricultural advertising. (Long-Critchfield . ) Chic ago .

U 1902+ [v . 9 12- 15 , [ 16 18+Agricultural 81 horticultural society of India . Proceedings 81 j ournal . Calcutta .

U 1908+Agricultural economist . London . U 1909+ v . 42+Agricultura l economist 81 horticultural review . London (En g ) U 190 9+ v . 42+Agricultural epitomist . Spencer ( Ind . ) U 190 0 + v. 19+Agricultural gazette . Hobart (Tasmania ) U 190 9+ v . 17+Agricultural gazette . London .

U 1875 -83 , 84-85 , 86-87 , 88-98, 190 5+ n . ser . v . 2- 18, 20 -22,24

-25 , 28-48, 61+Agricultural gazette of New South Wales . (Department of M ines 81 Agr1cu lture. ) Sydney . -U


N 1890+ v: 1+Agricultural j ournal minmg record, see Natal agricultural j ournal 81 mmmgrecord .

Agricultural j ournal of India . Calcutta . U N 1906+ v . 1+Agricultural record . London . U 37+Agricultural science . State College (Pa ) U 1887-94“v. 1

Agricultural society of Trinidad . Port-of-Spain . Proceedings . U 1909+ v . 9+


Agricultural student’s g .azette ( Students at Royal agricultural college . ) Cirencester ( FE n g. ) U 1892- 1906 v . 9

- 1 1 , [ 12 16 (n . ser . v. 5 7 , [8 12)Agriculture of Pennsylvania, containing reports of the State Board of Agricu l

ture,the State agricultural soc iety, the State dairymen

’s association,the State

horticultural association,and the State college ; see each item under Penn

sylvania.Agri-horticultural Society of Madras ( India ) Proceedings . U 1908+Agronomische zeitung. Leipzig. U 1869-70 v. 24

-25Aguilar free library

, see New York (city) Agui lar free library.

Ains lee’s magazine . New York . UrAir brake association . Proceedings of annual convention . U 1908+ v . 15+Aix-eu-Provence (France . ) Universi té d

’ Aix-Marsei lle Faculte de droit . A n

n ales. U 190 7+ v. 1+Faculté des lettres . Annales . U 190 7+ v . 1+

K. Akademie der wissenschaften . Berlin . Abhandlungen . U 1788+1788- 180 3 have title Sammlung deutscher abhandlun gen .

Acta borussica. D en km'

aler der preussischen staatsverwaltun g 1m 18. j ahrhundert .


1892+ v . 1+Corpus i n scription um atticarum. U 1873 -94 v . 1 -4“Corpus in script ion um graecarum. U 1828 77 | v. 1 -4Corpus i n scription um latin arum. U 1862+ v . 1+Historie de l ’Acad émie royale avec les mémoires . U 1745 v . 1-25Miscellanea berolin en sia ad in cremen tum sci entiarum. U 1710 -43“v

N. 1-7 |

Nouveaux mémoires . U 1770 - 1804”v . 1

S itzungsberichte . U 1882+s ee also Deutsche texte des mittelalters .All other publications . U has ordered

K . Akademie der wissenschaften . Munich . S itzungsberichte . Continued bySitz

ungsberichte der Klas sen . U 1860 - 1870”v . 1-21HHistori sche commi s sion . Allgemeine deutsche biographie . Leipz1g.

U 1875+ V. 1+Chroniken der deutschen stadte vom 14 bi s ins 16 j ahrhundert . Leipzig.

U 1862-99 v . 1-29

Forschungen zur deutschen geschichte . U 1862-86“v. 1-26llMathematisch-phys ikalische klasse . Sitzungsberichte .

U 1870+ v .


N 19 10+

All other publications . U has orderedK . Akademie der wissenschaften . Vienna . Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticoruml atinorum . U 1866+Almanach . U 185 1+ V . 1+Archiv fii r oesterreichische geschichte . U 1848+ v . 1+Erdbeben commission . Mittei lungen . N n . ser. v . 1+Fontes rerum au striacarum. U 1848+ROmische l imes in Oesterreich . U

190 0+ v . 1+S ii darabische expedition . U 190 0+ v . 1+Mathemati sch- n aturw issen sc-haftliche klasse . Denkschriften . U 1849+

Sitzungsberichte . U 1848+ v. N 1898+ v. 10 7+Philosophisch-historische klasse . S itzungsberichte . U 1848+ v . 1+see a lso Monatshefte fiir chemie .

R . Akad em1e van w eten schappen . Amsterdam— A fdeel in g n atuurkun de . Proceed in gs of the section of sciences . N 1898+ v . 1+

V erhan delin gen ; tweede sectie . N 1892+ v . 1 -6,8+

Verlags van de gewon e vergarderin gen . N 1893+ v . 1+Akron (O . ) chamber of commerce . Yearbook . U 190 7-0 8+Alabama— Adj utant general

s Office . Biennial report . U 1892-96, 190 0 -06

Agriculture , Department of. Report of commissioner . U 1892Auditor . R- e .port U 1881 , 88, 93 , 95, 98- 190 6, 0 8+Coal mines , Inspector of. Annual report . U 1906+Convicts , Inspectors of . Biennial report . U 1884-92. v . 1-4


Education,Department of. Report of the superintendent.

U 1857. 65 , 78 87, 89-90 v 3 , n 24. 33, 35-36

Geolog1cal survey. ( 1848 Bulletin.

G 1892 n o. 2 ; U 1892+ n o. N 1892+ n o. 2-6, 8+

Reports . G 1875-80 ; U 1858, 75-80 ; N 1875-76Secretary of State . Official directory. U 190 3Supreme court . R eports of cases . U 1820+Treasurer ; Annual report . U 1895-96, 190 7-08+

Alabama Agricultural experiment station . Auburn . Annual rep0 1g.

U 1888+ v . 1+ ; N 1889+ v . 2-8 14-15, 17+Bulletin . U [ 1883 88+ ser. 1 , n o. I 8 10 ; ser. 2, n o. 1 -7 ; ser. 3 , n o. 1

ser . 4 ; n . ser . n o. N 1888+ 11. ser. n o. 9, 1 1-18, 20 , 22-23 , 25 2- 6, 28

47 , 49- 1 25 , 127

—145, 147+Alabama Vicksburg rai lway company. Annual report. -U 1893-94 v . 5Alabama bankers

association . Proceedings . U 190 7+ v . 15+Alabama Bryce insane hospital . Tuscaloosa . Biennial report .

U 1871 1880 -1900A labama Canebrake agricultural experiment station . Uniontown . Annual report . U 1888—90 , 96, 98. v . 1 -3 , 1 1 , 13 ; N 1888-90 , 97-98. v. 1 -3 , 12

- 13Bulletin . U 1888-92 n o. 1 - 15

Alabama educational association . Proceedings papers. U 1889 v . 8Alabama ( state) federation of labor . Proceedings. U 1 908+ v. 8+Alabama great southern rai lroad company . Annual report .

U 1896 98- 1902, 0 5, 0 7+Alabama great southern railway company, Ltd . Report ; U 1892, 97- 190 0 , 0 3-04Alabama

,New Orleans , Texas 81 Pacific j unction railways company, Ltd . Re

port of directors . U 1897- 190 3Repo1 t of proceedings . U 190 0 -0 1 , 0 3

-06. v . 16- 17 , 19-22

Alabama ( state ) penitentiary. Wetumpkaw B i ennial report. U 1882 84Alaska— Governor . Report . U 1896

Alaska Agricultural experiment stations. Annual report . Washington (D . C . )U N 1906+

Bulletin. N 190 5+ no . 1+Albany (N . Y . )— Education , Board of. Annual report . U 190 7-08+

Mayor . Annual message . U 1895Water bureau . Annual report . U 190 1 , 0 3+ v. 5 1, 53+see a lso New York ( state ) Museum .

Albany (N . Y. ) chamber of commerce . Report of the secretary . [Yearbook ]U 190 0+ v . 1+

Albany (N . Y. ) evening j ournal almanac . U 1858-92, 95Albany (N . Y. ) law j ourn al . U 1897- 190 0 v. 56


Albany (N . Y . ) Society of civi l engineers . Papers . U 19 10+ v . 1+A lbema i le 81 Chesapeake canal company. Annual report . U 1855- 56, 74-75 v . 1 ,

Albert I , Prince de Monaco . Resultats scien tifiques . U“has ordered

Album . London . U 1822-23 v. 1-3Alemannia ; zeitschri ft fur alemannische 81 fran kische geschichte, volkskund e,kunst, 81 sprache. Fre1burg U 1898+ v . U has ordered v. 1 -25

Alexandria (Egypt ) -Administrateur . Rapport . U 1908+Assainissement. Rapport . U 1908Consei l sanitaire . Bulletin quaran ten aire hebdomedaire . U 190 9+ v . 10+

Alexandria (Va ) Annual reports . U 1888 89Alexandria , Loudoun 81 Hampshire railroad company. Annual report.

U 1868 69 v . 10

Alkoholismus ; ze1tschr1ft zur Wissenschaftlichen erorterun g der alkoholfrage .

Dresden . U 190 0 -0 2 v. 1-3A llegheny Pa . ) M un 1c1pal reports . U 1885, 89 9— 0 , 92-94, 99 190 0

Carnegie free library. Annual report . U 1890 -92, 94+ v . I 5+A llegheny observatory, see Pittsbugh (Pa ) university.

A llegheny valley railroad company. Annual report.U 1856-57. 59-60 , 62—66, 69- 71 , 72-88, 90 -9 1 ll v . 4, 7 . 10 - 13. 19-20 , 22-38, 40 -41“Contin ued as

Allegheny valley railway company. Ann ual report .U 1892, 94- 190 1 , 1904, v . 1 , 3

- 10,13


Allgemeine bauzeitung. Vien na . U 187 1-72 v . 36-37Allgemeine deutsche bibliothek . Berlin ; Kiel . U 1765-96”v . 1 - 1 18l |Continued by Neue allgememe deutsche bibliothek .

Allgemeine elektricitats gesellschaft . Berlin . Geschaftsbericht.U 1900 -0 1 , 0 3 , 0 5 . v. 18- 19, 21 , 23

Allgemeine fischerei-zeitung. Munich . N 1898+ v . 23+Allgemeine zeitschri ft fii r entomologi e . Berlin, see Zeitschri ft fur wi ssenschaftl iche in sekten biologie .

Allgemeine zeitung : Bei lage . Munich . U [ 1898- 1903 , 0 5-0 7] 1908+Allgemeiner deutscher arbeiter-verein . Protokoll -der General-versamml

fin gé1 73-4

Allgemeines bucher-lexikon, see H ein sius Allgemeines bucherlexikon .

Allgemeines statistisc-hes archiv . T iibin gen . U 1890+ v. 1+Allied printing trades j ournal . Chicago . U [ 190 3 ] [ v. 2]Almanach de Gotha

,annuaire généalogique , dip lomatique 81 statistique . Gotha .

U 1830 - 190 5, 10+ v. 77-142, 147+Almanach des spectacles . Paris . U 1874- 190 7 v . 1 -13Almanach financier. Paris . U 1887-190 0 v . 20 -

33Almanach Icarien ; astronomique, scien tifique, pratique, industri el , stati stique,politique social . Paris . U 1844-48 v . 1-6

Almanaque de la agricultura espar‘

iola . Madrid . U 1876

Alpha Chi Omega fraternity [ sorority ] . Lyre . Ripon (Wis ) U 190 9+ v . 12+Alpha P-hi fraterni ty [ sorority] . Alpha Phi quarterly. Albion , (Mich )

U 19 10+ v . 22+Alpha X i Delta sorority . Alpha X i Delta . Alliance (0 ) U 1908+ v . 6+Altenglische bibliothek. (Kolbing . ) Heilbronn . U 1883 -90 v . 1 -5A ltfran zOsische bibliothek . Leipzig. U 1879-97“v . 1

Alton ( .I ll ) Daily morn ing courier . U 1852 54“v. 1-2 l|Continued


Alton ( I ll . ) Weekly courier.Alton ( I ll . ) horticultural society. Transactions .Alton ( Ill . ) Telegraph 81 Democratic review .

Continued as

A lton ( I ll . ) Telegraph . U 1846-52 v. 1 1-17

A ltruist, devoted to equal rights,mutual assi stance

,united labor

, 81 commonproperty . St Louis . U —06 ] [v . 30 , 32

-38]Altruistic review . Chicago . U 1893 [94] v . 1 , [2 3 ]Alumni quarterly . Urbana see I llinois university.

Am Urds brunnen, Rendsburg 81,Am urquell . Hamburg

, s ee Urquell .Amalgamated association of street 81 electric railway employees o f America .

Year b ook . U 190 3, 0 7+see also Motorman 81 conductor ; Union leader .

Amalgama ted engineers , a j ournal of trade unionism ,cooperation

, 81 b1 0 .therhood

London U [ 190 2] [ n . ser . v . 6 ]Amalgamated glas s workers

international association of America . Biennial report . U 1903

-0 5 v . 2

Proceedings . U 190 3 , 0 5see a lso Glass worker .

Ama lgamated meat cutters butcher workmen of North America . Officialj ournal .

.Syracuse (N . Y. ) U [ 190 2 08I| ] [v . 2 , 6, [7 -9 ]

Proceedmgs . U 1899, 1902-06 v . 2, 4-6

Amalgamated sheet metal workers ’ j ournal . Kansas city (M o )U [ 190 2-04 ] [v 7-91

Amalgamated soc1ety of carpenters 81 jome'

rs. Manchester (En g ) Annual report . U 1885 1903 , 0 8+ v . 26, 44, 49+

Amalgamated society of engineers , machinists , millwr1ghts , blacksmiths 81 pattern makers . Report of the proceedings of the American convention .

U 1 v . 1

Amalgamated wood-workers international union of America . General ihhvention . U 1900+ v . 2+see also International wood-worker.

America devoted to hones t politics 81 good literature . Chicago .

U [ 189 1 ] [v . 5 ]


American Aberdeen-Angus breeders ’ association . Beecher Davenport

( Ia . ) American Aberdeen-Angus herd book. U 1886+ v. 1+Report of proceedings of annual meeting


. U 190 6+ 23+American academy of arts 81 sciences . Boston . Memoirs .

N 1895 v . 12 U h as ordered completeProceedings . U 1846+ v . 1+ N 1873+ v. 9+

American academy of medicine . Bulletin . Easton (Pa . ) U 1897+ v . 3+American academy of political social science, Philadelphia . Annals .

U 1890+ v . 1+Bulletin . U 1899- 190 1 11 . ser. n o.

-8- I4Handbook . U 1906

American agricultural annual . N ew York . U 1867-70American agriculturi st . New York

U 1842-49. 57-94, 97- 1904, 0 8+ v 1-8 16-52 59-65, [66 ] 67-74, 81+American agriculturist yearbook almanac . New York . U 190 1 , 06+ v . 6, I I+American almanac 81 repository of useful knowledge . Boston .

U 1830 -61, 80 , 84, v . 1 -32, 5 1 , 55

American almanac 81 treasury of facts statistical, financial 81 politica l . NewYork . U 1878—85 v . 1-8

American analyst . New York . U 1888-

94, v. 4- 1 0

American ancestry. (Hughes ) Albany (N . Y . ) U 1887-99 v. 1 12

American 81 Delaine-merino record association . Flock book . U 1906+ v 1+American annals of the deaf . Washington (D ; C . ) U 190 0+ v . 45+American annual of photography photographic times almanac . New Y 0 1 l .<

U 1908+ v . 22+American


an thropological associ ation . New York . Memoirs . U 190 5+ v . 1+see a so

American anth ropologist . (Anthropological , Society of Washington ; after 1899in new series also with American anthropological association ; 81 Americanethnological society o f New York . ) Washington , New York .

U 1888+ v. 1+American antiquarian society. Worcester (Mass ) Archaeologia americana .

U 1820 -85 v . 1-7Proceedings . U 1896-98, 190 9+ [v . 20 -22

,29 ] 30+

U has ordered rest .Transactions . U has ordered

American architect . Boston . U 1876+ v. I -84, [85 88+American archives , 1774-76. Washington (D . C . )

U 1837-53 ser . 4, v . 1 - ser . 5, v . 3American art annual . (Levy) New York . U 1898+ v . 1+American arti san , tinner 81 house furnisher . Chicago . Beginning 1898 entitledAme rican artisan , the hardware record . U 1884 98, v . 6-29 , 3 1 36, [37 ]

American Asiatic association . Journal . New York . U 19 10+ v . 10+American association for labor legislation . Proceedings o f annual meeting.

U 190 7+ v . 1+American association for the advancement of education . Phi ladelphia . Pnro

ceed in gs . U 185 1-55, v . 1 -5American association for the advancement of physical education . Proceedingsof annual meeting . U 1887 v . 3

American association for the advancement of science. Washington (D . C . )Proceedin gs . G 1877 8190 3 0 7 , v . 26-3 1 , 52, 54 57 , U 1848+ v . N 1885+ v 33


4 1 , 47 5 1 , 56+American association of demurrage officers . Proceedings . Continues Nationalassociation o f car service managers . U 1908+

American as sociation of general passen ger ticket agents . Proceedings of annual convention . 1878-79 cal led General ticket 81 passenger agents

’ association ; 1879-88 called National association . U 1878+

American association o f geologists and n aturali sts . Transactions .U 1840 -42 v . 1-3

American association of importers breeders o f Belgian draft horses . Wabash( I n d ) National register of Belgian d raft horses . U 190 5+ v. 1+

American association of instructors of the blind . Proceedings . ContinuesAmerican instructors o f the blind . U 1872 v . 1


American association of medical milk commissions . Cincinnati . Proceedings .U 190 7+ v . 1+

American association of nurserymen . Report . U 190 0- 0 5 v . 25-30

American association of xpublic ac countants . New York. Yearbook.

U 190 6+ v . 1+

American astronomer bulletin . South Framingham (Mass ) U 190 9 v . 2

American asylum for the education of the deaf 81 dumb . Hartford (Ct ) A n

nual report. U 1850 , 76 v . 34, 60

American bank reporter. New York. U 1902-04 v . 66-69

American banker . New York . U 1904+ v . 69+

American bankers ’ association . Journal . New York . U 1908+ v. 1+

Report of proceedings 81 conventions .U 1875-90 , 92, 99, 190 2

-0 5 , 0 7+ v . 1- 16, 18, 25, 28-

3 1 , 33+Currency commission . Report . U 190

-6,0 8

Savings banks section . Proceedings . U 190 6 v . 5American Baptist yearbook . Philadelphia . U 190 5+American bar association . Annual report . U 1878+ v . 1+A merican bee keeper . Falconer (N . Y . ) 81 Fort Pierce (F la ) U [ 1906] [v . 16]American Bell telephone company

, see American telephone 81 telegraph company.

American Berkshire association . American Berkshire record . Springfield ( I ll . )U 1876+ v . 1+

Annual report. U 1878 v . 3Proceedings . U 190 7+ v . 2+

American book-prices current . New York . U 1896-98, 190 2+ v . 2-4, 8+

‘ American botanist . Binghamton (N . Y . ) Joliet ( I ll . ) U 190 1+ v. 1+

American breeders’

association . Proceedings . U 190 3+ v . 1+American breeders ’ association of j acks 81 j ennets . Nashville (Tenn ) Amecan j ack stock stud book . U 189 1-1903 . v . 1-3

American brewer 81 disti ller, opposed to sumptuary legi slation 81 the restric

tion of person al l iberty. Paterson (N . J . ) U [ 1892] [v . 1 ]American brotherhood of cement workers . Proceedings . U 1906+ v . 4+American bui lder j ournal of art . Chicago . U 187 1

American bureau of shipping. Record of American 81 foreign shipping . NewYork . U 1908+

American carnation society . Proceedings . U 189 1-94, 96-99 , 190 1+ v . 1 -

3 , 5-8, 1 0+

American catalogue [of books ] . New York . U 1876+American Catholic historical researches . Philadelphia . U 1906+ n . ser . v . 2+American ceramic society . Columbus (0 ) Transactions . U 1899+ v . 1+American chamber of commerce . Paris , see Paris American chamber of commerce .

American cheese maker . Grand Rapids (Mich . ) U 190 1+ v . 17+American chemical j ournal . Baltimore (M d ) U 1879+ v . 1+American chemical society . New York and Easton (Pa ) Chemical abstracts .

U 190 7+ v . 1+Journal . U 1879+ v . 1+Proceedings . U 1876+ v . 1+

( 1879- 190 3 contained in the Journal . )Review of American chemical research . Continued as Chemical abstracts .

U 18974 90 61] v . 3American chemist . New York . U 1870 v . 1

American chester-white record association . Record . Dayton (O ) Con ti n uesStandard chester white record association . U 1895- 1900 v . 5-7

American cheviot sheep society . Flock register. v . 2 published by National chev iot sheep society . U 1893 - 190 1 v . 1 -3

American church almanac . New York . U 190 0- 0 8 v . 70 -

78American church review . New York . U 1882 no . 136-38American cities rai lway 81 - light company . Jersey C ity (N . I . ) Annual report .

U 190 8+-

v . 3+American city. New York . U 190 9+ v . 1+Amercian civic association . Papers . Continues also after 190 3 , American park


out-do-0 r art a3 5 0 0 1at10 n ; Amer1can league for c1v1c improvement . U 190 5+American Cleveland ‘bay stud book

, see Cleveland bay society of America .


American Clydesdale association . Springfield ( I ll . ) American“Clydesdale stud

book . U 1882+ v . 1+American college 81 education society. Boston . Annual report. Contin ues American education society ; a fter 1894 continued as Congregational education so

ciety. U 1875 76 v . 1-2

American college private school d11ect0 ry. (Myers ) Chicago New York .

U 190 7+ v . 1+American college 81 public school di rectory. (Evans ) St Louis .

U 1877 , 87-88, 95-97 , 190 5 v . 1,10 -zo


American colonial tracts Rochester (N . Y . ) U 1897-98. v . 1 -2 no . 6American colonization society. Washington (D . C . ) Annual report. U 1819-20 ,

22, 24-

33, 35, 41 -42, 45-55, 57, 59-60 , 62-70 , 72 v. 2-3. 5 , 7-16. 18. 24-25, 28-38.40 42 43 1 45 53 , 55Bulletin ( entitled . Liberia ) . U 190 3 , no . 23

American conference on international arbi tration . Proceedings .U 1896- 1904 v . 1 -2

American co-operative j ournal . Chicago .



U 1906+ [v . 1 6+American coéperator, devoted to the ideals of a cooperative commonwealth .

Lewiston (Me . ) U 190 2-04 l| v . 1-3HAmerican

“Cotswold association . American Cotswold record . Chicago , etc.

U 1878- 190 3 v. 1 1 1

American cotton manufacturers’

association . Proceedings . Ch arlotte (N . C . )U 190 5-06, 0 8+ v . 9

- 10, 12+

American cotton oil company. New York. Report . U 189 1+ v . 2+Ame rican coun tmg- room . New York, see Bookkeeper. New York .

American dairymen’

s association . Report . New York. U 1865-78 v . 1-13American decisions ~ San Francisco .

“C on tinued as American reports .

U 1760 1869”v . 1 - 100HAmerican Devon cattle club . American Devon record . Zanesville t eeling (W . Va. ) U 1887- 190 3 v . 4 7Year book . Newark (0 ) U 1904+

American dialect society . New Haven (Ct . ) Dialect notes . U 1890+ v . 1+American digest . (Annual) St Paul . U 1897+American Duroc Jersey swine breeders ’ association . American Duroc-Jerseyrec0 1d . Camden Thornton ( Ind . ) U 1885+ v. 1+

American economic association . New York . Economic studies .U 1896-9911 11 I 4M

Publications . 1886 96, 99- 1908Hv. 1 pt . 1 v . ser . 3 v . 1-9 llContinued asQuarterly. Princeton (N . I . ) U 190 9+ ser . 3 , v . 10+see a lso Economic bulletin .

American economist, devoted to the protection of American labor 81 industries .

New York .

U [ 1889 98+ [v . s 9- 10 . [ I I 137 15 , 17 ; [ I S 21+

American education society,Boston . Annual report . Contin ued as American

college and education society, later Congregational education society .

U 1820 , 22-

41 , 43. 45-55 , 62-74. v . 5 , 7-25. 27 , 29-39 1 46-58Quarterly j ournal

, see American quarterly register .American educational review . Chicago . U 190 9+ v . 3 1+American electrician . New York . Merged m Electrical world .

U 1896- 190 2 04 6 5”v 8- 14, 16American electrochemical society, Philadelphia . Transactions. U 1902+ v . 1+American engineer . Chicago . U 1883 v . 5American engineer 81 rai lroad j ournal . New York . Continues American railroad j ournal ; Railroad 81 engineering j ournal ; National car locomotivebuilder ; Van Nostrand

’s Engineering magazine ; American engineer carbuilder 81 rai lroad j ournal . U 1887+ v . 61+

American engineer , car-bui lder 81 rail i oad j ournal , see American engineer 81rai lroad j ournal .

American entomological society . Philadelphia . Transactions . Continues Entomological society of Philadelphia . U 1867-76 v . 1-5 ; N 1867+ v . 1+see also Academy of natural sciences . Ph i ladelphia ; Practical en tomologist .


Before 190 7 v . 9 called Hampshire-Down breeders’ association . of


America .

U 189 1+ v . 1+

Ame rican hay, flour, 81 feed j ournal . New York . U 190 3+ v . 5+American health magazine . New Haven (Conn )American Hereford cattle breeders


association . Report o f proceed ingsU 1908+ v . 26+

American Hereford record 81 Hereford herd book. Beecher ( I ll ) Columbia (Mo ) U 1880+ v . 1+

American hide 81 leather company. Annual report . U 190 3 v . 4.

American historical association . Washington . Annual report . U 1889+Papers . Continued in annual report . U 1885-91 I I v . 1-5HPublic archives

“commission . Report . U 190 0

—0 2 v. 1 -3~

American historical review . New York . U 1895+ v. 1+American h istory leaflets . (Hart 81 Charmin g . ) New York .

U 1892- 190 2 . nos . 1-33.

American home economics association .

Continues Lake Placid conference on h ome economics .s ee a lso Journal of home economics .

American homes 81 gardens . New York. Continues Scientific American Building edition . C U 190 5+ V . 1+

American horse breeder . Boston . U 04+ [v . 22+American horse show blue book . New York U 190 3-04 . v . 2-

3American horticultural annual . New York . U 1867-70

American horticultural society, see Missis sippi valley horticultural society.

American humane association . Proceed ings U 1896—190 1 , 0 3 - 06,v . 20 -25 , 27—30

American industries . New York . U [ 1902 190 5+ [v . 1 v . 3+American institute of arch itects . VVashin gton .

. Proce edings o f annual con ventions . U 1868-88, 90+ V . 2—22, 24+Quarterly bulletin . U 190 0+ _v . 1- 3 , [4 6+Brooklyn chapter . Catalogue of exhibition . U 1899 . v . 1

American institute o f banking. Bulletin . Prior to 190 7 name was American .

institute of bank clerks . U 1904—0 5 , 0 ( F ; v . 4, 7+

American institute of chemical engineers . Transactions . U 1909+ v . 1+American institute of criminal law 81 criminology . Journal . Chicago .

U 19 10+ v . 1+American institute of electrical engineers . New York . Proceedings . Title wasTransactions before v . 24, 190 5 . U 1884 85 , 87+ v . 1 -2, 4+

American institute o f instruction . Boston . Lectures,discussion s 81 proceedings .

U 1836 3 1. 1834. 37 39. 47. 54. 5—8- 59. 62 64- 72. 75 . 77 92. 94 199 2. 04+

v 1 -2. 5. 25. 27. 29 30 . 33. 35 43. 46. 48

-72. 74+American institute of mining engineers . New York . Bulletin .

G+ ; U 190-

9+ n o. 27+Transactions . G 1896- 190 7 , v . 26-38 ; U 187 1+ v . 1+

American institute o f the City of New York , see New York (city . )American instructors o f the blind . Proceedings of the convention . Cont inuedby American associ ation of instructors o f the blind . U 187 1“v . 2”

Ame rican international association of rai lway superintendents o f bridges 81 buildin

gs . Proceedings . Continued by Association o f railway superintendentsof bridges 81 buildings . U 189 1 -94“v . 1 -4H

American i ron 81 steel association . Phi ladelphia . Annual stati sti cal report .G 1868

, 7 1 , 73 , 75 , 77 80 81 , 9 1 ; U 1878, 84, 190 5+Bulletin . U 190 2+ v . 36+Directory o f the iron 81 steel works of the U . S . U 1898, 190 4 v 14 , 16

Proceedings . G 1873-74American Israelite . Cincinnati . UAme1 ican j ack stock stud book , s ee American breede i s

’ association of j acks 81j enn ets .

American Jersey cattle club . New York . Butter tests of regi stered Jersey cowsU 1884, 189 1 v . 1 , n . s . v . 1

Herd register . U 187 1+ v . 1+American Jewish hi storical society . Baltimore . Publications . U 1897 no . 6

American j ou rnal o f anatomy . Baltimore . U 190 1+ v . 1+


American j ournal of archaeology. Princeton , New York ; No1wood (Tri ass )U 1896+ v . 10 18, 20+

American j ournal of conchology. (Academy of natural scien ces ) .

D h ilade l

U N 1865 v . 1 7“American j ournal of education . (Barnard ) Hartford (Ct . )

U 1855-82”v . 1 -32

American j ournal of horticulture 81 florist’

s companion . Boston . After 1869entitled : Tilton

’s j ournal of horticulture . U 1867 v . 1

American j ournal of international law . New York . U 190 7+ v . 1+American j ournal of mathematics . (Johns Hopkins univers ity ) . Baltimore

(M d ) U 1878+ v . 1+American j ournal o f microscopy . Chicago . N [1 111]American j ourn al of microscopy 81 popular science . New York.

N 1877-81 [v . 2 ] 3 -4. [5 ]American j ournal of pharmacy. (Phi ladelphia college of pharmacy. ) Ph1lade l

phia . U 1880 -83 v. 52-55 ( ser . 4, v . 1c 13 )

American j ournal of phi lology . Baltimore ( M d )UU

1880+ V . 1+American journal of physiology . Boston . U I898+ v . 1 i

American journal of psychology. Baltimore (Md ) ; Worcester (Mass )U 1887 v . 1

American j ournal of public hygiene . Boston ; Columbus (O . )U 190 5+ v . W

American j ournal of religious psychology 81 education . Worcester (Mass )U 1904+ v . 1+

American j ournal of science . (Silliman . ) New Haven .

G 1846-

98 -ser . 2. v . 1 -41 . 43. 45. 47. 49-

50 ; ser . 3 . v . 1 - 16. 19-

42. 44 ser . 4.v . 1 , 3

—6 ; U 1818-93 , 95+ v . 1 - 148, N 1823-77 v . 6, [7 , 45 ; ser . 2, v1 7. 32


34. 37 ; [sen 3. v 4 .1 13- 14.

American j ournal of sociology . Ch1cago. U 1893+ v . 1+American j ournal of the medical sciences . Philadelphia New York.

U 1894+ v . N 1894+ 10 9+American j ournal of theology. Chicago . U 1897+ v . 1+American j ournal of veterinary medicine . Topeka (Kan ) Early numberscalled Missouri Valley veterinary bulletin . U 190 9+ V .


American kennel club . New York . American kennel club stud book .

U 1878, 88+ v . 1 , 5+American kennel register . New York . U 1883-87 v . 1 - 5American kitchen magazine . Boston

,s ea Everyday housekeeping.

American laborer . (Horace Greeley . ) New York . U 1842-43”v . 1”American law register . Phi ladelphiaf U 1866-72, 76-80 , 98+ v . 15-20 , 24-28, 46+American law review . Boston ; St Louis U 1867 82, 98+ V . 1 - 16

, 32+American leather chemists

associ ation Journal . Easton (Pa . ) U 190 6+ v . 1+American Leicester breeders

’ association . American Leicester record . Galesburg( Ill ) U 1893 -99 v . 1 -2

Amer1can library association . Boston ; Chicago . A . L . A . book list . Madison(W1s ) U 190 5+ V . 1+Bulletin U 190 7+ V . 1+Conference papers and proceedings . (also in Library j ournal unti l 190 7and then in A . L . A . Bulletin ) . U . 189 1-92, 95-98, 190 5+ v . 13

- 14, 17-20 , 27+Handbook. U 1893+Photographs taken at the meetings and on post- conference trips . (Faxon)

U 1894+Book prices , Committee on . Bulletin . U 190 3-5”n o. 1-19”see a lso Library j ournal .

American literary gazette 81 publi shers ’ ci rcular . (Childs . ) Philadelphia .

U 1863-67 v. 1 -8American locomotive company . Annual report . U 190 3 . v . 2

American lyceum,Boston . Proceed ings . U 183 1 -33 v . 1 -3

American machinist . New York . U 1882+ v . 5+American magazine . New York . U 190 6+ V . 63+American magazine of useful entertaining knowledge . Boston .

Amer1can malting company . New York . Annual report . U 190 3



American manual training association . Cleveland . Proceedings . Continuedby Eastern manual training association . U 1897—98 I

American marine engineer . Chicago . U 1909+ v. 4American mathematical monthly. Springfield (M o )

”U 1894+ v . 1+American mathematical society. New York. Annual register . U 190 6+

Bulletin . v . 1 -3 called Bulletin of the New York mathematical society.

U 1891+ v. 1+Transactions . U 190 0+ v . 1+

American medical association, Chicago . Journal . U 1883+ v. 1+Counci l on medical education . Annual conference . U 190 7+ ,

v . 3+Pharmacology therapeutics section . Transactions . U 1906 v . 57

American medical direc’

tory. Chicago . U 190 9American meteorological j ournal . Detroit ; Boston . U 1884-96 v. 1- 12

American metric bureau, see also Metric bul letin .

American microscopical society . Washington (D . C . )“Transactions . Formerly

American society of microscopists .U 1899- 190 0 . v . 21-22 ; N 1878+ v. 1 -20


American miller. Chicago . U 1909+ v . 37+American mining congress . Denver (Cola) Bulletin ; report of proceedings .

U 190 3+ v . 6+American monthly . (Knickerbocker ) . New York, see Knickerbocker. NewYork. 1864“65 V . 63 65

American monthly microscopical j ournal . Washington (D . C . )N 1880 1- 90 2 v . 1 -23 no 6

American monthly review of reviews , see American review of reviews .American mosquito extermination society. New York. Bulletin . At firstcalled National m

osquito extermination society. Organization dissolved 190 8.

U N 1904- 0 6] v . 1

Proceedings of the convention . U 190 3 04 } v . 1

American museum of natural history. New York . Annual report .U 1892, 99+ v . 24, N 1870+ v . 1+

Bulletin . N 1881+ v . 1+Memoi rs . U 1893+ v . 1 pt . 143 , 7 , v. N 190 1+ [v . 1 , 9+

American national red cross [corporation ] Bulletin . Washington (D . C . )U 190 6+ v . 1+

American naturalist . Philadelphia ; Boston . U N 1867+ v . 1+American nautical almanac, see U . S .

— Nautical almanac office .

American newspaper annual . (Ayer . ) Phi ladelphia . U 1881 , 1904+American newspaper di rectory. (Rowell . ) New York . Combined with 81 con

tinn ed as American newspaper annual .U 1869. 79. 82-83 . 93. 97-98. 1904. 08-09 I I v . I . I I . 14- 15. -3O. 36. 40 -411!

American oriental society . New Haven ; Boston . Journal . U 1859—60 [v . 6]American orn ithologists union — Protection of North American birds , Com

mittee on . Report .,U 1898, 1903

American Oxford Down sheep record as sociation. Ame rican Oxford Down record . Ohio . U 1883- 190 3 . v . 1 -9

American park 81 outdoor art association . Papers . Merged in American civicassociation . U 1897 98 [ 190 0 v . 1 -2

, [4American peace society . Boston . Annual 1 eport . U 1906+ v . 78+

see a lso Advocate o f peace .

American Percheron horse breeders’

association, see Percheron society o f America .

American pharmaceutical association . Bulletin . (Chicago ) U 1906+ v . 1+Amer1can ph110 10 g1ca1 assoc1at10 n . Boston . Transactions proceedings .


U 1869+ v . 1+Amer1can ph1losoph1ca1 soc1ety. Ph iladelphia . Proceedings .

U 1744+ v . 1+ ; N 1867+ [v . 15-17 , [ 18, 19, 47+Transactions .

U 1789- 1809 , 1818- 1902 v . 1-6, 11 . ser . v . 1 -20 ; N 1853-81 v . 10 , 13 , 1 5American physical education review . Boston . U 190 2+ v . 7+Ame rican pig iron manufacturers ’ as sociation . Proceedings . Philadelphia .

G 1872American pioneer . Cincinnati . U 1842-43”v . 1


American plants . San Diego (Cali f . ) U 190 7-08 v . I

American Poland Ch ina record association . Proceedings . U 1906 v . 1

American Poland China record company. Columbia (M o. ) American PolandChina record . U 1879+ V . 1+

American political science association . Proceedings . U 1904+ v . 1 +

Ame1 ican political science review . Baltimore . U 190 6+ v . 1+American polled Durham breeders ’ association . American polled Durham herdbook. Pe1u ( Ind . ) U 1898+ v . 1+

American pomological society . Proceedings . U 1850+ v . 3+American pottery gazette . New York. U 190 5

- 08. v . 2-6

Ame1 ican poultry j ournal . Chicago .

U 190 0 09+ [v 30-3 I .1 32. [33 35

-36. 41—1

American pressmen . ( International printing pressmen 81 assistants union o fNorth America . ) Cincinnati . U [ 190 5 , 08+ [v . 15 , 1 7 , 19+

American prison association . Proceedings of annual congress . Continues Na~

tion al prison association of U . S . 1873 1 190 7 . U 190 8+American public health assoc1at10 n . Reports 81 papers . U 1873+ V . 1+American public works association . Convention . U 19 06 v. 2

American publi shers circular 81 l iterary gazette, see Ame1 ican literary gazette81 publi shers’ circular .

American quarterly . Boston,see Poet- lore .

American quarterly microscopical journal . (New York microscopical society . )New York. N 1878 79”v . 1 | |

American quarterly register . (Edwards ) Boston . v . 1 -3 cal led Quarterly j ournal of the American education society. U 1827 v . 1

American quarterly regi ster 81 magazine . (Stryker) , see American register 81magazine .

American quarterly review . Philadelphia. U 1827- 1837”v . 1 -22H:Ameri can rai lroad j ournal . New York . Continued in American engineer 81railroad j ournal . U 1832 86“v . 1

American rai lway association . New York . Proceedings . ( Includes Proceedings of General time convention - 1872-76 81 Southern rai lway time con vention 1877 U 1886+ v . 1+

American“railway bridge 81 building association . Proceedings o f annual con

ven tion . Continues Associ ation of rai lway superintendents o f bridges 81buildings . U 1908+ V . 18+

American rai lway engineering 81 maintenance oi -way association . Chicago . Bulletin . U 1904-08 . 110 . 45 79 , 81 -85 , 97 104,

—0 9Proceedings of annual convention . U 1900+ V . 1+

American rai lwaaymaster mechanics’ association . New York . Proceedings .

U 1868-72, 74 86, 88+ V. 1 - 19 , 21+American rai lway mechanical 81 electrical association , see American street 81:interurban 1ai lway engineering association .

American rai lways company. Phi ladelphia . Annual report .U 190 2, 0 4-0 5 , 0 7+ v. 3 , 5 6, 8+

Ame1 ican Rambouillet sheep breeders ’ association . American Ramboui llet record . Ohio . U 189 1+ v . 1 +

American register , or, Summa ry 1 eview of history,politics

, 81 literature . Philad elphia . U 18 17”v . 1

American register 81 magazine . ( Stryker . ) Phi ladelphia . U 1850 , 52 V . 4, 6American repertory of arts , sciences 81 manufactures . New York.

U 1840 . V . I . ( lacks no . I Feb . 1840 )Amer1can reports . S an Francisco. Continues American deci sions ; continued byAmerican state reports . U 1869 v . 1 -60 I]

American 1 ev iew, ( later, American V»

7big review . ) New York. U has orderedAmerican review of reviews . New York . v . 1 -2 ( 1890 ) i s sued as Revi ew of re

views , American edition . C 1894+ v . 10+ ; U 1890+‘

v . Ur 1897+ v . 15+American saddle horse breeders ’ association . Chicago . Regi ster . Con tinuesNational saddle horse breeders ’ association U 190 8+ v . 1+

American school ’

of classical studies at Athens . (Archaeological institute o fAmerica . ) Annual report . Cambridge . U 1887-88. v . 7Papers . U 1882-83 , 92 . V . 1 , 5,

American school of home economics . Chicago . Bulletin . U 1906+ ser . 1 . no . 1+


American sheep-breeder 81 wool—grower . Chicago .

U [ 1889 92. 97 99+ [v 9. 12 17-

118 ] 19+In July 1909 absorbed Shepherd

’s criterion .

American Shetland p ony club . Columbus (MO . Springfield ( I l lU

. ) AmericanShetland club stud book . IU 8Q3+ v . 1+

American Shire horse association . Chicago . American Shi i e horse stud book .

U 1888+ V . 1+American short horn breeders ’ association . Chicago . American short horn herdbook . U 1846+ V . . 1+Circular

,containing a synopsis of the business transactions .

190 0 -0 1,06+ 1 5 21+

American short-horn record . (Alexander . ) Frankfort (Ky ) U 1869-76 V . 1 -5American Shropshire registry association . American Shropshire sheep record .

Columbia (Mo . ) U 1889+ V . 1+

American smel ting 81 refining.

company . Annual report . UU 1904 V . 5American social science association, see Journal of social science .

American socialist,d- tevo ed to the enlargement 81 perfection of the home .

Oneida (N . Y . ) U 187 6- 79 V. I —4

American society for colon i zmg the free people of color of the United States ,s ee American colonization society . Washington (D . C . )

American society for psychical research Bo .ston Proceedings U 1885 89 V . 1

American society for testing materials . Proceedi ngs . U 1898+ v . 1+V . 1 published by International association for testing materials

— Americansection

,and reports the first 4 meetings 1898 190 2 .

American society for the extension of university teaching . Philadelphia . A h

n oun cemee .nts U 1906+Annual report U 1893 , 1900

s ee a lso Citizen , University extension .

American society of civi l engineers . New York . Proceedings .U 1897. 1909+ v . 23 . 35+

Transactions . U 1867+ V . 1+American society o f heating 81 ven ti latmg engineers . New York . Transact ions .

U 1895+ V . 1+American society o f mechanical engineers . New


York . Journal .U 1910+ [ v . 33+

Transactions . U 1880+ v . 1+Yearbook . U 199 5+ V . 26+

American society of microscopis‘

ts , see Amer1can microscopical society.

American society of municipal improvements . Proceedings . U 1894+ V . 1+American society of naval en gineers . Washington (D . C . ) Journal .


U 1889+ V .

American society of railroad superintendents . Boston . Proceedings .U 1881 -95 , V . 1 - 2 5

American Southdown breeders ’ association . Ame rican Southdown record .

Springfield ( I ll . )-

U 1884—190 2, V. 1-9

American state papers , 1789- 1837, Cong. 1 -24. Washington (D . C . )U 1833 v . 1 -38 I I

American state reports . San Francisco . Continues American report s (precededby American decis ions . ) U 1886+ V . 1+

American statistical association . Boston . Collections . U V . I I IPublications . U 1888+ n . ser . V . 1+

American street 81 interurban rai lway engineering association . Annual con vention . U 190 3+ V . 1+190 3 0 5 name was American railway mechanical 81 electrical association .

American street rai lway investments . New York . Supplement to Street rai lwayj ournal . U 1894+ V . 1+

Ame 1 ican stud book, see Jockey club .

American sugar industry 81 beet sugar gazette . Chicago . Continues Beet sugargazette . U 1904+ v . N 190 0+ [v . 3+

American swineherd . Chicago . U 1904+ V . 21+American Tamworth swine record association . Register . Palmer ( Ill . )

U 190 3+ v . 1+



American telephone telegraph company . Boston . Report . Unti l 190 0 calledAmerican Bell telephone co.

U 1880 -82, 84-85 , 88- 190 1 , 0 4—0 5 ; v . 2-3 , 5 -6, 9-22

,25 -26

American telephone j ourn al . New York . U 1902- 0811v . 5

- 18 no . 9”Continued in Telephony.

American trade . (National association o f manufacturers“of the U . S . ) Ph i ladelphia . U [ 1898- 190 0 ] [v . 1 -3 ]

American trade index,-see National association of manufacturers of the U . S .


A .

American trotting register association . Chicago . Wallace’

s American trottingregister

.U 1892+ v . 10+

Wallace’s yearbook . U 1886, 88+ v. 2, 4+

American truck farmer . St Louis (M o. ) U [ 190 3 - 0 5 ] [ I [v . 1 -3 ] I IAmerican type founders company . Annual report . U 190 3

—0 4, v . 1 1 - 12

American Unitarian association— Minister at large . Boston . Semiannual report .U 183 1 , 32 ; v . 8, 10

American university magazine . New York . U [ 1895-97 ] [v . 1 3-

4,American veterinary review . New York . U 1896-97, 98+ v . 20 , 22+American warehouse-men ’s association . New York . Bulletin . U 190 5+ v . 6+

Proceedings of annual meeting. U 1904+ v . 14+American water works association . Proceedings . U 1886—93 , v . 61—13 , 22+American Whig rev iew . New York . (Continues American revi ew . )

U has orderedAmerican year book . New York . U 19 10 v . 1

American Yorkshire club . American Yorkshire record . St Paul (Minn )U 190 1

—04 v . 1 -2

Annual . St Paul (Minn ) U 1906

Americana Germanica . New York ; Philadelphi a . Continued as’

German—American ann als . U 1897- 190 2”v . I

Amerikanischer turner-kalender . Milwaukee . U 1898, 190 0”



190 1 continued as Freidenker- almanach Amerikani scher turnera en e r.

Ames ( Ia . ) — Free library. Annual report . U 1904Amherst (Mass ) college— Library . Quarterly bulletin . U 1809- 190 1“v . 1

Amiens (France ) , see a lso Société d’

horticu lture de Picardie ; Société linnéennedu nord de la France .

Among ourselves . (Montgomery Ward co. ) Chicago .

U 190 6- 08 Je l| v . 3-

4 no . 9 | lAmsterdam (Neth . ) chamber of commerce factories . Report on trade ,shipping

,industry . U 1904

Amsterdam (Neth . ) Société mathématique . V erzam-eling van voorse l len

(Recueil de questions mat'hématiques ) . U has orderedAmsterdam (Neth . ) see a lso K. Akademie van weten schappen .

Amsterdam (N . Y . )— Water commissioners , Board of . Annual report .W 190 6- 0 7 , 10+ v . 25 -26, 29+

Analecta Bollan dian a (Société des Bol lan distes . ) Brussels . U 19 1 0+ v . 29+A n alecta hymn ica medii aevi . Leipzig . U has ordered 1886+ v . 1+Anales de ingenieria . Bogota (Columbia) . U 190 9+ v . 22+ (s er . 2 v .

Analyst . (Chemistry) . London . Includes the Proceedings of the Society o fpublic analysts . U 1876, 79+ V . 1 , 4+

Analyst . (Mathematics ) . Des Moines ( Ia . ) U 1874-83Hv . 1 - 10 I IAnatomical record . Philadelphia . U 1 906+ v . 1+A n atomrische hefte beitrage referate zur anatomie en tw ickelun gsgesch ichte .

Wl esbaden .

Abtei lung I : Arbeiten aus an atomischen instituten . U 1802+ v . 1+Abteilung 2 : see Ergebnisse der anatomie en tw ickelun gsgeschichte .

Anatomischer anzeiger . Jena . U 1890+ v . 5-21 , N 18868 9 v . 1 -4Andover (Mass ) Memorial hal l l ibrary. Annual report . U 190 7+ v . 35+Andover review . Boston . U 1884—93 I I v. I - I QHAnglia : zeitschri ft fiir engli sche philologie . Halle . U 1878+ v . 1+

Beiblatt : Mitteilun gen aus dem gesammten gebiete der englischen sprachelitteratur. Halle . U 1890+ v . 1+Supplemen theft : Uebersicht uber die auf dem gebiete der engli schephi lologie erschienenen biicher, schri ften , aufsatze . Halle . U 1877—94


Anglistische forschun gen . (Hoops ) Heidelberg. U 190 1+ v . 1+A nglo- Saxon review . London. U has orderedAnn Arbor railroad company. Annual report. U 1898—190 5 , 08+ v . 1

A n n aes d e scien cias n aturaes . Oporto . N 1894- 190 3 v . 1—3 , 5 8Annalen der chemie 81 pharmacie, Heidelberg ; Leipzig . O riginal title : Annalender pharmacie ; in 1840 , assumed the above : since 1874 known as Justus“L iebig

s Annalen der chemie pharmacie . U 1832+ v . 1 - 166, [ 167U, ] 168+

Annalen der hydrog1 aphie maritimen meteorologie . Berlin . U 1909+Annalen de1 n atu 1ph i losoph ie . Leipzig. U 1902+ v. 1 +

Annalen der pharmacie . Heidelberg , see Annalen der chemie pharmacie .Annalen der physik . Halle ; Leipzig . Continues Journal der physik ; v . 61 - 76

called Annalen der physik der physikalischen chemie ; v . 77 30 5 ( 1824 99 )called Annalen der physik chemie, 8: usually known as POggen dorf

s A n

nalen . U 1 799+ V. 1+B eiblatter. Leipzig . U 1877+ v. 1+

Annalen des deutschen reichs fur gesetzgebung, verwaltung statistik . Leipzig.


-1868-97 v . 1 - 30

Annalen fiir gewerbe bauwesen . Berlin . U 1877-98 v . 1 -


A n n a ler for n ord isk oldkyn d ighed . (K . Nord iske old sk1 iftse lskab . ) Copenhagen . Continued as Aarboger for n ord isk oldkyn d ighed historie .

1836- 1865“Annales agronomiques . (D ehérain . ) Paris . U 1875-


190 1 -ll v . 1

Ann ales de biologie lacustre . Brussels . N I 906+ v . 1+Annales d e chimie analytique . Paris . - U has orderedAnnales de chimie de physique . Pari s . v . 1-96, 1789- 1815, entitled Annales dechimie . U 1 789+ v. 1+

Annales de la science agron om1que _

fran gai se ét1an gere . Paris .U 1884+ v . N 1895 ser . 2. v . 1-5

Annales de mathématiques pures et appliquées . Paris .U has ordered 1810 32”v . 1 -22H

Annales de mathématiques, see Nouvelles annales de mathématiques .

Annales de micr-ographie . Pari s . U 1889 98“v . 1 1898”v . 10”Annales de pomologie belge etrangere . Brussels . U 1853-60 . v . 1 -8Am ales de Provence . Aix-en Provence . U 190 9+ v . 6+An nales des mines . Paris . U has ordered 1816+Annales des mines ; ou , Recuei l d e memo1res sur l

exploitation des mines . Par

i s . U 1886 89, v . 161 -67 ( ser . 8, v . 10 - 16)Annales des mines de Belgique . (M in iStere de l

in du strie du travai l . ) Brussels . U 190 9+ v . 14+

Annales des ponts chausées. Pari s . ’ Loi s , décrets , etc . U 183 1+M e


moires documents . U 183 1+Personnel . U 1832-1900”

A nnales des sciences naturelles : botanique . Paris .

U 1878 85, 86+ v . 1 19-3o, 133+Annales des sciences naturelles : zoologie paléontologie . Paris .U 1874 93+ v . 1 1 1 -42, 4 5+ ( ser . N 1834-84, ser 2, v . 1-2 ; ser. 3 ,

v . 15- 16, 19 -20 ; ser . 6, v . 3-

4, 17- 18 .

Annales des sciences physiques n aturel les, d’

agricu1ture d’

in dustrie . ( Societe impériale d

agricu lture d ’industrie de Lyon . ) Ly0ns .U 1853 , ser. 2, v . 5

Annales des sciences politiques . Pari s .U 1888-95 , 190 7+ v . 1-2

, 4-

9 , U has ordered restAnnales du Midi . Toulouse (France ) U 1889+ v. 1+An n ales mycologici . ( Sydow . ) Berlin . U 190 7 . v .

An n ales politiques et l ittérai res . Paris . U 1895+ v . [25 ] 26+Annales romantiques . Paris . U 1904+ v. 1+An nali d i agricoltura . Rome . N 252+Annali d i matematica pura applicata . Rome ; Milan .

U 1850+ ser . 1 , v . I -ser . 2, v . 21 , 23, 26 ; ser . 3 , v . 1+Annal s magazine of n atura l hi story. London .

U 1886+ v . 77 ( ser . 5 , v . N 1841-81 , v. 6, [9 ; ser . 2, v . 7, 8 ; ser . 3 ,v . 19

-20 ; ser. 4 [v . ser. 5, [v . 4, 7 ]Ann als of bee culture . Louisville . U 1869



Anti- imperalist. (E . Atkinson . ) Brookline (Mass )U 1899-190 0“v. 1 n o. 1 -6I1

Anti-Jacobin review magazine . (Green ) London . U 1 798-99 v . 1 -3Antimasonic convention, Mass . Proceedings . -U 1832, v . 3A n tiquarisk tid sskri fta (K. Nord iske old skri ftselskab. ) Co .penhagen

U 1843 63A n tiquarisk tidskri ft for Sverige, see K. V itterhets, historie an tiqu itets akademien . Stockholm .

Antwerp . (Belgi um ) College au consei l communal . Rapport sur l’

administration la s ituation des offices . U 190 7

Verslag. U 190 7Receveur communal . Tableau

“synoptique . U 190 7

Service d’

hygien e . Rapport . U 1908Antwerp (Belgium . Institut super1eur de commerce. Annuaire . U 1906+Anuario fi n an ciero admimstrativo de la Republica Argentina . Buenos Ayres .

U 1906 v. 3Anvers, see Antwerp .

Anzeiger fiir kunde der deutschen vorzeit, see Nuremberg Germanisches nationalmuseum .

Anzeiger fii r schweizerische altertumskunde . Indicateur d ’

an tiqu ités suisses .U 190 0

-0 5 —6, [7 ]Apiculteur . Paris . N 1890 -96 v . 34



Apple Speciali st . Quincy ( I ll . ) U 190 3- 0 5 , 06-O8Hv. 1 , [3 -

4 I I ]Applegate’s Whig almanac . New York. U 1835Appleton

s annual cyclopaedia. N ew 'York . U 1861—1902”v . 1

Appleton’s j ournal ; monthly miscellan y .wNew York .

C Jul . 1878-81 11 . ser . v . 5- 1 1

Appleton ’s magazine . Phi ladelphia ; New York . 190 3- 0 5 v . 1-5 have title Book

lover ’s magazine . 190 5- 0 6 v . 6- 7 Appleton’s booklovers magazine .

C 190 6-0 9”v 7- 131' U 1903-0 91! v 1 I sll

Appleton’s popular science monthly, see Popular science monthly.

Applied arts book,see School arts book .

Applied science . (Toronto universi ty engineering soci ety. ) Toronto . Contin ues Toronto univers ity— Engineering society . Transactions .

U 190 7+ v . 21+Apprentices ’ library, Philadelphia, see Philadelphia (Pa .

-Apprentices ’ l ibrary .

Apteryx . (Roger Will iams park museum . ) Providence (R . I . )U I

BTQOS V . I , no . I

Aquila . Budapest . N 190 4+ v . 1 1+Arbeiterfreund ; zeitschri ft fur die arbeiterfrage . Berlin .

U 1884-87 v . 22-25' U has ordered rest

Arboriculture . ( International society of arboriculture . ) Chicago ; I n dian apoli s ; Connorsville ( In d ) U [ 190 2 04-O9H [v . 1 3

-8HArchaeological institute of America . Washington (D . C . ) Bulletin .

U 190 9+ v . 1+see a lso American school of classical studies at Athens .

Architect contract reporter . London . U 1869+ v. 1+v . 1 -48 1869- 1897 have ti tle Architect .

Architects ’ bui lders ’ j ournal . Baltimore (M d )1 U 1906-Sept. 1908“v . 8-9 , no . 7”

Architects’ bui lders ’ magazine . New York . Continues Architecture bui lding . U 190 0+ n . ser . v . 1+

Architectural annual . (Architectural league of America . ) Washington (D .

C . ) U 1906+Architectural annual . (Kelsey ) Philadelphia . U 190 0 -0 1 v . 1—2

Architectural record . New York. U 1891+ v . 1+Architectural review . Boston . U 1899+ n . ser. v. 1+Architecture . London . U 1896—98 v . 1-3Architecture bui lding . New York. Continued as Architects

’ bui lders ’ magazine U 1894 96 [97-99 l ll v 20 -25 , [26-3 I l ll

Architekt. Vienna . U 1895+ v . 1+Architektonische rundschau . Stuttgart . U 1885+ v . 1+Architektor skizzenbuch . Berlin . U 1857-83 , v . 1-64, 66-77 , 81 - 1 59, 166—83


Archiv der mathematik physik . Leipzig .

U 1841+ scr. 1 , v . 1-49 , 5 1-70 ; scr. 2, v. 1 - 17 ; ser . 3 , v . 1+Archiv dcs deutschen lan dw irthschaftsraths. Berlin . U 1876-85 v . 1-9Archiv fiir an atomic 81 en tw ickelun gsgesch ichte, see

Archiv fii r anatomic 81 physiologic . (Du Bois -Reymond . ) Leipzig .

Anatomische abthei lun g. U N 1882

Physiologische abthei lun g. U N 1892 suppl .Continues

Archiv fiir anatomic, physiologic, 81 wissen schaftlichc medicin .

NBerlin .

U 1834 N I 8SI , 74-75

Archiv fur anthropolog1e . (Deutsche gesellschaft fii r anthropologie u . s . w . )Brunswick . U 1866+ v. 1+

Archiv fur bion tologie . Berlin . U 1906-08 v . 1 -2 n o. 2

Archiv fiir das studium dcr neueren sprachen 81 l itteraturen . Brunswick (German


y. ) U 1846-47 , 49 56 57+ v. 1 -3 , 5-20 ,22+

Archiv fii r d ic gesammte physiologic des menschen d cr thiere . (Pflugcr. )Bonn . U 1868+ v . N 1898-99 v . 72 73

Archiv fiir d ie gesamte psychologic . Leipzig. U 190 3+ v . 1+Archiv fii r d ie


physiologic, see A i chiv fiir anatomic 81 physiologic .

Archiv fur eisenbahnwesen . Berlin . U 188o+ v. 3+Archiv fiir en tw icklun gsmcchan ik dcr 0 rgams .mcn Leipzig . N 1894+ v . 1+Archiv f ii r experimentelle pathologic 8: pharmakologie. Leipzig.

U 1908+ v . 58+Archiv fur geschichte der phi losophic . Berlin . Since v. 8 contains Archiv fii rphilosophic, erste abthei lun g. U 1888+ v . 1+

Archiv fii r geschichte des deutschen buchhandels . (Borscn vcrein dcr deutschenbuchhan d lcr. ) Leipzig. U 1888-94 v . 1 1- 17

Archiv fiir hydrobiologie 81 plan kton kun dc . Stuttgart . N 190 5+ v . 1+New series of Pltin . Biologische station . Forschun gsbcrichtc .

Archiv fur hygiene . Munich . U 1883+ v. 1+Archiv fiir ku lturgcschichtc. Berlin . Continues Zeitschri ft fur ku lturgcschichtc .

U 1903+ scr. 4, v . 1+Ergan zun gshc ft . U 190 3+ v . 1+

Archiv fur lateinische lexikographie grammatik . Leipzig.

U 1884 190 9”v . 1-15”Archiv fur litteratur 81 kirchcn gcschichte dcs mittelalters . Berlin .

U 1885- 190 0”v . 1 -7Archiv fur litteraturgcschichtc . Leipzig . U 1870 87“v . 1 - I 5HArchiv fii r mikroskopische an atomi c en tw ickelun gsgeschichtc . Bonn .

N 1865+ v . 1 , 6-7, 10 sup, 17-18, 20+A rchiv fur mineralogic

,geognosie, bergbau, 8: hutten kun de . Berlin .

U 1854 v . 26Archiv fur naturgesch ichte . Berlin .

U i 854 v 34 ; N 1841+ [v 7 , 8 13 ] I 4. 19-20 23-25. [42 43 , 46 48 ] 49+A rkiv for matcmatik, astronomi och fysik . (K . Svcn ska v etcn skapsakademien . )Vienna .

Archiv fiir offcn tliches recht . Tubingen . U 1908+ v . 23+A1 chiv fii r optik . Leipzig. U 190 7-08“v . 1 | |Archiv fur pathologische anatomic 81 physiologic 81 fur klinische medizin . (Virchow . ) Berlin . U 1847+ v . N 1884-89 , v . 95 - 1 16

Archiv fur philosophic , see Archiv fiir geschichte der phi IO SOphic ; 8: Archivfii r systematische philosophic .

Archiv fur physiologic (Du Bois-Reymond : Physiologische abtheilun g. ) see

Archiv fiir anatomic 81 physiologic .

Archiv fii r protistcn kunde . Jena . U 1902+ v . 1

Archiv fiir rassen gesellschafts biologic einschliess lich rassen 81 gesellschaftshygiene . Berlin . U 190 5 [v . 2]

Archiv fiir rechts 8: w irthschaftsphiIO SOph ie . Berlin 81 Leipzig .

U 190 7+ v . 1+Archiv fur religionswissenschaft . Leipzig.

U 1908+ v . 12+ U has ordered restArchiv fur soziale gesetzgebung 8: stati stik. Berlin ; T iibin gen .

U 1888- 190 3 I I v . 1- 18”


Continued as

Archiv fii r sozialwissenschaft sozi .alpolitik Tubingen .

Archiv fur systematische philosophic. Berlin . I ssued as Archiv fur phi losophic ,zweite abtheilun g ; continues Philosophische monatshefte . U 1895+ v. 1+

Archiv fiir volkswohl fahrt. Berlin. Continued in Soziale praxis .

U 1908-0 9”[V Ll 2”Arch ives d ’

an atomi c m1crosc0 p1quc . Pan s . N 1897-19 10 v. 1 12

Archives de biologic . Ghent (Belgium) Pari s .U 1880+ v. N 1897-99 v . 15-16 -pt . 1

Archives de parasitologie . Paris . N 1898- 190 0 v. 1-3Archives de physiologic normale pathologique . Pari s.

U 1868-98, scr. 1,v . 1 -scr. 5, v . 10

Archives dc psychologie . Geneva . U 190 2+ v. 1+Archives de zoologie expérimentale générale . Paris . U 1872+ v . 1+Arcl

gves des sciences physiques naturel les, see Bibliotheque universelle d ccueve .

Archives dip lomatiques . Paris . U 1861+ v . 1+Archives heraldiques suisses . Zurich , see S chweizer archiv . fii r heraldik .

Archives Italiennes de biologic. Turin . U 1882+ v . N 1887-89 , v . S- 12

Archives of internal medicine . Chicago“. U 1908+ v. 1+

Archives of Maryland, see Maryland his torical society.

Archives of neurology from the pathological laboratory of the London countyasylums . (Mott ) London . U 190 3 v . 2

Archives of phi losophy. New York. U 190 7+ n o. 1+Continues

Archives of phi losophy, psychology“


scientific methods . New York .

U 190 5-06”n o. 1-8llContinues Columbia university contributions to philosophy, psychology 81education .

Continued in 2 parts : Archives of phi losophy ; 8:Archives of psychology . New York . U 1906+ n o. 1+Archivio glottologico itali ano . Rome . U has ordered 1873 - 10 08Archivio glottologico italiano. Rome ; Turin .

‘ U 1902+ v. U has ordered 1873- 190 2

Supplementi . Turin . U 1897 v. 4Archivio storico italiano . Florence . U has ordered 1842- 19 10

Archivio zoologico . Naples . U has orderedArchivos dc pedagogia 8: ci enci as annes . Buenos Ayres . U 1906+ v . 1+Arena . Trenton, 81 Boston ; New York .

C 1896- 190 9”v 17-4 I IIU 1889-190 9“v I -4I IIArgentine Repub lic— Agricultura

,Ministerio dc . Boletin dc agricultura 81 gana

deria . Buenos Ayres . U 190 1-02, 08+ v . 1

E stadistica, D ireccion general de . Buenos Ayres . Anuario . U 1897- 190 0

President . Message . U 1894-95 , 98, 190 0

Argentine year book. Buenos Ayres . U 1902 v. 1

Aristotelian society . London . Proceedings . U 190 0+ 11 . ser . v. 1 +Arizona— Auditor . Report . U 190 0


Control, Board of . Biennial report . U 1895- 1904, v . 1 -5Equalization , Boar-d of. Proceedings . U 1906+Gov ernor . Messages . U 1865, 67 , v . 2 , 4Governor . Report . U 1897Legislative assembly. Journals . U 1891 -93 , 190 3+ v . 16- 17, 22+Public instruction

,Superintendent of. Biennial report .

U 1889-90 , 95-96, 190 1-0 2, 0 5+Supreme court . Reports of cases . U 1866+ v . 1+Treasurer. Biennial report . U 190 1-02

Arizona Agricultural experiment station , Tucson . Annual report .U 1888-90 , 94+ v . 1 -2

, N I SSS+ v . 1+Bulletin . U 1890+ no: N 1890+ no . 1-7 , 9

1}13 , 15 39 , 43+

Arizona bankers ’ association . Proceedings . U 190 3+ v. 1+Arizona Insane asylum . Phoenix . B icn mal report. U 1897- 1900 v . 6-7Arkansas— Auditor of state . Biennial report . U 1899- 190 0


Geological survey . (Owen , 1857 Report of a geological reconnaissance of the northern counti es of Arkansas . U 1857-58 v . 1

Geological survey . (Branner 1887 Annual report .G 1888, 90 -92ll ; U 1888-92 ll

House of representatives . Journal . U 190 5+Public instruction, Superintendent of. Biennial report .

U 1870 -72, 79-92, v . 1 -2, 6- 12, 14+Railroad commission . Annual report. U 190 1

-04, 06+ v . 2-5, 7+Senate . Journal. U 190 5+Supreme court. Reports of cases . U 1837+ v. 1+

Arkansas Agricultural experiment station . Fayettevi lle . Ann ual report .U 1888-90 , 9 1+ v . 1—3 , N 1888- 190 0 , v . 1—3 , 7 -8, 1 1

- 13Bulletin . U 1888+ n o. 1+ N 1890+ n o. 14

-15, 22-23 , 30 -

32, 37, 40 , 43 , 48,

50 -53 , 56, 58-69, 71 -75,.

77-79, 81 , 83+Arkansas ban kcrs’ assoc1at10 n . Proceedmgs.

U 189 1 , 96, 98, 1904+ v . 1,6, 8, 14+

Arkansas deaf mute institute . Little Rock. Biennial report.U 1898- 1906 v. 16- 19

Arkansas ( state ) federation of l abor . Proceedings . U 1906+ v . 4+Arkansas homestead . Little Rock . UArkansas Institute for the blind, Arkadelphia. Report . U 1858 v . 3Arkansas ( state ) lunatic asylum . Little Rock. Biennial report . U 1898- 1904Arkanas society of engineers

,architects surveyors . Little Rock . T ran sac

tions . U 1887-89 v . 1 -3Arkitcktur dekorativ kunst . Chri stiania (Norway. ) U 19 10+ v . 57+Arkiv for botanik . (K. Sven ska veten skapsakadcmien . ) Stockholm .

U 1909+ v . 8+A rkiv for matcmatik, astronomi , fysik. (K. Sven ska veten skapsakadcmien . Stockholm . U 190 3

- 04+ v . 1+A rkiv for matcmatik, astronomi och fysik . (K . Sven ska veten skapsakadcmien . )Stockholm . U has ordered 190 3+ v . 1+

A rkiv for Nord isk fi lologi . Chri stiania Lund . U 1883+ n . ser. v. 1+A rkiv for zoologi . (K. Sven ska veten skapsakadcmien . ) Stockholm .

U 190 9+ V . 5+Armen1a . Boston . U 190 5- 190 7 [v . 2

, [3 ]A rmcn rath . Vienna . U has orderedArmour institute of technology . Chicago . Integral . (Junior clas s annual . )

U 1898 v . 1

Year book . U 1895-99 , 190 0- 0 1+

Armstrong college , ( formerly Durham college of science . ) Newcastle-uponTyne . (E n g ) Calendar . U 1898-99Agricultural department . Annual report . U _ 190 0 v . 9

Army alteration s . . _Kan

_sas City (M o. ) U 190 9+ v . . 1

Army navy j ournal . New York . U [ 1900 -02 ] [v . 38-39 ]A rmy navy li fe . New York . U 190 7-09”v . 10 - 14 I IArt amateur . New York . U 188 1 -82,

85-88, 89—90 , 91-93 , 94

-98, 99- 190 0 , v. 5-7, 13- 18, 21 -22

,25-28, 3 1 41


Art décorati f . Paris . U 190 7+ v . 17+Art education . New York . U 1895- 190 1”v. 2

Art décoration . Pari s . U 1897+ v . 1+Art interchange . New York . U 1892-94 v. 28-33Art j ournal . London . U 1849+ v . 1+Art students ’ league of New York . Book . U 190 3

- 0 5 , 0 7+A rt workers

’ quarterly : London . U 190 2+ v . 1+Artist . London .

“v . 1- 15 have title Arti st j ournal of home culture ; v . 16 has

title Artist photographer decorator. U 1880 July 190 2”v . 1 -34, no . 3”Artists

yearbook . (Hosking . ) Chicago . U 190 5- 0 6

A rts . Chicago . Continued in Arts for Amer1ca . U 1894-95 , v . 3Arts . Paris . U 1906+ v . 5+Arts for America . Chicago . Continues Arts . U 1896- 190 0”v. 5 -9 n o. 3”

.Ashton-under-Lyne (Eng . )— H egin bottom free l ibrary . Annual report .U 1894-

96: 98+ V ° 5+A s iat1e exclus1on league

,San Fran c1sc0 . Proceedings . U 1908+


Asiatic society of Bengal . Calcutta . Journal . Part 2 : Natural history .

N 1889- 1904”[v . 68 73 |Journal 81 proceedings . N 190 5+ n . ser. v . 1

Proceedings . N 1899, 190 1

R . Associacao central da agricultura portuguesa . Lisbo .n Boletim . UAssociated charities of Boston, see Boston (Mass . )Association belge des chimistes . Brussels

,s ee Société belge dc chimie .

Association des bibliothécaires fran caises . Bulletin . U 19 10+ v . 4+Association des ingénieurs électriciens . Paris . Bulletin . U 190 9+


ser . 3 , v . 9+Association for. improving the condition of the poor . New York . Notes .

U 1895 v . 1 n o.


Association for international conci liation— American branch . N ew York .

Monthly bulletin .

~U 190 8+Publications . U 190 7 v. 1+

Association for the adv ancement . of women . Papers . U 1891 v. 19Report . U 189 1 V . 19

Association francaise pour l’

advan cemen t dcs sciences . Paris . Comptes rendus .U 1872-

97 v . 1-26 ; N 1888 v . 17Association geodésique internationale, seé Internationa le erdmessung .

Association internationale pour le progrés des sciences sociales . Annales .U 1863-64 sessions 1 -2

Association of American cemetery superintendents . Chicago . Proceedings .U 1887- 1906 v . 1 -20

Association of American law schools . Proceedings . U 190 2—04, v . 2-4

Association of American medical colleges . Proceedings . U 1898 1906 v .

Association of American univers i ties .” Journal of proceedings 81 addresses .

U 190 0+ v . 1+Association of banks for the suppression of counterfeiting . Annual report . Boston . U 1857, 59 , 61 , 63 -65 v . 4 , 6, 8, 1 0 —12

Association of col leges 81 preparatory schools of the Middle States 81 Maryland .

Proceedin gs . Early volumes known as Proceedings of College associationof the Middle States 81 Maryland . U 1887- 1906, 08+ v . 1 -20


Program of annual convention . U 1893 -94, 96-97 , 190 0 ,v . 5—6, 10 , 1 1 , 14

A s sociation o f colleges 81 preparatory schools of the Southern States . Proceedin gs . U 1895- 190 1 , 04-06 v . 1—7 , 10 —12

Association of collegiate alumnae . Publications . UReport of annual meeting . U 1896 v . 15

Association of Dominion [of Canada ] land surveyors . Ottawa . Proceedings .U 1885 , 88-

93 , v. 2, 5—10

see a lso Association of Ontario land surveyors .Association of economic entomologists . Washington . Proceedings .

U 1889+ v . 1+Association of engineering societi es . Journal . Boston ; Philadelphia .

U 188 1+ [v . 2-27 , 29+Association o f history teachers of the Middle States Maryland . Annual con

ven tion . U 1908+ v . 6+A ssoc1at10 n of M e 1n suran ce pres1dcn ts. Proceedings of annual meeting . New

York . U 19 10+ v . 4+Association of municipal 81 sanitary engineers surveyors

, see Incorporatedas sociation o f municipal 81 county engineers .

Association o f officials of bureaus o f labor stati stics of America . ,Proceedings .

U 1883 , 85-86, 88-

92, 97- 190 0 , 0 2+ v . 1, 3


4, 6-9 , 1 1,13

- 16, 18+A s sociation of Ontario land surveyors . Toron to . Proceedings . U 1886- 190 0 ,

0 3-0 5 , 08+ v . 1 7 15 , 18—20 , W 1906+ v . 21+ ( 11. ser . v .

Before 1892 called Association o f provincial land surveyors of Ontario .

Association of rai lway superintendents o f bridges 81 bui ldings . Proceedin gs .U 11895- 190 7“v 5- I 7 Il

Contin ues American international association of superintendents of bridges81 bui ldings .Continued by American rai lway bridge building association .

Association of state 81 national food 81 dairy departments . Annual convention .

U 1906+ v . 10+Association of the colleges of Ohio , see Ohio college association .


Association technique maritime . Paris . Annuaire . U 190 3

Associazione elettrotecnica italiana . Milan . Atti . U 190 9+ v . 13+

Aster . (Greek weekly. ) Chicago . UAstor library

,New York City

, see New York (city. ) Astor l1brary.

Astronomical j ournal . Boston ; Albany . U 1849-61 , resumed 1886+ v . 1+

Astronomical regi ster . London . U 1874, 79-81 v . 12,17

- 19

Astronomical society o f the Pacific . San Franci sco . Publications .

U 1889+ v . 1+Astronomische gesel lschaft . Leipzig . Astronomische abhandlungen ; ergan zun gshefte zu den Astronomischen nachrichten . Kiel . U 190 1 -04, v. 1-5Astronomische nachrichten . Kiel . U 1851+ v . U has ordered v . 1 -3 1

Ephimcridcn — circular . no . 3 1- 57

Astronomi scher j ahresbericht . Berlin . U 1899+ v . 1+

V ierte ljahrschrift . U 1866+ v . 1+Astronomy astrophysics . Northfield (Minn ) U 1892-94Hv . 1 1

Continues Sidereal messenger .Continued as Astrophysical j ournal .

Astrophysical j ournal . (University of Chicago . ) Chicago . Continues S iderealmessenger ; and Astronomy 81 astrophysics . U 1895+ v . 1+

Atchison,Topeka 81 Santa Fé rai lway company . Annual report .

U 18741 75, 779 3 96+ v . 3-

4, 6-21 ; new ser . v . 1+Atenco . Madrid . U 1906+ v . 1+Athenaeum. London . U 1828+ v . 1+Athenaeum

,cin e zeits chri ft . (Schlegel . ) 1798- 180 0 . 3 v . Berlin .

U Reprint 190 5A thene

e Lou isian ais . New Orleans . Comptes rendus . UAthens . (Greece ) Ethnikon asteroskopeion . An nales de l ’observatoire national


A thén es . U 1896- 190 5, v . 1 -4Athens (Greece ) Ethnikon pan epistemion . (National university . ) Programs .

(Ta kata ten prutan eian . ) U 190 3- 0 6

Scientific annual (Epistemon ike epeteris . ) U 190 2-0 3 , 0 5- 06

Athens (Greece ) see a lso-A merican school of classical studies at Athens . Briti sh school at Athens . K. Deutsches archaeologisches institut in Athen .

Ecole francaise d’

Athen es .

Atlanta (Ga . ) Annual reports . U 1892

Carnegie library. Annual report . U 1899- 1904, 0 6+ v . 1 -6, 8+

Bulletin . U 1904+ v . 2+

Comptroller . Annual report . U 190 9Fire department . Annual report . U 190 6—0 9

Atlanta (Ga . ) Southern library schools Circular of in formation 81 catalog.

U 190 5+ no . 1+Atlanta (Ga . ) university . Publications . U 1897+ n o. 1—3 , 5+

Library . Bulletin . U 190 7+ v. 1+Atlanta West Point railroad company. Report. UAtlantic 81 Great Western rai lroad company. Annual report of Devereux , rc

ceiver. U 1874-77 , v . 1 -3Atlantic 81 Gulf rai lroad company. Report . U , 187 1 , 74, v . 17 , 20

Atlantic 81 Pacific railroad company. Annual report . U 1874Atlantic 81 St Lawren ce railroad company . Reports . U 1848- 5 1 , 82

Atlantic City (N . J . )— Free public l ibrary . Annual report . U 1902+ v . 1+Atlantic coast line rai lroad company of Virginia . Annual report .

U 1898- 190 0 , 0 2+ v . 65-66, 68+Atlantic, M i ssismppi Ohio railroad company. Annual report . U 1872-73 , v . 3

Receivers ’ report . U 1877-78

Atlantic monthly . Boston . C 1879+ v. U 1857+ v . 1+ Ur 1899+ v . 83+A tlantic reporter . St Paul Minn . ) U 1896+ v . 35+Attleborough (Mass . )— Public l ibrary. Annual report . U 1908+Auburn (N . Y . ) - Seymour library . Annual report . U 190 9+ v . 32+Auburn (N . Y . ) theological seminary . Record . U 190 5+ v . 1+Audit company of New York . Trust companies o f the U . S . U 1906+Auditor ; publi shed in the interest of the professional accountant . Chicago .

U 1904 v. 1 -2, no . 7“Audubon soc iet1es , see National assoc1at1on of Audubon societies ; also underStates .


Augsburg (Germany. ) Naturhistori sche verein . Bericht .N 1862-83 , v . 15 , 24-25 , 27

Augusta (Ga . )— City counci l . Yearbook. ( i . c . Reports . ) U 190 7 09Health, Department of public . Annual report. U 1908+ v . 3 1+

Augusta (Ga . ) chamber of commerce . Yearbook . U 1908+Augustana college theological seminary. Rock Island ( I ll . ) Catalogue .

U 1877-79 , 80 -82 83-84, 85-86 89987, 989 9. 1999+

Auk. (American Ornithologists’ union . ) New York . N 1884+ 2+

Continues the Bulletin of the Nuttall ornithological club .

Aun ge i v1l le society. Edinburgh . Publications . U 1881 87”v . 1

Aurora ( I ll . ) Report of'municipal officers . W 1908

Public library . Library g uide . U 1908+ v. 1+Aurora ( I ll . ) City directory. U 1874-75Aus der heimat ; blatter der vereinigung fur Gothaische geschichte alter

tumsforschun g. Gotha . U [ 1899- 190 0 ] [v . 2 3 ]Aus der Wagner schule, see Wagner schule, Vienna .

Ausgaben 81 abhandlungen aus dem gebiete der roman i schen phiologie . ( Stengel . ) Marburg. U 1881+ v. 1+

Ausonia . (Societa italiana di archeologia 81 storia d cll’ arte . ) Rome .

U 1906+ v . 1+Austin college . Efii n gham ( I ll . ) Catalogue . U 1894-95 , 97-98, 190 0 -02

Aus tralasia, see a lso.Statistical account of the 7 colonies of Australasia .

Australasmn assoc1at10 n for the advancement of science . Brisbane . Report .U 1 909+ v . 12+

Australia— Census 81 statistics, Bureau of. Official yearbook of Australia .

U 190 1+ v . 1+Australian gardener; Adelaide . U 1909+ v. 1 1+A ustralian museum . Sydney. Annual report of the trustees .

U 189 1-98 1909+ v 37-44 , N 1898 199 1 0 3+ v 44, 47 , 49+Memoirs . U 1896+ v . N 1889+ v . 1+Records . U 1892+ v . 2 [v . N I890+ 2+

Australian official j ournal of patents . Melbourne . U 190 6+ v . 4+Austria— K. 81 K. auswartige dienst. Jahrbuch . Vienna . U 1902, v . 6

K. K . fin an zmin isterium. M itthei lun gen . Vienna . U 1902, v . 8

K . K . handelsministerium— Stat istiches amt . Die arbeitseinstellungen 81

aussperrungen in Oesterreich . U 1894- 190 2

see also Handels-museum .

Stati stik,Direction der admi n istratw en

, see M i tthe l lun gen aus dem gebl ete

der statistik .


K. K. statisti scher zentral comml ssmn d irecti on der adm1n i strat1ven statistik. O esterreichische statistik . U 1882+ v. 1+see a lso K. K . Geologische reichsanstalt.

Ayers ’ American almanac . Lowell (Mass . ) U 1881 , 89Ayer’s American newspaper annual , see American newspaper annual .Ayrshire breeders’ as soc iation . Ayrshire record . U 1876+ v . 1+

Yearbook of the Ayrshire breeders .U 1899 08+ v . 24-26, 29, 3 1 , 33+

Ayrshire cattle herd book society of Great Britain 81 Ireland. Herdbook . Ayrshire . U 1893+ v . 16-29, 32+

Ballad society . London . Publications . U 1868+ no . 1+Ballarat (Australia ) school o f mines . Calendar . U 1895Baltimore (Md . ) Annual reports . U 1894, 95 , 97 , 190 7

Appeal tax court, Judges of the . Annual report. U 1886 88, 94-95 , 97Comptroller ’s department . Annual report . U 1894

597 , 1909

(City) counci l , 2d branch . Journal of proceedings . U 1908-0 9

(City ) engineer’s office . Annual report . U 190 1

Fire commi s sioners, Board of. Annual report .U 1898- 190 0 , 0 2-09, v . 15- 17, 19-26

Health department . Annual report . U 190 1+Official report . U 190 9+

Park commi ssioners , Board of. Annual reports . U 1877, 81-92, 94-95 , 98

99, 199 1-9 2 9 5-08 v 18 22-32, 35-36, 39-40 , 42-43. 46-49

Register . Annual report . U 1897- 190 9


Baumaterialien kun de . Stuttgart . U 1896- 190 7”v . 1 12

Baumgarten’s Jahresbericht, see Jahresbericht uber d ie fortschritte in der lchrcvon dem pathogenen mikroorganismen,


u . s . w .

Bausteine,zeitschrift fiir neuenglische wortforschung . Berlin .

U 190 5 v . I , n o. 1-6l[Bausteine zur geschichte der neuern deutschen literatur . Halle .

U 190 9+ v .


Bavaria— Finanzen, K. staatsministerium der . Budget des Kon igreichs fi n an z

periode . U 1880 -83 , 86-87 , 90 -91 , v . 15- 16, 18, 20“

Bavaria Oberbayern handels 81 gewerbekammer .‘

Munich . JahresberichtU 190 0

Bay state monthly. Boston . Continued as New England magazine .U 18848 5”v I -3 I I

K . Bayerische akademie der Wi s senschaften . Munich , see K. Akademie derwissenschaften . Mun ich .

Bayreuther blatter . Bayreuth .

Beech creek railroad company. Report .Beer’s almanac . P oughkeeps ie (N . Y. )Beet sugar gazette . Chicago . Continued by American sugar industry.

U 1909- 04“[v 2-

4, [5 ] 6“Beitrage zur alten gesch ichte . Leipzig

,see Klio .

Beitrage zur biologic der pflan zen . (Cohn . Breslau . U 1870+ v . 1+Beitrage zur chemischen physiologic pathologic . Brunswick. Continued inBiochemische zeitschri ft . U 1902 v . 1- 1 1 I|

Beitrage zur deutchen l iteraturwissenschaft . (Elster . ) Ma i burg .

190 7+ pt. 1+Beitrage zur geschichte der d eutschen s prache 81 li teratur. Halle .

U 1874+ v . 1+Beitrage zur kunde der indogermanischen sprach en . G é ttzn gen .

U has ordered 1877- 190 6, v . 1 -30

B ietrage zur psychologic dcr aussage. Leipzig . Continued as Zeitschri ft furangewandte psychologic 81 psychologische sammelforschung.

U 190 3-o6 | l v . 1 -2 llBeitrage zur psychologic 81 phi losophic. Leipzig. U 190 5+ v. 1+Beitrage zur schweizer-d eutschcn grammatik. (Bachmann . ) Frauenfeld ( Switz . )

U 19 10+ v . 1+Belgique horticole . Liege . U 185 1 v . i -35 I IBelgium— Agriculture, M in istére de l

. Recensement agricole . U 190 0- 0 2

Chemins dc fer, postes, télégraphes , M in isterc dcs . Compte rendu desoperations . U 189 1 , 93Statistique, Commiss ion centrale dc . Bulletin . U 1826-90 , v. 1 -16

Belgium, see a lso Académie royale des sciences d c Belgique . Brussels ,Jardin botanique de l’état . Soci été chimique dc Belgique . Société entomologique d c Belgique . Société royale dc botanique d c Belgique . Sociétéroyale zoologique 81 malacologique de Belgique.

Bellamy review j ournal of progress . Kearney (Neb . ) U [ 190 0 -0 1 ] [v . 1 ]Bellefontaine 81 Indiana rai lroad company . Annual report . U 1850—52, v. 1 -2

Bellevi lle ( I ll . )— Public library . Annual report . U 7I 89 V. 14+Beloit (Wis ) col lege . Codex . (Junior class annual . )

U 1890 -95 , 190 5+ v. 1 -3 , 8+Bengal ( India ) —Commercial intelligence , Director general o f . Report on

the trade carried by rai l 81 river in Bengal . U 1904+ v . 21+Bengal ( India ) chamber of commerce . Calcutta . Report .

U 1893-94. 979 8, 190 1-0 3 , 04Bengal ( India ) , see also Asiatic society of Bengal .Bent , see Tau Beta Pi .Bentley ’s miscellany . London .

UU1837 68”v . 1

Berca (Ky. ) college . Quarterly. U 190 8+ v . 1 1 no . 4+Berg 81 h iittcn miin n ische zeitung der mineralogie 81 geologic . Nordhausen .

U 1842, v . 1

Ergan zun gshcft . Freiburg . U 1846

Bergen (Norway . ) Museum . Aarbog. N 1887 , 89+B ergian ska tradgarden . Stockholm, see K. Sven ska veten skapsakadcmien .


Berkshire world . Springfield ( I ll . ) U 190 9+ v . 1+Berlin (Germany) —Statistiches amt . Berliner statistik. U 1903 , pt . 3 , 190 5, pt . 4

Jahrbuch . U 1906-o7, v . 3 1

Berlin (Germany) K. Astronomische recheninstitut . V eroffcn tlichun gcn .

U 190 5+ v . 26+Berlin (Germany) Entomologi scher verein, see also Berliner entomologischezeitschrift .

Berlin (Germany ) K. M atcrialpru fu n gsamt . M itthei lun gen . U 1904+ v . 22+Continues Berlin , K . Technische versuchsanstalt .

Berlin (Germany ) P'hysikalisch - technische reichsanstalt . Wisscn scha ftliche

abhandlungen . U 1894+ v . 1+Berlin (Germany ) K. Pru fun gsan stalt fur wasserversorgung 81 abwasserbe

seitigun g. M itthe ilun gen . U 1902+ v . 1+Berlin (Germany) Statisti sches j ahrbuch, see Stati sti sches j ahrbuch der stadtBerlin .

Berlin (Germany) K . Technische hochschule .

—M asch in cs laboratorium . Mitte i lungen . U 190 5

.pt 4

see also M ittheilun gen uber forschungsarbeiten auf dem gebiete ingen ieurwesens insbesondere aus den laboratorien dcr technischen hochschulen .

Berlin (Germany) K. Technische versuchsanstalt . M itthei lun gen .

U 1883 , 86- 190 3 ll v . 1, 4

Continued by Berlin, K. M aterialpru fun gsamt .

Berlin (Germany) Un iversitat . (Friedrich-Wilhelms un iversitat . ) Chronik .

U 1904+ v . 18+Berlin (Germany) Vossische zeitung. (Dai ly. ) U May 1909+

Son n tagsbci lagc . U+Berlin (Germany) Zoologisches museum. Bericht. N 190 1+

M i ttei lungen . N 1898+ v. 1+Berlin (Germany ) , see also K. Akademie der wissenschaften ; Allgemeine elek

tricitats-gesellschaft ; B-otan ischer verein dcr provinz Brandenburg ; Deutschegeologi sche gesellschaft ; Deutsche gesellschaft fiir anthropologie, ethnologie,81 urgeschichte ; Deutsche landwirtschaft-gesellschaft ; Deutsche physika l

i s che gesellschaft ; Deutscher seefischerei-verein ; Gesellschaft fiir theatergeschichte ; Gesellschaft n aturforschen dcr freunde ; Philologischer verein ;Verein deutscher ingenieure ; Verein fiir socialpol itik ; Verein fii r volkskunde .

Berliner architekturwelt . Berlin . U 1899 , 190 1+ v . 1 , 3+Berliner astron omisches j ahrbuch . Berlin . U 1895+ v . 1 18+Berliner b0rse . Jahrbuch . Berlin . U 87-92, 93- 190 3 , 06+Berliner entomologische zeitschri ft . (En tomologischcr verein . ) Berlin .

U 1874 v . 18 ; N 1857+ v . 1 , 3-16, 21+1875 80 v . i 9 24 published as Deutsche entomologische zeitschri ft.

Berliner gesellschaft fiir an thropOlogie, ethnologie, 81 urgeschichte, see a lsozeitschri ft fiir ethnologie .

Berliner han delsgcsel lschaft . Geschafts-bericht. Berl in . U 1898 v.

Berliner klinische wochenschri ft . Berlin . U 1864+ v . 1+Berliner stad isches j ahrbuch fii r volkswirtschaft 81 statistik

, see S tatistichesj ahrbuch der stadt Berl in .

Bern (Switz . ) —Stadtbibliothek . Bericht . U 1900+Statistisches bureau . Ergebnisse der steuerstatistik des kantons Bern .

U 1899Bern (Switz . ) Naturforschen de gesellschaft . M itthe ilun gen . N 1878-87 , 90+Bern (Switz . ) Un iversit


at . Un iversitatsschri ften .-U 190 9+ no . 1+

Bern see also Schweizerische n aturforschen de gesellschaft .Bessemer 81 Lake Erie railroad company. Report of general manager .

U 199 2-0 3 , 0 5 , 9 7+

Bétai l see also Société dc l’alimen tation rationelle .

Beton-kalendar . Berlin . U 190 6+ v . 1+Beton eisen . Vienna . U 190 2+ 2+

Better f ruit . Hood River (Ore . ) U 19 10+ v . 5+Biblical world , Chicago . U 1898+ v. 1 1+B ibl iofi lia . Florence ( Italy) . U 1899- 190 1 , v . 1-2, no . 1 0 v . 5 , n o. Ia-2aBibliographer . London . Continued by Book- lore . U 1881 v. 1




Bibliographer. New York. U 1902 v . 1

B ibliographia economica universalis ; supplement to Revue économique internationale . ( In stitut internationale d c bibliograph ic . ) Brussels .

U 1902+ v . 1+B ibliographia geologica . (Service géologique dc Belgique . ) Brussels. SeriesA covers work published before 1896 ; B works published since 1896.

U 1897-1906, scr. A, v . i -9B ibliograph ia medica . Pari s . U 190 0 -0 2”v . i

B ibliographia physiologica . Vienna . U 190 5+ ser. 3 , v . 1+B ibliographia zoologica, diario Z oologzscher an zeiger adnexa . Leipzig .

N 1896+ v . 1+Bibliographica. London . U 1895-97“v . 1

Bibliographical society. Chicago, see Chicago .

Bibliographical society. London . Transactions . U 1892+ v . 1+Bibliographical society of America . Chicago . Bulletin . U 190 9+ v . 1+Bibliographic de la France ; on , Journal général dc l

imprimerie 81 d c la l ibrair ie .Paris . U 181 1+ v . 1+

Bibliographic d cr deutschen zeitschri ften litteratur. Leipzig. U 1896+ v . 1+Supplement. Leipzig. U 190 0+ _v . 1+

Bibliograph ic der sozial 81 w irtschaftsgcschichtc . (Supplement to Viertelj ahrschri ft . ) Leipzig . 1908+

B ibliographic dcr sozialwissenschaft . Berlin . U 190 5+ v . 1+I ssued as part of Blatter fii r d ie gesamten sozialwissen schaftcn .

B ibliographic f rancaise . (Le Soudier. ) Paris . UB ibliograph ic hispanique . (Hispanic society of Ameri ca . ) NewYork. U 190 5-06B ibliographic scien tifique francais e . Paris . U 1909, v . 7Bibliotheca botanica: abband-lungen aus dem gesammtgebiete d er botanik .

(Luerssen . Stuttgart . U has ordered completeBibliotheca mathematica . Leipzig . U 1887+ ser. 2, v. 1 scr. 3 , v. 1+Bibliotheca n orman n ica . (Suchier. ) H alle . U 1879—99 , v . 2-7Bibliotheca zoologica I . Leipzig .

' N 1846 60”v . 1

Continued byq

Bibliotheca zoologica I I . Leipzig . .N 1861+ v . 1+Bibliotheca zoologica . Stuttgart, see Zoologica .B ibliotheque dc l ’Ecole des chartes

,revue d ’

érud ition ,consacrée specialemen t a


étudc du moyen age . ( Société dc l’

Ecole d es chartes . ) Paris .U 1839+ v . 1+

Bibliotheque francaise du moyen age . Paris . U 188-1-86, v . 1 -5Bibliotheque littérai re de la renaissance . Pari s .

U 1898+ scr. 1 , v . 1 -7 , 9, n . ser. v . 1+Bibliotheque universelle dc Geneve . Archives des sciences physiques 81 naturelles .Paris 81 Geneva . U 1846+ -se .r I , v . 1+

Biedermann , s ee Chemiker kalender . Zentralblatt fur agrikultur chemie .

Bi jdragen voor v aderlan d sche geschiedcn is en oud hcidkun de . (Nijhoff.

Hague . 1837+ v . 1+ . U has orderedBimetalli st . London . U 1895- 190 1”v . 1 -7 , no . 2”Bingen -am-Rhine (Germany) grossherzogliche handelskammer . Jahresl

ficricht .

190 1

Biochemical j ournal . Liverpool (E n g ) U 1906+ v . 1+Biochemische zeitschrift . Berlin . U 1906+ v . 1+Biochemisches cen tralblatt . Berlin . Continued in Zentralblatt fiir biochemicbiophysik . U 1902-roll v . 1

Biographical annals of Ohio , see Ohio Biographical annals .B iographical di rectory of rai lway officials in America . Chicago . U 190 1 , 1906Biograph isches j ahrbuch deutscher nekrolog . (Bettelheim . ) Berlin .

U 1896+ v . 1+Biological bulletin . Boston , see Marine biological laboratory. Woods Holl .Biologi sche Wolga-station , see O bséestvo j estestvoispytatelej— S aratavskaj a

wolschskaja biologiceskaja stan zija. Raboty.

Biologisches cen tralblatt . Leipzig. N 1882+ v . 2+Biometrika . Cambridge (En g ) U N 190 1+ v . 1+Bi0 physikal ischcs cen tralblatt . Leipzig. Continued in Zentralblatt fii r biochemic

biophysik . U 190 5- 10“v . 1-4 l|


Bird-lo re.Harrisburg (Pa . New York . U N 1899+ v . 1+

Birds 81 all nature . Chicago . Absorbed by Suburban li fe .C 1899, 190 1-o7 | | v . 5-6, 9-2ol|

Birmingham (Eng . )— Free libraries . Annual report.U 68 69 , 7 1 72, 74+ v . i , 7-8, 1o

Health department . Report of the medical officer .U 1890 -97, 190 0 04

-o6, 08+

Treasurer. Financial statement . UWater committee . Report . U 190 7+

Birmingham (En g ) Univers ity. Calendar . U 06+Black diamond . Chicago . G U [ 1898 190 1+ [v . 20 27+Black dwarf ; a London weekly publication . (T . J . Wooler . ) London .

U 1817-20 , v . 1-3

B lack top Spanish merino sheep breeders’ association . Regi ster . Washington

(Pa . ) U 1883- 190 1 , v . 1 -5Blackburn college, Carlinville ( I ll . ) Catalogue .

U 1883/84, 959 7, 99- 190 2 9 5+Blacksmith 81 wheelwright. New York . U 19 10+ v . 61+Blacksmith ’s j ournal . ( International brotherhood of blacksmiths 81 helpers . )Chicago U [ 190 3 19 5

-06, [v . 45 ] 6-7 , [8]Blackstone memorial l ibrary. Branford (Conn ) , see Branford (Conn . ) —


Blackstone memorial library .

Blackwood’s Edinburgh magazin e . Edinburgh .

C 1878-80 ,v . 124-127 ; U 1817+ v . 1+

Blatter fur die gesamten sozialwissenschaften . Berlin . U 190 5+ v. 1+v . 1-3 called Kriti sche blatter .see also Bibliographic der sozialwissenschaft .

Blatter_fii r d ie .kun st. Berlin . 1899- 1904 . U has ordered

Blatter fiir gefan gn iskun de . (Verein der deutschen strafanstaltsbeamten . )Heidelberg ; Cassel . -U 1867+ v . 2+

Blatter fi'

i r handel , gewerbe , 81 sociales leben . Magdeburg . U [ 1883 84]Blatter fiir soziale prax is in gemeinde, vereinen , 81 privatleben . Frankfurt a . M .

Continued in Soziale praxis . U 1893 94”v . 1

Blatter fiir vergleichende rechtswis senschaft volksw irthschaftslehre . Berlin .

U 1906+ v. 1+Bcilage : Bibliographic . U 1908+ v . 3+

Blatter fiir volksbibliothckswcscn 81 -lesehallen . Leipzig . U 190 0+ v . 1+Bloomington ( I ll . ) dai ly pantagraph . U 1909+Bloomington ( I ll . ) weekly pantagraph . U 1904

-0 8, v . 58-62

Blue book of American shipping . . Marine 81 naval di rectory of the UnitedStates . Cleveland (O . ) U 19 10+ v . 15+

Blue print . ( University of Nebraska engineering society . ) Lincoln (Neb . )U 190 2-0 3“v . 1-2”

Continued as Nebraska engineering.

Board of casualty 81 surety underwriters . Proceedings . U 190 5+ v. 2+Board of Trade j ournal . (Great Britain— Trade , Board of. London .

U 1886-19oo, 1902+ v . i -28, 36+Board of Trade j ournal , Portland Wilkes-Barre etc . , see Portland (Me . ) board of trade ; Wilkes-barré (Pa . ) board of trade ; etc .

Board of Trade labour gazette ; (Great Britain— Trade, Board of . ) London .

U 1893+ v . 1+Board of trade, stock exchange, bankers ’ directory . (Financial publi shing co . )Chicago . U 1895-95

Bod l

lcéan l ibrary, Oxford university, se

e Oxford university (Eng . ) -Bodleian1 rary .

Bohmische , see also u n d er Ceska.

K . B éhmisch egcse llschaft d cr wissenschaften . Prague . Jahresbericht .N 1895-I

Klasse fur philos0 ph ic, geschichte, phi lologie. S itzungsberichte .U has ordered

Mathematisch-n aturw1ssen schaftl i chc klas se . S itzungsberichte .

~U N 1894- 190 3 , 0 5, 08+Bogsaml i n gsbladet . Aalborg (Denmark) . U 190 7+ v . 2+


Boiler maker 81 sheet metal worker . Chicago . U 190 1 , v. 9

B ollettino di bibl iografia 81 storia delle scienze matematische . Turin .

U V . 12+Bollettino di entomologia agrari a 81 patologia vegetale . Padua.

N“1898- 190 3 , v . 5-10

Bollettino mensi le di bachicoltura . Padua . N 1887—98, ser. 2, v . 5 ; ser. 3 , v . 1 -4Bombay ( India ) University . Calendar . U 190 6+Bonn (Prussia ) L iterarhistorischc gesellschaft . Mitteilungen . . .U 190 6+ V . 1+B onn (Prussia ) Un iversitat—Sternwarte . Astronomische beobachtungen .

U 1886, V . 8

B onn (Pruss ia ) , see also Naturhistoricher verein der preussischen Rheinlande81 Westfalens ; N ied errhcin ischc gesellschaft fur natur 81 heilkunde .

B onner beitrage zur anglistik . (Trautmann . Bonn . 898- 190 5 , v . 1 -21

B onner studien zur englischen philologie . Bonn . U 1909+ v . 1+B ook-auction records . (Karslakc . Lon -d .on U 190 3+ V. 1+B ook-buyer . New York . C 1892- 1903 , v . 9-25 ; U 1884- 190 3 , v . 1 -25Continued as Lamp 190 3

-0 5 , v . 26-29 81 again as Book buyer . ( Scribner . )New York . U V . 30+

B ook-keeper . Detroit (Mich . ) From 190 5 to 1908 called Business man’s mag

azine . Continued after Sept . 19 10 as Business the Book keeper .U 1904

- 10 I I v . i 6 pt . 1 -25, n o. 2“Book-keeper ; a magazine devoted . to busines s science . New York . v . 7

84 called American counting- room . U . 1880 -84, V . 1 -8

B ook- lore . London . Con tinues Bibliographer . Continued by Book-worm .

(Stock ) U 1884—87 II v . i -6 I IBook lover . San Francisco ; New York U 1899- 1904”v 1


5“Merged in Booklover

s magazine, later Appleton’s booklovers magazine; see

Appleton’ s magazi ne .B ook of the Royal Blue . (Baltimore 81 Ohio rai lroad co. ) Baltimore .

U 1910+ v . 14+


Book-prices current . London . U 1886+ v . 1+Book review digest . Minneapol i s . C U 190 5+ v . 1+Book-worm . (Berjcau . ) London . U 1866 70”v . 1-5 IIBookman . New York. C 1896+ V . U 1895+ V . 1+Bookseller . Chicago. U 190 1 v . 6-7, 13+B ookseller. London . U 190 5+ v . 10+Boot and shoe workers ’ union . Proceedings of [biennial] convention .

U 1899+ v. 4+see also Shoe workers

’ j ournalB ordeaux (France ) Chambre de commerce . Extraits des proces V- erbaux , lettres

81 mémo ires . U 1872, ser. 2, V. 23Bordeaux (Fran cc ) Observatoi re . astronomique 81 météorologique . Annales .

U has orderedBordeaux (France) Société des sciences physiques naturelles . Memoirs .

U 1854+ ser . 1 , v . 1 -3 , 5 ; ser . 3 , v . 1+

Bordeaux (France ) Soci été linnéenne . Proces verbaux . N 1899+ V . 54+Bordeaux (France ) Univers ité — Faculté des lettres , see also Bulletin hispanique .

Bordeaux (France ) , see a lso Société d’

horticulture de la Gironde .B 0rsen vcrei


n der deutschen buchhan d ler, Leipzig, see also Archiv fur geschichtedes deutschen buchhandels .

Boston (Mass . ) Annual reports . U 1895Assessors . List of persons , copartnerships corporations taxed on$10 ,00 0 81 upwards in Boston . U 1848, 52, 55-58, 60 , 64Auditing department . Auditor’s annual report .

U 42 50 , 67-7 1 , 78-82, 83-86, 87+Cochituate water board . Annual report . U 1852, 55,(City) engineer . Annual report. U 1889—95 , v . 23-29Finance commission . Report . U 1907-0 9 I I v . 1 -5 I IFinance department . Annual report of receipts 81 expenditures .

U 1823 , 26 29-3 1 33-42, 45

Fi rc department . An nual report ; old series .U 1838-39, 41 , 45, 54-55, 575 8, 62

new series .U 80 -82, 87+ 11 . scr. v . 1 , 5 , 8-9 , 1 1 , 15+


Health department . Annual report . U 190 5-0 6, v. 34-


Bulletin .


U—Institutions commissioner . Annual report . Continued by Department of


l institutions . U 1883Overseers of the poor, Board of. Annual report .

U 1871 , 73-77, 1879+ v . 7 , 94 3. 15+Parks

,Board of commiss ioners of the department of . Report .

U 1875-81 , 86+ V . 1 -7, 12+Penal institutions, Department of. Annual report .

U 1896- 190 0 , 190 2+ v . 1 -4, 6+Police department . Annual report . U 190 9 , v . 4

Public library. Annual list o f new books . U 1896+Annual report.U 1866-67 , 68-70 , 7 1—75, 78- 190 5 , 06+ V . 15 , 17- 18, 20 -23 , 26, 28-53 , 55+Bulletin . U 1874

-80 , 92, ser . 1 , v . 2-4, 10

U 1898+ n . ser . v . 3+U 1908+ ser . 3 , v . 1+

(city) registrar . Report of births , marriages , 81 deaths . U 1857, 59Registry department . Records relating to the early history of Boston .

U 1876+ v . 1+School committee . Annual report . U 1872,Sewer department . Annual report . U 1906+ V . 1+Statistics , Department of . Annual report . U 1897- 190 3 , 0 5 , v . 1 -6, 8

Monthly bulletin . U 1899+ V . 1+Municipal register . U 1897, 99, 190 1 , 0 3 , 0 5 , 0 9+Special publications . U 1898+ no . 1+

Street department . Annual report . 1892—I v . 2+Transit commission . Annual report . U 1895+ v . 1+Water board . Report . U 1890

(Metropolitan ) water board . Annual report . N 1896-98, v . 2-


(Metropolitan ) water 81 sewerage board . Annual report . W 1908, V . 8

Boston 81 Albany railroad company . Annual report . U 1868- 190 0 , V. 1 -33B os

ton Lowell rai l road corporation . Report . U 1839-40 , 42-

44, 46- 52, 55-

56, 79Boston 81 Maine railroad company . Annual report .

U 1 53 : 59 , 61 : 78-79) 82: 85 : 87 : 190 1+ V I S"

16,20 , 26, 28, 32-

33, 40-

41 , 45-

46, 49, 52, 54, 57-61 , 63-66, 68+Boston 81 New York air line railroad company . Annual report . UB oston 81 Providence rai lroad corporation . Report . U 1859, 7 1 , 73 , 79, 81 , 83 , 86

Boston 81 Worcester rai lroad company. Annual report .U 1832, 44, 49

- 50 , 52, 54; 56-62, 66-67 ; v . 1 , 13 , 20-21 . 23 , 25, 27-33 , 37-38

B oston (Mass . ) Associated charities . Annual report .U 1880 -81 , 84, 87 , 9 1 , 1900 ,

02-04 ; v . 1 -2, 5, 8, 12 ,21


-25B oston (Mass . ) association of merchants . Proceedings . U 1834Boston (Mass . ) asylum 81 farm school for indigent boys . Annual report .

U 1852, 57 , 76. 90B oston (Mass . ) athenaeum . Annual report . U 190 3

- 0 5 , 0 7+Boston (Mass . ) board of trade . Annual report .

U 1855-75 , 77-78. 81—82 ; v . 1 -21 , 23-24, 27

-29Boston (Mass . ) chamber of commerce . Annual report .

U 1887-89, 92, 94+ v . 2-

4, 7 , 9+Boston (Mass . ) children

’s aid society . Annual report .U 189 1-93 , 1898- 190 2 v . 27-29 , 34


38B oston (Mass . ) commercial exchange . Ann ual report .

U 18798 1, 83-84 ; v . 24-26, 28 29

Boston , Concor‘

d 81 Mon treal railroad company . Annual report .U v . 29 -


_Boston (Mass . ) Congregational library. Annual report . U 1899- 190 1 ; V . 47-

48Boston Mass . ) cooking school magazine . C 190 2+ V . U 190 3+ [v . 9

_Boston (Mass . ) eight hour league. Annual report of president . U 187 1 , v . 1

Boston (Mass . ) elevated rai lway company. Annual report .U 1898-190 0 , 02+ v . 1 -3 , 5+

Boston (Mass . ) evening transcript .‘

(Daily except Sunday . ) U May 1909+B oston (Mass . ) j ournal of chemistry 81 popular science review . U 1882, V

. I 6


Boston (Mass . ) j ournal of natural history. N 1834-63“v . 1 -7IIContinued as Boston (Mass . ) society of natural hi story . Memoirs .

Boston (Mass . ) merchants association . Addresses delivered at“the annual

banquet . U 1889 , 96-97 ; v. 8, 15- 161

Boston (Mass . ) Museum of fine arts . Museum of fin e arts bul letin . U+Trustees ’ annual report . U 1876-87, 9 1-94, 96+ v. 1- 12, 16-19, 21+Drawing 81 painting, School of . Annual report .

U 1878- 190 3 , 190 5-06 ; v . 2-27 , 29 30 .

Boston (M ass . ) Need lewoman 5 friend society. Report. U 185 1 , 57 ; v . 4, 10

Boston (Mass . ) port seaman’

s aid society. Annual report . U 1847, 72Boston (Mass . ) Seaman

s aid society. Annual report . In . 1867 united withBoston port society . U 1840 , 45 , 47, 49 ; v . 7 , 16

Boston (Mass . ) society for the prevention of pauperism, see Industrial aid so

ciety for the prevention of pauperism,

Boston (Mass . society of civil engineers . Monthly bulletin . U 1909, n . ser . n o. 3 1

Boston (Mass . ) society of natural h istory. Memoirs .U 1871 -86, v. 2-

3 , N 1866-90 , v. 1, [2-

4IContinues Boston (Mass . j ournal of natural hi story, being v . 8+Occasional papers . N 190 4+ v . 7+Proceedings . N 1841+ v . 1+

Boston (Mass . ) zoological society. Quarterly j ournal . N [ 1882—84]-

[v . 1 -3 ]Boston see also American academy of arts


sciences ; American education society ; American lyceum ; Amer ican statistical association .

Botanic garden . (Maund . ) London . U 1824 50”V . 1 - 1- 3 IIBotanical bulletin . Crawfordsvi l le ( I n d ) , see Botanical gazette . v . 1 .

Botanical cabinet . (Lodd iges ) London . U 1817 33”V. 1-20 I IBotanical gazette . Crawfordsvi lle, Bloomin gton , Ind . ; Chicago . v . 1 has title:Botanical bulletin . U 1875-83 , [84 87+ v . 1—8, [9 12+

Botanical magazine . London, see Curti s’s botanical magaz ine .

Botanical register . (Edwards , Lindley . ) London . U 1815-47 I I v . 1-33 IIBotanische j ahrbii cher f jir systematik pflan zen geschichte pflan zen geograph ie .

(Engler . ) Leipzig . U 1881+ v . 1+Botanische mitthei lun gen aus d en tropen . (Schimper. ) Jena .

U 1888-190 1 , v. 19Botanische zeitung . Berlin ; Leipzig . U 1843+ V . 1+ N 1867, v. 25Botanischer j ahresbericht, Berlin , see Just

’s botanischer j ahresbericht .Botani scher verein der provinz Brandenburg . Berl in . Ve rhandlungen .

N 190 3+ V 45+Botan isches cen tralblatt . Cassel . (Pruss1a . )

U 1890+ v . N 1880 -89, v . 1 - 13, 15-40

Beihefte . U 189 1+ v . 1+Botanisches institut . Tubingen . Untersuchungen . U 1881-88, V . 1-2 ; N 1886, v . 2

Botanisches institut . Wii rzburg (Germany) . Arbeiten . U 1874-88, v . 1 -3Botanist . (Maund . ) London . U 1838 42”v . 1 -5 I IBourg (France ) , see also Société d

emulation d’agriculture de l-

’Ain .

Bourget college . Rigaud de vaudreuil (Can . ) Calendar . U 1893-96, 1908+Bowdoin college . Brunswick (Me . ) Bowdoin quill . U [ 1898-

99 ] [v . 2-3 ]Library . Annual report. U 1886-90 , 92+

Bibliographical contributions . U 1895 n os . 5- 10

Bulletin . U 1891 -95 I I n o. 1-4IIBraddock (Pa . )— Carnegie free library. Annual report . U 190 3+ v . 15+Bradford (E n g. )— Chief constable . Report . U 190 8

Council . Reports of the committees . U 190 9Treasurer . Abstract of accounts . U 1908-09

Bradford (En g ) chamber o f commerce . Annual report . U 1869, V . 19 »

Bradford (Pa . )— Carnegie library . Annual report . U“1902-o6, v . 3

-6, 8+Bradley polytechnic institute . Peoria ( I ll . ) Register . U 1898- 1904, 06+Bradshaw ’s railway guide . Manchester (En g )

U 1857 (Sept ) , 1877 (June ) , 1884 (Sept )Bradstreet ’s ; a j ournal of trade, finance , public economy. New York.

U 1879+ v. 1+Bragur ; ein literari sches magazin der deutschen nordischen vorzeit . Leipzig

U 1796—97, v . 4-7


Water commi ssmn . Annual report . U - 190 5 , ,o7

-IBromley (Eng .

—Public l ibrary. Annual report .U 0 5+ v . 1 , 5,8, 10+

Bulletin . U 190 7+ no . 3-4, 7Bronson library, Waterbury see Waterbury (Conn .

—Silas Bronsonlibrary.

Brookline (Mass . — Public library. Annual report .U 1865 v 9. 13

-14. 17-36. 38+Bulletin . U 1894-1906, 08+ v . 1

Brooklyn (N . Y .— Health , Department of . Annual report. U 1885

Prospect park, Commissioners of. Annual report . U 1861 , v 1

Public library.- Annual report .

“U 1898-99, 190 0+ V . 1 , 3+

—Bulletin . U 190 1-o6, 08+ v. 1-5 , n . ser . v . 1+(City ) works , Department of. Annual report . U 189 1

Brooklyn (N . Y.) dai ly eagle . U Nov . 1908+Almanac . U 1897 , 99- 1900Index . U 1892-96

Summer resort directory. U 190 0 -0 2, 06

Brooklyn (N . Y . ) engineers’ club . Proceedings . U 1897+

Brooklyn (N . Y . ) entomological society . Bulletin . N 1878 85 I I V . 1 -7IICombined with Papilio 81 continued as Entomologica Americana .

Brooklyn (N . Y . ) Free lending library union for Christian work . Annual report. U 1899, V. 33

Brooklyn (N . Y . ) institute of arts 81 sci ences . Cold Spring Harbor monographs .U N 1903+ n o. 1+

Museum . M emoirs of art 81 archaeology . U 190 9+ V . 1+Memoirs of natural sciences . U N 1904, v . 1 , n o. 1


s museum bulletin . U 1902-04 I I no .

1 , 4-18 I I

Continued byChildren

s museum news . U 1904—05 I I no . 1 -8 I I

Continued asMuseum n ews . U N 190 5+ v . 1+Report . U 1905+ N 1904+Science bulletin . U N 190 1+ v . 1+

Brooklyn (N . Y. ) library. Annual report .U 1870—71 , 73 75 , 1880 16- 17 , 23-42

After 1898 Montague branch of the public library .

Brooklyn (N . Y. ) mercantile l ibrary association . Annual report .U 187 1. 74—75 ; v 13. 16-17

Brooklyn (N . Y . ) Polytechnic institute, see also Polytechnic engineer.

Brooklyn (N . Y. ) rapid transit company. Annual report .U 1899- 1902, 04+ v . 1-4, 6+

Brotherhood of locomotive engineers monthly j ournal . Cleveland .

U 1895. v 29; [30 , 37-38. 41 ]Brotherhood of locomotive fi remen 81 en gin emen

s magaz ine . Indianapolis .U [ 1892 93. 96. 98-99. 1903-0 5. 0 7 ] [v 16—17. 20 -21 26-27. 34-36. 38. 42]

Brotherhood of painters , decorators , 81 paperhangers of America, see also Painter and decorator.

Brotherhood o f railroad trainmen , see also Railroad trainmen’

s j ournal .Brown Swiss cattle breeders

associati on, (Connecticut ) . Swiss record supplement . U 1889+ V. 1+

Brown university. Providence (R. I . ) Brown alumni monthly . U 1910+ V. 1 1+Biological laboratory . Contributions . N 1898+ V . 1+Before 1908 called Anatomical laboratory .

Browning society. London . Papers . U 1881-91 II V. 1-3 , pt . 2“Browning’s industrial magazine , see Industrial magazine.Brownson’s quarterly review. Boston . U 1847-75 I I n . ser. v . 1-24I|Bruce, Sanders D . American stud book . New York, see Jockey club .


i n n (Austria ) handels 81 gewerbekammer. Summari scher bericht. U 1898Brunswick (Germany) , see also Deutsche gesellschaft i ji r anthropologie , ethnol

ogi e , 81 urgeschichte . Geschichtsverein fiir das herzogtum BraunschweigBrush 81 pencil . Chi cago . U Dec . 1906 Apr . 190 7“V . 18, n o. 6- v 19 , n o. 4 I


IBrussels (Belgium) Conservatoi re royal de musique . Annuaire . U 1878, V.


Brussels (Belg ium ) Ecole professionelle de typographie . Circular .U 1895-96, 98 ; v . 7 10

Brussels (Belgium) Jardin botanique de l etat . Bulletin . N 1902 05 , v. 1 , no . 1-6

Brussels (Belgium ) Observatoire royal de Belgique . Annales .U 1887, 1904+ new ser . v. 6, v. 9+

Annuaire astronomique . U 190 6+Brussels (Belgium ) Univers ité. Annuaire . U 1908+Brussels (Belgium ) , see a lso Académie royale des sciences , des lettres , desbeaux arts de Belgique ; Institut international de bibliograph ic ; InstitutsSolvay ; International rai lway congress ; Société en tomologique de Belgique ;Soci été malacologique de Belgique ; Société royale de botanique de BelgiqueS ociété royale linnéenne ; Société royale zoologique 81 malacologique deBelgique .

Bryn Mawr (Pa . ) college . Monographs (monograph series ) . U 190 5 , v . 4Monographs . (Reprint series . ) U 190 4, v . 1 , n o. 3


4Bryologist . Brooklyn (N . Y . ) U 1898+ v .

.field club . Transactions . U 1908, v . 9 , pt . 3Budapest— Communal statistisches bureau . Publication en .

U 1870-7 1. v. 3 . 5-6. 15-20 . 23. 29-3 1. 34+Statis


tisches j ahrbuch . U 1899+ V . 4+Budapest (Hungary) Un iversitat . A1man achja . U 190 7+Buenos Aires ( city)— (Municipal ) stati stics bureau . Mon thly bulletin of municipal stati stics . U 1906+ v . 20+

Buenos Aires ( city) h erald . 19 10+ n . ser . v . 34+Buenos Aires (city) Museo nacional . Anal es . U 190 9+ ser . 3 , v . 10+Buenos Aires ( city) . Stati stical annuary . U 1906, v . 16Buenos Aires (province ) Univers idad . Anales . U 1888- 1 90 2 ,

v . 2- 15Revista . U 1904+

Buffalo (N . Y . )— Comptroller. Report . U 1899+

(City ) engineer . Annual report . U 1888 89Health department . Annual report . U 1904+

Sanitary bulletin . U 19 10+ V . 15, no . 6+ ( 11 . ser . V. 3 , n o.

Park commissioners . Annual report . U 190 9+ v . 40+Public library . Annual report . U 1897+ v . 1+Public works , Department of . An nual report . U 1893-97 , 99- 190 2,

1904+Buffalo 81 Susquehanna rai lroad co . Annual report .

U 1897- 1904, 1906-0 7”v . 3- 10 , 12-13 I I

Continued asBuffalo 81 Susquehanna railway company . Annual report . U 1908+ v . 1+Buffalo (N . Y. ) board of trade . Trade 81 commerce of Buffalo .

U 1854. 69. 72. 74. 84Buffalo (N . Y . ) charity organization society. Annual report .

U 1882, 87-89, 97 99 ; v . 4, 9-1 1 , 21-22

Buffalo (N . Y . ) Merchants’ exchange . Annual Report . U 9 1 - 190 1

Buffalo, Rochester 81 Pittsburgh railroad company. Annual report .U 1889. 94. 99 190 0 . v. 4. 9 .

14-15 . 17+

Buffalo (N . Y . ) society of natural scien ces . Bulletin . N 1873-98, v . 1-6Buffalo (N . Y . ) University— Medical department . Report of the laboratories .

U 1909+ v . 3+Buffalo (N . Y . ) Univers ity club . Ofii cers, members . U 1898, v . 2

Builder. London . U 1842+ V. 1+Builder . St Louis , see Realty record 81 bui lder .Building age . New York . U 1910+ V. 32+

Con tina

ues Carpentry 81building .

Bui lding news 81 engineering journal . London . U 1880 -82, v. 38-43Buitenzorg (Java )— Lands plan ten tuin . Bulletin de l

In stitut botanique .N 1896-1904”n o. 1-2, 9-12 I I

Continued by Java— Lan dbouw,Department van . Bulletin .

M ededeelingen . N 1894- 1904“n o. 12 14-34, 36-75IIContinued by Java— Lan-dbouw , Department van . M ededeel i n gen .

Buitenzorg (Java ) Jardin botanique . Annales . Leyden . U 1876-190 1 , V. 1-21

Bulgar ia- S tatistika'

,D irektsiia na . Bulletin mensuel . U 1908+ [v . 12 ] 3+


Mouvement commercial de la Bu lgarie avec les pays étrangers .U 1902+

Mouvement de la population . U 1893- 99 , 190 0 pt pt 2, 190 2 0 5

Statistique des écoles primaires . U 190 0 04Stati stique des écoles secondai res . U 1896- 190 3Statistique des elections des députes pour la assemblée nationale ordi

U 1904+ 1 1+Statistique du commerce . U 190 0+Statistique d

u recrutement militaire régulier . U 1 -899 190 2

Bulletin . In add ition to the following, see Bulletins entered under the names ofacademies , societies , institutions , etc .

Bulletin astronomique . Paris . U 1884+ V . 1+Continues astronomical s ection of Bulletin des sciences mathematiques 81astronomiques .

Bulletin d’

in formation s du comité des forges de France des chambressyndicates Paris . U 1910+ V. 6+

Bulletin d’

in sectologie agricole . (Société centrale d’

apicu lture 81 d’

in sectologie . )Paris . N


I 8S6—90 [v . 13—14, [ 15 ]

Bulletin de correspondance hellénique . (Ecole francaise Athens .U 1877+ v . 1+

Bulletin de stati stique de legis lation comparée . Paris . U 1909+ v. 33+Bulletin des sciences mathématiques . (Ecole pratique des hautes études . )Paris . U 1870+ v . 1+Unti l 1884 title included et astronomiques separation caused by the establishmen t of Bulletin astronomique .

Bulletin des sciences mathématiques , astronomiques , physiques chimiques .Pari s . U 1824-3 1”v . 1-16 I I

Bulletin du bibliophile . Paris . U 1909+Bulletin Hispanique (Univers ité de Bordeaux . ) Bordeaux . U 190 0+ v . 2+Bulletin o f bibl iography . Boston . U 1897+ v. 1+Bulletin o f Massachusetts natural history . Amherst (Mass . U 1884 [v . 1 ]Bulletin of pharmacy . Detroit . U 1895, v . 9Bulletin sc ien tifique de la France 81 de la Belgique . Paris .

N 1880 -1904, v . 12-16, 3 1-33 , 35-38Bullettino di bibliografia 81 di storia delle scienze matematiche 81 fi sich e . Rome .

U 1868-87, v . 1 -20

Bu l lin ger’

s Postal shippers ’ guide for the U. S . Canada . New York .

U 1892, 1904Bureau international des poids 81 mesures . Paris . Travaux 81 mémoires .

U 1884+ V. 3+Bureau of the American republics, see Pan American union .

Burke’s genealogical 81 heraldic dictionary of the peerage 81 baronetage . London .

U 1899 , v . 61

Burlington ( Iowa )— Public l ibrary. Annual report . U 190 1 v . 15Burl ington, Cedar Rapids , Northern rai lway company of Iowa . Annual report . U 1878-79 , 1898- 190 1 ; v. 2-3, 22

-25Burlington gazette monthly supplement to the Burlington magazine for con

n oisseurs. London . U 190 3-04, v . 1

Burlington magazine for connoisseurs . London ; New York . U 190 3+ v . 1+Burton ’s gentleman

s magazine 81 American monthly review, see Gentleman

smagazme 81 American monthly review .

Business 81 the Book-keeper . Detroit (Mich . ) U 19 10 V . 25 , no . 3+Continues Book-keeper which for a time was called Busines s man’s magazine .

Business man ’s magazine . Detroit (Mich . ) U 190 5- 08 I I v . 17 , no . 2-v . 20 , n o. 9”Business world . New York . U 190 3 , [ 190 5 06] V . 23 , [25-26 ]Butchers ’ advocate market j ournal . New York. U [ 1909 , ] 10+ [v . 47+Butte (Mont ) Annual report of city officers . UCagliari ( Italy ) universita . Annuario . U 1909+Cairo (Egypt ) , see also Institut égyptien . Société khédiviale de géographie .Cairo Fulton railroad company . Detai led report . U V. ICalcutta ( India )— Municipal administration . Report . U 1908-0 9Calcutta ( India ) review . U 1844-50 , 1853-54, 1857-58 ; V. 1 - 14, 19 , 21 -23 , 29-30


Calcutta ( India) , see also Agricultural 81 horticultural society of India ; Asiaticsociety of Bengal ; Bengal chamber of commerce ; Indian museum .

California— Adj utant general . Biennial report . UArb itration, State board of. Report of commissioners U 1892

Architecture,Board of. Report . U 190 3 , v . 1

Assembly . Appendix to j ournals [contains annual reports of state departments ] U 1858

Assembly. Journal . U 1885, v . 26

Attorney general . Annual report . U 1858, 1904+Bank commiss ioners, Board of . Annual report .

U 1882. 85-86. 89-93. 99 ; v . 4. 7. 8. 1 1-15. 21Building 81 loan supervis ion , Bureau of . Report. U 1906, 08+ v . 13 , 15+Controller . Biennial report . U 1858, 1883-84, 1891-1904 ; v . 9 , 34-35, 42



(State ) engineer . Report . U 1882-84, 190 7+Equalization , State board of. Report . -U 1897-98, 190 5-06

Examiners , State board of. Report . U 1888Geological survey ( 1860 Special reports of state geologist .

U 1860—82, - v . 2-3 , 5 , 8Harbor commiss ioners, Board of state . Biennial report .

U 1900+Health , State board of. B iennial report .

U 1870 -71 , 80 -81 , 84-96, 98+ v . 1 , 7 , 9-14, 16+Monthly bulletin . U 1906+ V . 2+

Highways, Bureau of. Biennial report . U 1895-96, 98, 1906Horticulture, State commissioner of . Biennial Report .

U 1884—96, 190 1+ v. 3- 1 1 , 14+ N 1883 , 85-86, 89, 91 -94, 99+

Before 190 3 is sued as Annual report of State board .

Horticulture, State board of. Bulletin . U 1891 - 190 0 , n o. 57, 59, 61 , 63-67, 71Insurance commissioner . Annual report.

U v 4. 9. 23. 38+Labor statistics, Bureau of . Biennial report.

U 1883-84, 87 96, 1900 -0 2, 0 5-06 ; v . 1 ,

U3 -5 , 7 , 9- 10 ,


(State ) l ibrary . News notes . U 1906+ v . 1+Annual report . U 1861-63Biennial report . U 1864-65 , 1879

Lunacy, State commissioner in . Biennial report . U 1897+ v. 1+Mineral cabinet, Trustees of . Biennial report . U 1892, v . 3

(State ) mining bureau . Bulletin .

G no . 38, 50° U 1888 no 1 -7 , 1 1 - 12, 54+

Report of the state mineralogist . G U 1886 96, v . 6 13Prison directors , State board of . Reports . U 1858, 1880 -94, v . 1-14Public instruction, Department of . Biennial report .U 1854. 58. 64-65. 72-73. 76-77. 80 -81. 859 6. 99—190 2 ; v. 1854. 1858. 1 . 5. 7. 9.

12- 17 , 19-20

Railroad commissioners , Board o f . Biennial report . U v . 5Secretary of state . Biennial report . U 1858,

Blue book . U 190 7Silk culture , Board of . Annual report . U 1883 , v. 1

Supreme court . Reports of cases . U 1850+ V . 1+Surveyor general . Annual report . U 1858, 61 -65( State ) treasurer . Biennial report . U 1890—94, 96 -04,

0 6+

(State ) veterinarian . Biennial report . U 1906+ v . 4+(State ) viticultural commissioners , Board of . Annual report .

1880 -84, 86-88, -89-9o

Cali fornia academy of sc iences . San Francisco . Bulletin . N 1884-87 I I v. 1 2”Memoirs N [ 1868 96] [v . i -2]Occasional papers . U 1897 , VV . 5 , N 1890+ v . 1+Proceedings . U 190 7+ ser . 4, v N 1854+ ser . 1


v 5 7 , pt . 1 ; ser . 2, v . 1 ser . 3 , botany, v . 1 -2 ; zoology , v . 1—4 ; ser . 4, V . 1+Cali fornia Agricultural experiment station . Berkel .ey Bulletin .

U 1888+ n o. N 1886+ n o. 55, 7 1 72, 75, 94 153, 155 -193 ,195+

Publications ; technical bul letins . entomology. N 1906+ V . 1+


Report . U N 1888- 1904Report of the viticultural work . U 1884, 95 ; N 1884-95

Cali fornia ( state ) agricultural society. Transactions .U 1859. 64-75 . 78 80 . 82. 84-85. 87 95

Cal ifornia ( state ) association of master p lumbers . Proceedings . U 1907+ v . 7+Cali fornia bankers’ associ ation . Proceedings . U 1908+ v .


Cali fornia ( state ) board of trade . Annual report .U 1893 98 1904. 06+ v 4 9. 15. 17+

Cali fornia cultivator . Los Angeles . U 1899+ v . 13- 19, 21 , [22

Cali fornia dairy association . San Francisco . Proceedings . U 1894-98, v . 1-5Cali fornia ( state) federation of labor. Proceedings .of the annual convention .

U 1908+ V. 9+California fruit grower . San Francisco . U 1904+ v . 29+Cali fornia fruit growers convention . Proceedings . U 190 7 , 0 9 , v . 33 , 36

Cali fornia grape growers’

81 wine makers’

as soci ation . Report of the annualviticultural convention . U 1887 , v . 5

Cali fornia Insane asylum, Stockton . Report . U 1853 , 69Cali fornia Institution for the education of the deaf 81 dumb 81 the blind . Berkeley .

Biennial report . U 1860 5, 79 84- 190 2, 06+ v . 1 14, 16-25, 27+Cali fornia Napa state hospita l . Napa city . Biennial report . U 1877-98California ( state ) reform school . Marysville . B iennial report . U 1864-65 , v . 1

Cali fornia ( state ) sanitary convention . Proceedings . U 1893Cali fornia ( state ) viticultural convention . Report . U 1884, V . 3California University. Berkeley. Publications . Astron omy . U 1904+ v. 3+

Botany. U 1902+ V . 1+Class ical phi lology. U 1904+ V. 1+Economics . U 190 8+ V : 1+Education . Continues Studies . U 190 7+ V . 1 , 4+Entomology . U N 1906+ v . 1+Geology . U 1893+ v . 1+Graeco-Roman archaeology. U 1902+ v . 1+Philosophy. U 1904+ v .

~1+Physiology. N 190 3+ v. 1+Zoology. U 190 7+ v. N 190 2+ V . 1+

Studies . Continued in Publications in education U 1893-97 , v . 1 -2

University of Cali fornia chronicle . U 1908+ v . 10+Agriculture, College of. Report of professor o f agr iculture .

U 1877-79. 83-90Geology, Departmen t


of . Bulletin .

U 1893+ v . 1+Lick observatory . Mt Hamilton . Bulletin .

-U 190 1 , v . 1+Publications . U 1887+ V . 1+

Cambridge and Dublin mathematical j ournal . Cambridge (E n gU 1846 54”v s-13H

Continues Cambri dge mathematical j ournal .Continued as Quarterly j ournal of pure 81 applied mathematics .

Cambridge (E n g ) mathematical j ournal . U 1837-45 I I V . 1-4 I IContinued as Cambridge 81 Dublin mathematical j ournal .

Cambridge (E n g ) phi losophical society . Proceedings .U 1843+ v . N 1899+ v . 10+

Transactions . U 1820+ v . 1+Cambridge (E n g ) University. Calendar . U 1868, 74, 88, 1909+

Tracts in mathematics 81 mathematical physics . U 1906+ V. 1+Examiners . Solutions of the Cambridge problems [ in mathematics ] .

U 547 57 , 60 1 64a 75 1 78

Library. Report o f library syndicate . U 190 6+ V . 53+Observatory . Astronomical observations . U 1828-35, 44 75 ; v . 1 -8, 16-23

Cambridge (Mass . ) Annual reports . U 1873, 77, 81-92, 94+Bridge commission . Report. U 1909Health , Board of. Annual report . U 1877-80 , 83 , 85-96, 98, 190 0+Public l ibrary. Annual report .

U 1879 80 , 81-82, 86 87, 88 89,U92+ v . 18, 32, 35+

Bulletin . U [ 1898.l 190 0+ [v 3 ] 5+


Water board . Annual report .U 1865-68, 70

-86, 88, 90 -92, 95, 97+ v . 1-4, 6-22, 24, 26-28, 3 1 , 33+

Cambridge (Mass . ) school of nursing . Annual report . U 190 6, v . 1

Camden 81 Atlantic railroad company . Annual report . U 1879, 95Camden society. London . Publications .

U 1838+ n . ser . v . 1 -62 ; ser . 3 , V . 14 0 , 12+Canada— Agriculture

,Minister of.

-Experimental farms . Report .U 1887-95 , 190 0 -0 1 , 0 4

-0 5 , 0 7+ v . 29 , 14- 15 , 18- 19 , 2 1+

Agriculture 81 dai rying, Commissioner o f . Report . U 1897Archivist . Report on Canadian archives : U 1883+Census . U 1861

, 81 , 190 1 ; no . 1861 , 1-2, 4Customs , Department of. Tables o f

the trade 81 o f Canada .U 1850 ) 657 69 ) 741 85-86) 88)

Geological survey. Annual report . G 1894- 1904, 11 . ser . v. 7-9 , 1 1- 13 , 15- 16

Summary report . U 1885-87 , 89 , 9 1 , 190 5+Contributions to Canadian micro-paleontology . U 1883

-89, v . 1 -2

Contributions to Canadian palaeontology.

U 1885+ v . 1 , pt . 5 ; V . 2, pt . 1 -2 ; v . 3 , pt . 1 , 4 ; V. 4, pt . 1 -2+Annual report . U 1876+ after 1885 , n . se r . V . 1+

.Mines , Section of. Annual report . U 190 4- 0 5Indian affairs , Department of . Annual report . U 1908+Inland revenue d epartment— Laboratory . Bulletin .

U 1887- 19 31 . no . 1 . 6-7. 1 1 - 13. 17- 18. 20-21 . 25. 28-

30 . 32-33. 46-47. 49. 52. 54-62.

64-65 . 67-72. 74. 76-79. 169Insurance , Superintendent of . Report . U 1878, 98 , 190 4Interior, Department of. Report of the chief astronomer . U 190 6

Labor, Department of, s ee a lso Labour gazette .

Marine 81\ des pécheries, Department de la . Rapport annuel . U 187 1 , v . 4Mines , Department of . Annual report 0 11 the mineral production of Canada . U 1906

Report on the -mining 81 metallurgical industries of Canada .U

Public works , Department of . Annual report . U 1851

Railways canals , D epartmen t of . Annual report . U 1898/99Trade 81 commerce, Department of . Report . U 1893-96, 98, 190 0 -0 1

Canada Central experiment farm . Ottawa . Bulletin .

U 1887+ no . N 1887+ no . 1 -9, 1 1 , 14-24, 26, 28-29, 3 1-34, ser . 2,

no . 2,

Entomologist botanist . Report . N 1885- 190 5 , 08+-5°

Canada educational directory calendar . (Hodgins . ) Toronto . U 1857/58Canada Experimental


farms . Report . N 1888+Canada Southern railway company . Annual report . U 1888, 1890 - 1 90 1Canada

,see a lso

, Royal architectural institute of Canada ; Royal astronomicalsociety of Canada ; Royal somety of Canada .

Canada, Lower, s ee Quebec.Canada, Upper, see Ontario .

Canadian almanac 81 repository ofu

useful knowledge.Toronto

.U 1882

Canadian annual review o f public affai rs . Toronto . U 190 1+ v . 1+Canadian catalog of books . Toronto . U 179 1 -1897”Canadian dairymen

s association . Report . U 1869-70Canad ian electrical news engineering j ournal

, see Electrical news 81 engineer. ing Journal .

Canadian engineer . .Toronto .


U 1909+ [v . WCanadian entomologist . (Entomological society of Ontario . ) London (Ont . )

N 1869+ V . 1+Canadian horticulturi st . Toronto . U 1889 -

90 , 92, 94, v . 12- 13 , 15 , 17, 28+Canadian institute . Toronto . Annual report . U 1892/93 , v . 5 ; N 18869 3 , v. 1 -5 . 7

Proceedings . N 1882- 1904 [v . 2-7 ; 11 . ser . v . 1 -2

Transactions . U 190 5+ V . N 1889+ v . 1+Canad ian manufacturer . Toronto . U 190 9+ v . 58+Canadian mining institute . Quarterly bulletin . Montreal . U 190 9+ no . 6+Canad ian mining j ournal . Toronto . GCanadian mun icipal

journ al . Montreal . U 190 5+ V . 1+


Canadian naturali st 81 geologist . (Natural history society of Montreal . ) Montreal . U 1857 ,

-65 , v . 1 - 10

Canadian Northern railway company .. Annual report . U 190 3+ v. 1+

Canadian Pacific railway company. Annual report .U 1885. 87. 96-190 5. 0 7+ v. 5. 7. 16-24. 26+

Report of proceedings at annual meeting . U 1886, 88, 98 ; v . 5, 7 , 17Canadian Parliamentary companion . Montreal . U 1872Canadian poultry review . Toronto . UCanadian rai lway club . Montreal . Official proceedings . U 1904+ v . 3+Canadian reading camp association . Annual report . U -5 V'

. 3 , 5Canadian record o f science . (Natural history society of

“Montreal . ) Montreal .N 1884+ [v . 2+

Canadian society of civi l en gineers . Montreal . Report. (Bulletin )U 1893-94, 98- 1904, 06, 0 8+ v. 7-8, 12- 18, 20 , 22+

Transactions . U 1892+ V . 1+Canadian yearbook . Toronto . U 1899-190 3 , 0 5-06Canal record . ( Isthmian canal commission . ) Ancon . (C . Z . ) UCanterbury agricultural 81 pastoral association . Christchurch . (New Zealand . )Journal . U 1909+ V. 1 1+

Canton (Mass . )— Public l ibrary . Annual report . U 1903+Bulletin . U 190 7+ V. 1+

Canton (O . ) —Auditor . Annual report . U 190 7-08Cap -makers

j ournal . (United cloth hat cap makers of North America . ) NewYork . U [ 190 3 ] [v . 1 ]

Cape of Good Hope— Government entomologi st . Report . N 1895-98, 190 0+Royal observatory . Annals . U 1907430 6, v . 10 pt 2 ; v. 1 1 pt 2, 4 ; v . 12 pt 2-

4Cape Town (Africa ) , see also Royal society of South Africa ; South Africanphilosophical society .

Cardiff (Wales )— Libraries . Libraries review . U 19 09+ v . 1+Carleton college . Northfield (Minn . )— Goodsell observatory . Publications .

U 190 1+ n o. 2+Carlis le (Pa . )— J . Herman Bosler memorial library . Bulletin . U 190 5 , v . 2

Carnegie foundation for the advancement of teaching . New York. Annual report . U 1906+ v. N 1908+ v . 3+Bulletin . U N 190 7+ v . 1+

Carnegie institute,

- see Pittsburgh .

Carnegie institution . Washington Publ ications .U 1902+ n o. N 190 4

—I [n 0 .

Yearbook . U 190 2+ v . N 190 2- 0 5 , 1 -4Marine biological laboratory. Tortugas (Fla . ) Papers from the Tortugaslaboratory . U 1908+ V. 1+Solar observatory, Mt Wilson (Cali f . ) Contributions . U 190 5+ n o. 1+

Carnet bibliographique’

, les grands ed iteurs fran eaises . Paris . U 190 2-0 4Carpenter . (United brotherhood of carpenters j oiners of America . ) Indian

apolis . U [ 1894, 190 3 08+ [v . 14, 23 28+Carpenter ’s monthly political magazine . (Chartist . ) London . U 183 1 -32, v. 1

Carpentry bui lding. New York. U 1894—190 9 I I v . 16 20 , 22-3 1 I IContinued by Building age .

Carriage bui lders ’ national association of the U . S . A . Annual report.U 190 7, v . 35

Carthage ( Ill . ) college . Catalogue . U 90 -95 , 96+Carthage (Mo . )— Public l ibrary. Bulletin . U 1906-0 7 I I V. 1”Carworker. ( International association of carworkers . ) Buffalo ; Chicago .

U 0 5+ [v . 3+Case 81 comment . [Law . ] Rochester (N . Y. ) U +Cassier’s magazine . [Engineering ] New York . U 1893+ v. 5+Catalogue annuel de la l ibrairie f rancaise . Paris . U 1867 , 93-

98, v . 10 , 36-


Catalogue 81 analyse des theses fran caises 81 latines . (Mourier 81 Deltour. )Pari s . Annual supplement to M ourier

s Notice sur le doctorat es lettres .Ed . 4 . 1880 . U 1880 - 190 2 I I v . 1-22 I

Catalogue général de la librairie francaise . (Lorenz . ) Paris . U 1840+ 1

Catalogue mensuel de la librairie francaise . Pari s”U 189 1-92, 1898+ v . 16-17 , 23+


Champaign ( I ll . ) Julia F. Burnham hospital . Annual report .“U


1896, v . I

Champaign county ( Ill . ) agricultural board, Champaign . A nnual fair .U 1894, V . 24

Champaign county ( I ll . ) Directory. U 1870 -

7 1 , 85Champaign county ( I ll. ) gazette . U 1869+ v . 18+Champaign county ( I ll . ) news , Champaign . U +Champiain society. Toronto . Annual report . U 1908+ v . 3+

Publications . U 190 7+ V . 1+Charitable observer. Lincoln ( I ll . ) U [ 1897- 190 1 ] [v. 4

—8]Charities . (Charity organization society of the city of New York . ) New York .

U 190 1 -0 5“[v . 6 14“Continued by

Chariti es 81 the Commons . New York. Consolidation of Charities 81 the ComU 190 5-0 9 I I v . 15-21 I I

Continued as the Survey .

Charities 81 correction, see National conference of charities 81 correction .

Charities review . New York . (Charity organization society of City of NewYork . ) Merged in Charities . U 1892, 94

- 190 1 I I v . 2, 4

- 1 0 I ICharity organization reporter . London . U 1874-82, V . 3

-1 1

Charity organization review . London . U 1894+ V. 10 11 . ser . V . 1+Charleston (8 . C . ) news 81 courier . U 190 9+Charleston (S . C. ) Yearbook. U 1880+Charti st circular . (Wm . Thompson . ) Glasgow . U 1839-42, no . 1 - 10 , 12

- 133Chaucer society. London . Publication s . ser. 1 . U 1868+ no . 1-47,

ser . 2. U 1868+ no . 1+Chautauqua (N . Library , trai ning course . U v .

Chautauqua . Meadville Cleveland Chautauqua (N . Y . )C 1889-94, 96+ v . 1 0 - 19, U 1880+ V. 1+

Chelsea (Mass . - Fitz public library. Annual report. U 190 7+ v. 38+Chemical abstracts

,see American chemical soc iety .

Chemical engineer . Philadelphia ; Chicago . U 1904+ v . WChemical news 81 j ournal o f physical science . London . U 1860+ V . 1+Chemical society. London . Annual reports on the

“progress of chemistry .

U 1904+ v . 1+Journal . (Transactions 81 Abstracts . ) U 1848+ v . 1+Proceedings . U has ordered

Chemiker kalender . (R. Biederman . ) Berlin .

° U 190 9, V. 30

Chemiker-zeitung. C6then U 1877+ v . 1+V . I has title Allgemeine Chemiker- zeitung .

Beilage : Chemisch- technisches repertorium . Cothen . U 1908+ V . 32+Ch en i isch w eekb lod . Amsterdam . U has ordered 190 3+Chemisch pharmaceutisches cen tralblatt . Leipzig . U 185 1 -55, V. 22-26 I IContinued as Chemisches cen tralblatt .

Chemisch-technisches repertorium, see Chemiker- zeitung : Beilage.

Chemische analyse . (M argosches . ) Stuttgart . U 190 7+ V . 1+Chemische indus trie . (Jacobsen . ) Berlin . U 1878 v . i -24Chemische n ov itaten : bibliographi sch e mon atschri ft . Leipzig. U 190 7+ V . 4+Chemi sches staats - laboratorium . Hamburg

, s ee Hamburg— Vl issen schaftlicheanstalten .

Chemisches zentralblatt . (Deutsche chemische gesellschaft . ) Hamburg ; Berlin .

U 1856+ V. 27+ ( ser . 2, V.

Continues chemisch-pharmaceutisches cen tralblatt .

Chemnitz (Saxony. )— Statistisches amt. Addressbuch der fabrik 81 han delstadt .

U 19 10

Chemnitz (Saxony ) handels 81 gewerbekammer . Jahresbericht. U 1863—64, 67Cheraw 81 Darlington rai lroad company. Proceedings . U 1894-95Chesapeake 81 Delaware canal company. General report .

U 1824-25, 66 ; v . 5 1 1 , 33 , 47Chesapeake Ohio canal company. Annual report . U 1828, 72, v .

Chesapeake 81 Ohio railroad company . Annual report . U 1876, v . 9

In 1878 title changed toChesapeake Ohio rai lway company . Annual report .

U 1884, 92, 96+ v. 7 , 14, 18+


Cheshire railroad company. Annual report . U 1848-52, 55-56, 89 ; V . 3 -7 , 10

Cheshire swine breeders ’ association . Cheshire herd book . Oneida ; Chittenango

(N . U 1889-98, v . 1 -3Chester white record assoc iation . Record . In dianapolis . U 1890 -9 1”V . 1

Continued by Standard Chester white record assoc i ation .

Chester-white record associ ation . Record of Todd’s improved Chester-white

swine . Dayton (O . ) U 1885-9 1“V . 1 -4 I IContinued by the Amer1can Chester white record association .

Cheviot sheep society. Hawick ( Scot . ) Cheviot sheep flock book .

U 1893 -

97 , 99, 190 1+ V . 1

Chi Omega fraternity [ sorority] . Eleus is . Washington (D . C . ) U 190 9+ V . 1 1+Chicago ( Ill . ) Annual reports of the various departments . U 1882-83 , 89 , 9 1 , 96

C ity council . Arnold reports . U 190 5-0 6, no . 3-7 , 9

Proceedings . U 187 1-3 , 74-76, 79-80 , 82—86, 88-89, 97- 1902, 04+Civi l service commission . Annual report . U 1896- 1900 , 05-08 V . 2-6, 1 1 - 14Comptroller . Annual report. U 190 2, 0 7+ V . 46, 5 1+Education , Board of. Annual report . U 1893-97 , 190 0 , 0 2+ v. 39


43 , 46, 48+Directory of the public schools . U 190 1

-0 5 , 08+Electricity depa i tmen t . Annual report . U 190 1+ v . 5+Finance department . Annual statement.U 1871-72 76 93 97. 99+ V: 1 5, 20 21 3 1 33, 35 , 37-41 43+Fire department . Report of the fire marshall .

U 1877. 94, 994 90 2, 04+ v. 20 , 37. 42-

45 , 47+Harbor commiss ion . Report . U 1908+Health , Department of . Bulletin . U 190 7+ V . W

Reports . U 1870 - 78, 838 8, 9 19 8, 190 4- 0 6

Law department . Report . U 1904, 0 7Municipal court. Ann ual report . U 1906+ V . 1+"

Vl un icipal l ibrary 81 bureau of statistics . Statistics . U 190 1-0 7 , V. 1-7

Police department . Annual report. U 1878, 82—84, 86, 88, 93+Public library . Annual report . U 1873+ V . 1+

Bulletin of accessions . U 1888+ no . 1+Bulletins . U 1887+ V . 1+

Public works, Board of. Annual report . U 1869-70 , 751] v . 8-9 , 15”Continued byPubl1c works department . Annual report . U 1876+ V . 1+Sanitary di strict, Board of trustees of. Proceedings . U 1890 -9 1 , 93

-94, 96+South park commiss ion . Report . U 1869+Special park commission . Report . U 190 1 , 04

-0 5 , 0 7+

Statistics , Bureau of . City manual . U 190 9West park commi ssioners . Report .

U 1872 84, 87 V . 3- 15, 18 28, 34+Chicago academy of sciences . Annual addres s . U 1878

Annual report . U 1895—97”V. 38 40 ; N 1896 V. 39

-4o| |Bulletin . U 1883 190 1”V . 1 , 2, pt . 2 ;

—4H N I SS3-190 1Hv . 1

Special publication . U N 1902+ no . 1+Transactions . N 1867-69 , V. 1

Geological 81 natural history survey . Bulletin . U N 1896+ n o. 1+Chicago 81 Alton railroad company. Annual report ,

U 1872-76, 78—82, 84-89 , 93 -95, 98, 190 1+Ch icago 81 Eastern Illinois rai lroad company . Annual report .

U 1878 87 , 9 1 98 09+ V . 1 -10 , new ser . V. 2-7 , 9 16, 20+Chicago 81 Northwestern rai lway company . Annual report .

U 1865-67, 69, 72+ V. 6 8, 10 , 13+Chicago 81 Western Indiana railroad company . Report . U 1900 0 1 , 04+Chicago architectural club . Catalogue of annual exhibition . Chicago .

U 1899—04, V. 12- 17Chicago Art institute . Annual report. U 1883-1902, 190 7+No report i ssued 1884-87 , 93 .

Bulletin . U 190 7+ V. 1+Catalogue of the annual exhibition of water colors , pastels , 81 miniatures .

U 190 7 , 10+ V . 19, 22+see also Soc1ety of western artists , Chicago .


Chicago banker . Chicago . U 1 908+ V . 24+Chicago Bibliographical society . Yearbook. U 1899-190 3“V . 1 -4HMerged into Bibliographical society of America .

Chicago blue book . U 1904+ v . 15+Chicago board of trade . Annual report . U 1858-64, 666 8, 69+ v . 1 -6, 8-10 , 12+Chicago, Burlington Quincy railroad company. Annual report .

1857-59 , 62-64, 66-67 , 69+ V. 4-6, 9- 1 1 , 13-14, 16+Chicago Citizens

associati on . Annual report . U 1874-76, 87-88, 1906, 09+Chicago City club . City club bulletin . U 190 7+ V . 1+

Publication . U 1904+ n o. 1 -3Yearbook. U

Chicago city directory . (Lakeside ) U 190 4+C hicago city manual . U 190 9Chicago city rai lway company. Annual report . U 190 3 , 08+Chicago civic federation . Biennial report . U 1904+Chicago college of pharmacy, see Ill inois univers ity, Urbana— Pharmacy, Schoolof .

Chicago college of physicians surgeons , see I llinois university, Urbana—Medicine, College of.

Chicago commerce . Chicago . U 1909+ V. 5+Chicago Commercial national bank . C rop reports general business co



jd ition s.

190 5+Chicago correspondence school of l aw . Catalog . UChicago da i ly farmers

81 drovers’ j ournal . U 1906+Chicago daily news almanac . U 1885- 1900 , 1902+Chicago dairy produce . U 1897+ [v . 4 9+C hicago entomological society. O ccasw n al


memoirs . N 190 0 , v. 1 , n o. 1

Chicago evening U M ay 1909+Chicago examiner . UChicago German society . Annual report . U v . 42

Chicago Great Western railway company . Annual report . U 1893+ V . 1+Chicago Hahnemann hospital . Annual report . U 190 5Chicago Harvard club . Yearbook. UChicago hi storical society . Report . U 190 0 -0 1 , 0 2+Chicago Home for the friendless , see also Home vis itor.Chicago home missionary and church extens ion society. Annual report .

U 1902-0 3Chicago house of correction . Report of the inspectors .

U 1894, 98. 190 5+ v . 23, 27 , 34+John Worthy school . Annual report U 190 7+ V. 8+

Chicago,Indiana 81 Southern railroad company . Annual report . U 190 6+ v. 1+

Chicago , Indian apoli s Loui sville rai lway company . Annual report .U 1898+ v . 1+

Chicago inter-ocean (daily) . U 1909+Chicago Iroquois club . Ann ual banquet. U 1882

Chicago j unction railways Union stock yards company. Annual report .U 1897—98, V . 78

Chicago-Kent college of law . Announcement . UAnnual register . U

Chicago kindergarten college . [Circular . ] U 0 1-0 3 ,Chicago kindergarten institute . Annual ci rcular. UChicago law institute . Annual report. U 1902

Chicago legal news . U 187 1-99 , V. 4-32, 42+Chicago l ibrarian . U 1872-73 , v. 1 , n o. 1 -2

Chicago live stock world (daily) . U 1906+Chicago manual training school . Catalogue. U 89-9 1 ,

Chicago Metropolitan west s ide elevated railway company. Annual report.U 190 1+ v . 2+

Chicago,Milwaukee 81 St Paul rai lway company. Annual report. Milwaukee .

U 1875+ V. 12+

Chicago New England society. Annual dinner . U 190 7Chicago Official railway guide . Chi cago . U


Chicago,Peoria 81 St Louis railroad company. Report. U 1897 Feb .

-Je ..

Reorganized asChicago

,Peoria 81 St Loui s railway company. Annual report .

U V . 1+Chicago Porkpackers

’ associ ation . Annual report of the packing of the West.U 1876, V . 1

Chicago public school art society . . Annual report. U 190 2, V . 7Chicago record herald (daily 81 Sunday ) . U 1909+Chicago reform school . Annual report. U 586 0 , V . 2, 4

-5Chicago reli ef 81 aid society. Annual report . U 187 1—72, v . 14


,Rock Island 81 Pacific railway company. Annual report .

U 1887 88, 90+ V . 78 ,10+

Chicago,St Paul 81 Kansas City rai lway company. Annual report .

U 1888 89, V . 2-


,St Paul

,Minneapoli s 81 Omaha rai lway company . Annual report .

U 1881 -84, 86, 88-99 , 190 1+ V. 1 -

4, 6, 8D- 19 , 21+

Chicago school of civics 81 philanthropy . Year book . U 190 7+Chicago schoolmaster . U [ 187 1 -72] [v . 4

-5 ]Chicago securities . U 190 1 , 190 7, v . 1 1 , 17Chicago South s ide elevated railroad company . Statement of traffic, earnings 81expenses . U 1899+

Chicago Sunset club . Yearbook . U 189 1-93 , 98-99Chicago teachers ’ federation bulletin . U [ 190 5-0 7 ] [v . 4

-6]Chicago telephone company . Directory for Chicago . U 190 7+Chicago terminal transfer railroad company . Annual report .

U 1898-

99, v . 1 -2, 4+Chicago, the great central market . (Chicago association of commerce . )

U [ 190 6 w ill [v 3 -6 n o mlChicago theological sseminary . Chicago seminary quarterly. U [ 190 1 0 7 ] [v . 1 -7 ]

R egister ( also called Catalogue, Year book) .

U 939 9, 1904-06, 0 7+Chicago traction, Board of supervis ing engineers . Annual report .

U 190 7+ V . 1+Chicago tribune ( dai ly 81 Sunday ) . U May 1880+Chicago tribune

s annual review of trade 81 commerce of Chicago . U 1870

Chicago tuberculosis institute . Annual report . U 190 7+ V . 2+Chicago Union league club . An nual report . U 1904

Exercises in commemoration of the birthday of Washington , Feb . 22 .

U 1897- 190 1 , 06+Chicago university . President’s report . U 1897-99, 190 2+

Register .U 68-72, 737 5. 80 -82,

new series 1892+Studies in classical philology . U 1895, V. 1

University of Chicago [alumni ] magazine . U 190 9+ V . 1+University record . U —190 5 , v . [ 1 ] 2-3 , [4] 5 , 7


9Commerce administration , College of. Publications . U 1904+ V. 1+Education, School of . Catalogue 81 general announcement .

U o6/o7, 08+Rush medical college .


Announcement .U 1900 -0 2, 0 5 , 0 7+

—Pulse ( sophomore annual ) . U 1894-95Yerkes observatory, Williams Bay (Wis ) Bulletin . U no . 18- 19

Publications . U 190 0+ V . 1+

Chicago veterinary college . Report . U 1896-98 ,Chicago women

s clubs— Vacation school 81 playground committee . Report .U 1898- 190 0 , o4

Chicago Young women’

s Christian association . Annual report . U 1877 ,7 82, 85 93

-97 , 99 190 0 , v . 1 , 3 4, 6, 9- 15 , 17-21 , 23 24, 26+Chicago see also, Field museum of natural history ; Hull house ; Jewish agriculturists

aid society of America ; John Crerar library ; Newberry library ;Western association of architects ; Western society of engineers .


Child study


mon thly. Chicago . U 1895 , [96- 190 1 ] v . 1 , [2-7 ]Children ’s aid society, New York City. Annual report .U 1855 , 57 62-64, 68-72, 74 77, 79-81 , 88, 190 1 , 0 3 , 0 5+ V . 3 , 5-8, 10—12, 16

20 22-25 , 127 -29. 36 49 , 5 1 53+Ch1ldren

s museum bu lletm, later, News , see“Brooklyn (N . Y . ) inst itute of arts

81 sciences .Chile Univers ity . San tiago . Anales . 1892-93 , 99+ v . 81 , 82—84, 85 , 10 2- 104, 10 6+Chile, see also un d er S antiago de Chile .

China medical j ournal . Shanghai . U 19 10+Chinese students

monthly . (Chinese students’ alliance of Eastern states, U. S .

A . ) Boston . U 190 9 v . 4+Choctaw , Oklahoma 81 Gulf railroad company. Report. U 1897Christian . (Barker. ) London . U 1843-48, v . 1 -4 (no . 1-91 )Continues Chri stian investigator .

Christian advocate . New York .

U [ 1885 -93 , 95-97, 99- 199 6 [v . 69 -62 ] v . 63 -68, 79 7 2.

Christian art . Philadelphia . U 190 7+ v . 1+V . 1 nos . 1 -3 called Magazine o f Christian art .

Christian E ndeavor, United society o f Official report of international con vention . U 190 5 , V . 22

Christian investigator . (Barker . ) London . U 1841-42 I I v . 1

Continued in the Christian .

Christian men . (Discip les of Christ ) Kansas city (Mo . )Christian science j ournal . Boston . U Ur 1905+ V. 23+Christian science monitor (d aily) . Boston U +Christian science sentinel . Boston . U


1902+ v . Ur 190 5+ v. 8+Christiania V iden skabs selskabet . Forhan dlin ger.

N 1861—62,65 , .86-

93 , 95+Oversigt . 7 N 1898-99

Christli ch- sociale blatter . Aix- l a—Chapelle, U 1870 94, 96 v . 3 24, 27 , 29

Christliches kunstblat‘

t fur k‘

i rche, schule, 81 haus . Stuttgart . U 1861

Chroniken der deutschen stad te, see K . Akademie der wissenschaften . MunichHistorische commission .

Chronique de France . Paris . U 190 0 04, V 1-5Chur (Switzerland ) , s ee also N aturforschen de gesellschaft Graubundens .Church association for the advancement .of the interests of labor, see also Hammer pen .

Ciel 81 terr .e Brussels . U 1898- 190 1 , v .

“18 [ 19-20 ]

Cigar makers’ inte national union of America . Proceedings .U 1885, 91-93, v . 16, 19-20

see a lso Cigar makers’ official j ournal .

Cigar makers’ official j ournal . (Cigar makers’ international union-oi America . )

New York ; Buffalo ; Chicago .

U [ 1880 , 83 , 95-98, 190 0 -06] [v . 6, 8, 1 1 , 15 , 20 , 22-23 , 25-3o]Ciment . Paris . U 1898+ V. 1+Cincinn ati (O . Annual reports of city departments . U 1882, 84, 88-90 , 92+

Education, Board of. Annual report . U 1886, v. 57Engineer department . Annual report . 1894- 1904, v. 38-48

Public library. Annual l ist of books added . U 190 2-06

Annual report . U 1866-73 , 76, 81+Library leaflet . U 1902+ no . 26+

U 1903-0 5”n o. 155- 163”‘N ater department . An nual report . U 1890 , 1906+ v. 5 1 , 66+

Cincinnati ( 0 . board of trade 81 transportation . Annual report . U 1882, V. 13Cincinnati (O . ) chamber of commerce. Annual report .

U 1853-55 , 59-61 63 78 80+ v 5 7, 1 1-13, 15-39 32+Cincinnati Engineers ’ club . Report . U 1897

Cincinnati,Hamilton Dayton railroad company. Annual report .

U 1885 , 190 0 -0 1 v . 38, 53-54

Cincinnati (O . ) lancet 81 observer. U 1878, V . 29

Cincinnati (0 . l ibrary society for the blind . Report . U 1902, 0 5


Cincinnati (O . ) mercantile l ibrary association . Annual report.”

U 1893 , v . 59Bulletin . U 190 5- 06, no . 1 -2

Cincinnati (O . ) New England society. Yearbook . U 190 4Cincinnati

,New Orleans 81 Texas Pacific rail-way company. Annual report .

U 1896+ v . 14+Cincinnati (O . ) price current . U 190 2+ v , 59+

Stati stical annual . U 190 2, 0 9+Cincinnati ( 0 ) quarterly j ournal of sci ence . U 1874-75“V. 1


Cincinnati (O . ) society o f natural h istory. Journal .U 1894+ V . N 1881+ v . 5+

Cincinnati (O . ) union Bethel . Annual report . U 1903-04, v . 38 39

C ihcin n ati ( 0 ) United Jewish charities . Annual report. U 1906+ V. 1 1+Cincinnati (0 ) university. Record . U 190 5+ ser . 1

,V . 1+

University studies . U 190 5+ ser . 2, V. N 190 5+ ser. 2, 4+Observatory. Publications . U 1880 V . 79 ,

1 1 I 5see also Teachers ’ bulletin .

Cincinnati , Washington 81 Baltimore railroad company. Annual report .U 1885, v . 3

In 1890 merged with Baltimore Ohio Southwestern railroad company .

C incinnati (O . ) Zoological society . Annual report N 1881 -83 , v . 8- 10

Cincinnati (O . ) s ee a lso Lloyd library.

Circolo matematico . Palermo ( Italy) . Annuario bibografico. U 190 8, 10+Rendicon ti . U 1884+ V . 1+


r . I llinois edition . Lapeer (Mich . ) U +Kansas edition . UMichigan edition . UMissouri ed ition . UWisconsin edition . U

Citizen . (American society for the extens ion of university teaching . ) Philadelphia . U 1895-98. v. 1 , 3 ,Continues University extension .

Citizens 81 farmers almanack . Phi ladelphia . U 1824Citizen ’s bulletin . Cincinnati . U 19 10+ v . 8+Citizens industrial association of America. B ulletin . Indianapolis . U 190 3 , no . 1

Proceedings . U 1904, V . 1

City 81 country almanac . Baltimore . U 1837City college quarterly, see New York (city) . College of the city of New York .

City government. New York . U 1896- 190 0”v . 1 -9 llContinued as Municipal j ournal 81 engineer .

City hall . (League of American municipalities . ) Des MoinesU 1908+ v 9+

Civic federation of New England . Bulletin . U 1906, 0 7 , no .

Civil 81 mechanical engineers ’ society. London . Transactions . U 190 2+ v . 44+Civi l engineer’s 81 architect ’s j ournal . London . U 1837-63 , v . 1 -26

Civi lin gen ieur. Freiberg. U 1848-

96, v . 1 -44 I IV . 1 -2, 1848—50 has title (Der) Ingen ieur.

Claremont (Calif . ) pomological club . Bulletin . N 190 9+ no . 1+Clarkson , Thomas , memorial school of technology. Potsdam (N . Y . ) Clark

son bul letin . U 190 4+ v . 1+Classical associ ation . London . Year’s work in class ical studies . U 190 6+Classical association of England Wales . Proceedings . London .

U 1904+ v. 1+Class ical j ournal . Chicago . U 190 5+ V . 1+Classical philology. Chicago . U 1906+ v . 1+Classical quarterly. London . U 190 7+ v. 1+Classical review . London 81 Boston . U 1887+ V . 1+Classmate . (Methodi st weekly for young people . ) New York. U 190 0 , v . 7Clay record . Chicago . G U 190 5+ v . 26+Clay worker . Indianapolis . G+ ; U 1889 , 1891+ v . 1 1

Clegg, s ee International directory of booksellers , 81 bi bliophi le’

3 manual .Clermont Ferrand (France) , see also, Société d

horticulture 81 de viticulture duPuy-de-Déme .


Cleveland Annual reports of the d epartments .U 1875 , 98—190 0 , 02, 08

(City) auditor . Finan ci al report . U 1875, 1909Civil engineer . Annual report . U 1878, 81, 86, 88 89, 90 , 98 -

,I 90 0 02

Education,Department o f . Annual report .

U 68 70 , 738 1, 85-89, 9 1 , 93 , 95 08 v . 16,

26 29. 32 34. 37-45. 47. 49- 53. 55, 57. 59 79 . 72

Public library . Annual report .U 1879, 81 , 84, 87-88, 90+ v . 16

, 19—20 , 22+Open shel f . U [ 1894 1900+ [v I n . ser . _v . 1+

Public works , Department of . Annual report . U 189 1 98- 190 0

Water works division . (Board of public service . ) Annual report .U 1857-69 , 7 1 , 73 77, 79-80 , 82+ v . 2- 14, 16 18-22, 24 25 , 27+

Cleveland 81 Pittsburgh rai lroad company . Annual report . U 1853 , 93 , v . 5, 45Cleveland bay society of America . Springfield ( Ill . ) American Cleveland baystud book . U 1889 v . 1 -2

Cleveland (O . chamber o f commerce . Annual reports 81 proceedings .

U 1867 , 94, 98 0 2+ v . 19 , 46, 50 52, 54+Cleveland

,Cincinnati , Chicago 81 St Louis 1 ailway company . Annual report .

U 1890+ v . 1+Cleveland

, C olumbus , Cincinnati 81 Indianapolis railway company . Annual report . U 1870 , v. 3

Cleveland, Lorain 81 Wheeling railway company . Annual report .U 1896-98, 190 0 , 0 2

Cleveland (O . ) Protestant orphan asylum . Annual report . U 1882, v . 30

Cleveland (O Z ) , see also Goodrich social settlement .Clinical reporter . St Louis . U 1888 97+ v . I , [2-

4, I I, [ I a 15+

Clinton (Mass . )— Bigelow free public l ibrary .

Annual rep ort . U 190 3+ V . 30+Club for colonial reprints . Providence (


R . I . ) Publications . U 190 3+ v . 1+Club men of New York . New York city . U 190 3 , v . 5Club worker . (National league o f woman workers . ) Boston . U [ 1904 ] [v . 5 ]Clydesdale horse association of

- Canada . Clydesdale stud-book of Canada .

U 1886 1902,v . 1 12

Clydesdale horse society of Great Britain 81 I reland . Clydesdale stud book .

U 1878+ v . 1- 19 , 25-26, 28+

Coal 81 coke . Baltimore . GCoal miners and operators of western Pennsylvan ia , Ohio , Indiana and I llinois .Interstate convention . Joint conferences . U 1899, 190 1-04, 0 6 v . 2, 4-7 , 9

Coal m ining institute of America . Proceedings . Greensburg (Pa . ) U 190 7+Coal trade, a compendium relative to coal p roduction prices , transportation

(Saward ) New York . U 1878-79, 83 84, 9 1-

92 v . 5-6, 10 - 1 1 , 18 I9Coal trade j ournal . N ew York . G U 190 2+ v . 41+Coast seamen

s j ournal . ( International seamen’

3 union of America . ) San Francisco . U [ 1895 0 9+ [v . 9 23+


s herd book, containing pedigrees o f improved shorthorn cattle . London .

U 1843+ v . 1+Cobden club . London . Leaflets on fai r free trade . U 1884, no . 1 - 19 , 3 1-41

List of members . U 1877, 80

Coffee exchange of the city of New York , see New York ( city) Coffee exchange .

Colbu rn ’s New monthly magazine, s ee New monthly magazme .

Cold Spring Harbor monographs, see B rooklyn institute of arts 81’ sciences .

C01d storage 81 ice trade j ournal . New York . U 1906+ v . 15+1906+ i s V . 33+ of Ice trade j ournal .

Coleccion de documentos in editos para la histori a de Espan a . 1842-95 , 1 I2V .

U has ordered

Colecc ion de escritores castellanos . U has orderedCollection complete des lois , décrets , ordonnances , réglemen s, avis du conseild’etat . (Du V ergier) Paris . U 1788+ v . 1+

Collection de documents inédits sur l’

histoire de la France . (M in istére de l’in

struction publique . ) 1835+ U has ord ered completeCollection de documents inédits sur



histoire économique de la revolut ionfrancaise . (M in istére de l

in struct1on publ1que . ) Paris . U 1906+ V. 1+


Colorado college,Colorado Springs . Publication : E n g1n eer1n g ser1es.

U 190 7+ v . 1+Language series . U 190 7+ v . 2, n o. 18+Social science series . U 1904+ v . 2+Science series . U 190 4+ v . 1 1 , n o. 39+ N 1890+ v. 1+

Studies . U -o4 | | v. 2, 5 , 8, 10Contin ued in Publ ication 1904+

Colorado ( state ) federation of labor. O ffic1al labor directory and manual .U 190 7

Report . U 1908+ v . 13+Colorado fuel 81 i ron company. Denver . An nual report . U 1904, v . 12

Sociological department . Annual report . U 190 3+Colorado ( state ) home for dependent 81 neglected chi ldren . Denver . Bien nialreport . U 190 6+ V. 7+

Colorado ( state ) insane asylum .o B ien n ial report . U 1899- 190 0 , 0 6+ v. 1 1 , 15+

Colorado ( state ) penitentiary. Canon City. Biennial report .U 1895

Colorado school for the deaf 81 blind . Colorado Springs . Report .U 1890 , 96- 190 0

Colorado school of mines , Golden . Bulletin . U 190 0+ V . 1+Quarterly . U 1906+ [v . 2+

Colorado scientific society . Proceedings . Denver . U 190 9+ V . 9+Colorado Soldiers ’ 81 sailors ’ home . Mon te Vista . Annual report . U 190 0 -0 1

Colorado Springs (Colo . )— Publi c health , Department of. Annual report .W 1904, 0 7 , V . 3 , 6

Monthly report . UColorado Springs (Colo . ) Chamber of commerce . Annual report . UColorado university. Boulder . Studies . U 190 2+ V . 1

,no . N 190 2+ V . 1+

Psychology 81 education , Department of . Investigations . U 190 2+ v . 1+Columbia (S . C . )— Public schools . Annual report . U 1908+ V . 26+Columbia engineer, see Columbia university— Mines , School oi— Engineering so



Columbia law review . New York . U 190 1+ V . 1+Columbia university. New York ( city) . Columbia spectator ( students

’ weekly) .

U [ 1888-

99 . 969 9 . I 9o2l lv . 23-25. 39-4I . 45 ]

Columbia university bulletin . U 1890 -98“no . 1-zollContinued asColumb l a univers ity quarterly. U 1898+ v . 1+Contributions to phi losophy, psychology 81 education . U 1894- 190 5”v . 1“Continued as Archives of phi losophy, psychology 81 scientific methods .Studies in comparative literature . U 1899+ n o. 1+Studies in English . U 190 0+ n o. 1+Architectural society. Year book. U 1904+Geological department . Contributions . U 1899, v . 9 , no . 65Library. Annual report . U 1862, 75, 84-86, 88Other years in President’s report .

Bulletin . U 1891 -95 , V. 2

Mines , School.

of, see School of mines quarterly .

En g1n eer1n g society . Transactions . (Columbia engineer . ) (Also calledYearbook . ) UObservatory. New York . Contributions .

U 1892,190 0 ,

0 1+ no . 1 -2 , 9 ptPhysical research, Ernest Kempton Adams fund for . Publications .

U 1906+ V . 1+Physicians surgeons, College of. Studies from the department of Physiology . U 1898+Political science faculty . Studies in history, economics public law .

U 1893+ V. 1+Teachers college . Contributions to education . U 190 5+ no . 1+

see also Teachers college record .

Columbiad . (Knights of Columbus . ) Hoboken”

(N . J . )Columbus Annual reports .

Auditor . Annual report .

(C i ty) civil engineer. Report.


Education,Board of. Annual report . U 1908+

Public improvements,Department of. Annual report. U 190 0

Water works . Annual report . U 1889-90 , v . 19-20

Columbus,Hocking Valley 81 Toledo rai lway company . Annual repa


ég vI 5 , V 5Columbus (O . ) horticultural society. Journal . N 1886+ v . 1 , 5 ,Comenius-gesellschaft . Leipzig . M ittheilun gen . U [ 1893 94 ] [v . 1-2]

Monatshefte. U 1892, 19o2, v . 1 -2 pt 2, [v . r1 ]

Comité international des poids 81 mesures . Paris . Proce s verbaux .

U 1876+ ser . 1 , v . 1+Commerci al America. (Philadelphia commercial museum . ) U 190 5+ V. 2+Commercial and fin an cial / chron icle . New York . U 1865+ V . 1+

Bank 81 quotation supplement . U 190 3+Bankers 81 trust supplement. U 1898+Cotton supplement . U 1897+Investors ’ supplement . U 1890 -93 , 95-190 3Quotations supplement . U 1895

- 190 2”Continued as Bank quotation supplement.Railway earnings section . U 190 9+State city supplement . U 189 1+Street railway supplement . U 1896+

Commercial handbook of Canada boards of trade register . (Heaton . ) Toronto .

U 1908+ V. 4+Commercial society of New York, see New York ( city) .

Commercial telegraphers ’ j ournal . (Commercial telegraphers’ union of America . )

Chicago . U [ 190 3 0 9+ [V . I 7+Commercial yearbook . New York. U 1896-97 , v . 1-2

Commission archeologica comunale . Rome, see Rome .Commission of colleges 1n New England on admission examinations . Annual report . U 1899 , V . 13

Common school almanac. New York. U 1839Commoner . (W . J . Bryan . ) Lincoln (Neb . ) U [ 1906 190 9+ [v . 6 V. 9+Commons . (Graham Taylor . ) Chicago .

U 1897 98, 190 1-oz, o4—Oct . 190 5 il V. 2, 6, 9 n o. 10“Combined with Charities , Nov . 190 5 , which later became Survey .

Commonweal . ( Socialist league . ) London . U [ 1885-90 ] [v. 1-6]Commonwealth . New York. U [ 1895-96] [v . 2-3 ]Communist, devoted to the reorganization of society on the basi s o f commonproperty. Buffalo (M o. ) U [ 187 1 -72] [v . 2]

Companion to the newspaper, j ournal of f acts in politics , statistics , 81 publiceconomy . London . U 1833-37 , v . 1-4

Companion to the Observatory, see O bservatory. London .

Compass . New York . U 1891-94, V . 1-3Compressed ai r . New York. U [ 1896 190 0+ [V. I 5+Comrade . (Sociali st monthly . ) New York . U 190 1 -0 5 , v . 1-4, n o. 4Concerning municipal ownership . New Y ork. U 190 6-0 9“V . 1

Concilium bibliograph icum, Zurich . An n otation es . 190 5+ V. 1+Card index to zoological literature . N 1896+

Concord (Mass . )— Free public l ibrary. Annual report . U 1909+Concord (N . H . ) —Public l ibrary. Annual report .

U 1895 V . 39-42, 44+Concord 81 Montreal railroad company. Annual report . U 190 0 , v . 1 1

Concours d’

ecole. Paris . U 1899- 190 1 , V . 1 -2

Concours publics d’

arch itecture. Paris . U 1895+ v . 1+Concrete. Detroit (Mich .) U 190 7+ v. 7+Concrete en gineering . Cleveland (O . ) U 08, [0 9 ] [v. 3 , [4]In Jan . 191 1 merged into Cement age .

Concrete rev iew . Philadelphia . GConference for education 1n the South . Proceedings . U 1898 02+ V . 1 3 , 5+Conference for good city government . Proceedings . U 1894+ v. 2+Congregational education society. Boston , see American education society.

Congregational library, see Boston , Congregational library .

Congregational yearbook . Des Moines . U 190 5+ v . 27+


Congres de l’

en seign emen t des sciences sociales . Paris . C-


rendu desséances 81 texte


des memoirs . U 190 1 , v. 1

Congres des économistes . Brussels . U 1847Congres géologique international . Comptes rendus . U 1878+ V. 1+

1878, v . 1 i ssued as Congres international de geologique .

Congres international d’

agricu lture . Comptes ren dus . U 1896, 190 5 , V . 4, 1 1

Congres international d’

education 81 de protection de l’

enfance dans la famille .

Rapports . UCongres international d

horticulture . [Rapports . ] U 1885 86Congres international de botanique . Résultats scien tifiques . U “

190 5Congres international de géographie commerciale . Comptes rendus . U 1878Congres international de géologique . Comptes rendus . U 1878”V. I llContinued as Congres géologique international .

Congres in tern atlon al de n av igat10 n 1n ter1eure . Comptes- rendus. U 1894, no . 6Congres international de zoologie . C ompte- rendu des s éances . N 1889+ v. 1+Congres international des métallurgistes . Compte rendu . U 1893 , 190 0 , 04Congres international des oeuvres institutions feminines . Compte rend-u .

U 190 0 , 2

Congres international des sciences geographie, see International geographic congress .

Congres national d’

in dustrie laitiére . Rapports comptes- rendus . Paris .

U 190 8, V. 3Congres national des syndicats 81 groups corporati f s ouvriers de France . Compterendu . Paris . U 1892, V. 5 .

Congres national du parti ouvrier . Compte rendu . Paris . U 1893 , v . 1 1

Congres soci ali ste international . Rapports . U. 1904, V . 6Congreso cien tifico latino - americano . Reunion . U 190 1 , V . 2

Congress of accountants . Proceedings . U 190 4Congress o f the advanced minds of the world, convened by Robert Owen . Lon

don . Report oi meetings . U 1857Congressional debates , see Register of debates .Congressional globe . Washington (D . C . )

U 1833 73“Cong . 23 , sess . 1 Cong . 42, sess . 3 | v . 1 -46HContinues Register of debates ; continued by Congressional record .

Congressional record . Washington, D . C. U 1873+ Cong. 43 , special sess . v . 1+Connaissan ce d es temps , see France— Longitudes , Bureau des .Connecticut (colony) . Public records 1636- 1776”U published 1850 -90 I I V . 1

Connecticut ( state ) . Public documents . _ U 190 0 - 1906

Adj utant general’s office . Report. U 18646 6, 94—95 , 190 1-03Agriculture, Board of . Annual report .

U 1866 v . 1 -26, N 1866 v . 1 - 17 ,Bank comm1ss1on ers . Report.

U 78 80 , 88-94, -96 1906, 08+Blind

,Board of education of the . Biennial report . U 1898- 1904

Building loan association, Commis sion on . A nnual report .U 1897 -0 3 , v .


1 -2, 5 -7Comptroller . Report . U 83 , 86-95 , 96-98, 190 3Dairy commissioner . Report .

U 1889 , 1898, 190 2, v . 2 , 8, 12

Diseases of domestic animals , Commissioners on . Report . U 1898, v . 1

Education, State board of . Connecticut school document .U [ 1893 1908+

Report . U 1857 , 62, 66-67 , 69-82, 84, 87+(State ) entomologist. Report . N 190 1+ no . 1+Factory inspector . Annual report .

U 1890 , 93 94, 96 06, V . 4, 7-8, 10 - 12



Geological 81 natural history survey . Bulletin .

U 190 5+ V . N 190 3+ V . 1+Governor . Messages . U 1826

Health,State board o f . Biennial report . U 1878, 81 -84, 86+ v . 1 , 4

- 7 , 9+Before 1906, V . 28 annual .Highway commission . Biennial report . U 1895+ v . 1+House of representatives . Journal .U 1838 40 42 45. 47-48 50 SI 52. 54. 58 62. 68-75. 89 85. 87. 89


9 I 959

9:190 3


Insurance department. Annual report . Pt . 1 : Fire 81 marine .

U 1872. 74-75. 77-78. SI -84. 86-9 I . 93-94. 97+ v . 7. I O

- I I . 13- 14. 172 0 , 22


Pt . 2 : Li fe , accident, etc . U 1874, 81 , 83 , 85+ V . 10 , 17 , 19 , 21+Pt . 3 : Fraternal . U 1896, 99-190 0 ,

0 2+ v. 32, 35-

36, 38+Directory of insurance compan ies in Connecticut U 190 6+

Labor statistics,Bureau of . Report . U 1885+ V . 1+

(State ) library . Biennial report . UPublic library committee . Biennial report . U 1893- 190 0 , V . 1 -3

Library notes . U 1904+ no . 1+Monthly book list . U 1904+ no . 1 -7 , 9+Public library document .

U 1894+ no . 2-

3 . 9. I I - I 2. I S. 23. 28. 3 1 . 35-36. 38, 40 -47. 49+

Q -

uartermaster-general’s office . Report . U

Railroad commiss ioners . Annual report . U 1878-80 , 82+ V . 26-28, 30+Senate . Journal . U 1840—42, 45 47 , 49

- 57,

59 , 62 64 65 , 6 -7 -73 . 75—76 79 83. 85. 87. 89 9 1 95 . 99.I 99 3 9 5. 0 9+

Sewage commis sion . Annual report . U 1898- 1903 , V . 1 -4Shell fish commis s ioners . Report . U 1884 , v . 4Supreme court . Reports of cases . U 1785+Tax commissioner . Information relative .to the assessment 81 collection o ftaxes . U 190 7+Treasurer . Report . U 77/78Vital statistics , Bureau of . Registration report of births , marriages , di~vorces, 81 deaths . U 1906+ V . 59+

Connecticut academy of arts 81 sciences (Yale university) . New Haven . Transactions . U I867+ V . N 1874+ v . 3+

Connecticut agricultural exper1men t station . New Haven . Annual report.U 1877 , 79 , 81—82, 84+ V . 1 , 5 ,

—6 N 1881+ v . 5 6, 8- 14, 16+Bulletin . U 1877+ n os . I , 15, I 7 19, 21 , 23-30 , 32

-67 , 69, N 1889+no . 98-99 , 104, 1 16- 17, 1 19 123 , 125+

Connecticut ( state ) agricultural society . Transactions . U _ 1854 56

Connecticut ( state ) board of trade . Report of proceedings o f annual meetings .U 190 5+ v . 16+

Connecticut civi l engineers ’ 81 surveyors ’ association . Proceedings .

U 1885+ v . 1+Connecticut common school j ournal . Hartford .

U [ 1856-60 ] [ v . 1 1 13 , [ 14 11. ser . [v . 3 5 , [6- 7 ]Connecticut .dairymen

s association . Proceedings . U 1897-99 , v . 16- 18Connecticut historical society. Hartford . Annual report . U 1908+

Collections . U 1892-

96, V . 4 5 ; U has ordered restConnecticut hospital for the insane . Midd letown . Report . U 1893+ v . 25+Connecticut hospital for the insane .

Norw ick . Report . U 1906, v . 1

Connecticut industrial s chool for girls . . Middletown . Report .U -27 , 32 33

Connecticut ( state ) pr1son . Wethersfield . Report of directors . UConnecticut river company . Report . Hartford . U 1826Connecticut river railroad company. Annual report. U 1890 , V. 46Connecticut society of civi l engineers . New Haven . Papers and transactions .

W 190 7+ v . 23+Connecticut Storrs agricultural experiment station . Storrs . Annual report .

U 1888+ V. N 1889+ v . 2+Bulletin . U 1888+ n o. N 1888+ no . 1 3 7-9, 12- 13 , 1 5+

Conrad Poppen husen association . Annual report [educational ] . A lban jl


J(N .Y . )1899 -94

Conscience , a magazine for the advancement of higher Christian thought .Berthoud U [ 190 0 ] [v . I ]

Conservation . (American forestry association . ) Washington (D . C . )U I 9OS 0 9“v I 4

—I 5 IIContinues Forestry 81 i rrigation , continued by American forestry. 55 )Conservative, a j ournal devoted to the discussion o f political , economic 81 tiological questions . Nebraska city. U [ 190 1 -0 2] [v . 4 ]

Conservator . Philadelphia . U [ 1895 , 97- 190 5 ] [v . 6, 8- 16]


Constantinople (Turkey) . American college for gi rls . Report . UConstruction , a j ournal for the architectural, engineering 81 con tracting interests

of Canada . Toronto . U 190 7+ v. 1+Construction moderne . Paris . U 1885+ V. 1+Consumers ’ league of the city of New York. Report .

U 1899- 1900 , 02-0 5 , v . 9 10

, 12- 15

Contemporary review . London . U 1866+ V . 1+Continental Dorset c lub . Sheep record, Springfield ( Ill . ) etc .

U 190 0+ v . 1-5, 8+Contributions from the U . S . national herbarium, see U . S . National herbarium .

Contributions to American ethnology, see U . S r —Geographical 81 geological survey of the Rocky mountain region .

Contributions to American paleontology. (Ulrich ) Cincinnati . U 1886,v. I

Contributions to the botany of Vermont, see Vermont university.

Cook county ( I ll . )— Poor relief department . Annual report . U 1909 .

Public instruction , Department of. Biennial report of the superintendent .U 1862, 1882+

Cooper research laboratory. Berkhamsted (E n g ) Journal . N 1909+ no . 1+Cooper union

,New York city . Annual report .

U 1859-61. 68-71 . 72-75. 78+

Co-operative association of America, see also Co-operator.

Co- operative brotherhood, see a lso Co-operator .Co-operative congress . England . Annual report. U 1884, V . 16

Inaugural address . U 1885-86, V . 16 18

Co-operative j ournal . Oakland (Cal ) U [ 190 1 , 0 3 - 0 7 ] [v . 1 , 3-7 ]

Co-operative magaz ine 81 monthly London . U 1826, v . 1

Co-op_erative news of America . New York . U [ 1887 ] [v . 1 ]

Co-operator . (Co-operative association o f America . ) Lewiston (Me . )U [ 190 1 ] n o. 2-3

Co—operator . (Co-operative brotherhood . ) Burley (Wash )U [ 190 0 9

04- 0 5 ] [V 2, 8) 9 ]

Coopers ’ international j ournal . (Coopers’ international union of North Ameri

ca . ) Kansas city (Kan . ) U [ 190 3 , 0 6] [ v . 1 2, 16]Cooper ’s j ournal ; or, Unfettered thinker plain speaker for truth


progress . Lon don . U [ 1850 ] [_v . I ]Copenhagen (Denmark ) . R egn skab 81 beretn in g om kommun en s an liggen d er.

U 190 8-09S tatistiske oplysn in ger. U 190 3 0 7see also Dansk geologisk foren in g. K. Dan ske V iden skabern es selskab .

K . Nord iske old skriftselskab.

Copper handbook . (Stevens ) Houghton (Mich . ) U 190 3 , 06+ V. 4, 6+Copper range consolidated company. Annual report . Boston .

U 1909+ v . 8+Cornell civil engineer . Ithaca (N . Y. ) U 190 7+ v . 15+Continues Cornell univers ity —Association of civil engineers . Transactions .

Cornell university . Ithaca (N . Y . ) Alumni news . U [v . 9- I O .HBulletin ( science ) . U V . 1

,no . 1 2 ; N 1874 97”v . 1-3 , no . 1”

Cornell era . U [ 1893 , 98-99 , 190 7 ] [v . 25-26, 3 1 , 39 ]Cornell magazine . U [ 1893 , 97 ] [v . 5 ,Cornell widow . U [ 1896] [v . 2]Corn ellian . U 1894Studies in class ical philology . U 1887+ V. I , 3 - 15 , 17+Agricultural experiment station . Report . U 1879-85 ll v . 1

Reorganized 1888 as New York ( state ) , Cornell agricultural experimentstation .

Association o f civi l engineers . Transactions . U 1893- 1906”V . I - I4H‘

Continued as Cornell civi l engineer .Electrical society 81 Society of mechanical engineers . Proceedings .

U 190 1-0 4 , v . 9- 1 1

Library. Bulletin . U 1882

Librarian ’s report . U 1886-88, 90 o7/o

o8+New York ( state ) college of forestry. Annual report . U 1898- 190 1 , V . 1 -4

Cornhi ll magazine . London . U 1860+ v. 1+



Cornwall (Eng . see also Royal geological society of Cornwall .Corporation bulletin . New York. U 190 7+ V. 4+Cosmopolis . London . U 1897 98, V . 5- 10

Cosmopol itan . Rochester ; Irvington ; New York .

C 189 1+ V . U 1895+ v . Ur +Costa Rica— Fomento , Mini sterio de . Memoria de fomento . U 1908

I n struccion publica, Ministerio de . Memoria . U 1908+Cotswold sheep society. Cirencester (En g ) Flock book. U 1892+ V . 1+Cottage gardener . London . U 1849-6I H V . 1 -z5 llContinued as Journal of horticulture .

Cotton growers 81 merchants assoc1at10 n . Proceedings of convention . Nashvi l le(Tenn . ) U 1892

Cotton seed . Atlanta (Ga . ) U 1906+ V . 1 , no . 2+Council o f supervisors of the manual arts . Yearbook . New York Worcester .

U 190 1+ V . 1+Country, time 81 tide, magazine of a more profitable interesting countryli fe . Montague (Mass . ) U [ 1904] [v . 7 ]

Country calendar . New York . U 190 5 I| V . I“Merged in Country li fe in America .

Country gentleman . (Agriculture ) Albany (N . Y . ) U 58+ [v . 10+1866-97 , V . 27-62 had title Cultivator coun


t ry gentleman .

Country li fe . London . U 1897+ v . 1+Country l ife in America . New York . C 190 1+ V . 1+ U 190 2+ V . 2+Courrier Européen . Paris . U 1906, v. 3Course of study. (Chicago

-institute ) Chicago . U 190 0 , v . 1

Court of honor . (Fraternal insurance societies . ) Springfield ( Ill . ) UCraftsman . London . U 1 726-36, v . 1 - 14Craftsman . (Stickley) Syracuse (N . Y . ) U 190 1+ V . 1+Creamery j ournal . Waterloo ( Ia . ) U +Crisis ; or, The change from error 81 misery to truth happiness . (Owen )London . U 1832-

34 V . 1

After v. 2, n o. 15, title was C ri s i s 81 national co-operative trades union .

gazette .

Critic . New York. C 1890 - 1906 ] v. 13-

49 I ; U 1881- 19061] v . 1

Continued as Putnam’s monthly.

Critical review . London . 1756- 180 5 , ser . 1, 7ov ; ser . 2

,v . 1 -32, 34-39 ; ser . 3 ,

v . 1 -2, 4 . U has orderedCrockery 81 glass j ournal . New York . U 1906+ V . 63+Croquis d ’

architecture . ( Intime club . ) Paris . U 1866 98”v . 1

Croyden (Eng .

— Pub1ic l ibraries . Annual report . U 190 9+ v . 21+Reader

s index . U 1899+ v . 1+Crucible steel company of America . Annual report . U 190 3 , V. 3Cuba Agricultura , commercio 81 trabaj o, Secretaria de . Boletin oficial .

U 1906+ [v . 1 7+Census . U 1899 , 190 7Estado, Secretaria de . Boletin oficial . U 190 9+ v . 6+Hacienda, Secretaria d_e . Boletin oficial . U 19 1 0+ v. 3+Sanidad 81 ben eficen cia, Secretaria de . Boletin oficial . U 190 9+ v . 1+

Cuba, see also un d er Havana .

Cultivator. Albany (N . Y . ) U 1834-41 , 1843-64, v . 18 ,10 -3 1

After v . 33 ( 1866) continued asCultivator 81 coun try gen tleman ; see Country gentleman .

Cultivator ’s almanac 81°

cabinet of agricultural.

knowledge . Boston . U 1841Cultura : Revista di scienze , lettere arti . (Roggero Bonghi . ) Rome .

U [ 190 2] V . [21 ]Cultura espanola ( formerly Revista de Aragon ) . Madrid . U 1906-0 91] no . 1

Cumulative book index . Minneapoli s .U ( annual n o. ) 190 3+ V . U Monthly no .

Cumulative book review digest, see Book review digest .

Cumulative index to periodicals . Cleveland . U 1896-July 190 3”V . 1 -8, n o. 7”Combined with Reader

’s guide.Current events index . (Wisconsin library commission . ) Madison . U 1909+Current law, a complete encyclopedia of new law . St Paul . U 190 4+ V . 1+


Current literature . New York . . C 190 7+ v . U 1898+ V . 23+Current news . (Philadelphi a electric company . ) .Philadelphia .

U 190 9+ v. 1+Curtis ’s Botanical magazine . London . U 1787+ v . 1+Customs tariffs of the world, see Kelly’s customs tariffs .Cuyahoga county (Ohio ) , see a lso Early settlers

’ association .


review of current h is tory. Buffalo . U 1894, v . 3Cyprus— Agriculture, Department of. Annual report . U 190 1 -0 3 , 08+Continues Gen n ad ius, P . G . Report on the agriculture o f Cyprus .

Cyprus j ournal , a monthly review of the agriculture, industries , 81 archaeology ofCyprus . Nicosia .

Czernowitz (Austria ) un iversit'

at . (K. K . Franz-Josephs-un iversitat . ) V erzeichniss der é ffen tlichen vorlesungen . U 1908+

Daily ma i l yearbook, see London dai ly mail .Daily news almanac, see Chicago daily news almanac .Dairy . London . U 1894-9 7, [98, 190 1 08+ v . 6—9, [ 10 , 13 20+Dairy world 81 Briti sh dai ry farmer . London . UDakota (territory) —Supreme court . Reports of cases . (Dakota reports . )

U 1867-9o| | v . 1

Continued as North Dakota reports ; 81 South Dakota reports .Dalhousie college 81 university . H alifax (N . S . ) Calendar . U 1897- 1902

Dallas (Tex . ) —Public library. Annual report . U 190 7+ v . 7+Dania ; tid sskri ft for .dansk sprog 81 l itteratur samt folkemin der. Copenhagen .

U 1892- 1903 , v . 2- 1 0

Continued by Dan ske studier .Dansk bibliographie . (Host ) Copenhagen . U 1845-53 , v . 3

- 1 1

Dansk bogfortegn else . Copenhagen . U 1889-90 , V . 39—40

Dansk geologisk foren in g. Copenhagen . M eddelelser. U 1894+ v . 3+Dansk tid skrift . Copenhagen .


U 1898 -06Dan ske studier . Copenhagen . U 190 4+ v . 1+Continues Dania .

K . Dan ske V iden skabern es selskab. Copenhagen . Oversigt over forhan d lin ger.

N 1865Dante society. Cambridge (Mass . ) Annual report . U 1892-94, 96+ V . 1 1 -27Danvers (Mass . )— Peabody institute — Library . Annual report . U 1886+ v . 20+

Bulletin . U 190 0+ V. 1+Danville ( I ll . )—Public l ibrary . Annual report . U 1909+ v . 26+Danzig (Germany) N aturforschen de gesellschaft . Schri ften .

U 190 5+ n . ser. v . 1 1 pt 3 , 12 pt 2+see a lsoWestpreussischer botanisch - z


oologischer verein .

Darmstadt (Germany) Gartenbauverein . Monats schri ft . U +Darmstadt (Germany) , see a lso Histori scher verein fii r das grossherzogtumHessen .


of the American revolution . Report . Washington (D . C . ) ( 1 -9 inSenate documents . ) U 190 7+ V. 10+

Davenport ( Ia . ) -Public l ibrary . Annual report . U 1904+ v . 2+Daven port ( Ia . ) Academy of national sciences. Proceedings . U N 1867+ v.



,a j ournal o f Christian social reform . Boston . U [ 1889—9 1 , 94] [v . 1-3 , 6]

Dayton (O . )— Public library 81 museum . Annual report . U 189 1+ V . 30+Water works , Trustees of the . Annual report . U 1891 , V . 22

Dayton (O . ) Chamber of commerce . Greater'

Dayton . U +Report . U

Dayton (O . ) Employers’ as sociation . Report of officers. U 190 1 -0 4

Dearborn medical college, Chicago . Catalog . UDecatur ( I ll . )— Education , Board of. Annual report . U 190 9+ V. 44

Free public l ibrary . Bulletin . U 1904+ V . 1+Decorah ( Ia . ) posten . U +Decorator 81 furnisher . New York . U 1883 -

94, [95-98] V . 3-26, [27 , 29-32]

Dedham (Mass . )— Public library. Annual report . U 1899- 1900Dekorativ kunst . Munich . U 1897+ V . 1 -4, 6, 8+Dekorative vorbilder . Stuttgart . U 1890+ V . 1+Delaware— Agriculture , State board of . Annual report . U 190 3

-04, 11 . ser . v . 3-

4 .

Auditor . Annual report . U 1896

Chancery,Court of . Reports of cases . U 1814+ V. 1+


Deutsch-amerikanische typographia . New York . Jahres bericht .U 98- 190 0 v . 22


Deutsch fran zosische jahrbu cher. (Ruge Marx . ) Paris . U 1844”Deutsche bauzeitung. (Verband deutscher architekten 81 ingenieur-vereine . )Berlin . U 1867+ V . 1 -39, 41+V . 1 called Wochenblatt des arch-vereins zu Berlin .

Deutsche botanische gesellschaft. Berlin . Berichte . U 1883+ V . 1+Deutsche chemische gesellschaft . Berlin . Berichte . U 1868, 70+ v . 1 , 3+

see also Chemisches zentralblatt .Deutsche dichtung (Fran zos . ) Stuttgart . 1886—1904, v . 1—35 . U has orderedDeutsche entomologische zeitschri ft . (Deut sche entomologi sche gesellschaft . )Berlin . N 1877 80 1] V . 2 1 2 4”After 1880 resumed title Berliner entomologische zeitschrift .

Deutsche entomologische zeitschri ft“I ris .” (Entomologischer verein Iris .Dresden . N I 889+ v . 2+

Deutsche geologische gesellschaft. Berlin . Zeitschrift . (Abhandlungen . )G U has ordered complete

Deutsche geschichtsblatter. Gotha . U 1899+ V. 1+Deutsche gesellschaft fiir anthropologie , ethnologie, 81 urgeschichte . Berlin .

Korrespondenz blatt. Munich , Berlin . U 1870+ V . 1+Verhandlungen . U 1873-74, 80 , v . 4

-5 , 1 1

see also Archiv fur anthropologie .

Deutsche gesellschaft f li r natur 81 volkerkun de ostas iens . Tokyo . Mittei lungen .

U 1873+ V. 1+Deutsche kunst 81 dekoration . Darmstadt . U 1897+ v . 1+Deutsche landwirtschaft-gesellschaft . Berlin . Mitteilungen . U 190 0+ v . 15+Deutsche literaturzei tung. Berlin . U 1880+ v . 1+Deutsche litteraturden kmale des 18 19 j ahrhunderts . Heilbronn .

U 1881+ V . 1+Deutsche mathematiker-vereinigung . Leipzig ; Berlin . Jahresberi cht .

U 1890+ V . 1+Ergan zun gsban de . Leipzig . U 1906+ v. 1+

Deutsche mechaniker-zeitung ; beiblatt zur Zeitschrift fur instrumenten-kunde .Berlin . U 1898+

Deutsche medizinische wochenschri ft . Berlin . U 1890+ v . 16+Deutsche merkur . Frankfurt . U 1773 -82, v . 1—40

Continued by Neue teutsche merkur .Deutsche national l itteratur. (Kiirschn er) Berlin . U 1882-

99 , V . 1 -81 , 89 , 1 18 163Deutsche obstbauze itun g. Eisenach . U 19 10+ v . 56+Deutsche physikali sche gesellschaft . Berlin. Fortschritte der physik . Berlin ;Brunswick . U 1845+ v.

1+Halbmonatliches literaturverzeichnis der Fortschritte der physik .

U 190 4+ V . 4+Verhandlungen . U 1882+ v . 1+

Deutsche pionier . Cincinnati (0 ) U v . 1—18 llDeutsche revue . Stuttgart . U 1876+ V .


I +Deutsche rundschau . Berlin . U 1874+ V . 1+Deutsche schule . Leipzig . U 190 9+ V. 13+Deutsche Shakespeare gesellschaft . Berlin . Jahrbuch . U 1865+ V . 1+Deutsche techniker-zeitung . Berlin . 19 10+ V . 27+Deutsche texte des mittelalters . (K. Preussische akademie der wissenschaften . )Berlin . U 190 5+ V. 5 , 8- Io, 12+

Deutsche viertelj ahrsschri ft . Stuttgart . U 1847 , v . 3 , no . 39Deutsche volkslied : zeitschri ft fiir seine kenntni s pflege . (Deutscher volksgesang-verein in Wien . ) .Vienna . U 1908+ V . 10+

Deutsche w irtschafts zeitung . Berlin . U 190 7+ V . 3+Beilage , s ee also Handels hochschul nachrichten .

Deutsche zeitschrift fur geschichtswissenschaft. Freiburg. U 1889 v . 1

Continued as Histori sche v iertelj ahrschri ft .

Deutsche zoologische gesellschaft. Leipzig . Verhandlungen . N 189 1+ V . 1+see a lso Zoologischer anzeiger .

Deutschen mundarten . (Pan gkofer ; Fromman n . ) Nuremberg .

U 1854-77, V. 1-7


Deutscher baukalen der. Berlin . U 190 7 , V . 40Deutscher j ournal katalog . Leipzig. U 190 1 , 0 5, 08+ V . 37, 41 , 44+Deutscher lan dw irthschaftsrath . Berlin . Archiv. U 1876-85 , V. 1 -9Deutscher litteratur—kalendar . (Kiirsch n er. ) Eisenach . U 1893+ V . 15+Deutscher seefischerei-verein . Berlin . Mitteilungen . N 1898+ v . 14+Deutscher verein fiir armen pflege wohlthatigkeit . Leipzig . Schriften .

U 1886+ V . 1+Deutscher verein fur versicherun gs-wissenschaft . Veroffen tlichun gen .

U 1906, no . 10 1 1

K. Deutsches archaeologisches institut in Athen . M ittheilun gen . Athens .U 1876+ V . 1+


archiv fur klinische med icin . Leipzig . U 1865+ v . 1+Deutsches akademisches j ahrbuch . Leipzig . U 1877 , V. 2

Deutsches handels - archiv . Berlin . U 190 2+Deutsches j ahrbuch , see Meyers Deutsches j ahrbuch .

Dial . Chicago . C 1897- 190 3 , 0 7+ v . 22-35 , U 1880 -82, 1883+ v . 1 -2, 4+Dialect notes . New Haven see American dialect society .

Dietetic 81 hygienic gazette . New York. U 1902- 0 7 , V . 18-23

Digest of physical tests 81 laboratory practice . Philadelphia . U 1896-98“V. 1

D in gler’

s polytechnisches j ournal . Stuttgart ; Berlin . U 1820+ V. 1+1820 -74, v . 1 -21 1 has title Polytechnisches j ournal .

Diplomatic fiysh eets . (Diplomatic revi ew . ) London . U [ 1887 ] [v . 5]Diplomatic review . Sheffield 81 London . U 1858-68, 72, v . 6- 16, 20

V . 1 - 14 have title Free press .Direct legi slation record . Newark (N . J . ) U [ 1896, 1902 [v . 3 , 8

Directory of d irectors'

in the city of Chicago . (Audit co. of N . Y . ) Chicago .

U 190 0- 02

, 0 5 , V . 1-2, 5Distilling company o f America . Report . U 190 1

District of Columbia— Appeals , Court of. Reports o f cases . U 1893+ v . 1+Auditor . Report . U ,1886/88 95- 190 0 , 0 6+Commissioners . Report UCounci l . Journal . U 187 1 -74, V. 2—6

Engineer department. Report of operations . U 1885-87 , 88 90 , 93 , 95-99

Fire department . Report . U 190 1 -2, o4-o5 , 0 7+Health, Board of . Annual report . U 1873 , 84-89, 93—94, 96+Insurance , Department of . Annual report . U 1902, 04

-06, V . 1 , 3-5

Legislative assembly— House of delegates . Journal . U 187 1 -72, v . 1 -2

Public library . Annual report . U 1898+ v . 1+Bulletin . U 190 7+ V . 1+Educational bulletin . U 1906+ no . 8+

Public schools , Board of trustees of. Report .U 1875. 87-88. 90 -92. 95-96. 98- 190 0

Street cleaning department . Report . U 1896, 98, 1900 , 0 2+Supreme court . - Reports o f cases . U 1840 -92 I I v . 6Continued as Court of appeals .

District o f Columbia Reform school . Report . U 1870 , V . 1

Dixon see also Rock River univers ity .

Documents d’

architecture-moderne . Paris . U V .

Domestic engineering ; j ournal of heat , light, 81 ventilation . Sydenham (HUgi

Domestic engineering ; plumbing, heating, ventilation , 81 mill supplies . Chicago . U 1909+ V . W

Dominican Republic— Hacienda 81 comercio,Ministerio de . Memoria . U 190 7+

Dominion , see a lso Canada .

Dominion annual register 81 review . Toronto (Can. ) U 1879-82,848 6.

Dominion (of Canada ) board of trade . Proceedings of the meeting .

U 1872. 77. v . 2. 7

Dominion short-horn breeders ’ association . Dominion short horn herd book .

Toronto . U 1886+ V. 1+

Dorchester (Mass . Annual report of the receipts 81 expenditures . U 1859 , v . 22

Dorchester (Mass . ) Taxable valuation of the real personal estates .U 55. 69


Dorpat (Russia ) I . Jurjevskij un iversitet . Acta 81 commen tation es .

U 1908+ V. 16+Naturforscher gesellschaft bei der un iversitat Jurjeff. S i tzungsberichte .

N 1899+ V . 12+Trudy ( schri ften ) . N 1902+ v . 10+

Dorset Horn sheep breeders’

association . Flock book of Dorse

Ut Horn sheep .

Dorchester (E n g ) U I 892+ v . 1+Dorset Horn sheep breeders


of America . Flock record of DorsetHorn sheep in America . Washington (Pa . ) U 1894

- 1904, V. 1 4Douglas Jerrold

s shi lling magazine . London . U 1845-48, v . 1 -7Dover (N . H . ) -Public library . Annual report .

U 1888, 90


97, 99+ v . 6, 8—1 5, 17+Bulletin . U 190 0 + v . 1+

Draftsman . Cleveland (O . ) U 190 2—0 5”v . 1 -4HCon tinued as (B rowning

s ) . Industri al magazine .Drainage j ournal . Indianapoli s . U 1894, 96, 98- 190 1 ; V . 16

,18, 20 -23

Drama ; or Theatrical pocket magazine . London . U 1821 -25 , v . 1 - 7Drapers

company research memoirs ; biometric series . London .

U 1904+ no . 1+Studies in national deterioration . London . U 190 6+ no . 1+

Dresden (Germany ) Entomologischer verein Iri s, see also Deutsche entomologische zeitschri ft

“I ris .”

Dresden (Germany) Naturwissenschaftliche gesellschaft Is is . S itzu n gsberichte . G 1876

Dresden (Germany) , see also Gesellschaft fur romanische literatur .Drew theological s eminary— Library. Madison (N . J . ) Report . U 1894+ v . 1+Drexel Institute . Philadelphia —Librarysch ool . Catalog . U 1892-95 , 97+Dry farming congres s . Bulletin . U 190 9+ v . 2, no . 2+

Proceedings of annual sess ion . U 1909+ v . 3+Dry goods economist . New York . U 190 3+ V . 57+Dublin phi losophical magazine , see London , Edinburgh Dublin philosophicalmagazine .

Dublin ( Ireland) University . Calendar . U 1906+Dublin univers ity magazine ; a literary and political j ournal . Dublin .

U 1833—80 , V . 1 -95In 1878 became The Univers ity magazine ; a literary philosophic review .

Dublin ( Ireland ) , see a lso I reland, Royal university of . Royal Dublin society.

Royal Iri sh academy.

Dubuque ( Ia .— Carnegie-Stout free publ ic l ibrary . Annual report .

U 190 7+ v . 5+Duluth (Minn . Annual reports . U 190 0

- 08

Mayor . Message . U 1904, 09Public library .


A n n ual report. U‘

1904-o6, v . 1 5- 17

Public works,Board of . Annual report . U 1890 , 93 -

96,98, v . 3 , 6—9 , 1 1

Duluth Minn . ) board of trade . Annual report . U 1887 , 95 , 190 1 , 0 3 , 0 7+Duluth , South Shore Atlantic rai lway company. R eport . U 1899- 1900 , 0 2+Dunlap society. New York . Publications . U 1887- 190 1 , v . I - n . ser . V . 1 5Dun’s review . New York . U 1902+ V . 1 0+Durham college of science . Newcastle-upon-Tyne, see Armstrong college .

Dusseldorf (Prussia ) handelskammer . Bericht . U 190 1 , V . 1

Dutch belted cattle association of America . Dutch belted herd book. Easton(Pa . ) U 1886+ v . 1+

Dutch Friesian association of America . Dutch-Friesi an herd bood . Utica

(N . Y . ) U 1880 —85”V . I

United in 1885 with the Holstein breeders’

association o f America to formHolstein-Friesian association of America .

Early Engli sh text society . London . Publications : original series .U 1864+ no . 1+

Extra series U 1867+ no .

Early settlers ’ association of Cuyahoga county . Cleveland (0 ) Annals .U 190 3 , v . 4, pt 6

East Cleveland (O . ) Annual reports . U 190 1

East Orange (N . J .

— Water commissioners , Board of. Annual report .


W 190 9+ V . 7+East St Louis ( I ll . )— Public library . Annual report .

U 1899- 190 3 , 0 5-0 6, V. 8- 12,1 5- 16

Eastern association of car service officers . Proceedings . U [ 1898- 190 0 ] 190 1 -09Eastern manual training association. Proceedings . Cleveland . U 1899- 190 1

Continues American manual training association .

Eastern rai lroad company. Annual report . U 1839-40 , 42-

44 , 46-52, 55- 56, 61 , 63 ,

66; 70 - 72 1 75 ; 82

- 84’ V ° 26;29 1 32) 536-

38, 4 1 ; 48-


Annual report of executive committee . U 1 867 -

79 , v . 1 - 12

Eau Claire (Wis . )— Public library . Annual report . U 1896+Eau Clai re (Wis ) trades 81 labor. council, see also Toiler .Ebering

,see Histori sche studien .

Eclairage électrique . Paris . U 1894- 190 7 I v . 1 - 18, 20 -23 , 25- 53 llContinues Lumiere électrique . In 1908 a new series began 81 title waschanged again to (La ) Lumiere électrique .

Eclectic engineering magazine, see Van Nostrand’s eclectic engineering magazine .

Eclectic “magazine of foreign literature, science 81 art . New York .

C 1882- 1902, V . 98- 139 ; U 1879, V . 92-93 , ( 11. ser . v . 29


30 )Ecole etc . , see a lso under name of city where located , as , Paris .Ecole francais e d

A thén es, see also Bulletin de correspondence hellénique .

Economic bulletin . (American economic association . ) Baltimore . U 190 8+ v . 1+Economic geology. (Mining, etc . ) Lancaster, Pa . ; Urbana ( Ill . )

G + ; U I 90 5+ V . 1+Economic j ournal . London . U 189 1+ V . 1+Economic review . London . U 1891+ V . 1+Economic studies . New York, see American economic as sociation .

Economist . (Bruyn Kops . ) The Hague . U 190 9+ v . 58+Economist, explanatory of the new system of society proj ected by RobertOwen . London . U 1821 , no . 1 -26

Economist, j ournal of political 81 social science . Cincinnati .U [ 1890 -91 ] [v . I ]

Economist, weekly commercial times , bankers’ gazette

,81 rai lway monitor . Lon


U 1843+ v . 1+Economist, a weekly financial, commercial 81 real- estate newspaper . Chicago .

U 1902+ v . 27+Economiste f rancai s . Paris . U 1873 - 190 0 , 0 2+ V . 1 -28, 30+Edinburgh (Scot . ) Actuarial society . Transactions .


U 2 . ser . [v . I -2.l 3 .Continued by Faculty of actuaries in Scotland .

Edinburgh (Scot . ) Botanical society. Transactions . U 1836+ V . 1+Edinburgh (Scot . ) geological society. Transactions .

G [ 1874- 190 3 ] [v . 2-4. 6 U 190 9+ v . 9. pt .

; 3+Edinburgh (Scot . ) j ournal of sciences . U 1824-

32“V . 1

Edinburgh (Scot . ) mathematical society . Proceedings .U 1883-88, 89+ v . 1 -6

, 8+Edinburgh (Scot . ) phi losophical magazine, see London , Edinburgh , 81 Dublinphilosophical magazine .

Edinburgh review . Edinburgh ; London . U 180 2+ V . 1+Edinburgh (Scot. ) Royal observatory . Annals . U 1906+ v . 2+Edinburgh (Scot . ) Univers ity . Calendar . U 1892-95 , 96+Edinburgh see a lso Royal Scotti sh arboricultural society . Royal societyof Edinburgh .

Edison monthly . New York . U 190 8+ V. 1+Education . Boston . U 1880+ V . 1+Education Costaricense . Heredia (Costa Rico ) . 190 9+ V . 1+Education gazette 81 teachers ’ aid . Melbourne 19 1 0+ V . 10+Education mathématique . Paris . U 1898+ v . 1+Educational briefs . Philadelphia . U 190 3+ no . 2+Educational “press bulletin . ( I llinois— Public instruction, Department o f . )Springfield . U 190 7+ no . 1+

Educational review . New York . C 1908+ V . U 1891+ V . 18 ,10+

Educational times . London , see ' a lso Mathematical questions from Educationaltimes .


Educational weekly . Chicago . U [ 1877-79] [V . 1 -6]Egoism . Oakland (Cali f . ) U


[ 1897 ] [v . 3 ]Egypt exploration fund— Graeco Roman branch . London . Publications .

U 1898+ V . 1+Eight hour herald . (Brick layers stone masons

union of Chicago . ) Ch icago .

U [ 1897 ] no .

Eisen-zeitung Berlin . U 1910+ [v . 10+Eisenbahn j ahrbuch der osterreichisch hun garischen monarchie . Vienna

U I 87 I -72. 78. v 4 5. 7. 9 . I IE ldora ( Ia . ) - Public library . Annual report . U 190 3Electric j ournal . Pittsburgh . V . 1 has title Electric club journal .

U 190 4+ V . 1+Electric railway j ournal . New York . U 190 8+ v . 32+Formed in June 1908 by a consolidation o f the Electric rai lway review, 81Street railway j ournal .

Electric railway review . Chicago . U 190 6 08”V . 16 I9HContinues Street railway review ; continued as Electric rai lway j ournal .

Electric traction weekly . Cleveland Chicago . U 1908+ V. 4+Electrical age New York . U [ 1902 o7-0 8 [v . 3o, 33 35 , 38

After 1910 , v . 41 , continued in Southern electrician .

Electrical engineer . New York . U 18821-99 v . 24 27“v . 2 has -title Electrician.

V . 3-6 have title Electrician 81 electrical engineer .

After Mar . 1 1 , 1899 , continued in Electrical world 81 engineer .Electrical engineering 81 telephone magazine . Chicago .

U 1893. 96-92 99- 199 0Hv I

. 78 .10 [ 13 ] 14

V . 1 . has title World’s F air electri cal engineering.

1893 98, v . 2- 1 1, have title Electrical engineering .

Continued after 190 0 as Telephone magazine .

Electrical news engineering j ournal . (Canadian ) Toronto .

U 190 9+ 19+Electrical review . London . U 1892+

v . 30+Continues Telegraphic j ournal .

E lectrical review 81 .Western electrician . New York ; Chicago . U 190 2+ V . 40+Before v . 53 , n o. 19 , 7 Nov . 190 8, known simply as Electrical review . NewYork .

Electrical trade . Chicago . U [ 1898- 190 73 0 8+ [v . 3Electrical worker . ( International brotherhood of electrical workers . ) Spring

field ( I ll . ) U [v . 7Electrical world . New York . U 1884-99”V . 3Combined with Electrical engineer , 1 1 Mar . 1899 to form

Electrical world . New .York. U I 899+ V . 33

Electrician . London . U 1878+ v . 1+Electrician 81 electrical engineer

, see Electrical engineer . N ew York .

Electricien . Paris . U 1881-96, V . 1 -26Electrochemical metallurgical industry . New York . U 190 2-09”V . 1 -7 | lV . 1 -2 have title

.Electrochemical industry ; continued as Metallurgical 81chemical engineering .

Elektrochemische zeitschri ft. Berlin . U 1894+ v . 1+Electro- chemist 81 metallurgist . (Faraday society . ) London .

U 190 1 . [0 2-04] l| v . 1 . [2-4l llElektrotechnik 81 maschinenbau . Vienna . U 19 10+ v . 28+Elektrotechnische zeitschri ft . Berlin . U 1880 + V . 1+Elektrotechnischer anzeiger . Berlin . U 1894, V . 1 1

E lektrotekn isk tidsskrift . Christiania . 190 9+ [v . 23+Elementary school teacher

.Chicago . U 190 0+ 3 , 5+

Elevator constructor . ( International union of elevator constructors . ) Chicago .

U [ 1903 0 9+ IV . I . 3 6+Elgin ( Ill . )—Water department . Annual report . W 190 9+Elgin ( I ll . ) board of trade . Annual stati stical report . U 190 7+ V. 36+Elgin ( I l l . ) dairy report . U 1904+ V . 14+Elisha Mitchell scientific society. (University of North Carolina . ) Chapel Hill .Journal


U 1887 96, 98 0 3 , 0 5+ V . 4- 13 , 15 pt 2- 17 pt N 1883+ V . 1+

Elizabeth (N . J .

— City counci l . Ordinances . U 190 5- 08

Elizabeth (N . J . ) Board of trade . Year book . U 190 7+ V . 1+

Elmhurst college . Du Page co. ( I ll . ) Jahrbuch des evangelischen prost



min ar

i190 3

Emancipation ; j ournal decon omie politique sociale . Nimes (France ) .

U 1886-92,V. 1 -6

Emerson college of oratory . Boston (Mass . ) Emerson c


ollege magazine .

U 19 10+ 19+Emerson monthly. (Emerson Electric manufacturing co . St Louis . UEngineer . Cleveland (O . ) U 190 2-Apri l 1908“V . 39


45 IlConsolidated with Power, Apri l 1908, 81 continued as Power the engineer .

Engineer . London . U 1856+ V . 1+Engineer . (Pennsylvania state col lege . ) State college . U 1908+ V. 1+Engineering

,London . C 1891+ v . U 1866+ v . 1+

Engineering 81 building record . New York . U 1887-90”v . 17 22”Continues Sanitary engineer . Continued as Engineering record .

Engineering mining j ournal . New York .

G + ; U 1872-73. 75 79. 80+ v 14-

.I6 19 27. W

Engineering association of the South . Nashvi lle (Tenn . ) Papers .U 1889- 1903 , 0 5+ V . 1- 14, 16+

Also called Publications ; and Transactions . W 190 5+ v . 16+Engineering-contracting . Chicago . G + U 1906+ V. WIn May

,1906, absorbed Contract news taking volume numbe r ; in July, 1907 ,

absorbed Engineering world .

Engineering digest . New York . U 1908- 09”v . 3-5 I I

V . 1 -2 have title Technic al l iterature .Consolidated with Industri al engineering .

Engineering index . Chicago 81 New York . U 1884+ V . 1+Engineering magazine . New York .

G 1896-97 , 190 5-0 7, V. 1 1- 12, 28-33 ; U 189 1+ v . W+Engineering mechanics . Philadelphia . U [ 1882 84—97 , [98-99 ]

1884-9 1 have title Mechanics .Engineering news . Chicago ; New York. U 1875+ V . 2+ WV . 1 -9 , 1874-81 have title Engineering news .V . 10—18, 1882-87 have title Engineering news 81 American contract j ournal .V . 19


48, 1888- 190 2 have title Engineering news and American rai lway j ournal .

Engineering record, building record 81 sanitary engineer . New York .

U 1887+Continues . the Sanitary engineer ; Engineering building record .

Engineering review . London . U 1904+ V. 1 0+Continues Fe ild en ’

s magazine .

Engineering review .f N ew York . U 190 0+ v . 1 0 no . 8-V . 14, 16+

Continues Heating 81 ventilation .

Engineering times . London . U 190 2, V . 7 -8Engineering world . Chicago . U 1906-24 May 190 7”[v . 4 5 , n o. 21”Absorbed by Engineering-contracting .

Engineers ’ club of Cincinnati , Philadelphia, etc . , see Cincinnati ; Philadelphia ; etc .


society of Pennsylvania . Journal . Harrisburg . U 190 9+ V . 1+Engineers

society of western Pennsylvania . Pittsburgh . Proceedings .G + ; U 1880 -82, 89+ V . 1 , 5+

England : Law reports . Admiralty 81 ecclesiasti cal courts (Bulwer ) .

U 1865 75“v . M“Chancery appeals (Hemming ) U 1865 V . 1

Chancery division . U 1876+ V . 1+Common pleas . U 1737- 1865Common pleas , Court of (Bulwer ) . U 1865-75”V . I - IollCommon pleas division (Bulwer) . U 1875-80 I I V . 1

Con tinued by Law reports . King’s or Queen ’s bench .

Crown cases reserved (Bulwer) . U 1865-75”v . 1 -2“Exchequer . U 1824-65”Exchequer, Court of (Bulwer ) . U 1865-75”V. 1 - Io| |


Exchequer divis ion (Bulwer ) .

Continued by Law reports : King’

s or Queen’

s bench .

House of Lords . Appeal cases .English I rish


appeal cases (Clark ) .

Scotch 81 divorce appeal cases .King’s or Queen

s bench .

Queen’s bench (Bulwer ) .

Queen ’s bench divis ion .

King’s bench divis ion .

Parliament . Public general statutes .Privy counci l appeals .

Probate 81 divorce,Court of

Probate divi s ion .


s courts . Equity cases0

U 1865- 75”v . 1 -zollContinued in Law reports : Chancery division .

En glische studien . Heilbronn Leipzig . U 1877+ v . 1+English catalogue of books . Lond on . U 1835+ v . 1+Engli sh ceramic society . Tunstall . Transactions . U 190 2+ V . 2+V . 1 -2

, i ssued by North Staffordshi re ceramic society .

English dialect society . London . Publications . U 1873 -

9 6 ll no . 1 -8o| |Engli sh Guernsey cattle society. London . Herd book . U 1885+ v . 1+Engl i sh histori cal review . London . U 1886+ V. 1+Engli sh law reports ( full reprint, 130 7 Edinburgh . U 190 0 + v . 1+En glish mechanic 81 world of science . London . U 190 9+ v . 90+English spelling reform association . London . Annual report . U 1882, v . 3Enoch Pratt free l ibrary. Baltimore (M d ) , see Baltimore (Md .

—Enoch Prattfree library .

Enseignement mathématique . Pari s . U 1899+ V . 1+Entomologica Americana . (Brooklyn entomological society . ) B .rooklyn

1885 90”V . 1 6Continues Bulletin of the Brooklyn entomological society, an d Papilio .

Entomological news 81 proceedings of the entomological section . (Academy ofnatural sciences . ) Ph i ladelphi a . N 1890+ v . 1+

Entomological society o f America . Annals . Ithaca (N . Y . ) N 1908+ V . 1+Entomological society of London . Transactions . N 1862, 65 , 7 1 , 76, 79 , 82, 84+Entomological society o f Ontario . Guelph 81 Lon don . Ann ual report .

N 1870+ v . 1+s ee also Canadian entomologist .

Entomologische l itteraturbl'

atter. Berlin . N 190 1+ V . 1

Entomologische nachrichten . Berlin . N 1883- 190 0”v . 9-26

Entomologische rundschau . Stuttgart . U 1909+Entomologische zeitung . (Stettin , Entomologischer verein . ) Stettin (Germany) .

N 1861+ v . 22-29, 43 , 46+Entomologischer verein Iri s , see Dresden .

Entomologisches j ahrbuch ; kalender fii r alle insektem- Sammler .N


N 1900+ V . 9+E n tomolOgisk tid skrift . (E n tomologiska foren in gen . ) Stockholm .

N 1880+ V. 1+E n tomologiske meddelelser. (E n tomologisk foren in g. ) Copenhagen .

N 1889+ V . 2- 5 ; ser . 2, V . 1+Entomologist . London . N 1883+ V . 16+Entomologist’s monthly magazine . London .

N 1864+ V . 1 5 , 9 - 12, 14, 18, 20 , 22+

Entomologist’5 record j ournal of variation . London . N 1895+ [v . 7 ] 12+Envelope series quarterly . (American Board of commiss ioners for Foreign Missions . ) Boston . U +

Epi scopal Methodist col lege , Lewistown ( Ill . ) Annual catalogue . UEqu i table li fe assurance society of the U . S . Report . U 190 5Equity movement , see Periodical letter on the principles 81 progress o f the“Equitymovement .Ergebni sse der anatomie 81 en tw ickelun gs-geschichte . Wiesbaden .

U 189 1+ V . 1+Abteilung 2 of Anatomische hefte .

U 1875'—8o| | v . 1

U 1875+ v . 1+U 1866-7sll V . I

U 1866-

751] v . 1 -2“-U 1 772- 1870

U 1865-75 I I v . I - I o lU I 875 v . .1 -45 I

U 190 1+ v . 1+U 1866+ v . 1+

U 1865-75

!V . 1 -6H

U 1865-75 v . 1

U 1875+ v . 1+


Exmoor horn sheep breeders ’ society . Flock book . Wi lliton (En g ). U 190 7+ V . 1+

Experiment station record see U . S .

— Experimen t’

station s,Office of .

Fabian news . (Fabian society . ) London . U [ 190 5 ] [v . 15 ]Fabian society, London . Fabian tracts . U 1884+ V. I , 5 ,

7 , 12- 15 , 19-29


-29 . 3 1-34. 36—38. 40 -5 1. 54-59. 61 -64. 67- 1 13. 1 15+Faculty of actuaries in Scotland . Transactions . London . 190 1+ v . 1+Continues Edinburgh Actuarial society .

Fair play, a radical monthly . Sioux city ( Ia . ) Valley Falls (Kan . )U 1888-89 [ 1889-91 ] V. 1 , [2]

Fairhaven (Mass . )— Millicent library. Annual report . U 190 2+Bulletin . U 190 1+ V. 3+

Fairmoun t Park art as sociation . Philadelphia . Ann ual report.U 1868, 95+ v . 1 , 24+

Fall River (Mass . )— Publ ic l ibrary. Annual report . U 1906+ v , 47+Watuppa water board . Annual report .

U 1875. 79-80 . 85. 87. 89—95. 97+ v. 1 . 5-6. 1 1 . 13. 15-21 . 23+Far East . Tokyo . U 1896, V . 1

Faraday society. London . Proceedings . U [ 190 4-0 7 ] [v . 1 -3 ]Transactions .

,U 190 5+ v. 1+

see a lso Electro-chemist 81 metallurgist .Farm 81 fireside . Springfield (O . ) N 1887+ v . 1 1+Farm 81 home . Chicago . (Western edition . ) U 190 3-0 8, V . 24

-29Farm home . Springfield (Mass . ) N 1888-98, V . 9- 1 1 , 13- 19Farm, field , 81 fi reside . Chicago .

U 1885-87 , 98- 19o6 ll V . 9-10 ,21 -27 , [28 N 1896- 190 6”V . 19

Earlier volume‘

s had title Farm,‘

field ,“81 stockman . Continued as National

monthly farm press .Farm implement news . Chicago. U 1899- 190 0 , V . 20 -21

Farm j ournal . Philadelphia . N 190 0+ V . 24+Farm p oultry . Boston . U 19 10+ V . 21+Farm world . Augusta (Me . ) Chicago. U +Farmer 81 fruitgrower of southern Illinois . Anna ( Il l. )

U 1882-86, [v . 6, [7-9]Farmer’s advocate 81 home magazine . London Ont . ) U 1906+ V . 41+Farmer’s almanac . New York . U 1816, 18, 29 , 41 , 47, 57 , 190 2-08Farmers’ bulletins , see U . S .

— Agriculture,Department of.

Farmers ’ gazette . Dublin ( Ire . ) U +Farmers

guide ; a weekly j ournal of progress ive agriculture . Huntington ( I n d )_U [ 1898, 1904

- 08] [ 10 ,16-20 ]


s magazine . London . U 1834-67 , V. 1 -95 (v . 1 - ser . 3 , v . 32 )Discontinued Ap ril, 1881 .

Farmers ’ mutual fire insurance company . Montpelier (V t . ) Annual report.U 1852-56, v . 2-6

Farmers ’ national congress of the United States . Official proceedings of theannual session . U 190 1+ V . 21+

Farmer ’s review . Chicago .

U 1883-93 , 97+ V. 10 - 16,18-24, N . 1888+ [v . 20+

Farmer ’s voice . Chicago . U 190 0 , 0 2-0 3 , 0 5+Farming. New York . U [ 1906 [v . .1

With V . 3 , no . 6, July, 190 7, merged into Garden magazine .Federal reporter . St Paul . U 1879+ v . 1+Federation .

“New York . U [ 190 0 -0 9 ] [v . 1 -5 ]

Fédération de l’

al lian ce francaise au Etats -Unis 81 au Canada . Congres annuel .U 190 5

Fédération nationale des syndicats d’

ouvriers coiffeurs de France 81 des colonies .Paris . Compte rendu des travaux -du congres nationale . U 190 3 , V . 5

Federation o f insurance institutes of Great Britain . London . Journal .U 190 0 -0 2

, V . 3 5Federation of organized trades 81 l abor unions of the U. S . Canada . Reportof annual session . U 1882-84, v. 2-

4Fédération Suisse des syndicats d elevage de la race tachetée rouge . Rapport degestion . Berne . U 1904+


Feild en’

s magazine . London . U 1899- 190 3”v . 1, 9”

Continued as Engineering review .

Fern bulletin . Joliet ( I ll . ) UFessenden’s s ilk manual practical farmer . Boston . U 1835-36, no . 1 - 12

Fes t-zeitung fii r das bundes- san gen fest des arbeiter-san gerbun des . St Loui s .U [ 190 3-O4] n o° 7

Feui lle des j eunes natural istes . Paris .U 1908+ ser . 4, V . 9+ (V. N


1890 -190 1 , ser . 3 , V. 20 -21 , 3 1

Field 81 stream . New York . N 190 5+ [v . 1 1 - 12, [ 13

Field Columbian museum , Chicago, see Field museum of natural history . Chicago .

Field museum of natural history . Chicago . Annual report . (Publications : report series . ) U N 1894+ v . 1+Publications ; an thropological jseries.

U v. 1 . [2 4-5. N 1895+ v . 1+Botan ical series . U 1895+ v . I , [2 N 1895+ v. 1

1IGeological series . U 1895+ V . 1 , [2 N 1895+ v .

Orn ithological series . U N 1896+ V . 1+— Zoological series . U 1895+ v. 1 -2, 4

-6, N 1895+ V . 1+Figaro, see Paris (France ) Figaro .

Filene co-operative association echo .

' Boston . U [ 1904-0 7 ] [v . 2-5 ]Filipino . Washington (D . C . ) U 1906, v . 1

Filson club . Louisville (Ky. ) Publications . U 1884+ V . 1 , 3+Financial America (daily) . New York . U 1910+ v . 34, n o. 83+Absorbed Wall street summary .

Financial half year . London . U 190 0 -0 1 , V. 1 -2

Financial red book of America . New York . U 190 3Financial reform almanack . London . U 1878-80 , 82, v . 14—16, 18Financial reform tracts . (Liverpool financial reform association . ) Liverpool .

Financial review . New York . U 1874+Financier, a dai ly record of the money markets , i nvestments trade . London .

U 1870 -85 , V . 1 -32

Finanz-archiv. Berlin . U 1884+ V . 1+Fire water engineering . New York . U 1894+ V. WFireproof magazine . New York U 190 2-04, 0 6- 190 7Hv . 1 -5, 8Fitchburg (Mass . )— Publ ic library. Annual report . U 1908+ V. 50+

Library bulletin . U 19 10+ [v. 9+Water commissioner


s . Annual report . W 1909+ v . 37+Fitchbu rg railroad company . Annual report.

U 1846—52, 55-56, 91+ V. 5- 1 1 , 14- 15 , 50+

Flagstaff (Ariz ) Lowell observatory . Annals . U 190 5+ V . 3+F letilt

er memorial library . Ludlow see Ludlow (Vt . ) Fletcher memorial1 rary .

Flint 81 Pere Marquette railroad company. Report ( including trafficU

reports ) .

Flora ; oder, Allgemeine botanische zeitung . Regensburg ; Marburg .

U 1888+ V . 7 1+Flora 81 sylva. (W . Robinson. ) London . U 190 3

-0 5 V. 1 -3Floral li fe . Philadelphia . U 190 3

-08 V . 1-6Merged into Household j ournal .

Flore des serres des j ardins de l’

Europe. Ghent (Belgium) .

U 1845-80 ll V. 1 -23”Florence ( Italy ) R . Stazione di entomologi a agraria . Nuove relazioni intornoai lavori . N 1899-1903 , ser . 1 , n o. 1 -2, 4

-6Florence ( Italy) , see also Societa entomologica italiana . R . Societa toscana diorticultura . Societa italiana delle scienze .

Florida— Agriculture , Department of. Biennial report o f commissioner .G 1897-98 ; U 1889-96 . 93+

Quarterly bulletin . U 1908+ V . 18+Attorney general . Report . U 190 1+(State ) chemist. Report . U 190 5-0 6, 08+Comptroller. Annual report. U 1852, 190 0 , 08+


Geological survey . Annual report. G V , 2

Health,Board of . Annual report . U 190 0+ v . 1 1+

Florida health notes . UPublic instruction

,Department of. Biennial report of the superintendent.

U 1883-87, 92+Railroad commission . Annual report .

U -

99, 190 1-0 5, 06+ V . 1 -2

, 48 , 10+Secretary of state . Report . U 1899-190 0 , 0 7+Supreme court . Cases adj udged. (Florida reports . )

U 1846—59 , 62+ v . 1

Treasury department . Report of the state treasurer . U 1903+Florida Agricultural experiment station . Lake City. Annual report.

U 1887-89, 90 -9 1 , N 1899+Bulletin . U 1888+ n o. N 1888+ n o. 1 -2, 4, 7, 10 -73 , 75+Entomologist . Report . N 1900 -0 1

Florida ( state ) bar association . Proceedings . U 190 7+ v . 1+Florida ( state ) federation of labor . Central union times . U 1908

Proceedings . U 1904-06, 08+ V . 4-6, 8+

State federation magazine . U 1909+Florist . London . U 1848-84, v . 1 -37v . 2-

3 ( 1849—50 ) entitled Flori st 81 garden miscellany ; v . 4- 14 ( 1851 - 56 )

Florist,fruiti st 81 garden miscel lany ; v. 15-37 ( 1862-84) Florist pomolo

gist .Florists ’ exchange . N ew York . U 1889-9 1 , 92+ V . 2-

3 , 5+Florists ’ review . (Weekly . ) Chicago . U 1897+ v. 1+Flour feed . Milwaukee (Wis ) U 190 1+ V . 1+Foed eral Americanmonthly, s ee Kn ickerbé


cker. New York,1865 , v . 66 .

Folia neuro-biologica . Leipzig . U 190 7+ v. 1+Folk- lore . (Folk- lore society . ) London . (Contains Transactions of Society. )

U 1878+ V . 1+Ser . 1 , 1878 82 (5V . ) entitled Folk-lore record , ser . 2, 1883-89 (7v . ) entitledFolk lore j ournal .

For folke barn ebaksamlin ger. Chri stiani a . U 190 9+ V. 3+For litteratur 81 kritik. Odense (Denmark) . U 1843-48, V. 1 -6


bes library, Northampton (Mass . ) see Northampton (Mass . )— Forbes lirary .

Forest Park ( I ll . ) Weekly eagle ; official paper of the vi llage . UForester . (American forestry association . ) Washington . U 1898- 190 1”V. 4

N [ 1895-19 10 ] [v 7 ]Combined with National irrigation continued as Forestry irrigation .

Forestry 81 i rrigation . (American forestry as soci ation ; National i rrigation assoc iation . ) Washington . U -

190 2 V . 8- 14H; N [ 190 2- 0 3 ] [v . 8—9 ]Continues as a combination of Forester ; National irrigation .

Continued as Conservation .

Formulaire de mathématiques . (Peano . ) Turin ; Paris . (Supplement to Revuede mathématiques . ) U 1896- 1903 , v . 2-

4Forschungen auf dem gebiete dcr agricultur—physik. Heidelberg.

U 1877 98”v . 1 -2ollForschungen zur brandenburgi schen preussischen geschichte . Leipzig .

U V . 1+Continues M arkische forschungen .

Forschungen zur deutschen gesch ichte, Munich , see K . Akademie der wissenschaften . Munich .

Forschu n gen zur neuern litteraturgeschichte . Munich . U 1896+ V . 1+Forsturssen schaftliches cen tralblatt. Berlin . N 1904, v . 26

Fort Wayne ( I n d ) Annual reports of departments . U 1897 , V . 2

Fortnightly review . London . U 1865+ v . 1+Fortschritte der chemie, physik physikalischen chemie . Leipzig .

U 190 9+ V . 1+Continues Physikalisch- chemisches cen tralblatt.

Fortschritte d er elektrotechnik . Berlin . U 1887+ v . 1+Fortschritte der medizin . Berlin . U has orderedFortschritte der physik, see Deutsche physikalische gesell schaft .


Forum . New York . C 1892- 190 2, V . 13-

32 ; U 1886+ V . 1+Forward . (Commercial club . ) Indianapoli s . UFoundry . Detroit 81 Cleveland . U 1897+ [v . 10 - 12

,I 4, 16+

France— Agricu lture , M in istere de l’

. Bulletin .

U 1883. 859 9 v 2 5 7. 9 I I . [ 12 15. [ 16- 18]Assemblée nationale . Archives parlementaires . [Reprint

U 1787+ ser . 1,V. 1+

Chemins de fer,Direction des . Stati stique des chemins de fer fraii





é8I 7Commerce

,M in istere du . Bulletin consulai re francais . U 1886-9 1 , V . 1 1 -22

Rapports sur l ’appl icat ion des lois réglementant la travail . U 1893+Commerce 81 l

in dustrie , M in istere du . Annuaire stati stique de la France .

U 1878- 190 7 , v . 1 -27V J 1 -4, published by M in istere de l

agricu lture 81 du commerce ; v . 5 -8, byM in istere du commerce .

Commerce exterieur,O ffi ce .national du . Extrait des rapports . U 190 4, 06+

Finances,M in istere des . Annuaire general des finances . U 190 7+ V . 18+

Bulletin de stati stique 81 de legi slation comparée . U 1877+ V . 1+Instruction publique

, M in istere de l’

, see a lso Collection de documentsinédits sur l

histoire de France ; Collection de documents inédits sur l’

h istoire

économique de la revolution francais e .Intérieur

,M in istere de l

. Revue générale d’

admin istration parai ssant tousles mois . Paris . U 190 9+ V . U has ordered restLongitudes , Bureau des . Annuaire . U 1878-98

Connaissance des temps . U 190 0+ V . 222+Renseignements agricoles , Office de . Bulletin mensuel. USeine, Department of . Compte détai llé des produits departmen taux de l

’exercice . U 1897- 190 0 ,

02—0 3Police, Prefect


de . Legislation 81 nomenclature d es établi ss ementsdangereux . U 1908

Protection des enfants du premier age . U 190 8

Rapport sur les operations du service veterin aire san itair






Statistique mun iciple , Commission de . Annuaire statistique de la vi l lede Paris . U 1883Travail, Direction du . Statistique des greves 81 des recours a la conci l iation 81 a l ’arbitrage . U 1890+Travaux publics

,M in istere des —Direction des routes , de la navigation , 81

des mines . Stati stique de la navigation intérieure . U 1906

France , see a lso Institut de France ; Société astronomique de France ; Sociétébotan ique de France ; Société d

horticu lture de Paris ; Société en tomolo

gique de France ; Société géologique de France ; Société mathématique deFrance ; Société mycologique de France ; Société nationale d

acc l imatation

ge France ; Soci été nationale d

horticu lture de France Soci été zoologique derance .

Frankfort—ou-the-Main (Germany ) , s ee also S en cken bergische n aturforschen d e

gesellschaft . .Wetteraui sche gesellschaft fur die gesammte naturkunde .


Franklin institute . Philadelphia . J ourn al . U 1826+ v . 1 -73 , 75+Franklin reformatory home for inebriates . Philadelphia . Annual report .

U 1882, v . 10

Fran zé sische studien . Heilbronn . U 1881 -89 , V. 1 -7Fraser ’s magazine . London . U 1830 V . 1- 1 06HFree church ci rcular . Oneida Reserve (N . Y .) U 1850 -5 1 , v . 3Frée press , see Diplomatic revi ew .

Free society, a per iodical of anarchist thought , work , l iterature . Chicago .

U [ 1897. 99- 190 1 . 0 3 94] [v 4. 5 7. 10 ]Free society library, (quarterly) . San Francisco . U 1899 , 1900 ,

no . 1 , 5Free trade advocate

,j ournal of political economy. (Raguet . ) Philadelphia .

U 1829”V . I -2HFree trade almanac . Boston . U 1902

Free trade broads ide . Boston . U [ 190 5-0 7 ] [v . 1 ]Freedom, a j ournal o f anarchi st communism . London . U [ 190 3 ] [v . 1 7 ]Freeman

s almanac . Cincinnati (O . ) U 1844


Freeport ( I ll . ) daily j ournal . U 1909+Freiburg- in Breisgau (Germany) U n iversitat . (Albert-Ludwigs u n iversitat . )

V erzeich n iss der behérd en , lehrer, anstalten , beamten , studierenden.

Freidenker- almanach . Milwaukee (Wis ) U 1895 , 97-190 0“Continued as

Freidenker-almanach 81 Amerikanischer turner-kalender . Milwaukee (Wis )II 190 1


reies deutsches hochstift, Frankfurt-am-Main . Jahrbuch. U 190 5Freight . New York. U 190 7+ v. 7Freight claim association . Proceedings of annual meeting . U 190 3 , V .

French coach horse registry company. French coach horse register. Columbus

(O ) U 190 5+ v . 1+French coach horse society of America . French coach horse stud book of Ame rica . Cedar Rapids ( Ia . ) U 1906+ V . 1+

Friends general conference . Proceedings . Philadelphia . U 1896+Friendsh ip s offering, or Annual remembrancer . London . U 1825, v . 2

Frome (England ) , see also Institute of marine engineers .Fruit trade j ournal produce record . New York . U 190 2+ V . 27+P1u i tman s guide . New York . U 190 3+ v . 1 5+Fuhl i n gs landwirtschaftl iche zeitung ; zentralblatt fur praktische

blandwirtschaft .

Stuttgart. U 1000++v . 49+

Fuel . Chicago . ; U +F iirstlich Jablon ow ski

sche gesel lschaft der wissenschaften . Leipzig


bericht . N 190 7+Preis schri ften . U 1847+ V . 1+

Galena ( Ill . —Public library . Bulletin . U 1896, n o. 1

Galesburg (111. — Public library . Annual report .U 190 3

-06. 0 7+ v . 29 32. 34+Bulletin . U 190 2+ V . 3+

Gal laudet college ( for the deaf ) . Kendal l green, Washington Catalog .

U 06+Galloupe

s index to engineering pe riodicals . Boston . U 1883 -92“v . 1

Merged in Engineering index.

Galveston (Tex . ) —Rosenberg l ibrary. Annual report . U 190 6Bulletin . U 19 10+ n o. 1+

Galveston (T ex ) chamber of commerce . Board of trade .

“U 1872

Gamma Phi Beta [ sorority] . Crescent. U 1910+ v . 10+Garden . London . 187 1-98, 190 5+ V . 1-54, 67+Garden 81 farm almanac . (C . H . Miller . ) New York. U 190 9+ V . 3+Garden 81 forest . New York . U 1888-97“V . 1

Garden magazine . New York . U 190 5+ V . 1+Gardener . Edinburgh . U


1867 v . 1-16

Gardeners ’ chronicle . London . U 1841+ V . I


magazine . London . U 1863 190 5+ v . 5-33 , 48+Gardener

s magazine 81 regi ster of rural 81 domestic improvements . (Lon don )London . U 1826-40 , v . 1 - 16Ceased publication Dec . 1843 with V . 19 .

Gardener ’s monthly horticulturist . Philadelphia .

U 1876 87”V . 18 N 1882-87”V . 24Merged in American garden , F eb . 1888.

Gardener ’s monthly 81 horticultural advertiser . Philadelphia .

U 1868- 7SI v . 10

United in 1876 with the Horticulturist continued asGardening . Chicago . U 1892-93 , 94+ v . 1

, 3+Gardening illustrated for town country. London . U 1880+ V. 1+Garment-worker. (United garment-workers o f America . ) New York.

U [ I896. 98. 190 0 0 3 ] [v 3 . 5 ]Garrett B ibl ical institute . (Northwestern university . ) Evanston ( I ll . ) Catalogue . U 64 66, 67 73-80 , 82-95 , 97- 190 2, 0 3+

Garten fiora . Berlin . U 1852+ V . 1+Gary ( Ind . )— Trustees , Board of . Annual report . U 190 9+ V. 1+Gas engin e . Cincinnati (O . ) U 19 10+ v . 12+


Gas review . Madison (Wis ) U 1909+ V . 2+

Gauntlet,a sound republican weekly paper. (Richard Carlile . ) London .

U 1833 I I no 2-

4I IIGazette nationale ; ou,

Moniteur universel . Paris . 1789-96.

U reprint 1840 -

45, v . 1 -30

Gazette of,the United States . New York . U 1 789-

92, 99 , V . 1 -4, 16

Gazzetta chimica itali ana . Palermo , Rome . U I S7 I+ V . 1+Gegen baur

s Morphologisches j ahrbuch, see Morphologisches j ahrbuch .

Gen eral asphalt company. Annual report . U 1906, V. 3

General counci l of shoe workers of North America . Official handbook 81 directory. U 1894, 98-99, v . 4, 8-9

General federation of trade unions . London . Annual report ; . U 190 1-0 2

General stud book,containing pedigrees of race horses from the earliest ac

oc u .n ts Lon'

don . U 1827+ v . 1+General ticket 81 passenger agents

association, see American association of general passen ger ticket agents .

General time convention , seelb

American railway associ ation .

General versammlung des allgemeinen deutschen arbeiter-vereins . A n tra

Lge .


1 74Genesee farmer . Rochester (N . Y . ) U 1845 -65 I I v . 6 9, 17-26 I IIn 1866 merged into American agriculturist

Genesee farmer 81 gardener’s j ournal . (Luther Tucker . ) Rochester (N . Y . )

U 1831 -38, v . 1 -8

In 1840 merged into Cultivator.Geneva (Swi tz. ) Musée d

histoire naturelle . Annales, see Revue suisse de

zoologie .

Geneva (Switz . ) Société de physique d’

histoire naturelle . Compte- rendu desséances . N 1897+ v . 14+M emoires. N 1883+ [ v . 28 36+

Geneva (Switzerland ) , see also Bibliotheque universelle . Societa ligustica discienze naturali 81 geografiche . Soc1été Jean-Jacques Rousseau .

Génie civi l . Pari s . U 1880+ V. 1+Génie industriel, revue des inventions . Paris . U 1855-57 , V. 9

- 14Gen n adius, P . G . Report on the agriculture of Cyprus . Nicosia . U ptf3Genoa ( Italy)— Bilancio , Relazione del . Provid imen ti generale 81 reform

U 190 7Commissario prefettizio . Bilancio di previs ione . U 190 7

- Io

Consiglio communale . Processi -verbali . U 1906-0 7Guinta municipale . Relazione sul bi lancio per l

esercizio. U 19 10

Resoconto morale per l’

esercizio. U 1908Genoa ( Italy ) Museo civico di storia natura le di Genova . Annali . U has orderedGentleman’ s magazine . London .

1 U 1 73 1 - 1868, V . 1 -223Gentleman

s magazine 81 American monthly review . (Burton ) Philadelphia .

U 1837-39 . v 1 -5Gentleman’ s mathematical companion . London . U 1 798- 1827 , V . 1 - 5Geographen-kalendar . (Haack . ) Gotha . U 190 3+ V . 1+Geographical j ournal . London , see Royal Geographical society o f London .

Geographical teacher . London . U 190 1+ V. 1+Geological magazine . London . G 1864-75 , v . I - n . ser . v . 2 ; U 1864+ V . 1+Geological society of America . Bulletin . Rochester (N . Y ) ; 81 New York .

G 1897- 1908, v . 8 19 ; U 1890+ V . 1+Geological Soc iety of London . Geological literature added to library .

G I S94-

98, v . 1

Quarterly j ournal . G 1845-99 , V . 1 -55 ; U 1845+ v . 1+Geologische cen tralblatt , revue geologique . Leipzig . G [ 190 1 ] [V 1 ]K. K . Geologi sche reichsanstal t . Vienna . Verhandlungen .

U has ordered 1867+Geologische palaeon tologische abhandlungen . (Dames 81 Kayser ) Berlin ;Jena . U 1882+ V . 1+Before v . 9 called Palaeon tologische abhandlungen .

Geologisches cen tralblatt . Leipzig . U has


ordered completeGeologist . (Mackie ) London . G 1858 64 I I V. 1 -7 I , U -1862 64 I I V. 5-7 IIContinued in Geological magazine .


George Washington university. Washington (D . C . ) Bulletin . U 1 906+ v . 5+Georgetown univers ity

,Washington (D . C . ) Georgetown college j ournal .


[ 1897- 190 0 ] [v . 26-28]Georgia— Adj utant-general’s office . Report . U 1889-

92, 93-

96 , 99 - 190 5 , 0 7+Agriculture

,Department of . Annual report of the commissioner .

U 1875- 76, 1883-84Publications . U 1880 -90 , 92


96, 98, v 6- 16, 18-22, 24Attorney general . Annual report . U 190 7+ v . 7+Comptroller-general . Annual report. U 1887-88, 96-97 , 190 4, 0 7+Education, Department of . Report of the state school commissioner .

U 1880 -82, 90-

93 ’ 97+Entomology

,State board of. Bulletin .

U 1899+ no. 1, 3

-6, N 1899+ 110 . 1. 4+

Circular . N 190 1+ no . 5+Geological survey

,Administrative“report of the state geologi st .

U 1894- 190 0Bulletin . G 1894+ V. 1-2

, 4- 10 ,12+ U 1894+ v . 1+

Insurance department . Report. U 190 1 , 04, 0 7Mineralogical, geological 81 physical survey. Report of progress .

U 1874-75, V .. 1 -2

Railroad commiss ion . Annual reportU 1885 , 87 , 89-

92, 97-

98, 190 0 , 0 2-0 3 , 0 5+ v . 1 1 , 15, 17-20 , 25-26, 28, 30 -31 , 33+Supreme court . Reports of cases . (Georgia reports . ) .U 1846+ v . 1+Treasurer . Annual report .


U 1890 -92, 94-

99, 190 1+Georgia ( state ) agricultural society. Proceedings, semi-annual s U 1874-76

Georgia 81 Alabama rai lway company. Annual report . U 1895-98, V. 1 -3Georgia bankers ’ association .

1 Proceedings . U 1896, 99, 190 3+ V . 5 , 8, 12+Georgia Agricultural experiment station . Experiment . Annual report .

U 1888+ v . N 1888+ v . 1 - 15 , 17+Bulletin . U 1888+ no . N 1888+ no . 1293 , 13+

Georgia historical society . Savannah . Collections . U 1840 - 1904, V . 1 -6Georgia rai lroad company . Report of the general manager . U 1882+ v . 1+Georgia railway 81 banking company. Reports of the directors 81 of the eu

gin eer- in —chief . U 1847 , 49 5 3Georgia school for the deaf . Cave Spring . Report of trustees 81 officers .

U 190 7+ v. 42+Georgia Southern 81 Florida railway company . Annual report . U 1895+ V . 1+Georgia University . Athens — Engineering society . Annual report . U 190 3 , V . 7German

,Hanoverian 81 Oldenburg coach horse association of America . S tud

book . Lafayette ( Ind . ) U 190 1+ v . 1+German society of Chicago ; New York ; see Chicago ; New York .

Germania devoted to the study of the German language 81 literature . Boston . U 1894-97 lv . 7. [8]

Germania ; viertelj ahresbericht fur deutsche alterthumskun de . Stuttgart .U 1856-

92, v . 1 -37

Germanische- romanische mon atschrift . Heidelberg . U 190 9+ V. 1+Germantown see a lso Philadelphia (Pa . ) Friends

’ f ree library .

Germany— K. Gesundheitsamt . Arbeiten .

U 1886+ v . 1 - 12, [ 13 N 1886- 1908, V . 1-4, [25, 28]

M ittheilun gen . U 1884, V . 2 ; N 188 1 , V . 1

Reichsgericht . Entscheidungen in civ ilsachen . U 1880 —99, V . 1 -43Entscheidungen in strafsachen . U 1880 -99 , v . 1 -32

Reichsj ustizamt 81 K . stati stisches amt . Kriminalstati stik .

U 1890 . 93 95 . 1964-0 5

Reichskanzler . R eichhaushalts nebst anlagen . U 190 5Reichstag . Reichs -gesetzblatt . U 1867-97Reichsversicherungsamt , s ee also In valid itats 81 altersversicherung.

K . statisti sches amt . Berl in . Viertelj ahrshefte zur statistik des deutschenreichs . U [ 1902—0 5 ] [v . 1 1 - 14]

Geschichtliche untersuchungen . (Lamprecht . ) Gotha . U 190 2+ V . 1+Geschichts freund . (Historischer verein der 5 orte Luzern, Ari , Schwyz , Unterwalden

,Zug . ) Einsiedeln . U 1881—190 1 , V . 36-37 , 39-56


Gottin gen (Germany) Un iversitat (K. Georg A‘

ugust-un iversitat . ) Nachrichten . U 1884-

93”v. 1

Included in K . Gesel lschaft der wissenschaften . Nachrichten .

Gottingen (Germany) Verein fii r die geschichte Gottin gen s . Protokolleiiber die s itzungen . U 1893- 190 5 , v . 1 -3 pt 3

Gottingen (Germany ) , see also K. Gesellschaft der wissenschaften .

Gottingen beitrage zur deutschen philologie . (Heyne 81 M ii ller. ) Paderborn .

U 1886-88, v . 1 -4Gottin gische gelehrte anzeiger , see K. G esellschaft der wissenschaften . Gottingen .

Gold standard defence association . London . Publications . U 1898, v . 1 -32

Golden gate kindergarten association . San Francisco . Annual report .U i 884, vv .

Good government . New York . U 1893+ V 13+Good health . Battle Creek (Mich . ) U 1897 , 99- 190 0 ; v 32 34


35 ;Good housekeeping . Springfield (Mass . ) U 190 1+ v 32+Good roads . New York. U 1892—95 , 190 3+ V . 1 -7 no . 3 ; V. 33+ (11 . .

.ser v .

In Apri l , 1895 , combined with 81 continued as L . A. W . bulletin . In 1902 a

new series was begun under title Good roads magazine,which in 190 9 again

became Good roads .Goodrich social settlement . Cleveland (0 ) Annual report . U V . I

Gordon memorial college . Khartoum—Wellcome research laboratorigs . Report .190 5 , v . 2

Gotha (Germany) Vereinigung fur gothaische geschichte 81 altertumsforschung,see a lso Aus der heimat .

Gotha (Gl

erman y) , see also Almanach de , _Gotha. Justus Perthes’

geographischer '

ansta t .Government publications . Washington (D . C . ) U 190 5+ v . 6+Gracklauer

s deutscher j ournal-katalog, see Deutscher j ournal katalog .

Grand army of the Republ ic— Kansas department . Proceedings of annual encampmen t . U 1892,


99- 190 3 , 0 6, V.


Roster . U 1908+Michigan department . Journal of annual encampment . U 190 3 , 06, V . 25, 28Pennsylvania department . Proceedings of annual encampment .

U 1898+ V . 32+Grand Prairie seminary commercial col lege . Onarga (I ll . ) Catalogue.

UGrand Rapids (M ich . ) Reports of city officers . U 190 0 -04, 0 7-09

Education , Board of. Annual report .U 0 7+ V . 23 , 25, 28, 36+

Health , Board o f . Annual report . 1U 90 7/08Police fire commissioners . Annual report . U 1893 , 190 3+Public library . Annual report . U 1898- 190 2, 0 3+ V . 28-3 1 , 33+

Bulletin . U 1904+ V. 1+Public works, Board of. Annual report .


1876, 95 , 190 5+ v . 3 , 5—20

,22 , 32+

Grand Rapids 81 Indi an a railway company . Annual report . U 1897-1903 , v . 2-8Grand Trunk railway company of Canada . Semi—annual report .

U 1867 pt 2, 72 pt 2, 80 , 98—1900 , 04+Grande revue . Paris . U 1897+ v. 1+V . 1—6 called Revue du Palais .

Gran dom institution . Philadelphia . Report . U 1850Granite cutters ’ j ournal . (Granite cutters

’ international association of Ame rica . )Quincy (Mass . ) U [ 190 3 09+ [v . 26 33+

Granite state dairymen’

s association . Annual report . Concord (N . H . )U 1884—99, 190 1 , v . 1 - 15 , 1 7

Graphic . Lon don u U 1898+ V . 58+Graphic arts crafts year book . Hamilton (0 ) U 190 7+ v . 1+Graphite . (Joseph Dixon Crucible co . ) Jersey City (N . J . ) U +Gratz (Austria ) un iversitat . (K. K. Karl-Franzens-un iversitat . ) Verzeichnis .

U 1908+Gratz (Austria ) Zoologi sches institut . Arbeiten . 190 3+ v . 6+


Great B ritain— Admiralty,Lords commissioners of the . Nautical almanac .

U 187 1 , 96-98

Agriculture,Board of. Journal . London . U


N [ 1903 ] [n o. 1 -94]Commercial

,labour statistical department . Abstract of foreign labour

statistics . U 1906, v . 3Annual statement o f the navigation 81 shipping of the U . K. U 190 3 04

Return of extracts rel ating to coal ; i ron 81 steel . U 190 3Returns of the capital , traffic , receipts, 81 working expenditure of the

railway comp anies of the U . K . U 1887+Stati stical abstract for the British empire . U 1889+ v. 1+Statistical abstract for colonial 81 other possessions .

U 1888—1904, no . 40-


Statistical abstract for the principal other foreign countries .U 189 1 - 190 3 , no . 29-3 1

Statisti cal abstract of the United Kingdom in each o f the last 15years . U 1888- 1904, v . 50 - 52

Statist ical abstract relating to British India .

U 1892- 1902, n o. 37 , 39Statistical tables —relating to emigration immigration . U 190 3Stati stical tables relating to the Briti sh colonies , possessions 81 pro

tectorates. U 1902-0 3Tables relating to trade of Briti sh India with Briti sh possess ions 81

foreign countries . U 1899- 1904, 06+Tables showing the progress of merchant shipp ing in the U . K. the

principal maritime coun t1ies . U 190 0 , 0 3 , 07+

Corps of royal engineers . Professional papers, Chatham . U 1839-49 , V . 1 10

Continued as Royal engineers ’ institute . Occas ional papers .Education , Board of . Special reports on educational subj ects .

U 1898+ v . 2- 16, 18+Education, Committee of counci l on . Minutes . U 1839+Engineer ing standard committee , London . Reports . U 1904+ n o. 5, 9 , 1 1 , 26

Factories 81 workshops , Chief inspector of. Annual report. U 190 6

Foreign office . Briti sh 81 foreign state papers . U 1812+ V . 1+Diplomatic 81 consular reports . Annual series . U 1887+ n o. 1+

Miscellaneous series . U 1887+ n o. 1+Index to reports of diplomatic consular representatives . U 1886+Miscellaneous . reports from his maj esty’s representatives .

U 1906 pt 1 , 0 7 pt 3Reports by sec retaries . U 1868

, 72, 74-79 , 81 -83Reports from consuls . U 1866-68, 70 -79

Geological s urVey museum of economic geology. London . M e



irs .

1 4 v . 1

Geological survey museum of practical geology . London . Memoirs .G [ 1848-66]

Historical manuscripts commission . Reports . U 1870+ v. 1+Home office . Mines 81 quarries , general report 81 statistics .

U 190 5 9 t 4, 1906 pt5 1 , 3India office . Statement exh1b1t1n g the moral 81 material progress 81 condition of India . U 190 5

- 06, v . 42

Labour department . Annual abstract of labour statistics of the UnitedKingdom . U 1902 0 5 , V. 9- 1 1

Labour department . Report 81 statistical tables relating to changes inrates of wages hours of labour in the United Kingdom .

U 1897 -04, V . 5-6, 1 1 - 12

Report on strikes 81 lockouts in the United Kingdom .

U 190 3 , 1906, v . 16,19

Local government board . Reports . U 1872+Parliament . Parliamentary history of England, 1066- 180 3 .

U 1806-20”v . 1 -36l]Continued as

Parliamentary debates,180 3+

U 180 3 -9 1 , 190 0+ ser . 1, 4IV . ; ser . 2,

25V . ; ser . 3 , 356v . ; ser . 4, v . 76, 78+Ser . 1 -3 known as Hansard

’s Parliamentary debates .




Parliamentary register proceedings 81 debates . U 1774-81Statutes at large from Magn a Charta 1215 to 1869 . Cambridge 81

London . U 1762-1869, V . 1 - 108House of Commons . Journals . U 1 547- 1820 , V . 1 -75

Sess ional papers : miscellaneous 81 sessional . U 1888+General alphabetical index to the bi lls , reports , estimates ,

accounts 81 papers , printed by order of the House . . London . U 1880 - 1904House of Lords . Sess ional papers . U 1888+

General index to the sessional papers . 180 1—1904Patent office . Abridgments of specifications . U

Report of comptroller-general . U 190 3 , v . 21

Patent office library series . London . U 190 1 -06, V . 1 -3 , 6- 17

Postmaster general . Report on the post office .

U 1855-67, 69-7 1 , 73+ V . 1 - 14, 16- 18, 20+Public records, Keeper of the . Annual [reports o f the deputy keeper .

U 1839+ v . 1+Rolls, Master of the . Calendar of Carew manuscripts , 15 1 7- 1624.

U 1867 v . i

Calendar of charter rolls , 1226+ U 190 3+ V . 1+Calendar of close rolls . 1227+ U 1892+ V . 1+Calendar of documents preserved in France, i llustrative of the hi story

o f Great Britain 81 Ireland, 9 18+ U 1899+ v 1+Calendar of entries in the papal regi sters relating to Great Britain 81

I reland . papal letters , 1 198+ U 1893+ V . 1+Calendar of Home office papers of the reign of George 3 , 1760 - 1775 .

U 1878+ V . 1+Calendar of in qu isition es post mortem 81 other analogous documents .

U 1898+ v . 1 -2, 5 , 7 ; ser 2

, v . 1+Calen dar . of letters 81 state papers , relating to Engli sh affairs ,

in the archives of S imancas . U 1896, v. 3Calendar o f letters , despatches state papers relating to negotiations

between England 81 Spain . in the archives at Simancas 81 elsewhere .

U 1862+ V . 1+Calendar o f patent rolls , 1216 1485 . U 1891+ V . 1+Calendar of the proceedings of the committee for compounding .

1643 -60 . U 1889 92”V 1 -sl]Calendar of the proceedings of the committee for the advance o f

money, 1642 56. U 1888 | | V . 1 3“Calen dar o f state papers . Colonial series , U 1860+ V. 1+

Domestic series , Charles 1 .

U 1858-97, V. 1 13-23 U has ordered rest

Charles 2. U 1860+ v . 1+Commonwealth . U 1875 v . 1

Edward 6, Mary, 81 Elizabeth . U 1856+ V . 1+James 1 . U 1857 72“v . 1

William_81 Mary. U 1895+ v . 1+

Foreign series . Edward 6 ; Mary. U 1861,2v .

Elizabeth . U 1863+ V . 1+Calendar of state papers 81 manuscripts in . Venice

northern Italy. U 1864+ V . 1+Calendar of state papers relating to Ireland . U 1872+ s .er 1

,V . 1+

Calendar o f state papers relating to Scotland . U 1858”v . 1

Calendar of treasury books . 1660+ U 190 4+ v . 1+Calendar of treasury papers . 1556- 1728. U 1868 89 , v . 1 -6Descriptive catalogue of ancient deeds in the Public Record office .

U 190 0 -0 6, v . 3-


Inqui sitions assessments relating to feudal aids , 1284- 143 1 .

U 1899+ v . 1+Letters 81 pape rs , foreign 81 domestic , Henry 8. U 1862+ v . 1 -8, 1 1+Rerum B ritan n icarum medii aev i scriptores . U 1858+ v . 1+Syllabus of the documents relating to England . . in the collection

known as“Rymer’s Foedera .

” U 1873-85 , V . 2-3


Royal engineers ’ institute . Occasional papers, Chatham . U 1889-90 , v . 15- 16

Continuation of Great Britain— Corps of royal engineers . Professmn al

papers .Royal institution, see Royal institution of Great Britain .

Sewage disposal,Royal commission on . Report . U 1904+ V . 4+

Stationery office . List of parliamentary papers , annual ( i . e . last quarter,cumulated) . U 1890 +

Quarterly list of official publications . UQuarterly list o f parliamentary publications . U

Stati stical office . Annual statement of trade of the United Kingdom.

U 1886- 190 3 , 190 5Tariff commission . Report . U 1904+ v . 1 -3 , 5+Trade , Board of . General annual report under bankruptcy act of 1883 .

U 1904, V . 21

General annual report under companies (winding up ) act ofU 190 3 , V. 13

General report on coal production consumption . U 190 3 , V . 1 0

Returns relating to street 81 road tramways 81 light rai lways . U 1904see

a lso Board of Trade j ournal . London ; Board of Trade labourgazette . London .

Great N orthern railway company . Annual report . U 1890-

98, 1900+ v . 1 -9 , 1 1+Great round world. New York . C 1897- 190 1 , v . 15- 18

Great west . Sacramento (Cali f . ) G +Green bag . Boston . U 1898-190 0 , 0 3+ v . 1 0 - 12

,1 5+

Green Bay 81 Western railway company. Statement . U 190 1—0 4, 0 5 , 0 7+Green room book ; or , Who

’ s who on the stage . London . U 1906 , 08+Greenfield (Mass . )— Public l ibrary . Annual report . U 0 6+ v . 24, 26+

Bulletin . U 19 10+ V. 18, no . 5+Green’s fruit grower 81 home companion . Rochester (N . Y ) U 190 4+ v . 24+Greenville 81 Columbia railroad company . Proceedings . U 1848-49Greenville ( I ll . ) college . Register . U 190 0+Greenwood ’s library year book, see British library year book .

Greer college,Hoopeston ( Ill . ) Catalogue . U 0 3+

Greifsw ald (Prussia) , see also Naturwissen schaftlicher verein fii r N euvorpommern 81 Rugen .

Grevillea (Cryptogamic botany) . London . U 1872+ v . 1+Grenzfragen des nerven 81 see-len leben s . Wiesbaden . U 190 0+ v . 1+Grillparzer-gesellschaft . -Vienna . {Jahrbuch . U 1890+ v. 1+Grinnell review . ( Iowa college . ) Grinnell . U 190 5+ v . 1+Groc ery world 81 general merchant . Philadelphia. U 190 2

—0 3, 08+ v . 33-

36, 45+Before 1908 has title Grocery world 81


fruit trade bulletin .

Groningen (Netherlands ) Astronomical laboratory. Publications .U 190 0+ v . 1 -3 , 5 , 7- 19, 21+

Gronin gen (Netherlands) U n iv ers iteit . Jaarboek . U 190 7+Groton (IVIass . ) —Publi c library . Annual report . U 1896 V . 43

—49 , 53+

Selectmen overseers of the poor . Report . U 1862

Guardian . (Steele, Addison et a l . ) London . U 1 713 , no . 1

Guatemala— I n strucc ion publica , Secretaria de . Memoria . U 1899Guben (Germany ) , see a lso Niederlausitzer gesellschaft fur anthropologie 81altertumskunde .

Guernsey breeders’

j ournal . (American Guernsey cattle club . ) Peterboro (N .

H . ) U 191 0+ n . ser . v. 1+Gui ld o f co-operators , England . Annual report . U V . 3


Gulf 81 Sh ip Island rai lroad company . Annual "report . U 190 3—0 5 , 0 7+

Gulf biologic station . Cameron (La . ) Bulletin . N 1906+ no . 4- 10 , 13+Gulf states historical magazine . Mon tgomery (Ala . ) U 190 2- 041] V . 1

Gunton institute . New York (city) . Bulletin . U [ 1897-99 ] [v . 1 -2]Gun ton


magazin e . N ew York . U 1896- 1904”V . 1 0

Continuing Social economist .Gutenberg gesellschaft . Mainz . Jahresbericht . U 190 5 , v . 4Haarlem (Neth . )— S tadsbibli0 theek . V erslag. U 1897+Haarlem see also M aatschappij van n ijverheid .

Hacken s ack (N . J . ) —Johnson publi c library . Bulletin . U 1908+ v . 4, no . 2+


Hackley publ ic library . Muskegon see Muskegon (Mich . )—Hackleypublic library.

Hackney horse society . Hackney stud book.

U - 1884+ v . 1+H agerst

yown (M d ) Washington County free library. Annual report .

U 190 1—0 2,U

0 -3-06, v .

-5Bulletin . U 190 3+ v . 2+

(The ) Hague see also K. I n stituut van ingenieurs . Nederlan dscheentomologische vereeniging .

Hainaut (Belgium ) , see also Société des scien ces , des arts des lettres duHainault .

Hakluyt society . London . Publications . U has orderedHali fax, see also Nova Scotian institute of science .Halle (Germany ) Naturforschen de gesellschaft . Abhandlungen .

N 1893-94, v . 19-2oHalle (Germany ) Un iversitat . (Friedrichs-un iversitat Halle-Witt


en berg . )Chronik . U 190 5+

Halle (Germany) , see a lso K . Leopold in isch Carolin ische deutsche akademieder naturforscher . Saxony— Lan dw irthschaftskammer fii r die provinzSachsen— Versuchsstation fii r


pflanzenschutz . Th iirin gsch - Sa ch ischer

verein fur erforschung des vaterlan d ischen altertums 81 erhaltung seinerdenkmale .

Hallesche beitrage zur geschichts-forschung . Halle . 1

U 1892-94, v . 1-5Hamburg (Germany )— H an delsstatistische bureau . Tabellarische iibersichten

U 1 889 97

Stadtbibliothek . Bericht . U 190 2+Wissenschaftliche anstalten . Beihe fte . N 1893+

Jahrbuch . N 1893+ v . 1 1+Hamburg (Germany) Han delskammer . J ahresbericht . U 1900 -04Hamburg (Germany ) Mathematische gesellschaft . Mittei lungen .

U 1889- 1—90 0 , V . 1-3

Hamburg (Germany) Sternwarte . M ittheilun gen . U 1899+ V . 6+Being sup . 1895+ to Jahrbuch der Hamburgischen wissenschaftlichen an

stalten .

Publication en .[U 1874, v. 1

Hamburg (Germany) Verein fur naturwis sen s chaftli che unterhaltung . V erhan d

lungen . N 1864+ v . 1 -4, 6+Hamburg (Germany) , see a lso Verein fur niederdeutsche sprach forschung.

Hamburger garten 81 blumen zeitun g. Hamburg . U 1872, v . 28

Hamilton (Can . )— Public library . Annual report .U 1893 , 96, 98, 190 2-06

, V . 5, 8, 10 , 14- 18

Hami lton college . Clinton (N . Y . ) Hamilton literary magazine .

U [ 187 1 , 89, 93-o4,l [96 99 ] [v . 5 , 24, 27-28 ] 29 ; ln . ser . v . I -sl

Hammer pen . (Church association for the advancement of the interests oflabor . ) New York . U [ 1900 0 7 ] [v . 3

-8]Hamps‘.1 i re down breeders’ association o f America

, see American Hampshiresheep association .

Hampshire d own sheep breeders’ associ ation . Sali sbury (E n g ) Hampshiredown flock book . U 1890+ V. 1+

Hampton negro conference . Hampton (Va ) Report .U 1898 9- 9 , 190 1+ v 2-

3 , 5+Hampton (Va ) normal 81 industrial institute . Hampton leaflets . UHampton’s magazine . New York . UHandbook for architects 81 bui lders . (Chicago Architects

business association . )Chicago . U 190 5+ v . 8, 10+

Handbook of rai lroad securities , seeHandbook of securities . New York. U 1872+

1872-82 have title Value of railroad securities .1883- 190 7 have title Handbook of railroad securities .

Handbuch der wi rtschaftskunde Deutschlands . Leipzig . U 190 1 - 0 4 v . 1-4Han dels hochschul nachrichten, bei lage zur Deutschen w irtschafts zeitung . Berlin. U 190 7+


Handels-museum . (K. K . O esterreichisches handels-museum . ) Vienna .

U 1902+ v . 17 , pt . 2+Berichte . U 190 1+

Monats quartels—be richte . U 190 3+ v . 17+

Hanover (Germany ) . Verwaltungsbericht des magistrats der K. haupt 81

residenzstadt . U 190 6-0 7Hanover (Germany) Naturhistoriche gesellschaft . Jahresbericht .

U 1994+ v . N 1894+ v . 44+Hansard’s Parliamentary debates , see Great Britain— Parliament .Hardwicke ’s science gossip . London . U 1865, v . 1 ; N 1865-97 , V . 1 -23Harper’s bazar . New York . C [ 1892 190 0+ [v . 25 U 1909+ v . 43+Harper’ s new monthly magazine. New York .

C U 1850+ V . Ur 1882+ v. 65+Harper’s weekly . New York. C 1892+ v . 36+ U 1857+ v . 1 -42 , 44+ Ur+Harrisburg (Pa . )—Water lighting department . Annual report .

U 190 7+ v. W 1906+ v . 19+Harrisburg (Pa . ) board of trade . Officers 81 members . U 190 9+Hartford (Conn . ) Municipal register 81 annual reports . U 1908

Public library. Annual report .U 1893


97 , 99 ,190 1 , 0 6+ v 55-59 , 61 , 63 , 69+

Bulletin . U 1893-97 , v . 15 , 17- 19Hartford 81 New Haven railroad company . Ann ual report .

U 55- 561 62, V 0 14- 15 ) 27

Hartford (Ct . ) board of trade . Annual meeting, with report of secretary 81treasurer . U 189 1 , 98 , 1909

—1 v . 3 , 10 , 21+Hartford (Ct . ) Civic club . Report . U 1895- 190 5Hartford (Ct . ) Municipal art society . Bulletin . U 1904+ v . 1+Hartford seminary record . (Hartford (Ct . ) theological seminary . )

U 1897+ V . 8+Hartford (Ct . ) steam boiler inspection 81 insurance company. Annual report .

U 1870—77Harvard graduates

’ magazine . Boston . U 1892+ V . 1+Harvard law review . Cambridge (Mass . ) U 1887+ V . 1+Harvard theological review . New York . U 1908+ V . 1+Harvard university, Cambridge (Mass . ) Harvard bulletin ( athletic weekly) .

U [ 1898-99 ] [v . 1 -2]Harvard crimson (daily) . U [ 1898-99 ] [v . 32


33 , 35 ]Harvard historical studies . U 1894+ v. 1+Harvard psychological studies . U 190 3+ v . 1+Harvard studies notes in phi lology 81 literature . U 1892+ v . 1+Harvard stud i es in classical phi lology. U 1890+ v . 1+Astronomical observatory. Annals .U 1879+ v . 1 1 , 13

- 15 , 17- 19, 23-29 , 32-34, 37-38, 40 -

4I , 44-

48, 50 -5 1 , 53—54. 60+Annual report . U v . 64+Circulars : U 190 0 -0 5 , no . 1 - 10 0

Bussey in stitution . Bulletin . U [ 1874- 1904 ] [v . 1 -3 ]Jefferson physical laboratory. Contributions . U 190 3+ v . 1+Library . Bibliographical contributions .

U 1881 -1' moa z

,I 9 , 26, 3 1 , 33 , 35-37 , 39-40 , 42+

Bulletin . U 1880 -94“v. 2

Museum of comparative zoology . Annual report .U 1862, 63 , 65 , 67-68, 70—85 , N 1882, 84-87 , 89+

Bulletin . G 1881 , v . 7, no . 3—4 ; N 1868+ [v . 1 29+

Memoirs . N 1899+ [v . 14, 17 , 24, 26-28, 30+Peabody museum of American archaeology 81 ethnology. Annual report.

N 1868 80 , v . 1-9, 12- 13Harvey society, New York . Harvey lectures . U 190 5+ v . 1+Havana (Cuba ) Archivo nacional . Boletin . U +Havana (Cuba ) Biblioteca nacional . Revista . U 190 9+ v . 1+Havana (Cuba) Univers idad . Memoria annuario . U 190 0—0 2, 0 3+

Revista de la facultad de letras 81 ciencias . U 1904+ v. 1+Havana (Cuba ) , see also Academia de ciencias medicas , fisicas, 81 naturales .H averh1ll (Mass . )— C l ty en g1n eer. Annual report . U 1890 , v . 4


Public library . Annual report. U 1873-75, 78- 79 , 81+'

v . 1 , 4—5, 7+

Bulletin . U 190 1+ V . 1+Havre (France) —Hygien e, Bureau de . Bulletin . U +Hawaii— Agriculture 81 forestry, Board of commissioners of . Report .

U 190 3-0 6, V . 1-3

Farmers ’ institute. Annual report of proceedings . U 1902, v . 1

Public instruction, Department of . Report of the superintendent .U 1896- 190 0

Hawa ii Agricultural experiment station . Honolulu . Annual report . N 1906+Bulletin . N 190 1+ [no . 1 15+

Hawaii an almanac 81 annual . Honolulu . U 1876, 1898,‘V . 2, 24

Hawaii an forester agriculturi st . Honolulu . U +H azell

s annual . London . U 1902+ v. 17+Heart ; a j ournal for the study of the circulation . London . U 19 10+ V . 1+Hearth 81 home . New York . U 1869 - 70 , V . 1 -2

Heating 81 venti lating magazine. N ew York. U 1906-0 7 , 10+ v . 3-4, 7+Heating 81 venti lation . New York . U 1894- 1900“v . 4

- 10 , no . 7 l|Continued as Engineering review .

Heaton’s annual, see Commercial handbook of Canada .

Hedding college , Abingdon ( Ill . ) Catalogue .

U 89-9 1 , wa s os-os. 0 7+

H edw igia, organ fur kryptogamen kun de . Dresde n .

U 1890+ V . 29+ N 1852-89 , V . 1-28

H egin bottom free library, Ashton-under-Lyn e (E n g ) , s ee Ashton-un der-Lyne(Eng . )— H egin bottom free library .

Heidelberg (Germany ) Naturhistorisch-medic in ischer verein . Verhandlungen .

N 1877—99, 11. ser . V . 1, [6]

Heidelberger abhandlungen zur mittlereii 81 neueren geschichte . Heidelberg.

U 190 2+ v . 1+

H e in sius’ Allgemeines bucher- lexicon . Leipzig . U 170 0 V . 1—I 9H

Helena (Mont . ) -Public library . Bulletin . U 1893+ no . 1+Helgoland Biologi sche anstalt, see a lso Kommission zur wissenschaftl ichen un

tersuchun g der deutschen meere in Kiel .Helios ; fach 81 export-zeitschri ft fur elektrotechnik. Leipzig .

U 191 0+ V . 16+

H e llen ike georgia . (Gen n ad ius ) [ in Greek] . Athens .U [ 1887-88, 9 1 , 94, 96] [v. 3 -4, 7 , 1 0 , 12]

Helsingfors (Finland ) Société n eo-philologique . M emoires . U 1893+ v . 1+Helsingfors (Finland ) U n ivers itetet .

(K . Alexan ders -un iversitetet . ) Katalog .

U 190 7

Helsingfors (Finland ) , see also Societas . pro fauna flora fennica . Sven skal iteratursallskapet i Finland .


s architectural engineering 81 mechanical directory of the U. S . NewYork . U 190 1”[v .

Continued asHendrick’s commerci al register of the U . S . New York . U 1904, v. I 4Herald ; or , Patriot proclaimer . (Stentor Telltruth . ) L ondon . U 1757, no . 1 - 15Herald der Christian Science . Boston . U +H erapath , s ee Rai lway magazine.Heredia (Costa Rica) Liceo de estab-lecimien to don Roberto B renes Mesen .

I n forme anual . U 1908

Hermes , zeitschri ft fur classische phi lologie . Berlin . U 1866+ V . 1+Herrin ( I ll . ) news , [weekly] . U +Hibbert j ournal . London 81 Boston . U 190 2+ V . 1+Highland 81 agricultural society of Scotland . Edinburgh . Transactions .

U 1843- 190 3 . 0 9+ 11. ser . v . I - ser . 5, v . 15 , N 190 8, ser. 5 , v . 20

Himmel 81 erde . Berlin . U 1897- 190 0 , v . 9- 12, [ 13 ]Hinrichs ’ Halb jahrs -katalog der im Deutschen buchhandel erschienenen bucheretc . Leipzig. U 190 3+

Hispan ic society of America .

.New York, see also Bibliographie hispanique .

Historical 81 phi losophical society o f Ohio , see Ohio h istorical 81 philosophicalsociety .



Transact i ons . U 1 80 5-48”ser. 1 , V . 1—ser . 2,

v . 3HHorticulture. Boston . U 190 5+ v . 2+Horticulture nouvelle . Lyons (France ) . U +Horticulturist 81 j ournal o f rural art 81 rural taste . Rochester . (N. Y . ) etc .

U 1846-75“v . I -

3OJIMerged in Gardener ’s monthly 81 continued as Gardener ’s monthly 81 horticulturi st .

Horw ick (E n g ) Mechanics insti tute technical school . Annual reportU 1908+

Horwich (En g ) rai lway mechanics’ institute— Engineering 81 scientific club .

Proceedings . U 190 5+ v. 1+Hotel 81 restaurant employes

international alliance, see also Mixer 81 server .

Houghton farm . Mountainville (N . Y . ) - Ex,periment department . Agriculturalphysics . U 1883 , _ser . 1 , v . 1 -4

Housatonic railroad company . Annual report . U V . 54House 81 garden . Philadelphia : U 190 5+ V . 7+House beautiful . Chicago . C 190 1+ V . U 190 1+ v . 1 1+Household j ournal . Springfield (O . ) U Aug. 1908+ V . 1

, no . 8+Continues Floral li fe .

Houston (Tex . ) Annual reports of city officers . U 1906

City commiss ion . Progressive Houston ; a j ournal for the advancement ofthe city. U

Howard association . London . Annual report . U 1906+Hudson (Mass . )— Public library . Annual report . U 1906+ v . 39+Hull house

,Chicago— Labor museum . Report . U v . 1

Humanisti sche gymnasium . Heidelberg . U 1897 v . 8—1 1 ,Hungary— Foldmivelésiigyi min isteriurm Kisérletugyi k6zlemén yek.

U 190 7+ v . 10+Hungary, see a lso -K. Ungarische .

Hunteri an club . Glasgow . Reprints of English poetry . U 1873 - 1902 ll v . 1 - 16 |Hunt ’s merchants’ magazine . New York . U 1840 - 70“v . 1-63 ]V . 1 2 4 have title Merchants

’ magazine ; V . 44-63 have title Merchants’ mag

azine 81 commercial review . After 1870 merged in Commercial 81 financialchronicle .

H uszadik szazad , tarsadalomtudoman yi 81 szo‘

cialpolitikai szemle . Budapest .U 190 9+ v . 19+

Hyde Park (Mass . )— Public l ibrary . Bulletin . U 1909+ v . 9+Hygienische rundschau . Berlin . U 1891+ v . 1+Iasi (Rouman i a ) , see Jassy .

Ice 81 refrigeration . Chicago . U 1891+ v . 1

Ice trade j ournal , see Cold storage 81 i ce trade j ournal .Idaho— Auditor . Biennial report . U 1903

- 04, 06+ v. 7 , 9+Equalization , State board of . Proceedings . U 190 1-0 2, 06+Free library commi ss ion . Biennial report . U 190 1 -0 3 , v . 1

House of representatives . Journal . U 1890 -93 , 190 7+M ines , Inspector of. Report . U 1906+ v . 8+Public instruction , Department o f . Biennial report of the superintendent .

U 1894—190 0 , 0 3 -04, v . 14- 17 , 19Senate . Journal . U 1890 -95 , 190 5+Supreme court . Reports of cases . ( Idaho reports . ) U 1866+ v . 1+

Idaho Agricultural experiment station . Moscow . Annual report .U N 1894, 190 2+

Bulletin . U 1892+ no . N 1892+ no . 2, 4, 6-7, 9 -

41 , 43-49, 5 1+Id aho bankers

association . Proceedings . U 1908+ v . 4+Idaho (State ) penitentiary, Boise . Biennial report . U 190 2+Idler . (Johnson ) London . U 1 758-60”no . 1 - 10 3“I l lin i, see Illinois university, Urbana .

Ill inois . Reports . U 1838—97 1v . 1 1 -4OHNo longer i ssued as a collection .

Adj utant general . Biennial report . U 1862, 74- 76, 79 -80 , 85+Report containing rosters 81 historical memoran da of Illin oi s

regiments . U 186 1-66“V . 1

(State) agen cy office . Annual report on swamp lands . U 1890-



Agriculture,State board of. Report o f the annual fat stock show .

U 1883 -87 , 189 1 , v . 6- 10 , 14Statistical report as to the condition 81 yield of the crops .

U 1876, 78-80 , 82-87 , 93 -

97. 99- 190 1 , 0 3 , 0 5+Transactions . U N 187 1+ V . 9+ ( 11 . ser . v .

Continues I llinois state agricultural society .

Appellate court . Reports . U 1877+ V . 1+Arbitration

,State board o f . Annual report. G 190 5 , v. 10 ; U 1896+ v . 1+

Attorney general . Biennial report . U 1876-82, 88—1906

Architects,Board of examiners of . Biennial report . U 1899+ V . 1+

Auditor of publ i c accounts . Annual insurance report .U 1872-87 , 89 , 9 1 , V . 4 1 8, 19 pt 2, 21 pt 1

After 1894 i s sued by Illinois— Insurance, Department o f .Annual report of the building, loan 81 homestead associations .

U 1892, 94+ V . I , 3+Biennial report . U 1858—69 , 72-86

, 88+Statement showing condition o f I llinois state banks .

U 1892- 1906, 0 8+Canal commissioners . Report . U 1872, 74-75 , 77-78, 80 -82, 85+Charities

,Board of commissioners o f public . Biennial report,

U 1870+ v . 1+Bulletin . U +Proceedings of the state conference . U 1896

Circuit court . Reports of cases . U 1878+ V . 1+(State ) civi l service commission . Annual report . U 1908+ v . 3+Dental examiners, State board of. Annual report .

U 1890 , 98- 190 0 , v . 9 , 17- 19

(State ) entomologist . B ienn ial report on the horticultural inspection lawto the governor . U 1899- 1902, V . 1 -2 ; N 1899+ v . 1+

Bulletins . N 1887-94“v . 1 -5 llCirculars . N 1882-99”Executive report. U 190 5- 06

Report on the noxious 81 beneficial insects o f I ll inois .G V. 23 ; U 1867 , 72+ v . 1

,N 1867+ v . 1+

Equalization, State board of. Proceedings . G 190 7 ; U 1867+Factory inspector . Annual report . U 18931 190 4, 0 6+ V . 1 - 12


Farmers,’ institute . Announcements of annual meeting .

U 1898-

99 , 1904, 10+Annual report . G 1909 , v . 14 ; U N 1896+ v . 1+Bulletin . U 190 5+ no . N 1904+ no . 6-9 , 1 1+Circular . N 1906+ no . 1+

Fish commiss ioners , Board of. Reports .

U 1884, 87-90 , 954 902, N 1879+(State ) food commiss ion . Annual report . U 1899+ V . 1+Free employment offices , Chicago . Annual report .

G 190 7 , v . 9 ; U 1899+ V . 1+Game commissioner . Annual report . U 1899 - 190 0 , v , 1 -2

Game warden for the city of Chicago . Annual report . U 1892, v . 1

General assembly. Laws . G U 18 19 -21 , 25+List of members . U 1882-83 , 89 , 93List of officers &


members . U 1887 , 9 1 , 93 , 97Revised statutes . U

.1827 , 29 , 33 , 39 , 45, 74, 77 , 95. 97 , 190 1 , 0 3 , 08+

Geological survey, I st . Report : Geology palaeontology of I llinois .(Worthen . ) G U 1866-90”V . 1 N v . 1 -2, 7-SI](State ) geological survey, 2d . Urbana . Bulletin . G U N 190 6+ no . 1+

Circular . G U 190 6+ no . N 190 6+ no . 1 -2, 4+Governor . Biennial messages . U 1863 -67 , 7 1-85 , 91+ no . 23

-25 , 27-34, 37+Health , State board o f . Annual report . G 190 7 ;U 1878-88

, 92-

95 , 97 ,190 3+ v . 1 - 1 1

,15- 18, 20 , 190 3+ (no vol . number)

—1 Medical education . U 1881 -9 1 , 190 3, 1

- 7 , 190 3Monthly bulletin . U 190 7+ v . W+

Highway commi ssion . Annual report . U 1906+ v . 1+Bulletin . U 190 8+ v . 4+


House of representatives . Journal .U 1830 -

35 , 37 81 , 83- 19o3 ; Assembly, 7 9 pt pt 2-

32 pt 1 , 33-43Insurance department . Annual report . U 1894+ v . 26, 27 pt pt 1 , 29+Before 1894 i s sued by Auditor of public accounts .Labor

,Department of . Bulletin . U 1909+

Labor stati stics,Bureau of .


Annual report concerning coal .G 189 1 , 95+ U 1882, 85 , 87-88, 91, 93+ v . 1 , 4, 6-7 , 10 ,

12+Biennial report . U 1879+ v . 1+Report : industrial accidents in Illinois . U V . 1+

( territorial ) legislative assembly. Laws . U 1815- 18, sess ion 4-6Continued by I llinois —General assembly . Laws .Live stock commiss ioners , Board of. Annual report .

U 1885+ V . N 1885 1- 1 1

Natural hi story, State laboratory of. Urbana . Biennial report of the director. U 1880 82, 87 88, 93- 190 0 ; N 1879+

Bulletin . U N 1876+ V . 1+Natural history survey. G V .


3 ; N 1889+ v . 1+Biological experiment station . Havana . Biennial report .

U N 1895-96Natural history, State museum of . Springfield . Bulletin .

U 1877-97”no 1 - 121 ; N 1893 97“n o 3- 12 | l

Report . N 190 7+Pharmacy, State board of. Annual report . U 1883+ v . 2+Prison industries , State board of . Annual report . U 1906, v 2

Public instruction,Department of . Arbor day.

U 1896. 97, 190 0 . oz, N 1908+Biennial report of the superin tendent .

U 1857-58, 61+ V . 2,N 1877- 190 2, V . 12 13 , 15- 17 , 23-24

Memorial day . U 1899+see a lso Educational press bulletin .

Railroad 81 warehouse commiss ion . Annual report .

U v . IDecis ions 81 opinions . U 1889+ _

V . 1+Secretary o f state . Biennial report . U 1870 , 74+

Blue book. U 1899+Certified ,1i st of I llinois corporations fi led with the recorder of deeds .

U 1902+Senate . Journal .

U 1826, so-ss, 55-81 , 83,- loos ; Assembly, 5 , 7- 18 pt 1,19


32 pt 1 , 33-

43State, Department of . I llinois handbook 81 legislative manual . (Rummel . )

U 1870 -

71 , v . 1 -2

Later called Ill inois Blue book.

State,department of . Official Vote at the general election . U - 1888—190 0 , 08+

Supreme court . Report of cases . ( I llinoi s reports . ) U 1819+ V . 1+Treasurer . Biennial report . U 1849 , 69, 70 , 72, 76, 80+(State ) water survey . Urbana . Publ ications . G U N W 1897+ no .

Nos . 1 2 i ssued by I llinoi s university—4Chemical survey of the waters ofI l linoi s .

I llinoi s ( state ) academy of. science . Transactions . U‘

N 1908+ v . 1+Ill inois Agricultural exper iment station . Urbana. Annual report .

U N 1887+ v . 1+

Bulletin . G V . 7 , U N 1887+ v . 1+Circular. N 1897+ [no . 3 123+

I llinois ( state ) agricultural society. Journal . U 1862“v . I,Transactions . U N 1853 70“v . 1-8

Continued by Illinois— Agriculture,State board o f .

I llinois agricultu ri st . (Agricultural c lub , University o f I llinois . ) Champaign .

U 1897+ v . 1 -5 , [7 -8 ] 9- 10 , N 1898+ v . 2-7 , [9 13+I llinois association of domestic science . [Annual meeting ] U 190 5, v . 7I llinois as soci ation of state officials . Report . U 19o3 ,


v . 1 -3Illinois Asylum for feeble minded chi ldren . Lincoln . Biennial report .

U 1872, 74, 76-80 , 88-

92, 96+ V . 8, 10 ; v. 6-8, 12- 14, 16+


I llinois Asylum for insane criminals . Chester . Biennial report .U 1892+ V . 1+

I llinois Asylum for incurable insane . Peoria . Biennial report . U 1898+ v . 2+Illinoi s bankers ’ association . Proceedings . U 1893 , 190 1 , 06, v . 3 , 1 1


I ll inois ( state ) bar association . Proceedings .U 1879 8 0 , 82-

92, 190 1-02 , 0 5+ v . 2-

3 , 5- 15 , 25-26


I lllin ois ( state ) bee-keepers’ association . Annual report . U 1892+ v. 1+

I llinois Central hospital for the insane . Jacksonvi lle . Biennial report .U 1847—62, 74, 78, 90 , 94+ v . 1 -8

, I 4, 16. 22,24+

I llinois Central railroad company . Annual report .U -

99 , Ioox—os. v . 13 , 35-55

I llinois Charitable eye 81 ear i n firmary. Chicago . B iennial report .U 1879 , 87+ v . 1 1


I llinois coal operators association . Month ly bulletin . Chicago . G U +I llinois coal operators association 81 the United mine workers of America . Jointconvention

.G 190 6, U 190 1 , 0 3

-0 4Joint interstate agreement : I llinoi s state agreement : district 81 local agreements . U 190 2

- 06

I llinois college,Jacksonville . Catalogue . U 1840 -42, 838 5 , 97+

Illinois college of law , Chicago . Catalogue . UIllinois conferen ce of charities . Proceedings . U 1896- 190 5 , V . 1 - 10

I llinois conference of county superintendents 81 institute instructors.

~ Proceedings . U 190 1

I llinoi s congress of mothers . Report of annual meeting. U 1900 , V . 1

I llinois Cook county normal school, Chicago . Catalogue . UIll inois cyclopedic quarterly . [Legal . ] St Paul . U+I llinois ( state ) dairymen

s association . Annual report .U 1874-92, 95- 190 0 , 0 2—0 3, v . 1 - 18, 21 -26


I llinoi s Directory of the superintendents 81 principals o f public schools . Chicago . U

Illinois Eastern hospital for the ins ane . Kankakee . Biennial report .U 1878, 88-

96, 98+ v . I , 6- 10 , 12+I llin ois E astern ( I llinoi s ) state normal school . Charleston . Bulletin .

U nos . 4, 8—1 1 , 13- 17 , 20 , 23+

Catalogue . U 1899- 190 3 , 0 8+Report . U 1895- 1900 , V. 1 -2

Illinois ( state ) electric association . Proceedings . U 190 0 , v . 1

Illinois farmer . Springfield . U 1861 -63 , v . 6-8I llinois farmer farmers’ call . Quincy 81 Chicago . U +I llinois ( state ) farmers

’ association . Proceedings . U 1873—75 , 77 , v . 1 -3 , 5I llinoi s federation of women

s clubs . Program of annual meeting .

U 1899 , 190 1 -0 2, v . 5 , 7 -8

Reports of standing committees . U 1898-99 , v . 4- 5

I llinois ( state ) grange . (Patrons o f husbandry. ) Journal o f proceedings .U 1875 , 98 ,

190 9+ v . 4 , 27 , 38+I llinois grape growmg 81 Wine making association . Proceed ings . U 1868I llinois ( state ) historical l ibrary. Springfield . - Bienni al report .

U 1890 -

92, 96-

98, V. 1—2, 4

- 5

Bulletin . U 190 5+ v . 1+Circular . U 190 5+ no . 1+Collections . U 190 3+ v . 1+

Ill inoi s ( state ) hi storical society . Springfield . Journal . U 1908+ V . 1+Transactions . U 190 0+ v . 1+

Illinoi s ( state ) home for j uveni le female offenders . Geneva . Biennial report .U 1892+ v . 1+

Il linois ( state ) horticultural society. Transactions . U N 1856+ v . 1+Illinois humane society. Chicago . Annual report . U v . 12

I llinois Industrial home for the blin d . Chicago . Annual report .U 1894, 96, 98, 190 1 v . 1 , 3 , 5 , 8

Ill inois industrial univers ity. Urbana , see Illinois University . Urbana .

I llinois Institution for the education of th e b lind . Jacksonvi lle, see I ll inois

( state ) school for the blind .


Illinoi s Institution for the education of the deaf 81 dumb . Jacksonvi lle . Annualreport . U 1872, 74, 78, oo, 92- 190 2 v . 32, 34, 38, 48, 50 , 52-62

I llinois issue . (Anti- saloon league . ) Chicago .

I llinoi s j ournal (daily, weekly ) . Springfield Ill . , see Springfield, Illinois- j ournal ;

I llinois daily j ournal ; I llinoi s daily state j ournal , I llinois state j ournal.I llinoi s law review . Chicago . U 190 6+ v . 1+I llinois library association . Proceedings ( in Public libraries ) . U 1896+ V .

Illinois magazine , see Illinois university . Urbana .

I llinois manual training school farm . Glenwood . Annual report . U 1898, V . 1 1

Illinois medical college , Chicago . Register . UIllinois ( state ) medical society. Transactions . Chicago . U 1893-94, v . 43


44Illinois ( state ) microscopical society . Chicago . Bulletin . N 1886

I llinois natural history society . Bloomington . _Transactions . N 1861”V . I I]I llinois natural history society . Springfield . Transactions . N 1861”ser . 1 , V . I I]Illinois ( state ) normal university . Normal . Catalogue.U 76-78, 88-oo, 94

-98, 994 90 1 .04

—0 6,0 7+

I ll inois Northern hospital for the insane . Elgin . Biennial report .U 1874, 78, 84, 88- 190 2, 0 6+ v . 3 , 5 , 8, 1 0 - 17 , 19+

I llinoi s Northern ( Il linois ) state normal school, Dekalb . Biennial report .U 1899 - 190 0

Catalog . U 1899+I llinois Northern ( I llinoi s ) Superintendents

81 principals ’ as sociation . Yearbook. U 1906+ V . 1+

I llinois organ,Springfield

, s ee Springfield , I llinois organ .

Ill inoi s ( State ) penitentiary . Joliet . Biennial report . U 1868,"8, 82+

I llinois pharmaceuticalU 1880 -92, 94, 96-97 , 99+ v . 1 - 13 , 15 , 17- 18, 20+

I llinoi s (State ) reform school . Pontiac . Biennial report .U V . 1 , 4

- 5 , 7 ,Continued as

I ll ino i s (State) reformatory . Pontiac . B ien nial report . U 189 1+ v. 1+Library . Library report (biennial ) . U 190 0

-0 2, v. 6

I llinoi s St Charles home for boys . Bienn ial report . U 190 2+ v . 1+I llinois ( state ) school for the blind, Jacksonvi lle . Biennial report .

U 1870 -78, 93+ v. 1 1- 1 5 , 23+Be

fore 190 5 called Il linois Institution for the educat ion of the blind .

Illinoi s school j ournal . Normal ; Bloomington .

U [ 1882 [V ° [8]I llinois schoolmaster . Normal . U 1873-76, [v . 7-9Continues I llinois teacher ; and Chicago schoolmaster .

I llinois school of dentistry, Chicago . Circular . U 1897- 190 1

I llinoi s society for child- study . Chicago . Transactions . U [ 1894- 190 1 ] [v . 1

I llinois society of engineers 81 surveyors . .Annual report . U 1886+ v .

I llinois Soldiers ’ 81 Sailors’ home . Quincy . Biennial report . U 1885+ v . 1+

I llinoi s Soldiers ’ home . Chicago . Report. U =

1890I llinois Soldiers ’ orphans’ home . Normal . Biennial report .

U 76-86, 88-92, 94+ v. 1 , 3 , 5-9 , 1 1- 12, 14+I llinois Soldiers


home . Wilmington . Biennial report . U 1896+ v . 1+I llinoi s Southern hospital for the insane . Anna . Biennial report .

U 1886+ v . 8+I l linoi s Southern ( Illinois ) pen ten tiary. Chester . Report . U 1878, 87+I llinois Southern ( I llinois ) state normal university . Carbondale . Biennial report . U 94-96, 99—190 2

Catalogue . U 1880 - 190 0 , 0 2+Il linoi s state gazetteer 81 busines s directory. (Polk . ) Chicago .

U 1882, 86, 88, v . 3 , 5-6Illinoi s state j ournal, Springfield , I ll . , see Springfield , I llinois state j ournal .I llinoi s state register, Springfield , Ill . , see Springfield , I llinois state register .I ll inois ( state ) Sunday school association . Proceedings of convention . Chi

c ago . U 1892, v . 34I ll inoi s teacher . Peoria . U 1858-59 , 68 69 , 7 1 v. 4-5 , 14- 1 5, 17Continued as Ill inoi s schoolmaster .


I llinoi s ( state ) teachers’ association . Journal of proceedings .U 1868-69 , 99- 1902, 0 5 , V . 1 5- 16, 46-

48, 52 ; W 190 7 , V . 54Program of the Annual meeting . U 1897, 19

0 1,04+ v . 44 , 48 , 5 1+

I llinoi s (State ) training school for girls, Geneva . B ienn ial report .U 190 0 -0 6, V . 5 -

7Illinois University.

Urbana . Alumni quarterly . U 190 7+ V . 1+Bulletin .

U 190 3+ v . 1+Continues Publications .Catalog. U 1867+I llin i (Students

’ paper ) . U 1874+ v . 3- 18, 20 -21 , 23+

Continues the Student, v . 1 -2.

Summer I llin i . 1908+ v . 1+I llinois magazine . U 190 2

- 0 5, v. 1 -4U 190 9+ ser . 2, V . 1+

Illio (Junior class annual ) . U 1895-97, 99 , 190 1+ V . 1 -3 , 5 , 7+Continues Sophograph .

Publications . U 190 1 V . 1 -2HContinued . by Bulletin .

Report of the board of trustees . U 1867+Sophograph (Sophomore class annual ) . U 1884-86, 88-

92, 94“v . 1 -3 , 5-9 , 1 1 | lContinued as I llio .

Student . U 1871 -731] V . 1

Continued as the I llin i .University studies ; U N 190 0+ v . 1+Varsity fortnightly . U V . 1”Agricultural club , -

see also Ill inois agriculturist .Astronomical observatory . Bulletin . U 1898, n o. 1

Ceramics,School of . Studi es . U 190 5+ n o. N 190 7+ no . 2


Chemical survey of the waters of I llinois . Report .G U N W 1897- 190 3”v . 1

Continued in Illinois (State) water survey.

Publications .Civi l engineers

’ club . Selected papers , see T echn ograph .

Dentistry,College of . Chicago . Announcemen t . U 190 1

—04 , 0 5+Education , School of . Bulletin . U 1909+ no . 1+Engineering experiment station . Bulletin .

U 1904+ v . 1 , no . N 1904+ no . 1 -6, 8- 12, 26+Engineering societies , Association of, see a lso T echn ograph .

(State ) library school . Circular . U 1897+Medicine

,College of. Chicago . Announcement . U 1891 -96, 1900+

Before 1897 called Chicago college of physicians 81 surgeons .see also Plexus .

Pharmacy, School of. Chicago . Announcement . U 95-97, 98+Before 1896 called Chicago college of pharmacy .

Psychological laboratory. Studies . U 190 9+ v . 1+I llinois water supply association . Proceedings . Urbana . U 1909+ v . 1+I llinois Wesleyan university. Bloomington . Catalogue .

U 76777 , 92-96, 97+I llin0 1s Western hosp ital for the insane . Watertown . Biennial report .

U 1898+ v . 1+I llinoi s Western normal college . Bushnell . Catalog . UIllinois Western ( Illinoi s ) state normal school , Macomb . Catalog .

U 06+I ll inois woman ’s college . Jacksonvi lle . Catalogue. U 0 7+I ll inois young men

s Christian association . Yearbook [with proceedings of an

nual convention ] . U 1893 , v. 21

I lluminating engineer . London . U 1909+ v. 2+Illuminating engineer . New York . U 1906+ v . 1+Illuminating


engineering society. Transactions . Easton (Pa. ) U 190 9+ v . 4+Illustrated annual register o f rural affairs . Alb-any (N . Y . ) U 1855-81 ll v . 1

I llustrated London news. London . U 1842-60 , V ~ I -37I llustration . Paris. U 1896+ v . 10 7+

Supplément d rama . U 1899+Supplément fiction . U 1898+


I llustrationl

horticole . Ghent. U 1854- 199 0“v .

1897—190 0 en titled QS emaine horticole .

I l lustrazione italiana . Milan . U 190 84; V 35+I llustrierte wochenschri ft ( la ter zeitschri ft ) fur entomologie, see Zeitschri ft fur

W i ssenschaftliche in sekten biologie .

I llustrierte zeitung. Leipzig .

“U 190 5+ V 124+

I lustracion E spafiola 81 Americana . Madrid . U 1909+ v 53+Imperatorskaya, Imperiale , etc . For entri es of learned academies thus expressing royal privilege, see under the first word following this adj ective


i s abbreviated and disregarded in the arrangement .Imperial ; a Christmas 81 New-year

s present . London . U 1839Imperial j ournal of art, science , mechanics 81 engineering . Man chester (E n g )

U 1840 , V . 1 -3Implement age . Philadelphia . U 1898—190 0 [v . 12

, [ 13—16]Improvement era . (Young men

s mutual improvement association . ) Salt Lakecity . U [ 190 7 ] [v . 10 ]

Incorporated association of municipal 81 county engineers . Lon don . Proceedings

“. U 1873+ v . 1+

Earlier organization was Associ ation of municipal sanitary engineers 81surveyors .

Independent . New York . U 1899+ v . 5 1+In dependent farmer 81 Western swine breeder . Lincoln (Neb . )

U 1 May 190 7+ v . 39 , no . 38+Continues as consolidation of Nebraska independent , Weekly state j ournal,81 Western swine breeder .

Independent labour party. London . Report o f the annual conference .

U 190 3 , v . 1 1

see a lso Labour leader, j ournal of s ociali sm, trade unionism 81 po l itics .Independent labour party news . London . U [ 190 0 - 0 3 ] [v . 4

—7 ]

Independent order of Odd fellows , see Odd fellows .Indes néerlandaises

,s ee a lso Java .

Index 81 review, all about government publications . Washington (D . C . )U 190 1 -0 3 ] v . 1

Index medicus . New York ; Washington .

U 1879-95, o7- 99 I I 190 3+ v 1- 17 , 20 -21 ll sér 2 v 1+Not published 1899

Index society . London . Publications . U has orderedIndex to legal periodicals 81 law library j ournal . (American association of lawlibraries . ) Madison (Wis . ) U

In dia— Agriculture, Department o f . Annual report . U 1904+ v . 1+Memoirs ; botanical series U N 1906+ v. 1+Memoirs ; chemical series . U N 1906+ V. 1+Memoirs ; entomological series . U N 1906+ v . 1+

Geological survey. Memoirs : Palaeon tologia Indica .

U 1879-87, s .er 13 , V. I , pt . 1 -7 , V . 2, pt . 1 , V . 4, pt . 1 -2 ; U has ordered 1859-97Railway board . Administration report. London . U 1892+

Class ified list of state rai lway estab lishment distribution returnof establishmen t o f all rai lways . U 1900+Preceding 190 5 i s sued by the Public works dept .Revenue 81 agriculture , Department of . Agricultural statistics of Briti shIndia . U v . 14- 16

India Agricultural research institute . Pusa . Report on the fruit experiments .U 190 6+ V . 1+

India, see also Agricultural 81 horticultural society of India .

Indian industries power . London . U 4.

Indian museum . Calcutta . Memoirs . N 190 7+ v . 1+Records . N 190 7+ v . 1+Natural history section . Annual report. N 190 7+Indian museum notes . N 189 1-1903”V 25 ”

Indian rights association . Philadelphia . Annual report . U 1886+ v . 4+Publications .U 1893- 190 7, ser . 2, n o. 8, 46-49. 5 1 , 53, 58-59. 61-63 , 65-67. 69, 71 -77


Bulletin . U 1885+ no . N 1885+ [ n o. . 2 129+Circular . N [ n o. 1 17+

Indiana bankers associ ation . Indianapolis . Annual convention .

U 190 7+ v . 1 1+Indiana ( state ) bar association . Report . U 190 7+ v . 1 1+Indiana Boys ’ school . Plain fie ld . Annual report .U 1870 . 73 , 88

-oo, ox-os,’

v . 4. 7 , 23-24, 34, 36-39, 42

Indiana Central Indiana hospital for insane . Indianapolis . Annual report .U 1895+ v . 47+

In diana college association . Addre s ses 81 proceedings . U 1878, v . 1

Indiana ( state ) conference of charities 81 corrections . Proceedings . U 1895, v . 4 .

Indiana ( state ) dairy association . Annual report .U 1891 -

93 , 1898- 190 5 , v. 1 -3 , 9- 15, 18+

Indiana Eastern hospital for the insane . Easthaven . Annual report. U 1890+A fter b iennial .

Indiana engineering,society . Indianapolis . Proceedings .

U 1882, 84+ v . 2, W 190 6+ v . 26+Indiana farmer .

Indianapolis . U 1902+ [v . 57 60 , [61+Indiana federation of labor . Official proceedings of the annual convention . I n

d ian apolis . U 1902—0 3 , 06+ V . 18- 19, 22+Indiana Girls ’ school . Mitchellvi lle . Report . U v. 2+Indiana ( state ) grange . (Patrons of husbandry . ) Proceedings .

U 1887 , 190 7+ v . 17, 37+Ind iana historical society . Ind ianapolis . Publications . U 1895+ V . 1+Indiana ( state ) horticultural society . Transaction s .G 1890 , v . 30 ; U 1867, 69-72, 74- 77, 79-81 , 83 , 89 , 190 0 , 04+ v . 6, 8—1 1 , 13 - 16,

18-20 , 23 , 29 , xN 1872-90 ,V . 1 1 , 15- 16, 19-22, 26, 30

Indiana,I llin ois 81 Iowa rai lroad company . Annual report .

U 1904-0 5 , v . 17- 18

Indiana Northern hosp ital for the insane . Lon gcliff. Biennial report .U

Indiana (State ) prison . Michigan City . Biennial report . U 1880 , 190 4- 06

Indiana Reformatory . Jeffersonvi lle . Biennial report . U (V . 0 7+Indiana School for feeble-minded youth . Fort Wayne . Annual report .

U 1880—86, 87 -89 , 90 -92, 93+Indiana School for the deaf . Indianapolis . Annual report . U 1908+ v . 65+Indiana school j ournal . Indianapoli s .


U 63 9 69- 70 ’ 76, 97 ] V ° 1 : [2-

3 1 5 , 8: 21, 42]

Indiana society of c1v11 engineers 81 surveyors, s ee Indiana engineering society .

In dian a Soldiers ’ 81 sai lors ’ orphans ’ home . Knightstown . Annual report.U 190 7+ v . 29+

Indiana Southern hospital for the insane , Evansville . Biennial report .U 190 6+ v. 10+

Indiana teacher . Indianapolis . U [ 1869 ] [v . 1 ]Indiana Vil lage for epi leptics . New Castle . Annual report . U 1908+ v . 3+Indianapoli s . Annual reports . U 1892, 96-97 , 99 , 190 1-02, 0 9+

City comptroller . Report . U 189 1 , 94, 97, 99 , 190 1-0 2

Park commissioners . Annual report . U 1896—97 , 99 , 190 1+ V . 2-

3 , 5 , 7+Public health and -chariti es , Department of . Annual report .

U 1909 , v . 19 ; W 1908, v . 18Public library . Annual report . U 1873-74, 79 81 , 92- 190 2 v . 1 , 7

-8, 20—29Bulletin . U 190 4+ v . 1+

Public safety,Department o f . Annual report .

U 1894, 97-99 , 190 1-02, 0 7+ v. 4 , 7-9 , 1 1 - 12, 17+Public works , Board of . Annual report . U 190 5+ v . 15+

Indianapoli s board o f trade . Annual report .U 1880 , 96-98, 190 0+ v . 1880 , v . 14 16


Ind ianapol i s Commercial club , see also Forward .

Indianapoli s free kindergarten chi ldren ’s aid society . Report . U 1895-96Indianapoli s news . Yearbook 81 encyclopedia . U 190 1

Indian ’s friend . (National Indian association . ) New Haven (Conn . ) U +Indicateur d

an tiquités suisse . Zurich , s ee Anzeiger fii r schweizerische altertumskun de .


Indicator . [ Insurance ] Detroit . U 190 7‘ l~ V . 33+

Indogermanische forschungen . Strassburg . U 1892+ v . 1+Indoors 81 out . Boston . U I 90 5

-0 7”V 1 -5 , no . 3”Combined with House beauti ful Jan . 1908.

Industrial aid society for the prevention of pauperism . Boston . Annual report .U 1857 , 63 , 68, 74, 80 , 9 1 v . 22, 28, 33 . 39, 45. 56

Indu strial art teachers’ association . Papers . Boston (Mass . ) U 1889

Industrial engineering . New York . U 1910+ v . 7+Continues Engineering digest .

Industrial independent, devoted to the interests of free 81 independent labor ; opposed to organized lawlessness , socialism 81 an archy . Indianapoli s .

U [ l oos] [v . 2]Industrial magazine . Cleveland . U 190 2+ V . 1+V . 1 -4 have title Draftsman , v . 5 has title Brownin g

’s industrial magazine .

Industrial removal office , see New York (city ) , Industrial removal office .

Industrial workers of the world . Report . Chicago . U 1906

Industrial world Pittsburg (Pa . ) U +Industriali st . Manhattan, see Kansas state agricultural co l lege .

Industrie électrique . Paris . U 1894—95, V . 3—4

In dustrie laitiére . Paris . U 190 5+ v . 30+Industry .

. San Francisco . U 1894Infantry j ournal . (U. S . Infantry association . ) Washington (D . C . )

U 1910+ v . 7+Continues U. S . infantry associ ation . Journal .

Ingegneria ferroviaria ; revista dei trasporti 81 d el le ‘commun icazion i . Rome

( Italy ) . UIngenieur, see

' C iv ilin gen ieur.

Ingenieur .“

(K. I n stituut van ingenieurs— van de vereen iging van D elftsche

ingenieurs . ) The Hague . U 1909+ v . 24+Ingenieur moniteur du brev ité. Paris . U 190 9+ V . 24+Inhalt der mechanisch technischen zeitschri ften . Berlin . U 1897 , v . 8Inland architect . Chicago . U 1898- 1908”v . 3 1

Continued in American architect .Inland printer . Chicago . U 190 5+ v . 35+Innsbruck (Austria ) U n iversitat . (K . K . Leopold-Franzens -un iv ersitat . )Bericht . U 08+Uebersicht . U 190 5+Vorlese-ordnung . U 190 5+

Insect life, s ee U . S .

— Entomology, Division of .

Insect world ; a monthly magazine [ in Japanese ] . Gifu (Japan ) .

U [ 1899 ] lv . 3 ]I n st i tuc1o catalana d h i stori a natur

ah Barcelona . BulletU N ser . 2

, v . 6+Institut de droit international . Paris . Annuaire . U 190 6, v . 21

Institut de France . Pari s— Académie des inscriptions 81 belles lettres . Comptesrendus . U 1895 , v . 23;Académie des , sciences . Comptes rendus hebdomadai res des séances .

U 1835+ v. 1+M emoires . U 1 796+ v . 1+M emoires p resentes par divers savants . U 1 796—190 2, V . 1 -34R eceu il des mémoires relatifs a l

observation du passage deVénus sur le soleil , 1874 . U 1877—82“v . 1

All other publications . U has orderedInstitut égyptien . Cairo . Bulletin .

N 1897+ ser . 3 , v . 8- 10 ; ser . 4, v . 1 -7 ; ser. 5 , v . 1+Mémoires . N 190 0+ v . 3+

Institut international de bibliographie . Brussels . Annuaire . U 1899 , 190 2

Annuaire de la Belgique , scien tifique , arti stique 81 littéraire . U 1908, no . 7 1Bulletin . U 1897- 190 1 , 0 9+ v . 2

Repertoi re des brevets d ’

in ven tion délivrés en Belgique .

U 1906+ V . 1 -22,24+

Institut international d e Stati stique . Rome . Bulletin . U 1886+ v . 1+Publications . U 1886+ n o. 1+


Institut Pasteur . Paris. Annales . U 1887+ v . N 1887- 19 10 , V . 1 -2, 4, 6-24

Bulletin . U 190 9+ V . 7+Institute o f actuaries . London . Journal . U 185 1+ v . 1+Institute of bankers . London . Journal . U 1879+ v . 1+Institute of marine engineers . Frome (En g ) Transactions . U 19 10+ v . 21+Institution of civil engineers . London . Minutes of proceedings , with papers .

U 1837+ V . 1+Transactions . U 1838-42, v . 1-3

Institution of civi l engineers of Ireland . Dublin . Transactions .U I 909+ V . 35+

Institution of electr ical engineers . London . Journal . U 1872+ V . 1+1872-88, v . 1- 17 has title Journal of the Society of telegraph engineers .

I nstitution o f engineers 81 shipbui lders in Scotland .

“Glasgow . Transactions .

U 1862+ v . 6+Institution of mechanical engineers . Birmingham ; London . Proceedings .

U 1847+ V . 1+Institution of naval architects , Lon don .

LTransactions . U 1860+ V . 1+

Instituto agricola de Alfonso n th— Agricultura , Escuela general de . Madrid“.

Memoria . U 1887-90Instituto cien tifico 81 l iterario Porfirio Diaz . Toluca (M ex ) Boletin .

U 190 2+ v . 5, n o. 9+Instituto d e ingenieros de Chi le. Santi ago . Anales . U 190 9+ V . 9+Instituts Solvay . Brussels .— Sociologie , Institut de . Etudes socia

les ._U 1906, v 3

K . I n stituut van ingenieurs . The Hague . T‘

ij d schrift ; verhan d el in gen ,in stituuts

j aar . U 190 7-0 8

s ee also Ingenieur .Insurance engineering . N ew York . U 190 1+ V . 1+Insurance law j ourn al . St Louis ; New York. U 187 1 -83 , V. 1 - 12

Insurance year book . New York . U 1880 ,82

,190 3, V . 8, I O

, 3 1

Intellectual observer. London . U 1862-66, 67-68, V . 18 ,1 1- 12

Intelligencer ; publi shed for the“satis faction information o f the people . Lon

don . U [Jan . I 663/64-Dec . 1664]Intercollegiate . New York . U 190 5+ v.

Intermédiaire des biologistes . Paris . N 1897-99 , V. 1 , [2 ]Intermédiaire des mathématiciens . Paris . U 1894+ V . 1+International actuarial congre s s . Transactions . U 1895 , 98, 190 0 ,

1 -3s ee a lso Intern ational congress of actuaries .

International apple shippers association . Yearbook. U 190 5+ v . 1 1+International association for testing materials ,— American section, see Americansociety for testing materials .

International association of bridge structural iron workers . Proceedings ofannual convention . U 1904, V . 8see a lso Bridge men

’s magazine.International association of car workers . Proceedings of the special con V




n tion .

1 90 5Synopsis of proceed-ings of the annual convention . Joliet ( I ll . )

U 190 3-04. 0 7+see a lso Carworker.

International association o f factory inspectors of North America . Proceedingsof the annual convention . U 1887, 93-94, 96, 1904 v. 1 , 7-8, 18Before 1892 name was National convention of factory inspectors in the U. S .

International association o f machinists . . Proceedings of the biennial convention .

U 190 7+ v . 12+see a lso Machinists

monthly j ournal .In ternational associ ation of marble workers, see also Marble workers ’ j ournal .I nternational book-binder . ( Int ernational brotherhood of book-binders of

North America . ) New York. U 1909+ v . 10+Internation al brick, ti le, terra cotta workers’ alli ance, see also Brick, ti le ,terra cotta workers ’ j ournal .

International brotherhood of blacksmiths helpers . Proceedings of biennialconvention . U 190 5, v. IO

see also Blacksmith’

s j ournal .


I nternational metal worker .’

(United metal workers international union of

America . ) Chicago .


U [ 1904] [ v . 2 ]I nternational monetary conference . Paris . Proceedings . 1878, 81

I nternational monthly . Burl ington (V t . ) U 1900- 02”v 1

Continued as International quarterly.

I nternational monthly magazine of literature, sci ence and art .U 1850 -52 | l v . 1

Merged in Harper ’s n ew monthly magazine .I nternational musician . (American fede ration of musicians . ) St Louis .

U [ 1906, lv . . 7 , 8]I nternational Ohio improved Chester record association . Record . U 1895 . V . I I ]International penitentiary congress . London . Report . U I 872 | V


. I IIContinued as International prison congress .

I nternational printing pressmen assistants ’ union of North America . Reporto f officers 81 proceedings . U 1908, v . 20

see also American pressmen .

In ternational prison congress . Report . U 1872-95 , v . 1 -51872 called Internati onal penitentiary congress .

I nternational quarterly . New York. U 190 2-0 6”v . 6Continues International monthly .

International rai lway congress . Brussels . Bulletin . U 1887+ v . 1+Proceedings . U 190 0 -0 5, V. 6-7

International railway j ournal . PhiladelphiaInternational record of charities corrections . New York . U [ 1886 ] [v . 1 ]International review . New Y 0 1k . U 1874-83“v . 1

I nternational sanitary convention of the American republics . Tran sactions .Washin gton . U 1906, 2d

I nternational seamen ’

s union of America, see a lso Coast seame n’

s j ournal .I n te i n ation al shingle weavers

un ion of America . Proceedings of the annualconvention . U 1909+ v . 7+see a lso Sh ingle weaver .

I nternational socialist review . Chicago.

U 1900—0 1 [0 2, 94i 0 5 ’ ] 0 8+ v .


i, [2, 4

International soc ial ist congress , see Congres socialiste international .I nternational sp inners ’ union . Convention report U 190 7International steam engineer . ( International union of steam engineers . ) NewYork . U [ 190 3 , 0 5 , [06 ] 0 7

Internation al studio . N ew York . C 190 5+ v . U 1897+ v . 1+see a lso Studio .

International typographical union o f North America . Proceedings .U


1870 -88 9 1 93 , 96- 190 4 v . 19-36. 39-

41 , 43-54

Continues Nat ional typograph ical union .

see also Typographical j ournal .I nternational union for cooperation in solar research . Transactions . Manchester (E n g) U 1904

—0 5, V . 1 -2

Intern ational union of American republics , see Pan American union .

International union of elevator constructors . Proceedings . U 190 4, v . 3see a lso Elevator constructor .

Internation al union of j ourneymen horseshoers of the U. S . 81 Canada . Proceed in gs of convention . U 1906, V . 28s ee also International horseshoer

s monthly magazine .International union of steam engineers . Proceedings . U 190 1 -0 3 , V. 5-7

see also International steam engineer .Intern ational waterways commi ss ion . Progress report . U 1906+ V . 2+International wood worker . (Amalgamated wood workers international unionof America . ) Chicago . U [ 1896, 98-99 , 190 1 0 3+ [v . 4, 6, 13+

International yearbook New York. U 1898- 1902H190 7+ v . 1 new ser . v . 1+I n tern ation ale elektrotechnische aus stellung . O ffizie l ler bericht . U 189 1

Internationale erdmessung . Comptes rendu des séances de la conference gén érale . U 1906, V . 15

Internationale musikgesellschaft . Leipzig. Zeitschri ft (81 sammelban de ) .

U has orderedInternationale wochenschri ft . Berlin . U +


I nternationale zeitschri ft fur allgemeine sprachwissenschaft . Leipzig.

U 1884-90 , v . 1 -5

Internation ales arbeiter congress . Protokoll . U 1889

I nternationales archiv fur ethnographie . Leyden . U 1888+ V. 1+Internationales archiv fiir schulhygiene . Leipzig . U 190 5+ v . 1+

Inter ocean,see Chicago inter- .ocean

I nter- state cotton seed crushers’ association . Bulletin . Columbia (S . C . )

U 1908+ n o. 10+Interstate school review . Danville ( I ll . )


U [ 1897- 1909] [v . 771 0 ]I nvalid itats altersversi cherung ; amtliche nachrichten des R e i chsvers i ch

erun gsamts . Berlin . U 189 1 -98

I n valid itats 81 altersversicherung im deutschen reiche . Mainz . U 1890 9- 9 , v . 1—9

I nvestment directory ; insurance companies . ( S . H . Wolfe . ) New York.

U 190 5Iowa. Legis lative documents. U 1896-98, 190 2+ assembly, 26-27 , 29+

Adj utant-general ’s offi ce . Biennial report . U 1872, 78-79 , 85-87 , 9 1-93 , 97+Attorney general . Biennial report. U 190 0+ V . 2, 4+Auditor


of s tate . Annual bank report . U 189 1 -93Annual report on insurance. U 1879, 95, 97 , 1906+ V . I 0 , 26, 28, 37+Biennial report . U 1852-53 , 77 79 , 85-91 , 95+

Control of state institutions , Board of . Biennial report .U 1898- 190 3 , os-o6, v . 1

Bulletin of Iowa institutions . U 1899- 190 3 , 0 5+ v . 1 - 5 , 7+Dairy commissioner . Annual report .U 189 1 , 93 94, 96 98, 190 0 o4 0 5 , 0 7+ v . 5 , 7—8, 10 - 12

,14 18- 19 , 21+

Executive counci l . Annual report o f the assessed valuation of rai lroadproperty. U 1872, 76, 82, 84, 87 , 89+ v . 1

, 5 , 1 1 , 13 , 16, 18+Report o f the annual assessment of telegraph 81 telephone property.

U 1902- 0 3 , 0 5-o6, 08+ v . 3-

4, 6-7 , 9+

(State ) fi sh 81 game warden . Biennial report . N 1886+ V . 7 , 14, 16+General assembly. Laws . U 1838-39Geological survey . (Hall 81 White, 1855 Report, embracing results .

G U 1855- 57, 66 70

G eological survey Annual report . G U 1892+ v . 1+Bulletin . G U 190 1—0 5 , n o. 1 -2 ; N 190 1 , n o. 1

Governor . Bienni al message . U 1896, 190 0

Health,State board of . Biennial report . U 1881 -84 , 86+ v . 1 -2 , 4+

Iowa health bulletin. U 1899+ v . WHistorical department . Biennial report . U 1893-

99 , 190 3+ V . 1 -4, 6+see a lso Annals of Iowa .

House of representatives . Journal . U 1896+ assembly,26+

Lab-or statistics , Bureau of . Biennial report . U 1888-92, 95+ v . 3- 5 , 7+

( State) l ibrary . Biennial report .U 1868-73 . 83 -85 , 93 95 , 97- 199 3 v 13

- 15, 29 24 , 27 29Library commiss ion . Biennial report . U 190 0 0 5, v . 1 -2

Summer school for library training 190 2+ no . 2+see a lso Iowa library quarterly.

(State ) mine inspectors . Biennial report .G 1891 - 95, v 5 7 ; U 0 3+ v 7 . 1 0 12+

Pharmacy, Commissioners of . Biennial report . U 190 1 , 0 5+ v . 1 1 , 13+Public instruction , Department o f . Biennial report .

U 1870 -75 , 78- 79 , 82+ v . 1 5 2 1+Iowa educational di rectory . U 1908+

Railroad commissioners , Board of . Annual report . U 1877 , 80+ v . 1 , 3+Secretary of state Census . U 1867 , 69 , 95 , 190 5

Iowa official register . U 1890 , 92+ v . 5 , 7+Report of land“dept . U 1897 , 99Report relating to criminal convictions .

U 1864-65. 74-75 , 80 -81 . 86-89 , 94—99Senate . Journal . U 1896+ assembly 26+State institutions , Board of . Bulletin . USupreme court . Reports of cases . ( Iowa reports . ) U 1839+Treasury, Department of. Biennial report . U 1876 83 , 858 9, 9 1- 190 1 , 0 3+


Iowa academy of sciences . Des Moines . Proceedings .G 1894- 190 7 , v . i - 14 ; U 1894 9— 7 , 99+ v. 2-5 , N 1887+ v . 1+

Iowa Agricultural experiment station . Ames . Annual report . U 1888+ v . 1+Bulletin .

U 1888+ no . N 1888+ n o. 1 -9, 1 1 41 55, 57-87. 90 -94, 96-98, 102, 10 4+

Iowa ( state ) agricultural society . Annual report . U 1857 , 5 9—75 , 78-

9 1 , 93 , 96

Iowa anthropological association . Iowa city . Proceedings . U 1904-0 5 ,-

V . 1 2 .

Iowa bankers ’ association . Proceedings . U 1897-98, 190 1+ v . I I - 12, 15+Iowa Central rai lroad company . Annual report . U v . 13Iowa college . Grinnell, see a lso Grinnel l review .

Iowa College for the blind . Vinton . Annual report . U 1906+ v .

Iowa ( state ) college of mechanic arts . Ames— Botanical department . Contributions . N 1896+ no . 5- 10 , 12- 17 , 19 23 , 25+Zoology 81 entomology, Department of . Contributions . N 1896-99 , n o. 1 -4

Iowa ( state ) conference of charities 81 corrections . Proceedings . U 190 9+ v . 10+Iowa ( state ) dairy association .

° Report . U 1896, v . 20

Iowa engineer . ( Iowa state college . ) Ames . U 190 1+ v . 1+Iowa engineering soc iety . Proceedings .

U 1889+ v . W 190 6, 08+ v . 18 , 20+Iowa ( state ) federation of labor . Constitution 81 proceedings .

U 190 2, 0 7 -08, v. 10, 1 5- 16

Official labor directory. Des Moines . U 190 3+Proceedings . U 190 3+ V . 1 1+

Iowa“grain dealers ’ association . Official di rectory of regular grain' dealers .

Iowa health bulletin, see Iowa— Health , State board of.Iowa historical record . ( Iowa state histori cal society . ) Iowa city .

U 1885- 190 2”v . i

Continued by I owa j ournal of history politics .

Iowa ( state ) hi storical society, Iowa city, see also I'owa historical record ; Iowa

j ournal of hi story 81 politics .Iowa homestead . Des Moines . U 1869 , v . 14Iowa ( state ) horticultural society . Forestry annual . U 1879, v. 5

Report . U 1869- 76, 78-

98, 1900 -0 1,0 3+ v . 4

- 1 1 , 13-33 , 35-

36, 38+Iowa ( state ) hosp ital . Clarinda . Biennial report . U 1895-97 , 1904+Iowa improved stock breeders ’ association . Proceedings of the annual meeting .

U 1887 , 96, v ; 14, 23Iowa Institution for feeble-minded children . Glenwood . Report.

U 1893 -95 , 97- 190 3 , v. 10 , 12- 14, 16

Iowa j ournal of history 81 pol itics . ( Iowa state historical society. ) Iowa city .

U 1903+ v . 1+Continues Iowa historical record .

Iowa library quarterly . ( Iowa library commi ssmn . ) Des Moines .U 190 5+ v . 5+

Continues Bulletin of the Iow a library commiss ion .

Iowa official register, see Iowa— Secretary of State .Iowa park 81 forestry association . Proceedings . U 190 6, v . 6Iowa Penitentiary, Fort Madison . Bien nial report . U 1906+ v . 33+Iowa Pioneer lawmakers ’ association . Proceedings . Des Moines .

U 1894+ v . 4+Iowa Reform school . Eldora . Biennial report . U 1879-83 , v . 7-8Iowa School for the deaf. Council Bluffs . Report . U 190 8+ v . 28+Iowa Soldiers ’ home . Marshalltown . Biennial report . U 190 5+Iowa Soldiers ’ orphans ’ home . Davenport . Biennial report . U 190 3+ v . 21+Iowa state college, see Iowa ( state ) college of agriculture mechanic arts .Ames .

Iowa ( state ) university . Iowacity . Hawkeye . (Junior class annual . ) U 1909+Stud ies in languages 81 l iterature . U 190 7+ no . 1+Studies in psychology. U 1897+ V . 1+Studies in sociology

,economics , politics 81 history. U [ 1903-04] [2

Engineering society, see also Transit .Natural hi story, Laboratories of . Bulletin .

U 1888-93 , 95- 190 1 , v . 1 -3 , 4 pt 1-3 , 5 pt 1 -2 , 4 ; N 1888+ v . 1+Physical laboratory . Contributions . U 190 7+ V . I , no . 2+


Jahrbuch der deutschen in Amerika ; New York . U 1873Jahrbuch der elektrochemie . Halle . U 1894+ v. 1+Jahrbuch der radioaktiv itat 81 elektronik . Leipzig U 1904+ V . 1+Jahrbuch der stati stik. “Strassburg . U 190 9+ v . 1+Jahrbuch des freien deutschen hochsti ftes . Fran kfurt-a-M . U 190 2+ v . 1+Jahrbuch des han de lsvertragsverein . Berlin . U 190 1 , v . 1

Jahrbuch des offen tlichen rechts der gegenwart . Tubingen . U 190 7+ V . 1+Jahrbuch des sti ftes Klosterneuburg , see Klosterneuburg (Austria ) monastery .

Jahrbuch fiir das eisen hii tten wesen . Dusseldor f . U 190 0 -04, v. 1 -5Jahrbuch fii r den berg h ii tten man n der osterreich ischen kaiserstaates . Vienna .

U 18 8, v . 1

Jahrbuch fur gesetzgebung, verwaltung volkswirtschaft. (Schmoller. )


zig. U 187 1+ v . 1+Jahrbuch fur literaturgeschichte . (Gosche . ) Berlin . U 1865 , v . 1

Jahrbuch fii r psychoanalytische 81 psychopathologische forschungen . Leipzig.

U 190 9+ v . 1+Jahrbuch fur romani sche 81 engli sche sprache literatur. Leipzig.

1 U 1870 -74, v . 1 1-13Jahrbuch fur SO Z i aIWi ssen schaft 81 soz ialpolitik . Zurich-Oberstras s .

U 1881”v .

Jahrbuch fur volks j ugendspiele . Leipzig . U 1906, v . 15Jahrbuch fur wissenschaftliche praktische tierzucht ein schliesslich der zuch


n gsbiologie . Hanover . U 190 6+ V . 1+Jahrbuch iiber die fortschritte -der mathematik . Berlin. U 1868+ v . 1+J ahrbiicher der in 81 auslan d ischen gesammten med icin . (Schmidt ) L

U 1899+ V . 261+

J ahrbucher des Europaischer boden kred its . (Hecht . ) Leipzig . U 190 9+

Jahrbucher i ji r gesellschafts staatswiss enschaften . Berlin .

U 1864, V . 1

Jahrbucher fur n ation alokon omie 81 statistik. Jena . U 1863+ v . 1+Supplemen theft . U 1878-93 , v . 1-21

Volkswirtschaftliche chronik. U 1898 +v . 1+

Jahrbii cher fur philologie 81 paedagogik . Leipzig, see Neues j ahrbii cher fii r

philologie 81 paedagogik .

Jahrbii cher fii r wissenschaftliche botan ik . Berlin ; Leipzig. U 1858+ v .


Jahresbericht iiber das schweizerdeutsche id iotiken . Zurich . U 1875-77 , v . 3-4Jahresbericht iiber die erscheinungen auf dem gebiete der germanischen phi lologie . (Gesellschaft fiir deutsche phi lologie . ) B-erlin . U 1879+ v . 1+

Jahresbericht iiber d ie fortschritte auf dem gesammtgebiete d er agrikulturchemie .

Berlin .1 U 1858+ v . 1+

Jahresbericht uber die fortschritte der chemie mineralogie . (Berzelius . )Tubingen . U 1822-5 1 , v . 1 -30

Called Jahresbericht uber -die fortschritte d er physi schen wissenschaften .

V . 1 - 19 , 1822-

41 .

Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der chemie 81 verwandter theile an derer wi ssen schaften . Giessen . U 1847-71 , 73 - 190 1 , 0 3+

Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der chemischen technologie , s ee Jahresberichtiiber die lei stungen der chemi schen technologie .

Jahresbericht tiber die fortschritte der klassische altertums wissenschaft .Leipzig. U 190 5+ v . U has ordered rest

Jahresbericht uber die fortschritte der physiologie . Bonn . U 1897+ v . 6+Jahresbericht tiber die fortschritte der physi schen wissenschaften . (Berzelius . )

U 1822-5 1”v . 1 -3OHV . 20 -30 ,

1842-5 1 have title Jahresbericht uber die fortschritte der chemie 81mineralogie .

Jahresbericht fiber die fortschritte der thier-chemie . Wiesbaden . U 187 1+ v . 1+Jahresbericht uber die fortschritte in der lehre von den pathogenen mikroorgan ismen . (Baumgarten . ) Brunswick .

U 1885—87 , 9 1 -96, 98+ v . 1 -3 , 7- 12, N 1885+ v . 1+Jahresbericht uber die leistungen der chemischen technologie . Leipzig.

U 1855+ v . 1+

Jahresbericht uber die neuerungen leistungen auf dem gebiete der pflanzenkrankheiten. Berlin . U 1898+ v . 1+

Jahresberichte der geschichtswissenschaft . Berlin . U 1880+ V . 1


Jahresverzeichn iss der an den deutschen schulanstalten erschienenen abhan d el

ungen.Berlin . U 1889+ v: 1+

Jahresverzeichn iss der an den deutschen u n iverS i t'

aten ersch ienenen schri ften .

Berlin .U 1885+ v . 1+

Jamaica (N . Y . )— Queensborough publ ic l ibrary . Annual report .U. 190 0+ v . 5+

Before 190 7 called Queensborough library.

Jamaica (W. I . )— Botanical department . Bulletin . Kingston .

U 1897-190 1 [v . 8

Jamaica (W. I . ) Agricultural society . Kingston . Journal . UJames M i lliken ~

un iversity. Decatur ( Ill . ) Catalog . U 1904+James river Kanawha company. Annual report. U 1838, 40 -42, V . 4, 6 7

JamestovVn (N . Y . )— James Prendergast free library. Annual report .U 1899- 190 0 , v. 8-9

Japan— Education,D epartment of. Annual report .

U 1875. 88. 92. 97. 99. 1906 ; v . 3 . 16. 20 . 25. 27. 34Finance

,Department of. Financial annual . U 190 1-0 2, v . 1 -2

Geological -survey . Reports of progress . (Lyman ) G 1878-79, v . 1 -2

Continues Hokkaido (Japan )— Geological survey.

Imperial fisheries bureau . Journal . N 1894+ [v . 3-

4, 6, 8, 10 12+Imperial library . Annual report . U

Quarterly bulletin . U 190 9+ v . 2+Stati stique générale, Bureau de la . Tokyo . Résumé statistique de l

’empiredu Japon . U 190 1 - 0 3 , V. 15- 17

Japan financial 81 economic monthly . Tokyo . U 1909+ v . 30 1+Japan weekly mail : a review of Japanese commerce, politics , literature ;81 art .Yokohama . U 1884+ v. 1+

J apan year book . Tokyo . U 1908+Jassy (Roumania ) U n iversitatea. A n uarul . U 190 4


Java— Lan dbouw , Department van . Bulletin du Department de l’

Agricu lture auxIndes néerlandaises . N 1906+ no . 1+Continues Buitenzorg - (Java )— Lands plan ten tu in

M ededeelin gen . N 190 5+ n o. 1+Continues Buitenzorg (Java)— Lands plan ten

tu in . l 1

Jefferson physical laboratory, see Harvard univers ity .

Jenaische zeitschri ft fii r n aturw issen SChaft . (M ed icin isch-naturwissenschaftlichegesellschaft . ) Jena . U 1874+ V . N 1890 , v. 24

Jern-kon toret , Stockholm . A n n aler. U 1909+ V . 10+Jerrold’s shil ling magazine

, see Douglas Jerrold’s shi lling magazine .

Jersey bulletin . Indianapol i s . U [ 1897 190 0+ [v . 16 19-20 ,22+

Jersey City (N . J . )— Public library . Annual report . U 1891+ V . 1+Library record . U 1906+ v . 15+

Jersey herd book, see Royal Jersey agricultural 81 horticultural society.

Jewi sh agricultural industrial aid society. New York Annual report .U 1902+ V . 3+

Jewish agriculturi sts’

aid society of America . Chicago . Report .U 0 2-06, 08+

Jewish era . Chicago . U +Jockey club . New York (city) . American stud book . U 1868+ v . 1+Johannesburg ( South Africa ) , see a lso Transvaal institute of mechanical engi

n eers .

John Bull . London . U 1820 -

33 , v . 1 - 13 (no . 2 681 )John Crerar library . Chicago ( I ll . ) Annual report . U 1895+ v . 1+John F . Slater fund for the education of freedmen . Proceedings of the trustees .

U 1883. 88. 94. 99. 1998+Johns Hopkins hospital

,Baltimore , see Baltimore (M d ) Johns Hop kins hospital .

Johns Hopkin s university . Baltimore . Circulars .U + ; N 1882+ no . 23. 32. 34


43. 46. 145. 147- 187. 189- 196. 199+

Report of economic tracts . U 190 5+ ~ser . 1+Studies in historical political science . U 1883+ V. 1+

Extra volumes . U 1887+ v . 2-

4, 6-8, 10 - 12, 1 5+Biological laboratory . S tudies .

U 1877-93“lv . N 1884-93”lv . 3- 5 I I



Chesapeake zoological laboratory . Scientific results .“

U 1878, V .

Psychological laboratory. Studies . U 1909+ no . 2+Johnson library . Hackensack (N . see H ackensack (N . J .

-Johnson public library .

Joliet ( I ll . )— Public lib rary. Annual report . U 190 5-06, v . 3 1

Joliette (Can . ) college . Catalogue . UJornal de sci en ci as mathematicas astron omicas . Coimbra (Portugal ) .


U has orderedJournal, see a lso un d er Name of issuing society.

Journal, see Pari s (France ) Journal .

Journal d’

agriculture pratique . Paris . U 1837+ V . 1+Journal de chimie physique . Geneva (Switz . ) U 190 3+ v . 1+Journal de l

agricu lture . Pari s . U 1888 98, V . 23 3 1 , 32 pt 2, v. 33Journal de l

an atomie 81 de la physiologie normales 81 pathologiques de l ’homme81 des animaux . (Robin, F ouchet . ) Paris . N 1874-97, V. 10 , 12, 22

-33Journal de l ’école polytechnique , see Paris école polytechnique .

Journal de mathématiques élémentaires . (Vu ibert . ) Pari s . U 1897+ v . 22+Journal de mathématiques élémentaires 81 spéciales . (Bourget ) Paris .

U 1877-96, v. 1 -20

Beginning 1882 i s sued in 2 separate series :“élémentaires “speciales .

Journal de mathématiques pures 81 appliquées . Paris .U 1836- 190 1 , 0 3+ v . i -66, 68+

Journal de menuiseri e . Paris . U 1864, v . 2

Journal de micrographie . Pari s . N 1881-91 , V . 5- 16, n o. 5Journal de physiologie 81 de pathologic générale . Paris . U 1899+ V. 1+Journal de physique théoriq

ue 81 appli qu ée . Paris . U 1872+ V . 1+Journal -de psychologic normale et pathologique . Pari s . U 1904+ V. 1+Journal der physik . Halle 81 Leipzig . U 1790 -97 , v. 1 -12“V . 9- 12 called Neues j ournal der physik.

Continued by Annalen der physik .

Journal des assurances , incendie, vie, martimes, accidents, etc . Paris .

U v. 60+Journal des économistes . Pari s . U 1842+ v . 1+Journal des roses . Melun (France) . U 1877+ v. 1+Journal des savants . Pari s . U 190 9+ V . U has ord


ered 1842 - 1908

Journal du droit international privé . Pari s . 1U 874+ V. 1+Journal financier, politique agricole. P aris . U 1887- 190 0 , V . 21-34Journal fii r d ie reine 81 angewandte mathematik . Berlin . U 1826+ v. 1+Journal fii r gasbeleuchtung verwandte beleuchtungsarten sowie fiir wasserversorgung . (Deutscher verein von gas-é wasser fach man n ern . ) Munich .

U 1890+ V . 33+Before v. 48 called Schil ling

s j ournalJournal fii r landwirtschaft . Gottingen ; Berlin .

Journal fiir praktische chemie . Leipzig .

Journal f iir psychologi e 81 neurologie . Leipzig.

Continues Zeitschri ft fii r hypnotismus .Journal général de l

imprimerie 81 de la librairie , ( ser . 2 Bibliographie de la.

France ) . Paris . U 1857+ v . 1+Journal of abnormal psychology . Boston . U 1906+ v . 1+Journal of accountancy . New York. U 190 5+ v. 1+Journal of agricultural science . Cambridge (E n g ) U 190 5+ v . 1+Journal o f agriculture . Edinburgh . U 1843-66, 11. ser . v . 1 - .ser 2

,v . 12

Journal of agriculture . (Skinner ) . New York. U 1846—47 , V . 2

Journal of agriculture . St Louis . U v .

Journal of agriculture horticulture . Montreal . U +Journal oi American folklore . (American folklore society. ) Boston .

U 1888+ V . 1+Journ al o f analytical 81 appl ied chemistry, Easton (Pa . ) U 1887-93“v.

Continued in American chemical society . Journal .Journal of anatomy physiology . London .

U 1894+ v . 28+ ( ser . 3 , V . N 1872-89 [v . ser . 2, V . 20 ; ser . 3 , V . 13Journal of animal behavior . Albany (N . Y . ) U 19 1 1+ v.



Journal of morphology . Philadelphia . U 1903+ v. 18+Jou rnal of mycology . Manhattan Washington (D . C. )

(Not published 1894- 190 1 . U 1885- 1908”V . 1

Contin ued as M ycologia .

Journal of nervous mental diseases . New York . U has orderedJournal of pathology 81 bacteriology . Edinburgh 81 London . U 1893+ v . 1+Journal of pedagogy . S yracuse . (N . Ypsilanti (Mich . )

U 1898 I I I 9 ]|Journal of pharmacology 81 experimental therapeutics . Baltimore (M d ) UJournal of phi lology . London . U 1894+ V . U has ordered restJournal of philosophy, psychology scientific me thods . New York .

U 190 4+ v .

Journal of physical chemistry. Ithaca (N . Y .) U 1896+ v 1+Journal of physiology. London . U 1878+ v . N [ 1892 ] [v 13 ]Journal of political economy . Chicago U 1892+ V . 1+Journal of prison discip line 81 phi lanthropy. Philadelphia

U 1894- 1902. 04+ v 33 4I 43+Journal of psycho asthenics. Faribau lt (M inn . ) U 1896- 1906 ; v . 1 - 10 ;

Journal of race development . Worcester (Mass . ) U 19 1 0+ v. 1+Journal of school geography . Lancaster (Pa . )

G 1897 - 190 1“v 1 -3 . 5“U 1897- 19m ] ! v I sllContinued as Journal o f geography .

Journal o f school music . Chicago .

Journal of sc ien ce , London, s ee Quarterly j ournal of sci enceJournal of social sc ience . (American social science associ ation . ) New York .

U 1869 86, 88-90 , 9 1+ v . i 23 28+Journal of the United States artil lery Fort Monroe (V a ) U 1909+ v . 3 1+

Jou i n al of united labor, see Knights of labor of America . Journal .“

“Journal polytechnique, see Paris . Ecole polytechnique..

Journeymen barbers ’ international union of A merica . Proceed in gs of the conven tion . U 190 4, V . 1 1

see also Barbers’

j ournal .Journeymen stone cutters ’ association of North America .

“Proceedings of con


Ven tion . U 190 2, v. 7s ee also Stonecutters

’ j ournal .Journeymen tailors’ union of America, ,

see a lso Tailor.Judge, (comic ) . New York .


adverti sing 81 adverti sing experience . (Lord 81 Thomas . ) Chicago .

U 1906+ v . 5+In 1904 continues . Mab in’s magazine .

Jurjev (Russia ) , see Dorpat .Justice

,the organ of Social democracy . London . U [ 190 6] [v . 23 ]

Just ’s botanischer j ahresbericht. Berlin . U I873+ V . 1+Justus L iebig

s Annalen der chemie 81 pharma0 1e , see Annalen der chemie 81pharmacie .

Justus Perthes ’ geographischer anstalt . Gotha . Petermann ’s mittei lungen.

G 1896-97. 190 1 0- 5. [v 43. [47 48 ] 49 so. [5 1 ] also no 1 20 - 123 . 134—135 ;

U has ordered“1855+

Kaiserlich . For entries of learned academies thus express ing royal privilege,see

under the first word following thi s adj ective , which is abbrevi ated and disregarded in the arrangement .

Kal amazoo (Mich . ) Annual reports . U 1902 0 5Kalendar fur elektrochemiker sowie technische Chemiker 81 physik’

er . Berlin .

U 1904 0 5 , v . 8-

9Beilage . Berlin . U 190 4

-0 5 , v . 8-9Kanawha 81 Michigan rai lway company . Annual report .

U 190 0 -0 5 , 08+ v . 10 - 15 , 18+Kansas . Publ ic documents . U 1868 69 , 79-86

Adj utant general . Biennial report . U 1862,65 68, 78 92+

Agriculture , State board o f . Biennial report .U 1872+ v . N 1872+ V . 1—3 , 8-9 , 12, 14+

Proceedings . U 1887 , 89-

90 , v . 16, 18- 19Report (monthly) . U [ 1878, 83-86, 89-95 ]


Report (quarterly ) . U [ 1880 04+ v .

N [ 1883- 190 1 ] 0 2+ no . 80 83, 85, 87 , 89-94, 96- 10 1 , 10 3 - 10 5 , 10 7 , 10 9, 1 12+

Attorney general . Biennial report . U V . 1 , 5+Auditor of state . Biennial report . U 1906, V. 1 15Bank commiss ioner . Annual report . U 1899+ v . 1+

Biennial report . U 1892+ v . 1+Charitable institutions , Board of control of state . Biennial report .

U 1888-90 , 92+ v . 7 , 9+Before 1906 called Board of trustees of the state charitable institutions .

Semi—annual bulletin . U 190 8+ V . 1+Coal mines

,Inspector of . Report . U 1887 , 9 1 , 93 -94, 97+ v . 3 , 5-7, 1 0+

Dental examiners , Board of . Annual report . UEducation, State board of. Course of study for Kansas n ormal institutes .

U 1878. 83. 86. 93Fish 81 game warden . Biennial report .

U 1885 88, 93 , 95- 190 0 , 0 2, N 1885 8— 6,Forestry, Commissioner of . Biennial report . U 1 9 1 /92, v . 1 -2

Forestry 81_


i rrigation, Department of. Bulletin . U 1908+ no . 1+Geological survey (University of Kansas ) . Annual bulletin on mineralresources of Kansas . Lawrence . G 1897+ V . 1 -8 ; U 1897- 190 3 , v . 1 -6

Reports . G V . 3 , 5 , 6 pt 2, V . 7-8 ; U 1897+ V . N 1897-190 2, v . 2-7Governor . Messages . U 1877-79, 83 -

9 1 , 95 , 98-99 , 190 3Health , Board of . Annual report .

U 1885-86, 88-89, v. 1 -2, 4

-5 ; W 1890 - 1900“V . 6

Continued inBiennial report. W 190 3

-0 4, 0 7-08, v . 2 ,

B ulletin . U WHouse of representatives .

Journal . U 187 1+Insurance

,Superintendent of . Annual report . U 187 1 ,

741 87 1 90 -

9290 6+ V I

, 5 1 181 37+I rrigation survey 81 experiment , Board of . Report . U 1895 -

96Labor and industrial statistics , Bureau of . Annual report .

U 1887 , 90 -93 , 95- 190 0 , 0 5+ v . 3 , 5—8, 1 1 - 16, 22+Labor and industry, Bureau of . Bienni al report. U 190 1 - 0 4, v . 1 -2

Bulletin . U 190 1 , 0 5Legislature . Session laws . U 1879-85

( State ) l ibrary . Annual report . U V . 5B iennial report . U 1878, 94- 1904 , v . 1 , 9 - 14

Live stock sanitary commis sion . Report . U 87-92, 95+

(State ) oi l inspector . Report . U 1889-92,Pharmacy, Board of . Annual report . U 190 9+ v . 24+Public instruction

,Department o f . Biennial report .

U 1870 73. 84 86 90+ v 1870 . 73 . 4 5. 7+Railroad assessors , State board o f . Assessment of the railroad propertyof the state of Kansas . U 1882, 84, 86, 89 , 9 1 -92

Railroad commissioners, Board of. Annual report .U 1882 , 85 , 88+ V . 1 , 3 , 6+

School text-book commi ssw n. Proceedings . U 1899 , 190 2, 04, 0 7+

Secretary of state . Biennial report . U 1877+ V . 1+Official r oster of officers

& boards . U 0 2 , 0 4Senate . Jour .nal U 187 1—77 , 8 1+S ilk commis sioner . Report . UState house commissioners

,Board of . Report . U 1887-88

Supreme court . Reports of cases . (Kansas reports . ) U 1862+ v . 1

Tax commiss ion . Report . U 190 8+ V . 1+Report to legis la ture . U 1908+ V . 1+

Traveling libraries commission . Biennial report . U 190 0+ v. 1+Treasurer o f state . Report . U 84+

Kansas academy of science . Topeka . Transactions .U 1872- 190 3 , v . 1 - 18 ; N 1872+ V . 1 - 5 , W 1899- 1906, V . 1 7-20

Kansas ( state ) agricultural college . Manhattan . Industriali st .U [ 1886, 97-99 ] [v . 1 1

,23 N 1884-96, V . 1 0 -21

Agriculture , Professor of . Report . U 1883-85


Kansas Agricultural experiment station . Manhattan . Annual report .U N

“1888+ v . 1+

Bulletin . U 1888+ no .

N 1888+ no . 2- 10,20—82, 84—87 , 89 - 147 , 149 ,

Kansas ( state) association of miners . Proceedings of annual convention .

U 190 7+ V. 9+Kansas bankers’ assoc1ation . Proceedings . U 190 3-04, 0 7+ v. 16—1 7 , 20+Kansas ( state) bar association . Proceedings .

U 18878 8, 90—95 , 98+ v . 4 5 , 7Kansas . City (Mo . )— Comptroller . Report . U 190 1 , 0 8+

Fire department . Annual report . U 190 9+Hospital 81 health , Board of. Monthlyreport . U_+

Report . U 1908+ v . 1+Park commiss ioners, Board of . Report . U 190 8+ v 17+Public l ibrary . Annual report . U 1898- 190 0 , v . 1 7- 19

Bulletin . U 190 1+ V . 1+Water works, Department of. Annual report .

U 1897—190 3 , 0 5 , 0 7+ V. 1 -6, 9 , 1 1+

Kansas City (Mo . annual . U 190 7+ v . 1+Kansas City (Mo . board of trade . Annual report . U 1877-84, 9 1 , v . 1—7 , 12

Annual stati stical report . U 1906Kansas City, Fort Scott 81 Memphis railroad company . Annual report .

U 1896 , 98, V . 9 , 1 1

Kansas City, Memphis , 81 Birmingham railroad company . Annual report .U 1890 . 95-98 v 1

. 4-

7Kansas City (Mo . ) mercantile club . Bulletin . U +Kansas City, Pittsburg , Gulf railroad_ company. Annual report .

U 1897-98, V. 8 9Kansas City (Mo . ) provident association . Annual report . U 1883 , V. 3Kansas City (Mo . review of science 81 industry. N 1877 85”v . 1 -2, [5 , 8,Kansas City Southern railway company . Annual report . U 190 5+ v . 5+Kansas City (Mo . ) star . U May 190 9+Kansas City (Mo . ) times . Morn ing edition of the Star . U Oct . 1908+Kansas conference o f charities


& correction . Proceedings . U 190 7+ V . 8+Kansas ( state ) federation of labor . Report of the proceedings . U 190 7+ v . 1+Kansas ( state ) historical society . Topeka . Bi ennial report .

U 1882-83 , 87+ V . 3 , 6+Transactions . U 1890 ,

190 0 ,V . 4, 6

Kansas ( state ) horticultural society. Annual report on Kansas forestry .

U 1885 86, V . 6—7Report 81 transactions . U 1872-75 ,

77-8 1 , 83 , 86-90 , 94+ V . 1 -5 , 7- 1 1 , 13 , 16- 18, N 1878+ V . 8, 1 1 ,

Kansas ( State ) hospital . Topeka . Biennial report . U 1898- 190 0 , 0 2+ v . 12,14+

Kansas (State ) hospital for epilepti cs . Parsons . Biennial report .U 1902+V . 1+

Kansas ( State ) industrial reformatory . Hutchinson Biennial report .U 1894/96, 98+ V. 1 , 3+

Kansas (State ) industrial school for boys . Topeka . Biennial report .U 0 4+ V . 1 0 - 1 1 , 13+

Kansas ( State ) industrial school for girls . Beloit . Biennial report .U 190 4+ V . 3 , 9+

Kansas medical society. Kansas city. Journal . W +( ansas ( state ) normal school . Emporia . State normal monthly .

U [ 1897 - 190 0 ] [v . 10 - 13 ]Pacific railway company . Annual report . U 1868, V . 2

( State ) penitentiary . Lansing . Report .U 94

- 190 0 .0 2+

Kansas pharmaceutical association . Proceedings .U 1894. 99- 190 2.

04, 06. v . 1 5. 20 -23. 25. 27Kansas School for feeble-minded youth . Winfield . Biennial report .

U 190 4+ V . 4 , 7 , 13+Kansas School for the blind . Kansas city (Kansas ) . Biennial report .

U V . 16+


Kentucky Penitentiary,Frankfort . Report of warden .


U 1885 , S7 , 93Keramische rundschau . Ber11n .


U 190 7+ v . 15+Keystone citizen . (Pennsylvania amtl - saloon league . ) Harrisburg.

U [ 1908] [v . 10 ]Kharkov (Russia ) —Pub-lic l ibrary . Annual report. U 190 3 , v . 17Kharkov (Russia ) U n iversitet .

— Obsce stvo ispytatelej prirody. ( Society ofnaturalists . ) Trudy (Transaction s ) . N 1893+ v 28_

34, 36+Khartoum, s ee a lso Gordon memorial college, Khartoum

tKhedivial agricultural society 81 school of agriculture . Cairo (Egypt ) . Journal .U [ IS99 - I 90 0 .] O I . 02 [V I 2 ] 3. [4 ]

Kiel (Germany ) U n 1verS1tat .

—Schlesw ig-Holsteinisches museum vaterlan dis

cher alterthumer. Bericht . U_190 0 , v . 42

K. Sternwarte . Astronomische beobachtungen . U 190 5+ n o. 1+Publication en . U 190 1 , V . 1 1

Kiel (Germany ) , see a lso Kommission zur wissenschaftlichen untersuchungender deutschen meere . Naturw issen schafthcher verein fii r Schleswig-Holstein .

Kieler studien zur engli schen phi lologie . Kiel . U 190 1+ V. 1 -5 , n . ser . V . 1+Kiev (Russia ) un iversitet .

— Obscestvo j estestvoispytatelej . ( Society of naturalists . ) Z apiski . N 1890 -

92, V . 1 1 12


s dairy farmer . Waterloo ( Ia . ) U 190 7+ V . 5Ki n d erfehler. Langensalza . U 1896- 190 7”v . 1 - 12 |Continued as Zeitschri ft fur kinderforschun g .

Kinderfreund ; ein wochenblatt . Tubingen . U 1775-81 , v ..1 -8


exponent of applied Christianity.

Minneapol is .U [ 1898 ] [v . 10 , 1 1 ]

Kj ében havn (Denmark) , see Copenhagen.

Klausenburg (Hungary) Erdelyi n emzeti museum . Erdélyi museum“. U+

Klausenburg (Hungary) U n ivers itat . Acta . U 190 9+ v . 10+Annales . U 190 9+

Klio Beitrage zur alten geschichte . (Lehmann . ) Leipzig . U 190 1+ V . 1+Beiheft . 190 3

-08,no . 1—8

Klosterneuburg (Austria) monastery. Jahrbuch des sti ftes Klosterneuburg .

Vienna . U 1908+ v . 1+Knickerbocker. New York .

C I 8S6. v. 48 ; U 1834-35. 36-62.63-64. 65”V M

. 4-

5. 7-60

.62—64. 66”

Knights of labor . (Weekly . ) Chicago . U [ 1886] [v . 1 ]Kn ights of labor of America . Journal . Washington (D . C . )

U 1880 -81. [84-87. 99- 190 7 ] v . I . [4-

7. 18-27 ]Earlier volumes entitled Journal of united laborOfficial handbook. Washington (D . C . ) U 1896, 98

District assembly no .

30 . Boston . Annual report . U 1886-87 , v. 8-


Quarterly report . U [ 1883 7 87]District assembly no . 49 . New York . Official j ournal 81 annual convention .

U 1895-96. 99. 190 1

Executive board . Annual report to the general assembly . U‘

I 884General cooperative board . Report to the general assembly. U 1887General assembly. Proceedings of the regular session .

U 1878, 80 - 1902, V. 2, 4-26

Proceedings of Special session . UNew York state . Proceedings . U 190 1

see a lso Journal of united labor .Knox 81 Lincoln railroad company . Annual report .

U 8 1 , 83 , 861 V 13 1 15 1 18

Knox college,Galesburg ( I ll . ) Adelphi quarterly . U [ 1861 ] [v . I ]

Catalogue . U 79-84, 92-97 , 99+Knox collegiate magazine . U [ 1858] [v . 7 ]Knox Pantheon . U v. 1

Koln , see Cologne (Germany) .

Koniglich . For entries of learned academies thus expressing royal privilege , seeunder the first word following this adj ective, which is abbreviated and d isregarded in the arrangement .


Konigsberg (Prussi a) Physikali sch-okon omische gesellschaft . Schriften .

N 1876+ v . 17+Konigsberg (Pruss ia ) Un iversitat— Lan dw irthschaftliches institut . Berichte .

Berlin . U 19 10+ . v . 12+Kolozsvar (Hungary) , see Klausenburg .

K. Kommerskollegium— A rbetsstatistik, A fdelmn g for . Stockholm . M ed delan d

en . U 1903+Kommission zur wissenschaftlichen untersuchung der deutschen meere 1n Kiel .Jahresbericht. N 187 1 -9 1”v . 1

. Continued by0

Kommiss ion zur W i ssen schafthchen untersuchung ~der deutschen meere 1n K1el ,“81 die Biologische anstalt auf Helgoland . Wissenschaftliche meeresun ter

suchun gen . N 1896+ n . ser . v . 1 -2 ; v . 3+ ( in 2 parts Helgoland, Kiel )Kommunale


s “j ahrbuch . Jena . U 1908+ v . 1+Kon ge lige , Kon gliga, Kon in kh jk . For entries of learned academies thus exp ressing royal privilege, see under the first word following this adj ective,which is abbreviated and disregarded in the arrangement .

Kongress fur experimentelle psychologie . Bericht . (Schumann ) Leipzig.

U 1904+ V . 1+K . K. Konsular akademie . Vienna . Personalstand . U 190 0

Kritische bl'

atter fiir die gesamten sozialwissenschaften . Berlin , see Blatter fii rdie gesamten sozi alwi ssenschaften .

Kritischer j ahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der romanischen philologie .Munich . U 1890+ v . 1+

Kurschner, see a lso Deutsche national- litteratur. Deutscher litteratur—kalendar .Kii rschn er

s staats hof kommunal-handbuch . Leipzig . U 1908+ v . 23+Kyoto (Japan ) imperial university . Calendar . ULa Plata (Argentine Republic ) Museo . Revista . N 1889 -

9 1 ,-V . 1 -2

Labor 81 capital, a publication for the employed the employer . New York.

U [ 190 3 ] lv . I ]Labor—balance, a j ournal devoted to the welfare of the working people . NorthAbington (Mass . ) U [ 1878] [v . 1 ]

Labor digest . Minneapolis .Labor library . (Socialist labor party . ) New York .

U [ 1899,

- 190 4] n o. 4-5. 7. I O

.I 2


j ourn al, devoted to the propagation of labor unioni sm among theworking class . Dayton (O . ) U [ 190 5] [v . 3 ]

Labour annual , see Reformers’ year book .

Labour gazette . Lon don, see Board of trade labour gazette .

Labour gazette , j ournal of the Department of Labour, Ottawa (Canada) .

U 190 0+ V . 1+Labour leader, j ournal of sociali sm , trade unionism 81 politics . ( I n depen dent labour party . ) London . U [ 190 5 ] [v . 2]

Labourer, magazine of politics , l iterature, poetry, etc . (Feargus O’

Con n orErnest Jones . ) London . U 1847 , v . 2


s friend magazine . London . U 1834—35 , v . 3-4

Lackawanna steel company subsidiary companies . Annual report . New York .

U 1906+

Laconia (N . H . )— Public library . Annual report . U 190 4+ V . 27+Bulletin . U 190 3+ V . 1+

La Crosse 81 Milwaukee railroad company . Annual report . U 1856, v . 5La Crosse (Wis ) board of trade . Annual report . U 1882

,84-88 , 98, 190 1 , 0 3

Ladies ’ Chinese association , s ee Philadelphia.

Ladies home j ournal . Philadelphia . C 190 0+ v . Ur+Ladies’ magazine . Boston . U 1828-34Il v . 1


repos itory. Cincinnati . U 1841-66, v . 1 -26Lad ies

review . (Ladies of the Maccabees . ) Port Huron (Mich . ) U +Lake Erie 81 Western railroad company. Annual report .

U 1895 -

99. 190 5+ v . 9 13 . 19+Lake Forest ( Ill . ) university. Catalogue . U 83-85 , 87- 190 5

College . Catalog . U 1902+Lake Mohonk (N . Y . ) arbitration conference . Annual report . U 1895+ V . 1+


L ake Mohonk (N . Y . ) conference of friends of the Indian 8 1 other dependentpeoples . Proceedings . “U 1890 - 190 6, 0 8+


v . 82 4, 26+Lake Placid (N . Y . ) conference on home economics . Proceedings .

U 1899- 1908 I V. 1

Continued by American home economics association .

Quarterly bulletin . U 190 8”v. I llL ake Shore 81 Michigan Southern railroad company . Annual report .

U 1874, 88+ V

U5 , 19+

Lake Shore Electric railway company . Cleveland (O . Annual report . U 1904+L ake Superior mining institute . Ishpeming (Mich . Proceedings of annualmeeting . G 1898- 190 0 , v . 5 6 U 1893 , 95—1906, 0 9+ v . 1

, 3—12 ,

14+Lamp . New York . C 190 3 -0 4, v . 26-28 U

“190 3-os| l V . 26-29 | [ 1

Continues Bookbuyer and i s in turn Continued by Bookbuyer .

Lancaster (Mass . )— Town library . Annual report . U 1870+ v . 8+Lancaster county (Pa . )— Prisons , Board o f inspectors of the . Annu

al report .

81858, v .

Lancet . London . U 1880 -85 , 89+Land of sunshine . Los Angeles (Cali f . ) C 190 0

-0 1 , v . 11 - 15Land values , j ournal of the movement for the taxation of land values .London . U [ 190 3 ] [v . 10 ]

Lan dw irthschaftskammer fur die provinz Sachsen— Versuchsstation fii r pfian zenschutz , see u n d er Saxony.

L andwirtschaftliche j ahrbucher. Berlin . U 1872+ v . 1+Ergan zun gsban d . U 1889+ V . 18+

L andwirtschaftliche thierzucht . Bunzlau (Germany ) . U 1888, -

90 92, v . S,Landwirtschaftliche zeitung. Stuttgart, s ee F iihlin gs landwirtschaftliche zeitung.

Landwirtschaftlichen versuchsstationen Berlin . U 1859+ v . 1+Landwirtschaftliches institut, s ee BreslauLather . (Wood, wire 81 metal lathers international union . Cleveland (O .

U [ I 9O3 . 0 5 0 6] [v 3 . 5-6]Lausanne (Switzerland ) , see a lso Société vaudoise des sciences naturelles .Laval university . Quebec . Annuaire . U 1858-81 , 86- 190 3Law magazine 81 review . London . U 1897 - 1904, ser . 4, v . 23

- s,er. 5 , v . 29Law notes . Northport (N . Y . ) U 1899+ v . 2+“

Law quarterly review . London . U 1898+ V . 14+Law reports , London . (Divisions of admiralty, chancery, common pleas , etc . )

s ee England : Law reports .Law times . London . U 1897- 1904, V . 104

- 1 16Law times reports . London . U 1897—190 4 , v . 77 88-90

Lawrence Mass . ) Annual reports . U V . 62

Health , Board of . Annual report . U 1893-98, 190 1+ v . 16-2 1 , 24+Lawrence (Mass . ) board of trade . Annual report . U 1895+ V. 8+Laws observatory, s ee Missouri univers ity.

Lawyers ’ reports annotated . Rochester (N . Y . )U 1888- 190 5”V . 1 -7O H ; U 1906+ n . ser . 1+

League of American municipalities . Book of American municipalities . ChicagoU 190 7+ v . 2+

Bulletin . Des Moines ( Ia . ) U [ 190 5 08 I ] v . 3 , [4 S, [9 l| ]Continued as City Hall .Proceedings of annual convention . U 190 6, 0 8+ v. 10 ,

12+League of library commissions . Yearbook . U 190 6+ V . 1+L eague of M ichigan


mun ic ipalities . Annual convention .

U 1904, 0 7, 0 9+'

V . 6, 9 , 1 1+

Leather workers’

j ournal. ( International united b rotherhood of leather workers on horse goods . ) Kansas city (Mo . U 190 1+ v . 4 8+

Leeds (En g ) industrial co operative society, ltd . Report 81 balance sheet .U

Leeds (En g ) university . Calendar . U 190 9+Report . U 190 5+

Legal bibliography. Boston (Mass . ) ULehigh coal 81 navigation company . Annual report.

U 1829 . 34-75. 88-89. 98 190 1 . 0 3. 06. v . 9. I4-55. 68-69. 78-81. 83. 86


Library j ournal . New York. C 1896+ v . U 1876+ v . 1+Library notes . Boston . U 1886-93 , Jan .

-Apr . 1895 , V . 1 -3 , 4, no . 13 14Library occurrent . ( Indiana— Public library commission . ) Indianapoli s .

U 1906+ v. 1+Library work . Minneapolis . U 1906+ v . 1+Library world . London . U 1898+ v . 1+Lick observatory, see California university .

Liebig’s Annalen der chemie , see Annalen der chemie pharmacie .

Liege (France ) Soci été royale des sciences . M emoires .

U 1843+ .ser . 1,v . N 1873-85 , ser . 2, ,

v . 3 , 1 1

Liegnitz (Prussia) handelskammer . Jahresbericht . U 1892

Life . New York . C 1904+ [v . U 190 5+ v . 45+Life insurance manual . (F litcraft . ) Oakpark ( I ll . ) U 190 1 , 0 5 , v . 14, 18

Life insurance policyholders’

pocket index ; ( Spectator co . ) New York.

U 190 9 , v . 41

Lincoln ( Ill . ) City directory . U 1875-76Lincoln ( I ll . ) university . Catalogue .

U 89 92. 97- 190 1 . 0 7+

Lincoln (Neb . )— Auditor . Annual report . U v . 5+

(City ) l ibrary . Annual report .I

U 190 2+Bulletin . U 191 0+ v . 9+

Lincoln (N see a lso Nebraska academy of sciences . Nebraska ornithologists’

un ion .

Lincoln library . Springfield see Spri ngfield ( I ll . )— Linooln library.

Lincoln long-wool sheep breeders association . Flockbook . Lincoln (E n g )U 1892+ v. 1—5, 7+

Linnean society . London . Journal ; botany . U 1857+ v. 1+Journal : zoology . N 1864+ V . 7-22, 25+Proceedings . U 1838-

97, v . 1 -6

Transactions . U 179 1 - 1887 , V . 1-33Lion . (Richard Carli le . ) London . U 1828-29 I I V . 1

Lippincott’s magaz ine . Philadelphia . C I SS6+U

v . 37+Lisbon (Portugal ) Escola medico- cirurgica . Annuario . U 190 7+Lisbon (Portugal ) , see a lso R . Associacao central da agricultura portuguesa .

Société portugaise de sciences naturelles .Lis ieux (France ) , see a lso Société d

horticu lture 81 de botanique de Normandie .

Literarhistorisches taschenbuch . Leipzig . U 1843-48“v . 1

Literari scher verein in Stuttgart . Bibliothek. Stuttgart ; Tubingen .

U 1842+ V. 1 -

36, 38+Literari scher verein in Wien . Schriften . Vienna . U 1904+ v . 1+Literari sches echo . Berlin . U 1898+ v . 1+Literarisches zentralblatt fur Deutschland . Leipzig . U 1899+ v. 50+

Beilage, see Schone literatur .Literary digest . New York . U 1890+ v . U'

r 1902+ v . 14+Literary examiner . (Leigh Hunt . ) London . U 1823 , no . 1 -26


n ews . New York . U 1884, 98- 1904 I I v . 5 , 19 , 21

Literary world . Boston . U 1879 - 190 0 , V . 10 -3 1

After 190 5 v . 35 merged with Critic to form Putnam’

S monthly .

Literary yearbook 81 bookman’

3 directory . London . U 1897 , 190 7 , v . 1, 1 1

Literaturblatt fur germanische 81 romanische phi lologie . Heilbronn ; Leipzig .


1880+ V . 1+Literature . New York . U 1897-99“v . 1

Littell’s living age, s ee Living age .I

Little folks . Salem (Mass . ) C 190 3+ v . 6+Little Miami railroad company . Annual report .

U 1853—54, 59 , 62,V . 1 1 - 12

, j oint report, v . 4, 7In 1856 combined with Columbus 81 X enia railroad company .

Little Rock (Ark ) Reports of city officers (with Mayor’s message . )

U 1893 ) 95 1 98 ) 190 0 -O I )

Little Rock (Ark ) board of trade . Annual report .U 1887 , 190 5-0 6, 0 8+ v. 1887 , V. 16- 1 7, 19+

Littleton (Mass . )— Reuben Hoar library . Annual report .U 190 5-0 7 , 08+ v . 18- 19, 21+


Live stock j ournal . Chicago . U 190 5+ V . 37+ N 190 1 -04, V . 33-40

Continues Western agrgicu lturist 81 l ive stock j ournal .

Live stock journal almanac . London . U 1892, 1903 , 10

Live stock j ournal 81 fanciers’

gazette . London .

U 1877 78 190 3+ v 4 7, 57 59 , [60 ] 61 [62-64 ] 65+Live stock report . Chicago . ULiverpool (Eng .

— Building surveyor . Report . U 190 8

Corporation tramways . Report . U 190 8

Council.Proceedings . U 190 7+

Gas lighting department . Report . U 1908

Markets,Superintendent of . Report . U 190 8

Publ1c l ibraries . Annual report . U 190 5 , V . 53Watch committee . Report on the police establi shment . U 190 5 , 08

Weights measures,Chief inspector of . Report . U 190 8

Liverpool (E n g ) biological society . Proceedings 81 transactions .

N 1886+ v . 1+Liverpool (E n g ) engineering society . Transactions . U 189 1 , v . 12

Liverpool (En g ) geographical society . Transactions 81 annual report .U 1908+ V . 17+

Liverpool (En g ) geological association . Proceedings . U 190 1+ n . ser . V . 1+Liverpool (Eng ) Un iversity . Calendar . U 190 5+Living age . Boston . (O 1 igin al ly Littell

s living age . )C 190 7+ v . U 1844+ v . 1+

Lloyd library . Cincinnati (0 ) Bulletin : mycological ser ies .UN 190 2

- 0 5 , no . 1 -3Bulletin : pharmacy series . UN 190 2+ no . 1+Bulletin : reproduction series . UN 190 0+ no . 1+

Locomotive . Hartford (Ct . ) U 1880+ V . 1+Locomotive engineering . New York. U 1895- 190 0”v . 8- 13”Continued as Railway 81 locomotive engineering .

Locomotive magazine . London . U 190 7+ V . 13+Log cabin . (Horace Greeley . ) New York .

U [ 1840 -

41 ] v . 1,no . 1 0 -26 ; 11 . ser . v . 1

, no . 7Later merged in to New York tribune (weekly ) .

Lombard college . Galesburg ( I ll . ) Catalog .

U 9 1 95 , 190 0 0 3 , 0 4+London (E n g - County council— Asylums committee— Pathological laboratory,

see also Archives of neurology .

Underfed children , Joint committee on . Report . UPin sbury public libraries . Quarterly guide for readers .

U 190 9+ V . 15 , no . 60+London (En g ) chamber of commerce . Annual report . U 1899 , V . 18

see a lso Chamber of commerce journal .London dai ly mail year book . U 1908+ V . 8+London , Edinburgh 81 Dublin philosophical magazine . London .

U 1832—93 , ( ser. V . 80 -20 2,204+

Continues Philosophical magazine .

London gazette . U 1 2 Nov . 1665-3 Apr . 1 70 1 , no . 1 -3693Note : no . 48 20 36 wanting ; no . 1—23 1665 66 i s sued as Oxford gazette .

London j ournal o f botany . (Hooker . ) London . U 1842-

44, 46-47 , v . I 3 , 5 -6Continues Journal of botany .

London magazme . U 1820 -21,24, 25-26, V . 1 -4 , 1 0 , n . ser . V . 3 -

4London manual . U 1908+ V . 12+London mathematical society . Proceedings . U 1865+ v . 1+London quarterly review

, s ee Q uarterly review .

London schools dinn er association . Annual report . U V . 18+London stock exchange, see a lso Stock exchange yearbook .

London times (daily) . U 1824, 33- 1904, 0 9+

Lon don times (weekly ) . U 1899—1908, V . 23-32

London times index . (Palmer . )U 1817-45 , 47 , 49—63 , 694 90 3

London t1mes 1ndex ( ann ual ) . U 1906+London university . Calendar . U 1898—190 0 , 0 5+


Lon don univers ity gazette . USupplement . U

Galton laboratory for n at1on al eugemcs . Eugenics laborU

atory lecture series .U 190 9+ v 1—3 , 5+

Eugenics laboratory memoirs . U 190 7+ V . 1 6, 8-

9 , 1 1+Library . List of access1on s . U 190 9+

London (Metropolitan ) water board . Annual report . U 190 7+ V . 4+London (Eng ) s ee a lso Bibliographical society ; Chemical society ; Civi l 81 me

chan ical engineers’

society ; Cobden club ; Entomological society ; Geologicalsociety ; Horticultural society; Howard association ; Institute of actuaries ;Institute of bankers ; Institution of civil engineers ; Institution of electricalengineers , Institution of mechanical engineers ; Institution o f naval architects I ron 81 steel institute ; Linnean society ; M alacological

s oc iety ; Nationa l liberal club ; Palaeontographical society ; Philological society ; Physicalsociety ; Pipe rol l society ; Postal microscopical society ; Q uekett microscopical club ; R ay society ; Royal anthropological institute ; Royal astronomicalsociety ; Royal . geographical s ociety ; Royal historical society ; Royal horticultural society ; Royal institute oi Briti sh architects ; Royal institution of!Great Britain ; Royal microscopical society ; Royal sanitary institute ; Royalsociety ; Royal stati stical society ; Sanitary institute ; Shelley society ; Sleeping sickness bureau ; Society for psychical research ; Society for the en

couragemen t of arts,manufactures 81 commerce ; Society of architects ; So

c iety of antiquaries ; Society of chemical industry ; Society of comparativelegis lation ; Society of engineers ; Sociological society ; Wellcome chemicalresearch laboratories ; Zoological society .

London (Ontario ) —Water commi s sioners . Annual report .U 1908 V . W 1909+ v . 3 1+

Long Isl and agronomist . Huntington (N . Y . ) U +Long Island railroad company. Annual report .

U 1895- 190 0 , 0 2+ v . 13Lord 81 Thomas . Pocket directory of the American press . Chicago .

U 1890 190 5 , 08+Lorenz . Catalogue général de la librairie f rancaise, see Catalogue ge n éral de lalibrairie francaise .

Los Angeles (Calif . )— Aqueduct, Bureau of . Annual report . U 1898+ V . 3+Auditor . Annual report . U 190 1-02 , 04, 0 9Civi l service d epartment . Annual report . U 190 9 , V . 7Fire department . Report . U 19 10 , V . 24Housing commission . Report . U 1908- Io

,v . 3 -4

Playground c ommiss ion . Annual report . U 1906—08

Public library . Annual report . U 1888+ v . 1+Public l ibrary bulletin . U [ 1892] [v . 1 ]Monthlybulletin . U 190 1 -0 4, V. 2-5

Water commis sioners,Board of . Annual report . U 190 2+ V . 1+

Los Angeles (Calif. chamber of commerce . Members’

annual . U 1909+ V .


Louisa railroad company . Annual report . U 1845 , V . 10

Louisiana Documents . U 1866-67 , 7 1, 74—78Adj utant general . Annual report . U 1894, 96+Agriculture 81 immigration, State board of . Biennial report of commission er. U 1885+ v . 1+Apprai sers , Board of . Report . 190 1 -0 6, 08+Attorney general . Biennial report . U 1870 , 75 , 77 , 98+Auditor of public accounts . Biennial report . U 1875, 98-99, 1904+Banking department . An nual report . U 190 5 , 0 7 , V . 5 , 7Cr0 p pest commission . Biennial report . U 1906+ v . N 1904+ v . 1+Crop

.pest commission . Circular . N 1904+ no . 2+Engineers

,Board of . Biennial report. U 1873 , 75-76, 96 -0 4

Equalization,State board o f . Annual repo1 t . U 190 7+

Experiment stations , Office of . Geology agriculture of Louisiana .

G 1899 100 2,v . 5 6 , U 1892 v 1 -3 , 6

Farmers ’ institute 81 parish fai rs . Bulletin .

U 1897 , 1902, 0 4, 06+ v . 1 , 6, 8, 10 +Fire marshal . Annual report . U 190 7+ V . 3+


Lucknow ( India ) —Municipality. Admini stration report . ULucknow ( India ) Christi an college . ULudlow (V t . )— Fletcher memorial l ibrary . Annual report . U 190 1+ V . 1+L iibeck (Germany ) Handelskammer. Vorlausiger bericht . U 190 0 0 3+L iibeck (Germany ) Zentral armen-deputation . Jahresbericht . U 190 2+

Verzeichnis der Liibeckischen sti ftungen . U 190 7Lumiere électrique . Paris . U 1879 94”190 8+ V . 1 53 | ser . 2, v. 1+

1894-190 7 entitled Eclairage électrique .Lun d ( Sweden) u n iversitetet . (K. Karolin ska un iversitetet . ) A rsberattelse .

U 190 7+Fore lasn in gar. U 1908+

Luther league review . (Lutheran church . ) New York .

Lyceum of natural history in the city of New York, see New York ( city ) . Ly

ceum of natural history.

Lykens valley coal company, see Summit branch rai lroad company.

Lynn (Mass . )— Public library . Annual report . U 1869+ V . 7+Lynn (Mass . )— Water board . Annual report .

U 1872-73 , 76- 77 , 79, 81+ v . I -2, 5—6, 8, W 1909Lyons (France ) - \Iun 1c1pal administration . Budget . U 190 9

Document s relati fs au proj et de budget . U 190 5- 1- 0

Lyons (France ) Société impériale d’

agricu lture 81 d’

in dustrie de Lyon , see also

Annales des sciences physiques 81 naturelles , d’

agricu lture 81 d’

in dustrie .

M aan ed sskri ft for litteratur. Copenhagen . U 1829-38, V . 1 -20

M aan ed sskri ft for sun hed spleje . Copenhagen . UM aatschappij van n ijverheid . Haarlem . T ij d schrift . U 190 9+ V. 77+Mcc lure

’s magazine . New York.

C v U 1893+ v . Ur 1908+ V . 3 1+M cCormick theological seminary . Chicago . Catalogue .

U 73-76, 190 0+Macerata ( Italy ) universita. Annuario . U 190 8+M cG ill university. Mon treal (Can . ) Annual calendar .

U I 890 -95 , 974 90 0 ,0 3+

Annual report . U 1893+Medical l ibrary . Annual report . U 190 7+

Machine wood worker . (Machine wood workers’ international union of Ameri

ca . ) Chicago . U [ 1884] [v . 3 ]Machinery . New York . (Engineering edition . ) U+Machinery . New York . (Railway edition . ) U +Machinery. New York . ( Shop edition . ) U 1895-96, 98—99 , 190 0

-l v . 2. 5 , 7+Machinists ’ monthly j ournal . ( International association of machinists . ) Wash

in gton (D . C . ) U [ 190 0 0 3- 0 5 , [06] [v . 12 15- 17 , [ 18 ]

M cKen dree col lege , Lebanon ( I ll . ) Catalogue .

U 7 I /72, 73 -75 , 95 -97 , 99- 190 1 , 0 2+M cLean county ( I ll . ) historical society . Bloomington . Tran sactions .

U 1899+ V . 1+M cM aster u n 1versity. Toronto (Can . ) Calendar.

U o4-06, 0 7+Macmillan’s magazine . London . U 1859- 190 7”V . 1

Madison (Wis . )— (City ) engineer . Annual report . U i906-0 8, V . . 1 -3Gas 81 electric meters , Inspector of . Annual report . U 190 6- 08, V . 1-3Health officer . Annual report . U 1900 ,

06-0 8, v . 14, 16- 17Mayor . Message . U 1893 -94Park 81 pleasure association . Report . U 190 9Police 81 fire department , Chie f of. Annual report . U 1899- 1900 , 04-08Publ ic library . Annual report . U 190 2+ V . 28+Public schools . Annual report . U v . 48, 5 1 , 53Water department . Annual report . U 1906-0 8 , v . 24

-26Madras ( city ) ( India ) Government museum . Bulletin . U 1896+ [v . 2+Madras ( city ) ( India ) , see also Agri-horticultural society .

Madras presidency ( In dia )— Public works department— Irrigation branch . Administration report . U 1908+

Madrid (Spain ) , see a lso R . Academia de cien cias exactas, fisicas , 81 naturales .

R . Academia espanola . Sociedad de bibliofi los espan oles .


Magazin fur literatur des in ~ 81 auslandes . Berlin . 1906+ n . ser. v . 1+Continues M on atsblatter fiir deutsche l itteratur;

Magazine of American history . New York . U 1877 93”v . 1 -29

Magazine of art . London . U 1878- 1904”V. 1 -20 , [21 23 no . 9Magazine of Chri stian art

, see Christian art .Magazine of horticulture . Boston . U 1835-68ll v . 1

V . 1 -2 entitled American gardener’

s magazineMagazine subj ect index . Boston . U 1908+ v . 1+Magdeburg (Germany ) . Magdeburger bauvorschri ften . U 190 9

O rtstatuten . U 190 0 pt 2, 19 10+Magdeburg (Germany) Museum fur natur 81 heimatkunde . Abhandlungen 81berichte . U + ; N 190 5+ V . 1+

Mahin messenger . Chicago . UM ahin

s magazine . Chicago . U 190 2-May 1904“v . 1-3 , no . 2”Continued in Judicious advertismg.

Mahoning coal railroad company . Annual report . U 190 5 , 08+Maine— Adj utant general . Annual report . U 190 1 -06

Agriculture, Department of . Annual report . U 190 3+ V . 2+ContinuesAgricu lt_ ,

ure State board of Annual report .U 1857-92 94 , 96-97; mm l v 2-

35 , 37 , 39 40 45 IlTransaction s of agricultural societies . U 1850 -55

Assessors , Board of state Annual report . U 189 1+ v . 1+Attorney general . Report . U 190 1+Auditor of state printing . Annual report . U 1906+ V . 1+Bank examin .er Annual reports of the condition o f the savings banks .

U 1872 74, 76 80

Banking department . Annual report . U 1856-58 ,62, 64, 66-67 , 69-70 , 7 18 1

, 858 7 , 929 4, 959 7 , 199 2+1856, v . I -2, 6, 8. I 4, I 6- I 8, 20 -25 , 27 , 39—3 1 , 35 , 37-38, 40 -

411 4 3 , 47+Cattle commission ers . Report on contagious diseases o f animals . U 1904+En forcement commission . Report . U 1906+

( State ) entomologist . Annual report N 190 7+ v . 3+Executive department . Register . U 190 7+Forest = commission


. Report . U 189 1+ V . 1+Health , State board of . Report . U 1885—99 , v . 1 - 1 1

Hig ,hways Commissioner of . Annual report . U 190 5+ V. 1+Immigration , Board and commiss ioner of . Report . U 1870 - 7 1 , 73Industrial and labor stati stics , Bureau of . Report . U 1887+ v . 1+Inland fisheries 81 game , Commissioners of. Report .

U 190 6+ v . N 1886, 1906+Insurance department . Annual report .

U 1869 , 73 -74,“79 , 83 -84, 86-88, 9 1+ v . 2

,6-7 , 12, 16- 17 , 19-21


(State ) l ibrary .

“Biennial report . U 190 3- 06, v . 3 1



Library commission . Annual report . U 1900 -0 3 , V . 1 -3Medicine , Board of regi stration of . Annual report . U 190 3Public schools , Superintenden t of . Report.

U 1857 , 59 , 79 73 , 75 , 85-87 , 9 I -92, 96, 98, 190 1 , 0 3+

Railroad comm1ss1on ers, Board of . Annual report .U 1868, 73 , 75 , -9 1 , 93+ v . 8, I S,

Sea 81 shore fisheries , -Department o f . Biennial report o f commiss ioner .

U 190 3+ V . 28+

Secretary of state . List of stockholders in the banks of Maine .

U 1853 , 55 , 57

Stati stics of industries 81 finances of Maine .

“U 1873 , 86, V . 1 , 4

Supreme court . Reports of cases . U 1820+ V . 1+Treasury department . Annual report . U 1824-25 ,28 59 52 53 , 56 58 6 I 62 64 66 70 -72, 75 . 79 , 84, 87 , 89-90 92 190 3+Vital statistics , Department o f . Annual report .

U 1893 98 190 0 0 2+ v. 2—7 , 9 , 1 1

Mame agr1cultural exper1m'


t stat1on . Orono . Annual report .U 1885+ v . N 1887- 190 1 , V . 3

- 17


Bulletin . U 1885+no . N 1889+ ser . 2, n o. 1 -2, 7

-13 , 22 5- 7 , 62-72, 74 77, 79 83- 162, 167+Maine ( state ) bar association . Proceedings of annual meeting .

U 1893 , 96-97 , 99 - 190 0 , 02+ v . 2, 5 6, 8-9, 1 1+

Maine central rail road company Annual report . Portland, Me .

U 1865, 72, 75+ V . 4, 1 1 ,Maine Eastern (Mame ) insane hospital . Bangor . Report .

U 190 2-0 3 , 0 5+ v 2-3, 5+Maine hi storical society. Portland . Collections .

U 1890+ ser . 2, V. U has ordered restCollections ; d ocumentary history of the state of Maine .

U 190 7+ ser . 2, V . 9+Maine Industrial school for girls . Hallowell . Annual report . ’

U 190 3 , 0 5+ V. 29 , 3 1+Maine Insane hospital . Augusta. Report . U 190 2-0 3, 0 5+ v. 63-64, 66+Maine j ournal of education ' Portland . U [ 1872 ] [v . 6]Maine Military naval orphan asylum . Bath . Annual report . U 1904+Maine ( state) pomological society . . Annual report .

U 1875 - 77 , 82-92, 94, 96-97, 199 1 N 1885-88Maine ( State ) prison . Thomaston . Annual report . U 190 3 , 0 5 , 0 7+Maine (State ) school for boys . South Portland . Annual report .

U ma 0 5 , 0 7+ v. 52, 54+Maine School for the deaf . Portland . Reports . U 190 3+Maine teacher . Portland . U [ 1858-60 ] [v . 1-3 ]Maine University, Orono . Studies . U 190 0+ no . 1+Mainz (Germany ) , see also Gutenberg gesellschaft .Maitland club . Glasgow . Publications . U has orderedMaitre phonétique . Paris . U 1889+ V . 4+Malacological soc iety of London . Proceedings . U has ordered completeMalden (Mass . ) Annual reports. U 190 2-0 3

Public library Annual report . U 1897+ V . 20+Bulletin . U 1906+ no . 17- 18, 20+Children

s room bulletin U 190 0 + no . 1 -3 ,Malone society . London . Reprints [of old Engli sh plays] . U 190 7+ V . 1+alta bulletin . (Knights of Malta . ) Philadelphia . U +Man

,a liberal j ournal of progres s reform . New York .

U 1880—82, [841 V 1-2, [4]

Manchester (En g ) —Public free library . Annual report U 190 3+ v. 52+Manchester (E n g ) geographical society . Journal . U 1908+ V . 24+Manchester (E n g ) literary philosophical society . Memoirs 81 proceedings .

U 1909+ V .

U has ordered rest ; N 1888+ V .

3 1 -32, 34+Manchester (E n g ) microscopical society . Annual report 81 transactions .

U 1885 88, 90 93 , 96+ V . 6-9 , 1 1 - 14, 17+Manchester (E n g ) Municipal school of technology 81 Municipal school of art .Calendar . U 1906+

Manchester (E n g ) stati stical society . Transactions . U 1867-70

Manchester (E n g ) Victoria university. Calendar . U 1898Publications ; Educational series . U 190 7+ v . 1+

Economic series . U has orderedHistorical series . U 190 5 , n o. 3

Manchester (E n g ) Working men’s clubs association . Annual report .

U v. 5Manchester (N . H . ) Annual report o f the receipts 81 expenditures .

U 189 1-92, 96- I 9oo, 04-0 5 , 0 7+ v . 46 47 , 5 I -55, 596 0 , 62+Health , Board of . Annual report . U 189 1 , 92, 96+

Statement of mortality . UPublic library . Annual report . U 1865 , 70 -76, 78+ v . 1 2, 1 7 23 , 25+

Bulletin . U 190 0 -0 2”v . 1

Manchester (N . H . ) Institute of arts 81 sciences . Proceedin gs . U 190 1+ V 3+Manchester 81 Lawrence railroad corporation . Annual report . U 1852 65 , v . 5 1 7Manifesto . (United society of believers . ) East Canterbury (N . H . )

U [ 1880 ,88, 92, [93 -94, [v . 22

, [2U3 24,

29 ]Manila (P . I . ) San Juan de Lethran college . Bulletin . U 190 9+



Senate . Journal . U 190 1+Tax commissioner . Biennial report~ U 1881+Treasury

,Comptroller of the . Annual report . U 1886, 88-91 , 93- 190 1 , 0 8+

Maryland agricultural college . College Park. Quarterly.

U 1898+ n o. N 1898+ no . 1, 3 , 26, 29 37, 39+

Maryland Agricultural experiment station . College Park. Annual report .U 1888+ v . N 1888+ v . 1- 18, 21+

Bulletin . U 1888+ n o.

N 1889+ no . 5 , 7 18,20—23 , 25 33 , 35-38, 4 1- 1 1 5 , 1 1 7 132, 135, 138+

Circular bulletin . N 190 0 0 4, no . 8- 1 0 ,14


3 1 , 33-36, 38, 41-43 , 45- 58, 60

Maryland 81 Pennsylvania railroad company . Annual report . U 190 3 , v. 3Maryland bankers

association . Proceedings . U 1908+ v . 13+Maryland ( state ) grange . (Patrons of husbandry . ) Annual sess ion .

U 1891 , V . 19Maryland historical society . Baltimore . Archives of Maryland . U 1883+ v . 1+

Fund publications . U has orderedMaryland ( state ) horticultural society. Report .

N ~1899- 1902, v. 2, 5° U 190 9+ v . 12+

Maryland House of reformation for colored boys . Chetlen ham. Biennial report .U 1877-81 , 87-97 , 190 1+

Maryland Insane, Hospital for the, Catonsville . Annual report .U 1876-90 , 190 1+

Maryland School for boys . Baltimore . Annual report .U 190 0 -02 , 04

-06, 0 8+ V. 50 -52, 54-56, 58+

Name of institution before 1906 was House of Refuge .Maryland School for the deaf dumb . Frederick . Biennial report . U 1868+Massachusetts . Public documents 4 U 1866, [68 69 ]

Agricultural survey . Report on the agriculture of Massachusetts .U 1838 40”v 2-4 I I

Continued by Massachusetts— Secretary o f state . Abstract from the returnsof agricultural societies .Agriculture, Board of. Annual report.U 1853 9 9, 190 1+ v . I -47 ,

“N 18539 8, v . I -2I , 23-27, 29-30 , 32, 36-44, 46

Continues Agricultural survey ; and Secretary of State’s abstract of returns .

Annual report on inj urious beneficial insects . (Packard )U 187 1 -73 , v. 1 3

Arbitration conci liation , Board of. U 1886+ v. 1+Attorney general . Report . U 1866, 97 , 99+Auditor o f accounts . Report . U 1852,

66 67 , 69 88-89 ,9 19 3 9979 8 190 9 -0 2 94+ v - I 9 , 2I

-22 28 40 -4 I 43


45 49 50 52 54, 56+Ban k commiss ioners . Annual report . Boston . U 1850 , 54Charities , Board of state . Annual report .

U 1864, 77 , V ' 11

6- 121 I 4

After 1879 i s sued byCharity, State board of . Annual report . U 1879-80 , -82+ -V . 1—2

, 4+Civi l service commiss ioners . Annual report . U 1893 , 98, 190 3 , v. 20

District police , Office of. Annual r eport .U 1890 , 97 , 99 , 190 5 , v . 12

.I 9 , 2I , 27

Education,Board of . Annual report. U 1837+ V . 1+

(State ) forester . Annual report . U 190 7+ V. 4+Free public library commission . Annual report .

U 1892- 190 3 , 0 5—06, V . 2- 14, 16- 17

Gas 81 electri c light commiss ioners, Board of. Annual report .U 1886+ v . 1+

General court— Railways canals,Joint standing committee on . Annual

reports of the railroad corporations . U 1839-40 42-44, 46-52, 55-56, 68”Contin ued by Massachusetts- Railroad commiss ioners Board of .Gypsy 8: brown tail moths , Superintendent for suppressing the . Annual report . N 190 7+ v . 3+Health

,State board of. Annual report . Boston .

U 1869 80 , 83 , 85+ V . 1 - 12, N 1890+ v . 22+Monthly bulletin . U 190 8+ v . W


Highway commission . Annual report .U 1894-98 , 99

- 1902, 0 5+ v . 2-6, 8- 10 , 12, 14+

House of representatives . Journal . U 1889-9 1 , 96+Insurance department . Annual report of the loan fund assoc1at1on s .

U 1856, 60 , 62, v. 1, 5 , 7

Annual report . Part 1 Fire marine .

U 1859-66, 69, 7 1+ v . 4- 10 ,14, 16+

Part 2 Life . U 1859-66,

68-70 , 72-78, 818 4, 86

- 190 4, 06+ v . 4- Io, I 3 - I 5 , 17-23 , 26-29 , 3 1

Labor stati stics,Bureau of . Annual report . U 1870+ v . 1+

Annual report on the comparative financial stati stics of cities 81 towns .U 190 6+ V. 1+

Annual statistics of manufactures . U 1886- 190 3 , 0 7+ v . 1 - 18, 22+

Labor bulletin . U 1899- 190 1 , 190-

5+ no . 10 - 18, 36+Census of the commonwealth of Massachusetts . U

, _I875 , 80 , 85 , 95

Labor industrial chronology. U 1899- 190 5 , v . 1 -7

(State ) library . Annual report . U 1902-0 6

(State ) n ursery inspector . Annual report . N 190 7+ v . 5+Circular . N 190 7+ no . 1+

(Metropolitan ) park commissioners . Report . U 1893 , 95-99 , 190 2

Pri son commissioners , Board of . Annual report . Boston . U 190 1+ v . 1+ContinuesPrisons

,Commiss ioners of. Annual report .

U 1873 , 80 , 83- I 9ooll v . 3 , I 9 , 13 30”Public records

, Comm1ss1on er of. Report on the custody 81 condition ofthe public records of parishes , towns 81 counties .

U 1885 , 9 19 2, 94, 96, 98, 190 3 , v . I , 45 7 , 9 , 1 1 , I 6

Railroad commissioners , Board of. Annual report .U 1870 -77 , 79+ v . 2-9 , 1 1+

Continues Mass achusetts— General court— Rai lways canals , Joint standingcommittee on .

Savings banks , Board of commissioners of. Report . U 1876- 1908

Pt . 1 , Savings banks . U V . 1 , 3 , 6, 8- 18, 20 , 23 , 26-27 , 29 , 3 1 , 33Pt . 2,

Cooperative banks . U v . 1, 3 , 6, 8- 14, 1 7-29 , 33

Secretary of commonwealth . Abstract exhibiting -the condition of thebanks in Massachusetts . Boston . U 1837-38, 40 , 54-57 , 63

Abstract from the returns of agricultural societies .U 1845 V . 18 ”

Continued by Massachusetts— Agriculture , State board of . Annual report .Abstract o f the certificates of corporations . U 1876-77 , 80 -81 , 84Abstract of returns of j oint stock companies . U 185 1-53 , 55-57Abstract of the attested returns of corporations . U 1864, 67 , 69 , 72, 75Abstract of the census . U 1855 , 65Aggregates of . polls , property taxes , etc . U 1866, 68-69 , 190 2

Report of births , marriages and deaths . U 1843-48, 50 , 54,

741 83 , 190 1 , V ° 9 ) 13 ) 33 , 42,60

Senate . Journal . U 1889 -

9 1 , 96+

(Metropolitan ) sewerage commiss ioners , Board of . Annual report .U 189 1 -93 , 98- 190 0 ,

V . 2-

4, 10 - 12


Mar . 30 , 190 1 with Metropol itan water board and future re

ports i ssued by Metropolitan water sewerage board .

Supreme court. Reports of cases . (Massachusetts reports .U 1804+ V . 1+

T ax commissioner . Report . U 1884, 97+Tax commissioner . Tables of quotations of some of the stocks securitiestaxable by the assessors . U 1866 , 74, 78, 88Topographical survey , Commissioners of the . Report .

U 1887 , 90 , 95Treasurer 81 receiver general . Report . U 1841 , 66, 88, 94 , 190 0 , 0 2

-0 5

(Metropolitan ) water 81 sewerage board . An nual report . U 1908, V . 8Massachusetts ( state ) agricultural experiment station . Amherst . Annual report .

U N 1883 -

94”v . 1

Con sol idated W ith 81 con tmued by Massachusetts,Hatch experiment station ,

Bulletin .

J 1883-95”no . 1 N 1884-95Hno . 8- 18, 20 -25 , 27 -45 , 47- 56


Massachusetts agricultural repository ~81 j ournal . (Massachusetts society forpromoting agriculture . ) Boston . U 1798 v . 1 10”

Massachusetts ( State ) almshouse . Tewksbury . Annual report .U I 857 , 72 73 , v . 4, .I 9-20

Massachusetts charitable mechanic assoc1at10 n . Proceedings o f annual,


U 1888, 97Massachusetts colonial society. Boston . Publications ; U has orderedM assachusetts Creamery association . Report . U 1899 , v . 5Massachusetts Electric companies . Boston . Annual report . U 190 0+ V. 1+Massachusetts general hospital, Boston . Annual report o f the trustees. 1

U 199 5 , v 92Massachusetts ( state ) grange . (Patrons of husbandry . ) Proceedings .

U 1886, 98, 190 0 ,0 8+ v . 14,


26, 28, 36+Massachusetts Hatch experiment station , Amherst . Annual report .

U 1889—94, 96+ v . 1 -6, N 1889+ v . 2, 5+


Bu lletin .

U I 88S+ no . N 1888+ no . 1 2- 9 , 3 1 , 33 92, 94 1 02—10 5 , 1 13 1- 18, 121+M eteorological observatory . Amherst . Bulletin . U I889+ v . 1+

Massachusetts hi storical society. Boston . Collections .U 1792+ ser . 1 , v . I - ser . 3 , v . 8, 10+

Proceedings . U has'

orde redMassachusetts horticultural society . Schedule of prizes .

U 1868 72 747 5 7 77 9. 80 8 1 83-90 , 92-

94, 97- I 9O I , 0 3Transactions .

U 183 1 , 36-38, 42 5 1 , 53 , N 1879 pt 2 , 80 81 pt pt 2, 88- 190 3

Massachusetts infant asylum . B .oston Annual report .U v 13 , 39

Massachu setts institute of technology. Boston — Architectural society . Catalogof annual exhibition . U 1894Sanitary research laboratory 81 sewage experiment station . Contributions .

U 190 5+ v ._1+

Soci ety o f arts . Abstracts o f the proceedings Boston . U 1879 -9 1 I IContinued in Technology quarterly .

see also Technology quarterly ; Technology review .

Massachusetts loan 81 fund association . Annual report . U 1857, 61 , V . 1, 4

Massachusetts (State ) lunatic asylum , Taunton . Annual report .U 68-69 , v . 9, 13 , 15- 16

Massachusetts (State ) lunatic hospital . Northampton . Annual report .U

1859 , 6I , 66, 68-69 , 72, 76, 81 -85. v . 4, 6 , 1 1. 13- I 4, 17 , 2I , 26-30

Massachusetts mutual li fe insurance company. Annual statement . U'

1906, v . 55Massachusetts normal art school . Boston . Catalogue .

U 1875 76, 97-99 , 190 0 -0 2 v 3 , 24-25 , 28-29

Massachusetts ( State ) prison . Annual report . U 1855 , 57 , 59, 66

Massachusetts School for idiotic feeble minded youth South Boston. Annualreport . U 1860 , 66, 68 69 , v . 13 , 19 , 21 22

Massachusetts S ingle tax league . Banquet addresses on ground rent, s ingle tax ,etc . U 190 2

-0 3M assachusetts society for promoting agriculture . Boston , see also Massachusettsagricultural repository j ournal .Massachusetts society for the prevention of cruelty to children . Boston . A 11

5nual report . U 1889 , vv .

Massachusetts teacher . Boston . U 55 , 58, 61 [v . 3 , 8 1 1,

-14M assachusetts ( State ) workhouse . Bridgewater . Annual report . U 1886, V . 33Master car bui lders association . New York . Proceedings .

U 1867-72, 75 , 77-90 , 92+ v . 1 -6, 9 ,1 1 -24, 26+

Masters in art . Boston . U 190 0 -0 5 , 11. 1 -6

Materi alen zur kunde des alteren engli schen dramas . (Bang ) Louvain.

U 1902+ V . 1 -6

,8- 14, 16+

K . M aterialprufun gsan stalt , see Berlin .

M ateriaux documents d’

architecture . Paris . U“1872+ v . 1+Mathematical magazine ; a

-j ournal of elementary 81 higher mathematics . (A .

Martin . ) Erie (Pa . ) Washington (D . C . ) U 1882+ v . 1+M athematical gazette . London . U 190 7+ V . 4+


Metallurgical 81 chemical engineering . New York . G + ; U 19 10+ v . 8Continues Electrochemical metallurgical industry .

Metallurgie 81 la construction mechan ique . Paris .Methodist Episcopal church . Minutes of the annual conferences .

U 1878 pt 2 , 80 pt 1 , 81 -87, 88 pt 1 , 190 2+Missionary society. New York . Annual report .

U 189 1—92 95 , 97 98 v 73 77 , 79-80

North India conference . Report 81 minutes . U 1899 , V . 35Rock river ( I ll . ) conference . Minutes . U 190 7 , v. 68St Loui s conference . Minutes . U 1904, v . 36Sunday school union . Annual report . U 1894-97, V . 55- 58

Tract society . Annual report . U 1894, 96-

97 , V . 42, 44 -45Methodist Episcopal church, South — Education , Board of. Annua l report.

U 1897 , V . 3Methodist magazine . New York . U 1818, 25 , 26, v . 1 pt 2, 8 pt 1

, 9Con tinued as

Methodist quarterly review . New York. U 1842, 45-84, v . 24, 27 6 6Continued as

Methodist review . New York .

U 1885 , 87-93 , 95 , 99 , 1993-04, v . 67, -69-72, 74-75 , 77 , 81 , 85-86

Methodist yearbook. New York . U 190 5+Metric bulletin . (American metric bureau . ) Boston . U 1867-78, V . 1 -3Mews ’ annual digest . [Law . ] London . U 1 899- 190 1

Mexican Central railway company, Ltd . Annual report . U 1880+ . v . 1+Mexican International rail road company . Annual report . U 190 1

-0 3 , 0 5-06, 08+Mexican mining j ournal . Mexico city . G + ; UMexican National rai lroad company . An nual report U 1893 , 98—190 0 , v . 7 , 12- 14Reorganized 190 2 as National railroad of Mexico .

Mexican yearbook . London . U 1908, v . 1

Mexico— Comu nicaciones "81 obras publicas,Ministerio de . Memoria .

UAnales . U 190 3+ v . 7+

Estad istica, D ireccion general de . Anuario estad istico de la republicaMexicana . U 1904, v . 12

Estado 81 hacienda , Seccion de . Boletin de estad istica fiscal . U +Resumen de la importation 81 exportac ion . U

Hacienda, Secretario de . Memoria . U 190 0—08

I n struCcion publica bellas artes,Ministerio de. Boletin .de in struccion


1b1ica . U 190 3+ V . 1+Parasitologia agricola, Comision de . Boletin .

U 1900 -0 1 , v. 1 , no . 1 -3 ; N 190 0+ [v . 2, 4+

Circular . N 190 0+ no . 1 -49 , 5 1 -56, 58+Mexico

, s ee a lso National rail road company of Mexico ; Sociedad astronomicade Mexico ; Sociedad cien tifica

“Antonio Alzate ;” Sociedad mexicana degeografia estad istica.


Mexico City Instituto geologico de Mexico . Boletin . G 1895-99,no . 1 -9 , 1 1

-13 ; U 1895+ 110 . 1 - 17 , 20 -24, N 1895+ V . 1 , 10- 17 , .

20—24, 26+Parergon es . U 1904+ V . 1

,N 190 2+ V .

1+Mexico City Instituto medico nacion al . Anales . N 190 6+ v . 8+Mexico City Museo nacional . Anales . U 190 9+ 11. 1+

Boletin . U 190 4, ser . 2,v . 1

Mexico City Observatorio meteorolé gico—magnéti co central . Boletin mensual .U“190 3-0 5 , 08+

l eyers deutsches j ahrbuch . Hildburghausen . U 1872-73 , v . 1-2

Michigan . Joint documents .1870 -74 pt 2, 75 pt I2 77 pt I 2 , 78, 80 , 82, 83 pt 3 , 848 5 pt 1 , 86-89 , 92, 95 , 97Adj utant general . Report . U 1888-90 , 92-94, 1906+Agriculture , State board of. Report .

U 1862+ v . N 1865+ v . 3 , 5- 16, 18-21 , 23-25 , 29 , 33 , 36-37 , 39+Continues Michigan state agricultural society.

Attorney general . Annual report . U 1888, 93-

94, 98-

99 , 190 1+Auditor-general

s department . Annual report .G 1868 ; U 1878-85, 87—94, 96, 98+


Auditors , State board of . Annual report.U 189 1 , 9 5+

Banking department . Annual report . U 1889- 190 5 , 0 7+ v . 1 - 17 , 19+

Charities 81 corrections , State board of. Biennial report.U 1872-76, 84, 88-96, 190 0 -0 2

, 0 6+ v . 1-3 , 7 , 9- 13 , 15- 16, 18+Unti l 1878 thi s board was


ca lled State commissioners for the general supervision oi charitable, penal, pauper, 81 reformatory institutions .Dairy 81 food department . Annual


report . U v . 3 , 6+U

Education,State board o f . Biennial report . U 190 0 -0 2, v . 1 1

Equalization,State board of . Proceedings . U 1881 , 86, 9 1 , 96, 190 1 , 06

“Farmers ’ institutes . Institute bulletin . U 1895-99 , V. 2 5Fish commission . Biennial report . N 1875+ v . 2-3 , 5+

Bulletin . N no . 1 -8

Forestry commission . Report . U 1887-88, 1900 ,0 3+

( State ) game 81 fish warden . Biennial report . U 1887-99 , 190 1+General assembly Acts . 1861

,190 7

Geological survey . Geological survey of Michigan .

G 1869- 1994”v 1 -9 I ; U 1869- 199 4 I I V . I 9 HReport of progress . G 1870 ; U 1859-60 , 66

Report . G 189 1-92, 190 3 -08 ; U 1891 -92 , 99- 190 1 , 0 3+Report of the state biological survey . N 1 906+ v . 1+

Health , State board of . Annual report . U 1873-75 , 77+ v . 1 -3 , 5+Monthly bulletin of vital statis tics . U+Princip al meteorological conditions in Mich igan . U 1893 , 95-96

Sanitary conventions . Proceedings 81 address es . U 1887-89 , 9 1 -

99s ee a lso Public health .

House of representatives . Journal . U 1871 -72, 75-77 , 83 -87 , 95+I lluminating oils

,State inspector of . Report . U 1896, 98, 190 7+

Inspectors [of state institutions ] , State board of. Biennial report.U V . 1

Insurance, Commiss ioner of . Annual report, pt. 1 : Fire 81 marine.U I 879 , 72, 83 , 85-86, 95 , 98, 199 1 -9 3 , 9 5+ v . 1 , 3 , I 4, 16 1 7 , 26 , 29 , 32-

34, 36+Pt . 2 : Life . U 1870 , 72, 83 , 190 1 , 0 5 , V . 1 , 3 , 14,

Labor 81 industrial statistics,Bureau of. Annual report .

G 190 5-08, V . 23-26 ; U 1883 -85 , 88-90 , 95+ V. 1 -2, 6-7 , 10 ,

13+Annual report of inspection of factories . G v . 13 - 15 ; U 1893+ v . 1+

Land office, Commissioner of . Annual report .G 1868 ; U 75 77 , SO/8 I 83-99 , 9 I /92 97 1994, 9 5+

v 32 34 35. 37 , 39 , 42-

48 59 52 56 62 64+( State ) library . Biennial report . U 1894- 190 6

Legis lative reference department . Bulletin . U 190 7+ V. 1+Library


commission ers , State board of . Annual report .U 1899- 190 2, 04+ V . 1 -3,

- 5+Live stock sanitary commission . Biennial report .

U 97- 1900 , v . 1

, 3 ,-8, 1 1

Mineral statistics , Commiss ioner of . Annual report 0 11 mines 81 mineralstati stics .

G 1877 78, 80—82, 87 , 89, 9 1° U 1880 -81

, 858 7 , 95-97 , 190 0 , 0 1-0 3 , 0 5+

Pa1dons Advisory board in the matter of. Report . U - 04,

Public instruction , Department of . Annual report of superintendent .U 1853 , 55 -

57, 59+ v . 17 , I 9-2 I, 23+

Rai lroads , Commissioner of . Annual report .U I 872, 75 , 77-78 89 82-97 , [98 99 ] I 9O I+ v I 4. 6-7, 9 , I I -25 [ 26-27 ] 29+(State ) salt inspector . Annual report .

U 1894-96, 99- 1904 , 190 7+ V . 26-28, 3 1 -36, 39+Secretary of state . Annual abstract o f statistical in formation relative tothe insane , deaf 81 dumb, 81 blind, also idiotic 81 epi leptic .

U 1889 , 9 1—190 1 , 0 3—0 4, v . 17 , 19-29, 3 1 -32

Annual report relating to registry 81 return of bi rths,marriages 81

U 1868+ V . 1+Census of the state. U 1874, 84, 94, 1904Legislative manual . U 1869-70 , 81 , 83 , 87-88, 89—90 , 95-98, 190 1- 02, 0 9+


Report on bui lding loan associations .U 1897 , 190 1 -02, 0 6+ v . 2,

6-7 , 1 1+Statistics collected for the census of the U . S . U 1860

-70 , no . 8-

9Senate . Journal . U 1867 v . 2

, 69-72, 85 V . 95+Supreme court . Reports of cases . (M ichigan reports . ) U I843+ V . 1+( State ) swamp land commissioner . Report . G 1867-70

( State ) tax commissioners , Board of . Annual report . U 190 0+ v . 1+Treasurer. Report . U 1872, 74- 79, 87 , 1906+Zoological department . Report of the state zoologist . U 1859/60

Michigan academy of science . Lansing . Report . U N 1894+ v . 1+Michigan Agricultural experiment station . Agricultural college . Annual re

port . U 1888+ V . N -I 8S8 89 , v . 1 72

Bulletin . U 1885+no . N 1 885+ no . 6, 8 9 13 , 1 5-25 , 27-51 , 53 -75, 77-88, 90 - 18 1


Special bulletin.

N I 894+ no 1 2. 4 5 , 7 - I 8 29 -2I 23 25, 27-3 7 , 39-42 45+

Michigan ( state ) agricultural society . Transactions .U 1849 v . 1 N 1854-59”v. 6—8

Continued by Michigan— Agriculture,State board of .

Michigan assoc iation for the preven ion 81 relief of tuberculosi s . Report .0

U 1908+ V . 1+M i ch 1gan ( state ) assoc1at10 n of supermten d en ts of the poor . Proceedings o f

con ven t1on . U 190 5 , 0 7+Michigan ( state ) asylum [ fo r insane ] . Ionia . Biennial report . U 1884-94, 96+Michigan asylum for the insane

,Kalamazoo . Report .

U 1898- 1902, 0 4+ v . 26-27 , 29+Michigan bankers ’ association .

-Annual convention .

. U 1899- 1904, 06+ V . 1 1- 16, 18, 21+Michigan ( state ) bar association . Proceedings of annual meeting .

U 190 3 , 06+ V. 14, 17+Michigan Central rai lroad company . An nual report .

U I 847 , 54-59 , 69-78, 89, 9 19 8 I 99 9+ v . I , 9 14. 24-33 , 44, 46- 53 , 55+

Michigan classical conference. Proceedings . U 190 5 , v . 1 1

Michigan dairymen’

s association . Annual report .U 1894-99 , 190 2, 04+ v . 10 - 15 , 18 ,

20+M ichigan Eastern hospital , Pontiac . Report . U 1890 , 94, 190 0+Michigan employment institution for the blind . Sagl n aw . Biennial report .

UMichigan engineer . (Michigan engineering society. ) U 1880+ v . W 190 7Title varies : Michigan engineer

’s annual ; Proceedings ; etc .

Michigan farmer . Detroit . U 1873 , [ 190 3 ] v .-4, [43-44]

Michigan General conference of the health officials . Proceedings addresses .U 1894-99 , 199 3

-94, v . 2-4, 6-7M ichigan Home for the feeble minded 81 epileptic . Lapeer . Report .

U 1908+ v . 7+

M ichigan ( state ) horticultural society . Annual report .U 1870 -

9 1 , v . 1 -21 ; N 1872-95 , v . 2, 4

- 18, 20 -21 , 25

1870 80 name was Michigan state pomological society.

Michigan ( state ) house o f correction 81 branch state pri son in Upper Peninsula .

Marquette . Biennial report . U 1896 -0 2, 06+Michigan ( state ) house of correction 81 reformatory . Ionia . B iennial report .

U 1880+Michigan ( state ) industrial home for gi rls . Adrian . Biennial report .

U V .

Michigan Institution for theeducation of the deaf 81 dumb , Flint, see MichiganSchool for the deaf .

Mich igan j ournal.

oi education . Detro1t . U 1854, 56 [59-60 , 61 ] v . 1, 3 , [6-7 , 9 ]

Michigan law review . Ann Arbor . 'U 1902+ v . 1+Michigan library associ ation . Proceedings . U 190 0 , v . 10

Michigan merino sheep breeders ’ association . Register . Kalamazoo (Mich . )0 0

U 1885-98, v . 1 -4Michigan municipalities

, see League of M 1ch 1gan mun 1c1pa11t1es .


Imlton (Mass . )— Public library . Annual report . U 190 1+ v . 3 1+Bulletin . U 190 8+ V . 4+

Milwaukee . Department reports . U 1889 , 190 2-0 5City engineer . Annual report . U 1908City service commis sioners , Board of . Annual report . U 1896+ V . 1+Comptroller . Annual report . U 1889 , 1902 , 04—0 5Health , Commissioners of . Annual report . W 1906+ v . 30+Health department . Monthly report .Police department . Report . U 1891 - 1909Public library . Annual report . U 1878+ v . 3+

Quarterly index . U 99+ [v . 7+Public museum . Annual report N I SS3+ V . 1

, 5 , 7+Public works, Board of. An nual report . U 1890 -

9 1 190 0

School di rectors , Board of . Annual report . U 190 5 , v . 46Milwaukee (Wis ) chamber of commerce . Annual report .U 1859 , 62, 65-66, 69 -79 , 72-87 , 9 19 2

, 95, 97- I 99 9 9 2 9 5+ v . 2, 5 , 8-9 , 112- 13 ,I 5-39 . 34

—35. 38, 49 -

43 , 45 , 48+Mimir ; Icelandic institutions with addresses . Copenhagen . U 190 3 , V . 1

Mind . London . U 1876+ v . 1+Mind 81 body . Milwaukee (Wis . U 1895—99 , 190 1+ v . 2-5 , 8+Mine Hil l 81 Schuylkill Haven railroad company . Annual report .

U v . 27M in eral industry . (Rothwell . ) New York . G 1892, V . 1 ; U 1892+ v . 1+Mineralogical magazine 81 j ournal of the Mineralogical society.


London .

U 1876+ V . 1+Mineralogische 81 petrographische mitthei lun gen . (T schermak) Vienna .

U 187 1+ v . 1+Miners ’ magazine . (Western federation of miners . ) Denver (Colo . )

U [ 199 9 9 5 ] [v . I , 7]Minerva, handbuch der gelehrten welt . Strassburg . U 191 1+ v . 1+Minerva

,j ahrbuch der gelehrten welt . Strassburg . U N 189 1+ V . 1+

Minerva agrari a. Rome . U +Mines minerals . Scranton (Pa . ) G U 1898+ v . 19+Continues Colliery “

engineer .Mining 81 scientific press . San Francisco . G U 1893 , 1906+ v . 66-67 , 93+Minin g engineering London . UMining j ournal , railway commercial gazette . London . U 187 1 , 73 , v . 41 , 43Mining magazine . London . U 190 9+ [v . 1 2+Mining magazin e . New York . G U 1904

-July 1906”v . 1 0 - 13 , no . 7”In 1904 continues Pacific coast m iner ; in 1906 consolidated with Engineeringmining j ournal .

Mining world . Chicago . G U 1906

Minneapolis (Minn . ) Annual report of the various city officers .U I 893 . 994 90 5, 9 8+

(City ) comptroller . Annual report . U 1893+

(City) coun cil . Proceedings . U 1898, V . 24Education

,Board of. Annual report . U 1909+ v . 32+

(City ) engineer’s department . Annual report . U -0 5 , 08

Health department . Annual report . U 1908+Park commissioners , Board of . Annual report . U 1894, V . 12

Public l ibrary . Annual report . U 1890+ v . 1+Waterworks department . Annual report . U ’ 189o, 92,

1904+Minneapoli s St Loui s railroad company. Annual report . U 1895 , 190 0 -0 4, 08+Minneapoli s (Minn . board of trade Annual report . U 1879-81

Minneapolis (Minn . ) chamber o f commerce . Annual report .U 1883 , 86- 1904, 0 6+ v . 1 , 4- 22,

24+Minneapoli s , St Paul Sault Ste Marie railwa

ycompany. Annual report .

U 190 0-06 ; V . 1 6

Min n eapolis , Sault Ste Marie Atlantic railway company . Annual report .U 1885 , v . 1

Minneapol i s street rai lway company 81 St Paul city railway company . Consolidated report . U 1895

Minneapolis, see also Twin City rapid transit company .


Min nesota . Executive documents : Biennial . U [ 1884 90—96, 190 0- 02, 0 4+

Annual . U [ 1889 ] 93 , [97-98, 199 3-9 5 1 9 7

Auditor o f state . Report . U 1878, 89-90 , 9 1 -92 , 95-98, 190 3 - 04Control

,State board of. Biennial report. U 190 0+ v . 1+

Quarterly,representing the educational, philanthropic , corree

tion al pen al institutions . U 1906+ v . 1+Corrections charities , State board of . Biennial report .

U 1884-92, V . 2-5 , 8

( State ) dairy food commissioner . Biennial report‘U 190 1+ v . 8+

(State ) entomologi st . Annual report . N 1895+ V . 1+Farmers ’ institutes . Annual . U 1896, v 9

!Forestry commissioner . Annual report . U 1895 , 190 3 , 06+ V . I , 9 , 12+Early reports issued by chief fire warden .

Game fish commissioners . Biennial report . U N 190 0-0 2

, 0 3+ V. 9 , 1 1+General assembly . General laws . U 1871 -72, 76, 78, 8 1 pt 2, 85 , 9 1 ,95-99 , 1992 pt 2; 9 3+ sess . 13

- 14, 18, 29 , 22 pt 2,24, 27 , 29


31 , 32 pt 2, 33+Geological natural history survey . Annual report .

G U 1872-98”V ’ 1 ' 24H; N V ° 1» 45 ,

Bulletin . G 1889 -94no . 1 , 5 19 ll ; U 1887 v . I 5 , 7-8, 9 pt 2, 19 l ; N v . 1 -2, 4-6, 8, 19

Geo-logy of Minnesota ; final report . G U 1872- 190 1”v . 1 -6

Minnesota botanical studies .U 1894+ ser . N 1895+ ser . 1

, pt 5- 12 ; ser . 2, pt 1 -6, 10 ; ser . 3 , pt 1+

Minnesota plant studies . N 190 8+ no . 1+Report : Zoological seri es . U 1895, no . 2 ; N 1892- 190 3 , n o. 1 -4

Governor . Annual message . U 1866-67 , 190 3Graded schools , Inspector of state . Annual report . U 1897-98, v . 2—3Health , State board of. Veterinary department . Report . U 190 0

-0 3Health 81 ”

vital statistics , State board of . Annual report .U 1873 -74 , 77—86, 89-99 , 939 9 199 1

- 9 2, v . 2-

3 , 6- 1 1 , 13 , 15- 17 , 19Biennial reports on vital stati stics . U 1888-97 , v . 2-6

High ' sch ools , Inspector of State . An nual report .U 1894-95 , 97- 1992, 9 4+ v . 1 -2

, 49 1 1+Insurance

,Department of. Annual report . Pt . 1 : Fire 81 marine .

U 1898+ V . 28+Pt . 2 : Li fe . U 1898, 190 0+ v . 28, 30+Pt . 3 : Farmers

’ town mutual fire 81 hail . U 1899 , V . 29Labor stati stics , Bureau of. Biennial report . U 1889-96, 99- 1906, V . 1 - 5 , 7- 10

Legislature . Jou rnal . U 1876, sess . 18

Public examiner . Report . U 80 -

90 , 94-96 , 190 6+ V. 1 , 4-9 , 12,

18+Public instruction , Department o f . Annual report .

U 1866-69 , 79 —72, 75 , 97- 199 9 ; 199 5+ v . 6-9 , 1 1 - 13 , 16, 29-

39 , 33+Public library commission . Biennial report . U 1899+ V . 1+

Library notes 81 news . U 1904+ V . 1+Summer s chool

for library training . U 190 0 -0 5 , 0 7 , 09+ V . 1 -6, 8, 10+Railroad warehouse commiss ion . Annual report .

U 1885 , 9 1 -97 , 99+ v . 1 , 7-13 , 15+Railroad commissioners . Report . U 1874- 76Secretary of state . Legislative manual . U 1895- 190 1 , 0 5+

Report . U 1896, 99- 190 2, 0 4+Stati stics , Bureau of . Annual report .

G 1877 ; U 1859 , 69 , 75, 80 , 90+ 1859, V . 1 , 7 , 12, 22+Supreme court . Reports o f cases . (Minnesota reports . ) U 185 1+ V . 1+Tax commission . Biennial report . U 190 8+ V. 1+Treasurer . Annual report . U 1889 , 92

M innesota academy of natural sciences , see Minnesota academy of sciences .Minnesota academy of social sciences . Papers 81 proceedings . U 1908+ V . 1+Minnesota academy of sciences . Bulletin . Minneapoli s .

U 1889—9 1 , V . 3 , no . 1 -2 ; N 1873+ [v . 1 4+Before 190 3 called Minnesota academy of natural sciences .

Minnesota Agricultural experiment station . Minneapoli s . Annual report .U N 1887-95 , 98+ v . 1887-92, 1 -4, 6+

Bulletin . U 1888+ no . N 1888+ no . 2-6, 8- 10 , 13- 14, 16+


Minnesota ( state) agricultural society . Annual report. U 1887 , 89-90 , 94+Minnesota bankers

association . Proceedings . U 190 7+ v . 18+Minnesota ( state ) conference of charities 81 corrections . Proceedings .

U 1 90 1+ v. i o+M innesota dairyman . Northfield . U +Minnesota dairymen

s association . Proceedings . U 1885 , 98- 190 1 , v . 8 , 21-24

Minnesota historical society . St Paul . Annals . U 1850 -5 1

Biennial report . U 1898+ V . 12+Collections . U 1876 1904, V. 4 5, 10 1 1

Minnesota ( state ) horticultural society. Annual report . U 1866- 74,76-79. 81 -93 . 199 1 v . 1

,-2 4-7. 9-21 29 ; N 1874

-89. v . 2 4-5. 8- 13 . 15- 17Minnesota Institute for defective chi ldren . Faribault . Biennial report .

U 82+ v . 1, 3+

Minnesota (State ) prison .

“Stillwater. Biennial report . U 1889-

90 , V . 6Minnesota ( State ) reform school . Red Wing . . Bienn ial report. U 189 1 -92, V . 7Minnesota Soldiers

home 81 soldiers ’ relief fund . Minnehaha . Annual report .U 1888-94, 96


-97 , 99+ v . i - 7 , 9Minnesota University , . Minneapolis . Gopher (Junior class annual ) .

U 19 10+ v. 23+Minnesota botanical studies . U 1 897+ ser . 1 , v . 1+Society of engineers . Ye arbook . U 1893+ . v . 1+Seaside station , see Poste lsia .

Missionary review of the world . Princeton, N . J . ; New York .

C 190 3+ v . U 1882, V . 5Missionary society of Connecticut . Annual account of miss ionary labors performed . U 1813 , V . 15

Missi ss ippi— Archives 81 hi story, Department of . Annual report . U 190 3 , v . 2

Auditor of public accounts . Bien nial report . U 1902—0 5

Geological agricultural survey ( 1850 Report of the state geologist .U 1854-58, v . 1 -3

Geological survey. Bulletin . G n o. 6 , U 190 7+ no . 1+Report . G 190 7

Governor . Biennial message . U 1882

House of‘

represen tatives . Journal . U 1904+Public education

,Department of. Annual report . U 187 1 , 95-97

Railroad commission . B ien n ial report . U 190 3 , V . 9

Secretary of state . Biennial report . U 1896-97Senate . Journal . U 190 4+Supreme court . Reports of ca ses (Missi ss ippi reports ) .

U 1 818+ v . 1 - 1o, 12- 14, 16- 17 , 19-33 , 35-63 , 65+

Missi ss ipp i Agricultural experiment station . Agricultural college . Annual re

port . U N 1888+ v . 1+Bulletin . U I SS8+ no N 1890+no . 17-46, 49-67 , 69-76, 79 83 -84, 86-96, 98 - 1 13 , 1 15 , 1 18+

Mississippi bankers ’ association . Proceedings . U 190 0 , 0 4+ v . 12, 16+Missi ssippi Central rai lroad company. Annual report . U 190 5+ V. 1+M i s s issippi ( State ) penitentiary . Jackson . Biennial report. U 1880 -

93Missi ssippi valley apple growers ’ association . Quincy ( I ll . ) Proceedings .

U 1899- 1902

Missi ssippi valley dai ry creamery association . Report of the proceedings .U 1884, V . 1

Mississippi valley horticultural society . Transactions .U 1883 86, v . 1 -4 ; N 1883 -85 , V . 1 3

Missouri— Adj utant general . Report . U 1877 78, 82-86, 89-9 1 , 93 -97 , 99+Agriculture

,State board . Annual report .

U 1865-69 , 7 1-72. 74-85. 87 , 89-92. 94-97 , 199 1 . v . 1 -5. 7-8. 19—18. 29,22-25 ,

27-30 , 33 ; N 1865 -88, no . 1 -5 , 10 , 12,

Appeals,Courts of. Reports of cases . (Missouri appeal reports .)

U 1877+ v . 1+Auditor . Report . U 1881 - 1906

Building 81 loan associations , Supervi sor of. Annual report .U 1896 99 , 1902+ V . I , 4. 7+

Charities 81 corrections , State board of . Bulletin U


M i ssouri ( state ) horticultural society . Annual report of proceedings .U 1864, 82+ V . 5 , N 1880 - 190 5 , v . 23

-24, 34, 45 , 48Missouri Industrial home for girls . Chi llicothe . Biennial report. U 1899+Missouri , Kansas , 81 Texas railroad company . A n n ual report . U 1892+ v . 1+Missouri Pacific rai lway company . Annual report .

U 1882-87, 9 1 , 93+ v . 2-7 , 1 1 , 13+Missouri School for the blind . S t Louis . Biennial report


U 1883 -84, 87-88, 93 -

98, 190 1+ v .


14, 16, 19-21 , 23+Missouri School for the deaf . Fulton . Biennial report .

U 1853-72. 79 88. 9 1-96. 99+ v 1 -9. 1 1. 13-17. 19 21. 23+

Missouri Univers ity . Columbia . Studies . U 190 1+ v . 1+Science seri es . U 1905+ V


. 1+Social science series . U 190 5+ V . 1+

V . 1 i ssued in Economic series .Laws observatory. Publi cations . U 1904+ no . 1+Library . Annual report . U 190 7+

Bulletin : Library series . U 1908+ V . 1+Missouri Valley veterinary bulletin . Topeka see American joui


n al ofveterin ary medicine .

M itthei lun gen aus dem gebiete der stati stik . (Aust ria— Statistik, Direction deradministrativen . ) Vienna . U 1852-62, v. 1-1 1

M ittheilun gen aus der hi storischen litteratur. Berlin . 1873- 1906, V . 1-34.

U has orderedM ittheilun gen uber forschungsarbeiten auf dem gebiete in gen ieurWesen s,insbesondere aus den laboratorien tder techni schen hochschulen . (Vereindeutscher ingenieure . ) Berlin . U 190 3+ v . 8- 13 , 17+

Mixer 81 server . (Hotel 81 restauran t'

employes’ intern ational alliance 81 Bar



national league of America . ) Cincinnati .U [ 1904-06] [v . 13

- 15 ]Mnemosyne. Leyden . U has ordered completeMobile (A la ) Annual reports . U 1894-95Mobile 81 Ohio railroad company . Annual report .

U 1886—87. 91 -93. 96+ v . 39. 44-

45. 49+Mobile (A la ) board of trade . Annual report .

U 1869 -79 . 72-75. 77-83. v . 1 -2. 4—7. 9 15Mobile


,Kansas City railroad company .

, Annual report . -U 190 0 -0 1

Modena ( Italy ) Université . Annuario . U 190 9+Modern art . Boston . U 1895 , V . 3Modern housekeeping, see Everydayhousekeep ingModern language association of America . Baltimore . Annual meetmg.

- [Program etc . ] U 190 3

—04, 06, v . 21 -22, 24Publications . U 1884+ v . 1+

Modern language association of Ohio . Annual proceedings . .,U 1896-99 , V. 7- 10

Modern language notes . Baltimore . U 1886+ v . 1+Modern language quarterly. London . U 190 1 -0 3 , V . 4—6M odern language review . Cambridge (Mass . ) U 190 5+ v . 1+Modern locomotives . (Railroad gazette . ) New York . U 1897 , 190 1

Modern Maccabee . (Knights of the Maccabees . ) Mt Morris (I ll . ) U+Modern machinery . Chicago . U 1897+ [v . 2+Modern miller . St Louis . U 190 4+ V . 30+Modern phi lology . Chicago . U 1904+ [V . 2+Modern sanitation . (Standard sanitary mfg . co. ) Pittsburgh (Pa . )

U 1906+ V. 3+Modern woodmen of America . Reports of head offi cers . U 190 2-0 3M é ller

s deutsche gartner-zeitung. Erfurt . U 1886+ V . 1+Mois littérai re pittoresque . Paris . U 1906 , V . 15

;Moline ( I ll . ) business men’

s association . Report of directors . U 1906Molkerei- zeitung . Berlin . U 190 2+ [v . 1 1 14

- 15 , 17+M onaco ( Italy) . see also Albert I , Prince de


M on aco.

M on atsbl'

atter fur deutsche l1tteratur. Le1pz1g ; Berlin . U 1896-1906“V . 1—10

Continued as Magazine fiir l iteratur des in auslandes .Monatshefte fii r chemie 81 verwandte thei le anderer wissenschaften . Berlin ;Vienna . U 1880+ V . 1+


Monatshefte fur mathematik phys ik . Vienna . U 1890 + V . 1+Monatsschri ft .fiir geschichte 81 wissenschaft des juden thums . Breslau .

U 199 3 . v . 47Monatsschrift fur psychiatric neurologie . B erlm. U 1897+ V . 1+Monatsschrift von fiir Schlesien . (Hoffman ) Breslau . U 1829 , v . 1 -2

Monde moderne . Paris . U 1895-97 , v . 1-6

Money. New York. U [ 1897- 190 3 ] [v . 2, [3-5 ]

Money market review, a weekly commercial financial j ournal . London .

U 1860 -90 , V . 1 -61

Monist . Chicago . U 1890+ v . 1+Moniteur des architectes . Paris . U 1872-74, v . 68

Moniteur du j ardinier. Liége (Belgium ) . UMoniteur officiel du commerce . Paris . U 1902+ V. 38+

Rapports commerciaux . Paris . U 1902+ n o. 78+Monmouth ( I ll . ) college . Catalogue .

U 1868-7 1. 72-74. 9 1-93 . 949 6 199 9 -9 5. 96+Monmouth ( Ill . ) Warren county l lbrary 81 reading room assoc iati on . Annualreport . U 1897-99. 199 3Bulletin . U [ 189 1 , 94, 96-190 5] [v . 3 , 6, 8- 1 1

,14, 16]

Monographien uber angewandte elektrochemie . Hal le . U 190 2+ v . 1+Monographien zur deutschen kulturgeschichte . ( Steinhausen . ) Leipzig .

U 1899- 190 5 , V . 1 - 12

Montana— Adj utant general . Report . U 1899- 190 0Agriculture ,


labor industry,Bureau of.

-Annual report .U 1893- 1902, 0 7+ v . 1—8, 1 1+

(State ) arid land grant commission . Annual report . U 190 0

Attorney general . Biennial report . U 1899+

(State ) Auditor . Reports . U 9 1/92, 97- 1 904, 06+(State ) boiler inspector. Annual report . U 190 0 , 0 8+ v . 12,

20+Carey land act board 81 state engineer . Biennial report . U 190 3

- 06, v . 1 -2

Charities 81 reform, Board of. Report . U 1900

Child -animal protection , Bureau of. Report . U 190 7+ V . 3+Education

,State board of . Annual report . U 1899, V . 6

-(State ) entomologist . Annual report . N 190 3+ V . 1+Equalization, State board of. Annual report .

U 1891 -92, 99- 1906, V . 2-3 , 10 - 17

(State ) examiner . Annual report . U 190 5 , 0 8+ V . 1 1 , 14+Farmers

institutes . Annual report . U 190 7+ V . 6+Game 81 fish commission . Biennial report . U N 190 0 -02, 0 5—06, V. 1 , 3Governor . Messages . U 1897+Health , State board of . Biennial report . U 190 7+ v . 4+Horticulture , State board of. Biennial report . U 190 5+ V . 4+House of representatives . House j ournal . U 1889 , 190 9+Land commissioners , State board of . Biennial report .

U 190 0 -02, 0 5-06, v. 9

- 10, 12

Mines , In spector of.

Annual report .U 189 1-92, 190 0 , 0 2, 04+ V . 3


4, 12, 14, 16+

Pardons , State board of. Annual report . U 190 0 ,V . 1 1

Prison commissioners , Board of state . Annual report . U 189 1-93 , v . 1 -3Pubhc i n structlon , Department of .

Biennial report .U 1894-96. 1992. v . 3


4. 7

Rai lroad commission , Board of . Annual report . U 1908+ V . 1+Secretary of state . Annual report . U 1898+Senate . Journal . -U 190 7+ sess . 10+Sheep commiss ioners , Board of. Annual report . U 190 4, 08+ v . 8, 12+Stock commissioners , Board of . Annual report . U 1887-89 , 9 1+ V . 2-4, 6+Supreme court . Reports of cases . (Montana reports . ) U 1868+ V. 1+Treasurer . Report . U 1896+

Montan a Agricultural experiment station . Bozeman . Annual report .U 1895, 97-99 , 190 1+ V . 2 , 4

-6, N 1894+ v . 1 , 3 , 6, 8- 13 , 15+

Bulletin . U 1894+ no . N 1894+ n o. 1 - 18, 20 -21 , 25—3 1 , 33 -67 , 73+Montana bankers

association . Proceedings . U 1908+ V . 5+


Montana ( state ) college of agriculture 81 mechanic arts . Bozeman . Sciencestudies : botany . U N 190 5+ V . 1+

Montana Historical society . Contributions ; with transactions . U 19 10+ V . 7+Montana ( state ) orphans

’ home . Twin Bridges . Ann ual report .U 1900 , 0 2, 0 6, 0 8+ V . 7, 9 , 13 , 15+

Montana School for deaf 81 blind . Boulder . Annual report . U 190 0 + V . 6+Montana Soldiers ’ home . Columbia Falls . Annual report . U 190 0 , 0 2, 0 4, 06.

Montana University . Missoula.Bulletin ; Biological series . N 190 1+ no . 1+

Geological series . N 190 3+ no . 1+Kaimin . U [ 1902, 0 7 ] [v . 5-6, 1 1 ]

Montclair (N . J . ) -Free public library, Annual report .U 1895-99 , 190 0+ V . 3

-6, 8+

Montevideo (Uruguay ) Museo nacional . Anales .U 1894+ 11 . 1

.N 1894+ [v 1 5+

Seccion historico-fi losofica . Anales . N 1904- 0 5, v . 1 -2 pt 1

Montgomery (Ala . ) An nual r eports . UMonth . U Jan .

-Aug . 1897, v . 1 -2,no . 2”

Absorbed 1898 by the Critic.Monthly anthology . Boston . C ontinued by General repository .

U 180 3 N HV . 1 10”Monthly cumulative book index , see Cumulative book index .

Monthly Cyclopedia of practical medicine 81 universal medical j ournal . Philadelphia . U 1898- 190 1 , new ser. V . 1 -

4Monthly d igest of corporation news . (Moody manual service . ) New York. UMonthly evening Skymap . z New York . UMonthly microscopical j ournal . London . (Royal microscopical Society . )

U N 1869 v . 1 - 18l]Con tin ued ‘b-y Royal microscop ical society . Journal .

Monthly notes , see Library association of the United Kingdom .

Monthly record of scientific literature . (Van Nostrand. ) New York.

1 UMonthly review . London U 1749 ,

59 . 52 53 - 1834. 35 43. 44”v 1 3. 6-7. 9 292

.29 4

- 15. 21 7 35. 237-43 . 245”Montpellier (France ) Académie des sc iences 81 lettres . Section des sci ences .Mémoires . N 190 0+ ser. [ .2 V 3+

Montpellier (France ) Ecole nationale d’

agricu lture . Annales . U 1908+ V . 8+Montpellier (France ) Soci été archéologique . M emoires . U 1870 -

76, V. 6

Montpellier (France ) , s ee a lso Société des langues romanes .Montreal (Can . ) Reports of the corporation accounts . U 1897-99.

Montreal (Can . ) Annual review of the trade 81 commerce of Montreal .U 1857 , 66.

Montreal Can . ) chamber of commerce. Annual report . U 1877-79 , V . 1 5- 16

M ontreal (Can . ) natural history society, see also Can adian n aturalist 81 geologist ; Canadian record of science .

Montreal (Can . ) street rai lway company. Annual report . U 190 8+ V . 48+Montreal (Can . ) .veterinary college . Annual announcement . U 77-79 .

M on tsouris Observatoire municipal, see Paris O bservatoire municipal de Montsour1s .

Monumenta Germaniac h istorica . B erlin . U has ordered complete;Moody Bible institute for home 81 foreign missions . Chicago . An n ua




reports .190 1 - 0 2

M oody ’s magazine . New York . U 1906+ [V . 2+Moody’s manual of corporation securities . New York. U 190 0+ V .

Moore ’s rural New Yorker, see Rural New Yorker .Morgan Park ( Ill . ) Annual report of village offi cers . U 1908—0 9Morphologi sches j ahrbuch . (Gegenbaur ) Leipzig .

U 1890+ v . N 18758 9 , 94, V . 1 - 1 5 , 22

Moscow (Russia ) un iversitet . [Catalog ] U 190 6

M osse , Z eitun gs katalog . Leipzig . U 1904. 09+ V 37. 42+Mother earth

,devoted to social science literature . New York .

U 190 6- 0 7 , VV .

Motor . New York . U 4.

Motorman 81 conductor . (Amalgamated association of street 81 electric railwayemployes of America . ) Detroit . U [ 1902 09+ [V . I O 17+


Nancy (France ) Société d es sciences , Bulletin des séances .N 1898+ ser . 2, ser . 3 , V . 1+

Naples ( Italy) Scuola superiore po l itecnica . Annuario . U 09+Naples ( Italy) Societa di naturali sti : Bollettino . N 190 7+ V . 21+Naples ( Italy ) Societa reale di Napoli— Accademia delle scienze fi sichematematiche . Rendiconti . N 1899+ ser. 3 , [v . 6-8, 10+

Naples ( Italy) Universita . Annuario . U 1906+Museo zoologico . Annuario . N 190 1+ n . ser . v . 1+

Naples ( Italy ) Zoologische station . Fauna 81 flora des Golfes von Neapel derangrenzenden meeresabschnitte . Leipzig . U has orderedM itthe ilun gen . N 1886+ V . 2, 6, 8+Zoologischer j ahresbericht . Berlin . N 1897+

Narragansett library assoc iation . Peace Dale (R. I . see Peace Dale (R. I . )Narragansett library association .

Nashua (N . H .— Public library . Quarterly bulletin . U 191 0+ v. 3 , n o. 14+

Nashvi lle (Tenn .

— Carnegie library . Annual report . U 190 2+ V . 1+Nashville (Tenn . ) board of trade . Yearbook . U 1907/08+Nassau i scher verein fur naturkun de . Wiesbaden . Jahrbucher.

N 1892+ v . U 190 9+ V . 62+Natal— (Government ) entomologist . Report. N 190 0 -0 5 , n o. 1-2

, 4-5Natal agri cultural j ournal 81 mining record . (Department of agriculture 81mines . ) Pietermaritzburg . U 190 0+ V . 3-4, [5- 1 1 ] 12+Before V . 10 called Agricultural j ournal 81 mining record .

Natal Stati stical year book . Petermaritzburg. U 1902

Nation . London . U 190 7+Nation . New York. C 1889+ V . U 1865+ v . 1+Nation ; wochenschrift fur politik, volkswi rtschaft 81 literatur . Berlin .

U 1888+ V . 5+National ; a library for the people . (Linton ) London . U 1839 , v . 1

National academy of sciences . Washington (D . C . ) Biographical memoirs .U 187 7+ V . 1+

Memoirs U 1884+ v . N [ 1886- 190 5 ] [v . 4, 6, 7 ]Report . U 1863-65 , 67 , 73 , 78 81 , 83-92, 95+

National agricultural congress . Proceedings of annual session .

U 1872,"6, v . 1 , 5

National anti-convict- contract associ ation . Proceedings of annual convention .

Chicago . U 1886

National anti monopoly ch eap railway league circul .ar New York. U [ 1867 ]National association for the promotion of social Science . London . Transactions .

U 1857 67. 69 73-84National association for the relief o f destitute colored women chi ldren . Wash

in gton (D . C . ) U 1863 , V . 1

National association of Audubon societies . New York . Annual report .N I 9O4+

Educational leaflet . U 190 3-04, 110 . 1 -9 ; N 190 3+ no . 1+Special leaflets . N 1906+ n o. 2-3, 5

- 14, 16+National association of bar iron manufacturers . Quarterly review . Philadel

phia . G 187 1

National association of Canadian stock breeders . Annual convention .

U 1904, V. 1

National as sociation of car service managers . Proceedings of annual convention .

U 18 -91 - 190 3 , o6-o7 | |Continued as American association of demurrage officers .

National association of cement users . Proceedings . U 190 5+ V. 1+National association of cotton manufacturers 81 planters . Proceed l n gs .

U 1869 , V . 1

National as sociation of general passenger 81 ticket agents, see American associa

tion of general passenger 81 ticket agents .National association of letter-carriers , see a lso Postal recordNational association o f li fe underwriters . Proceedings of annual






n tion .

1 9 V 7National association of manufacturers of the United States of America . American trade index . New York. U 190 5 , V . 7


Proceed-ings . U 190 1. 0 3+ V 6. 8+see also American trade”

National association of state l1brar1es . Proceedings addresses .U 190 1+ v . 4+

(S ee also in Library j ournal . )National association of state universities in United States of America . Transactions 81 proceedings . U 190 4, v . 8

National association of wool manufacturers . Annual wool review . Boston .

U 190 2-03 , 0 7+Bulletin . Boston . U 1868+ V . 1+

National Berkshire record association . Record of Berkshire swine . Indianapolis . U 1894- 190 2, v . 1 -7

National biscuit company. Annual report . U 190 5+National board of trade . Proceedings . U 1868+ v. 1+National brotherhood of operative potters . Financial reports of the nationalofficers . East Liverpool (O . ) U 190 7+Proceedings of annual convention . East Liverpool (O . ) U 1904+ V. 14+Reports of president Vice-president . Usee alsoPotters

’ herald .

National builder . Chicago . U 190 6+ V . 43+National bulletin of charities 81 correction . (National conference of charities

81 correction . ) New York . U [ 1898, 190 0 0 5+ [v . 2, 9+Nation al


busi n ess league . Yearbook . Chicago . U 190 3 , 0 5National butter

,cheese , 81 egg association . Proceedings . Davenport ( Ia . )

U 1879 , 83-87 , V . 6,1 1 - 14

National car 81 locomotive builder . New York . U 1889 -

95“V . 20

United with American engineer 81 rai lroad j ournal and continued under thattitle .

National cattle growers’

as sociation of America . Proceedings . U 1885 , v . 3National cheviot sheep society , see American cheviot sheep society .

National chi ld labor committee . Papers 81 addresses at annual meeting .

U 190 5+ v , 1+National C l V l l service reform league . Proceedings . New York .

U 1884-87. 93+ v 4 7. 13+National confectioners’ association of the United States . Proceedings of theannual convention . U 190 3 , 0 7, v . 20 ,

24Na t10 n al conference for good e1ty government , see Conference for good citygovernment .

National conference of charities 81 corrections . Proceedings .U 1874—75 , 77+ v . 1 -2

, 4+see a lso National bulletin of charities correction .

National conference of state boards of health . Proceedings .U 1884-87 , V . 1 -

4,National consumers ’ league . Annual report . U 190 0 -04, 0 6, v. 1 -5, 7

Child labor legis lation handbook . New York . U 1902, 0 4National convention of architectural societies . Report . U 1899 , v . INational convention of factory inspectors in the United States, see International

assoc1at10 n of factory Inspectors of North Amer1ca .

Natioal convention of i ron moulders . Synopsi s of proceedings . Philadelphia .

I] 1859National convention of railroad commissioners . Washington . Proceedings .

U 1889+ V . 1+National counci l of education (of N . E . A . ) Proceedings .

U 1885. 88-9 1 . 94-95. 97 . v . 45 8- 1 1.13 - 14. 16

National creamery buttermakers’ association . Report . Elgin ( Il l . )

U 1898—99, v . 6-7National divorce reform league . Annual report . U 1892-93After 1898 called National league for the protection of the family.

National Duroc-Jersey record association . El Paso ( I ll . )U 1893+ V . 1 - 1 0

,12-21 , 23

-24, 26, 28+National educational association . Journal of proceedings addresses .

-U 1858, 60 , 63 , 65-66, 69 , 73-82, 84+ V . 2- 5 , 7 , 9 , 13 -21 , 23+Yearbook .81 l i st of active members . U 1898, 190 1 , 0 3 -06, 08+


Superintendence, Department of. Proceedings . U 1875 , 91—92, 94, 190 0 -0 5s ee also National counci l o f education .

National electric light association . Proceedings of conventionU 1885—86, 87 89 , 90 , 93 , 95 , 98+ V . I -3 , 6-9, 1 1

National electrical contractor . Utica (N . Y . ) U 1908+ V 8+National en gineer . Chicago . U 190 9+ V . 13+National farmer 81 stock grower . St Louis . UNational federation of post office clerks , see a lso Umon postal cle .rkNational founder

S associ ation, s ee a lso Review .

National French draft horse association . National register of French d rafthorses . U 1881- 190 3 , v. 1 -8V . 1 -

3 published by Norman horse associationNational fruit grower . St Joseph (Mich . ) -U 1904 V . 9

- 15 , no .

National geograph ic magazine . (National geographic Society . ) Washington .

C 190 7+ v . G [ 1896- 190 5 ; V . 7 , [8, 9 , I 4, [ 1 5U 1893. 96+ v 5. 7+

National grange of the patrons of husbandry . Journal of proceedings . 1

U 1885 96, 0 9+ v . 19-30 , 43+National Herbart society. Publications . U 1895- 190 0”Continued as National society for the scientific study of education .

National instructor . (Chartist . ) London . U 1850 5 1 , no . 1 -32

National insurance convention of the United States . Proceedings .U 187 1 1 -2

National i rrigation association , s ee a lso Forestry irrigation .

National i rrigation congress . Official proceedings . U 1904, V . 12

National league of woman workers , see also Club worker .National league for the protection of the family . Annual report . U 190 4-0 8

Before 1898 called National divorce reform league .

National l iberal club— Political economy circle . London . Transactions .U 1891 -

95 , V . 1 -2

National Lincoln sheep breeders’ associ ation . Record . Charlotte (Mich . )U 190 5- 06 , v . 1 -2

National live stock association . Proceedings . U 1899 , V . 2

National live- stock j ournal . Chicago . U 1870—7 1 , 72-80, 82-87 , v . 1

, 3 - 18

National live—stock j ournal , weekly . Chicago : U 1886, V . 2

National lumber manufacturers ’ association . O fi‘i cial report annual conven tion . (Forest 81 the saw mill . ) U 19 10 + v . 8+

National magazine . New York . U 1852-58 I I V . 1

National metal trades association . Bulletin . Cincinnati .U [ 199 2 94 [v . 1 3

s ee a lso Open shop ; Review .

National monthly farm press . Chicago . U 190 6+ V . 29+ N 190 7+ v . 30+Con tinues Farm , field , 81 fireside .

National mosquito extermination society, see American mosquito extermination

society .

National municipal league . Proceedings . Philadelphia . U 1895+ V . 1+National negro business leag ue . Report of annual convention . U 190 4+ V . 5+National new era , devoted to the welfare of humanity 81 the rights of the people .

Springfield (O . ) U [ 190 3 ] [v . 20 ]National nurseryman . Rochester (N . Y . )

U 190 0 + v . 8, 10 N 190 0+ V . 8+National-okon omisk t id sskri ft for samfun d sspé rgsmaal , . 6konomi , 81 handel .Copenhagen . U 1873+ V . 1+

National physical laboratory . London . Collected researches . U 190 5+ V 1+Report . U 190 8+

National pig breeders association . Herd book . Derby (E n g ) U 190 9+ V . 26+National Poland-China record company . Record . Dayton (O . )

U 1906+ V . 28+Continues Ohio Poland-China record association , Central swine recordassoci ation .

Nation al priu

n ter- j ournalist . Chicago . U 190 9+ V . 27+National prison association of the United States . Proceedings of the nationalprison congress . U 1873 , 83-9 1 , 93 190 0 U has ordered restContinued by American prison association


Navy . Washington (D . C . ) I I

Nebraska ( state )— Adj utant general . Biennial report . U 1881 -82, 9 1-92, 95+Agriculture

,State board of. Annual report .

U 187 1 -73 . 85-96. 98 199 3 94. v. 3 4. 16-27. 29. 34—35Attorney general . Biennial report . U 190 2+Auditor of public accounts . Biennial report .

U .1873 78, 82 84, 9 1- 1900, 0 3-06Statement . U 1877 , 81 , 99+

Banking , Department of .


Annual report showing the condition of

the bui lding 81 loan associations. U 190 3 , 08+ V . 1 1 , 16+Annual report showing the condition of the incorporated , private

81 savin gs banks . U 1889 -93 , 190 1-02,

Entomologist . Report . NGame fish commission

,Report . U 190 7

General assembly . Laws,“


Geological survey . Report . G U 190 3 , v . 1

Govern or. Message . U 1885-87Insurance department . Summary of busines s in Nebraska .


U 1900 , 0 3 , 0 5-08House of representatives . Journal . U 1866-67 , sess . 1-3Continues Nebraska ( territory) .

Labor industrial statistics, State bureau of. Bulletin .

U 1902, 04-0 6, v_

. 2, 4-5 , 10

Report . U 1889—92, 95-96, 1903+ v . 2-3 , 5 , 9+

(State ) library . Biennial report . U 1881-82

Public instruction, Departmen t of. Biennial report (before 1895 annual ) .

U 1873 -74 , V.

Public laws 81 buildings , Commiss ioner of. Biennial repo.r .tU 1884-96. 190 0+ V . 4

- 10 , 12+Public l ibrary commission . Biennial report . U 190 2+ V . 1+

see also Nebraska library bulletin .

Rai lway commission . Annual report . U 190 8+ V . 1+Secretary of state . Biennial report . U 1891 -92, 9 5 1906

Senate . Journal . U 1869 sess . 1Supreme court . Reports of cases . (Nebraska reports . ) U 1860+ V . 1+Tran sportation , Board of . Annual report . U 1892, 97 V . 6, 1 1 12

Treasurer . Biennial report . U 1890 -94,Nebraska ( territory )— Council . . Journal . U 1855, 58-5 9 , 60 ,

sess . 2, 5 1 0

House of representatives . Journal . U 1855, 59 , 65”sess . 2,Continued by Nebraska ( state ) -House of representatives .

Nebraska academy of sciences . Lincoln . Publications . N 1891+ V . 1+Nebraska Agricultural experiment station . Lincoln . Annual report .

U 1888+ V . N 1888+ v . 2+Bulletin . U 1888+ n o.

N 1887+ no 1 -2. 5 6. 14. 16, -18- 19. 21 . 24-27. 29-3 1 . 34-36. 38-39. 41 . 43-

45. 47+Nebraska bankers ’ association . Proceedings . U 190 5, 0 7+ V . 9 , 1 1+Nebraska ( state ) bar association . Proceedings . Omaha. U 190 3-0 5, v. 2

Nebraska ( state ) bee-keepers’ assoc iation . Annual report . U 1894, V. 1

Nebraska engineering . (University of Nebraska engineering society. ) Lincoln .

U 1994-9 5. v . 3 -4

Continues Blue print .Nebraska historical society . Lincoln . Transactions 81 reports .

U 1894-95 , 190 1 -0 2, V . , 10 ( ser. 2, v . 1 , 5 )Nebraska ( state ) horticultural society. Annual report .

U 187 1-72. 77. 85-93. 95. 97+Nebraska I n st1tut1on for the blind . Nebraska City. Biennial report .

U 1877 80 , 83 V . 2-3 , 5 14+Nebraska library bulletin . (Nebraska— Public lib rary commission .)


U 1906+ no . 1+Nebraska ornithologists’ union . Lincoln . Proceedings . N 1899—190 0 , V. 1-2

Nebraska University . Lincoln . Studies . U 1888+ V . 1+Engineering Society, see also Blue print ; later Nebraska engineering.

Library . Bibliographical contributions . U 190 0+ no . 1+


Zoological laboratory. Studies . N 1894+ no . 5 , 10 , 14, 20 , 23+Nederlan d sch lan dbouw -w eekblad . The Hague . UK . N ed erlan d sch meteorologis


ch in stituut , see Utrecht.Nederlan dsche d ierkun d ige vereeniging . Leyden T ij d schrift.

N 1879+ V . 3 , [5 ] ser . 2,V . 1+

Nederlan dsche entomologische vereeniging . The Hague . Tij dschrift voor entomologie . N 1886+ v . 30+

Nederlan d sche n aamlooze . Zwolle . Ven n ootschappen . (Van N ierOp Baak . )U 1882+ V. 1+

Needlewoman’s friend society, Boston, see Boston (Mass . )Neighbor . (Northwestern univers ity settlement . ) Chicago .

U { 199 0 -9 31 lv . 2-

4]Nequa, compris ing the essence of the advanced thought of the age on livetopics of interest to all . Topeka (Kan . ) U [ 1896] [v . 1 ]

Nervous 81 mental disease monograph series . New York . U 190 9+ V . 1+Neuchatel (Switz . ) Société des sciences naturelles . Bulletin .

U 190 2 03 , 04+ v . 3 1 , N 1878+ v . 1 1,26, 28+

Neudrucke deutscher litteraturw erke des 16 17 j ahrhunderts . Halle .

U 1876+ V . 1+Neue allgemein e deutsche bibliothek . Kiel ; Berlin . U 1793—1806”V . 1

Continues Allgemeine deutsche bibliothek .

Neue j ahrbiicher fiir das klassi sche altertum, geschichte , 81 deutsche l itteratur 81fii r padagogik . Leipzig . 1898+ V . 1+ U has orderedContinues

Neue jahrbii cher Ifur philologi e 81 paedagbgik. (Jahn . ) Leipzig . 1826+ V. 1+U has ordered

Neue rheinische zeitung ; organ des demokratie . (K. Marx . ) Cologne .

U 1848-49Neue rundschau . Berlin . U 1909+ V . 20+Neue teutsche merkur . (Wieland . ) Weimar . U 1792, V . 1

Continues Deutsche merkur .Neue zeit . Stuttgart . U 1882- 1904, [04-08] V . 1-22 [23 26 [Neuern sprachen ; zeitschri ft fur den neusprachlichen unterricht . Marburg .

U 1898- 1904, o6-o7 , 08+ v . 6 1 1 , 14, 17+Neues archiv fur altere geschichtskunde . Hanover . 1876+ V . 1+ U has orderedNeues j ahrbuch fiir mineralogie

,geologie palaeon tologie . Stuttgart .

U 1892+ U has ordered 180 7-9 1

Beilage . U 1890 -98, 190 3+ V. 7—1 1 , 18+see also Zentralblatt fur mineralogie, geologie , and paleontologie .

Neues j ournal der physik, see Journal der physik .

Neuphilologische blatter ; organ d es Cartell verbandes Neuphilologi scher vereinedeutscher hochschulen . Leipzig . U 190 1 -06 [v . 8 10 , 12- 13

Neurologisches cen tralblatt . (Mendel ) Leipzig . U 1894, V . 13Nevada— Assembly. Journal . U


1867-69 , 75-77 , sess . 3-4, 7 -8Census . U [ 1875 ]Controller. Annual report . U 1882, 88, 95, 1902

-04, 06+Insurance commissioner . Annual report . U 190 2

Public instruction , Department of . Biennial report. U 1886,U93+ v . 9 , 13+

Railroad commission . Annual report . U 1908+ v . 1+Senate . Journal . U 7 1 -77 , sess . 1 , 5—8Supreme court . Reports of cases . (Nevada reports . ) U 1865+ V . 1+Surveyor general . Biennial report . U 1866 , 85-86, 89-96

Nevada Agricultural experiment station . Reno . Annual report .U 1888+ V . N 1888- 1902, V . 1 -9 , 190 2


bin .

U I S8S+ no . N 1890+ no . 8- 1 1 , 18-23 , 25-29 , 32-47 , 49 50 , 55+Nevada ( state ) prison . Carson city . Biennial report . U 1879-84, 87 99+Nevada University . Reno . Studies . U 1908+ V. 1

, no . 1+New Bedford (Mass . ) City documents . U 1904-0 9

Public library . Annual report .U 1852-53. 54-56. 58-61 . 66. 68. 79 -7 1 . 73 -85. 87-88. 92. 93-94. 99 - 199 5. 190 7+

v .-4. 7-9 . 14. 16

.18- 19. 21 -33. 35-36. 49 . 42. 48

-54. 56+Bulletin . U 190 9+


New Britain (Conn . ) institute— Library . Annual report . U 1904+ v . 49+New Brunswick (Can . )— Education office . Annual report of the schools .

II 1895New Brunswick (Can . see a lso Natural history society of New Brunswick .

New Brunswick (N . J .

—Free public library. Annual report .U 1883-99, 190 1+ v . 1

New commonwealth . (Public ownership of public necessities . ) B 1ook1yn (N .

Y ) U [ 1894 95 ] [v . 4 5Before 1894 entitled Sociologic news .

N ew England anti imperialist league . Boston . Report . U 190 0 -06, v . 2-8

New England association o f colleges preparatory schools . Official report ofthe annual meeting . addresses 81 proceedings . U 1886 190 0 , v. 1 15

New England botan ical club . Boston,s ee a lso Rhodora .

New England college entrance certificate board . Annual report . U 190 2+ v . 1+N ew Englan d cotton manufacturers

’ association . Proceedings . Boston .

U 1874. 78. 92. v 16 24-25. 49. 53New England farmer . Boston . U 1869 -

48 (n . ser . [ i . e . ser 4] v . 3—4 )

New England farms . ( Information bureau , Boston 81 Maine railroad . ) Concord(N . H . ) U +

New England historic-genealogical society . Boston . Proceedings .U has ordered complete with index

New England history teachers ’ association . Report .U 1897-99. 1996. 9 7. v . 1 -5. 19. 22

New Eng land j ournal o f education . Boston . U 1875- 79 I'

V . 1

Continued as Journal of education .

N ew England kitchen magazine , see Everyday housekeeping .

New England magazine . Boston . U 1884- 1904, 1906+ v . 1 -35, 40+V . 1 - 3 called

Bay state monthly.

New England mutual life insurance company . Boston . Annual report .U 1847 , 190 5

-O6 ,U

V . 3


(P) , 62 63New England printing trades j ournal . Boston . U [ 1899 ]New England railroad club . Boston . Proceedings .

U [ 1894-

95 , 98 190 0+ no volume number before v .

New England railroad company. Annual report . U 1897New England rai lway car accounting association . Report of proceedings at themeetings in Boston . U '


Cont inued as Railway clearing house association .

New England reporter . Rochester (N. Y. ) U 1885-87 , V . 1—5New England roadmast

ers’ association . Proceedings . U 1890 - 98, V . 8- 16

New England society,-s ee Chicago ; Cincinnati ; St Louis .

New England tariff reform league . Boston . Annual report . U 189 1 , 93New England telephone 81 telegraph company . Report. U 1884, 90 , 93 , 190 2+New England waterworks a ssociation . New London Boston . Journal .

U 1886+ V . 1 - 10 , 12- 14 , WNew England zoological club . Cambridge . Proceedings . N [ 1899 ] [V . 1 ]New Englander . New Haven . U 1877-81 , 82 (M an )

U36-40 , 41 pt 2

New Hampshire . [Provinci al 81 state papers ] U I S67+ V . 1+New Hampshire . Annual reports . U 87- 190 1 , 0 2-0 5

Agriculture , BoardU

.ot Report .U -I S7 I /72 V . 2 6, 8, 10 ,

12+Adj utant general . Biennial report . U 87—1906Auditor o f accounts . Report . U 1865 66

Bank commissioners , Board o f . Annual report .U 48 59 . 53 - 74. 778 6. 87- 199 5. v . 1

. 4—5. 7. 9 -29 , 33


41 . 43-60

Charities correct1on s , State board of . Report . U v . 1+Equalization , State board of . Valuat ion 81 taxation .

U 1884-86, 88, 89, 9 1 -94, 96-98, 190 0 , 0 2+Fish 81 game commission . Report . N 190 3


Forestry commission . Biennial report . U 1885 , 9 1

Geological survey . Annual report . (Hitchcock . ) G 1870

Geology of New Hampshire . (Hitchcock . ) ,U 1874 V . 1

Governor . Message . U 1837 , 73 , 78, 89 - 190 1 , 0 5Health , State board of. Report . U v . 3+


Factories 81 workshops , Inspector of . Annual report . U 1887-97 , v . 5—15Fish 81 game commission ers , Board of. Annual report . U N 190 7General assembly . Minutes o f votes 81 proceedings . U 1906—0 7 , v . 130 -3 1

Geological survey. Annual report . G 1855 56, 63-64, 69 , 7 1 73 , 83+ 1855 56,V. 1 6, 8- 10 ; U 1866, 69-72, 75 , 77 , 79+ V. 3 , 6-

9 , N 1903+F inal report of th e state geologist.

G 1888+ v 1 -6,

U 1888- 190 4, v . 1—6 ; N 1889-90 ,V . 2 pt 1-2

Report on,paleontology . U 1886+ V . 1+

Governor . Annual message . U 1885 90

Health , Board of. Annual report .U 1883-84, 86-90 , 93 , 96+ v . 7-8, 10 - 14, 17, 20+

see a lso New Jersey— Vital statistics , Bureau of .Hospitals

, Board of managers of state . Annual report .U 92 V . 1

, 3-6Labor industries , Bureau of statistics of . Annual report .

U 1878-92 94. 96+ v 1- 1 5. I 7. 19+

( State ) l ibrary. Annual report . U 190 0 , 02-0 6

Medical examiners , .State board of . Annual report. U 190 3, V . 13

( State ) museum . Trenton . Annual report . U N 190 5+Publ ic instruction , Department of . Annual report .

U 1862.64. 7 1 74. 79. 82 84—99 . 94. 969 7. 994 99 9 .

92+Public library commission . Annual report . U


190 2-0 7 , v . 3-8

Public roads,Commissioner of . Annual report . U 1895+ v. 2+


s department . Report . U 1902+Railroad taxation , Commissioner of . Annual report .

U 1873. 77. I.

R 1p'

ar1an commissioners . U 1872, 74Senate . Journal . U 1908, Senate 64, sess . 132

( State ) sewerage commission . Report . U 1899- 1904, 08+Sinking fund, Commiss ioners o f . Annual report . U~ 1872/73 , 78-80 , 84-86

State, Department of . Annual statement of the .banks savings in stitutions . U 1877-90”For l ater reports , see New Jersey— Banking an d insurance, Commissioner of.

State department . Corporations o f New Jersey . U 1895+Supreme court . Reports of cases . (New Jersey reports— Law . )

U 1 790+ v . 1+Taxation

,State board of. Annual report. U 189 1-97, v . 1 -7

Treasury, Comptroller of . Ann ual report . UTreasurer . Report . U 1865-66, 73 94

-96, 97-99Vital stati stics , Bureau of . Monthly statement of mortality . W

Report . U 1886 87 , 90 , 98- 190 1 , 0 3 04New Jersey Agricultural experiment stations . New Brunswick . Annual report .

U 1880+ V . N 1880+ v . 1 , 4, 8, 12,17, 19



23 , 26+Bulletin . U 1880+no N 1884+ no 32

-33 . 44 47. 49. 55. 57-58. 75. 82-99 . 94-95. 99+

Special bulletins . U 1882+ A,C + ; N 1890 - 1902,K L

, N, R,T

Entomological department . Report“ N 189 1+New Jersey ( state ) agricultural society . Annual report . U 1866

1866 has title Report of Executive committee of N . J . agricultural society.

New Jersey Asylums for the education of the deaf d umb 81 blind . Reports .U 1866

New Jersey bankers ’ association . Proceedings . U 1904+ V . 1+New Jersey ( state ) bar association . Year book . U 190 7+New Jersey central railroad company, see Central railroad company of NewJersey .

New Jersey ( state ) charities aid 81 prison reform association . Annual reportof board of managers . U 190 1-0 3 , 0 7+

New Jersey hi storical society . Newark. Collections . U 1858, V . 5Documents relating to the colonial history of New Jersey . (Archives ofthe state o f N . J . ) U 1880+ ser . 1 , v . 1 -27 , ser . 2 , v . 1+

New Jersey ( state ) home for boys . Jamesburg . Annual report .U 1906+ v . 42+

New Jersey Home for disabled soldiers . Newark . Report . U 1866


New Jersey ( state ) home for girl s . Annual report . U 1878, 1900+ V . 8, 30+In 1878 known as N . J . state industrial school for girls .

New Jersey ( state ) horticultural society . Proceedings .U 1876 -79 , 81- 1900 , 0 4, 06+ v . 1 -4, 6-25 , 29, 3 1+

New Jersey ( state ) hosp ital . Morris Plains . Annual report .U 1881 -90 , 96- 1900 , 02+ v. 7- 15 , 22-25 , 27+

New Jersey (State ) lunatic asylum . Trenton . Annual report .U 1848, 56, 61—62, 64, 66

-72, 78, 0 3 -0 5 , 06+

New Jersey ( State ) prison . Trenton . Report . U 1886+New Jersey prison- instruction society . Annual report . UNew Jersey ( State ) reform school for j uvenile delinquents . Jamesburg . R e

port . U 1866

New Jersey Training school for feeble-minded girls boys . Vineland . Annualreport . U v . 15

New Jersey ( state ) vi llage for epi leptics , Skillman . Annual report .U 1899+ v . 2+

New London (Conn . ) - Public library . Library bulletin . U [ 1897-98] [v . 5-6]Water commission-ers . Annual report . U 1890 , V. 19

New London,

Willimantic 81 Palmer rai lroad company. Annual report .U 185 1-52. 55- 56

New Mexico— Audito r . Biennial report . U 1 904+Governor . Messages . U 1881+

Report . U 190 2-04, 0 5+

House of representatives . Journal . U 1899 , 190 5+Mine inspector . An nual report . U 190 9+Penitentiary commissioners

,Board of. Biennial report . U 1894- 190 0 , 04- 06

Public instruction , Superintendent of . Report .U 1892. 94

-99. 9 3+Secretary of territo ry . Biennial reports USupreme court . Reports of cases . (New M exrco reports . ) U 1852+ V . 1+Treasurer.

'Report . U 1890 -92 , 97-98, 190 0+New Mexico Agricultural experiment station . Mesilla Park . Annual report .

U 1889-93. 98. 199 2+ v . 1 -4. 9. N 1892. 1994. v. 3 . 15Bulletin . U 1890+ no . N 1890+ no . 2- 13 , 15 , 1 7


-27 , 32+New Mexico University, Albuquerque . Bulletin ; B iological series .

U 190 8+ v . 3 , no . 13+Educational series . U 1906+ v . 1 , n o. 1+

New monthly magazine . London .

U 1814-22. 24-25. 27. 28-39 . 3 1 -32. 34. 35. 36. 64. v .

1 - 18. 24-29. 34—36. 39-44.

47, 50 -5 1 , 54-56, 59 , 61 -62, 145 ; ( ser . 1,V . 1 - ser . 2, v . 4, 10 - 15 , 20 ,

22,25-30 ,

33. 36-37. 49 -42. 45 . 47-48. 13 1 )

Includes New monthly magazme 81 universal reg1ster,18 14-20 New monthly



agazin e 81 l iterary j ournal , 1821 -36 ; New monthly magazine 81 humorist,1 37-7 1 .

New moral World 81 gazette of the rat ional society . Lon'

don .

U 1834-39. 49—45. v. 1 -5 . 8- 13New music review 81 church music review . New York . U 1906+ V . 6+New nation . (Bellamy ) Boston . U [ 1892, 93 ] [v . 2, 3 ]New Orleans (La . )— C.omptroller . Report . U 1890 -

9 1 , 99 , 190 3- 0 5 , 0 7+Public library. Annual report . U 1902-0 3 , 0 7+Sewerage and water-board . Semiannual report .

~U 190 0+ v . 1 -2, 4-5, 7 , W 1904—0 5 , 0 9+ v . 10—1 1 , 20+New Orleans 81 Nashville railroad company . Annual report . U 1838New Orleans board of trade . Annual "report .

U 190 3 -06, 08+ v . 21 -24, 26+New Orleans (La . ) rai lway light co. Annual report. U 190 5+New phytologist . London . U 1902+ v . 1+New Princeton review . New York. U 1886-88”v. 1 -6HConclusion o f Princeton review .

New Shakespere society . London . Transactions . U 1874-85 , V . 1 -4New South Wales— Agriculture, Department of . R eport . U

Geological survey . Mineral resources .U 1900 , n o. 6, 8 ; N 1898+ n o. 1 -9 , 12+


Records . N 1889+ - [v . 1 2 3-6

, [7Industrial arbitration

,Court of . Reports 81 records . U 190 2+ V . 1+

Mines agriculture, Department of. Annual .re .

-port N -1893-97see a lso Agricultural gazette of New South Wales.

Public works , Department of. Report . UStatistician . New South Wales statistical register. U 190 1+

Official yearbook of New South Wales . Sydney. U 1904-0 6 V . 1 -2

Stati stician . Stati stics : six states in Australia 81 New Zealand . U 1861-0 5New South Wales (Australia ) , see a lso Royal agricultural society of N . S . WRoyal society of N . S . W .

New time, a magazine of social p rogress . Chicago . U [ 1897 , 98] [v . 2, [3 ]

New York (city )— Aldermen , Board of. Documents . U 1866, 73 - 76, 78-7 9Ordinances , resolutions etc . U 1882—88

, 90 97 , 190 0 ,0 9

Proceedings . U 1858 65 , 66, [7280 - 190 5 , 0 7+ v. 69 - 100 , 1 02- 10 3 , 125-38, 141


42, 144 2 28 (yearN 0 volume number after 1897 .

Accoun ts , Commissioner of . Annual report .U 1899. 199 3 95. 9 79 8 v


27. 3 1-33. 35

-36Art comm1ss1on . Annual report . U 190 3 , 0 6- 0 9

(M un 1cipal ) assembly . Proceedings . U 190 1

Bridges,Department of . Report . U 18984- 190 1

Central park, Board of commissioners of. Annual report .U 1858, 6o-64, 66-70 , V . 2, 4-8, 10—14

Chamberlain . Annual report . U 190 5-08Charities 81 corrections , Commiss ioners of public . Annual report .

U 1864. 68. 79 - 7 1 . 75 - 76. 78-85. 879 2. v . 5. 9. 1 1 - 12. 16- 17. 19


Continued by N . Y . ( city) —Charities , Department of public . Annual report, 190 3 .

(Municipal ) civi l service commiss ion . Sample questions of examination .

U 1908+Common counci l . Manual of the corp oration of the Ci ty of New York .

U 1854-56, 58 60 , 62-66, 68-69

Comptroller . Annual report . U 1898- 1909Correction department . Annual report . U 190 2, 0 5, 0 7+Docks ferries , Department o f . Ann ual report . U 190 8+ V . 38+Education

,Board of . Manual . U 1876, 83 , 92

Report of the free lectures tothe people . U 1897- 1906

Estimate 81 apportionment board . Report of the chief engineer . U 190 2-0 9Finance department of the comptroller . U 96+Fire department . Report . “ U 1882-88, 90 , 92


94, 97 , 99 , 190 1-0 3 , 0 5, 08

Health department . Annual report. U 1872- 74, 190 1 - 0 3 ; W 190 0 0 7Weekly report . UResearch laboratory . Collected studies . W 190 6-0 7, v . 2-

3Law department . Report . U 190 8+Licenses , Commissioner of. Report . U 1904 V . 1 -5Magistrates


“Board of. Annual report . U 1874, 76 88, 95 , 99- 190 9

Mayor . Annual message .

U 63 . 79-89 . 82-83. 85 86. 89. 9 1 -94. 96. 1999 .9 5.

Parks,Department of . Report U 1871—72, 98 0 3+

Police commissioner . Annual report . U 190 5+Public l ibrary . Bulletin . G + ; U 1897- 1906, 08+ v . 1 12+Public works , Department of . Report . U 1884 , 92 94Rapid transit rai lroad commissioners , Board of. Report . U 190 0+ v . 1+Street cleanin g department . Annual report . U 1898+Tenement house department . Report . U 190 3+ v .


Water supply,gas , 81 electricity, Department of . Annual report .

W 190 2-0 3

Water supply, Board of . Annual report . 1906+ v . 1+New York ( state )— Adirondack land survey. Report . U 1872- 73 , 83 , 85

Adj utant-General . Annual report . .

U 1861-62. 63 pt 2.64. 67. 75. 86-88. 99—92. 949 8 199 2+

From 190 2+ reports consist of 2 pts . Pt . 2 is official regi ster of the organized land naval forces of the state .


Factory inspectors, Board of . Annual report .U 1885-87 , 97- 1900 I I v . 1 -2, 5, 7 , 13

Continued in New York ( state )— Labor department . Annual report .Farmers ’ institutes, Bureau of. Report . U 1899+Fisheries , game , 81 forest, Commissioners of. Report . N 1885-89 , V . 14

—18Continued in Forest, fish , 81 game commi ss ion .

Forest commission . Annual report . U 1885-88, 90-94 I I V. 1 5Forest, fish game commiss ion . Annual report .

U 1895+ v . N 190 1+ v . 7Forest preserve board . Annual report . U 1898, v . 2

Geological survey . Natural history of New York. G U 1842-94 I I V . 1

Geologist . Annual“report . G 189 1 , 95 , v . 1 1 , 15 ; U 1884, 86+ v . 4, 6+

Governor . Public papers . U 1864, 67-68, 76, 81Health , Metropolitan board of . Annual report. U 1866-68, v . 1 -3Health , State board of. Annual report . U 1880+ V . 1+

Annual report of the work of the cancer laboratory conducted at theGatwick research laboratory, U n iversity p

of Buffalo . U 190 2+ V. 4+Monthly bulletin . U W+Weekly report . UProceedings of the annual conference of sanitary officers .

U 1906 , 08+ v . 6, W 190 7, vSanitary officers

conference . Proceedings . U 1908+ V . 8—1-7

Historian . Annual report . U 1896-97, 1902, v . 2

Insurance department. Annual report . U 1859+Pt 1 Fire marine . U v. 1+Pt 2 Li fe . U v . 1+Pt 3 Casualty, [ in separate U v . 27-46, 48+Pt 4 Fraternal [ in separate vol i] ; U v . 35+Pt 5 Law, decisions , etc . [ in separate U V . 48+

Reports ,“condensed . U 1864-98, v

Internal navigation, Commissioners on . Report . U 1812

Labor,Department of . Annual report . U 190 0+ v. 1+

Continues Report of the Bureau of labor stati stics .Bulletin . U 1899+ n o. 1+







Labor stati stics , Bureau of. Annual report .U 1885-93 95- 1999 I I v 3 13

—18 I IContinued by New York (state )— Labor, Department o f . Annual rep .ortLibrary. Annual report. U 18629 63 , 66+ V . 46, 50+

Best books . U 1895+Bibliography bulletin . U 1895+ n o. 1+Books of the year . U 1894-99, 190 1+-History bulletin . U 1898- 1902, n o. 1 -6

Library school bulletin . U 1891+ v .


1+Yearbook o f legislation . U 189o+ v . 1+

Before 190 4 cal led Summary index of legis lation by states .Library school . Albany. Annual report . U 1898+ v 12+Lunacy, Commission on . Annual report .

U 1889-90 9 1 -95, 96+ V . 1 -2, 4-7, 9+

Marine hospital . At quarantine . Annual report of physic ian . U 1857Mediation 81 arbitration

,Board of . Report .

U 1886-89 , 9 1-190 0Hv . 1 -3 , 5Continued in New York (state)— Labor, Department of. .

An nual report .Military stati stics , Bureau of . Annual report . G 1865 ; U 41863 , 67 , V . 1 , 4Mining inspector . Annual report . U 1893 , V . 1

Museum . Annual report . U 1889+ V . 43+ N 189 1-98, V . 45-52

Bulletin .

G 1888- 190 7 , v . 3 , 7 , 35, 44, 85 ; U 1887+ V . N 1887+ v . 16 , 8+Memoirs .

G v . 10 ; U 1889+ V . 1 pt 1 , 3 pt pt 1 ; N 1900 -0 5, V . 4-5,-8

Museum of natural history . Annual re ort .G 1875 ; U 1870 88“v 24 42 N v . 24, 26-27, 29-3 1 , 33-36, 38

Continues New York ( state ) —Cabinet of|natural history .

Continued by New York ( state ) —Museum .


Niagara,State reservation at . Annual report of commissioners .

U 1885 96. 98+ v [3 ] 4- 13. 15+O n on dago salt Spr1ugs , Superintendent of the . Annual report . U 185 1 -53Prisons

,State commission of . Annual report . U 1896-99 , 190 1+ V . 2-5 , 7+

PriSon s, Superintendent of state . Report . U 1849 , 93 94, 96- 190 5, 0 7+Probation commission . Report . U 190 7+ v . 1+Public buildings

,Superintendent of . Annual report . U 190 0 , 0 3 , 0 5

Public instruction,Departmen t of . Annual report .

U 1867-79 76 199 3”v 14- 17. 23 59 1!

Continued byDepartment of Education .

Public service commi s sion— First district . New York C i ty . Proceedings .U 190 7+ v . 1+

Report . U V . 1+Continues Board

,of rai lroad comm1ss1on ers .

Second district . Albany. Annual report . U 1908+ v. 2+Public works

,Superintendent of . Annual report on trade 81 tonnage of

the canals . U 1886, 93 , 96, 98, 190 2; 06

Earlier reports were pub . by the Commissioners of the canal fund and bythe auditor of the canal department.Quarantine, Commissioners of . Annual report . U 1864-74, 88Railroad comm is sioners , Board of . Annual report .U 1853-55 , 56 pt 2, 64-70 , 78 88, 89 pt 2, 9 1 pt 190 1 , 02 pt 1 , 0 3 0 6- I I

Continued in New York ( state ) - Public service commission for the firstdistrict



River 1mprovemen t comm1ss1on . Report . U 1905 , V . 2

Secretary of State . Annual report on the cr1min al statistics .U 1845. 59 . 61. 7 1 -77

Legislative manual .U 1854-7 1 . 74. 77 78. 82-84. 87-92. 94—95. 97-98 199 9 9 1 . 9 4

Report of statistics relative to the poor . U 185 1 54Senate . Documents . U 1847 , v . 70

Journal . U 1847 , V . 70

Superior court of the city of New York. Reports . U 1828-92, v . 1 -61

Supreme court . Reports of cases . U 1847-88see also New York supplement .

Supreme court 81 court of errors . Reports o f cases . (New York commonlaw reports ) . U - 1794- 1848 I ISurvey . Reports . G 1877-78, 80 -83 U 1876-84, 86, _

1V. 1 -9 , 1 1

Tax commissioners , Board of. Annual report . U 190 0+Continues report of State assessors .Treasurer ’s office . Annual report . U 1890 -96, 97- 190 2, 0 3+University . Annual report of the regents .

U 1832, 54, 61 , 68+ v . 45 , 67 , 74, 81+1904+ v . 1 18+ included 1mNew York ( state )— Education department . A nnual 1eport .

University manual . U 1864, 70 , 82,V . 1 , 2, 4

College department . Annual report . U 1898 V . 1 -5Convocation . Proceedings . U 1863-64, 66+ 1863 , V . 1

, 3+1867+ v . 4+ included 1n Annual report of the Regents .

Examination department . Annual report . U 1894-97 , v . 2- 5Examination bulletin . U 1895—98 , n o. 6- 16Regents

examination papers . U 1866-76, 94-

95High school department . Annual report . U 1898-190 3”V. 6- 1 1 I IHome education department . Annual report . U 1895- 190 2, v . 3- 10


supply commission . Annual report . U 190 5+ v . 1+New York (city) academy of sciences . Annals . N 1879+ V . 1+

Continues New York ( city ) Lyceum of natural history .

Memoirs . N 1895+ v . I pt 1 , v. 2+Transactions . N 1881 -97 I I [v . 2- 16 I IAfter 1898


included in Annals .New York ( state ) Agricultural 81 industrial school . Industry . Annual report .U 1889 -81 . 89 . 96 -94. 96+ v 32

-33 . 36. 41 . 43 . 59.52 5 58

Before 1887 name was Western house of refuge for j uvenile delinquents .


New York ( state ) Agricultural experiment station . Geneva . Annual report .U N 1882+ V . 1+

Bulletin . U 1885+ n . ser . no . N 1884+ old ser . no . 94—95 ,

97- 1 04, 10 7, 1 09 1 13- 1 15 ; 11 . ser . 110 . 14

-23 , 26 3- 7 , 40

-69, 71+Bulletin . Popular edition . U 1897+ no . 1 14+Technical bulletin . N 1906+ no . 1 3_5 , 7+

New York ( state ) agricultural society. Annual report .U 1879. 42. 44 ; N 18646 83. v 24 39 . 39 43

Report on the noxious , beneficial, 81 other insects . (F1tch )U N 1854 v I I 4“

Continued by New York ( state)— Museum of natural history. Ann ual report 1870 80 ; 81 New York ( state )— Entomologist . ReportTransactions . U 1841 -86, 9 1 -92, 94 95 , 98-99, v. 1-34, 5 1 -52, 54-55 , 58—59

New York (city) Aguilar free library. Ann ual report . U 190 1 -2, V . 13- 14

New York (city) Almshouse . Annual report of the governors .U 1848 ; S I , 54) 56

New York (city) American institute . Annual report . (Transactions )U 1843 , 46 65 , 66 68,

New York ( state ) American Merino sheep breeders.’ association. Register .

Rochester (N . Y . ) U 1883-98, new ser . V . 1—3New York Erie railroad company . Annual report . U 1835 , -41 , 44, 48, 53New York 81 Harlem railroad company.

Annual report . U 1850

N ew York New England railroad company . Annual report.U 1876, 88-90 , 92


94, V 2, 134


5, 17- 19New York 81 New Haven railroad company. R eport . U 1862

, 68, 7 1-72

New York architect . New York. U 190 7+ V . 1+New York (city) art societies . Yearbook. U 1898-

99New York (city) association for improving the condition of the poor . Annualreport . U 1850 , 55

58. 69 61. 67. 71-72. 76-78. 89 . 97. v 7. 12—13. 15. 17- 18. 24. 28-29. 33 35. 37. 54New York ( city) Astor library . Annual report . U 1850 V . 2 46

New York ( state ) Asylum for idiots , Syracuse . Annual report .U 1851 57 , V . 1 -2,

New York ( state ) bankers’ association . Proceedings . U 1908+ V . 15+

New York (city) board of trade 81 transportation . Proceedings . U 1880 ,v . 7

New York ( city) botanical garden . Bulletin .

U 1896+ v. 1 , [2 N 1900+ V . 1+New York ( state ) Cathol ic protectory . West Chester. Annual report .

U 190 0 , V . 37New York Central Hudson river railroad company . Annual report .

U 1881 , 83-85 , 87-89 , 9 1+ v . 12,14 18-20


New York (s tate ) Central (New York ) institution for deaf-mutes . Rome . A n

nual report . U 190 2+ V. 28+New York Central rai lroad company . Annual report . U 1856-57, 62

New York ( city) Century association . Reports etc . U 190 3New York ( state ) chamber of commerce . Annual banquet speeches .

U 1890 , 94, 99, V . 122, 126, 13 1

Annual report .U 63-65. 66-73. 74- 1994. 9 5+ v . 2. 6-7. 9- 15. 17-46. 48+

U+New York ( state ) charities aid association . New York . Annual report .

U 1873 , 80 81 , 83 -88, 90 - 190 3 , 06+ V . 1 , 8-9,

Annual report to the state commission in lunacy.

U 1893- 190 3 , 07+ V. 1 1 1 , 15+New York city visiting committee . Annual report . U 1904+ V . 1+Continuation of New York county V i s iting committee for Bellevue hospital .

New York (city ) Charity organization society. Annual report . U 1884+ V . 2+School of philanthropy . Announcement . U 1904-0 5

Handbook . U 1904-0 5

see a lso Charities ; Charities review , Charities the Commons ; Survey.

New York,Chicago St Loui s railroad company . Annual report .

U 1896—97, 99+ v . 1 0 - 1 1 , 13+


New York ( state) Hudson river state hospital [ insane ] . Poughkeepsie . An

n ual report . U 1867-69 .

7 1 72 , 76, 78-79, 81-84, 86-99 , 190 1+ v . 1 -3 , 5-6, Io

,12- 13 , 15-18, 20 -33 , 35+

New York (city ) Industrial removal office . Annual report . U 1904+ V . 4+New York ( state ) Institution for the blind . New York city. Annual report .

U 1885+ V . 50+New York ( state) Institution for the instruction of the deaf 81 dumb . NewYork city. Ann ual report .U 1818-23. 26-27. 49 . 42. 44

-5 9 . 52-56 58. 69. 62. 68-72. 74. 76-93 . 95+ v 1-5.

9 . 26-32 34-

38 49 42. 44. 59 54. 56. 58-75. 77+New York ( state ) Juvenile asylum. New York . Ann ual report .

U 1861 ,-

72-73 , 1

U90 1 , v . 10


, 50New York (city ) labor l ibrary (monthly) . U [


-1887 88 ] n o. 7 , 9New York, Lake Erie 81 Western railroad company . An nual report .

1 U 1883 85 , 87New York


librar1es (New York ( state )— Educational extension divi s i0 n ) .

Albany. U 190 7+ V 1+New Y ork li fe insurance company ! Annual report . U 1902, v. 58

New York, ( state ) lunatic asylum . Utica . Annual report U 1845 , 47 50 , 53-56,

59-68. v 3 . 5 8. 1 1 - 14. 17—22. 24-26. 29 32.

New York (city ) Lyceum of natural history . Annals. N 1823 76 I I v . 1

Continued as New York academy of sciences .Proceedings . N 1873 74“ser. 2, n o. 1-4 I I

New York (city) , Maritime associ ation of the port of N ew York . Ofli cers, directors , committe es (with proceedings of annual meeting) . 90 7+

New York (city) mathematical society. Bulletin . U 1891 -94 I I V.


I -3 I IContinued by American mathematical society. Bulletin .

New York ( city ) Mercantile l ibrary association . Annual report .U 1821+ V ’ I ' I Q : 49+

Bulletin . U “1883+ no . 4+New York ( ci ty ) Merchants

’ association . Proceedings .Yearbook. U 190 5+

New York (city) Metal exchange, see also Official dai ly market report .New York (city ) Meteorological observatory. Annual report . U 187 1

New York (city) microscopical society . Journal . .

_N 1885-9 1 , v . 1 -4, 6-7

see also American quarterly microscop ical j ournal .New York (city ) Midnight mission . Annual report .

U 83 7 9 1 , V I O ' I I ’ I 7, 25.

New York, New Haven Hartford railroad company . Annual report .U 1873-77 , 82, 84+ V . 2-6

,1 1 , 13+

New York (city) , N ew York society library. Annual report .U 1855-59. 69 63. 72 74. 78 86. 87 94+ v 19 2-5. 19 7 9. 1 1 1

.1 19-29 .

125 32 134 141+Recent accessions . U 1897+ v . 1+

New York ( state ) Northern (New York) institution for deaf mutes . MaloneAnnual report. U 1902-0 4, 06+ V . 18-20 22+

New York, Ontario Western rai lway company . Annual report .U 1893-96. 98- 1994. v . 14—17. 19 25

New York (city ) Presbyterian hospital . Medical surgical report .U 190 2+ v . 5+

New York ( state ) prison . Auburn . Report . U 1827"

New York ( state ) Prison association . Annual report .U 1848-49. 53—56. 69 . 63 83 . 86 949 6. 98 1996. 98+ v 4 5. 9

—12 -39.

42 59—52. 54-61 . 63+New York (city) produce exchange . Annua l report. U 1873+

Annual statistical report . U 1883 84, 1902+New York produce review American creamery . New York . U 190 3+ v . 15+New York railroad club . New York. Offi cial proceedings .

U [ 1894 98 ] 98+ [v 48 ] 9 . 13+New York ( state ) red book by Will . L . Lloyd . U 1892

New York ( state ) reformatory. Elmira . Report. ' U 1876+ v . 1+New York ( state ) re formatory for women . Bedford . Annual report .

U 190 1 -06, 08+ V. 1


New York (city) Reformatory of misdemeanants . Annual report of the boardof parole . U 1906+ V . 1+

New York (Holley ) New York city. U 1845 , V . 3

New York ( state ) reporter ( law ) , see a lso New York supplement .New York (city) St George

s church . Yearbook . U 190 4New York ( state ) St Lawrence state hospital [ for insane] . Ogdensburg . A n

nual report . U 1887. 89-92. 94-95. 97- 199 3 . 9 5+ v . 1 . 3-6. 8-9. 1 1 - 17. 19+New York ( city ) sanitary reform society . Annual report . U V . 1

New York ( state ) Savings banks association . Proceedings . U 1895+ V . 2+New York ( state ) School for the blind . Batavia . Annual report .

U 1870 -78, 818 8, 90—96, 98- 190 2, 04+ v. 2- 10 , 13

-20 , 22-28

, 3o-34, 36+

New York ( state ) society for the prevention of cruelty to chi ldren . New Yorkcity. Annual report. U 1876, v . 1

New York (city) school of philanthropy. Year-book . U 190 8+New York (city) Sheltering arms [ for care of homeless children ] . Annual report . U V . 2


, 15New York social science review . New York city. U 1865”v . I IINew York ( city ) society for ethical culture . Ethical pamphlets . U n o. 4, 6-8

Yearbook. U 190 5New York (city) Society for the prevention of pauperism . Annual report ofmanagers . U 1819 , v . 2

New York ( state ) Society for the promotion of useful arts , seo

e Society for thep romotion of useful arts in the state of New York ; Soc1ety instituted 1n

the state of New Y ork for the promotion of agriculture, arts , 81 manufactures .

New York ( city) Society for the re formation of j uveni le delinquents . NewYork city . Annual report .U 1825, 27 ) 56-57 1 89 ,

9 1-92. 95+ v. I . 3 . 19-29 . 22

-27. 29-39 . 32-

33 . 35-36. 39-41. 43 -48. 59 52. 54-61.

65 1 71+New York (city) society for the suppress ion of vice . Annual report .

U 1876-77 , V .

New York ( state ) Soldiers’ sailors ’ home . Bath . Annual report . U 1899+

New York ( state) street railway association . Report of annual meeting .

U 190 7+ V . 26+New York ( state ) Supervisors , Boards of. Proceedings of the annual highwayconvention. U 190 3 , v . 4

New York supplement [ law] , ( including New York state reporter) . St Paul .(National reporter system . ) U 1888+ V. 1+

New York, Susquehanna 81 Western rai lroad company. Annual report .U 1889 , v . 9

New York teacher . Alb-any . U [ 1852-54, 56-59, 60 -61 ] [v . 1-2, 5-7 , 9- 10 ]New York teachers

monographs . New York . U 1898+ v . 1+New York ( state ) Thomas Indian School . Iroquoi s . Annual report .

U 1899+ v . 44+

New York ( city ) times (dai ly ) . U 1860—65, V . 9 14 pt 1New York ( city) times Saturday review . UNew York ( state ) Training school for girls . Hudson . Annual report .

U 1887-88, 90 -

96, 98- 190 0 , 0 2+New York (city) tribune (daily) . U Nov

. 1897+New York ( city ) tribune (daily) . Index . U 1898-99 , 190 1-06New York (city) tribune ( semi-weekly . ) U 1861 -97New York (city)


tribune (weekly) U [ 1841-42, 49-5 1 ] [v . 1

, 8—10 ]New York (city) tribune almanac political register . New York city .

U 1860 -190 7

New York (city) Union club . Officers members constitution 81 rules .U 1 897- 1904) 06-0 7’ 0 9+

New York (city ) U 111ver5 1ty. Tr1angle . (Student’s weekly) .

U [ 1897- 190 0 ] [v . 4-6]

New York (c1ty) Univers ity club . Annual . U 1899 , 190 1+ V . 35 , 37+Library . Report . U 1897- 190 0

New York (e1ty) University settlement society. Annual report . U 190 7 , V . 21


New York (county ) visiting committee for Bellevue hospital 81 other public ihstitution s . Annual report . U 1873 , 75—76, 78, 80 - 190 3 , v . I 3 -

4, 6, 8-3 I | |Continued in New York ( state ) charities aid association . New York (city )visiting committee . Annual report .

New York ( city ) West s ide association .

Proceedings . U 1873New York ( state ) Willard asylum for the insane . Albany .

-Annual report .U 1870 - 74, v . 2-6

New York ( state ) Woman’

s relief corps home . Oxford . Annual report .U 1897- 190 2, 0 5+ v . 4-9 , 12+

New York ( state ) Workin gmen’

s federation . Proceedings of convention .

- IJ 190 4New York (city) world almanac 81 encyclopedia . New York city.

U 1899 . 199 1+New York (city) Young men

’ s Chri stian association . Annual report .U 1899. v . 47

New York (city) , see a lso American academy of medicin e ; American anthropological association ; American ethnological society ; American geographicalsociety ; American institute ; American museum of natural hi story ; Artstudents ’ league ; Children

’s aid society ; Consumers’ league ; Cooper union ;

Gunton institute ; Jewish agricultural 81 industrial aid society ; Jockey club ;Society of naval architects 81 marine engineers .

New Zealand— Agriculture, Department of , Annual report .U 1 90 5—06, 08+ v . 13

- 14, 16+

General assembly library . Annual report . U 190 7-08

Mines department . Papers 81 reports . U 190 9Dominion laboratory . Annual report . U 190 7+ v . 41+

Railways,Minister for. Railways~ -statement . U 1897-98

New Zealand dairyman . Wellington . UNew Zealand official yearbook .


Wellington . U 1893 , 98, 190 1+ V . 2, 7, 10+Newark (N . J . )— Comptroller, auditor , commissioners of S inking fund, 81 treas

urer. Annual report . U 1896-97, 99- 190 6

Fire department . Annual report . U 190 5—0 9 , V . 20 —24Free public library . Annual report . U 1889-93 , 96- 1906, 08+ V . 1—5 , 7 - 18, 20+

Library news . U 1898+ v . 9+Street water commissioners . Annual report . U 190 0+

Newark (N . J . ) board of trade . Annual report. U 1870 -75 , v . 3-8

Newberry library . Chicago .. Report . U 1887+

Newburgh (N . Y . ) Annual reports . U 1885-95, 96- 1908Fire department . Annual report . U 1899- 190 0 , 02- 0 9Health

,Board of . Annual report . U 1887+

Mayor . Message . U 1909 - I o

Water commissioners . Annual report . U 1892, 94- 1900 , 06-0 7 , 08+v . 26


34, 40-41 , 43+ W 1896-97, 190 1

- 0 3 , 06+ V . 30-

3 1 , 35-37 , 40+Newcastle-upon-Tyne (E n g ) Reports . U 1908-9 9Newcastle-upon-Tyne (En g ) , see a lso Natural history society of Northumberland


,Newcastle . Tyneside geographical society .

Newgate monthly magazine . London . U 1825-26Hv . 1 -2HNewport (R . I . )— Redwood l ibrary 81 athenaeum . Annual report .

U 1861 , 64-72, 75 82, 86- 1906 , V . 13 1 , 134-

42, 145- 52,156-76

News 81 courier, Charleston, S . C ., see Charleston ( S . C . ) news courier .

Newton (Mass . )— Free library . Annual report . U 190 8+B l l lletln . U 190 5+ V . 2+

Water commissioners . Annual report . W 1909+Niagara Fall s (N . Y . ) —Public library . Annual report . U 190 1- 06, v . 6- 1 1

Niagara university,Niagara Falls (N . Y . ) Niagara index . ( Students

’ semimonthly . ) U [ 1888-98] [v . 119-30 ]

Nice (France ) Société centrale d’

agriculture, d’

horticulture 81 d’


on .

Bulletin mensuel . UNid iologist . Alameda (Cal if . ) N 1893-97 [v . 2-

3 , [4 ]Niederlan d isches archiv fii r zoologie . Haarlem . N [ 1876] [v . 3 ]Niederlausitzer gesell schaft fur anthropologie 81 alterthumskun de . Guben .

M itthe ilun gen . U 189 1 -92, V . 2 pt 1 -3


Treasurer. Biennial report . U 1890 -96, 98+

(State ) weather serv 1ce . Annual report . U 1890 -93 , 95 , v . 4-7 , 9

North Carolina Agri cultural experiment station . Raleigh . An nual report.U 1879+ v . N 1879+ v 4. 9+

Bulletin . U 1888+ no . 57 123 , N 1891+ n o. 77'

9 1, 93-94, 96

- 12o,122-23 , 127 33 , 136 -58, 160 63, 166

-73 , 1 76+Technical bulletin . U 1889-93 , n o. 1 -7

North Carolina bar association . Report .of t s an n ual meeting . U 1909+ V . 1 1+North Carolina ( state ) dairymen

s association . Report . U 1896—98, v . I 2

North Carolina ( state ) horticultural society . Report. U 1885-86Experimental farm . Southern Pines . An nual report. U 1895-96, V. 1-2

North Carolina ( state ) hospital . Goldsboro. Biennial report . U 1889-92, 1900+Before 1892 known as Eastern insane hospital .

North Carolina Odd fellow . Raleigh .

North Carolina University . Chapel Hil l . James Sprunt historical monographs .U 190 0 , 05+ v . I , 6+

Studies in philology . U 1906+ n o. 1+see also Elisha Mitchell sci entific society .

North Central association of colleges 81 secondary schools Proceedings .U 1896- 190 2, 04+ V . 1-7 , 9+

North central association of rai lroad commis sioners . Minutes of meetings .U 1998+

North Central h istory teachers ’ “association .


Proceedmgs . Chicago.

U 1908+i

v . 10+North-China herald supreme court consular gazette . Shanghai .

North Dakota . Public documents . U 190 5-06Agriculture -

81 labor, Departmen t o f.

Biennial report .U 1889-98, 1903+ v . 1 -5, 8+

Auditor. Bien ni al report . U 1890 - 1904, V . 1 1 8

Equalization,State board of. Proceedings. U 1894-95 , 97-98, 190 0 -0 1

( State ) examiner. Annual report . U 18947 99 , 190 1+ V . 5 - 10 , 12+

(State ) geological survey . Biennial report .G 190 3-06, v . 3


4 ; U 1899+ v . 1+Bulletin . G n o. 3

House of representatives . Journal . -U 190 1+Insurance

,Commissioner of. Annual report . U 1890 -94, 98- 1905

Public library commi ssion . Bulletin of legis lative reference d epartment.U 19 10+ n o.

Public instruction,Department “of. Biennial report.

U 1890 v. 1-5 , 8+Railroads

,Commissioners of . Annual report . U 1896, 98+ v . 7, 9+

Secretary of state . Legislative manual [called Blue book] .

U 97, 190 1 , 03Senate . Journal . U 190 1+Supreme court . Reports of cases . (North Dakota r eports . ) U 1890+ v . 1+Treasurer. Annual report . U


1889/90 , 92-1900 , 0 5'

-o6, 08+North Dakota agricultural college . Fargo .

— Agri cultural college surveyBiennial report . G 1904+ v. 3-4

North Dakota Agricultural experiment station . Fargo . Annual report .U 189 1+ V . N 189 1 - 1904, v . 1 -2, 4

- 15Bulletin . U 189 1+ n o. N 189 1+ no . 2 6, 8-45 , 47


-67, 69-7 1 , 73+North Dakota bankers ’ assoc iation. Proceedings . U 1908+ v . 6+North Dakota ( state ) d airymen

s association .


A n n ual meeting. _U 189 1 , v. 1

North Dakota Penitentiary . Bismarck . Biennial report . U v . 2

North Dakota University. University (Fargo ) Quarterly j ournal .U N 19 10+ V . 1+

Mines,School of, see a lso North Dakota— (State ) geological survey .

North Eastern railroad company . Annual report . U 1877 , 79-82, 93North German Lloyd steamship company . New York. Bulletin .

U 1908+ [v . 26+North Park college . Chicago ( Ill . ) Catalogue . UNorth Staffordshire ceramic society, see Engli sh ceramic society .


North Staffordshire field club . Stafford (E n g ) Annual report 81 transactions .U 1908+ V . 43+

North-Western railroad company . Annual report . U 1854, V. 2

Northampton (Mass . )— Forbes library. Annual report . U 1895+ v. 1+Northeastern reporter . St Paul . U 1885+ v . 1+Northern central rai lway company . Annual report . U 1855+ V . 1+Northern Illinoi s college, Fulton . Catalogue . UNorthern I llinoi s horticultural society. Transactions .

U 1867+ V . N 1867-68, 71+ V . 1 , 4+Northern notes queries, see Scottish antiquary .

Northern Ohio traction 81 l ight co . Akron . Annual report .Northern Pacific railroad company. Annual report .Northern Pacific rai lway company . Annual report .

U 1876. 83. 86-87. 97- 199 5. 9 7+Northern railroad . Annual report . U 1876, v . 3 1

Northern Texas electric company. [Fort Worth , Stone 81 Webster management association ] Annual report . U 190 7

Northern tribune . Newcastle-_on -Tyne . U 1854, V . 1

Northwest fruit growers’

association . Proceedings of the annual convention .

U 190 1 , V . 8

Northwest rai lway club . Minneapolis . Official p roceedings .U [ 1895 99

- 1996 I I lv . 1 5-,H IINorthwestern college . Naperville ( I ll . ) Catalogue .

U 89 96 97+Northwestern dai rymen

s associat1on . Annual report .U 1867-75 , 78 79 , 85-86, V . 1-9, 12- 13 , 19


v . 1-2 i s sued by Illinois 81 Wisconsin dairymen’

s association .

Northwestern farmer. Chicago. U 1869, V . 4Northwestern mutual li fe insurance co. Milwaukee (Wis) Annual report.

U 199 2-9 3. 9 5 96 v . 45-46. 48 49Northwestern reporter. St Paul . U 1896+ V. 68+Northwestern univers ity. Evanston ( Ill . ) Alumni news letter.

U [ n o.

Catalogue . U 1869 -71 , 72-74, 75-80 , 81+Northwestern . (Students

weekly . ) U [ 1896- 190 0 ] [v . 17-20 ]Syllabus . (Fraternity annual . ) U 1886-90 . V. 2—6Den taf school . Chicago . Northwestern


den tal j ournal .U [ 199 3 lv . 1

Orrington Lunt library . Bulletin . U’

see also Garrett Biblical institute .Norwich (Conn . )— Oti s library. A n nual report . U 1896- 190 1 , 190 3+

Bulletin . U 1900 -0 2 [v . V . 5 , no . 3 32

Continued after Nov . 1903 as Cooperative bulletin with the Peck library.

Otis library 81 Peck library . Co-operative bulletin . U 190 3+ v . 1+Nose ; a periodical publication . (Caraquallfa . ) London . U 180 0 Jan -July ] !Notes 81 queries . London . U 1849+ ser . 1

,V . 1+

Notes on new remedies . New York . U 1892-94, v. 5—6

Notizie degli scavi di antichita. Milan . U 1904+Nottingham (Eng . )— Public . libraries . Annual report. U 190 4+ v . 36+

Bulletin . U 1908+ no . 125+Nouvelle revue .

_Paris . U 1909+ ser . 3 , v . 1+

Nouvelles annales de mathématiques . Paris . U 1842+ V . 1+Bulletin de bibliographie

, d’

hi stoire , 81 d e b iographie mathématiques .U 1855-62, V . 1 -8

Nova Scotia— Education offi ce . Annual report on public schools . U 1897Legislative library. Annual report . U 1880

Public health , Department of . Annual report . U 1906+ v . 14+Nova Scotia fruit growers

association. Annual report . Kentvi lle .

U 190 3+ V. 39+Nova Scotia steel 81 coal company. Annual report . U 190 2, V . 2

Nova Scotian institute of science . Hali fax . Proceedings 81 transactions .U 1902-0 3 , V . 1 1 ; N 1869+ [v . 2, 5 , 6, 8+

Nuova antologia di scienze,lettere arti . Rome. U 1895, 190 9+


v . 139- 144, 223+ ( ser . 3 , V . 55-60 ; ser . 5 , V . 139+ U has ordered 1866- 1908

Nuremberg (Germany ) Germanisches national museum . Anzeiger .

U 1884 V . 1 -8, [9 ]ContinuesAnzeiger fii r kunde der deutschen vorzeit . U 1853 -83 I I n . ser. V . 1 -

3ollMitteilungen . U 1886, v . 1

Nuremberg (Germany) Naturhi stori sche gesellschaft . Abhandlungen .

U 1892+ V . N 1896+ V . 1 0+Jahresbericht . U 1904 N 1897-99 , 190 1 -0 2, 04Mitteilungen . U N 190 7+ v ; 1+

Nut“grower Poulan (Ga . ) U 190 2+ v . 1+Nuttall ornithologi cal club . Cambridge (Mass . ) Bulletin . N 1876 v:



Continued as Auk .

Memoirs . N 1906, no . 4 .

O . I . C . record, see Ohio improved Chester swine breeders

! associationOakland (Cal . )— Auditor . Annual report .

U 1893 , 98- 190 3 , 0 5 0 9 , V . 6, 9 14, 16 20

Free library 81 reading room . Annual report U 189 1+ V . 13+Oakpark (I ll . — Scovi lle institute . Annual report . U 1888—9 1 , 99- 190 0 , V . 1 -3 , 12

Oberhessi sche gesellschaft fur natur 81 hei lkunde . Giessen . Bericht .N 1882- 190 5 I

I V . 21

Bericht : medizinische abtei lung . N 1906+ V . 1+Bericht : naturwissenschaftliche abtei lung . N 1906+ v .

Oberlin (O . ) college . Laboratory bulletin . N 1895+ no . 3 , 5, 7-8, 12+Oberlin review . (Students

’ weekly . ) U [ 1896- 190 0 ] [v . 24, 26-27 ]Library . Annual report . U 1893

Observatory . London . U 1877+ v . 1+An nual compan ion . London . U 189 1 -98, v . 14


Odd fellows , Independent order of . I llinois grand lodge . Proceedings .

U 1838-52, 58+Sovereign grand lodge . Proceedings . U 182 1+ V . 1+

O en ologischer j ahresbericht . Berlin . U 1878-84 , v . 18

O esterre ichi sche botani sche zeitschrift . Vienna . U 190 3 , v . 53O esterreich ische garten- zeitung . (K . K. Gartenbau-gesel lschaft . ) V ienna . UO esterreichische rundschau . Vienna . U 1883 , V .


I ; U has ordered restO esterreich ische stati stik, s ee Austria— K. K . stati stische central commission .

O esterre ich isch er i'

ngenieur 81 architekten-verein . Vienna .

Wochenschrift . U 1876 v . 1

United in 1892 withZeitschri ft . U 1849+ v . 1+

O esterreichischer sozialdemokratischer parteitag . Vienna . Verhandlungen .


189 1 -92’ 941 V ' 1 -21 4

K. K . O esterreich isches handelsministerium, see Austri a— K. K . han delsmi n isterium.

Offenbach-am-Main (Germany) handelsk ammer . Jahresbericht .U 6 1

,85, 87 : 89 ; 97

O ffi c1al Catholic directory, almanac , 81 clergy l1st . M l lw aukee .

U 190 4-0 5 , 0 7+ v . 19-20,22+

Official dai ly market report . (New York metal exchange . ) New York . UOfficial guide of the rail ays 81 steam navigation lines o f the Un ited States ,Porto Rico , Canada, Mexico , Cuba . New York .

Official railway guide of Chicago , see Chicago .

Ohio . Executive documents . U 1862 pt 2,63 pt pt 2, 96 pt 1 -3 ,

Adj utant general . Annual report . UAgriculture

,state board of . Annual report .

U 1848. 59 . 52. 54-98. 199 1+ v 9 53 . N 1856+ v 1 1 - 15. 17, 29. 57+Nursery 81 orchard inspection, Division of. Annual report .

U 190 2-0 5 , v . 1 -

4 ; N 190 2+ v . 1+Bulletin . U 190 3

-0 5 , nos . 1 -2,6 ; N 190 3+ no . 1+

Arbitration,State board o f . Annual report .

U 1898- 190 2, 04-0 5 , V. 6- 10, 12- 13

Attorney general . Annual report . U 1870 -7 1 , 98, 190 1+Auditor . Annual report . U 1848/49 , 56-60 , 67, 70 , 74, 76-80 , 82-86

, 88+


Railroad commission . Report . U 1906+ v . 1+ContinuesRailroads telegraphs

,Commiss ioner of. Annual report .

U 80 -849 85-89 , 989 190 1 -0 5 V . 3 1 ! 34-38”

Continued as Railroad commission .

Secretary of State . Federal state and county officers . U 1899 , 1904-06, 09+Municipal officers . U 190 3

Ohio election statistics . U 1898, 1902-0 5, 0 8+Ohio statistics . U 1868, 70 -71 , 72-73 , 74—75, 76-88, 96-98, 190 2+

Senate . Journal . U 1842, 1902+Soldiers’ claims , Commissioner of. Annual report . U 1904-0 5Statistics, Commissioner of. Annual report . U 1857-68, V . 1- 12

Supreme court . Reports of cases (Ohio reports ) . U 1821 V . 1-zoll(Ohio state reports . ) U 1852+ V . 1+

Treasury,Department o f . Annual. report .


U 1899 ; 190 170 6, 0 7+Workshops, factories , public buildings , Department of inspection of.


Annual report . U 1888-90 , 91 -93 , 95-99 , 190 0+ V. 6—7 , 9- 10 , 13- 16, 18+

Ohio ( state ) academy of science . Columbus . Ann ual report .U 1897 , 1904-06, v . 5, 13 N 1892+ V. 1 - 12, 17+

Proceedings . U 1904+ v . 4 pt 5+Special papers . N 1899+ n o. 2- 1 0


Ohio agricultural experimen t s tation . Wooster . Annual report .U 1882+


V . N 1883+ V . 2, 4+Bulletin . U 1888+ ser . 2, n o. N 1888+ ser . 1 , no . 1 ; ser . 2, n o. 1+Bulletin, technical series . N 1889-96“v. 1 , n o. 1

Ohio 81 Indiana railroad company . Annual report . U 1853Ohio Missi ss ipp i rai lway company.

“ -Annual report . U 1892

Ohio ( state ) archaeological historical society. Columbus . Publications.

U 1887+ v . 1+Curren t numbers called Quarterly.

Ohio bankers’

association . Proceedings . U 1906+ v. 16+Ohio Biographical annals . U 190240 8, v . 1 -3Ohio ( state ) board of commerce . Annual meeting, proceedings , etc .

U 1906+ v. 13+Ohio Boys ’ industrial school . Lancaster. Annual report.

U 1898, 190 1+ v . 43 , 46+Ohio college _association . Transactions . U 1887-90 , 1900 , V . 19

-22, 32

Ohio County surveyors , Association of . Proceedings . U 1881 -82, v . 2—3Ohio dairymen

s association . Report of annual meeting .

U 1904-0 5 , 0 7+ V. 10—1 1 , 13+

Ohio educational monthly . Columbus . U [ 1860 , 62-64, 68] [v . 9 , 1 1 - 13 , 17 ]Continues Ohio j ournal o f education .

Ohio engi neering society. Annual report .,W 1906+ V. 27+

Ohio ( state ) fair 81 industrial exposition . Columbus . Bullet in .



190 2’1904-0 53 V . 52: 541-55

Prem1ums 81 regulations . U 190 2—04, 09+ v . 52-54, 59+

Ohio farmer. Cleveland . U 1869, 7 1 , v . 18, 20

Ohio federation of labor . Official book 81 convention proceedings .U 190 5, 08, v . 22, 25

Ohio ( state ) forestry associ ation . Proceedings . U 1884Ohio Girls ’ industrial home . Rathbone . Annual report .

U 1898, 190 1+ V. 30 , 33-38

Ohio historical phi losophical society . Cincinnati . Annual report .U 1900 , 0 3 , 0 5

-06Quarterly publication . U 1906+ V. 1+

Ohio Hospital for epileptics . Gallipolis . Annual report .U 1898, 190 1+ v . 8, 1 1+

Ohio ( state ) horticultural society. Annual report .U 1867-76, 78 v . 1 - 10 , 12


32, 35 ; N 1896, 1902, v. 30 , 36Ohio ( state ) hospital [ insane ] . Athens . Annual report



U 1898, 190 1+ v . 25, 28+Ohio ( state ) hospital [ insane] . Columbus . Annual report .

U 1841 -42. 59 . 7 1. 78. 98. 199 1+ v . 3 -4. 12. 33. 49 . 69 . 63+


Ohio ( state ) hospital [ insane ] . Dayton . Annual report .U 1898, 190 1+ V . 44, 47+

Ohio ( state ) hospital [ insane ] . Massi llon . Annual report .U 1898, 190 1+ V. 6, 9+

Ohio ( state ) hospital [ insane ] . Toledo . Annual report .U 1898, 190 1+ v . 15 , 18+

Ohio improved Chester swine breeders’ association . 0 . I . C . record . Cleveland ,etc. U 1899- 190 5 , v . 1-8

Ohio improved Chester record , see also International Ohio improved Chesterrecord .

Ohio Institution for the education of the blind . Columbus . Annual report .U 1898, 190 1+ _v . 62, 65+

Ohio Institution for the education of the deaf 81 dumb . Columbus .“Annual re

port. U 1898, 190 1+ V. 72, 75+Ohio Institution for feeble-minded youth . Columbus . Annual report .

U 1898, 190 1-1 V . 42, 45+

Ohio j ournal of education . Columbus . U [ 1853 , 55-58] [v . 1 -2, 4-7 ]Continues as Ohio educational monthly.

Ohio mechanics’ institute . Cincinnati . Scientific proceedings . U [ 1883 ] v . 2 pt 3Ohio mining j ournal . Columbus . U 1891 , 95-98Ohio naturalist . (Ohio state un ivers1ty. ) Columbus . N 190 0+ v . 1+Ohio Penitentiary. Columbus. Annual report. U 1897-98, 190 1+Ohio Polan d-China record associ ation . Record . Dayton (O . )

U 1877- 199 5”v . 12 7”Continued as National Poland-Chma record company .

Ohio ( state ) reformatory. Mansfield . Annual report . U 1898, 190 1+ V . 15 , 18+Ohio sanitary bulletin , see Ohio— Health , State board of.

O hi0 °

society of surveyors 81 civi l engineers . Annual report .U 1883-97 , 190 0 -02

,04—0 6, 08+ v . 3- 18, 21 -23 , 25-27 , 29+

Ohio Soldiers’

sai lors’

home . Sandusky . Annual report . U 1898, 190 1+Ohio Soldiers

sailors’ orphans’

home,X enia . Annual report.

U 1899, 190 1+ v . 30 , 32+Ohio teacher . Columbus 81 Athens . U 1906+ [v . 28+Ohio ( state ) university . Columbus . Psychological studies . U 1909+ V . 1+

Zoology entomology, Department of . Contributions .N 1899+ V . 1

, 3-8, 10 - 12

,17- 19 , 21 -24, 27+

Ohio valley improvement association . Cincinnati . Proceedings . U 1906, v . 12

Oil 81 gas j ournal . St Louis . GOil , paint, 81 drug reporter . New York . U +Oil City (Pa . ) semi-weekly derrick. G U 1906+ v . 29+Oklahoma— Adj utant-general’s offi ce . Report . U 190 2, 04

-0 6, 08+Agriculture, State board of. Biennial report . U 190 7+ v . 1+

Quarterly report . UAgriculture, Territorial board of. Biennial report . U 190 5-0 6“v . 2”(Territorial ) Auditor .

Biennial report . U 190 0 - 1904, v. 6-8Geological survey . Bulletin . U N 1908+ V . 1+Governor . Report . U 1898Min es , Chief inspector of. Annual report. U 190 7+ v . 1+Public instruction, Department of . Biennial report of the territorial sup

erin ten den t , U 1894- 190 0 , v . 3-5

Supreme court . Reports of cases . (Oklahoma reports . ) U 1890+ v . 1+T err1tor1al lands , Secretary of the board for leasing . Biennial report .


U 190 0 - 04, v . 4-5

Oklahoma Agr1cultura1 experlmen t station . Stil lwater . Annual report .U 1894, 97+ V. 3 , N 1894+ v . 6+

Bulletin .

U 189 1+ n o. N 1891+ n o. 1 -8, 12- 14, 16, 20 -52, 55-58, 60 -75 , 79+Oklahoma 81 Indian territory bar association . Proceedings . U 1906”v . 3”Continued by Oklahoma ( state ) bar association .

Oklahoma bankers’

association . Proceedings . U 1906, 08+ v . 10 ,12+

Oklahoma ( state ) bar association . Proceedings . U 190 7+ v . 1+Continues Oklahoma 81 Indian territory bar association .

Old Colony 81 Newport rai lway company . Annual report . U v . 7


Old Colony railroad company. Annual report .U 1848 49. 52. 54. 72


76-9 1 . 93 . 98. v . 6. 8—1 1. 13 -28. 39 -

3 1. 35Old maid ; edited by Mary S l n gleton , Sp1n ster. (Mrs . Frances Brooke . ) London . U 1755-56, no . 1 -37

Old South leaflets . Boston . U 1883 - 190 2, v . 1 (no . 1 -85 , 10 1 163 )Oldenburg (Grand duchy)— Statistische bureau . Statisti sche nachrichten .

U 1857-59 . v. 1 -3Omaha (Neh . ) Municipal reports . U 1897, 1904-0 9

Comptroller . Annual report . U 1898—190 3Public library . Annual report .

U 1886-87, 1889 , 9 1-93 , 95 , 97, 1904, 06, v .

9- 10



- 16,18, 20 , 28, 30

Bulletin . U 1897+ V . 1+Onondaga (N . Y . ) historical association . Publications . U 191 0+ V . 1+Ontario (province )— Agriculture , _ Board of. Journal 81 transactions (UpperCanada ) . U 1855-57, v . 1 -2

Continued after 1868 byAgricu lt11r ,e Department of. Annual report . U 1868—70 , 75 ,

87-98Annual report of the agricultural societies of Ontario .

U 1906, 08 apx, V . 2, 4 apxAnnual report o f the horticultural societies of Ontario . U 1908+Annual report of the poultry institute .

N 190 5+ V. U 1909+ V . 4+Bulletin . UBulletin ( special . U [ 1894 99 ]Report of the sugar beet experiments in Ontario . U 190 2

Courts : All courts . Ontario reports U 1882- 1900”V . 1

Appeals . Upper Canada errors appeals reports . (Grant )U 1846—66, V . 1 -3

Ontario appeals reports . U 1876- 190 0 , V . 1 -27Chancery . Chancery 81 appeals reports . (Grant )

U 1849 -82-I I V . 1

Continued by Ontario : Law reports : All courts .Chancery chambers reports . U 1858- 72 V . 1

Common pleas . Upper Canada common pleas reports .U 1850 v . 1

Continued in Ontario : Law reports : A ll courts .Election cases . Hodgins . U 1871 -78, v. 1

Ontario election cases . U 1884- 1900 ] V . 1 -2

King’s or Queen ’s bench . Reports (Taylor ; Draper ) .

U 1823-3 1 ] 2lContinued by

Upper Canada j uri st . U 183 1 -

44 V . 1 -2

Continued byKing’s bench reports . U V . 3

-6 ]Continued by

Queen ’s bench reports . U 1844-82Hv . 1

Continued by Ontario : Law reports : All courts .Law reports . Miscellaneous . Drainage cases (Clarke 81 Scully . )

U 1867- 190 21] V . 1

Practice . Upper Canada chambers reports . (Robinson )U 1848—53 I I V . 1 -2

Continued byUpper Canada practice reports . U 1850 - 190 0 I v . 1 - 19 ll

Education department . Report . U 1885, 87 , 89 , 93 -95 , 97 ( supp ) , 190 0Factories

,Inspectors of . Annual reports . U 1893 , v . 6

Farmers ’ institutes . Report . U 1897-98, 190 1 , 08+ v . 3-4 , 8, 15+Health officers , Association of executive . Report . U 1889-90 , v . 4


,Provincial board of . Report . U 1890 , V . 9

Highways,Commissioner of . A nnual report . U 1896- 190 0 , V . 1 -5

Industri es,Bureau of . Annual report .U 1887-

98, 190 0 0 1 , 08+ V . 6- 1 7 , 19 N 190 3+ V . 22+Crop bulletin . U 1889+ no . 29, 81 -82, N 190 4+ no . 85+

Insurance,Inspector of . Detai led report . U 1896


Oregon Agricultural experiment station, Corvallis . Annual report .U 1889-92, 96+ V . 1 -4, N 1889- 190 5 , v . 9 , 12- 13 , 15- 1 7

Bulletin . U 1888+ no . N 189 1+ no . 8-9 , 12-

48, 50—59, 61 -62, 65Oregon improvement company . Report . U 1885-87 , 93 , 96“In 1897 reorganized as Pacific coast company.

Oregon ( state ) insane asylum . Salem . Biennial report .U 1878, 84-88, 96

- 1902 , 0 8+Oregon ( state ) penitentiary. Salem . Biennial report .

U 1870 -72, 85-88, 95-98, 190 6+Oregon railroad navigation company . Annual report . U -99 , v . 1—3Oregon ( state ) reform school . Salem . Biennial report .

U 1892- 190 0 , 06+ v . 1-5 , 9+Oregon short line railroad company. Annual report . U —99 , V . 1 -2

Oregon University . Eugene . Bulletin, historical series . U 1898, v . 1,no . 1 -2

Organ fii r die fortschritte des ei senbahnwesens in technischer beziehung .

(Verein deutscher eisenbahnverwaltungen . ) Wiesbaden .

U 190 9+ v . 64+ ( 11 . ser. V .

Organizations sociali stes fran caises . Congres général . Paris . U 190 0 , v . _z

Orient 81 occident . (Ben sey. ) Gottingen . U 1862-64 I I v. 1

O rie


fon sistory. (Freemason s— Oriental consistory of Chicago . ) Mt


sche bibliograph ic . Berlin . U 1887+ V . 1+Orléans (F rance ) , see also Société d

horticu lture d’

O rléan s 81 du Loiret .Ornithologi st oologist . Pawtucket (R. I . ) N 1884-93”v . 9- 10 , 13Osaka (Japan ) —Library. Annual report . U V .

_5+Osborne ’s London Birmingham railway guide . London . U 1842

O sn abriick (Germany ) Verein fii r geschichte 81 landeskunde . M it

gl ei lu n gen .

1878, V . 1 1

Osprey . Galesburg. ( I ll . ) ;‘

Washington (D . C . ) N 1896- 190 2”V . 1

Ost west ; i l lustrierte monatsschrift fur modernes Judentum . Berlin .

U 190 1 , V. 1

Osterhout free library. Wilkes-Barre s ee W1lkes-Barré (Pa . )— Osterhout free library .

Ostwald’s Klassiker der exakten wissenschaften . Leipzig . U 1889+ v . 1+Oti s l ibrary . Norwich s ee Norwich (Conn . )— Otis library.

Ottawa (Can . ) field natural ist’

s club . Transactions . N 1879-86”v . 1 -2HContinued as Ottawa naturali st .

Ottawa (Can . ) l iterary scientific society . Transaction s . U 1897+ no . 1+Ottawa naturalist . (Ottawa [Can . ] field naturalist’s club . ) U 1887+ V . 1+Ot


tawa (Can . ) University . Calendar . U 1893-96,Ottumwa ( Ia . ) - Public library. Annual report . U 190 3-06, V . 1 -4Our dumb animals , -Boston . U 1887-89 , 1906 V. 20 -21

, 39Our horticultural Vi s itor . Kinmundy ( I ll . ) U 1898- 190 6 [v . 5—10 , [ 1 1 - 12]Our j ournal , see Metal poli shers union .

Outing . Boston ; New York . C Dec . 190 2+ v . 41 , no . 3+Outlook . New York . C 1895+ V . U 1897+ v . 55+ Ur 190 2+ v; 70+Overland monthly . San Francisco . C 1894- 190 3 , v .


Owatonna (Minn . )— Public library . Annual report . U 190 3 , v. 4Owen ’s j ournal , see Robert Owen

’s j ournal .Owl . (Order of Owls . ) South Bend ( Ind . ) U +Oxford

,Cambridge , an d Dublin messenger of mathematics . Cambridge ; Lon

don . U 1 1862-71 I I v . 1-5Continued by Messenger of mathematics .

Oxford down sheep breeders ’ association . Flock book. Oxford (En g )U 1889+ V . 1 -5, 8 9 , 1 1+

Oxford gazette,London . U Nov . 12, 1665-Feb . 1 , 1666“nos . 1

Continued as London gazette .

Oxford (En g ) University . Calendar . U 1868, 73 , 81 , 86, 1906, 09+Association for promoting the education of women in Oxford . Calendar .

U 1894-97Bode l ian l ibrary . Staff-kalendar . U 1906+Radcliffe library . Annual report . U 1897

Oxford (En g ) university extension gazette . U 1892-94, V . 3-4


Pacific coast company . Report . U V 1+Continues Oregon improvement company .

Pacific coast gas association . San Francisco . Proceedings . U 190 5+ v. 6+Pacific coast railway club . San Francisco . Proceedings .

U 1899- 1906”V . I -v . 7 no . 1”Pacific coaster

’ s nautical almanac, see U . S .

—Nautical almanac office .Pacific mail steamship company . Annual report . U 1895 , 98 , 190 1+Pacific municipal ities . (League of California municipal ities . ) San Francisco .

U+Pacific northwest society of engineers . Seattle, (Wash . ) Proceedings .

U 1992. [v . 1 5+Pacific pharmaci s t . San Francisco . U+Pacific poultryman . Seattle . U+Pacific reporter . St Paul . U 1896+ v . 46+

Pacific rural press Cal ifornia fruit bulletin . San Francisco .

U 190 5+ v. 69+Pad ua ( Italy) universita. Annuario . U 08+Padagogisch—psychologi sche studien . L eipzig . U 1908+ v . 9+Padagogische monatshefte . (National d eutschamerikan ische lehrerbund . )Milwaukee (Wis .) U 1899- 1900 V . 1

Padagogische .monographien . (M euman n . ) Leipzig . U 190 7+ v . 1+Padagogische zeitfragen . Munich . U 1906+ v . 2+Padagogium.

_Leipzig U 1878-96 v . 1 - 18


aidology . Emporia (Kan .) U 1900-0 1

,v . 1

Pa inter decorator . (Brotherhood of painters , d ecorators , paperhangersof America . ) La Fayette ( I n d ) U [ 1902—0 7 ] [v . 16-21 ]

Pain ting 81 d ecorating . New York . U 1894-

98 [v . 9 ] 10 - 13 [ 14]Palaeon tologia I n dica, see India—G eological survey .

Palaeon tologische abb and-lungen , see Geologische palaeon tologische abbandlungen .

Palaeontographical society. London . Proceedings . U 1848+ v . 1+Palaestra . (English ph ilology . ) Leipzig ; Berl in . U 1898+ V. 1+Paleon tographica . 185 1+ U has orderedPaleontologist . Cincinnati . U 1878-83”n o. 1

Palermo ( I taly) R . orto botanico giard ino coloniale . Bollettino .

U 1908+ v . 7+Palermo ( I taly) Universita. Annuario . UPalermo ( I taly) , see also Circolo matematico .

Palette 81 bench . St Louis . U+Pall mall . New York . C 1899 , v . 17Pan American union . Washington ( D . C . ) Annual report of the d i rector .

U 189 1+ V . 1+Before 1910 cal led Intern ational bureau of the American repub l ics ; Before190 2 called Bureau of the American repub lics .Bulletins . U 189 1 -99 , no . 2-

4 , 7-

40 , 43-78, 80 -85 , 87-88 , 90 -94

Monthly bulletin . U [ 1893 190 1 -06 , 0 7+ [v . 1 12-23 , 25+Panama— E stad istica ,

D ireccion general de . Boletin estad istica . U+Pan ama railroad company . Report . U 1878- 79 , 87+ v . 2 9


30 , 38+Pantagraph , d ai ly 81 wee kly, see Bloomington ( I l l . ) pantagraph .

Papi lio ; devoted to Lepidoptera . . New York ; Philadelph ia .

N 188 1-84“V . 1-4HCon tinued as Entomologica Americana .

Para (Brazil .) Museu Goeld i de historia natural 81 ethn ograph ia . Boletim .

U 1894+ v . 1.

N 1894+ 11. 1 . [23 ] 4+Un t1l 190 0 called Museu paraen se .

Memorias . N 1900 -0 2, n o. 2-3Parasito logy, a supplement to the Journal of hygiene . Cambrid ge (E n g )

U 1908+ V . 1+Paris (France ) Rapports d ocuments . U 1908+

-7 Consei l munic ipal . Proces-verbaux . U 1908+

Paris American chamber of c ommerce . Bulletin . U I 90 5+


Year book . U 190 1+ V. 8+Paris chambre de commerce . C ompte rendu des trava ux . U 190 2

Paris Ecole des chartes . Société de l ecole d es Chartres . M ém0 1res 81 d ocuments . U 1896+ V . 1+see also Bib liotheque de l ecole des chartes .

Paris . Ecole libre des Sciences politiques . Annales .U 1886-95 , V . 1 2

, 4 9 , U has ordered restParis Ecole normale supérieure . Annales scien tifiques . U 1864+ v. 1+Paris Ecole p olytechnique . Journal de l ’ecole polytechnique . (OriginallyJournal polytechnique . ) U 1794+ V . 1+

Paris Ecole ;pratique des hautes études . Bibliotheque . Section des sciencesnaturelles . U 1890 , V . 37 ; U has ordered restsee a lso Bulletin des s ciences mathématiques .

Paris Figaro . (daily . ) U 190 9+Paris— Hachette ; annuaire complet , commercial , administratif 81 mondain .

Paris . U 1904, 1 0+Pari s Journal . U+Paris Muséum d

histoire naturelle . Bulletin . N 1898+ V . 4+Paris O bservatoire d

astron omie physique . Annales . U has orderedParis Observatoire imperial . Annales . U 1855+ v. 1+Pari s Observatoire mun icipal d e M on tsouris . Annuaire . U 1894, 96Paris Université . Rapport . U 1899+

Univers ité de Paris 81 les établissements p arisiens d’

en seign emen t su

périeur. U 0 5+Paris, see also Association des ingénieurs élec triciens ; Association francai sepour l ’avan cemen t des s ciences ; Bureau international des poids 81 mesures ;Institut de d roit international ; Institut de France ; Institut Pasteur ;Société astronomique

.d e F rance ; Société botanique d e France ; Société

centrale d’

aqu iculture 81 d e péche ; Société chimique de ' Paris ; Sociétéd

écon omie politique ; Société d’

en couragemen t pour l ’ in dustrie nationale ;Société d ’

histoire con temporai-n e ; Société d’

ho-rticu lture d e Paris ; Sociétéd e biologie ; Société de legislation comparée ; Société de l inguistique ;Société de stati stique ; Société des anciens textes fran caises ; Société desingénieurs civils d e France ; Société des textes fran caises' modern es ; Sociétéentomologique de France ; Société francaise de mineralogie ; Soci étéfrancaise d e physique ; Soci été géologique de France ; Société lib re pourl’

étud e p sychologique de l’enfant ; Société mathématique de France ; Société

mycologique d e France ; Société nation ale d’

accl imatation de France ;Société nationale d

horticulture‘de France ; Société zoologique d e France.

Park 81 cemetery 81 landscape gardenin g . Chicago .

U 1895+ 10 )12+

Park 81 outdoo r art association . Boston . Report . U 1897—98, V . 1 -2

Parker society . Cambridge (En g ) Publications U - 54H V. 1

Parker ’s corporat ion legal manual . New York . U 190 7—08, V . 15Parliamentary regi ster , see Great Britain— Parliament .Parlin memorial library . Everett see Everett (Mass . )— Parlin memorial lib rary .

Parlour scrap book . (W . G . Clark . ) Philadelphia . U 1836

Parma ( I taly) universita. Annuario . U 190 7+Pasadena (Cali f . )— Auditor. Annual report . U

Public library . Annual report . U V . 1 1+Monthly bul letin . U 190 1 -4 ,

09+ v . [4, 6, I I ]+Patent j ournal 81 inventors

’ magazine . London . U 1846-48, V . 1 -5Paterson (N . J . ) Annual reports of city officers . U

Publ ic library . Annual report . U 190 0+ v . 16+Bulletin . U [ 1898] [v . 2 ]

Paterson (N . J . ) board of trade . Annual report . U 1874-75 , 79-81 , V. 6-8

Patriot . Hamburg . (3v . 1737 U 1724-26”no . I

Patrioti sches arch iv fur Deutschland . (Moser .) Leipzig .

U 1784-94HV 1 - 1411Pat rons o f husbandry , see Nat ional gran ge of the patron s


of husbandry ; a lsou n d er states for state granges .



assembly . Laws .U 181 7. 26-27. 24-3 1 49 . 49. 199 6. 9 9+

Laws“of the commonwealth . U 1781 -90 , 18 12-22

,25 27 , V . 2, 6

Statutes at large, 1682 180 1 . U 170 0 -87 , v . 2 12

Geologica l survey, I st . Geology of Pennsylvania (Rogers )G 1858 | | v . 1

Geological survey, 2d . Annual reports .U 1885 , 86, pt . 3 4 2 atlases


Final report .G 1892 ,

v . 1 atlas ; U 1892-

95”v . 1 -2 81 index (v . 3 81 atlas wanting . )Miscel laneous 81 special reports . ‘

U 1876—90 ,A - Z , 10 0 V .

Report of progress . G 1874-77 , 79-80

Governor . Message . U 1872, 76, 9 1 , 93 , 97 ,Vetoes of bi l ls passed by the legis lature . U 1893, 97 , 190 3+

Health 81 vital statistics,State board of . Annual report .

U 1884- 190 4”v . 1 -20

Continued b-yHealth

,Department of. Annual report . U 190 5+ ser . 2,

V . 1+Bulletin . U+

(State) hi ghway d epartment. Report . U 190 5+House of represen tatives. Journal . U 1899Industrial statistics , Bureau of . Report .

U 75-79. 81 -83. 85 v . 19 - 1 1.13-23. 25+

Insurance icomm iss ioner . Report ; pt . I : F 1re 81 mar ine .

U 1881 , 90+ v . 9 , 18+pt . 2

° Life,accident 81 casualty .

U 1873. 77. 89 84-85. 87 89. 9 1-

92. 94+ v 1. 5. 8. 12—13. 15 -29


Internal affairs,Department of. Annual report on land offices , boundary

l ines assessments , taxes . U 1877 , 81 -82,85-93 , 95+

Report of the rai lway,canal, navigation , telegraph telephone

companies (part 4 of ann ual report .) U 1877 , 80 -82,86-87 , 9 1+

Before 1880 is sued by the Auditor general .(S -tate) l ibra ry . Annua l report . U 1887 -8 9 , 90

-92, 94

-96, 98+(State) l ibrary commiss ion , see a lso Pennsylvania library notes .Lunacy,

Committee on . Annual report . U -84, 86+ v . 1 -2, 4+

Mines,Department of . Report . G 190 1 , 0 3-0 5 , 0 6 pt . 2, 0 8 pt . 2 , U 190 3+

Mines,In spector of . A nnual report . G 1886-87

Mines,Inspectors o f . Reports. U 1877 , 88


93 , 951897- 190 2 pub . as Report o f Bureau of mines . Continued by Report . of

Department of mines .Police

,Department of . Annual report . U 1906-0 7

Public charities,Board of. Annual report .

U 1870 -73 , 841 86+ V ° 1 -41 6- 12’ 15 : 17+

Contains also annual report of Committee on Lunacy.

Public in struction,Department of. Annual report of superintendent .

U 1863 65 66. 77. 89 . 83 . 88 93. 95+ v 39 . 32-

33 . 44. 47 . 55-69 . 62+Biennial report on higher education . U 1898 V . 2-

3Public printing 81 binding , Superintendent of. Annual report . U 1895+(State) ,rail road commission . Annual report . U 1908+Secretary of commonwealth . Biennial report . U 1892, 98, 1906+


abulate-d statement of votes cast for state officers . U 1896, 98

Senate . Journal . U 1899Sinking fund , Commissioners of . Report . U 1886, 89-92, 94+Soldiers ’ orphans schools , Commission of. Annual report .

U 1879 . 75. 87-88. 95-96. 98+

Supreme court . Report of cases . (Pennsylvan ia state reports . )U 1754+ v . 1+

Surveyor general . An nual report . U 1866Topographic 81 geological survey comm is sion . Report . G 1889 - 1908

Treasury,Department of. Annual report .

U 80 -83 , 85+Va lley Forge comm ission . B 1enn1a1 report . U 1894 96 190 0 V I -2 4


Water supply commission . Report . U 190 5+Pennsylvania Agricultural experiment station . State college . Annual report .

U I 88S+ ; N 1886 87 . 89-99 . 92+Bulletin . U 1887+ V . N 1887+ no . 1 6

,8,14, 16- 17 , 19

-28, 30+Pennsylvania ( state ) agricultural society . Report of the transactions .

U 187 1 -75 , v . 8 10

After v . 1 1,1876 continued in Agriculture of Pennsylvania is sued by

state d epartment o f agriculture .Pennsylvania archives . Harrisburg

U 1852+ ser 1,V . 9

-.ser 2, V . 7 , 10 - 1 1 , 13

- ser . 3 , v . 1, 3+

Pennsylvania Association of the directors of the poor . Annual sess ion .

U 1882, 90 , v . 8, 16

Pennsylvania bankers ’ association . Pro-ceed in gs. U 1908+ v . 14+Pennsylvania children ’ s home society . Annual report . U V . 13+Pennsylvania; civil service reform association . Annual report .

U 1893-95 , 97 —0 3 , v . 12- 14, 16—17 , 19-22

Pennsylvania (state) co llege . State college— Engineering society, see Engineer .Pennsylvania company . Annual report [ railroad ] U 190 7+ v . 36+Pennsylvania dairy union . Annual meeting . U 1906, vPennsylvania Engineers’ society

,see Engineers

society of Pennsylvania .

Pennsylvania federation of l abor . Proceedings. U 190 3+ V . 2+Pennsylvania-German society . L ancaster . Proceedings addresses .

U 189 1 -98, 190 0 - 0 6, v . 1-9 , 1 1 - 17Pennsylvani a historical society . Philadelphia . Bulletin . U 1845-47 I v . 1”

Collections . U 185 1 -53 V . I I]Memoirs . U 1826-95 , v . 1—14see also Pennsylvania magazine of history 81 b iography.

Pennsylvania (State) hosp ital for the insane . Norristown . U 1895 , v . 16

Pennsylvania House of refuge . Phi ladelphia . Annual report .U 183 1 -32, 45. 55. 58. v . 3-4. 18


. 3 1

Pennsylvania institute of certified publ ic accountants . Philadelphia . Annualbanquet . U 190 5 , V . 5

Pennsylvania Institution for the deaf 81 dumb . Mt Airy, Philadelphia . A n

nual report . U 1845, 57 , 60

Pennsylvania legisl ative handbook 81 manual of the state . (Smull . )U 1872. 76. 78. 87-9 1 . 93. 97 . 199 5+

Pen n sylvan l a l1brary club . Ph l ladelph l a. O ccasmn al papers .U 1894"” 99 ; no

Pennsylvania library notes . (State library commiss ion . ) Harrisburg . U+Pennsylvania live stock breeders association . Proceedings . U 190 6, v . 7Pennsylvania magazin e of history 81 b iog raphy . (Historical soc iety of Pennsylvania . ) Philadelphia . U 1877+ v. 1+

Pennsylvani a Normal schools , Board of principals of state . Proceedings ofannual meeting . U 1906-0 7

Pennsylvania Northern home for friendles s children . Philadelphia. Annualreport . U 1875 , V . 22

Pennsylvania Penitentiary for the eastern district, Inspectors of the state .

Annual report U 1829-39 . 32 35. 38 41 . 44 45 . 58. 63 . 77.

79. 8 1 -99 . 93 . 97- 199 4. v . 1 -2. 4. 7 .'

19 .13 . 16—17 . 39 . 35 . 49 . 42. 46. 48. 59 . 52

61 . 64. 68-

75Pennsylvania Penitentiary for the western district, Inspectors of the state .

Annual report . U 1880 83-84, 97-98

Pennsylvania pri son society . Philadelphia . Journal,see Journal of pri son dis

ciplin e 81 philanthropy .

Penn sylvania rai lroad company . An nual report . U 1847-87, 89+ v . 1 -41 , 43+Pennsylvania seaman ’ s friend soc i ety . Philadelphia . Annual report .

U 1853 , 58, 62, 64, v . 9 ,14,

18, 20

Pennsylvania Soldiers ’ 81 sailors ’ home . Er ie . Report . U 1904+Pennsylvania state college

,see Pennsylvania (state) college .

Pennsylvania University . Philadelphia . Babylonian expedition of the University of Pennsylvania . Series A : cuneiform texts . U 1898+ v . 6+


Pennsylvanian (Students’ daily .) U [ 1897 - 190 3 ] [v . 14- 19 ]

Publications :'

Astronomical series . U 1907+ v . 3 , pt . 3+Series in history . U 190 1

—0 5, v. 1-2

Series in mathematics . U 190 5+ n o. 3+Series in philology, l iterature and a rchaeology.

U 189 1 , 95, v . I , no . I,v 4, no . 2

Series in philosophy . U 1899- 190 0 , no . 1, 3 1-4

Series in political economy public law.

U 1885+ v . 1 -2, 4, 6, 8,'10 - 1 1

,15 , 17 , 19+

Botanical laboratory . Contributions .U 190 1

- 0 4, v . 2, nos . 2-3 ; N 1898, v . 2 n o. 1

History, Department of. Trans lations 81 reprints from the originalsources of European history . U 1895- 190 2, v . 1 -6 ; ser . 2

, v . 1 -3Wistar institute of anatomy 81 biology . Bulletin . U 1909+ no . 2+Zoological laboratory . Contributions . U 190 3, 0 5+ V . 10 , 12+

Pennsylvania Working home for blind men . Philadelphia.Report


U 1883 , v . 10


enzance (E n g ) , see a lso Royal geological soc iety of Cornwall .People . London . U [ 1817 ] [v . 1 ]Peop le, is sued in the interest of free , universal, 81 equal education . Cambridge

(Mass . ) U [ 199 1 -9 3. 9 5 9 6] [v . 36 8-9 ]People : their rights 81 l iberties , their d uties , thei r interests . (Joseph Barker.)Wortley (E n g ) U 1849—5 1 , v . 1-3

People library . ( Socialist labor party . ) New York . U [ 1899- 190 0 ] [v .. 1 , 2 ]

Peop le’

s journal . (Saunders 81 Howitt . ) London .

1 U 1846-48, V . 1-6Peori a ( I ll . )— (Ci ty) Clerk . Report . U 189 1

(City) Comptroller . Report . U 1892-

94, 96, 98, 99- 190 0 , 02 0 9Health, Commi ssioner of. Annual report . U 190 5+Public library . Annual report . U 1893+ V. 13+

Bulletin . U 1897+Public works , Department of . Annual report . U 1896, 99- 190 6, V . 5, 8- 15

Peoria ( I l l . ) board of trade . An nual report . U 1873 -86, 88+ v . 4- 17 , 19+

Peoria ( I ll . ) medical monthly , U 1886-87 , v. 7Percheron regi stry company . Columbus (O . ) Percheron register. U 1904, v . 1

Percheron society of America . Chicago . Percheron stud book of America .

U 1877+ v . I .

Early volumes published by American percheron horse breeders association .

Percy society . London . Early English poetry, ballads , 81 ,p0 pu lar l iteratureof the middle ages .

,U 1840-52”v . 1

Pere Marquette railroad company . Annual report . U 190 0—06, 0 8+ v . 1 -7 9+Periodical letter on the principles 81 progress of the

“Eq uity movement . (J .

Warren .) Thompson (N . Y .) U [ 1854-56] [ v . 1 -2 ]Periodico di matematica per l

in segn amen to secon ‘d iario. Leghorn ; R ome

( I taly) U 1886-99 , 190 1+ v . 1 - 14, 16+Supplemento . U 1898+ v. 2+

Perthes ’ geographischer anstalt. Gotha, S ee Justus Perthes’


anstalt .Peru— Ingenieros de m inas , Cuerp o de . Boletin .

U 190 8+ v . N 190 2+ no . 1 -9, 1 1 - 14, 18-36, 40- 54, 56+

Peru to-day . Lima . U+Perugi a (Italy) Universita. A n n uar1o. U 1908+Peterborough (E n g ) natural history, scientific , 81 archaeologl cal soc1ety.

Annual report . U 1904+ V . 33+Petermann ’ s mittei lungen aus Justus Perthes ’ geographischer anstalt . ‘ Gotha


see Justus Perthes’ geog raphischer anstalt .

Petit francai s i llustré, Paris . U 190 2-0 5 , V . 14, pt . 2- 17

Continued byPetite bibliotheque . Paris . U 1906+Petite b ibliotheque Surannée . Paris . U 1906+ v . 1+Petite revue agricole 81 horticole . M arse1lles . U+Petroleum gazette . Titusville (Pa .) (3+Petroleum review . London . G+ ; U 190 3+ v .


8 12 [ 13 ] 14-20


Philadelphia Geographical society . Bulletin . G+Philadelphia, Germantown 81 N orristown railroad company . An nual report .

U 1852: 65Philadelphia House of refuge . Annual report . U 183 1—56, v . 3


4, 16,28

Philadelph ia Jewish foster home 81 orphan asylum . Annual report .U 1898, v . 43

Ph1ladelph1a Lad l es’

Ch1n ese assoc1at10 n . An nual report . U 1845, v . IPhiladelphi a Library company . Bulletin . U 190 -5+ no . 54+Philadelphia Maritime exchange . Annual report . U 1896+ v . 21+Philadelphia medical j ournal . Philadelphia . U 1899- 190 3”[v . 5- 1 1”Philade lphia mercantile library . Annual report .U 1841 . 43 . 56-81 . 83-86. 88—99 . 92- 199 3. v . 19 . 23. 34

-59. 61-64. 67-68. 79 8 1

Bulletin . U 1893-8 [v . 2-3 ]

Philadelphia merchants’

81 manufacturers’

business d irectory . U 18-56- 57Philadelphia Municipal league . Annual report . UPhiladelphia Numismatic 81 antiquarian society . Proceedings . U 1899- 190 11

Philadelphia photographer . Philadelphi a. U 1866-67, V . 3Philadelphia press . U [ 1860 -63 ]Philadelphia rap id transit company .


Annual report . U V . 1+Philadelph ia society for the estab lishment 81 support of charity schools . A n

nual report of managers . U 1845-46, 50

Philadelphia Sunday mercury—d i spatch . U [ 1859-62]Philadelphia Union traction compan y . Annual report . U - 1902, v . 1 -7Philadelphia vacant lots cultivation association . Ann ual report .

U 1904, 0 6, v . 8, 10

Philadelphia Western association of ladies of Philadelphia for the rel iefemployment of the poor . Annual report . U 1855 , 57 , v . 9 , 1 1

Philadelphia,Wilmington 81 Baltimore railroad company . Annual reports .

U 1838—47 , 49—190 1 , V . 1 -9 , 1 1-64

Philadelphia, see a lso American academy of polit ical social s cience ; Ameri

can associ ation for the advancement of education ; American entomologicalsociety ; American ph ilosophical society ; Franklin institute ; Girard college ; G ran dom institution ; Wagner free institute of science .

Philanthrop ist , or, Repository for hints 81 suggestions calculated to promotethe comfort 81 happiness of man . London . U 181 1 - 15 , V . 1 - 5

Philippine agricultural review . Manila . U 1908+ V . 1+Philipp ine islands— Auditor . Report . U

Civi l service board . Annual report . U 190 1-0 6, V . 1—6

After v . 6, 1906 name ch an g'


to Bureau of civil service .

Currency divis ion . Annual report . U 1904—0 5, v . 2

Education Bureau of . Annual report . U 1902 ,0 4, v . I , 4

1902 report made by Dept . of public instruction .

Ethnological survey . Publications . U 190 4-0 5 , v . 1 -2

, 4, pt . 1

Forestry , Bureau of.. Report .

Health,Bureau of. Annual report .

Quarterly report .Laboratories

,Bureau of Government, Manila . [Publication s ]

U 199 3-9 6 n . 1—2

. 4-5. 7-9. 13-3611Continued as Phi lippine j ournal of sci ence .

M ining bureau . Bulletin . U 190 3-0 5 , V . 3- 5

Science,Bureau of . Manila . Annual report . U 0 v . 3 , 6+

Earlier volumes i ssued by Bureau of government laboratorie s .Weather bureau . Report of the director . U 190 1+

Manila central observatory . Bulletin . U 190 7+Philipp ine j ournal of sc ience . Manil a . U 1906+ V . N 1906+ [v . 1 5+Continues Philippine I slands— Laboratories, Bureau of government . Publ ication s.

Phil ippine museum . Manila . B u lletm. U 190 3-04”nos . 1—4 l

Continued in Publications of the Bureau of Govern ment Laboratories .Philippine review

. (Philippine information society. ) New York .

U 190 1-May 190 2”




Ser . 1 entitled Facts about the Fil ipinos , 190 1 .


Ph i listine. E ast Aurora (N . Y. ) U [ 190 3 ] [v . 18]Philobiblon society . London . B ib l iograph ica l

f 81 historical miscellanies .U 1854-84, v . 1 - 15

Philological museum . (J . C . Hare .) Cambridge (E n g ) U 1832-

33dV . I

Philological society . Lon don . Transactions . 1842+v . 1-6, 1842-53 have title Proceedings .

Philologischer verein zu Berlin . Jahresberichte . U 1873+ v . 1+Philologus ; zeitschrift fiir das klass ische alterthum. Gottingen , Leipzig .

U 1846+ v . 1+P

hilosophical magazine . London . U 1827—32 I I v . 69-79“(ser . 2,v . 1 - 1 1 )

Continues Annals of philosophy . Continued by Lon don , E dinburgh 81

Dub l in phi losophical magazine 81 j ournal of sc ience.Philosophical review . Boston

,New York . [ 1 1892+ v

Philosoph ische studien . Leipzig . U 1883 v .

-2020”Continued -by Psychologis che studien .

Photo-beacon . Chicago . U 1906, v . 18

Photo - era . (American federation o f photographic societies . ) Boston .

U 190 2- 0 3, 06+ V . 8- 1 1 , 16+

Photo-miniature . New York . U 1899+ v . 1+Photographic times . New York . U 190 6, V . 38

Ph otographic times almanac, see American annual of photography .

Physical review . New York . U 1893+ v . 1+Phys ical society of London . Abstracts of phys ic al papers from foreign sources .

U 1895-97 1! V 1 -3 I IPhysical memoirs

“from foreign sources . U 1888-90“V .

Proceedings . U 1874+ V . 1+Physikalis ch Chemisches cen tralb latt. Leipzig . U 190 4 v . I -6 | IContinued by Fortschritte der chemie, physik 81 physikalis chen chemie .

P'hysikalisch technische re ichman stalt see un d er Berlin .

Physikalische . gesellschaft . Berlin, N ame chan ged in 1899 to Deutschephysikalische gesellschaft . Berlin .

Phys ikalische zeitschrift . Leipzig . U 1899+ v . 1+Pi Beta Phi fraternity [ sorority ] Arrow Menasha (W1s ) U 1908+ v . 25+Pi E ta sc ientific soc iety, see Rensselaer polytechnic institute . Troy (N . Y . )Pi ano , organ 81 mus ical instrument workers offici al j ournal . Chicago.

U [ 190 5-0 6] [v . 7—8]Pilgrim society . Proceedings of anniversary of landing of the Pilgrims .

U 1896 , v . 275P ioneer . (J . R . Lowell 81 R . Carter . ) Boston . U 1843”v . 1 , no . 1

Pioneer lawmakers ’ association,see Iowa .

Pipe rol l society . London . Publications . U 1884+ v . 1+Pisa ( Italy) , see a lso Societa toscana di scienze naturali .P1tton ia . (Botan y) (E . L . Greene . ) Washington (D . C . )

U 1887- 190 5”v . 1

Pittsburg (Pa . )— Carn egie library . Annual report . U 1896+ v . 1+Bul lét in U [ 1897 99

- 1997 . 99+ [v . 2 4- 12 .14+

(City) controller . Report . U 1895 , 98-99 , 190 12 0 3 , 04- 10

(City) council . Manual . U 190 9- 19 1 1

Health, Bureau of . Annual report . U 190 7Public safety , Department of. Annual report . U 1896-97 , v .

0 9- 10

Public works , department of. Annual report . U 190 0 ,0 2-08

Pittsburgh 81 Lake Erie railroad company . Annual report . U 1906+ v . 28+Pittsburgh (Pa .) Architectural -club . Exhib ition . U 1907 , v . 4P ittsburgh (Pa . ) Association of the board of trade . Annual report .

U 183o, vv .

Pittsburgh (Pa .) board of trade . Year book . U 1908+Pittsburgh (Pa . ) Carnegie institute— Carnegie museum . Annals . N 190 1+ V . 1+

Memoirs . N 190 1+ v . 1+Pittsburgh (Pa . ) Carnegie library training school for children

’s lib rari ans .Catalog. U 190 1+Circular of information . U 190 1

-0 6, 09+ v . 1 -5 , 9+

Pittsburgh (Pa . ) chamber of commerce . Yearbook directory . U 190 1 , 0 3-0 4


Pittsburgh , C incinnati , Chicago 81 St . Loui s railway company.Annual report


U 1897 , 99—190 1 , v . 8, 10 - 12

Pittsburgh , Ft . Wayne 81 Ch icago ra1lw ay company . Ann ual report .

U 1867—68. 89. 93-94. 96-98 .199 9 . 9 2. v . 6-7. 27. 3 1-32. 34-36. 38. 49

Pittsburgh (Pa . ) rai lway club . O fficial proceedings . U 190 3+ v . 3+Pittsburgh (Pa . ) univers ity—Allegheny observatory. Miscellaneous scientificpapers . U 190 1+ n . ser . n o. 1+

P ittsfi eld (Mass . ) Berkshire athenaeum . Bulletin . U 1898+ v. 1+Plain fi eld (N . J . ) —Public library 81 read ing room . Report . U 1904, 0 7Plain fie ld (N . J . ) Muhlenberg hopital . Report . UP lant world . Binghampton (N . Washington (D . C . ) U 1898+ V. 2+Plexus . (I llinois university— Medicine, College of .) Chic ago . U 1899+ _V . 5+F loem (Prussi a) Biologische station . Foschun gsberichte .

N 1893- 190 3”V . 1 - 10

Con tmued as Archiv fur hydrob iologie p lan kton kun d e .

Plumber sanitary engineer, New York, see Engineering record .

Plymouth (E n g ) , see also Marine b iological association .

P lymouth colony re cords, 1633- 1698. Boston . U has ordered

Pocket list of railroad officials . New York . U+Pocket register o f life association s . ( Spectator co .) ,

New York . U 1909 , v . 24Poet- lore . Boston . U 1889+ v . 1+v . 14, no 1 . Jan -M ar. 190 3 has title American quarterly.

Poggen dorff’

s Annalen , see Annalen d er phys ik .

Politi cal economist ; j ournal of social science . London .-U 1856-57, no. 1- 13

Political econ omy club . London . Minutes o f p roceedings . U 182 1—81 , v . 2-3Political instructor (Reynolds ) London . U 1849 I

,n o. 1-27

Pol itical magazine, devoted to political 81 national interests . Urbana (Ill . )U 1885”V. I , n o

Political science quarterly . Boston . U 1886+ v. IPolitisch- anthropologis che revue : monatsschrift fur d as soziale 81 gei stigeleben der volker . Leipzig ; Eisenach . U 190 2+ v . 1+

Polled cattle society, see Aberdeen-Angus cattle society .

Polled Durham breeders ’ association , s ee American Polled Durham breeders.’

association .

Polytechnic engineer . (Brooklyn Polytechnic inst itute ; undergraduate annual .)Brooklyn (N . Y .) U 19 10+ v . 10+

Polytechnic review 81 record of science, the fine arts, 81 l iterature.

London . U 1843-44, v . 1 -2

Polytechnisches j ournal . Augsburg ; Berlin ; Stuttgart , s ee“D in gler

s polytech

n isches j ournal .Poole ’ s index to periodical l iterature . Boston . U 1802+ v . 1+

Abridged edition . U 1815+ V . 1+Poor law annual . London .

_ ‘

U 190 5+ V . 2+Poor law conferences . Lon-don . Proceedings of the central 81 district poorlaw conferences . U 190 4+

Poor Will ’ s almanac . Philadelphia .

!U 1823Poor ’ s manual of the railroads of the United States . New

“York .

U 1868+ v . 1+Populaire

, (Cabet . ) Paris . U [ 1848] n os . 1-6

Popular astronomy . Northfield (Minn .) U 1893+ v. 1+Popular electricity . Chicago . . U 190 9+ v . 2+Popular gardening 81 fruit growing . Buffalo (N . Y . )

U 1887—89 . 99 9 1”v . 3—4.

United w 1th Amer1can garden , 81 con t1n ued as Amer1can garden mg .

Popular lecturer . London . U,

1839 , no . 1- 15Popu lar mechanics . Chicago . U 190 5

- 0 7 , 09+ v . 7-9 , 12+Popular mechanics shop notes . Ch icago . U 190 5, v. 1

Popular science monthly . New York . G+ ; U 1872+ v. 1+v . 48- 56, 1895- 190 0 bear title Appleton

’s Popular science monthly .

Supplement . U 1876-79”21 nos . in 4y llPopular science news 81 Boston j ournal of chemi stry . Boston .

U [ 1884 ] 85. [v . 19


Poultry tribune . Mt Morri s ( I ll . ) U+Power . New York . U 189 1- 190 8“V. 1 1-28 I IConsolidated with Engineer 81 contin ued as

Power the engineer . New York . U 1908+ ,

v . 28+Practical engineer . Chicago . U 1909+ v 13+Practical entomologist . Philadelphia . U N 1865-66“V . 1 -2IIPractical mechanic 81 engineer

s magazine . Glasgow (Scot .)U 1841 -

47 I'

I v . 1 -6 I IPractical mechanic

s j ournal. Glasgow (Scot . ) U 1848-55, v . 1—7Practical teacher

s art monthly . London . U 190 6—190 8 I I [v . 8 - 10 IIPrague (Austria) U n iversitat . (K . K . Bohmis ch e Karl Ferdinand un iversitat . )Zoologisches institut . Arb eiten . N 1902, 06

Prague (Austria ) s ee a lso K. Bohmische gesellschaft der wissenschaften ;Ceska akademie cisare Franti ska Jos efa pro v edy, _

s lov esn ost a umen a;Ceska spolecn ost en tomologicka ; Naturwissenschaftliche landes forschungvon Bohmen

Prairie farmer. Chicago .

U [ 1862 65 68 69+ [v 26 32 ] 33 49-41 [42 47 . [48 5 1 -53.

[54 56 ] 57 68 -

73 . 75 77 . N 1841 1996 v 1- 14. 1922 24

-25. 28 3 1 37. 39. 41 44 45 . 69 78

Pratt institute . Brooklyn (N . Y . ) Pratt institute monthly .

U [ 1895-1994 lll lv . 4—I 2H]Free library . Annual report . U. 1896- 190 0 , 0 3+

Bulletin . U 1899+ V . 1+Library school . Catalog . U 0 —5 0 7 , 09+

Pren dergast~free library . Jamestown (N . s ee Jamestown (N . Y . ) —James

Prendergast free lib rary .

Presbyterian church in the U . S . A . General assemb ly . Mi nutes . Phi ladelphia .

U_190 5+ V . 1 17+

E ducation, Board of. Ann ual report . U 1844-45 ,

47 -57. 59-63. 65-69 . 72-73. 75-77. v . 252 6, 28.


38. 49 -44. 46- 59 . 53—54. 56-58

Chicago Presbytery—Home miss ion comm1ttee . Han dbook . U 190 1

Report . U 190 5Present problems . New York . U [ 1896—97 ] [v . 1 ]K . Preussi sche akademie d er wissenschaften . B erl in . see K . Akademie derwissenschaften . Berlin

Preuss is che j ahrbiicher. Berlin . U 1858+ V. 1+K . Preussisches statistisches landesamt.. see Prussia—S tatistisches landesamt .Primary plans ; a monthly j ournal of practical aids to primary teachers . Dansville (N . Y . ) U+

Princeton (N . J . ) Review . U 1880 84 I I new series v . 5- 14 I ISucceeded by New Princeton review

Princeton (N . J . ) university . Princeton contributions to phi losophy .

U 1898, V. 1,n os . 1-2,

Princeton contributions to psychology. U 1895+ V . 1+Princeton tiger . U [ 190 5-0 6] [v . 16]

Printers ’ ink, a j ournal for advertisers . New York .

U 1889-93 . 199 9 .1992+ lv . 1 3

-9. 32 33. [39 ] 49 -52 [53 ] 54. [55 57 ] 58+Printing

“art . Cambridge (Mass . ) U 190 3+


v . 1+Sample book . U+

Proceedings , see a lso names of various academies , societies , 81 institutes .Process yearbook ; Pe.

’nrose s pictorial annual . Lond on . U v . 1 1

Profes sional 81 amateur photography . Buffalo (N . Y .) U 1906, v . 1 1

Profitable advertising Boston . U 1896 97 , 190 3-09 I I V . 6, 13- 18 I IContinued as Advertis ing sel ling .

Progreso matematico,revista de matemat1cas pura


s 81 apl l cadas. (Galdeano .)Saragossa . U 189 1


95, 99- 190 0 , v . 1-5 , ser . 2

,v . 1-2

Progressive Houston, see Houston (Tex . )

Progressive medicine . Philadelphia . N 1907+ v . 9+Progressive poultry j ournal . Mitchell (5 . Dak . ) U+Propiedad raiz


, 81 agricola . Buenos Aires . U 1906+ v . 9+Proportional representation rev iew . Newark (N . J . ) U 190 2, n . ser. v . 1


Proskau (Germany . ) K . pomologisches institut . Jahresbericht . Berl in .

U 1998+Protectionist . Boston . U 1899+ v . 1 1+Protestant Episcopal church in U . S .

-Sprin gfield ( I ll .) D iocese of. Journalof an nual synod . U 190 2 0 3, 0 4 (special) , V . 25-26, 190 4 (special)

Providence (R . I . ) Documents . U 1895, 1898- 1908

(City ) auditor . Annual report . U 1894+ v . 49+(City) engineer . Annual report . U 1894, 96+Health

,Superintendent of . Annual report .

U 1887 . 89 . 94. 96+ v . 5. 7 . 12.14+

Public library . Annual report .U 1889 , 93

-99 , 190 1-0 6, 08+ v . 12, 16-22, 24-29 , 3 1+

Bulletin . U 1895-98 I I v . 1 -4IIContinued in Providence l ibraries .

Public works,Department of . Report . U 1883+ V 1+

(City) registrar . Annual report . U 1908+ v . 54+Providence 81 Worcester rai lroad company . Annual report .

U 1849 . 53 . 57 73. 77-81 . 83 88 v 4. 9. 13- 14. 29 . 3 1 . 33 37. 39 44

Providence (R. I . ) Athenaeum . Annual report . U 1837-38, 41+ V . 1 -3 , 6+Bullet in . U 1895-99”V . 1-4 I IContinued in

Providence libraries . U 190 0 0 5, v . I -n . ser . v . 3

Providence (R . see a lso Roger Williams park museum .

Prov in ciaal utrechtsch gen ootschap van kunsten wet en schappen . Utrecht .

(Netherlands ) Aan teeken in gen . N 1876+V erslag van het verhan de lde in de algemeen e vergadering . N 1876+

Prudential insurance company of America . Newark (N . J . ) Annual statement .U 190 7+ V 32+

K. Prufun gsan stalt fur wasserversorgung 81 abwasserbeseitigung, see Berlin

(Germany . )Prus sia— Archivverwaltung . Publication en aus den K. preussi schen staatsarchiv

en . L eipzig . U 1878+ v . 1+Gesetz-sammlu n gsamt . Gesetz- sammlung fur das konigliche preussischestaaten . U 1810- 1900

— K. Oberverw altungsgericht . Entscheidungen . U 1877- 190 0 , V . 1 -35Offen tlichen arbe iten , Ministerium der . Ei senbahn-verordn un gs-blatt .

U 190 3-04, v . 26—27

S tatistl sches bureau . Jahrbuch fur die amtliche statistik der preussi schenstaats . U 1876-83, v . 4-5Statistisches

landesamt . Zeitschrift d es Koniglich -preussi schen statistischen landesamts . Berlin . U 1861+ v . 1+

E rgan zun gsheft . U 1906+ V . 24+Prussia, see


also u n d er Berlin (Germany. )Psyche ; a j ournal of entomology . (Cambridge entomological club . ) Cambridge (Mass .) N 1874+ v . 1+

Psychological bulletin . Literature section of Psychological review . New York .

U 1904+ V . 1+Psychologi cal clinic . Phi ladelphia . U 1907+ v . 1+Psychological index ; bibliography of the literature of psychology 81 cognatesubj ects . U 1894+ v . 1+

Psychological review . New York ; Baltimore . U 1894+ V . 1+M onograph supplements . U 1895+ v . 1+Philosophical monographs . U 1908+ v . 1+

Psychological studies . (Gale ) Minneapolis . U 190 0 , n o. IPsychologis che studien . (Schumann ) Leipzig . U 190 4+ v . 1+Psychologische studien . (Wund t . ) Leipzig . U 190 5+ v . 1+Continued from Philosophische studien .

Psychologische untersuchungen . (Lipps . ) Leipzig . U 190 7+ v . 1+Pub lic . Chicago . U 1899+ v . 2, 4—7 , 9+Public health . (Michigan state board of health . ) Lansing . U 190 6+ v . W+Continues Teachers ’ sanitary bulletin .

Publ ic libraries . Chicago . C U 1896+ v. 1+


Pub-li c library bulletin . Boston . U [ 190 2] ['

V . 2 ]Publi c library monthly. Boston .


U [ 190 4] [v . 1 ]Publ i c op inion . New York ; W


ashmgton . U 1886—190 5 , v . 1 39In 1906 merged in Literary d igest .

Public own ership review . (Swift ) Los Angeles (Cal ) U [ 1898-99 ] [v . 2

Public policy . Chicago . U 1899- 190 5 I I V . 1 - 13 I IPublic school j ournal . Bloomington (I l l . ) U 1889-98 I I [v . 9Continued as School 81 home education .

Pub lic schools year book 81 preparatory schools year book .


Lon don .

U 1909+ V 20+Public service . Chicago. U [ 190 7 ] [V .


2 ]Pub-lic works . L ondon . U 190 3+


v . 1+Publishers

circular . L ondon . 1897+ v . 66+ (11. s . v .

Pub lishers ’ trade l ist annual . New York.

U I S77 , 85 3 199 6+ V 5 , 34+Publishers

’ weekly . New York. U 1872-76, 79- 1902, 0 3+ v . 1 15-61 , 63+Continues American literary gazette 81 publi shers circular .V . 1 -2 have title Publishers ’ 81 station ers ’ weekly trade circular .

Puck . (comic ) New York . U r+Punch . London . U 1841-6z , v . 1 -42

Purd ue agriculturi st . Lafayette (I n d ) U 190 7+ 2+Purdue un ivers ity. Lafayette (I n d ) Debris . (s enior class annual .)

U 1892-

93. 96 99 . 199 1-92

.9 7+

Monographs : Series relating to foods . U v . 1-2, 5+

Series relating to publi c health . U nos . 1+Civil engineering , Society of. Proceedings . U \

. 1896- 1-

90 4 I I V. 1—8 I IC ontinued byEngineering societies . Purdue en g1n eer1n g rev1ew ; annual publication .

U 190 5+ v . W“190 6+ V . 2+

Pure products . New York . U'

190 5+ v . 1+Pusa ( India) agricultural research in stitute 81 college . Bulletin .

U 19 10 , no . 20

Reports . UPutnam ’ s monthly . New York C U 1906- 10 I I .

v . 1-7 I IContinues C

riti c .

Putnam ’ s monthly magazine . New York . U'

1853- 57 I I v . 1 -‘

10 IIMerged in Emerson ’ s magazine .

Quarry j. ournal of the stone, marb le, slate, l ime , clay, 81 cement traLon don . _ U+

Quarterly j ournal o-f'

econ omi cs . Boston . U 1886+ v . 1+Quarterly j ournal of experimental physiology . London . U

1908+ V . 1+Quarterly j ournal of

’mi croscop ical s cience . London .

U 1879 , 84—85 , v . 27 , 32-33 , (11 . ser . 19, 24 N 1853+ v . 1 -4, 6 ; n . ser . v .

1 - 5 7-8

,1 5 , 20 -2 1


Quarterly j ournal of pure applied mathematics . London . U 1857+ v . 1+Continuing Cambridge Dublin mathematical j ournal .

Quarterly j ournal of science . (W . Crookes . ) Lon don .

U 1864-69. 7 1-72 v 1 -6 8-9. [ 19 ]

Quarterly review . London ; New York . U 1809+ v . 1+Quebec (province .

—Agriculture 81 public works , Commissioner of. Report .U 1867

-69. 7 1 73 74Education

,O ffice of. Report of the super1n ten d en t . U 1855 -59

Health,Board of . Annual report . U 1894+ v . 1+

Publi c instruction,Department of . Report . U 1897

Quebec l iterary and historical society Transactions . U 1863—7 1 , 11 . s er . V . 1 -6

Queen’s college.Belfast (Ireland ) Calendar. U 1898- 190 0 , 08+

Queen ’ s college 81 university . Kingston (Can .) Calendar, pt . 1 .

U 9 8+Mining

,School oi . Calendar . U 08+

Queensborough l ibrary, see Jamaica (N . Y .)Queensland— Government stati stician . A . B . C . of Queensland statistics .

U 199 5+


Railway magazine ; annals of sci ence . (H erapath ) London .


U . I S36-

38, v . 1 -4Railway master mechanic . Chicago . U 1899+ [v . 24+Railway review, weekly n ewsp aper for railway men . London .

U n . ser. no . 185-86Railway signal association . Journal. Bethlehem (Pa .) U+

Pro-ceed in gs . U 1895+ v. 1+Railway surgical j ournal . Chicago . U+R ai lvVay times . London .

U 1838 - 190 0 , v . 1 pt 2-.v 1 1

U, 13 , 15-23 , 3 1 -78

Railway world . Philadelphia . U 190 8+ v 52+Railwayyearbook . London . U 1902 0 3 , 0 6+ v 5-6 9+Rambler . (Johnson ) L ondon . U 1749-52 I I no . 1 -208IIRambler

s magazine 81 New York theatrical regi ster . New YorU 180 9- 1 0 I I v . 1 | I

Rand- M cNal ly bankers’

monthly . Chicago . U [ 1898- 190 1 ] [v . 15-22 ]Rangoon ( India ) Report of the workings of the municip ality . U 190 8-09Reactions , devoted to science of aluminothermics . (Goldschmidt Thermit co. ) New York . U 1908+ v . 1+

Reader ’s guide to p eriodical l iterature . Minneapolis . C U 190 2+ v . 2+Continues Cumulative index to periodicals .


s guide to periodical l iterature . (Cumulated .) M inneapol is .C U 190 5+ V . 1+

Reading (E n g ) College . Calendar . UReading (Pa . )— Controller . Annual report . U 1908+ v . 34+

Health , Board of. Report . U 190 0- 0 2, v . 28-30

Water commiss ioners . Annual report .U 1893. 96 97. 99 1994. 9 6+ v 28. 3 1 34 39. 41+

Reading company . Annual report . U 1896+ V . 1+Contin ues reports of Philadelphia 81 Reading railway —company


,etc . For entries of learned academies thus expressing royal

privilege , see under the first word following this adj ective,which is ab

brev iated and disregarded in the arrangement .Real estate 81 building j ournal . Chicago . U 84-

97 I I [v . 26-39 IIRealty record 81 builder . St . Louis . U 190 4+ v . 1 1+v 1 1 - 12 has title Builder .

devoted to the exposition of anarchist communism . Boston .

U [ 1895-96] [v 1 ]Reconstructed farmer . Tarb-aro (N . C .) U 187 1-72 ,

V. 2

Record of American 81 foreign shipp ing , see American bureau of shipping .

Recorder . (Fraternal mystic circle . ) Ph ilad elpha . U+Records of the past . Washin gton (D . C U 190 2+ v . 1+R ecreat ion s in agriculture, natural h istory, arts , 81 m is cellaneous literature .

(An derson ) London . U 1799- 180 2, V . 1 -6

Recueil de médecine v eterin aire . Paris . U 1879—82, V . 56-59, (ser . 6, V . 6-9)Recueil des travaux chimiques des pays -bas et de la Belgique . Leyden .

U 1882+ v . 1+Recueil hi storique complete des traités, conventions , cap itulations , armistices 81autres actes diplomatiques de tous les états de l

Amérique latine . (Calvo . )U has ordered

Red code [ for public schools ] (National union of teachers .) LondonU 190 8+ v . 16+

Red_Pol led cattle club of America . Annual meeting . U 1908 +v . 26+Red Polled h erd book . U 1890+ v . 1+

Redia ; giorn ale di entomologia . Florence (Italy) N 190 3+ [v . 2+Redwood library 81 athenaeum . Newport (R . see Newport (R . I .) -Redwood library .

Reference catalogue of current l iterature . (Whitaker .) London .

U 1885. 1894+ v . 5 . 7+Reflector . (Leigh Hunt .) London . U 1810—1 1 , V . 1 -2

,pt . 1

Reforme sociale . Paris . U 1881-96, V . 1 -32.


Reformed church in America . Almanac 81 yearbook . New York .

190 3-0 5. 0 7. 1 0 . v . 2—4. 6. 9

Reformers ’ year book . London . U 1895+ v. 1+V. 1 -6 has title Labour annual .

Register 81 farmer’ s almanac . Claremont . U 1870 , 72


78, 87 , 89 , 92

Register of deba tes in Con gress . Washington (D . C . )U 1824 Cong . 18, ses s . 2-Cong . 24”V . 1

Continues Annals of Congress 1789 - 1824, 81 i s continued by Congressionalglobe 1833 - 73 Congress ional record 1873+

Register of the arts 81 sciences . L ondon . U 1823-

32“V . 1

R egistered pharmacist 81 drug clerk’ s j ournal . Chicago . U 1894 V . 8-

9Rehearsal . London . U 1704-08 , V . 1 -

3Reichs gesetzblatt 81 bundes gesetzblatt des nord deutschen bundes . Berlin .

U 1867- 190 1

Reliable poultry j ournal . Quincy ( I ll . ) U 1898+ V. 5+Religion 81 geisteskultur , zeitschrift fur religiose vertiefung des modernengeistes lebens . Gottingen . U 190 7+ V . 1+

Religious education . Chicago. U 1906+ V. 1+Religious education association . Proceedings . U 190 3+ V . 1+Remembrancer ; or, Impartial repository of public events . U 1775—84”18 V . [ IRensselaer polytechnic institute . Troy (N . Y . )

U(The) Polytechnic .1U 899/190 0 , 0 1-0 3 , v . 16, 18- 19

Pi Eta scientific society . Papers . U 1879-82,V . 1 -2

Répertoire bibliographique de la librairie francaise . Paris .

U I 90 0- 04”V .

Repertoire b ib-l1ograph 1que des prrn mpales revues fran cal ses . (Jord el l . ) Paris .U 1897- 99 ll V . I - 3 ll

Repertoire b-1bl10 graph 1que des sc iences math emat i qu es . P'

ar1s . (On cards .)U 1894+ V. 1+

Répertoire de chimie appliquée . Paris . U 1858 63”V . 1 - 5”Absorbed in 1864 81 continued by Bulletin de la Soci été chimique de Paris .

Repertoire de la chimie pure . Paris . U 1858 62“V . 1

Absorbed in 1864 81 continued by Bulletin de l a Société ch imique d e Paris .Répertoire de travaux pub liés sur l a composition , l

an alyse, 81 les falsificat ion sdes denrées alimentaires . (Van develde . ) Brussels . U 190 0 -0 5, V . 1 - 5

Repertorium der analyt is chen chemie ; Leipzig . U 188 1-87”V . I

Repertorium der physik . Munich . U 1866-9 1”V . 1—27HRepertorium d er technischen j ourn al litteratur. Berlin . U 1879+ v . 1+Repertorium fur experimentalphysik, see Repertorium der physik .

Repertorium fiir physikali sche technik,see Repertorium der physik .

Republic Washington (D C ) U 1873 -74. [75 77y

l ll V I -3. [4 8]HRepublic iron 81 steel company . S emi- annual report . U Je . 1902

Republican national convention . Official proceedings . U 1856- 190 4, V. 1 - 13Retai l clerk ’ s international advocate . (Retail clerk

’ s international protectiveassociation . ) Denver (Colo . ) U [ 1902—0 3, 0 5- 0 7 , 09 ]

“[v . 9

- 10,12- 14,

16]Retrospective review 81 historical 81 anti quari an magazine . Lon don .

U 1820 V . 1 - I6 HReview . (National founders

’ associ ation,National metal t rades associati on .)

Detroit (Mi ch . ) U [ 190 5 09+Review of American chemical research

, w e American chemical society .

Review of historical publications relating to Canada, see T oronto univers itystudies ; history series 1 .

Review of reviews . New York, s ee American review of reviews .Review of reviews index to periodicals . London . U 1897 - 190 2 , V . 8—13Revista agricola . Chicago ( I l l .) U 190 6+ V . 2+Revista Chilena de historia natural . Valparaiso . N 190 0 , 0 2 , [v . 4 , 6 ]Revista critica de histori a 81 l iter‘atura espan olas . Madrid .

U 1892- 190 21] V . 1

Revista de Aragon . M adrid, see Cultura espan ola .

Revista de archivos,bib liothecas 81 museos . Madrid . U 187 1+ V. 1+

Revista d e Buenos Aires . Buenos Ayres . U has ordered


Revista de cienci as . Lima (Peru .)Revista de con struction es agrimensura . Havana (Cuba . ) U+Revista d e obras publicas 81 minas . (Associacao dos engenheiros civi s portu

guezes . ) Lisbon (Port ) U 1908+ v 39+Revista de1 ej ercito marina . Mexico . U 1909+ V. 8+Revista economica, economia politica, c iencias politicas 81 sociales . Valparaiso ;Santiago (Chile ) U 1886-90 , V. 1-8

Revista i lustrada 81 b-oletin comercial . (La tin—American foreign trade assoc iat ion . ) St . Louis. U+

Revista storica italiana . 1884- 1910 V . 1 -27 . U has orderedRevista tecnologico- industrial . (A sociacion de ingenieros industriales . ) Barcelona (Spain )

Revista zootecnica. Buenos Ayres . U 1909+ V . 1+Révolution francai se . (Société de l

h istoire'

d e la revolution . ) Paris .U 188 1+ v . 1 -47 . 49+

Revue admin istrative, concernant les finances , le commerce 81 l’

in dustrie .

Paris . U 1839-

47 , V . 1 - 14 (ser . 1, V. 1 -8 ; ser . 2, V . 1 -4 ; ser . 3 , V . 1 -2)

Revue archéologique . Paris . U 1904+ ser . 4, V. 3+Revue biologique du nord de l a Fran ce . Lille . N 1888-9 1 , V. 1

, 3, n o. 6

Revue bleue, see Revue polit ique 81 littéraire .

Revue communale . Paris . U 1909+ V . 17+Revue critique d ’

histoire 81 de l ittérature . Pari s .U 1897+ v . 43 , 45-47 , 49 57 , 6o U has ordered 1883- 1908

Revue d ’art dramatique 81 musical . Paris . U 1909+ V . 24+Revue d ’

assistan ce ; bulletin de la Soci été intern ation ale pour l’

étud e d es quest ions d ’

assistan ce . Paris . U 1894- 190 1”V.

5- 12”v . 1—4 called Simply Bulletin .

Revue d’

écon o‘mie politi que . Paris . U 1887+ V. 1+Revue d ’

en tomolo-gie . (Société francaise ed’

en tomologie . ) Caen .

N 1887+ V . 6+Revue d ’

h istoire des doctrines économ iques 81 sociales . Paris . U 1908+ V. 1+Revue d ’

histoire l ittéraire de la Farn ce . Pari s . U 1894+ V . 1+Revue d ’

h istoire moderne 81 contemporaine . P'

aris . U 1908+ V . 1 1+Revue -de droit internation al 81 de légis lat ion comparée . P


aris . U 1869+ v . 1+Revue de l ’hort icu lture belge 81 etrangere . Ghent . U 1875+ V . 1+Revue d e l

in ge n ieur 81 index technique . Brussels . U 190 4+ V . 4+v . 1 -3 t itled Index de la presse technique .

Revue de la renai ss ance . Paris U 190 9+ V . 10+Revue de mathématiques . (Rivista d i matematica .) (Peano . ) Turin .

U 189 1- 190 1 , V . 1-7see a lso Formulaire de mathématiques .

Revue de mathématiques spéciales . Paris . U 1890+ V . 1+Revue de mécanique . Paris . U 1897+ V. 1+Revue de metallurg-ie . P


aris U 190 5+ V . 2+Revue de métaphysique 81 de morale . Paris . U 1893+ V . 1+Revue d e Paris . Paris . U 1895 , 190 1+ V . 2, 8+Revue -de philologie de littérature 81 d

histoire anciennes . Paris .U 190 5+ v . 29+

Revue de phi losophie . Paris . U 1900+ V . 1+Revue de p sychi atrie 81 de psychologie experimen tale . Paris . U 1898+ V . 1+Revue de synthese historique . Paris . U 190 9+ V. 18+Revue d es b ibl iothéques 81 archives de B elgique . Brussels U 190 5 , V. 3Revue des deux mondes . Paris .U 1865-89 , 1892


93 , 1895+ ser . 2 ,V .

59- 108 ; ser . 3-4, V . 1 -96, 10 9 -20 , 127—62,

ser . 5 , V . U has ordered rest 183 1+Revue des études rabelais iennes . Paris . U 190 3+ v . 1+Revue d es langues romanes . (Société pour l etude -des l angues romanes . )Paris ; Montpelier . U 1870 v . 1+

Revue des questions historiques . Paris . U . 1866+ V . 1+Revue des questions sc ien tifiques .

.Louvain 81 Paris . U 1877—190 5 , 09+ V . 1+Revue des sci ences .naturelles app l iquées , see Soc1été nationale d


de France .


(State) auditor . Annual statement exhib iting condition of state banks .U 1892- 190 0 , 0 2-04, 0 5+

Census board . State census . U 1885Charities 81 corrections , Board of state . An nual report . U 1869+ V . 1+Dams 81 reservoirs , Commissioner of. Annual report . U 1884, 96, 190 1+Dentistry, State board of registration in . Annual report .

1 U 190 1 -0 3. 0 5. 0 7+Education

,Boar-d of. An nual report.

U 1872-76, 82, 87 , 90+ V. 3- 7 , 13 , 18, 2 1+

Education department . Library bulletin . U 190 8+ v .

Factory inspectors . Annual report . U 1894—96, 98, 1900+ V . 1 -3, 5 , 7+Governor . Message .


U 189 1-92, 94-

96, 98, 1902+Harbor commission . Annual report . U 1894, V . 19Health , State board of.

_Annual report .

U 1883 , 9 1-

95 , 190 0 -0 1, V . 6, 14- 18, 23-24

Monthly bulletin . W+I n dustrial statistics , Commissmn er of.

' Annual report .U 1887

—98, 190 3-0 5 , V . 1 - 12

,17- 19

Inland fisheries, Commissioners o f . Annual report .U 1872. 99 . 1902.

0 4+ v . 3. 30 . 33. N 1890 -

97 99- 190 3 . 0 5+ v . 2 1-28.

30434. 36+Insurance comm1ss1on er. Annual report . pt . 1 : F 1re 81 marine . U 1902

—0 3pt . 2 : Life 81 accident . U 1892, 190 2

-0 4Pharmacy

,State board of. Report .

U 1890 ,190 0 -02

, 06+ V . 21 , 3 1-33 , 37+Public roads, State board of . Annual report . U 190 4, V . 3Public s choo ls . Commissioner of.


Annual report .U 1845 -48. 57. 63 . 72

- 76. 82. 87. 90+ v . 1845-48. 12.19 . 28-32. 38. 43. 46+

Railroad commis sioner . Report . U 1890—9 1, 93+Secretary

,of State . Manual . U 189 1 -98, 1907

Shell fisheries, Commis sioners 0 f. Annual report . U 189 1 , 1900 0 1 , 0 3+Soldiers ’ relief

,State board of . Annual report . U 190 0+ V . 12



lState house commiss ion . Report . U 1890 -

9 1 , 94 190 5 , 0 7+Supreme court . Reports of cases . (Rhode I sland reports . )

U 1828+ V .

Treasurer . Annua l report . U 1883-84, 88-89 , 9 1-99, 190 1 -0 3 , 0 5+Valuation , Board of state . Report . U 1873 , 90

Vital statistics, State registrar of. Report upon births , marriages anddeaths . U 1856, 60 , 66, 72, 78, 82, 1902

-0 3 , 06 ,v . 4, 8, 14, 20 , 26, 30 , 50 - 5 1 , 54

Weights , measures , 81 balances, State sealer of. Annual report .U

Rhode I sland Agricultural experiment station . Kingston . Annual report .U N ' -

1889+ V . 1+Bulletin . U 1889+ V . N 1889+ no . 1 -3 , 5-6, 8, 10+

Rhode I sland bar association . Report of the annual meeting. U 190 8+ V . 1 1+Rhode Island historical society . Providence . Collections . U 1827-38, V . 1-4

Rhode I sland Hospital for the insane . Butler . Report . U 1855 , 78, V . 12, 35

Rhode I sland Institute for the deaf. Providence . Report.U 1894-97 . 99 - 190 5 . 07+

Rhode I sl and institute of instruction . Providence . Journal . U 1845-46, V . 1

Rhode I sland (State) prison . Report of board of inspectors .U 18525 3 . 67 . 7 I

Rhode Island school master . Providence . U [ 1856-59, 60 , 62-64] [v . 1-4, 6, 8- 10 ]Rhode I s land society for the encouragement of domestic industry . Provid ence .

Transactions . U 1869 , 73Rhodes ’ j ournal of banking . New York . U [ 1886-9 1 , 93 ] [v . 13- 18, 20 ]Consolidated w ith Bankers

’ magazine Dec . ,1894.

Rhodes ia chamber of mines . Bu lawaya . Annual report .U 190 0 -0 1 , 0 3 , 0 6+ V . 5 -6, 8, 1 1+

Rhodes ian agricultural j ournal . Cape Town . U+Rhodora

,j ourn al of the New England botanical club . Boston . U 1899+ V . 1+

Richmond ( In d . )— M orrisson -Reeves library. Annual report . U


Richmond (V a ) A n n ual‘message of the mayor 81 accompanying documents .

U 1900—08

Auditor.Annual report . U 1899- 19 10

Publ ic charities , Superintendent of. Annual report .U 1895-96. 98- 190 0 .

190 5-09Water works

,Superintendent of c ity . Annual report . U W 190 1+

Richmond 81 Alleghany railroad company . Report . U 1885—86, V . 5-6

Richmond 81 Danville railroad company. Annual report .U 187 1 -74. 84. v . 24-27. 37

Richmond,Fredericksburg Potomac railroad company . Annual meeting .

U 1877 , 80 ) 88'

Q I ’ 93—99 3 190 1+ V 45 , 48, 565 9 , 69+

Richmond (V a ) railway club . O fficial proceedings . U 190 2+ [v . 2, 5+

Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Museu nacional . Arch ivosU 1887-9 9, 0 5+ V. 7—10 , N 1876+ V . 1+

Rio Grande Southern rai lway company . An nual report . U 1896+Rio Grande Western. railroad company . Annual report . U 1896+

Rivista commerci ale , bollettino d ella'

camera di commercio I tal iana a NewYork .

' New York . U 190 9+ V . 8+

Rivista delle b iblioteche 81 de‘gli archivi ., Rome . U 1894-95 , V . 5 -6

Rivista di matematica . Turin, s ee Revue de mathématiques .Rivista di sci-enza . Bologna . U 190 7+ V . 1+Roadmaster 81 foreman . Chicago .

U 190 6 Jan -Apri l ; 19 10+ V . 2 1,no . 1 - 4 ; V . 25+

From Jan —April , 190 6 pub lished as Engin eering- contracting ; then continned as Railway maintenance and structures , l ater resuming its originaltitle .

Roadmasters_81 maintenance—of—way assoc i ation of America . Proceedings of

the annual convention . U 1884—90 , 92, 94+ V . 2-8,1 0


Before 190 1 name“was Roadmasters

’ association of America .

Robert col lege . Constantinople (Turkey ) Catalogue .

U 1893. 98799. 190 1

Report of President . U 1896-99Robert Owen ’ s j ournal . Explanatory of the means to well—p lace

,well- emp loy


81 well- educate the population of the world . London . U 185 1 , V . 1

Rochdale (E n g ) equitable p ioneers society, Ltd . Statement of accountsreport . U 1888

Rochester (N . Y . ) Annual reports . U 1896-

99 , V . 2 1 -24Comptroller . Annual report . U 190 5Council . Proceedings . U 190 0 -09Estimate 81 apportionment . O ffi cial p roceedings . U 190 9Law , Department of . Annual report . U 19 10

Mayor . A n n ual message . U 19 10

Poor of Monroe co. , Superintendent of . Annual report . UPublic s afety

,Department of. Annual report . U 190 9 , V . 10

Public works , Board of. Proceedings .’

U 1875-76

Pub-lic works , Department of . Annual report . U 1900+ V . 1+”

Reynolds lib rary . Annual report .U 189 1 -92, 94 .

-95 , 99 - 190 3 , 0 4, 0 6 0 7 , 0 8+ V . 7 , 10,15- 18, 20 ,


Rochester (N . Y . ) academy of science . Proceedings . N 1889+ V. 1+Rochester (N . Y . ) chamber of

" commerce . Report . ‘U 1904,

-0 6, V . 17- 18

Rock Island company . Annual report . [Rai lroad ] U 190 3-04, V . 1 -2

Rock products ; devoted to concrete 81 manufactured building materials .Chicago G+ ; U+

Rock River univers ity . Dixon (I ll . ) Catalogue . URockefeller institute for medical research . N ew York city . Studies ; reprints .

U 1906+ V . 5+Rockford ( I ll . ) Annual report. U 1902-0 3

Public l ibrary . Annual report . U 190 1+ v . 1+Bulletin . U 190 5+ V . 1+

Water department . Annual report U 1898


Rockford ( I l l . ) college . Annual report of the president.U 94 9

—6 1904+Catalogue . U I 869/70 74 84-86 87+

Rockville (Conn .-Public library Quarterly bulletin . U 190 7-09“V . 1

Roger Williams park museum . Providence (R . I . ) Monographs . (Formerlycalled Bulletin . ) U 190 4+ n o. 1 -4, 7- 15, 17+see a lso Apteryx .

Romania . Paris . U 1872+ V. 1+Romanic review . New York. U 19 10+ V. 1+Romanische bibliothek . (Foerster . ) Halle . U 1888+ V . 1+Romanische forschungen . Erlangen . U 1882+ v . 1+Roman ische studien . (Boehmer . ) Halle . U 187 1—95”pt . 1

Romanische studien . (Eberin g ) Berlin . U 1909+ v. 8+Rome ( I taly) —Commiss ione archeologica comunale . Bullettino.

U 1872+ V . 1+Statis tica 81 stato civi le, Direzione di . Bolletin o d emographico—meteorico .

U+Rome O sservatorio al collegio romano . Memor1e . U 1899+ ser. 3, V. 1+Rome R . Stazione chimic o agraria sperimentale . Annali .

U 1906+ ser . 2, V. 1+Rome ( Italy) see a lso R . Accademia d ei L incei ; British school at Rome In

stitut international de statisti que ; Societa geologic a italiana ; Societa ro

mana per gli studi zoologici ; Societa zoologica itali ana .

Rosen -zeitung . Frankfurt-a-M ; Trier. U 1886+ v. 1+Rosenbe rg lib rary . Galveston s ee Galveston (Te x .)— Rosenberg li


Rostock (Germany) , see a lso Mecklenburgischer patriotischer verein .

Rothamsted experimental station . Herts (E n g ) Rothamsted memoirs .(Lawes 81 Gilbert . ) U 1886-99 , V . 1 -7

Rothamsted experimental station . Herts (En g ) Memoranda of the Rothamsted experiments . (Lawes agricultural t rust committee. ) U 1890 , 95-99

Rothamsted experimental station . Hert s (E n g ) The Rothamsted experi

ments : plans 81 summary tab-les . London . U 1897-99 , 190 5Rothamsted experimental station . Herts (E n g ) Rothamsted memoirs on

agricultural chemistry physiology . (Lawes Gilbert . ) London .

U 1890”V I -3 llRotterdam (Neth .) S tat i st1sche me-dedeel i n gen . U 1908

V erslag van den toestan d d er gemeen te . U 1908

B ij lagen . U 1908Roubaix (France) Cercle horticole . Bulletin trimestriel . U 190 9+Rouen (France) Société des am is des sciences .naturelles . Bul letin .

U 189 1 , v . 27Rouen (France) , see a lso Soci été Normande de géographie.

Roure-Bertrand fi ls, Grasse (France ) Sc ientific and industrial bulletin . W+Rousseau

, see Société Jean-Jacques RousseauRovartan i lapok havi foly6 irat kii lon és tekin tettel a hasznos kartékon y r0var

okra . Budapest . N 1897+ V. 4+Rowell ’ s American newspaper directory, s ee American newspaper directory .

Roxbury (Mass . — Ministry at large . Annual report .U 556 0 , v. 2

. 4. 7- 1 1

Royal agricultural soc iety of England . Lon don . Journal .U 1840+ V . N 190 7+ V. 68+

Royal agricultural society of New South Wales . Sydney . Annual (Journal )U 1906+ V. 1+

Royal anthropological institute of Great B ritain 81 I reland . London . Journal .U 187 1+ v . 1+

Royal arcanum— Supreme council . Bulletin . ( I llinois edition .) Boston (Mass-2U

Royal arch itectural institute o f Canada . Montreal . Quarterly bulletin .

U 190 7+ V. 1+Royal as iatic society of Great B ritain 81 Ireland . London . Journal .

U 1834+ v . 1+


P roceedings , . U 180 0 + V . N 1879 190 1 , V . 28-29, 64-65 , 68Royal society of N ewSouth Wales . Sydney . Journal 81 proceedings .

U 190 8+ V . N 1898+ V . 32+Royal society of Queensland . Brisbane . Proceedings. N 1895+ V 1+Royal society of South. Africa : C ape Town . Transactions N 190 9+ V 1+Royal society of South Australia. Adelaide. M emoirs .

NN[ 1899- 190 2] [v .

Transaction s . N I 88_

6+ V 8 9, 1 1+Royal society of Victoria . Melbourne . Proceedings . N 190 2+ V . 4+Royal statistical society . London . Journal . U 1838 v . 1+Unti l 1887 called Statistical society of London .

Royal univers ity of I reland Dub-lin . see Irel and , Royal university of.Rummel

s I llinois handbook 81 legis lative manual, see I llinois—State


ment of. I llinois handbook .

Rural affairs, see I llustrated an nual register of rural affairs .Rural N ew Yorker . New York .

U [ 1863-6s.l 79 7 1. 17 1 89+ lv . 14 21—23. [24-25. 3 1—32.


58+V . 7-35 has title Moore

s rural New Yorker .Rush medical college . Chicago , s ee Chicago univers ity .

Russia— Finance, Minister of . Budget of the empire . U 1908+Russ ian j ournal of fin ancial statistics . St Petersburg. U 190 0 -0 1

Russ ian review . San Francisco U [ 190 5 ] [v. 1 ]Rutgers col lege . New Brunswick (N . J . ) Pub lications . U 1900 , no . 9

Targum . (Students’ weekly . ) U [ 1896- 190 0 ] [v . 17-20 ]

Rutland railroad company . Annual report .U 1886. 190 2

—0 3 . 0 5+ v . 19. 35-36. 39+Ryerson

s month ly j ournal 81 stock list ."

(Joseph T. Ryerson 81 son .) Chicago .

U+Sa chsische bergwerksze itu n g . Freiberg . U 1853-54, V .


3K . S


ach ische gesells chaft d er wissenschaften . L eipzig— M’athematisch-physische klasse . Abhandlungen .

U 1852+ V . N 1889+ [v . 15- 18, 20 -2 1,23, 25

Berichte uber die verhandlungen .

U 1852+ V. N 190 0+ v . 52-57 , 59+K . Sach sisches statistisches l andesamt , s ee Saxony— Statistisches landesamt .Dresden .

Saginaw (Mich .

-Water commissioners,Board of. Annual report . 'U 190 5+

Saginaw (Mich . ) board of trade . A n nual repo- .rt USt Andrews (Scot . ) Univers ity . Calendar . U

Lib-rary . Bulletin . U 1901+ V. 1+St B ede college . P


eru (I ll . ) Catalogue . U I 896/97; 0 5+St Francis Solan us college . Quincy . ( I ll . ) Catalogue .

U I SS9-9 1 92 95. 190 3 0 5, 0 6+St Franc1s X av l er’s college . Antigonish (N S ) Calendar


St Gall (Switz . ) Naturwissenschaftliche gesel ls chaft . Bericht . N 189'

6+St I gnatius college . Ch icago (I ll . ) Catalogue .

U 72-78, 9 1+St James ’ s magazine . (Lloyd ) London U 1762—64, V. 1 -3St Joseph (N . B . ) college . Prospectus . USt Joseph (Mo .

— P'

ub1ic lib rary . Annual report .U 1893- 190 0 , 0 1-0 7 , 08+ V . 3- 10 ,

12- 17, 19+Bulletin . U 1897+ V . 1+

Joseph 81 Grand I sland railway company. Annual report .U 1897

- 190 1 , 0 3+ V . 1-5, 7+Joseph ’ s diocesan college . Teutopoli s (I ll . ) Catalogue . ULaurent college . Montreal (Can . ) Catalogue .

U 89 9 1 . 949 6Louis (Mo . ) Documents to the c1ty council (with mayor

’ s message .)U


1887-89. 96 97. 190 1+Comptroller . Report . U 1877-84, 85+


Education,Board of . Annual report . U 1858, 99- 190 8, V . 4, 45-54

Health department . Annual report of the“health commissioner .

U 1885-97 , 1900 -0 2, V. 9-20





Statement o f mortality, Vi tal statistics U 190 2+Juvenile court . Report . U 1908+Park department . Annual report. U 190 8+Public library . Annual report . U 1870 -7 1 , 73


74, 76, 78, 8 1 -82, 84+Monthly bulletin . U 190 5+ v . 3+Public l ibrary magazine . U [ 1897-98] [v . 4-5 ]

Water commissioners . Annual report . U 1895, 1902, W 1908+St Louis Ac ademy of s cience . Transactions .

U [ 1858 68+ [v . N 1857+ V . 1+St Louis agricultural 81 mechanical association . Annual report .

U 1858, 69-

70 , V . 3 , 9- 10

St Loui s,Alton Terre Haute railway company . Annual report .

.U 1888-92, V . 26-


St Louis 81‘

San Francisco railway company . A n n ua l'

report .

U - 1906 , V . M O

St Louis architectural -club Catalog of annual exhibition . U 1899St Louis Civic league . Year of civic effort : addresses 81 reports at annual

meeting . U 1907St Loui s globe-democrat . (Daily . ) U 1909+St Louis j ournal of agriculture, see Journal of agriculture

,St Louis .

St Louis labor . U [ 190 3 ] [v . 3 ]St Louis mercantile library association . Annual report .

U 1849-58, 60 -64, 66, 68, 70+ V . 3- 12


—18, 20 , 22,24+

St Louis merchants’ exchan ge . Annual statement of the trade 81 commerceof St Louis . U 1865-68, 70+

St Louis Missouri botanical garden . Ann ual report .G 190 8, V . 19 ; U 1889+ V . N 189 1+ V. 2+

St Louis New England society . Annual reunion . U 190 2-0 3 , V . 18- 19

St Louis railway club . O fficial proceedings .

U 1899+ [v . 4-5 . 7 . 9 . 1 1+

St Louis republic . (Daily 81 Sunday . ) U July 1909+St

Louis , Southwestern rai lway compan y . Annual report . U V . 1+S t Louis trans it company. Annual report . U 190 1

- 0 3 , V . 2—4St Louis United railways company . Annual report .


U 190 1+ V . 2+St Louis W


age earners’ self—culture club s . Bulletin . U [ 1899- 190 5 ] [v . 3—9 ]

St Michael’

s college . Toron to (Can . ) Catalogue . U 1893-95 ,St Nicholas . (Juveni le ) New York.

C 1884-87 , 93+ V . 12- 14. Ur 1879+ V . 7+

St Nicolas . Paris . U 190 1+ V . 23+St Paul (Minn . ) Annual reports . U 1885-87 , 89-90 , 92- 190 8

Comptroller . Report . U 190 2- 0 3 , 0 5+

Engineering d epartment . Annual report of the city engineer . U 190 1

Health,Commiss ioner of. Annual report . U 1889-99, 190 1-09

Public library . Annual report . U 1885 - 190 5 , V . 4-24

Pub-lic works , Commiss ioner of . Annual report . U 1885-98, 1900- 08

St Paul 81 Duluth railroad company . Annual report . U 1888

St Paul chamber of commerce . Annual report .U 1867-68, 70 -73 , 81 -82, 84, 86, 96, v . 1 -2

, 4-7, 15- 16, 18, 20 , 30

St Paul, Min neapolis 81 Manitoba railway company . Annual report .U —

99 , V . 3-20

St Paul (city) ,

railway company , s ee Minneapolis street railway company ;Twin city rapid tran s it company .

St Petersburg (Russia) Botan ischeskn sad . Trudy . U '187 1-74 ,V . 1—3

St Petersburg (Russia) Laboratoi re biologique. Bulletin .

N 1896+ v. 1 -4. [59 ] 10+St Petersburg (Russia) Société impériale d es naturalistes . T ravaux .

N 1888+ [v . 10 ,20 -2 1

,26 3 1 , [32 37+


St Petersburg (Russia) , see a lso Académie impériale d es sci ences ; Societasentomologica rossi cae ; Société russe de p isciculture 81 de péche .

St V iateur’

s college . Bourbonnais ( I ll . ) Catalogue .

U 98 02+St Vincent’s college . Chicago ( I ll . ) Catalogue. USte Marie college . Montreal (Can . ) Catalogue . U 1898+Salem (Mass . )— Public l ib-rary . Annual report . U 1889+ V. 1+

Bulletin . U 189 1 - 190 1 , 0 3+ V . 1-5 , 7+Salem see also Essex institute ; Peabody academy of science .

Salford (E n g ) Reports . U 1908

Salt Lake City (Utah . ) Annual report s (with mayor’ s message . )

U 189 1 , 190 7-08

Engineer . Annual report . U 189 1 , 190 7+Health , Board of . Statement of Vital statistics . U+

Salvation . New York . U 1899- 190 1 , 0 3, V. 1- 53,Sammler ; il lus

trirte fachzeitSch-rift fur sammelwesen an t iqu itaten kun d e .

(B ren d icke . ) Berlin . U 1890 -99 , V . 12—21

Sammlung chemischer 81 chemisch- technischer vortrage . (Ahrens . ) Stuttgart . U 1896+ V. 1+

Sammlung englischer d en kmaler in kriti schen ausgaben . Berlin .

U 1880 -85 , V. 1 - 5Sammlung fran zosischer' neudrucke . (Vollmoller. ) Heilb ronn .

U 1881-88, V. 1-9Sammlung n ation alokon omischer


81 stati stischer abhandlungen d es S taatw is

sen schaftlichen seminars zu Halle . (Conrad ) Jena . U 1877+ V . 1+Sammlung von abhandlungen aus dem geb iete der paedagogisch en psychologie

81 phys iologie . (Schiller 81 Ziehen . ) Berlin . U 1897- 190 V . 1-8 | iSammlung Von abhandlungen zur psychologischen padagogik . (M euman n . )Leipzig . U 1906+ V. 1+

San Antonio (Tex . ) Carnegie library. Monthly bulletin . U 1


San Diego (Cal ) society of natural history . Transactions . U 190 5+ V . 1+San Francisco (C al ) Municipal reports .

U 1875—76. 86-87. 89-9 1 . 93-95. 98 99 . 1904+(City) attorney. Report . U 190 7-0 9Auditor. Annual financial statemen t of city 81 county . U 08—10

Fire commiss ioner . Report . U 190 6-09Health

,Board of. Report . U 190 6-09

Park commis sioners . Biennial report .

U 1874 76. 86 87 . 89-9 1 93 95. 98-99. 190 9—10

Public health department. Bulletin of the city 81 county. U+Publi c library . Monthly bulletin . U 1906+ V . 12+Supervisors , Board of . Municipal record . U+

Reports on water supply . U 190 0 -08

San Francisco 81 N orth Pacific railway company. Annual report .U 0 5-0 6, V. 13, 16- 17

San Francis co board of trade . Annual report . U 1889, 190 1 , V . 12,24

San Francisco chamber of commerce . An nual report .U 1877 . 79—85. 88-89. 92. 190 0 -0 5. v . 27 . 29 35. 38


39 . 42. 56 55

San Francisco merchants ’ assoc i ation . Annual report . U 190 5+ V . 12+Merchants ’ association review . U+

San Francis co Merchants ’ exchange . Annual report . U 190 5-0 8, 09 - 10

Statistical report . U 190 4+San Francisco produce exchange. Annual report .

U 1887-89 , 9 1-92, 95 , 1900 , v . 20 -22

,24-25 , 28

, 33

San Franci sco United railways. investment company . Annual report .U 190 5+ V . 4+

San Salvador Museo nacional . An ales . U+Sanidad 81 ben eficen cia . Havana (Cuba . ) U 190 9+ V , 1+Sanitarian . New York . U 18734 904“V ,

Continued in Popular science monthly.


School news 81 practical educator . U 1897+ V . 1 1+School of mines quarterly . (Columbia univers ity .) New York .

U 1879+ V . 1+School review . Hamilton (N . Univers ity of Chicago .

C 190 7+ V . U 1893+ V . 1+School science 81 math ematms Ch 1cago.

U 190 1+“

[v . I'

.l 2. [3 N 190 1+ v . 1 -3, 5+Schoolmasters ’ associ ation of New .York 81 V ic inity . Annual report.

U V.


yearbook 81 directory . London . U 1909 , .V . 7Schuylkill navigation company . Report . U



. 42-44, - 64

Schweizer archiv fii r heraldik . Archives herald iques suisses . Zurich .

U 1899, V . 13'

Schweizerische entomologische gesellschaft . Schaffhausen . Mittei lungen .

Schweizerische milch- zeitung,

81 landwirts chaftliche umschau. Schaffhausen .

U 190 1+ V . 27 ,-

28 30+M on atsb-ei lage . U 1908+

Schweizeri sche n aturforschen d e gesellschaft . Berne . Verhandlungen .

N 1868+ v . 62, 73+Schweizerisches archiv fu r volkskunde . Zurich . U 1897- 190 5, V . 1 -9Sci ence . Cambridge New York .

G+ ; U 1883+ V. N 1885+ [v . 2, 5+Continues

Science . (Michels ) New York .


U 1880 -81,v. 1-2

Science abstracts . ( Institution of elec trical engineers, 81 Phys ical society ofLondon . ) London . U 1898+ V. 1+

Science 81 industry . Scranton (Pa ) U 1897- 190 3 |'

V . 2—8, no . 4”

Continued i n . Power,Scranton . V . 2-

3 called Home study magazine ; V . 4“

Mechan i c arts magazine .

Science gos sip , see Hardw icke’ s s cience


gossip .

Science of health . New York . U 1875 , V . 6

Scien ce progress ; a monthly rev iew of current scientific 1n vest1gat1on . London .

N [ 1894-

96] lv . I. 4. 5 ]

Science progres s in the twentieth century . L on don .

Science record . N ewYork ..

'G 1872, V . 1 ; U 1872. 74-75 V . 1, 3

Scien tific American . New York .

C 1883+ v . U 1848 64. 69+ v . 3-9. I ii -25. 34-

36. 38. 40 -41 . U r+Building edition . New York . U —190 0 , v. 1 5 , 17-30

After 190 5 continued as American homes 81 g .ardensSupplement . New York . U 1876+ V . C 1882+ V . 14+

Sc ientific farmer . Springfield Boston . U 1878, V . 3

Scientific op inion . London ..U 1868—69 ,


I -2Scotland— Gen eral register hou se . Annual report on births, death s, 81 mar

riages . U 1908+ V . 53

Local government board An nual report . U V . 1+Scotland

,see a lso Highland 81 agricultural society of Scotland ; Institution of

en gineers 81 shipbuilders in Scotland .

Scots magazine . Edinburgh . U 1739-‘

1826H V . 1-93 , 95-97HScottish antiquary ; or Northern notes 81 queries . Edinburgh . 1886-99, V . 1 - 13 .

U has orderedS cottish geographical magazine . (Royal Scottish geographical society. ) Edinburgh .

U 1885+ V . 1+Scotti sh h ist0 1y society . Edinburgh . Publications . 1887+ V . I+

UU has ordered


Scotti sh text society . Ed i -“burgh Publications . U 1884+ V . 1+Scov ille institute , see Oakpark ( I ll . )— Scoville institute .Scranton (Pa . )— Public safety ,

“Department of. Annual report . U 190 3

-04, V. 3Public library . Annual report . U 189 1+ V. 1+

Bulletin U 190 7+ v . 2+Scribner ’ 3 monthly . New York .

C 1877 -8 1”V . 14, 16 U 1870 -81”V . 1 Ur 1879 81”v . 19-22H

Continued as Century magazine .


Scribn er’s magazine . New York. C U Ur 1887+ V . 1+Seaboard air line railway company . Annual statement . U 1906+ V . 6+Seaman ’ s aid society of Boston , see Boston (Mass . )Seattle (Wash . )— Civi l service commission . Annual report . U 190 1

Comptroller . R eport . U 1898- 190 0 , 06- 0 7 , 08- 0 9

Health s anitation,Department of . Report . U 190 5+

Bulletin . U+Mayor . Ann ual message . U 1909Public library . Annual report . U 1896-

99 , 190 3, 0 5+ V . 6—9 13 , 1 5+

Bulletin . U 190 0+ [V 1 4+Sebastopol (Russia) , see Sevastop-ol .

S-ed alia (Mo . )— Pub li c library . Annual report . U 1896—98, 190 0+ v . 1 - 3, 5+Se ine , Department of, see France .Selden society . L ondon . Publications . U 1887+ v . 1+Select j ournal of foreign periodical l iterature . Boston . U 1833 -

34 I I V . 1 -

4 I ISelect reviews 81 sp iri t of . the foreign magazines . Philadelph ia .

U 180 9 - 12 I I V . 1

Semaine horticole: Brussels . U 1897- 190 0“V . 1

Continuation of the union of Illustration horticole, 81 Journal des orch id ees .

S emin arium philologici E rlan gen se . Erlangen . Acta . U 1879—9 1 , V . 1 -5Se n cken bergische n aturforsch en d e gesel ls chaft . Frankfurt-am-Main . Bericht .

U 190 0 ; N 189 1-

99 , 190 1+Sevastopol (Russ ia) —Station biologique , see Académie imperi ale des


sciences .St Petersburg .

Severance, ,

H . O . Guide to the current, p eriodicals 81 serials of the United

States 81,Canada U 190 7+ V . 1+

Sewanee review . (University of the South . ) Sewanee New York .

U 1892+ v . 1+Shakespeare society . London . Publications . U 1841 -52, v . 1 - 18

see a lso New Shakspere society .

Shakespeariana . Philadelphia ; New-York . U 1883 V . I - I OH

Shanhai (China) St John’ s university . Catalogue . U

Shanghai (China) , see a lso International institute .

Shelby. iron company . Report . UShelley society . London . Publications . U 1888+ ser . 1

,V .

Shepherd, i l lustrating the princip les of un iversal s ciences . (J . E .

Smith .) London . U 1834-38, V . 1 -3Shepherd ’ s criterion . Chicago

, see Amer1can sheep b reeder ; Wool markets 81sheep .

Shingle .weaver . ( International shingle weavers’ union of America. ) Everett

(Wash. ) U [ 190 7 ] [v . 5 ]Shipp in g world” yearbook ; a manual in trade, commerce 81 navigation . Lon

don . U 190 0 , V . 14Shire horse soc iety . London . Shire horse stud book . U 1880+ V . 1+Shirt , waist 81 laundry workers

’ “international union . O fficial j ournal . Troy

(N . Y . ) U [ 190 3 ] [v . 1 ]Shoe workers’ j ournal : (Boot 81 shoe workers

’ union .) Boston .

0 0

U [1 900 - 0 7 ] 08+ lv . 1 5 - 7. 9+Shorthorn soc1ety of Great B r1ta1n 81 I rel and , see Coates

s herd book .

Sh ropshire sheep breeders ’ assoc1ation 81 flock book society . Shrewsbury 81Leeds (E n g ) Flock book of Shropshire sheep . U 1883+ V . 1+


college . Upper Alton (I ll . ) Catalogue .

U 73 76 899 1 . 190 0 +Sibley j ournal of engineering . (Corn ell university .) I thaca (N . Y . )

U 1893+ V. 8+Formerly S ibley j ournal of mechanical engineering .

Sidereal messenger . Cincinnati (O . ) U 1846 V . 1 -3 , no . I”Sidereal messenger . Northfield (Minn . ) U 1882—9 1”V . 1- 10HContinued as Astronomy 81 astro—physics .

Siena (I taly) Univers ita. Aviso . U 1909+


Sierra club . San Francisco . Bulletin . U 19 10+ V . 7+S 1gma Kappa sorority . Triangle . Melrose Some rville (Mass .)

U 1908+ v . 3+Sigma Phi Epsilon fratern ity . Journal . Richmond (V a ) U+Sigma Sigma Sigma fratern ity [ sorority ] Triangle. Woodstock (V a ) U+Signal engineer . Chicago . U 1909+ V . 2+Silent partner . Cleveland (O . ) U 190 9+ V . 4+Si les ia Verein . fii r

’geschichte alterthum

,see Verein fur geschichte 81 alter

thum Schles iens .Silk association of America . Annual report . New York. U V

. 27S il l iman

s j ournal , see American j ournal of sc1onceS 1lver cross . ( International order of the King

’s daughters 81 sons ) N ewYork . U+

Simmons college library training school . Boston (Mass . ) Catalog .

U 190 2-04, 0 5+

Simplified spelling board . New York . Bulletin . U 190 9+ V i 1+Circular . U 1906+ no . 1+

S ingle tax review . New York . U 190 1+ V. 1+Sioux City (Ia . ) Academy of science 81 letters . Proceedings . U 190 3+ V. 1+Sirius ; zeitschrift fii r populare astronomie . Leipzig . U 1896+ v

. 29+Skan d in aven . Chicago . U+Skandinavisches archiv fur physiologie . Leipzig . U has orderedSlater fund, see John F . Slater fund for the education of freedmen .

Sleeping s ickness bureau . London . Bulletin . N 1908+ V . 1+Sloss—Sheffield steel iron company. Annual report . U 190 3 , V


. 4Smith college . Northampton (Mass .) Smith college monthly .

U [ 1893 —99. [99 0 5. 0 7 ] lv . 1 5-6. [7 , 12. 14]

Sm1thson 1an 1n st1tut10 n . Washmgton (D . C . ) Ann ual report . (also in Con

gression a l documents set) .

G 1856-

57, 61 , 87-89 ; U 1849 , 53+ V . 4, 8+ N 1856, 62-63 , 67 , 83+Contributions to knowledge . U 1848+ V. 1+Miscellaneous col lections . U 1860 -99, 190 2, 0 4+ V . 1 -39 , 41

-43 , 45+Quarterly issue . U 190 3 - 10”V. 1

United States National museum . Annual report, (S ee a lso Smi thsoni aninstitution . Annual report . ) U 1880 - 190 3 ,


N 1860,1881+

Bulletin . U 1875+ no . 1- 15 , 17 - 18, N 1875+'

n o. 1-32, 34+Special bulletin s .


U 1892 ,190 0 ,

n o. 1 , 4Proceedings . U N 1878+ V. 1+

see a lso U . S . Astrophys ical observatory : U . S .


-E .n -thology, Bureau ofAmerican ; Un ite-d States National h erb arium .

Smul l’

s legislative handbook 81 manual, see Pennsylvan ia legislative handbook .

Snow’s Pathfinder railway guide . Boston . U [ 1866, 73 ]Social -d emocracy , see a lso Justice .

Social democrat, a monthly socialist review . London .

U [ 190 0 . 0 2. 0 4. 0 5 ] lv . 4. 6. 8. 9 ]Social economist . New Yor-k. U 189 1-915”V~. 1

Continued as Gu n ton’

s magazine.Social forum

, d evoted to present day problems . Chicago .

U [ 1899- 190 0 ] 11 . ser. V . 1, [2]

Social gospel . (The Christian commonwealth . ) Commonwealth (Ga . )U 99 ] lv.

1,2 ]

Social progress . (Josiah Strong .) N ew York . U 190 5—06, V . 2-3

Social reform union . Alhambra Chicago . Bulletin . U [ 1899 ] [v . 1 ]Studies . U [ 1899—190 0 ] [v . 1-2]

Social sc ience . (Socialistic .) New York . U [ 1887 ] [v . I ]Social i st annual . Boston . U 1894, V . 1

Socialist campaign book . (Sociali st party .) Ch icago . U 1908

Socialist l abor p arty . Proceedings of annual convent ion . U 1887, 96, V. I , 9see a lso Weekly people .

Sociali st league , see a lso Commonweal .Socialis t party . (Monthly ) Ch i cago .

U+Soci ali st review .

Kearney (Neb . ) U [ 1900 ] [v . 1 ]


Société d’

horticulture d e viticulture du Puy- de-Dome . Clerm'on t-Ferrand .

Bulletin mensuel . U+Société de b iologic . Paris . Comptes- rendus hebdoman d aires des séances .

N 1894+ V . 46—50 , 52+Société de l

al imen tation rationelle . Bétail . Compte ren du d u co-n grés .

U 1898, V . 2

Soc iété de l ecole des chartes , see Paris Ecole d es chartes .Société de legislation compareé . Paris . Annuaire de legislation etrangere .

U 187 1+ V . 1+Annuaire d e legis lation francaise . U 1882+ V . 1+Bulletin . U 1869+ V . 1+

Société de linguistique de Paris . Mémoires . U 190 9+ V . 16+Société de statistique de Paris . Journ al . U 1860+ V. 1+Société des anciens textes francais . Paris . Bulletin . U 1875+ V . 1+

Publication s . U 1875+ V . 1+Société des études coloniales maritimes . Pari s . Bulletin . U 1900Société des ingénieurs civils de France. Paris . Mémoires 81 travaux .

U 1909+ ser . 6a, v . 62+R ésumé de quinzaine . U 19 10+ n o. 13+

Soc1été des langues romanes . Montpelier, see Société pour l’

étude d es languesromanes .

Société d es sciences , des arts d es lettres du Hainaut . Mons (Belgium . )Mémoires et publications . U 1873 , ser 3 , V. 9

Société des textes fran caises modernes . Paris . Publication s .U 190 5+ ser . 1 2+

Société entomologique de Belgique . Brussels . Annales .U 1896

—97 . 99 . 1906. v . 40

-41 . 43. 49 ; N 1870+ v . 14- 15. 26. 28+

Bulletin . N 1879, 1881-9 1

Mémoires . N 188 1+ V . 1+Société entomologique de Fran c e . Paris . Annales .

N 1846. 75. 79-80 . 83+ v . 15. 44."

48-49. 52+Bulletin . N [ 1846 93 95. 97- 190 3. [04, 09+

Société entomologique de Russ ie, see Societas entomologica ross ica .

Société francaise de mineralogie . Paris . Bulletin . U 1878+ V. 1+Société francaise de physique . Paris . Bulletin des séances . U+

Collection de memoires relati fs a la physique . U 1884-9 1 , V . 1 -5Société géologique de France . Pari s. Bulletin . U 1872+ V . 44Société helvetique des sciences naturel les , Berne, see Schweizeri sche naturforschende gesellschaft .

Société hippique percheronne . Nogent-le-Rotrou . (Francs ) S tudbookpercheron . U 1883 , 87+ V . 1, 3+

Société horticole vigneronne 81 forestiere'

d e 1’

Aube . Troyes . An nales . U+Société imperiale centrale d ’

horticu lture .de France , see S ociété nationaled

horticu lture de France .

Société internationale pour l’étude des questions d’

assistan ce . Pari s . Bulletin .

U 1890 - 190 1”V. 1

From v . 5- 12 cal led Revue d’

assistan ce .

Société Jean-Jacques Rousseau . Geneva . Annales . U 190 5+ V. 1+Société khédiviale de géographie . Cairo (Egypt ) Bulletin . U 190 7+ V . 7+Société libre pour l ’étud e p sychologique de l

enfant . Paris . Bulletin .

U 1904+ [v . 6+Société linnéenne du nord de la France . Amiens . Bulletin . N 1898+ V. 13+


N 18991—190 4, V . 10 - 1 1

Société malacologique d e Belgique . Brussels . Annales .U has ordered complete

Société mathématique d e France . Paris.


U 1872+ V . 1+Société minéralogique de France

, see Société francaise de mineralogie .

Société mycologique de France . Par is . Bullet in . U 1885-87 , no . 1-3Société nationale d

acclimatation -de France . Paris . Bulletin .

N 1861+ V 8. 1 1 - 13. I 7. 26-41 . 43-

44. [45 48+Called Revue des sciences naturelles appl iquées . 1889-95, v . 36-42.


Journal . N 1898-

99 , [v . 1 ]Soc iété nationale d

horticulture de France . Paris . Annuaire . U 1884, 190 1

Journal . U 1855- 1902, 0 5+ v . 1-48 , 5 1+

Continues Société d’

hort icu lture de Paris .Société Normande de géographie . Rouen . Bulletin . U+Société portugaise de sciences naturel les . Lisbon . Bulletin . N


1907+ V:1+

Sociét é pour l’

étud e d es langues romanes . Montpellier . Publ ications spémales .

U 1876+ V . 1+see a lso Revue des langues romanes .

Société royale d ’

horticu lture de Paris , see Société d’

horticu lture de Paris .Société royale de botanique de Belgique . Brussels. Bulletin .

U 1862-90 , 190 7+ V . 1-29, 44+Société royale linnéenne . Brussels . Bulletin . N 1896- 190 5, v . 22-23 , [24—3 1 ]Société royale zoologique malacologique de B elgique . Brussels . Annales .

U 190 6+ v . U has ordered restSociété russe de p isciculture 81 de péche . St Petersburg, see also Vestnik

rybopromySlen n osti .Société scien tifique d u Chile . Santiago . Actes N 1892, V . 2, pt 1 -2

Société Vaudoise des sciences naturelles . Lausanne . Bulletin .

N 1874+ v . 13 33+Société zoologique de France . Paris . Bullet in . N 1888-94, [v . 16- 19

Mémoires . N 1892-96, V . 5-6, 9Society for experimental b iology 81 medicine . New York . Proceedings . U+Society for political education . New York . E conomic tracts .

U 1881-86, no . 1 -30

Society for psychical research . London . Proceedings . U 1882+ V . 1+Society for the encouragement of arts , manufactures 81 commerce . London .

Journ al of the Society of arts . U 1852-93, v . 1 -41

Transactions . U 1783 18481] v . 1

Society for the promotion of agricultural scien ce . Proceedings .U 1882+ v . N 1882+ V . 1-13 , 16- 17 , 19 , 21+

Society for the promotion of engineering education . Proceedings .U 1893+ V . 1+

Society for the promotion of Hellenic studies . London . see a lso Journal ofHellen ic studies .

Society 'for the p romotion of useful arts in the state of New York . Transactions . U 180 7, v . 1

Society for the protection of children from cruelty immorality . Baltimore .

Annual report . U 1890 , V. 12

Society instituted in the state of New York for the promotion of agriculture,arts, 81 manufactures . Transactions . Albany . N 180 1 , v . 1

Society of Americ an florists . Boston . Proceedings .U 1885. 87—95. 97- 190 4. v . 1

. 3- 1 1


Society of antiquaries . London . Proceedings .U 1843+ s er. 1

,V . 1 -4, ser. 2,

v . 1+Society of architects . Lo .ndon Journal . U+Society of arts , see Society for the encouragement of arts , manufacturescommerce .

Society of chemical industry . London . Journal . U 1882+ V. 1+Proceedings . U 188 1 , V . 1

Society of comparative legis lation . London . Journal .U 190 8+ n . ser . V . 9+ (no . U has ordered rest

Society of engineers . London . Transactions . U 1888, 92, 95- 190 2, 10+Wi th 19 10 a new series began called Journal transactions .

Society of naval architects 81 marine engin eers . New York . Transactions .U 1893- 190 2, V . 1 - 10

Society of pub-lic analysts . London, see Analyst .Society of railway club secretaries . Index of papers subj ects discussed byrai lway clubs . U

Society of telegraph engin eers . London , see Institution of electrical engineers .London .


Society of western artists,Chicago . Catalogue of ~ the annual exhib ition . (Art

institute,Chicago . ) ' U 1906, V . 1 1

Society to encourage studies at home . Annual report. . U 1896,‘

V . 23Sociological review . London . U 190 8+ V . 1+Sociological society . London . Sociological p apers . U 1904

- 06,V . 1-3

Somerville (Mass . )— Health d epartment . Annual reports .U 1892- 190 9 , v. 15-32

Publi c library . Annual report . U 1898, V . 26

Library bulletin . U 1898+ V .

(City) . treasurer . Report . U 190 5—0 9

Water commissioner . Annual report . U 190 2—0 4, 06+ V. 29

—3 1 , 33+

Somerville (Mass . ) board of trade . O fficers, committees 81 l ist s of members . U 190 5+

Soun d currency. New York . U 1895- 190 5”V . 2- 1 1HSouth Africa— Central locust bureau . Pretori a . Report . U 190 7+ V . 1+South Africa, s ee a lso Royal society of South Africa .

South African min ing j ournal . Johannesburg .

South African philosophical society . Cape Town . Transactions .N 1900+ v . 1 1+

South Atlantic quarterly . Durham (N . C . ) U 190 5+ V . 4+South Australia— Agriculture

,Department of. Bulletin . U 190 9+ no . 41+

Contains reprints from J ournal .Journal . U 1908+ V . 12+

Public works department . Annual report . URailway comm iss ion . Annual report . U

South Australia, see a lso Royal society of South Australia .

South Bend (I n d ) Annual reports . U 1896-97 , 190 1-02, 0 5-09South Carolina -Adjutant inspector general . An nual report .

U 1881-84, 94, 1904+Agriculture , Board of . Annual report . U 1888

,V . 9

After 190 3 continued byAgriculture



,State department of . Annual re

port . U 1908+ V . 5+Annual report of L abor divis ion . U 190 9+ V . 1+Bulletin . U 19 10 + V . 1+

Attorney-general ’s office . Report . U 1908+Chancery

,Court of. Reports of cases . (South Carolina equity reports )

U 1784- 1868 l]Comptroller general . Annual report . U 1870 , 97 , [ 1902-04,Education

,State superintendent of. Annual report.

U 1869- 70 . 72-73 . 85. 96. 1904+ v . 1 -2. 4-5 . 17. 22-24. 28. s6aL

General assembly . Acts . U 1861

General assembly . Reports and resolutions . U 1870 -7 1 , [96, 98, 190 2-0 7 ]Health

,State board o f. Annual report .

U 1897- 1904, V . 18-25 ; W 1908, V . 29House of representatives . Journal . U 80—82

Public record commis s ion . Report . U 1893Railroad commissioners . Annual report . U 1892, 1908+ v. 14, 30+Senate . Journal . U 1845 , 80

Sinking fund commissioners . Annual report . U 190 8+Supreme court . Reports of cases . (South Carolina law reports . )

U 1784

(South Carolina reports . ) U 1868+ V. 1+Treasurer . An nual report . U 1875, 78, 80 , 82, 86—97 , 1900+

South Carol ina Agricultural 81 mechanical society. Transactions . U 1890 -9 1

South Carolina Agricultural experiment station . Clemson college . AnnualreportU 1888-

95 , 97 , 190 0 + V . 1 -8,

N 1888- 1904, V. 1 -2, 4-5 , 7 -8

,10 - 1 1 . 13- 17

Continues South Carolina college— Experimental farm .

Bulletin .

U 1888+ ser . 2, n o. N 189 1+ ser . 2, n o. 2-5, 7-21 , 23-47 , 52-58, 60 ,62

69. 72-98. 100 - 1 15. 1 19+


Southern p lanter. Richmond (V a ) U 1898- 190 7, [v . 60 -66, [67 -68]Southern Presbyterian review . 1847-55 , V . 1 -36. -U has orderedSouthern quarter ly review . New Orleans ; Charleston . U has orderedSouthern railway company . Annual report . U V. 1+Southern railway time association , see American rai lway association .

Southern reporter . St Paul . U 1896+ V . 20+Southern states association of the commissioners of agriculture . Proceedings .

U 190 3. 06+ v . 5. 8+Southern workman d evoted to the interest of undeveloped races . Hampton (V a )

U [ 1904] [v . 33 ]South-western Poland- Ch ina record associat ion . Record . Gadsden (T enn . )

U 190 1-0 5 , v . 1 -2

Southwestern reporter . St Paul . U 1896+ V . 37+Souvenirs entomologiques . (Fabre .) Paris. N 1879+ v . 1+Sovereign Vis itor . (Modern woodmen of the world . ) Omaha (N eb .) U+Sozialdemokratische partei D eutschlan ds . Berlin . Protokoll .


U 1880. 90 . 93. 95

Soziale p raxis 81 archiv fur volkswohlfahrt . Berlin ; Leipzig .

U 1892+ V . 1 +Title V . 1 -3 Cen trallblatt .

Sozialistische arbeiter partei von Nord Amerika, see a lso Vorwarts .

Sozialistische monatshefte . Berlin . U [ 1897 190 7+ [v . 3 1 1+Sozialis tische student . B erlin . U [ 1897 ] [v . 1 ]Special libraries . (Speci al lib raries association . ) New York .

U 19 10+ V. 1+Spectator . Lon-don .

U 1832-

41 . 43—53. 69 . 75-81. 84+ v . 5- 14. 16-26. 42. 46-54. 57+Spectator . (Ad dison ) London . U 17 1 1- 12,

n o. 1 -555Spectator . ( Insurance . ) New York . U 1904+ v. 72+Spelling reform as soc iation . Boston (Mass .) Bulletin . U 1877 - 78, V . 2-5Spenser society . Manchester. (E n g ) Publ ications

U 1867-94, V . 1 -39 , 42, 44-

47 , n ew. ser. v . 1-6

Sp irit of missions . (Protestant Episcopal church . ) New York .

C 190 4-0 7 . v . 69-72

Spokane (Wash .)— Pub lic lib rary. Annual report . U 1908+ V .

Spolia zeylanica . (Colombo museum , C eylon . ) U N V . 1+Sport 81 athletics . (Annual . ) London . U 190 8

Sprechsaal . (Ceramics ) Coburg. U 190 7+ V . 40+Springfield ( I ll . ) Report o f officers. U

Lincoln l ib rary . Annual report . U 1894, 190 1+Bulletin . U 1906+ no . 1+

-Water works department . Annual report . W 19 10+Springfield (I ll . ) (City) d irectory . (Polk .) U 1904

-0 5Springfield, I llinois daily s tate j ournal . U [ 1849 , 50 , 65 , 67, 68] [v . 2, 17, 20 ]Springfi eld , I llinois j ou rnal (weekly) U [ 1847-48 ] [v . 17 ]Springfield , I ll inois organ . U [ 1848-5 1 ] [v . 1 -

3 ]Springfield, I ll inois state j ournal (daily) U May


Springfield , I llinois state register (dai ly )U [ 1849 . 50 . 57 . M ay. 190 9+ [v . 1 . 2. 10 . v . 74+

Springfield , I llinoi s state register (weekly)U [ 1845 , 49 , 56, 187 1 , [ n . ser . v . 6, 14, 21 ]

Springfield ( I ll .) News . U+Springfield ( I ll . ) Pleasure driveway 81 park district , Trustees of. Annual report . U

190 2-0 3 , 0 5-0 7 , V . 1 -2, 4-6

Springfield see a lso I ll inois— Natural history, State museum of .Springfield (Mass . ) City documents . (Municipal register . )

Health,Department of . Annual report .

(City) l ibrary association . Annual report .U 7 I " 83y 86 '

QO ’ 95+Bulletin . U 1898+ v . [ I 7 ]+

Water commissioners . Annual report .


U 1875 76, 78-79 , 81-82, 84-89, 9 1


97 , 93+ V . 2 3 , 5—6

, 8-9 , 1 1 - 16,18-24, 26+

Springfield (Mass . ) Board of trade. Annual report . U 190 7+ V . 19+Springfield (O .

-Warder public library . Annual report .U 1896 99. 190 8+ v 24

-27. 29. 37+Square deal devoted to industrial peace . New York.

U [ 190 5 , [v .

Staats 81 socia lw issen schaftl iche forschungen . (Schmol ler. ) Leipz ig .

U 1878+'

v . 1+Staats archiv . Leipzig . U 1861-80 ,

1909+ v . 1-37, 77+Staats - archiv. (H aberl in ) H e lmst 81 Leipzig . U 1796- 180 8, v . 1 - 1 1

Staffordshire iron 81 steel institute . Stourbridge (E n g ) Proceedings .U 190 9+ V . 24+

S tahl 81 eisen . Dusseldorf . U 1881+ V . 1+Stall ion 81 j ack news . Kansas City (Mo . ) U+Standard . (Henry Ge0 1ge . ) New York . U 1887—92”V. 1

Standard Chester white record association . Record . In dianapolis .U 1892-

97, v. 3—6Continues Chester white record association ; Continued as American Chester white record association .

Standard Delaine Sp anish merino sheep breeders’

association . Register . Cal iforn ia (Pa . ) U 1898- 190 5 , V. 1-2

Standard Poland—China record association . Record . Maryville (Mo . )U 1887 - 190 3 , 06+ V . 1 - 17, 21+

S taten I sland association of arts sciences . New Brighton (N . Y . ) M u

seum bulletin . U 190 8+ n o. 1+Proceedings . U+

Statesman . Chicago . U [ 1888-90 ] [v . 3—7 ]

Statesman’s yearbook . Lon-don . U 1864+ V 1+Station


,and dairy . Sydney (N . S . W . ) U 190 0 -0 3 , V . 3-6

Statistical accoun t of the seven colonies of Australasia . (T . A . Coghlan . ) Sidney . U 1899- 190 4, V . 8- 1 1

Statistical society of London , see‘ Royal statistical society . London .

Statistic i an 81 economist . San Francisco. U 190 5-06 , v . 23Statistische monatsschrift . Vienna ; B rii n n . U 1875+ V . 1+Stat isti sches j ahrbuch d er Stadt Berlin . U 1873- 190 5 , v . 1 -30

Continues Berlin. 81 seine entwickelung .

Statistisches j ahrbuch deutscher stadte . (Neefe . ) B reslau . U 1890 + V . 1+Statistisches j ahrbu ch fii r das deutsche reich . Berlin . U 1880+ V. 1+Steam shovel dredge . ( International brotherhood of steam shovel 81 d redgemen . ) Chicago . U [ 190 5-0 7 ] [V 94 1 ]

Stephenson public library . Marinette see Marinette (Wis .)— Stephenson public l ibrary .

Stettin (Germany) Entomologischer verein , S ee a lso Entomologische zeitung .

Steub-enville 81 Indiana railroad company . Annual report . U 1853 , V . 3Stevens institute of technology . Hoboken (N . J . ) Link . (Fraternity annual . )

U 1893Stevens in stitute indicator ; a quarterly j ournal of mechanical engineering .

[ 190 1 09+ [v . 18 26+Stock exchange yearbook . London . U 190 1 , V. 27Stockholm (Sweden) E n tomologiska foren in gen . Uppsatser i praktisk en

tomologi . N 190 0+ V . 10 , 14, 18+Stockholm (Sweden) K . Kommerskollegium. Afdeln in g for arbetsstatistik .

M ed delamd en . U 190 3+ v . 1+Stockholm (Sweden) Observatorium . A stron omiska iakttagelser 81 under

sakn in gar. U 1876+ v . 1+Stockholm (Sweden) , see a lso Jern kon toret ; Sven ska akademien ; Sven ska

forn min n esféren in gen ; Sven ska forn skrift-sa llskapet ; K . Sven ska v eten s

kapsakademien ; Sweden ; K . V itterh ets, historie an tiqu itets akademien .

Stone . New York . G+ ; U+Stone 81 Webster public service j ournal . Boston . U 190 7+ v . 1+Stonecutter

s j ournal . ston e cutter’ s association of North America .) Wash ington (D . C . ) U [ 190 3 [v . 18

, [ 19


S ton yhu-rst (E n g ) college—; Obs ervatory .

“Results of meteorological mag

n etical observations . Liverpool . U 190 7Storrs agricultural experiment station , see Con necticut Storrs agriculturalexperiment station .

Stourbridge (E n g ) , s ee a lso S taffordshire iron 81 steel institute .

Stove mounters’

range workers’


j ournal . (S tove mounters ’ internationalunion of America. ) Detroit . U [ 190 5 ] [v . 10 ]

Stove mounters" international union of America . Proceedings of convention .

U 190 4, V. 1 1

Straight edge . (School of methods for the application of the teachin gs'

ofJesus to business society . ) New York . U [ 1899- 190 0 ] [no. 1-59 ]

Strassburg (Germany) U n iversitat . (Kaiser-Wilhelms-un iversitat . )- V erzeich

n is . U 1908+Strassburger studien ; zeitschrift


fii r geschichte,sp rache

, litteratur desElsasses . (Martin 81 Wiegand . ) Strassburg . U 1882, no . 1-3

Street railway j ournal . New York . U 1889- 1908“v . 5Consolidated in June 1908 with Electric railway review, 81 continued asElectric railway j ournal .Weekly news edition .

Con tinued in regular edition .

Dictionary of electric railway mate rial .see also American street railway investments .

Street railway review . Chicago . U 1897 , 1899—190 8”V . 7 , 9In July 1906 name changed to E lectric railway review . In June 1908consolidated with Street railway j ournal continued as Electric railwayj ournal .

Street rai lways advert ismg quarterly . New York . U 190 5-0 7 , V . 1—2, no . 3Street’ s pan d ex of the news . Chicago .


U [ 1908] v . [ 1 ]Stryker’ s American register 81 magazine , see American register magazme .

Student (University of I lli nois) , see I llinois university . Urbana . Student .Studien zur englis chen philologie . (Morsbach .) U 1900 , 06

,V. 6 7 , 24

Studien zur vergleichenden l itteraturgesch ichte . Berlin . U 190 1 V. 11 9”Studies in education

,devoted to child study . (Barnes ) Stanford university

Philadelphia . U 1896- 1902”V . 1

Studio . London New York . U 1893+ V. 1+V . 13+ of Studio correspond almost exactly to V . 3+ of Internation alstudio .

Studio year- book of d ecorative art . London . U 1906+ V . 1+Sturgeon ’ s annals

,see Annals of electricity, magnetism 81 chemistry .

Stuttgart (Germany) K . technische hochschule. Bericht . UOrdnung. U 190 0 ,

0 4, 06 , 08+Programm . U 1908+

Stuttgart (Germany) K . Wurttembergi sche baugewerke-schule . Programm .

UStuttgart (Germany) K . Wurttembergische polytechnische schule . Programm .


, see also Literarischer verein i n Stuttgart ; Verein fur vaterlan d isch e

naturkunde in Wiirttemberg.

Subj ect matter index of technical scientific periodicals , see Repertorium d er

technischen j ournal l iteratur .Successful poultry j ournal . Ch icago . U 190 5+ V. 5+Suffolk sheep society. Ip swich (E n g ) Flock book . U 1887+ v . 1+Sullivan county railroad company , see Vermont valley railroad company.

Summer I ll in i . Urbana, see I l linois university . Urbana . I llin i .

Summit branch railroad company 81 Lykens valley coal company. Annual report . U 1881 , 87-9 1 , 94-96

Sunday School teacher . Chicago . U 1866-69 , v . 1-4v . 4, 1869 entitled National Sunday School teacher.

Sunset club , see Chicago Sunset club .

Superintendents ’ 81 principals’

association of Northern I llin ois,see I llinois

Northern ( I ll inois) superintendents’

associ ationSuperior (Wis . )— Public l ib rary. Annual report . U 190 5—06 ,

0 8+ V. 17 , 20+


Tarsus (Asia Minor) St Paul’s insti tute . Catalogue . U 190 3

-0 5Tatler . (Steels ) London . U 1709- 10 , n o. 1-27 1

Tau Beta Pi association . Bent . Menasha (W is .) U 1908+ V. 3+Teachers ’ bulletin . (Univers ity of Cincinnati . ) U 190 5

- 190 7”ser ; 3, v . 1

Teachers college record . (Columbia university. ) New York .

U [ 1900 0 4+ [v . 1 N [ 190 0 0 2+ [v . 1 3+Teacher ’s sanitary bulletin . (Michigan state board of hea lth . ) Lansing (Mich . )

U 190 2-0 5”v . s-8IlContinued by Publ ic health .

Team drivers’

international union the Teamsters ’ national union . (Also Intern ation al brotherhood of teamsters . ) Proceedings of the j oint con ven

tion . U 190 3Team- owners

review, published in the interest of the team owners of theU. S . 81 Canada . Pittsburg . U [ 1904, 0 6] [v . 3 , 5 ]

Teamsters . ( International brotherhood of“

teamsters . ) Indianapolis .U 0 5-0 7 lv . 3



national un ion , see also Team drivers’ international union .

Technic . (University of Michigan engineering society . ) Ann Arbor, see

Michigan technic .

Technical index . London . U +Technical literature . New. York, see Engineering digest ; later, Industrialengineering .

Technical society of the Pacific coast . San Francisco . Transactions .U 1884-92, V . 1 -9

Technical world . Chicago . U 1904+ [v . 1 4+Technics ; a magazine to aid technical progress . London .

U 1904-0 5 August V . 1 -4, n o. 2oll

Technik 81 wirtschaft . (Verein deutscher ingenieure . ) Berlin . U 1908+ V. 1+Technisch- chemisches j ahrbuch . Berlin ; Brunswick . U 1880+ V . 1+Technische auskun st . Berlin . U +K . Technische versuchsanstalt, see Berlin (Germany) .

T echn ograph . (Univers ity of I llinoi s . ) Champaign ( Ill . )U 1885+ V . W 190 5+ V . 20 -22, 24+

1885-90 v . 1 -4 i s sued as Selected papers of the Civi l Engineers’ club of the

University of I llinoisTechnologist . New York . U 1870 , V. 1

Technologist . (National association of German-American technologists . ) NewYork .

“U 190 9+ v . 14+

Technology quarterly . (Massachusetts institute of technology . ) Boston .

U 1887- 1908”V . 1 -21

After 1892 includes Proceedings of the Society of arts .Technology review . (Massachusetts institute of technology .) Boston .

U 1899+ V . 1+T ekn isk ugeblad . Chri stiania . UTelegraph 81 telephone age . New York . U +Telegraphic j ournal . London . U 1872-9 1 I V. 1

Continued by Electrical review . London .

Telephone magazine . Chicago . U 190 0 -0 3 , V. 15-20 , [21 ]Continues Electrical engineering telephone magazine .

Continued after 190 5 inTelephony

,the American telephone j ournal . Chicago . U 190 9+ V . 18+

In 190 5 absorbed Telephone magazine . After Sept. 1908 continues Americantelephone j ournal .

Temperance recorder .'

Albany (N . Y . ) U 1832-33 , V . 1

Tennessee— Adj utant-general’s office . Report. U 190 7+Agriculture, Department of . Biennial report .

U 747 0 3+Bulletin . UMonthly report of the condition of crops . U [ 1891 -92, 94-95 ]

Comptroller of the treasury . Report. U 1859, 61 , 69 , 87-90 , 93 -94, 97+General Assembly . Acts .

U 1837-38 pt I , 61 , 65 , 67-68, sess . 22 pt 1 , 33 ex, 34 pt 1 , ex , 35 pt 1Health

,State board of. Bulletin . U 1888-94 [v . 1

, 3 6-7, [8-9 ]


Report . U 1877-84, v . 1 -2

House of representatives . Journal . U 1865-66Labor mining statistics

,Bureau of. Annual report

U 1893-94, 96, 98, v . 2-

3 , 5 , 7Mining department . Annual report . G 190 5, V . 15 ; U 190 4-0 6, V . 14- 16

Previous to 190 6 issued by Bureau of labor mining statistics .Prison commissioners . Biennial report . U 190 2+ V . 5+Public instruction

,Department of. Annual report . U 1869, 75 , 78, 96

Senate . Journal . U 1859, V . 33 pt 1Supreme court . Reports of cases . (Tennessee reports .)

U 179 1+ v . 1+Treasurer . Report . U 1859 , 61

Tennessee Agricultural experiment station . Knoxville . Annual report .U 1888+ V. N 1888+ V . 1+

Continues Tennes see university— Agriculture, School of . Report on ex

perimen tal work.

Bulletin . U 1888+ V .

N 1888+ [v . 1 6, 8-9 , [ 10 , 12,

14, 16, 18 ; no . 79+Tennessee bankers

’ association . Proceedings . U 190 7-08, v . 17—18

Tennessee coal,i ron railroad company . Annual report .

U 1889-9 1 , 94-96, 98-99 , 1904, v . 2-

4, 7-9 , 1 1 - 12, 17Tennessee Deaf dumb school, Knoxville . B iennial report .

U 1874-76, 84-88, 94-98, 190 2+ V . 14- 15 , 19

-2 1,24-26, 28+

Tennessee indu strial league . Publications . Nashville . U 1898, n o. 3Tennessee Industrial sch ool . Nashville . Biennial report . U 1906+ v . 1 0+Tennessee Penitentiary. Nashville . Report . U 1868Tennessee School for the blind . Nashville . Biennial report . U 1894+ v . 27+Tennessee University . Knoxville . Record . U [ 1898- 190 3 ] [v . 1-6]

Agriculture, School of. Report on experimental work . U 1879-86”Contin ued by Tennessee Agricultural experiment station .

Tennessee Western hospital for the insane . Bolivar . Biennial report .U 1892+ V . 2+

Terre Haute ( Ind . )— Common counci l . Proceedings . U 190 3—0 5, 08+Police, Department of. Report. U 1908-09

Terre Haute Indianapolis railroad company . Annual report .U 1897- 190 1 , v . 49—53

Terre vaudoise . Lausanne (Switz . ) U 190 9+ v. 1+Terrestrial“magneti sm atmospheric electricity . Chicago ; Cincinnati ; Baltimore . U 1896+ V . 1+

Teutonia ; arbeiten zur g ermanischen phi lologie . (Uhl . ) Leipzig .

U 1906, V . 6 pt 1T eu tsche merkur . 1773- 18 10 see a lso Deutsche merkur . U has orderedTexas— Adj utant general’s offi ce . Report . U 1893 -94, 190 1 -04, 06+

Agricultural bureau , see Texas— Agriculture , insurance , stati stics , 81 hi story, Dept . of.

Agriculture , Department of. Annual report . U 190 7+ V. 1+Continues Texas— Agricultural bureau

, 81 Texas— Agriculture, insurance,statistics , 81 history, Dept . of .

Bulletin: 0

U 1908+ no . 1+Agriculture, insurance , statistics , 81 history, Department of. Annual reportrelating to insurance 81 state library . U 190 3 , v . 29, 3 1

Agricultural stati stical report .U 1887-89 , 9 1 -92, 1904

-0 5 , v . 1 -2, 4—5 , 1 7- 18

Earlier reports issued as Annual report o f Texas— Agricultural bureau .

After Aug . 190 7 i ssued as Annual report of Texas—Agriculture, Department oAttorney-general

s office . Report . U 1887-88, 93+Comptroller of public accounts . Report . U 1877, 84, 89 , 94, 190 2, 0 4+Education , Department of. Biennial report .

U 1874—75 , 94, 190 1 -0 2, v . 4- 5 , 9 , 13

Geological 81 agricultural survey. Annual report . U 1874-76, V . 1 -2

Geological 81 mineralogi cal survey. (Dumble 1889 Annual report .G 1890 -

92”v. 2-4H; U 1889 -9 1 , v . 1 -3


Bulletin . G 1889-92”no .

Health department . Report . U 190 0+House of representatives . Journal . U 190 3Insurance department . Preliminary report . U 1904, v . 30

Library 81 historical commission, see a lso Texas libraries .Penitentiary board . Reports of the superintendent 81 financial agent of

the state penitentiaries . U 1892Railroad commission . Annual report .

U 1892, 94-97, 98-99, 190 2+ V . 1 , 3 7(State ) revenue agent . Biennial report . U 1899 0 5-0 6, v . 5, 8Secretary of state . Biennial report . U 1879-84, 86 97- 1904, 08+Supreme court . Reports of cases . (Texas reports . ) U 1846+ v. 1+T ax c ommission . Annual report. U 1908+ V . 3+Treasurer . Annual report . U 0 2+

Texas academy of science . Au stin Transactions .U [ 1896] 98+ N 1898+ V . 2+

Texas Agricultural experiment s tation . College station . Annual report .U 1888- 1902, v .

1 - 14 ; N 1888- 190 1 , v . 2- 13Bulletin .

U 1883+ no . N 1888+ no . 1 , 9-53 , 55, 58-59, 63-69 , 74, 76, 98, 1 02+

Texas 81 Pacific railway company . Annual report U 1877 , 89, 9 1+Texas bankers’ association . Proceedings . U 190 7+ V . 23+Texas Deaf 81 dumb asylum . Austin . Annual report .U 84-94, 96, 98, 190 0+ v . 18



23 , 26, 28-38, 40 , 42, 44+Texas ( state ) historical association . Quarterly . Austin . U 1899+ V . 3 , 5+Texas Institute for deaf

,dumb 81 blind colored youths . Austin . Annual report .

U 1908+ V. 21+Texas Institution for the blin d . Austin, Annual report . U v . 5 1+Texas libraries . (Texas— Library historical commis sion . ) Austin .

U 1909+ V. 1+Texas ( state ) Lunatic asylum,

Aus tin . Annual report . U v . 41

Texas Pacific land trust . New York . Annual report . U 1888+ V . 1+Trustee’s report . U 1888-92, 94-95, 98

- 190 1 , 04, V . 1 -5 , 7-8, 1 1 - 13 , 18Texas Univers ity . Austin . Bulletin : General series . U 1904+ no . 1+

Humanistic series . U 1904+ no . 1+Medical series . U 190 5+ no . 1+Reprint series . U 1906+ no . 2+Scientific series . U 1904+ n o.

_N 1902+ no . 1 -2, 4+

Cactus ( student’s annual ) . U 1895 , 190 2-0 3, o6-o7

Record . U 1898+ V . 1+Mineral survey . Austin . Bulletin . U 190 2 no . 1 -9 I IZoological laboratory. Contributions . U 1904+ n o. 1+

Texte 81 untersuchungen zur geschichte der altchristlichen literatur. Leipzig .

U has ordered new seriesTextile record of America . Philadelphia . U 190 2, V . 23After March 190 3 v. 24 no . 3 combined with Texti le world to form Textileworld record .

Textile world record . Boston . U 190 2+ V. 22+Before April 190 3 called Textile world ; combined with Textile record toform present title V .

Official di rectory of the texti le industries . Philadelphia . U 1902-04Theatre . New York. U 1909+ V . 9+Théatre . Paris . U 1909+ no . 241+

Theatrical world . (Archer. ) London . U 1893-97Theologische studien 81 kri tiken . (Ullmann . ) 1828+ U has orderedTheosophical quarterly. New York . U 190 3-0 5 , 06+ v . 1-2

, 4+Theosophical review . London . U 1906-0 7, v. 38-40Thomas

s Massachusetts spy ; or, the Worcester gazette . Worcester (Mass . )U [ 1789-92] 130 n os .

Thon in dustrie-zeitung, see Tonindustrie-zeitung .

Thii rin gisch Sachsischer verein fiir erforschung des vaterlan dischen altertumserhaltung seiner denkmale . Halle . Jahresbericht . U 1894-99 , 190 3 04


Torrey botanical club . New York. Bulletin .

U 1870+ V . 1+ N 1882- 1902, v . 9-27, [28-29 ]Memoirs . U 1889+ V . 1+

Torreya . (Torrey botanical club . ) New York . U 190 1+ V . 1+Toulouse (France ) Université — Faculté des sciences . Annales .

U 1887+ V. 1+Traction 81 transmiss ion , London . 190 1-04”[v . 2

Trade ; an independent j ournal of the canning 81 allied industries . Baltimore .U [ 190 2-0 5 ] [v . 25-27 ]

Trade circular annual ._New York . U 187 1

Preceded Publi shers trade li st annual .Trades ’ advocate 81 herald of progress . [ I ron trades ] Lon don .

U 1850 , no . 1 -20

Trades union congress . Ann ual report of proceedings . Manchester ; London .

U 1894, 190 0 -02, 0 5, v . 27, 33—35 , 38Tradesman

,the South

s industrial trade j ournal . Chattanooga (Tenn . )U 1902

-03 , 9 9+ v . 47-49, 62+Train dispatchers ’ association of America . Proceedings of annual convention .

Mazon U 1896-97 , V . 9- 10

Training school . Vineland (N . J . ) U 1908+ V . 5+Tramway rai lway world review of progress in electric and other traction .

London . U 1909+ v. 25+Transactions , see un der names of various academies, societies, and institutes .Tran3 1t . (U.n ivers ity of Iowa— Engineeri ng So-c1ety. ) Iowa c ity.

U 1890 -99. 1904, v . 1 -2, [3 6—7 9Transvaal institute of mechanical engi neers . John n esburg. Journal .

U 1902+ V ; 1+Travelers

goods 81 leather novelty workers ’ international union of America .

Official j ournal . St Louis . U [ 1904-0 5 ] [v . 1-2 ]Travelers ’ rai lway guide . New York . UTravelers ’ record . Hartford (Conn . ) U [ 190 1—0 3 ] [v . 37-39 ]Trenton (N . J . ) Annual reports . U 190 9

Public library. Annual report . U 190 6-0 7 , 08+ V . 6, 8+Bulletin . U 1908+ V . 2+

Trenton (N . J . ) natural history society Journal . N 1886-88,V . 1

Trenton (N . see a lso New Jersey— (State ) museum .

Tribune almanac political regi ster, see New York tribune almanac .

Tribune des sociétés horticoles . Brussels . UTrieste (Austria) Scuola superiore di commercio di fondazione Revoltella . A n

nuario . U 1908+ V . 22+Circolarita . U 190 7+ V. 3 1+

Trieste (Austria ) K. K . Zoologische station . Arbeiten . N 1878+ V. 1 , 6-8, 10 +Publi shed in conj unction with Vienna Un iversitat— Zoologisches i nstitut .

Trinidad, see a lso Agricultural society of Trinidad .

Trinity col lege . Hart ford (Conn .)— Library . Report. UTropical 81 subtropi cal America . New York . U 190 8”V . 1 n os . 1-5”Troy (N . Y . ) —Mayor . Annual message . U 190 7- 10

Public library . Annual report . U 190 7+ V . 73+Public works department . Annual report . U 190 0 , 02, 0 5+ V . 1

, 3 , 5+Water commissioners . Report.

U 1857-60 , 62-70 , 7 1-80 , 99, v . 2-5 , 7- 15 , 17-26, 45

Troyes (France ) , see also Société horticole vigneronne 81 forestiere d e l’Aube .

True Briton . London . U 1 723 , 24, no . 1-25 , 74True commonwealth . Washington (D . C . ) U [ 1890 ] [v . 1 ]T schermak

s mineralogische mittheilun gen , see Mineralogische petrographi schemittheilun gen .

Tudor facsimile texts . (Farmer . ) London . U 190 7+ v . 1+T iibin gen (Germany) , see also Botanisches institut .Tufts college . (Mass . ) Studies ; scientific series .

U 1894+ V . 1 , no . N 1894+ v. 1+Turbine . Berlin . U 1904+ V. 1+Turi n ( Italy) . Annuario . U 1908-09


Atti del municip io . U 1908, V . 57Turin ( I taly) Univers ita. Catalogue . U 190 0

Musei di zoologia 81 anatomia comparata . Bollett ino .

N 1887+ [v . 2-4, 10+

R . O sservatoria .


Osservazioni meteorologiche . N 1898-99 , 190 1+Turin

, see also R. Accademia delle sc ienze .Tutmon da jarlibro esperantista . Par is . U 1906

Twentieth century,a weekly radical magazine . New York .

U [ 1889-95 , 97 ] lv . 3- 10

,12, 14

- 1 5 , 19]Twentieth century magazine . Boston


U +Twin City rapi d tran sit company [M inneapolis St Paul ] . Annual report .

+U 190 2

Tyneside geographical society . Newcastle-upon-Tyne . Journal .U 190 9 , V . 5 , no . 7

Typographical j ournal . ( International typographical un ion of North America . )Indianapolis . U [ 1889 99- 190 7, 09+ V. [2 4-6, 8-30 , 35+

Uebersicht der'

gesammten staats 81 rechtswissenschaftlichen litteratur. Berlin .

U 1908+ V . 41+Umschau auf dem gebiete des zoll 81 steuerwesens . Berlin .

U 1908+ [v . 28+K . Ungarische geologische anstalt . Budapest . Jahresbericht . U 190 5

Mittei lungen aus dem j ahrbuche . U 1904+ V . 15+Ungarisches stati stisches j ahrbuch . Budapest . U 190 0 , new ser . V . 8

Union,monthly record of moral , social, educational progress . (Fleming )

London . U 1842-

43”V . 1”Union gazette , Champaign see Champaign ( I l l .) Union 81 gazette .Union fédérale des ouvriers métallurgi stes de France . St Etienne ; Pari s .Compte rendu du congres national . U 1894-95 , 97-98, 190 0 -0 1

, v . 3 -4, 6-7 , 9- 10

Section-nationale des travai lleurs sur cuivre . Congres national .U 190 3 , 0 5 , V . 1 1


Union fraternal league . Boston (Mass . ) Bulletin . U 19 10+ V . 9+Union goods directory for greater New York environs, New .York.

U [ 1907 ] lv . I ]Un ion interp arlementaire pour l ’arb itrage international . Compte rendu de la

c onference . U 1904, V . 12

Union label league bulletin . Denver (Colo . ) U [ 190 7 ] [v . 2]Union leader, offi ci al j ournal of the car men of Chicago . (Amalgamated assoc1ation of street 81 electric railway employes of America . ) Chicago .

lv . 6]Union made garment manufacturers of America . Report of semi- annual con

ven tion . U 190 5, V. 4Union Pacific, Denver 81 Gulf railroad company . Report . U 1892Union Pacific rai lroad company . Annual report . U 1876-79, 81 , 83-85 , 93+Union postal clerk. (National federation of post office clerks . ) Chicago .

U [ 190 5-0 7 ] lv . 2-3 ]Union stock yards company . Chicago

, see Chicago j unction railways .Union univers ity. Schenectady (N . Y . ) Con cord en sis ( student

’s weekly) .

U [ 1888-9 1 , 95-97 ] [v . 12- 14, 19-20 ]Union college magazine . U [ 1869-73 ] [v . 8, 10 , 1 1 ]

United association of j ourneymen plumbers,gas fitters , steam fitters

, 81 steamfitters

helpers in the U . S . Canada . Official j ournal . Chicago .

U [ 190 2, 0 6, 08-0 9] [v . 7 , 1 1 , 13- 14]United brotherhood of carpenters 81 j oiners of America . Official j ournal . StLouis . U 1892, v . 1

Proceedings . U 190 2+ V . 12+see a lso Carpenter .

United cloth hat cap makers of North America, see also Cap-maker’s j ournal .United fruit company . Annual report. Boston . U 190 0+ v . 1+United garment workers of America . Proceedings . U 190 0+ V . 9+

see a lso Garment—worker. Weekly bulletin o f the clothing trades .United hatters of North America . Journal . Danbury (Conn . )

U [ 190 1 , 02, 0 4] lv . 3 , 4, 5 ]


United Jewish charities of Cincinnati, see Cincinnati (O. )United metal workers international union of America, see also Internationalmetal worker .

United mine workers j ournal . Indianapolis .United mine workers of America .

-Minutes of annual convention .

G 190 7 , V . 18 ; U 190 1 -0 3 , v . 12- 14see a lso I llinois coal Operators associ ation.

United national association of post-office clerks of the United States , see also

Postal clerk .

United service . Philadelphia ; New York . U 1879-84, v. I - I IUnited States of America .

As a rule administrative reports and serials contained in the set of Congression al documents are not given . The University of I llinois library (U) i sa designated depository .

U . S .

—Adj utant general . Army list 81 directory of officers of the army of theU. S . U 1892, 94, 95,Before 1899 i s sued as U . S . army directory .

Artillery c irculars . U 1892- 1900 .

General court—martial orders . U 1880 -82

General orders . U 1863 , 80 8 2

U . S .—Agriculture , D epartmen t of. Annual report of commi ssmn er.

U 1841 N 1855+Circular . U 190 1+ nos . 5 , 8- 14, N 1896+ no . 3 , 5

-23, 25+Department report series . N 1899+ no . 59-71 , 75, 77

-78, WFarmers’ bulletins .

U 1889+ v . I,no . N 1889+ n o. 1 -9 , I I - 12, W

Miscellaneous circulars . N 1896 97”no . 2

Miscellaneous publications . U 1862+ nos . 48-

49 , 52, 55+Miscellaneous reports . U 1883 nos . 1

Monthly reports . U 1863-75, V . 1 12

Notice of j udgment, Food 81 Drugs act. WSpecial reports (old seri es) .

U 1877183”nos . 4, .


- 15 , 17 53-57. 59-61 ,Continued as Statistical reports is sued by D ivis ion of statistics .Special reports , miscellaneous 81 stati stical . U 1887-88, v . 14,


16- 1 7Yearbook . U N 1894+Library . Library bulletins . U 1894+ no . N 1894+ no . 1—5 , 7

-38, 40+

Monthly bulletin . U 19 10+ v . 1+Solicitor . Circular . N 19 10+ no . 14+

U . S .

-Agrostolo-gy, D ivision of. Bul letin .

U 1895—190 1”n os . 1 N 1896- 190 1

Circular . N 1895- 190 1

Continued in Bureau of plant in dustry.

U . S .

— Animal industry, Bureau of. An nual report .U 1884+ V . N .


1885+ V. 2, 6-7 , 10+

no . 2-7, 9-25110 . 2) 4


36 ll

Bulletin . U 1893+ nos . 2-8, N 1896+ no“. 7+

Circular . U 1895+ n o. 1 - 15 , 17- 19 ,N 1895+ no . 1 -8, 10 - 15 , 17- 19, 21-42, 44

-5 1 , 53—58, 61 , 63-82, 84-9 1 , 93+Index- catalogue of medical 81 veterinary zoology N 190 2+ pt 1+Orders (81 amendments ) .

N 190 7+ no . 142+U . S .

— Appraisers , Board of general . Annual report . U 1906+U . S .

— Architect,Supervising . Annual report . U 1888 , 95 , 98—190 2, 08+

U . S .

— Assay commission . Proceedings . U 1899- 190 0 , 0 5-0 6, 08+

U . S .

— Auditors for Navy, Post-office, State other d epartments . Annua lreport . U 1907+

U . S .

-Biological survey,Division of. Bulletin .

U 1889+ nos . 1 -2, N 1889+ no . 1+Until July 1896 name of Division was U. S .

— Ornithology 81 mammalogy division .

Circular . U 1896+ no . 14, 17, N 1886+ n o. 1-4, 28+North American fauna . U N 1889+ no . 1+


Monthly catalogue of the U . S . pub lic documents . U 1895+ V .

U . S .

—Education,Bureau of . An nual report of the commissioner.

U 1867+ N 1874-85 , 90 -92, 96—190 2Annual statement of the commissioner U 1896-97, 1902, 0 7+Bulletin . U 1906+Circulars of information . U 1872, 75, 77-94, 98- 190 3Library . Annual report . U V . 1+

U . S r—Engineer d epartment . Ann ual report upon improvement of the Mississipp i river between the mouths of the I llinois Ohio rivers of Osageriver . U 1883Professional papers . U 1861+ no . 4, 18, 22, 24-26,

U . S .-Engineer school . Washington . Occasional papers .

190 3+ U V . 2, 5, 15 , 20 -21 , 23 , 25 , 27+

U . S .

-.Engraving 81 printing, Bureau of. Annual report of the director. U 190 7

U. S .

-En tomological commiss ion . Bulletins .U 1877-81 I I nos . 1 -7 I I ; N I 877-81 I I no . 1

, 3 , 5Report . U N 1877-87”V. 1 5”

U . S .— Entomology, Divi sion of. Bibliography of the more important con

tribution s to American economic entomology.

U 1889- 190 5 , no . 1 -5, 7-8 ; N 1889+ no . 1+Bulletins . U 1883+ nos . 3 -4, 6-7, N 1883+ no . WBulletin ( technical s eries ) . U N 1895+ no . 1+Circular . U 1891+ ser .no . 2

, 4- 14, 16-32, 34—42, 44 ,

-48 50 -56, N 189 1+ ser . 2, no . 1 -99 , 10 1+Report of entomologi st . U N 1875+Insect li fe . U N 1888-95 I I v . 1 -7 I I

U . S .

-Ethnology, Bureau of American . Annual report .U 1879+ V. N 1881 , 87, V. 3 , 8

Bulletins . 1 U 1887- 190 7 , no . 4, 7-8, I O , 12, 18, 21 , 24-27 , 33U . S .

—Experiment station s , O ffice of. Annual report of director.U N 190 1+

Bulletin . U 1889+ no . N 1889+ no . 1 - 1 1,13

- 1 5 , 18-26, 28+Circulars .U 1889+ no . 1+ N 1889+ no . 1 -5 , 7

-8,I I

,14, I 7-2o,

22-28, 30 -56, 60 -75 , 77+Experiment station record . U N 1889+ V. W+Experiment station work . U N 190 3+ V . 2+ WFarmers ’ institute lecture . U 190 4+ no .

-N 190 5+ no . 2, ser . 6+Miscellaneous bulletins . U N I 889-9 1 II v . I -3 IISubj ect index of experiment station literature (on cards ) . U N 1888+

U . S .

—Fiber investigations,O ffi ce o f. Report .


U 1892 nos . 4- 1 1 I I ; N 1896-98 I I nos . 8- 1 1 I IContinued in Divi sion of Botany .

U . S — Fisheries , Bureau of. Bulletin . U. N 1881+ v. 1+Before 19 0 3 known as Commission of fish fisheries .Fisheries of Alaska . U 190 7+Distribution of fish 81 .fi sh eggs . U

190 7+R eport . U N 1872+ V . 1+

U . S .

—Food 81 drug inspect ion , Board of. Food inspecti on decis ions .U 190 5+ no . W+

U . S .

— Foreign commerce . Bureau of, see U . S .

— Manufactures,Bureau of,

which succeeded it in 190 5 .

U . S .

— Foreign markets , Division of. Bul letin . U N 1895+ no . 1+Circular . U N 1895+ no . 1

U . S .

— Forestry service . Bulletin .

U 1887+ no . N 1888+ no . 2, 5-8, 10 , 12 22,24-66, W +

Circular . U 1893+ no . 10,

N no . 5 , 1 1 -45 , 47, WField programme . U 190 5+Forest planting leaflet . U 1906+ no . 1+National forest reserves in the U . S .

,Alaska, 81 Porto Rico . U 190 5+

Report on forestry . U 1877-79 , 84, V . 1 -2, 4U . S .

- Gardens grounds,Division of. Circular . N 1897”no . I I I


U. S .

-Geographical 81 geological survey of the Rocky mountain region . Contribution s to American ethnology . U 1877-93 I I V . 1

V . 8 never publi shed .

Report . U 1876-80 , V . 1 -5U

. S .

— Geographical 81 geological survey west of the 10 0 th meridian . Annualreport . (Wheeler . ) U 1875 -78, 80

Report . G V . 3 ; U 1875-79 I I V.. 1 -7 I I

U. S .

—~Geographic names, Board on . Report . U 1890 -

99 , v . 1 -2

U. S .

— Geologi cal 81 geograph ical survey of the territories . Annual report .

G 1867-73 , 77-78 I I V . 1 -7, 1 1 U 1867-78 I I V. 1 - 12I N 1868-78 I I v . 2


5-6, 10 - 12 I IBulletin .

G 1878-82, v . 4-5, [6] U 1876 V . 3

-6 I I N 1876-82 I V . 2, 3 pts 2-4, 6 pt 2”Monographs (V. 4 never printed) .

G 1883 , 90 ; U 1873-90 I I V . 1 - 14 I ; N v . 1 pt 1 , V . 12- 13Miscellaneous publications . U 1874-78, V . 1

, 3 , 5 , I O- I I

U . S .-Geological exploration of the 4oth parrallel . Reports.

G V . 2-3 ; U 1870 -80 I I v . 1 -7 | IU . S .

-Geological survey . Annual report .G 1880 - 190 5 , V . 2-26 ; U 1880+ v . N 1880+ v . 2, 4+

Bulletin . G 1883+ n o. 1 -88, 90 - 165, 167- 176, 178 192,213

-234, 236, 238. 240 -41 , 243 , 2454 7. [249 U N 1883+ no . 1+Geologic atlas .

G 1894-97 , no . 4, 6-8, 12, 15- 16, 20 -23 , 28-30 , 33-34, 36 ; U 1894+ no . 1+Mineral resources of the United States . G 1882- 1906 , V . 1 -23 ;U 1882-85 , 87- 190 0 , 0 2+ v . 1 -4, 6

- 17 , N 1883-93 , 190 0+ v . 2- 12,1 7+

Monographs .G 1883+ V . I , 4, 6-1 1 , 14-24, 38, 45-48, U N 1882+ V . 1+

Profess ional papers .G 1892+ no . 1 -48, U 1892+ no . N 1892+ no . 1 - 12,

14+Topographic map of U . S . ; atlas in sheets . U 1898+Water supply irrigation papers .

G 1897 , no . 2,6 ; UW 1896+ no . N 190 2+ no . 57 , 65+

U . S .

-Health,National board of. Annual report . U 1879-85”V . 1—8 I I

U . S .


-Hydrographic office . Asiatic p ilot . U 1909+ V. 1+List of l ights of the world . U 190 0 -0 1

, V . 2-

3 ; 190 7+U . S .

—Hygienic laboratory . B ulletin . U 190 0 + no . 2, 4 5 , 7+

U . S .

—Immigration 81 natu ralization,Bureau of. Annual report . U 1902

- 0 3 , 0 5Immigration bulletin . U

U . S .

— Indian bureau . Annual report of the commissioner of Indian affairs .U 187 1+

,U . S .

— Indian commissioners , Board of. Annual report .U 1874-76, 81+ V . 6-8


U . S .

—Indian schools , superintendent of. Report. U 1887 , 190 3 , V . 6, 13 , 21

U . S .

— Insular affairs,Bureau of. Report of the chief. U 190 1 , 0 4-0 5 , 07+

Quarterly summary of commerce of Cuba . U 1899- 190 2Quarterly summary of commerce o f Philipp ine I slands . U 1899+

U . S .

— Interior , Department of . Decis ions of the Department 81 General Landoffice

in cases relating to the pub lic lands . U 1881+ V . 1+Decisions : pension bounty lands . U 1887+ V . 1+Official register of the U. S . (The Bluebook . ) U 1877-81 , 93+Register of the dept . U 1877-83

U . S .

— Internal revenue , O ffice of. Report of commiss ioners on operation of theinternal revenue system . U 1863 -

72U . S .

— Interstate commerce commission . Accident bulletin . U 190 5+ n o. 18+Annual report . U 1887+ V . 1+Annual report of the statis tics of railways in the U . S .

U 1888-94, 96+ v 1 -7, 9+Bulletin of revenues expenses of steam roads . U 1909+ v. 4+Decis ions proceedings . U 1887—190 3, 06+ v . 1-9 , 12+Preliminary reports on the income account of railway in U . S .

U 1899- 190 1 , 0 3-06


U . S .-Isthmian canal commi ssw n . Annual report. U 1899- 190 1 ; 190 5+

s ee a lso Canal record .

Sanitation, Department of. Annual report .Report (monthly.)

U . S .

—Justice, Department of. Annual report of attorney general .U 1879,

Official opinions of attorney g eneral s . U 1789- 1817, 190 2, v . 1-5, 23a lso in Congress ional documents 1889+ V. 17+Register ,

of the department . 81 the j udicial officers of the U. S .

UU . S .

— Labor, Bureau of. Annual report . U 1885+ v . 1+Known as Labor

,Department of. 1885- 1902 .

Bulletin .

Special reports .-4 Monographs on social economics .

U . S .—Land office

,General. M anual of surveying instructions .

U 187 1, 81 , 90 , 94, 1902

Report . U 1848, 66-68U . S .

— L.ibrary of Congress . Annual report. U 1896+Catalog division— card section . Bulletin . U 190 2+ n o. 1+Documents , D ivis ion of . Monthly list of state publ i cations.

U 19 10+ n o. 1+U . S r

-Life-saving service . Report . U 1876, 97+U . S r

—Light house board . Annual re .port U 1870 , 72, 758 2, 98- 190 5U . S .

-Manufactures, Bureau of . (Department of Commerce 81 L abor . ) Commercial relations of U . S . with foreign countries .

U 1855-57 pt I, 60 -62, 68-76, 79+

1855- 1902 i ssued by Bureau of foreign commerce .

Con sular reports . U no . 1 -4, 6, 8-1 1 , 13+Earlier reports issued by Bureau of foreign commerce.Daily consular 81 trade reports . U 190 4+ no . 2122+Review of the world

s commerce . U 1894- 190 5“v . I - I I

‘LISpecial -con sular reports . U 1890+ V. 1

Earlier reports is sued by Bureau of statistics, Bureau of foreign commerce .Tariff series . U 190 7+ no . 1+

U . S .—Marine hospital service

, see U . S .

—Public health and marine hosp italservice

,Bureau of.

U . S — Medical department (Army) Drill regulations for the hospital corps,U . S . army . U 1896,Manual . U 1896, 98- 190 0

U . S .

— Military in formation divis ion . Publica tions .U 1895- 190 3 , v . 6-7 , 9—12, 14, 16-23 , 25-36, 38

U . S .

—Mines,Bureau of. Bullet in . U 19 10+ 110 . 1+

U . S .—Mint

,Bureau of the . Annual report . G 1885, 94 ; U 1873+ V . 1+

Report upon statistics of the production of precious metal s in the U S .

U 1881+U . S .

-Missouri river commission . Annual report . U 1886-90

U S .

— National academy of sciences , see u n d er Nation al in main alphabet .U . S .

-National museum , see un d er Smith soni an institution in main alphabet .U . S .

~ -Naturalization , Division of. Annual report of chief. U V'

. 1

U . S .— Nautical almanac office . American ephemeri s 81 Nautica l almanac .

U 1855 , 57, 59, 62-63, 65-70 , 72+Pacific coaster’s nautical almanac . U 1898- 190 3

U . S .

—Naval intelligence office . Information from abroad . Notes on navalp rogress . (General information series . )

U 1887-89 , 96, 98- 1900 , v. 6 15 , I 7-2o

War notes . U 1899- 1906”V. 1 -8I|U . S .

- Naval observatory, see United States naval observatory in main alphabet .

U . S .

-Naval war college , Washington . International law situations with solutions 81 notes . U 1904+


Crop reporter. U 190 0+ v . N 1900+ [v . 2 4+Con t inuesReports (mon thly . ) U 1883—99”11. ser . V . 1- I56 I I

U . S .

- Statistics , Bureau of . (Department of Commerce 81 Labor . ) Foreigncommerce 81 navigation of U . S . U 1865+Statistical abstracts . U 1878+ v , 1+Earlier volumes issued by Bureau of Statistic s . (Treasury d ept)Monthly summary of commerce 81 finance . U 1870-72, 88-89 , 93+see a lso U . S .

—Manufactures,Bureau of.

U . S .

—Steam eng ineering bureau . Annual report . U 1890 -

94, 97+U . S .

-Steamboat inspection service . Annual report . U 1899-1 90 0

U. S .-Supreme court . Reports of cases . (U . S . reports . ) U 1790+ V . 1+

U . S .

— Su-


s office . Circulars . U 1869-75 , no . 2-

4, 8

Index catalogue of the library . U 1880 -

95”v . 1 -16IISeries 2 . U 1896+ ser . 2

,V. 1+

U . S .

—Treasury,Comptroller of the . Decis ions . U 1894+ V . 1+

U . S .

— Treasury, Department of . Annual rep ort on s inking fund 81 funded debtof the D istrict of Columbia . U 190 0 ,

0 7+ V . 23 , 30+D igest of customs d ecis ion s . U 1898- 190 2

Report on finances . U 1790+Treasury decis ions . U 1898+ V . 1+

U . S .

—Vegetable physiology 81 pathology,Division of. Bulletin .

U N 189 1- 190 1”n o. 1-29IIContinued in Bureau of Plant industry .

Circular . N 1888-99, no . 5-6, 8, 10 ,

16- 17s ee also Journ al of mycology.

U . S .-War dep artment . O ffici al army register . U 1878-97 , 1908+R egu lation s


for the Army of the U . S . U 1861 , 8 1 , 89 , 95 ,U . S .

— Weather bureau . Annual report . U’

189 1 N 1892-93 , 98+Bulletin . U 1892+ no . N 1892- 190 2, no . 5- 10 , 13 , 20 , 23 , 28-32

Bulletins . U 1894+ C+ ; N C -G

Meteorologic al chart of the Great Lakes . U 1906, pt 2+Monthly weather review .

U 1894+ v . N 1894+ lv . 23-25 , 27+Snow 81 i ce bulletin . N 1898+Storm bulletin . U 1899 , n o. 1

Weather maps . U [ 1893 97+

Convention of weather bu reau officials . Proceedings (tri ennial )U 190 4, v . 3

Climate 81 crop service . Arkansas section . Report . U 1908+I ll inois section . Daily weather map . N 1897+

Monthly report . U N [ 1896 W+Indiana section . Report . N [ 1897-99 ]L ouisi ana section. Report . U 1909+Mississ ippi s ection . Report . U 1899+North Carolina section . Report . U 190 5+South Carol ina section . Report . U 1898+Tennessee section . Report . U 190 9+Washin gton section . Report . U 1897+Wisconsin section . Report . N [ 1897 - 190 0 ]

U . S .

—Yellow fever institute . Bulletin . U 1908+ no . 9+United States almanac . Elizabethtown (N . Philadelphia .

U 1802-0 5, 0 7—08, 1 04 19 , 43United States arsenal . Watertown (Mass . ) Reports of tests of metals .

U 1878, 81 , 83+United States art directory 81 yearbook . (Koehler . ) London . U 1884United States arti llery school . Fort Monroe (V a ) , see a lso Journal of theUnited States artillery .

United States Astrophysical observatory . Washington . Annals .U 1900+ v . 1+

United States brewers ’ as sociation . Annual b rewers’

convention .

U 187 1-74, 81+ V . 1 1 -14, 21+


Year book . U 190 9+United States catalog [of books ] (H . W. Wilson co . ) Minneapol is .

U 1902+United States Con sular reports

, see U . S .

— Manufactures , Bureau of. Consularreports .

United States infantry association . Washington (D . C . ) Journal .U 190 5 V . 1 -6 I I

Continued as Infantry j ournal .United States league of local building loan associations . Proceedings .

U 190 8+ V . 16+United States l iterary gazette. Boston . U 1825-27 I I V . 2-6IIUnited States Military academy . West Point (N . Y . ) O fficial register .

U 85-87 , 190 0 0 6, 07+United States National herbarium . (Division of botany . ) Washington . Con

tribution s . U 1890+ [v . 2,

N 1890+ [v . 2-6, 8+United States National museum , see u n d er Smithsonian institution .

United States Naval academy . Annapoli s (Md . ) Annual register . U 190 3+United States naval institute . Annapolis (Md . ) Proceedings .

U 1899 , V . 25 , no . 1

United States naval medica l bulletin . (U . S . Bureau of medicine surgery.)Washington . U 190 7+ [v . 1 3+

United States naval ob servatory . Washington . Astronomical papers .U 1880+ [v . 2+

Observations . U 185 1 -52, 63—64, 69 , 72 92”Continued as Publicat ions .

Publ ications . (Secon d series . ) U 190 0+ V. 1+Report of the superintendent . U 190 3-0 4

United States official postal guide . Albany (N . see U . S .

— P'

ost office d e


men t .

United States review 81 l iterary gazette, see United States l iterary gazette .

United States steel corporation . Annual repoft . U 1902+ V . 1+United States tobacco j ournal . New York . U 190 3+ V. 50+Unity . (J . L. Jones .) Chicago . U+Universal American almanack . Philadelphia . U 1770

Universal directory of rai lway officials . Lon don . U 1906, V . 12

Universal electrical directory .

' London . U 1907+ V . 26+Univers al peace congress . Boston . O fficial report . U 1904, v . 13Universal Portland cement company. Mon thly bulletin . Chicago. G+ ; U+University, see un der city , s tate or. country from which it takes its name .

University college . Reading (E n g ) Results of experiments at the collegefarm . U 1906+

Univers ity extension . (American soc i ety for the extension of universityteachin g .) Phi ladelphia . U V . 1 ,


Continued as Citizen .

University extension congress . Proceedings . U 1894Univers ity extension j ournal . London . U 189 1 -95 I I [v . 2-3 , 5Univers ity extension world . Chi cago . U [ 1893 V . 1

, [2-4]Univers ity magazine , see Dublin U n iversity magazine .University of the world , instituted to establ ish the ph i losophy of Americanism .

Cleveland . U V . 1,no . 1

Upper Canada, see Ontario .

Upper Canada gazette. York . U [ 1826-28] [v . 1 -2]Upper Canada reports, see On tario— Courts .Upper Mississ ipp i river improvement association . Quincy ( I ll . ) Proceedings .

U 1906, V . 5Upsala (Sweden) U n iversitetet . Arsskrift .

N 1862, 65 , 70 , 72-73 , 75 , 94-97, 99- 190 0 ,

0 7M in eralogisk—geologiska institution . Bulletin . N 1892+ n o. 1+

M ed delan -den . N 189 1+ V . 1 - 1 1 , 13+Urbana ( I ll .) courier-herald . (Daily.) U 1909+Urbana ( I ll . ) (City) d i rectories . U 1878-79 , 83 , 90 , 93 , 190 0 ,

0 4, 06, 08+Urbino ( Italy) Universita. Annuario . U 190 7+


Urkunden 81 acten stucke zur geschich te des kurfursten Friedri ch Wilhelm von

Brandenburg . (Droysen, Duncker 81 Morner.) Berlin . U 1864+ v 1+Urquell . Monatsschrift fi


i r volkskunde . Rendsburg ; Leyden .


U 1881-98 I I v . I - I 4IIEarlier volumes entitled Am urquell .

Uruguay— Agricultura, Division de . Publications . U -IE stad isti ca, Consej o superior de, Director general de . Annuario es

tad ist ico. U 1907 -08, V. 20, pt 1

Utah . Public documents . U 1896- 1906Attorney—general ’s office . . Biennial report . U 1897+Farmers ’ institutes . Annual report . U 190 0 , V. 4 ; N 190 7+ V. 10+Land commiss ioners , State board of. Annual report .

U 1896, 98, 190 0 , oz-os, o7+ V .


1, 3 , 7- 10 , 12+

Mines 81 mining, Department of. Report of the coal m ine inspector .U 1896- 190 0 , 0 3+

Pub-lic instruction , Department of. Biennial report of superintendent .U 1876 83 , 86—87 , 90

Supreme court . Reports of cases . (Utah reports . ) U 187 1+ v . 1+Utah Agricultural experiment station . Logan . An nual report .

U 1890 —96, 98- 190 4, 06+ V . 1—6, 8- 15 , N 1890 - 190 3 , V. 1-6, 8- 14Bulletin . U 1890+ no . N 189 1+ n o. 8+

Utica (I ll . ) weekly gazette . U+Utica (N . Y . ) Municipal yearbook .

-U 1907City surveyor . Annual report . U 1887-8

Utrecht (Neth. ) K . Nederlan d sch meteorologisch in stituut . M ededeelin gen

verhan del in gen . U 190 5+ v . 1+Utrecht (Neth . ) Observatoire . Recherches astronomiques .

U 1908+ V. 3+Utrech t (Neth . ) U n iv ersiteit . Jaarboek . U 07+Utrecht see a lso Prov in ciaal utrechtsch gen ootschap .

Valley railroad company. [Salem Annual report . U v . 1

Value of railroad securities, see Handbook of s ecurit ies .Van Nostrand ’s chemical annual . New York . U V . 1+Van Nostrand ’ s (eclectic) engineering magazine. New York .

U 1869-86 I I V . I 35”Uniting in 1887 with Ameri can railroad journal, continued as Railroadengineering j ournal , 81 later as American engineer and rai lroad j ournal .

Van Nostrand see a lso Monthly record of Scientific literature .Vancouver (B . C . ) board of trade . Annual report .

U v . 9 , I 4

Vandalia rai lroad company . Annual report . U 190 7+ v , 3+Vandevelde , A . J . J .

,see Repertoire d e travaux pub lies sur d

enréesal imentaires .

Varia ; il lustreradt man ad smagasin . Stockholm . U 1899- 1906, v . 2-

9Vassar college . Poughkeepsie (N . Y .)— Observatory. Publications .

U 190 0+ V. 1+V aterl and ; konservatives zentralorgan fur die deutsche Schweiz . (Daily.)Lucerne

.U 1881 ( 18D -29D )

V egetat ion sbild er. (Karsten 81 Schenck .) Jena. U 1904+ v 1+Veillée ; supplément aux Annales politi ques et l itteraires . Pari s . U 190 3+Venice (I taly) -Statistica U ffic io di . Rassegna statis tica .

U [ I 90 4-o6 ] [v . 33-35 ]Verban d der pferdezuchtvereine in den holsteinis chen mat schen . Gestiitbuch

der holsteinischen marschen . U 1893 , v . 3Verein der deutschen strafanstaltsbeamten , s ee a lsoBlatter fur gef’an gn iskun de .

Verein deutscher eisenbahnverwaltungen . Wiesbaden, see a lso Organ fiir diefortschritte des eisenbahnwesens in technis cher beziehung .

Verein deuts cher ingenieure . Berlin . Wochenschrift . U 1877-83”v . I -7 I IContinued after 1883 inZeitschrift . U 1857+ v. 1+see a lso Technik 81 wirtschaft .


Vermont House of correc tion . Rutland . Bien nial report . U 1880+Vermont Industrial school . Vergennes . Biennial report of superintendent .

U 190 6+Vermont merino sheep breeders

association . Rutland . Register .U 1879-92, v . 1 -4

Vermont Morgan horse“breeders

association . Reg ister. (B attel l . ) Middlebury . U 1894+ V . 1+

Vermont (State) prison . Windsor . Biennial report . U 1881 -94, 190 5-06Vermont University . Burlington — Botanical department . Contributions. to thebotany of Vermont . U 1898- 190 0 , V. 1-5 , 78Library . Report . U 190 5

Vermont valley railroad comp any 81 Sullivan county railroad company. A n

nual reports . U 1880 -83 , 86, 93 94, 1900 ,o2~os

Verona ( I taly) , see a lso Accademia d’

agricoltura, scienze,lettere, arti ,

commercia .

Vers ammlung deutscher philologen 81 schu lman n er. Leipzig . Verhandlungen .

U 190 3 , v . 47Verzeich n iss der im deutschen buchhandel neu ers chienenen 81 neu aufgelegten

bii cher, etc . , see Hinrichs

’ Halbj ahrs—katalog, etc .Vestnik rybopromyélen n osti . (Messager du commerce de poissons : organe d ela Société russe de pisciculture 81 de péche .) St Petersburg .

N 1906+ V. 2 1+Veterinarian . London . U 1828-64, 79 80 , V . 1 -37 , 52-53After 190 2 continued in Journal of comparative pathology 81 therapeutics .

Veterinary j ournal 81 annals of comparative pathology . London .


s newspaper gazetteer . London . U 1908 , V . 9Vick ’s magazine .

Rochester (N . Y . ) ( Flowers )U 1878 83 , 90 , 1906-09”v . i 3o

Vicksburg, Shreveport 81 Texas rai lroad company . Annual report . U 1855 , V . 3

Victoria (Australia .

— Agriculture , Department of. Journal . U 1905+ V . 3+Education dep artment . School paper . Melbourne . U+

(State) river 81 water supply commiss ion . Annual report .U v . 3+

see a lso Royal society of Victori a .

Victoria (B . C . ) Board of trade . Annual report . U V . 25Victoria swine breeders ’ association . Vi ctoria swine record . Beecher 81 Crete

(I ll . ) U 1887-94, v . 1-2

Victoria university . Manchester (E n g ) , see Manchester.Victoria university . Toronto (Can . ) Calendar. U 1893-95,Victorian institute of engineers . Victoria (Australia ) Proceedings .

U 1908+ v 9+Victorian yearbook ; notes on the colony of Victoria


(H ayter.) Melbourne . U 1876, V . 2

V id en skabs selskabet i Christiania, see Christiania (Norway .)Vienna (Austria)— B urgermeister. Gemein-de-verwaltung .

Magistrat . Stati stisches j ahrbuch .

Vienna Deutscher volksg'esang-Verein, see a lso Deutsche volks lied .

Vienna Handels 81 gewerbekammer . Bericht . U 1868-70 , 72-74, 78, 84, 87, 95Vienna Kuffn er

sche sternwarte . Pub l ication en . U 1889+ V . 1 -4, 6+Vienna Museum der naturgeschichte . Zoologische abhandlungen aus denannalen . N i 841 , V . 1-2

Vienna K . K . O esterreichisches han delsmuseum.— Export akademie . Jahrbuch .

U 1898- 1900

M itthei lun gen . U 1898

Vienna K . K . Technologisches gewerbemuseum . M ittheilun gen .

U 189 1+ V. 1+Vienn a U n iversitat . Bericht . U 190 7+

Uffen tl iche verlesungen . U 1908+U ebersich t . U 1908+Lib rary . Verwaltungsbericht . U


Institut fur oesterre ich ische geschichts forschung . Mittei lungen .

Ph i losophische gesellschaft . Wissenschaftl iche beilage . U 1906, v . 19Zoologisches institut . Arbe iten . U 1888-93 , V . 8- 10 ; N 1878+ V . 1 , 6

Vienna Verein zur verbreitung naturwissenschaftlicher kenntnisse . Schriften .

N 1877-8 1 , v . 18, 20 -2 1

Vienna, see a lso K . Akademie der wissenschaften ; K . K . Geologische reichs

anstalt ; K . K . Konsular akademie ; Literarischer verein in Wien ; Oesterreich ischer ingenieur 81 architekten-verein ; Wagner schule ; K . K . Z o

ologisch- botanische gesellschaft ; Zoologisch - botanischer verein .

V ierte ljahrschrift fur literaturgeschichte . (Seuffert . ) Weimar .U 1888-

93 | I+

V . 1 -6IIV iertelj ahrschrift fur sozial 81 wirtschaftsgeschichte . Leipzig . U 190 3+ V . 1+

for supplement, see B ibliographic der sozial 81 wirtschaftsgeschichte .

V ierteljahrschrift fiir wissenschaftliche philosophie 81 swoziolog ie LeipzigU 1877+ v . 1+

Views , devoted to insurance 81 the public welfare . Washington (D . C . )U [ 1906 ] [v . 18]


s agricultural almanac . London . U 190 3 , 10 , V. I , 8Virchow ’ s archiv

,see Archiv fiir pathologische anatomie 81 physiologi e fur

klinische medizin .

Virginia . Annual reports of state officers 81 institutions .Adj utant- lgen era

s office . Report .Agriculture

,C ommissioner of. Annual report .

Agriculture,State board of . Annual report .

U 1888, 90 -

94, 98, 190 1- 02, 0 4+ V . I ‘

, 3—7 , 1 1 , 14- 15 , 17+Attorney general ’ s office . Annual report . U 190 3+Auditor o f pub l ic accounts . Report to general assembly transmitting ac

counts oi the fund for internal improvement , of th e sinking fund, an d ofthe debt resources of the state . U 1861 -63

Reports of life insurance companies . U 1895

(State) corporation commission . Annual report . U 190 3+ V. 1+(State) c rop pest commiss ion .

“Circular .

N 190 4+ no . 42, 44-45, 52 ; n . ser. n o. 1 -2, 4+

(State) entomologist p lant pathologist . Report . N 190 0+ n o. 3+General assembly . Calendar of state papers other manuscripts .

U 1652- 1869”V . I - I I I IStatutes at large laws from the first sess ion of the legis lature.

U 1619 - 1792”13V .”Geological survey . Bulletin . G n o. 1

Governor . Annual message . U 1874Health

,Department of. Health bulletin . W+

House of burges ses . Journals . [Reprint ] U 1742-76, V. 1-7Labor industri al statistics

,Bureau of . Annual “report .

G 190 7 , v . 10 ; U 190 1 , 0 3, V . 4,6

(State) library . Annual report . U 190 3-06, 0 7/o8+ v . 1 -3 , 5+Bul letin . U 1908+ V . 1+

Public instruction, Superinten dent of . B iennial report . U 1899- 190 1

Public works , Board of. Biennial report . U 1820, 59-61

Railroad commissioner . Annual report .U 1878-79 , 868 7 , 90 v . 3 , 1 1 , 15- 16

Secretary of the commonwealth . Annual report . U 1906+Senate . Journ al . U 1862-64Senate 81 hous e of delegates . Manual . U 1908

Supreme court . Reports of cases . (Virginia reports . ) U 1730+ V . 1+(State) veterinarian . Annual report . U 1896, V . 1

Virginia Agricultural experiment station . Blacksburg . Ann ual report .U 1890 —94, 969 8, N 1890 -94, 96, 98, 190 1-92 , 9 4 08+

Bulletin . U 1889+ no . N 1889+ no . 2-47 , 50—124, 126- 153 , 156+Circular . U 1909+ no . 7+

Virginia bankers ’ association . Proceedings . U 1906+ v . 13+


Virgini a central rai lroad company . Annual report . U v 23Virginia Central state hospital [ insane ] Petersburg . Annual report


U 190 0+ V. 3 1+Virginia Eastern state hosp ital [i ns ane ] William urg . Annual report .

U 199 5+ v 132+Virginia federation of labor. Proceedings . U 1908+ v , 13+Virginia historical society . Richmond . Collections .

U 1882-92”n . s . v . 1 - 1 1

Continued inVirginia magazine of history 81 b iography . Richmond . U 1893+ V . 1+Virginia Penitentiary . Richmond . Annual report . U 1904+Virginia University, Charlottesvi lle .

— Leander M cCormick observatory . Circu lar. U n o. 1

Pub lications . U -

1886 89 , V 1 pt 2-4Virginia Western state hosp ital . Staunton . An nual report .


U 1872-74, 78 81 84, 89-9 1 , 93-

94, 96-98, - 199 0 -0 1 , 9 4—0 6, 08+

Viticulture algérienne Algiers (France )I

U+K . V itterhets, historie 81 an tiqu i tets akademien . Stockholm .

_A n tiquarisk

t idskrift for Sverige U 1869+ V . 2+Forn van n en . Con tinues M an ad sb-latt . U 1906+ n . SCI



V . 1+H an d l in gar. U 1789- 1830 , 53

-76, 84- 190 1 , V . 1 - 13 , 21 -28 pt 1 , 29—33M an adsb lad . U 1896- 190 5”V . 9

- 10 IIn . ser . V . 1+ 190 6+ continued as Forn van n en .

K . V laamsche academic voor taal 81 letterkun d e. Ghent . B ekroon de werken .

U 1888- 190 5 , V. 2-6,8- 1 1



13- 16


,23 , 25-35

Jaarboek . U 1887-95 , 97-98, 190 0 -06, v . 1 -9, 1 1 - 12,14


M iddeln ederlan d sche u itgaven . U 1887- 190 1 , v. 1 - 1 1,14—15 , 17- 18

V erslagen 81 mededeelin gen .

U 1887-89 , 9 1 , [92 94; [95 , 97-98, [99.- 199 11 ] 190 1-06

Commiss ie voor geschied en is , bio 81 bib liographie. U itgaven .

,U 1893- 190 5 , V. 2-6

Commiss ie voor n ieuwere taal letterkun d e . U itgav en .

U 1893- 1994, v. 1, 3

-5, 7-9 , 1 1 - 13

Van de Ven-H ereman s’ stichting . [U


itgaven . ] U 190 5, v. 1

Vogesen-club— Histori sch l itterarischer zweigverein . Strassburg . Jahrbuchfii r geschichte, sprache, 81 l itteratur Elsass Lothringens .

U 1886- 190 1 , V . 28 ,17

Vorbote . (Becker . ) Geneva (Switz .) U 1866-7 1 , V. 1-6

Vorlesu n gs—verzeichnis se der u n iv ers itaten ,technischen 81 fach-hochschulen von

Deutschland,Deutsch -Oesterreich 81 der, Schweiz, im amtlichen auftrag .

Munich . U 1908+ V. 33 , 36-37Vorwarts . (Social istische arbeiter partei von Nord Amerika ) New York .

U [ 1893 94] [v 2 ]Voss isch e zeitung . Berl in, see Berlin .

Voter. Chicago . U 190 5+ V. 3+Wabash 81 Erie canal company . Annual report . U 1849 , 5 1

Wabash railroad company . Annual report . U 1892+ v . 3+Waco (Tex .)— Public library . Annual report . U V. 6

Monthly bulletin . U 1907+ V. 1+Wage worker

,devoted to manual 81 brain toilers . Bost0 n .

U [ 199 3 - 0 4] [V 1 ]Wagner free institute of science . Philadelphia (Pa .) Transaction s .

N 1887+ v . 1 -2, 4+

Wagner schule . Vienna . Aus der Wagner schule [architecture ] U 1900 -04Walhalla

,bucherei fii r vaterlan d ische geschichte kunst 81 kulturgesch ichte.

(Schmid ) Leipzig . U 190 5+ V . 1+Wall street j ournal

, (daily .) New York . U 1906+ V 47I

+Wal l street summary, (daily . ) New York . Continued in Financial America .

U 1908~10 I I v . I 5 , n o. 82”


Pub lic instruction,Superintendent of . B iennial report.

U 1889-98, 1 904+ v . 9- 14, 17+Railroad commiss ion . Annual report . U 190 5+ v , 1+Secretary of state . Report . U 1889-92, 97

- 1902, 0 4+ v . 1 -2, 5-7 , 9+

Senate . Journal . U 190 1+ V. 7+Stati stics, agriculture, 81 immigration , Bureau of. Biennial report.

U V . 1+Supreme court (terr itory) Reports of cases . U 1854-88 I I V. 1-3 I ISupreme court (state ) Reports of cases . (Washington reports . )


U 1889+ V. 1+Tax comm iss ioners , State board of. Biennial report . U 190 5+ v . 1+Treasurer . Biennial report . U 1889-94, 96+

Washington (State) Agricultural experiment station . Pullman . Annual re



llU 189 1-96, 98+ v. 1 -6, N 189 1-97 , v . 1 -2

, 6-7u etin .

U 189 1+ no . 1+ N 1892+ no . 6-8, Io—I I,13 , 22

-26, 28-29 , 3 1 -36, 38-47 , 50

53 , 56, 60 -79 , 74—77, 81+Popular bulletin . U 1909+ n os . 13+

Washington (state) bankers’ associati on . Proceedings .

U 190 5-06, 0 8+ v. 10 - 1 1 , 13+Washington (state) federation of labor. Procee dings of the Annual convem~

tion . U 1909+ V . 8+Washington (state) library association . Bulletin . U 190 5+ V . 1+Washington (State) Univers ity . Seattle . Univers ity studies .

U 1909+ n o.


1+Washington county (Md . ) free library, see Hagerstown (Md . )— Washingtoncounty free lib rary .

Washington Heights (N . Y . C . ) —F’

ree lib rary . Annual report .U 1870 -73 , 75- 199 1 Il v . 2-5 , 7-331I

In 190 1 merged into New York public library .

Washingt on univers ity . St Louis (Mo .) Washington university record. U+Washingtonian home . Boston . Report . U 1876, v . 18

Washingtonian home . Ch i cago . Annual report . U 1876, 78,'

V .

Water 81 gas review . New York . UWater supply 81 irr igation papers , see U . S .

—Geological survey .

Water-way tales ; the magaz ine of the Great Lakes . Detroit . U 1908, V . 1

Waterbury (Conn . )— Silas Bronson library . Annual ”report .U 1873+ V . 2

, 5+Bulletin . U 1901+ V . 1+

Water scommission ers, Board of. Report . U 1890—95 , V. 24-29

Waterloo ( I a . )— Publi c library . Annual report . U 190 9+ V . 6+Watertown (N . Y . ) -Public schools, Superintendent of. Report . U 1909+Wayland’ s monthly. (Socialistic . ) Girard (Kan . ) .U [ 190 2] no . 27Wayne county historical society . Richmond . Papers . U 1903, V . 1 pt 1Weekly bulletin of the c lothing trades . (Un ited garment workers of America . ) New York City . U [ 190 2 0 4+ V . 2

, 4+Weekly eag l e, see Forest Park ( I ll . )Weekly fiorists

’ review,see Florists ’ review .

Weekly market growers’ j ournal . Louisvi lle (Ky. ) U+Weekly notes . [Law . ] Lon-don . U 190 4+Weekly Oklahoman . Oklahoma City . U+Weekly people . (Socialist labor party .) New York . U 1906-0 7 . v . 16

Weekly statistical sugar trade j ournal . New York . U 1898+ V. 22,24+

Weimarisches j ahrbuch fiir deutsche sprache, l iteratur , 81 kunst . Hanover .U 1854-57”V . I -6 I I

Wellcome chemical research laboratories . London . Publication s .U 1896+ no . 1 -25, 27-29 , 34, 45+ 1

Wellcome research laboratories , see Gordon memorial college, Khartoum .

Wellesley (Mass . ) college . Legenda . (Students’ annual . ) U 1889

Studies in psychology . U 1908+ no . 1+Wellesley magazine . (Students

’ monthly .) U [ 1895- 190 0 ] [v . 4, 6-8]


Wer ist ’s . Leipzig . U 190 5+ v . 1+Werkstattstech n ik . Berlin . U+Wesleyan university. Middletown (Ct . ) Wesleyan literary monthly .

U [ 1895-98] lv . 4-6]

Psychological laboratory . Studies . U 1907 , v . 1

West African yearbook . London . U 190 1 , v . 1

West Americ an scientist . San D iego (Calif. ) N [ 1884—94] [V . 1,6, 7 , 8 ]

West Indies , British— Agriculture , Imperial department of. West Indian bullet in . Barbados . U 190 9+ V . N [ 190 0 -0 1 ] [v . 1

,2 ]

West Jersey 81 Seashore rai lroad company . Annual report . U 1896+ V . 1+West Jersey rai lroad company . Annual report . U 1894, V . 37

~West of Scotlan d agricultural col lege . Glasgow . Annual report . U 190 9 , V . 9West Virginia— Agriculture , State board of. Biennial report . U 1893+ V . 2+

Archives 81 hi story , Department of. Biennial report U 190 5-06, V . 1

Auditor of state . Biennial report . U 1887+(State) bank examiner. Report . U 189 1- 190 0 , V . 1 - 10

Banking” Commiss ioner of. Annual report . U 190 2,V . 2

Free , s chools, Department of. Arbor b ird day annual . U 19 10+Biennial report of. superintendent . U 1889-90 , 97Educational directory . U 1908+

Geological survey . [Report ] G U 1899+ V . 1+Health

,State board of. An nual report . U 1881 -86, V . 1-5

Labor,Bureau of. Report . G V . 10 , 13 ; U 1897-98, V . 5

Mines, D epartment of. Annual report of mine inspector.

G 1898- 190 0 , V . 16—18 ; U 1898+ v . 16+Secretary of state . Report . U 190 1-0 2

Supreme court . Reports of casesI (West Virginia reports .)

U 1863+ V . 1+Tax commiss ioner . Biennial report . U 190 7+ V . 2+

West Virginia Agricultural experiment station . Morgantown . Annual report.U 1887- 190 2, 0 4+ V . 1- 15, N 1888-98 , V . 1

, 3- 1 1

Bulletin .

U 1888+ 119 N 1889+ no . 4—5, 7 , 9—1 1

,14—23, 25-36, 38 44, 47-75,

78-83, 86, 89-92 , 96- 10 3 , 10 5+West Virginia board of trade . Proceedings of annual meeting . U 1906+ v . 2+West Virginia (state) horticultural society . Proceedings of annual meeting .

U 190 5 , v 13West Virginia M iners ’ hospital no . 1 . Welch . Biennial report .

U 1908+ V . 4+West Virginia Miners ’ hospital n o. 2 . M cKen dree . B iennial report .

U 190 1 -0 2,0 6+

West Virginia M iners ’ hosp ital no . 3 . Fairmont . Report . U 1900+ V . 1+West Virgini a Penitentiary . Moundsville . Biennial report . U 1896—98

West Virginia Second hosp ital for insane . Sp encer . Biennial report .U 190 0

-0 2, 9 4+ v . 5 , 7+West Virginia Un ivers ity . Morgantown . Studies in American hi story .

U 1908+ ser . 1 , no . 1+Westborough (Mass .)— Public library . Annual report . U 190 9+Westen 81 daheim . Chicago . U+Western . St . Louis . U 1875


77 , V. 1-3Western agriculturi st . Quincy Chicago .

U I 877-88, v . 9 20 ; N 1884- 190 0”v . 16 21,23-32 I I

Contin ued as Live stock j ournal .Western architect . Minneapoli s . U 1908+ V . 1 1+Western association of architects . Chicago . Proceedings of annual convemt ion . U 1887-88. V . 4

-5Western association of ladies of Philade lphi a for the relief 81 employment ofthe poor

,see Philadelphia .

Western Australia— Geological survey . Bulletins . G no . 15 , 20 ,23 , 33

Mines , Chamber of . Mon thly j ournal . Kalgoorlie . U+Statistician . Monthly statistical abstract . Perth . U+


Western courier . (Western I llinois state normal school . ) M acomb . U+Western druggist. Chicago . U 1895 , V. 17Western electrician . Chicago . U 1893- 190 8”v . 12-43 I}Continued in Electrical review .

Western federation of mines , see a lso Miners ’ magazine .Western fruit grower . St Joseph (M o. )

U 1898 v . 3 4, [ 5 1 1 - 12, 15+

Western Holstein Fries ian association . Galesburg (I ll . ) Herdbook .

U 1895, V. 1

Western manufacturer . Chicago . U 1879-87, v .

-6- 15Western Maryland railroad company . Annual report . U V 45+Western New York 81 Pen n syvan ia railroad company . Annual report.

U 1889-9 1. 93-94 I I v . 2-

4. 9 7”Continued as

Western New York Pennsylvania railway company. An nual , .report .


1895 -I

190 1 , 0 3 , V 1-7 , 9- 10

Western Pennsylvania university,see Pittsburgh un ivers ity.

Western poultry j ournal . Cedar Rapid s ( Ia .)Western railroad corporati on . [Mass ] report .

U 42 44—46. 48 59 52 53 . 55. 57. 59. 63 64. 68 v 1 3. 5. 7 . 9 1 1

13 , 15 , 17- 18, 24, 28-

30 , 33Proceedings of annual meeting. U 1840 , 43 ,

Western railway club .

- Ch icago . Official proceedings .U 1895-96, 97+ v. 8, 10+

Western reporter . Rochester_(N . Y .) U 1885-88, V. 1- 14

Western Reserve farmers ’ almanac . Cleveland . U 1842

Western Re serve university . Cleveland (O .

— Adelb ert college . (The) Reserve .(Junior class annual .) U 189 1-92

Library school . Catalog . UWestern rural . Chicago .

U 1869. 84-86 9 1 92. 97 199 9 v 7. [ I 4.] 1 5. [ 19 29 ] 22-24.29 39 . [3 1 ] 35-38

Continued after 1898 by National rural [American ] family magazine.1884-

94, V . 22—32 have title : Western rural 81 American stockman ; 1895—98,v . 33


36, [53-56] Western rural 81 l ive stock weekly .

Western rural year book . (George ) Ch i cago . U 1886

Western society of engineers . Chicago . Journ al .G+ ; U 1896+ v . W+

Western swine breeder . Lincoln (Neb .) U 190 5-06, [07 I I ] V . 13- 14, 15 n o. 1-4 I IConsolidated I May 190 7 with Nebraska independent , 81 Weeklystate j ourn al , 81 conti nued as Independent Farmer 81 Western swine breeder .

Western union telegraph company . Annual report . U 1869 , 74-82, 84-87 , 89+Westfalen

,see Westphalia .

Westfie ld ( I ll . ) college . Catalogue .

U 79 74. 929 4. 98 199 5 . 9 6+Westminster review . London 81 New York . U 1824+ V . 1+Weston (Mass .)— Public l ibrary . Annual report . U 1906+Westpha l ische dampfboot . Bielefeld . U 1845. V. 1

Westphalischer provin zial-verein fiir wissenschaft 81 kunst. Munster (Germany . ) Jahresbericht . N 1887+ V . 16-26


, 35+Westpreussicher botanisch—zoologischer verein . Danzi g . Bericht .

U 190 8+ V . 30+Wetmore ’ s weekly, a j ourn al advocating equable legis lation for all. St Louis .

U [ 199 4—9 5 ] lv . 1 ]Wetterau ische gesellschaft fur d ie gesammte naturkunde . F


rankfurt-a—M .

Annalen . N 1809 , V . 1

Wh at ’ s in the magazines . Chicago . U 1906-1908 Jan . II v . 1 -3 n o

Wheaton (I l l .) college . Catalogue . U 1870 -73 , 9 1 -95 , 98- 190 2, 0 3+

Wheeling 81 Lake Erie rail road company . Annual report .

U -0 5 , V . 1, 3


Wheeling (W . Va . ) board of trade . Yearbook . U 1906—I


Charities 81 corrections, State conference oi . Proceedings .U 1888

. 93-94. 97Charities reform, State board of. Report . U 187 1-75 , 77-90 93Dai ry food commiss ion . Biennial report . U 189 1-94, 99-1909Farmers ’ institutes . Bulletin : U 1887-98, v 1-12

F isheries , Commissioners of. B ien nial report . N 1893+(State) forester . Annual report . U 1906, v . 1

Free library commission . Madison. Bibl iography bulletin .

U 190 1+ no . 1 , 3+Biennial report . U 1895-1906, V . 1-6

Bulletin . U 190 5+ V . 1+Comparative legislation bulletin . U 190 5+ n o. 1+Wiscons in library school . Catalog . U 1906+ v . 1+see also Current events in dex .

Geological survey ( 1873 Annua l report . (Chamberlin) G 1876-79“Geology of Wisconsin . G 1880 , v. 3 ; U 1877-83 II v . 1-5 II

Geological 81 natural hi story surv ey B iennial report.U 1898+ v. 1+

Bulletin .

G 1898+ V . 2, 4

-7 pt 1 , 8- 17 , U 1898+ v . 1—7 pt 1, V . N 1898+v . 1 -3 , 5-7 pt 1

, v . 8- 18, 20+Hydrographic maps .

U 1898 n o. 1-2, 4—7

Highway d ivision . Road pamphlet.Governor . M essage . U 1869 , 72, 74 83-89 , 93 , 19113;Health , State board of. Bu l letin .

Report . U’

1876+ v . 1+History comhri ss iom O riginaf

“papers . (Civil war.) U 1908+


v .

U 1908+ v . 1+Insurance , Department . of: An n ual report: pt . 1 : F ire 81 marin e:

U 1879 73. 85 949 9. 199 1-94. 9 7+pt . 2 : Life 81 casualty. U 1870 -73 , 76-82, 85-90 ,pt . 3 : Local mutuals . U 190 1 , 0 3 , 0 7

Labor industrial statistics, Bureau of. Biennial report.U 1883-190 0 pt 2, 0 1+ v . 1-8, 9 pt 2, 10+

Legislature . L aws . U 1880 -81 , 9 1 sess . 2, 92, 190 1+Legislative manual . (Blue book .)

U ‘

1861-63. 6s. 67 78. 199 7+ v 1-2. 4. 6- 17. 34+Pub lic instruction , Department of. Arbor 81 bird day ann ual . U 1899+

Bird study bu l letin . U 1906 , v. 1

Memorial day aids . U 1899-190 2, 04+Biennial report . (Before 1883 , annual .) U 1854, 61 , 65+

Railroad commission . Biennial report. U 190 5+ v. 1+Continues Report of


Rai lroad commission er.Op inions 81 decisions . U 190 5+ v . 1+

Rai lroad commissioner. Report . U 1874-1906”Continued by Railroad commission organ ized July 1 1, 190 5 .

Secretary of state . Report . U 1876, 80 -82 , 90 9 2

Senate . Journal .U 1855-56. 58. 69 . 65. 67-7 1 . 74+ v . 78 .

19 .12. 17. 19 21 . 23

-24. 27+Supreme court . Reports of cases . (Wisconsin reports .) U 1839+Tax commission . Biennial U 190 0+ v . i +Treasurer . Biennial report U 185 1 , 53, 56, 58-59 , 64, 66-67, 69- 190 4Before 1883 annual .

Wisconsin academy of sciences, arts an d letters . Madison . Transactions .U 1875-190 2 pt 1 , 08 ,


V . 3-14, 16 pt I n o. 2

Wisconsin agricultural experiment association . Annual report .U 199 5. v . 3

Wisconsin Agricultural experiment station . Madi son . An nual report .I

U 1883+ v . N 1883+ v . 1 -

3, 5-8, 10, 13- 16, - 21 24+


Bulletin .

U 1883+ n o. N 189 1+ no . 33, 4 1-43 . 5 1, 53-54, 56—57 , 6 1-62,

63 ,65-66 68 69 . 72-73. 75 76. 79 84 89 . 94 95. 97- 10 0 1 1 1- 1 12 1 15 . 1 18 - 19 .

12 1 -37 , 14 1 45 , 147 49, 152 -65 , 167 68 , 170+Wisconsin (state) a gricultural society .

l ran saction s .

U 185 1 96”v 1-34 I I ; N I 8S8-93. v 5. 7-8. 12. 14- 19 . 27 -29. 3 1

‘ Continued by W iscon si n Agriculture , State board of.Wisconsin bankers


association . Proceedings . U 190 8+ V .. I 4+

Wiscon sin central [ railroad ] company. Report . U 1893- 95 , v . 5-7”Wi sconsin central rai lway company . Annual report . U v . 1+Wisconsin dairymen

s association . Annual report . U 1875+ v . 4+Wisconsin engineer . Madison . U 1896 [v . v . 13+Wisconsin engineers

! society . Annual report . U 1896 , v . 1

Wiscon sin ( state) federation of labor . Proceedings of the annual convention .

U 190 7+ v . 15+Wisconsin (state) grange . (Patrons of husbandry .) Proceedings of annualsession . U 189 1 , v . 20

Wisconsin ( state) historical society. Madison . Proceedings .U 1875-77. 79-80 . 82-87. 89+ v . 21-23. 25-26. 28-34. 36+

Before 1886 called Annual report .Reports 81 collections. U 1854+ V . 1+

Wisconsin (state) horticultural society. Mad ison . Bulletin .

U 190 3- 10”no . 1

Continues Wisconsin horticulturist.Transactions .

U 1864+ v . 1864-69 , v . N,

v . 1 -

4, 6- 10 , 13 , 15- 17 , 21-22

Wisconsin horticulture . (Wisconsin state horticultural society. ) Madi son .

1 U 19 10+ V . 1+Con tin ues Wiscons in state horticultural soc iety. Bulletin .

Wisconsin horticulturist . (Wiscon s in state horticultural society. ) Sparta(Wis ) U 190 2ml! v 7 IlContinued by Wisconsin stat-e horticu ltural society . Bulletin .

Wisconsin Institution for the education of the b lind . Janesvil le . Annual '


port. U 1879 , v . 30

Wisconsin j ournal of education . Racin e . U [ 1856-62] [v . 1-5 , 71]

Wisconsin n atural history society. Milwaukee . Bulletin .


U 1902+ n . ser. v. 2 pt 4+ N 190 0+ n . ser. V . 1+Jahresbericht (der Naturhistorisches vereins von Wiscons in . )

N 1872-74, 76-82 }Occasional papers . N 1889-96“V. pt 1 |

Wisconsin (state) prison . Waupun . An nual report . 1880, 82 ]

Continued byBiennial report . U 1884-92, v. 1 5

Wisconsin University . Madison . Bulletin ; Economics 81 political scienceseries . U 1906+ v .

Economics , political science 81 history series . U 1894 99”V . I - 2HContinued as Economics 81 Political science ; an d History series .

Engineering series . U 1894+ V. 1+History series . U I 90

U7+ v . 1 no . 1+

Philology 81 literature series . U 1898+ v . 1+Science series . U 1894+ V . 1+ N 10 0 0 , 08

, [v . 2, 3 ]

University extension series : U 1908+ V . 1+Wisconsin alumni magazine . U [ 190 5 08+ [v . 1 0+Washburn observatory. Publications . U 1884+ V . 2+

Wissenschaftli che anstalten des staates Hamburg , see Hamburg (Germany . )Wistar institute of anatomy 81 biology. Philadelphia , see Pennsylvania univer


-Witness . (J . H . Noyes . ) Putn ey (V t .) U 1841-43”v . 2”Witwatersrand Me chanical engineers

associ ation, _see Transvaal institute of

mechanical engi neers .



Woburn (Mass .)—Public l ibrary. Annual report .U 1899-190 0 . 02-04. 06+ v . 43-44. 46-48. 50+

Wochen schrift fur klassische phi lologie . B erlin . U 1884+ v'

. 1+Wochen tliches verzeichnis 81 mon atsregister. Leipzig.

U 1909+Wolfen biittel . (Germany) , see a lso Geschichtsverein fiir daS 'herzogtum B raun

schweig .


s anthropological society“. Wash ington (D . C . ) Bul letin :

U 1895—96, n os. 517Proceed ings . U 1893, 10 0 th meeting


s education associati on . Boston . An nual report.U 1893, 96 99, 190 1+ V .

“21 , -24-27 , 29+


s home compan ion . Springfield (O . )“C 190 0+ v . U [ 1899 , 1904 1908+ lv . 26. 3 1 v . Ur+


s educational 81 in dustrial un i0 n . Boston . An nual report .

U 190 7+ 11 29+Report of progress . U


s suffrage calendar. Bristol (En g ) U 1897-98Wood, wire , 81 metal lathers

international union . Proceedings of annual conven tion . U 1908+ V . 10+see also Lather .

Woodmen news . (Woodmen of the world . ) Omaha (N eb .)Wool markets 81 sheep . (Shepherd

s criterion .) Chicago . U 190 1 , -v. 12

see also American -

sheep breeder.

Woonsocket (R . I .) Annual reports. U_190 5

Worcester (Mass.) Annual reports . U 190 9H ealth , Board of. Annual report . U 1904-0 5 , 0 7 0 9Parks commission . An n ual report. U 1896-1909Public library . An n ual report . U 1859 -63 , 65+ V . 1-3 , 5+

Bulletin . U 190 9+of trade . Worcester magazin e . U+

Worcester (Mass . ) Children’

s friend society. An nual report . U 1899+ V. 5 1+Worcester see also Ameri can antiquarian society .

Worcester County (Mass . ) law library . An nual report. U 1899+ v . 1+Workers

’ leaflet . (Socialist ) Philadelphia . U [ 190 1 ] [v . 1 ]Workingman

’s j ou rnal free enquirer. Stoke-upon -Trent. '

(En g )“U 185 1 n . ser. n o. 1

Workshop . New York: U 1870 -7 1 , 778 3 , v . 3 4, 10 - 16

World almanac , see New York world almanac 81 encyclopedia .


evangel 81 the Chri stian . (F . M . Barton .) Cleveland (O .) U+World today . Chicago . U -

190 4+ v. Ur+World-wide farming . Den ver (Colo. ) U+World ’ s fair bulletin . (Louisiana purchase expos ition,

St Loui s .

U 190 1-02, V. 3World ’ s Fair electrical engineering , see Electrical en gin eering 81 telephone

magazme .

World ’ s work . New York . U 190 0+ v. Ur 190 9+ v . 17+Worms (Germany) handelskammer . Jahresbericht .

U 1859 63 . 67 78 79 86 87. 90 - 190 1

Writer . Boston . U 1887+ V. 1+Writers ’ 81 artists

’ yearbook . London . U 190 7 , v .


Writings on American hi story . (Griffin ) New York . U 190 2—0 3 , 0 6+Wurttemberg (Ger . ) - Hofbibliothek . Zuwach s-verzeichnis. U 190 8+ no . 1+

Zentralstelle fiir gewerbe handel . Stuttgart . Jahresberichte d er

handelskammern in Wiirttemberg. U 190 1-0 2

see also Verein fii r vaterlan d isch e n aturkunde .Wurzburg (Germany) , see also Botanisches institut in Wurzburg .

Wyoming—Attorney-general ’ s d epartment . Biennial report .U 1898- 190 0 , 190 5+

A i i d itor. An nual report . U 1892-98, 1907+Charities 81 reform , State board of . An nual report .

U 97 1 V 2-39 7


Zeitschrift fur angewandte psychologie 81 psychologische sammelforschung .

Leipzig. U 1907+ V. 1+Zeitschrift fur anorganische chemie. Hamburg . U 1892+ v . 1+Zeitschrift fiir architecktur ingenieurwesen . Wiesbaden .

U 190 9+ v . 55+ (11 ser vZeitschrift fur bauwesen . Berlin . U 1872 v 22

Zeitschrift fur biologie. Mun ich . U 1865+ v . 1+ ; N 1888-99, v . 24, 29 33 , [36]Zeitschrift fur b iologische technik 81 methodik . Berl in . U 19 10+ v 2+Zeitschrift fiir botanik . Jena . U 190 9+ V. 1+Zeitschrift fiir b iicherfreun de . Leipzig . U 1897+ v , 1+Zeitschrift fiir chemie . Leipzig . U 187 1 , .v . 14 (new 8 .

v. 7 )Zeitschrift fiir chemie 81 industri e der kolloide . Dresden . U 1906+ V 1+Zeitschri ft fur class ische philologie, see Wiener studien .

Zeits chrift fiir comprimierte flussige gase, see Zeitschrift fur kompr1mi erte 81fi ii ssige gase.

Zeitschrift fii r dampfkessel 81 °maschinenbetrieb . Berlin . U+Zeitschrift fur das armewesen . (Cen tralstelle fur arbeiter-wohlfahrtsein richt

ungen . ) Berlin . U 190 0+ v . 1 -2, 4+Zeitschrift fur das gesamte turbin en wesen . Munich .

~U 1909+ V . 6+Zeitschrift fiir das gymn asialw esen . Berlin . U 1847+ v . 1+Zeitschrift fii r das landwirtschaftl iche versuchwesen in Oesterreich . Vienna .

“U 1898+ v. 1+

Zeitschri ft fur das privat 81 oeffen tl iche s recht der gegenwart . U has orderedZeitschrift fur den . deutschen unterricht . Leipzig . U 1887+ V . 1+

E rgan zun gshcft . U 190 1+ V . 1+Z eischri ft fii r den physikalischen 81 chemischen unterricht . Berlin .

U 1887+ v. 1+Zeits chrift fur deutsche kulturgcsch ichtc . (Mullen ) Hanover .

U 1872-75 , 11 . ser . V. 1 -4Zeitschrift fur deutsche mundarten . Berlin U 1906+Zeitschri ft fiir deutsche philologie . Halle . U 1869+ v . 1+Zeitschrift fur deutsche sp rache . Hamburg ; Leipzig . U 1887 V . 1 -6, 8- 10

Zei ts chrift fur deutsche wortforschung . Stras sburg .

U 190 1 -06, 09+ v . 1 -7 , 1 1+Zeitschrift fur deutsches altertum 81 deutsche litteratur. Leipzig ; Berlin .

U 1841+ V . 1+Zeitschrift fur di e erforschung 81 behandlung des j ugendlichen schwachsinns ,auf w i s senschaftlicher grundlage . Jena . U 1907+ v . 1+

Zeitschrift fur die gesammten n aturwis senschaften . Berlin .

N 1869—79 , [v . 33 ; ser . 5-8 ; ser . 3 , vZeitschri ft fur die gesamte staatswissenschaft . T iibin gen . U 1844+ v . 1+

E rg'

a n zun gsh eft . U 190 1+ v . 1+Zeits chrift fii r die gesamte wasserwirtschaft . Halle. N 1908, V . 3Zeitschrift fii r elektrochemie . Halle . U 1894+ V . 1+Zeits chrift fur elektrotechnik . Vienna . U 1894-

95 , v .+

12- 13Zeitschrift fur entomologie

, see Breslau (Ger . ) Verein fur schlesische insekten kun de .

Zeitschrift fur ethnologie . (Berl in er gesellschaft fur anthropologie u . s, w .)Berlin . U 1869+ V. 1+

Zeitschrift fur fi schere i 81 deren hilfswissenschaften . Berlin .

N 1897+‘

v . 5-6. 9+Zeits chrift fur fle isch 81 milchhygiene . B eri i n . U 1890+ V. 1+Zeitschri ft fiir forst j agdwesen . Berlin . N 1894- 190 3 , [v . 28, 35Zeitschri ft fur fran zosische sprache 81 litteratur. Berlin . U 1879+ V . 1+V . 1 - 10 called ~Z e itschrift fiir n eufran zii sische sprache 81 litteratur.

Zeitschri ft fuf geschichte der arcli itektur. Heidelberg . U 190 7+ V . 1+Z eitschri ft fur handelsw is senschaft 81 handelspraxis . Leipzig . U 1908+ v . 1+Zei tschrift fiir hocli d eutsche mundarten . Heidelberg . U 190 0

—0 2, V . 1-3Zeitsch ri ft fur hygiene 81 in fection skran kheiten . Leipzig .

U 1886+ V. N 189 1, V . 10

V . 1- 10 called Zeitschrift fur hygiene.


Zeitschrift fur hypnotismus . Leipzig . U 1892- 1902”v , 1- 10

Continued as Journal fur psychologie 81 neurologie .Zeitschrift fur instrumentenkun de . Berlin . U 1881 -95 , 98+ v . 1 - 15 , 18+


B eiblatt, see Deuts che mechaniker-zeitung .

Zeitschrift fii r kapital rente . Berlin .

U 1864-72, 74, 76, v . 1-8, 9 (supplement) , 12

Zeits chrift fur kinderforschung . Langensalza . U 1go7+ ,m 13+Continues Kin d erfeh ler.

Zeitschrift fur komprimierte 81 flussige gase . Weimar.“U 1897+ V. 1+

Zeitschrift fur krystallograph ie 81 mineralogie . Leipzig .

U has ordered completeZeitschri ft fur ku lturgcsch ichte . Weimar. U 1898-

99 , ser . 3 , v. 5-6‘

Continued by Archiv fur kulturgcsch ichtc.

Zeitschrift fur mathematik physik . Le ipzig . U 1856+ v . 1+Abhandlungen zur geschichte der mathematik , see Abhandlungen .

Zeits chrift fiir mathematische naturwissenschaftl iche unterricht . Leipzig .

U 1870+ V . 1+Zeitschrift fur —morphologie 81 anthropologie . Stuttgart . U has orderedZeits chrift fii r n eu fran zij sische sprache l itteratur, see Zeits chri ft fur fran


zé sische sprache 81 litteratur.

Zeitschri ft fur é sterreich ische volkskunde . Vienna . U 190 7+ V . 13+Zeitschrift fur padagogische psychologie . Berlin . U 1899+ v . 1+Zeits chrift fiir pflan zen kran kheiten . Stuttgart . U 189 1+ v . N 1898, v . 8

Zeitschrift fii r philosoph ic 81 pad agogik . Langensalza. U 1895+ v . 2+Zeitschrift fur philosophie 81 philosophische kri tik . Leipzig .

U 190 5+ v . U has ordered restE rga n zu n gsban d . U 1909+ v . 2+

Zeitschrift fur physikalische chemie . Leipzig . U 1887+ v . 1+Zeits chrift fiir physiologische chemie . (Hoppe - Seyler .) Strassburg .

U 1877+ V. 1+Zeitschrift fur politik. Berlin . U 190 7+ V. 1+Zeitschri ft fiir praktische geologie . Berlin . U 1893+ v . 1+Zeitschrift fii r psychologic 81 physiologie der s innesorgane . Hamburg .

U 1896 -w. 99+ v . 1 - 15. 20+Ergan zun gsban d ; U 1900+ v . 1+

Zeitschrift fiir romanische phi lologi e . Halle . U 1877+ v . 1+Beiheft . U 190 5+ v . 1+

Zeitschrift fur schu lgesun dhe itspflege . Hamburg . U 1888+ V . 1+Zeits chri ft f6r staats volkswirtschaft . Vienna . U 1890+ v . 1+Zeitschrift fiir systematische hymen opterologie 81 d ipterologie . Stargard .

N 1902 V . 2

Combined,with 81 continued in D eutsche entomologische zeitschrift .

Zeitschrift fiir tub-erkulose h eilstatten wesen . Leipzig . U 190 0+ V . 1+Zeitschrift fiir untersuchung der n ahru n gs 81 genussmittel . Berlin .

U 1898+ v . 1+Zeitschrift fur vergleichende litteraturgeschichte 81 renais san ce l itteratur.

Berlin . U 1887+ n . ser. v . 1+Zeitschrift fi‘i r vergleichende rechtswissens chaft . Stuttgart . U 1908+ V . 21+Zeits chrift fiir vergleichende sprachforschung auf dem gebiete des in dogermanischen sprachen , Berlin . U 185 1+ V . 1+

Zeitschrift fur volkerp sychologie 81 sprachwissenschaft . B erlin .

U 1860 -90”v. 1 -20HZeitschrift fur volkerrecht 81 bundesstaatsrecht . Breslau . U 1907+ V. 1+Zeitschrift fur volkswirtschaft, sozialpolitik, 81 verwaltung . Vienna .

U 1892+ V . 1+Zeitschrift fur wissen schaftliche in sekten biologie . Berlin 81 Neudam .

N 1896+ v . 1+v . 1 -2 called I llustrierte wochenschri ft fur entomologie ; V . 3

-6 called I llustrierte zeitschri ft . fiir entomologie ; V . 7-9 called Allgemeine zeitschrift fiirentomologie.


Zeitschrift fur wissens chaftliche mikroskopie fur mikroskopische technik.

Leipzig ; Brunswick.

U 1890 -

94, 1899+ V . 7- 1 1 , N 1886-89 ,'

95 , V . 3-6, 12 pt 3Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche zoologi e. qL c ipzig.

N 1855 V. 6 12, 16

,18-22, 2

Z eitun gs katalog . Leipzig , see Mosse,Rudolf


7 4+

Zentralblatt fur agrikultur chemie . (Biedermann ) Leipzig . U 1888+ V. 17+Zentralb latt fiir allgemeine pathologic pathologische anatomic .

U has ordered completeZentralblatt fur bakteriologie , parasitcn kun d e 81 in fcktion skran khciten .


Erste abtheilun g : medizinis ch-hygienische , bakteriologie tieri sche parasiten kun d e. U 1887-97 , v . 1 - 17 , 21-22 ; N 1887- 190 1“[v . 1 , 4, 18 3 0”Since 1902, v . 3 1 issued in 2 seri es : Referate

,O riginale .

Referate . N 190 2+ V. 3 1+Originale . N 1902+ V. 3 1+

c ite abthe ilun g : allgemeine landwirtschaftlich-technologi sche bakteriologie , gahrun gsphysiologie 81 p-fian zcn pathologic .

U 1897+ v . N 1895-96, V. 1 -2

Zentralb latt fur bib l iothekswesen . L eipzig . U 1884+ v. 1+Beiblatt, see Blatter fii r volksbib lioth ckswcscn .

Beihefte . U 1888-

93 , 97+ V . 1 -3, 6+Zentralblatt fur biochemic b iophysik . Leipzig. U 19 10+ V. 1+Continues B iochemisches cen tralblatt , B iophysikalischcs cen tralblatt .

Zentralblatt fii r die gesamte physiologic pathologic d cs stoffwechsels . Berlin . U 1909+ .n . ser. v . 4+

Zentralblatt fur mineralogie, geologic 81 palaeontologic . S tuttgart . U 190 0+Being a supplement to Neues j ahrbu ch fii r mineralogie .

Zentralblatt fur normale anatomic 81 mikrotechnik . Berlin . U 1904+ V . 1+Zentralblatt fiir physiologic . Berlin ; Leipzig. U 1894+ v . N 1887-89 , v. 1 -3Zentralverband deutscher konsumvereine. Jahrbuch . Hamburg .

U 190 7+ v . 5+Zeta Tau Alp-ha fratern ity . [ Sorority. ] Them is . Men asha (Wis . )

U 19 10+ v. 7+Zlata Praha . Prague (Bohemia ) U 190 9+ -V . 27+Zoe, a b iological j ournal . San Francisco . N 1890 -9 1 , v . 1-2

Zoologica. (Chun . ) Stuttgart .U 1887+ V . N 1889- 1908, n o. 5, 1 1

, 15- 16, 2 1-22, 26

Early volumes called B ib liotheca zoologica .

Zoological bul letin . Boston . N 1897—99”v . 1

Continued as B iological bulletin,see Marine biological laboratory . Woods

Holl .Z oological rec-ord . London . N 1864+ v . 1+Zoological society of London . Proceedings . N 1878-90 , 92

—93, 99+

Transactions . N 1886+ [v . 12,

15+K . K . Zoologis ch- botanische gesellschaft . Vienna . Verhandlungen .

N 1866+ v . 16,20

,27 , 36,

Zoologisch - botanis cher verein“. Vienna. Bericht fi ber die oesterre ich ische

l iteratur dcr zoologie, botanik p aleontologie . U 1850 -53Verhandlungen . U 1852-87 , V. 1 -36

Zoologis che annalen . Wurzburg . U 190 5+ v . 1+Zoologische jahrbucher. Jen a ; abthe ilun g fur allgemeine zoologie physi

ologic d cr thiere . (Begins with v . N 19 10+ v . 30+Abtheilun g fii r an atomic 81 on togcn ic der thiere.

N 1889+ v . 3- 16, 18+Abthe ilun g fur systematik geographic 81 biologic der thiere .

N 1886+ V. 1+Supplement . N



97+ n o. 4+Zoologischer an zeiger . (Deutsche zoologische gesellschaft .) Leipz ig.

N 1878+ V . 1+see a lso B ibl iograph ia zoologica .

Zoologischer j ahresbericht . Berlin , see Naples (I taly) Zoolog ische station .