Sistem gastrointestinal


Transcript of Sistem gastrointestinal

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Traktus Digestivus/Gastrointestinalis

- Traktus digestivus/gastrointestinalis bertugas untuk makan dan mengolah makanan, menyerap nutrisi dan membuang produk yang tidak terdigesti.

- Traktus digestivus merupakan tabung panjang yang berawal dari cavum oris , esofagus, gaster, intestinum tenua, intestinum crassum/colon, rectum dan anus.

- Kelenjar pencernaaan akan membantu mengolah dan menyerap nutrisi, yaitu glandula salivatorius, pankreas, hepar, dan vesica velea.

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Struktur Sistem Organ Gastrointestinal

• Ingestion (mulut)• Digesti (mulut, gaster,

intestinum tenue)• Organ asesorius (hepar,

pankreas, vesica velea)• Absorpsi (intestinum

tenue et crassum)• Eksresi (intestinum


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Pengolahan Makanan

• Ingesti– Proses memasukkan makanan ke dalam tubuh

• Peristalsis– Gerakan fisik sepanjang traktus digestivus

• Digesti– Proses pengolahan makanan secara mekanik dan kimiawi

• Absorpsi– Perjalanan makanan dari traktus digestivus ke dalam tubuh

• Defekasi– Eliminasi bahan makanan yang tidak tercerna dalam tubuh

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Cranium: tampak lateral

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Otot Kepala

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Otot Mastikasi

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Otot Mastikasi

1. M. masseter2. M. buccinator ditembus oleh ductus

glandula parotideus3. M. pterigoideus medial4. M. pterigoideus lateral

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Cavum Oris

• Cavum oris:- Vestibulum oris- Cavum oris propriaAda: Arcus dentis/gigi Linguae/lidah

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Gigi/ Dentes

• Dentes decidui = gigi susu : 24 gigi• Dentes permanentes = gigi tetap : 32 gigiPenyusun:Dens incicivusDens caninusDens premolarisDens molaris IDens molaris IIDens molaris III/serotinus

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Mikroskopis Gigi

• Corona dentis, cervix dentis, radix dentis

• EnamelDentinumPulpa coronalis/ cavitas coronaePulpa radicularis/ cavitas radicis dentis a, v, n

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• Anatomi: radix, dorsum, apex linguae

• Musculus intrinsik: m. Transversus linguaem. Longitudinalis superior et

inferorm. Verticalis linguae• Papilla linguae: papilla

valata, foliata, fungiformis dan piriformis

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Glandula Salivariae

• Glandula salivares mayor:1. Gl. Parotidea2. Gl. Submandibularis3. Gl. Sublingualis• Glandula salivares minor:Gl. Platina

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Traktus Digestivus/Gastrointestinalis

• Traktus penyusun gastrointestinal terdiri dari 4 lapisan yang berbeda:

1. Tunika mukosa

2. Tunika submukosa

3. Tunika muscularis

4. Tunika adventitia/serosa

- Organ abdomen yang terletak retroperitoneal: duodenum, pancreas, colon ascendens, colon descendens, dan rectum

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• Orofaring:• Berbatasan dengan

cavum oris melalui istmus faucium, meluas dari palatum molle hingga tepi atas epiglotis

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Musculus Faring

• M. constrictor pharingis superior• M. constrictor pharingis medius• M. constrictor pharingis inferius• M. palatoglossus• M. salpingopharingeus• M. stylopharingeus

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• Esofagus merupakan pipa berotot dengan panjang 25 cm

• Terbentang antara faring hingga gaster/ventriculus

• Bermuara pada cardia ventriculi setinggi cartilago costalis VII dan vertebra T10/11

• Distal terdapat pleksus esofagealis

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• Bagian: cardiac, fundus, corpus, pilorusCardiac merupakan muara esofagusPilorus memiliki m. sfingter pylori untuk mengatur pengosongan lambung ke duodenum

• Lengkung: curvatura major et minor

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- The stomach sits in the upper left quadrant of the abdomen. It can be divided into 4 parts: the cardia, the fundus, the body or corpus, and the pylorus.

- The lesser curvature of the stomach is connected to the liver via the hepatogastric ligament, which comprise the lesser omentum with the hepatoduodenal ligament. On the other side, the greater curvature is connected to the greater omentum of the abdomen. Note the other surrounding structures.

- The venous drainage of the lesser curvature involves the left and right gastric veins, which anastomose as the coronary vein. The greater curvature is drained by short gastric veins into the anastomoses of the left and right gastro-omental veins. They all drain into the hepatic portal vein, hepatic veins, and inferior vena cava.

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- The stomach is supplied by the arteries branching off the celiac trunk.

- There are three major branches of the celiac trunk:

- 1) left gastric artery – supplies the lesser curvature and anastomoses with the right gastric artery

- 2) splenic artery – supplies the spleen, giving off the left gastro-omental artery which supplies the greater curvature and anastomoses with the right gastro-omental artery

- 3) common hepatic artery – supplies the liver with the hepatic artery proper. The right gastric and right gastro-omental arteries both branch off the hepatic artery proper. In addition, it also gives off the gastroduodenal artery to supply the duodenum, pancreas, and greater curvature.

- In short, the stomach is supplied by the right and left gastric arteries at the lesser curvature and the right and left gastro-omental arteries at the greater curvature.

- The lesser curvature is drained by the coronary vein, while the greater curvature is drained by the right and left gastro-omental veins.

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• Merupakan bagian terpendek dari intestinum tenue, berbentuk huruf C, berhubungan dengan pylorus dan jejunum

• Anatomis: pars superior, pars decendens, pars horizontalis, dan pars ascendens

• Terdapat muara ductus pancreaticus dan ductus choledocus/biliaris

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Jejunum dan Ileum

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- Once again, the 4 layers of the GI tract are shown – mucosa, submucosa, muscular layers, and serosa.

- The jejunum and ileum are attached to the posterior abdominal wall via mesentery. Within the mesentery are arcades and straight arteries. Jejunal arteries are shorter than ileal arteries. In addition, the jejunum mucosa has many more circular folds than the ileum, showing that the jejunum absorbs most of the nutrients.

- Histologically, the jejunum and ileum are very similar. Note once again the numerous villi. Extending into the lamina propria from the mucosa are intestinal glands, better known as intestinal crypts or crypts of Lieberkuhn.

- REMEMBER: Only the esophagus and duodenum have submucosal glands.

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Jejunum dan Ileum

• Berfungsi sebagai penyerapan

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- The ileum ends in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen and connects to the cecum, which then leads into the ascending colon.

- The ileocecal region is supplied by the ileocolic artery, which branches off the superior mesenteric artery. The ileocolic artery gives off a colic branch which supplies beginning of the ascending colon, and an ileal branch that supplies the end of the ileum.

- Note the abrupt transition in the epithelial lining from the small intestinal (S) villi to the glandular form of large intestine (L). The ileocecal valve contains considerably thickened muscularis propria (M) with some lymphoid tissue (Ly).

- Note the appendix and appendicular artery shown here. We look in more detail in two slides.


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Intestinum Crassum/Colon

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Intestinum crassum/ Colon

• Anatomis: colon ascendens, transversum, decendens, sigmoideum

• Rectum merupakan bagian akhir dari colon

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• Memiliki 2 sfingter:Sfingter ani internaSfingter ani eksterna