Study of the Cognomina of Soldier - Forgotten Books

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Transcript of Study of the Cognomina of Soldier - Forgotten Books

Study of the Cognomina of Soldie r

in the Roman Le gions



Pun um 10 mm:FACU LTY or m cmon Um msxu

m CANnxmcr FOB umDream or

Doe 'roa orm sornr


on, N . J .


Acce pte d by the De partme nt of ClassicsJune , 1914



I take this opportuni ty to e xpre ss my obligation to al l myte ache rs at Dartmouth and Prince ton. Espe cial thanks are

due to Prof. Frank Frost Abbott, whose assistance and e ncourageme nt have be e n gene rously give n to me during th e pre paration of this disse rtation . I am inde bte d also to Prof. DuaneRe e d Stuart formany he lpful sugge stions.


Se ptembe r, 1915 .



Cnm rmI—Poruma Coonounu

Cnm m II—Cmssxn curon or Coonounu



The pre se nt study of the Cognomina of Roman le gionarie sis an attempt to colle ct and to classi fy th e cognomina of me nenrolle d in the le gions in the time of the Empire . The cognomina of soldie rs, ve te rans, and unde r-office rs, up to and including pn


mi pi l i , who se rve d in the le gions only are considere d .

The se me n have as a common bond Roman citizenship and

may prope rly be brought toge the r for a study of this kind .

Cognomina which occur wi th any frequency are asse mble din the first chapte r. A brie f summary of the e vide nce supporting the name is give n, toge the r wi th the data showing its distribution among the province s, i ts chronological de ve lopme nt,and the home s of th e me n who be ar the name .

The se cond chapte r contains a de tai le d classification of all

the cognomina , arrange d alphabe tically unde r se ve ral he adings,e . g. , according to form, e ndings, or de rivation. Th e table of

divisions indicate d at the be ginning of the chapte r wi ll e xplainfurthe r the classification .

The third chapte r is de vote d to a brie f discussion of someproblems which grow out of the inve stigation of the cognomi na .

Altoge the r about 5700 name s are publishe d in the alphabe ticallist wh ich is plae ed at the e nd of this study . This list is ar

range d primari ly to me e t the ne e ds of this inve stigation, but itis hope d that the mate rial in it wi ll prove use ful to those who maywish to study the le gionarie s for some othe r re ason .

The de sirabili ty of making a study of th e cognomina of sol

dim was sugge ste d by a stateme nt of Euge n Bormann (De rroemiscbe Lime s in Oe ste rre ich , He ft IV, 1908. p . In

this passage an inscription found at Carnuntum and containing the name s of two soldie rs is unde r discussion . At the con

clusiomof the comment on the name s of the se me n it is said .

“die be iden ande re n habe n di e gle ichartige n Cognomina, Pirmusund Se ve rus. e rhalten , vie lle icht, da e s in: Soldate n passe ndesind. (F081, Streng) als si e zumSoldate ndi e nst be stimmt ware n .

Furthe rmore no e xhaustive colle ction of cognomina in Roman

8 coos

ouh tqor sommas m 3mm :LEGIONS

name s has ’as ye t be en made , although such a workwould provea valuab le contribution to classical study. Schulne , Lat. Eige n«namexi p . 497, obse rve s, “Eine mit allen Kunste n und Mi tte lnder Epigraphik vorge he nde Unte rsuchung, di e auch fur dieI nte re sswde s Grammati ke rs dringe d e rwfinscht ware , e tc.

That enrollme nt in a le gion pre suppose d Roman citize nship isa fact too we ll-known to ne e d a re pe ate d demonstration . And

furthe r, toward th e end of the first century, whe n the le gionsbe gan to be re crui te d outside of Italy, it se ems be yond que stionthat many me n we re be coming le gionari e s who had not be enRoman ci tizens for a very long pe riod be fore the ir enlistment .Note the formation of the le gions I and II Adiutrice s from the

fle e t in the ye ar 68 . This admission into ci tize nshipwas probably accompani e d by a change of name . (Inscripti ons of the

II Adiutrix in England during the ne x t two de cade s, 71—85 , maybe se arche d in vain for any menwho appe ar to be non-Romans .

Practically all the men name d in the se inscriptions indicatethe ir tribe and fathe r’s name , usually conside re d de fini te te stimony to Roman ci tizenship, vid . Mommsen’

s comment on an

inscription cite d be low. A soldi e r born at Lugudunum has theCe ltic cognome n Salica, Eph . Epigr. IX p .

Some information, me age r but pre cise , about the change of

name which took plae e whe n a man ente re d the Roman army or

the fle e t has come down to us. Unfortunate ly the re fe re nce s

in this anci ent te stimony do not conce rn le gionarie s, but, inasmuch as Roman ci tize nship was a sine qua non for se rvice in

this part of the army and since the re crui tingwas going on in

al l se cti ons of the Empire , the re is e ve ry re ason for be lie vingthat the practice of name -changing he re me ntione d took placein the case of the soldie rs of th e le gions as we ll as in that ofmenin othe r bodi e s of troops.

A de scription of the e vidence upon which this conclusion depe nds may be prope rly brought in he re , although it has alre adyre ce ive d conside rable atte ntion in the discussions ci te d be low.

A le tte rwritte n to his fathe r by a ladwho had just joine d the fle e thas be en found in Egypt on a papyrus of the first half of these cond ce ntury . (Be rline r gri e chi sche Urkunde n 423, De iss

mann, Licht vomOste n, 1909, pp . 120fl, Mi lligan, Gre e k Papyri ,pp . 90-92, Cambridge . Th e young man, Apion, from

m onumron 9

has re ache d his station at Mise num safe ly afte r a stormy voy

age . He re joice s ove r thre e gold pie ce s paid to himat the outse t of his newduti e s and adds this se nte nce important for ourpurpose , hm 86

Avr€mc MdEcuoc. In a le tte r writte nsome ye ars late r to his siste r Sabina this

“soldi e r” calls himse lf

only by his newname , Antonius Maximus. In this se cond communication he mentions his scm Maximus and ne phe w Maximns . (De issmann, op . cit. p . 125f, Lambe rts, C lotta, V, 1918,

p. In se ve ral othe r instance s me nwho e nM d the fle e t

sen, He rme s, 16, 1881, p . 466. Lamberts, Glotta, IV, p . 1800.

W e who has enrolle d in the union 196m) 91360l unde rthe name ‘

Ioéh oc Mmméc; A third instance of this kind isaflorde d by sti ll anothe r papyrus from the Fayoum, nowin theBe rlin colle ction (B . G . U . This docume nt is date din the ye ars 159-160 and re ads as follows: I‘tfiogvi ew; « mm:me lonsmirth :1 :0!»a «To:50f abri c

m am:w as Ni t-W) Mt’mw (The re storation of

this last name is adopte d from Lambe rts, op. cit ,V, p.

The newname s chosen in place of the old are in the se case s

Max imua Mn tianua and Apollinaris. In the instance s of the

menmthe fle et that am re fe rre d to above the newly acquimdcommina are Ce le r, Silvanus, Albanus, Paulus, Vale ns, and

Victor. Many paralle ls to the se name s,which may be re garde d


W” may be found among the name s of the le gionarie s

in this colle ction . If the nwe fe e l sure that the gre ate r part ofthe name s of soldie rs in the le gionswe re take n by them at the

tinse of the ir enlistme nt, that ia, about the age of twe nty (vid .

Gagnat, ‘‘

le gio,”Darembe rg-Saglio) the e xamination of the se

cognomina may not prove an unprofitable e xe rcise .

ing the name s of le gionari e s from the inscriptions nowe xisting .

Mommse n has made a ve ry significant obse rvation in comme nting on a list of soldie rs found on a stone in Egypt. This inscription (CIL III 66£7-Eph . Epigr. V, p . 5-17) is date d by the e ditor as e arly as the re ign of Augustus. In re gard to the soldie rs

name s and particularly conceming those of men be longing tothe tribe Poll ia, Mommse n remarks,

“Cive s hos civitate Romans

10 coouom a or sonnmasm ROMAN morons

conie cturam confirme t ; nam, ut be ne monuit Hue lsenus noste r,nul lus corumpatrem habe t prae nomine dive rso, id quod prae se rtim in titulo e ius ae tatis qua prae nominum usus adhuc plenevige bat, indicat patre s e x bona parte ficticios e sse e t una cumtribue t civitate adsumptos.

” None of the soldie rs whose name sare re corde d on this stone be ars a cognomen . It is importantfor our purpose , howe ve r, to note that the name was subje cte dto ce rtain change s. Late r, whe n cognomina we re in use , it isnot unre asonable to suppose that this part of the name una cumtribu ct civitate was assume d . Th e conclusion of Schuh e ,

Lat. Eige nname n, p . 496, points in this dire ction:“D ie Fremde n ,

die e rst durch di e Einre ihung in di e Le gion das Burge rre cht undde r roemische n Name n empfinge n, habe n also aus die sen Anlassihre n alte n Individualname n, we nigste ns fur d ie amtlicheSprache , able ge n musse n .

”Th e words of Lambe rts, Glotta ,

V,p . 108 , apply only to a parti cular part of the army, but this

may not be an ove rstateme nt for th e majority of the le gionarise . The passage re fe rre d to re ads,“ dass . . de r E intritt insromisch e He e r fur den Ae gypte r e in Grund war, e ine n se ine r

neue n Umgebung ange passte n Name n anzune hmen .

Th e same conclusion has be en re ache d by Rudolf He rzog(Name nsi lbe rse tzunge n und Ve rwandte s, Phi lologus, LXI, 1897 ,pp . 88

“We r romisch e s Gewand annahm. romische Burge rwurde , muszte sich dasube queme n, de n Vorname n und Name ne ine r be ste he nden romische n ge ns anzune hmen, di e durchausse re Ve rhaltnisse fur ihn be stimmt wurde . Se ine Nationalitat konnte e r nur durch e ine Hinte rth ti r, das cognome n , das

ke ine inte gri e re nde n Be standthe il de s Name ns bi lde te , he re inschmugge ln, we nn e r wollte . Wollte e r sic ve rleugnen. konntee r alle rdings durch die dre i von uns aufge ste llte n Name nsande runge n auch se in Cognome n latin isieren .

Since newname s we re chose n by the le gionary re crui ts, i t isa prope r que stion to ask what the se name s we re . It is idle tospe culate on the fitne ss of name s or the re ason for se le cting thisor that one until some inve stigati on is made of the avai lable

name where any large me asure of varie tywas possible we re thenome n and cognome n . The histm'

y of the nome n has he en

m acsncrron 11

of an Emperor is employe d by soldie rs has alre ady be e n obse rve dbyMommsen aIe rme s J9, 1884, p . 8) . e twa se it Marcus. da

von da an di e Kaim ge nfihcie n be i de n Ie gionaren in auflalle n

de r Hfiufigke i t sich e inste llen .

"C] . A . von Preme rste in, Kl io,

III, 1908 , p . 4, and Gagnat, L’

Armée Romaine , 2ud . e d . p . 298,

of the name and the pre se nt classification throws some light onits use in an important uni t of soci e ty unde r th e Empire .

Be yond th e application to an individual of a nome n and cog

nome n a further ste p in the de ve lopme nt of th e name is the practice of using nickname s. At first sight it would se em natural

soldie rs possesse d some appe llation pe culiarly sui te d to me nin the mi litary cal ling . And , inde e d , such a study would beente re d upon with gre at e age rne ss we re mate rial abundantenough towarrant it . That the re we re nickname s among th esoldie rs one can hardly de ny, but on account of the ir e pheme ralnature the y have almost e ntire ly pe rishe d . To spe ak of a name

d this kind reminds one at once of the famous Fabius Cunctator,but othe r e xample s are few. Name s of thi s nature which are

known in li te rature are coll e cte d by Kampf, Romanorum se r

monis castrensis re liqui ae col le ctae e t i llustratac, Jarhb. f .klass. Phi l . Suppl . XXVI, pp . 840-400.

The e xiste nce of the supe rnome n and case s of its occurrencehave be en e xce lle ntly discusse d by Lambe rts in an articl e te

fe rre d to above . (Zur Ausbre i tung de s Supe rnomen ode r Sigmun im roemische n Re iche , Glotta , 1918 , IV , pp . 78-148, and

V, pp . 99-169) Amid the mate ri al which is colle cte d in the setwo article s the name s of le gionarics which show double cogno

mina are few. In the abse nce of any inde x to th e work of Lamhe rtz and for convenient re fe re nce the se case s are assemble don anothe r page , rid . Chap . III , Double Cognomina .

We can scarce ly hope the n formany humorous side -lights on

di e rs to e ach othe r. Such name s as Cicatricula, Lugudunolus,or Sterce ius may actually have be e n be stowe d in je st, but onemust re sist the temptation to theorize on th e appropriate ne ssof many name s be cause of the sle nde r supply of information

may have be en chose n or applbd wi th ful l unde rstanding of

12 coonoums or sommas IN ROMAN morons

what the word me ant, it would be folly to maintain the li te ralne ss of Rufus or the probable fitne ss of Maximus in e ve ry i hstance . The obje ct of this study is simply to asce rtain whatthe facts are in re gard to the use of cognomina among Romancitize ns, be low the e que strian rank in this particular walk of life .

The e vide nce which has be e n conside re d he re come s to uswholly on stone s and on papyri . The limi ts place d have be e nth e rank of the pe rson and the indication of some le gion . Me n

who are not assigne d to any le gion but are ce rtainly membe rs of

one have be e n include d as far as possible . Care has be entake n to make the alphabe tical list of cognomina give n at the

e nd as comple te as the mate rial which has be e n publishe d thusfar wi ll pe rmi t. It must be admitted , howe ve r, that omissionsmay be de te cte d, and the constant appe arance of newmate rialpre ve nts a work of this kind from be ing actually comple te .



Chapte r One is compose d of brid paragraphs which summaro

ize the e vide nce conce rning those cognomina found most frsque ntly in th e name s of le gionary soldi e rs. The numbe r twe ntyhas be en adopte d as a standard for admission to this list of“popular” cognomina. Such cognomina as are re pre se nte d by twe nty ormore e x ample s are he re discusse d . The se are :

Si lvanus

Marce ll inus

is calle d particularly to the ge ographi ca l distribution and M ological de ve lopme nt of the use of the cognomina .

Anycognate torms of name s in the list give n above are alsomen

majority of such case s as these can be assigne d to th e first or

e arly part of the se cond century . The inscription ! e vide nceis divide d according to the province s inwhich the stone swe refound . Th e ge ne ral distribution of th e e vi de nce showing th euse of cogxmmina in the legions is as follows:From the province

14 COGNOMINA or sommasm ROMAN morons

has be en take n ; from province s the inscriptions of which are

publishe d in CIL , vol . III, about one -third ; and from othe rparts of the Roman Empire , th e remainde r, some thing le ss thanone -third . In discussing “popular” cognomina, the n, it wi ll bene ce ssary to be ar in mind thi s proportional division of th e

inscriptions, and contrast the fre que ncy of name s from Lambae sis, whichwas th e camp of the III Augusta in Africa for a

long pe riod, with that of the name s found in the Danube province s. The table adde d at the e nd of the chapte r indicate s inconve ni e nt form the distribution of the se ve ral cognominahe re me ntione d . Constant re fe re nce to the alphabe tical li stat the back wi ll be found he lpful and ne ce ssary for a full unde rstanding of the se bri e f stateme nts.

The date of an inscription is always important but not alwayse asy to de te rmine . For the majority of th e cognomina in thi schapte r, a numbe r of the e xample s sufi cie nt to indicate th e

ge ne ral chronological de ve lopme nt can be date d . A knowle dgeof th e moveme nts of the le gions in the se ve ral province s is ve ryhe lpful in dating the se inscriptions . This, howe ve r, must beuse d with gre at care , be cause not all th e de taile d moveme ntsof le gionary de tachme nts are known be yond que stion .

In this chapte r whe n a name is noted as found in PannoniaorGe rmany the le gion to which the be are r of this name be longsis not always give n. To state the le gion in such instance s doe snot se em an e sse ntial factor in th e study of th e cognomina .

This re lative unimportance of the name of th e le gion in whicha man is e nrolled is due to the scantine ss of the mate rial avai lable for pre se nt e xamination . Had we as many name s of th e

membe rs of e ve r) l e gion as of those who se rve d in the III Augusta at Lambae sis, it' is ve ry probable that more cognomina whi che njoye d popularity in particular le gions or province s could bediscove re d .

Ifwe turn to the conside rati on of the nature of th e cognominawh ich appe ar in this chapte r our atte ntion is drawn to th e largenumbe r of themwhich are adje ctive s in origin . In anti cipationof the classification of Chapte r II, the se popular cognominamay be groupe d in the following manne r:Adje ctive s de notingqualitie s sui te d to me n in mi litary se rvice are Ce le r, Faustus,Fe lix , Fe stus, P irmus, Fortunatus, Martial is, Se ve rus, Vale ns,and Victor. Adje ctive s with re fe re nce to physical characte r

roam s coox oamza 16

istics are Candidus, Crispus, Fuscus, Nige r. Rufus, and Vitalis.

Adje ctive s containing a re fe rence to me ntal or moral characte ristics are Castus, Clemens, Iustus, Pude ns. Ve re cundus, and

Ve nts . Ge rmanus and Sabinus posse ss some ge ographical or

local coloring. Primus, Se cundus, and Te rtius are nume raladje ctive s. Ianuarius and Saturninus, pe rhaps also Martialis,are conne cte d wi th name s of de i tie s and may in addi tion re l ateto birthdays. Participial adje ctive s are fre quent in Africanname s, vid . Chap. III, The Cognomina of African Le gionarie s.

In this chapte r one finds Cre scens, Datus, Donatus, Eme ritus,Honoratus, Optatus, and Rogatus. Inge nuus, Priscus, and

Max imus are the remaining adje ctive s m this chapte r. Itwi llbe note d that adje ctive s form almost thre e -fourths of the popular cognomina . The following e nd in -ianus: Iulianus, Mar

cianus, Rogatianus, and Vale rianus. Those ending in -inus are

Antoninus, Longinus, Marce llinus, Rufinus, Sabinus, Saturninus, Vale ntinus, and Victorinus. Bassus, Fronto, and Pro

culus are we ll-known Roman name s. The same may be said of

Marce llus, which is in form. howe ve r, a diminutive . Antoninusis conne cte d wi th an Empe ror’s name . Ale xande r is th e only

This cognome n, which is the first, alphabe tica lly, to be foundwith any freque ncy, and the only name of Gre e k origin in thischapte r, is re pre se nte d by forty-e ight e xample s in the list givenbe low. Ale x sande r and Al e x andrus have be e n found once e ach .

The se fifty instance s are distribute d among the province s of

the Roman Empire as follows:Thi rty-one e xamples have be e n

publ ishe d in CIL III ; from Lambae sis and its camp in Africae le ve n e xample s have be e n colle cte d ; at Mains four case s were(Mind ; at Rome thre e ; and in England one . The e arli e st instance of the use d Ale xande r as a soldi e r’s cognome n appe arson a papyrus from Egypt. The soldie r, whose name is UlpiusAle xande r, is e nrolle d in th e III Cyre naica le gion which wasstatione d in Egypt be fore the ye ar l OS . (For the use of th e

nome n Ulpius in this pe riod , vid . Chap . III. Impe rial Nomina. )Two othe r e xm pl e s of Ale xwde r have be en found gypt,

16 coonomna or sonnmasm ROMAN morons

both be longing to the se cond century . The cognome n Ale xande rwas in use in the Danube provinces throughout the se condand e arly part of the third century . At Lambae sis the e arli e stcase of Ale xande r is in the name of a pe tty ofi ce r in se rvice in

the re ign of Antoninus Pius. The othe r date d e xample s at thiscamp be long to the first de cad e s of the third century . At

Mains the cognome n Ale x ande r is found in the name of a cen

turion, Vale rius Ale xande r, se rving in the XXII Primige nia,twice on a stone cut in the ye ar 204 and again in the ye arfollowing. The ce nturion of the ye ar 205 is probably the same as

one of those of the pre vious ye ar. The le gionarie s at Rome whohe ar this cognome n be long to the late se cond or third ce ntury.

Ale x andrus, due to Gre e k influe nce , is found in the name of a


Jer se rving in Egypt late r than the ye ar 214, who adds

The nomina use d with Ale x ande r are to be notice d be causethe y appe ar ove r and ove r again with the various cognominain this colle ction. Some of the se are Aure lius (in nine name s),Claudius (two), Domi tius (thre e ), Flavius (two), Iul ius (nine ),Septimius (two), Vale rius (five ), Ulpius (thre e ) . All e xce ptVale rius are impe rial nomina and may ofte n assist in de te rmining the approximate date of inscripti ons. (Mommse n, He rme sXIX, p . 8 , and Chap. III, Impe rial Nomina . )

Antoninus has be en found as a cognome n among the le gionarie s in twe nty name s. The se are distribute d in the followingprovince s:In the te rri tory the inscriptions of which are publishe d in CIL III te n e xample s have be e n note d. Nine instance sare liste d from Africa, and one is found in Italy .

The last mentione d is pe rhaps the first in point of time . The

pe rson who be ars the name Flavius Antoninus was a primus

p lus of the I Adiutrix promote d from se rvice in the fle e t, andmay be long to the close of the first ce ntury . Claudius Antoninus e nrolle d as a soldie r in the III Cyre naica in Egypt cannotbe late r than the ye ar 108 . In the Danube province s Antoninusis noted first in the ye ar 184 . Othe r e xamples range in datethrough nearly a ce ntury following th is. One instance of th e

name M . Aure l ius Antoninus to des ignate a soldie r appe ars on

a stone in Dae ia. This inscription is certainly late r than the

18 coonomns or soe as rn aom n morons

anothe r first ce ntury instance of Bassus is note d as th e cog

nome n of a ve te ran whose home is Pisaurum, of the VII Claudiain Dalmatia .

Bassus is found as the cognome n of le gionari e s in the Danubere gion in inscriptions of th e se cond and third ce nturie s. Twoe xample s be longing to the se cond ce ntury have be e n found inEgypt . The se ri e s of le gionary inscriptions from Africa whichcontain this cognome n be gins with th e name s of two ve te rans(P), whose native town is Apame a, in se rvice during the re ignof Hadrian. Othe r e xample s e xte nd we ll into th e third ce ntury .

Hadrume tum and th e camp are the birth-place s of two me nwho he ar the cognome n Bassus. All the variant forms re latingto Bassus have be e n found in inscriptions from Africa .


The re are twe nty-thre e e xample s of the cognome n Candidusin the pre se nt list . Candidinus and Candidianus are cognominare late d to Candidus which appe ar among the name s of soldi e rs.

The geographical distribution of the inscriptions which furnishCandidus as a cognome n of me nwho be long to the le gions is as

follows:From th e province s embrace d by CIL III come twe lveof th e numbe r; from Africa five have be e n take n ; from Englandand Ge rmany, two e ach .

The e arl ie st le gionary, as far as we know, to be ar this cognome n is a membe r of th e 1111 Mace donica . Conse que ntlythis man was e nrolle d be fore the re ign of Ve spasian . A ce n

turion at The ve ste in Numidia has be e n assigne d to the se condhalf of the first ce ntury . If this date is corre ct,we have in ad

dition to an e arly use of Candidus an e arly employme nt of thenome n Aure l ius. (ForAure lius,vid . Chap . III, Impe rial Nomina . )All the othe r date d e xample s of the cognome n Candidus are

late r than th e first ce ntury . The ve ste is give n as th e home of

a ce nturion with this cognome n at Lambae sis about th e ye ar215 . Example s of Candidinus and Candidianus are also late rthan the first ce ntury .

CASTU STwe nty-thre e instance s of Castus as a cognome n of le gionarie shave be e n found . The re late d form Castinus appe ars on one

stone re cording the name of a soldie r. The e x ample s of Castus

poem s coonomna 19

are divide d among the province s as follows:From the te rritorycove re d by CIL III, four; from Africa, fifte e n ; from Ge rmany,two ; from England and Gallia Narbone nsis, one e ach .

By far the e arlie st of this group and, in fact, one of the ve rye arly instance s of the use of a cognome n among th e le gionari e sis that found in Egypt on a stone date d by Mommse n in there ign of Augustus (CIL III 6627 . A ce nturion mentione d on

this stone has the cognomen Castus. Othe r cognomina fromthis inscription are note d late r, and th e se are coll e cte d in Chapte rIII unde r “

The Earlie st No othe r first ce nturyuse of Castus has be en noted . In Africa Castus appe ars firstin a list of centurions of the ye ar 162. Othe r e xample s e xte ndth e use of Castus into the third ce ntury . The home s of me nwho posse ss this cognomen are indicate d in some inscriptions.

Two we re born in camp . The ve ste and Cirta are also me ntione d . The Danube province s yie ld thre e e xample s of Castus .

One can be date d in the ye ar 195 , be longing to a ve te ran whosehome is Ratiaria in Moe sia .


Ce le r has be e n found as the cognome n of thirty-e igh t le gionarie s. Cognomina re late d to Ce l e r are Ce l e rinus, Ce l e rianus,and Ce leris . Ce le ris, though cle arly the re ading of the stone ,is pe rhaps an e rror on the part of the engrave r. The e xample sof Ce le r as a cognome n are distribute d among the province s as

follows:From th e te rritori e s cove re d e pigraphically by CIL IIItwe nty-four have be e n taken ; from Africa (Lambae sis), five ;fromEngland and Spain , thre e e ach ; fromItaly, two; and from

The earlie st use of Ce le r by a l e gionary is in the name of a

man e nrolle d in the VI Fe rrata at Be ne ventum probably not

long afte r 81B . C . This is the only inscription of a group foundat Be ne ve ntum to pre se rve a name wi th a cognome n and to add

the name Fe rrata to the numbe r of the le gion . Ele ve n name s

with the cognome n Ce le r can be date d in th e first ce ntury, anunusually large proportion of the whole numbe r of e xample s.

Two of the se have be e n found in Dalmatia . One be longs to a

centurionwhose home is Ve rona . Two othe rs we re pre se rve d at

Carnuntnm. One soldi e r with this cognome n indicate s Ara

(Ay i ppimrnsium) as his home .

° Ce le r is the cognome n of a

20 COGNOMINA or source sm ROMAN morons

soldi e r and of a ve te ran e nroll e d in th e II Adiutrix and found ininscripti ons in England and Spain re spe ctive ly . The home of

the soldi e r is Aprum and that of th e ve te ran is Brixia. Asoldi e r of the 1111Macedonia wi th the cognome n Ce le r addsemIspani el afte r his name . The four remaining of this firstce ntury group are the name s of le gionari e s in Egypt towardthe close of th e ce ntury . One of the se me nwas born in camp .

Possibly of th e first ce ntury are me n name d Ce le r fromCremona,Flore ntia, and Ticinum, se rving in Pannonia . Pe sse nuntum

and Clunia are indicated as th e home s of me n be aring this cog

nome n in se rvice in Rome and Spain re spe ctive ly .

Ce le r continue s to be use d as a cognome n in the Danubere gion throughout th e se cond and into th e third ce ntury . AtLambae sis th e e arli e st use of Ce le r be longs to th e re ign of Had

rian . In this instance the ve te ran who be ars the cognome nindicate s Nicome d ia as h is home . Thre e othe r e xample s of

Ce le r be long to the third ce ntury . Th e last instance , undate d,of Ce le r is as the cognome n of a man born in camp . Carthageis give n as th e home of Ravil lius Ce le r, a ve te ran at Ale xandriain th e ye ar 194 .

C e le rinus is found as a cognome n twice during the first ce ntury . Six othe r e xample s be long to a late r pe riod . Four are

ce rtainly date d in the third ce ntury . Si x instance s we re foundin the Danube province s; twowe re re cove re d in Ge rmany toge the rwi th Ce le rianus. It wi ll be note d that during the third ce nturythe cognome n Ce le r occurs more fre que ntly in Africa than inthe Danube re gion, whe re Ce le rinus appe ars to have gaine d inpopularity.


This cognome n appe ars both as Cleme ns and C leme s. The

e x ample s of Cleme ns and Cleme s numbe r thirty-e ight. The

form C leme ntinus is found in thre e name s. The distributionof the use s of Cleme ns is as follows:The province s cove re d byCIL III furnish nine te e n case s; Africa yi e lds se ve n ; Ge rmany,six ; England, four; and Ita ly, two .

The e arlie st instance of the use of Cleme ns is as the cognome nof a ce nturion in Egypt in the re ign of Augustus. (Vi d . Castusabove and Chap . III, Th e Earli e st Cognomina. ) Two ce n

turions in England toward the close of the first ce ntury have

PO PULAR coowouma 21

the cognome n Clemens . Anothe r ce nturion in Be lgica be longsto this same pe riod , and two soldie rs in Ge rmanywe re in se rvice

about this time . One give s as his home Ae gum. It is not

ini probable that Aulus Bae bius Cleme ns, whose home is Fae sula ,

of four me n wi th the cognome n Clemens or Cleme s are note don papyri from Egypt . One be longs to the ye ar 90, the othe rsare e arlie r than th e ye ar 108 .

The cognome n Clemens continue d in use throughout th e se c

ond ce ntury in the Danube province s . Third ce ntury e xample sare lacking . C leme ntinus, howeve r, appe ars in Pannonia in theye ar 228 .

Five of the instances of Cleme ns fromAfrica, 11. e . Lambae sis,are be fore the year QOO. Th e othe r two are not certainly date d .

Gabala and Napoca are the home s of two me n who be ar thename Cl emens and a third was born in camp . C . SulpiciusCleme ntinus in se rvice at thi s camp give s Sicca as hi s home .

(Note :Cae ci lius Clemens found on two stone s in Englandappe ars twice in the pre se nt list. Wi thout doubt both name sre fe r to the same pe rson .)


Like Cleme ns, the cognome n Cre sce ns appe ars also as Cm ce s

on se ve ral stone s and the se have be e n se parate d in the alphabe tical list. Cre sce ns has be en found in fifty name s and Cre sce s

tinus and Cre scentianus are also pre se rve d . The distributionof the fifty-six instance s of the use of Cre sce ns and Cre sce s

among the province s is as follows:The te rri tory the inscri ptionsfromwhich are pub lishe d in CIL III yie lds e le ven ; Africa con

tribute s thirty-two; Ge rmany, se ve n ; Ita ly and England , thre ee ach. The four e xample s of Cre sce ntianus are al l from Africa .

Cre sce ntinus is re corde d on thre e stone s from Africa and on as

many from the Danube province s.

The e arlie st uses of Cre scens as a cognomen for le gionari e shave be e n found in Ge rmany . The se are in th e following name s:L Aemi l ius L . f. Cla(udia) Cre sce ns Ara, be longing to a soldi e rabout the ye ar 62, Q . Bruttius Q . f. Se rgia Cre sce ns domo

men in service be lore the re ign of Ve spasian.


Name s containing this cognome n from the Danube province sare all late r than the first ce ntury . Ve rce l lae and Carsq are

the home s of two me n statione d in the se province s. Ami litarylist of the ye ar 195 found at Viminacium contains thre e name swith Cre sce ns as the cognome n . Brixia and Augusta Vinde licum are th e home s of two soldie rs in Britainwho be arthe cognome n Cre sce ns. The instance s of Cre sce ns (Cre sce s) in Africarange in date from the ye ar 162 to 275 . The following townsin Africa are give n as th e home s of me nwho posse ss this cog

nome n :Carthage , Cirta Cuiculum, Hippo, The ve ste , and

the camp i tse lf.Ca l srus

The instance s of Crispus as a le gionary cognome n numbe rtwe nty-four. Crispinus is re pre se nte d by two inscriptions.

The e x ample s of Crispus are distribute d as follows:The re gions

cove re d by CIL III furnish twe lve ; Africa contribute s se ve n ;

Ge rmany adds four; and England yi e lds one . The last me ntione d instance is the e arlie st one :viz . , in the name of a ve te ranof the II Adiutrix whe n that le gionwas at Che ste r shortly afte r71 A . D . An e x ample of Crispus in a mi l itary inscription at

Mainz is notwholly ce rtain . If this be the corre ct re storationthe n th e inscription be longs to the pe riod be fore the principateof Ve spasian, be cause the 1111Mace donica is th e le gion name dthe re in . Th e home of th e soldi e r (i ) he re name d is Vale ntin.

Crispus is found on a stone at Mainz as th e cognome n of a

soldi e r, whose home is Savaria, e nrolle d in the I Adiutrix towardth e e nd of the first ce ntury . Crispus appe ars in th e name s of

thre e le gionarie s in Egypt . Two of the me n with this cognome nwe re in se rvice in the ye ar 90and the third, born in camp,wasa ve te ran in th e ye ar 94 . The case s of Crispus in th e Danubeprovince s e xte nd through the se cond ce ntury .

Crispus in Africa is note d first as the cognome n of a ve te ranwhose home is Sidonia, in th e re ign of Hadrian . The late st

inscription wi th Crispus be longs to the re ign ofAle xande r Se ve rus(222 Hadrume tum is the home of Ottaci lius Crispus and

C . Ae l ius Crispuswas born in camp . Crispinus as a cognome nhas be e n found in Africa . One instance of its use be longs pe rhaps to the latte r part of th e first ce ntury and anothe rwasfound in a mi litary list which is dated in the ye ar 202.


This cognome n, it may be said quite prope rly, is pe culiar toAfrica . Only two of th e twe nty-two e xample s are found outside that province . Th e two exce ptions are M . Granius De tna,the name ofa ve te ran ofthe IIAdiutrix in Pannoni awho indicate shis African origin. domo Afri ca Sufe tla , and M . Iulius Datus,the name of a sold ie r of the same le gion at Carnuntum. The

date of the first me ntione d inscription is probably late r thanthe middle of the se cond ce ntury whe n th e II Adiutrix was inAfrica for a time . The date of th e se cond is notce rtain , but can

not be e arli e r than th e se cond ce nturywhe n this le gion cameinto Pannonia.

Th e e arli e st inscription from Africa he aring this cognome nis e arlie r than the ye ar 147 . Thirte en othe rs can be date d .

The y e xte nd from the ye ar 198 to th e re ign of Ale xande r Se ve rus(222 Two stone s re cord th e name s of me n born in campand the se can not be far remove d from th e same pe riod . Iul iusDe tna and Pompeus Datus of th e ye ar 202 have be e n ide ntifie dwith me n be aring th e same name s of the ye ar 218 . Se x ti liusDatus, a comicsn of the ye ar 203, it has be e n assume d , is the

same Se ati lius Datuswho appe ars on a mi li tary list of the ye ar218 . The re is li ttle to be said in one way or the othe r, so faras the nomina are conce rne d , be cause the y are freque ntly found ,

but, inasmuch as the office s are the same in the case of e ach

pair. this fact may be e nough to make the ir identification probable . It has se eme d wise , howe ve r, to print e ach name se p

Atte ntion may be calle d to th e fact that no ce nturion wi ththis cognomen is found in this list . Datus would se em the n tobe pi e

-eminently a soldi e r’s name . (For the significance of

this name and othe rs pe culiar to Africa vid . Chap . III, Th e

Cognomina of African Le gionari e s. ) It is also notice able thatAe lius is the only impe rial nome n found wi th Datus. L . FabiusDadatus has be e n regarde d as a stone -cutter’s e rror. Cognom

ins re late d to Datus are Dati vus Datullus (in the re ignof Ale xande r Seve rus), Datianus (date unce rta in) ; all found at

Donate s four we re found in th e Danube province s, two in


England, and the remaining sixty-two in Africa. The surprisingly large proportion from Africa has be e n notice d so far onlyin the case of Datus tre ate d above . A simi lar state of thingsmay be Obse rve d in conne ction wi th se ve ral name s which follow .

(For al l the cognomina popular in Africa vid . Chap . III,

The Cognomina of African Le gionari e s.) The e vide nce supporting the use of Donatus is suffici e nt in quanti ty and of a

characte r to afford a ge ne ral ide a ofwhat isme ant by a popular”cognome n . The

“ typical ” nomina are found in use wi th it.

By glancing through th e alphabe tical list the freque ncy of the senomina may be noted unde r e ve ry cognome n which is use dcommonly in th e late r pe riod . Among th e fami liar nomina ‘


Ae lius, Cae ci l ius, Flavius, Iul ius, and Vale rius. As might havebe e n e xpe cte d Aure l ius is not found with Donatus. Se ptimina and U lpius are not re pre se nte d in this group .

Th e e arli e st instance of the use of Donatus as a le gionarycognome n be longs to th e re ign of Antoninus Pius. From thi stime unti l th e ye ar 275 al l the date d mi l itary li sts at Lambae siscontain one or more e xample s of Donatus. All th e lowe r mi litary grade s are re pre se nte d, but Donatus doe s not se em to havebe e n much use d as th e cognome n of ce nturions be fore the ye ar258 . Nine of th e me n he aring this cognome n we re born in

camp. Bagai , Cirta, Thamugadi , The ve ste , and Thysdrus are

African towns from which me n named Donatus came . Napocais th e home of a tubi cen in the principate of Antoninus Pius.

A single instance of th e cognome n Donatianus is found in th e

camp at Lambae sis. (Note :Following th e ge ne ral practiceno attempt is made to de te rmine the re lations be twe e n th e me nbe aring th e name Iul ius Donatus, but the name shave be e n ke ptse parate in the alphabe tical list. )


Th e instance s of Eme ritus as a cognome n for soldi e rs numbe rtwe nty-thre e . Six of this group have be e n found in Pannonia,

sixte e n in Africa, and one e xample was re cove re d at Mainz . Ofthose from Pannonia none is e arli e r than th e se cond ce ntury,and th e e arli e st known date is 195 , whi le the late st is 228 .

Acenturion be aring this cognome n indicate s Carnuntum as his

home ; a soldie r give s Vicus Gal lorum. The earli e st use of thiscognomen in Africa is place d in the ye ar 162. The late st date


The e xample s of Fe lix use d as a cognome n in the name s of

le gionari e s numbe r two hundred and te n , and of the se one

hundre d and e ighty-one have be e n found in Africa . The province s cove re d by CIL III afford fourte e n instance s, Englandcontribute s se ve n, Ge rmany yie lds four, Ita ly furnishe s thre e ,and Spain is re pre se nte d by one .

The e arli e st use of the cognome n Fe lix se ems to be re corde don a papyrus from Egypt which give s the name s of two soldi e rsin se rvice in th e ye ar 90. Anothe r instance of the use of Fe lixon a stone in Egypt be longs pe rhaps to th e third ce ntury . Outside oi Africa the case s of Fe lix as a cognome n are scatte ring.

The y e xte nd through the se cond and third ce nturi e s, but so faras the se occasional e x ample s go the re is little to di stinguishFe lix from othe r little use d cognomina .

Th e mome nt one turns to a mi li tary list from Lambae sis or

its camp , one is impre sse d by th e ve ry fre que nt use Of this cognome n . A stone found at Thamugad i which re cords a ve te ran’


name , Aufidius Fe li x , may be long to th e close of the first ce ntury, be fore th e III Augusta took its newquarte rs at Lambae sis.

Soon afte r its arrival at this camp an inscriptionwas cut in the

re ign of Hadrian pre se rving the name of a ve te ran (i ), L. Ge l

lius Fe lix , whose home was Carthage . The use of Fe lix e x te ndsas late as th e ye ar 275 , afte r which date th e e pigraphical e vide nce is ge ne rally small in quantity . A list of le gionarie s cutin the ye ar 218 contains no le ss than twe nty-thre e instance s of

th e use of the cognome n Fe li x . Th e home s of me n be aring thiscognome n are all African towns. Th e camp itse lfwas the birthplace oi e le ve n me n . Carthage is give n as the home of twe lvele gionari e s. Th e name of one was re cove re d from a stone at

Rome , of anothe r in Moe sia . Thamugadi and Cirta are indicate d four time s e ach as th e home of me n name d Fe li x . Te n

othe r towns are me ntione d in inscriptions which pre se rve the

name Fe lix .

In Africa Fe lix is not ofte n found as th e cognome n of a ce n

turion . Four such case s have be e n note d . Among the inscriptions containing Fe li x from othe r province s, se ve n re cord th e

name s of me nwho we re ce nturions. (L . Antonius Fe lix , whosehome is Carthage , is re corde d on a stone found in Moe sia as a

ce nturion of th e III Augusta, X Gemina, and I Ital ics le gions.

Antonius Fe lix, the name of a manwhowas also a ce nturion of


the III Augusta , is found on a stone at Lambae sis . It is possible to suppose that the se two inscriptions re fe r to the same manand this sugge stion has alre ady be e n made . Gagnat, howeve r, (L

Armée Romaine l st e d . p . 204) has printe d the twoname s se parate ly and his practice has be e n followe d he re . )The same name is ofte n found more than once in a singlemi litary list (e . g. Vale rius Fe lix, A . E . 1902: 10, and CIL VIII

but is use d to de signate diffe re nt pe rsons. Iulius Fe lixwith or without a prae nome n has be en found as th e name of

twenty-five me n e nrolle d in th e III Augusta . Any attempt toprove through re pe tition of name that me n re corde d on diffe rent stone s are ide ntical is almost futi le unle ss othe r strong indications are found to warrant such an hypothesis. Thus, forexample , Aufidius Fe lix, a duplarius, in VIII 2816 may be one

of the me n be aring this name me ntione d in VIII 2564, but the reis no appare nt re ason for ide nti fying h imwith one or the othe r.

It is not unre asonable to suppose that he may be a difl'

e re nt

person altoge the r. In this case and e lsewhe re it has be e nthought pre fe rable to print the name s se parate ly in the alpha

One soldi er be ars a supe rnome n :viz . , C . Tannonius Fe lix quict Aque nsis . For a colle ction and discussion of similar case s

vid . Chap . III, Double Cognomi na . For what appe ars to bea Punic e quivale nt of th e Latin Fe lix, vid . Namphamo, Chap .

II, Cognomina of Puni c Origin , and Chap . III, Cognominaof African l e gionarie s . (Note :C . Domi tius Fe lix (VIII 8097)was assigne d by Van de r We e rd (Etude s sur trois Le gions ro

maine s duBas Danube , p . 100) to the V Mace donica, followi ngthe inde x of CIL VIII, owing to what would appe ar to be an

incorre ct re ading of the stone . The le tte rs the re are

MILLEGVAXLV . The first “V ”is undoubte dly for “

Pin !”

and not for“quinine ,

"cf. VIII 2827 , 8020, and 8141 for a

similaruse .) For Fe licianus and Fe l icissimus consult the alpha


Inscriptions be aring th e cognomen Fe stus have be e n foundin snfi cie nt numbe rs to give the name a place in this chapte r.

Fe stianus and Fe stivus are cognomina re late d to Fe stus. The

e xample s of Fe stns are distribute d among the provinces na foi

28 COGNOMINA or sowmns m ROMAN morons

lows:The Danube province s contribute thre e case s ; Africaaffords te n instance s; Italy, Ge rmany, and Spain yi e ld twoe ach ; and one was found in Gallia Narbone nsis. The last me ntione d e xample is the first in point of time . Th e cognome nbe longs to a man who se rve d in th e XVIth le gion during th ere ign of Tibe rius. Late r instance s of Fe stus are scatte re d fromthe close of th e first to the e arly part of the third ce ntury . In

Africa , Simitthus, Bulla, Carthage , and Madaura are indi cate das home s of soldie rs be aring the cognome n Fe stus. Calagurrisis the birthplace of M . Aure lius Fe stus se rving in Ge rmanyprobably about th e ye ar 100. Siscia is the native town of L .

Lucanius Fe stus, a soldi e r in Pannonia late r than the first ce ntury.

Franc e

The e xamination of the cognome n Firmus was unde rtake nwi th gre at inte re st, inasmuch as it had be e n se le cte d withSe ve rus by Bormann (vid. Introduction .) as a name

“zum Solda

te ndi e nst be stimmt.” (De r roemische Lime s in Oe ste rre ich,He ft IV, 1908, p . The re sul ts are disappointing in thatthe cognome n falls far short of th e popularity which some othe rse njoy, as far as one may judge from the numbe r of the instance spre se rve d . The cognome n Firmus has be e n found forty-thre etime s. Cognomina re late d to Firmus are Firminus, Firmianus,Firmanus, Firminianus, and Firmidius. The e xample s of

Firmus are distribute d as follows:Frominscriptions inCIL IIIth ecognome n is take n twe nty-two time s; in Africa e le ve n instance shave be e n found ; in Ge rmany and Italy, four e ach ; in Englandand at Lyons, one e ach . Th e re late d cognomina follow thisdivision:From the Danube province s six instance s are take n,

Africa contribute s Firmi anus, Ge rmany yi e lds four, and Spainthough not re pre se nte d in the e xample s unde r Firmus furnishe sinstance s of Firmanus and Firmi nus.

The e arli e st appe arance of the cognome n is in a mi litary listfrom Egypt be longing to the re ign of Augustus. He re it is inth e name of a ce nturion . A conside rable numbe r of name s containing Firmus can be date d in th e first century . Are late and

Ve rona are th e home s of two soldi e rs during this pe riod be aringthe cognome n Firmus. In the Danube province s this cognome nwas in common use during the se cond century . No date d e x

POPULAR coe noamu 29

amplm in the third ce ntury have be en found . In Africa the

uses of Pirmus e xte nd from the ye ar 147 to 218 . Picenum and

Aspendns are the home s of two me nwho bear this cognomen .

The camp itse lf was the birth-place of two othe rs. Salons is

given as th e native town of a pn’

mus pi lus in se rvice in the ye ar

147 . While the name was curre nt in Lambae sis it doe s not

ve teran whose home is Ve rona and whose se rvice se ems to be

The cognome n Fortuna z bas be e n liste d fifty~nine time swith this distribution amon Them omscove re dby CIL III offe r four e x amplm; Africa, forty-nine ; Italy, thre e ;England. Ge rmany, and one e ach . Fortunatianus is

found twice at Lambaes is Of the te n outmfde of Africa the

e arli e st instance is that in the name of a soldie r of the V Alaudabe fore the ye ar 87, L. Vidius Fortunatus at Terge ste . Othe rinstance s of Fortunatus am note d in the m ad and third cwtut ie s scatte re d among se veral province s.

this cognome n, al l outside of Afrim . None of the forty-e ightfrom me n ofm III Augusta are men of so high a

80 COGNOMINA or sommas m ROMAN morons


Fronto is use d as a cognome n in mi li tary circle s in thirty-twoname s. Of the se instance s nine te e n have be e n found in th e

province s include d in CIL III, six appe ar in inscriptions fromAfrica , thre e from Italy, and two e ach from England and Ge r

many . Cognomina re late d to Fronto are Frontinus, Frontinianus, and Frontonianus.

Aqui l ius Fronto, a ce nturion in Dalmatia be fore the re ign of

Ve spasian , affords us pe rhaps the e arli e st instance of the use of

this cognome n . L . Ge re l lanus Fronto, a primus pi lus of th e XFre te nsis and praefectus castraram of th e XII Fulminata in

Syria in th e principate of Ne ro, posse sse s rathe r high rank, butth e name has be e n liste d on account of th e e arly date and th e

nome n in -us. Othe r first ce ntury case s of Fronto are pre se rve dat Camuntum, in Ge rmany, and England . Instance s of th e

cognome n Fronto appe ar in th e Danube province s, in Egyptand Africa, and in th e East throughout the se cond ce ntury and

during th e e arly part of the third . Brixia, C e le ia , and Sidoni aare th e home s of me n be aring this cognome n . Twome n name dFronto at Lambae sis we re born in camp .


Th e cognome n Fuscus is supporte d by th e te stimony of twe ntytwo mil itary inscriptions. Fuscinus and Fuscianus also appe aras cognomina for le gionari e s. The ge ographical distribution ofthe e x ample s of Fuscus is as follows:From Egypt four instance sare take n ; from othe r province s cove re d by CIL III, thre e ;fromAfrica, te n ; fromGe rmany, thre e ; fromEngland and Rome ,

one e ach .

Th e e arli e st use of Fuscus is in the name of a soldi e r, whosehome is Aprum, e nrolle d in th e II Adiutrix in England aboutth e ye ar 71. Othe r first ce ntury case s are found at Mainzin the name of a soldi e rwhose home is Savaria— and in Egypt .

In th e latte r province name s conta ining Fuscus can be date din the ye ars 90 and 94 . Anothe r must be place d e arli e r thanth e ye ar 108, and a fourth can not be late r than th e principateof Hadrian . Th e date d e x ample s in Africa range from th efirst ce ntury 0) to the ye ar 218 . Carthage and The ve ste are

home s of me n who be ar th e cognome n Fuscus. Lugus is th e

Porous coosounss 81

home of T. Riburinnius Fuscus, a soldi e r in the Spanish le gion,

VII Gemina . L. Fadie nus Fuscus, a ve te ran in Dalmatia. indicate s De rtona as his native town . For Fuscinus and Fuscianusvid . alphabe tical list .

Ge rmanus

The cognome n Ge rmanus has be e n found twe nty-n ine time sin name s of le gionary soldie rs . The ge ographical d istributionis as follows:From th e province s cove re d by CIL III sixte e ninstance s have be e n take n ; Africa contribute d twe lve e xample s ;Ge rmany, four; and Spain, one .

The e arlie st use of Ge rmanus in this group be longs to the nameof a soldie r, whose home is Tyre , se rving in Egypt in th e ye ar81. Othe r instance s from Egypt can be date d in the ye ars90, 94, and in the pe riod be fore the ye ar 108. Anothe r of the

ye ar 194 be longs to a ve te ran born in camp. Thre e case s in

Moe sia are date d in the se cond century . Scupi and Pe sse nuntumare th e home s of two men who be ar this cognome n. Four inscriptions found in Arabia re cord name s with the cognome nGe rmanus. Two of the se inscriptions are date d in th e latte rpart of the se cond ce ntury . Th e inscriptions containing Ge rmanus which have be e n found on Ge rman soi l are al l late r thanthe first century . Th e home of one le gionary be aring this cog

nomen is Emona in Pannonia . One Ge rmanus adds nati ons

Om . anothe r, nati ons Botavas.

From Lambae sis Ge rmanus appe ars first in inscripti ons outduring the re ign of Antoninus Pius and from this time to the

stormy re ign of Galli e nus (253—268) e xamples are found . One

man born in camp re ce ive d the cognome n Ge rmanus. Asoldi e r in Arabia had be side s the cognome n Ge rmanus the nativename of mon i tor. For this supe rnomen , vid . Chap . III.


Thirty e xample s of the cognome n Honoratus are re corde d inOf this numbe r twenty-se ve n are found inhas be e n note d from Pannonia, from Ge r

many. and from England . None of the last thre e me ntione dcan be date d de finite ly . An e x amination of the gre at majorityfrom Africs ahows that afl but one be long to the name s of me n

enrolle d in the III Augusta and wi th fewe xce ptions are found

82 coonouma or sommas IN ROMAN momma

in Lambae sis and its camp . Fifte e n can be de finite ly date d andfall in th e pe riod from the ye ar 198 to the close of the re ign of

Ale x ande r Se ve rus (222 None of the me n in th e III

Augustawho be ar the cognome n Honoratus are ce nturions. On

this point one may compare th e usage followe d in the case of

the cognome n Fortunatus. Thamugadi , Cirta, and Carthageare indi cate d as the home s of me n name d Honoratus.

-Honoratianus is the cognome n of two ce nturions in th e III Augusta ,

M . Calpurnius Honoratianus and anothe r whose nome n is not

pre se rve d, about the ye ar 150.


(Vi d . Gottanka, Epigraphische Be itrage p . 39f. Augsburg,This cognome n has be e n found se ve nty-e ight time s

among th e le gionari e s, with th e following distribution in th e

province s:From those cove re d by CIL III fourte e n e xample shave be e n colle cte d ; from Africa, fifty-nine ; from England,Ge rmany, France , Spain, and Italy, one e ach . One of th e

e arli e st is in an inscription fromMainz, M’

. Si lius Ianuarius, ace nturion of the I Adiutrix be twe e n the ye ars 70 and 100. In

th e Danube province s the cognome n is found in thre e mil itarylists of the se cond ce ntury . On one of the se cut in the ye ar195 th e home s of two ve te rans name d Ianuarius are known ;th e towns me ntione d are in th e province ofMoe sia . Anothe rin Dalmatia be longs to th e se cond ce ntury . Late r Ianuariusis found in the re ign of Ale x ande r Se ve rus. Th e e xample inEngland appe ars in th e name M . Ulpius Ianuarius, who wasborn at Ulpia Traiana ; le gion and date are unce rtain .

Of th e fifty-nine from Africa, thirty-one can be date d, and

practically all th e date d military lists from th e ye ar 162 to 275show one or more e x ample s of this name . Ianuarius is anothe rof the cognomina which are unusually popular among th e

soldi e rs of th e III Augusta in the ir camp at Lambae sis. Th e

home s of te n me n name d Ianuarius are known . The se are all

African towns; two pe rsons are from Carthage ; two we re bornin camp .

In some case s it may be thatwe have a name re pe ate d, 6 . g. ,

Carcopino ide ntifie s th e Iulius Ianuarius of Bull . Archeol . 1904p . 206 wi th one of those from VIII 2564, but such ide ntificationsare only conje cture s (Vi d . Fe lix), and both name s are include d


stone is corre ct, se ems to be re late d to Iul ianus. The e xample sof Iul ianus are di vide d among the province s as follows:Fromthe te rritory cove red e pigraphically by CIL III twe nty-fourinstance s have be e n take n ; from Africa, nine te e n ; from Ge r

many, four; from Italy, two ; from Spain and England, one

e ach . The e arlie st use is as th e cognome n of a ce nturion at

Carnuntum in the XV Apollinaris be fore the ye ar 68 . FromEgypt we have two ce nturions of th e III Cyre naica name dIulianus be fore that le gion le ft the province in the ye ar 108 .

T . Flavius Iul ianus, a ve te ran of the VIII Augusta in Syria ,

be longs to the latte r part of th e first ce ntury . Example s fromthe Danube province s are found for ove r a ce ntury followingth e ye ar 184 .

In Lambae sis the e arli e st instance s are found in the name s oftwo ve te rans in the re ign of Hadrian . One be aring thiscognome n come s from Tyre , th e othe r from Nicome d ia . Othe rdate d inscriptions which re cord the name Iulianus at Lambae sise x te nd from the ye ar 162 to the re ign of Galli e nus (258Th e home s of nine me nwho be ar this cognome n are known . C .

Ae l ius Iulianus come s from Sarmize ge tusa in Dacia . The twocontemporary with Hadrian have alre ady be e n me ntione d . Twome n we re born in camp . Thamugadi is th e birthplace of one ,

possibly of anothe r le gionary . Carthage and Tharsus se nt me nname d Iul ianus to the le gion at Lambae sis. Hadrume tum,

ofte n me ntione d as th e home of soldie rs of th e III Augusta , is

give n by Iulianus, a ve te ran of the II Traiana in Ale xandria inthe ye ar 194, as h is birth-place .

A stone re ce ntly found affords anothe r e xample of a supe rnome n , L . De crius Iul ianus qui e t Numisianus, a pri nceps of

th e XI Claudi a in the pe riod from 100—150 at Naple s. (Vi d .

Chap . III, Double Cognomina) . For th e many instance s of

th e name Iulius Iulianus cf. Claudius Claudianus and for othe rsimilar name s vid . Chap . III, Simi larity be twe e n Nome n and

Cognome n .


Thirty e x ample s of th e use of Iustus as a cognome n have be e ncolle cte d . Ele ve n of the se are found in the province s embrace dby CIL III; se ve n come from Africa ; six from England ; fivefrom Ge rmany ; and one from Italy . The e arli est instance of

POPULAR coonouma 35

the use of Iustus is as th e cognome n of a ce nturion in Egypt inthe time of Augustus. Of the e xamples found in the Danubeprovince s, Me ti lius Iustus is the name of a centurion of the XVApollinaris in Carnuntum. From this case we pass to a mi litary list of the ye ar 195 A . D . be fore anothe r use of Iustus inthis se ction can be date d . At th is time thre e ve te rans of the

VII C laud ia at Viminacium have the cognomen Iustus, L .

Apule ius Iustus immReme siana, if this re storation of the nameof the town be corre ct, Ae l ius Iustus from Salonae , and anothe r,whose nome n is lost, from Sirmium. Two e xamples can be

date d in the first quarte r of the third ce ntury. One appe ars inthe name of M . Aure lius Iustus, whose home is HorreumMargiin Moe sia Supe rior. Two case s from Lambae sis be long to th ere ign of Ale x ande r Se ve rus (222 The othe rs are not

date d . The large proportion from England is not usual . Pos

sibly the same name is re pe ate d in two inscriptions and in th iscase the numbe r of th e e xample s would be le sse ne d, but the re isno coge nt re ason for any such supposi tion. It might be note dthat te n centurions have the cognome n Iustus, or one -third, a

large proportion, of th e whole numbe r.

Iusti nus is the cognomen of fourte en le gionarie s. All se emto be late r than the first century . E ight instance s appe ar inth e Danube province s; thre e of the se are date d toward the e nd

of the se cond ce ntury . The remaining e xample s are found inItaly. Ge rmany , and England . No use of the cognome n Ius

tinus among African soldi e rs is pre se rve d . Iustianus is re pre

sente d by thre e case s. Two be long to the third ce ntury .


The cognome n Longinus has be en found in the mi li tary inscriptions in gre ate r numbe rs than Longus, which prope rly dese rve s me ntion first. Othe r re late d cognomina are Longinianus

and Longo. For the latte r vid . Chap . II, Cognomina End

ing in -o . The e xample s of Longus as a cognomen numbe r six

te e n . The e arlie st use s are found in the name s of two centurions

of lnngus awpre se rved on a papyms from Egypt of the ye ar

90. Inscriptions in this same province which can be date d inthe ycars M

-and lM contain the name Longus. Parae tonium

h the home d M Furfaniua Longua a ve te ran in th e year lM .

86 cocrzouma or sowmasm ROMAN LEGIONS

Longus is re corde d as th e cognome n of a ce nturion in Africa inthe inte rval be twe e n th e ye ars 52 and 57 . A late r e xample inthe principate of Hadrian from this province se rve s as th e cog

nome n of a ve te ran whose home is Apame a . Inscriptionsfrom the Danube province s containing this cognome n rangethrough the se cond ce ntury . On two stone s only the le tte rsLONG are re corde d and it is impossible to de te rmine whe the rth e cognome nwas Longus or Longinus.

The cognome n Longinus has be e n found in thirty-four name sof le gionari e s. Of this numbe r twe nty-se ve n have be e n take nfrom the province s embrace d in CIL III, thre e come fromAfrica, two e ach from Italy and Ge rmany . Thre e e xample sbe long to th e latte r half of th e first ce ntury . Savaria, Phi l ippi ,and He racle a are give n as the home s of me nwho be ar the cognome n Longinus in this pe riod . In the Danube province se le ve n instance s can be date d in th e first half of th e se condce ntury . A list of ve te rans out about the ye ar 184 containsLonginus six time s and thre e of those case s pre se rving th e le tte rs LONG we re found on this stone . Anothe r list of the ye ar195 in Moe sia re cords the cognome n Longinus in thre e name s.

Th e home s of the ve te rans he aring this cognome n are towns inthat re gion . One third ce ntury e xample is pre se rved . In

Egypt Longinus appe ars twice on a papyrus as th e cognomenof me n e nrolle d in th e III Cyre naica be fore that le gion le ft theprovince in th e ye ar 108 . Ex ample s are re corde d on stone s alsowhich can be date d in the se cond and third ce nturi e s. Longinusat Lambae sis appe ars once as the cognome n of a man born incamp . Ne ithe r this instance nor the othe r two can be date d .

Longinianus is found at Lambae sis as ofte n as Longinus.

One case is date d in th e re ign of Septimius Se ve rus. This cognome n is found once in an inscription in Pannonia, and againat Aqui le ia, on which stone th e centurion indi cate s his birthplace as Moe sia Infe rior.

(Masons) MARCELLINU S , Manos s, Msncumus

With the use s ofMarcus as a cognome n the re must be include dMarcianus, Marculus,

.Marce llus, and Marce llinus. Th e numbe r of e x ample s of e ach cognome n are :Marcus, sixte en ;Marci

anus, thirty-two; Marculus, one ; Marce llus, twenty-thre e ;Marce llinus, twenty-two. The total is then nine ty-thre e ,which

POPULAR coosomrxa 37

is distribute d as follows among the province s:Forty-e ight fromthe province s include d in CIL III ; nine te e n from Africa ; thirte e n from Italy ; nine from inscriptions in CIL XIII; thre e fromEngland ; one from Spain. CIL III affords the gre ate r numbe rin e ach single name aswe ll as in th e total .

Marcus is not found in Africa . The e arli e st case se ems to beIulius Marcus, the name of a soldi e r in Infe rior in th e

ye ar 155 . At Ale xandria in the ye ar 194 two ve te rans be aringthe cognome n Marcus are re corde d in a mi litary list ; bothwe reborn in camp . The majori ty of th e date d e xample s fall in the

Marcianus is use d more than any othe r cognome n forme d on

this stem and the se e xample s are probably all late r than the

first ce ntury, at le ast all the date d are . Marcianus isfound in Moe sia in the ye ar 185 and in th e le gion VII Claudiaat Viminacium, to whi ch Ael ius Marcianus of this ye ar be longs,we re e nrolle d in the ye ar 195 thre e Marciani , coming fromSoupi ,Nicopolis, and Ratiaria . Ne arly a ce ntury late r in th e ye ar 270Aure l ius Marcianus was an ofi ce r at the same place . Othe rsfrom the Danube re gion are date d in the e arly third ce ntury.

T . Flavius Marcianus, a centurion in Arabia, gives Phil ippopolis as his home .

ve te rans during the re ig of Hadrian he aring this cognome ncame from Nicome dia . Othe rs are date d in the third ce ntury .

in the ye ar 170.

Marce llus appe ars e arli e r among the soldi e rs than the othe rcognomina in this group. M . Vibrius Marce llus, a m turion


th e name of the town is not wholly ce rtain.) Othe r date d e x

ample s at Lambae sis be long to the e arly third ce ntury .

Th e home s of some me n in othe r province s are known:M .

Fuficius Marce llus in Pannonia Supe rior come s from Aqui le ia ;M . Se ins Marce llus at Athe ns, from Forum Iuli i ; M . Vale riusMarce llus, from Ve rce l lae . None of the se is date d . A ve rylate e xample of Marce llus appe ars in the ye ar 298 in th e nameof a ce nturion of the II Traiana in Egypt .Marce llinus is not fre que nt in th e first ce ntury . C . Iul ius

Marce llinus from Taviumwas in Ale x andria be fore the ye ar108 . T. Aridius Marce llinuswas a ce nturion at th e same placein th e ye ar 155 . And in th e ye ar 194we find Bae bius Marce llinus also at Ale x andria . In Pannonia two e x ample s are foundin the e arly third ce ntury . At Viminacium in Moe sia in the

ye ar 195 one ve te ran, M . Vale riusMarce llinus, came fromScupi .Late r than th e ye ar 170 is th e name Marce ll inius Marce llinus.

(Vi d . Chap . III, Similarity be twe e n Nome n and Cognome n . ) L.

Se ptimius Marce llinus in Ge rmany was born in Pannonia at

Ulpia Papiria Pe tavio and se rve d as a ce nturion in thre e le gioduring the re ign of Ale xande r Se ve rus (222 Marculus isfound as the cognome n of a le gionary at Vi e nna . Th e nome nis lost and the date is uncertain .


The cognome n has be e n found among membe rs of the le gionsfifty-two time s, and of this numbe r th irtyo e ight we re colle cte dfrom African inscriptions, e ight we re take n from th e province sembrace d by CIL III, four from Ge rmany, one e ach fromRome and England.

The group of e x ample s from Ge rmany is worthy of note because al l four are e arly . Iulius Martialis, a ce nturion of the

IV Mace donica, se rve d be fore the re ign of Ve spasian . M .

Vibius Martialis, a ce nturion of th e X Gemina, he ld office in

th e inte rval be twe e n th e principate s of Ve spasian and Domitian. Aufidius Martialis, a ce nturion of the IMine rvia, be longsto th e re ign of Domitian . C . Memmius Martial is, a ce nturionof the XI Claudi a, was in se rvice in th e pe riod from th e re ignof Ve spasian to that of Trajan . Of the last me ntione d le gion a

soldi er of the pe riod from th e ye ar 42 to 70 is found, L. CassiusMartialis from Aquae Stati e llae , se rving in Dalmatia . Ex


ample s of Martialis in th e Danube province s be long to the se c

ond century . The home of on e ve te ran be aring this cognomenis lmown and it is a town in this same re gion .

The e arlie st instance in Africa is date d in the latte r half ofthe first ce ntury . More than half of th is group of name s can

be date d and such e xample s are found throughout th e se condcentury and the first half of the third . Two men be aring thecognome n Martialis be longing to th e re ign of Hadrian came fromApame a and Carthage . Othe r place s indicate d as home s are

Ammae dara, vicus Augusti , Ci lium, Thamugadi , The le pte , and

Vaga. TWO born in camp re ce ive d the cognomen Martial is .

Only one ce nturi on name d Martialis in Africa has be en re covere d .

Note the e arly group from Ge rmany on this point and consultalso th e cognome n Honoratus.

The cognome n Martis may be me ntioned in this conne ction .

One e xample has be en found at Lambaesis .

MAx nms

Be side s the form Maximus, thi s cognome n appe ars as Max si

mus, Maxurnus, and Max sumus. Cognomina re late d to Maximus are Max iminus, Max siminus, Max imianus, and Maximo.

(For the last me ntione d se e Chap . II, Cognomina Ending in-O .) The geographical distribution of the e xample s of Maximus (i ncluding the variant spe llings) is as follows:From th e

province s include d in CIL III se ve nty have be e n taken ; fromAfrica, fifty-one ; fromEngland, te n ; fromGe rmany, se ven ; fromItaly, si x ; from Spain, two. (Total, one hundre d and fortysi x . )It is scarce ly profitable to e xamine e ach name singly ; only

those valuable on account of date or for othe r re asons can be

mentione d. Pe rhaps the e arli e st use is in the name ofA . Re siusMaximus, a ce nturion of th e XI Claudia in Dalmatia about the

are found in Carnuntum as th e cog

se rvice possibly be fore th e ye ar68 . G. AttiusMaxi mus, whose home is Bacte rrae , was a soldie r at Ma inz

The cognome n is formd throughout th e se cond and third

of the ye ar 185 ccntains se ven e x ample s of this cognomen and

anothe r of the year 195 has pre se rve d e ight case s of Max imus.


Th e latte r,

inscription re cords also the home of e ach ve te ran .

For me n h e aring this cognome n the home s indicate d are Soupi ,Ratiaria, and Pautal ia . In othe r localiti e s le gionari e s with thecognome n Maximus come from Roma, Sirmium, and Mantua.

A ve te ran se rving in Ale xandria give s Cae sare a as h is home .

In Africa Maximus is re asonably common as the cognome nof soldi e rs in th e III Augusta le gion . Mi litary lists of the principate s ofHadrian and Antoninus Pius show th e name somewhatmore fre que ntly than late r inscriptions, although Maximus isfound as late as th e se cond half of th e third ce ntury . The

soldi e rs e nroll e d whe n Hadrian was empe ror came from Nicome dia, Tolomais, and Pare thonium. The home s of me n wi thth e cognome n Maximus as re corde d on late r stone s are Savaria,

Napoca, Capsa, Hadrume tum, Tharsus, The ve ste , and Thysdrus. Six me n we re born in camp, one in Lambae sis.

In Ge rmany thre e of th e se ve n case s of Maximus be long tole gionari e s e nrolle d in th e XI Claudia in th e inte rval be twe e nth e re igns of Ve spasian and Trajan . One of the se me n camefrom Forum Corne l ii , anothe r from Augustoneme tum.

Max iminus and Max imianus are with one possible e xce ptioncomparative ly late .

Cognomina which have some conne ction with Maximus inme aning if not in form and conse que ntly prope rly me ntionedhe re are Maior, Magnus, Magnius, Magnianus, and Magnio.

Maior has be e n found as a cognome n nine time s. One e xamplebe longs to th e first ce ntury . Th e othe r case s se em to be muchlate r and scatte re d among se ve ral province s.

Th e cognomen Magnus is re pre se nte d by fifte e n e xample s.

One instance is e x treme ly e arly: viz . , C . Titius Magnus,whowas a si gnifer of th e V Urbana at Ate ste possibly soon afte r81B . C . Two othe r e x ample s be long to the first ce ntury and name sof a still late r date e x te nd the se ri e s unti l the third ce ntury .

Magnius and Magnianus are cognomina found at Lambae sis.

NIGERThe cognome n Nige r is supporte d by nine te e n e xample s from

inscriptions and papyri . Anothe r instance is liste d to maketh e re quire d numbe r, but th e cognome n in que stion may bee ithe r Nige r or Nigrinus. Be side s Nigrinus, Nigrianus is alsouse d by the soldi e rs. The case s of Nige r are distribute d as

42 COGNOMINA or sonmnns m ROMAN morons

In Africa whe re the cognome n Optatus is most freque ntlyfound all the me nwho be ar it be long to th e III Augusta . Te n

of th e name s can be date d . Th e e arli e st are about the ye ar198 and th e use continue s through th e re ign ofAle xande r Se ve rus(222 Optatus is the cognome n of two men born in

camp . Othe r soldi e rs posse ssing this cognome n came fromBagai , Hippo, Mi le vum, and Tipasa .


Th e first use of Primus in the Roman name se ems to havebe e n as a prae nome n, vi d . CIL XIII 6885 . By the middle of

the first ce ntury, howe ve r, it is found in th e army as a cog

nome n . Fifty e x ample s have be e n coll e cte d . Of this numbe rfifte e n we re found in the province s embrace d in CIL III ; twe ntyse ve n, in Africa ; six , in Ge rmany ; one e ach, in England and

Italy .

Pe rhaps th e e arlie st to be ar the cognome n are two membe rsof the XV Apoll inaris at Carnuntum be fore the ye ar 63, a

ve te ran, C . Arruntius Primus from Hasta (Assta), and Boe tiusPrimus, a ce nturion . Place ntia, Comum, and Utica are the

home s of me n name d Primus during the first ce ntury . A fewe x ample s outside of Africa can be date d in the se cond and thirdce nturi e s. Q . Iulius Primus , an imagi nifer of the II Traiana

afte r th e ye ar 214 ,was transfe rre d from the III Augusta . Inas

much as his home is The ve ste this man is be tte r joine d wi ththose name d Primus from Africa . Date d case s in Africa are

scatte re d through the mi litary lists ranging from th e ye ar 198to the e nd of th e re ign of Ale xande r Se ve rus (222 Twoof th e soldie rs we re born in camp . Thre e give Carthage as the irhome . Vaga and Tubuna are also me ntione d .

Se ve ral cognomina de rive d from this root may be note d he rePrimanus, four e x ample s, all late r than th e first ce ntury ; Primianus, two e x ample s ; Primicianus, Primitius, Primige nius, and

Primitivos are re late d forms from inscriptions in Africa . Primitus and Primul lus are found on stone s from Pannonia . Primulusappe ars on a stone in Ge rmany with th e nome n Primanius,vid . Chap . III, Simi larity be twe e n Nome n and Cognomen .

Prior is the cognome n of a soldi e r whose home is Siscia,

se rving at Lambae sis.


Forty e xample s of the use of Pri scus as a cognome n have be e ncolle cte d . Cognomina re late d to M om are Priscinus, Priscianus, and Prisci ll ianus. The ge ographical distribution of

the e xample s of Priscus is as follows: From the province s cov

e re d by CIL III se vente e n e xample s have be e n take n ; fromAfrica, e ight ; from inscriptions publishe d in CIL IUII, six ; fromItaly, five ; from England. four. In th e name s from Englandth e name Se ntina Priscus appe ars on two stone s ; probably thesame man is re fe rre d to in both inscriptions. Vale rius Priscusand C . Vale rius Priscus are re corde d as ce nturions of the XXIIdle gion at The be s, Egypt, in the ye ar 65 . The se inscriptionswi thout doubt contain th e name of the same man . The sename s just me ntione d consti tute the e arli e st use of the cog

nome n Friscos. Instance s of this cognome n on stone s cut inthe first ce ntury are note d in Dalmatia, in Egypt, in Africa, andat Mainz . One of the soldi e rs at Mainzwho be ars th e cognomenPriscus name s Tolosa as his home . Instance s of th e use of

Priscus in scatte re d localiti e s can be date d throughout the

se e ond ce ntury and the first half of th e third . Thre e of th e menname d Priscus in African inscriptions are not native s of thatprovince . Th e case s of Priscus on mi litary lists of the ye ars

162 and 202 probably are to be thought of as be longing to me nborn in Africa .

The date d e xample s of Priscinus and Priscianus be long to

the late se cond ce ntury or th e first half of the third . Prisci l

lianns is the cognomen of a m’

gnffer whose home is Cae sare a ,

statione d at Ale xandria in the ye ar 194 .


(For this cognome n vid . Schulze , Late inische Eige nname n,

p . The cognome n appe ars also in the form Proclus.

The cognate forms. Proculinus. Proclinus, Procule ianus, Proeuleanus, Proclianus, and Procl ion are found among the le gionary

by sixty

ge ographical distribution is as follows:From th e province sinclude d in CIL III twe nty-two e xample s have be e n take n ;from Africa, thirte en ; from Ge rmany, five ; from Italy, four;


First ce ntury instance s of Proculus are containe d in the name sof C . Vale rius Proculus whose home is Bae te rrae , of two cen

turions in England, of Q . Iulius Proculus, whose home may beDamascus, of C . Corne lius Proculus, whose home is Re gium,

and of two with th e cognome n Proclus. Se ve ral inscriptionscutin the se cond ce ntury pre se rve the cognome n Proculus or

Proclus in th e Danube province s. C . Vale rius Proculus indicate s Calagurris as his home . At Lambae sis inscriptions withProculus e x te nd from th e re ign of Hadrian to the ye ar 275 .

Home s of me n be aring this cognome n are Sidonia, Carthage ,Ariminum, Adana, and The le pte .

Worthy ofme ntion are the following:Aure liusProculusnationsSurus domo Heme sa ; P. Tarrute nius Proculus, whose home isTaurini ; T . Iave nnius Proculus, whose birth-place is Fave ntia .

All th e known date s of the appe arance of any cognomen re

late d to Proculus are late r than the first ce ntury . Proclion

se ems to be due to Gre e k influe nce . Th e single e x ample appe arsin th e name of a ve te ran whose home and station is Ale xandria.

Th e inscriptionwas cut in the ye ar 194 .


In addition to thirty-se ve n e xample s of the cognome n Pude nsthe re are two instance s of th e spe ll ing Pude s. Th e cognomenPude ntianus is pre se rve d in one inscription . The di stributionof th e case s of Pude ns and Pude s is as follows:From countrie scove re d by CIL III sixte e n have be e n take n ; from Africa, nine ;from Ge rmany and England, five e ach ; from Italy, thre e ; andfrom Spain, one .

Pude ns or Pude s appe ar in th e following name s of me n in

se rvice in the first ce ntury : C . V ibius Pude s, whose home isArctium (42 T . Vale rius Pude ns, whose home is Savaria(in England about th e ye ar C . Vale rius Pude s, also bornat Savaria (possibly of the first ce ntury) ; -e sis Pude ns ( i’)whose home is Augusta (also in England about th e ye arM . Blossius Pude ns (se rving in Rome during th e re ign of Ve s

pasian), Se x . Licinius Pude ns L. FlaviusPude ns (70and Aponius Pude ns (be fore the ye ar 63, following Mommse n’


inte rpre tation of CIL III 14358 :21a) . Th e cognome n is re adon a papyrus of th e first century from Egypt . Two inscriptions can be date d not late r than the e arly part of the se cond

POPULAR ooe nomNA 45

century. The name s on the se stone s are Q . Luci lius Pude ns, ssoldie r at Vindonissa, who was born at Be rgomum, and G .

Iulius Pude ns, a ve te ran of the X Gemina from Emona . M .

Mncius Pudens, a soldi e r of the XXIId le gion at Mainz fromAlhingaunum. should pe rhaps be assigne d to an e arly date an

account of his Italian origin . In th e Danube re gion Pudens continne s as a cognome n through the se cond century and probablyinto the third, although none is actual ly date d afte r th e ye ar200. In Egypt the latest date is in the ye ar 194 ; Se rvi liusPudem, a centurion . In Africa in the principate of AntoninusPius, a Pude ns from Emona was l ibmri us of th e III Augusta .

Pe lagom'

a is the home of C . Domi tius Pudens at the same camp .

(It wi ll be note d that five name s found in othe r province s be longto men who we re born in the Danube re gion and thus add

appre ciably to the majority alre ady give n from that locali ty . )Othe r date d use s of Pudens at Lambae sis fall in th e th ird cen

tury. One man of this name was born in camo Pude ntianus

is re corde d on a stone at Lambae sis.


All e xce pt two of the forty-four e xample s of th e cognome nBogatas be long to me n e nroll e d in the III Augusta le gion .

All e xce pt two of the instance s we re found in Africa . The seare C. Iul ius Rogotna me ntione d on an inscription of the ye ar211t in Pannonia,who se rve d as a soldie r in the III Augustaand later in tim II Adiutrix , and C . Iul ius Rogatus, a be nefici

arius consular-is of the XI Claudia re corde d on anundate d in

It is re asonable to infe r the n thatwe have hcre a cognome npe culiarly African. (Se e also Chap . III, Cognomina of the

African W ad e s ) The e vide nce in the case of Rogatianusis simi larly convincing, since all of the twe nty e xample s havebe en found in Africa . (A study of the se two cognomina, Bogatus and Bogafimue in the inde x of cognomina in CIL III and

VIII, give s fartha ' te stimony to the ir popularity in Africa . )In point of time Rogatus appe ars first as a cognome n . Th e

e arlie st date d instance be longs to a ve te ran (P) whose home isHadrume tum, in se rvice whi le Hadrian was empe ror. Fromthis time e xample s of Bogatus appe ar on inscri ptions which can

be dtte d as late as the first quarte r of the third cenmry. Be


sides the camp itse lf, Ammae dara and Carthage are me ntione das home s of me n be aring this cognome n .

Rogatianus doe s not appe ar on date d inscriptions until thethird ce ntury . And all of th e e xample s which can be date de xactly be long to the first half of this century . The soldie rsh e aring this cognome n are probably al l of African origin . The

home s me ntione d are the camp, Lambae sis and Thysdrus.

One inscription from Civitas Ce ltiane nsium de se rve s e spe cialnotice , be cause Q . OppiusRogatuswho is re fe rre d to on th e stoneis a ve te ran of the I Ad iutrix . Ne ithe r Juneman (De le gioneromana I Adiutrice ) nor Cagnat (L’

Armée Romaine d ’

Afrique2d . cd . , p . 220—1) me ntions this inscription in spe aking of the

moveme nts of this le gion in Africa . If this inscription may bedate d wi th the othe rs containing the name of this le gion, i . e . ,

about th e ye ar 150, the nwe have an e arly use of the cognome nand th e ve te ran may have come from Pannonia .


Example s of Rufus to th e numbe r of nine ty-six have be e ncolle cte d . The cognome n Rufinus is re pre se nte d by thirty-onee x ample s. Th e ge ographical distribution of th e case s of Rufusis as follows:From th e province s include d in CIL III forty e xample s have be e n take n ; from Africa , twe nty-se ve n ; from in

scriptions in CIL XIII, six ; from Italy, nine ; from England,e ight ; from Spain, five ; and from Gall ia Narbone nsis, one .

Th e e arli e st instance of th e use of th e cognome n is in th e nameC . Ae butius Rufus, an aqui life r of th e XIth le gion . Th e in

scriptionwas found at Ate ste and probably is one of a group at

that place pre se rving th e name s of me n se nt the re afte r th ebattle of Actium. Anothe r e x ample is in the name Ve ttiusRufusborne by a ce nturion in Egypt during the principate ofAugustus.

Rufus is found as a cognome n in mi litary inscriptions of th e firstce ntury no le ss than fifte e n time s. Me n he aring this cognome nindicate as the ir home s Aprum, Aequum, Ara Agrippine nsium,

and Rave nna . Throughout the se cond ce ntury date d e x ample smay be note d from the Danube province s and Egypt. The

home s of le gionari e s name d Rufus in this pe riod are Amasia,Vice tia, He racle a, Concordia, Be ne ve ntum and Cremona .

In Africa the se ri e s of instances e xte nds through the se condcentury and into the third . Me n hearing this cognomen we re


enrolle d from Antioch , Nicome di a, Anth e do, Iguvium, Lambacsis, and its camp. Hadrume tum, and Prusias .

The e xample s of Rufinus do not follow th e same line s of d is

tribution among th e provinces as have be en note d in the case ofRufus. It may be obse rve d that usually re late d cognominaflourish in the ge ne ral re gion whe re the form from which the ycame is common. Of th e thirty-one case s coll ecte d thre e we refound in the Danube province s; twe nty-one , in Africa ; two e achin Italy, Ge rmany, and England ; and one in Spain .

Th e e arli e st appe arance is in the name of a signifier in England from Vie nna toward the e nd of the first ce ntury. In

Africa the use of Rufinus e xte nds on date d inscriptions from th e

ye ar 162 to the re ign of Ale x ande r Se ve rus (222 Me n

he aring this cognomen joine d the le gion fromCarthage , The le pte ,and the camp itse lf. Outside of Africa , Virunum and Ae quumare the home s ofmen se rving in Mainz and Ravenna . In SpainQ. Cume lius Rufinus se t up a tombstone to h is fathe r whosehome was Brix e l lum.


The cognomen Sabians has be e n found in forty-two le gionaryname s. The cognate form Sabinianus is re pre se nte d in e ightname s. Sah ius as a cognome n is possibly the e rror of th e

engrave r for Sabinus. The distribution of the case s of Sabiansis as follows:Twe nty-thre e are from province s cove re d epi

graphically by CIL III ; ten come fromAfrica ; five are take nfromItaly ; thre e are found in inscriptions in CIL XIII; and one , in

England .

The first instance s of Sabinus in point of time are not e arli e rthan the middle of the first ce ntury . Late r e xample s e xte nd

into the third . The following case s dese rve me ntion:L . Rutius

the ye ar 70. L. Pe tronius Sabinus,who se rve d in thre e le gionsduring th e re ign of Antoninus Pius , give s ForumBre ntanum as

his home . Corn e lius Sabinus, whose home was Nicome d ia, sawse rvice at Lambae sis in th e re ign of Hadrian . M . An toniusSabinuswas a centurion in the X Fre tensis be fore be ing trans


fe rre d to the III Augusta. His home is Cae sare a Augusta inPale stine . Q . Fabius Sabinus at the camp in Lambae sis indicate s Carthage as his birth-place . C . Iulius Sabinus enrolle dfrom Ratiaria in the VII Claudi a and is re corde d as a ve te ranin th e ye ar 195 . Vale rius Sabinuswas born at Narbo.

Sabinianus is use d as a cognome n in th e later pe riod . Allth e known date s are in the third ce ntury . At Lambae sis one

soldie r be aring this cognome n was born in camp . Anothe rle gionary at the same place came from Carthage . (For Salonius Sabinianus signo Scammatius vid . Chap . III, DoubleCognomina .) Sabius appe ars as th e cognome n in the nameAure lius Sabins nat Sutus on a stone in Egypt.

SATURNINO SSaturninus is se cond in popularity to Fe lix as a cognome n

among th e soldie rs of the le gions. Th e e xample s colle cte dnumbe r one hundre d and e ighty-thre e . Cognate forms whichappe ar are Saturnanus, Saturni lus, Saturnal is, Saturnus, Saturns,and Saturio. The ge ographical di stribution of the e vide nceshowing th e use of Saturninus is as follows:From the province scove re d by CIL III, twe nty-four case s; from Africa, one hundre dthirty-nine ; from Italy, te n ; from Ge rmany, six ; from England,thre e ; and from Spain, one .

The e arli e st e xample s are containe d in th e name s of two sig

niferi in the ye ar 65 at Ale x andria . The ir home is Ancyra.

Two othe r instance s be longing to the first ce ntury occur in Dalmatia and two in Egypt . A stone in Italy of the first ce nturycontains th e name M . Vale rius Saturninus, borne by a sold i e rof the IX Hispana whose home is Forum Iuli i . A ve te ran of

th e XIIIth le gion, M . Purins Saturninus, may have se rve d inthe first ce ntury . .Date d case s of Saturninus in the Danubeprovince s for the se cond ce ntury are fewin numbe r. Scupi

and Sarmize ge tusa are the home s of two ve te rans he aring thiscognome n, re corde d in a mi litary list in th e ye ar 195 .

In Africa the e arli e st e xample s of Saturninus have be e n foundat The ve ste , the camp of the III Augusta in the latte r half ofthe first ce ntury . Ex ample s at Lambae sis range from th e

time of th e arrival of the le gion at that camp during the principate of Hadrian unti l th e latte r part of th e thi rd ce ntury . On

one mi li tary list in th e ye ar218, e ighte en me n be ar the cognomen

60 coosouma or sonnmas m aowmmorons

home was probably Iuvavum. A ve te ran of the VII Claudia inthe same province in this pe riodwas C . Curatius Se cundus fromAugusta Troas. The group from Ge rmany comprise s almostwhol ly first century name s. To the ye ars from 70-100 be longC . Dannius Se cundus from Vi e nna, T. Iul ius Se cundus fromFirmum, and M . Ge llius Se cundus from Ara . The followingsoldi e rs we re in se rvice be fore the re ign of Trajan:Q. Pe ti liusSe cundus fromMi lan and L . Cattonius Se cundus fromVirunumwe re soldi e rs statione d at Mainz . M . Apronius Secundus (Vi d .

CILXIII 6201for inte rpre tati onofinscription)fromLucusAugusti , Q . Bisius Se cundus fromBrixia , and two othe rs whose home sare not known we re e nroll e d in this pe riod . Othe rundate d e x

ample s of this cognome n occur in th e case ofmen fromBrixia andDe rtona and may we ll be long to the e arly pe riod .

In Africa the e arlie st instance of Se cundus is in the name of aman born at The ve ste and se rving at Lambae sis in the re i gn of

Hadrian . About half of the African e xample s are date d and

it can be se e n that th e cognome n was in use throughout thepe riod which is cove re d by th e mil itary inscriptions fromLambae sis. The home s known are Carthage ThysdrusCirta Opite rgium, Hadrume tum, and Uthinia . Thre e me n we reborn mcamp .

Se cundus is found in the Danube re gion also in th e se condce ntury and probably in the third whe re date d inscriptions are

few. Emona and Falerio are the home s of two me n be aringthis cognome n. In England the only date d e xample is in the

name of Iul ius Se cundus, a ce nturion about the ye ar 71. P0]

le ntia and Cremona are the home s of two le gionari e s in thisprovince . One name from Spain is date d in th e ye ar 165 .

Anothe r name is borne by a man fromAlbe ntibil is in Italy, theprovince from which most of the soldi e rs in the e arly pe riodcame .

Se cundinus and Se cundi anus are cognomina in this list re late dto Se cundus . The e xample s of the se cognomina are late r thanthe first ce ntury . The Danube province s furnish a majori tyof the instance s. For Aure lius Se cundianus qui e t Itrins vid.

Chap . III, Double Cognomina . Th e cognome n ‘

2e anus’ is there ading of We sse ly of a papyrus from Egypt writte n be forc theyear 108 . In a more re cent pubi icatitm of this papyrus fi tudienzur Palae ographi e und Papyrusktmd e XIV p. 8, Le ipzig.

POfl ILAB consonants 61

the figure 2 has be en omi tte d from the cognome n by the e ditor,We sse ly .


The cognomen Se ve rus. it wi ll be re calle d, is joine d to Firmus,q. a , by E . Bormann , as one

“zum Soldate ndi enst be stimmt . ”

It is not found so fre quently. howe ve r, as some othe rs in thisChapte r. Eighty~four e xample s have be en colle cte d ; thirtyfour we re found in the province s include d in CIL III ; sixte e n,

in Africa ; thirte e n , in Italy ; e le ven , in Ge rmany ; five e ach , in

Th e e arli e st instance s are place d in th e pe riod be fore the ye ar42. The se are M . Domi tius Se ve rus from Brixia, a soldie r of

the XIth le gion in Dalmatia, and Babudius Se ve rus, a centurionof the IXth le gion in England. Twe lve name s wi th the cogno

men Se ve rus can be date d be twe e n th e ye ars 42 and 100. Se ve ralof the se name s are accompanie d by the name of the town fromwhich the me n came , e . g. , Aquae Statie llae , Ticinum, Verona,

Ae quum, Vi enna, and Antipolis. Some othe r soldie rswho are

not much later than the first century indicate as the ir home sArre tium, Alba Pompe ia, and Lucus Augusti .During th e se cond century Se ve rus is found in the Danube

province s se ven time s in a mi li tary list about the ye ar 134, andlate r, in the third ce ntury thre e time s in an inscription (aboutth e ye ar Othe r instance s are scatte re d . In Egypt twocase s of Seve rus can be date d in the ye ars 194 and 240. The

group fromAfrica attracts atte ntion , be cause it is pe rhaps possihle to se e he re the waning popularity of the cognome n. One

cmturion, Fundanius Se ve rus, se ems to be long to th e latte rhalf of the first century, whe n the III Augustawas in The ve ste .

Fi ve men be aring thi s cognome n in Africa se rve d during the

all outside of th e province ,d Tolomais . In the re i gn

of Antonius Pius the re is a case of Se ve rus borne by a man from

n arra. Dyrrachium is the home of anothe r Se ve rus; th einscription is not date d . Hadrume tum and the camp (at Lam

In the late r pe riod . C . Iul ius Se ve rus be longs to the re ign of

Ale xander Se verus (22W ) . This name is found in anothe rinscription undate d . The same man may be re fe rred to in both .


C . Domi tius Se ve rus at Carte nna is a soldi e r of the XXII Primige nia ; date unce rtain, possibly third ce ntury . Thre e remainundate d . In the name of Aristius Se ve rus the cognome n is byno me ans ce rtain. The province of Ge rmany contribute s e x

ample s of Se ve rus in th e first ce ntury and th e name is sti ll inuse in th e third . Th e same may be said of Italy .

Se ve rinus is found six time s in th e inscriptions fromthe Danubeprovince s, probably all late r than the first ce ntury . Se ve rianusis re pre se nte d by four scatte red e xample s. Se ve rins Se ve rianusin Rae tia (238-244) e x hibits a fe ature of the late r pe riod ; forothe r instance s of this sort vid . Chap . III, Simi larity be twe e nNome n and Cognome n .


Thirty-four e xample s are include d unde r this cognome n in thealphabe tical list . Te n are found in the Danube province s ;se ve nte e n in Africa ; thre e in Italy ; one e ach in Arabia, Spain,

Ge rmany, and England . Th e re late d cognomina, Silvinus and

Si lve ste r, are re pre se nte d by thre e name s e ach . Si lvanus ap

pe ars in the following name s of th e first ce ntury :L . PomponiusSi lvanus, a soldie r in the XIth le gion, has be e n place d e arli e rthan the ye ar 42 by Van de rWe e rd, Etude s sur le s trois Le gionsromaine s du Bas-Danube , p . 228 . C . Gavius Si lvanus wasprimus pi lus of the VIII Augusta at Taurini in the ye ar 65 .

Se ve ral name s be long to th e pe riod be fore th e re ign of Ve spasL . Vale rius Si lvanuswas a soldi e r of th e VI Victrix in Spai n ;Ti tius Si lvanuswas a ce nturion of th e XI Claudi a in Dalmatia ;and Se x . Iul ius Si lvanus se rve d in the same province .

Thre eothe r name s can be date d in th e se cond ce ntury and two are to

be place d in th e third . At Lambae sis te n of the se ve nte e n e x

ample s can be date d in th e ye ars from 198 to th e re ign of Al e xande r Se ve rus (222 Anothe r soldie r name d Si lvanuswasborn in camp . Carthage is the home of a soldi e r at Lambae sisand of anothe r se rving in Arabia . Iulius Si lvanus on a stone at

Lambae sis and Ve re cunda probably re fe rs to th e same man .

Those undate d in this and othe rplace s may be re ad from th ealphabe tica l list.Si lvinus is th e cognome n of two le gionari e s late r than th e

principate of Se ptimius Se ve rus. Silve ste r appe ars in one nameof the first ce ntury and anothe rof the third The othe r e x ample s

POPULAR coonounu 53

can not be date d . For Sflvanius Silve ste r vid . Chapte r III,Simi lari ty be twe en Nome n and Cognome n.

For the use of Te rtius as a prae nome n vid . CIL XIII 6989.

Twe nty-two e xample s of the use of Te rtius as a cognome n havebe e n col le cte d . Cognomina re late d to Tmfius are Te rtinus,Te rtianus, Te rtiolus, Te rtullus, Te rtullinus, and Te rtull ianus.

The distribution of th e e xample s of Te rtius is as follows:Fromthe inscriptions publishe d in CIL III e ight are take n ; from

nine ; from those in Italy, two. Thre e e xample s appe ar in the

name s ofme nwho are nati ve s of Ita lian towns, whi le one of the

e xample s in Italy is thewome n of a man born in Pannoni a .

The home s in Italy name d by le gionarie s be aring the cognome nTe rtius are Cremona, Huts, and Placentia . Virunum is the

home of a man name d Te rtius se rving in Mainz . Th e e arl iwtdate in this list for the use of Te rtius is be fore the principate ofVe spasian. The late st instance s be long to the third century .

Lambae sis is the home ofNumitorius Te rtius,whowas a ve te ranprobably about the ye ar 200.

Of the cognate forms note d above Tertullus is the only one to

of Ve spasian. L. Vale rius Te rtullus, whe n home is Laue , wasstatione d at Mainz probably in th e first ce ntury . Two name swith the cognome n Te rtullus at Lambae sis can be date d in the

ye ars 144 and 218 . Te rtul linus and Te rtinus are re corde d ininscri ptions publishe d in CIL III . Te rtiolns is pre se rved in a

Mainz and in Noricum.


in th e ye ar 162. Te n othe rs can be date d from th e ye ars 198to 218 . Two me n he aring this cognome n came fromCirta ;one was born in camp . L. Alfidius Urbanus, from Spain, wasa speculator of th e VII Gemina about the ye ar 200. Ae liusUrbanus is the name in an inscription in Pannonia of th e ye ar228 .

Urbicus also appe ars as a le gionary cognomen. An e arlyspe lling is found in the case of C . Ve ti e nius Urbiqus, a tubi cenof th e first ce ntury in Ge rmany . From Carnuntum a stonere ads Se x tus Ge llius Urbicus ustione Cilix . Vie nna is th e

home of D . Capi e nius Urbicus in England . Two othe r case s

are undate d . Urbicinus is found in th e name of P . Ae lius Urbicinus, a frumentarius at Rome .

VALENS AND VALENTINUSThe cognome n Vale ns or Vale s, which has be e n liste d se p

arate ly for convenience , has be e n found in one hundre d and

fifty-two name s. Re late d to this cognome n are Vale ntinus,Val e tinus, and Vale ntianus. Th e ge ographical distribution of

the e xample s of Vale ns or Vale s is as follows:Fromth e province sthe inscriptions of which are publishe d in CIL III one hundredand e ight instance s have be e n take n ; from Africa, twe nty-four;from Italy, te n ; fromGe rmany, six ; one from England, and one

e xample fromSpain, if in this instance Vale ns is th e corre ctre storation of the cognome n, the first le tte rs of which appe ar on the

stone .

Th e e arlie st use s of Vale ns or Vale s are found in inscriptionswhich can be date d in the se cond half of the first ce ntury . Te n

e xample s can be assigne d to thi s pe riod . Two soldi e rs he aringthi s cognome n we re born in He racle s and Ara Agrippine nsium.

Mantua is th e home of M . Sulpicius Vale ns, whose pe riod of

se rvice may be long to th e first ce ntury . During th e se condce ntury the cognome n Vale nswas in fre que nt use in the Danubeprovince s. In a mi litary list whichwas cut on the stone aboutth e ye ar 134 twe lve instance s of Vale ns are pre se rve d . In a

similar inscription in th e ye ar 155 this cognome n appe ars innine name s. Sti ll late r in a list of ve te rans at Viminacium in theye ar 195 nine te e n me n be ar the cognome n Valens. In the lastmentione d inscription the home s of the me n are re corde d withth e name s. The towns are all in Moe sia. In other inscri ptions


in this re gion th e home s of me n be aring the cognomen Vale nsare He racle s, Salons , Stobi, Ancyra, Amasia, and Amastris.

In Afri ca we find that se ve ral of the soldi e rs name d Vale nsare not native s of that province . Eight me n wi th this nameare recorde d in a l ist out during the re ign of Hadrian . (Noothe r list at Lambae sis conta ins so many instance s. ) Of thisnumber five me n come from th e East ; the ir home s are Sidonia ,

Capi talis, He liopoli s, and Tolomais. Cyrene and Hi ppo are

also indicate d on this stone as th e birth -place s of two men be aring the cognomen Vale ns. C . Iul ius Vale ns natio Surna wastransfe rre d from the III Gallica to the III Augusta . Thre e menpossea ing the name Vale ns found on stone s in Africa be long tole gions statione d in that re gion only for short inte rvals and

probably the se me n we re not born the re . Africa, in comparison with other se ctions. has fewinstances of Vale ns use d as a

soldi e r’s cognome n. Be side s th e case s in the principate ofHad

rian, four othe rs can be place d in the se cond ce ntury and fourin the third. This de clin e would se em to indicate that th iscognomenwas not a popular one among th e membe rs of the IIIAugusta le gion . Two of the me n who be ar it we re e nrolle dfromTheveste and two we re born in camp .

Instances of Vale ns in the Danube province s during the thirdcentury are not common, but this is large ly due to the smallnumber of datable inscri ptions in this pe riod . All th e e vide nce ,

howeve r, points to its freque nt and continue d use in this partd the empire . The lates t e xample is date d in the ye ar 295 on

a papyrus at Oxyrhynchus.

The thirty e xample s of the cognome n Valentinus follow th e

general distribution of the use of the name Vale ns. E ighte e nmi li tary inscri pti ons publishe d in CIL III pre se rve the cog

nome n Valentinus ; five instances are found in Africa ; five inItaly ; two in Ge rmany . The two inscriptions from Ge rmanymay be long to the first century, and , if so, constitute th e e arli e stuse of Vale ntinns among the soldie rs. The name on one stoneis C . Vibullius Vale ntinus, whose home is Mi lan . Along th e

Danube the cognome n Vale ntinus is in use late r than the firstcentury . Date d e xample s range from the ye ars 134 to 294 .

In Africa Vale ntinus is the cognome n of two me n of native


tinus of the secunda Flavia in Africa is late r than Diocl e tian’


re organization of th e army .

The following me n de se rve me ntion:L . Arbustius Vale ntinus,whose home is Cremona, and Salvinius Vale ntinus natus Camunto are name s ofme n se rving in Italy. In Syria L. PhilocalusVale ntinus give s Gadara as hi s home . Vale tinus and Vale ntianus are cognomina found once in the name s of le gionari e s.

Be fore spe aking of Vale rianus the re are se ve ral e xample s of

Vale rius as a cognome n which must be notice d . The sixte e ncase s he re colle cte d are from th e province s include d in CIL

III, e xce pt for one e ach from Italy and England . Vale riuswasin origin a nome n and as a cognome n cannot be date d e arli e rthan th e se cond ce ntury . The e arli e st date of th e appe aranceof this cognome n is in th e ye ar 155 in the name Flavius Vale riusborne by a soldi e r of th e XI Claudia in Moe sia . One of th e

late st use s is in th e name of a te sseram'

us of th e same le gion inOxyrhynchus in the ye ar 295 . Anothe r e xample not e arli e rthan th e re ign of Diocle tian is in the name Ulpius Vale rius,borne by a spe culator of the I Norics in Noricum. Ne arly all

of th e instance s of Vale rius can be date d and the se fallwi thinth e limits just me ntione d . Ampe lum may be the home of T .

Flavius Vale rius, a ve te ran at Viminacium in th e ye ar 195 .

Thirty-four e xample s of Vale rianus are pre sente d he re .

Twe nty-two case s come from the province s include d in CIL IIIfive we re found in Africa ; four in Italy ; two in Ge rmany ; andone in Gallia Narbone nsis. Th e e arli e st instance is not late rthan th e re ign of Ve spasian . Othe r date d e xample s be long toth e se cond and third ce nturi e s. The following case s dese rveme ntion:D . Vale rius Vale rianus, whose home was Vie nna,wasa soldi e r at Rome . T . Flavius Vale rianus, whose home wasOe scus in Moe sia, was a frumentarius in Rome . In the samecity in th e ye ar 208, L. Domitius Vale rianus was in se rvice

from Capitol ias in Syria. Antioch is the home of a tubicenbe aring th e cognome n Vale rianus, who be came a ve te ran at

Ale xandria in th e ye ar 194 .

Vale t inus and Vale rio appe ar also as th e cognomina of le gionarie s on stone s in Dacia and at Lyons. Bale rianus is, doubtle ss,a variant spe lling of Vale rianus.

58 coonomNa or commas m nou n morons

le gionwas in Africa. Ammae dara is also the home of twomenhe aring this cognomen at Lambaesis. One le gionary se rve dduring the re ign of Ale xande r Se ve rus (222 The othe rhas the same name and possibly th e same man is re fe rre d to on

both stone s. Cirta and th e camp are give n as the homes of twomore me n at Lambae sis name d Ve rus. Verinus has be e n foundas a soldie r’s cognomen in nine inscriptions ; all appe ar to belate r than th e first ce ntury . Ceme ne lum is the home of L .

Gratius Ve rinus. One e xample of Ve rissimus is note d in the

name of a ve te ran, whom home is Ratiaria in Moe sia . The

inscription found in the same province was cut in the year 195 .

c roa AND VrcroamosThe cognome n Victor would se em to fill all the re quirements

of a suitable cognomen for soldi e rs and it causes us no surpriseto find that it is one of the most fre quent cognomina. One

hundre d and sixty-e ight e xample s have be e n colle cte d . Th e

cognomina Victorinus, Victorianus, and Victorina are also use dby the soldi e rs and wi ll be mentione d later. The distributionof the e vide nce showing the use of Victor as a cognome n is as

follows:E ighte e n case s are take n from the province s include din CIL III ; one hundre d and twe nty-five come from Africa ;fourte e n are found in the province s include d in CIL XIII ; andix we re re covere d from inscriptions found in Italy ; two e ach,in England and Spain .

The e arli e st and pe rhaps the only use of the first century isin

th e name of C . Iul ius Victor from H ispalis, a soldi e r of th e

X Gemina . Lucius Vale rius Victor, a soldi e r of the XXIId

le gion at Mainz. is not ce rtainly of the first century be cause of

th e omission of the word “Primigenia ” in citing the le gion .

The group of Victors from the Danube re gion range from aboutthe ye ar 184 to the third ce ntury. Thre e me n name d Victorare found in the East, and one centurion be aring the cognomenVictorwas statione d in Egypt in th e inte rval be twe e n the ye ars120 and 140. Ae lius Victor from Trimontium is the onlyve te ran wi th this cognomen in the list in the ye ar 195 fon dat Viminacium which containe d Valens so many times . C .

Castricius Victor give s Comum as his birth-place ; the inscrip

POPULAR coouomsa 59

Ifwe turn to th e large numbe r from Africa, an examinationof the case s of Vi ctor borne by me n e nrolle d in th e III Augustashows that about se venty can be date d . The e arli e st use ispe rhaps in the name of a ve te ran pre se rve d at Thamugad i ,possibly before the le gion move d its camp to Lambae sis duringthe re ign of Hadrian . In the first mi li tary list at the newcamp,whe n Hadrianwas empe ror, L. Antonius Victor from Scytopol isis re corde d . From this time unti l the ye ar 275 (th e e nd of

Aure lian ’

s re ign), the cognome n Victor enjoye d gre at popularity .

In the year 218 nine te e n duplari i bore this cognome n. The

small numbe r of centurions is notice able ; only thre e posse sse dthis name in the III Augusta . To name the home s from whichVictors came to join th e le gion at Lambae sis is to mention manyof the towns of Africa ; thirte e n have be en pre se rve d . Se ve nme nname d Victorwe re born in camp.

For othe r scatte re d case s of Victor outside of Africa consultthe alphabe tical list. All e xce pt one of the date d use s of Victorin Ge rmany be long to the third ce ntury . One name found inItaly is borne by a man of African origin—Q . Corne lius Victor

Victorinus (forty-e ight e xample s) , strange ly, doe s not followthe same deve lopme nt as Victor among th e le gions. The Dan

ube province s le ad with twenty case s; fourte e n come fromAfrica ; e ight from Ge rmany ; thre e from England ; two fromRome ; and one from Ge nava. Of the first century the re isone instance in th e name of a ce nturion of the VI Victrix inGermany ; L. Tite nnius Victorinus from Bononi a was a soldi e rin Ge rmany be twwn th e re i gns of Ve spasian and Trajan . In

the Danube re gion Victorinus appe ars late r than the first century . Ae lius Victorinus, a soldie r in Moe sia in the ye ar 155 ,is the e arliest name to which an e x act date can be assigne d .

M. Achatina Victorinus from Poe tovio is a ce nturion of se ven

le gions afte r the re i gn of Trajan at Ancyra . A stone cut in thethird e entury at Rome records the name of a man in se rvice

the re in the cohorts, forme rly a le gionary :viz . , Aure lius Vic

In Africa one note s T . Flavius Victorinus from Damascusat IAmbae sis during the re ign of Hadrian as the e arli e st sold ie r

to be ar this cognomen he re . Se x . Ve ttius Victorinus, born incamp,was a ve teran about the ye ar 198 . Six e x ample s can be


date d in the third ce ntury . Be side s a Victorinus born in camp,Siscia and Traianopolis, both in Europe , are me ntione d as th e

home s of me n be aring this cognome n . In Ge rmany the date dcase s of Victorinus be long to the thi rd ce ntury .

Victorianus appe ars in the name C . Ati lius Livius Victorianusborne by a ve te ran at Lambae sis. For the double nome n vid .

Chap . III, Double Cognomina . V ictorius is the cognome nin an inscription from Dacia and in two at Lambae sis ; one of

the se is date d in th e re ign of Aure lian (270

VITALISSixty-nine instance s Of the cognome n Vitalis have be e n col

le cte d . One e xample of th e spe lling Vitale s has be e n found.

Vite alis affords anothe r variant . Th e cognome n Vita l ianus ispre se rve d on one stone in a soldi e r’s name . Twe nty case s of

Vitalis come from the Danube province s ; twe nty-nine fromAfrica ; te n from the province s include d in CIL XIII ; five fromEngland ; four from Italy ; and one from Spain .

The pe riod be twe e n the ye ars 42 and 70 is th e e arli e st dateto which any instance s can be assigne d . The case s in point are :C . Octavius Vitalis fromBrixi a, a ve te ran in Dalmatia, Aure liusVitalis, a ve te ran in Moe sia, and L . Ce le rinius Vita lis of the IXH ispana in England . Ti . Claudius Vitaliswas a ce nturion Of

se ve ral le gions at Rome during the re ign of Domi tian . Thosewho come from Italian towns are ge ne rally e arly and Vitalis isknown from B lae ra, Hasta , and Ticinum. Inte ramnia is thehome of a primus pi lus of the III Augusta , Ti . Claudius Vital isat Lambae sis ; th e date is unce rtain . In Moe sia and PannoniaVital is is found throughout th e se cond ce ntury and into th e

third . In the ye ar 195 at Viminacium thre e ve te rans born incamp and one from Ratiaria be ar this cognome n . In AfricaVitalis is found during the se cond and thi rd ce nturi e s as a namefor le gionarie s of African origin . Four we re born in camp .

Anothe r give s Lambae sis as his home . Ammae dara, Carthage ,Simitthus, The ve ste , and Tipasa also furnishe d me n be aringthis cognome n to the III Augusta . The e arli e st date in Ge rmany for Vitalis is in the ye ar 186; four othe r case s can be as

signe d to th e first half of the third ce ntury . One instance fromEngland has be e n me ntione d above . Anothe r is dated in the

ye ar 191. Iulius Vitalis (undate d) adds afte r his name nati ane




O oouounx



e g aO 0

g6E! z 53


Cre scens

Including Ingenuus and Ingenus.

Including Inlanus.

Marce llus .

IncludingMax simus,Maxsumus,and Maxumus.

Optatus. .

Proculus . Including Proclus.

Including Pude s.


50Includ ing Ale xsande r and Ale x “






38 Including Cleme ns and C leme s.

56 Including Cre sce ns and Cre sce s .




9A Including Aeme ritus.







C annon-N

Ve re cundus

NOTE—Th e ge ne ral proportionate distribution of the inscriptions among theprovince swi l l be re calle d from the Foreword at the be ginning of this chapte r:viz . ,

about one th ird from the province s ofwhich the inscri ptions are published in CILIII, sl ightly ove r one-third from the te rritory of Africa e x ce pt Egypt, and the teremainde r from othe r parts of the Roman Empire . This distribution make s th enormal pe rce ntage in the se difi


e rent re gions about 83.



A fewwords of e xplanation maymake cle ar the me thod whichhas be en employe d of classi fying th e cognomina in the pre se ntcolle ction. The re are thre e gene ral classe s which in turn pe r

mi t of se ve ral subdivisions. In th e first class will be foundcognomina arrange d according to form and me aning: i . e . , ad

je ctive s, nouns, and diminutive s to which se ctions de a ling wi thname s conne cted the name s of divini tie s and the name s of

empe rors have be e n adde d . Th e gre at majority Of the wordsin the se groups are of Roman or Ita lian origin . The se condclass is compose d of those cognomina which have simi lar endings:e . e . ,

-a,-ianus, e tc . He re almost as many name s of fore ign

as of Roman originwi ll be found . The third class is e ntire lyde voted towords of fore ign origin :i . e . , Ce lti c, Gre e k , Thracian.

Itwi ll be Obse rve d that a name may appe ar in more than one

se ction of the classification . E. g. , a Punic name e nding in -O

will be note d in two classe s, a noun e nding in -a wi ll also bere corde d in two classe s, and so on . Th e cognome n Martiali sofi ers a case in point . First , it is conside re d wi th those adje ctive ssuitabl e in me aning to se rve as the cognomina of soldie rs. It

may also re fe r to a birthday and at the same time must be menticc e d in the group of name s connecte d wi th the name s ofwas . Finally it is listed with the cognomina which end

In each section the cognomina involve d are liste d alphabe tical ly and some gene ral remarks conce rning the sign ificance ofthat particular group of name s and the e arli e st name s are made .

The most noteworthy name s re ce ive e spe cial me ntion . In e achse ction, howe ve r, the de tai ls in re gard to the individual name s

must be aought in the prope r place in the large alphabe tical

64 COGNOMINA or sonnmasm ROMAN morons

list . It has be e n impossible to attempt any comple te re pe tition of th e data avai lable the re .

In the classification of adje ctive s conside rable fre e dom has

be e n e xe rcise d in the assignme nt of name s unde r e ach he ading .

Furthe r classification might be thought advisable although itis be lie ve d that the arrangeme nt adopte d is re asonable and con

ve ni e nt .

The re are 1333 diffe re nt cognomina in thi s colle ction . Th isnumbe r is compute d on the basis that a variant spe lling: e . g

Cleme s for Cleme ns forms two distinct cognomina . Thisse paration has be e n adhe re d to throughout andwi ll be found tomake th e study of the name s in th e alphabe tical list a simple rmatte r.

Cognomina have be e n arrange d in the following se ctions.

CLASS IA . Adje ctive s use d as Cognomina .

A l . Adje ctive s de noting qualitie s suite d to me n in mi li taryse rvice .

A 2. Adje ctive s de noting physical characte ristics.

A 3. Adje ctive s de noting me ntal or moral characte ristics .

A 4 . Adje ctive s wi th geographical or racial significance .

A 5 . Nume ral adje ctive s.

A 6. Adje ctive s re lating to birthdays.

A 7 . Participial adje ctive s.

A 8 . Adje ctive s in the comparative and supe rlative forms.

A 9. Adje ctive s not e lse whe re classifie d .

B . Nounsuse d as Cognomina .

C . Diminutive suse d as Cognomina .

D . Prae nomina use d as Cognomina .

E . Cognomina conne cte d with the name s of diviniti e s.

F . Name s of Empe rors use d as Cognomina .

G . We ll-known cognomina at Rome which are found in th ename s of le gionari e s.

CLASS IIA . Cognomina e nding in -a .

B . Cognomina e nding in -anus.

C . Cognomina e nding in -ianus .

D . Cognomina e nding in -inus.

66 cooNomNA or 80m IN ROMAN LEGIONs



This list of suitable name s may be incre ase d by othe r cognominanot adje ctive s. The noun Victor is pre

—emine ntly a prope rcognome n for a soldie r. Vinde x also de se rve s me ntion he re .

Name s ofmi litary office s appe ar as cognomina, Pequarius, Polio,Prince ps, Tribunus, and Ve te ranos. Ballista and Caste llusare not out of place in a soldie r’s name . Some name s of Gre e korigin are sui table for use in the name of a soldi e r; the se are

Achi ll eus, Ale xande r, Anice tus, De iotarus, and Nicomachus.

Unde r this he ading are found se ve ral of the most popularcognomina: viz .

, Faustus, Fe lix, Fe stus, and Fortunatus, th ename s of good ome n common in Africa, Ce le r, Pirmus, Se ve rusand Vale ns, the name s of valor which pre vail in the Danubere gion, Martialis and Victor, propitious name s for th e sold i e ralso fre que nt in Africa . Some othe r name s se em to us e quallysuitable for the le gionary, Be llicus, Fortis, and Pe rvincus, butthe se have not come down to th e pre se nt day in such largenumbe rs as those just me ntione d .

Se ve ral of the name s in this group are found as cognominain the first ce ntury . Among th e e arlie st to be use d are Ce le r,Firmus, Se ve rus, and Vale ns. The name s Castre nsis, Mi litaris, Mi litio, and Torquatus are late r than th e first ce ntury .

The cognome n Aude ns is found in an inscription from Dacia .

Th e full name is P . Ae lius Se ptimius Aude ns qui e t Max imus.

(For the supe rnome n vi d . Chap . III, Double Cognomina . )Th e spe lling on the stone is Andeo and so Lambe rtz (GlottaIV p . 132) re ads this form as a nominative . Th e Inde x Cognominum of CIL III adopts the form Aude ns. The doublenome n Ae lius Se ptimius is not fre que nt (vi d . Chapte r III I.

c. and of. Mucapor and Romanus) . This inscription is late rthan th e re ign of Trajan . On the use of th e cognome n Fide lisamong Roman citize ns vi d . Kubitsche k, J ahre s. Wi en . 1899

m a mas:or coonomNA 6?

Be ibl . 73. The name Constans appe ars also as Costas and th e

spe lling Costa is re store d to Constans.


rrvns Dmo'rrNo a srcar. CHARACTERISTICS

The following cognomina are adje ctive s which denote physical


Vital is

Among this numbe r are se ve ral cognomina which appe ar alsoin Chap. I; Candidus, Crispus, Fusons, Maximus, Nige r,Rufus, and Vitalis. The pre valence of the se se ve n names be arswitne ss to the fre quentuse of cognomina of this kind in the nameof men in the le gions. Ce lsus, Florus, Longus, and Magnushave be en re corde d in more than te n name s e ach . Se ve ralm omina are forme d from the name s of animals, Aprinus,Equinus, Taurinus, and Tauriscus, cf. Caprarius. Piscinusmay be mentione d in this conne ction . Adj e ctive s re fe rring tosize are Ce lsus, Longus, Mace r. Marce llus, Magnus (Maior and

Maximus), and Paulus . Adje ctive s indicating color are Albus,Candidus. Flavus, Fuscus, Lucidus, Nige r, and Rufus. Ce rta inpewliariti e s of the body are de note d by the words Balbus,Calms, Crispus. Flacons, Muti lus, Pae tus, and Silo. Be llus,

be e n pre se rve d are Ce lsus, Magnus, Nige r. Rufus. Longus. andFlaccus . Th e use he re of the words physical characte risticsis not by any me ans inte nde d to conve y the impre ssion thatthe manwho bore the cognomen re ce ive d it be cause h e had th e

puticular physi ca l pe culiari ty which the cognome n indicate s.

Such a name as Rufus can scarce ly have re taine d its physicalsignificance . But at this distance it is impossible to de te rmine


howfar the se name s we re suite d to the ir be are rs. It se emsuse ful , howe ve r, to have the cognomina Of this kind broughttoge the r.

On Muti lus vi d . comm. in CIL XIII 8591 cf. 2583. Thi scognome n is found also in Frontinus, Strat . 1. 5, 17 and Livy ,Epit . 89. On Paulus vi d . Schulze , Lat . Eige nname n p . 508 .

Masgi lus is pe rhaps re late d to Masculus and for that re ason

has be e n liste d with it.


The following adje ctive s which de note me ntal or moral characte ristics are found as cognomina in the name s Of Romansoldie rs

Of the sixty-one name s he re liste d six have be e n use d freque ntlye nough to come unde r the he ading Of popular cognomina:viz . ,

Castus, Cleme ns, Iustus, Pude ns, Ve re cundus, and Ve rus.

Mansue tus, Mode stus, and Probus are re pre se nted by te n or

more e xample s.

As in th e case Of adje ctive s de noting physical characte risticsth e lite ral me aning Of the adje ctive s unde r this he ading can

not be pre sse d close ly in e ve ry case . In some name s, howe ve r,we may fe e l sure that the name was in some way suite d to th eme n who bore them. Ste rce ius is ce rtainly an unde sirablename andwas probably appli e d with full knowle dge Of its me aning. Aspe r, Avidus, Bibulus, and Garrulus may we ll have be e nbe stowe d in disparageme nt Of a soldie r. In contrast to the se


name s of an uncompfimentary nature , th e adje ctive s indicatingfavorable quafitie s are many andwide ly scatte re d . Cognominaof this kind appe ar during th e first ce ntury in th e name s of me nenrolle d in the le gions. For the se de tai ls and othe rs consultthe alphabe tical list . The Gre e k name Asme nus, Aristo, and

Hi larus should be mentione d he re on account of the ir agre eme ntin me aning with oth e r name s in this se cti on . On the nameFrugi it ismte re sting to note what C icero flusc. 3, 8, l 6 acq)has to say in re gard to the application of this name to L. PisO .

The cognomen Clarus has be en note d in th e name s of African

AmnOTIvmwrrn GsoonArmcu. OR RACIAL SIOc ANcr-z

Adje ctives which conta in ge ographical or racial indicationsare often use d among the le gionarie s as cognomina . The fol

lowing name s have be en found :

Cre th nm




Flore ntinusSurus

Gabe-nus Main-inus

Germanus Te lesinus

UmbrianusCcltiher h de stinus

Se veral contain th e ide a Of loca lity and

may be mentione d in this conne ction . Thwe are Agrinus.Barbara , Ge nti lis, Marinus, Maritimus, Montanus, (Mun

Provincialis, Rusticus, Si lvanus, Si lvinus.Urbicus, and Vicanus . Th e name s Ge r


manus, Sabinus, Silvanus, and Urbanus are found with somefre que ncy and have be e n discussed in Chap . I. Romanusappe ars as a cognome n in nine te e n name s.

Name s Of this kind which can be date d during the first ce ntury are Etruscus (be fore the ye ar Hispe lo (be fore th e ye ar

Law (37 Histe r, Maurinus, and Tuscus (42Romulus (be fore the ye ar Tarquini e nsis (be fore th e ye ar

Albanus, Campanus, Ce ltibe r, and Italie ns (be fore th e ye arAtticinus, Iade stinus, and Lugudunolus be long to th e first

ce ntury .

The natural conclusion re garding the name s containing ge ographical indications is that the name s constitute a re fe re nceto the particular re gions from which came the me n who he arthem. The re appe ar to be some e xce ptions to this suppositionand the se may be due to the fact that th e name was employe dwithout conscious re fle ction upon its li te ral me aning . Th e

following case s throw some light on the usage Of“ge ographical ”

cognomina . Africanus and Africus are th e cognomina Of me nin se rvice at Lambae sis. Cape tolinus is home by a ce nturionwhose home is Cape tolias. Ce ltibe r is the cognome n Of a ce n

turion in Spain . C i licianus is found on a stone in Syria. Moe si

cus is the cognome n Of a ve te ran in Moe sia Infe rior. Iade stinusis borne by a soldi e r whose home is Iade r. Rae ticus is foundin Rae tia and also in England . Noricus is found in England as

we ll . Panno and Parthicus are take n from inscriptions in Ge rmany . Gallicus and Laure ntinus are found in Africa . Gae

tul icus appe ars in Africa and England. C . Iulius Lugudunolus,a soldie r in Africa, was born at Augustodunum. L. PubliciusFlore ntinuswas born at Lambae sis. Aure lius Ge rmanus addsnatione Dacus to h is name . The ve ste is th e home OfM . Vale rius Aquile i e nsis, cf. Chap . III, Double Cognomina, for thesupe rnome n Aque nsis. Cuiculum,

also in Africa, is the birthplace Of C . Iul ius Arabus. Cirta , in the same province , is th ehome of Mummius Atticus. M . Aure lius Romanuswas born at

Antioch, Cae ci lius Romanus at Tipasa, and M . Nove lliusROmanus at Mi lan . In the se case s th e me n may have be comecitize ns e arly in life or pe rhaps through pride in th e citize nshipOf the ir fathe rs the y took th e name Romanus. The re asons are

not so appare nt for th e use of Sabinus, which has be e n note d as

th e cognome n Of me n born in Cae sare a Augusta, Nicome dia,


Ratiaria, Carthage . Amssium, Narbo. Forum Brentanum, and

Spain. Ge rmanus is re ad asthe cognomen Ofa so ldi e ratLambae siswho was born in camp . M . Cocce ius Ge rmanus, a soldi e r in

Arabia, had in addition a native name ,‘

Aoue iboc. Gaius Se iusAtticus, an optic in the VIth le gion at Hi e rapolis,was also knownas MW ; Mn l fimog In the case of a third supe rnomen ,NoniusSaloninus qui e t signo Dalmatia, the re se ems to be a conne ctionbe twe e n the two name s. The cognome n Saloninus i ndicate sthe town Salonae and th e supe rnomen Dalmatia is obviously a

re fe re nce to the province Dalmatia in which Saloune is locate d .

The name Aurassus is conne cte d wi th the name of a mountain in Numidi a, cf. Chap . III, Double Cognomina, for an

e xample of a supe rnome n Aurassius. Curia and Curta are

name s of place s in Pannonia . Sausa may be re late d to San,the name of a rive r in Pannonia . Soranus is pe rhaps fromSora .

Romanus as a cognomen in the name s Of le gionaries can not

be date d e arli e r than th e se cond ce ntury . Nine te en e xample shave be e n note d . Africa and the Danube province s, includingDalmatia, afiord se ve n e xample s e ach . Ge rmany and Englandcontribute mo e ach and Italy has one soldi e r's name with thiscognome n Thre e of th e five e xample s of Ponticus are foundin a single inscri ption in Moe sia which is date d e arli e r than there ign of Marcus Aure lius. One othe r instance is note d in Moe si a

and a soldie r in Egypt in the year 90 has th is cognomen. His

home is outside of Egypt.A li st of this kind , i . e . , cognomina forme d from th e name s of

towns and province s, may we ll be use d to supplement th e datafrom inscriptions in re gard to the birth-place Of me n in the

A fewnames have a se cond cognome n which contains a re fe rene e to the home of the manwho be ars it . The se are d iscusse din Chap . III, Double Cognomina . Th e ge ographical ” cog

nomina are “q , Cemene lensis, Iguvinus, Marrucinus,

NUMERAL Amsc'rxvns

All the nume ral adjective s exce pt those for “e ighth and

ninth, " are use d among the soldi e rs as cognomina . Primus(Protus), Se cundus, Te rtius, Quartus, Quintus (Coi ntus), Se xtus (Sm tus), Septimius, and De cimus are re pre se nte d in the


pre se nt colle ction by one or more instance s. The se are ac

compani e d by diminutive s and de rivative s which may be con

sulte d in the alphabe tical list . Se cundus, Primus, and Te rtiushave be e n found most fre quently and some discussion Of the secognomina appe ars in Chap . I. Se ptimus and Se xtus are

use d le ast . The use Of Primus, Se cundus, Te rtius, Quintus,Se xtus, and De cimus as prae nomina is note d in a late r se ction .

Quintus and Se xtus, the latte r particularly, se em to have be e nuse d longe r as prae nomina and for that re ason the ir employme ntas cognomina falls late r than the first ce ntury . Primus, Se e nudus, and Te rtius are found on se ve ral stone s cut in th e first ce ntury . Nume rus appe ars as a cognome n in the name Of a soldi e rse rving in Pannonia.

Anrnc'nvss RELATING TO BIRTHDAYSCognomina in the form Of adje ctive s which re late to birth

days are found in the following name s:The first group, withthe e xce ption of the first word in it, is made up Of the name s Ofth e months. Kale ndinus (Kalandinus), Ianuarius, Martialis,Apri lis, Iunius, Iulius, Augustalis, Octobe r, and De cembe r.

The name s Of the se cond group re fe r to se asons or fe stivals,Natal is, Brumasius, Capt ations, Ce rial is, Ce re alis, Libe ralia,Ne ptunal is, Quirinalis, Kupwdh oq, Saturnalia, Saturni lus, Saturninus, and Te rminalis. For a re ce nt discussion Of the sename s and othe rs Of simi lar import not appe aring in this coll e ction vi d . Gottanka, Epigraphische Be itrage , Augsburg, 1912.

Th e most common name s in this class are Ianuarius, Martialis,and Saturninus, which have be e n discusse d in Chap I. The sename s are e spe cially abundant in Africa and the re are doubtles sothe r re asons for the ir wide spre ad popularity in that provincethan a re fe re nce to birthdays. The se name s are me ntione dagain in th e se ction re lating to th e name s Of divinitie s. Consultfurth e r Chap . III, The Cognomina Of African Le gionarie s, andforMartiali s, Se ction One of thi s chapte r. Iulius and Innins are

more strictly nomina, vid . Cognomina e nding in -ius. The

word Libe rali s is also conne cte dwi th some othe r ide a than thatOf the god . The fourte e n e xample s e xte nd from the pe riodbe fore th e re ign Of Claudius to that Of Aure lian (270 It

is inte re sting to note that a man whose name is Ce re alis e njoye dth e Office Of fmmentarius at Rome for his le gion and possibly

74 OOONOMINA or sowrsas IN ROMAN Lacrosse

The name s in this group which can be date d inthe firstcenturyare Se rvatus, Quadratus, Constitutus, Libena, and Oriens .

Eme ritus appe ars in one case wi th the spe lli ng Aeme ri tus. For

an e arly cognome n, Re latus, se e th e Addi tion to the introductorynote to th e Alphabe tical List .

Amscrrvsa IN ran COMPARATIVE AND SornRLA'rrvs Forms

A small numbe r of cognomina take the form of th e adje ctivein th e comparative and supe rlative de gre e s. Thwe are Maior,

Me lior, Prior, D ignissimus, Fe l icissimus, Maximus, Postumus,Proxumus, and Ve rissimus. The name Aristo appe ars amongthe cognomen Of Gre e k origin . Maximus is the only on e of

this group to atta in a wide use as a cognome n , vid . discussionin Chap . I . Maior appe ars as the cognomen of a soldie r whosepe riod Of se rvice falls in the first ce ntury . The othe r date dinstance s are late r than this ce ntury . Postumus is re corde d as

the cognome n of a centurion se rving in Dalmatia in th e pe riodbe twe e n the ye ar 42 and th e re ign of Ve spasian . All the othe rdate d e x ample s of this cognomen and Of th e othe rs in this groupare later than the first century With the e xce ption of Maximus, no supe rlative form gaine d popularity among th e men inthe le gions . The formation of cognomina by the addition of

e ndings such as -ianus to the stem se ems to have be e n pre ferre dto the use of the supe rlative . Primitius would se em to be the

comparative form of the adve rb primitus; both are le gionarycognomina .

Amacrrvss No'r ELsswnsRn CLASSIFIED

To avoid the unne ce ssary multipl ication of classe s all adje ctivsa not hithe rto classifie d are arrange d he re in thre e groups .

The first contains such words as have in them a re fe re nce totime : Ae te rnalis, Annalia, Avitus, Cordus, Iuven ia, Invenai is,Maturus, Pe rpe tuus, Primigeuius, Primi tivos, (Primitus and

Primitius), Prisons, Sacculari s, Se ni lis. Supe rstar, and Ve tus.

Priscus has alre ady be en d iscusse d in Chap . I. Cordus,Iuvwis, Perpe tuus, Priscus, and Se ni lis appe ar in name s borneby men in se rvice during the first ce ntury .

cussm 'mA'rrON or cocNomNA 75


mcus and Prupincus) . Ingenuus is found in se ve ralname s and a discussion of these occurs in Chap. I. Cf.Libe ral is and Euge nus . Geme llus re ce i ve s some atte ntion in

the se ction de vote d to Diminutive s. Name s which appe ar as

e arly as the first ce ntury are Geminus, Geme llus, Inge nuus,Mate rana, and Pate rnus.

The re is a ce rtain numbe r of adje ctive s, which have be e nfound as cognomina, the me aning of which doe s not pe rmi tinserti on unde r any of the he adings alre ady give n . The se are

Cate rvarius, Civi lis, Communis, Dativus, Patalia (Fata le s),Fructuosus, Hibe rnus, Le onatus, Pe culiaris, Be ginns, Re ginal is,Salute s, Scaenicus, Simi lis, Solus, and Supe rna. Se ve ralwi l l befound me ntione d in th e se ctions de vote d to cognomina wh ichhave ce rtain e ndings. For comment on th e name in whichScaenieus appe ars vid . Chap . III, Double Cognomina. Re ginuscan be date d in the first ce ntury ; th e othe rname s are late r. Thisis the only cognomen of this group to be fo in as many as

four name s.

NonNs Ussn as CooNomNa

The following list pre sents the nouns which have be e n foundas cognomina in the name s of Roman le gionari e s.

Congius Me rcator Senecio

Kopvofi Ma se r

MimMucco Soce llus


Nume rus


Cf. CallusPorce l lus


The nine ty-thre e cognomina in this group involve four hundre d and thi rty-nine name s, of which Fronto and Victor constitute 47 pe r ce nt . The se two name s are discussed in Chap . I.

Capito is ne xt in orde r of freque ncy and bare ly e scapes a placein Chap . I. (Vid . comme nt on this be low.)Nouns we re e arly employe d as cognomina and among this

group of name s se ve ral be long to the first half of the first ce nturyAqui la, Baculus, Caste llus, Salinator, and Viator. Othe rs of

the latte r half of this ce ntury are Adventus, Ape r, Arator, Ballista, Bucco, Buculus, Capito (four e xample s are date d in thispe riod), C icatricula, Fronto, Le o, Ne pos, Pastor, Taurus, Tiro,and Vinde x . The following diminutive s are employe d as cog

nomina:Buonlus, Capre olus, Caste llus, Catulus, Cicatricula,Homullus, Omuncio, Lupulus, Natulus, Pate rculus, Porce l lus,Re gulus, Rixula, Soce llus, Ursulus, Ve rnuleus, and Vitulus.

For the se and othe r diminutive s vi d . ne xt se ction .

Se ve ral groups of re late d nouns de se rve me ntion . Somewords de note mi li tary office s and are to be e xpe cte d as th e cog

nomina of soldie rs. Pequarius and Polio, home by me n bornin camp, Prince ps, and Que stor have be e n found in Africa . Tri

bunus appe ars in an inscription in Ge rmany . Ve te ranus is th ename on a stone found at D e rtona . Tim and Pupus are sui table name s for newly enrolle d membe rs of a le gion . Caste llusand Ballista are not inappropriate names for soldi e rs. Manynouns indicate an office or occupation othe r than mi li tary,Ae di l is, Ce nsor, Viator; Agricola, Arator, Caprarius, Colonus,Conductor, Me ssor, Pastor, and Vinitor; Fabe r, Me rcator,Emporus, Salinator, Sace rdos, and Flaminalis. Adiutor, Tutor,Vinde x , and , pre

-emine ntly, Victor, are suitable name s for sol

die rs. Se ve ral name s of animals appe ar as cognomina :Ape r,Buculus, Capre olus, Catulus, Ele pans, Le o, Lupus (Gre e k,Lycus), Porce llus, Taurus, Ursus, Ursulus, and Vitulus. Aqui laand Gallus are the only name s of birds adopte d by th e soldi e rsas cognomina . Aquilo and Auste r are the name s of winds whichare employe d as cognomina . Adve ntus, Re ditus, Favor, and

Pi e tas are abstract nouns. Name s of obje cts are Baculus,Congius, Kopvofiq, Gaulus, Lae nas, Lappus (probably conne cte dwith Lappa, which is also use d as a cognome n, though not in thiscolle ction), Lucus, Mi ca, Scae na, Se ra, and Ste lla . Cicatriculase ems cle arly to point to a pe rsonal fe ature of th e manwho bore


rwN or cooNomNA 77

it. Muce o (conne cte d with new ) and De risor are doubtle ssuncomplime ntary name s. Bucco , Cilo, Dosso (from dorso),Frontmand Naso re fe r to parts of th e body. Hospe s, Soce l lus,and Sodalis are de sirable name s formen in any occupation.

The cognome n Capito has be en found in nine te e n name s.

The spe l ling Capi ton appe ars in one case . Ten instance s are

take n from the countrie s the inscriptions of which are publishe din CIL III . African inscriptions contri bute thre e . Foure x ampla have be e n found on Ita lian soil . One use of the cog

nomen is re corde d on stone s in England and Spain . Th e firstce ntury instance s of Capito have be e n re fe rre d to above . Aprumis the home of a soldie r in England during this pe riod . Had

rume tum is re corde d as the birthplace of C . Iul ius Capi to. In

this inscription the re ading Capito (Bull . Archeol . 1905 p . 285)is a corre ction for Cupitus, the forme r re ading (VIIIA . Ccmsidius Capito records his line age to th e se cond gene ration . The inscriptionwas cut late r than th e re ign of Trajan.

Dna rxvns (l e ss as COGNOMINACognomina in the formof diminutive s appe aramong the name s

of soldi e rs in the following words:NampulusNatulusNige l (l)io

Nove llus

Pate rculua

a ulus Porce llusPrimul(l)usProculus

Marculus Quintilus Vind ilua


The diminutive s from noun stems have be en me nti one d inth e pre ce eding se ction . Th e following are diminutive s fromnomina :Antulns (from Antius), Eppilus (fromEppius). Fabul~Ins (fromFabius), Mustiolus (pe rhaps fromMustius or of Gre ekorigin) . Name s forme d on adje ctive s stems are Datul lus, Faustiolas, Geme llus, Muce liua, Masce ll io, Masculus, Nige ll io,Novd lus. Primulflhi s, Quinti lus, Quintulus, Satullus, Tertiolus,and Tertullus. Gudul lus and Nampulas are the diminutiveforms of two Punic name s. Marculus and

l‘itullus are diminu

78 coonomNa or sonnnms IN aowmm Ns

tive s forme d from the prae nomina Marcus and Titus. Mar

ce llus and Proculus are the cognomina in this se ction mostfre quently found and the se have be en discusse d in Chap . I.

For Vindilus vi d . Cognomina of Ce ltic origin, pe rhaps fromVindicatus. Lugudunolus is the only diminutive form in a cog

nome n re fe rring to the name of a town. In th e name Auricullusth e reading of the stone is not beyond que stion .

Th e d istribution of the se diminutive forms in the se ve ralprovince s corre sponds close ly to the gene ral proportional division of al l the cognomina in th is colle ction . Name s whi ch ap


pe ar in the first ce ntury are Buculus, Caste llus, Cicatricula ,

Fabullus, Lugudunolus, Mustiolus, and Te rti olus. Diminutive se nding in -io are Omuncio, Masce l lio, and Nige ll io.

Apart fromMarce l lus and Proculus, which though diminuti vein form owe the ir popularity to othe r re asons, Geme l lus is th emost common cognome n among the diminutive s. Fifte en e x

ample s have be e n colle cte d and one case of th e spe lling Geme lus.

Se vwinstance s have be e n take n from name s in Africa . Ammae dara, Cirta. Thysdrus, and the camp are the home s of five

men he aring this cognome n . M . Numisius Geme lus is M bly

the same man as M . Numisius Geme llus on anothe r stone . Thre epapyri from Egypt have pre se rve d soldi e rs’ name s wi th the cog

nome n Geme llus. The men name d in the se we re in se rvice

be twe en the ye ars 95 and 140. Syria and Moe sia are localitie sin which the name Geme llus has be en found .

Four of the five cognomina e nding in -olus are found in name sin Africa, Faustiolus, Lugudunolus. Mustiolus, and Te rtiolus.

Cf. Cognomina e nding in -osus .


(On prae nomina in Roman name s vid . Schne ide r. Be i tragezur Kenntniss de r remischen Pe rson e nnamen) . Gains (Cains).Lucius, Marcus, and Titus whi ch are usually prae nomina appe aralso as cognomina in se veral name s . Gaius has be e n un d in

the inscriptions fromLambae sis later than the re ign d Hadrian,


rroN or COGNOMINA 79

nomen in twe lve name s and all the date d instance s are late r

than the first ce ntury . Savaria is the home Of T . Ce rvonius

Lucius. a ce nturion at Ancrya in the XVI Flavia . Tib . ClaudiusLucius at Lambae sis indicate s Phi lade lphia as his birth-place .

Th e six te en case s of the cognomen Marcus have alre ady be e ncommente d on in Chap . I. The se too are probably late r thanthe first ce ntury . Titus as a cognome n is re pre sente d by fivee xample s. The known date s of inscriptions prese rving thiscognome n are in the se cond and third centuri e s.

The nume ral adje ctive s Primus, Se cundus, Te rtius. and Se xtuswe re e rnploye d as praenomina at one time . The use OfSe x

tus as a praenomen is probably more common than as a cog

nomen. The othe r thre e have be e n discusse d in Chap . I.

Prae nomina of the e arly pe ri od which be came cognomina unde rthe Empire are Agrippa, Postumus, Proculus, Salvius (note th ename Salvius Fe branus Baculus borne by a ce nturion of th e

XXth le gion at the be ginning Of th e first ce ntury), Tullus, and

Vibius. Tibe rius has not be e n found as a cognomen .

COONourNA CONNsc'rnn wrrn ran Nurse or Dre r


Th e cognomina in name s of me n e nroll e d in the le gions wh ichshowconne ction with the name s of divini ti e s are the following :

Iovions Salutaris

Ianuarius, Martialis, and Saturninus are the most frequentlyuse dOf this group of name s. The se are discusse d in Chap . I.

Furthe r comme nt on the sign ificance of th e wide spre ad use of

the se thre e name s in Africa wi ll be found in Chap . III. The

Cognomina of African l e gionari e s. Ascle piade s, Ce rialia, Libe ralis, Martialis, and Saturninus have be e n found in inscriptionsOf the first ce ntury . Se ve ral of th e se name are noted in th e



name of the divinity is re taine d in name s refe rring to Apollo ,

Ascle pius, Bacchus, He rme s, and Narena.

The remaining gods are Roman , e x ce pt that Sabasianus re fe rsto a Phrygian divinity Ce re s, Mine rva, and Ve sta are th e fe

male diviniti e s to re ce ive me ntion in th e name s of le gionarie sTh e adj e ctive Salutaris may contain a re fe re nce to the pe rsonification Of Salus. For Saturus consult Saturninus in Chap . I.

NAMES or Burr-moss UsED As COONOIurNA

The following name s which are chi e fly known to us as the

name s Of Empe rors are also found in use as th e cognomina Of

me n in th e le gions; Antoninus, Augustus, Aure lius, Claudius,Com(m)Odus, Domitius, Ne ro, Ne rva, Otho, and Se ptimius. An

toninus is th e most commonly use d and has be e n discusse d inChap . I. Aure lius, Claudius, Domitius, and Septimius are

usually nomina, vi d. Chapte r III, Impe rial Nomina . As cog

nomina the iruse is ce rtainly late r than the first century—Aure lius and Se ptimius can be date d in th e third ce ntury . Tibe riushas not be e n found in the name s of soldi e rs as a cognomen.

The single instance ofNews is date d in the ye ar 70. The onlye xample of the name Otho be longs to the pe riod be fore th e re ignof Claudius. Ne ro appe ars in the name L. Ulpius Ne ro natusDe rito borne by a ve te ran at Lambae sis. Com(m)odus is

found at th e same place , th e cognome n Of a man born in camp.

Augustus is re pre se nted in the name s Of two le gionari e s in service

late r than th e first century .



In the name s of Roman le gionari e s the re are found manyinstance s Of the use Of cognomina which are we ll-known to usfrom the ir de signation of promine nt pe rsons. Some Of the sename s, aswe know, came to be re garde d as typifying a man oface rtain characte r. Sulla se ems to have be e n such a name . It

is not impossible that othe r name s like Crassus, Cato, or Varrowe re give n to me n for similar re asons. Our ignorance Of th e

actual circumstance s unde r which the se cognomina we re bestowe d forbids anything more than idle speculation in re gard tothe ir applicabi li ty to the characte r of the me nwho bore th em.


among Roman fami lie s:Agricola, Agrippa, Cinna, Cotta, Galba,Me ssalla, Ne rva, Soae va , and Sulla . Pansa and Parra are

common name s in Etruria and se em to have originate d the re .

Papia is pe rhaps forme d from th e nome n Papius. The following are nouns; Aqui la, Ballista, Cicatricula, Mica , Ri xula,

Scae na, Se ra, Ste lla, and Ve rna . Name s in thi s group of Gre e korigin are Arpocra, Ascla, Coma, B e rse la, He racl ida, and

Sote ria . Name s Of Thracian origin which e nd in -a are Diza ,

Dizza, Drigissa, Mucatra, Sita, and Tarsa . The following are

of Ce ltic origin:Atta, Calla, Nocina, Salica , and Ve pitta .

Curia and Curta , words Of Ce ltic origin, are place name s use das cognomina . Ge ta is a cognome n which contains a re fe re nceto the original home of the soldie rwho he ars it . The same isprobably true of the word Sura . Sausa is puzzling and pe rhapsis to be conne cte d with th e rive r Sau. Vala is a name Of Arabicorigin . Andra may be a Thracian name . Nimmira is possiblya native African word . Costa, th e re ading of the stone , has be e nre store d as Constans. Th e following are of doubtful origin :Fana, Ge rula (cf. Ge rulata, Holde r 8 . v. Altce lt .

Mangala (cf. Nimmira above ), Me stula, and Sinna .


The thirty cognomina which e nd in -anus have be e n se parate dfrom those e nding in -ianus; vi d . ne xt se ction . The se are

Africanus Easuctanus Soranus

Alhanus Firmanus UrbanusAuluzanus Gal icanus VaranusBe ll icanus Ge rmanus Ve te ranus

Campanus He rculanus Vicanus

Catanna Hispanus Violanus

Cattanus Ispanus

Dazanus Iulanus

Se ve ral adje ctive s wi th ge ographical or racial significancee nd in -anus:viz .

,Africanus, Albanus, Campanus, Gal icanus,

Ge rmanns, Hispanus, Ispanus, Lucanus, Romanus, and Soranus.

Othe r adje ctive s which we re also me ntione d unde r this he adingare Montanus, Muntanus, Si lvanus, Urbanus, and Vicanus.

Be llicanus is forme d from the adje ctive he llions. (Be llicianus isalso found .) Procule anus is conne cte d with the we ll-knownmome n Proculus. Iulanus has be e n conside re d an e ngrave r’s

m ssIr'


e rror for Iulianus. Saturnanus is e vide ntly a variant form of

the common name Saturninus. Firmanus corre sponds in a

similarway tO Fir-minus. Ve te ranus is a noun use d as a cog»

He rculanus is a name of Gre e k origin . Leuganus and Violanus,possibly also Catanus and Cattanus, are Ce ltic name s. Auluzanus is Thracian in origin, and pe rhapsDasanus is to be assigne dto the same source . For Easuctanus vid . refe rence unde r Cognomina of Punic origin . Ve ranus is classe d among the cognom

ina we ll-known at Rome . Ge rmanus and Si lvanus are the

name s of this group which have be en found fre que ntly e noughto class them among the popular cognomina, vid . Chapte r I.


Cognomina which e nd in -ianus are found in the pre se nt colle ction to the numbe r of two hundre d and thirty-one , involvingsix hundre d and twe lve name s. For conveni ence in re fe re ncethem are subdivide d into thre e classe s. The first list containssuch name s as are forme d on adje ctive stems, e . g. , Acutianus

Aeutianur Quintilmianun

Fe etianus

FlaccianusCe la i e nus




The se cond and most nume rous group consists of cognominaforme d from nomina, e . e . , Aemi lianus fromAemil ius, Sittianus



Vulti lianus


The third class is made up of name s forme d by -ianusnoun stems, e . g. , Ne potianus from nepos; to words of fore i

origin, 6 . g. Sabasianus; to prae nomina, e . g. Titianus fro

Titus; to a cognome n, e . g. , Bassianus from Bassus, e tc.



Atre cce sianusAuguri anusBassianusBruttianusChae remonianus


Cil icianusCre tianusDasianus

SarnianusSe ccianus

Eufre tianusEuphemianusFrontinianus

FrontonianusGaianusGrae sianusHe rmianusHilarianusIamianusIassianusLeontianusLonginianusLupianus

Te le sphorianus

m ssrrrcarrON OF OOGNONINA 85

Cognomina ending in -ianus are found in all parts of the

Roman empire . The name s which are use d most fre que ntl yare Iulianus, Marcianus, Rogatianus. and Vale rianus . The sehave be en dbcusse d in Chap . I. Rogatianus has be e n note din African inscri ptions only .

The de ve lopme nt of cognomina which e nd in -ianus in th e

name s of legionari e s is for the most part late r than the first

century . The gre at majority of the name s can be date d and

only a comparative ly small numbe r be long to the first ce ntury .

All the name s in the first list give n above are probably late rthan th e first ce ntury . The cognome n Marul lianus was borneby a soldi e r in th e IV Mace donica be fore th e re ign of Ve spasian ,

and the home Of this man was Narbo . Vale rianus is th e cog

nomen of a soldie r Of the XI Claudia in Dalmatia in the inte rvalbe twe e n the ye ar 42 and the re ign of Ve spasian . A ve te ran of

the III Augusta in Africa in th e ye ar 80 bore the cognomenPaccianus . Tibe rianus is pre se rve d in a Gre e k inscription inEgypt as the cognome n Of a centurion se rving in the ye ar 8384 . Octavianus is re corde d on a papyrus from the same province as the cognome n of a soldie rwhowas in se rvice in the ye ar

00. Ae lianus, Flavianna, and Iuli anus are the cognomina of

centurions of the XV Apollinaris at Carnuntum in th e firstce ntury . Ae lianus is home by a man whose son of e ight ye arsis recorde d as having come fromAquile ia . The othe r two name sare not pre serve d entire on the stone s, but are the re store d re adings of e cfitors.

An inscri ption from Iconium in Syria would furnish the

e arli e st e x ample of a cognome n e nding in -ianus, if the re stora

tionwe re ce rtain. P. Me strius P. f. Mae c is the reading of the

stone and in a Gre e k ve rsion which accompai e s the Latin th e

word foflowing the le tte r “ f ” has two more le tte rs makingthe word Mamas . W ; is suppli e d by the e ditor, (Cronin J . H . S .

Inasmuch as the le gion is cite dwith onlyanothe r ve te ran is re corde d wi thout a cog

nomen on this stone , i t may be possible thatwe have he re not a

cognome n, but the name of the tribe towhich P . Me strius be

In the e arly se cond ce ntury cognomina wh ich end in -ianus


For th e supe rnome n in the name Aure lius Secundianus quie t Itrius vid . Chap . III, Double Cognomina .


Th e e nding -inus is found in one hundre d and twe nty-e ightcognomina involving se ve n hundre d and sixty-five name s.

The se cognomina are liste d unde r se ve ral subhe adings. Con

side rably more than half of the total numbe r of name s are note dunde r e ight cognomina which have alre ady be e n discusse d inChap . I: viz . , Antoninus, Longinus, Marce llinus, Rufinus,Sabinus, Saturninus, Vale ntinus, and Victorinus.

Cognomina forme d by adding the e nding -inus to adje ctivalstems appe ar most fre quently, e . g. , Cleme ntinus from d emena,Inge nuinus from i ngemme . Ne arly half of thi s group are forme din thisway. The se are :

De ciminus Bufinus


The e nding is adde d to place -name s to form the followingcognomina:

Capitolians Sabians

Noun stemswith the addi tion of -inus se rve as cognomina inse ve ral case s.

cussmca'rrorv or coorvormut 87

Aprinus Re ginus

Th e addition of -inus to ce rta in we ll-known cognomina is obse rve d in te n name s ; Agrip(p)inus. Antul linus, Bassinus, Catullinus, Marce lllnus, Me ssallinus, Ne rvinus, Proclinus, and Pro

culinus. Tibe rinus shows the same proce ss at work wi th a

prae nome n . Antoninus, Aponinus, Maicinus, Martinus, and

Vale rinus are forme d from nomina by the addition of this suffix . Iovinus and Saturninus are re late d to th e name s of divinitie s. Calinus and Charinus are of Gre e k origin. Agrinus,Ne rvinus, and Re burrinus are forme d from Ce ltic roots. The

following name s are of unce rtain origin ; C ittinus , Col inus,Iul linus, Rosinus, and Stiminus. Geminus, Marinus, and Pere

Cognomina e nding in -inus are found in the name s of le gionarie s some what e arlie r than those ending in -ianus as far as one

may judge from a comparison of the instance s which can be

date d in the first ce ntury . Aqui linus is found in the name ofasoldie rwho se rve d be fore th e ye arw. Stiminus is the cognomenof a centurion in Pale stine in the ye ar 68 . Colinus is the cog

nome n of a soldie r born at Epore dia who se rve d in the XVthle gion be fore th e re ign of Ve spasian. Fir-minus and Flavinusare horne hymen enrolled in the X Geminawh i le in Spain be forethe ye ar 70. M . Iul ius Marinas whose home is Forum Iul i iwas a soldi er at Mainz also be fore th e ye ar 70. Mauritiusbe longs to this e arly pe riod . Iade stinus is th e cognome n of a

soldie rwhose home is l ade r se rving at Mainz in the inte rval

be twe e n the ye ars 70 and 100. Othe r cognomina with this

sufi x which can be assigne d to the first century are C lementinus,Longinus, Macrinus, Marinus, Max siminus, Bufinus, Sabinus,Saturninus (seve n instance s). Valentinus, and Victorinus. For

comment on the name Aure lius qui e t Se ptimius Constantinusvid . Chap . III , Double Cognomina .

Coosomru ENDING rN -ma

Cognomina which e nd in e ius in this colle ction numbe r one

hundre d and thirty and include a total of thre e bundre d and


twe nty-two name s. For conve ni e nce in re fe re nce the se cog

nomina have be e n subdivide d . The first group consists of

nomina of Roman gente s whi ch are use d as cognomina .


Stati lius

Th e practice ofusing nomina as cognomina is large ly confine dto the late r pe riod of the Empire . The only nomina so use dwhi ch can be date d in the first ce ntury are Accius, Fabius, andTrinius. Trinius is th e name of a ce nturion in Dalmatia be foreth e ye ar 42 and it is possible that thi s is a true nome n and not

a cognome n . The name on th e stone is in the ge ni tive case ,Trini . Accius is th e cognome n of a soldi e r in Italy pe rhapsbe fore the ye ar 89. Fabius appe ars in the name L . FabiusFab(i)us home by a soldi e r whose home is Ne rtobriga se rvingbe fore th e re ign of Ve spasian . This is the only case of a nameamong the soldi e rs in which the nome n and cognome n se em to

be ide ntical . (For instance s of close similarity be twe e n nome nand cognome n vi d. Chap . III. ) Accule ius, Eppanius, Fanius,and Rulius are the cognomina of soldi e rs in Egypt be fore theye ar 108 . (The re ading of We sse ly has be e n adopte d in th e

name s from this papyrus. ) Sae nius is the name of a ce nturionin se rvice during th e pe riod be twe e n the re igns of Ve spasianand Trajan .

The nomen most commonly employe d as a cognomen is Val


Adje ctive s e nding in -ius se rve as cognomina in the wordsCate rvarius, Dubius, Ianuarius, Pius, Primige nius, Ste rce ius,and Te rtius. The following are from adje ctival stems:Firmidins, Florius, Placidinius (probably an e ngrave r’s e rror for

Placidinus), and Primitius. Si liquarius and Pe quarius are

nouns e nding in -ius. Apricius, Brumasius, and Caprarius are

formations fromnouns. Sabins is doubtle ss an e rror for Sabinus.

Cains or Gains and Lucius are prae nomina use d as cognomina .

Bi e nius or probably B i e nus (Vi d . Holde r Altce lt. Sprachsch .

Nachtrage ) is th e name of a ce nturion in se rvice be fore the

re ign of Claudius. Ascanius also be longs to this e arly pe riod .

The only othe r cognome n Of this group which can be assigne dto th e first ce ntury is Dubius borne by a soldi e r whose home isMi lan se rving during the principate of Domitain . Gusorius isth e name of a ce nturion in Ge rmany in se rvice in th e pe riodbe twe e n th e re igns Of Ve spasian and Trajan. For Te rtius and

Ianuarius which are most fre que ntly found, vid . Chapte r I.


Thirty-se ve n cognomina whi ch e nd in -lis appe ar in the pre se nt colle ction involving two hundre d and thirty-two name s.

Th e following cognomina constitute this group:

Facil is Saturnal iaAmabil is


C ivi lis

Among this numbe r the name s Martialis and Vitalis are employe d as cognomina most fre que ntly . The se have be e n d iscusse d in Chap . I. Aulutral is and Mucatral is are Of Thracianorigin . All th e othe r cognomina are native Latin words.

Ae di lis, Apri lis, Flaminali s, and Sodalis are nouns. Th e re

maining name s are adje ctive s. A large numbe r of the se re lateto diviniti e s and birth-days; Ce rial is, Libe ral is, Martialis,Mine rvalis, Me rcurialis, Ne ptunalis, Saturnalia, Ve stalia, Augus


rION or coononrNA 91

talis. Quirinalia, and Terminalis, Natalia is also a birth-day cog

nome n. The following adje ctive s imply the posse ssion of

me ntal or moral quali tie s; Amabi lis. Faci lis, Ge nial is, and

Hospita lis. Graci lis, Viri lis, and Vi talis contain a re fe rence tophysical quali ti e s. Four adje ctive s have some thing of a tem»

poral e leme nt in them:Ae ternal is, Annalia, Iuvenalis, and Seni lis . Provincialis carri e s wi th it a

“ loca l ” significance . Gen

ti lis, Inge nuilis. Entalis. Re ginal is, and Simil is are adje ctive swith this suffix not alre ady men tione d in this se ction.


Cognomina which end in -o have be e n note d in one hundre dname s involving a total of one hundre d and nine ty-e ight instan

pre sents the se name s .

Demaio MommoMucco

Mace do


The cognomina which are found most fre quently are Fronto,vid . Chap . I, and Capito. Name s Of Gre e k origin ending in-O are Ae lurio. Agatho, Aristo, Artemo, Athe nio, Glico, Hi lario,


Similar to the se are se ve ral name s which pre se rve th e finalconsonant and cannot be said to e nd in -O , K6vwv, H6ov, Iason,

Néwv, Solon, Timon, and Ze non, cf. Focion . The cognome nLibo is possibly Gre e k in origin . Zimme rmann (Vi d . Bibliography) conclude s that the name contains the same stem as

l i be t. Schulze , Lat . Eige nnamen, Inde x 8 . v. Unsiche r ble ibtdi e gle iche Aufiassung fi ir di e cognome n Libo . The cognome nBato according to Kre tschme r E . p. 246 is an Illyrican nameF i

rrst und Barrow, Furst de r Illyrie r. Hi e rhe r auch Iul ius Be ttoVI Zimme rmann op. ci t. p . 283, Schulze , Lat . Eigenname np . 82 note 1. Th e name Be tto me ntione d above may be Thraeian. It is also cite d by Schonfe ld (Vi d . Bibliography) as a

Ge rmanic name . Name s which are ce rtainly Thracian are

Bito, Daizo, B izo, and B izzo. Ce ltic name s in -O are Andi O,

Cabrio, Matto, Matuco, Mommo, Ne rido, Re stio, Sacco, Saxo,Sorio, Subsio, Surio, Tatulo, TuccO , and Vocco. Name s of

Ge rmanic origin are Atto, Baudio, Le llavvo, and Thrupo. Bar

icio and Namfamo orNamphamo are Punic name s. One Egyptian name appe ars in thre e forms Sarapio, Se rapio, and Se rrapio.

Nouns ending in -o employe d as cognomina are Aqui lo, Bucco,Capito, Cilo, Dosso, Fronto, Le o, Mucco, Naso, Omuncio,Polio, Se ne cio, Tiro, and Turbo. Th e following are we ll-knowncognomina in Rome : Cato, Maro (possibly of Ce ltic origin),Naso, Ne ro, Otho, Pe do, Pollio, Porcio, Scipio, and Varro.

Th e name s Britto, Hispe lo, Mace do, and Panno contain a re fe re nce to the birth-place of th e me n who bore them. Glabrio,Macro, and Silo are also me ntione d with adje ctive s denotingphysical qualiti e s. Pe do might be include d with the se . The

form Macro may be due to Gre e k influence .

The following group has be e n re se rve d to the e nd of thisse ction for e spe cial comme nt be cause the name s which composeit appe ar to be comic formations in -O . Eighte e n Of them havebe e n note d in the name s Of me n e nrolle d in the le gions. The seare Athenio, Calvio, Domi tio, Domnio, Iunio, Longo, Magio,Magnio, Masce l lio, Maximo, Mi li tio, Nige l(l )io, Pussinio (conne cte d with pusi lio, pusillus), Quartio, Saturio, Ursio, Vale rio,Vario, and Viri lio. The name s Naso, Pe do, and PorciO mayhave had a simi lar origin. Te n of the se cognomina we re foundin th e Danube province s. Thre e can be date d in the ye ar 195 ,

Domitio borne by a ve te ran fromNicopolis, Magaio borne by

cussmca'rION or COGNOMINA 98

a ve teran fromHeme siana ( i ), and Mam’

mo. Militia and Nige lio

are late r than the ye ar 170. Pussinio is late r than the firstcentury . Athe nio, Calvio, Domnio, and Nige ll io are found inthe Danube re gion in undate d inscriptions . (For Athenio vid .

App . Mithr. 59 cite d by Kempf, Romanorum Se rmoni s Castre nsis Re liquiae , p. Iunio, a native of Napoca,was at


s during the principate of Antoninus Pius. Magic

and Masce ll io we re ce nturions at the same camp in the ye ar

162. Quartio is found in Africa in the se cond half Of the se cond

century and in the e arly third . Longo is the cognome n Of a

centurion in Egypt serving be fore the ye ar 108 . This namewith Viril io are the e arlics t cases of name s in this group. Viri liois found twice in Ge rmany ; one instance is e arlie r than the

re ign of Ve spasian. the se cond in th e name Of a soldi e r whosehome is Mi lan is M bly in the first ce ntury. Saturio is note don a stone at Mainz . Ursio is found in one name in l taly and

Name s of uncertain de rivation are Arimo, Diaho, Samunio,

and Ulpro. With the e x ception of the last which is undatedall are late r than the ye ar 195 .

Procl ion and Viction appear to be formations in -O wi th th eaddition of a final consonant in imitation of Gre e k name s .

Viction is conside re d a Ce ltic name by Holde r. vi d. se ction do.

vote d to Cognomina of Ce ltic origin .


(Vid . Mommsen, Cognomina Africans , Ephem. Epig. pp .

620 Among the cognomina of le gionarie s the followinghave be en found ending in -osua, Albosus, Apricosus, Barosus,Bonosus, and Fructuosus . All e xce pt Apricosus appe ar at

Lambae sis in Africa . Of the se name s we knowthat two are

cognomina ofme nwho we re born in the African towns of Car

thnge and Simitthus. On account of the fre quency of name swi th the ending -osus in thi s province it is ve ry probable thatthe othe r two of the se name s are borne by menwho we re native sOf Africa . Apricosns is the cognomen of a ce nturion in the IIParth ica statione d in the Age r Albanos. All th e se men havingnames e nding in -osus we re in se rvice toward the e nd of the

recond ce ntury. or during th e first half of the third .



Thirte e n name s e nding in -x wi ll be found in the alphabe ticallist of cognomina of me n e nrolle d in the le gions. The se are

Audax , Efficax , Eudox , Famax , Fe l ix, Fe rox, Ie rax s, Pe rtinax,Simple x , Te nax, Ve lox, Ve rax , and Vinde x . Thre e Of the se are

words of Gre e k origin:viz . , Eudox , Famax , and Ie rax s. Th e

remaining name s are of Latin origin and all e xce pt Vinde x are

adje ctive s. The Gre e k name s have be e n take n from inscrip

tions in the Danube province s. The othe rs are we l l scatte re damong the various province s Of the Empire . Fe lix has be e nfound to be the most commonly use d cognome n in the name sOf soldie rs, vid . di scussion Of Fe lix in Chap . I. Exce ptingSimple x, Ve rax , and the Gre e k name s the cognomina e nding in-x appe ar to be appropriate one s forme n in mi li tary se rvice and

have be e n note d wi th othe rs in the first section of this chapte r.

Vid . Introductory Note to Alphabe tical List .


Mecdaapoq and Vala are Arabic names which are used as cog

nomina by le gionary soldi e rs. The latte r name is home by a

soldie r in Ge rmany in the pe riod be twe en th e re igns Of Ve s

pasian and Trajan . Mecduapoc; vévogNdBac; was e nrol le d in

the III Cyre naica in Arabia afte r th e ye ar 108 . The name’

Aoue iBo<; appe ars as a supe rnome n with the cognome n Ge r

manus, q. 0. Chap . I and cf. Chap . III, Double Cognomina .

COGNOMINA OF CELTIC ORIGINAn e xhaustive coll e ction of Ce ltic names has be e n made by

Alfre d Holde r, Altce ltisch e r Sprachschatz and Nachtrage , and

that work has be e n used in making th e pre se nt classification .

Eighty name s are re pre se nte d in th e following list:

Cacticcus CurtaviusCalanna Eppi llusCalla Essus?Callus Gallus? Ge dusCarantus GusoriusCatul lus LavenusCe ltibe r LeuganusComargus MaccausCondunus Magic

Cotus Manduccus



Se ecianus Vepitta

Stambon Violanus


It may prove he lpful to make use he re of the comme nts of

Holde r and othe rs on some Of the se name s:Aludisas, re adingcorrupt (Holde r, Nachtrage ) ; Arusenus, vid . Schulze , Lat .

Eige nname n, Inde x 8. v. ; Atta cf. Fe stus, Epit. p . 12-ISM . ;

Atto, partly Ce ltic, partly Ge rmanic ; Bienus not Rica ins is there ading Of Holde r, Nachtrage ; Cale nus, Ce ltic origin notwhollycertain ; Eppillus “m. cognome n w ch ill (an ange r, a chiml , th ekey Of a harp) Matto, Kose name n also Gre e k ; Matuco ,

Row e n ;“Ne rvinus von e thnicon Ne rvius Satto partly of

Ge rmanic origin ; Vindilus cf. V'

mdi llus “kurzname f l ir Vindica

Cognomina which may be Ce ltic in origin are Agrinus. Cabrio,Cattanus (possibly Catanus), Congius (Congus in Holde r.Nachtrage ), Curia and Curta, place name s (ci te d in Holde rwith a


as to origin). D ioratus (Diorata and Diratus inHolde r). Doncius (Donie na and Donicius in Holde r), Gainas(Gainia , feminine nome n in Holde r, cf. Cains . The stem Gainse ems to he Ge rmanic). Ge rula (Ge ralata in Holde r conne cte dwi th Chertobalos in Pannoni a Supe rior, i . e . , Lab

rase s (in Holde rwith Ne rva, Pardus. and Sinna. Surusis also conside re d Ce ltic by Holde r, Tomasche k place s it amongthe Thracian name s.

Ne arly thre e -fourths of the Ce lt ic name s have be en found inthe provinces the inscriptions of which are publishe d in volume sIII and XIII of the CIL . The remainde r, slightly ove r one

fourth, appe ar in inscriptions found in England, Spain, Africa .

e arli e st Ce ltic name to be found in a

otus, the name Of a centurion in Egyptduring the principate Of Augustus. In Ge rmany the followingname s be longing to th e first ce ntury have he e n note d :B ie nus


th e re ign of Claudius, Andiccus, Bucco, Parra (the cognomen Of

a soldi e r born at Bae te rrae ), Sacco (the cognomen of a soldie rwhose home is Milan), and Viri lio—al l name s Of men se rvingbe fore th e ye ar 70. Early name s outside of this province are

Ce ltibe r in Spain probably be fore th e ye ar 70, Salica, th e cog

nome n of a le gionary in England, born at Lyons, shortly afte rth e ye ar 71, Surio which se ems to be Ce ltic rathe r than Thracianis home by a soldi e r, whose home is Cae saraugusta, se rving inDalmatia be fore the ye ar 70. Example s of Ce ltic name s can

be date d as late as th e first quarte r Of th e third ce ntury . Name swhich appe ar as cognomina in more than one instance are Ati llus,Re burrinus, Re burrus (Surus), and Viri lio. All four e xample sOf the name Re burrus are found in Spanish inscriptions. Be

sides th e towns alre ady me ntione d, the following, Ratiaria,

Virunum, Iguvium, Cambodunum, Eme rita, Ve rona, Bononia,and Cirta, are th e home s ofmenwho have Ce ltic name s.

COGNOMINA OF EGYPTIAN ORIGINTh e name s Ammonius, Ammonianus, Sarapammon, Sarapio,

Se rapio, Se rrapio, and Zoux zbaq are Egyptian in origin . Ammonius is found in Egypt in thre e name s, one can be date d inth e ye ar 167—8, two in the ye ar 194 . One instance is in th e

name of a man born in Ale xandria. Ammonianus is the cog

nome n of a ve te ran se rving in the ye ar 194, whowas born incamp . The stone was found at Ale x andria . Sarapio and

Se rapio appe ar in six name s at Lambae sis. Thre e instance sare in th e name s of men born in camp, and se rving during th ere ign of Antoninus Pius. One e xample can be date d in the ye ar198 . Se rrapio is found in a name ‘

at Rome borne by a man inse rvice afte r th e ye ar 198 . Sarapammon is note d in th e name sof thre e ve te rans in th e ye ar 194 at Ale xandria ; two we re bornin camp, the third at Tani .Zoux taaq is pe rhaps as late as th e fourth century in Egypt .


(Vid . Schc'

infe ld , WOrte rbuch de r altge rmanische n Pe rsone nund Volkemame n . ) Th e following are conside re d Ge rmanicby Sch iinfe ld Atto, te il ge rmanisch ” (vid . Ce ltic se cti on),Baudi o (also in l ist Of Ce ltic name s), Le llavvo


ge rmanisch, Thrupo (Schonfe ld sub Trapo, pe rhaps Ge rmanic though


SOphae ne tus

Te le sphorianus

ThalamusTh e odorus

Th e omolpus

Forty-two pe r ce nt . , plus, of the Gre e k name s have be e n foundin th e province s the inscriptions of whi ch are publishe d in CILIII. Twe nty-se ve n pe r ce nt . , plus, of the se name s are take nfrom African inscriptions. The remainde r of th e instance s Of

the Gre e k names are scatte re d in othe r parts Of the Empire .

Gre e k cognomina in the name s Of Roman citize ns are not com

mon during the first ce ntury . The name s which can be assigne dto this pe riod are Ascle piade s natione Cilice , Burrus (possiblyof Ce ltic origin cf. Re burrus), borne by a soldie r whose homewas Forum Iul i i , Diome de s Law(37 Lae nas, Mi lo(domo) Luca, Strabo, the cognome n of a soldi e rwhowas bornat Ptolomais. Atticinus and Me l issus probably be long to the

first ce ntury and Ze non is e arl ie r than the ye ar 108 . Gre e kname s can be date d throughout the se cond and third centuri e sand as late as th e be ginning of the fourth ce ntury . A mi l itarylist of the ye ar 194 at Ale xandria contains nine te e n Gre e k cog

nomina and te n of the se be long to the name s of me n born incamp . A simi lar inscription of the ye ar 195 found at Viminacium in Moe sia pre se rve s te n name s of Gre e k origin . In

Africa th e se rie s Of Gre e k name s continue s as late as th e inscriptional e vidence from the province suppli e s th e name s of me nin th e le gion statione d the re .

For th e ending -ianus attache d to Gre e k name s vid . se ctionde vote d to cognomina e nding in -ianus in this chapte r. Se ve ralGre e k name s sui te d to soldi e rs are note d :viz . , Achi lleus, Anice tus, Nicomachus and othe rs.

The se ve ral instance s Of a supe rnome n in Gre e k name s are

col le cte d in Chapte r III, Double Cognomina . Ale x ande r isthe cognomen to be most commonly use d and this name has

ctassmxcai ‘ron or ooououma 99

re ce ive d some comment in Chapte r I. Didymus, Eleuth e r,Eutyche s, Eugenus, and Protus would se em to be translationsof Latin cognomina already in use .

Coox oumc or ILLY RIAN OwomThe cognome n Bato re corde d as the son ofNe ritanus, a soldie r

of the II Adiutrix , is found on a stone at Aquincum in Pannonia . For othe r occurre nce s of the name Bato in inscriptionsvid. Inde x cognominum in CIL III, the The saurus LinguaeLatinne a. v. . and Schulze , h t . Eige nname n p . 82, note 1.

Batus Ne ritane s, the re ading of G il nde l , De le gione II Adiutrice ,

p. 67, is not supporte d by othe r authori ti e swho have de alt with

COGNOMEN or o usum OwomThe name Aunus is conside re d a name of Ligurian origin,

vid . The saurus Linguae Latinae s. v. and Schulze , Lat. Eige nsme n p . 180. It has be e n note d as the cognomen of a ve te ranse rving in the VI Vi ctrix pe rhaps be fore the removal of thatle gion to England during th e principate of Hadrian . The

stone was found at Remi in Be lgium.

Coosonmuor Pe nsum Oarom

Pe rsian name s appe ar as cognomina in th e name s of le gionary soldie rs in the following case s: Arsace s, Aapatoq, Mithridations, and Ch aim; Arsace s is th e cognomen of a soldi e rse rving be fore the ye ar 87 . Ami e ; is borne by a ce nturionse rving in Syria in the ye ars 224-225 . The othe r two are foundin inscriptions of unoe rtain date in the East .

Ascanius and Sabasianus are name s from Phrygia . Ascaniusis the cognomen of a oenturion in se rvice be fore th e re ign of

re fe re nce to a Phry

is borne by a soldi e r in Dalmatia whose pe riod of

COGNOMINA or Fume Owom(Vid. Jule s Toutain. Le s Cites romaine s de la Tunisia, and


origin have be e n found in the name s of Roman le gionari e s.

The se are Aris, Baricio, B irzil , Gududus, Gudullus, Hiddibal ,Motthunus, Namfamo, Namphamo, and Nampulus. Withth e e xce ption of Aris whi ch is re corde d in a Spanish inscriptional l th e Punic name s we re found in Africa . Those which can be

date d are late r than the ye ar 198 . Baricio is pre se rve d in fourname s. Two me n having this cognome n we re born in the campat Lambae sis. Gudul lus, a diminutive of Gududus, Hiddibal ,and Namphamo are the cognomi na ofme n born in camp . Sufetula is the birth-place of Motthunus. Namphamo corre spondsto Latin Fe lix . Toutain op. cit. p . 176 and Cle rmont Ganne auRe c. d

Arch . or. 6 (1905) p . Nampulus is a diminutiveof Namphamo .

Th e following name s have be e n found in Africa and , thoughnot Punic, may be of native origin : Buturarius, Gumasius,Guzabius, Mangala, Mucrubius, Nimmira, and Porturitus.


All the se name s appe ar during th e thi rd ce ntury . Th e name sAurassus and Thubunius are formations from place name swhich are probably of local origin . Numidius is a name of

similar characte r. For Easuctanus cf. Iasucta, Schroe de r op.

cit. p . 91.

Furthe r comment on the cognomina which are commonamong the soldie rs of Africa wi ll be found in Chap . III, Th e

Cognomina of African Le gionari e s.


Name s of Semi tic origin found as cognomina in the name s of

soldie rs are B e l iabus, Eufratianus, Iamianus, Malch ias, Malchus,Matthaius, Me lcidianus, Maddanius, and (Daumvoc. Thesename s are scatte re d in many province s. The e arli e st is Mat

thaius, the name of a man whose first se rvice was in the fle e t ;afte rwards he was transfe rre d to the I Adiutrix on its formationin the ye ar 68 . The othe r date d instance s of name s of thisgroup are late r than the first ce ntury .


Among the cognomina found in the name s of Roman legionari e s the following are of Thracian origin


228 . Fre que ntly both name s are Thracian . Such name s are

found as Aulupor Alusa(ni fi lius Mucatralis Auluzanus,Bytytrali s Biti (fil ius), Mucapor Mucatral is. Aure lius and

Se ptimius are nomina joine d with cognomina of Thracian origin.

Se ptimius has be e n note d in se ve n name s, Aure lius in twe ntysix , ne arly thre e -fourths of the whole numbe r of e xample s of

Thracian cognomina .


Th e following cognomina are ce rta inly not of Roman or

Italian origin but the ir de rivation is obscure .

Glaus is pe rhaps for Gre e k Glaux a plant . Cane tus is

possibly re late d to Cane thus.

COGNOMINA NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIEDTh e following cognomina have not be e n me ntione d in any of

the pre ce ding se ctions:Avos, Bassi las, Ce nte r, F(C)aricus, and-irmus. Avos is probably due to the loss of some le tte rs; theoriginal cognomen may have be e n Flavos. Bassi las is e vide ntlyre late d to Bassus. Th e name which is li ste d he re as Ce nte rappe ars on the stone in th e dative form Ce ntro. Th e unce rtainty of th e name Faricus or Caricus has cause d the inse rtionof this cognome n in this place . The cognomen -irmus is incom

ple te in th e inscription and it is impossible to de te rmine whe the rit should be re store d as Firmus or Primus.



1. Double Cop omina .

2. The Earli est Cognomina .

3. The Cognomina of African Le gionari e s.

4 . Le gionary Cognomina in the Province s ofwhich the Inscriptions are publishe d in CIL III.

5 . Uncomplimentary Cognomina .

6. Simi larity of the Nome n and Cognome n in the same name .

7 . Impe rial Nomina.

DOUBLE COGNOMINATh e se veral instance s of the appe arance of a supe rnomen have

alre ady be e n note d in the chapte r de vote d to the classificationof cognomina, and this se ction comprise s a collection of suchinstance s with some furthe r comment on them. For a ge ne raldiscussion of name s containing a supe rnome n one should consultthe work of Lambe rts , Zur Ausbre i tung de s Supe rnome n Ode rSignum im roemisch e n Re iche , Glotta, 1918, IV, p .

78-148 , V,

p. 99-169 .

L. Corne lius Cato qui e t Caligatus is the name of a ce nturion of

the III Augusta at Lambae sis, probably about the year 200,ce rta inly so if the name L. Corne lius Cato, de signating an opti c

at the same camp. re fers to the same pe rson. The supe rnome n

Caligatus reminds us at once of th e name Caligula appli e d to theEmpe ror C . Cae sar Ge rmanicus. Domaszewski , A . E . M . 10

(1886) pp . 28-25 , doe s not re gard Cal igatus as a part of the cen


s name but as a true participle .

“Denn ich glaube , dassGal igatns hie r nicht als Cognomen ve rstanden we rden darf .”

Lambe rtz , Glotte , IV , p . 101 and Cagnat, L'

Armée Romaine ,2ud e d . p . 301, n . 8, conside r Caligatus as a supe rnomen . Th e

name of this ce nturions fathe r also contains a supe rnomen:M .

Corne lius Cato qui e t Aurassius . On this name Gagnat remarks,


Le sobrique t dupére , Aurassius, indique qu’

i l était originairede s e nvirons de Lambése outout aumoins d ’un vi llage de l’Aures. Aurassus has already be e n found in the name of a le gionary at Lambae sis. Cagnat be li e ve s that M . Corne lius Cato,the e lde r,was attache d to the le gion in some capaci ty, but inthe abse nce of definite informati on his name has not be e n adde dto thi s list .Anothe r inscription in Africa pre se rve s the name C . Tannonius

Fe lix qui e t Aque nsis borne by a soldi e r whose pe riod of se rvice

can not be defini te ly date d, but it is probably late r than the re ignof Hadrian . Lambe rtz, Glotta IV p . 101, obse rve s “

Aque nsisBe ze ichnung nach se ine r He rkunft, also e ine Art Spitzname ,je de nfalls se in Rufname . The cognome n Aqui le i e nsis has be e nfound in th e name of a le gionary at Lambae sis during the re ignof Ale xande r Se ve rus (222 He was born at The ve ste .

In th e ge ne ral re gion of the Danube province s the re are fourinstance s of a supe rnome n in the name s of le gionari e s whosepe riod of se rvicewas probably late r than the first ce ntury . The seare , Salonius Sabinianus signo Scammatius, Nonius Saloninusqui e t signo Dalmatis, Aure lius Se cundianus qui e t Itrius, andP . Ae lius Se ptimius Aude ns qui e t Maximus. The re lation betwe e n the cognome n, Saloninus, and the supe rnome n, Dalmatis,has alre ady be e n note d in comme nting on the cognome n in

Chap . II, Cognomina with ge ographical significance . Aude nshas be e n me ntione d in the first se ction of Chapte r II de vote d tocognomina suite d to men in mi litary se rvice . For the doublenome n Ae lius Se ptimius of. othe r case s in this se ction be low,

On the name Itrius, Lambe rtz says. Ke ltisch Ode r i llyrischist das Supe rnome n de s Aur. Se cundianus qui e t Itrius. The

formation of name s in -ius during the late r pe riod of the Empirehas be e n note d by Lambe rtz in the article alre ady cite d and byDi e hl, Rh . Mus. 62, and both Itrius and Scammatius are name sof this kind . In vi ew of the unce rta inty conce rning the de rivation of Itrius is it not possible that whatwe have he re is a comicformation from the word i te rum to accompany the cognome nSe cundianus, cf. Dalmatis with Saloninus above ? The name L.

De crius Iulianus qui e t Numisianus found at Naple s is date d inthe first half of the se cond ce ntury . The following name s inGre e k are take n from inscriptions in Syria and Arabia:I‘ . S i nce’

Arrmtc 6 xakofsnevog Moo-x ii ; and M. Kox x '

htoc I‘epnavtc; 6 ml


In addition to the se instance s whe re a se cond cognomen is

adde d wi th the words qui at or signo, e tc the re are some e xample sof what may be calle d a se cond cognomen place d afte r the usualcognomen wi thout any conne cting word . This addi tional cognome n ofte n indicate s the town fromwhich the manwho be ars thename probably came . Th e e arlie st e xample of this is in the

name Q. Annaeus Balbus Fave ntinus of th e tribe Poll ia, borneby a mai ler of th e fifth le gion in Africa be fore th e ye ar 70. M.

Pe tronius Classicus Marrucinus is the name of a ce nturion inth e VIII Augusta in Pannoni a . This le gion was statione d at

Poe tovio, where th is inscriptionwas found. be fore the principateof Ne ro and this office r may have se rve d in the e arly pe riod .

Cu. Te re ntius Rufus Iguvinus is the name of a soldie r of the IIIAugusta pe rhaps be fore the le gion we nt to Lambae sis duringthe re ign of Hadrian . An inscription at Ceme ne lum re ads P.

Enistal ius P. f. C l. Pate rnus Ccme ne lensis and the se words we recut afte r the ye ar 87 . Anothe r stone in Pannonia pre se rve sthe name Q . Frcndul lus Rufus Vice tinus borne by a le gionary inse rvice afte r the first ce ntury, cf. CIL VII 155 . M . Pe troniusL . f. Men(cnia) Vic(e tinus) A soldi e r in C il icia late r than th ere ign of Trajan is name d F. 106110; Aem lbnc;


A6'qvaioc. Q .

Monclus Ve re cundus Narbone nsis is the name of a ve te ran foundin an inscription of unce rtain date in Spain . The fourth partof th e name of Q . Aure lius Proce ssus Maddanius, an opti c at

Lambae si s, may contain a re fe re nce to his birth-place or to an

e arli e r name of Semi tic origin .

Anoth e r group of name s is compose d of those which have twocognomina one of which e nds in -ianus. At Lambae sis a centurionof five le gions has the name I(ul ius) Bassus Sulpicianus; hispe riod of se rvicc is late r than the re ign of Septimius c crns.

A ve te ran at th e same place be ars th e name P. Granius AnotusCae se nni anus ; the inscription is notdate d . Q . PapiusSaturninusIulianus is th e name of a centuri on of the II Parthie n, a le gionforme d by Se ptimius Se ve rus. An inscri ption in England prese rve s a ve teran

s name L Ecimius Be ll icianus Vi talis; whosepcriod of se rvice is not date d. One le gionary in Syria can boast

of a se cond nomen aswe ll as a additional cognomen. The name

cussmcarron or coox omwa 107

to discuss nomina, the last mentione d inscription contains a

name with two nomina and se ve ral similar case s can be foundamong the name s of me n e nrolle d in the le gions. In so far as

the se name s can be date d the y be long to th e third ce ntury .

The most noteworthy case of a name having two nomina isAure l ius qui e t Se ptimius Constantinus borne by a soldie r inPannonia whose pa iod of se rvice is late r than th e first ce ntury .

For the formation of the name vid . Lambe rtz, Glotta, IV,

p. 132. This inscri ption pre se rve s se ve ral name s of this kind .

Th e nomina Aure l ius and Septimius we re adopte d by th e chi ldre n of parents who bore the se name s. Aure lius SuperiniusMarcus is the name of a le gionary in Ge rmany in the ye ar 214 .

Vibius Cassius Victorinus de signates a beneficiarius consularisin Noricum in the ye ar 216. A ce nturion in Syria in the ye ar212 bears th e name M . Aure lius Valerius Vale rianus.

(M.) Aépfih oc 067mm; Z eppflvoq is the name of a soldie r inArabia about the ye ar 215 . The name P. Ae l ius Se ptimiusMucapor is borne by a ce nturi on at Carnuntumduring th e re ignofAle xande rSeverus (222 M . Aure lius Cocce ius Florianuswas a pu


mas pi lus at Vienna about the ye ar 225 . T . Aure liusAntonius Longinus is the name of a speculator of th e III Gallicain Syria in the th ird ce ntury . The following case s are ce rtainlylate r than the re ign of Trajan:P. Ae lius Se ptimius Audeus quict Maximus (for the cognome n Aude ns vi d . Chap . II, Adje ctive s de noting quali ti es sui te d to me n in mi litary se rvice ), h is

Acline SeptimiusRomanus and Valerius Vibius Vale rianus(Note comment in CIL III 823, Vibii nome n mi le s fortassadcn


vavit ab imp. C . Vibio Tre boniano Gal lo, 251 C .

Ati lius Livius Victorianus is th e name of a ve te ran of the III

Augusta at Lambae sis in the pe riod afte r the re ign of Hadrian.

M . Flavius Cae ci lius Te le sphorianus was e nrolle d in the V

Mace donica at Lambae sis; th e inscription is not definite ly date d .

L . Veratius Aufidius Rufus, a ce nturion of the XXII Primige nia ,

se ems to indicate Bene ventumas h is native town but this restoration of the ph oem is not wholly ce rtain . Th e name of a

centurion of the III Cyre naica in Be lgica, Q . Cattus Libo Ne pos,is puzzling and no satisfactory e xplanation has be en made .

Libo (vi d . Chapte r II, Cognomina e nding in -o). and Ne pos are

appare nfly eOgnomina . What is to be sa id of the name Ae liusAnt Ae te rnali s? Ant is e xplaine d as Antonius in A . E . M . XIX.


p . 87 , but th e Inde x to CIL III throws no light on its inte rpre ~tation . The inscription was found in Moe sia and is not date d .

Anothe r small group of name s se ems to pm ent a pe culiarform of pme nominmunle ss it also is to be unde rstood as a part

of the group which shows two nomina . Th e name s so use d areClaudius, Flavius, and Iulius. The comple te name s re ad as

follows:Cl . Atte ius Ce le r in Dacia ; the inscription is late r thanthe ye ar 142; Cl . Max imius Sabinus (Sabinus is the reading of

th e stone according to th e Inde x on CIL VIII, Cagnat, L’

ArméeRomaine l st e d p . 202, re ads Sabini anus ) ; Fl. Sabinius Atti l lus,Fl . Iulius Matemus, Fl . Iulius Re ginus, th e name s of thre ebrothe rs; th e inscription is late r than the ye ar 89; Fl . AntoniusRomanus, the name of a sold i e r in th e ye ar 218 ; Iul . LiciniusSanctinus, Iul . Marcius Saccularis, and Iul . Val . Valentinus. thename of a ve te ran about th e ye ar 184 . Th e occurrence of

Statius Popina Saturninus th e name of a centurion whose te rmof se rvice may have be en m th e latte r half of the ce ntury, sugge sts that Statius may sti ll re tain its e arly force as a prae nome n ,

but this re ading of Statius is not without que st ion . M . Utte dius

Sallubianus C . Pe til ius Amanduswhowas born at Iguvium and

is re corde d as a ve te ran in Dalmatia has two comple te name s.

The cognomen Sal lubianus is Ce ltic in i ts origin. Th e date of

th e inscription is not known . L . Cassius Cleme ns Taurus isnot an e xample of a name with two cognomina for what appe arsto be a se cond cognomen is th e e ngrave r’s e rror for Taurin(o),vid . CIL XIII 8782 and Eph em. Epigr. V p . 220.

Tan Bumme r COGNOMINAIn th e e arli e st pe riod men of the rank of soldie rs or unde r

office rs d id not have any cognome n. Th e re ign of Claudius

are rare and afte rwhich it is unusual to find themomitte d froma

name . (Schulze , Late inische E ige nnamen , p . 497 ,

“Denn imAllgeme inen ist die Sitte de s pe rsonl ichen Cognomen : schone twas fri ih er (i . e . , than the re ign of Trajan), unte r Chmd iws

22, Itaque sub Claudio e dictum vide tur, ut 1113i in late nculis,

id qmodmi li i e s in tiui flsprivatis statimimitatos e sse conse ntaneum

110 coosoms a or sowrnns or some:morons

le gion at Ate ste , must have se rve d about th e ye ar9 A . D . be causethis le gion disappe are d at this time . Alulh oc; I

‘éuwoq, a

ce nturion of the VIIth le gion in Asia Minor be longs to the ye ar11-12 A . D . Sa lvius Fe branus Baculus is the name of a ce n

turion of th e XXth le gion in Dalmatia at the ope ning of th e ce ntury . C . Iul ius Albus, a soldi e r of th e 11d le gion and h is

centurion, Lae nas, in Aqui tania have be e n assigne d to the pe riodbe fore th e ye ar 21 A . D . by Allme r, CIL XIII 1122. Othe rname s which be long to me n in se rvice during the re ign of Tibe rius are T. Iulius Fe stus borne by a soldi e r in the XVIth le gionat Nemausus, P . Ae lius Optatus and L. Antonius Quadratus.two name s of men e nrolle d in the XXth le gion in Ita ly, and M .

Vibrius Marce llus borne by a centurion of the XVIth le gionat Rome . T . Flavius Titullus of the tribe Ste l latina se rving inth e XXth le gion ismen tione d in an undoubte dly e arly inscriptionat Bene ventum. A group of inscriptions e arli e r than the re ignof Claudius is found in Dalmatia pre se rving th e name s of mene nrolle d in the VIIth and XIth le gions. Another also in thise arly pe riod is found in Ge rmany with th e name s ofme n be longingto the XVIth le gion . About twenty name s altoge the r can be

assigne d to the pe riod be fore th e re ign of Claudius . From the

re ign of thi s Empe rior to th e end of th e first centurybe twe cn 850and 400 name s can be de fini te ly date d . There are otha '

s. of

course , to which e xact date s can not be given, although the y maybe long to th e first ce ntury .

Some characte ristics of the name s of the first ce ntury havealre ady be en note d in se parate se ctions of Chapte r II . The semay be re calle d he re brie fly: Th e cognomina of the first centuryare for th e most part ad je ctive s. Nouas are not infre quent. Cognomina ending in -ianus are found in a fewname s. Nomina of

Roman gente s are rare ly use d as cognomina . Cognomina of

Gre e k origin are occasiona lly employe d ; othe r name s of fore ignorigin are not common during th e first ce ntury . The commiaawhich are found in five ormore names be longing to this centuryare Bassus, Ce le r, Pirmus, Fronto, Optatus, Priscus, Procnias,Pudens, Rufus, Saturninus, Saturninus, Se cundus (nine te e n

ofom sooinn ipdomwhich contain the nam of lefioul riuwithout am om

m ssmca'rron or COGNOMINA 111

Te e Coonouma or ArmourLsororumss

More than one -third of the name s of me nwho se rve d in the

legions have be e n found on African soi l and the large numbe r ofcognomina in the se posse ss ce rtain fe ature s which are note worthy .

G . Boissie r (Re vue de s Deux Monde s, 1895, p . 56, vid . also“Roman Africa ”) summarme s th e practice of assigning name s

among the Africans by saying that some adopte d name s suchas Maurus, Gae tulus, and Numida . Othe rs conte nte d themse lve s by translating the ir Punic or Be rbe r name s “paruh a-peu

pres latin .

"The bolde st spirits adopte d an e ntire ly newname

or took a name from some famous Roman family . Mommse n

(Epheme ris Epigraph ica, Cognomina Africans, IV , p . 520- 524)has me ntione d some distinctive points in the formation of cog

nomina in Africa, chie fly th e ending -osus. Among the soldi e rscognomina wi th this e nding are rare ; those found are Albosus,Barosus, Boucaus, and Fructuosus. (Apricosus is found in a

name in Italy . ) Vid . Re ni e r, Me lange s d ’

Epigraphi e , pp . 278

284 . The re are also se ve ral cognomina which are Punic inorigin in th e name s of African soldi e rs. The se have be endiscusse d in Chapte r II, Cognomina of Punic Origin . (The

Roman inscriptions from Africa have pre se rve d many Punicname s, some in the name s of pe regrim


and slave s, othe rs as

cognomina for Roman ci tize ns outside of th e le gions . The seare similar to the name s in Semi tic inscripti ons. The y appe arin Africa from the be ginning of the Roman dominion to the

The most striking characte ristic about the cognomina fromAfrica which are de alt wi th here is the une xpe cte d fre que ncyMa nhun that about thre e fourths of the se can be uaigne dwthe pa i od bd on the

cla c of the rcign of Claudius. On aeve ral stone s cut during the first half of theM m tmy one with a cognomeuwi ll be formd by the aide of anothe r name whichlach it. The absence of a cognome n is not ce rtain proof. howe ve r. that the inscripfion ahould be date d e arlie r than the re ign of Claudiua but it crcatcs a pmbabi li tyb ftmr of an early date . Two names lacking a

cognome n an wa thy ofmenfion be cauac of the h te date zM. Antonius M. fil ius

lo the name of a W un at Aqufle ia of the l AdimfiL a le gion formed in thc yw68 . Bi r fathcr hu the cogmnne n Vcttianus; he is not enrol le d in th e legions.

M. Timlns Gai filiua natione Italm is the name of a ooldie r of the Il Traiana at

Alumdria in Eg pt. The fl Traianmas the name indicate s.was fm'me d by the

Empe orTr-ian andmmequa rtly lfi .murius can not have m ve d bdm the yw

112 COGNOMINA or sonmnnsm ROMAN morons

of name s in the form of past participle s. The use of participle sas cognomina is by no me ans confine d to this re gion, but it is

among the name s of soldie rs at Lambae sis that this form of cog

nome n appe ars commonly e nough to be conside re d popular.

Se ve ral cognomina in participial form have be e n found ofte ne nough to be include d with the popular cognomina of Chapte r I.

The majority of the instance sunde r al l the se name s came fromAfrica . The cognomina are B atus 20, Donatus (68) 62,Eme ritus (23) 16, Honoratus (30) 27 , Optatus (34) 19, and

Rogatus (44) 42. (Rogatianus has be e n note d in African in

scriptions only . ) Othe r cognomina in this form whi ch havebe e n found in Africa only are Ampliatus, Collatus, Conce ssus

(four e xample s), Ex oratus, Ex tricatus (se ve n e xample s), Me ritus,Potitus, Privatus, Proce ssus (six e xample s), and Re nuntiatus.

Re stutus, Spe ratus, and Succe ssus are also more fre que nt inAfrica than e lse whe re . The pre se nt participle Cre sce ns (50) 27is the only pre se nt participial form to be found in Africa .

(cf. Cal igatus, Chapte r III, Double Cognomina, vid . also Chapte r II, Participial Adje ctive s. )

The pe culiariti e s of Roman name s in Africa have alre ady be e nobse rve d by Jule s Toutain (Le s Ci tés romaine s de la Tunisie .

Essai sur l ’Histoire de la Colonisation romaine dans l ’AfriqueduNord . Bibliotheque de s Ecole s franeaise s d

Athe ne s e t de

Rome , fascicule 72, livre II, chapitre premi e r, “La Nome nclaturee t l

Onomast ique ,

” pp . 184 R . Cagnat (Journal de s Savants,Mai 1896, pp . 259 Rudolf He rzog (Name ns i

rbe rse tzunge nund Ve rwandte a Phi lologus LXI, 1897, pp . 33 and G .

Boissie r (Re vue de s deux Monde s, 1895, p . On Donatus,Toutain wri te s, “L

idec e xprimée par le mot latin“Donatus”

parafit bi e n avoir été ide ntique a ce ll e que re ndaie nt le s motspunique s Iatan e t Mattan: Iatansidi signi fait Sed ded i t

Mattane lim donum doarame tc.

” Touta in compare s the Fre nchname “Di eudonne ” to th e Latin Donatus.

” He rzog me ntionswith Donatus the following name s, Dativus, Datullus, Datianus,and Donatianus, which are to be found in the pre se nt colle ction,

and Ade odatus. He adds, Donatus ist vor de r afrikanische n

The numbe r give n in pare nthe sis re fers to the total numbe r found. the se condnumbe r re fe rs to those from Africa.


tis, de Gadnaam qui offre a pen pres le méme se ns ct e xprimeaussi une idée de bonne chance . Le latin avait dive rs motspour re ndre la meme pensée : le s Fortunatus, le s Faustus, le sFe lix sont de s Gadnaam. de s Namphamo déguisés.

” Herzogcompare s Be ne dicta, Eutych e s, Faustus, Fe lix , Fortunatus, andthe ir re late d forms wi th the Pun ic Namphamo and Naamgador Gadnaam in the ir various forms. Baric and its cognateforms he conside rs name s of good fortune also . ) It is altoge the rprobable that othe r name s are translations of Punic name s incommon use and this fact would e xplain the popularity of the

Latin form of the name . He rzog conne cts the cognomenAdiutorwi th the name Azrubaal orHasdrubal ; “he lp of Baal " or“Baal he lps.

"The following e quivale nts are pointe d out by the

same authority . Hospe s, Hospita , and Hospital is are re late d toGe r, Fremdling, Schutzbe fohl e ne r e ine r Gotthe it . Hi larus and

its de rivative s toge the r with Lae tus h e finds are to be'

cosme cte dwi th Simhat . He sugge sts Hagg(a)i as th e equivale nt of Fe stusand in a footnote adds that Pudens may be a translation of a

Be rbe r name , Juzula or Jussla .

Martialis is anothe r cognome n popular in Africa . It is a

de sirable name for soldi e rs and this fact qui te as much as its

re ligious import may have le d to its fre que nt use . Outside of

mi litary circle s th e name is in common use , so that the re ligioussignificance may have be e n th e pre dominating factor in de te rmining its use . In commenting on Martialis He rzog says. “Dasse hr hfiufige Cognome n Martia lis honne n wir nicht gut unte rbringen , da e in entspre chende n punische r Gott nicht zuGe botste ht. Dage ge nwh-d das haufige und wie e s sch e int in Africa

e ntstande ne Venerius, -a, -e ,-osa. Aphrodisius. -a, auf Astarte

zurfickzufuhrcn se in.

” The re are two othe r name s in whichth e re ligious ide a was one of th e cause s of the ir popularity .

The se are Ianuarius and Saturninus. Th e fre que ncy of the

forme r as a cognomen in the name s of soldie rs is note d by Gott~anka (Epigraphische Be itrage . Ge burtstagcognomina ) . For

the pre vale nce of the name Saturninus Touta in advance s th efollowing e xplanation: “Ce tte prfi ére nce da Africaine s dcl’

époque imperiale s’

e xplique par la faveur de nt ionissait supresd’eux le culte dudi euSatux-ne z Or le Saturne d ’Afrique étt it,

ctasstmcs ‘rros or COGNOMINA 115

le ge nde s italique s, mais l’

antique Baal carthaginois. (Touta inop. cit. p. 188 . and Toutain, De Saturni de i in Africa romanacultu, pp . 59 Saturninus is the n, according to Toutain , an

e quivalent of a compound with th e Punic name Baal and ingiving this cognomen to the ir chi ldre n,

“ils (i . e . , the pare nts)

lcs me ttaie nt e n que lque maniere sous la prote ction de ce ttefi vinité .

” He rzog re vi ews this e xplanation and comme nts as

follows: Saturninus ist e in altromisch e s Cognome n, nicht e rstvon de n Puni e rn ge schafl


e n . Doch ist e s in de n ande re n The il e nde s Re ichs und be i e chte n Rome rn vi e l se lte ne r. Ob wir alleComposita mi t Baal als zu Saturninus geworde n anne hme nsollen, ist doch fraglich , da die punische n Kurzname n ze ige n ,

dass das Indi vidual le moist nicht de r Gotte sname , sonde rn de rande re Be standthe il ist . Wie also '


Ax ol 7uimoc,Zimw, 2m m,

e tc. sich auf Ge sche nk und Widmungsname n buchrfinke n we rde n, so wohl auch Saturninus auf

Name n wie Baaljatan, J atanbaal , Maharbaal , Abibaal , e tc.

Some othe r name s freque nt in Africa are Maximus, Primus, andSe cundus, but the se are almost colorle ss and as far as the armygoe s the numeri cal supe riority of Africa in the numbe r of in

stances of the ir use is not marke d .

Touta in in the chapte r alre ady re fe rre d to calls attention to

the emphasis place d upon the cognome n among the Africansand obse rve s that the y are distinguishe d from the Romans inthat re spe ct . He be li e ve s that th e cognomina which are pre

ficrre d by the Punic pe ople are re ally an e xpre ssion of the ir ownsoul and ge nius.

It is intere sting to obse rve that in anothe r se ction of th e

Roman world fromwhich the name s of soldie rs have come downto us in large numbe rs the re are

“ popular” name s di ffere nt fromthose in Africa. In the Danube province s and Easte rn Me di te r

rancon the name s Pirmus, Se ve rus, and Valens are found freque ntly. Pe rhaps the se cognomina we re not l ike d by the pe ople sof Northe rn Africa and conse que ntlywe re li ttle use d .

The importance of the cognomen in African name s is a factwhe re thiswe can fe e lg into con

sidcration the aignificance of the word one ne e d not be accuse dof drawing on one

’s fancy in se eking to interpre t the meaning


of cognomina in the name s of African soldi e rs se rving in Romanle gions.


The awkwardne ss of this he ading is e xcuse d by its conve n

i e nce , since th e inscriptions from the se re gions have be e n masse dtoge the r and contraste d with th e African group . The cog

nomina from th e province s of CIL III constitute a little le ssthan one -third of th e whole numbe r, whi le those from Africaamount to more than one -thi rd of th e total .The name s which e njoy a spe cial populari ty are e ithe r adje c

ti ve s or cognomina we l l known among the Romans in Ita ly .

In th e forme r class Vale ns, Se ve rus, and Firmus are e xce l le nte xample s.

‘ Othe r common name s are Ce le r, Cleme ns, Longus,Longinus, Priscus, Pude ns, and Ve rus. For the nume rica l distribution of all the se name s vi d . table at the e nd of Chapte r I.

In th e se cond class one should note Bassus, Capito, and

Frontoq‘ Slightly diffe re nt are th e name s Marce llinus, Mar

ce llus, and Marcianus. Like th e last me ntione d name are

Iul ianus and Vale rianus. Rufus is a common name in the secountri e s. Sabinus and Ge rmanus which have little ge ographical significance (cf. Chap . I, s. v. ) are fre que nt in the se partsof th e Empire . Proculus has a popularity not e asy to accountfor, but its use among th e soldie rs may we l l have be e n due toits employme nt in the name s of me n of high rank . Ale xande ris th e only Gre e k name which se ems to have be e n popular.

Th e majority of th e instance s are found in the Easte rn province sand in th e Danube re gion.

UNCOMPLIMENTARY COGNOMINAAs might be e xpe cte d, those cognomina which for one won

or anothe rwould be unde sirable are not often found. If a man

Prof. D . R . Stuart has kindly informe d me that Vale ns or06411“is a pcpular name in Arabia . This popularity is due to the fact that Valens is a naturaltranscription of th e Arabic Wal orWd

a,vid . No . 858 . Se ve rus is also

one of the most common name s in Arabia and Syria . Vid . Chalot, Inde x to Waddington-Le Bas.

t ococ (spe lle d also Bdaoq) is espe cially frequent in Arabia—the naturaltransli te ration of Baq

or Bag vid . Stuart. No. 231, see .

118 COGNOMINA or sonnmas IN e orum LEGIONS

Vale rianus is re corde d as the name of five le gionarie s, and the

e arli e st of all the name s of this kind is Vale rius Vale rianus,borne by a soldi e r of the XI Claudia in Dalmatia in th e pe riodbe twe e n the ye ar 42 and the re ign of Ves pasian . ClaudiusClaudi anus is pre se rved in five name s; fourof the se canbe assigne dto the third ce ntury . Ae lius Ae lianus and Aure l ius Aure lianusappe ar in two name s e ach ; one of the forme r is date d in the ye ar228, and one of the latte r about th e ye ar 253. Othe r instance sof this kind are Flavius Flavianus, the son of a Flavinus (undate d)L . Marinius Marinianus (the name of a man se rving during there ign of Al e xande r Se ve rus), Ne potinius Ne potianusGeminiusGemini anus (undate d), Octavius Octavianus (undate d),Pontius Pontianus Rutilius Rutilianus (undate d), Se ve rinsSe ve rianus (238 Sittius S ittianus Succe ssus Succe ssianus (third Te re ntius Te re nti anus (aboutand Ve re ins Ve re i anus (aboutIn some name s the cognomen has the ending -inus. The se

are Catul lius Catul l inus (undate d), Inge nius IngenuinusMarce ll inius Marce llinus (afte r and Rufinius Rufinus

(undate d) . Anothe r vari e ty is shown in the Augustins Augustalis borne by amanwhose pe riod of se rvice is late r than the ye ar89.

In a fewcases th e cognomen is not alte re d, but the nome n maype rhaps have be e n forme d to be appropriate to the cognomen.

In the name L. Fabius Fab(i)uswe se em to have th e nomen use ddire ctly as the cognome n . This is the only e xample which hasbe en found in th e pre se nt colle ction of name s. The birth -placeof th e le gionary be aring this name is Ne rtobriga and hi s pe riod

(undate d) , C . Mascul in ius Masculus (undate d), Placi diusPlacidos (222 Primanius Primulus (afte r Se ve riusSe ve rus (about 212) are th e name s in this group . In th e nameSilvanius Silve ste r th e nomen and cognomen have a simi larme aning in addition to the ir like ne ss in form. The re lationbe twe en the nomen and cognomen in the name Voconius Vitulus

(Le ipzig 1891) p . 115 . Th e nomen Voconius is also spe lle dVacconius from vacco, d . vitulus. The name Se cundius l ’rimusshows its pe culiarity through contrast be twe en the nome n and

and serve d ln the III Augusta at Lamhe e sis.

cussmca'rmN or COGNOMINA 119

IMPERIAL NOMJNAThe words of Mommse n (He rme s XIX p . 3, quote d in Intro

duction. q. have prompte d thes e paragraphs on the appe ar'ance in th e name s of le gionari e s of the nomina use d in th e name s

Ae lius. The nome n Ae l ius is rare ly found in name s whichcan be date d in the first century . Two brothe rs, ve te rans in theXVIth le gion in Ge rmany (the stone was found at Rome ),who he ar th e nome n Ae lius we re in se rvice be fore th e re ign of

Claudius probably . The home of the se men is Brixi a, and the yhave no cognome n . P. Ae lius Optatus, is the name of a soldie rin th e XXth le gion whose te rm of e nrollme nt has be e n assigne dto th is e arly pe riod be fore Claudius, but not with ce rtainty.

Acline Ascle piad e s is the name of a soldie r in the IXth le gionwho se rve d during th e first ce ntury . The stone was found at

Pute oli . In th e se cond ce ntury an inscription at Troe smis inMoe sia containi ng a list of ve te rans which can be date d aboutthe ye ar 134 doe s not pre se rve the name Ae lius. (CIL IIIA similar inscription at Viminacium also in Moe sia cut in the

ye ar 135 re cords th e nome n Acline fourte e n time s in thirty-fourline s. (CIL III A late rculus of soldie rs at Almus inMoesia which is date d in the year 155 has e ight instance s of th ename Acl ine . (CIL HI Vi d . Cagnat, L

Armée Roma ine ,2d . cd . , p . 293. An inscription at Lambae sis be longing to the

re ign ofHadrian contains nouse ofAe l ius.

Aure lius. Th e nomen Aure lius is found thre e time swithouta cognome n in the e arly pe riod:A? Aure lius. th e name of a

ve teran fromBononia serving in th e l st le gion (CIL XIIIC . Aure l ius of the tribe Quirina, the name of a ve te ran of the

XIth le gion in Achaia (CIL III and M . Aure lius, the nameof a soldie r of the XIV Gemina at Aqui le ia (CIL V L .

Aure lius Ce le r is the name of a soldi e r of th e XV Apoll inaris

at Carnuntum pe rhaps be fore the ye ar 63, ce rtainly during theThe name L. Aure lius Rufus designate s a primus

se rvice se ems to bee arli e r than the re ign of Ve spasian . Aure lius Rufus is th e nameof a soldi e r in Dalmatiawho appare ntlywas enrolle d in th e XI

years 42 and 70when the le gionwas assigne d to this province .

120 COGNOMINA or sowrsas IN ROMAN ne crosis

Aure lius Ve rus and Aure lius Vitalis are names ofmen in th e sameprovince and also be long to th e e arly pe riod . M . Aure liusMe te lus from Alba Pompe ia is the name of a soldi e r of th e IV

Mace donica (disbande d by Ve spasian) at Mainz . Thre e othe rinstance s of the use of the nomen Aure lius can be date d be forethe re ign of Hadrian. Th e mi li tary late r-cuff re ferre d to unde rAe lius are important also for th e use of Aure lius. In Moesia

it is found once on th e stone cut in the ye ar 135 and se vente entimes on that cut in th e ye ar 155 . In Lambaes is Aure lius doe snot appe ar in any soldie r’s name be fore th e ye ar 162. Fromthe middle of th e se cond ce ntury it is found fre quentl y.

Flavius. The nomen Flavius is found first in a mi litary listassigne d to the re ign of Augustus re cove re d in Coptos, Egypt,(CIL III the name in que stion is P . Flavius fromPaphos:the cognome n is lacking from all name s of soldi e rs on this stone(vid . The Earli est Cognomina , in this chapte r. ) T . Flavius alsowi thout a cognomen is th e name of a soldie r at The veste probably in th e latte r half of th e first ce ntury . The cognomenViator is found on this inscription . T . Flavius Titul lus of th e

tribe Ste llatina de signate s a membe r of the XXth le gion whose rve d be fore the re gion of Claudius ; th e stone was found at

Bene ventum (CIL IX T . Flavius Se cundus is the nameof a custos armorum, born in camp, se rving in the XV Apollinarisat Carnuntum pe rhaps be fore the ye ar 63. Th e name Flaviusbe come s common in the names of soldie rs much e arli e r thanAe l ius and Aure lius. On a papyrus from the Fayoum whichcan be date d in th e re ign of Domi tian (81-90) it occurs se ve n

time s . (Pap Gen Lat I) . Th e nome n is use d wi th great frequency throughout th e se cond and third centuri e s.

Se ptimius. Th e use of the nomen Septimius be fore the re ignof Septimius Se ve rus is rare among the me n enrolled in the le gitms.

L. Se ptimius, th e name of a soldi e r of th e V Mace donica. is theonly instance wi thout a cognomen and also the only one Whichcan be assigne d to the pe riod before the re ign of C laudius.

(We std . Ze itschr. , 21, n . Th e only othe r instance Whichhas be en note d e arlie r than the ye ar IQS is in the name SeptimiusCe le r borne by a ve rteramalso of the V Mae e donicmin Moe siaabmrt the ye ar 134 . L Septimius Cassianus is assigne d to themgn of Septimius Seve rua vfd . Roemische l i me a H (1901) p .


JUNM NN. AUGUSTUS . De le gione Romanorum I Adiutrice . Le ipzigerStudie n zurclassischen Philologie , se chze hnte r Band . 1894.

h uman , Zur Ausbre itung den Supe rnomen ode r Signum im roemischen

Re iche . Glotta, 1918, IV. PP. 78-148 and V, pp . 99-169.

Man n . PAUL M. Das He e rwe se n de r Ptolomfler und Rbme r in Aegypten.

Rx'rrmnmo, Eran. De legione RomanorumX Gemina. Le ipsic. 1885 .

Scam s . Orro. De legionibusRomanorumIMine rvia e tXXX Ulpia . Le ipziger Studien zur classischen Philologie , ffinfzehnter Band . 1898.

Scannrnnn, A. Be itrage zur Ke nntniss de r roemischen Personnenamen Zflrich .

1874 .

Se nonm n, MAUBWI‘I‘Z. Worte rbuch de r altge rmanischen Pe rsonen und

Vbllre rnamen. He ide lbe rg. 1911.

Scunonnnn, PAUL. Die Phoenizische Sprache . Halle . 1869.

ScnUurzn. Emsm'ms. De le gione RomanorumXIII Gemina. Ke il . 1887 .

$011m Wrmnm . Zur Ge sch ichte late inisch e r Eigennamen . Abhandlungende r kbnigl ich en Ge se llschaft de r Wisscnschaften zuGottingen, Phi lologisch-hiatorisch e Klaasc, Neue Folge V, 2. Be rlin. 1904.

Tou som . Www. Die alten Thrake r, cine e thnologische Unte rsuchung .

Sitzungsbe richte de r kaise rlichen Akademi e de rWise e nschaften in Wi en . Band

CXXXI, Vie nna . 1894 .

TOUTAIN, J ULns. Les Cites romaine s de la Tunisie . Essai sur l ’Histoire dela Colonisation romaine dans l ’Afrique duNord . Bibliotheque de s Ecole s franca ise s d

Athene s e t de Rome , Fascicule 72. Paris. 1894 .

spe ctanta . Le ipsic. 1896.

van mm Wanna. HUann'r. Etude historique sur trois Le gions

Baa-Danube . (Ve Mace donica XIe Claudia Ie Ital ics .) Paris. 1907 .

ALL 18,(1908 pp . 225-252, 415-426. 475-501.


A . D . Anno Domini .A . E .


Année Epigraphique .

actar leg=actarius le gati .Adiut-Adiutrix .

Adi p f Adiutrix pia fide lis.

Ae n . Aemil ia tribus.

AEM Archae ologische-e pigraph ische Mi tte i lungen.

se t ae tas.

Ale x and (Ale x ) Ale x andriana .

ALL Archiv fllr late inische Le x ikographie und Grammatik.

Ani . Anicnsis tribus.

Antonin Antoniniana.

Anl e ig f Schwe is Alte r Anse ige r fur Schwe iser Alter-th inne r.

AP Arch iv. furPapyrusforschung.

l -n fl c .

cussmca'non or COGNOMINA 128

ARBL Academic royale de Be lgique , classe de Le ttre s.

Ath Mitth Mitthe i lungen de s kaiser-lichen deutschen archae ologischen Insti

tute . Athenische Abte ilung.Aug Augusta.

Aur Aure lius.

be ll Iud be llumIudiacum.

bf cos beneficiarius consularis.

bf lat bene ficiarius laticlavius.

bf le g beneficiarius le gati .bf trib a beneficiarius tribuni .BGU Aegyptische Urkunden aus den koeniglichen Muse e n zuBerlin . Grie

chiache Urlmnden.

buc bucinator.

Bull Arche ol Bulle tin archéologique duComité dos Travaux historique s e t

scientifique s.

7 a centurion.

c circa.

Cam.a Camilia tribus.

can a candidatus.

c c constans Commoda.

CIL a Corpus InscriptionumLatinarum.

C1 Claudia.

Claud Claudius.

Coll . Collina tribus.

CRAI a Compte s Rendus de l 'Académie de s Inscriptions e t Be lle s-Le ttre s

d or discens archite ctum.

d, dom domus.

dup duplarius, dupliciarius.

Eng England .

eq eque s.

evoe e vocatus.

1. filius.

1c a fide lis constans.

Fab.a Fabia tribus.

Pal . Falema tribus.

124 COGNOMINA or sommas IN aouAN LEGIONS

G mv Geminamartia victrix .

p Gemina pia fide lis.

Gal . Galeria tribus.

Gall Gallica .

Gall Narb Gal lia Narbonensis.

Gem Gemina.

Gemfe l (G f) Gemina fe lix .

Ge r Ge rmanica .

Ge rmInf Ge rmania Infe rior.

Ge rmSup Ge rmania Superi or.

Gordian Gordiana .

Gre ek pap Gre ek Papyri, Gre nfe ll Hunt.hast hastatus.

hast pr 8 hastatus prince ps.

IG a BB 8 Inscriptione s Grae cae ad Re s Romanus pertinente s.

Ital Italica .

Jahre s Wie n Jahreshe fte de s Oe ste rre ichischen archae ologischen Institute .

Be ibl Be iblatt.

K Karthago.

le g legio.

lib librarius.

lib le g (l eg) librarius le gati (legionis) .

Mae c. Mace is tribus.

MAH Mélange s d’Archéologie e t d'

Histoire de l’

Ecole franc-inc de Rome .

Mem de l’

Acad de s Insor Mémoires de l ’Institut national de France . Academic de s Inscriptions e t Be lle s Le ttre s.

Moe s Sup Moe sia Superior.Ne r Ne rva.

06 ofi cium.

Ox Pap Oxyrhynchus Papyri .p c pia constans.

p f pia fide lis.

p p primus pilus.

p v pia vinde x .

126 COGNOMINA or som s IN ROMANmorons

val vale tudinarius.

Ve l . Ve lina tribus.

ve t ve te ranus.

Vict Victrix .

Vol Voltinia tribus.

V v Vale ria victrix .

We std Ze itschrift Korrespondensblatt de r we stdeutschen Ze itschrift flirGeschichte und Kunst .

Wesse ly Lat Pal Schrifttafe ln zur fi lte ren late inische n Palae ographic, Dr. C .

We sse ly, Le ipzig 1898 .


The following list of soldi e rs and unde r-Office rs of the le gionsis arrange d alphabe tically according to cognomina . The nameincluding tribe and domus (whe n given) is printe d in bold facetype . All le tte rs re store d are e nclose d in pare nthe se s . Whe ne ve r th e cognomen is comple te on th e stone it is not re pe ate dhe re , but it is indicate d by the first le tte r. This le tte r always acapital le tte r is not followe d by a pe riod . SO in re ading a namein which the cognome n is not spe l le d in full , th e cognomen is tobe suppli e d afte r th e first capital le tte r not followe d by a pe riodwhich is the same as the first le tte r Of th e cognome nunde r which

In addi tion to the name the following items are adde d inthis orde r: rank and le gion , the se are re gularly indicate d byth e same abbre viations ; the e xact le tte rs of the stone are dis

re garde d in the attempt to se cure uniformity . E. 9. Min is

re gularly th e abbreviation for Minervia, when the stone h asonly “M,

” Date , whe re ve r possible .

“Date ?" me ans thatno de finite date can be assigne d to the inscription . Placewhe re the stone is found . Exce pt for ce rtain we ll-knownplace s the Latin form of the name has be e n re taine d .

Place whe re the inscription or papyrus is publ ishe d . Volume sof the CIL are cite d by Roman nume rals . For othe r publications vid . Table of Abbre viations .

The first cognome n in this list is Acce ptus. The first name isthat of Bae bius Acceptus. The nome n appe ars on the stone inthe form Bobine . The man was a soldi e r (mi les) in the II

Ita lica pia fide lis. The inscription is assigne d to the thirdce ntury (8s). The stone was found at Virunum in the provinceof Noricum. Lastly, th e inscripti on is publishe d in CIL III . no .

4887 . Anothe r e xample may be taken unde r the cognome nAdiutor. The third name is that of M . Iul ius Adiutor, the son

128 COGNOMINA or sowrnas rN ROMAN Le orONs

of Marcus, whose home is Apta of the tribe Voltinia . Thismanwas a soldie r in the XXII Primige nia at Mainz, whe re thestone was found . The inscription is not de fini te ly date d and is

publishe d in the L’

Anne e Epigraphique for 1910, no. 62.

Diffe re nt spe llings Of th e same cognomen are ke pt se parate inthe list, e . g. , Ale xande r and Al e x sande r, Cleme ns and C leme s,Bassus and Basus, and so on . This se paration se eme d ne ces~

sary to insure accuracy and to incre ase th e use fulne ss of the

list as a re fe re nce l ist for cognomina .

Through an ove rsight the following name s we re omi tte dboth from th e Alphabe tical List and from the se ctions devote dto the Classification Of Cognomina:T . Statiua P. f . Se rg. Mar

rax p p XIII Gem Date ? Aqui le ia Pais Suppl n1168 and On .

Aci l ius Kalatus mi l le g VIII missicius 1s Aqui le ia Pais Suppln1160. Th e cognome n Marrax is pe rhaps to be e xplaine d as a

formation fromth e noun marra , simi lar to puma: frommafi a .

minor frommind , e tc. Forth e e tymology ofmm vid Waldo,

Late inesch e s e tymologische s WOrte rbuch ; it is also to be foundin Holde r, altce lt Sprachsch . , s. v. The cognome n Balatusmay be classifie d as a participial adjective or as a noun. In

viewof the probable e arly date of the inscriptionwe may inte rpre t th e name as an adje ctive use d as a cognome n . For othe rparticipials so use d, vid Chapte r II , Participial Adje ctive s.

For cognomina ending in -x , vid . this heading in Chapte r H .


B (a) e blua A mi l II Ital p f as VirunumNoricumInl ius A 7 III Aug cob VII 162A.D . Castra Lambae ai tana VIII 18065

ACCIUSM . F1(av1ua) A mi l le g x x n ante so? Aquae Stati e l lae vn os


Aufrlua 7 m Cyr ante nos Lat s

AGER(Mainl ine ) A 7 leg? coh I Date ? CarnuntumPann Sup III


M . Aur(e l lua) A (ve t) e x arm e nst 1(I)Adint 24 s? Mursa Pe nn Inf III 10270


M. Ulpius A bf cos II Ital 2css Ce le ia Noricum— Acl l (l )anua 7 (le g?) Date ? Magnae Eng


Ae ria l“) ve t XI C] p f ti -Veapas TraguriumDalmatia . . III 9709

180 COGNOMINA or sonnmas m ROMANmorons

Iul (lua) A te as XI Cl 166 A.D . Almus Moca Inf . III 7440

AFRICANUSAeml l luaA dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae aitana VIII 2684Inl lua A 7 III Aug coh X 182 A.D . Castra Lambae aitana VIII 18086C . Iul (lua) A optic (III Aug) 108-211A.D . Castra Lambae aitana . . VIII 2664C . Iul ius A cor III Aug p v 208 A.D . Castra Lambae aitana VIII 2667


O. Ven t ld lua A ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2886AGATHO

C-Ia (u)d lua AgaOo mil III Cyr ante 108 Egypt We sse ly Lat Pal 8AGATHOCLES

Ant (ol ina) A mi l XI Cl 166 A.D . Almua Moe a Inf III 7440

AGRICOLAAlban luuA e q? XXII Pr p f 281A.D . Mains XIII 8880F1(avlua) A mil VI Vict post Hadrian London VII 26

Ge l l ius A 7 XI CIp f Ve spas-h aian Vindoniaaa XIII 6210A optio II Aug c2oo? Pe trianae ? Eng VII 012h


Iul ius Agrl (n)ua ve t e x sig (III Aug) 211-2A.D . Lambae aia VIII 2818AGRIPINUS

M . Aure l ius A bf coa 212-17 A.D . Ne tte rsh e im A.E.

AGRIPPAM . Al pln l (ua) A 7 (le g?) Date ? Carnuntum Pann Sup III 4464

Aur(e l ius) A (ve t) e x arm cuat (V Mac?) Date ? Potaisaa Dacia . . III 7888

L. Cl (aud iua) A Nico(me d ia) ve t? (III Aug) ae t Hadriani Cas

tra Lambae ai tana VIII 18084

Iul ius A Tripol i ve t? (III Aug) ae t Hadriani Castra Lambae sitana VIII 18084

C . Inl i ne C . t. (Se )r. (Agr)lppami l VII pf 42-70A.D . CoriniumDalmatia

Pompe iua Agri (ppa) corn VII Gem 0200Tarraco


Iul lua A arm cust III Aug c226 Castra Lambae sitana . .A.E.

APPIIIIIIN02I‘dtoq mil II Tr fort 2-83 Fayoum Egypt . . BGH 878

mil II 1& fort 181 A . D . Fayoum Egypt . EGU 106


L . Caaalua Cla . A Ae q(uicul is) mi l XV Apol Ia CarnuntumPannSup . III 14868 z14

C . Iul (lua) A R (eme a1ana?) ve t VII Cl 106 A.D . Vimi naciumMoe s Sup III 14607

M . LutatluaM . 1. Se r. A dorn Cor(fln lo) mi l IIIIMac ante Ve apaa Mainz XIII 8880

ALBINUSF1a(viua) A mi l XIIII Gempost 100Age rad ColapimPann Sup . III 14048

m um-roar. usr 181

— Cla. A mi l leg? Date ? Bonn XIH 8088


Vlblua A (mi l ? IIIAug) 0218? Caatra Lambaeai tana Bull Arche ol 1004 p206ALBUCIAN



L. Albuclua Cland . AMlaeno 71Adi pfpoat 114 Brige tio PaunSup III 10070

ALBUSL. Am fllm A armcuat III Aug Date ? Lambae d a VIII 2706M. Antoni na M . f. Pol . AIb(u)a 0 a (mi l HI Cyr aut XXII

De iot) 00 A.D . Fayoum(C ? I)nl (lua) A mi l e le g II InAgar Sante numAquitania .XIII 1122

ALEXANDERC . A(e )l lua A mi l 111Aug Date ? Lambae aia VIII 8028

Al e xand (e r) ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae aia VIII 2780AtAluo Al e x (ande r) ve t e x optione (V Mac) c184 Troe amia III 6178

A tre l lua A mil le g XXII Date ? Mainz XIII 8066Aure l (lua) A 7 VII Cl Date ? Viminacium Moe a . III

Aurd flua) A (mi l ? II Farth ?) Date ? Home . .VI 2410

Antn (e l lua) A(l e n )nde t (lib)rarius II Parth Date ? Age rAlbanuaXIV 2278M. A p p (I Adiut) post 114 Brige tio Pann Sup . III 4816

M. Ant (e1lua) A ve t II Adiut Date ? Inte rcisa Pann Inf . . A.E .

M. Ah fi l toq)'

AMEM poq frumII Ital Date ? Rome IG XIV 068

Gl e aemma Al e x and (e r) arm cunt (III Aug) 200 A.D. Cn tra

. A.E.

T . Cae aul n lua 8 e ig (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis . VIII 1820401006100) Alm de a


) hf coa (l e g?) Date ? Apulum Dacia III 1100

GIM N ) Al e x (an )d e r 7 VII Cl Se ver 228 A.D . ViminaciumIII 8112

Don aana) A 7 XV Apol poe t Traian Trape aua Pontua Cappa

C . Domi ti o. A 7 III Aug Date ? Lambae aiaP. Aoulrtoc;“MW ; 7 111CyrDate ? Me daba Arabia 16 a BB 1111348

”(avtua) A mil XI Cl l 66 A.D . Almua Moe a Ini . . . . III 7460

T . Flan k”) A opti o (III Aug) 108-211A.D . Cutra Lambae ai taua . VIII 2640

Gulua A e orn III Ga ll ae t M. Aure l Pe rinthua Thrae e 111 7804

Iul iua Am anda ) ve t (V Mac) c184 h oe ami a1010200) A mi l XI Cl 166 A.D . Almua Moe s Inf

Pann q ” 1118624

Iulana) A se tar XIII Gempoe t Traian Apulum Dacia III 7768

I(uMua) A ve t e x bl cos (V Mac?) M. Aure l~274 Potaiaaa Dacia . . III 7602

Iulflua) Al e x (and er) 7 (l e g?) Date ? Aquincum Pann Int III 10460

Q Inuna A mil III Aug Date ? Lambae si VIII 8127Q waml A mil ml Fl Date ? Ale x andria Troaa Aaia 111887

M. Inui t”) A ve t e x optione 111Aug Date ? Lambae sisLe ti t ia“) M W ) ve t VII Cl 186 A.D . ViminaciumMoe a Sup . III 8110

W fimlua) A (ve t) e x dup (V Mac ?) Date ? Potaiaaa Dacia III 7888

Se p(tlmlua) Alan na“) can (le g?) Date ? Apulum Dacia “ . . III 1100

A a n curt III Augm6 Caatra

132 cooNouma or sommas m ROMAN mowers

Ulpiua A bf cos XI Cl 166 A.D. Almua Moe a Inf . III 7440


A).éEavzspog ve t e x optione mGall Date ? Ae ri tae Syria1G a BB III 1188

Val (erius) Al e xa (nd e r) ve t VII Cl 186 A.D . ViminaciumMoe a Sup . III 8110

Val (e riua) Al e x (and e r) ve t VII Cl 186 A.D . ViminaciumMoe a Sup . III 8110

Val (e riua) Al e x and (e r) (bis) (7 XXII Pr p f) 204 A.D . Mainz . XIII 8801Val (eriua) A 7 XXII Pr p f 206 A.D . Mainz XIII 8710M . Val e rius Al e x an (d e r) (ve t II Tr fort?) 140A.D . FayoumEgypt . BGH 810

Al e xa (nd e r) mi l III Cyr ante 108 Egypt . .We ase ly Lat Pal 8(Al e x )and e r Caa pol io (III Aug) ae t Antonini PuCastra

Lambae ai tana VIII 18086l iua T . f. Pol . A Gastr. ve t II 13 fort 104 A.D . Ale x andriaEgypt . . III 8680

Sc(upia) ve t VII Cl 106 A.D . ViminaciumMoe a Sup . III 14607

Cl . T i . 7. Col A —onia ve t e x arm cuat III Aug Date ?Lambae sis VIII 2840A ve t (V Mac) Date ? Troe amla III 8180

Al e xand (e r) 7 (le g?) Date ? Procl itia Eng VII 827


Aure1(iua) A aig II Tr fort Ge r natione Mace don post 214 Ale xandria Egypt . III 8602

ALEKSANDERAure )l ius A b(f) XI Cl post Claud Salonae Dalmatia III 8727


A ve t I Min 2-Se Lyons XIII 1887AMABILIS

O. Caain lua (Am)ab i l ia optic 7 frum II Ital post 170 RomeBonn Jahrbb 117 p287

F1(aviua) A pol l io III Ital Date ? Castra Re gina Rae tia III 6040

Hi larln lua A bf cos 282A.D . Col Agrippine naium XIII 8206AMANDIANUS

(Uipl )ua mi l XIIII Gem ae t Ve ri Max iminiCarnuntum Pann Sup III 11186

AMANDINUSAe l ius A (mi l ? II Parth ?) Date ? Rome VI 2410

AMANDUSAe l ius A 7 III Aug coh X 182 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana VIII 18066Aemi i (lua) A (mi l ? II Farth ?) Date ? Rome . .VI 2410

Aure l ius A(man)dus T . f. 7 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2817M . Aur(e l iua) A corn trib III Ital Date ? prope Re ginum Rae tia . III 6074

O. Flavius A mil I Min p f Date ? Ve ttwe ia Ge rm Inf XIII 7864Inl (ine ) A mi l III Ital l ib cos Date ? Augusta Vinde licumRae tia . . III 6814

Iul iua A frum XXX Ulp vict Date ? RomeL. Pompe iua A Am(mae dara) imm III Aug 2a? Castra Lam

184 coououma or sow smmom morons


C . Iu1(ius) A arm curt XXX Glp vict p f 8s Ve ta a Ge rm Inf XIII 8626

Aure l ius?) A mi l (II Ital) 8a Lauriacum Noricum III 11822


P . Ae11us A mi l from X Fr Date ? AthensAur(e l ius) A 7 (XIIII v ?) post 100Mursa Pann In?

ANTIGONUSAure l ius A 7 II Tr Iort 104 A.D. Ale xandria Egypt III 6680

C . Iul ius A 7 V Mac pc M. Aure l-274 Potaiasa Dacia III 881


Ae l ius A te as XI Cl post Claud C ibyra Phrygia 11118666

C . Iul ius A Gas sig 111Aug 188 A.D . Castra Lambae ai tana VIII 18067M. O ppi no A 7 1111Aug pv 104 A.D . Aquae Flavianae VIII 17726M . Oppius A 7 III Aug Date ? Lambae sia VIII 2068

s ATh a(rao) (mi l ? III Aug) Date ? Caatra Lambae ai tana A. E.

ANT IOCHUSP . Ae l (lus) A ve t VII Cl Date ? ViminaciumMoe s Sup . III 8116

M . Aur(e l iua) An tio(chus) Gap sig ve t VII Cl 106 A.O .

Viminacium Moe a Sup III 14607

M. Aure l ius A mil XXX Ulp vict Date ? Col Agrippinenaium XIII 8202— a A Prusia ve t? (III Aug) ae t Hadriaui Caatra Lambae

VIII 18084


L. Claud ius A (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae ai tauaFlavius An ton i an (ua) (III Aug) 268-268 A.D. Castra Lam

VIII 18061P(ompe i tta) An ton i (an)ua domoMe l i te n (s) ia? 7 VI Vict post

ANTONINUSAnn (iua) A spe c [egg III Antouin -XGe mXIV GemIAd) c212

Aur(e l ius) A ai g II Adiut Date ? Aquincum Pann Iul .

M . Aure l (ius) A mil XIII Gem post Traian Ampe lumDacia III 18 17

M . Aure l iua A 7 III Aug Date ?Bucclua A ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2811Cla (u)d lus A mil III Cyr ante 108 Egypt We sse ly Lat Pal 8T1. (11a Anto(ni )nus do(moH) l erap(0n) mi l III Cyr Date ?

A.E . 10063 14

Domi tlua A mi l III Aug Date ? Lambae sisF1(avlus) A v e t (V Mac) c184 Troeamia . . . III

T . prine cl(aaaia) 1s? Pute oli XC . Ful lonaua) Antonino» ) optic al ] Aug) 108-211A.D. Castra

4 0 4 0 0 4 0 8564

(Q Iumua A Xn ve t? (Il I Aug) ae t fladriaui Caatra IAmhae

sum m on . use 186

G iul iua A Iuni or spe c IH Aug Date ? Se riana VIII 4881(G . Inl ine ) A 7 XII Fulm Date ? Troe smia . . III 6101

L. LuciuaADian“) ve t III Aug pvc108 Castra Lambae ai tana . .VIII 18088

Te ren tius A arm curt III Aug 0226 Castra Lambae ai tana . . A.E. 1002:1l

Ulpius prince ps (111Aug) «3268 Castra Lambae

Vale raus) A ape c 11tal Se ve r c226 Ad HaemumMoe a 18710

Val (uiua) A mil XI Cl 166 A.D. Almua Moe a Inf III 7440

Ae l (lua) A mil XI Cl 166 A.D . Almua Moe s In!

M. Ulplua A 7 XVI Fl poat Traian? Ancyra


(W h e l lua C . 7. P01A Castr(la) (III Aug) Date ? Castra

VIII 2666

Acl (ine ) A mi l XI Cl 166 A.D . Almua Moe a Ini III 7440

0. Annlus A spe c VII Gem fe l Date ? Tarraco II 4148

T . Flavius) A Sir(n io) ve t VIICl 106 A.D. ViminaciumMoe s Sup III 14607T . Plaviua A 7 e x le g 111Aug p v ante 240? Se riana . VIII 4878 add 18664

L Mae loulus A ve t bi coa VI Vict pi ante 70? Eme ri ta Luai tania . . 11401

A mil (II Adiut) Date ? Ticinum . . V 6422

Q Gm e IIIus A aig III Aug Date ? VIII 2886C . Iul ius A 7 le g VI poat Hadrian Corbridge IX 1141


P . Aul (lua) A mi l III Aug e x III Gall 8a ini t Lambaeaia

P. M in.) 000. A901) l inaria mil 1] (Adiut) 2-8s? Aquin~10408

L. Antonius Apol l inh rls) ve t I Adi pi 107-117 A.D . ApulumDacia III 1004Cla(u)diua Apul inaraa) mi l III Cyr ante 108 Lat Pal 8

C . Claud ine A ve t e x (imag? II Trtort?) 140A.D . FayoumEgypt . BGU 610

A (mil ? II Parth ?) Date ? Home . VI 2410

T. Fh 11uaT . I. POL A Castr ve t II Tr Iort 104 A D. Ale x andria

C-Iul ius A ve t III Aug Date ? Lambae sis

Vala ins Apol l inh rla) cor III Aug p v 208 A.D. Castra LamVIII 2667

andria Egypt 111 6680

138 COGNOMINA or sonnmnsm ROMANmorons

APOLLODORUSAe1(ius) A mi l XI Cl 166 A.D . Almus Moe s Inf . III 7440

Acl (i ne ) Apol l (odorus?) ve t VII Cl 136 A.D . ViminaciumMoe a

Sup . . 111 8110

APOLLONIUSAure l ius A dup 111Aug pv Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae sitanaVIII 2684M . ve t XV Apol l s? Tauchira

Cyre naica III 6

Iu(l ius) Apol lon (ius) 7? XIII Gem post h aian Ve cse l Dacia III 8086:28APOLLOPHANES

Aur(e l ius) A 7 (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2810APOLLOS

M . Aure l ius Pol . A Custris ve t II 1& iort 104 A.D . Ale x andriaEgypt III 8680


Iul ius A mil II Parth Date ? Rome VI 8406


C . Nigi d ius A 7 X Gemp i 80-Traian Brohl XIII 7718APPIANUS

Aure l ius A mil XI Cl 166 A.D . Almua Moe a Inf III 7440

us L. f. Pol . A Gastr. ve t II Tr fort 104 A.D . Ale x andriaEgypt III 8680


Iu1(ius) A mi l II Ital p 1hi prae f 8a Fafiana Noricum III 6871


Vi l l ina Apricos(us) 7 II Parth Se ve r c216? Age r Albanus . .E.E. IX 868

APRILIST . Aure l ius A 7 VI Vict ante Hadrian? Lyons . XIII 1840Ce lsius A Gas optio e q (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambaeai tana . VIII 2688Iul ius A dup III Aug pv Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae si tana . . VIII 2684K? A 7 XXII PrimDate ? Brohl XIII 7708

A 7 (l e g?) cob VI? Date ? Vindobala Eng VII 660

A bf cos Date ? Col Agrippine nsium XIII 8204APRINUS

A 7 VII Gem te l Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8246APRONIANUS

Publ icius A but XXII Prim Date ? Tarraco II 4148


A 7 VII Gem l e i Date ? Carthage VIII 12600AQUILA

L. Domi tius L. f. Ani . A domoMyl iada ve t le g VII ante 42 A.D

Ljubuski Dalmatia .

Inl (ine ) A ve t (V Mac) c184 Troe smla

0. 1ul ius C I. Qui t Aqu(l )la 7 I Adiut 7 XXX Ulp vict 7 X FrDate ? Sie ca . . VIII 16872

188 coanonmmor sonnmna ROMAN LEGIONS

ARISTIDES(A)ure l lua A (rla)ti d e s mil bl cos I Min Date ? Col Agrippine n

aium XIII 8278

ARISTO(Ac)utlua Ari e t(o) 7 III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2781


TIANOETit o; ’

Apoun a(v)6q mill e g VII p I In? AintabSyria ARBI. 1007 p688

P . Acl i ne A sig III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2702ARRIANUS

L. Cae l lua A me dicus II Ital Date ? Brix ia V 4887

C . Iul ius A ve t e x imag (II Tr fort?) 140A.D . Fayoum Egypt . . BGU 810


(A)cl ine Arrunti an (ua) Had (rume to) mi l ? (III Aug) act

Antonini Pi i Castra Lambae aitana VIII 18086ARSACES

C . Val erius C . I. Aem. A le g V Alaudae ante 87 Ligure s Bae biani IX 1480

ARTEMIDORUSAcl ine A 7 (I) Ital Date ? Montane naiumMoe a Inf . III 12871


e l lua) A bf le g II Adi p I Se ve r 228 A .D . AquincumPannIII 8412

Abp'fih oq mil XI Cl post 42 Aqui l e ia ” . . IG XIV 2840

ARTEMOAure1(lua) A me dicus XI Cl 166 A.D . Almua Moe a Inf

Aur(e l iua) A mil XI Cl 166 A.D . Almua Moe a Inf


G . G emln lua A ve t e x corn VIII Aug Date ? Lyons XIII 1880ARUSENUS

Aure l l (ua) Arusen (ua) Tot e s! ve t e x le g I Min 83? Don . .XIII 8088ASCANIUS

Cice re lua Ascan (iua) p p le g XI ante Claud BurnumDalmatia . . III 14008

ASOLAM . Ulpius A optic III Aug 108-211A.D . Castra Lambae ai tana . . VIII 2664

ASCLEPIADESAe l ius A nati (on e ) C i l (ice ) mi l l e g 1X l s Pute ol i X 1780

Dom1t (iua) A domo Are thusa Suriae 7 XXII Prim An

tonin c216 Mainz ” A. .E

L. Fumaal (d lua) A arm cust III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2012o l n

'x tdbnqme dicua II 13 fort 147 A .D . The be s Egypt

IG a BB I 1212


Gord iua A 7 III Aug coh X 182 A.D . Castra Lambae aitana . . VIII 18086

8e pt(lmlua) A mi l XIII GemAntonin c2l 6 CarnuntumPann Sup III 4440a

anew -rm :use 180

M. Ulp(lna) A (ve t) e x aig leg XXX 210 A.D . Ve te ra Germ InI . .XIII 8864

Q Cnlpm'

n lua A 7 le g XXII ante Hadrian Tbe be a EflyPt III 68

Iul tua A arm cut (111Aug) 200A.D . Castra Lambae ai tana . . A.E.

G. Mtnlclua G . I. Ste lntlna A Augn (a)ta Taurinorflm) mi lIIII Mac ante Ve spas Mainz XIII 8870

I. 860. A (p p VI) Fe rr ae t Ne ronia Mi le t BithyA.E.


P. A ve t e b (V Mae ) cl 84 Troe ami a III 8178


Val e rlua A ve t (V Mac) Date ? Troumia III 8170


M. Anr(e l iua) A ve t e x b! IIII Fl Date ? Apame a. Phrygia n . . III 18888




T . Ad am) A sal (onla) ve t VII Cl 106 A.D . ViminaciumMoe a

III 1460?

Iul (lua) At(l )l luamil XIIII Gempost 100Age :ad ColapimPannIII 14048


Fl VII Cl XII PulmXV Apol II Aug VII Cl II Adiut VI Vict Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8001A



A mi l XIIII Gem Date ? Salonae Dalmatia III 12808



Attiua A 7 XXII Pr p I poet 80Maina XIII 8004A





Ad ana) A ae tat II Adi p I Antonin c216 AquincumPann In! A.E. l 010:127

T. And ean.) A mi l IIII Fl atr e oa Date ? Naissua Moe a Sup . . III 8240





(Antohtl na A comm e oa VIII Antonin 218-217 A.O . Mainx . . .XIII 8808

Flaflua A mil I Adiut poat 114 Acl Lacum Pe laone m Pann 4120

G . Vl te l l lna A 7 VI Vict pI post Hadrian Whitl e y Castle Eng . . VI1 808

Bu. Val e rius Att (l)clnua ve x eq III Aug Ia The ve ste VIII 18640

T . Anr(e l lua) A ve t e x aig IIII Fl Date ? Singidunum Moe a

Sup as . moan

Dnml hu) A ve t e x ae tat (III Aug) 270-276 A.D . h mbaeaia . . VIII 2828

t ofla L A 7 III Gall Date ? Rome VI 8602

C lul la I. GoL A Tar. optio III Aug Date ?

”W AW m) bI trib (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambaeaitana VIII 2687


Pdtoq Z'


Arrm6<; 6 x akofiuevoq Me tkfiotoqoptio l e g VI Date ? Hi e rapolis 16 a BB IV 826

Val (eriua) A bf cos VII Gem p f Date ? Tarraco II 4187





ua Atti l (lanua)? (mil ? III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana Bul l Arche ol 1004 p2o8





L. Ad lutorlua A (ve t?) le g XXII 8a? Wie sbade n . XIII 767ohFl . Sabini ne A ve t XXII Pr p I post 80Caste l lumMattiacorum XIII 7201





M . Aur(e l lua) A Sc(upla) ve t VII Cl 106 A.D . ViminaciumMoe a

III 14607





M . Farlclua A Irum I Adiut Date ? Home VI 8882



O. Gemini no A Kat can (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae aitana VIII 2680

AUDAKPl (aviua) A nat Germani c 7 I Adiut 2-8a Ancyra . III 286


P. Ae l (lua) Se pt (imlua) A qui e tMuximua ve t e x 7 (XIII Gem)post Traian Sarmize ge tusa . III 1471


G . Inl ine A ve t III Aug Date ? Lambae sis .

A. Octavius A arm cuat III Aug Date ? Lambae sis

AUFIDIUSAe l (iua) A (ve t? V Mac?) Date ? Potaiaaa Dacia III 7888


M . Corne l (iua) Augurianhxa) e x actus III Aug p v c202 Castra

Lambaesi tana A.E.


Avi tlua A mil XIIII G m v Date ? Salonae Dalmatia . III 8640

O. Cae conlua A ve t? (III Aug) ae t Hadriani Castra Lambae sitana VIII 18084

Iul (iua) A comm l e gg III Antonin -X Gem XIV Gem I Ad)c212 Carnuntum Pann SupA mi l X Gem Date ? Vi e nna

AUGUSTALISAtti no Auguataaia) (mi l ? III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si

tana Bull Archeol 1004 p207

Augusti ne A ve t e x l e g XXII Pr p I Date ? Lyons XIII 1888Fla (vlua) A mi l ? I Ital Date ? Aqui l e ia V 014

Iul ius A dup III Aug pv Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae ai tana . VIII 2684L. Octavi a. A Kart ve t III Aug pv c108 Castra Lambae ai tana . . VIII 18088

142 m a m m al-ai m

AVE -LIAN“11186“

H 0. ) A ve t I I'-2-& Ly m 1“!



G Vafl d m A Vd L N- ‘ m m Ge-IJ M Tan n o n 4178

-t l )ate ? lun ch ? Pal-Id . .



Ad z-A mi ? X Ge-Date ? Vi en III 46¢8-t

-t l )aae ? I c a h n-Id

M m AM tx ) Ang(|-u) optio n 7 v nate ? Ch e ats

-u l x nosa

-) ae t Ge h e Bana . .

101 A.D . Stod d adt

-bae i h l a

l l a n lm pm“. Inl lm A Ul d nh Re h Apol l inar 7 XV Apol V Mae m Pl

O-q mlm A M ve t ug pv e l fi fi stra La-M M VIII IN

Pats -n i l. A can VIII Ante-i l l 113-217 A.D. “Ai l ! XIII 6803

G fl tflm A arm cuatm Aug e fl S Castra La

M . mplm A 7 m Ang (7) IIII F18a Age r Hae dm -aepten

UmIdIna A mil bI VII Gem Ie l Date ? Nemaun a . . .XII 8188


(Au)re l lua‘


. I. Gal . Avce ? Gnu-gl in t) mi l X Gem 70-‘

h -aiaa

XIII 8782

W i th ) B 7 XIII Gem l av-m A.D. ApulumDacia III 14470

8010113 ) Premi um I. Qui t . B but pr l eg XX 1a init Bun n


Plavl na B corn? bl ? trib III Aug c200Castra Lambae l i tana0 Mart i n. B miaaiciua leg XXI 70-Hadrian Main:

BALERIANUSl am. ) W ) ve t (V Mac) e 184

h oeamia III 8178


(A)e Ilua B 7? XIII Gem poat Traian Ve cae l Dacia III l 820z8

P. Aainlua L. I. B ve t XV Apol Ia? Ve rona . V 8867BARBARUS

L. Ati l lua B MIKevo) bI coa III Aug c226 Lambae aia0. Iul lua B (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae ai tanaL. 0ctavlua B mi l III Aug p v 8a? Lambaeaia .

0. 8.cldlua B 7 XV Apot arnuntumPann Sup III 4418

M.M e l ina) B 801011114 ) ve t VII C l 106 A.D. ViminaciumMoe a

III 14607


Corne lma B dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Cacti-a Lambae

h i l l !” Barlcao) dup III Aug p v Antonin218 A.D. Caatra Lambae2684

Q W BN 'ICQO) Cat t ve t III Aug p v c l OB Caatra Lambae siVIII 18088

Q Ph aem Bn lc(Io) (h at ve t III Aug p v c10B Caatra Lambae18088

C . Mari na B Simfltlm) mi l ? (III Aug) Date ? Caatra LamVIII 2688


F(lnvlm) B Tu p p III Cyr Date ? Boatra

. III 14149 t4

M IANUSOctavia. B ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae aia VIII 18818

L SC VIIIna B mil I Min Date ? Carte nna Maure tania Cae aar

13110. B me naor (III Aug) 89? Castra Lambaeai tana A.E.

AeBna B 7? XIII Gem poat Traian Ve oze l Dae ia III 1820z4

P. Ad ina P. I. M . Baaa(ua) 7 XX V v Date ? Wate re rook Eng VII 202

(Ae )mi l lua B Apam(e a) ve t? (111 Aug) act Hadriani CutraVIII 18084

L. Aemi l tua B Bad (rume to) e q (III Aug) 23? Gaetta Lam

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Q ApId lua P . I. Oul . B Aml te rn l p p l e g XI ante Claud LatiumXIV 8008c mm aumammm Caatra Lambae ai tana VIII 2682 e t 18061



VI Vict Date ? Te rge ate ” V 622

Aure l ius B tub 111Aug p v 202 A .D . Castra Lambae si tana . .A.E . 1007:184

L . Cae slua L . I. Cam. B domo P isauri ve t VII Cl p I l aSalonae Dalmatia III 2014

Capl ton lus M . I. Cam. B sig XV Apol Date ? Augusta Bagi e nnorum Pais Suppl n977

Cerviua B M trib (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2880C-laud lus Bass(ua) 7 III Aug coh V 182 A .D . Castra Lambae si

tana VIII 18065

(Claud ius) Bass(ua) sig le g I post 114 Brige tio Pann Sup III 10004

T . Comln lus B Damasco mil III Cyr 80A.D . Ale x andria Egypt III 8808Corn e l (lua) B ve t (V Mac) 0184 III 8178

C . Epld lus C . I. Pol . B ve t X Fr 04 A.D . Al e x andria Egypt A.E.

Iul ius B dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2684Iul (ius) B mi l III F(arth) 38 Viminacium Moe a Sup . . III 1861 e t p1021

Iul ius B 7 XXII Prim 8s? Lambae sis . VIII 2888—0Iul ius B 7 III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2800I(ul ius) B ve t V Mac Date ? Drobe ta Dacia . III

C . Iul ius B ve t e x imag (II 1& Iort?) 140 A.D . Fayoum Egypt EGU 810

C . Iul ius C . I. B Mae c. Pe lago ve t VIII Aug Date ? Stobi

. III 7826

C . Iul ius B Caa mi l ? (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana . . VIII 2687L. Lucre tius B (7) III Aug Date ? Se riana VIII 48820. Marclua 0. I. Cor. B domo Be n e ven to mil le g VII ante 42

Gardun Dalmatia . . III 14082

Na (e vlua?) B 7 (le g?) coh 1 Date ? Che ate rs Eng . .VII 607

C . Oppius C . I. Ve l . B 7 1111F1Ie l e t 11Tr Iort Date ? Aux imumIX 6840

C . Paconlua B ve t (111Aug) Date ? Ve re cunda . VIII 4244L. R e fid lua L . I. Te r B domo Ve nafro 7 l e g XVI ante 48?

Main: A.E.

L. Sa trius B mi l III Cyr Date ? Rome . . VI 8828

L. Se ren lus B 7 II Adiut 2- 83? Aquincum Pann InI III 8468

G . Te re n tius B 7 VI Vict ante Hadrian Brohl . XIII 7806-8Ulp(lus) B mi l XI Cl 155 A.D . Almus Moe s InI . . 7440

Val erius B XIIII G m v c82? Aquae Ge rm Sup XIII 8804Val erl (us) (Ba)asua optio I Min p I Date ? Rigomagus Ge rm

InI . . . XIII 7706

C . Val e rius C . I. Pol . B Cas (mil III Cyr aut XXII De iot) 00A.D . Fayoum Egypt ” . . Pap Ge n Lat l

C . Val (e rlus) B mi l I Adiut c150 Cae sare a Maure tania


Cae sar

ie nsis

M. Ve rgln lus B 7 1111 Scyt Date ? RomeVe ru Bassu(s) ve t (V Mac) c184 Troesmis . .

Pol . B Samoaata Optio II 1& Iort 104 A .D . Al e x andriaEgypt III 8680

BASUSB mil III (Aug) Date ?M



Mani l ius B dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2684


M . Aur(e l lua) B Paul (tal la) ve t VII Cl 106 A.D . ViminaciumMoe s Sup 111 14607

T . Aur(e l lua) B Rat(larla) ve t VII Cl 106 A.D. ViminaciumMoe s Sup III 14607

Sc(upla) ve t VII Cl 106 A.D . ViminaciumMoe s Sup III 14607


Aur(e l ius) B natione Trax ci ve s Fi lopopul lmnus mil I ItalDate ? Rome . VI 2801

BITUSAcl ine B Napoca mi l ? (111Aug) ae t Antonini Pil Castra Lambae si tana VIII 18086

Aur(e l lua) B corn II Adiut 2-8s Aquincum Pann InI III 16160—80Aure l (1ua) B mi l II Farth Date ? Home VI 8872

B v(e t le g I Min?) 8s? Lyons XIII 1848L. Val e rius B nati ons Beasus mil III Cyr Date ? Bostra Arabia . . III 104

BLASIUSAlflua B 7 III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2801

Aur(e l iua) B mi l II Ital Se ve r c226 Virunum Noricum III 4701add


Egnatius B armcust (III Aug) 200A.D . Castra Lambae ai tana A.E.

BONUSM. Aur(e l lua) B Sc(upia) ve t VII C l 106 A.D . Viminacium

Moe s Sup . III 14607

G. An in ina Lem. B mi l l e g VIIII l s? Aquil e ia Pais Suppl n180BRI





Fl (avlua) B 7 XIIII Gem Date ? Home VI 8604

P . na B Kat ve t? (III Aug) 2s? Castra Lambae si tana . . VIII 18087

BRUMASIUSAeml l (lua) B mi l 111 Aug Date ? Aflre vi l le A.E.


G. Inl ine B 7 VI Fe rr Date ? Pute oli X 1787

BUCCOO. B e lvins B 7 XIIII Gem ante 82 Mains XIII 8007


Claudius B 7 I Adiut 70—100 A . D . Mains XIII 8887BURRUS

L. Flavius B mil XI Cl pI Ve spas-Traian Vindoniaaa

Anx e ig I Schwe ix Alter VI p180-1

ALPRAnc I.mar 147

Q Pompdua 0. (I) Anle nai a Forq l l i l e x le g XV ante

Nonl fila) Butur(arlua) arm eust III Aug c226 Castra h mbae aLA.E. l 0o2zu

Bl tl (81) m le g m mmm Age r

CABRIOC aqui l le g? Date ? Bonn XIII 8084

C . Love aluaPaplrC Emarl ta mi l XX V v Date ? Cheate r Eng.

E . E . IX 1088

Arabm lua Cae ci l l anh l a) dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D .

VIII 2684

O. Faonlua C (e q? III Aug) 222-86 A.D. Castra Lambae si tanaMAII 1807 p44?

Plrmld lua C (a)e cl l lanua bI e os VII Gem p I Date ? Tarrae o . . II 4168

Gablnflua) C sig (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae ai tana VIII 18078C . Iul lua—C ve t III Aug Date ? Mastar VIII 8868C . Octavius C mi l e x actus III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 20688a . Pompon lua C ve t e x atr (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2607


G lul lua C mi l III Aug Date ? Lambae sis


O. Iul lua C 7 (II Aug?) Date ? Inca Eng VII 114

Octavius C ae l e atl lflua) dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Ca l

VIII 2684


n (avina) Gae lCIua) ve t (V Mac) Date ? Troe amia III 8180

L. Pompe lua C prince ps l e g XIIII G In v

post 100Carnuntum

Pann Sup . . III 11188

P. Granius Anctua C ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8120


869m 0 (h ip I Adiut post 114 Brige tio Pann Sup III 4824

— Iua e t I Adi p I 70-100A.D . B emi Be lgi e a XIII 8280

P. Ae l lua C mi l XIII Gem post Traian ApulumDacia 1111084

Aure l ius 0 7? XIII Gem post Traian Apulum 1820314


M . Aur(e l lua) Ca iu(a) mi l VII C l strcos 220A.D . NaissuaMoe a

Sup .

M . U lp(lus) CIII Ital Antonin 211-222 A .D . ApulumDaciaCALAMUS

Pompon luaC S1c(ca) mi l ? (IIIAug) Date ? Castra Lambaesi tana VIII 2687 e t 18064


A . C e aon iua K 7 prote ctor (II Adiut) ? 83 init Aquincum PannInI

K mi l l e g X Date ? Fl Raab NoricumXALENDINUS

Q . Cae ci l iua K optio (II Tr Iort) Date ? Al e x andria Egypt III 8677

(M) U l (piua) K bI cos (I) Ital 225 A.D . Narona Dalmatia III 1781

K C e l at i I mi l II Adiut Date ? Val l is Fl Mur Noricum. . III 6417

GALENUSG . Iul ius Gal . Gal (e )nus Lug(uduno) ve t e x l e g VI Vict p I

post Hadrian Lincoln Eng VII 182 add E . E . IX p 668GALIANUS

L . Aemi l iua G optio cor (111Aug) 108-211A.D . Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2664

CALICLES(C )al lcl e s Nic(ome d i a) ve t? (III Aug) ae t Hadriani

Castra Lambae sitana VIII 18084


L . Val e rius C Irum VI(I) GemDate ? Aqui l e ia V 041CALLA

Ul p(lus) 0 mi l XIIII G m V Date ? Salonae Dalmatia III 8640 e t p 1610CALLIMACIIUS

Ann ina C p p (l e g?) Date ? Aquincum Pann InI III 10608


Aur(e l iua) C ve t V Mac Date ? Ancyra III 8782

CALLISTRATUSAur(e l iua) Cal l iatr(atua) 7 ? XIII Gem post Traian Ve cx e lDacia III


Lucius Calpurn lan (ua) (mi l ? 111Aug) c218? Castra Lambae sitana Bul l Arche ol 1004 p2o8

C . C mi l XII Enlm domo Prive rno e x Ital ia 1—2s?Amorium PhrygiaK 7 (l e g?) Date ? Borcovicium Eng

CALLUSSe pt (imiua) C cand XXX Ulp vict 228 A.D . Col Ulpia Traiana

Ge rm InI XIII 8807

CALVIOSulpicius C 7 I Min Date ? Novae Dalmatia . . III 1018


Sirlflua C e x actus (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2077

T i t(i )us C sig (I Adiut) post 114 Brige tio Pann Sup III 4828

O. Val e rius C mi l I Adiut post 114 Brige tio Pann Sup III 4828

Veranius C 7 III Aug coh I 182A.D . Castra Lambae sitana VIII 18086—lonius O. I. An . Ca n (di dus? mil ? III) I Mac ante Ve s

pas Maina XIII 8878C 7 II Tr Iort 148 A.D . Arsinoe Egypt E . E . VII p 460

ln iua (Can)di dus (mi l) I Min p I M cos 106 A.D. Ne tte rehe im A . E.

Iul ius C K(arthagine ) mil ? (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambaesi tana VIII 2687


M . Domi tius C domo Cape tol iad e 7 XI Cl p I post HadrianTomi Moea InI III 771

CAPITOM. Aemi l i (ua) C ve t I Adiut 88 A.D . Sardinia X 7801

Aur(e l ius) C mil VII Gem Ie l Date ? Oppida circa Burgos Tarracone nsis .

C . (C)aIatiuaC . I. An i . C ve t le g VIIII 1s ForumIuli i .Ce C 7 XIII Gem post Traian ApulumDacia .

A . Considine M . I. 0. n . C mi l XXX Ulp vict Date ? Vice tia

P . Corne l ius C (ve t II Tr Iort?) 140A.D. FayoumEgyptFonte ius C ve t (V Mac) c184 Troe smisIn (l i ne ) C (a)pi to mil XI Cl 166 A.D . Almus Moea InI .

C . Iul ius Capi to I-Iad (rume to) ve t III Aug p v c108 Castra

Lambaeai tana VIII 18088

M . Iunius C Lindo mil X Gem Date ? Al bulae Maure taniaCae sari e nsis VIII 21880

C . Iuve ntinaC . (I.) Cla. C Apromi l II Adi p Ic71Che sterEngE . E. IX 1048

M. L C e q (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8180Mem(mius) C ve t (V Mac) c184 Troe smis . . III 8178

C . Roacius C . I. An i . C Troad (e ) ve t V Mac post M. Aure l Oe scusMoe s InI A. E.

Sal ius Capi ton mi l III Cyr ante 108 Egypt Wesse ly Lat Pal 8T i (be riua) C ve t (V Mac) c184 Troe smia . . III 8178

C . Vatin ius Se x . I. C domo Arre ti (o) ve t VII CI p I 42-70Salonae Dalmatia .

Ve l l e i (ua) C ve t (V Mac) c184 fi oe smiaC 7 III Cyr Date ? Home

CAPITOLINUS— iuaM . I. Pol . C Caa bI prae I II Tr Iort 104 A.D . Al e x andriaEgypt III 8680


Iul (ius) Ca (pra)rius optio (II Aug?) Date ? Isca Eng E. E. III 84P . Pompe iuaC Clr(ta) ve t e x pol (III Aug) 211-2A.D. Lambae sis VIII 2818

II 2001

XII 280

III l 4218 z20

V 8105EGU 810

III 6178

. III 7440



On. Fuivaua Ciapratlnua e x p(rov) Bae tic (1t)al icanal probatm in len Pe rr trah a) Irum in le g VII Gemp I Iactua

(hI) coa Date ? Tarrae o “ 11 4164

"13710010; M 9600“) 7 X11Pulm Date ? Comana Cappap

16 a HR 111 120

0. Emvlua Se L I. Vol . C domt e nna mi l eq e t 7 IIII Scyt

. A. E.

SecurluaC mi l XXII Prp ia h ? Age rMogontiacenaia . . XIII 7248CARIANUS

C . Iul (lua) C p p I Ital e x q omano Date ? Le aan Moe a InI

III 760add e t p002


Va rIua C mi l imm II Adiut 2-8s? Poe tovio Pann Sup 11110880

CARIUS aut CARISTUSUlp(lus) C 7 le g XXX Date ? Zii le h Pomtua A. E . 10081200

Se p(timlua) Carpla(nua) le g?) Date ? Apulum Dacia III 1100

CARPOPHORUSAle x andria 1118680


T . Acl l e iuaT . I. Vol t . C Luco ve t e x leg VIII Aug Date ? Ma ina XIII 8882

Antonlua K 7 VIIII Hisp 1s . . VI 8880

Kirche imUe e tia

XII 2020


C . Atlua C 7 XIIII Gem 184 A.D . CarnuntumPann Sup 1111407 1

KAZIIEPIANOEA mmq m mc; p p (l eg ?) O m? am e n.

M ina) C ape e le gg III Antonin ( X GemXIV Gem I ad) c212. III 4462

Val eri fita) M ama) 7 (l e g?) Date ? Magnae Eng VII 780

Victoriua e t le g VII Date ?


M. Aufldmfl C aquil I fldin) Date ? Bonn XIII 8080M. Aure l (lua) C bI e os Date ? Ad Dravum Pann Sup 11110800


162 COGNOMINA or sommas IN ROMAN momma

CASTELLUSM. Graaaiciua M. I. Ste . C vir pro(bus) le g XXX poet

Be neve ntum IX 1810

M . Aur(cl iua) C mil I Adiut Date ? Marse lla Pann Sup 11110068

Aure l (lua) C me nsor V Mac p 8a Sie benburgen . . Jahres Wi e n V Be ibl p07 n2

M . Anton ius C (e q? 111Aug) 222-86 A.D . Castra Lambae aitanaMAR 1807 p447

Iul lua C memor (111 Aug) 80? Castra Lambae aitana u m AHE

CASTUSC . Aemi l iua C (eq? 111Aug) 222-86 A.O . Castra Lambae si tana

MAH 1807 p447

T . Aur(e l lus) C Rataat la) tub ve t VII Cl 106 A.D . ViminaciumMoe s III 14607

Avianiua C dup IH Aug p v Antonin 218 A D. Castra Lambae si

Bull Arche ol 1006 p240

Ti b . C laud ine C C‘

irt (a) ve t 111 Aug p v c108 Castra Lam

Inl ine C dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae ai tana . VIII 2684

Iul ius C sig (111 Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana VIII 18078

M. Inl ine Pol . C cor 111 Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 18808

M . C M cos Date ? Age r ad Colapim Pann Sup 8088

Mattiua C armcust (III Aug) 200A.D . Castra Lambae si tana . . A. E.

Nae vlua C 7 111Aug coh VII 182 A.O . Castra Lambae si tana . . VIII 18086Pacon lua C bI cos III Aug Date ?Pe tronlua C imm111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae si

(Pe tr)onius Cnat (ua ve t) e x le g 1Min e x optione Date ? Val e ntia Gal l Narb .XII 1740

L . 8e n tius C ? VI Vict post Hadrian Vindobalia Eng VII 644

Se p(timius) C le g?) Date ? Apulum Dacia III 1100

T imin lua C dup 111 Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lam0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

(Va)l e rlua C tub HI Aug p v 202 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana . A . E. 1007 3184

C . Val erius C. I. Paplria C v e ate ) mi l 111 Aug Date ?

Col Ulpia Traiana Ge rm


(A ?) (Cla)udlu(s Ge1)er domo Verona 7 XI CI p l 42-Ve spasBurnum Dalmatia . . III 2884

O. Cume l iua O . Fab . C Brlc(x ia ) ve t II Adiut Date ? AsturicaTarraconensis II 2880

C . Domi tius (mi l III Cyr aut XXII De iot) 00 A D .

Fayoum Egypt ” . Pap Gen Lat 1

A . Eburiua C mi l XVApol Is Carnuntum Pann Sup III 14868 z17

T . Flavius C (mil 111 Cyr aut XXII De iot) 87 A.D . Fayoum

Inl i ne C arm cuat 111Aug c226 Castra Lambaesi tana A.E .

C . Inl i ne C . I. Col . C ve t V Mac Date ? Oe se na Moe a 7428

T . Iul ius T . I. Cla .C (ed)e r (7) 11Aug Date ? Aaae ria Dalmatia . .11116024

L. Labi cius L. I. St e . C ? VI Fe rr post 81 E C. Be ne ventum . . IX 1818

L . Liciniua C (ve t II Tr Iort?) 140 A D Fayoum Egypt . . . . BGU 810

M(dp1uog) Kfl ep 7 XI Cl post 42 Isti i an Bithynia 1G a1111III 1428M . Memmius C (spe c VII Gem Ie l ) Date ? Tarraco

111 7440

C. Plo ti diua C . I. Vo(It)? C e x Iapan (1a) mi l (I) 111Mac ante

Ve spasPompous C (mi l ? 111 Aug) c218? Castra Lambae sitana

Bull Archeol 1004 p208

andria Egypt . .

(S)alv1dius C Cas (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae aitana “ . . VIII 2686Scri bon iua C mi l V Mac post M. Aure l Oe scus Moe a

M .

Date ? 8827

Se ptimius C ve t (V Mac) c184 Troe smia 111 8178

C . Soaalua C . (mi l 111 Cyr aut XXII De iot) 00 A D . FayoumPap Ge n Lat 1

L . Val e rius T . I. Fab . C 7 X Pr ae t Ne tonia He liopolis Syria . .III 14887g

Varl (us) C 7 (11 Aug?) coh 11 Date ? Sege dunum Eng VII 401

Vibius C (eq? Il IAug) A.D . Castra Lambae d tana u MAH 1807 p447

C . V i bius C Nicom(e dia) ve t? (111Aug) act Hadriani Castra

— C 7 II Tr Iort 104 A.D . Al e x andria Egypt



Domi taua) -8a AlmuaMoe a l nI. l II

Iui lua C 7 XV Apol 1s Carnuntum Pann 4478

Iul (iua) C ape c I e t II Adi p I Se ve e 2e28 A.D . AquincumPann 1nI.1118624Nuttua p XIIII v 206 A.D. CarnuntumPann 8up III I4868¢88P (oatu)mlua? C 7 VIII Aug M I 6070


UlpIua C aalariarus I Adi p I Antonin c216 10088

M. Vai (erlua) C Papirla Aatigi clve a Agrlppine ve t X Gem p I

XIII 8288


C . Iul (lua) C 7 IIII Soyt e t XVI Pl lirm e t XIII Gem post

Traian Apulum Dacia . 111 1044


(Mm C e l e atln (ua) sig (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae siVIII 18078

Aclaua) C mil II Adiut 2-8s? Bassiana Pann In? 111 16188

Pl (avlua) C spe c I e t 11Adi p I Se ve r 228 A.D . Aquincum Pann

L. Se p(tlrnlua) C ve t X Gem Date ? Vie nna . . . III 4674

CELSUSAufl e l ius) C (ve t? V Mac?) Date ? Potaisaa Dacia III 7888

W C (e q? IH Aug) 222-86 A.D . Castra Lambae ai tana H MAH 1807 p447

Tl CI(aud lua) C p p V Mac ae t Antonini Troe smis . III 8188

Cominlua C 7 X Gem 70- Traian Ulpia Noviomagus .

Nonius C e x actus 111Aug p v c202 Castro Lambae si tana A.E.

.XIV 2080

80p(timiua) C can (le g Date ? Apulum Dacia 1111100

Ge m in Hi sp ae t Traiani Bi siniumDalmatia

0. Tul fllua) C imm 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis “

(Val )erius L . I. G(al ) C e lw(a) spe c 11 Aug 1s? London VII 24

L Val (erius) C mil VII Cl Date ? Viminacium Moe s SupJahre s Wie n 1000 Be ibi 9168

M. VuriuaM. I. EaL C 7 III Cyr ae t Auguati Ate l la X 8784

- C 7 leg III ae t Augusti AIe x andria Egypt 111 8601


Fabiua C 7 X Gem ante 70? 1ria Tarracone nais 11 2646

CENSORM. Aniciua M . (I. ) Cla . C DlnIa mi l XV Apol 1s CarnuntumPann Sup . . 111 18481

M. Aur(e l ius) Cen (aor aut vaorlnus) ve t VII Cl 106 AD .

Viminacium Moe a Sup .

MInlclua C 7 III Aug coh 1X 182 A.D . Castra Lambae ai tana . . . . VIII 18086—C 7 XGemDate ? Arand de Due ro . . A.E.

C . Publ (iciua) C ve t e x options XIIII Gem201A.D . CarnuntumPann Sup . . 111 16101

CL C ve t IAdiut eb cos 2s? Savaria Pann Sup .1114101

Ih-aian? Ancyra .



Fl (avius) C ve t e x aquil 111 Aug Date ? Lambae sis .VIII 2888CEREALIS

Aure (l lus) C Irum 11 Adiut Date ? Rome . VI 82871

C . T e re n tius C ve t e x armoust (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis . . VIII 2082


Aure l ius C mi l XI Cl 156 A.D . Almus Moe a Inf III 7440


L. G iami l l ius L. I. (l i e . C Ve runi mi l IIII Mac ante Ve spas

C . Pe tronius C mil 111 Aug Date ? Lambae sis

T . Carai (us) T e re t . C ve t XX V v Date ? Ate ist e X11870


T . Aure l ius Cl . C Ceme ne l i Irum XX V v Date ? Rome .

T ib . Cl (audius) C M cos VII Cl Date ? Runje vo Moe a Sup .

C . Inl ine C 7 X111Gem primus hastatus poste rior 180—148 A.D .

Rome . . 81159

Tonne ins C armcust (111Aug) 200A.D . Castra Lambae si tana . .A.E .

L. Ve ratius C 7 l e g? Date ? Antium . X 8874

M . I. Vol t . C Vi en (na) ve t XIII Gem ante 60Te ne ndo


L. Aure l ius L . I. Pol . C Caa ve t II Tr Iort 104 A.D . Al e x andriaEgypt 111 8680

T . Aure l ius T . I. Pol . C Caa ve t 11Tr Iort 104 A.D . Al e x andria

Egypt . 111 8680


Aure l (ius) C (h )aire as mi l X1Cl 166 A.D . Almus Moe s InI 1117440


Ae l (ius) C mi l Irum 1111F1firm Date ? Tibur XIV 8670

CHARITONIANUSL . Ae l ius Chari ton ian (us) Caa (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lam

bae sitana VIII 2687

CICATRICULAT . Flavius Cicatricul (a) 7 (l e g?) l s e x e Che ste rEng E .E. IX 1048


C 7 1111Scyt Date ? Ene sch Syria A.E.

CILOL . Leuconius L . I. Fab . C ve t l e g XXI ante Hadrian Sabini . .V 4002

Sul picius C mi l VII Gem Antonin p I c215 Vivatia Tarraconensis . .118887

CINNAC . Me stri (us) C mi l l e g? Date ? prope Agram Rae tia 1111208 l z6

L. Corne l ius L. (I) (P)ol l C Mut(ina) ve t e x le g XX c48?

Ulpia Noviomagus


C me dicus 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2061CLAUDIUS

Corne l lua C bi cos (111Aug) Date ? Vasaivi VIII 17828CLEMENS

Se x . Ammap. s I cos Date ? Apulum Dae ia

M . Antonius C 7 111Aug coh IV 182 A.D. Castra Lambae aitana . . VIII 18086.X1 6848

AGQlato; Kl fluncme dicus leg XXII ante Hadrian Pse lcis Egypt1G a HR 1 1881

M. Aur(e l iua) C 7 VI Fe rrmob in le g II 2s e x e Aquincum Pann

111 10607

Aulua Bae blua C . I. Scap. Cl eme (n)a Fae a(ula) mi l le g XXIIDate ? Mains .

G HunnumEng m mw lml a em0tnfl 7 ae g?) ct III Om? Vindolana Eng . . VII 71a

C . Cnlpurnlus C imm III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2881-Traian Ulpia

NoviomagusCocce (l )uaC mi l III Cyr ante 108 Egypt We sse ly Lat Pa18

Pe demon

(L . Imam—Trout (Cle ?)me ns (AeM(u)o mil 1 Adiut70-100A.D . Mains .

P. Fl (aflua) P. I. Ouh 'lna C 7 III Aug p v 8s? Lambae siaw VIII 2880

T . 171(avlus) C mi l 111 Ital Date ? Augusta V'

mdeBcum Bae tia n III 6812

M . Gran ius C Caat ve t III Aug p v c108 Castra Lambae sitana n VIII 18088

Honoratius C mi l XXII Pr p I 204 A.D. Maina XIII 8888Iul ius C 7 11Adi p I Che ste r Eng .E.E . IX 1048

Inl (ine ) C aquil III Ital Date ? Augusta Vinde licum 6818

C . Inl (ine ) Cl em(ena) ve t VII Cl 106 A.D. ViminaciumMoe a

M . (mil III Cyr aut xm De iot) 00

Puplua C 7 III Aug e oh VIII 182 A.D . 10868

P. Talpld lus C 7 VIH Aug ae t Flaviorum impp Mediomatrici

Val (e rlus) G e rmans) m VII 011860

A.D. ViminaciumMoea Sup . I IImo

Val e rius C 7 I Ital ante M. Aure l Ad HaemumMoe a InI. . 1448

Val e r(ius) C ve t (V Mac) Date ? Troe smis . III 8170

C . Val (e rius) C 7 le g XIIII post 100CarnuntumPann Sup 1114868 168


He ide lbm XIII 8807

Vlapan iua C mil le g VII Date ?(III Aug) ae t Hadriani Castra

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C a O O O O O O O O C Q ’ O O a O O U

ALrnAsm'ICAL ms'r 160

C 7 (l e g XXII aut III Cyr) ae t Augusti CoptosC 7 II Tr Iort 104 A.O . Ale x andria 38701.

C . sul picius Cleme n tiuma) S id es ) mi l ? (111 Aug) Date ?

PannIII 8524

L. Va1srlua G en e rations) ve t X Fr 04 AD . Ale xandriaA.E.

Cla(u)d lus C mi l III Cyr ante 108 Egypt Wesse ly Lat Pal 8Pla(vi )ua C mi l III Cyr ante 108 Egypt .Wesae ly Lat Pal 8

P . Val erius C ve t V Mac 180-181 A.D .


Cla(ud iua) C 7 (le g ?) coh 111 Date ? Borcovicium 870


P . Ad iua e t VII Cl Se ve r 228 A.D . Naissus Moe s Sup 11114686


Aur(e l ius) C mil 11Tr Date ? Al e x andria Ewt 11112064


marina) C sig II Adiut 8s? Aquincum Pann InI III 8648

L Maioriua C bI cos 211 A.D.

. III 8467

L Ca '

ne Iiua L I. C Pol . Epore di a mil leg XV ante Vespas ne ar

A.E. 1007 1188

M. Au8d1ua C mi i III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8046COLONUS

Corne l ius C dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambassi

r. Pompe lua r. I. Volt . c t a m 1111mfirmScarbantia Pann Sup .

COMAM. Alfiua C ve t e x sig (II Tr Iort?) 140 A.D . Fayoum Egypt . . BGU 810

MamiCua) C 7 (l e g coh VIIII Date ? He x ham Eng EE. VII 008

G .- C bI e os X Gem Date ? Dalmatia incerta 111 8168a

Aur(e l ius) Comas(t)us d (omo) Ve r(ona) mil le g Farth Date ?VI 8808


COMMUNISA(n l )ua aut Ae (l i )ua C mi l II Adiut 2-83? Poe tovio Pann Sup . . III 10880


B lbul e iua Conce aalan (ua) dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D .

Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2684CONCESSUS

Cae cl l lua C corn (III Aug) 182 A.D . Lambae sis VIII 2780C . Cae ci l iua C mi l III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8087I. . Clod iua C b 3 III Aug c226 Lambae sis VIII 2686O. Octavius C mi l ? (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 2688

CONDUCTORM . He l vlua C Cast bi cos III Aug 0226 Lambae sis VIII 2688


C . Urbicl (ua) C mi l XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia III 1204

CONGIUSIun ius C dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae si

tana VIII 2684

KONON”El omoc; K6vwvve t l e g Albanorum4s? Canyte l ide aC i l icia . .1G a BR 111886


I. . Vi te l l ius C e x pi lo VI Vict ante Hadrian? Iul iacumGe rmInf . .XIII 7880CONSTANS

Atton iua C ve t XXII Pr p 1Date ? Lyons XIII' 1887T1. Cl (aud iua) C mi l II Adiut 2-83 Aquincum Pann Inf III 10610

T . FI(aviua) C 7 (l e g XXX) Date ? Col Agrippine nsium XIII 8201G . Iul (ius) C bf cos Date ? Murse l la Pann Sup 111 10066

C . Nummlus C . I. Fal . C p p 11Tr7 III Cyr e t VII Cl 182-6A.D .

Ate llaSe cund (lua) C mi l VIII Aug bf tri b ae xmDate ? Lyons ”

Val (e rius) ve t XIII Gem post Traian ApulumDacia . III 1104

CONSTANTINUSAur(e l ius) qui e t Se p(timiua) C mi l I Adiut Date ? LussoniumPann Inf ” III 10200

I. . Se pt(lmlua) Coptio II Adi p f Antonin 218 A .D . AquincumPann Inf III 8446

CONSTASP . Ae l ius C qustor arm II Ad iut Date ? Campona Pann Inf . III 8800


(Aure l ius) C (mi l) II Adi p f In be l lo (Ge rm)anico Inte rcisa PannInf . .A E . 1010:188

L . Barb (lua L. f. ) Cla . Con (at1tu)tua Ivao (vet) XV Apol 1aCarnuntum Pann Sup . . III 4481

“omi tiua C mi l bi cos X Gem 217 A.O . Siscia Pann Sup . . . III 16180


Lambae si tana . . VIII 2667

(Ap)ul e ius C sig (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana . . . . VIII 18078C . Atrlus C . I. Crustumina C Carsul is mi l XIII Gem post

Traian Apulum Dacia . . III 1188

Aufid lus C dup 111 Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra LamVIII 2684

Aure l ius Cre sce (ns) 7 III Aug Se ve r c226 Lambae sis VIII 2768Aur(e l ius) C (ve t? V Mac?) Date ? Potaissa Dacia III 7888

M . Aur(e l ius) C VI Fe rr li be rtinus M. Aure li i of C . I. G.

8888 Rome VI 8671

I. . Be h ina Aug. C Vin (d e l lcum) mil VI Vict p i post HadrianYork Eng EE . IX 1876

Bri ttl e C p p le g Date ? Carnuntum Pann Sup III 14868 z6a

O. BruttiusO . f. Se rgia C domoTucci mi l IIIIMac ante Ve spas. XIII 8868

Glod ina C 7 III Aug coh II 182 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana . .VIII 18086I. . Glod ina C mi l III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2844Copon ius C armcust (III Aug) 200A.D . Castra Lambae sitana A.E .

C . Copon ius C ve t Aug le g XIV sig Date ? Tuscana XI 2068

T . Fla (vius) Cre s(ce ns) ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis . . VIII 8106C . Gemi nius C C lr(ta) mil ? (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lam

bae sitana . VIII 2687

O . G eminius C (mil ? III Aug) c2oo Castra LambaesitanaBul l Arche ol 1006 p240

Iul ius C 7 X Gem 2-se ? Aquincum Pann Inf . . III 8660

Iul (ius) C 7 XV Apol post Traian Ancyra . III 288

Iul (ius) C e x l e g VII Cl ordinatus 7 in le g IIII Scyt Date ? Rome . . VI 8808

Iul ius C (mi l III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8201C . Iul ius Cre sc(e ns) ve t III Aug 188 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 18087C . Iul ius C mi l XI Cl post Hadrian Thyatira Asia III 404

(C ) Iul (ius) C ve t VII Cl 106 A.D . ViminaciumMoe a Sup . . III 14607

C . Iul ius C 7 I Ital Date ? Oe se na Moe a Inf . III 7428

M . Iul ius C ve t XXII Pr p i post 80 Age r Mogontiace nsis . . XIII 7217M . Lic(inius) C Rat(iaria) ve t VII Cl 106 A.D . Viminacium

Moe s Sup III 14607

A . Marcius C C lr(ta) ve t? (III Aug) 23? Castra Lambae sitana VIII 18087

M . Memmius C Cas mi l ? (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambaesitana . .VIII 2687

Men lus C (e q? III Aug) 222-86 A .D . Castra Lambae sitana . .MAH 1807 p447

0. Oppius C Hi ppo ve t III Aug p v cl 08 Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 18088Pon tius C ve t (le g?) Date ? Ve te ra XIII 8888

P . Rustius Fab l e C Bri x (la) mil XX V v Date ? Ch e ste rEng . .E.E. VII 800

Sa triun C p p III Aug 182 A.D . Castra Lambae si tana . . VIII 18086C . Satrius C 7 III Aug Date ? Lambae sis . VIII 18817M . Sempron (ius) C K(arthsgin e ) mi l ? (III Aug) Date ?

Castra Lambae si tana VIII 2687

Si ttius C dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae si


C . Val e rius C Can tub (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae ai tana . . VIII 2680

L Vsl erlua L. (DAM . C Ve t ce lIi s mi l II Atfi p l 2-se ? Aquincum l 'ann In!

Venoonlus l le g le g 1Min p l 262A.D . Bonn

I. . Volumniua C optio III Aug Date ? Lambae sis .

— Pol lla C Fano Fortunae ve t e x le g XXI 46-80? A.D . Col

Ulpia W Germ XIII 8861

— iua C Te v(e atc) (mil ? 111 Aug) Date ? Castra Lam

Iul (lua) C armout (111Aug) 200A.O . Castra Lambae ai tana . . A.E.

C . Iul ius C e x actus III Aug p v c202 Castra

Q Iul fus e t III Aug Date ? Zarn'


Mod ius bi III Aug Date ? Lambae sisVIII 2945 cf 18157

Aur(e l ius) C mil II Adiut 2-8e ? Age r Aquinoensis Pann 1ni . . l l I 10878

M. Aure l (ius) C imm XIII Gem Antonin 211-22 A.D. Apulum

Claud (lua) C mil XIIII Gem post 100 Carnuntum Pann Sup . . . . III 4487

Inl i ne Cre ae en tln (us) dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra

Si ttius Cl 'ucen tlmus) cor III Aug p V 208 A.D. Castra Lam

Sl ttius C cor III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.O . Castra 141t a 2684

0. C erflciua C eq III Aug Date ? Lambae sis . VIII 8080C ve t e x librario (111 Aug) 270-276 A.D. Law

VIII 2828

Etlua C ve t e x librario (111 Aug) 270-276 A.O . 2828

(M ? Ma)nl ius f. ) C -s ve t (vI) Vict poet Hadrian YorkE.E. III 70

I.. Tannonius C 0111. Cit-(ta) ve t (111Aug) 2114 A.D . Lam. VIII 2818

L Volumlus C optio prinoipia IIl Aug us A.D. Geme llae


T . Acl ins C C lwt ve t 111Aug p v c108 Castra Lambae aitana . .VIII 18088

III Aug p v 202A.D. Castra Lambae ai tana . . A.E. 1007 2184

Aug l a Theve ste . VIII 18640

a m om um (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lamhae si

N ‘ O O O O IO ‘ T O O O Q O O O Q


Antoni (us) Crisp(us) ve t (V Mac) Date ? Troe smis III 8170

M . Cri (sp)us (mil III Cyr aut XXII De iot) 00A .D . Fayoum Egypt Pap Ge n Lat 1

Ati l (lus) C mil XI Cl 166 A .D . Almus Moe a InI . . . III 7440

Aur(e l ius) C (ve t? V Mac?) Date ? Potaissa Dacia III 7888

Clau(d lus) C ve t (V Mac) c184 . III 8178

C laud ius C S ido(n ia) ve t? (III Aug) ae t Hadriani Castra

Lambae sitana VIII 18084Iul (ius) Cri (spus) mil IIII Fl Date ? Aquincum Pann Inf III 10608

L . Loro—us L. f (Pol ?) Cris(pus?) Val e (nt ia mi l ?) 1111 (Mac)ante Ve spas Mainz . XIII 7286

L . Lucce ius C Cas mi l ? (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitans VIII 2587

O ttaci l ius C Had (rume to) pe q (III Aug) Date ? Castra

Lambae sitana VIII 2688

L . Pe tron ius L. f. Pol . C ve t X Fr04 A.D . Al e x andria Egypt . A.E .

Sal lustlus C (e q? III Aug) 222-86 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana . MAH 1807 p447

Se p(timius) Cris(l )(pus) (ve t? V Mac?) Date ? Potaissa

Dacia III 7888

(Va)l e rius Cla . C Sav(aria)mi l I Adiut 70-100A.D . MainxA.E. 1011:286

Val (e rius) Crisp(us) ve t VII Cl 186 A.D . ViminaciumMoe a Sup . . III 8110

Val e rius C ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis . VIII 8262C . Val e rius C ve t e x le g II Adi (p f) c71Ch e ste r Eng E .E . IX 1061

C . Val (e rius) C . I. Be rta Me ne n ia C mi l VIII Aug Date ?Wi e sbade n . XIII 7674

L . Val (e rius) C ve t VII C1106 A .D . Viminacium Moe a Sup . 14607

M . Ve tldlus C mi l III Aug Date ? Ti gzi rt VIII 20718C e q III Cyr aut XXII De iot) 00A.D . Fayoum Egypt

Pap Ge n Lat 1

C 7 XI CI p f Ve spas~Traian Vindonissa XIII 6107(C )rispus ve t e x bf l e g l e g (V Mac) Date ? Troe smis . . III 8180

CRY SOMALLUSAur(e l ius) C quintane sis l e g ortus c Apamia Date ? Age rAlbanus . XIV 2282


Ce tron (lus) C spe c l e gg III Antonin X GemXIV Gem I Ad)c212 Carnuntum Pann Sup III 4462


(Aure l ius) Cupl (t)us ve t e x aqui l I Adiut 83? Savaria PannSup III 4281

T . Aur(e l ius) C Rom(ula) ve t VII Cl 106 A .D . V1m1nac1umMoe s Sup . III 14607

Carmln ius C optio I Min Date ? Solva Noricum . III 6888

T1. C la (ud ius) C mi l l e g XXI ante Hadrian Virunum Noricum. III 4840

Clod lus P . f (?Cu)pl tus mi l l e g XXII Date ? Narbo XII 4880M . Gavius M . f. Anl . F(oro) lul l C mi l X Gemae t Traiani Car

nuntumPann Sup III 14868 zl 8a



M . Ve tti na M . f. D mil III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8272DATIVUS

Sempron ius D dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lam

bae sitana VIII 2684




Alf(lus) D arm cust III Aug c226 Castra Lambae si tana A.E.


L. ? Ae l ius D Th ab (arca) mi l ? (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana VIII 2688 at 18066

C . Aemi l lus D Cos mil ? (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2680

T . Am nlus D sig III Aug 108 A.D . Castra Lambae si tana VIII 2627Domi tius D arm cust III Aug c226 Castra Lambae aitana . . A.E.

L . Evs tius D Ca (s) (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 2686L . Fablus Da(da)tus ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 18208M . Gran ius D ve t II Adiut domo Africa Sufe tla post 160 Pann

Inf ince rta . III 8880

C . He lvi dlus D Ths (mugad i ) mi l ? (III Aug) Date? Castra

Lambae sitana VIII 2687

Iul ius D tub III Aug p v 202 A.D . Castra Lambaesitana . . A.E. 1007 :184

Iul ius D tub III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae si tana . VIII 2684Iul ius D dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae si tana VIII 2684M . Iul (ius) D mi l II Adiut 2—88 ? Carnuntum Pann Sup III 4472

Nonius D ve t li brator e voe III Aug ante 147 Lambae sis VIII 2728M . Nue rius Da (tua) C irt(a) ve t III Aug p v cl 08 Castra Lambae h

ai tana VIII 18088Nume rius D ve t III Aug p v 88 ? Phua VIII 8810

Pompeus D tub III Aug p v 202 A.D . Castra Lambae si tana . . A.E.

Pompeus D tub III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2684

C . Salust (lus) D mi l 111Aug p v 83? Lambae sis VIII 8282Se x tl l ius D cor III Aug p v 208 A .D . Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2667

Se x ti l lus D cor III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2684

Se x tl l ius D dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A .D. Castra Lambae sitana

L . Tad lus D ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis


Aur(e l ius) D II Adiut Date ? Stuhlwe isse nburg Pann InI . . . III 8840


M . Cal purnlus Dustion e Italusmi l II Adiut 2—8sAquincumPannIn!

. III 14840

DECEMBERIul ius D dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2684


C . Marius De cian(us) 81cc(a) bi e os (III Aug) Date ? Gae tta

Aeml l lua D me dicua ordinariua l Adiut poat 114 Adiaum Pann

Ti tus Ve ttius D ve t le g V111immcos 8a? Lyons XIII 1008DECIMUS

Aur(e l ius) D mil XI Cl 166 A.

O . Almus Moe a In! III 7440

T . Aure l (ius) D 7 VII GemIe l 182A.D. Tarraco II 4088

(h e l lua L . I. Quit . D mil 111Aug 111The veste VIII 18646C . (1ant P)u(l l) lnlus D te as XXII Pr p Ipost 80Caste llumMat

tiacorum XIII 7208

C la(udls ) D (Sun ni s 7 V Mac ante M. Aure l Troeamia . .1118187

“(M un D? III Ital Date ? Augusta Vi nde l icum Bae tia III 6828

DECUMINIANUSC . Inl i ne Documlnl h nua) ve t? 11Aug Date ? Iaca Eng VII 120


Aci (lus) D 7? XIII Gempost Traian ApulumDaciaIufllus) D 7? XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia

Aemi ltua Deme trian (ua) dup 111 Aug p v Antonin m A.D .

v111 cm(3. Aemi l ius D Ten (la) d a (111Aug) Om? Castra Lambae si~

C. Aeml l ius D aquil (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis “

0. Apol lonlua D mil 111Aug Date ? Lambae sisW D dup III Aug v ntonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae ai

L. Fonte ine Deme trlan (ua)Maac(ula ) bl cm 111Aug c226 Lam

Iul Uua) De (m)e trlanua V(III) Aug p I o Commoda 187 A.D .


C . Iul ius D Ca l mil ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae ai tana . . VIII 2680I D mil III Aug Date ? Lambae sis . . . . VIII 8184DEMETRIUS

Ad a-na) D 7 XXII Prim Date ? Biachoi sbe imGerm Sup XIII 8420aAnd ean.) Deme trflus) 7? XIII Gempost Traian ApulumDacia III 8086116T ib. Cum .) D quod mi l Irum XV Apol Date ? l 0o6:88

I.. 1189100 L. I. Pol . D ve t II Tr Iort 104 A.D . Al e x andria Egypt III 8680AHMOKPA'


HEAnue apdtmmi l l e g 1111a ? Cae ae re a u RCRwoop88

. . xm xen


DENTILIANUST . Honoratius De nti l (i )anus Optio XXII Prp f 207 A.D . Obe rn

burg .XIII 8828


Se pt (imlus) D cand XXX Ulp vict 228 A.D . Col Ul pia TraianaGe rm Inf XIII 8807


Aure l ius D dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana VIII 6284DEXTER

Aemi l ius D cor III Aug p v 208 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2667C . Agrius De x t(e r) ve t e x bf trib (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2800Atte ius D 7 II Adiut Date ? Aquincum Pann Inf III 8680

T . Fl (avius) D Eur ve t VII C l 106 A.D . ViminaciumMoe a

Sup III 14607

Iul ius D bi trib 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A . I) . Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2684

C . Iul ius D Th e ve s(te ) spe c III Aug c226Lambae sis VIII 2688

C . Iul ius D C lrt(a) ?(III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana ” . . VIII 2688M . D bf cos 227 A.D . Siscia Pann Sup III 10848

Sal lustius D arm cust III Aug c226 Castra Lambae sitana . . A.E .

L . V ire ius D se plasiarius in l e g I Adiut 70-100 A.D . Mainz XIII 8778DEXTRIANUS

Umb l l lus D arm oust III Aug c226 Castra Lambae sitana . . A.E.

DIABOFurnlus D 7 II Tr fort 217-8 A.D . Il e d


Elephantine A.E. l 0o6z64

DIDYMUSP . Asl iusD Cosmil ? (IIIAug) ae t Antonini Pii Castra Lambae si

DIFILUSM . Aur(e l ius) D ve t II Aug Date ? At e late .XII 877

DIGNISSIMUSVal en (tln lus) Dign iasumua) (mi l ?) I Min Date ? Bonn XIII 8068


Iul (ius) D spe c l e gg III Antonin X GemXIV GemI Ad) c2l 2Carnuntum Pann Sup III 4462

G . Iul (ius) Dign (us) bi cos X Gem260A.D . Latobici Pann Sup . III 10780

D Nap(oca) mi l? (III Aug) ae t Antonini Pii Castra Lambae sitana VIII 18086

DINESM . Aur(e l ius) D Trim(on tio) ve t VII Cl 106 A.D . Viminacium

Moe a Sup . III 14607


C . Inl ine Dl (o)doruaCasmi l? (III Aug) ae t Antonini Pii CastraLambae aitana


— l (lus) D Rst(iaria) ve t VII Cl 106 A.D . ViminaciumMoea

Sup III 14607

DOMITIANUSAe l (ius) D imm li b IIII Fl Date ? ViminaciumMoe s Sup III 8120

C . ArriuaD 7 XX V v ae t Antonini Pi i prope Newste ad Eng VII 1081

G . ArriuaD 7 XX V v ae t Antonini Pi i Newste ad Eng E .E . IX 1284-86

Aure l ius D bf I Adiut Date ? Aquil e ia . V 804T . Flavius D domo Nicome d ia spe c III Parth Se ve r hast X Fr

222-286 A.D . Rome Dessau484T . Flavius D? ve t (III) Aug? 1s Simi ttbus VIII 14804

T . Flavius D bi (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2870Iul ius D ve t III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 18804 cf 8186

Marius Domi tian (us) armcust (III Aug) 200A.D . Castra Lam

bae sitana A.E .

C . Varlol e n (us) C . I. Bononia mi l l e g VI 1Calagurris Tarracone nsis II 2088


(Do)ml tio Nico(pol l ) ve t VII Cl 106 A.D . ViminaciumMoe a Sup . . III 14607

DOMITIUSAe l ius D domo Erupul i cive s Surus ve t II Adiut 2-se prope

Brige tionem Pann Sup . III 11078

11061110; Aoulrtoc; mi l I Ital Date ? Pe rgamonAth Mi tth 24 p180

C . Iul (ius) D ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8188C . Iul (ius) D mil 111 Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8188

DOMNIOAur(e l ius) D (ve t) e x imm (V Mac?) Date ? Potaissa Dacia III 7888


Iul ius Donatian (us) sig (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana VIII 18078

Ae l ius D arm cust (III Aug) 200A.D . Castra Lambae sitana . . A.E.

Ae l ius D (e q? III Aug) 222-86 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana . .MAH 1807 p447

P . A(e l )lus Do(na)tus Nap(oca) tub (III Aug) ae t Antonini PiiCastra Lambae sitana . VIII 18086

Aemi l ius D dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2684

C . Aeml l lua Do(natus) mi l ? (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana VIII 2680

M . Anton ius D Thy(sdro) mi l ? (III Aug) ae t Antonini Pi i CastraLambae sitana VIII 18086

T . Aouina D 8 8381ve t III Aug p v cl 08 Castra Lambae sitana . VIII 18088M . Apul e ius D (e q? III Aug) 222-86 A.D . Castra Lambaesi

tana MAH 1807 p447

Cae ci l lua D dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambaesi tana


Cae ci l lua D ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra l ambae ai tana “ . VIII 2686C . Cae d l lua Cu (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lam

VIII 2688

O. Cae cl l (lua) Donat(us) mil ? (III Aug) Date ? Castra LamVIII 2687

M. Caad ua D mi l III Aug Date ? Lambae sisOca l (ina) D ve t e x li brario (III Aug) 270-276 A.O . Lambae sis . . VIII 2828

Ce d l lua D Be aaua natione mi l (le g?) Date ? V11800

Q Cud Bua D (mi l ? III Aug) c200 0aatra Lambae ai tanaBul l Arche ol 1006 p240

— Cere l l lus Don(atus) l ib (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae

Cl(sudiua) D e q III Ital Date ? Castra Re gina Rae tia III 6047

C . Domi tius D (III Aug) A.O . Castra Lambae si taa l l I 2668

P. EcnatIus D can III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2888O. Fabius Donat(us) tub III Aug p v 202 A.D. Castra Lam


Flavius D arm cul t (III Aug) 200A.D . Castra Lambae ai tana . . A.E.

Flavius Dona t(us) armcust III Aug 0226 Castra Lambae ai tana . A.E.

L . Gargi l flua) Don (atus ) mi l ? (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lam~

Iul ius D optio (III Aug) 108-211A.O . Castra Lambae ai tana ” .VIII 2664

Iul ius D dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae si

Iul ius D arm cust III Aug c226 Caatra Lambaeai tanaIa li na D eq e x optione III Aug Date ? Lambae sisIul (ius) D arm curt (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis wIui lua D ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sisIul ius D mil (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8180

Iul ius D Can mil ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae ai tana u u VIIl 2688

C . Iulius D optio (111Aug) 108-211A.D. Castra Lambae si tana . . VIII 2664C . Iul lua D cor III Aug p v 208 A.D . Castra Lambae aitanaC . Iul ius D Gastr quae at 111Aug 0226 Lambae sis VIII 2688C . Iul ius V —lua D ve t II Adiut 2-811 Aquincum Pann 8664

C . Ia llus D mi l III Aug Date ? Lambae sis . . VIII 8187 (e tM. Iul ius D cor III Aug p v 208 A.D . Castra Lambae si tana . VIII 2667Iul ius Do(n)atus dup 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis .VIII 2806Licin ius D Cas mi l ? (III Aug) Da te ? Castra h mh eai tana . . VIII 2688

O. Louge lua D Caami l ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana .VIIl 2688

L. Lore iuaD (T)h e (ve ste ) ve t? (III Aug) 20? Castra Lambae ai~

VIII 18087C . Manl lflus) D Opt baa pr (III Aug) C26S Castra Lambae ai tana . . VIII 18072Memmlua D 7 III An pi lus (poate rior) poat 268 Lambae sis . . VIII 18280L. Mluuciua Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2044C . Nu1nlalua D mil III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8208M. Octavius D (eq? 111Aug) 222—86 A.D. Gae tta Lambae d tana

MAR 1807 p447

me la mi n e-mm (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae aitana .VIIIuse


L . Omi d ius D Tham(ugad l ) sig III Aug p v cl 08 Castra Lambae sitana VIII 18088

Pe rce nn lus Donat(us) arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D . Castra

Lambae sitana A.E .

Pe re l l lus Do(natus?) (III Aug) 268-288 A.D . Castra Lambae si tana VIII 18081

Pe re l ius Donatu(s) ve t e x 1are (III Aug) 270-276 A.D . Lambae si s .

Pe ti d lus D mil III Aug Date ? Lambae sis

Pompon lus D bf cos Date ? Binch e ste r Eng

P . Pompon lus D mi l (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sisP . Popi l ius D Cas arm cust (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si

tana .

Sempron ius D bi trib (III Aug) Date ? Lambaesis .

Se rvi l ius Donatu(s) arm cust III Aug c226 Castra Lambae sitana A.E.

L . Se x tius D ve x III Aug Date ? Lambae sis . . VIII 2074Tannon ius D arm cust III Aug Date ? Lambae si s . VIII 2070Val e rius D ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambaesis VIII 8268P . Val e rius D bf le g Aug pr pr (III Aug) 208—211 A.D . Lambacaia . . VIII 2788

C . Vin icius D Cast ve t III Aug p v cl 08 Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 18088M . D Cas d 8 (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 18088

D (III Aug) 258—288 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 18081(D)onatus C l (rta ?) (mi l ? III Aug) Date ? Castra

Lambae si tana . A.E .

D Gal mi l I Ital Date ? Moe a Inf ince rta III 8282

(D)onatus optio III Ital Date ? Castra Re gina Rae tia III 6068


Aure l ius D mil X Gem Date ? Age r ad Colapim Pann Sup . . III 14044

DOSSOT . Aure l ius D mi l XXX 1l vict Date ? Vinx tbach XIII 7782


T . Aure l ius D Ra t(iaria) ve t VII C l 106 A.D . ViminaciumMoe s Sup . III 14607


Fad lus D Hadr(ume to) spe c III Aug c226 Lambae sisL . Fl (avlus) D strat (I Min) Date ? He rse l Ge rm Inf

Iun i (us) D 7 VIII Aug l s Se ge dunum Eng .

D mi l II Ad i p f 2-Ss Voe roe svar Pann InfDUBIUS

L . Magius L. (f) Ouf. D Me d lolan l mi l I F(laviac) M(in) p iD (omi t) arm cust ae t Domi tianae Bonn . . XIII 8071EASUCTANUS

M . Porcius Easuctan (us) 7 XX V v Se ve r c226 Lambae sis VIII 2888


ENTHIMUSAur(e l ius) Enth im(us) 7 XIII Gempost Traian ApulumDacia .III


Tl . Cl aud ius E ve t VII CI p 1Date ? Aqui l e iaEPAPRODITUS

M . Aure l ius E bf trib (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2822


Ae l (ius) E spe c l e gg III Antonin X GemXIV Gem1Ad) c212Carnuntum Pann Sup III 4462



Ex lmn‘

roqmil me nsor (XI C l) post 42 Aquil e ia . . IG XIV 2840


Pompe lus 7 III Cyr ante 108 Egypt . .We sse ly Lat Pal 8EP (P)ILLUS

0. Enn ius T . I. Qui t E 7 111Aug ante 244 Bini e s VIII 12207


M . Aure l (ius) E atrator le g l e g II Adi p f Se ve r c226 AquincumPann Inf . III 10411

EQUINUS(P? As)l (ius) Fab . Eq(uin)us Ancyra (mil ) II Adiut 2-80?

Aquincum Pann Inf III 10400

ERENNIUSRusti cinius E ve t XXX Vict Date ? Lyons XIII 1884

ESPERMem(miua) E tub XIIII Gem post 100 Carnuntum Pann Sup . . III 11121


Varron (ius) E XX V v Date ? Whitl e y Castl e Eng . VII 806 e t E.E. IX p888


C . Appul e ius E spe c ve t leg XI ante 42 Novae Dalmatia . III 1014

ETAHMOZIIC‘rofiotoq E0509.“ 7 XVI Fl firm ae t M. Aure l Phae na Syria

1G a BB III 1121-2


Au(re l ius) E 7 XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia . . . . III


L . Domi tius E (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana . . . VIII 2670


E (mil ?) I Min Date ? Bonn XIII 8068

EUPHEMIANUSTi b . T (e t)tius Euph (em)ianua p p VII Cl c160 Viminacium

Moe a Sup A.E.

EUPHROSYNUST . Gal l lus mil II Ital Date ? Aquil e ia V 8277



Aure l (iae ) Eutlch lan(u)a sig (III Aug) Date ? Castra LamVIII 18078


Aure l ius E ve t e x sig (III Aug) 270-276 A.D. Lambae sis . . . . VIII 2828

(Bum-e ius Nap(oca) mi l ? (111Aug) ae t Antonini Pi iVIII 18086


Aur(e l ius) E aalariarius I Adiut post 114 Brige tio Pann Sup . . . . III 11011

Coasudua E (mil ) II Parth Seve r 210 A.D. Bome VI 82877

C . Eruttlua E ve t III Aug 111The ve ste .

Ulp(lus) E mil le g XXII Date ? Ve aunna . A.E.

C . Atlnius E Slum) ve t III Aug 188 A.O . Castra Lambae aitana . . VIII 18087T . Fl (avius) E mi l (III Aug?) Date ? Zarai VIII 4620A. Ge rnlniua Emag k ? (IIl Aug) Date ? Cutra h mbae sitana . VIII 2682

Iul lua E immunia III Aug p v 8a? Lambae sis VII1 2800

C. Iul ius Ex tricaflua) Th e v(e ste ) ve t III Aug p v 0108 Castra

Lambaeai tana 18088

C . Manl l iua E mi l 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis .VIII 8188O. Max imiua E Madau(ra) ve t ? (111Aug) 20? Castra Lame

Ti b . Cl (aud lua) E bi cos II Adiut 210A.D. AquincumPann In i . . l l 110420

EXUPEREUS— E mil II Ital 8s? Vall is Fl Mur Noricum 111 6412

FABERO. Fabius (mil III Cyr aut XXII De lol ) 00 A.D .

t ul iua i coa mil II Tr iort ae t Hadriani ?

Vatiniua Fabian (us) arm cuat (III Aug) 200A.D. Castra Lam


L. Fabius L. 1. Gal . Fab(i )ua Norman-1p ) mi l 1111Mac ante

Iul ius 1? arm cuat III Aug 0226 Castra Lambae ai tana A.E.

0. Cl iciua 1? (mil ? 111 Aug) oooo Castra Lambae ai tanaBull Are h e ol 1006 pm

PABULLIANUSQ Amua Fabul l ianmaHmil ? mAuc O Caaua Iambae aio



M . Val e rius F (ve t II Tr fort?) 140 A.D . Fayoum Egypt BGU 810

Fabu(l lus) l e g X 1s init Al e x andria Egypt III 8607


M . Favon (ius) M . f . POI. F 7 l e g XX ae t Ve spasiani ? Col

che ste r Eng VII 00

FAB IANUSVal e rius F 7 XXII De iot ante 108 Al e x andria Egypt III 8802

FANACapi to(n ius ?) F mil III Cyr ante 108 Egypt We sse ly Lat Pal 8


Subur F 7 III Cyr ante 108 Egypt We sse ly Lat Pal 8FARIANUS

Bal (ius) F ve t (V Mac) Date ? Troe smis . III 8170

F?(ve l C ?)ARICUS

Postumi (us F ?)aricus e x frumbf cos (III Aug) Date ? Vax aivi VIII 17827PARNAK

Aur(e l ius) F (ve t? V Mac?) Date ? Pota issa Dacia III 7888


C . Aui i d ius F ve t 111Aug p v 108 A.D . Castra Lambae si tana . .VIII 18088FATALES

L. Val e rius F i rum VIII Aug Date ? Ephe sus III 8084


M . Aure l ius F Th e v(e ste ) ve t III Aug p v cl 08 Castra Lambae sitana VIII 18088Ga)rgi l ius Ar. F S ic(ca) (111Aug) Date ? Castra

Lambae si tana . . VIII 2686P . S i ttius F C ir(ta) str (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 2680


L . Bae bius F sig III Aug p v 108 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 2628Esuvius F dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae si tana . VIII 2684T i ti (us) F bi cos Date ? Aquincum Pann Inf III 10468


Aur(e l ius) F sig 1111 PI Date ? Singidunum Moe a Sup III 8166

FAUST INUSC . Ae l ius F Kat ve t? (111Aug) 2s? Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 18087M . Cattius F C irt(a) ve t III Aug p v cl 08 Castra Lambae si tana . VIII 18088Dice —anus F ve t e x l ibrariO (III Aug) 270-276 A.D . Lambae sis . . VIII 28280. Enn (ius?) (Fa)ustinus Kat adqs (III Aug) Date ? Castra

Lambae si tana . VIII 2688

Gargi (l ius) Faust(inus) (III Aug) 268 288 A .D . Castra

Lambae sitana . . . VIII 18081

Iul ius F corn XIIII GemSe ve r c226 Carnuntum Pann Sup 11111172

C . Iul ius F Cas l ib (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 2680


Pe te Il lus F 7 III Aug coh VI 182 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana. .VIII 18086P . Porcius F p p 111111Hisp 108—211? A.D . Aqui l e ia . . Pais Suppl R186M . S i l ius M . I. Ouir. F Am(mae dara) mi l 111Aug ae t Se ve ri ?

Lambae sis

T . Spe ccius F mi l III Aug Date ? Lambae sis .

Val (e rius) F mi l III Aug Date ? Lambae sisF Th e v(e ste ) mi l ? III Aug c2oo A .I) . Castra Lambae si

tana . . Bul l Arche ol 1006 p240F ve t e x br? (V Mac) Date ? Troe smis III 8170


Q . Annaeus 0. f . Pol . Balbus F me i l e s l e g V ante 70Ad Aquas . VIII 14807C . Iul ius Fave n tin (us) corn l e g l e g I Adiut post 114 Aquincum

Pann Inf III l 4841:6

L . Val (e rius) F bi cos X Gem Antonin 217 A . D . Latobici

Pann Sup III 8007

FAVORBrae t(t)ius F ve t V Mac ante M . Aure l ? Istrus Moe a InI . . III 7624

(?F)avor ve t XXII Pr p i post 80Main: XIII 8086FEANUS

Cla (u)d ius F mi l Cyr ante 108 Egypt We sse ly Lat Pal 8


Aur(e l ius) F prince ps VII Cl Date ? Viminacium Moe a Sup . . III 18808

G emin ius Fe l (icia )nus (e q? III Aug) 222-86 A.D . Castra

Lambae sitana MAH 1807 p447

Iul ius F arm cust III Aug c226 Castra Lambae sitana . .

Se rtorius F arm cust (III Aug) 200A.D . Castra Lambaesi tana . A.E .

L . S i ttius Fe l ici an (us) M i l (e vo) mil ? (III Aug) Date ? Castra

Lambae sitana VIII 2687

FELICISSIMUSHosid ius F l ib III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2884Iul ius F (mil ? II Parth ?) Date ? Rome VI 2410

FELIXAe l ius F (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2670

C . Ae l ius F (e q? III Aug) 222—86 A.D . Castra Lambae si tana.MAH 1807 p447

L . Aemi l ius F sig III Aug Date ? Lambae sis . . VIII 2080L . Aemi l ius F Kart mi l ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si

tana VIII 2680

M . Aemi l ius (mi l ? III Aug) c200 Castra Lambae sitanaBul l Archeol 1006 p240

Q . Aemi l ius Man (l iana) ve t? (III Aug) 2s? Castra Lambae si tana VIII 18087

0. Aemi l ius F mi l III Aug Date ? Lambae sis . VIII 8022L . Agrius F Uti ca bf cos (III Aug) c226 Lambae sis . . VIII 2688O. Albius O. f . Hor. F corn pr pr XX V v act Traiani Fal e ru. . III 8108

Fe l (i x ) (mi l) III Aug Date ? Lambae sis .

m am m ary 170

C . (A)nnlus F 811110111111) mi]? (111 Aug) Date ? Castra

Antlatius up III Aug v ntonin 218 A.D. Castra LamVIII 2684

An ton (ius) F 7 III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8174

Antonius F 7 (l eg?) Date ? inter Ci lurnum e t Procl itiam Eng . . VII 1868

An (tonfius ?) F ve t (l e g Date ? Che ste r Eng E.E. IX 1078

IA An ton ius IA i . Arne nai s F a th aglne 7 III Aug 7 X Gem 7 IItal 2s Troe smis III 8186

L. An tonius F ve t (111 Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8016

L. Anton ius F ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8081-2M. Anwiun F mil III Aug Date ? Lambae sisL. Arruntius F mil (111 Aug) Date ? VIII 18288As—e nius F dup? 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lam

M. Atinius F Tham(ugad l ) ve t 111 Aug p v cl 08 Castra

O “ .

Aufld ius F dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae si

Aufldius F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae si~

Aufld lus F p p (III Aug) Date ? .VIII 2760Aufidh ls F dup III Aug Date ? Lambae sis .VIII 2818P. Aufld lus F sig III Aug Date ? . VIII 2816O. Aufid ius F Kar oq (III Aug) 2s? Castra Lambae ai tana w VIII 18087

Aure l ius up III Aug v ntonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae si

Aure l ius F (111Aug) 268-288 A.D. Castra Lambae si tana . . . . VIII 18081Aur(e l ius) F (III Aug) A.D . Castra Lambae si tana . . VIII 18081Aure l (ius) F ve t e x actar (111Aug) A.D. 2828

M. Aure l ius Fe l (ix) Tha(mugad l )ve t (111Aug) 1111-1A.D . LamVIII 2818

mattress-ruin m ? (nutmeg? Castra IAmbaeaitana . .VI1118087

ape c III Aug Date ?

L Bse bius e t e x sig III Aug p v l 08 A.D. Castra Lambae sic

VIII 2628

P. BIae sius 7 II Tr Iort se t Hadriani post be ll lud Saldae VIII 8084(h e ci l ius up III Aug v ntonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae ai

M u s up IH Aug v ntonin 218 A.D. Cutra Lambad ~

d a (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambaeaitana w VIII 18088


C . Cae c i l (ius) F C ir(ta) mil ? (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lam

bae sitana VIII 2687

L . Cae c(i l ius) F optio (III Aug) 198—211A.D . Castra Lambae si

tana VIII 2664

Se x . Cae ci l ius F bf trib lat III Aug p v 198 A.D . Castra Lam

bae si tana . VIII 2661

C (a ius) F bf trib (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis . VIII 18291L . Calpurn ius F mil III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8071M . Calvisius F bf (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2888-2886?M . Calvisius F ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2888C . Ce stius F (111 Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 2682T i . Cl (aud ius) Fab . Rom. F 7 I Min Antonin c216 Lyons . . XIII 1898C . Clod ius F Cas mi l ? (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana . VIII 2687C . Corn e l ius F corn prae f II Adiut 2—88? Aquincum Pann Inf . . III 8686

D . Corn e l ius D . I Am . F domo Karthag mi l frum III AugDate ? Rome VI 232

L . Corn e l ius F bf (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2849M . Corn e l ius F (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 2686Corni ficius F ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8094C . Domi tius F mi l (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 3097M . Domi tius F 7 III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2884L . Duron ius F bf trib lat 111Aug p v 198 A.D . Castra Lambae si


Ed in ius F ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae si s

P . Egna tius F Karth bf cos III Aug 0226 Lambae sisEgri l ius F ve t (III Aug) 211—2 A.D . Lambae sisL . Eme ri tus Fe l (ix ) ve t (111 Aug) Date ? Ve re cundaL . Equi tius F optio (III Aug) 198—211 A.D . Castro Lambae si

tana VIII 2664

C . Fa ian ius F (mi l ? III Aug) c2oo Castra Lambae si tanaBull Arche ol 1906 p240

Fe l icius F mi l IIII Scyt Date ? Be roe a Syria III 8706

Figi l ius F arm cust (III Aug) 200A.D . Castra Lambae sitana . . A.E.

Firmius F Cast bf cos III Aug c226 Lambae sis . . VIII 2688(Fl )avius F tub III Aug p v 200A.D . Castra Lambae sitana A.E . 1907 :184

T . Fla (vius) T . f . Pa (pi )ria F Th e l e p(te ) mi l III Aug Date ?. VIII 8108

T . Flavius F mi l III Aug Date ? Lambaesis VIII 8107-8L . Fufius F mi l III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8114Furfan ius F b 8 III Aug C225 Lambae sis . VIII 2688Gabinius F mi l II Aug Date ? Che ste r Eng E .E. IX 1072

C . Gargi l ius F optio (111Aug) 198—211A.D . Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 2664

C . Gargi l ius F Ca (s) (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana . .VIII 2686

L . Gargi l ius F optio III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2879P . Gavi d ius F mil l e g Date ? Le ichte nste in Rae tia III l 2o8 l z88 . Gavi n. F mil III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8118

182 coououma or SOLDIERS at new LEGIONS

L . Iul ius F eq III Aug Date ? Lambae sis . VIII 8148M . Iul ius F (mil III Cyr aut XXII De iot) 90 A.D. Fayoum

Gen Lat l

O . Iul ius F Pr (e q? III Aug) 222- 86 A.D . Castra Lambae sitanaMAR 1397 pm

0. Iul ius An . F mi l III Fl firm Date ? Te rge ste V 642

S . Inl i ne F Th e v(n te ) baruspn III Aug c226 Lamban iaw VIII 2688

C . Iun ius F Kat ve t? (III Aug) 20? Castra Lambaesi tana . . VIU 18087

.VIII 2688L. Longe ius F imag (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2986L Lucce lua F Tbe v(n te ) ve t III Aug p v c198 Castra Lambae si

(Mach i ne F (eq? III Aug) 222-86 A.D . Castra Lambae si tanaMAII 1897 p447

L . Magnlu. F mi l X Fr bf trib Date ? Ae lia Capi tol ina Pain

C . Mal i na F cor III Aug p v 208 A.D. Castra Lamban i tana VIII 2667Man i l ius F (e q? III Aug) 222-86 A.D . Castra h mbaa fitana

MAB 1897 pm0. Mani l ius F can? d s (III Aug) Date ? Castro Lambae si tana . VIII 18088

Se x . Mard u. F Assur(ibua) bf cos III Aug 0226 Lamban im . .VIII 2688Mn(r) ius F dup III Aug p v Anton in 218 A.D . Castra Lambaesi~

M . Marius F Cirt(a) ve t III Aug p v c198 Castra Lambae si tana . VIII 18088M. Marius F ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8192Ms t(tius) F am out III Aug c226 Castra

L. Me l loniua F C irt(a) ve t III Aug p v c198 Castra Lambae si

Minu(ciua) F arm cunt III Aug c226 Castra 1902211

M . Mod ius F mensor III Aug Date ? Lambae sis 2986-2948

L . Muna tius F e x actus III Aug p v 0202 Castra Lambae si tana . A.R. 1898 309

Murlus F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae si

(M)u.alus F sig (III Aug) Date ? Castra 18078

Myriamus F dispe nsator VII Cl Se ve r 228 A.D . V iminaciumMoe a Sup III 8112

Naevid iua F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lam~

O. Non ius F Castrmil ? (III Aug) Date ? Gnatta Lambae si tana . VIII 2687L . Numerius L . I. F 7 VII G f 7 XX Vict 7 III Cyr 7 XXII Pr ?

III Ital poe t M. Aure l Tarraco0. Numi tofl ius) F 7 I Adi p f 2-8. Aquincum Pann Inf

Octavius F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lamban io

Octavius F me nsor (III Aug) 83? Castro

C . Octavius F optio (III Aug) 198-211A.D . Castra Lambae ai

L. Octavius F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lame


VIII 2564

0. Octavius F Ge e mi l ? (111 Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si

Ovolos F opti o II Aug Date ? Stanwi x Eng

L. Orbiua F e omm trib le g l II Aug c226 h mban iaP. Pere l l lus F optio (III Aug) 198-211A.D . Cantra Lambae si

Pinarlus up III Aug v ntonin 218 A.D. Caatra Lam~

Floticiua F 7 l II Aug e ob V1182 A.D . Castra Lamban i tana VIII 18086

Flotiua F (eq? III Aug) 222-86 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana . MAH 1897 p447

Fompe ius F a . mi l ? (111Aug) Date ? Cactra Lambae si tana . . VIII 2687C . Poul poniua Fe l i (x ) N ve t III Aug p v 0198 Castra Lam

L. Pomp(onius) F mi l (III Aug) Date ?Lambae sis

Q Fopmua F cor III Aug v A.D. Castra Lamban io

VIII 2667

L PoplIiua i l e g flIl Aug) Date ? Lambae sis 2988

L. Fr'opn tius F Via ? ve t? (III Aug) Castra Lambae si

L. Publ icius F (III Aug) Date ? Cutra Lamban i tanaP. Sai luatius F mi l II Tr fort Ale x andria0. Sal i natius F C lrt(s) ve t III Aug p v c198 Cal tra Lambae si

. . VIII 18088

C . Sempron ius F optio (III Aug) 198—211A.D. Castra Lam

O. 8emp(ronlu.) F optio (111Aug) 198-211A.D . Caatra LamVIII 2664 1807 !

M M.) F ve t VII Cl 186 A D . Viminacium Moe . Sup III 8110

Supen influa) F bf co. 242 A D . Rigomagu. Ge rm Inf XIII 7794C H Tnnnon iuak f Oulr. F qul e t Aque nai smi l IIHAug) Date ?

VIII 8811

Tl tiniua i XX V v Date ? Cbn te r Eng E.E. VI1 902

0. Tue ctu. F ? (111 Aug) Da te ? Castra 2502

L. Tui lhu F d aq III Aug Date ? Lamban i. VIII 2988

Dmbriua F armcunt (III Aug) 200A.O . Cartra Lamban itana . A.E.

Val (n im) F mi l XI Cl 166 A.D. Almus Moe s Il l 7449

Vale rius F armcoat (III Aug) 200A.D . Castra Lambae si tana . .A.E.

Val e rius F armcurt (III Aug) 200A.D . Castra Lambae si tana . . A.E.

(Walnut. F prfince pa?) tub III Aug p v 200 A.D . Castra

Lambae sitana A.E. 1907 2184

Vl ln ‘iua F DX Frim p p III Aug v ntonin 218 A.D. Castra

Valuiua q p III Aug v ntonin 218 A.D . Ca.tra Lamban i

Valuiua q p III Aug v ntouin 218 AHD Cae tra Lamban i0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Val e rius F (III Aug) 263-288 A.D . Castra Lambae si tana . . VIII 18081Val e rius F mi l III Aug p v 3s? Lambae sis . VIII 3266Val e ri us F ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis . VIII 8267Val e rius F mi l III Aug Date ? Lambae sis . . VIII 8268c. Val e ri us F (ui i l III Cyr aut x xuDe iot) no A.D . FayoumEgypt Pap Ge n Lat 1

C . Val e rius F e q III Aug Date ? Lambae sis .VIII 3268M . Val e rius F optio (111Aug) 198-211A.D . Castra Lambassi

tana. VIII 2664

M . Va (l e rius) Fe (l i x ) mil II Aug 224 A.D . Isca . .VII 108 add E.E. III pl l 7

P . Val e rius P . f . Ae l . F Th en (ia) aqui l III Aug Date ? LamVIII 2991

Q. Val e rius F Cas ve t III Aug 188 A.D . Castra Lambae si tana . . VIII 18087Varius F ve t e x actar le g (III Aug) 270-276 A .D . Lambae sis . . VIII 2828L . V ibius F ve t e x sig III Aug 3s? Lambae sis .VIII 8000M . V ibius F ve t III Aug Date ? Lambae sis . . VIII 3278Q. Vibius F cor III Aug p v 203 A.D . Castra Lambae si tana VIII 2667(V)ib ius F mil III Aug p v 33? Lambae sis . VIII 3276

V i tal in ius F ve t I Min 2-33 Lyons .XIII 1908C . Volusius C . I. F ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8281M . I in l (us) F Kat ve t? (III Aug) 28 ? Castra Lambae

si tana VIII 18087

-lus F Kat ve t? (III Aug) 29 ? Castra Lambae si tana VIII 18087

(F)e l ix (mi l ? III Aug) c2oo Castra Lambae si tanaBul l Arche ol 1906 p241

F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana. VIII 2684

n ius F Cast str (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana A.E . 1899:92

F Kat mi l ? (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2687F ve t (V Mac) Date ? Troe smis III 8179

F 7 (l e g?) Date ? Magnae Eng . E.E. VII 1080

FEROXSe x . Ae trius S (e x . I) Ouf. F 7 II Tr fort ae t Antonini Pi i TuficumXI 6898-4Me tius F 7 II Adi p f O71Che ste r Eng E.E. IX 1068


Elpin ius F frum I Adiut Date ? Ephe sus III 483

Licin (ius) F spe c le gg III Antonin X GemXIV GemI Ad) c212Carnuntum Pann Sup III 4462


Q. Flavius C . I. F (7 VII Gemfe l Date ? Barcino Tarraconensis . . II 4617

FESTUSAsi (lus) Fe stu(s) ve t VII Cl 186 A.D . ViminaciumMon Sup . . III 8110

C . Anulus F (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana . VIII 2682M . Attius M . f. Quir F mi l III Aug Date ? Lam

Attiua Fn (tua) sig III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8814


FIRMIDIUSAur(e l ius) Firmi d iu(s) (ve t? V Mac?) Date ? Potaissa Dacia . . III 7888

FIRMINIANUSP . Ae l (ius) F ve t II Adiut Date ? Ager Aquince nsis Pann Inf . . III 8378

FIRMINUSAe l (ius) F bf cos XIIII GemDate ? Narona Dalmatia . III 8481

T . Aure l (ius) F 7 XXII Pr p f 178 A.D . Stockstadt XIII 8829 8844-6C . Iul ius F victimarius XXX Ulp vict Date ? COl Agrippine nsiumXIII 8292P . Iul (ius) F bf cos 209—11A.D . Varme zo Dacia III 7846

T . Iul l ius F bf cOS Date ? LatObici Pann Sup . . . III 10787

P . Turran (ius) F ve t e x corn II Adi Antonin 218 A.D . AquincumPann Inf

G . Urban ius F mi l le g X ante 70? Tucci Bae tica

C . Val (e rius) Fir(m)inus ve t VII Gem p I 39? Tri tiumTarracone nsis II 2888

FIRMUSAe l (ius) Firm(us) ve t VII C l 186 A.D . Viminacium Moe a Sup . . III 8110

Ae stivius F (irm)us? ve t l e g XXII Date ? Caste llum Mattia

corum . XIII 7278

C . Appul e ius C . I. An i . F 7 1111Scyth Date ? Carsioli IX 4068

Apulon ius Fir(mus) 7 (I) Adiut Date ? Kis-Igmand Pann Sup . III 11078

Aur(e l ius) F (ve t) e x dup (V Mac?) Date ? Potaissa Dacia III 7888

Aure l (ius) F (mil ? III Aug) c218? Castra Lambae si tana

Bull Arch eol 1904 p2o8

M . Aur(e l ius) F Cas corn ve t VII Cl 196 A.D . ViminaciumMon

Sup III 14607

C . Cal i d ius F 7 XV Apol ante 88 Carnuntum Pann Sup III 16198

T . Cassius T . I. F 7 VIIII Hisp l s? Aqui l e ia V 908

T1. Cl (aud ius) F prin (7) III Aug Date ? Lambae sis . . VIII 2841M . Cocce i (us) F 7 11Aug ae t Antonini Pi i Aucbindavy Eng . . VII 1111-1114

L. Comagius F mi l II Farth 8s? Mi lan . V 6824

Corne l ius F 7 I Ital ae t M . Aure l Ge rgina Moe s Inf III 7614

C . Corne l ius C . I. Pol . F Castr ve t II Tr fort 194 A.D . Al e x andriaEgypt III 8680

L . Corn e l ius L. I. F T e re tina At e la te mi l XV Apol Is Carnuntum Pann Sup III 4484

G . Crispinus G . I. Claud ia F Aspe ndo ve t I Ital Date ? Ce le i

DaciaCri ttius F 7 le g XXII ante IIadrian Ale x andria EgyptP . Durmlus F mi l III Aug l s Th e ve steP . D (urmius) F(irmus) ve t (III Aug) l s Th e ve steL. Fal ton ius F 7 XXI Rap 70—Hadr Mainz

Fl (avius) F mi l I Adiut post 114 Brige tio Pann SupFl (avius) F ve t II Adiut Date ? Lussonium Pann InfT . Flavius T . I. Trome n . F . Salons p p III Aug 147 A.D . Castra

Lambae sitana. A.E.

M . Gavin. F Venin (a) Firmo Plce n (o) p p 11Ital 191 A.D .

Lauriacum Noricum III 16208 of A.E.

III 14491

. III 8808

VIII 18648VIII 18648XIII 8960. III 11088

III 8821


C . Iul ius'

F P . C (as) ve t (111Aug) 211—2 A.D . Lambae sis . . VIII 2818

C . Inl i ne F Gas ve t? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambaesi tana . . VIII 18088T . Iui i (us) Fi rm(us) leg XII Date ? Poe tovio Pann Sup . . III 4068

M. Livina F ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae si s VIII 8179Me ttine F 7 XI Cl p i Ve spas-Traian V indonissa XIII 8218L. Mott lus F eme ritus XXX Dip vict Date ? Lyons . . XIII 1878Patina F 7 111Aug cob II 182 A.D . Castro Lambae sitana VIII 18086C . Pe ti l (ius) F ve t e x bl prae i II Adi p f 2—8. Aquincum Pann Inf . 1118669

Fir(mue ) Ve ron (a) (mi l ) 1 Adiut 70-100 A.D .


Aug) Date ? Lambae sis “

L Se rtorlus L I. Pob . F rig aquil XI Cl p I Claud-Caracalla Verona . .V 8876

C . Tre btua C . (I. ) F ve t leg XI ante 42 1ade r Dalmatia 1112918

Urb iciua F mi l ? X Gem Date ? Vie nnaVal eriua F ve t W Mac) c184 Tron mi. III 8178

Vaun lu.) F mi l XI Cl 166 A.D . Almus Moe a InI III 7449

C . Val(e rina) F 7 I Ital 173 A.D . Tronmi. III on e

C . Val e rius F mi l III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8269C . Vi bius F mil bi V Mac 88 A.D . Emmaus Nicopol i Pale stine . . l l l l 4 i 66zi 2

F 7 (le g XXII aut l l i Cyr) ae t Augusti Coptos Egypt III 8827

F1(aviu.) F optio (III Aug) 19am A.D . Castra Lambae si tana V111m 4


L Aemiflus mmXX V v Date ? Rome ” VI S867

Marcus Aure l ius Flac(cua) mi l I Ital Date ? 2808-82678-'l firm Date ? Vim

L. Corn e l ius F mi l III Aug p v 8s? Lambae sis .

Iul (ius) F mil XI Cl 166 A.D . Almus Moe . Inf.

C . Se ntius C . I. Sni p . F An ti q ve t XIIII G In v Date ? Apulum. III 1198

-iua F Sabaa th a) mi l ? (111Aug) Date ? Castro LamVIII 2688

F 7 (le g XXII aut III Cyr) ae t Augusti Copta gypt 1118827


L. Ae l ius F sig 11Aug Date ? Aquae Flavine Tarracone nsis II 2480

FLAMINALISCorne lius Flam(ina)l ia (e q? III Aug) 22W A.D . Castra

-MAH 1897 p447

Gemin ius F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Le mbae

Nicom(e d ia) my (III Aug) mmos.

P. Vain 'iua F mi i VII Gem te l Date ? Augusta Eme I



C . Ann lus F ve t e x l e g XXX Date ? Lyons XIII 1831An ton ius F ve t e x l ib l e g 111Aug 270-276 A.D . Lambaesis VIII 2828Aure l ius F 7 II Tr fort 194 A.D . Ale x andria Egypt . III 8680

Aur(e l ius) F (ve t) e x imm (V Mac?) Date ? Potaissa Dacia III 7888

Aur(e l ius) F (111Aug) 268-288 A.D . Castra Lambae si tana VIII 18081Cassius Flav(ianus) 7 XV Apol l s CarnuntumPann Sup III 4468

Cor(n e l ius) Fl avi a (nus) ve t VII C l 185 A.D . ViminaciumMoe a Sup III 8110

Fl (avius) F Tro. Flavi n i I. mil X GemDate ? Wie ne r NeustadtPann Sup III 16198

C . Iul ius F corn l e g le g XXII Pr p f post 89 Mains XIII 8982Stenius F ve t e x lib l e g (111Aug) 270-276 A .D . Lambae sis . . . . VIII 2828


Ae l (ius) F mi l XI Cl 166 A.D . Almus Moe a

L . An te ius F bf cos civi Asturic VII Gem p f Date ? Tarraco .

Aure l ius F optio XI Cl 83 e x e -4s ini t Aquil e iaT . Cassius F 7 X Gem ante 70? Tar-taco ”

C . Comat(ius) F imm e s e rci XIl Il Gem Antonin 218aut 222A .D . Carnuntum Pann Sup III

C . De l l ius M . I. Pom. F ve t VII Gemfe l Date ? Lara Tarracone nsis . . II 2862

Iul ius F comm VII Gem fel Date ? Tarraco II 4168

L . Sempron ius F mi l l e g VIIII ae t Claud i i ? Lincoln Eng . . VII 184

M . Ul pius M . I. F opt sig XIII Gempost Traian Apulum Dacia . III 1202

Val (e rius) F 7 (le g Date ? Cambriae oppida Eng . VII 163 add E.E . VII 882


IOZ(Fl doq mi l VI Fe rr 29? Ale x andria Egypt . .1G a RE I 1089

FLAVOSQ. Iul ius F (7) I Min p 1Date ? Col Agrippine nsium XIII 8172FLAVUS

M . Aur(e l ius) F mi l dup (II Adiut?) 2-88? Aquincum PannInf . III 10606

Corne l ius F 7 XIIII Gem post 100 Aquincum Pann InI . . . III 8647

G emin ius F 7 XI Cl p f 42-Ve spas Burnum Dalmatia III 14998

C . Iul ius Flav(us) bf cos Date ? Siscia Pann Sup III 8949

Val e rius F p p (VII Gem fe l) Date ? Carthage VIII 12690Val e ri (us) F 7 (II Aug?) coh II Date ? Isca Eng VII 110

C . Val e rius (Fla)vus mil VII (Gem) Date ? Tri tium Tarracone nsis

M . Val e rius F bf VII Gem e x arm cust Date ? Tarraco

FLORENTINU SAure l (ius) Flore n ti n (us) ve t e x actar e vocatus (111Aug) 270

276 A .D . Lambae sis VIII 2828M . Aure l (ius) F bf cos Date ? Aquincum Pann Inf III 3686

Ce re l (l lus) Flore n (ti nus) mi l ? III Aug) e 218? Castra Lambae sitana

. Bul l Arche ol 1904 [12118C . Corne l ius F 7 III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2861-2

190 COGNOMINA or 301mm m ROMAN morons

Iul ius F mi l III Aug Date ? Lambae sis ” . VIII 8148

C . Inl (ine ) F mi l I Adi p I post 114 Age r ad Colapim Pann Sup . . III 14047

T . Sta tius F mi l III Aug Date ? Lambae sis . . VIII 824 8Val e rius For(tis ve t e x imm (III Aug) 211-2A.D . Lambae sis . VIII 2818


P . Bae b ius Fortunatian (u)s Kat bi (111Aug) Date ? Castra

Lambae si tana VIII 2688

L . M (a)gn ius F (0)uirina Cami la mil III Aug Date ? LamVIII 8186

FORTUNATUS0. Ae d in ius F mi l III Aug Date ? Lambae sis . VIII 8012C . Ae l ius Fortunatu(s) Cirt (a) ve t 111Aug p v c198 Castra

Lambae sitana . VIII 18088P . Ae l (ius) Fort(unatus nut —ls?) sig VII Cl 186 A.D .

Viminacium Moe a Sup III 8110

Alve ius Fortunat (us) sig III Aug Date ? Castra Lambae sitana . VIII 18078C . An ton ius C . 81. F domo Lamigo ve t (111Aug?) Date ?

Se riana VIII 4878

M . An ton ius Fortunatus ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis . .VIII 8084Are l l ius F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae si

tana VIII 2684

0. Aure l ius F mi l (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis . VIII 18289Cae l lus Fortunat(us) armcust (III Aug) 200A.D . Castra Lam

bae si tana . . A.E.

C . Cae i ius Fort(unatus) ve t III Aug 188 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana VIII 18087

Calabius F tub III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2684

Calp(urn ius) F ve t e x notario (III Aug) 270-276 A .D . Lambae sis

Gauld ins F M III Aug Date ? Lambae sisL . Cari n ius F ve t (111 Aug) Date ? Lambae sisL . Cassius For(tunatus) tub 111 Aug p v 202 A.D . Castra

Lambae sitana

L . Clod ius F arm cust III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2844Corn ificius F me nsor III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2868-7 e t 18160

0. Cre pe re ius F e q (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis . VIII 8096F optio (111 Aug) 198-211 A.D . Castra Lam

bae si tana . VIII 2664

T . Flavius F Hadflume to) bI cos III Aug 0226 Lambaesis . . VIII 2688(F)on te ius Fortunat (us) (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae

sitana VIII 2682

C e l l ins F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A .D . Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2684

T . G emmius F Ge e mi l ? (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2688

C . 1l om Fortunat(us) K(artha¢ine )mil ? (111Aug)Date ?


VIII 2687Inl ius F ve t e x librario (III Aug) 270-276 A .D . Lambae sis VIII 2828Inl ine F me nsor (III Aug) 8s? Castro Lambae sitana A .E .

Inl ine F ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8149Inl (ine ) F M cos Date ? Summus Foen inus A.E . 1894 :161

C . Inl ine F Xar ve t? (111Aug) 20? Castra Lambae sitana VIII 18087

C . Iul ius F mi l III Aug p v 8s? Lambae sis VIII 8160C . Inl ine F armoust (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 29020. Inl ine 0. I. Pol . F Cos mil III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8161T . Inl ine F 7 II Adi p I 2—80? Aquincum Pann InI III 8672

Iunius F (eq? III Aug) 222-86 A.D. Castra Lambae si tana . MAR 1897 p447

M. Labe t ius Formn (a)tus mi l II Tr Date ? Ale x andria Egypt . . . III 8806

Lori ne F ve t e x librario (III Aug) 270-276 A.D.Lambae sis VIII 2828L. (M)agnlus (Fo)rttma tus ve t"I Aug Date ? Dj erma VIIIM 4

L. Mal l lus e t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis 8187

Manl l lus F bl prae I (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sisL . Marius F mi l IIII Fl firmDate ? Salonae 2021

88100s Fortunatus) arm cust III Aug c226 Castra LambaeA E .

M. Modius (Fortunatus) CO. ve t? (III Aug) Date ? Cantu

L Mund lclus F mi l III Aug Date ? Lambae sis ” VIII 8201C. Muatiua C . I. Aure l ia F Lam(bs )e s ve t e x sig (111Aug) Date ?

0. Musti os For(t)unatus ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8204L FOplna F 7 XXI Rap 70-Hadr flrohl XIII 7714M. Pe tronius F 7 XXII Prim7 II Aug (3216 C i llium Byzae ena VIII 217Se t tofi lus) F 7 III CyrAntonin c216 Lyons . .XIII 1898T . Si l iclus F Ge e sig 111Aug 188 A.D . Contra Lambae si tana . . . VIII 18087muccius Fortun (atus) tub 111Aug p v 202 A.D . Cutra Lame

A.E .

Valm d n lus F mil I Min? Date ? Lucus Augusti Gall Narb XII 1670

L . Val e rius F mi l (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis .

M. Val e rius F e q le gionarius (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis . VIII 8280L. Vere Ius F 7 VI Vict post IIadrian Amboglanna EngL. Vldhu mil V Alaudse auto 87 Terge ste .

O.— ius F Badm a nve t? (III Aug) 2s? Caste s Lama

VIII 18087-l tte Fortunatms) tub III Aug p v 202 A.D. Castra Lam

Fort)unatus Kat ve t? (Il l Aug) ae t Hadriani Cum

M. Aur(e l ius) F mil II Adiut 218 aut 222 A.D. Me trics Pann Ini l l I 8888-4

192 COGNOMINA or soummsmnow morons


M . Firmi n ius Fron tin (us) Irum VIII Aug Date ? Ve litrae . X 8676

S . Matuce n lus F ve t e x opt XXII Pr p I post 89 Inte r Uce tiame t Namausum XII 8086

Sc(upls) ve t VII Cl 196 A.D . ViminaciumMoe a Sup III 14607

FRONTOP . Acl (ine ) F ve t e x bI cos Date ? ApulumDacia III 1091

Aemi l ius F 7 VIII Aug Date ? Rome VI 8840

C . An ton ius F ve t e x bI cos XIII GemDate ? Tomi Moe a InI . III 7646

Aqui l i ns Fro(n to?) 7 XI C l p I 42—Ve spas BurnumDalmatia . . III

Aur(e l ius) F tub IIII Fl Date ? Aquincum Pann InI III 10618

M . Aur(e l ius) F mi l II Adiut 218 aut 222 A.D . Matrica Pann InI III 8888-4Calvius T . I. ol . F l e g I l a? Bonn XIII 8046

L . Corn e l ius F ve t e x imag I Ital Date ? Sisto vMoe aInIIII768 add11998 131888

L . G e re l lanus Se x . I. Fab . F p p X Fr prae caatrXII Fulmae t

Ne tonia? He l iopol is Syria III 14887 g.h .



Ioé)uog (bpovrwvmi l III Cyr104-5 A.D . Talmis Egypt . IG a BB I 1848

C . Iul ius F optic (III Aug) 198-211A.D . Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 2664C . Iul ius F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2684M Iul ius F Cas mil ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 2689M . Libum ius F 7 [1Aug ae t Hadriani Conde rcumEng VII 608

L . Murrius Fro. F ve t e x l e g II Adiut c160. Hr-Bou-Allouch A.E. 1899z89

Cn . Nume rius Cu. I. Vol . F ve t e q VIII Aug Date ? Altinum. .V 2182


Om'dou¢oq 7 l e gionarius ordinarius Date ? propeHie ropol im Castabalam C i l icia 16 a BB III 918

C . Tarqui tius F Cas mi l ? (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2689

T . T e re n tius T . I. Me n e n ia F imag XV Apol i s CarnuntumPann Sup . III

Mdpx (oq) Tou'



zvcog ¢ p6wwvsig (II Tr?) 120-140A.D. Fay

oumEgypt ”

Ulp(lus) F 7 ? XIII Gem post Traian De va Daci aVal (e rius) Fron (to) 7 I Adiut 70-100A.D Mainz

Val (e rius) F ve t (V Mac) c184 Troe smisVal e ri (us) Fron (to) ve t (V Mac) c184 Troe smisVal (e rius) F mi l XI C l 155 A.D . Almus Moe s InI

L . Val (e rius) F mi l in l e g XXX Date ? Rome0. Val e rius 0. I. C ia . Fro(n)to C e l e a mi l II Adi p I c71Ch e ate r

Eng .E .E. IX 1062

Se x . Val e r(i )us F aqui l XV (Apol) l s CarnuntumPann Sup III 11288

L . Ve irius L . I. Qui . F ve t XII PulmDate ? Patrae Achaia III 7281

C . Vi b ius C . I. Fab . F domo Bri x ia ve t VMac i s Oe se naMoe a InI11112848—s F S i d (on ia) ve t? (III Aug) ae tHadriani Castra Lambaesitana

(F)ron to ve t (V Mac) Date ? Troe smis

BGU 800

III 1829z24

XIII 8789III 8178

III 8178

III 7449

VI 8888


Fe l ic(ius) F (mi l ?) l e g XXX Date ? Bonn

0. Horatius F ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sisIul ius F mi l I Adiut post 114 Arrabona Pann SupC . Iun (ius?) Fuscu(s) ve t (III Aug) 1s? Thamugadi Numidia

Bull Arch e ol 1911p124L. Lae l ius F 7 CCC VII CI p I Date ? Home A.E.

Mae vius F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2684Man i l ius F ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8189M . PlotiusM . I. Pol . F ve t X Fr 94 A.D . Ale x andria Egypt A.E.

T . R i burrin ius Gal . F Lugo mi l VII GemDate ? Lambae sis . . VIII 8228L . T e re n tiu(a C )i . F (A)pro mi l II Adi p I c71Ch e ste r Eng . . E .E. IX 1060

C . Umbrius F mi l III Cyr ante 108 Ptol emais He rmiuEgypt III 12071

Ve l ius F 7 XI Cl p I Ve spas-Traian Vindonissa XIII 6207(Fu)scus Th e (ve ste ) mi l ? (III Aug) ae t Antonini Pii

Castra Lambae sitana VIII 18086GAETULICUS

Lucius Max imius G 7 XX V v Date ? Gre atch e ste rs Bug . E .E. IX 1192

L . Max imius G 7 (XX V v) Date ? Newste ad Eng E .E . IX 1288


Aur(e l ius) G (ve t? V Mac?) Date ? Pota issa

Aur(e l ius) G ve t I Adiut Date ? Inte rcisa Pann InIClod ius G Epipa ve t? (III Aug) ae t Hadriani Castra Lambae si

tana VIII 18084Inl ine G dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae si

tana VIII 2684

Varlus Quin tius G 7 XX V v e x tre ce nario Date ? Rome . . VI 88088

GAINASAure l ius Gai n (as) 7 III Aug Se ve r c226 Lambae sis VIII 2768

GAIUSAur(e l ius) G e voc (III Aug) Date ? Lambaesis VIII 2888Aur(e l ius) G mi l le g VII str cos Date ? Naissua Moe a Sup . . III 1874

GALBAC . Iul ius C . I. Corn G hast XXII Prim 184 A.D . Mustis VIII 16678

G mi l bI cos I Adiut post 114 ad Privil icam Iontem Dalmatia . III 16088

G 7 (le g XXII aut III Cyr) ae t Augusti Coptos Egypt . . III 8827


Gal ica (nus) ve t e x bI cos Date ? Apulum Dacia . . III 7788


Sol i ius G mi l I Adiut optio (arm) cust l a Mainz XIII 8789GALLICUS

L . Claud ius G e q III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8082-8L. Ruflus G mil (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8227


L. Aemi l ius G Th e l (e pte ) mi l ? (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lam

m ummumr 1

GALLUSC . An intus C . I. Pom. C domo Arre tio 7 11118eyth Date ?

a Iul ius 6 a rm) mil ? (m mm Castra Lambae si0 0 0 0 0

Iuventius G dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lam

M. Inl i ne c m (111 Aug) o m? Lambae sis vm am

71mm Daiml e ius 0 m ay:(I) OIe n t Me di ol e anio mi l


(T i )b . ( h umus sig I Min 181 AD . Ive r-he imGe rm InI .

C EBUSClod ine G mi l III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8084GELLIUS

Dassiu(s) Ge l l i (us) (7 I Mi n) ae t Ge tae Bonn XIII 8060GEMELLIANUS

T . Tor(los) G quondam Iabrum II Adiut 2-8s?Aquincum Pann InI III 10618

Iul (ius) G 7 II Tr Iort Date ? Iconium A.E. 1912371

-Iort 194 A.D . Ale xIII 8680

M . Z (armiae ge tusa ? )sig ve t VII Cl 196A D . Viminacium Moe a Sup . .

GEMELLUSM. An tonius Geme IKus) ve t e x corn (II Tr Iort?) 140 A.D.

DGO 810

Kupwdh oq PM » ; 7 m Gail 171 A.D. Muahe nne i SynaPrentice Gr 6:Lat Insc 880-1

0. Iui ius C Caa mi l ? (111Aug) Date ? Contra Lambae si tana . . VIIl 2668

i i i Geme aius) ve t (V Mac) Date ? N a rnia [11 8190

M o; Askew:Féue l l oc; optio (II Tr?) 120-140A. O . Fayoum

. VIII 18088L Mq q uae st III Aug cfi oLambae e ia VIII 2688

wm o can mmAng p v cwscuu-Lamhm ium n vm l soea

M. m e m o ve t e x bI

198 COGNOMINA or scram In Rom morons

Mdpx o; 26511916n I‘

éue l l ocmi l III Cyr 96 A.D . Al e x andriaEgypt Pap Brit II 142

L . Se rvi l ius G A(mmae dara) ? (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana VIII 2686

M . T e re n tius G C irt (a) ve t III Aug p v c198 Castra Lambae sitana VIII 18088

Geme (l lus) ve t (V Mac) Date ? Troe smis III 8179

GEMELOSM . Numisius G ve t (III Aug?) Date ? Zarai VIII 4629


T . Aur(e l ius) G ve t XIII GemAntonin 211-222A.D . Ad Me diamDacia III 1689

C . Cute l ius G Cas mi l ? (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana . VIII 2688 e t 18066

Gemin ius G (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana VIII 2670GEMINUS

Aem(i i ius) Gem(inus?) ve t (V Mac) cl s4 Troe amis III 8178


dzoq Alums; Féutvog Kaio'azpoq Z efidmou7 l e g VII 11-12

A.D . Gjoe lde Asia Minor A.E.

An ton (ius) Gem(inus?) ve t (V Mac) c184 Troe smis III 8178

Aure l ius G 7 III Aug coh I 182 A.D . Castra Lambae si tana . . VIII 18086C . Cassius L . I. G OuI. Me d io(lano) mil XV Prim 39-41A .D .

Mainz A.E.

L . Flavius M . I. Qui t Xal ama mi l III Aug ante Gordian Lambae sis . VIII 2889

Gran ius G armcust (III Aug) 200A.D . Castra Lambae sitana . . A.E.

M . Mae aius G Bonon ia p p I Ital 182 A.D . Moe a InI ince rta . . III 8228

S . T i tius G 7 l e g VII c42 Corinium DalmatiaIII 9978 e t Jahre s W i en 1909 Be ibi p81-2

Se x Ve tti naG ve t e x sig (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis .VIII 2999 4248 18614

D G ve t (V Mac) c184 Troe smis . III 8178


Agrius G e n iai i (s) optic (III Aug) 198-211 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana . VIII 2664

C . Ari l lus G e n (ial i s?) mi l XIII Gem? I Adiut 2s ini t NovaeDalmatia . . III 1907

L . Dool ins L . I. Poi . G Pol l e n t mi l XI Cl pi 42-Ve spas BurnumDalmatia ” A .E .

C . Sal lustius Gcorn (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 18088Ulp(lus) G mi l l e g X Date ? Gugging . . Jahre s Wi e n 1909 Be ibi p210Val (e rius) G mi l le g se cund(a)e d ivite nsium Itali e (s)e sig Date ?

Home .

—m G ve t e x sig II Aug Date ? Isca Eng VII 119

GENT ILISAure l ius G 7 III Aug coh II 182 A.D . Castra Lambae si tana . . V1H 18086

Aure l ius G 7 III Aug Date ? Lambae sis . VIII 2817

198 coonourna or soe nsm ROMANmorons

GETAG M (V Mac) Date ? Troe smis III 8179


0. Octavius G III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2846GLABRIO

M . Aure l (ius) G ve t e x bIcos XIIII Gempost 100Siscia Pann Sup . . III 8970

GLAUCUST . An t(on ius) G Murs(a) bI ve t VII Cl 196 A.D . Viminacium

Moe a Sup . 111 14607

GLAUSC . Iul ius G mi l II Parth Antonin p I I ae te rn c216 Rome VI 2679

GLICOG 7 (l e g?) Date ? We ste rwood Eng . . VII 1108 add E .E. IX p826

C ODESAur(e l ius) G 7 XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia III

GRACILISAur(e l ius) G 7 X Gem 198-209 A.D . Artahona Pann Sup . A.E.

(Gr)aci l ls Gastr ve t? (III Aug) ae t Hadriani Castra

Lambae sitana VIII 18084GRAESIANUS

C . T e re ntius G Max (ula) ve t? (III Aug) 29? Castra Lam

bae sitana VIII 18087GRATIANUS

P . Corn e i (ius) G (spe c VII Gem Ie l) Date ? Tarraco

L . Licin ius G sig III Aug Date ? Lambae sis


L . Cre sce n tinius G M le g? 218 A.D . Mainz XIII 8898L . Pompe lus G mi l VIII Aug bI cos 179 A.D . Iagstbause n . . XIII 8667

C RATUSAe l (ius) G spe c le gg III Antonin -X GemXIV Gem I Ad)

c212 Carnuntum Pann Sup III 4462

P . Bruttius P . I. Ve i . G domo Aqui l e ia p p XIIII Date ?Fundi .X 8228

L . Carantius G M cos Date ? Ne viodunum Pann Sup III 8912

Cartin ius G Irum X Gem Date ? Rome . VI 8881

Iul ius G arm cust III Aug c226 Castra Lambae sitana A.E. 1902118

L . Ve ctimarius L . I. Vol tin ia Re is G mi l l e g Date ? SalaktaBull Arche ol 1911p ccx x i


Cossutius G me nsor (III Aug) se ? Castra Lambae sitana . . A.E.


C . Iul ius G Cast ve t III Aug p v 0198 Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 18088Val e rius G cor III Aug p v 208 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2667

GUMASIUSCor(ne l ius) G armcust III Aug c226 Castra Lambae sitana . . A.R.



Gusoraus) 7 XI Cl p I Vespas-Traian Vindoniasa XIII 6216GUZABIUS

Inl i ne G mensor (III Aug) 8s? Castra

C. Inl ine l l Th e (ve ste ) sig (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae siVIII 2688


Q Maenius l i domo Corintbi 7 XI Cl p I e t I Ital e t II TrIII 42


M. An ton ius II Kat imm (III Arm) 2s? Castrs Lambae si tana . . VIII 18087Iul ius II pol 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Caatra Lambae si tana . . VIII 2684

HELENUSAure l (lus) 11mi l XI Cl 166 A.D. Almus Moe s InI .


M. Aur(e l ius) He l lodoflus) ve t VII Cl Date ? ViminaciumMoe a Sup III 14610

Flavius He l io(dorus) 7 XIII Gempoe t Traian ApulumDacia . .III

L. P. Val e rius II II Ad iut 2-8a? Aquincum Pann Ini Il l 8688


He l l enims) 7 (le g ?) Date ? prope Procol itiamEng . .E.E. 111199

M. Ti tius II ve t VI Vict ante Hadrian Lyons

Fla (vius) mil XI Cl 166 A.D . Almus Moe s InI III 7449

M:Aur(e l ius) II Her(acl ia I) antion e Trax dup I Min Se ve r


M. Aur(e l ius) II hast VII Cl Date ? Inte rcisa Pann InI . .

T . Acl (ine ) B e reuflanua) ve t VII Cl 196 A D. ViminaciumMoe a Sup III 14607

se que s II Ang Date ? VI1118

M (i oucoc)‘Hpaoul avéq p p VI Ferr Date ? Pi tana Asia

16 a BB IV 288

T. Flavius T . I. Ulpla II Re tiaria 7 III Aug v ntonin c216

. VIII 28711111008 ) II M cos I Ital Date ?Q IuIlua II ve t VII Cl p I Date ?

Pomponausmercuianus (ve t) e x e q XI C1166 A.D. AlmusMoea InI

200 coonomnxror sowrrmsm ROMAN morons

C . Pyrr He rculan (us) ve t VII Cl 196 A.D. ViminaciumMoe a Sup III 14607


Iul (ius) He re n ian (u)s arm cust III Aug c226 Castra Lambae sitana A.E.


Horatius II (mil ) II Tr Iort 148 A.D . Arsinoe Egypt E.E. VII 11469

H 7 (l e g Date ? Conde rcumEng VII 629

HERMESPontius II 7 (le g Date ? Carthage . VIII 12680


C . Lucce ius II Kast ve t? (III Aug) ae t Hadriani Castra LamVIII 18084

HERMIASP . Ae l los P . I. Pol . II Castris ve t II Tr Iort 194 A.D. Ale x andriaEgypt

P . Ae l i (us) H aqui l III Aug Date ? Lambae sisP . Ae l ius II mi l III Aug Date ? Lambae sisAur(e l ius) II M le g (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis

HERODESM . Aure l ius M . I. Pol . H Castri s ve t II Tr Iort 194 A.D . Ale x

andria Egypt III 8680

HPONAbpi jl tog [


Hp]wvKéo'topocmil e q e x l e g II Tr 802 A.D. Gre at



Magissius H armcust XXII Pr p I post 89 Alte nstadt Ge rmSup .XIII 8078HIDDIBAL

M . Aemi l ius 11Cast ve t 111Aug p v c198 Castra Lambaesitana . VIII 18088HILARIANUS

C . Aqui l iua II Cal (18 (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana . VIII 18088M . Voicacius II Tusd (ro) mi l ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lam

bae sitana VIII 2689HILARIO

Iul (i )usH ve t XXX Ulp vict Date ? BurginatiumGe rmInI XIII 8888Priscin (ius) IImi l XX(X) Ulp vict ante 120? Brige tio Pann Sup . . III 10974

II 7 III Aug Date ? Lambae sis .

HILARUSAqu(i )l l ius II dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae


G . Aufld ius II spe c VII Gemc2ooTarraco

L. Aufidlus II optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambae si

C . Inl ine I-IKat c? (IIIAug) 2s? Castra Lambae sitana VIII 18087

202 coonomna or sown-ma rn ROMANmorons

Novian ius H buc XXII Pr p I Date ? Mainz A.E .

C . OctaviusO. I. Corn e l . H 7 II Aug ? VII Cl p IXVI Fl firm? XGem p I Date ? Ad Aquas . . VIII 14898

C . One l i ne H str (III Aug) Date ? Lambaesis . VIII 2967Paccuius H arm oust III Aug c226 Castra Lambae si tana . . A.E.

Pomponius H dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambaesi tana . . VIII 2684

Pomponius H te as III Aug Date ? Lambae sis . VIII 2980Val e rius H arm cust (III Aug) 200A.D . Castra Lambae sitana A.E .

— ius H sig (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana VIII 18078P. I. Honora (tus) ve t? III Aug Date ? Moctar Byaace na VIII 828H Kart (mi l ? III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana A.E. 1899z90


Publ l l ius H 7 III Aug coh IV 182 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 18086—iua H III (Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8288HORATIUS

C . Plotius (Hora)tius Utica ve t? (III Aug) Date ? Castra

Lambae si tana VIII 18088HORTESIS

Iul iu(s) H mi l IX Cl 166 A.D . Almus Moe a InI III 7449


C . Inl ine H III Aug Date ? El -Gara VIII 8794Ruti l ius H dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae


S i l ius H hastatus X Gem ante 70? Tarraco

H 7 le g IX post Claud Lincoln EngHOSPITALIS

M . Aure l ius H ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8061-2T . F1(avlus) H 7 I Min 188 A.D . Age r TungrorumBe lgica XIII 8806C . Iun ius H ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 188090. Sal lustius H mi l ? (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana . . VIII 2689

is Hospi tal (is) (mil ? III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambaesitana Bull Arch eol 1904 p2o8

HYMNUST i . Claud ius H me d icus l e g XXI ante Hadrian Vindonissa XIII 6208


L. Appui e ius L . I. S e rgia I Iad e rmi l I Adiut 70-100A.D. Mains . XIII 8827IAMIANUS

Aure l (ius) I (mi l ? II Farth ?) Date ? Rome VI 2410


Asl ius I 7 III Aug cob VII 182 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana VIII 18086P . Asi (lus) Ian (uarius) ve t VII Cl 196 A.D . ViminaciumMoe a

SupL . Agrius I Kart ve t III Aug p v c198 Castra Lambae sitanaAlfius I 7 III Aug Date ? Lambae sisO. Alfius I spe c VII Gem c200 Tarraco II 4122

arm amrrcaa msr 203

Apul e i ius l q I Adi p I Date ? Aquincum Pann InI III 8420

O. Arrun tius I ve t (111Aug) Date ? Ve re cunda VIII 4288C . Aufld ius 1Kat dup (III Aug) Date ? Castro Lambae si tana . . V1H 2686

Aur(e l ius) q I

Aure l ius I mi l III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8068Aur(e l ius) I mi l le g Ital Date ? Saloune Dalmatis . . III 8719

Aureflius) I te as leg XIII Date ? De rtona V 7887C . Aure l ius 1(a)nuarlus mil 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis “ 8064

M. Aure lius 1ve t e x le g XXX Ulp vict Date ? Lyons XIII 1842(M?) Au(re l ius) 1ve t I Adi p I post 114 Brige tio Pann Sup III 11024

0. Bae bius I pe q (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2827Blbius Ianuariu(s) ve t e x li brario (III Aug) 270-276 A.D. Lam

C . Bloslus I (III Aug) Date ? Castro

Brut(tius) 1arm curt 111Aug c226 Castra Lambae si tana . .A.E.

Q M m Ian (uaflua) Hi ppo ve t ug p v c198 0utra

M. Cae cal lus) 1anuar(1us) optic (111Aug) 198-211A.D. Castra

VIII 2664

L. Cassius 1an (usrlus) mi l ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambe e

Cal icine Ianuar(ius) arm cust (111Aug) 200A.D . Castra LamA.R . 1902210

G a lve n tius l 7 III Aug Al e x and c226 Lambae sis VIII 2742C . Calventius Ianuar(lus) Gas corn III Aug c226 Lambae aia M VIII 2688

manure .) 1mi l XI Cl 166 A.D. Almus Moe s InI .

Claud ius Ianuarflus) dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra

Tib Cl (audius) I spe c XIIII GemDate ? Salonsa Dalmatia III 2016

Q. Egnatius I Mas(cula) mi l ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lam~

-e l 274 Potai ssa

Fal ton ius I 7 III Aug ct 182 A.D . Caatra h mbae aitana VIII 18086L. Faon ius I Sufi mi l ? (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana . VIII 2689

Fl h flus) 1adiutor 08 corn (III Aug) 1s The ve ste VIII 1876C . Fui vi (us) Ianuarflus) optio (III Aug) 198 -211A.D. Castra

VIII 2664

Cm inius 1b! trib lat III Aug p v 198 A.D . Castra Lambae si tana VIII 2661Ge (minius) Ia(n)uarius arm cuat III Aug c226 Castra Lambae


1l om I imm 111Aug Date ? LambaesisIul ius l armcust III Aug v ntonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae

Iulius 1(mil ? III Aug) c218? Castrs Lsmbse sitana Bul l Arche ol 1904 p208

204 coonomrna or SOLDIERS rn ROMAN morons

C . Iul ius Ian (uarius) mil ? (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2687

C . Iul ius Ianu(arius) mi l ? (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2687

C . Iul ius I C (as) mi l ? (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 2689D . Iul ius Ianu(arius) mi l ? (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae


M . Iul ius I ve t III Aug Date ? LambaesisL . Licin ius I T i bursi Numld ve t e x imm (III Aug) 211-2 A.D .

Lambae sis VIII 2818

L . Licin ius Ianuar(ius) Am(mae dara)? (III Aug) Date ?Castra Lambae sitana . VIII 2688

M. Licin ius Ia (nu)arius corn II Adiut 2-8s AquincumPann InI III 14849:8P . Magn ius P . I. I mi l III Aug Date ? Lambae sis . . VIII 8188C . Mal l ius I cor III Aug p v 209-211A.D . Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 2667C . Marius Ia (nuarius) li b (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si


Munatius I mi l (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sisL . Novina I (III Aug) 209-211A.D . Castra Lambae sitanaL . Pate rn ius T . (I) Ianuar(ius) ve t IIII (Fl firm) Date ? Vimin

scium Moe a Sup . III 8128

Pe sce nn ius Ianua (rius) (mi l ? 111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana Bull Arch e ol 1904 p207

P . Pompon ius I mi l III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8228Sal lustius I dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae

si tana . . VIII 2684Sal lustius I me nsor (III Aug) 8e Castra Lambae sitana A.E.

Sal lustius I imag III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2971M . Se x t i l ius mi l (III Aug) Date ? Lambaesis . . VIII 8289L . Se x tius I Had (run1e to) ve t 111Aug 168 A.D . Castra Lam

bae si tana VIII 18087C . S i l icius I Cast ve t III Aug p v c198 Castra Lambae sitana . . . . VIII 18088M '

. Si l ius I 7 I Adiut 70-100A .D . Mainz . .XIII 8842Si ttius (mil ) III Aug Date ? Lambae si s VIII 8241-2Tonn e ins I dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae

si tana . VIII 2684

M . Ulp(lus) Ianuar(ius) R (eme siana?) ve t VII Cl 196 A .D .

Viminacium Moe a Sup . III 14607

M . Ulp(lus) I Fat (iaria) bI cos ve t VII Cl 196 A.D . ViminaciumMoe a Sup


III 14607

M. Ulpius I (e q? III Aug) 222-86 A.D . Castra Lambae si tanaMAR 1897 p447

M . Ulp(lus)M . I. Ulpi (a) ITra ia (na) (mil ? l e g?) Date ? Ch e s

te r Eng E.E. IX 1098

Val (e rius) I ve t (V Mac) c184 Troe smis . . III 8178

C . Val e rius I Cas mi l ? (III Aug) Date ? Castro Lambae si tana . VIII 2688

L . Val (e rius) I optio (III Aug) 198-211A.D . Castra Lambae sisitana

208 coonomna or sommas rn aouanmorons

si tana . . VIII 2684

(I)uge nusXarmi l ? (III Aug) ae t Antonini Pii CastraLambaesitana . .VIII 18086

(In)ge nus ve t (V Mac) Date ? Troe smis III 8179


I R (emesiana?) ve t VII Cl 196 A.D. ViminaciumMoe a

Sup III 14607

C . Aemi l ius I mi l XI Cl bI cos post Claud MagnumDalmatia III 9790

(Corn)e i ius Ingen (uus ve t?) I Adiut post 114 CarnuntumPannSup 111 14092

C . Cre pe re ius I (h e (1s (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana . . VIII 2689F1(avius) I ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8110T . Flavius I prov Bri ttan iae InIe r mi l VI Vict p I Date ? Zat


Inl (ine ) Inge n (uus) optio (VII Cl ) Date ? AncyraC . Iul (ius) F1. Ingen (uus) mil VI Vict post Hadrian Breme nium

VII 1067

Ing(enuus) 7 l e g X ante 70 Tucci Bae tica II 1891

Q. Inl ine Imi l VII GemIe l Date ? Carthage Re v Arche ol 1898 II p840Luci l i (us) I 7 (le g?) Date ? Che ate r Eng E.E. IX 1094

C . Mae cius I e q X GemDate ? Narbo XII 4884

C . Memmius I Kat mi l ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana . VIII 2688

Pe t (ron ius) Inge (nuus) ten (1Ital) 2s e x e-se Almus Moe a InI III

Sab in ine I sig III Aug post 268? Lambae sis .VIII 18224L. Sempron ius I p p 111Aug 162 A.D . Castra Lambae si tana . . VIII 2648Se pt (imius) I e q XIIII Gem post 100 Carnuntum Pann Sup . . III 4480

Val (erius) I mi l XIIII Gempost 100Savaria Pann Sup III 14088

Inge nu(us) bI cos 198-222 A.D . Ne tte rshe imBonn Jahrbb 1910p812I (V)II Cl 8e ViminaciumMoe a Sup A.E.

I 7 (III Ital ) Date ? Augusta Vinde licum Rae tia . . III 6818

INNOCENSRe nn ius I (mi l III Cyr aut XXII De iot) 81 A.D. Fayoum

Pap Ge n Lat 1


Aure l ius 1mil l e g XXII Date ? Virunum NoricumT . Ul pius I M cos Date ? Virunum Noricum


M . An ton i (us) 1mi l III Aug Date ? Ve re cunda VIII 4288Aure l ius I ve t XIII Gem l s? Emona Pann Sup III 8844

M . Aur(e l ius) I Irum II Ad iut Aquincum Pann InI III 8488

C . Cae ci l ius 1h i le g (III Aug) Date ? Lambaesis . . VIII 2828C . Cae ci l ius I te as III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2828Cae l ius I dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . CastraLambae si tana . VIII 2684

O. Corne l ius I Tev(e ste ) mil ? (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana

m aum oanuarr 207

C . Iul ius I Th e aepte ) mil ? (III Aug) Date ? Cacti-a Lambaesitana VIII M

L Me sslus I 7 I Ital ae t Antonini Pii Almus Moes Inl [117420


ISIDORUSAe l lua l 7 111Augw 182 A.D. Caatn h mbae aitanaM. Aure l ius Pol . 1Ale n adfl e a) ve t II Tr Iort 194 A.D. Alu

Bach lua I 7 leg ? Date ? Main: XIII 0814

-iort 194 A.D. Ale xandria ECYPt IIImo

C . Ir — I mi l VII Gem l e l Pale ntinua Date ? Aquile ia V OCO


P. Calve ntluu) I aig III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2884Grotti (na) Iul (lcus) ve t (V Mac) c184 Troumia III 8178

TI. Iul ius ’


i . I. Pal . I 7 VII Mac ? XV Prim7 XIII Gemante

. .X 4728



. Flavlus l me dicua III Aug Date ? VIII 2872


Ammlus I armcuat (III Aug) 200A.D. Cacti-a Lambaesi tanaT . “(fi nd I Irum XXX Ulp Date ? Rome VI 8882

Q q us I CIrth ) ve t III Aug p v c l 98 Castra IAmbae ai tanaM. Prae oonKus) I Sk aulo) tub XV Apol l a Carnuntum Pann

Sup III 14888:21a

Suttonlus I p p III Aug 268 A.D. Lambae sisC . Ta lus I ve t XV (Apol) Date ? IIr-ben-Gaaom-be noNaaae r


-ua Imi l le g I? 189? 212? Dotteudorl Ge rm In?

Vah fl ’ua I 7 VII Cl Date ? Apame a Phrygia

C. Aemi l ius I I n d a (Il l Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana . . VIII 2888

AIIlus I am curt III Aug cm Castra Lambae aitana A.E .

Q Annius I Castr bI coa III Auc Lambae aia ” . VIII 2888M. AntonCIus) I b? cos Date ? Ne viodunum Pann Sup . III 10799

(Mainl ine lutian(us) mi]? (111 Aug) Date ?. VIII 2887

Aufidtua IuflM ufl ve t W'

Mac) c184 Troe amiaw III 8178

MW ) I memor VII C18em 228 A.D. ViminaciumMoe s Sup III 8112

V Mao?) Date ? Potaiaaa Dacia . .

C Bl ua I arm euat III Aug Date ? Xe aur e l Glme nuaia

208 COGNOMINA or SOLDIERS mnou nmorons

Q . Carmeus I 7 VII Gem ae t Se pt Se ve ri Daruvar Pann Sup III 8998

Kl auibtoc; 7 111Cyr ante 108 Ptol emais He rmiuEgyptIG a BB I 1158

Cl (aud ius) I mi l XIII Gem 180A.D . Ve re spataki Dacia . . III p959

T i . Cl (aud ius) I Tyro ve t? (III Aug) ae t Hadriani Castra Lambae sitana . VIII 18084

L. De crius L . I. Se t . I qui e t Numisianus prince ps XI CI p I100 150 A .D . Napl e s A. .E 1918:215

Domi tius Iul ian (us) mi l III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8098(L?) Domi ti (us) I p p XXII Prim (Ale x and) 229 A.D . Mainz . . . XIII 8752(Fl )avius I tub III Aug p v 202 A.D . Castra Lambae si tana . A.E.

T . Flavius I ve t VIII Aug Date ? Be roe a Syria III 191

C . G e n tius I Cast ve t 111Aug p v c198 Castra Lambae sitana . VIII 18088Iul ius Iul i (anus) 7 III Cyr ante 108 Ptolemais He rmiuEgypt . . III 12071

Itum (l e g?) ae t Traiani Dcci i Rome . . . . IG XIV 1071

(I)nl ine I Nic(ome d ia) ve t? (III Aug) ae t Hadriani Castra

Lambae sitana VIII 18084

Inl i ne I 7 III Aug coh VII 182A.D . Castra Lambae si tana VIII 18085Iul (ius Iul i )anus sig VII Gem (p I) c187 Castrum S. Christoph

Tarracone nsis II 2558 A.E.

In l ine I (mi l III Aug) c218? Castra Lambae sitana Bul l Arche ol 1904 p208Iul (ius) Iulia(nua) (111Aug) 258-288 A.D . Castra Lambaesi

tana VIII 18081

Iul ius I sig (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana . VIII 18078Iul (ius) I mil 11Aug Date ? Isca Eng VII 121

Iul (ius) I (ve t) l e g 11e x arm cust Date ? AquincumPann InI . III 18878

Iul ius Iul (i )unus 7 l e g Date ? DurostorumMoe a InI . III

C . In l (ine ) I 7 XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia III 7858

C . Iul (ius) I ve t XIIII Gem post 100 Savaria Pann Sup III 4187

Macrin ius Iul i (a)nus e q? XXII Pr p I 281A.D . Mainz XIII 8889C . Max imius I optio prae t V Mac M. Aure l -274 ApulumDacia . III 7785

Por(cius) Iul ian (us) te ss (l e g?) Date ? Apulum Dacia . III 1189

Ruti l ius I ve t e x imm (111Aug) 211-12 A.D . Lambae sis . .VIII 2818C . Se cund in ius I e q XXII Pr p I post 89 Ancyra . III 8785

P . Se dul ius (I)ul ianusmi l VIIIAug Antonin bIcos c215 Cannstatt XIII 8440Se pt (imius) 1mil pe quarius II Ad i p I288 A.D . AquincumPann InI11110428Se pt (imius) 1e q XI(III? Gem) post 100Carnuntum Pann Sup . . III 4480

O. Tarron iua I 7 XXII Pr p I post 89 Mainz A.E.

P . T iburti (us) Iul ian (us) mil (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8249(Val e r)ius Iul ian (us) mi l VII C l bI cos Date ? Naissua Moe a Sup III 8252L. Val e rius I Th am(ugad l ) bI cos 111Aug c225 Lambae sis VIII 2588C . V ib (ius) I mi l I Ad iut 28 ? Burnum Dalmatia III 2828

- n l lus f . Paplr. I Had (rume to) ve t II Tr Iort 194 A.D .

Al e x andria Egypt . III 8580


l ]ou7uav6g 7 1111Scyt Date ? R ime t HazimSyria . .1G a BB III 1242

I Th arao (mi l ? 111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana . A.E. 1899z90

7 XV Apol ante 88 Carnuntum Pann InI . III 4485

0 coonom a or sowmns in now morons

I. . Apul (e ius) 1R (eme alana ?) sig ve t VII Cl 195 AD. Vim

Aur(e11ua) Iustu(a) lib? (le g Date ? Apulum Dacia . . 1189

T . Ae l ius I hydraulariua aalariarius II Adiut M ? Aquincum.III 10501

Acl (ine ) Iu(atua?) Se amus) ve t VII Cl 195 A.D . ViminaciumMoe a Sup . . . III 14507

M. Aux-d am) 1domo Bo (r)re l MargenalaMoe alae Super-tortse x CCC p p I Ital Se ve r 224 A.D . Moe s InI inoe rta

M. Aure l (ius) 1hi cos II Ital p I 217 A.D . Ce le ia NoricumC . A 1hi cos 181A.D .

0. Cae slua (I)uatua bl cos Date ? Bonn

T l . Cl (audlua) I 7 111Aug Date ? Lamhae ais “

Coml d lus I ve t (111 Aug) Date ? Lambauia wFla(vlus) I arm cuat III Aug c225 Castra Lambae sitana . .

F1(avlua) Iust(ua) (mi l ?) 1Min Date ? Bonn

Inl ine I 7 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis .

(L . ) Le pl dlua l ve t XXX Ulp vict poat Traian Fe rrara V 2S9I

M(am)ertinlua I optio XXII (Antonin Pr p I) 212 A.D. Tre nn

Iurt 8818

C . Mummius I 7 III Ital Date ? Augusta Vinde l icumRae tia . . III 5817

Me t i l ino I 7 XV Apol 1a Carnuntum Pann Sup III 18482

Rome le fius) I 7 (l eg Date ? Boroovicium Eng E .E . IX 1189

Se ptimius I (mi l) III Aug Date ? Lambae sis ”

C . Vul (erlua) Iu(a)tus actar le g XX Date ? Che ste r Eng . . E.E. IX 1085

L . Vafle rlua) I mi l leg VI poat Hadrian? He x ham Eng VII 477

VaraId ius I 7 (le g Date ? Ebch e ste r Eng . . VII 484

Ve ttius I arm cut 111Aug c225 Caatra Lambae si tana A.E. 1902111

0. Ve tti na I 7 111Aug Date ? Cal e eua He rculis VIII 18008I 7 (le g XXII aut III Cyr) ae t Auguati Coptos 8827

— s I ? 11Aug Date ? Isca Eng— na 1 ? XXX Olp vict Date ? HarenatiumGe rm 8708

I 7 (le g Date ? Conde rcum Eng VII 581

Slr(mlo) ve t VII Cl 195 AD . ViminaciumMoe a Sup .



C . Arrun tius I mi l ? (111 Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana . . VIII 2588

Plavius I 7 111Aug coh VIII 182 A.D . C astra Lambae sitana . . . VIII 18085T . Plavlus I ve t XX11 Pr p I poat 89 Ane late . .

O. Numi slus I li b 111 Aug Date ?IUVENIS

T . Cae sen (nius) I mi l II Adiut c l 50 Carteuna Mame tania

Cae aari e nsia . .

Cogl ta tinlua I bI le g le g I Min 8s LyonsIul (ius) I h! cos I] Ital Antonin 219 A.D . Be daium 5580

1u11(ua 1)uvenla optio 111 Ital Date ? Rae tia 5978

Marin (lus) Iu(v)en ia (mi l ?) 1Min Date ? Bonn . . XIII 8058


L Memmius I hI cos 188 A.D.

D. Se ius D . I. Ouir. I Burd lgal la mil 111Aug Is Gurai Numidia .VIII 2108

I 7 VII Gem Date ? Catania 1897 zl 82


Iul ius L dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A .D . Castra Lambae si tana . VIII 2584

Aure l (ius) L 7 XV Apol 185 A.D. Vagharachapt Galatia III 8052

—nm L (7 le g VII 87-41A.D. Corinium 2882


L 7 le g 11 Is Age r Sanbonom Aqui tania XIII 1122


Lae tin (us) 7 (le g coh 11Date ? Amhoglanna Eng . E.E. VII 1078


(0. Carm e l la) Lae (t)us Aq(uls) Ve r(ce l l is) corn trib XI C lDate ? Durostorum Moe a InI

(Flavius) L mi l 111Aug Date ? Zarai0. Longln lus Pome tlna 1. . I.uco mil (le g?) Date ? Chute?

Eng VII 897

C . Minuti na L ve t VII CI p I 78 A.O . Phi l ippopol is 8120

Mudus L (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana . VIII 2570Tannonius L dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lam

o. Ve ttius 1. nun tum) m 111Aug me A.D . Castra Lam~

M. Val (e rlus) La(e )vlnus M 009 Date ? Emporiae Tarracone nsis . . II 4824


M us L p p leg XI ante 42? Burnum Dalmatia . 11114998


Marcus Aur(e l ius) L Re d l tl tinus domo Nicapol is ve t XIII]111 4458

E.E. VII p459

LATINUSBIand ius C . (I. ) VoL L 7 I Ital 7 II Aug 7 VIIII Hisp 7 le g XX

87-c l 20 A.D. Ge nava . .

Pupinaua) Lutflnus) ve t VII C1185 A.D . Viminacium Moe s

. . III 8110

M. Vul e rlus M . 01. L c(ivia) Eq(ue st er) mil le g XXpoat 48

Cue l iua L optic (111Aug) 198-211A.O . Castra Lambae si tana . . VIII 2554

TItInIus Laure ntanus) imm 111 Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D.

212 COGNOMINA or sommas m ROMANmowers


T . Camul (ius) L . I. L eme ri tus III Gall ae t Antonini Pi i Gratianopol ia XII 2280


T . Aur(e l ius) L mi l XXX Ulp vict Date ? Bigomagus GermInI XIII 7789LELLAVVO

M. Ul p(lus) L mil XXX Dlp vict Date ? Rigomagus Ge rm InI XIII 7789LEO

L . Ae l ius L mil XIII Gem post 100 Carnuntum Pann SupL 7 l e g l s Thabraca


Aure l ius Le on (atus dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra

Lambae sitanaL ve t (V Mac) cl 84 Troe smis .

LEONIDESL. Ae l ius L mil 111Aug Date ? Lambaesis VIII 8015P . 10618 04 Aewvlbnc; ’

A0'qvaioc mil XVI Fl firmpost h aian

Mopseutia Cil icia IG a BB III 917

(Le )on i d e s mi l ? (111Aug) ae t Antonin Pii Castra Lambae sitana VIII 18085


Le ontia (nus) ve t (V Mac) c184 Troe smis III 8178


Ae l ius L 7 III Aug coh III 182 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana VIII 18085

LEPIDUSC . Iul ius GaL L Ie sson pp 7 XIII Gemp I 7 I Ad 7 X G p I (7)XX V v (7 VII G) p I Date ? Ae so Tarraconensis II 4488

L . Licin ius L . I. Clau. Le pid (us) dom Ve rona ve t l e g 11?

Date ? Savaria Pann Sup III 4188

(C .) Se x ti l ius L ve t XXX Ulp vict Date ? Col Ulpia TraianaGe rm InI


L . Iul (ius) T . (I) Gal e r. L Clun ia ve t XIIII G mv ae dia custoac R l e g XIII 8s? Apulum Dacia III 1158


Q . Val e rius O. I. Fab . L Brix s mil XI CI p I Ve spas-TraianTe ne ndo Ge rm Sup XIII 5241LIBERALIS

O. Ae butius L 7 XI CI p I c42 Corinium DalmatiaQ . Ae butius L 7 l e g XI ante Claud Corinium Dalmatia .

Ae l ius L 7 II Tr Iort 194 A.D . Al e x andria Egypt .

(C )ae son ius L ve t (VIII? Aug) Date ? Borbe tomagus Ge rmSup XIII 8228

C . Corne l ius L ve t (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis .

El lue L ve t e x 1I (111Aug) 270-275 A.D . Lambaesis . . VIII 2828 cI 18099

214 COGNOMINA or sommas rn nou n morons

Iul ius L 7 (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2905-8 e t 2982 e t 2928

C . Iul (ius) Longin ian (us) opt (III Aug) 198-211 A.D . Castra

Lambae sitana . . VIII 2554

Val (erius) L natus In InIe r Caste l l Abrl tanor 7

XI Cl 8s e x e 4s ini t Aqui le ia . .

L (mi l ?) II Adi p I 2-8s Age r Aquince nsis Pann InILONGINUS

P . Asl ius L 7 1Min Date ? Home VI 81189

Alban i (us) Longin (us) 7 (le g?) Date ? Carnuntum Pann Sup . . III 4400

Anton ius L 7 III Cyr ante 108 Egypt We sse ly Lat Pal 8M . Antonius L Cas can (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 2588Aur(e l ius) Ant (on ius) L spe c III Gall 8s He l iopol is Syria

III 14885b ad 13801970)mi l IX Cl 155 A.D . Almus Moe a InI III 7449

Aure l ius L mi l II Tr Iort Ge r Se ve r c225 Ale x andria Egypt III 8594a

Aure l (ius) L mi l VII Cl 28 e x e -8s ini t ViminaciumMoe a Sup . . . III 8118

B lue Longin (us) mi l III Cyr ante 108 Egypt We sse ly Lat Pal 8Cassius Longi n (us) ve t (V Mac) c l 84 Troe smis . III 8178

Cassi (us) L ve t (V Mac) c184 Troe smis III 8178

C . Cassius C . I. Cla . L Sav(aria) mil 1Adiut 70-100A.D . Mainz XIII 8829L. Cassius Longinu(s) bI le g l e g III Cyr Date ? Bostra Arabia

Bull Arch e ol 1904 p88C . Corn e l ius C . I. Fab . Longi (n)us He racla e q l e g XVI c89?

Novae sium Ge rm Ini XIII 8552

Fe ta L ve t (V Mac) c184 Troe smis III 8178

Fl (avius) Lon (g)inus mi l XI Cl 155 A.D . Almus Moe a InI III 7449

T . Fl (avius) L de c Kanab le g XIII Gemae t Traiani ApulumDacia III 1100T . Fl (avlus) L R (eme siana ?) ve t VII Cl 195 A.D . Viminacium

Moe s Sup . . III 14507

Fi ts; Aoy'

fe ivoc ve t XII Fulm 188-9 A.D . Fayoum Egypt . . . BGU 272

Iul (ius) L ve t (V Mac) c184 Troe smis III 8178

Iul (ius) Longin (us) ve t VII Cl 185 A.D . ViminaciumMoe s Sup . III 8110

In l (i ne ) L imm ve nator X1Cl 155 A.D . Almus Moe s InI . . . III 7449

In l (ine ) L M cos e x V Mac Date ? Licaca Dalmatia A.E.

C . Iul ius C . I. L domo Vol tin ia Ph i l i ppis Mace don ia ve t VIIIAug ae t Ve spasiani Re ate . IX 4884

C . Iul (ius Lon)ginus (ve t) VII (Cl ) Date ? Scupi Moe a Sup . . III 8197

M . Lic(inius) L R (ati aria) ve t VII Cl 195 A.D . ViminaciumMoe a Sup

A . Nonius L 7 111Aug Date ? Lambae sisSe p (tlmius L)ongin (us) corn II Ad i p ISe ve rc225 TransaquincumPann Ini

Soaina L ve t (V Mac) c184 Troe smisVal (erius) Longln (us) ve t (V Mac) c184 h oe smisC . Val (erius) L Rat(iaria ) ve t VII Cl 195 A .D . Viminacium

Moe s Sup III 14507C . Vala -ius C . I. Fab . L He r(acl ea ) mi l I Ital Date ? Almus


Moe s InI III 7441

M. Val (e rius) M. I. L me dicua VII Cl Da te ? Drobe ta Dacia . . . III 142l 8 z9

(Donah ue 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8181LONGO

Antoniua L 7 III Cyr ante 108 Egypt We sse ly Lat Pal sLONGUS

Asl (ius) Longu(s) ve t VII Cl 185 A.D . ViminaciumMoe a Sup . III 8110

P. Asl (ius) L ve t VII Cl 195 A.O . ViminaciumMoe a Sup 11114507

M. Antonius L Pul l ve t X Fr 94 A.D . Ale x andria 1910x75

M. Antonius L ve t bl cos XII Fulm Date ? Cappadocia III 8800

Cocce lua Long(uaP) mi l X1 C l 155 A.D . Almus Moe a InI III 1449

M. PurIanlus M. I. Col . L Pan emnflo) ve t 11Tr Iort 194 A.D.

Al e x andria Egypt . . III 8880

IIIIIN L 7 III Aug 52-87 AI ) . Simitthus VIII 14808Iul l (us) (V Mac) c184 Troe smis “ III 8178

11110118 ) ve t (V Mac) c184 Troesmis III 8178

C . Iul ius LMiso (mi l III Cyr aut XXII De iot) 90A D. PayoumPap Ge n Lat 1

C . Iul ius Lon¢ (u)s $190 (mi l III Cyr aut XXII De iot) 90 A.D.

. . Pap Ge n Lat 1

ve t I Adi ai post 114 Brige tio Pann 4852

M. I(ul i )us L (mi l Il l Cyr aut XXII De iot) 90 A.D. Fayoum

T . Se r¢ ius L 7 XV Apol poat'


raian? Caryatua Euboe aVal (erius) Long(us?) ve t (V Mac) c184 Troe smisVa1(st iuu) L mi l X1Cl 155 A D Almus Moe s InI

L. Vala -Ins Lon¢ (us) (mi l ? 111Aug) Date ? Castra LambacA.E. IBOOQ I

—anlua L Apam(e a ) ve t? (111Aug) ad Hadriani Castra Lam

L 7 (le g XXII aut 111° Cyr) ae t Auguati Coptos Egypt . .

- L 7 (le g XXII aut III Cyr) ae t Augmti Coptos Egypt 1118827

LUCANUSP. Ae l ius L 7 VII Gem Date ? Rome . . VI 8211

O. Ae IIus L mii (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2784

Annlus L ? (111Aug) 258-288 A.D. Castra Lambae si tana V11118081

MamiBB s L 7 VII Gem Ie l Da te ? Bracara AugSc nIuv e t XIII Gem poat

I‘raian Dacia incerta 1111808

C . Tad ius L 7 VII Gem Ie l Date ? Tarraco 4185

—omu111ua L (mi l ? 111 Aug) c2o0 Castra Lambae si tanaBul l Arch e ol 1905 p2ss-tra Lambae

L 7 III Aug Date ? Lambae sis .

L Antl e tiua L Nb omh dia) ve t? (III Aug) ae t Hadriani Cast

218 coonoumA or sommas ln noun morons

C . Apon ius L bI trib III Cyr Date ? Bostra Arabia III 101

Aure l ius L Irum II Ital Date ? Home VI 8840

Aur(e l ius) L mi l IIII Fl Date ? Gube ruci Moe s Sup III 8188

Bassi l ius L arm cust 111Aug c225 Castra Lambae sitana . .A.E.

Fla (vius) L mi l II Aug Date ? Auchindavy Eng VII 1118

Iul ius L DXPrimp p 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana

C . Iul ius L cor III Aug p v 208 A.D. Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2557C . Iul ius L Ca (s?) mil ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana VIII 2589Te re nt (ius) L sig II Ital Date ? Pola V 48—ius L ve t? (111Aug) ae t Hadriani CastraLambae sitana .VIII 18084

— s L Lamasb (a) mil ? (111Aug) se t Antonini Pi i CastraLambae sitana . VIII 18085—oni na L 7 II '

I\' Iort 194 A.D. Al e x andria Egypt III 8580

LUCIDUSAe l ius L dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi tana . VIII 2584

L 11Adiut Date ? Aquincum Pann InI III 8541

L mi l ? II Adiut 2-8s? Aquincum Pann InI III 10458

LUCILIUSAur(e l ius) L agr? (l e g?) Date ? Apulum Dacia III 1189

Aur(e l ius) L (ve t) e x optione (V Mac?) Date ? Potaissa Dacia . . III 7888

T . Fl (avius) L mi l XIII Gempost 100CarnuntumPann Sup III 11217


M . Aur(e l ius) M . I. Pap . Luci l (i )us Poe tovlo 7 I Ad 11TrVIIIAug XIII Gem VII Cl VII Gem Date ? Tarraco II 4147

LUCIUSP . Ae l ius 7 VII Gem Date ? HomeAIranius L me nsor (111Aug) 8s? Castra Lambae sitana . .A.E .

Au0d ius L 7 (111Aug) probatus in l e g III Gall c210Castra Lambaesitana A.E.

Aur(e l ius) L (ve t) e x arm cust (V Mac?) Date ? Potaissa Dacia III 7888Q . Aqui l ius L 7 11Aug Date ? Ancyra . . III 281T . Ce rv(onius) Luci (us) natus Savariae 7 XVI Fl post N an

Ancyra III 284

T ib . Claud ius L Ae l . Ph i lad e l . Eme se (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2588

Fl (avius) L mi l XIIII Gem post 100Carnuntum Pann Sup 11111217Pe re l (ius) L (mi l ? 111 Aug) c218? Castra Lambae sitana

Bul l Archeol 1904 p208

L. R e toniua L p p I Adiut post 114 Brige tio Pann Sup 11111081Se pt(imius) L spe c le gg III Antonin X GemXIV GemI Ad)

c2l 2 Carnuntum Pann Sup III 4452Vibin ius L b? cos Date ? Lancaste r Eng . VII 288

LUCULLUSM. Cl (audius)T i . I. L 7 legXIIII 7 l e gXIII Date ? Solva Noricum III 5888

218 COGNOMINA or sommas rn ROMAN morons

L. Pe dan ina C . I. M ve t l e g XI ante 42 Flore ntiaM . Se n tius L . I. OuI. M ve t IIII Scyt Date ? Sibrium.

MACRIANUSIul (ius) M ve t e x bI cos Date ? Augusta Vinde licum Rae tia III 5815

MACRINIUSP . Mae vius M ve t (111Aug) Date ? Lambaesis VIII 8184

MACRINUSP . Ae l (ius) Macri n (us) optio (111 Aug) 198-211 A.D . Castra

Lambae sitana VIII 2554

Aemi l (ius)M armcust (111Aug) 200A.D . Castra Lambae sitana A.E .

C . Domi tius M mi l XXII Pr p I Date ? Cartenna Maure tania

Cae sari e nsis VIII 9855

Iul (ius) M ve t (V Mac) c184 Troe smis . . I. II 8178

Iul (ius) M 1mm VIII Aug Date ? Grosskrotze nburgGe rm Sup . .XIII 7418M. Iul iusMarci I. An i ensia Foro Iul i M mi l 1111Mac ante Ve s

pas Mainz

Q . Licin ius M 7 1111PI firm Date ? Ve cze l Dacia(M)immina M Laud (ice a) ve t? (111Aug) ae t Hadriani Castra

Lambae sitana . . VIII 18084

Olci nius M 7 XXII Pr p I post 89Sinope Paphlagonia . . III 14402b

T . Pompe ius T . I. M ve t III Aug 1s? Thala Byzace na ” .VIII 504L . Ruti l ius L . I. Se rgiaMmi l (X1Cl p I Ve spas—Traian Vindou

issa Anze ig I. Schwi e z Alte r VI p180-1M . SossinaM Nicom(e d ia) ve t? (111Aug) act Hadriani Castra

Lambae si tana VIII 18084

M C irt(a) bI l e g (111Aug) se t Hadriani Castra Lambacsitana VIII 18084M mil le g 11—Date ? Rusicade . VIII 7982

MACRO—stius M 7 II Tr Iort 194 A.D . Al e x andria Egpyt III 8580

MACROBIUST . Ae l ius M M cos VIII Aug Date ? Antipol is Gal l Narb XII 5728

MAECIANUSP . Me strius P . I. Mae cia (nus) ve t le g VII ante Claud? Iconium


MAGIOAe (mi )l ius M 7 III Aug coh IV 182 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 18085

MAGIUSC . Ati l ius M ve t VIII Aug Date ? Me da V 5718

Te rtius Magi (us?) 7 111Aug coh V 182 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana VIII 18085

MAGNIANUST . Clod iusM Pap? pe c (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18088

MAGNIOM. Ulp(lus) M R (eme siana?) ve t VII C1195 A.D . Viminacium

Moe a Sup


MACNIUSLot lus M ve t e x dup? (111Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lambae sis VIII 2828

—s M Hadflume to) arm cuat (111 Aug) Date ? Castra


Carnuntum Pann Sup III 14858218a

AOpfil tocMdyvocve t XIIII Gempost 100Hie rapol is Asia . . IG a BB IV 887

Aur(e l ius) M mi l XIIII Gem post 100 Carnuntum Pann Sup III 4459

Runn ing) Me mem (111Ga ll ) 179 A.D . Ae r-i ts Syria . 10 an111umCorne l ius M ve t? (111Aug) act Hadriani Castra Lambae si tana V11118084

T . Fl (avius) T . (I) Ouir. M 7 X11Fulm 7 1116111! 7 VII? Date ?Aquincum Pann InI . . III

Iul (lus) M 7 VIII Aug 1a Se ge dunum Eng VII 495

C . lul lua M 7 111Cyr 90 A.D. Coptos Egypt . . III 18580

Pr p I 2s? Ste inbach . XIII 8502

P . Poni pe lus P . I. (A)e 1n . M ve t I Ital Date ? Ad

Haemurn Moe a InI

Se p(tlmlus) M 11! cos (l e g?) Date ? Apulum Daci aM . Se p timiusM . I. Fab M 7 111Gall l l l I Scyt XX V v 1Mi n

X Fr ante 218 Aradus III 188

T (Ibe rlus) Magn (us) ve t (V Mac) c184 Troe smia . .

C . Ti tius C . I. 30311) M sig le g V Urb c8 l D.C . Ate steVoluslusM 7 X Pr Date ? Home .

MAIANUSC . Inl (ine ) M 7 VIII Aug Date ? Ems XIII 77 88

MAICINUSP. AeIIus e t II Parth 8s? Age r Hastenais V 759I

MAIORAe l (lus) M Optic XXII Pr p I 178 A.D . StockstadtAe l (ius) M arm curt 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2788P . Ae llas M ve t 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8018P. Ansa lua M mil XV Apol 1a Carnuntum Pann Sup 11118480

Ati l lus M 7 (le g coh 11Date ? Ch e ste r Eng E.E . VII 878

Aur(e lius) Malo(r) Cart e x sagi ttaria salarius II Parth Se ve rc215? Age r E.E. 1X 859

A69 13mg) Maine m e x mCyr Date ? raw. Syria 10 an1111135

M fil ing) El y-n e gMalenav tbupogv obé pouMalopoc016; ve t e x 111 Cyr Date ? Saccae a Syria IG a HR 111 1198

M. Pome ntinus M 7 111 Aug Date ? Dir Umm Ali V111 17591

at. Aur(e l ius) (mi l) n Adiut .n 08 cos M .

III 10815

(III Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lam~

.VIII 2828 c? 18099

220 COGNOMINA or sonnrnns rn ROMAN morons

C . Iul ius M Cas mi l ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 2589M . Ulpius M 7 XXII Pr p I 211? Milte nbe rg XIII 8808


Se x . Salan in (a) P . I. Mandat (us) mil le g XV Date ? Ve rona . .V 8878


T i . Claud (ius) M mi l 111Aug 111The ve ste VIII 18547MANGALA

C . Pe tron ius M Cuic(ulo) ve t 111Aug p v 0198 Castra Lambae si tana VIII 18088

MANLIANUSL . Iul ius Man l ian (ua) l ib (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si

tana VIII 2580

C . Non ius M 7 III Ital Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2958MANSUETUS

T . F1(avlus) M 7 111Aug Date ? ante Gordian Calceus He rculisNumi dia VIII 2497

Iul ius Mans (ue tus) 7 (l e g Date ? Cambriae oppida Eng VII 148

C . Iul ius C . I. Gal e . Lug(uduno) Ma (n )aue tua mi l 111Aug1s? Ammae dara

C . Iul (ius) M mi l I Min p I Date ? Col Agrippine nsium. .XIII 8218Max imlua M 7 XII Fulm Date ? Ne viodunum Pann Sup . . . . III 8928

M . Pe tron ius M . I. Vol . M Viana mil 1111Mac ante VespasMainz XIII 8871

O. R e I(id lus?) M p p XIIII Gem post 100 Carnuntum PannSup

Val (e rius) M p p (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sisVa (l e rius?) M dup (XIIII Gem?) ante 178 Carnuntum Pann

Sup . III 11180

Se x . Vai e riua Se x . I. Vol . Ma (n )sue tus Vi ena mil 1111Mac

ante Ve spas Mainz XIII 8878MARCELLINUS

Ae l (ius) Marce (1l inus?) ve t VII Cl 185 A.D. ViminaciumMoe a

Sup III 8110

L . Aemi l (l )us p p (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis . VIII 2598

T . Ari d ius M 7 II Tr Iort 155 A.D . Ale x andria Egypt III

Mapx ekke ivog 7 X Fr Date ? Tibe rias Pal e stineIG a BB 1111204

Bae b ius M 7 II Tr Iort 194 A.D . Al e x andria Egypt . III 8580

G . Bae b (ius) M M cos X Gem 225 A.D . Lstobici Pann Sup . . III 8908

T . Mar)ce l l inus (mi l) VI(II Aug) Date ? Stockstadt ” XIII 8854

C1are n (lus?) M corn l e gg III Antonin X Gem XIV Gem1Ad) c2l 2 Carnuntum Pann Sup . .

C l (aud lus) M M cos 190 A .D . RigomagusGe rm InIM . Glod ina M mi l 1Min 2s? Bonn

O. Clod ius M 7 1Min p I 2s? BonnFla(vius) Ma(r)ce l l lnua te as (V Mac) M. Aure l—274 Potaissa

222 coonomna or sommas rn aouan morons

MARCIANUSC . Aci l ius M Caral l tanus 7 princea IIII Gem Date ? Ve l

Ae l (ius) ve t VII CI 185 A.D . ViminaciumMoe aSup III 8110

M. An t(on lua) Marcian (us) b? trib ve t VII Cl 195

A. O . Viminacium Moe a SupMar(ci )anus mi l 1 Ital Se ve r c225 Sa lonae Dal

111 12899

Aur(e l ius) Marcia (n)us ata le g VII Cl 270 A.D. Viminacium

Aure l (ius) M (ve t) III Aug Date ? Lambae aia . .

M. Aur(e l ius) Marcianu(s) (bl ) cos le g 8e (ve r Ale x x nd p)v 284 A.D. Naiasus Moe a Sup 11114584

P. Aur(e l ius) M mil l e g VII Date ? Horreum Margi Moe a

111 12888

(P . Aure l ius?) M ve t le g VII Date ? Horreum Margi Moe aSup . III 12888

C . Cassius Marcian (us) O e a mi l ? (111 Aug) Date ? Castra

Fl (aviua) M 7 XIIII Gem 7 XV Apol c100 Ancyra

(T) Flavius M . (I) Col . M domo Ph i lad (e l ph ia) optio hast

Iul (Ius) Marcia (nus) (111Aug) 258 -288 A.D . Castra Lam.

Iul (ius) M 7 XIII Gem post Traian Apulum DaciaIul ius M mi l ItumXXX Ulp Date ? FormiaeC . Iul (ius) Marcian (us) Nlc(opol i ) ve t VII Cl 195 A.O . Vim'

III 14507

P. Lucoe lus M Nicom(e d ia) ve t? (III Aug) ae t HadrianiVIII 18084

Pe tr(onius) M (ve t) e x l ib (V Mac?) Date ? Potaissa Dacia . . III 7888

0. Sal luatius M Tham(ugad i ) mi l ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra

Staberius Marcian(us) dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra

Lambae si tanaStabe rius M imm III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lam

M . S trob il ine Marcian (us) e x actus 111Aug p v c202 Castra


Val e r(lus) M ve t e x li brario (111Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lambae sis . . VIII 2828Val (e rlus) M sig 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis . . VIII 2992C . Va1e rius M spe c VII Gem c200Tartaro II 4122

(M) Val (e rius) Marcian (ua) Ba l (iaria) ve t VII Cl 195 A.D .

Viminacium Moe a Sup . .

P . Val (erius) M mi l dup X Ge m Antonin c215 Poe tov io PannIII 4080

(T . Val erius) T . I. Poi (l )iaMarci (anua) & a ve t V Mac e x bi e oa


Ve turlua Marcianhra) ve t XIII Gem poe t Traian Dacia ince rta . . III 8044

VI' lua M mi l II Aug Date ? LondonM Nlc(ome d la) ve t? (III Aug) ae t Hadriani Cutra

Lambae si tana— M optio II Adi p I Date ? Aquil e ia V 811

Mm (u)lua? mi l ? leg X Date ? Vie nna . . III 11900

MARCUSP. Ae l (lua) M 7 X GemDate ? Home VI 81188a

Aur(e l ius) M 7 1111 PI Gall ie nae 868-2368 A D . SingidunumMoe a Sup . . . . III 8148

A(0re l lua) M h! 000 XIIII Gempost 100Ne viodunum Pann Sup . III 8018

Aure l (lus) M (mi l ? II Parth ?) Date ? Rome VI 84 10

Ant (ol lua) M mil (le g?) Date ? Magnae Eng VII 708

M. Aure l ius M . f. PoI. M ve t II Tr Iort 194 A.D . Ale xandria Egypt IIl flmFl (afl na)M ape c le gg III Antonin -X GemXIVGemI Ad) c212

Carnuntum Pann Sup . III “5!Inl (ine ) M mil XI C l 156 A.D. Almus Moea Inf 1117449

C . 1u1(lua) M R (eme ai ana ?) ve t VII Cl 195 A.O . ViminaciumIII 14507

T . Mana(ue t lua?)Marcu(a) mil XXX Ulp vict Date ? RigomagoaGe rm InI

Pompe l hra) M (mil ? II Parth ?) Date ? Bonn . .

Aur. 8upe rintua M bI e oa 214 A.D. Dottendorl Ge rm Inl “

Val e rlua M mi l XI Cl se Duroatorum Moe a Inl

Mm e ; ve t e x eq le g VI Date ? Lake of Ti berias. . IG a RB. III 1110

— l—M Kam la ve t Il Tr lort 1N A. .D Ale x andria Egypt 1116580

M (I)II(I F)! Date ? Epore dia . V 0783

MARIANUSCloak”) M frum VII Gem Date ? Be daium Noricum III 5670


E106¢oqMW ; (7) In Gall A D . Phama SyriaIO a BB III 1110

— na M Slrm(lo) optio? (111Aug) ae t Hadriani Castra Lam~

. . VIII 18084

Fluvial ) Marinflhwm) mi l VIII Aug 19? Due nhauae n Ge rmx mcan

I.. Mut iniua M 7 W 1GemAle x and ante m Wie sbad e n xmmuMari (n l )anua m muGem Da te ? Aquile ia v 350

P . Ae l lua M 7 1Min Date ? Herse l Ge rm In! mu8150

O. Aemi l ius M singular II Aug Date ? Rome .

Aure l (lua) M ve t e x ae tar (III Aug) 2704 75 A.D. Lambae sis

I. . Aur(e l lua) M ve t XIII Gem Antonin (3215 Apulum Dacia

224 COGNOMINA or sommasm ROMANmorons

M . Aur(e l lua) M ve t XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia III 089

Corne1(lua)M armcunt (III Aug) 200A.D . Castra Lambae sitanaA.E.

G . In l (lua) M Ara armatura XIIII G mv 70-100A.D. Mains . .XIII 0895L. Val erius L. I. Vol . Mar(l )nua Tol (oaa) mil X Gem70-TraianUlpia Noviomagua XIII 8730

M . Val (e rlua) M ve t I Adi p 1e x sig 2s Brige tio Pann Sup III 4298

M 7 II Tr fort 194 A.D . Ale x andria Egypt . III 0580

M atrator l e g (l e g I Ad) iut post 114 Brige tio Pann Sup . . III 4317

MARITIMUSAcl lua M bf cos Date ? oppida circa Burgos Tarracone naia II 2915

C . Iul lua C . 1. Cl . M Ara 7 VI Vict 7 XX V v 7 II Aug 7 III AugDate ? Lambae sis VIII 2007

M . mi l 111Aug13 Ammae dara A.E.

MAR IUSAure l (lus) M opt sig XIII Gem post Traian Apulum DaciaCl (aud lus) M 7 XIII Gem 100A.D . Ve re apataki Dacia

MAROT . V (a)rron iua M Irum e t 7 Itum III Cyr ae t M. Aure l SalouneDalmatia III 2008

MAR SUSC . Lic(in lua) M ve t III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8170

Mara(ua) 7 (l e g?) coh VIII Date ? Borcovicium Eng VII 072

MARTIALISAe l lua Marti al (i )s mi l XI Cl 155 A.D . Almus Moe a Inf III 7440

P . Ae l (lua) M ve t e x arm cust II Adiut Date ? AquincumPann Inf III 8529Aemi l ius M Apame a ve t? (III Aug) ae t Hadriani Castra Lam

bae sitana . . VIII 18084

(A)eml l luaM dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambacsitana VIII 2504

Ann lusMat th ias) arm cust (III Aug) 200A.D . Castra Lambae si

tana . A.E .

M . Ann luaM . I. Qui t . M mi l e t 7 (III) Aug e t 7 XXX Ulp vict

102 A.D . Thamugad i Numidia VIII 2854Ant(on lua) M 7 XXII P r p f 39? Carte nna Maure tania Cae sar

i e nsis . VIII 215080. Apul e ius M Kar ve t? (III Aug) ae t Hadriani Castra Lam

bae sitana . VIII 18084

Aufld lus M 7 I Min ae t Domitiani Bonn . .XIII 8071Aur(e l ius) M mi l I Ital Date ? Salonae Dalmatia III 2008

L? Aure l ius M Am(mae dara) ve t? (III Aug) 23? Castra Lambae sitana . VIII 18087

M . Aur(e l ius) M ve t e x sig II Ad iut Date ? AquincumPann Inf . III 8588

Bae b ius M dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2504

220 COGNOMINA or sonnmns m now morons

—iua M Pa . T e1(e pte ) str (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambacsi tana . VIII 2505

Mart (1al la) ve t III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 3193MARTIANUS

Acl ius M bi cos I Ital Date ? Salonae Dalmatia III 2023

G . Pol l lus G . fll lus domo Col . Ae l . Muraa M ve t e x armcust IIAdiut 2-3s Aquincum Pann Sup . . III 3500

MARTINIANUS7 (V Mac)?M. Aure l—274 Potais

sa Dacia III 7002

MARTINUSAcl (ine ) M 7 XXII (Pr p 1) Date ? Main

Aur(e l ius) M mi l 1111F12—3s? Cyrrhus SyriaT . Cla (ud lus) M aqui l II Adiut 2-3s? Aquincum Pann InfFlav1(ua) M 7? XIII Gem post Traian Apulum DaciaA . Henn lus Mar(tinus?) 7 XII Pulm Date ? AncyraC . Iu1(lus) M bf cos III Aug provinciae Daciae 3e ? Vaaaivi

T l . Marclua M Irum I Min Date ? RomePub (l lcius?)M spe c I e t II Adi p l


Se ve r228 A.D . AquincumPannInf

Se pt(lmlus) M mil II Adi p I 2-3s Voroavar Pann In!Ulp(lus) M singular consular VII Cl Se ve r Al e x and c225 Naissua

Moe a Sup . . III 8244

M . Ulp(lus) Martin(us) Mur(sa) str ve t VII Cl 195 A .D . Viminscium Moe a Sup . . III 14507

M . Ulp(lus) M str cos VII Cl Se ve r 225 A.D . Naissua Moe a Sup . . III 1070

Val (e rlus) M mil XIIII Gemnatione Pannonius 38 Rome VI 2758

M 7 II Adiut 2—3s? Aquincum Pann Inf III 10400

MARTIS0. Ami no M dup (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2700

MARTIUSM. Inl (lus)M 7 XXX Ulp vict XXII Prp I189 A.D . Ve te ra Ge rm


L. Sen e clanius M 7 VI Vict post Hadrian Manche ste r EngMARULLIANUS

Cu. Coe l lua On . I. Pap. M do Narbo mi l IIII Mac ante Ve spasXIII 0803

MASCELLIOVlnniuaMasce1(l lo) 7 III Aug coh III 102A.D . Castra Lambae si


MASCULINUSUlp(lus) M ve t e x sig V Mac 204 A.D . Napoca Dacia III 7057

MASCULUSAemi l ius M dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lam

bae sitana

Gargl l luaM cor III Aug p v 203 AHD Castra h mbae aitana

“ 93113m 227

TI. Iul (lua) M prin II Ad i p I 2-3a Aquincum Pann InIC . Maacul lnlua M 7 I Auint Date ? Virunum NoricumVaglonlua Mao(cu)lua ve t Aug (V)I Vict Date ? Home

MASGILUSMan i la”) bi VIII Aug Date ? Treve ri Be lgica . .XIII 3045

C . Si lvlnluaM (ve t?) le g XXII 3a? Wie sbade n .

C . AntonluaM domo C lunIa 7 III Aug Date ? Lambae si VIII 2807Attlcl (ua) M mil I Mi n p? Date ? Endwic e rmInl XIII 8003I

Aur(e l lua) M ve t II Ital natio Noric 3a Salonae Dalmatia II18730

“. Iul iua e t XXII Pr p l e x dup poat W Caate l lumMattiaco

Col AgrippinenaiumW XIII 8207

M. Iul tuaM. 1. Out. M Aug(uato) N(e rne to) mi] 111Aug Is Th e »

We ingarte n Germ Inl 10179554

C . Ma(r)luaM 7 VII Cl p I ae t Claudi i Narona DalmatiaQ Sempronlm M Luguwuno) ve t? (III Aug) ae t Hadx-iani

L. Sempr(onlua) M (spe c VII Gem Ie l ) Date ? Tarraco 4143

Q Smbmm Pom M Iul iobrlga mil VII Gem l e l Date ? Lam

L. Valefl lua) M (spec VII Gem Ie l) Date ? Tarraco . . . II 4143

L. Vl te l l lua M 7 X Gem Date ? Aqui le ia— M 7 (leg XXII aut III Cyr) ae t

Matern (ua) mi l 1min Date ? Aqui le i aMA




X 711





M. Va1(erlua)M. 1. Lem. M Bononlae mi l XXI Rap 70-Hadrian

M ve t I] Ital 2-3a Ovi lava Noricum III 5024

MATURUSAur(e l ius) M ve t? (II Adiut) 2-30? Age r Aquince nais Pann In? III 10300Cae ci l lua M 7 Iram VII Gem Date ? Tarraco II 4150

0. 8u1piclus M 7 XXII Pr p l poat SO Brobl .

-Ve apaa 8urnum


228 COGNOMINA or sonnmns 0:30m morons

MAXIMIANUSAe l (ius) Max imia (nus) (ve t) e x te as (V Mac?) Date ? Potaissa

Dacia III 7088

(Aure l ius) M sig (XIIII G m v?) post 100Mursa Pann Inf III 3284

Aur(e l ius) M mi l I Adiut Date ? Aqui l e ia . V 802

Iul (ius) M 7 (V Mac?) M. Aure l-274 Potaissa Dacia III 7072

C . Tocernius M mil II Ital Date ? Naples V 375

C . Val (erius) M arm cust 1111PI Date ? AquincumPann Inf . III 10518

arm cust VII Cl 2s ViminaciumMoe a

Sup Jahre s Wi e n VI Be ibl n 10MAXIMINUS

Aur(e l ius) M (ve t? V Mac?) Date ? Potaissa Dacia III 7088

Aur(e l ius) M te ss (VII Cl ) Date ? Ancyra . III 203

M . Aur(e l ius) M ve t XIII Gem post Traian Ampe lum Dacia . . III 1320

Iul (ius) Max imin (us) dup (XIIII Gem?) ante 178 CarnuntumPann Sup . III 11180

C . Iul (ius) M armcust I Ad iut Se ve r c225 Brige tio Pann Sup . . III 10084

C . Iu(11us) M VI Vict post Hadrian Se ge dunumEng VII 494

Galus Iul ius M eme ri tus l e g VIII bl proc Date ? Travari Be lgica XIII 3083M . Lici (n ius) M mil II Ital 2-3s Poe tovio Pann Sup . III

MAXIMOM . Aur(e l ius) M ve t VII Cl 105 A.D . ViminaciumMoe a Sup . . III 14507

MAXIMUSAccius M mi l II Ital lrum 2-3s? Virunum Noricum. III 4830

Ae l (ius) Max i (mus) ve t VII C l 135 A.D . ViminaciumMoe a Sup . . III 8110

Ae l (ius) M mi l V Mac M. Aure l-274 Potaissa Dacia III 800

AIAOOQ) MdEtuoc ve t e q le g III 3s Ne la Arabia IG a BB III 1205

Acl ine M 7 XXII Prim Date ? Mainz

L. Acl ine M Tua(dro) mi l ? (111 Aug) Date ? Caatra Lambae sitana . VIII 2508

P . M Rat(iaria) ve t VII Cl 105 A.D. ViminaciumMoe s Sup . . III 14507

P . Ae l ius Ma(x )imua Gas mi l ? (III Aug) ae t Antonini Pi iCastra Lambae si tana .

Anneus M mi l I Min Date ? Pactio Ge rmInfC . Ann (lus) Max imu(s) optio (III Aug) 108—211 A.D . Castra

Lambae sitana VIII 25“C . Ann lus Max (imus) mi ]? (111 Aug) Date ? Castra Lam

bae sitana VIII 2507

Anton ius M mi l III Cyr ante 108 Egypt We sse ly Lat Pal 8Anton ius M cor III Aug p v 203 A.D . Castra Lambae si tana VIII 2557L . An ton ius Max imu(s) cor III Aug p v 203 A.D . Castra

Lambae si tana VIII 2557Arrun ti Us M me nsor (III Aug) 33? CastraAtt l e n ius M 7 XI Cl p f Ve spas-Traian Te ne ndo Ge rmSup XIII 5241At tius Max (imus) (mi l) X Gem Date ? Vi e nna III 4571M . Au0d ius M 7 v1Vict post Hadrian Bath Eng vn ao-n

230 coonouma or sonnmnsm now morons

T .Flavius M Cap(sa) mi l ? (111 Aug) Date ? Castra Lam

bae sitana

Furius M mi l XX V v Date ? Che ste r Eng

L. G eminlusM ve t I Adi p I post 100Aquile iaHorte (nsius) M 7 (l e g Date ? Che aters Eng .

L. Iucund iniua M bi cos Date ? Rigomagua Ge rm Ini .

Iul ius M mi l III Cyr ante 108 EgyptIul (ius) M ve t (V Mac) c134 Troe smis III 0178

IuIIus M Cast (mil ? 111 Aug) c2oo Castra Lambae sitanaBull Arche ol 1905 p239

Inl ine M dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae sitana . VIII 2504Inl ine M arm cust 111 Aug c225 Castra Lambae sitana A.E.

Iul (ius) M mi l II Adiut 2—se ? Aquincum Pann Ini . . III 10512

Iu(11us) M (a)x imus eq 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 3150Iul ius M ve t (111Aug?) Date ? Zarai VIII 4525

MdEtuocmi l (III Gall) Date ? El-Le dja Syria . . IG a BB 1111148

C . Iul ius M (ve t 11Tr Iort?) 140 A.D . Fayoum Egypt EGU 010

C . Iul ius M (mil ? 111 Aug) c2oo Castra Lambae sitanaBull Arche ol 1905 p240

C . IuD

1(lu:)Max im(ua) bl cos V Mac M. Aure l-274 Alao-Kosaly

. . III 820

P MdEtuocmi l III Cyr Date ? Bostra Arabia . . IG a BR 1111331

M . Iul iusM . f. Sab . M Man tua 7111Cyr coh V 2s Boatra Arabia . . III 102

M . Inl ine M (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2502

(M ? I)ul lua M . I. (Oul )r Max im(us) (A)uguato (Ne )me ro

mil atructor XI CI p I Ve spas-Traian Vindonissa XIII 5200Licin ius M dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lam

baesitana . VIII 2504

L. Licinius M Nap(oca) mil ? (III Aug) ae t Antonini Pii Cam-aLambae si tana VIII 18085

C . Lucre (t)ius M Had (rume to) ve t? (111 Aug) 2s? Castra

Lambae si tanaMarius M dup II Parth Se ve r c225 RomeC . Mar(ius) Max imum) 7 VII Gem p 1Date ? Lin ici Tarra

conensis . . II 2522

L . Memmius M (111Aug) Date ? Castra 2502

Munati (ua) Max (imus) 7 (l e g Date ? Magnae Eng . . . VII 785

Naaon (ius) Max (imus) ve t VII Cl 105 A.D. ViminaciumMoe aSup 14507

L . Nae vluaM bl cosXI CIp Ipost Claud DomavianumDalmatia . III I4219:4

Ocratius M 7 (le g?) coh 1 Date ? Ch e ste r Eng VII 172

Octavius M mi l III Gal l Date ? Sidon Syria III 152

IIal MMo); MdEtuocmi l III CyrDate ? Bostra Arabia PAES III 5vh sp257PlnarluaM armcust (III Aug) 200A .D . Castra Lambae si tana . A.E. 1902:10

C . PlotiusM Gasmi l ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 2507M. Pompe iua M Tolom(alda) ve t? (111 Aug) se t Hadriani

VIIIW m ?) Mwe t (V Mac) c134 Troe smis III 0178


(Pom)ponluaMa(x i )mus bl coe (111Aug) Date ? El-Ge hara . .VIII 18025C . Pomponlua M ve t e x cor (111Aug) Date ? 2902

L. Pomp(onlua) Max (imus) ve t e x cor (III Aug) Date ? Lam

L. Pomp(onlus?) M mi l (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 3220B e tt inaM 7 111Aug 188-102 A.D . Lambae sis VIII 2749

Slb id l e n (l )us Max (lmus) mil (XV Apol) 1a Carnuntum Pann

L. Sll lua e t I Adi p I c114 Apulum Dae ia 111 1008

M. Statina M Nloonfle tfla) sig (111Aug) ae t Hadriani CastraVII118084

Ste t tinlua M Nicomh dia) ve t? (III Aug) act Hadriani

T . Terwtiua M optio (111Aug) 2s e x e -3s init Castra Lambae sitana Mem de l

Acad de s Inacr 33:1p200

O. Tube l i ius O. M Roma 7 V Mac ante Carae all ?

III 7534

Tutlua M spe c III Aug Date ? Lambae aiaM. Tutlus M ve t 111Aug Date ?Val (e t lus) Maximu(s) ve t (V Mac) c134 Troe smisVa1(erius) M ve t (V Mac) c134 M a mieVinic ius Mazatlan ) ve t (V Mac) c134 Troe smisVal (a lua) Max i (mus) ve t VII Cl 135 A.D. Viminacium Moe a

III 8110

Val (¢ lus) M mi l X1C1155Val erius M 7 II Tr Port 174 A.D . Al e x andria Egypt III 12048

Va1(e rlus) M 7 1111PI Date ? Concordia V 1870

Val (e rlua) M ve t le g (V) 3a? Potaissa Dacia Ki io 1911p501

(Val eriu)s M y e t (111 Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 3203Val e rius M Cu mil ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana u VIII 2508

Val (e t lus) M 7 (log coh V Date ? Magnae Eng VII 778

Val (¢ lua) Max i (mus) 7 (l e g Date ? Gre atche atera 737

Val (erlus) Max l (mua) 7 (le g Date ? Bore ovicum 085

C . Vai (e rius) Max lm(ua) Sc(upla) ve t str VII Cl 195 A.D.

Viminacium Moe a Sup . III 14507

C . Va1(e t lus) M Ratasrla) armcurt ve t VII Cl 195 A.D. Vimia. III 14507

C. Val (e rlua) M 8c(upls) ve t VII C1195 A.D. ViminaciumMoe a

III 1450?

C . Val (e riua) M Scal p“) ve t VII C1 195 A.O . Viminacium

C . Va1(e t ius) C . I. M ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sisViminacium Moe aJahrea Wien 1910 8 e ibl p202

232 coonorrrna or sonnrnss ln nouan morons

(G . Val e rius) M 7 II Parth 7 VI Fe rr 7 XIII Gem 3a Pann In!ince rta . III 10010

L. Val e rius Max i (mus) ve t (V Mac) Date ? Troe smis III 0179

(M) Val (e rius) M Pau(tal ia) ve t VII Cl 105 A.D . ViminaciumMoe a Sup

L. Varius L . I. Fab. M 7 VII Cl Date ? Apame a Phrygia . .1117055

L. Ve cna (tius) — (f) Pol Max im(us) For(o) Gor(n e l i i ) mil XI(Cl) p l Ve spas-Traian Vindonissa

M . Voluslus M 7 XVI Fl firm 103-5 A.D . Vise Syriacae .

O . Volussius Max im(us) Lamb ve t 111Aug p v c198 Castra

Lambae sitana VIII 18008(Ma)x imus Pare th (onio) ve t? (111Aug) ae t Hadriani

Castra Lambae sitana VIII 18084— eus M Th (e ve ste ) sig 111Aug ae t Antonini Pii Castrs Lam

bae sitana VIII 18085— viusT . 1. Col . M Cae sare a ve t 11TrIort 104 A.D . Ale x andria

— m(ius) M sig I Adiut post 114 Brige ti o Pann Sup(M)ax imus Sav(aria) mil ? (111Aug) ae t Antonini Pi i

Castra Lambae sitana VIII 18085(M)ax imus Tha (rso) (mi l ? III Aug) Date ? Castra

Lambae si tana . .A.E. 1809z00— ius M aquil 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis . V11118311

Max im(us) Cast (mil ? 111Aug) c2oo Castra Lambae sitana Archeol 1905 p241

Max i (mus) mi l V111Aug Is? Albona Dalmatia III 3051

Max i (mus) 7 (l e g Date ? prope Magnae Eng . . E.E. IX 1203


De ccius Max si (minua?) 7 XV Apol Is CarnuntumPann Sup . III

MAXSIMUSC . Attius C . I. Pupi . M Bae t(e rris) mil 1111Mac 43-70 A.D.

Mainz ..A.E.

L . Attius M mi l (1Ital) Date ? Moe a Inf ince rta 1110232

P . Fann lus M 7 XIIII G m v 1s e x e ? Ad Fle xum Pann Sup . . III 13444Val e n (lus) M 7 (11Aug?) coh VIII Date ? Isca Eng . . VII 113

MAXSUMUSIul ius Max sum(us) mi l (VII Gem p 1) se ? Vil lavicoaaLusitani a II 151


O . Luriua O. I. Pup . M ve t l e g XV ante 03? Savaria Pann Sup . .1114229L . Tul i ius L . I. M mi l l e g V Date ? Concordia A.E.

MELCIDIANUSC . Iul (ius) M ve t e x bl cos V Mac Date ? Drobe ta Dacia . . III

MELIORSe x . Ruti l ius M mi l 111Aug Date ? Batna VIII 4294


Aur(e l ius) M e q 11Adiut 3s? Aquincum Pann Inf 11110500

MESSORC . Carmin ius M ve t (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 3074C . Iul (ius) M Casmi l ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 2507C . Luci l ius M mil XXII Pr1100A.D . Mains XIII 0072M. Munatius M Cast ve t 111Aug p v cl 08 Castra Lambae si

tana . VIII 18008M. Ulpius M Sir(mio) ve t VII Cl 105 A .D . ViminaciumMoe a

Sup III 14507

Vla(e l i ius) Me sso(r) sig (le g Date ? Stanwix Eng VII 015

MEETPIANOEAopfi h og) Mempzaoég) mil 11runDate ? Se rdica Thrace . . l o a anrmMESTRIUS

P . Asi (lus) P . I. Mae ci a M Pala(gonia) optio 11Adiut Date ?Aquincum Pann Inf 111 3530

M . Aur(e l ius) M Sc(upla) ve t VII Cl 105 A.D. ViminaciumMoe a Sup 111 14507

M . Aur(e l ius) M Sc(upla) ve t V11 C1105 A.D . ViminaciumMoe a Sup

M . Aure l ius M ve t VII Cl Date ? Scapi Moe a Sup .

M Cas ve t VII Cl 105 A.D . ViminaciumMoe a Sup . 111 14507

MESTULAM. Aur(e l ius) M Sc(upla) ve t VII Cl 105 A.D. Viminacium

Moe a Sup . 111 14507

MESUOUASAure l (ius) M (e q? 11Adiut) 3a? Aquincum Pann In! 11110500

METELUSM . Aure l ius M . I. Cami l la M Alba mil 1111Mac ante Ve spas

Mainz XIII 0855


M . Aur(e l ius) Me trod (orua) Nic(opol i ) sig ve t VII Cl 195 A.D .

111 14507

MICAAure l ius M 7 X1Cl post Hadrian Ad HaemumMoe a Inf 11112440

MILITARISIul (ius) M dup? (le g Date ? Apulum Dacia 111 1189

MILITIOM. Aur(e l ius) M m h m e x e q 111Ital Date ? Castra Re gina

III 5055

MILOC . Anulus C . I. Ani . M Luca ve t V Mac 1s Oe scus Moe a 1ni . . l l114415

MINERVALISPontius M (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana

anm nrmcan nrsr 235

MINUCIANUBP . Ae l ius P. t. Sartfla (Mln)uclanus mi l (111Aug) Date ? Lam

Aug) Date ? Lambae sisAure l (lus) M (mi l n Parth ?) o m? Rome . .

MINUTIUSVal (u1us)Min (utlua) corn? (1Ital) 2s e x e -3a Almus Moes Ini . . III

MIGPIAATIKOE[Alfip'hl toc 7 mourDate ? Ancyra . . . . ro a as mmMOCETIUS

C . Ati l iua e t VIII Aug Date ? Meda

Antonius M 7 111Aug coh 111102 A.D . Castra lambaeaitana n VIII 18005

C . l lua M h1 cos Date ? Siacia Pann Sup 111 3950-10839

C . Mud ua M eq 111 Aug Date ? Lambae aiaw u VIII 3199

Hoe sflus) Modm (tus) 7 (11Aug?) coh VI Date ? Isca Eng VII 112

. .VI 2725


VII 199

L. Antonius L. Pol . M Industrla ve t XIII Gem 00-84 A.D.

111 10877

M . Att (lua) Mod e st(us) 8c(upta) ve t VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moe a

Eptld lus M 7 V Mac ante M. Aure l Ad Haemum Moe a Inl

Mard us M 7 XI Cl i eapaa-Traian Vindoniaaa

Bath 48

Cl p l e t VIII An I Cl p i I Min p l Date ? Sarmiae ge tima . 1111480

Val e (rius) Mod e atCua) bl tri b (111Aug) Date ? 2993

L . Val e riusM 7 I Adiut 70-100— Date ? Home VI 33O31

Lugud (uno) mi l IIII Mac ante

C . Iulius Mod l (u)nus ve t II Adiut c l 50 Simitthus VIII 14005MODIUS

Sal luawua) Mod lu(a) ve t e x li brario (111Aug) 270-275 A.D.

O. Sal lustiua M ve t 111 Aug Date ? Lambae sis

Date ? Alao Koaaly Dae ia . .111822


MOESICUSAponi (us) Moe (sicus) ve t (V Mac) c184 Troe smis III 0178

MOMMOAur(e l ius) M 7 XIII Gem post Traian Sarmize ge tusa III 8005:28

MONIMUSP. A(e l lus M)on1m(us 7) I Ital Date ? Ad HaemumMoe a Inf . . III 18720

Aure l ius M str le g le g I Ad iut Date ? Inte rcisa Pann In! III 10810

C . Iul (ius)M optio (111Aug) 198-211A.O . Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 2554

MONTANUSM . Ae (l lus) M mi l 111(Aug) Date ? Lambae sis .

Aur(e l ius) M mi l V Mac M. Aure l -274 Potaissa Dacia .

M . Aur(e11us) Monta (nus) ve t VII Cl 195 A.D . ViminaciumMoe a Sup . III 14507

Bucclus M 7 III Aug coll VIII 102 A .D . Castra Lambae si tana . . VIII 180050. Enlboud ius M 7 III Ital ae t M. Aure l i i Ceme ne lum V 7805—0Gal e riusM armatura XI Cl post Claud Olbia Che rsone se A.E.

Pri (mlus?) M 7 XXII Prim Date ? Oste rburke n XIII 0588M . Tal la (rius) Monta (nus) sig e num le g XIIII Gem post 100

Carnuntum Pann Sup . III 11285

Ti t. Va(l e rius) Clau. Savar(la) mi l I Adiut 70XIII 0882

MOSCHUSC . Iul ius M XII Fulm Date ? Tarraco II 8158



Pe tronius Motthun (us) Su(fe tula) mi l ? (111 Aug) Date ?Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2507MUCAPOR

P. Ae l (ius) Se pt(lmlus) M 7 XIIII GemSe ve r c225 CarnuntumPann III 14857

(M)ucapor dup II Parth Se ve rp II e zz5 ? Kalaat

e l-Muldik Syria A.E. 1908 z272

MUCATRAAe l ius Mucat(ra ?) mi l ? (III Aug) ae t Antonini F11CastraLambae sitana . . VIII 18085

Aure l ius M mi l I Ital Date ? Salonae Dalmatia “ . III 2009

Aure l (ius) M mil l e g A(u)g Date ? Samnium A.E.

Se pt(lmius) M imag XXX Ulp vict p I 228 A.D. Col Ul piaTraiana Ge rm In! XIII 8007

Se pt(lmius)M cand XXXUlp victp f228 A .D . UlpiaTraiana Ge rmIn! XIII 8007

Se pt(lmius) M cand XXX Ulp victp1228 A.O . Col Ulpia TraianaGe rm Inf XIII 8007MUCATRALIS

Aulua M bl leg le g x x n Ale x andrm A.D. Mainz xm em


M Optio 111 Aug 211 e x e Ksar-Ghe lane A.E.


C . Iul (ius) N ve t (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2800NAMFAMO

(Na)mfamo ve t 111Aug Date ? Simitthua VIII 14000NAMPHAMO

0. Marina (N)amphamo ve t (II P)artl1 8s? Diana Numidia . . VIII 4007— iacius N Cast (mi l ? III Aug) c2oo Castra Lambae sitana

Bull Arche ol 1905 p289

NAMPULUSFabius N arm cust (111Aug) 200 A.O . Castra Lambae si tana A.E.

NASOO-storlus N mi l (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis z

N 7 (l e g?) Date ? Che ate rs Eng


An ton ius N 7 XXII Pr p I post 89 Ste inbach XIII 0509T . FI(avius) N ve t (le g?) Date ? Isca Eng E.E. IX 1019

Iu(l ius) N(atal )is ve t VII Cl 195 A.D . ViminaciumMoe s Sup . . III 14507

(Po)mpe ius N Sicc(a) mi l ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambacsi tana

M. Ulp(lus) N ve t e x bi cos Date ? Aquincum Pann InINATULUS

0. Fulvius N Kart bi cos 111Aug c225 Lambae sis VIII 2580Numisius N p p (111Aug) Gal li e nae 258-08 A.O . Castra Lambac

sitana .A.E.


C . Moti i ius Negotian (us) (mil ? 111Aug) c2ooCastra Lambacsi tana Bull Arche ol 1905 p240

NEONNewXauloumi lmCyrDate ? Ummidi-m al Arabia . PAESmm 9173

NEPOSL . Attius L. 1. Gal . NNe rtobrlgnmi l 1111Mac ante Ve spasMains XIII 0858M. Aur(e l ius) N 7 XX V v Date ? Che ster Eng . .E.E. VII 889

0. Cat Libo N 7 III Cyr Date ? Tungri Be lgica .XIII 8592

Ge lasln (ius) N (mi l ? 111 Aug) c2i 8? Castra Lambae si tanaBull Arche ol 1904 p200

Iul ius N (mi l 111Aug p V) 8a? Lambae sis . VIII 8150C . Iul (ius) N Sal (onis) corn ptaci ve t VII Cl 195 A.D. Vimina

cium Moe a Sup . 111 14507

C . Iul (ius) N domo Amme dara pe d sing (III Aug) c225? Lambacaia VIII 2911

Pe tron (iu)s N(epos?) corn? (1Ital) 2s e x e -8s Almus Moe s InI . III

Se p(timius) N can (le g?) Date ? Apulum Dacia . III 1190

Tre bon ius N 7 (l e g?) Date ? Pe trianae Eng . VII 905

L. Val e rius N mi l VII Gem post 172? Ital ica Bae tica . . . . II 1120

N 7 III Aug 1a Gurai Numidia VIII 2108

m m m canus'r 289

Nepotlnius N bl cos 227 A.D . Ne tte rsbe im .A.E .

NEPTOLBMUST . Aur(e l ius) N Hame l“ ) ve t VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium

Bortmaius N dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambac

Ulpius N (eq? 11] Aug) 222-85 A.D. Castra Lambae si tana 11111 43919141

NEREUSAn tonius N 7 III Aug ooll VIII 102 A.D . Castra Lambae si tana . .VIII 18005

we )r — N 7 X Fr Date ? Bi lak Dacia III 7025

m o

Lambae sis vm amNERTUS

XIII 1907NERVA— N Lai di l . De si d iati ve t II Adi p i 70A.D. Herculaneum. .X 1402

Me l ius Gerviniusml t N 7 0Min?) p i Date ? Iuliomagus provLugudun XIII 8088

M l lua N (mil ? II Parth ?) Date ? Rome . . VI 2410

C . lul (lus) N ve t eontributus e x le g III Gall in le g III Aug 8s in1t

NIGOMACIIUSA(ur)e l ius N bl cos VII Cl 218 A.D. Ulpia Batiaria Moea Sup . . . III 0291


Aug c225 2580

NIGELIO—N mi l 11ItalwVallis Fl Mur 5448

ViminaciumMoe s Sup III 1050sdd p1021

NIGER(A)n ldusNPlusaad e ) ve t? (III Aug) ae t Hadriani Castra Lam

M. At t ius N (mil III Cyr ant x x n De iot) 90 A.O . FaoyumPap Ge n Lat 1

Cae sonlus N ve t (V Mac) e 184 Troesmis 1110178

Tib .m omma 1. 8e l-gIa Nloopo11N ve t 11tal Date ? Ad

111 0144

T . Flavius Nige k ) (mi l III Cyr aut XXII De iot) 90 A.D . Fay

Pap Ge n Lat 1

240 coonouma or nomin am30m morons

Iul ius N mil III Cyr ante 108 Egypt We sse ly Lat Pal 8C . Iul ius C . 1. Vol . Carc(aaone ) Nmi l leg11Date ? AgerMogon

XIII 7284

Mu(mmius) N mil XI Cl 155 A.D . Almus Moe a InI . . III 7449

L. Pe tron ius N ve t X Fr 94 A.O . Ale x andri a Egypt A.E.

Pub(l icius?) N ce nturio IV le g Date ? Ad Varum Super Alpe sMari tim e

C . Pu(bl i )cius N (mil) V Mac ante M. Aure l h oe smis .

P. Puticius P. 1. Mac. N mi l l eg VI Date ? Tare ntum.

L. Se n tius L. 1. 001. N sig IIII Se ytl l Date ? Sibrium.

L. SertoriusL. 1. Out. Nig(e rnut-t inus) ve t l eg? Date ? Mon


M. Tudius M. I. Rom. N leg V Urb c81 B. C . Ate ste .

Tul l (ius) N 7 III Cyr ante 108 Ale x andria EgyptL. Val e rius N Thamug(ad i ) bi cos 111Aug c225 Lambae sisO. Val e rius0. f. Ani . N domo Foro Iul i i ve tXI Cl p142-Ve spas

Burnum Dalmatia .

C . Ve ttius C . 1. 001. N domo Antioch ia Syria ve t XII FulmDate ? Rome

NIGRIANUSAe l ius N mi l? X Gem Date ? Vi e nna III 4508


P. Ae l ius Nig(ri )nus Nap(oca) mi l ? (111Aug) se t Antonini Pi iCastra Lambaesi tana VIII 18085

M. Aemi l ius M. 1. Cl . N Ara mil irum XXX Dlp vict Date ?Home

Iul (ius) N mil XI Cl 155 A.O . Almus Moe s In?

L. Pontius Gal . N .nc (rum VII Gem Date ? HomeM Porcius N mil XXI Bap ante Hadrian Villanue va Tarracone n

N XIIII Gempost 100 Carnuntum Pann SupNIMMIRA

Aure l ius N dup IIIAug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae si tana VIII 2504


M . Aure l ius N quondammi l II Tr iort Ge rSe verc225 Ale x andriaEgypt III


C . Iul (ius) N 7 XVI Fl firmpost h aian? Ve rona V 8250

NOBILISIul (ius) Nob (i l is?) ve t (V Mac) c184 Troe smis III 0178

NOCINADurius N 7 XIII Gem Date ? Novaria V 0512


L . Puccius L. f. Pal . N Fund is 7 VI Vict p 1Date ? Alpis Poenina V 0881


F(lavius) N 7 (leg?) 0011 X Date ? Magnae Eng

242 monom a orm maa m nouwnmm


P . Publ i d us 0 C -s e orn tr III Aug p v c198 Castra Lambae si~


O 7 (le g?) coh I Date ? Ambogianna Eng E.E. VII 1074

AquincumPann In11118524P . Ae l iua 0 mi l n X ae t Tibe ri i ? Age r Novsrie nais . .V 0082

Aurd (ius) 0 (mi l ? 111 Aug) e 218? Castra Lambae si tanaBull Arche ol 1904 pm

II 4614

ante Ve spas MainzCom(minius) 0 mi l XIIII Gem post 100 8svaria Pann Sup 1114184

M. Corne l ius M . 1. Vol tin ia O Aquis Se x tis mil XXII Prim

L . Domi tiua O Cla . mi l I11Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8099O. Domi tius O. 1. Cln. 0 Viruno (mil ? XIIII Gem?) la Che stm'

E.E . IX 1088

Flavius 0 dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.O . Castrs Lambae si

111 14821218

M . Col l ins Optnt(u)s Banal ?) ve t 111Aug p v c198 Castra Lam~

Inl i ne 0 ve t X Gem Date ? Aqui lé a . .V 919

C . Iul ius C . 1. Gal .M (uduno) 0 mil le g XVI ante ? 48 Mains . .XIII 0941C. Iul i O IIi pflo) ve t III Aug p v c198 Castra b mbse sitana . . VIII 18008

C. Iul ius 0 (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana VIII 2502C . Iul ius O (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambaesi tana VIII 2502M . Laborius O (pt)ntus Ti pas(a) ve t III Aug p v c198 Castra

Seupi Moe s Sup III 8198

Numislus O ? (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2502O . Numi torius O Caa mil ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae

L . Pipm cius L. 1. S tal l . 0001110 Taurlnus mi l XV Prim ante

Tad (ius) 0 armcust III Aug c225 Castra Lambae si tana A. :E. 1902 11

M . U lpiua 0 7 III Aug p v 8s? Lambae sis ” . . VIII 8002M . Ul p(lus) 0 ve t l l Adiut 2-83 Aquiucum1

’anani III 15105

Q Val e rius C . 1. Bar. O Mi l e v(o) mi l III Aug Ds te ? Lambaeais VIII 8200

m am mm mar 248

P. Val erius 0 ve t (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sisT . “NW T . 1. Pol . O Epore d ia mil XXII Prim 1s? Mains III 0981

Vol (usius?) 0 armcust 111Aug 0225 Castra Lambae si tana . .A.E .

— 0 mi l II Ital 2-8s Nore ia Noricum 11111042

i nl (ine ) o bl trib 1Adiutm A. O . Syria ince rta 111190

M. 1111i 0 Gas mil ? (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 2508OTHO


(A)nniua Pacatit nms) sig (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si

M. Attius P Cirta b1cos III Aug c225 Lambaesist oriua i cos Date ? BorcoviciumEng

0. PabiusP Volt. Vie nnae mil XI Cl p 142-Ve spas 8aionae DaLIII 8740

L . Lae torius P sig III Aug Date ? Lambae siswVal e (rius) P ve t (XV Apol) Date ? Lystra Cappadocia III 0787

— P Mucaris (fi l ?) mi l II Adiut 8s?


Aug 80A.O . Hr Brighita VIII 12241


Isa ng V11111


Ae l (ius) P mil le g IIII Date ? Prisre n Moe s Sup 1118289

M. Ulp(lus) P Rat(iaria) ve t VII Cl 195 A.D. ViminaciumMoe a

PANNOM. Ulp(lus) P mil XXX Ulp vi e t Date ? Eigomagus GermIni m XIIImPANSA

L. Te tte nnlusT . 1. P ve t XI Cl p 142-Ve spas SalonaeDalmatia

PAPIAAur(e l ius) P ve t II Adiut 2-8a AquincumPann In? III 18807


Aure l ius XIIII Gemwst l oo Vi enna 1114550


PARRAC . Cae ci l ius C . 1. Pup. P dom Bae (terris) mi l 1111Mac ante

Ve spas Mainz XIII 0857


Saturn (ius) Parth i e (ns) (mil ?) I Min Date ? Bonn XIII 8058PASSERIANUS

L . Val (e rius) P sig XIIII Gempost 100CarnuntumPann Sup . III 4407a


P 7 VII Gem Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8220PASTOR

M . Aure l ius P natione Thrax mil II Parth Se ve r c225 Fabrate ria . X 5052Domi tius P ve t le g ae pt Gem Date ? Eme rita Lusi tania II 489

C . Ocmvius P . 1. P Pub]. Ve ro(n)n sig le g VIIII ae t VespasianiIX 4085

C . Puccius P ve t XXII Pr p 1D(omitianae ) ae t Domiti ani Brohl XIII 7725PATERCLUS

Sammonius P armcust XXII Pr p 1post 89 Main: XIII 0970HATEPKOI



Kopv'fil uoc;Harepbtofikoc]7 11Tr fort 107-8 A.D. FayoumEgypt . BGU 240


Ex omnius P 7 l eg? Date ? Lyons XIII 1854PATERNUS

(An)tist(ina 1. Gal . mil 1111Mac ante Ve spasNarbo XII 4805

Aur(e l ius) P mi l 11 Adiut Date ? Ticinum V 0422

Domi t(ius) P (mi l ? II Parth ?) Date ? Home VI 2410

P . Eni stal ius P. 1. Cl . P Ceme n e l ensis optio ad ordin 7 XXII Prp 1 post 89 Ceme ne lum V 7872

Fann ius P mi l XXX Ulp vict Date ? Are late

Fnon ius P X Gem Date ? Rome . . VI 2898

L. F1(avius) P bf cos 187 A.O . Stockstadt . XIII 0084

Iul ius P sig I Adiut post 114 Arrabona Pann Sup III 475

Iul (ius) P mi l XXII Pr p 1post 89 Bonn XIII 8082M . Inl (ine ) M . 1. Vol . P Aquis Se x ti is mi l VI Vi ct (7) VIII Aug

7 XIIII G 111 v e t XI Cl p 1ante 42 Salonae Dalmatia III 2085

M . Iustin ius P ve t IMin Date ? Me diolanumSantonumAquitania XIII 1047Licin ius Pate r(nus) 7 VII Gem 108 A.D . Castrum S Christoph

Tarracone nsis II 2552

(0pp)onius Pater(nus?) (Agri )pp ve t e x armcoat 1(Min) Date ?Dotte ndori Ge rm Inf .

Placi d inus P 1mm 1 Min Date ? Rome VI 8885

L. Val er(ius) P mi l X Gem optio Date ? Arand de Due ro . .A.E.

L. Vatut (ine ) P mi l VIII Aug Date ? Durlach Ge rm Sup XIII 0884C . Ve tin ius P ve t le g XXII 8s? Wie sbade n .

XIII 757011P 7 II Tr iort 194 A.O . Ale x andria Egypt .

240 coox ouma or commas 111now morons


Maturius P 7 (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2942PEREGRINUS

P . Ae l ius Pe regrin (us) Ha (drume to) arm cust (111 Aug) ae tAntonini Pii Castra Lambae sitana VIII 18085

T . Am nius T . 1. Ar. P mi l 111Aug Date ? Thala Byaace na . . VIII 11080T . Flavius T . 1. men tina P Me di olani mi l V111Aug 2-8s?

Arge ntorate XIII 5979

Geminiu(s) P armcust 111Aug c225 Castra Lambae si tana . A.E.

Gemin ius P dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.O . Castra LambaeVIII 2504

C . Iul (ius) Pe regr(in)us bi cos 182 A.D . Stoch tadt XIII 0085

C . Iul ius P (e q? 111Aug) 222-85 A.O . Castra Lambae sitana MAR 1897 p447

C . Mod e stin (ius) P ci via Agrippinensis ve t 1Min 2s Lyons . .XIII 1844Ir P de curio le g XIII l a? Luca . . X1 1520

-ovius L. 1. (St)e . P le gati optio 7 XXII Pr p 1post 89Taurini V 7004

Pe regri (nus) 7 (l e g?) Date ? Cambriae oppida Eng

VII 147 add E .E . VII 855

P 7 (l e g?) Date ? Conde rcum Eng . VII 588

PERPETUUSP . Ae l ius Procul i 1. Cl . An P 7 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2785Iul (ius) P 7 (l e g?) Date ? Cambriae oppida Eng . . VII l 889a add E.E . IX


Mnte rnius Perpe tu(u)s mil atrator (cos) (X)XII Pr p 1Date ?Mainz XIII 0070

T . Pate rnius P corn le g l e g XXX Ulp vict Date ? Ve te ra GermIn1 XIII 8084—lus P (Vi e n )na? mil (V111Aulg Date ? Duenhause n Ge rmSupP 7 111Aug l a Th e ve ste .

PERTINAXAur(e l ius) P 1mm1e t 11Adi p 1Se ve r 228 A.D. AquincumPann

1n1 . III 8524

Cl (aud ius) P str cos (II Adiut) 2-8s Age r Aquince nsis Pann Inf . . III 10878

Pe reg(rin ius) P mi l ? 1Min Date ? Bonn . . XIII 8058PERTUK

Aurunc P l ibrar ce ntur le g IV Date ? Tungri Be lgica XIII 8595PERVINCIANUS

Aur(e l ius) P e q 111Ita l 240 A.O . Castra Re gina Rae tia . . III 5942


(P)lncid ius P ve t l e g XXII Date ? Lyons XIII 1877C . Se n i l ius P ve t e x sig III Ital Date ? Augusta Vinde l icumBae tia III 5818C . Tall onius P ve t VIII Aug Date ? Lyons . .


P corn V111Antonin 218-217 A.D. Mains XIII 0808

m am m m r 247


G . Inl (ine ) P 01cos 107 A.D . Stockstad t(DAMAINOZ

tbdua lvoq bl cos Date ? Eire he he r Cappadocia 16 a an 111ms


L. Aure l ius P spe c VII Gem c2oo Te rraco II 4122

(MAINOZAbpfll l loc (PlAivokmi l (111Cyr) 251A.O . Palmyra Syria . 1G a 11111111085


Fl (avius) P 7 11Tr iort 194 A.D. Ale x andria EgyptPHILIPPUS

Aure l ius P 7 (l eg?) Date ? 111 10508

Gamma) Phi l i p(pus) 7 (le g?) Date ? Procli tia Eng

VII 081add E.E. IX 1187

at Ph i l (i ppus) ve t e x 111(V Mac) c184 0178

—l P ve t (V Mac) c184 Troesmis 1110178

(Ph i l i )ppus ve t (V Mac) Date ? Troe smis 111 0180

PIETASM. Antonius P Art? dise cas polio (111 Aug) Date ? Castra

VIII 18080C . Corne l ius P armcost 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis


Val erius ?) (mil ) le g VI post Hadrian Bom vi

0. Luci l lus P 7 11tal Date ? TropaeumMoe s lni

Troianlus P e q 1Adiut post 114 Brige tio Pann Sup 11111089

PIUST . Aure l ius P 1rum VI Vict Date ? VI 8844

P. Clod ius P. 1. Ste . P le g XX(X) post 81B .C . Age rBe ne ve ntanus IX 2114

Se ptimius P mi l XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia III 1052

Ti ti e n ius P armcust (111Aug) 200A.O . Castra Lambae si tana A.E.

Ti tinius P arm cut 111Aug Date ?rumm s

P Nap(oca) vi (ctimarius?) (111Aug) act Antonini Pii Castravm l aoss

M Cai l i e nius P M Ie g le g I Min Date ? Rome was”

n acmmusM. An tist(lua) Placi d in(ua) (ve t) e x sig le g x x x al oA.D. Ve te ra

Ad Dravum Pann Sup 11115188

248 COGNOMINA or sommns us now morons


Iul (ius) P (7? 1Min) ae t Ge tae Bonn .

M. MunatiusM . 1. Col l . P 1000nio ve t 1Adi p1post 114 Brige tio

Pann Sup 111 11080

Placi d ius P ve t VII Gem(Ale x a) p1ante 285 Asturica Tarraconen. II 2040

C . Val e rius P mil le g XIV Date ? Forum Ini l i X11205


L. Val e rius P mi l 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2995


Val e rius P arm cust 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2995P curator ve te ranorum 1111Mac ante Ve spas Taurini V 7005

PLATOScri bonius P arm cust 111Aug c225 Castra Lambae si tana A.E.


Aur(e l ius) P mi l 1Adiut post 114 Brige tio Pann Sup 11111021

T . T e ttius Plotu(s) ve t Fl firm Date ? Almus Moe a InI . III 7425

POLIOL . Ve dius P Gas ve t 111Aug 100A.D . Castra Lambae si tana VIII 18007

POLLIOL. Comin ius P mil XIII Gem b1le g cos Date ? Age r Comauala . . V 5451

G . Statius P ve t XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia . . III 1101

Val e r(ius) P ve t (V Mac) Date ? Troe smis . III 0179

P 7 V Mac 08 A.D . EmmausNicopol i Pale stine 111


ZéEcroc; Houvmlavoc e q (11Tr?) 120-140A.D . FayoumEgypt BGU 000

Aur(e l ius) P mi l 11Parth Date ? Rome VI 8894-82090

M . Aure l (ius) C1. P mi l V111Antonin Aug bf cos 218 A.D . Mainz XIII 7888Equinus P optio (11Tr) Date ? Ale x andria Egypt III 0005

POMPONIANUST . Fl (avius) P 7 11Tr fort 7 X11Pulm7 XIV Gem7 I(III) Fl 7

XVI Fl Date ? Salonae Dalmatia III 2029

PONTIANUSAure l ius P mi l 1Ital Date ? Saloune DalmatiaFl (avlus) Pont (ianus?) ve t (V Mac) Date ? Troe smisFl (avius) Po(n)tianus mi l X1Cl 155 A.D . Almus Moe s Ini

Ponti (us) P mi l X1C l 155 A.D . Almus Moe a Ini

M P ve t (V Mac) c184 Troe smis .


Iul (ius) P natus Amastris mil V Mac ante M. Aure l Troe sm1s 1117502

C . Iul ius P ve t VII Cl p 1Date ? Scupi Moe a Sup A.E.

O. Iul ius O. 1. Col . P Ga ? (mi l 111Cyr aut XXII De iot) 9090 A.D . Fayoum Egypt Pap Gen Lat 1



(A)1ban i (us P)rimanus sig (X)XII Pr (p 1) Date ? 0001

T . Alban ius P sig XXII Pr p 1optio naval i 185 A.D . Mains . .XIII 0714P. He lvius P mi l XIII Gem li b cos post Traian Ampe lum Dacia . 1111818

Ouintin ius P civis Tre ve ri ve t XXX Ulp vict Ale x and c225

Lyons XIII 1888

PRIMIANUSFuflcius P Gas str (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 2508T . Se ran ius P 7 V Mac Date ? Rome VI 8081

PRIMICIANUSSe ius P (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2502

PRIMIGENIUSCoe l ius P mil 1111P1Date ? Rusicade VIII 7981

PRIMITIUSIul ius P mil 111 Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8158PRIMITIVOS

Libe l l ius P 7 e vocatus 111Aug coh X 102 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana . V11118005


Sp(urius?) P mi l 1Adiut post 114 Brige ti o Pann Sup 11111008

PRIMULLUSVigi l ius P mi l 11Adiut 2—8s? Aquincum Pann Ini 11110524

PRIMULUSPriman ius P 7 XXII Pr p 1post 89 Age r Mogontiace naia . .XIII 7250PRIMUS

P . Ae l (ius) P str cos VII Cl 195 A.D . ViminaciumMoe a Sup . III 14507

Arra(n ius) P arm cuat 111Aug c225 Castra Lambae sitana . A. .E.

C . Arrun tius C . 1. Pol l i . Aastn P ve t XV Apol 1s CarnuntumPann Sup . III 4455

Ati l ius P 7 XIIII Gem e x e voe X Gem p 1post 100 CarnuntumPann Sup 111 11129

L . Aure l ius P aqui l (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana . . VIII 18080M . Aure l (ius) P ve t 1Min 2s Lyons XIII 1844M . Aur(e l ius) Primu(s) ve t VII Cl 195 A.D . ViminaciumMoe a

SupBruttius P mil 11Tr Date ? Ale x andria EgyptC . Bruttius P ve t (111 Aug?) Date ? Se riana

M . Cae ci l ius P optio 111Aug Date ? DianaM . Cae ci l ius P optio 111Aug Date ? Lambae sisC . C e nsorius P te as (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sisCorn e l ius P ve t XIII Gem post Traian ApulumDaciaO. Duron lus P Ve ga bi cos 111 Aug c225 Lambae sisQ. Duron ius P Knr b1le g (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si


Be stina Pri (mus) 7 XV Apol 1s Carnuntum Pann Sup .

111 14507


VIII 4877VIII 18052VIII 18292VIII 2888III 1041

VIII 2580

ALPRAac L L18 1 251

Etsre ius P armcurt (111Aug) 200A.D. Castra Lambae sitana. . A.E.

Cl p 142'Ve apas Burnum111 14998

Famine P dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.O . Castra Lambae si

C . Firminlus P ve t II Adiut Date ? Val l is Fl Mur 5480

Pl (avtus) P mil X1Cl 155 AD . Almus Moe a

Gemlnlus P arm cust fle g ?) Date ? Mainz . .

P. Granius P. 1. P mi l (111Aug) Date ? Lambearia VIII 8120P. Grntinlua e t XXX Ulp vict Date ? Novae siumGe rm Ini . . X1118507

M. 110rte naius P cor III Aug p v 208 A.D. Castra Lam

Iul (ius) P 7 XIII Gem post Traian Apulum DaciaIul (ius) P ve t 1Min p 1Date ? Col

i nl ine P (111 Aug) Date ? Castra Lambaes itana VIII 2502

Inl (ine ) P sig (X Gem) Date ? Albulae Maure tania Cae aarie nais . V11121009

C . 1ul ius il XXII Pr p 18s? Carte nna Maure tania Cae aar

L. Iul ius Prim(us) sig 111 Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2912

tonin tr e x III Aug p v poat 2l 4 Ale xandria Egypt 111 12057

Luci i ius P dup III Aug v ntonin 218 A.D. Castra Lam

Luriua uc III Aug v ntonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana . VIII 2504

C. Mund ius e t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis . . VIII 8208Navoti na P Ear d s (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana . . . . VIII 2508C . Nove l l ina P ve t X1CI p 1Vespas-Traian Vindonissa . .

P arm cost (1Ital ) 2s e x e -8s Almus Moe a Ini . .111

Pe scennius P arm cust fll l Aug) 200 A. .D Castra Lambae d

Pinnrius e x (111 Aug) Date ? Castra Lamhae aitana VII I 2502

Rufinims) P 7 (le g coh 111 Date ? Isca Eng IX 1017

8m m P Tubu(nis) (mil ? 111 Aug) c2o0 Castra Lam


P . Val e rlus i1111Cyr ante 108 Ale x andria Egypt 1110002

L. Ventrius Spa 1. Vot . Plac(entia) P ve t e x l e g XIIII GemXIII 7675

— i i iua P tub 111Aug p v 202 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana H A E.

Aure l ius P dup III Aug v ntonin 218 A.D. Caatra Lambae sio


PRIOR(S)e x Pul lae n ius P Sicc(a) mi l ? (111 Aug) Date ? Csstra

Lambae sitana VIII 2507


Aure l ius P mi l 11Adiut Date ? Inte rcisa Pann In1 111 10810

Iul (ius) P spe c 1e t 11Adi p 1Se ve r 228 A.D . Aquincum PannIn1.

Val e rius P mi l 11Ital p 18a Virunum Noricum.

Val e rius P spe c 111 Aug Date ? Lambae sis


C . 1. Col . P Cae sar(e a) sig 11Tr fort 194 A.D . Ale x andriaEgypt III 0580


M . Aure l (ius) P spe c 11Adiut 209-11A.D . trans AquincumPann1n1. III 8015


P . Ae l (ius) P mil VII Cl Date ? Viminacium Moe a Sup III 8110

Agri l ius P nation e Ital i e ns mi l 111Aug Date ? 8020

An in ius P 7 111Aug coh I 102 A.D . Castra Lambae si tana . . . VIII 18005(A)nnaeus P tub 111Aug p v 202 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana . . A.E. 1907:184

(A)n tonius P Ant (iochs ) ve t? (111Aug) act Hadriani Castra

Lambae si tanaAte rina P (mi l ? 11 Parth ?) Date ? RomeL . Atl l ius P mi l X1111G In v post 100 Savaria Pann Sup . .

M . Aur(e l ius) P Sc(upis) ve t VII Cl 195 A.D . ViminaciumMoe a 111 14507

Kalcloq lI[pl]ax oq 7 l e g 1111Date ? Se l eucia Syria . . . IG a BB 111 1005

M . Cae sius O . 1. An i . P ve t VIII Aug Date ? Aquil e ia . V 902

Cassi (us) P 7 (le g coh VI Date ? Amboglanna Eng .VII 849

L. Ce n tyl i lus L. (1) Arn i e . P Crem(ona) (mi l XV Apol 1s

Carnuntum Pann Sup . . III 14858:15a

Cl (aud ius) Prisc(us) p p (111) Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 18295Kopvfil loqHpe lcx o; 7 II Tr fort 201A.D Fayoum Egypt DGO 150

C (or)n e l ius (Pr)iscus mi l l e g XXX Date ? Paris . XIII 8082

L . Dasumius P ve t XIII Gem post Traian Sarmize ge tusa III 1470

L. Domi tius P 7 1Adiut 70—100 A.D . Mains . XIII 0888T . Flavius Priscu(s) (mi l 111 Cyr aut XXII De iot) 90 A.D .

Fayoum Egypt . Pap Ge n Lat 1

T . Flavius P (mil ? 111 Aug) c2oo Castra Lambae sitanaBull Arche ol 1905 p240

M . G e rman ius P (ve t 11Tr fort?) 140A.D . Fayoum Egypt . . BGU 010

(?H)e re nn lus M . 1. (Cl )aud . P p p 11Tr fort Date ? Bute oli . .X 1598

Iul ius P 7 X1C l p 142-Ve spas Burnum Dalmatia . III 14999

Iul ius P (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana VIII 2502G . Iul ius G . 1. Vol . P Tol (osa) mi l 1111 Mac ante Ve spas


L. Iul ius P mi l me nsor agrari (us) I Adiut Date ? Rome VI 8000


O. Aure l (ius) Proce ssu(s) optio (111Aug) 198-211A.D . Castra

Lambae si tana VIII 2554

O . Aure l ius P Maddan ius optio 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis ” . . VIII 2824C . Iul (ius) P mil 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis , . .VIII 2898M. Iul ius P (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana . VIII 2502O. Val e rius P (e q? 111Aug) 222-85 A.D . Castra Lambae si tana

MAR 1897 p447


Fl (avius) Procl i (a)nus p p (le g Date ? Umm i di-Dj lmalArabia . . PAES III 280 p185

P arm cust l e g? Date ? Vie nna . III l 4859:20a

P . Nase l l ius P 7 VIII Aug 148 A.D . Boe ckinge n XIII 0409. 0472. 0477PROCLINUS

P mi l 1Adiut post 114 Brige tio Pann Sup 11111020


P . Aure l ius P01. P A1e xandr(e a) ve t 11Tr iort 194 A.D . Ale xandria Egypt . 111 0580

PROCLUSP . Ae l (ius) P ve t XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia III 7790

Appius P ve t XIII Gem 142 A.D . Ve re apataki Dacia III p940-8

Cae ci l i (us) P 7 (le g?) Date ? Procli tia Eng VII 025

Flavius P mi l 1111F1cl 28? Noviomagus Ge rmSup XIII 0104M. Amino; 7 III Gal l Date ? Cyrrhus Syria . IG a RR III 1004M . Lucre tius P ve t l e g Adiut 2 ant 8s Pontua III 848 add

Val e rius P XI C l p 142-Ve spas BurnumDalmatia . 111 l 5004 :1

L. Val (e rius) L. I. P mi l e t 7 V Mac 7 11tal 7 XI Cl 7 XX V v 7

VIIII Hisp se t Domitiani Ad HaemumMoea 1ni

11962710; 7 (11Tr?) 120-140A.D . FayoumEgyptPROCULEANUS

M . Ae l (ius) Procul e an (us) mil (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis . . VIII 8019


Ce ci l ius P mi l can 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis . VIII 2801C . Iul ius P ve t? (111Aug) ae t Hadriani Castra Lambae sitana . .VIII 18084


Ae l (ius) P sig 1111F1Date ? ViminaciumMoea Sup . . III 1049

Aur(e l ius) P mil (II Adiut) Date ? Lugio Pann 1ni 1118801

G . Iu(11us) P quae stionarius 1Adiut 2-8s? Aquincum Pann 1ni . .11110458

Ulp(lus) P spe c XIII GemGordian 288-44 A.D. Apulum Dacia . . III 990


C . Aemi l ius C . 1. P01. P (mil 111Cyr aut XXII B e lot) 90A.D.

Fayoum Egypt . . Pap Gen Lat 1

P . Alfius P ve t 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis . VIII 8027(A)n ton ius Procul (us) optio 111Aug p v 202 A.D . Castra Lam

. A.E.

An ton i (us) Procul (us) ve t (V Mac) Date ? Troe smis III 0179

M . Antonius P ve t (111Aug) Date ? Lambaesis VIII sou-s


Ansina P p p le g? Date ? Carnuntum Pann Sup 111 14850z5b

M . Aquil ius M. 1. An i e s. P Arirnin (o) com (111Aug) Date ?.VIII 2812 add18148

Aur(e l ius) P nation Surua domo l i on e ss ve t II Adiut Date ?111 8801


Cae ci l i (us) Procul (us) 7 (le g?) coh V Date ? Che ate rs h g VII 598

Cai pur(nius) P ve t e x lihrario (III Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lambae ais V1112020P . C1eusius P 1. Pob . P p p VII Cl p i e x corn Date ? Ve rona

Paia Suppl . n1258

Q Gorne flm Q Poma P Re gio mfl XID Ge t fi b 704 4 A.D .

Poe toviO Pann Sup .

Dosae nnius P 7 11Adi p 1c71Lincoln Eng .

HunnumEngGran iua P 7 X Fr Date ? Byblus Syria “

. XIII 0901

Inulani (us) P 7 (1 Min?) c100 Bonn A. E. 1905 108

Iul ius P Sidonln ve t? (111Aug) ae t IIadriani Castra Lamhae

Iul (ius) P ve t e x imm (V Mac) c184 Troe smis “

Iul (ius) Proc(uius) ve t (V Mac) c184 Troe smis . .

Iul (ius) 7 XII Pulm8-4s“spews Pontua Cap111 0745

Iul ius P 7 V Mac e t 111Gal l e t XXII PrimDate ?Inl i (ne ) P 7 (le g?) Date ? inte r Conde rcum e t VindobalamEng E.E . IX 1109

C . Iul (ius) Fab . Procn (l )us 7 XXX Ulp Date ? Erke le na Ge rm

M. 1u11us P Lamb h1cos 111Aug c225 Lambae sis VIII 2580M. 11027

M. Inl ine Col . P Adnn(n) ve t 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8159O. Iul ius P (mi l 111 Cyr aut XXII De iot) 81

Pap Ge n Lat 1

L Le pi d ius L. 1. An . P mi l V Mae 7 V Mac 7 VI Vict 7 XV Apol

p III Gem 70—c100 Ariminum w

Lucre tius P armcustWII Gem) post 100? Asturica Tarrae one n

M. Minucius P Th e l (e pte ) mil ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lam

De cum(us) Mussid ius P 7 V Mac ante M. Aure l Ad Haemum111 1421130

Oppius P 7 le g? ct IIII Date ? Laucaste r Eng . VII 449

(Plon tius P 7 11Adi p 1c71LincOln Eng . V11180

M P 7 III Cyr ante 108 Ale xandria Egypt 11114188 28

Eug E.E. IX i 202



P . Tarrute n ius Ste l . P Taurinis e vocatus 11Adiut 2-8s Aquincum Pann 1n1.

111 8505

Val (erius) P ve t (V Mac) c184 Troe smis ” III 0178

(Val e rius) P . Savaria optio II Adiut 2-8s Aquincum Pann Inf . . III 10525

C . Val e rius C . 1. C18 . P domo Bae te rris ve t 1111Mac ante Ve s

pas Luce ria “ . . IX 799

C . Val e rius C . 1. Gal PCalagurri e q XI CH ae t Traiani Car

nuntum Pann Sup 111 11289

L . Val (e rius) Procu(lus) ve t VII Cl 185 A .D . ViminaciumMoe a

Sup . III 8110

M . Val e rius P e x actus 111Aug p v c202 Castra Lambae sitana A .E . 1898:109

Vate rcul i (us) P 7 VIII Aug Date ? Oe hringe n XIII 0548(Pr)oculus Kart ve t? (111 Aug) se t Hadriani Castra

Lambae si tana VIII 18084

-u(r)ius P (ve t?) XXII Prim Date ? Bostra Arabia . . PAES III 581p28 ]us Procul (us) ve t (V Mac) Date ? h oe amis III 0179


T . Cl (aud ius) P bi cos11Adi p 1Antonin 218 A.D . Inte rcisa Pann111 10800


Piscul ius Profut(rus) arm cust 111Aug c225 Castra Lambae sitana .A.E.

PROMPTUSC laud ius Prom(p)tus 7 111Aug coh V 102 A.D . Castra Lambae


1m P (mi l ? 11 Pe rth ?) Date ? Rome VI 2410


Aur(e l ius) P mil 11Adi p 12-8s Aquincum Pann Inf 11118882


M . Ammonius Propin (quus) (ve t II Tr fort?) 140A .D . FayoumEgypt

7 111Aug 8 ant 4s Soada SyriaPROTUS

FI(nvius) P me nsor VII Cl Se ve r 228 A.D . ViminaciumMoe a Sup III 8112

PROVINCIALISP . Ae l (ius) P ve t II Adiut 2-8s Aquincum Pann In?P . Ae l (ius) P ve t e x sig 11Adiut 2—8s AquincumPann InfM . ve t VII Cl 195 A.D

Viminacium Moe a SupMarc(us) Did lus P bi cos Date ? Lanch e ste r EngIul ius P 7 111Aug coh 111102 A D . Castra Lambae sitanaNovius P mi l II Adiut 8s? Aquincum Pann In1L . Orbius P T ici b (a) mil ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si


T . Sempron iue P 1mm XX V v Date ? Rome VI 3367 e t 3369

Sm i l iua P 7 II “ 1ort 194 A. . Al e x andria Egypt III 6680

T . Se x tl l (iua) Pud en (a) mi l ? (III Aug) Date ? Cantu-a Lambe esitana

(Vand al P ape c II Aug l a? LondonC . Val (e rlue ) Pud (ens) ve t V Mac ne t Hadriani “cuminC . Val (e rl )ua mi l VMac poe tM. Aure l OucuaMoe a In!

A.E. 1912z188

T . Val e riusT . 1. 018 . P'

Sov(aria) mil II Adi p 1c71Lincoln Eng . .VII 186

Volumn lua P 7 XIIII Gem post 100Vi e nna . III 4678

-e ala Pod ena? C . 111. Sc (gla) Augusta eq II Ad i p1e 7 l

Che ate r Eng . E .E . IX 1064

we P Cant (mi l ? III Aug) c2oo Castra Lambae aitanaBull Arch eol 1905 p239

P teas? mi l II Aug Date ? Ilkle y Eng E .E. III 76

— a P ve t (V Mac) Date ? “cumin . III 6179

(P)ud enaEm(ona) mil ? (III Aug) ae t Antonini Pii Caa

tra Lambae si tana VIII 18086PUDENTIANUS

C . In l ine Pud en tKanua) lib (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambaeaitana VIII 2660

PUDESC . Val e rianC . 1. Ola . (P)ud e e Sava(rla) mi l II Adiut InMain . .XIII 8680C . VlbluaC . 1. Pompt . P dom Atre tic 7 VII Cl p 142-70Tragur

ium Dalmatia III 2678


0. Se x tine P b1005 II Ital 192 A.D . Ce le ia NoricumSoui bfiua) P sig (III Aug) Date ? Caatra Lambae sitana

PUPUSL. Vlrl l lue P b1con Date ? Siscia Pann Sup III 3966


Cl (aud lus) P? mi l I Adiut post 114 Brige tio Pann Sup III 11011

Fl (aviua) P optic le g II Pauncnice Date ? Mainz XIII 6849

In l (ine ) P imm II Adiut 2-3a Aquincum Pann In! III 3489


fil toq11690; optic IIII P1296 A.D . Oxyrbyncbua Ox Pap I 43


P me nsorVII Cl Se ve r 228 A.D . ViminaciumMoenSup III 8112

L . Aemi l ius Q e x actus III Aug p v c202Caatra Lambae si tana A.E.

L . An ton ius L. 1. Fab . 0 le g XX ae t Tibe ri i Bri x ia V 4386Appln lua Pol . Faven tla O 7 ve tt 1111Mac ante Ve spas ScardoniaDalmatia . III 2817

Aur(e l ius) 0 mil XI Cl 166 A.D . Almus Moen In! III 7449

C . Can ine Q POI. Gan ve t (III Aug) 211-12 A.D. Lambae ain . . VIII 2618

m 269

0. On pe rlua Quadraflua) Th e v(e ate ) mi l ? (111Aug) Date ?2661

Oliaic uzaitania . 11266

1010110) 0 ve t VII Cl 3a ViminaciumMoen Sup 1111661

Uml (dlue ) 0mi l XI Cl 166 A.D. Almus Moe a In! 1117449

M . Val e t lue M. 1. M O M X FI’M AHD

(Onh d tntua (mil 111Cyraut XXII De iot) 1a e x e FayoumAP 11 p63


rmusVe p(cnl fua) Quartflnun) mi l (n) In! p 1a. VirunumNoricum . . .m «an


Ae l lua0dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Cae tra Lambae ai tana . VIII 2664

C . T l turnlmO e q 111Call 160-200 A.O . Mateut Tuuin H CRAI 1913 p28

QUARTUSAtlfld lua 0 trib (111 Aug) Date ? Lambae aia VIII 2816M . Aure l lua M. 1. 0 eq 11 Partb 8e ve x

-dup c226 8entinum XI 6746

C . Iul luaC . (1) C1. OCe l (e in)mi l XXV v Date ? Che ate rEng . E.E. IX 1060

Math”0P 9 III Aug Date ? LambaeainC . Matti as O Flclno prince pa III Aug Date ?T . Vale rlua T . Ch . 0 Vir(unc) mil XV Apol la Carnuntum

c. Vlblua c. 1. Our. 0 mi l v Mae m . Caracal l ? Ph ilippi

— 0mi l XIII Gem poat Traian Sarmine ge tuna .


M. fial luatiua O optic (111Aug) 198-211A.D. Cantu LambaeVIII 2664

Aur(e l iua) 0 mi l (V Mac?) M. Aure l-274 Potaiaaa Dacia III 7676

(Ch e d l lna (00t M (mngnd l ) mil ? (111 Aug) Date ?

M. Cueplua 01rumXXX Ulp vi e t Date ? Rome VI 3361

Fulfi lm) 0armeuat (111Aug) Date ? Lambae ain101100 0 optic (III Aug) 198-211A.D. Cantu Lambae si tana . . . . VIII 2664M. Sabin ianus 0 mil me dium 1Min p 1161 A.D . Ive rabe im


Aur(e l lua) O me nsor V Mac Date ? Dertona . .V 7868

m . Cl (aud lua) ous one um ?

AoMln oq) Kuw'ttavk 7 X1 Cl p 1pont 42 Claudiopclin

260 COGNOMINA or sommas m 30m LEGIONS

1011000 arm cunt (III Aug) 200A.D . Cantu-a Lambae sitaut . .A.R.

101111. 0buc III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambaesi tana . . VIII 2664C . Inl ius O 7 (III Aug) Date ? Lambae ain VIII 2914-17C . 1l 11i Q Can do buc (III Aug) Date ? Cantra Lambae si tana . . VIII 18086C . Iul ius O Can-a (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae ai tana . . . VIII 2668

C . In l (ine ) 0 61310118 ) mi l ? (III Aug) Date ? Centre Lambae sitana

M . U lpius Q 7 111Aug Date ? LambaesisC . Val (e rina) O S (1rmio) ve t VII Cl 196 A.D . Viminacium

Moe a Sup III 14607

D . Val e rius Quin tlanma) e x actus 111 Aug p v c202 Castra

Lambae sitana A.E.

0. Va (l e rina) Q Rat(larla) b1cos ve t VII Cl 196 A.D. Viminacium Moe s Sup . 111 14607

QUINTILIANUS— lua b1cos II Ital 2-3a Attana Noricum. . III 11676


Aur(e l ius) Q (ve t? V Mac?) Date ? Potaissa Dacia III 7688


Se x . Iul lua Se x . (1) Se rg. 0 An ti (och i a) mi l XV Apol l s Carnuntum Pann Sup III

QUINTINUS(L. Val (e rina) Oui n(t)lnua ve t VII Cl Date ? Viminacium

Moe a Sup Jahre a Wi en 1909 De i hl pl 66-cut1ua O ve t XIII Gem 191 A.D . Apulum Dacia . . III 1172


(Oul )n tul lua Nico(me d ia) ve t? (111Aug) ae t HadrianiCastra Lambae si tana VIII 18084


M. 11111000C irt (a) ve t III Aug p v e l 98 Castra Lambae si tana . VIII 18068QUINTUS

Aure l (lus) Ouin t(ua) b1 cos Date ? Siscia Pann Sup III 3967

L . Aure l ius O 7 VII Gem 160 A.D . Rome . VI 768

T . Barb iua A . 1. 0 mi l XV Apol Date ? Lauriacum Noricum. . III 6680

Ti b . Claud ine O dup II Adi p 1211-2 A.D . Aquincum PannInf III

F1(aviua) Quin tana) ve t VII Cl 136 A.O . ViminaciumMoe a Sup . . III 8110

Iul (ius) Ouln (t)ua VII (Cl) Date ? Viminacium Moe a Sup . . . . III 8122

C . Iul ius 0 arm cust III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2918—9(M) Pompe i an Ou(l )n tua ve t e x b1trib XXX Ulp vict Date ?

Lyons . XIII 1879

M . Ulp ius Ne t . 0 G l e vl 1mm VI Vict Date ? Rome . . VI 3346

Va l (e rina) O d isce na e q? XI Cl 33 e x e—4a ini t Aqui l e ia V 9440. Ve tlua0 optic XXX Dlp vict p 1233 A.D. Ve te ra Ge rm Inf . .XIII 8629

(Q )\l ln tua mi l XI C l 166 A.D . Almun Moe a In1. . III 7449

262 COGNOMINA or aowmns m now LEGIONS


Aur(e l lua) Re acupor(1a) Ie r ve t VII Cl 196 A.D. Vimiaacium Moe a Sup III 14607



C . AemII(iua) R b1cos II Ital p 1209 A.D . prope VirunumNoricumIII 14361Aur(e l ius) R ve t II Adi p 1230A.D . Grani Pann Inf III 10694

Aur(e l ius) (R)e ape ctua ve t II Adi p 12—3s Voroavar Pann In1. . III 10669

C . Caton iua R b1cos 230A.D . Aabe rg XIII 8688Ce rviua R mi l 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis . . VIII 2839Cruce n tinfih la R 7 VIII Aug Date ? Lime s prope Ema XIII 7613

L. Diod i as R 7 XIII Gem Date ? Ce l e ia Noricum. III 6223

L. T i tul e n lua L. 1. R ve t b1X Gem Date ? “agurium Dalmatia III 2677Re ape (c)tuaP01. Te v(e ate ) sig (I) Ad i p 1Date ? Cyrrbua

Syria III 6706

RESTIO(?0)pi l iua R mil XXII Antonin p p 1219 A.D . SalodurumGe rm

Sup XIII 6170

C . A(1)pinlua R 1rum XXII Prim Date ? Ve l i trae X 6676-VI 32873

Apo(n iue ) R ve t XXII Pr p 1post 89 Dibio Ge rm Sup XIII 6486G . Cae ci l lua R spe c VII Gem c2oo Tarraco II 4122

T1. Cl (aud lus) R Tolo(maida) ve t? (111Aug) ae t Hadriani

Castra Lambae sitana . VIII 18084Comtan tflua) R commcos VIII Antonin 213-217 A.D. Mainz . . XIII 6803C . Iul ius R mil II Tr fort Date ? Cni dua . III 6092

C . Nove tiua R ve t I Ad iut e x b1cos post 114? Latobici Pann Sup III 3902M . Ulpius R e x e rci tator e q (XIII Gem) post“aian ApulumDacia III 14477T . ? R mi l XXII Pr p 1post 89 Worms Ge rmSup . .XIII 6237

R 7 VII Gem1e l Date ? Oppi da circa Burgoa Tarraconensis II 2901

Acl ine R 7 I Adiut 7 III Aug Date ? Lambae sis . VIII 2788An (t)on iua R (mi l ? III Aug) c2oo Castra Lambae si tana

Bull Arche ol 1906 p239

Cae ci l iua R mi l 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis . . VIII 3066T . Flavius R b1trib (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis .

VIII 2876Iuve n iua R ve t (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 183100. Sue d ine sig? (111Aug) 209-211A.D . Cantra

Lambae sitanaSe cund iua R 7 X Gem Date ? Daruvar Pann Sup


Se pt(1miua) R comml e gg III Antonin X GemXIV GemI Ad)c212 Carnuntum Pann Sup . III 4462

Tarqui tiua 1. Cami l la Re atu(tu)a Pincuro 7 1 Minp 1 Date ? Col Agrippine nsium. . A.E.


Cl (audlua) R ve t III Ital Date ? Cantra Re gina Rae tia 11111968

ALPKAB E’H CAL use 263

R Anah e im) ve t? (111Aug) act Hadriani Cantra LamVIII 18084


C . Inl lunR ve t X GemDate ? Sie ca VIII 16874

L . Lucre tiua Sa g. R Scal labl mi l (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis . . VIII 3182

Aure l io. R me nsor (111 Aug) 3e ? CastraEmHIm R M HI Aug Date ? Lambae sisEmoni d up III Aug v ntonin 2l 8 A.D. Caatra Lambae ai

GabtnlunR dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.O . Ce ntre Lambae si

Catul l ius R'

mi l 111 (Aug) Date ? Lambae sis . .vm amO . GemIn1ua a P(cl l la) Gan a t e x cand (111Aug) m -c A.D .

Lambae aiaL. Ianuaraua) R Tuad (ro) ve t cand (111Aug) 211-2 A.O . Lam

. VIII 2618

Ital i anRogatinn (u)a sig (111Aug) Date ? Caatra Lambae si tana VIII 180730. Inl i ne R sig (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2920T . 101100 R (111Aug) Date ? Cantra Lambae si tana VIII 2662Lotine RogatiaMua) sig (III Aug) Date ? Cantra Lambaeai tana . .VIII 18073Lat ina Roga tlanma) dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Cantra

Mae n iua R (eq? 111Aug) 222-36 A.D . Cantu Lambaui tanaMAB 1897 p447

OctavianR (dup) 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.O . Castra LambaeVIII 2664

C . Pontiua Rogn(ti )anua (111Aug) 209-211A.D . Castra Lam

C . Rae ciua Rogatiamfla) (111Aug) Date ? Cae tra Lambae siVIII 2666

C . M at”) R optic (111Aug) 198-211A.D . Cantra Lambaesi

Tonne Id up III Aug v ntoniu218 A.D. Caatra Lambae nitana

L. Valuiua R (111Aug) Date ? Cantra Lambae ai tana . VIII 2670— na Rum “) (mi l ? 111Aug) Date ? Cantra Lambae


M. Ae flunR Caa ve t 111Aug 166 A.D. Cantra Lambae ai tana

0. Ae n1ua R mi l (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis .

An ld ua R dup III Aug v ntonin 218 A.D . Castra h mbae ai

Anne IDa R dup III Aug v ntonin 218 A.D . Cantra Lambae aia a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o e a a e e e ‘ e o o o u o o o c

264 COGNOMINA or sommas 01now morons

C . Apon ius R mi l (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis . VIII 3038Are ius R dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2664C . Arriua R (mil ? III Aug) c2oo Castra Lambae sitana

Bul l Arch e ol 1906 p239

0. Attius R Cast ve t 111Aug p v c198 Castra Lambae sitana VIII 18068Aufld ius R mi l 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 3046Cae ci l lua R arm cust (111Aug) 200A.D . Castra Lambae sitana A.E.

C . Cae ci l ius R (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana VIII 2662Claudius R arm cust (111Aug) 200A.D . Castra Lambae si tana A.E.

Corn e l ius R dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambaesi tana VIII 2664

C . Come l (iua) Roga (tus) mil ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2667

Flavius Rogat(us) tub 111Aug p v 202 A.D . Castra Lambassitana . A.E.

M . Flavius R Amm(ae dara) ve t 111Aug p v c198 Castra Lambae sitana VIII 18068

T . FlaviusR ve t (111Aug?) Date ? Se riana. . .VIII 4379—80M . Fundan ius R (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana VIII 2662(G )e Il ius R tub 111Aug p v 202 A.D . Castra Lambae si tana A.E.1907:184

L. G emin ius R Cas mil ? (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana

C . He lvius R (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambaesitana .

He re nius Rogatu(s) optic (III Aug) 198-211A.D . Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2664

C . Iul ius R Pa . Hadr(ume to) ve t (III Aug) ae t Hadriani Castra Lambae sitana . VIII 18084

C . Iu1(iua) R mi l 111Aug ve t II Adiut 211A.D . AquincumPannInf III 10419

C . Iul (ius) R b1cos XI Cl post Claud Gradina Dalmatia III 9862

C . Iu11us R dup 111Aug p v 33? Lambae sis” VIII 2921C . Iul ius R ve t (l e g?) Date ? Carthage . VIII 126910. Iul ius Rog(atus?) l ib (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2660L . Memius R ve t 111Aug Date ? Ke sur e l Ghe nnaia VIII 4308Memmius R dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lam

bae sitana . VIII 2664Q . Mund icius Roga (tus) (ve t? III Aug?) Date ? Lambae s1s VIII 3202Non ius R dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambaesitana .

VIII 2664O. Oppius C . 1. O. R ve t I Adi p 12-3s Civi tas Ce ltiane nsium VIII 19694Pe ttius R b1trib III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lam

bae sitana VIII 2664Marcus Se n tius R mi l 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis .

VIII 3236C . L . Se rvi l ius R 7 III Aug Date ? Lambae sis . .

VIII 2616C . Se rvi l ius R optic (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana . . . .

VIII 2631Marcus S in (n )ius R mil 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8240S i ttius R dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A .D . Castra Lambae si tana VIII 2664P. Si tt ius R Can dup (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana . . . .VIII 2668

266 COGNOMINA or sommas 111110mmmorons


G . Iul (ius) P . 1. R armcust VII Cl 270A.D . ViminaciumMoe a Sup III 8117


G e l l ius R tub 111Aug p v 202 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana . . A.E. 1907 :184


C . Ae l ius R Cas armcunt (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana VIII 2669P . Ae l (ius) R corn prae1kastror XIII Gem post Traian ApulumDacia

P . Ae l (ius) R 1rum VII Cl Date? Rome . .

L . Aemi l ius R Cas mil ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si

tana VIII 2667

M . Aemi l ius R b1trib lat III Aug p v 198 A.D . Castra Lambae si

tana VIII 2661

Ae trius R optic III Aug 162 A .D . Castra Lambae si tana VIII 18066An ton ius R? 7 VI Vict post Hadrian York Eng VII 242:4

Q An n ina R mi l III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 3039T . Aure l ius R ve t I Min Date ? Col Agrippine nsium XIII 8277C . Avi d ius R ve t (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 3048C . Cae c i l ius R ve t II Adiut Date ? Lambae si s VIII 3066Ca e l ius R Can ve t e x armatura (111Aug) 211—2 A.D . Lambae sis . VIII 2618

Cassius R (e q? 111Aug) 222—36 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana MAR 1897 p447

0. Cume l ius R mi l II Adiut Date ? Asturica Tarracone nsi s II 2639

L . Ducciua L . (1) Vol t . R Vi e n (na) sig l e g VIIII ae t AgricolaeYork Eng VII 243

P . He lviua R mi l (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 3122In l ine R dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae si tana . . VIII 2664Iul ius R (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana VIII 2670O. Iul ius R b1trib lat 111Aug p v 198 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana . VIII 2661Se x . Inl ine R mi l III Aug Date ? Sra Wartan VIII 16333T i b . Inl ine T ib . 1. Ci . R Vir(uno) e q XXII Pr p 1post 89 Maine . XIII 6963G . Licin ius R 7 VII Cl Date ? Rama prope Le de ratamMoe a Sup III 8099T . P iotiuaTrome n tina R Ae quo ve t II Ad i p 1Date ? Ravenna . .XI 23

Rufi (n ius) R 7 III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2967C . Sempron ius R Kat ve t? (111Aug) 2s? Castra Lambae si

tana VIII 18087L . S i l ius R sig 111Aug ae t Se ve ri ? Lambae sis VIII 2976-6Val e rius R te as (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2880-2996L . Val erius C a l . R Iu mi l VII Gem1e l Date ? Lambae sis . VIII 3268

T . Val erius R 7 111Aug 172—4 A.D . Lambae sis . VIII 2730-1V ibius Ru11(n)ua sig XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia III 1192

(R )ufinus mi l ? (111Aug) act Antonini PiiCastra Lambae sitana VIII 18086RUFUS

C . Ae butius C . 1. R aqui l le g XI c31B .C . Ateste “ . V 2496

Asl (ius) Ru1u(s) ve t VII Cl 136 A .D . ViminaciumMoe a Sup . . . . III 8110Ae l (ius) R me nsor II Adiut Date ? Aquincum Pann Inf III 3433

“a R (111Aug) Date ? Cantra Lambae si tana VIII 2662

m msm osnmsr 267

Asl ius R (mi l ? II Parth ?) Date ? Rome VI 2410

L . Ae l iun R Css mi l ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae aitana . . VIII 2667

Aemi l ius up III Aug v ntonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae ai o

VIII 2664

O. Aemi lflua) R M coa Date ? Saloune Dalmatia 11112896

Annius R 7 XV Ap01106-17 A.D . Mona Claudianun Eg pt 11126

Anulus R 7 XIIII Gempost 100Vi enna 1111619614

C . An tonius C . 1. C1. R Apro mil 1Adiut 70-100A.D . Mains III 6826

0. Attius Q. 1.“o. R Ae qu(o) mil 1Adiut 70-100A.D . Mains . . XIII 6828L Au1e l l ius p VII C1p 1Date ? Cale a

M d lun R Lamb comm111Aug 0226 Lambae sisAur(e l ius) Ru1u(a) mi l XI Cl ? 42-70? A.D . Rae tinium Dal

111 16036

L. Aure l ius L. 1. Ru1u(a) p p le g XVI ante Vespas? 3767

M. Aure l (ius) R te as VII C12s e x e -3a ini t ViminaciumMoe a Sup III 8118

0. Aure11ua R CastAvld i (us) R 7 (le g?) Date ? inte r Conde rcum e t VindobalamEng

E.E. IX 1169

Avid( ins) R 7 (le g?) Date ? Procl itia Eng

Bi e nius R arm cunt (111Aug) 200 A.D. Cantra Lambae si tana A.E.

M. Cae ci l iusM. 1. 1u1. R Concordua) 7 111Cyr e x corn 191A.D .

Rome VI 414

Q Cne l lus omW m ) bi prae i 111Aug Date ? LamVIII 18293

Cl rIsiua R (7) VII Gem Date ? Lucun Auguati Tarracone nsis “ . 11 2683

Carte l i iua R ve t (l e g?) Date ? Cae sare a Maure tania Caesari ensis VIII 21022L Cassius R mil III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 3077M. (h ssius R ve t III Aug p v 0198 Caatra Lambad tana VIII I8068

0. Cassius Ru(1)us (mil III Cyr aut XXII De iot) 90 A.D.

Ce lonlus R 7 III Aug e oh II l 62 A.D . Castra 18066

Cud i (us) R mil III Cyr ante 108 Egypt We sse ly La t Pal sCorn(e l iun) Ru1(ua) ve t VII Cl 136 A .D . ViminaciumMoe a Sup . III 8110

Cue in (ius) R 7 (XIIII Gem?) 188 A.D . CarnuntumPann Sup AHE

L Doml tiua R mil III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 3100


0. Fre nduIlus R Vice tinus arm cuat (le g?) Date ? AquincumIII 8649

Gr anius R ape c VII Gem Ie l Date ?Iui ius R 7 le g X Date ? Summus Pce ninun A.E.

(Aug?) Date ? Cale ti prov Lugudun XIII 3224Date ? Conde rcumEng

C . Iu11un R Cas mil ? (III Aug) Date ? Cantra Lambaeai tana m VIII uwT . Iu11ua R 7 111Aug Date ? Cale eun Hmulia Numidia .V1112498

1un(lua) Date ? Che atera Eug

268 COGNOMINA or sommas m nolummorons

Date ? Saloluni (na R )u1ua (domo H)e rac(l e a) ve t legnae Dalmatia

Licinius R mi l VII Gem 1e l Date ? Tarraco

M. Longinus Ru1)us (mi l III Cyr aut XXII De iot) 90 A.D .

Fayoum Egypt . Pap Ge n Lat 1

M . Magul l iua R ve t 111Aug 211e x e-se init Castra Lambae si tanaMem de l

Ae ad de s Inncr p269

C . Mani l ius R Prusla ve t? (III Aug) ae t Hadriani Cantra Lambae sitana VIII 18084

Msr(cius) Ru1(us) 7 (le g?) cob VIIII Date ? Amboglanna Eng . . VII 863

(L?)M(arci ?)us L . (1) Pap. RH mil ? leg 11Date ? Bur

guillos Bae tica . . 986

M . Mard us (R)u1us al g IIII Mac ante Vespas Narbo .XII 4366

M . Moranns R le g VIIII ante Claud Histria . V 8197Non ius R 7 III Cyr ante 108 Egypt .We sse ly Lat Pal 8M . Paci l ius R 7 1111P1firmDate ? Age r Aquince nsis Pann Ini . III 10337

M . Papiriua R C (mi l III Cyr aut XXII De iot) 87 A.D .

Fayoum Egypt Pap Ge n Lat 1

0. Pe tronius M . 1. Se a . R ve t VII CI p 1Date ? Scupi Moe a Sup III 8199

(Pom)pe ius R (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana VIII 2662Pompe (lua) R 7 (le g?) Date ? Che ate rs Eng VII 611

Se x . Procul e iua L . F. Lem. R ve t leg XV ante 63? ScarbantiaPann Sup . III 4236

Publ icius R b1(III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2966L . Publ icius R Cas (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana . . VIII 26660. Rae cius 0. 1. Ci . R p p XII Pulmae t Traiani Iade r Dalmatia . . III 2917

C . R e fi d ius R optic IIII Fl firm Date ? ViminaciumMoe a Sup . . III 1662— Carn . R Rave nna mil XI CI p 142-Ve spas

Burnum Dalmatia . .A.E.

Semp(ronius) R ve t (V Mac) c134 “cumin “ . . III 6178

T . Se rvi l (ius) (R)u1ua 7 leg XXII c66 Al e x andria Egypt . III 6606

C11. T eren tius C11. (1) Ciu. R Iguvinusmil IIIAug Date ? Tha

la Byzace na A.E. 1898 z97

Te ttina R arm cunt III Aug c226 Castra Lambae si tana . .A.E .

M . U lpiusRu1(us) e q I Adi p 1post 114 Brige tio Pann Sup III 14366:22

Val (e rius) R ve t e x eq (V Mac) c134 Troe smis III 6178

Val (e rius) R mi l XI Cl 166 A.D . Almus Moe a Inf . III 7449

Val e rius R corn XI Cl 166 A.D . Almus Moe a InI. III 7449

Val e rius R 7 111Aug post Hadrian ante e rasumle gionis Lambae sis VIII 18223Val (e rius) R VI Vict post Hadrian Manche ste r Eng . .VII 217

(V)a l e rius (R )u1ua e q 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 18322Val (e rius) R mi l 1rum VII Gem Date ? Tarraco . II 4170

C . Val e rius R An th (e done ) ve t? (111Aug) ae t Hadriani CastraLambae si tana VIII 18084

C . Va1(e riua) R Rat(iaria) ve t VII Cl 196A.D. ViminaciumMoe a

. III 14607

C . (Val e r)ius R ve t I Ital Date ? Oescus Moe a Inf 11112364

L. Val (e rius) R ve t e x b1e on XIII Gempost Traian Sarmizege tusa III 1436

270 coonoums or sow-a 111110mmmorons


Aure l (ius) 8 mi l 1 Ital Date ? Salonae Dalmatia III 2009


L. An tonius 8 corn l e g l eg IAdi p1Se ve r c226 Artahona Pann SupIII 11079 c111018

Aure l (ius) 8 mi l (III Ital ) Date ? Augusta V inde l icum Rae tia . . III 6818

Gom (iua) S sig I Adiut post 114 Brige tio Pann Sup III 4324

C . Cce ccn (lus) Sab ln (lanus?) p p (XIII Gem) post“aian Apulum Dacia . III 7769

M . Iun ina 8 Kurt mi l ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana . VIII 2669Mscr(ln ius?) S spe c I e t 11Adi p 1Se ve r228 A .D . AquincumPann

Ini . . III 3624

Salon ius S signo Scammatius ve t e x corn1Adiut 2-3s SalouneDalmatia

C . Ste lus C . 1. Pol ls 8 Canmi l 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis


AsIl (us) 8 mil XI Cl 166 A.D . Almus Moe a Ini

Acl i (ne ) S pe cuarius I Adiut post 114 Brige tio Pann SupM . An ton iusM . 1. Col l in . S Cae sare a Augus 7 X Fr 7 111AugDate ? Lambae sis VIII 2808

An tistius Zsbin (us?) dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra

Lambae sitana . VIII 2664

C . Apul (e ius) S b1cos 227 A.D . Siscia Pann Sup . . III 10843

Aur(e l ius) 8 arm cust III Ital Date ? Castra Re gina Rae tia III 6671

Aur(e l ius) Sabln (us) (ve t? V Mac?) Date ? Potaissa 7688

T . Ax lus S ve t? (III Aug) ae tHadriani Castra Lambae si tana VIII 18084Cae cl l (lus) S 7 XI Cl 42-Ve spas BurnumDalmatia . III 14997

Kll aflbtoq]Elalfle ivoqBepploumil (le g?) Date ? Zoravia Syria16 a BB III 1168

T i b . C (laud )ius S p p (111Aug) Date ? Rusicade .VIII 7980(Co)rn e l lus S Nico(me d ia) te as (111Aug) ae t Hadriani Castra

Lambae sitana VIII 18084M . Curi sius 8 mi l XXI Rap ante Hadrian Tride ntum. V 6033

0. Fab ius 8 Kat mi l ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 2668T . Fl (avius) Ssb(lnus) b1cos (I) Ital Date ? Novae Dalmatia . . III 1906

O . G emn lus0. 1. Ar(n . Sa)blnus 7 VII GemVI (Fe r) r (X)IV Mar

(111) Cyr Date ? Turca VIII 826C . Horte (n )slus 8 mi l 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 3126Iul (ius) S ve t (V Mac) c134 Troe smis III 6178

Iul ius S ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 3160C . Iul (ius) S Rat(larla) ve t VII Cl 196 A.D . ViminaciumMoe a

SupC . Iul (ius) 8 mi l XIII Gem post Traian Sarmi ze ge tusaP . Ma e c lus P . 1. S dom Se rg(ia) ve t XV Apol 1s Savaria Pann

Sup . . III l olmMaglus 8 mi l VIII Aug Date ? Home VI 3640

CI. Max imlus S p p 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis .VIII 2763

anm sn'ncu. 271

Orflus Sab (ians) evoc V Mac ante Aure l “opae umMoe a InI. . III

L. Pe tron ius L. 1. Pup. 8 Foro Bren t(ano?) corn pr pr X Pr

st IIII Fl p p III Cyr ae t Antonini Pii Urvinum

Rufi (us) 8 7 (le g ?) Date ? BorcoviciumEng VIImXGem l s? Aqui

L Su'

n eus 8 7 VI V ict Date ? Yali Baiyat Lye aoniaUlp(lus) S e omm ie gg III Antouin ( X GemXIV Ge m 1Ad )

c212 Carnuntum Pann SupUl pius 8 mi l 1Adiut post 114 Brige tio Pann Sup 11111008

Val erius L . 1. Pap . 8 Nar(bone ) mi l XXII Prim 1s? Mainz . . .XIII 6976Va1(erlus) 8 optic V Mac 209-11A.O . Pota issa Dacia 11112646

Val (erlus) mi l 1Adiut post 114 Adiaum Pann Sup III 4278

Val (erius) 8 111cos (leg?) Date ? Apulum Dacia III 1189

C . Vibius S ve t V Mac Date ? Age r C e l e ianus Noricum 1116130

C . V irius 8 ve t arm cunt XIIII G m v Date ? Comum V 6270Volusin ius 8 prince ps XXII P rp i 2o7 A.D . Obe rnburg XIII 6623

Pale stine III

8 ve t (V Mae ) c134 Troesmis 111 6178

—Iius 8 prine es Fr Date ? Je rusalem.

— Ii tunslus 8 ve t le g XXII Date ? Age dinoumprov Lugudun . . XIII 2946SABIUS

Aure l i S ns t Surus mi l le g II Date ? Al e x andria 6696


M. Pont1us M. Dd ot ante Hadrian

L. Variun L. 1. 0111. 8 Me d (ioIani ) mi l XV Prim ante Ve spasA.E.

SACERDOSAe IIus S e orn III Gall ae t M. Aure l Puintbus Thrace 1117394

VIII 2896

8 7 XI Cl p1Ve spas-Traian Teue ndo Ge rm Sup W U M XIII 6240

T . ve t? (III Aug) ae t Hadriani CsstraV11118084

SALICAII Adi p 1c71Liu

e oln Eng V11186 add E.E. 1X p667


T . Eivlus T . 1. 8 7 leg V11ante 42? Iad e r 111 2914


272 communes or sommas 111now morons


O . T i ti nius 8 mi l 111Aug Date ? Lambaesis VIII 3260—nd lclus Sal luat(lanus?) tub 111Aug p v 202 A.D. Castra

Lambae sitana A.E. 1907:184


Non (ius) S qui e t signo Dalmatia b1cos 1111PI Date ? Viminacium Moe a Sup III 6300

SALUTARISV i tal in ius 8 e q XXII P r p 1post 89 Mains XIII 6983


C . Anulus C . 1. M L 8 Ve rce l l is mil XXII Prim1s? Mains . .XIII 6963


Aur(e l ius) S tub XI Cl Hadrian-Max imin Che rscnuus TauricsMoe a InI . III 782

M . Aure l (ius) Sa (1vl )anus ve t IIItal p 1Se ve r e (x s)tratore cos

c226 Val l is Fl MurNoricum . III 6449


Papinius 8 arm cust (III Aug) 200A.D . Castra Lambae si tana A.R.

Papln ius S sig III Aug Date ? Lambae sis .VIII 2969

SAMMUSSe pt(lmius) S cand XXX Ulp vict 223 A.D . Col Ul pia “aiana

Ge rm In1. XIII 8607

SAMUNIOCa e ci l ius S dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218A.D . Castra Lambae si tana . VIII 2664


T . Fl (avius) S mi l imm cos XXII Pr Al e x andr p 1230 A.D .

He dde rnh e im Ge rm Sup XIII 7336Iul . Licin ius 8 1mm VIII Aug Date ? Rome VI 3362

SANC TUSAure l (lus) 8 mil XI Cl 166 A.D . Almus Moe a In1

M . Aure (l ius) S ve t l e g XX(II) Date ? Me diomatrici Be lgica . . XIII 4329C . Cand ld in lus S sig XXX Ulp vict Ulpia Noviomagus . XIII 8719

(S)anctus Nic(ome d ia) ve t? (111Aug) se t Hadriani

Castra Lambae sitana VIII 18084S 7 11Aug Date ? Stanwi x Eng VII 914 add E.E. III p136

SARAPAMMONM . Aure l ius Pol . S C (as) ve t II Tr fort 194 A .D . Al e x andria Egypt III 6680T . Aure l ius T . 1. Pol . S Gastr ve t II Tr fort 194 A .D . Al e x andriaEgypt . III 6680—lusM . 1. Pol . S Tan i ve t IITr fort 194 A .D. Al e x andria Egypt III 6680SARAPIO

Acl ine Sarap(l )o Cas arm cust III Aug ae t Antonini Pii CastraLambae sitana VIII 18086

M . Aur(e l i )us Ssraplc (n) (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si


si tana VIII 2667

C . Ann ius S (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2662M . Annon lua 8 Had (rume to) ve t? (111 Aug) 23? Castra

Lambae sitana VIII 18087C . An tistlus Saturn (lnus) Tha (mugad i ) mi l ? (111 Aug)

Castra Lambae sitana .

Anton ius S (ve t) e x b1cos Date ? Tarraco

L . Antonius S Bag(ai ) mil ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambaesi tana VIII 2669

M . An ton ius S Thy(sdro) ve t III Aug 166 A .D . Castra Lambassitana VIII 18067

M . An ton ius Ss t(urnlnus) mi l ? (111 Aug) Date ? Castra

Lambaesitana . VIII 2667Apon ius Sa turnin (us) dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra

. VIII 2664

Apo(nius) Ss t(urnlnus) optic (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2810ci 2664C . Apon ius S optic (111Aug) 198—211A.D . Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2664C . Appu1(e ius) S (s tur)n inus ve t XXII Pr p 1post 89 Main . XIII 6732Are ius Ss turn (inus) armcust (111Aug) 200A.D . Castra Lambac~

tana . A.E.

L. Arruntius S M prae1111Aug Date ? Lambae sis . VIII 2813M . Ari llus S ve t? (111Aug) ae t Hadriani Castra

Lambae sitana VIII 18084Aure l ius Satur(ninus) arm cust III Aug c226 Castra Lambassi


Aur(e l ius) 8 mi l II Ital te as 3e Rome . . VI 2672

Aure l ius 8 mil 111Aug Date ? Lambaesis VIII 3067(M) Aur(e l ius) S Sc(upis) ve t VII Cl 196 A.D . ViminaciumMoe a

SupO. Aure l ius S (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana

(C) Bsd ius S Th (e ve ste ) (mil ? 111Aug) c2ooCastra Lamba e sitana Bull Arche ol 1906 p239

Barb lus S poliomi l II TrGe rm1ort post 214 Ale x andria Egypt . III 12066

Engine 8 (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana . VIII 2662Cae ci l ius S dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambaesi


Cae ci l ius S (M cos) Date ? Apulum DaciaC . Cae ci i (ius) Ss t(urnlnus) mi l ? (111 Aug) Date ? Castra

Lambae sitana VIII 26670. Ca e ci l lus 8 Gas ve t? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana VIII 18086C . Cae l ius 8 mi l 111Aug Date ? Lambae si s VIII 2791C . Ca e l ius S ve t e x M (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2829Cae l lus (S)aturn lnus b1cos I Adi p 1194 A.D . Novae Dalmatia . III 1909

(Cl )aud ius S ve t I Primini 1s? Col Agrippine nsum XIII 8280C . Cl od ius S p p 11Adi p 1Date ? Aquincum Pann Ini III 3464

Corne l ius S dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambassisi tana VIII 2664

W M 276

Corne l ius 8 X(ar) armcunt (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambassi

C . Corn e l ius Snt(urnlnus) C irt(a) ve t 111Aug p v c198 Castra


C. Corlne l ) ius 8 Had (ru1ne to) ve t? (111 Aug) 2a? Castra


RomeP. Cre acen tinius 1?l . 8 81acie mi l Cl ae t Antonini Pi i Por-tus

C . Curla tlus 8 7 11Aug Date ? Bath EngC . S ve t? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana .

(Do)rnl tlus & turnin (us) Th e (ve ste ) mi l ? (111 Aug) ae t

Antonini Pii Castra LambaesitanaL. Domi tius 8 mil 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis .

L . Domi tius S mi l l II Aug Date ? Lambae sis . .

El i na S dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae si tana . . VIII 2664

“MN Sa turn inms) arm cunt (111Aug) 200A .D . Castra LamA.E. 1902:10

L Pabius L I S ve t VII Cl p 142~ 70A D Salomae Dalmat1a “ 111 2022

C . Plavius 8 Canmi l ? (111Aug) Da te ? Castra Lambae si tana . .VIII se esT . Flavius Ss tur(n1nua) (mi l III Cyr aut XXII De iot) 87 AD .

Fayoum Egypt Pap Ge n Lat 1

T . P1n(viu)s 8 (h at ve t 111Aug p v c198 Castra Lambae si tana . V11118068

T. Flavius 8 Ii ad (rume to) mi l ? (111 Aug) Date ? Castra

. .VIII 2668

T . Flavius mi l ? (111Aug) Date ?VIII 2667

T . Flash ”) 8 e q (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 3111T . Florius 8 ve t e x sig XXII Pr p 1Al e x and c226 Mains .

L. Fulvlus S (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tanaAltinum

Gnrgi l ius S dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae si

C . C e 1nin lus 8 ve t (111Aug) Date ? V1113119

Q Gemlnius 8 C1rts ve t III Aug p v c198 Castra Lambae ni tana VIl I 18068Hcmul i iua S mi i III Aug i s Tbe ve ste V1111876

Castra Lambaesi tana

1u11us 8 7 1110yr 80 A.D . Ale n adria Egypt 111 6663 61 6699

Iul ius 8 arm cut (111 Aug) 200 A.D . Castra

Iul ius S e or III Aug p v 203 A.D. Castra Lambae sitana . VIII 2667Iul ius Ss turnin (us) (dup) 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra

Iul lus S dup III Augv ntonin 2l 8 A.D. Castra Lambae si tana VIII 2664

276 COGNOMINA or sommns In new LEGIONS

Iul ius S dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambaesi tana . VIII 2664Iul ius 8 (mil ? 111 Aug) c2l 8? Castra Lambae si tana

Bul l Arch e ol 1904 p206

Iul ius 8 armcunt 111Aug c226 Castra Lambae si tana A.E.

Iul ius Sntum in (us) armcust 111Aug c226 Castra Lambae sitanaA.E.

1111111 8 ve t e x actar (111Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lambae sis VIII see s

Iul ius S spe c 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2890Iul (ius) S optic (III Ital ) Date ? Castra Re gina Rae tia III 11969

Iul ius 8 mi l 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 3161Iul ius S ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis . VIII 3162Iul ius 8 Can mi l ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana VIII 2668A. Iul ius S sig X Gem p 1Date ? Be i i Gal l Narb XII 367

C . Iul ius S . domo Osse i ve t e x optione V Mac se t M. Aure l “o

esmis . III 6190

C . Iul ius 8 mil 111Aug Commodae act Commodae Lambae sis . VIII 3163C . Iul ius 8 Cast ve t 111Aug p v c198 Castra Lambaesi tana VIII 18068C . Iul ius S Th e (ve ste ) ve t? (111Aug) 211? Castra Lambae si

tana . VIII 18087C . Iul ius 8 eq 111Aug Antonin c216 Lambae sis VIII 3164C . Iul ius 8 (eq? 111Aug) 222-36 A.D . Castra Lambae si tana MAH 1897 p447

C . Iul ius Ss tu(min)us (eq? 111Aug) 222-36 A.D . Castra Lambae si tana MAH 1897 p447

C . Iul ius S lib prine (111Aug) c263 Castra Lambae si tana VIII 18072C . Iul i (us) Ss t(urnlnus) 7 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2922C . Iul (ius) S Clr(ts ) armcust (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambac

sitana VIII 2667

C . Iul ius S mi l ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambacsitana VIII 2669

C . Iul ius 8 Cancan (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana VIII2668 e t 18006C . Iul ius 8 Gas ve t? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana . . VIII 18086C . Iul (ius) 8 mi l III Aug Date ? Hr Burmta Ule d Ze ian VIII 17967C . Iul ius S Te l (e pte ) mil ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambassi

tana VIII 2668

C . Iul ius 8 mi l b1cos X Gem Date ? Salonae Dalmatia III 6376

O. Iul ius S cor 111Aug p v 203 A.D . Castra Lambae si tana VIII 2667Iunius Ss tumln (us) e x actus III Aug p v c202 Castra Lambae si

tana A.E.

L. Le nti d ius S ve t le g I Ital p 1Date ? Bae tinium? Dalmatia . III 13272

M . LiburnlusM . 1. Pol . S Ancy(ra) sig le g XXII c66 Al e x andriaEgypt . III 6606

l ius S 7 (le g) XX Date ? Durocornovium Eng .

Luci l ius Sntumln (us) armcust 111Aug c226 Castra Lambae sitana A.E.

Lurlus S 7 111Aug cobX162A .D . Castra Lambae si tana . VIII 18066Se x . Mage r O. 1. Am . S 7 1Min Date ? Histonium IX 2861

(M)anl i ius Saturnanus) tub 111Aug p v 202A.D. Castra Lambae si tana A.R.

278 COGNOMINA or aommna In new mowers

M . Th e n ine Satur(nlnua)mi l ? (IIIAug) ae t Antonini Pi i Castra Lambae sitana VIII 18085

C . Toun e ne S (e q? III Aug) 222-85 A.D . Castra Lambae si tanaMAB 897 p447

M . U lplua Satur(n i )nua Kart ve t III Aug p v c108 Castra Lambae si tana

M . Ulpius Sat(urninua) sig III AugDate ? Lambae aia . .

C . Umboniua S ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis “

Val er(ina) Saturn in (ua) arm cuat (III Aug) 200 A .D . Castra

Lambae si tana A.E. 1002:10

Val e rius S dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2564

C . Val e rius S (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana . . VIII 2562L. Val (e rlua) Sat(uminua) ve t de III Aug Date ? Lambae sis . . VIII 3260M . Val e rius M . f . Pol . 8 Ancy(m) aig l eg XXII c65 Ale x andriaEgypt

M . Val e rius M . f . Anl . S Foro Iul i mil VIIII Hisp l a RomeL . Ve ttius S ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae aia .

M . V e ttius S ve t XXII Pr p f civia Traianenaia Date ? Col UlpiaTraiana Ge rm In! XIII 8652

C . Vib ius 8 Thya(dro) ve t? (III Aug) 23? Castra Lambae sitana VIII 18087

Volcaclua S Am(mae dara) mi l ? (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambaesitana . VIII 2568 e t 18055(Satur)nlnua Ha (drume to) eq (III Aug) ae t Antonini

Pi i Castra Lambae sitana VIII 18085Sar(mlze ge tuaa) ve t VII Cl 105 A.D .

Viminacium Moe s Sup III 14507

S (bf) l e g III Aug e x ple ta statione promotua ad II

Ital Date ? Vazaivi .

—lua S v(e x ) (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitanaEat opvfivloq E6v6uoumi l (III) Cyr Date ? El-Mze rib

Syria IG a BB III 1167— n l iua Sa tumin (ua) Bagal (mi l ? III Aug) Date ? Castra

Lambae sitana A .E . 1809:02

S ve t (V Mac) Date ? Troe smis III 6170

(Sa)tumlnua ve t (V Mac) Date ? Troe smis III 6179

ve t e x e q (V Mac) Date ? Troe smis III 6180

8 mil III Aug Date ? Lambae sis . . VIII 18805(Sa)tumlnua Qua mi l ? (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lam

bae sitana—oriua (Sam)mlnua mi l ? XIIII Gem Date ? Aqui l e ia

mil ? XX (V v) Date ? London .

SATURNUSC . Marlu(a) Saturnu(a) Ce tlo bf cos Date ? Age r ad ColapimPann Sup III 5040

m a n n e r 279


An tiatlua 8 armcuat (III Aug) 200 A .D . Castra Lambae ai tana A.R. 1002:10

L . Anton ina 8 haruspe x (III Aug) Date ? Lambae aiaC . Aponlua Saturu(a) ve t 111Aug 106 A .D . Caatra Lambae aitana VIII 18067He lflua S ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae aia . VIII 61280. Lue l lua S vet (III Aug) Date ? Lambae aia VIII 6176Q ManlIlua S imm III Aug Date ? VIII 2040Ulpi (ua Sat)urua mi l III Aug Date ? Lambae aia VIII 2055 e t 18150

SAUSAC. Inl (lua) 8 M ap“) ve t VII C1105 A.D . ViminaciumMoe a Sup II] 14507

SAXO0. Aem111ua 8 01rt (a) ve t III Aug p v c108 Caatra Lambae ai tana VIII 18068

SCAENAC . Inl i ne L. I. Se t . 8 de curio e q 7 bastatua primua le g IIII Date ?

II 1081


T . Fl (aflm) super ( let 8 ve t e x leg XXX Ulp vict 207 A.O .

BEA ma p18?

SCARVA(CI) p ate ? Nar

ona Dalmatia III 1814

S 7 leg II ante Claud? Arge ntorate XIII 5078SCIPIO

M (atua) 8d p (l )o 7 (l eg?) Date ? prope AmboglannamEng E.E. IX 1216

L . Pavonlua 8 7 VIII Aug Date ? Bul lauGe rmSup XIII 6516SECCUS

8 7 (le g?) e t III Date ? prope MagnaaEng E.E . IX 1205


Aur(e l lua) 8 (h ip II Ital 2-59 Virunum Noricum III 4885

Aur(e l iua) 8 qui e t Itrlua bi coo X GemDate ? Latobici Pann. III 6004

Aure l (lua) S imag XIII Gem Date ? Dertona .

Gra(t) lua 2m m mi l III Cy ante 108 Egypt Weaae ly Lat Pa' 8

Iuliua 8060041311010) dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Cn tra

Iul (lna) 8 ape c l e t II Adi p I Se ve r 228 A.D . Aquincum Pann InI . . III S524

Se x tius Se cund ianma) K(arth aglne ) mi]? (111 Aug) Date ?.VIII 2567


Acl (lua) 8 ve t e x hi can Date ? Intercisa Pann InI A.E . 10103150

M. Ancamriua) S ve t XIIII Gm 100A.D . CarnuntumPann Sup III 14076M. Aure l lua 8 mi l atr cos II Ital 24 a Virunum 4856

M. Ant enna 8 ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis .VIII 6058M. Aur(e1lua) 8 ve t le g pl Date ? Vall ia Fl MurNoricum IIIm

280 coonouma or sow-amnow morons

Pl (avlus) 8 mil XIII Gempost 100CarnuntumPann Sup III 4467

M . G 8 hi cos Date ? HabitanciumSe oci na S ve t II Ital p I se Fafiana NoricumSwoonius S ve t le g VIII Date ? Age dine nm prov LugudunTarton ius Se cundi anus) mi l ? XIIII Gempost 100Savaria Pann

Sup III 4184

Va1(erlus) 8 mi l II Adiut n Pann Date ? Pute ol i .X 1775

8 d Sol (vense s) 7 II Aug Date ? Stanwi x Eng VII 014 add E.E. III


ve t (V Mac) Date ? h oe-mis III 6180

SECUNDUSAe l (los) Se cun (dus) ve t VII Cl 165 A.D. ViminaciumMoe a Sup . . III 8110

(Ae )m111us S Th ev(e ste ) ve t? (111 Aug) ae t Hadriani Cacti-aLambae si tana

Aemi l ius S 7 II Adi p I Date ? Duraton TarraconensisC . Alflus L. I. S ve t XV Apol 1a Savaria Pann SupD . Ape rtiua S ve t II Tr Iort 2s?

L . Appius 8 mi l XXII Prim Date ? Bome . . VI 6567

M . Apron iusM . (I?) Fulvlus 8 L000Augmi l XI CI p I Ve spasTraian Vindoniaaa . XIII 5207

Aure l (ius) S 7 XIII G m 17 post 100Mursa Pann InI . . III 6284

A(u)r(e l in S)e cun (dus) (p p aut 7) in le g I (It)al Date ? Vi enna III 14650:27

T . Aure11(us) Se cu(ndus) ve t II Adiut 2-se ? AquincumPannInI III 16666

0. B isius S O. I. domo Brizine mi l X Gem70-Traian Ulpia NovXIII 8766

Cae ci l lus Se cund (us) cor 111Aug p v 206 A.D. Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2557

Cae ci l lus L. I. Hor. S Uth ina mi l III Aug Date ? Lambae sis . VIII 6067Cae slus Cla Se cu(ndu)s mil (XI C1?) anteVe spas Burnum Dalmatia III 14004

Cal e donlus Se cund (us) 7 (l e g?) coh VI Date ? Amboglanna EngE.E. VII 1077

L . Gal visius L. I. Ve l lna S Pal e rlone p p XIII Gem186-5 A.D.

Apulum Dacia III 1002Cassius S (ve t l e g?) Date ? Che ater Eng E.E. IX 1070C . Cassius 8 mi l III Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 6078T . Cassius S 7 XV Apol post si e ge of Je rusalemSolva Noricum. . III 5664T Cassius S Irum VI Vict Date ? Home . .VI 6645L . Catton lus L . I. S Gland . Viru(no) mi l 1111Mac ante Ve spas

Mainz XIII 6860Cat Se cun (dus) ve t (V Mac) cl 64 Troe smis . III 6178Ce paslus 8 mi l XIIII Gempost 100Age r ad ColapimPann Sup . III 14045Claud ius 8 armoust (III Aug) 200A.D . Castra Lambae sitana A.E.

Claud ius Se cund (us) ve t e x actar (V Mac) Date ? Troe smis . . III 6170P. Cl (aud ia Val erius S Val e t ! I. ve t VII (Claudi )a Mace don

i (ca) post 42 Ede ssa A.E. 10065 26

282 e oe nom a or sow-am M Lemons

x x v v

Date ? Viroe onium Eng . . . . VII 156

M . Massian ius 8 mi l XXX Ulp vict Date ? Vinx tb ch .XIII 7762

Memmius S ve t (111Aug) Date ? Lamb d a VIII 6104-5Me ssina S 7 XV Apol 1a CarnuntumPann Sup III 14658:m

C . M —a S Xar ve t? (III Aug) 2s? Caetra Lamb d tana . . V11118087

Dalmatia . III 0847

L. Non ius L. I. Vol t. 8 sig XII Aug Fulm 1a? Are lat . e .

O . Passins S ve t 111Aug Date ? Lamb d a . VIII 6215O. Pe ti l ius O. I. OIe n. S domo Me dioaanl ) mil XV Prim ante

Ve spas BonnP. He rpu


moc; P. [ulbq] Z eaofivboc; Bpovbho‘

ivoq] 7 [III Scytcl 85 ante 261A.D . Canatha Arabia . IG a BB III 1260

L . Pompe lus S 7 XXI Bap 1a Me diomatri ci .XIII 4626

Pomponius S dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lamb e

si tana VIII 2564

C . Quartlus 8 mil XIII Gem Date ? Rome . . VI 26 10

0. 8012106 8 Kat mi l ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 2568Se x ti l (lus) 8 armcust (111Aug) 200A.D . Castra Lambae si tana A.E .

L. Statlus 8 mi l le g VI Date ? Camunni V 4052O. Sutorlus SM trib lat111Aug p v 108 A.D . Castra Lambae si tana VIII 2551

(T)annon lus 8 Cast (mi l ? 111Aug) c2ooCastra Lambae sitanaBull Arche ol 1005 p260

C . Te re ntius S Opl te rQ IO) te as 111Aug Date ? Lamb d a VIII 2086True Se cun (dus) ve t (V Mac) c164 Troe smis III 6178

Ulp(lus) 8 mil X GemDate ? Vi enna III 14650:28

M . Ul pius S 7 III Ital Date ? Lavinge n Bae tia III 5876

Val erius 8 mil (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis . VIII 6271(V)al e rlus Se cu(ndus) mi l VIII Aug Date ? Home VI 6640

C . VaI(e rius) C . I. Gal . Se cu(n)dusG le gXIIII 1aMains XIII 6011C . Val e rius 8 mil XXII Pr p I post 80Main . .XIII 6077C . Val (e rlua) C . 81. S Aemon(a) ve t II Adiut 2-63?

Aquincum Pann InI.

C . Val e rius 8 mi l 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis .

L. Val e rius L. I. S domo Al be ntlbi l i mi l VII Gem p I Date ?Tarraco II 4171

L. Va1e (r1us) L. I. Fab . Se c(undus?) Brlx l (a) mil le g? Date ?Wi e sbade n XIII 7578

M . Val (e rius) S princeps VII Gemc155 Eme rita Lusi tania . .A.E.

M . Val e rius M . I. Pol . S Cas sig 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis . . VIII 2004G . Ve laine Se cu(ndus) 7 XIIII G mv 70-100A.D . Mains XIII 6064Ve turlus S cor111Aug p v 206 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2557C . Vib ius C . I. S te . 8 mi l XV Apol l a Carnuntum Pann Sup III 4488

O. Vib ius S Annl e (n )sis Cremona mi l XX V v Date ? Che ste r

Eng E.E. IX 1066

M . Vi tal ln lus S M cos Date ? Col Ulpia Traiana GermInI XIII 8621


Se ge dunum Eng(Secu)ndus? dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.O . Castra

Date ? V11118618

(Se cu)ndus ve t (V Mac) Date ? Troe smis III 6170


III 15157

Salluatius Se cur(ua) armcuat III Aug c226 0aatra Lamb e e itana

A.E. 1002111

Q VoconIus S mII III Aug Date ?

Aure IIN S aig III Aug post MM Lambae sis V11118224

e x imm lib (V Mac?) Date ? Potaissa 7688

M. Aure l (ius) 8 Euro“) (mi l ? 111Aug) c2ooCams Lamb d

C . Romul l lus 8ad (atus) M (mugad l ) (III Aug) Date ?

Iul ius S ? XIIII G m v 70-100A.D . Mains

M. Iul iusM . I. Pan 8 M (one ) mi l VII Gem Date ? Catania

A.E . 1897 2132


Inl (lus) 8 arm oust 111Aug c225 Castra .A.E.


(Vale rius?) S b(I?) mil (I) Min Date ? Vie nna . XII 1874


Lurlus S ve t II Adi p I 0211? Dje be l-Skrira A.E.

O. “(avlusl 8 ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 6112

SEMENTINUSL. Maenalus 8 spe c VII Gem c2oo Tarraco . II 4122

SEMPRONIANUSC . Iul tus Sempron lanh ls) (ve t II Tr Iort?) 140 A.D . Fayoum

BGU 610

C. Pompe lus l ib (111Aug) Date ? Castra

Lamb e si tana

L . Se ptimius O. I. S p p (X) IIII Gemvict Date ? Castulo TarII 6274

C . Me tt10s 8 7 lag XV ante Vespas Brohl

C . Numl tofl ius) S ve t? VII Cl Date ? Ratiaria Moe a Sup 11112640

L. Va1er1ua L. I. Claud la s Sav(ar1a ) II? (Adiut) c7 l Ch e ste rIX 1017


V1c(clus?) 8 e q XXII PrAntonin p I 221A.D. Schi e rste in GermSupS 7 X Gem Date ? Vie nna


Aure l (ius) S bI cos Date ? ViminaciumMoea SupJahre s Wie n 1010 Be i bl p208

P01(11us) Se ne clan (us) dup (XIIII Gem?) ante 178 CarnuntumPann Sup III 11180

SENECIOAur(e l ius) S dup (l e g?) Date ? Apulum Dacia . . III 1180

O. S ve t XIIII Gempost 100CarnuntumPann SupA.E . 1007 :176

C . Maglus C . I. Pub . 8 7 VIII Aug Date ? Roma VI 2815

Te rtin ius 8 mi l bIcos XXII Prp I 104 A.D. Mains XIII 674ohUl p(lus) S dup (XIIII Gem?) ante 178 CarnuntumPann Sup . III 11180

SENILISIu11u(s) ve t? 111Aug Date ? Lambae si s VIII 18604

Rufi (us) S M cos Date ? Ce l e ia Noricum. . . III 5188

C . Se ttlon lus S bI cos Date ? Stockstadt . XIII 6668Se x . Sul picius Se x . I. Qui t . 8 mi l 111Aug 50-100A.D . The ve ste A.E .

Vercund ln (1us) S ve t XXX Ulp vict Date ? Lyons XIII 1888SENNIANUS

S 7 le g XXII Date ? Col Agrippine naium XIII 8200SENTIANUS

Sta(tlus) Se n tlan (us) (7 XIII GempostTraian Vajda BunyadDacia III 8065:66


C . Calpurn ius S p p XXII Pr p I Date ? Mains XIII 6760SEPTIMINUS

Cae ci l ius S 7 (XXII Pr p I) Date ? Mains A.E.

C . Igulus S Bag(a1) mi l ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2568

C . Inl ine S Fla . C l l io mi l ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2568

C . Inl ine S cor111Aug p v 206 A.D . Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2557C . In l ine S (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 2562C . Pub1(1clus) Se ptimln (us) optio (111Aug) 108-211A.D. Cas

tra Lambae sitana VIII 2554


C . Val e r(lua) S ve t V Mac p c 63 Potaissa Dacia III 7604

SEPTIMUSAcl (ine ) S optio I (Adiut) post 114 Brige tio Pann Sup III 4610

SEQUENSIustl e n (us) S R (eme s1ana ?) ve t VII Cl 105 A.D . Viminacium

Moe a Sup . . III 14507

286 communes or soaumnsmaouanwmous


Aure l ius 8 7 (XXII Pr p I) Date ? Mains A.E.

— 8 7 (lag XXII aut III Cyr) ae t Auguati Coptos Egypt 111 6627


M. Ulpius 8 armcust XIIII GemSe ver e225 CarnuntumPann Sup11111126

M. Ouln tlus 8 Bulls ve t III Aup p v cl08 Castra Lambae sitana . V11118068


Aure l (lus) 8 b? ome i prad d Pann Ini leg 11Adiut 2-60? Aquil e ia . . V 8275

Se x . Pompe ius S ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis .VIII 2002Se ve rius S (bi ) cos "I Ital Gordian 268-244 A.D. Burgant iurn

SEVERINUSM . Aur(e l ius) Sever-Iu(ua) Sc(up is) ve t VII Cl 105 A.O . Vimin

acium Moe a SupM . A(ure l ius) Se ve rln (us) b! cos (11) Adiut 6a? trans Aquincum

. III 6617

(Cas)s1us 8 X Ge m p I Date ? Ce tium Noricum III

M N 8 mil VIII Aug p I c c 201A.D . Ge ne va XII 2587

T . Flavius S sig XXX Ulp vict Date ? Marte n Ge rmInI . XIII 8156C . Iul ius 8 ve t I Ad iut post 114 prope Savaria ln Pann Sup 1114148

0. Pisen tlua s 7m e npost 43 Ljubuski . 1118485

SEVERUST . Accius S b! cos Date ? ad Dravum Pann Sup III 15187

C . Acutius C l . S An Irum VII Gem Ie l Date ? VI 6648

Ae l (lus) 8 e q 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2506Ae l (ius) S sig? 1110) PI c215? Aquil e ia V 808

Date ? 6020

L. Aemi l ius 8 7 XIII Gem Date ? Tropaeum Moe a InI . . . III

Date ? Augusta 7667

Amandlnlus S Irum I Min Date ? Rome ” VI 6666

Aristius 8e (ve rus) ve t (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis .VIII 18285At11(lus) 8 ve t X Ge m Date ? Vie nna III 6485a

“ 11 4148

Babud l (us) s 7 le g W i l l an Claud i i ? Lincoln Eng . . VI] 184 addE.E. 1x

Basb (lus) S ve t (V Mac) e l 64 Troe smis . III 6178

T . Cal ld lus P. Cum. 8 7 XV Apol ante 66 Carnuntum Pann Sup . . III 11216

0. Castrlcius 0. I. Pap . S Tlcinl mi l 1111Mac ante VespaaMainaXIII 6856

P . Ce re nn lus P. I. Cul t . 8 Durrac ve t 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 6070T ? Ce rIonlus? 8 mi l XXII Anton in b? cos c215 Cannstatt . . .XIII 6441T . Cl (aud lus) S Irum III Ital Date ? Alpia Poe ninae V 6860M .

m am e anmax 287

mium Pann In!

Lucius Corona S mil VII Gem Date ?

Corne l ius S 7 (l eg?) Date ? Ch e ste r Eng . E .E. VII 807

0. De criua 8 Ni e om(e dia) ve t? (III Aug) ae tIIadriani CastraVIII 18084

C . Domi tius S mi l XXII Prp16s? Carte nna Maure tania Cae sar

M. Doml tius M . I. Fabla S Brlx sia mi l le g XI ante 42 Burnum

W 8 ve t X(XX) Ulp vict Date ? Ve te ra Ge rmInI XIII B668

L. Eloh im) mi l le g XXII ante Hadrian Al e x an.

Be ne ve ntumPuntinnlus 8 7 III Aug 1s Tbe ve ste .

Gemi niua S e voc I Ital h e x e b Almus Moe s InI III

Iul ius Se ve (rus) ve t e x eq (V Mac) c164 Troumis ”

Iul i (us) Se ve r(ua) ve t (V Mac) c164 Troe smis III 6178

Inl ius ve t (V Mae ) c164 Troe smis Il l 6178

Iul (lus) 8 spe c le gg III Antonin ( XGe mXIV Ge mI Ad) c212Carnun tum Pann Sup . . III 4452

Iul (lus) 8 spe c le gg III Antonin ( X GemXIVGemI Ad) c212Carnuntum Pann Sup . . III 4452

Iul lws 8 7 V Mac Date ? Tarsus Ci lie ia . “ 111222

Inl (ine ) 8 sig IIII Scyt Date ? Ene sch Syria . E.

[11061704 Eeowigpo; e q e x lag? Date ? Me lalr-e a-Sarrar Arabia1G a RB III 1611

C . Inl ine 8 (ao? 111Aug)m 5 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana MAH 1807 p447

C . Inl i ne 8 e q 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 6165C . Inl ine 8 Gas bi pr (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana . VIII 2568

C . Iul (ius) 8 e q XX V v Date ? Che ste r Eng E.E . IX 1061

G . Inl i ne S ve t VI Vict ante Ne ro? Eme ri ta Lusi tani a 11400

C . Iul (ius) S R(eme alana?) ve t VII Cl 105 A.O . ViminaciumMoe a Sup . III 14507

Pdcoq106mm; mil [1Tr Iort Gordian (2240Panosop

l i a . IG a RE I 1147

0. 1ul ius 8 Din ia ve t 11Aug Date ? Isca Eng . . VII 122

Salonae Dalmatia . 1112068

L. L icinius S(e ve )rus? eq 1111Mac an te Ve spas Alpia Poeninae . . V 6870

M '. Mae ciusVol . 8 An t(ip)ol mi l le g XV ante Ve spas Col UlpiaTraiana Ge rm InI . XIII 8647

P. Mai (or?) Se ve (rua) ve t e x arm curt? (V Mac) cl 64 Troe smis . . III 6178

XXIIPrim Date ? Home

C . Me l lonlua S IrumXXII Prim Date ? Home

M. 0¢ tu' lus s 7 VIII Aug 2s e x e

288 COGNOMINA or sow-amnew morons

Se x . Pactume ius 8 mi l 111Aug Date ? Lamb d a . . VIII 6214O. Pompe lusQ. I. Pub . 8 Ve r(ona) mi l XIIII G mv 70—100A.D.

110111151710; Z eoufipoc7 III Cyr 95 A.D. Ale x andria Egypt Pap Bri t . II 142

C . Ruti l ius S tub 111AugDate ? Lambae sisSe x . Sammlus Vol t . S (7) I Ge rmanicae 50A.D . Gratianopol is .XII 2264

Sanctln ius S sig XXX 1h vict Date ? Ancyra . III 6764

Sem(pron )ius —I. Trom. Se (ve r)us Aq Sta (t1e l l is) sig? XI

Cl p I 42-70 A.D. Burnum DalmatiaC . Sempron (ius) 8 corn le g XIIII post 100Siscia Pann SupSe ve r-(ius) S spe c l e gg III Antonin X Gem XIV Gem I Ad .)

c212 Carnuntum Pann Sup[Eolux l lx toc280013904 7 II TrIort 2-6s FayoumEgyptTe rtlnius 8 mi l VIII Aug bI e os Date ? Vinx tbach

A . T i tius C . I. Pom. S Arre tio 7 VI Vict p I ante Hadrian? Col

Agrippine nsium XIII 8174

Val (erius) S ve t (V Mac) c164 Troe smis III 6178

C . Val (erius) S 7 I Ital Date ? ad HaemumMoe a InI III 14207:40

L. Val erius S ve t VII Gem Ie l Date ? Tarraco . II 4172

L. Val erius 8 mi l VII Gem Date ? Lucus Augusti Tarraconensi s . . II 2586

Se x . Val e rius Se x . I. Vol . S(e )verus Luc(o) Augmi l XXII Priml s? Mains XIII 6078

M . Varl (us) S M cos Date ? Dorche ste rEng VII 86

M . Ve ratius S ve t XXX Ulp vict ante 120? Salonae Dalmatia . . III 2064

C . Vib ius C . I. Trom. S Ae quomi l 1Adiut 70-100A.D . Mains XIII 6866— nutius 8 (mi l III Cyr au XXII De iot) 00 A.D . FayoumEgyptius S Arado ve t? (111Aug) ae t Hadriani Castra Lambw

si tana VIII 18084S Gum ve t? (111Aug) ae t Hadriani Castra Lambae si

VIII 18084

(S)e ve rus Ge n ve t? (111Aug) ae tHadriani CastraLambae sitana VIII 18084

—ulunua S Tolom(al da) ve t? (III Aug) ae t Hadriani CastraLambae sitana8 Am ve t (V Mac) c164 Troe smis .

(Se )ve rus Norseman ) mi l ? (III Aug) ae t Antonini Pi iCastra Lambae sitanaS 7 II Tr Iort 104 A .D . Al e x andria Egypt III 6580


M . Gran ine S sig 111Aug Date ? Lambaesis VIII 2881


C . Ersid lus 8 mi l 1Ital Date ? Almus Moe a InI III 7468


M . Aure l l lus M . I. Pal . S Ostia 7 Irun 111Aug hastatus 6s Lam

290 coonouma or sow-amnow morons

Crispius s dup 111Aug 1) v Antoninm A.D. Castra Lambae si. VIII 2564

C . Flci l lus S ve t (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 6104Fl (avius) S 7 XIIII Gem post 100 Brige tio Pann Sup III 4200

T . Pl (avius) 8 mi l XIII Gem 200A.D . Apulum Dacia III 1042

C . Gavius L. I. Ste l . S p p VIII Aug 66 A.D. Taurini V 7006Iul (ius) S 7 (VIII Aug?) Date ? Oe bringe n . XIII 6548Iul (ius) 8 eq (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis , . VIII 6166

Iul (ius) 8 eq (111Aug) Date ? Ve re cunda VIII 4267C . Iul (ius) S optio (111Aug) 108-211A.D . Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 2554Se x . Iu(11us) Anl S i lva (nus) VII Cl p I 42-70A.D . AequumDalmatia . III 2766

L. Latln ius S Kart ve t 111Aug p v cl 08 Castra Lambae si tana . VIII 18068P . Maccaeus S ve t e x sig (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2506L . Non ius S (111Aug) 200-211A.D . Castra Lambae si tana VIII 2556L . Pomponius 8 mi l l e g XI ante 42 Aqui le ia V 027C . S i ttine S (tub mi l ? 111Aug) c200? Castra Lambae si tana

Bull Arch eol 1006 p240

G . Spurius S 7 X Gemse t Commodi CarnuntumPann Sup 11111164

Stabe rius S dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambacsitana . VIII 2564

T i tius S 7 XI Cl p I 42-Ve spas Burnum Dalmatia . III 6417

Ul pius S eme ritus 11Aug Date ? London Eng E.E. VII 816

C . Val erius S curator sce lse (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2562

L . Val e rius 8 mi l VI Vict ante Ve spas Conv Bracaraug Tarracone ns1s

An ? 8 a th mi l III Cyr 2s? Bostra ArabiaSILVESTER

C . Cassius S ve t 1111PI e x sig Date ? Poe tovio Pann Sup 1114056

P . Ul pius D . I. S 7 X1Cl p I 42-Ve apas BurnumDalmatia III 2866

S i lvanius 8 mi l 1(Min?) Se ve r natus Col Agrippine nse c225 Capua X 6806


Se verin lus 8 mil 11Ital Se ve r c225 VirunumNoricum III 4701add

M . Ul p(lus) 8 str prae1prae t e x le g 11Parth p I I se teruDate ?Rome . VI 6408

C . Val e rius C . I. Fab . 8 Va1(e n tin) mi l le g? Date ? CarnuntumPann Sup III 4483

SIMILISC . Iucund (lus) 8 mil XXX (Ulp vict) bIcos 182A.D . Dotte ndorl

Ge rm InI.

S 7 (le g?) Date ? Che ate rs Eng

SIMPLEXAnulus S mi l VII Gem Ie l Date ? Castulo Tarraconensis II 627 5

Fe l icius S VI Vict post Hadrian York Eng . . VII 247

L. Val e rius S mi l XXX 1h vict Date ? Ve te ra GermInI XIII 8661M . Ve re cund lnlus S 7 XXX Ulp 164 A.D. Col Agrippinensium. .XIII 8206

m e n swe ar.mar 291

SINNAT. Aur(e l ius) S Rat(larla) ve t VII Cl 105 A.D. ViminaciumMoe a


C. lul lus 8 ve t l II Aug Date ? Casae Numidia V11118562

SITAT . Arslnlus 8 ve t l l Adiut Date ? Aquincum Pann lnl . III 6466





Si ttius 8 arm cust (111Aug) 200A.D. C astra Lambae sitana . . A.E.


800611116? 7 (le g?) Date ? Bore ovicium Eng . . E.E. IX 1100


— 8 mi l armcust e t dup 11Adiut 6s? Aquincum Pann 6656


C . Corninlus 8 e q111Aug Date ? Lambae sis .

M. Aur(e l lus) Sol (inus?) ve t VII Cl 195 A.O . ViminaciumMoe a


T . S tnti l lua? S p p I Adi p I post 114 Brige tio Pann Sup .11111064

Statius S 7 (le g?) ooh VI Data? Hunnum Eng . .VII 568

104 AD .

0. Posturnlus 0. I. Paplr. (S)olus? Emeri ta mil le g XX 7

p p Date ? Che ste r Eng E.E. IX 1064

M. Aure l lus 8 Irum XIIl Gem Se ve r c225 30ma VI 260

SORANUSL. Ge l l ius 8 mi l 1111El Ie l Date ? Al tinum V 2160


Date ? Magnae Eng VII 788

SOSIGENES8 Th e s(salonlca) ve t VII Cl 105 A.D. Vimin

acium Moe a Sup . . 111 14507

M. Appius Sosa(lanu)s Nic(ome dia) ve t? (111Aug) se t HadVIII 18084

L Tre bonlua Fab . S Colonla fle l lupol l 7 Irum III Fl Gordian

m umAqui le ia

292 coonouma or sowmnsm110m morons


P . Ae l ius 8 Gas mi l ? (111Aug) ae t Antonini Pii Castra LamVIII 18085

SOTERT . Ae l ius Sote r mi l ? (111Aug) ae t Antonini Pii Castra Lam

bae si tana .VIII 18085


M . Aemi l iusM . I. Pob . S domoOsoensls eq ve t VIIIIHispanicsl a Cale s E.E. VIII 660



Q l fiomoc) Zoux tbéc mi l V Mac 4s? Fayoum Egypt EGU 800


M . Firmld lus S Irum II Ital p I optio 200 A.D. Luna X1 1622


Ae l ius 8 mi l 111 Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2786

Bae bius 8 arm oust (111Aug) 200A.D. Castra Lambae si tana .A.E.

M . Bae b ius 8 corn prae1111Aug p v 6s Vasaivi VIII 17625C . Iul ius S ve t (111Aug) 6s? Casae . VIII 4661C . Longlnlus S ve t XXII Pr p I 201A.D . Ste inhe imGe rmSup . .XIII 6468M . Val (e rius) S ve t e x b I cos VII Cl 2s init ViminaciumMoea

Sup . III 12650

M . Val erius S optio (111Aug) 108-211 A .D . Castra Lambassitana . VIII 2554

L. Ve ratiusS M prae I XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia . . . . III 1066

—1us S tub 111Aug p v 202 A .D . Castra Lambae si tana . . .A E .


Sal lusti (us) S (mi l III Cyr aut XXII Baiot) 00A.D . FayoumEgypt Pap Ge n Lat 1

8 mi l XXI Rap ante Hadrian Trumplini V 4027STAMBON

M . Curt (ius) S Rat(1arla) ve t b a VII Cl 106 A.D . ViminaciumMoe a Sup 111 14607


Se p(timlua) Stati l lan (us) l e g Date ? Apulum Dacia . . III 1190


Aur(e l ius) S (ve t) e x dup (V Mao?) Date ? Potaissa Dacia . . III 7688

Lucr(e tius) Statu(tus) ve t (V Mao) o164 Troe smis III 6178

(S)empron ius S (7) X Gem Date ? Aqui le ia . .V 050


C . Iul ius S cor 111Aug p v 206 A.D. Castra Lambae si tana VIII 2557

STIMINUSS 7 V Mac 68 A.D . Emmaus Nicopolis Palestine III

294 coonourna or sow-s ln Bon nmorons


Aur(e l ius) S 7 VI (Vict) post Hadrian York EngT . n (avlus) S 7 le g XXX Date ? Col Agrippinensium XIII 8201


M . Verius S 7 V Mao se t Commodi aut Se pt Se ve ri Ge rminara111 12574

M . Verius S 7 V Mac p(iae ) 2a are Mioia Dacia . .

SURAC . Aufid lus L. I. Qui t . S domo He l iop (l i ) ve t XV Apol ante

66? Carnuntum Pann Sup . 111 11210

SURIOL . Iooonlus L. I. An] . S Cae saraug mil XI Cl p I 42—Ve spas

Burnum Dalmatia III 6417

SUROSAe l ius S (u)rna paq 111 Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2791M . Anton ius M . I. Se r. 8 ve t 111PI firm Date ? Salonae Dal

matia III 2004

Aur(e l ius) S (111Aug) 256-268 A .D . Castra Lambae sitana . . . VIII 18061M . Aur(e l ius) S R (eme slana ve t VII Cl 105 A .D . Viminacium

Moe a Sup . III 14507

T . Flavius S se tar 111Aug p v o202 Castra Lambae si tana . .A.E.

T . Flavius S Optic actar le g (111 Aug) 108-211 A.D. Castra

Lambae si tana VIII 2554

G . Iu(l ius?) S M prae I I Adiut post 114 Scarbantia Pann Sup . III

Ul p(lus) S l e g Date ? Apulum Dacia III 1180

SYRIACUSC . Iul ius S ve t 111Aug Date ? Lambae sisM . Lae torius 8 mi l 111Aug 2s? Lambae sis


G . Statius T M cos XIIII Gem 200A.D . Narona Dalmatia III 1780

TACITUSIul (ius) T 7 V Mao 107-200A.D . ApulumDacia 11114470


O. Marcius T mi l 111Aug Date ? Mina VIII 21568TARA

M . Aur(e l ius) T ve t VII Cl 105 A.D . ViminaciumMoe a Sup . . III 14507


L. Oclatius T ve t le g XV ante 66 Emona Pann Sup III 6845

TARSAT . Flavius T Nap(oca) mil ? (111Aug) ae t Antonini Pii Castra

Lambae sitana VIII 18085

TARTIANUSFl (avius) T 7 111Aug Date ? Lambaesis VIII 6114


Iul (ius) T mi l II Adiut (bi ) trib 6s AquincumPann Ini III 6556

sum m on .mar 295

— T optio XIIII Gem post 100 Carnuntum Pann 4460

Taupsivo; AOBaVOdvouve t le g? Date ? Sahoue t-e l~XhudrIG a BB 111 1601

P . Ae l ius T SuIe t(ula) quaut 111Aug o225 Lsmbae sis VIII 2586

TAURUSLambm is VIII 2702

Rh tlnrla) ve t VII Cl 105 A.O . ViminaciumMoe a

Lusius T (mi l ? 1] Parth ?) Date ? Rome VI 2410

C . Sl flusdus T spe c (VI)II Aug Date ? Mains . XIII 6721Stati l ius T 7 11Tr iort 140A.D. Sye ne Egypt 1116025

Ulp(lus) T mil I Adiut post 114 Ager ad Colapim Pann Sup 11114040

G . Val eriua G . I. Pap. Narb. T m11111Msc ante Ve spas Msinx .XIII 6874-T 7 leg? Date ? prope AgramBastia n . III 12061:5


M . Flavi (us) Cae ci l ius T IramV Mac Date ? Lambaesis VIII 2867TENAX

A . Instul e lus T p p XII Pulm66 A.D. The be s Egypt 11160

M. Aur(e l ius) Te ren (tianus) ve t I Adiut 198-209 A.D . Brige tio

. III 4207

C. Iul (ius) T (eren ti)anus 1111 PI Date ? ad Haemum Moe aIII 14462

Tere nt(lus) T spe o h gg III Antonin -X GemXIV Gem 1Ad)c212 Carnuntum Pann Sup

Va1(e rius) Te re n tian hrs) arm oust (111 Aug) 200 A.O . Castra

. A.E .


TERMINALISPap— T mi l XIIII Gem post l oo Age r Ad Colapim Pann

Aur(e l ius) T mi l 11Ita l 2-6s? Virunum Noricum III 4866s


-Ce le h nua1~l orimm 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0mm


Aure l (ius) l e rln(us) sig (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 18073TIBEPPINOZ


Anne ; TtBeppivoc te as III Cyr Date ? Mushe nne f SyriaPre ntice Gr Lat Inac 384

TIMENSM . Aur(e l ius) T ve t VII Cl 106 A.D . ViminsciumMoss Sup 11114607

TIMONM . Aure l (ius) T 7 111Gall Se ve rAle x and c226 ViminaciumMoe a

Sup .A.E.

TIMOTHEUSM . Aur(e l ius) T Nlc(opol l ) ve t VII Cl 106 A.D . ViminaciumMoe a

Sup 111 14507

TIROLae l lus T 7 le g 111ante 108 Nicopoli Egypt . III 0001.

C . Lusattus T (mi l ? 111 Aug) c2oo Castra Lambae sitana

Bull Arche ol 1006 p240

L . Vaffl T 7 XXII Prim 80A.D . Rome . VI 32881


Ae l (ius) T ve t (XIII Gem) post Traian Be cks Dscis . . III 1602s

Aure l ius T 7 VIII An(to)nin e x corn 213-17 A.D . Mains XIII 0803M. Aur(e l lus) T bf cos VII Cl 200A.D . Blatsche Moe a Sup III 8237

L . Iul ius T (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana VIII 2670T ib . Iusti nlus Ae l . Augusta T bl le g l eg XXII 210A.D . Main: . XIII 0741L. Ti tius L.m. Flnv. Solva T 7 1Adiut Date ? Hasta . V 7600Val erius Tl tian (us) 7 111Aug coh V 102 A.D . Castra Lambassi

tana . VIII 18006L . Ve turlus T bl cos Date ? Carnuntum Pann Sup . . III l 6l 02:3

T i tus (T l )tianus XIIII Gempost 100CarnuntumPannSup 111 11237


T . Flavius T . I. Ste . T le g XX ante Claud Be ne ve ntumT . Te ren tius T 7 XXII p 1Date ? Home

TITUSAur(e l ius) T bl (1Min?) Date ? Lucus Augusti Gall Nsrb XII 1670

Turrnn (lus) T spe c le gg 111Antonin X Gem XIV Gem I'

Ad)c212 Carnuntum Pann Sup . III 4462

M. Ul p(lus) T Sirm1(o) I Adi p I le gia VGMVG? l eg V M 2s?

Cusum Pann Inf . III 3260

C . Val efl lus) OulrlnnT 7 le g e x corn cos c2ooMi ltenbe rg XIII0608 cf0642-3T 7 (le g?) coh X Date ? Ooe ciumEng VII 228


M . Se ius T (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana VIII 2670


M. Ste rfi n lus T r(111Aug) Date ? Castra Lsmbse sitsns vmm e


UMBRIANUSAur(e l ius) U ve t e x de c (V Mac?) ante M. Aure l Napoca Dacia . . III 7003

URBANUSAe l ius U dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Csstrs Lambae sitana . VIII 2604Ae l (ius) U spe c I e t 11Adi p I Se ve r 228 A.O . AquincumPann InI . III 3624

L. Aifld ius U spe c VII Gem c2ooTarraco . . II 4122

Aure l ius U ve t (le g?) Date ? BuAtIan . VIII 10012Cae ci i lus U optic val 111Aug p v 200-11A.D . Castra Lambae si

tana VIII 2608 Bull Arche ol 1006 p236

C . Ce se i i ius U Gas mi l ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2608L. Corne l ius U mi l XXI Rap 70-Hadrian Bonn XIII 8082M . Flavius U C irt(a) ve t 111Aug p v cl 08 Castra Lambae si tana . VIII 18008Gargi i ius U dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castrs Lambae si

VIII 2604

L. He rvinius U ve t (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 8124Iul ius U 7 111Aug coh IX 102A.D. Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 18006Iul ius U dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana . VIII 2604C . Iul ius U (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana . . VIII 2602C . Iul (ius) U prin ve x VII Gem p I Date ? Dianium II 6000

0. Mod ius U C ir(tn) mi l ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambassitana VIII 2607

0. Octavius U ve t (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis . VIII 8212C . OIe i i lus U (111Aug) 200-211A.D . Castra Lambae si tana . . VIII 2660Post (um)lusU tub111Aug p v 202A.D . Castra Lambae sitana A.E. 1007 :184

Se rvi i ius U Gas mi l ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 2608M. Si l ius U (mi l ? 111 Aug) c200 Castra Lambae si tana

Bull Arche ol 1006p204Urb (anus?) bI trib? 111Aug c2ooCastra Lambae sitana . VIII 18078


P . Ae l ius U Irum 11Aug Date ? Home VI 8837


D. Capl e niusU Vol tin ia Vi e nna sig (l e g?) Date ? Che ste rEngE.E. IX 1078

Coc(ce lus) Urb (lcus?) corn (1Ital ) 2s e x e -3s Almus Moe a Ini . III

Gnrgl i ius U (rb)icus arm cust (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis . . VIII 8008Se x tus G e l l ius U nnt C l i i x mi l 1Adiut Date ? CarnuntumPann

Sup 111 11221


C . Ve ti e n i (us) C . I. Pupin ia U tub e x s l e g11s? Col Agrippine n

sium XIII 8276


U Tarnai is I. Sard (o) ve t I Adiut 08 A.D. Stabiae X 7801


Vni (e rius) U civis Aqui l e i e sis prob(a)tus in l e g X Gem Date ?Home .A.E. 1012z80


Aure l ius U imm II Ital 2—3s Fi ana Noricum 111 11810

Am m a n? 801

Aqu(li lus) U dup (XIIII Gem?) ante 178 CarnuntumPann Sup . . III 11180

Pervincius U mil srmcust XXII (Pr) p I post 80Msins .

M (sctiuaUr)sinus commcos VIIIAntonin 213-217 A. O . Mains XIII0803URSIO

M. Vefln lus U ve t e x le g XXX Ulp vict Date ? LyonsURSULUS

Ae l ius U mi l ? X Gem Date ? Vienna .111 4608

M. Applsn lus Ursu(1)us Acr (Iortssse Agfippine naium) 7 le g Vp I (7) le g 1(11Au)g? Date ? Scarbantia Pann Sup . . 11110040

M. Aure l ius U bI cos 226 A.D . Col Agrippine nsium X1118206

Coci U spe c legg III Antonin ( -XGemXIVGe mI Ad) c212Carnuntum Pann Sup . . III 4462

L. Spe l — U bI ln X Date ? Ve ve y Alpe s Poe ninse XII 104

L. T e re (n tius Ur)sul as mi l ? XIIII Gem post 100 Carnuntum

URSUSAmian(us) Urs(us?) (7 XXII Pr p I) 204 A.D . Mains .

Iul (ius) U dup (XIIII Gem?) ante 178 Carnuntum Pann Sup . . III 11180

Muefll i hss)? U 7 (leg?) coh X Date ? Che ate rs Eng VII 002

M(arclus) U mil III Ita l Date ? Sopi snse Pann InI III 3300

C . Victorfius) U ve t I Adiut 2s CarnuntumPann SupV11103

VALAP. Te rtius P. I. Cor. Vmil leg XI Ve spas-N an Vindmisas XIII 6212

VALENSAe l ius Val e ri a) 7? XIII Gem post Traian Alba DaciaAe l ius V ve t II Ital 2-8s Fafians NoricumP. Asl (lus) V Rst(iaria) optic ve t VII Cl 106 A.D. Viminacium

Moe a SupPrp O 230A.D . Ti lens Ge rmSup ” XIII 6024

C . Aemi i lua Vs1e (na) (mi1III Cyr sut XXII De iot) 00 A.D.

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

C . Ann lus V ve t e x num i rum1111P1Date ? RomeM. Ann ius V 7 111Aug se t Antcnini Pi i Beace ra NumidiaC . An tistius Vfl e fil l ) Ancyra!) (ve t) V Mac ante M. Aure l ?

Troe smis. III 0184

Antonauh v (111i CI 166 A.D . Almus Moes InIW W III 7440

An to(nius) V mi l XI Cl 166 A.D. Almus Moe s InI 1117440

Antonius V 7 III Aug ct 111102A.D.

An ton i (u)a Vsl(en )s mi l XI Cl post Hadrian Almus Moea 7463


302 COGNOMINA or sowmns mRom LEGIONB

C . Ant(onius) V Rnt(larin) ve t VII Cl 106 A.D. ViminaciumMoe s Sup . 111 14607



Avr¢iwtoc OMAGW; 7 VIII Aug 2s NeoclsudiOpol is GalatisIG a BB 111141

M. An t (on ius) V R(emesiann?) ve t VII Cl 106 A.D. ViminaciumMoe a Sup . III 14607

Atls(ius) Val en (s) ve t (V Mac) c134 h oe smis III 0178

Avi d ins V VII Gempost 170Maure tania Cacsariensis . VIII 20004Aq n (ius) Val e n (s) ve t (V Mac) c134 h oe smis III 0178

Aur(e l ius) a c(ns?) ve t VII Cl 186 A.D . ViminaciumMoe s Sup . III 8110

Aur(e l ius) V mi l 1Ital Date ? Ad Haemum Moss InI . 11112442

Aur(e l ius) Vni (ens?) mi l 11Adiut Date ? Pann InI ince rta 1113078

Aur(e l ius) V (ve t? V Mac?) Date ? Potaissa Dacia 1117088

Aur(e l ius) V (ve t? V Mac?) Date ? Potaissa Dacia III 7088

M. Aur(e l ius) q(uondam) V 7 I Adiut post 114 Brige tio Pann Sup III 4316L. Aur(e l ius) V Rnt(iaria) armcust ve t VII Cl 106 A.D . Vimin

scium Moe s Sup 111 14607

M. Aur(e l ius) V Sc(upis) ve t VII Cl 106 A.D. ViminaciumMoss

Sup 111 14607

M . Aur(e l ius) V R(at1arla) ve t VII C1106 A.D. ViminaciumMoe a Sup . . III 14607

M. Aur(e l ius) V Sd upis) ve t VII Cl 106 A.D. ViminaciumMoe a

Sup 111 14607

M. Aur(e l ius) V ve t 11Adiut 210A .D . AquincumPann InI III 3484

C (laud ius Va)l ens sig 1Min 100A .D . Ive rsh e imGe rmInI XIII 7040Cl (aud ius) V mi l 11Adi p I Antonin c216 AquincumPann InI . III 14342

C (laud lus) Va (l ens) ve t VI Vict p I Date ? Vianna TarraconenII 2406 add

T ib . Cl (aud lus) V ve t V1(1Cl) Date ? Rams prope Le de ratsmMoe a Sup

L . Comin ius Val (e ns) ve t V Mac 180-101A.D. “oe strusDi d (ius) V R (eme siann?) ve t VII Cl 106 A.D. Viminac iumMoe a

. III 14607

(D)omi tius V Gas (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2600G . Domi tius V tub 111Aug p v 202A.D. Castra Lambae sitana A.E.

M. Domi tius V He l io(pol i ) ve t? (111Aug) se t Hadriani Castra

Lambae si tana V11118084

C . E(g)natius C . (I. ) Fab . V Ancyra ve t (le g?) Date ? Troe smis 1110188C . Egnatius V l e g? Date ? Troe smis . III 0188

Fl (nvius) V ve t (V Mac) c184 Troe smi s III 0178

Fla (v1us) V mi l X1Cl 166 A.O . Almus Moea InI 1117440

Flavius V corn III Gall se t M. Aure l i i Pe rinthus Thrace III 7804

Fl (avius) V ve t e x bf l e g (V Mac) Date ? Troe smis III 0170

L . Flavius L. I. Fab . V Heracl e s mi l XI Cl p I42-Ve spas BurnumDalmatia 111 14000

M . Fl (avius) V 7 111Aug 268 A.D . Geme llae Numidia VIII 2482T . Flavius V (mil 111Cyr aut XXII De iot) 00 A.D. FayoumEgypt

304 COGNOMINA or 501mm In non e: neurons

0. Pe tron ius V mi l VII Gem p I Date ? Riditae DalmatiaPe V ve t (V Mac) c134 Troe smis .

M . Plae torius V ve t II Adi p I Date ? Raven s

0. Pomp(on ius?) V 7 XXII Prim Date ? Mains

C . Porcius V 7 I Adiut 70—100A.D . Mains

Postumi (us) V 7 II Adiut 2—3s AquincumPann InIPubi i i ius V 7 II Adiut 2-8s AquincumPann InISempron ius V ve t e x archite ct (V Mac) c134 Troe sms

L. Tre bonius V mi l VII Cl p I 42-70A.D . Salonae DalmatiaTri Vai en (s) mi l XI Cl 166 A.D. Almus Moe a InI

M . Ulp(lus) V Rat(iurla) ve t VII Cl 106 A.D . ViminaciumMoe s

Sup 111 14607

M . Ulp(lus) V Rat(larin) ve t VII Cl 106 A.D. ViminaciumMoe a

Sup . 111 14607

(M) Ulp(lus) V R(eme siana?) ve t VII Cl 106 A.D . ViminaciumMoe s Sup 111 14607

Val e rius V ve t (V Mac) c134 h oe smis 1110178

V ve t e x imag (V Mac) c134 h oe smis III 0178

Vai (e rius) Vai e (ns?) ve t VII C1186 A.D . ViminaciumMoe a Sup . . III 8110

Val (e rius) V mi l XI C1166 A.D . Almus Moe a InI III 7440

Val (e rius) V mi l XI C1166 A.D . Almus Moe a InI . 1117440

Vai (e rius) V mi l XI C1166 A.D . Almus Moe a InI. III 7440

a (e rlus) V (mi l?) XIII Gem100A.D . Vere spatski Dacia III p060

Val erius Val e (ns?) mi l V Mac ae t Csrscai l ? Troe smis III 0180

Val (erius) V (ve t? V Mac?) Date ? Potaissa Dacia III 7088

Val e r(ius) V sig XIII Gem c216? Aquile ia V 808Val e ri (us) V (mi l ? II Farth?) Date ? Home VI 2410

Vni (erlus) Vni (ens?) te as (II Adiut) 2-3s? AquincumPann InI . III 10620

C . Vni (e rius) V Rat(iarla) ve t VII Cl 106A.D. ViminaciumMoe s

Sup 111 14607

C . VaI(e rius) V R(atiaria) ve t VII Cl 106 A.D . ViminaciumMoss

Sup 111 14607

C . Vai (e rius) V R(eme siann?) inte rpre s ve t VII Cl 106 A .D . Viminacium Moe a Sup . III 14607

C . Vai (erlus) V R (eme siann?) bI trib ve tVII Cl 106 A.D . Viminscium Moe a Sup 111 14607

(C) Vai (e rius) V R (eme siann?) optic ve t VII C1106A .D . Viminacium Moe a Sup

C . Vni (e rius) V M le g X1Cl post Traian Ax iopolis Moe s InI

L. Val e rius V ve t le g VIIII ae t Ve spasiani Re steM . Vai (erius) V SC (upis) ve t VII C1106 A.D . ViminaciumMoe a

Sup 111 14607

M . Val (e rlus) V Fab . Eracl (e a) ve t (VII Cl p 1) Date ? Viminscium Moe s Sup A.E.

M . VarenusM . I. Vol . V ve t VII Cl p I 42-70A.O . AequumDaimatia 111 0701

L. V(ibi )us V ve t I Ital Date ? Aquile i a Arch epigrMitt VI p70-immius V 7 111Aug 2s Thamugadi .A.E.

M en us? 306

M al ens Cyflenis) ve t? (III Aug) ae t Hadriani CsstraLambae aite na V11118084

Vmppom mI Aufl se t IIsdriani Castra h mbae sitsna . .V11118084

ve t? (III Ang) ae t 11adriani CsstraLambae si tana-Iuv e t? (III Aug) se t IIsdrisni Castrs Lsmbae sitana . . V11118084— (Val )ens 7 XI Ci post IIadrisn DurostorumMoe s 1nI 11112408

III Aug cQOO Castrs Lsmbae sitana

— na Val (ens?) mi l ? III Ital Date ? Castra Re gina Bae tis . .11111070

Date ? Cambriae oppida Eng . . VII l 40 sdd E.E. V11866—na Val (ens?) ve t e x b? proc (V Mac) Date ? 0180

-na V ve t (V Mac) Date ? Troe smis III 0170—V ve t (V Mac) Date ? 1110170- V mil le g VII Date ? Ale ppi Syris

VALENTIANUSII) Adi p I 2-8s Age r Aquince nsis Pann InI . .11110844

VALENTINUSC . Anton ius V ve t XIIII Gem 211A.O . Carnuntum Pann Sup .

Gembis Date ? Ficuis XIV 4007

Aur(e l ius) V mil XIIII Gem post 100 Carnuntum Pann Sup III 4460

Aur(e l ius) V (ve t) e x tub? (V Mac?) Date ? Potaissa Dacia . . . . III 7088

M. Aur(e l ius) V M cos XIIII Gem c l 82? Lstobici Pann Sup . . . . III ”06Barbflus) V bi cos Date ? Scarbantia Pann Sup . .111 14008 add p2828 z31

Cae ci l lus Vni e (n )tinus optic spe i le g XIII Date ? Ticinum V 0428

P . Claud ius Val entin (ua) [Iul (rume to) bl cos III Aug c226

T . Cl (aud lus) V corn X Gem p I 204 A .D. Vie nnaTi b. Cl (aud lus) V ve t e x armcust I Adiut post 114 AdiaumPann

Flnflua V V?) XIII Gem post Traia srnuntum Pann Sup III


1obt OGaXmsivoq 7 le g se t Traiani Dcci i XIV 1011

Dste ? Castra Lambse sitana . .V11118080

(C . ) Iul (ius) Val en tinms) S ve t VII 01106 A.D . Vimin~

. III 14607

Me ti l lus V quondam imag I Adiut post 114 Adiaum Pann Sup . . III 10006

M. Mod uncius V li b le g le g XIII Gem post Traian Apulum. III 1104

III 0007

8017111100 V natus Carnunto mi l X Ge m optic Date ? Rome . . VI 3026

I.. Serglus L. I. Sabatl (nn) Val e ntl (nus) le g XXII 1s Msins . .XIII 0071

M ews) Val enmnua) ve t (V th e ) c134 Troe smis .111 0178

8u1p(1ciua) V arm oust 111Aug c226 Castrs

800 COGNOMINA or sommas m ROMANmorons

Va1(erlus) Val en t(inus) ve t (V Mac) c134 h oe smis III 0178

Iui . Va1(erlus) Val en t(inus) ve t (V Mac) c134 . III 0178

M . Va1(erius) Vai en (ti n)us bI cos XIII GemGordian 280A .D .

Also-Kosaly Dacia III 827

T . Val (e rius) Val en tl n (us) R(atlarla) ve t VII Cl 106 A .D .

Viminacium Moe a Sup . . I. II 14607

Varlus V 7 111Aug coh IV 102 A .D . Castra Lambae si tana . .:VIII 18006C . Vlbul ius C . I. OIen t . V Me d loln(ni ) mi l l e g XXII 1s?

XIII 0082

V ce nturio (l e gi )o se condi Flavi e post Diocle tianumTh e le pte A .E .

VALERIANUSAe l (ius) V M trib I Adiut 243 A.D . Syria ince rta III 100

V spe c (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2703Ae l (ius) V ve t e x dup (XIII Gem) post Traian Be cks Dacia . . III 1602s

Aur(e l ius) V spe c XI C1se t Gordian III Jose phsthal Dalmatia . . III 8021

Aur(e l ius) V mi l Parth post Se pt Se ve r Age r Albanus . XIV 4000

Aur(e l ius) Val eria(nus) (ve t? V Mac?) Date ? Potaissa Dacia . . III 7088

M . Aur(e l ius) Vai er(ius) V 7 III Cyr Antonin 212A.D . Canatha

. III 121

T ib . Cl (aud ius) V 7 X111Gem e t 1 (Adiut) post 114 ApulumDacia . III 081

L . Domi tius V domo Kapi tol iad e mi l VI Fe rr I c 208 A.O . Rome . . VI 210

“M (tius) Val e r(innus) ve t (V Mac) c134 h oesmi s . III 0178

tbkdomoc OOkspiavdcmi l l e g XXII 104-6 A.D . Talmis EgyptIG a BB 11343

Fl (avius) V spe c (111 Aug) Date ? Lambae sis ” VIII 18300

T . Fl (nvius) Pap. V O e sco Irum V Mac ante Caracal l Rome VI 3342

0. Kate rina V Irum VIII Aug c226 Rome . VI 230

V mi l XX Britanni c Date ? Nemausus XII 3182

C . Iul ius Val e ri (nnus) 7 111 Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2007C . Iul ius V 7 111 Aug XVI Fl firm bis 1111 Scyth bis Date ?

Lambae sis VIII 2027Livius V spe c l e gg III Antonin -XGemXIV Gem1Ad) c212

Carnuntum Pann Sup . III 4462

Aofnt(toq) Het pdwtoc; Obaksptahlbq (sig II Tr?) 120-140A.D .

Fayoum Egypt . EGU 000

0. Pompon (i )us V M cos VII Cl Date ? ViminaciumMoe a Sup . . III 13807

L . Se ntius V ve t e x adiutore prine 111Aug Date ? Casae VIII 4332Ulp(lus) V 7 X Gem 108-200 A.D . Ce l e ia Noricum III 6160s

Ulp(lus) V M le g Date ? Viminacium Moe s Sup 111 14620

(Va)l e ri (us V)al er1anus mi l XI Cl p I 42-Ve spas Burnum Dal

matia 111 14321:10

VaI(e rius) V te ss 1Adiut post 114 Brige tio Pann Sup . . . III 11037

Vai (erius) V 7 le g Date ? Aquincum Pann InI . III 3630

D . Val (e rlus) D. (I. ) Vol t . Va (l e ri )anus Vl e (nna) mi l le g?Date ? Bonn .XIII 8080


Papl (rlus) Vai e (s) tub (I Ital) 2s e x e -8s Almus Moe a InI . . III

Sa1(vius) V corn 1 Ital 2s e x e -3s Almus Moe a InI . .

Se ptimius V can X Gem Date ? Home . VI 3026

M . Sulpicius M . I. Sabati (na) V Mantua mi l XXII Prim 1s?

Mainz XIII 0073

Va1(erius) V mi l 1111PI Date ? Ulpiana Moe a Sup III 1000

—n1us Val e s me dicus 1111Mac ante Ve spas Mains XIII 0700V ve t (V Mac) c134 h oe smis III 0178


Aur(e l ius) V sig le g XX Date ? Are late XII 078


Iul (ius) V mi l XX V v Date ? London . VII 27


APANHEKkafibdoq] Ofialv m; (mi l III Cyr) Date ? Bostra Arabia

1G a BB 1111330


V ve t (V Mac) Date ? Troe smis III 0170

VARIOVa1(e rius) V opti c II Ital divi t Date ? Spol e tium X1 4787

VARROEl ion ius V hast XIIII Gem post 100 Brouse Bi thynia . . .A.E .

Menon ius V 7 111Aug coh VI 102 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 18006VARUS

T i t . Aur(e l ius) Var(us) 7 XV Apol se t M. Aure l VagarchepatGalatia .A.E.

L. Ge l l ius OuI. V ve t XIII Gem Date ? infra Lae ne Ve rbsnum. . V 6680

Pamph i l ius V mi l VII Gem p I Date ? Tarraco II 4171

P. Scrlbon (l )us P. I. Col . Eph e so V ve t V Mac Date ? Oe se na

Moe a InI . A.E .

V 7 (l e g XXII aut III Cyr) se t Augusti Coptos Egypt . . III 0027


M . Marius M. I. Tro. V Ae q(uo) mi l I Adiut 70-100 A.D.

Mainz XIII 0831

-us (Ve )ge tus mi l XI CI p I Ve spas-Traian Vindoni ssa . .XIII 6200VELOX

Vai lus V mi l VII Gem p I Date ? Tarraco . II 4171

L. Va1(erius) V mi l XIIII G m v Date ? Cemene lum V 7873.

VENUSTUSAemi l ius V mi l XXX Ulp p I 8s? Lyons XIII 1828M . Iscan tius V Gas mi l ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si


Inn ins V aqui l 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis

O. Sal (vius?) V ve t (111 Aug) Date ? Lambae sisP . Tamud ius V Ar. Car disce ns armaturae (111Aug) 211-2 A.D .

Lambae sis VIII 2018

— l ius V tub 111Aug p v 202 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana . .A.E.

m e nswe ar. LIB? 800





Marcus Sulplcius il XIIII v post WO CarnuntumPann Sup . . 111 11234

post 100 Carnuntum Pann 111 11223

Se p(tini lus) V optio XIIII Gem poat 100 CarnuntumPann Sup . . III 11232

L. Se p(tini ius) V ve t II Adi p I 218 A.D . Stuhlwe isse nburg Pann


M. Aur(e l ius) Ae i ia Mog V bl trib I Ad iut post 114 ScarbantiaPann Sup . . III

iul iua V 7 le g VI ? Date ? South Shie lds Eng E.E. IX 1100

(b (e ci ltus) V 7 XI CI p I 42-Ve spas BurnumDalmatia III 0000

L. Gampanlus L. I. Poi . V ve t 1111Scyt Date ? Rovigno V 8186T . ? lufl us V Cl . Sum ia 7 XIIII v post 100 Csrnuntum

III 4410

Iul ius V (on? 111 Aug) 2224 6 A.O . Castra Lambae sitanaMAII 1807 p447

Iul i i i s V 7 (I Ital) Date ? 111 0280

0. Iul ius C . I. Paplrla V Tra1(anens1s) mi l (1Min?) s l oo


C . Iul (ius) Vsre (cundus) ve t? Date ? Carnuntum Pann

D. Iun ius V 7 I Adiut 70-100 A.D . Mains XIII 0840P. Ius(ti dius?) Sarmi zege tusa mi l (X1)11

Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia 1100

L. Marclua Ae on ls I. V mi11Mia Date ? Zue lpie h XIII 7023Hasts V 7660

D . Misce n ius V ve t XV Apol l s Carnuntum Pann Sup . . III imam0. Mone iua V Narbon ensis ve t VII Gem Ie l Date ? Tarraco . .11 4101

M. Nonius V Syrl (a) mi l l II Aug Date ? Lambae sis

Romanuua) V (mil ? II Parth ?) Date ? Rome ” VI 2410

Salonius Vere (cundus ?) 7 1Adiut 70-100 A.D . Mains . . XIII 0841C . Te re ntius V 7 le g XX1 ante Hadrisn He l iopol


mSyriaL Val e rius G. I. Vol . V Ve—ve t XIII v 70

C. Vlse i ius Vere cund (us) ve t XI Cl p IVe spas—Trsian Vindonisaamarms Be ibl p318

1s? Ge rm ince rta

Q Vudua V em tm III Aug v Cutra LaM ns A.E. 1800:100

810 COGNOMINA or sommas IN ROMAN morons

Ae l (ius) Ve rin (us) archi te ctus (leg Date ? Mains XIIIP . Asl ius V M cos 213 A.D . Ce le ia Noricum. . III

Aur(e l ius) V ve t (II Ital ) 2-3s Ce l e ia Noricum . III

L . Gratius L. I. C lau. V Cemen e l i Irum11Aug Date ? Home . .VI

Lu(ci )l ius L . I. V ve t VI Vict Date ? Seprium. . V

Pompe ius V mi l II Tr Iort Ge r post 214 Ale x andria Egypt . . III

Sacron (ius) V ve t II Ital arm cust 3s? inte r Ive nnam e t Ce l e iam

T i ticonius V mi l le g XXX Date ? LyonsC . Ve re cund in ius V ve t XXII Pr p I post 80Lyons

VERISSIMUSM. Minuc(lus) Verlsslm(us) R (atiaria) ve t VII Cl 106 A.D .

Viminacium Moe s Sup . 111 14607

Ve r(atius) V spe c I e t 11Adi p I Se ve r 228 A.D . Aquincum PannInI . . . III 3624

VERNAGae l ius V dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae si

tana VIII 2604

Hortensius V dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lam

bae sitana . VIII 2604


C . Avon (ius) V ve t XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia III 1037

VERUSM . Ae butius V mi l l e g XV 1s? Milan V 6817Ati l ius V 7 V Mac post M. Aure l Oe se na Moe s

Aufld ius V e q 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 3047Aure l ius V mil XI CI p I 42-Ve spas Pi tuntium Dalmatia III 12816a

Aur(e l ius) V (ve t? V Mac?) Date ? Pota issa Dacia III 7088

Au(re l ius) V (ve t) e x e q (V Mac?) Date ? Potaissa Dacia . . III 7088

(Aure l ?)ius V 7 le g Antonin c216 Age r ad Colapim PannSup . III 10828

L. Gae c1(l )ius L . I. Ouirina V(e )rus Adme d e ra (mi l) 1AdiutDate ? Aquincum Pann InI . 11113372

L. Cassius V mi l 1Min Date ? Carte nna Maure tania Cae sari e nsis VIII 0064

M. Gingon ius V C irt (a) ve t 111Aug p v cl 08 Castra Lambae sitana

Gominius V mi l XIII Gem l s Terge steC . Corne l ius C . I. Pom. De rt (ona) V ve t bI cos 11Adiut 2-se ?

Poe tovio Pann Sup . . . III 4067

Fabricius V 7 XI Cl p I 42-Ve spas Burnum Dalmatia . . A.E.

0. Flaccin ius V Irum XXX Ulp vict Date ? Rome VI 3301

Flavius V dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae si tana . VIII 2604C . Iul ius V Amme d efla) bI cos 111 Aug c226 Lambae sis . . VIII 2680C . Iul ius V Amme dnra bI cos (111 Aug) c226? Lambae sis . .V111 2011

Iunius V 7 111Aug coh I 102 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana VIII 18006

312 COGNOMINA or sommas m Rom morons

Geminius V dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castrs Lambae si

G. Iul ius V arm cust 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis .VIII 2026M . Lucre tius V ve t (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis . VIII 3183O. Lutatius O. I. Qui t . V Aut(rico) mil 111Aug 1s? The ve ste A.E . 1807 :20

V 7 le g XVI se t Tibe ri i Mains .XIII 0042Btd‘top p p (le g Date ? Inachus Arabia . . IG a BR 1111337


Aur(e l ius) V (ve t? V Mac?) Date ? Potaissa Dacia III 7088


Aur(e l ius) V ve t le g Date ? Aquincum Pann InIM . Aure l ius V mi l ? II Adiut 2-se ? AquincumPann InITib . Cl (audius) V 7 ItumXIII Gemp Ipost Hadrian Augustopoi is

Iul (ius) Vibla (nus) ve t (V Mac) Date ? TroesmisV 7 X Gem ante Traian Aquincum Pann InIV optic 111Aug 2s e x e Kasr-Ghe lane

VIDIUSAsl ius V 7 XX V v Date ? Conde rcumEng VII 603

T . Aure l ius T . I. Ae l ia V Acuinci 7 111Aug p v 3s? Lsmbae sis . VIII 2820

G. Maccen ius V mi l X Gem Date ? Rome VI 2437


G. Me i lon ius V IrumVIII Aug p c Commodae se t Commodi Rome VI 3364O . Se rvl l ius V ve t XII Fulm Date ? Capua . .X 3806

O. Varius V Xar imm (111Aug) 2s? Castra Lambae sitana VIII 18087

VIC I’IONAur(e l ius) V 7 XIII Gem post Traian ApulumDacia III 8006:24

VICTOR(A)e butius V (e q? 111Aug) 222-36 A.D . Castrs Lambae si tana

MAR 1807 p447

As(l ius) Vict(or) bI VIII Aug Date ? Tre ve ri Be lgica . XIII 3046G. Ae l ius V is (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana . .VIII 2608L . Ae l ius Vic(t)or sig 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis V11118280

P . Ae l ius V ve t (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis . . VIII 3021Ae l (ius) V Tr1m(on tio) ve t VII Cl 106 A .D . ViminaciumMoe a

Sup . III 14607

Aemi l ius V dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A .D . Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2604

V (111Aug) 263-208 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 18001G. Aemi l ius V ve t I Min p I 2s? Augustodunumprov Lugudun . .XIII 2000G. Aemi l ius V ve t (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis V1113024—6A . Aemi l ius V Tac(ape ) mil ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae

sitana VIII 2600T . Aemi l ius V Kart quae st 111Aug c226 Lambae sis VIII 2680P . Ai l i e nus P . I. V 7 1111PI Date ? Rome(Anne iu)sVl (ctor?) bi XX V v Date ? prope The ve stemNumidia VIII 2080

summ on . LIST 813

Annlus V armeust (111Aug) 200A.D. Caste s

Annius ensor flI Aug v ntonin 218 A.D . Casti-a l .ambacVIII 2604

Annlus V 7 Date ? Bev csstle Eng III 113

Castrs l iambse sitana m VIII W

Date ?Anton ius V sig flII Aug) Dste ? Lambae sis VIII 2811C (III Aug) Dste? Castrs Lam

L. Antonius V Scytopolfl) ve t? (111Aug) se t Hadriani Castra

P. Antonius il IrumV1Vict Dste ? 8armise ge tusa 1111474

M. Arsus Vlctor? ve t (111Aug) 211-2 A.D. Lambae sis VIII 2018ArIus V srm cust III Aug c226 Castra IAmbae si tans A.E.

C . A(Qi fll lus VTh e (ve ste ) ve t? (111Aug) 2s? Castra Lambae

se same . V(ic)tor 7 VII Cl Date ? Viminacium Moe a 8104

Aufldflus) V ve t e x sctar (111Aug) 270-276 A.O . Lambae sis ” . . VIII 2020Aure l ius V dup III Augv ntonin 218 A.D. Castrs Lambae si tsns . VIII 2604

AM M V Iib V Msc M. Aure l d 74 Potaissa Dacia 111000

Aur(e l ius) V mi l II Ital 3s? Ce l e ia Noricum 11111700

Aur(e l ius) V mi l l Ital Date ? Ch e rsone susTaurics Moss InI 11113761a

Aure l (ius) V sig (111Aug) Date ? Castrs Lambae sitana VIII 18073

Aur(e l ius) Vict (or) (ve t? V Mac?) Date ? Potaissa Dacia 111 7088

M. Aure l ius V mi l 111Aug Date ? LambiridiM. Aur(e l ius) V ve t le g 1Date ? Col Agrippine nsium

O. Aure l (lus) V mi l 111Aug Date ? Lambae sisCae ci l lus V ve t (111Aug) l a? Thamugadi Numidia . Bull Arche ol 1011p124

Lambae sis . VIII 3073Q Ch snpanlus il I Mia Dste ? . XIII 7000G a ntInIns V GalaMfl ve t III Aug p v c lM Castra Lsmbae ai

V111 18008

Se a. Oarmlnius V Utic(a) ve t 111Aug 100A.D . Castrs LambassiV111 18007

(G)assius Vi (c)tor bI I Min Dste ? Novse siumGe rm InI XIII 8600Aquincum

Clod lus V e x sctus IIIC lod ius V1c(tor) mfl 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 3086Corne l ius V dup III Aug v ntonin 2l 8 A.D . Castra Lsmbse ai


Corne laus) V tub III Aug Date ?

0. Corne1(lua) V nat AIer ve t II Tr Date ? 1m

314 COGNOMINA or aonnrnns a t new neurons

0. Domi tius V Gas str (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana . . VIII 2608O. (D)onatius Vic(tor) Col . Uti ca ve t? (111Aug) Date ? Cas

tra Lambae sitana . . VIII 18080El ius V me nsor (111Aug) 3s? Castra Lambae sitana . A.E .

Ete reus V arm cust 111Aug c226 Castra Lambae sitana . A.E.

G. Fabul e ius V ve t 111Aug 1s? Simi tthus VIII 10600 14002

F1(av10s) V 7 I Adiut 173 A.D . Ljubuski Dalmatia III 8484

Flavius V tub 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2604Fla (v1us) V mi l le g I post 114 Brige tio Pann Sup . III 10004

Flavius V Irum XXX Ulp Date ? Rome . VI 3302

T . Flavius V K(arthagin e ) ve t 111Aug 100A.D . Castrs Lambaesitana VIII 18007

Fulvius V dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2604Gargi l ius V dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambassi

tana . . VIII 2604

C . G eminius V optic 111Aug 263 A .D . Geme llae Numidia VIII 2482C . G en ti i ius V ve t XXII Pr p I se t Commodi Mains XIII 0077G l icina V dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castrs Lambae sitana VIII 2604Grunius V (mi l ? 111 Aug) c218? Castra Lambae sitana

Bull Arche ol 1904 psoeIul ius V ve t e x te as (111Aug) 168 A.D . Casae VIII 4330 cf 4332

Iul ius V arm cust (111Aug) 200A.D . Castrs Lambae sitana A.E .

Iul ius V dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castrs Lambae sitana . VIII 2604Iul ius V dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana . VIII 2604Iul ius V dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castrs Lambae si tana . VIII 2604Iul ius V seq dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castrs Lambassi

tana VIII 2604

Iul ius V arm cust 111Aug c226 Castrs Lambae sitana A.E. 1002:11

Iul ius V ve t e x l ibrario (111Aug) 270—276 Lambae sis VIII 2020Iul (ius) Vict(or) 7 VIII Aug Date ? Boe ckinge n XIII 0473

V ve t (111Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 18307Iul ius V (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana . .VIII 2602G. Iul (ius) Se r. Vic(t)or His(pa)l l mil X Gem ante 70? Iris

Tarracone nsis . II 2646

G. Iul ius V Tha (mugadl ) ve t 111Aug 100A .D . Castrs Lambaesitana VIII 18007

G. Iul ius V Cirt (a) ve t 111Aug p v c108 Castrs Lambae si tana . . VIII 18008C . Iul ius Vlcto(r) C irt(a) ve t 111Aug p v cl 08 Castrs Lambae

sitana VIII 18008G. 1ul ius V armatura (111Aug) 108—211A .D . Castra Lambae si

tana . A .E .

C . Iul ius V Gi l lo dup? (111Aug) Date ? Castrs Lambae sitana . . VIII 2600C . Inl (ine ) V lcto(r) tub 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2020G. Iul ius V ve t (111Aug) Date ? Lambaesis . VIII 18300C . Iul ius V ve t (111 Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 3170-3100?C . Iul ius V mi l 111 Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 3171-3172C . Iul ius V Utlc(a) mi l ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2607(C ? I)ul ius V tub 111Aug p v 202A.D . Castrs Lambae si tana A.R.

310 COGNOMINA or sonnmns IN Rom ne crosi s

G. Sal tius V Cast ve t 111Aug p v cl 08 Castrs Lambae sitana VIII 18008L. Sempro(nius) V optic (111Aug) 108-211A.D . Castra Lambae

sitana VIII 2664

L. Sempronius V Amme d (ara) mil ? (111Aug) Date ? Cas

VIII 2608

Sep(timius) V M cos (le g?) Date ? Apulum Dacia III 1180

G. Septimius Vmil 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 3237-8C . Sutorius V Kart ve t 111Aug cl 08 p v Castrs Lambae si tana . VIII 18008Servi i (ius) V ve t e x e ctat ic (111Aug) 270-276 A.D . Lambae sis . . VIII 2020Se rvius V (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2602L. Se x ti l ius V dup111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castrs Lambae

sitana VIII 2604

Simpl icinius V 7 1Min e t III Parth 3s Bonn . . XIII 8006Si ttius V (e q? 111Aug) 222—36 A .D . Castra Lambae sitana MAR 1807 p447

C . S i ttine V (111Aug) 200-11A.D . Castra Lambaesitana . VIII 2660Tad ius V ve t II Ital 2-3s? Virunum Noricum . III 4863

Tannon ius V arm cust (111Aug) 200A.D . Castrs Lambae sitanaA.E.

Marcus Te re n tius V ve t (le g?) Date ? BuAtIan VIII 10013Ulpius V 7 XI Cl se t Antonini Pii Portus Magnus VIII 0701Ulp(lus) V imag l e g VII 2-3s? Cyrrhus Syria III 106

M. Ulp(lus) V buc XIIII Gem post 100Brige tio Pann Sup 11111020

Umbrlus V dup 111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2604

Val (erius) V ve t (V Mac) c134 Troe smis 1110178

Val erius V ve t e x 1c (111Aug) 270-276 A.D. Lambaesis VIII 2020Val e r(ius) V lct (or) XV Apol Date ? Rome VI 32002

A . Val e rius (V)1ctor ve t (111Aug) Date ? Vere cunda VIII 4247C . Val e rius C . I. Gal e rla V Lugudunl sig 11Aug Date ? Isca Eng . VII 126

Lucius Val erius V mil le g XXII l s? Mains .XIII 0080L. Val erius V Gas mil ? (111Aug) Date ? Castrs Lambae si tana . VIII 2608C . Vatin ius V ve t (111Aug?) Date ? Casae VIII 18633C . Vati n lus V Gas mi l ? (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana VIII 2600C . Vibsan ius V Gust ve t 111Aug p v cl08 Castrs Lambae sitana . . VIII 18008M . Volusi e n ius V ve t II Adiut Date ? Ticinum Pais Suppl n800

06121039 7 (II Tr?) 120-140A.D . FayoumEgypt BGU 000

V? (7) V Mac e t XI C l ae t Hadriani Pal e stine 11114166:2

— t1us V Th e v(e ste ) (mil ? 111Aug) c2oo Castra Lambaesitana . Bull Arche ol 1006 p230

(?Vi )ctor dup111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D . Castrs Lambaesitana VIII 2604(V)lctor (111Aug)268-208 A .D . Castrs Lambae sitana . . VIII 18001

- l ius V II(adruni e to) optic (111Aug) Date ? Castrs Lambae sitana VIII 2606

—vin ine Vlcto(r) sig (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana . VIII 18073Se r. V Iad (e re ) e q XIII Gem post Traian ApulumDacia . . III 1200

VICTORIANUSC . Ati l ius Liv(1u)a Victoria(nus) ve t 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 3041


Ablnneua V e x actus 111Aug p v c202 Castrs Lambae si tana A.E.

M. Ae butius M. I. Ulp. PapIr. Troiana V Poe tovio mi l X Gem

7 XI C17 XIIII Gem7 l Min 7 XXII Pr 7 XIII Gem7 VIIC17 XV (Apol) post Traian Ancyra 111200-0701

Acl (ine ) V mil XI Cl 166 A.D . Almus Moss In? III 7440

P. Ae l ius V dup I Adi Antonin c216 Inte rcisa? PannP. Ae l (ius) V opt V11Cl p i Phi lipp 244

—40?P . Ae l ius V (111Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana

P. Ancharlua V ve t (111Aug) Da te ?

V mil XXII Prim220A.D . Ti le na Ge rmSup XIII 6021Aur(e l ius) V 7 II Adiut 2-3s? Ager Aquincmsis Pann InI 11] 10300

3s RomeAur(e l ius) V (ve t) e x e q (V Mac?) Date ? Potaissa DaciaAure l (ius) V mil III Ital Date ? Castra Re gina Rse tiaC . (h e ci l ius Victorian”) Gas peq (111 Aug) Date ? Castrs

O? (h e ci i ius V ve t e x li brario? (III Aug) 270-276 A.D. Lam

Vlb. Cassius V bI cos II Itsl p I Antonin 216 A.D . Ce le isNoricum III 6186

P . Corne l ius V mil 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis VIII 3002T . De vfl11usT . 01. Aure l la V immsrmcust XXII Prp I 2O6 A.D .

XIII 0710

(111Aug) ae t 11adriani Castra

VIII 18084T . F1(av1us) V 7 XXX Olp vict Date ? Col Agrippine nsiumXIII 8210e t 8233Il e re nni i i s V disc eqq 111Aug Date ? Lambae sisBe renn ius V ve t le g XXII Date ? Caste llumMattiscorumXIII 7200Iul (ius) Vlctorl n(us) dup (XIIII Gem?) ante 178 CarnuntumPann

Sup 111 11180

1111100 V arm cust 111Aug c226 Castrs Lambae si tana A.E .

Inl ine V (e q? 111Aug) 222-36 A.D. Castra Lambae si tana MA111807 p447I(ul ius) V 7 (le g?) Date ? Papcastl e Eng E.E. 11106

Iul (ius) V bi cos Date ? Campona Pann InIC . In l (ine ) VN emesiana?) ve t VII Cl 106 A.D. ViminaciumMoe a

Sup 111 14607

M. Iul ius V 7 IIII Fl Date ? Aquincum Pann InI

Li (cin ius) V mi l le g 11Date ? Bosna Dalmatia 11112704

L. Priva tfllus V 7? 111Aug Date ? Lambae sis . VIII 2004

Seve rin luv e t e x sig VIII Aug Antonin dwLante rburg Ge rm

Lo“W L ’

XIII 3213

318 COGNOMINA or sommas m Rom LEGIONB

Val (erlua) V spe c l e gg III Antonin ( X Gem XIV Gem I Ad)c2l 2 Carnuntum Pann Sup . III “62

Val (e rlua) V optio X Gem Date ? Carnuntum Pann Sup III 4410

(Val e rlua) Vlcto(rln)ua mi l (VII) Cl Date ? Horreum MargiMoe a Sup III 12667

C . Val (e rlua) V ve t e x bl trib V Mac Date ? Drobe ta Dacia III 1684

O. Val (e rlua?) Vlc(to)rlnuami l (le g?) Date ? Lincoln Eng .E.E. IX 1112

Se x . Ve ttius V Caat ve t III Aug p v c108 Castra Lambae si tana . VIII 18068C . Vl tal ln lua V mi l l e g XXII Date ? Ge nava . XII 6878

T . Vocclua V armcuat (XIIII Gem?) 188 A.D . CarnuntumPannSup .A.E. l 006z237

Il (ua) V 7 VI Vict p I D(omitianae ) ae t Domi tiani B lh ge lGe rm Inf .XIII 8633

V 7 (l e g?) Date ? Gre atche ate ra Eng . E.E. VII 1061

mi l dup I Min Date ? Bonn XIII 8072V XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia III 1068


Came rflua) V ve t e x ae tat (III Aug) 270-276 A.D . Lambae sis . VIII 2626M . Manl l lua V Uti (ca) ve t? (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae

VIII 18086V ve t e x dup XIII Gem poat Traian ApulumDacia . . III 1067

VINCENTIUSAntol lua V mi l in le g XI C133 e x e -43 init Cae aare a Maure tania

Cae aari enaia VIII 21021Ant ol ina V e x prae poaitia X Gem Date ? Canossa XI 1016

Come l lua V arm cust III Aug c226 Castra Lambae si tana . . A.R.

VINDEXAnt (ol lua) V mi l XI Cl 166 A.D . Almus Moe a InI III 7440

Aur(e l lua) V mi l VII Cl Date ? Cyrrhua Syria . III 104

Aur(e l ius) V dup II Adiut Date ? Aquincum Pann In! III 3468

T . Doml t(lua) V 7 XX(X?) V v Date ? Roe rmond Ge rm InI .XIII 8707Se x . Donnlua V 7 X Gem p l D(omitianae ) ae t Domitiani Brohl .XIII 7717M. Val e rlua Sp. f . (V) ind e x mi l le g XII Date ? Brix ia . V 4377

Vlbl (ua) Vla d (e x ?) (III Aug) 263—208 A.D . Castra Lambae sitana VIII 18061V 7 XI Cl I act Traiani Carnuntum Pann Sup III 11230

V bl cos Date ? Apulum Dacia III 1060


Ae l lua V mi l III Aug Date ? Lambaesis VIII 2783

VINITORSempron lua V dup111Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Cae tra Lambae

sitana VIII 2666


Ul p(lus) V spe c le gg III Antonin -X Gem XIV Gem I Ad)c212 Carnuntum Pann Sup . . III“62

320 COGNOMINA or 30mm m acium Lemons

Mae l l tal I Min XX V v IX

Hisp VII CI p I ae t Domitiani Rome VI 3684

TI. Claud ius V domo Interamni l Prae tutt la p p (111Aug)Date ? Castra Lambae sitana CI CIL IX 6008 A. E .

Comod ino V M trib (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 2840-7L. Corne l lua V (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae si tana VIII 2662O . Come l lua V Gas e q (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae sitana . . VIII 2667L . Ed mluaBe l l lclanuaV ve tXX V v Date ? Che ate rEng . .E.E. VII803

T . F1(avlua) V Ae l (la) Aug(uata) mi l bIcosXXII Pr p I 186 A.D.

Iage atbause n XIII 0668Pla (vlua) V 7 XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia III

G . Gabln lua V M trib lat III Aug p v 108 A.D . Castra Lambae si.VIII 2661

Inl ine V natione Be lga Iabrici e sis XX V v post 43 Bath Eng VII 40

Inl (lua) V armcust (III Aug) 200A.D . Castra Lambae sitana A.R.

Iul ius V armcust III Aug c226 Castra Lambae sitana . A.E.

Inl ine V ve t (III Aug) Date ? Lambae sis VIII 18308Inl lua V (ve t?) XXII (Pr) p I Date ? Ambarri prov Lugudun .XIII 2626Iul (lua) V ve t le g XXX Date ? Ve te ra Ge rm InI .XIII 8022Inl (lua) Vl tal la? 7 (le g?) cob 1111 Date ? Stanwix Eng VII 018

C . Inl luaV Th ev(e ate ) ve t III Aug p v c108 Castra Lambae sitana VIII 18008M . Inl (lua) V optio bastati I Adiut post 114 Brige tio Pann Sup . III 4328

M. (I)nl lus V M cos Date ? Ne viodunum Pann Sup . III 3027

Se x . Iul (lua) V 7 le g? Date ? Aquincum Pann InI . III 10620

0. Lartl d lua V Amma e dara) bI leg leg III Aug 100A.D . Castra

Lambaesitana VIII 18007l e ral ln lua V e q I Min Date ? Bonn

l dictum.) V str le g le g XIIII Gem Se ve r c226 Carnuntum PannSup . III 11108

M. Manaonlua V M cos 218 A.D. Ne tte rshe im A.E.

L. Mummlua V Caa mi l ? (III Aug) Date ? Castrs Lambae sitana VIII 2668

C . Octavlua C . I. Fable V domo Brl x lae ve t VII CI p I 42-70A.D . Ae quum Dalmatia . III 14040

Passenlua Vl ta1(la) arm cust III Aug c226 Castra Lambae sitanaA.E.

L . PlotluaV e x actus III Aug p v c202Castra Lambae si tana A.E.

C . Pomponlua V Amme d (ara) ve t III Aug p v cl08 Castra Lambae sitana VIII 18008

Suttonlua V l i b (XXII Pr p I?) 260-1A.D . Til ena Ge rmSup .XIII 6022Se x tl l lua V ve t (III Aug) 270-276 A.D . Lambae sis . . VIII 2620T e rd nlua V mi l XXX Ulp vict 232 A.D . Ve te ra Germ InI XIII 8610C . (T)l l l luaM. I. Pol . Vl tal (la) Aat ve t (le g?) bI trib lat Date ?

Hasta .V 7660

M. Tre b l (ua) Vl tal l (a) M cos Date ? Murse l la Pann Sup III 10067

Ul p(lua) V 7 III Ital Date ? Apulum Dacia . . III 7786

M. Ulp(lus) V M cos X GemDate ? DomavianumDalmatia . . III 14210

C . Val erius V (III Aug) Date ? Cal tra Lambae si tana VIII 2662


O. Varlua V M cos 101A.D . Thornborough Eng VII 271

C . Ve lcacluaV Slm(l tbu) corn (III Aug) Date ? Castra Lambae

sitana VIII 2608

Ve tt lua Vl ta(l la) mi l II Ital 2-3s Inte r Iuvavum e t Ovi lava Noricum III 6014

Vatut lua V Lamb bI cos III Aug c226 Lambae sis VIII 2680B lae ra V 7 III Aug Date ? . . VI 3046

nq V ve t (V Mac) Date ? Troe smis . III 0170

-me raslua L. I. d T lcln (o) V l tal (la) (mi l) 1111PIIe l Date ?Pann Sup ince rta .

mi l I Min Date ? Bonn .


C . Se verinlua V ve t e x bI cos XXX Ulp vict Date ? Col Agrip

pine nsium . . XIII 8203


T . Flavius V ve t XXX Ulp vict Date ? Lyons . XIII 1868VITULLUS

V lctorln lua V clvla Sume loce nn e ala ve t le g VIII 2-3s Ambarriprov Lugudun XIII 2600


Inl (lus) Vl tul (ua) ve t (V Mac) c134 Troe smis III 0178

O? Vocon ius V (7 XXII Pr pI 2s e x e -se init Fraue nste in Ge rmSup XIII 7008VOGGO

P . Ae l (lua) V mi l XXII Pr p I post 80Sume loce nna Ge rmSup . .XIII 0302VOLUSIUS

80? V (ve t? V Mac?) Date ? Potaissa Dacia . III 7088


L . Lartl d lua V dup le g Date ? Carnuntum Pann Sup . . III 11220

ZENONCla (u)d lua Z mi l III Cyr ante 108 Egypt W e sse ly Lat Pal 8


(C ) Iu(l ius) Z mi l III Cyr Date ? Ge rasa Syria III 13003


Se ptimius Z mil 1] Farth Se ve r p I Ae te rnae post 103 Apame aSyria 187 Add