ui e - Forgotten Books


Transcript of ui e - Forgotten Books

ED i e s’

g a rau i e









COP! RIGHT , 1902



C b : a t b cumuu D ru !




TE E Hammis e is the mos t s ati s factory of He ine’s wr it

ing s to r e ad in cla s s . It give s occas ion for the dis cus s ion

of r e lig ious libe rty, s tudent life , s chola r ship, cha racte r , philis t inism, r ationa lism, contempora ry author s , tendencie s

of the s tage , and political r e form. Be s ide s , it conta ins

romantic dr e ampicture s', be autiful de s cr iptions and impe rsona tions of na tur e , and an inexhaus tible supply of wit .As the Ha rzr e is e is the work of a s tudent and this

edition is to be r e ad by s tudent s , ra the r fulle r informationis given about Ge rman unive r s itie s and s tudent life than

would othe rwis e have b e en the cas e . A few note s have

be en placed a t the foot of the pa ge a s ame ans of indicatingthat they a r e ofminor importance .

E xpurgation ha s be en done with gre at ca r e and afte r

consul ting nume rous pe r sons . Nothing is mor e dive rtingthan to obs e rve how va r ious ly this pa rt of an editor’s dutie s

is unde r s tood. In orde r tomake up for the los s e s caus ed

by omis s ion, s ome pa s s age s 1 frome a rlie r editions of the

Ha rzr e is o (Ges e lls chafter , 1826, and Reis ebilder , 1826)have

be en r e incorporated in the text .

1 P. 13, 11. 4- 14 (R); 20, 4- 6 (R); 30, 9—12 (G and R); 31 , 2- 17

(B); 35, 15—36, 13 (R); 36, 17—22 (G and R); 57 , 19—25 (G and R);58, 26—59, 4 (G and R).

G Ges eaachqfter , R Reis ebilder .



Mr . Lowe ll’s words on the value of t rans lation as an

exe rcis e a re e spe cially applicable to the Ha rzr e is e . It

r epays one , as no othe r text doe s , for time and ca r e Spenton the rende r ing of it . A few longe r pa s s ag e s have be entrans lated in the Note s with the view of pointing the wayto s tudent s , a lso in orde r to show that the unit for purpos e sof tr ans la tion is not the word, but the s entence , and tha t

the exact me aning of a s entence e ven is only brought outby the conte xt .

The te xt is tha t of E ls te r ,which is ba s ed on the edit ion

of 1830. This la tte r r epr e s ent s the formof the Ha rzr e is e

which He ine wished to be r e ga rded a s final . The text

(Strodtmann, Hoffmann und Camps) commonly followedby forme r editor s diffe r s fromit in a numbe r of pointswhich, a lthough s e ve r a lly sma ll, a r e , when taken toge the r ,of cons equence to its inte gr ity. The orthography ha s be enbrought into subs tantial conformity with the Prus s ianRule s .

I owe thanks for va luable a s s is tance and advice to

Profe s s or von Jagemann, Profe s sor She ldon, and D r . Coa r ,a ll of Ha rva rd Unive r s ity. I de s ir e al s o to expr e s s my

1 In re ading such books a s chiefly de se rve to be r ead in any for

e ign language , it is wis e. to trans late cons cious ly and in words as we

re ad . The re is no such he lp to a fulle rmas te ry of our ve rnacular . It

compe ls us to such a choos ing and te s ting , to so nice a dis criminationof s ound, proprie ty , pos ition, and shade ofme aning , that we now firs t

le arn the s e cre t of the words we have be en us ing or misus ing a ll our

live s , and a re gradua llymade aware that to s e t for th even the pla ines tma tte r a s it should b e s e t forth is not only a ve ry difficult thing , ca llingfor thought and practice , but an affa ir of cons cience a s we ll. Trans

la ting te ache s us a s nothing e ls e can, not only tha t the re is a b e s t way,but tha t it is the only way . (Addres s before the Modern Language

A s socia tion,


indebtedne s s to forme r editors of the Ha rzr eis e . A b ibliog

r aphy of works on He ine (including mus ica l r ende r ings

of his song s), by John P. Ande r son of the Br itish Mus eum,will be found a t the clos e of WilliamSha rpe’s L ife ofHe inr ich He ine . Te ache r s who wish to g ive mor e ca re ful

cons ide ra tion to thems the t ic e lement in He ine’s poems , orrende r the ir ins truct ionmore inte r e s ting by biog raphica lr e fe r ence s , e tc., will find it profitable to re ad Brande s ,

H aup ts tromung en der L i tter a tur des neunzehnten Ja hrhun

der is D a s jung e D euts chla nd Bols che , He inr ich He ine ;

E ls te r’s Introduction in vol. i of his He inr ich H e ine ,

Sa'mtliche Werke Strodtmann, H He ine

’s Leben a nd

We rke and Tre its chke , D euts che G es chichte imneunzehn

ten Ja hrhunde r t.L E IGH R. GRE GOR.

D ecember , 1902.









fb ic fiarareifc


But!) her Sitter

Sumac 2am(1817- 1821)

SD ie C renabiere

S elma:me:munbemineranmeine Shutter B . s eine, gebome o. C ement

29:1q Sum-mew) (1822-1823)

3mmunberfcbbnenmount SlJlaifins meinen t brfinen {priefienSb ic Siofe, t ie Silje, bie zaube, t ie Gonna

23amit!) in beine E ugen feb’Sci) willmeine G eete fautbenGB fteben unbemeglid)9q g ingeln bee (Si eiangefi

i bie Sotosblume tingftigt


13. 3d; groue nicbt, nnbmenuhas beta and; bricbt14. (tin {Sicbtenbaumfiebt einfam15. Cin Siini ng Iiebt ein Sliiibcben

16. SJiein Siebcben, wit fuBen beifammen17 . filmRt euameg with begt aben

mic Geitnh br (1823- 1824)

36)meifinicbt, was foil es bebeutenSDuicbbnes i

yifcbermiibcbenQBenn id) an beinemDanieE ie Sabre tommen unb gebenSIRein Rinb, mixmaren Q int ar5m; hifi wie eine SBIumeSci)mollt’, meine


S cbmeraen ergbfien

5m; bait SD iamanten unb SBerIenmic QBalIfabtt nad; Reclus e (I- III)mic Ruthie: (1835- 1836)

27 . QIbenbbiimmetung28 . $oieibon

films (SebidyteReneemum

Beife aiebt bard)mein Oemiltwe: SBrief, ben bu gefcbrieben

Sn bet Q‘

s-mut e


Scitgebidm84. Wacbtgebanien


Q eutfdylanh Gin flBimmM en (1844)

35. $1t I

Ruthie“an ten C ebitlmn36 . Schwar, 0 Samm, ale D irt beftelit37 . fib er 6 cbeibenbe

38 . SD euifcblanb (C efcbrieben in Gourmet 1840)

NOTE S ON TH E Ha rzr e is e


r E s ON TH E Pours



HE INE ’s parents we re Jews . His fathe r , Samson He ine,

was a light-hearted, supe rficial pe rs on, endowedwith a que e rve in of drolle ry, endle s s good nature , and an exube rance of

animal spir its . In contra s t to his dis tinguished son he is

entitled to be ca lled he althyminded. He ine s a id of himOf all men I loved himmos t .

’ The type of He ine’s

mothe r , Be tty van Ge ldem,is more familia r in New

E ngland than in Ge rmany. She knew La tin, pored ove r

Roms e au’s E mi le, and conve rted he r own hous ehold into

a nur s e ry of expe r imenta l educational idea ls . She e a rlyr e cognized the gre atne s s of Goe the , and dis ce rned whence

came the blight on Ge rman life fromPa rticular ism.

She made he r s ons promi s e ne ve r to s e ttle in a smalls ta te : Choos e la rge towns 1 in gre at countr ie s ,

’she s a id,

but remain loya l to the Ge rman pe ople .

’ Fromhe r chil

dr en she exacted the Old-fashioned Hebrew r e spe ct. For

he r He ine wrote thos e sonne ts which are unr ival ed as

expre s s ions of filia l afie ction (s e e pp. 89 and

He ine s ays : Time and place of birth had the ir importance for me : I was born at the clos e of the skeptical

1 They all s e ttled in great capitals : the poe t in Par is , Maximilianin Vienna , Gus tavus in St. Pe te rs burg .



e ighte enth century,1 in a town whe re i n the days of my 811181chi ldhood Fr ench rule and the Fr ench spir it pr eva il e d : «Side

Dus s e ldorf on the Rhine (D uchy ofBe rg). Fromhis s eventh Ema(ninth)to his fourte enth (s ixte enth)ye a r the impr e s s ionable ye ar s of boyhood He ine wa s virtua lly a Fr ench subje ct . In 1806 Napole on took ove r the little D uchy of B e r g .

Jewish emancipation wa s one of the le gacie s of the

Revolution which he had re spe cte d. It came with the In

French Code to the Jews of D us s e ldorf. This wa s the ir

fir s t ta s te of the swe e tne s s of fr e edom. The g ift wa smademor e honorable by the splendor of the give r — the lord of

E urope . It is not surpr is ing that the Jews vene rated

Bonapar te’s name . He ine’s fathe r us ed to e xcla imin thedays of the Re s toration I wish to he aven we had himback.

’ He ine te lls in a br illiant pa s s age in B a ck Le Gr a ndhow his young imag inationwa s impr e s s ed by the s ight of theEmpe ror r iding mid summe r -gre en and golden sunshine

down the b road Allee of D us s e ldorf, followed by his s taff

on snorting s te eds .

’ The s e a re the e lements out of whichin the propitious atmosphe re of the Rheinla nd, not ave r s e

to Napoleon and the French, He ine’s Napole on cult was

formed. In his page s Napoleon is an apoca lyptic figur e .

In s pite of the latte r’s life long hos t ility toLibe ra l pr inciple sHe ine rema ined fa ithful to the Napoleonic legend. This

wor ship of the Empe ror doubtle s s lie s a t the root of his

antipathy to the E nglish. He love s to di r e ct his inve ctive

1 On the 13th of D ecemb e r , 1797 or 1799. The family andmunicipal regis ters have pe rished. More than once He ine gave the day as

the 3l st : a change in the orde r of the 1 and the 3made it fall on theeve of 1800, and enabled himtomake a ve ry good pun by ca lling

hims e lf one of the firs tmen of his century .

’ The dis regard of fact

which s tood in the way of a jes t was cha racteris tic.




aga ins t them the ir language and conve rs ation, the ir

ta s t e le s s cooking andme chanical re ligion. In an outbur s t

of ma d humor he excla ims : I amfirmly convinced thata b la s pheming Frenchman is amor e ple a s ing s ight to the

D e ity than a praying E ngli shman.

’ Much of this antipa

thy was pur e afie cta tion. In la te r ye ars He ine s a id : I

don’t know what I had a gains t the E nglish, it wa s a t bot

tomonly pe tulancy Mutwillen). I ne ve r r e ally hatedthem, nor did I eve r know them.

To the s e e a rly a s sociations with the French mus t becredit ed in part He ine’s pas s ion for s ocia l jus tice , as we lla s that hab it of luminous thinking which make s his s tylesuch an incompa rable ins trument of expre s s ion— unique ,inde e d, in Ge rman lite rature . As an offs e t to thes e

advanta ge s , French troope r s gave him, as French actor s

had given to young Goe the in s imila r circums tance s , apremature glance at the s e amy s ide of life .

He ine’s e a rly educa tion wa s not good. His mothe rtaught himto Obs e rve the Is rae litish cus toms and succe ededinmaking himinto a little forma lis t, s o that, for example , here fus ed to pas s the bucke ts at a fire on the Sabba th.

1 On

the othe r hand, his pa rents did not r e fus e to cons ide r plansfor his futur e which involved a r enuncia tion of the ance s

tral fa ith. Such contradictions could not fa il to impa irthe integr ity of the boy’s forming cons ciousne s s , whils t the

ins truction inmate r ia lis tic philos ophy which the s chool

boys re ce ived fromRe ctor Scha llmeye r , a Ca tholic pr ie s t,was an Obje ct le s s on in ins ince r ity .

— The s a tir ica l bent of

1Anothe r Sabbath s tory repres ents himas biting ofl some grape swhich he was forb idden by the Jewis h law to p luck a cha ra cte r is tic

ally Jewish vindica tion of the supr emacy of the le tte r over the spirit.


He ine’s mindmay have be en encouraged by the ea rly r eading of D on Quixote and Gulliver’s Tra vels . Much of the

we ird, uncanny, andme lancholy in his poe try i s dis tinctlytr aceable to his ea rly fr iendship with a little girl ca lled

Jos epha, the daughte r of the public he adsman. Thi s

little pariah told himgrue s ome s tor ie s about he r fathe r’s


The firs t ambition of He ine’s mothe r wa s to prepa re himfor the Fr ench civil s e rvice . When Napoleon

’s sta r be gan

to s ink she changed he r plans , withdrew the boy fromtheLyce

’e , and s ent himto a bus ine s s s chool. In 1815 his fa the r

took himto Frankfurt and placed himin a bank, whe re hefa iled to make hims e lf sufficiently us eful to re ta in hi s

pos ition. Fa ilure wa s the r e sult of othe r s imila r expe r i

ments inFrankfurt andHamburg , including an independente s tablishment unde r the name of Harry He ine Co. , for

which his richuncle Solomon provided the capita l. Finallythe uncle , a lways gene rous , offe r ed to s end himto a uni

ve r s ity if he would ag re e to a ima t a definite calling . He ine

chos e law and in 1819 ente r ed the Unive rs ity of Bonn.

In Frankfurt He ine had da ily evidence of the humiliations to which his pe ople we r e subje cted. The Jews Of

D us s e ldorf had be en compa r ative ly fortunate even be for e

the a r r ival of the Fr ench. But in Frankfurt at the be ginning of the nine te enth century the s egregation of the

Ghe tto was enforce d. The gate s we r e locked a t four

on Sunday afte rnoons , the Jews we r e forb idden to frequentthe pa rks , and the numbe r of Jewishmarr iage s was s trictlylimited.

He ine’s nie ce (Pr ince s s D e lla Rocca) de s cr ibe s himinhis s tudent days as noble in appe a rance and of feminine


he ld as the champion of libe ra lism. It had grown s e lf

s atisfied and inacce s s ible to new ide as , which, as He ine

s ays , it a lways kept in qua rantine for a few de cade s .

The ignorant and snobbish s ons of the Hanove r ian a ris toc

racy s et the tone . The s e rious Bur s chens chaft was subordi

nated to the convivia l and rowdyKama . The pe rs ifia ge of

the Ha rzr e is e shows plainly how He ine re ga rded his

almamate r . When a quar re l with a s tudent brought himunde r the eye s of the authoritie s , he wa s probably not

s orry to be a sked to withdraw for ha lf a ye ar . He went to

Be rlin. The Unive r s ity of Be rlin, although little morethan a decade had elaps ed s ince its foundation, pos s e s s eda wonde rful s taff of ins tructor s , many of thempione e r sin s cience and philosophy : Wolf, who firs t applied the

song theory to the works of Home r ; Bopp, the founde r of

the s cience of compa rative philology ; Schle ie rmache r , theemancipator of the Ge rman church fromdogmatic theology ;Schopenhaue r , the br illiant pe s s imis t whos e philosophycontrolled G e rman thought dur ing the s econd hal f of the

nine te enth century ; and chief of a ll , Hege l . He ine wa s

profoundly affe cted by the te achings of Hege l. Heg e l

exal ted the individual : he r epre s ented the s e lf—cognit ion Of

the mind as the goa l of al l hi s tory. He ine’s na tura l

subjectivity was r ende red e ven mor e pronounced by such

doctr ine s . He s ays: I was young and proud, and it ple a s e dmy pride to b e told by He ge l that not the God of He ave n


as grandmothe r taught us , wa s God, but Imys e lf living on

this e arth.

’ In late r life he us ed to attr ibute to He g e l’s

influence the uns e ttling of his be lie fs .

In Be r lin He ine plunged into the s ocial whir l with

ze s t . As he came with the reputation of a wit and a


poe t,l he was we lcomed in cultivated socie ty. He s aw all the

ce le britie s of Be rlin : Chami s so, Fouqué , Schle ie rmache r ,Bopp, etc. , a t the hous e of one of his own pe ople , the brilliantRahe l Le vin (s e e note on p . 38 , 11. 3 wife ofVarnhagen

von E ns e . He ine shows hims e lf in his be s t light in hisa tta chment to the caus e of Jewish r e form. He he ld that

Juda ismshould be adapted tomode rn conditions , and aided

in founding a socie ty for the spr e ad of culture and s cience

among the Jews , inwhich fol s omemonths he gave eveningle s s ons on lite rature and his tory. His he alth had a lr e adyb e gun to show s igns of we akening . He wa s subje ct tone rvous headache s and attacks of morbid ir ritab ility.

Not even the br iefe s t ske tch of He ine can le ave out hi s

love afia ir s ; for love , its joys and s till more its sorrows,

i s the wa rp and woof of his lyr ics . He ine me t his cous inAma lie , the daughte r of his uncle Solomon, whi le he wass till a me re lad fre sh froms chool . She wa s one ye arolde r than he and hands ome ; she was al s o somewhat calculating : she had no intention of throwing he r s e lf away

on a pennile s s poe t . He ine loved he r pas s ionate ly, andwa s keenly affected by he r re fusal tomarry him. It was

mortifying to a proud young man cons cious of pos s e s s ings ome thing which would we igh down themoney bags of hisuncle , to be not only re fus ed, but not even re garded as

an e lig ible pe rson. The attitude of the milliona ire circleis comprehens ible . Neve rthe le s s , if we re ga rd we alth and

be auty fromthe point of view of force s capable of fur

the r ing ide a l ends , we mus t re cognize tha t on this occas ionthey we re not equa l to the ir opportunity : the s e Hamburg

1 He ine had contributed poems , e tc. ,to Hamburg’s Wdchte r (1817)

and the Rhe inischwes tfdlischer Anze ig er


experience s helped to turn awry the s tronge s t current of

poe tic idealismwhich ha s flowed in E urope s ince the deathof Goe the . He ine’s ne rvous tempe rament, headache s , e tc.

inclined himtome lancholy. His educationhad not eucomaged the formation of a whole s ome cha racter . When

, likeGoe the , he s ought in the trans forma tion of reality intopoe try a panacea for his pa in, his fir s t cry (Ja nge Le iden)was one of such unrede emed s adne s s that it has no para lle lin Ge rman lite rature . (The only s pecimen in this edi tion

is D er wande B itter for obvious r ea s ons the repre s entationof this unhappy poe try ismade small .) Unrequite d loveis a lso the favorite theme of the Lyr ica l Intermezzo and theHeimkehr . The exhaus tivene s s and variety of He ine’s

tre a tment of it is such tha t one cannot be as tonished to findhimsometime s cal led the poe t of unwhole some love .

In 1824 He ine r e turned to Guttingen and be gan to workin e a rne s t for the long

-de fe r red de gre e . His r eputa tion a s a

poe t 1 had preceded him: cons equently life was muchmoreple a s ant than in his fir s t s eme s te r . In the autumn hemadethe walking tour through the Ha re , which he de scr ibe s in

the immorta l Ha rzr eis e . Jus t before le aving the unive rs ityhe was baptized into the Chris tian church. He was pe r

fe ctly frank in his s tatement ofmotive s : they we re whollyof expediency. His family had educated himfor a pro

fe s s ion which only Chri s tians could practice . He hopeda lso tha t baptismwould pla ce himin a bette r pos it ionto furthe r the inte re s ts of his people . He was doomed to

b itte r dis appointment . The Chr istians continued to re ga rd

I A little volume of poems , conta ining approximate ly the s ame a s

Junge Leiden (s ee above , and all the s e lections under tha t name in thisedition), had come out in Be rlin in 1821.


hima s a Jew, whils t the Jews tre ated himas a rene gade .

Ha rde s t of all to be ar , his frankne s s did not give himbackhis s e lf-re spect.He ine was virtua lly a life pens ione r on the fortune of

the milliona ire uncle . Themoney wa s not given gracious lyand accepted with he s itat ion ; it wa s made the subject of

much ne gotia tion and led to s tormy s cene s . He ine cons id

e red that ce lebr ity gave himthe r ight to levy tr ibute . He

did not hus band themoney car e fully : he gave s ome of it tone edy acqua intance s and indulged in pe tty gambling . On

the occas ion of his tr ip to E ngland he dr ew, and s pent ingood pa rt , a sumof four hundr ed pounds which his unclehad placed to his credit with the unde r s tanding that it

should not be drawn and s ole ly in orde r to give hima

r e s pe ctable bank account . When r eproached for this byhi s mothe r, he r eplied with amus ing impudence that old

pe ople we r e change able , and that it was advis able tomakesur e . If uncle Solomon had not made sure ,mothe r , hewould not be a milliona ire to-day.

’ And to his uncle’s

angry denuncia tions he replied : Uncle , the be s t thingabout you is that you be a r my name .

’ Such words show

tha t He ine did not fl atte r his uncle formoney.

D uring the s ix ye a rs which followed hi s gradua tion

He ine le d an uns e ttled life . He made va r ious summe rtrips to the is lands of He lgoland and Norde rney, s tudyingthe s e a , which he de s cr ibe s s o grandly in the Nords e ebilder .

He pa id a vis it to E ngland, and was s truck by the politicalcapacity and r e ligious limitations of the E nglish. The

dulle s t E nglishman,’he wrote , can s ay s ome thing s en

s ible about politics , but the .cleve re s t talks only nons ens e

about r e ligion.

’ In Italy he s pent happy days . The s e


var ious journeys a re de s cr ibed in the Re is ebi lder . He ine

s a id humorous ly tha t he made capita l out of the fools heme t .’ In spite , howe ve r , of the phenomena l s al e of the

Re is ebi lder , they brought himbut little capita l,’1 so that ,whils t chafing unde r his financia l r e lations to his uncle , he

could not afford to cla imhis fr e edom. Inhis le tte r s he complains b itte rly of his dependent condition. He could not

practice law in Hamburg . The cha ir of His tory of Lite ratur e in Munich wa s r e fus ed to himon account of his out

spoken libe ral Opinions . He los t hOpe ofmaking a ca re e r

for hims e lf in his own country, and turned longingly

towa rd France . The outbre ak of the Se cond Fr enchRevolution (July, 1830) pr e cipita te d his sympa thie s intoaction. In 1831 he removed to Pa r is , neve r to re turn to

Ge rmany excepting for a br ie f vis it .He ine gre e ted Pa r is with an outbur s t of de light . He

re ce ived a cordial we lcome fromits mos t dis tinguishedmen authors ,mus icians , diplomats . His wit was somuchappr eciated tha t fragments of it which have neve r got intobooks a r e s till in circulat ion the re . With cha racte r is tic

gene ros ity the Fr ench gove rnment gave hima pens ion a s

one of the ne edy for e igne r s of dis tinction ‘whos e ze al for

the caus e of the Revolution had compromis ed themmoreor le s s glor ious ly in the ir own home s (He ine). He ine

wa s not, howe ve r , given the entr e’e 'to nice French home s .

He ma rr ied a shopgi rl, called E ugenie Mira t . She was

extraordina r ily hands ome , some thing of a wa if as fa r a s

parents are conce rned, and had the ta s te s and appe tite sof the gr is e tte cla s s in Pa r is . She was entire ly without

1 He ine made poor b a rga ins with Campe , his publisher . The sale

of He ine’s books made Campe rich.


educa tion ; she could not, of cour s e , re ad he r husband’s

books in G e rman. The ir hous e , s ays Camille Se lden,

looked like a che ap lodging . The ple asure s they could

sha re we r e of one kind only— the lowe r clas s of s ocia l dis

tractions . The marr iage was a gr e at ca lamity to He ine ;

ne ve rthe le s s he loved his wife long and s incer e ly (s e e p.

He ine liked to cons ide r hims e lf a s an inte rmediarybe twe en France and G e rmany. For the French he wrotehis Roma ntis che Scha le and his Ges chichte der Re lig ion

a nd Phi los ophie in D e a techla nd. For the Ge rman people heconducted what we should ca ll the French corre s pondenceof the Allgemeine Z eitung . In al l his works he s cornful lyfl ings Fr ench libe ral ismat the he ads of the patientlycons e rvat ive Ge rmans .

He ine’s intr ans ig eant attitude involved himin nume rouscontrove r s ie s . He had a soft he a rt and s ome of the

ins tincts of a gentleman, but when ir r itated, as in the

controve r sy with Count Platen, he s truck out reckle s s ly,

ove r s tepping al l bounds . He is without r ival as a ha rd

hitte r . His wit cos t himadmira tion, fr iendship, r e s pe ct ;it ne ve r fa iled to annihilate . Mor e than once his ta lent is

dir e ct ed aga ins t a forme r comrade , e .g . , BOrne . He showed

no lack of cour age , e ithe r phys ical or moral . On var ious

occas ions the penalty of fre e spe e ch had to be pa id Bava r ia

r e fus ed hima profe s sor ship, the Fede ral D ie t placed an

inte rdict on his works , Wurttembe rg s ent himba ck ove r

the borde r .

The r e fus a l of his cous in to continue the pens ion afte r

the uncle Solomon’s de ath in 1844 gave a gr e at shock tothe de licate ne rvous sys temof the poe t ; pa rt ia l pa ra lys iss et in. With the exception of br ief pe r iods of improvement,


followed a s a rule by s ever e r re laps e s , the dis e as e henceforwardmade s teady progre s s . In 1848, Re volution ye a r ,he took his las t walk on the s tre e ts of his be loved Pa ris .

E ven when racked by pain, he wrote che e rful le tte r s to

his mothe r . His mind r ema ined luminous ly clea r . Someof his be s t poems and s ome of his be s t bonemots , e .g ., hi s

famous s aying , D ieume pa rdonne ra c’es t sonmét ie r ,’

we re made on his s ick bed his mattre s s grave , a s he

ca lled it . He re turned to the de is tic fa ith of his chi ld

hood, but did not attach hims e lf to any s pecia l communion.

D eath re leas ed himfromhis snfie rings in 1856.


He ine s ays in his Re is ebi lder It may we ll be tha t I

do notme r it to havemy cofl in adorned with laur e l ; Poe trywas neve r more tome than a. s acred plaything , or cons e

cratedme ans to furthe r ce le s tial ends . But lay a sword

onmy coflin, for I wa s a t rue -hearted soldie r in the Wa r

of Libe ration of Humanity.

It was unfortunate that He ine began his care e r at a timewhen all friends of libe rty we re nece s sarily enlis ted agains tthe gove rnment . When he went to the Unive r s ity of Bonn,the policy of reaction into which the Prus s ianmonarch hadbe en led by the Aus tr ian Me tte rnich had be gun to r ipeninto pe rs ecution. The Prus s ian gove rnment was engaged

in a campa ign aga ins t the men whos e s acrifice s had s aved

the country. Ste in and Gne is enau, Schle ie rmache r and

Arndt, Jahn and GOr re s , we re tre ated with suspicion or

openly attacked. Arndt 1 was deprived of his cha ir in

1 Se e note on p . 65, l. 20.


as ce ticism1and the cla imof the Catholic church 1 to pr e

s cr ibe limits for the human unde rs tanding . The t rag ic

e lement in He ine’s life is the ab s ence of cons tructive ide a s .

He make s no attempt to show how society should s ha peits e lf unde r a r e

gime of libe rty. His s elf-s tyledHe lleni sm,or advocacy of the emancipation of the fl e sh, wa s ce rta inlyno contr ibution to progre s s ; it is treating it cons ide rate !yto r ega rd it as an ab e r ration. He ine is the spir it whoalways negate s .

’ It is this nega tion e rected into a sys temwhich make s Ka rl Goedeke s tand agha st at his inte l

lectua l bar renne s s which prevents himfromtaking hi splace a s ful ly ebenbii rtig be s ide the poe t-bene factor s of

Ge rmany : Le s s ing, He rde r, Goe the , and Schille r .


When He ine b egan towrite , the Romantic School wa s invogue . At Bonn he came into pe rs onal contact with itsfounde r , A. W. von Schlege l . He went fr equently to

Schlege l’s hous e , and accepted gratefully his advice and

encouragement . In an e s s ay, dated 1820, He ine de fendsRomanticism, but calls for pla s tic, s ensuous r e ality in pla ceof ob s cure mys tical symbolism,mode rnity ins te ad of chiv

a lr ic and e ccle s ia s tical mediaeva lism. To this programmehe r ema ined fa ithful . The fe atur e s of Romanticismwhichhe found sympathe tic we r e : its prefe rence for subj e ct s of

s pe ctra l, dr eamy, g rue some cha racte r ; its Or ienta lism,

impe r s onation of natur e , and exalta tion of the individua l

1 E specia lly in his two works written for the French public : D ieRomantische Schule and Z ur Ges chichte de r Relig ion and Philosophie

in D eutschland.

1 Compare the brilliant pas s age in Norderney, fifth paragraph.


imag ination. The pendant of the las t-mentioned doctrine ,the Romantic irony which tr e ats its own cre a tions s corn

fully as infe r ior to the cr e ating mind, is s e en in the

emotiona l collaps e of his fina l ve r s e s .

’ On the othe r hand,

nothing is more conclus ive of He ine’s genius than his

inde pe ndence . Without he s ita tion he abandons Romanticmedimval ismand vaguene s s for the inte re s ts of r e al life ,

which he expre s s e s with epigrammatic te r s ene s s . Unlikethe Romanticis ts he gave the gre ate s t car e to compos ition.

He ignored the ir me trica l accumula tions , adhe r ing to thes implicity of formof the old Ge rmanmete rs and the Volkslied (his s onne ts a re almos t the only exception). Thus

He ine s tands midway be twe en Romanticismand mode rnRe a lism, for which he cle ar ed the way.


He ine’s s ongs a re extraordina r ily popul a r with mus icalcompos e rs and the public. Not e ven Goe the

’s have be en

made the subject of more frequent compos ition, as the

following table shows .



D e r duvon demHimme l b is tUb e r a llen Gipfe ln

Kenns t dudas Land


E in Fichtenbaums teht e ins am 74

Le is e zieht durchme in Gemut 85

D ub is t wie e ine Blume 167

1 Quote d by E ls on, H is tory of Germa n Song , 1888, froma Ge rman


The more ce lebrated compos e r s who have s e t He ine’s

s ongs tomus ic are

Mende ls sohn

Schube rt

Schumann l , 5, 6, 7 , 8, 9, 12,

Franz 5, 7 , 8, 9, 12, 13,

Rub ins te in

BrahmsSilche r

Meye rb e e r


La s s en

Wagne r

Schumann is the chi e fmus ical exponent of He ine . S i!?

che r’s Lor e lei appe a ls to the Ge rmans in e ve ry mood.


{slilge ln beB Oe iangee“

s ays BOlsche , ,,eri lingt

beute in icbfmer Rompofi tion (Mende ls sohn), mo immer eblet

benticbet (Sieiang gepflegt with.

” Of this be autiful s ong

and of the s ame compos e r’s ve r s ion of Lei s e zieht da reh

me in Gemut He ine s a id in the las t ye a r of his life , ris

ing fromhis couch and showing hims e lf extraordina r ilyple as ed : E xce llent ! my idea could not be rende r ed

be tte r .

’ He ine wa s ne ithe r a connois s eur inmus ic nor a

pe rforme r on any ins trument . He was highly appre cia tiveofmus ic, howeve r . Itmade hims ad that s o few of Schu

mann’s , Schube rt’s , and Mende ls sohn’s rende rings of his

own s ongs we re known to him.



Buch de r Lieder (1816- 1826)


Tragedie s

Re is eb ilde r

Aus den Memoiren de s He rrn von Schnabe lewopski

Z ur Ge s chichte de r Re ligion und Philosophie in D euts chland

Fr anzOs is che Z us tande

D ie Romantische Schule 1833

Shakespe a re s Madchen und Fr auen

D e r Ra bb i von Bacharach

He im‘ich He ine ube r Ludwig BOrneNcue Ge dichte

D eutschland E inWinte rmiirchenAtta Troll

Romanze roD i e Gutte r imE xilLe tzte Gedichte und Gedanken

MemoirenNa chla ss

S ie gurgr e ife

unb bient bee (Summers gumS aben; bus Staffer ift febrfalt unb an einigen D rten fo breit, bub E ithermirllicb einengrofien i lnlunf nebmenmufite, ale er binuberfprang. S ic

©tubt felbft ift fcbbn unb gefallt einemambeften, te am5manfiemit bemSiliicfen anfiebt. g iemnfijebou febr langefteben; benn icb erinneremicb, ale icb bor ilini Subren bortimmutriluliert unb bulb buruuf fonfiliiertmurbe, batte fiefcbon baefelbe grane, altfluge ilnfeben, unbmar fcbon bolls

ftiinbig eingericbtet mit c nurren, Subeln, S iffertutionen,il bébunfunte , ifiufcberinnen, Rompenbien, Taubenbraten,

Cuelfenorben, Sromotionelutfcben, Slifeifenfbpfen, $0fu

i ten,


iten,melegutioné ruten, Srofaren unb unbern gagen.

(i inige bebuupten fogur, bie (Stainfei 5111?Beit ber S blfersmanberung erbautmorben, jeber beutfcbe (Stammbabe bumalé

15 ein ungebunbeneé E xemplar feiner Smitglieber burin gurlicfsgelufien, unb bubon ftununten all bie Sunbulen, griefen,©cbmuben, Teutonen, 6 ucbfen, i buringer u. f. in , bie nod)

bentgutage in C bttingen, borbenmeie unb gefcbieben burcb

gurben bet SlJiiibenunb ber Sieifenqnufte, liber bie QBeenbersso ftrabe einbergieben, uuf ben blutigen QBalftiitten ber Sliajensmiible, bee Eliitfcbenlruge unb S orbene ficb emig untereinunberberuinfcblagen, in (S ittenunb (Siebriincbennocb immermie gut8eit ber S bllermanberung bubinleben, unb teile burcb ibreS a ece, welcbe ganptbiibne beifien, teile burcb ibr uraltee

C eiebbucb, melcbee Romment beifit unb in hen leg ibus

barba rorumeine (Stelle b erbient, regiert werben.

Sin allgemeinen werben bie S emobner C btfingene ein

geteilt in Cmbenten, Srofefi'oren, Slibilifter unb S ieb,melcbeb ier g tunt e bocb nicbte weniger ale ftreng gefcbieben finb.

S ie $ur5r e ife

S er S iebftunb iii ber bebentenbfte. S ie filamen aller 6mbentennnb uller orbentlicben unb nnorbentlicben Srofefi



bier bergugublen, wri t e anmeitlfiufig ; and) finb inir in biefemSlugenblicl nicbt alle S tubentennumen int (Sebficbtnifie, unbunter benSrofefforenfinbmancbe , bie noel) gar feinenSlumen 5

baben. S ie 8ubl ber C bttinger Sbilifter mat; febr grobiein,mie Sunb, ober befier gejagt, wie Rot umSieer ;mubrslieb,menn icb fie bee Siorgenemit ibren fcbmubigen (Si eficbternunb meifien Sliecbnungen bor ben Sforten bee alubemifcbenC ericbtee anfgepflungt fab, fomorbie icb laumbegreifen, wieGioii nnr fo biel Sumpenpacl erfcbufien lonnte.

Sluéffibrlicberee fiber bie S tain(Sbttingen lubi ficb febrbequemnucblefen in her S opogrupbie berfelben bonSi . 3.

S lurp. D bgmar icb gegen ben S erfufier, bermein i lrgtmarunb mir biel Siebee eraeigte, bie beiligften S erbflicbtungen 15

bege, fo fann icb bocb fein S3erl nicbt unbebingt empfeblen,unb icbmuf; fabeln, but; er jener fuljcben Sieinnng, ale

butten bie Cuttingerinnen align grofze gfifie, nicbt ftreng genugmiberfbricbt. Stu, icb babe mid) fogar feit Subr unb S aginit einer ernften ilBiberlegnng bicier Sleinnng befcbfiftigt, id) 20

babe befibulb b ergleicbenbe ilnutomie geburt, bie feltenftenQBerle anf ber S ibliotbel ercerpiert, uuf ber QBeenberftrufie

finnbenlung bie gfifie ber borfibergebenben S amen ftubiert,nnb inher grunbgelebrten ilbbanblnng, fo bie SRejnltate bicierS tubien entbulten with, fprecbe id) 1 . t on ben gfifien fiber: 25

baupt, 2 . Don ben gfifgen bei ben illien, 3. t on ben gfifien

ber (i lefunten, 4. t on ben gfifien ber (Sbttingerinnen, 5. jielIe

icb allee gufanimen, was fiber biefe gube unf ll llricbé Curtenfcbon gejagtmorben, 6. betrucbte icb biefe gfifie in ibrem

S i e $ur3r e ife

Bufummenbang, unb enblicb ioenn icb nur in grofies

Schier auftreibenfann, ffige icb nocb bingueinigeRupfertufelnmit bem3afiimile gbttingifcber Sumenffibe.

(56mar nocb febr frfib, ale icb (Sultingen berlieb, unb ber5 gelebrte lug gemifinorb imS ette unb trfinmte wie gembbnslieb, er wauble in einemfcbbnen (Siarten, auf befien S eetenlunter weibe,mit Citaten befcbriebene Supiercbenmucbfen, bieimS onnenlicbte lieblicb glfingen, unb bon benen er bier unbbumebrere pflfidt unbmfibfamin ein neace S eer berbflungt,mfibrenb bie Eliucbtigullenmit ibren ffifieftenS bnen fein alteefiberg erfreuen.

S or bemQBeenber Sbore ‘

begegnetenmir amei eingebornelleine S cbnllnuben,moron ber eine gumunbern jugie z S lit

bemS beobor will icb gar nicbt mcbr umgeben, er iii ein

15 Slumpenlerl, benn gefternmufjte er nicbtmul, wie ber (Senitibbonmens a beibi . “ 6 0 unbebentenb biele Si orte llingen, inmufiicb fie bod) wieber ergfiblen, ia , icbmbcbte fie ale S tabsmotto gleicb aufhas Sbor fcbreiben lafi


en; benn bie Sungenpiepen, wie bie filten pfeifen, unb jene Sliorte begeicbnen gang,

so ben engen, troclnen illotigenftolg, ber bocbgelabrten GeorgiaSuguftu.

i lni ber (Sbaufi'

ee webte frifcbe Siorgenluft, unb bie S bgel

fungen gar freubig, unb curbmirmnrbe allmfiblicb wieberfrifcb unb freubig an S late. (tine folcbe e uiclnng tbat

25 not. S’

scbmar bie lebte 8eit nicbt one bemSunbeftenftallberané


sgelommen, rbmifcbe Siafuiften battenmir ben (Sieiftwiemit einemgrauen. S pinnmeb fibergogen,mein {mg war Ib ieeingellemmt amifcben ben eifernenSarugrapben felbftjficbtiger

illecbtéjbfteme, beftfinbig flung es mir nocb in ben D bren toie

S ie Sa rgr eije

"S ribonian, Suitinian, ©ermogeniununb Summerjabn,“ unbein gfirtlicbee Biebeepuur, has unter einemSunme fab, bieliicb gar ffir eine Corpuejnrié s iluegube mit berfcblungenen

Qfinben. 2lufber Bunbftrabe fing es an lebenbig an inerben.

S lilcbmfibcbengegenborfiber ; uucbCfeltreibermit ibrengrunenBuglingen. {Sinter Slieenbe begegnetenmir ber S cbfifer unbS orié . S iefee ift nicbt bus ibbllifcbe Saar ,mobon (Siebnerfingt, fonbern ee finb moblbeftallte llniberfitfitepebelle, biemarbfumuufpafien muffen, but"; jirb leine S tubenten in

S obben bnellieren, unb bub leine nene Sbeen, bie nocbimmer einige S ecennien bor (Sibtfingen finaruntfine bultenmfifien, bon einemfpelulierenbenSributbocenten eingejcbmngsgelt werben. 6 cbfifer grfibtemicb febr lollegialifcb ; benn erift . ebenfalls S cbriftfteller unb but meiner in feinen bulbsjc’

ibrigenS cbriften oft ermfibnt ; wie ermirb bennuncbuufiersbemoft citiert but unb,menn er mirb nicbt an {mule funb,immer fo gfitig tour , bie Citationmit Si reibe unfmeine©tubentbfir fcbreiben. S ann unbmann rollte uucb ein

Ginfpfinner borfiber ,moblbepucltmit S tubenten, bie ffir biegeriengeit ober uucb ffir immermegreiften. Sn folcb einerllniberfitfiteftabt ift ein beftfinbigee Rommen unb i lbgeben,a lle brei Sabre finbetmanbort eine neue gmbentengenerution,bae ift ein ewiger Sienfcbenftrom, too eine S emeftermelle bieanbere fortbrfingt, unb nnr bie alten Srofefioren bleiben

fteben in biefer allgemeinen S emegnng, unerfcbfitterlicb felt,gleicb ben Sbrumiben ilgbptene nur but


) in biejen 11niber=

fitfitepbramiben leine QBeiebeit verborgen ijl.21183 ben Slbrtenlanben bei SRunfcbenioafier fab icb jib ei

boffnungebolle Sfinglinge berborreiten. S ie Sfinglinge jagten

S ic g a rgr e ifc

naebmarten, unb jobltengar gciftreicb, unb fungen gar lieblicbhas Elioffinifcbe Sieb : S rinl S ier, liebe, liebe Siefe S icfe

S tine bbrte icb norb lunge in bcr germ; bocb bie bolbenSungcr felbft berlor icb bulb bullig one bem(Sicficbte, fintemul

5 fie ibre Sferbe, bie imC runbe einen beutfcb lungfumcn Elba:rafter 5a babcn fcbienen, gar cntfeblicb unfporntcn unb nor:

mfirtepeitfcbten. Eliirgcnbé mirb bie Sfcrbefcbinberci flut tergetrieben ale in (Sibfl ingcn, unb oft,menn icb fab,mic folcbeinc fcbmeifstriefenbe, lubme Rracfe ffir bae bificbcn 8cben§=fatter bon unfcrn Slicufcbcnmufferrittern abgcquc

i ltmurb obermobl gar einen gangcn QBugen boll S tubcnten fortgicben

mabie, fo bucbte icb uucb: D buarmee S ier, geniif; bubenbeine S orcltern imS

liarabiefc berbotenen ibufer gefreffcn

i§inter Sllbrten ftunb bie C onne bocb unb glfingcnb umg immel. S icmeinte es recbt ebrlicbmitmir unb crinfirmtemein ibaupt, buf; alle unreife C ebunfen burin gar S ollrcifelumen. S ie liebe QBirtebauefonnc in illortbeimift and)nicbtan bcrucbtcn; icb lebrte bier ein unb fanb has Siittugeffen

fcbon fertig. i llle (Sicricbtemurcn fcbmucfbaft gubereitct unbsomolltenmir beffer bebagcn ale bie abgcfcbmacltcnulubemifcbenC ericbte bie falglofen, lebernen (Stoclfifcbemit ibremultcnRobl, biemir in C bttingcn borgefebt wurben. Siacbbemicbmeinen Siagen cince befcbmicbtigt batte, bemcrlte icb inberfclben i birteftube einen iberrnmit amei Sumen, bie im

25 S egriffmarcn abgurcifcn. S iefcr { arr tour gang grfin

gelleibet, trng fogar cine grfine S t ille, bie uuf feine roteSlapfernufe einen S cbcin wie C rfinfpunmarf, unb fab unis,mic bcr Rbnig illebulubncgar in feinen fpfitern Subren unis:gefeben but, ale er , ber (Sage naeb, gleicb einemS icre bee

S ic Q a t ar cifc

Silalbee nicbte ale S alut ab. S cr (Sirunc tofinfcbte , bubicb ibmein $cmin Gibtfingen empfeblenmbcbtefunb icbriet ibm, bort non bemcrftcn bcftcn S tubcntcn bus botelbe S rfibbucb 5a erfragen. S ic cine S ame tour bie gran

G emublin, cine gar grobe, toeitlfinfige S ame. S ic anbere

S ame, bie gran S ebtocfter , bilbete gang; ben (Si egenfab bcreben bcfcbricbenen. S tammte jenc bonSburaoe fettcnSlfiben,fo flammte bicfe bon benmagcrn. S eibe S amcn fragtenmirb an gleicbcr 8cit, ob imbe tel be S rfibbucb aneb orbcntsliebe Sleutc logierten. 3d) bejubtc ee mit gntcmS emiffcn,unb ale has bolhe Si lceblutt ubfubr, grubic icb nocbmulegum{genfter binuue . S er S onnenmirt lc’icbeltc gar fcblanunbmorbiemoblmiffcn, bub ber Rutger bon ben S tubentcnin Gibttingen {30t be S rfibbacb genannt roith.

b inter S ortbeimmirb es fcbon gebirgig, unb bier unb butretcn fcbbne i lnbbbcn berbor . Snf bemSiege traf icbmciftcne Rrumer, bie naeb ber S runnfcbtoeigcr S ieffc gegen,uucb einen6 cbmarmgrancnaimmer, berenjebe ein grobce , faftbfiufcrbobce,mit toeibemSeinenfibergogence S ebc’iltnie aufbemSucica trng. S arin fuben allerlei eingefangene S ingbbgcl,bie beftfinbig picpften unb amitfcberten,mfibrenb ibre S tagesrinnen luftig bubinbfipftcn unb fcbtvubten. Stir lamce

gur nfirrifcb nor, wie fo ein S ogel ben unbern an Slurltetrfigt.


Sn pecbbunller Sucbt lamicb an anmerche . (553 febltc 25

mir ber Sppetit gum(i ffen, unb icb legte micb gleicb anS ettc. Sci) tour mube mic ein bunb unb fcbliefmic ein

(Sioti . SmS ranme lamicb toicber naeb (Sibttingcn garuci ,unb your narb bcr bortigen S ibliotbcl. Seb ftunb in einer

10 S ic Q a rgrcife

(E de bee juriftifcbcn S cale, burcbftbbcrte ulte S iffertutionen,berticftcmicb imBefen, unb ale icb uufbbrtc, bcmcrftc icb5a meiner S crmunbcrung, bub cs Suebi tour unb berub=

biingenbc Slriftallleucbter ben S aul erbellten. S ic nabc

5 Slircbengloclc fcblug eben amblf, bie S aaltbfire bffnete ficl)lungfam, unb bercin trat cine ftolgc, gigantifcbc gran, cbr

furcbté boll begleitet bon ben S litgliebern unb Snbfingcrn

bcr juriftifcbcn gufultfit. Sue illicfcntncib, obgleicb fcbon

bejabrt, trug bennocb imSntlib bie Buge einer ftrengenS cbbnbcit, jeber ibrer S lide b erriet bie bobe S itanin, bie

gcivaltigc Sbcmie, S cbmcrt unb Siagc bieli fie nacblaffig

gufammen in ber einen founb, in ber anbern bieli fie cine

Scrgumentrollc, ginci junge D octor es jur is trugcn bie

Gcblcbpc ibree gruuberblicbcncn S emantics ; an ibrcr rccbtcn©cite fbrangminbig binunb ber bcr bunne b efrat Sufficus ,ber Sblnrg lbannoberé , unb bcflumiertc ans feinemneuen(Sicfcbenttvurf; an ibrcr lintenS eitc bumpelte, gar galunt unbwoblgcluunt, ibr Cavali er e s e rvente , bet: gcbcimc Suffigrut(iniacine , unb rib beftfinbig juriftifcbc QBibc, unb lucbte fclbft

so burfibcr fo berglicb, bub fogar bie ernfte Gibttin ficbmcbrmulelucbelnb 5a ibmbcrubbengte,mit bcr grobenSergumcntrollcibmaufbie d ultcr llobfte, unb frcunblicb flfiftcrte : ltlciner ,lofer ©ebull, ber bie S finmc bon oben berab befcbneibctSeber bon ben fibrigen {gerrcn trut jcbt cbenfalle nfibcr

25 unb batte elmue bingnbcmcrlcn unb bingnlficbeln, ettou ein

ncucrgrfibcltee S bftcmcbcn obcr gibpotbcecbcn obcr fibnlicbee

Siibgebfirtcben bee eigenen Rbpfcbcné . Surcb bie gcbffncte

S aaltbfire traten aneb norbmebrcre frembe ijerrcn bercin,bie ficb ale bie anbern groben S tunner bee illuftren D rbcne

10 S ic Q urgr e ife

(Ede bee juriftifcben S cale, bnrcbftbbcrte ulte S iffcrtutioncn,berticftcmid) imBefen, unb ale icb anfbbrte, bemcrfte icbanmeiner S ermnnbernng, bub cs Sucbt tour unb berub=

bfingenbc Siriftulllcncbtcr ben S aul crbellten. S ic nubc

Slircbcnglodc fcblng eben amblf, bie G aultbfire bffnetc ficblungfum, unb bcrcin trat cine ftolgc, gigantifcbc gran, cbr:

furcbteboll begleitet bon ben Siitglicbern nnb Snbfingcrn

bcr inriftifcben {fulnltfit Sue illicfenmeib, obglcid) fcbon

bejubrt, trug bcnnocb imSntlib bie 8uge einer ftrengcnS cbbnbeit, jcber ibrcr S lide berriet bie bobe S itunin, bie

getvultige S bcmie , S ebtvert unb Silage bieli fie nudjluffiggufammen in bet einen banb, in ber anbern bieli fic cine

Scrgamcntrolle, groci jnnge D octor es juris trngen bie

Gcblcppe ibrce gran bcrblicbenen (Siemunbes ; an ibrer red)tcn©cite fprangminbig bin nnb ber ber bfinne Sofrut Snfticné ,bcr Sblnrg founnoberé , nnb bellamicrte ans feinemneuen(Sicfcbcntmnrf; an ibrcr linfenS citc bumpeltc, gar gulant unbmoblgclunnt, ibr Cavalie r s s e rvente , ber gebeimc Snftigrat(injucine , nnb rib beftanbig jnriftifcbe S iibc, nnb lucbte fclbft

barfibcr fo berglicb, bub fogar bie crnftc S bttin ficbmcbrmulelficbelnb an ibmberabbcngte,mit ber grobenSergumcntrollcibmunfbie d nlter llopftc, nnb frcnnblid) flfiftcrte : lileiner ,lofer Gcbull, ber bie S anmc non oben berab bcfcbncibct !“

Scbcr bon ben nbrigcn Scrrcn trut jcbt cbenfulle nfiber

nnb batte citrus bingnbemerlcn unb bingnlucbeln, etma ein

ncn crgrfibeltee S bftemcbcn ober bbpotbcémen ober fibnlidjceSi ibgebfirtcben be?» eigenen Rbpfdjcne . S nrd) bie gcbffncte

S aultbfirc traten and) norbmebrcrc frembc b erren berein,bie ficb ale bie anbern groben Stunner bee illnftrcn D rbcne

S ic b a rgr cifc

fanbgabcn,mcifta edige, lancrnbe S cfellcn, biemit brcitcrS clbftgnfricbcnbeit gleicb bruuf Inc befinicrtcn unb biftin=

gnicrtcn unb fiber icbce S itelcbcn tines Sunbeltentitclebieputiertcn. llnb immer lumen nocb ncnc (Sieftaltcn berein,ulte S ecbtegclcbrtcn in bcrfcbollencn S racbten, mit toeibcn 5

S llongcpcrfiden unb lungft bergcffcnen (Sicficbtern, unb febrcrftuunt, bubmun fie, bie bocbbcrfibmtcn bee berfloffcncnSubrbnnbcrte, niebl fonbcrlicb regarbicrtc ; unb bicfc ftimmtennun ein, unf ibre S icife, in bus allgemeine S cbtoabcn nnb6 cbrillcn unb ©cbreicn bus mic Si ecreebrunbnng immerb ermirrter unb lauter bie bobe (some nmranfcbte, bis hiefebie (Sebalb bcrlor, unb in einemS one bee cntfcblicbftcn

S iefcnffimcrgce plbblid) anffcbric: "S cbmcigt ! S cbtoeigt !53d) bbrc bie S timme bee tcnrcn Sromctbcné , bic bbbncnbeStraft unb bie ftnmmc (Sierr alt fcbmiebcn ben S cbnlblofcn 15

an ben S iarterfclfcn, unb uII cncr (Sicfcbtnfib unb (begunlcfunnnicbt feine Sinnbcn ffiblcnnnb fcinc8effelngerbrccbcn6 0 rief bie Suitin, unb S brfincnbficbc ftfirgtcn cue ibren

Sngcn, bie gungc S erfammlnng benltemic bon S obceangftergriffen, bie S ede bee S aulce lracbte, bie S ficber tunmeltcn 20

berub bon ibren S rcttern, b ei gebens trat bcr ulte Sifind)bunfcn uuB feinemSubmen bcrbor , umSnbe an gebieten,eé tobtc nnb lrcifcbtc immer wilber unb fort one bicfcmbrfingcnbcn S ollbané lc


tetc id)mid) in ben biftorifcbcnS aul, nacb jcner Snabcnftellc, mo bie bciligen S ilber bee 25

bclbcbcrifcbcn Spoils unb bcr mcbiccifcben S enne ncbcn=

einunbcr ftcben, unb icb ftfirgtc an ben gfiben ber S ebbns

bcitegbttin, in ibremSnblid bergab icb all bus tofiftc

S reibcn, bemid) entronnen,meine Sngen trunlcn entgfidt bus

12 S ic b e rgr e i f e

(«Ebenmub unb bic ctoigc Sicblicblcit ibree becbgcbcncbeitcnScibes , griccbifcbc Snbc geg bnrcbmeine S cele, nnb fibermein Sunpt, mic bimmlifcben c cn, geb feine ffibeftcnSbrallfinge Sbbbne S pe lls .

Grieucbcnb bbrtc icb ne eb immer cin frcnnblicbce E lingcn.

S ic gjerben gegen unf bie S icibc, unb es luntcten ibre

(Si lbdcbcn. S ic liebe, ge lbcne S ennc fcbicn bard) bus

genftcr unb belencbtctc bie S cbilbercien an ben Slunbcn

bee 8immcr8. (638 touren S ilber une bemS cfrcinngeslricgc, te eranf tren bargcft It ftunb, te icmir a lle belbcnte aren, bunn and) binricbtnngefcencn ans bcr S cbe lntienes

geit, Submig ! VI. unf ber Snilletine unb c’

ibnlicbc Repfs

abfcbneibereicn, bie mun gar niebl anfeben lann, ebnc Gioii3a bunlcn, bubman rubig imS ettc liegt unb gntcn Ruffcctrinit unb ben Stopf nod) fe rccbt lemfertubel unf bend nltcrn fibcn but.

Sucbbcmicb Raffee gctrnnlen, mid) ungcgegen, bie

Snfcbriften anf ben {fcnftcrfcbeiben gclefcn, unb uIIee imilfiirtébanfc bcricbtigt batte, bcrlicb id)merebe.S iefe S tubt but fe nnb fe bicl bfinfer, bcrfcbiebenc (SEin

toebncr, te ernntcr and)


mebrcrc S celcn, te ic in (Si ettfcbullsSufcbenbncb ffir bargrcifcnbe

genauer nacbgnlcfcn ift. C«Ebc

icb bie Sanbftrube cinfcblug, bcfticg icb bie S rfimmcr bcruralten t creber Surg. (civic bcfteben nnr neeb one bcr

bfilftc cince groben, bidmunrigen, toie ben Rrebéfcbfiben

angcfrcffcncnSnrmé . S cr Si eg naeb E lané tbul ffibrtemirbtoicbcr bergauf, unb b en einer ber erftcn fiuben fcbuntc icbnecbmulB binab in bus Sbal, te emerebemit feinen retcn

Sucbern ans ben grunen Sunncmefilbern bcrbergndt te ie

S ic b a rgr cifc

cine Si e eérefe . S ic G ennc gab cine gar liebe, linblicbcS elencbtnng. S en ber crbultcnen Snrmbulftc erblidt manbier bie impeniercnbe S fidfeite.(536 liegen nocb biele anbere Snrgrnincn in biefer (Sicgcnb.

S er barbcnberg bei S brtcn iii bie fcbbnftc. S icnnmanand), te ic ce ficb gcbfibrt, has berg anf bcr linlcn S cite but,anf bcr liberalen, fe lunnmun ficb bed nidi uIIcr clcgifcben

Gieffiblc crtecbren beimilnblid bcr <

{selfenncftcr jcncr prim:legierten S anbbbgel, bie uuf ibre fcbteficblidc Sudbrnt blobben ftarfcn Sppctit bcrcrbten. llnb fe ging es and)mirbicfen Si ergcn. Stein (55cmfit te ar , icmcbr icbmid) benSuitingcn entfernte, ullmfiblicb aufgetaut, ioiebcr mic fenfttourbe mir remuntifcb an S inn, nnb le anbernb bicbtete icb

fe lgcnbee Sieb

S teiget uuf, ibr ulten S raume lbbuc bid, bub eraenetber l

Siebermenne, S iebmutetbrunenSubmen wunbcrbar beroor .

Surd bie Stunnen will id fcbmeifcn,Si c biemuntre D uelle fpringt,Sic bie fte lgen birfdemunbcln,Ste bie liebe S reffel fingt.

S af bie S ergemill id fteigen,2luf bie fcbreffen


(yelfenbiibn,S te bie grauen Gdlobruinen

Sn bemSlorgenlidte ftebn.

S orten fet’id fti llmid nicbcr

unb gebente alter 3eit,2llter blfibenber (befdledter

unb oerfaniner berrlidteit.

14 S ic b a rgr cife

S rue bebeci 1t ben S a rnierplut,S ic geiumpft ber ftolae Slunn,S er bie S eften fibcrmunbenunb bee Rumpfes Sreie gemunn.

Spbeu ranit an bemSultone,Ste bie fdbne S ame ftanb,S ic ben ftolaen liberminberSlit ben 2lagen liberieunb.

2ld l ben S ieger unb bie S iegrin,

but befregt bee S ebee bunb

Sener bfirre S enfenritter

S treclt ans a lle in ben S aab.

S adbemicb cine S trede geteunbcrt, traf icb gufummcnmit einemreifenbcnbunbte erlé bnrfcbcn, bcr benS runnfcbte cig

15 lamunb mir ale cin bertigcé S erficbt crgfiblte, bcr jange

bergeg fei unf bemS iege nacb bemgclebten Sanbc ben benCSfirlcn gefangen toerbcn nnb lunne nnr gegen cin grebce

Sbfcgclb frcilemmen. S ic grebe S cife bee bergege mugbicfe S age bcrunlubt bubcn. Sue S e ll but nod) immer

20 ben trabitienell fabclbuftcn Sbcengung, ber ficb fe lieblicbanefpricbt in feinem"bergog Srnft.

“ S er Srgubler jcncrS cuigleit te ar ein S cbncibcrgcfcll, cin nicblicber , llcincr

inngcr S ienfcb, fe bfinn, bub bie S terne bnrcbfcbimmernlenntcn, te ie bard) S ffiune S cbclgeifter , unb imgungen cine

25 be lletfimlicb barode S lifcbnng b en Sunne nnb S iebmnt.S iefee finberte fid) bcfenbcre inher bre IIig rfibrenbcn S icife ,te emit er bus tonnbcrbure S e lfelicb fang : "Sin Rufer unfbem8anne fab, fumm, fnmm!“ Sue ift fcbbn bei unis

S cutfcbcn; leincr ift fe berrfidt, bub er nicbt einen nocbso S crrfidtercn ffinbc, ber ibn bcrftebt. Snr cin S entfcber

S ic b a rgrcifc .

lunn fence Sieb nadcmpfinben, nnb ficb bubci tetlucben nnbtotiecincn. Siie tief bae S ectbcfcbe Siert ine Scben beeS e lle gcbrungcn, bcmcrlte id and) bier. Stein bunnerS3cggcneffe trillerte ebenfalls gnmeilen bor ficb bin: ,,Scibr

be ll nnb frcnbboll, S ebunlcnfinb frei S oldc Slerrnptien

bee S eri es ift beimS e lle ciroas (betebbnlidcé . (Sir fangand cin Sieb, te e ,,Settcben bei bem(Sirabc ibrcé S icrtbere“

trauert. S cr S cbneibcr gerfleb oer S entimentulitfit bei benQBortcn: ,,S infamte ein’icb an ber S efenftclle, te e unis oft

ber fpfitc S ienb bclanfcbt ! Summernb irr’icb an ber S ilbersquelle, bie nne lieblicb QBennc angeranfcbt.

“ ilbcr bulb

burunf ging er in Sintte illen fiber nnb crgfibltemir : S tir

babcn einen Srcnbcn in ber bcrbcrgc 5a Raffel, ber eben

fe lcbe Sicbcr fclbft mudt ; er lunn leinen feligen S tiebnfibcn; but er einen S refcben in bcr S afcbc, lo but er ffir

gloci (Sirefcben Surft, unb tecnn er imSbrun ift, bc’ilt erben b immel ffir ein blance Slumifel, nnb te eint mic cine

Sucbtranfe, nnb fingt cin Sieb mit ber bepbcltcn Se efieS en lcbtercmSnébrnd tofinfcbte icb cine Srlliirnng, abcr

mein S ebneibcrlcin,mit feinenSicgcnbuincr S cincbcn, bfipftcbin nnb ber nnb rief bcftfinbig : ,,S ic beppelte Se efie ift

bie bebpcltc Secfie !“ Snblicb bracbtc icb cs berane , bub

er bebpclt gereimte S cbicbtc, namcntlicb S tangen, imS innebuttc. llntcrbee , bnrcb bie grebe S cte egnng nnb bnrcb ben



lentruren S iinb, tour ber S itter b en bcr S abcl febr mube 25gemerbcn. (Sir mucbtc freilicb ne eb cinigc grebc Snftalten

3amS eben nnb bramarbufiertc ,,Sebt will icb ben 2 cgle ifcbcn bie S eine nebmcn S od) bulb llagte er , bub er

ficb S lufenunter bie {gube gegangen nnb bie S icli bicl 3a

16 fD ie Spurar e ife

meitlunfig fei ; nnb enblicb bei einemsl ianrnfturnme lieb er

ficb fucbte nieberfinfen, bewegte fein aurtcé fiduptlcin wieein betriibtefi 8&mmerfcbmiin5cbcn, unb webmfitig liicbelnbricf er : SDu bin icb urmeé C‘Bcbinblnbercben fcbon wieber

5marobefD ie {Serge mnrbcn bier norb fteiler, bie i unnenmulber

wogten nntenmic ein griincé SlJZecr , unb umblauenfiimmeloben icbifften biemeiben QBolfcn. Sb ic i bilbbeit ber («begenb

mur hareb ibre (binbeit unb (binfucbbeit gleicbfumgegfibnit.E bie ein guter ibicbter liebt bie Statur feine fcbroffenfibers

gfinge. i bie QBolfen, in biaurr geftultct fie aneb amneilcncrfcbeincn, trugen einmeibeé ober bocb einmilbeé ,mit bemblauen {aimmel nnb ber griinen (S'rbe burmonifcb lorrefponsbierenbeé Rolorit, inbubuIIe gurben einer (c enb wie leife

15 SlJZufil in einunbcr fcbniclaen unb jeber Muturunblicf frumpfsftiIIenb unb gemfitberubigenb wirft. fib er felige bofimunnmiirbe bie QBolfen bnntfcbecfig bemalt bubcn. (Sibenmic eingrober fb icbter weib bie Mutur anebmit benwenigften imittelnbie grbbtenf efte berborgnbringen. QBa finb nnr cine ©onne,

20 éBéimne, 28lumen, QBufier unb Siebe. $reilicb, fcblt lebtereimbergen beg sl iefcbuneré , inmug buss (Siunae wobl einenfcblecbten QInblicf gemiibren, unb bie g onne but bunn blob inunb in biel SIReilen imSDurcbmeffer, nnb bie sl ianrne finb gut

aunt Q inbeiaen, unb bie {blumenwerben nucb ben 6 tuubfiibcn25 fluffifiaicrt, unb burs QBufier ift nub.

(Sin lleiner Ssungc, ber fiir feinen frunfen D beimimQBuIbeEReifig fucbte, geigte mir buss SDorf c bucb, beben lleine{gfittenmit gruuen QDiicbern {icb fiber cine bulbe 6mnbc bnrcbbué i bul binaieben. fbort,

“ fagre er, ,,nwbnen bummc

18 fD ie burgr eifc

ibnen bus (vibriftcntumabfragt. fb icfcé QSiicblein tour febrfcblecbt gebrncft, unb icb fiircbte, bie (blunbcnfilebrenmucbenbubnrcb frbon gleicb einennnerfrenlicb lbfcbpupierigenGr inbrucfunfbie (bemiiter ber fiinbcr ; wie eémir bennaneb erfcbrecllicb

5mibfiel, bub bué (binmuleiné ,melcbeé borbmit ber beiligenfD reibeitBlebre bcbcnflicb follibiert, imQutecbiémué felbft, nnbamur unf bemlebten Qilutte befifelben, ubgebrncft ift, unb bieQ inber buburcb fcbon friibaeitig an fiinbbuften8meifeln her:

lcitet werbenfbnnen. fDufinbmir imSBrenbifcbenbiel Huger,unb bei unferemci ifer 5nr Qicfebrung jener 2eute, bie ficbin gut unfé Siecbnen berfteben, bfitcnmir nné mobl, bué(binmuleinfi binter bemRutecbiémué ubbrncfen an luffen.

Sn bcr ,,Sfione“

an filuné tbul biclt icb Wittug. Sid;

belumfrfiblingfigriinc iBeterfilienfnppc, beilcbenbluuen fiobl,15 einen fiulbé brutcn, grob wie ber (Sbimboruffo in SUtiniutur ,fotvie aneb cine QIrt geruncbertcr fiberinge, bie QBiicfinge beiben,narb bemSlamen ibreB (53rfinberé , i bilbclmQi iicfing, ber 1447geftorben, unb umjener Q rfinbnngmillen bon Qurl V . in

berebrtmurbe, bub berfelbe anno 1556 Don fill ibbelburg na eb20 ‘Bicblicb in 8eelunb reifte, blob umbort buss @rub biefeégroben Wunnefi an feben. QBie berrlicb fcbinecft borb folcbein (fiericbt,mennmun bie biftorifcbenmorigen bugn weibunbeé felbft beraebrt ! Slur ber Ruffee nucb I ifcbe wurbemirberleibet, inbem{icb ein junger 51)c b biéfnrfierenb anmir

25 fegte unb fo entfeblicb fee ubronicrte, bub bie SUZilcb uuf bemi ifcbe fuuermurbe. (SEQmar einjunger bunblnngé beflifienermit ffinfnnbgmunaig bunten E beften unb ebenfrmicl golbenensJSetfcbuften, ERingen, Qiruftnubeln u. f. n). (b: fub uuBmiecin QIffe, ber cine rote S‘gucfe ungegogen but unb nun an {icb

ibi e burar e ife

felber fugt : RIeibermucben Seute. (Sine gunae . SUIenge Qbus

rubenmubte er uuémenbig, foruie uucb a elboten, bie er

immer buunbrucbtc,mo fie ummenigften pubten. (Sir fragtemicb,mué eé inGdbttingcn Sieueé giibc, unb icb eraublte ibmbub bormeiner filbreife bon bort ein SD efret beé ufubemifcben 5

g enuté erfcbienen,~ morin bei brei i buler ©trufe verbotenmirb, ben fibunben bie 65cbmun5c ubgufcbneiben, inbcmbietollen gunbe in benbunbfitugen bie (fabmiinae amifcben benslSeinentrugen, unbmun fie buburcb bon bennicbttoIIenunter=frbeibet, wué borb nicbt gcfcbeben fbnnte,menn fie gur leincGubmfinae bubcn.

— Stud) i iicbemucbte icbmirbuufbenQBeg,bie (Siruben, bie 6 ilberbiittenunb bie Mungc an befucben.

Ssu ben evilberbfitten bube icb, wie oft imBeben, beng ilbcrblicf berfeblt. Sn ber Smiinge truf icb eé fcbon befferunb founte aufeben,mic bus? (85c gemucbtmirb. i} rcilicb,weiter bub

’icb cg aneb nie bringen lbnnen. 36) butte bei

folcber ®elcgenbeit immer bus 8ufeben, unb icb glaube,mennmul bie i buler bumbimmel berunter regneten, fo befiimeicb bubonnur E bcber inbenfl opf, nn


ibrenb bie Siinber fié ruel

bie filberne Mannamit luftigeni SUZute einfuntmeln wfirben. 20

mit einem©cfiiblc,morin gur fornifcb (Ebrfurcbt unb iRiibrunggemiicbtmurcn, betrucbtete icb bie neugeborncn blunfcni buler,nubmeinen, ber eben DomSBrfigftocfe law, in bie ©6 111) unb

fprucb an ibm: Sungcr ‘I bulcr !mclcbe ©d)icffule crmurten

bicb !mic biel Giuteé unbmic biel ‘Bbfeémirft buftiften! wie 25

wirft bu bué Baiter bcfcbiibcn unb bie Iugcnb flicfen! wiemirft bugeliebtunb bunnwieber bermiinfcbt werben!micwirftbufcbmclgen, liigenunbmorben belfen!mic wirft buruftloé

umbcrirren, burcbrcine unb fcbniubige bunbe, jubrbunbertelung,

20 <b ie burarcife

bis bu cnblicb fcbulbbcluben unb fiinbenmfib’ bcrfuntni eltmirft buben i bcinigcn img dwbc l rubumé , bcr bicb cin=

fcbmclat unb liiutert unb umbilbct an einemneuen bcffcrcn@cin, bielleicbt gur bueinemunfcbulbigcni bcclbffclcbcn, womit

5 cinft mein eigene?» llrs llrcnfclcben fein liebeB §Brcifiippcbcngurecbtxnutfcbt.

fbué éBcfubrcnber 3mci boraiiglicbftcnfiluué tbuler (bruben,ber ,,Q orotbcu

“ unb fiurolinu,“

funb icb‘

febr intercfiunt.unb icb wub uuéfiibrlicb bubon ergublen.

(Si ne bulbc 6 tunbc bor bcr @tubt gelangtmun an anacigroben fcbwuralicbcn Gicbuubcn. SD ortmirbmun gleicb bonben28crgleutcn in (inmfung genommen. fD icfc trugcnbunflc,gcmbbnlicbftublbluuc,meite, bié iibcr benSBuucbbcrubbungcnbcCCsuclcn, bofcn bon iibnlicbcr gurbe, ein binten uufgcbunbcncé

15 g clmrafell unb llcinc griinc gilabiitc, gang runbloé ,wie cinubgefupptcr Regel. Ssucine folcbc i rucbt, blob obnc b intcrs

leber, mirb ber éBcfucbenbc cbenfuIIsS eingclleibct, unb ein

sl icrgmunn, cin ©tcigcr , nucbbcmer fein Gérubcnlicbt ungc=

gfinbct, flibrt ibn nucb einer bunfeln bfinung, biemic ein

20 Ruminfcgclocb uuéficbt, fteigt bisB un bie Qbruft binab, giebtSiegeln,micmun ficb un ben Qcitcrn fcftaubultcn bubc, unbbittet, ungftloé an folgen. fb ie g ucbe felbft ift nicbtss wenigerulé gcfiibrlicb ; ubcr mun glaubt cg nicbt ima fung, wcnnmun gur nicbté born éBergmerlémcicnberftebt. giebt icbon

25 cine eigene (impfinbung, bub mun ficb uufiaiebcn unb bicbunflc ibelinquentcntrucbt unaiebcnmub. llnb nun fullmunuuf uIIcn bicrcn binubllettern, unb bug buntlc 80d) ift fo

bunfel, unb 65mweib,mic lung bie Q eitcr feinmug. l cr

bulbmeritmun bocb, bub cfi nicbt cine cinaigc, inbie icbwurac

® ic ©ur5rcifc

Gmiglcit binubluufenbc Scitcr iii , fonbcrn bub es mebrcrenon ffinfacbn bié gwungig Q proficn finb, bcrcn jebe uuf einIleincé éBrctt fiibrt,moruufmunftcben funn, unbmorinwiebercin ncucfi Socb nucb einer neuen Q eitcr binubleitct. 3d)maraucrft in bie Qurolinu gcfticgcn. SDusS ift bie icbmubigftc 5

unb uncrfrculicbftc Qurolinu, bie icb jc leunen gelernt bubc.Sbic Sl eitcrfproficn finb fotig nub. llnb bon einer E citcr aurunbcrngcbt

’é binab, unb ber Gteigcr borun, unb bicfer beteuert

immer , cs3 fci gur nicbt gcféibrlicb, nurmiiffcmunficbmit benbunben feft un ben g profien bultcn, unb nicbt naeb ben

{fiibcn leben, unb nicbt frbminblig werben, unb nur beileibenicbt auf bué Geitenbrctt treten, mo jcbt buss icbnurrcnbci onncnfcil bcruufgcbt, unbmo bor b icracbnflugcn cinunborficbtigcrMcnfcbbinuntcrgcftiirgtunb leiber benbubs gcbrocbcn.

©uunten ift cin bermorrcncé iRuufcbcnunb C‘Bummen,munftbbt bcftéinbig un iBullen unb 6 cilc, bie in

Cl ickvcgung finb,umbie i onncnmit gcllopftcn@r5cn ober buss bcrborgefintcrteQBufi


er bcruufaunlinben. Bumcilcn gelangt mun uucb in

burcbgcbuucne (bunge, 6 tollen genannt, mo mun buss Q ramucbfen fiebt, unbmo ber einfume Qicrgmunn ben gunacni ug fibt unbmiibfummit bembummer bie Giraftucfe uuéber QBunb bcruué llopft. ibis?in bie untcrfte i icfc,momun,mic cinigc bcbuuptcn, frbon bbrcn funn, mic bie Beute insllmcrilu Hur rah, Lafaye tte !” febrcicn, bin icb nicbt gcfomsmen ; unter uné gcfugt, bort, big mobin icb lum, icbicn cé 25

mir bcrcité ticf genug immcrmiibrcnbcé SBruufcn unb

6uufcn, unbcimlicbc Elfiufcbinenbcivcgung, unterirbifcbcé Duelslengcricfcl, bonulIcn©eiten bcrubtricfcnbcé QBuffer, qualmiguufi


tcigenbc Ci rbb'

finftc, unb bus (Sjrubcnlicbt immer blcicber

22 Sb ic burarcifc

bincinflimmcrnb in bic einiume Sllucbt. QBirllicb, c?» murbctiiubcnb, bufi bltmcnmurbe mir fcbmcr, unb mit Mfibc

bielt icbmicb un ben glitfcbrigcn Sl eiterfproficn. Stub bubc

leinen QInflug non fogenunntcr QIngft empfunbcn, ubcr , felt;5 fum


genug, bort unten in ber i iefc erinnerte icbmicb, bub icbimborigcn ~

3ubrc ungcfiibr umbicfclbc Scit einen ©turmuufbermorbfec erlebte,unb icbmeinte jebt, cé fei borb eigcnt=licb recbt truulicb ungcncbm,mcnn buB ©cbiff bin unb bcricbuulclt, bicQBinbe ibre i rompetcrftiiclcbenloé blufen,’amifcbcnsbrein ber luftigc SDlutrofcnlurmcrfcbullt,unb uIIcé frifcb fibersfcbuuertmirb bon (50mlieber, freier Suft. 3a , Buft

glucb Quft fcbnuppcnb fticg icb cinigc‘b ubenb Beitcrn wieber

inbie bbbe ,unbmeiné tcigcr fiibrtemicbburcb einenicbmulen,

febr lungcn, in ben ib erg gcbuucncn ®ung narb ber (Si rubefDorotbcu. b ier ill cé luftiger unb frifcber , unb bie Q eitcrnfinb rciner , ubcr uucb [finger unb freiler ulé inber fiurolinu.

b iermurbemir aneb bcffcr 3uEvlutc, befonbcré buicb wieberg purcn lcbcnbigcr EU c fcben gemubrtc. Snbcr I iefe acigten


imlicbmunbclnbe ©cbimmcr ; EBergIcutcmit ibren (55m:

20 bcnlicbtcrn lumen uIImiiblicb in bie bbbcmit bem(brubc(Siliicluufl

, unb mit bcmfclben flBicbcrgrubc bon unfcrcr

@cite fticgen fie un uné borfibcr ; unb wie cine befrcunbct

rubige, unb bocb auglcicb qufilcnb rfitfelbuftc (Sirinncrung,trafenmirbmit ibren ticfi


innig fluren §Bliclen bie ernftfroms25men, cttvué bluffenunb bum(«brubenlicbt gcbeimnié boll bclcucbtctcn Gicficbtcr biefcr jungen unb ultcn ElJlfinncr , bie in ibrenbunlcln, cinfumcn SBergfcbucbtcn ben gungen i ug gearbeitetbatten, unb litb jcbt binuuficbntennucb bemliebenSZuc licbt,unb narb bcn glugennon i beib unb Q inb.

fb ic burgt ei l e

2mmQ iccronc fclbft tour cine lrcuaebrlicbc, pubclbeutfcbcSlutur . Illit innerer {5rcubiglcit acigtc cr mir jenc 6 tollc,mo ber betaog bon (Sumbribgc, ulB er bie ©rubc befubrcn,mit feinemgunacn Giefolgc gcfpcift but, unbmo norb bcrlunge bblgcrnc ©pcifctiicb ftcbt, fomic aneb bcr grobe 6mbl 5

non (511 3,moruuf bcr berang gcfeficn. ED icicr bleibe gumewigen QInbenlcn ftcben, fugtc bcr gute éBcrgmunn, unbmit8eucr crafiblte er,mic bicle <{scitlirblcitcn bumulé ftuttgcfunbcn,mic ber gunae 6 tollcnmit Bicbtern, éBlumen unb Bunbmcrlb eraicrt gcmcfcn,mic cin SBcrglnuppe bie 8itbcr gcfpiclt unbgelungen, mic ber bcrgnfigte, liebe , birle b erang febr biclc(befunbbcitcnuufigctrunlcnbubc, unbmic biclcQicrglcutc, unber felbft gang befonbcré , {icb gcrnmfirbcn totfcblugcn qfcnflir ben lieben, biclcnberaog unb bué gunge baaé bunnobcr .

Sinnig riibrt cfimirbicbcémul,menuicb febe ,mic ficb biec 15

(Sjefiibl bcr llntcrtbunBtreuc in {einen cinfucbenmuturluutcnuuéfpricbt. (EB ift ein lo fcbbneé ©cfiibl ! llnb cfi ill cinfo

mubrbuft bcutfcbeé Gicfiibl ! filnbcrc $ 6llcrmbgen gcmunbtcrfein, unbmibiger unb crgbblicbcr , uber lcincB ift f0 treumicbué trcuc beutfcbc fioll. QBfibtc icb niebl, bub bie Strcuc {0 20

ult iftmic bie i bclt, 10mfirbe icb glauben, ein bcutfcbcé bergbube fie erfunben. SDeutfcbe i reue ! fie ift lcine mobcrncl rcflenfloé lcl. QIn eurcnbbfen, ibr bcutfcbcngbriten, iolItcmun fingen unbmiebcr fingen bué Slicb bon bemgetreuenGelat t unb bembbfcn Qiurgunb, ber ibmbie lieben lt‘inbet 25

tbtcn la ffen, unb ibnulébunn borb norb immer treubefunbenbut. fibr bubt buss trcucfte Qioll, unb ibr irrt,mcnn ibrglaubt, ber ulte, bcrftfinbigc, treue bunb fci plbblicb toll

geworben unb icbnuppc nucb eucrn gcbciligtcn QBubcn.

24 Sb ic burarcifc

flBie bic bcutfcbe i rene, buttc unfi icbt buss llcine ®mben=licbt obne bicl fi eflucler {till unb ficbcr geleitet bunbbué Babb:rintb ber ©cbucbtcnunb 6 tollen;mir fticgcn berbor uué berbumpfigcnfib ergnucbt, buss 6 0nncnlirbt ftrublt’ Gjlucluuf!

5 Sb icmciftcn éBcrgurbcitcr mobncn in Q luué tbul unb inbembumit bcrbunbencn iBergftiibtcbcn8cllcrfclb. 3cb bciucbtc

mcbrere bicfcrmuclcrn Scute, bctrucbtctc ibre llcinc bfiufilicbcGinricbtung, bbrtc cinigc ibrcr Sieber, bie fiemit bcr Bitbcr ,ibremSicblingé inftrumcntc, gur biibfcb begleiten, liebmir ulteibcrgmiircben Don ibnen craiiblcn unb uucb bic ©ebete bersfugen, bic fie in («Semeinfcbuft an bultcn pflegen, ebe lie inben bunlcln g cbucbt binunteritcigcn, unbmuncbeé gutc©cbetbubc icbmitgebetet. (Erinulter 6 leigermeinte logur, icb iolltcbei ibnen bleibenunb {bergmunnwerben; unbulé icb bcnnocb

15 l icbicb nubm, gub crmir einen Qluftrug un feinen EBrubcr ,ber inber Sltiibc bon©0s3lurmobnt, unb biclc Q iiffc ffir feineliebe illicbte.6 0 ftillftcbcnb rubig aneb buss Seben bieler Sl eute crfcbcint,

fo ift cs? bennocb cinmubrbuftcé , lebcnbigcfi Beben. fD ic

20 ftcinultc, bitternbe gran, bic bemgroben g cbrunlc gcgcniibcr ,bintermD ieuiub,mug bort lebon cin Qiicrtcljubrbunbert lunggeicffen bubcn. unb ibr fi enfeuunb {Efiblen ift gcmib innigbermucbfenmit ullen (Eclcn bieicé D fené unb ullcn Gcbnibcs

leien biefcé ©cbrunle6. llnb C‘E cbrunl unb c n leben, bcnn25 cinWtenfcb but ibnen einenSl cil feiner g cele cingcflbbt.

Sltur burcb folcb ticfcé a fcbuuungsslcben, burcb bic ,,11nmit:telburleit“ cntftunb bie bcutfcbe Ellifircbenfubcl, bcrcn (i igcns

tiimlicbleit burinbcftcbt, bub niebl nur bie Sl icrcunb‘Bflungcn,fonbcrnuucb gunz, lcbloB febcinenbe (Sjcgcnftéinbc fprccbenunb

26 fD ic burgrcife

8ufummcnbungcmit unfcrcr inneren unb uubercn (befcbicbtcluumbermbgcnmir nué bu erinnern, mic jcnc braune

i bcftc uuéfub, bie unas cinit in bicl (beldcbtcr augegogcn but,unb uuf beren breiten g treifcn bcnnocb bie liebe bunb ber

5 (Siclicbtcn f0 lieblicb rubtc !

Sb ic ulte gran, bemgroben Gcbrunl gegenuber, bintcrmD ien, trug einen gebliimtcn ERocl bon bcrfcbollcncmBeuge ,buss SBruutlleib ibrcr feligcn fl utter. 8br llrcnlcl, cin ulé

28crgmunn gcllcibetcr , blonbcr , blibuugiger finubc, fub bu

ibren gfibcn unb aubltc bie Slblumen ibrcé SRoclesS, unb fiemug ibmbon bicfcmSRoclcmobl {cbcn bicle ©cicbicbtcben

cradblt bubcn, bielc crnftbuftc, bfibfcbe (8cfcbicbtcn, bie ber

bunge gcmib nicbt {0 bulb hergibt, bie ibmnorb oft nor:

icbmcbenwerben,mcnn-cr bulb ulé ein crmucbfcncr Elliunn inbenniicbtlicbcn©t0llcn ber Qurolinucinfumarbeitet, unb biccr bicllcicbt wieber crgiiblt,mcnn bie liebe ©r0bmutter liingfttot iit, unb cr felber cin filbcrbuuriger , crlofcbcncr (55c

imSlrciic {einer (Enlcl fibt, bemgroben ©cbrunlc gegeniibcr ,bintcrmc n.

20 $56) blieb bie Eliucbt cbcnfullé in ber fironc,mountcrbcficnuucb bcr bofrut 23. uuB (Sbbttingcn ungclommcnmar . S


buttc bug Q3crgniigcn, bemultcnberrnmeine Qlufmurtung 511mucbcn. (Sir gcbucbtc cbcnfullé ben unbcrn Iug naeb Gioé lur

gu reifen. fill?» icbmirb in?» {firembcnbucb cinfcbrieb unb im25 émonut buli bluttcrte, funb icb aneb ben b icltcucrnmumcnQIbulbert bon (ibumifio, ben QSiogrupben bcé unftcrblicbcng cblcmibl. fib er i birt crgfibltcmir : bicfcr b err fei in einemunbcfcbrcibbur frblecbten i bctter ungelommcn unb in einemcbcnfo fcblccbten QBetter wieber ubgcrcift.

Sb ic bur gt e i le

i bcn unbcrnMorgenmubtc icbmeinen Eliunaen nocbmulécrlcicbtcrn, bué cingcpucltc SBuur ©ticfclmurf icb iibcr SBDrb,unb icb bob uufmeine fiffibc unb ging narb ©oé lur .


lumbubin, obne anmiffcnmic. Sliur ionicl lunn icbmirbcrinncrn : icb fcblcnbcrtc wieber berguuf, bergab ; frbuutc bins 5

untcr inmuncbcé biibicbcQBicfentbul filbcrncfibufier brunften,fiibc QBulbbbgel amiticbcrtcn, bie bcrbcnglbclcbcn lfiuteten, bicmunnigfultig griincn SBiiumc wurben bon ber lieben Gonnc

golbig ungcftrublt, unb obenmur bie bluufcibcnc Sb erle besSb immclé {0 burcbficbtig, bubmun ticf bincinfcbuucn founte,hiss ing filllcrbciligftc,mo bic Gngcl 3u ben {fiibcn (Sjottcéfibcn, unb in ben Bugen fcincé filntlibcé ben ©cnerulbub

ftubicrcn. 36) ubcr lcbtc norb in bemi ruumber nb rigcnStarbt, ben icb nicbt uué meiner ©cclc bcrfcbcucben lonntc.

tour bus ultc Embrcbcn,mic cin blitter binubftcigt in einenticfcn SBrunncn,mo unten bic icbbnftc SISrinacflin au einemfturrcn Baubcrfcblufc bermiinfcbt ill. 36) fclbft mur bcr$Rittcr , unb bcr éBrunnen bic bunlle SlluuBtbulcr (brubc, unb

plbblicbcrfcbiencnbiclcSiebter ,uué ullcn6 citcnlbcbcrnftfirgtcnbicmucbfumcn Bmerglcin, icbnittcn gornigc (Sjcficbtcr , bieben 20

nucb mir mit ibren lutgen g cbmcrtern, blicfcn gcllcnb inBborn, bub immermcbr unbmcbr beraueilten, unb csSmuclcltcncntfcblicb ibre breitenb iiuptcr . QBic icb baraul aufcblug unbbuss SBIut bcruussflob,mcrlte icb crft, bub cé bic rotbliibcnbcn,lungbiirtigcn Sb iftcllbpfemurcn, bic icb ben i ug borber un 25

ber Bunbftrubc mit bem©t0cle ubgcfcblugcn buttc. SDu

murcn fie uucb gleicb ullc bcrfcbcucbt, unb icb gelangte ineinen bellcn SBrucbtfuul ; in ber Smittc ftunb, weib berfcblcicrtunbmic cine Qiilbfiiulcfturr unb rcgungé loé , bie beragcliebtc,

28 Sb ic burarcifc

unb icb lubtc ibren SJlunb, unb, beimlcbcnbigen (Siott ! icbfiibltc ben bcfcligcnben buucl) ibrcr 6 ccle unb bué ilibec bcn bcr licblicbcnBippen. murmir , ulsB bbrtc icb,mic(Siott rief t werbe Sl icbt blcnbcnb fcbobberab cin6 tmbl

5 bcé ewigen Sicbté ; uber in bcmielbcn blugcnbliclmurbc cfi

wieber Sliucbt, unb ullcss runn cbuotifcb aufummcn in cin

milbcé ,mfifteé Slicer. (binmilbcé ,miiftcé ”leer ! iibcr buggiircnbc QBuficr jagten (ingftlicb bie Gicfpcnftcr ber 2§cr =

ftorbcncn, ibre mciben St olenbcmbcn flatterten imQBinbe ,bintcr ibnen ber , bcbcnb, mit llutfcbcnbcr SBeitfcbc, lief cinbunticbccligcr burlclin, unb bielermur icb'

fclbft unb blbbs

litb uué ben bunlcln QBcllcn rcclten bie 91tccrungctiimc ibremibgcftultetcnb iiuptcr unb lungtcnnucbmirmituué gcbrcitctcnQ’rullcn, unb bor QEntfcben erwarbt


i bic borb aumcilcn bie ullcrfcbbnftcn Emurcbcn berborbcn

mcrben! (bigcntlicbmub ber SRittcr ,mcnn er bie fcblufcnbc

SBrinacffin gcfunbcn but, cin @t1'

icl uué ibremloftburcn

Gcbleicr beruuéfcbncibcn; unb menu burcb {cine Q iibnbeitibr 8uubcrfcbluf gcbrocben ill, unb fie wieber in ibremSBuluft

20 uuf bemgolbenen ©tuble fibt,mub ber §Rittcr an ibr tretenunb fprecbcn: EUicinc ullcrfcbbnftc 2Bfin3cfiin, lcnnft bu

mirb llnb bunn untnwrtct fie : ,,SJtcin ullertupfcrfter

glitter , icb lcnnc bicb nicbt. “ llnb bicfcr geigt ibr ulfibunnbug aué ibrem6 cblcicr beruué gcfcbnittcnc Gtiicl, bué juft

25 in bcnfclbcn wieber bincinpubt, unb bribe umarmen ficbgfirtlicb, unb bie i rompctcr blufcn, unb bie bncbgcitmirbgefeiert.

iftmirllicb cin cigcncé EDIibgcfcbicl, bubmeine Sl icbcé s

triiumc feltcn cin {0 icbbneé ©nbc nebmcn.

Sb ic burarcifc

fib er illume (Sioé lur llingt in erfrculicb, unb cB lm’ipfcnlieb burun lo biclc uralte Sluiicrcrinnerungcn, bub icb cine

impofuntc, ftuttlicbc g tabl crmurtete. filber fo gebt ess,

mcnnmun bie SBcrlibmtcn in ber Sliiibc beficbt ! 3cb funbcin SRcft mit mciftcnss icbmulcn, lubbrintbiicb lrummcn 5

©trubcn, ullwomittcnburcb cin llcincB QBuffcr ,mubrfcbcinlicbbie (550k, flicbt, bcrfullen unb bumpfig, unb ein sJS


fluftcr, fo

bolprigmic SBcrlincr begumctcr. SRur bie filltertiimlicblcitcnber fi nfuffung, nfimlicb bleile bon Emuucrn, SZ firmen unb8innen, geben ber g labt ctmué ‘Biluntcss. (finer bicfcr 10

fl firmc, ber 8mingcr genannt, but 10 birle SRuuern, bubgunae ©cmiicbcr burin uué gcbuucn finb. fib er SBlub norbcr 6 tubt,mo bermcitbcriibmtc g cbfibcnbof gebultcnmirb,ift cine frbbnc grobe QBicic, ringéumbobe SBergc. fib erQDZurlt ift llcin, in ber 2mmftcbt ein g pringbrunncn, bcfien 15

QBuffcr lieb in cin grobcfi M etallbeclcn crgicbt.Sibei (

Jeucré s

briinftcnmirb einigemal burun gefcblugcn; eé giebt bunn

einenmciticbullcnbcn i on, Munweibnicbté bomllrfprungebicfcé $ cclen6. (i inige fugcn, bcr i cufcl bubc es? cinit


Siucbtgeit bort uuf ben Elliurlt bingeftcllt. fibumulé 20

murcn bie E cute norb bumm, unb ber i cufclmar aneb bumm,unb fiemucbtcn {icbmccbfclfeitig @cfd)cnle.ibufi Slutbuué an (boé lur ift cinemcibungcftricbcnc i bucbt

ftubc. SDuB buncbenftcbcnbe ©ilbcnbuué but irboucinbcffcrcéw ieben. llngcffibr bon bcr (brbc unb bom3)q gleicbmit 25entfernt ftcbcn bubie 6 tunbbilbcr bcuticbcr Sluifer, rc



frbmurg, unb gumi cil bergolbct, in ber einen bunb bug©cepter , in bcr unbernbie i beltlugcl ; lebenuuémicgebratenellnibcrfitéitépcbcllc. (E incr bieler Quiicr biilt cin g cbwcrt,

SD ic burarcifc

flatt bcé g cebteré . Scl) lonntc niebl erraten,muss bicfcr lIntcr=febicb fugcn loll ; unb cé but borb geroib icinc Qicbcutung ,bubic SDeutfcbcn biemcrlrourbige ©ctoobnbcit bubcn, bub fiebei ullcm,muss fie tbun, lieb uucb ctlouB benlen.

5 Sn Giotticbullé ,,bunbbucb“

buttc icb oon bemuraltenSDomunb oon bembcrfibmtcn Quiicrftubl an Gioé lur oiel

gclcfen. Qllé icb ubcr beimbcfcbcnmolltc, fugtcmunmir ,bcr SDomfci nicbcrgerificn, unb bcr Sluifcrftubl narb SBcrlingcbrucbt toorbcn. 6 0mirb cinit ber QBunbcrcr naeb (inropulommen unb ocrgcbcné nucb SD eutfcblunb fragen. llnferc

lunaenlunbigcngreunbc tocrbcncé cingcftccltunb fortgcfcblcppt

bubcn, unter ibrenbobeng fitteln. QBir leben in einer bebcutungéfcbrocren8cit : tuufcnbjfibrigcSb omc locrbcnubgebrocben,

unb Quifcrftfible in bie Slumpcllummcr gctoorfcn.

15 (Sinige 932crllofirbiglcitcn bcfi feligcn SD omB finb jebt inber g tepbunfilirrbe uufgcftcllt. ©lu§mulcrcien, bic rounbcrsicbbn finb, cinigc fcblecbtc (bemulbc, rooruntcr aneb. cin Sula?»

(Srunucb fein loll, fcrncr cin bblgcrncr (ibriftué umSlrcugunb ein bcibnifcbcr D pfcrultur ausS unbclunntcmSilictull ; er

20 but bie (beftult einer lfinglicb bicrecligcn Bubc unb loirb bonbier Qurbutibcn getragen, bie, in gcbucltcr E tellung, bie bfinbcftfibcnb fiber bemQ opfc bultcn unb uncrfrculicb bfiblicbc(Sicficbtcr fcbncibcn. Snbcficn nocb uncrfrculicbcr ift buss

bubciftebcnbc, fcbon eriofibnte grobe bblacrne Slruaifig. SDiefcr

25 Qbriftué lopfmit nutfirlicbcn buurcn unb SDornen unb blursbcfcbmicrtcm©cficbte geigt frcilicb bbcbft meiftcrbuft buébinftcrbcn cincé Wicnfcbcn, ubcr nicbt cia gottgcborncn

bcilunbé . Slur bué materielle Scibcn ift in bicfcé (b eficbtbineingcfcbnibelt, nicbt bie SBocfic bcé g cbmcracfi. C‘SoICb

fD ic burarcifc

SBilb gebbrt cbcr in einen unutomifcbcn c rfuul, ulB in cin

(Sbottcébuué . Sb ic lunftcrfubrcnct

{yruu Slfiftcrin, bie mirbbcrumffibrte, 3cigte mir norb ulé guna befonbcrc §Ruritfit

cin b iclecligcss,moblgcbobeltcss, fcblouracé ,mit tocibcnBablcnbcbecltcé ©tficl bola, bus umpclurtig in ber SJZitte bcr Slircbc 5

bfingt. D ,mic glfinacnb geigt ficb ber (E rfinbungé geift in berprotcftuntifcben Slircbe ! Sb cnn, iocr folltc bicé benlcn ! Sbic

g ablcn aufbefugtem©tficl bolac finb bie sBfulmcnnummcrn,loclcbc getofibnlicl)mit Q reibe uuf einer icblouracn q el bcr

acicbnet rocrbcnunb uuf ben fiftbetifcbcn©inn etwaé nficbtern

roirlcn, ubcr jebt burcb obige Grfinbung fogur aur 8icrbc berSlircbc bienen unb bie fo oft burin ocrmibten EliupbuclfcbcnSBilbcr binlfinglicb crfcbcn. g olcbe gortfcbrittc frcucnmirbunenblicb, bu icb, bcr icb ‘Brotcftunt unb your Butbcruncr

bin, immer ticf betrfibt ioorbcn, rocnn lutboliicbc (bcgncr busslccrc, g ottocrluffcncwiebenprotcftuntiicbcr Q ircbcn bcfpbttclnlonntcn.

Scb logierte in einemGiuftbofc nubc bem9Jlurltc,momirbué M ittugcficn norb beber gefcbmcclt bubcn rofirbc, bfitte

licb nur niebl ber bcrr i birtmit {einemlungcn, fibcrflfiffigcn 20

(«beliebte unb {einen lunglociligcn {Erugcn anmir bingefcbt ;glficllicbcrrocifc lourb icb bulb crlbft burcb bic blnlunft einesS

unbern bicifcnbcn, bcr bicfclbcnc

{fyrugen in bcrfelbcnD rbnunguué bultcnmubtc:qui s ?quid ? ub i ? quibus aux iliis ?cur ?quomodo ? quando SD icfcr $t embe tour cin ultcr ,mlibcr , 25abgetragener 932mm, ber , roic uué feinen bieben bcrborging,bic gunac QBclt burcbmunbcrt, befonbcré lung uuf Qiutubiugelebt, oicl (55c erworben unb roiebcr ullcé verloren buttc,unb jcbt nucb breibigjfibriger filbmcfcnbcit nucb Q ucblinburg,

32 Sb ic burar cifc

feiner Sutcrftubt, gurfirllebrte ,,benn, fegte er bingu,

,,unfcrc gumilie but bort ibr Grrbbegrfibnié .

“ SDcr b err

Qliirt mucbtc bie {cbr uufgellfirte Qicmerlung, bub cs? borb

ffir bie 6 celc glcicbgfiltig fci, too unfcr Seib bcgrubcn loirb.

5,,buben @ic cé frbriftlirb antwortete ber c


frcmbc, unbbubci gogen {icb unbcimlicb fcbluuc SRinge umfeine lfimmcr slieben Bippen unb verbliebenen filugelcin. l er ,

febte cr

fingftlicb bcgfitigcnb binau, ,,icb will burumfiber frcmbc(«brfibcr borb nicbté 236c gcfugt bubcn; bie fl firlen

bcgrubcn ibre Sl otcn norb locit fcbbncr ulé mir , ibre Q ircbbbfc finb orbcntlicb ©firtcn, unb bu fibcn fie uuf ibren

mcibcn, beturbuntcn ©rubftcinen, unter bemg ebultcn einerp rcfie, unb ftreicbcn ibre crnftbuftcn S firtc, unb ruucbcn

rubig ibren turlifcbcn Subul uué ibren lungcn tfirlifcbcnsJSfeifcn; unb bei ben (Sbinefen gur ift cé cine orbcntlicbc

Quit augufebcn, roic fie uuf bcn SRubcftfitten ibrcr Z oten

municrlicb bcrumtfinaeln, unb beten, unb SZ bcc,trinlen, unb

bie ©cigc fpiclcn, unb bie geliebten (55rubcr gur bfibfcb anocrgicrcnmiffenmit a llerlei oergolbetemSuttcmocrl, SBor s

20 gcllunfigfircbcn, 363611 oon buntem©eiben3cug, lfinftlicbcnfiblumcn unb farbigen Buterncben ullcé febr bfibfcbmicmcit bub’icb norb bié D ucblinburgfib er Q ircbbof in Gioé lur butmicl) niebl febr ungcfprocbcn.

Sb cftomcbr ubcr jencfimunbcrfcbbnc floclenlfipfcbcn, buss bei25meiner a lunft in ber ©tubt uué einemctrouss boben ‘Buv

tcrrcfcnftcr lficbclnb bcruuéfcbuute. Sliucb St ifcbc fucbtc icbmicbcr bug liebe Scnfter ; uber icbt ftunb bort nur cin

flBufierglusSmit lociben65loclcnblfimcbcn. Scb llcttertcbinuuf,nubmbic urtigen SBlfimcbcn (1113 bemGiluie, ftccltc fie rubig

34 S ic burarcifc

g luocnfugcn, er beibc filotur , unb bub i bucbfcnbeb S tonbcb

betoirlc er burcb QBuficruufgicben. QIlb icb norb llcin tour ,

buttc icb gcbbrt, ber émonb ici cine Srurbt, bic, rocnn fie rcif

geworben, bomlieben Giott ubgcpflficlt unb an ben fibrigen

5 S ollmonben in ben groben 6 d)runl gelegt werbe , bcr um(iube bcr QBclt ftcbt, too fiemit S rcttcrn augcnugclt ift. Qllb

icb grbber tourbe, bemcrltc icb, bub bic i bclt nicbt fo eng

begrcngt ill, unb bub ber mcnfcblicbc ©eift bic bblgcrneng cbrunlcn burcbbrocbenunbmit einemriefigcn‘Bctrifcblfificl,mit ber Sbcc bcr llnfterblicblcit, ulle lieben b immel uufgc=icbloffcn but. llnfterblicbleit ! fcbbner (Scbunlc ! toer but bicb

anct il crbucbt i bur eb cin Slifirnbcrgcr ©picbbfirgcr , ber ,mit toeibcr Sliucbtmfibcuuf bemfiopfc unb weiber S bonpfcifcimSU q le, umlauen 6 0mmcrubcnb bor {einer buubtbfirc

fub unb rccbt bebuglicbmeintc : cbmbre bocb bfibfcb, locnner nunfo immerfort, obne bub fein Sc ifcbcnunb feinScbcnbsutcmcbcn uubgingcn, in bie liebe (imiglcit bincinbcgcticrenlbnntc ! S ber tour cb cin junger SZ icbcnbcr , ber in ben

e mcn feincr ©clicbtcn jenen Unftcrbliblcitbgcbunlcn barbie ,20 unb ibn bucbtc, locil cr ibn ffibltc, unb locil cg nicbtb unbcrb

ffiblcn unb beulen lonntc ! Sl icbc ! llnftcrblicblcit ! in

meiner {bruit tourb cb plbblicb fo beib, bub icb glaubte, bie©cogrupbcn bfitten ben q uutor verlegt, unb er laufe icbt

gcrube burcbmeinb erg. unb unb meinemb ergen ergofien

25 {icb bie (bcffible ber Sl icbc, crgoffen {icb febni’

ficbtig in bie

mcite Sliucbt. S ic S lumen imSurtcn unter meinem{fenfterbuftctcn ftfirlcr . S fifte finb bie (beffiblc ber SBlumcn, unbroie bub SlJc fcbcnbera in ber Sliucbt, loo eb {icb cinfumunbunbcluuicbt glaubt, ftfirlcr ffiblt, fo icbcinen uucl) bie S lumcn

S ic burgrcilc

linnig bcrlcbumt erli bie umbfillenbc Sunlclbcit gucrlourtcn,

umlitb gfinglicb ibren ©clfiblcn bingugebcn unb lie uubgu==buucbcn in lfibcn S filtcn. Glargicbt cucb, ibr Sultcmcincbb ergcnb ! unb lucbt bintcr lcncn SBcrgcn bie ©clicbtcmeinerS rfiumc ! Gic liegt icbt lcbon unb lcblfift ; gu ibren gfibcn 5

lniccn (Sngcl, unb toenn lie img cblulc lficbclt, lo ili cb cin

©ebet, bub bie (Engel nucbbctcn; in ibrcr SBrult liegt ber

b immelmit ullcn leinen ©cliglciten, unbmenn lie atmet, lobebtmein berg in ber Sca re ; bintcr ben lcibncn i bimpcrnibrcr Qlugen ilt bie g onnc untergegangen, unb iocnn lie bie2lugcn toicbcr uullcblfigt, lo ilt cb S ag, unb bie S bgcl lingen,unb bic bcrbcnglbclcbcn lfiutcn, unb bic S erge lcbimmcrn inibren lmurugbcncnfilcibcrn, unb icb lcbnfirc ben biangcnunblounbrc.

SnbielenpbilolopbilcbenS etrucbtungcnunb SBributgclfiblcn 15

fibcrrulcbtcmicb ber Slbelucb beb bolrut £3 , ber lurg oorbcr

cbcnlullb nucb (Sioblur gclommcn tour. 8u leiner ©tunbc

bfittc icb biemobltoollcnbc ©cmfitlicblcit biclcb Emunncb tiefercnrplinbcn lbnncn. SCI)ocrcbrc ibnmcgcn lcineb uubgcgcicbneten, crlolgrcicbcn g cburllinnb , nocbmcbr ubcr toegen leiner 20

S clcbcibcnbcit. Scb lunb ibn ungemein bcitcr , lrilcb unbrfiltig. Sub er lebtcrcb ilt, bcloieb er jfinglt burcb lcin ncucb

QBcrl : ,,S ic ERcligion ber S crnunlt,“cin Slbucb, bub bie

Sliutionuliltcn lo febr cntgficlt, bie Sibltilcr urgcrt unb bub

grobe SBublilumin S cmcgung lebt. Sci) lclblt bin gloar in 25

biclcmblugcnblicl cin Sibltilcr, meiner (belunbbcit toegen,inbcmicb nucb ber S orlcbriltmcincb blrgtcb ullc filnrcigungcngumS cnlcn ocrmcibcn loll. S orb ocrlennc icb niebl ben

unlcbfibburcns253mber rutionuliltilcben S cmubungcn cincb

86 S ic bur grcilc

Saulub , ©urlitt, Q rug, (bicbborn, S outcrtocl, QBcglcbcibcr

u. l. to. 8ulfillig ilt cb mir lclblt bbcblt crlpricblicb, bubbiele Bcutc lomuncbcb ocrjfibrtc libel lortruumcn, bclonbcrbbenultenQ ircbenlcbutt, looruntcr lo oiclc g cblungcnunb bble

5 S finltc. S ic Qultmirb in S cutlcblunb gubirl unb uucb gubcib, unb olt lfircbtc icb gucrlticlcn ober oonmcincn geliebtenS iitmbltilcrn in ibrcr Sicbebbibc crlofirgt guloethen. S rummill icb aneb bcn guten SRutionuliltcn nicbtb weniger ulb bblclcin,mcnn lic bie SSult ctroub gur gu lcbr ocrbfinncn unb

ctroub gur gu lcbr ublfiblcn. SmGirunbc but iubie S uturlclblt bemSutionulibmub leine (Sirengcn gcltcclt ; unter bcrBultpumpc unb umS orbpol lunn ber S lcnlcb cb nicbt uubs


Snjcncr Sucbt, bie id) in S oblur gubrucbtc, iltmir ct1oub

15 bbcblt g cltlumcb begegnet. S ocb immer lunn icb nicbt obne9lnglt burun guruclbcnlcn. SCI) binoon Sutur niebl fingltlicb,unb (Siott weib, bub icbniemulb cinc lonbcrlicbe S cllcmmungcmplunbcn bubc, locnn g. S . cine blanle SllingcmitmeinerS ale S clunntlcbult gumucbcn lucbtc, ober iocnn icb mid)

20 bcb Sucbtb in einemocrrulcncn SSulbc ocrirrtc, obermcnnmicb imSlongcrt cin gfibncnbcr Q icutcnunt guocrlcblingcn

brobtc ubcr bor (Siciltcrn lfircbtc icbmirb lult lo lcbr roieber Sltrcicbilcbc S cobucbtcr. SSub ilt


{surcbt l’ Q ommt

lie aub bemS crltunbc ober uub bem©cmfit fiber biele25


{grugc bibputicrtc icb lo oltmit bemS oltor 6 q S lcber,mcnnmir guS crlinimCafé Royal ,mo icb lungcBeitmeinenSlittugbtilcb buttc, gulfillig gulummcntrulcn. (Sir bcbuuptctc

immer ,mir lurcbtcn etwab , locil loir eb burcb S crnunltlcblfillcffir lurcbtbur crlcnncn. blur bic S crnunlt lei cine Sbrult,

S ic burgrcilc

nicbt bub S cmfit. QBfibrcnb icb gut ubunb gut trunl, bcmonltricrtc ermir lortiofibrcnb bie S orgfigc ber S crnunlt. (Sjcgcn

bub a c leiner S cmonltrution pflegte cr nucb leiner llbr guleben, unb immer lcblob cr bumit : S ic S crnunlt ill bub

bbcbltc Sringip S crnunlt ! SScnn icb icbt biclcb S§ort

bbr e , lo lebe icb norb immer ben S oltor 6 q bllcbcr mitleinen ubltrultcn S einen, mit lcincmengen, trunlccnbcntul=grauen Q cibrocl unb mit lcincmlcbrollcn, l'ricrcnb lultcn(Si clicbtc, bub einemE cbrbucbc ber (geometric ulb Quplcrtulclbienen lonntc. S ieler Swann, ticl in ben Sfinlgigcn, tourcine pcrloniligicrtc grubc Binic. Sn lcincm©treben nucbbemSolitibcn buttc ber urmc Stann lieb ulleb berrlicbc aubbemBeben bcruubpbilolopbicrt, ullc g onncnltrublcn, g llcn(Sjluubcnunb ullc S lumcn, unb cb blieb ibmnicbtb fibrig ulb

bub lultc, politibc (brub. blul bcn Spoll bon S clbcbcrc unb

uul bub (Sbriltcntumbuttc cr cinc lpcgicllc Stulicc. ©cgen

lebtcrcb lcbricb cr logur cine S rolcbfirc, morin cr bellenllnbcrnfinltiglcit unb llnbultburlcit bcmicb. Ger but fibers

buupt cine gungc Stenge S ficbcr gclcbricbcn, loorin immer bieS crnunlt bon ibrcr eigenen S ortrclllicbleit renommiert, unbloobci cb bcr urmc S oltor gcroib crnltbult genugmeinte unbullo in biclcr b inlicbt ullc blcbtung bcrbicntc. Surin ubcr

bcltunb jueben bcr buuptlpub, bub er cin lo crnltbult nfir=

rilcbcb S clicbt lcbnitt, mcnn er bubicnigc nicbt begreifenfounte.mub icbeb Q inb begreift, ebenmcil cb cin Q inb ilt.

fillb icb ibn cinlt bclucbcn loolltc, lugtcmir lein S cbicntcrS cr b err S oltor ill eben gcltorbcn. Scb lfibltc niebl oicl

mcbr bubci, ulb locnn cr gelugt bfittc: S cr b err S oltor illuubgcgogcn.

38 S ic burgt e il

S ocb gurucl nucb (boblur . Sub bbcbltc Sringinilt bie

S ernunlt lugtc icb belcbroicbtigcnb gumir lelblt, ulb icb iubS ctt lticg. Snbcllcn, cb bull niebl . Scbbuttc eben in Sums

bugcn bon (bulcb ,,S cutlcbc Cirrgfiblungen,“ bie icb bon Q luub

5 tbalmitgenommen buttc, jcnc cntlcblicbc S clcbicbtc gclclcn,mic ber ©obn, ben lcin eigener Suter crmorben roolltc, in

ber 91t non bem65ciltc leiner toten S tuttcr gelournt loirb.

S ic lounbcrburc Surltcllung bieler (Siclcbicbtc betoirltc, bubmirb rofibrcnb beb E elcnb cin inncrcb 6i taucu burcblrbltclte.

blurb erregen S clpcnltcrcrgfiblungcn ein norb lcbuucrlicbcrcb

(Siclfibl, roennmun lic uul ber Slicilc lielt, unb gumul bebSucbtb , in einer ©tubt, in einembuulc, in einemSimmer,toomun norb nic gcroclcn. fibic b icl (Sirfiblicbeb mug litblcbon gugctrugcn bubcn uul bielemSlcdc, loo bueben licglt?lo bcnltmun unloilllfirlicb. fiberbicb lebien lcbr ber Stonb

lo glocibcutig inb 8immcr bercin, un bcr fibunb bclocgtcn

licb allerlei unberufene g ebultcn, unb ulb icbmirb imS ettuulricbtctc, umbingulcbcn, crblicltc icb(5b giebt nicbtb llnbcimlicbercb , ulb rocnnmun bei S tonb

20 lcbein bub eigene (beliebt gulfillig im6 picgcl liebt. Sn

bcmlclbcn QIugcnbliclc leblug cine lcblocrlfillige, gfibncnbc

S loclc, unb gib ar lo lung unb lunglum, bub icb nucb bemgloblltcn S loclcnlcbluge licbcr glaubte , cb lcicn untcrbcllcn

bollc gmbll 6 t1mbcn bcrllollen, unb cb mfibtc roicber oon

25 born unlungcn, gtobll gu lcblugcn. Broilcbcn bemborlebtcnunb lcbten (bloclcnlcblugc leblug norb cine anbet e llbr , lcbrrulcb, falt lcilcnb gcll, unb bicllcicbt firgcrlicb fibcr bic Bung:

lumlcit ibrcr Sruu (Sicbuttcrin. bllb bcibc cilcrnc gungen

lcbtoicgcn, unb ticlccS obcbltillc imgungen buule bcrrlcbtc,

S ic burgr cilc

tour cb mir plbblirb, ulb bbrtc icb uul bemQ orribor , oorme inem8immcr, etwab lcblottcrn unb lcbluppcn, wie berunlicbcrc Sung cincb ultcn S ic

'mncb . (Enblicb b’

llnctc liebmeine S bfir, unb lunglumtrut bercin bcr bcrltorbcnc S oltor6 uul fillcbcr . («Sin lultcb Sicbcr riclcltcmir burcb SlRurl unb 5

S cin, icb gittertc wie (blpcnluub, unb luumwagte icb bub(Si clpcnlt ungulcbcn. (Sir lubuub wie lonlt, bcrlclbc trunlccn=

bentulgruuc E cibrocl, biclclbcn ubltrultcn S eine unb bublclbemutbemutilcbc (Selicbt ; nur tour bicleb etloub gclblicbcr ulb

lonlt, aneb ber Stunb, ber lonlt gmci QBinlcl bon 225 (brubbilbctc, tour gulummcngclnillcn, unb bie blugcnlreilc buttcneinen grbbcrn SRubiub. S cbrounlcnb unb roic lonlt lieb uullein lpunilcbcb S bbrcbcn ltfibcnb, nfibcrtc er liebmir , unb inlcincmgcmbbnlicbcnmunbluulcnS iulclte lprucb cr lrcunblicb:,,Sfircbtcn€ic lieb niebl, unb glauben S ic nicbt, bub icb cin 15

(Siclpcnlt lei. (Sb ilt S fiulcbung Sbrcr Sbuntulic,mennS icmicb ulb S clpenlt guleben glauben. S lab ilt cin (Siclpcnlt?

(bebcu 6 icmir cine S clinition. S cbugicrcn (<5icmir bie

S cbingungcn ber Stbglicblcit cincb (Siclpcnltcb . Sn ioelcbcmbcrnfinltigcn 8ulummcnbungc ltfinbe . cine lolcbc (brlcbcinung 20

mit ber S crnunlt S ic S crnunlt, icb luge bic S crnunltllnb nun lcbritt bub S clpcnlt gu einer Snulble bcr S cr=nunlt, citicrte Sluntb firitil ber reinen S crnunlt, “ 2. S eil,1 . blblcbnitt, 2. Sucb, 3. buuptltficl, bie llntcrlcbcibung bon

Sbfinomcnuunb S oumena , lonltruicrtc ulbbunn ben problcs 25mutilcbcn (Sjclpcnltcrgluuben, lcbtc einen 6 bllogibmub uul benunbcrn, unb lcblobmit bemlogilcbcnS cmcilc, bub cb burcbuublcinc (biclpcnltcr giebt. Emir untcrbellcn licl bcr lultc©cbtocibfiber ben S ficlcn,meine Bfibnc lluppcrtcn wie Qultugncttcn,

S ic burgrcilc

uub S eclcnanglt nicltc icb unbcbingtc Bulfimmung bei lcbcmSub, loomit ber lpulcnbc S oltor bie QIblurbitfit ullcr S clpcnsltcrlurcbt bcioicb , unb bcrlclbc bcmonltricrtc lo eifrig, bub creinmal in bcr 8crltrcuung, ltutt leiner golbcncn ll br , cine

5 bunbboll QBfirmcr uub ber llbrtulcbc gog unb, leinen Srrtumbemcrlcnb, mit pollicrlicb fingltlicbcr bultigleit loicbcr cin=

ltccltc. S ic S ernunlt ilt bub bbcbltc bu leblug bie

S loclc cinb , unb bub S clpcnlt bcrlcbtounb.

S on (Sioblur ging icb ben unbcrn Morgen locitcr , bulb

uul S crutcroobl, bulb in bcr blblicbt, ben S tuber beb filuubstbulcr S crgmunnb uulgulucbcn. ZlBicbcr lcbbncb , licbcb S onn

tugblocttcr . SCI) belticg bfigcl unb S erge, betrucbtctc, micbie S onne ben S cbel gubcrlcbcucbcn lucbtc, lounbcrte lreubigburcb bic lcbuucrnbcnfibfilbcr , unbummeintrfiumcnbcb buuptllingcltenbie (Sloclcnblfimcbcn bon S oblur . Sn ibren lociben

illucbtmfinteln ltunbcn bie S erge, bie Sunncn rfittcltcn licbbenS cblul aub ben (Slicbcrn, bcr lrilcbc Slorgcnloinb lrilicrtc

ibnen bie bcrubbfingcnbcn, grfincnbuurc, bie S bglcin bicltcn

S ctltunbc, bub S3iclcntbul blibtc roic cine biumuntcnbclfictc20 S olbbcclc, unb ber b irt lcbritt burfiber binmit leiner lfiutcnben b erbe. Scbmocbtcmirb loobl cigentlicb bcrirrt bubcn.

S tun lcblfigt immer S eitcnrocgcunb Subltcigc cin, unb glaubtbuburcb nfibcr gum8iclc gugelungcn. QBic imScbcn fibers

buupt, gcbt’b unb uucbuul bembarge. S ber cb giebt immer

25 gute S eelen, bic unb wieber uul ben recbtcn S3eg bringen;lie tbun cb gern, unb linbcn norb obenbrein cin belonbcrcb

S ergnfigcn burun, locnn lie unb mit lclbltgclfilligcr S liencunb looblroollcnb lauter S timme bcbcuten, loclcbc grobe

llmtocgemir gcmucbt, in roelcbe blbgrfinbc unb S fimplcmir

S ic burgt e i l e

QBiclenblfimcbcn tungtcn, unb ber bluuc bimmel umarmte biegrfinc Grbe. Su, icb loeib eb bcllcr : (Siott but ben Stcnlcbcncrlcbullcn, bumit cr bie bcrrlicbleit ber QBelt bcrounberc.

Seber blutor , unb lei cr nocb lo grob, lofinlcbt, bub lcinS erf

5 gelobt rocrbc. llnb in ber S ibel, ben Slcmoircn S ottcb,

ltcbt uubbrficllicb, bub er bie Slcnlcbcn crlcbullcn gu leinenSRubmunb Srcib .

Sucb einemlungcn b ins unb bcriounbern gelangte icb guber Elbobnung beb S rubcrb mcincb Sl luubtbulcr Srcunbeb,fibcrnacbtctc ullbort, unb erlebte lolgcnbcb lcbbne S cbicbt

2luf bemS erge ltebt bie bfitte,£ 80 ber ulte S crgmunnmobnt ;S ortcn ruul1bt bie grfine St anne,llnb crglfingt ber golbne Stouh.

Sn ber bfitte ltebt ein Bebnltubl,Slcicb gelcbnibt unbmunbcrlicb,S er baruuf list, bcr tft glfidlicb,llnb ber ©lfidli1bc bin id) !

2q bemS cbemel libt bie Rleinc,S tfibt ben blrmuulmcincn S cbob ;Sugleinmic gmei bluuc S terne,SRfinblein wie bie Surpurrol


nnb bie lieben, blauen S terne

S cbuunmicb an lo bimmelgrob,nnb lie legt ben Bilicnlinger

S cbullbult uul bie Surpurrol’.

Stein, eb licbt unb nicbt bie fl utter,S enn lie lpinntmit grobem

50 S ic fia rgr cifc

blanfcn Qubiein fprangcn umnué bcrumunb flinctcnftbclmifd)mit ibren (Sibcfcbcn, unb Iacbtcn uné anmit ibrengroBcn, bcrgniigtcn QIugcn. S ir tafcItcn rccbt fbnigiid);fiberbaupt icbicnmirmein S irt ein ccbtcr a ig, unbmciIcr

5 bié jcgt bcr cingigc a ig ift, bcrmir SBrot gegeben bat, inwill icb ibn and) fbniglid) bcfingen.

Rbnig ift ber b irtcntnabc,(Sirttncr bfigel it


t fein S bron,fiber {einemb aupt bie E onncSit bie fcbmerc, golbne Rron’.

Sbman gumIiegen E Q afe,S eicbe Emmeidflcr , rotbctrcuatRaoa liere finb bie flatber ,linb fiemanbeln {tots gefpreiat.

boflcbauipieler finb bie d lein ;

unb bie S bgcl unb bic Rttb’,

S it ben 31mm,mit ben G lbdlein,6 inb bic Rammcrmufici .

nnb bass Hingt unb fingt fo licbtiQ ,nnb fo [ieblicb raufcben brein

S aficrfall unbcL‘

annenbiiume,linb ber Rbnig fcblummert ein.

unterbefienmufi regieren

S er S iniftcr , icner bunb,S efien fnurr igeé ©ebellc

S ibcrballet in bcr Sinub’

S cblfifrig [ant ber iunge fibnig

,,S aBmegiercn ift fo icbmer ,91d), id)moIIt’, bat; icb aubaufc6 cbon bei meiner Rbn’ginmar’!

S ic g a rar cifc 5

,,Sn ben QIrmenmeiner Rbn’ginStubtmein Rbnigébaupt {omeid),nnb in ibren lieben QIugen

Biegtmein unermcfilid) Reid; 1”

S ir nahmen frennbfcbaftlid) QIbfcbieb, unb frb icf) fticg 5

id) ben S erg hinauf. S alb empfing mid) cine S aIbung

himmelhoher S anncn, fiir bic id) in jeber g inficbt Sicfpcftbabe . S iefenS iiumen ift niimlid) bag S adjennicht in gangIeicht gemacht worben, unb fie baben cg fid) in ber Sugcnb

faner werben Iafien. S er S erg ift bier mit bielcn grofienGiranitblbden fibcrfiict, unb bicmciftcn S fiumcmufitcnmitihren S uracIn bicfc ©teine umranfcn ober fprcngen, unbmiibfamben S oben fucbcn, moraué fie S abrang icbbpfcnfbnncn. fiicr unb ba Iiegcn bic 6 tcinc, gIcidJiamcinmibilbenb, iiberei-nanber, unb oben barauf itchen bic SBiiumc, 15bie nadten S urgeln fiber jcnc ©teinpfortc bingicbenb, unbcrft amgufie berfelben ben S oben crfaficnb, fo bag fie inber freien Suit anmacbfcn icbeinen. unb bod) babcn fie fid)jener gewaltigen gage cnmorgefmmungcn, unb, mit ben

umflammcrtcn ©reinenmic gufammcngemacbfen, itchen fie 20fcfter abs ibre bequemen SioIIcgen imgahmen C

{sorftboben beé

flacben Sanbefi. 6 0 itchen aucf) imSeben jcnc groficnS immer , bie bard) bag flbcrminbcn frfiber g emmungcnunb fiinbcrnifi


e ficf) crft rccbt geitiirft unb bcfcftigt bubcn.

92q ben Smeigen ber S anncn Hettcrtcn Cficbbbrncben, unb 25

untcr benfclben fpagicrten bie gciben g irfcbc. S cnn icbfold) cin Iiebeé , ebleé S ier fcbe, in farmicb nicbt begreifen,mic gcbiIbctc Beute S crgniigcn baran finbcn, cg 511 bcgen

unb 311 tbten. g old) cincS ier mar barmbcrgigcr abs bie

S ie gurgr cife

S cnfcbcn, unb fiingte ben fcbmacbtenben g cbmergcnreicb bcrbciligcn S enobcba .

QIIIerIicbft fcboffen bic golbcncn 6 onnenlicbter burcb bus?

bicbtc. Sunnengri’

tn. (Sfinc natiirIicbc S rcppc bilbctcn bie

5 S anmmurgein. fiberaII fct)mcIIcnbc Stooébiinfe benn bie6 teine finb fufibocb bon ben fcbbnftcn Smooé arten,micmitbcIIgriincn6 0mmctpoIftern, bemucbfen. Sl icblicbe Stubic unb

triiumerifcbeé S ncIIcngcmurmcI. {aier unb bu ficht mun,mic bus S uffer untcr ben©teinen fiIbcrbcII binriefett unbbie nactten Suummurgcln' unb gafcrn befpiiIt. S cnnmanficf)nad)bicfcmS rcibcn hinabbeugt, fo belaufcbtmangIcicbfambie geheime S ilbnngégcfdyicbtc ber ‘E flanacn unb bass ruhigegerafiopfen be?» S ergeé . QInmanebcn D rten fprubcIt bugS uffer anB ben Gtcinen unb S urgcin ftiirtcr hervor unb

15 bilbct {lcinc Qué tabcn. S a [ufit ficf) gut figcn. mursmelt unb ranfcbt fomunbcrbar , bie S bgcl fingen abgcbrocbenc

g cbnfncbté tuute, bie S finmc fIiifternmicmit taufcnb S fibcbcn

gungen,micmit taufcnb S dbmcnangen frbauen unB an bie

fcItfamen S ergbhnnen, fie ftrccfen nud) uné aué biemunber:20 fumbreiten, broIIig gegacften SBRittcr, fpietenb fIimmcrn binunb bcr bie q tigcn g onnenftrablen, bie finnigcn Q riiutlcin

crafiblcn ficb griine S archen, es? ift aIIeé mic bcraaubert, 03toirb immer bcimIicbcr unb beimIicbcr, cin uralter S t aummirb c cnbig, bic (Sielicbte crfct)cint act), baf; fie fo fcbncII

25 wieber bcrfcbminbct !3c bbbermun ben S erg binauffteigt, bcfto turgcr , 5mcrg

buftcr werbenbic S annen, fie febeincn immermcbr unbmcbrgufammengufmrunmfen, bie nnr S§eibclbccr= unb Siotbccrs

ftriincbe nnb S ergfriiutcr fibrig bleiben. S amirb es? and)

S ic Qurgr e ifc

fcbonfubIbar falter . S icmunberlicbcn (bruppenber (Srunit:bIbcfemerbenbier erft recbt ficbtbar ; bicfe finb oft Doncrftaun=Iitber (Sirbfac. S acmbgenmobI bie g picibiille fein, bie ficbbie bbfcn ©cifter einunbcr anwerfen in ber S alpnrgifinacbt,menubier bie {men auf S efenfticiennnb S iftgabcin einber= 5

geritten tommen, unb bie abcntcuerIicb berrucbtc a t beginnt,mic bie glaubbaftc 21mmc eé crafibit, unbmic 03 an fcbauenift auf ben biibfcben gauftbiibcrn beg Evieifter Siegfcb. 3a ,

cin jungcr S icbtcr , bcr anf einer Steife non S erIin naeb (55m:tingen in ber crftcn S tainacbt umS ructcn borbciritt, bemerttefogar,mic cinigc bcIIctriftifcbe S amcn anf einer S ergette ibrefiftbetifcbe SbccgefeIIfcbaft bicltcn, ficb gcmiitlicb bie ,,l enbs

geitung“borIafen, ibre poetifcbcn8 icgcnbbcfcben, biemccfernb

benSbcetifcbumbiipftcn, abs llniocrfulgcnicé briefen, unb tiberaIIc (Er fcbeinnngen inbcr bcutfcbenBittcrutur ibr a urtcitfiiIIs

ten; borbaIé fie and)aufben iiiutdiff unb ,,QIImunfor“ gerietennnbbemS erfaffer aIIcgrbmmigfeitunb Qbriftlicbteitabfprucbcn,buftriiubte ficb bué @aar bcé jungenSUianneé , (Erntfcbcn ergriffibn icb gab bemSBferbe bie 6 porcnunb jagte boriiber.

(S n ber Sbat,mcnnman bie obcre infifte beB S rodcné 20

befteigt, tannman ficb nicbt ermbren, an bie ergbbficbcn

Slodé berggefmicbtcn an bentcn, unb befonbcré an bie grobe,mbftifcbc, bcutfcbe SRationaItragbbic bomS ottor $auft. Stir

tour immer, 0153 ob bcr sltfcrbefnf; nebenmir binanftIettere,unb jemanb bumoriftifcb Qltemfcbbpfe . Ilnb icb gIaube, aneb 25

S cpbiftomuf;mit S iiibe QItemboIcn,mcnn er feinen BicbsIingssberg erfteigt ; cé ift einunberft erfcbbpfenber c , unb

icbmar frob, ale icb ca icb bus Iangcrfebnte S rocfenbaufi an

(Sicficbt betam.

54 S ic gurgr e ife

S iefeé £30103, buss,mic burcb bieIfacbc bibbilbungcn betanntift, blob ané einemsJSurtcrrc bcftebt unb auf ber g pibe beg

S ergcé Iiegt, marbe erft 1800 bom(Si rafen g tolbergsS ers

nigerobc crbuut, fiir bcffcn Siccbnung 06 aucb abs S irtébaufi

5 bermuItctmirb. S ic S auern finb erftuunIicb bicb,megen befiS inbeé unb bcr Quite imS inter ; hué Sucb ift nicbrig, inber S ittc bcéfeibcn ftebt cine turmartige S arte, unb bei bemé anfe Iiegennocb 3mci {lcincmcbcngebiiubc,mobon bass cine

infriibern8citcn benS rocfcnbefucberngumD bbacb biente.S er Sintritt in bus S roctenbaué erregte bei mir cine

ctmaé ungembbnlicbe, mfircbcnbafte Smpfinbung. Evian ift

nucb einemIangen, einfamenHmbcrftcigen burcb S annen nnbfilippcn p i cb in ein S oitenbauss berfcbt ; ©tfibte, S ergeunb S iiIbcr i cben untcn Iiegen, unb oben finbetman cine

15munbcrIicb gufammcngcfegtc, frcmbc (SicfcIIfcbaft, Donmcc er

mun,mic cé an bergIcicbcn D rten natiirIicb ift, faftmic cin

ermatteter (Si enoffe, buIb neugierig unb bulb gIcicbgiiItig,empfangenmirb. $s faub buB gang boIIer (Sinfte, unb

mic eé einemtIugcn E’Jiannc gcgiemt, bacbte icb fcbon an bie

20 Starbt, an bie llnbcbai cbfeit eincé 6 trobiagcr3 ; mit binsftcrbcnbcr g timme berIungtc icb gleicb S bcc, unb ber g enS rocfenmirtmar berniinftig genug eingufeben, bub icb franteriDicnfcb fiir bie Starbt ein orbcntIicbcé S ett bubcnmiiffe.S icfeé bcrfcbaffte er mir in einemengen Bimmercben, mo

25 fcbon ein junger Stanfmunn, ein Iangcss S rccbpulbcr in einembruunen D berrocf, ficb ctui crt buttc.

Sn ber S irtssftnbc fanb icbmter Sl ebcn unb S emegung.

©tubentcn Don berfcbiebenen llniocrfitiiten. S ic einen finhburg borber angefommcnunb rcftauriercnficb, anbere bereiten

S ic gurar e ife

ficb gum2lbmarfcb, fcbniircn ibre Sungen, fcbreibenibre SliamcniuBS cbiicbtnié bucb, erbaItenS rocfenftriinfse bonben{mufimubseben ; bumirb in bie S angen gcfniffcn, gcfungcn, gcfprungcn,gejoblt,manfragt,manantmortet, gut S etter , $ufimcg, SBrofit,2lbieu. GEinige ber blbgebcnben finb uucb ctmaé angefoffcn, 5

unb bicfe bubcn Don ber fcbbncn bluéficbt einen babbeltenS cnufi, bu cin S etruntencr alle?» boppclt ficbt.Si acbbemicbmid) giemlicb rcfreirt, bcftieg icb bie S armmarte,unb fanb bufclbft einen tleinenfierrnmit 5mci S amcn,einer jungen nnb einer filtlicbcn. S ic jungc S amemar febrfcbbn. (fine berrlicbc (Si eftalt, auf bemloctigcn { nabte einbelmartiger , fcbmarger bltlaébut,mit bcffcnmeifien$ebern bieS inbcfpieltcn, bie fcblunfcn(Si liebcr bon einemfcbmargfeibcncnMantel fo feft umfcbloffcn, bafa bie cblcn gormcn berbor=traten, unb bug freie, grofge 2lugc rubig binabfcbaucnb in bic

freie , grofie S clt.

S B icb nocb ein Qnabcmar , bucbtc icb an nicbté alas an

8aubcr= nnb S nnbcrgcfcbicbten, unb jebe fcbbnc S ame, bieS traufsfebern auf bemStopfe trug, biclt icb flir cine (i lfcns

lbnigin. gattc icb mit jenen Sinabcnaugcn bie ermfibntc 20jungc S cbbne in ermabntcr S tellung uufbemS rocfcn gcfcben,fomiirbe icb fieber gcbacbt babenz Sufi ift bie {gee beé S ergeé ,unb fie but eben ben 8auber uufigcfprocben,moburcb bortuntcn allefi fomunberbar crfcbcint. Su, in bobcm(«Brubemunberbar crfcbeint 10153 ullcé beimcrftcn {ginabfcbauen Dom25

S rocfcn, alle g citenunfcrcé S cifteé empfangenneue (Sinbrticfc,unb bicfe,meiftcné berfcbicbenartig, fogar finbmiberfprecbcnb,bcrbinbcn ficb inunfcrcr 6 ccle an einemgroben, norb uncntmorrencn, nnberftunbenen (Sicfiibl. S elingt eé unb , biefefi

S ic {Ja rgr cife

(Siefiibl in feinemS egriffe gu erfaffcn, fo crlcnncnmir benGbaralter beé S ergeé . S icfer (Ebaralter ift gang, bcutfcb,

fomobl in binficbt feiner gebler, alé aucl) feiner S orgiige.

S cr S roctcn ift ein S eutfcber. S it beutfcbcr («brunblicbtcit

5 geigt er unb , tlar unb bcutlicb,mic cin S icfcupanorama , biebiclcn bunbcrt S tubte, S tiibtcben unb S brfer, bie mciftcnfinbrblicb liegen, unb ringéumalle S erge, S albcr , gliiffc,

glficbcn, unenblicbmeit. fiber eben buburcb erfcbcint allefi

mic cine fcburfgcgcicbnete, rein illuminierte S pegialtartc, nirsgcnbé mirb bass Suge burcb eigentlicb fcbbnc Banbfcbaften

erfreut ;mic esS bcnn immer gcfcbicbt, bubmir beutfcbcnSbomspilatorenmegen ber cbrlicbcn (Sicnauigfcit, momitmir ullcéunb aIIcQ bingcbenmollen, nie burun bcnlen tbnncu, bu?»(E ingclnc aufcine fcbbnc S eifc gugeben. S er S erg but aucbfo ctmaé S eutfcbrubigcé , S crftiinbigeé , S oleruntcfi ; ebenmeiler bie S inge fomeit unb blur iibcrfcbauen lunn. llnbmennfolcb ein S erg feine S iefcnaugcn bffnet, mag ermobl norbetmaBmcbr feben, ulbmir 8mergc, biemirmit unfern blbbcnfiuglein auf ibmbcrumtlcttcrn. S ielcmollen5mar bcbaup

20 ten, ber S rocfen fei febr pbiliftrbfe, unb (Slaubiué fang : ,,S cr

S locbébcrg ift ber lunge ©err Sbilifter S ber bass ift Srrturn. Surcb feinen Rubltopf, ben cr gumeilenmit einermcibcnS ebcllappcbebecft, giebt er ficb5mm:einenbluftricb bonSbiliftrbfitiit; uber,micbeimancbcn anberngrobenS cutfcben,

25 gefcbicbt cc due purer S'

sronic. (SB ift fogar notorifcb, bubber S rocfcn feine burfcbifofcn, pbantaftifcbcng eitenbut, 5. S .

bie crftc S ainacbt. S annmirft er feine S cbclfappe jubelnbin bie Q iifte unbmirb, ebenfo gutmicmir iibrigcn, rccbt

ecbtbeutfcb romantifcb berriicft.

58 S ic {gurgrcife

(53mar cine bunne,merlmurbigc $igur . (SfinRbpfcbcn, fpars

fumbebccltmit gruucn {gfircbcmbie fiber bie turae ©tirubiean bie griinlicben Sl ibcllenaugcn rcicbtcn, bie runbe S afemeitbcrbortrctenb, bagegcn S nub unb fiinn ficbmieber iingftlicb

5 narb ben D brcn guriicfgiebenb. S icfeé (beficbtcben fcbien uub

einemgartcn, gclblicbcn S bonc an bcftcbcn,morauB bie S ilbsbauer ibre erften S obclle tnetcn; unbmenn bie fcbmalenSippen gufammcntniffen, gogcn ficb fiber bie S ungen cinigc

taufcnb bulbtreifiartigc, feine<

{fiiltcbcn S er llciuc S ann

fprucb fein S ort, unb nur bunn unbmann,menubie filtercS ame ibmetmaé grcunblicbcé gufliiftcrtc, liicbclte ermic einS opé, ber ben S cbnupfcn but.Sene filtcrc S amemar bie Stutter ber lungeren, unb aucb

fie befub bie bornebmften <

{formen Sbr bluge berriet einen15 tranlbaft fcbmfirmerifcbenS icffinn, umibrenS unb lug ftrengc8rbmmigteit, borb fcbicnmir’é , alQ ob er einft febr fcbbn

gemcfen fei unb bicl gclucbt unb biclc Riiffe empfangenunb b iclc crmibert babe. Sbr (bcficbt gliel) einemCodexpalimps e s tus ,mo unter bcr neufcbmargenS ibncbéfcbrift cincb

20 Sbircbcnbutcrtegtcé bie bulbcrlofcbenenS erfe cincBaltgriccbifcbcnBicbcfibicbtcré bcrborlaufcbcn. S cibcS umenmarenmit ibremc lcitcr biefess S

sabr in Stalien gemcfen, unb crafibltenmirallerlei S cbbneé DomS our, glorena unb S cucbig. S ic

<illiuttcr ergfibltc b icl Don ben S apbaelfcbcn S ilbern in ber25 Scteré fircbc ; bie S ocbter fpracb mcbr Don ber D pcr im




fcnicc. S eibcmaren entgiicft Don ber Qunft bcr

Stumrob ifatoren. Slifirnbcrg mar ber Sumen S atcrftubt ;bocb Don bcffcn altertfimlirben ®crrlicbfeitenmubten fiemirmenig an fagcn. S ic bolbfcligc Runft bcfi S eiftcrgefangé ,

S ic gurgrcifc

mobon unb ber gute S ageufcil bie lebten filiinge erbaIten,ift erlofcbcn, unb bie S iirgcrinncn Sliiirnbergé erbauen ficbanmelfcbcm6 tegreifunfinn. D 6 antt S cbalbué ,mac biftbujcbt fiir ein armer Satron !S ermeilenmir fbracben, begann eé gubummern ; bic Buft 5

murbc nocb falter , bie S onnc neigte ficb tiefer , unb bie Surmsplatte fiiIItcficbmit S tubenten, bunbmerté burfcbenunb einigencbrfamen S iirgeré lcutcn, famt beren (Sbcfrauenunb S bcbtern,bie aIIe ben S onnenuntcrgang febcnmollten. (6513 ift ciu

erbabener QInblicf, ber bie S cele gumS ebet ftimmt. S obl

cine S icrtclftunbe ftunbcn a lle ernftbaft fcbmcigenb unb fuben,mic ber fcbbnc {feuerball int S eften ullnn’iblicb bcrfant ; bie(Sieficbtermurben DomE’Ibenbrot angeftrablt, bie fi nbe fal=

teten ficb unmiIItiirlicb ; eé mar , alé ftfinbcnmir, cine ftiIIc©cmcinbe, imS cbiffc cincb ERiefenbomQ , unb ber Srieftcrerbbbe fegt ben Seib bcb ©crrn, unb bon ber D rgel berabergbffc ficb Saleftrinué emiger (iboral.S iibrenb icb fo in Snbacbt berfunlcn ftcbc, bbrc icb, bub

nebenmir jemanb ausSruft : S ic ift bie Sliatur borb imall:

gemeinen fo fcbbn S iefe S orte tamenuub ber gcfiiblbollcn 20

S tuftmeineé 8inimergcnoffen, bcb jungen Quufmannss. 3d)

gelangte buburcbmieber anmeiner S crfeltagéftimmung,marfegt imftanbe, ben Sumen iibcr ben S onncnuntergang rccbt

biel QIrtigcé gufagenunb fie rubig, ulbmdre nicbté paffiert,nacb ibrem8immer an fiibren. S ic erlaubtenmir aucb, fie 25

norb cine S tunbe auunterbultcn. S ic bie Ci rbe fclbft, brcbte

ficbunfre llntcrbaltung umbie S onnc. S ic S utter iiubcrte,bie in S cbcl berfintenbe S onnc babe aué gefcbcnmic cine rot;gliibenbc biofe, bie ber galante b immcl berabgcmorfen in ben

60 S ic burgr cife

meitaussgebreitctcn,mcibcn S ruutfcbleier feiner geliebten (brbe .

S ic S ocbtcr liicbelte unbmeintc, ber bftcre blublict folcbcrStaturerfcbeinungcn fcbmiicbc ibren (Sinbrucf. S ic S utterbericbtigte bicfe falfcbcSteinung burcb cine S tellcuub (Sioetbeé

5 S cifebricfen, unb frugmicb, ob icb ben S crtber gelefcn Scb

glaube, mir fpracbcn aucb bon Sngoratabcn, ctrué fifcbcn

S afen, ttirtifcbcn ©bamlb , <illiaccaroni unb Borb S bron, aue’;bcffcn (Sebicbtcn bie filtere S ame cinigc g onnenuntcrgangbsftcllcu, recbt biibfcb liépelnb unb fcufgenb, recitierte . S er

jtingeruS ame , bie lcin (Singlifcb bcrftanb unb jcnc S cbicbtetennen lernenmolltc, empfubl icb bie fiberfcbungenmeinerfcbbncn, gciftreicben Bunbémiinnin, ber S aronin (Slife boubobcnbaufen; beimclcber («Belcgcnbcit icb nicbt ermangelte ,mic icb gegen junge Sumen an tbun pflege , tiber S bronis(«Bottlofigleib Bicblofiglcit, S roftlofigfeit unb ber {gimmelmcibmac nocbmcbr , gu eifern.

Sliacb bicfcm(85cfcbaftc ging icb nocb uuf bemS ro’clcnfpagicren; bcnn gang buntelmirb eé bort nie . S cr S cbel

mar nicbt ftart, unb icb betracbtetc bie llmriffc ber bcibcn20 $tigel, bieman ben gycgcnaltar unb bie S cufclé tangcl nennt.$d fcbobmeine Siftolcn ab, borb cg gab tciu (bcbo. S lbtgflitb aber bbre icb bcfanntc S timmcn, unb fiiblcmicb umarmtunb getiibt. (636marenmeine Sunbé leute, bic (Sibttingen bierS age fpiitcr bcrlaffen batten unb bebcutcnb erftauntmaren,

25mid) gang allein auf bemS locfébergemieber gufinbcn. S a

gab cé cin (Er gablen unb S crmunbcrn unb S crabrcben, einBarben unb (Sfrinncrn, unb im(Seiftemarenmirmieber inunfcrcmgclebrtcn©ibiricu,mo bic Sbultur fo grob ift, bub bieS iiren in benS irtébiiufern angebunbcumerben.

S ic {aa rarcifc

S‘xn grofien 8irnmcrmurbc cine QIbcnbmablaeit gehalten.

Gin [anger S ift!)mit 3mcimcibcn hungriger 6mbenten. 3mQInfange gembbniicbess liniberfitiité gefpracf): S ncIIe, S neIIeunb wieber SucIIc. S ic ©efeflfcbaft Bcftanb mciftenB anB

gafienfcrn, unb ©c murbc babcr {oanptgegcnftanb bet

llntcrbaltnng. S icgenftcrfcbeibenbegs games 6 ammurbenegegetifd) belencbtct. {gernach farnen bie amei Gibinefen anfé

S apet, bie fie!)nor amei Sahren in S erlin ichenIie’éenunb 1tin .@aIIe an

‘Br ibatbogenten bet chinefifcbcnfiftbctif abgcricffiet

werben. Shinmurben i BiQe gerificn. Stan fegte benStall,ein S eutfcber Iiefic ficf) in Ghina fiir (55e ichen, unb an bicfem8mccfcmurbc ein QInfcbIagaetteI gefcfpnicbet,morin bie EmansbarinenS icbingfi fcbangfi fcbnng nnb g izgaago begutachteten,baficf: cin echter S entfdmfei,morin ferne’r feine a ftftficfe

aufgerechnet murben, bie banptfficblid) in SbiIofopbieren,S abahanmenunb fi cbnlb Beftanbcn, unbmorin nod) fcffliefis(id) beni erftmurbc, bafiman umat1)b libr , mec esS bie

{ffittcrungéftnnbc fei, feine ©unbe mitbringen biirfe, inbcmbicfe bent armen S entfcben bie Beftcn {BradenmeggnfdJnappcnpflegten.

(Sin jungcr SBurfdnnfcbafter , ber turgid) gut 2Bnrififation

in éBerIin gemcfen, fprad) bieI non bicfet g tabt, abet febrcinfeitig. (Sir batte QBifogfi unb baé S beatcr bcfnt Bcibc

beurteilte er faIfcI). ©cI)ncII fertig ift bie Ssngcnbmit bemQBort“ n: f. in. St fprad) non Gjarberobcanfmanb, 6 cban=fpiciers nnb g cbanfpieierinnenffanbai n. f. in. S et jungc

Wienfd)mnfite nicht, bafi, ba in S erIin fiberbaupt bet g ebeinbet S inge antmciften gilt,maé {cbcn bie aIIgetneine Sicbené f

art ,,man in buhn“

binIiini cf) anbentet, bicfefi g cbeinmefcn

62 S ic fia rar cife

auf ben S rcttetn erft t etbt floriet cnmug, nnb bafibabet bieSntcnbanz, ant meiftcn an forgen bat ffir bie "game be?iBat tB, womit eine SibIIe gefpieItmirb, “ fiir bie S t ene betfioftfimc, bie Don beeibigtcn$iftorifcrn borgcgeicbnet unb D an

5miffenfcbafflid) geBiIbetcn g cbncibern gena'bt werben. llnb

baé iii notmcnbig. S enn triige maI SJtaria 6mmcine

Gdfiirae, bie ichon aunt 8citaIter bet Sibnigin QInna gebbrt,fomiirbe gemif; bet {Banner (Sbriftian Sumpcl fie!)mit Siechtbc agen, bafi ibmbaburd) aIIe fiflnfion berIoren gcbc ; unbbattemaI Barb S nricigl) ané S erfebcn bie {gb ien Don {k insrid) IV. angcaogen, inmiirbe gcmifi bie Siriegé riitin bon

©tein30pf, geb. E ilientban, bieien QInaQroniémwS ben gangenQIbenb nient anB ben QIngen Iaficn. é oidx tiinfcbenbe 6 0rg=

faIt bet ®cneralintenban3 crftrecft fid) abet nicht blog auf©d)iiraenunb fiofen, fonbcrn and) auf bie bat in bemicfeItcnSBcrfonen. g o {all fiinftig bcr D tbeIIo Don einemmirfIicbenWohren geipielt werben, ben SBrofeffor Bidfienftein {cbcn anbicfcmSBcbnfe aué QIft ifa berfcbrieben bat. gatte nunobenemabntcr jungermi enfd) bie S erbfiitnific bcé S erIincr

20 ©cbanfpielé feblecbt begriffen, inmerfte er nod) bieI weniger,bafi bie 6 pontinifcbe Sanifié arenopct , mit ihren Sfianfcn,(i lefantcn, S tompetcn nnb S amtamé , ein beroifcbcé SUiitteI

iii, inn nnicr cricblaffteé S e lf friegcrifd) an ftiirfen, cin

SDZit t , baé ichon SIBIato unb (Siccro itaatépfiffig empfohlen25 babcn. 21maIIermenigitenBegriff bet junge 932enfcf) bie bipIOsmatifcbe S ebentung beg SBaIIcttsS. Skit SUtiibe geigte id) ibm,mic in {oogueté gfificnmcbr SBi tif figt aiB in Suchbolg

Siopf,mic aIIe feine S anatonren biplamatifcbc S erbanblnngenbcbcuten,mic jebe feiner {Bernegnngcn cine poiitifcbe S eaiebung

S ic fia rar cifc

babe , in 5. 8 , bafi er nnfer fiabincttmeint,menn er , febus

iiidfiig borgcbengt,mit benabanbcnmcit ané grcift ; bafier benSBnnc tagmeint,menn cr fid) bunbcrtmal anf einem{gnfiebcrnmbrcbt, obnc Dom{ fled an fongmcn; bafi cr bie Heinen

{girdten im©inne bat,menn ermicmit gcbunbcncn S emen 5

bcrumtrippclt ; bafier baé curvpii ifcbe ©Icid)gcmid)t beacicbnct,menn er mic cin St runfcncr bin nnb bcr fdJmanft ; bat; creinen fiongrcfianbentet,menn cr bie gebogenen e me infinclsartig incinanbcr berfdfiingt ; unb emici), baf; er unfern aIIau

groficn 3rcnnb imt en barfteIIt, menn er in alImii i cber

(Sntfaltung {id} in bie fibbc bcbt, in biefcr g t Inng Iangc

rubt unb plflglid) in bie erfdJrc icfjftcn g prfingc aué bricbt.

S eminngcnSUIanne fielen bie g channennon ben QIngcn, unbjegt mcrftc er,marnmS anger heifer honoriert werben, aIégrofie S icbter , unbmarumba ss S aflctt BeimbipIomatifcbenQ orpé cin uncrfcbbpflidm(Sicgcnftanb beé ©cipriicbé ift.

SBcim911328 !mic grofi iii bie 8amber cgoterifcbcn, nnbmicflein bie 8abI ber cfotcrifcbcn S bcatcrbcfncbcr ! S a ftebt

baé bIbbc 2301! unb gafit unb bcmnnbcrt ©priinge unbQmnngcn, nnb ftnbicrt QInatomic in ben ®t Inngen ber 2a

Semicrc, nnb appIanbicrt bie (intrccbaté ber SRbbnifd), unb

frbmagt Don (55ra5ic nnb {garmonic nnb feinermerit, bafierin gctangtcn (Sbifirenbafi g cbicffat beg bcntfcbcn S atcrIanc

bor QIngcn bat.

2136mfoccrIei (5cfpracbe bin nnb ber r gcn, berIor 25

man bod) baé Sifii dJc nicht an?» ben QIngcn, unb ben groficné cbiifi


cln, biemit 31am), fiaitoficlnn. f.m. cbrlid) angefiiIIt

maren,murbc fIcifiig angcfprodnn. 3cbod) bass (WenmarfrbIccbt. S icfcé ermahnte id) Ieichthin gegenmeinen SRacIJBar,

S ic g a rgr cifc

bcr abermit einem91cccnte, tvoran id) beng rinnciaer erfannte,gar nnbbflid) antnwrtctc, bat; mir S cutfcbcn,micmit bermabrcn$reibcit, {0 and)mit bermabrcn (Sieniigfamfeit nnbc=fannt feien. 3d) ancftc. bie QId cIn nnb bemcrftc, bag bic

5 eigentIicbcn 3iirftenfnecbtc nnb Bccfcrframbcrfcrtiger fibcraII

6®mci5cr finb unb boraugémcifc {0 genannt werben, unbbat; fiberbanpt bie jcgigcn icbmcigcrifdJcn grcibcitébclbcn, biefo bicI SBolififcbsfifibncé insS ‘Bnbiifumbineinfcbmagcn, mirimmer borfommcnmic gafen, bie auf bficntIicbcn c

Isabrméirften SBiftoIen abicbicficn, aIIe Q inbcr unb éBancrn bnrcf) ihreQ iibnbcit in (fi ftanncn fegennnb bcnnod) {mienfinb.

S cr ©ohn ber QIIpcn battc cé gcmifi nient bbfc gemeint,,,cé mar cin bicfcr EDZann, foIi cI) cin gutcr Eviann,


(Serbanteé . fiber mein SRacbbar Don ber anbern 6 citc, cin

($rcifé lvalber, mar bard) jcne finficrnng febr pificrt ; er

Beteuerte, bat; bentfrbc I batfraft unb Ginfiiltigfcit nod) nichtcrIofcben fei, fdJIng fid) brbbncnb auf bie éBrnft, unb leerteeine nngcbcnrc @tange QBeifibicr. S cr 6®mei3cr fagreinn! nu!“ S od) je befcbmidjtigenber er bicfcé fagre, bcfto

20 eifriger ging ber (Si rcifémaibcr inf: ©efd)irr . (Err trng berab:

bangcnb Iangeé ©aar, ein rittcrIicc S arctt, einen icbmaracn,aItbentfcbcn Siotf, cin icbmngigeé $emb, bass angIeicI) bass l t

einer QBcftc berfai), unb barunter cin SUZcbaiIIonmit einem©aarbiifrbcl non

‘Bifirbcré g cbimmcl. (E r fab aué mic cin

25 SRarr in Sebcnfigrbfie. $6)marbemir gern cinigc S cmcgnngbeimQIbcnbefien, nnb Iicfimid) babcr non ibmin einenpatriostifcbcnfi tt eit bere cbtcn. Srmar ber EUieinnng, S cutfdflanbmfifie in 33 («Batten geteilt werben. 36) hingegen Behauptete,cs miifiten 48 fein,mcit man aIébann cin fpftcmatifcbcrcé

66 S ic fiba rarcifc

iff cine ranbe flbalac, bie Sc nfcbcn finb cinaelnc 6 tiftcbcn

baranf, fcbcinbar argloé gerftreut ; aber bie QBalac brcbt ficb,bic g tiftrbcn ftoficn bier nnb ba anunb tbnen, bie einen oft,bie anbern felten, bass giebt cine munbcrbarc, fompliaicrtc

5 SDInfil, unb bicfe bcifit flBcltgefcbicbtc. QBir fprccbcn a lfo crftDon ber SUtufil, bann non ber i’Bclt nnb enblicb non bcr

(Scfcbicbtc ; legret e aber teilenmir cin inSofitinunb fpanifcbc{fliegen linb 10 ging

’é weitermit ©innnnbunfinn.

Tan bicfcmbcrmorrcncn S rcibcn, mo bie S eller tanaen

unb bie (Slafcr fliegen lernten, fabcnmir gegcniibcr 3mciSfmglingc, frbbn nnb blabmicWarmorbilbcr , ber cinemcbrbeml onié , ber anbcrcmcbr bemS’lpollo abnlicb. fiaumbcmerfbarmar ber lcicbte Siofcnbaucb, ben ber QBcin iibcr ibrei Bangcn binmarf. ibi it nncnblicber Biebe fabcn fie {icbcinanber an, alé menn einer lcicn lbnntc in ben QIngcn bcéanbern, nnb in bicfen a gcn ftrabltc eé , alé maren cinigc

Slicbttropfcn bincingcfallcn auB jcncr g cbalc boll lobcrnbcr

Siebe, bie cin frommer (Sngcl bort oben non einem6 tcrngumanbern biniibcrtriigt. ©ie fpracben lcifcmit febnfumts

20 bcbcnber g timme, unb cg maren traurige (Sicfcbicbten, auébenen cinmnnbcrfcbmeralicbcr S on berborllang. ,,S ic Sore

iii jebt and) tot fagtc ber cine unb fenfgtc, nnb nacb einerSBaufe crgiibltc er bon einem®allcfcbcnSJIiibcbcn, bag in eineng rubcntcn berlicbtmar unb, abs bicfcr ©c bcrlicfg, mit

25 niemanb mcbr fpracb, nnb wenig ab, unb S ag unb Sliacbt

meintc, nnb immer ben Ranaricnbogcl betracbtcte , ben bcr(Siclicbte ibr cinit gefcbcnlt battc. ,,S cr 23omftarb, unbbalb baranfiii ancb bie Sore gcftorbcn fo frblofibie (brainy

lung, unb beihe Sfinglinge icbmicgcn wieber nnb fcnfatcn, abs

S ic $a r5r cifc

molltc ibnenbass fierg, acrfpringcn. a licb fpracb ber anbere

,,Sc inc 6 eclc ift traurig ! Q ommmit binaué in bie buntleSiacbt ! Ginatmcnmill icb ben ganeb ber flBolfcn unb bie@trablen beé SUZonbcé . S enoficmeiner QBcbmut ! icb liebebicb, beine SBortc tbncnmic biobrgcfliiftcr , mic glcitcnbc 5

6 1mm, fie tbncn wieber inmeiner iBruft, abermeine g eclcift traurigStun erbobcn ficb bie beibcn Sunglingc, einer feblang ben

e mumben Sliacfcn bcé anbern, unb fie bcrlicbcn bass

tofenbcSimmer . SScb folgte ibnen naeb unb fab,mic fie incine bunlle fiammer traten,mic ber cine, ftatt beg



fenftcré ,einen groben filcibcrfcbranl bffnctc,mic bcibc nor bcmfelbcnmit febnfficbtig auBgcftrecftcn QIrmcn ftcbcn bliebenunbmeebfclmcifc fprarben.

,,fibr Sl iiftc ber bfimmcrnbcn iltacbtricfbcr erlte, ,,mic crquicfcnb liiblt ibrmeine QBangcn ! QBic 15

licblicb fpiclt ibrmitmeinenflattcrnbcn E nclcn ! 3d) iteb’aufbee fBergcémolligemS ipfel, untermir liegen bie frblafenbcn6 tiibte ber SDIcnfcbcn, unb blinlcn bie blauen S emiifier .

gorcb ! bort unten imSbalc t aufcbcn bie S annen! S ort

fiber bic {$1c gieben in Slicbclgcftaltcn bie («bciftcr bcr S itter. 20

D , lbnnt’icbmit curb jagen auf bemSBollcnrob burcb bie

ftiirmifcbc Siacbt, uber bie rollcnbc g ee, an ben6 tcrncn binsauf! QIbcr arb ! icb binbclabcnmit Sl eib, unbmeine g cclc ifttraurig S cr anbcrc Sungling batte cbcnfaIIfB feine e mefcbnfucbté boll naeb bemfilcibcrfcbranl aué geftrcclt, Sbriinen 25

ftiiratcn auss feinen QIugen, unb an einer gelblcbcrnen fiofe,bie er fiir ben232555 biclt, fpracb ermitmcbmiitigcr ©timme6 cbbn bift bu, S ocbter bcé ©immel§ l Fpolbfelig ift beineé

QIntlibesS Stube l S nmanbclft ciuber in Sicblicblcit ! S ic

68 S ic fia rar cifc

6 terne folgen beinen blauenSfabcn imS iten. S ci bcincm2lnblicl erfreuen ficb bie QBollen, unb as liebten {icb ibrebiiftern S cftaltcn. QBer gleicbt bir amfiimmcl, (Sitaeugtcbcr SRacbt S efcbiimt in beincr (Sicgcntoart finb bie C‘Stcrnc,

5 unbmenben ab bie griinfunlclnbcn Qlugcn. SSobin, mennbcé S torgcné bcin QIntlib erbleicbt, entflicbft buoon beincmSiabe gait bugleicbmir beine ©c SSobnft bu im6 cbattcn ber QBcbmut 6 inb beine g cbtocftcrnoomgimmclgefallen ©ic, bie frcubigmit bir bie Siacbt burcbmalltcn,finb fie nicbtmcbr 3a , fie fielen berab, o icbbncé Sl icbt, unbbuocrbirgft bicboft, fie anbetrauern. S orbcinitmirb tommenbie S acbt, unb bu, anebbubift ocrgangcnunb bait beine blauen

Siabe bort oben ocrlaffen. S ann erbeben bie S terne ibre

griincnQfiuptcr, bie cinit beine S egcnmart befcbiimt, fiemcrbcn{icb frcuen. S orb icbt bift bu gcllcibct in beine g trablcns

pracbt, unb fcbauft berab aué benS borenc bimmelé . Ber:

reiBt bie QBollen, o Siinbe, bamit bie (i racugtc bcr Siacbtbcroorauleucbten ocrmag, unb bie bufcbigen S erge crgliinacn,unb bass Steer feine febiiumenbcn flBogenmile in Sl icbt

20 (S en folgcnbenMorgenmecltcmicb bcr S rorfenmirt)umben S onncnaufgang angufebcn. 9q bemSurmfanb icb{cbon cinigc garrcnbc, bie {icb bie fricrcnben tbiinbe rieben.

Snberc, norb ben ©cblaf in ben Sugen, taumelten berauf.(inblicbftanb bie ftillcS cmcinbe bongcftcrnabcnb wieber gang;

25 ocrfammelt, unb icbtoeigenb fabcnmir,mic amfioriaontc bicllcinc farmoifinrotc Rugel emporftieg, cine winterlieb biim=mcrnbe S eleucbtung ficb ocrbrcitcte, bie S ergemic in einemmcifimallcnbcn S teere febmammcn, unb blob bie S pibcn

berielbcn ficbtbar beroortraten, {o babman auf einem{lcincn



70 S ic fia rar cifc

S ag Sucb, bag nebenmir lag,mar abcr nicbt ber fioran.

Unfinn cntbiclt cé frcilicb genug. 63mar bag fogcnanntcS rocfcnbucb,morin alle S eifcnbe , bie ben S erg erftiegcn, ibreSiamen icbrciben, unb biemciftcn nocb cinigc (Sicbanlcn unb,

in Grmangclung bcrfclbcn, ibre (Sicfiible binaunoticrcn. S iclc

briicfen {icb fogar in S erienausS. Sn biefcmSuebe fiebtman,mclcbe (Sireuel entftcbcn, menn bcr grobc Sbiliftertrof; beigcbraucblicbcn (Siclcgenbcitcn,mic bier auf bemSroclcn, ficboorgcnommcn bat, poctifcb anmerben. S cr Salaft beg

SrinaenoonSallagonia entbii lt lcinc fo grobe Sbgcfcbmacltsbeiten, mic bicfcé Sucb, mo bcfonberé bcroorgliinacn bie

tbcrrcn Qlccifccinnebmer mit ibren ocrfcbimmcltcn®ocbgeffiblen, bie Q ontorjiinglingemit ibrenpatbctifcben6 cclencrgiiffcn,bie altbcutfcbcn S coolutionébilcttantcnmit ibrenSurngemcin=pliibcn, bie S crlincr g ebullcbrcrmit ibren oerungliicftcn (i nt:

aficlungépbrafcnu. f.m. {Bert Sobanneé gagelmill lieb aucbmal alB g cbriftfteller geigen. Liner mirb bcé 6 onnenaufsgangQmajeftiitifcbcSracbt bcfcbrieben; bortmirb gcllagt iibcricblccbtcé SScttcr , iibcr gctiiufcbtc (brmartungcn, fiber bengiebel,bcr alle filuéficbt bcrfpcrrt. S cncbclt beraufgefommcnunbbenebelt binuntcrgcgangen ift cin ftcbcnber SlBib, ber bier

oon {aunberten nacbgcrifienmirb. S ass gangc Sucb riccbt

nacb Q i’

jie, S icr unb S abai ; man glaubt einen SRomanoon CSlaurcn 311 lcicn.

SSéibrenb icb nun bcfagtcrmabcn Q aficc tranl unb imS roclcnbucbc blattcrtc, trat ber @cbmci5cr mit bocbrotcnQBangcnbercin, unb bollcr c ciftcrung crgiibltc er oon bemcrbabcncnfilnblicl, ben er oben auf bemSurmgcnofl


cn, alé

baé reine , rubigc Sl icbt bcr g onne, ©innbilb ber S3abrbeit,

S ic fia rar e ifc

mit ben niicbtlicbcn S ebelmaffcn gclampft, bab eB auBgcfebcnbabemic cine S eifterfcblacbt,mo gfirncnbe S iefcn ibre langeng cbmcrtcr auBftrecfcn, gcbarnifcbtc S itter aufbiiumcnbenS ofafen cinbcrjagen, Gtrcittoagcn, flatternbe S anner, abenteuerliebeS icrbilbungen aué bemmilbeften (55cmiiblc bcroortaucbcn, biBenblicb a llcé in benmabnfinnigftcnS cracrrungcn guiammenslr iiufclt, blafier unb blafier acrrinnt,unb fpurloé oerfcbminbct.S icie bcmagogifrbc Staturcrfcbeinung batte icb ocrfiiumt, unbicb iann,menn cé gut llntcrfucbung fommt, ciblicb ocrficbern,bafi icb bonnicbtémcib, ale oom(Befrbmacl beé gutcnbrauncnfiaficcé . Qlcb, bicfermar fogar febulb, bab icbmeine icbbneS ame vergefien, unb jebt ftanb fie oor ber Sbiirmit S lutterunb S egleitcr, imS egriff ben QBagen an bcftcigcn. Q aumbatte icb norb Bcit, bingueilcn unb ibr an oerfirbern, bab CBlalt fei. S ic icbicnunwillig, bab icb nicbt frtiber gclommcn;bocb icb gliittetc balb bie mifimutigen galtcn ibrcr fcbbncnCf5tirn, inbcmicb ibr cine munberlicbc S lumc frbenfte, bieicb ben S ag oorber mit balébrccbenbcr S efabr oon einer

fteilen gelfcnmanb gcpfliiclt batte. S ic Sinttcr ocrlangtc

ben Siamen ber S lumc anmiffcn, gleicbfamalé ob fie eé

unfcbicflicb fiinbc, bab ibre S ocbtcr cine frembe, unbelanntcS lumc oor bie S ruft ftccle — bennmirilicb, bie S lumc erbicltbicfcn beneibenfimerten Slab,mass fie {icb gcmifi gcftcrn aufibrcr einfamen gbbc nicbt triiumen lieb. S cr icbmcigfamcS egleiter bfincte iebt auf einmal ben S inub, aiiblte bie

©taubfiibcn ber S lumc unb fagtc gang, troclen: ,,6 ic gebbrt

5m: arbtcn filafic.

(533 iirgert micb jcbeémal,menn icb febe, babman aneb(Siottcss liebe S lumcn, cbenfomic uné , in Q aftcn geteilt



72 S ic ©a r5rcifc

bat, unb naeb fibnlicbcnSuficrlicbfcitcn, nc’

imlicb nacb ©taubfiibcnocrfcbicbcnbcit. 6 oll borbmal cine (bintcilung fiatts

finbcn, {o folge man bemS orfcblagc S bcopbrafté , bcr bieS lumcnmcbr nacb bemS eiftc, niimlicb narb ibrem(Sicrucb,einteilenmolltc. SSaBmirb betrifft, fo babe icb in bcr S a tarsmiffcnfcbaftmein eigeneé g bitem, unb bcmnacb teile icb a llcé

cin: in baéjcnigc,macman cficn fann, unb in baBjcnigc,macman nicbt cficn lann.

Scbocb bcr iiltcrn S ame mar bie gcbeimnié bollc S atinber S lumcn nicbtémenigcr alé ocrfcblofi'cn, unb unmillfiirlicbaubcrtc fie, bab fie oon benS lumcn,mennfie norb imS artcnober imS opfemacbfcn, rccbt erfreutmcrbc, baBbingcgcn cin

leifcé g cbmeragcfiibl traumbaft bciingftigcnb ibre S ruft burcbgittere, menn fie cine abgebrocbcnc S lumc {ebe ba cine

folcbc bocb cigcntlicb cine Sl eicbc fei, unb fo cine gcbrocbcnc,

gartc S lumenleicbc ibrmclfcé p fcbcn rccbt traurig berab=

biingcn lafic, mic cin totcB fiinb. S ic S ame mar faitcrfcbroclcn iibcr ben triibcn fiBicbcrfcbcin ibrcr S cmcrlung, unbcBmar meine Sflicbt, bcnfclbcnmit einigen S oltaircfcbcnS crfcn an ocrfcbeucbcn. S iic borb cin paar frangbfifcbcS iortcunsS gleicb in bie gebbrigcRonbenicnaftimmung auriicf:berieben lbnnen ! QBir lacbten, Qfinbcmurbcn gcfiibt, bulbsrcicbmurbc gclacbclt, bic Sferbcmiebcrtcn, unb bcr SBagcnbolpcrtc langfamunb befcbmcrlicb ben S erg binunter .

Sunmacbtcn aucb bie 6 tubentcn i’lnftalt gumfilbrcifcn,bie S angcn wurben gefcbniirt, bie S ecbnungcn, bie tiber alleGrmartung billig auéficlcn, bericbtigt ; bic cmpfiinglicbcnfiaué smiibcbcn, auf bcrcn (Sicficbtcrn bie g puren gliicflicber Sl icbc,bracbtcn, mic gcbraucblicb ift, bie S roclcnftriiuficbcn, balfcn

S ic .sja rar cifc

gcmbbnlicbc (E rfcbcinung : . cin Qfibner macbt bcn Snfang,unb bcr grobe S rob bcr 8agcnbcnmirb plfiblicb an feinemeigenen (Sfrftauncnoon Slut ergriffenunb eilt, ficbmit jenemerlien 511 bereinigen. (Sine S iengc anbcrcr Sucllcn bfipftcn

5 jebt baftig auB ibremS crftccl, bcrbanbcn {icbmit bcr gucrftbcroorgcfprungcncn, unb balb bilbctcnfie gufammcn cin lebonbcbcutcnbcé S ficblcin, baé inunaiibligcn QBaficrfii llen unb in

munbcrlicbcn S iinbungcn baé S crgtbal binabraufcbt. S aB

iii nun bie Slfc, bic licblicbc, fufic Sslfc. g ic giebt {icb burcbbass gefcgnctc Slfctbal, an beifen bcibcn g citcnficb bie S ergeallmfiblicb bbbcr erbeben, unb bicfe finb bis? an ibremguficmciftenémit Sucbcn, (bicbcnunb gcmobnlicbcmS lattgcftraucbcbemacbfcn, nicbtmcbr mit S annen unb anbcrmS abclbola.S ennjcnc S lfittcrbolaartmirb borbcrrfcbcnb aufbeml1ntcr=

15 barge,“micman bie t fcitc be?» S rocfcné nennt, im®cgen=fab aur SScftfcitc bcéfclbcn, bic ber ,,D bcrbara

bcifit, unb

mirilicb oicl bbbcr ift, unb alfo aneb bicl geeigneter gumS cbcibcn bcr Sliabclbblger.

£56 ift nnbcfcbreibbar , mitmclcbcr 8rbblicbicit, Staioctfit20 unb <i’lnmut bie Slfc lieb binnntcrftfirgt fiber bie abcntcucrlicbgcbilbctcn geléftficle, bic fie in ibremSl anic finbct, fo bab baéSSaficr biermilb empor aifcbt ober icbiiumcnb fibcrlfiuft, bort

auB allerlei ©tcinfpaltcn, mic auB tollen S icfilanncn, in

reinen S bgcn lieb crgicbt, unb untenmieber fibcr bie llcinen25 6 teine bintrippclt,mic cinmuntercé SUIfibcbcn. 3a , bie g ageiftmabr , bic S’slfc ift cine Sringcfiin, bie lacbcnb unb blfibcnbbenS erg binablfiuft. Elbie blinlt img onncnfcbein ibrmcificé6 cbaumgcmanb ! SSic flattern im22mmibre filbcrncnSufcn=bfinber ! S iic funfcln unb bligen ibre S iamanten! S ic

S ic g a rarcifc

boben Sueben fteben babei gleicb crnftcn Sfitcrn, bic ocrs

ftoblcn liicbclnb bemS iutmillen bee licblicbcnfiinbcé aufcbcn;biemcibcn S irfcn bcmcgcn ficb tantcnbaft ocrgnfigt, unb bocbguglcicb fingftlicb fiber bie gewagten S prfingc; bcr ftolac (bubs

baumfcbaut breinmic einbcrbricfilicbcr D bcim, ber has {cbbncS etter bcaablcn foll ; bicS bgelcin in benSlfiftcn jubeln ibrenScifall, bie S lumcn amllfcr flfiftcrn afirtlicb : D , nimmnnBmit, nimmunBmit, lieb’g cbmcftcrcbcn aber baé luftigeSifibcbcn fpringt unaufbaltfammcitcr, unb plbblicb ergreiftfie ben trfiumcnbcn S iebter , unb QB ftrbmt anfmicb berabcin S lumcnrcgcn oon ilingcnbcn S trabIcn unb ftrablcnbcn

Silfingcn, unb bie 6 innc ocrgcbcnmir nor lauterunb icbbbrcnnr norb bic flbtcnffibc S timme :

,,Stb bin bie Srinaefiin Slfe

nnbmobne imSlfenftein;Rommmit naebmeinemG cblofle,121:mollen felig fein.

,,S ein Qauptmill id) bcncbeltSkitmeiner tlaren S ell


S n inllft beine 6 cbmer3cn oergeficn,Sn iorgentranter G efell l

,,Snmeinenmcibcn amen,anmeinermcibcn S ruft,S a follft bn liegen nnb traumenS on a lter SJlétrtbenlnft.

,,Scbmill bicb tfifien nnb benen,iBie icb gcberat unb getfibt

S en lieben Raiier beinritb,S er nnn geftorben ift.

76 S ic fia rarcifc

"(EB bleiben tot bie S oten,

unb nnr ber Slebenbige lcbt ;unb icb bin febbn unb blfibcnb,Stein lacben


oeé b erae bebt.

,,llnb bebtmein g era bort untcn,6 0 llingtmein lrifta llcneé 6 cblob,

langen bie 8rfinlcin unb S itter ,Q B jubelt her Rnappentrob.

ranicbcn bie feibenen t leppen,

(E B llirrcn bie Q ifenfpor’n,

S ic Bmergc trompeten nnb panlen,

unb ficbeln unb blaien bafi born.

"S od; bicb follmein 91mnmfcblingen,S ic er fl atter beinricb nmitblang ;Seb biclt ibman bie D bren,QBenn bie S rompct’ crllang.

llncnblicb felig ift bae (bcffibl,menn bie (frfcbcinungémcltmit unfcrcr (Siemfitémclt aufammcnrinnt, unb grfinc S aume,S cbanfen, S bgclgcfang, Slicbmfit, .bimmclé bliiuc, (i rinncrung

20 unb Qrfiutcrbuft ficb in ffibcn e abcé len bcrfcblingcn. S ic

graucn lcnncn ambcftcn bicfcé (Sjcffibl, nnb barummag aucbcinfo bolbfclig ungliiubigcé Siicbclnumibre Sl ipbcn fcbmcbcn,mennmirmit ©cbulftolz, unfcrc logiicbcnSbatcn rfibmcn,micmir allcé fo bfibfrb eingeteilt in objcl


tiounb fubjel'

tio,micmir25 unfcre Rbpfc apotbcicnartigmit taufcnb 6 d)ublabcn b erieben,mo in bet einen S crnunft, in ber anbet en S erftanb, in herbrittenSSib, in bet oicrten fcblccbtcr S iib unb in her ffinftcn

gar nicbté , nfimlicb bie Sbce , entbaltcn ift.Siiic imS ranmc fortmanbelnb, batte icb faft nicbt bcmcrlt,

30 babmir bic S icie beb Slfctbalcé bcrlaficnunbmieber bcrgauf

78 SD ie ®a r5r e i f e

her 6 tiibte unb bergIeicbenmit Ibbiicbemgieifie nnb genauengabIen angegeben, bebanptct inbeé z 28cmman ban bet

ftbbnen iBrinaefi'

in Sife craiibIt, gebbrt bemgabeIreicbe an.

(60 {prccben aIIe bicfe Sente , bencn cine foc e SBrinaefiin5 niemalé ericbienen ift,mir aber , biemir non icbiinen fD amenbefonberé begiinftigt werben,miffen has befier . QIucb



.beinricbmufite eé . SRicbt nmfonft bingen bie aItfiicbfifcbcn

Q aiier fa febr an ibrembeimifcben game . Eman bliitterennr inher biibfcben ,,Biinebnrgcr Gbronii,

“mo bie gutcn, aIten.bet ren in wnnberIicb trcnberaigen .boiaicbnitten abfonterfeit

finb, wobIgebarnifcbt, bocb auf ibremgewappneten g cbiacbt;rofi, bie beiIige Q aifcrfrone auf bemteuren fiaupte, g eepterunb g cbmert in feften banhen; unb anf ben lieben,biirtigen (Sieficbtcrn fannman bentIicb lcicn, wie oft fie fit!)

15 naeb benfiifienficraen ibrcr gargprinaefiinnennnb bemtrauzliebenSRauicbenber gargmalbcr auriicffebnten,mennfie inher{grembemeiIten, wobI gar in bemcitronen= unb giftreicbcn

QBeIicbIanb,mobin fie unb ibre Siacbfolgcr in oft berIodft

murbcn bon bemQBnnfcbc, rfimifcbe Q aifer an beifien, einer20 ecbtbentfcben fl iteifucbt,moran fiaifer nnb SReicb an Girnnbcgingen.

Sci) rate aber jebem, ber anf her Gpige beé filienfteiné

ftebt,meber an Q aifer unb iReicb, nocb an bie icbiine Slie,

fonbcrn blofi an feine giifie an benten. SD enn aIsS icb hart

25 ftanb, in (Sjebanfen berIoren, biirtc icb plfiglicb bie unters

irbiicbe Winfif bcé Bauberfcbloffeé , nnb icb fab, wie ficb bieSBerge ringénmanf bie fifipfe fteIIten, unb bie roten 8iegeI=haeber 3a 311enburg anfingen an tangen, nnb bie grfinen.‘Baume in her bIanen Buft bernmflogen, bafi as mir blau

fD ie ~ba rar e ife 79

nnh griinnor henQIngenmurbc, unh icb fieber, 00mg cbwinhelerfafit, in hen filbgrnnh geftiirgtmare,menn icbmicb nicbtinmeiner ©eeIenn0t ans? eiferne firena feftgefiammert batte.Sb afi icb in f0miBIicber 6 & 1!a hieieé Iestere getban babe,wirhmir getvifiniemanh berhenien.

$)ie ,,fiarareife“ iii nnh bleibt gragment, unh hie bunten



s-iihen, hie {0 bfibfcbbineingefponnen finh, um{icb imQ anaenbarmonifcb an berfcbiingen, werben p i cb, mie Don her

g cbere her unerbittIicben ‘Barae, abgefcbnitten. QBieIIeicbt

b ermebe icb fie weiter in ffinftigen Sichern, unhmass jegtberfcbmiegen iii ,mirh aiéhann bolIauf gefagt. 91m

(Sinhe fommt eé aneb auf ciné beraufi,mann nnh 100manetwaé aué gefprocben bat,mennman eé nnr fiberbanpt cinmalaa pricbt. 202595 1 hie eingeInen SIBerie immerbingragmentebleibcn,mennfie nnr in ibrcr i iereinigung ein©an5e6 biIhen. 15

$1311e foc e iBereinigungmag bier nnh ha haBmiangelbaftcergiinat, has g cbroffe an ei cbenunhhass fiHanberbe gemiIshert werben. fD iefeBmiirhe b icIIeicbt icbon bei hen erften‘BIii ttern her .barareife her fein, nnh fie fbnntcnmobIeinen minher fancrn Ginhrucf bernorbringen, mennman 20

anhermcitig crfiibre, hafiher llnmnt, hen icb gegen©6ttingenima llgemeinen bege, obfcbon er norb grbfier iii , aIé icb ibn

ané gefprocben, hocb Iangc nicbt {0 grofs iftmic hie éBerebrnng,hie icb fiir einige 3nhibihuen hort empfinhe. unbmarinaiolIte icb eé berfcbmeigen: icbmeine bier gang, befonherss jenen 25

Did teueren flJZann, her fcbon in friiberns eiten {icb f0 freunh=liebmeiner annabm,mir fcbon hamaié cine innige Siebe ftir

80 Sb ic b a rgr e ife

has 6 010000 her (Sicicbicbte eia bBte,micb fpiiterbin in hemG‘ifer ffir ha e e beftiirfte, nnh hahurcbmeinen (Sieift aufrubigere Qiabnen fiibrtc,meinemSebenfimnte bciIfamcrcmiebetnngenanmieé , nnhmir uberbaupt jene biftorifcbeni rbftungen

5 bereitete, obne mecc icb hie qnaIboflen G'

rfcbeinnngen hes?fl ageé nimmermebr ertragenmiirhe. Sid) {precbe bon (Sicorgg artoriné , hemgroben (Si efcificbtéforfcbcr nnh c fcben, heffenQInge ein tIarer 6 tern ift in ynferer hnnicInBeit, nnh heffengaftIicbeé g era offen ftebt fiir aIIe fremhe Seihenunh8rcuhen,fiir hie éBeforgnifie hesS éBcttIeré nnh hesS a igé , nnh fiir hie

[eaten©euf3er nntcrgebcnher Qiblfer nnh ibrcr (Sibtter.

ficb fann nicbt nmbin, bier ebenfaIIé ananhenten, hafiher

D berbara, jener i eil heé ©ar3e3, hen icb bis?3ama fang he s?Slfetbaié befcbrieben babe, bei weitemfeinen in erfreuIicben

15 QIa icfwie her romantifcbmaIcrifcbe llnterbara gemiibrt, anhin feinermilhfcbrofien, tannenhiiftern@cbbnbeit gar febrmithemie en fontrafticrt ; famie ebenfaIIQ hie brei non her filfe,banher iBohe unh bonher ©elfe gebiIheteni baler hes?11nter=

baracé gar anmutig nntereinanher iontraftieren,mennman20 hen Qbarafter jeheé i baleé anperfonifiaierenmeifi. (536 finhhrei granengeftaIten,moronman nicbt fa Icicbt an entfcbeihenbermag,mec e hie icbbnftc fei.Qion her lieben, ffifien s lfe, nnh wie fiifinnh Iiei cb fie

mirb empfangen, babe icb {cbcn gefagt nnh gefangen. fD ie

25 hiiftere g cbbne, hie Qiohe, empfingmirb nicbt {0 gniihig, nnhabs icb fie imfcbmiehehnntein Siiibeianh anerft eri cftc, fcbien

fie garmiirrifcbunb berbiiIIte {icb in einenfifbergrauenmegensfebIeier. QIbermit rafcber Biebe warf fie ibn ab, 012 icb anfhie .bbbe her iRofitrappe gelangte, ibr QIntIig Iencbtetemir

82 fb ic .ba rgr eifc

iii beute her er1'

te SUiai ;mic ein Emcer heé Sebcné ergitficb her 8riibiing fiber hie (Sr he, her meifie SBIiitenfcbanmbIeibt anhen SBiiumenbangen, einweiter ,mariner 9iebeIgIan3berbreitet {icb iiberaII; inher @taht i genfreuhig hie {fenfters

5 fcbeibenher .biiufer, anhen bauenhie 6 pat3enmieberibre Sieftcben, aufher 6 tra§emanheinhie Sente anhmnnhernficb, hafihie Quit 10 angreifenh, nnh ibnen fe ft innumbers[icbanWhite ift hie buntenQiieriiinherinnenbringenQieiicbens

ftriiuBe ; hie QBaiienfinhermit ibren bIauen3iicfcbennnh ibrenlieben, nnebeIicben («beficbtcben gieben fiber hen fiungfernftiegunh freuenficb, abs inlItenfie beute einenfiliatermieherfinhen;her Qiettier anher 23riicfe icbaut in bergnfigt, aIé biitte er has?

grofie gemonnen; fogar hen icbmargen, nocbungebenftenSUIae r , her hortmit {einemfpigbiibifcben Emanufafturmarensgeficbt einberIiiuft, befcbeint hie 6 0nnemit ibren toleranteften©trabIen icbwill binauémanhern bar bass I bor .

iii her erfte SJiai, anh icb henfe heiner, huicbbne 3 ih0her foII icb hicb ,,Qigneé

“nennen,meiI hir hiefer SRame am

beften gefiiIIt icb henfe heiner, unh icbmbcbte mieher20 gufeben,mic hn Iencbtenh hen EBerg binai iufit. 21mIicbften

abcrmbcbte icbuntcn imi baie fteben anh hicb aufiangen in

meine Qirme . (52 iii ein icbbner i ag ! fiberalI febe icb hie

griine garbe, hie $arbe her fiofinung. fiberaII,mic boIheQBnnher , i iben berbar hie SBIumen, anh anebmeinficrawill

25mieber i iben. SDiefeé g em, ift and) cine SBInme, cine garmunherIicbe. (633 ift fein befcbeiheness Qieiicben, feine IacbenheSilvie, feine reine 53iIie 0her fonftigefi SBIiimcben, hag mitartiger Siei cbfeit hen SJiiihcbenfinn erfreut nnh {icb biibfd)bar hen biibfd)en éBufen ftecfcn Iiifit, nnh beutemelft nnh

Sb ic ©a r3r e i f e 8

morgenmieher i ibt. ibiefeé .berg gIeicbtmcbr jener fcbmeren,abentenerIicben Qiinme aué hen i iiiilhern éBrafiIienfi, hie her

g age naeb aIIe bunhert fiabre nnr cinmal i ibt. S'scb erinneremicb, hafi icb abs Rnabe eine foc e SBIume gefeben. QBir

bbrten in her SRacbt einen g cbufiwie non einer SBiftoIe, unh 5

amfoIgenhenWiorgen ergiibItenmir hie Siacbbaré finher , hat;eé ibre ,,Qlioe

gemcfen, hiemit foc emSinaIIe p i cb anf:


ibt fei. @ie fiibrtenmirb in ibren Giarten, unh ha fabicb5ameiner Qiertvnnhernng, haf; haé niehrige, barte ©6 00cmit hen niirrifcb breiten, febarfgegaeften SBIiittern,moranmanficb Ieicbt beriegen fonnte, jegt gang in hie fibbe gefcbofien

mar unh oben,mic cine galbene Si rone, hie berriicbfte SBIiitetrug. flBir Q inher tonnten nicbtmaI in bocb binaufieben,unh her aite, icbmnngelnhe (Sbriftian, her nnss Iieb batte,bante eine b gerne i reppe umhie SBIume berum, anh ha 15

iiettertenmir binauf wie hie Si aben unh icbauten neugierigin hen offenen Qilumenfeicb, moraué hie ge en ©trabIensfiihen nnhmiIhfremhen SD iiftemit nnerbbrter ‘Bracbt berbor=hrangen.

3a , QIgneé , oft anh Icicbt fommt hiefeé ©er3 nicbt 311m20

ZBIiiben; fobici icbmirb erinnere , bat cé nnr ein ein'

gigeémal gei ibt, anh hasSmag {cbcn Iange ber fein, gemif; f on


sabr .


scb glaube, ia berrIicb aneb hamaIé feineQSIiite {icb entfaItete, fo mufite fie hocb aué fl ange! an

Gonnenfcbein nnh i Barme eIenhii cb bertnmmern,menn fienicbt gar non einemhnnfeIn i Binterfturme gemaItfamgerftbrtworben.


Segt aber regt unh hriingt esS {icbmieher inmeinerZBruft, anh bbrft hup i cb hen g cbufi SJZiihcben, erfcbricf

nicbt ! icb bab’mirb nicbt totgefcbofien, fonhernmeine Biche

wie .ba rgr e ife

fprengt ibre finofpe nnh fcbiefit empor inftrabIenhenBichem,in ewigen SD itbbramben, infrenhigfter fi angcé fiilie.

fift hir aber hiefe babe S3iebe an barb, Wiiihcben, inmacb’03 hit bequem, unh befteige hie bbigerne I rcppe, unh febaue

5 non hicfer binab inmein i ibenheé .bera.ift naeb friib ami age, hie 6 0nne bat tanmhie .fialite

ibreé flBegeB gurticfgeiegt, nnhmein fibers; ha ftet fcbon 10 ftari,hafi eBmir betiinbenh an Ropfc fteigt, haf; icb‘ nicbtmebrweib,mo hie 3rouie aufbbrt unb her g imme! anfiingt, hafiicb hie Suitmitmeinen g enfgern bebbifere, nnh haf; icb fe ftwicher gerrinnenmbcbte in ibbe QItome, in hie nnerfcbafiene(550ttbeit wie foII hag erft geben,menn eé 92acbtmirb,nnh hie 6 terne amgimme! erfcbeinen, ,,hie nngIficffeI


6 terne, hie hir fagen tbnnenift her erfte Sviai, her Inmpigfte Sahenfcbmengei bat

bente haé mecbt, fentimentaI an wethen, unb hemwirbtermanteft hu eé bermebren?

86 E'

sa ng e S3e ihen

QBaB fcbertmicb fiBeib,mafi fcbertmicb Q inh!Srb tragemcit bebreé iBerIangen;Bab fie betteIn gebn,menn fie bungrig finhillicin Si aifer, mein fiaifer gefangen !

©etviibr’mir , SBruher , eine Qiitt’

QBenn icb jebt fterben werbe ,6 0 nimmmeine Beicbe nacb {franfreicbmit,SBegrabmirb in {granfreicbé (i rhe.

®as3 Erbrenfreug, amroten Qianh6 01Whu aufé .bergmir Iegen;Sb ic {fiinte giebm


ir in hie .banh,unh giirt

’mir umhen SDegen.

6 0 will icb Iiegen anh borcben ftiII,flBie eine 6 cbiIhtvacb

’, im(firabe,

iBiB cinit icb bhre Q anonengebriiIIIInhmiebernhermofie Gietrabe.

ibann reitetmein fiaifermobI ubermein (Sirab,QiieI g cbmerter fiirren unh i ben;SD ann fteig

’icb gewaffnet berbar ané hemGirab

SDen Siaifer, hen Q aifer an icbiiben !


fi clinger

Sb ic Wiitternacbt gog naber fcbon;S‘

sn {tillermab’Iug Qiabbion.

Sfiur oben in heé fibnigé 6 dflofi,SDa fIacfert

’é , ha Iiirmt hess a igé

gungc Sl e ihen

fD art abcn in hemRbnigé iaal‘Beifager bieIt fein Rbnigémabi.ibie finecbte fafien in fcbimmernhen $Reibn,unh Ieerten hie SBecber mit fnnfelnhemQBein.

(56 flirrten hie Qiecber , eé jaucbgten hie Sh erbt’;

6 a fIang eé hemftbrrigen Sibnige recbt.

fb ess a igé ifiangen Ieucbten 651m;8mQBein errancbé ibmfecfer gl int.llnh blinhiingé reifst her imut ibn fart ;llnh er Iiiftert hie Giottbeitmit fiinhigemQBart.llnh er bruftet {icb frecb, anh Iiiftert taiIh!

SDie Sinecbtenicbar ibmQieifaII briiIIt.SDer Q anig riefmit itaigemSBIicfSDer SD iener eiIt unh febrt guriicf.

g r trug bieI giiIhen (5erat auf hemfianpt ;SDasSmar aué hemI empei Sebababé geraubt.llnh her Stanig ergriff mit frenier {wanhQ inen beiIigen iBecber, gefiiIIt bié amSianh.

llnh er Ieert ibn baftig bié auf hen (brunh,llnh rnfet Iaatmit fcbiiumenhemWinnh


sebabab ! hir fanh’icb auf emig $05“


Sd) bin her fibnig ban Qiabbian!“

SD acb taumhag granie QBart b erfIang,fibemSibnigmarh’é beimIicb imSa en bang.

finnge S e ihen

90a53 geIIenhe Bacben berftummte gumul ;63murbc IeicbenftiII im6 aal.llnh fieb ! anh fieb ! anmeifser QBanhfD a tam’é berbar, raie Wienfcbenbanh;IInh frbrieb, anh febrieb an weiber QBanhSBncbftaben ban gem, anh fcbrieb anh fcbtaanh.

‘D er a ig ftieren 23mg ha fab,SDi it fcbIatternhen Sinien anh tatenbiafi.

fD ie Rnecbtenfcbar fab taIt hnrcbgrant,Ilnh fab gar ftiII, gab feinen Rant.

tibie Magier famen, hacb feiner berftanh811 heaten hie {slammenfcbrift an her QBanh.

fi elfagermarh aber in feibiger SRacbtQian {einen Sinecbten umgebracbt.


2 c:mnnhemitterfinb weib eine aite Qunhe,

“D ie baIIet humpf nnh triib’;Gin §Ritter Iiegt Iiebcémunhe,Q acb treuIaé ift fein Bieb.

9116 treuiaé mub er beracbten

®ie eignc fiergliebfte fein,icbimpfiicbmab er betracbten

ibie eignc Biebcépein.

90 Bbr ifd es 3nterme330

3mtaHen QBabn batt’ icb hicb cinit berIafien,SrbmaIItc gebn hie gange QBcIt an (inhe,unhmaIIte febn, ab icb hie Siebe fiinhe,11mIiebebaII hie S3iebe an nmfaifen.

SDie Siebe fucbte icb auf alien 65affen,Qiar jeher

‘l biire ftrecft

’icb aué hie Qanhe,

llnh betteIte umg’ringe Siebeéfpenhe,fb acb Iacbenh gabmanmir nur faItesB gaffen.

unb immer irrte icb nacb SE iebe, immerSHarb Sl icbe, hacb hie Biebe fanh icb nimmer ,llnh tebrte umnacb .baufe, tranf anh triibe.

SDacb ha bift hu entgegenmir gefammen,Ilnh arb ! waé ha in heinemQIng’gefcbraammen,SDasBmar hie inbe, Ianggcfucbte Biebe.

fibriftbeé Sntermegaa (1822—1823)5

3mtaunherfcbbnen SUianat Mai,

21198 aIIe Sinaipen fprangen,fD a ift inmeinem.fiergen

fD ie Sliebe aufgegangen.

Smraunherfcbbnenwinnat Mai,

2113 aIIe QibgeI fangen,SD a bab

’icb ibr geftanhen

EDiein 6 ebnen anh flieriangen.

Bbr ifcbe6 i‘sntermegaa


81116 meinen fl briinen fpriefienSBieI i ibenhe SBIumen berbar,llnhmeine 6 e11f5er werhenGin SiacbtigaIIencbar .

Ilnhmenn h11micb [icb baft, Siinhcbcn,6 cbenf

’icb hir hie 23111men aII,

llnh bar heinem{fenfter foII tIingen®a6 Bieh her 92acbtiga11.


fD iemafe, hie Bi e, hie I anbe, hie 6 anne,Sbic Iiebt

’icb einft aIIe in E iebe61aanne.

Seb 1ieb’fie nicbtmcbr, icb liebe aIIcine

Sbic Sileine, hie Q‘

s-cine, 6 iememe, hie (fine

6 ie fe er , a11er Biebe fi ranne,Sit iRafe 11nh Biije anh i anbe nah 6 anne.


QBenn id) in heine QIugen feb’,

6 0 febminhet u11mein Seih nnh fiBeb;fD acbmenn icb tiiffe heinen Winnh,6 a merh’ icb gang anh gar gefnnh.

QBenn icbmicb Iebn’ an heine SEmit,fiainmt’6 tiber mirb raie ©imme161nft ;SDacbmenn h11 fpricbft : $6) liebe hieb !6 a mub icbmeinen bitterIicb.

fibr ifcbe6 3ntcrme350


36)mi11meine 6 ce1e tancbcnSn hen Relcb her SBi e binein;fDie Bi e fall fl ingenh bancben(Sin Slich ban her Siebftenmein.

fba6 Rich {011 icbanern 11nh bebenQBie her finb ban ibrem2mm,

SDcn fiemir einft gegebenfin wnnherbar iiificr 6 ti1nh



66 fteben nnbctb ei cbSbic 6 terne in her fibb

QiieI tanfcnh Tsabr’, unh fcbaucn

6 icb anmit Sl icbc61b eb.

6 ie ibrecbcn cine 6 pracbc,Sbic iii fa reicb, fa fcbbn;SDacb feiner her SlibiIaIagen

Q ann hiefe 6 bracbe berftebn.


scb abcr bab’fie geIcrnet,

llnh icb bcrgcffc fie nicbt ;Wiir hientc a16 ©rammatifSDer ©er3a11er1icbften G5eficbt.


2111f {fliigeln he6 ©cfange6,

$cr31iebcbcn, trag’icb hicb fart,

3mnacb hen $3111ren he6 6 angc6,6 outacif; icb hen fcbbnften D rt.

94 8 br ifcbc6 fintcrmegga6 ie i ibt anh g1abt anh [eacbtet,unh ftarret ftammin hie .bbb


6 ie ha ftet anhmeinet anh gittertQiar Biebc anh Sliebe610eb.


fab graIIe nicbt, anhmenn ha6 .berg, aneb bricbt,Graig berIarne6 Bieb ! icb graIIe nicbt.QBie ha aneb ftrab t in SD iamantenpracbt,66 fiiIIt fein 6 trab1 in heinc6 .bergen6marbt.®a6 tacit; icb Iangft. ficb fab hieb ia imimam,

llnh fab hie Siacbt in heinc6 $er3en6 ERaam,IInh fab hie 6 cb1ang

’, hie hir amfiberaen frifit,

Sci) fab, mein Bicb, wie febr ha e1enh bift.


6 ia {ficbtenbaamftebt ciniam3111 Siarhen aaf fabIer fibb


3bn fci ifcrt ;mit taeifzer SDecfc11mbi'111en ibn anh 6 cbnee.

6r triiamt ban einer $13a1mc,Sbic fern imSfi argenlanh6 infamanh fcbmeigcnh trauertQIaf brcnnenhcr geifcnwanh.


6m31'1ng1ing Iicbt cin Wiiihcben,6 ie bat einen anbetu ermiibIt ;SDer anbre 1iebt cine anhre

unh bat {icbmit hicfer bermiib1t.

fibr ifcbc6 S‘


®a6 Emahcbcn beiratet aa6 firgcrSDen erften beiren SUiann,QDcr ibr in hen fl eg geIaafen;fiber Qsiingling ift iibeI hran.

66 iit cine aIte Cbefcbicbte,SDacb bleibt fie immer nca ;llnh 10cmfie jaft pafiierct,SD embricbt ha6 19cmcntgtaei.


fl ein Biebcben,mir fafien beiiammcn,St raa licb imIcicbtcn Q aba .

Sb ic Siacbtmar iiiII, anhmir icbtb ammenQIaf taciter fl aiferbabn.

Sbic 65ciftcrinic1, hie icbbne,Bag hammrig imfl anhenglang ;

SDart fIangen 1icbc i bnc,

IInhmagic hermebeltang.


Dart Hang e6 Iieb anh Iiebcr ,

llnhmagt’ c6 bin anh ber ;QBir abcr icbmammen bariiber

St rait106 aaf tacitemSlicer .


21mQ reaameg wirh begraben,fl ier fc er ficb bracbte am;fb artmiicbft cine b1aac fl ame,Sbic QIrmeiiinhcrblam’.

Sb ic fie imfebr

amcreamitanb id) unb iwfatt ;‘D ie Siacbtmar fa lt anh ftamm.

3mSRanhicbein bewegte fab Iangfam‘D ie firmeiihrhcrbhnn’.

$ 1: b ei-res: ( 1823- 1824)


3d)mcib nicbt.ma6 {all 6 bcbcuten,

fDafi id) in traurig bin;Gin fl ifircbcn aa6 alien Seiten,527116 tammt mir nicbt aa6 hem6 inn.

Q ie Suit iii anh e6 hanfelt,

llnh rubig fliefit her Sibein‘E ct Swirl he6 ‘8 erge6 funEeIt

8ma bcnhianncnicbcm.rfi e icbbm


te 3n girna Tibet

Q art abenmunhcrba r ,Sbr golhnc6 G ridlmeihe bfiget,6 ie iiimmt ibr ga lhcne6 W .

cmffimmt 03 mit galhcncmQ amme,llnh fingt ein Q ich habei ;

$2116 bat cinemanhcriame,k a ltige SReIahei.

Q on 6 d11iier imfieinen 6 dfifie

Grgrr iit 66 mit railhem

(ET icbaa t nidlt hie i‘

sielimrifie,(i t icbaat nar binaaf in hie fihb


98 6 ie .b e imfebr

Seb bin cin heatfcbcr fD icbter ,.fl fannt imheatfcben Banh;Sienntman hie bcften Slamcn,6 amirb aneb her meine genannt.llnhma6 mir febIt, ha Q Icine,

3eb1tmancbcmimheaticben Banh;Sienntman hie fci mmften 6 cbmcr5cn,6 amirh aneb her meine genannt.


6 ie Siobre fammcn anh geben,65cicb1ecbtcr fteigcn ia6 Girab,“b arb nimmer bergcbt hie Biebc,6 ie icb im.bergen bab


Star ciumaI nocbmbcbt teb hiebllnh fintcn bar hir aaf6 Rnic,llnh fterbcnh 5a hir fprecbcn:

Emahamc, icb liebe 6 ie l22

iUiein Q inh,mirmaren Q inher ,Staci fiinhcr , Hein anh frab;fl it tracben in6 ©iibnerbiia6cbcn,fl rftecften an6 anter ha6 6 trab.

fl ir triibtcnmic hie fiiibnc,llnh famen Beute barbei, Q ifercb

ib fie gIaabtcn,(136 taiire fiabnengefcbrei.

6 ie b e imfebt

6 ie Q iftcn aaf auferemfiafe6 ie tabegiertenmir aa6,

llnhmabntcn ht in bcifammen,unhmacbten ein barnebme6 W .

5366 Slacbbat6 aIte Q abe9ambftcr6 3amfiBefacb;fl it macbten ibr fl icfiing’anh Q aicffellnh Siamblimcnte gcnug.

fl it babcn naeb ibremSBefinhcnfl farglicb anh frcanhIicb gefragt ;fl it baben feithcmha6§c1bcfl ancber aIten Stage gefagt.

fl it fabcn aneb aft anh fpracben

fl rniinftig,mic aIte Beat’,llnh Hagtcn, taic a11c6 bcffct

(55cmcicn 3a anicrcr 8cit ;

fl ic Slicb’anh I rea

’anh (851aabcn

SBcricbraanhcn aa6 her fl eIt,

llnh wie fa teacr her Rafice,llnhmic fa t ar ha6 6 c1h !

Qiatbci finh hie Si inherfbieIc,llnh a11e6 ro11t barbei$ 116 (35t anh hie fl eIt anh hie 8eiten,llnh (551aabcn anh Bieb’anh cli rea


fD ic .bcimfcbr


i 3a biit tb ie cine fl ame6 a bt anh icbitn anh rein;3c!) icbaa

’hieb an, anh fl ebmat

6 cb1cicbtmit ia6 ficta bib ein.

fl it iii, a16 ab icb hie .biinhe

2111i6 baabt hit Iegen iaIIt’,

iBetcnh, haia Giatt hicb crbaItc

6 a rein anh icbbn anh bt .


311) taalIt’, meine 6 cbmet3en etgbiicn

6 icb aII’in cin eingigc6 fl att,

$D a6 giib’icb hen Iaitigcn fl inhen,

fD ie triigcn c6 Ia itig fart.

6 ie tragen 5a hit , ©e1iebtc,fDa6 icbmcrgcriiiIItc fl at t ;

fDa bbrit c6 3a jeher 6 tanhe,fba bbrit e6 an jchemD tt.llnh bait ha 5amniict icben 6 cb1ammer

(Sicicbiaiien hie 21agcn fuam,6 a with hiebmein fl art bcriaIgcn

fl 6 in hen ticiiten imam.


23a bait Q iamantcn anh 23cr1cn,

gait a11c6,ma6 fl cnicbcnbcgcbr,IInh bait hie icbbnitcn 21agcnfl ein Siebcben,ma6miIIit ha mcbr

10(D ie ficimfebr

fD ie fl atter iaIgt her fl cnge,

$Dcn 6 abn, hen iiibtct iic,6 ie fingen beihe im6bat e6 cIabt iciit ha , fl atic !


6 ie fl atter 6 atte6 3a e Iaar

il t iigt beat ibr beitc6 Q Ieih ;.beat bat iic b icI 5a icbaiicn,66 fammcn bicI iranic Scat


Sbic tranfen Bea te bringenfibt hat a16 D bferibcnh

21a6 fl acb6 gcbiIhete 6 1ichcr,fl cI ta iicbictnc 811Wanh 1951152

llnh tact cine fl acb6banh opfert,SDembeiIt an her .banh hie fl anh

llnhmet einen fl acb6iafi opfert,23cmwith her gab geianh.

Siacb RcbIaat gingmancbcr aai M eta l ,

fib er icba tangt auf hem6 ci1,6 ar mancbct ibicIt jebt hie iBraticbc,fD emhart fcin c

[singer tb at beiI.

6 ie fl a tter nabmein fl acb61icbt,llnh biIhete ht aa6 cin fietg.

,,23ring’ha6 hct fl atter 6 attc6,

fbob a bciIt iie heinen 6 d)mer3. “

6 i e {Scimtcbr

fib er 6 abn nabmieaiacnh ha6 fl acb6bet3,6 ing icaigcnh 3amfieiligenbiih ;fD ie 6 bt iine qa iIIt aa6 hem21age,fDa6 fl art aa6 hemficracn quillt

,,fba fiacbgebcnehcitc,

fDa reine 6 attc6magh,fDa fibnigin hc6 ©imme16,fD it icimein Sl eih gefIagt !

3d)mabute mitmeiner fl atter ,8a Q bHen in her 6 taht,fib er 6 taht, hie bicIc banhcttQ abclIen anh Q itcbcn bat.

llnh ncbcn na6mabute (Si t ctcben,2306) hie iii tat jcbanh

fl at ie, hit bring’icb cat fl aeb6bct5,

.beil’ha meine .bcrgcn61aanh


.beil’ha mein frante6 .berge

3d)miII aneb ibiit anh iriibSnbriinitiglicb beten anh iingen

6 c10bt iciit ha , fl aric


‘D et trante 6 abn anh hic fl atter,

fD ic ici cicn imfibmmerlein;fDa 1amhie fl atter 6 attc6Giana Ieiic gcicbrittemberein.

Sb icma t hice6 ie beagte iicb abet hen firanfcn,

llnh Icgtc ibre {vanh

6 am, Ieiic aai icin fictae,llnh [ficbcItcmilh anh icbraanh.

Sb ic fl atter icbaat a11e6 im6 t aame,llnh bat nocbmcbr gcicbaat ;6 ie crmacbtc aa6 hem6 cb1ammet ,fb ic .banhe beIIten ia Iaat.

230 Iag habingcitrccfet

Sbr 6 abn, anh her tbat tat ;66 ibicIt auf hen bIeicben fl angen

fDa6 Iicbte fl atgcnrat.

fD ie fl atter iaItct hie ,bfinhe,fibr tb at , iiemubtc nicbtmic21nhiicbtig iang iie Iciie,,6 clabt iciit ha , fl arie

6 ie 21mm(1825- 1826)27


21mbIaiicn fl ecre6itranhc

6 afi icb gchanfcnbcfiimmctt anhfD ic 6 anne neigte iicb tiefer anhmari6 11ibt atc 6 treiicn aai ha6 fl aiiet ,llnh hiemcibcn, weiten fl eIIcn,

98 6 i e .bcimfcbr

,,Sicb bin cin heaticbcr fD icbter ,SBcfannt imheaticben Banh;Sienntman hie bcitcnmamen,6 a with aacb her meine genannt.llnhma6 mir icbIt, ha Q Icinc,


{scbItmancbcmimheaticben Banh ;Sicani man hie ici mmitcn 6 cbmeraen,6 a with aneb het meine genannt.


fD ic 3abre fammen anh geben,6 cicb1ccbtcr iteigcn ia6 6 rab,fD acb nimmer bet gcbt hie Siebe,fD ic icb im.ijergcn bab


Slat ciumaI naebmbcbt’ icb hicbllnh iinten bat hit auf6 Rnic,llnh iterbenh 5a hit ibrccben:

fl ahamc, icb Iiebe 6 ie !


fl cin Q inh,mirmaren Q inhet ,Staci fiinhct , fIcin anh irab;fl it tracbcn ia6 ©iibncrbiia6cben,fl ritccftcn an6 antcr ha6 6 trab.

fl it triibtenmic hie ®iibnc,llnh famen Beatc barbei,,Q ifetcb


ib iie gIaabtcn,66 taiirc .babnengcicbtci.

Sb ic .bcimfebt

fD ic Q iiten auf anict cm.baiefD ie tabegicrtcn rair aa6,

llnhmabnten hrin beiiammcn,unhmacbtcn ein barnebme6 .baa6.

c 6 91acbbar6 aItc Rabc

Q ambftct6 3améBciacb;fl it macbten ibr fl icfiing’anh Q aicficllnh Q amimcnte gcnag.

fl it baben naeb ibremSBciinhcn58ciarg1icb anh ircanhIicb gefragt ;fl it babcn icithcmha6ic1befl ancber aIten Rage gciagt.

fl it iaigcn aneb aft anh ipracbcn

fl rniinitig,mic aite Beat’,llnh fIagtcn,mic aIIc6 beiicr

6 emcicn 3a anicrcr g eit ;

fl ie Bicb’anh I tca

’anh 6 1aabcn

2§ct icb1banhcn aa6 her fl cIt,

llnhmic ia teacr her Ra ffee,unhmic in rat ha6 6 c1h !

§Barbei iinh hie Q inhcribicIc,llnh aIIc6 roIIt barbeifDa6 6 t anh hie fl cIt anh hie 8citcn,llnh 6 1aabcn anh Bicb

’anh I rca


fD ic b cimfcbt23

f0a biit taie cine fl ame6 a bt anh icbbn anh rein;311) icbaa

’hieb an, anh fl ebmat

6 cbIcicbtmit ia6 .bcrg bincin.

fl it iit, a16 ab icb hie .Qiinhc

21ai6 .baabt hit 1cgcn iaIIt’,

c tcnh, hafi (55att hieb crbaIte

6 a rein anh icbitn anh bt .


SiebmaIIt’,meine 6 d)mer3en ergbiicn

6 icb all’in cin cingigc6 fl att,

fD a6 giib’icb hen Iaitigcn fl inhen,

i ie triigcn e6 Iaitig fart.

6 ie tragen 3a hit , 6 c1iebtc,i a6 icbmcrgcriiiIItc fl art ;

23a bbrit c6 3a jeher 6 tanhe,fDa bbt it c6 an jehemD rt.llnh bait ha 3amniict icben 6 cb1ammct

6 cicb10iicn hie 21agcn taam,6 a with hicbmein fl at t bcriaIgen

fl 6 in hen ticiiten i taum.


50a bait SD iamantcn anh SBerIcn,

gait aIIc6, 10a6 fl cnicbenbcgebr,llnh bait hie icbbniten 21agcnfl cin Siebcbcn, tb a6miIIit ha mcbr

6 ie .bcimtcbr

i ie fl atter iaIgt her fl cngc,

SD en 6 abn, hen iiibtct iie,6 ie iingen beihe im6bare6 e10bt iciit ha , fl atie !

IIfb ie fl atter 6 attc6 3a SicbIaat

i t iigt beat ibr bcitc6 Q Ieih;.bcat bat iie bieI 3a icbaiicn,66 fammcn bicI tranfc 53cat


Sbic franica Scatc bringenSbr hat a16 D picripenh

21a6 fl acb6 gebiIhetc (551ichcr,fl cImiicbicrnc anh .biinh


llnh tact cine fl acb6banh opfert,fD embciIt an hct .banh hie fl anh

llnhmet einen fl acb6iafi opfert,cmwith her gab geinah.

Staci) SicbIaar ging mancbcr auf Sirficfen,fiber icba tangt aai hem6 ci1,6 ar mancbcr ipicIt jest hie 23mticbc,fD emhart tcin {finger tb at beiI.

i ie fl atter nabmcin fl acb61icbt,llnh biIhctc hraa6 cin .bcrg.

,,SBt ing

’ha6 her fl atter 6 0ttc6,

i ann bciIt iie heinen 6 cbmcr5. “

SD ic ficimfcbr

c r 6 abn nabmicaiacnh ha6 fl acb6ber3,6 ing icaigcnh 3amficiligcnbiih ;fD ic i bt iinc quillt aa6 hem21age,51306 fl at t aa6 hem.bergen quillt

,,fba .ba


cbgcbcnchcite,SDa reine 6 attc6magh,fDa fibnigin he6 .bimmc16,fD it ici mein Sl eih gctiagt !

c3d)mabute mitmeiner fl atter ,

8a SibIIen in her 6 taht,c t 6 taht, hie b icIc banhcrt

Q abcflen anh Si ircbcn bat.

llnh ncbcn an6mabute 6 tctcben,Q acb hic iit tat jebanh

fl aric, hit bring’icb cin fl acb6bcr5,

.bcil’ha meine .bct gcn61banh


" .beil’ha mein frante6 .berge

3c!)miII aneb ibtit anh iriibfinbt iinitigiicb beten anh iingen

6 e10bt iciit ha , fl at ic


i Der franfc 6 abn anh hie fl atter ,

i Die ici cicn imfibmmcricin;f0a tamhie fl atter 6 0ttc6Gi ana Ieiie gcicbt ittcn~ berein.

Sb icma t hice6 ie beugte iicb abet hen Siranfcn,

IInh Iegte ibre {vanh

6 an5 Ieiic aa i icin .betac,llnh IiicbcitcmiIh anh icbrb anh.

i ie fl atter icbaat a11c6 imi raame,llnh bat nacbmcbr gciebaat ;6 ie crmacbtc aa6 hem6 cb1ammer,Sb ic .banhe bc11tcn ia Iaat.

fD a Iag habingeitrcefet

%br 6 abn, anh her tb at tat ;66 ipicIt aai hen bleiebcn fl angen

fD a6 1iebtc fl argcnt at.

i ie fl a tter iaItct hie .biinhc,%br tb at , iiemubtc nicbtmic21nh1


icbtig iang iie Iciie,,6 c1abt iciit ha , fl arie !“

6 ie Siarhiee (1825- 1826)



21mbIaiicn fl cct e6itranhe

6 ai3 icb gchanfcnbcfiimmcrt anh ciniam.

SD ic 6 anne neigte iicb tiefer anhmari6 Iiibrate 6 trciicn aai ha6 fl aiier,llnh hiemcibcn, weiten fl cIIcn,

fb i ema t hiec21mciniamen 6 tranh,llnh icb 1a6 ha6 Rich bamD hbiiea6,$D a6 aItc, ha6 cra ig jange Sieh,21a6 heiienmccrhat ebraaiebten fl attetn

fl it itcahig cntgcgcniticgfiber 21tcmher 6 bttct ,llnh hct Icaebtcnhe fl enicbcnfrai ng,llnh her i ibcnhe .bimmcl ban $c11a6.

fl cin ch1c6 .Sjetz, beg1eitetc trcaIiebfib en 6 abn he6 8 aet te6, in isrriabrt anh SDrangiaI,6 cbt

’iicbmit ibm, ic enbetiimmet t,

21a gaitIicbe .bcrhc,fl a Sibniginnen 23a tba t ibinncn,llnh baIi ibmIagen anh i ic icb entrinnen21a6 SRieicnbb en anh Sibmpbcnarmen,<


y01gtc ibmnaeb in fimmeriicbc inacbt,llnh in 6 tarmanh 6 d)iiibtacb,llnh ht cte mit ibmaniii i cbe6 61enh.

6 eai5cnh ibracb icb: SD a bbiet fisaieihan,fibein 8amiit ia tcbtbar,llnhmir ic ct bangt

D b her eignen g eimfcbr.

Q aumibt acb icb hie°

fl artc,

59a icbiiamte ha6 fl eet ,llnh aa6 henmcibcn fl eIIen iticgfb a6 icbiIibcfrangtc .Sbaabt he6 fl eergatt6,

llnh bbbniicb rici er

fb ie 920 t hice

garcbtc hicb nicbt, EBactIcin'

3d) will nicbt img’ringitcn gciiibrhenibein armc6 6 cbiiicbcn,llnh nicbt hcin Iiebe6 Beben bcangit


fl it a113a bchenfiicbcm6 cbaa1c1n.

S enn ha , SBactIcin, bait nie micb craarnt,

fD a ba it icin eingigc6 i armebcn bcrc t

21a siiriama6’beiIigct C

cite,Rein einaigc6 fibreben bait ha bcricngt

21m21ag’meine6 6 abn6 ‘Balbpbcma6,llnh hicb bat niema16 ratcnh beiebiibt

fD ie 6 bttin her Si iagbeit, 23a11a6 21tbenc.

211ia riei Siiaicihan

llnh taaebtc gariicf in6 fl eet ;llnh iibcr hen grabcn 6 cemann6rbibBarbten antcr hcin fl aiiet

21mbbitritc, ha6 bIambc Si icbtb eib,nah hie hammen i bcbtct he6 21crca6.

Steac (fichiebtc(Pub lis hed in 1844)



Seifc giebt harcbmein 6 cmiit81cb1icbe6 6 c11


iate.fiiingc, Heinc6 3rab1ing61ich,91mg binaa6 ia6 fl cite.

R‘Iing binaa6, bi6 an ha6 ©aa6 ,fl a hic fl amcn ipt iciscn.

fl cnn ha cinemaic icbaait,6 ag

’, icb Iaii

’iie grabcn.


fiber 23t ici, hen ha gciebricben,6 r macbtmicb gar nicbt bang ;58a ta iIIitmicb nicbtmcbr Iieben,21bct hcin 58rici iii Iang.

810i 6 citcn, eng anh 5icr1icb !

6 in tlcinc6 fl ana ift ibt !

fl an icbrcibt nicbt ia aa6iabr11eb,fl cnnman hen 21bicbich gicht.


Si amangen

6 ie banheInmit hen 6 bc3erei’nfib er gangen fl cIt, harb in her Bait,i t ab aIIcn fl iitgcn, riecbtman itet6fb cn fanIcn 6 d)e11iiirbice1cnhnit.

D , haia icb grobc Baiter iiib’,

fl rbrcrben, bIntig, taIaiiaI

Sitar hicic iattc i ngcnh nicbt,llnh 5ab1nng6iiibigc fl oral !

Sbr fl aIfcn ht abcn, ncbmtmirbmit,6 1cirbbic1 narbmebemfernen D tt !Siarb Bab anh 0her 21irita ,llnh ici

’6 narb 230mmern iatt ! nnr fart !

D , ncbmt mirbmit 6 ie bbren nicbt‘D ie fl alicn ht abcn iinh ia ting !

2§ariibcrt ciienh hicicr 6 taht,21ngit1icb bcirbIcnn

’gcn iie hen 81ng.

D Ebentirblanh, meine icrnc Bicbc,6 chcnf

’icb heiner ,mcin’ icb fait !

fD a6 mantrc $t anfreirb icbcintmir triibc,fb a6 Icicbtc 23011 withmir gar Bait.

flint her fl titanh, ia faIt anh tracicn,.betriebt in hemta ibigcn


Si amangen

D 21arrbeit6g10r11cin, 6 Ianbcn6g10r1en,fl ic fiingeIt ibr habcimia iiiia!

Qbflirbc fl iinncr ! SD arb bcrhraiicn

6 cb’icb hen at t

’gen 6 tai§ garnet.

‘D ie 6 rabbeit, hie icb cinit genaiien3mfl atct lanh, ha6 tba t mein 6 166 !

BiicbeInhc fl eibct ! fl abbern immer ,fl ic fl iibIcnt iihcr itet6 betacgt !

58a Iab’icb fD eaticbIanh6 grancngimmct ,

SDa6 icbrbeigenh iicb 5a fl ttc Icgt.

llnh aIIc6 hrcbt iicb bier imStreiicfl it llngcitiim,mic ’

n taIIcr i t aum!éBci na6 bleibt aIIe6 biibirb im6 1eiic,fl ie angcnageIt, t iibtt iicb fanm.

fl it iit, a16 bbtt’icb ictn ct ingcnmarbttaiirbtctbbtncr, ianit anh trant ;

Siarbrb iirbtcrIieher bbt’icb iingen,

fD aarb iirbcn StarbtigallcnIant.

fb cmSD irbter tbat ia mabi habcimcSin 6 rbi1ha6 tcnrem‘ 6 irbcnbain!i art tbab icbmeine gartcn Sicime21n6 fl ilrbenhnit anh fl anhenirbcin.

i eb i’icb an a tieblanh in her Siarbt,fD ann bin icb am‘

hen 6 ebIai gcbracbt,iicb tann nicbtmcbr hie 21ngcn iri ciacn,llnhmeine bcibcn i bt iincn flicficn.

Sb ic fiabre fammen anh bergcbn!

6 cit icb hie fl atter nicbt gcicbn,810i fiabre iinh icban bingegangcn;66 tb iirbitmein 6 ebnen anh fl t langen.

fl cin 6 ebnen nnh fl t iangcn 10arbit.‘D ic a1te {gran bat mirb bebert,iicb hcnfe immer an hie a1te,

i ie a1te gran, hie 6 att crbaltc !

fD ic a1te<

{gran batmirb ia Iicb,llnh in hen SBricicn, hie iie irbrieb,6 cb

’icb, 10ie ibre .Séanh gegittert,

fl ic tici ha6 fl attcrbcra crirbiittctt.

i ie fl atter Iicgtmir itet6 im6 inn.

810i Iange fiabre flaiien bin,

810i Iangc i nbrc iinh beriIaiien,6 cit icb iie nicbt an6 fibers gcirbIaiicn.

500 1151011015

6 111 fl intermarrben (1844)

Rabat I


Smtraurigen fl anat Si abcmber 10ar’6,i ie i agc 10arhen triibcr ,

fib er fl inh rii; ban hen 6 aumen ha6 Baa b,SD a rciit

’icb narb 50cutirb1anh biniibcr.

llnh a16 icb an hie 6 ren3c 1am,i n iiiblt

’icb cin itiirferc6 filabicn

Snmeiner SBruit, icb glaube iagari ie 21ugcn begannen an trabicn.

llnh 016 icb hie hcntirbc 6 pruebe bctnabm,58a 10arhmir ic1tiam5a fl ute ;Sci)meinte nicbt anher6, a16 ab ha6 gmSicrbt angcncbmbcrblnte.

6 ia 11cine6 .[oat icnmahrben iang.

6 ie iang mit 10abrem6 ciiib1ellnh ialirbct 6 timme, harb 10arh icb icbr6 ct iibrct ban ibrem6 pic1c.


SD eutirblanh

6 ie iang ban Biebc anh Biebe6gt am,21uiabirnng anh fl ieheriinhcn

fb att aben in jcncr beiicrcn fl clt,

fl a aIIe Bcihcn icb10inhcn.

6 ie iang bamithiirben Sammertbal.2300 greuben, hie balh gerranncn,210mSenicit6, 100 hie 6 cc1e irb10e1gt23cr11€itt in e1a’gen fl anncn.

6 ie iang ha6 a1te 6ntiagung61ich,fDa6 6 iababcia bam.

ié immcl,fl amitman einlullt, 10enn c6 greint,

i3a6 21011, hen groben Bammel.

Srb fenne hic fl ciic, icb fenne ben36) 1cnn

’and) hie .Sjcrrcn 23criaiicr ;

3d) weib, iie traufen beimlirb fl cin

llnh brchigtcn biientIirb fl aiicr.

6ia ncue6 Bich, ein beiicre6 Bich,D gtcunhc, t0i11 icb curb hirbten!

fl it 10011en bier aui 6 rhcn irbou‘D a6 ®immclreirb crricbten.

fl it 10011en ani 6 rhcn g'


1r11irb icin,llnh 10011en nicbtmcbr harben;2§ctirblemmcn i011 nicbt hct ianlc SBanrb,fl a6 i1eibigc fibrinhe ct100tbcn.

SD cutirblanh

66 rb iirbit bicniehcn 23rat gcnug

gar aIIe fl enirbenfinhcr,21nd) 2iaicn anh fl brten, 6 rbbnbeit

11nh 8ur1et erbien nicbtminhet .

Sa , 8nr1etcrbicn iiir jehcrmann,6 aba1h hie 6 rbatcn blabcn!

c n ©imme1 iibcrlaiicn 10ir

c u6nge1n anh hen 6 ba8en.

11nh 10arbicn nu6 {f111c narb hemi ah,6 a 10011en 10ir curb bcinrbcn

i art aben, anh rbit , 10ir ciienmit curbfD ie ieligitcn i artcn unh Starben.

6 ia ncnc6 Bich, cin bciicrc6 Bich!

66 flingt 10ic anh 6 eigcn!

fD a6 fl iiercre iit barbei,fD ie 6 tcrbcglar1cn irb10cigen.

i ie Sangicr 6araba iit bct labt

fl it hemicbbncn 6 cniniieSD et s t eibcit, iic 1icgcn einanhcr im21rm,6 ie irb10e1gcn imeritcn Quiic.

llnh ieblt her SBiaiienicgcn habci,fD ie 6bc 10ith gultig nicbtminhcr66 Iebc 23riiutigamunh 23rant,llnh ibre antfinitigcn Siinher !

Starblcic 5a hen (fichirbtcn

Srb 10ar, a Bamm, 016 .bit t beitc11t,

8a biiten hirb ani hicicr fl clt ;

fiab’bicbmitmeinem23rat gciibt,

fl it fl aiier au6 hem230mc cbt.

fl cnn fa1t her fl intcritntmgc11'irmt,.Sjab

’irb bicb an hct 23wit ctmiirmt.

{pier biclt icb feit bicb angcirblaiicn;fl cnnmcgcngiiiie iicb etgaiien,llnh fl ali anh fl a1hbarb umhie fl ctte

6 ebcn1t imhnnfeln gclicnbettc,ibn bangtcit nicbt, bait nicbt gegittert.6 c1bit 10cnn hen bbrbitcn i ann gcriblittert

SDcr fl cttct itrabI inmeinem6 rbbbibn irblicicit itilI unh iargenla6.

fl cin 2ltm10ith irb10arb, c6 irblcirbt berbei

fb cr blaiic i ah ! Sb ic 6 rbaierei,i3a6 .Sjit tcnipicl, c6 bat ein 6nhe.

D 6 att, icb leg’in hcinc firinhc


ir1 hen 6 tab. §Bebutc hn

fl cin armc6 Bamm, 10cnn irb gut Siab’23citattct bin anh


hulhe nirbt,118

ma rblcie 3a hen 6 ehirbtenD ab itgenhtb a ein D arn iie itirbt

D irbiib’ibr fl ie6 bar D arnenbcrfen

llnh aurb bar 6 1'

imbicn, ,hie bcflcrfcn;

Bafi iiberaII an ibren $ni3enD a6 aIIcrbcite $ntter ibrieizcn;llnh lab iie irblaicn, iargcn106,fl ic cinit iie irblici inmeinem6 rbai3.


D er 6 rbeibenhe

6ritarbcn iit inmeiner D ra itSeh10chc 10c1tlicb eitle Ba it,6 ebiet iii mit aneb critarbcn hrin

D er gab he6 6 rb1crbten, iagar her 6 inn<

{stir eignc 10ie itit it emhe Slatllnh inmir lebt nnr narb her i ah !

D er 2§arbang ia11t, ha6 6 ti'

1r1 iit an6,llnh giibnenh 10anhc1t jebt narb ®au6

fl cin 1icbc6 hentirbc6 23nb1i1nm,D ie gutcn Bcntrbcn iinh nirbt hnmm;D a6 ibciit jcbt gang, bcrgniigt 5a 2iarbt

llnh trinft icin 6 rbbpprbcn, fingt anh 1arbt6r batte rcrbt, her chlc .{3cra6,D er 10ci1anh ibrarb im23urb ©0mcra6’D er 11cinite lebenhigc 23bi1iiter

8a 6 taffert amSi rdar, bicl gliirfIirbcr iit cr2116 irb, her 21c1ihe, her tate .belh,D er 6 rbattcni1

irit in her 11nter10c1t.

2i a rb1eie an hen 6 chirbtcn


D eatirblanb

(Oemrteben 1111 6 01mm:D cutirbIanh ii1 narb cin Heine6 Stinh,

D arb hie 6 anne iit icine 21mme,6 ie iiiugt c6 nirbtmit itilIcr fl ilrb,6 ie iiingt c6 mit 10i1her 31amme.23ci ialrbcr Siabrnng taiirbitman

llnh farbt ha6 fl at in hen 21hern.

Sbt 22arbbar61inhet , biitct curb,fl it hemjangcn D urirbcn 3a bahera !6r iit cin tiibpiirbc6 SiicicIein,

21cii3t an6 hemD ahen hie 6 irbc,llnh irb1iigt curb hamit hen <


1r1cn 10unh

llnh hie fibpic 10inhe110eirbe.

D em6 icgit ich g1eirbt ct , hemeh1en $0111,2§an hem10ir iingen nnh iagen;D er bat, narbhemct gcirbmiehct icin 6 rbtb et t,D en 21mba§ cntgtaeigeirbIagen!

Sa , hu 10irit cinit tb ie 6 iegirich icinllnh tbtcn hen biii rbcn D t arbcn,

ficiia ! ta ie ircnhig bam©imme1 berabfl ith heine {gran 21mme 1arbcn !D u 10it it ibn tbtcn, anh icincn ©0rt,

D ie 91cirb611cinahicn, bciibcn.

bciia ! taie t0ith ani heinemfianbtD ie galhne Sirane bliben!


the s e wa lking tours when compa ring the sports a t Ame rican ins ti tutions with thos e in Ge rmany. On the mathe tic s ide , a t leas t, the

Fus stour 18 not infe r ior to the game .

The Harzre is e , a lthough it did not appe a r until 1826, was virtua llycomple ted befor e He ine took his degre e , so tha t it be longs to the ca te

gory of s tudent production in Ge rmany. It s tands a t the he ad of tha t

long lis t which include s : the firs t three cantos of Klops tock’s Mes

s ias Les s ing’s D er junge Gelehr te Goe the’s La a ne de s Veriiebten, D ie

Mitschuldigen, the first conception of Faus t, and s ome s ongs ;

Schille r’s Rduber e tc. , e tc. The s ame clas s of litera ture in Ame r icahas its Thanatops i s and Sp a rtacus to the Gladiator s . Such works as

the preceding forma pe rmanent cha llenge to academic youth to ris e

above the s tandard of the college journal and create .

P a g e 1 . A quota t ion fromLudwig B6rne’s D enkr ede auf Jean

Paul . Se e note on pp. 44-4 6, 11 B iirne’s care e r re s embled tha tof He ine inmany r e spe cts : a s Jews they sufie red equally fromrace

pre judice ; they showed a like devotion to the caus e of libe r ty ; politica l radica lismdrove themto take refuge in Par is afte r 1830 ; and,

fina lly, B iirne was like He ine a pros e lyte to Chr is tianity . He ine

and B iirne worked toge the r harmonious ly as long as they r ema ined inGe rmany . D a r ing the ir Pa r is pe r iod the ir re lations be came s tra ined.

Both wer e me rcile s s polemics , but He ine had the ke ene r wi t . Afte r

B6rne’s de ath He ine pub lished a volume , He inr ichHcine tiber Ludwig

Barns , de s igned to comba t the growing influence of B iirne 's ideas

and conta ining a b itte r cha racte rization of him. This as s ault on the

memory of a forme r friend and comrade expos ed He ine tomuchanimadve rs ion, which he s e ems , howeve r , to have regarded withindifie rence . 3—4 . nnb ha6 mitt s , ‘

and life would be one long

outpour ing of our he art’s b lood, but for poe try .

’ 6—7 . cine galbene

roitct,‘golden days , whose lus te r dims not .’

3 . 2 . biiflirbe, of the court ie r .

’ 3. (imbraiiiet en: pronouncethe firs t syllab le in the French way . The fore ign word , e speciallythe , French word , can b e us ed in Ge rman to produce a var ie ty ofefiects . He re it sugge s ts an a r is tocra tic, supe rficia l a tmosphere .

E ls ewhe r e He ine introduce s French in orde r to give an impres s ionof colloquia lism, e .g . in No. 28 of his Lyr ica l Intermezz'o, whe re wefind in the cours e of a few short lines kap abel,mis erabel, oa s sabel,


a imabel. In his Paris pe riod He ine b ecame prodigal of French words .

7—8 . mirb ti ter BiebeBilbmcrgen, the ir s ings ong about fictitious

pangs of love is de a th tome .

’— 10- 11 . fl uhie eritblicfiet, Whe redwe ll the s imple -he arted cottage rs , where the soul is thrown wideopen.

’ 13- 16. aai hie iagcn,‘I will mount to the hilltops ,

whe re ar e the dark and towe ring firs , the rus hing b rooks and war

bling b irds , and the lordly , driving clouds .

’— 17 . glatte, polished.

21. The ve ry firs t line , with its colloca tion of s aus ages and unive r

s ity ,

’s ounds the He ine note . t tingen, like He ide lbe rg , Jena ,

Oxford, both Cambridge s , is ‘famous for its univers ity’; Le ipzig ,Be r lin, Munich, Par is , e tc. , poss es s famous univers it ies . In the latte r

cla s s the academic life is ove rshadowed by the civic. 22. heat Q fiaige

baa W a s her ; who was a ls o king of E ngland. The crowns of E ngland and Hanove r we re s epar ated on the acces s ion of Que enVictoria in1837 . 23. generftcuen, he a rths ,

’may be rende red he re by domicile s .

’ —24. Ratacr (Lat. car e e r , the powe r to confine in the

unive rs ity prison is a quaint surviva l of tha t wide r academic juris diction which inmediaeval days extended ove r the s taff, the students , and

a ll who were in any way dependent on the univers ity . At the pre s enttime the only ofiens e s which come within the province of the Academiccour t a re s tudents’breache s of dis cipline . Tr ialmus t b e conductedin accordance with the us age s of the ordinary civil tribunal. The

sma r t s tudent is ra the r proud than othe rwis e of a brief pe r iod of

confinement . He commits a s light ofiens e aga ins t propr ie ty and isa r re s ted in amanne r which in his opinion doe s not compromise thedignity of a gentleman. Openly or cove rtly, he is allowed be e r and

a pa int box, whe reupon he proce eds to de cora te the walls of his pris onwi th a s ilhoue tte of hims e lf and a rhyming ve rs ion of his crime .

The entire surface of the walls and ce ilings of the He ide lberger

Ka rzer is lite rally cove red with portra its of s tudents in the caps and

colors of the ir various corpora tions (Korp s , Burschemchafien,corporation coa ts of arms , e tc.

— iRatBteli¢r (be tte r left untrans lated)a townhall bas ement pub lic hous e . The townhall ce llar is fre quentlyus ed for such purpos e s to the profit of the municipa l treasury.Note tha t the Bierwirtschaft is on quite a difie rent plane of respectability fromthe Ame rican ‘

s a loon.

’ Ladie s , profes s ors , cle rgyman,and even school children are s e en a t the forme r .

124 NOTE S

4 . 2. Bfihn : according to E ls te r an athle tic student ; s ome s ay

He ine’s dog . It does not re ally matte r which. 4- 9. uub

Satan, and is never more a ttractive than when s e en ove r one’s

shoulde r . Itmus t be ve ry old, for I remembe r , five ye ars ago when I

was ma tr icula te d and soon afte r sus pended it alr eady had tha t

look of hoary pre cociousnes s , a s we ll as a comple te outfit of cops(in E nglish s lang ,

“ pee le rs ,” “ hobbie s be adies .

’ 7 . lanfiliintthe cons iliumabeundi advice to le ave fromwhich the for egoing ve rb is de rived, enta iled temporary banis hment fr omthe univers ity , not exclus ion fromothe r unive rs ities . Re legation,mentioneda line or two fa rthe r on, is amore s e r ious ma tte r . The student who

has be en relega ted (expe lled) finds it difiicult to ob ta in academiccitizenship e ls ewhe re in Ge rmany . 9. 6 1111116 1 111 (lit. ra ttle s

$nh¢1n (s tudents’corruption of P ede ll): s tudents

’name s for night

watchmen, and be adl es (attendants of the U nivers ity Council).10. i bébaniants (Fr ench, lit. da ncing te as pronounce with a s ort

ofTeutonized French accent, br inging out the s of the plur a l)may beleft untrans la ted , or rende red by afte rnoon dance s .

’ Rambeuhicu,crambooks ,’ diges ts .

’ 11. (Snelfenarhen: an orde r of knighthood

founded by George IV of E ngland for his Ge rman sub jects . Ne ither

in Gre a t Brita in nor in Prus s ia , to which Hanove r has b e longed s ince

1866, have its membe rs the rank of knights . S t amatianfl ntirben,gradua tion carriage s ,

’in which s tudents s cre en thems e lves fromthe

eyes of the Philis tine when paying the r egula tion vis it to the examinersjus t before the acumen r igorosum. In accordance wi th the Conti

nenta l cus tomon such omcia l occas ions , the Kandidat we ars thedre ss which in E ngland and Ame rica ha s come to b e re s erved a lmos texclus ive ly for the evening . $feifentbbfen: pipe bowls ,’ gorgeous ly ornamented with the a rms of the students’clubs , are often

exchang ed as pres ents and kept as s ouvenir s of the happy studentdays . Q afriiten: a ra the r common title in Ge rmany. In Aus triait s tandsmuch highe r . 12 . Siclcgatiané riitea , councilors of rele


a humorous compound of He ine’s ownmaking . Se e note

on taniiiuert, l. 7 . S t afagen anh anhcrng egen is ha rd to trans late .

Foregoing the word play, one might pe rhaps rende r by Profs . and

othe r s imple tons .

’{Wrenme ans foole ry Drain; is s tudents’slang

for pror ector (annually e lecte d pre s ident of the U niver s ity) and,


community, and supply the candida te s for high s tate office . On

fes tive and notab le occas ions they cla imto repres ent the U nive rs i ty .

In sma ll unive rs ity towns like t tingen and He ide lbe rg the Korp s

and Bur s chens chaften forma conside rable pa rt of the student body.A t the large r unive r s itie s they are los t in the crowd of worke rs whos es ilent labors have cre a te d Ge rman s cholar ship . 19. { when her

fl iiten nah her $ieiicaqafiitc : corpora tion colors appear on ca ps ,r ibbons worn diagonally acros s the ches t , and the cords which a re

s trung through the var ious s e ctions of the s tudent’s long pipe .

20- 21. Place s nea r t tingen. 21—23. iit!) habia leben,‘ke e p

up a pe rpe tual round of due ls , re ta in, without any e ffort a t change ,

the manne rs and cus toms of migra tion ” days .

’ 25. Remnan tthe Komment (Fr ench comment , how. Pronounce approxima te lyas in B ench), which is the sumof s tudent us age in due ling ,

b e e r dr inking , e tc. is more s tr ictly obs e rved by s tudents than the

laws of the s ta te . A s a spe cimen of the Komment it is unkemmentmlis s ig not in accordance with the Komment,’ bad s tudent

form to dr ink independently , i . e . without paying to some pe rs onpr e sent the compliment of pledg ing him. The formulas to b e memor ize d and ob s e rved are endle s s . The Heide lberger or Jenae r B ier

komment is a s tout volume .— 25—26 . leg ibus barba rorum(Lat ,


of the b a rbar ians the law of us age (Gewohnhe its r echt) cur rent

among Ge rmanic tribe s was formula te d in the fifth and subs e quentcentur ie s , usually in b arb aric La tin. 28 . $biliiter : at a Ge rmanunive r s ity Philister is oppos e d to Bur sch (typical s tudent) approxima te ly as town is Oppos ed to gown in Oxford. The spe cia lapplica tion of Phi lis ter s tarted in Jena . For about a century it leda vigorous exis tence as 8 students’word, ente ring into var ious comb ina tions , e .g . B ierphi lis ter Taktphilister

Re imphi lister poe tas te r At the clos e of the e ighte enth centuryit worked its way up froms tudent language into lite ra ture , taking onthe s ens e (

‘na tura l enemy of culture in which Matthew Arnoldintroduced it into E ng lish . 28—29. meltbe iinh,

‘be twe en whichfour clas s e s , howeve r , it is anything but e a sy to draw a sha rp line .

5 . 2 . atheatlirben anh nnarhentlirben, r egular and ir regular .’8

play on words which of cours e it is difficult to rende r s atis factorilyinto E nglish. Ordentliche (ordina r ii) are full profe s s ors , have a sea t


and vote in the Faculty . Ausserorde rwliche (extra-ordinar ii) rece ive

amuch sma lle r sa la ry s ome time s inde ed they are not pa id a t alland ar e not membe rs of the Facul ty . The Pr ivatdocenl , who is

usually a younge r man, re ce ive s the fe es only . A ll thr e e cla ss e s

work independently and compe te on equa l te rms for he are rs . The

Priva tdocenten and Aus serordentlichen forma waiting lis t of can

dida tes for profes s orships . When a vacancy occur s , the author ities ,

who a r e ke enly alive to the neces s ity of ge tting the b es tman, cas t

the ir eye s ove r the whole academic fie ld. 3. wi re a t weitliiltiig,I should be prolix.

’ 7 . 6 1110 Rat, gra ins of s and, or pe rhapsI should s ay, par ticles ofmud.

’— 9—10. atahemiirben G erirbtw: s e e

note on Ka rzer , p. 3, 1. 24. 11. in bid Bambcnbad, ‘such a pack

of worthle s s ras cals .

’ 12—14. ang inbrlirberes fl ats, Thos e in

s e arch ofmore de ta iled informa tion about G6ttingen can e as ily lookit up inMarx

’s Guide .

’— 16. nnbehingt, unr es e rvedly.’— 17—19. nub

idi wihtribritbt, and I mus t say I dis approve of his he s ita ting

contradiction of the mis taken notion that the t tingen lad ies have

unusual ly b ig foot . Cur ious ly enough, there is a refe rence to the

subject in Marx’s book. 19. ieit Subr aah i ng, for a con

s ide rab le time .

’ 24 . inwas us ed forme rly as a re la tive . In the

rema inde r of this paragraph He inemake s firs b ra te s port of the inferior sort of doctor’s dis s er ta tion, with its labored clas s ifica tion and

its pre tentious a ir of science . With rega rd to the value of Ge rmandeg r ee s , it may be s a id tha t the pas s degre e (the ao-called rite)doe s not s tand ve ry high, but tha t the highe r and highe s t degree s

(ma gna , or vera , ormulta cumlaude summa cumlaude), one ofwhichis indispens able to candida tes for the pos ition of D ocent a t a Ge rmanunive rs ity , repres ent as a rule a noteworthy contribution to s cholar s

ship. 27—6 . 1. itelle 8nia1n1nenbang, I colle ct a ll the gos s ip ofU llr ich’s Garden (8 s tudents’res ort) on the sub je ct of the G littingenladies

’fee t ; 6, I cons ide r the se var ious clas s e s of fe e t colle ctive ly .

6 . 4 ff. This pa ragraph is an exquis ite s a tire on the type of

Ge rman profe s s or whos e s chola rship, lacking imagina tion and initia

tive , tends to laps e into amere accumulat ion of refe rence s . This typewasmuchmore common inHe ine’s day than in our own, owing to thegrea ter re str ictions placed by the then gove rnments on a fre e inves t igation of living que s tions . Speaking gene ra lly, itmay be s a id that the


Ge rmans value in the ir univers itie s not somuch the learning of the

‘occupants of the chairs (although there is no subject which is not

repres ented in thembymen of world-wide reputation)as the fact tha tthes e ins titutions provide an organized sys temfor the propag a tion of

scientific me thods of inquiry , 11. channe l through which perpe tua llyflows an outgoing and incoming s tre amof knowledge , and a meansof bring ing toge ther thos e who have some thing to te a ch and thos e

who wish to learn. In short , the sys temis gre ater than the men.

! o. s . anf heiien berbflangt, with whole beds of li ttle whitequotation papers shining swe e tly in the sunlight , of which he pulledup s eve ral in one place and anothe r , laborious ly transplanting themto a fre sh bed.

’ 15. Burnbcnlerl,‘a worthles s fe llow.

’ —18 . The

old town gate s were s ome times extreme lymagnificent. Good spe ci

mens survive in Speye r , Liibeck, Bas e l, Prag , Neubrandenburg .

19- 21 . beaeirbnen 11mm, are thoroughly character is tic of the

narrow-minded pride whi ch the e rudite G . A . takes in its a r id note

book lea rning .

’ 20. bodigelabrt : a somewhat antiquated formof theword. 20- 21 . (Seargia 21ngnita : ca lled after Ge orge II . — 25- 27 .

fillersagen, I had la tte rly not emerged fromthe Pande ct-s table ,Roman ca suis ts had span a s ort of gray cobweb ove rmy b ra in. The

Pandects (Gr eek, including e ve rything otherwis e known a s the

D igest, of which He ine speaks s o contemptuous ly, formthe pr incipa lpa rt of the legal works (known a s the corpus jur is cicilis)which .weredrawnup at Cons tant inople in the s ixth century on the initia t ive of

the empe ror Jus tinian. Ge rman civil law is bas ed on the Roman law.

E ven the grea t new code which went into force on the lat of January, 1900, r emains fundsmenta lly Roman. Cons equently the cours eson Roman law a t Ge rman unive rs itie s are exceptiona lly good .

29—7 . 4 . beitiinhig a hcn, the re wa s a continua l clatte r ing in

my e a rs of name s like Tr ibonianus , Jus tinianus , He rmogenianus , andAs ininianus , and I actua lly took a s entimenta l couple s itting unde ra tre e for an edition of the corpus jur i s with inte rlocked hands .

7 l . Tribonianus : Impe rial Chance llor and head of the commiss ion appointed by Jus tinian to codify the Romanlaw. Se e note on p. 6,l . 25. Hermogenianus : a juris t , author of a lega l tre atis e quotedin the Pandects . D nmmeriabn: notice the j ingling te rmination and

the piquancy of its form, Jahn Jack b e ing often us ed s lightingly


9 . 8. heat embenteu, ‘the firs t s tudent b e encounte re d .

11—12. (113 1108 hinaufi, when the love ly trio drove 06 , I bowedoncemore to themthrough the openwindow.

’ Riceblatt is often us ed

humorous ly in Ge rman, 8 .g . when thr ee s tudents a re crammingtoge the r for examina tions . 12—13. D er wiiieu,

‘Mine hos t of

the “ Sun ”smiled knowingly ; I suspe ct he knew.

’ 18—14. The

Ka rzer is named afte r its fir s t occupant. Compare the good s torytold ofWa llens te in : in orde r to a void the dis gra ce of having his namepe rpe tua ted in conne ction with a ja il, he pushed his dog in ahea d of

him. (Schille r , Wa llenstein’s Lag er , Sc. 17 . D rannirbmeigerfl eiie ; the mos t important of the surviving Ge rman fa irs a r e those

of Brunswick, Le ipzig , and the two Frankfor ts . fl ciie a ls omeans theMa ss r e ligion firs t b rought the people toge the r and provided the

oppor tunity for trade . 20—24. Cana ry b re eding g ives a live lihood

to s ome hundreds of families in the U nterha rz.— 25. D iterabe is a t

the foot of the Harzmounta ins . 27 - 28. wie einG ait, the s le ep ofthe righteous .

’ The Ge rmans s ay 10ie ein 6 cit in<

granit eirb lcbcn

for ‘high living .

10 . 2 . bertieite mid) int Bcicn, ‘ab sorb ed inmy reading

’; iicb

b ertieicn in is followed by the accus a tive and the da tive , but the re is

a shade of diffe rence in me aning . Freytag has fl cnn icb iiuhiirbra id) in ialrbcnt 6 bie1 b et ti eitc, i . e .

‘be came absorbed ,’not ‘



’ E xample s with the accus a tive a re more common : iteb in isiac

6 ehan1cn b erticicn, e tc. 4—11 . Sb ie nabe i bentiB,‘At that

moment the he ll of the ne ighbor ing church tolled twelve , the dooropened s lowly, and the re ente red one of haughtymien and g igantic

s ta ture , e scorted with profoundes t de fe rence by the membe rs and

dependents of the Law Faculty. Albe it in ye a rs , the goddes s

pos s es s ed aus te re b eauty of countenance , eve ry glance re vea led the

lofty Titane ss , mighty Themis .

’ 11 .


Amends, wife of Z eus ,

goddes s of law and jus tice , and one of that ancient br e ed of gods ,

the Titans , is repre s ented with b andaged eye s , and a sword and

ba lance in he r hands . Cp . Wa llens te in’s Lager , Sc. 11, E nter

Ramet ch, bi e Be i teu iinh immer,D e s 6 11mm: ift nicbt bet he: fl ags mcbr ;

14- 15. an ibrcr lila iticné , b es ide he r on the r ight , le an Court


Councilor Rus ticus skipped windily to and fro.

’ 15. Sinfticufi (Lat ,

‘Bauer ,’ pe a s ant Profes s or Baue r . He ine je s tingly compa re s

his r e forms in the criminal code of Hanove r wi th the work of

Lycurgus , the gr e at lawgive r and s ocial r eforme r who shaped the

nationa l de s tiny of Sparta . 17 - 18 . an wohlgelmmt, on he r

left hobb led a long , prodiga l of a ttent ions and in gracious humor .

18 . Ca va l iers s ervente (Ita l. , a ttendant according to a

cur ious code which preva iled in Ita lian ar is tocra tic socie ty fromthe

s ixte enth to the nine te enth century , it was bad formfor a husband

to b e a ttentive to his wife in public. His place was taken by a cava

lie r , who was unremitting in his ga llantr ie s frommorning till night .19 . Cujas : the gre a t s ixte enth century French juris t » He ine

re fe rs to Profe s s or Hugo, e as ily ident ified by the tr e e clipping mentioned a few line s furthe r down. rif; iuriftifdje 919i“,

crackedprofe s s iona l joke s .

’— 22—23. Richter befdjneibet, Wagg is h li ttle

one , trimming tre es down fromthe top 1 The re is an amb iguouspa s s ag e in the corpus jur is re la ting to the trimming of tre e s whichcut ofi the light froma ne ighbor

’s hous e . It is not clea r whe the r

such tre e s mus t b e tr immed up to or cut of a t a he ight of fifte en

fe e t . Hugo’s inte rpre ta tion is evident. 25—27 . nnb batte

fifipfdjeufi,‘and had a smirking sugge s tion to offe r , some bantling

sys tem, or theory , or s imilar mons tros ity, jus t grubbed out of his

own little bra in.

11 . 1- 4 . edige Disputierten, angular fe llows on the wa tch,

who, dilating with s e lf- complacency , began at once to s tr ing off defini

t ions and dis tinct ions , and haggle ove r eve ry tittle of a Pande ct

t itle .

’ 6 .manageperfiden (pronounce A llong e approxima te ly as inFrench), full-bottomed wigs .

’ With the ir ample cur ls fa lling ove r

che s t and back they we re expre s s ive of pomp and ceremonial .8 - 17 . unb bicfe gerbredjen,

‘and they in the ir own way joined

in the unive rs a l gabb le and shr ill s cre aming , which, swe lling intoeve r loude r turmoil, b roke with a roa r like the s e a around the loftygoddes s , until he r pat ience depa rted and in tone s of dires t Titanic

pa in she suddenly cried aloud Pe ace ! Pe ace 1 I he ar the voice of

my da rling Prome theus ; s cornfulmight and voicele s s violence cha in

hima guiltles s ma r tyr to his rock, and a ll your wordy disputa tionscannot cool his wounds or burs t his fe tte rs .

” 14- 16. The French


edition (1858)re ads : La force insultante e t la violence mue tte de lasa inte a lliance ont encha ine le heros sur un roche r dans l’ocean ,

which shows tha t Heine was thinking of Napoleon.— 14. $ romctlpen8

s on of Themis (s e e note on p. 10, l. s tole back fir e fromhe a ven .

Z eus revenged hims e lf by cha ining Prome theus to a rock and s e tt ing

an e agle to gnaw his Vi ta ls . — 2l—22 .manqmufen; Ba ron von M iinch

haus en played a lead ing par t in the cre a tion of the U nive rs ity of

Gottingen. He ente red upon his task in the spir it of a re forme r .

He tookme asures to provide aga inst the traditional preponde r ance of

the Theologica l Faculty. He allowed the profes s ors unre s tr icte d libe rty in the expres s ion of the ir opinions (unbebiugte Rein: uub M ds

ft eibeit). Students we re given fre edomof choice among the cour s es

(Semft eibeit). Gottingen immedia te ly took front rank as a cente r of

progre ss ive lea rning . The mode rn type of Ge rman unive rs ity da te sfromthe founda tion of Gottingen and Ha lle . Se e note on p . 61 ,

l. 6. 23—25. as tome 8mm; wilde r grew the s cre eching and

raving and I fl ed fromthis invas ive Bedlamd in to the his toryroom, to tha t haven of grace whe re the divine forms .

’ 26 . The

Apollo of the Belvedere in the Va t ican, a noble s ta tue which has comedown to us fromthe e a rly days of the Roman Empire . Apollo looksjus t wha t a young god should b e .

— The Venus of Medici is in tha t

wonde rful room,the Tr ibuna of the U fiizi ga lle ry in Flor ence . It

probably be longs to the firs t century The face is ins ignificant

and common. The figure is extraordina r ily be autiful. The adje ctivebodjgebeuebeit, which He ine applies to it a few lines furthe r down,is thoroughly cha racte r is tic of his a ttitude to morals . He ine was

aggres s ive ly anti-as ce tic. He advoca ted the extract ion of the gre ate s t

amount of enjoyment fromthe s ens e s . He sa id We do not wishto b e frugal citizens . We want voluptuousne s s and magnificence ,mus ic, comedie s , laughte r and dancing of nymphs .

” Some thing of

this s ensuous tendency , which he liked to ca ll He llenic, was born

with him. In pa rt it was due to the te a chings of St . Simon. See

note on Poems , No. 35. 28—12. 2 . in ihrem G isele,‘as I

ga zed on he r I forgot a ll the dr e a ry confus ion fromwhich I hadescaped, my enravished eye s drank in the symme try and immortallove line s s of he r thr ice -b le s s ed form, He llenic ca lms tole over


des tination. He be s towed a s idelong glance onme , smiled s a rdon

ically, sa id his name was Pe regr inus , and repres ented hims e lf as a

cosmopolitan re cruiting for the sultan of Turkey . Are youdispos edto enlis t he s aid. No good comes of wande r ing ,” I r eplied , andthanked himfor the ofie r . To pay himback in his own coin Iannounced tha t I was a journeyman ta ilor fromBrunswick, whe rea repor t was in circula t ion tha t the young D uke , dur ing his trip tothe Holy Land, had be en captured by the Turk s , and would be libe ra te d only on payment of an enormous rans om. Mr . Pe regrinus promis ed to us e his va s t influence with the sultan on the duke’s b eha lf.With such conve rs a tion we be guiled our journey . In orde r to ca rryoutmy pa rt I s ang a ll s orts of popular s ongs (Volks lieder), not fa ilingtomutilate the text, and behaving jus t like an ordina ry trades appr entice . The expre ss ions which Mr . He ine puts intomymonth a re cor

r ectly reported and b e long tomy r ele . A s for the doub le poe try,truth compe ls me to s ay tha t I had no thought of doub le -rhyme dve rs e s , butme re ly wished to s ay My comrade is a poet by na ture,and when he has b e en drinking , he s e e s eve rything doub le , and s o

hemake s double poe try .

” Mr . He ine had a supe r ior and res e rvedmanne r which keptme a t a dis tance . To end the je s t I compla inedof fatigue , s a t down on the trunk of a tre e , and invited himto do thes ame . He r eplied tha t he was short of time , bowed and went on,

19- 20.

‘D aB s temming, ‘The ide as of the pe ople s t ill

a s sume the trad itiona l legenda ry form.

’ 21. Duke E rnes t of Swa b ia(e le venth centur y) is , like D r . Faus t, one of thos e figure s whi ch cap

tiva te the popula r imagina tion and or igina te a cumulative legend ,ultima te ly finding a place in lite r a tur e . D uke E rne s t , who foughtaga ins t his s tepfa the r , E mpe ror Konrad II, on b eha lf of his friend

We rne r , was taken as a na tiona l type of loya lty in friendship . The

legend culmina ted in a Volks buch, and wa s drama tized by U hlandin his E rns t, Herzog con Schwa ben. Loya lty is one of the nob le s t

of the G e rmanic virtue s . The Nibelung enlied conta ins cons picuousexample s of loya lty to king and fr iend and hus band. 22 and

l. 14. Artis ans working on the ir own account we r e ca lled Slleiji er ,the ir a s s is tants Giefellen, thos e who we re le a rning the trade Bebrlinge.In orde r to pas s fromthe rank of Giejelle to tha t of Smeifier , it wasne ce s s a ry to trave l a ce rta in numb e r of ye a r s and pe rforma ao—ca lled

NOTE S 135

illeifterftild. 24. Oman: name of a legendary Keltic ba rd. By a

proces s of a ccre tion s imila r to that exemplified in the legend of E rns t

con Schwa ben (s e e note on i . a ce rta in type ofKe ltic song ga theredabout the nucleus of Os s ian’s name . Fromthemoment of the ir firstpublica tion in 1760 the genuinenes s of the Os s ianic songs became thesubje ct of hea ted controve rsy. It is now e s tablished tha t the Gae lic

is tha t of the profe s sed editor , Jame s Macpherson, but the subs tanceof the s e s ongs goe s back to old Irish s aga s . On the Continent Os s ian

has a lways be en gre atly in vogue . Goe the , c. g . , reproduced pa rt ofOs s ian in his Werther . 24- 25. nnb imejmut, and altoge the r

he wa s a drollmixtur e , such as youcome upon among the people , ofwhims ica lity and doleful s entiment .’ 27—28 . G'in Q fifer (mm!A char acte r is tic re fra in of one type of Ge rman folk song . Ge rmanyis extraordina r ily rich in folk s ongs . A Volks lied is primarily a song

of na tional as oppos ed to individua l authorship ; but He ine in his

Lor e le i , Goe the in his Heidenrb’

s le in, and some few othe r poe ts , havein ra r e moments of ins pir ation caught the true Volks lied tone and

s e t the whole na tion a s inging .

15 . 1 . uudpemtfinben, ente r into the spirit of.’ 4- 5. Bcih cn

frei t the correct ve rs ion is

grea t e s t! unb le ibooll,

G ebanfenooll feta .

The s e lines are taken fromClarchen’s s ong in Act III of Goe the’sE gmont. 5. Rompfion, mutila tion.

’ 7 . In Goe the’s Werther

Lotte fa ints , and fe ars are ente r ta ined for he r life , but nothing is s a id

about he r going to We r the r’s grave . The song re fe r red to by the

ao-ca lled ta ilor is taken fromone of the nume rous imitations of

tha t ext raordinary work. The popularity of Werther wa s phenomena l and called for th a g re a tma s s of We r the r ian lite ra ture . Kar l

Hille brand s ays it le ft behind it a tra in of te ars . Madame de Sta els ays Wer the r caus ed mor e suicide s than the handsomes t woman.

8. gerflofi nor Gentimeutulitfit, dis solved in wishy sentiment . ’9. anhermnfenfteli e, be s ide the ros e s .

’— 11 . bie nus augeruufdpt,‘whos e v pur ling filled us with exquis ite blis s .

’ 11—12 . abet

fiber,‘But s oon he fe ll into a frisky ve in.

’ 16. int i bren, t ipsylit . in b lubbe r popularly bes ofi


en. 20. Z iegenha in is the name


of a village famous for its walking s ticks , known as Z iegenha ine r .

mein my spindle - shanked little ta ilor .

’ 23. boppclt

gereimte G ebicljte : double rhyme is rhyme of two or more fina l

syllable s , taken s ingly . 26—28 . Grmudpte nehmen, ‘to be sur e

he made a few more gre at prepar a tions for le tt ing hims e lf out

and b ra gged tha t he would cove r ground.

” 27 . bramurbafiertgformed fromfilmmarbaé , r idiculous braggart,

’a te rmpopular ized

by Gotts ched. 15—29 . 1. 3a weitlfitlfig, too b ig a place .

16 . 2—5 . bewegte mcrnbe, wagged his de lica te little he ad

like a dishe a r tened lamb’s ta il, and cried with a me lancholy smileBanged up aga in, Johnny ! a ll the s awdus t has leaked out of

4. Gdjinbluberdien is a vulga r word . 5. mcrnbe (fromthe French ma r aud, knave la ma raude , marauding , thie ving

by s traggling worn out,’ knocked up.

’ 11- 16 . S‘

b ic

fl aunt mirft, the clouds , fantas tica lly shaped though theysome time s s e emto b e , have a white or a t all events an unob

trus ive shade which harmonizes with the b lue sky and the g re en

e a rth, so tha t a ll the color s of a landscape b lend like note s of

soft mus ic, and the contempla t ion of na ture always b r ing s pe aceto the he ar t and s tills the convuls ive ag itation of our spirits .

16. felige,‘la te ,

’ ‘depa rted as He ine ne ver wholly ce as e s his

will-o-the -wispishne s s , we sha ll probab ly not exceed his intention

if we trans la te by of pious memory .

’ Hofimann died in 1822

of cre eping pa ra lys is , the malady which subs equently carr ie d oif

He ine , ma inta ining to the las t , also like He ine,his inte lle ctua l

activity and even an exagge rated humor . 17 . buntfdjedig : Hofimann’s lite rary me thod cons is ted in the impos ition of hi s b iza rre ,

fantas t ic imag ina tions on r e a lity . He would not have be en content,

He ine means , to reproduce the color ha rmonie s of the clouds , he

would have made themove r into some thing gay and motley .

27- 17 . 25. befieu fdplug,‘with its gray-roofed little cottage s

extending for a lmos t a couple ofmile s through the valley. C razypeople with goite r (D e rbyshire ne ck) live in tha t village ,” sa id he ,“and white negroe s that is the popula r name for alb inos . The

lad and the tr e e s had a pe culiar kind ofmutua l unde rs tanding ; heha iled themlike old acquaintance s , and they s e emed to re turn his

g re e t ing with the ir whispe r ing le aves . He whi s tled like a g reenfinch


18 . 1- 12 . 5 &c laffen, This little book was wre tchedlyprinted ; I fea r tha t this circums tance caus e s the article s of fa ith to

make fromthe ve ry outs e t an impres s ion ofuninviting blur and fiims ines s on theminds of the children ; it dis plea s edme dre adfully too tha tthe multiplica t ion table , which one mus t admit (bodj)doe s come intoalarming collis ionwith the doctrine of the HolyTr inity , was printe d inthe Ca techismits e lf, inde ed on the las t page , whe re itmight le ad the

children into untime ly, s inful doub t . (The net is sumciently impliedin s inful . I as sure youtha t (bu)we a remuch shrewde r in Prus s iawhen s triving to conve r t thos e people who are so good a t figur e s , we

take good care not to have the mul tiplica tion table printed a t the

back of the Catechism.

’ 5—12. Although He ine had pub liclyembraced Trinitarianismb e fore the publica tion of the Ha rzr e is e , he

made no s ecre t of the fact tha t his conve rs ion was mere ly a ma tte rof form. He accepted baptismas an indispens ab le pre limina ry toemployment in the Pruss ian civil s e rvice . It is true tha t the re wa s a

movement towa rds Chr is tianity among his Jewish acqua intance s , andtha t he thought he could b e of s e rvice to his own pe ople in ofii cia l

pos ition, but he neve r quite re cove red his s e lf-re spect . It wa s poorand undignified cons olation for himto have a fiing at his new r e ligion

such as that contained in the pre s ent pas sage .— The kind of tole ra tion

which doe s notme re ly pe rmit one’s ne ighbor’s opinions to exis t , but

tr ea ts themwith decent cons ide ra tion, be longs to the pres ent day and

to the future . 10. inter Brute :the Jews aremeant. — 21- 26 . & te

0mm!) Quuhluugéhcflifiener, How glorious such a dish does tas te

when youknow the his tor ical re fe rence s and e at it yours e lf. My afte rdinne r cofie e , howeve r , was spoiled by a long-winded youth who cameand s a t withme , and gabb led (talked “ b ig so outr ageous ly tha tthemilk soured on the tab le . He was a young comme rcial pe r s on.

19 . 1. Q lclber madjeu St ate, ‘the tailor make s the man.

2—3. bit bufiteu,‘which he always told wher e they we re lea s t

apropos .

’ 5. The nfubcmijdjer 6mmismade up of the full (ardentliche) profes s ors , and de a ls with bus ines s of inte re s t to the wholeunive rs ity. The Prorektor and de ans of the var ious facultie s consti

tute the eugemg enat. 5—6 . baf; erfdjienen,‘that be fore I left ,

the U nive rs ity Senate had pub li shed a r egulation.

’— 6. Shulanote tha t the Thule: is not a dolla r , but thre e marks . The mark


is wor th rather les s than 24 cents . 13—17. 311 ben s ideba r,‘In the s ilve r works , as often in life , I mis s ed the gle amof the

silver . In the mint I was more fortuna te : I could watch the moneybe ing made . Ne are r than tha t I confes s I have neve r been ab le to

come . On such occas ions my pa rt ha s always be en tha t of the spectator .

’ 14. S ilberblid : it is difficult to rende r the play ofme aningin G i lberblid, which s ignifie s

‘gle amof the s ilve r a t the moment of

s epa ra tion fromthe ore , and a ls o figura tive ly ‘luck.’ 20. mannacv E w dmxvi 21—24 Wit einem an ibm, With fee lings

which we re an amus ing mixture of the awe-s truck and the s enti

menta l , I regarded the shining , new-born dolla rs , picked up one fre sh

fromthe di e , and apos trophized it thus .

20 . 2 . in:Grange,‘in the bosom.

’ 5-6 . lcin auredptmatfdjt,will mash his pap to the cons is tency he like s .

’ Silchee does not

me an as much as de ar or be loved in this conne ction. Its meaning can b e s t be brought out by amodula tion of the voice . 7. Q ue

fiefa lyren borafiglidpftcn, The des cent into the two fine s t .’

10—22 . (fine bulbs folgen, About amile and a half fromthe townyou come to two large , dingy buildings : Promptly on your arr ival

you a r e me t and looked afte r by the mine rs . They we ar darkcolor ed usually s te e l-blue full jackets r eaching down to the hips ,br e eches of like color , a le a the rn apron behind, and little gre en

fe lt ha ts , entire ly brimle s s , like trunca ted cone s . The vis itor dons a

s imila r ga rb ,minus the bre e ch le a the r , and a mas te rmine r , lightinghis lamp, conducts himto a dark opening like the swe ep’s hole in a

chimney, lowe rs hims e lf to the leve l of hi s che s t , directs himhow to

take a good grip of the ladde rs , and asks himto follow without fe ar .

24—26 . (53 giebt mug, Simply to have to undre s s and put on

that dingy prison uniform, give s one a s ingular fe e ling .

2 1 . 11—20. uub nut ficijt,‘and not for your life to put your

foot on the planks a t the s ide , whe re the Windlas s rope goe s whizzingup to the top , and whe re a for tnight b efore a care le s s pe rson fe ll andunfor tuna te ly broke his neck . D own in the mine the re ’s a hurlybur ly of splashing wa ter and buzzingmachine ry one is continuallyknocking aga ins t b e ams , and cable s inmotion hois ting the kegs of

lump ore or the wa te r which ha s oozed fromthe wa lls . Occas ion

ally one ge ts into pas s ages hewn through the rock, called 6 tolien (the


technica l word in an E nglishmine is “s tulm.

” Colbeck’s note),where one s e es the ore g rowing .

’ 17. nobica , us e the pick,’hamme r .

’ 20. in duct; (inmine ra logy), be formed from,

’crys ta l

lize out of gemadjieu gebiegcn, na tive ’; gema tbien(i t ; gang rein

(E ra,meldjee icineunart bei (id) iiiijret (Sanders). Probab ly, howe ve r ,He ine us e s the word in an unte chnica l s ens e , a lluding to the supe r .

s titious be lie f of mine rs tha t ores grow. 24. La faye tte was inAme r ica a t the time , enjoying the hospita lity of the nation. He had

been invited by Congre ss . 26- 22 . 11. immcrwiii rmw Sufi ,continua l roa ring and rus hing (s e e footnote), the machine ry dr ivinglike anuncanny thing , gurgling of subte rrane an springs , on a ll hands

dr ipping wa te r , fume s a r is ing fromthe e a rth, and the mine r’s lampglimme ring eve r pa le r into the darkne ss and solitude . Re a lly it wasoverpowe ring ,my bre a thing g rew difiicult, and I had hard work tohold on to the s lippe ry rungs . I was not conscious of the a ss ault of

so-called fe ar , but , strange ly enough, down in the depths of the mineI reca lled a s tormwhich I went through at about the same time theye ar before on the Baltic, and it s eemed tome in compar is on (jest)re ally a de lightfully cozymoment when the ship rolls to and fro, the

winds trumpe t out the ir s torms e le ctions , interspe rs ed with the jolly,r inging shouts of the s a ilors , and God

’s own free a ir is a ll about us ,

a freshening ,mys te r ious pre s ence .

’ 26- 27. S t at ics s s h 6mm:1 :notice He ine’s fondne s s for the balance of the coupled expre s sion.

Cp . ll . 15—16 ; p. 22, 11. 15—16 and in the poems , p. 105, 11. 3—4 .

2 2 . 21. G ifichmf, God spe ed you,’is difi cult to render s a tisfac

tor ily. The French, bonne monté e , is b ette r .— 21- 26. uubmit

G efidptet‘

,and re ce iving the s ame gre e ting back fromus the y went

past and up ; and tome it was like a re turn ofmemorie s , kindly andpe aceful, ye t a t the s ame time torment ingly enigma tic, when the we irdlight of the lamp revea led the depths in the clear-e yed gaze and the

wan, de voutly se rious face s .

1 The ins t inct for grouping words in accordance with s imilar ity of sound shows

its e lf in a var ie ty of forms .— r hyme : in S ans unb S t a tic lcbcn Ma nhunt

unbmanieub ; beute rot , morgcn tot ; a s sonance (vowe l rhyme ): fur ; unb gut.B adunb I ta l, gangunb ga r , G onna unb M ont ; a llitera tion: gclb unb gran, b ans

unb Q oi, G iocunb 6 taht , { Birthunb We tter , gang unb gar.“ Ordina r ily the two

ide as a r e conne cted by a re la tion of s imi la rity or contras t ." (Minor , Neulsoch

M ocha Matt-ilt .)


ama tte r of cour s e :ne edle and pin come fromthe ta ilors’hous e of

call and los e the ir way in the dark ; s traw and coal try to cros s the

brook and come to gr ie f.’25 . 8 . g arba ge : or iginally a

‘mili ta ry camp’ (beer bergen)s ince the late r Middle Ages an inn in its na rrowe r s ens e a

me e tinghous e for the trave ling handicraftsmen of a guild, whe renewcome rs we re provided with lodgings and he lped to ge t work.7- 14. All the a llus ions in the s e lines a re to Gr imm’s Kinder a nd

Hausmdrchen, re spective ly to : D as Lump enges indel ; Strohha lm,Kohle and Bohne ; D er Herr Gevatter ; Schneewittchen ; D er L iebs te

Rola nd. 13—24. bangt militant, ‘fe a rful, darkling words of

pity with its train of fe a rs . For the s ame r e as on our life in child

hood is s o endle s s ly s ignificant ; a t tha t pe r iod a ll things appe arto us of equa l cons e quence , nothing e s capes cur eyes or ca rs , a ll

our impres s ions a r e of uniformintens ity , whe rea s late r on in life

we grow more purpos eful , devote our s e lves more exclus ive ly to

individua l obje cts , labor ious ly b a rte r the pure gold of intuition for

the pape r money of book definitions, and ga in in sur face what we

los e in depth of li fe . Now we a re adults and people of di s t inct ion ;

we oftenmove into new hous e s , the ma id puts the hous e in orde r

e ve ry day and change s accord ing to he r liking the pos ition of the

furniture .

2 6 . 7 . flint! S tage,‘skirt of amate rial not he ard of in our

time .

’ 22—23. bemalien s tudies , to pay the 01d gentlemanmyre Spe cts .

’— 23. (Burglar : an oldmining town, a favor ite re s idence of

the Saxon and Franconian empe rors , and the s cene of splendidme e tingsof the Impe r ia l D ie t . Henry III and Henry IV (Franconian) weree spe cia lly fond of the Ha rz ; the latte r was probab ly born the re .

25—26 . Gbamifio was born a t his ance s tral Cas tle of Boncour t in

Champagne . The outb re ak of the French Revolution drove his

parents to Prus s ia , whe re he be came a page in the s ervice of the

que en. Sub s equently he ente red the Pruss ian a rmy, but re s igned

afte r some ye a rs of s e rvice in orde r not to fight aga ins t h is na tive

land . The lone line s s of his pos it ion— be twe en two nations , to ne itherof which he b e longed comple te ly is re fle cted in the s tory of Peter

Schlemihl, the man who s old his shadow to the devil . Chamis so ispe rhaps the mos t pe rfe ct example known of the as s imila tion of the


genius of a fore ign people . Peter Schl emihl is a re cognized Ge rmanclas s ic , and some of Chamis so’s poems , e .g . D a s Schlos s Boncour t


Fr auen-Liebe und -Leben, are cons picuous ly Ge rman in formand

fee ling . Tha t the language of his works had to be corrected by his

fr iends s ca rce ly diminishes the wonde rfulnes s of thi s doubling of

pe rs ona lity . The epithe t nie iteuemis graceful in the mouth of a

riva l lyrica l poe t. (Cp. p. 79, l . 26, and note the var ie ty of form.

He ine was s ens itive to ha rmonie s in language which es cape our

analys is .)2 7 2—9. but? uugcftt aljlt, I dis cardedmy extra pa ir of boots ,went onmy journey and came to Gos lar .

’(The expres s ion [job

uuf feine Tyfifie is taken fromGen. xxix. I know not how Ire ached it . A ll I can r emembe r is : I s aunte red up hi ll and downda le and looked down into many a pre tty, gra s sy valley ; s ilve ryb rooks we re foaming , swe e t fore s t b irds twitte ring , the be lls on the

ca ttle tinkling , the tre e s in the ir manifold shades of gre en we r eflooded with golden sunlight .

’ 15—17 . Q B was ift, It was

the old tale of a knight de s cending into a de ep we ll , at the bottomof

which the fa ire s t of enchanted pr ince s s e s lie s sunk in de a thlikemagics le ep .

’ 19- 24 . ans grit, froma ll the chinks in the walls rushedout the wa tchful little dwa rfs ,making wra thful grimace s , s lashing a tme wi th the ir short swords , blowing shr ill blas ts on the ir horns , so

tha tmore andmor e of themcame hurrying forward, and the ir b roadhe ads wobbled horr ib ly. Not until I la id on and the blood began

to fl ow, did I notice .

2 8 . 7- 14. Gin id),‘D e sola te and stormy s e as ! Over the

s e e thing wave s raced the te rr ified spirits of the depar ted , the ir whiteshrouds fiutte r ing in the wind ; b a iting themwith snapping whipfollowed a motley harlequin, and that ha rlequin was I— and sud

denly above the dark wave s s e a mons ters s tre tched the ir mis shapenhe ads , re ached out for me with yawning claws , and fromhorror Iawoke .

’— 28- 29. (i s nehmen, It is jus t like my ha rd luck thatmy love dreams s eldomhave a nice ending like tha t .’29 . 1- 10.

‘D ci’ $ifutti ee ,‘The name Gos lar sounds so de light

ful , and s omanymemor ie s of ancient Impe rial days ar e linked withit , tha t I expected to s ee a town of dignified and impos ing appe arance .

But so it is when you g e t a clos e look at ce lebrities . I found a


collection of hove ls (mcit)on s tre e ts that we re for themos t part narrowand bewilder ingly tortuous , through themids t of which ran a mus tylittle s treamwith caved-ih ba nks , proba bly the Gos e , and a pave

ment as rough as Be rlin hexame ters . The rema ins of the ancient

inclosure — fragments of .wa lls , towe rs , and ba ttlements a re the

only obje cts of a nature to arous e one’s curios ity about the town.

11. Swinger : s ignifies the space b e twe en the oute r and inne r

wall of a for tified place , b e twe en the wa ll and the moa t ,between the wa ll and the town ; (by extens ion) the donjon ke ep, thefort, etc. 13. g flfibenbof, shooting ma tch primar ily , qua rtersof the shooting-club ,

’shooting galle ry,’e tc. , but occas iona lly us ed,

a s he re , in the s ens e of Schiitzenfes t. Schiitzenfeste we re organized

by the burghers of the fifte enth, s ixte enth, and s e vente enth centurie s

on a scale of grea tmagnificence . Subs equently and for a cons ide r

ab le time pub lic inte re s t in such fe s tivals fe ll Oh , but it has be en

revived . The D eutscher Schfitzenbund Na tional Rifle Le ague holds

a gre atme e ting eve ry three yea rs . 23- 24. The Sia ibaufi conta ins a

‘reminde r of Impe r ial days ’in its bult igungejaai, the Gilbenbaue(now ca lled Raijerbaue) in its Ra iieriaa i and replaced Ratierftubi.28. fiBeitfugei, orb an object made familiar by the ment coro

nation of E dwa rd VII.8 0 . 2 - 4. uub beaten, and ye t it mus t have a me aning , as

the Ge rmans have the rema rkable ha b it of meaning some thing ineve rything they do.

’ 5. urultcn Show and 8. niebergerificn: it isperhaps worthmentioning tha t his e leventh-century ca thedral was

taken down a few ye a rs befor e He ine’s vis it . 11 . [ungeniuubiggu

8mm“ : the Coss acks . 13—14. Note He ine’s a ttitude to throne

and alta r .

”.Se e Introduction, p. xxv.

- 15—24. (i iuige M inA few ob jects of inte re s t fromthe la te ca thedra l are now in

St . Ste phen’s . Some ve ry b e autiful s ta ined glas s , a few poor paintings (including , it is s a id, a Luka s furthe rmore a wooden

crucifix, and a he a then s acrificial a ltar ofunknownme tal ; this la tteris in the formof an ob long rectangular che s t , and is supported byfour Ca ryatids in a crouching attitude , with hands he ld above the ir

he ads for support of the che s t , andmaking dr ear ily ugly grimaces .Still more dre ary, howeve r , is the above -mentioned b ig wooden

crucifix bes ide it.’ 15. felig : applicab le , proper ly speaking , to


82 . 6—9. babel bubcn, as he spoke , rings ofuncanny cunninggathe red about his woe-begone lips and lus te rles s li ttle eye s . But ,

he added, anxious ly concilia tory , I did n’t me an by tha t to spe a kiii of fore igne rs

’graves .

” 11 . orbeufl idj,‘pe rfe ct . ’ 11—12 . A

genuine Turkish cus tom, as the tour is t s e es to-day in Algie rs , whe r ethe women go out to the grave s by twos and thre es on a Fr ida y.12 . betur’hauten, be turbaned , i .c. with a tur ban ca rved on them.

15—17 . nnb bemmtfinaelu, and it is a re al de light to wa tch theChines e skipping about with such we ll-bred manners on the re s ting

place s of the ir depa r ted.

’ 18—21 . The adornment of gr ave s is a

genuine Chines e cus tom. 25—26. $artcrt efeitfier, window on the

ground fioor .

’ See note on p. 54, l. 2 . 28 . Q b fieuhlfimdjeu,harebe lls .

8 3 . 1—2. uub G inseng“ ,

‘paying little heed to the gapingjaws (Raul is an ofiens ive word when applied to a human cre a ture),pe tr ified nos es , and bulging eye s .

’ 18. belt gcbeimen fi ihcrbrud,the kis s s te a lthily re turned by. 22 . (dynurrhfirtige fl iehcnswfirs

bigfeit,‘swagge r love -making (lit. mus tachioed amia bility

25. 2.0n pronounce as in French. But a ll the s e Fr ench wordsexperience a certa in Teutonizat ion on pas s ing into Ge rman. He re ,

e .g . , the g los e s a little of its French re sonance . In themouth of the

uneduca ted man it e ven approxima te s towa rds the corre s pondingsurd, the s ound of sh in E nglis h.

8 4 . 1- 2 . unb wafieraufgteficn, and that the waxing of the

moon is due to his wa ter ing it.’ 4—6 . an iii, put with the othe r

fullmoons in the b ig clos e t a t the end of the world, whe re you cometo the outs ide wall. ’ wie ‘me it ift nicbtmit ib rettemaugeuagelt is a

prove rb ia l Ge rman expres s ion, meaning The wor ld is not a little

fenced-ih place mic QBeit ift ibmmit Shutters nernageit, He is‘


pe rson of limited inte lligence .

’ G r immgive s an adje ctive bret(t)uagelburum. Compare als o einBrett nor bemRos ie bubcn, to be as s tupidas an ox.

’— 12 . Griefibfirger : in amedi e va l town the poore r citizenswho s e rved as infantry and we re armed with pikes we re call ed

Sp ies sbiirger pikemen by extens ion the name came to s ignifycitizens of sma ll cons equence , e specia lly such as cling to old cus

tomand narrow ide as . Cp. note on Poems , No. 33. One mightrende r by a li ttle bourg eois .

’ 12—18. bet filtrate, who, s itting


be for e his door on a mild summe r evening with white nightcap onhead and whi te pipe in mouth, indulged in the r ight comfortablerefle ction tha t it would b e nice if he could vege ta te on and on in this

way , ne ithe r his li ttle pipe snor his little pufi of b rea th fa iling him,out into e te rnity its e lf.’3 5 . 1 . {innignerfdjfimt, ‘pens ive ly shamefaced.

’— 16 .manicur e!)s e e p . 36 , l . 1 .

3 6 . 1 . $11q fi egfdpeifier : the chie f r epres entatives of

philosOphic rationa lism profes s ors of the ology, philos ophy , law, e tc.

The Paulus -E ichhorn Wegsche ide r s chool ofBiblica l critics rende red

the Bib le by oneme ans or anothe r into harmony with the ir notionsof a ra tiona l and us efulmora l reve la tion. They expla ined away themir acles as na tura l occurrence s , or as poe tical andOr ienta l phras eology,while the doctrine s of the Bible and the cre eds we re diluted into re li

gious or moral commonplace s .

”(E ncycl. Br it.) - 4 . He ine spe aks

e ls ewher e of the e ctiangen, bie ime thane her a lien SD ome unbSliurgeujo bebrcbiid) iaueru. 17—18. eiue Babe,

‘was cons cious

of any spe cially oppre s s ive s ens a tions .

’ 18—19. In the ordina ryMensur (s tudents

’due l) the eye s are protected by goggle s and the

e ar s are s trapped down ; the r ema inde r of the face and head is

left uncove red. Notwiths tanding its prominent pos ition, the nos e

does not make acqua intance with the gle aming b lade as fr equentlyas the che cks or forehe ad. 23. her bftt t idfifdpe S enbudjter :

a t that time the ofiicia l organ of the Aus tr ian gove rnment .25. An a rdent di sciple of Kant . 28. S emnftfdjiiifie, a proces sof re asoning .

8 7 . 5. Grimmdefine s Omuburjacbe pr ima ry caus e(Srunbmejeu fundamenta l na tur e the contra s t be twe en fliermmftand Giemiit (s e e p . 36 , l . 29 ; p . 37 , l. 1) jus tifie s , howeve r , the fre etrans la tion ‘

of our facul tie s .

’ 5—10. ilBemt formic, When Ihe a r the word, I s till can s e e D r . Saul As che r with his abs tractions

of le gs , his t ight -fitt ing transcendenta l-g ray frock coa t , and his forb idding , fr ig id countenance

,that might have done for a diagram

in a text -book on ge ome try.

’ 7 . ahfiraft, traufcenbental : te rms of

fre quent occurr ence in Kant’s philos ophy . 11- 13. 311 Iguanas

bbilofopblcrt,‘In his e iforts to a tta in to the pos it ive the poor fe llow

ha d philos ophized a ll the glory out of life .

’ 15. Moll bolt


Ba s eline : s ee note on p . 11 , l. 26 . 22- 24.

‘D aris Mufti ,‘But tha t was jus t the b e s t par t of the joke he put on such a

solemnqs illy face .

Heine’s a ttitud e to ra tiona lismandmysb‘s isma s shown in pp. 353 7 .

Like pre s ent -day libe ral the olog ians , He ine recognizes the value

of the efiorts of the ra tionalis ts ’(p . 35, 11. 28—29. Se e note on p . 36 ,

l . they have proved of the utmos t advantage to hims e lf (p . 36 ,l. 2)by swe eping away church rubbish (ll. 3 clearing the a ir of

the supe rnatura lismwhich he found s tifling (l. and cooling the

a rdor of the unthinking mys tics (11. 7 He ine clas s es hims e lf ,humorous ly it is true , with the la tte r (p . 35, 11. 25 and adds the

ve ry shrewd r emark tha t ra tiona lismconta ins in its e lf the corr ective

of its own exces s e s : life in the a ttenua te d a tmosphe re of a pure lyrat ionalis tic world would be intole rable (11. 10Wha t He ine meant by clas s ing hims e lf among the mys tics is

brought out more cle ar ly in the following paragraph, the account of

D r . Saul As che r . As che r is a ra tiona lis t who holds tha t re a s on

alone is a powe r , not the emotions (p. 36, l. 29—p. 37 l. In summing himup, He ine cr edits himwith cons cientiousnes s , for which hehas a word of approva l (p. 37 11. 21 on the deb it s ide he placeslos s of humanity (11. 8 los s of aes thetic and rel ig ious imagination(ll. 15 In He ine’s opinion As che r has thrown away the gloryof life (11. 11 and he los e s himwithout a s igh of regre t (ll. 27

The a ttitude ofmind which would have re ve a led to As che r the thingstha t he has mis s ed is that of the child (I. i . e . the r ece ptive and

pas s ive . Now pas s ivity is one of the chie f char acte ris tics ofmysticism.

Thus we s e e He ine pa s s fromone camp to the othe r . By one pa rtof hi s nature , the cle a r unde rs tanding whichmade hims o ze a lous an

advocate of inte lle ctua l emancipa tion, he b e longs to the Ra tionalis ts(Ius e the word now in the wide r s ens e of thos e who b ring a ll things tothe te s t of r e as on) his poe tic faculty, howeve r , kept hims ens ible of

the worth of the trans cendental s entiments .2 Se e a lso II, pp . 44—46 ,

and note on s ame .

1 Aft e r a thr iving e xis t ence ext ending ove r a century, G e rman theologica l

ra t iona l ismhad be come pr act ica lly de funct a t the t ime of He ine’s wr it ing .

3 For a mode rn re s ta tement of the intui tiona l pos ition de fended by He ine onp . 37 , s e e the la te s t impor tant work on r e lig ion , Jame s , The Va r ie tie s Qf Re ligious E xp eri ence , chapte r on The Re a lity of the U ns e en,

”pp. 78 -74.

150 NOTE S

to he ar some thing flapping and shufl ing in the pa s sage outs ide myroom, like the uns te ady ga it of an oldman. A t las tmy door openedand in wa lked the dece a s ed D r . Saul As che r . Chi ll cre eping fe ve rran throughmy ma rrow and bones ; I tremb led like an as pen le a f

and ha rdly dared to look a t the ghos t .

89 . See a lso note s on p. 38 . 14 . mnnbfuulen Q iuiefte, dr awl.ing spee ch.

’ 16—17 . (538 glauben, It is a hallucina tion to takeme for a ghos t .

’ 18.

‘D ebngiereu: a word of fre quent occur

rence in Kant’s phi losophy. 19—21 . Snmidyear $ ermmft,Whe re would b e the rationa l connect ion be twe en such a phenomenonand re a son i’— 23. Kant’s chief works a re the Kritik der r einen Vernunft, Kr itik der pr aktis chen Vernunft, Krit ik der U r te i lskrafl .

24- 25. This dis tinction lie s a t the b as is of Kant’s philos ophy, inwhich phenomenonme ans an obje ct such a s we r epre s ent it to our

s e lves or conce ive of it , in oppos ition to noumenon, or a thing a s it

is in its e lf.’1 (Krauth-Fleming , A Vocabula ry of the Philosophica l

Sciences .)— 25. problematifdyeu: a word of frequent occur r e nce in

Ke nt . 2

40 . 1—2 . ans S ofter, quaking with fe ar I nodded unqua lified as s ent to eve ry a rgument wi th which the ghos tly doctor .

6 . mit Quftigfeit, with a funny sort of fr ightened has te .

10. uuf abfidjt, at haphazard, ha lf intending .

’ 11—12 . imieherGonntugewetter, Anothe r love ly, exquis ite ly ca lmday .

’ 6mm,tags ha s adjectival force he r e .

— 14—15. bard, (5081013, through

the shudde ring woods , day-dreaming , clos e to my e a rs the tinklinghareb e lls of Gos la r .

’ 18—19.

‘D ie S i gma fl etftuube, the b irds

1 According to Kant (Kr itik der r e inen Ve rnunf t)phenomena a lone a r e acce s

s ib le to the the or e t ic r e as on ; the na tur e of things in thems e lve s cannot be

known . Kant te ache s , howeve r (Kr iti k der p ra kti schen Vemunfl ), tha t ce r ta in

obje cts of be lief , e .g . God , fr e e domof the will , immor ta lity , can b e known

pr actica lly ,’and tha t this knowledg e is in pract ica l r e s pe cts ,’i .e . for purpos es

of conduct , equiva lent to knowledg e of the ir e s s ent ia l na tur e (if such we r e pos

s ib le )by the theor e t ic r eas on .

3 Kant s ays I ca ll a conce pt ionpr oblema tica l wh ich conta ins in it s e lfno contr adiction , and which is conne cte d with othe r cognit ions a s a limit a t ion of g iven

conceptions , but whos e obje ct ive r e a lity cannot b e cognized in anymanne r . The

concept ion of a noumemm, tha t is , of a thing whi chmus t be cog ita te d not as an

obje ct of s ens e , but as a thing in its e lf (sole ly through the pur e unde r s tanding),is not s e lf-contr adi ctory , for we ar e not ent it led toma inta in tha t s ens ib ility is

the only poss ib lemode of intuition (Me iklejohn’s transL).


were a tmatins .

’— 21. 3d) (when, ‘I dare say I los tmy way.

22—23. uub glaubt gelaugen, thinking they are short cuts to one’sdes tina t ion.

’ 27—41 . 3.mm id), when, with s e lf-complacentmien and in a voice which friendline s s prompts themto ra is e a loud,

they point out to us what long , roundabout roads we ’ve taken, intowha t pits and swamps wemight have fallen, and how lucky we we reto come be times on people as familia r with the roads as they were .

Ime t one of thes e ofi cious pe rs ons .

4 1 . 4—5. eiuailment (Sewn, with a vacant -wis e express ion in his shiny fa t face .

’ 7—8 . tom binuué liefen,‘if they

had n’t all amounted to this .

’ 10. geworfeuen, farrowed.

14. was unfie iaugc,‘as for his humb le s e lf.’ 17- 18 . bie

Q atar, the fact tha t a ll na tura l ob jects are adapted to fulfill

s ome function or useful purpose .

’— l 9. 3d; red”, ‘I agreedwith him.

4 2 . 6—7. ftebt fire“,it is expre s s ly stated that he cre ated

man for his honor and glory .’ (Language of the Catechism, but cp.

I s a iah xliii. 7 10. fiberuudltetc fnlgcnbeé , and spent a

ni ght the re which furnis hedme with the pretty expe riences re lated

in the following ve rs e s .

4 4 . 3. nub 8mm” ,and the e ave sdropping , yellowmoon.

gclbe : cp . p. 42, l. 14. It was themonth of Septembe r .— 7 . fella

ffiwaseub,‘with b lis s ful talk.’ 11 . 3mm: according to a quota

t ion in Strodtmann’s Life and Works of He ine , vol. i , p. 390, He ine”batte einen i lhmb, be: in item, andeut et i iemegung war uub in bemliiugiicben, magma , frdnfl id; biafien (beficbte bie Qauptrolle fpieite.“He ine fr equently had a sa tirical expre ss ion in the come r of hismouth .

He asked a fr iend whowa s pa inting himnot to leave it out . ProbablyHe ine me ans to sugge s t he re tha t the 3uden wa s due to dis s ipa tion.

W e might render fre ely by sne e r .

’ 16. frommer 6 ta ht, ‘good

light .’

45 . 15. @r 3wiugbet‘rulmrgeu, He shatte red the s trongholds

of des pots .

’ 18 . nnb mean, And revive s ancient jus tice .

21—24. (51 augegriuft, He s ca tte rs the nois ome mis ts , and b anishe s that dark phantomwhich ha s spoiled our love and joy with itsgr inning menace by day and night .

’— 28. fiemutbcfeelt, ‘ins piredthe ir souls with courage .


44—46 . II. Heine’s rationa lizat ion of the Creed.— To comfort the

little girl who is anxious about his soul 1 Heine repea ts the Cre ed .

To her it pres ents no difi culty she has recbtet M arthe , unque s tioningfa ith ; but He ine can only indors e its doctrines on condition of giving

themhis own inte rpre tation. Like her he learned at amothe r’s kne eto be lie ve in the Fatherhood of God, God as Fa the r and Rule r and

Crea tor . (In reality He ine had los t this be lief of his childhood. He

re turned to it in the last ye ars of his life . But, as we sha ll se e pres ently ,

He ine is inte re s tedma inly in the poe tic symbolismof his creed and is

content with approximate corres pondence s to fact .) Rea son led himin la te r ye ars to be lieve in the Son as the rev


elation by love of the sp ir it

of love . Knowledge of the world and life ha s brought himto a b e lie f

in the Holy Ghos t as the expres s ion of human progres s towa rd theidea l, especially the idea ls of the s ocia l and politica l emancipa tor :jus tice (unbmeat baB aIte Siecbt), fre edomfromthe tyranny of s ta te

(bie Swingbetmbut gen) and the tyranny of supers tition (baa bunllebimgejpiuit) It was a bold counte r-s troke on the profes s ional re lig ionis ts to clas s themamong the Holy Spir it’s foe s , and hims e lf, theunbe lieve r , among his chos en knights . (50amicb felber bin eta joldjetStine: non bembeii’genGeift.)

1 Cp . Goe the’s Faus t the conve r s a t ion be twe en Faus t and Ma rgar e t e in

Ma rtha’s ga rden. Margare te (G re tchen), anxious about Fans t’s s oul , inquir es

if he be lie ves in God . Faus t r e plie s with a grand s ta tement of the godhood

of a ll the act ivitie s of the wor ld , adding :

Grina’ba r on be in b erg, to grog e ! i it,

nnbmenn bu gang in bemC efilbie ie lig blit .

Renn’e ! bann, wi e buwins ,Renn’t G lad ! b erg! fii ebe i C att !

SQ ba be te ta en blame sQ atar i (Semi)! ift sue s ;blame ift emuant Ranch,limnebe lub b imme lt g lut.mum. GD aB ift aue e recbt itbbtt unb gut ;ua gefdbr fagt ba t bet illfa rrer amt ,Slurmit e ta Mi tten anbern B at ten.

Sufi. GB fagen’s a lter D rten

a lle b encn untcr bembimmliié enus e ,

Sebe t in { einer G rra tbe :

Wanna nicbt icb in be:me la sniM a tte. R ena man'

s {o “rt,mbcbt’! leiblicbMe lit t a ,S te ina bet boa immer {chi ef barum!wean buba it te tuGhriitentum.


50 . 1 . Marth a ,‘s le ek.

’ 5. This is sa id humorously, but He ines oon had caus e to compla in of the re fus a l of b re ad by a king . In

1828 Louis I of Bavar ia de clined to g ive himthe cha ir of His tory ofLite r ature in the U nive rs ity of Munich, in spite of his appe a l to“ judge the b lade by its ke enne s s , and not by the good or bad us e

that had be enmade of it .

” 12 . rotbefrenat : us e d in the doub le

s ens e ofma rked and decor ated with a n orde r . 14. nnb gefpreiat'and they s trut proudly a long .

’ 18 . fiammermufici : note the La t inplural . Chambermus icians a re mus icians of a prince’s chape l. Cp .

Rammeriuufer , gentleman of the bedchambe r ,’Rammetberr , chambe riain,

’and othe r s imila r name s for court ofiice rs .

— 20- 21. nub

zauueubfiume, and the murmur of wa te rfa ll and fir tre e ming les o swe e tly with the ir s ong .

’ 25. funrrigefi G ebene, growl and


51 . 8—10.

‘D iefeu Iafl'

eu, For the growing proce s s wa s n’texactly made e as y for the s e tre es ; in youth they began a b itte r

fight with pr iva tion and ob s ta cle s . 16 . binaieljcub, extending


’— 18—22. linb fiaubefi, And ye t they tower to th is prodigious he ight , and, we lded as it we re to the bowlde rs which the yencircle with the ir roots , a re mor e s te adfas t than the ir e as y-goingb re thren in the tame fores t s oil of the pla in.

’ 23—24. bie baber ,‘who, but for e a r ly difiicultie s and ob s tacle s to contend aga ins t , wouldnot ha ve re ached the ir ful l s trength and firmne s s of cha racte r .

52 . 1- 2. e dymeraeareid) (Seaobeba : Sa int Genoveva of B ra

bant is me ant , not the patron s a int of Pa ris (Sa int s -Genevieve).

Cha rged with adulte ry and condemned to de a th , Genoveva was s et

fre e by the s e rvant who had be en orde r ed to execute the s entence .

She lived for s ix ye a rs in a cave in the Ardennes . He r little s on was

suckled by a hind. While engaged in the hunt , he r lord , who had

me anwhile dis cove r ed her innocence , re cognized he r and took he rhome . The unjus tly accus ed and pe rs e cute d woman was a typicalfigure in the Chans ons de g es te (Old French epics). The s tory of

Genoveva is the sub je ct of themos t pe rfect of the Ge rmanVolks biicher(la temediaeva l and e a rlymode rn pros e ve rs ions of old Romance and

Ge rman epics). It has a lso r e ce ived a r tis tic tr e a tment a t the hands

of Tieck and othe rs .— 6 . fufglwd), ankle high .

’ 10- 12 . 28mmmili tant, When one s toops down to wa tch this activity, one overheat s


as it we re the s ecre t s tory of plant growth.

’ 15.

‘D a linen,‘It is ple as ant to s it the re .

’ 16 . abgebrodnnc, fragmenta ryN with”.

‘in Sport .’ 21- 24. bie finnigen iebeabig,


pens ive wild flowe rs te ll e ach othe r ta le s of the gre enwood, all thingsare a s if enchanted , each moment the charmgrows more s ecre t , a

dr e amof long a go awake s to life aga in.

’ 28—29. g eibelbeer: nnbflintbnrftt lhtdje, b luebe rry and ra spbe rry bus hes .

53 . 4. iBalbnrgiBnadyt : eve of the fir s t of May . Witches ride on

b rooms ticks to the mounta ins tome e t the devil a llmagic powe rsare awake . Wa lpurga (e ighth century)was an E nglish s a int who

accompanied he r uncle St. Boniface to Ge rmany to a id in the founds

tion of re ligious hous e s . He r commemora tion day fe ll on the l s t of

May , the da te of the grea t he a then spring fe s tival. In consequence ,by a s trange irony of coincidence , the name of the good s a int b ecameas s ocia ted with that unholy ca rniva l ” (abenteuer iid) verrucbte Sufi)into which the Christian ima gination transformed the May D ay ce re

monies . 8 . famous for his illus tra tions of the works of

Goe the , Schille r , Shake spe are , Fouque, e tc. 10—12 . bemerftehielten, e ven noticed ce rta in “ lite ra ry r

ladie s pour ing te a for an

ae s the t ic company on amounta in r idge .

’ l l . bellett iftifd): fromtheFr ench belles lettr es ,

‘polite le tte rs .

’ S cratch jeber [tinglid’eQ ipfe l cine?» Gabit geé (Sande rs , quoting Schme lle r). 12—13. a bcnb,

st ifling : a lite ra ry and political journal , popular among the influentialclas s e s . 13. s iegeuhilcfdyeu,

‘b illy goa ts .

’ 16—16. ibr ffillteu,pronouncing with an a ir of fina lity on.

’ 16. He ine’s two tragedie s .

22 , S ludé'berggefdiitfiteu: Blocks berg is the popular name for theBrocken. Se e note on p. 49, l . 25. 23. filafioualtragilbie :nationa l,

ma inly be caus e , as one wr ite r puts it , Ge rman culture is s implyinconce ivable without Goe the’s Faus t ; a ls o be caus e even be fore

Goe the’s day the legenda ry s tory of Faus t as told in Volksbuch

and played in Volkss chauspie l and Puppensp iel had worked its wayinto the he arts of the Ge rman people . It was Le as ing who firs t

announced the compos ition of a Faus t a s a na tiona l task .— 24—25. The

a llus ions a re to the Wa lpurg isnacht s cene inGoe the’s Faus t. Mephis to,

who is ca lled ,,bet Silittet mit bem$ferbefu3,” expre s s e s a wish for an,,allet berbften 58m! “ to ca rry himto his de s tina tion. The French

edition, prepared with the collabor a tion of He ine hims e lf, renders


bums riftifcb by ironique . This is interes ting as perhaps showing

He ine’s ide a of a prope r trans la tion. The two words are not e quiva lents , but each fits into its own environment .54 . 2 . $arterre, ground floor ,

’‘s ingle s tory fromthe French,

whe re , as a lso in Ge rman, it means ‘flowe r ga rden and ‘pit

’(in a

thea te r). — A pa tr iot ic Ge rmanwould s ay $ itd (bofinowadays . Fromtime totime themovement to e limina te fore ign words fromthe Ge rman language ente rs on an acute pha s e . The Language Socie ties


the s e vente enth century proposed to subs titute s cugemutter for Slam,

zageieucbter forma iler , fillinbfang formantel, (Seficbtserier for State ,e tc. An outb re ak of anti-Gallicism, as socia ted with the name of Jahn,

occurred dur ing the firs t qua rte r of the nine te enth century . Jahn

s aid tha t a young Ge rman lady who lea rned French compromis ed he rcha racte r . His young dis ciples of the Be rlin Ges ells chaftfi lr deutscheSpr a che ,

”s ays Tre its chke , outdid himin folly. U nder pre te xt of

pur ifying the language , they organized a regular campa ign aga ins t

fore ign words , called the unive rs itie s fliemunfttumpidt e, spoke in the

conce rt ha ll of the Ciuilaugémettftreite bee Riaugmet lfi.

” In our

own day the authorities have taken up the caus e of language re form,and b ring pres sure to be ar on the people through the s chools , postoffice , ra ilways , e tc .

1 The war of 1870- 1871 gave an immense s timulusto the consciousne s s of na tiona lity in languag e as in all othe rma tte rs .

3-4 . Gtolbergsfl emigersbe : one of the oldes t aris tocra tic familiesin Ge rmany , e vidently willing to turn an hone s t penny. 4- 5. far

with, who de r ive s an income fromhaving it manage d a s a

r es taurant .’ 10—11 . cine (imbfluhung, ‘a ra the r unusua l s ens a

tion, as if I had b e en transported to the land of fable .

’ 14- 15. cine

(SefelIfdjaft, a que e r ,motley collection of s trange rs .

’- 27 .m

ftube, public room.

’fanb luuter, all was .’

55 . 2 . (Sebfitljtnié lmd), ‘vis itor s’book.

’— 4. $rnfit (La t . , mayit b e we ll with you He re ’s to your health.

’ In Ge rmany and

Scandinavian countries Pros it is the unive rs a l toas t . 8—9 . gums

warte turmartige Silica te (p. 13—15. bie bet b s rtrateu,he r s lender figur e wrapped in such a clos e -fitting b lack s ilkmantletha t its fine line s s tood out .

’ — 23—56 . 1. ben erfaffcn,‘spoken

1 Se e a lso Ver deuts chung s bilcher des a llg eminen deutschen Sp ra chvere ins ,Le ipzig , Fe rdinand Hir t und Sohn.


57 . 1345. war aafmerifam firmer , bes towed pens iveattention on wha t was s a id . She had rea l dis tinct ion ofmanne r .

7 . feltncrc, rar e r .

’ 8—9. bie giebt, whi ch give s pe rfect s ocia lconfidence without any s ens e of efior t .

’ 11. nanntc Sanncn,gra tified the Beauty’s thirs t for informa tion by running ove r .


‘D nceateamieae, profe s soria lmien.

’ 16- 17 . iicb orientierten,

we re taking the ir bea rings .

’ 19—20.

‘D iefes gefalIeti , He r face

was one of those which neve r cha rm, s e ldomca ptiva te , and ye t a re

a lways ple as ing .

’ 21. Mlimmbewegteé , with its morbid pas s ions .

22—23. in inter beredytigt, she had re ached amatur ity whi champly jus tified he r in embarking on wedlock.

’ 27 . finb

gebliebeu, we re left to s ingle b le s s edne s s .

58 . 52-5 bie sut fldsiclieuh, which came down ove r his low

brow to his gre enis h dragon-fl y eye s , a ve ry prominent round nos e ,

mouth and chin on the contrary re ceding timorous ly towa rd his e a rs .

14—16 . berriet St imulate“, be trayed morb id s entimentalityin its contempla tive depths , aus te re pie ty was in the lines a bout he r


’ 18—21 . Codex pa limps e s tus (Gr . scr aped or rubbe d out

aga in a manus cr ipt fromwhi ch the wr iting ha s be en e ras ed in

orde r that itmay be us ed aga in. In the e a rly Middle Age s (fromthes eventh to the ninth centurie s)palimps e sts , which we re not unknownto the Gre eks and Romans , but we re probab ly re s e rved for the ir

infe r ior lite ra ture , came into gene ra l us e owing to the de a rne s s of

wr iting mate rial . Pagan lite rature Gre ek e rotic poe ts ,’e .g .) was

fai r game for themonks , but it is surpr is ing to owe to pal imps e s ts thepres e rvation of s ome of the mos t ancient manus cripts of the HolyScriptur e s .

— 21—22. An Italian tr ip is for a Ge rman what a E urope antr ip is for an Ame r ican. It puts a finishing touch on his Bildung .

The Ge rmans flock to s outhe rn Ita ly in the month of May, aft er

the E nglish have depa rted . The tradition of the Ita lienis che Re is e

is trace ab le to a southe rn dr ift of Ge rman culture in the e ighte enth

century : to Wincke lmann’s art s tudie s , the antififierenbe St euben of

Goe the’s and Schille r’s la te r works , Goe the’s Ita lian journey, e tc.

24—25. He ine may have wr itte n St . Pe te r’s ha s t ily, me aning to s ay

the Va tican. The la tte r conta ins Rapha e l’s Transfigura tion, his

his tor ica l fre s coe s in the Stanza Chamb e rs and Biblica l pictur e sin the Loggie Arcade s a ll gre a tmas te rpieces , whils t St . Pe te r’s


has nothing of any grea tma s te r of pa inting except G iotto and G iulio

Romano. 26. Shearer s mit e (pronounce file ne’chd): the Phcs nix

The a te r ’in Venice . 26—27 . Quail ber Smpt bb ifatnreu: improvis ation is a favor ite Ita lian dive rs ion, l dating back to Rena is s ance time s .It cons is ts in de cla iming or s ing ing improvis ed ve rs e s on a pr es cribedsub je ct to the accompaniment of a mus ica l ins trument . It is s till

pr a c ticed by Ita lians , e specia lly in Tus cany and Vene tia , and can

be obs e rved occas ionally in the Ita lian quarte r of Ame r ican towns .

Improvis ation had its b r iefmoment on the G e rman s tage in the s e cond

ha lf of the s e vente enth century unde r the guidance of Mag is te r

Ve lthen ; tha t is to s ay, it marks the Ge rman drama a t its lowe s te bb . 28. mm Q errlidfieiteu: e .g . Pe ter Vis che r’s b ronze shr ine

of Sa int Seb a ldus , AdamKraft’s ciborium, Wohlgemuth’s s ta ined

gla s s , Albrecht D tire r’s pa intings and ca rvings andmode lings , Hans

Sachs’(the prolific shoemake r -poe t) ta les and plays . Nurembe rgis one of the few citie s of E urope tha t have re ta ined the irmediwva las pe ct sub s tant ia lly unimpa ire d. It st ill ha s feuda l walls , moa t andtowe rs , old ga teways , narrow and crooked s tre e ts , gable s turned

toward the s tre e t . In order toma inta in the pictures quene ss of the

town mos t of the builde rs of new hous es imita te the lofty pe akedgab le s , or ie l windows and red- tiled roofs of the olde r dwe llings .

It is e asy for the vis itor to fancy hims e lf back in the Middle Ages .

Nuremb e rg gives one a good ide a of a prospe rous town of 300 yea rsa go . 29—59 . 2 . He ine r epe a ts the words of the good Profes s or

Wag ens e il (Von der Me is ter s inger holds e ligen Kunst but in

r e a lity the mus ic and poe try of the Meis ter s inger were fore ign to

a ll tha t he cons ide red bolbfelig. They we re me chanics in ve rs e

the ir achievements cons is ted in the surmounting of s e lf- impos edme tr ica l difl icul tie s . The ir favorite sub jects we r e theolog ica l and

s cholas tic spe cula tions . The victory of na tura l ins t inct ove r the

cons e rva tismof the s chool is the sub ject of Wagne r’s Me isters inger


rnberg . This century-long de votion of South Ge rman a rtis ans

to lite r a tur e is in its e lf s o re spe cta ble as a lmos t to reconcile one to the

fact tha t for a time they s e t the tone .

59 . 2 . erlofdjeu: Me is terg es ang , long s ince extinct in r e a lity , wasce remonious ly inte rr ed a t U lmin 1839, and the ins ignia of the s chool

1 Se e Cor inne auCap i ta ls in Madame de Sta til’e Cor inne .


given to the Liede rkranz. 3. weifdmn: s e e note on p. 78, l . 18 .

3—4 . é clmlbué $atrnn: one of the pa tron s a ints of Nurembe rg .

— 6. neigtcMytiefer, ‘s ank lowe r .

’ 10. ftimmt, a ttunes .

£ 8051, For , I trow .

’— l 3- 17 .murbcn (Liberal, we re ba thed in thee vening glow, our hands folded involuntar ily ; it was as if we s tood, anois e les s company of worshipe rs , in the nave of a gigantic ca thedra l,

and the pries t a t tha t ins tant e leva ted the body of the Lord, and fromthe organ the r e poure d downPa les trina’s immorta l choral.’ 17 . P a les

trina (s ixte enth century), the pr ince of church mus ic. Ce rta in of

his compos itions are s till sung annua lly in the Sixtine Chape l in theVatican. In re spons e to a demandmade a t the Council of Trent for

a reformin churchmus ic, Pa le s tr ina compos ed hi s gre a tmas s e s , thechief of which is the M is s a Papa s Ma rcelli . Choral : ,,eiunon ber

gefammten (Si emeiube an: Orgel gefuugenes Rircbenlieb.“(Sande r s )

18—24. iBfilpt eub fageu, Whils t I was s tanding the re bur ied in

devotiona l reve r ie , I he a rd s ome one be s ide me excla im How

b eautiful na ture is afte r a ll a s a gene ra l thing i The s e words camefromthe ove rflowing he ar t ofmy roommate , the young de ale r . Theyb roughtme b ack to my worka day mood. I could now s ay a g reat

many ple as ant things to the ladies about the suns e t . 26—27 . brewsfid), r evolved.

’finfierte, expre s s ed the s entiment that .

60 . 4—5. cine fi eifebriefeu: the pas s age in que s t ion is takenfromGoe the’s Br iefs aus der Schweiz, Le tte r fromMuns te r , Oct . 2,1779 : ”batte mid) nut bas e ate n! in irgenb einer groben (Siegenb

belfien wobnen, ici)moute mit iebemMorgenmahmag ber (Srofibeitaus ibr faugen,mic ans einemiiebiicben El ba ! (Seba lb unb 6 nhe.”5. QBertlper : s e e note on p. 15, l . 7 . 7—16 . In a le tte r to his friend

Mose r , He ine s ays of Byron ”(i t tb at ber einaige ElJlenfd),mit bemid)mitt nermanbt it tite , unbmirmbgen ans mob! inmancben tL‘Diitgea

gegiicben baben. 36) his mit Samoa immer bebagiici)umgegangen,wiemit einemb ollig gieicben GpieBiameraben.

“ He ine protes ts e lsewhe re a ga ins t b e ing r e garded as an imita tor of Byron, but the con:

s ciousne s s of r e s emb lance was evidently uppe rmos t in his mind .

Frauvon Hohenhaus en, the trans la tor of Byron’s Cor s a ir and lyr ics ,was the fir s t pe rs on to draw attention to wha t was common to the twopoe ts . Sheme t He ine at the hous e of his fr iend FrauvonVa rnhagen,and gave hima cordial invita tion to frequent he r s a lon.

- 14—16 . fiber


the inte lligence of the nation expre s sed its e lf through Latin, the

Ge rman language could not acquire the flexib ili ty and polish re quis itein the ins trument of a gr ea t lite ra tur e . 7—8 . s afe Super, on the

tapis .

’ 10—12 .man gefdimiebet, ‘They supposed a Ge rman to

be exhibiting hims e lf in China for money , and with this ob je ct inview they concocted a b ill 14. finnitftilde, tr icks .

21. gar $urififatiun, to clea r hims e lf (of the cha rge of cons piracy).Se e Introduction, p. xxv. 23. iBifosfi : kept a popular r e s taurant .24—25

, G cbne il fertig ift bi e Sugenb mit bemine rt,SD a t icbwer iicb banbba btmie be t iillefier t S chne ibe.“

(Schiller , Wa llens te ins Tod, Act II, 80 .

— 27- 62 . 2. ba flit , s ince s e eming counts mos t in Berlin in gene ra l , as the expr e s s ion youhe ar on a ll s ide s , follow the fas hion,

sufficiently indica te s , se eming mus t b e found in its pe rfe ction on the

stage , and tha t accordingly the chief bus ine s s of themanagement isto se e to.

’— 29. man inhabit : dia le ctica l forma ! {0 tbun.

6 2 . The Be rlin to which He ine came in 1821 , and which he

describe s he r e and in his Br iefs aus Berlin, had little to remind h imof the gre a t s truggle for independence fromwhich Prus s ia and G e r

many had recently eme rged . Political activity had b e en intens e inPrus s ia as long as the war las ted, but it had not b e en able toma intain its e lf (only in submis s ive Ge rmany was such a thing pos s ible)aga ins t the will of themona rch (s e e Introduction, pp. xxiv—xxv). The

impove r ishment of pub lic life wa s reflected in lite rature . Tie ckand the othe r Romantic poe ts ,’ s ays He ine , we re dis cre te ly s ilent

conce rning the twoma jor inte re s ts ofmankind : politics and re ligion.

Berlin sought compens a tion in s ocia l and thea trical dis tra ctions .

Routs and ba lls , conce rts and the s tage , engros s ed the Be rline rs to

the exclus ion of e ve rything e ls e . The conte s t be twe en Ita lianmus ic,repre s ented by Spontini , and Web e r’s Fr s ischiitz, divided Be rlin into

two camps . He ine te ll s amus ingly of how he was pursued frommorning till night by the s ong of the Jungfernkr anz (fromthe Fr ei

schiltz). D ance r s and s inge rs rece ived unhe a rd-of sums .

7- 3 fl . He ine

cannot refra in frommaking fun of Count Br iihl’s hobby, accuracy ofcos tume , but in anothe r place he pays ame rited tr ibute to his enthu

s ia smfor Ge rman art , s aying tha t anothe r suchmanage r could not‘


eas ily b e found .

’ Count Briihl did much to ra isb the tone of the

Be rlin s tage by the production of clas s ica l plays and by pre fe rringthe b e tte r among themode rns .

’— 6 and 10. Maria 6mm, 8mm“the a llus ion in e ach ca s e is to Schille r’s Ma r ia Stuart. 8. Q aufier

pronounce the te rmina tion as in French. (Shriftiau Gumbel : a

Jewis h banke r in Hamburg and one of He ine’s favor ite butts . In

D ie B ilder s on Lucca , which, like the Ha rzre is e , forms pa r t of thecolle ction known as Re is ebi lde r , He ine parad e s Gumpe l as the Marqui sof Gumpe lino and an art cr itic. The figur e is exquis ite ly comica l.8-9 . fill) gebe, complain — and jus tly tha t this circums tancedes troyed a ll the illus ion for him.

’ 10—11 . fl at lelgl’: 1520—1598 ;Q eim’id)IV. : 1553- 1610. 11- 12. bie Bilieutlyau, Lady S . , nee

L. , wife of the Councilor of War .

’ The name 6 i einaopf is happilychos en to sugges t a ris tocra tic pedantry. The 3orf cue ,

’part of thedre s s of the uppe r cla s s es pr evious to the French Revolution)has cometo b e re garded as a badge of formalism. Cp . Sopfaeit. D oe s He ine

me an to hint by the flowe ry Bilienibau that she was a Jewes s ?13—16 . Goldie $erfmten, ‘This solicitude of themanagement forperfect illus ion is not limited, howeve r , to aprons and bre eche s ; it

extends to the individua ls who a re enve loped in them.

’— 17 . $rofefl'


fiifitenftein: founded the Z oologica l Ga rden in Be rlin. 19—20. Ber,

bdltnifie E dyaufbiels , na ture and pos ition of the drama in Ber lin.

21 . Janits cha renmus ik is , pr ima r ily , the wildmilita rymus ic of theTurks s econda r ily,mus ic in which the wind ins truments that give theme lody a re accompanied by a numbe r of one- toned ins truments , sucha s drums , tam-tams , tr iangle s , intended to a ccentua te the rhythm.

Spontini had b e en ca lled fromParis in 1820to the pos ition ofFirs t Hofkap ellmeis ter . He introduced extravagant de cora tion and a s tyle of

mus ic which He ine e ls ewhe re calls Altruismunb Trumpetenfpeitafel.“His Olymp ia (in which a b ig e lephant appe ar ed on the s tage) was so

noisy tha t a witty pe rson coming out of the the a te r , and encounte ring are g iment b ea ting ta ttoo, exclaimed At las t one he a r s quie tmus ic.

(Strodtmann, I, - 23. am ftdrfeu,‘of communica tingmartia l

vigor to our de gene ra te popula tion.

’ 24 . $ [ato ftaaté bfiflig,thos e s ly s ta te smen P. and C .

’ Cp . C ice ro, de leg ibus , II, 15.

38 . 27 a famous s olo dance r in the Royal Ba lle t in

Be rlin. 8 116111013: wrote a H is tory of Napoleon Bonap a rte and a


H is tory of E uropean Governments s ince the P eace of Vienna .

28.ma nna ,‘figures .

’ 29. cine s e am,

‘refe rence to

politics .

63 1- 11.mmct bcbt, when, tipped forward yea rningly , hethrus ts out his hands to the ir full extent ; tha t hemeans the Federa lD ie t when he spins round a hundr ed times on tiptoe on one spot ;tha t he has theminor pr ince s in view when he tr ips about the s tage

as if hi s legs we re tied toge the r ; tha t he denote s the E urope an ba lanceof powe r when he re e ls to and fro like a drunkenman ; tha t he sug

ges ts a 0011n when he twis ts his cros s ed arms into a knot ; andfina lly tha t he repre s ents our a ll too powerful fr iend in the E as t when,

gradua lly extending hims e lf, he ris e s to his full he ight .’—10. 8m{anoften: Rus s ia . 14. bonoricrt : bonorieren and 90mm: (, e brensiolb filt geiftige Seiftungen, infoiera hicicmit M b nicbt beaabitmerbeui iiunen“ Sanders) a re ordina r ily re s e rved for profe s s iona l menand pe rs ons who ins is t on a ce rta in ce remony in the manne r of

re ce iving the ir pay . 17 . aria E gyptian bull-god. 21. figurin e,manual ):dancers . manta (French),‘cape rs .’— 28.murbc

angewrmfieu, rece ived our diligent attention.

’ 29. [em6 4 . 2—4. gar feim, answe red rudely tha t we Ge rmans we re

as ignorant of true fruga lity as of true liberty .

’— 4—8 . bcfi i ts ;

M anua l, that your prope r pr ince’s fiunkies and confectioners of

da inties in eve ry country are Swis s and are so ca lled in pre ference toany othe r name , and that the pre s ent-day Swiss chammons of liber ty ,who rant so fe a rle ss ly to the pub lic about politics .’— 6. M utated,“

s ince the middle of the fifte enth century Switzerland has suppliedme rcena r ies to var ious fore ignpowe rs . U ntil the fir s t RevolutionSwis sformed the bodyguard (Cent Suis s es)of the kings of France . Theyst ill s e rve in the Foreign Leg ion of France , in D utch E as t India , andin the Pope’s Guard — 6 . The Ge rman, French, and Ita lian dictiona rimgive r e spect ive ly : 6 cbmeiger , ‘porte r ,’‘life gua rdsman’ Sui s s e, por

te r ,’ b e adle Se izzero, soldie r of the pope ,’ s ervant (obsolete).

6 cbmei3erbiider forme rly s ignified pas try cook.

’ 13. untcr in the

s ens e of ‘peace -loving .

’ Ce rvante s’ word is paciflco. Cp. the

famous “ Le tme have men aboutme that are fa t. ” (Shake spea re ,Julius Caes a r , Act I, Sc. 2, 11. 192 and 15. C rciffimlb : in.


clas s of poe ts , ca lled Ba rds , who ce le bra ted the b attles of the na tion

in songs of a re ligious s tra in. This lite ra tur e he ende avor ed to re vive

in his s o—ca lled Ba rdie te D ie Hermanns s chla cht , Hermann and die

Furs ten, H ermann’s Tod. His would-b e followe rs , D enis (who transla ted Os s ian into hexame te rs l), Kre tschmann, and Ge rs tenbe rg ,mad e‘Ba rdi sm r idiculous .

— The Gre ifswa lde r was a b e la ted Ba rd , but

the s e ction of the Bur schens chqft which he r epre s ented and Ba rdismhad this in common tha t they we r e both exces s e s of the pa tr ioticspirit. Tha t was enough to make He ine conjoin them, r ega rdle s s

of anachronism. Arminius (commonly , but incorr e ctly, cons ide r edto b e the La tin formof the name Herma nn):wa s a Che rus can princewho s ecured the independence of hi s fathe rland by a gre a t victoryove r the Romans in the Teutoburg fore s t (A . D . an a rmy of

men, commanded by Varus , was annihila ted. He rmann b e come sthe favor ite sub je ct of the Ge rmanmus e when na tional fe e ling runs

high . The be s t spe cimens of He rmann lite ra tur e are Klops tock’sdrama tic tr ilogy (se e a bove) and He inrich von Kle is t’s D ie H s r

manns schlacht. 8.mappelwege, ‘log roads’(Amer ican, corduroy

roads 104 1 . cine g einteit, a nice pa tr iotic touch.

12 . luuter ,‘she e r .

’— l 2—14. 3d) geliugeu,‘I trus t he will b e

as succe s sful with this artifice as other Be r lin poe ts , and produce thes ame s ta rtling illus ion.

’— 15—16.murbc berbt'iiugte, they kept ge tting nois ie r and fr iendlie r , wine supe r s eded .

’ 17 . e6 gefuugcuwe filled our glas s e s , drank frate rnity, and s ang .


a s tudents ’word , s ignifying to drink fra te rnity (with inte r locked a rms ,exchanging a kis s). S chme llié bt iibet ca ll each othe r bu. 17- 18. fib er

ulte sunbegnater : the crown of Ge rman s tudent s ong . It is ve ry old,but owe s its pre s ent supe rb ly pa tr iot ic cha racte r , a smos t of the s e r iouss tudent s ongs owe the ir origin, to the libe ra t ingmovement of the firs tquarte r of the nine te enth century. It is ordinar ily re s e rve d for highs tudent festivitie s , on which occa s ions it is accompanied by the thrus ting of the rapie r (6 cbliiger) through caps . 18—19. amulet : fa the r ofMax M iille r . The M iiuer lieder , s e t to mus ic by Schube rt , a re s till

extr eme ly popul ar . (Volks lieder , e spe cia lly the gre at ones , fi nnchene on Tha r au, He ine

’s Lor r le i , E ichendorff’s In e inemkiihlen Grunde ,

have frequently acquired the ir na tiona l s ta tus in conjunctionwith a ce r ta inme lody .) Mulle r wa s s ingula r ly succes s ful in ca tching


the tone of the old Volks lied.1 He ine pe rhaps exagge ra tes his ob liga

tions to himin the following pas s age : ”3d; befeune, bafimein llcineéSntermeaacs imetrum mabrjcbeinlid) {einen gebeimjten StantonSinesSiebemnet banit. i iiie rein,mic flat finb Sine Sist er , unb jfimtlid)finb es Slicifé liebet . Snmeinen (ii ebicbien hingegen iji mu: bie 33cmeinigermcfien colis tfimlid), ber Snba lt gab'

bri ber fonuentionelleuOdell:

icbaft.” Riicxnnr ’s s ongs have not taken hold of the people in the

s ame way a s U hland’s , Arndt’s , and Muller’s . His D euts che Gedichtc,

howeve r , was an important contr ibution to the libe ra tingmovement.U nnxs n’s J er gute Kamerad is one of the be s t Volks lieder . D a s

Schlos s amMeer , D es Kna ben Berg lied, and D es Schiifers Sonntag s lied,a r e a ls o na tiona l favorites . 19. Annnnr Mnmr s s snn : the compilerof a Kommer slmch (students’s ong book). 20—21 . uuferefi : becaus e

Arndt was a Libe ral, pos s ibly a lso be caus e he had b e en a profe s s or inBonn in He ine’s s tudent days . He ine had taken his cours e on the

Germania of Tacitus .— The rema inde r of the s tanza is

{D ’rnmgab er 6 61m, G arr et t unb s pi efitbun M ann in feinememe.

The firs t half of the fourth s tanza runs as follows

Scfit brcufen, wa s nut brcujen iann,

Sn benen, liatenMounti es !

Sb: SD eut en cue Miami fit: M ann

aurama ter lcnb aujammenlThis song is commonly ca lled the Va ter lands lied. Its ide als

fr e edomand unity for the Fa the r land we re a lso thos e of Amdt’slife . Fide lity to themcos t himhis profe s sorship 2 (s e e Introduction,p . xx iv). Arndt wa s the Tyr taeus of the Wa r ofLib e ra tion. His s ongs

a r e re a lly supe rb , e specia lly S ixthmir nereint am: gutcn 6 tanhe ,QBcs blajen bie Trumpeter:‘i bujcrenhexane ! Silica ift bee fD eutjcben

1 The r e are two clas s e s of Volks lied . The or ig ina l type aros e as it we r e

s pontaneous ly , as the expr e s s ion of the colle ct ive emot ions of a pe ople . It is

s ome t ime s s a id , loos e ly s pe ak ing , to b e of na t ional author sh ip ; it b e longs toNa tur e poe try.

’ The se cond clas s is of individua l author ship, b e longs to Art

poe try ,

’and cons is ts of succe s s ful imita t ions of the forme r . In orde r to dis tin

guish it fromits prototype it is s ome t ime s ca lled volks titmliche r Ge s ang .

1 Afte r twenty ye ar s of exclus ion fromhis academic funct ions , Arndt wasr e ins ta te d on the acce s s ion of Fr ede r ick Will iamIV, amid the r ejoicings of gr e a tcrowds of s tudents .


Batefl cnb‘l 290: ift eta 111mm‘l filler betcn iann. 23. {doom

‘uns te ady .

’ 20. fifta llcrtc, sang fals e tto.

’— 27 . be: a

fa talis tic drama (S cbidja letr agbbie)by Adolf Mullner . Fa te trage

die s , thos e gha s tly trave s tie s of the principles of Goe the’s and Schiller’santikis ie rend pe riod, occupied the s tage in the twentie s to the exclus ionof everything e ls e . He ine pa id tr ibute to the pa s s ing fa shion in hisRa tclifl

, but we can hardly regard hima s s ince re when he wr ite s toMullne r , asking for a favorable notice of his poems in the Littera r ischesBla tt : “ If I ha ve be come a poe t , I owe it to your Schuld.

” — §Beiu

fps icbt Sateia is a prove rb ia l s aying .

08 . 1- 8 . A parody on Hege l’s doctr ine that his tory is the evolation of re as on.

1 Cp. the skit on Hege l in the Heimkehr (No. 58 in

E ls te r’s ed.)8 3: fragmentarimifi' flBe lt unb lieben

SQ wi llmid aunt beutjé en Be efefior begcben.

iD cr unit ha s Beben auicmmenaujet en,nnb er mame in oerfidnblifi Sufi smbaronsfillit icincn illuminat es unb é é lcfrodfetcnS topft er bie Sudan bet incumbent .

Applied to politics Hege l’s te achings neces s a r ily produced cons er va

tism. They required acceptance of the exis ting order of things .

Hege l is the exponent of the Prus s ian theory of s tate . He wa s the

mos t cons ide rab le inte llectua l force on the s ide of re action in the

qua rr e l b e twe en the gove rnment and the young libe ra ls . 2 . “ 9195

get-(trend, s ca tte re d about with an innocent a bs ence of de s ign.

8 . Gtifidm: iingen, pins s tr ike .

’ 9 E . A clever parody of Os s ian,

worth comparing with the original . Os s ian is full of apos trophe s andinve rs ions , s entimenta l rhapsodizing about na ture , ‘s tre amingme teorsof night ,

’‘glimme r ingmoons ,’‘eddying winds ,’mis ty forms .’‘s ilent

ha lls ,’e tc. This pas s age gave the coup de grace to Oss ianism. which

had preva iled in German lite ra ture s ince (approximate ly) 1767 , theda te of D enis’s trans la tion. Se e note s on p. 65

,11. 8—11 p . 14, l . 24.

9. new sman: S t eibeu, s cene of confus ion.

’ 18 - 14. lea k

1 The formula of this doctr ine is conta ined in the famousma s ocrniinftig ift. but iftmit tlia,

unb wa s wir i lia ift,mi ii uerniinfti g,

included in the pre face to his Phi losop hy of Law.


mis carried bursts of rapture , e tc . Mr . Jack A .Napes (Snooks , Snobba,Tomkins , e tc.) s ets up for an author too.

’ 14—15. bie umurmcnmebnumubileftantea :He ine a llude s to the advanced s ection of the

Burschmchaft, known as the A ltdeutschen, which cons is ted of fana ticsfromJahn’s school. Jahn indulged in grea t indis cre tions of languag e

in his political ha rangue s : me e t dagge r with dagge r ,’e tc. Some ofhis young followe rs wore dagge rs attached to s te e l cha ins ove r the ir

Old Ge rman coa ts and dis cus s edme thods of as sas s ination. As is we llknown, this coque tting with revolution re sulted in two . cr imes , forone of which, the murde r of the poe t Kotze bue , young Sand paidwith his life . He ine neve r countenanced re s ort to phys ical force .

Smamciabii teu: compounded of zumgemein (a thle tic a ss ocia tion)and Slumping (gymnas ium). This Gemeinp ldtze is one of He ine’s happies t ins tances of word play. Fa the r Jahn started the gymnas ticmovement in orde r to prepa re the Prus s ian people by phys ica l (andmoral)dis cipline for the s truggle with Napoleon. See note


on p. 64,l. 22. 16. QmSchemes Quas i : play on the word Janha g el, rab

ble San, D utch for s ans , Jack bagel bergelcufenee i lcii . We

find als o Qanébagel. bane, like Jack in E nglish, is often us e d in a

jocular , even in a contemptuous , way , e .g . in eiubummer bane, ‘a

b lockhead’; s anewurft,‘Jackpudding ’; bans bleibt immer b ans ,

Jack will ne vermake a gentleman.

’ 20—21 . b cncbelt, be fogged,’

fuddled. A good rende ring of this word play is difficult . Le land’s

wet without and wet within, or , with a s light varia tion, mounta indew without , the re al Mounta in D ew wi thin,’might do for want ofbette r . 22. t on imita tes nattgerifieu, cracked by hundr eds in

succe s s ion.

’ 24. H. (l lcinen: anagrammatic ps eudonymfor Ca rlHeun, a second-rate , prurient , but extreme ly popula r nove lis t of thefirs t ha lf of the nine te enth century. He ine neve r lose s a chance of

putting a ba rb into him. It is extraordinary and pitiful to wha tan extent the works of Goe the and Schille r we re crowded out of

the ma rket bymen of the rank of Clauren, by the vulgar ly r e a lis ticproductions of H and, Schrode r , Kotzebue , La Fonta ine , and the

ghas tly fate trag edie s of Mii llne r (s e e note on p. 65, l. Houwa ld ,

and Raupach. The fate tragedians ruled the stage during the

twentie s and even la te r .


7 1 . 4- 7 . ent itlement aufmmea iriis felt, ba ttle chariots , dut

te r ing banne r s , fantas tic forms of b e a s ts , eme rge d fromthe thickes tof the s cufl le , until a ll shrive led toge the r inmaddes t contortions .

18 . unit G efalit , a t the ris k ofmy ne ck.’7 2 . 1. fiufierlidjieitm, exte rna ls .

’ 3. Shenbbrafis : a pupil ofAr is totle , his succe s s or in the he adship of the Pe ripate tic school of

philosophy, and a dist inguis hed botanis t . In one of his books hetr e a ts of the tas te and sme ll of plants . 20—22. iBie filmmt, It

is wonde rful (bocb)how promptly a word or two of French can br ing

one back to the prope r conventional frame ofmind.

’ He ine neve r

had a high opinion of Fr ench poe try . He could ba re ly endure theb e tte r French poe ts the commone r s ort he found insupportab le(s e e E ls te r

’s cd . , VI, Themechanica l regula rity of Fr ench ve r

s ifica t ion was e specia lly repugnant to him. He ca lls the Frenchme tr ica l systema s tra it-jacke t invented by Procrus te s (se e E ls te r


cd . , VII, — 27—28. embffingfidjcu Sicbe,‘receptive ma ids

the ir face s showing the cha racte r of the attentions they had re ce ived.

7 3 . 2 . bunnricrt : se e note on p. 63, l. 14.- 3—4. inbcm s ins

s ome , including the Swis s and the Gre ifswa lder , s triking outfor Schie rke . 7 . The Schnee loch (s o ca lled on account of the presence of snow la te in the s e as on ; ther e is snow on the summi t of theBrocken unt il June) is a de ep, wild gorge , where onemay s e e inmidsumme r the flora of all the s eas ons . 8. Q ue a f,

‘D own we

went, he lte r-ske lte r .

’ 9. afneidjifdye Sent inel s : had a reputa tionfor s lownes s . Napoleon be a t the Aus tri ans as much by the legs of hiss oldie rs as by the ir arms . Cp. the popular couple t

mu: immer lunglumb oron! illur immer langiamcoranl

SD cB bi e Bftr e i tt’fdbe Baubmebr amt ncé tommen iann.

12 . S anncnwaib : prope rly c

{yicbteuumlh Ther e ar e no Tammi inthe Ha rz, only i‘yidjten J 14- 19. bie cmberiobltcu, ‘the lads

1 But , according to Profe s s or Penh a llow of McG ill U nive rs ity , who favor smewith the following note : While Tannenbaumis re s e rved in the na rrowe r s ens e

for fir s , and F i s htenbaumis r e s e rve d for pine s , the r e is neve rthe le s s a good de a l

of loos ene s s in the ir us e . Thus Fichtenbaumis in s ome ca s e s made to include

fir e , or a t lea s t ce r ta in spe cie s , whi le Ta nnenbaumemb race s the g ene ra Abi e s(firs ) P ic ea (spruce s ), and a lso probab ly Tsug a (hemlocks ). This is in a ll proba b ility a surviva l of the ea r li e r nomencla ture , when the line s of demarca tion


through the cove rt , dis appe ar ing in one place to re appe ar in another ,

racing over the tre e trunks la id down crosswis e in swampy places ,clambe ring a long precipices by the support of the vine like roots ,

yode ling out the mos t fas cina ting var ie ty of tones .

’ 25—26 . befto

(Sewifier, the swee te r grew the murmuring of the hidden

spr ings .

7 4 . 12 . gewilljulidjcms lafigeftrindje, ‘the ordina ry deciduouscops ewood.

’ 13. Slubclbola, conife rs .

’ 14—16. The Unte rha rz

(S . E .) is a gra in country, the Oberha rz (N.W .) is chiefly pas ture land .

20- 21 . lid; gewftilde, ‘plunges down ove r the fantas t ic rockformations .

’ 22 . bier fibulfiuft, in one place boils up furi ous lyor ove rflows in foam.

’- 23. inlien,


“ daft .” - 26. b drmstab blfiljcub, full of laughter and be autiful life .

7 5 . 3. ianteuljaft bergniigt, like de lighted old aunts .

’— 5-6 . ber

full, whomus t pay the pipe r He ine is pe rhaps thinking of his

uncle Solomon.-6—7 . fuheln $ eifali,

‘s ing jub ilant applaus e .

9- 12 . fpriugf .bcrt lidlfeit, cante rs a long , not to be de layed, andsuddenly she invade s the poe t’s dre ams , and the re pours down onmea flowe r ra in of s ounding sunbe ams and radiant s ounds , and mysens es depart for the she e r glory of it .

7 6 . 3-4 . bliibenb [names cp . p . 26.— 17- 18 . b een.

altfcurr iculum, when our oute r and inne r worlds flow toge the r .

21- 22 . uub fdjweben, so one is not surpr is ed to s e e that exquis ite lyincredulous smile play about the ir lips .

’— 23. é dmlftnlg, ‘the pedant’spride .

’ 24. nbieffib uub fubieftir us ed here in their philosophicals ens e . The s e words have a ls o a der ived, popular s ens e in which the yar e applied to lite ra ture e . g . He ine’s s tyle is subje ctive , becaus e hes o cons tantly impos e s hims e lf on his theme , Goe the’s and Shakes pe a re ’sob je ct ive , be caus e they r eflect the wor ld. 28 . bie Shes : He ine

speaks e ls ewher e 1 in qui te anothe r tone of the ‘idea ”Heine Tatar ,

b e twe en fl r s , s pruce s , and pine s we r e not clear ly dr awn, and when they we re

often r e fe rr ed collect ive ly to e ithe r the Pine s or the Firs .

” The mos t r ecent

and cor re ct de finit ion as la id down by E ichle r , and bas ed upon our pre s ent limita tions of the g ene r a , would b e Kief e r : Pine s ; E chten Spruce s ; Tammi -1Fir s and Hemlocks .

1 E .g . in a le tt e r to Ch r is t iani : D eutsche Rundschau, June , 1901, He ine M


firs t line of Mignon’s song in Goe the

’s Wilhe lmMeiete r : ,,Sletmft bu

bad Saab,mo bie (E itrouen blfibn?“ 18 . lBelfcfiIaub : he re Ita ly ;the te rmmelfd) (origina lly fore ign usua lly s ignifies Fr ench or

Ita lian. It is practica lly limited to the so-ca lled Romanic people s .

29—79 . 1. bafi murbc, ‘that my head began to swim.

’ A

common German expres s ion.

7 9 . 1- 2. mm etfufif,‘in a fit of giddine s s .

’— 2- 3 . mid;feftgefl ammert, clung fas t . 2—5. To be under s tood symbolica lly.

Se e note on p . 18, ll . 6 — 3. e eelmuot, dire dis tres s .

’ Cp . p. 40,1. 1. 4. mifilidyer, preca rious .

’ 7- 8. biueiugeftnuueu her s

fdjliugm, woven into it , intertwining into a harmonious whole9. The Pa ra s , or Fates , we re thre e in numbe r . According to the

popula r mythology , A tropos (‘inevitab le who is some t imes repre

s ented in ar t with a pa ir of she ars , cut the thre ad ofman’s exis tence .

10 41. was gefagt,‘wha t I now meage rly withhold, will then

be told wi thout s tint .’ 13—15. menu bleiben,‘provided one

does s ay it . The fragmenta ry na tur e of individual works is of no

cons equence .

’-16- 18 . baB merbeu, deficiencies ar emade good ,

the impres s ion of aggres s ivene s s corr e cted , and ove r harsh pas s agestoned down.

’ 18- 19. The Ha rz-rais e appe a r ed fir s t in a pe riodica l ,

the Gesells chafl er (s e e Preface , p. v). 21- 22. unhetweitig Inge,wer e to lea rn in anothe r part of the ta le tha tmy annoyance a t Get

tingen in gene ral.’— 26. bie! tenures , we ll-b e loved .

’—26- 80. 2 . fdwu

beftfit‘fte, who showedme somuch kindnes s in days now re ceding

into the pas t, who even then inspired me with a live ly fondnes s forthe s tudy of his tory , confirmingme , as I advanced , inmy enthus iasmfor it .

80 . 4. fiberbautt,‘in fine .

’— 5. anemones (E'rfdyeiuuugeu, ‘the

worrie s .

’ 7 . S artorius was Profes sor of His tory in Gott ingen ; heshowed kindne s s to He ine , who neve r forgot it . He ine r epea tedl yca lls himthe gre a t Sar torius , ce leb ra ted himin a sonne t , and fina llypaid himthis magnificent tribute . Such pass ages , without one touchof cynicism, a r e like oas e s inHe ine

’s wr itings .

— 9. it emhe, of other s .

— l 2—15. 36) gewfilm, ‘Nor can I re fra in fr omintimating he retha t the scene ry of the U ppe r Harz

, tha t part of the Ha rz wh ich Ihave des cr ibed up to the entrance of the Ils e valley , is not to b e

1 Se e a ls o Strodtmann,I, 407 .


compared for charmwith that of the romantically picture sque Lowe rHarz.

’ —16. in equi p“, ‘in the b e auty of its wild crags and

somb e r fir s .

’— 26. {dymicbebtmfclmdarkwith smithi es a boldfigure ,

but not mor e s o than the E nglish‘s a ils whi tening eve ry s ea .

Sifibclaub (obs e rve , not Rubenland): a prope r name ; the s ite of

ext ens ive iron works .

8 1 . 8 . uedcuheu6 inn, coque ttish tempe r .

’ minute id; ;8min,I think Imay jus tly.’ 9- 10.mid) gar beimfudyte, a goodlynumb e r of vexa tious little mishaps occurr ed tome .

’ 13- 14. mirtam, ‘took to its e lf to be not on hand, or ra the r not on foot .’

24. sierlia uub Bcaanbmb, da inty and fas cina ting .

’ 25. His

cous in The res e (the Agne s of p. 82, 1. to whomhe had transferr ed his affe ctions fromhe r s is te r Ama lie .

8 2 . 3.mebclglaua, ‘luminous haze .

’ 7—8 . inaugreifcub ift,is so exhilara ting , and that they thems e lves are in such s ingula r

spir its .

’ 8 . 8 ierliinberiuneu: the women of the Vier lande , ne ar

Hamburg , supply its marke t with fruit and flowe rs . They s till re ta inthe ir pe culia r cos tume , which on a Sunday is ve ry gay . 10. 3imgafemftieg : in Hambur g . The A lter Jungfemstieg and Neuer Jung

fernstieg a re two fine s tre e ts on the A ls ter Ba s in, a she e t of wa te rformed by the expans ion of the Als te r .

— l 2—13. bufi 808,‘the

firs t pr ize .

’ 13. {dywargeu' swa rthy .

’ 14—15. ber cinljet lfiuft,trott ing a long the re with his villa inous agent

’s face .

’— 23—24. bolbc‘miracle s of love line s s .

’- 26. gar, inde ed.

’— 27—28 . has

erfreut, re joicing the ma iden heart with its daintines s and

b eauty .

8 3 . 2 . ubeuteuet‘lidjcu,‘romantic .

’— 2—l3. The aloe ha s ‘a short

cylindr ical s tem, te rminating in a circula r clus te r of hard, fleshy,spiny, sha rp-pointed, b luis h-gre en le ave s . On re aching itsma turity,it s ends forth a s temforty fe e t in he ight , which puts out nume rousb ranche s , forming a cylindrica l pyramid of pe rfect symme try, e achcrowned with a clus te r of gre enish-ye llow flowe rs , which continue in

b loomfor s evera lmonths Compar e He ine’s des cr iptionwith the above . 9—10. niehrige swam,

squat, hard-fl eshed

plant with the absurdly b road, sharp-toothed le ave s .

’ 18 . milbeft cmbcn, exotic.

’ 24—27 . in murbcn, ‘it could not but pe r ishmis e rably for lack of sunshine and warmth, if inde ed it had not come

176 NOTE S

to a violent end in a ch rk wiuter etorm.’— 22. a “ . ” M ’lfl r h

s tir ring and surging .

84 . 7—8 . is eo powerful that

it mounts tomy he ad and makee it swim.

’ 9. ficw zmIntroduction, p. n vii ; cp. als o Rei s ebilder , Il l , ch . 8 of

Biste r’s ed .— 11- 12 . uuetfd)afieue gcben,

“Godhead intimate ;but ch ?wha t will it be ?’— 1& w ea r-cm ‘



countles s small requirements . See note on p. 72, 11. 20- 22.

No . 2 . Op. D aniel v.

No . It is dimeni i to unders tand how a youngman could wr ite

so genuine ly of the sorrows of love . Se e Introduction, p. xx.

,Gins ber inuigfteuS chichte, bie unfere Sitteratur lenntunb angleid)cine ibrat iiiuftierifd; cofleubctften. 53mEton in iBorten bat b eine nutcinma l nod)miebergefunben tut ; nor [einem(tube in ben letter;mefiman inatbilbc (Bolsche), i . e . in No. 36 and those mentionedin footnote to note on s ame . Cp . als o No. 34.

The 81,11c 3mm. de r ive s its name fromthe pla ce it occupied be twe en Ratclifl'

andAlmans or in Siiragbbien, nebft einem[qriitbeuStimme , 1823.

No. 6 . Shows (s tanza 1)tha t He ine could be euphuis tic.

No . 8 . Premature SlBeItftbmera grief frequently s entimenta lover the world’sNo . 10. Romantic yea rning neve r found a large r figur e to

expres s its e lf than that in s tanza ! . Se e also Nos . 11 and 12 , and

a rea lly sublime expres s ion of the s ame emotion in No. 14.

No . 11 . motblfilmlb (l. lidjm(l. e tc. , which would b e

florid and mincing in a song des cript ive of a E urope an s cene , s e emto fa ll into place in this vis ion of an Or ient which in spite of the

efl orts of the Romanticis ts (Schlege l’s iBeifibcit ber Sa biet , Bopp’slecture s , e tc.) was s till s een through a glamor of foolish mediv

1White points out the s imila rity of themotif to tha t of the scene in Goe the ’sFaus t entitled filacbt 6 tra3e nor Q rcttben

’i Stbiire . Compare the s ta te ly s orrow

of the knight with the pleb e ian r age of Va lentine . His s is ter had b e en hi s pr ide ,

unb nun! uni s b e ar ii cb s ueaureufeunnb an benmdnben binaufauiaufenlmme fiae lreben, Ra ienriimpfen6 011 ieber S and e mi lb beMimpfenl6 011 wie e iu can: s aulbner Men,

S ci iebemBufauswbr ttbeuMmit eulnnb t

’icb fi e aniommeniémelficm

Rtnnt’icb fie but nicbt iiiigner beifieu.


tab le .l Contras t with s tanzas 2 and 3 the pe rfection of the picture in

s tanza 4.

No . 13 . Appe ared unde r the t itle D ie Vermdhlte in 1821, the ye arof Amalie He ine’s ma rriage .

No . 15 . The re is little in the s tyle of this poemto dis tinguish it

frompros e , but some thing in the ba ld enume ra tion of broken he artshas caus ed it to take hold of the Ge rman people .

No . 16 . He ine means tha t it is the lot ofman to drift by the

is land of spirit happine s s . For the s ame lofty kind of i Beltfcbmeta,cp . Schille r’s ”was ift has 5303 bed Smitten out her (Wa llenete in’s Tod, Act . IV, Sc .

No . 17 . Thi s is the kind of poemwhich the Romanticis ts tried inva in tomake .

1. 21. Le . was , in the Middle Age s .— 24 . The flowe r owes its

name to the facts mentioned in the s tanza .

Q ie Q eimfebr : to Hamburg , whe re Ama lie lived . Se e Introduc

t ion, p . xix.

No. 18 . Commonly ca lled cb ie Sorelei . The s tory is not (1. 7)one. a lien Seiteu, but a product of the imagina tion of ClemensBrentano.

p . 9 6 , l . 20. manta : an unusua l, poe tic formof the word.

No . 20 . p . 9 8 , 11. 1—4. Cp . Horace’s aere perennius (‘more

enduring than He ine had no lack of pride in his genius .

He wr ite s , e .g . , of the Ra bbi eon Bacha rach ”©Bmirb eiu58 nd) lcin,has con ben gauges a lle: Sabrbunberte a ls a nci l e genanntmerbenmirb”; in anothe r le tte r he s ays : ,,SDie S erie inmeiner Qumreife linbcine gangneue S ortcunbmuuberfcb'

on. Snbefien,man iann lid) irreu,”e tc . 5—8 . SlBeltfcbmera.No . 2 1 . l . 16 . Mannie, id) liebe 6 ie is usua lly rega rded as one

of He ine’s favor ite ironical endings ,’but Bols che 2 take s it as tragic

e a rne s t . He expla ins that He ine spoke habitua lly of his cous in as

i llabame, and tha t the fi le to which he was re s tricted in addre s s ing

he r contr as ted s adly with the buof his dre ams .

No . 2 2 . Addre s s ed to his s is te r Charlotte , who married Mor itz

Embden. The ir daughte r , the Pr inces s della Rocca , pub lis hedCp . He s s e l , D ichtung en s on H. H. , p . 312.

’In his He inr ich He ine , pp . 69- 70.


E r innerung en an Heinrich He ine , 1881 and Skizzen iiber Heinr ich

Heine , 1882.

p . 99 , 11. 22—24. SBeltjdjmera.No . 26 . mutant ; in Rhenish Prus sia . This s tory be longs to the

cla s s with which Lourdes , Lore tto , and Sa ints -Anne de Beaupr é (ne arQuebec)have made the pub lic familiar . Told credulous ly , it wouldappeal s ole ly to a Ca tholic audience ; told ra tiona lis tically, it wouldle ave us cold. Heine cons tructs it so tha t it is capable of a doub le

inte rpre ta tion. The dreamis as s at isfying to the be lie vingmothe r asre al s ight , whils t the re ade r is fre e to look upon it as a natur al occurrence . The dea th, which s e ems to themothe r amiraculous answe r tohe r praye r , is , in the othe r view of it , the ve ry na tura l ending of a s toryof a b roken he a rt .

1 Thus He ine , be s ides pe rforming a tour de force inthe cr ea tion of a Ca tholic atmosphe re , shows how the poe tic coloring

of the Middle Age s can b emade ava ilab le for themode rn unde rs tanding . Cp . Schille r’s Jungfrau, Goe the

’s Faus t, and Shakes pe are’s

Hamlet.1» 103 , l. 10. Gillies Rout — 14. iesuub : like jets (p. 102,

l. antiqua ted .

Q ie Mart in ; the immedia te occa s ion was a vis it to the is land of

Nordemey . He ine cr ea te d Ge rman poe try of the s e a .“

No . 2 7 . Almos t e ve ry line on p. 105 is exquis ite ly rhythmica l.The key to the me te r is the numbe r of be a ts (fiebuugeu), which var ies

b e twe en 2 and 4 ; the numbe r of unaccented s yllab les (E enfungeu)b e twe en the be ats va r ie s from0 to 3. Allite ra tion occurs a few time son pp. 104—106 . Note the be autiful compounds : gebunfenhefl lmsinert,miegenliebbeimlidjes ; and on p. 106 , 1. 4,meerturdjruufditeu.Note the impe rs ona tion of the s e a (momentijdje Ellaturbefeeluug) inp . 105, ll. 3 fl . Cp. a ls o pp. 40, 41, 49, 52, 74, 75, 80, 81, of the

Ha rzr eis e .

NO . 2 8 .isnfeibnn, D bnfieué (p . 106, l. .b eIIaB (l . G re ek

name s . The re spe ctive E ng lis h e quiva lents , Neptune , U lys s e s , Gr e e ce ,are de rived fromthe La t in. 10. The wande r ings and tria ls of

Odys s eus , the s on of La e r te s ,’a re the subject of the Odys s ey, the

1 Se e Wilhe lmBols che , He inr ich He ine , p. 57 .

3 Se e a ls o Nor derney with i ts magnificent outburs t : ,,Scb liebe ha s Wi s er , wiemeine g e ek ,

“ e tc.


of Ge rmany , and cons e quently, to a certa in exte nt, to its peopleas we ll .No . 32 . Hamburg : bie iBiege feiner 8ciben.

1 He ine des pis e d it.He s a id : ,,Sn bamburg war esmein einjig illaijir , bafi id)mir befistvariant , a le a lle finbet en.


l. 18. The Ge rmans s ay that the Hamburgers have E nglish

manne rs .

p . 110, l. 4. The Jewish law forb ids the consumption of she llfis h .

No . 33 . p . 111 , l . 20. E chilbbilrget : or igina lly citizen a rmedwith a buckle r ,’by deprecia ting extens ion (fromthe point of view

of the knights), s imple ton,’ fool ’(cp . e piefibilrger), in thisme aningconfounded with citizen of which in cons equence is

clas s ed with Kriihwinke l, Schoppens tedt , Polkwitz, Abde ra , Gotham,

and othe r traditiona l abode s of s imple tons . The humor of ca lling

Ge rmany Scbilda is not felt to be unfriendly.No . 35 is included in this edition be caus e it conta ins a good expo

s itiouof the St . Simonis tic ide al which He ine adopted so enthus ias t ic

a lly on his arr ival in Pa r is , and which he advocates unde r the nameof He llenismin his Romantis che Schule and G es chichte der Relig ion

and PhilosOphie in D euts chl and. Prospe r E nfantin, a dis ciple of

St . Simon, ende avored to r e store the fl e sh to the place fromwhich ithad be en dis lodged by Chr is tianity . He taught the per ilous doctr inethat the pursuit of s ensua l pleasure is a re ligious duty .

p . 115 , l. 10. Giutoteia,‘lullaby .

No . 36 . Addres s ed to his wife .3

No . 3 7 . l . 20. Achi lle s (Odys sey, ! I, 488—491) s ays Nay ,

spe ak not comfortab ly to me of dea th, gre a t Odys s eus . Rathe r

would I live upon the soil as the hire ling of anothe r , with a landle s s

man who had no gre a t live lihood , than b ear sway among a ll the de adthat are nomore .

”(Butche r and Lang

’s trans la tion.) 23 : a Pa r

thian a rrow for the Swab ian s chool of poe ts ,‘of whomhe hadmadesuch sport inA tta Troll. Graffi t i : loca l pronuncia tion of Stuttgart.

1 Jung e Le iden, Li e der , No . 5.

Cp . his Aus den M emo ir en de s Her-mcon Schna be lewop s ki .

Cp. An die E ng e l , I , 425 ; B a by loni s che Sorg en, II , 43 M ich locke r:nicht die

Himme ls auen, II , 97 a ll in E ls te r’s ed .

4 Cp . a ls o , not ing the s imilar ity of languag e , D euts chland ,Kaput III , s tanzas1 and 2 (E ls ter

’s cd . , 11 , 434


24. $elibe (Greek,ma dam): s on of Pe leus , a patronymic whichhe re denote s Achi lles , but some time s is applied to his s on.

No . 38 . ll . 13—16. 6 ingcnuub fugen: chiefly in the Nibe lung enlied , which doe s not , howeve r , take up Siegfried’s youthful exploits .

Siegfri ed is the mos t b rilliant figure of the Ge rman Heldens age .

He is dis tingui shed by flaming eyes and incredib le s tre ngth. The

dwa rf Reg in forged hima sword with which he could split an

anvil. Cp . Act I of Wagner’s S iegfr ied with its supe rb smithy

and forging s ongs .




Aue rba ch : Brigitta . (Gore).

Be rnha rdt : Krie g und Frieden

C a rruth : G e rman Re ade rD ippold : Scientific G e rman Re ade r . (Re vis ed E di tion) .

D uBo is -Reymoud : W is s ens cha ftliche Vortr '


g e . (Gore)E rns t : Flachsmann a ls E rziche r . (King s bury)Ford : E leme nta ry G e rman for S ight Tra ns la tionFos s le r : Pra ctica l G e rman Conve rs a tionFrens s en : G rave lotte . (He lle r)Freytag : D ie Journal is ten. (G re gor)Freytag : D oktor Luthe r . (Goodrich)Freytag : 5011und Haben. (Bultmann)Fulda : D as ve rlore ne Pa radie s . (G rummann)G e rs t

acke r : G e rme ls haus en. (Love la ce).

G oe the . E gmont . (W inkle r)Goe the . He rmann und D orothe a . (Allen)Goe the . Iphigenie auf Tauris . (Allen)G randg ent : G e rman and E ng lish Sounds

G ril lpa rze r : Sappho . (Fe rre ll).

Haufi : Tale s . (Goold)He ine : D ie Ha rzre is e , with Se le ctions fromhis Be s t

Known Poems . (G re gor)He ine : Poems . (E gg e rt)Hillem: Hohe r a ls die Kirche . (E a s tman)Ke lle r . D ie te gen. (G ruch e t) .

Kle is t : Prinz Friedrich von Homburg . (Nollen).

Le s s ing : Emilia G a iotti. (Poll) .

Le s s ing : Minna von Ba rnhe lm. (Minckwitz and W ilde r)Luthe r : D euts chen Schriften, Auswahl aus . (C a rruth) .

Ma nley and Allen : Four G e rman C omedie s .




G E RMAN continued

Meye r : D e r Schus s von de r Kanze l . (Ha e rte l)Minckwitz and U nwe rth : E de ls te ine

Mue lle r : D euts che G edichte

Mii lle r : D euts che Liebe . (Johns ton)Nie s e : Aus diinis che r Z e it, Se le ctions from. (Fos s le r)Riehl : Burg Ne ide ck . (W ils on)Riehl : D ie vie rzehn Nothe lfe r. (Ra schen)Ro s e gge r : VValdhcima t , Se le ctions from. (Fos s le r)Schefie l : D e r Trompe te r vou Si kkingen. (Sanborn)S chille r a nd G o e the : C or r e s ponde nce (Se le ctions ).(Robe rts on)

Schiicking : D ie dre i Fre ie r . (He lle r)S e e ligmann : Alte s und Neue sScums : Me in Le b en. (Seng e r)S torm G e s chichten aus de r Tonne . (Brus ie)S torm: Immens e e . (Minckwitz and W ilde r)Storm: In St . Jiirgen. (Be ckmann)Supe r . E lementa ry G e rman Re ade rThie rgen : Amdeutschen He rde

Van D e s li z Prepara tory G e rman Re ade rVon Sybe l : D ie E rhebung E uropas g egen Napole on I.

(Nichols)Z echokke : D e r ze rbrochene Krug . (Sanboru)


Ala rcéu: Nove las Corta s . (Gie s e)E s crich Fortune. and E l Pla ce r de no Hace r Nada . (G ray)Guldé s D oha Pe rfe cta . (Ma rsh)G il y Z é ra te : Guzmén e l Bueno . (Prime r)Mora tin : E l S i de la s Nifia s . (Ford)Va le ra : E l PAja ro Ve rde . (Browne ll)




FRE NCH ( antiw ar!

Le gouvé and Labiche : La C ig a le che z le s Fourmis . (VanD a e ll)

Lema i tre : Morce aux Chois is . (Me lle'

)Le one : D ifi cult Mode rn French

Luquiens : Place s and Pe ople s

Luquiens : Popula r ScienceMaupas s ant : Ten Short Stori e s . (Schinz) .

Me ilhac and Ha levy : L’E té de la Sa int Ma rtin, La biche ’sLa Le ttre Chargé e ,d

’He rvilly’s Ve nt d’Oue s t . (Hous e) 35

Me llé : Contempora ry French W rite rs 50

Mé rimé e C a rmen and Othe r Storie s . (Manle y) 60

Mé rimé e : Colomba . (Schinz) .4o

Miche le t : La Pris e de la Ba s tille . (Luquie ns) ao

Moire au: La Gue rre de l’Indépe ndance e n Amé rique .

(Va n B a e ll)Molié re : L

’Ava re

Molié re : Le Ma lade Imagina ire . (Olms ted)Moliere : Le Mis antrope . (B6che r) .

Moliere : Le s Pré cieus e s Ridicule s . (D avis)Monta igne : D e l

’Ins titution de s E nfans . (Bdche r)

Mus s e t, Alfred de Morce aux Chois is . (Kuhns)Pa ille ron : Le Monde oh l

’on s

’e nnuie . (Price)

Pa ris : Chans on de Roland, E xtra i ts de la

Potte r : D ix Conte s Mode rne s

Ra cine : Andromaque . (Bdche r) .

Rena rd : Trois C onte s de Noe’

l. (Meylan)Ros tand : Le s Romane s que s . (Le D aum) .

Rotrou: Sa int G ene s t and Vence s la s . (Cra ne)Sa inte-Beuve : E xtra its .

Sand La Famille dc G e rmandre . (Kimba ll) .

Sand : La Ma re euD iab le . (G re gor) .

Sevigne, Ma dame de : Le tte rs of. (Ha rris on)Van D a e ll Introduction to Fre nch AuthorsVan D ae ll : Introduction: to the French La ngua ge

Van Ste ende ren : French E xe rcis e s