TH E IR - Forgotten Books


Transcript of TH E IR - Forgotten Books






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Introductory Remarks

Inland Transit

Origin of Railways Roads of the Anc ientsStone Wheel TracksRailways InventedC ast- Iron Plate RailsC ast- Iron Edge RailsPlate Rails ImprovedMalleable Iron Plate RailsWood RailsC ast- Iron Edge RailsMalleable Iron Edge RailsRigidity ofMalleable Iron RailsD ifi


erent Forms ofMalleable Iron RailsSetting Stone Blocks at Intervals

Wood Sleepers

Seating C hairs upon the BlocksWedging or Keying the Rails to the C hairs

Railways on C ontinuous Bearings

Longitudinal Sleepers or Bearings on theGreatWestern

C ontinuous Bearings on C roydon RailwayFlanch of the WheelC arriage Axle and Bearings

C arriage Springs

Gauge or Width between the Rails

Railway passing Places, Points, and C rossings


D anger ofLines Intersec ting Single Lines


D esigning a Line of RailwayPr inc iple of Railway C ommunication

E ffec t of Resistance of C arriages on Railways

C arriage BreaksRailway Gradients

Curves on a Line of RailwayFormation of the RoadWidth between the two Lines ofRailsWidth of Spac es outside the RailsWidth of the Roadway and Angle of Slopes

Earth Works

C oating of the RailwayD rainage

Retaining WallsViaducts


Tu nnelsRailway Stations

C ost of Railways

Motive Power of the RailwayInvention of the Loc omotive E ngine

Trevithick and Vivian'

s Locomotive Engine


s Loc omotive E ngine

C hapmans’

Loc omotive Engine


s Locomotive Engine

Tindall and Bottomly’

s Plan

Slow Progress of Invention


s E xperiments on Adhesion


s Loc omotive Engine

Losh and Stephenson’

s Patent




e Science of Locomotive Engines in 1826 281


erpooland Manchester Railway 288

Liverpool and Manchester Rail

the Liverpool and Manchester Railwayof the Modern Loc omotive Engine

Engine Boilers


Pressure as a Motive Power

Railway SystemInventedRailway Kingston and DalkeyRailway London and C roydon

Railway - Pinkus and Pilbrow’

s Patentsy other Plans

Summary of Report of Royal Gauge C ommission

D ifierence of Opinion as to Gradients

Cau ses of Railway Accidents


Acc idents fromMismanagement, or the Railway Ad

ministration, and fromNegligence

Acc idents fromCollision

Acc idents from one Train Running into another

fromovertaking it, or the like

Acc idents fromexcessive SpeedAccidents fromNegligence

Accidents fromRailway C onstruction, or fromD efect

of any Part of the Working Mac hinery, and fromImperfection of the Engine

Acc idents fromDefects of the Engine

Acc idents fromBoiler Imperfections

Ac c idents from Imperfections of the Rails and

Railway Curves

Acc idents fromImperfect Fences

Acc idents fromImperfec t Earth Works and Bridges

Acc idents fromC arriage Imperfections

Acc idents fromFire

Observations on Railway C arriages

Proposals for Increase of Safety in Railway Travellingand Improvement of the Railway System

C onc lusion


Page 47. The C ut shou ld be inverted.


m u


&c .


THE unlimited extent to which railway traffic

appears likely to attain, the vast fields of enter

prise it has already opened up, and its grow

ing importanc e to the interests of the human

rac e, must make every consideration afl'

ecting the

c onstruc tion, working, and safety of railways a

matter interesting to all. Any suggestions, there

fore, which may tend in the least degree to

promote the general safety, cannot fail of being

favou rably received . That railways should have

efiected such vast and important changes in this

c ountry in so shon a pedod as thirty yeamthrough

the medium of steam as a motive power, must

stamp the era in which we live as one of the mostalterprising in British history. Nor is the spirit




2 m oonw ar Ban an a.

of emulation in railways confined to this country :

already have the United States of Ameri ca mfie

ways ; and this spirit is fast extending itself over

our Transatlantic Colonies, both in British Ame

riea and the West Indies, and willsoon be deve

loped in Australia. In the Spanish settlernent

of Cuba, railways have for some years been inexistence ; and both British and foreign colon ies

seemto vie with each other in the formation of

these great conveniences for inland transport.In our vast territorial possessions in the East,railways are about to be formed ; and in the course

of time the stores of wealth of our Indian Bmwwi ll be rendered more available, and the verycentre of that rich and populous dominion bemade acc essible to all. On the continent of Eu rope

great progress in railways has already.been made,

chiefly in Franc e, Belgium, and Germany : in the

last above a thousand miles are now open . A

direc t communication will ere long exist be

tween Paris and Brussels ; and when Paris

is united to Marseilles and Havre, the advantage

wi ll be great to this c ountry in the overland

rou te to India. In a short time every country

in Europe will be intersec ted with railways ; and

perhaps at no very distant period continuous


1 be constructed across E urOpe into

of Asia, and even perhaps to the

hina itself. There seems, indeed, no

formation of railways. They may

urn of removing the prejudic es, and

ther, and thu s tend to

and preserve the peac e of

t Britain and Ireland there are already

or in progress, above 2800 miles ofand Parliament, during the rec ent

great liberality passed bills for

enormous extent of 284 1 miles,This may well

t at the vastness of Britishand as the money for the formation

railways is to be expended within the

kingdom, it cannot be followed with those dis

astrous consequenc es with which over- spec ulation

has too often been attended in times that arepast. Let us hope that the works that are now

progressing, and still to be undertaken, will be

attended with general benefit to all c lasses ; and

that while the country reaps the benefit of su ch

unprec edented exertions, the interests of the

promoters and enterprising capitalists will nota 2

4 mm nt c ronr m an s

selection of benefic iallines, and their formation

wi ll, with the guide of

so that every one may travelby them withou tapprehension, and in perfect mfety and comfort.

This is the more necw ry as every other mode

of transi t is fast merging into this one.

I should rejoice if this work, whi ch professes

merely to give a condensed view of the subjec t

of railways, and of the methods by which in

creased safety thereon may be obta ined, shou ld

tend in any degree to promote the general

security in travelling.


THE rapid advanc ement which Great Britain has

made during the last fifty years is not more

c ommunication Opened up during that period.

Down to the middle of the last century, the an

cient‘ mode of transport of goods was still con-é

tinned ; and most of the trafiic of the country was

carried on by means of pack- horses, a mode ofcarriage still practised inmountainous distric ts in

many parts of the world. As the improvementsof roads progressed, heavy goods came generallyto be mm by mesons.

coaches had made but little progress in Britain ;

for we find, i n the year 1706, a stage- coach adver- i

tised to perform the journey from London to

York ( 196 miles) in four days ; and, in l7l2, a

coach undertook to go fromLondon to Edin

burgh (abou t 400miles) in thirteen days, eighty

able horses being employed on the jou rney.

Twenty years later, the same journey was performed by coach in four or five days. The first

in the year 1678, and it took six days toperfom3 3

6 m am) r amarr .

the journey, of 42miles. In the year 1766, nearly

a century afierwards, the same jou rney was so

complished by the stage- c oach iu eleven or twelve

hours. So latc as l798 tbe first mailcoach com

a distance of about 117

hours on the road.

Until the introduc tion of

ling fromLondon to Edinburgh w

matter by sea as by land. Six or

coasting voyage. In the year 1811

vessel was on the river Thames ;

passage fromLondon towas no trifling matter.

the river now present l

advancement in steamnavigation during the last30 years ! As the power of steam


progresse£coach transit seemed to vie with it ; and to such

perfec tion had it reached, by improvements on

tu rnpike roads, in the

the skill of drivers,fearlessly along at the rate of 12 to 15

hour. C anals too, which are now so co

this country, and which were in u se at an earlyperiod in the history of many nations, are but of

comparatively recent introduc tion into Britain ;


they indeed took the lead of railways, and perhaps

their succ ess retarded for a time the advanc ementof the latter. The first canal with locks supposed

made in this country, was that of

year 1563; but till two centuries

to a canal, fromthe river

e way to the general use of

the Duke of Bridgewater, in

Trunk canal between the

miles in length, commenced

transit, that between2295 miles of canals

navigation. The immense advantage whi ch the

general introduction of railways into this country

has already produc ed, in affording fac ili ties for then 4

8 c arom or un awar e.

conveyanc e of passengers and goods, must be

obvious to all. Wi th a rapid and easy mode of

transit, new markets wi ll be opened up for

manufac tures, which must lead to the M

of the uatiou will be still farther developed ;

thc immeuse stores of miueralwealth so mdely‘

difi’used will be made more available, aud the



Railways in their present formmay with

tainty be considered as a modern invention,

of little more than the growth of a century

entirely of British

it confined

it has been


’ But although this may

It has beeu c laimed for Germany that

princ iple was brought to Eugland in the year

miners who came to this country ; but this

ROMAN s oaps. 9

in connec tion with themodern princ ipleconstruction, still the idea of forming

to run upon—which

system— cannot be

but is undoubtedly

tiquity. It may easily be

plan would suggest itself

would be taken advantage

heavy loads. Indeed it is

people who have left

works as the anc ien ts have

of this method for fac ilitating

Very little, however, has been disprac tic es of those nations, or of the

this point. But the works which

eft behind them have thrown

the subject : for of all the works

Romans, nomemorials have beendown to posterity more enduring, and

more labour and enterprise, than their

roads. These seemed to have kept pac e

in the advantage for

the Romans formed their roads, it seems evident,with the twofold objec t of obtaining supplies and

for the easiermovements of their troops. Several

10 new s c ans.

of the Roman roads are famed in history, and

known to allreaders ; andour wonder ofthis singuhr

people undoubtedly does increase, when we cw

sider the celebrated Appian Way, which was car

ried te the extent of 300 miles from the capitt l.

The excellence of the principle on which the

Roman roads were construc ted, and their pro

digious durabi lity, are attested by the fac t, that

parts of this famed road are yet entire, afier the

lapse of more than nineteen centuries. Such

was the extent of roads the Romans made in

Italy alone, some of whic h took their new

from the gates of the c ity —that they have beenestimated by historians at about miles.

No princ iple seems more apparent in the con

struc tion of roads by the Romans, than the adoption of a smooth surfac e to diminish fric tion ; and

henc e it may be supposed they were well aware

the description which has been given us by the

Romans, of the construction of their roads, theremust have been employed a degree of skill and

perseverance almost incredible. Vast labour seemsto have been taken in preparing afirmfoundation :

sometimes arches were built, on which it was

formed ; sometimes piles were driven, as the basis

of the road ; and often, substrata of small stones,

12 sr oxa m an- raw“ .

this system into Britain, and several hash

of continuous stone rails, usually termed tramroads, have been construc ted both in England

and Scotland. The stones of such wheel- w

three or four feet long. In London,

been in generaluse, and found of great

leading to ths East India Docks

extent on a steep incline a li ttle to the

Edinburgh. There was

track near Aberdeen. It was composed ofp anite,

and was above amile in length.

Several persons have proposed

railways for common roads and publican extensive scale. The plan of Mr.

of Walworth was noticed in a report of

of Commons several years ago ;

of another plan is also given

The want ofdurability, and the

tracks, and their comparative in

general trafiic of heavy carriages, have

their general adoption. As they are,adapted for the wheels


of any kind of


roma WHE EL- TRAC KS. 13

such a plan of roadway is extremely usefnlin short

Thi s plan has been farther extended by the ia

trodu ction of iron plates, instead of stone, and

cast- iron causeways have also been tried. C on

tinuous plates of iron for wheel- tracks are now

c ommon. Among the first laid was one, in the

year 1816, of some length, on an acc livity leading

fromGlasgow to the Forth and Clyde Canal, at

Port Dundas. It was ascertained by experiment,when exec uted that one horse could take up a

load of 3 tons, ma common cart weighing 9 cwt. ,

A plan somewhat similar was proposed by aGerman at Munich, to lay an iron plate on the

u pper surfac e of the stone - trac k, in orderto diminishthe fric tion and to prevent the abrasion of the

stones into rats by the wheels.

Itmust be obvious to those who consider the

sc ience of locomotion, that it would have made

slow progress indeed had no other plan than that

of stone wheel- tracks been devised. The great

step in advancement was the introduc ti on of the

wooden tramway, with carriages adapted for it.

Thi s had many advantages over the wheel- trac k

not only was the fric tion still farther diminished,

bu t the road could be kept easier free fromoh

14 cr os s wnnw r mm

who are ac customed to the benutiful roads which

plan must have presented to aid animal labors ;

but the contrast must have been striking in draw

ingwheels over smooth surfaces, instead of throughthe deep ruts of the rude common roads of a

centu ry bac k. When it is considered, too,that

the ordinary friction on a level railroad is only

about tla to 7 of that of a common road, ws

perceive the ad vantage of the former in a c ommerc ialpoint of view, as a horse can draw several

tonsmore on it than on the latterdlThu s a much

greater weight could be moved with the same

forc e on the rail than on the road ; bu t op en

ascen t, the same disproportion does not continue

to exist ; for the additional weight of the load of

the carriage on the rails comes into operation in

ascending the inc line, and, as the force of gravity

Before Macadam’

s time the inhabitants of Hollan d had

long enjoyed the benefit ofwell - formed and smooth roads.

These are made of small bricks bedded in lime.

1' The usual estimate of the draught of a horse on a

common road is from15 to 30cwt. , exc lusive of the weight

of the cart , 4 or more tons on a plate railtramroad , and from15 to 20 tons on an edge railway inc luding the waggons.

una war e m amas .

is in propor tion to the load, the opposing resi stance

diminishes the effec t, or positive gain. The im

therefore, at onc e apparent— that the more levelthe way , the straighter and fewer the curves it

presents, the less wi ll be the loss of power.


The charac teristic distinc tion of the railway

from that of wheel- tracks or stone tramroads is,that the railway is formed of parallel rails or

bearers laid on a level, or as near a level as possible

these rails being placed at a uniform distance

apart, to su it the gauge of the wheels of carriages

adapted purposely for the track or way, and

having a margin, or what is termed a flanch, to

gu ide them. When cast- iron plate rails were

i nvented, the flanch was made on the rail itself ;bu t some time after the introduc tion into the

country of cast - iron wheels, which is understood

to have taken plac e about 1754 , the plan was

reversed, and the flanch was cast on the wheel.

It is not ac c urately ascertained when railways

on this princ iple were first introduced into Britain .

They were originally termed tramor dram roads,

16 mrnwar s rm nrnn.

or waggon-ways, the name tram- way being appliedboth to railways of this description and to stone

wheel- tracks, though it is now commonly given

to the latter. They were at first, probably,

nothing but continuou s parallel logs of wood,with

a smooth surface. It is generally understoodthat wooden railways were first applied as a sub

stitu te for common roads at the collieries,between

the years 1602 and 164 9, for the purpose of more

easily transmitting the produce of the coal- fields

and other minerals from the mou ths of the pitsto the plac e of shipment, and of enabling the

horses to draw greater loads.

A description is given of a rai lway in 1766,

then in u se near Newcastle- on- Tyne, whereby

the carriage is so easy that one horse will draw

four or five chaldrons of coals. For more than a

centu ry these railways were made of the mostsimple constru c tion. A flat rail or tramway of

timber was made use of, resting on wooden sleep

ers laid across the road. Probably, at first, singlelines were only in u se ; subsequently, thin plates

ofmalleable iron were laid upon the surface of the

wood, to diminish stillfurther the fric tion.

em mor r u m am . 17


Railways continued much in this formfor abou t

a century, and little attention was bestowed on

their improvement till the year 1738, when rails

this attempt did not 811c Some years agoMr. R. Stevenson, C. E , Edinburgh, took some

pains to inv

estigate the subjec t , and he observes,

believe that the introduction of rails wholly

made of iron did not take place till the year

1766 or 1768, and that he had ascertained

that fior 6 tons of rails were cast at the iron

works of Mr. William Reynolds at ColebrookDale in Shropshi re, in November, 1767. Froman account of the introduction of iron nails at

these works, which was given by Mr. Hornblower

in a report on roads, made to the House of C om»

mons in the year 1811, it appears that a wooden

railway was in use there until abou t this date,when it was resolved to lay down cast- iron plates

5 feet in length, 4 inches broad,and a quarter of

an inch thick, with three holes in each for nailing


18 cu r - mos PLATE BAIL.

to the wood. These rails must have been veryperfec t, having no guide- flanch, although it was

soon after introduced. Mr. John Curr stated, in

1797, in the preface to his work that the makinguse of cast- iron rails, and corves or coal waggons,

was the first of his inventions, and was introducedby him at the u nderground works of the col

lieries of the Duke of Norfolk, near Sheflield,

abou t 21 years before he wrote. This would

make the date of his introduction of cast iron railsabou t 1776 but, as before observed, rails made

wholly of iron seemto have been previously in use,

butwhether with a flanch or not, appears doubtful.Mr. C urr describes the rails hemade use of in 1797

as cast- iron plates 6 feet long, three inches broad,

and half an inch thick ; and themargin, or ledge,which was half an inch thick, and rounded on the

top, stood two inches high above

the plate. F ig. 1. shows the end

view of Mr. C urr’s plate rail.He remarks that these rails

were considered a great

provement on the c o

plated wooden tram- road ; and

his plan was imitated, and applied at most of the

colli eries for three successive years.

CoalVi ewer'

s &c .Practical Companion London,1797

20 c u r - men anon nu n.

Subsequently the ends and joinings of the rails

were supported by means of iron chairs placed

on square pieces oftimber, which gradually became

superseded by stone props or separate blocks of

stone. These are stated to have been first employed

, in 1797, by the late Mr. Barns, at the

Lawson Main colliery railroad , near Neweastle

on- Tyne. Stone blocks were likewise used in

the year 1800, by Mr.W. Outram, engineer at

the railway of Little Eaton in Derbyshi re. In

stead, however, of employing Mr. Jessop’

s edge

rail, he u sed a plate rail, figs. 1 . and 7 wi th the

guide fianch for the wheel cast on it, as , notwith

standing the advantages of the edge rails which

Mr. Jessop had introdu ced, the plate rai l c on

tinued long in general u se. The next form of

an iron railproposed is one described in the patent

granted, in 1803, to Josiah Woodhouse, C . E .,

Leicestershire. He proposed a form of rail or

plate to be made of cast iron, the

upper surface of which shou ld be

concave, (j ig. and the width of

Fig, 4 ,

the rail or plate to be increased or

diminished to su it the size of the wheel of the

carriage.The reason he stated for adopting a

concave form of rails was, that while the wheels

of carriages were kept in the right direc tion,


itted of getting upon or fromthemwithThese rails were chiefly intended to be

mon roads.

nc t ac count made publicrailway of any extent was by Mr.

in 1802, who gave a u an of a

t the slate quarries on the late Lord’

s estate, near Bangor, Nofih Wales.

farther ac count of this railway in a

e editor of the of Arts,”

Grove, April, 1811, in which he

sills and beds ; these

Wyatt’s rai l, which was

ngths of 4 feet 6 inches. An iron tenon,

b, was on each end of the rail, 2

inches long, which was made to slideinto c , a dove. block : d is the

wheel. This form of rail does not

collieries in the North of England,


fig. 3. or plate rails, were chiefly employed.

22 mr novan m u : name


Llanelly, in Wales, who, in the yw

oeived a p a n of twenty guinea

Soc iety of Arts

carriages. The

fixing the plates to the

F ig. 6.

length, with afianch on

F ia 6 inches and themetal itself threequarters of an inch thick ; the

to the foot. The plates

by mm of a tenon and

the ends from rising up. He

advantages Of the P1m to be,

m novnn PLATE BAIL. 23

and spikes was rendered unnec essary ; that the

breakage of the rails was avoided, and that the

carriage wheels were not obstruc ted by the heads

made at the com

that period was attracting more atten

be seen from the communication Mr.

made to the Soc iety, in whioh he re

by Mr. Le Caan.

In the year 1801 an act of parliament was

It extended fromWandsworth, on the Thames,

near London, to C roydon, a distance of 6 miles,a branch to

fromC roydon to Merst

e, and Godstone, above 15 miles, and

Q4 tu r nover) PLATE mm.

9 [lg the PMfor the purpose of f

1 ; M d the railsW entmany

tu rnover) PLATE BAIL. 25

inequali ties fromthe sinking of the blocks, which

has led to the.

breakage of the plates : the fri c tion

mu st, therefore, be considerable. The usual load

whic h a horse can draw on it is, however, said to

be abou t four tons. The carriage wheels used for

the waggon s (which are entirely drawn by horses)are about two feet in diameter, and the tire ofthe wheels inches.

“ we are two lines of rails laid down, the

four feet, with an intermediateNotwithstanding the general

and the return of manure to

is not much traffic on it, being

themore efii c ient systemnow in use.

be wondered at that the publi c

such an example as this, shouldseveral years unfavourable to rail

use after this one was madect was passed for the con

of a tram- road 9} miles in length, ofdescription,

between) Kilmarnock andAyrshire, being the first public railway

Scotland. It was a double line

a plate rail bedded on stone

26 “ 1. m more PLATE nAn ..

blocka simih r w the Cmydon trmM Anotha'

railway projec ted about this period, 1810, was one

fromGlasgow to Borwick. It was su rveyed wthe late Mr. Telford, and the expense estimatedat 29261. permile ; but it was never commenc ed.


The plate iron rails were made of cast iron till

abou t the year 1824 , when wrought iron came to

be adepted. The chief recommendation of phts

as edge rails required a greater quantity of im

fromthe fric tion of the wheels against the upright

flanch, the broad surface of the plate collect“obstruc tions on it, the numerous joints interfemwith the action of the wheels, and the (sot

repairs required when'

heavy traffic was carriedon, must have always detrac ted fromtheir u tility.

Plate iron rails of other forms have occasionafly

been used in this eountry. In the United States

common use, consisting of iron bars l5 feet loag,

fastened to a wood or stone rail. The flanch is


verse section of the Saratoga railway, constructed

in the latter way, a railway

of this kind being considered

well adapted for swampydistric ts, and where forests

abound. The bed of the rail

way is first formed withparallel trenches, l8 inches

square, filled with small

stones, which serve as a drain

to keep the timbers dry, and

cross trenches are made in a similarmanner, and to

attain the same object‘, u nder the cross sleepers.

Upon the parallel trenches, along the line of the

railway, are first plac ed longitudinal timbers of

yellow pine,with a scantling of 5 or 6 inches by 8

inches, and to these, at three feet apart, are firmlysecured transverse wooden sleepers of white oak,

(cedar, or locust, orother wood,)sometimes 6 inches

square, and at other times with a scantling of 8

or 10 inches broad, and 10 inches deep ; and,

lastly, the longitudinal wooden runner, 6 or 8

inches square, which forms the line of 511118, is

fixed ; upon which the plates of iron of the

size previously stated are laid and fastened with

iron spikes with the heads made flush with the

plate. On other lines, as the New York and


Boston, the under timbers are dispensed with, andtransverse sleepers, 7 feet long and 8 inchessquare, are laid, upon which the longitudinal tim

here are fixed, surmounted with the plate rail.On the Philadelphia and Columbia railway, 82

miles in length, under the management of thestate, several plans have been tried experi

mentally. On the Bd timore and Ohio railway, se

veral miles of rails are laid with granite sills, or

a continuous c urb, in pieces from5 to 9 feet long,

15 inches broad, and 8 inches thick, upon the

inner edge of which the iron plate is spiked down

to tree- nails of oak : on other lines the blocks

are one foot square, and rest on a stratumofbrokenstones. A short distanc e of the Quincy rai lway

is likewise laid with stone bloc ks. Some of the

rai ls, from the sharpness of the curves, are con

mooted together with iron ties. It has been

found nec essary, to prevent impairi ng the emoienc y of this kind of railway, to place the iron

rails more towards the centre of the blocks.


In this country the systemof wooden railways

has lately been revived by Mr. Presser, chi efly


to take advantage of his guide wheel, and a few

mi les oftimber rails have recently been experimen

tally laid down at Wimbledon Common. The rails

(fig. 9. a, a,)are formed of squ are blocks of wood,

beech or hard wood, withou t any protec ting iron

plate, 9 feet long, and 6 inches square, attac hed to

wooden sleepers b, and secured by wooden wedges,

forming one great frame of longitudinal and cross

sleepers. A part of the timber has been sub

jected to Mr. Payne’s, and a part to Sir Thomas

Burnett’s patented process for increasing the da

rability of timber. Mr. Prosser states that the

advantages to be derived from the use of his

patent gu ide wheels in connec tion with the wooden

rails are, that, from the greater bite wheels

have on wood than on iron, a steeper class of

grad ients c an be ascended, that shorter c u rves

c an be taken with safety, and that the general

liability of carriages to run off the line is di


minished, to which he adds, the cheapness of the

original construc tion. Mr. Prosser has done away

with the flanches on the carriage wheels, but con

siders that the advantages derived will be greater

from the substitu tion of a gu ide wheel for the

flanch on the bearing wheels, and that the in

vention is equally applicable to iron rails as to

those of any. othermaterial.


Although many plans were devised after theintroduc tion of the edge rail into this country,

no very dec ided improvement took place till theyear 1816, when Mr. Losh, of Wallsend, and

Mr. George Stephenson, who was at that timeat Ki llingworth, obtained a paten t for a cast- iron

ra il, which was at the time deemed an improvemen t over the common mode. The prac tical evil

then existing in the system of laying the rails

was the obstruction which the wag on wheels

met with at the joints, and from the shock that

This led to difi’

erent plans of rails and chairs being

proposed as a remedy. The objec t of the patent

was to fix the rails immoveable in the chairs. The


rails were joined by what is termed a half-lap

joint, with a pin or bolt which fixed them. The

objec t intended to be effec ted was, that the end of

one rail shou ld not rise above that of the adjoiningone, and securing the rails from yielding in the

event of the block sinking.

F ig. l0. showsthejointandblockof thepatentrail.

F ig. 1 l. Transverse sec tion of rail.

F ig. 12. The plan.

F ig. 100 F ig. 1 1.

A somewhat similar form of a rail was

proposed by Mr. B. Thompson,

and tried at the Brunton and

Shields railway. In thi s plan

the chair had only one cheek or

F ig. 13. side, and the rail was fastened

to the chair bymeans of a screw- bolt. F ig. 13. is

a transverse sec tion of the rail chair and sc rew

bolt. This plan of fixing with screws was found

to be attended with inconvenience in prac tice,

wedges or keys being preferred.



The first dec ided improvement, however, in theconstruc tion of iron rails su itable for rapid speed,

was the substitu tion of malleable iron instead offor it must have been obvious that

desideratum was to obtain a rail of

strength. Mr. N. Wood states, that

iron- edge rails were first tried abou t the

Colliery, near New

xon. The railsmade

ort bars, only a few feet in length,

with one pin, by a half- lap joint,one rail projec ting two or three

d of the adjoining one ; but

the preference was given to cast- iron

a report made by Mr. R . Ste

Edinburgh, dated December, 1818,

iron- edge rails were first introduced

year 1810. at Lord Carlisle's coal

Tindell Fell, Cumberland. At the

wrote, he observed, that 3} miles ofiron rails had been in u se for eight years

ork, where there were also two milesrails, and the malleable iron was


34 MALLEABLE IRon- Enen mn s .

found to answer the purpose in every respect

better. This statement was corroborated by s

letter from the works, dated May, 1819, in

which it is mentioued that mallsablc inon rails

had been laid down for eight years without

attended with a daily expense from breah gs.

Mr. Stevenson seems to have been strongly impressed, at the pefiod he wmte with the saps

riority of malleable iron for the making of edgerails. He remarked, that the plate raiLthw so

much used, not only induced greater (fic tion, but

tended to clog the wheels ; that the applic ation of

malleable iron edge- rails, instead of cast iron,would be attended with most impet admtages to the railway system, and that he gave a

dec ided preference to malleable iron, formed in

bars from l2 to l5 feet in length, wi th fiat

sides, and parallel edges. Subsequ ent events

have fully proved the truth of this conjec ture ;

but the general opinion at the time was agamet

the use ofmalleable iron for rails, on the gron dof its greater liability to oxidation, and of the

mode of rolling rendering themfibrous, and liable

to laminations ; and Mr. Wm. Chapman, in his

report on the Newcastle and C arlisle railway,

1829 , was unfavourable to malleable iron, on

these grounds.


duce a sc ientific princ iple of construc tion, led the

way to the vast and endless variety of forms of iron

rails which have subsequently been introduc ed, and

in whichmuch ingenu i ty has been displayed. For

many years after this patent was taken ou t, publicopinion seems to have been in favour of the fish

bellied edge rails,

”as introduc ed by Mr. Jessop;

and ac cordingly this formofrail was most generallyu sed. We have seen that Mr. George Stephen

son, in conjunc tion with Mr. Losh, had taken out

a patent for an improvement on the form of rail

in 1816 and on the Stockton and Darlington

railway, where the former gentleman, who has

been justly considered the father of the loco

motive systemof traffic , made his first appearance

as a railway engineer, the original rails, probably

laid down in the year 1821 or 1823, were of the

fish- bellied form, only 28 lbs. to the yard.

This shape of rail was afterwards made in

malleable iron, and adopted on several railways.

In the year 1829, Messrs. Losh, Wilson, and

Bellobtained another patent, for a mode of join

ing rails of this form withou t a pin, as proposed

in Mr. G. Stephenson’s former patent ; and their

patent rails were laid down on the Newcastle and

Carlisle railway, in 1829, and in other places.

Itmay be observed how slow was the progress


railway construction, until thealleable iron rail was obtain ed,

indeed it may be saii that till then no

alteration of the princ iple upon which

had long been construc ted took plac e.

the vast capabilities of the

system were hardly surmised ; it was

nearly to its original application for

at colli eries ; for the whole railway Acts

preceding twenty years were only twenty.

time the Stockton and Darlington railway

had not assumed a public form; for it

till 1821 that they obtained their first

construc t a tram- road fromStockton on

Witton Park Colliery, with several

for which a capital was proposed of

in £100 shares, besides a loan of

In 1823 and 1824 , the powers of the

were further enlarged by other ac ts.the number of ra ilways in the

was considerable, when those

iron works were added : and these were

either by horse power or by gravity .

the best railway engineers, abou t this

England, was the late Mr. WilliamWarwick, who planned the first railway

in England, the Stratford and

D 3


produce. It was completed in 1821 ; was

miles, in length inc luding branches, and was also

worked by horses.

Another individual who, about this period,

displayed much presc ience in the railway system,

was Mr. Thomas Gray of Leeds, who, froma

work he published in 1820, entitled A Geneml

Iron Railway,

”has been considered the projector

and founder of the present iron railway system.

It has been stated that Mr. Gray, likemany other

projectors, has reaped no advantage from his

u sefu l suggestions, which ismore to be regretted,

when so much wealth has been acqu ired by rail

way schemes. N0 one, a few years ago, or in 1820,

could have forseen the giant strides which the

systemof railway transit, in so short a period, could

have made ; and the spirit and enterprise which

have been displayed in carrying out their con

struction are beyond human calc u lation. All thissuccess has, however, sprung from one single

c ircumstance the invention of an effic ient impelling force ; for withou t a powerful prime mover,

of how little u tility the ferreous system for pas

senger trafic wou ld really have been, is at once

ascertained by contrasting the railways at that

time in u se with those at the present.


thi rty years back, large sums were expendedconstruc tion Of railroads for horse traflic ,

considered it a boon, fromOf the famg mbe di a wn in car

mo hm at the rate d S or lOmiles

So late as 1826, a railway Act was

constn a cast- iron edge railway,

trudie in 1831, and it is still

same manner. This railway is

be remodelled and extended, for

for at present, fromthe lightorigmally laid down (which

281b. per yard, on stone

and chairs), and from the short radii of

Of the cu rves (600 feet, or less than one

of a mile), this railroad is unfit for loco

engines. ’ Its alterations will, however,

perhaps to leave it as it is, for

the lengths are described in miles, chains,

One mile contains 5280 feet, 1760 yards,

A chain is subdivided into 100 links ; and

pm't of a chain is expremed dec imally, as

101} chains, a little more than one eighth1076, which is 10} chains,

D 4


coal traflic , and construc t a more direct line of


Other railways at the same period were con

struc ted for horse power, some of whi ch have

already been altered to su it locomotive engines.

So late as 1831, an ac t was Obtained for con

structing the Whi tby and Pickering railway for

horse traffic several small railways are still

worked with horses. It has indeed been well

remarked, that excepting on ac count of hu

manity, li ttle comparative advantage, so far as

passengers are conc erned, cou ld be gained by the

use of railways worked with horse power, over

the Old mode of travelling by stage coaches, and

even this is doubtful.


It wou ld be tedious to desc ribe the mu ltiplic ity

of forms which have been proposed of late years

for iron rails : one indeedmight be puzzled, amongst

the variety, to determine their relativemerits, and

On this railway, the average speed at which the c arr iages

are drawn, is 11 miles an hour ; and at this speed, one horse

will draw a c arriage weighing 3tons, and about30passengers ;

in all, 5 tons.


to fix on that which is best. It is important,however, for understanding properly the construc

Of railways, to have a clear conception of the


erent methods which have been adopted inlaying down the rails on different railways.

After the formation Of the road, and when the

banks have become consolidated, the great prin

c iple to be kept in view, where steam is themotivepower, is the application of malleable iron rails,in su ch a manner that they shall have suffic ien t

stability for heavy carriages to run upon themwithveloc ity and safety.

For a long time after the introduc tion of

malleable iron mils,the plan Of supporting the rails at in

torvals on props, as

the piers of a br idge,as shown in fig. 14

was continued, and is sti ll the method adopted in

the great majority of the railways in this country.

The iron rail being Obviously liable,between these

supports, to be depressed or deflected, when

heavy loads passed over it, and, if it possessed

like a spring, it therefore became an importantpoint to give it such a form, and such strength,


that the undu lations it might be subjected to,

wou ld not communicate a shoc k and di sturbance

Of the joints, and add to the amount of friction.

A great dealhas been written on this important

subjec t ; although it might have seemed an easier

thing to adopt another plan entirely, where the

deflec tion Of the rail would be merely nominal,than to endeavour to c orrec t a plan, in the prin

c iple of which there was an inherent defec t.

The formof rail, it has been shown, which was

long in general use, and preferred, was the ellip

tical, which, fromthe upper edge being level, and

the under part swelled out, was supposed to possess

greater strength. Of this shape were themalleable

iron rails first laid down on the Liverpool and

Manchester railway, weighing only 35 lb. per

yard. F ig. 15. is the elevation of this rai l and

c hair.

F ig. 16. is the

section at themiddle

Fig. 16. of the rail.F ig. 17. is a section

through the rail and“


These rails were, however,

soon ascertained to be too

light ; and heavier ones, ofthesameshape

,were adopted.


experiments were conduc ted at the Liverpool and

Manchester railway, with rails of different forms,

plac ed on bearing- bloc ks, at different di stances

apart ; and the results were given to the public in

two reports

He stated that he had proved, that while

blocks and fixings are secure, the strain froma

passing load is but li ttle in excess of that froma

qu iescent load, or as‘ 089 is to 079 parts of an

inch ; Whereas the effect on the joint- ends amounts

to 1 21 inch, being an excess nearly Of 40 per

cent. ; but this excess Of strain at the joints was

in part due to the looseness Of the chair and

block ; for while the deflectometer only showed the

amount of deflection when the load passed over,

the lurching of a waggon, fromsome irregu larity,

would indi cate double the amount. If the deflec

tion per ton be taken at ‘ 0050 inch, With 33- inch

c lear bearings, 3 tons at 45 - inches bearings gave0314 when at rest, and ‘ 0353 when in motion ;

showing that, when every thing is well fixed, the

strain is nearly the same, and that each rail is

only pressed with half the weight of one pair of


This resu lt, it must be Obvious, is What 8: prim-i

might be expected ; and as the joints are mostaffected by the shock, the plan of reduc ing the


of the joints, or increasing the length Of

the first forms Of rail which were

Still, however, as

deflec tion of the bar increases theOf the joints, it becomes a point Of

prac ti cal immrtance to fix the best

place the props apart ; and it would

had this point

fixed ; in plac e of which, the

ow’s experiments seems to be,that, by increasing the sec tion

proportionably to the distance of the

wo might go on pari passu —that, in

it will be found more important tothe weight or sec tion Of the rails, and to

the number of the bearings —that therehowever, even as to this, which could

en iently passed ; for if the bearings

xtended, the breadth of the railmust

increased as to requ ire a weight of

er inadmissible ; or the depthmust be

proportion as the length of

is imprac ticable ; or if the

on the contrary, were too c lose, the

quantity of iron in the bar may be so

nant Lec ount, R . N., wrote against lengthening


smalles to give a very unsatisfactmy seetioa y

that it is sfilLthmM a qua tion wh ich is the

beet length to odopt, “ whether difi’


might not be employed, ac oording to loenl c ir

iron, are given ; but looking to future expensea,

he would certainly prefer the larger bm and

restric ted as abova tc examine any distanc e of

beafings la s than thme feet and more than six ;

increased thickness might be given to the iron as

would enable it, even with the props farther

apart, both to meet the verticalpresmre, and resist

the lateral strain, when the rails are laterally

deflec ted at the ou ter sweep of curves ; for the

deflection Of the longer bearings, although greatmthan the shorter, was not to a large amount.

Mr. Barlow came to the c on elu sion, that ths

strength of a bar should be double that of the

thought from 10 to 20 per cent. would be sufi

cient ; that is, for a l2~ton engine, as the Weightis at present distributed, a strength of 7 tons


would be ample provision ; and with greater ac

curac y of construction, a less strength weuld

sufii ce ; or mther, allowing the same etrength, aa1

engine of 14 or 16 tons might be passed over

not to be less than 3 25 lbs. per yard, and be

1 inch in depth ; thmthe whole weight at the

inch W 1 brmdth of 1; inch 3 that the

m. 19 . is the m u“mOf 8 rail Of this shape,

d id not reduc e the weight orL o but kept it at the

fi rw» with a3- fmt bmfing, the whole weight


was 514 lbs., Whole depth 4} inches, depth of

bottom web 1 inch, breadth 1 °25 inch, thicknessofmiddle rib 6 inch, deflec tion wi th 3 tons was

024 inch.

Sec tion for a 3- feet 9 - inch bearing : wholedepth 45, depth of bottomweb 1 inch, breadth

inch, thickness of mi ddle rib '75 inch, Of wholeweight 588 lbs. per yard, deflec tion 3 tons ‘ 037.

Sec tion for a 4 - feet bearing : Whole depth 4 2

inches, depth Of bottom web 1 inch, breadth of

ditto inch, thickness of middle rib 8 inch,

whole weight lbs. per yard, deflec tion with

3 tons 04 1 inch.

Section for a 6 - feet bearing : whole weight

79 lbs. per yard, whole depth inches, depth of

bottomweb 15 inch, breadth 16 6 inch, thi cknessofmiddle rib inch, deflec tion with 3 tons 082.

Su ch is the form and sec tion Of rail recommended by Mr. Barlow ; and it is seen, fromthe

above description, that although he preserved the

same strength and resistance in eac h Of the rails,

the important fac t is brought out, that the longer

bearings are less stifl'

than the shorter, showing,

as he admits, that the idea Of greatly increasingthe di stance of the bear ings must be given u p.

Mr. Barlow’s report has shown that it was

doubtful if any additional strength was gained,


in a given weight of iron, by the elongation ofthe centre rib, while it was inconvenient in other

respec ts. The fish- bellied or elliptical form of

rail has therefore been entirely given up, except

ing on railways Where it had previously been

adopted. The rails which are now in

by Mr. Barlow and others, under the various

double parallel rails, like a double T, having a

F ig. 20. is the section of a Single'

%f rail of 50 lbs weight per yard,

Which has been used on several rail

fl g 90 Barlow expressed a strong Opinion

in favour of the single- flanched rail over the

double, —that he could see no advantage the

latter a to compensate for its ac tu al and

strength md convenience in fixing, and that the

advantage it was supposed to possess, namely, that

i t might be turned when the upper mble was

saw no advantage in the broad bear ing,— still

the double- headed rail, in practice, has almostE


entirely superseded the single one :

greater convenience to the rai l

for keying it, and the advantage

of rev a ag it, md

pany has of

of the power of turning it. The

tained In adopting this shape,

have been laid down at 60 and 75 lbs.per yard. fig. 21. is a u M r of the

60lbs. rail.

The more n u n cn and useful formof a doubleparallel rail, is when the segmental m e is the

same at top and bottom: for although it a nnot be

denied that the weight Of the bottom "


ch does

not add proportionably to the strength the rail,nor even that the power of turning it is at all times

Fig. 27. is the section of a 75 lbs rm hich

was laid down onthe Edin

burgh and Glasgow railway, showing the form of


F ig. 28. is a sec tion of the railand chair whi chis now laying down on the

North British railway,

about lbs. per yard, in

12 and 16 feet lengths.

The top and base are dif

ferea t sections, probably

adopted with a view of saving in the weight, but

presenting no corresponding advantages. The keys

or wedges are made of oak, and are smallin size.

The preceding figures wi ll give a tolerable idea

of the different forms of rails which have beenadopted on railways when supported on equ idistant

bearings. Itmaybe easily seen, thatwhile choosinga sec tion of rail to have suffic ient rigidity or

strength for the weight passing over it, the objec t

sought after, is to adopt themost economicalmodeof construc ti on. It seemsthe bearing su rfac e for the wheels to run upon,

withou t being too heavy, or so narrow as in an

additional degree to wear the wheels, shou ld be

abou t 25 inches ; and hence this size of a head is

generally adopted for public railways . Although,

both theoretically and prac tically, it has been as

sumed, by Messrs. N.Wood,Barlow, and E.Wood,

that the strongest formof rail is that of which, withsuffic ient depth for rigidity, the base does not

E 3

54 mr r snnx'

r r oams

contain too great a quantity of materiaL—andthough Mr. Barlow has given a formula for calcno

lating the sec tion of greatest strength — still the

great objec t that the public are interested in, is

while it has suffic ient strength to bear upon it

heavy loads in motion , the bearers shou ld not be

too far apart, to increase in the least dcgree the

amount of either vertical or lateral deflec tion.

When a rail possesses these advantages, its exact

shape on mathematical principles is of less importance than its convenience of being easily

fixed, and qu ickly shifted. Henc e, while the

single parallel rail is decreasing in prac tical ap

plication, the double one, from its convenience,is progresdvely extending. A knowledge of these

fac ts is essentially necessary for every one en

gaged or connec ted with railways, whether he

be a direc tor or shareholder, whether an engineerormanager. Wi th allthe knowladgeyet ac qu ired,

there is ample evidence of the/unc ertainty

still hangs around the subjec t a nd the great

expense it has already cost some of the older

compani es in making alterations, shows that ex

perienc e to themhas been dearly bought. For

example, it has been shown that the Liverpooland Manchester Railway C ompany has had several

or MALLEABLE mos nu ns. 55

o alter the rails on that line ; to inc rease

5 lbs. , the weight of the original

lbs. , and 75 lbs. per yard, suc

e London and BirminghamRailnotwithstanding the advantages de

Mr. Barlow’s able report, was obliged tothe width of the bearings or supports fromto 3 fec t 9 inchcs, and to increase the

of the rails from 64 lbs. to 75 lbs. On

alterations haveis every probability , therefore,plan of railway construc tion

may be the first cost to rail

Weight must be

rails, and a still farther reduc tion of

the bearersmust take plac e, in order to

of the sec

on props plac ed equ idistant,

procwd to notice themanner in whichare supported and fixed in their respec tive

It may be observed that the rails have

steamintroduced ; the bars are usu ally made

and 16 feet lengths, with squ are or

and are laid end to end, the earlier

ances to sec u re the joints being all

E 4

56 m ansi on or mos RAILS.

dispensed with, and the half- lapjoints

now rarely nsed. About fi of an

shou ld be left between the ends for c xpansiou ,

a small pieee of wood between tbe ends

as the difi'

emnt expanding properties

inon would fill the spac e, the wood

the iron contracts : but such a plan is

objec tion fromthe wood being likely to

out, and the spac e being left vacant.

ac c uracy of fitting than the join

of the enda and the spac e

how often are seen spac es at the

widths, and the ends of the bars

without parallelismand uniformityincreasing the amount of fri c tion

jolting and rockingmotion, and to the

wheels of carriages being thrown 06‘



Stone blocks imbedded in the ballasting werefor a long time the chief method adopted for

ss 'r'

rmc sr os n BLOC KS. 57

suppor ting the iron rails, and they are used on

some railways almost throughout the line. On

others, the prac tice has been to u se both stone

bloc ks and wooden sleepers, the rule being to

plac e the stone blocks on solid ground and rock

cu ttings, and the wood sleepers on embankments,and always on the latter till the ground was pro

not being deemed as the permanent way, they

have been replaced by stone blocks. This rule,however, has been greatly departed from; and

the adopfion of blocks or wood sleepers has been

chiefly regulated by the locality or convenience.

Mr. N. Wood gives it as his opinion, that when

stone blocks can be had at a moderate cost, they

are dec idedly the best support for the rails. Stone

blocks, no doubt, present more firmness, and a

more unyielding resistance, than wood sleepers

bu t as the motion of carriages on the latter is

more agreeable, possessing greater smoothness,they are coming into more general u se. For

merly, square blocks of wood were made use of,as on part of the Stockton and Darlington rail

way ; hut this is now unusual ; and, when blocks

are laid down, they are made of granite, whin

stone, or other hard stone. They commonly con

sist of a flat stone, two feet square, by one foot


deep. The stone placed at the joinings of the

rail usually contains five c ubic feet, and the ia

termediate ones four cubic feet. The distanc es

the stones are plac ed apart are regulated by the

views of the engineer ; and, as has been shown,

opinion difi'

ers on this point, some preferring alighter rail with a short bearing, others a heavier

one with a broad bearing. Experience has how

ever shown, that whatever may be the form andstrength of the rail, blocks plac ed beyond 4 feet

(centres)apart , are unsu itable for steampower ; and

that a less distance is preferable. On some linesthe bloc ks, from centre to c entre, are three feet

apart, as on the Leeds and Selby, Manchester and

Leeds, York and North Midland ; on others, 3 feet

9 inches (centres), as on the London and Birming

ham, Grand Junc tion, and London and Brighton ;

and on others, 4 feet (centres), as on the London

and South Western, Manchester and Birmingham,

Edinburgh and Glasgow, Stone blocks are

sometimes placed diagonally opposite each other,and sometimes at right angles to the line of road.

F ig. 29 . is a ground plan,showing the modes of

plac ing the stone blocks a b, and transverse sleep

ers o. It has been considered an advantage tolay themdiagonally, instead of square, as steady

the rails, and becau se that access can be had


blocks plac ed on a solid bed. Mr. Barlow strongly

rec ommends that the blocks should in every case

be plac ed immediately opposite to eac h other :

when the blocks are not perfec tly solid, one railmay sometimes be depressed by one wheel a

quarter of an inch, while the wheel is perhaps on

the block, and immediately after the high wheel

is depressed, and the lower wheel is raised, giving

a rocking motion to the carriages.

The operation of setting.

the blocks was

effec ted, according to the Old system, bymalletsand shovels, beating them till they came to the

proper level ; but it is now usually done with a

portable lever, about twenty feet long, (a plan

introduced by Mr. George Stephenson,)by lifting

up the block by the short end, abou t a foot high,

and by repeatedly letting it fall upon the coating

of the road in the intended seat, and throwing at

the same time gravel or fine sand under it, at

each descent, to forma solid bed for it : then it is

set to the proper level, both longitudinally and

transversely, by squares and sights. The dis

tances apart Of the blocks being determined, the

whole line of road is thus laid with blocks to su i t

the general inclination. They ought not to be

moved when properly seated.

The necessity of setting the blocks contermi


nously at prec ise levels must be apparent, when it

is considered that even a i of an inch in 3 feet is

equal to 1 inch in 12 feet, or to an incline rising

1 foot in 144 feet. It is found, indeed, that by a

slight difference of level at the ends of the rails,the carriage will pass withou t touching a portion

of the rail ; while the least deviation from thestraight line, by the rubbing of the fianch of the

wheel, will increase the force Of trac tion.

When a railway is therefore construc ted for

rapid speed, itmust be Obvious the rails cannot be

too carefully laid, as any deviation fromthe level

may throw the carriage for the moment of? the

four wheels, and itmay then be supported even by

two ; and thus the sudden lurching may producesuch lateral blows as to break the chairs fromtheir seats ; while the deflec tion of the rail

, as has

been noticed, has the effec t of making thecarriages as it were constantly ascending

inc lined plane, although the line of way is a level.That acc idents Should arise from cau ses of this

kind, often unsuspec ted, there admi ts of little

doubt, and shows how much depends on the

accu racy of workmanship in railway formation.



Much that has been said with respec t to the

proper foundation and fixing of stone blocks upon

the ballasting, applies to wooden sleepers. The

latter have, however, the advantage, that they are

made to reach fromside to side of a line of rails ;so that the two rails are attac hed to the same


the rails are thu s not so liable to lose

their parallelism, or be thrown out of gauge, evenshould one end of the sleeper sink a little lower

than the other, asmight happen w ith blocks sup

porting rails whic h had no connec tion. This is

an important fact, which does not appear to have

received suffic ient consideration .

Transverse or c ross sleepers of wood are

generally made of larch, fir, or oak ; and for a

railway where the spac e between the rails is 4

feet inches, they are made from 7 feet

6 inches to 10 feet long, with a sc antling of

from8 to 12inches broad, and 5 to 8 inches deep ;

but 10 feet long, by 12 inches broad, and 5 or 6

inches thick, has been considered not too large a

proportion for a 3- feet bearing. They consist

usually of half trunks of trees of a small size, and

of which the flat side should be laid undermost :a larger sleeper is always placed under the joinings


of the rails. The bed for the sleeper is usually

the dry balls-sting of the railway, the broken

stones being levelled qu ite smooth before thesleeper is laid in its place . It was till lately the

prac tice to kyanise ‘ the wood sleepers ; but this

has been greatly superseded by the newer inven

tions, formerly alluded to, of Mr. Payne, for ah

struc ting the juices and air fromtimber, and those

of Sir J. Burnett. In many instances, however,sleepers of well- seasoned larch are laid without any

preparation. The Size of the transverse sleepers

on theLondon andBirminghamline is 7 feet long,

with a scantling 9 inches by 6 inches ; on the

London and Sou thWestern, cross sleepers through

ou t 9 feet long, scantling 10by 4 } inches ; Edin

burgh and Glasgow, 9 feet long, scantling 10 by

4 § Manchester and Birmingham, 9 feet ; Man

chester and Leeds, 9 feet, scantling 11 by 5

Midland Counties, 9 feet, scantling 10by 5 ; North

Eastern, 9 feet, scantling 10 by 6 North British,

8 feet 6, scantling 9 or 10by 4§ or 5.

Railways formed entirely on cross sleepers aremuc h more common now than formerly, both in

this country and abroad . Several lines indeed,

which were formerly laid with stone blocks, have

been relaid with wooden sleepers. The Belgian

Km , to prepare timber w ith Mr . Kyan'

a patentsolution .

64 SETT ING woon SLE EPEns.

railways are entirely laid on wood. In this country,

on some lines, transverse wood sleepers have beenlaid down throughou t the line, as on the London

and Sou th Western, the North Eastern, and others ;and several of the lines now forming, are being

laid entirely on cross sleepers, as the North

British, and others.

There still, however, hangs over thi s point ofrailway formation considerable uncertainty ; for

although on one line stone blocks may be entirely

removed, and timber substitu ted, on another

the reverse of this has been the case, from thedecay of the wood. Cross sleepers too, unless

they have sufficient scantling, and are considerably

wider than the gauge Of the rails, are liable to

be displac ed by the least Sinking of the ground ;

and as there is nothing to prevent the sleepers

fromrising but the ballasting, this plan cannot be

deemed perfec t. It has, however, become extended,

fromits cheapness and fac it of exec ution, and

diminu tion of ri gidi ty.

The London and Greenwich railway affords

a good example of the smoothness attending the

use of timber bearings. Had the rails been laid

on stone blocks upon the viaduc ts, it must have

much increased the harshness ofmotion.

Some attempts have been made, both in this


country and in America, to introdu ce the use of

stone blocks in the same manner as transverse

wood sleepers are laid ; proceeding on the idea,

likely to be disturbed, or the rail thrown out of

than when laid in the common manner. The

Dublin andKingston railwaywas laid on thorough

going blocks of granite of this kind, 6 feet long, 2

the way, at 15 feet apart, and intermediate singleblocks of the ordinary kind were placed between

them, at the di stance of3feet. Probably, fromthe

dificulty found in adjusting properly the bed forsu ch heavy blocks , and from the vibration and

jolting of heavy trains on a hard bed, and breaking

of the long blocks, the plan tu rned out a failure

and the stone blocks have been entirely taken up,

and timber substitu ted. Sometimes transversesleepers made of cast iron have been used in plac e

of timber. Cast- iron bed- plates have also been

proposed, instead of stone blocks ; but it is con

sidered iron has too much rigidity for these pur

In the United States, transverse stone blocks

were tried at the Boston and Lowell railway

the blocks weremade Of gran ite, 6 feet in length,



and 18 inchee square, and placed at 3 feet apart,

centre to centre, each block supporting both

rails, the gauge being 4 feet 8& inches. This

road. In some instances, to attain a greater con

nec tion between the blocks when plac ed separately,

iron tie or connecting rods have beeu used at

c urves.


When the blocks and sleepers have been plac ed

along the line of a road, the next thing is to set

the chairs, or pedestals, which are to support and

fix the rails . These are u suallymade of cast iron,

for convenience, on ac count of the irregularity Of

shape. Malleable Iron is, however, mu ch stronger

but though a patent has been Obtained for making

them of it, they have not been yet introduced.

As great a variety of forms has been proposed forchairs, as for rails, becau se the former must be

adapted to the latter. The chair generally stands

vertically, having an open socket or groove to

rec eive the rail, the base of which being, when set

in the chair, about an inch c lear of the block or

sleeper. The distances the chairs are plac ed apart,are of cou rse regulated by those Ofthe blocks : they

are fixed to the blocks in the following manner :


Theweights of the heavy chairs on the Londonand Birmingham railway are, joint chairs 31 lbs. ,

and intermediate ones lbs.

Pieces of felt, when stone blocks are made use

of, are now very commonly interposed betweenthe iron chair and the block. When the chair is

firmly pressed down by the pins, the felt forms abed for it

,giving it a firmer seat, and likewise

diminishing the jolting and concu ssions of the

carriage wheels, and the rigidity of motion uponthe hard stone block. It is found, however, that

in a few years the good efi'

ec t is nearly lost, fromthe constant ac tion of heavy loads on the rails,and that the chair bears hard upon the block .

The chairs upon most of the princ ipal lineswhere stone blocks are used, such as the London

and Birmingham, Edinburgh and Glasgow, &c . ,

have felt placed under them.


When the iron rails have been laid into the open

sockets of the chairs, the next operation to be

performed is called keying the rails, which is done

by means of wedges called keys, one of which is

driven hard into a small vacant space left to rec eiveit, between each Chair and the ou ter side of the


rail, which is intended to firmly bind and secure

the rail in its seat. Various sorts of keys have

been prepared : they are most commonly made of

oak or elm, both compressed and uncompressed,

and also prepared by the patent process. Both

solid and latterly hollow iron keys have been

tri ed.

F£9 . 30. is a sec tional end- view ofMr. Barlow’s

patent hollow iron key, ap

plied to wedge a double

key has been very favourably thought of.

As on the proper keying of the rail much of

the stability depends, too much care and attention

cannot be bestowed upon the subjec t : hence the

contrivanc es are numerous. The chief objec t of

the key is to keep the rail firmly down in thechair, and at the same time not to prevent thelongitudinal expansion of the rai l. The kind of

key understood to answer best, depends much on

prac tic alexperience. The general use of wooden

keys for wedging rails, arises from the greaterfac ility they afford for their being tightened and

replac ed ; but toattain this object, the wedges should

be of ample size. Nothing demonstrates more theimperfec tions attending the construc tion of rail

r 3


ways, where chairs and keys are u sed, than the

constant watching the line of way requ ires, for

tightening the keys. F igs. 25, 26, 27, 28. illu s

trate the manner of fixing the rails with woodkeys.


Having now trac ed the progress of railways

construc ted on the plan first introdu ced by the

late Mr. Jessop, in 1789, to the present time, itmay be observed, that the laying the rails onalternate props or supports over the entire length

of the road, whether they weremade of wood orstone, has been the plan in general use, and seemingly has been considered by engineers to be the

best. It is at first view extremely difficu lt to

ac c ount for this partiality ; for after the introduc

tion of steam power on railways, difiic ulties pre

sented themselves in the construc tion of thi s formof railway, which had not been foreseen. Instead,

however, of attemming the introduction of a new

princ iple of laying the rails, large sums have beenexpended by the older companies in altering theform of rails first laid down . It is indeed

amusing to observe how much has been wri tten

on vertical and lateral deflec tion, on the strength


and rigidityOf iron, and on railway chairs and keys ;when it seemingly required but little ingenui ty to

devise a scheme, where the Obvious deflec tions of

a bar suspended on two fulc rums, as a bridge, could

be got the better of, by plac ing the bar on a solid

foundation ; while greater safety and stability

wou ld be attained, and complicated contrivances

to fix the bar become unnecessary.

That any diminution Of vertical deflec tion, by

plac ing the bars on a solid hu e, is important,must be apparent to all, when it is considered that

a heavy load depressed, must be like ascending

an inc lined plane on the rail, the height of which

is equal to the central deflection. It was assumed,

however, when the G reat Western Railway was

under consideration by the parliamentaryw ittes ,

that as much power was gained in the

descent as was lost in the ascent, the Odds being

made even ; and thus the deflection would be no

impediment ; but Mr. Barlow lms shown that this

assumption is erroneou s, both in theory and prac

tic e, and that in fac t the gain from the desc entis so exceedingly small, in su ch shor t planes, that

it may be wholly rejected ; so that in a plane

supposed perfectly horizontal, the retardation or

additional resistance to the carriages, caused by

the deflection of the bar, will be equ ivalent to

F 4


the carriage being carried up a plane Of half the

whole length on a slope.

Solidity of the base of rails, upon whi ch heavy

carriages are to run, being, as a preliminary point,

so Obviously and essentially requ isite, the onlywonder is how it can be disc ussed at all. Yet we

find engineers stating, thatbetweenrailsfirmly fixed

to solid longitudinal bearers, and rails su spended in

the c ommon way between two points, not much


erenc e Of deflection exists. The fallacy of the

statement is, however, so apparent, that it is hardly

deserving of notice, were it not that su ch as

sertions have the dangerous effec t of misleadi ng

the judgment of impartial inqu irers. It may he

therefore laid down as the rule Of c ommon sense,

that the more firmly a rail can be laid c onti

nu ou sly on a solid bed, the less vertical deflection

or bending it will have ; and unless iron bars, when

su spended, c an be made equal in strength, and to

bear the same weight, ceter is par ibus, the first

plan must have most stability, not only in bearing

the vertical strain, but also the lateral one ; for

surely it requ ires no argument to show that an

iron bar laid upon a series Of points, or fu lcra,

must be much easier bent vertically and laterally

by theheavy blows or jolts of a carriage, thanwhen

the same bar is made to forma part Of the solid


roadway on which the carriage m e. However

much, therefore, some may consider as question

able t he supposed advantages Ot'

rails laid on

c ontinuous bearings, the detec t, if any, cannot

apperta in to the princ iple, which, the more it isexamined, will carry the more convi cti on with it ;bu t it mu st apper tain to the details of the c on

struction. For instance, on some railways with

continuous bearings, the rails are fastened into

chairs, and rest upon intermediate saddles.

When the iron rails are laid down, however,in this manner, the tension and elastic ity of the

bar—bound at intervals, like the strings upon

the bridge of a violin—are not removed ; in fac t,there is no difi

’erenc c in the principle fromrails laid

upon c ross sleepers : and itmay fairly be admi tted,

that rails so laid upon longitudinal sleepers are

inferior, inmany respec ts, which could be pointed

ou t, to rails laid upon transverse sleepers.

It should therefore be kept closely in view,

that when a railway is said to be laid on conti

nuons bearings, it is meant that the base of the

rails rests entirely upon the solid timber. It has

been shown that the Old tram- road, first u sed in

this country, was nothing but continuous logs of

wood, with cross tiea adapted to the width of the

carriage-wheels. When this system was intro


been extensively adopted, it was farther improved,

rendering it more adapted for steampower ; and

on the Continent some railways have been similarlyconstruc ted. The introduc tion of this form ofrailway in America has been attribu ted to the

country does not possess : but the question which

the public are most interested in, is not, where the

material comes from, or even the cost of it, but

what is really the best plan.

One Of the first engineers who has made theattempt to introduce into this country a railway

on the American construction, but with iron

edge- rails, was Mr. I. K. Brunel, who did so on

the Great Western railway and it requ ired bomcourage and ability to attempt an entire alteration

in the railway system which had for several

years previously worked so well ;'

and perhaps few

engineers would have attempted the bold ex

periment at once, which he did, of construc ting

so many miles Of a railway differing so much in

detail from the method of laying the rails pre

viously in general use. The princ iple is there

fore deserving of most careful consideration ; for

if it u ltimately tu rn ou t, by su cc essive future im

provements, as su cc essful as it has already proved,

76 RAILWAr s ON c ON'


railways : but there are other lines in this country,

Of the common gauge, laid with continuous hear

inge, by which a c omparison can be made.

Before proc eeding to demribe themanner oflay

necesm to notice the formof the iron rail which

on the stabili ty of the rail, and its proper adap

tion to the road, much of the safety of carriages

runn ing at high veloc ities will depend.

F ig. 31. is the formof rail which was first laiddown on the Great

of 16 inches, for admitting the sc rewbolts for fixing the railto the timbers the outer

the head of the inner bolt being cou ntw sunk or

44 - lbs. to the yard, and were ls} inch high.




As the plan which Mr. Brunel has adopted for

the sleepers or frame- work of the Gr eat Western,

as now arranged, does not difler greatly from theAmerican railways, and others which have been

laid in this country, it willeasily be understood .

It may, however, be instructive to desc ribe the

first plan of forming the line Of way laid down

from London to Maidenhead, 22; miles ; but

which is now in the course of being entirely

altered. On this part Of the line Mr. Brunel

made use of piles driven at intervals, in order to

give greater secu rity to the continuous timbers, sothat they might not rise up or go down ; but

these piles have been found to be unnec essary,

and so to add much to the cost Of the railway,

withou t any corresponding advantages : they are

therefore now being entirely removed, and longi

tudinaltimbers of greater scantling substitu ted.

F ig. 32. is a transverse sec tion Of a pile driven

into an embankment.In formi ng the railway, when the road was

construc ted,beech piles, 10 inches in diameter



and 10 to 14 feet long, at intervals of 16 feet,plac ed rather c loser to the outer than to the inner

rails, one pile between

driven into the solid

P5 89 .gvast labour and expense

The head of the pile was made to mad abou t

flush with the bd lasting, and a groove of 1s inc h

was c ut out an the side, near the top of w ch j;

timber were let, which connec ted the piles tac o

Every alternate pair of piles was plac ed

inches. On the transoms, and framed with them,


wide by 7 inches deep, each pair being laid at

7 feet 2 inches centres : they were made to restupon a piece of wood inserted between the double

cross- ties, and they were sunk a little into the

intermediate tie, which was made a little deeperthan the double one : they were secured together

by strong sc rew- bolts and nuts, with the heads

countersunk, as shown infig. into the upper

There were screwibolts at every point of in

tersec tion with the transverse ties or timbers, soas to firmly bolt the whole together, and the latter

with the piles : the timbers were laid carefully

to the plane of the line of way, and perfec tlylevel transversely, excepting at cu rves, where the

inc linations of the cross timber was adapted tothe radius. Both c ross and longitudinal timberswere packed with sand and gravel, which was

beat under them, so as to forma solid and compac tbed ; and the beating was even continued till the

timber was strained, as Mr. Brunel’s objec t ap

penrod to have been to throw up a verti cal strain

against the bars of the rail, to counterac t the efi’


of the downward weight, and to rely on the retaining power of the piles to hold down the timbers.


upon this a planking of American elm, ll inch

thick, and 8 inches broad, was laid, bedded withtar, having a Slight inclination inwards, the angle

of the slope being 1 inch in 20 inches. When the

planking had been firmly nailed down, and the

heads of the nails sunk flush, the iron rails were

then fastened upon the thin planking, (pieces of felt

having been placed between them,) by means ofstout screw - bolts, with a deep- threaded sc rew,

passing through the perforations made in theflanches of the 44 lbs. rails, into the solid wood.

The ou tside screws had square heads, and the

inside sc rews had the heads countersunk : a heavy

roller was passed over the rails, to aid the firmerscrewing up of the bolts. For the preservation of

the timber, the whole of it was previously kyan

ised, and the iron-work laid with tar. It has

been estimated that the timber used in each mi le

of this railway was 420 loads of pine, and 40

loads of hard wood, and that also 6 tons of iron

bolts, and wood Sc rews, were u sed.

Such is a desc ription of thi s most elaboratework, which it is u seful to preserve. It affords

another instance, of the many, of the truth of the

adage, that the best laid schemes too often provefallac ious. That thi s plan has not altogether

proved su ccessfu l, is no more than is every day


Seen to oc c ur, although the results of the first trials

made seemed to have been satisfac tory. It was

soon disc overed, as already mentioned, that the

advantages to be derived from driving the piles,notwithstanding the extra expense, were but

trifling. They were therefore discontinued On

the lin e beyond Maidenhead, and longitudinal

timbers and cross sleepers only employed, the

latter being laid at closer intervals, and the scant

ling Of the timber of both redu ced, probably wi th

the view of lessening the expense. The radical de

fect Of this railway was soon, however, discovered

to be, that the scantling Of the timber and the rails

were too light for heavy loads passing with ta

pidi ty ; and, in consequ ence Of ac c idents on the

line, the whole timbers Of the railway between

Maidenhead and London are now in progress Of

being removed, and timbers of much heavier

scantling substitu ted, upon the same plan as that

upon which the southern portion Of the line hadbeen exec u ted, and which is simple in construc


F ig. 33. is a sec tion and elevation on a mall

scale ofthe longitudinal timbers as now being laid

down at the Slough station, and as existing in the

western portion of the railway. They are half- logs

of wood, with a scantling of 15 inches by 9 inches



ormore, and the cross sleepers are 5 inches by 8

The c ross sleepers are placed at intervals

of 9 or 10 feet, and are firmly secured to the

gitudinal logs by means of bolts and

forming a strong frame. The iron rails have beeninc reased in strength and Size from44 lbs. (the

original)and 55 to 62lbs. (those laid down on the

parts of the line last exec uted), to 70 lbs. per yard.

On the first 22} miles, where the lightest rai ls

were u sed, the head of the inner screw- bolt was

c ountermmk, as has been desc ribed, flush with

the iron, to avoid coming in contac t with theflanch of the wheel. Beyond this distance, on

the remainder of the line, the rails being increased

i n height, a nut was used for the bolt, both inside

and ou tside of the rail, for convenience of tighten

ing the screws. This plan, however, in reality

gave no more depth to the fianch of the wheel,


those in use, being about 2} inches. It has,how

ever, been stated, that it is intended that in the new

rails laying down, the heads of the screws are to be

sunk flush. Instead of being, as the first rails were,laid with a layer of felt under themupon the top

Of the 15 inch planking Of American elm,— thus

affording a solid and compac t bed,— the planking

has been disc ontinued in plac ing the new rails, and

the rails are merely laid upon pieces ofprepared hard

wood, abou t half an inch thick, and eight inches

broad, which are nailed upon the longitudinal

timbers, the felt also being di spensed with. It

is diffic ult to perceive any advantage that this

plan has over the former one on the contrary,

the fric tion Of heavy loadsmay have the tendency

to loosen these small pieces of timber. Were therails simply laid down on the solid logs, on a bed

of felt, as on the Croydon railway, the sta

bility would be very mu ch greater ; or, at allevents, the first plan of u sing a plank, abou t

two or three inches in thickness, nailed to the

longitudinal timbers on which the rails mightbe fixed, must afford a more solid bed than the

I have been thus partic ular in desc ribing the plan

of the Great Western railway, as the suc cess of

the experimen t must be interesting to the railway


world. Iii my opinion, Mr . a clhas not yet

done justice to his plan, by keeping the scantling

of the timber the size he does. Even that which

is now laying down is much too light for heavy

tra ins at great veloc ity—which time will show ;

and he cannot expec t the success that his plan

deserves, unless a firmer base is given to the rails,which can only be done by increasing the sc ant

ling Of the timber, and plac ing the transoms, orc rm o tic s, at c loser intervals ; the adoption Of

which would afford all the advantages which c an

be obtained froma firmand unyi elding base, and

at the same time combine smoothness with sta

The plan of rails adopted on the Great Western

line has, as yet, not been much extended to other

railways. The Irish Commissioners have introdaood this plan on the Ulster railway, between

Belfast and Portadown . The rails laid down are

of the bridge form, and are of from15 to 20 feet

lengths, and 53 lbs. weight per yard. They are

not bedded on felt, but are sc rewed to the timberwith 3sc rews, 5 inches long, inserted at intervals

Of 16 inches. The longitudinal timbers have a

c ross sec tion of 12 inches by 6 inches, having a

lateral inc lination of 111,

of an inch. The tran

soms, or c ross~ties, are plac ed at intervals Of fromG 3


10 to 15 feet, under the longitudinal timbers. On

some other railways, the plan of the Great Western

has likewise been adopted on small portions of theline.


Another plan of iron rails laid on longitudinal

timbers has been most succ essfully tried on the

London and Croydon and other lines. On the

New Orleans railway a similar formof rail hasbeen adopted ; and on some of the American railways the same formof rail has been used, fixed

differently, namely, wi th c lamps, driven into thelongitudinal wooden Sills.

F ig. 35. is a sec tion of the broad- W ed T rail,made in l5- feet lengths, which has been u sed

on the London and

Croydon railway.

The mils are laid on

longitudinal timbers,with a scantl ing frommm14 inches broad,

by 5 to 7inches thick.

These are fixed to c ross sleepers of wood 9 feet

in length,with a scantling of 9 inches by 5

inches, and sec ured by half- inch spikes, 9 inches


in length. A layer of felt is placed between the

iron rail and the longitudinal sleeper ; and the

former is firmly screwed down by haH- inch

sc rews, inches long, and bolts , with a head 1

inch in diamfier, placed at intervals in pairs, 19

i nches apart. At the joints , four sc rews are put in,

near eac h other. The beads of the screws are

c ountersunk in the inner fianch, and are 4

inches long. Fromthe low vertical section of thisrail when compared with those plac ed on chairs

and fromthe base resting on continuous wooden

sills, it possesses both strength and stability. This

plan, of laying the rails upon the solid timber, isan excellent one ; and this railway affords, per

haps, the bes t example in the United Kingdomof a smooth and elas tic rail, with absence of noise

and suffic ient stabili ty, as the rails are so bound

together that they cannot easily get out of gauge ;

while the wear and tear in workingmu st be diminished, and corresponding safety increased.

The formof rail here adopted, though remarkably free fromfriction, and afi


ording ample room

for the flanch of the wheels, does not seem topresent any superiority to the bridge form onthe Great Western, were the latter plac ed in a

similarmanner on the solid timber, although somemay fairly consider that the squareness of the

o 4


flanch of the wheel, on the Great Western, to

suit the bridge rail, is no advantage ; but, on the

contrary, increases the amount of fric tion.

A part of the Birminghamand Glou cester rail

way has been laid on longitudinal sleepers of

American pine, in r u ions lengths, with a scantling

of 13 by 6 inches, connec ted by ties, 7 feet 2

inches long, with a scantt of 7by 35. inches,being half- round logs ; the chairs being sec ured

by strong sc rewed bolts.

F ig. 36. is the sec tion on a large scale of what

is called a shallow parallel rail,laid down on part of this line, at

56 lbs. weight per yard.

Part of the Manchester and

Bolton railway is likewise laid

on continuous bearings ofwood,

or M f- baulks, set a little dia

gonally, with crossbeneath the

ceding line, with rails of the same form. On the

Dublin and Kingston, and other railways, con

tinuous bearings of wood have in portions been

laid, but with a fiat- based parallel rail, the rails,as previously noticed, being set in chairs.

Iron edge- rails have also been tria l in this

country, on continuous stone blocks, instead of


timber. On the Bolton and Preston railway, on

which the works are laid in thismanner, they

5 feet in length, and 2 feet in width, and the

blocks are imbedded in brick sleepers. On partof the Leeds and Selby railway, where a con

tinuous line of stone bloc ks is placed under each

rail, they are 3 feet in length, 1 feet deep, and

16 inches wide : the four lines are kept together

by mm of iron ties, running from one side tothe other. This plan of rai lway, when the stones

have a solid foundation, must be a very durable

mode of constru c tion : but where continuou s

stone blocks have been u sed, the harshness and

rigidity have been found too great for heavv loads

passing with rapidity, the impulse being much

more severely felt both by the carriages and

machinery : hence this plan has not been extended

in thi s country. It is more than probable, how

ever, that iron rails, laid solid upon continuoubearings, will ultimately be extens ively adopted ;

and that, fromtheir many advantages, the publicOpinion will be extended in their favour. There

can be no doubt that the smoothness and less noise

of the carriage evince a more easy working, and

less friction and jolting of the machinery. A fair

c omparison can be made between the London and

C roydon and any line laid upon other bearings.

90 GUID E PLANC II or r u n WH E EL.

There does not appear on the Great Western, or

other lines laid with continuous hearings, to be

much, if any, diminu tion of the osc illating or

rocking motions of the carriages. On the Great

Western, this may or may not be influenc ed by

the gauge ; but, at allevents, there is a freedomofthat jolting and harsh grating noise so appment

on some lines. The great point, however, evenmore important than the smoothness of motion,is preventing the rails being thrown out of gauge ;

and railways construc ted like the Croydon, with


ord a very effec tive security. However, even

on bearings thus laid, much will depend upon the

solidity of the railway, and the ballasting and

packing, although itmust be self- obvious, thatwhen

the longitudinal timbers are framed together, itaffords more certainty of stabili ty than when rails

are plac ed on separate blocks, and sleepers easily

influenced by concussion, and even by the weather.


Having described the different forms of ironrails now used on railways, itmay be u sefu l here

to notice the flanch of the wheel, upon the adap

tation of which to the rail depends the diminu


Mr. Loch obtained another patent in Oc tober,184 2, for further improvements on wheels ofrailway carriages.

The flanch of the wheel is that part of it which

constitutes one of the most important points con

neeted with railways : and in railways where

c urves exist, which is the case on almost everyrailway, the adaptation of the flanch and the cone

of the wheels to the formof the rail increases inimportance : the flanch is commonly made about

one inch deep, slightly bevelled off from theinner side to the outer, in order that, when the

wheel is running in a direc t line, the edge of the

flanch may be kept abou t an inch c lear Of the rail,or fromcoming, if possible, in direc t contac t with

it. To effec t this objec t, the tire of a wheel about

4 inches broad is usually made in a slight degree

conical ; in awheel 3} inches broad, the inclination

on the tire is 1 inch in 7; so that the diameter ofthe Whole wheel is greater by 1 inch at the flanch

than at the outer edge. By this adaptation, and

the slight convexity, the range of contac t between

the wheel tire and the rail is verymu ch restric ted,

which necessarily causes its wear. To get the better

of this, in a certain degree, it has been the prac ti ce

with some engineers to give a slight degree of

inward inc lination to the rails, in order that the


surface on which the wheel ac tsmay be enlarged ;

although it is obviously apparen t, that the greater

the extent of surfac e which comes in contac t, the

greatermust be the fric tion on the point of in

clination of the rails : engineers, however, differ

much in Opinion .

On the London and Birmingham, the inclina

nation of the rails is stated to be gof an inch in

1 1 inches, or about 1 inch in 29 inches ; and on

the Great Western, as already noticed, about 1

in 20 inches. On the latter railway the flanch of

the wheel has much less bevel than on commonrailways : this arises fromthe pec uliar formof the

rail itself : to adapt the carriagc wheelto it, the

edge Of the fianch is flat and square instead of

beingmade thick and bevelled.

On one railway, the Eastern Counties, where

the carriages have ru n several times off the rails,occasioning very serious ac c idents, it has been

asc ribed to the improper applic ati on of wheels

with fianches not bevelled, or sufli c ieutly deep,

but this and shallow, of the same form as theGreat Western, to rails of entirely a different

shape, viz. the common parallel rail. If thi s isthe fac t, it mus t have proc eeded frommi stake, or

ignorance in respec t to the proper adaptation of

wheels to su it the form of rails ; for one can


hardly concei ve it poss ible that carriages with

defec tive flanches wou ld for one instant be per

mitted to run, endangering the lives of hundreds.

Indeed, the ofic ialreport by the Company, on the

recent railway ac c ident, asc ribes it to the defect

ive joint of a rail being caught by the flanch of a

wheel of the engine, the flanches not being adapted

for the Eastern Counties’ railway, and that the

engine would not again be used until the flanches

had been altered.

In order to attain greater command over the

retention of carriages on the rails at high speed,

some persons have considered, that were the

fianch made deeper, the liability to run off would

not be so great, as a broad flanch must retain the

wheels better ; for the same jolt which wouldthrow themoff in the one case, wou ld retain themin the other ; and thus half an inch more flancb

would prove a great additional security. The

deepening, however, of the fianch, as rails are commouly used, would be attended with some prac tical

inconvenienc es. This, however, is a point of vast

importance ; but the solution of it can be best

attained by experiment. Others have considered,

that by inc reasing the number of carriage- wheels,

the risk of running off would be materially

lessened. The usual number of wheels is,six

96 euros r LAxc n or THE WHEE L.

experimental application, by which alone can theirutility be tested. Amongst other proposals


one to have double- fianched wheels, at least for the

engine ; whi ch would have the effec t ofretaining the

wheels on the rails, even were the fianch of the

fore wheel raised from it ; and by this meansthe engine would be restrained from leaving the

Some have attribu ted the liability and frs

qu ency of carriages running off the rails, not to

the want of depth in the fianch, or even imperfec tion in the rails, but to the centre of gravity

of the engines being too high, which increases the

osc illation.

Professor Melson and Mr. G. Heatin of Bir

mingham asc ribe such ac c idents to the neglec t

of the ac c urate balanc ing of the revolving parts

of the machinery, which oc casions the violentosc illations, the jerking, and leaping motion on

the rails. They have tried a number of expel-huents

on the effec ts produced from the want of equa~

lisation in the systemof rotatorymachinery theypropose to counteract the bad effec ts by counter

poising the weight of c ranks and connec ting- rods,&c . ,

by means of a contrivance to balanc e the

machinery, and so produce a smooth and equable



The axles of carriages is another point c on

u seted with railways deserving of much c on

sideration ; and consequently many improvementshave been made on them in rec ent years. C om

paratively few ac c idents now happen frombreaking of an axle ; but when it does oc c ur, the mostserious consequences may arise. The axles are

always made of scrap or malleable iron, of the

best workmanship, and abou t 3; inches in thick

ness ; but the engine axles are much stronger than

those of the carriages. It is of course well known

that the princ iple of fixing the wheels of railway

carriages is the reverse of that of carriages on

common roads. In the latter, the wheel revolveson the axle ; whereas, in the former, as the wheelsare gu ided by the flanches, and the carriage does

not requ ire to turn round, the wheel is sec urely

fixed on it. In the nave of the wheel of railway

carriages a square hole is bored out, to get amoreperfec t fit, and the end of the axle is wedged

fast into it. The bearings in which the axle

turns are in common waggons plac ed inside the

98 CARRIAGE , As , AND BEAa s.

outside the wheels. The latter plan admits of agreater width of the frame- work of the carriage,frombeing elevated above the wheels. Thi s plan

is therefore generally adopted for railway carriages,although it has the effec t of making the centre of

gravity higher than by the other plan. It presents,

however, an advantage over the plan of having

the journal or bearing inside of the wheel, that .

less fric tion is c reated, as the journals of wheels

3 feet in diameter, may be reduced from 3} to

2} inches ; thus the latter will present a much

less su rface in contac t : the journal of the axle

is always turned with the u tmost acc uracy, as the

least inequality is productive of serious con

sequences. The outer end of the jou rnal is

swelled out in diameter with a collar to keep the

axle, when in situ , from moving laterally oroutward. A brass bush, in which the axle can

turn with fac ili ty, is fixed in a cast- iron chair orbox, made in two pieces to embrac e it, and when

so placed they are bolted together. The chair or

box is then firmly fixed to the framing of the

When concave springs are used, which are most

common in railway carriages, the centre of the

spring rests on the top of the chair, and is

fastened to it by the same bolt whic h fastens the

100 c AERxAGE - sr aINGs.

Fromthe speed at whic h carriages on railways

now move, and the number of carriages which

necessarily linked together, and the jerks and

shocks they are liable to when stopped or put

in motion, great strength of frame is not only

nec essary to prevent their being injured, but

such an adaptation of springs as to modify the

effect of the conc ussion , prevent the carriages

from stri king hardly against eac h other, and to

extend the shock gradually over the whole train ;

an elastic yielding throughou t the train, there

fore,becomes nec essary. By the plan of con


the carrrages°

by means of iron bars the

ou t the train, and the more violent wmrding flw

violenc e of the shoek might be prevented by a

have ac cordingly been made for this purpose

most of these improving on the original plan ofthe carriages of the Liverpool and Manchester

C ARRIAGE - srm s. 101

fromthe increase of speed bea ms the more ap

parent. From carriages on railways requ iri ng

nearly a straight- forward motion ,


en arrangementof the springs was obviously wanted to meet thedirect tractive forc e, viz. one c lass of springs to

relieve the body of the carriage from the jolt ofthe axle, and the other to resist the transmissionoft concussion. As the frames of the carriages

on most railways usually projec t over the wheels

the wheels and carriages, and weight of the

latter, in a great degree lessen the imperfec tionof such a. plan, and the risk of overtu rning. The

ellipti c lapped spri ngs, which are supported upon

the iron chair of the axle of the wheel. The

springs formerly were often placed above the

frame of the carriage, which had the advantage of

enabling the platformto be kept lower, but they

are now usually plac ed under the frame. The

springs are now made much larger and mu ch less

concave, than at one time ; and in the most improved carriages the lapped springs are made very

long, and nearly qu ite straight : these do not rest

on the chair axle. Grasshopper spr ings are used

on some lines, but are not common . The springs

102 Rur r ING Arr ARA'


strength. The plans of w riage springs vary,

however, considerably.

The other c lass of springs used in railway

carriages is termed bufi'

ers, which are round blocks

or disc s of meta l or wood, projec ting from the

ends ofc amages, commonly covered with cushions ;these bufi’ers are fixed on the ends of long iron

rods,plac ed under themrriages in thefi'

amc wwork,

the end of an elliptic spring when subjected to

pressure, or brought in contac t with the buffers of

the adjoining nu As all the bufi'

ers In a

line of 0m m whatever he the number, are

all made to stand directly opposite each other, itobviously follows, that whenever any conc ussion

takes plac e, as the sudden stopping of a train, the

shock, by their elastic ity, is much lessened

whether in pu lling or pushing the carriages.

F ig. 37. is the ground- plan of a carriage, which

104 su s r r BUFF ING APPAR ATUS.

Other plans of bufl’ere have been inven ted to

ac t with helicalor spiral springs. Mr. Bergin of

Dublin has a patent for an apparatus of this kind.

An iron rod is made to pase from one end of the

carriage frame to the other, and the connecting

cha ins are attached to the buffer heads. The rod

of the buffer passes at each end through a hollow

tube, and is surrounded . with a spiral spring,

which bears against the tube, bu t cannot enter it.

This invention has been applied to the carriages

of the Dublin and Kingston Railway. Other

forms of spiral spring have been applied, as that

of Mr. Blackmore, to the carriages of the New

castle and C arlisle Ra ilway ; but it would be of

little prac tical u tility to desc ribe the various me

chanicalcontrivan ces proposed for this, as well as

for most points connec ted with railway pmhtice

on the advantage or disadvantage of which mu ch

discrepancy of opinion exists : indeed there is

little oc casion to enter into a minu te desc ription of

the construc tion of railway carriages, if the prin

c iple on which their safety of ac tion depends be

understood, as they are c onstantly exposed to the

observation and examination of every one. It has

been recommended, that a more elastic construc tion

of carriages, in which the axles might have suf

c ient play to enable themto adapt themselves to

GAUGE on mor e BETWEEN THE name. 105

cu rved tracks would be advantageous ; and dif

ferent plans have been tried for this purpose.

A plan has been suggested by Sir George

Cayley to deaden the effec t of a sudden railway

train colli sion, by having a very large buffer fixed

to the front of eac h enginc, to be composed of a

series of large cushions ormattresses well packed

with elastic material. Another suggestion has been

to the part of the engine where the buffers are now

plac ed, as the elastic property of the air would

diminish the effec t of conc ussion . Another sug

gestion has been made, to have a strong van stuffed

with wool, cotton, camxtchouc , or some elasticsubstance, to rnn both in front and rear of

trai ns.


The mechanical applications for rails and car

r iage-wheels having now been desc ribed, the

formation of the railway track may be considered.

This subjec t is one of those things connectedwith engineering arrangements, which has of

late years attrac ted much public attention, and

on whic h much difference of opinion exists

the points of dispu te will afterwards be more

106 c as es on wmr n as s-ween THE nu ns.

fully considered. All that is nec essary to notic e

here is, that what is meant by the railway gauge

is the c lear distance the rails are placed apart,measuring between the inner rims of the rails.

In all the early- formed railways in this country

the gauge was from3-feet 6 inches to 4 feet. It

was afterwards increased at the collieries to 4 feet

6 inches, and in the course of time was enlarged

to 4 feet 8ginches, which now forms what has

been termed the narrow gauge, or the standard

Briti sh Gauge, from its almost universal adop

tion : this may, in a great measure perhaps, beasc ribed to this gauge having been adopted on

the Liverpool and Manchester line. Some fewmiles of railway in Scotland, as the Dundee and

Arbroath line, were at first laid down at a gauge

of 5 feet 6 inches, but these have of late been

gradually altered to the 4 feet 85 inch gauge.

The Irish commissioners have adopted a gauge of6 feet 25 inches on the Ulster Railway (Belfastand Armagh, Ac t, and on the Dublin and

Drogheda line the gauge adopted has been 5 feet

3 inches.

On the Great Western Rai lway, between

London and Exeter, 193 miles, Mr. Brunel, as is

well known, for reasons which will be afterwards

noticed, adopted a gauge of 7feet, which is now



most of which were for private use in the mining

disu'ic ts , a single line of way formed the railway,

the carriages getting ofi’

the m line when it

fromoff themain line for a short distanc e, and

then returning to it. In these railways the rule

was for the loaded carriages to keep the main

line, and the empty ones to cross to the sidingtill the others had passed. The point and switch

rails, as may be seen on the older railways, wereofmost simple construc tion a short piece of the

rail turning on a pivot~ Fig. 39 . represents a

c rossing rail generally used on rai lways of this

description. h orn the

obvious inconveni enc e and

danger attending points

and c rossings, espec ially if

the carriages went at any speed, various c on

trivances weremade to paw withou t interruption,

or the n s s zf of altering themova ble piec e of

PASSING PLAC E S, POINTS, c nossmos. 109

tion. The plan adopted where the trafii c in each

direc tion was nearly equal, was to have crossings

Of the rails laid in such a way at parti cu lar place s

that, at these, both trains diverged a little to one

side, forming a c ircu itous course till they passed

each other, dispensing with the moveable switch.

A plan of this kind is much u sed in underground

railways. Anothermode is to have a spring switch

opening to the wheels of the carriages, and allowing

themto go on. The great objec t in these con

trivanc es was to avoid the nec essi ty of manual

labour. F ig. 40. represents one end of a passing

plac e, for a single line of rail

way, by which carriages, pro

c eeding in opposite direc tions,di verge equally fromeach other

at the same time. This plan

may be worked withou t the necessity of movingthe switch hy the hand. The point railat the

one angle, and corresponding one at the opposite

plac e of divergencemay remain always open by

means of a powerful spiral spring, moving back

tin point to its originalposition, when the carriages

have passed, the points of the opposite angles

being always kept shut. By another arrangementofthe springa contrary action may be made to take

ph ce, for whm the moveahle rail is pu shed to

110 PAssmc PLAc ns, POINTS, c nossmc s.

wards thefixed rail by the wheels of the carriages

the spring immediately c loses it again. In other

plans of c rossings the passing- plac e simply di

verges to one side of the main line, and returns

to it again , the point opening to the retiring

carriage, and returning by a spring to its formerposition. Mr. N. Wood describes a self- ac ting

plan adopted at the Killingworth Colliery, where

the loaded carriages keep by the main line andthe empty ones diverge on one side, and return

again when the former have passed ; a spring

switch being made to open to the wheels of theloaded carriages, and allowing them to proceed,

while itmakes the empty ones diverge to one side.

The spiral spring is enc losed in an iron tube, and

connec ted with the moveable rail, and by

arrangement of the spring it can be made to act

against the rail, and be kept constantly shu t, or

the springmay be made to ac t the reverse way,

and keep it open, and press it firmly against the

fixed rail.

These c ontrivances of springs to move thepoint rails from the sharpness of the bends and

joltings at conc ussion, are not so welladapted for

double lines. Indeed, in the latter case, crossing

plac es are not so much required, as a train te

quires only oc casionally to deviate into a passing

112 PAssmo PLAC ES, POINTS, c aossmc s .

F ig. 4 1. is the plan ofa common crossing, running

obliquely ac ross a double line of rails. The angles

are shown, more ac ute

than they are in reali ty

made, for sharp angles

could not be workedF" 4 1 with safety on rail

ways, owing to the great shockmpassing, c reating

a liability to throw the wheels of the rails. The

angle of railway crossings for great speed should

not be more than from2 to 2} degrees, but for

slow speed the angle is commonly 6 to 7degrees .

At the points of intersec tion of the rai ls grooves

are provided for the flanches of the wheels, and

guard rails are plac ed within the line, to keep the

inside flanch fromgetting off the rails. So important for railway safety is the setting of the

switches, as the least neglect may occasion the

most serious ac c idents, that some railways have a

signal appn atus affixed to them, which indicates

to the driver of the train as he approaches the

exac t position of the switch.

The method in u

se of moving the crom

line: Two castwiron plates abou t 9 feet in lmgth

are fixed on the blocks or sleepera and have s

PASSING- PLAC ES, Pomrs, c nossmc s. 1 13

single moveable rail on eac h plate, turning, at

one end, a few inches on a joint or centre. The

butt- end of thismeets two rails (a li ttle separated),

which also rest on one end of the plate. The

two moveable pieces are connec ted together by

an iron rod which moves them laterally to eachside of the fixed rail, so that in an instant

the train can be diverged oil" the main line.

Another plan ac ts the reverse of this ; it is a loose

rail in the common way, turning on a joint, and

the sharp end of the point c arries onward the

c arriage wheels on the intended track. Two

short pieces of both the moveable and fixed rails

are plac ed upon a cast- iron plate.

On railways where steam power is adopted,

themoveable points are worked bymeans ofa lever

and connec ting- rod, the handle coming through

a square cast- iron frame placed on the ground

c lear of the rails : by the simple drawing back thelever, the point ismoved ; and when the attendant

slackens his hold, the point returns to its original

Instead of the square plate, the plan on several

railways is to connect the turning- rod with a

small cast- iron pillar , firmly set u p. A vertical

spindle,passing through it, tu rns in a soc ket at

the lower end : near the bottom of the spindle a

1 14 r assmc - r nac ns, Pom s, cnossmc s .

sheave is plac ed horizontally, fixed on a’ false cen

tre, with an iron ring working round the sheave,forming the common ecc entric motion : fromone

side of the ring a horizontal rod is connec ted by

means of sc rews with the rod which tu rns boththe points or loose rails . The apparatu s is entirely

enc losed, and nothing except the pillar and handle

is seen. The whole of the GreatWestern Rail

way is provided with very neat pillars of this

kind . Examples of the arrangement of the cross

ings at the termini of railways may now be seen at

almost every large town. At the Euston Square

station of the London and Birminghamline,four

lines ofrails are laid down, as also at the goods’


pot, about twomiles distant, between Camden Townand Chalk Farm bridge, near the Primrose H ill

tunnel. At the latter place the genera l arrange

them, both the up and down lines being inter

sec ted ; eight or ten crossing- points or swi tches

are seen from Chalk Farm Bridge Within the

space of a few yards ; and as allthese require to

be set and turned hy the hand to put the trains

on the right track, one may easily conceive the

notwi thstanding the fac ility with which, fromthe

116 DANGE R or LINES m ansnc rmc .

The danger attending the intersection s of the

main line is fully illustrated at the Camden Townstation. The goods’ station li es to the right of

the main l ine (going out of London); hence lug

gage vans hnve to cross the down line before they

can get on the up line : they are . c onsequently

always liable to be ru n into by the down trains,fromthe least derangement of time, as lately hap

pened, and was produ c tive of fatal c onsequenc es.

The danger arising from an arrangement of thiskind must be apparent, and could be removed at

a little inconvenienc e, by separating entirely the

up and down goods’ departments, and making

one set of warehou ses, from which the downgoods proc eeded at onc e upon the main line


and another set of warehou ses in which the up

goods should be received without having diverged

from the main up line, thu s preven ting the lug

gage vans c rossing the lines : had such an ar

rangement been in existence the late ac c ident

could not have happened.

An ac c ident has just occ urred from the samecause at the Bristol terminus, where a train fromGloucester ran into the Exeter luggage train,

while the latter was passing fromthe Bristol and

Exeter to the London line, and seven tru cks were

smashed to piec es. In lines therefore worked


with locomotive engines, where great traffic ex

iste, were the goods’ department to be entirely

separated fromthe passengers’ one, both safety and

convenience would be consulted. This, indeed,

c ou ld only be at first done bymu ch additional out

lay, and made perfec t by forming perhaps a third

or even a fourth line of rails, the goods’ traffic

being entirely confined to the lines made for it.

Indeed, fiom the difference of speed adopted

with different trains, su ch a plan as this seemsthe only one to avoid the danger of collisions by

trains being run into. Were a thi rd line of rails

formed at every railway where express trains are

allowed to run, to which they were confined,

great additional safety would be given, as pass

ing- places must be ever attended with mu ch

u ncertainty.

A very opposite view to the above was enter~

tained by Mr. F.Wishaw, as to themeans to prevent collision, and at the same time enable railways

to be formed at little expense. He proposed to

have only a single line of way throughou t, what

ever be the amount of traffic ; and to start at

every hour in the day from terminal and prin

c ipd intermediate stations, exchanging the trains

by means of turn tables. This singular scheme

he termed the rec iprocating system but fromx 3


its inconvenience, and the vigilance of management requ ired for working su ch a plan, it is not

likely to be adopted.

Those very dangerous crossings which exist on

many lines shou ld, if possible, be removed, where

ever locomotive power is employed ; indeed, they

are not in general necessary, espec ially near

stations, as the goods’ warehou ses are u sually built

at the final terminus. The heaviest carriages are

easi ly moved fromone line of way to another by

means of the useful and clever inventi on called

the turn- table or plate . This consists of a c ircu lar

cast- iron table turning round upon rollers, having

four iron rails formed on it, placed at right angles,of the same gauge as that of the line, and set to

the same level ; when the carriage passes on to the

table, it is wheeled round, and may either be en

tirely reversed, or, by turning it a quarter round,

so as to be at a right angle with the line, thecarriage may be run on to another line of rails.

The tables can thus transfer a single carriage ina short space of time fromone track to another,or add it to, or take it from, the train ; or an

engine can be entirely reversed in a few minu tes.


diameter ; between these two rings iron rollersrevolve, the under side of which has a bevel

corresponding to the lower ring. These rollers

are turned round by means of iron arms, whichradiate from a centre ring embrac ing a vertical

spindle. The arms pass through the middle ofeach of the rollers, and are firmly fas tened to them.

The intention of the rollers is to carry the weight

of the table, and to move it easily, as the under

ring of the table turns upon their circumferenc e.

The table is kept in its position by the centre

spindle, turning with it on a socket, but not sup

porting the weight . There is eu outer iron ring

the same diameter as the table, and forming

(should the platformbe made of timber) an edge

to it. This ring is rai sed above the level of the

arms of the rollers, and within it the floor is placed

upon which the rails are laid. The platformofthe table is, however, generally now made entirelyof cast- iron, with rails ra ised on its surface. A ring

of corresponding diameter surrounds and forms a

margin to the table, and the ends of the rails of

the line of way rest on it, an d abu t those on the

To describe the numerous mec hanical c on

trivances connec ted with railways wou ld fill

.volumes. One, not the least interesting, is the


water- c rane, which consists of a cast- iron pillar,through which the water passes, having a hose to

supply water to the engine : they are planted on

different parts of the line. These cranes revolve

on a centre, to bring the hose to the tank, and to

be turned fromoff the line when not used ; and

means are taken to prevent the water freezing.

The mile- mark is another u sefu l contrivance on

railways, by whi ch every quarter of a mile may

c ounted, and the rate of speed ascertained by the


Having now described the mechanical contri

vances requ ired to formthe track of the railway,

(and it may have been observed how much skill

and perseverance have been displayed in bringing these to the maturity they have already

reac hed,) the formation of the line may be

shortly considered, although it is foreign to my

purpose to enter into minute details, or a dis

quis ition on this branch of railway practice.

However, a synopsis or condensed view of a

subjec t in which so many are interested may be

useful . Every one, indeed, can easily have a

general idea of the principles upon which rail

ways . are usually constru c ted. It may be said,

122 ns sIGNING A u s e or RAILWAY.

point to be kept in view in railway planning,

this subjec t already acqu ired, is to have a clear and

definite view of the objec t for which the railway

is to be constructed ; the motive power which isintended to be employed ; and likewise a prec ise

idea of the rate of speed which it wou ld be re

quired generally to be worked at ; whether the

railway is to be planned for goods as the main

objec t of traffic , or whether chiefly for passengers

or whether to be adapted for both pu rposes at a

moderate rate of speed. Almost every point con

useted with the formation of a railway hinges onthe motive power and rate of speed.

Had such points been c lear ly wrought ou t and

determi ned on by engineers, or by railway com»

panies , before the undertaking was commenwd,

even in making surveys and taking levels, manyexamplesmight be given showing how much use

less expendituremight have been avoided. Where

a slow speed is requ ired, with a light traffic , dithc ult gradients might be overcome even without anassistant engine and thus the expensive and

Herc ulean labours might be avoided of cu ttingmiles through bills or solid rocks forming dismal tunnels and precipitous embankments. On


Sutton, 1 in 89) have been avoided, which,in

spite of allthe advantages of the increase of the

motive power, form permanent impediments torapid transit? And, in a similarmanner, would notthe


c urves of short radii whi ch exist on manylines have been avoided ?

In the construc tion of railways, the c u ttings

and excavations— that is, the formation of the

line of way through elevations, and their per

forati on, where requ isite, with tunnels— the filling

up of deep ravines, or the forming of embankments are allpoints that evince the talent and

skill, and test the experience, of the engineer.

As the main objec t is to bring the line of way as

near to a level as possible, by the judiciou s plan

ning of the line many thousands of pounds may

be saved. Engineering in these days has assumeda new feature from bygone times. To be a rai l

way engineer, not only requires an ac c urate eye

to take up the general aspec t of the country, but

at the same time to have a clear conception of its

geological charac ter. The level above the sea is

too often overlooked, and considered a secondary

matter ; but it is all- important, as allmain trunklines for commerc ial purposes ought to have a

branch communication with some sea- port. No

thing, indeed, is more common than to find


people suppose the summit of an inland di stric t

is greatly above the sea level, when in fac t the

rise is often inconsiderable. There are, perhaps,

not many countries, where the general trending

of the mountains is understood, through which

railways cou ld not be carried. No doubt rail

way ditii c ulties,

”as they are quaintly termed,

which always more or less exist, are increased in

hilly countries ; but that rou te, which but a few

years ago would have been deemed imprac ticable,now presents few obstac les to engineering skill.In laying ou t a line of railway through a

country, the gradients have been properly con

sidered an important point in the adoption of the

particu lar line. The word gradient, now in so

common use, is well known to mean the propor

tion of feet of ascent or desc ent in a mile. An

inc lined plane is of course understood to meanevery plane which is not level ; and it is usual in

desc ribing railways to make use of the term in

clination for asc ent, as an inc line of l in 101,or

an ascent rising one foot in one hundred and one

feet, which is the same as'

a gradient of 52 feet

per mile. Beside the consideration of the gradients

on the route, another princ iple of great importanceto be kept in view is, to shorten the distance as

much as possible between places to which a direc t


communication is requ ired. The result of ex

perience in railway formation has already shown

that c irc uitous routes not only increase much

the expense, but do not afford the advantages re

qu ired ; beside which, the adoption of a c urvili

near route too often, instead of a straight line, has

had the effec t of injuring the effic iency if not the

general safety of the line.

The numerous plans of railwavs now before the

public proc eed, therefore, chiefly on the princ iple

of a direc t communication, and it is considered

better for smaller towns to have a branch direc tly

to the larger ones, than that a railway shou ld per

ambulate a country, and diverge for their aecommodation, at one point at a tangent, and at another

by a semic irc le, fromthe straight line.It need hardly be observed, however, that in

several cases it is impossible to avoid a c urvilinear

rou te, as in approaching domains, although there

is no doubt that in many instances the objec ting

parties wou ld ultimately obtainmost advantage bypermitting the straight line to have been adopted.

Besides the advantage of having railways formedin di rec t, rather than in c irc u itous routes, 8. new

feature seems to introduce itself into railway

arrangements, which does not yet appear to be

suffic iently understood : this is, the advantage of


As, in planning any railway whatever, it is

next to impossible to obtain a direc t level, theobjec t of the engineer is to arrange the gradients

of the line in such a manner as to approac h to a

level, for nothing will tend more to the perfec tionof a railway than that the track over which the

wheels are to ru n should be smooth, straight, and

level, which arrangement is, in every instance,the preferable one. But as it is absolu tely neces

sary in many localities to ascend cons iderable

acc livities, and to descend again to the former oreven a lower level, or when one terminus is con

siderably elevatedover another, ason theEdinburgh

and Glasgow line, it becomes necessary to descendfromthe level of the one to that of the other.

Engineers very naturally differ in opinion as to

the best methods of overcoming such diffic ultiesOne plan adopted has been to distribu te the rise

and fall as equally as possible throughou t the

whole line ; and another method has been to c on

c entrate these on a few steep points, and to makethe other parts of the way as level as possible.

The London and Birmingham railway affords an

example of the former, and the Liverpool and

Man chester of the latter. Some have strangely

considered that when the line of way is undulated

(the Hull and Selby affords an example of this


profile), it is preferable to a perfec t level, as the

gravity which aids the desc ent increases the mo

mentumof the ascent, thus equalising the amountof trac tive force ; but as the amount of gain ishowever very small in short planes, this methodof arranging the gradients of a line is not likely

to be entertained unless from pec u liar c irc um

It is now generally admitted that, in order toattain an economical working line where consider

able deviation from the level must exist, that

there must be some similarity or equalisation of

the general grad ients of the line ; or in other

words, that when the traffic of a railway is nearly

the same fromboth ends of a line, the degree of

inc lination is of less consequence as respec ts the

working expense, provided the loss in gaining the

general summit would be compensated by thegain fromthe assistance of gravity in the descent.In ac cordance with this view on most railways on

which a considerable summit level has to be

reached, the plan is adopted of having a series or

planes gradually rising, and a corresponding

series descending. The Grand Junc tion affordsexample of this arrangement : on it there are

15 asc ending, 10 level, and 23 descending planes.

No railway, however, constructed on this plan,


can be deemed perfec t, withou t breaking a long

inc lination with intermediate level planes, as

considerable danger must always exi st from themomentumwhich a heavy load acqu ires in de

scending uninterruptedly a steep descent. The

Eastern Counties Railway, at Brentford, incli ne,affords an example of the want of this arrangement,there being no level plane in the nearly three

miles of desc ent ; 1 foot in 100, or a gradient of

feet per mile.

To attain the objec ts of railway formation nowpointed out, fromthe varieties of the surface of a

country, vast expensewilloften be incurred ; valleys

must be filled up, rocks cu t through, viaducts and

bridges formed ; and even should a distric t be cem

paratively level in some instances, as in the Edin

burgh and Glasgow line. verv expensive works in

a short distance occur : thus the works, in this 46

miles of railway, aremuchmore numerou s and expensive in proportion than those on nearly the samelevel plane of 117} miles Of the Great Western.

As these expensive works have generally hmformed for the purpose (at least in reference to theEdinburgh and Glasgow railway) of obtaining a

level way, as the ordinary gradien t on this railway

is l in 880, it becomes a matter ofmuch importance,as regarde not only the original ou tlay , but the


it is indisputable that with the same motar ap

plied, the speed is reduced just in proportion to

the ascent, until the impelling power ceases to bebe long er available. It has already been te

marked that the resistanc e of carriage wheels on

a common road, from fri ction and roughness of

the surfac e, is so great that the gravity which

operates as a constantly retarding force in mo

derate inc lines becomes less observable ; whereas

on the smooth surface of a railway of the best

construction, over whi ch the wheels glide,the

loss of power is so much reduc ed in amount that

the least departure fromthe level makes the full

force of gravity or the weight of the train to bear

against the inanimate impelling force. Notwi th

standing the sc ience of thwe times, it may be

questioned, if the full importance of this fac t in

railway formations has been considered. Bu t it

brings the simple question prominently in view,

whether it is better to take the direc t cou rse,though more inclined, than to take the longer one

and keep the level.

In considering this point, the difference between

the trac tive force exerc ised on a level and an as

c ent must be estimated. Engineers have differed

carriages on railroads have to overcome before the:

ar mor or RESISTANC E — GRAVITY. 133

and constantly retarding force, arising from

axles, and the ac tion of the wind. On a level

Of the trmmhas been estimated at 7 t0 8 1bs. per

ton. According to the experiments of M. Pamhour, on the Liverpool and Manchester railway ,

lbs. was the friction per ton, or the 280th

part of the weight. Mr. N. Wood is inclined

fromhis experiments to estimate it about 9 lbs.

per ton, or the 240th part of the Weight. Taking

the resistance to be overcome by themotive poweron a level railroad at the lowest estimate, 75 lbs.

per ton, (or near ly the 300th part of a ton,) for

every 7 feet of rise in a mile, 3 lbs. per ton wou ld

be added to the opposing forc e of trac tion ; so that

14 feet of rise, or 1 foot in 337, wou ldmake the

amount 6 lbs. , and 1 in 300, or 171} feet of rise in

the mile, would double the resistance to be overcome ; or add lbs. more weight per ton to bepulled ;

— 35 feet per mile, or 1 in 150, would

triple, and 52} feet per mile, or 1 in 100,

quadruple, the resistance to be overc ome, and so

on. Taking therefore the resistance whi ch a

train has to overcome on a level plane'

at the

x 3

134 ar mor or RESISTANC E .

lowest estimate of from7t0 8 1bsi per ton, a train

of 60 tons would requi re a power to be exerted

of 420 or 480 1bs. or 7x 60, or 8 x 60 ; and keep

ing in view the efi'

ec t of gravity , and that a plane

of ] foot in 100 adds one ton to the downward

1 in 50would be 44 8 lbs. for each ton, and for

1 in 90, lbs. This on 60 tons would amountto 1493 lbs. additional power to be drawn, which

increases the opposing force from60 to 186 tons.

And should the resistance on a level be taken at8 lbs., a load of 1 12 lbs , including carriages, on a

level would oppose to the trac tive power 896 lbs.

but on an inc lined plane of 1 in 135, the increase

fromthe effec t of gravity would be 2686 lbs.

It nec essari ly follows that this increase of re

sistance to be overcome on an inc line must be at

tended with much waste of power : so much so is

this the case, that it has been es timated that toasc end an elevation of 20feet, or 1 in 264 , asmuch

power is exerted in one mile in length as woulddraw the same load double the distance. Much loss

of time must likewise thus obviously arise in work

ing u p steep inclinations, even with all the ad

vantage a powerfu l motar can give, without theaid of auxiliary power.

The fac t being incontrovertible that every de



ned, that in railways formed with an equalisa

tion of ascending and desc ending planes, the

compensatory effec t has produc ed the same ex

penditure of power, as if the plane had been

level. This result has been in part attribu ted to

the diminished resistance of the air in going up

the ascent, but unquestionably it is nearly en

titely the effec t of gravity increasing the veloc ity

of the descent. It is, therefore, certain that

railways can be designed to work advantageou sly

with a similarity of, or equ ivalent, gradients, and

it is a matter of consideration how far this systemcan be pushed.

Beyond a certain point it cannot be carried

with advantage, wherever the inc line has to be

surmounted by the aid of auxiliary power. To

the positive waste of power by the force of gravity,

when off the level, mustbe added the additional

expense and inconvenience of working the auxi

liary ; or when the incline cannot be am ounted

without assistant power, sti ll, if the effec t is to

reduce the size of the trains or the maximumload carried on other parts of the road for the

weight must be proportioned to the power or

to require the unnecessary expense of carryingforward over the line a greater tractive forcethan would otherwise be requ isite ; in both ‘of


these cases, the formation of inclines which re

qu ire to be so worked, cannot be economi cal.

The rule may he therefore laid down, that so long

as the degree of inclination does not materially

reduce the speed, it is of little consequence, and

it cannot prove ofmu ch injury . There is scarcely

any doubt that the adoption of a general steeper

ruling gradient throughout a line would, in somecases, have been attended with advantages, and

would he often preferable to descending very pre

cipitous inc lines to reach a level. The question ,

however, as to the degree of inc lination which can

be adopted with prudenc e and safety cannot be

properly judged of wi thou t taking into consider

ation the effec t which the descent has upon the

carriages, as well as the asc ent. This brings into

view what has been properly termed the angle of

repose,which means, when the wheels of a

carriage will stand upon an inc line without slip

ping, or the point where the gravity and friction

are equal. This angle was long taken at about

1 foot in 280, or a plane inc lining at the rate of

18 feet 10 inches permile, if the fri c tion of a ton

on a level was taken at 8 lbs. or, the inc lination

of 1 foot in 320, or 16 feet 6 inches per mile, if

the fric tion was taken at 7 lbs. Fromrec ent ex

per ience it appears that the views formerly enter

138 EF FECT or DE SCE NT .

tained of the prac tical efl'

ec ts of railroads were

of repose may be correctly applied to some car

carriage has been found qu iescent on an inclina

tion of 1 in 28o, one engineer states that he has

known a carriage to run down en inc line of l in

330 at the rate of 4 miles an hou r, acquiring a

veloc ity of 8 miles. It was also thought that, ata speed of 40mi les an hour, the angle of repose

wou ld be the same as if the speed were difl'

erent ;

but it has been found that, instead of the angle

being ‘ invariably the same, 1 in 250 or 280, it

a train in descending a plane increases in un equal

ratio as the resistance of the asc ent ; for, acc ord

ing to the laws of inc lined planes, the resi stance

or weight increases as the perpendicular height of

the plane is to its length. Thus is at onc e perceived the danger which is always present in

going down a rapid descent, and the care and

attention necessary for safety to regulate a un i

formveloc ity. The importance attac hed to the

regulation of this veloc ity could not be over

looked, even in arranging the gradients of any

railway ; hence portions of the lines, at either end,

called the Terminal plane,

”are usually made on

140 RRE Axs.

rails, which, in the opinion of many machinists,is capable of stopping or regulating the progress

of a train in any circ umstances. Whi lst, therefore, a self- ac ting drag ismost desirable in railwaytransit, there can be no greater error in the c on

struc tion of a railway than to have very steep

inc lines, which should requ ire its ac tion, and every

care ought to be taken to avoid them.

Among other contrivances, a self- ac ting drag

has been proposed by Mr. Thornton . He pro

posed a rope to tow the carriages connected with

the engine, and that the guard, bymeans of a con

tr ivance for the purpose, shall cast loose the rope,and that no sooner will this take place than the

break will press on the carriage wheels so as

shortly to stop the train.

A good dealof interest was lately, November,1845, c reated in Farringdon Street, London, by

the exhibition of a very simple break, which may

be applied to the wheels of railway and of com

mon carriages , and of other machinery, stated

to have the effect of stopping a train (withou t

the slightest reference to the speed) almost im


mediaw The patent for it belongs to theRev. Mr. Maberley, of Stowmarket.


Fromthe prec eding observations an Opinionmy

be formed of the advantages or disadvantages at

tending the system of adopting steep gradients,and of keeping as near as possible to the level and

straight line. There can be little doubt, the morethe subjec t is investigated, that the latter wi ll be

found the true princ iple of railway formation,both

for safety and utili ty and when gradients can be

brought not to exceed 16 feet permile, or 1 foot i a‘

330, the railway, although at first more expensive,will ultimately have the fewest drawbacks. In

many cases this cannot be attained ; and it is pro

per to state that some engineers have considered

making this gradi en t the maximum not always


rable ; and there are many examples of railways which have been suc cessful with steeper gra

di ente. The North Union railway illustrates the

saving with which this system can be attended.

It may be useful to observe the gradients which

have been adopted on partic u lar lines. For fac ility

of arrangement. gradients have been divided into


heads, under which existing railways are simplyclassed.

Mr. F. Wishaw has made the following classi

fication of railways

l st c lass of gradients, where the minimumrising of the line of way is 16 feet permile, or aninclination rising 1 foot m330.

2nd c lass gradients, where the minimumrisingis feet per mile, or an inc lination rising1 foot in 100.

3d c lass gradients, where the minimum risingis 88 feet per mile, or an inc lination rising 1 foot


Ac cording to thi s arrangement, the following

railways would be c lassed :

Mr . Wishaw gives the following places in London, bywhich the degree of inclination may be judged z—Greatestrise of Holborn Hill is lfoot in lt }

, and the average rise1 foot in 24 . Tbe greatest rise of Blackfi'iars Bfidga l in

16h ditto London Bridge (Surrey uide), l in 27; upper

part of C ity Road, l in 40 feet, or abont 128 feet per mile.


lat class .


Name of the Railway, and prevail ing Grad ient.

inc line at the tunnel near Glasgow 1 in 43,

now worked b locomotive engines. (Thisrailway is one ofthe most uniformly level lines

whic h has been made )Glasgow and Ayr , the steepest n se w lm400

Glasgow and Greenock, the steepest rise is lm330, at Bishopton.

Grand Junc tion, general gradients good, lat i a

cline l in 85, l 1n 100, 1 in l77, l in 330.

Manc hester and Leeds, average inc lination 1 in260, steepest inc line 1 ° 182 for 6 miles.

Manchester and Bolton,inc lines 1 in 160

, 200,

239, 274 .

Birminghamand Gloucester, the prevailing gra

dient about 17} feet per mile,or 1 in

There are several asc en and deacen


planes of this incl in ation : e very steep 1n

clines at Lickey, 1 in 37to 1 m84 , are workedby loc omoti ve engines.

Newc astle and C arhsle,lst inc line 1 in 106, one

ascent to summit level and descent, lst

inc e 1 in 176, 216.

Stockton and Darlington, gradients generallysteep 128, 204 ,

233, 427, asc ending chieflyfromStockton, worked by stationary engines,

inc lines 30, 32, 33, and 104 .

Belfast and Portnadown (U lster Railway), pre

vailing gradient 26 °4, or 1 in 2oo.

oudon and C roydon, gradients good, except the

inc line at New C ross, miles to D artmouthArms, 1 in 100, worked y assistant engines .

Liverpool and Manchester comes almost under

third class : the inc lines are 1 in 89, 1 in 96

1 in 46 : other gradients

ublin and Kingsto n, the steepest inc line is 1


Name of the Rai lway, and prevailing Gradient.

North Union, 10planes inclining at the rate of1 in 100.

Leicester and Swannington, some very steep inc l ines wcendi ag and descending 1 in 17, 1 in29 , worked w1th fixed engines ; also inc lines

of ]in 147 and 1 in 230, &0.

Sheffield and Rotherham, ru ling gradient 1 in


D urhamand Sunder land, entirely worked by sta

tion engm'

es .

Ed inbiiry

h and Newhaven, a steep inc l ine in a

tunne 1 in proposed to be worked wi thlocomotive or atmospheric power,

third plane 1360.

C anterbury and Whitstable, divided into 5

planes, some of which are inc l ines of 1 in 31,

l in 46, 1 in 50, and are worked with sta

e, very steep inc lines, from1 in 97.

Dundee and New tyle, inc lines 1 in 10, 1 in 13,

and 1 in 25 , very steep, worked by fixed en'

nes, and the levels b loc omotives.

Efihburgh and Dalkei and branches, secondc lass, one half lins l in 234, branches 1 in 69 ,

and 1 in 513,inc line at tunnel 1 in 80, worked

by a stationary engine, the rest by horse

Br Juncti on, worked by loc omoti ves, and

an inc med lane by stationary power .

Bolto n and eigh, 2 planes and

worked with stationary engines, rest of line byloc omotives.

146 Looou o'

rrvs enema PLANE S.

The preceding c lassification does not always,however, afford a correc t idea of the working of

the line : for example, the Liverpool and M an

chester, which comes under the 2d or 3d c lass,has no gradient exceeding 1 in 84 9, with the ex

ception of the two inc lines near Rainhill. In the

older railways in this country, it will be perceived

the gradients were generally much greater than

those of later construc tion : the cause of this is oh

vious, for they were made for the use of stationary

engines, which was the only means then known

to gain the summit level. Within a few years

the stationary systemhas in many railways been

disused for gradients which were formerly imprac ticable with any other than fixed power are

now easily asc ended with locomotives—Which hasled to the return to the plan of adopting steeper

gradients throughout a line ; and what was for

mer ly termed a stationary engine plane, has now,

in many instances, become a locomotive plane.

Where fixed engines are used, the u sualmethodis for the engine at the top of the inc line to draw

up the train or waggon by of a rope run

ning round a drumand cylinder attached to the

engine, while the retu rn waggons, or descending

train, proceeding down by their own gravity,

carry bmk the rope. On other lines self- ac ting

148 CURVE S ON nu Lwar s.

hom power, on Tyler Hill, an inc line of 1 in 48,

willraise 35 tons at t he rate of 7} miles per hou r.

The inc linations on this railroad vary from 1 in

31 to l in 50. The steep inc lines on the Dundee

and Newtyle railway are also worked by eta~

tionary engines in a similar manner ; and on the

ac t was obtained so late as 1826, an inc line of

1 in 30, is worked by a stationary engine, the

desc ending carriages c arrying down the rope ;

the of the line is worked with horses.

Various other railways unnecesw ry to mention

are worked by means of stationary enginesthroughou t the whole or w t of the line. The

Durhm and Sunderland, 13 miles in length, is

entirely worked by fixed engines. It consists of

8 planes, varying in inc lination from 1 in 60,to

1 in 264 . The power of the engines is from42

to 85 horses.


Some railways in this country are almost en

tirely c urvilinear, as the Newcastle and Carlisle

railway, already noh'

ead, which is one c ontinuou s

series of curves and remi xe s of short rad ii. Rail

c unvns ON ru n way s. 149

ways on this plan are not again likely to be con

struc ted. Several of the cu rves are about twenty

chains, or a quarter of a mile radius. When

c u rves are at all qu ick, they not only limit thespeed of the engines, from the tendency of thewheels to pursue a direc t course, but even shou ld

they be of large radii, every one must be aware

that the probability of the carriage wheels not

being thrown from the rails, in taking the c u rve,will depend much on the rate of veloc ity at which

it is taken. The osc illation and jolting of the

carriage is considerably increased as the carriages

take the cm ; and eo much so is this the fact

on all railways, that a person without looking

can tell the differenc e of motions in the carriage.

Suppose that the carriage has a descent before it

reac hes the cu rve, su ch is the increase of momentum given to it, that the tendency it has to go

in a straight- forward course, or in a tangential

direc tion, is inc reased ; and, although the engine

be partially slowed, every carriage comes fu llupon the engine at the time it has taken the

w rvs in a direc t line onward. The safety will

therefore depend on the danch of the fore wheel,and the weight of the carriages on the rails. Fromthe lateral strain given to the outer rail, if it

were the least imperfec t, or to swerve, or if anyx. 3

150 ovavas ON an nwn s.

yielding were to take plac e should the least in

equality of su rfac e exist, or any impediment pre

by the rocking and twisting of the carriages, as

may be seen by looking along the line of the car

riages, would easily be thrown ofi'

the rails.

Curves of short radii have been too often per

mitted to be made ; indeed the Board of Trade

does not requ ire companies to state any c urve of

a less radius than a quarter of a mile : but there

can be no doubt entertained by any person who

will investigate the subjec t, that so long as rail

ways are u sed for great speed, a cu rve even of a

milemay be attended with danger, whic h is ten

fold increased if allowed to exist at the base even

of a moderate descent ; for the c urve, added to the

ascent, increases the resistance so much, that a

c urve of three quarters of a mile in radius, on a rise

of 1 in 330, will redu ce the speed to abou t one

half. Many ac c idents have proceeded fromcu rves

at the base of the descent, when the high veloc ities

are considered at which trains now run.

In an ac c ident lately on the Eastern Counties

railway, one witness, who was standing close to

the line when the train passed, and cou ld easily

perceive its action, speaks distinc tly to the great

osc illation or rocking moti on of the carriages as

152 E LEVATION or ou rnn nu n.

tion of the wheels of the carriages to su it the

curves, and there is no doubt, were the tire of

the wheel not arranged for c urvilinear railways,the carriages would be constantly liable to be

thrown off the lines : but too mu ch reliance ought

not to be plac ed mthose contrivances, which have

been previously noticed, such as giving a certain

degree of elevation to the ou ter rail, varying with

the radius of the c urvature, or altering the trans

verse level, so as to produc e upon the carriages a

gravitating force towards the centre of the c urve,to cou nterac t and be equ al to that of the cen tri

fugal force ou twards . Tables have been given by

M. Pambour and other engineers of the eleva

tions nec essary to be given the ou tside rails,which are greatly contingent on the rate of veloc ity

at which the carriages ru n : for example, withwheels three feet in diameter, the gauge of rails

4 ft. in . ; play of the wheels between the

rails one inch ; and the inc linations of the tire

equal to of its breadth, or about i inch to

inches ; a cu rve nearly one mile radiu s ;speed of carriage 30miles an hour ; the eleva

tion of the ou ter rail would requ ire to be ‘ 60

parts of an inch, while at 20miles it wou ld be26. Supposing the c urve mile radius, at

30 miles speed, it would be about 8 3; at 20

c uavss ON ru n way s. 153

miles ° 36 ;— a cu rve of 5 mile, at 30 miles


138 ; and at 20 miles 5 9 ; and 2000 feet,at

30 miles, 16 5 ; and at 20miles, ° 7l; and so on,

inc reas ing the elevations of the ou ter rail as the

Other precau tions are made for curves, which

are proportioning the degree of the cone of the

wheel to them, and inclining the rail that it may

receive the wheel fu lly on its bearing surface,and taking care that the play of axles shou ld


as little as possible, to avoid injuring the

effec t from the cone. From su ch provisions

as these, to a considerable extent, the danger

of taking a curve at a rapid speed is avoided .

Without these arrangements the tendency of the

wheels wou ld be to drag or press against the

ou ter rail, and from the slight hold they wouldhave when the wheels were going round, the least

jerk would upset the carriages or throw themOff

the rails. By due adjustment of the conical tire

and flanch of the wheels, it is supposed that they

can run in a c irc le of 595 feet radius withou t the

fianc hes tou ching the rai l. NO doubt much may

be done on cu rves by ac curate adju stment, to

adapt the carriages for speed in transit. For

tunately, however , c urves of short radius are not

now admissible on railways, or it might happen

154 c anvas ON nmwar s.

that the result of theory, instead of prac tice,

Where double cu rves exist on railways, as a

curve and mom s, the radii should be made incommon prudence larger than for a single c urve.

The curves at the London and Birmingham rail

both kinds ; on these the radius is not more than

is abmlutely nec essary for safety, and too small

for great veloc ity. In the different railways‘in

this country curves of various radii will be found.

The c urvature is now very properly made mu ch

larger than in the early railways ; but still the

radius of the c urve might be advantageously 1n

creased ; one mi le radius should be them nmumon every railway for loc omotive engines.

A few examples of the radius of c urvature of

way the radius of curvature is only 10 chains,and in the Dalkeith and Edinburgh railway the

c urves are from 600 to 1200 feet, all less than

a quarter of a mile, and some not an eighth of a

mile ; on the Dundee and Newtyle the c urves are

about 500 feet.


From what has been stated, when curves exist

On railways, it must be Obvious their safety de

pends entirely upon the proper adjustment oflevels of the rails ; the rate of speed they are

passed over, and the construction Of the tire and

flanch of the wheel .


Before a railway ac t can be Obtained, by a

standing order of Parliament, not merely are the

sec tions of a proposed line requ ired, but detailed

plans showing the extent of land to be taken,

and the names Of the owner, lessee, and oc c upier

of every piece of land likely to be interfered with.

The sec tion or profile of the cou ntry must

show the elevations and depressions distinc tly

marked from a base line taken from the lowestterminus : verticallines show the changes Of in

clination ; and straight lines, drawn from pointto point, show the line of railway. As the plans

and notices Of the intention to apply for an ac t

must be deposited some months before the introdu c tion of the bill into Parliament, and also a

Copy with the c lerks of the peace in every county

through which the railway passes, and a sumequal

FORMATION or r un ROAD . 157

to 10 per cent. of the subscribed capital must

be deposited with the accountant- general prior

to the presentation of the peti tion for the bill,there is time for considering the details of

the bill ; but as the preliminary point of the

extent of land cannot be altered without serving

fresh notices, the necessity of a thorough know

ledge, before the bill is introdu ced, of the traffic

and pu rposes to which the railway is expec ted

to be generally applicable, must be at onc e

apparent. Nothing more fully proves the nec es

s ity of such considerations than to look to the

enormous expense which has been entailed on

railway companies, not mer ely for the first bill,but for a succession of amended bills, some railway companies having as many as four or five

ac ts, and almost every company more than onethere were five ac ts obtained for the Liverpool

and Manchester in a few years, 1826, 1827, 1829,

1832, 1837. When an ac t is contested the ex

pense is well known to be enormous : the first

ac t of the London and Birmingham Railway

Company cost and the Gr eat Western

The London and Brighton cost, with

a contest Of fifty days,These fac ts show the necessity Of the pro

moters of railways avoiding crude propositions,


and of fixing on prec ise data in arranging the

undertaking ; and nothing 18 more important, asa preliminary point, than fixing the width of

road and extent of land between the fenc ing, as

on this will depend the width Of bridges, viaduc ts,and tunnels, which cannot be altered. Another

preliminary point is the operation Of levelling,

which requ ires to be conduc ted with the ut

accurac y . As on the sec tions of the levels de

pend the calc ulations upon which the estimated

cost of the railway is made up, should these be

incorrec t, the measurement of earth- works, in

clination of planes, and total amount, must each

be erroneous. Engineers, to avoid mistakes of

this kind, are careful in checking the results.



The important point of the gauge or widthbetween the rails having been determined for a

double line of way—supposing it to be the nar

row gauge, 4 feet 8} inches— the next

‘ The beautiful instruments now in use h


a person levelling is enabled to view the

the stafl‘

at a considerable distance.


5 feet 1} inch ; on the Belgian Railways, 6 feet

6 inches.

The proper width Of the side spac es on each

side Of the railway trac ks varies in a similar

manner, ac cording to the particu lar views of

parties, and from local c irc umstances. What

Should be looked to in forming an embankment isthe security to give firmness to the blocks and

sleepers, and the stabili ty Of the rails. Some

engineers have stated, and amongst others Mr. N.

Wood, that 4 feet outside of the rails, even on

high embankments, is sufli c ient for safety ; for

the reason, that he considers the general

pression is erroneous, that an engine will run

over the side of the embankment and drag the

carriage after it ; whereas, in his opinion, when

the engine runs Off the rails its speed is immc

diately diminished ; bu t there being no check tothe carriage wheels still upon the rails


inertia will carry them forward against the

engine, pressing it, until the train is stopped. He

therefore thinks, that if the width on the ou tside

Of the rails be sufii cient when one wheel is within

the rail to retain the other on the embankment,the train could not ru n over it.

It must, however, be Obvious, that this Opinion

is hypothetical ; for experience has shown a dif

WIDTH or SIDE spAc E s. 161

ferent result. Not only have engines frequently

run off the lines drawing carriages after themover embankments, but ia _general the safety of

the carriages has resu lted from the breaking ofthe draw- bar, which connec ted them with the

engine, instead of the resu lt being that the car

riages would push forward the engine, which had

ru n off the rails, ti ll it stopped. However much

it may be an objec t to keep down the expense

of railway formation, this surely should never be

a primary Objec t to publi c companies, when thesafety of thousands is concerned . N0 point can,

therefore, be Ofmore paramount importance than

making the spac es outside of the rails of suffic ient

width to give an embankmen t stability both inreality and appearance. For nothing can c reate

more well- grounded alarm to the traveller than

passing over a high embankment with the carriage

running c lose to the edge, or passing through a

deep c utting, or a tu nnel, or under a bridge,or

over a viaduc t, when one side of the carriage is

almost tou ching the walls.

When a railway is c urvilinear, as the Newcastle

and Carlisle railway, a greater width should

likewise be given to the embankment ; for an

ample space outside of the rails gives a general



on railways where steamis the trac tive power.

On the Liverpool and Manchester, the oumS'


spaces are 5 feet 6 inches ; on the London and

Birmingham and Grand Junction railway, 5 feetat the levels, 3 feet at the stations ; and on the

London and Croydon and Brighton , 8 feetwhich cannot be deemed more than suffic ient for

any railway using locomotive engines. On the

Eastern Counties (Colchester line), the side spac es

are 6 feet 9 inches on the Edinburgh and Glas

gow, and Glasgow and Ayr, 7 feet ; Dublin and

Kingston 6 feet 7 inches ; Belfast and Portna

down, 7 feet 2 inches ; North Eastern, 5 feet ;

Newcastle and Carlisle, 5 feet 3 inches ; North

British, 7 feet.

On most railways the side spac es average from5 to 6 feet ; bu t where rapid speed is adopted, 6

or 7 feet is not more than is necessary. These

spaces of cou rse vary in width at particular plac es,such as in passing viaduc ts, bridges, tunnels, and

stations, being diminished about three feet, which

is about the width of each of the side spac es on

the Greenwich railway.


from26 to 33 feet, 28 feet being a commonWidthfor a narrow gauge line.

For example, the London and BirminghamandGrand Junc tion railways are between the side

cu ttings of drains 30 feet, and the width of road at

the level of the rails is 26 feet 2 inches ; Eastern

Counties, width at top of embankments, 30 feet ;

Birminghamand Glou cester, 28 to 30 feet ; London and Brighton, top width of embankm% ts, 33

feet Liverpool and Manchester, width of way,

25 feet 7 inches ; Edinburgh and Glasgow, top

width of embankments, 33 feet ; width of c uttings

from side drain to side drain, 30 feet North

British railway, now making, about the same ;

Great Western, about 34 feet.

Supposing the measu re over each track of railsto be 5 feet 1 inch, being a 4 feet 8ginch

gauge, the two tracksThe intermediate space to be

And eac h outside space to be 6 feet

The entire Width of road at level of the railswill be 28 fi. 2 in.

And if this road be carried through a level cu t

ting, width of two slopes, for the thickness of

the way, eachAnd allowing 15 feet at each side for drains

35 fi. 2 in.

will be the width over the drains between a and


6 (fig. or should the side spaces be 5 feet

each, the width will be 33 feet 2 inches, and the

width of the road at the level of the rails, or top

of ballasting, 28 feet 2 inches, and 26 fwt 2

inc hes respec tively. The figure repremnts a see

On embanh ents there will be 3 feet less for

drains, reduc ing the Width (with 6 feet side

to 32feet 2inches between c and d (fig. which

is a sec tion of the top of an embankment, showing part of the rails laid with cross sleepers and

part on stone blocks the slope is continued

downward according to the height of the embank

at the edge of embankments above the row level,

as a defenc e against carriages going over. This

plan is not in general use, and their utility isu 3

166 W IDTH or LAND .

mounds are adopted, the Width of the formation

levelwill requ ire to be increased 2 feet on each

side, making the Width, with 6 feet side spaces,36 feet 2 inc hes, Where the slope is an angle of


, or 1 to I; or Where the slope is l i to 1, itwill be 38 feet 2 inches.



The slopes to be given to c uttings and embankments are regulated in a great measure by their

height and depth, and the nature of the soil. The

to the locality. It is of vast importance, however,not to be limited in quantity, and to give easy

slopes—every objec t being direc ted to the main

point of artific ial road- making, the attainment of

perfec t solidity. The quantity of land taken by

different railway companies must nec essarily vary

considerably. On the London and Brighton rail

way the Width of land enc losed is abou t 72 feet ;London and Sou th Western, 69 feet ; Bristol and

Exeter, 64 feet 6 inches.It is obvious, however, that in high embank

168 ANGLE or SLOPES.— r ENc ING .

onothers, less so. C halk°

willgenerally stand fromnearly vertical to an angle of In solid chalk

the slopes can be etfec ted at i to l, or for 1 yard

in height the cutting inc lines 6 inches. On the

G reat Western railway, near Bath, some of thec uttings are perpendic ular.

The sand excavations through the Gowran

Hi lls, on the Newcastle and C arlisle railway, are

made with a slope of I} to 1 .

It is the prac tice on all modern rai lways to

cover the slopes of embankments with a layer of

soi l, and to sow these with grass, the sod being a

preservative to the bank.

In many distric ts, where stone is plentiful, or

Where there has been an excess of cu tting, as in

the Scotch railways, side walls of stone are used

as fenc ing to retain the sides of embankments.The materials used for fenc ing of railways of

measu re, be regulated

according to the locality. Timber, as beingmoreeasily obtained in most parts of England thanstone, is almost generally used there for fenc ing ;

and in some places ditches are adopted. There

is little doubt that no point connec ted with

the safety of railways is more important than athorough systemof secure fencing, to keep cattle

fromstraying u pon the rails, so many acc identshaving arisen fromit.



The enormous earth c u ttings and filling up of

embankments, which are seen on many of therailways in this country, may well exc ite astonish

ment as the works of a few rec ent years. It is

calcu lated that cubic yards ofmaterial

were removed on the London and Birminghamline. The excavation of Mount Olive on the

Liverpool and Manchester line, the sides of which

are perpendic ular, was effec ted by the removal of

cubi c yards of sandstone rock. The

average amount of earth work on some railways

has been abou t cubic yards per mile.

The depth of c utt ings is frequently very great, on

some lines from50 to 70 feet ; and a sand excava

tion on the Newcastle and Carlisle railway is

1 10 feet deep. The cu tting at Blisworth, on the

London and B irmingham railway, 50miles fromLondon, 18 considered a good example of engineer

ing skill overcoming natural difficulti es. The

c utting is abou t 60 feet deep, through strata, the

upper portion of which is rock and the lower

looser matter. If the slope of the c utting had

been extended to overcome the lower strata,it necessarily incurred the labour and expense of


removing the rock above it ; instead of which the

rock has been underbu ilt, and the sides of the

c uttings are nearly perpendic u lar. The same c lever

plan has been adopted on many other lines. On

the same railway, from the Euston station to

Camden Town, Where a considerable cu tting

exists, fromthe nature of the soil, a sIOpe of I},

or 2 to l, would have been necessary, taking u

much valuable bu ilding~ground ; to get the better

of which, a work of greatmagnitude is exec uted

retaining br ick walls are built, 3 feet llginches

thick at bottom, and 2 feet 7 inches at top. The

width between the walls is 56 feet, and they are

securely bound with strong iron ties, or beams,extending ac romthe railway, and centre- forts, or

piers, are plaoed at intervals, to sustain the pres

sure of the soil, varying in height from19 feet,ac cording to the ground. The face of each wall

is c urved, the radius being abou t The wholelength of the wallis about 2200 yards.

The quanti ty of material which can be re

moved in cu ttings and formations of embank

it has, however, been estimated, that abou t

cubic yards is the greatest amount which can be

teamed over an embankment in one year ; but


yards. On the Clarence railway, near Durham,


The following data shows the immense increase

of the bu lk of an embankment by augmenting theslopes. An embankment 30 feet high, 66 feet in

length, with sIOpes of i to 1, and the top of

embankment 33feet in Width, contains 4070 cubic

yards ; wi th slopes 1 to 1, 4620 ditto ; at li to1, 5871 ditto ; and with slopes, 2 to 1, 6820



When the road, i f a cu tting, has been finished ,

or if an embankment, consolidated, it is brought

to the proper level longitudinally, and also is

levelled transversely, or it is made a little convex,

about three or four inches, towards the middle,that the watermay falltowards the ditches. But

as the general material which forms the foundationof the railway consists of earth and c lay, it is

necessary to cover it with some more open sub

stance, through which the water may penetrate,and the blocks and sleepers may rest on a solid

bed and be kept dry ; for in some railways the


sleepers have gone to decay, probably from thedampness of the substrata.

The operati on of coating the row is effec ted

by overlaying it with what is termed ballastz‘


consisting of a layer of stones broken in small

pieces, like road metal. The ballasting varies ac

cording to the locality : sometimes it is granite,

basalt, or Whinstone ; at other times sandstoneor flint ; and gravel is much used in many places,easily obtained. This coating is spread on the

c u tting or embankment from 18 to 24 inches inthickness, according to the material of which the

road is formed. Smaller sized stones or gravel

laid for the immediate bedding of the blocks and

sleepers on their being packed round with any

u nitingmaterial. The Whole line of road is made

up near to the level ofthe rails, or about 3 inches

above the tops of the blocks, the thi ckness

being usually, when completed, about two feet

from the line of formation of the railway to the

su rfac e. The width the ballasting is laid upon

the road, will vary with the railway : on some itis made the same width as the top of the embank~

ment ; on others it is kept a foot or two narrower.

The width of the ballasting on the London and

Birmingham,Edinburgh and Glasgow, and North

British railways is from26 to 28 feet, and from


18 to 24 inches in thickness. It is nec essary

before the line of road is coated, that the entire

subsidence of embankments shall have taken plac e,

not only with danger but inconvenience. It is

c ustomary, therefore, in newly- made embankments, in which there is generally a tendency to

slip in wet weather, to keep them rather higherthan they are u ltimately to be ; and when the

material is unfavourable to give thema consider

able slope, the provision required for subsidence

shows the imprudence in forc ing on embankmentswith some soils too hurriedly ; as the thorough

consolidation of the earth of a railway is the only

sec urity against casualti es, their hasty form

the prac tice is to travel with caution over newlymade embankments, and for the rails to be laidin such a manner as to diminish as much as

possible the risk, still from the sinking of theblocks or sleepers, and the constant packing these

require, in spite of any precau tions, the liabilities

necessity of c ircumspection.

When the railway passes through fanny or

mossy distric ts, from the soft and spongy or

yielding nature of the soih tbe danger increases.


ment, which, from i ts less spec ific gravity, wouldnot be so liable to sink ; and by c utting drains

every 5 yards apart, and laying the moss drybetween the drains, it formed an excellent ma

terial for the embankment, requiring only 4 or 5

times the quantity whic h would have been usedon solid ground. In forming the road on thesurface of the moss, drains were first c u t on eac h

side of the line and lateral ones to carry off the

water, and by this means the surface ac quired

tenac ity and consolidation. Upon this hu rdles,

9 feet broad, Wickered with heath, were laid

transversely ; on some parts one, and on others two

layers of hurdles were laid. Upon these wereplaced two feet of ballast or gravel, to formthepermanent road , and on which the wooden sleepers

for themils were bedded. Mosses and swamps onother lines of railway have been passed In a similar manner, and sometimes longitudinal si lls havebeen laid along the transverse sleepers.


In general the drainage of a railway on the

embankments is sufli ciently effec ted, when a goodcoating of open ballasting can be obtained. This


willkeep the road dry, and the blocks and sleep

ers effec tually free from water. Where a good

c oating cannot be obtained, or where the width

of the road is great, and the least doubt exists as

to the consolidation of the road, a different modeof drainage must be adopted, espec ially in coun

tries exposed to heavy floods of rain. On somerailways, surface drains are formed under themid

dle of eac h of the transverse timbers, as may be

seen on the Great Western. On other lines, as

the London and Birmingham, these surface drains

are made at intervals, to ru n transversely ac ross

the road, passing under the rails, as may be seen

at Primrose Hill. On some places a stone or

brick drain, of from 4 to 6 inches square, is

carried along the middle of the line, with cross

drains at intervals, r unning from it into the sideditches (a b,fig. Sometimes drains are formedon the fac e of embankments for this purpose .

The formation of these drains is a mere matter of

engineering arrangement, depending on loc alc ir

c umstances, as material of deposit, or nature of

subsoil, and excavations.

On some railways, parallel to the tops of thecu ttings, open drains have been made, to preventthe water running down the dome Tile drains

or wood troughs have been advantageously used


for this purpose. Retaining walls have also

been drained with c lay pipes, laid obliquely in

trenches, opening through the wall, which has

tended to their preservation. This plan of drain

age has been applied to the retaining walls on

the Croydon Railway ; they are bu ilt in du ring

the work ; and also to the walls of the Eu ston

Square incline on the London and Birminghamrailway, which was suffering from the lodgmentof water and consequent pressure. The wall was

bored through in several places, into which holes

iron pipes, abou t 3 inches in diameter in 4 feet

lengths, were inserted 16 feet deep. The bank

on the same railway, which was in a precarious

state fromwant of drainage, between Chalk Farmbridge and Primrose Hill tunnel, has been suc

cessfully drained by means of pipes laid in desc ending trenches ; more than 2600 feet of pipe

have been employed.

In surfac e cu tti ngs and excavations the drain

age is very simply managed, when there is any

dec livity, as shown infig 44 , page when one

half of a foot on each side of the formation level wi ll

generally be found suffic ient, although the exac t

size of the drain must obviously be regu lated by

the quantity of water which will be requ ired to

be carried away.

180 vmnuo'


built ; or sometimes arches are introduced. The

Dublin and Kingston Railway is partly formedin this manner ; and it oc c urs on many lines, as

at Linlithgow, on the Edinburgh and Glasgow


Almost every kind of arching is made use of

on railways. The number of arches requ ired on

some railways, in the formation of viaduc ts,bridges, c ulverts, and drains, exceeds c redibility .

Viaduc ts , or rows carried on arches, as is well

known , are of anc ient origin, being used by theRomans. They are indispensable in railway c on

stru ctions, in order to c ross valleys at a higher

elevation than could be done by embankments ;

likewise for carry ing a railway through a town.

The extensive works on railways of this kind

are so numerou s, that it would take volumes todesc ribe them. In some lines the whole arrange

ment seems but the choice of, and is attended

with, vas t and complicated diffic ulties, which , at

first view, it appears almost madness to attemptto overcome ; and nothing perhaps but the esprit

de corps,” which ac tuates public companies, could

induce themto undertake such works as have been

vu nu c'

r s. 181

carried out in this country, where viaduc ts, tunnels,cuttings, occ ur in succession, and whole streets of

houses have been removed, whi chmight well deterthe boldest promoter of railways from embarking in such a scheme. When it is looked to what

has been ac complished, one may well feel pride at

the spirit which conceived such undertakings, and

the engineering talent which carried themto com

pletion. For example the London and Green

wich Railway passes through a sea of houses, and

for nearly four miles is constructed on a continual

series of arches, forming one vast viaduc t fromone end to the other : there are not less than 878

brick arches, chiefly semic irc ular, 18 feet span, and

20 feet high ; but in that number there are 27

skew arches, the princ ipal being over BermondseyStreet and the Surrey Canal. The Blackwall

Railway, 3miles and 843yards long, is another

gigantic work : on it there is a viadu c t of 4020

yards, containing285 arches, chiefly semi- elliptical,of 30feet span . There is also a viadu c t on the

Eastern Cou nties Railway, carried through bu ild

ings, consisting ofseven semi- ellipt ical arches, from

33to 36 feet span. Works of a similar desc riptionoc c ur in towns upon other railways : an extensive

ser ies of stone arches is now making to carry a

railway through the middle of the c ity of Glasx 3

182 vu uuc rs.

gow. Viaduc ts over rivers and valleys oc c ur on

almost every railway of any extent. TheWarn


e viaduc t over the valley of the Brent, at

Hanwell, on the Great Western Ra ilway, is a

beau tiful work, consisting of 8 semi - elliptic al

arches, 70feet span. The Sankey viaduc t, on the

Liverpool and Manchester line, contains nine

arches of 50 feet span and 67feet in height above

the canal ; and on the same railway the Newton

viadu c thas 4 arches of 30 feet span. The Lawley

Street viaduc t, on the Grand Junc tion, at the

B irmingham station, is also an extensive work,

consisting of 28 segmental arches, 30 feet high

and feet span. On the Manchester and Bir

minghamRailway there is a fine work, the Stock

port viaduc t, 2179 feet in length, over the Mersey,

106 feet high, c onsisting of 22 semi- ellipticalarches, each 63 feet span, 28 feet 6 inches between

the parapets. On the Manchester and Leeds

Railway there are 5 viaduc ts ; one in the Man

chester terminal plane of 54 arches, from12 to30 feet span . The Wakefield viaduc t consists of

1 1 arches, 30 feet span, and one less. On the

Midland Counties, the Avon viaduc t near Rugby

consists of 1 1 semi- elliptical arches, of 50 feet

span. There is a viaduc t on the Chester and

B irkenhead Railway of 1 1 arches ; and on the

184 Barr ens.

span each, and two of them1 14 feet eac h. Each

arch is composed of three ribs, and cas t- iron imbedded in the masonry to receive them.


The bridges formed on railways in this country

are so numerous, that their bare enumerationwould be impossible. It has been estimatedthat the number of bridges, taking the mean of100 railways, averaged abou t 2} per mile. On

one rai lway, the Grand Junc tion, 82 miles, thereare 106 bridg es over and 63 under the railway.

On the Manchester and Leeds Railway, 60

miles, there are 116 bridges, besides viaducts ;

Midland Counties, in 48 miles, 148 bridges ;

North Midland, 73miles, 133 bridges ; North of

England, 45 miles, 84 over and under ; Liverpool

and Manchester, 30miles, 55 over and under.

On the Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway, in

46 miles there are 31 bridges over, and 31 under,the railway , of 15 feet span, besides the viadu cts.

On the Glasgow and Greenock line, in 21 milesthere are 60 bridges and c ulverts, inc luding the

Port- Glasgow viaduc t.

Sometimes the arches are made entirely ofbrick. They are so on most of the English lines.

Burner s. 185

line are chiefly of brick, 28 feet in span and 16

feet in height. On the Scotch railways the

bridges are bu ilt almost entirely with stone. Iron

is oc casionally used in plac e of bric k and stone.

Cast iron girders or ribs are in common u se, laid

fromone abu tment to another. Six ribs are made

to support the four rails and two parapet walls,having nothing upon the girders except a plat

formof iron plates, flag- stones, or planking. By

this plan the depth of the bridge can be reduced,

strength is obtained, and no ballasting is requ ired.

Bridges are also occasionally made of timber ofa similar construction ; but they want the ap

pearanc e of durability , being better adapted for

temporary erec tions. Messrs. Green c onstruc ted

an extensive stru c ture of timber over the riverEsk at Dalkeith, for the Duke of Bucc leuch

’s coal

Skew, or oblique arched- bridges, have been

mu ch introduced in railways when the line has to

intersec t any road or other plac e at an oblique

angle. As it ismost important in railway formation

to avoid angles and keep by a straight line, a skew

bridge becomes a great con venienc e, from the

c ircumstance that the railway over the bridge, and

the road under it, may be made to form unequal

186 Barr ens.

angles with eac h other. The construc tion of these

arches requ ires very great skill, both on the part

of the engineer and exec utor of the work. On the

Liverpool and Manchester Railway the arch near

Rainhill 18 54 feet on the skew, and the angle of

The skew arch at Bermondsey Street on the

Greenwich Railway, consists of three openings ;

one for carriages, 17 feet 6 inches wide and 19

feet high, and two for foot- passengers, 6 feet 6

inches wide. The whole is effec ted at an angle

of and is construc ted of six cast- iron ribs ex

tending over the three arches 58 feet in length

they are supported on twelve cast- iron columns16 feet in height.

The bridge over the Dog Row, on the Eastern

Counti es Railway, is a skew one ; span 55 feet ;made of cast iron, with longitudinal and trans

verse girders. The larger girders are 3 feet in

depth, 2 inches thick, with an upper and lower

web, eac h 9 inches wide, and ru n fromone abut

ment to the other.On the Great Western Railway, atMaidenhead,

there is a bridge of ten semi- ellipti calarches of

128 feet span, having the rise, or versed sine only

24 feet 3 inches . Thereare also some very handsome iron bridges at Bath.


A considerable difficulty often arises in forming bridges over railways, fromthe desire of keeping down the arch for the same roadway over

it ; hence many very flat arches are to be met

with, which weaken the bridge, and often give

it a very insuffic ient aspec t, which ought to be

The bridges now in the course of construc tion

on many of the lines of railway now carrying on

in this country, will not be inferior, as works of

skill and enterprise, to those that have prec eded

them. The proposed passing of the Menai Straits

on the Chester and Holyhead Railway has already

called forth great engineering skill.

When railways were first introdu ced, they were

improperly allowed to c ross tu rnpike roads on a

level. On those railways, accordingly, for which

Ac ts were passed previously to 1836, these oh

jectionable crossings are very common ; as on the

Stoc kton andDarlington, Newcastle and Carlisle,Liverpool and Manchester, Dublin and Kingston


Glasgow and Garnkirk. Great danger fromsu ch

level road c rossings must,

obviou sly arise where

steam power is employed, fromvehic les passing

when the train is at rapid speed, or fromc attle

straying on the rails. These crossings are pro

perly now prohibited. Indeed, it seems mu ch


more for the advantage of the railway companyto bu ild a bridge to ensure permanent safety,

than to erec t a lodge and gates, with a man con

stantly stationed on the spot.


Tunnels are themost formidable and expensive

of all the works on a railway, and the cost of thembeing contingent on the nature of the ground to

pass, unseen obstac les often intervene to inc rease

the expense. Tunnels are great drawbacks to

the comfort of railway travelling ; and being oh

jec tionable in every point of view, the skill of the

engineer is fully di splayed in avoiding them.

Acc ordingly, in most of the recently designedrailways they are avoided as mu ch as possible.

It is, however, qu ite impossible in many localities

to dispense with themaltogether, withou t perhaps

having recourse to as great, if not greater evils.

They may, therefore, be called necessary evils inthe present state of railway formation. To attain

proper gradients, few lines of railway of any ex

tent c au be construc ted withou t having recou rse

to these laborious and tedious formations.

Tunnelling, or the art of c utting subterranean


passages through the bowels of the earth, has

been long prac tised ; and extensive tunnels have

been constru c ted, through which several of the

c anals of this c ountry have been carried . Tun

nels are constru c ted either by perforating the

earth bymeans of horizontalshafts entering themfromthe face of a hill, or by sinking vertical shafts

as a pit would be sunk. When tu nnels have to be

carried through granite or solid basalt, or whin

stone, or compac t sandstone rocks, the labour and

time occ upied must be very great, as nearly the

whole operation is c arried on by blasting. In

the Scottish railways several laborious works of

this kind have been effec ted. On all tunnels of

any length ventilating shafts must be provided

for although it does not appear that tunnels have

been attended with these bad consequences to

health at first apprehended, still immunity frompersonal injury will not make themmore bearableor less offensive. Their safety and exemptionfromannoyance will therefore depend entirely on

having air shafts at short distances ; and above

all things giving them, at whatever cost of first

outlay , suffic ient elevation. The height of the

tunnel is of importance when locomotives passthrough it ; for even when coke is consumed thesmell is most offensive ; but shou ld coal be used

192 r unners .

The Watford tunnel is 1 mile and 39 yards, or

5397 feet : it is carried through chalk. Abou t

the middle there are two large shafts for venti


The Kensall Green tunnel is a quarter of a

mile in length.

The Box tunnel on the Great Western Railway,

on the inc line 1 in 100, between Bath and Chip

penham, is fully 1} mile, (9372 feet) in length.

It is 27 feet 6 inches in w idth at springing of

invert : above this line it is 30 feet. The c lear

height above the rails is 25 feet. The air- shafts

are 1 1 in number, generally about 25 feet in

diameter.On the Liverpool and Manchester Railway

there are three tunnels. The first, fromWapping

station to Edge Hill, is 6600 feet in length, 22

feet wide, and 16 feet hig h. The side walls are

5 feet perpendic u lar, for supporting the semic ir

c ular arch°

of brick. Some parts of the roof are

formed by natural rock. This tunnel was exe

outed bymeans of vertical shafts. The passenger

tunnel, fromEdge Hill to the original station in

Crown Street, is 870 feet in length, 15 feet wide,and 12 feet high. The tunnel descending to the

station in Lime Street is about 5280 feet (onemile) in length, 25 feet in width, and 19 feet in

TUNNE L& 193

height. At the Western entrance the segmentalarch rises 12} feet.

On the Manchester and Leeds Railway there

are eight tu nnels, one of which is 8580 feet, or 1

mile 5 furlongs in length. It is 23 feet wide at

springing of invert, 24 feet at springing line of

arch of roof, and the height fromspring of invert

to the sotfite of arch is 21 feet 6 inches.

On the Sou th Eastern (London and Dover)there are several extensive tunnels : the Shakspeare

tunnel at Dover has a double here, or a tunnel

for each line ofway, 12 feet wide. It ismade in

the formof 9. Gothic arch, 19 feet to the spring of,and 30 feet to the top of, the arch. The ChalkCliff Tunnel is 4290 feet in length, on an inc line

of one in 284 : it has seven audits or galleries.The Abbot’s Cliff tu nnel is 6609 feet long, 24 feet

wide, and 25 feet high it has vertical shafts and

On the Manchester and Bolton Railway there

is a tunnel of 900 feet.

On the Leeds and Selby there is a tunnel 2100

feet in length, 17 feet high, and 22 feet wide,and there are three shafts for ventilation.

There is a tunnel 300 feet on the Whitby and

Pickering line, 14 feet high, 10feet wide ; the side

walls are upright for 9 feet, and support an


194 TUNNELs .

arch of 18 inches brickwork. The entranc e to

the tunnel is bui lt in a castellfi ed form.

There is a timnelon the Leic ester and Swan

nington Railway, abou t 5280 feet, or a mile inlength, 10 feet 8 inches wide at the hu e, M i d 11

feet 9 inches at the springing of the semic irc u lar

arch ; the height is 13 feet 6 inches. There are

feet high above the ground. There is a tunnel

on the Chester and Birkenhead Railway 573

yards long, and 16 feet high.

On the Newcastle and Carlisle Railway, 60milesin length, there is only one short tunnel.

On the Edinburgh and Glasgow, in the oppo

site extreme, in the short di stance of 46 mi les,there are five tunnels, some of which are long,

a c u rve, is 24 90 feet in length ; the W inchburgh,

990 feet ; and three tunnels together at an inc line

at Glasgow, 1328 feet, 876 feet, and 816 feet

respec tively. The height of these tunn els is 26

feet, and the width 22 feet. On the Ayr and

Greenock Railway there are short tunnels out

through the solid rocks. On the Edinburgh and

Newhaven a tunnel 3000 feet in length is now

making under part of Edinburgh. It is 24 feet

wide, and 17 feet high. This has lp en a mest


cheaper the fares, the greater is the probability

that the trafii c on the line will inc rease. The

size and ac commodati on of the station houses

vary from the humble office of one apartment to

those splendid establishments some of which are

observed on almost every railway ; su ch as thestations at Boston Square and at Rugby, on the

London and Birmingham Rai lway ; those at

Bristol, Bath, Slough, and Swindon, on the Great

Western ; also the stations at Liverpool, M an

chester, Birmingham, York, Derby, Glasgow,

The architec tural design and plans of these it

is not purposed to desc ribe : many of the station

bu ildings display considerable architec tural taste,

others a pauc ity of it. It might be well when

railway dep6ts and stations form so conspic uous

objec ts, that pu re c lassic designs were adopted ,

and premiums might most advantageou sly be

awarded for competition designs. Iron roofs are

much u sed for railway stations : they requ iremost c areful construc tion. Too mu ch attention

cannot be bestowed on the arrangements at the

stations, as much of the convenience, comfort,and safety of passengers depend on them. As a

general rule, the plan has been adopted of havi ng

allstations and dep6ts on a level with the railway,

wherever it is possible : this prevents incon


venience inmany respec ts to passengers, and alsoin the transfer of goods. The position of the

engine houses, coke stores, goods’ warehouses,

&c . , are also points in the arrangement of railways

which, both as respec ts the gu arding against

acc idents and for convenience, display skill on the

part of the engineer. There is not one point

connec ted with railways that requ ires morespeedy correc tion than the dangerous prac tice of

passengers being obliged to c ross the rails to get

at the upo trains. This improper prac tice exists

on almost every railway at out- stations, and the

numerous ac c idents which have oc c urred from itmight long ere this have pointed out the necessity

of its abolition. There are few travellers but know

the danger of sc rambling over rows of iron rails in

the dark, to get at the landing platformon the Oppo

site side of the railway, where the train they want

is to step. A fatal ac c ident which occ urred at the

Falkirk station on the Edinburgh and Glasgow

Railway, by a gentleman c rossing the liiie to get

to the c arriage, being ru n down by a coming- in

train, very promptly led to a bridge being thrown

ac ross the rails, and so preventing the necessity

of the passengers walking in fu tu re on the rails

at all at that station : and why should not this

plan be obligatory on railway companies through0 3

198 c osr or RAILWAr s.

out the kingdom; as also that they should land

passengers at all times on a platform? I have

seen passengers at some stations landed in the

dark amid the rails of the line, and where crow

lines meet, and obliged to find their way to the

platform in the best manner they could. By a

little attention to the arrangement of the stationsand landing- places, and the manner of attaching

and detaching of luggage waggons, c arriage and

c attle tru cks to and from trains, many ac cidents

may be prevented, or c as ualties guarded against.


Thus have been gone over some of the important works connec ted with the formation of

railways ; from the prec eding desc riptions someidea may be formed of the multifarious details.Fromthese works may be perceived the enormousexpense attending forming the line of way , and

the nec essity of (while the railway is designed with

alldue regard to economy) its utili ty not being

injured by ill- judged parsimony . It must be in

deed obvious that the cost of railways is much, if

not altogether, contingent on local c irc umstances ;and in estimating the future retu rns ‘ froma rail


THE subjec t of railways has been vi ewed hi

therto chiefly in regard to the roadway on which

the carriages have to run. The co nsideration

which next presents itself is the mode of workingthe railway, and the motive power best adaptedfor this purpose, both in respect to safety and

economy. Railways indeed would have madeslow progress in this or any other country nor

would they have been at all likely to supersede

canals and other modes of conveyance—had theold plan of working themby horses, or stationaryengines, still continued. Confined as these agents

were to a slow rate ofmotion, and ill adapted for

general traflic, however convenient for local pur

poses, there could have been no stimulus to extend

the expensive works which have been desc ribed

connec ted with railway formation, hhd it not been

for the invention of a motive power which broughta new princ iple into ac tion, unknown in formertimes, combining economy of working wi th the

INVENTION or rm: Loc omo'n vs E NGINE . 201

u tmost veloc ity. The rapid advancement of railways in these timcs is c learly attribu table to one

thing. In many questions doubtsmay arise as to

su cc ess being attained by a combination of cir

c umstances ; bu t never was any thingmore clearly

defined or brought ou t, than that railways owe

their present success and prosperity to the in

tion and perfec ting of the locomoti ve engine ; and

although itmayyet happen, by the strange anomalies

of events, that, after allthe labour and time spent,and skill displayed, in bringing this machine to

the perfec tion it has attained, it may perhaps be

doomed, after a precoc ious matu rity and short

u sage, to be superseded by anothermode ofprepul

sion,— the atmospheric orsome other scheme, which

may lead again to the u se of fixed engines ; still it

must be interesting to trac e the progress and

history of an invention which has already proved

of vas t u tili ty to mankind.


For many years the locomotive engine had

been remrded by an erroneous and imaginary

assunmtion, which prevailed since the general

introduction of iron rails, that there was not

202 INVENT ION or TH E Loc ou o'

n vs ENGINE .

sufficient fric tion between the fac e of a smoothwheel and rail to produ ce adhesion, or resistauce

enough to cause the wheel to move onward,

instead of simply turning on its axle,— which is

technically called skidd ing of the wheels. It seemsto have been supposed, that from this takingplac e, and want of suffic ient gripe or bite, not only

there would be loss of power, but the advance of

the carriage would'

be retarded. Strange as it

may now appear, fu ti le schemes were proposedand much money was expended on contrivances

to get rid of this supposed diffic ulty, when the

solution of the point could have been attained by

a few experiments. This shows the necessity of

testing inventions by experiment and experienc e

these may be tru ly termed the only safe basisupon whic h prac tical improvement can be raised.

In looking back on the short history of rail

ways, -we cannot but wonder that so little progress

was at first made with steampower. The steamengine cannot boast of great antiqui ty ; for al

though the anc ients knew something of steam,

they knew nothing ofmotive power or mechanical

applications. The invention of the steamengineis generally asc ribed to the Marquis of Wor

cester in the year 1663 ; but to Savory, who

obtained a patent for his steamengine in 1692,


prehension Of their safety. These prejudices

gradually wore out where small steam engineswere used : and when steampower came into use

— from 15 to 20 years ago — in Scotland for

farm pu rposes, high pressure or noncondensing

engines, on the rec iprocating principle, were

generally preferred, fromcheapness, as the moti ve

power for barn mac hinery. Engines Of this de

scription are now in general use at farms inScotland and the borders Of The u sual

pressure at which these high- pressure engines are

worked is from30 to 35 lbs. on the square inch

and no ac c ident with themhas yet oc cu rred at

farms, showing that with goodmanagement thereis perfec t safety.

Tnv Tn Ic K AND vIq’



Steam engines, however, modelled after theform of condensing engines, were Obviou sly veryunsu itable for portable or locomotive purposes.The first high- pressure engine, it is generally

admitted, appli cable for the latter pu rpose, was

the invention Of Richard Trevithi ck and Andrew

The au thor has now in the press a work, for which a

premium was awarded, on the application of the steamengine to farmpurposes.



Vi vian, engineers, of Camborne, In Cornwall. In

the spec ification Of the patent, dated March 24 .

1802, it is desc ribed for Improving the construc

tion of steamengines and the application thereof

for driving carriages on rails, and turnpike roads,and other purposes likewise, that their engine

will produce a more equable rotatorymotion onthe several parts of the revolutions Of any axis

which is moved by the steamengine, by causing

the piston rods of two cylinders to work on the

said axis by means of c ranks at i turn asunder.

It is alsomentioned that theyoc casionally propose

to make the external periphery Of the wheels of

carriages uneven by projec ting heads of nails, or

bolts, or o c ross grooves, or fittings to rail- rods,and that in cases Of a hard pull to cause a lever

bolt or c law to projec t through the rims of oneor both wheels, so as to take hold Of the ground ;

but that in general the ordinary stru c ture of the

exte rnal surfac e of the wheels would be sufii

c ient ; that the form of the engine might bevaried by changing the relative veloc ity of rota

tion Of the wheels as compared with that Of the

axis by shifting the gear, or by having toothed

wheels of different sizes ; the body of the carriage

to be made Of any convenient formac cording to

its use.

” In this c lever invention the steamwas

proposed to beworked eitherat high pressure or not.

206 TR EVII‘



If the former, at a pressure from60 t0 80 1bs. on

dr icalform, to bear the expansive ac tion of strong

steam, having a beat tube like the letter U within

it, to in . . the heating surfac e. The furnace

exc ite the fire by bellows, worked by the piston,

or c rank of the engine, or by any plan found c on

venient. The cylinder of the engine was likewise

a w ad safety valve m provided, not under the

c ontrol of the engineer a plan whic h subse

tive engine boilers, and which arrangement shou ldbe applied to stwmboilers of every description.


of 8 inches diameter, and a stroke of 4 feet

6 inches, with a fly- wheel to regulate the ac tion

of the c rank. At its first trial it drew as

many carriages as carried ten tons Of bar- iron s

di stance of ninemiles, travelling at the rate of five

miles per hour. It is doing mere justice to these

inventors to state that, to thembelongs the merit

of having first applied the steamengine su c c ess

fu lly to the purposes of locomotion ; and that

those who reaped the subsequent harvest merelydid so fromthe seed they had sown .

Although Messrs. Trevithick and Vivian had

thus, to a c ertainty, so far succeeded in making

use Of the steamengine as the motive power forrailway carriages still the ac tion of thei r loc o

motive was confined to the level plane, which

destroyed much of its emc iency, and the erro

neous belief entertained, to which I have already

alluded, of the want Of bite, or adhesion Of the

wheel to the rail, rendered the progress Of loco

motive trac tion, in a great measure, nugatory ;

accordingly, for nearly 25 years subsequent to

their patent, very little was done to advance the

Objec t, although, no doubt, numerous attemptswere made, and some of these were, perhaps,

nm xss sor’

s Loc oaao'

n vn ENGINE. 209



The next patent for this Object was that

granted to Mr. John Blenkensop, of Middleton

Colliery, near Leeds, in 1811, for what he termed

In the spec ific ation of his patent hementionstb t he proposed to fix upon the ground, or road,

over which a conveyance is to be made, a“ toothed rac k, or a longitudinal piec e of cast

other parts, of the nature of teeth, standing

upwards or downwards, or sideways, or in any

should be prolonged by fixing to it other piec es

so far as requ ired upon the road ;” that be pro

posed to fix, apply, and connect, with a carriage

for the conveyance of goods or passengers, a

wheel having teeth or protuberances, or other

parts of the same nature as the teeth belonging

to the longitudinal rac k ; and when the carriage

was suitably pM d On the road the wheel was to

revolve and drive its carriage along by the appli

cation of any such well known power or first

mover as can be plac ed upon and carried alongwith the carriage.

” He also dec lares that a steamP

210 m asons Loc omorrvs m m

first mover ; and, fu rther, that he proposed

to connec t it by a crank, assisted by a fly

wheel, or by other well known methods of c on

directly by another wheeh where the one crank

be fixed upon the arbor of the wheel. And, fur

ther, to render the motion of the carriage more

to avail himself of contrivanc es here tofore in use,

and that a preferenc e shou ld be given in every

instance to an iron railway, upon which the

toothed or common wheels of his carriages shou ld

run ; and t case he connec ted his longi

tudinalrack wi th the railroad itself— as one of

the sides forming the railroad might be cast wi th

teeth, so that it would constitute the toothed

rack itself, and, at the same time, afi'

ord a regular

and even bearing for the wheels, and for the

toothed wheel, whi ch, if its plane were vertical,may be made with a side- run to bear upon the

smooth part Of the rad, sad prevent the teeth

from looking too deep ; and, lastly, to give mo

tion to other carriages hy attachi ng the same to

the carriage upon which the first mover was

212 omrxm’

s Loc ou or rvn m um.

This complicated and extravagant scheme seems

to have received the most careful consideration,

and much timemust have been spent in perfecting

the details : but the idea was soon abandoned.

masses. w. AND a . c w m ’



In the following year, 1812, a patent

granted to William Chapman, c ivil engineer of

Newcastle- ou - Tyne, and to Edward Walton

Their invention consisted chiefly in the use of a

chain or other flexible and continuous substance

stretched along the road to he travelled, secu red

at eac h end at su itable intervals, and in the ap

plication of this chain round a barrel or grooved

wheel in such a manner as not to slip, the

grooved wheel was fixed on before or behind a cw

riage, supporting any internal moving power, and

was to be put inmotion by the power, so that bythe revolution of the grooved wheel round its axis,either one way or the other, it could drive the

c arriage and the others which might be attached

c nu mn’s Loc omo

'n vn ENGINE . 213

to it. The patentees stated that it was already

known that self- ac ting loc omotive engines hadbeen made for the purpose of drawing carriages

after them but the objec t of their patent was not

to include i n their invention what had heretofore

been public ly done, but simply to c laim such a.

position and appli cation of the things they men

tioned as fell within their description. That the

principal feature in their invention was the ad

vantage that no alteration was required on the

waggon ways or rails, whether they were of woodor iron, because if they were strong enough to sus

tain coal waggons they would be amply capable of

supporting a locomotive engine when plac ed on

laboured under would be obviated ; namely, either

that of the weight of the engine destroying numerou s rails, or the total renovation of the way by

laying new raih at a great charge.” This plan of

Hetton colliery to the river Tyne, near Newcas tle.

By this plan earriages using the chains c ould not

two railways, one in each di rection. The weak

ness of the rdils laid down for railways at this

period forming an obstac le to the use of heavy

engines, may ac count for the proposal of Messrs.r 8

214 naum N’

s Loooxor rvn.

Chapman of placing the weight of the engine

npon two fru nes supported by 6 0r 8 wheels ; still

the eumhrous ac tion ow heels and such a length

of framing must have made such a moving power


s PATE NT Locomomvn, WITH Lens .

The next invention emanated fromMr. Wi lliamBrunton, engineer of the Butterly ironworks in

the county of Derby , who, in the year 1813,

took out a patent for a singular contrivance to

overcome the idealobstac le of the want of suffi

c ient adhesion of the wheels of carriages. The

spec ification of his patent describes a method and

machinery for propelling or drawing carriages

upon roads or railways bymeans of certain levers

or legs alternatelyor conjointly ac ting upon suc h,

or uponmachinery attac hed thereto.

” He pro

posed to propel the carriage by steampower, by one,

two, ormore legs page215., ac ting

against a rope chain or rail, and whi ch legs are at

tached to or connec ted with the moving power in

such amanner as to receive fromit a rec iprocatingmotion, by the levers (a c, d c,) something similarto the motion of aman’s legs when in the act of

216 am neN’

s Loc osw rrvs .

levels or legs were to bc furnished with one or

two other piews, which he called fact (be), with

shoe: formed to the best advantage, to prevent the

wear of the roads ; and these were to be made of

wood or metal, of breadth proportioned to the

materials on which they were to ac t. The said

feet were attached to the legs by means of jointsin su ch amanner as to accommodate themselves

the road might present, and that they might keepa better hold. The legs were to be either used alter

as tely, and themachinery so construc ted that when

one leg with its foot was brought to the grou nd,

or about to take it, the othermight be raised andsuspended until it was agai n brought into ac tion ,

or a conjoint ac tion might be adopted, and both

legs used together to obtain the progressivemotitmof the carriage.

A is the cylinder plac ed on one side of the boiler,the piston rod being attwhed to the leg at a,

serving as an abu tment to push the engine for

ward ; are rods sliding bac kwards and

forwards, fixed to the lever a c , d c ; on the top of

the boiler are straps to raise the feet.

Mr. Brunton gives an account of the ac tion of

his engine, whi ch he terms the “ mechanicaltra

BR UNTon’s Loc omor rvs . 217

veller, mths “ Repertory of Arts, fromwhic hit appears that his propelling legs were tried upon

a railway at the Crick Lime Works, belonging to

performed very well. He first asc ertained that the

power necessary tomove it at the rate of 2} milesan hour, was 84 lbs. The machine there triedconsisted of a steam engine, having a cylinder of

6 inches diameter, and 24 inches stroke (the

45 cwt ), with steamequalto 40 or 45 lbs. on the

square inch. The machine was propelled at the

rate of 21}miles an hour, and raised perpendicularly

812lbs. at the same speed,—making the whole

power equal to 896 lbs. at 2§ miles an hour.

This, he observes, is nearly equal to the power of

six horses ; but, as the machine was working on a

rai lway wi th an inc line of l in 36, be calculated

that it performed the work of 4 horses, and for

which it was amply powerful. He also remarkedthat, with respec t to the advantage of this ma

chine, and the various purposes to which it was

applicable, muchmight be said ; that it was a mostsimple and easy substitu te for horses, particu larly

even waggons on turnpike roads.

218 TrND AnL AND nor r ou nr’


Such is a descriptiomas given by the inventor,

and it is smgular' mobserve so much mgen


u ity

so complicated and extravagan t amachine.



The next ac count of an invention for reduc ing

the expense of carriage on railways and other

roads, emanated fromMessrs. WilliamT'


John Bottomly of Scarborough, in the formof acommunication to the Soc iety ofArts, dated June

should be given to wheels of carriages fixed to

the axles by means of an endless chain pasaing

over toothed wheels and grooved pulleys fixed on

some convenient part of the axle of the wheels,and under and nearly round a toothed pu lley

turned by the power of the engine, which wr

ringes were to be kept at pr0per or suitable

distances by means of bms of iron, which served

as joints . The chain was composed of c ircu lar

and oval links plac ed alternately ; the pulleys were

toothed to su it the c ircular links; the indentationsby which the teeth are produced being nearly

220 answ er’s nxr nanmms on mann ers.

of years, but rather that of centu ries. The re

finements of sc ience and the ac hievements of art

seemto have been gained like the slow gatheringsof the gleaner. Successful invention , however ,

in some instances may be compared to a ray of

light bursting on the tunnel's darkness how

bmutifuland distinc t is the object when revealed !

When the mystei—y is gone and the enigma is

solved, how many then can lay hold of and suc

cessfu lly follow ou t the suggestion, heedless of

those who, with blighted hopes, have laboured at

it in vain l

nLAc xn'

r’s m annmm

Abou t the year 1814 it became known thatthe progressive motion of the carriage neither

required rac ks nor chains, to which, it appears,the failure of Trevithick’s engine had been impa ted. This fac t, so essential in the sc ience of

locomotion, was proved by experiment on theWylamrailroad, for which Mr. Blac ket ofWylamhad an engine made in 1813, on Mr. Trevithick


which would aid the experiment. He fou nd thatthe adhesion on it was sufii cient in ordinary gra»

sr nr nnnsON’s LOC OMOTIVE ENGINE 22f

diente to make the wheels move onwards drag.

ging a load of cons iderable weight. Mr. t het

afterwards improved his engines and ascertainedthe quantity of adhesion. It is surprising how

it should have been so long before this was ascer

tained. It is probable the error originated in the

want of suffic ient weight in the carriages experi

mented with ; for of course it is now known that

the adhesion or bite of the wheel is regulated by

the pressure, and in proportion to the weight

resting on the smooth surface, and to the extentof the surfaces i n contac t, or, in general terms, itmay be said, that the bite of the wheel on the

iron rail depends much on the weight of the

sr s r nnNsox’


The next locomotive engine was constructedabout this period by Mr. George Stephenson, at

Killingworth colliery, and was tried on the rail

road there in 1814 . It was considered a great

improvemmi t on the previous one. It was found

to drag eight loaded carriages, about 30 tons,

and two feet stroke plac ed at each end of and


within a cylindricalboiler, having a tube of 20

inches paming throngh it. Two pair of wheels

were worked with cranks placed at right angles,

which were retained in their position by means of

an endless chain passing round two c ogged wheels.

F ig. 49. shows the mode by whi chcommunicated to the carriage wheels

wheels ; B B, the carriage frame ; a,

nes ting rods, giving the motion fromthe cranks, whi ch tu rn

these again turn the two

i n

fanud inconvenient ; and to obviate the defects,

Mr. G. Stephenson and a Mr. J. Dodd took out a

patent in 1815 for a method of communimtingthe power to the engine withou t those cog

- wheels.

One plan proposed was the application of a pin

224 s'

rErnENSON's Loc on or rvn ENGINE .

F ig. 51 .

50. page 223. represents the mi ne, fig.

5 1. the end elevation of this engine ; a , b, c, a

are connec ting rods, atta ched at their lower


ends, b, c , to the pin fixed on the spokes of the

wheels A B.

To keep the c ranks at right angles with each

other, the patentees u sed a kind of endless chain,

c onsisting of one broad and two narrow links,which lay upon or passed over a toothed wheel,

fixed to eac h axle, as shown in the figure. The

princ iple of ac tion of this was very similar to theplan proposed of giving motion to the wheels ofcarriages by Messrs. Tindall and Bottomly. The

peri phery of the wheels fixed on the axles being


inc h, these teeth entered between the two narrow

links, and had a broad link between every two

c ogs, resting on the rim of the wheel, which

caused the chain to move round with the wheel,and prevented one wheel be ing moved withoutthe other.

Mr. G. Stephenson may be considered to he

the first who succ essfully used locomotive engines.It has, indeed, been stated that he had remarked,

in 1 814 , that if the wheels of carriages could be

made to have suffic ient adhesion on the rails,there was no limit to the speed such an engine

cou ld go at,provided the works could be made to

bear the ac tion. This opinion has, indeed, been

c orroborated by the events of subsequent years ;Q

226 Lose AND e r HENSON‘


but the locomoti ve engine had a long c ou rse of

probation to undergo before it reac hed any degree


The next attempt at improvement on it

whic h Mr. Stephenson made was part of

Messrs. Losh and Stephenson’s patent in 1816.

The immovement they aimed at is distinc tly

stated in the spec ification of their patent to be,“

susta ini ng the weight, or a proportion of the

weight of the engine upon pistons, movable

within the cylinders, into which the steamor

water of the boiler is allowed to enter, inorder

to press upon such pistons, and which pi stons are,

by the intervention of c ertain levers and c onnect

ing rods, or by any other effec tive contrivance,

made to bear upon the axles of the wheels of the

car riage upon which the engine rests. ”

F ig. 50. page 223. s e e show the cylindersplac ed

within the boiler, one side being supposed removed

to expose them to view : gy g are solid pistons,

fitting the interior of the cylinders, and packed

in the usualway . The cylinders are open at the

bottom, and were screwed upon the frame Of the



Notwithstanding the efforts which had been

made in construc ting locomotive engines, still, in

the years 1814 and 1815 travelling by the eke-min

defer seemed a long way Off. Abou t thi s period,

d extending over several years, the idea seemsto have been prevalent that steam power coukl

be advantageously applied to moving Won turnpike roads, and consequently mu ch skilland capi tal were spent in the next to fr uitia s

attempt to bring these inventions in to su c c essful

operation. It is interesting to observe how much

progress had been made in this branch of loeo'

motion. The subjec t has been so fully tm d on

by others,that a simple glance at it will sufiice.

Several years ago an Opinion favourable to the

rotatory princ iple of the steam engine invented

by the Earl of Dundonald for steam carriages

was entertained ; and although this has not yet

realised the expec tations, nevertheless, acc ording

to trials made at Portsmou th dock- yard by Mr.

Taplin, considerable suc cess has attended the

experimental u se of the rotatory engine for

stationary purposes, although it has not yet been

suffic iently tested otherwise.


It appears that the idea of construc ting a steamcarriage adapted for turnpike roads was long

entertained by various persons ; among others, by

James Watt, in 1769, to whom almost everysuggestion as to the application of steampowerseems to have occ urred. Watt, in the his tory of

his own improvements, states, that in 1759 the

idea originated wi th the late Professor Robison,

then a student at Glasgow, of u sing steampowerfor locomotion. The idea to u se steam for this

Mr. Trevithick, in 1802, was the first, however,who tried, in Britain, to construc t a steamcar

riage suitable for a turnpike road. Mr. Grifii ths

tried it in 1821, and Mr. David Gordon in 1824 .

Messrs. J. and S. Seaward, Messrs. Hill and

Burstall, Mr. Hancock, Mr. J. S. Russell, and

others likewise, tried it ; but of all the projec tors

none seems to have been so successfu l as M r.

Goldsworthy Gurney. He Obtained a patent for

his steam carriage in 1827, and in 1829 had

brought it to such perfec tion that he was enabled

to ascend with it the highest hills round London,

and travelled fromLondon to Bath and bac k. In

1831 one of hi s steam carriages ran abou t four

months on the road between Gloucester and


230 e An C ARRIAGES ON Te am : ROADS.

which is only now so far interesting as marking

The purport of the Opinion Of the committee in1831, strange as it may now seem, was favourable


The succ ess of Mr. Gurney’s steam carriage

led to the“

formation, in Scotland, about as.

period of a steam carriage company for

turnpike roads. The carriages commenc ed to ply

regularly between Glasgow and Paisley, when an

with considerable loss of life fromthe explosion

Of one of the steam boilers, whic h made this

attempt to introduce steam carriages on publicoads as abortive as other attempts had proved.


with the same ease that he could draw 27 cwt.

on a common road, travelling 21} miles an hour,while a locomotive could drag, going at 6 milesan hour, 45 tons, exc lusive of carriages. Mr.

Wood also stated, in 1825,“ that nothing could

domore harm towards the adoption of railroadsthan the promu lgation of such nonsense as that

we shall see loc omotive engines travelling at the

rate of 12. 16. 18. and 20miles per hour.

It may be thus seen that the locomotive engine

had not made great advancement, at that date,from the period when Mr. Stephenson and Mr.

Dodd had taken out their patent in 1815 . Still,

the main obstacle having been removed, and the

princ iple of adhesion understood, s uffic ien t datahad been obtained thus, on a machine of5 tons weight, on four wheels, the adhesion

was found equal to 5 cwt. , and the amount ofpower being ascertained necessary to overcome theadhesion of the wheels to the rails when the

wheels were fixed to the axle, few obstacles,therefore , existed to the progressive improvement

of locomotives. Accord ingly, Mr . Stephenson

gradually improved on his plan, and upon the

Hag ger Leases Lane branch of the Stockton and

Darlington Ra ilway he had an opportuni ty of

testing, on a large scale, the effec t of locomotive

R a rre oam LOC OMOTIVE E NGINE . 233

engines, which have since acqu ired such extraordi

nary powers of veloci ty. The systemwas first

brought to the test on this railway, which was

Opened on the 17th of September, 1825. The

Stockton and Darlington Railway was the first

public railway, perhaps, in the world, where this

powerful mode of transit was carried su ccessfully

into effec t. But, abou t this period the

Hetton Colliery Railway was likewise worked by



D .

The following is a desc ription of an engine

which was long 111 use at Killingworth Colliery

Railroad, and which continued to be used, withou t

material alteration, till the year 1829, which

affords the means of judging of the ac tual state

of advancement which the locomotive systemhad

attained at that period. F ig. 52. represents a side,andfig. 53. an end, elevation.

The boiler of the engine was made ofmalleable

iron, cylindrical, with hemispherical ends ; havinga cylindrical tube passing through it within 2

inches of the bottom. In on e end of this tube

the fire grate was plac ed, and at the other end

fu me supported by springs fi a), two on

made to slide up and down within the

wheels were thusmade to yi eld to the inequali ty

attac hed to the cross beams by ball and socket

joiM and at the other end by simflar joints to

a pin fixed upon one of the spokes of the engine

wheel (I) D). The pins projec ted ou twards, and

upon one of these pins, on each side, a crank (Df)was fixed, within which the connec ting rod of the

pistons worked, as shown in the end view. A rod

(j g D) fixed at one end to the crank and at the

other to the pin in the wheel of the other c y linder

connec ted the whole together, and kept the pistons

always in the same position with respec t to eachother ; and the rod, being keyed fas t at each end,

prevented any slipping of the wheels withou t the

whole partook of the motion. The wheels of the

engine were 4 feet in diameter,the spokes made

of cast iron, and the axles of wrought iron,

inches in diameter. The steamwas communicated

fromthe boiler to the cylinder through a passage,the area of which was regu lated by a sliding lever,or handle, which regu lated the veloc ity of the

engine. The st eam, after being admitted to thetop and bottomof the cylinder by a sliding valve,escaped by the pipe (r r) into the chimney. The

slide valve was opened and shut by an ecc entric ,

connec ted to the lever f g It, communic ating

motion to the armz 11, through it to the lever I; I,

to the rod lm, to the c ross head ma, and so tothe rod 71 o, of the sliding valve.


The boiler was supplied with water by a force

pump P, which was fixed to the side of the

boiler, and worked by a rod t. p is the man- hole

door to get ac c ess to the boiler ; v is the safety

valve, with the weight w to regulate the pressure.

The performan ce of thi s engine in 1829,

weighing with the tender (the carriage which

accompanies a locomotive engine with the supplyof water and fuel), about 10 tons, was equal to

convey 10 tons at the rate of six miles an hour,the evaporating power being equal to 15 gall. of

water per hour.

Notwithstanding the work which the loco

motive engines at this period could perform,

fixed engines were generally preferred, and many

powerfu l engines were in u se for working in

c lines, as has previously been pointed out at the

c olliery raih'

oads in England and Scotland. It is

necessary to keep this in view, as it may tend to

explain the report which was given in upon the

Liverpool and Manchester Railway ; for, although

the importance of locomotive engines was gra

dually becoming to be more estimated, still the

knowledge respec ting themw as very limited and

confined within a narrow range ; and they were

generally considered at that time as less effic ient

as a prime mover than fixed steamengines.




years previous to the ac t being obtained in 1826,

with the late Mr. WilliamJames, to whom therailway system of this oou ntry is so mach in

debted, while he himself reaped little or no

benefit from his valuable suggestions. ’ To himlikewise is due the proj

ments on the subject to Mr. Saunders of Liver

pool, and imprewed him so much with the fem

tlt r. Saunders, to whomthehonour of being

father of the undertaking h i s been zgiven, had a

survey made of the line at his - own empeuse.

A subsc ription has lately been got up in E

tribu te to the memory of Mr . James.

240 ormroxs As TO assr nor rvs r owan.

course given to the directors on the rather pa

plexing point of the motive power. One of

the first dec ided opinions that I have met with,

on the mode of working the line, emanate d fromMr. C . Sylvester, C . E , in a Report on Bail

ways and Locomotive Engines, addressed to the

projec ted Railroad, dated November, 1824 , and

published in Liverpool in 1825. Mr. Sylehad made an examination of the engines at Kil

lingworth and Hetton collieries, the latter beang

one of the first railways where steam power was

adopted, and found “ that a locomotive cou ldmoveupa plans, a little more than an eighth of an inch

to a yard ; but beyond that the wheels turned and

made no progress :”

but he stated that the advan

tages of a railroad on which loc omotive powerwas used were so striking, that it was a matter of

surpr ise to him this mode of conveyance had n ot

been resorted to earlier. The adoption, how

ever, was now inevitable, and when applied in

preper plac es and under judic ious management,it could not fail of becoming highly benefic ial to

the public .

” He recommended the loc omotivesteam engine as the most economic al power for

every part of a railway in whic h the rise is not

more than one tenth of an inch to the yard ; and


stated that, in examining the Liverpooland Man

chester intended line, he found the greatest rise,

and that only in one instance, to be not morethan one twenty- third part of an inch to the

mile. Mr. Sylvester also states, that since commenc ing my report, the principles I have laid

down have been given in a newspaper called the


’ in which the au thor speaks of it as a

new idea, at leas t as applied to railways, although

it is founded on fac ts long ago given by Coulomband Vinc e. Whatevermay be the c laimto originality , in thi s application, I have at least an equal

c laim to originality with that au thor, as my

Introduc tion, which developes these princ iples,was read by severa l of my friends before the

above artic le was made public .

The communication to which Mr. Sylvester

refers in the Scotsman,

” were certain papers on

Ra ilways written by Mr. C. Mac laren, editor of

that paper, and published in December 1824 . In

supported the views of Cou lomb and Vince, with

respec t to fric tion and volition, namely, that the

fric tion is the same for all veloc ities, which had

been overlooked by other writers ; and that it fol

lowed, fromthis law— subtrac ting the resistance

of the air—that if a car were set in motion onR

242 F IXE D enemas As w e n orm r owan.

any degree than was requ ired to overc ome the

friction, it would proceed with a motion c on

tinually ac celerated ; and that it is only the re

sistance of the air, increased as the square of the

The papers of Mr. Mac laren displaymu ch abili ty ;

and, at a time when so little was really known of

any other impelling agent for railways than thedraught of horses Mr. Sylvester’s views were,however, founded on prac tical observations ; and

the very dec ided manner in which he gives his

opinion in favour of locomotive engines, when so

has since awakenmankind fromcomparati ve tor

pidi ty to ac tive volition , shows that he had

Mr. Sylvester’s able report probably had someinfluen ce on the Board of Direc tors of the Liver

pool and Manchester Railway ; for we find three

years aflerwards, Oc tober 1828, a deputation of

the direc tors visited the different railways where

steampowerwas used, as the Hetton, Darlington,

and Newcastle Railways, for the purpose of oh

wining information and Mr. Booth states in

his pamphlet that several of the direc tors becamefavourable to the adopting the locomotive power

24 4 LIVE aPOOL AND m om


The Directomof the Liverpooland Manchester

motive pri nc iple of trac tion ; and the idea ori

ginated with Mr. Harrison, one Of the directors ,

to offer a premium for the best engine which

could fulfil certain conditions. The directors,therefore, on the 25th Of April, 1829, offered the

sumof 5001. The chi ef stipulations were

1. That the engine must. “effec tu ally consume its own

7Geo. IV.

2. The engine, if it weighs six tons, must be capable of

drawing after it, day by day, on a well constru cted railway,

on a levelplaue a train of carriages Of the gross weight of

twenty tons, inc luding the tender and water- tank, at the

rate of teu miles an houn with a pressure of steam on theboiler not exc eeding 50 lb . per squ are inc h .

3. There must be two safety valves, one of whi ch must

be c ompletely out of the control of the engine man, and

neither of whic h must be fastened down when the engine is

4 . The engine and boiler must be supported on springs,

and rest c n six wheels, and the height fromthe ground to me

top of the chimney must not exceed 15 feet.5 . The weight Of the engh e wi th its complement of

water , must not exc eed six tons, and a machine ofleu weight

w ill be preferred if it draw after it a proportionate weight ;

c OMP E'


and if the weight of the engine h . do not exceed five tons,

then the gross weight to be drawn ueed not exceed fifieen

tons, provided that the engine, &c . shallstillbe on six wheels,

unless theweight be reduced to four and a halftons or under,

in whic h case the boiler, 810. may be placed on four wheels.

And the company should be at liberty to pu t the boiler , the

fire- tube, cylinders, 8m. to test at a pressure not exceeding150 lbs. per square inch, &0.

6. There must hs a mercurialguage afixed to the mchine, wi th index rod, showing the steampressure above

46 lbs. to the squ are inch.

7. The engine to be delivered, complete for trial, at the

Liverpool end of the railway, not later than the lat of

Oc tober,

1829 .

8. The pr ice Of the engine which may be accepted not to

exc eed £550, delivered on the railway.

N. B. The rai lway compmy will provide the engine ten

der w ith a supply of water and fuel for the experiment.

Such was the prOposal which led the way to

those important improvements which the locomotive engine has attained. The conditions seem

as the imperfec t knowledge of the subjec t, at that

time, permitted. But the main point brought

out was that engines, for such a purpose, mu st

possess lightness, compac tness, and perfec t safety

with speed. The condition Of fixing as the minimum10 miles au hour, evinc es how little was

really known of the capabilities of the locomotivepowers of trac tion, still it did not prec lude the

E 3

246 Lw naroon AND MANC HESTE R

competitors from trying their skill in inc reas ing

the veloc ity.

The stimulus of a premiumhad the cfi'

ec t anti

c ipated in obtaining a c ompetition, for several able

manufac turing engineers turned their attention to

the subjec t, which led to the development of theprinciple upon which a moveable engine should

be constructed to be suc cessful.

The 6th of Oc tober, 1829, was the day fixed

for the trial ; and the direc tors, to assist thei r own

judgment in coming to an impartial dec i sion onthe merits of the engines which might be produced, appointed as judges, Mr. J. W. Rastrick

of Stourbridge, Mr. Kennedy of Manchester,and Mr. Nicolas Wood, C . E . , of Killingworth.

In order still further to asc ertain the compara~

tivemerits of the competing engines, to subjec tthemto a prac tical test, and to point out themodein which the experiments were to be conduc ted,

the judges drew up the following (among other)

1 . That the weight of each locomotive, with its fu ll complement of water in the boiler, shou ld be ascertained at the

weighing of the engine at 8 o’

c lock in the morning on the

day of trial, and the load aw gned to it shall be three times

the weight thea . The water in the boiler shall be cold,

and there shall be no fuel in the fire- plac e. As much fuelshall be weighed and as much water shallbe measured and

to be in readiness at ten o’cloc k o n Tu esday, the

6th of Oc tober, 1829. The runni ng ground was

a part of the railway on the Manchester side of

Rainhill Bridge, and no person bu t the directors

was to be permitted to enter or cross the railroadThe ground fixed on at Rainhill was a level

piece of road, about two miles in length, and

about ten miles fromLiverpool, on the top of the

Whiston and Su tton inc lined planes, betweenHayton Lane and St. Helen’s junc tion.

On the day appointed, four engines entered for

The Rocket Mr . Robert Stephenson .

The Novelty Messrs. Braithwaite and Er ickson.

The Sans Parei l Mr . T. Hac kworth.

The Perseverance Mr . T. Burstall.

One of these engines, the Perseveranc e, having

met with an ac c ident in its conveyance to Liver

pool, was withdrawn at the commencement ofthe experiments, so that the contest lay between

the three first.

After preparing the engines for the contest,

and exhibiting their powers to the company as

sembled, the judges then came to the deter


mination that each engine should be tried on

different days, the ground being marked ofi'

. An

eighth part of a mile at each end of it was allotted

for starting and stopping, and, on the intermediatelevel spac e of a mile and s half, the engine was

to proceed at its fu ll speed, and the rate of

veloc ity was to be asc ertained by one of the

judges being stationed at each end of the ground

to mark the time taken in traversing and reachingthe extremities, the engine dragging the train theone way, and pushing it before it the other.


The Rocket being first ready, was first put on

trial. It weighed as followstons. cwt. cu . lbs.

E ngine,with a supply ofwater in the boiler, 4 5 O 0

Tender,with water and coke, 3 4 0 0

Two carriages, loaded with stones, 9 10 3 26

Totalweight when set in motion 17 0 0 0

F ig. 54 . represents a side view of the engine

and end view of the boiler. A is the boiler, with

flat ends, 6 feet long, 3 feet 4 inches diameter ;

at one end of it is the fire- box B, which is double,as shown in c ross sec tion . The size of the fire

252 D ESCR IPTION or w ea r E NGINE .

From the sketch it willbe observed that the

boiler, which shall afterwards bemore partic ularly

noticed, differs entirely fromthose of the loc omo

tive engines previously desc ribed, as ther e are

several tubes, instead of one large flue through

the boiler, for the purpose of raising steammore

in contac t with the water.

From the exposed inclined position of the

cylinders on the ou tside of the boi ler, a great

sequent diminished power of the steam, although

it had the advantage that the machinery inter

their engines, however, subsequently, the cylin

ders were placed horizontally in a chamber under

the boiler, or in the smoke- box.

The area of surface of the boiler exposed to the

direc t ac tion of the fire, or the radiant heat in the

fire- box or furnace, was 20 square feet ; the sur

fac e exposed to the fiamg or heated air from the

heat, was square feet, and the area of the

grate bars was 6 square feet. The nu isanc e fromsmoke was avoided in a great degree by using

coke for the fuel, but there was no plan or pro

vision made for consuming the smoke.


The resu lt of the experiments made on theRocket was as follows The engine was taken

to the extremity of the stage, the boiler being

qu ite cold. The fire- box was then filled with

coke, and the fire lighted. The tim0 was observed

which it took to raise the safety valve at a pressu re of 50lbs. on the square inch, which was 57

minu tes. When the steamwas at this pressure,which was at 10


’5” o’c lock, the engine started

fromthe west extremity of the stage, and arrivedat the same plac e, after performing ten trips

,or 35

miles, inc luding the one eighth at each end for

starting and stopping, at 1°

48’38" o’c lock. The

total time oc c upied was 3° 1 1’and the time

taken in going 30miles at full speed was 2°


being equal to 13145miles per hour. In the second

experiment the total time oc cupied was 2°


and the time in going 30 miles at full speed

6’ being equal to 1419

5 miles per hour.Themaximumveloc ity was above 19 miles in thefirst journey and 20miles in the second jou rney,

and the minimumveloc ity in the first journey was

and in the sec ond 13 miles. The greatest

rate of motion attained was in the last eastwardtrip of miles, which was performed in 3'

The eastward trip is to be taken as the per


formance of the engine, as, in going eas t, the cn

gine dragged the carriages after it, whilst, in

going west, it pushed thembefore it ; the formerwere invariably performed in less time. Taking

17 tons, was 15 miles an hone

The quantity of coke consumed in the two

experiments was 1085 lbs., which, for 70 miles,inc luding the engine and tender, is lh. ;

exc lusive of ditto, 16 3 lb. per'

ton permi le.

The quantity of water used was 579 gallons, or

926 c ubic feet.

For mh c ubic foot evaporated, the fuel c on

sumedwas 1Iri

s lbs. of coke, and the evaporating

power of the engine, per hour, was about


The Sans Pareil of Mr. Hackworth was the

next engine experimented with. This engine was

not unlike Trevithick’

s. It had two cylinders of

seven inches in diameter with eighteen inches’

length of stroke. One vertical c y linderwas plac ed

on eac h side of the boiler, and directly underc one pai r of the carriage wheels ; both the

256 nescmrr ron or em mam meme.

Fig. 55. represents the side elevation of the Sans

Pareil, and fig. 56. the ground plan of the boiler.

The princ iple of raising the steamwas the sameas that of the Rocket, namely, by the chimneyac ting as an exhausting power in keeping u p the

combustion of the fu el, and the steam from thecylinders being ejec ted into the chimney. The

boiler was of a cylindrical form, abou t four feet

two inches in diameter, and six feet long, having

one flat and one round end. The steam wasgenerated in the double tube 6 b, whic h passed

from one end of the boiler (A) to the other, re

turning to the fire grate, which was plac ed at thesame end as the chimney c . The tube 6 bprojected

abou t thme feet fromthe end of the boiler, having

area of heating surfac e, and to admi t a sufficiencyof air to pass through the fire- grate. The tube

was two feet diameter at the fire, decreas ing to


grate- bars were five feet in length, and the area

of surfac e rad iating caloric or that surface exposed

to the direc t ac tion of the fire was 157 square

feet, and the area in contact with heated air or

communicative heat was square feet, the area

of the fire- grate was 10 square feet : the two

former were much less than those of the Rocket,and the last larger.

TomM . Q" . lbl.

The weight ofthe Sans Pamflm with water, 4 15 2 0

Tender, with water and fu el, 8 6 3 0

Three carriages, w ith stones 10 19 3 0

19 2 0 0

This engine was tried in a similar manner tothe preceding ; but the last experiment was not

c ompleted from the derangement of the engine

pnmp: but, so far as the trial was made, the

result was inferior to the Rocket.

At full speed ten miles were performed in50 which was equal to 12

7i!miles per

The maximum veloc ity in one trip was

miles per hour, and the minimumwas 12; ditto.

The gm test veloc ity attained was in the fifthtrip, when 15mi le was traversed in 3

’ being

at the rate of 225 miles per hour whereas the


258 axr snmaxr s WITH THE NOVE LTY .

Roc ket had traversed the same distanc e in.

3’ 44

or at the rate of miles per hour.

The consumption of coke was 692lbs. per hour,or 28° 81bs. for eac h c ubic foot of water evapor ated,

beingmore than double that of the Rocke t, and

the evaporating power being equal to abou t 150

gallons, or 24 c ubic feet of water per hou r.

The coke used, inc luding engine and tender,was 2° 4 11bs. per ton per mile ; and exc lus ive of

ditto, 4 ° 2lbs. per ton permile.

It is estimated that the performanc e of thisengine was 19} tons, or 1 1 tons exc lusive of en

gine and tender, conveyed at the rate of 15 milesan hour.


The Novelty of Messrs. Braithwaite and Erick

son was tried on the l0th. It was a very light

engine, and promised well tillan ac c ident to the

boiler terminated the experiment. The principle

was different from that of the other two, as the

draught was produced by a blowing machine, the

air being forc ed through the fire to produ ce the

requ isite draught.

F ig. 57. is a side elevation of this engine, show


The vertical tube C passes

m anms nr s WITH THE NOVELTY. 261

closed, and the air was supplied through the tube

E by the bellows D, whi ch were worked by the

engine, and sen t the air to underneath the grate

bars for combustion. The air, after passing through

the fire, was made to traverse a winding tube e e e,

within the horizontal generator, and passed into

the atmosphere through the pipe G. K is the

cylinder which gave motion to one pair Of wheels

by means of a crank, the other being connec ted,

H is a pipe through which the steam passedfromB into the steamchamber. The princ iple of

Operation being that the air was forced through

the fire with veloc ity, and the heated air and

flame forc ed along the winding tube . The area

of the grate- bars was only square feet. The

surfac e of radiating caloric was abou t square

feet, and the area of communicative heat by

means of the traversing tube abou t 33 square

feet.The weight of the Novelty was as follows

Tons c wt. qn . lbs .

Engine, with water in the boiler 3 1 0 0

Tender , with water, and fuel 0 16 0 14

Two carriages, loaded with stones 6 17 0 0

10 14 0 14

The steamhaving been raised to 501bs. pressures 8

262 nesmxr or m m u m s.

on tbe square inchfit was trisd in a similar wsy

to the Bocket. Afier several attempts made to

run the engine but which were unfortnmtsly

way, Mr. Er ickson withdrew frcmfu rther compe

experiments Of the power of this engine ; or the

quanti ty of steam which could be raised in a

given time, or the fuel requ ired for it. The

whole time occupied, in the short trial made, in

traversing a distanc e of 4 } miles, was

Froma statement at the time by Mr. Vignoles,in the “ Mechanics’ Magazine,

” with a weight

estimated at 10 tons 6 ‘cwt. , the W ard

trip, mile was traversed in four minutes and

thirty- nine seconds, being at the rate of milesper hour, and the westward trip at the rate of

15 miles per hour .


Thus terminated the interesting compet ition,

and the prize of 5001. was awarded to the Roc ket

of Mr. Stephenson, as having performed all the

conditions and stipulations requi red of the c om

petitors. In reviewing the subjec t of this compe


When the most eminent engineers in this

country were entirely at variance in opinion as

to the best mode of trac tion, and considered it

next to hopeless for locomotive engines to attain

a greater veloc ity than 10miles an hou r, the importance of such experiments as those tried at

Liverpool must be apparent. It may be preper,in explanation, to state, that amongst the erroneousopinions at this time prevalent, were, that theheavy weight of locomotive engines was an

insuperable object ion to their use ; that they had

already reached a maximum, and could not be

made more powerfu l without injuring the rails ;

that as, at 15 miles an hour, the gross load carried

was only tons, no usefu l prac tical resul t could

be obtained by such engines at a rate of speed

above 10 miles an hour.

The deduction from the experiments with theRocket proved that a reduc tion of three tons of the

weight could be effec ted without a diminution of

the power, and that the consu mption of fuel couldbe diminished 50 per cent, from that of the old

engines, while the steam at the same time cou ld

be generatedmore rapidly . This was the chi ef fac t

elic iwd by these experiments ; for as the weight

to be drawn was restricted by the stipulations, theresu lts brought abou t were not the carrying a

RE SULT or THE m mrm r s. 265

greater load at more rapid speed, or even a greater

amount of work done. The important fac t was,

however, developed, that the power of these

engines might be extended by increasing their

evaporative property, without increasing propor

tionally their general weight. As the power of

these engines is greatly dependent on the eva

porating princ iple, it was at onc e shown, that

an engine of three tons less weight than another,could more easily performthe same work : if the

former light engine was proportionally inc reased

in weight it could likewi se be increased in power,and the weight might be added if nec essary to

the steamgenerator, or to such parts of the ma

chinery as might be deemed requ isite to obtainthe power requ ired.

This may appear to be a very simple denoue

ment to these experiments, which exc ited somuch

public attention ; but the resu lts were prac tically

most important, as subseqt even ts soon proved.

Engines were afterwards made of greater weight

and greater power, for the secret had been disco

vered wherein lay the power ; and, in place of the

weight of the engine being an obstac le to its trac tive

agenc y, the arcanum of volition lay in its adap

tation : this point is not generally known or

understood. To the Liverpool and Manchester

266 OPE NING or r u n LIVE RPOOL

experiments may be

c overy of the vast capabili ties

engines ; yet themere contrast of

the power and rate of speed at

the present day are much the sameas it were, loc omotive travelling


The Liverpool line was opened on the 15th of

September 1830, and the day wi ll be long remembered by those interested in railway afi


airs, assoc is ted too, as it is, with the fatal ac c ident which

deprived this country of that talented statesman

So great was the rapidity of transit by this

railway, and the weight of goods transported, thatone feeling of as tonishment pervaded the kingdom.

Leads from 50 to 150 tons and upwards were

drawn along with ease at the rate of 20 t0 30


do not appear to have been generally understood

or apprec iated by the country : indeed, so little

must have been foreseen by many the present

suc cess of railways, that it is remarked, bu t a few

years ago, under the head of Railway, in M ‘C ul

doubt much whether there may be many moresi tuations in the kingdomwhere it wou ld be pru

dent to establish one.

F rom the period of the Opening of the 1ai

pool and Manchester Railway the prodigious

exertions almost exceed credibility which have

been made in

of transit. In B

paid to introduce every improvement which talentcan suggest, both in the construc tion of the 1000

motive engine and of the railway. In 1831 one

locomotive engine drew 50 tons up the inc lined

plane atRainhill, 1 foot in 96, or 55 feet permile,at an average of 7} miles per hour, and a steamengine was capable of dra wing on a level 90 tonsabout the rate of 20miles an hour. At the presen t

MADE SINC E 1830. 269

timc the power of locomotive engines has beengreatly increased. In 1831 the cylinders were

used 10 to 12 inches in diameter. In 1832 one

engine, the Sampson, had the cylinder of 14

inches ; whereas engines are now provided with

cylinders 14 , 16, and 18 inches in diameter, and

the driving wheels also have been enlarged in dia

meter : thus in crease of power and average speed is

gow, 46 miles, which till lately took two hoursfu lly , is now gone over by the mail trains in an

hour and a quarter, and by heavy trains of wag

gons at 30miles an hour ; but this is little to someof the English railways, on whi ch fifty miles, in

c luding stoppages, is the daily speed of swift

trains, and a mile perminu te, or 60miles an hour,

Great Western has gone 194 miles in 3 hours

and 38 minu tes, drawing 59 tons : allowing 32

minu tes for stoppages, this gives a rate of 63milesan hour ; and even thi s hardly satisfies the impatien t traveller. On the same line 194 miles isgone over in hours, which is the usual rate,

including stoppages, and 40 loaded waggons are

yet been done in railways equal to America. A

locomotive, construc ted by Norris, Philadelphia,


is stated to have drawn on a railway near that

c ity, a train Of 158 iron coal- waggons, which

weighed 1268 tons, turning curves Of 700 feet in

radius with fac ility, and going over a dista nc e Of

84 miles in 8 hou rs and 3minutes.

By su cc essive improvements made in loco

motive engines, su ch as inc losing the cylinder,already noticed, and which was exposed in the

Rocket, and by casing with timber the boiler,the fuel, 2 4“ lbs. of coke, required to transport

a ton per mile by the Rocket at the opening of

the Liverpool line, has been reduced to a quarter

of a lh., or even less, consuming a gallon of

water. The inc losing of the cylinder in the

smoke- box at the front “

of the engine has been a

great improvement, as a great waste of heat arose

from the rapid motion through the air. The

chamber where the cylinder is plac ed receives

heat from the end of the boiler- tubes, while a

direc t action is attained between the piston rod

and the connec ting rod to the c rank axle and

ec centric fixed on it, which works the slide valve.Another great improvement in the construc tion

of the locomotive engine is considered to be the

blast pipe. Before the blast pipe was introduc ed

the locomotive engine is stated to havemade comparatively little noise, for the steam escaped


will serve, therefore, merely to give a general idea

F ig. 59 . is a side elevation of a locomotiveengine, and fig. 60. is a longitudinal sec tion of

the same.

The boiler is represented (fig. cased withwood in order to economise the heat and prevent

radiation, and sometimes flannel is plac ed between

the iron and wood ; the steamdome (usually Of

poli shed brass) and other parts, are made double.

By referring to the c ut of the Rocket engine

it will be observed that the cylinders

are exposed at the sides Of the boiler, whereas in

the modern engines, for the reasons assigned, the

cylinders fixed to the frame- work Of the boiler are

plac ed horizontally, concealed, and kept at a high

temperatu re under the boiler, in the chamber intowhich the heated air passes fromthe tubes in itspassage to the chimney ; but when very powerful

engines are required in working up steep inc lines

for short di stanc es, it has been the prac tice, in

order to Obtain more room for the machinery, to

plac e the cylinders diagonally outside the boiler,as shown in fig. 54 . The powerful engines at

the tunnel near Glasgow, on the Edinburgh and

Glasgow Ra ilway, and elsewhere, are made in this

The engine (figs. 59 . and is represented


274 D EsC RIr r ION or

mounted on six wheels, which is the plan now

genera lly adopted, although for a long time, notwithstanding the stipu lations Of the Liverpool

and Manchester 00t , engines on four wheels,as in the Oldest plan, were used. The large cene

tral wheels are called the driving ones, an d someengineers have removed the flanches from themto get rid of the lateral stra in, having considered

the fianc hes on the two pair of small wheels weresuffic ient for gu iding, and u se the large ones morefor propelling or rolling the engine. Other en

gineers retain the fianches as an additional se

c urity, to prevent the carriage running Off the

rails. The size of the driving wheels are adapted

to the views Of the engineer in respect to the

power of the engine and gauge of the railway ;

they are commonly from5 to 7 feet in diameter,and the small wheels from3 to 4 feet, and

inches broad .

Coupled driving wheels are now common bod:

in this cou ntry and in Belgium, for obta ining

greater adhesion in ascending inc lined planes.It has been estimated that a locomotive

, w ith

coupled driving wheels of 45 feet diameter, and

14 o in ch cylinders, could asc end an incl ine with

one- third more weight than a locomotive with5 feet wheels and 12—inch cylinders, if uncoupled.


fac e of the cylinder, so that by every revolu tion

Of the axle and crank the slide is moved so far in

each way, as to allow the steam, fromits pressure,to rush into the cylinder alternately above and

below the piston, and give it a rec iproc ating

motion. This is the first action of the steampower , the pr imummobile which gives motion tothe whole machine, or the vivifying princ iple.

Fromthe construction Of the ec centric , when the

engine is going the slide valve is constantly in

motion ; for whenever the apertures, or ports, are

open, the reverse movement of it shuts themagain. Two ecc entric wheels for working each

cylinder are now generally made use of, in loco

motive engines, each ofwhich is plac ed in a pro

permanner to admit of the engine moving eitherforward or backward. This plan is nec essary for

allengines adapted for rapid speed.

It has been found that when engines travel at

great veloc ity, the expansive system, found so

benefic ial in high pressu re engines, can be carried

still farther with advantage in loc omotive engines.The objec t of the expansive system is, that the

expansion of the steamwithin the cylinder , when

the engine is set in motion, combined with theimpetus acqu ired by the piston, will communi cate

addi tional motion to it and ac celerate the veloc ity


of the stroke ; hence, that the steammay beefl


ec tively and economi cally stopped fromenteringthe cylinder before the piston has reac hed the end

of the stroke (at a quarter or one eighth), and it

should not only be shut off fromthe piston beforeit reaches the end of the stroke, bu t shou ld be

applied to the Opposite side of the piston before

it reac hes the end of the c ylinder , or the slide

should at the extremity of the stroke be openedto a certain extent.

It has been considered by some engineers thatone eighth of an inch produced the best effec tfor c utting off the steamfromthe bottom of thestroke, or in other terms, that the slide valveshould be open to thi s extent at the return of the

stroke. The exac t extent, however, is regulated

by the veloc ity of the piston. The advantage

gained in saving or economising steam by thismethod wi ll increase in proportion as the steamis sooner c u t off, at the same time not diminishingthe effic ient power.

A is the platform, at the end of the fire- box

(fig. for the use of the engine driver, and

from which the fire can be fed and the engine

managed. At the other end, B is the smoke- box,

from which the chimney proc eeds. The boileror steam generator oc c upies the space between

r 3

278 nascmrrron or

the two ; the brass tubes for the passage of the

one end and the make- box at‘

the othc r. The

fire- box is usually now made of strong plates of

copper with the outer cas ing of iron, the interme

diate spac e of three or four inc hes being filled with

water, and forming a part of the boiler . It is

commonly Open below for the acc ess of the air,fromwhich plac e the c inders falling through the

furnace- bars, which are u sually made ofmalleableiron, has been produc tive of ac cident. There are

several inches of water always over the flat tsp of

the fire- box, the water being carefully kept to this

level : when the water in the boiler is too high

the engine begins to prime ; when too little, the

top would be instantly burnt through. A fusible

plug is inserted, to serve as a safety valve, shou ld

the water, by ac c ident, get too low and leave it

dry . Fromthe small quantity of water in loc o

moti ve boilers, the boiler is apt to prime or the

steam to be condensed in the steampassages, and

the steam in the upper portion becomes mixedwith the spray in ebu llition. Hence a steamchamber is provided on a higher level. This

dome is seen in polished brass on locomotive en

gines ; it is made with a double case, to pr event

loss of heat fromradiation. The steamfromthe



striking on the edge of a hollow inverted cup.

The steam is led to the whistle by a tube fromthe boiler, and is regulated by means of a stop

cock. 5 shows one of two feed - pipes, which

conduc t the water from the tank in the tmder

to the boiler, the water being pumped into the

These pumps are worked by the engine, and their

derangement has often been produc tive of serious

ac c idents. There are valves for regu lating an

equ able supply of water to the boiler, and the

waste steam may be turned into the tender

c istern to heat the water. There are di scharge

cocks for removing condensed water, steam and

water gauges, and other c onveni enc es plac ed un

der the observation of the engine driver, handles

for stopping and reversing the motion of theengine, and regulators for the draught of the fire.

The regu lator for inc reasing or dimini shing

the supply of steam to the boi ler is a disc or

throttle valve plac ed in eac h of the pipes which

supply steam to the c ylinders. These disc s are

fixed on the end of a horizontal rod, passing the

whole length of the boiler, and turned by a handle

at the platform, so as to Open or shu t the passages.

At this handle is a graduated scale for indicating

the degree the throttle valves are open, so that by


the turning of the handle the supply of steamisinstantaneously increased or cut off from the


Every locomotive engine has a carriage con

nected with it called the tender, which is u sed

for carrying a supply of water and coke. The

tender is made with a frame- work like other

carriages, and on most railways has usually fou r

wheels. The water is contain ed in an iron tank

su rrounding the sides of the c arriage, excepting

the end next the engine, which is left open for

the conven ience of getting ac cess to the coke.

The boiler is, of cou rse, connec ted with the tank

by means of the supply pipes already noticed,

and the tank is supplied with water at variou s

stations on the line of railway by water- c ranes

and c isterns, ac cording as the engine requires

water. The tender is just so mu ch additional

nec essary low that every travelling engine must

carry along with it.


It must appear obviou s that in the construc tion

of the boiler of the locomotive engine a great

objec t was to combine with suficient lightness,


heating power ; for as the power obtm'

ned wi llbe

in proportion to the heat transmitted from the

amount of fire in the boiler willbe the measure

of the heat, and the smaller the quanti ty of fuel

in an active state of combu stion whi c h can be

brought to bear to keep a small quantity of waterat a high degree sf tempcmtura the more efic ient

the boiler will be : hence the rapid formation er

evolution of heat depends on its abduc tion fromthe fu elin such a manner that no loss is su stained

fore, for generating steamquickly, while a power

fuldraught is indispensable, it is a great object to

expose the smallest quantity of water to the

largest heating surfac e which the heat radiating

from the furnac e can ac t upon, and that every

means be adopted by non- conduc ting substances,as jac kets or linings of flannel and wood on the

boiler, to retain the caloric which has been evolved.

The variou s contrivances to attain these objec ts

would fill volumes.When Mr. Stephenson’s engine, the Rocket,

was first tried, as has been stated, 25 tubes of

3 inches diameter were made u se of in the boiler,containing 1 178 square feet of heating su rfac e.


advantage to be derived fromenlarging the heat

the number of the tubes, to abstract or absorb the

caloric fromthe heated air . The diameter of the

tubes was reduced from3 to 15, or two inchm,

and the number increased, varying from90to 150,

with a surface of from 200 to 300 squ are feet

exposed to the contac t of heated air . The heating

su rfac e, of late, has been greatly augmented, both

in tube surfac e and fire- box : but the opinion is

not in favour of having the tubes very small;

they are usually made about two inches diameterinside, and from73 to 120 tubes in eac h engine,— the number of tubes being dependent on thediameter of the boiler. With improved enginesthe tube surface has been increased from4 00 or

500 square feet of heated metal, exposed to communicative heat, to the enormous extent of from600 to 800 feet and upwards, with a fire- box

surfac e or area exposed to the radiant caloric in

creased from20 square feet, as in the Rocket,to from50 to 60 feet ; and with the broad gauge

engines on the Great Western , the tube su rface

has been inc reased from600 to about 1000 feet,and fire- box surface from‘

70 to 108 feet .

As the upper side of the fire- box is flat, and


not adapted to bear a great pressure of steam,

bolts are plac ed betwen the chamber and the fire

box to resist the pressure. In the lower part of

the boiler the tubes are placed, running through

its whole length.

Copper was first used in the construc tion of

the tubes ; but they are now always made of

brass, and have been fou nd much more durable.

The opinion seems to prevail that making the

tubes of mixed metal, or the best rolled brass ofNo. 14 . wire-

p ugs is the preferable method, the

tubes being sec ured at the ends with steel and

iron hOOps. Some have thought that as malleable

iron of good quality is less expensive, it wou ld

answer the purpose, as it does for the tubes of

marine boilers ; but copper or brass would be

generally used for all boilers, from its durability ,

were it not for its great expense. The tubes must

always hear a constant working pressure of about

6olbe. on the square inch, while the form of thetube gives an advantage in their strength, as the

pressure on the tube must be inward, frombeingsurrounded with water. The tubes, however,are necessarily subjec t to great waste, from theconstant ac tion of the c inders and ashes upon the

interior surface : another th ing which operates

against their durability is the want of an equal

286 Loc ono'


expansion between the case Oé'

the boiler and the

tubes. This may lead ultimately to almost an

entire reconstruc tion of the engine and boiler ;although, therefore, the tubesmust be frequentlyreplac ed, for they u su ally last for about two

years, and so are not of the perman ent natu re of

such parts of the boiler as are not exposed to the

action of the flame, and while tubes will burn

out, and may frequently burst, still these boilers

have been constru c ted capable of running a dis

tance of mi les before requiring to be re

newed ; and the broad gauge engine boilers havebeen stated to run 70 to miles. A very

erroneous idea seems to be entertained that no

danger can arise fromthe bursting of a tu be inlocomotive boilers . indeed the burst ing of tubes

is so common, that the engine drivers becomeac c ustomed to it : but it is always attended withthe next to certain danger of scalding, perhaps

to death, the fireman or engine driver, fromthe

steamrushing out at the fire- door, and c inders

being blown about, while alarm is c reated, and

danger arises to the passengers from the delayand stoppage. When a tube does bu rst, it is

c ustomary for the engine driver to be prepared

with a plug ready to drive into the apertu re till

the boiler can be repfired.

288 EXPLOSIONS or Loc on o'

rrvn m ans.


explosions are so great, that any plan of con

struction which could completely obviate this, isdeserving of consideration ; and the idea of a boiler,such as that last desc ribed, where the steam is

gened in a vessel not exposed at all to the

ac tion of fire, is a novelty, as well as a c ompletesec urity against the risk of its getting red hot

from a defic iency of supply of water. In the

present construc tion of the locomotive engineboiler, the only security, as to its M sty in this

respec t, depends on the regular maintenanc e ofthe level of the water in the boiler ; for as the

tubes are exposed to the direc t ac tion of flame,

they would be instantly destroyed by any dimi

nution of the supply of water, which mighthappen by the least derangement of the feedpumps.

From the high pressure the steam is always

worked at, in locomotive engines, generally above

501bs. on the square inch, two safety valves are

always used ; one is under the charge of the eh

gineer, commonly called Sater’

s flat- sided, springb

balance : it has a lever between the valve and


spring. The other is now generally locked up,

and has a series of bent springs, without a lever,compressing it.Every engine boiler, besides the three common

the simple glass water gauge, to show in a glass

tu be the height of the water in the boiler.This tube, part of which is of brass, communicates

by a cock at the top with the steam, and at the

bottomwith the water in the boiler, and there is

another c ook, at the lower end of the tube, to let

off the water. The dynamometer, or bent tubewith merc ury and a float, and the piston gauges

also good indices of pressure. All these pre

cau tions, howevem, do not appear sufic ient to

prevent acc idents. It has'

already been stated

that the prac tice in some locomotive boilers is toplace a fusible plate on the top of the fire- box ;

but this princ iple might be extended still fu rther,to guard against explosions. It was several years

ago made an imperative rule, by the law of

France, that a plate of fusible metal, half an inch

thick, made of lead, tin, and bismu th,should be

plac ed on the top of the boiler, c lose to the safety

valve, and held in its position by an iron grating

above it : should the valve not rise, the heat, before

the pressure of the steamcould have inc to


“ h m mw ofi Elv ouklbe a pmper

exists, not only of the power, bu t of the

292 sxr nosroxs or LOOOMOTIVE c o rneas.

That too much precaution cannot be taken to

has been proved by the acc ident on the Dover

Railway, and by the explosion of the Irk loco

motive on the Manchester and Leeds Railway,

where several persons lost their lives. Various

other casualties have oc c urred of a similar kind.

A few years ago an explosion took plac e on the

Liverpool and Manchester Railway, supposed to

have arisen from the case or shell of the boiler

being weaker than the tubes. That doubt shou ld

for one moment exist as to the real cau se of such

fearful explosions, as that in the case of the Irk,

when the engine carriage was blown to a c onsiderable distance, and the unfortunate engineer andfireman to the distance of 20 yards from the site

of the explosion, and 21 yards of the roof of a

shed blown away, are things which show how

very imperfec t engineering knowledge is, still, on

in the fire- box, by which means a body of water

thrown upon the fire was instantly converted

into steam of high density, bursting as a shell

froma mortar, and produc ing the somersau lt de

sc ribed . This rent was attribu ted to the exc essive

ExPLOSIONs or LOC OMOTIVE c orn eas. 293

heat from the quantity of fuel in the fire- box,

abou t 2 feet thick, which, when the engine was

at work, by mea'ns of the draught of the blast

pipe, is kept at a white heat. ” But this rent is

the effec t, not the cause of the explosion : no

ac tion of the fire on the fire- box could produce

the rent stated, unless either the valve was over

loaded, or there had been a defic iency of water

in the boiler. The cause of the ac c ident must,therefore, either have arisen from an excess of

pressure or a defic iency of water. Supposing the

boiler had a flaw or c rack in the metal plate overthe fire, as stated in evidence at the coroner’s

inquest, as the boiler had long stood the general

pressure, the probability is, this flaw was ex

panded by neglec t of water in the boiler, when

the exc ess of pressure would ac t on the weakest


The evidence on this oc casion suffic iently proves

the necessity of a proper system of neu tral ia

spection and surveillance of railways for the

public secu rity ; for it is just as reasonable to

apply a systemof inspec tion for conveyances for

inland transport as in maritime matters to adopt

Lloyd’s survey and c lassification. The accident

alluded to could not have happened without in

attention , or perhaps great negligence. We are

u 3

294 RUNNING Loc omorrvxs or c om e

of the usual kind, 3} inches diameter , and the

engine was generally worked at about 60 pounds

of pressure on the square inch ; but we also have

it in evidence that the men worked by contr act;

that their interest was to save coke, which was

weighed out to them; that the engi neers were

paid a certain sum per mile, out of which they

had to pay their own oil and tallow, and had also

to pay their own fireman. One of the witnesses

stated that he seldom saw steam blown ad

from the contrac t engines, and in starting wi th

heavy loads, the engineer put his hand upon the

spring- balance of the valve, one of Salter’s fiat

sided ones ; this enabled themto start better.

It thus appears, that in order to sa ve c oke,steam was allowed to ac c umulate at the most

dangerous time, before the engine was set in

ru ns the risk of blowing uphimself and allarou nd

him, merely to save the value of a few pounds

weight of fuel. One can hardly conceive a moredangerous arrangement in respec t to sec urity to

the public than contrac ting to work engines in

this manner.

since 1830, that there has not been suffic ient

system. It is probable, however, that more goodwillarise by attempting a judiciou s remedy for evilsappertaining to a systemthan by overthrowi ng it.Experience teaches, and still more the history ofhuman invention points out, that perfec tion is

gained by slow degrees. Whatevermay c ome ofthe atmospheric princ iple, with which so much has

already been accomplished, and upon which so

much ingenu ity has been displayed neverthe

less, until experience has fully proved its advan

tages, it would be mere folly to rejec t allthe ex

perienc e already so laboriously acquired in loco

motive transport, at least, on the ground of lia

bility to ac c idents, which, undoubtedly, prudence

and cau tion may, in a great measure, avert.

The atmospheric princ iple in its application on

an extended scale in these times has been asc ribed

to various individuals. The knowledge of the


elastic ity and compressibility of the air is of Old

standing. The anc ients, however, had very erroneous ideas on these points. The belief of Aris

totle, that Natu re abhorred a vac uum,

” extended

its fallacy overmany Of the doc trines propounded

by the philosophers in Europe until the period of

Galileo, who discovered that the weight of the air

was the true cause for many of those simple phewhich had puzzled preceding ages —such

as the rise of water in pumps and syphons. The

atmospheric princ iple Of propulsion is intimately

as soc iated with the interesting sc ience of dy

namice. The pressure of the atmosphere is estimated at from 14 to 15 pounds on the square

inch at the level of the sea, subjec t to certain

The physical law being c learly established, that

the globe is pressed on all sides by a weight of

air equ ivalent to that indicated by the barometer,and as this pressure must always be in operation,

it follows that every objec t on the surfac e of the

earth must sustain a superinc umbent pressureequ ivalent to the square inches Of su rfac e it pre

sents. Supposing, for examme, that the su rfac e

of the human body measured 2000 square inches :

thismultiplied by 15 lbs. the atmospheric pressureat the level of the sea, wou ld give a pressure

298 PRINC lPLE S o r amosr aE RIc PnOPU Lso .

equalto 30,000 1bs. The reasomwhy this enor

mous force is not fela or that one is u nc onsc ious

in every dnecfiomand that air fills allspac e ; but


ect is at once made palpable. The simplest

experiment for ascertaining this fac t is to place

the palmof the hand over a cylinder fr om/ which

tbe air has been exhausted ; the prom o on two

square inches would be equal to 30lbs. of pan da -o

able matter upon it. One may easi ly, therefore,conceive how so powerfu l, and wonderfu l , and

ever- present an element as the pressure of the

air should have been thought of as a movingpower to set machinery in motion ; for a move:

able piston travelling or working in a cylinder or

tube fromwhich the air has been exhau sted wi ll

be pressed equal to the number Of square inches

of surface : thus s surfac e of 12 inches square, or

144 square inches, would be pressed by a weight

equal to 21601bs., if the merc ury was exhau aed

to 30 inches ; or in a pipe of 15 inches diametm'


the surface area of which would be equal to above

176 inches, making the forc e of the external atmosphere impelling forward a piston within it equal

to 2640 lbs. weight ; but as a complete vac uumcannot be attained, the pressure will be regulated


many, about the year 1664 . An a ir - pump was.contemporaneous with that of Gu eric ke, inventedin this country by the eminent philosopher, the

Honou rable Robert Boyle, F . R. S. As it was

investigations, mu ch ingenu ity was displayed in

perfec ting it. The chief use, however, of the

air- pump, till wi thin rec ent years, was c onfined

to experimental or philosophic pu rposes. The

present age, however, being one of prac ticalapph

cation, the knowledge which philosophers c onfined

to theoretical illustrations has been made sub

has been applied of late years on a most giganticscale, both to atmospheric propu lsion and other

When the pressu re of th

known to be regu lated by immutable

advantages to be derived from using

impelling force soon became apprec iated

steam engines were first invented

termed atmospher ic engines, because

made to act through the pressure of

the combined effec t of its weight and

The idea, however, of produc ingmospheric pressure, or what is now


a tmospheric system, has been generally asc ribed

to Denys Papin, an ingenious Fren ch engineer.

Papin construc ted, about the year 1695, a ma

chine in which the pressure of the air should be

u sed as a mec hanical agent for effec ting a partial

vac uum in a cylinder. To attain this, he made a

water- wheel work an air- pump to produ ce the

rarefaction. He tried in this country a methodof transferring the action of the moving power toa great distance. The ingenious idea occ urred to

him, that he cou ld make a fall of water at somedistance from amine or coal- pit work a piston to

c ompress the air in a cylinder communicating,by


of a pipe, with another cylinder at the

mouth of the mine, and that the piston of the

latter shou ld, froma connec ting- rod, give motionto pumps at the bottom of the mine. He cal

c ulated that the pressure of the air in the one

cylinder would force up the piston of the other,and give a rec iprocating motion to the pumps.

Thi s plan was not suc c essfu l ; but much of the

want of su ccess has been attributed to the not

knowing the retardation in its motionwhich air

wards tried this plan on a large scale in Germany,

but with little better success. He likewise at


tempted to produce a vacumn hy the use of gnn

powder, but his plan did not succ eed.

given, even of a later period show the disap

pointments which have been experimc ed and the

diffic ulties met with in bringing inven tion s to the

test of prac tical usefulness. They may afl’ord a

useful lesson, to prove howmuch needla s expense

may be inc urred in trying complicated and round

abou t proc esses to attain an objec t, when, per

haps, the princ iple on which the inven ti on was

founded was not merely defec tive in itself, but

would overbd ance allits advantages. Howoften

models, the only tendency of which is to mis

lead,and which, if stripped of their tinselry, and

reduced to the real objec t they seek to attain,

would be found in prac tice useless and absu rd.

Wherever simplic ity is overlooked, and the work

ing of the mac hine is a labour in itself, it may

be well doubted if it will be of real u se.


The invention of the atmospheric mode of pro

pulsion has by some writers been asc ribed to


was obtained with a load of abou t six tons, andtwenty - two miles with a load of eleven ton s. The

diameter, and a vac uum equal to a c olumn ofmerc ury of inc hes was obtained. As the

engine and mode of propu lsion were public ly ex

hibited for some time, and were seen by many

persons interested in the railway system, a good

Opportunity was afforded for the development ofthe u tility of the system. Amongst others, the

direc tors of the Dublin and Kingstown Ra ilway

were so satisfied with the su ccess of the experi

ment, that they resolved to adopt this methodof trac tion upon a short extension of the line,1} mile fromKingston, near Dublin, to D alksy,

where the gradients and c urves of the line were

considered by their engineer as unsu itable for the

working of locomotive engines. This railway was

accordingly prepared for the atmospheric princ iple.

It was opened in August, 184 3, and it is still

Worked in thismanner. Fromthe period of the

commencement of the Dalkey branch till its com

pletion no farther movement was made by rai lway

companies towards adopting the atmospheric pr inc iple, and public c uriosity was exc ited to asc ertain

the result of the experiment. At length, the Lon

don and Croydon Railway Company resolved,from


an extension of trafii c , to lay down a third line of

mila and werc so satisfied as to the suc cess of the

atmospheric plan, that they obtained an ac t of

Parliament, in 1843, to construc t a single line of

atmospheric railway from London to Croydon,

and to make an exte nsion of the same fromCroydon to Epsom. As the part of it now formedruns c lose to, and parallel with, the locomotiveline, a fair comparison can be made of the relative

merits of the rival modes of trac tiomand data

w ill be afi'

o rdcd for the gu idance of other com

panies who may wish to adopt the atmosphericsystem. It is proposed that the line shall be ex

tended, shou ld the plan Si tcomfromEpsomtoPortsmou th, the part now forming being a portion

ofwhat is termed the Direc t London and Ports

mouth Railway,

” for which a bill was obtained

in the last session of Parliament. The South

Devon, and Paris and St. Germaine companies aresaid to have also adopted this system, and various

lines are now projec ted, and companies formed toapply for acts. One of the most extensive of these

schemes yet projec ted is a direc t atmosphericrailway fromLondon to Northampton. But theprospec t of obtaining an ac t for an extensive

railway of this kind, as yet, must be doubtful,seeing that Parliament in the session 1845, after


306 ar u osr nsmc RA ILWAY .

a protrac ted contest, threw out . tbe bill for con

struc ting an atmospheric ra ilway from New

castle to Berwick. The following is an extract

fromthe Committee’s Report, July, 1845

But your C ommittee do not feel called u pon to express

an opinion on the relative merits of the atmospheric and

loc omotive systems. or on their c omparative applic ability to

railways in general . For, even assuming the efii c iency of

the trac tive power u nder the atmospher ic system, and ad

mitting the preposed Northumberland line to be unob

jec tionable in an engineering point of view if worked on

that system, sti ll the evidenc e taken before your C ommittee

does not justify them in coming to the c onc lusi on that a

s ingle atmospheri c line, w ith the arrangements at present incontemplation, c an c arry the estimated trafi c between

Newcastle and Berwick with the same convenienc e and

punctual ity which are already atta ined by the loc omotive

lines ofwhich it wou ld be a c ontinuation.




On the Dalkey branch, where this mode ofpropu lsion was first adopted on a public railway,

upon an inc line rising one foot in a hundred, a

continuous c asto iron pipe, of about fiFteen inc hes

in diameter, and a mile and a quarter in length,is

laid horizontally between the rails on which thecarriages run . A stationary engine is plac ed at

308 aw osr ns nrc na u war .

position , so as the pipe laay continue w tighi

the retention of the vac uum or ec onomic aler

haustion of the pipe. Were the valve to coa

tinue open, the atmospheric air would then be

pumped i nto the pi pe instead of the attenu ation

of the air within the pipe imelf proc eeding.

When it is c onsidered, too, that themmust be an

open sha with a confinuom valva fi'

om end to

end ef the pipa, whether one mile or three milcs,

or from stationary engine to stationary engine,

over any extent of a railway, the prac tical

difficulty arising from leakage must at once be

apparent. On the Dalhey line the length ot'


being only oue and a quarter mile, it was ap

parent that mshort distanc es hke thia to emt


pumping engines would be a strong objec tion

to this system. It was therefore proposed when

that railway was opened, that the fixed engines

might be plac ed at every three miles, or, perhaps,a greater distance along a liae, and an Mment made by whic h, when the travelli ng pimon

approached the end of one range of pipe, “

piston would open a transverse valve at the end

Of the next pipe, which would admit it into the


next length of pipe, or within the influen ce of

another air-

pinup, and so on, from one range of

exhausted air - pipe to another ; and so over the

length of railway a train might proceed withoutstopping. There are, perhaps, few inventions in

these inventi ve times that display more mechani

calskill in overc oming diffic ulti es than the atmospheric mode of propuls ion, so far even as it has

yet been prac tically tried ; and should it u lti

mately prove unsucc essfu l, it will be exc eedingly

mortifying that so much labour shou ld have been

bestowed in vain ; but should the result of ex

per ienc e he, to prove the systemdefec tive, it willsink into desuetude like mariy other inventions,to which, perhaps, the mental powers of the cou

trivers have been self-devoted, and which now lie

bu ried in the tomb of time.



As this railway is modelled on the prec edingone, and has attrac ted mu ch public attention, and

as I have had opportunities of observing its pro

gress, Ishall give a short desc ription of it, avoid

ing technicalities. The atmospheric machineryx 3

310 A'

rn osr ns nxo nu nwa r :

is designed under the patent of Messrs

Samuda, by whom, and

has been carried i

railway completedDartmouth Arms 8

to Croydon. In the

it became necessary to fixin which the exhau stion

without loss of power.

railway yet formed the swhich are of the most tasteful design , have been

erected about three miles apart ; namely, at Dart

mouth Arms, Norwood, and Croydon. A strong

cast- iron pipe of 15 inches internal diameter,being the same size as that on the Dalkey line,has been laid down and sec ured to the ground

midway between the lines of rails, whic h are 4 feet

85 inches gauge. The pipe is c ast with iron bands

to strengthen it, and is made in piec es of 10 feet,firmly joined together, and so forming a con

tinuous air- tight tube. A partial vac u um is

formed within this tube by pumping the a ir ou t

with powerful force- pumps worked by the station

ary engines, which are of 50 horse- power each,

construc ted spec ially for the purpose by Messrs.Maudsley and Field. The engine power is 300

horses for the 4§ miles of rail, there being two


pisto n. The number of plates is requ isi te to

give flexibility to the valve or flap. There is a

thin plate of steel introduced between the leather

and the upper plate, for the purpose of acting as

a spring to c lose the valve after the piston has

passed. One edge of the valve is sec urely held

down by a succ ession of long iron rods bolted to

a longitudinalrib cast on the pipe, on one side of

the latera1 0pening, and the valves work on a

hi nge of leather similar to the valves commonlyu sed in air- pumps. The opposite edge of the

valve, when shut, rests on the other side of the

lateral opening or slit of the pipe, having a

margin cast on the pipe, thu s forming a longitudinal channel or groove (fig. 62. B). This

trough is filled with a composition of bees~waxand bellow, which, when it has been melted and

cooled, adheres to the edge of the valve and keeps

it air- tight : this substance bec omes solid at the

temperature of the atmosphere, and becomes flu id

when heated a few degrees above it. As the

valve mu st open continuately, or inch by inch,

to permit the armof the piston to pass, in a bed

of the melting composition , one part of the ap

paratus, and not the least important, in the atmo~


spheric system, must obv iously be the openingand cementing again of the valve as the train

progresws, for as the valve must be ra ised and

the cement broken on the approac h of the bent

connec ting rod, so it requires to be again immediately c losed. In order to effec t this, fou r smallwheels (fig. 63. B E ) are fixed within the pipe

behind the travelling piston (C ), and travelling

with it, two before the bent plate or c onnec tingarm (fig. 62. F), and two behind it. Thesewheels are the means provided by which the one

edge of the valve is raised, to permit the con

nec ting rod freely to pass without tou ching or

destroying the valve, and also for the admissionof air . As the valve opens the air rushes into

the pipe, on the back of the piston (fig. 63. C )equal to the area of the pipe, and thus the atm0

spheric pressure is kept up. This explains how

the pressure of the air is made continu ously

operative on the piston within the pipe fromwhich the air is exhausted. In order to re- sealthe vac uum valve, as fast as the composi tion is

broken In the trough, there are fixed to the car

the longitudinal valve, and 18 followed by a copper

tube or heater (D), abou t five feet long, which

316 CLEGG ammu’s


318 nxr nnmnms ON THE c aovnoxv

sealing it, form the important points in the at

mospheric railway system of Messrs. Clegg and

Samuda, and display very great c leverness and

ingenu ity.

F ig. 62. represents a transverse sec tion of the

pipe shown in the preceding sketch (fig. thecontinuous valve, and mode of connec ting the

carriage upon the rails with the travelling pistonwithin the pipe.

Su ch is a general desc ription of this atmospheric railway , so far as yet constru c ted . Mr.

Samuda has shown that while a great speed can

be attained, there is only a loss of power fromleakage of air into the exhausted tube of not

more than from 1 to I; horse- power per mile,whereas it was an tic ipated that much loss of

power would have arisen fromthis cause. It has

been stated the expense for lost power w ill not

be more than a penny per train for 20miles. In

the mec han ical diffic ulty of the opening and

c losing of the valve mu ch, it appears, has now

been accomplished, and there seems little doubt

that as this invention progresses, means may be

found for still farther simplifying and perfec ting

this part of the machinery ; for the less the complica tion of the contrivanc e for this purpose the

more likely it will be to prove suc cessful.

320 or n sa amom nmc P u s s.

fect eese. Indeed a train has been brought to s

stand- still to deprive it of its previou s impetusat the foot of the incline, and then propelled np

the inc line without difiiculty .

The momentumgiven to the carriages by the

atmospheric power is checked by means of powerfulbreaks : suc h has been the momentnmae

qu ired, that two pair of breaks were applied fior

{ the ol'

a mile before stopping ensued. Ther


pass through it, and the vac uum, and c onsequentlythe force of propu lsion, gradually dec reased It

has also been projec ted that means shou ld be

fromthe travelling piston.

It‘ would be qu ite impossible to desc ribe or emnotice the many contrivanc es proposed OElate for

atmospheric propu lsion Wi thou t filling volumes :

but it wou ld be out of place in this treatise to do

so, as the objec t is to point out the progress which

the railway systemhas prac tically atta ined,and

rmnns AND P i t nnow’

s PATENT sr sr sms. 321

not to specu late on what inventions may ulti

therefore avoided, and only those inventions whic h

have been carried into effec t described.

Mr. Henry Pinkus, whose name has already

been notic ed, has recently published an elaborate

desc ription of his patent atmospheric railway.

Mr. Pinkus was amongst the first who had the

merit of bringing the atmospheric system promiu en tly before the public . He obtained patents for

his inventions in 1834 , 1836, and 1839. Several

years ago he exhibited a working model of a small

stationary engine, forming a vac uum in flexible

tubes. In 1840, he published a pamphlet desc ribing his Agrarian system,

” or the pneumatic

princ iple to effec t the working of agricu ltural

Among other plans of atmospheric railways

proposed, is that of Mr. James Pilbrow, ofLondon,

who obtained a patent for his inven tion on the

17th of May, 1844 . Mr. Pilbrow appears to have

founded the c laim to superiority of his patentsystem upon what he considers the defec ts of

Messrs. Clegg and Samuda’

s, such as the difiiculty

of getting a c losu re of the valve. He points out

the advantages of his plan to be, the avoiding

leakage by bu rying the pipe, and working the



apparatus without a valve, and the travelling

piston, invented by preceding experimenters, isplaced in the exhausted air tube, and is c onnected

to the carriages by a small upright rod moving

in an air - tight slit or groove on the top of the

tube : the rod is kept in its track by guide wheels,

on the railway, which work in a rack attached to

that travelling with the leading carriage. At the

present stage, it is impossible to form any de

c ided opinion of this contrivance. Whether the

rod willslide in a slit suffic iently tight to prevent

remains to be seen when practically tested on a

public railway. Some new railways have been

projec ted on thi s plan.

Amongst the numerous patents for the atmospheric princ iple of propu lsion, is Mr. John Alt

with water, and, by long educ tion pipes desc endingfromthe former, to obtain a vac uum; or to use

water for covering the valve to retain the vac uumobtained. A patent was obtained by Mr. J. G.

Shuttleworth, of Sheffield, in 1840, for the appli

cation of a column or body of water ac ting

against a piston in a tube for the purpose of the

propulsion of carriages. Water has likewise been

324 a n memes

volution in the mode of drawing ortrains on railroads, and in the manner

the rotatory motion of paddle- wheels

produced. Mr. Parsey’

s invention is,applicable to allthe purposes of setting

in motion for which steam- engines

ployed. The engines are worked

pressed into receivers

nished by the patentee, can

may require. To the receiver

engine so filled, to obviate the

gradualdec line of pressure as

ders draw it off, a receiver

the air passes tillit reac hes a given

sure, which it cannot exceed but by

to the working receiver

duc tive passage from theor receivers

the driving cylinders, by which

power is carried by the engine


s r AGE NC Y or GASE S, ar e. 325

mechanic ians and practical engineers have spoken

of the model mhigh terms. Whether the planwill succeed or not must at present be uncertain ,

but its merits can only be asc ertaincd by its

being fully tested.

C arbmic ac id gas and other gases have been

tried, to produce a vac uum. Mr. J. Robinson, of

London, has a patent for a mode of working en

gines by the agency of gas for produc ing motivepower . Experiments have also been tried on rai l

ways to make use of elec tro- magnetism as the

motive power, but, as yet, wi th little prospec t of



AT the present time, when so many railways are

proposed, and as, from the advantages derived

from this mode of transit, it must be apparent

that, in order to place one di strict of the country

on a footing with another, every town and vi i

lagc mu st have the means afi'

orded of rapid and

di rec t communication, otherwise certa in localities

must be plac ed beyond the pale of easy access, it

is most important to know, so far as experience1 3

326 ormxoxs on ma

has yet gone, the vi ews of sc ientific men as to the

comparative advantages of these modes of trac tion.

of Civil Engineers, and the most eminent of thatbody appear to take Opposi te views respec ting

the antagonist powers. In a communication

made to the Institu tion by Mr. P. W. Barlow,

C . E. , On the comparative Advantages ofme

Atmospheric Railway System,

” he gives the result

of certain experiments on the Ty ler inc li ned plane

ing the amount of lost power of the rope tramas compared with that of the atmospheric railway

systemon the Dalkey inc lined plane, fromwhichit appears that a stationary engine of twenty- five

horse power will convey thi rty- five tons at an

average speed of seven and a half mi les per hour

up the former inc line of 1 in 48, and is capable of

produc ing as great a useful mec hanica l effort as

the engine of 100horse power on the Dalkey line,as the former raises more than half the load threeti mes the altitude on the same length of an inc line

in nearly the same interval of time : or, in other

words, trains of thirty- five tons are raised by a

25 horse power engine on an inc line of 1 in 48

at the same speed as the Dalkey engine of 100

328 sAr n'

rv or r u n

power : that there is also a loss of power nwes

sarily arising from the construc tion of the air

pump, and, in addition to that from leakage,there will be a certain loss, fromthe atmospherenot having timc to ac t with fu ll effect on the

piston : that as the loss from leakage does notform a large proportion of the lost power, there

is little field for mechanical improvement, which

has been urged as an argument in favour of the

system: that the loss of time and power, fromthe interval necessary to get up the requi red

vac u um, will have the effec t of redu c ing the

average rate of travelling on a single line of

atmospheric pipe considerably below that of a

locomotive line, becau se such loss of time must

occ ur at the meeting of every train ; and wi th

trains running at intervals of half an hour, this

delay must necessarily occ ur every quarter of an


The prec eding is the substanc e of Mr. P. W.

Barlow’s interesting paper, which does not augur

very favourably for the permanent success of the

atmospheric mode of trac tion. He states the best

result obtained from the expeM ents on the

Dalkey line, was the transport of trains of thi rty

tons in five minu tes. Ithas been ascertained, that

the atmospheric system on the Dalkey line has


not been remunerative, having hardly paid its

working expenses : this shou ld not, however, be

impu ted to the system, for it may have arisen

fromthe locality and natu re of the trafii c , and the

systemwi ll soon be more fu lly developed on theLondon and Croydon Railway. Even should this

system be less efii c ient as a moving power thanstationary engines with the rope trac tion, it is

more convenient, and gets rid of the tear and

wear of ropes.

Wi th respec t to the supposed superior safety of

the atmospheric system, there has not yet been

suffic ient experience of the working of it on an

extensive scale to judge. One very obvious de

feet which appertains to the atmospheric as well

as to all systems of trac tion where the motive

power is entirely separated fromthe carriage is,that no possible control exists over it. Where

fixed engines were used for rope traction, it has

been long found to be attended with prac ticalinconvenienc e ; and it does not appear how it can

be lessened by the atmospheric plan. Any oh

struction on a line 18 just as apt to be run into

by the atmospheric carriage as by the loc omotive,and the carriages may thus be overturned, while

in reali ty less power exists in slowing or checking

the atmospheric carriages than in the locomotive.


Supposing the momentum in either train, pro

ceeding at sixty miles an hour, to be the w e,

the locomoti ve has the advantage of having the

means of at once reversing the ac tion of the

engine, and cu tt ing off the supply of steam; and

even should the atmospheric train be plac ed in

loc omotive has the power of lessening the severityof the shock fromany obstacle on the rails, the

atmospheric must be nearly powerless to avoid

destruction. Although, therefore, the atmospheric

direc t collisions barely possible, as two trains

cannot move in the same sec tion of pipe at the

same time, and one must leave the sec tion of the

pipe that it may again be exhausted of air, still,until experience has fully developed the safety of

the worki ng of the system, it is merely hypo

thetical to speak of its entire safety. With

respec t to the relative expen se of the atmosphericand locomotive systems, Ihold this to be ofmuch

less importance than the matter of safety . It

becomes, indeed , a matter of calc ulation, of easy

solu tion, whether fifty horse or more power ap

plied to work an air - pump, or the same power

332 osmc r loxs r o THE

locomotive line, will not the great expense of

formation and working the line nec essarily confimthe construc tion of this railway systemto singlelines of way ? There is no doubt that the atmo

spheric on a single line is considerably a far than

a locomotive on a single line, which is not m;

but locomotive single lines are, however, rar ely

u sed. Although it has been held by the advoc ates

of the atmospheric system that it possesses thepecu liar advantage that a single line wou ld prove

suffic ient ; yet, because on the very few mi les of

single rails where locomotive power is u sed few

ac cidents have happened, is there any person who

would recommend such amode of railway on lines

where great trafic exists? The idea, therefore, of

holding out that the atmospheric possesses thispec u liar advantage, is merely visionary. Mr. R.

Stephenson has shown m his report the imprac

ticabili ty of working a single line of atmosphm'ic

railway when applied to a line of 1 12 miles mlength with trains running every half hour and at

a mean veloc ity of thirty mi les an hour, by the

fac t that “ the to tal time of the journey wouldbe increased ten hours I” in consequ ence of the

delays occasioned by one train waiting till it had

met wi th that which was coming in the oppositedirection, and the pipe was exhausted so that it


could proceed. On shorter lines, perhaps, these

obstruc tions would not be so objec tionable ; but,

as has been remarked,“ would it not be as easy

for locomotives to follow each other with trainsevery half or quarter of an hour, and when

arrived at a sta tion, to wait till the train in the

opposite direc tion had passed ?”

But where is the

engineer who would recommend the adoption of

su ch a systemif he were held responsible for the

regular working of it ?

Numerous objec tions have been urged against

the working of the atmowheric princ iple ; su ch as

the uncertainty of working the traffic both on

terminal and intermediate stations, and the

nec essary arrangements at level crossings. ” At

terminal and intermedi i te stations, where goods

and mineral traffic is large, some other powerwould be requ ired to be employed than that ofthe main line. The waggons are now shunted or

backed into a siding by the engine but in atmo

spheric lines manual, horse, or engine power must

be employed to remove the waggons ; and this

must add to the risk of ac c ident, fromtheir beingleft probably for a time on themain line. Another

objec tion wi ll arise fromthe loss of power by the

uncertainty at starting of the weight of the train ;

and to maintain a higher veloc ity than with the


locomotive system, engines of greater power must

be used, or abou t 200 horse power for every mileand a quarter. Or, as the leakage or ru sh of air

into the exhausted pipe, which influences the

veloc ity of the trains, will be greatly inc reased by

extending the length of the pipe to three or four

miles, the power requ ired to work it must be

power may have the effec t, that the expense

must be so increased to attain the same poweras with the locomotive system as to make the

cost inordinate. Such are some of the chief

objec tions urged against the atmospheric system,

to which may be added, that the derangement of

the engine of one station may stop the tr afic of

the whole line. Much has been said in favour of

the atmospheric system, on the ground of the

absence of smoke and dust, and also that c inders

are not scattered about as by the locomotiveengines ; and doubtless this is a great advantage,if not counterbalanced by other drawbacks.

With respect to the expense of working the

There seems little doubt that to be efi ctwe, the

power of the engine must be large and a su rplus

power always at command. On the London and

Croydon railway, in the five mi les, the 300 home


overcome it cannot be deemed perfect.

However c lever the present arrangements of

Messrs. Clegg and Samuda’s system are, and

however perfec t the workmanship may he, still

wheels revolving at a rapid rate within a length

ened tube must be liable to oc casional derange

ment, and requ ire constant watching, and it has

been shown that the Opening and c losing Of the

valve depends on thi s agency. Out of the numerous inventions one perfect one may be Obtained.

It is only by the prac ti cal working ofthe systemwhich Messrs. Clegg and Samuda have intro

duced that will be ascertained wherein lies the

defec t, and its correction found ou t. From themomentumof the carriages, their lightness on the

rails, and the diffic ulty Of making a break act

quickly on them, the danger must be as great,if not greater, of the hind carriages running at?

the rails than with the locomotive train, and of

their ben c rushed in a similar way ; for it can

not be the single slight attachment of one carriage

in a train to the armof the travelling piston that

will guard against such a casualty. One of the

strongest arguments urged in favour Of the sys

temseems to be the capability of ascending steepgradients bu t this cannot either be deemed withrapid veloc ity as either advantageous, prudent, or


safe ; beside which, much has been done, even in

this respec t, with locomotive engines.Having thus considered the question of the

locomoti ve and the atmospheric system, it must

be left to the result of time to test their com

parative advantages, for, at the present time, the

ac counts of the latter are conflic ting and contra


In making a few brief Observations under this

head, I feel that to find fault with a systemwhich

has been the growth of a few recent years, and

which has already ac complished so much, is u n

grac ious : the remarks are made with the viewof endeavou ring to bring about a similarity Of

railway prac tice so essential as respec ts the safety

of passengers, and important for the interest of

the railway companies.The chief defec t of the locomotive railway

systemarises from the want Of u niformand fixed

data founded u pon properly conduc ted experi

ments to regulate the c onstruc tion Of railways

as to the gradients, c u rves, height of tunnels

338 mr E RE E C'

rloxs or Loc ono'mva SYSTEH.

width of viaducts, form of rails, and mode of

fixing these ; thc width or gauge of the rails, the

limit also of the railway between embankments,elevation of bridges, road crossings, and the

various points Of railway formation in which so

rule seems adopted on almost '

any point. Of

course it is not desirable that, in minor matters,opinions should not difi


er and the plan be adapted

best calc u lated for the c irc umstances ; but, where

the arrangement involves the public safety, it

seems desirable that in all the leading fea tu res of

worked ou t : on the contrary, it has been shown

that, on one railway, one formof iron rails, chairs,

opposite ; and so on with other points on which

different views are entertained,—all tending to

perplex and to prove a fruitfu l source of ac ci

dents, the usual concomitants of unc ertainty.

The effec t of this has been to weaken public eonfidenc e in the system, and has led to the de

velopment Of those sc hemes of atmmpher ic pro'

pulsion, some of which have been notic ed.


Great Western, that any real convic tion existed,

or any positive knowledge had been ac qu ired,

that the 4 feet 8} inch gauge was the heat which

could have been adopted. The narrow

been at first u sed ; and, therefore, as it

presented no prac tical inc onvenience, it bec ame

gradually extended over the kingdom. In the

recent disc ussions of this question, there is

out, prominently, the advantage

have been derived by establishing a uniform railway gauge over the United Kingdom.

point been taken cognizance of by go

when the Liverpool and Manchester line was

Opened, and had a uniformity Of gaugeadopted, mu ch confusion

for it seems more than probable thatlater, at least on allthe direc t lines of c ommuni

be established, so as locomotivewithou t interrupti on from oneisland to the other.

Up to the present time, conveni

and the views of the Company,

adoption of the broad or narrow gauge.

It is to be regretted that, as personal

are so mixed up with the important qu

the gauge, it is hardly possible to expec t, at the


can be no doubt that a rai lway with a gauge of

4 feet inches can be made at much less ex

pense than with a 7 feet gauge. As respec ts the

first cost,i f the qu estion is dependent on this, it

may be viewed as settled. But although the

proportion of the broad - gauge railways is only as

1 to 51 Of the narrow yet formed, and perhaps a

greater disproportion exists in those projec ted,

still, if the princ iple which Mr. I. K. Brunel

adopted is the correc t one, sooner or later hi s

views may come to be adopted, and the broad

gauge extended.

It may, indeed, seem a great hardship and a

u seless expense, and in many cases impossible to

c onvert the narrow into the broad gauge, al

though it i s a simple thing to alter the broad

to the narrow, as it would requ ire, in the for

mer, widening Of embankments and enlarging

of tunnels and bridges, allof which things wou ld

oc casion a greater outlay than railway com

panies can reasonably be expected to agree to ;

it is,therefore, the more imperative that no

dubiety exist as to the real advantages Of the broad

gauge. It has, indeed, been very natu rally sup

posed that in this mechanical age some scheme

z 3

will be devised to get oeer the dific tflty of

having recourse to altcring the gauges of exist»

Several suggestions have been made and plans

means of which it is stated that

tr ucks or waggons, containing 30

be removed fromthe narrow to theor vic e verrd, in about six minutes.

What the public aremost interesteddisc ussion of the merits Of the gauges, is

and comfort of railway

should hang round a point which

difii c ult solution, does not add to

in this mode of transit.The Opinion in favour Of the broad

7 feet is founded on variou s reasons ;others, that additional

attained ; that there is

larging the diameter of th

afforded roomfor broader

for many kinds Of goods,afforded a larger spac e

fire- box su rfac e. Fromthe great ge


had, no longer exist. The supporters Of the

narrow gauge state, that by the improvements

which have been introduced, namely, inc reasingthe length Of the boiler and generating moresteamwith the same fuel, the simplification given

to the working gear, and the improvements latelymade on the valves and expansive apparatus,means are provided for economising steamfasterthan it is required ; and that as an engln e can go

at a veloc ity Of upwards of 60miles an hour witha wheelof 5gfeet diameter on a leveh and nearly

the same on a moderate inc line, on a gauge of563} inches, and that as it is equally safe as re

spects acc idents as the broad gauge—what real

advantage can be derived from making the

change ?

Thus we perc eive

are at no loss for arguments to en

c laims for public approbation.

Whatever may be the opinion Of

gineers as to the preference they

narrow over th

favour Of the broad

it is best to let well alone, and

experience as the safest test, yet

a dec ision Of this point can be


nothing but inconvenience, and we have already

seen how many years in railway advancementwere lost in foolish assumptions which a few

experixnents could have speedily tested ; and

s urely it is time that a point so important as the

best gauge of rails for public safety shou ld be

plac ed beyond cavil.

Perhaps themain objec tions to the broad gauge

on the ground of increased expense in the

first construc tion, and the fear Of being forced,

fromc irc umstances, to tear up existing rails ; for

all statements promulgated as to the inferior

stability Of carriages on the broad gauge, and

danger from their axles breaking, are properly

considered fallac iou s. But Objections arising

to the numerous projec ted lines before Parliament.

As the Act passed in favour of the line fromOxford to Wolverhampton carried the broad

gauge into the heart Of England, the railway

companies took the alarm, and much disc u ss ion

took place on the question of the gauges. Astatement was issu ed by those connec ted with the

narrow gauge, to the effec t that the mixture of

gauges would be attended with two great public

evils ; the one arising fromthe change Of passen

346 s now m am our

gers and goob froma line of one gange to that af

the other ; the second fromthe inc reased c oa coa

sequent upon the formation, in m y m of twa

lines of railway , where one would have m we ed

the purpmParliament, durin

g the smion of 1 845 , having

still hung over the subject, a roya l c ommissionappointed by government on the 5th of

July, 1845, to inqu ire into the question,

whether, in fu ture Ac ts of Parliament for the

be made for wcufing a u niform gangg md

whether it wou ld be expedient and practi cable

to take measu res to bring the railways already

constructed, or in progress of construc t ion,in

Great Britain, into uniformity of gauge.

It must now be matter of regret that this

question had not long ago been taken up by go

verament, as it seems self- obviou s that the uni

formity of gauge wou ld not only be of great

u tility in the United Kingdom, bu t thmughant


The Opinion of this commission, if fou nded

on sure evidence or well - conduc ted experiments,will be of essential servic e in affording uniform

too broad, when we find the body of a carriage 5

or 6 feet wide, and 9 feet high, weighi ng 4 tons,resting on so narrow a base as 565 inches. Therecan be little doubt entertained that the choice of

the narrow gauge originally was inconsiderate, for

when a broad

centre ofgravi

tain degree ofat high speeds, even on a straigh

ac c idental sinking of the rail, andmore so fromitsosci llation on sharp c urves, which

railways. It may be fairly pres

of the new lines now in progress have

into the adoption of a gauge of 56}perhaps against the wishes of the engineer,because they are to be connec ted with othof a similar gauge.

It would perhaps have been more advan

for the public interest had the powers

c ommission appointed b

tended further ; for not only is

the rai lway gauge environed wit

c ertainty, but almost every otherwith railway

other day, one

railways wi th steep

plan which other engineers


Parliament condemn. The question of gradients,

c u rves, and even the formof, and manner of lay

ing rails, has not yet been fully determined .

Since the preceding observations were in type,

the report of the Gauge Commissioners has been

presented to Parliament. It is a very able doc u

ment, and appears to have fu lly considered the

arguments on both sides. That it could not give

sati sfac tion to opposing parties may be readily

su rmised. If the conclusions are therefore dif

ferent from what, by some, were expec ted,it

cannot be imputed to prejudice, or any undue

The following is a summary of it

The Commissioners state in the outset that,

I. Their attention was first direc ted to ascertain whether

the break of gauge could be justly considered as an incoa

ven ienc e of so mu ch importance as to demand the inte r

ference of the legislature.

lat. As applying to fast or express trains .

They believe that the inc onvenience produced by th e

break ofgauge w ill, m some respec ts, be felt less in these

than 111 other trains, and do not consider the inc onvenienc e

of so great a nature as to call for any legislative measures,

either for its removal or mitigation.

They arrive at the c onc lusion that the break of gaqwould inflict considerable inconvenience on travellers bythe trains now under consideration, and that this incon


venience would be mu chgence of more than two

horse- boxes, and tr ucks of

c alled3d . Goods trains.

The Commissioners are of opinion,

gauge would altogether prevent the

ofmachinery ; and that with respect to

agricultural produc e, c attle, &c . , it woul


4 th. C onveyance of troops.

They are of opinion that the efihct of a. breakmight expose the c ountry to ser ious danger .

that they consider

II. The secondmeans of obviatin

to result fr omthe

slide on the axlebetween them; 2.

gauge, bu t havingmethod of shiftingand wheels of one

that no method has been proposed to themwlated to remedy, in any important degree, the i

attending a break of gauge.

III. The C ommissioners next view the

reference to the generalsafety

, accommodation, and conven ience for


alteration of the former to the latter, even if of equal length.

wou ld be the less costly as well as the less dific ult oper

ation .

The Commissioners guard themselves against expressing

an opinion in favou r of the narrow gauge of four feet eightand a halt

inches, as in all respects the most su ited for thv

general objec ts of the country. But, on the whole, theysubmit the following recommendations

1 . That the gauge of four feet eight inches and a halfbe dec lared by the legislature to be the

gauge to be


“ 2. That, unless by the consent of the legislature, it

shou ld not be permitted by the direc tors of any railway

“ 3. That, in order to complete the general chain of

narrow gauge communic ation from the nor th of Fmgland

to the southern coast, any suitable measure should be pro

ing, and thenc e to Basingstoke, or by any shorter rout:

c onnec ting the propwed Rugby and Oxford line with the

Sou th Western Railway .

“ 4 . That as any junction to be formed with a broadgauge l ine would involve a break of gauge, provided our

first recommendation be adopted, great commerc ial con

venience would be obtained by reducing the gauge of the

present broad gauge lines to the narrow gauge of four feet

eight inches and a half ; and we, therefore, think it desirablethat some equitable means should be found of produchig

The repor t is signedAstronomer Royal,

"and “ Peter



The report admits, what has been long behaved,

that the advantage of high veloci ty and ease of

motion is with the broad gauge ; that the driving

wheels with it admit of greater diameter, whichis favourable to high speed ; and that a greater

evaporating power can be given to the boiler

without its undue elongation ; while with the

narrow gauge, the inc rease of evaporating power

c annot be got withou t the elongation of the boiler,or raising its centre of gravity, both of which are

dangerous at high speeds. Or shou ld the power

be inc reased by plac ing the cylinders of the

engine ou tside the framing, it tends to produce

at high veloc ities a rocking and irregular motionof the engine.

The Commissioners remark, that the result

has been, that we are fully satisfied that the

average speed on the Great Western, both by

express trains and by the ordinary trains, exceeds

the highest Speed of similar trains on any of thenarrow gauge lin es. ” From experiments made


the average speed of a train of 80 tons, exclusive

of engine and tender, on the Great Western, was

found to be miles per hour. On the narrow

gauge the speed was less, and when attempting ahigh veloc ity the engine ran off the rails.



Notwithstanding that the report appears to be

in favour of the broad gauge, except for the con

veyanc e of goods, the Commissioners rec ommendthat, in fu ture, allrailways be construc ted of the

narrow. This conclusion is, no doubt, come to

merely on the ground Of the convenienc e of havinga uniformity of gauge. They likewise remark,

as regards the safety of the passengers, no pre

ference is due with well - proportioned engines

except at high veloc ities, when we think the we»

ference is due to the broad gauge.

It is thus admitted that for passenger trafio

the advantage li es wi th the broad gauge ; for

although high veloc ities must be deprecated asendangering public safety, if carried to an undue

excess, espec ially on lines where the railway is

not of sufli c ient substantiality to bear it, still as

rapid travelling is a desideratumbymany, if kept

Within prudential limits, it must be an Objec t if it

can be combined with perfec t safety. The pre

ferable gauge must therefore be the broad one,“ where the motion is generally more easy at high

veloc ities,”

and where no necessity exi sts Of over

forc ing or taxing ingenu ity to give power to

mac hinery when there is not space to place it.

With the public mind the questi on Of the gauge


of the Bonrd of M M M lmw the lst of

Acd Name 0!Baum.


That the uncertainty which hangs round manyof these points should lead to expensive altera

tions need not exc ite surprise, and that ac c idents

should spring from such causes is equally ap

pmnt. Even the datum’of a railway section is

The datumis the horizontal line in a railway section,

fromwhich the heights or depths ot'

the plwes are measumd,

and to which alllevels refer : by the Standing Ordera the

datummust refer to some fixedmark.


not defined, some engineers considering it desireble that one datumshould be fixed for allrailways

in Britain, whi le in prac tice it is not so.

It has been seen that the invention and per

fecting ,of the locomoti ve engine was a work of

time. After the maturity locomotive travelling

has reached, one can hardly doubt that, with so

powerfu l and controllable a motar, the safety onrailways will be much greater than it has been.

One thing seems apparent, that the use of loc o

motive engines cannot now be objected to fromthe want of suffic ient power. It has, indeed,

been well remarked, that with steamas a moving

power, the quanti ty of work to be performedneed never be diminished, as the performanc e of

it can always be effec ted by augmenting thepower of the engine, provided the works are so

substantial as to bear it ; and this resu lt has

been fully verified in the history of the locomo

tive engine, as it has been shown that the rails have

been inc reased from50lb. even to 85 lb. per yard.

It has been shown that the old ru le, which but

a few years ago obta ined, that a gradient ofmorethan 1 in 105 could not be profitably worked

except by stationary engines is a fallacy, for such

has been the succ ess fromthe rec ent prac tical,not theoretical improvementsmade in locomo

A A 3


ti ve engines to adapt them to asc end steep gra

diente, that it is probable it, may lead to material

changes in railway construc tion . If a gradient

Of l in 37 can be overcome, one of l in 75 cannot

now presen t much engineering diffic ulty . It has,indeed, been considered possible, by the inc rease

of power given to loc omotives, and by improvements in their construction, to enable them toasc end steep inc lines, in many cases, to avoid

tunnels, viaduc ts, and other expetm'

ve earth

works,which so mu ch increase the first cost of

railways. Whatever may come of the contemplated saving, there is evidence sufic ient to show

that engineers do not now hesitate to adopt steeper

gradients than formerly to overcome physicalOh

stac les. This idea has been adopted by the

engineer of the Caledonian Railway, who stated

in evidence that he gave a preference to a straight

line, with steep gradients, to a curved line, wi th

better gradients. On this line, now in course of

formation, there is an inc line, rising 1 foot in 76,

and 1 in 100, for 9 mi les between Beatock and

Evan Waterfoot,— 5 miles of which is 1 in 75.

By reference, likewise, to many Railway Ac ts,and prospectuscs of projec ted lines, inc lines Of l

in 70 to l in 80 in the line of way willbe fmmd,

and steeper inclines for short distances. The


greater improvements yet to be made on it.

Beyond a certain angle and rate of speed they

never can go with safety, and even in ascending

the angle they can now do, there is, as one

writer expresses it, such a development of asthmatic symptoms as to satisfy any one of the

strain and loss of power undergone. To be

satisfied with the application of the impellingpower to ascend moderate gradients seems the

best plan ; for even were steep gradients easily

asc ended, they must be with risk descended.

Extreme gradients obviously involvemuch danger

in traversing them, and nothing but the resu lt of

ample experience will satisfy any prudent person,

so far as is yet known, that in railway formation,be

the cost of works what itmay, moderate gradientsshould be dispensed with . If, by the substitution

Of powerfu l locomotives, tunnels, viaduc ts, and

qu ick c urves c an in any degree be done away

with, an Objec t of importance is gained. While,however, duly apprec iating the skill displayed by

which steeps of considerable altitude are c limbed,

it must not be overlooked that the triumph of

railway engineering lies in good gradients, and

that every departu re from the level is attended

with a c ertain loss of power.



From the rapidity with which railways have

been extended since 1830, there has hardly been

left suffic ient time formatured experience to per

fect details. The numerous and fatal acc idents

which have happened with locomotive engineswere supposed to be nec essarily attendant on the

infancy of the system, and as more experiencewas acqu ired in it, it was presumed, they would

be got the better of but their continuance has

c reated well- grounded alarm as to the effic ienc y

of the systemitself, and led, as we have seen, to

the consideration if a safer method of trac tioncou ld not be substitu ted. The absurdity of the

advocacy adopted by its sanguine supporters has

done much towards weakening the public con

fidence in the loc omotive system. By these

persons it has been argued, in favour of the computative safety of locomotive transit, that the

number of acc idents bears no proportion to the

number of passengers, which, in 1842 alone, were

estimated at But what force can

there be in such a commrison ? The question is

not one of per centage or statistic s, but, is loc o

motive travelling based upon correc t princ iples


for general safety for, were even the chances of

death as only 1 to 1000, why should one be

exposed to this contingency, or ru n this risk, if

it c an be avoided ?

The total number of personal railway casml

ties reported to the Board Of Trade for the

quarter ending the let of April, 184 5, was 39 ;

being 22 deaths, and 17 injured. In the se emeding qu arters of 1845, the numbers are preh bly

It has, indeed, been attempted, fromthe Ofic ial

reports of prec eding years, to Show a progressive

diminution of acc idents fromthe 12th of August,1840 (the date of the passing of the ac t for the

regulation of railways) to the lat of January,

1842; but there is no truth in the statement

During the last five months of 184 0, by these

Ofi cialreports, the number of ac c idents of a publicnature were 28, by which there were 22 deaths,and 121 cases of personal injury. In 184 1, theacc idents were 29, from which there were 22

deaths, and 71 injured. It is quite c ertain thatthough railway ac c idents vary in partic u lar years,yet there is, in reality, no more diminution of

themon any fixed data of calcu lation, than therewas before that ac t was passed, or even fromtheopening of the Liverpool and Manc hester Rail

364 R AILWAY Ac c mmrrs CLASSIF IE D .

lees to be depended on, than it was. The move

ments of a great railway requ ire to be govm-ned

with as much prec ision as a great army . Str ict

disc ipline should be enforc ed every wher e.

It is much to be feared, as the railway systemis extended, that without the exerc ise of su ch vigi

lance as here enforc ed, confusion may be inc reased,

and, instead of railway ac c idents being diminished

by experience, theymay bemultiplied. It may be

useful, therefore, to attempt to trac e the realcauses of the frequen t ac c idents on railways.


Railway ac c iden ts, with the locomotive system,

may be c lassified under two heads :

1. Those ac c idents arising from mi smanage

ment, or from railway administration, and from

2. Those arising from errors in railway con

struction or defec t in any part of the working

Under either of these heads, bu t espec ially the

first, acc idents are so numerous and mu ltifarious ,

that it would fillvolumes to desc ribe them; and,

indeed, it ahnost becomes a rare c irc umstanc e to


take up a newspaper without the eye fallingthe words Fatal or Serious Railway Acc ident.

Under the head of acc idents attribu table to

and fromnegligence may be c lassed the numerouscollisions of trains the running of one train into

another ; the running of carriages off the mile

fromextrenmor rec kless driving.

Under the head of acc idents, arising fromdefec t

running od'

the rails from the imperfect state ofthe rails or sleepers ; want of consolidation or

solidity of embankments ; improper cu rves ; de

fective fences, bridges, viaduc ts, and tunnels ;imperfec t state of the engines ; boiler explosionsignition and burning of goods and carriages, &c .

But some of these may also in part be attributed

to mismanagement or the administration.

There is a third c lass of very serious ac c idents

on railways, by which many deaths have oc

c urred, but which it does not fall under the

objec t of this work to dwell upon, although, no

doubt, many of themmight be averted were there

existing a more perfec t system of railway sur

veillance Imean acc idents which are commonlyconsidered attributable to the imprudenc e of

parties themselves.



[5 0] NEGLIGE NC E .

There is no clamof acmden'

ts which it may

in the employmentmay be unacquainted wi th

tages of a well- maintainedor it may sometimes arise fromusing imperfec t engines and fromproper supply of these to work the

The want of an efic ient head or

intendence at head- qu arters extends

influencxa over subordinates, and the

tem never can be eficient unless

every branch of it the most

persons be

interest to

servic es are valuable for the post they

pre ac hing in the opposite direction should have passed over


points’ to its own line again. On Su nday afiemoau

the engine, of whic h the pr isoner was the dri ver, “

attached to the train which left Shefield a few minutes

station, withou t any signal bemg gi ven, and in the middleof the long c utting at Brights ide. Upon the guard getting06 his seat, and making Inquiries, the prisoner wu unshle

shown, and that the train due fromq sp

proac hing in the contrary direc tion, but on the same line of

rails. Seeing that the prisoner did not appear to notice

these, he called out tc himas loud as possible to shut ofi'

his steam, aud at the same time the stoker, who was on the

tenden po iuted ou t to the prisoner the danger they wmIn.

The prisoner then went to the side of the engine, but in.

stead of shutting off the steam, he turned it th e reverse

way, thus putting the engine to its full power . They wer'


then within a short distanc e Of the points, and the dr iver of

the other engine, seeing from the speed at which the pr i


s engine was coming, that it was impossible for himto

stop before he crossed the points, and that a collisim as


inevitable unless he c ou ld get over the points to his own

l ine before the prisoner'

s train reached them, instantly put

on the whole of his steam, and providentially got over just

as the prisoner’

s engine passed w ithin a few inc hes of the

last carriage in his train. The two trains were proceed ingat the rate of thir tymiles an hour, over an embankment


and another instant would have br ought them in c oll ision

with each other ; and if this had taken plac e, it was impos

sible to say, and horrible to think of, whatmight have been

the dreadful c onsequence.

A fearful collision took place on the B irmingham and

Glouc ester railway, on Saturday, Aug. 8oth, 1845 , bywhich one engine man was k illed on the spot, another

so much injured that his recovery is impossible ; and the

two stokers and several passengers have received severe

injuries . On reac h ing the spot where the catastrophe had

oc c urred, near the Defl'

ord station, the scene of wrec k and

destr uction baflled alldescription. Two trains had evi

dently come into c ollision ; the engines, shattered and

broken, were lifted high in the air on a mm of broken

c arri ages, trunks, and luggage, the debr is of wh ich was

sc attered over the road for a considerable distance ; but, to

add to the horrors of the scene, the burning c inders fromthe engines had set the wreck on fire, whic h a number of

workmen were endeavouring to extingu ish. Althoughseveral of the ofii cers of the l ine were standing arou nd it

was impossible to asc ertain with any certainty how the col

lisic a really occ urred ; one policeman, who appeared in

clined to be communicative, being instantly chec ked byone of his superiors in author ity. This much,

however , was

admitted, that one of the engine - drivers lay dead in a shednear the spot, that another had been c onveyed toWorc ester

in a shockingly mutilated cond iti on, and that N O stokers

and seve ral pawengers were more or less injured. The

B B‘


damttge done to the engine and carr iages was roughly esti»

mated at fromthree to five thousand pounds.

The collision appears to


ord station at fifty minu tes past nine. It had arriretl


single l ine of

it was met bysame line of rails at a rapid pac e to

Neither party being aware of the proximi tycoll ision was the result, which has thus been

such ser ious and fatal c onsequences.

It would be prematu re, with our present

of information, to inquire by what means

both trains wwondered at

had not been the result.

of this line to state that,the company’

s own servan

Opening of the line, now

passenger has lost his lifeA frightful, bu t fortunately not a fatal

pened at Preston on Sunday, Sept.As a train of nearly thirty carriages was

fromthe Preston andWyre Railway station

it, and before it had got half ov


dred persons, got 06 the rail, and was almost

372 noc w an e F RO M c onmsmn.

only one carr iage with our tr ain, it is mirac u lous that every

life was not sac rificed . The massive iron of ou r engine aud

seriously than those of the other trn n . What is inexc nu ble

in connection with the sad occun enc e


ig that it took plmat a junc tion of two lines (we one being a diven ion fir

the conveyance of eoals), where there is only u sing]:

mw of raila and where the signalflags firr the Newc astle

train to stopwemac tually hoisted at the time. When theengine- dr iver of that train, however, was asked why he did

not stOp, his only reply wag that be was aware be oufl t to

have stopped, and did not know why he did not do se.




But railway collisions seem to arise more fre

quently from train—s being run into frombehind

has rec ently been called to the very dangerous

prac tice of having an assistant engine to follow

c urred on the Eastern Counties’ and other rail


Ao acc ident having oc curred on the Eastern Counties“

Railway, on Monday, 29th July, 1846, one of the pu m


gers stated, that having heard a noise behind, between

Romford and Bren tford, he looked and saw an engine

following the train at full speed : a violent shock tookplac e, and a lady had her mouth much out and her back

The prac tice of having an attendant engine

to push a heavy train up an inc line is a com‘

mon one. But this plan should, if possible, be

avoided by the engineering arrangements, forwhere the attendant engine is permanently re

qu ired to work the line, it remains as a perma

nent defec t to the railway. Nothing can be

conceivedmore positively dangerous in locomotive

trac tion than plac ing passengers between two

powerfu l machines, eac h itself suffic ient to c rush

to atoms the intermediate carriages, while the

least derangement of the motion of one engine, orthe other, must be attended with a severe shock.

Truly the passengers in su ch a position may say

to turn from Scylla is to fly to Charybdis. If

passengers knew the real danger of such a posi

tion , they wou ld not be so eager to get into a

railway train, but rather refuse at once, as a body,

to enter the trains until the following after en

gine was removed. If a few of the direc tors or

office- bearers of railways, where such a systemisadopted, were acc identally subjec ted to the dreadfulc rush of a powerfu l ass istant locomotive engine

8 8 8

374 s ocman'


rushing into their carriages, i t might tend todis

c ard for ever a prac tice so deroga tive to railwty

engineering. It is a prac tic e in dic ative of triflingth the public safety, from mistaken economy,

to save, perhaps, the expense of the formation

of proper working gradients.

It was stated, in the session of pa rliament, 1846,

by one member, that he had been much alarmai

on the Dover line by

a train behind in whi

tors in the newsalarmof passengers from the continu

prac tice. It was only lately mu ch

created to the passengers on onetwo large trains, proc eeding at the

mi les an hour, each propelled by

behind. There can be little doubt

eussions arise fromthe attendant engines,if unproduc tive of serious ac c idents, are

known to the public ; and when to u se an

ant engine behind the train is so

attended with danger, the wonder must be how

any railway company can permit excessive incline exists,

, injurious

general working of the line, and which cannotbe su rmounted with one po

the assistant engine

prwents its elf for the recklessnm of th

A dreadfu l coll ision took plac e

Counties Railway, in August, 1846 ,

son nearly lost her life, and several others were most

seriously injured. The train, whic h la vas the station.

Shoredi tc h, at half- past twelve, r . x ., was proc eeding at a

rapid rate, between Romford and Brentwood, and when

about half- way between those stations, a dreadf’u l c ollidoo

took plac e by which the passengers were thrown violentlyfromtheir seats, and dashed against eac h other and the sides

and the other behind ; an

hindmos t engine broke away the

and afterwards ran into it, bycaused.

A very alarming accidentterminus at Br istol, on the

September, 1845 . A train

Exeter luggage- train,wh ile

Bristol and Exeter to the

were smashed. There were

one appears to have been in

the Somerset

carelessness of the engine- driver upon the Glouc ester line

as the l3e train had the red lights burning on the lmcarr iage.



A serious railway ac cident oc c urred on the Eastern

C ounties'

railway, at theWalthamstation, on Mondaymorn

ing, November 10. 1845 . A truck of the goods ’

train he

c ame disabled : th is caused a stoppage, and before it was

finally c leared the fish train fromYarmouth, to which a

sec ond c lass c arriage and a truck, with sheepmerely, were

attached, arrived, and was detained c lose to the station.

The mai l train, due at 5 o'

c lock, being now expec ted, a

person w ith an alarmsignal was sent down the line for two

hundred yards ; bu t, fromsome u nexplained cause, the trai n

was not stopped sufiic iently in time to prevent it runningwith terrific forc e into the firs t train . The effec t was the

destruc tion of the truck c ontaining sheep . and the overturn

i ng of the sec ond c lass carriage into a ditch. There were

only two passengers in the c arriage, one of whom had

his right armpu t ou t of joint, and was otherw ise muchbr uised. The other was severely c u t about the head. The

engine of the mail train was completely overturned ; the

driver and stoker mirac ulously escaped withou t a bruise,

and neither passengers nor carr iages were the least injured.

On Wednesday night Novembcr 26th,1845 , an ac c ident

occ urred on theGreatWestern railway,which providentiallytool: place without injury to ser vants or passengers. There

is an engine employed at the Box station to assist or pushthe luggage trains through the tunnel ; and,

in consequence

of the darkness of the night, and the noise of the wind,

the driver started this engine a little too soon, and,


immediately, ran into the train sideways, striking one of the

tr ucks near the end . The forc e was so great that the engine

was thrown ac ross the rails, and eight or nine trucks driven

ou t cf their c oun e with a third class passenger carriage withpassengers. About a quarter of a mile on, the c ouples di

vided, and trucka carriages, and all went into the bank, the

rest of the train proc eeding as if noth ing had happened .

The policemen on duty were immediately at hand, and de

378 ac c ru es rs momc ommon .

livered the psssengers fromtheir dark and d state.

bunch -ange to say, not one of themwas injured. Oa tm

ceeding to the engine the driver and stoker were alike n

injured, a heavy fallbeing alltbey had to c omplain of. h e

bahly su ch a narrow esespe was never before knowm'hfl

i t is oonsidered that there were three engines in fi'oat a d

upwards of forty trucks ; that the assistant or‘ hank err



as it is called, struck the train wi thin a few fea mly

of the passenger carriage, and that afie r the c olli sion “taken pM e, and the following trucks were dr iven of the

rails, they were dragged ofl‘

a quarter of a n i ne teen-big»

the c ross wooden bnrs and th'e ground in their eourse.

On Tumday morning, 2d December, 184 5, about one


c lock, an ac cident occ u rred . on the York and North are

a luggage train, a little beyond the B

lives were lost in the collision, thoughin the special train received a severe

and the stoker had his foot seri ouslythe c arriages of the luggagesheep which they contained killed.

On Dec ember loth, 1845 , a collisiYork and Scarborough railway, bywere severely injured, owing to the

engine- dr iver. He was the driver

instead of propelling his train into a

expec tedmain line

On the

380 aocms s r s r ams c onnrsros .

The person who sent forwnrd the lamps said that he cu

sidered it his duty to do so, to guard against otha mquences . The residen t engineer obser ved that he couldsot

say whether it was proper or imp

roper to send forward tht

signalJumps with a spec ial engine. He admi tted it wsn

new prsc tic e, but it was done for the best, to prevent ptr

haps a ser ious ac c ident to tbe train when t eac hing s-taboo

lamps the Brighton line at Reigate, wher e so many tn ill


In this ac c ident may be fully perc eived the

want of a calmand del iberate su rvey of the train

before allowing it to start from the su tica,

which it was the duty both of the guard and

the station- keeper to have made ; for

been done the ac c ident could not have

it shows the folly of a hasty, bluster

of confusion and mism

forc ing system of undue speed,

a sufficiency of time at stations either

sengers to join or leave trains, far less

gage or attach a carriage to the trains.

proves the extreme danger instances of permitt ing one lofollow the path of another.

can be a sympathy, which

tween the engines to regulate theirveloc ities, they may be brought in anc ontac t.


Few ac c idents can be trac edmore distinc tly to

c lear“and defined causes, and it is fortunate it is

so ; for could no explanation be given of it, a well

grounded alarm would exist against the whole

railway loc omotive system, which would tend to

the en tire loss of public confidence in this mode

of transit.

Another serious one oc c urred on the 30th July, 1845 , on

the London and B irminghamRailway. evidently proc eedingfromwant of management, and the defec tive arrangementand intersect ion of the rails already noticed ; but which has

been attr ibuted to a dense fog preventing the red signal of

danger being seen at the C amden Town station . The train

which should arrive at the Boston Square station fromBirmingham, about five o


c lock in the morning, ran into the


tr ain as it was c ross ing the l ine ; two of the leadingc arriages of the train were thrown over by the conc ussion,

and several of the passengers were seriously hurt. One

gentleman had a dreadful frac ture of the knee joint, and

was otherwise injured, and died in the Universi ty C ollegeHospital seven davs after the amputation of the limb.

In this ac c ident, which might have been still

more dreadful in its consequences, it is stated, no

fau lt was imputable to any one, that it was an

u navoidable ac c ident, arising from the impossi

bility of the engine- driver perc eiving the signal,in consequence of the fog ; although, at the sametime, it is admitted that the trains had arrived

before the regular time, and the goods’ train was

382 ac cmss r s r aou exc essw s s eam).

fifty minutes behind its time. The signal- man,

at the Camden Town Sta tion, sta ted that, al

though he turned the red signalwhen the goods

trains began to move, still this s ignal was not

sufiic ient m a dense fog. There was sufic iemadmittance of the confusion of the arrangements.

and the nec essity pointed out of ha ving distinct

and easily heard signals adapted for foggyweather. A blue light might be us eful, burned

when the goods’ trains begin to move, and at

the time the trains are due, and oc casionally tn

indicate that the way is clear.

The verdict given by the jury was, That C har les Dean

died froman injury to his lefi leg, caused by an ac c identalcollision on the London and BirminghamRailway near to

C amden Town ; and that the engine marked 9 1,belong

ing to the company of that railway, moved to the death at

the deceased ; that its value is £ 1000; and that they nub?

a deodand of the same engine to the extent of

In delivering this verdic t the jury express their opinion

that the laws and regu lations of theLondon and BirminghamRailway Company for the guidanc e of servants have been

carried out very ineffic iently for some time pu t ; and filrther,

the jury c onsider that the area of the C amden Town station,

and the system of rails there laid down, are too muchc rammd and limited, consistently with the pu bli c safety.


Another c lass of accidents arises fr om mi s

384 AC C Ins x'

rs F ROM xxc xssw e SPEED.

ever, reasonably be inferred, that at the increased

speed,if an ac c ident does oc c u r, it i s li kely to be

more extensively destru c tive. The effec t indeed

of the collision ofa body in rapid moti on wi th one

with lessermomentumis developed i n the general

destr uc tion of the latter, as is fu lly proved a

collisions, both in railway tra ins and steamvessels ; hence it is nec essary to c u rb the undue

speed of the one, if it was no more than to pre

vent the destr uction of the other.

There c annot be any doubt that in proportion

as the veloc ity or impulse is increased, the comtrolling power is diminished. If the speed is

inc reased fromthirty to sixty, or seventy, milesper

hour in locomotive trains, this inc reased impetus

must make the train less under c ontrol, or more

difficu lt to be qu ic kly stepped, even by revm'


the engine, and therefore the violenc e of the c en

c uss ion must be more dreadfu l in the event of an

obstruc tion appearing on the line. There is an

example of this afforded by a fatal acc iden t whfeh

occ urred on the Birminghamand Bristol

June, 1845.

The train was going at the maximum speedmi les per hour , when an old woman wthe line, and although the

ACCID E NT S FROM xxc s ssw c spam). 385

mentum that the train, after pag ing Over and carryingthe fragments of the body forty yards, absolutely pro

c eeded from400 t0 600yards from the spot where the

ac cident happened before it c ould be stopped.

Numerous examples might be given, to show

that however well- managed a railway may be,of speed the danger fromac c idents,

to a certain extent, must be inc reased, for no

seems to be able to guard against

obstructions occasionally acc identally arising, and

which may even be misc hievously made, and

these must continue to forma c ertain amount ofhazard in locomotive travelling.

A striking ac c ident lately oc c urred, showing

the violent effec ts of conc u ssion from speed, but

also combined with imperfec tion of the rails.

On June l6th, 1845 , the luggage van o f an express

train,with a great number of passengers, on the Great

Western Railway, which is stated to have been propelled,

at the moment of the ac cident, at the rate of nearly seventymiles an hour , ran off the rail withou t any assignable cause,

although there can be no other probable than a defic iency in

some part Of the rails. It ran for half a mile unpereeived on

the longitudinal timbers withou t displac ing the carriages, tillit came in contac t with a girder at a bridge, when the wheelran into the ballast : for tu nately the engine and tender sepaé

rated fromthe carr iages, bu t so s udden and fearfu l was the

c atastmphe, that two first c lass and c uc seco nd c hess cars

r iages were thrown with fearful violence off the line and

down an embankment, about fifteen feet in depth, with an



alarming crash. One of the carr iages turned twiee over and

remained wi th its wheels in the air ; one of the carriages was

thrown c ompletely ac ross the line of rail; no lives were lost,bu t forty persons were more or less injured, A repetition


a similar ac c iden t happened near the same plac e on the

Friday afterwards, when the rate of speed was forty - five

miles an hour .

On these acc idents, the inspector- general of rai lways,

Major - General Pasley, reported that they arose from the

elastic ity of the timber and rails originally laid down,

and the rails being too light ; that the rema iy was, first,to replac e all the light sleepers and hog trough rails withthe stronger and heavier sleepers and rails of Mr . Bru

nel’s last approved pattern mondly, that experience

has proved the impropriety of mixing light four - wheeled

and that the former should be discontinued ; and thirdly,

to have a carriage without passengers next the tender, withsix wheela the same weight as the passenger carringes,

which may be med for luggage in order that a carr iage in

this pos ition may rec eive the first shock in c ase of w c i

dent. A writer in the“ '


paper attribu tes this

ac cident, with much probability, to the old rails being so

reduc ed, being od y li mch high that the fire of the

wheels ot’

the carriages d id not support the whode wwht,

but the fimches m w er the mbed nmme fim in m e

plw es being clear of the railg as the tops of the nats

were bright fiom the fi'ic tion of the flanches.

report, however, c learly admits thattion of the rails was thc cause ot



proves, not merely the necessity of

struction of rails, bu t also of constantbest means

stau tly assessed in damages.

drivers of the danger they wem inc u rring when

driving at a rate verging on 50 mi les an hom'


It is a rule to shu t ofl'

the steam on desc endinggradients, but in this instance it appears fromthe

evidence that the engineer did not shut 05 the

liar construc tion of the engine ; bu t w ithout en

tering on this point, it is remarked in the“ C ivil

Engineer’s Journal,” February, 184 6,

“a much

more serious sourc e of error on the Norfolk Rail

way appears to be the manner in which the

transverse sleepers are laid, being made of no.

squared timber sawn in half lengths. Now these

half cylinders are not (we understand) laid with

their fiat side downwards, when they are firmlysupported by the soil, but, on the Norfolk Rail

way , the sleepers are laid with the flat side

uppermost, and a pressu re on one Side of the

sleeper would cause it to slip round.

A very serious accident occurred on the Great North of

England line, on the 1st January, 1846 . For


soane days

ACCIDE NTS s nomexc essi ve sr s sn. 389

went the train like an arrow, reached Thirsl: station in

safety, when the speed was increased to the greatest mo

mentum, and when about 400 yards beyond the station, a

violent oscillating motion was observed, whic h increasedevery yard, until the engine was thrown upon her broadside against a slight cu tting, upon which some of the car

riages were thrown, and allmore or less damaged. The

shock had been fearfu l, and yet the engineers, most pro

videntially, escaped injury one man only, the poor fireman,

was thrown on his head upon the oppos ite rails, and so seriously injured that he was not expec ted to survi ve very long.

A very serious collision took place at the C hesterfieldstation, on the Mi dland Railway, on Tuesday, January 18.

1846 . The down train from Derby to Leeds arrived at

the station with most terrific speed, and although her

steamwas shut ofl’

, in consequence of the rate she was

going at, was unable to stop, and ran with fearful violence

into a mineral train whic h was c rossing at themoment. The

engine of the passenger train was thrown 08'

the line, and it

was almost a mirac le that none of the passengers were

ei ther killed or wounded.

Undoubtedly the danger from great increaseof speed may be rendered less with judic ious

management ; but as engines are increased in

power, and inc reased momentum is given them,

they are rendered liable to be easily carried off

the lines by the wheels meeting the most triflingobstruc tion. It must be obvious the entire com

mand over the machine becomes more di ffic ult,and it therefore becomes a matter of deep con

sideration, what limit should be given to the0 0 3

390 AC C IDENTS r nou s xcs ssxvn sr s sn .

veloc ity of locomotive trains, or what should bemaximumspeed, as either prudent or safe ; indeed

it appears, perhaps, a step requ ired to give

sec urity to the public , that some legislative regulation should be made on this subjec t. Few will

not admit that risk must arise fromthe foolhardy

manner those entrusted with loc omotive enginesare so often apt to view danger, arising, probably,

from the same feeling which makes those who

reside near to the crater of a volcano callou s as

to danger. Notwithstanding, therefore, every

precaution, or the best rules for railway management whi ch c an be devised, there will still

remain the liability to ac cidents from rashnessand imprudence. As ra ilways become extendedover the country, and almost the only mode ofconveyance, we may be prepared, at first, even

with improvements on the system of loc omotivetravelling, fromits extent, for, perhaps, an increase

of ac c idents . These will be lessened, however,

to a great degree on the aggregate amount byincreased experience and good regu lations. As

the safety of railway travell ing is wholly de'

pendent on the degree of perfec tion in themanagement the sc ience of locomotion has attained, it

shou ld therefore be an object to be guarded

against, that great increase of speed, while it


as far as possible bu t on coming up the wheels ran into the

uncovered earth, and were imbedded to the axle. The

tender and engine were separated and thrown over by the

c ollision, but fortu nately no person was seriou sly injured.

This almost mirac ulous preservation of life most probablyarose fromthe men in the tender keeping their plac es, and

taking a firm hold, at the time of the collision, to whichcourse they were advised by the super intendent wi thmuchpresence ofmind .

Another ac c ident occ urred on Aug. 1 . 1845, of a most

serious and alarming nature, upon the Northern and

Eastern or C ambr idge l ine, which mirac ulously was not

attended with most fatal consequences . It originatedevidently frommismanagement, or cu lpable negligence. It

appears that in the ti p- train,

which started fromCambridgeabout eight o


c lock, the passengers were alarmed by a and

den collision of the carriages at the new branch to New

port. It was found that the tender had got ofl'

the line bythe neglec t of the man to set the points. Fortunately the

train had just been put in motion, and the impetus was not

great, and so no casualties occu rred.

A melancholy and fatal acc ident oc curred on the NorthMidland Railway, at Masborough, in Oc t. 1845, by which a

poor man lost his life. One of the goods trains fromDerby had arrived on a Saturday at the Masborough

station, at half-

past one o


c lock r .u ., when a portion of theCarriages—six i n number—laden w ith Iron, were detachedho rn the train in order that they mightthe sidings . A fireman, named Johnto do this, when the

cross the line, just

He was knocked d


passed over him. He was promptly conveyed to the

Sheffield General Infirmary, where every attention was

speedily paid him; but so great had been the shock to the

system, ac c ompanied with loss of blood, that he died at

li ve o'

c lock the same afternoon . An inquest was held,

when the jury returned a verdic t of Acc idental death,


ac c ompanying the verdict with a request that the coroner

would write to the secretary of the Midland Company,

and say that it was the Opinion of the jury that a man

shou ld be always stationed on the first carriage of the

train when shunting.

Acc idents from mistakes of the night signalsare attended with very serious consequences : they

generally arise from mismanagement or negligence, except perhaps in weather when they can

not be seen.

On Saturday, January 3. 1846, owing to mismanagementrespec ting the night signal, one of the Leeds luggage trainsran into a York luggage train ; happily no one sustainedbodily injury.

An ac c ident oc curred to the mail train proceedi ng north,

on Friday evening, January 23. 1846, near the Sessaystation, on the Great North of England Railway. The

train was earlier than usual, and was going at the rate of

10 miles an hour pas t the station , when another train was

discovered in advance on the same line, and though thesteamwas pu t c d


instantly and the break applied, a violent

c oll ision took plac e,which broke the engines, damaged

several of the carriages, and injured a number of the msengers. One lady was muc h out about the head and face,and one gentleman rec eived a severe blow on the leg. It


appears that the train run into was a

wrong line, it being c hanging fromone

the mail train was observed c oming, and

could not get ou t of the way in time, the

the steamand pushed it

so as to afford the latter an oppor tun ityas the obstruc tion was discovered.

The engine~dr iver who had charge of

brought up a few days after, before the

at Dar lington, charged withrails, and not having proper

dent, whereby the c ollision

gu ilty, and adjudged to P8?payment to be imprisonedHouse of C orrec tion for one month . He pwas disc harged, bu t has been dismissed company




How very simply a serious ac c ident may arise

on railways fromthe least want of stric t attent ion

and careful survey, I witnessed, not long since,when a night train on a railway s

The c arriage nearest the engine had not

placed on the turn - table, or the table mightlocked ; and when the engine started, it was

rails, and such was the noise

train was entering, when, fortunately, the passengers were

relieved from their perilous si tuation by the dr iver hap

pening to look behind. The carriages were half over, and

so jammed that the train could not proceed ; end other

u . AOC IDE N'

rs r aon RA ILWAY c omm u tes.

on r aou c ar eer or ANY or mwoaxING mc n IN E Br , AND


may be given by way of eluc idation.

All railway companies have a person to examinethe engines when in the sta tions at both ends of

the line, before starting, which is essen tial for the

full performance of their duty, and to insure the

safety of the passengers. The driver‘

should be

at the station some time before the time of starting, to examine and oil the engine ; bu t untilas has been well remarked and fully shown at the

coroner’s inquest on the Midland Ra ilway’s

dent— an educated c lass of engineers pre

pared for the duty of driving, and are with

a liberal salary, no proper check can exist against

regulations were drawn up for the first appoint»

ment of engine- men, and adopted by the Direc torsOf the London and Croydon Railway in 1840;

Ac cmEN'

r s r aomIMP E BF EC TIONS. 397

but perhaps the best and safest check which can

exist is, that, in every large town where one or

more railway termini exist, an inspec tor should

reside, who should be totally unconnec ted with

the railway companies, and have fu ll powers at

all times to examine as to the condition of the

engines, the mode of working, and state of the

railway. This will be the more necessary fromthe numerous railways now making, many of

which are unlikely to yield large retu rn, and so

will requ ire some inducement for those in t he

management to expend money on them.

The following fatal ac c ident fully realises the

tru th of the prec eding observation ; for, bad the

steam- engine been subjec ted to a proper scr utiny

before being despatched, or had suffic ient vigi

lance and prudence been exerc ised, the acc ident

could not have happened .

The ac cident oc curred on the evening of the 19th of May.

1845 ,on the Edinburgh andGlasgow line. A spec ial train

fromGlasgow, starting an hour and a half before the regular

one, was run into by the latter within a few miles of the

Edinburgh terminus, and the unfortu nate person,who had

hired the spec ialtraimwas crushed to death.

The cause assigned for the delay of the spec ial train was,

that the valve of the pump had gone wrong, and, fromleakage, about an hour and a half was lost on the dis

tance of 46 miles. If the inspector sent away the engine in

a perfec t state, how this cou ld have happened requires ex

m warned of its cppronch, but in plac e of w ithdn wiagfrom the line, although he came v imont lamp and

lefi no word at the station to waru the next train that hs

M nmmhe ww t mmd u h ngh beomxfing comeiomof danger. he cmne ofl


the engine h ii nselg u nfortunatelyla y ing the passenger in the carriage, and sen t back thfi reman along the line with a signal to stop the m wthis wu unperceived by the engineer or gum'd of the qy

pmac hing train, and hence the catastrophe. Now allthis

was said to be the result of a mere c onc atenation of cir

c umstances which c ould not have been averted but met-

s is

no dou bt that the realcause of the ac c ident or iginated in

sending out an engine in a leaky and imperfec t state; and

c ould the driver establish this fac t, the blame c annot be so

much attac hed to him for the consequences whic h have

M ‘Nab, the engine driver, have been brought to tr ial, schNovember, 1845 , at the bar of the C riminal C ou rt of Scot

been to fwd both parties gui lty . The former, Patcm, has

been sentenced to a period of twelve months'

, and the latter,

M ‘Nab, to n ine months’ imprisonment. Mr . Paton,


defence, endeavoured to prove that the thult of the engine

being i n imperfect condition did not lie with him, ” he had

frequently warned the headmanager, or board of manage

not a si i E clencyh f pei-fect engines to work the line, and

BOILE R mm momons. 401

the locomotive boiler, or itsmismanagement, some

mplee of which have been previously given.

On August 21 . 1845 . On the GreatWestern Rai lway ,

shortly atber the arrival of the train, which left Read ingat half past seven o


c lock, at the Maidenhead station,

on e of the tubes of the boiler exploded, rendering it


ble for the engine to proceed onwards to Paddington. An express was immediately sent to Mr . Howell,

at Slough, who lost no time in hastening to Maidenheadwi th another engine ; but, u nfortu nately, just as th isengine was starting with the delayed train and passengers

towards town, an ac c ident oc c urred, rendering the engine

fromSlough useless and it was not u ntil the Oxford tr ain

arrived at Maidenhead, upwards of an hour and a half after

wards, that the passengers were enabled to proceed on their

journey. Just as the day mail train to Exeter, which leaves

Paddington at a quarter - past tea, was on the eve of start

i ng the same morning, from the Paddington terminus, a

similar ac c ident to the foregoing occ urred to its engine, one

of the tubes of the boiler suddenly bursting, and thus completely disabling the engine attached to the mail train, and

delaying its arrival at Slough, the first station she stoppedat, nearly an hour . This train, and the one which leftPaddington an hou r afierwards, both arrived at Slough at

the same time. Notw ithstanding the bursting of the tubes,

no injuries, in any one c ase, were sustained by the engine

drivers or stokers, nor indeed by any persons c onnec ted

with the company.

In August, 1845 , as the half- past eight parl ia mentarytr ain, or that which carries powengers at a penny per mile

was standi ng at the Walton station on the Sou th Western

Railway on its down j ourney, the engine bei ng then takingin water, and the engine- man beneath examin i ng his engine,

as is c ustomary during a stoppage, a sudden explos ion tookD D

402 ac clnmrrs s een

was sbout to decrease the power of the

and expired before he could be c arried to West



Another c lass of ac c idents under preeefiag

head originates not somuch frommismanagement,as from imperfec tions in the constru c tion of the

often produc tive of the mostOne c lass of these ac c idents arises

riages running ofl'

the rails. A few of thesebe notic ed z

examination as to what was likely to have c auaed the w

dmh they found abou t three hrches of metalc u t ofi'

one ot

the outero

rails at a joint, and on seanxh ing abo ut found dn

tc ndant of the fine in order to assist the othc ialinquirywhic h willbe instituted relative to the w c u r renc e.

A suc cession of acc idents occ u rred on the E astemCoan

ties Railway, on the portion opened betw een B ishop’

s v

tbrd and Ely, which pl-oduc ed much alarm; for in additien

to the frightfu l acc idents at Littlesbury and Waterbeachon Tuesday afiernoon, August 19, 1845 , ther e have been

Walthamand Broxbourne, another a short distance fiomBishop’

s Stortford, and the fourth , whic h was somewhat

alarming, between Cambridge and Ely . In the latter case,

an engine was sent down to Ely, fortunately w ithout any

suddenly felt an excessive jerking which c onvin c ed binu be

recently introduced on the line, dashed on, and wen t down

an embankment of considerable depth, and buried itself in

a meadow beneath . The funnel was c arried away, and the

engine injured. The cause of the running ofl'

was fou nd to

be that the wheelhad gone ofl‘

at a joint of the rails ; but

whether that had arisen fromany neglect on the part of dw

plate layers, or by one of the wedges of the c hairs gettingloomwhereby the railgot free. could not be traced . The

xmr aar s c n ons or RA ILS AND cvavas. 405

piece of metal that was c ut off the rail, at the joint where

the engine ran oti'

, was picked up by the guard and was

kept for inquiry .

Several railway ac c idents from trains having

been thrown 05 the rails can c learly be traced to

the short radii of c urves, the evil effec ts of which

have been previously desc ribed. On many rail

ways double c urves of short rad i i are numerous ;and fromthe elevation which must be given to

the outer rail at these, the least sinking of the

sleepers, which frequently happens in newly

opened lines, may be attended with disastrous

consequences. The sleepers retaining their posi

tion merely by the weight of the ballast, want

of c onsolidation is fatal to their stability. With

su ch fac ts constantly before the public , and with

acc idents of so frequent occ urrence, it should be

inc umbent on railway companies to avoid the least

appearance of a niggardly systemof engineering ;

the more espec ially as most companies poem a

monopoly of a road. Besides which cheap schemes

of railway constru c tion proc eed on mistakenviews ; such plans must prove generally dearest

in the end, from the constant repairs and alter

ations that are rendered nec essary .

The acc iden t often arises from a combinationof causes, as a c urve at the foot of an inc line

n n 3


taken at an improper speed, and not slowing the

engine in time. The following fa tal ac c ident

arose from this cau se

A very serious and alarming ac c ident oc c u rred on the

Northern and Eastern Railway with the down train, eth

August, 1845,whic h, miracu lously, was not attended with

more fatal consequences. It appears that the train going

down an inc line of ]in l58,w ith a c urve at the bottomof

it, was suddenly thrown ofl'

the rails in taking the curve.

The passengers were

by an explosion . The engine, after breaki ng away fromtbe tender, had crossed the rails and was lying bottomup

wards on the side of the c utting. The tender was at some

distance in advance of the train, doubled up, whi le a van was

on fire ; two carriages next the tender were much broken.

When the passengers mere extricated it was fou nd, provi

dentially, that few were much hurt ; but the guard had one

of his legs fracturcd and much crushed, and died at Addis

come Hospital, whi le the unfortunate stoker was tbu nd under

the fire- box ofthe engine, crushed to death, and almost burnt

to a c inder . This c alamity produced the greatest c onsterna

tion . Several hours elapsed in replac ing the rails, both lines

nearly to the exte nt of 200 yards being torn up and the

rails tw isted in allforms. The u nfortunate guard had his

leg ampu tated, and died soon after . At the c oroner’

s ia

quest, held at C ambridge, the greatest discrepanc y of

opinion arose as to the realcause of the acc ident zthe peo

ple belonging to the company stated that the train was not

going faster than usual, and that the ac c ident originatedfroma flaw in one of the rails. One can scarc ely c onc eive

how such an idea could be entertain ed, no flaw in the

metal such as desc ri bed could throw the engine and tender


the rails wi th the violence descr ibed. One of the wit»

408 a c c wmsrs r nou

October 13. 1845 , an acc ident occ urred, which had wou

n igh been the destruc tion of a whole train of passengers .

Shortly after the train had left Dunford Br idge, and whileit was dark, a shock was received which threw both engine

and train of? the line, seriously injuring several of the car

r inges, and almost crash ing the guard to death . As soon

as the passengers could be got ou t of the carriages, it was

asc erta ined that a cow had got upon the line, and the engine

had c ome in violent c ontac t with it. The poor animal was

nearly c ut in two, and, of c ourse, killed on the spot . In

formation was immediately sent to the Sheffield sta tion,

and a pilot engine promptly despatc hed at ten o’

clock at


A train going west on Saturday evening last, Nov. 29 .

1845 , nfier dark, on the Newcmtle and C arl isle railway,

encou ntered some thing lying ac ross the rai ls between

Haydon Bridge and Haltwhistle, which turned ou t to be

a cow, which was instantly killed. It seems the animd

had jumped ont of a tmck from s train going east, and

lied broken its thigh . The engine, the Rapid, was thrown

ac ross the rails, and the driver into the hedge, but he

escaped unhurt, and no damage was done otherwise .



An ac c ident of a very frightful character occur red on

Friday evening, December 5 . 1845, on the works of the

Shrewsbury, Oswestry, and C hester Ju nction Bailvvay, be~

tween Gresford and Wrexham. The workmen and stone

mwons employed on the works at

in the pfic tiee, on leaving their work in the even ing, of

getting into the earth waggona and bei ng propelled np thc


l ine to Wrexham. On the evening in question about fortyofthem had taken their seats in the tru cks, and were pro

ceeding at a rapid rate when, on arriving opposite the race

course,near Wrexham, the fireman

s waggon got off the

line, and ran down the embankment, dragging w ith it the

remainder. One man was found among the lower tru cks,

{rightfu lly mu tilated and quite dead . Another labourer

was discovered with his left leg severed completely. A

third poor c reature had his left leg broken in three places,

while seven or eight others were more or less injured .

An inqu est was held on the body, which occ upied a

c onsiderable time, in the course of which it was shown

that the ac c ident arose by the rails sinking into the earthbelow the level of the road, the rails not being proper lylaid on the sleepers . The jury returned a verdict of “

ac cidental death,

" with a deodand of 51. on the carriage.

On Thursday, January 1 . 1846 , a very ser iou s land sliptook place near the Stonehouse station of the Birminghamand Bristo l Railway . The down mail train fromBirming

ham, which was due at Br istol at five o'

c lock, January 2.

had not arrived, and a red light and a bar were placed upon

the line above the engine to stop the Birminghamdown

mail train un til the six o’

clock Great Western up tr ain had

paswd. Just at this moment, however, and fortu natelybefore the GreatWestern engine was attached to the train,

the Birminghammail train came rush ing down the steepinc line, passed the red light without stopping, and a col

lisina between the two engines was the consequence. The


ers were driven in, the engines dashed of the line, and

mu ch injured, bu t fortunately beyond the alarmnecessarilyarising fromsuch an acc ident, the passengers received no

An ac c ident of a fearfu l and most appalling charac ter

happened to a railway tr ain on the Sou th Eastern Railway,

on Tuesdaymorn ing, January 20. 1846, between Tonbridge


and Penhurst station between 12 and 1 o'

c lock. The train

was passing over a kind ofwooden viadu c t resting on bric kabutments, passing over a branch streamof the river Med

way, when the bridge gave way, and the engine and a por:

tion of the tra in was prec ipitated into the stream, killing the

engine driver, and occ asioning a considerable loss of pro

perty . The acc ident is supposed to have happened fromheavy rains, the channel of the streambeing greatly swollen,

and the foundation of the abu tments having been inju red .

A fatal accident of another kind oc c urred at the A lmondviaduct, on the Edinburgh and Glasgow railway, June,

1845, which created great alarm. It is believed to have

arisen fromthe sleepers of the rails over one of the arc hes

having two mu ch elastic ity, which is understood to have

since been rec tified. An engine of a fast train was sud

denly jerked off the rails when going at considerable velocity ; the consequenc e of which was, that the engine was

thrown over, and the unfortunate driver was crushed to

death. Fortunately, the draw - bar or connecting books for

attaching the engine to the carriages gave way, leaving the

train upon the rails, otherwise the train might have been

M u ted over a very h igh embankment, or oven the

viaduct, the slight parapet ofwhi ch could not for an instant

have retained the carriages had they been thrown over the

Few acc idents which have occ urred have been

attended with more mirac ulo

this ; and it should afford a

time coming, of the vast respons i

on the planner, constru ctor, and

management of railways, to have

to the public safety irrespec tive of

4 12 AC C IDE NTS F ROM Lowmsss o r BRIDGES.

guards on several railways ; and it is a painful

supposition to the passengers, that a person in thc

discharge of his duty 18 liable, ma moment, to be

killed on the spot or have his skull frac tured by

coming in contact with the arch of

some lines the guard cannot stand u p

ment withou t running this risk ; and,

lines, he requ ires to keep a constant

even when sitting on his seat at the

carriage. Ac c idents, from these

occ urred in most parts of the

since, on the Glasgow and

guards was killed, when sitting,

coming in contac t with a bridge ; a

guards on the Edinburgh

when standmg at his seat, was

the spot from the same cause.

parent that the remedy for an

when the railway is making, to

elevation to the bridges. N0

therefore, to be spared by railway

effect this objec t.

A fatal acc ident oc c urred on Friday the 3

1846, on the South E astern Railway. As the

engine of the

to cross over

AC C ID E NTS FROM es s en ce xms nr nc r xos s. 4 13


Another c lass of ac c idents take their rise fromperfec tion in the carriages

In the Autumof 1845 an acc ident occ ur red on the Edinburgh and Glasgow railway, near to the Polmont station ,

which might have been produc tive of serious c onsequ ences,

had the trains been going at fu ll speed. An axle of one

of the carriages gave way, by whi ch one end of the ma‘

c hine was brought to the ground, and smashed in severalplac es . There wer e no passengers in it. The train in con

sequence was detained nearly an hour beyond its ac c us

towed time in arriving in Glasgow .

On Saturday night, Oc t. 4. 1845 , an acc ident of a very

serious kind took plac e on the Great North of E nglandRailway, about four miles on the York side of B urlington,

by which one young married lady received a compoundfr ac ture ot

one of her legs, the other being also broken, and

several other passengers were c ut and br uised . It appears

that at the York station considerable surprise was manifeated at the arrival of the engine of the mail train, then

overdue, bearing the letter - bags, but without the post- othee

travelling and passenger carriages.

Upon inquiry if was found that the ou ter tire of the

wheel of a truck, to which the (lunch is attac hed, broke

n ear the nu t by which it was faste ned to the inner tire.

After breaking ac ross at that point the ends rose, and the

tire broke a sec ond time at the next nut, and then a por

tion of the tir e and flanch came completely off. The wheelhaving thu s nothing to keep it on the rail, swerved, carrying the axle round in a direction contrary to that in whic hthe carriage was going, till, coming in contac t with the car

riage, it threw it c d'

the line, and dragged the rest of the

4 14 s eems ms r nou ma n.

carriages with it. The broken wheel having gone under

the carriage, c arried the other wheels away, and the car

riage was left withou t any wheels at all, in which state it

was found after the acc ident. The breaking of the outer

tire is attributed to its having been put on too hot, and

there not having been suflicient allowance made for its con

tracting properly, so thatwhen it cooled it became too tight.The metal was in consequenc e defec tive.


The dreadful acc ident which oc c urred a few

years ago on the railway between Paris and Ver

sailles by the carriages taking fire, and the con

sequentdeathofmanypassengers by burning, could

have been easily prevented if a proper systemofcommunication had existed. Bu t the c ries and

groans of the tortured and the dying were

drowned in the rattling of wheels and the puffing

of steam. It was not ti ll the whole train was in

a blaze that the acc ident was disc overed by those

in charge, and the train stopped. To completethe misery of the unfortunate passengers


were locked up in the carriages. The remedy,

indeed, proposed to prevent so serious a catas

trophe namely, the not locking the carriage

doors seems futile ; for leaping out of a c ar

riage on fire, going at the rate of 30 miles

4 16 ac c mm s mon ems .

when gc ing rapidly through the ai r ; md it is

apparent, if the flames reached any height, the

person must be bur ned, perhaps to death, b&orc

the train could be stopped. Bu t how c ou ld it be

stopped? A whole carriage of thi rd or fourthc lass passengers might be in flames, and yet na

seen either by engineer or guard ; nor would even

their cries for help he heard . What, then, is to

prevent a similar catastrophe in thi s country,

attending the showering of red- hot c i nders uponthe passengers of the open trains, whic h oc c urredin France. It is hardly possible to travel in one

of the open c arriages without hav ing holes burnt

in one’s c lothes and females’ dresses frequently

become ignited. When complaint ismade as to

ridi cule, or told it is his own fau lt In not paying

for a better c lass of carriage. Suc h 18 often the

spirit of monopoly. In most locomotive enginesthere is, however, provided wire gauze at the top

of the chimney and other means to prevent the

escape of the sparks fromthe furnac e ; bu t frombeing made wide in the meshes when u sed, to

avoid injuring the draught, it proves insuffic ient

for the purpose intended, and it is therefore ap

parent that other means should be resorted to

to obviate this defec t.

RAILWAY c annu c s s. 4 17


There can be no doubt that when Governmenthad to introdu ce a bill into Parliament to protec tthe rights of the working c lasses in railway tran

sit, by restricting the rate of charge for third class

passengers to a penny per mile, and requ iring

covered third c lass w riages daily, that much ia

difference, to say the least of it, must have been

why restrict the penny amile trains to onc e a day?

why should not carri ages of this kind go with

every train ? Little doubt, however, can be en

tertained that the construc tion of railway carriages

in this countrymust be soon entirely remodelled,

or at leastmaterial changesmade on those now inu se, before eithermuch comfort or safety will beattained in the cheaper class carriages. It is bad

enough to be exposed to the annoyance of dust

and risk of losing ones eyes in open carriages,w ithou t showers of red- hot c inders, which could be

mechanical contrivances. Many persons wou ld

five cf the charga wece it not for these annoy


4 18 RAILWAY C AnarAc ss.

ances ; and in Belgiumthe waggons or open cars

are filled with respec table people, who smoke away

at their ease.

In this country the government third c lass car

ringes are so hideous and dismal, air and light

being nearly both exc luded, that they are moreadapted for carriage of prisoners than passengers.

In some of the third c lass government carriages

there is a wax c loth curtain to draw over the open

ing,in others a small open window, or rather hole,

is left on both sides of the carriage, exc luding all

tion the third c lass were open stalls. The standing

carriages, and open carriages with seats are called

third c lass carriages. One cannot womder a third

c lass passenger will rather prefer the external

atmosphere to the internal of the c lose penny a

mile carriages. For example, in the third c lass

government carriages on some railways, when allthe blinds are drawn up, which often happens in

cold weather, the carriage, in daylight, 18 involved

in total darkness. Well may it be asked, i s such


our l ines. The second, and commonly the thirdc lasses in France are perfec tly c losed carriages,stuffed, cu shioned, and glazed, each c lass being

only a little inferior to the other in decoration .

The fares, too, are generally low .

The adoption of such a plan of carriages as

those on the Belgian railways, would prevent the

risk from the numerous doors in all c lasses of

carriages used in this country. These doors are

generally fastened by a common spring latch,

which a sudden jerk may break or derange. Few

c an travel in any of the present carriages without

the apprehension of seriou s acc idents even fromthe people falling ou t. We are always hearing of

hair- breadth escapes ; and in a late newspaper the

c ase is mentioned of a child falling ou t of a car

riag e unperceived, and how can it be otherwise

when there is hardly room to move withou tcoming in contact with a door ? I have seen

several instances of persons nearly losing their

lives fromthe door on which they leaned suddenlybursting open. Very little ingenuity could remedythis defec t ; a simple drop bolt inside the car

riage in combination with the latchmight sufice.

Another very dangerous and improper prac ticewhich exists on several lines, and which c reates

Well- grounded alarmto passengers, is, making then 3E

M r. Glennan, the station- master of the H ulldep6t of the

Hulland Selby Railway, was thrown froma cm-riage in the

the train was in motion, and, narrowly a c aping rritb his

lifa had his left armbroken above the elbow . After eeeing

believed that hae . G. let go the door open, as i t was, he

wou ld have received no i nj ury, but the fear of a fallin

duc ing himat the moment to graspthe Opemdoor , be w

turned a somerset by the velocity of the train, and fiellflat

on his bacltn long the outside of the raila the step ot’


last carriage striking his left armas he felh and fi-

ac turing

und amputation ot'

the armwas found necesu ry.

424 w novs xs x'


rxn .

on the engine constantly on the outlook behind.

But to insure the safety of a train , the gmrd

should be seated in a position where be conld

2. That no trains with pas engers should pnocsed

without two guards, one smtioned on the front,

keeping a look out forward, and the other sta

tioned on the rear, keeping a look ou t behind.

Instead of an arrangement of this kind, trains

commonly proceed on some lines, sometimes withone, somet imes with two, and sometimes without

a guard at all; and sometimes he is in a box whmhe can see nothing. No special or goeds train

ought to run on any line wi thout a glmrd and a

look- out.

munication to take place between th

and between the guard and the driver.

propositions have been made to efi'


pose ; the idea obviously suggests

check- string or wire, as in a coach,

attached to the armof the

M ar s


proposed by different persons, but have never

been carried into effec t, as there are some practical

inconveniences attending the plan, but which a

very little ingenuity would soon master. The

subjec t has recently, fromthe numerous collisions

and carriages running off the rails, received

more attention. The necessity has been enforced

of providing against danger in the rear as well as

in the front, and it has been stated that a guard

stationed behind the last carriage wou ld suffic e,and who by means of a wire in communication

with the engine, might strike a bell in the event of

observing any indicati on of disarrangement, whenthe engineer would at once stop the train and avert

the impending mischi efThe Times newspaper took up this subject, and

various communications respec ting it appeared

in its columns. One writer treats the matter

with indifference and as beneath notice : he speaks

of the imprac ticability of working the plan,

and founds objec tions to a w ire or cord being

laid along the roofs of carriages from its gettingentangled, from the variation in the length ofthe trains when ascending or descending an

incline ; that false alarms might oc cur, creating

annoyance ; and other objec tions more plausiblethan real ; but, as the,

old adage has it, Where

there is only wanting opportuni ty to test them,

which it is as much the duty as the inte rest of rail

way companies to afford . One plan is a very

simple one, to have a wire in a tu be on each

carriage, attac hed by swivels to the wire of

the next carriage, in a similar manner as car

riage is attac hed to carriage of a train. By this

means wires could bemade to commu nic atewithout

inconvenience, over any length of a train fromthe

guard to a signalbellat the engine- d river. In a

similar manner, a fiexible tube or speakingtrumpet

joined by screws to any number of carriages, and

conversation cou ld be carried on between the

guard and the engine- driver ; as it is well known

the noise of the engine prevents sound frombeing heard, the attention of parti es at each end

ing through the tube, and so to strike a bell ; a

verbal communication could not lead to the mis

constru c tion which a signalmight do. By such an

arrangement as thi s, and having the tube madewi th snfl‘ic ient elastici ty to adapt itself to the

428 ru raovm m‘or RAILWAY st em .

should a person he suddenly taken unwell in a

rai lway train, he must remain where he ia happea

whatmay, unti l he comes to the regular stopping

station. As to making himself heard — it is

madness to attempt it, for it is like speaking to

the wind. It seems most desirable, therefore, for

the perfec tion of railway travelling, that the

system proposed of communicating between the

guard and the driver should be extended farther :

namely, from the occ upants of carriages to the

guard. Of course, in making this propositionone is immediatelymet with the objec tions of the

trouble this would give, the unnec essary annoy»

ances and alarms created by passengers, and a

host of others ; but su ch are always ready to be

made to meet allinnovations that create additional

trouble is created, or at times conc eived grou nds

for alarmfoolishly communicated, is the matterto be allowed to remain in the imperfec t state it

now is? Every carriage might be easily pro

vided with a speaking tube or wire signal to the

IMPROVE ME NT or RA ILWAY sr sr s n . 429

guard . But what wou ld be the use of the signal,if the guard could not get to the carriage ? and

certainly passengers would rather put upwith the

present system, bad as it may be, than cause the

guard to run the risk of losing his life, by sc rambling fromcarriage to carriage, holding on by the

handles of the doors, when the train is proceeding

with the utmost veloc ity.

5. This brings into view the consideration,

whether railway carriages cou ld not be con

struc ted with all, if not more, of the conveniences

they now possess, and still afford a free passage

fromend to end of a train for the guard. There

are several ways this might be done. The car

r iages might be construc ted in the formof a paral

lelogram, both longer and wider than at present,divided into two compartments, with a free passage, as in a canal passage- boat, from end to endof them. The carriages of the Great Western

from their breadth eas ily admit of the experi

mental trialof such a construction of carriages

a broad carriage affording more fac ilities for an

arrangement of this kind In carriages con

struc ted with an intermediate centre passage or

vestibule, the two side compartments might bedivided as cabins, the passengers in each

si tting vib e- via, or otherwise ; the entrance to


the vestibule being at each end of the carriages,like those carriages on the Belgian railwaysalready noticed.

By means of the arrangement of the centre

passage I propose, a free communication cou ld

exist between the passengers and the guard, as,on a signal being given, the number of thecarriage would be intimated and the carriage

visited : any false signal made should be punishable, which would prevent annoyance being given.

In having thu s the safe means of going fromoneend of a train to the other (for a gang- way could

be formed between the carriages), the check

tickets could be at any time collec ted, thus

passengers for this purpose : this would be a

great benefit to passengers at many stations.

It appears to me that it would be desirable

to experimentally try an entire alteration and te

modelling of railway carriages, at least those for

is done probably neither safety nor 00m will

be obtained : the foreign construc tion of carriages

seems desirable and advantageous to be tried.

No carriage, in my opinion, can be deemed a safe

mode of conveyance when somany doors exist as

in the present railway carriages ; and where, even

432 e ovmmnr or RAILWAY SYSrs u .

averted ; and it seems most ded rable that this

plan of carriage should be tested by exper ience :

passengers must be fully as comfort ablmif not

more smthan when si tting wi th their backs or faces

to the engine.

The Great Western has been the first I-s ilway

ment principle : this kind of carriage in s ne ystbeen confined to


pleasure parties ; but were

carriages used in this form to ru n regularly on

the line, at a moderate rate of charge, they

cou ld be made as separate cabins, ” in a steam


6. On those railways where, from the narrowgauge, there cannot exist the same fac ility of c on

str ucting an intermediate passage through thecarriages withou t encroaching too much on them,

and the accommodation of the passengers, someother plan may be adopted to attain this objec t

where the width between the lines of way is suffi

c ient, which it always ought to be, a terrace, or

platform, from18 to 20 inches broad, railed on

the outside, may be construc ted outside the

carriages, Where the present step is— made

in such a manner as not to interfere with the

ac c ess to the carriage doors; On the platformtheattendant or guard cou ld walk, fromend to endof a train, Withou t danger to himself : however


it must be obvious, that the gauge of the rails,and the intermediate space between the lines,mu st regulate many of the particu lars, pointing

out the prudence of a carefu l revision of allthese

points by rival railway companies ; for it is only

by competition that perfec tion is likely to be at~

tained and the reason Why more ingenu ity has

not asyet beendisplayed in railway carriages arises,perhaps, from the near- sighted policy ofmaking

the cheap carriages as uncomfortable as possibleto drive passengers into the disagreeably close,

434 m ovsmmr or au nwAY sr srmr.

7. For the safe transit of locomo tive carriages,

possess an elec tric telegraph, by whi c h the start

ing of every train may be announc ed fnomwd to

end of the line : th1s telegraph, havmg the meamofcommunicating with intermediate stafim might

be farther extended, when the distanc e betweenstations was grmt, so that m the event of any


8. A uniformcode of signnls should be nsed on all

railways in this country. In cases of fog sneh sig

nals should be provided so as te prevent the poasi

bility ofmistakes. Eachstation shouldhaveproperly

of setting them as required. In additioal to the

common steam-Whistle, which signal is apt to bemisunderstood, a gong, or powerful bell, mightbe advantageous for engines in the case of fogs,

darkness, or extreme danger. The plan has been

adopted with the engines on the Great Western

Railway, ofhaving two steam-Whistles of differentsounds : one d these is used as the generalalarum,


Among many inventions proposed for this

purpose are

G iscard’

s Improved Railway Signal Lamps. Since

the proprietor made his invention public, he has much imd

proved the prac tical details . The following are its peculiar

advantages z—The same apparatus serves for both nightand day. Up

- trains and down - trains are alike informed byhis systemof signals, of allofwhic h they ought to be ins

formed ; of ac c idents on either line how long since the last

train passed that signalpost ; whether any train is to stop,

slacken its speed, reverse its direc tion, or go on to a siding.

In the case of crossings, a signal can be given that two

trains are approaching, and signify which must stop, and

which must go on . In fac t, a whole code of instru ctions

can be perfec tly signalled. No superu unrerary signals are

in any c ase requ ired. Another great advantage of thi s lampis, that its colours and arrangement being in pm'feet con

grui ty wi th the signals already in use, the signal- men vri ll

immediately comprehend the new system. The invention

w ill be submitted to the consideration of the proper govern

ment offic ials . By night and in foggy weather, these

signals are suffic iently brilliant to be seen for a considew

able distanc e, and their c ost is very trifling.

Forsyth’s patent railway signals likewise appearto be a simple and u sefulinvention He suggests

that each engine should carry a different dia

gramof lights ; and by a signal- post wi th lampsarranged, a corresponding signal cou ld be made to

that of the engine by closing one ormore of the

lamps. Thus an engine- driver, knowi ng the dia‘

gramof the light he carries, and seeing a W


spending signal at a station, would know that it

was intended for his gu idance, while the persons

at the station would be apprised of the train which

was approaching.

10. On the Belgian railways each train carries

with it two guards, who are provided with bugles.

In starting, when the first bell has rung, the

passengers take their seats ; and, at the secondhell, the guard at one end sounds his bugle,which is answered by the other. This lets the

pwsengers know that all is right, and the trainproceeds. This plan inspires a degree of con

fidence that the silent system cannot, while those

In case of emergency, become a useful

alarmsignal.11. It has been suggested by some writers that

were the engine- driver placed in front of the

engine instead of behind it, it would indu ce, onhi s part, more c irc umspection and caution to

guard against acc idents ; but this is a mere assumpt ion ; for surely the engine- driver is already

too much exposed to attend properly to his duty.

It would be a simple matter to afford himshelterwithou t interfering with his responsibility ; and

if it is expected that a higher c lass Of engineers

are to enter upon this service, so important for“

publi c safety, it can only be by increasing their


oouragement consi stent with the proper di scharge

12. As the railway gauge is now under the

reported in fay onr of the advantages to be derivedfrom a standard gauge over the kingdom; a:nd

that that shou ld be the narrow one : although now

attendedwithdifli c nlty tocarryout auniformgauge,

trafic . This plan I have long entertained, but it

is a question of most serious immrtance, when

stric ting railroads to the narrow gauge, it willnot

I would also propose to extend the arrange

shall be a fixed standard rule, over the whole

kingdom, for the weight of rails where locomo

tive engines are run ; that no engine, tender,or luggage van, or passenger carriage, wallhave fewer than six wheels, if to be run at quick

speed (on many railways the engine, as well ascarriages are still used with four wheels); thait

defined limits be fixed both as to curvee and

gradients, as also for the height and length of


strain laterally wi thou t breaking, or that the car

riage, by some contrivance, when canted over, be

separated fromthe others, withou t dragging themwith it.

14 . That, to guard against ac c idents from fire,experiments be tried, to ascertain if it be not

possible to keep up suffic ient draught in theengine chimney, and yet get entirely rid of sparks

fromit. Till this is got the better of, there willalways exist considerable danger, both to the

trains and to the ignition of any thing of a combustible nature on the sides of the railway. One

plan might be tried to prevent the escape of redhot c inders from the chimney, namely, the

whole chimney to be enclosed in a copper Wi re

sc reen, elevated sufficiently above the top to allow

the free escape of the smoke ; any Sparks or cin

ders would thus be retained within the screen

and conducted to the ground. In a similar way,

dust or ashes fromthe furnac e might be retainedfrombeing blown abou t, and conveyed by a spou t

to the ground.

15. That no railway company be permitted tomake contrac ts with the engine- driver to run the

engine by contrac t, the evil effec t of which I

have fully pointed out. (See Bailey'

s.)16. That, at every railway station, a book be


kept, into which complaints by the passengersmay be entered. This wou ld be a proper check

on the servants of the railway company and the

manager co uld investigate the matter withou t

detaining the passengers. It is not probable that

any complaint would be made unless there was

su ffic ient cause .

17. That railway inspec tors be appointed by

Government, for reasons previously given, for

every large town in the United Kingdomwhererailway termini are centered ; and that, as at

present, a most careful survey be made of thewhole line before it is Opened for railway traffic .

That these inspec tors shou ld have ample powersgiven themto inqu ire into the mode of management and keeping in repair of the railroad, the

engine, and carriages, —to inqu ire into complaints as to time, causes of acc idents, and every

point connec ted with the public safety. Reports

may be made, fromtime to time, to the railway

18. That on allmain trunk lines, and on railways between large towns, where the goods trafie

is of much extent, it would prove most advanta

geous for the public safety that a third line of rails

be laid down, to which the goods trafii e might beentirely confined, keeping the passenger carriages

e c


there is a will, there is a way ; experim% ts

manner of ac c omplishing the objec t. There is nowant of mechanical ia tion to devise plans ;there is only wanting opportunity to test them,

which it is as much the duty as the interest of rail

way companies to afford. One plan is a very

Simple one, to have a wire in a tube on each

carriage, attached by swivels to the wire of

the next carr iage, in a similar manner as car

riage is attaehed to carriage Of a train. By this

means wires could bemade to communicatewithout

inconvenience, over any length of a train fromthe

guard to a signalbellat the engine- driver. In a

similarmanner, a flexible tube or speaking trumpet

joined by screws to any number of carriages, and

conversation could be carried on between theguard and the engine- driver ; as it is well known

the noise of the engine prevents sound frombeing heard, the attention of parties at each end

of the tube might be previously called, by blow

ing through the tube, and so to strike a bell ; a

verbal communication could not lead to the mis

arrangement as this, and having the tube madewith sufficient elastic ity to adapt itself to the


station. As to making himself heard — it is

madness to attempt it, for it is like speaking tothe Wind. It seemsmost desi rable, M ore, for

the perfec tion of railway travelling, that the

guard and the driver should be extended farther

namely, from the occ upants of carriages to the

guard. Of course, in making this propositionimmediatelymet with the objec tion s of the

trouble this would give, the unnec essary ann oy

ances and alarms created by passengers , and a

host of others ; but such are always ready t

made to meet all innovations that create additional

merely frivolous ; M u se a little Imneoessary

trouble is created, or at times conc eived grounds

to be allowed to remain in the imperfec t state it

now is? Every carriage might be eas ily proVided with a speaking tube or wi re signal to the

mr novmmx'

r or RAILWAY SYSTE M . 429

guard. But what would be the use of the signal,

if the guard could not get to the carriage ? and

certa inly passengers would rather put upwi th the

present system, bad as it may be, than cause the

guard to run the risk of losing his life, by scrambling fromcm'

riage to carriage, holding on by the

handles of the doors, when the train is proceeding

with the u tmost veloc i ty.

whether railway carriages could not be con

struc ted with all, if not more, of the conveniences

they now possess, and still afford a free passage

fromend to end of a train for the guard. There

are several ways this might be done. The curb

r iages might be constructed in the formof a paral

lelogram, both longer and' wider than at present,divided into two compartments, with a free pas

ange, sa in a canalpassage—boat, from end to endof them. The carriages of the Great Western

from thei r breadth emily admit of the experi

mental trial of such a constru c tion of carriages

a broad carriage affording more fac ilities for an

arrangement of this kind In carriages con

struc ted with an intermediate centre passage or

vestibule, the two side compartments might bedivided as cabins, the passengers in each

sitting vis- d - vis , or otherwise ; the entranc e to


the vestibule being at each end of the carriages,

already noticed.

By means of the arrangement of the c entre

carriage would be intimated and the carriage

visited : any false signalmade should be punishable, whi ch would prevent annoyanc e being given.

In having thus the safe means of going fromone

end of a train to the other (for a gang- way could

be formed between the carriages), the check

tickets could be at any time collec ted, thus

obviating the general present detention of thepassengers for this purpose : this wou ld be a

great benefit to passengers at many stations.It appears to me that it would be desi rable

to experimentally try an entire alteration and re

modelling of railway carriages, at least those for

second and third c lass passengers ; and u nti l this

is done probably neither safety nor comfort will

be obtained : the foreign construc tion of car riages

seems desirable and advantageous to be tried.

No can iage in my opinion, can be deemed a esfe

mode of conveyance when so many doors exist asin the present railway carriages ; and Where, even

4 C lASs Ir Ie o Is o Ex .


Engl ishman’s Hebrew and (

‘hs ldee C o u

c ord sn c e of the Bi ble 11

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l-orster’s li s torlc s l(geowwof Arabia 11

Li tr e!Bishop 11

Gertrude edi ted by the Rev. W. Sewell 1lHook ’s r ) Ler tu res on Passi on Week 14

Hors e’s I ntrodu c ti on to the S tudy 0!the

Sc riptures 14

Abrid ment old i tto Mnu lls, (Bp. Blblic l ri tlc ism 14Ps alms 14

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i ntrodu ction to the Bi bleTrollope ’

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B 8 Roun d etc . Fellow of the RoyalC ollege of Phyeieieu

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g}: Aleetiou of the Ed e - On the of

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Edit ion. Feoieeep 870 . de cloth.


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rm” , Illustrat ive o! the Un heilitero‘ e

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s. A N" Mommin d end con ected. em m m w m[M M


Tthe Rev .



homu " W ell" on e, B of S t . Jo hn'e

(to- bridge. Bed-g en oi hie Intmdneti on to the C ritical en dthe Holy Sa lem .

7th Edition. c orrec ted end min t ed . [h a v i th l epe a dEng

-ru mp . fi . hoe-ti e.


St. Aeeph. Sec ond Edition. cont-lulu; Tread etione hy the

to‘ ether wi th com" Indexes . 3vole. 070 . We cloth .

me noox on su u s man pi wuemw '

fl mni C m C " 3

«a Edi tion. m. i20. eIot.h.

W ow -named .




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Oid Hails . Betti e- Fi elds. end Seeuee Illus trative o!S te-li lo in 0MFoe-4

3. By Wi lhelmBevin . R ev M i tten . “d im 0m. wfthm by W e



PR INTE D ma mass as . mu s e u m, A ND c o . 15

“ WIP E - THE RURAL AND DOMESTIC L IFE OF GERMANYWi th C horeoterieti c Sketch ee ot

i te chief C ities end S c enery. C ollec ted i n e GenerelTonr .

end dnr i e Red denee in that C oentry In the Veere im . Willie-n Bowi tt, en tho r

oi u m'

flmnw e at Englend.”

etc . Medina m , wi th ehove lone.file. cloth.


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leer-rings . end 7SteelPietee. fl e. cloth.

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nim Poet Bro. lilo. M . cloth.


H““TSJttengimm e. end Pneenlte

olm Boy

“. the C onn’try. Edi ted


”hmn ittmazto

The Berni Life of Refined ,”

etc . 3d Edition. Pea n u t». wi th “ Wooden“ , Be. cloth.


D ori e e Four Yeere’

Residence in thet C olony s w‘

Ihtl:wac eler rem-on ce to the Proepec te

ot K Wi th Netee ol e v rotted wid . AeetreIien Poet-e, etc . ByRic Hewitt. Pooleeepare . 7e. elo


i n C ontou ri t wi th the Lew. end perti cnierly with referenc e to the Ac t 7Wu . IV. end i vi c t.

c . 20. To w ch ie noded , e d eer Expoei ti on olthe Lew reint ing to the Dietr i hntion oi Per.

eoeelEetete in the on e of lnteetec t wi th two Perme of Willa, end te nc h nectnllntormeti on

etc . J . C . B admin t on. 13th Edi tion, c orrec ted . wi th Notee olC eeeejndi c ielly dec id edsinc e e ebove Ac t come into opc retioe.


By J . C . B enton , Buy, 0! the Legec y Duty Olhc c London : enthor of “ I'lein Di rec tione

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"end The Peren t

'e Hend- Booh.

"di h Ed i ti on. Foolec ep8ro . be. cloth.

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a?“ m


renew “

a c o enne . oec ow. e, e c o en, enme Vetic ee , Eec nriel, Amhreeien. end other greet Lev-ri c e ot theq

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hrc e Fletee,mu d -mama. In gold . ellver, end c oIonre. ln in itetnon ot the orif inele. ee ec c erete ee

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e Pletce m.

Six Peru to (org1e

‘VoleZe, veermore" oonr


gletieg t e n orit.


An t e-a lan ine olell the Phenom -e c onnec ted wi th the C he- lee) end Moieenlee C hen ee

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emee, en new Dimmer-lee In the Art . éy Robert not, Keeper of hi g Rec orde,

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DIARY for lai d c I2pe

fee o![en d -nth Iron: the C eiender o i the ric h M88 .

" Hom "ot the ot An . ety ed li i e'ot aieily end leeeeeienn eleo ad pe'ee ot b iery

eenh Illeetineted with en ore te Border tehen fromthe tu ne a s Iend en Illetnineted,

Title . In nerIeIOmA Se. in e hindi eg con ooeed troun the un inietnre pietnrce oi the u s e M8

” b een teen ee le ew emrt be ateliw e i m be e ell Ite end ear d u ly- e end

mu tt“ :[ci d er con be e ndmtood , or the’gwu n

‘wpei ne e

fri chi ll ti er re set to " been

employed in In compet it ion

}con be epprrc i e ted . n j a oer-pe t on " on e! for tee n,

m te the bfl t et tieh he or The nem b ab o o n -

zod tien fi ea t e Dnhe ej

i: and enters. the meet e been“ oped - en we everd o‘

e‘ ”c ore.

’and to

of ” tiger m e a n t opp ed to the dec ora tion of o beet .

"- Bri teo nie .

o. n . lilm ineted Ca lender and Hewe Di e ry .

1m.mM Im Me M ow-mit t 0!the R enee e/A nne of Br i tta ny .

" I" . See. di e. “ th em-ed pr in ti ng end bi nd i ng .



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16 s aw w o mt s A M ) N LW E D IT I O NS


and ot'

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E di t i o n . Fo o ls c ap tive . i n. clo th .

—v _ “



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tz“W ei “ ! Oi PracticalAp Ic ultm ,

”etc . ” wi th Balm

01! c

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alty Oi Ed inbll b etc . etc . Tho Platt e fromdrawn! a by W. Fi le is wd u c c tl

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and c onsequent

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v. N





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