Resistance of an enamel-bonding agent to saliva and acid exposure in vitro assessed by liquid...

Resistance of an enamel-bonding agent to saliva and acid exposure in vitro assessed by liquid scintillation P.R. Schmidlin * , T.N. Go Èhring, B. Sener, F. Lutz Clinic of Preventative Dentistry, Periodontology and Cariology, Centre for Dental Medicine, University of Zurich, Plattenstrasse 11, 8028 Zurich, Switzerland Received 3 October 2000; revised 9 April 2001; accepted 2 May 2001 Abstract Objectives: To determine the leakage and resistance of a bonding agent and a light-curing ®ne hybrid composite when exposed to saliva or lactic acid (pH 4) in vitro. Methods: Twenty discs in each of four groups of selected irradiated bovine lower central incisors were treated with one of three sealing options: an enamel bond (Heliobond, Vivadent, Schaan, Liechenstein) in a single-step application; Heliobond in a two-step application; and Tetric Flow (Vivadent) as the negative control. One group served as the positive control and remained unsealed. Loss of apatite was determined using the radiochemical method of liquid scintillation. The Cherenkov radiation was assessed in order to evaluate the acid resistance and leakage of smooth surface enamel bonding after exposure to saliva and lactic acid. In addition, replicas were made for SEM analysis of micromorphologic surface changes. Results: A mean loss of 416.5 mg (s.d. 57.0) apatite was observed over the unsealed sites following 14 days of exposure to lactic acid. The application of Heliobond in a one- and two-step application still revealed a remarkable degree of leakage, and substance losses of 196.5 mg (s.d. 38.9) and 161.8 mg (s.d. 39.7), but a protective potential was evident. In saliva, untreated, as well as sealed teeth, showed a modest leakage that was less than 20 mg. When Tetric Flow was used (negative control) leakage was reduced to a minimum of 2.4 mg (s.d. 1.0) in saliva and 12.8 mg (s.d. 19.6) in lactic acid. These results were con®rmed by SEM analysis. Signi®cance: The method of liquid scintillation was revealed to be of considerable value in evaluating leakage and acid resistance of potential smooth enamel sealing options. Sealing with an un®lled resin still demonstrated remarkable levels of acid dissolution, although a protection tendency could be observed. This leads to the conclusion that there is a need for further investigation to establish more acid- resistant enamel sealing agents. q 2002 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Dental material; Enamel-bonding agent; Acid resistance; Liquid scintillation; SEM; In vitro 1. Introduction Pit and ®ssure sealing, a process of acid etching enamel to create a surface receptive to mechanical bonding of a caries- resistant resin, has become an effective procedure for caries prevention [1,2]. Sealants have been shown to inhibit progression of a carious lesion by reducing the number of cultivable microorganisms [3]. The solubility rate of sealed sound enamel, when exposed to organic acids, has been demonstrated by Silverstone [4] to be signi®cantly reduced when compared to solubility rates for sound enamel. Even removal of the sealant resulted in a surface less soluble than sound enamel, which was attributed to the presence of resin tags remaining in the enamel [5]. Etching of enamel with phosphoric acid in a concentra- tion range of 30±40% produces the most favorable surface for resin bonding. Etching on sound enamel results in a 10- mm surface layer loss, leaving a porous enamel surface that exhibits three basic etching patterns [6] and results in resin tag lengths of approximately 50 mm and the formation of a hybrid layer following application of a sealant [7]. Since the development of several functional monomers, resins with both low viscosity and excellent wetting properties, have been recommended for dental use. However, over time, sealants undergo abrasive wear, as well as erosive and chemical degradation by organic acids. With regard to the fact that sealants encapsulate the crystallite components and act as a protective envelope around them [8], it is of clinical signi®cance thatÐdespite adverse effectsÐthe sealant still occludes or ®lls the pores in enamel originally created and/ or enlarged by acidic conditioning. Therefore, it should be possible to eliminate or at least minimize the rate of mineral loss during the demineralising process [9,10]. Dental Materials 18 (2002) 343±350 dental materials 0109-5641/02/$22.00 + 0.00 q 2002 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S0109-5641(01)00060-4 * Corresponding author. Tel.: 141-1-634-0846; fax: 141-634-4308. E-mail address: [email protected] (P.R. Schmidlin).

Transcript of Resistance of an enamel-bonding agent to saliva and acid exposure in vitro assessed by liquid...

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