L l - Forgotten Books


Transcript of L l - Forgotten Books

P. Ovidii Nafonis





d rgumenti: 8c Noti:


Anglice redditis.

Verfio profaica,’

nempe ipfm et 0 v 1 D xxvoces

ex metrico in ordinem profaicum difPofitz ,

CUJU S Av x xm o

Tyrones, utat artis Grammatica adhuc rudc s, (ve1

Marte proprio) Fenfa funOvidiam. fac ileacl

jucnnde, abc1111:T

ullo ant fibi ipfis ta lio, vel doétori negotio, addicere

po mt .0

In ufum S C BO L'


o. B A I L

perfiGt Studio

L 0 N 3 I N I


fi §$ARVE (nc c invideo) fine me liber ihi s in nrhem,

Hei mihi quod domino non licet ire tho !

QVade. fed in cultas qualcm decet exulis efli °

Pl n felix habitum


temporis hojus babe,


a Nee te purpureo velent vac c in ia fuc co ;Non ell con ven iens Iuétibus ille color

Nec titu lus minio, nec cedro charta notetur;Candida nee n igra cornua fronte geras.

Nec Fragiligeminse poliantur pumice frontes,H irfutus pafli s u t videate c omis.

c c ins ides} I don’

t hinderthee.S in e me.) I w i l l fend you to

R ome : w here i t is ne t law fu l

tor me to go.

Liter] He means the firft of

thefe Books. Liber takes i ts

Name o f Libris, i . e. the Ba1ks

b f Trees, w hi ch beto1e the u le of

Pa er Men us’

d to W 1 i te upon.

rbem]R ome on ly w as cal led

Urbs the Ci ty, the reft o i the Ci

ties w ere called Oppida , i . e.

Tow n s. See the Notes o fJim uyon F lorin , p . 6.

a. Domino]To the Poet. To

me w ho am thy Matter, lo 116.

E 1. 1 . E rubns'

Domino taltior


3 Incub us]W i thout any Ornament.

Br a lit] W 1i .ten by a ban ifltecl


4. Habitam] Such a Brefs as theT ime of thi s my Exi le cal ls tor,that i s to fay , a mourn ing Habi t.

P s rpnreo l Nor do thou wear

a. purple Dtefs.r am ]Let them cover, fit thcm


n ia] Violets of a purple

6Non The Purple that

w as u fed in Tri umphs, w as not fit

f 11' Mourn ing.

7 27mm] The Bcginmng, the

Index or th e Book. 27:3 f i s

properly the Index o f a y Book ,wh ich 111 Greek is called 1M71 6s.

Hence on S tatues'

or P iél ures w ec al l the Lette1s w hic h fbew theName of the At tifi

, or h imw hofe P i&u1‘e i t i s, or the T imewhen i t w asmade, Ti tania‘s : that i sal io c al led the fi nds : of a Book


w hich (hew s the Qual i ty o f theW ork , or the Name of the Author, ortheNumber ot theBooks.fi td m] is deriv

d of txmdo, asthou

oh Txtn lm , becauie i t defends

theDeed of the Author (0 that i fany one ihould retend to be theAuthor of auo: t Man '

s Work ,i t tells the Name of the true-Ahthor.

Min is]Wi th a red Colou1°,w i thVermi lion .

Cedro] W i th the Ju ice or Oil o fCedar, that i t may hear age, forthe Cedar-Tree never row, andtha ie things that are daub

d w i thCedar 0 1! me tree from Worms.Hence the P hrafe cedro dzigmz loqn ii s to fpeak thi ngs w orthy of per

petual Memory and Immou ah ty.8 Comma] The Edges , w hi ch

Rand out on the Outndes o i theVolume like Horns.

9 F ras ils'

]Whi ch may qui cklybe broken ann w orv .


ms] The Beginn ing andE nd.

P 01 4 70t [fi t be madem oth.I O Hirfxtes]He gives a R eaiun

why he w ould not nave h is 8 10 1:

pc lu hcd w i th a P umice S tone,

that i t may look as i t w ere 1111


L I B E R I.

Felices oment hz c in lirumcn ta libt llos;Fortunz memorem te decet efle mtx .

Neve litutarunr pudcat ; qu i v idet it ilfas,De lacrym is fafi as fin n c t cfl

c mc zs.

Vade liber, verbifq, meis loca grata ihlutaCon tingam cet te quo licet 1t.

=a pede.

Si quis, u t in populo nofiri non immcmor illo.

S i quis , qui, qu id agam forte requiret, crit z

Vivere me dices, faivum tamen cfl'

e negabis ;Id qttoque quod vivam munus hi b e

re Dei.

Atq; ita tu tac itus, quz ren ti plum , legendum .

Ne, qua non opu s c it. forte loqusre cave.

Protinus admonitus rcpetc t mea c rimina leaor,Et petagar popult pub1icus ore rcus.


d, as Perfons

do , w ho have their Hai r abouttheir Bars.

1 1 F elises]The Poems of happy Poets, _

and fuel: as con tamhappy and cheerful , nod utrow

ml Ma tters.

H a,

The Ornaments beforementionei ,Sc. Hurtle-Ben ies ,V erm i l ion and Cedar 0 11, 6 1 .

t a Fm LOt my Ex ile, myundon e S tate and Condi ti ' n .

1 3 Litaarm ] Of the Blots, fom ano ther P lace : Q ufim s 4

fi s’


es Ia crym feth epmrc s. Runs

a re deri ved o t the Ve rb Libra,i . e. to draw lightly, as 111 1 eh as

to fay to draw a Line. Hence

w e call that Li tmus, which b lowout any Wri ting 0


1° P1&ute, by

{ma t ing i t over w i th Ink or anyOther L r.

1 6 P : e] i . c . w ith my Verfe ,as though he had h id, although i t

is ne t law lul to: me my (el f to

{2}Books, Wt h 1s the on ly

‘Y1 7 Us in popnls] As i t common

ly i s in a great n umber of Pw ple,me w i ll be one 0 1


other, who

W 1°

not be unmiml ful.

1 9 Viw re You {hal l tell him

tha t I am a ive, és.

Sa lem ) Wdl or l i fe.


] Ot'

c flu swh » was that upon Eart


t, tm t t

725101" w as in Heaven , and t »

w l s div ine Honoms“ t te pa' d

Be,‘Whel l he cou ld have put

to death , d id 11 ! t (it: i

a t a lgae, Ho has an l i f et ) h is Three Books O i the A r: 11}Low .


]To him that 3 5k:y. u

m 1 1 3 0

2 3 P rotiu s]When he [hall iecthee , he i n timates he W o u ld no t

have any mention made 0 1 h imby reading.

R rpm q Hew il l ret i c lh theMcmory of my Acc u i ations, and

Cames tor w hich J ngaj i sns hascondemn


d andban i lhcdmc .hxceptto have w ri tte n amorous Vot iEs


and Scenes, I can’

t tell what w c 1e

Ov id'

s two Ct imss.

Crivlin l ] Rather Carmina,my

Verfes, s'

. e. my Books orLove.

2 4. P smga" I (h all be am b led

and condemu' i not on ly by c u r


hut al fo by all Perfons, andmmfuffer another P un iflxmen t by thePe s plc . Agsrs ram ,

i s to at cule

a gui lty Pe1 iou,to rec lt t n him

among the gtu l ty. O

P erd

éere ream,

is to bri ng the gutlty c 1 (1m to

Condemnati on (to conwa h im .\P nbfim ] h aouz math“ b fieud

cd againit tho Gw emmc n t .B a z ; Mmdebst

T R I S T I U MTu cave defendas, quamvis mordeberc difi is

Caufa patroc in io non bona major crit.

Inven ies aliquem, qui me fufpiret ademptum,

Carm ina nec fic c i s pet legat ii'

ta gen is .

Bt tac itus recum , ne quis malus audiat, optet ;S it mes, len ito Caefate, poena lev is.

Nos quoque, quifqu is erit. ne fit m irer ipfe, precamur,P lacat


os m iicris qui volet efl'

c Deos

Q u'

xq; volet, rata li n t ; ablataq; prin c ipis ira,Sed1bus in pattus det mihi pofl


e mori.

Ut pepsgas mandata, liber, culpabete forfan 5Ingen ii minorlaude ferere mei .

j udic is o c ium efi , ut res, ita tempora rcrhm

Q w rere : qua lito tempore tutus eris.

a. Mordcbers]Thou [halt be vifi


d and reptoached. Tar. inv idere

srmzes mi l ”, mom'

s" slant a lmx.

6 Ca nfa] A bad Caufe w ill bemadew orfc by thy defending i t,i . c .i t c an


t be de tended, fince i t i s not

SQ Ods

2 7 J ligu m] To be fin e hemeans thofe to whom he w ri teshis Booksdc P an to, whofe Confi


cy tow ards him he prai fes.Jafps


rst] W il l gri eve at.

2 8 Net [itch] W i th weepingEyes, 1. e. heW 111 1ead my Trifiim w i th Tears , t n the con t1



[ism game i s u s’

d w hen no Tea ts

are (hed.

a Ma in s]One who beats mein xi i ll, an Enemy , an Adveriary,who env ies me.

3 0 Lem'

to c h re] Ccfar beingappeas



Pm ] My Baniihmen'

t moreeafy , c l. Perm minor.

3 1 m'


s]Who i s grieved formy Mi stortune.

Nefir, ace.) That he may behappier than I am. To one that

w i ih es one well, w e (hould w ithw e ll aga i t


2. Mifers'

s] Ai . Mfmcos P l i nces. 33 3 negate] And may i t be as

he W ilkes, s tfism , [min

’m W i f e

3 ; Us pcragas, &c .] W hi leyou are perform ing w hat I command you. The Poet excufes hi sVc t fe

,Ihew ing that he cou ld no t

w rite Ved'

es wel l i n a mou1 n i ngS tate

] 1 (1 be“6 q magxe An i t ma

w i ll be {aid um to beyan »

werable to the S trength of myGeni us ; but to be i n fel 10 1 to i t.

3 7 j udicis] Oi a Cri tic , whow i l l

¢ give has Judgmen t o f theBooks. Here i s a Digrefiion ,w herein he excu fes his Verfes,fayi ng they were wri tten when hew as w i thou t tranquil li ty of Mind,and a conven ien t Platte to w


ritei n. He makes u fe of the fig»E xcufe in the Third Book , andLafi, E legy 9. e/Eqsms en


t [2 1'tquorum t s m eri t efl


e Exilmus as

,bar aricm u locum.

cs] The Ca l l es,the Contro

vetfi es,the Afi


a i rs , in fecking ofw hich , the Place is fou ht tor, andalfo the T ime , the an ner, theOcca iion .

Tempora l In w hat Citcu mfiancotof T ime i t w as w ri tten .

3 8 925 61570] He that (h all thu

fider tha t thou w ert w ri tten i n

Exile, w ill nOt fay , that thou are

below my Genius, and you W 111

be clear of all Blame.

g n t s-r t U M

I tamen, 8: pro me tu,c ui licet, afpiceK omam 5

Di faceren t, pofl'

em nun c meus efl'

e libet !

Nee te, quod ven ias magoam peregrinus in ushem,Ignotum populo oiTe ven ite pu ta.

Ut titulo caress. ip o nofcere colore;Difiimulate velis te lic et eiTe meum .

Clam ramen intrato, ne te mea carmina lagdant,Non funt. ut quondam plcna Favoris erant.

Si quis erit, qu i te quod li s meus cfl'

e legendum

Non putet, e gremio rcy c iatq; fuo

Infpicc dic titulum ; non fum pracmptor amoris

Quas meruit poenas, jam dedi t illud opus.

Forfitan expeétes an in alta palatia mifl


Scandete te jubeam, Caefireamq; domum .

lgnofcant augui'

ta mihi loes , diiq; locommVenit in hoc illi fuimen ah at' ce caput.

ficient that I don’t mortally hateVerfes, and that S tudy , that has

been i n ions to me; leeing that

by Inc a S tudy and i eniousVerica I havebrought my el f in toBanifhment.Su dim gne] Hi s Art of Love,

(or w hich he was banilhed byw i ngqfles.5 8 D31]He merrilyw itheshim

k lf to be transform’

d i n toh isBac k.

1 9 Net te]Nordo th . 11 imaémethat thou cant} poihbly conceal it,that I am the Author.6 x Us]Although.71min] Om


mfik ; which i tw as n0t w i thout

,although i t w as

a c t pa inted w i th Vermil i on .

Colors] By i ts black , m e urnfulHabi t, and the Verle i n w hich

thou art m itten.

6 3 Clam, &c .] Privatel he

c ame the Ci ty i s fet agai n me.Carmina] h is Books of Low .

64.Non jm t]That Favour I ufedto have, i s changedw i th my Fort u ne.

6 5 Mons] Oi Ovid, w ho amufed to w ri te amorous Verles.

66 ems]Wi th his Bands.

67 Non fem] I don'

t teach theAu of Love.

68 j amdsds'

t]TheAuthorbeingban ilhed.69 Also , 8 a j For there Aas

guflm Caj ar dwel t, P a latiw was

one of the SevenMountai ns of theCi ty of Ram , fo called of P 4la zdo 3 i . e. wandring, becau fethere the Cattle us

d to tove andfi tay. It is frequen tly us

d for a

R oyal- Palace.

71 d ag'

ssj la ] Thofe (latelyPlaces where t ar dw ells.



qxe, 86c P a la tin s d pollo,D iana , j sfi tn ,

m ,Minerva ,&C.

and alfo J agqflus himfelt, w how hile he lived had divi ne Honours paid l um .

72. c‘

t] He gives a Reafonwhy he does ne t bid his Book to

afcend the Palace. As though he(hould fa Cafer


s Anger, and allmy Mi ortunt s c ame trom tne

P ala tine Mount. 80 l . 3 . El , 4 .

3 6mm: a lufirif stlmm abam em it.

73 flit] He Pt ai ies d aguflas,as thOLgh he was o t a m i ld and

plac able Spi 1 i t, w ho was merci

ml to his Enemies.

C T R I S T I U MDum petit infirmis n imium fublimia pennis

Icarus, Ic ariis nomina fec it aquis.

D ifii cde c it tamen htc rem is'

utaris an aura,Dicere : confilium rel


q; locufq, dabunt.

Si pc teris vacuo tradi, fi c unél a videbis

Mitia : i i v 1res freget it ira fuss ,S i quis

-erit qui te dubitantem 8c adite timentemTradat , 8c ante tamen pauca loquatur, adi.

Lucebani , dominoq; tuo felic ios ipfo,Perven ias ilxuc 5 8c mala nofira leves .

Namq; ca vel nemo, vel qu i mihi vulnera fec it,Solus Achilleo tollere more patelt.

Tantumne noceas, dum vis prodefle, videto :

(Nam fpes eii animi nol’

i ta timore minor.)t q; quicfcebat, ne mota sefz viat ira,Et poems tu fis alteta,

cauia, cave.

Cum tamen in noih '

um fueris penetrale receptus,Gen tfgerifi]; tuam feriais Pasva domum 5

09 Da n]Th is Part has 11 Con t oo Acbifles] As did,eluding, andan Amplification of who curedTelspbasw i th the fame

avoi di ng Ralh nefs, taken from the Spearw i th w hi ch he had woundedExam lo oi Ism s. him : whence he fays I.90 cares] The Son of Dadd

h sitfee

’Mesm . 8. Fab. 3 .

0 5 s si s The Itars'

a s Bea. W ay s A chilles 4 em9 1 .

B ags] here you (hould tern s baflagt 9 fi

se mi ldly and atten tly , or be Valuers} P sb'

as bafiamgen t and pr ng, S hips fail ta/s'


more flow lg

, that go on ly w i thW ind and ails ; bu t more {wi ttly that lai l w ith Sails andOars too.

92. R efqae]The Ci rcumfiances.9 3 S t potm

s] He gives S ign s,by w hich i t may know the pro

fit T ime of approachi ng ; and

prays for a hapyy Opportun ity .

c xo] To Aegefisss , being at

Lei lure, and nm a 1y w i th me.

94, M tia] Appeifid .

96 Trade s] Should give.A nte] Shah ld firfi commend

you , to obtai n a favourable Reception for y


97 Lace and]Oh a Ind y Day.

98Meta ]May’

it thou tendermyS antlhmeut the saints.

Ftah ss}

1 02 . Nm fpss, For myFeat 1s greater than my Hope ofa pesfing Ccfisr ; or I em morea ra id 0: pul ling fome Mi fchiefupon m Head , than I haveHopes o paci f ing Cafer.

l o ; Reliev in gW hen he feesthat I make Verl


es aga in .

1 04. A l um] A fec und, the firflCaufe w as h is Books o f sbe wi l t

gf Low .

1 0 ; Pmetra le ] Chamber, themolt private part of my Home.

1 06 S crin ia]Thofe Book Ca fesor Chcfls w here my Lib1 ary is.Hard“: Ne me Crxfis


fcrmi z ,”PP; W illy


s yam.

L I B E R 1.

Adfpic ies illic pofitos ex ordine francs,Quos hudium c unétos evigilav i t idem

Casters turb'

a palam titulos oftendit apertos,E t fua deteéi a nomina fi'

onte geri tTres proc ul obfc ut i latitantes parte v idebis ;R i quoque, quod nemo nefc it, amare docent

I-Ios tu vel fugias ; vel, i i latis oris habebis,Oedipodas faeito, Telegonofq; voces:

D eq; tribus moneo, ii quae eft tibi c ura patentis,Ne quenquam, quamvis ipfe dOCCbif , ames

Sun t quog; mu tate ter quinque volumina format ;Nuper ah exequns carmina rapta meis

1 07 F ran cs] Books w ri tten byone and the fameAuthor, and li keto on e another, as Breth1en begOtten by the fame Father. W hencea W ri ter is ca lled a Father, the

Metaphor be ing taken from a

Man that begets Chi ldren 5 as

below : Deque tribes memo, f }d? t ibi cams parmm , and m

another place : Orba paren te [t o

ga i tmqu v aluation terms. Whenc ean an0 therplace, hecallshis BooksVifim s, i . e. hi s Bowels.1 08 Em


174 011 ] Which I my(Elf by S t y and Labour have00d .

1 09 Caters task ] The other

parcel of Books, i . e. The Ti tlesare wri tten upon the fron t of theother parcels o f Books.

1 1 1 Tm ] The Books of the

wi re of Love.Obfiu é] In a private Corner.

1 1 2. Nam u f cx’

t] Every Bodyknow s.

a 1 3 Has , 8 m]Have nothi ng todo w 1 th them.

Gris] Boldnefs, or if they hearthee pati en tly.1 I 4. Oedipsda s] Like to Oedipus

and Telegomu ,“ Parric ides in this,that they were the caui


e of Ban iihmen t to me Ov id their Fa therand Author 5 w hich i s like death

to me. Oedipus w as the Son of

Loin: an t}M 4 , w ho received

aM yos fe {tom the Oracle ofn o l am}

db ,that0:45pm {houldkill him 3w erefore he eontriv’d his Death ,bu t hewasbanifhed, butafterw ardsflew his Father unw i ttingly , andmarried his Morher. Telegu ,

w as the Son of (747172 : by Ctr“ ,

w ho w hen he w as grown u andbei ng defirous to i c e hi s arbe t ,w en t to Ithaca , and bei ng h i ndredfrom ihsi ng him by his Father


Servants, he flew fome of them;at the 011t ot w hi ch,being awaited, and bein now

grow n old, w ent to the A use

of his Servan ts, and was flain byhis Son , he noc knowin him.

1 1 ; De m i sts] Of e ThseeBooks oi tbs Art of Low .

S i 911: cams] If you have anyR ef 6} for yourFather Ov id, andany egardnot to offend him, andw rfh for his Return .

1 1 6 £Lu mv ifl Altho‘

any of theThree Books mould give you Direél ions to Love.

1 17Marau ]TheFi fteen Booksof Metamorphofes.1 1 8 Ab exequi is] From my

Ban i ihmen t. which is as i t w ere

a Funeral , by w hich the Poet

w as u t i nto thatConIternation ,that te could noe ive i t the fin iIhi n S troke. hereupon inE he fa 9410 as: nu gss

f aggs, non fmv’

ln c e‘

14 ab i lls,

fed gaaj i dc M ini f arm s u p“as.

T R I S T I U MMe miferum ! quanti montes volvuntur aquarttm !

Jam jam taa uros fidera fumma putes.

Quantz deduéi o fubfidun ttequore valles !

Jam jam tafi uros tartaram ta pu tes.

Q toc unqn fpic io, n ihil eft n il? pontus 8c aer;Fluétibus hic tumidus , nubibus ille minaz .

Inter u trumq; fremunt imman i murmure venti ;Nefc it, cu i domino pareat. unda maris.Nam modo urpureo vires c aput Eurus ah Ortu ;Nunc Zep yrus fero vefpere mifi


us adefi:

hOth bear down the Ship, andmyPrayers.

x9 Monm] The Waves like

Mounta in s. an Hyperbole. See Eleg.

3 . Mon te nee inferio' , pn r; pgp

p iqne return Ia z’

t é’

pi t h: v er

bere t Ondd And E leg. t o.

Inga: madam m u li concave f ungi:

And fo Vi tg. 1 . E h .

I» e s itar tamn lo pm tn:

£3s , éfinfixs 44$424 talli t.ao Sidera] Heaven .

2 1 Dednfl o] A deep openi ngbetween the Waves.

Subfidm fl TheTrenchesorOpeh ing: appeardeeper and

dee r.

Ta mra ] fI‘

he lowe bot.

tom ,for n 0thing ts low er than Hell.

2 3 Niki!) l ean’

t fee Land anywhere.

P en tax] Mare. For P en tax is

properly that Sea w hi ch extends

f rom the Lake Mc otis to Ten edos ;

by w hich Perm “by w ay of Emi

n en cy w e undetfiand the Sea, as

the Poet Homer ufes i r.

Hi t] The Sea is lif ted upw i th W aves.

me] The Air havi ng gatheredouds, threatens Rain and S torms.

a 5 Utrm qne} The Sea and Air.

Im am] W i th a great found

2 2 Gol da:

and noi fe, otherw i feThrbine,a volubi li ty or rolli ng o f theW inds, nor wi thout ' a m atingNoi fe.

2 6 Cd ] To w hich W ind, b,w hi ch i t is govern

d as by a Govetnour.

Nam]He defet ibes the fourcardinal or pt ineipalW inds,w hi chblow f rom the four cardinal Poi n tsof theWot ld, the Eafl : the Wqfl,the Sou tb, and the North

,i . e.

E arn s, t bym s,Ax/Icr and Bon es ,

w hich Ma n ilt'

m has comprehendcd i n thefe Vetfes.

Ajjm'ai axe m i:

E arns ah Orta .

d xfier ama t mediamfi lm , Z'Pbl ’

rnfqne caden tem.

Par areo] F i om the glitteringE 411, caufe of the purple col uro t the Morn i ng, and the Courtsfull of Ro les.Vires] Blow s more v i olen tly.E arn s] F i om the t i li ng Sun ,

for thi s b low s from the Equi nofi ia i E afl .

Zepby ms] Zephyr” is con

to E arn ,fo called becaufe

i t t in 3 Li fe to the {landingCom. 0 Lati n i t is called Fw a it“ o i f avmdoor f avendo.Je n]Blowing from the WM.

L I B E R I .

Nunc gelidtts ficcfiBoheas hac chatur ah At&o;Nunc Notus adversapm ha fronte get it :

Rea c t in incerto efi ; nee quid fugiatve.‘

In ven it : ambiguis at s fiupet ipfi melie.Sc ilicet oc c idimns g nee fpes efi nlla falutis ;Dumq; loquor, vultn s obrnet unda meos .

Opprimet hanc aflimam fiuaus ; frufitaq; petentiOre necaturas aec ipiemns aqm s.

At pia nil aliud quam me dolet exu le conjux;Hoe unum noflri fcitq; gemitq; mali.

Nefc it in immeufo jafim corpora ponto ;Nefcit agi ven tis, nefc it adefi


e necem.

O bene, uod non fum mecum confcendete pafl'

us ;

Na mots mifero his patienda foret !At nunc .ut peream , quon iam caret illa peric lo.Dimidii


eerte part: fuperfies et c .

Gem ] The coldNorth , focel led of Ban, z

. e. bellow i ng ;heew fe it blow s w i th a violen t

m e. It is called Aqui la, from

the Sw i ftnefeof its Flight like an

E e.“

L ime rj l t rave s and ragescchanalian Women ,

from the dryfi nd ] Dry, becaufi: the W inds

that blow from the Non b are

dryer than thofe that blow from

the M k : or becaufe the Bears

never fet nor go down into the

See , it is walled Ara“ ; for Art

m i n Greek fignifies a She-Bear

whic h being i n the fl orth ha;ma Names. For or man if

h azy Calif . the”tighter of

Lyme», who was transformd in toa near by j um, together wi th herSon v i ru s , among the Stars, and

placed them near the Pole, which

thence w as c alled d rain s.

3 0 J i m fa] Over agai nfi and

oppofite to Ben d s, meeti ng i t, hecau fe i t came from the South.

Ga it] It rontends w i th i t for

the Domin ion .

3 1 Red" The Matter of thethe P at.


d ate. Which W ind hethou d (huh , or what Place hemould make towards.

3 2. d ml’igm‘

s] Thofe con traryWands, a nd Oppofing one another,

?Oake the Poet doubt fu l w hat to

do .

Art] The Art of Navigation .

3 5’ An imdm] My Life, 3. e. I

mu ll peti fh i n thele W aves.

3;At pic & c .] My loying

t grieves that I am {cm i n to

Exi e

8 He: m m ] On ly my Da

u i ment , for (he does nOt know

that I am tofs’

d i n a Tempefi.

Name] That I am i n dangetof my Li te.

4 ! Cmfiene’e' e s w m fl to take

Sh ipping, that h is W ife would

gave gone in to Exi le along w i th1m.

4 2 Ne mm ] Left Death lhou ldhave been more grievous beingdoubled, or let! the w ho is partof me alfo lh ould die.

Name] Although I mouldlofe at Li fe b Shipw reck , l[h all eem to al .ve i n Tomefort, in th at my W i re who is onehalt of me is alive.

L I B E R I.

Fingite me dignum tali nece : non ego folus

Htc vehor ; immet itos cur mea ptr na trahit

Pro fuperi, viridefque Du, quibus xquora c ura!

Utraq; jam vefh'

as l i li ite tn tba minas :

Q tamq; dedit v itam mitiflima Cxfiris ira,Hanc finite in lelix in loee jufl


a fetam .

S i , quon iam memi pmnam, me perdere, vultis :

Culpa mes ell , ipfo judice, morte minor.

Mittere me Stygias fi jam voluifl

et ad undas

Cz fitr, in hoc vefira non eguffl'

et ope.

Eli illi nofit i non inv idiofa cruoris

Capia: quodq; dedit, c um va let, iple feret.

Ves modo, quos certe nu llo, puto, crim ine laeli ,Con tenti nofiris jam precot efl


e malls.

Nee tameo, u t cunéti miferum fervare velitis,

Q tod perm, falvum jam c aput eli'

e poteli .

Ta li nets] That I lhould peri lh by Shi w i eck.Non ego c . The reft ought

to he (pared that are w i th me i n

the fame Ship. This is a P i tyfor his Compan ions that the

being i nnocent, lhouldperilh w i thhim .

5 8 Imm n'

m] Why mull myCom anions be Partakers a t myPun



5 9 P ro f z psn'

] a re be

h is implOt ing, and argues trom

the Inten tion of Cej ar, and there

fete t rth hi s Power.


] The Heavenly Gods

w ho have Pow erover theW i nds .Viridtq e The Gods of the

Sea , to w°

eh the colour o f the

Sea is attri btmed.

60 00 493 : smba] Gods hOthofthe Heaven and Sea .

Mina ] TheThunders, Thunderi s the threatni o f Heaven

teat W i nds an Seas are the

breath ing: of the Sea Gods.

He there fore p ays for a c lear

Sky , and a 00d Sea.

6 2. Mi”) In to Sq tbia , al .

3 a .

64. C My Crime , i n the

mmy of A a as himfelt'


net defetve ath.

6 5' Ad en da s] To the Shades

be low , they who die a te la id c dS t ia s mu les: mim



6 6 Inc has & c . There i t as no

w an t o t Swords anu Execu t io n s :

the. at Rome , and mo ze than a llth is, he has Dea th and Life i tthis ow n Power.

67 Nm inv id wfa ] Not hatefu lto Augnfitu , that woul d n atexc i tehis E nvy, as l l be hau laid. t ag. 7can k l l l me w b sn he plc a les.wh ich it he does sr, w i l l c reate

him no Envy , bec au fe 0 t myCrimes ; or he w il l not envy myLiv ing.


s] The Pow er of myDeath, wh ich i s i n Cafar

s Power.68 o dqne]The Li fe that Cl

far has given me, he can take a

way w hen he leafes.69 Va: mal e He te ats h is

Prayer aga i n and ad a pathet iclt Correéhon

, tha t he cou ldnot b any Means be (0 treedfrom is Ban i lhmen t.

70 Cn m m’

] Add noth ing to

thole Afiiiaionu hat l a r has laidupon me.

7! Nee tamen ] Although al lof you w ould carry me w here Ilhould he (afe, and give me Sa tety

T R I S T I U MUt mare fubfida‘

, ven tifq; ferentibus u tar,Ut m ihi parcatis, non minus exul ero.

Non ego divit ias av idus fine fine pataudi,1 Latum m utandis merc ibus xquor atoNc c peto , ques quondam petii li udiofus Athenas,Oppida non Alias, non m ihi v ifi prius

Non ut Alexandri c laram delatus in urbem,

Deli c ias v ideam , Nile jocofe, tuas.

Og od fac ile eli ; opto ven tos (quis c redere poflEt ?)Sarmatis eft tellus, quam mea vela petnur.

73 U: mare] Although the Sea

lh mld not ta e and w l , the

w inds being aid, and hec -me

c alm .

Feren ribm]Favourable, c arty ingme i n to S tj thia. ai. f awmibxs.

74 U: paren ti s] Al though you

fhou ld fyare me, and c aufe that

i do n e t perzlh by Shi t eck ,

ye t for al l that l (h al l n0 t efcape

h i ng a ban ilhed Man ; i . e. I

u l u li fli ti be i n Exile, w hi ch i s as

bad as Death to me.

75 Nora 03 0] The Poet argues

fi om hi s In ocen ce, and lays hi s

S J iDg tJ’

Sea upon Necc ifity , ex

c u sing i t i om a covetw s.

Deli re,by An ti thefis , and Afi


eéh on for

h i s n ative Coun try As though

he had i a td net for Gain s 110:

ou t of Cm iof ny , h ot to t Pleafu re ;

but 1 ‘ ini for a go d W ind to

“ try me i n to my Banilhmen t,

Wdefif s

76 Me tan i n&c .] Toexchangemy W axes, tot Merchan ts


u fed to

exc hange one Commodi ty for


Are] I fa i l. V i rg.


spm ‘ gun'

s:mdlms man'


q usr d ra m .

Nee ete Nor do 1 30 to


73m : to d; as l ufed to do.

Asbestos] A City Oi Gsssmhe

tween Macedom'

s and d cbd a . Itw as a t firfi bui lt b Cecrsps,w hen ce i t w as called

yCscrepia ,

and a ftetw ardsu nisex:ofMinerva ,w hom the Greeks call

A0m i 3 th isCi ty w as the Inven trefs o f al l goodAl ts, the Me dlei ' of Philofo hersaud Ot atoxs, and the Nur e ofPeers.

78 Non Afis] Nor do I defireto go to Alia , to fee thofeTow ns

the firft T ime.

79 d lexm dri ] Alexandriawhich tAIexander the Great bu i lti n Emt

, and c alled i t after hisown Name 5 fee Ca rt. 1. 4. andyflfii" Is l 1 0

80 Deli cias] Your Iefis, merryS i



f fam e] Becan e o the PlentybOth o f 0 therThin s, and Varietiesof An imals , and 0 c t thofe Del i cac ies which i t produces ; or elfe,hec aufe many merry Things wereafied there.

81 flaccid f aci le] Whi ch mighteafily he ran ted me.

94th] hat any Body lhou ldW lfl i for a W i nd to a n y him ihto an un i nhabi ted Land, to lure

a mi ferable Li te there, this is a

Matter pafi lief.

8a Sermotis]Sm a ia i sa Country , part of w hi ch i s fituated inEurope, and part in Afic .

L I B E R I.

Obligor ut tangam lz vi feta littora Pon tis

Quodq; fit a patriajam fuga tarda queror;Nefc io quo videam pofitos ut in orbe TomitaS,Exilii fac io per mea vota viam.

Si me diligitis, tantos comp'

efc i te flua'


Pronaq; li nt nofirse n umina vefira rati.Seu ma

fis odifiis, juffz me advertite tetra:

Supp ic ii pars eft in regione mori .Fa te (qu id hic fac io ?) rapidi mea corpora venti ;Au fonios fines cur mes vela v ident ?

Noluit hoe Cz li r ; quid, quem fugat ille, tenetis ?

Afpic iat vultus Pon tica tetra meos.

Et j ubet, 8c merui ; nec ques damnavet i t ille

Crimina. defendi fafve piumve puto.

Si tamen afi a Deos nunquam mortalia fallunt,A culps facinus fc itis,

83 Obliy r] It is enjo ined me.Us sa ga s]That I i nhabit.Fem]Befau fe of the cruel Na

tions that dwe lt there.8; Touch es] That I may l ive

the rel! of my Li feamong the Inhabi tan ts of Tom s . Times w as a

Ci ty on the Gemk-Shore fo cal

led, hecaufeMedea ki ll’d her Bro

ther there.

E xi ls'

i] l w i th and pray that

a W ay may be opened tor me to

go in to Bani lhmen t.8 Si m &c .] He r ats his

imp ori ng again , andw i t a veryw arm Oration fpeaks to theW inds,and commands them to fnatc

him aw ay Rom the S ight of Ita ly ,and can h im i nto the R ace of

his Ban i meu t.

88 P rom ] Favoutahle.89 Magic sdrjh


s] More than

m m” .

j uy'

s ] Ca me i nto q hia .

go 6‘

d It w ill be Pun ilh

men t em for me to die i n

Ja mmie ; t (4 4 50' shasgran t


98 A tttQa]From my Crime.

ed me, al though I c feape beingShipw reck



92. A sfem‘

os]The Italian Shore,where the Aufessians inhab i ted.

MM 0614] Why can I beholdlu g from the Sai l-bearing Ship.

9 3 Nob is bat] That I llw t ld



aeho lci Italy , and yet he detai n’



Puge t] I-le fends away , ha

n ilhes.D E4. «4 m et oes my 3

fee9the {?and near to Pm t s sj it



Hypafll gh

9; E s jebet ] And he wouldhave me go in to Ban ilhmen t.E :men u] Here is an Acknow

ledgmen t and Cou teflion of hisFaults w i th an Extenuation ofi t, and a Dec laration of his Zea land Afleéfion for Ccsfar and h isFami ly.

2? 4 674s] The


s of Men .

allow] Dec esve, are couceal’


T R I S T I U MImmo its 6 fc itis, fi me meus abi iulit est er ;Stultaq; meus m bis, non fcelerats fuit :

Quid licet e min imis , domu i fi fsv imus illi ;S i fatis Auguli i ubhca ju li


a mihi ,I-loc duce fi duxi f ieie fecula, prmuo

Caefire thura, plis s aribufq; i.

Si fuit hic animus nobis. ita patc ite, divi ;Sin minus, alta eaden s obruat unda oeput :

Pallet ? an inc ipiun t gravidz evanefoete nubes ?

V iéiaq; mutati fran itur ira maris ?

Non cafu , fed vos, uh c onditione vocati ;Fallere ques non c it, hanc mihi ~fettis opens.

.99 E rror] The Poet cou l




hts F aul t to have been an E rror;but am aW i cltednel i ' , and that hehad i

cmden tly done that for

which afar had bani thed him80 i n Blog . 3 .

Cd sfit’

gm a’

rs, quismsdecspsrs

t error,D1“83 0

89me imagine that he w as hamfhed, bec aufe he happened to

fee A ngufiu commi tti n l neefl:w i th hi s ow n Daughter nlia.

t oo Stultsqs e] Imprudent, andunaw ares.

Sa la am]Not w ickedly i ntend

to 1 94m! 15m ]Although Iwereo n


e ,o£ the meanefi that hate goodW i l l to the Family of Csf s r.t oe. S i fan


s &c . ] If I readily' h y

d the Commands of Csfar,len d ing me into Ban ilhmen t , as

tu ech they had been publi c k

0 113 8.

to ; Hoe dam] If I have {aidtho le w ere ha pyA es, tha t w ere

l ived under hi m ing Empe

I’roque]For 640Iperl ty .

1 04, Cl an‘bcf T o M

and hisISens

q'ém lend

t o; Ss‘

finitl l f l tn d that wand Loyalty o f Mind £0:Isa yard” ) He in tin

fubjoins a Repetition of his Pssyc r.

1 06 S ir: mitosis] But if I ha!n0 t fuch a z ealous and loyalMi nd.

1 07 Fallor] He conc ludes the

Elegy by h n i fying , that M yw as obtai nsGrav ids ] The Clouds threat

n ing a Tempe“.

Ns bss]Nnbss takes i tsName O fNebu l a, i .s . covering or hidingthe Heaven .

1 08 Frmgimr ] Is repulfed,broken .

m 9 Non Cafe] 0 ye Gods !this S t rm does n0 t grow more

gen tle by chance , but upon .

thatondition , that I pray

d tor 1 t tor,that i f I w ere zeal ous and loyalto Csfar


s Fami ly.1 to Fallen 8m ]Which I een

nOt deceive.

l . Sshifi

T R I S T I U MUt tsmen hanc animo nubem dolor ipfe removit,Et tandem fen l


us oonvaluére mei

Alloquor extremum moellos abiturus amices.

Qui modo de multis unus 8c alter etan t.

Uxor amans fientem flens act iti s ipfa teuchat sImbre pet indignas ufq; caden te as .

Nata proenl Libyc is abetat diverfa ub oris

Nee potstat fat i certior efl'

e mei .

O_uocunq; adfpiceres, luétus gemittifq; fonabant;Formaq; non tac iti funeris intus etat.

m ina, virq; meo, pueti quog; funere me rentInq; domo lacrymas angulus omn is habet.

Si licet exemplis in parvo grandibus uti,

Hate fac ies Troj z , chm caperetur, erst.

Jamq; quiefcebant voees hom intimq; cantimq;Luuag; uoéturnos alta tegebat equos.

1 3 Anim a tion ) The Surpriseand Grief , which i t took from myMind, as the Clouds do the Hea

ven from the S ight. For as the

Clouds obfcute the Sereni ty of theFace of the Skies ; l


o Sorrow of

Mind as i t w ere obfcures theLightand Ghearfu lnefs-o i i t.

1 dm is] Di ove aw ay, difps l


1 6 E : ta ndem etc .) And whena t length m Settles w ere rd iored,that is , I

(gi ld ed up my Sy ii i ts

and my usage returned.

Una: 6 a lter] Vety few.whenbefore I had a great many.Whence E leg . 4.

Via: dos trefve mihi do to:fit)"efl is amid :

Caters fi rtm c mmmm turbo f s s'


Among thofe who remainefl hisFriends. he reckon s Cm ,

Celfnsand M a in ” , in hi s 5 th El:

t7 Tend er] She embracedWeepi ng.

1 8 Imbrs l Tears like largeShowersdiow ing continually dow it

her Cheeks, which ought am to

£ 9 K m

have been w atered w ith foch a

Weeping, hecaufe (he had done

h omi ng to deferve that (he thooid{0 saw her fell .

1 9 Na ta] H is Daughter Perms ,w ho had followed her Husbandi n to Af riscs.Liby tis] In Libya, whi ch w as a

Coun try of tAf ricd .

2 0 Net poten t] Becau fe of the

great diliance of the P lace.

Fan] Oi my Ban ilhmen t whi chhappened to me by Fate.aa Fermaqste ate. 1 and


therew as at my Hou lc a certai n Appearance of a Funeral , in w hichthey w ere not filen ts but fished

gteatly , as is common at the Funetal of a Friend.

Fame" ) Army Bantflimen t,that to me w as a l-onerai .

a6 H4 : f a in ] Such Mourn ingas w as at my Houfe ; i . s. In the

Ti sion s lamented when their Ci tyw as taken .

74m A Periphtafisof N ht.

m quel TheMoon (hone.Neflmm s]Who tun b Nisht.AIM] R ifen above the osizon


L I B E R I"


Hanc ego fufpic iens , 8: ah hi e Capitolia ca nons,Q ue noftro frufi rdjunei


a fuére lari.Num ina v ic in is habitantia fedibus, inquam,Jamq; oculis nunquam templa v idendameis.

Diq ; relinqucndi, qms ux'hs habet alta Q xirini :

E lie fi lutati tem us in omne mihi .Et quanquam fist?) c ypeum poll: vulnera fume,Artsmen hanc odtis exonerate fugam 5

Ca lelh'

q; Vito, uis me deceperit error.

Dic ite ; pro cu ane feelus efl'

e putet

a9 Ham] The Moon .

M ida s]Lookingupwards,Vs'

r. J : mihi perpetrate pom}cam sdsun efl.

- E s f qfltlgia fajju'


s 0ri tis.

Adbs c] Otherw ife ad In c , i . e. 3 3 flees] All whi ch R omeworbefides. (hips.

Beholding the 6’

Iss Urbt] TheChty hutltl'

o c alled, hecau e in Hi lls, (0 Virg. «6 s .

Foundation ot

dj npi g

e, a human Hes was 4 16c Pom s c tqse alts m a

0 gas] The Capi tol.rgflu ] Re


canl e they did memo x

good, whereas the Deiti es whtchi nhabi t there,ou&ht to defi nd thenNeighbou t



i fip.

d Hoof“ a me so my e.

Thye L423 are properly the Hoyfv

hold Gods, w h tch were woflhtpd in the Ii oufe, and the Fueearth w as confecrated to them 5

and in as much as the. Lars: orPm : were believed


tO prefide

cm the Hooter of pri vate Pes


ons, i t came to pails that haththefeW ords were ufed tofigmfiy aHook . Hence comes p ram ” ,

i. e. a fort of a rel P lacewhere the Ll sr


Gods were worth: ped.

gs Nun'

s?0 mpg:

Carpintm s m a m



Sei k o In the.

neighbouringTen nis: and Bui ld ?

He had!Farewel both to the odePlaces.

8: 1 H d‘

aa a rgue c . e pre t s,

dgt hzlhou ld never fee Roms a

gain, and In below


] Bu i lt by flsm rms i. 0»

Remain), Remains was called fla in

am .hecaufe be ufed to cm a

sym s and from h im the 0

m s were called Quai n t.

94.Me 8st .) Farewei for ever.

3 ; E:m am ; And al tho’


am w i fe too late, and ought to

hat e psay'

d to you before I had

W ed my W oun ds orm Cen

demoatip n , that you we have

been tam utahie to me, and hope

a s f rom fall ing under thi s Mi lffortune.

m” ) You r Defence and

Guardiannti p.

3 6 H ue] This M a s tic.


sl Do you mufe , that after

I amgone, I be not odiou s in the

Sight of Axga/fi ls and Others.

3 7 sages“ ; To am , sowho. di vi ne Honourswere paid.

“ 1 1 W hat udsncs .

Culpa ] ForW ic ednefs deferves

Hatred, but an E rror Pardon .

§telml The Faul t I have beengmlty of. 3 9 Sm ith

a4 T R I S T I U MDum q uor. 6: flemus . Ctr lo nitidifiimns almStella rav it nobis Luc ntcr ortac erat.

Divider mud l ltter. quim i i men memb e relimEt pare abrumpi corpoae v i ii filo eft.

Sic I’m mua dukut tune. chm in coun c il vu -ful ,Ultures habuir proditmn ia eques .

Tune verb enmitur c lamor, gemitufque mm m

Et t'

cn unt mtrfln M ore nuda menus.

Tune verb coul humeris ebeuntis inhz rem, _

Mifc uit hare lecrymit triflia diae meis :Non pom avelli limul eh. fimul ibimus, inqui t !

Te fequar, Gt conjux exulis cxul eto.

Et mihi fafi a v ia eh : 5: me'

capit ultima tellus

Ac cedam profugm farc im parve rati.

Te jubet éputrid ifcedere Catliris in

Me pietat : piem h.ec mihi

That the Sentethat above.and i t potie: swarm, who was torn inlecee W i th tour Horfes at themmend of M n: Hofl i liu , a

well known S tory in l y and

7a Gu m? )Trouhlolome to me.bet au l


e a t my goi ng, into mum‘ment that Day.

Lucif er] Pholpbon u, he i s lo c al

led, as tho’

bu nEi ng, Light.w hen

be soco bettn c t e Sun,and

[j m u when he fu llows him. F lore s.

73 Divider] I am leyamted. 77 M ]When I was goi ng a.

74 Pan A Limb to be way .

c ut o il . 8: a w ik‘

] To be plucked a

7 Prim e s] The Son of Lao wa trom me .

mad “, the [all K ing orT hy. 3 E : m‘


&c .]What Way youIn comm u


a] B l awn into a con ei ther by Land or Sn , 1 cantrary or pexn ic ious R efolution .

For he ave C l edi t to Siam . that

i t that orfc w as dmw u i




ttu the

C i ultra A rm n o an t ia




ymu la belle

fvenm tei t. Bmhe

Matter fell out con trary . for Troywas taken by that Horle.

76 Ultoru q uot] The WoodenHome that betray

d the fl ojm s to

the Greeks ,

which were revenged on P om

who had treacheroull Carrieaway Helen . Some teathus:

Sit dolm‘


u:tu , tm a'

n tumo


Uhom b: pmfitionh ego“

did con t ain in i tGreet: lying hid i n i ts Bell con man 3 me to

go too. and can endure al l theHardlh ips that (hall happen .

Ultimo] A Sc ythian and Nor.them Country , which is the u t.

mu ll Bound of the Rom Em

pi n“.

84. P rof q d ]\Vbicb carries youn Fugi tive.


c arh]Aw “ beingangry.86 Me fem ] M Love to you

cave my ownConnay .

Cefar]That (hall be to me inthis Place Read o f c ar, to compel me to go

along w i th you i n to Ban ilhmeu t,as tho


(he had fa id I w i ll go Volun tat ily, um at the Command of

87 Tafia ,

LT B E R QTalia tentahat fie 8: tentavcrat antéV iaque


t viGtas utilitate manus.

Egredtor (five illud erat fine funere ferri)uallidus immiflis hirta per ora comis.

Illa lore amens tcnebris narratur obortisSemian imis mediaprocubuifl

e dome .

Ut ue refurrexit, fcedatis [adv

in ibus, gelidamem

erc turpl

a levavit humo 3'

Se 01o defa tos modo deplorafl‘

e Penates,Nomen erepti i


s vocafle viri


e minhs, quam fi nata -ve, meum-vé

V idifl'

et firufios corpus habere rogos

Et voluifl'

e mori, 8c moriendo ponete fenfus

87 Ta lia aw] To go alongwi th me.

£0S ic] As (he had attempted bete.

88 Vixqed When I gave her tounderfiand that her comi ng to me

was unprofitab le to me, (he parted

from me very unw ill in y , and

took her. Hands from a a t myNeck for her own and myCon veniency . For dare ma m:

with ”

is to contefs the i s over


89 E edict] From my Houfe.Sieve c .) Or w hetbet or m t

that armre of mi ne, w as not

t ether t e carrying out of a livingMan to be bu ried .

P erri] To be carried on: to beburied.

EM ] 81 159W 07 3 “ 3 m9 5? not bei ng combed

yout , Z

S i n o f a Man trol in Sorrow .

4]Over my carded Face.

For duri ng the time of Mourn ingthey nei ther nta their Beards,no: cut their Hair.

9 ! Tan k s? 4 507133 ] This l ignihes a Sw oon ing. 80 P lant” , Tml n d ofl


m w , gm media j am iJm . He lays the fame of Lao


a , w ho fell into a Swoon upon

her Husband’

sgoing to themy

War, the having heard hemouldbe Gain in h e

Lax guages tec‘

m abit , tmebfiscxangca

s obortis,Su dden dim '

procalmjflé gene.

ae t Es

9a Semiam'


s] As though hal fdead.

9 3 Utye e] And after that.

Fmdam j Having fou led, w hi chwas a fign of the greatefi Son ow.

94. Gelidfi] Upon the bare col d

Ground, not from a Bed.

9; Defi ned She i s faid to havelame nted the Houfe that w as be

reaved of her Husband.

97 Nateow j Of her DaughterP eri lIa .

98 S trufl os]Laid upon the P i leto be burn t , for they ufed to bumthe Bodies of the Dead. R ages isa Pi le of Wood to burn deadBodies on.

99 Ponm ]That‘fli e mi ght no:

be fenfibleo t the teatGriercanfedb my being ah imed, w hi ch


ans h omi ng but Death can c t

xoo R eth ane] If thebe compared wx me.

zr x xs r t u m


Tact p the Pick of his Friend, its that beMand declare: that

out qf a great mass] but did, am?

he exhort: him

Low tow ards him, and act to be

iv that be deligbted

did at length return into his own

hefigs, there is no hope of bis return ing, wale]:

1dfé appm that Cat fat’

s Anger jbouldéepa

Mihi poli nllos nunquam memorande fodales,0 cut prz cipue

forsmea vila hla efi.

Atton itum qu i me (memini) carillime primusAufus es alloquio fubfiinuifle tuo:

Q tid m ihi coulilium vivendi mite dedifii


xm foret in mirero peél ore mortis amor.Sc is bene

cui dicam, pofitis pro nomine fignis,Ofli c ium net:te falli t amice, mum.

c mihi {Emper crunt imis infixa medullisPerpetuufque anim i debitor hujus ego.

x Pd? altos] To be put in the£ 11} P l ace before all Others. Seede P oe t. l . 4 .


i ma dd iss in ter mm rande

fodaks.a Cus


8u . ) Whom my Mi fformae afleaed, as though i t hadbe e

n thy own

‘3.d ttom


]Struck w i th Aflom men t at beau ng my Sentencehc banilhed.

4 Suflimafib]To comfort.

5 Mi te] P leafing, comfortable.6 Camfi rst 8 t W hen I could

have found in my heart to have

made away with my felt. u Van ‘s]

7 Poj z‘


s8cc]The Poet i s afraidto men tion his Ft iend

s Name,becau fe of d aflas.P aws]Art t on ignoran t of i t,

y t u know you did me the k i ntl

Ofi ce as toh inderme trom killingmy fel t, and by thi s you mayknow , that I mean your fel f.

9 Ha ] There I (h all alw ays

prefetve tomy Heaxt , as myMan

row is in the lowefi part of myBody .

P f l It o crysta gas As on as

lhould live.8

E I B E K l":


tus 8'

t vacuas

rifts hic tenuandus in auras

o deferet ofl'

a toga ,Ibit, 8: in tepi

Qui nt fubeant an imo meritorum oblivia nofitog.Et Ion a ieras excidat ifia die.

Dii tibi nt c iles, opis nullius egeutem,

Fortunam prz fient, diflimilemqtte mez .

Si tameo hz c navis ven to ferreras amico,Ignoraretur forfitan ifta tides.

Theléa Pirithous non tam renfifl'

et amicumg.Si non in fernas vivus adiflEt aquas.

Ut foret exemplum veri Phocz us amoris,Fecerunt Fariz , trims Orefla, tuae.

Si non Euryalus Rutulos oedifi‘

et in hofiesiHyrtaeidz Nifi gloria nulls foret.

1 : 74 cm ] As long as I ntall Nu em J kiden m fm' h


live I [hall owe you my Li fe andSoul.

TM ] Shall be chan tiinto the thin Air, s


. a. (hall ta

t a Og'

a]My Body to be burntafter Death.mg Before I forget

L indnefi'


1 4 E : Ian 3 ] Fo r a long time.t Facile: Favourable, graci


Opts]And fend that you ma

Rand tn n eed of no body’

s Afiance.

x7 Nev is] Thus Fortune ofmine .

Va se a nicel W i th Ram : and

F idel ity s‘

. e. i f all Thi n s fell

c u

b; peroufly to me, a eta-r

r.P1 8 {pa fil es] Your Love tov

wards me.

d ecei t”? 1m , net Tbefia P iritlao

a; Stili ttt, 8x ,

a r Photons] Pyladss the Son of v

P hases , w ho wen t along w i thO


rtfies the Son of u ! am m:x, bcmg

tormented w ith uries after hehad flain his Mether, and i n

danger of his Li fe, to Colabas.P ou t. Eleg . a.

w in tam Thy Madnefsthat thou w ait c ited w i th on theaccountof thyMotherCb tm q/tra .

a ; E-zab s] He w as a m

id is, 3 ft Friend to Nifits , w how ent togethet w ith him by Niéhti n to the Camp of the R adi um .

and made a great Slaughter a

mong them. BUt as they weteattempting to retire at Break ofD ay, he fell i n amongli:aTroopof the Enemies , by Whi ch Eag alsu being furrounded, and Nifascould ac t deliver him, he cho terather to expofe himfelf to a certain Deatb, than farfake his Friend.Virg.w a s 90v. 3 68, and the t01"low ing.R attles] He fell into the Hands

0: the Re silient .a4. Hyrtatidd] Of


the Son o f

”T R I S T I U MS c ilicet ut fulvum fpeaatur in ignihusa urnmTempore fic duro efi infpic ienda


fides .

Du rn juvat , 8c vultu t idet fortuna fereno,Indehbatas cunéta fequuntur apes,

At fimul tn tonu it, fugiunt nee nofc itur ull

i ,Agmmlbus comitum qpi .modo c infi us erat.

Atque hate exemplis quondam colleéta priorum..

Nunc m ihi fun t propriis cognita vera malis.V ix duo tref-ve mi hi dc tot fupereti is amic iCasters fortunes. non mea, turba fuit.

Q uc‘

) magis 6 pauc i rebus fuc c urt ite lapfis,Et date naufragio littora tuta meo .

Ne-ve metu fall'

o nimtt‘

tm trepidate timentesHac offendatur ne pietate Deu s.

Step } fidem adverfis et iam laudav it in armis,lnquéf ttis amat hanc Catlin ; in hofte ptohata

2 5' SciL’cet 8tc .] AsGold is try


i n the h ire,(0 the F ideli ty o t a

F riend i s proved i n Adverfity , ac

c oxding to the Saying o i' Efl n ism

A mino: terms in re mu ral cerm'

tu r.

Spefl a tur} Is know n ,i s pet

ceivcd, i s proved. Ci t . Nan igttatr

ex fingu lis v ocibu s P bi/oj bpbi jfiectaudi f sm t probandi : when ce th (Cthat try

-the value of Money-a l e

c al led, jpefla tarcs petun ia .

Dara] In an unhappy.D ims Ju ana] W hile f ortune

favouts any w hi le Th ingso wel l. [o i n E leg . 8.

p ass m'

c.f elix multa: numerabis

amuu .

Tcmps'ia/i fuerim nubib film era



2 3 l zsdc liba td s] Unhu t t , w ho le,not dimi ni lhed by any Ac c identot -Fortune.

2 9 Shu t iutoam’


‘] As foon as

Fortune begins to I'

UW R on anybody . A Me taphor.

F ~gi¢atj Hi s Friends fosfaketm.

Ulli] By any body.o_Agnu


bns] W i th a wholeM tttuue o f Fla tterers

,enough to

form a Regiment.

3 ! Exemfl h} Be ing fitnfible ch


Things by the Examples of others;

3 2 . Nuns miki'

] Now I know .

them by my ow n Expet ience.

3 4 Cam a] The t ell were theFri ends of my Fortune but not

of me3

3 5 glue magis] By fo muc h therather you tw o or three that te-t

mai n my Friends om of (0 many ,help me i n my Amiadon .

Lagfis]Otherw i fe Ldfis.3 6 Nassf ragio] Og iet to my

Ca lami ties ; i . a. be ye a Port tsme poor Exi le , by reconci l ingd egofisu to me .

3 7 F 4 3 3 ] W i th a

true, for you lalfelyfloss in this Matter.3 8


1Pieta te] In that you amfi "

you t Fri end.

3 9 Saf e fidem 8 m] He provesby Examples that h is f riends hadno need to be a fraid of Ax

gnfim . For i n W ar he ulé

htlj to

commend the ic that kept Fai t 1n

v ioxable w i th thei r Enemies. It i s ~

an Argumen t from { he lefs to the

greater.an nis Oi the Enemies.~

40 Inga: [uis The Nation»that wa s luo1e6t to him.



Caufa mea eft melior, qui non contraria foviArma ; fed hanc m erui fimplic itate fugam, ,

Ihvigiles igitur nofiris pro cafibus oro ;Diminui fi qua nnm in is ira potefi.

Sc ire meos cafas fi qu is defiderat omnes,Plus, quam quod fieri res fin it ipfa, petit.

I at mala fum pafl'

ns, quot in esthete fiders lucent ;Parvaque quot ficc us c orpora pulvis habet.Mnltaque credibili tulimus majors, ratamque,

Q tamvis acc iderint, non habitnta fidem.

Pars etiam mecum quzedam moriatnr oportetMeque velim pofli t diflimulan tc tegi .

Si vox infragilis, peétus mihi firmius acre, “P luraque c um lingn is pluribus ora . f0tent

Non tamen id c irco comyleéterer omnia vet'bis;Materia v ires exfuperante mess .

Pro duce Neritic doa i mala nofira PoetzScribite:Neritic nam mala plnra tuli.

Ha s] 57. Fi lm .

P rsbafl Ha commends i t i n annemy, i f he kn ow s any body

that is faithfu l .

.4 ! Malia ] Than that of Ene~

n tes.

Ca strarla m a] I have never

been con cerned in any Con fpiracyagainfi Angelina, or been a Fa

vourer of I t. Read M ains: on

a If “ .Amplia '

san B Imgmdence.4 3 Iuu


sila ive Vigi lantMiifis lwe to me an Exile,


aiiifi med iligently.

3;Si yea] If by any Means.

m ints] Of M af u .

4 ; Men: cafes 8 m] Al l myMisfort unes and Afli iétions.46 P lus 9m 8 t He requires

that w hi ch is impofiible.

93 a: 8tc .] That i s, i nfimte

The Sands.

49 Grad“ ings greatercan be ieved, incredible

yo Nu.

habita ts] They W i ll

“ MM , althaugh they ate

certain. But he does n0t makei t know n what th c le Things are.j'

t Pars 8a .) Of them»

ya Megs : Sta ] Many of myAmifi ions w i ll i ndeed never beknown , M I w ith I could foconceal t hem ; tha t they lhouldnever be made publick. For he»

had faid that he had und one

innumerableand i ncredibleTh n s,

bu t w hat thele Things were itedoes no: dec lare.

$3 Infragt'

lis If I had a firongVoice that c on d nor he broke:F irming That could bear the.

fatigue of S tudy.

5 ; Cawpkaet sr] I mould beable to exgrel


s and w rite downmy Calamrties.

Mam ie 850 ]Theabundance'

of my Amiétion s.5 7 Nerin


o] Ulyfl'

e: o f Moun tNsritm of Ithaca , Ulj fl



s Coun

tryl dala &c . ] My Wandrings

Homere te of the Wandrmgs of.

5 8'Nm


tio] I have undergonemou hflitétions than UW

e: cud.

y , T mr s r r o mIlle brevi {patio multis erravit in annisInter Dulichias l liacafque domus

Nos freta fideribns totis difiantia menfosDetulit in Geticos f aris ira finns.

i lle habuit fidamqne mannm,foc iofque fideles

Me profngttm comites deferuére mei.

Ille fuam lattus patriam v iéiorque petebat

A Patrii fngi v ifi ns 8: cm]ego.

Nec mihi Dnliehium domus ell , Ithece-ve Same-ve,Poena quibus non elt grandi s abefl


e loc is :

Sed qnz de feptem totum eirc nmfpic it orhem

Montibns, imperii Roma Det‘

i tnque loc us.

l lli corpus erat durum, patienfque labor

lnvalidat vires. ingennteque mihi.

me erat aflidnéfa vis t ents in armis


netus Rudiis m ibus ipfe fui.

5 Ill: 07n'

es. I-Iere followsa de

gmonliratiyve Compari fon be

tween the Sufi'

erings ot Ov id, andthofe of Uhflbs, in w hich thePoet very beauti fully fees one a

gai nft the Other.

Jpa tio Place.

Ma ltis Hay}: w andredYears , and duri ng that Time nnderwen t various Calami ties.6oDelicbias BetweenDnlicbx



an Ifland, n ig to Ithaca andI 'roy .6 ! NO3] I Ov id.

Sideribns ] Situate in anotherClimate.Mn jas] Em fos, i . c . after 1


tave meafused or pafs'

d over theea.

6 1 Gess’

m fmm]TheSess of meGem, i. e. into the Country ofQ a barian s, not in to his ow n

Country , and to a beloved P etulope, and a Son Telm sbu , as hewas carri ed.

6 3 Fidamqu mm ]h fai thfulGuatd.

6 ; Victor ] Bea nie I'

m wasmnquered.6 6 Via“: Condemned.

67 Deli s‘

m GCC-l mantis of

the d y e : Sea, underow n Governmen t : i t i s calledei ther Same or Sa m .

68 P oms Ste.) It i s no great‘

P un ilhmen t nor Trouble to Be ahfen t from thofe Places , becaufethe

y‘v e nOt fo famous as R ome ;

to abfen t from which i s agreaetrouble to me, and makes myLi fe a fort of Death to me.69 Sad gas 8m ] Sed R am ,

10t imam; i . e. the Seat ot ' theEmperours, or a place fit forCommand, being fituated in themiddleof Ita ly , é Bearm ,

i. e. of thePrinces tl

}at are a for



c ei f em iss'

t totm or en [? te?:easibes, {fl mihi M es.

Sepmn ate.) For K m was builtngon {even Hil ls, the Names of


ich were Mount Pa latine;sob


ne, airind Celia» E

fig,Vin ita? andLi von ia.


72. h ow“ vim ] Not ufed toLabour:

I u sages] Such as Precn a

or gen tlemen 5 ai . I‘m ” .

L I B E R. I.’

Me Deus oppréfii t nullo mala noti ra levanteBellatrix illi Diva ferebat opem .

Ctimque minor Jove fit tnmidis qni regnat in undisIllnm Neptunt, me Jov is ira premit.

Adde, quod illins pars maxima labarum sfi

Ponitnr in nofiris fabnla nulla malis.

Benique quatfitos tetigit tamea ille Penates

Q i z que din petiit,con


tarva tamen.

At m ihi perpetuopatria te nre carendum cit,Ni fuerit ltefi mollier ira Dei

M ic e, and free from all Diflurban ces.

75’ Dan s] d ageflm. he ives

another reafon w hy he fu ted

more t han Ulyflés.Null. lemm e]Nobody making

them l ighter.6 Dw a k llah ix ] The

de s Minerva , w ho w as the Com

pan ion of U!) sr ; becau fe he in

a ll h i s Tranfa ns made nfe‘


P rudence, of w hich P0114: is the

1 No

f Co i s C. Mue

tbezéod of the Sea .


78 j u ds ira] The Difpleafnre

E L E G I A V.

I be Poet

E C tantum Clario Lyde dileé'

ta Poeta' ,Nee tantum Coo Battis amata fno eftPefi oribnsqusntnm tu nofiris uxor inhacf es,Digns mmits mifero, non meliore, viro.

r Cla ra‘

s]J an in a “:of Calm . 3 4cm] Pbikm of Cass loved[or 614 m and Colophon were near E mir.one to the ether

: 3 ?\t 8 m] As much as

Iq l c]T he Mtfirefi of Cofimam 0 W i re. I love the !

tb s,w hom he dearly loved; 4 Mim smfirs]AhappierHuf

a Coo]To Philssa. band. Net

OTJ ugefins Who in there Timesis com ared to the greatefl j apiter.79

6 nod illim ficc . There are a

grea t many fall'

s T ings relatedof him.

8! fiu fim Pa n es] His own

Country w hi ch hew andrcd aboutfeekin many Years.82 , 3 ] Ten Years.83 J :mild]But I am fent i n to

perpetual Bantlhmen t.

84, Ni f usrt'

t] Un‘

leis Aagfias,

who i s (f ended w i th me,take P ity on me.

Dd]O f M afia .

T R r s"r rU M

Te me fuppofi ti velnti trabe fulta ruina ell :

Si quidadhucego fum, muneris omneroi efi.

Tu facts, at fpolium non fim, nee neper ah illis;Naufragu tabulas qui tié:emei .

fi tque rapax, fiimuhnte me, c npidufque cruoris

Incnti oditum capta ovile lupus :

Ant n t edax vhltur corpus circnmf ic it, eoquodSub nullfi pofitnm cernere pofli t umo;

Sic mea nefc io quis malefidus rebus acerbisIn bona vcnturus , i i paterere, fnit.

Hnnc tua per fortes virtus fnbmov it emicosNulla quibus reddi gratia digna potelt .

Ergo qui tu mifero, tam vero tefie

H ie aligned pondus ti modotefii

Non wel’are]For I am of theantient and noble Family of theNaj b

s, trom which an innumera

ble Company of K n ights have defcended. I am a Poet of a greatGen ius, and excellent Learn i ng ;o t whom as your Husband youufed to boat! b efore this Calami

I empsss c]i did ,lib. a .

1114 nq/Ira die, &c .5

' Te me 8 m] This i s to be nnderfiood of his E&ate, that TomeP erfons w ho coyeted other Perfons Goods, w ould have gotteni nto their own Hands: but u on

whi ch 09 54 fuyported himfe inhis Exile.

6 Ma n }

?I ought to acknow

lgdge my fe indebted to you for

t at.

7 U:[pain s etc.) That I ama c t defpoiled.8 M af ragu &c .]Who would

have taken from me, what ofmy Pflate was lett me in 0) Cal amt t by ( af ar, jut! as ii theyw on] have robbed a Sb iOWrec lt

dPerfon of the broketi Boardsof the w reck

d Shi

9 t nnlann]mating them on

s9 Probitate]

so l ncefiugm ] Wi thout




Saf uard o D or he

A Sha f folmm

s t Eda ] Devourtng all.Corpus A dead Careafe.t a 8 m ilk 8t c. ] Unburied


for they feel:their Food only fromdead Carcafes.t ; Si c m a After the Iitme

manner rfidious Men wouldhave feiz

upon w hat I hadin the

$0 116, i f you had not hindredem.

R eba: am bit] In this my Ba

1 4 Fan‘

s] Fnfi t,.

had been1 ; Hm ] Thu petfidtous .


Perfi rtes] By the Aflifianee off‘fi F riends.Subm v is]R epulfed, remov


Nada gu sh ] As true as i t isthat I am w retched, fo true it isthat I {peak the Truth.

1 7 P nh rs'

s] Thou hafi apprev'

dthy felf m be bonefi, good andfincere.

3 8 Hi: aligned 8m} If you can'

ve Credi t to a M tnefs that is acdMan.

5 a T R I S T I U M

Quique tenent Pon ti Byz an tia littora faucet ,Hic locus efi gemini janua vafia maris.

Hate, prz cor, evincat, propulfique fortibus AufirisTran fest inli abiles firenua Cyaneas,

Thynniacofque (inns, 8c ah bis. per Apollinis urbetn

Alta fub Anchiali moenia finds; iter.


Mefemhriacos portus , Odefl'

on. 81: u ml’rattereat dia ss nomine, Bac che, tuo :

i t quos Alcathoi memorant 3 mozmbus ortos.Sedtbus bis profugos confiituifl


e Lares.

A qu bus adven iat Mi letida fofpes ad utbem.Offenfi quome compulit ira Dei.


. e. the Work of the fi cfl'


atts, ed and Apollo'‘becau ie c/E rtear who was the Fa i s a Ci ty of~ther of Cy zu


cut w as a Tbeflb h'

a by the Gm'


,Nati t)n .

I 31 c l From C t’

tet I

c arite tomBQ/pbm o Thrace,

that w as i n the torm of a Mouth,havingflyz antt

am or Cmfldntt'

nq ls

o n the Weflern Shore.Faucet]The E ntrance.

3 2. Gemini]Oi the P ropontirandshe Eu s t

ne Sea , between which

S eas are the S trai ts w h ich are

c al led the fl afpbon tr of Thrace.

3 3 E l t; preset] I pray _that this

Ship o f mi ne hav i ng a tan W ind,

may pafs betw een thefe Places,and have a good Paflage by the

fy mean Iflands,Fortibas] A li ter F lm tlbs s. For

a Soudt-W imi is a good Wind for

thofe that would en ter the Stra its,a nd a North-W i nd to thofe that

would go out o i them.

3 4. Infid i ltt] Floating and joai ing one anorher, appc a ring tome

z i tnes here, and lometimes there ,

shore Placesw ere ml ! orShallow s,p ud as the Sea ebb


d and flow’

d,w ere lometimes underwater, andf umedmes above.

3 5 Tby nrtiator Tbrnm'

a; was a

p m on thele t—hand 03 f orm” ,

S hore.

6 An tbia lt'

] Amb ia let was a

Caitle bui l t by the Inhabi tants ofApollom


a on the Gm'

tb Shore.

F ixda t May my Ship cut titSea.

7 Al efembrt’

arot] Let my Shpair from d ncbi l lot to the Me

bric Sea ; the Mdanlm'

were a

Colony of the Mtga enfia s.


on] A Colony o f the M‘lsfiam .

3 8 Dian ] Dionyfiapolt'

t .

3 9 E t quot] Abd let i t pafs bythe Peo le that l ive under theW al ls 0 Altatbu , a Call ie of theMegam ij iaw ,

(0 c al led o t A ltath us the Son of P riors.

Sedibas] In th i s Place.Lara ] The Houles the Lara

are i a.Milett

da] Tonto: the Place ofOv id

s Ban i lhmen t. By this Verfei t appears, that Ov id w ent on

b aard his Ship a ai n , or elfewhy [hould he w in tha t i tmightarri ve fafely at Tomes .


q et] Sate.as Dtt

]Oi Asgejh t.

L I B E R I‘


Hate 6 con in t. merit: cadet MinervaNon f ac i



igagnofiras hofiia majfi pes.

Vos quoque Tyndaridz , quos hz c coli t mfula, frames,Mite, precor, duplic i numen adefie v ita .

Alters namque parat Symplegadas tre per altasScindere Bi li on ias alters puppis aquas .

Vos fac ite, u t ven tos, loca chm diverl'

a petamus,Illa fnos habest, nec minhs ifia fuos .

43 Ha gB ax] If it (hall (0 fall

out, I w i ofl’er a Lamb to Mim e

,w hi ch (he delerves for her

of eret ail be

mfiras cadet

bqfli‘ dextrh.

44 Nos & c.] Indeed i twas ufualto a Cow to Mineral , as

Mn“ . 4 .

Au joes'

s mafi a sf , M ater ”M C

Minerve .

tw at tt'


fam s

And Meta ». l a .

F4¢ dies d e ns gas Cycm'

c iderAchilles

Pallsda m an ta placebos [a gain

The Poet therefore correéi inghimfelf , fuggefis that i t w as

not a Fault.

1 n himfelt, bu t thewant of Abi l i ty, he being in hi s

E - L E G I A X .

Ovid extafir himj é Thing inelegattt [hotdd thenceto be its his Book, the B lame upon the

Storm and the W4 f a]: tha t he wrote tt whilethey were mating a not]? i» hit E 4 7h

Exi le had n0 t Money topurc lu le'

a Cow .

4 5 Tynda ridfl ( 41907 and P o

Iax the Grand fons o f

that were ufed to he invokt u Lythe Mariners.

Infala] Samethrl cf .46 Dxph


t i'

To bo th Journey .

by Land a nd by Sea.

47 Sm lexadd t] The ( u m’:

Iflands.A ltos Otherw ife i . e .

diflm t t a l ittle (pace one h u n t

the t tht r.

48 A lu m] My Ship. I: i t beu nderflood of one S h ip , th i smbe taken metapho ricaliy , a t pag


t a lum may be put i n t t .e

Courf e

,Seri e

s o r Land110mm ».



ad Thra ce lo ca led h ourthe QMW t

au Lake.

yo Illa] That b0th the Shipmay have a good W i nd ah

though thty don’

t fai l the fameCourle.

34 T R .r s'

r 1 U M,mj aétor in indomito brumali luce profundoIpiaque cmrulc is c harta ieritur aguts.

l mproba pa%net hyems, indignaturque quad mfim


3 9 fi rm ah’

] In a W in ter Day ,i n Wm ter- time v hen the

Days are t i t, and the Seas

u m e b ifit rous.

P rof un do ' In the St a.

Far in a] Is fprinklcd w ith

the W avc s of th e Sea , w h i le I amW l i ti n

f4 ! udfgn a tu rque ] And feemsto bc o i iptcaf


R I ide s ! Boifiet om S torm , ,

and can 03 Shipwreck.

e rigidas incutiente minas .

V incar hycms hom inem: fed eodem temporelpfc modum fiatnam carmini s , illa fui.

QM ,

P .OVldO N


Min x] The coldWinter make.me leave 05 w ritin


4 Ed am n m I ta

w e

3may both

mplc ave


44. Madam]Ao end of wri ti ngPoe try.

1114 ] And that W in ter maymake an end of her

that it may leave LE to be ngoo



U ID mihi vobifcum efi, infelix cure, libelli,Ingenio pen i qui m ifir ipfe meoCur mododamnatas repc to mea crimina Mufis ?

An femel ent poenam commeru ifl'

e patum fme cognofcere vellent

Omine non fauflo fmmina v irque, mea.

Carmina fecerunt, ut me moref'

que notatet

Jamptidem invisfi Cmi’

ar ah Arte mec a

Deme mihi Radium , v itae quoque criminademesAc ceptum refero verfibus. em: nocens.

Hoe pretiu tn cum vigilatorumque laboram

Cepimus : ingenio ell poena repertamco.


dli]O ye Books that havebeen the Cau fe of my Mi sfortune !w hy do I ofi


er to have to do w i th

you again ? It i s an Apofimphe tothis h rtle Book.

2 Ingen io] For I am fem in to

Banifhmen t for the Precepts ofm y Art qf Love.

3 Mufa ] My Verfes, of whichthe Maj “are the Authors, whichmm long ago w ere condemned byA afiam and therefore by me.A etonymy of the Efi cien t.Crimiu ] W hich w ere to me in

the Read of Crimes.

4. P awm ] To be fen t in to Ban ilhmcn t.6 Non faxflo] Which fell out

Vet un fortunate! form ind c irque C.)

Art of Love, I taught beth Menand W omen to love.

7 Carmina 8 m.) The Poet give:tw o Caufes why he fell under the

Di lbleafnre of aw ” ; onew as

that he ublifl'

ted in : Book of theArt of e and the Other W as,

that heundelignedl y furpt iz ed himan an obfceneA6} ; whence i n the

4 th Book and firfi E legy he fay:bfiid quot crime» 17t

plat?” 5

P ecca tm queMGOS.

Noam]That he fet aBrand or1 3 . Delta:

Mark upon me, orhe wouldlearnor k now .

8 «46 art: invifa] From myArt of Law which he hadAbhorfence o f a great w hi le ago , w hen


I w as a youngMane»

9 Dem 8cc .] Take away theLafc iv ioufnefs of my W ri ting,and there w i l l ac t adhere to meany Ct ime as to my Manners.

80 A


r.Lafi t


va pagitm v ita yrobc‘


IO Accept” ! 8 m] I con fefi Ihave received from my Vet fes. limpu te i t to my Vertex. For re

{ero accepts »: fign ifies , I con fefs 1ad ir, or recei ved i t, inumati ngby way of S imili tude, that wec onfefs w e have'

received fomeBenefit of anomer.‘ and Cicero has,v im acceptance 7 t dammit ta .

E e mcee; T at l am Ofa F£ ln It

]i a a Gf ecifin gi


tiptoj ir IoLaden li b. TM "

pou c h:j am’

bm c

t dz [i ter. i . e.P

bu m emfi cm ; and Gatulna, Phafelus i ll: 9m widest: ba

jfiitet. d t faiflé adv im1 : Fw iw ] The Rew ard, that

i s to fa that myWi thaabtoughtme to


uni lhmentstcht


ton nage: In w a infitti ng up Pate) and takingin comyofing Yerfes.

ye T R I S T I U MJufl


en t 8C t ho dic i ; quo tempore ludosFec it, quos z tas afpicit nna femel

His precot exemplis tua nunc, mitifiime Carat,Fiat ah ingenio m

ollior ira moo.

Illa quidem jnfia c it : nee me merntfl'

e negaboNon adet

) nofiro fugit ah ore pndOt .

Sed, n ifi pec cafl'

em, quid tu concedete pofl'

es ?

Materiam venise fora tibi noftra dedit,Si, quoties pec cant homines, fua


fulm ina mittat

j uppiter, exiguo tempore inetmts et tt.

Nnnc ubi detonnit, firepituqne exterrmt orhem,

Purum difcufli s aera teddit aqu is,

Jut e igitur gen itor ue Defim tefi otque vocatur

j ute capax mun ns n il jove maj us habet.

Tn quoque, chm pattiae reac t dicare, paterque,Utete more Dei nomen habentis idem.

q ue fac ia: nee te q'

uifquam moderatihs alterImpetu potnit frazna tenete

Wri tes that in his Time bOth Fam ine and Drought were i n Italy.

a ; Leda ] Verfes. He i n iti tutcdthe Ludi Secular“

, w hich w ere

obfetvedonce in an hundredYea ts ,hecaufe they thought an Age lafied

an hundred Yeats. Lndi a tepubhgk Speétacles, which w ere ex

h i bi ted ei ther to appeafe theAngerof the Gods , or for the Safety ofthe


People, or for the moa art to

gai n the Favour ot the copie sa nd then Ladi w as common ly i nthe Plura l Number.2 7 Exm lis]Whi ch thou hafi

sty c h .

A6 ingenio men] Againfi mean i ngenious Man, and h t toW t i teVc rfcs , i . 49. let your m ind al fo

810W mollified by my Verres,

w ho n ow w ri te un to thee iupplian tly . Seeing that the Gods themfelvcs have been made foft, or

mol lified by Vetfc s.2 9 [Ill ]LeeMe merm



e] Thy Anger andthe Pun ithmen t of them.

go Nan adeo] I am net fo im

Pude nt.

Concedere]To pardon.

ga M ten'

m ] My Crime has

procmed you Matter, and an Opportun i ty of exerc ifin Clemency .

3 4. Inermt'

fl After has [pen tall hi s Thtmdexbolts.Detmut


t] Aftert'

m has left06 Thunderi ng.F arm Ad d reddi t] After R ain ,

j q iter is won t to bring fairWeather.

A uis]The Clouds that confl icd 0? W ater bei ng di fcuis


£ 7R eaor] Becaufe he tempers

A iaions w i th p ys.

3 8 Majat] H ig er.

More def] Of spit” , whofends fa ir Weather a er a S tormby w hi ch Expreflion he infinnatmgly prays tor a return from Ba

n ilhmen t.Name's]Of the Father, Othetw ife

Nm m , 1 . e. the fame Div in i ty ;which on al io have.

i gn ef c des]Andthou mlefiw i th Moderation .

4a F rm ] The Reins of Govemment.

6 5 T R I S T I U MAt (memini) v itamqne meant. morefqne probabasIllo quem dederas, praetcreuntis equo.

Q uad fi non prodefi, honefli gloria nullsRedditut ; at nullutn crimen adeptus cram.

Nee male commifi'

a efi nobis fortuna rec tum,Liique decem dec ies infpic ienda viris.

R es quoque pri vatas fiatu i fine crimine jtidexDequemed fafl

a eft pars quoque Vid a tide.

Me m tferurn potui, fi non extrema nocerent,

j udicio tutus nonfi mel tfli:mo.

89 P roba bas]Yon ayproved of'


i t in that, as a Cen for, on be


d a Horfe on me, w en you

made me a K n ight , of which the

( Zuflow was to t ide on Horfe

back from the Templeof Mar: to

she Temple of Cafior, in h onouro f the Appari tion oi the Caflof s ,fl tfl of that Vi t‘l ory w hi ch was

p btai ned at the Lake R egi llps .

Di on . l ib. 6 .

9 1 fixed ,am; That l am a

K n ight .

P rodefl As to the c leari ng of

me, and ing a W itnefs oi myLoyalty.

E: hongfli 8m.) And my ,honed:

Deeds are not recompen fed, and I

h ave noc receiv’

d anyBeneh t trom

the on ac coun t of my good Be

h aviour before , and Dign ity oi a

K night. 0

a V 4: 8m l Yet i t i s a Sami s ion to me that you have not

c hargedme w i th any Crime.

93 Credi ta 8tc .]Commi tted to

my j udgment. who have judgedt ightly.

f oru ms] The Condi ti on of

them who were liab le to theCene

f ure of the Ca tm s'


94 Decsm d m’

es By the

(fen tan m'

ri , nor was the t ce of

the Cen tum'vira ts contest


d upon

me anti fs. For by thefe two

V erne; the Poet indi cates that he

was one oi the Cm tm u‘

m te (ors that confified of an hum

Men ). In that Court the

Gate; ot-Wiils and {gheritanceg

and alfo cr‘

xmimfl Matters, we:try

d. They w ete called 60mmaid . from the number o f Me:F or when there were thirty fivTribes in Rome, thete w ere thrtchofen cm of e


lyhTribe to l

i n cm, an a t o’

the we:anfimed and five

, fofilortnefs they were called thCm tm iri , and their Judgmetw as cafled the bafia Cemm ira lx


becaufe the Ccmm iri fat i n Judgmen t, having a bafia or bpeafix up in then Form or j udgmen t hall .

95 Re:prim“; Lefl'

erormo:flight Caufes, an private Cafebetween Ci ti zen and Citizen , Pexfon and Petfon

,fn ch as appet

mi ned to the Tri umvirate. The;are publ ick Judgments in whiz ]Trials ate conc erning Treafg nsagainfl: the Country , Corrupu unand Bribery.Criminal W ickednefs or crimi

nal ly accufing any one..

96 P e r: mad Ste.) 1 . e. thofithat w ere cafi by my Judgme nt.F472: 8cc.] They pt t elaimjy Imparti al i ty and Jufh ce u


97 mum ] Thy h ibiudg

men t,by which I was ham cd.

“ 38 j udicio um°

Beeaufe thmcl“

: R accoun t me a good Man .

Noujm el] Otocn times ; hecau]?my j ufitce w as known to you 03

many Cafes.

L I B E R II.“

Ultima me petdunt: imoque fuh z quore mergitInoolumem toties una procella ratem.

Nec mihi pars nocu it de gurgite parva fed omnesPrefsére hos fluél ns Oceanufque caput.

Cut aliqu id v idi ? cur noxia lumina fec i

Cur tmpt uden ti cognitaf—‘culpa mihi ell


us A& z on v idit fine‘

vefle Dianam :

Pra ia fu it can ibus nec mim‘

is ille fuis.

Scilioet in Superis etiam fortuna luenda c it,Nee ven iam, lz fo numine,

99 Ultimo] You r lafi:Judgmen tconcern i n me, i . e. Banilhmen t.

Ma g i: Overwhelmsme, bears

me dow n .

too In a bunem u tm ]Meali ve.Unap o alla ] That tingle and

lafi t pleafure of thine. I t is a

Simi litude drawn from Perfons

faili ng.

to : P ars P4 77 4]Nei ther a l i t

tle yarr o f the Sea , 3 . e. a l ittle

lndtgnation o f A-gefius, or d e

gafiu on ly , hu t alto Others on h i s

accoun t have opprefs’

dme. He {till

goes on w i th his Similitude.

to ; Car a liquid O

&C. Here

Ovid in timates plai n ly ,that i t

was nm 40 much on the accoun t

Oi hi s w ri t i ng h is Art of Love,

that he w as hani lhed, as hecau fe

he raw ,and that by chan ce, w hat

w “ wou ld have had con

cea cd ; there are fome w ho think

that he faw J essy? ” commi ttingIncefi w i th h is Daughter 7-5 4 ,concern i ng w hi ch Snemu


ns in

104 Impn dmu'

] To 3ne bei ngignorant , and ac t mqmfitive.


know w hat a flu w as dcmg.

Cogn i ta cape] A Thin the

K now ledge of whi ch 18 oohed

upon to be my fau l t ; or n0 t my

fault. hUt Ccfa r’


t-o y Infi itss 8ce.] A‘ s d flm w ho

fawDim ,tho’

nOtw 1thb efign,was

puni fhed ; (0 I have ha net! tofee fomething tor w hit l lbfferthe Pun i fhmen t. .4 6 4u the So n o fd rg/Ia u and d ams“. being ti redw i th long hun ti ng to avmd the

heat of the Day, beto-Jk himfelf to

the Valley or Gn gq h’

e, where

w as a very c iear Founta i n , and

be happen i ng there to etpy Dimw anti ng her (elf , was by herturned tn to 11 q that he m ighta c t sell the Matter to any B

-my ,and at lafi w as turn i n pi e ces byh is ow n Dogs. 3 Al ssm or . 3 .Fa t

1 07 Sci licet The Gods

pun i lh tho le that Li n aga intt them ,

a lthu ubh at be by c han ce. We 0 !

tend ei ther by Mifiaxe or by De»

i ign [W ickeduc fs] Ov id ca l ls P ov

sum Error and Chance. Fam ine

takes her Name of Femal e, bec aufe [he i s carried tafhly and

w i thout rea fon . Fortune is a ludden and unthousht of Even t o fThings in pett i ng. A rwosbmakes a Di infi ion between Fonsm e and Chan ce, that [versu s is

to he fligned to things done w ithDeli rati on , as the hudin ot a.


s fure byonedigging the 1 1 th 5but Chan ce arifes trom natura l

things, or from an Agen t vo id o fR ea ion and Deli beration ; aswhena T i le tailing c f]: from an Hou l


c ,

woun tls one that is pafiing by.

3 4 T R I S -T I U MIllanofira die. quame mains abfiulit error,Parva quidem periit, fed fine labe domus.

S ic uoque parva tamen , pattio dicatur ut xvoC a: nec ullins nobilitate minor.

B t neque divitiis, t ee paupertate notanda eh

Unde fit in neutrum confpic iendus eques.Sit quoque nofira domus vel cenfn patva, vel ortu,Ingen io certe

non latet illa meo.

Q to vidcar quamvis nimihm juveniliter ufits:Grande tamen toto nomen ah ore fero.

Turbaque doétorum Nafonem novit, audet

Non fsftiditis annumerare v iris.

Corrui c hz c igitur Mufis accepta, fab uno,

Sed non exaguo crimine lspfa domus.

At ue ea fie lapfi efi. ut furgere, (i modb lasiimsturuerit s aris ira, queat.

Cujus ih even tu poena:dementia tanta sfi,Ut fuerit nofl'ro lenior ira metu.

Vita data efi, c itraqqe uecem tua confiitit ira,O Princeps patce

viribus ufe tu is.

Infupet accedun t, te non adimente, term ,

(Ta uam vita patum muneris e et)opes.

3 09 1113 did In that Day myFami ly perilhed, 6 1 .

n o Labs] Fault, Crime.

1 1 1 -P am°

o m ] From the a e

o f my An t eflors, i . e. my Fami ymight be (a id to be famous i n myFather


s Days.

xsa Ullia s]Of any (Honfequ 3 Clara]

Remarkable.Uude From w hi ch Houfe.

I ts moment] Fer ei ther Thi ng ;ei ther as pofiéfli ng a reat E&ateaor obnoxious to overt


w hic h he i n timates be ad a

Pretty middling Efiate.u ; Cerzf n pa rw ] A (mall For

tune. A h n ight'

s Efiatewas tout

hundred Seherc t s.Orsfl By oriéin al.


l 1 6 Ingem'

d As though he hadfal d, although I do ne t fetch myOriginal trom K ings, Conrals or 1 3 0 Of “) 1 ampermitted to enP aren ts t f the l ike Q

bual ity, nor j oy my P atrimony , w hich myt60 abound w ith R i

have a poetical Genius, whi ch i s

es, yet I Pathet left me.

x3 2. Ssltflo]

celebrated all over theWorlds1 17 93 0] W hic h Gen ius.Nimb us jm as


li t

gi] Becaule


wn ti'

m t u°

lely a amoronI hav



goh’ended d egefias.


t a t a ccfpm]Grateful: leafing.n o] I had ofl


en cd J n

p fias by one Crime, out nor bya {mall one.

W1 24. Em tm em as ownripe and mollificd.


ray Cap s] Of w hich d egefies.Its ev assn]WbICh when i t hap

pened, and i t w as put in Executi c n , 1 w as to kindly treated.

t a6 Nqflromm t] Than ! feated,s'

. e. that I feared a greater Puointment.1 a7 Ci tra 1mm )W i thoutDeath;

and taking away h0th Life and


Nee mea decretro damnaii i faaa Senatus,Nee mea feleéto judice jufl


a fuga elf .

Triflibn s invea ns verbis (ita Prin c ipe dignam)Ultns es o ffen fas, nt decet, ipfi:tuas.

Mde qnhd edifi nm quamvis immite, minaa e,

Attamen in ptz nz nomine lene hrit.

Quippe relegatus, non , exul dicor in illo, .

Parcaqne fortnnarfnnt ibi verha mew.

a la quidem fano grav ior mentifqne PotentiPcena ell , quam tanto dif licuifi


e vrtoc

Std folet interdt‘

tm fieri placa ile numen :

Nnbe folet pulsfl candidus ise dies,Vidi ego pampineis oneratam v itihns uhnnm,

a fnerat fz vo fulmine tafi a jovis.lpfi licet fperare vetes, fperabimns : atque

Hoe unum fieri, te prohibente. poteft

Spec mihi magna fnbit, cum te, mitiflime Ca li f ,Spes mihi, refpicio chm mes fafi a , cadit.

Ac velnti ven tis agi tantibus xquora, non efi:

E qnalis rabies continnn fqne furor ;

13 2. Salem] i . e. By a return . AMetaphor: So 775.

[pri vate] Judge, to whom thou Vem'

s psfi sm i te: sum fet e» dies.

mtgbtefi en join Secreiy as u) Candida ] A ferene, ta i l .my Condemnation. 84. Vidt

ego 8tc ] V in t s w ere

t 34. 0 mfds saw ]The Crimes the mamen t to E lms. “ h ich

which 0 nded thee. w ere fet by them , that theym ibht1 3 3 Thfiib s 8t c .] S ign i fyi n0 t lie on the Ground, and they

Sorrow , that.

I had commttt foreboded fome great Mistortune,that, for whi ch I mufi fnfier i f any Thing o f them w as hlafiedPuni lhment. w ith Li htn ing : theretorc hc i

ays ,1 3 6 Nomi nal By the l nfcription I have n Th i n s w hich before

and Ti tle. by the Anger o the Gods havex 7

' R eleg4 ss s] Rslcgdrs i s to bee n (mitten , to have been c om

fcnti aw ay in to fome Bland, or pleatly refiored aga in .

into fome Other P lace. E xile Hot m m dccd By hoPi ngdifi


ers f rom R elegation i n that for your Clemency , 1 do nOt pre


k is perpetua l, R elegation but jndi ce youfor a T ime. 147 Cum te] Se. refpics



1 3 8 P ermqne v erbs ] And thy Miujfime) In as much as th ‘


Decree concer my Unhappl art won t to forgive ever body .

hers, is expounde there i n bttt a t48 Mm f ad e] Becau e I havekw W‘





deferved Pun ilh‘




1 m i ate omm'

o a u i ta m Movin ra i

genegrgu s anfifounfiMind. (m



s v iro To Angaj lm .’m ej ? &c .] The Violence of

1 4 2. Nd : pal a] Ah er bei ng a Tempeft is not always a l ike.

driven . away, Gen tlene s ufc s to

1 5x Sfi fim f

68 T R I S T I UMSed modh fubfidnnt. intermifliqne filefcnnt,Vimqne pntes illos depofuifl


e fuamSic abeun t, redeuntqne rnei, variantqne timm



Et fpem placandi dantqne negsntque tn i.Per Supetos igitur, qni dant tibi longa, dabuntqueTempora, Romanum fi modonomen amant i

Per patriam, qua: te tuba dc fecnra parente eft ;Cujus at in populo pars ego nuper cram

Sic tibi, quem {emper faa is animoque mem is,Reddatur gtatz debitas urhis honor

Livia fie tecum foc iales implest annos.

Q ue, nifi te, nullo. conjuge digna fnit.

03 3: fi non efl'

et, coelebs te vitadecen t,Nullaqne, cui pofles ell


e maritns, teat.

Sofpite fie tefic natns qnoque forges, at olimImperinrn regat hoe cum {m ime fenex

Vt faciantqne tni fidus juvenile nepotes,Per tua, perque tni fafia parentis cant.

Snbfidant] Th are niet.tj a Vz


mqae] The ury o the


1 5 3 Varian sqae timores] I'


time tear oneThing, and anothertime anOth



8: N ht y4. E: em c .) ow I

1 nd then a

pai n I defpai r.


s 5 5 P er 3 8 a.) i .a. Oro,or

thefe W ords agree w i th the Verb

rel dtmsr, and the like whi ch fol

low . The Poet prays t'

or petpetual Suc cefs and Felic ity to d a

xefl u, both in Honour and Ma

trrmony .

Long‘s tempera],About (event;

Years.1 1 6 R amamsmm m]The R o

man Empi te.

1 57 Tu tu &c . ] For in d is

g nflm’

s R eign there was Peace,and the T tmple of j a ms was(hu t Up , F413 1 . v . 4 3 .

1 5 8 P opalo] The R oman Pea.

R eddatnr) Let the Ci ty ofR omedo you theHonour that thoudefervefi by thy Anchievements

andW i fdom, and (0 l hew i t fiif

grateful to i ts bell Governour.Grate w bis] Oi Rome grateful

no thee.

1 6 1 Lia'

s] He Means Lid sDmfilla , w hom d uguflns marriedhay i ng divorced Scribens


c .

Socrates] Conjugal .1 6 3 91“ [i am]Un lefs

were alive, there would he no

W i fe worthy of thee, and. £0 thoumull rema in fingle.Ce lebs]W ithom a W ife.1 6 ; Te fir

m]Thou being f s fe.Na g s] tb m


as w hom Aq u

fies had ado ted for his Son .

1 66 Cum priors 8m] That hebei ngold, may fufiain thee beingold m the Empire.

1 67 Ted neposes] 8c .Drssf u andGerman ic“ , (tor Cai ns and LuciaC or: w ere dead. and d c .



fs ban ilhed


juven ile} i . e. Let themtread i n the S teps of you and j alt


m Ccfer and imitate na


88 T R I S T I U MParce, Pater Patriz : nec nomin is immemor hujusOlim placandi f mihi tolle tui.

Nee precot , u t r earn : quamvis majoraCredibile ell magnos fiepe dedifl


e Deos.

Mitius exilium fi das, propiul’

que roganti;Pars erit époena magna lc vata med.

Ultima perpetior, medic s proje&us in hofiesNee quifquam patria longh

i s cxul abefi,Solus ad egrefi


us miffus feptemplic is l flri,Parrhafiz gelido virginis axi premor.

j az yges, 8c Colchi, Metersaque turba, Getaqne,Danubii mediis vix prohibentur a uis,

Climque alii cansatibi li nt graviore ugat

Ulterior nulli, qui tu mihi , terra data ell .

1 81 Ne: nomim’

s See. ) The

Sau fe i s, nei ther unmi ndtul s'

. e.

bOth mindful of this Name, that

thou oughteli to be as mi ld as a

Father ; nor take from me all

Hepes of appealing you for t imeto come, t he Parade ordenying being tw ice repea ted.

1 8a Oh'

m 8 m] That I may n0the confirained to remain han sflted

in Tom s.

1 85 M tz'

as exilim ] And i f

thou (halt gran t me my Peti tion

of hav ing a place of Exi le nearer

to Rome.

1 87 Ultimo] The greatefl. the

molt bi tter Ev ils. Here follow s

an Exaggeration [a letting out to

the height] of the Mi let i ce of hisrelian t Bani fhmen t ; that no Peron waseverban ilhed farther fromAagafim ,

and ob l iged to l i

mongfi a barbarous People.P r eases] Sen t.

1 8 P am‘

é] From Rome. So al ittle further ;Ultm


or malls} gm sw'


um data

1 89 Ad egrefl'

as Ste.) At theMouth of the R iver Mar, Otherw ife called the Da n te. w hi chbl eaks out in to the Sea by fax


R ivers,for the feventh is drank

up by the Marlhes.

1 90 Celfiflas &c . ] Ca lliflas isd resdx


a,w hich being by ? q iser

turned in to a Bear, was placedi n the Nm b. See Mstm ospb. z .F ab. 5 , 6 . Fafis

a t



do] W i th the d rai ch

[Nm b] Pole.1 91 74x13 “)Were a Peo leof

the S cy thian: that inhabi te the

plai n and open Country.Colcbi]Were a People who ia

habi ted the right Side of Puma ,nearMountCoats as 3 whopurfningMedea when [he cd away, andnotbeing able to ove rtake her, fatdown abou t Tamara

Metem sqae tu rba] The Inhabitan ts of the Ci ty Metereo,dwelibeyond the R iverM a.

Gsssqae] A People in E uropeanSq tbs


a , w hich firetches tow ardsthe Ball of P umas.192. Da abii dcc .l Dividing the

Ci tyTom s from the before mentioned Nations.7ix Ste.) From invadia os.

1 93 Gama 8 m.) Are an iihedby thee for a greater 05 mm.

194. Ultefl'

or 8m] Further to,

ward the North.



Longius hac nihil elf, nifi tantum frigus Gt holi isE t maris altrifi o qua: coi t unda lu.

Hafi em‘

ts Euxin i pars efi Romans n iflri

Proxima Bafiernz , Sauromatazque tenent.Haze ell Anfonio fub jute noviflima, v ixqueHz ret in imperii margine tetra tui.

Undeprecor fnpplex , u t nos in tuta relcges

Ne fit cum patriapax quoque adempta mihi .

Ne timeam genres, quos non hene‘

fummovet metNe-ve tuus poli im c ivis ah hofie capi.

Fas prohibet Latie quemquarn de finguine natumCa faribus falvis barbara v incla pan .

19; Nij s'

8 m] For thofe Ci tieswere in the Northern R egion ,and therefore uninhabitable.

196 8 : sum ] And the frozen

197 M ean ] As far as the

Da s h ,which he fays was the

Bounds of the Roman Empire.M 31“ the Pond:Sea,which

is on the left-hand to thore that

fi il to the Cin esia M in n a .

Ru m ] Of the Roam! Inti fdiaion .

1 98 P roxima]They pofl'

efs the

Places nearMet .M a n ]A People of Scy tbid ,

that inhabi t ei ther tow ards the

North Sea, or at the R iver Ij lsr.m atq y e] ANorthern Peo

gle called S am arium , of which

Lme are Afiass’

cks and form Eu

rqm s, rtedb theh ives Tend s.

199 a &C. Thi s Land to

which I am hani lhed, is the ut.

moi! Bounds of the R em us Peo


s Jnt i fdiél ion .

Nm fl'

m ‘] The farthefl, Newgfm es fign ihes the fame as at

ha of a ll , becau fe thofe Thingswhich a re the molt lately done,have the laft Place.


3 0 1 (Ind: 859 ]He repeats hi s

ao7 Perdidcrim]

Peti ti on , and adds the Caufes,w h ich are near a -k in to his for

mer (c tting out his Exi le.

Ssppkx] He i s land to be

flex , w ho low ly and he

in pli ca tes ana ther, throw inghimf t at his Fee: or K neel ing.

Us nos 8x13}

That you would

gran t me a ace oi Bat men t,where I may not be i n lear os

Enemies.3 02. Nefit &c .] Lefi w i th the

Lofs of my Country , I lofe myPeace too.

Non base Bee.) Ijkr doesno: a fely detend or keep off




m ss'


s]ARoman Ci ti z en.

aoy Fa: probibet] Equity does

Ld ts'

e R oman .

ef an’

bu fa lw'

sl The R s

1mm Empi re being i n Safety .

3 mm ] All rereign Nationswere called Barbaria n s by the

Greeks ; and by the Roman s , allNations but the Greeks ; ou t he 1s

properly a Barbarian to any one

whole Language he does not un

derliand; when ce a li ttle further

he fays, Ba rbara: bit egofem, gumems iatsla


gor s ilt"



U -M

Perdiderint chm me duo criin ina,’

carmen, error

Alterius faeti culpa filenda m ihi efi.

Nam tan ti non firm, renovem ut tua vulnera, s ar.

imio plhs efi indoluifl'

e femel.

Alters pars {gr

ipetefi z uz

i turpi crimine taétus,

Arguor o coen i d or adulterii .

Fas er 0 ell:aligna coelell ia pcfi ora fallr:

E t un t notittfimulta minora tua.

t ue Deos, coelumque hmui fublimeo


Non vacar exigu is rehns adefl’

e jovr5Ex te pendentem fi r: dum c ircumfpic is orhem,

Efl'irgiun t curas in feriora tuas .

Sc ilicet imperii Princeps Ratione reliéi e‘


Imparibus legeres carmina fafi a modis.

Perdideriu t]Andfeeino thatthey w ere the Gaufe of my Exi le.Thatw hich follow s is rm ly as an

Occupation and part y as a Re

p s li tion o the fol low i ng Exc u feof his W ork o f the Art qf Lov e.For i t might be ohjeéted againfl:the former Argumen t of his Petit i on : The Matter i s differen t, asso your Ci rc umfiances, yo u haveofl


ended Augxfim tw o W ays. TheP oet confefles this, and that hedidhappen to fee

, he has nothi ng tofay tat ther as to tha t ; but hew ri tes that he wil l make anfweras to the Other.Carmen]My amoro us Precepts.Error]By chance and unaw ares.

1 08 Altm'

as] Of mifiake or


S zlmda] For the rtfiori ng ofme i s nor to be looked upon offo great momen t. P lan t. P lan


“fli t oculam 1mm , gm asm'


decent .

Tms v aineu ] Thy [Grief]Di fp lea fure.

Indo’mfléj To have been

grieved t( r them once.

a 1 1 A ltem pars] It rema tns that

I c lear my felt a t Fault, as to myamorous Verres.Cr iminal Crimination .

a l a A rgnat I am accoied.

A li By fome meansor manner,

Ce lefis’

a ] Thy Breafi ,0 d rugs

flxs .’ w ho art worthy to be nam

berd,among the Inhabitan ts of

Heaven , and (halt be reckonedamong them.

2 14 Nomui minera l They are

nor w orthy to be taken notice of

by y c u.


]To him overning.2 17 P enden tem orhem The Em

gi re of the Earth, that i s lnfiain



y thee.

2 1 8 Ef ug ixn t &C.JThou doefinor regard the le Thi ngs that are

i n ferior to the W orld i t fel t, as

my Verfes and J r: Qf Love w ere,becau l


e thy Thoughts are employcd abou t more weighty Aflarrs.

a t9 Scilim ]An Irony .

Imperi i] After you hadqu i ttedthe Care of the Empire, as a

rSoldier hi s Pofi.

Sta tions]S ta tion is u fedOi everyPlace where a Perfon li ands. Itrs a w indingPlace in a Shorew herea Shipmay ridefafely for a T ime 3but nor lo faiely as in a Phrt orHarbour. Vi rg .

-E tfia tio malefil a tarsms.Al l

o thole Places i n w hich Soldiersare pofied are cal led Sta tion s, andwe a l fo call that Place a S tation

[Fofi] that rs afligned tor Soldiersto keep Guard or fiand Gen try.aao Impa t iens 8cc. ] E legrack

Vet ies .


Non ea te moles Romani nomin is urget,Iuque tu is humeris tam leve fertur onus

Lnfibus u t pofl'

rs advertere numen ineptis,Excutiafque ocolis otia noftra tuis

Pannonia ell , nunc Illyris ora demandsh tic a n un c y rstbent, Thrac iaque arma metum.

Nun: peti t Armen ios pacem : nunc porrigit arcusParthus eques, timidai captaque figna manu.

Nunc te prole tuajuvenem Germanra fcn tit,Bellaqne pro magno s are s ar agit.

Verfes ; he mean s his Books Dem : J m ondi , w hich w ere w ri t

eu in E legi a ck Verl'

e . Af ter the

fame man n er, lib. 3 . 1 . he

calls i t , d aemo n verfa n ,d sd mfdfidoassc rm


bee n et'

s , eel v ia log o

Li b. 4 . u p. 9, t o.

an E 4 moles] That Grea tnefiof Thi ngs , 5. e. the Empire is n0 t

troublefome to thee.

Lew man] The Burthen

which o f i t fel f i ndeed is heavy , islight to thee. A Metaphor.

Lafibs s]Too

eoncern your

felf abou t fil ly trifli ng Poems.

Ex cuswfqae And that

than fhonldefi read over Verlu

md a t idle times.


P awl


a l A Cou

fitry 3



0 er,now c a cd c

v alid“

? (fbdued by 4 3 3 43213


Flor. l i b. 4 . cap. 1 2 .

Ifly n'

s] T he Ilbriam are a Peo

le w ho l ive under the A lps, and

their Valleys (hu t up, a s cer

tain P laces barred or (hot up, and

lurroun ded or hemmed in w i th

windi ng T o rren ts. Aga in li thefe

People A q afias undertook an

Expedition . F lor. 1n the fame


k ineti cs } The Rbs tr'


aPec ple i n hab it ing.theA 401 , reach

"tg even to the Borders of IMO.

mg ciagsse} The Thron e»: are

a Nort hern People o f German] ,fituated at theE axt


m Sea.

d ru n k s]The amw ere a People otAfw .

P orn lgs'

s]supplian tly holds forthhis Arms to you .

Parshar]A Peo le o fconcern i ngw hich Flor. 3 . cap. 1 1 .

Egan ]Why the P erth


s »:

ll d Egan . j ajir'

a tel ls os, lit .

4 . 1 . They do all on He i fe-back,

they fight , they lc afi. theyform thei r pub lick Olhces on

Horfe-back, on th em they travel,

{i t (till , trafli ck and drlcourfe.And a li ttle before : They fibht,runn ing, Horfe a

fiairrfl H orfe. or

retrea .rn

%‘e [or



gfi. tor the

often ma as ri t y“d, to c a e

theirPurfoers to expofe themfe lvesmore uncautioufly to the dangerof bei ng wounded.

Sign s ] He del ivers back theMil i tary S tanda rds that he hadtaken trom

Prole tn ] Your Son - i ..Law Drafts: whom yo u (ea t i n toGerman] .

3 3 0mm ] Angujr'

n s himfelf indeed was an c ld Man, but Drufusw as a youngMan .

a go‘

Bellaqud Draj iss managesthe War tor A agafim . He c a l ls

Drxfiss , Cefar no t becau le he ever

Ihould be Cej a r, bu t becaufi: hew as Of the f arcan Fami ly.

Nu e quibus fc tibatn poms dubi tare, libellusQuatuor hos verfus étribus unus habet

Elie proen l vi tta tenues, in f ne puden s,

s que tegis medic s inli ita onga pedes.

Nil n ih legitimum, conceflique furta eanem‘

laque meo nullum carmine crimen erit:

Ecquid ah hac omnes rigid“ firmmovimus arte.

Q uas fiola eontingi vit ue fumes vetat i

At matrona poteft alienis arti us uti,

M ne'

trahat, quamvis non-doeeatur, halter.


946601] For

vantage I give there amorous Prea

One ol'


three Bosks of e m of Love,

i s Co (be fit“800k. in the ina T eh

m 71'

q Was aOovet ing or

Ornamen t for a Woman'

s Bead,w i th which Women bound their

Fm m eu srfi

m fins°Isge u

Ilu . Ovi

l ad t w as i n old Time yearliarto hood Matrons. Virgrns and

Veh ls , andwere alfo calledM rs.

liar to omen. For fir

wore v ista , and alfo Poets,and ehofe thatwerecarried to Exe

c u tion , and the Temples them

felees and the Altars ot the Gods,and the V i&ims, and Shi when

they fi t fail ou t o f a ort, or

u s e home after a long Voy a e ;

andM I Torches, and the e

y-i s of Eaex i fes, [Plays]. It

as certain th were a ProperOmanmu of a tronsand Vugrns,and w ere di lti n&ive of honefiMam a s from Haslett.hfl u ] ANose and S ign . Thole

Things were called Iqfiguis ,which


were marked on Garments, 82nners, and the like ; or the Garments themf


elvesJor Banners, or

other Thi t‘

rgs thi ch



g:carried, 0 t at t m'


known ordifiingmflredfronl

igtherswhom belonged to.

ta] The lower Borden[Fri nge] of a Woman‘s Garmen t.w h ich is a Token of a m rriedWoman.

Legitima te]Which arelawfulc

by the La

x: Cmcefisqae ta] ostionmin ed by the Laws.


Cristian] By teachin fuel:things as were nor s ilow a e.

R igidas] S trifi ly boucfiMatrons.J ute) Of Lovi r


an M ] A arment wornby honeli Matrons, which reacheddow n to their Feet, fo called ofd khop m ,

i e. i n two 5 thi s theR oman Matrons wore, as theMendid a Tun ic.Ca stings

]To be violaued.2.y ; A llan

“: m ums] Not w rit

ten by me,by w hi ch (hemay be

corrupted,orw ri ting, things foreignfrom Love, may be transterred to


fi shes] May follow ei therto that which i s i ll. and atn afi to


Desertsar]3 e.m s, toLove.


Proxima adoranti Jnnonis templa fuhibit,Pdlic ihus mfiltis indoluilfe Deam.

Pallade con fpefi i , natum de crimine VirgoSufiulerit quare quz ret Et ichthon ium.

Venerit in magn i templum, tua num ina.MartisStat Ven u s ultori junéi a v iro ante fares.

Edi: z de feden s cur hanc Saturnia, quz ret,Bgeri t l onio Bofphorioque mat i.

P roxima l When a Wo

man good at Con trivance (or of

a good Inven tion) (hall enter the“Temple of 75m , that


oina to

that of m i n the helix:

Mount ,me (he i s worn‘

tiyping1:7m . i t w i l l come in to her mt

that 3 m w a s provoked by the

many Harlan that 74 5m had todo w i th.aga P efia

h s]Pena :is an Hatlot that has to do w i th another


s Husband.

agg P a llets ] The Image or

Statue o f P 4 114 : bei ng feen .

NM dc mini" )Her Son thathad the Name E n abom


m given

him on the accoun t of Con tention ,of 3mCon tention , and xflovo


c the

Ground. For when j apiu r, Mim a refuting, had made a Ma tch

b tw een her and Va lu e : I’


attacking theVi r i n w ith Violen ce,in the S tr tered hieSemen

on the E a and thc nee the Boywas hon

}, Mesa ». 2 .

v. ” 1 . m in: a

2 S-fls lm'

t Bro hthim u

endgame him 30 he


gducated 5)the De ten of Ca re” .

a9f ma niac ] Whom thou

wormippefi i n an efpec ial men


s] Ulm it , fo called ofc law . ereaed a welarge and ti t Temple 3him in hie curiousWOtk

mah flfip , hecaufe i n the P hilippimWar he had avenged hi s Father.8m . Od d in F aflq . v . Cé

Itha c a the Magmficenee of i t :

i t it call“ Mm (a:70 mfiys)

hecaufe he prefides over Males inBattle. Him the Roma n w oflh ipd w i th the h i

ehefi Venera tion ;

au fe they loo‘

d upon him to

be the Father of R omu lu s.

Venus.Ste.) Bec aufc they

were joined tu Adu lter Ma . 4.Fofi. 5 . 9. d. the A ultexy t o!Ma n w i th Van : w ill come intotheir minds.Fares]The Gate of theTemple.

But undetfiand the Temple o f

Van : the Mather, jOi flCd u that

Oi m r‘r

d‘ I he 1 fn t Tem c o

the Egypjh'

m Goddefs, whichw asn ext to it i n the Field. w hi chw as joined to the Campu s Al an ine.The feered R i ' hts c x this God

defs were cele rated every Yearfox ten Days t w ther. Ij x


: w as

the Daughter of t e R iver In a cbu ,

at fitfl called Io, of whi ch lee

Melam. t . Fab. t o.

Ham] Ifis.Sammie]7am the Daughter of

Sa turn .

Ion ic]Through the Ionianand fi ofpborean Seahad been w i th j -pim . For

l o was by him, before the comi ngof yam , turned in toaCow ,


j am made to run mad,and ha

v i ng fatigued her fel t by ramblingal l over the Ba i th, (he at lengthc ame to E t, and there w as

turned into fir. Mare Ion ian: is

part of the Mediterranean Sea b e

twcen Crete and Skiff , lo'


dof l o.Bojfbon


oqxs] Through the fi fe

fl an : o f Tim e, quash Gi t (owH 3 b

78 T R I S T I U MIn Venerem Anchifes in Lunam Latmins heros.In Cererem jahns, qui referatur, erit.

Omn ia perverfas pofl’

un t corrumpete mentesS tan t tamen illa {uis omn ia tuta locis.

At proen l ti fcripti folis meretric ihus Arte,Summovet ingenuas pagina primamanti s.

Q i x c unque erumpit, quanon finit ire facerdos tProtint

ts hx c vetiti criminis 3 6h rea efi .

Non tamen eii fac inus verfus evolvere mollesMulta licet caflse non fac ienda legant.

Saepéfuperc ili i nudas matrona feveri'


Et Veneris flames ad genus omne videt,

In 74mm») Ambifis (hallre fer to Verna , that is to fay ,i n the Though ts of the Ma tron

w hen the (h all behold the Imageo f Venus i n her Tem le, that i s,(he (hall cal l to min that Achil i : had v i xen: h Venus .

Lannie: beret] ady m’

an focalled of Lannie: a Moun tain ofCarin , who the Poets feign to

have had to do w i th the Moon,

and that he w as laid afleep there

for a long time, w hi ch is feign'

don ac coun t tha t he firfi found outthe Moon ’s Courle.

"oo j efms]The Son of 7



a ndE leara , and Brethex of ar

damu ,w ho had to do w i th Ceres.

0 ! Omn ia ]All thofe.erw rfa ] Deprav


3 0 2. S tan: tamen]Neverthelefsthetr Temples are ne t therefore

ul lt'd dow n , bu t are yermi tted tofrequen ted. All thi s part con

fifis ot a conditional w ay o f. atui n If my Verfes do deferve

un i en t, there are alfo manyO ther things tha t do deferve Pu

n ilhmen t . P lays, Portico'

s, Tem

ples, in as much as all thefe ad

min ifier occ afion ( f Lalc iv ioufn efs ; hut thefi:do nOt deferve Pu

n ith tnent. E rgo, neither do myVerles defc rve





j H b eh b0 A s rot ere y e yhe8t'




aeatshis Excufe, that he didnos w n


te thole things tor honefiWomen, but for Courtezam. 3 1 l Veflaks]

2A I'


pta arts].Of the Art of

Law , w hich I only wrote for.

Harlots, and n0t for Virgins amtMatrons.

i04 M m : Will driveaway


ngeum ] Cha modefi.

o; E rampifl Enters.gt“ em] Throughwhi ch place,

f t » i nto the facred Place, to whichnone but the Pn efls may eno


3 06. Vu itz'

j She may be cha'

dof. bei ng g

f l ty o l an unlaw 1:

A&ion . alfo, if any chaiiePerfon (hal l l ead my Wri tin(he has gone farther thanought to go, and thenefore {hei s to be blamed and um I.

30 7 Evolv ersf To read over.3 101163] Lafc iviouse

3 08 Nm f adenda] NOt to be '

imi tated.

3 09 Sepercilii feveri] Oi fevei eGravuy e

Nude s ] se. H erm ite: whonaked di d celebrate the F1074134

t h f l ee Liberty, concerningwhtch F afi. 5 .

3 1 0 c is] Standing in everyForm o f Venus , ei ther in the

Plays or i n the S tews, as thou h

he had (aid Harlow ufe.

al l e

lafcivious Pofhmesof Coi ti on , andfor all that are often beheld naked

by Matron s , when they celebrate

the Floralia naked.


CorporaVefiales oc uli menetricia cernunt :

Nec domino z res ea caufa fuit.

At quare in no n imia ea lsl’

c ivia Mud ?Curve meus cuiquam fuadet amare liber ?

Nil n ifi pecestums menifefiaque c ulpa fattndumPmn itet mgenii, judic iique mei .

Cur non Ar olieis potit‘

i s q oonc idit atmisVexata itenim carmine Troja meo ?

Car tac ui Thebes ? 8: mutua vulnera frattum ?

Bt feptem portas fub duoe quamque (no ?

3 ! t Vefid a]TheVefial Virginawho have theCharge o f the facredR ites of Vefin w ho ought to he themofl chafie Perfons livmg, are alhtwed to behold Ra

gga w

ith Im

s na s even Ve l Vir

g ve Keen deflow ei’d , andt in been caught in Adultery,

have n buried al ive.

gt a Deu imflTo theH'

~ Priefi ,“ gavej udgmen t on t Vefia ls,if they commi tted l neefi ; or to

a m : 3.

l o the Mah '“ thes tew , w ho ought to have te

moved thore naked Harlou out of0 fig : o f the Veflh l Vi i ns..

3 1 3 A s 8tc.1 Here ollowstwo 0 b e w i th their Ln(were. hefirfi is general , whyheis too lafciv ious he anfwers, lwith I hadneitherWi t nor Judgment (o no be.

In my Vet fes.That I deterof Work fit to

he w ri tten .

3 17 Car m ] Wh did um I

wri te of the W4 1 3 o‘

Ilr rAno

ther Objeaion w hich ari s fromthat foregoi n Why did you nottreat of w el ty and ferions Mat

te“ ? And then he deferihes various Ma tters. by which he fay: hemfi

t have mcured Prane, i f

his c l inatioghad ledhim to have

labou red in them, rather than inamorou s 5 5 am»


s G mlb s ; of os..

mi ?“ CM?03 18 Va cate sfl]In recolleai ng,

i n calling to mind i ts Fall andRu in .

[sew n]Beeaufe to many havewri tten of fi g .

3 3 9 m s“ ) The Wars of theCi ty of M s. fituated in 3 0minconcerning which Pepini-s Sta inshas fun in Heroick Verfe, andto the ork has given the Ti tleo f E d d i es. Ot thi s alfo he

complains , lib. 3 . Amer. E leg.

1 a.

Cass fi che, cmCef l ris

Mesa ]Of thedeath of E sm lesand Poo'n



E tfeptm ate.) Thebes byAuthors is called H tbq by loa becau fe i t had reven ates.

M date] For {even K ings eonfpired t her for Pobm


ces a

?i hfi m ies viz . J drafia sing of the Argives, Amphiam ns.

Hippm dm Capo n e: Tj dcm a

P a thw ays ” and Pehn ites , for

whom the W ar w as managed

by the Condufi and Di teaion of

And i n the Manage

ment of the Siege. thefe {even

K ings took each of them a Gate

to attack.


Ad leve surfas Opus, juvenilia csrmina. ven iEt fall


o movi peaus amore meum.

Non equiden vdlem: Ed me mes fata trahehant.laque meat pumas ingeniofus cram.

Hen mihi ! cur didic i ? cur me docuére patentes .’

Litteraque ell oculos ulla morata meus ?

Haec tibi me invifism lafcivia fec it, oh Arm,

Q ias ratus es, vetitos follicitare toms.Sed n h e use nnptz didieetunt furta magil



qne part‘

un nov it, nemo (1

Se ego delic ias, Ge mollia carmina

Gtrmxerit ut nomen fib ula nulla meumNec qui fqnam ell:adeomediade plehe mat itus,Ut duhius v itia fit pater ille meo

Crede m ihi, difiant mores a carmine noliro:Vita specunda ea, Mnfi jocofa mes.

9M 154 Tres tin of thesfiu of You th

],3. s. I id apfed

to w rite of amorous Afi irs. I

enerd fed m mind.Fa

g t{follic ited

mtnymi nd

towr i te, neyin t t l was

or had been in Lovt".man ] That this hadbeen


M afia“ am] But fo it pleae'


the Gods that I mould wri te

wanton Things, and afterwatdshe ban ished for ir.

Pm ] That ! fltonld oomfor which I

Poetry .33 Liam’s ] And why did

I pend an y ume i fi the Smdy o fLet ters P

3 45 Vests“ ten s] Chafi Matmms, the Co ition f marriedW .»

m us Ton s is perly a Bed , 11)

a l lot! of ha bit , Herbsplat

N q cm r. Viz .

M sen pater Mab d se.

M isfi t] To entice to at

Adul teries which

by Steal th. 2 ?e

5 Mel i n a

Ins. Cslon' M In fe m Venn .

Ma s'

fire] I bei ng thei r Mather.

3 4 93 049" Ste.) 92, d. l w as

not able to teach Adulte i ies, be

caufe I am ignoran t of them my(elf , hav i ng never v iolated anymarried W man .

49 Belicia ] Del ights , Love

A airs, Jokes, Delis“ are pro

perly thore things that are the

greatefi plesfure to as.of Delis“ ,

s.e. enti c i ng u s to pleafure.

3 so Smmsers'


hs t no S tosy

r id o f my Amours, hasi njured

my Fame and Glory, 10 at the

end of this 3 .ok.

Non ego nsmb m’


a rmies


Net ma ss a llies tried” w rf nsfid d

3 f t Media doplate] Notum of the Patric ian Order,bn t a 0

not of the middle fort of People.

Us l abia ]That he (hou ldbe jealous o i his W i fe

s Adultery,

fo as to doub t, w hether he was

the Father of the Son .

Vi u‘

o] By i eafon of my Precepts.

3 5 3 Di/b ns] They difl'


Mafia] My Vcrfes are


T R I S T'

1U MUndé. nifi indiciomagni fc iteni us Homeri,

igne duas incalu ifl'

e Deas ?

Orune genus fcripti gravitate Tgagoedia vinc it

Haze quoque materiarn l‘

emper amoris hahet.

Nam qu id in Hippolyto, niti fesva: flamtna novercz ?

Nobilis ef’t Canace fratris amore fui.

Q i id? non Tantalides agitante Cupidine c urrus

l’ifz am Phrygiis vexit eburnus equis ?

80 Ho iris] Ca l [5 and Circe

enzmourejzw i th Ubfl


gs, fee0410245 , 1 0 , i t , and t 2..

3 81 Gra fton ]For rave mat.

tets are treated of i n ragedies,becaufe of the “K i ngs and P et losi s

o f great Authori ty i n troduced i n


a]The w i l l have Tea

gedy to have ta en i ts Name of

? pet'

y ts u )«i ; L‘

s. of a Goat

and a Song, becaufe i n old Time

2743 9 » a Goa—t w as Propofed fora R ew ard to 7


1 3n Authors,

the Goat being, in the Feafi of

3 4 stbm ,



ered to FatherBacchus

in Sacrifice, becau fe he u fed to

eat the V ines. Whence HoraceCarmineqsss


Trag icov ilan temw s'


ob birtm .

3 82. Her fu ses] This alfo ai

ways con tai n s Amon ts.

3 83 q a idBees]He .enume~

rates al l the Tragedies w ritten bythe anc ien t Autho rs. i n w hi ch he

Chews there w ere Amours .

Hippoly to] Oi whom atterw ards

Seneca wmte a Tragedy , whomconfult and Hma

d. Epigr. n .

S tews n ov sms]Oi cmel FW ‘ )

who w as the m ic of the death

of Hippsb m , becaufe he w ould

nOt con tent to her lewd Defines.

3 84 Nubilis] Noted, M 111: i surea as though mf a bi lr


s worthythat her Name (h uld be known

to every body.CM ]CM : bad e Son by her

ow n BrotherMaca w , w hich lm

pi ety bei ng known, the flew he:

felf by herFather’

sCommandMau ra : fled to the Temyd pelb at Dshlm . See I:

x l o

F ram'

s] Of Mau ra“.

3 Taw d lidss] Belay , 8<

Tamale s.

Lo drwa ha te] ve o


3 86 Bill“Daughter ofof Om an:

tadia . Themass: the Son of Ma rs and 5being often teased abou t thei iage of his DaughterH


antw ei'

d2That he w on

her to him that lhould over

him i n a Horle- ra ce, (0w hen the Wooer began to

Gu am : l'

hould fac 1 i l1ee a

to the Sac i ihoe Ien ded he mounts h is Chari otby the Sw i ftnels of his Hu t lewere begetten o f the Wi nd,a ll that he overtakes. ArP elops the Son of Tama les, h

bribed W tib sfs Chario t - d‘lc ame off Conqueror. See S iat 9 0 . 7. Georg . l .


s ] Pfilla a nd HasHorfes that P elops c om ing, 0Phrj g ia b rought along W i th

Ebwm s ] Becaufe his h

Tamek a being, de lirous to I

an Experimen t 0: the Divi n ithe Gods ; hav i ng invi ted the

a Eeafl , let hi s Son Ps lsps bthem to c ar, bu t they all {01

eating, excep t Csm , who e:


Quid Danaen ? Danaefque nusus. matremque LyteiAlcmenam, 8c noéi es, ques coiére, dues ?

Q |_i id generum Pelisc quid Thefts ? quidve Pelafgum,Iliacam tetigit qui rate primus humum ?

40 ! BM ] Amy?“ K ing ofthe J rgt


sm,had an only D a h

ter, and hav i n been foretold t at


ri by the Hands ofone that ould be born of her,he (b ut her up in a Tower. 7.


u r bei ng trans formed i nto a

Go lden Shower, fel l i n to theVi rin


s La and (he became w i thshil l . he Father comin to the

K now ledge of ir? comman ed her

to be inclol'

ed i n a Chefi and

throw n into the Sea; the Cheilw as w ain d to and found bya l-

ilherman , W i th her and her

Son P erfm in i r, and was prefented to the K ing, and he took

her to W i fe ; and wi th her buil t

Da n ef su m Andromeda

the W i fe’o? P n feni

l, the Son of

M , whichwas the c attle of theTumult and Slaughter, -i n whi chthe Ceplmm a Peogle of tAful b w pesi lhed, bei ng flai n hyPerfm , at the Wedding Of d is

em , part of them bei ngturned into S tones. SeeMew " .

i s Is theM h"Ma n n’s m e ot

of M esr the Daugh ter of Cd.es K ing o f Thebes, on which

h im t 3 mm . ReadMe

sa s. 3 . d . 3 . M bes is called

Mm e

;Yang? W

hec i p ih


sor s. ma es

the Limb o f thofe that are

dw eh pliable, or diflblves their

mu n time star in the (hepof d npbitq o, ay w i thand go:her w i thChi ldof Hern ia ;o therw i fe Ha n na ; Ha nan wasa yonuP

Man o f Thebes, who (0dearly ovedAn tigone, the h

ter of Oedipus and j oufid , t

w hen he underflood tha t the hadbeen flain the Command ofK in Cream, ufiflhe hadburiedher mthet Falym

m , he flew himfel f wi th his ow n Sword.Nod?“ dam ] They repart that

ynpiter made tw oNights in to one

that the might conceive of Her

a las , the Son of ” her and A ltmm . See P lant. M ary a 3but man are of O inion that

threeNig u were nm e into one.

Whence Sofia i n P lan t : thu l

{peaks in the Amphit. Neque egoha noac bagioremme eidifl


e mnf a.Gem m ] 41:1:t who

marri edAlcqflc , theeldefi B aughter Oi K


P eh'

a . 3 4 “ def air

i ng aftermath : In d {een [fi lled

by the Fraud oi Medea. Ov id herehas ref to the Tragedy of V 4Iufia t atEuripides w rote. Ape].h feli in Love w i th Al ufiet , andfor her fake fed “14m m Herdefogi

jne Yeats.

d fe ea The'

rra e y o 77x “ :

i n whichis defc ribgd the fiealjibgof Helena , and the Aflifiance thathe

gaze P iritbom in fieal ia P ro.

fery the Real ing of 1:4eand d n

c dae. the h l thy Love ofPbt du to her Brother Hippoly tm



and the Aocufation in whichW ri ting: the Poet aflin

u amoroue'

In trigu e were con tained 3 at to

thefe con ful t Ham’

d. Rpm. ax.

Pelafim ] P rote/ildu the Mfdx

m , the Son of Ipbt'

clu , theHusband of Laodmu

a, who w as


!Era Man Of all the Greek:I


His egoo

fipc ccfii , quoniam prz lian tia candorNom tna v irorum difii mulare jubct.Non t im n i, (fateor)ne, qua tot iere carinz ,Naufraga, fcrvati s omnibus, una foret.

Sunt alii s fcriptz , quibus ales luditur, artesHz c c ft ad nolh '

os non leve c rimen avos.

Quid vala n t tali, quo pofli s plurima jaétuH r

s] After thefe I al fo

have made ul'

e of the fame wan

tonAirof W ri ti ng. The Poet, after the E xamp le of

l iba llas and

M tffl,acc ommodates this part

of the Ca talogue of the foxegoingEm u les to h is Purpofe , an

alfo us c mc ludes ; and that be

472. Ha ]ThisPlay of Die:wasby our Ancc liors accounted a verycrimi nalMatter.

47 say s w h a t Other Poetshave

3dc lcribed the lay of Ca ke],

1 . c . w hat any one might doW i tha throw of the Tali . Tales i s

properly a font of Bone, flandi nm fe


o t the n ea t Relation of the ou t on the j ~ ins of the F00 t, o

Argumen t , and partly on accoun t

of the T imes.


smfli] In time.

Preflm ss’


l Illulit ious.Ca det] Shame [Bathlcfla Fla tterer lh ould fee.

Vi rm ] Oi the Poets noww ho a lthough they have

wri tten l a fcivioufly , yet I am

obliged n o t to take any n0 ti ceofthem, becaufe a t their Gt‘catnefs.

469 No» ritn iBt It is anA l

ltp ry, a nd fignifies that he has

imitated them i n noc bei ng ap

prehenl i ve of any danger, in that

theyw i th 1m uni ty have wri ttenBooks abou t och Matters.

Carin ] Gen ius’

s o f Poets.

470 Na sfi cge] That I alone

mould be condemned, while a l l

thole who have w ri tten the famethings are fafe.

4 133‘

s]Ah amt , by Othets.‘

Alsfl T he P lay of D ice is deftrih

d. A lec is any Play which i s

govern’d rather by Chance than

Art ; and by way of Simil i tudeis ufed for an Misfortune o r

Danger, and t ey fay,m

a cre, of one that commitshimfelf

’and his all to Haz ard.

For every Event of Forums is

doubtful a nd haz ardous, and al

ways liab le to change ; on the

Other han d they lay that to be

m mM m ass,which is out

at 411D anger and Con trove:

a lour- fqttare Form, and no Animals have it ba t fuch as have

c loven R oofs.‘


he Anc ien ts n fed

to play w i th there lost of Bones

The Pofition of the Ta les makesthe Number, and is difi


ercn t ac

c ordi ng to the Diverfity .o t the

S ides. That S ide which i s called by us an Ace , they called


m , the Dog or li ttle Dog, uponwhi ch being turned, he that threw

i t, laid down one pieceof Money ,or as much as they agreed to playfor, w i thout w inni ng any thi ng :

and theretore i t is here cal led

da nmfiss amis ; and by P erju s

dam fis camisole . Its op ofite was


d Vemss. and li oo for the

Number Seven , and he that threwthis Number of the Ta les, won

S ix. The other two Sides w ere

c all'

dChins and Senio, theChi“ w as

a T ray, and the Sem‘

o a Quater orCater. For there w as no Deaw

nor Cinges on theTali . TheChin s

gai n’

d Three , and the Sean‘

s Four

and therefore it i s by P erj‘

eas cal l’

ciDexter, i e. happy. The Ta les in

a Man is that part at the bOttomo f his F00 t, that (lands ou t on

both (ides near the Heel : hen ce a


iGarmen t that reaches dow n

to t e Tales , is call'

d tm s’

u td lart'


P larz‘

mal Verymuch orverymanySp0t3 ,whtchbrought theW inni ngs.

f l at ] A Point Ot Snot tot


3 8, T R I S T I U MHasc tu fpefi afii, fpeé

’tandaque fxpédcdifii :

Majefias adeocomis ubique tua cfi.

Luminibufque tuis, totus quibus u titur orbis,S cenica v idifii lattus adulteria.

Scribere fi ias c it imitan tes turpia mimos;Matcriae minor cfi debita poena meat .

An genus hoc fcripti fac iun t fua pulpita tutum,

Q iod os hhc t m imis, fcena licere dedit ?

Etmea unt populo faltata poemata

Say e oculos etiam dc tin uérc tuos.

Scilicet in domibus vcfit is n t prifca virorum

Artific i fu lgent corpora piéta manu

Sic , qua: concubitus varies , Vcncrifque figuras

Exprimat, eft aliquo parva tabella loco :

Ha m] See Seems. d x

s s c. 4.

601313 ] K i nd, afl'


5 1 3 Lm inibufgae ] W i th thyow n Eyes.

Thu s Sta ] W ith w hich thou

Belt and governefi the


5 I 4. Stem'

m adultc' ia] Whichare afied by the Min i in the


Lexus]W i t

Jh A p



5 x M ia D cene l n s,

(or they reprefizn ted the diflu ngfiManners and Di fpofitions of

Men ; whence. as I have faid be

fore, they w ere c all'

dMimi .5 1 6 Materiel The Order is :

I’m minor q]! debita mu ma ter“.

i. d. It the Wri ters of Mimi c]:lays are n0t puni lhd .w ho have

w ri tten Thi ngs mete obfcenethan I have, neither am I to be

puniflted ; fee ing that my Matter

as more honefi than that of theW riters of Mim ick Plays.Efi debiu ] Is due.5 17 M 3 08” ) Comed


P awns]The Sta e whi ch w asbefore the Scene, w te thete lu

di ctonsThings were attack ex the

gas Utgne

Theaters, of which thePulpitwasa part, a Synecdgc


d d'

d h5 1 8 a l gae c .] An 1 t e

Scene %e the Mimi al l L'

The cene is the Front of e


5 19 Salu te] They were per

formed at the Scene, which then

ought to have given methc fameLi cence.

Say s acids: Bcc .) Your feifbeholding.

f a t Sdli cet &c .] As in Honresthere ate fumeTh ings modefi ; foI have wri tten Poems of v ariousforts worthy of Prai fe, and of


Dm ibus w flrs’

s] { u thePala tine


P 7024] The Bodies of firongMen , oi Heroe s wh ich were inanci ent T ime.

5 a: u mj a'

] W i th an artific ia

k,a gent Ap ar.



] May thew .

E]? c lique As th0 1e c hamberswere, w h it: Susta in: 2 76. cap .

w ri tes, w ere adorned w i thTables and Seals , reprc f


n ti ng lalctvious Piatwes and Figures.

IOO T R I S T I U MNee legi tur pars ulla magis dc corpore tote,Quim non lcgitimo foedcrc jun i i us amor.

Phyllidis hie idcm , tencrofquc Amarillidis ignesBucolic is juvenis luferat an temodis .

Nos quoque jam pridcm fc ripto pcc cavimus ifio.

Supplic inm patitur non nova c ulpa ne vatu ,

Carminaque ediderarn , cum te deliéta notantcml’rzetcrii toties irrequieta s eques.

E rgo quae juvcn i mihi non noc itura putavi

Scripts paruru prudens, nunc nocuére feni.

Scra rcdundavit veteris vindifi a libelli,Difiat 8c 5. meriti tempers poena fui.

Ne tamen omnemeum c rcdas opus eflé remifl'


Satpédedi t nofirz grandia vela rati .

Sex ego Faftorum fcn pfi totidemque libellesCumque foo fincm menfe volumen habet.

5 3 ; Pars u lla]Thefourth Bookof the c/ En cr


ds which becaufe c fthe Lafciv iou nefs o f the Verfe,and Paflionatenefs of ir, w as verydel ibhtful, and more read thanthe Other Parts.

De corpora O f the whole t kof the v i ne Jr.

73 6 94mm] Than the i llegi timate lyi ng 0 1 Dido w ith c/E nw .

Noss 1c Wm ]A forbiddenMatch.w hence ”n calls i r,Conjegs

m m at, bu f feted“? rssm e c m .

5 3 7 Phy llsds'

s]The thi rdEdg es.Idem] Virg il.

Edg es 8.Ignes


l Amours.

5 3 8 Butols‘


s modis] In 3 x 0”:c les , [0 c alled o i the kee ingo i Oxen ; i . e. of Yw i tu i sflea Am ,


. e. Hetdfmen , fo called becaufeOxen are the chief An imals w i thCommytnen : for 8i


s i n Greek

{ tgn ifit s an Ox , Bull or Cow , thisi s a low kindof Verfe,and tuRickPerfons are in troduced in i r.


3 9 Scripts] A w anton ki nd ofw riting. For when he w as a

youngMan ,he firfi of al lwrote hisBooks of the J r: of Love.140 a plicim ] Net a new

Crime of wri ashorousThin ,

fuffexs a new nntlhment ; tot

thou I wrote them a greatwhi liz

hago, I am pun i fhed for

them but now ..

0r thus, Til to thers have w ri tten Ini civ

n us

Poems, I on l am pun ith edWi thnew Puu


ment s though no

body before me was ever d i dto an account for thi sCatafe.

Edidsra n]I pubhflaeddand fet them forth to hely l ead.

D ilefla]Irrsgsss


sses] I was not a h anoriee oi , and unhorfed as i t“to be done by theCenfors, to thofiK n ights that had xmL-hehavdthemlelves

R edundav is ] It has re

tuxne upo nme w i th a Venp ance.P laut. Ho: f a in : In sum redundabi t capes. l r (emto abound.

Merits Of

“7 Read m ] AbjeQ , low.wanton



e, s. s. that I havew ri tten juvenileTh in

fi gs


a ] Greater Maw ,


. e. I have often w ri tten graveand great Poems.

5 5 ° Cement foo] And m

L I B'

E R n:

q ue tuo nuper fcriptum hi b nomine, Cali f ;Et tibi facratum fors mearupit opus.

Et dedimus, tragicis fcriptum tegale cothurnis,

s que grams debet verbs ce thurnus habetDifi aque h wt nobis , quamv is manus ultima ca pto.

Defui t, in fac ies corpora verfa novas.Atque u tinam revoecs an imum paulifper ah iri sEt vacuo jubeas hinc tibi pauca l

Pan ca ; quibus.primi furgen s ah ori§he

In tua dedes i tempera, Cz fitr, opusMpic cres quan tum dederis mihi pefi oris iyre,Q soque favore an imi teque tuofque canam.

Non ego mordac i difit inxit carmine quenquam,Nee meus uhiu s crimina vcrfus habet.

l ook ended with theMonth. 80a .

” a Sa rm ] Dedi ca ted.

h rs n u ] My Misf ortune ; myExile, fo lib. s . Ekg . 4.

Ou i 'u cipeefim mea eifc fu efi.

For at tha t time he w as firm in tol enithment, in w hich he w rote

that W ork.


s Broke of? left int 1'

ea, 0adore.


Ixfi flss M in i good finga n p’


” 3 Es am aze ] He means

rnament ofthe Legs torTragedians as Set tesit for Comedians.Re ale Con tain i the Deeds




1 1 4 Gu w’

sCeth n sas]ATragi c]:Bu le is grave : for grave Perlons

and K i ngs are i ntroduced in

Tragedy . Wheneehe fays above :On “ gcrsesj



gsl gravi ta s D a

gc ds'

a m'

ssch .

5 5 : Diane“ ) And werewi tby me.

Mu ses elsiru‘

]CorreQion ,Case.forahe feet out that Work uneor-v


75 6 Inflm‘

ssate.)BodiesChang:mto new Forms, bz’whi ch

means the Metamorp fis .5 5 7 Rw ocss] That thou hadfl

a mi nd un rufiled w ith Anger.E s u ses] At lei iure.

Hissc] Outof thisMetm hfi h

Pu n] inn ing


5 60 Del t a ]I ve sawn out,I have written , fo Mam !»


ru qas ab origins m di:

d l m a perpesam dsdedss sa s

m a tam .

5 t P efl srs'

s]O f Sptrt t and Eloquence. P eder is as i t were

Faaas, as forne w i ll have i t, mrs

paais cgfli s, i . e. of the R ibs compaaed together, w hich

are as i twere the Bati s or ConfirmationOf the Breafi.

{ 6a n qas fm rs That ap.

pears el°

al l at t E nd of

the WorfifCl y

5 6 3 Nu s l have not torn

nor hurt any


ixijdy w i th Satyr.1 64 Net mean] I have not ac

Gliedany body .

i e i TR I S T I (I‘

MCandidus ti falibus fufiufis fc llc refugi :Nulla venenate littera m ifla joco eli

Inter tot populi, tot fcripti millia nofh i .

Quem mca Calliope laelerit, unus ere

Non igitur nofiris ullum

?audere Qt_1 iritem

Augurer, at multos indo uific , malis.

Nee m ihi credibile ell:quemquam infultare jaeentr,Gratia candori fi qua rc lié


ta mea c it.

His, precor, atque aliis pollint tua numina fleéti,0 pater, 6 tries cuta falufque th at.Non ut in A oniam redeem, nrfi forfitan olim,Cum longo poems tcmpore v iétus eris.

Tutius cxilium‘ pauléque quietius oro,

Ut par deliéto fit mca poena (no.

$6 ; Candida ]I being innocent,and honefi.

S a libsss]W ith Jokes.Sgfl


dfis felle lSpri nkled wi th

l i ttemefs and iting Expreflions.Vascul ar] W ith a biting,

and hurting.

5 67 P opulr'

]Oi the Ra w “.

Tbs mi llia] Among 10 many1 h0ufands or m Vetfes.5-68 M 4 Coil ope] MyVeri


c hasofiended, becau fe 1 am (cm i n to

Punifltment, under Pretence of

m Verfes of the ad s: of Love. Soa i ttle h


her :

g ums u pn didm’

s Mnfa , se

pemrs ago.5 69 Qxin tem] R oman Ci ti zen s

for the Citi z ens Were called glu i

P .Owfi ti

ri tes, of Qy’


mu , i. e. Rem ix ,

the Bui lder of the Ci ty.

3 70 d u n es I thi nk.

5 71 Infn lmre To deride mebeing mi lerahle.

5 7a Gratis ] If they will but teturn like for like.

5 7; Tea naturism] If thy Dmni ty can be moved or moll ihed.Ov id. F leflh erimre sw erega in


£ 7; J afimIm ] Ita ly .

556 Vifl u s ] Appeaihd miti

ate85 77 Turin ] A more fafe place

than Pmsns or M .

5 78Us ar]That my Puni lhmentmay be h as my

'Crime has deferv

d, which is a Very [mall one;

to; T R I S T I U MNee domini fortune mei eft, ut debcat illamInfeliz ullis diflimu larc joc is .

1d quoque, quod viridi quondam malelufit in mm,(Hen nimium fete) damn at, 8: edit opus.

Infpice quid portem : n il hic n ifi trifle videbis ;Carmine temporibus

con vc nicnte fuis.

Clauda qubd alterno fubfidun t carmina verfu,Vel pedis hoc ratio

,vel via longa fac it.

Quad n cque fum cedro fiavus, nec pumice laevis,Erubui domino c ultior c li


e meo.

Littera fufl'

ufas qubd habc t maculofa lituras.Lz fit opus lacrymis ipfc Poets fuum.

Si qua videbuntur cafe non dram Latine‘


In quafcribebat, harbara tcrra fu it.

6 Ullis&c .] To conceal and

h idehisMisfortune by anyamorousor jocole Verfes or Wri ti ngs.

Id opt s] Oi the A rt qf Lew .


di m ]He comp afed that inhis Yourh , that has prov

’d very

unhap y tor him.

La st] He cornpofed.

i lP srsm


] I con tain .t

s]? trifle] Here he meansBook o f his Ti r


a,where for

xow ful Things are trea ted of.u Cic ada 8 m]They are com

pofed in Elegiac Vet fe, which

confifis of Hexameter w hic h i slonger, and Pen tameter whi ch as


1 2. P aris'

s ra tio] Becaufe in a

Pentameter only hye Feet are

required , w hen there are fix inan Hexameter, whence they taketheir Name. He therefc re faysthat a Pen tameter ought to w an t

one Foor, that i t may nor be an

Hexameter. And i ndeed the one

i s longer than the Other by a Foot,and therefore he cal ls i t lame.Vel 9 34 103 3 4] As i t common ly

i s w i th Men that go halti ng or

l impi ng afret a long ouxrey , lothe Poet hin ts that i s Verfe is

grown lame by i ts long Journey.1 3 gy a &c . In thefe four

Verles are to bea ded theWords,

Hos fads. Ste.Cadre]W i t the j u iceof 4

that i t may lafi longet


as has been {aid re )rots, and thofe Things thi

daubed w i th the Ju i ce offree from M0ths.P umice] Poli fhed w i th P0

S tones tor Books w ere (rmand pol i lhed wi th Pumice 5after they w erehniflted and !

gamice- S tones are p

lorous s

u t re c rl as v

thofePthft wire(nfad icizIn

i ng of Bodies. The PI!them is by their WhiteneiLi

ghtnefs, that they are vet}

an w ear eafily , and art

fandy i n the rubbing.1 4. E rabm

] I am alhambe finer and better drefs



znbyAuthor himlelf. 80 £ 4r.

Va le, fisd intak es qu is:sxsrfis eflé,

Inf eb‘

x habita ts sem isbabe.

1 c Listen s]The Paper.Li tssm s Blocs.

1 6 La st] Hath bloreed ,



1 7 Cafe] By chance.1 8 Barbara] Ignoran t e

u m Tongues


Dic itc , leétores, fi non grave, qui fit eundum,Q uofque petem fedes hofpc s in Urbe liber.

Hate ubi firm furtirn lingual titubante locutus, ,

Q ui m ihi monfiraret , v ix fuit unus, iter.Di t ibi dent, nofiro quod non tribucre Poem,

Molli ter in patrifi vivcre pofl'

e tua‘

i .

Duc age, namque (equar : quamvis terraque, mat ique,Longinquo rc feram lafl


us ah orbe pedcm.

l’aruit : 8c duc cn s, Hz c funt Fora Caefaris, inquit

H ic locus i Sacris qua’, via nomen habet.

1 9 Diem Ste.)Here follow s aPetition concern i ng lhewing thew ay .

Si su n It you do nOt think i ttoo muc t trouble .

fit Which wa I mull o




s Palace.y 8

ao ojim] A Stran er, for Iam jufi come from m a , and

drerefore do nor know the w ay.

1a t P u rim]Privately , norOpenyfi u ba ss] W i th a Faltering or

S cammering for fear.

as. Iser] The W ay.

2 3 Ds'



l ees] Thefe are theWords of the en treating Book,that he , tha t (hall th ew him the

Way. may die at w .» i n h isow n

Country.Who hafi lhew

d me theVa

ecu ] To Ov id.Malls? " Pleafantly , cheer

ily and w it ou t Molefiation .

2 ; Due 43 s] Lead me to .Ass

M ‘s P alace.

min,“ 46 orbs From the

part of the orld, fromsh


a .

6 P a n’

s]To .

me, entreatingto be my Gurde.

s k m ]This is the account

of the ourne wh ich i s fn s'


to be alt Rouss

y; for theBooE


to what P laces i t came at this

time and the otherby his Conduct.

H4 :firm] Awm xei c. i t lhew s as

i twere poin tin w i th the Fin er.

Fens]The arm ord egqgwawhere he gave j udgmen t. For

Form fometimes lign ifies a P lace

w here Judi c iary Courts are held,t u w hi ch the Law Sui ts are de

termi ned ; w hence thofe whofe

Bufinels l ies in Courts are ca l led

Forenfes, and f erenfes i s an Ad

jeél ive, w hi ch fifin ifies belonging

to a Court of{u smen t. Whenee

alfo thu io Cau es that are try'

d i ts

a j udic ial Court, are cal i’d 6444

forexj es. Forum properly fignihet

a P lace of Trade, i nto which

Thi ngs are brought to be fold,taki ng i ts Name orF smsdo, i. e.

bri n mg.2 . A fa n


s] The faCted W aynear to the j udgment- l

-lal l of

d egafies, who dwelt in the Copi

sol , fo called becaufe the facred

Things were carried through i t

from the Cafile, r'

. e. the Capi tolto the Ange rs. or becau fe i n i t

a Covenant, All iances or Peace

w as made between Rosa les and



Belides, ht firi€to barbatus enfe pater

Quaeque viri doéto verstes fecére noviqtte

Pcfi ore, leéturis infpic ienda patent.

Qyz rebarn fratres, exocptis fcilicet illis,Quos fuus optaret non sun ia


s pater.

Q rz ren tem fruftra cuti es e (edibus illis

Prepofitus fanéto jufli t abire loco,kltera templa peto vic ino junéta theatre aHate quoque erant pedibus non adeunda meis.

Nec me, use doa is patncrnnt prima libellis

Atria, ii tas tangere pafii fua ell .

6 1. M ac Ste.) In the other

w as the cruel Fatherof theBelides,w i th his draw n Sword, threatni nghis Daughters w i th Death. i f theydid a c t i n oneNight murder thei rK inftnen : So many S ons of

“ 0

aw j Da m ,w ho had fifty

Daughters and whofe Brother

M es hav ing fifty Sons, defit’


that he would give them hi s fiftyD amn “ in Marriage. Danae :

hav i ng been foretold by the Oracle.tha t he (hould die by the Hands

of his S on- i h -Law , retufed to

ant i t for a long time. But a t

all being prevaild upon by hi s

Brother, the Nuptials were cele

bra ted. The Damfels havi ng te


d Swords from thei r Fa ther,

as he had commanded them , flew

their Husbands the 5 111 Nigh t,exec ermae re , w ho faved

her Isiasgz d Ligu g becau fe ofw hich Impiety the Poets feignthey w ere punrfhed i n Half , w i ththis Pun i lhment, they w ere faxedto be con tinual ly filli n a leakyTun w i th W ater

, w hic ran out

as M as they pv t i t ih .

El Dm s'

pn les, Va n is quidM u 14 s

l Cams lbw defies poms:

3 in thefame

place at the Temple of Apollo.A eflxs had bui lt a Ii brm.

5 Qperebam] In that raryI fou ht for the Other Books thathad compolixl by Ov id, as tho


my Brethren , having been begettcn by him.

Illis exceptis] The Books of the“7: Qf



66 94m] Whom Ov id , w ho

compo led them w ilh’

d he never

had compofed.

67Cufissprepoj s’

ses]TheLibraryK eeper.

Sandi e lore] Ou t of the Palace.

j aj is Bee.) Becaul’

e he w ouldnor put me i n to the Library.A lters temple] E ither o i Ceres

or Vejr'

o,or Ls


i ers] , or Hercules ,o f the Mejer, w hich they cal l

dby a Greek Name Msfageses. Fortl


ere were a great manyT emplest ere.

69 Tbeatre]Near to theTheatreof Martens“ or Corneliu s

70 Ha ] K lfo to thofe I w as

n o t adm i tted, they being [hut a

Eai n ft me

, I bei ng the Son of aan i lh cd Man .

71 Net me] Nei ther am I admi tted in to the Court of Li bertyi t felt, where the firfi Libraryw as

, even that which lay openbefore al l Libraries.Dams] To the Works of the


T It I o I I U ML

E L E G I A V.

Ovid aifer the approv ed Fidelity of his Friend, Jpecia llyin


r Adverfity , and[b]: tha t he w ill never be fégetfal of it 5 andpray: to the Goth, that the] may al

w ays grant him Friend: f or thefittare, whom he

he able to aflZ/i in fProf f it] . Am! at laj? he cox

f efl'

er, that e w as f e up w ith [ma il Hopes, that

Augufius would one Time or other he more mild,being appeajed, grant him a more adj Bamfhmmt .

SUS amic itiac tecum mihi parvus, ut illamNon segre ofli s difiimulare, fu it

Ni me comp exus vinclis propioribus elite;Nave meh vento forfan eunte fuo.

Ur c c c idt, c unél ique meam fu ere ruinam.

Verfique amic itiae terga ded cc meat ,Anfus es igne Jov is percufl


um tangere corpus,Et deploratae limen adire domus .

q ue recen s prz fias, nec longo coguitos u i'


n d vc terum mifero vix duo trefve mihi.

t i ego con fufos voltus, v ifofque notavi,

q ue madeas fletu, pallidtufque meo

t P aw ns ufiu ] Becaufe I fel

dom made ufe of your Conver

Ui i llam‘

! That thou mightelibe able eafily to c t n ceal that, and

to th ew that thou wert uOt myF riend.

3 Ni me 8 m] Un lefs thou hadfil oved me very greatly i n the

Time of my more happy Fortune,a l though I had bu t a little Con

veria tion w i th thee.

Vim lis ] W i th a greater and

more fiti& Ft iendfh ip.

4. Na v e mea]Bc cau fe then perhaps my Ship w a s c arried w i thhi s ow n

,i. e. a favourableW i nd,

a nd my Fortune w as fuch , that Your troubled.

you loved me the more firongly. 8: And when Lfaw,

5 R aiaam] Calami t I too). good nori ce.I nfo,“ my ) Anti they



back , fled away, retired frommyFriendfhip.

6 Igne j ovis] By the Anger Oid u nk s.

8 D lorate]Mi ferable, whichw as lo


w hich w as utterly un

do ne. Whence i n Di leafesare (aid to be dept


ora ti , of wR ecovery thyre is no H0pe left .Lime» ad m] To come to my


9 1 recent] That art knownto me ut of late, and bei ng hota new Friend doii the fame.I O Veterans]Oi my old FI iends,

fi . ami corssm.

T R I S T I U MEt fac iles motus men s generoiit capit.

Corpora magnanimo fatis efi proih'


e lec ot

Pagna foum finem, a‘

tm jacet bofiis , habet.'

At lupus. 8c torpes in liant morientibus urfi,E t quaecunque minor nobilitate fera efi .

Maju s apudTrojam forti quid habemus Achille iDardan ii lachrymas non tulit ille fenis .

Q ,“ duc is Emathi i fuerit demen tia, Porus,I' raec larique docen t funeris exequiz .

Neve hominum referam flexas ad mitius iras

Junonis genes efi, qu i prihs hofiis erat.Ben ique non pofi

um nullum {petare fi lutem,


tm non fit pecosa cau i‘

a cruen ta meat.

Non , mihi quz ren ti petTundare cunéi a, petitumCz fireum caput ell , quod caput orbis erat.

wel l accompl ifhed, eafily laysabde Anger.

a. Fa cz'

les]Not vehemen t, eafyto e appeafed.

Generofa] Generous.

3 3 Corpora ate.) He proves bythe E xample of a Lion , that a

great Mind c ahly lays ahoe Anger.

3 4. 7am ] I’rofirate on the

Grou nd.

3 5 Taryn ]Mean , not nob le as

Lions at e.Iufiam] It is not enough for

them to have laid then Emmyprt .fi .ate, bu t they w i ll flay themamt they have ptofi ratcd them.

3 6 Ill inor]A 1e noble Be al‘

t .

3 8 Da rda n is'

f mt'

t] O i P riamttspeti tion i ng d cbi/Ies to r the deadBody o l h is Son Heflor. S o

1 7's 1‘

s! 5'

E 473 0 1 .

Cam P riami [achrymisgfli'nf as nond chi z/er


flew ; inhihes, darior hofie,meos .


3 9 Data'

s Ste.) Oi Alexan der,

{0 cal led Of gma thia m fd a t f slotda .

Pom s]A K ine 0 1 India , w hom

Alexander ht ng taking Captive

a tter a [harp F ight, he nor onlylet at Liberty , but beliow

o a

la ger K i ngdomUpon him. Ca r t

3 . I

4 041 3010 13]Funeral andBurial . «7 N" !

He alfo i nfiances the Clemency ofA lexander, who afterDaria: hadbeen overcome by him, and wasflain by the Treachery of his ownS uc élzs , he gran ted h im to be

bnu ed after the P erliau Manner.

And {0 the Poet -b tings a two

fold Example of A lexander’

s C]:men cy , one to P am , and (II ,O thet to Darin} .

4 x Flaw s]Muigated.4 2 y am s“: garter] He mean.

Hercu les, w ho m Heaven martia lHebe

,the Daughter Of 7x” , made

a God after hts Death.

215 3 prim hgfii l‘] To whom

j am commandca thefe twelve

u nmen fé Labours. Seneca in


m . Den: Alcidc: pofi daHebm , m c j m am

s u m time: ira ,

Cigar: gm " efl , qni fm'

t bofl is. v idcOwd Faj x


i 6 .

4 4 L‘

rn gma] Is not c api tal , or

fpz i nkled w i th the B10 0. of anyBo t y th i n , i . e. 1 am ne t banith

dfor Mu l de r.

4 5 P (fl‘

tmdan ] TO fulj ca allThings t my (xt rnmc n t, to

make -.t l nvah w .

P etitm tapa ; Ccfizrcm ] I haven ot attt mr cd the Lite of Aug..

fim the Empt t'

ot c f the W o rld

wi th Viv ien“? ox Treachery .


Tu tamen, 6 nobis nfu juna ifl’

une longo.Parsdefiderii maxima pz némei,S:memor, ques


fec it tibi gratin vireo,Illa: o nohu a perture,Nnmim



nt lz fi fiat man fue


ggrira,Mutatoqueminor fit mea poena loco.

HF: ita, fi p ullum fcelus efl: in peaore nofiroprinc ipiumque mei criminis error habet

lilac breve, nec tu tnm ea, quo fint men, diaere,Lumina funefii confcia faéta mall.

M oe reform idat, veluti fua vulnera, tempus

lllud:8c admon itu fit novu s jpfe dolor.

Et qnz cunque adeopofiin t efl’

erte pudorem,Illa tegi cact i condita nofi e decet,Nil igitur referam , n ifi me pec cafl


e : (fed i110Prz mia peécato nulls petite mihi z)h kitiamque meum crimen debere vom i.Nomina Ii faaa reddere Vera velis.

1, M W ] 8 long Ac

gm tanoe or F ri c a (h ip.ao Pars defilm


] W hich i ab ed, I in a manner molt of al l

at Si as] If on have an

M 1):tofu .

y y

Gratin] Any Authori ty 00 fernyour Friends.as Illa ] Try the S trength of

then , make a Tryal and pleadmy Gaufe.P 70 M i‘] For “ 0

a ; Nem'


s 14 3 ) Oiwhom I have 0 ended.24 M a sq ue] l bei ngbanifltedmmanother P l ace.

a ; q ne Sc. Si t.


67mm I t [ have done no

Wicked Thi ng.3 6 P rin ts): n ] The Caufe.Error] lmpfi en ce.

Na bru i t]Nei ther is i t ahen Matter, but tedious to be

Na m Becaufe o f A e

whom I haze ofl'

ended.4 fig

My Misfortune.My Eyes.

Fm gcn W hich brings me 3

Burm a! and Sorrow .

R efimm'

dd t] Feats to relate.

Velati v ellum ] As i t Wou nds

w ere handled.

Te m] In which I Ofl'


wi n; a t .

god dn n i te&e.]My Sorrow {0m m: at the R ememb tance ot ft.

3 1 P oi n t]Maybe afl'

eéted W i th

Ignominy.2. Illa] Ignomin ioue Ted ) In l

-m pemal Si lencx zJ »

what I few J ngqfles do, .

u to

be concealed in perpetual Si lence.

Condiu l Covet ed and hidden .

3 3 Sed i lle] But that Fault thatI gommi tted Unaw ares, [gu t n o

ghtng by i t, 1 had no R ew ard for

I t .

3 5 S tnlmmmque] I w i ll faymy Crime ought to becalled

on lya Miflake.

3 6 m iu ]If you wou ld haveThtngs called by their nah:

Names.Vera]Anfwerable to, agreeing

Ti n t s r t UMDim) licuit, tua iz pe

mihi, tibi nofira. legebam.

Seepe tui judex. retye‘

magifler cram.

Aut ego pt z bebam fafi is modo verfibus aures

Ant, uhi ecfi'

aras, caufil ruboris cram.

Forfitan exemplo, quiame lz sére libelli,Tu quoque fis poena fafi a ruina meat.

Pom,Perilla, metum, tantummodo foemina nulla,

Neve v ir afcriptis difcat amare tuis.

Ergo defidia: remove dofi iffima caufas,

Ioque bonas artes, 8c tua facra redi.

Ilia decena fac ies longis v itiabitur annis.

R ugaque in antiquafron te fenilis o


Injic ietque manu tn format damnofi fenefi us,Q ue, firepitum pafl


u non faciente, venit.

Cumque aliquis dient, fuit haec formofi , dolebis

E t (pecnlum mendaz efl'

e guerete tuum .


?Tea] Thou didfl read thy 3 4Antiqd fi entel neingfiri ckn t

eVer s. i n Age. 80 a . De d rte.

S lpe tas’

&c .] I often pafs’

d Fem a rm f ragi le efl, m ’

a Judgmen t upon yourVetfes. a ccedit c d 4m m.

Ma Ma] I tau ht thee. F i t minor 6 fil th emits ? l”.bi ce am : Os when you f oo.

had lef t 0 rec iting I hav ing 3 5 Inj idetqee mm ] W i llfound any Faul t in yourVerfes ; or take hold of and fpoi l your Beauw hen on left off poeti cal S tudies, tythou idfi: noth ing, w ail idle.

Fo'rfitaa &c .] The Order

may be s mear ne tu qeoque fis

f afl a n ine , i . e. that tall , exemplo

n u pend , quits libelli Ief en me,

i . e. I um afraid lefl:thou (hou ldefi

tall by the Example of me, i n

forfak tng oeti cal Studies,‘

bec au le

th have taught me under P u

u i men t. tAIi ter f em fecuu ,i .e.

f o llow i ng my unhappy Fate.

Porn ma m ] Lay afioe fear

of un i lhmen t, but be fuse net to

w rite Love Vet fes.

3 IR emov edc rdi e Caufes of Fear,left any Mi c xi c t ould befal thee

on ac coun t of thy Verles.

a. Bonus: a rtes] Poet:

ma fam e] Vetfes are e facredThi ngs o f Poets.

3 ?Ma decen t f ades ThisBeau

ty o thine w ill be elotmed byoldAge.

Dam ofie]Which does Injury wt


3 6 Strcpitem ] W i th a film! a

Pace w hi ch i s nOt perceiv'

d JObrepit. cw

m mm in teM “

fineflas. uv .

3 7 Deb bi: Thou w i l t be


,that you have been hand

ome and ate nOt.

3 8 Spea kers mendax]Thatdoenn0t give your true Coun tenan ce ,a nd fuch as you had before feenin i t. So Helena look ing in herLr oktng

-Gla fs as Ov id relates,

Li sten . I f .

F lat qu eue, a t in jpeu la raga:

confi exit w i les ,Tynda ris, é j Z-mm, car fit “I

rap“ , requiri t.

And af terw ards he adds,Tanya: edax reru n

, tug“ inv idwfe veteflas,

L I B E R'

m;sunt Gt

?)es meniez , a im (i s digniflima magnised imrnenfis cenfibus efl


e pares.Fi nge

Nempe dat, 8c, quodc unque lihet , fortuna, rapitque[ms 8: ell: fubith, qui modo Craefus erat.


la qu id referatn , nil non mortt‘

t‘e teuemus,


s exceptis ingenuque bonis.«Eu ego chm putrid caream, vobifqué, domoque,Raytaque hut, adimi quae potuére, mihi,

Ingen toque tamen ipfe meo comitorque, frOc tet in hoe gotuit juris habere n

(b ilibet hanc fz vo v itam mihi finiat enfe,Me tamen exli inéto fama fuperli es erit.

Om ia deflrm'


s, v ista,“ Jam

bas osn‘


Pa tc h. la d en“ : su it

m e.

3 Media apes] All'

o thou baamc f ate Weal th.

f d d fo F'

eJ Su e on i po

k ft w ifimeqt'iglo

to’the richefi

Man upon Earth.Nrmpe 44 : &c. ] Fortune

gives and takes away R i ches at

i ts Plcafitre. Ah E legan t Sen tence,w hic h teaches that the Glory of

B igbee i s fleeting and frail ; butVi rtue is noble and eternal. as

M b)? fays in Cat.hIn : A or Be r

, e

w it}.

a l inie beli'gte wa



rich , of ten is brought dow n byFortune, and becomes very or


whenc e P roperties l ib. 3 . 3 .

Ly l e: Dedidn‘

e m défld s Cu j ns

To this refers that Sentence ofSp as.

Fortm a‘

m d efl , du n fated “.

f ra t:°


And the overty of Iran grew in toa P roverb , (0 that a Man that is

reduced to the th oft exn eme Po

verty i s (a id to he poorer than

(M . In pauperin emCraf t s]A t

'afily n ch n of

5 1 Demand

Lydia ;exceeding great R iches,the R i ches of Cu fes.4{

sagas 8m ] Whi ch we

90112s.Ni l nos M u le] All we haveis

mortal .

44. Peflm’


] Whatfoever Men

have befides the Goods ot the

Mi nd and W i t are mortal andfrai l. P ? Q fl ‘i l f eAs mm ingmt


s qu fitm mumsab CW txtidet.


s fiatfin s morte decus.4 ; Be g s] And now he y roves

that although he was ri ved of

hi s Country, Wife, aughter.and all his Fami ly, yet that hemould be always read, and thathe ihould be immortal for hisLearn i ng. which cannot be takenaway.Cm pam


i 8m] When I am a

ban iflted Man.

46 R epu gne]Taken away.

47 Cousi torqee] Have my Ingeunity to hearme Company. Pat


li vely48 7am )


Of Power to takeaw ay my W i t.

F inic s] Should take away.

5 0 Exfiiutto]Bei ng dead.

L I ' B E R III.

Sautomatz cingunt feta gens, Befl'

xque, Getz que

Qfim nqn mgenio nomina di a meo !

Dam tamen aura te medic imut late[He {uis liqu id“ 15: repellit aqu is .

At chm trifiis hyems f tu llentia protulit on .

Tetn que marmoreo e candida gel“;Dt

tm petet 8: Boreas, n ix jaa'

ata fuh ArabTum patet, 1m gentes axe tremente ptemi .Nix jaoet: 8c jafiam nee Sol ploviz que refolvmt sIodan t Boneae , pa petuamque fac it.

Ergo, ubi delim it nondt‘

tm prior. alter: venitEt lhlet in mul tis him: jacete loc is .

Tmtaque commoti_via eftAqu ilon is. ut 3 11 3

Bquet humo tutret . tefiaque tapta fe m.

Pd‘i bus. 8: fatty atcent mala frigate breech,

a ne de toto corpote fol: yatent.

aNorth m Peo

A $1; le border

A M of fiy bk .

ate. Name. un

b M hi m?

1 M ]Whi le theCold is ahEnt, hem eheSun met Seefon .

l“ Q e.) We are

to para over i t.

{Ila T he R ivermet.

mal e



ghefim iee

m um;w im m





Tr arrow .

30m and whi te

u . D. m A re. hlowe

on the open Ph il. taming thatu; by M .

l et a d o In the North, underWe aker ed the Beer.

l a Pa ct] It is very plain that

thefe Northern People (0 fufl'


by the ft i‘

d Air. tenfiag 1 8h!

verin in eirBodies ; oz " m u m.i . e. t le W ind blow ing l td

then (ha ply.1 3 Na 1l Nor is ttmelted by

the S un or the Ra



film14 ? m ange:So do Pat. lit. 1 . Eleg.


gt .


Fart nu perpettm eh .“ m m

W ‘O

legato. 80 Meta " . 4 .

P u tin : in b u i lt u h)” t eem

m delim i t.TheSnow of twoYes te

? I tfl'e]Ale M e


3Com e: Of rapacious.

1 g i gs“ That i t tht uwe

down , lays elo1 2-d ay” )Ah carries theHonk :

along w i th i t.1 9 meu s ] mm of hairy


M ia] Hurtfu l .Orc qne] And their Face is

the o n ly part that is hate. all Lb.tefi it covered.

T R I S T I U MSaape fonant moti glac ie pendente caf

illi,E t n itet indu&6 candida barba ge u .

Nudaque confiftunt formam ferventia tefia:V ina : nec haufia mexi, feddata frufia bibunt.

Quid q uar , u t c unth concrefcan t frigate t ivi ?Deque lacu fragiles efi


odiantur aquae ?Ipfe, papyrifero qui non angufiior amne,Mifcetur vaflo multa per cm freto .

e u leos ventis lati ces duran tibus IfierCongelat, 8c teétis in mare firpit aquis :

Q fique rates ierant, pedibus nung itur: 8c undasFrigate con cretas ungula pulfi t cqu i:

Perque novos pontes fubter labentibus undis,Duc unt Sarmatic i barbara plau ftra boves.

Vix equidem c redar fed chm fia t pratmia falfiNu lla, ratam debet tefi is habere fidem.

Vidimu s ingcn tcm glac ie confifiere Pon tum,

Lubricague immotas telta premebat aquas.

Sena »: The Hai r beingfroz en w i th t eHoarFrofl, beingfixaken , t attles.

2 2. Indufl o]Thei xBreath beingf toz en .

Gels] Not of i t (elf, bu: beingmade hoary by the Frofi.

2 3 Nndagne] W i thou t Vefi'


e. the W i nes being froz en bythe Exn

emi t o f the Cold, the


el being oke n; keep in theform o f i r.

Rfle]O f the Veflel .2 4 Nec baufla l Nei ther do they

dri nk i t ; but bei ng fxozen theyfuck i t by Gobbets.a 5 U:m at]How al l theR ivers

are froz en .

2 6 F rag ilet aqme] Ice or piecesof congealed Water.

P cpyrif ero 4mm] Than Nilethat bears the Paper R eed.

Just ine

;lBy many Mouths

flow s i nto t e Sea,

0 .

Ceru lean &c .l The Water:

flow ing and o i a Sky Colour.Daramx

bm Freez ing. So doPan t. lib. 4. leg . 3 .

E : m ? afirifl i: Barbara; lfler

3 9W ill“.

;o mei.] Cover

’d w i th R e.a mare]Into the Poutu Ba inet ,

the Exxia e Sea.

1 R a tes] Had failed before.add s]And K orfes pafa over

the froz en Waters. Virgil 8.c/En eid.

flm druf edante pa trem

qua ttt angeda campmn .

3 3 Now :

ra tes]The Ic e under

w ln ch the flcr flow s i n to the

Sea, ferv i ng inflead c f a Bridge.

3 4. Dam mt] They draw .

P laufim ] The Chariou andWagg ms or the Scy thian .

3 5 Credar] Credit w il l be

given to th is Matter, that I emabou t to rela te


ed cm ] But becaufe I (h allobta i n no R ew ard, i .e. I (h allgetnothing by i t , i f I tell a Lie.

3 6 R a tm ] Fi tm confirm’


Tefli s j Ov id c alls h imfelf a

Wi tnefs .

3 7 Cmfiflere The Sea to

be froz en .

3 8 Im otas]Beihg froz en .

Teflo] W ater froz en likea Shell .P remehc t]Cover



L I B E R Hf.M M mt memit loc us hic ,

Pema negat regio : nec haberet Aoontius, in qnoSet ihet et hi e dominz vetha legend; fax .

Arl’imms l l ll tlfls fine ftonde. finc‘

arbose mmHen loce felic i non adennde viro !

9 8° tam 13 ? patent chm maximus orbitHm: efi m ptrnas tem wperta meat.

7o Cefl'

as] Is not lou hed no

towed, n or does i t hat.3 t

b p s] idle beeanfe itdoes n t beet


71 Nae hie] o Vi nes ow

here. So i s P ants 66. t. ENa t age? hi e pom , um es

d u c t m s.

72. Net] Nor are any Wines

guefi d ont.



m i l l ] W arm [fermenting]new W i n e for new W i ne fetmen t: and fo grow s hot.La sts] The W ine Vats orVelfels i n w hich the Wine is ptefl



dqfi tu t fed f raxm4 C” !

é' leno t'


mr e m fi t

73 alg a ] Doc s nOt produce.

J ean n a ] He here i n tet fpet les

a eem in Cireumfim ce concern ingAcu tis t , w ho fa i led out o f the

wand Cu to Deb s. to the Solem

ni ty of Di ana ,w hich was cele

braw l the V irgin s ; where he

n il in ove w ith Cydi'pe. and nu t

datin to cou rt her Open ly , he

y flung an Applebefore her,

i n which thefe Vera were wri t




1s c a m . a vi an .a lgae fau n as.

The irgin han ng received the Apple,and ignoran t o f theTriekm d

the Vet fe, and feemed to her fel t'

to have made a Ptomufe to behieW i fe. For there w as a Law


that w ha t w as (aid in the Tem

P u t . E leg . 4.Non

.fali tes rip} , rohsu M M

mw st.

Fronds ]W i th Trees bearingLeaves .

78 Has tern s] The R e ion o fP um a, w hich o f i t fc madethe Poets Ban i lhment gi iemus.

So in the f ol low i ng E leP aulin a: en profixt

'{Ok tia tu

graves, exj s'

liigue lets.

1 Found out or con


E L E G I A X I.Ovid s


n'veighs certais Sla derer. h t m alt hit

Name, w ho e led his Lffiin Scythian.hereavdef ever Thiag that was dear to him. M M r the

g reate Imm miemies, w as not content, hut infh im ; and adds that it was a great P ijgf ace to hist o afl ic? 4 Matt that w as its Mi er]. And a the ll}he admouf/hes him, that he won confider the Cal i f”of humanNature, and not any morementionma n yt heToet, hat [safer hismum! to gather ax Efic r.deff eciallyfirstshisFortune couldnothemademare u sfeu hls.

I quis es, infultes qu i cafibns, improbe, nofiris,Meque teum dempto fine crnen tus ages

Natus es 6 fcopulis, nutritus lafi e fet ino,Et dicam filices peél us habere mum.

Cumquettruc i Borta M

x Infulm‘

] Don’

t deride me

and renew my Afi iéi ion , Aml& ions are then renewed in an

c ipc c ial manner, w hen they are

t h i own in our Dilh , and weare faid to dele i ve them. He

b e

gins his E legy from the Accuh t ion , w i th a certai n fec ret Ad

mi t ation , 9. d. It i s fcarce credi

ble that any Pet fon lh oul d be (0

c ruel,as no; to be fati shed w i th

che Afl li él ions of hi s tellow

Creatute.a. Meqste


] And accufcfl: me

pon tinnally. andnever giveli overs

p or i n termi ttefi.

Cruen tus] Thi rffing af ter myBlood.

Nata: es Ste. 1 Becau fe as

R oc a t e i n fen ltble, lo alfo you

a re. The,

Charaéter o f a cruel

genesis ts ta stihashorrm s Caucafus

iittora Pon ti,is Urfa videt.

Nu trits ss Bee.) Naturslifistha t Men take the Naturethofe w i th whore Mi lk drynourifhed

, therefore this Manhuntw ho had a favage Nature, ha ilof the Opi nion , was fed wi thdlMi lk ot a w ild B e


4 Sib'

tas ] To have an hardHeart. 80 above, lib. 1 . £ 14 . 7.E s tua fan sfillets sirm p fl

5 943 1'

s gratin ] W hat Evil 1.there left, that be ! mw ould w ifh miss: bag

spen (0

meP omZgafl Can i t proceed.

7 Barbara ] He adds an Enlmetation 0: his S ufl‘eri ngs i byamplifyi ng the S imi li tude, emthe Dangers from Enemies.hshefpzta] “fi lmi ng a Port ,

and w h ich fierce and t uhofpitalbMen inhabi t ; or ne t to be gelto by S trangers.8 Mau hs]The Arcadia Bel l !

fox c‘

li o who we afterwari‘ flEd i


a48 T R I S T I U MNon him, qui fueram : quid inanetn proteris umbtam?

Quid c inetem faxis bufiaque nofira petis ?

Heétor erat tune, chm bello certabat: 8c idemTraéi us ab E monio, non etat Heéior, equo.

Me quoque, quem n6tas olim. non elle mementoE x i llo fnpetant hz c fimulaesa v ito.

Q g id fimulacrs ferox dié'

i is incefli s ama‘


Farce, precot , manes follic itate meos.

Omn ia verapnta mea c rimina; nil fit in illis.

Q u id magis errorem , quim fcelns, efl'

e pistes,Pendimus en profiigi (fittia tua peétora)pochas,Exfilioque graves, exfilnque loco.

z ; Fan am] When I l iv’d at

R ome.

Inauem] DoIi thou trample un

der Foo t a Shadow w i thout aBody. i . e. me Who have no

S t tength .

2 6 Ciuerem] Me, c ivilly dead.fl eflagee]The R eliques of my

Ca tcafs ; hsfiu is properly the

P lace where a dead Body i sburied, as much as to fay fleasaflm , well bu tned. Bu t now

w e ca ll a Sepulchre j m a n , although the dead Cart is not

burn t.P el is] Thou perfc cutefi, [fol

l owen].Hed or 85a ] Bet?» w as a

float Man w hi le he w as ali ve,

a nd w as able to (land a ai nfi hisE nemies. Hatter i s re uen tlyshed for a (h u ng Man

, u t hew as not alive when he w as threeT imes dragged round the Troj an\Valls, nor cou ld make u le o fS trength ; fox he was ac t w hathe w a s before.

2 8 c/ fimon io] By the TheFd s'

mH orfe of efEm s

,(0 c alled ftcm

a Moun tain of Ihefl'

al] , w hencea chi lles was.

glam alias] Such as.

3 ° Superam] ThisBody remainsw u hom S t i ength. S ima la cbra are

groPerIy the Images or the Dead.

y thele Words thePoet in timates

til t he is as i t were dead. and to

remain nothing elfe but anmage.

3 t Iecefli‘

s] Thou revalefi.

proachefi , ac cu fefl.

d warfs]W i th3 2. Masses]


To tormen t mySoul

,w h i c h i s gone ou t of my 4

Body. for w hile you i inc yon c

tormen t me a living Pe on‘

, you

perlec ute a dead Corps .

3 3 Omaha] Sn pole all the Aecuiations I am e arged w i th to betrue, and not Mi llakes and donennaw ares sbu t fuy ofe they defetveto be called W i c nefs. I havec ertain ly fufieted Punifhmen ts fuific ien t tor them.

3 4. Peads'

smss ] W e have pfi ‘the Deb t, fufi

eted the Puni lhmeu t.

penderepe nas Cam il aa s

whit Phrafe is derived hence,thatmoney before it was

‘M ped,w hen the R omans ufed largeMoney , w as paid by W eight, no tb y Tale.

P rofngi] Being bamflted i n to ,

Scy thia .

Sa tia tua pefiora ] San sfy youCruelty i n my Tormen ts. An E xc lamation fu l l of Sorrow . SoMet.

Satiaqee meo tua peaora lat h,

torque f erum fis tia .

3 6 Exfilioqae Tronblef ome and

gues t by the B enefs ofmyBan ilhmen t.

Exj ilugsss) By Tomas, 9.4K I am£ 10 3


Cunific i forums potefi mea fiends videri 5Te tsmen efi uno judice merfa patum.

Sevior es tt i ffi Bufit ide : fz vior illo,

Q_ui falfum lento torruit igne bovem

Qtique bovem S iculo ferms donfifl'

e tyranno,E t difi is at tes conciliafli fuas .

Mmere in hoe, Rex, c it ufns, fed imagine majorNee fola efi operis forma tobanda met .

Mpic is a dextra lstus hoe athpertile taut i ?Hac tib i, quem perdes, conjic iendus etit .Protinus inc lufitm lentis carbonibns ti re,Mugiet. ht vet i vox et it illa bovis.

on l ban ilhed, but there isehol


en r my Banilhmen t one ofmc fi i ncommodious Places in

lb World

0 37 Cm fics


] A bloody mindedmofi cruel Man .

Mi fet able.

M t.

Merfis pm ] Aflliéhed a l.

M e .

39 Sen ior] The Poet makesnfe of thofe butcherly Perfons,Bsfirs


s , Phahsrs'

s and Pm'

llu s, to

all w hich for Cruel ty he prefersthis Man .

flq i ride] The Son of Neptune,disma l! cruel Tyran t ot the Egyptia s ; he when he had lac ri hced

all his Guefis to yq im ,was (lai n

h Hersxles s agatOnfi w hom he

was praéhfing the l i ke Treache i y .

See Jerv i s :on the th i rd Georg.

Phalaris , the me ltf A n


ngmsm .

A rafen one, in

La te] Included i n a remote

gt a far Difiance] that hemight 47 Lend s] W i th flack Firehusnt the more llow ly. Goals almoft extinét.

4 1 M e P eril!“ w ho made 48 E : c ox] And the Groan ingthat braz en all for Phalari


s, that w i l l reptefent the ttue Bellowing

h ing (hut up i n i t, w hi le he of a Bull.was t orched, by the Groantngs,

{Crying might refemble the Be!Ow ing of an Ox ; for



Ilz sfor his Reward w as the b rfi that

was u t i n to thi s 0x, to makethe Xpet imen t upon . Ov id i nIbi s.

e/Ers Peril!“ em s imitatej eventss ea f orm tw i ssmmss



f ans.4 2. E s dims] Andby his Words

to have pra i ted and adorned h isPrelen t and Workmanlhip , a nd

to have made i t more acceptable.

Mm e]Thefi: are tt Otdsof Perillas to K ing P ha lari s.Ufas] AConvemency .

Sed imag ine ] But there is a

greater me than appears ou t

wardly.Na:fola] P ers


llm commends

two Things in his Braz en Bul l ,the Ufe and the Poim.

Ogeris]Oi the Bull that I haveartifi c ially made.

4 ; Addperst'

ls ] That is eafyto be Op


46 P erdes] Whom you w ou ld»

T R'

I S T I U MP ro quibus inventis, nt mnnus munere penfes,Da, precot , ingen io ptz mia digna meo.

Dixesat : at Phalaris, Poenae mitande repertor,Dpfemum prz fens imbue, dixit, 0 na.

Nee mora , monfltatis crudeliter igni us ufius.Exhibuit geminos ore gemen te fonos.

Q tid mihi cum Siculis, inter Scythicoi'

glue Getafque?

Ad te (quifqn is es)nofira querela t'


t ue htim nofh'

o pofli s explete cruore,

Q _uantaqne v is avido gaudta corde fem

Tot mala fum fugiens tellnte, tot a ore pTe quoque n t auditis pom: dolere putem

Crede m ihi, fi fit nobis collatus Ulyfl'


Neptun i m‘nor efi, quém Jov is ira fnit.


fiqu ic unqne es, t efc indete c riminanoli,

que gravi dntus vulnere tolle manus.

P ro qu il t s] For which 1nVen t lon.

Mum s &c . l This Ox that Ihave prefen ted you w i th.

5 1 Dixera t] P erilla's.fi l i rande] Admirable.g: Imlme] Do y u u make the

fish Experimen t .

5 3 Mmfira ti s] The manner ofw h it h he had Ihew


d to the K ing.

5 4. Gembm fimos] 80 th thoreofa Ma n and thofe o f an 0 1:

Gerpmte] Ali ter " m a sts .

5 ; mid mihi &c . ] W hy do Irel ate t e Ci uelty o t P halan


s ,

and S i ttlzars P erillas , t ) one that

l ives among herce and remote


56 Aa ts ] To upbraid thyC i ue l ' y tow a i ds me

,i . e. I aga in

compla i n of th

yCl uelty.

sh af qu is] W oloevet thou art

that art nor fatiated w i th myBlood.

5 7 t aefisim] Thy Crueltya d too great Behre of myBloodand Death.

5 8 31m m ]Asmuch asyou


59 Tot ma la He repeats h isAffiiaion s , a compares himfelfW i th Ulyjfis.

Fagim } Going intomix; 1 I y j ournd n m

60fi sh ]Ma'

s 1c. az s. i . e.i f I lhould relate a ll my Mister,tunes to you .

6 1. Ulyfl'

es Who w andred for

ten Years , . e. i f the Misfortunemof Ubfl


es be comparedw i thmine.

See E leg . 4. li t . 1 .

6: Nepm igThe Indignation

of N sane.‘

os N tm

enter} 1 esobecanl'

e e had l ind

c d h is gon Polyphem , forwhich

Caure he afterwards fnh’ered i n Q

Stom l , (0 in the Place c i ted.

Illsm Neytsu s'

,me j u st ire.

j eez'

s] O i ” 991m6 3 E rgo 8m. ) Here the

prays that he may be (pared, _

and to that Putpp le n fes an Al '

ma n taken ttom the uncon

cy of Fortune and humanAffa i rs.

Refcindsre] To commemoratetand renew , asWounds that

opened w i th a Lancet.

64 De av s'

Concer ning mxea t A taion.

T R I S T I -U M

me 6c always bi: Habitation, M u !) bi: Ia ,

tha t be may one Tune or otber retm i3 10 bi:

Calm! ry .

al lm

a jam Zephyri minuunt : annoque pernfio,Longwr antiquls vifa Ma n tis hyems.Impofitamque fibi qui non benépertulit Hdh ,

Tempora no&utn is aqua diurna fac it.

j am Violas puenque legunt, huarefque pndlz ,Ruraque qnz nullo nata fcren te fernn t.

Prata ue pubefcunt variorum flute"


In ocilique loqnax guttate vernat avis.

t l bj n‘

] The W inds blow ing( tom the E quinoa ial W

’efi . Ze

{iyu s i s derived


of {a ir'

pm ,

cattle i t bri ngs Ll fe to the and

i ng Corn .

d tmogae]And theW i nterhemgended, whi ch is the lat! part o f

the Year. Ov id leems here to be

o t the Opin ion , hat the Year infin i lhed i n W i n ter , and begins in

the Spring, bec aufe the Mon th of

Af arcb w as accoun ted the begin

n ing of theYc at in the Reign oi

R omu lus. See Faj h'

a Lottgt'

or] The W in ter that Ihave pa ts

d i n Scy thia , where the

P a in: Al c ott} i s, icemed longel to

me, than thofe foxmc r pa il ones ,w hen I lived in R ome.

3 Impofitam} He deicribes the

Vernal E qu inox.

g ird ] Se. Aries , wh i ch w as at

terwards tnanflated among the

S tars, carried Pb and Hellea

ovet theHellefpom. Ann the Poet

4. To n ] The Sun beingd ries, g


ne a are faid to beIon er than Ni i. e. hB ait and N'

hts “ cghu ,


74m 050 1 The net hmvet w i tti ly and beau ti fully bfc nbes the Summer , of whi tthere is a like Defcrigtinn.

maps:m a t ,

Legm t] They gather, they cropor pi ck.

be i f6 Raw ae T n 0'

Other P lzn ts or glov e" that

grow of their ow n Acc ord in lh

F ields ; or what Thi ngs tbe Fiellll

y i eld w i thout Culture.

7 P ubefic n t] They Flc nn lhl l

young Perfon: flonnnt ormto Maturi ty i n their Youth.

8 Indoct’


] Not taugh t , i . e.nntaught by any one except 51Nature.

Vema t] Rejoices, W an ton! l l

therefoxe here (ays that d ries did S inging. A Metaphor taken fion 0t w ell bear, becaufe Helle fe ll

i n to the Hellef m, but R xx:

c ame fafe to 4 3 , am. 0 c red

F ields and Trees , w h ich in thc


ng of the Year fee tn mm)and florid. P IC“. “9m m

a R am to j npt'

ter, w hofe Efligie nant.

he placed among the Stars. See


3 .

L I B ; R m.

t ue mala crimen matris deponat himndo.Sub trabibu s cunas, tefl aque parva fac it.

Bet ue quz latu it Cerealibus obtutaE x erit e

tep idamolie cacumen humo :

loc o efi vitis, de palmite gemmamovettzrNam roc nl aGetico littore v itis abefl' .

Qtoque oco efi arbor, turgefc it in arbore ramus :

proen l a Getic is finihns arbor ahefi.

Otia nnnc ifiic , jun&ifque ex ordine lndis

Cednnt verbofi gam i la verba tori .

Lufes equ is nunc ea, levibus nunc luditur armis,Nnnc pila, nunc celeri vertitur orbe trochus .

Nnne ubi perfufi efi oleo laben te juventus,

9 ma le] That (he mayno longer he

ir the




me ofac



na t MOt er, y a in t

gang? {mes i n Cradles agd glefls.as refpeél to the Fable of

w ho flew her Son ItJt,fet him before his Father

M m be eaten ; that fhe mi htbe a venged on him for ba lyn viflti tg her Sifter P lt ilm l , andmt being fatisfied w i th doi ng hertin t Inp ut;

alfo c ut out her

Tongue , t t h e mi t not be

thle to tem ha been donete ller ; on w hich account Term

m turned i nto a Haapoop: Itys

250 a


P l





gi lqnel j uno a

a r at mto a

3 3 1g . Men u . Feb. 8.

Bin n i e The Forerunner ofSummer, 0 the is cal led, a Fafi t

t o Cm s] The Neils in w hi chlhe nouri lh es her young.

I l Ceru filmsfaith]BreadCom ,

the G i ft of Ceres.Sak i: Stea

kHiding the Corn,

i t begins to c v i t lel f.05m m] Covered.t a E xj crt


t] It makes bareTe id) bum] From the m i ddle

of t E arth,between cold and

heat ; for (0 i t u fes to be 10 theSp ing of the Year.I 3 £ 5 09“ loco] In thore Regi

on where Vi nes grow .

M 4] Aa £ 1 6, or Bad Which

the Vi ne Era puts forth. 80l . Fafl i .E rnow dogravit y p la icegemma tu m.

Mmer-r] It grows, which isby a perpetual Motion.

14 Na nprocul } Forhere are noVi nes. See B leg. l o.

I 5 Tar tf a’

t ] Sw ells bougest7 Otia l t is now Holy

—daytime at Rune.

j amaifqae]Whi lflone Play facceeds another ; various kinds ofP lays fol low in one another.

x8 Cedsmt] u tedm , they giveP lace ; t


. e. there i s no Law goes

forward at Ru n at that T ime, inw hich the Plays are acted at the

Theatre ; or the R om Youthare (0 i ntent upon martial E z er

c i fes, that they don'

t frequent theF 0? “

1 9 Equis 8te. j Which the R s

matu tausht to turn round i n a

Ci tele.

Nu n] Sometimes.a rm

s] The Exerc i feof Arms.

ao Ven ison ]Is tots'

dt is thrown .

Orbe1 W i th an Agi tation .

a t Olen]W i th a Ceroma te,w hi ch

is an ungueut whi chW rt fi lers ufed

w hen they exu c i fed, th tttunguen t

w as made o f Oil and Ba i th m i x:

together i nto an Ointmen t lute

Clay , and not of evety f ort 0:

E arth nei ther ; bu t of fome cer

tain fortsoi itwhich wetethww‘;

T R I S T I U MDefefl


os artus V irgine tingit aqua.

S cena viget , findiifqne favor difiantibus ardet,Cumque tt ihus reIonan t terna theatra foris.

O quater 8c quoties, non efi numerate, beatumNon interdtfi a cui licet urbe frui

At mihi fentitnr nix verno So‘e foluta,

Quaeque lacu auto non fodiantur aqua :

Nec mare concrefc it glac ie z nee, nt an te, per Ifh'

umS tridula Sauromates plaufira Bubulcus agit.

to render the Body more tohoftand firmer

, to endure Hea t andCold as tome certain forts o f

rofy , fo called from their Colours.For the P raj t


rte which as the greenColour, w asdedicated to the to ss

fine whi te Earth,and fome forts

o f reddifh , and a great manyO ther foxts. And indeed Oi l w as

n fed to caufe A

fihty ,

and to

make the Limbs apple, becanfei t is the nature of Oi l to warmand defend againfi Cold andthen i t was alto nfed to renderthe Limbs hardy, and to confirmthem agai nfi Colda s. Def tflbs]W i th Exerc ifes.Virg in ] TheW aterottheV i i in

W hi ch is at R ome,fo c alled a

V i rgin whi chfltewed ordi fcover'


: Fountl l n . A liter . Tt’


g c ndet 491m,For the Roman s

c hole the Campus Ma rtin s, that

w as neat Tiber , i n w hich the

Youth after their Exerc i fes in theFeats ot Arms might w afh awaythe Sw eat and Duff.2 ; Scene } In the Theatre va

s ious P lays w ere exhi bi ted a t one


S tuditf e] D ivers Favours, forin the 35m one favoured one,

and an the: favouted another,Virg . c/ f n . y .

S taditfgtte f aoemm Confi rm:omne nemau .

Hemeans as w ell the GladiatorianP lays, in whi ch the Gladi atorshad each of them thei r AbettO i s,as alfo in the fit ftP lace thofe tourF aétions of the Chat ioteet s i n theirCircmfim Games. The Venetian ,fi e Pu ffin , the wbt


te and thy

Spt ing. The ref} to the I' a

coloured Summer, the blew to the

c loudy W inter, the white to

hoary [dew y] Autumn ..

A rdet] Is angry .or w dhes , or'

i s a F i re w i th too gteat Love forany Fa&ion .

Virg . Ai det 4 7mm: Dido.

Camqtte tribe s ] And tho .

th i ec Theatres w i th the three Re

1mm Forums , the R oma n , lid.

and Angstfian , near the amp”Martian , w here thefe Shew s

exh ibi ted E ccho W l th the noi fyOn teni es ot the (h omi ng.

2 ; O qua tefl 0 i nfin i telyfed he that may l ive at R

2 6 Urbe] At R ome.

2 7 d e mihi] H ere I fee Snow .

melting i n Summer Time. He

begi ns to relate by w ha t Tokensthe Sp ri ng is di lcovet


d amongthe S cy thia n

,tha t by theCompa

ri fon ot i t he may di fplay the In

conven ien ces of i r.

Da re] A n oz en .

Non fitdianmr] th e not broken ,becan fe in S ummer- time they aremelted o f their ow n ac cord.

Aqua] Se. Seu tim tur

{l/rttm] Froz en .

go Stridttla ] The fcreakingW aggons.Saaramates Zebulon : Ah Inha

b i tan t of Sam u tia,

t iv ing the

Oxcn drawing the Chariot.


t B E R m.

Si tibi c nta mei, vel fi pudor ullus adell'

et,Non u ltra patriam me (e uerete meum.

Qfloqne loco primtim male um tibi cognitus infans.Illo teneslI


es,nltimns eflé m

lagne relinqnendo, quad idemTu (

Lnoque dixifi


es trifiis in urbe. Vale.

Quid ti i cum Panto ? nn rn te quoque s aris iraExtremam elidi mifit in orbis humum ?

Scilicet exl'

peétas folitnm tibi mot is honorem ?Penda t ex humeris veflis ut alba meis ?

a ids tur florentibns ata coronis ?Hicaque olenni thnris in igne fonet ?

Lihsqne dem pro te geniale notan tia tempos ?Concipiamque bonas ore favente preces ?Non its fum politus, nee (itnt es tempora nobis.Adven tu pollim lz tus nt efii: tuo.

f can ] If you hadtaken carein me.6 NO. u ltra]You had nOt been

the Compan ion of a banilhedMan, but you ought after I cameinto Ban ifhmen t to have forlakenme, as though I had been dead,and to have fin iflt

zdtiny Li te.

h7 loco] n you t



d me at Sam ,shirtsI W fir“born e

Hale & c .]Unhappl lw the E vils and M

m i nes of

9 Inqc e reliaqm do] In permitlng me to die in the Ci 0m min follow ing me i nto Bamflunen t.

o d idem] For they toriookme when condemned byAugufiu s.to Va le] Tha t you would never

more come to me.1 t a id tibi] Se. m


Cm on to]W i th 77mm . 3 Cityol



l’sum ,

?thc re


h” ban ilhed.

e n egate As e as len t mewhoa? thou foliowe lt.t Sulem honorem] The ufual

Celebration , t’

. e. yon expeéi that

I mould do you the Honour Iufed to do

14 Add ] A w hi te, which theystore, that celebtaml thei rBi i th

da See P ropertiesi ; Fumida) Smokingtgyk‘ref.


on of the Sacrifice o d 80J un e. l i b. a . E leg .

54“ f“ G.e a then a mobl

amed “ ark .

Ciugatur] W i th Flowers andadorned w i th Garlands.

x6 Micaqee]And that I fltouldofi


er Frankincen fe.

I 7 Libague] I mould fi crificeLib: wene Cakes made of Flour.Hon y and Oi l, and fit for Sac rifices.Gem


d e] A vol os. joy fu l ,or fuch asw as 03 2 : to theGen ius.Gen ius is a Dei ty under the Tate!age of whi ch, ever one that isborn l ives, (0 cal of Gigan ti c,

i t teeeives and defen 'ls as.

gen iu s.1 8 Fam ed] 8 ing nothing by

reafon of an unlnc y or badOmen ,or ra ther u tteringgoodWords. t


. e.

pray ing to a. f opi tious De i ty ,

or iusnp im m tnga happy Even tof the Afiair.

1 9 Not: in f i lms] my Ci rcumRanet s are not (0 now , I am not

in that Condi tion .

Ea my th s]So happy.


R t s'

r t U'

MFuneris aramihi fersli c inéh cuprefl



Convenir, 8c firufi is fiammaran ts tegis.Nee dare thura libet n il exoran tts Divos :In tantis fubeunt nee bona verbs mslis.

Si tamen efi aliquid nob is hs c luce petendnm,

In loca ne redeas ampli t‘

ts ifta, precor :

Dhm me (erratum pars gamenov‘iflima Pontns,

E uxinus fall'

o nomine iétus habet.

a t Feralt'

]fl Funeral.

1 74mm]Fnneral Solemn i ties.2 3 Dare them] To facrifice.E xora mia a ll] Oh no

thi ng by my Prayers,.do not gran t me to teturn i nto

my ow n Coun tr

y;2 4. In ta xis] or do any goodf rayers come i nto my Mind, i.e.I have no In clinati on to pray :Tibttllm. D ita ” : hona y etba,steri le watch: 4 4 c m.

lace] On this Birth

,d ay. i n w hich they asked fumeshmg o f the Gods. M 5

In low] That I be not i nPoem: next Year.



w ould retain his Nam in t

morpbo went out qfa ll befif e, tha t tuba:

beittg t'

tt Sc ythia ougbt

Ultor, an tifies doaomm [snfi e V iromm

Quid fac is, ingenio femper amine meo ?Ecqu id, nt incolumem quondam celebn re

Nnnc quoque. ne videsr totus sbefle, cases!

1 d n tifles]Theprinc ipal , c hief 3 Intoh m ]Notwho excellefi al l Others. s peeds“. l iv i in Rm .,

A rm'

flu is ropet ly a Priefi and Cc ebn re] To y rai fe an ! O

P i i nee that andsbefore theAltar. worlh ip.

a Ingen io] Always a Friend to A befl'

e Nor tO be nt R“

my Gen ius, i. t. whom I always c u t]T taken care.

M s 1°YFd' .

vfi cfl t

P astas Mas s of «7, wall M


an Ho thetgh isma good Inn , which is f bythe R ule of Contraties. t k inia qtlu blt . For about ch Ml u tm are rough rhea ,and cruelNatxons, and Eq wmthat the E u ni c e, by theAnc ien ts was called i twas, i .s.hofg

ltable. and our Poet in“

‘0 q .

Dian ab


Sentit amsns {3‘s dsmns fete ; tsmen hu et in illis

c pa per itur ue fnz .

Nos quoque delefi an t,?:n nocnére ; libelli,Q uodcilt

zcmihi telom vulneta fec i t, amo.

{i ndium pofii t furor efl'

e v idet

Sed guiddam furor hic utilitstis hahet .Semper in obtutu men tem verat efl


e malorumPrz fen tis cafas imme‘mon mque tacit .tqne fnum Bac chis non fcn tit fauc ia vulnus.Ohm Rupet Idz is exulnlata jngis :

Sic. ubi mota calen t l i cro mes pe€tora Thyt fo.Altior humane fpit itns ille malo eff .

llle nee exfilinm,Scythic i nee littors Pon ti,


l lle nee iratos {en tit habere

they did not regard the In

firy i t did them .

3 3 J u a n ] One that is in Love.

34. Ma teria ls] Love o f w hi ch

nisLover is both me Fault andmeCau fe.3 ; Lit t le] Verlizs.3 7 F uror]Madnefs, that a Perl'

on mou ld be fond of that, thathu treaeed him i ll.

3 8 Utib'

u tt’

s]Of Conven iency.l. e. in this poeti ck Fury th e

te 18

a certain Advan tage, which hetakes notic e of .

"39 Is obtuse] In the beholdi ngCon templation o t tt c Evi ls

in which I am converlan t,

4-0 Prdfmtis Cdffl ] Of Banifh

4 1‘

Ba cbs'

fl P hebe:thePrieli tef'


of Apollo who celebrates the

o t Bacchu s, being fei z edW i th a fort of Madnefs, fuch as

the Mather of P en tbent and the

like, are deferibed to be. Metatu .

3 . For the‘


des or ?Ba ccbs

were the Priefirelfes oi ? a ccbn s ,

Which al fo W ere c al led Ms nades,thele did their Sacrifice j n the

Ni ht,every Other Year i h Par

as , a Mountai n of B c ott'

a ;

they are called Zd ecbe, fl om theirmad 0 1 6 3 . F0! they 1 3 11 about

41 Sw i ft

w ith Torches andLamps;[Flam

beaux] l ighted in the Night- time,that they made tire o f in thei r S a

crifices , and the i r Hai t hanainglo ofe abmt thei r Eat s , c ry ing out

Ew e, w hich w as an E xptefli on or

Prayer for 3 .cdThings and Feli

Cl t

ii‘a tm’

a] Full w i th the God.a nm ] Their Fury or Mad


Dis" ! fiapet] W hile (he isalion i lhed, a nd i n a R age.Idet


: Jagi tl Bei ng, itn pn ls'

cl b

fl a rcba s. m h tw l ing= W i .h w h ic


Baccbian Priefi t efit s make Ll lc

Of in Ida,a M tuntain ot P hrygm

and Crete, w hen they pert’

oxm the

famed R i tes of Cybele.

Meta Agi tated.77977 0] W ith a Spear h .l lnd

abou t W i th V i ne LL‘t S,w hich

the Prieflreflc s o f Ba ccb s : carriedin their (ac ted R igh ts , w h ich byw ay of S im i li tude is here taken

for a

goeti ck Spi ri t.

44. piri tm ] That “spawn“ :

F tn y w hich I c arry i n my Heart.

4 ; Scy thici] 0 : the P an ts :

E nx lna s.

46 Hobart] A li ter adtfl‘

e, to be

prefen t .

Dent) Augajlus bei ng, mam.

T -R I S T I UMt uc foporiferse bibc tem fi pocula Letha ,

Tcmporis adverfi fic mihi fenfus abefi.

Jim:Dcas igitur venerar mala noftn levantes,


Sollic itas comites ex Heli





one fugz

a;t partim la 0 rim ve is ten~Vel ratc

pti g iaiz


vel pede imam feqni o.Sint, precor, se fi ltem facile: mihi NamqueCz fire c um magno c z tera tutba fac it.Meque tot advetfis c umulat, quot littus arena ,

Quotque fretum pifces , ovaque pifeis hahet.Vere pt ifis flora , z fiu numerabis arifias,Poma per autumnum, fii goribufque mves

Q uim mala, qua: patior toto jaétatus in orbe.B i

lm mifer Euxini littore fa ve peto.

Ncc tamen , ut ven i, lc vior fortune malorum cfiH&c quoquc funt nofiras fata fem ta visa.

Hie quoque cognov i natalis Raminaqc fin ,Stamina dc nigro vellere faaa mihi.

t ue net: infidias capitifque pericula m om.

Vera qu idem v idi, fed graviora fide.

Viverc quim miiérum ell inter Bcfi'

ofquc Getafque111i, qui populi fempcr in ore fuit

.47 Soponfim Latina ] Of the

R i ver L ube,i n the i n ferior Re

lona, that c antes Sleepinofs and

f orgetfulnc fs to thofe that dri nkIr. Vt


rg. c/ Eneid. 6. v . 71 4.

Tmporis]The Thought andat m unhappy Time.

Dem The Mi lfet. So dcP an to lib. 1 . E leg . 6.

E : repeta, nollm gu 9m coinifl‘


And Vi rg . c/Emz'

d. l o.

P anda mm: Heli con : d a , can

tnfqae maven .

Vmeror] I W OI’fll iP.

5 d Sollzcitasj The Mnfe: thatare feli c i tous concern ingmy Exi le,from as far as Moun t Helicon i n

3 00th , in which they refidc . AhAppofition .

5 ! Vefii’gia My W ay .

5 2. Faci le: Px‘ >pitiu tls.

q u ate.) For the Other

GOdS, befides theMafeu areangry

Wi th me as we)! as t ar.

1 ; I'

d d wg/izj Innumetable.

2 m:mm ] An HyperbolicafiNorarion of an infin i te Numbern; 9 2m 8 m} Se. c ra t


Thin] Into Various P arts of thoWoxld.

60 BM pen] Before ! cametoa ‘o

6 : U: wm’

] After I came to

Sq tbi a .

Lev ior] I fufi'

c r leis Evi ls.

6a F ara] The fameMisfortunetthat a


?“ me 3

5R on

; h,6 5 no In q t'

4 .

Stamina? 1ghz Threads whi chthe Parcz Spin for me, i . c. theCourfe of my Li fe.

64. De m’

gro] Fu ll of Unhappinefs. Ni er is accounted an

unhappy Cc our. as Candida: an

happy one.

6 5 Infzdia ] Laid for me.66 Sadgravita s]Mme grievous

and (harp, than can be bel ieved!

68 fini popuh’

]Whowas alwaysfamous.

31 63 T n I s T 1 U Mlpfe mihi (quid enim fatiam fcriboq



i e legoque,Tutaque Judic io littera nofira filo e


tamen dixi. Chi nunc haze cura laborat ?

An mea Sauromatz fcripta Get gsnlegen t ?

Sz pc‘

etiam laehrymz funt, me fcri te, profufc

Humidaque efi fictu littera faéia meo .

Ca que vetafia meum tanquam nova vulnera fentit.Inquc finum mtr fiz lahitur imber aqua!

Dhm v ice mutatfi qui fim , fuerimque recordor,Et tulet it qut

) me cafes. 8c unde‘

, fubit.

Sz pémanus demens Radus irata, fibique.

Mifit in arfuros carmina nofira foco:

Atque ita dc multis, quoniam non multa fuperfun t,Cum vemfi faeito, quifquis es, ifia legas.

Tu quoque non meiit‘

ts , uim funtmca tempora, carmenIn terdtéia mihi confiiie, Roma, boni.I I [e mibz I permit what I in like a Shower, reafon of i


?! ati


d comjofe, to be examined Gr

‘l ef.


by my ow n Sudgmem , and no: 99 Vice mutate] By Turns.that o f another. For I w an t t oo 910 m ] In to Sq tbi f .thofe Frie nds that I vfea to have Unde] From which Place, x

. 0.

w hen I lived a t R ome, w hofe from Rome,Judgmen t I made u(e a t i n cor Sam Comes i nto my Mi nd.reel i ng my Verfes. l ot radix“W i th Poetry.92 Thu


) That it do nOt agai n t o: Fem ] The Fires.bring me m to Detrimen t. 1 04. Can» v em

é] In yardonin'93 Cad] For w hofe Good and me

,i t I erred in any Thing.

P rp h t l compofe there Verres of t o; No. m lx’

u : Ne t better.

mme. 1 06 Confinlc born Take in good94. S auromam ] Becau fe they part. 80 de Porno lib. 3 . E ieg . 8.


t underfland my Verfes.

97 Corqu i My Mind. Tn mam: bat , qu fo, confideTc nqn cm] 0 i a new Puni lh a

men t, as though i t w as but yufinow impof

ed upon me, 9. 4. my Seneca SB” . lib. l .

S p i l l ts (un it , not as though I t w ere

long fince bu t as i f I w ere but Hoe mam a r a d amwfl u c w ic h t i n to Ex ile. efi, bon i


98 Mafia aga r]Of Tearsflow,



E L E G I A Ii .

had brought the Poet into Sc ythia theNews, f hatverias had endertakeu an E xpedt


tim again GerJy, and therefore hew hen he w rote this

Mind he ir prefimt,VJ not w ith his Bod] .

him the Form of a fl ia'

mph,m m , that he heard it w ith

he hadvhtained x

And he j ay: that inthough he

AM feta Caef’

aribus Germania, toms ut orbit;V iéta pc teft flexo fu ccubuifl


e genu :

Altaque velantur fortafi'

e palatia fertis,Thuraquc in igne fonan t, infic iun tque diem

Iaque, adduéiécollum pcrcufl'

a fec uri,tima purpureo fangu ine ringit bamum

lue amicorum tcmplis prormfié Deorumldere v iétores Caefiu'

u terque paran t

Gm m’

a] This is to be

oon p t the Expedi tion o f

I noe ot Dmfm . For

died in Germany tome

bdore the Poet w as ba

11m] Overcom e by Tibe"ho w en t on that Expediti

he Command o t Axguflu :

tha t e q an'

hm , i . e. to be

b e and brought under byr.

3} S C. c]? v ia” .

qua] And the lof ty Houféugqflu on the P ala tine

w here hc dw ells , pt bablyand adorned as a of

uh W reaths.

and Gu lauds,e o f the Vtélory over them.

harm ] And perhaps

9 3 m mu\

Frankineenfe i s burned in theTemples of the immortal God:i . e. Sac rifices are offered.

Inf t iamtqae] And c arken theDay w ith Smoke, and make i tob leu te.

5 Candidaqae v ictims]W1 ich isu fed to be fac rificedforVi&c ry ohrai ned.

At ] D raw n to i t fe'

f, theAx bei ng l i tted tip, as i s uh ai inwing a Blow.

6 Tinxit] S t imid“.

7 Don aqoe The Votives w hichthe Empe rar had romi fed to the

Temples o f the ods, that w ere

favourable and profperous

them .

8 Ccf ?" amen ] 4 x3 nflm andTiberius.

T R I S T'

I U MLenis ab admoni to peaore ibmnus abit?

Tune fubeunt c urse, diam te leetufque, locufqneTangit, oblitam non fin it eflemei ?

E t veniunt z fius, 8: no: immen fa v idetur?


aque jafi ati corporis ofl'

a dolen t ?

Non equidem dubito, quin hz c 8c ca ters fish t,Detqne tuus mafii figna doloris smor

Nee cruciére minhs, qutim chm Thebana cmentumHeaora Thefl


alico vidit ab axe rapi .

Qg id tamen ipfe precer dubito, nec dicere pofi'



eétum quem te mentis habere velim.

Trifl'is es ? indignor, qubd fim tibi canfs dolorNon es? ut smifl

o conjuge digno fores.Tu verb tua damna dole, mitiflima conjux,Tempu s 8c 5. noth is exige trifle malis

Fleque meos cafus : efi 911d Here voluptasExpletur lachrymis egeriturque dolor.

Atque utinam non vita tibi legends, fed efiitt,

as. Lewis fu mes]Nat found bym fon of too teat Grief.

9 45 edmom'

e &c .]By the mindwhich is admonilhedof what hasbefal len me.

3 3 Schemes] To thee.Can s] Your Con cern for me.

Tangit] Does (0 move andsil


ca: you. as i f i t touched you ,or whi le you touch the Place andthe Bed. i n which you ufed to

lye w i th me. An Hypal lage.a ; c/Ej lns] Your violen t Af

fearon or anxious Care for me.Virg



s MW M ad:

e n .

b m enfc] 80 great Behre ofme, that at cannOt be meaiured.

F efli qsse]T ired w i th tremb liny

and toiling, when thou

can not fleey.Al. ufis


a9 Cam'

l re Art thou lefs


Thehm lm dn ma he,theD augh.

ter of Em a» , K i ng o f Thebes i n3 560, the W ife oi Heaor.

go Tbefl‘


ce ah axe] By theChariot of A chilles the Theflitlt


a .

R 495]To be dragg’

d about theWi ll s of Try .

3 1 Concerningthy Love.

3 : J i m ]Whether LoveorSorrow .

3 3 Indszgnor] I am vexed.

l3,4. No» es ? )s m iflo &c .] An Oration

feaive i n Words. as tho’

he hadfaid, I w ould have you sieve as

i t becomes onewho has 03 herHusband.

gr Da nna The Detrimen twhich thou f tea: for my Sake,whic h happened to you upon mBani lhmen tgiav ing loflhalt thy Tel

3 6 7 as Gt Anddo thou


u for the T ime to come.E s a mfln

s ] Alter my Ban ilhment.

3 7 F legs e] And do thou lament and bew ai l my Misfortune.

A38 La thrymis] Tears

eviation of Grief.

Egeritsrgs e] Is emptied out, asdtmi n ilh ed.

?9 d tgs e ate.) Bur l mmthi s

Li e of mine, that is unhappy bymy Bani lhmenta were not to belamented by you, but my Death,s. 1 w in. 1 haday


d rather thanto live (0 miferably in this Ban ilhment.

SMeyes]To be monm eh tot .



The $0” commends hi: Friend, andfit: firth the Imam

moditie: of hi; E xile in Tomos, and pray : him priv a tely to entree: Augfifius to grant him a pla ce of $ 4

n i/hmerzt a little ” carer, and tell: him that he might

eafilj obtain it of him, by reaj hn of his great Clemen t} .And cf 4 1! he relate: to him, how Orefies fled

f rom a place, that w as not m

gremote w ith his sifler

iphigen ia, and a([o carry ing iana away thence into

a better place. A nd tha t if they fledf rom tha t pla ce,he concludes it w as noflrange Thing g

f he [bawld def reto he carried aw ay w ith the f ame Winds, that carried

away Orefies.

m O_ui , nominibus chm fis generofus av iris,Exuperas morum nobilitate genus .

Cujus inefi an imo patrii candoris imago.

Non catcat h umeris candor ut ific (u is :

Cujus m tngemo efi patrix facu ndia lingua .

Q ui‘

t p rior in Latia non fuit u lla foro :

Quod min ime volui . politis pro nom ine fign isD té


tus es : ignofcas Jaudtbus ipfe tuis .

7 Gcnemfm l Noble.«10 5m l Ot An c c fto ts i . e.born

of n oble Ancefiots, dc i'

cended ofa noble S tock.

2 . Exnpem s ] Thou exceedefithy Ancefim s in V irtue.

3 Pa tri i]Of patern al Sinceri ty ,i . 49. w ho imi tatefi thy Father i nS incet ity.

4. Nm en'

s &c .] Can iour hasi ts Vigour, and i s perfca

, ob’


m w i s,i . e. S tt c ngth that the

Sc n'

fe may be , thou uettht r w an t

efi th ow n Candom of Mind,nor t y Father


s S i ncet i ty .

6 prior]That thou art one

of the b i ll as to Roman Elo

quenc e.

In La tin fet a ] In the

Goui t of Judgmen t.7 Quad m uime ] BM I had

ra ther call you by your Name 3bu t now I am obli

ged to addrefs

my ielf to you y S igns andTOkCQ SQ

P ro nomine] Inflead of yourName.

Srgn is]By which thou mayfibeknow n .

8 lgn ofca s] You mutt afcribe i tto your i-

amou fnefs i f you are

known by the above faxd Chlrafter.


Nec nova, quad tec um loquor, efi injuria nofiral ncolumis c um quo fxpéloc utus cram.

Q to vereare minus ne fim tibi crimen amicus ;l nvidiam , fi qua efi , auétor habere potefi.

Nam tuus efi primis c ultus mihi {Emper ah annis

(Hoe certénoli diflimulare)pater.

Ingeniumque meum (potes hoe memin i

P lus etiam, quim, me judice, digons cram.

Deque meis illo referebat verfibus ore,l n quo pars altzr. nobilitatis erat.

Non igitur tibi nunc , qubd me domus ifia recepit.Sed prit

ts anaeri funt data verba

Nee data fun! (mihi erode) tamen : fed in omnibus

Ultima {i demas, vita tuendames eft.

Net m u j Nor i s i t what has113 pened o f late.

yxjml c j That I do you so w n .

t in feeang you would nor have

i t one upon account of J fgnflu f ,i .e. i t I do do you an Injury tn w ri

ri ng to you , that i s not now any

new Thing.


s] When I w as noto rdered for Bantflm en t. before

my Exile.3 ; g as om en ] Becau fe I had

Commun ication w ith you , w hen

I w as i n Safety, y

ou may be an

the leis fears ell my Friendlhip

for you (hould be imputed to you

as a Crime.

[Irin a ]Gaufe of S iam .

2 6 Invrds’

am] I Ov id. may befaid to have been the Caule of

your Blame ,i f the Envy 05 any

o ne is rocured hereby .


s ab m is ] He hath

been my Friend even from Chi ld

hood. s

2 8 He: certs ] The paternal

Friendlh i o

3 9fed


go Ph i ] 8C. Prshdhas sugasm

W :

525 40 ] Than I did defen e

, in

my own Judgment , m Geniuswas net ih great as he thought n .

s t]Thy Fatherprai.

gt Degas meis] And inGravi ty of his On cory , w ith

which he w as enabled, he gavehas j u¥

ment of my Vesta .

3 a c rs‘

LE loquenee.A IM] Alster Ma ra.

3 3 Non igisu ] Se. l mm ba

, g. d. i am am yourfeet A uaintance, but your e


s a on Time

93 04 mghecanhave fa ltered andtheir Favour, i. e. I have mel loww ritten , and addrefl


ed fel fto you , beoanfe your Fafl y firfiknew me.

3 4. Aaam'

] To th Path s






the uthor Oit ts ru n up, a so

W it , and ipeakmgmac aw]?my studies.

3 ; Net data ] Nm n ln k fl .your Father w as ne t miflakenw hen he celebrated my W i t.Sed i ts enmibsss] BU!

prove ot my Courii: ofunderiband I had not

him. if you than take a V iew ofthe “ hole Ct u t fe of i t, rashesthan the Conclulion of i r.

3 6 Ultimo] If you except ehCaule ormy Ban i thmen t .Teena ] May be delended. ln

c sufc at is unblameable.

T R I'

S T I U MNam nu

kes jaéi


sntur moderaria z quora ventis,’

p c idos portus hofpita navis habetSunt circ i gentes, qua: pradam fanguine qum nt,


Neeminus infidi terra timetur aqua.l lli, ques audis hominum gandere cruore.Pz néfub ejufdem h igorjs axe jacent.

Nee proeh l i nobis locus efi, ubi Taurica (liraCade phatetratz fpargitur araDez .

Hz e prius (ut memorant) non inv idiol'

anefandis,Nee cu ienda bonis, r


a Thoantis ersnt.

Hie pro up (ita Virgo opeia c ervaSacra Denoluit qualiaa mque fizz .

(l uo pofiquam, dubium pins, an federatus, oneExaél us furiis venerat ipl


e ruisa

$8 Ph cidos] Safe, (came 3 thePoet has before called Ru in s


srbm M IN .

Hojpsta] S trange, formM5 9


Sa sgssiue] By 5 ofCl].

30 Infidh ep h]Liable to Tem

P£6 : Honduran ]To feed on hu

man Fleas, thefe are.ealled y d.“



?, i .e. Man -Bate ~

, a & a re] Under she ran eClimate that I am.

F rigm’

s)Mi ter S‘



6 3 Net procul]Nor lat of fromM s.

Loser]Tu m is in the

P t t t re lates this more at large, l sP en t 115. 3 . E leg . 2 . where he

begin s , efi [sca r as q hs'

d, ate.

and Han douts, lib .4.

Tu rin ]‘

Where that cruel

Coun try l ies.D ir) Cruel.

64. Cede] W i th the death of

Guests.P u retu u 404 ] Of the God

defs Diana , w ho as the Gods

of Hun tirg makes u le of Arrow s ,

(he w as worlh‘ppen ah u t P ors

m , E hefe s. Perfie and Cu te.

6; Kiss: s’

w s'

diqfs]Nos hateful

to w icked Men .

1 1 Cm ts\

to ber by Men that

have had a good Education .

M ir]Thu s was K ing ofTu rin , to whom Ipb tg a b theDaughter of Agm n ssswas car

ried, and by him made chiefPriefiefsof Din a Tw ists. Ors‘aafte w ardsflew him,

being aflifiedby hi s Sifler, when Tbs .“ had uppoin ted him to Dim

s Al tar.67 H t ] In the Region of

f JF cuere std em or Dee

whi ch om: had fubfi ituted‘

to h'


offered in t he (lead of Iph'

gn s’

c .

See Men u . 1 2 . v. 3 4. and Sen .

d ef f ) . f . t 1 6 .

Iphigen ia ,

the D n g beero s A m enus” , and gl eat Granddau ter of P elops.6 fl uafic tenqee] If they may

be cal led tac red.Sue da ] Of Dim whofe

Viélim (he w as.

69 P ixs l Becau ic he had avengedhis Father, and Gai n hi s Moshe:the Author o f h is Murther.

70 Exeflu ]Tormen ted (hurried about) after he had (lain hisMother.

L I B E R N .

S t comes exemplum veri Pheez es emesis,

Qui duo corporibus, mentibus unus eraurPrecious evin&t triitem ducuntur ad aram.

Qua ftahat geminas ante cruenta fares .Nee tamen hune fua mess. nee more fua terruit illumAlter ah alterius funere moefius erat .

Et jam confi-iuerat flrifi o mucrone fi cerdos.Cinxerat 8c Graias barbara vitta comas :

Cum vice fa monis fi'

atrem cognovit 8: illiPro nec e complexus [phig

enia dedit.

Le ta Dex fignum crudelia acra pcf ofz

HZranfinlit ex'

illis in meliora ll

oc is.

undsgttur r magn i 6 u timam i,

Q u in flag




f hominemiique to inquamihi efiA he mean) testam prope funt une ia faera,

medbNafon is barbara tetra fua elk.

z: h a

lite w as. be fat tificed to any of the Gods.

h u es] i s: of the Country Vim. E r circu s tampon en’


Of ? the80n 0f S srsglbs


c s , has Cam‘s The R ain of the Headmeg andiniepara eCom of 6114 s and Orsflss, who were

m Greeks .

73 flgt'

b l Py la l ss andOnfiss. 79 Vice [m s] By fpeaktngH uman] The fame (un i ted) alternately 5 thei rmutual Syeeeh.

is Wi ll and Afl'

ea ions. Whence F romm} Orcfia .

M in SM fays, Ideas w ile (W t) Iphi‘sm'

e her fel f.

a yes ita snalls a da mn fi n e 8s Da rp m ]The S tatue osd dsu

éfi. Image of id eas.

7 T flats 1 4 a n At the Crd slia) Dia s dtd no:requi re

Altar of Tw ice ion , that inch kind of Sac rifices to be of

m iéht be facfifited to the { cred to her ; has i t was the ravage

awarding to Cuflom. Nature of Thu r, that made him

74 c l a im ] Double Doors thi nk that S trangers w ere to be

fi d' ofi'

ered in Sacrific e to her.

Fan s ;Of the Temgle. 82. I» m ls'

sra] Ipbzgm flying77 Her ow n away w i th her mother , earn

76 d b " etc .) Ei ther of them w ith her the Image of Diana mto

gri eved on account of the Death a bewer P lace, bOth as to Man

Oi the ether, bu t neither of them nets and Human ft. to d mac

b f his own. 84, Hana'

ster] lads: Orgies

and {phigem’


Dsigns] And Din o her faf.

78 W 4] Of theflc rba s'

a u,

8 Mu tts m u ss]Near 72mm .

and beeaufe i t was the Cuiiomof FM ric ] Deadl Sacri fiees

ti l M a in s t'o faerificaMen . 86 S i modo Ste. It I i nhab i t

rm ]Wi th which they bound and no: for a

“ Heads et theft whtch were to T

t ? aw n


V ixque mernm capiant p ans, quéd in tt‘

ts hahet.Tempus 8: in cans: fegetem produc itEt ne fint trifii poms fapore fac it.

Hoe tenuat dentem, s'

erram fc inden tis, aratri.Hoc rigides filiees, hoe adamanta ter

Bee etiam fz vas paulatim mitigat irasHoe minuit lufi us

, mmfiaque cords levat.Cunfi a poteft igitur tac ito pede lapfi vetaflas,Pra terquam curas attenuat e mess.

I): patria careo, bis Tru°

hu s area trita efiDiffiluit nudo prefl


a is u va pede.

Net:quz fita-tamen f tio patien txa longo efi' ,Meni


que mali fen um nofira recen tis habetSti licet 8c veteres fugiunt juga fz péjuvenc



gt demitas frz no i’

z pc‘

repugnat equu s.Tu itior ell etiam prz fens z rumna prioreUt fit enim fibi par. a evit, St auéta metae&.


&c.]And can fcarteenntam Wine that is in thofeGrains.sr Ta pas]And in tith e Bread

Corn grows a nd riyens.Ca s s]R ipe.t aW I] A bi tter Hasn't. be

a nfe they grow ripe, andbecometweet.1 3 Has]Time.Ib ps s]Wears the Plough

-ihare,shi t cuts the Earth. andmakes i t


ppear new , thi s Sen tence thus heexprefi s, dc P an to £ 6. 4 . B ig . to.

8: tm'

sgry rsfsh wmsr al u ms

u . Ta i t]W earsanddim ini lhes.

I ] Hot etiam} And Am er alfo

is mi tiéated by nrw .

I 6 Mefiq u ] And i t moderates

Mourn ing and Sorrow .

t7Qiter] Theref. re feeing all

Things grow mor. m tldbyT ime.

M u f ti : Sottly , (low ly , {l idin; on tn ii: bly .

1 8 A trsmu re]To mitigate, to

s9 Us 8 m] S ince from the

Time 1 was bani lhed byd q sflu ,

the Fruits havebeen tw rce threlh’


on the Thteflting-Floor. The

Pos t exprell'

es two Years , by twoHarvefis, and two Vi ntages.

ao Dtflilm‘

t}The Juice orW inehas fpi t

ted out from the [wel

l ing Grapes, s‘

. s. the new Wane

has been prefl'

td out tw ice.

a t flu fiu ] i s gotten ,Spa tio]Time.P a tien tia] That I can hear my

Ban i lhment patientlyaa Msnf qa e]An my Mind isfenhble O ! my Mit

ery , as i f i t

w ere nrelh , and no: or two Yearsfi nding.

j ugs]The Yokes that theyhave been ac cufiomc d to

Damian] That has been

broken .

a ; P rafims]Thepreren t troubleand Mistu rtune.

Priors] Sc. Wretchednefs as

when I was Edi lent i nto Ban ilh

W ai t.

2 6 Us 8tc .] Although both the

grefen t and the f rmer Mihéi ionave brought the fame Calamity

u on me, yet i n thi s they diEer,t a t the prelen r T ime be ing the

more encru fed by i ts letting fo

long , has btought the greater

Gri ef.

1 90 T R I S T I U MNee tam notamihi, quim funt, mala nefita fussent.Sed magis hoc , quo funt cognition , grsesn t.

Eh quoque non minimum, v ires afl'

erte rec entes

Nee prz con fumptum tem is efl'


Fortior in f ulvfi novus ell ln ator aren i

0y i m cui funt tardi brachia icfii meta,Integer efi melior n itidis gladiator in armis,

Q ui nn cui tela fuo fangu ine tinfi a tubent.

Fert bcnépra cipites navis modc‘

) fafl a procellas

Quamlibet exiguo folvitur imbre vetus.Nos quoque, quz ferirnus tulimus patientius ante


Quam mala funt longzi multiplicara die.

Credite, defic io nolh '

oque i corpore (quantumAuguror) ac cedunt tempore parva malis.

Nam neque funt vires, nee qui color efl'

e folebatVix habeo tenuem, qua tegat oflit, cutem.

flu naf east] Se. nota.Sed magi: grava t] By fo

much the more am I afi tfi ed byh im

, the more I have know n andexpe t ientedmy Afii ia ion.Efiéaoqae] Helpsmuch i nbear

103 A ifi ton . The Poet ib ewathat a new Sorrow canfes more

P am than an old one.a ? Vim 8m] Any one to be

the t time, and no t hurt before.so be amiaed wi th


any greatCalamity.

o Pra m] tum ] Any one

betiore w afled


giid weakened.blTow n



s]W i th old Troue.

3 1 Fortin ] He proves by Examples, that o ld Sorrow s are

harder to bear than new o nes.

New s] ? bat has nOt been ti l edbefore.

énfi l refl AW refiler, who ex

era fes in the Palafira.

3 a gem ] Than he whofeArms havebeen tired w i th wreflling a


long T ime.

d (1me sr Nat et woun e

freili. J 7

b omb] Mi ter Mu sh. i . e.

i n’

the Fields firew’d wi th M ,

the Thing contai n ing . tor theThing con tained. For the Fieldnied to be fprinkled w ith Sand,that thofe that sought nos

be befmeagd with the B o fthe S lain ; or the Blood l yingmight c reate a fort of Horrorin the Speél ators.

3 4 213 4 3 : cm] Than he who iswonnesd.

b 1 ldsy m cm Ho out agamfl.?’u ssfi tes] The fwi it or yrsc ipi tan t Ships.M010f l fl ‘ NW .

3 6 S cle i ter Perilheth.Ven ts]A re tten one.

37Mul tipliu u ] Enereaf


ed.is] In T ime.3 9 Credi ts He goes on to a

pl ity his A ifi ions.Ns/rrsque]The Order is é 0

M rs tempers paw : tempera 4 s .

cedan t, i . e. 1 (hall n tit be tormentcd w i th Ev ils long, becaufit 1(b al l die loon .

d ogma ] I comeal lrc fromthe S tate os my Health.

4 1 Sam]To me.4a Vix babes] I em in lean .

T R I S T I U M( hi t tua cefi


avit pietas, fcrihentihus iUi s;Exiguus nobis c um quibus ufus erat ?

Cur quoties ahc ui dfim chartz vincula dempfi.l llam (perav i nomen habere tuum ?

Di fac iant, nt fz pé tui fit epiftola dextté

Scripta! fed'

ex multis; reddita nulla

Q_uod prec ot, cfl'

c liquet: credam prifis oraMedufzGotgon is anguincxs c infi a fuifl


e comis :


e canes utero (uhVirginia: efl'

e Chimamm,

A truce qua: flammis fepcrat angue leam,

Quad:upeddque homines cum ptaore

y P iou s] Friend(hig.6 Exigm afiu]A Palm

l iari ty.

7 Dent charm] When I Openeda Letter.

8 1114a I hoped that Letter

had been w ri tten by you.

1 0 Bar w ith] Ot your manyLetters, I have received none.

I 1 94m! m rl W hi ch I prayto the Go 3 , that i t may have

been fo, (0 that thou hafi wri tten

me many Letters.Ligu t] It i s mamt

efi that youdid w ri te to me.

Credam] I had rather believethe babies of the Poets, than that

you have ne t w ri tten .

ou Mcdtfit]Ivf edcfa the Daughter t f Pbom n , befides other Ln

dowments ot a ra te Beau ty i s

reported to have had Hair of a

golden Colour, w i th the Grace

fulnd s (Splendoi) of whiéh Neptune bei ng em monted, lay w i th

,bcr i n Mma rmt


sTemple, and he

get the Horfe P tgaf a s, w hich In,Lry Ll im r’va relen ted to that De

gree , that (he turned Medafa'


Hair in to Snakes, and added to

them this ali ty , that whofiyeverbeheld her ould be tur ned intoS tone. Man n . 4. Feb. t9. ThePoets a ll Medal) Gorgon , of theNation of the Ga ga " .

3 Vx'


n i t ]O i Sq”: theDaughter ot Pbomu

,w ho bei ng i nLove

4 fl rgem‘

am qu l

W i th Gia n t, am w ho lovedGlance: even to Diflraaion ,hei


ngi ncen fed again“Sq lla , for beingher R ival 1 1: his Afl‘eéhon t: thei nf céhed the Fountain in whieh(he ul


ed to wath , w ith hurtfuland inchamed Herbs. Sty lla knowi ng net of the Manet hl helher (El f in i t, and cafiingher l yeaOu her lower Part: perceivedthem to be transfer intoBegs,and ahhorrin het own Defe r

threw her fe t headlong o

intgSi cilian Sea, where ,“ i t ts fa led,

the w as turned into a R ock 1i ngdi teétly overagainfi cw”:am extremely dangerous no 111otha t fai l that w ay. Met“ . 1 4.F‘bo l oChimera ] A Monfiet havi ng

the Head and Breafi of a Lion,

the Belly ot a Goat, and theof a D ragon .

1 4. A ma c ough t Whi ch in i:fel f contai ns a c ry (mung ,

whence i t vomi ts out Fire.1 ; Quadrnpedef e]Centaurs the

Son: a t Ixion an a Cloud , hal fMe n, halt Hones, fee what isa id upon Sal . p.

Cm 9mm ) Thole of a Man ,ta thete ot a Harfe. For theBrc afis of theCen ta am w ete un i tedw i th human Break s hav ing pa t tly the Bteafis of Men

, and pa t tlythofe ot Hu t fes. as has been (aid.

L I B E R IV .

Tjergeminumque v irum , tergem inumque cantm,

Sphmgaque, Harpyas, fcrpenti ptdt fque Gigan tes

x6 Tergm i tw ngu G on

whom the Poets fe ign to

tyin g

hada Bodyo f threedifleren t lt i nds .

j uflt'

n w ri tes that Gaye: w as ne t

Oi a threel d Nature, (as the

Poets fable i t) but that he hadtwo lirathersw ho lived i n [0 greatUnammi ty , tha t tho

they werethree, they feem

d all to be afbedMind . Her.

ter lam Guyana»

W t

ryi tompef a'

t and).Set Sm on M d.7.

C. 4Tazm mm qae] Cerberus having

three Heads ; to: i t i s faid that

Cerberus had three Dogs Heads, aon; Tai l , and the Heads o f

all of S et nu on his Back .


he is ca

ge Cerben a





W . i . e. evout i n F e 3 0 1‘

the Greek: c al l F lefl?xpietc, and

h it fign ifies devouring. See ef fi n .

6. e. 4 ! 7.

I7 Spb ingcqt e]The Sphinx is aNonfier ot the d a kind, havingbrown Ha ir, w i t the Face o t a

Virgin , the W i ngs o f aBird, and

Feet and Ta i l ot a Li e n , this

Monfler is laid to have come to

Tides, and to have propounded .

Riddles, w hich thore that could

no'texPIai n , were flai l} . And fo a

sta t many 10 11: thei r Live: byM en of an ambiguous and oh

feure Matter, the R ew ard that

was Promifed to him that told

theR iddl e, was the Mart iage o f

j oufla , and the K ingdom o f

M n. No Body could unriddle

the R iddle but Oedipus ; theR iddle

Was this : What An imal i t was

that in the M fi n i ng wen t on all

Fours , at Noon on tw o Feet ,

end in the Eveni na on three, all

me tell net k nowmg w hat Ah

iv er to make , Oedipus aflerted

that i t w as Man , w ho i n h is In

h nq creePing on his H ands and

i cdi lmt f e m,

Feet, rather than w alking. w as a

four toated Ammal,

am u tte r

w ards i n the prime of his Yt u th

and S trength n fed no Other Sup

port bu t h is Le

g?and theretore

m ight properly faid to be two

footed, but w hen old Age came

upon him. making u fe or a S taff,might be fi id to be three footed.The Sphinx being ovexcome by hisIn terpre ta tion , thtew her ibl fheadlong dow n from a high Place .

Oedipusmarried j ocafil , noc knowi ng that (h e w as h i s Mower, andobtai ned the K ingdom oi Tbebes.

J nj bm'

xs. Illa etiam tbc lamos

per term en igma“ gen u s ,

94ud bipcs , é qwadrnpes f on t ,0 tripes , omni a fizlas ,

Terran? «tom'

dm eolmris, lea e itz et rif ormis Sphinx

Valucris perm it ,

f rame nellc .

Harpy.“ The Harpycc s were

Mm fiers , fuch as Virgi l de l t ribcs,

e/Em id. 3 .

Trtfiius Hand i llis monflrum, me

fe v ior u lla

E : ira damn j lj gm fif e extelz'


midis.Virgim i v alsa rm vein s , f c dzflima smu rfs P ralnw



Un cl e“ mount , 0 pa lli i a [emperord f ame.

There w ere called Harpy " ,of

fr? agr arian , t'

. e. of fnatchi n theywere the Daughters of 41mm:and the E l rth , and they are l a id

to be three, the firfi w as ca l ledCelene: o f her Blackuefs, an z tvc



black , the fecoud J ello, of 7 3

aiéxm , to rol l or turn , becaufe i t

f ai ls T h ings by i ts fly ing, Ard

e thi rd Ocypete of mu): fw if t,and wh om : to Hie, becaufe i t is

very nomble for the Swi ttn t fs of

i ts W i ngs.Serpen ti & c.] Snake c.

Gian ts, whofe Feet ended in the

s N ieuw

1 94 T R I‘

S T I U MCentitmnumque Gygen , fcmehovemque virum,

Hate ego c unéi a prihs, quam te cariflime, credamMutatum, c uramque dcpofuifl


e mei.l nnumeri montes inter me teque, viz que,Fluminaquc , 8c campi, nec freta pauca jacent.


Mille potefi caufis, a te qua li ttet‘

a fiepe


a fit, in no ii ras rara ven ire manus.

4Mi13e tamen caufas fcribendo vince frequentelj,Excufem ne te (emper, amicc, mihi.

tw in i qg oi Serpen ts ; w hich fign ifies that the ben t of their Mind«was to nothi ng that w as i i ht,noth ing o i hea venl y Things, a t

their “ hole L'

fe borh i n S tep and

J’rogrefs inc lined toHell , Mam b.S a t . t . t . ao.

I 8 Cm timanm gne] 613 ” w as

the S on o f Heaven and Earth ,and the Brother ot Bri an a: and

f etu s , every one of which is fa idto have had an hundred Hands



le Many.and fil ly Heads. 2 6 Ext : em] For um iJcmcbowmqne] The Minotaur, w ritten .


I ke P oet being fif ty Tears of age, complains that be

gray headed in the ma]? unhappy Climate in the uand at thef ame Tmze that be jbou/d hawe the Bmeat of bit dear Cotmtr Mfl'

, Friends, 1 06:

f a]: {f the; bad been q}old Time f oretold him 6)

Delphian Orac le, or b] tbe Dodonean Dov e, bej.

fligbted it at a v a in Tredifi ioa . B] a war; to

Sen ten ce be infirac‘ts m, that there is nothing fit

but it j : j ubj efl to the fif attagemmt a

P7111 and Pow er. Ami la]? qf a ll be at

tha t being forewarned 5) bis Fall, they do not 1

the D ifpleafitre of Augufius. «who e Tower is t

to tha t cf the Gods.

of a tw ofold fl amre, foras to the Shoulders he

Ox, a ndt he refi of his Parrhofe o t a Man , he w as iP afipba e the “l ife ofAden a . 6 .

1 9 fi ne ego] All thOfe fsThings.

ao term ] The Memorya t Innu ers

fl u tes]fpace

T R I S T I U‘


Ne c adat, 8c multas palmas inhoneflet adeptas,Langu idus in pratis gramina carpit equus.

Miles ubi emcxitis non efi {atis u tilis armis,


Pon it ad an tiquos , qu z tulit arma. Lares.

Sic igitur, tardavires minuente fcneéifi,Me qurque donari jam rude, tempns erat

Tempus c rar, n c c me peregrinum ducere ca lum,

Nee fic cam Getico fonte levarc fitim

Sed mod‘

, quos habu i, vacuos fec cdere in hortos :

Nunc hom inum v ifu rurfus, t rhe frui,Sic an imo quondam non divinante futura

Optabam plac idt? v ivere pofi'

e fenex.

Fara repugnarun t : quae, chm mihi tempera prima

Mollia praebuet int, pofi eriora gravant .


crt ba te prc cipiiet xam’

s n ode

f afl a protella s

fixamlibet ex iguo film? ” M n

em u.

1 9 Ne radar] In i ts Couf fe.P a lma s]Left he Ihould lofe the

Honour o f the Vi&ories Races]i n the E t et c i fes of the harloteers, and get Di fgrace.2 0 Langu

du ] Bei ng firi ckeni n Years , being now old.

2 x Emeri tis] TheA1ms of thofetha t hat e ferved their Time i nthe W ars.

2 2 Pom‘

t] He lays down .

d d an t iques] To the ancien tGnds. The Soldiers

,w hen they

l a id afide tht i r Aims, (t. e. wet ei uperaunuated) ti led to hang thei rArms Up to fame God


or Other.

When ce Hora ce, l ib . t .

a m'

m armi t £ 761 03 “ pfiemfixis

Later abditxr a n .

2 3 Tan ia;Ma


ng Men flow .

From the E e&.


2 4. R ude] Radixwas a Wand,W i th w hich Gladi ators were prefen ted, when they left 06 fighti n

gPri z es ; for when they grew

01 they were not compelled to

F ight any more ; but hasW and prefen ted to them:

lett oh“the Exeeei fe.

a; Peruvian » ca llu s] Tem a firange Coun try .

2 6 Siren sfitt‘

mj Whi ch tthirlty Perfons dry .

Ga in]TheGa i t Water}!

i s extremely cold.

c are'

] To quench. 0he has complained before,3 . E leg. 3 .

Net ca lm yeti” , net dgl

ficw imas tj lt'


mf ab qua amdo.

When I mRome.

Va cant ] Spatious or t

empty , w anti ng me their Nand e ther Company .

8 Urbe] At R ome.2 9 Non diaman te]Net d:

i ng of Ban ilhmen t.

3 1 Fara 8cc .j TheGOdS in0 t let me have qu iet in 1:


3 2 Pryi eriora]Make the


Jtrouble ome and burden!whi ch fucceededthofefirfi p11eafy Times.

L I B E R IV. .

jamque decem lufiris omn i finc‘

labe peraais,Paste prema v itz deteriére mete.Nee procul i metis, qnas pene tenere videbar.Curriculo gravis eh faaa ruina meo.

o illum demens in me fatvire coe°

tius immenfus quo nihil orbis ha t

lpfaque deliais v ifi s ell dementia nofiris,Nee tamen errori vita negate meo eli .

Vita l patriapa agenda


fub axe Boreo ea.maris Euxinl tetra fimfira jacet0.

Hz e mihi fi Delphi, Dodonaque diceret ipfa,Efl


e videretur vanes uterque locus.

Nil adeovalidum efi. adamas licet alliget illud,Ut maneat rapido firmins igne j ovis.


s P i it Years.Foi’bfln a y:JTimeyof fiveYears, to called of b eads, i . e.

Oi ying, becau fe the Taxes andT s were paid every fifth

Year. or heeaufe the Cities were

gu ts! every


fifth Year to In

m i s to e ate.


Trou le

arts deton ate] Worfe oldAge. For c after the fifti ethYear tak e! to werfe.

3 ] Ne: pen al]Norfar ofl'


my o ld A

ge,and from the T ime

in whieh hoped to enjoy (p iet.AMeraghor taken from the Race

of Chan Oteers.

3 6 Curri cula] To my Courfe

me: To the Goal , or to myhariot.

e To be 2 032.

3 9 V‘

a efllhecau my Crime

was to great t at d at‘nfisu could

net thew his Clemency to me.

40 Brrm'

] Bea nie of my Br

4 ! Sub axe] Under theNorthem Cl imate. from whence BoreasHo' s.

£ 92]Where.fi n a j iu zjflu ]On theLeft-hand.

For the Ga it} Shore where Ov id

that came from the 0 5 3 “ S eain to the Baxine Sea.

4 De bi]De bia s «490110, orthe ih ac e of t hie JM , Del

pbos i s a Ci tyof Bastia ,nearMount

m m, where J pc llo had a

very famous Temple, and gaveforth Orac les, whence he was called the Delphi“ d pollo.d q uel A Ci ty of Clu sm



a R egion of Epirm h eat w hichw as a G rove or0 2 s con fecratedto j opi ter, w here the Temple ofapiter Dol men is fa id to haven , in w hich fame w ri te that

two Doves u l‘

ed to give forthAn fwers, one of w hi ch flew to

D chbos, and the Other to theTem

ple of j apt'

ter J an sen ; others faythat the Oaks themfelves gave theAn fwers. Hence yups

ter i s ca lledDodon as , who was worlh ipped inthat Grove.

Vam u Lyin

1; d datrila s]Alti ough an d i a

M tin e Chain , w h ich is [aid to

be thefirmefl andRrongeli Matter

mou ld bind i t.U: manea t That i t can be

ab le to refill t e Thunder, the

Anger and Power Oi j apt'

tsr,i . 0.

Oi d q ¢me

198 T '

R I S T I U'

Mit its fublime ell , fupraque Pericula tendi


Non fit u t inferius. fuppoh tumque Dec o

Nam quamquam v itic pars eh contrefi a mi lomm,Plus tamen exitu numin ia ira dedit.

At vos admon iti nolh is quoque cafibus efie,[Equan tcm Superot demeruifl


e v irum.

47 Snpmqu ] Is fo out of Force and Power in t that hDanger, and fecu te and above all has ynn i lhed me what IDangers, that i t i t no ; li able to dc l


etved, and notany 0 ! them. Nu b ia Of d q qflu .

49 By my own Crime,din Va ] R eader: or PM

by my ow n Fault. l he lhould hurt you.tom c at.) Received procured. ya M W cp l

4 0 P 11 3] The Dei ty’


d his to the Gods.J


m Poet write: tohue that was bitthat be would write againfi bin . at repu te]bi: Em ] to him.

I licet, 8c pateris, nomen , facinnfqne taoebo.Et tua Letbz is am dahunmr aqu is :Nofh aque v incetur hchrymis demen tia ErisFac modo te pateat pocnituiflé tu i :

Fae modote damnes , cupiafque eradete via: 5Tempora, fi pofl

xs, Tifiphonxa tux .

1 Si lin t ] If I can for you

your felf.P en n


s] An l canfi be able to

ho ld thy Peace, by laying afide

thy i l W i l l .Names]Thi ne who hafi:mjured



a cfi u qua] And the Ofl'

e uce

thou h given me.

2 E t nu ] And thy Deeds, thyAttvmpts upon me (hall be hurl ed

i n h LlIvion . F o r Lu ke 18 (be

R ave r o f l-‘

u gc tfulnc is in Hail.

u fimced . 6 . 749. Su lib

Candi d n c Lctbc i t

aquit ,

Awl 3 . de Arte.

M rl med Lf tbmtfirifl dMm !"” fl y.

3 Lam b f an'

s n, my mpc n tance 33




dP en it'

e o n penot4that thou ha lt done l

me, or to have c ondemned thyDefigm and D eeds, and ta hn Qbeen di fpleas


d w i th your fall.Eu dm ]To bla t, to cover:

to hide, and to take fuch CI !

that i t may nOtbe made pai l“:

and Le kcpt in Memory an on]Men .

6 Tampon s Tg'


pkona f uriousw i cked, mi fch l cvoua l am a, ht i

as nfif hone, one o ! the R !“l xvc s, a c. i ce that you defile ! )

exale ou o f Li te, or utterly to

take aw ay that “h ich in p10?“

to Tlfighom , i ‘ et Envy. I



LLE e o qui fueram teneromm lufor amorum,

Quem gis, u t noris. ac c ipe pofiet itas,Su lmo mthi patria efi ; gehdis uberrimus undis,Millis qu i novies difiat ah Urbe decent.Editas hin c ego fum : nec non, ut tentpota

noris, SChm cecidit fato Con ful uterque pat i.

Si quid id ell, u fque aproav is vetus ordinis hares,

Non modb fortune mun tte tafi us eques .

Nee flirps prima fu i : geni to (um fratre creams,

Qtti trhius ante quater men libus ostua erst.

I E 03 SC.L'f 'e] The W ti ter, for Ladento wri te. Vs


“ la ne pst

he i ntimates thatb 1mm among Other Things hism Of M l .

fip atc]TheOtdexi s:0 Pqflssins a t


y s, Le. undetfland w hatI I n, at un is 9m legit.

“gph b fl ATow








bs a part 0 y the

M& Sea.

M ] In or w i th co ldWaters:

os Fountains. So a Faf i .In m i c fans em: altos


4. 1li4 at Ninety Miles.Eat“ ) k rn o


e m ] And befides, fb f“

6 Fa pn l By Death.60966]

ab u ts: and Pmfis. whowere ain at Ma in ; fighting

who was dean Enemy by the Senate.

In the fame Year was.

77sborn, w ho i n figni fyi ng I t makesh it: of the fame Verl

e. lib. 3 .Mg . 6 .

Natal“ prime infirm widen

paren ts:Cm cecidi t f ate" n;

4] E 0v id°

f7 Si 916 t ego ms m

fades cw , m m i c , i . e. late1 by tbe l n ta


pofiti on of Fortune,m 64 71 : ufi u Apru vi:

t o e] Three times

four Months beiote me\ 3 . e.

tw elve Months , i .e. a‘l eatb ei st t

efl a ll aid. If i t be any Honour tobe 0; the Equcfit ian Order:


s] By whi ch hei ntimates t at he received th is Dign i ty from his Ancefioxs, as an l uherttance. He lays in a manner

35:fame Thing, Anton i . 3 . E leg.

3 1 quid id 319, arm dc p end sv etus ordms


s bares

e a s.

He thzrefore fays this, becaule i nhis T ime therewere a greatmanyMill“: and Others, Felon s of anobfcute Bi rth , that had that Digni ty con icrmd upon them by fi nIin s Casfisr and Angnfll s, for 3 1


fifi ing them i n their Wars. He

modemy Praires h imfelt on ac

count of h i s Delceu t . A Grand


s Father is called n oc eas,

as though props 4 1mm.

Ordin is] The Equefirian.Foru ms]K

my R iches whiéhare the Go a t Fortune. For

thoie that areworth four hundredScflerces, i .e. tenthau iandCrown swere dignified w i th the EquefirianHonour ; fo that Ov idmew s that

T R I S T I U MLuc ifer amborum natalibus adfui t idemUna celebrata ell per duo Liba dies.

Hate efi armifem fcfi is de guihu Minerva ,Qua: i eri pugnaprima cruenta folet.


ts excolimur teneri, curaque parentisImus ad infignes urbis ah arte v iros.

Frater ad eloquium v iridi tendebat ah z vo,

Fortia verbofi natus ad artna fori .5At mihi jam puero coeleftia {acra placebant,Inque fuum furtim Mufa trahebat opus.

s r Lu cif er]The Day.l a UM The fame Birth

day w as celebrated bOth for h imand for me.

P er duo] For tw o Birth-days.for i t w as the Cufiom on Birthdays to ofl

er Cakes to theGods.



fl ra] Of the einqu m'


he had taken nori ce the Yearm which he w as born , now hemen tions the Mouth and Day.that i n the lécond Day of the943 in9u n ia

,i . e. on the Day

o f the Feat! of Minerv a , i . e.

on the twen tieth of March, for

the firfl Day (as he writes i n the

3 Fuj i) was w i thout Blood, i .a.there were no Exerci fes of theGladiators (i .s. no Priz es fought)which were performed the Otherl our Days, and here i t w as faidthat he was born that Day ofthe gamm a

,on which the

firfl:w as won t to be bloody w i thfighting.14. P ti] In w hich firfi o f

a l l theG adiatoxy lhew s w ere ex

h ibited, flarinqu trt’

a i s den ominated fromQ uin t an a, becaufe theyw ere celebrated a lter the fil thDay , as tria n g j

exa m , and thel ike. For the 611! Day o f the

guinqu m'

a i s found to be thefif tha l ter the Ides. Others are of Opin ion that i t is from quinqne the

number of the Days , becaufe P a lla s w as at this Time w orlh ipped

m ans, not one Day only ,fucceIEvely. He

cal ls her Armf erl , becaufe Minerv a i s reprefen tedw i th aHelrneton herHead, and holdi ng a Shield

on her R igh t-hand ; and a



i n her Lef t , and accordi ng to

the Fable w i th thofe Account

ments lhe lprang out of {fath er’s

Brain .

1 5 M inor]Now follow s concern ing his and his Brorher



S tudies,that the were b0th m

fiituted i n ueri e Learni ng.Excalim We were atlorn


ac compli lh w i th Learn i ng fitfor Chi ldren and w ith Grammarin our own Country.1 6 Ad infigaes] To Men that

at that T ime w ere noted and fitmous for teaching the Arts andSc iences. Infg u s ab arts is hereufed as potent 4

zecm ii , fin e:

at q ui te“ , 8:fit at 4 loads.1 Fram] M Brother from

his oath betoo himiel t to theS tudy of E loquen c e.

I 8 Fort ia ad em u ] To the

great Di fpu tes o f Law Cau les,

(judi c ial) s'

. e. he w as an excellen t Lawyer. He cal ls themf mic ,becau fe c l the teat Force oi El Igence, that eads the MindW ther i t pleafes , and backaéainwhen i t plea fes .Vfl bOJl ] He has here refpe& to

fome wrangling (prati ng) Lawyers tha t imi tate Eloquen ce by anempty Verb s fity. So before, lit.

3 . E leg . 1 2 .

Cedm rvetbofigen t le turbo fori .1 9 Ce lefiia fern s] Poetty.anFertim


l h y 9mm bea u“now eulth

2 04. T R I S T I U Mjamque decem vita frater geminaverst snaos,Chm perit : 8c cmpi parte carere mei.

Cepimus 8: tenerz primes z tatis honoree,Deque viris quondam pars tribes una fni.

Curia refiabat : c lavi menfura coafia ell:Majus erat nofiris viribus illud onus.

Nee patiens corpus , nec melts fnit spta labori,Sollicitwque fugax ambitiostis cram

E t petere Aon ia lhadebant tuta inseresO tia, judic io femper amata meo.

Temports illin s colui fovique Poetas,Q uotque adcrant vates, rebar adefl


e Deos.

Satpe fuas volucres legit mihi grandior z vo.

Q uz que noc c t fcrpens uz juvat herbs , Manes.Se pe fuos folttu s rec itare ropertius ignes,

Jure fodalitu qu i mihi junfi us erst.

Pon tic us Heroo Battus quoque clarus iambo,

3 ! j a nqste decent] He was ten

Years old.

3 2. P arts m i]MyBre thet himfel t. For a Brother being as i tw ere another felt, i s very pro

perly c alled a part of a Brother.

3 3 P rimes ] The M ifiracyw h ich w as firli given to oaths,as the E di lefltip, the Q tz fiormip,the Tri umvi rate and Other Ofii cesw hich were called the lefi


er Oifices .

3 4. Deque w‘

ris] Of the threeCapi tal Men , created in R ome,i . s. that had the Charge of theP t ifon , tha. w hen there w as oc

c afion to i nfitél: Punilhmen ts , i tIhould be done by theirDi re&ion ,10 that he in timates that he w as

of the T riumvi rate.

3 ; R efiaba s] That I might bemade a Sen ator.

Clad menfssm] The breadth Ofm;

Senatori an Garmen t, t'

. e.

0 my Senatorian Di n i ty (Badge)w as made narrow d rt ija 8: re

j i rt‘

d a) nor an lw e rab le to the Lati tude of this Garmen t ; becaufe Ipetceived tha t Burthen was be

yond my S trength.

3 7 Laban] For Troubles [Incumbrsnces].

MAggition ,mei tude to Men .

3 9 E s peters] He now seemsto h i s own S tudies , by way at

A nti tbefis to the foregoing.d orms]The M1! es fo a nd“

d one, a Foun tai n mM .

to them.

Tums ott'

a Tranqui ll i ty.

4 9. Va n The Poet .

Deos Sta ] I adored them Is

Deities ; the An c ien ts a nd thenGods, and born of the Go

aw hom they thought w

great Prai le.S teps fu t ] He enum

the celebrated Poets o f his'


44. Maser ] e/Eal s'


a s M i

w ho w ore m Verfe ooneemit‘Bi rds, Serpen ts and Herbs.

lgues] Amonrs whi ch bm ore tn Verfé.

46 j un feh li tis'

] Who {hankmy Compan ion .

P auritas fl a ttc s] A Postwho w rote o f the M W" in

Vc rfe. See Pr em‘

es lib. 1 . Big .6.

Han a im bs In HemmeterVerfs3 4mm]commonl

aealledw n

concerning whi ch ee P rq sm‘



Dulc ia eonvi&us membra fuére mei .Det in uit nofirss numerol


us Horatius antes,Dt

tm ferit Aufon ia esrmina culta lyra.Virgi lium v idi tanthm nee avata Tibullo.

Tempus amic itiz fata dedere meat .Snceeffor fuit hie tibi Galle, Propertius illi

Q tartus ah his ferie temporis iple fu i.

t ue ego majores, lie me coluére minorcs

Notaque non tattle fafia Thalia mea eli .

Carm ina et‘

im primitm populo juvenilia legi.Barbs refeéta m ihi bili ve {Emel-ve fuit.

Moverat ingen ium totem can tata per UrbemNomine nonmerh difi a Corinna mihi.Multa quidem (tripli , fed eat vitiofa putavi,Emendaturis ignibus ip dedi.


tm eu ue. chm fugerem, quedam

lratus udio carminibufque meis.

48 M 54 Gee]Were my Fellow Commoners.

1,Alm Flues" , becaule

of 0 many kin sof Verfeswhichhe nfed. He was born twentyone Years before Ov id.

yoDa f en'

t]While be equal lyllrihes the Lyre and Begs Verles,i.e. whilehe w ritesLyri ckVerl



5 s Ta tum OnlM afi u llecaui'e th f natcht .

away 2m more h ily thenthey mou ld ; for he died a veryyoungMan .

n Fats] Death or theWillofdie Gods.

. M uj Becaufe he diedwhi leI was a Boy , or belore I eonldlet him. For when he retum

dto Rm he died, and 09 34 has

M . Corinna] Ovid'

s Miflrefs.6 2. W t]To refine them

by burning them.

The elder ones. 6 3 Fagcm t] I went into Bs

The younger or laser n ifhmen t. Vs’

gag .

M e

6:m m

$6 Nataga ] And my Verl'


of whi c h Thalia alone was the

Patronefs, became hnow n to all,and foon got into every BodiesMou th, nor late, but whi le I wasa youngMan.

5 7 MyLoveVerlies. w hi ch were pub lilhedwhile I w as a young Man ,

my Books dc Arts d ma ds’

4 m m .

5 8‘

Barh 8tc .] Ihad fcarceanyBeard.

$9 Mou rns] Had exerted, forLove as P la ts teaches, is (a w i fea Poet , that i t can make otherPerfons Poets. And fo Pn pem



m us“: 3913 paella f a ir.60 Nsm

tss] There were two


s, one was from M es,

who w rate Epiframs and Lyri c

Poems, who by ome was called


Quid referatn comitumque nefss ? famnlofque noeentes ?Ipfe multa tuli non leviora fuga.

Indignatamalis mens efi fuc cumbere. fequePt z fiitit in vifi am viribus ufa fuis

Oblitufque mei , dua z que per otia v ita ,Infolita cep i tempests arma manu

Totque tuli terrd esfus pelagoque, quot interOc c ultum fiella: confpic uumque polum.

Taéta mihi tandem longis erroribns acko,

Junéi a pharetratis Sarmatis ora Getis.Hie ego. finitimis quamvis c ircumfonor armis,Triflia, quo pofl


um, carmine, fats leve.

Quod quamv is nemo el’t, cujus referaturS ic tamen abfumo dcc ipioque diem.

Ergo quod v ivo, duril'

que labor

Nee me follic itat tz dia luc is habent s

t o ! Here he al lo.

takes See al fo 135. 4. s .

notice o t the Inconveniena es of E isg . t . and a i s Pu ss. fit. ashi s Ex i le.

Whom d agaflashad appom ted him,

by whom hewas kept, and carried away ;

1 0 2 Mal ta] I fufi’

ere' i a greatmany Hardlh ips in my Voyage to

F sg a]Than Banilhmen t.1 0 3 d igm ‘] MyMindw ould

ac t be overcome wi th Il ardlh ips.1 0 ; Mei ]Oi my former Tran

quilli ty and tender Nathre, and aLite pafled ih Tranqu i ll i ty and

Qu iet.1 06 lnfols


ta] Decanfe I never

learned and accu fi omed my fel ftofight a ainfi adverfe Fortune.

A rm s Bearing and Forti tudeoi Mi nd.to7 Cajit

lslxMisfortnnes, Evds.

80 1 4 .



re mm cafusfi gai t

gear] 80 in the Place ci ted.Tot ma le fain pafl


as. gi st inothers [idem [areas

Pm aqae gas: fists: totpms

palms bah t.

E I" . 70 Kba 4. Eh 0

108 Oeral taas] T

row s.


s asha loEl

befc unt , or e o ts o S

Althetgmin the midli of War.

I t : Qgs am tsim] In COWforrow rul Verfes.Lava] I make my Exiles t g Cajun ref er“ ) To

my Verfes may be rec ited.s ta Dtsi’s


oQQe ] I yal'

e away

tieness 1 6 M ei“ lass


s] Of mk swhich makes me anxious and lollic t tous.

I. I B E R IV.

lufa, tibi: nam tu folatia prz bes,trz requies, tu medic ina malt :

tom s ts z tu nos neis ahlam.5mm mihi Clanwhimi, quad rarnm eft, vivo fitblime


ta, ah exequus qtiod dare fama felet.i detreétat pratfentia livor, inhuoLde noliris dente momordit opus.

Ierintmagnos chasmkcuk sp its; Poe


apenammmultf mfi itdh

st in toto plurimus orbe legor.beben t igitur vatum pratl


agia veri,tt‘

ts ut moriar, non ero tetra tuus.

Jsp in ] The Bafe, Re


s] Removefi myfrom the Ci ty Tom s


e R ivet Ifier.M e In a P lace con

mthe es, and egceed

b l u m ]Which hal'

eldom, that Pet fons o

n w o

d l ssreaat]Envy whichhe Works of tholk that

dente] With iniufi De


Credit é Im mbs‘

s minor 0!

e mallgms

I el'

ieem ,


1 ! me.

T R I S T I U Mscd dedimus poems Sc ythic iquc in finibus Ifiri

m. hatem t i infer Amoviama.

Quad upcrefi, foc iot ad public.w mina flexi,

Bt mcmou s hm nominis efl'

emei .S i tamen ex v is aliquis tam mu lta requin t,Undédolenda m am, multa doleada tuli.

Non hz c in enio, non hc c componimns a te

Material e pmprns in cn iolamalis .

Et nota fortune part c in cu mine cok e ?

nx. qui patitur, quz h uma n e poten !

(p ot fmticcs iylvac, quot (lavas Tyhrit arena},Mollie qua: Marti; gramim campus tuba :

Tot mala pertulimus quorum medic ine quiefqueNulla, n ifi in (indie efi. Pieridumquc mota.

Q ’is tibi, Nafo, modus lacrymofi cu miaia?Idem. fortune: qui modus lmjus erit.

Q_uod querar, illa mihi pleno dc fonte minifin tNec mm fum. fati verb: fed illa mei .

At m ihi (1 card patriam cum

Sint vultut

Lenior invia i fi fit mihi m s m 3

Carmina lxtitix jam tibi pltna dabo.

a ! 1.finibu ]III! hffn

] The Wri ter, e.

I Ovid uomcally as though hemould fay , mdeed I have a ver

fine Reward fromLow . forwho efake I have ylay


d many Thin s.

I smin a m t ont of t

y holt World.P haretra ti d m b ] Of Cupid,M i ng 3 Quin : or a how and

Arrow s.Socia l Therefore fac ing that

I have no thing elfe left to wri te

on , ! move my Friends to mac!

thefe Va le: of up 3m m , which

1 fend to my Fu cnds to he publ i ckly read , and en txeat them no:

to (Q 1 et me.


ow n Aw


. e. I havewri tten but a few 04


$115 3 I have fif g


mo tim He t t n

{min Afl igions }3 2. March] The Campus Ja r.

Gra in ]Which indeedare innumerablg.

w il l leave 0!m m melancholy Thi ngs ,when t e Cap fe of my Ten t h3 : an End.Fortune]Of Bani fhmen t.3 7 1114 ) My Fortune {hall a

bundantly filppl

3 8N“ m a Nor are thofi myWords; but i ; x

_s my Fortune that

{peaks andmakesthefeComph inuof my Misfoa' hme and net L


f 14° Sm cc Thus is joyv

L I B E R V.

Non tarnen ot lufit, rurfus ma littera ludetSit femel illa o luxuriata meo.

mod probet ige eaoam ; pom: mod} parte levatfl,

Barbarian), igidos efl'

ugiamque Gen t .lateral oofiri uxd agent, n ifi trifle, libelli ?Tim fun os convenit i lla meis.Atpoteu s, inquis, melit

l s mala fem filcodEt tac itus cafus dimmuhre toosExigis ut nulli gemitus torment: feqoanttu



Acceptoque gravi vulnere flere vetas.

Ipft Perilleo Phalaris pert in are

Edere mugitus, 8c bovis ore queri.Com Priami lacrymis ofl

enfus non fit Achilles;To fletus inhibes, doriot hofle meos ?

Chm faoeret Nic hen otham Latonia proles ;Non w h en ficcat jufi


xt habere gems.E li aliquid, fatale malum per verba levare:

“4 3 U: lafit] As in former

T une. it wrote amorous Verfes,h e means his three Books of the

J gaw

k» J Which c f4; cc 4 or

h imfefilhall c ,mmend.Pm &e.]Net my Banilhmen t

l m a‘

y bu: my Place being“

f romrmcw n FooemQ oood, i .e. this forrow kind 0

W riting. For the Anc ients ofedt ohl ve P ipers at the

i r Funerals.Al du s ] More moderate


l M i: You require th l tOne who it ortured (hall o0t

fish. w hich he conjeanm to beImpoflible.3 3 P eril!“ in on ] In P erillm


l nu o‘

Bull .u .

5 6 Ehm inhibes] o yop for.

bid me to Weep ? An Argumentfrom theMajor to theMo m.


To dimming.[ir

e inevitable Cahmu y byu.

Hello] Than AM : theEnemyof Prion ”

? Whe17 Ca n 11 Apolloand Dia n the Sons of Lu a u


had deyrived Nick , of her Chi ldren ,Nich ol M050wa theDaughter

of 7m m , the S itter of P ete’s,and the W i te of l mph


m , w htch

had brought forth fevea fiom and

as many Da ten . Bfl

fi proud

of fuel! an 0 Jif ng, (he uled,

that thew“ to preferred betote

La ma , on accoun t of themmlbetof her Children, therefore La mbei ng provoked; commandedJ yallo to flay the Sons. and Dunn

the Daughters of Nu bu whoobeyingthei rM ther, i t ha peoed thattho fame T ime the 3 MM inChi ldren , and z l fo was w i thout

tw o seeMQ‘M e 60 £ 5 0 1 0

5 8 S iam] Not wetted w ith

Tears, i . c. She did oOt torhidher

“ 4 T R I S T I U MHoc querulam Progoeo, Halcyonenque fac it.

Hoe erat in gelido quare Pz antius antroVoce fatigaret Lemnia faxa fui .

Strangu lat-inc lofus dolor, atque cor z fiuat intfis,

Cogitur 8c v ires multiplicare fuss.

Da ven iam potihs, vel totos tolle libellosSi mihi quod prodefi, hoc tibi, lefi or, ohefi.

Sed oec chefl’

e potefi uni. nee fcripta fueruot

Noflra, nifi auaori pernic iofa fuo.

At mala font, fateor: quis te mala fumere cogit ?Ant quis deceptum pooere fumpta verati 70

60 Hot] For this Caofe i t i t date i s, he was lei in the mas t!that P raguemi tigates her Sorrow Lam“. SeeMeta . 1 .

by her complai ni ng Song. Who and Cicero a . dcw as the Daughzer of P andion , the 6 2. Van 8 m] W i th his ComK ing o f «mun , andt he S ifler of plaintt and Lamentations.P lfilun el, thc W ife of Tera” , the Lcmniaf axa]Themi ndLemuel ,lu ng of Tbra ce, who hav ing car dedi cated to Velma.

t iedaway Pbilom l fromherFather, 6 ; Strange lan Cboaks theMan.

under Pretence o f vifiti n her S i Indufi s] Being kept in , andM , ravi lhed her. and a terwards unknown to any Bodycu t out her Tongue, Prague took i t 64 Cogitar] Sorrow t felf.foheinoufly , that (he tore in pieces él nb iplitn e] To augment. ? ohpr Son 111 5 , and fet him before Grief makes Mc

‘n eloqoeq to

hu Father ata Banquetto hec ate-n . Da 9 :3 2am] For thtW hi chw hen Tern :came to know . Fi l th“ f t? i”being fein d w ith R age, he dnew condemn me, forWfihes Sword, and bein about to fill “fi r“.

h i ll his Wafe, hobeh hertu m Vel totes ] Or put Ont 0‘ fl.formed into a Sw allow . It i s a Way and not read tt


eDachaoth ow o Fahls i nm u mcstma fi . my wow s.

M em e] Cm , the Son of 66 3 5°

al ibi] If that whi ch ii

W e had to W ife Helg a“ ,for my Bale , i . e. to w ns .

from whom he being kept. he13 416 501} Book , 80aCOW

wen t to confult a pollo concern i ngmy Sorrows hy w e‘Pi‘Ex

the Stateof h it K i ngdom ; and was Hot]Towri tofon'

ow Ti m“dIowned i n Shiywreck : and hi s Okfi] Hurts.Body being brought to his Wi fe, 68 Anam


]To me M 1 who{he threw berrel t headloog into the am yun ifhetg for my amorouea ag and ba thof themwere af ter Writi ngs.welds turned by the Commmi fe 69 Aej He den ies that thoforatton



: and Lucif er iom Writings do hurt any body ; andS ea 3 mb , cal led Halcyon“. ou ]g an lwete

th is Objeaioa . He ownsteln et the Fable.M t. t t . Falu o. i ndeed that they are eval, but no

6 t Pm tiu j paw n ” , the body was obl' d to read them.

891: of Pm , who going along Mala fm l hey are m t 00r

W l lh theGreek: to theTrojan W ar, reét, uofioiflted.Was Wounded w i th a deadly poi W 3

An An fwer.f oncd Arrow

, becau fe contrary 70 «q u fl 1" that he heto hi s Oath he had Ihew o the l teved that sy w ere good w henGreek: the Se ulchre of Hon d a ; the

ywere hac .

dyestinkof wh’ch being {0 great , men ]T0“? t hou to Y)“ 0“

m“the 0mm: could oat en Of “3 3 W‘Y' 7‘ M’M ‘X


uid at 8 Ponto nova venit E mole,c t tibi follic itfi folvitur illa mrou ? pallet

metom, vako : corpufque. quodaote‘


alidumque fuit.um mdom it ufu

on vocat eflh mihi ?

Men: tamtn z gra


eaufque aoimx. quijacer, nee temyore rohora fumit.

fuit -aotc , maoet.

c que meta, fpatioque foo coitura putavn,Vulnera, non aliter, quim modo fafia. dolent.

Scilicet exiguis ptodelt annofa vetuflat :

Grandibos ac ceduot temporedamna malis,

Pa nedecem totis aloit Pecan tius tom'


l’efliferum tumido vulnus ab aogue datum

Telephus z terofi confumptus tahe perifl'


S i non , quz nocuit, dexn i tulifl'

et opem.

I Now ) Lately feot.P a llet]Thou att afraidal


i t a S ign of Fear.

2. Solh’

t ita man s ] Thou beingfollic i tous and aoxtout. An H]

f a llage.Solv i tnfl It ts opened.

y Sufi cit] Isw ell enoubh tohear“116 73 08.Indurai t ] And it tow n hard

n ed,(0 at a lmofi to ave 103 the

Sen fe of them.

6 An magi: 8tc .]Whether or

n o i t myBody therefore he fi tong,hec tufc tha: it no more, w herebyi t (hou ld be i nfirm ? Some



this w i thom an Inac t ation . E t

magi: iufim o,

t i t no: a

T ime tor me to be more i nfirma nd w eak.hecau fe my Body hav

a great many0 accuflomcd

I I Eat? oid‘


o (mi llAfliifi iont.

f Bec aufe they stow leftP n dej tby Time.

t a Gra ditot] Great Afi ifi i

their Duration, and”

tormeot thtMind the more. 80 d l { HQ

0m u du ndficm j odh 9pmm

u r: u w tmem fitM" basil” .

Tempura] By the length or continuance ot Time.


I?P c am

m) PM cu t theMof c

ptcm a u fl Io whieh fi tywheheged by the Gru b , anddemolinted.x4. Pwéferm An envenomtdAb fl u ] T Hydra ,

w iththe 901 10 11 of whi ch the Arrow

of Ha n k :were envenomed. AndPbibd eu t going to the 1793War along with the othea tl't,being bitten byleft to the Iflaodhe remained foraand lyin on the

Birds w ich flew i n the Airw iththe Am ara, that he had rtn ifiat a Ptefeot from HM .n ilfo kc


himfelf ai ive. Seeml a. 0 l o

1 ; e/fi tm u h ] By an ion !!hle Wound.I 6 Da m‘] Of Achilles. h

out receivc aoAugmentation 3mm lit. 1 . 0. t oo.

T R I S T I U MMe mil


erum ! uid a m, (i oximt qoz que relinqcunt"Sohtrahit 8c aao

giu quoqptie colla jugo ? 40

03 6 ferat ? unde‘

petaw lapfis folatia rebut ?Auchora jam nollram noo tenet ulla ratem.

Viderit ipl’

e ; facram, quamvis inn fttt. ad atamConfugiam,

nullas fummovet ara manti s.

3 9 P roxima]My near K indred w ill take care of ‘me.or R ela tions. forlaken by al l befitlee.

And you alfo lawful ] Odioue.torfake me in my Mi fery. A 4“ arm Iw i tl betake HfMetaphor taken from Oxen . to my lafi c i e

, i . e. to 0 .

4 a A nthem] I have no fa fe 44 H em ] Prayer.of a

guard or Help, in a Ship w i th Sopgliaot , t


. e. no bodyo l l t an Anchor, 5. e. I have no feta Ie but he may be MF l ieud. to an Altar4 3 Viderit if f e] Ccfc r himfeif


Ovid [tec h toCarat, that be would now h fm dkto km.

W Lloquar en abfcns abfentia numinaS t fas eft bomin i cum jove polTeArbiter impem , q e c unfiotAufooiz c uram gentis habere Deos

O decus, 6 patria: per te floren tts imago !0 v ir non ipfo, quem regis. orbe minor!

Sic habites terms 8: te defideretx ther!

S ic ad paéta tibi fidera tatdus eas !

1 Abfa m'

c m ime] Ablen t d a

” fia t .au n t j aw ] To a God, i . e.

a private Man to a Prince.

3 A rbi ter]Gov ernour ano R ulera t the Wu t ld and the Ci ty , an

Apoli rophe to A ngnfl lu , by w hi chhe en trea ts h im that h it Ahiiél ion smight be m i tigated, by changingthe P lace ol hts Exi le.

Who bei ng alive,

Of the Italians, of

the Roman .

6 O oh] To be valued at “great a rate. at the w hole Wot”I t felt} m l to the 0 th.

7 Si t c .] Bei ng aboutation for a milder P lace ot ho intmen t from th is God, he 6dw ithes him a long Li te, and thfla heaven ly Seat.

fDefidcret]May w ai t for, 101


8 a l l 4 80]Ma R M Mlate h ou

ius to thi; Heaven “

it promi fed thee. Her.“

Sic igitur dextro tadatia

Q_uod licet , inter vos nomen

47 P ic tu ba] Becanf‘

ethe facred

Poet: are a ton of Prieflt of the

48 Rogu e] fla ck“ .

Men ] When you make Liha( ions.

yo Dope“ : l r plealin z a t5 Ca dr e}By my S incerity

or me t ity.

5 4. allague] And xf I have

never made Remarks, 0: cenfuted


Ovid bring: in bx: Epg‘

flle.Sbarc a t Rome, and a m

am! in the place be

bin .

m Ittore ah Euxin

i flens dixit,

t, nee qAntc

, fed ad madidas gemma

t Nafin is] The Bpifile of meOv id.


]To Rome.

3 gmOv id.

i i]To w hich Epifile there i sLi berty ; for the Mouth o f that i tno t an Ex ile as I um.

4 Sm tu ]Thy S tate ex Com 5 4 4 u] 1

T R I S T I U MVos quoque confortes fiudii, pia turha, Foetz ,Hz c eadtm fumpto quifque rogate meta .

Atque aliquis vellum), Nafon is nom ine di&0 .

Deponat lacrymis poc ulamifta fuis.

Admonitnfque mei, chm c ircumfgexerit omnes.

D icat. Ubi eft nofiri pars modo Nafi: chori ?

q ue in , i i vefirum merui candore favorem ,

Nullaque judic io li tera lz fa meo efl :Si , Veterum digné vencror chm fcripta vitomm,

Proxima non illis efle minora reor

Sic igitur dextro tac iatis Apolline carmen

n d licet , inter vos nomen babete meum.

P i: tu ba] Becaufe the famed

Poets ate a ton of Priefls of the

48 R egan ]Mm ] When you make Liha


yo Depend s It pleafes 3 4min ,5 Condo" ; By my S incerity

or n tegt ity.

5 4. Nallaqae] And i f I havenever made Remarks, 0:cenfured

E L E G I A V .

Ovid brings its bx: Epg'

flle. as arrived from the EuxineSbarc a t Rome. and commendiz g bis Friexd


2m! in tbe lafiplace be entree” him cmfiaatb toin .

m Ittore ah Euxino Nafonis epifiola ven i


aque faéta maxi , lafibque faéta viz.Q xi mihi fleas dixit ,Tu, cui licet, afpiceRoman)

fors tua forte mefi en !t, nec qua fignabar, ad 0 3 c it


, fed ad madidas gemma relata gems.

I Nafim'

s] The Bpiflle of me


]To Rome.

3 94d]Ov id.


JTo which Epiflle there i sLi berty ; for the Mouth O i that i tno t an Exile as I am.

4 Sm tu ]Thy S tate ex Con

the Vet fes of none of you.

v“P 1


er es ate u not

in ferior to

ytgofe of the


5 7 Dem ] Prayiti ous, k mi n


ne]The God of Poets.

5 l a ter a s]Let me be amongyou by Name on ly, fince I a mw i th my Body , by reafon ofd agnflas, i. e. rememberme.

dw on . 80 Home.


fit Mecc a‘s , at m e gu n


S ex ra tio dedm'

t , fe f u n 0‘

j etm'

t , i lla conten ta : wiv es.

Ov id makes u ie of thi s Verie Ft} .

4 . and l. 1 . d iner. E14 . 6 '

5 Ad as] The Seats made o f

Gu ns

L I B E R V.

c caufam fi qu is coguofceretdi Salem Rulat iile (ibi.n dem in ylvis, nec aperto mollia pramnina. ncc pleno flumine cem it aquas.riamus doleat, mirabitur Hefl ore rapto-ve Philoéftetcs ifi us ah angue gemat.crcn t utinam talis fiatus cflét tn i110on trifiitia: canf


s dolenda foret,men , u t debet, cafus patienter amarosnec indo

miti frxna recufat equi .

1c perpetuam fperat tibi nnmin is iram,

c ius in culpa‘

i non feelus d ie (04.fert. fit quantaDei dement ia: cujustoque in excmplis annumm re foiet .

uod apes teneat patt ies, quod nomina c ivic,

que quod v ivat munus habere Dei.ten , 6 (fi quid eradis mihi) cariut illii ibus, in toto peaore femper hahet.Menm tiaden , te qui comitatus Orefiem,

rocat E giden, Euryalum ue fuum .

triam magis ifle (uam d derat. 8c quama cum patria fentit abefie fufi;

H to be w izttedw ith Spit 16 w Oi ane moifiure of the Toxigues [headfitoni];Figure might be more 1 7 Nu is]OtM W

tpre d upon the dry Pa 39Ref ers] Ovid relates.

t becaufe'

hew as weepi ng, ss'

]Of d agefim’

s W is MT.st wetted hi s w i th hi s d eam nm) Be alto h ad

to be one of them to when y l a


JHe feekt thofeThi ngs gaflxs w as kind.

e mofi plain to be feet), 2 2. M s] se. he telnet.is blind that can


t fee the Ills'

] 8c . Nafom’

,five Ob i“.

my Sorrow . Omnibu s] se. M a‘




fim ] For what ? P


eauu ] i . e. he toy es node {0w el

Hun ] He w i ll admire, Meudn'

d m] Va?friendly,

as P rim es mJUl’

n i t tor as Mam : the Son 0 P b tm k s

th o f ma» ,and fee the w as to Atbilles. SeeHomer 13 d .

6 his Mourni ng. by w h ich 2 3 .he in timates, that he does Tej And he has a Love for Y


who fees the cattle of his equ al to that of Py lcdes r

and yet Inquires concern2 6 VEn n]Tbsfeas the Son of

Itm 1Woundedw i th an e/Egeos , the N ew 0 5daubed wi th the Venom ot E u rya lxs]He has the fame Loveln . far you that Nifi s hi d£1“ 01117. b i o

hm Had been in me. a8 Purin e] AgreptmauyContleukaemi a

L I B E R V.


Be exborts bimfiy'

to keep bis W4}: 1 f artuber» be prays good Tbiz gs, and pra ifes tbe D4]produced ber 16 aecompli/bed Mom s. A nd tboegb

[be w as war: qf a better Fortm , yet be exberts berto bear a ll Ib iags rbeerfivll for tbat ber Virtue couldnot be tbarn gbb fem , t if: a

And bepro]: to tbe Goalr,bim. tbs) w eld at

NNU S s lfuetum dominz natalis honoremite manus ad mea {acra meat .

t heros,diem.

orum ,

Qua (pu to)dedtdici t jam bona verba loqu i :

l que femel toto vc fhs mihi fumi tur anno,

Sumatur fatis difcolor alba meis.

Araque gramineo:viridis de cefpite fiat,Et velet tepidos nexa corona focos.DJmihi thura, puer, pingues fac ientia flammas,

t Deming] Oi my W ife.

t Exigi tj ClaiIrem m Do

4 41mea l To my Poe try.

gh em'

es] Ubflés the Son at

23 n d ] He celebrated in hisWandt ings.4 Diem] The Birth-day of hisWife P enelope.5 For est s] My Tono ue being

prom r te {Peak good«lords.6 edidx


tu] For w ant of miof f cakingLatin , perhaps I [hal lum able smp lé


flame vevba] Joyful and w ellWilli ng Words, which the An

cients u fed on Birth—days. 771ml.

Dim e s ban verba emit notc


s 44

M ae‘

s eds: ling“ m’

r umlief


Order is. E s

1. e. of a con

trary , and as i t were of a badc olour. and di fagreeable, becaufei t ought to be black and Mourn

i ng. meis n a tis, to: my Fates are

black and unhappy, wh ich Sen s!

only on my Bi rth-day, f amin e

mihi , i . e. by me, toso amw femm$8 7.

9 J raque Thole that celebrated the Ri f t -day to the Gen ius


ereaed an Altar whic h they a

dorned w i th Garlands o f Flow ers.and the Women fac rtficed to yum .

t o Vela ] Le t i t cover.

I t Th em ] Let Frank incen feand Other Odours be u led on thatDa y . Tibl l .

Ummar pro thaw , flm’

s smmtnradores

9440s tener 4 ten ) div ise ms‘



A rabs.

P eer]The Min ifler [ServatmP ing s“ fiammas] Ot the w i l


gas T- lu s'r t U M

Quodque pio ful'

um fit idat in igne merum.

Optime natalie, quamv is rq cul pbfumus, opto,Candidus hhc venias, ili imi lifque mm.

at infiahat,

dominx miferabile v ulnus,Sit perfunfi a meis tempus i_h omne mali s.

Q tz que ?rav i nuper plufiuam quafi


ata protein efi,

n d upcrefi, tucum pct mat e navis eat.

Illa dome, nati que fufi, patril que ft uatm'

Erepta hx c un i fit [atis efl’

s mih i.

a tem‘

ts 8: non ell in caro conjuge felix,Pars v itae trifii cz tcra tmbe vamt

Vivat, ametque virum, quoniam fi c cogi tur. abfem,

Confumatque annos, {Ed diuturna fnos

Adj iccrcm 8c nofiros: fed ne c'

a fati

Cornumpant timco, quos agit ip a. mei .Nil bomini certum c it: ficri quis ofi


e utaret.

Ut facerem in medi is hz c ego cra eds ?

Afy ice ut aura tumens fumoséthure coortos

In pat tc s Italas St loca dextra fetz t.

u Fat am ] To the Genius of

the W a era.

1 4 Candida“) Joyful , ha py.a 5 S i 9o 8 m.) Now fol ow the

good Th i ngs t hat he wfihes to h isi fe, a nd fil l! 09 al l, i t any new

Grief i s ready to afli a her on

accoun t of any new Calami ty o f

her Husband, that {he may in :

b e fenfib le of i r.

Mjem bfie] Grief.X6 S it peff amd a] This Verb te

qu i res an Abla tive Cale from the

preceedi ng ms'

fembili vul tu re and

mei s ma ll s , and (ignit es the I n

fi tumeu t ; and the Se nlc i s for

ever, let her lay a fide this mi fc rable

W o und bt caufe o f my Fall , and

l et her be as to i t, as one tha t

has i n a Sen fe th roughly per


d het Duty [or her h ate].

1 7 94-4a W t h la tely wa s

miferable. A llegoricalbs1 9 Na tfiqn t] Her Daughter P e

a t As far as [as

much as ] I render her uniIn carp] In me her dea l

band.a 2. Pan v ita]May the

the Courfe c l the Li te t

W i fe be free from all Mi shand Adverfities.

Confm e tgae] And at

have a long Li te.


cerem] I w c u lcthat my Years m ight be adchCI SQ

Sed ne con tagia] But l amthat my un happy l-ates

man the Fel ic i ty o l my W

21am: agis] The Yemy W i te .

Ni l bsm’

ni] Thei e is nin human Lite, tha t andepend upon , and trufi to

tai n and un changt able.

S a cra]Se. Na ta li ts'

c .

d am] The W ind.3 0 In parses] Tow ardswh i ch i s on the R i5ht


L I B E R. V.

Equaf nt Pylios chm tua E&a dies.

Nonmihi , qui pmnam fateor merui li'

e, fed ifli

Farcite. quz nullo digna dolore dolet.

62 Pylios].Of Nefisr , fo calledof hitCountty Py los, who is (aid

to have lived three hundredYears}6 3 1113] P ardon you my Wile,


He temple in: tbat be w as forj b bersexbsrts bm that be

bis Friend. andevers in the


? w bicb be bedfirn erlj cultivated.

quoque noih'

arum quondam fiducia reru ns

Q _ui mihi confugium, qu i mihi portus eras :

Tu quoque fufcepti curam dimittis amic i,Ofli c iique pium tam ci toponis onus ?

Sarc ina fum, fateor: quam fi nunc tempore


Depofiturus eras, non fubeunda fuit.Fluétibus in mediis navem, Palinure, relinquis?

Ne fnge, ne-ve tuafit minor arte tides.

Nnnquid Achilleos dura inter prz lia fidiDeferu i t levitas Au tomedon tis cquos i

Quem femel ac cepit, nunquam Podalirius

Prom ifi'

am medi cs: non tulit artisopem.


i s ej ic itur, quim non admittitur, hofpcs

3 Seftepti ] Wholi: Caufe youhave taken upon you.

4. P am'

s] Thou layfi afide.

5 Sarcina] I am a Bui den , and

a T rouble to you.

6 sau n a ] To have been

I eddled w i th.

7 P a lim e]Omy Friend ! l iketo Pa lin ura s the Fi lm, w ho for


akeii thy l‘

riend, as he did theShip i n the middle ot hei Voyage.

For P o li nxrus w as w afb'

d over

Board out o i c/Ensa’

s Ship. See

oi ls. 5 . v . 5 5 .

8 Ns- t e c .l Let not yourSer

Vice be lefs than your F idel ity to

me. or do ne t forfake my Caul'


not let y ou: Wi ll be left than yourAbili ty .

t o Lewis‘s]Ad m i n

had been gui lty of Levi ty, i f hehad forfalten the Chariotot d eb il

Iss,w hich he drove i n the midi!

oi the Bat tle.I t Accept] To be taken care

Nenqm su n] Alwa s.

P odub’

ries] The Sonyof c/Efifi

b ytes. For c/c ol


es left twoSons, Mad am an Pode lt




w ho fiudying their Fathers Art.fa iled along w i th Asm ara» to

the Ti 'ej d ts War. and w ith the

greatelt care healed many of that

Greeks. and thereby gained greatGlory.

1 3 Turpin ] B e tovet that hBurthen oi F tie

X a.


9 h uman

b .

T R'

I S T I U M(hi ss path it dextras firma fit aramez .

Ni l n ih me folum primo tu tatus es : at nunc

Me pan ter ferva, judic iumque tuum :

Si modonon aligna c it in me nova c ulpa, tuamque'

Mu tarunt lubi tocrimina noflra fidem.

Spiritus hic , Sc ythic i quem non bane duc imus aura,

Q i od cup10 , membris exeat antemeis :

Q i im tua dchéio Rringan tur peaora nollro,Et v idear merito VlilOl' efi


e tibi.Non adco toti fatis urgemur in iqu is,Ut mea lit longis mcn s quoque mota


malis.Finge tamen motam quoties Agamcmnone natumDixili


c in Pyladcn verba proterva putas ?Nec proc ul 51 vcro c f’t , quod vel pull irit amicumManfit tn ofli c ns non minfis i lle luis.

Hoe ell c um m ifcris rolum commune beatis,Ambobus tn bu i quod folet obfcqu ium.

be la id dow n again , and by the

Examp le of an He ft, i n w homi“ v ys i t i s w oxle, ta tum omt t Boot s on e that he has en ter

rai ned, th an if he had never en

te i ta tned him.

L. A ra ] Safeco i Jian t and firm. to whom Ihave fled for Bowge.1 5 Ni! mj i] You did nothing

el le for me a t hrli , but defendedme againfi: the Tongues o i Slanderers.

dx J h1 6 is him e tuum T eO il ion y

yc u hadgf




1 8 Me tersmt] They have compel led you to qui t your fi delityand good O&ices.

1 9 Non h m] S carce, or unhapPuzo Qp ad tnpio] Which ThingI w ith tor, that my Soul wouldforfake my Body.

3 1 S triqga tar ] Should bewounded, lh ould be vexed w i th

my Mi fdemeanour, 9. d. I had

rather die here, than for anyCrime.ei thet to be.or he thoughtto be unw orthy of thy Friend

lhip and Belence.

171 m] Than that I (hould

M .

Merits] Defervedly , i f I (hallhurt thee.


or]More con temptible than

I ufed to be, or than 1 am n ew .

Nous adeo'

l I am not it)

ovei w helmed w i th W t'

ej chcdnels,as n0 t to be in my W i ts, and todo any Thing,

r that i s (0 toolilhand mad.

Mote] D iflurbcd.Agar emmse ] Oreflss the

Son of Agamemmm.

Verbs } To have flanden dand repro ached him,

a s Men out

of their Sen fes ul'

e to do.

2 7 Pulfa n‘

t] He i njured (hurt)P]! 1d! !

Ofi t ii s] W ith his Friend1

Py lades .

Hot ej i &c .] Pei fons happyand unhappy , have thi s i n c ommon . that they may thew Friendlh ip to one a h u zhe n as nf he

lh ouldlays you ought to be ft iendly to

me i n Adverfity ; li nce w e c ommou ly fb ew I-t iendlh ip to P et

Ions i n Mifei y , as w ell as to themi n Feli c i ty.

30 Ambobe s ] 3 oth to th

an mi ferahle ; to the hayeaufe oi thei x Authox

m l

L I B E R V.

Caditur 8c cmc is, quos prz texta verendos.Vir

ij que c um v crbxs impet tofa fac it.

Si mi non parc ia. fortune parcere debu gNon hat in nobis ullins ira locum.

Eli e noltrorum m inimum de arte malorumfio, quo quereris , grandius i ud erit.

Quim multamadidz celan tur arundtne fofl'

z ,

Florida wi th multas Hybla tuetur apes ;(mm m ta grac ili terrena fub harm ferreLimite formica:gtana reperta folent 5Timme c irc umfiat denforum turba malommCredc mihi, veto efi nofira qucrela minor.Hisqui con tentu s non c it, in litttts arenas,In fegetcm fpicas, in mare fundat aquas.

Intempefltvos igitur compefce futo ns,

t a ace in medic defere nofira mat i.

H0?“ WC may have of their 6 I cl The leaf! art of mylfling (Ew iceahle to us ; and to Aéiaigns w ill be ggeatet than

lhcmiferahle, by reafon of Hu that Evi l: W hiCh YOU

M ity and P i ty. of .

3 ! Cedim 8 m] We give the“ y to blind Men who are

Walking.3 :91m] And we give thew ay

toMagifirates and Con fuls.Pu tcxta A Drefis of Honour.Veranda: Makes reverend and


Th F da Vir e on an

Asset, wi

q gnfigns ofaggonful ar

Power, or the Rods o f the Liaor ,with whi ch he makes tbofe be

s een , give the Way .

7112 a Full o f Pow er, or

th ofigltt]of Power.


S? mihi]If you don't pl t


y me

I l a f iend, you ought to pityon accoun t of my Unhappinefi .

1. Non bah t} Became 1 am

“ i nflow a: 1 oi M'

C. my 1’

3 8 Hybld] Hybla w as a Ci ty orMoun tain of Sicily , w hoie F i elds

abounded in Flowers, and where

was plenty of the bell Honey.

39Gracili 13min ] In a narrow

P a age or Path .

Sub bon ed] In the Caves, Hol

low nefiet .Ifm ]Than Truth it (el f.

4 Hi s] Excufec , wh ich I havemaze, or w i th this number.

In lim it} He who thi nks I caniufier more Afl ifi on s s or w ould

have more laid upon me , than I

have already , he adds a greater

hea to the

?teat heap of my

Ev igs, and dc tres what i s in a

manner impofl'


4 5 In tempefiim: &c .l Un feafo

nable Hati ed or Anger.I inn ] Seei og that l amoppn fs



wi t (0 many Amiéfiom .

L I B E R'


Te'aque vipereo lnrida felle gerat.Vax feta, truz vnltu s, verif fima mortis image :Non coma, non ullabathe refifl a mann .

Dextera non fegn is firiéto date vuinera cu ltro,

Quem vinétum lateri barbatus omnis habet.Vivit in his igitur tencrorum oblitus AmorumHos videt, hos vates audit, amic e, tuus.

Atatinam vivat 6: non moriqtur in illis

Abfit ah invifis 8c tamen umbra loc is !Cnmina quod pieno faltare nofira theatra ,Verfibus 8c plaudi fcribis, amice meisNflequidem fec i (tu fcis hoe ipfe) theatris.Maia nee in plaufus ambitiofa mea eft.

Non tamen ingratum efi quodcumque oblivia nofiriImpedit, profagi nomen in ora refm‘t

Qnmvis interdti m quae me lz fifi'

e recordor,

Carmina devoveo, Pieridafquemeas .


im henédevov i, negato tamen efle fine illis,Vulneribufclu

e meis tela c ruenta fequor

(Elz que modo Euboic is laietata ell fiuéh bus, audet

167; area] In the Gal! of a Ser

t; or w i th that the Gem po i:1 their Arrow s.Li via ] Pale beyond mea fu i e,by the bei ng daubed W i th Gall .0d! Meta " . t .

Lnrida terribi'

les mfm n ammo,

never“ .

I9 Strifl o] Draw n out of the

ga bbard. A lien fixo, i . e. fixedtn.

Cairn ] A Sw ord,3 Hanger or


185mam ] Tyed to .


a ; Vi va ] That he may on lyO

P lan theatre] In a grea t 3 3 And W ith good reg

Company of Men , w ho at the t e fon

thing of my Verfes, are preteri t

In the Tha ne. Mart .

93 4 [cu m pleno vocefqne ma

unique tbu tro.

Verfibn s] My Verfel to beappron d.

Ni! q uidem] I have performed nothi ng that delervcs theTheatre, i

55 0 } 1 am not { 0Honour. I do not

3 6 Cathmem

u fc to fec it to be d epped for myVerfis.l a pla ufnsl After Approbation ,

tha t my Verfes, may be c lapp’

dwhen they are rec i teo

, as w as

the Cufiom w hen any W ork wasrec i ted that pleated.



a] That refrelhes theR emembran ce orme, tha t makesme remember.

3 0 E s prof agt’

] And makes thename of an Ex ile fly through theMouths of al l.

3 2. Devow fl I cnrfe my Verfesand the mm, the Authors ofthem

3 4. Valueribsfqne] I having te

ceived W ound


s ,


d0 norw itl


i n ex oie an a m fc l 0 en

tosthePDarts that

ybavye been i e

fore Gained w ith Blood, by perfifii n to w ri te Vetk s.Te a 8tc .] Thofe which have

hurt me.

5 Enbottt'

s TheW av et n i them a o CoM ‘

them ed E l i“ .

T R I S T I U MGtaja Caphat ta en trete puppis aqua.

Nec tamen , ut lander, v igilo. c utamqne fnturi

Nominis, utilifis quod latuifl'

et, a o.

Detineo findiis an imum , falloque do ores.

E xPet ior curis dare verba meis.

Q ti id potit‘

i s fac iam defertis folus in Ot is ?

a m- ve malis a‘

iam qnz rere coner opem ?

S ive loc um fpeéto, locu s efi inamabilis, quo

E i fe poteft toto trifiiu s Othe n ihil

Sive homines , v ix font homines hoc nomine digui,

Q iamque 10 i , (z va: plus feritatis haben t.

Non metuun t cges, fed cedit viribus z quum,

Viaaque pugnac i jura fub en fe jacen t .Pellibus 8c laxis at cen t mala fri ora braccis,Craque fun t longis hortida te a comis.

In paucw extan t Greece veftigia lingu z .

c quoque jam Getico barbara fa&a fono

Unus in hoc non eft populo, qui forteLatino

a tlibet 6 media reddere vetba quest.

Ipfe ego Romanus vates (ignofc ite Mufz )Sarmatico cogor plurimamore loqu i .

E t pudc t , 8c fateor jam defuetndine longt‘


Vix fubcunt ipfi vetba Latina mihi.

3 6 Ccpharefi The W ater o fthe fame c/ Egu n Sea , as i f he

had faid, he prefumes aga in to

fai l i n that Sea , in whi ch heha th

once fufi’

ered ShiPW teck. Ca ba

m s is a Mounta i n o f the and

E uboia , towards the Hellejfion t.Al legorical ly he makes the MufisCapba rm or a Ship , i .e. the Greeksthemfelves daflhed againfi that

P romon tory. And the Poet alludes

to that Shipw reck w hich the

Greeks tettu n ing from Troy fuflereda t Ccpba rm ,

Nauplius in iu ltinathem bec au fe of the Mu l der or

P a lamedes. See lib, t . E leg . t .

Vigi lo] Do I lucubrate.

3 8 Uti lx'


j W hich i t had beenbetter not to have been publi fhed.

40 Dan v erba ] To deceive

[i ivc rt]my Cares.Solves] The on ly Roman .

4 3 Inamabilis] Unpleafan t, uh

grate fu l.

4 c Sive 8 m] Sc . fi ed o.

D‘kf' i] Becaufe they don'

tmakenfe ot Redon.

46 94mm “ se. babmt,i. e.

they aremore avage than Wolves

47 Sed cedi t]But right isomcome by might.

49 P elh‘

bas]W ith GarmentsandGow ns made o f Sk i ns,5 1 P unch] Vocibm .

E x tan t]Ali ter R emm m.

5 2. Geticof em]By a Geu'

co Dcclenfion and Term i na tion .

53gm forte ] W


ho perhapsmig t be an Interpreter betweenthe La tin and Town es Languages5 4 glu c libn ] The mofi: Nbfi l s

vu lgar, i n dai ly h ie , might be ihtetpteted.

Ignofiits]That I am becomea Barba rian .

5 6 S c rmatico] In the Serm tiaLanguage.

5 7 E : ps det] So lib. 3 . El“.

lafi. Dicet e fatpe aliqu id conann .

Vcrbo mihi defm t , dedidia'

qu1 t i .

Ate i n Readinefscome auto my Mi nd.

L I B E R v .

Nee dubito, quin (int 8: in hoe non ucs libelloBarbara : non hom in is culpa, fed i la loc i.

Ne tamen Aufon iae petdam commerc ia lingua'


E t fiat patrio vox mea muta fono

Ipfe loquor mec um, dcfuetaque vetba retrafi o :

E t findii repeto fi na fin ifira mei.

Sic an imum tempu que trabo, meque ipfe reduceA c on templato femoveoque mali.

Carm inibus quarto mifiztarum oblivia retumP raemia fi audio confequar ifta, fat ch .

6 1 tAflflmIo] Of La tin.Commercia The n fe.

6 2 . E :fiat And left I ihouldforget my Mother TongueP ox mm]My W ords.P am

ofimo] In theLatin Speech.6 3 Logan ]I talk.

Def netaquc] Have for a longu me, been intermitted by me.

6 S ic enim ] This qui ets my


He admon iflres an E nemy who infalts him,tore

member the Variablenej } of Fortune, and not

to rejoice a t his B amjbment and R a in , in as

much as poflibly it may f a happen ,that hemay

return in to h is own Coun try , mzdmay fee hwtdriven out of it f or fomema th quorfe Caufé.

ON adtocec idi, quamvis abjea'

us, ut in fra

Te quoque fim, in fertus quo n ihi l efTe potefl'


Q 1: tibi tes an imos in me Fac it improbe ? c ur-ve

Cafibus infititas, quos potes ipfc pati ?t c mala te reddout m item plac idum ue-Jacen ti

Nofira, quibus pofli n t illac rymare eras ?

t Cetidl am thrown dow n un 3 J n im fl Audaci oufnefs.

hi pp 4, Infitlta s] Thou mockei} at:

J inan ] S lighted. 5 Te reddum] Exen e Pl ty m

a. I in ]More vile and con thee.

m ? “ 6 Illa rrmare]To condole.

Mind, and pafl'

es away the time“R edm ] I remove it a l ittle

from my Troubles.

68 P u mic ] The Oblivion of

my Mi fet ies , as i t he had [aid I

(h all think I have ob tai ned a fuf

fic ien t R ew ard, if I can but, nowand then oh .ain Tranqu i lli ty of

Mind by means of my w ritingVerfes.

L I B E R V.

Non caret, invidiafie mea culpa caretVel quia nil ingens, ad huem Solis ah ortu,lllo, eui paret, mi tius orbis habet .

Scilicet u t non efi per v im fupet abilis ulli,Molle cor ad timidas lie habet i lle preces .Exemploqne Dehm, qu ibus accefiutus 8c ipfe efi,Cam pa ne ven iaplura p

etenda petam.

Si numeres anno Soles nubila toto,

lnvenies n itidum fz pius efie diem.

Ergo. ne n im ium nofira lastet e ruina,Rtfiitui quondam me quoque pofl


e puta.

Pom:pu ta fieri , len ito P rinc ipe, vultus

Ut videas medifv tt ifiis in Urbe meos :

t ue eao te vxdeam ~ causii graviore fugatum'Hz c ?unt 5 primis proxima vota mei s.

a4 Irw idifi]Odioufnefs,asmuchat to lay my Crime is nOt an 0

dtous one.

a; d df mm] From the 8 419 totheWefl.

1110]ThanCl i paret]To w hom theW orld

It felt is fub,e&. d c .

3 7Non fuperabifit]Inv incible.Malia] Plac able.

M a s] Humble.

29 Defim’

] Ot the Godsw ho atew0nt to rdon Men . orwho do

more 0 than hu rt.

95 7i ” Gee.) In to the numberof whomq qflmhimfelf i s comi 355

S o f .

i ta m» ( af ar di is attefl'


3 0 Cum peat] That he would

fo ive me.lam ] More than I am about

to ask him,i . e. I (ha l l obta in

of him to y ardon me, and fame

thing the.


He commend: the F idel i ty of a Friend, and a m

f efi s he l ives by mean s of h i s good Ofi t es

a rid g ives him Thanks on that ac coun t , em

xiv the?fl [

late he j ays , he would. reach


3 1 S i matu res If you compatca clear Sky w n a c loud one

He lhew s that the Gods efetwwell of Mank ind for the mo!


3 2. d em'

] Fai r.3 4. R ej h


] To be recalletinto my ow n Coun try.

6 ? ? lfiis]Becau le o f my beingme ored to my ow n Coun t:

3 7 t nc] Sr. pa ta poflbCam i ] Becau le of a gteate

Fault than mi ne i s .

Fuga tm’

] Sen t in toBan ilhmcn lS o M. I . E lcg.

95m90m tugat wan tenn is.

3 Ha ] That I may fee yetban i fhed tor a greater Crime.

Sam: They are the feeon.a tter my firfi:W i th , which i s ht]that I may be called home, ah .

f e

c o ndly , that thou mayfi be ban ilhed .


L I B E R V.

Exigis, ut Priamus natorum funete plandat,Et Niobe fefios ducat u t orba choros.

Lufi ibus, an audio v ideor debere tcneri,Solus in extremos juffus abire Getas?

Des licct hie valido peéi us m ihi tobore fultum,

Fame refert Anyti quale fuifl'

e reo :

Frafi a cadet tantz fipientiamole ru inz

Plus valet human is viribus ira Dei.

l lle fencx diau s fapiens ah Apolline, nullumSa 'ibete in hoc cafu fuflinu ifl


et opus .

Utcmmt patriz , ven ish t obliv ia nofiri,

is St admilli fenfus shefl'

e quest 5

At -timor omeio fungi vetat ipfe uieto,

Cinfi us ah innumero me tenet

Adde, quod ingenium longt‘

i rubigine lz fum

Torpet, ell multb, quam futt ante‘

. minus.

7 5 43 8s] Thou askefts n Amp lsfic ation by the Examples ofP riamas and Ni che.P rs


amus] The K ing of T hy ,had left hi s fitty Ch i ldren.

PW a t] He Ihews Tokens ofJoXNiche] The Daughter of Taned ge, ’

the S i fier o i P e s, theW i fe of.Asy hiots K ing 0 Thebes


havi ng brought forth her H usbandfeven Sons and {even Daughters,being elated in herMind, prelum

dto prefer her {el f before La tum »

whtch thi ng the Goddefs Lamastoolt in {uch i ndignation , that (be

procured all the Children of Mobs

to be [lai n w i th the Arrow s of

M o and Diana , and Ni che her(elf to be turned i n to aStone. SeeMetam. 6. Fab. 4.F cfiet chores Feii ival Qancings.

A Chorus con ifis of many Voi ces,for Choru s is aMulti tnde o f S angfiers, ready to make

,a mefical

9 Tam i l To be_

det.tincds to

be bufied or employ’


t o Sala s )W i thc utCompanions.t t Valido] Ah i nvi nc ible Con

fl‘nCYa .

l z d fy tt'

res] To Socrates,who was

d aj tm'

s Cl i. 0.

the locus.

R tm t.\m\

w ho was acoufed by 74 1mm, orw hom Arg u s accu led. The Acculation was this : Socra tes atéis unjufilys debauchin the Youth, andprephanmge



he ods. chofe whomthe City e m as Gods, he doesnot efieem fo

, but certain Othernew Demons as P la to teaches inSocra tes

’sApology; wherehe adds,

that he was a Man of fuch Wi fdom and Forti tude of Mi nd, thathe would not plead for himlel f orhis Caufe, or gray to any otthem.

See Lamb s Socra te.I 3 Fraaa] Wi ll not be able to

0990122, but fubmi t to great aFlood of Calami ties.

I 5 Ills Sam e] Secret“ .

d h J polline] The Orac le ofJ PG‘I’.I 6 In bot cafe] In thi s Mtfery ,

in whi ch I am.

1 7 U: v erdant 8tc .] Although lforget all Things.1 9 Timer] Hoflik ,

or that ofan Enemy.Ofi t io]B indersme frommaking

Ve i les.

Longa] By a long di fufe o f

competi ng. A Metaphor taken

ftom Iron .

t l a s n v .

Per numeros omne: hoc tuem eaput

Quod tua me tarofohtur epiflola. pec casR emque piam pt z fias, 8c mihi t.

Hoe , ecot , emmda: good (i correxen s unum,

N m gone navus et it.

Pluribus accu an . fieri mfi . ut ad me

Littera non veniat. a fit illa M en.

DI faciant, ut fit temetaria oofira guetela.Teque putem filfo non memin ifl


e mei.


am oeque enimmutabile

pefl ot is eti'

e tui .

Cam prit‘

ts gelido defint abfynthia Ponto.Et m eat dulc i Trinacrie Hybla thymo

lmmemorem quim te quifquam convincat amic iNon ita funt fati flamioa nigra mei .

To tamen, ut falfz poflis quoque pellete culpaeCrimina quod non es, oe videate. cave.

t o Per MMap t) e

u m l That you wri te

fo fe m to me.


out ork , and petfiormefiw hm thou defendefl

pl .

rl “a ha“, and plead‘

u e.mg'c k ]-Your Letter

? denI He: pram ) DonW oidt.



1;Nt h : em ]No Spot or

Fan Nom i: an Sm elt}:

ia blemdh


that 5mm m a

m an Boéy 5 here 1 3 Ji l l: {or ani mpotfiefiiou 0: W t 1 11 h

timdIMP , as i f he had {aid 1 w ill teutre no more o f you, if you

remove this as an only Ble

miflt i n a beauti fu l Body .

t f d tcufem] [ couldaccufe yourFriendl ineft i n more R ef 615 .

I 6 Lin en ] Your Epi e.

I7 fm raria] A vai n and falfe

one, becaufe your Letters have

mi fcarried.

fi t


1 9 am That I m ycomp 0 you alfly.

a7 Cu



ligm ] It is plain that youhave wri tten .

Neqae m in ] I cannot bel ievethat your Confiancy of Mi nd inlov ing me, is any w ay grow n

w eaker.

a t Com prim] Whore Leave:are w hi te.e cu ] The cold climate of

Perm it , tor it i t in the N t rh. InI ow a: there it great fiore o iWormwood , whence it It. theaddi tion al name of Poutie.aa. N u mb] $1i in a Ci ty of

£ 650, and M I] it celhdW ri teoi three Promontoriet, Pa lgrmu

and Felon s , for the

Great: cull the Exunmh iu ofPromon tories , a


ixpa ,Cew inu t]Can prove.

Amid]ormea4. Non ira] They are nor (a

unha py that you would be forgetfu ofi your Friend.

a ; Fdc That thou mayafalfly be fard to he unmi ndful ofthy Friend.P ellere]To take away.ao m u ]A Deferter of



I B E R I.

E L E G I A V.

BC Lyde tantura dile&a Clario poem,

Nee Battis tan tum amata efi filo.


m tu uxor inheres nofiris peaortbus,minus mifero v iro, non meliore.

na t‘

ulta ell te, veluti trabe fuppolita

tdhuc fum quid, omne ell tui munerig.t ut non firn fpolium, nee nuder ah illic,ziGre tabu las mei naufragn.rapax lupus, cupidul


que m oris, famente, caprat in cufloditum ovile.

odax vu ltur circumfpic it fli t cernere[Corpus pofitum fub nudfi unto

tio quis male fidus venturus fuit in

ma, rebut acerbis, fi paterere.rtus fubmovit hunc per fortee amicosnulla gratis digna poteli reddi.robaris, quam mirero, tamvero telle,atell is habet ali nod pondus hiet,uxorHeétoris e prior tu i yroodamia comes ext inao v iro.

brtita fuillet Mz onium vatem,

Penelopes cfl'

et fecundahoc tibi, faaa pia nullo magillro,

ores funt dati tibi cum novaluce. .

rinceps culta tibi per omne: anuos;te e exemplum bo


na conjugis.atit allimilem fui longa alfuetudineaflimilare grandia parvis.hi quod mea carminanon habent m nas vires,

wfira ora fun t minora tu is meritis

[uid Vivi v igoris fuit ante in nobis,exc idit extinéhun longis malis.haberes locum in ter fanfias Heroides,eonfpicerére bon is tui animi !

quantumcunque nofirapre con ia valebunt’

tn omne tempus meis carmhtibus. 0

B E L8 6 14

L I B E R 1 .

Q ue quo magis faveas, htec non funt edits ab illo,Sed quafi rapta de fun tre fui domin i.

Igitur quicqu id v im rude carmen habchit,In his, eram emendaturus, Ii licuill




LTAflumina labentur retro in caput fuam

e, que fol recurret onverfis eqms.

Unda dabit flammas, 8r ign is dahit aquas

Omnia lbun t pmpofiera leiibus nature:

Q ie nu lla pars mundi ten e it fuum iter.

Omn iafien t jam, qua: negsbam pofl'

e fieri

E r ell nihil, dc quo fides non fit habenda.

stic inor haze, quia fum deceptus ab illa,rebar laturum opem mihi mifero.

tantane oblivia noflri cepére te2

Q ue tantus timor fitit adire afilifium !Ut dure neque refpiceres, nec folsrere jacentemNcc rol

equerere meas exequias

Q ie t fanfium ac venerabtle nomen

gist tibi fub pedibus, pro v ili te ?

fuit v il'

ere fodalem profiratum ingentiMole ? E t levare parte tui alloqun ?

5 non dimittere lacrymas in meos eafus,en loqui pauca verbs fifio dolore 3

Que valedicere faltem, id quid ignoti fasiuntE t fequi votem po uli , que publica oraDenique cernere ugnbres vultus, nunquamqueVidendos, fupremo die, que dum licu it

(Etc accipcre 8t reddere Vale parlli vocePDtcendum non amplius femel toto z voAt alii junfii mihi nullo findere fecére,Et dedére lacr mas figna fui animi.

Q t id n ili jun s cfiem tibi conv iau que valentibtttCaufis 8: m ore longi temporis,Q sid n ifi nofl


es tot lufus 8c tormes ferit i

L I B E R I .

lndeCyz icon ha rentem Propontiat is oris,Cyz ieon nobile opus E monie gentis

a fi l

fiuces Pont i tenen t h ym ns littora.Hi: 3 ell vafia jan ua gemmi maris.Precor ha :evin cat, ue propulfa fortibusAulitis


Eufia i les


be litynnsac'

os nus, 8: a his r ur m A'

n iPindat i ter fub alta ma n iaAn chia




l odepre tereat Mefembriacos portus, 8:OdefobEt arses Bacche diaas tuo nomine.

Bequos memorant ortos i mc nibus AlcathoiConflituilfe lares profugos his fedibus.A quibus adven iat l


ofpes ad urbcm Miletida,{h o ira ofl

enfi Dei me compulit.3 ! her contigerin t, agna cadet merits: Mi nerva ;Majorhollia non fi c it ad aofiras opes.

M us vos Tyndaridaefratres, quos ha t in fula colit,PJl 'etor adefie mite numen duplici v ise.

q ue altera pramparat ire per altas Symplegadas ;

fi lters feindete B on ias aquas.i? os Patite ut illa habest fuos ven t’os, nec

l Ilaminus fnos, cum petamus diverra loca.

E L E G I A X .

UE cunque liters efi leéi s tibi toto libello,faéta mihi tern follicito v ise .

mediis equis,Cum tremerem gelido

menfe Decembrihut pollquam fuperav imus bimarem Iilhmon turfohltera carina fumpta ell nofira f uge .

?uto E geas Cyc lades obfiupuifl'


l uod facerem verfus in ter feramurmurs Ponti.

?o ipfe nun c mitor, meum ingen ium non cecidifl



an t ts flufi ibus animique marifque.ieu fiupor, li ve in fania ell nomen huic fiudio,Jmn is mea mens relevata ell ah hac curfi.

Ego (ape dubius jafiabar ab n itnboli sHa dis ;?ontus erat tapemint: lidere Steroyes.

L I B E'


W e emmpit, qut‘

) fi cerdos non fiuit i re,lime protinus ell afia rea veriti crimin is.Tamen non ell fac in as evolvere molles verfus 3Liter rah legan t multa non facienda.Matrona feveri fuperc ilii (ape v idet nudasE t hantes ad omne genus Veneris.O culiVefiales cernun t meretric ia CorporaN ee ea res fu it caufa poenaz domino.

A r qusre ell n imia lafcivia in nofira mus i iC ur-ve meus liber fuadc t cuiquam amare 2N il nifi peccatum 8: mamfelia culpa ell fatendaP e nitet mei ingenii que judicii.C ur non potins Troja, qua con cidit Argolicis armis,I ll iterum vexata meo carmineC ur tacui Thebes i 8: mutua vulnera fratrum iI t feptem portas quamque fub fno duce iZBellatrix Roma non negabat materiam mihi,IE: ell pius labor referre fafia patria .

Deniquz Cz l'

ar cum impleveris omn ia meritis,Una pars de multis fuit canenda mihi.Urque radian t ia lumina folis trahun t oculos

S ic tua fafta traxifl'

cn t meum an imum.

Arguor immerito ”tennis campus araturmihi

l llud erat opus magnet fert tlttatis.Si que cymba audet ludero in exiguo lacu,Non ideo debet credere fe pelago.

Et lbrfi tan dubitem hoc , firu farts aptus levioribusNumeris, que fufiic iam in parvos modos

At Ii jubeas me dicere gigan tes domitoslgne Jov is onus debintabit conan tcm.

Ell div itis ingen ti condere imman ia aéta

s aris, no opus fuperetur materiii.

Er tamen aufus c ram : fed v idebar dc treélare ;

Q todque nefas efl'

e damno tuis v iribus.

Veni t urras ad leve opus, juven ilia Carmina'

Etmov i meum peftus falfo amore.

Equidem non vellem : l'

edmea fata traheban tme,(h ie eram ingeniolits in meas pumas.


Heu mihi cur didici ! cur parentes docuereme t

Q te ulla liters morageh meos oculos i


Tiph tua ars set, fiflnaus non fit inwPhoebi, tua a sga s, 6 homing valesnt.V ii'tus qu i s later, queIn bonis rebus,

P ietas habet na tollat eoofpsam'

caput.Ueere tempor


ibus, quorum n uutre nunc fistsO,”

E :magna area pate: tn tuas laudss.'


(hti lis generofus av iris nominibus,

d§enus nobilitate mortnn

ammo i n image patrn eandoris,

In ingenio efi facundia paternz

Qui non ulla fitit rior in Letio

Dsfius es fignis po i ris pro nomine quodMinime volui : ipl


e ignol'

cas tuis laudibns.Ego peccavi n il, tua bona cogn ita rodunt te gS i esquod appares, mea cul ell l


o uta.

Ne: tamen Puto officium fa um tibi nollroCarmine flit nocere, pri tam

mtemtrk (enim ui




riliust (ape legi in no maniac .

Nee potelt Cael’

ar prohibere, quis ell publicaresErquoque nolira pars ell de communi bono.

JuprterPrabet fua nomina ingenns vatum,

Q te (i nst l‘

e celebrati quolibet ore.Tua caul


a ell tuta exem

lgio Duorum (uperorum,

hi: afpicitur, i creditur dens.Ur non debuerim, tamen habebo hoe crimenNohra litera non fuit tui arbitrii.Nee nofira injuria ell nova quod loquor teemCum quo in columis ikpe cram locutus.Ani ons quo minus verearis ne fun tibi cAuaor potefi habere invidiam, 6 gm ell.Nam tutu Pater ell cultus mihi l


e ah

Brie? ass” (hosserfs 501i$8 63 3 )3


Q to pollquam ipl’

e Orelies, dubium pins anSceleratus, venerit exafi us [uis furiis.

Et Phocz us comes exemplum veri amoris,

Q ti duo corporibus, oran t unus men te

PrOtinus ev infl i ducun tur ad trillem aram,lb wRabat cmen ta an te gemi nas foras.Tamen net i


ns mors, terrui t hun c , nee fua mors [termit]Alter erat mosllus ah funere alterius. (illumE: m [hcerdos confliterat lirit‘lo mucrone,E tgarbara v itta c inxc rat Grajas comas

I higema cognov it fratrem v ice fermonis,Bt dc it complexus llll pro n ece.

Iz ta tranflultt fignum Dec perolie

“ dens fac ra ex rllts loc is l n meliora.I


ttn° has: regio pa ne ultima magut mundi,

am homines, queDii fugé'

e, ell propinqua mihiAtque funebri a facra fun t rope meamSi modo barbara tet ra ell (iiaNafoniO utinam ven ti, qtubus O l


elies ell ablatus,Refersnt 8: mes vela. Deo placato !

E L E G I A V .

Prima fors mihi inter dilefiosMales,Un ica ara reperta meis fortun is.

Ex alloquiis cujns hzec animamortounda revis it,Ut vigil flamma folet Pallade in fusa



Q i i non verittts es apet it e fideles portus

me confiagittm rati percuflre fulmineCup s cenfu non cram fenfurus me egentem,Si Catfar ertpuiffet opes patrisb um impetus trahit me oblitum huius temporis,c quarn tuum nomen pa ne excidtt mihi lTamen ut i hofeis, que taéhss cupidine laudis,Cuperes polf dicere palam; ego fum ille.Certe ego, (i li neres, vellem redderes itulttm tibi,Et concsliare ratam fidemPan t .

Vereor ne noceam tibi grato carmine, as-ve

W W bozo: someobliter

L I B E R'


rat i taiu numin is fore perpetuam (ibi,fcelus non ell


e in (ii i culpt’


Fert, quan ta demen t ia Dei fi t, in

is cujus quoque folet enumerate fe.c d renest pat

rias opes, quod nomina civis,s quod v iva: habere munus Dei.

8 tariot illi omn ibus (Ii c redis quid mihi)te femper in toto pefiore.foc st


te Menmtiaden , re qu i comitatusi, te futun E giden , que Euryalum.

magis defiderat (uam atriam,8:

que fenrir abell'

e cum u i patrti .vultus que ruos oculos, 8 dulcior il


quod Attica spit it in ceris.

xoerens Ft pe remintfc itur illud tempus,dolet non fitilIeprx vcntum mortc .

m alii fugeren t con tagia l'

ubttz c ladis,lent adire limen ide domus.t te manfifl


e fidelem (ibi cum paucis.is vocat tres-v e duos-ve pantos.

is atton itus tamen fen fi t omn ia, net to

indolu iffe (u is advirlis fe.

eferre verba, que tuum vultum que gemitus,s (i nns demadutfl


e te fleute.

preliiteris (i bi, qui Ope (i s confolatur

n , cum ipfe fimu (ores confolandus.

bus affirmat fe mcmoremque pinmque,dear diem,

five tegatur humo.

lttus jurare per futim caput que tuum,

fcio non efle v rlius il li fuo.

gratis referetur tot ct tan tisfafi is,

e finer tuos boves arare littas.

fa: tueare conftan ter profitgumigo quod i l le qui benénovrt te non rogat.

E L E G I A.,

Atalts annuus domma exigtt a ueturn

Honorem Ite mew man us admea l'


ertius Heros quo’

ndam egerat felium

conjugis forfitan in extremo orbe.Pavens

L I B E R V.

nata fecum, que probitas, que tideston fun: nata illi die.cura 8: fortune imparmoribus,

quc rela de toro pa ne

sitas, exercita adverfis rebus,riam landis trilli tempore.


es v idiEet n ihil infeli i,-ret felix fed fine laude.'


et in Echionias arses;s humus Vix nolle: Evadnen .

t genitz Pclii , cur una ell nobilit id una fuit nupta mirero viro.er prior tangat Iliacas arenas,I l

' Laodarnia referatur.

tun neret ignota, quodimplerent mes vela.8: Carat , accefl


ure dns,i s z quarint Pylios dies.mihi, qui Gateor memifi


e poenam,digna nullodolore, dolc t.


sque quondam fiducia nofitarum rerum,eras confugiummihi, qui portusmihidimittis curam fufcepti amic i,

58 pon is pium onus ofiiciilhtc ina: quam fi nunc eras depofiturus;mre, non hsit fubeunda.inquis navem in mediis flufiibus,eve li t fides minor tui arte.vitas fidi Automedontis deferuic

luos in ter dura rz lia i

odalirius non tu°

t promillamar. artis quam femel lh fcipit .

zur tutpius quam non admxttitur,t ques Patult meg: dextrz .

us osml n ifime folttm : at nunc,


iter, que tuum juglitium.

The P x n r n c z . vn

flan anfwer Word fi r W'

ord w ith the

Latin ; which hy R eafon of the T h i er

j it'

y of Idiom of each Language, and the

f oet i tal‘

Ufi of Worde, in a Senj é notthe mo]? natura l and common , w i ll not

a l low of themofi apt Ta m: of E xprefif ox in E ngli fh Tet in fameM


to remeafy this Ineon‘ven ienoe, I have

frequen tb , where the E nglifla of the

Lat in Word render: the fl ittion flat,immediately af ter fetch Word, infertedw i thin Crochet: ]


a Word that

tender: the ‘D ic

tionfimething fmoother.

And there heing f requent E llipfis’e in

the d athor, or ”f ord: not in the Origi .

nal , and reqnij ite to he fl pply’d, to

t ender the Senfi’ c learer , I hav e inf i rt

ed [ nth E l lip/[e’e or Omtfiione w ithin

Taren thef e:

What Account I hav e g i v en of thi:Terfl rmanee, 1 thinkmay fitfi te and

tho’ Imay not expeé? to he f é happy as

to efi'

ape the Cenfitre of every inv ia’ien:

E L E G Y I .

Thou {halt fay me to l ive,neverthelefs thou {halt deny

me to be well,

Alfo (in) that that I am al ive [me] to have (enjoy)theG i ft of God. 20

And (0 fi lently thou {halt give thy feli'

to be readto

[him] that i nqu ires moreTake Care, left by Chance thou fpeak [thofe Things]

which are not necefl'

ary .

The Reader, being admon iihcd, prefently will repeat

my Cr imes,And I {hall be accu l


ed[condemned] (as)a publick guilty [Perfon] i n the Mouth of the P eople.

Thou , beware, thou defend (me) although thou flnlthe bitten [revi led] by Words 25

A Caufe that is) not good, w i ll be greater by Pamnage [defence].

You w i ll find fome one, who fighs[for]me, takeaw ay,Nor w i ll read over there Verl


es w ith dry Cheeks

And wi l l w {h filently wi th himi’

elf, left any i ll Perfon

may hear

May my [l’un ifll ment b e l ight , Cefar being appeared.

Al ia we pray , that he u’

lay _

not3be miferable, whofoemhe {hall be,

W ho w i lls the Gods to be appeafed to the mi ferable.

And what Things he wou ld have, let them be ratified,and the Anger of the P rin ce bei ng taken away,

Let him grant to me to be able to die i n my paternal

Seats (my own Country)0 Book ! perhaps thou {hal t be blamefl, as thou per

formefi the Commands, 3 5And {hal t be thought lers than the P rai fe of my Wit.It is the O ffice of a judge to reek, as the Things, fothe

T imes of Things ;Thou {hal t be fafe, the Time being fought.V erfes flow ,

being drawn from a fereneMindO u r (my)Times are c loudy w ith fudden Ev ils. 40

Verles requ ire Retiremen t, and the Lc ifixre of theW riter

The Sea tofl'

es me, the Winds [tors]me, a violentWinter (Storm) (tofl



E L E G Y I .

All Fear is abfent from Verfes : I poorWretchThink the Sword even now abou t to c leave to my

Throat .All


o a jufi j udge w ill admire thefe Things which I doA ndw i ll read theWrit ings fucb as they are w ith Pardon.G ive me H ,mer, and furvey (0 many D ifficu lties,A ll (b iaj W it had fallen i n (0 great Calamit ies.L i l! of al l, Book, remember to go regardlefs of Repu

tation,N or let i t be a Shame to thee being read to have di f

pleafed. soF ortune does not afford herfel f (a favourable to us (me),‘


hat a Regard of thy P rai l'

e is to be had by thee.

S o long as [ w as fate [in P rofperi ty] I was touchedwi th the Love of a Ti tle, [


A nd an earneftDefite of getting a ame was to mel f now I hate not Verfes and the Study that was againfl

me, 3 5Let it be enough :Ban ifhment ( is)procured by myW i t.Neverthelefs go, to whom i t is lawful, and fee Romorme ;

May the Gods make Iwould toGod]I could be ablet now to be my ook ,

Neither do thou think thee to be able to come unknownto the P eople,

Becaufe thou camel} a Stranger into the great City . 60

As you want a T itle, you w ill be known by (your)very Colour. I

Yet en ter privately , left my Verfes hut! thee,They are not fu ll of Favour, as on ce they were.

If any one {hal l be, who {hall think thee not to he read,beeau fe thou art mine,

And (hall caft t i me ou t of his Lap. 65Say thou , look it n the Ti tle, I am not the Mail er

[Teacherfi f LoveThat VNork has already fufi


ered the P uniihmentS, Whichi t deferved.

P erhaps you may expeét whither I command you, .Being km to c limb into lofty Palaces, and Czjar


Hauk 10A“

E L E G Y I . g'

m y’fi thou come thither on a lucky Day , and ha ptet

Than thy Mailer, and may’

it thou make our A 11111.

ons lighter.

For either no Body , or (he) who has made thofoWounds to me,

Alone c an take (them) away, after the manner of

Acbifles. 100

Only do thou fee to i t,left than hurt

,while that;

wouldeit do good,For our Hope of Mind is 1e than the Fear.

And left theAnger, which did reil [was appeafed]being moved grow,

hot again .

And beware(leit)thou be another Cau fe of P uni ihment.Neverthelefs when thou (hal t be received into our

Study ,And {halt touch thy Hou i


e, the little DesksThou {halt fee there (thy)Brethren placed in Order,


Whom all of them the fame Study has elucubrated.

The other Company ihews openly hare-faced Ti tles,

Andwears theirNames on an u ncover’d Forehead. 1 to

Thou igele fee three ly ing hid afar off in an ob fcure


Al l'

o there teac h to love, which noBody is ignorant of.

Thou ei ther fly from thefe, or i f thou {halt have enoughof Mou th,

Make thou Oedepal z'

an and Telegam’

an Words.And I admon i fh thee concern ing the. three, i f any Re

gard of thy P arent i s to thee, 0

That you love not any one, altho’he Ihall teach (thee).

There are al i'

o thrice five Volumes of“

a changed Form,

[Metamorphofes]Verfes lately fnateh

d from my Funeral Obfequ ies

I command (thee) that thou fay to them the Face OImy Fortune,

To be able to be numbered among the changed Bo.

dies 1 2 0

For that is become of'

a (udden u nl ike to the former

Which ( is)iBow to be lamented, (but

fame Time was

JUYl o


Indeed I ha

gmore Things to command to thee, if thou


Tu t I fear to have been Cau fe of"

flow Delay .

And 0 Book, i f thou fltou ldefl: c arry w ith thee all'

I hi ngs , which c ome i nto my Mind, 1 2 51


hou wou ldell: be a g .eat Bu rden to the Bearer.'

1 he Way is long : If . akc l11aite The u tmoll Orb [turthefl P art of the Earth]

Shall be i nhabited by u s, a Land remote from my 01m

Country .


Ye) Gods of t l1e Sea and Heaven (for whatremains hu t P 11 11 )ers)

Spare ye to loofi. n [to brezu cj tue IMembers ot thelhi f'

tc red Ship.

And I pray , do not {11t t ibe to the Anger oofGrci t

0 1 11 God o

‘ien lu ings help, a God prefli ng.

V 1

:1lca11 ito ' 1d 1


1 1t 1 : . y, for I r } :

fi ru s w as iavhurahl: to the Tu iam ,I’a IIm fevere.


, 11.1 :11 c r to 2 11 hated E mm '

“C was 2 ?'

C‘fl y the 1 1 111 1 1 1“ c l Vmuh





1 1C.



11 13 71 11 (1 1 1C11 1 i111Cs aimed at WM ) 0 1




1115111 r t e1

t:n del i " c red (him?) from his Unc le. 1°

Aral alt‘n

w e are diflant [fl ifi'l r] from them,


t'in ln cl s 1

10 1111: ( 1 051 to he.p


t 11 nt rm us, a 0611 bei ng angry?

P 00 1 W retch , i n xam 1 t i11 0W aW‘

a) Wo rds 11ot pt0'

h t ing,H em ‘

n 11 te:s f 1 1 E1 111: e ver) M‘

outh of:(me}And a te1 r1


3 1e Sou tnfl v


ind to‘Ies my Words,l i



a ffi r (13 11 1113 to go to the Gods to whomtheyare

Tl1ez c 1 ore the {1 1 1113 W i nds, left‘


Ihpulhbe hurt 111u : c

Ca rry ourQ s and P rayegs I can

t tell whither.

E L E G Y II. 11c poor Wretch , how great Di ou ntains bf Waters are

rolled .

1111 n ou ld think ju1l now (115) abou t to touch theh ighelt Stars . 3 0

.ow g11

c at V allies fink down , the Sea being drawnaway

011 wou ld


think jufi now (us) about to touch b lackH c l


hi .,1h V1 ay 1°

c e1 er I look, t l1ere 1s nothing but the Sea.and the Sky

his Swelli ng “ i tll Threatening w i thC louds.


tw ixt botl1 [c i ther] the W i nds rage wi th 11 1101111111murmur. 25

me Wave c l the Sea knows not to whichMailer i t

ough t to 0 11 1 111

1 fumat imes b um s takes Strength from the purple

Dw Ze°

f b)ra s IS p 1 1 . .nt,l 1 n t f1' om the late E vening:

ow cold Boreas rages h 0 111 the dry No:1h .

0 111 the South \. 1 1.d 1111 111111 5 Waxs w ith a c on t1a11y _

Fo1c h ad. 3 0

he P i lot is i n Dou l1 t , nei ther does he find, what he111011111 either avoid,

11 make 10 111 11 1 11 “ A:t i t zel i is afiomlhc d i n doubtfu l

E vus.

1 51 word we C 1 13 Nm'

15 there an).1Hi >péof faf


cty z

051 while 1 11 V1 11 1 1: 0 1 1 111 11 111 1 1115 m) F ac e.

W 3 11

0 c c 3 11 111

1 11 1 rue:LSJthi s L1

3 1 111]a l.tl 11 6; take 111 3 5'

aters ah91u to lci1 l“(u 11 oth a 1rg i n 1


ai 11.

at (111 11



1r-g \'

1 i te at nothi ng c hi: than that:

1 1101-11 har.‘

i 1h’

dM1111 ,

11d know s and l ighs Fo r this one 111ing§of°

ou rCalami ty .

1C 11

.a t my Bad) to be 1 11 the 1 aft Sea

1c know s not (me) to be d1 ive11 abou t by the WindsS he knows not Death to be prefent. 40

1 we‘

ll (done), that I did not {113 11 11 (her) to go on

b 11. 3 1 11 11 11

11w i th me

ell:D eath fhou ld. be twice to heruf fl ed hy_ 01il°




IeVerthelefs , nei ther that ail (of you) wou ld fave a.mi léra


oic man,


he Head w h i c h hath perifh’

d may he faved.'

thc Sea aifwages, and I u f'

e carryi ng [Fair] W inds,you (pare me, I {hall not he the lefs a ban i ihed Man

[a t l covetous of get ting R iches w i thou t E nd,'o plough the broad Sea in c hanging Wares'

ei ther do I fai l to Atbm s, to whi ch once fiudious Iw en t to

o t the Towns o f’

Afia , not bef ore feen by me.

fot that being arri ved i n

file famous C ity Alexandria ,

Ierty Ni le, I may feethy ari ties . 80°

hat which is an eafy Thi ng», 1 w i fh for Wind'

s (whocan believe (i t)

is the Sarmatian Land, whi ch my S'

aik' mhk'

e towards.am obliged, cfm 1 tofic h the m i ld Shores of c ruel

P en tax a

nd I complain that F light From my Country 15 (0 flow,hat I may fee the (l flanidsj

'TJmos, p! n I k now

not what 3 5make the

P rayers.

yOI_1 _low ‘1 Ri

nd let yoDr i f rather you


h an‘

d : z

i s part of Pu nfihment‘i zo die , i n the Region.

What do -I here ? ) rapid ,W ia;ds.-, carry ye my

Sails] 3 ;

Why 0 my Sai ls fee the Italian Borden ? j .

Jar wou ld not have-gkhis,"Why 'd


o you detain him)whom he dri ve s awayfi


et the Ponti ckLand feermy I-


.e both commands,~agfd 1



have de fe'

rved nei ther do Ithink ( ir) ri ght or pjtmsh ,

he V erres to he detepde d whiéh he has condemned

et i f morgahDeeds ngrer deceive the Gods

e know’

W ickednefs to he ab ien t from my Fau l t”

any if you know(it to he) ( 0, i f my E rror has led meaway ,

fool ifhMind has been to me, not a wicked (ont3 .\00



h at


That altho’of the leafi, i f we have favoured that Hou



If the publick Commands of Aaguflus ( were) enoughto me

If I have led happy Ages [lived happi ly] he beingGovernor,

And have given offered 1] for Cefar and the pious

w 4 1 5 .

If thisMind has been to me, 0 (ye)Gods (paremeBu t i f not 3 may a lofty Wave falling drow n thisHead.

Am I miftaken : Or do the big-bellied Clouds begin to

vani fhAnd is the Anger of the changed Sea broken bein;

overcomeYou (that have been) c alled upon not by Chance, bi t

on Condition ,Whom i t is not to decei ve [cannot be deceived]700

bring this help to me. 110


HBN the moft forrowfu l Image of thstNidl'comes to (my Mind)

was the lafl:Time in the C i ty to me.

When I call toMind thatNight, in which I left Inn?my Things dear to me,

Then alfo a Drop flides down from my Eyes.

Now the Light was near at Hand,in whi ch Ccfl rN

commanded 1Me to depart

' from the Borders of the u tmofl ltd]Nei ther


Mind, ngs Spacehadbeen of providingThin?

t enru

My Breafis ha grown fiupid w ith long Delay .There was not to me a Care of Servants, nor ot



i ng Compan ions,Not of a Garment fit for a Fugit ive, or Hel



No otherw i fe w as I aftoniihed, than (he)w o {mutefl

w i th the F ires of ? apitarLives, and is himfelf ignorant of his own LVe.

Nan nie“


Nevertlfilefs, as Grief i t (elf removed this Cloud ofind,

And at length my Senfes grew well [recovered].Being abou t to go away , I (peak tomy forrow ful Friends

for the lafl:Time, 1 5Who were one or two of a great ma

(My) lov ing Wi fe, the weeping moreweeping,

A Shower falling down through her underw ingCheeks)

(My) Daughter was ahrent far off ; feparated under theLabia» Shores,

Nor could be made acquainted of my Pate. go

Wherever you cou ld call: your Eye, mourn ing andfighing founded,

And the Form not of a filent Funeral was within.

(My) Woman, and (my) Man,and alfo (my) Boys

grieve at my Funeral ,And every Corner in the Houfe has Tears.If it is lawfu l to ufi: great Examples in a (mallMatter,This was the Face of Troy when it was taken. 2 6

And now the Voic es both of Men and Dogs did ecafe,And the lofty Moon did govern theNight Horfes.I looking up to her, and yet feeing the Capitol,Which i n vain were joined to my Houfe. g




I, ou) Dei ties i nhabiting in the neighbouringats and Tem les ,

t never (more) to feen by my Eyes.

And cyc) Gods to be left, which the lofty City ofRome has

Be ye faluted at all Time to [by me.And altho

I take 3 Shield late a terWounds, 3 5Neverthelefs

u nbu rthen ye [difcharge]this Baniihmentfrom Odium.

And tell ye to the heaven ly Man, what Error hath

decei vedme,

Let! he think it to be aW ickednefs infiead o f'

a Fault.’

That the Author of the Puni ihmcnt may think alfowhat you think,

I may be able to be not mifcrable, God being ap ;‘

peafed. 40

,4E L E G Y IE

Sometimes to have bewai led herfel f, Iometimes thede.

ferted H ou ihold Gods, 95

And often to have called upon the Name of her taken

aw ay Husband

Nos to have fighed lel‘

s, than i f {he had feen the BodyOf (her) Daughter and mine, to have ereaed Funeral

P i les

And to have?

w il led to dye, and by dy ing, to lay down

(her) Senfes,And yet not to have perilhed in Refpeét of me. 100

May the live (and bec aufe the Fates fo have ordered.)may

She l ive, and help further (me) abfem: with herAl'


The K eeper o f the E tym ntbim Bear, is dipped inthe

O cean

And troubles’

the Equaretm Waters w ith his Star.

Neverthelefs, we c leave the Ion ian Sea,not with m?

W i ll, bu t I am compell’

d to be hold for Fear. 105

Me poor Wretch,w ith what Winds do the Seas grow

black,And the Sand grows hot, h ing thrown up frdln


loweft Fords !

A W ave not lefs than a Mountain leaps upon the P009.

And the crooked Stern , and beats the painted Gods : 110

The interwoven l’ines found, the Cables {tru ckwith l

c lafhingNoire,And the Shi p it {elf groans w ith our Ev i ls .

The P i lot having cun feffed cold Fear w ith Palmefi,Being now overcome, follows (his) Ship , not governs

i t by Art.

And the Stcerlinan, as not firong enough, aachens theReins, u s

Not prfifitf

lng [doing no good] to a Horfe of a M

c c

So I fee the Charioteer [P i lot], to have given Sails tothe Ship,

Not which Way he would, but that whichtheViolenceof the St ream carriesm o.

8 E L E G Y IL

But now i f I do peri ih, becaufe ihe wants I:is out of]Danger.

C ertainly 1 {bal l be furv iving by the hal f P art.

Woe to me, w ith how fwi l’

t a F lame do the C loudsthine, 45

How great 3 Crack founds from the E theri al Axis !Nor are the P lanks of the Sides (truck more lightly by

the Waves,

Than the heavy Burden of l lall:beats theWalls.

This Wave which comes, overtops [exceeds] all theW aves

It is later than the n inth, and before the eleventh. go

I don’

t fear Death, i t is a mi ferable kind of Death,Take away Shipwreck, Death iball be .

a G ift to me.

It is fomethi ng (for one) falling by hl s Fate and theSword,

Dying, to lay the Body in the wanted Ground.

To bequeath {ome things to his (Friends) and to hopefor a Se u lchre, 55

And not to be Kl eat to Sea-P i lhes .


e me worthy of fuch a Death, not I alone

Am brought here. Why does my Puniihment draw

(in) undefervi ng (Ferfons)0 ye fuperior Gods and greenGods, to whom the Seas

(are) a Care,E itherCompany , now pu t a (top to yourThreatening .


erye, (I) unha py may carry this Li fe, w hich 6 s

The mi ldAnger 0 640 has given, into the c ommandcd P laces .

If you w i ll defiroy me, beeaufe I have deferved P unilhment,

My F au lt is lefl'

er than Death, he being Judge.IICej ar w ould now fend me to the Stygian W eves, 65In this he wou ld not want your Afli ftance.An un invidious P lenty of ou rBlood is to him,

And when he wi ll, .be can take away what he has iven.Only ye, 0 ye Gods, which certainly I have o cd

by no Crime,I pray (you) tobeoontentedwith our Afi ifi ion




Thy Virtue has removed him by (the help of) potentFriends, 1 5

T o which no Thanks worthy c an be given

Therefore thou art approv’

d as by a mi ferable, fo bya true W i tnefs


I f only a Wi tnefs has any W eight here

Nei ther either the W i fe of Hec'

l ar is prior to thee inP robity ,

O r La damr’

a a Companion to (her) dead Husband. 2 0

If thou hadft obtained Homer ( for)a Poet,The Fame of P enelope had been fecond to thine.

Whether thou owefi:this to thy felt“

,being pious w ith.

ou t a Matter,And Manners are given to thee w ith the new Light.

O s a Woman , 3 P ri ncefs, ferved [attended] by youall Years, (your Li fe” 2 5

Teaches thee to be an E xample of a good W ife,And hath made (thee) the l ike of her felt by long UfeIf it is law ful to liken reat Things to fmall .Woe is me, that my Ver

ifies have not great Strengths,And ourMouth is lefs than thy Meri ts ! 3 0

And i f any Thing of li vely V igour has been in us before,All had fallen extinét in (fo) long Affliaions.Thou firfl: lhou ldeft have P lace among the feered

Heroines,Thou (

gou ldefi be con fpicuous by the goods of




s,as much as our Commendations ihall be


Thou ihnlt live i n all Time for ever i n my Verfes.3 5


F any one has Coun tenances like to ours in P icture,Take away the Iv ies, Bacchus

s Garlands from myH airs .

Thofe happy Signs bec ome happy Poets ;A Crown is not fit for my Temp les.




Al fo thou hall; thefe fix Verfes, i f thou ihalt think (them)to be

fi t before, in the Fore fron t of the Book.And that thou may

ft favour (them) the more, thefewere not publifh

d by him ; 3 5But as tho


d from the Fu neral of their Malher.

There fore, whatfoever of Fau lt the rude Verl'

e (h all


In thefe he wou ld have amended, i f he might.


E E P Ri vers {hall flow back to their H ead

F rom the Sea, an d the Sun {hall run back (his)Horres being turned.

The Earth {hall bear Stars, the Heaven {hall be c ut

w ith a P lough,The Wave [Water] {hall give F lames, and the F ire,


All Things lb al l go prepofterous to the Laws of Nature

And no Part of the World ibal i keep i ts journey . 6

All Th ings {hall be done now , which I deny’

d to be


And there is’

nothing concerning which Fai th may not

be had.

I forete




thefe Things, becau fe I have been decei ved by1m


Who, I fuppol'

ed, about to bring Help to me wretchedMan . 10

Decei tfu l (Man) what has (0 great Forgetfu lnefs of me

fiez ed thee ?

And was there (0 great Fear to go to (me) aflliéted ?'

I hat, c ruel (Man), thou neither regarded, nor comfortedfl:me ly ing

Nor followedfl my Fu neral.

And does that l'

ac red and venerable NamLye to thee under (thy) Feet, as a v i le



What (great Matter) was it to v ifit a Companion lyi ngprofirate under a

Great H eap And to l ighten (him) with part of thyD i fcou rfe to (him)

And i f not, to fixed Tears lor my (afllifi ed)Cafes,Yet to fpeak a few Words w ith a feigned Sorrow 10

And to b id farewel at leaft, that whi ch Strangers doAnd to fol low the Voice o f the P eople, and thc pub lick

SpeechLaft o f al l, to b

" hold themou rn ful Cou ntenance, never

To be feen, on the lafi Day , and while i t might ? 2 ;And to receive

,and to give farewel w ith a like Voice

To be faid no more than once the whole Age.

But others, joined to me by no Covenant, have done

( this),And gave Tears, the Signs of theirMi nd.What, unlefs I had been joined to thee in diet ing to

gether, and 3 0

Mighty Gaures, and the love of a long Time.

What,unlefs thou hadfi known (0 many Sports, and fomany my ferions Affairs

And I had known thy Divertifements, and thy fertousAfl


airsWhat i t


thou hadft been to me only at Rome ?Gotten (for a Compan ion) fo often into every kind of

Merriment 3 5What are all gone, being made void, into the Sea

W i ndsW hat are all carried, drow ned i n the Lerbz an W aters ?

1 fuppofe you were not begotten in the pleafing C i tyof Rome,

A C i ty whi ch i s not now to be gone to w ith my Feet»Bu t i n the Rocks

,of Le lh I-Iand

, [unlucky ] Pu mas,which this Coaft has

, 40

And i n the w i ld Mou n tain Tops oFS cytbia and S arm a fia .

And Veins of Fl int are ab0ut thy inwards,And you r c ruel Breafl has Seeds of Iron.

And theNurfe wh ich once gave ful l Breafts ~ to thee, 45'

To be fuck’

d byW YMou th

, was a Tygrefs

E L E G Y VII I. 2 ;

Or thou hadtl:not thought omfl fliaions lc fs than a

St ranger’


And hadftnot been cen fu red of hardHeartednefs by me

B u t becau fe this alfo is added to my fatal Evi ls ,That the firft Times w ant theirNumbersDo thou efl’eét (it), that I may not remember this OI?

fence, and so


i may prai fe thy kind Ofiice w ith that Mouth

with which I complain.


AY i t be given to thee,

to touch theMark ofan i nofl’enfi ve Li te,

W ho not an E nemy to me, readel'

t thisWork.

And I s

Zi fh my P rayers might be able to prevai l for

t ee,

W hich have not touched the cruel Gods for my fel l;So long as thou {hal t be happy, thou fhalt number many

Friends 5If the Times {hall be c loudy , thou {halt be alone.You l


ee how the Doves come to white Hou fes,

A natty Tower receives no Birds.

Ants never go to empty Granaries,No Friend w i ll 0 to loft Ri ches.And as the Shadow (is)a Companion to thofe going in

the Sun Beams ,When he lies hid, prefred, [intercepted]by theC louds,

that van ifhes.So the u nconfl'

ant common P eople follows the Lightsof Fortune

Which goes away , when once they are bid w ith a Cloudbrought over them.

I pray that thefe Things may always fcem fal fe to thee.Yet they are to be con fefl


ed true by my Event. 1 5Whi le we flood, (my) Hou l

e indeed being noted, butnot ambi tious


Had as much of‘

Company as was fuflicient.


O r i t any one hath lil’

t u the Head by the l iberal Arts,A n y Cau l

e is made goo by thy Eloquence.

I moved w i th thefe l’

hings, pre fen t l fatd to thy fel f,0 F riend, 3 great Scene awaits thy Endowments.

Not the Fi bres ol'

Sheep , and thunders on the Left hand,and the Tongue,

O s W ing of a kept Bird, hath told there Things to me

Reafon is the Conjeéture, and Augury of the future

[what was to come], 5 1

I div ined thel'

e things, and tookNotice ;'

W hieh,beeau l


e it is true, I congratulatemy fell w ithall my Mind,

And alfo thee,thy Genius not to have lain hid.

B ut I w ith ours had lai n hid in the loweft Darknefl'


I t had been better Light to have been abl'

ent frommyStudies. 56

And as eloquent an), the revere Arts profit thee,So unl ike to them they have hurt me.

Neverthelefs my Li fe is known to thee, thou knowc ftt the Manners

O f i ts Author, to have ab ftain’

d from thol'

e Arts. 60Thou k

lcloweft, this old Verfe play

d to me a young

And them,(0 not to be prai fcd yet (0 to be Jokes


gas my Verfes are able to be defended by no

olou r

[Pretencc], 13 ! think (them) able to be excu l'


hm fe as far as you c an, nei ther forfalte the Caufe ofaFriend 69

So always may’

h:than go on well, W i th what Foot thouheft begun.

E L E G T IX .

H E R E is to me a Shi p, theGuardian of‘


low Minerv a , and I, pray

i t may be, (he has (her)Name froma painted Helmet.

E L E G Y.

In“as a Sword-playerovercoat , goei‘egain to theStage,

And a wrecked Ship returns to the (wellingWaters

P erhaps as once, to him pofl'

efii ng the TcutlmmtiaK ingdoms,

So the fame thing can bring a Wound and Help to meAnd the Mu fe which moves alfo, wnll appeafe theAnger

moved, 2 0

Verfes often prevai l by Entreaty (on) the great Gods .Alfo c xfar himfel f, commanded theAuj bm


m Matrons,

And Daughters-ia -Law to fay Verlee DO

Tower-bearing Op:

He had commanded alfo to be faid to P64 61“,at what

Time he made 2 5The P lay s, which one Age beholds once.Molt mi ld c ej a r, now I pray by thefe Examples,T hy An

fer may bemade more {of t by my Wi t.

That in c cd is jufi, nor wi ll I deny me to have de.ferved(it),

Shame has not (0 fled from my Mouth [Face]. 3 0

But u nleft I had offended, w hat cou ldefi thou grant

My Condi tion has aff orded Matter of P ardon to thee.

i f yupiter fends h is Thunderbol tx, as often asMen

O ffend, he w i ll be u narmed in a li ttle Time.

Now when be hi s eu fed thundering, m d afl‘i-ighted the

Orb 3 5

[World]with the Noife, he renders the Air c lear byShowers fhaken off [fem].

Therefore right! it he c alled both the Father and Go

vernor o the Gods,R ightly, the c apac ious Wonlfi has nothing greetet than

yaw .

Alfo feeing thou I tt fi lled the (3 0t and Fatherof

(thy )Country , u fe the Manner of the God, having the Game

Name, 40

And thou doll t hat tNor any other‘

c an more moderatelyH old the Reins of his Empire

-tban thee

Thou often M given Pardon to the P artbfiu 7“

qu ithed,Whi ch (he) being Conqueror, was not about [WOUId

not] to grant [have granted] to thee. Alfo

3 4 E'

L E G Y.

The la

nhings ruin me, and one Storm drowns the


Se often rah, under the lowefi Sea.Neithet a fin al] P art of the Whirlepool has hurt

me,Bu t all theWaves

,and the Ocean , have prcfl


ed (upon)this Head.

Why have I feen any'

Thing it Why have I made (my)E yes noxious

W hy is (my)Fau lt know n to me unawares ?

A3 ¢0fl unw itting l'

aw D i ana w ithou t a G arment, 105Nor was he not [lefs] a P rey to his own Dogs.

Indeed Acai clc nt [Fortune] is to be pun iihed by the

Go s,

Nor has c hance a P ardon, a God being ofl’ended.

In that Day i n which ev i l Error[Miflake] led me alide,Indeed my littleHou fe peri ihed, but w i thou t StainLi ttle ; bu t et, fo that it might be (aid to be remarka

ble Bbf repute] 1 10

In my Anc eltm'

s Age [Time]: Nor lefs than the Nob ility of any one


And i t‘

is nei ther remarkable for Ri ches nor P overtyP rom whenc e the K n ight was to be feen i n nei ther.

Al l'

o let [fuppofe]my Homefmail i n Eflate orO riginal,Certai nly i t does not lie hid by my W i t . 1 16

W hi ch tho’ I may feem to have u fed too y outhfully,Yet 1

Ear a

dgreat Name from [i n] the whole Orb


The Companyl f learned Men knows Naffl , andDares to number (him) among Men not di l


dained. 1 20

Therefore this H ou fe ac cepted by [gratefu l to] the

Mu fes, falls downSl iding [rui ned]

by one, but not a fmall Crime.And that is fo fallen , that i t may ri fe


If only the Anger of offended Catfar {hall grow ripe.In the E vent of which, there i s (0 great C lamour of

P u nifhmen t, 1 2 5That the Anger has been more mild than our Fear.

Li fe isgiven

};which thy Anger has placed on this lids


0 P rince,who hall ufed thy Power fgaringl


y .

E L E G Y. 3 5


d ove



;and above (my).paternal Efiate


comcs to-(me)t ou , I

lot taking it away , as tho’

Li fe was too (mall a Gi ft.[either hall; thou condemned my Deeds by a Decree of

the Senate,lot is my Banifhment commanded by a felea: Judge.‘

hou (thy felf )hall: taken Vengeance for thy Of enees,as became thee,

lav ing invc igh’

d with forrow ful [angry] Words, (fai t is worthy of [becoming] a P rince).

d to this)that the Ediet altho’

ungentle,and threat

ning , 1 3 5Ieverthc lefi; was 1:ght by theName of the P un ifhmentior in that I am cali

d a di fcarded Perfon, not an Exi le,i nd the Words of my Fortu ne are there i


odeed no Punifhmen t is heavier to a Man in hisgenres,and of

i found Mind, than to have difpleal‘

ed fo great a

Man . 1443tut a Deity i s wont (ometimcs to become placable,i'

he B ay , is wont to pal'

s fair,the C loud being di fpelled,

have feen an E lm loaden w ith leafy Vines,Vhich had been touch

d w ith the cruel ThunderboltOf ? apitero

w ill hope, altho’

thou doll forbid (me) to ,hope 1 43i nd this one Thing may be, thee forb idding ( i t).doll mild Clej ar, great H ope comes to my Mind, when

I xc ard t r t

Fhee, Hopegfalls to me (Fails me), [when I look to my


had as the Wzirids tofs the Seas ,

the raging is not equal,and the Fu ry con t inual ;

lut fomet imes they fink down, and being intermitted,are filent, 1 30

{ on wou ld think them to have'

laidafide thei r Power.

go away , and return and nary 3t


nd both give and deny Hope of

[herefiitei ;by.theGods, whmgiveong

E L E G Y. 3 7

Nei therdo I pray that I may return, altho’i t is credible,

G reat Gods o ften to have gi ven greater Things thanthol


e asked for,If thou givel


ta mi lder Exi le, and nearer to (me)aski ng,G reat P art w i ll be lightened of my Pu nilhment, 1 8;I fai fet the lait [Extremity]caft into themid“:of Ene

mi es.

Nor any banilhed Man is larther from (his)Country,Being fent alone to the Outlets



feven-fold lflcr,1 am ca


ed w ith the coldAxes of the Pa rkway:Vird n.The avgcs and Col tbiam

,and the Metered. Company

and Cetes, 19IAre fa rce kept in by the middle Waters of Dan k .

And w



others are driven from thee for a greateran e,

A further Land is given to none, than'

tome.Nothing is farther 05 than this, unlers only coldand an

Enemy, 195And theW

ave of the Sea joins together, wi th congealed


H itherto it is the Roman Part of Lek -hand Pootm,The Baflem and Snare“ : paw s the next.This is the laft (utmol


t) Land under the Italian Juri fdi.étion

ALand that’


carce touches in theBorder of thy Emi re. z oo

F romw ence,£uppl iant l pn ys'


t thou wouldefl:recallme

Into faf’

e ( P laces), that P eace be not alfo t aken awayfrom (me)w ith (my)Country,

That Ir

may not fearNations, whi ch { fer does not welleparate

And not (being) thy Citiz en, Imay beu lteb (Captive)by the Enemy.

R ight forbids any one born of Roman BloodTo fu ll


er barbarous Chains, C; ar bein faf'


W hen two Crimes, Verfe an Error avefi'uined me,TheF au lt of one Feet is

to be kept filent by me.

3 8 E L E G Y.

ad“ ,I am not of that Value, that I ihould renew thyWounds,

Whom to have grieved on ce is too much. . 2 10

Another P art remains With which filthy Crime beingtouched,

I am immached the Teacher of obfcene Adultery.

It is right [i t may bej heaven ly Breafis, to'

be deceivedfome way or Other,

And there are many Things leis than thy Not ice.And as upi ter defending theGods , and alfo the lofly

caven, 2 1;Is not at Lei fure to be prefent to li tt le[trifl ing]AfiairsLo whi lft thou lookeft round, the Earth depending“



et Thihgs avoid thy Cares .

What, indeed, (thou)a Prince, theStation of the £m

pire bei ng left,Shouldefi thou readVcrfes made with unequal Mee

fil l’CS s 2 30

Not that Burthen of the Rome»Name prefl'

es thee,And Io light a Burthen is born on thy Shoulden ,

That thou can‘t turn thy Godlhip to fooli ih Divertifc


And firikeof!"our idle (Entertainments) with thy Eyes.Now Pam nia is to be tamed by thee, now the

Of 110754 0 2 25Now the Rbeti tm

oand Th eda): Arms aflhrd Pear.

Now theArmenian fuss for Peace, now the Fa t“Horfeman

Holds forth his Bow, and the Enfigns taken with I

fearfitl Hand.Now German} feels you to be a youngMan by your

OffspringAnd Ccefar conduas the Wars for great c ar. 2 2°

h it of all, as no Part is the Body of an Empi re, IOlarge,

As much as never exifted. which can fall [go to decay]Al l


o the City andDefence of thy Laws and MannersFatigues thee, which thou dcfirefi to be like thine


E L E G I 3 ,

Neither the Leifm'

es happen to thee, which thou giveftto the Nations, 2 3 5

And wagc ll troublefome Wars w ith many .

Therefore I wonder in this Weight of fo great Affairs,Thee ever to have turned [read] over our jokes.Bu t perhaps, i f thou hadli been at Lc i fure (which I hadRather) thou hadit read no Crime in my Art . 2 40

Indeed, I confers thol’

eWri tings not to be of a fevere

Forehead, not worthy to be read by fo great a P rince.

Neverthelefs, thc fe Things are not therefore contraryTo theCommands of the Laws, and initmét theRom an

Daughters-in-Law .

AndJell thou {bouldefi be able to doubt to whom Iwrite, 2 45

One little Book'

of tlie three has thefe fourV erlesSlenderH air laces, be ye far on

",the Token of Model

ty ,And the long Gown that covers themiddle of the Feet.We wi ll li ng nothing bu t what (is) lawful, and allow


[Thefts] Adventures4114 no ~Crime {hall be i n m Vc t l


c . 2 50

tl ifi fmnething temov all rigid [things] fromWhom the long


Robe,bids to be touched


Who hath what may draw [attraet], altho' ihe be not

tau ht.

Therefore iset aMatron read nethin

iibecau fe Ihe may be

More learned to tranfgrel’

s by all erl'

c . 2 5 5

If any one is Rudious of (what is) naught, whatfoever

the (hal l

Touch, frost.

thence fhc ini'

ttuas [forms] (her)Manners

to i ce.

(If) the lhall take up Annals, ( nothing is more roughthan they)

Truly (he w i ll read, whence Ilia was made a Mother.

(If ) ihe ibali talte up the M M, {he {hall ask where

(was) the firlt Mother. 2 60

How loitering Vem is theMother of theAwash .

I wi ll proceed lower, (if i t be lawful to he earn ed on i n


E L E G Y. ifs"

The Goddefs tohave been vexed wi th many HarlanP 4 84 : being l


een, {he w i ll ask why the Virgin

Bore I rifibuniw g born from a Crime.

(When) ihe (hall have come into the Temple of greatMart, thy Gods ,

Ven t: (l ands before the Doors, joined to the avengingHusband. 2 95

Sitti ng in the Temple of lfis, {he wi ll ask why f emDravc this her] into the Ionian and Bq/

pbom n Sea.

There wi ll an Ambifes to be related agfi nflfl’em ,

A Lam a'

s“ hene againlt the Mom, a 5“ agai n“a res.

All Things are able to corrupt perverfe Minds 3 00

Yet all thofe Things “and fate in their P laces.But the

l li



tage , wi ll drive away ingenuous . [ch m]

an 5

Far from the’

Art vn ittcn for only H arlot»Whefoever breaks out, where the P rieli Inf ers


not to go,She prefcntly i s found gui lty of a forbidden Crime. 3 0 ;Nevert l




s, it i s not . a ..Wickednel'

s to turn over {ofter es ;

It is law fu l for a chafle (Weman) to eead many thingsnot to be done ;

A Matron of a fevere Eyc-brow, often fees naked Cwo

men), D

And (landing at every l tind of Venus.

Veflal Eyes behold whori lh Bodies 3 to

Neither was


that the Cattle of P unilhment - to the

Ma r.

But ,why is there too much Lafcivioufnefs i n myMore?

And why does my Book perfuade any one to love ?

Nothing but .Sin, and a mi ellen:Fau lt is to be confell

It repents (me)of my ; Wi t and judgment ..Why not ratherTry , whic h fell by the Grecian Arms,Is again vexed by my Vcri


e -i‘

Why have .I heldmy P eace of Tbebcs And the mutualWounds of Brethren

And the (even Gates, every one under i ts General 9

MarlikeR mc did not deny‘

,Mattcr tome,

E L E G Y. 3 7.

That hewould Guard [Watch] himl'

elf too, that ihq'

may not offend.

She knows to whom i t is barked, when he walks alone;And gives many P rece te of {itch Theft, and teachesBy what Art married omen may deceive their Hus

bands. 450

Nor was tgis a Fraud [an Injnty]to him,

and Ti lmflm isrea

And pleafes : And now he was known, thee beingP fi nce. i 4

Thou w i lt find the fame Preceptsof fair fpoken Pra


Yet neither is


he branded w ith the leaf]:Mark (of Inamy).

I fuceeed thefe, becau‘fc Candor commands to dif emble

The excellent Names ofMen .

I confers, I have not been afraid, lell one (Ship) Ihoulbe wreck


Where fomany Shi ps have gone, all being faved.The Arts by w hich Dice is p lay

d, are written bymany

This is not a l ight Crime w ith our Grandfathers.What the Ta li are worth, by what cafi than 470May“: th

imolt, and maylt avoid the un


What Numbef

t s theJTcflér

a [Dice]has, diftant beingcalled or

After what Manner it may become to [we lhould]. throw , afterwhat to give the thrown [Call s].

That the Soldier of divers Colours may attack in a

right Bound, 479When the middle Stone [Man] periihes by a double


That he may more [better] know to will, to followand to call back the Former,

Neither fly ing, may go fatbly unaccompanied.

The little Table (its inflruaed wi th Stones in threes,In which to have kept their own is to conquer.


And other P lays, whi ch are wont to lol'

e the dear thingOurTimes, (for neither now wi ll I pnt l


ue all)

E L E G Y.

Thy Majeity is every where (0 courteous.

And joy ful thou hail feen [cen ick Adulteries with thineown

E yes, whi ch the whole Orb makes ufe of'


If i t be right Bufi‘

oons to write, imitati ng ohfceneThings,

The P unifhment due tomy Matter is lei'

s .

Do the P ulpi ts[the$tagej make this kind hfWriting fi fe,And ha




he Scene gi ven to be law ful, to do What they

11 I

And my P oems are often danced by the‘

P eople5 5

And alfo they have often detai ned thy E)es.

To w ;t as the an t ient Bodies o f him painted b y anArt ific ial Hand, {hine in yourHou fes

5 0 there i s a litt le Table in a certai n P lace,exprefl

ic s the various

Copu lations and Forms of Venu s

And how Telam m'

u s E4p x] fat con fefli ng Anger m

(h is) Cou n tc nanoe,

And the barbarous Mother hasW ickedn t fs in her Eyes5 0 moifl:Vm a s dries her w et Hairs

,w i th her F ingers

And fomet imes fc ems c overed w i th maternalWaters 5 2 5°

O thers found W ars f‘

u x-

n i ihed w ith bloody Darts ,And Part fings thy Deeds , P art (thore) oFthy Race.

In v idious Nature has l'


d me u p in a narrow Space,And has given {mall St rengths to (my ) W i t .

And y et he the happy Au thor oF t h y E n f id, 5 3 0

Has b rought tog~ ther Arms and Men into the Brian

Beds .

Nor an) Part of the whole Body is more read,

T han Love jo i ned not by 1 legi timate Covenant .

This fame be i ng a young Mar, before had play’

d thetender

F ires [Amours] of Phy llis and Ama r

y ll is in Bacoli sk

Stxai ns . Q3 ;Al fo I, a long Time fince, have offended by that (kind

0 7 ) Writ ing ,

A Fault not new . l'


ers a tiew P un ifhment .And [ had publi ih

d Verres, when being a refi lera

[undegraded]K night,F

yo E L E G Y.

I hafs’d by thee fo often, noting

Therefore (thore) Writings, whi ch not prudent Ithought

Not to be hurtfu l to me a youngMan, have hurt mean old Man .

The late Vengeance of an old Book has ever abounded,And the P uniihment is diftant from the t ime of its


Yet thal

t t

Pou mayfi not helieve all my Work . to he

00 e

It hath often’

given great Sails to our Ship. 5“I have w ritten fix, and fa many h ttle Books of Patti

[Annals]And the Volume has an End w ith its Mou th.

Ami Ccfar, my Fortu ne broke [interrupted] thatWorklately written

In thy Name, and dedicated to thee.

And I given a roy al Writing in [to] tragick Busi ns 550

And the grand Buskin has theWords which i t ought.

And are called Bodies turned i nto new Faces

By me, altho’

the lafi Hand was wan ting to the Uhdertaking.

And I w ith than 1113n recall thy Mi nd 3 little fromAnger,

And command a few things hence to be read to thee

at lei fure. 5 55A few things Cxlar, by which ri fi ng from the firft

Original of theWorld, I have brought dow n the Work

to thy Times.Thou mighteft fee how much Breaft [Spirit] thou hafi

gi ven me,And w ith w hat Favour of Mind I fing thee and thine.

I have not affronted [abu fed] any one w i th a bitingVerle, 5CO

Not my Verre has the Fau lts oF any one.

Being candid good humoured], I have av oided 1efprinklc w ith Gal]

No Letter is mixed w i th an envenomed Joke.Among 12

}many thoufand of Peogle, (l


o many thou fands)0 our

E L E G Y. 5 3

W riting. I th an be (the only) one, whom my Calliopehas hu rt. 56 5

Therefore I fan cy no Rome» to rejoice at my Afiiiétions,B ut many to hav e grieved.


is it c redible any one to in fult me ly ing (prorate);

I f any Favour is paid back to my Candour.

0 Father, both the Care and the Health of thyCountry , I pray $70

That it may be pofii b le for thy Dei ty to be bended,wrought upon by thefe Thinge and others.

Not that I may return into Ita ly, u nlefs perhaps i n t imeto come,

W hat: thou {ha lt be overcome by the Length of the

time~ 0 f P unifhment .I pray for a fafer, and a l ittle more qu iet Bani fhmen fsThatmy Puni ihment may be equal to i ts Ofl

’ence. S76

54. E L E G Y I .

(But) yet, why is the Gate covered w i th the Laurel

j gined to (i t) [pu t upon i t]And does a dark [ihady] Tree en compafs the augull

Doors ? 40

Whether, becau f'

e that Hau fe has deferved'


TriumphsO r becan 12 i t i s always beloved by the Leamdian God

0 : whether or not (is i t), hecaufe that is fefl ivous? Or,

becau fe i t makes all Things fefiivous

Or is that the Sign of P eace which he gives to the

E arth

And as the Laurel is always green, nor is cropt with a

fadinggaining] 4S

Leaf : So that as an everlafiing G lory .

The Cau l'

e of the Crown put upon it,the Writing

w itnefli ng,Shews the Ci tiz ens faved by the Help of this Man.

Befi:Father, add one Ci tiz en to thofe thatare faved,Who being expell


l ies hidden a- f'

ar i n the utmoli

(P art of the) World. 50

In which , not W ickednefs, but his Mifiake has him,The Cau f


e of the Puni fhments, which he con fefi'

es him'

fc lf’

to have de ferved .

Wa tchedme, I fear the P lace, and revere the mighty

1 an,

And our Letter quakes w i th a trembling Fear.

Daft thou fee the Paper to grow pale w i th a bloodlcf!

Colour 55

Doll thou fee the alternate Feet to have tremb led

I pray the Hou fe fometime appealed w i th my Parent,Thou mayfi be feen u nder the fame Matters.

F rom thence I am condufi ed w i th an equal Fear, byhigh Steps

To the lofty white Temples of'

the u npolled God. 60

Where the Belides are alternate Signs on mangeCo


a barbarous Father w ith a drawn Sword.

And what things the Antients and the new Men [Modem s]made

With a learnedBreafl, lie open to he inl'

peaed by tbofi

about to read. 3 I

E L E G Y II; 5 ;

I (m ist my Bréthren, that is to fay , thafa excepted, 6 ;W h ich their Father wouldhave wiihed. not to have beo

3 80mm s

The K eeper appointed , c ommanded me, fecking in vain

To go away from thofi: Seats , 3 facred P lace.

I go to other Temples joi ned to the neighbom' ing


al fo are not to be gone to by my Feet.

Neither did Liberty fufl'

er me to touch i ts Courts,Which firft[before] lay open to learned Books.

The Fortune of the mi ferab le Author redound’s toas]his Ofispri ng,

And (we his)Sons fufi'

er the Exile w h ich be has born .

Perhaps in time to com , 040 w i ll be left fevere,both

to us and to 75H im,

being overcome by a longYe G pray , and (To Gafar thou greatefi Deity , be

nt [favourab le]To my wi fh, for neither is the Company to be entreat

cd by me )In the mean time, bec ausethe publick Station is that to


May i t be lawfu l [granted] to have lain concealed in at ivate P lace. 80

And al 0 y ou common Hands,i f i t be lawful, take our

Verfes conFu l'

edWith the Shame of a Repu l l




H AT then, was i t in my Defiiny to fee Scy

{bid 3A the Ia n

d which l ies under the Lyman?” Axis PAnd have neither ye P ierides, not the Latoeia Race, a

learned CompanyAfl


orded H elp to your P rieft?

Nor does it profit me, that I have play’

d [jetted] w i thdu t a true


[Real] Crime, and that my Mufe is more Jocofe than

(my) Li fe. But



F by perchance thou wondereft why this h iy Epifileis ~ written

By the Fingers oFanother ; I w as li ck.

I was fick i n the u tmol'

t P arts of,an unknown Orb

[World],And in a man ner

, u ncertain of my HealthEb if'

e].What Mind doll thou think to be


to me ly ing in'


dreadfu l Region, 5Among the Sarma tiam and Gates ?

I den’

t bear (w ell) the Heaven [Climate], nor are we

ac cu ftomedTo thol


e W aters, and the Land i t l'

elf does not pleafeafter I can

t tell what Manner.

Not aHou l'

e fufli c iently fit, not Food profitable for a


fiek Man

There is‘

none who can lighten theMalady w ith Apollo'


H and, . 10

Not a Friend is prerent who can [may] comfort (me)not (one)

Who by‘

relating, may deceive the times palling on(lowly,

I lay t ired among the utmofi P eoples and P lacesAnd whatfoever is wanting, now comes to Mind tome

aff e cted.

When all things come to Mind, yet (thou 0) Wi fe,overcomeft I s

All things, and holdeftmore than a P art inmy Breaft.I (peak to thee ab ient

, my'

Voice names thee on lyNo Night comes to me w ithout thee, no Day , c


Moreover, they fay, meto have fpoken firange things,As -thy Name


was in the Mou th of (me) delirious . 2 0

If now IMom,and my Tongue being fupprefl


ed in myPalate,

Scaz ce to be reflored. W ine bein dropped in.

( If ) anyT

one {hall tell (me) aLa y to have come, I canrt e

And the Hope of thee wi ll be’

Gaufe of Vigour to me.There.

E L E G Y 111.

Therefore I am doubt ful of Li fe P erhaps thou there,z s

K now ing our (Affliction), leadefi a pleafant Time

[Li fe].

You don’

t do this,molt dear, I affirm, i t is man i fefl to

Not bu t a’

forrow fu l time to be led to [by]thee withou t me.

Neverthelels,i f my Lot has fu lfilled the Yearswhich

i t ought :

And an End of Liv ing is prefent l'

o qu ickly to me ; 30

0 great Gods, how great aMatter was i t to (pare (me)ready to peri lh,

That at lealt I might be buried in my own CountryG round

Or the P un iihment had been deferred to [til l] the timeof Death,

Or baay Death had antic ipated [prevented] Banditment.

I have been able lately, perfeét [fafe] to give up Liliawe ll : 3 5

Now Life is given me that I may die an E xile.(What) then (h all we [I] die Io far off on unknown


And fltall (my)Fates become fom wfixl by thevety

P lace

Neither does my Body langu i fh in an accufiomed Bed ?

Nor {hall there be any who {hall lamen t me buried 40

Nei ther {hal l (mall times come to my Sou l .My Miftrell


s Tears falling on my Face.

Nor fli all I give Commands? Nor {hall a friendly Hand

C lore (my) langu ifhing E c s w ith the lail:Ou tcry ?But {hall a barbarous Lan cover thi s Head unbewatled:

w i thou t a 45Funeral

, w ithou t theHonou r of a SepulchreW l lt thou be

any thing troubled in the whole Mi nd,w hen thou {halt hear (i t) ?

And wi lt thou beat (thy) faithful Breafts wi th a (troutHand

what at all, {presidi ng thy Arms in v

ain towards thereP arts


Wi lt thou call upon the entpty Name of a mi ferableH usband ?


Neverthele l'

s,(pare to tear (thy)Cheeks, and to rend


My Light, I {hall not now be the firft time taken from

t Rc

Do thou think me to have been loft then, when I loftmy Country .

And that has been to me' the firfl: and molt grievousDeath.

Now (my) bell:Wi fe, i f'

perhaps thou cani'

i; but thou

can“not 5 3Rejoice at (0 many Afllia ions , beingfini ihed by Death.Whi ch thing thou c ant} do

,make the Afllifi ions leis

by hearing (them)With a c ou rageous Heart, to which long fince thou


t not an unacquain ted Breath

And I w ilh ou r Sou ls may peri lh wi th the Body , andn o P art

To [of ]me may efcape the greedy [devouring] funeralP i les .

For if the Spixi t wanting Death, fly aloft into theempty 6 1

Air, and the Say ings of the Sam ian oldMan are ratified ;A RomamSou l) (hall w ander among Sarmatian Ghofts


And {hall alwa)s be a Gueil: among fierce Ghofls.

Yet do thou cau l'

e (that my) Bones be laid up in a

(mal l Urn ,So I {hall not be an Exi le, when I am) dead too.Not any one forbids this : The [ bebam Sill er put (her)


Slain i n a Grave, the K ingforbiddi (it).And mingle t hefe w ith Leaves, an the P an ace a!

Amou n t , 0

Andpu t (them) feal'


[lamup] in the:Ground olf t he‘


And cut in theMarble of theTomb in large Letters,Yet fet which a . Traveller may read with a haftening

By e.


When a heavy Burthen [Weight] {i nks Nets joinedtogether

If I my felt’

an Admoni iher, had been warned of thelethings

Before , perhaps I had been (now) in the Ci ty , in whichI on ht.

While I l ivegd w ith thee, whi le a l ight Air carried me,

This Boat of mine ran through ai ll Waters. 1 5He that Falls on plain Grou nd. (y et this (carce happens)Falls that he can rife

,the Ground being tou ch


Bu t w retched E lpenor falling From a high Roof;H is mourn f


u l Ghofl met h is K i ng.

W hat was (the Real'

on) that D aedalu s moved l'

afeW ings ?And Ica ru s l igned great Waters w i th (his)Name ? 2 1:

To w i t, becau le he flew high, and be lower

For both had W i ngs not thei r own .

Believe me, he that has lain concealed well, has livedw ell


Every one ought to remain w ith in his Fortune.

E umedes had been bereaved, i i'

his Son foo li lh lyH ad not loved Achi lles

s Horfes.

Neither i i‘

Merap: the Father had taken Pbaeton, nei

ther had he

Seen (his) Son in the Flame, and (his) Daughters in a


Al fo do thou always fear too h igh t'

:ings,And mindfu l of thy P u rpofe, c ontract (thy) Sails.For thou art worthy to ru n the Space ol


Li fe with an


Foot , and to enjoy a more c andid Fate.W hich that I ma vow [wi fh] for thee, thou defervelb

by a mi ld,

P iety, [kind D i l'

pofition].And by a Fidelity {ticking c lofe to me at all TimesI have l


een thee griev ing (at) my Fate w ith fuch aCountenance,

As i s credible to have b een in‘

hty (own)Face.I hqve feen thy Tears la lli

’aFu on our Face,

Wh ich, and the faithfu l oi'


saI have drank at one

(and the fame) 40


And now al fo thou defendell thy taken away Friendw i th thy Study [good W i ll],

And l ightencfl Affli ct tous, lcarce to be l ightened i n anyn-

art .

Live w ithou t Envy, and pafs foft [eafy]Years i nglon ous,

Andjoin equal F riendfltips to thy felt"


And love the Name at thy Nafo, the only thing whichyet is 4 5

Not ban i lh ed. Srj tbx'

m Pentaxhas the rea

The Land


next to the Stars of the Eq maatbim Bear

hol 5

Me, a Land parch’

d w ith froz en Ice.

B jpbora: and I'

dnaz s, and the Scythian MarfhesArc beyond, and a few Names of


a P lace, fcarce fufi c iently know n . 5°

Beyond there is nothing, unle l’

s a not hab itab le Cold,Alas hown igh is the u tmofl: (P art orthe) Earth to me !

But my own Country i s a great Way o f,my deareit

W i fe is a great

Way off , and w l iatfoever has been fweet to me,befides

thefe two.

Yet thefe are ih abfent, as which it is not to tou ch w i ththe Body , 5 5

They are all to be Teen w ith my Mi nd.

(My)Hou l'

e, the C ity , and the Form of the P laceswandersbefore (my) b yes .

And all things (that are) done t l'

u cceed in thei r P laces.

The Imég

e of (my)W i fe, as (if ) preren t is before (my)yes,

She makes my Afflia ions heavy. ihe makes (them) l ight.This makes heavy , becau fe ihe is abfent , this makes

l ight, that me 6 !

Shews Love, and_(bei ng) confiant defends the Burden

laid on her.

Al l'

o (ye my) Friends do c leave to our Breath,

W hom I defire to call [mention] every one by hisNa


But cau tiou s Fear reflrains the K indnefs, and I thinkThem to be unwi lling to be put [mentioned] in my

Verfe. Betore

E 1:E G Y VI. J;A

hd that I may not relate the-A'

ngers'bffi ffitum

édQ'othe more mi ld

He is the Son i n-Is aw of 7am,t fli es iF




Lafl ly , I am not ab le to hope For ‘

no Safety ,W hen the Catt le of my l

u n i lhmenr is not Bloody ;

No t the Head or'

Caffil r, w hi ch was the Head of theWorld

, 45H as been aimed at by me, fecking to put all things infi



on lu li tm.


I have hot laid an y thi ng; and [nor]the Tongue h‘




pokc n v iolentThings, or have profane W ords efcaped f out


g f “1,IV ou th by too mu ch “ i n c ;

I am pu n i thed, becaufe (my) Eyes unawares, have feena Crime


And my F au lt is to have had Eyes,I ndeed, I


am not able todel’en'

d ‘t he3 whole Fault ;b u t 1 rror has l


art o f ou r [my]Crime fTherefore H ope remains ( him) about t t


o do, tli‘


may mo l‘i f'

y [mitiga'

e](My) P u n i ihment , by the Condi tion oi

’ '

a éhahgeflP lace.

I w ith w hi te [bright]Luc ifer, the Forerunner of fhe 55R ifing oi the neat Lbright]Su n , would bring thi s (Mel.

lago on a galloping Horfe.


0 S T dear Friend, thou w i lt not difl‘


b létheCovenant a f our

Frin m hip, nei ther c anft thou,i f by


chance thouwoh ldeft.

For whi le i t might be, neither . another was dearer tome than thee,

Tor more c lofely united, in the whole Ci ty .


that love was (0 noted { teftified} to the"P eopllethat i t was in a Manner 6

Al inoft better known than

gi ou arid I (our {elves}3

66 E L E G Y .V'

I .

$54.0a Candor ofMind which is in thee to (your)~

dear Friends,JF KMWH to tha Man whom thou ,

ferve& [lov efl].Thou didit conceal nothi ng, (0 that I was not contexous

[acquai ntedA'

ndthottc ommitte it many Things to be kept in myBreaft.


And th

fidwatl one to whom I told whatfoev er Sec ret I

Except that which h e deftroy’

d me.‘Afld

talfil i l


thou hadtl kn own that,thou w ouldfl bl "


d a fate Compan ion,And (it Friend, I had been fate by thy Adv ice ,

B u t -in ruth, my Fates did draw me into P u n i lhment,

They {but up all Pafl'

age o i good P rofit .16

Yet i f this t wi l cou ld be avoided by being w ary ,Or no Reafon is o i


av ai l,to overcome Fate

Neverthelefs, O thou molt (c lol'

ely)joined [u n ited]COme b) long Ul e

LCon‘verfationj h in aManner, the greateft f art o f my

Defire.2 0

Be,they mindfu l, and if Favour [goodW i ll]has made

any S trengths

To i thee, I entreat you would make Trial of them

for“ me.That the Anger of the offended Deity may be more

mi ld ,And

‘my P un iflrmc nt ' may be let'

s, the P lace being


And that (0 , i f no W i ckednel’

s is in my Breal'


An di.1Mifiate has the prin c ipal of my \ C rime .

Nei ther ts i t Ihoxt nor li fe to fay by what C hance»

My Eyes are made c on lc iw s o l the deadlyO

Faa .

And (my)Mi nd tears [trembles] at that I ime as i ts

Wou ndsAnd the Grief becomes new at the Admon i t ion [rec

mcmbrance] 3 0


whatfoeyer l hings Io are able to bring Shame“

II:Lbc comfl h (hvm to hp .Vfii lfid;

(SQVfll g IYICII b li nd

a k Ni th eL0 3 .J 3 hThere

E L E G Y v i i . 67

Therefore I w i ll relate nothing, but me to have offended


(Bu t no Rewards (were)fought by that. Sin [Offences].And my C rime t: o, ought tt 0 he c alled Fol ly , 3 5I f you W i ll gi ve true Names to the Deed.

Wh i ch thi ngs , it they are not lo, feck another P lace,w here I

May be farther off , (may this Land be a Country Hou l'


to me.)


E TT E R ht i ng fin iihed, the faithfu l Mel engerO i my t pc c ch ,

Go fuddc n ly , falute P eri lla .

Thou tha lt find her either fitting w ith (ha ) fweet[dear]Mother


Or among b ooks and her Mu fes .

W.ll at lbc ver 1he is doi ng, h e w i ll leave, when ihe (hallknow thee to 9

Be come : Nor delay , {he w i ll ask, why thou comet},and w hat [how] I do.

You ibali la) me to li ve ; bu t fo that I would not l ive

Neither narc) my Aflliétions lightened by (0 long a

de la

.And yet tj bave returned to the Mures, al tho’

theyhav e bu t t (me),

And toF

c t mpe l [c ompol’

el apt Words in to alternate

Ct t. 10

Do thou a ll}. fay , what dofi thou fl ick c lore to.

thy common Stu I( S ,

And in g learn t d Verfes a ftt rt hy Coun try iManner

For n a tu re has 6IV€ D to thee chafirb l anners w i th thyh u e,

‘And tare l ndawments and W i t [Gen ius].I ti rtl:co nd u c

t h t u is'

to the P gaju m btreams, left a

Vt' i n o i

Iicrtile Vi ate: thould.

i lly pcriih.

E L E G Y VIII . 69

Behold I, when I want my Country , and you m ci (my )Hou fe, 4 4;

And what were ab le to be taken from m , are fnatcht

From me ;Yet I am ac compan ied w ith, and enjoy my Genius

Cdf z r cou ldHave no Right i n [againft] this.

Any one may finiih th is Li fe \w ith a c ruel Sword,Yet Fame wi ll be furvi v ing, I being dead. 50

And w hi le warlike Rome, being v ictorious, ihall beholdthe O rb

[World] timed From its (even Mountains

, I ihall berea

Thou alfo, whom a» happier Ul'

e of Study awaits, eficape thou

The funeral P i les (that are coming,) as much l e thum:

ca n


0 W I could w iih tomount theChariot of Triptolem a s, w ho

bent [call] rude [untried] Seed i nto the unkhowGrou nd.

Now I w ou ld bridle the Dragons of Medea , which Cvrmt/J hath

Had, fly i ng from thy Tower.

Now I cou ld w 1fh to take W ings to be fluttered, eitherthine O s

P erfem , or thine D z da lm .

That the tender Air giv ing Way to my F l t, I mightfee fudden



The fweet Grou nd of my ow n Cou l'


And the Face of (my) forfaken‘Hou fe, and my mindful

Compan ions ,And efpec ially the dear Face oF (my) W i fe.

Why loo lifhly doll: thou w ifh in vai n for there Things;

w ith chi ldi ihWi lhes , which not any Day does bring or will bring“ !

thee If

E L E G Y vm.

It then.

m l! w ith ones, adore theD i v in ity of AugxdhmAnd pray to that ( s od ,

af ter a due Man ner, whomthou ha ll Mc [had Experienc e of ].

He can de li ver W irgs and a Chariot to thee : Let hl m

bu t give a 1 5Retu rn . t h ou w i lt prefec tly b

ea Bi rd.

If I pray torm a le tn irgs , (tor neither am I able to prayzor greater)

I fear le tt my W i lli e'

s {hou ld be not model}.

P erhaps he w i ll (eonde leend) to be asked for thi s in

1 Ln : to c om

W ith a fo l l ieitou s Mind, then when he thall now havelis t i u t-rd t h i s) A nger. 2 0

In the mean Time, whic h is lei'

s,and equal [the like]

of a large Donation to me,Let him c ommand me to go any

where from thefeP la c

es .

Nt ithc t the Heaven [Climate]norWaters , nor Lands;nor Aim, do make

[Agree w ith] lhr me Woe is me, a perpetual Li nn

guor has my Body .

VVhethc-r the Lon zagions of a l ick Mi nd v itiate (my)I imbs, 2 5

Or whether the Catt le of theMalady to me is in theRegion [L limateJ.

As I touc hed P umas, want of Sleep perplexes me, andthe


s fcarcely covers (my) Bones nor does Food

plea l'

. (my ) l am e.

And the L o lou r which Is in the Leaves, (mitten W ith

the b rtt Cold i n Au tumn,And the new W in ter has hurt. 3 °

That holds my Limbs : Nor am I made eafy by 01?Verles ,

blot cau l'

e o l'

comp'ain ing Grief is ever ahfen t .

INor am I better i n Mind than in Body ; but ei therPart is

Equally li ck, and I hear two Lolf -

S [Inju ries].

Am} the Form of‘

my Fortune (l anding to be teen , flicksBeforemine Eyes. as a Body that may b

e beheld.


E L E G Y 1X .

And when we [I]difcern the P laces , the Manners c fthe Meh, and

The Ore lfc s . and Sound [Voice], and i t comes into

(my Mind)What I am ,

and what I have been ; the love of Deathis ft) great,

That I comp lain o f the Anger of Caj ar, that he doesNot avenge his O ffences w i th the Dw o rd . 40

Bu t becau l'

e he hath once u led his Di l'

p leal'

ure c iv i lly ,may

My F light EBan ilhment] be lighter, the -F lace beingc hansed.

E L E G T IX .

E. R E are al l'

o Grecian Ci ties (who could believe(u ) a

Among the Names of inhuman Barbari fm.


o H usbandmen fent from Mi letum,have come hither,

And have .bui lded Grecian Hou les among the Gates.

But the old Name to this P lace, when the Ci ty was

anc ien tlyPounded, is c eatain to have been from the Mu rder of

Affi rms.For impious Medea fly i ng from (her) deferted Father in

a c hi

Which was ngade by the Care of fight ing Minerva,

Fi f i]: ran through u n tri ed Waters,

Is la id to have appli ed the m e to there Fords.

Whom as the /Aateh faw afar of! from a high HeapHe fai th


Cucfl comes f rom Celeb” , I know the Sai ls.

Whi le the Mi nn tremble [are in a hurry] whi le the

Cable is let lon t'


F rom the Mo le w h l lc the Anchor being drawn, fol

Inws the fw i lt Hands ;Cairba (mi tes (her) Breall s .

eon feion s of (her) 3 4 cher H and hav ing dan d 7

And being about to d are many horrible things.

E L E G Y X .


the Sa n c tion Oxen drew barbarous Carts over

the new

Bridges, the Waves flicl ing underneath.

Indeed I can fcarce be believed ; bu t there being no

Rewards ot falfity , a 3 5Wi tnefs ought to have his F idelity [Tefiimony] rat i

fied [believed].

I have feen the great Ponfus [Sea] to confill of Ice,

And flippery Shel ls did ptefs the immovedWaters.

Nor is it enough to hav e feen (i t), I have trodden upon the hard Sea

And the uppermofl:Wave was under a Foot not wet. 400 Leander, i f fuel) a Sea had been to thee once,

Thy Death wou ld not have been the Crime of a nar

row Water.


o nei ther the c rooked Dolphins are able to l i ft upo


In the Air : Hard W inter keeps in them attempt ing.

And altho’

Bored: makes a Noi l'

e with c lapping [fluem int]





et e


ts noWave tn the Wh i rlepool [Sea]ai‘

an tc

And the Ships w ill {land hemm’

d in with Frofl: [Ice]as w ithMarb le


Neither is the Oar able to divide the rigid [ME]Waters.

I have l'

een F iihes ftick bound in the Ice

But P art of them alfo then w as al ive. 50

Therefore whether or no the fevere Power of too muchBoreas refirains

The SeaWaters, or thol

e that are redundan t from the


P refently a barbarous Enemy i s brought in on a (wife

Horfe, IflerBei ng made plain by dry ingNorth W i nds .

An E nemy well skilled [mighty] in Haf fes, and an

Arrow fly ing a great Way, 5 5

Lays wal'

te the Neighbouring Ground far and near.

O thers

E L E G Y X I.

Forwhich Invent ions, that thou mayi'

tRewat d'

P rel'


w ith P rerent ,11 pray give [me]Rewards worthy . my Ingenu


ty. 50

H e had l’

poken : But P bd eri s i aid, admirab le Inven

tor of’

Pu niihmen t, do than being prefen t make the firft. Experiment thy ow n Work,

any Delay : Bei ng c ruelly burned withthe (he wed

' P.i res, he uttered complaining Sounds w i th a groaningMouth.

What to me [have I to do] w ith Sic ilian ! among Sq tbi .am and Getes ? 5 5E Complaint . returns upon thee, (wbofoemt 011 - 8 1


And that thou may ft be able to fill [quench] thy Thiritwi th my Blood;

13nd mafift hear what Joys thou . wi lt w i th a greedy .


k have fuffered in many Afll iet ions fly ing by Land, fomany

By Sea, that I ihould think thy (elf alfo to be able to

grieve, the )being heard. 60

Believe .me,i l l ]? e: be. compared to me, theAnger of

NeptuneIs l efsi than ; that . of yupz



has been.

TLherefore whol'

oever thou art, don’

t refc ind [renew]the Crimes,

And being cruel , take away theHands from the grievoq ound.

An d that the Forgetfu lnefs of my Fault may lefi’

en the

CSisfortunes] tog ether .an E l


car [to

of human Condition, which exalts


and depre themdnwa, .do thou .


What to thee [halt thou to do]w ith Pmtm For hasthe Anger of Cafar

cent thee to be c ru lh

d [to be hurt]- ihto the u tmoll:Ground ol


the World ?

Forfooth , doll thou c apei t the u fual honour of the Cu f

tom to thee

That a whiteGarment ihould hang frommy Shoulders ?T hat the fumed [incen fed] Altar he htm tupafied with

flouri fh i ng [flow ery] C rowns, 1 5And a Crum ot


folemn [aeeu ftomed] Frankiheeniefound in the F ires ?

And t hat I give Cakes for thee, denoting the genital


I ime

that I conceive good Prayers wi th a favouringMouth

I am not fo placed, neither thol'

e times are to as,

That I can be joy fu l at thy coming. 20

Ah Altar of a Funeral , (u tr'

ounded w i th a deadly Cyprefs fuits me,

And a F lame ready [pmpared]for rai ling funeral P i les .Nor does i t l ike (me) to give P rankincen l




[obtaining] nothingOf the Gods : Nor do good Words come into (my

Mind) in lo great Afliiétions :Yet i

sy Thing is to be asked by me in this LightDay

I ray may l’

tJthou not return any more to thel


e P laceshi le P on tw , in a manner, the u tmolt Part of the Earth,

Called E uxinas by a fal l'

e Name,‘

has me2 5

E L E G T X lV.


Nfavourer and holy P refident of learned

t en,

0 b riend, who alwaysmaltell:to [Favourelt]my Genius .Doefl thou now al l


o take care [beware]left thou ihou ldell feem wholly

To be wanting, as thou once waft'

wont, to celebrate

me be ing in iafety .


Do you any Thing regard my Verfes, the Arts onlyexcepted, 5

Which have hurt their At tilt .

Nay do

Igo, I pray (thou) fiudious [a faveurer] of newoets


And as

cfar as thou ean il:keep my Name (up) in thel ty .

F light [Bagi ihment] is pronounced to me, flight is nospronounced to my Books ,

Who have not deferved the P unithment of their Matter.The Father often a Fugitive, i s banifhed to the u tmofl:

Coafls ; t 1

Yet i t is law fu l to the Sons of a banilhed Man to be i n

the C i ty .

Verres c reated [produced]‘

by me, without M otheralter the Example

O i Pa llet , are this Stock, and my Oflspring.

I recommend this to thee,whi ch by how muth it is

more bereaved of 1 9Its P aren t , by fo much the

greater w i ll the Burthen beto thee the Defender.

There are three Sons to me who have followed (are)[i nfeaed wi th] ou t Contagion

Let the reft of the Company be thy Care publ ickly .

There are all'

o three times five Volumes of'

a c hanged


Vet l'

es fm tcht from the Funeral of their Mail er. 2 0

That Work has been able to have a more certai n Nani cfrom

The lail Hand, i f I had not peri ihed firit.

Now i t comes (forth) uncorreet into theMouths of theP eople,

I f yet any Thing of mi ne is in theMou ths of theP eople.

Yet pu t this, I know not what in our Books, 2 5That which comes, rent to thee front aWhi ch wbol


oever (hall read,i f


an one ihall read(it,) lethim reckon [c onfiderl fi



At what Time, and in what P lace it was contpol’


E L E G Y I .

TheLabour of'

an Hand-maid together finging, together

[at the fameTime]Drawing [Spinn ing] the given _

Tasks i s deceived anddecei ved [not to much percei ved}

And forrow ful Achi lles is reported the Lj rncflimz (Maid)being

Lead away , to have called [lc fi‘

ened] his Cares w ith a

H arp o i E mam’

a .

When Ombeas by flinging, had drawn theWoods along,And the hard Stones

,w as lbn ow fu l, his W i le bei ng

tw ic e loft.

Al fo the Mu le cafes me, going towards the commanded

P laces of Pon tus, ihe only has remained a Companionof my F light.

She alone nei ther fears among the Treacheries [Am'

bu lli es] nor the

Tbracian Darts [Weapons], nor the Winds , nor the

Barbarity .

Alfo ihe kflno

gvs,what Error deceived me, w hen l pe

rt e

And a Fau lt, not a Wicke'


s, to he in my Fae} .

I ndeed, For that very Reafon {he is now propi tious ,which was 2 5

Againli me, when {he is condemned, (as) gui lty of a

joined Crime w i th me.

Indeed, I w iflt (me) not to have pu t (my)Hand to the


I hings of the

P ierides, (becau le they have been abou t to hu rt (me).Bu t now w hat may I do The Power i t (elf of (ac ted

(Ri tes) holds me,AndMad-man bei ng hurt w ith Verl

e, I love Veric . 3 3

So the?otos tafied by the Dah


cbian Palate, was pleaan t

By the Reli lh ,by which

- i t hurt.

One lov ing [i n Love], c ommonly feels his Loa'

t s

[hurts]; yet he c leavesTo them and pu rfues theMatter[Cau fe] ofjbis Fau lt.Al fo Books delight me

, I


they have hurt (me), 3 5And I love the Dart [Weapon] that has made the

Wounds to me.


E L E G Y I .

P erhaps this Study [Affection]ma itemMadnefsBu t this Madnc ls has fon tething 0 Profit (in i t).It forbids the Mind . to be in View, [to pore upon] i ts

Afli ifi ions,And renders


u nmindful of the prefent Cafe [Misfortune]. 40

And as a Ba ccbz’

an Woman being fore, does not feel (her)Wound


Whi le the is flupified, hav ing how led on the Idea):

(H i ll) Tops.

50 when my Breall s grow warm,being moved by the

lhc red Tby tfus,The Spiri t is higher than a human Calamity .

That neither is l’

enfi ble of Bani ihment, nor the Shoresoi Scytlmm 45

Pentax, neither (is fenfible) to have the Gods angrAnd as i f I had drank Cups of loporiferous 14 ! e, (0

the Sen fs ofA

dverfe T ime is ab i'

en t from me.

Therefore I reverence the Gods making light my Miliétions,

The folhc itous Companions of Flight from Heltron. so

And hav ing defigned to follow my Footli eps partly bySe"

P artly by Land, or in a Ship, or on Foot:

I pray thel'

e at lealI may be eal'

y [propi t ious] to me

For the tell

O f the Company acts w i th great Cctfar.And heaps up (upon) me fo many Adverfittes, as the

Shore has 5 5Sands

,as man as the Sea Filli es, and a t h Eggs.

You -w i ll firfi fooner]number the F lowers in the Spri ng,the Eats of Com in

The Heat [Summer], the Apples in Au tumn , and theSnow s .ih the Colds ;

Than the E v i ls that I ruti‘

er tofl'

ed (about) through the

whole W orld,Whilll:wretchedMan, I make to the Shores oi Buz inas

E L E Gi


H . 91

H e fierce, and y et burn ing w ith hofii le E)es, was theExhorter

O i the F ight, and the Coum’

el [Coun felior]This perfidious Man, who covers (his) flovén ly Face

w ith H airs

Hanging, has decei ved ou r Men wi th the Fraud ofP laces"

They fay the Bodies taken (Captive), flain [butchered]to God often 3 5

Refi l li ng, by him beingMinifier who follows.This Lake, thefe Mountains, thete Caftles fo mafiy , To

many R ivers

Were Fu ll of ficrce Slaughter, full of Blood.w

Drujm once ‘ meri ted S im ames i n thefe Lands, . and the


P rogeny was worthy i of the P arent.

This w ith broken Horns illy covered with (Ulva)greenMallows is the

R h ine i t (el f di fcolou red w ith its own Blood.

For 10,E

Germanj is carried w ith ( i ts) Hair about (its)ars,

And fits forrowful under the Feet of the inv inc ible Ge

neral. 4

And y ielding Neck to the Roman Axe,Carries Bands wi th that Hand, wi th wh icb . fhe bare

Arms. 46

Cefaij, thou art carried oabove thefe i n -a v iétor Chariot,

in Fa r leAc cording to ufiom,

through theMou ths of thyP eople.

And where thou goefi, thou {halt he c lapped round

abou t by the H ands of thine,And the F lower eqexy where thrown covering the

-Way .

Thy Temples are encompafl'

ed with a s betmLaurel ,and the Soldier sr

Sifl gs Io, Io Triumphc , wi th a great [loud]Voice.Thou fee“the fou r yoked H orfes often to refifl , grow:

i ng hot w i th the Sound

[Noife], glfo theclappipg, and theNoife.Q

E L E G Y 111.

When being placed i n the highefi Axis, ye fee all things,And do not go under the w efiern Waters of the SeaAnd your C irc le encompafii ng the E therial Axis wi th

his Embraces , 5Stands out from the untouch

d Ground.

I pray (you), behold thofe Walls that Remus of Iliais related

Once not happi ly to have paired over.

And turn ye (your)bright Countenance upon my Militrefs [W ife],


lc t her be mindful of’

me,and all


o relate it tome.

Woe is me,why do I feek after things which are too man i fell 1 t

Why does my Hope flag, mingledwith doubtful PearBelieve, that i t is as thou wouldefi: have, and leave of

to fear lafe Things,And let there be to thee a certain Fai th, of a certain

Faithfulnc fsAnd do than relate to thee [thy felf w ith a Voi ce not

abou t to l ie, (that)whi ch

The F lames fixed to the Pole cannot tell thee.Be mindfu l of thy (elf, concerning whom the greatel


tCare is to thee

And that he ma have thy Name with him.

She c leaves to ichs inj thy Countenance [Eyes], astho

P refen t, and being remote, a far ofi’,loves thee, i t h e

is bu t al ive 2 0

What any Thi ng, [what], when theMind fick lies injufl: G rief, does m i ld

S leep depart from your admoni lhed [folli c itous l Breafl:Do Cares then come to Mind, whi le the Bed and the

P lace touches

Thee, and does not fu l’fer (thee) to be forget fu l u f meDo Heats come , and Night feem immen fe [v ery long ? 1And do the t ired Bones o f the toffed Body grieve


I ndeed, [ doubt not, but thefe things, and the other

may be

And thy Love may give Signs of forrowful Grief.


E L E G .Y “1 11. 95

Where is that t ime in which thou'

ufedfl: to boafl thyfeli


c i thyHu sband, and not to difl

emb le'

theName of theMan

Where is the Time in which (l inemember) i t del ightedthee to be c alled 5 ;

Mine, (un lefs you wou ld not-have thore things men ti

oned) !And as i t 15 an hanefi Woman

, I

plealed thee in everyAc comph lhment : 1 he Love of ( thee) favouring ( ln c)


many things to the True.

Neither was there any otherMan whom you preferred,or wou ld rather have to

Be thine, ( ih great a matter I did fcem to thee). 60

Now al fo Shame ought to be ab fcnt, left i t fhou ld alhame

(thee) thatThou art married to me, and thy Grief ought not to

be (abl'

ent) hence.

When rath Capanem fell w ith a fudden Blow , you d onot read

a dne to have been aihamed c i (het) Husband.

Nor becau l'

e the K ing of the World quenc hed Firesw ith F ires, 6 ;

Pbaetan him l'

el f‘

was to be den ied by his (Relations).Nei ther

_is Semele made a Stranger. to her Fa ther God

mus ,

Becaufe bei ng ambitious, {he perifhed by her own

P rayers .

Nei ther let a pu rple Blu lh be made in the foft Face tothee,

Becau fe I am {truck w ith the fierce Fi res of j upi ter. 70But ri fe more into


the Care of defending me, and be anE xample of a good Wi fe to me .

And fill the forrow lu l Matter [Cau fc or Argument]with thy Virtues,

D ifli cu l t G lory goes through a flzeep Journey [Way].

W ho had known Heéior, if Eng had been prol'

perous z’


1 he Way of .Virtue is made publi ck by .Afflia ions.

E L E G Y IV. 97

Cd lor hinder i t, becaul'

e it is a publickr 1 5r Part is of the common Good.

permits hisNames to the W i ts oi Poets,xfers hin i felf to be celebrated by every Mouth.

Uau fe is fal'

e by the E xample of the Gods above;which this is beheld, and that is be lieved. 2 0

I ought not, yet I w ill have this (to be) 1Fau lt : b uy Letter was not at you rW i ll [Difpofal].

Neit her is our Injury new (In) that l fpeak w ith theeW i th whom,

bei ng i n fat’

ety, I often have fpoken .

Friend, by which thou tm-

yfi the leis fear that I be a

Crime to thee,

2 1Let the Author have the Envy, i f there is any.

For thy Father has been worihipped by me always from

(my) TenderYears , (thi s certainly) [at leall]do thou not difl



And (than art able to n member this)he approved my


en i us

More i ndu ct than I- deFM ed,my (elf being judge. go

And he did'rec i te of my Verl


es w ith that Mou th, in

W hich was a_

-Pm of lofty Nobil ity .


vt rtheltfi, not now Words aregiven to thee, that thatHou fe has received me, but before to thy Au thor.

Neverthelefs, neither are they given (believeme) buti n all Alas ,

Ii thou take away the lali , my Li fe is to be defended;


o thou wi lt deny this Fau lt, by which I have perilht h " cd; tol be

Iau impioty , i f'

the Series of l'

o great an Ev il be knownto thee.

E idanr”Bear orHirer, Errorwas again“[hurt]me firfl:

Ah, fuffer me not to have rememhred my Fate 40

Anddo not break openWounds by handling again (them)not et un iting ,

Scarcely. te it fe lt'

w i ll do themgood.

Therefore that I may fufl‘

er P un i lhment [with right]x .joltly ; So all W ickédne

And Coun l’

e l [Confultationfl has been ab l'

ent from myfi f ence.

E L E G Y VI .

As I want my Country , the Threihing-floor is tw ice

beaten w i th Fruit,Twice the Grape prefl


ed w ith the naked Foot fpirtedout.

Neither yet is P atience acquired by long Space,Andmy Mind has the Senfe of a frelh h v i l .

l ull as theold Hei fers often ibun the Yoke,And a tamed [broken]Horl


e al fo refill s the Bridle.Alfo the prefent Mifery is more fofiowful than the For

mer 2 5For it has increafed, that it may be equal to i t felf; and

is enerealed by Delay .

But my Afflia ions have been fo known to me as theym a

But they burden me the more by this, that they are

more know n.

(And) al fo i t is not the Ieaft, (them) to bring new


Neither to be before (pent by the Ev i ls of Time. 1 b

A new [Freih]Wrefl ler is iironger in the yellow Sand,Than (he)to whom the Arms are tired w i th flow delay .

A found [whole]Gladiator is better in gli tteri ng AmThan (be) to whom the Weapons are red, tinged with

his Blood.

1 Ship new ly made, bears well violent Storms 3 5old one is broken w ith a Shower, tho never (b



o we,'



hat Evils we have born, we bate more pat ient y ,

Before that they have been multiplied b y a long Day.Believe (me) I faint , and (as much as I guefs)Small times wi ll come to [be addedj to the E vi ls from

my BOdy o 40

For nei ther are there Strengths, not the Colour . ebat

was wont to be

I have fcarce a~

thin Skin which covers my Bones.

But (my)Mind is more {ich than the ti ck Body, and(l ands in

Survey round about of i ts Afl ifi ion without End.

. E L E G Y VII . 1 0;

The Face of the it"

abfent, my Companions, myCare[De 45

Are abl'

ent ; and W i fe is abl'

ent, than which none

is deater tome.,

The Scy thian Mob is prefent, and the breeched Multi .tude of Gate:

Se the E v ils I do fee, and dow t fee hurt (me).Yet one


Hope is [remains], which comforts me int cm

,H » l J

M Evil s net to be long Iaaing by my Death


H E Sun has come to me twice after the Coldsof a freez ing “ inter,

And has twice perfbrmed his Journey [Courre], P172 “being

' "



Why b? i?‘



by Right-Hand not been ofi eious in never

0 w

V erfe'

s for fo b ng a Time

Why has thy P iety [Ati'

eaion]ceafed, they writing,with whom a 5

Little Familiarity was w ith [to] me.Why while as often as I -hsve taken 06 the Bands

[Strings]fromPaper, hau l W h en have thyName t

The Gods grant, that a Letter has been often writtenby thy rightHand,

Bis:none brought to me of (theft)many . so

What I pray for is plain to be z I would fiaone bel ieve the Bace


Ma info'

to be. encompalfed with the Shaky Hair OfGo!

Dogs i n begunder the Womb oi theVirgin ; (there) to

be a Chimera,Whichg

d u the Lieneli froml the . fierce Snake bymes

Andj our-footedMen ina'

d Breath with Breaks. a“

sAnd a threedoubled ao, and a thtee doubled Dofin l

V erfe came to apt Numbers of its own accord, and

W hat I did attempt to w rite was Veric . 16

In the mean time, Years { l iding away w ith a filent Pace,The freer Gown is taken to (my) Brother, and to meAnd the P urple w i th a broad Stud i s put on the Shoul

ders, and

The Study [In c lination]which was before, remains tgas. 3

And now (my)Brother had doubled ten Years of Li fe,when he

P eriihed and [ began to want P art of me.

And we [31]took the fir“:Honou rs of tendet Age, andonce

I have been one P art oi'

the threeMen .

TheCou rt did [Study of the Law] remain Men;

fare of the Stud is con traéted 3 5That Bu rthen was greater than our Strengths .

Neither a Body patient, not (my)Mind was fit forLabour,

And I w as an avoider of folliei tous Ambition.~And the Aonian Sifters did perfuade to betake to fafe

Lei iures,Always beloved by my Iudgment .

I refpeéted and chei i ihed the Poets oi'

that time,and as

manyAs there were Poets, I thought Gods to b




co O ftent imes Ma rer, greater in Age, read his owls tome;and w hat

Serpen t huf-ts; and

-what ‘Herb helps.

Often times P rspertiu s (was) wont to rec ite his F ires

[Amour who was joined 4 ;To me, by the ht oF Companionih ip.Al fo Pon tzan Battu s, famou s b (his) beron k Iambic ,W ere the fweet Members 0 my Table [Mefs-mates]:NamerrfirHorace has detai ned my E ars , whi lehe firikesTrimmed [polite]Verfes on the Aaj am

an Ly te 50I only have feen Vzrg i l, nei ther have the covetous Fates

gi ven

Time of my Friendlhip with [tol TibaJIm.

E L E G Y'


0 Genus, Propertius w as Suc cefl'

or to him, this to thee,I was the fourth Irom thefe i n the order of time.

And as I (reverenc’

d) the E lders, the youngers reveren

And my Thal ia is made known not flow ly .

W hen firil: I read Juveni le Verres to the P eop le, theBeard was

b ut agai n tw ice or three t imes to me.

Corinna not called by a trueName by me, fung throughthe

Whole City iharpenecl my Genius.‘


Indeed I wrotemany things, but (thofe)which I thoughtfaulty ,

I gave committed] to the Fires to amend.

Then al 1;w

hen I fled, I burnt fome things about to

p ea c

Being an

lgty (my) Study andmy Yerfes.

A fai'

t cart was to me, neither unconquerable toCu

pid’s Darts

, 6 ;Andwhich a l ight Gau fe might move.

l et when I was here, and was kindled w i th the lcallF ire

No Fable wins u nder my own Name.A Wife

is given to me, in amanner a Boy , neitherw or

t y nor

P rofitable, which was a W i fe for a i bort t ime. 70

To her fucceeded a Wi fe, (who)al tho’

w ithout Fau lt , .Yet not about to be firm in our Bed.

The 11 11 w ho remained, to me till late Years, bore [endured]to be the

Wi fe of a baniihed Man .

My Daughter being fruitfitl, made me a Grandfathertw ice in the y

e;P rime of Youth, but not by one Husband.

And now (my) Father had ifilled up his Bates, and hadadded other

Nine ln fira to n ine lufira.

I wept no otherw iI'

C, than he was about to weep (for)

me taken awayI bore [I p Solemnit

ies of or to


E L E G Y X l l ! “

Both happy , and buried feafonably (in) that they diedBefore the Day of


my Pu n i ihment

My felf al l’

o happy, that I am not wretched,they being

l ivi n

And that thfy grieved nothing concern ing me.et i i


any thing remains to the dead befides Namesand a (lender 85

Shadow eIcapes the ereéted funeral P ilesP arental Ghofls, if my Fame reaches you, and InyCrimes are in the S lj g ian juftice ' Hall.

I pray , know ye, (nor is i t right me to deceive you)Error


W ickednefs, to be the Caufe of commanded Ban iihment. 90

This i s enough for the Ghofls : I return to you fiudious,Breafts, who

Inquire after the Tranfaétions of'

my LifeNow ga

y Headednefs c ame upon me. the better Yeats'

mgD riven away, and had mingled antient Hairs.

And after my Birth, the K night being Victor, crown'

dw ith a 95O live, had ten times bore away the Rewards.

hen the Anger of the offended Prince commands meto

Seek the Iflands of Tomas, fituated at the left of theE uxim Sea.

Al fo .theC aui'

e of my Fall [ruin]too much known toall,

Is not to be teftified by my D ifcovery. too

And why Ihould I relate the Crime of Companions, cminjurious Servants

P have how many things not lighter than Bani ihment.

(My)Mind took it in l ndignation to fink down underAfl ia ions,

And approved i t (elf invincible, making Ufe of its ownStren tbs.

And forgetfu of my (elf, and a Li fe led in Leirute, Itook the 1 05

Armsof the time with antnaccufiomed2

P . OV I D. NA S O’s

B o o n V.


Studious of us [me] add. al fo this littleaBooItto my four

Sent beib re fromt he Getitk Shore.Alfo this {hall be fuch as the Fortune of the Poet thou

w i lt find nothing;Sweet [g


ant] i n ,the whole Verfe.

As our tate [Condition] is lamentable, fo theVetfi:{hall be lamentable, S

The Wri tin a eei ng fw ith i ts Matter.





jand joy ful , l played merry and youthu thin s, Q

Neverthelefs noév i t irketh [repenteth]me to have compof


ed them.

As I fell, I celebrate the Intimations oi


the rudden Fall,And i ammy felf the Framer of my Argument. 1 0

And as the Cajfirien Bird is (aid ly ing on , a Bank, to 1

mourn herDeath w ith a fail ing [dy ing]MouthSo I being cait far ofl

into the Sarmatian Coafis, I cm feThat. the. P luieral -pafs notJ i iently tome.

E L E G Y I .

That which I complain of, ihe adminifiets to me from .

a full Fountain ,Nor are they my Words , bu t (theWords)of my Fate.Bu t i f thou reftore my Country , w ith my dearW i fe to

My Countenancemay be cheat fu l , and I may be what Ihave been before, 40

I f the Anger of i nvinc ible Cafe: (hall be more mild tome

I w il l 1101; give Verfes fu ll of joy to thee.Yet


my Letter does not play again as i t has play’

d, ai.tho

i t mayH ave once w antoned in my joke.I wi ll fing what he { hall approve ; only a Part oi


theP uni ihment 4

Being l ightened, l {hall efcape from the Barbarity , an“;

the c old Gem. 1

In the mean time, what do my Books a& [ treat cf ],un lefs (whet

Is)mou rnf'

u l ? That P ipe‘

agrees w ith my Funerals.But thou i


ay ft thou hadft been able to bear. Evi ls beat:by holdi n thy P eace,

And filently to i ii'

emble thy Cafes [Afi ia ions]. 150Thou require“ that no Sighs mould follow Torments,

and thou

Forbiddc fi:30 weep, a great ,Wound having been te


Pha laris himfel f permitted‘-

_to 1mm Lowings, and to


By the Mou th of'

the 0 11 in t he PerifleemBrag.

When Achi lles was not offended w ith the Tears of'



mus, doll:th‘


More cruel than xan Enemy , reftrain my WeepingsWhen the Latonian Offspring made Nio


be bereaved (ofChi ldren),

Yet ihe did not alfo command (her) to have dry Cheeks.It is fomething to make a fatal E v i l lighter by Words,This makes Prague complaining and Helga “. 60





nd let'

t he Altar bemade green with a gtafl'

y Turf,And let a plaited Crown c lothe the warm Hearths

Boy gi tx.

me Frankincenfe'

c aufing fat F lames, andme

Which poured forth in the piou s F ire, may hi l'

s. 10

0 bell Birth-day, altho’

we are ab l'

ent far ofi‘

, thanMay“ come here fair, and unlike to mine.And if the milerableWound which did impend, (my)

Mi li tefs '

Has thorou

fhly finilhed th y Evi ls for all Time [for



And the Ship that has been lately more than ihattercdby a 1 5

V iolent Storm,may go through a fal


e Sea, as for what

is to c ome,May {he enjoy (her) Houl

e, andDaughter, and Coun try .

Let i t ho fuflieient theic things to be taken away fromme.

And in asmuch.as ihe is' not happy in (her) dear Hubban

Let the other P art of (her) Life be free from a melancholy Cloud. 2 0

May (ha1live and love (her) Husband, ab ient, becaufe

e is IsCompelled, and may (he [pend (her)

‘Years, (being)

long l ived.And I would add mine

, but that .I fear lell:the Conta

gion of m y .

Fa te fhou ld corrupt what {he aéts. ‘

Noth ing is certain to Man who would think i t to beable to be done, as

That I ihou ld be able to perform there. l'

aered Rites inthe midft oi

Cetes a

See how the fwellingM’ind carries the Fumes [Smokes]Rifing from the Frankincen fe into the Italian P arts, and

the R ight-hand P lac es.

Therefore there is a Seul'

e in theMi ll s [Smoaks]whichthe F ire

Sends forth'

:The rel} in a manner flee [arebeyond]myApprehenfion. 3 0 1


And thy P iety had remained unknown, which thoumightell rather w ith ,

If their (proper)W inds had filled my Sails.Neverthelefs, O Gods,

and ("

afar about to go to theGods, but a long

Time hence, when thy Deeds {hall have equalled the

l k » Days. 60

Spare ye not me, who con fefs (my felf to have deferved P unifhment,

But her who grieves, being'

worthy of noGriefi.

E L E G I VL .

H 0 U al fo, once the Confidence [Trulig Re.l iance

] of ourAffai rs,Who wall. a P lace of Shelter tome, who (wait) a Hat e

bout to me.

Bofi thou al fo let go the Care of the received [undertaken] F riend,

And fo uickly layft down the pianoBurthen of OfliceK iadnefs]

I confers I am a Wallet [Earthen], which i f thou wail:now about to lay down , 5

In ourTime, i t hath anot been to b e undergone, [youhad better not have taken it up].

Palinurm, doll thou leave the Ship in the midft of theW aves,


t thou flee, neither let (thy) Fidel ity be lers thawthy Art

Hath the Lev ity oi’

faithfu l Automedm ever forfakenAchi lles

s Horfes among hard Battles? IO

Hath Podalirius ever not afforded the promi fed Aid ofthe Art of


P hyfick which he once undertookA Gael} is turned out —

c l‘

Doors more barely, than not

admitted,Let thic


Alaar be firm, that l ies open to my Right


1 3 0 E L E G Y VII .

The R ight Hand not flothfu l to gi ve Wou nds W i th a

draw n K n i fe,

Which every Barbarian has bound to .his Side. 2 0

Therefore, [then]0 (my) Friend, thy P oet, forgetfulof tender Loves,

Lives among .theic, fees theic , hears there.

But I w iih that hemay l ive, and not die among them,

And yet may the Ghoft[Soul]be abient from the hate

ful P laces !

(My) F riend, whereas thou ~writeil my Verfes to be

danced in a 2 5F u ll Theatre, and to be c lapped at my V erl


es .

(Thou thy feif lmoweft this), indeed I have done [wri tten]nothing

For the Theaters,neither is my Mu fe amb i t ious after

Applau fes [Claps].

Yet what foever hinders Forgetfulnei’

s of as, and bri ngs

back the

Name of a Fugiti ve to Mouths, is not ungrateful . 3 0

Altho’ fometimes I remember what things have hurt

(meAnd I Curl

zet he (my)Verfes, and my Mu les .

But when I have curled them wel l [hearti ly], I can tbe w i thou t them,

And I follow Darts [Weapons], bloody w ith myWounds.

And a Grecian Ship which jn ft now is [has been]tornw ith the E uboi c 3 5

W aves , dares to run in the Capbarean Way .

Nei ther yet do I watch that I may be prai i'

ed, I afi

[take]Care of a future Name,


which more profitab ly hadIain hid.

I detain [divert] the Mind w ith Studies, and I deceive So


And I try to give Words to my Cares.What c an I do better alone i n defert Coafis ?And what other Help can I endeavour to leek for to

(my)Aflliaions fi


Whether .

E' L E G Y VII. 1 3 :

Whether I look at the P lace, the P lace is unamiable,and than

Which n othing in the wholeWorld c an be more doleful ,

O r i f the Men, the Men are fcarce worthy of thisName

, 4 5And they have more of c ruel Fiercenefs [Savagenei


s]than Wolves.

They fear n0t Laws, but R ight gives Way to P ower

[Might],And the Law s lie vanqu iihed u nder the fighting Sword.They drive away evi l [pinching]Colds, w ith Skins and


Breeches, and there horrid [terrible] Faces are coveredwith long Hairs . so

In a few (fame) Footfieps of the GreekTongue are ex


Al fo thel'

emade batbarou s by the Geti zk Sound.There i s not any one among this P eople perhaps, who

c an renderIntoLatin , any Words from the middle [the vulgar


I my (el f a Roman P oet,’

(Mu i'

es forgive) (me), 5 5Am forced to (peak many Words after the Sarmatien

Manner.It both afli ames (me), and I con fers LatinWords fcarce

occ ur

To my fell‘

now by long di fu fe.

Nei ther do ! doubt, bu t that there are not a few barbarous ones

In this li ttle Book, they (are) not the Fault of the Man,but of the P lace. 60

Yet that I may not lofe the l i fe of the Lat in Tongue,and

My Ygice ihould become Mu te (as to) its Countryen nd.

I fpeak w ith my (elf; and handle again [repeat]dit?»u fed Words

And I repeat [call over] again the Left-Hand, [unhappy] Signs of my St

udy .

E L E G Y IX . 1 3 ;

W e [l]al fo have flouri ihed ; but that Flower was iading, and

T he Flame f rom [of]my Stubble was ibort . 2 0

Yet lea thou ihouldeft take c ruel joys with (thy)wholeMind,

There is not (no) Hope to me of appeali ng God.

Dr bec au fe I have olfended w i thout Wickednefs, and asmy Fau lt

Does not want Ihame, (0 i t w ants E nvy .

Or becau l'

e the large World has nething moremi ld thanhe 2

~ To whomit may obey , from the t i l i ng oi’

the Sun t?)the End.

Indeed, as he is not to be overcome by Force by any ,ia he has a fc ic

[Tender]Heart , to timorous [humble]Prayers.And by the Example of the Gods, to Which he him

fel i is'

abou t to go,I w ill ask mote things to be asked, w ith the Remifiion

o i’

P u n i ihmen t.3 0

Li you number the suns and the Clouds in the wholeYear, you

Wi ll hnd (it)of'

tener to be c lear Day [fairWeather].

Therefore rejoice not toomuch at my ruin, alfo think(i t)

Somet ime to be able to be refiored.


Think i t pofii hle to be done, the P rince being appgafgd"that thou

3 5Being forrow fu l, mayfl fee my Face in the middle of


the C ity .

And that I may fee you driven away for a more hei-Jnous Cau

Theib are theJnextW iihes to my firft.


If thou wouldeit permit thy Names to be put in0111

how often woul

fiflz thou b e but b y me


1 3 4. E L E G Y IX .


Mindfu l of (thy)Merit, I‘

would li ng thee alone, andno P age

In my Books had encreai'

ed w ithout thee.

What Igwed to thee, Ihould be know n i n the wholei ty

If yet being an Exi le, I am read in the loll:C i ty .


The prefen t Age ihou ld (had) know n thee to be) mild

[beneficent], the latterThee, E5 0. If only my Wri tings ib ali bear An tiqu ity .

Nor the le

arned Reader had ceal


ed to fay [w ith]well

This Honour ihould remain to- thee, the Poet being

fay ed. 10

The firlt Gi ft is of Cej b r, that we (I) draw the Airs



;be had [given] to thee after the great

o s.

He hath given Li fe, thou defendefi what he has given ,And makeft(me) to be able to enjoy the G ift recei ved.When the greateil P art dreaded my Misfortu nes. 1 5Al i


o P art would (have i t) be believed (them) to havefeared mu ch.

And beheld my Shipw reck from a high Heap [H i ll],Nor ggve a Hand to [me], fwimming through ragingeas

Thou on ly halt called back (me) hal f dead from thetS'tjg

‘im Wave,

Al fo this is thy (Gi ft) that I am ab le to be mi ndfu l [tomention i t].

“2 0

May the Gods w ith Cefar af ord [ihew] t hemfelves al .ways Friends to thee

My Wiih has not been able to be more fun.

My Book Ihould put thei'

e things to be feen in much0 0


[Learnednoohs, i f thou wouldefi: fuffer it.

Now alfo my Mu fe feef ee eontains beri'

elf, altho’

i t isnow commanded 2 5

To begl

ean but that it will name thee againft thy

s 3 8 E L E G Y X I .

The greatefi P uniihment tome i s to have offended him,

And I had rather firil: the Hour bf Death had c ome tome.

Yet our Ship is flu ttered not drowned, nor ovéiwhelmed ,And as it wants a Harbour, yet i t (l ands out of the


Neuhet has be taken away Li fe, nor Work, nor theR ight of 1 5

AC1tiz en fromme, who have deferved to lofe all thingsby my Fall .

But becauf'

e not any Wi ckednel‘

s was prefent to my OF

He commanded nothing, u nlel'

s to be abl'

ent from myown Country F irehearths.

And as Cafar hath been a mi ld Deity to others,The Number of which i t is not to comprehend [is not

to be comprehended] lo to me. 2 0

He ul'

es toward me theName of a Relegate, not of a

BaniihedMan, my Cau fe is fafe by i ts judge.

Therefore our Verl'

es, fuch as they are, do jui‘

tly fingthy

P raires for ourmanly P art [w ith all my Might].

Juitly I pray to the Gods, that they would yet (hu t

the Threihold 2 5

Of Heaven upon thee , and wou ld will thee to be a

God wi thout them .

1 110 People wiih the fame thi ng : But as R iver; [arewont to

into a vafl: Sea, (0 a River [Stream] of a li ttle

Water u fes to run .

But thou from the .Mputh of whom I am called a ba


SQateJ hou toJoad my Fortune with a lying Name. 30





xi t.

HO U w ri te“, that Hhou ld divert the mournlu l T ime w ith Study,

Left our Breads ihou ld peri ih w ith naii y Si tuation .

(My)Friend, what thou admoniihes is dxflicul t becau i'



Are a merry Work , and w i ll have P eaceof Mind.

Then my f ortu ne is led through adverfe Storms, 5Neither c an any be more forrow fu l than my Condi tion .

Thou requireit that P riamus Ihou ld c lap Hands at theFuneral of (his) Sons,

And that bereaved Ni cbe fhou ld lead merry Dances.

Do I fcem to ought to be held w ith Mourn ings, or

Study ,Being commanded to go aw ay into the utmoft Gates. 1 0


thoulgive mehere a E tes ii fupportedby a mighty

Oak,Such as Fame relates to have been to gu ilty Any tus.

W i fdom falls, broken w ith the Weight 01 ih great Ru in ,The Anger of God avai ls more than human Strength.

That old Man c alled w ife by Apaflo, fuftained 1 5To w ri te no Work in this Cafe.

If Forgetfu lnei’

s o f ou r own Country {hall come, Forget

th in t is of our (elves may come .

That all Sen i'

e of the Tran fgrefli on may be able to be

ab ien t,But fear i t {elf forbids to execu te a quiet O ffice,

A P lac e furrounded w i th an i nnumerable E nemy holds

me. 2 0

Add that a Wi t i njured by long Ru l'

t, grows flupid.And is mu ch le is than i t has been before.

A ferti le Field , i f i t be not renewed w ith continual

? ? longhing,W i ll have nothi ng but G rafs w ith Thorns.A Horfe who has flood a long Time, wi ll run i lly , 2 9He wi ll go the lafi among

them, fent from the ftarting‘t


Yet that I may con fefs theTruth to thee, myMufe

Cannot be pulled away from competi ng Verles. 60

I write and con fume,the litt le Books w ritten , i n the

F ire A'

nd a li ttle Ember is the E nd of my Study .

Neither am I able, and do defire not to compofe anyVerfes : Therefore my Labour is pu t in the F ire.

Nor does any Part of my W i t come to you , u nlefs 6 5Snatched from the F lames by Chance and Fraud.

I w ifis (0 my Art were turned into Alhes, which has

ru ined itsMail er, fearing no fuch Thing.


H Y Nafo fends this Health to thee, i f any one

Can fend a thing which he wants himl'

eli .

have attracted the Con tagions ofMindwith (my)

Body , leit any P art ihould be vacant [free] to me, fromTorment.

And I am burned w ith Torments of the Side FormanyDays. 5

Al l'

o l'

o the Wi nter has hurt not w ith a li ttle ColdYet i F thou art well

, we are w ell i n fome P art

Formy Ru in is iupported by thy Shou lders.

Who whren thou gaveil; great P ledges to me, and when

t on

Defendeli thi s Head by all Numbers [Methods].You off end (in) that thy Ep iftle feldom comfbrts me,And performeih


a pious Deed, and denyell Words to me.

I pray amend this :W hich one thing i f thou ihalt corree'

t,No B lemifh lhall be in thy whole Body .

I {hou ld acc u l'

e you of more Things, un lel'

s i t migh :

be, that the I SLetter,’ al tho

i t were fen t , may not come to me.The Go

d‘s fend, that my Complaint may be raih, and

t at

I may think falfely thee not to have remembred me.

1 4a E L E G Y X IV.

What I p ray for, appears to be, for neither is it right

(For) me to believe the firength of thy Ercall: to be

mu tab le .2 0

P irit fhal] the hoary Wormwoods be wanting to cold

P en ta x,

And ‘I'


m cri c n Hybla {hall want i ts‘

fweet Thyme.


I han th

gt any one may conv ince thee unmindfu l of (thy)riend ,

The Threads [Warp] of my P ate are not (b black.


I hou neverthelefs that thou may it be able to dri ve aw ayThe Crimes of a fall


e Fault, take care thou doll not

feem to be what thou art not . 2 6

And as we were won t to 1'

end long t imes in Talking,The Day fai l ing the D i igourfe.

So now let the Letter carry , and c arry back the filentWords,

And Paper and the Hand perform the P lace of theTongue. 3 0

Which left I may ic em too much to diaruli theeLet it be

Enough (for) me to have admoni ihed this in a fewVmfis

Take w ith whatWord the Epifl le always is ended,P arewel

,and that thy Fates may differ from mine.


Wi fe, dearer to me than my fel f, thou feefl how

manyI a uments I have given to thee i n my Books.


Fortune Iba li detract mu ch from the Author ;yet

Thou w i lt be made famous by my Wi t .And whi lfl I am read

,thy Fame (hall be read together

w i th mine, 5

Neither c an i'

t thou go all in to the Fun eral F i les;

iAnd when thou may ii: icem to be pitied by‘the ' Condi

tion of (thy)Husband, you w i ll find Fume who would (wi ih) to be

what thou art. Who


Who call thee happy , when thou art in Part

0 1'

our E v i ls, and envy thee .

I had not given more things to thee by gi ving Riches,the

Shadow ot'

a richMan w ill carry nothing to his Ghofts.I have given the Fru it of


a perpetual Name, and thouhat that


I han w hich Gi ft I cou ld give nothing greater.

And add that thou art the role Defence [Guardian] ofmy Aff airs, 1 5

A burden of not a i'

mail Honour comes to thee

That my Voi ce is never mu te concerning thee, and thouOughtell:to be proud in (of ) the j udgmen t of thy Huf


And left any one ihould be able to [c all](them) 1't[vain] things,

ii And at once faveme, and (your)pious Fidelity.For thy P robi ty has remained w ithou t filthy Crime,

wh i le w e

Stood [flouri fhed] and was only irreprehended.

The fame now is made equa l t o thee by our ru in

Thy Virtue here places a confpicuous Work.

It is an eafy matter to be good, when (that)which forbids to be ( fo) 2 5

Is remote, and a Wi fe hath nothing that can hinder

(her)Du ty .

When God has thundered, not draw away herfelf awayfrom the Shower,

That only . lai'

tly] is P iety , t hat a fac ial Love.

Indeed the irtue is a rare (thing) that Fortune doesnot govern ,

(And) that remains w ith a firm Foot, when this fliesaway . 3 0

Yet i f there is a P riz e fought (gained) to whom Virtue

i i t (elf,And difficu lt, is Prefcnt in Circumiiances not profpe
