Volunteering In India - A Comprehensive Guide Book

The Ultimate Guidebook for Volunteering In India “Wherever you turn, you can find someone who needs you. Even if it is a little thing, do something for which there is no pay but the privilege of doing it. Remember, you don't live in a world all of your own.”– Albert Schweitzer Welcome to the guidebook for volunteering in India. In the next few minutes, you will find answers to most of your queries related to terms and conditions, travelling, accommodations, projects, finances, food, socializing, and many more things to do while volunteering in India. The guidebook is a detailed approach to what one must expect and be ready for, while their stay in India, and we at Volunteering solutions have tried our very best to sought out most of your doubts regarding the same through this article. Why Should You Volunteer Abroad?

Transcript of Volunteering In India - A Comprehensive Guide Book

The Ultimate Guidebook for

Volunteering In India “Wherever you turn, you can find someone who needs you. Even if it is a little thing, do something for which there is no pay but the privilege of doing it. Remember, you don't live in a world all of your own.”– Albert Schweitzer Welcome to the guidebook for volunteering in India. In the next few minutes, you will find answers to most of your queries related to terms and conditions, travelling, accommodations, projects, finances, food, socializing, and many more things to do while volunteering in India. The guidebook is a detailed approach to what one must expect and be ready for, while their stay in India, and we at Volunteering solutions have tried our very best to sought out most of your doubts regarding the same through this article.

Why Should You Volunteer Abroad?

Remember your first ever trip outside your native place to some other city in your own country? It was an experience of a lifetime, something very different from what you have been seeing and doing until then, wasn’t it? Now, imagine going through the same experience, but on a larger level, in a different country, with different set of people, having different set of lifestyle, culture, beliefs, lingo and much more; it is, indeed, a much satisfying and life changing experience. Volunteering in itself is an exciting way of doing some philanthropic work; taking it to a foreign soil makes it even more enthralling. One not only learn about the life and kind of that part of the world, volunteering abroad changes the perceptions about life and mankind as well. These may come out as some really bold statements, but those who have gone through it, understand it! And not only this, it helps in building your resume strong when it comes to appearing for those interviews you have been aiming to crack for a while now. Those who are already in the world of jobs, volunteering help expedite their career graph to an appreciating level.

Why Volunteer in India Volunteering in the largest democracy in the world; now that, indeed, is a huge gain. With diverse religions, rich culture, varied lifestyle and some of the world’s finest and oldest architectures, The Republican nation of India has myriad of reasons and opportunities to visit, explore, volunteer and learn. Though, running on the fast-track of development, India still faces a gamut of social issues including, poverty and illiteracy. This, not only creates a large opportunity for someone to volunteer in India, but also calls for a helping hand to make life better for many underprivileged.

Teaching small kids, women empowerment, working at orphanage, helping in community building, preserving wildlife, English speaking and other vocational classes and many more such volunteering programs are available for someone to get indulge in. There are tank full of NGOs and independent groups that are working towards the upliftment of this out shadowed part of the society, and always welcome and are grateful to anyone who wants to be a part of it. Volunteering Solutions is one such independent organization that has been working towards this cause from a long while now and has a number of volunteering programs set up in India. Most definitely, when visiting India for a volunteering program, there are number of activities one can do. From exploring the depths of the Indian Ocean to acclimatize in the Himalayas, surrounded by serene beauty of unperturbed nature, from the valley of Kashmir to the majestic city of Kanyakumari; lose yourself to the blended taste of colorful life, enthusiastic crowd and glorious heritage.

Why Spend Money on Volunteering “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”. - Winston Churchill Any and every independent organization or NGO that run volunteering programs needs financial back up to make sure the programs sustain and function smoothly, without any hiccups to the receivers. Not only it is this, but the amount paid for entering in to a volunteering program make sure your entire stay during the tenure is comfortable. A volunteering organization takes care of your lodging, eating, travelling, and setting up the perfect program that suits your skills and interest. You may definitely choose to go independently and join in any of the volunteering programs running in the region, but most of the times, with all the responsibilities of arranging everything from lodging to travelling to find out the perfect program according to your interest and time you have in hand, it turns out to be quite a cumbersome task. Hence, for someone who is either a first timer or needs to avoid long gaps before they commence their volunteering work, it is better to apply through a placement organization.

Opportunities Available in India India is a growing economy and has been facing social problems since its independence, 67 years ago. There are ample of volunteering opportunities, available in India, one can enrol in for the amount of time suitable to them. There are several NGOs and placement firms that have programs set up for women empowerment, which includes teaching women from rural areas as well as conducting various vocational and interpersonal skill classes for them. Apart from this, one can also take classes for small kids, spend time at orphanages, assist senior doctors and surgeons at hospitals, help preserving wildlife, and many more.

There is, literally, no dearth of volunteering work in India for someone who is looking for some meaningful and challenging task, not only to help make the world better for the less privileged but also to help themselves grow as a person and a professional.

How Much Will A Program in India Cost You? The cost for any program in India varies, depending upon the city in which it is been located and the time period for the program. For a program set up in New Delhi, the cost may start from a price range of $225 or (13500 INR) for tenure of 2 weeks and goes up depending upon the time period you are willing to stay and serve the program. The charges include lodging, meal (three times a day), pre-arrival advisories, pick-up from the airport and sometimes local visit to the market areas and tourist spots within 20kms vicinity. Travelling to other cities for exploring purpose, shopping, air fare, visa fee, vaccination and medical insurance are not included in the program fee, but some of these can be arranged otherwise at some extra charges.

Volunteering Solutions provides options for internship programs and summer programs in India, apart for the normal volunteering programs, that are tailor made for students serving their gap year or looking for a useful exposure. The summer program is for a minimum period of 3 weeks, set up in Delhi, which includes accommodation, meal, pick-up from airport, a 2Day/1Night trekking trip, sightseeing in Delhi, and trip to Jaipur and Agra.; making the program a perfect blend of volunteering project work and exploration with fun.

How Much Money Should You Carry For Personal Use? It is always advised that one must carry limited cash while on a trip to foreign land and rely more on plastic money (Credit/Debit cards). There are foreign exchange offices available as well in all of the metro cities and most of the tier 1 and 2 cities in India. Considering that you will be going through one of the placement agencies for your entire trip, the cost for your accommodation and meals for your entire stay are covered automatically, that cut down the major chunk of your expense. A day spent in the market places of New Delhi may take near about $5 to $50 from your pockets, depending upon the length of shopping you do and the kind of market you are in.

A nice gourmet meal at one of the traditional restaurant or a simple coffee at a fancy café may have you spent around $10 to $25. In general, thus, one can have a splendid and grooving day in Delhi at a cost of $5 to $60, depending upon their taste and interests.

Visa Requirements While there are few countries that provide visas on arrival, for volunteering in India, however, one needs a proper visa applicable for aforementioned task. It is, thus, advised to get in touch with the visa office of your country of residence or the embassy (if you are not the permanent resident of the country you are residing in) to have a clear idea of the kind of visa it would require for you to work in any other foreign nation. Volunteering Solutions provide complete advisory services for its volunteers before they depart for the project, making it much easier for them to execute their task.

How To Make A Successful Volunteering?

“Everyone can do something”. - Mother Teresa Any volunteering stint is considered to be a successful one only if its results are visible and effective on a considerable level. One needs to be clear on the goals they want to achieve and have realistic expectation from the program they are choosing to serve. Considering the following factors can most definitely make your volunteering effort a success; Motivation To execute a task, be it any for that matter, it needs a lot of motivation. One need to have a strong self-belief and only then it is possible to come near to achieving it. If you are motivated to do the task, it reflects in your body language and gets passed on to others around you, with whom you interact. Realistic Expectations The enthusiasm and excitement to do a philanthropic work is very much understood. But, one needs to be clear about the fact that a war can’t be won by a single soldier (not even if you are one of the Avengers!). A soldier plays his part, assigned to him, in the best possible and most effective way. And it’s that individual contribution that adds up to the success of the mission. The same applies for a volunteering project. You need to work as a team and play your part with full effectiveness, making sure of the usefulness you can add to the program. Long Term effect You’ll know that your effort for a program was successful if it reflects the results for a long term. Programs such as hygiene awareness, women empowerment and other educational stints are the ones that show the long term effects the most as the information keeps getting passed on. A useful lesson taught to a child in a school gets passed on to several others when that child interacts with his other friends, telling them what he learnt. Similarly, a new recipe learnt by a woman from a rural area may get served in several homes of that village when she shares the secret ingredient with other ladies of the village.

Adding Travel to Volunteering I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move. – Robert Louis Stevenson It goes without saying that a travel expedite to India is incomplete if you do not explore the country, its rich heritage, and historical culture. It is pretty hard to point out particular cities to go to, as the country of India has things to see, admire and discover at each and every corner of its territory. While the northern region has jaw dropping mountain views of Himalayan range, the southern parts

are splashing arena of joy and fun with scintillating beaches and lush green landscapes; there is a gamut of traveling options at your platter to choose from. Volunteering solutions, through its travel division Go Discover Abroad, provides the best suited travel package for you to explore the country, that can be planned taking in to consideration your volunteering program and visa validity. To know more on the destinations you can choose to travel in India, visit the website: http://www.godiscoverabroad.com/holidays/holiday-in-india

More Things to do in India There is never enough time to cover the entire land of India, not at least in one visit. And this is not because it covers a whopping 3.3million sq. km of area or has as many as 29 states and 7 union territories. There are an endless number of activities one can do and things one can experience while their stay in this majestic and flamboyant country.

With rich culture and deep religious roots, the nation remains in festivity mode all year

round. One can witness some of the most colorful, bright and jubilant festivals during their stay.

The overwhelming hospitality of locals is something you will remember for a good long part

of your life; a stay for couple of weeks in the neighborhood might just get you an invitation for lunch by a warm-welcoming family.

Learn the mother language, Hindi, and see how things turn interesting for you. This will not

only make it easier for you to gel with the local lads but also create a comfort zone as long as you stay. Imagine the edge you will get over your friends back home!

Get a taste of some lip-smacking local cuisine, but be ready for a tongue tickling, tangy taste

to play with your taste buds.

Precautions to be Taken in India

India is one country that, no matter makes you or breaks you, it certainly is going to leave a significance mark in your memory. With so many religions, dense population, countless languages, and changing flora; there are a few things you need to get an understanding of, before arriving to India; Be aware of the rule and rituals of the community you are putting up with, just to avoid

hurting the religious sentiments unknowingly. Avoid wearing revealing attire when in public places, especially women, such as market

areas, shrines and other crowded spots. Do keep an updated information about any kind of epidemic or virus spread within the

vicinity of the area you are put up in; it’s always safe to get the vaccinations before or immediately after arriving in the country.

Avoid longer stay in crowded areas or remain very cautious while you are at any such place,

if you want to avoid your pocket to be picked. Always keep your identification proof with you when visiting a place.

Keep the contact details of the embassy of your country handy.

If you are volunteering through a placement firm, the staff of the organization will be there to help you know all the nitty- gritties; in case you plan to go solo, do have a due-diligence done, at least about the city you are planning to take up the project in. I hope this article helped you answer some of your queries and clear few of your doubts, if not all. For more details on volunteering opportunities in India and FAQs related to the same, kindly visit our website https://www.volunteeringsolutions.com/faqs. We will be more than happy to help you.