Comprehensive classroom technology plan

Bryon Cortes EDU-225 August 18, 2013 Professor Brooks Bryon's Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan The reason I want to become a high school math teacher within a poorer area of America is to help students that grow up like me to get integrated into the technology field through college or joining the work force at high school. The Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan is a major part of accomplishing my goal as a teacher. The research I performed to complete my plan help me to figure out the base/ideas from the website I will create for my classes. Also, I learned how important social media and the ethical use of technology will be to my students (and myself) along with make sure I incorporate future technology into my lesson plans. Thinking through the lessons and activities each week made me develop rational thoughts and action plans to accomplish my vision and mission statements. Page | 1

Transcript of Comprehensive classroom technology plan

Bryon Cortes


August 18, 2013

Professor Brooks

Bryon's Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan

The reason I want to become a high school math teacher

within a poorer area of America is to help students that

grow up like me to get integrated into the technology field

through college or joining the work force at high school.

The Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan is a major part

of accomplishing my goal as a teacher. The research I

performed to complete my plan help me to figure out the

base/ideas from the website I will create for my classes.

Also, I learned how important social media and the ethical

use of technology will be to my students (and myself) along

with make sure I incorporate future technology into my

lesson plans. Thinking through the lessons and activities

each week made me develop rational thoughts and action plans

to accomplish my vision and mission statements.

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Vision / Mission Statement

Vision Statement:

Influence minority students to enter into the math, engineering and technology fields.

Mission Statement:

Using invited teaching methods, the latest technology and

showing the beauty and joy within math to increase the

number of risk, low income and minority students interested

and invested into the math, engineering and technology

fields beyond high school.

Communication Plan

My communication plan for my first year of teaching

will engage three groups within the educational community;

students (and their family), other teachers, and

professional and/or groups within the local, national and

international community that are helping young students get

interested in math, engineering and technology.

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My first and maybe the most important form of

communication as a first year teacher will between my

students/their family and me. Queen Creek High School, the

school my daughter attends, uses a web site called On this website I can see all my daughter

classes along with grades, attendance and her teacher can

leave note or email me. It is the main communication page

between the school/teacher and I during the school year (in

fact I received update during the summer). I am going to

assume that the school that I am teaching high school math

at will use a form of a website like I also

going to assume that the website that the school is using

will cover all of the Internet security and school safety

requirements built into it. That is why I will use that

system to do most of my communication between my students,

their parents and myself.

The second form of communication I plan to implement

during my first year of teaching is a class website that I

feel will have an impact on my vision and mission statement.

As I stated in those statement I want to influence young

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people, who are growing up like I did, to enter into the

math, engineering and technology fields and one of the

biggest way that I think I will be able to influence my

students (and other students from other schools) is by

developing a user friendly and entertaining website. I have

a friend who left Intel Corporation to start his own

software design, web design company and we have started to

work my ideas for this user friendly and entertaining

website. The main page will have the links to all the

individual classes, different software programs that are

used in our class and math/engineering fields, videos of

interesting projects within the technology and different

education programs and updated STEM ideas being put forth in

the teaching community just like a program develop in

Maryland (Business Wire, 2011). I will even incorporate a

page were people from the community to update and/or results

from STEM and/or any other projects they are working with

students in my class or other students (PR newswire US,


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Another thing I would like my website to do is to allow

the students to interact with each other and other students

from around the world. Students will be able to help each

other with homework and projects from their class. They

will be able to post their assignments and ideas on the

site, so future students of class and even other students

from around the world can access them for guidance. I will

maintain the website, but without knowing the laws and

school policies at the school and area I will be teaching

in, I am not sure how much interaction I will have with them

though the website (Defranco, 2011).

My first year as a high school math teacher should be

one of the changeling year in my teaching career. To help

me make it though, I plan on using the school website to

communicate with my students and their family. I also plan

on implementing my website to assist my students with my

class and through the content inside it motivate my students

to the wonderful careers within the math, science,

engineering and technology field.

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Integrating Instructional Technology

I never found math fun or exciting as I attended high

school. But, after joining the Navy, getting hired at Intel

and taking math courses in college, I now see how impact

full math is to the world of technology and can help

students in the life. Now that I am going to be a future

high school math teacher, I want to influence minority

students to enter into the technology fields. I believe I

can accomplish my goal by incorporating technology into my

classroom and teaching method.

When I was taking math back in my high school years (in

the late eighties), it was not very fun for me. I felt that

it was all about memorization and could not see how it was

going to help me in the future. I got good grades, I did

not apply myself as hard as I could. By the time I realized

that math was the key to engineering, it was too late for me

to make an impression on a good college. So I went into the

military, the nuclear program within the United State Navy.

My first year in the Navy I attend power school, where they

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taught me nothing but math, science, and engineering

principles (all that before I was able to touch a nuclear

reactor). While completing my naval school, I realized how

important math was and why it needs to be pushed to kids

like me.

After completing my naval commitment, I know there had

to be a better way to teach math to students and I found it

attending Chandler/Gilbert Community College. I had an

instructor named Scott Adams and he had the most racial

teaching style I ever saw. He believed in group work,

integrating projects and presentations in the lesson plans,

he even used technology to enforce the lessons. He would

show his students how to get a line regression answers and

graphs on Texas Instrument calculators (he had a worksheet

writing for all models of the TI). We used Microsoft's

PowerPoint, Excel, and Word to create, turn in and present

our projects. After taking 3 classes with Mr. Adam I know

his teaching style is the way to educate minority students

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in math, show them math is fun and exciting, and that a

career in a technology could field be worthwhile.

Because of my background, I will to incorporate

technology in all its forms to help my students learn math

in my classroom and classes. I will began with incorporate

the use of common software into my math classes. As I said

Mr. Adams would have use programs such as Microsoft's Word,

PowerPoint and Excel, but I want to go a step further. I

will teach and expect my students math software such as

Matlab, JMP and SAS among others. These are some of the

math type programs that university such as Arizona State and

Stanford along with companies such as Intel and Dell use.

By having my student know and understand these types of

programs they will be ahead of other students or employees

(Hossain and Robinson, 2012).

I also believe that by using technology in my classroom

I will show my students that math if fun and get them

wanting a career in technology. When my students learn a new

skill, I am going to play a video and/or PowerPoint slide

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show to celebrate their achievement. I reminder once in Mr.

Adams' Calculus II class when we learned how to integrate an

equation, he paly a PowerPoint slide that said only 3% of

the world's population knows how to integrate equation. The

slide has music and all kinds of effects also. It really

made me feel special and made me want to make sure I master

that skill. I believe my students will feel the same way if

I do the same thing when they learn a new math skill. As

they see how special they are for learning math, they will

want to learn more, especially as the skill they are

learning goes higher and higher, which make the number of

people to know it lower and lower (Schneider and Mazuca,


Another technology that I feel my students will find

fun and useful in my math classes is the internet (Schneider

and Mazuca, 2012). As I have said many time before I will

create a website for each one of my classes. This website

will be some of the software I mention above and

instructions on how to use them. I will also post videos of

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different math, science and technology subjects. It will

also have open forum where the students can help each other

with homework or classroom activities. The students' group

projects will be posted there, just like they group project

for this class.

One other thing I would like to talk about is how

technology I help me to organize and run my classes. As I

said earlier I believe the way Mr. Adams taught math is a

better way to educate minority students and I would emulate

his style and thoughts in my classes. He had a project type

program, such as Microsoft's Project, to tract where he was

in teaching the subject. I will use a program like that to

plan out everything in my classes. I will know if the class

is ahead or behind schedule, so I can add to subtract as the

class in going. But it will allow me to schedule speakers

at the time that I will teach on a subject that speakers can

influence. It will also help me to manage individual

student needs. Say a student has an emergency in the

family; I can tell them what they can study so they are not

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far behind. I can also tie it in with the other technology

in my classroom. I can post future things on my website, so

my students and their family know what is coming in the


I want to integrate many technologies into my classroom

that to help my students see the fun in math and get them

interested in a career in a technology field. I also want

to prepare my students for the live after high school,

whether it is college, a trade school or a working career.

Software to Support Assessment

To improve my teaching style and my students

understanding of math, I will use formative and summative

assessment software and technology in. A big part of my

comprehensive classroom technology plan is to use the data

and information I receive from both formative and summative

assessment to improve the information I am presenting

thereby making it easier for my students to understand

mathematical concepts along with anything else I am trying

to teach them.

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In my classroom, a formative assessment software

technology I propose to use is a smart respond interactive

system. When I was taking science and math courses at the

community college level they had and use smart respond

interactive system technology in the classroom. As the

chemistry professor was teaching us how to balance an

aqueous equation or my Calculus teacher was showing us how

to complete partial integrals, they would use the smart

respond interactive system to put a question similar to the

ones they were working on to see if the students could

answer it. The professor would have instant feedback on

where their students real know the information. As a future

high school math teacher I would use the same smart respond

interactive software to provide me with instant formative

assessment on my students. Letting me know if my how long

to stay on a subject matter or if I need to change my method

of instruction. If my students can answer a question on the

smart respond interactive system, then I ask a follow up

similar question. If the students can answer both

questions, then I move on to another idea. But if they

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cannot answer both questions, I know I need to reteach the

lesson with either a new teaching method or material

(Garrison, 2007).

Another software technology I will push for my

classroom, but this time it is a summative base assessment,

is the ASSISSTment system. This system was first used with

Massachusetts standard state math test and give

data/information to teachers on the testers (Pellegrino and

Quellmalz, 2011). It also gives instant feedback to the

student on questions they answered along with giving hints

to questions they are trying to answer (Pellegrino and

Quellmalz, 2011). The way it works is as the student answer

a question, the software tracks that answer. It collects

all the answers from all the students taking that test and

can then develop reports, like what questions had the lower

percentage of correct answers (Pellegrino and Quellmalz,

2011). It can also report what students from what teachers

are doing the best on different questions (Pellegrino and

Quellmalz, 2011). This type of information is very useful,

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because as a future math teacher I would know what is

working in teaching different mathematical ideas and

incorporate those styles into my teaching styles.

The other thing I like is that the software will give

the student hints and instant feedback on questions. If a

student is having difficulty answering a question, they can

hit a hint button and a hint (or two) will pop up on the

screen (Pellegrino and Quellmalz, 2011). This could help

the student to answer the question correctly, without giving

them the answer. It will also let the student know if they

answer the questions correct or incorrect the moment after

they complete the answer (Pellegrino and Quellmalz, 2011).

This will let the student know if they just made a fast

mistake, like adding when they should have subtracted, to

slow down.

An Internet base software that can help me assess my

students before a test is another summative technology I

plan on using with my students. I will post a sample tests

on my website for my students that will not be used in their

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grading, but to see where my student are in mastering the

material I was teaching. Using technology like CONNStruct I

will see trends of the whole class or individuals on

problems they can and cannot answer correctly (Bruckerhoff,

1996). Using this software to analysis the answer will be

valuable data to me as a math teacher, because I will know

if my students understood and/or mastered the material I was

teaching them. If not, I can direct them to videos and

seminars on my site or the internet that show the students

the material in different ways.

By using the software and technology within my

comprehensive classroom technology plan to provide me

formative and summative data, I will be able to ensure my

students have understood and/or mastered the mathematical

concepts I taught. By improving my student understand of

math and making it enjoyable is one way I see meeting my

mission statement.

Technology Ethics in the Classroom Conclusion

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As a high school math teacher I will have to include

the ethical use of technology as part of my comprehensive

classroom technology plan. When I started to work on my

comprehensive classroom technology plan I did not think that

I will need to address ethical issues with technology as a

math teacher, but as I did more research I found out I was

wrong. With the psychology of high school students, some of

the things I plan on creating on the Internet for my

classes, and project with presentation students will need to

complete in my class requires that I develop a plan to make

sure the ethical use of technology.

According to Kohlberg's six stages of moral development

(1989) research many of the students I will teach in my high

school math classes will be at stage 4 - Authority, what

solution would best fits with the laws of society, which

means that I will have to install the ethical use of

technology in the classroom and on my website with my

students. Students at this age are trying to develop the

moral code that they will have for the rest of their life

(Kohlberg, 1989) and as one of their high school I will have

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guide them with those decisions (1989). I know as a high

school student I did not always discuss with my mother (I

was raised as an only child) about all the issues at school

and that is why I believe teachers need to that person a

young adult can talk with at the time when moral decision

come up.

Since the website I will create will have an open forum

for my students (and other students) to help each other with

homework, I need to make sure they are following all school

and school district rules along with local, state and

federal laws. The first thing I will do with all my

students at the beginning of the school year and remind them

throughout the rest of the year is about the safe use of the

Internet and my website. I will remind them of the school

policies and any laws that apply. I will even have them

sign a promissory note to the fact they understand the

rules. When an issue comes up, such as using foul language

on the message board or bulling, I will have an open

discussion not only with them, but the whole class (Lamb,


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Another thing I will add to the website is a filter but

I will not rely on it to monitor the forums. Filters have

been proven to have issues and are not reliable by

themselves (Nunberg, 2001). I will review the forums myself

along with parents and other students. If anything is being

said on the forums that is a concern, I will address it with

the students and potentially with their parents. If the

statement(s) are egregious enough then I will have to take

to the school administration and potently the local law


Many people would not believe that in a math class

students will need to worry about understanding copyright

and trademark laws, but since I will have my students create

presentation and write reports they will need to know how to

protect intellectual property. Some the software I will

link and use on my site will be intellectual property of

different companies like Microsoft and SAS. I student will

have the students sign a reminder note say that they

understand those kind of software cannot be downloaded

improperly and I will have a filter to determine who has

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received the programs. At Intel, we have a filter that can

tell who has download the software within a year and how

often they use it and I will want a filter like that to

protect the students, school and myself. If a student does

download the programs illegally, then I will have to take

that student up to the admission for disciplinary action.

The student (and all their fellow students) must understand

that downloading programs illegally is stealing.

The other part of intellectual property is citing

resources properly and I will treat it as would trademarks

and copywriting. Once again in a math class, this issue may

not come up much. At the beginning of the school year I

will bring up what the Supreme Court has to bring up on the

subject. Then when citing situation comes up, I will work

with the student on what and how to cite information. I

believe that most students do not intend to cheat or lie, it

is that they just do not understand how and when to cite.

In my math class I will have my student rely on

technology and the World Wide Web, so I will make sure my

student use them in an ethical way. Since my student will

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be young adults in high school, I want to treat them as

young men and women. I will have them read and sign that

they understand the rules around the ethical use of

technology, apply filters and have open discuss when an

issue arise, but most of all I plan on talking to my

students when any moral issues comes up.

Conclusion / Reflection Essay

Working on a Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan

was very insightful and useful to my goals as a teacher,

which became part of my vision and mission statements.

Simply my vision and mission statement as a teacher is to

influence minority students into the fields of technology.

When I first saw and read the description of this class, I

thought it was going to be very easy for me since I have

worked in the technology sectors for over twenty years (18

at Intel Corporation and 6 years with the US Navy). But

working on the Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan and

the other assignments within this course has made me think

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about many things/issues I had not thought about before

completing this course.

The first thing challenging aspect of this course was

explaining on paper, to another human being, my goals in

becoming a teacher though the vision and mission statement

exercise. I had a vision and mission statement already

developed in my mind before taking this course, but having

to explain it cause me to put effort into to why I believed

in my vision and mission statements. I went through a few

different revisions of my statements, as I thought about it

and performed research, before I got it to a point that it

made sense and I could have data to support whither I

succeed or failed.

The next item I really had to explore was the website I

would plan on creating for my math classes. When I began

the course I had this thought that I was going to create the

end-all to be-all website for math students that was going

to make all minority students fall in love with math and

science and want to become engineers and/or join the

technology field. Well having to put that idea on to paper

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and pass it through the different steps in the Comprehensive

Classroom Technology Plan causing me to rethink the look,

the feel and the intent of the website. I found many sites

that would be useful to math students like the mathform from

Drexel University or a gaming site like the one Rice

University made called CSI: The experience web adventure

game, but none of them seem to make me feel like love math.

If you could combine these ideas along with adding funny

videos (from YouTube or create my own) that explain math

principles and links to new things coming in the technology

field, I believe more students would get interested,

influenced and use the site.

By completing all the assignment within this course I

did discover a few things about my technology plan that I

will have to work on. One of the biggest things I really

did not think I would have to worry about being a high

school math teacher is my students' interaction with each

other in the forum section of my website. I thought the

school would have a filter that would prevent any problems

from arising, until I did some research about the subject.

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It turns out most school filters are not very good (Nunbreg,

2001). From the research I did for this class, I found out

that there are many steps to protect child in a social media

forum (Lamb, 2010). I would need to update myself on the

rules within the school/school district and the laws (local,

state and federal) that govern social media. I would also

need to make use my students understand the rules and

discuss with them (and other if need be) openly about any

issues that comes about.

One last note I like to discuss about this course which

pertains to my development as a teacher (along with writing

papers in the future) is the knowledge I gain in citing

sources and use the library resources. At the beginning of

this course I was receiving comments about citing items in

my writing which caused the instructor to suggest that I

view his webpage on helping students to cite items

correctly. I also called the Library to get assistants with

citing and attended their webinar on RefWorks. I feel these

actions have help me to citing thing properly in APA 6th

edition (American Psychological Association).

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In taking Education-225 at Grand Canyon University, I

believe it not only help the students I will teach in the

future by making create a Comprehensive Classroom Technology

Plan, but has increase my knowledge in writing papers and

the finding website that will help me to teach math to


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