Volunteering in Ghana - A Comprehensive Guidebook

Volunteering in Ghana A Comprehensive Guidebook By Volunteering Solutions

Transcript of Volunteering in Ghana - A Comprehensive Guidebook

Volunteering in Ghana A Comprehensive Guidebook

By Volunteering Solutions


Table of Content

Preface ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2

FAQs: Volunteering in Ghana ---------------------------------------------------- 3

Why should I volunteer abroad --------------------------------------------------- 3

Why volunteer in Ghana --------------------------------------------------- 4

Who can volunteer in Ghana --------------------------------------------------- 5

Why pay for volunteering --------------------------------------------------- 5

How much money should I carry for personal expenses ---------------------- 6

How much will a program in Ghana cost ----------------------------------------- 7

Visa requirements --------------------------------------------------- 7

Opportunities available in Ghana --------------------------------------------------- 7

Safety concerns in Ghana --------------------------------------------------- 9

Dos and Don’ts --------------------------------------------------- 9

Things to do while volunteering in Ghana ----------------------------------------- 11

FAQs: Volunteering through Volunteering Solutions ------------------ 13

Why Volunteering Solutions --------------------------------------------------- 13

What qualifications do I need to volunteer through VolSol ---------------------- 14

What all programs are available through Volunteering Solutions ------------ 14


Volunteering in Ghana - Preface

“While the rest of the world has been improving technology, Ghana has been

improving the quality of man’s humanity to a man.” – Maya Angelou

Welcome to the guidebook for Volunteering in Ghana. This paper is aimed towards providing extensive

information about Ghana Volunteering Programs, documents required, itinerary, living arrangements,

cultural shocks, things to do and much more. This guidebook will take you through all the information

you need to know to take up a volunteer abroad program in Ghana. While Africa is one of the top

preferred destinations for volunteering abroad, Ghana is one country that can be a perfect fit for

executing this act of altruism, especially for the first timers, and also those who are looking to add

holiday travel to their volunteering trip.

This guidebook is a representation of the *research work done by Volunteering Solutions, an

international volunteer placement organization, which is managing a plethora of volunteer programs in

more than 32 destinations all across the globe. VolSol guide its volunteers from the time they get in

touch, till they complete their program and return back home; providing a safe, exciting, and

comfortable sojourn. While traveling abroad itself is a great and unique experience, adding volunteer

work to it takes it several notches up. Volunteering Solutions, with a dedicated team of counsellors and

coordinators, provide the best of volunteer abroad guidance and draw the entire plan for its volunteers.

*The information is based on surveys and research done in the past and is subject to change. Kindly do a proper background research or contact

Volunteering Solutions for latest updated information.

To know more on volunteering abroad through Volunteering Solutions, visit



FAQs: Volunteering in Ghana

1. Why should I volunteer abroad?

This is one of the most common questions which come up in mind when you hear about volunteering.

Many take up traveling as a means to rejuvenate from the routine hustle bustle of life, and explore new

places. Others add volunteering to their travel to explore new places in a different way; more closely.

Volunteering abroad not only provides you with a golden opportunity to lend support to the ones in

need and give it back to the society, but also to enhance your knowledge as well as experience on

personal, professional, and education level.

Students who are fresh out of high school take up volunteering abroad projects as a part of their gap

year, before starting with their college. Similarly, professionals serving their sabbaticals or looking to

accelerate their career graph take up volunteering abroad projects as well. It is also a great platform for

college students looking for good internship programs. Interning in a volunteer abroad program adds a

lot of boost to your resume and helps dearly in getting placed after graduating.

A volunteer abroad program may provide you with following benefits:

- Learning new languages.

- Experiencing different cultures.

- Finding career fulfilment.

- Getting a chance to explore, do adventure, and enjoy some serene ambience; away from home.

- Meeting new people from different countries, and making friends with them for lifetime.

- Cultivating different approaches to problems while on a volunteer program.

- Inculcating innovative ideas to execute a task.


2. Why Volunteer in Ghana?

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” –Mahatma Gandhi

Ghana is said to be the “Africa for beginners”, which signifies that traveling to Ghana is a doorway to the

African culture and traditions; an introduction to the life in Africa! This West African country is known

for its beaches, local cuisine, jubilant lifestyle, and warm welcoming crowd. Thus, providing a gamut of

adventure options for you to choose from.

Although, Ghana has a fast developing economy, and is one of the most stable in entire Africa, there are

several issues, social as well as health related, which need to be addressed and improved upon; HIV AIDS

has been one of the most ghastly destroyers in recent past. There are opportunities to work at

orphanage centres, teach at local schools, help in community development and provide support,

especially, in the healthcare departments. In fact, Volunteering Solutions provide a special 2 week

volunteer and travel program, designed especially for those who cannot afford to invest much time on

travelling; along with summer special program, also for a short duration of 3 weeks.


Whilst volunteering in Ghana you can get close to the local community and understand the lifestyle, the

culture, and basic fights of a common Ghanaian. This gives an altogether different angle to your travel,

and a different approach to your thoughts about it. The healthcare department in Ghana has a huge

staff crunch, thus, creating a huge window for students from medical backgrounds to chip in. Ghana will

certainly provide you with the best of your travel experience along with a chance to make a difference in

the lives of people living here.

3. Who can volunteer in Ghana?

To enter into any of the volunteer abroad program, one needs to be at least 17 years or more in age

(18years or more for medical programs), needs to have a flexible attitude, and must be willing to live out

of their comfort zone. People can volunteer as individuals, in groups (corporate or friends), and/or with

families. Volunteering is a serious task and needs immense focus and sincerity. So, if you have the

motivation to help others, dedication to be a part of a project and, enthusiasm to travel and live out of

your comfort zone, you can be a volunteer!

4. Why Pay for Volunteering?

While you always have the option of going for a volunteer abroad program all by yourself, it is a much

advised and better option to go through a placement organization. Not only do they know the best

program fit for you according to your area of interest, skill level and educational/professional

background, they also make sure that you are provided with a comfortable sojourn. You certainly would

not want to burden yourself with the worries of your accommodation, travelling, food, cultural

knowledge, and would want to focus entirely on your project; that is exactly what a placement agency

helps you in. The money charged from you in the form of program fee is utilized in making all kinds of

arrangements for your stay during your project days. This includes, but may not be limited to,

accommodation, meals, orientation, pick up from the airport, local sight-seeing, local staff support, and

much more.


When you decide to take up a volunteering abroad stint, you are giving out a significant amount of your

precious time for a good deed and gaining experience of a lifetime. It is, thus, of utmost importance that

you do it in the best way possible.

5. How Much Money Should I Carry For Personal Expense?

A general cost of living may lie in the price range as mentioned below:-

Meal for two (2) in a decent restaurant: $30-$40

Weekly Ration (fruits, vegetables, meat, milk, bread, eggs, etc.): $15-$40

Local Transportation (Bus, shared taxis, hurry taxis, Tro-Tro): *$.50-$1

Living in rented apartment (1 room): $200-$350/month

Living in rented apartment (3 room): $1000- $2100/month

However, if you choose to go through a placement agency then most of the major expenses

(accommodation and ration/meals) listed above get covered in the fee you pay to them; another strong

reason to volunteer through a volunteer placement agency.

The official currency in Ghana is Ghana Cedi (GH₵). The normal exchange rate remains between 2 to

4GHC per dollar, and 3 to 5GHC per Euro. Ghana is not a highly expensive country and around $50-$80

would suffice for an entire week (can vary depending on the kind of expenses you bear). The volunteer

accommodations are located very close to the project sites and one does not need to travel much, to

and fro; thus, saving time and money. The local coordinator appointed by the placement agency guides

you throughout your stay and help you locate the best of eat outs, mode of transport, and shopping

arcades. The expense for these facilities needs to be beard by the volunteer themselves. There are

several foreign exchange counters available in every city of Ghana; however, it is always good to carry

the plastic money (credit cards/debit cards) rather than keeping excess money in cash.

*You can get a monthly pass for buses in $100.


6. How much will a program in Ghana cost?

The cost to attend a volunteer program in Ghana depends mainly on the number of weeks you want to

be a part of it, and the location of the program. For instance, an Orphanage Program in Tamale would

cost you near around $400 for a time period of 2 weeks to $1000 for a couple of months, in addition to a

nominal registration cost of $200-$225. This cost covers the major expenses during your stay in Tamale;

like accommodation, meals (2-3 times a day), pick up from airport, orientation and training.

Every volunteer traveller must get travel & medical insurance before starting with their program. Many

agencies do not get into this process and ask you to handle it by yourself. However, few organizations

do help and guide the volunteers to get the insurance documents and charge a meagre extra cost for

this additional service. Volunteering Solutions, following its trend of end-to-end services, do help its

volunteers get the insurance.

7. Visa requirements

While there are few countries that provide visas on arrival, for volunteering in Ghana one need to have a

proper visa applicable for a volunteer work. It is, thus, advised to get in touch with the visa office of your

country of residence or the embassy (if you are not the permanent resident of the country you are

residing in) to have a clear idea of the kind of visa it would require for you to work in any other foreign


Volunteering Solutions provide complete advisory services for its volunteers before they depart for the

project, making it much easier for them to execute their task.

8. Opportunities available in Ghana

As a volunteer, one has plenty of opportunities to work in Ghana. Although, it is one of the fastest

growing and strong economies in Africa, it has social as well as medical/healthcare issues that need to

be addressed and improved upon. There is a program for orphanage kids where in you can get an

opportunity to spend some quality time with small children who lost their parents during the Ebola


outbreak and other health fatalities. These kids are in dire need of warmth and care, making it a good

prospect for a family volunteering.

Teaching and Girl Education programs are also the available platforms for volunteers to carve the future

of kids by imparting knowledge. English is a common foreign language, and a good hold on it will not

only boost their confidence but also provide them a wider scope to get placed in good companies. Apart

from these, there are several other volunteer opportunities in Ghana, which one may get involved into;

like, healthcare, community development, sports coaching in schools, and much more.


9. Safety concerns in Ghana

There is a famous adage that says, “Precaution is better than cure!” Ghana is a peaceful, fun filled, and

an exciting destination, till the time the travellers stay cautious and use common sense. For example,

you would not want to be alone on the streets at midnight and neither would you want to poke your

nose in someone else’s business who you don’t even know. Ghanaians are one of the friendliest people

you’d find in this world, and they admire visitors/tourists from foreign countries; you will experience the

level of hospitality they show, once you visit Ghana.

As far as health issues are concerned, Ghana has been improving upon the fatality rate, occurring due to

virus infections over last few months now, in comparison to other parts of west Africa. However, it is

always advised to consult your physician or family doctor before travelling to Ghana. Following

vaccinations can be taken as a precaution, before you begin your journey;

- Yellow Fever

- Hepatitis A and B

- Typhoid

- Rabies

For more details on vaccinations and health precautions in Ghana you can check out here.

10. Dos and Don’ts

It is a matter of self-understanding that there are certain travel ethics one must abide by when in a

foreign country. Each country has its own traditions, culture, and lifestyle, and it is a common practise

that one faces a lot of cultural shocks. Hence, to avoid getting into unnecessary conflicts or trouble,

follow these Dos and Don’ts when in Ghana:


- Always use your right hand to exchange items and to eat. In Ghanaian culture, left hand is

considered to be the ‘toilet hand’ and is, thus, avoided to greet, give/take items.

- Always greet people when you enter a room. They would be expecting that, and you would not

want to wonder why they are staring at you strangely.


- Be respectful to whoever you are interacting with, especially, the elders.

- Learn a few routine words and/or greeting phrases to gel in quickly with the natives.

- It is important that you visit the village chief first, when in a rural area. Remove your hat when

greeting the chief, with hands out of your pockets.

- Bringing a gift when visiting someone’s place is a sign of good gesture. People in Ghana like to


- Tipping a waiter is a general practice in Ghana as well. If you find the service good, do leave a tip

for the waiter.

- Ask your coordinator/guide for the appropriate outfit/dress while visiting a particular location or



- The first and the most important thing, photography. Do not take pictures of a place or a person

without taking consent.

- When meeting the chief of a village, do not offer your hand unless he does it first.

- Do not make any derogatory or funny comments about religion or ethnic/political groups. Do

not even think about it!

- Avoid getting out of your senses when drinking in a bar.

- No event begins before, at least, an hours delay from the mentioned time. Do not be a punctual

audience and arrive on time for the event, unless you have ample of free time and enjoy

waiting. It’s called “Africa time”.

- But, do not be late for a business meeting/appointment.

- Don’t sit with crossed legs in front of elders or the village chief. It is taken as an insult.


11. Things to Do while volunteering in Ghana

Ghana, with several bustling towns to visit, is a beautiful country to volunteer in. Away from the overcrowded terrains, it is the perfect destination to volunteer in as it gives you the taste of life in a quieter atmosphere. While you are volunteering here, check out these fun activities to take up during weekends or your free time.

- Rent A Bicycle Ghana is a beautiful nation, and so are its cities. The best way to explore it is through bicycle rides. For example, Tamale is one of the most bike-friendly region in the northern part of Ghana and cycling is a must try option if you are there. It is good to ride during light traffic hours to enjoy and also keep safe.


- Explore Wildlife The western Africa is blessed with a wide variety of wildlife and the Mole National Park and Bui National Park stand as a testimony to this fact. A visit to these parks is definitely called for while volunteering in Ghana.

- Taste The Local Food From delectable rice dishes, to spicy soups and to deep fried dishes such as Kosu, Akpale and Fonfon, Ghanaian food is refreshingly different and delicious.

- Take A Sunbath There is fun alternative to fretting about the hot weather of Ghana - it is taking that long due sunbath in Ghana.

- Take Drumming Lessons The Ghanaian music is fun, vibrant, and peppy. Immerse yourself in the culture and learn a drum beat or two. Enroll for short term drum lessons and show off your drumming skills back home.

- Take Dancing Lessons Compliment your drumming skills with some dancing and take up a short term dancing course while volunteering in Ghana. Dancing classes are the best way to perk up your weekends while you are volunteering here.

- Visit The Larabanga Mosque Constructed in 13th century, this is one of the holiest and purest places in entire Ghana. Often touted as the “Mecca of West Africa”, visit this mosque that is located in the city of Tamale to explore the religious fervour.

- Explore Markets And Handicraft Centers The central market and the handicraft centres offer some very local products and can be bought as souvenirs. From jewellery to hand-made goods, buying from the local markets would not only give you something to remember about Ghana but also pump money in the economy.

- Pay A Visit To The Witch Camps Of Tamale The women who are outcast and have been declared a “witch” live in these camps. You can interact

with these women and get to know the other side of Ghana. The Gambaga camp is one of them.


FAQs: Volunteering through Volunteering Solutions

1. Why Volunteer Solutions?

With its presence in over 32 destinations all across the globe, Volunteering Solutions manages a

plethora of volunteering programs. In the last 8 years, since its inception, VolSol has placed around

10,000 international volunteers on different projects as well as internship programs and, has helped

them expedite in their personal and professional lives. VolSol realise the importance of ethical and

successful volunteering, and through its deep knowledge in this field it places a candidate into a

program which suits them the best, according to their field of interest, skills, and educational


Volunteering Solutions has dedicated coordinators placed at each and every of its destinations, who

help, guide, and train the volunteers to get accustomed with the norms and culture of a particular

country. With proper accommodation arrangements and all facilities provided within them, VolSol make

sure of a comfortable and memorable sojourn for all of its volunteers. A dedicated team of volunteer

support staff make sure that any and every query flown in by an interested candidate is been addressed

and resolved in a proper and timely fashion. From the time a query comes in for volunteer program till

the time the candidate starts their program, the support staff make sure they are guided through each

process very clearly, informing about all requisites.

Apart from these, VolSol provides help in various important divisions, such as;

- Raising fund for volunteers who face financial crunch to sponsor their trip.

- Providing medical and Travel insurance at a nominal extra cost.

- Trips and tour package to explore other locations in Ghana.

- Vehicle facilities for local travelling and airport drop at some extra cost.


2. What qualifications do I need to volunteer through VolSol?

As explained in the previous section, for anyone to be a volunteer and work for a volunteer program

abroad all it takes is to be focused, dedicated, enthusiastic, and motivated enough to motivate others.

However, for health and medical programs, one needs to provide relevant certificates and/or

documents as a proof of their medical background. The age limit is a minimum of 17 years to volunteer

abroad (18 years for medical/ healthcare programs).

3. What all programs are available through Volunteering Solutions?

Volunteering Solutions has ample of volunteer as well as internship programs under its umbrella. Few of

them are mentioned below;

- Childcare Program

- Healthcare Program

- Community Development Program

- Disabled Care

- Journalism

- Medical Program (Dental)

- Sports Coaching

- Teaching Programs (including teaching monks)

- Wildlife Conservation Program

- Women Empowerment Program

In addition to these, VolSol provides special programs which are tailor made for those who cannot

afford to invest much time but want to experience the culture of the region while immersing in hard-

core volunteer work. This includes;

- 2 Weeks Special Program

- Language & Orientation Week

- Summer Program


So what are you waiting for? If you are planning for a volunteer abroad trip and Africa is one of the

options, plan a visit to Ghana and get an experience of a lifetime. We hope that this article was

informative and useful enough, and was able to answer some of your queries (if not all). In case of

further information about volunteering in Ghana, you can get in touch with the VolSol customer service

staff members and they will be happy to guide you through. Happy Volunteering!