Vitamin dan Mineral (Nutrisi Ternak Non-Ruminansia)


Transcript of Vitamin dan Mineral (Nutrisi Ternak Non-Ruminansia)

Tujaan PebelajaranaMengetahui dan memahami:

• Defenisi dan Klasifikasi vitamin dan mineral

• Funsi dan perannya bagi ternak non ruminansia


VITAMIN• Organic nutrients needed in small quantities to perform specific functions;

• Do not provide energy but are necessary in the use of energy.

• Helping regulate body functions, keeping the body healthy, promoting resistance.

• The deficiency of a vitamin can lead to disease or death.

• Classified as fat soluble and water soluble



• Stored in the fat and released as they are needed by the body.

• Can be stored for extended periods.

• Absorbed through lymphatic tissues

• Need precursor, pro-vitamin

• C, H, O• Only for complex organism

A – D – E - K

• Dissolved by water. • As water passes through the body.

• need to be consumed every day by monogastric animals.

• Absorbed through portal vein

• Most doesn’t need precursor

• C, H, O, N some have S and Co

• For complex and simple organism

C – B (IB – IIB)

VITAMIN A• Benefit: Maintenance of normal vision and night vision, Essential for immune system, Necessary for growth; induces differentiation of cells

• Deficiency: Fairly common; results in night blindness and eye disease, dry pimply skin, increased infections, and kidney stones

VITAMIN DBenefit: • Helps to maintain constant levels of calcium in the blood

• Important in insulin and prolactin secretion, muscle function, immune and stress response, melanin synthesis, and cellular differentiation 

• Vital for kidney and parathyroid gland function

• Necessary for healthy bones

Deficiency:• Disease is rickets, symptoms include soft bones and teeth

Toxicity:• Toxic in doses larger than 1,000-1,1500 I.U.s daily for a month or longer; produces nausea, weakness, and irritability 

• May lead to brain or liver damage, jaundice, and the destruction of red blood cells

VITAMIN EBenefit:• Protects vitamin A from oxidation during digestion

• Enhances immune response• Inhibits carcinogens from reaching target sites • Can stop neurological problems associated with cystic fibrosis, liver disease early in disease process

• Detoxifies free radicals, prevents damage to cell membranes

• Prevents LDL cholesterol from turning into damaging oxidized LDL, which initiates buildup of arterial plaque which can lead to heart disease 

VITAMIN KBenefit:• Helps blood coagulate • In conjunction with vitamins A and D helps body build bone protein 

• Given as injection to newborns to help blood clot, sometimes to women before labor or to patients before and after surgery

VITAMIN C (ascorbic acid)Benefit:• Activates liver-detoxifying systems • Antioxidant to inactivate highly reactive oxygen species; protects against damage to lipids and other molecules

• Inhibits formation of carcinogenic compounds• Protects cellular functions• Enhances function of key white blood cells involved in the destruction of bacteria

• Protects vitamin E• Integral to maintenance and building of collagen• Vital to bones and teeth, blood vessels, healing of wounds, and iron absorption

• Helps metabolize several amino acids and hormones 

BiotinBenefit:• Key role in metabolizing fats, carbohydrates, and proteins

• Part of a number of enzymes in which it functions as a carboxyl carrier

• Manufactured in lower digestive tract by bacteria

ColinBenefit:• Helps maintain central nervous system • Precursor to acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter• Involved in production and metabolism of fats and cholesterol

Vitamin B (Folic acid, folate)• Used by body to break down and synthesize amino acids

• Helps synthesize nucleic acids, which are needed to build new cells, particularly red blood cells 

• Involved in a variety of reactions in amino acid and nucleotide metabolism 

• Recommended for women of childbearing age; helps prevent neural tube birth defects  

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)• Enables body to use carbohydrates, fats, and proteins (to provide energy), and amino acids 

• Influences metabolism of DNA, NAD, NADP • Aids nervous system and digestive tract function and promotes healthy skin

Pantothenic Acid• Necessary for adrenal cortex function • Part of chemistry of coenzyme A, which is vital to metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins and involved in making fatty acids, cholesterol, acetylcholine, steroid hormones, and nerve regulators