John Wyclif - Forgotten Books


Transcript of John Wyclif - Forgotten Books



TH OM A S A R NO LD, M . A .



V0 L J I I







[All rigbls reserved ]

" 3 5 5 Q

SINCE the Introduction to the first volume was written, evidence,

not hitherto noticed, has come to light, which identifies Wyclif as the

author of this entire collection of Sermons beyond any reasonable

doubt. This evidence consists of two distinct references made byThomas Walden in his Doctr z


nale to passages, one of which will be

found at p. 78 , the other at p. 364, of the first volume of this work.

Walden , a Carmelite friar, confessor to HenryV,and a man of great

ability, died in the year 1 430 ; his evidence, therefore, is verynearlycontemporary. In ch. 86 of Book I I . of the Doctr z

nale, he charges

Wyclif with having multiplied his iniquity, concedens consequenter

Spiritum Sanctum columbam, sicut septem Spicae fuerant septem

anni, et sacer panis est veraciter corpus Christi, immo et quodlibet

esse, esse Deum.

The reader who will refer to Sermon XXX of

vol. i. p. 78 will see that this is a plain description (though not

quite a fair one, for the explanatorymatter added by the preacher

is omitted,) of Wyclif’s commentaryon the descent of the dove at

the baptism of Christ.

Again, in ch. 66 of Book II I . of the Doctr z'

nale,Walden says, after

declaring that he could with difi cultybe persuaded that theWyclifiites

had derived their doctrine of clerical celibacy from their master

Tarde igitur mihi venit ad manus, quod in vulgari dicat in sermone

evangelu natalis festi beati Joannis Baptistae Witclefi'

. Hic possum,

inquit, dub itare et tractare de statu et vita sacerdotum, qualiter sunt

dotati et innupti contra auctoritatem divinam. Nam inhibuit Christus

dotem, tam in se quam in apostolis, et approbavit nuptias apostolorum

pluriumque aliorum.

This is an accurate translation of a passage

which the reader will find at the top of p. 364 in the first volume.

von. 11. b

N O TI C E .

Two sections of the Sermons, published in this edition, those on

the SundayGospels, and those on the Gospels for the PropriumSanctorum, are thus identified withWyclif on the authorityofThomas

of Walden. But as the entire collection is found in the best and

oldest MSS., and is internally connected together in various ways,

the authenticity of the whole is raised to the highest degree of


The present volume contains the remaining two sections of the

Sermons, those on the Ferial Gospels, and those on the SundayEpistles. To these are subjoined two polemical tracts, the Vac

Od uplex and the Of M yst"? in {be Cln'r clze,which accompany the

Sermons in all the best MSS., and seem to have been regarded as

intrinsically a part of the collection. The miscellaneous works,

properlyso called, are reserved for the third volume.



sw ow mm mam a, in Adm .PM

cxxrv. Principium evangelii. Mark i. r.

CXXV. Venit Johannes Baptista. Matt. iii. 1 .

Second iVedneJday in Advent.

CXXVI . Dixit Jesus turbis. Matt. xi. 7 .

CXXVI I . Johannes testimonium perhibebat. J obn i. rs.

CXXVI I I . Exsurgens Maria. Luke i. 39.

W rd Saturday in Advent.

CXXIX. Anno quinto decimo. Luke iii. 1 .

Four th iVedneJday in Adv ent.

CXXX. Exiit sermo in universam Judeam. Lube v n. 1 7 .

CXXXI . Videte et cavete. Ma rk viii. 15.

Pin t Wednerda} after Octave qf Epiphany.

CXXXI I . Cum audisset Jesus. Matt. iv. r z .

Firrt Fridayafter the Octave.CXXXI I I . Egressus Jesus.

Lute iv. r4.

b z


3111111011 Second kVedneJ day af ter the Octave. "c"

CXXX IV. Egressus Jesus ab iit. Mark vi. 1 .

Second Friday after tbe Octave.CXXXV. Descendit Jesus . Luke iv. 31 .


rd Wednerday af ter the Octa 've.

CXXXVI . Intravit Jesus in synagogam. M a rk iii. 1 .


bird Fr iday afi er tbe Octa 've.

CXXXVI I . C ircuibat Jesus. Ma tt. iv. 33.

Four tb WedneJ day af ter the Octa 've.

CXXXV I I I . Factum est autem. Lake ix. 57 .

Foar tb Fridayafler tbe Octave.CXXX IX . Ofl


erebant Jesu parvulos. Ma rk x. 13.

Fjflb Wedna day after the Octa 've.

CXL . Homo quidam habuit. Ma tt. xxi. 28.

PVedneJ day afler Septuageu’

ma .

CXL I . Egressus Jesus ibat. M a rk ix. 39.

Fridayafter Septuag wima .

CXL I I . (Lui non est mecum. Ma tt. xii. 3o.

FVedneJ day afler Sexagerima .

Coepit Jesus docere ad mare . Ma rk iv. 1 .

CXLIV. Interrogatus Jesus Pharise is . Luke xvu. ao.

CXLV. Cum jejunatis. M a tt. vi. 16 .

ma .

CXLVI . Aud istis quia dictum est. Ma tt. v. 43.

Sa turday in Quinquagerima .

CXLVI I . Cum sero factum esset. Mark vi. 47 .

CXLV I I I . Cum venerit filius hominis. Matt. xxv. 31 .

First TueJ day in Lent.

CXL IX . Cum intrasse t Jesus. M a tt. xxi. ro


- CLI I .

CL I I I .













Fir J t FVedneJ day in Lent."08

Accesserunt ad Jes um. M a tt. xii. 38.

Dicebat Jesus ad eos. J obn viii. 31 .

Erat dies fes tus Judaeorum. J obn v. 1 .

FirJ t Saturday in Lent.

Ass umpsit Jesus Petrum. Matt. xvi. 1 .

Second Monday in Lent.

Ego vado et queritis. J obn viii. 31 .

Second ‘I ueJ day in Lent.

Super cathedram Moisy. M att. xxiii. 1

Ascendens Jesus Jerosolymam. Matt. xx. 1 7 .

Non possum ego. J obn v. 30.

Homo erat pater familias. Ma tt. xxi. 33.

Homo quidam habuit duos. Luke xv. 1 1

Quanta audivimus. Luke iv. 33.

W rd Tuesday in Lent.

Respiciens Jesus. Ma tt. xviii. 15.

Tbird PVedneJ day in Lent.

Accesserunt ad Jesum. M a tt. xv. 1 .

Operamini non cibum. J obn vi. 37 .

Oportebat Jesum transire. J obn iv. 4 .


Tbird Saturday in Lent.“6 8

CLXV. Perrexit Jesus . J obn viii. 1 .

CLXVI . Prope erat Pascha. J obn 11. 13.

Fourtb Tue sday in Lent.

CLXVI I . Jam die festo mediante. J obn vii. 14.

CLXVI I I . Praeteriens Jesus. J obn ix. 1 . j

Fourtb W rday in Lent.

CLX IX. Pater meus usque modo. J obn v. 17 .

CLXX. Erat quidam languens Laz arus. J obn xi. 1 .

Fourtb Sa turday in Lent.

CLXXI. Ego sum lux mundi. J obn viii. 13.

Fifi b Monday in Lent.

CLXXI I. M iserunt principes sacerdotum. J obn v u.33.


fi b TueJ day in Lent.

CLXXIH. Ambulavit Jesus. J obn vii. 1 .

Fiftb Wednesday'


n Lent.

CLXXIV. Facta sunt encaenia. J obn x. 33.

CLXXV. Cum audissent quidam de turba. J obn vii. 40.

F419!) Friday in Lent.

CLXXVI . Collegerunt Pontifices. J obn xi. 47 .

CLXXVI I . Amen, amen, dico vob is. J obn vi.54.

Monday in HolyWeek.

CLXXVI I I . Ante sex dies Pasche. J obn xii. 4.

Sbere or Maundy‘TZmrJ day.

CLXXIX. Ante diem festum. J obn xviii. 1 .



CLXXX . Egres sus Jesus trans torrentem. J obn xviii. 1 .

CLXXX I . Vespere autem Sabbati. M a tt. xxviii. 1 .

CLXXX I I . Ex discipulis Jesu. Luke xxiv. 1 .

CLXXXI I I . Stetit Jesus in medio. Luke xxiv. 36 .

Easter Wednesday.

CLXXX IV. Manifestavit se Jesus. J obn xxi. 1 .


CLXXXV. M aria stabat ad sepulcrum. J obn xx. 1 1 .

CLXXXVI. Undecim discipuli ab ierunt. Ma tt._xxviii. 16 .

Easter Sa turday.

CLXXXVI I . Una Sabati. J obn xx. 1 .

First W'

ednesday qfler EasterHVeek.

CLXXXVI I I . Surgens Jesus mane, prima. Ma rk xvi. 9.

First Fridayafter Easter Week.

CLXXXIX. Exierunt mulieres. Ma tt. xxviii. 8.

Second Wednesday afler Easter Week.

CXC . Una Sabati. Luke xxiv. 1 .

Second Fridayafter Easter Week.Access erunt ad Jesum. Ma tt. ix. 14 .

Third Wednesday after Ea ster Week.

CXC I I . Facta est ques tio de . J obn iii. 35.

Tbird Fr iday afler Easter Week.

CXC I I I. Ego lux veni in mundum. J obn xii. 46 .

Four tb Wedneschy afler Easter Week.CXC lV. Respiciens Jesus. J obn xvii. 1 1 .

xii C ONTE N TS.

3111111011 Four th Friday after Easter Week.

CXCV. Filioli me i adhuc modicum . John xiii. 33.

M onday in Procession Week.

CXCV I . Q is vestrum habebit amicum. Luke xi. 5.

CXCV I I . Sublevatis Jesus oculis. John xvu. 1 .

CXCVI I I . Et ego mitto promissum. Luke xxiv. 49.

CXC I X . Si diligitis me mandata . John xiv. 15.

Sic Deus dilexit mundum. John iii. 16 .

Tuesday in t itsun kVeek.

Amen, amen, d ico vob is. John x. 1 .


ednesday in t itsun Week.

CC I I . Nemo potest venire. John vi. 44 .

Thursday in IVhitsun Week.

CC I I I . Convocatis Jesus xii apostolis. Luke ix. 1 .

Fr iday in Whitsun Wieek.

C C IV. Factum est in una dierum. Luke v. 1 7 .

CCV. Surgens Jesus de Synagoga. Luke iv. 38.

Corpus Chr isti.

CCVI . Caro mea vere est cibus. John vi.56 .

Fir st H’ednesday afler Corpus Christi.

C CVI l. Nolite putare . M a tt. v. 1 7 .

Second Wednesday afler Coe Christi.

C CV I I I . Cum venisset Jesus. M a tt. xxi. 33.

Third Wednesday after Trinity.

C C IX. Esto consentions. Ma tt. v. 35.



su m" Four th Wednesday af ter Tr inity.

CCX . lnterrogaverunt Jesum. Ma tt. xvii. ro.

Fiflh Wednesday qfler Trinity;

CCX I . Factum est in una dierum. Luke viii. 33.

Six th Wednesday afi er Tr inity.

CCXll. Cum ingressus esset Jesus. M a rk x . 1 7 .

Seventh Wednesday after Tr inity.

CC XI I I . Abut Jesus Sabato. M a tt. x11. 1 .

Eighth Wednesday af ter Tr inity.

C CX IV . Dixerunt discipuli. Ma rk ix. 38 .

Ninth Wednesday afler Trinity.

CCXV . 031i fidelis est in minimo. Luke xvi. 10.

Tenth Wednesday afi er Trinity.

CCXVI . Attendite vob is. Luke xxi. 34 .

Eleventh Wednesday after Corpus Christi.

C C XVll. (Luia oportet semper. Luke xviii. 1 .

Tw elfih Wednesday afi er Trinity.

CCXVI I I . Cepit Jesus exprobare . M a tt. xi. 30.

Thir teenth Wednesday afler Tr inity.

CCXIX . Abeuntes Pharisey. M a tt. x11. 14 .


Four teenth Wednesday after Corpus Christi.

CCXX . Ait ad Jesum unus. Luke xit . 13.

Fifteenth W'

ednesdayafier Tr inity.

CCXX I . Factum est in una dierum. Luke xx. 1 .

Six teenth Wednesday af ter Corpus Chris ti.

CCXX I I . Venit Jesus ad villam. Ma rk viii. 33.

Sev enteenth Wednesday af ter Corpus Chr isti.

CCXXI I I . Dixit Jesus discipulis. Ma tt. xiii. 31 .

Nineteenth Wednesday after Corpus Christi.

CCXX IV. Accesserunt ad Jesum. Matt. xiii. 36



xiv C ONTE N TS.

m m" Tw entieth Wednesday after Corpus Christi.

CCXXV. Dixit Jesus pri ncipi. Luke xiv. 13

Tw enty-j rst Wednesday afier Corpus Christi.

CCXXVI. Factum est ut intraret in. Luke vi. 6.

Tw enty- second Wednesday afi er Corpus Chr isti.

CCXXVI I. Amen, amen, dico vobis. Mark xi. 33.

Tw enty- third Wednesday afler Trinity.

CCXXVI I I . Cum venisset Jesus. M a tt. xvii. 33.

Tw enty-fourth Wednesday af ter Trinity.

CCXXIX. Homo quidam habebat duos. Ma tt. xxi. 38.

Wednesday in Ernher Week.

CCXXX. Respondens unus de turba. Mark ix. 16.

CCXXX I . Rogabat Jesum quidam. Luke vu. 36.

Sa turday in Ernher Week.CCXXX I I . Dicebat Jesus turb is. Luke xiii. 6 .

CCXXX II I. Egres sus Jesus ibat. Luke xix. 1 .

CCXXXIV. Omnis qui venit ad me. Luke vi. 47 .


Mass for Brothers and Sisters.

CCXXXV. Sedens Jesus contra gaz ophilacium aspiciebat.

Ma tt. Xiio 4 1 0 0 0 o

CCXXXVI. Ecce venit hora et nunc. J ohn xvi. 33.

Mass for the Dead.

CCXXXVI I. Dixit Martha ad Jesum. John xi. 31 .

Another Mass f or the Dead .

CCXXXVI I I . (Lui verbum meum audit. J ohn v. 34 .

Mass for a Wedding .

CCXXX IX. Accesserunt ad Jesum. M att. xix. 37 .





Scientes quia hora est. Rom. xiii. 1 1

Sic nos existimet homo. 1 Cor . iv. 1 .

Fourth Sunday in Advent.

Gaudete in Domino semper. Phil. iv. 4.

Puer natus es t nobis. Isaiah ix. 6.

Quanto tempore haeres parvulus. Gal. iv. 1 .

Surge, illuminare, Jerusalem. Isaiah lx. 1.

First Sunday after the Octav e.VI I I . Obsecro vos per misericordiam Dei. Rom. x11. 1 .

Second Sunday after the Octave.Habentes donationes. Rom. xii. 6.

Nolite eas e prudentes . Rom. x11. 16.

Fourth Sunday qfier the Octave.Nemini quidquam debeatis. Rom. xiii. 8.

Fifth Sundayafler the Octave.Induite vos sieut elceti. Col. iii. 13.

XIII . Ns citis quod 11 qui in stadio. 1 Cor . ix. 34.

XIV. L ibenter sufl'

ertis insipientes. 3Cor . xi. 19.

Si linguis hominum loquar. 1 Cor . xiii. 1 .

xvi C ON TE N TS.

sxxuon First Sunday in Lent.

Hortamur vos ne in vacuum . 3Cor . vi. 1 .

Second Sunday in Lent.

XVI I . Rogamus vos et obsecramus. 1 Thess . iv. 1 .

Third Sunday in Lent.

XV I I I . Estate imitatores Dei. Eph. v. 1 .

Fourth Sunday in Lent.

XIX . Scriptum est enim quia Abraham. Gal. iv. 33.

Passion Sunday.

Christus assistens Pontifex. Heh. ix . 1 1 .

XX I . Hoe sentite in vob is. Phil. u. 5.

Easter DayXX I I . Expurgate vetus fermentum.

First Sunday afi er Easter .

XX I I I . Omne quod natum est ex Deo. 1 John v. 4 .

Second Sunday afi er Ea ster .

XX IV. Christus passus semel est pro nob is . 1

Third Sunday af ter Easter .

XXV. Obsecro vos tanquam. 1 Peter ii. 1 1 .

Four th Sunday af ter Easter .

XXVI . Omne datum optimum. James i. 1 7 .

Fifih Sunday af ter Easter .

XXVI I . Estote factores verb i. James i. 33.

Sunday afler Ascension Day.

XXVI I I . Estote prudentes. 1 Peter iv. 7 .

XXIX. Dum complerentur dies. Acts 11. 1 .

XXX. Vidi hostium apertum in Goelo . Apoc. iv. 1 .

First Sunday af ter Tr inity.XXXI. Deus caritas est . 1 John iv. 8.

C O N TE N TS. xv ii

Second Sunday afler Tr inity.PAGE

Nolite mirari si od it vos mundus. 1 John iii. 13.

Third Sunday afi er Trinity.

( XXI I I . Humiliamini sub potenti manu De i. 1 Peter v. 6 .

Four th Sunday qfler Trinity.

‘XX IV. Exist imo quod non sunt condignae. Rom. viii. 18.

Fifth Sunday afler Trinity.

(XXV. Omnes unanimes in oratione estote .

[ XXVI . Og icunque baptiz ati sumus. Rom. vi. 3.

Seventh Sunday afler Trinity.

XXXVI I . Humanum dico propter infirmitatem . Rom. vi. 19.

Eighth Sunday afler Tr inity.

XXXV I I I . Deb itores sumus non carni. Rom . viii. 13.

( XX IX . Non simus concupiscentes malorum. 1 Cor . x. 6 .

Tenth Sunday after Trinity.

Scitis quoniam curn gentes m tis. 1 Cor . xi t. 3.

Eleventh Sunday afler Tr inity.

Notum vobis fac io evangelium. 1 Cor . xv. 1 .

Tw elfth Sunday after Trinity.

XL I I . Fiduciam talem habemus . 3Cor . iii. 4 .

Thir teenth Sunday af ter Trinity.

X L I I I . Abrahae dictae sunt promissiones. Gal. iii. 16 .

Four teenth Sunday afler Trinity.

X L IV. Spiritu ambulate . Gal. v. 16 .

X L V. Spiritu vivimus. Gal. v. 35.

X L V I . Obsecro vos ne deficiat. Eph. iii. 13.

v u . Obsecro vos ego vinctus in Domino. m . iv. 1 .

xviii C ON TE N TS.

“I MO"

XLVI I I . Gracias ago Deo meo. 1 Cor . i. 4.

XL IX. Renovamini spiritu mentis. Eph. iv. 33.

Videte quomodo caute ambuletis. Eph. v. 15.

Confortaminl in Domino. Eph. vi. ro.

Confidimus in Domino Jesu. Phil. i. 6.

L 111. Imitatores mei estote. Phil. iii. 17

Non cessamus pro vobis orantes. Col. i. 9.

Tw enty-fiflh Sundayafter Trinity.Ecce dies venit. J er . xxiii.5

Vae Octuplex, or Eight Woes denounced against the Friars

Of Mynystris in the Chirche, an Exposition of Matthew xxiv.

[THE gospels for the Sundays and Saints’days present no d ifliculty

the English reader, but when he comes to the ‘ogospels for the ferias

mayexpect some words of explanation. In ecclesiast ical parlan

days of the week, except Saturday, are

never applied to the first day, or SundayTuesdaythe third , and so on ,

to Fr iday,

in ecclesiastical language , Sahha tum . This use of the te

arisen in the follow ing way. Among the Romans there

feriae , or holidays ; the thirtydays of the Feriae Latinae ,was offered to Jupiter Latiaris on the top of the Alban

of all the Latin communities, being the most important

Among the earlyChristians the word soon came to b

sense of a rest from to il and secular business. Easter, in the conceptia

of the primitive Christian, was the central point of the year ; it was the

season at which, having accomplished his reconciliation with God , he com

menced again the round of common duties and trials ; and th e w eek (hpfollow ing Easter dayhe called and kept as feriae,

’abstain ing on the :

from all secular work, but having undoubtedlythe spiritualmeaning of th

term fullypresent to his mind also . Now just as all the Sundays in tl!

year came to be regarded as involving a renewal on a small scale of tit

Paschal solemnity,—(Keble beautifullytakes up the thought in his hynl

for Easter day

Sundays bythee more glorious break,An Easter day in every

so the week days throughout the year graduallycame to be called feriar.’

because the Paschalweek days were so called . That Sundayshould In!

been included numericallyamong the feriae must be accounted for bytkinfluence of the spiritual acceptation of the word alreadyment ioned ; bi

the name of ‘ dies Dominica,’established since the times of th e apostle.

could not of course be superseded . Nor,again, could the seventh dayd

the week be called byanyother name than Sabbatum,


a due reverence for the elder d ispensation and the rest of the C ream;although it is practicallytreated as a feria for r itual purposes . (DucanaBingham,

W ez er and W elte, Kirchen- Lex icon ; the art icle in H er-mg i

tedious and confused .)All the sermons which follow , except the last five, are on gospels takfl

from the Temporale of the Sarum missal. The last five are on gaspi

appropriated to a few of those spec ialoccasions, for which the same midin the portion of it follow ing the Commune Sanctorum, contains a grd

number of separate oflices.]



pa Wxnxxsnsn 1x bx n xsr x wax: or Anvxxr

arroxx cmsrm ussx.

[ S E R M O N c x x rv . ]

P r ina'


urn evangelu—MARK i.

As men shulden trowe in Crist bat he is bobe God and man,

so men shulden trowe b i hise wordis bat bei ben sobe, and

wordis of liif. And bus Crist in his laste departing bad hise

Apostlis to preche be gospel. And in ober place be bad bat

Petre shulde fede his sheep ; not wib bodili fode, sib Crist

wolde bat he badde no moneye ; and Mathew tellib how a

servaunt shal come to blisse for sich fode , and prelat bat faylibof sich foode shal be dampned depe in helle . And Luk seib

bat he is blessid bat heerib and keepibGoddis word ; and siba lordis word is worshiped after be gretnesse of bis lord, and

C rist is more wibouten mesure ban ony kyng or erbeli lord,how loveb be peple C rist, but after bat it loveb Cristis word ?

And bis bileve seib Poul, 3if man love not Jesus Crist, he iscursid of God, and bat is more ban mannis cursc. Cursid

be he bat wolde ordeyne bat be pistilis and be gospelis

weren turned in to decrees or decretalis of be Pape. For

as no word of Goddis lawe hab ony strengbe , but as Crist

spekib it, so no word of mannis lawe abulde be loved but

if C rist speke it. For Crist is treube, and noo word shulde

’ So E ; A has, and


1 C4t xvt 30.

The ofi ee of

a n ts.


be loved‘ (or it is trewe. Take we noon heede to b eestis

skynnes, to enke, or ober omamentis, but to treube bat

Crist spake, m which stondib oure b ileve. For as we trowen

bat Qis t.

was man, so we trowen bat he spake bus and


n ordis my3ten not be amended, sib he is God bat seib

bis treube . And for dispite of C ristis wordis, and for defaute

of love of hem, ben many men cursid of God ; for bei

maken Cristis wordis unworshipid, and magnifien ber owne

wordis, as bei wolden take fro God his worshipe . But, as

Poul seib, noon shulde be trowid but aftir bat C rist spekibin him. As we ben certeyn of be gospel, bat Crist, God

and man, spake it, so we ben certeyn of be treube , bat itis faire and profitable .

Dis gospel of Mark bigynneb, how Crist was teld in be

olde lawe, and how al his lyf was figurid bobe in patriarkis

and prOphetis. Dis, seib Mark, is he hzgynning of he gospel


j esus Cr ist, Goddis Sane. As is wrz'

lun in I sayhe pr ophete

Manymen ben Goddis sones, taken b i grace of ber fadir ;but Crist is Goddis Sone kyndely, and be same God w ib him.

De Fadir seib to bis Sone b i Isaybe pr0phete : L o, Y sends

myn angel hif ore hi f ace, which shal make redi hi w ey tofm

fies. Dis aungel was Baptiste, bat witnesside be comyng of

Crist and higenesse of his state, bobe to Godhede and to

manhede. And sich an angel mai be clepid every good

Cristen man, bat makib redi weie to Crist b ifore Cristis lasts

comyng. Dis foon was a vats (y'

a cryer in desert. So Joonwas vois of Goddis word, and kuewe mekeli his own freelte;and so Crist criede in desert, bi Baptist bat was his whistle , siballe creatures ben instrumentis to Goddis word. For, as Isayseib, man is a sawe to God bat worchip. Dis vois criede

bus to men ; M ake 3c redi fie wet]: of fie Lord, and snake yhis pai r


s r igtful. Dis Lord hab his heestis, comun kyngisweie 3, bat ech Cristene man shulde hold ; and gif lettingbe in bis weye, men shulden wibdrawe bis letting. And i fmen wolen go b i pabis, and kepe be counceilis of Crist, loke

grate men, E.

In G the sermon begins at this point .


bat bei oroken not from him,ne fro be endis bat he ordeyneb.

And bus bese newe religiouse , b iside Cristis lawe , ben bi

pabis ; but to crokid and to foule to onyman to go to bevone ,

for hem wantib ri3tnesse bat bei feynen in be t signes. For

ber signes serven of nou3t but to crye her holynesse , bat bei f

ben bifore ober chosen of God to his service ; and so bei

menen bat in blis bei ben bifore seculer men. But it

mai falle bat manymen at be dai of dome come bifore and so

bis Lord shal seie banne, to shame of bes ypocritis, 3yve 3estede to bis man, and remove hem from bis boord. For alle

bes ordres ben leeves of wordis, and fantasies of feyned

colouris and so bes pabis ben not ri3t, for be i leden men to

ypocritis placis.

j oon Baptist was in deser t, wa zkhz’

nge, and pref /tinge hapbrsrn

q ena nunce in rernzlssz'

oun of tynnes . But bes newe ordris ben

cowardis, for bei wolen have manyfelowis in citees ny; men,

and in ber castelis bat bei maken and preching wib penaunce

bat bei done crokib fro Crist and fro Joon. And albe regioun

of Jude com out to Joon Baptist, and allehe men q/ j erusalernand hei weren haptzlrz

d if him in he water of j ordan, and her'


chzdenher tynnesr - not wib rowning as men done now.

And j oon was clohz'

d w zh camele beer and a girdil of skyn abouts

his Ieendz'

s. And so it semeb to manymen bat Joon hadde

neiber coote ne breche , for he wente after his power ny; be

staat of innocense ; and so he fiedde mannis craft, bobe inhilynge and in foode . For in state of innocence mannis craft

shulde not serve here . And j oon eet eerhzs and honyofhe woode,as he found hem in wildernesse ; and ober housis badde henoon but bis wildernesse and cope of hevene. And here

shulden oure ordris shame to se ie bat Joon was of ber ordre , forhis reule mut nede be first and a pab to ber liif but how suen

bei Baptist, bat bus evermore reversen him ? 3ii bei mai notlyve bus streitli, bei mai kepe hem fro fals wordis, for banne beisynnen agens Crist and agens Joon Baptist, and so bei singenneiber aftir Crist, ne moomen bi penance after Joon. He

pr echz’

de and sez'

de A str enger han I’corneh after me, whos kne

Iere‘ , I , am unworhz’

to unhz'

ndehe lace of his shoon. I haptise3oui mm n ua, E.

’eoope, E.

' m .E.‘ kneler, E

8 2

011m m


in truder , hut ke skal hahnse gou ih he Holi Goost. And hene men

seien comounli, bat ber ben bree baptisingis, be firm is

baptising in water, be tober is baptising wib blood, but be briddebaptising, moost nedefixl and moost worb, is purging of be

Hooli Goost ; and bat mut God himsilf do, as in waser and

blood of Crist moten nedis bes two first be groundid.

ON Famu xx m s‘

rx warm or Anvxxr .

[ S E RM O N c x x v . ]

ll D18 gospel tellib, as be nexte bifore, how Joon made redybeweye to C rist. Mathew tellib how, j oon Baptiste cam in desert

corne nyge. Dis weye of God was ful slidir for men govun to

fieishli lustis , and berfore Joon took bis word to make redi bisweye to men, for manymen felden doun for slidirnesse of bis

weie, and berfore mom it have sum gravel, as Crist and Joontaugte in bis ryme

‘. Dis Joon is he ofwhom it is seid bi Ysaybe

profett, bat seib,Der is a vois of Goddis word bat crieb in desen ;make 3e redi be weyof be Lord, make 3e rigt be pabis of him.

Drede we not for to graunte bat Joon Baptist is a vois, for bis

word habmanywittie and oon of hem is taken here. As a vois

is a soun’ be which is formed of a moub. and is formed of word

of herte , freel in beyng, to bis word, so Joon Baptist was

foormed of the word of Goddis moub, be which word is JesusCrist, more worb banne manyJoones. And so seib Baptistewittili and mekeli bat he is a vois, for he hab noon beyng but

of be word of God wibinne and he hab pass inge beyng in bocfi,as a vois hab. But as a vois bele b be witt of be word wibinne

be soule , so Baptist bare be witt of Goddis wonlwibouten error.

Dis ] oon hadde clobis of be heeris of camelis , and a girdil of

skyn aboum his leendie and be mete of bis joon was fi'

uyte of

be erbe and honyof be woode. For , as Ysayseib of Crist bat

‘ So in E ; A has temu .


he shal ete butter and hony, so cet Baptist eerbis and hony.

For as C rist badde witt of erbeli bing and hevenli, so hadde

Baptist after Crist, as it was nede to gete him blis. Sum men

seien bat locusta is a litil beest good to ete. Sum men seien it

is an herbe bat gederitb honyupon him ; but it is licli bat it is an

herbe bat mai nurishe men, bat bei clepen honysoukil but

bis bing varieb in manycontrees .

Danne wente out toj oonheM k (y'

j erusalem, and alhe contra!

ahaute j ordan, and allehe land q udee,and hei weren hahtised in

j ordan shryvyng to God her synnes. And Joon badde power toheere hem, for he was an booli prophete and a bishopis sone,

and, as holi writt spekib, he was a preest maad of God ; but bis

newe maner of sa cam longe after b i be pope . And bis

Baptist was a witnesse more worb ban bes philosophris, as Platoand Aristotle 3, bobe in liif and in witt.

ON Wannxsnxv IN i s SECUNDE warm or AnvEN'


[ s E R M 0 N c x x v u

Dix itfi sts: W hit—MAN . xi. [7

Fon Joon Baptiste tolde of Cristis advent, berfore bes gos

pelis maken mynde of Joon Baptist, and Mathew tellib of

Baptist wibinne in his book, how he passeb ober in holynesseand vertue. Crist, bat mai not lye, seib first of bis Joon, SohliI sez


e to 30a , among uymmens children roos noon morehan j oon

Baptist, in rysynge here in erbe. It semeb bat Crist wolde seie

bis logyk, bat ber roos noon more ban Baptiste , al if ber were

sum man more ban was Joon Baptist, as Crist was a wom ans

child, sib Crist clepib twies his modir womman ; but Crist roos

nevere bus, sib Crist was nevere doun in synne. Baptiste was

in original synne, whanne he was halewid wibinne his modir ;and so, algif seintis in hevene ben more ban was Baptist here,

nebeles ber roos noon more wommans child than was Baptist,


sib for tyme bat he growide he was moost growinge booli man.

And herfore seib Crist aftir, But he hat is lesse in he r ewme gt

heurne is more han he, for more booli. Bobe aungelis and

seintis ben more hooli now in hevene ban was Joon Baptis te fors tyme bat he 1003here . And here ben we tau3te wel, to preise

men but in mesure , and passe not be boondis of sob for fagingof men bat we speke of, as men seien bat freris done in bet

preching of dede men. Crist seib not bat ech in blis is moreban ever is Baptist, but he seib bat ech in blis is more ban hereis Baptist. And sum men seien bat Crist meenide bat be him

silf, bat is lasse in holi Chirche, for lowere and mekere , is more

ban Joon Baptist.But f ro dates of j oon Baptist unto now he rewme of hevene

suj reh f ors, and violent men rams/zen it. Here men seien

comunli bat fro tyme of Joon Baptist, bat he badde bus prechideC rist, manymen disserveden heven. And, for no man comebto heven, but gif he do werkes of penaunce , for bus men moten

nedis scale l heven , and sib Crist seib bat noon comeb to himbut 3if he be drawun, bobe God and himsilf moten nedis vio

lenten his bodi, and bus he ravisheb bis castel b i a laddir maad

of vertue. And so men moten do mouche strengbe and violence

a3en ber enemyes, and be strong in spiri tual b ateil to raviss he

bis rewme a3cns be fend . For more hie stiyng is noon, and

noon more medeful violence ; and bus Joon was a mydd il signeof bis goostli bateile . For alle hrofi tzs and olde law e tolden

q/ér untoj oon, and 317 3c walen ressgyvehis, j oon is Helyha t is i tcome. Joon is not Helypersonali, as Joon him silf confessib;but he is Hely figurali, as Crist seib here , bat mai not lye.And ri; t so be sacrid oost is verrybreed kyndeli, and Goddis

bodi figurali, rigt as Crist hirnsilf seib. And, for bis witt is

notable, Crist seib, as he seib ofte, He hat hah ceren to heere,heere he

, bis sentence bi his mynde. And,for Crist is no t God

of dissencioun ne of striif, he tellib here wise wordis in whichehis wisdom in hid. Alle ober prOphetis tolden fer bat C ristshulde come, but bei tolden not whanne . But Joon tolde wibhis finger, Lo , here C rist be loomb of God ; and in bis Joon

sti3e, E.



and so of fulnesse of Cristis grace taken alle bat ben Cristis

lymes. For lath e was govun hi M oises grace and tr euhe is

m ad hi j esus Cr ist. It is knowun bi b ileve how M oises

toke be lawe of God, be which was trube wibouten cende , and

nevere made but govun . For algif Moises made two tablis,

nebeles bes tablis weren not be lawe. Grace bat men han in

ber soule, for to come anoon to hevene, was ma d b i JesusCrist in openyng of hevene 3atis, for Crist mut nedis be be

firste man bat shulde come in to hevene ; and sib al bat fel in

be oolde law was figure of Jesus Crist and be ma d him silf

man, it is seid bat treube is maad b i Jesus Crist whan he wasman, for banne figures ceesiden, and Crist was come , cende

of hem. But, for it is needeful to b ileve bes two kyndis of

Crist, berfore seib bis gospel,hat God no man saw w ere. And

clerkes seien here bat ber ben two manere of si3tis of man.

Open si3t of bing present eiber to be eye or to be soule , and

misti si3t drawun afer, as men seen b i shadewes and b ileve.

And for be first si3t Joon seib, bat no man saw; here be God

hede, for Moises wolde have seen bus the Godhede, and God

certefiede to him bat no man shulde se him bus and lyve sich

fleishli liif. For bis si3t is kept to blisse , and to men bat Godwoll ravishe, as Poul badde sum glymeryng of be first si3t, andober men bat God wole shewe, and ravishe hem fro fleishli liif,

and telle to ber soule as him likib. But, for bis were over greet

discomfort, bat men shulden no w ise here se God, berfore se ib

be gospel after hat, he oon horn Sanehe which is in he Fadr is

bosurn, he hah told out be tober si3t of God. For, as Crist seebever pleynli be Godhede wibinne himsilf, so he grauntib it to

trewe men to se it b i b ileve. For bis misti si3t, seib Poul,bat we seen now .bi a myrrour in darknesse, but in heven we

shal see God face to face . And so,for bing is hid in bosurn,

and Cristis Godhede is here hid from us, berfore seib bis gospel

bus, bat bis oon born sone is in his Padris bosum. It is b etere

to se God clereli, ban us to blabere here of hid bing.


Ox ' WEDNEsmu xx bx pmnnx WExE 111 Anvxx '

r .

M 1ssus Es'

r Axos 15$1111) ON As uncn croun nxr m ono

PRopRE Sxxcr oxvx .

PE Gosrm. on be bxmnE Fxmxv.

[ S E R M O N CXXV I I I . ]

Ex surgens M ar ia—L IJ0. i.

Drs gospel tellib bat fro be tyme bat Marie was greet of be Them u tton

aungel she was not ydil, but stiride as God movede her.

M a r ie roos up, seib Luk, and wente into monteyne contre w ihhaste in tohe cz


tee of kynrede’(y


j udee, and entr i'

de into Z acar ies

lions , and grette Elisabeth. For Gabriel told Marie b ifore how

Eliz abeth was wib child, and what moneb she badde conseyved,and how Joon shulde be born b ifore Crist, but Marie was not

tale wiis’ ne boostful as ober wymmen, but grette mekelyEliz a

beb, and abood her wordis. Dis gospel tellib not how Marie

tok a bour woman ‘, but went mekeli in hast to salute her cosyn.

And sib Joon was man banne, and Marie cam so hastely, it

semeb to manymen bat Joon was man bifore Crist, and herforeseib be gospel bat Marie wente out wib haste . Dis resoun is

not formed, but helpib wib ober to moove men. And it was

m adhat whanne Elisaheth herde he grating of M ar ie,he gongchild madej oi


e in Elizabeth } womhe. And, as seintis seyn , sibJoon shewide gladnesse wibouten, he stiride in his modir

wombe , as he badde daunsid ; and wib bis God movede Eliza

beth to prophecie. And Elizabeth wasf ulfilled (yhe Holt Coast,

and cr iede w ih greet vois and sez'

de , Blessid art hou among upon

men, and he f ruit «yhi womhe is blessid. And whereof rameh

his to me, hat he modir of my Lord corach has to me ? Diswomman wiste byprophecie bat Marie badde conceyved Crist,and how she was berfore blessid among wymmen, and she

badde woundir and deynte bat bis ladi visitide her. For lo,

Here G has, be Wednesdai gos l in be bridde wook of Advent,and also it is red on Oure Ladi in te .

I has , re nexte gospel,M im e: est. is teld in be Anunciacioun.

See vol. i. p.353. be kynrede.E.

a bore womman , E.


whanne he voir cy'

hi gretsfw was m d tn nyn mm he gongchH M gh d fw yM as Y felide, 1


n mywomhe. And wib bisfelyng of bis womman God gaf hir witt to propbecie bus. And

htem d he hou hat trmm‘

dest, seide Eliz abeth to Marie /fibr in

shal he perf om ed inheehat weren seid toheuyhe Lord.And Mari spak not boostful jangling new wordis, bat weren

impertinent, but heriede‘ God of alhis grace , and stood in hes

bat he is greeg and albis good comeb of him ; and we ben his

instrumentis ,—and has my spir it makihjor’

e in God hot 121 mhelhe. And so be liif ofMarie makib God greet in word and

dede , and so she serveb to him bobe in bodi and in soule, bm

hh' spirit is glad in be bileve bat she hab, bat bi be manbede of

her sone God shal be helbe to be world. Obir wordis bat suen

ofMaries song ben expowned to greet witt. And of bis Ladi

shulden men mke, and speciali erbeli ladyes, to be melee and

homely; for so was be Ladyof bis world.

b e barons 8411 1119 1111 Gospxt. 1x o xxr .

[ S E R M O N c x x rx q

Anna quinto da tum—Lao. iii.

Lux tellib in bis gospel what tyme joon began to preche.

and notib b i hebene lordis whos date was more knowe banne ,and bigynneb at be Emperour, not undir whom C rist was born,but him bat cam next after , bat Luk clepebEmperour of Tibir ,

be which is a water at Rome“. Defiflene geer We: Emherour ,

not as lord of bat loud, but proctour of be Emperour and justiseto termyne causis, to pees , and to be Emperours profit, and

in be same tyme was be secounde, Heroude, a f ourhe Ior d g


Cattle, but not so mouche as be firste Heroude , for be first

1 5° E ; M°


‘ m ter d Rome. E.

Wyclif considers Tiberius as an adjective formed from Tiberis .


was clepid oomunli kyng, and bis was clepid Tetrarca, for he

hadde as be fourbe part of be rewme of jude , and Phi?tjohis

clepid Bylhym‘and Traconytr


dsIr, and Lysanye’was be bridée

lord hat hadde hef ourhe part of A617ene,—nadir bis Emperour of

Rome, and bes foure worldli lordis ; and twapn’

na lr of preestis

weren banne Anna and Caifas , be word ofhe Lord was maad

upon j oon, Z acarter mm , in desert. Joon was movede of God,

banne abone be brittinbe’3eer of his eelde, to preche and to teche

be folk bobe in word and in dede. And so he took not falseli

bis oflice for wynnyng, ne of bes two bishopis", but speciali ofGod , and he was nedid to do bus, as God hab ever ordeyned.

And so it semeb to manymen bat prelatis bat letten trewe

preestis to preche freeli be gospel ben worse ban bes two

bishopis of Jewis. Summe bish0pis ben glad of bee prestis,and summe ben evyle enformed bi freris. And j oon cam in

to ot he contre gf /ordan, preching he ha,ohlsm gf penaunce in


on y'

m nes , as it rlr wr itun t'

n he hook of Sennouns

n sg rhe prgfite, bat seide bat, j oon was a vots of a cr iere

ris desert, M ake 3e redt he w9 ' of he Lord, make 3e hilr pahslrr ig“ Joon prechide no t for worldli wynnynge, and so he

fledde fablis and lesingis, but tolde opynli profitable treube

but God puttide in his moub. For bus dide profetis bifore ,and bis Baptist was eende of hem. Joon movede men to

mekenesse , and to benke on be dai of dome, and m de hat

he m d low . Dis shal be at be dai of dome, whanne be erbe

shalbe pleyn and round, as ech meke man bat shal come to

hevene shal be banne firlfillid of blisse, and ech proud man

bat shal be dampned shal be maad low bi peyne. And bis

vord shulde move men to mekenem and to leve pride, and

so it is ful nedeful to preche now as it was banne . And

Ioflgn wa’

es. Dis is soib of be erbe , but algatis of mennis

ha dn fos manye shrewide hertis of men shal tume to be

‘ Beé ony, E.”M E.

i. e. of Annas and Caiaphas .



weye of rigtwisnesse, and many sharpe men for to fi3te shal

be pacient and meke. And ech man shal'

se fleishli Crist batis helhe cy


God. For at be laste -dai of dome shal C rist be

bus seen of alle men ; and sich sermouns weren good to men,

to teche hem vertues and to flee synne.

131: Fourth : WEDNESDAI 1x ADVENT.

[S E RM O N c x x x . ]

Ex z’

it sermo in universamj udeam.—LUC . vu. [ 1

As Joon cam bifore Crist in liif, so he cam bifore him in

preching, and algatis Joon made redi men for to trowe in

Crist. For be sunne b ifore he come sendib his li3t, and

after he shyneb; and in werkes of crafte be rude man comebb ifore, and subtil man comeb aftir and makib fair. Luk

tellib bat, word wente out y“

j esus into at f ade, and in to at

he contre aboute , for woundris bat Crist dide. And j oonsdisciplis tolden him if alle hes, bat weren seide of Crist. And

[ oon clepz'

de banne togz'

dere two if hise di sciplis, and sente hens

to j esus, and w ife, Art hou he prophete hat is to come, or we


den anoher betere ? Baptist seide not bes wordis for he

badde drede in bis bileve, but for he wolde bat his disc iplis

and ober men weren tau3te of Crist ; and so he coveitide

Cristis worship, and ordeynede berfore many gatis. And

whanne hes two disciplis camen, hei sei


den has to Cr ist [ oonBaptist sente us to hee, and seide, Art hou he hat is to cone

or we aht'

den anoht'

r r"And Cr ist in hat same our heelz


de manymen of her sh


knesse,as summe (yher languishing, and sum of

woundris, and sum of f ends}, and to manyhlynde Cr ist 3af s1'

3t.And Cr ist answer z


de and seide to hem, Going f arh, telle 43mtoj oon hinges hat 3c han herd ; for hlynde men seen

, and halte

men goen meselis hen maad clene, def e men heeren dede men

r zlren, pore men hen prechid good. And he is blessid hat shal

not he sclaundr id in me .


pese wordis ben expowned in be firste part of be sermouns t .

And whanne j oanes messangerzs weren hassid, began j esns to

seie of j oon to he peple, What wente 3e to see in desertP Wher

3e wente to se a reed waw id weh he wynd P But what hing 3eden

3e out to see? Wher a man cled weh sqfte elohis 2 L o,hes men

hat hen in a hreseiores cloth ,and in delia s, ben in hyngis houses.

But what went? ge to se 2 wher a hrqfete 2 3he, I’ seie to3014, morehan a hrqflte. For his is he (ywhom it is wr itten, L o, 1


mj n aangel biforehif aee,he which aungel shal mahe redi hi weie

bif ore hee. Cer tis Y seie to ga s, her is no man more prcybteamonghe children of wymmenhan is j oon, hut hehat is Iesse inhef emmes of hevenes is more han he as Crist seide bifore. But

here it semeb bat speche of C rist out- takib himsilf bi his wordis ;and bes wordis ben sobeli seid agens alle capcious men.

Pl: rovabn Faw n m ADVENT.

[ S E R M O N c x x x m

prs gospel tellibhow men shulden flee alypocrisie , for among We m w flee

fyve pridis bis is moost perilous. And, for bis ypocrisie is bobein religious and seculer lordis, berfore biddib Crist to hise, Se3e

and fie 3e f ro he sour dow; of Far riva ls, and he sour dow ; ofHeroade. Andheihorq ten togidere, and seiden,hathei hadden no

breed, how were it banne pertinent to telle hem of sour dong?

And whanne his word was knowun j esas seide to hem, Wherto

henhen 3c hat 3e have no breed ? 3it ge knowun not, ne andir

stonden ; git gonr her te es hlyndid ; 3e havynge igen seen not, and 3e

havytg eeren heeren not, but wanten witt. And 3e henken not

whan I’ hrahfyve loaves among/j rvehonsynd men, and how manyeey


ynes f at of relyharen 3e awey. And hei seiden hat twelve

Soc vol. i. Sermon XXVI I I .Since he preached on the corres

nding passage in St. Matthew.

Wye-h f appears to have discovered sions.

The cure ofthe bllnd man.


eo/j 'nes bei token of be firste feeste . And Crist az ib of besecounde feste, Whanne he f edde f ourehouymd men weh sevene

looms, and how manyleehf ullis of broke metehei tohen aftir 2 And

hei seiden,hei gadr iden sevene. And here we witen bat bes werentwo feestis. And Cr ist seide banne to hem, How understande

3e not? bat Y speke to ober entente, whanne Y speke of be

sour dowg, bat is clepid ypocrisie bi resoun of propirte of bing.For ri3t as sour dow; infectib breed bat men shulden lyve w ib, so

ypocrisie faylibgood work bat mans soule shulde lyve wib.

Ipocrisie of Pharisees and of Bronde lastib 3it, for newe

ordris b igilen be peple, bob beggers and possessioneris, in bat‘

bei feynen hem holyto spuyle of hem be worldli goodis. For

certis Crist put nevere holynes in sich signes ofypocritis ; but

whanne bes signes crien hem holy, bei ben false to disseyve be

peple. And gif bes ordris ben holy, bei shulden hide bat, as

Crist b iddib; but where shulde rise ber wynnyng banne, biwhich bei spuylen be peple ? And be ende of be feendis

ordenaunce , bat he castib bi bes ordris. But git Heroude habsuteris, as sconlers bat now lyven for as he feynede holynesse

in sleying of Joon Baptist, so bei feynen holynesse in pursuyingof trewe men. And for bes ordris of horedom, wib flatering

bat is maad to hem, in false signes of horedoom, and knelyngas daunsyng, bei holden wib bes false ordris and harmen Cristis

lawe and be peple3.

But be gospel tellib aftir how , Cr ist and hise camen to Beth

sa ida , andhei brougten to him a hlynd man, andhei hreieden Cr ist

to tonehe him. And Cr i st tookhe hlynde manni s hoonde, and hidde

him w thoute he strete, and Cr ist, shitting in his igen, hut/e his

hondis on him, and ax ide him wher he saw; ou t. And his man

lohide on Crist and seide, hat he saw ; men walb’ng as trees.

Af terward Cr ist hatte his hondis upon his i3en, and he began to

see, andhis hlynde man was restored, sohat he saw; elerely alle

hingis. And Cr i st sentehis hlynde man to his hons , and seide, Go

intohi hoses, and gyhon go out intohe strete, seiehon to no man.

And Crist techib b i bes wordis bat neiber men heelid shulden

So Q ; A reads, bat bat.

The whole of this paragraph is omitted in E.


d k m fle m r he shet fi fi fis m h bu hobe m kis n d

s b z be m hm riche to God for m nirdom bu ba‘

h n

t ’f fi p riszene m-en sufi sen nm to tene be camd is of

n r zz sr z W a n s u i m cou r t or Ti n » : Da r .

[ S E R M O N cx x zx

Cum audi ted j aw .—Ma r r . iv.

weep s

-1 tail-2b whanne and how oure Lord Jen s b igan to

B ah ia}! w as 1125

,he m ate in to Gable , and lefle he a b 9


and ram and m y: in Caffi rm Joon was

r at ed {ca he reprorede Heroude of his brobers r yr ; ar he


an d f lies w eren (a s: for Joones deb b i be w ickide wom

man Her ffi z é : and Crist w iSte we ] how Joon shulde d ie, and

m . an d h ow gloriously, and so Crist began to proche and

w aferme Joones preching. For C rist took be same tu ne , and

held be same forme of preching. Cahhamam m a t ile: anhe

um seid In'

I s-y'

h-e j -r ef el I‘e loud ef Z ahuIm a nd}! In d f

b lab-u is c a g e oj he see onfi v dan ef G-zlile g/ hehu c/ J L

And it is knom how kyng Solomon ;af bis Galile to a kyng

bar gz t him a ones’to his temple , and how bus men goen m be

see. mm , of bes e two sortis, hut sat in derbm se of synne,m a gr eet by,

whanne it saw Crist be sunne of ri3twisnes, ad

u hfle m n’

flm in lond cf shadem (f dehfl'

s [di m -fl

hen . In bis lond was be shadewe of deb ; for bere was synne

‘o a c a

t an be sa h be eaa fin Q m a dm h h m .fl ‘ flt 'flJ w -ea m a isks are w onglya cluded fmm the qnoh fiu in h


of unb ileve, and manyober unkindelysynnes, bat maken shad

ewe of deb to men. For manyof bis contreyweren dampnyd,al3if summe of hem weren saved ; and bes men out of b ileve

bat shulden be dampned baren wib hem bat shadewe of be

secunde deb, and derkiden ober wib bis shadewe.

From hens htgan j esus to preche, and seie, as Joon Baptist

seide, Do 3e penaunce, f or he rewme of hevenes shal eome ny;Doing of penance was nedeful to be peple bat bes men tau3ten,for ber weye was ful slidir for to go to hevene inne, sib fleishli

synnes weren in hem, and bei letten men to go to hevene ; and

it profitibmouche to men to go in good felouship. But Crist,

bat is rewme of hevene , shal come ny; and opene heven, and

stoppe tempting of be fend ; and so men shulden helpe hemsilf,

and bigynne at beir nexte enemye , bat is be fieish, to chastise


ON pa r rass s FRIDAY AFTI R ocu vn or Twu rpx DAY.

[ S E R M O N C X X X I I I .)

Egressas f em .—LUKE iv. [1

pm gospel tellib how Crist prechide, aftir be storie bat Luk

tellib. j esus wente out in vertue (f he Goost in to Gable. Trewe

men trowen as b ileve bat be Holi Gost ledde Jesus whidir everhe wente, and what dedis evere h


é dide . Andf ame wente out

hour; a] he lond of him and Cr ist tau3te in synagogis of hem,

and was magnefied of hem alle. And Cr ist cam in toNazareth,

where he was eonsg'ved and nur ishid, and he entr ide hi his cus

tome on Saturda i in tohe synagoge. And hereof taken Cristene

men custome to proche on Sundai, for it comeb to us for Sabot

in be stede of Satirdai ; and C rist hadde custum for to preche

on Saturdaie , as Luk seib here ; and so shulden preestis sue

him, preching on Sabot bat is Sundai.

And Cr ist roos up to rede, and he book of Ysayheprq/ete was

The wordsfon—ny; are wronglyexcluded from the quotation in A.


18 WY CL IF ’


30mm to rede . And as Cr ist turnede he book, hefond he place

where it was wr itun, pe Spir it of he Lord is upon me, wherf ore

he ang'ntide me topreche topore men he sente me, and so be Holi

C oost had me, preche topr isoner isf orgyoenes, and to blynde men

sigt, to leeve broken men in remissioun, to preche he geer hat he

L ord aeeepteh , and he da ie q/ agenmyng 1 t. pis preching is al

disusid, and turnid to pride and coveitise. For how ever men

mai plese be peple, and wib moneie wynne hem worship, bat

bei prechen, and putten abak be profit of be peplis soule. pi:

book was ordeyned of God to be red in bis place , for alle bingia

bat felden to Crist weren ordeyned for to come bus . And

so men seyen Crist badde omce of alle be mynystris in be

Chirche . Crist lemede to rede whanne he wolde , and he

preiside mouche Ysay and bes ci3te wordis2red here of C rist

han betere ordre ban we can telle ; for be Hooli Goost was on

Crist bobe in his bodi and soule , sib Crist was bobe God and

man, and b i his manheed led of God. And berfore bis Goost

anoyntide C rist wib goodis of grace as fulli as onyman mygte

be anoyntid . And bus Crist mut nedis preche to meke men

bat wolden take it, for bis is be beste dede bat man doib here

to his breberen. And so C rist prechide, to prisoneris foq yngof ber synnes , and to men blinde in wit, for to knowe be wille

of God, and lceve broken men in forgyvenesse of ber travaile.

And Crist prechide be 3eer of our Lord bat was acceptable bi

him ; for he made the 3eer Jubile ; and daie of gyvyng of mercyand of blis was prechid of C rist. And so alle bes ei3te wordissownen in mercy and


confort of Crist, to men bat b en in

prisoun here for olde synnes bat bei have done.

And whanne Cr ist hodde [ olden his book, he gaf it to hr

serod ant, and he sat ; andhe eyen of allehat weren enhe smagoge

weren Iohing to him. And Cr ist btgan to seze to hem, path is das

is hes wr iting fild zn gour igen on me . For Isay seide bes

wordis, as men bat profecieden of Crist. And alle men 3mhim witnesse and alle men woundr iden inhe wordis of gracehe!

1forzyuyng, s . bohis

, Q ; om. E.

The Vulgate. I do not know on end of the nineteenth '

verse , thewhat authority, inserts here at the words,

‘et diem retributionis.



camen of hi s mouh. Of bis dede of Crist men taken, bat it isleveful for to write, and aftirward to rede , a sermoun ; for busdide Crist oure alber-maistir . For gif men mai bus turne be

peple, what abulde lette to have bis maner ? Certis traveile of

be prechour or name of havyng of good witt shulde not be be

ende of preching, but profit to be soule of be peple ; and how

ever bis ende comeb beste, is moost plesing to God. And

curiouse preching of Latyn is ful fer fro bis ende ; for manymen prechen hemsilf, and lceve to preche Jesus Crist ; and so

sermonna done lesse good ban bei diden in meke tyme.


ravs or rwsu ba mu .

[ S E R M O N C X X X I V . ]

Egressas j esus abiit. -Mm vi. [1

p18 gospel tellib how Crist dide in profitinge to his Chirche .

H e wente out of a mannis hons whos dougter he reiside from

deb to liif. And bis wenche was be firste bodi bat Crist

quykenede of bree ; and she was a wenche of twelve 3eer age,

bat Crist reiside wibinne be hons. And Cr ist wente bennesto his eontr e, and his disciplesfolew ielen him, and inhe same Sabotday he began to teche in he w agage. And manyhat herden

woundr iden in his lor e, sayng , Wherey'

comen alle hes hingis to

him 2 and what is he w isdomhat is 30mmhas to him,and sich

ver tues don bi his hondis ? I s not hehis osephis sone andM ar ies 2

And Joseph was a forgero‘of trees”, bat is to seie a wri3te .

And Crist badde name of his fadir in reprof of his pore kyn .

And so bei seiden bat Crist was brohir (y'

j ames and of j oseph and


j ude and SJ /mount, for alle bes weren his auntis children.

N e ben not hise si ster s weh us here 2 And hei weren harmed bi

selaundre (y him. Men mai seie soib dispitously, as siche

cosyns among be Jewis ben clepid breberen and sistris ; and

bei nemeden hem for bei weren pore . And j esus seide to hem

forcer , E. This clause is w ronglyincluded in the quotation in A



hat her is noopro/Iste wehouten honoure, but in his contre, in his

hoses , and in his hynrede. For in strange contre men marken

be dedis, and in bes homlyplacis be kyn. And Cri st mygte not

her do ony ver tue, buthat he heelide a j ewe siche men,he while he

leide his handis on hem. And here men taken of oure b ileve,

bat bing which God hab ordeyned not to be maynot be ; for

alle bingis moten nedis be bat God hab ordeyned. But Crist

my3te , gif he hadde wolde , have done here miraclis at his wille ;but Crist saw ever Goddis ordenaunce, to which he mut nedis

assente. And Crist woundr ide (yhis hyn,fi r he untr euhe hat

hei hadden. Crist woundride of manybingis, which bingis he

wiste fulwe]. For Crist hadde foure maner of knowingis ; bi

sum he woundride, and bi sum ober not. Crist, in bat he was

God, badde be same witt wibbe Fadir, and in bat bat he is blessid,Cri st saw clerelyalle bingis

8. Crist bi his bodili wittis badde

knowyng as ober men, and now he gat sich knowing, and now

he failide bereof. And, b i bis, Crist haddo comune knowing,

b i which he knewe bingis generalli.

pa SECUNDE Fawn AFTER OCTAVE or swamp] : mu .

[ S E R M O N c x x x v . ]

Descenditl fa ns—LUKE iv. [3r

p18 gospel tellib more of Crist how he traveileide in his

Chirche. Cr ist wente out of his contre , whet he was born and

was dispisid, and cam doun to Capharnam, hat was a cite gf

Galile, andher Cr ist taugte upon Satirda ies. And hei wondr iden

in hes lore, f or hrs word was in pm er . Crist spak sadli, as a

Lord bat badde power above be lawe , and to adde to be lawe,and telle how it schulde be undirstonden And in hat W ‘

goge was a man he which hadde a f oulf end ; and hef end cr iede

bi bis man weh a greet voi s, and seide, Suf re now’, what is to us

‘ So E and Q rightly; A has Ascendit. ’ So E ; A and d

‘ how it undirstod . So E ; A excludes ‘sut’fre now from the


That is. bythe beatific vision.


and to hee, j esus of Nazareh t’ Art hou come to leese us e

’ Yw oot hat hou art Gaddis seint. pis fend kuewe Cri stis manheed

,and sumwhat he knewe of his Godhede ; and he wolde

seie bat Crist in bus punishing be fendis dide no dede ofmercy,s ib at domesdai bei shulden have ful peyne ; and bis fend wasnedid to confesse Cristis holynesse. Butj esus blamedehi sf end,and seide, Be hou doumbe and he wente outf rohis man. And

whanne Cr ist hadde east out hisf end, he wente f ro he man, andnoiede him not. And drede was ma d in alle men, and hei spahen

togidere and seiden, What ishis word Pfor inpozver and in ver tue

Crist eommandxh anclene spiritis, and hei goon out. And f ame

of Cr ist was publishid into echplaee of he contre.Here we mai se bat Crist held not wib fendis, for bei seiden 3393333?0‘

treube , and baren witnesse of his holynesse ; and wolde God

bat we diden bus ! For banne we shulden not serve to fendis

for worldli bingis bat bei 3yven us ; and we shulden not take

false witnessis bat ben hired for worldli goodis ; but we shulden

take elene witnesses in a clene cause of treube. For manymen

seien be sobe, and God hatib hem for her unclene liif ; sib he

bat is in synne synneb, algif he seie be treube. And so in

Engelond ben manymen afer aqueyntid wib be fend : for alle

bes bat ben false meenys wolen have witnesse of ober men ;and bis fallib ofte bi coveitise, and

lober synnes bat men don.

ON pa barnna Wannasmu ar raa oc'

rava or rwaLrba m u.

[ S E R M O N c x x x v u

I ntravitj esus in synagogam.—Mm iii. [L ]

prs gospel tellib how Crist reprovede Phariseis and men of

lawe, for bei chargiden moche bat Crist shulde do myraclis in

ber Sabotis. Mark tellib how, Cr ist entride in tohe grnagoge,and her was a man hat hadde a drye hond. And hei w id en

him, gy'

he wolde heele men in Sabote,hathei wolden accuse him.

and , Q , E ; A has oj .


And Cr ist seide to he man hat hadde a dru hand, of humors,

R ise in tohe myddel. And Cr ist seide to hem, Where it be levefulto do wel in he Sabot, or men shalden doyvel in be Sabot ? wher

it i s leveful to make a mannis liif saaf ; or lese mannis liif in

Sabot ? But hes f oolis holden her pees. For bei mygten not

denye bat ne spiritualwerkes, in which bodies worchen, shulden

be don algatis in Sabot, as preiyng and service in be Temple,wib ober werkes bat preestis usen ; and bes goen nere bodili

werkes ban to heele a man bi miracle. Also it was levefulto

hele a mannis soule in sabot, for banne shulden bei algates

traveile for be belbo of mannis soule. But bi bes werkes bu

Crist dide was mannis soule heelid ; not oonli for Crist hi his

Godhede helide men, ne oonli for Crist taugte hem be bileve,but for bei sawen Goddis power worobe in Crist, and knewen

b i him many treubis of b ileve bat bei knewe not bifore. And

so, as Crist arguib, gif Cristis werkes weren of be fend, God

wolde not worche bus so graciously in Crist. And , as Crist

reproveb hem in be gospel of Luk, it was leveful and naid

among Jewis comunli bat bei wolden helpe out of be lake 1

beest in be Sabot ; myche more Crist abulde helpe in be Sabot

a siik man. For gif Crist lefte bus his Fadris werkes in be

Sabot, Crist badde consentid to mennis harm, and wibholden

yvele his power.

And Cr ist, lohynge on hem w sh ire, hadde sorewe on her blynd

nesse, and seide tohe man,hat he shulde stretehe out his hond and

hi s man stretehide out,and his hand was res/ar id. And bus

mygten bes blynde foolis wite bat Crist dide levefully for ellis

at comandement of C rist wolde not God bus have heelid bisman And bus men han a drie hond bat wanten werkes of

neer , Q, E.

WY C L I F ’


pa rovapa W EDNESDAI Aar aa ocm va TwaLrba-m x.

[ S E R M O N c x x x vu u

Factum est autem.—LUKE ix.

Dis gospel tellib how Cristis disciplis moten han hem in

lyvynge . I t f el, se ib Luke whanne Cr ist and hise disciplis

wenten in he weie, oon seide to Cr ist, I shal suehee whidir ever

hou shalt go. And j esus seide to him,Fox is hav dennis, and

br iddis of he eir hav nestis wher hei shal reste, but certis mannis

sane hah not where he shulde reste his heed. Crist answerib here

to be bougt and entent of bis man, for bis man was coveitous,

and saw Crist do manywoundris, and if he my3te have dwelt

wib Crist, and lerned to do sich curis, he mygte have be rich

man in has te , for him and for alle hise . To bis entent ans

werib C rist, and seib, bat ber ben bre manere of men. Defirste men ben foxis bat han hid tresour, as comunli ben mar

chaundis. And sum ben gentil men and riche of ber rentis,

and bes, as b riddis of be eir, fleen in to ber nestis. But be

bridde manere of men ben Crist and hise apostlis ; bat han no

richesse her propre , but lyven goostli liif, and upon mennis

almes. And bus bis mannis entent acordide not wib Crist.

And here tellib C rist us in be gospel of Mathew, how he was

pore man as anentis worldli lordship, and so he shulde not

seke to C rist for bis worldeli cende, for Crist mygte not

chaunge bis staat for comyng of sich a fals man . And here

mai we so how oure newe religiouse varien fro Crist, for bei

han propre housing, and goodis in bis housing, as badde not

C rist wib hise apostlis. Crist badde alle bingia, but not bus

worldli. Cr i st seide to anoher man, Suehon me. And he seide,

Sire, lete mefi rstgo and bif ie myfadir . And j esus seide to him,


rehat dede men bir ie her dede. And here mai we see how

C rist determinede how sum men bat lyven in be world ben

dede to Godward , and we mai se ever how we shulden leve

So in E ; A w ronglyincludes seib Luk in the quotation .


goode werkes for doing of be betere ; sib it is werk of mercyto

bisie dede men 0, and git Crist wolde bat bis man levede bis and

suede him. For he synneb gretly bat leveb be b etete, and

chesib be worse ; and bus dede men to God don good to be

world. And over bis we mai se how falselyoure newe religiouse

moveu men bi bis gospel to come to ber religioun . For bei

shulde purge hem silf bifore, and make hem pore as Crist was.

But Crist seide to bis man, bou and telle be rewme ofGod ;

but to bis ben men unable , for tyme bat bei ben in bes ordres,for bei shulden able hem after Crist, and apostlis bat weren of

his scole. But fro be tyme bat hem wantide bis maistir, bei

gedereden not coventis togidere, sib Crist was propirli Maistir,

and mygte not faile in his leeding. But now foolis and sinful

men lede ober foolis into be diche. And so, sib Cristis te

ligioun is hetero ban bes newe ordris, bes men synnen gretli bat

taken hem and leven Cristis. For Cristis ordre mygte occupie

ech man as myche as he mygte do ; and no drede it mygte

occupie men betere ban bes newe ordris. And so, as Crist bad

bis man sufl'

re deed men to birie dede men, so men shulden


re bes newe ordris, bat ben clepid dede houndis, and sue

Crist in his ordre, as Crist bad bis man do. And gif bes ordris

pursuen trewe men and emprisonen ber owne breberen for sichtreube of be gospel, bei ben worse ban Heroude was ; and in

bis same dampnacioun ben mygti men of be world bat defenden

bes newe ordris, to do bes synnes and ober moo. For whoever

assentib on bis wyse makib him gilti wib be doere and bus

Eroudes ypocrisie shulde he fled of men of be world.

But he hr idde man seide to Cr ist, Sire, Y shal sue hee, but

first gyve me lceve to telle to hemhat ben at hoom. And j esus seideto him, No manhatputtzh his hond toheplou3, and lohynge agen,is able to he b engdom of God. C rist wolde here bat whoever

badde an booli purpos to lyve wel, he shulde not leve bis purpos

for no movyng of be world ; sib we ben as tiliyng men, to ere

oure 10nd, and sowe it aftir ; and lokyng abak in bis crafte

makib errour in sich tilieri s. For sich men taken in veyn be

So Q ; gas-idm , A ; o dren.E.

To burythe dead. is the last among the seven corporalworks of mercy.

The dan er ot’

looking k.

s Pet lL a.


grace of God, bat leeven goode werkes for movynge of beworld, or counseyle to lesse goode werkes. And bus alle besnewe ordris, bat lceve fredom of Cristis ordre for goodes bat

ypocritis han getun to bes newe feyned statis, done here agens

Crist, and unable hem silf to come to heven. We shulden

benke on Lothis wif, how she for lokyng abak was turned into

a lumpe of salt, to teche us to love Cristis ordre.

pa aouapa Parmu GOSPEL AFTER ocu va oN Twn r ba mu .

[ S E R M O N C X X X I X.)

Ofi erebant j esu parvulos.—Mum x. [ r

Di s gospel tellib how Jesus lovede litil children in kynde andfigure. For sib Crist ordeynede litil children to growe to men,and efte to seintis, it is noo drede Crist lovede bis age, as alle

ober agis of men. But for children of bis age lyven ofte as

innocentis, and ben not broken wib worldli falsehede, berfore

Crist lovede bis figure. And bus seib Mark,hathefolk of r idenlitel children to j esus, hat he shulde touche hem. And bis wasa grat sacrament, but God woot whi bis Chirche putte it not

among sacramentis And disciples of Cr i st lettiden hem hat


reden ber children. But whanne j esus saw his, he tab it

hevely, and seide to hem, Saj'

re ; e litel children to come to me, and

f orf ende 3e hem not,for qf sich maner children ishe r ewme gfhevenes. Sohli Y seie to gou,hat whoever takeh nothe rewme ofGod as a gong child, shal not entre in to it. And clippings hem,

and puttinge his hondis on hem, Cr ist blesside hem. And berfore

techib Petre his peple bat bei abulde coveite mylk, as new born

gonge children, havyng witt wibouten disseit. For as mylk

nurishib sich children, so bileve nurishib Goddis children ; and

as children loven mylk, for a litil bifore bei weren sich sub

stance , so Cristen men shulden love bileve, for bei han lyved

So in E ; A reads eoneeile . mbi bis is not put among ober sammentis. E .


in bileve ofGoddis Sone. And berfore seib Salomon : Take

ge out litil foxis bat schrapen doun be vines ; for saverylore

of hevenly bingia, bat shulde growe in Cristis Chirche, is

distried bi worldli men, bat lyven bi cautels as foxis. And

berfore seib Crist in be gospel, whanne he was manassid of

R etonde, Go ge and seie to bat fox, Lo, Y caste out fendis,

and make helbis to daye and to morowe and in be bridde dai

Y am deed, but not git. And sib it mut nedis be bat Crist lyve

in bree geer after, Crist mygte not leve for Heroude to do

goodis to his Chirche.

On rvrba Wanaasnu ar r aa ocm va.

S E R M O N C X L ]

Homo quidam habuit.—MATT. xxi. [a

pm gospel dividib be Chirche in two partis, and reproveb be

toon. De parable bat Crist seib is told of bym in bes wordis.

0 man hadde two sonys , and he going tohefi rst seide, Sone, go todo s and worche in my vynegerde. And he answer inge seide, Yyle but afterward he, moved bi penaunce, wenteforh. And his

f adir came tohe toher sane,and bad alsohat he shulde worche, and

he answer ide and seide,Igo, sire but he wente not. Which of

has two didehefadir s w ille ? axide Crist of bes Jewis. And hei

seien to himhathefirste. For he dide in dede his fadirs wille,

and be tober as a fals sone b ihigte wel, but dide falsely. And

[ ems seide to he j ewis, Saheli I seie to gou, hat puplicans and

haor is shalgo before gou inhe Chirche. For j oon Bapti st cam to

gou inhe weie of r igtwisnesse, and ge trow iden not to him, and dide

not as he taugte gou, but puplicans and putgens trow idento him,

and diden aftir him ; and ge, sg'nge a] his liif, hadden nether

penance afterfor to trowe toj ones sentence . For be Jewis sawen

Joon dede for reprovyng of R etondis synne ; and git be Jewishadden no sorowe for feynt levyng

5to bus stondo for treube in

of two sons.

an. E. sbrapen , G .

3 boos-is. G : putayms , l. never , E.

80 E : A has bileevyng.

WY C L I F ’


Goddis cause. And for bis parable is fulgood for manymen

to knowe, berfor b iddibCri st aftis bat, hehat hah eer is to heeras,

here he bes wordis, wib ere and herte.

Dis parable of Crist is bus expowned. Dis fadir is God himsilf ; bes two sones ben two folk, be Jewes and bobene men.

De hebene men ben be firste sone, for bei weren bifore be Jewis,and also b ifore Ebreus, as men mai se in Goddis lawe. Goddis

vynegerde is holy Chirche , bat was fro be bigynnyng of be

world. And God had bes bobe sones to traveile and profite

to his Chirche ; for whanne ever God biddib charite, bat stondibin be ten heestis, God biddib to traveile in his Chirche, as becounde Table techib. pis first sone was first untrewe , and

seide he wolde not serve to God, for he wolde not take bileve,

ne graunten in dede to b e Goddis servant. pe tober sone seide

he wolde, and dide in manypatriarkis. But aftir bis firste

sone was moved of God bi kyndely skile to serve him and

lyve wel, as in Joob and Jetro, but largelywhanne hebene mentoken bi apostlis C ristis feib. And banne be tober sone of bis

fadir weren folk out of b ileve, for fro bat tyme bat prestia

rengniden, and killiden Crist for his treube, bei weren fals to bis

day, and noyous to hoolyChirche. And bus bi jugement of beJewis Crist concludide hem softly. And bus maymen parte be

Chirche in seouler men and in clerkes. Seculer men ben be

first sone, and clerkes ben be tober sone. And clerkis and

preestis lyveden first wel, and speciali in Cristis tyme, for Crist

and hise apostlis also weren bobe preestis and clerkis, and bei

traveiliden moost in be Chirche , and maden it large and

florishinge ; sib bat Crist bougte his Chirche, and toke it into

hevene wib him. But now ben bes two sones turned. For feiband good religioun stondib in seculer men, and in preestis ben

wordis wibouten good dede. Preestis seien bei suen Crist, and

kepen next be liif of him, sib in hem stondib holyChirche , as

mannis liif stondib in his soule. And men bat knowen beworldis state seyen bat be popis and cardinales, bishOpis and

religious, ben moost fer fro Cristis liif, and so bis parable of

grauntide, E.

The passage between the asterisks is not contained in E.


Crist dampneb hem for her falshede But take we alle bis

w itt of Crist ; for we bat biheten to serve Crist, and gon abak as

false soones, maken us silf be secounde sone, and so bis parable

of Crist is nedeful to ech man here.

W anxxsmu Gospar. naxr AFTER ‘

Sapr uaoasua 80mm.

[ S E R M O N C X L I . ]

Egressas j esus ibat.—MARK ix.

pmgospel tellib how°

Crist taugte be Chirche to flee pride,and algatis prestis, for pride is more perilous in hem, as it was

in aungels. Mark tellib how , j esus wente out bi he contre ofGalile, and he wolde not tarie bere , ne dalye wib men of bat

contre, and berfore seib bis gospel bat Cr ist wolde not knowe

cg man, for he wente privylywib his apostlis as it was best.

But Cr i st taugte hi s di sa’

pli s, and seide to hem, hat mannis sone

shal he betraied in to mannis hondi s, and p_

ei shal sle him, and fro

but he he slayn, he shal r ise on he hr idde dai. And hei hnezven

not his word, and dredden to ax e him berof. And hei camen to

CM , and Crist, whanne he was in he hous , ax ide his

d raplis bing bat he kuewe, What tretiden ge in he wgyP And

hei weren stille. For it semeb bat bei wolden not bat Crist hadde

wist of bis trete ; and it semeb bat C rist was from hem, and

herde hem not whanne bei tretiden bis ; for he mygte, as he

wolde, be fer fro hem , and bei togidere , for be moste of brittene

persones mygte wel go b i hem silf and be twelve mygten go

togidere, and speke privyly, bat he herde1not. But it semeb

over bis bat Cristis word movede hem to trete bis3. C rist tolde

hem a litil bifore , how he shoulde be slayn from hem ; and

nlgif bis word marride hem, for bei undirstooden it not wel,

nebeles bei bougten on bingis bat mygten come after bis, and

so, gif bei shulden lyve togidere, which shulde be more of hem,

and who abulde be ber capteyn , to whom allober shulde obeishe.

So E ; herd“, A . Jus. E.


And bis semeb God to teche, whanne bis gospel techib bus ,

bat bes postlis tretiden banne which abulde be more of hem.

For bus tellib God next aftir, Forsohe hei disputiden in he stag e

which shulde be more of hem And God varieb here for sum

cause, and seib not which of hem shulde be more . For gif

men ben al atwynne and not in 00 companye , git oon of hem

is more, algif he be not be more of hem.

And Cr ist sitting, clepide hes twelve, and seide, 3g any of gou

wole behefi rste, he shal be he taste of alle and servant of alle,

for he must be moost meke of alle ober. And Cr ist tohe a

child,and putte him in he myddil of hem he which child whanne

Cr ist hadde biclippid , he seide has to hem,Who ever tahsh oon cf

hes children in myname ressgrveh me, and whoever ressgrveh me,ressq eh not me, but myf adir . It is told bi fyve ensaumplis

how in sich speche of Crist is undirstonden bis word prin


and banne be witt is good and sutil. And, for bis lore

is profitable to governaile of holyChirche, berfore seib Crist,as he seib ofte, H


e hat hah eer is to heere, heere he. And in bis

point synnen specialygretteste of be Chirche, for bei suen not

Crist heere but Anticrist and be world. Loke be pope first and

his cardinalis, where bei taken no worldli worship, but ben be

laste, moost servisable, and moost meke of alle obir. More foul

pride and coveitise is in no Lord of be world. Go we to

bishopis binebe bes, and riche abbotis, fadirs in coventis, and

bes axen worldlyworshipis, and bi bis mai men knowe hem.

3if bou wil wite which of bes is more , loke which takib more

worldlyworship. And gif bou go doun to freris, bat ben beg

geris, and shulden be mekerste more worship of beir breberentakib no man in bis world, as b i kneling and kissyng of feet ;

take bou be ministre offireris‘and ober service atmete and bedde ,

more ban onyb ishop doib. And so Cristis reule in bes preestis,is more reversid ban in worldli lordis. And sib bei professen

and seien bis gospelbobe in word and in ob it is open bat bes

false ypocritis disseyve be peple, and harmen be Chirche. But

So in E ; A wrongly excludes these words from the quotation.

a twyn, E. syche, E, and the Wyclifl'

lte versions. Inches , E.

web hyssyng af fele, lala'

b be mynystre offreris, E. moub.E ; but A is evidentlyright.

32 WY C L I F ’S

love and in w ord and unite, but be fend doib be om trarie. for

he wole part men fro God ; and bus God loveb pees, and be

fend loveb striif. And her/ore Y seie to gou, hat ech game and

blas/énye shal be /orgovun bo men, but he Spir it gf blas

Here synne and blasfemye ben

clepid synnes of men, but be Spirit of blasfemye is clepid

be fendis synne, for it lastib to mannis ende , and so aftir for

evermore ; and bis is synne agen be HolyGoost, and shal

nevere be forgovun, neiber in bis liif ne in be tober, for bere isnot synne forgovun bus And as be Hooli Goost is good,cende wibouten ende, so bis synne speciali is yvel, ende

wibouten ende. And so bis mai be wel clepid, synne agens

be Booli Goost. And to bis entent spekib Crist whm e he

seib after in bis gospel, And whoever seie a word agens mam“


sone, it shal be forgovun him, but whoever seie agen he Hoots

Goost, it shal not be forgovun him, in his world see in he tohir.

But here men shal undirstonde bat whoever synneb agens cc

persone of God, synneb agens hem alle bree , sib alle bree ben00 God ; but he synneb propirlyagens be Sone bat synneb of

ignoraunce. And gif a man mygte synne of noun power, he

synnede properle agens be Fadir ; but Poul seib bat God sufi'

ribnot a man be temptid over bat he mai. And he synneb pro

pirli agens be Holi Goost, bat wantib good wille to turne to

God in bis liif, and bis man mut nedis be dampned , sibhis synne

laste. So it mai be undirstonden on two maneres

bat men synnen agens be Fadir. Ober bat bei synnen b i noun

power bat bei ban of God, wibouten ber owne defaute, bi synnes

bat bei han don bifore ; and bus mai no man sin propirli agens

be Fadir. On obit maner synnen men agen be Fadir and albecTrinite , whenne bei done synnes bifore, bi which bei ben bardid

agens God, and muten nedis synne to ber eende, as God habordeyned for ber synne b ifore . For be firste cause bis gospel

leveb synne agen be Fadir of hevene.

And of bis it sueb wel, sib al men in erbe ben trees, hat

hei shulden make good tr ees and hef ruyt of hem good, or ellis

yvel trees and he f r uyt (y‘

hemyvcl. For ech man mut be

om. E.



wib Crist .or ellis be agens Grist, and synne agens be Holi

Goost or ellis not synne agens bis Goost. And so of he

f r sgn’ is he tree hnozvun, whebir it shal ever more be greene

or ellis be brent in be fier of helle . And so C rist coman d

not bat bes men shulden do bus, for ech man mut nede

do bus, as he mut nede be savyd or dampned. But Crist

tellib how men moten take nedis bat bat sueb herof. And bis

sentence is sharp, but just bi Goddis jugement. And so

Crist semeb to teche here1

bat alle bingis moten nedis come ,

but semeb to telle ferbere how bes men’ moten nedis be

darnpned, for synnis bat bei han do b ifore moten nedis brynge

forb more synne. And bus seib Crist here, 3e addir hyndeli s,

how mai ge speke good hingis, szh hat ge ben busyvelz’ bobe in

gout eldris and gou. And bis is open speche, sib alle bingis

moten nedis come ; and ellis it semeb veyn speche , and wordis

told wibouten witt. And so Crist tellib bat for ber synne bes

men moten nedis be dampned. For of aboundance qf her te spehsh

he mouh, of ech man. A good man qf good tr esour br ingihf orh

good hingi s, as he mut nedis ; and anyvel man br ingthf orhyvel

hingis qf anyvel tr esour , as he mut nedis.

But, for bis synne grow ib faste , bi obere bat men chargen to


l, berfore prophecieb Crist of bes men and bis synne, Saheli,I seie to gou,hat of echydilwordhat bes men shal speke, hei shal

gyve r esoun hero] in he da i of j ugement. And bis techib Crist,

bat litil synnes shulden be fled, for bei moten bringe forb moresynnes, and general jugement mut be of hem. For cer tis of hi

wordis shal hou be maad j ust, and of hi wordis hon shalt be

dampned. Des wordis mai be undirstonden of be grete persone

ofmannis kynde, of whiche summe shal be saved, and summe

aftir shalbe dampned. And bis semeb more clere ban be w itt

bat tellib bis condiciounly bat gif God ordeyne bee to blis , and

bou Speke here wordis, bou shalt be justified of bi wordis, for

sich men don algatis good ; and gif God ordeyne bee to poyue

and bat bou speke here manywordis, bou shalt be dampned for

bi wordis , for sich men don algatis yvel; and so alle men

abulde take hede to bere wordis bat be i ben goode .

So E ; A has berm . but, E.

8m 0h'

8. VOL . I I .


pa Wanxasmu Gospar. naxr AFTIR San casua Soup“.

[ S E R M O N C X L I I I .)

Coepitj esus dohere ad mam—Mm iv. [r

of D18 gospel tellib, as manyobir 0, how in foure maneras is

seed sowun and bus men ben diverseli disposid to take

be seed of Goddis word. Mark tellib how, j esus bigan to

teche men at he water , and myehe peple was geder id to him,

so hat he wente into a boot,and in bat boot, in he water,

Cr ist sa t and taugte he puple, so hat Cr ist sat in he boot,for prees, and be peple was on be lond. And bus seib Mark

bat, athe puple aboutehe water was onhe land, for bei shopen

hem as wel as bei mygten to heere Cristis word. And Cr ist

taugte hem in parables margyhingi s, and seide to hem in his lore

Heere ge. L o, a sower went out to sowe, and he while he

sow zh, sum seedf el biside he weye, andfoulis came and eeten it.

But aher seed f el on stoonyplacis where it hadde not myehe erhe,and his sprong up soone

,/ br it hadde not depe erhe as seed batis in boot place, and growib not depe in be erbe, comeb abovebe erbe soone, but it dwyneb anoon. And bus seib be gospel,Whannehe sunne was r isen it brente up, and,for it hadde no rote,

it dr iede up. Andhehr idde seedf el amonghomes, and hes homes

over grow idenhis corn, and lettiden itfor tohryve, and so it gafnof ruyt. Def ourhe seedf el on good erhe, and it gaf f r sgrt, steyngup and wex inge, and a seed brougtef orh hr ith', anoher gaf siz y',

And Cr ist seide after bis parable,

Crist techib us of bis seed bat it is Goddis word. But alle

we heeren Goddis word, algif it growe not in us, and berfore

we shulden tilie oure loud to bringe fruyt of bis seed. Disseed is strengbe of Goddis lawe, bat mai not perisho for yvelmen, but synne of hem maylette hem to bringe forb fruytof bis seed. De first seed taken sich men bat ben encombrid

See vol. i. Sermon XXXVI I I .


wib be world , and bisynes bat bei han hardib'

be herte , and

lettib hem to kepe bis seed in bere mynde, and in ber wille tolove God . Foulis of hevene ben yvel spirits, bat taken awey

bou t of bis seed. pe secounde seed bryveb not for tempting

of mannis fieish, but whanne be sunne gyveb hem good , lustis

letten bis seed to growe . And herfore seid Davib, Y shal

drede of hyenesse of be daia; for comounlysich riche men han

manytemptingis, and litil devocioun. pe bridde seed is sowen

among riche men of be world ; and bisynesse of richesse lettib

bis seed for to growe . De fourbe seed growib we],in good

hertis wel defoulid ; for lond wel eerid and wel dungid is able

to here good fruyt. So men bat sorewe of ber synnes, and

benken on ber owne freelte, growen in vertues of be soule and

serven God perfitli. Des bree degrees of bis growing tellen

bree profitis of men. Sum ben chast to ber spouse Crist, as

virgyns and ober good men ; and bes holden be ten comande

mentis for love of be Trinite. De secounde fruyt, of be sixtibe2

greyn, tellib“trewe doctours of be Chirche ; for bei holden

Goddis heestis in hem silf, and doublon hem in be puple. De

bridde seed, of an hundrid greyn, bitokeneb be b i3este charite,

whanne a man sufi'

rib deeb for to susteyne Goddis lawe , and

pnttib welhis owac liif for be profit of be Chirche . And loke

we to what greyn Goddis word growib in us.

p: a u Gospa AFTIR Sao asms

[ S E R M O N C X L I V . ]

I nlerrogalns j esus Phar isees —LUo. xv n.

pis gospel tellib of be dai of dome , and of be perils bat shal

come bifore. And Mathew tellib more opinli of bobe bes inhis book. Luc seib bat, j esus was an d ofhe Pha r isees whanne

Gaddis rewme can eh . And it semeb bei wolden wite whanne

a! be Chirche shal come to hevene ; for banne shal be be day

’ So in E and Qfl amA. a arim

s.E.G, I .5So in E, rightly; A has xvi.

Ab altitudine diei timebo Ps. lvi.3(Iv. Vulg.)D 2


of doome, and in bat dai shal bis rewme come. Cr ist answm’


to hes Phar isezs, and seide, Gaddis rewme eomeh not w eh hehxhg,

of cerymonyes. And bus bre ordris in Cristis tyme unabliden

hem to be of bis rewme,for bi keping of ber ordris bei leiten

heping of Goddis heestis. And so mygten boolde men seie

to bes ordris bat ben to day, for as ber weren in C risfis tyme

Essey, Saducey, and Pharisey, so ber ben now in oure ryme,freris, chanons, and monkis. And alle bes bree distriede Crist,

mag for b ringinge in of newe lawes, and for turninge from his lawe,

for bei token not wel Goddis word. And so it semeb to be to

dai ; for alle‘

bes bree newe ordris comen not to be brittibe

greyn , and certis bei comen not banne to hevene. For 3if

a man do al his power, al his witt, and al his wille to kepe be

lawe of Jesus Crist, git unnebis wole it suflise ; myche more

gif a man scateride his vertues aboute newe lawis. But bus

done alle bes newe ordris ; and so myche bei failon in Goddis

lawe ; and bus hoordom of Goddis word is b rougt in to mayn

teyne freris.

But,for be peril of be Chirche stondib not al in bes newe

ordris, but in ypocrisie of preestis, and speciali of be pope,

berfore seib Crist bus, bat trewe men, shal not seie, Lo, here,

Io, here, is Cristis vicker 2 bat hab ful power of Crist, bat

sendib mennis soulis to hevene as soone as he wole do bis.

For sib Crist is heed of booli Chirche , and ober men ben buthis lymes, herfore seib Crist sobly, L o, Gaddis rewme is w ehinne

gou . For Cristis manhed was among hem, and his Godhede

wibinne hem ; and so,love C rist and kepe his lawis , and it is

wow to bee. And bus, sezh Cr ist to his desa jplxs, for hem and

ober Cristene men , Daies shal come whanne 3e shal desir e to see

manni s sone, and 3c shal no! se him banne for he shal

be stied to heven . Lord, gif Crist cam now doun, and te

provede bes ypocritis for dowing agens his lawe, litil wolden

bei telle bi him, so bat he were unknowun to hem. And banne,hei shal seie lo gou, L o, heere, Io, here, is Cristis viker ; h e! wale

3c notgo, and sue hem not,sib bei ben false , and suen not Crist.

And as anentis be daie of dome, as liglnyng slyrneh over a ]hisworld

, for tyme bat man can not telle, so Cr ist shal come tohe

goode. Q. So in E ; A includes the words in the quotation.


dome, and gidere men of al bis world. But fi rst mut Cr ist

suf re manyhinges, and he reproved (yhis hynrede. And as it

was in Noies da ies, so if shal he in Cr istis da z'

es. pei eelen and

drunken, hei weddiden wyves, and uymmen w eren govun to wed

dingir, tohe da ie ha! Noie ’ wente intohe she}, and heflood cam,

and losle hem. And also it was don in L aths da ies, whanne fyve

citees weren sonkeu ; hei eeten and drunken, hei hougten and

solden,hei seitiden and hildiden and hat da i hat L oth wente out

(f Sodom,f er and hrymslone reynede f rom hevene, and loste alle

bes fyve cities. And after hes hingis3 it shal he, in what day

moneys sone shal he shew id. I n hat hour , he hat shal he inhe

roof : and his vesselis in he hous , come he not doun ia lahe hem

banne he bat is lord of bis world assente he not to Anticrist

for holding or filling of his goodis. And he hat, {yveh in

com e traveile,fume he not a3en banne , to defende Cristis viker,

ne to figte in his cause. And so neiber men of armes ne

oomunes shulden figte for bes popis.

Have 3e mynde (y L otfis uprf , and loke not a3en fro

Goddis lawe ; for bis womman was dispitouseli deed, for

she lokede agen as God forfendide . Whoever sehzh to

save his Iii he shal lese it and whoever shal lese here

hi s by; he shal quykene it in heven. For whoever holdibGoddis lore, gif he lese here his liif berfore, he shal lyve blis

fulli in hevene whanne cowardise shal be dampned . Y seie to

gou, in hat nyy, bat be dai of dome shal be on be morowe5,

shalher be 1200 in o bed he Ioon shal be taken,and he [oher lef t.

M shal he grynding togidere he loon shal be taken, and he

Ioher Ief le. flea shal he in hefi eld he toon shal be taken and

he {oher lefl. For sum shal have ri3t devocioun, and summe

of bes bree shal faile‘

bis oile. And he disciples ax iden Crest,

Sire, where shal bes bingis be ? And Cr ist seide to hem, Wher

ever he hodi he, hehir shal he eglis he gider id. For whidir ever

comeb Cristis bodi, bidit shalhis seintis come. Seke be gospel

of Mathew, for bere is bis more opynlytoold.

Non , I Noyes.E. Noe, G, I . So in E ; A excludes And

bingis from the uota tion. So in E ; A includes in the quotaSo in A om. be morowe. and includes the other words in






[ S E R M O N C X L V . ]

Cumj ej unatis.—MATT. vi.

pro gospel tellib how men shulden faste, and flee algatis

ypocrisie, for alle goode werkes of men shulden be don to

plese God ; for God bat is ful of treube hatib ypocritis feynyng.

And so Crist seib b i Mathew bat, whanne ever menf asten,hei

shulden not w ille to he sorewf ul asW r ifis, j br hei hut/en her

f ace out of f ourme, to semefastinge tomen. pus dide ypocritis in

Cristis tyme , and git ber ben men of bat soort. For manyordris and men ben glad to have lene and pale visagis, for

sich men ben moche worb to preie God, as bei seien, and so

bei wynnen moche good bi ypocrisie of siche men8. But Crist

forbedib bis ypocrisie, and seib, Saheli, I’ seie to gouhes men has!lake her hire. For ypocritis hart here ber mede, and hem

leeveb no moede in stoore at be dai of dome, ne aftir. And

berfore , pou, whanne houf astzsi, anoyntehi heed, and waxlrhehi

f ace, hathou he not seenf asg'ng to men, but tohifadir hat is hid,andhif adir hat seeh in privy shal quyte tohee. Here wolde not

C rist mene bat ech man ,whanne he shulde fast, shulde anoynte

his heed w ib Oile, and waishe his visage to be faire, but bes

wordis shal be referrid to be werks of be soule. It is know n

bi Goddis lawe bat be heed of mannis spirit is his power to

undirstonde ; and bat shulde algatis be anoyntid, for it shulde

be maad clone ; and his entent shulde be rigtid but he have

devocioun to God, and bat his fieish serve to his soule, bat

his spirit serve betere to God, and make bat God love him

wele . And bis devocioun is be oyle bat shulde be in his soules

heed. And he waisheb his soule face, whanne he temperib his

soule bus to resoun, bat he be ueber dissolute ne to sorewful to

So in E and Q ; reaid , A .

This sentence is omitted in E.

40 WY C L I F ’S

sta t of innocence, alle bes perilis shulden be fled, and algatis

forgeting of God. And berfore make bi tresoure in God , for bis

Lord mai not faile , and bis tresoure mai not perisho, to be

unredi whanne bou hast nede . And so serve bis Lord wel, and

grounde in him bi reward, and dispise mennis reward. For

bou shalt lyve ever aftir bis liif, and certis God wole bannerewarde be ober in blis or in peyne , for lyf bat men lyven

here mut nedis have sum fruyt aftir. And as God is bi

tresour in bi fasting and in bi preier, so be he bi tresour in bimoney and bi clobis, and shortli in alle bi goodis bat bou

woldist have aftir bi deeb ; for God is trewe executour, and

mai not faile to bee in goodis bat bou gyvest to him, for noo

bing mai perishe in him. And ofte tymes false executouris

largen be synne of be deed, for bei gyven occasioun to

falsnesse bat executours doon. And so be state of in

nocence is more siker, and be staat nyg it. Lyve bou pore liif

as dide Crist, and leeve to prisoune goodie here.

be GOSPEL ON bunsm r rN n NQUAGEsmn rs RAD ON be



[ S E R M O N C X L V I . ]

Audisfis quia dictum est—MATT. v. [4

bi s gospel tellib how oure love shulde be stretchid to alle

men, bobe to frendis and enemys, for alle men ben oure neig

boris. And bus seib Crist bi Mathew , 3e han herdhat it wasseid to olde men, pou shall lovehi f rend, and hou shalt hale hin

enemy. Bu! eer ii; I seie to gou, Love ge goure enemyes , do gegood

to hem hat hale gou, and preie ge for hem hat pursuen gou and

ehalengen gouf alsiy. And bis bing shulde ge do, to he sones of

So in E and I ; secueours, G ; A has schetoun .

See vol. i.Sermon XXXIV ; the that for the Sunday in question,

Igospel for the Feria is the same as omitting the first four verses.

SE R M ON S. 4 1

gour f adir ha! is in hevene,hat makih his sunne spr inge on goode ;men andyuele, and rg/neh ”on j ust and unj .ust Des heretikes

bat blyndiden be peple b i Goddis lawe in Cristis tyme maden

bis truauntis argument ; gif God biddib bat Y shal love myfrend ,he biddib bi contrarie witt bat Y shal hate myn enemye . But

bes foolis knewen not bat bis sneb al oonli whanne antesedent

and consequent ben convertiblis in kynde. But Crist seib, batis be firste treube, bat we shulden love bobe frendis and

enemyes, for bobe bes ben neigboris in kynde, and we

shulden alle love oure neigboris. Also bi Cristis resoun here

we shulden bi oure mygt sue God, but God loveb bobe yvel andgood. Lord, whi shulde not we do so ? sib hate is an

2 bevydede , and doib harm to him bat hatib ; and love is a ligt dede ,

and doib good on ech side . Also, he bat is now myn enemymm


ligtli after be my frend, but be ligterste3meene to bis

cende were to sue God in love. Lord , whi shulde Y hate bat

man but soone after is betete ban Y, and profitib to men and to

be Chirche more ban Y shal evere do ? And sib noon of us

woot now wher bis be sob of our enemye, what blyndenesse

shulda dryve us to hate him now wibouten love ? And bus seib Rom. xii.

Poul bi Goddis lawe, bat in lovynge of bi enemye bou shalt hepe

upon his heed coolis of fier, to make him hoot ; for be ligterste

victorie is to love bi enemy. What fool wolde lceve bis, and

take a fendis meene and an hevy?

And here teehen bes newe ordris a newe cast of be fend, bat

English men moten figte b ifore wib enemyes of Ober londis, forellis bei wolden first figte wib us, and synne on bobe sidis

abulde be more. But here fallen bes ypocri tis, bat conseilen

not to pees but to figte. For Poul b iddib God forbede bat men Rom. VI. 15.

synne to do good. And sib oure werris wib ober londissmatchen synne on many sidis, who shulde move us to go

bifore and to figte bus wib bes londis ? Lore bat Crist techibhere were to do oure enemyes good ; and bis is a fendis lore ,

contrarie to Cristis lore. And bus faillib be fendis falsheed bat

movebmen for to werre, for, as he seib, pees endib werre , andech man shulde coveite pees. Sob it is bat pees is ende of alle

M W , E. So E ; A has as. liga'

sle, E. liglise, E.



synnes bat ben don, for be pees of Cri stis Chirche, whanne it

regueb hool in hevene, is ende of alle synne here, and of alle

dampnyng of fendis, for a good cende is getun bobe b i goodmeenes and yvele , sibGod mut algatis have his ende, whatever

meenes be ma d. And seie we to bes fendis here, bat pees is

good for to have , and also it is good to have bis pees b i Cristis

meenes. Crist ordeynede pees to be getun b i mekenes and bi

pacience, and b i doing of good for yvel, but be fend shapib be

contrarie . And certis Cristis meene is more ligt, more short,

and more sikir, for fendis men contynuen werre and maken

fals pees to more werre. Crist proveb bat oure love shulde be

alargid to oure enemyes ; For gif we loven ouref rendisf or herlove, and love not, over bat, oure enemyes, how shulde we have

bus hire of God 2 szh huhlieans done hus. And 31] ge greetenoonli goure hreheren, shalge not over his gr ete goure enemyes P ne

done not hehen menhas 2 But gif ge wolen have hire of God, ge

moten sue God bi his love ; and God b iddib gou love gour

enemyes rigt as God himsilf doib. And sib bis is perfit doynge,as trewe men moten nedis graunt, Be we among us, as

our ef adir of hevene is perfi i .

And for bis touchibmannis lawe, bat weneb bat it is ynoug tolyve and do as be world axib, algif God bidde be contrarie , ber

fore seib Crist aftir, Take ge hede hat ge done not gour r ighvisnesse

bif ore men, to he seyn (f hem,f or ellis shalge have no mede a! gm

fadir ha! is in hevene. For kepyng of mannis lawe hab reward

here in erbe, and kepyng of Goddis lawe hab his mede aftir wibGod . And hefybre, whannehou daisihin almes, uylehou {r umbiforehee, asypocr itis done in synagogis and stretisfor to he worshiped (y


men. Saheli, Y seie to gou, hes men han resseyved her

hire. But whannehou doist almes , lohehi lef t side w ile not what

hi r igt side doth hathi almes he in hid, and hif adir ha! seeh3in

hid shal gyoehee hire Of blisse. De rigt side Of a just man benrigt werkes and goode maneris, but be left side of him ben

yvel maneris wib his werkis, as ypocrisie3bringib wib him yvel

maneris, ghe , wib goode dedis. And whanne ge preien, ge shal

not be as ypocr iti s, ha! [oven to slonde Io preie in ehirehis and

‘ SoE ; A has we.

2seeh, l



eorneris of sfretis,for to be seen holi of men. Soheli, Y seie to gou,

hes men han ressgfoed her mede. And gif bat freris lyven bus ;

whanne bei walken bourg contreis, bat bei ben stille, wibouten

touns , and in touns bidde ber hedis, and algatis bat bei singe be

bridde dai b ifore be peple, and so in obir goode dedis bei seken

ber wynnyng and worship of be peple , who dredib bat ne bannebei ben ypocritis, and harmen hemsilf and eke be peple ? But

how, whannehou shaltpreie, enire infohi touche, and shitlehe dore,and preie hifader , and hif adir hat seeh in hid, shal gelde heehinede. But here men witen wel bat Cri st b iddib not men preie

algatis in bed or in couche, for he wole bat men preien in

Chirche but ber soulis shulden be in reste , and lceve bougtis

of be world and benke restyngli on God, to whom bei b idden

ber preier. And banne bei shitten ber dore, whanne bei suspenden ber wittis for to benke on worldli bingis, but principalli

to benke on God. And algif bis preier be hid, God bat shal

gelde knowib it wel.

And here men mai knowe heretikes, bat shewen hem holi to

be peple , for bei conseilen to werri s, and al bat wynneb hem

worldli goodis. And so bei putten abak Goddis lawe, and so

God , for a litil muk. Dis men shulden seie bi charite, gif bei

loven God more ban bes men. For just love stondib in foure

biagis,—in love ofGod and his lawe , in lovynge of holi Chirche ,and of bingis bat fallen berto. And so gif men loven freris, bei

abulde love bes bree bifore, and telle how bei synnen agens bes

bree , bobe for bes bree and for be freris ; for he loveb not his

neigbore bat leeveb to blame him sharpli whanne he seeb himdo amys ; for so dide Crist bat maynot synne. Freris seyu

but men shulden figte, for Crist bad men sille ber cootis and bie

hem swerdis, but wherto but for to figte ? Here men seien bat

bes freris ben not worbi for to be blessid, but for to be brent,for bis witt bat bei putten to Goddis lawe. But manyfreris han

manyoootis, bat sillen hem not and bien‘

hem swerdis, and so

freris don agens Goddis counceils bat Crist bad to his apostlis.

Also C rist reprovede Petre aftir, for he fougte wib swerd , and so

Crist wolde not bat men bougten swerdis for to figtc on bis

manere . Also, sib Crist is alw itti, he wiste b ifore but he seide l

bes wordis bat bei hadden two swerdis, and how bes two weren



ynoug; and sib alle bingis is bifore Crist, bis sufi cience lastiblonge. And so Cristis bidding to bigge swerdis to figte con

trariede himsilf, for he seide anoon aftir bat two swerdis ben

ynoug, but what wisdom were bis to b igge bus swerdis more ban

ynoug? And so bobe wordis of Crist, and dedis of apostlis aftir

him, bat bougten neiber bifore ne after bus swerdis maad of iren,shewen bat Crist mente swerd of be Holi Goost. And so

a mannis tonge is sum deel shapen as a swerd maad of steel.

And so, sib tunge brekib boon, al if be tunge himsilf have

noon, and of wordis bat comen of tunge is sum man justifiedand sum men ben dampned, bobe here and in helle, Crist

undirstood bi swerd here discrete speche wib be tung And

bat is needeful for to have whanne a man shulde be slayn, bat

he speke neiber unmekeli to terre men for to figte , ne spare

not to seie be sobe mekeli in Goddis cause. And bes two egges

of swerd persen to be soul, as Poul seib.

pa SATURDAI GOSPEL rN On ouaonsuE.

[ S E R M O N C X LV I I . ]

Cum sero3f aelum“set—MARK vi. [47

Di s gospel tellib, as Matheu doib, how Crist enformede his

disciplis, and confortide hem to b ileve in him, and to sue him

in ber liif. Whanne he evenyng was maad, and he 6001 was inhe

myddilofhe water , and Cristis disciplis weren in bat boot, Cr ist

abood aloone in he land. And Cr ist, seinge hem Iraveilinge in

rozey'ng,for he wynd was contrar ie to hem, aboulehef ourhe vigzle

ofhe nygl cam Cr ist to hem,walking on he wafer , and he wolde

go biside hem. Andhei, whannehei sawen him walhinge on he

water , gessiden hat it was a f anlum, and er ieelen, for sich sigt

makib men to drede anygtis ; f or alle bes disciplis sawen him,

and hei weren disturhlid. And anaau Cr isi shah weh hem, and

seide to hem, Tr is/e ge, I’am, and berfore, 1;e ye drede. Dei

‘ ler , G .3So E ; A has eero.


weren in doute wheber it were Crist or a fantum bat bei sawen,

but C rist put hem out of doute , and shewide bat he was Lord

of water ; and so alle dedis bat Crist dide here mai welbe seid

ful of miraclis. And Cr ist wen/e up to hem in tohe hool, andhe

W eeeside anoon, andhei woundr idenmore w zhinne hemsilj i For

hei undirstonden not yfyve loaves a litil b ifore , how Crist fedde

fyve bousynd men, and git ber lefte myche mete ; for bannemygte bei soone have wist bat erbe and water obeishen to

Crist, for it is as myche wondir to fede bis folk bus wib erbeli

fode, as to wandre bus on be water, or to make be wynd ceese.

And, as manymen benken, be miracle of breed is myche more,for C rist mygte so sette water and eire bat bei musten nede

stonde sadly, as an eye mai so be sett bat greet bristing mygte

not b reke it, and so maymen go on be eyre gif it be closid

wibinne leber. And hus apostlis her le was blyndid, on manyweies, bobe in resoun and vertues. For bei weren git unperfit,and Petir, after bat Cristwas tisun and went to hevene, synnede

And whannehei weren hassid bis water,hei camen tohe [and (yGena z arelh, and hei tokenhe land . And whannehei weren went

and ofhe hool,hei hnewen him betete anoon. And men, rennynge

al hat land begunnen lo br inge sich men in heddis, on ech side

wher e hei herden hal Cr ist was. And whidir ever hat Cr ist

wente into slrelis ar touns , or into citees,hei pulleden siihe men in

he streets}, andheihreieden Cr islhalhei myglen touche a! he Iesle

he hemm of his elohis, and how manyhat louehiden him weren

maad saaf hi verlue of Cr ist. Oubir undirstonding of bis

gospelmai be taken of be storie , how Crist is above his Chirche,and oonfortib hem in ber anoies, for be boot bitokeneb be

Chirche, and be water tribulacioun.

m 8 .’ So E ; A has eonj brtid.

The last judgment.

wg c l s


rn warm: or LENTE.

[ SE R M O N C X L V I H J

Cum vener ilfilius hominis .—MA'1T. xxv.

Drs gospel tellib in what forme Crist shal come to be laste

dome, and preyse just men,and reprove obere, for werkis of

bodili mercy; and bes werkes ben more knowun ban obit beterewerkes of be soule. Crist seib, Whanne mannis sone shal come inhis maj este, bat is at be dai of dome, to deme almankynde, and

alle blesside aungels shal come from hevene to bere cumpanyto bis comyng, han Cr ist shal sille onhe seie of his maiesle, as

kyng. And alf olh shal hegeder id bifore him,bobe good men

and yvel. He shal come in his manhede , and berfore he clepibhim mannis sone , and he shall come as kyng and heerde , and

bus he clepib him bes two names ; he is kyng of be Chirche

above , and heerde of men heere in erbe. And Cr is! shal de

par le hem atwynne, as herd deparlzh sheepf ra hidis but he shal

putte sheeh on his r igt side, and he hidis on his lej l side. Alle

saved men shal be sheep, for bei shal ever do fyve goodis and

alle dampned men shal be hidis, for bei shal wante bes fyve

wibouten eende. For scheep ben goode for to etc, and getis

fleish is unsavery. But seintis in heven shal ever dunge’men

here or ellis in hevene, for oure erbe shal evere be plentenous,

and ech seint profitib to ober. And so we eten goostli ber

bodies whanne we banken God of ber blis, and we eten ber

inward is whanne we knowe vertues of ber soulis, and how ber

synnes, b i grace of God, weren clensid, as weren ouris. Der

skyn profitib whanne we seen in hem be book of liif, and alle

bingis. Her wolle profitib whanne bei cloben oure soulis, for

ever seintis hilen oure soulis. Dis profit han seintis togider, but

hidis wanten algatis clobing. Sobeli dampned men in helle done

ever good to seintis in hevene, for ber blis is more saveryfor

’ So E ; A has hidis.

See Sermon LXXVI I . p . 254 .

WY C L I F ’


Crist tellib in be gospel of Luk, how men shal do ber bodili

almes to pore feble men, and pore lame and pore blynde . And,

for personis shulden be pore men and feble, to do bobe berofiice and travaile for ber sustenaunce , berfore bei mai take bis

almes. But loke bat bei bigylen not God on 00 side ne on

Ober, ueber to take gredilybis almes, ne to spende it to largely,ne to be ydil in goostli werkes, bat God hab lymytid hem to do.

And so men shulden manyweies be wiys in ber werkes of

mercy. For it is noo wisdom to norishe a fend bat semeb sich,ne to nurishe a newe staat bat hab no ground in Goddis lawe.

Soib it is bat Poul traveilide wib his hondis to spare be peple,and so shulden preestis now do, gif God gaf hem as he dide

Poul. And so we synnen fele tymes, bobe in 00 werk and

ober, and ofte tymes ben yvel ydil fro goode werkes bat we

shulden do.

Danne shal Cr ist seie to hemhat shal he on his lefle side, Wende

ge f ro me, ge cursid men, in to fier hat shal laste ever e, hat is

ordgrned to hefi nd and to his aungels , bat doon his werkes.

And hanne Cr ist sha l r eher sehes six e, how hes fendisfailiden in

hem,and how hei sha l ax e, whanne Cr ist was inhe statehas b

be helhid; and Cr ist shal answere,hat whannehei helhiden not oon

q/ his hr eheren in his name,hei helpiden not him and berfore

shal bei be dampned in Cristis dome. Dis bing mai be souner

done bann we mai blame it here. And trowe we not bat ne at

bis dome men shal be dampned for ober synnes, for al be synne

bat dampned men han doon shal be cause of ber dampnacioun.

And manymen wib gounge children weren undisposid to do

siche werkes, and git sum of bes shal be saved and sum of bes

shal be dampned. For alle saved men ben 00 bodi, as alle

dampned men ben 00 bodi ; and whanne bei helpen, or leeven

to helpe, to do sich dedis of be bodi, banne bei done sich dedisor leeven to do sich dedis. And berfore kyngis and worldli

lordis ben in perils in bis matere . For bei mayntenen religiouse

ofte tyme, to Spuyle ber tenauntis, and to emprisoun ber owne

breberen, agen be dedis bat Crist dide here. And ignoraunoe

excusib hem not, bat ne bei synnen bus grevousely, for bei

shulden cunne Goddis lawe, and wite how God wole be served .

sob, E. blaberen, Q, E.



PE r rRe TEwrsnar GOSPEL rN LENTE.

[ S E R M O N c x u x . )

Cum intrasset j esus . xxi. [ro.]

Di s gospel tellib how Crist wrougte to be profit of his Chircheand git manyenviouse men reprovyden him for his dede, but

git he lettide not herfore to do Goddis wille as he knewe . And

bes dedis of Crist shulden teche us to do iliche. And gif we


ren in bis caas , benke we how Crist suffride first, and git inCrist was no defaute , but we failen ofte folili. But make we

not blynde men oure jugis, but leme we witt of Goddis lawe .

And certis, whanne a man is blynd for to governe his owne liif,

he is myche more blynd for to governe a gretter1

puple ; but

he worchib, as Phariseis, moost for pride and coveitise ; and bes

moten nedis blynde him to reule himsilf or obir men. Matheu

seib, Whanne j esus hadde entr id in to j erusalem,alhe cite was

moved, and seide, Who is hehis 2 Buthehuhli s seiden, Hehis is

f em ,heprophete, of Nazareth q/ Galilee. And j esus entr ide into

Goddis temple, and caste out alle hier is and seller is in he temple,and turnede up so doun he hardis of monyer is

11,and he char is of

hemhat solden dowves. And Cr ist seide to hem, I t is wr itun, hat

syn hares shal he clepid he hous q/ preter , but ge han maad it a

Crist wente first in to be temple for to teche his Chirche aftir

to bigynne to purge preestis for bei ben yge and stomak

to obit , and gif bei ben hool bei traveilen wele, to hele be reme

naunt of be Chirche. And herfore Crist spak so ofte agen be

synnes of be preestis. De synne of pride and coveitise was in

preestis in Cristis tyme and herfore bei ordeyneden in be

temple bat men shulden bigge and selle berinne , for bus roos

wynnyng of ofi'

ringis to be preestis in be temple. And bus

monyours hadden moneyto make chaungis, bobe more and

1 myche, E.

11 monyours, G, E.



lesse , bat men mygten redilyhave ofi'

ring, of what staat bei

weren . And to bis serveden dowves to pore men for to ofire.

And bus don men to daye. Preestis sah'

ren hem to make bes


are in be Chirche , for litil of hem ,but wynnyng shal

algatis come to hem , or ellis bei shal not be sufi'

rid bere. And

bus, ende wherfore be Chirche was ordeyned is turned in)

preier in to synne . Des men bat ben nye be pope knowun of

bes two Ober dedis, bobe of changing of money, and gyvyng of

jewilis to b igge chirchis. And so bes men sellen dowves, bat

sillen chirchis bi symonye ; and gif be pope do not bis first,obere done it to his wynnyng.

And Crist, for to conferme bis loots , dide manymiraclis in be

temple . For Matheu seib bat, Der camen to him blynde men all

lame inhe temple, and Cr ist helide hem. But pr incis of preestis,and scr ibis, rm hes woundr is hat Cr ist dide, and he children

cr iyng inhe temple, and serj rnge, Wepreien toDavehis sane, inches

us saaf,hadden dedg/n, and seiden to him, B'

eer ist hou what he:

children seien 2 And j esus seide to hem, 3he, r edden ge nevere, howDavib seib to God, hat ofhe mouh of gang children and sad ismhou hast maad hergyng 2 And Cr ist lefte hem,

and wente out «y’


citee to Bethanye, and a'zvelte here, and taugte hem qfhe reume qf

God. And so b i bis lore of Crist men mai wite what

prelatis shulden do ; bei shulden hesle blynde men in Goddis

lawe, and stire feble men to worobe his workes ; but gif bei ben

blynde and feble wib ber pride and coveitise , how shulde be

puple be heelid, bat is bus led wib sich prelatis ? Certis pore

preestis and seculer men shal herie God, as diden children ; for

Crist seib bat gif children be stille, stones shal crye instede of

hem. And as hie preestis, wib scrib is, lettiden children for to

speke , so bes bishOpis and newe scribis letten preestis to telle

Goddis lawe .


m WmNESDAI GOSPEL m pa r ine wan IN LEN“ .

[ S E R M O N C L . ]

Aacesserunl ad j a m —Mar t . an.

Drs gospel tellib how Scribis and Fariseis temptiden Crist,

and how Crist pmpheciede of hem,and whiche ben his goostli

kyn. Ma theu tellib how , De Scr ehi s and Phar iseis camen mgto j a '

t s, and sezm M aisk r , we wolen see a segue (y'

hee. Deisawen manymiraclis bat Crist dide in men and bei wolden have

seen sich wondn’

s in hevene ; and banne muten be i nedis haveseid , bat heven and erb obeishiden to him. 80i alle creaturis

obeishidea r'

mg for bei mai nogt do but gif bat he b idde hem.

And so it is seid bifore how water and eir obeishiden to Crist

and in be passioun of Cfisg whanne he semide left of powa'


al be erbe quakide whanne bat Crist diede, and be sunne was

mu d clerk, and be eclips was don bi miracle ; for as Deniss1

seib, be moone , agens his kyndeli movynge , puttide him undis

be sunne, and lsatide bere a long while But sich obedience

of fier ’ kepib Crist to be laste dome .

But Crist, seinge bat sich signes weren banne unprofitable,

oher han Gaddi s lawe hiddzh. And so bei wolen have signes

m ad biside Goddis wille . And in bis apostasie traveilen alle

bes newe ordris, as gif bei wolden putte vertue and religioun in

ber clobis. But Crist cowde ncvere putte bes bingis but in hooli

militia. And so bei seien bat figure and colour is be sacrid

agreed in the worlts

pass under name to an

unknown smthor of the fifth oentnry),to The writer attri

butes darkness at the time of

tbe Cruciftxion to nn eclipse of the

m os-m em m n w


phenomenon which two hadseen at Heliopolis in whenthe moon. though it was not thetime of conjunction. marvellouslyeclipsed the sun ; “paw“ 7 6M fi r M AW 8 m m 30 98m .) See the works of S. Dionys .

Areop. (Paris,



oost, but bis kynrede of hoordom can not grounde bis3. Crist,

groundid in mekenesse , wolde not make sich signes to bes

veyn religiouse for to shewe his hyenes ; but Crist tolde in

what signe shulde be shewid his meknesse. And berfore

seib C rist bat, Dis hynrede shal have no segue, but he s igne (y‘

j onas he pr ophete ; for bei han nede of mekenesse . For as

j onas was in a whalis womhe hre da ies and hr ee nygtis, so shal

mannis sane he in he her te of he erhehr ee da ies and hree nygtis.

Bigynne bou be kyndely daie at mydnygt, as be Chirche doib,and banne on Good Friday badde Crist sixe houris in be

sepulchre, and foure and twenti houris he dwelte bere on be

Satirday; and he hadde sixe houris berinne upon Pask day.

And so he was in bree daies, but not b i bes bree daies b bere .

But as herte is hard to regard of mannis fieishe , so stoon is

hard to regard of ober erbe ; and for Crist was bis tyme in

stoon, berfore he seib bat he shal be in be herte of be erbe , as

Jonas was in be whael. And dreds we not to graunt bat C rist

was closid in stone ; for bat bodi was Crist banne , algif it wasbanne deed. And here is risun a newe ordre , to close men

quyk in stoones, to sle ber desiris to be world and to ber fleish.

But bis is an over myche similitude of an ape ; but gif a man

were wood, it mygte do good to close him bus . But apostlis

couden not knowe of this biriyng of Crist, bat bei or onyquyk

man shulde be biried bus in stoon. Stoon is contrarie to mannis

liif ; but bes foolis wolden passe Crist. Muse we not here whi

jonas was even so myche tyme in be wombe of be whal, as

Crist was in be sepulcre , or if he wente in be same our, and

cam out be same oure . We b ileve as we shulden be wordis

of bis gospel, and we bileven bat it was so, gif bat Crist wolde

have it so. De men of Nynyve shal ryse in dome weh his bmrede,and hei shal dampne it for hei diden penaunce at he prechingof j onas , and lo, mor e ban j onas i s hehis , bi bobe be kyndis batCrist hab. De Queen qf he Souh shal r ise in be laste doom weh

his hynrede, and she shal dampne it for she camf ro eendi s of heland to heere w isdom qf Salomon, and lo, more han Salomon ishere. Whebir bat bis folk shal be saf or be dampned, bei shal

This sentence is omitted in E . these three days , but not during the5He was in the sepulchre , in whole of them.


bere banne witnes agens bis kynrede wurse ban bei. And so ,

as man shal dampne himsilf, so alle creaturis shal dampne him

banne , and witnesse to Cristis dome bat it is fulli rigtnesse1.

And so Crist taugte in his word, how be fend was comen agen

to bis kynrede worst of alle, as it is toold in anober stede 1.

And to be bridde part of bis gospel, of Cristis modir and his

breberen, it is told also b ifore how bis gospel undirstondibb

ON punsmu rN PrRe WExE lN LENr E.

[ S E R M O N C L I . ]

Dicehal j esus ad eos .—] OHN viii.

D18 gospel tellib how bat C rist heendly reprovede j ew is,and tolde hem ber wickide wille , to make hem to sorowe for

ber synne. Joon tellib how j esus seide to hem bat trowiden


him of be Jewis. (Dei trowiden bat he was a trewe man,

and lovede treube , and dampnede synne ; but bei trowiden not

in him, sib bei trowiden not bat he was bobe God and man ,

and cleveden not to him bi love , as done men bat trowen in

C rist.) Crist b iheetib to bes men,If ge dzaellen in my word


ge shal he verreli my discipli s, and ge shal hnowe he treuhe, and


Chris t repruvll‘lg the j aw s .

he trelehe shal mahe gou f ree. De j ew is answ er iden to him,We if

hen he seed (y'

Ahraham, and we serve-den nevere to man how

seist ha s of its, hat we shal he f ree 2 But j esus answer ide to

hem, and telde hem how he undirstood ber ben manyfredoms,

and manybraldomes contrarie to hem . De moost braldom and

worst of alle is be braldom of synne ; and herfore seib C rist

bus, Saheli, saheli , Y seie to gou, hat ech man hat dosh synne is

a hral of synne. And so God mai not do synne , for he maydo

noo bing, but sich bing as serveb him in bat bat he doib it.

But synne wole be lord ofman, in bat he doib synne. For un

kyndelymakyng bringib forb wondirful gendrure, and git bismnt nedis be , bi be lawe bat God hab ordeyned. But he ser

vant d uelhh not ever more, huthe sane dwellzh in he haus evermore.1rim s, G ; rigtwise, E.

See vol. i. Sermon XLI I . adhuem.1' See w l. i. Sermon CXI .


For synne hab bis prOpirte , bat synne mahib his sone bral, and

puttib him out of Goddis hous, to serve be fend ever in peyne.

But Goddis sone lyveb contrarie liif, for he dwellib ever in

Goddis hous. Derfore if he sane mahe gouf ree, ge shal he ver rili

f ree. And he menib b i Goddis sone , him bat mai oonli b ie

mankynde, for he is Goddis sone in kynde, and be same God

wib his Fadir. Y woot welhat ge hen Ahrahams children, hut ge

castenf or to slee me,f or myword tahzh not in gou. And so bei

castiden to sle him, be which is bobe God and man, and shulde

be fadir to hem and make hem free, gif bei shulden bryve .

I speke, seib Crist, hat Y saw ; at myf adir , and ge daun ho

hing hat ge sawun at gourf adir . Buthei answer iden, and seiden

to him, Ahraham is oure f adir . And j esus seeh to hem,3if ge

wer en Ahr ahams sones , ge shulden doAhrahams werkes hut now

ge casten to sle me, a manhat spehth treuhe to gouhe which Yhaveherd q/ God his hing Ahraham dide not. 3e donhe werkes (ygour f adir . And he j ewis seiden to Cr ist, We hen not horn cflecher ie of adir we han, God. Derf or j esus seide to hem

, 3c]God were gaur f adir , certzs ge shalden love me, for Yhraca dideqf God. For bi myGodhede , Y was ever born, and bi mymanhede Y cam in tyme, to make mannis kynde free. For Y

cam not of myself; hut he hah sent me . Whi huawen ge not myspeche ? Certis, f or ge may not her e my word. Oft tymes is

heeryng takun for heeryng of be soule, whanne witt and wille

comen togidere, and conseyven be treube. And bus bei mygten

not heere Cristis wordis, for bei moten nedis be dampned.

And berfore seib Crist aftir, 3c hen qf he devel, gour f adir , andge walen do he des ires of gouref adir , be devel. Certis God and

al be Trinite wolde bat Crist were deed, and so wolde the fend,

wib j ewis ; but bei varieden in maner ; for God wolde for a goodcende, and bat Crist diede hoolili, but bes wolden for a wickide

eende, and bat Crist diede synfulli ; and conformyng of willis

stondibmoost in maneris. And bus seyen sum men, bat Godwolde , and be holi Trinite also, slee Crist, and bat Crist were

deed . But Crist wolde not sle himsilf, algif he wolde bat hewere slayn, for his manhed wolde not slee him. Def end, gou:fadir, was mansleeref rohe hzgynninge of be world, and he stood

not in treuhe,f or her rs no treuhe in him. And heere men seyu,


and it is liclyof be gospel bat bis water was closid wib stoon,

and hadde/fiv epartis , to come berto. And men camen, whanne

bei hadden leeve to be heelid bere of ber sykenesse, as in hye

feestis of be temple , whanne bei hadden solempnite . Bokis

seien, binebe b ileve, how Adam sette manykindis of be fruyte

bat he cet of, and of bis fruyt cam 00 tree , of which was Cristis

cross maad , and bat tree was in bis watera. And Goddis aungel

movede bis tree, and gaf vertue to bis water, to hele hem of ber

siikenesse bat camen first aftis in bis water . But lceve we bis

b inebe bileve, and stonde we in wordis of bis gospel, and trowe

we bat in Jerusalem is suche a water as be gospel seib, wher

bei washiden sheep of be temple in bis water. Muse we not,

but Jerom seib bat Bethsaida is in Ebrew an hons of fruytis or

houa of beestis b , and probatos in Ebrew is a bishop1 in oure


And in hes partis lg t a gr eet multitude of siihe men, of hlyndemen , of crohide men, and of dryed men, in ber partis, chiding

movyng of his water . For he angel of he Lord cam doun on

cer la'n gone into his standing water , and it was moved hanne

and whoever cam daun fi rst into his water , was maad hool in

what siihenesse he was haldun. And her was a man here hat

hadde eigte and hr itti geer in his siihenesse. And j esus seide

to him, whanne he saw him ligginge, and he w iste hat his syke

man hodde long yme in his sykenesse , Walt hou he hool? seide

Crist to him. And he siihe man seide to Cr ist, Sire, Y have no

man hat whanne he water is moved he putte me in to he water

f or he whilehat Y come, anoher comeh doun hifore me. And j esusseide to him,

R ise, take hi hed, and go. And anoon he was m ad

hool, and take up his hed, and wente his wg' and it was Sahot

inhat day. Andhe j ewis seiden to himhat was hool, I t is Sahatit is not levgful to hee lo tahe aweyhi hed. And he answer ide to

hem,Dalman hat made me hool seide to me, Yahe uphi hedd and

go. Andhei ax iden him,What man is hat,hat seide lohee, tahe

1scheep, G, E.

The marvellous legend here re In the treatise De Nominibusferred to maybe found related at Heb raicis St .

Jlength in the postil of Nicholas dc Bethsaida by omus frugum vel

Lyra on this text. venatorum .


Q ) ; hed and go c’ Bal his man hat was maad hool wiste not

which his man was . And j esus hawide awgyf ro hepuhle hatwas set in hat place. Aflirward j esus f oond him in he temple,and seide w him, Lo, hau ar t maad hool, now nyle hou synne

flare, lestmyworse1hing falle tohee. And his man wentef arh,

and b lde hehe[ ewes hat j esus was bat manhat made him hool.

Jesus badde wille to mak men hool in be Sabot, agens be

Jewis, and to telle bat men shulden on holydaye be bisye to

make good preieris, and how be Sabot shulde be tumede fro

Satirdaie to be first ferie ‘ . Des Jewis weren wroob bat Jesuswrougte bus, for he lettide hem of her wynnyngis, and tolde

litilbi ber sermonies3, bat bei kepten as ber bileve. And Jesus

provede ofte tymes , bi manygoode skills and opyn, bat it was

leveful to worobe bus . But be preestis trowiden not to him,

for bei puttiden no difference betwixe b ileve and ceremonies.

And bus kepyng of be Saboot was sumwhat a comandement

and sumwhat cerymonial, to figure bat Crist shulde reste in be

tombe al be Satirdai. And, for bis is passid now, and we trowen


bis aftir to come, berfore we kepen Sundaye as Sabot,

but not as be sevenbe dai, but as be eigtib daye, to abide be

eigtibe age. And so oure Sabot lastib one, but be tyme of be

dayis varied.



[ S E R M O N C L I I I . ]

Assumpsit j esus Fetrum.—MATT. xvi. [L ]

Drs gospel tellib how bat Crist was transfigurid in sigt of breeapostlis, and so was bis word sob, bat ber ben sum bat stonden

here bat shalnot tas te deeb, tilbat bei see mannis sone comyngin his rewme. Mathew tellib how j esus take P etre, j am s, and

‘ So E ; A hs s m .’serymonyes , E.

11caret in G.

In theM issal and Breviary, Sun Feria , Mondayas the second. and

day. though called Dominica ,’

so on, to Friday the sixth Feria ;reckons numeri cally as the first Saturdayis Sabbatum.



j oan his hrohir , and ledde hem into an hyge hill aside, for Oberapostlis sawen it not. And Cr ist was tr ansfigur id hyare hem,

and hi sf ace shoon as he sunne, and his clohis weren maad white

as he snow . And bus men seien bat transfiguring is turnynginto glorious forme, bat men seen not wib bis eye b i figure bat

bei seen now ; as Cristis face, whanne it shynede as sunne , was

not seen figurid as oures ben now. And bus manymen sup

posen bat in blis men han noo clobis, for albe bodi of man in

blis shal shyne as now doib be sunne ; and so no filbe of a

mannis bodi shal be shameful in blis, and so shal clobis be

more unnedeful ban bei weren in staat of innocence. For

banne shulde man han etun and difi ed 1, and delyvered him of

superfluyte, but Ober wise it is now in blis, and so shal ber be

no nede of clobis. De whitnes of Cristis clobis here figurib not

bes freris abitis, but oonnesse of colour of Cristis clobis tellib

bat he was stable in vertues, and medling of freris clobis tellibunstablenesse of bes ordris. And lo

,M oi ses and [ 1e apper iden

to hem, spehinge weh Cr ist. Des spiritis mygten ligtli take hem

bodies, and leeve hem efte wibouten peya s ; and bes two pro

fetis desiriden moche to see be manhed of Crist, and so bei

weren gladdid in bis more ban bei weren b ifore. But P etir

answeringe seide to j esus , Sire, it is good us to he her e. If hou

wilt, mahe we her ehree taher naclis tohee oon, to M oises oon, and

to Heli oon. And it semeb bat Petre wolde bat bes tabernaclisweren large, bat bes bree apostlis mygte sitte in bes bre taber

naclis. And git he while hat P etre spah, lo, a shyryng claude

shadewide hem,and lo

, a vois cam qfhe claude, seiynge,Dis i s myloved sane, in whom it lehide me wel ; heere ge him. And hes

di scipli s, heeryng his, f elden in her visagis and dredden myche.

And j esus cam nyg, and touchide hem,and seide to hem, R ise gee,

and nyle ge drede. And apostlis, lytinge up her gren, sawen no

man hutj esus aan. And as hei camen dhun he hill, j esus comandide to hem and seide, Tellge no man his sigt, tilhat mannis sane

r isef ro deed. Muse we not here, as foolis, how bes two pro

fetis weren cled, and what wordis bei spaken to Crist, and

whanne ber bodies weren dissolvyd ; for in bis forme batMathew

tellib wole God bat his Chirche rest here.

'facia, E.



[ S E R M O N C L I V . ]

Ego vado et gner itis.—JOHN viii. [2 L ]

pmgospel tellib how Crist reprovede be mansleres of wickide

Jewis. Joon tellib how, Cr i st seide to cumpany“ of j ew is, Igo,M d ;e shal sehe me, and 3e shal die in gonr synne whidir Ygo,yuai not come. perf ore he j ewis seiden, Whidir is he his togo,All we shal not jj /nde him Wher he shal slee himsilf,f or herah, Whidir I

go ;e mai not come And Cr ist seide to hem,

Je h u (y'

hinehe, and f an: (y'

ahooe ; 3e ben of his world, and Ynot of his world. perfore Y seie to gon, hat 3e shal die in

w e 9mm ,for if ;e tr owen not in me, 3e shal die in gour synne.

And so bes Jewis slowen hemsilf bi debof soule , bat is be worstedeb. De Jewis bougten bat Crist bou; te longe b i his liif, andwolde go sweyand slee himsilf. But Crist wolde seie, bat he

shulde sfie in to hevene ; and bidit my3ten bei not come, for

bei musten nedis be dampned. For he wiste how bei shulde

synne, and ever heepe, and not amende. per/bre seiden he

[ ewis Io Cr ist, Who art than 2 And j esus seide to hem,I am

a principle hat speke to gou3. A principle is an out cause , as

Crist was cause of alle bingis, and as he seide, he was above ,

and telde his godhede in a manere. I’ have manyhingi s to

whe to gone, and to j nge, but wite 3c welY shal not speke fals ,

ne juge amys for hate , f or he hat sente me is trewe, and Y am

traube, andhohingi shat Y have herd of God, Y shehe inhe world.

And hei w isten nothat he seide hat his f adir was God. And so

seide [ em to hem, Whanne 3e han hied mannis sone, hanne shal

3: h ouse hat Y am and Y do not 1 of myself ; but as hef adir

am t, G, E, I .

Translated from the Vulgate (mar ; since , whether we read 81 ;‘ Principium qui et loquor vobis. or 8 7 6, no ancient MS. gives anya mistnmlation for which it is countenance to the qui

of the

difi cult to account of the Greek Vulgate See Dean Alford’

s note on

words. w W 6 n an ) M the passage in his Greek Testament.

Christ reprovmx the


taugte me,hes hingi s I’shehe. And he hat sente me i s w zh me


and he hah not lef t me aloone ; f or Y do even ho hingis hat hen

pleyng to him. Wordis of bis gospel, as ben wordis of Jooncomunli, ben ful of sutil witt, as men mai see bat here taken

hede ; but lceve we bis, and telle be storie aftir be comune

witt ofmen.

Pa Tswrsnu Gospm. m pa sncvmmwan : m Laur a.

[ S E R M O N C L V . ]

Super eathedramM oisy MATT. xxiii. [ L ]

Dls gospel of Matheu tellib how Crist reprovede be pride

and falshede of Scrib is and Fariseis , bat manyweies bigiliden

be puple. Mathew tellib how, hes twof olh saten upon M oi ses

ohoier . Scribis ben doctours of Jewis, and writun be sentence

bat bei gyven, and lyven more seculerlyban lyven bes Phariseis ;but bobe calengiden to be maistris, and reule be puple as Moyses

dide, and as be pope seib now bat he is Cri stis viker in erbe ;and so bes seiden bat bei hadden Moises power, and weren

proud of bis staat. But bes weren lesse yvel ban is be pope in

tyme of grace ; for sich vikeris wez en worse for ber pride and

coveitise, and, for grace of Crist is more , berfore bere fallingis more synne. Des folk helden hem in bes houndis , bat bei

knewen and seiden Goddis lawe, but in practike of bis lawe

stood ber falsheed and ber pride. And herf ore, seib Crist aftis,allehingishathei shal seie ti) gou, hepe3e and do in dede, hut aftirwerkes of hem nyle 3c do,f or hei seien and doon not. Dei spaken

be treube of be lawe , but bei practisiden it amys. But now oure

prelatis ben so blynde bat bei speken and doon amys ; and be

puple shal not do aftir ber wordis, for bei erren fro Goddis lawe

and maken hem newe lawis, and so bei speken and techen.

And bus, for blyndenesse of bes prelatis, bei synnen bobe inword and dede, more ban bes folk diden after Moises. For

Moysi.E. om. Q .


pOpis ben ferbere fro Crist ban bes folk weren fro Moises, and

moche more falslyben Cristis vikeris, bobe in synne of word

and dede. For hesfalh b 'nden grez’ous eha rgis , and sich as men

m i not here, andputte hem on mennis shonldr is buthei nylmove

ha s an} her fi nger . And so don vikeris of Crist to day, for

harde penaunoes bei putten on men, which sownen ber lord

ship and coveitise . As penaunce bei putten, agen resoun, bat

bei mai not grounde bi lawe, and gif bei dispensen berwib, it

shalbe bougt ful dere for money, and bus bei schewen1


for ber power, and smyten be puple wib coveitise. And bus

bei encresen annuel rentis, as bei diden wib be rewme of Yngloud, and oblishiden it in nyne hundrid mark 3 to gyve be pope

geer bygeer . But 3if bei dredden knowing of ber fraude , bei

wolden make hem to grete lordis, for bus bei mygten encrese

ber rentis bi siche penaunces as bei wolden .

And her Scr ibis and Far isei s don alleher werkesf or his eende,halhei hen seen of men, glorious and hye in power, and so bei

traveilen in coveitise f or hei alargenher philacter ies and maken

hemgr ete hemmes . Men seien bat bes philacteries weren scrowis’,

writun wibGoddis heestis, and tatchid3on ber left arm, to have

bes beestis ever more in mynde. De hemms bat weren in berclobis touchiden be staat of ber ordris, as prelatis don to daywib halywid clobis, and bes newe ordris wib ber abitis. But

algatis men don worse now , for in stede of philateries men

maken gret volyms b of newe lawes bat ben not Goddis

‘ So E ; A has M iden.’seronwes, H.

M I .

Whynine hundred marks 7 Thewhich King John bound himto payyearlyto the Roman see

1000 marks (see Raynaldus subanno), of which 700 were to be for

and 300 for I reland.

Volumus et stab ilimus ut

Bed e-sis Romans mille marchas ster

6 1

tribute. Wyclif speaks of it as the

700 ma rks. excluding I reland from

consideration. Probably therefore

he on the present occa sion wrote

nine instead of seven simplybyanoversight.

b The w riter alludes to the various

authoriz ed compilations (bythis titucformidable in number and bulk) ofthe Canon Law ; such as the Decretum of Gratian, the Decretals of

Gregory IX, the Clementines of

Clement V, and the Extravagantsof John XXI I .


comandementis ; and men ben nedid to use bes lawis, bobe indoing.

and studiyng. And sib bei mai not alarge mennis wittis,but raber maken ber wittis unable , bei neden men to leve Goddislawe , and so to leve be love of God. And sib God bindib alle

men to love bym of al ber herte, in al ber wille, and al ber

mynde , and bes prelatis letten bis, bei binden men agens God

to breke his mandementis and to be dampned, and fouler synne

was nevere doon fro be bigynnyng of be world. Des ordris magncheu ber abitis, and seyen be pope hab confermed hem. And

so seyen summe, bat who ever die in hem shal nevere more

come to helle 3. And as bei maken ber ab itis myche, bobe inwidnesse and sidnesse 1

, so bei maken ber vertue myche ; and

al is ypocrisie, wib coveitise of worldli goodis, and ydilnesse fro

Goddis lawe. And hei loven fi r st seetis at saher i s, and fi r st

char is in synagogi s, and gretingi s in he them , and ben clepid

w And in bes foure traveilen oure prelatis, bobemore and lasse. For to bigynne at be freris ; bei coveiten alle

bes foure ; for bei wolen sette wib lordis and ladies at be mete

ful dignely, and in chirchis bei han ber places b ifore alle ober

men, so bat bei mai not be more ny; to worldlystat ban bei

ben. And algatis bei wolen be gret among comunes’ of men ,

and ben clepid maistris and doctours for be hyenesse of ber

name . But Crist forbidib bis hyenesse, and b iddib us, Hyle 3ebe clepid ma istr is,for here i s oon our e ma istir

, bat hab wiseli bis

name. And in bis synne of worldli pride han we synned, and

git done . And nyle 3e d epe to gou/adir on erhe, f or her i s oon

gour f adir in hevene. And in bis synnen abbotis, and ober prelatis of be Chirche. And bis synne techib Crist, whanne be for

fendide clepe to us siche fadirs upon erbe, for fadirs bat b rou3tenus forb techib and clepib us kynde to have. And he3c not clepid

ma istr is, f or gour maistir is oon, Cr ist. Hehat is more of 30a ,shal he goure servant f or he hat hieh him shal he lowid, and he

hat lozwh him shal be hyed. How evere men speken here al bis

This was actuallydone by, amongstwm ofm others, Alfonso I I. of Naples ; see

m emm w the curious account in Philippe de


nsen pouvr npon ha l. But it shal nat h so among you ; hut

whaener wole u ong p u h u aad u ore, h hew e u fi i stre ; md‘

iwhm n uvk & fi rst a As

agen-hiring f or ma y: Des wordis ben manytymes expowned,

but ber sentence is forgerun. For no drede Crist wolde here

forbede pree stis worldli morenesse : but who reversib more bislword ban done pree stis now adaies , bobe in worldli lordship

and worldli worship bat bei taken ? And bis is ground of Ober

synnes bat rengnen among preestis.

os pc asmu rs 85:0 :a v an in Latin .

[ S E R M O N C L V I I . ]

ron possum ego.

—Jonx v.

D18 gospel tellib wordis b i whiche Crist confermede his lore,and tau3te men to be meke. and to knowe beir owac freelte.

Jesus seide to be puple of be Jewis , 1 mai do m yof mysilf , butas I heere, so I j uge. And Crist spekib of his manheed, bat

badde al his beyng of be Godhede , as his personalte’was of his

Fadir. But Crist seib here sobli bat, hxsj ugement f or hespehzh not hzs w ille, buthe w ille (f hemhat saute hem. And bis

is be sixte place in which be gospel spekib bus ; bat Crist gyvebto his Fadir, and takib from him, sich bingis bat fallen not

principalli to him, but principalli to his Fadir. For no drede

Crist sougte be wille of be Trinite , bob bi his Godhede and his

manhede ; and gif men wolden kepe bis, ber jugement abulde

be just. For men failen in jugement for coveitise of worldli

goodis, and persone] afl'

ecciouns, and levyng to loke to Goddis

w ille . And gif bis were be heed point in jugement of sich men,to loke bat beir jugement were trewe, and to be profit of be

Chirche, and ellis leve bis jugement, as contrarie to Goddis

himsilf.G. pe so-elite. G, H.


wille, banne ber jugement shulde be just, and Goddis lawe havehis cours. 3? Y here bis w itnesse of myself ,

it is not sozh for al

sinful bing is fals, al ; if it have beyng of treube ; her i s anoher

per sonehat benh w itnesse (yme, and Y woothathis w itnes is soh

hot he her ih of me. 3e sen/en toj oon Baptist, and he har e w itnesse iito treuhe. But Y lahe not w itnesse of man buthes hingis Y seie,

hatybe saaf j oon was a lanterne hrennyng and shytgrnge and

3e woldenfor a while be glad in his li3t. But Y have w itnesse

more ha s j oon, j br my werkis and myf adir her en w itnesse ofme. And so eche trewe man shulde have w itnesse of his

werkes, for trewe lilf tellib a trewe man , and fals lyf a fals man.

And sib be Fadir berib witnesse of C rist, al be Trinite beribwitnesse of him. And bis bing hnewe not be Jewis ; and

herfore seib Crist bus , Dat hei herden nevere he vois of he

f adir , ne hei sawen never he j b rme ry'

him. He seeb ’ here bes

bingis'of be Fadir, bat trowib hem in bat be Fadir doib hem

and so he trowib in be Fadir. But in bis failide5be Jewis .

And his word ;e have not dwellinge in gou ,for to himhat he sente

ge tr owen not. Sehe 3ehe w r itingis of Goddis law e, in whiche 3e

gessen to han blissid lief ; andhes w r ztingis henho ilhehat beren twitnes yme. And ;e walen not some to me

, hat 3e havehe blissed

lief C f ist tahth not ht} clere/e (f men. But he hnewe welhes

j ew is, hat hei han not Goddis love in hem. Y cam, seib C rist,in name y


myf adir , and 3e token not me but 337"

anoher come in

Gaddis name, hat Anticrist sha l 3e take . For bis kynrede is

smytun now among men bat ben clepid booli Chirche , and bei

taken wib a full wille be pope as be viker of God. And be

same cause is here and bere , for he mahib hem worldli wyn

nyng and to lyve gloriouselyhere , and bat bei seken,and not

ber blis. How mai 3e trowe b ileve ,hat sehen to have glor ie lo

gider e, and ;e sehe nothe glor ie,he which is of God almm 2 And

bis is principal cause whi men turnen fro C ristis lawe .

Perfore uyle 3e gessehatY am to arouse gou at hef adir her

’seib, E.

‘bat be

M M h bat bat be Fadir doib bem, E‘ All

that follows, to the words“How mai ;e trowe.

is absurdlyincluded byAin the Scri

£tural extract. E gives the passage rightly.

w :




is oonhat aeouseh gou,hat is, M oises in whom3e hopen. For 31]

3e trowiden toM oises, 3e shulden trowe peraventure and to me,

f or he wroot of me. And gif 3e trowen not to his lettr is, how shal

3e trowe to mywordis 2 Dis Moises wroot of Crist, and seide,

a prophete shulde rise of Jewis, and bad hem trowe to him as

to Moises ; for he knewe be treube of Crist. And holi writt

puttib comunli bis l ord, peraventure, wib ober cansis , whanne

fredom of wille is medlid , and it suebanot opynli.

01s Farm s in Sacunnn wan m Laur a.

[ S E R M O N C L V I I I . ]

Homo eratpaterf amilias. xxi. [3

D18 gospel tellib a parable how Crist shulde be slayn wib be

Jewis. Matheu seib how Crist tellib bis parable to his Chirche.

Der was a man, good househonde,hatplantide a vyn, and heggide

it aboute, and dalfher inne a pressour , and hildide a tour her inne,and hyr ide it to tilzbr i s, and wente himsilf in pilgrimage. And

whanne tyme (y'

f rutis cam nyg, he sente hise servauntis to hes


ers , to take he f r atis hero/I And hes tilier is tohen hes ser

vauntis, and oonhei hufi liden,anoher hei hilliden, and anoher hei

stoneden to deeh . Ef t he sente mo servauntis, mo an he fi rs/e

weren andhei diden also to hem. And at he laste he sente his

sone to hem, and seide,hat hei shulden drede his sone. Andhes

lilier i s, seyngehis sane, seiden wrhinne hem,Dis ishe eir come

3e and hille we him,and we shal have his her itage. And hei

token him,and casten him out of he qynegerde, and helliden him.

Der/ore whannehe Lord of his zgynq erde shal come, what shal he

do tohe tilier is 2 And hei seiden to Cr ist, Desyoele tilier is shalhe sharpli lese, and hire hi s nynegerde to aher tilier is,hat shal”wehimf ruyte inher armes. And j esus seid to hem,

R ed 3eDamh is wr itingis, De stoonhat hilder is reproveden,his is maad intohe heedyhe corner ) Dis is don g

he Lord, and it i s woun’semeb, E.

‘ beyr , E.



rj id in oure eigen. Der/ br e Y seie to gou , hat Gaddis rewme shal

he tahenf ro gou , and it shal he goven tohalf olhhat doth hef ruytry


it. And whoever f alleh uponhis stoon, he shal he hrohun, and

you whomhis stoonf alle, his stoon shal al to hryse him. And

whannehe pr ineis (y'

preestis and P hari sees hadde herd hepa rahlis


Cf ist, hei w istenhat he spake qf hem And hei, sehinge to lake

Cr i st, dredden he comun peple. For be puple badde Crist in

worship as a prophete.

Dis parable semeb opin, and seid to bis entent. Dis goodhousebonde is God be Fadir, bat ordeyneb for al bis world, and

speciali for his holi Chirche . God plantide a vynegerde , whanne

he groundide holi Chirche ; and algatis in Jerusalem , for ber

was myche sigt of pees. God heggide bis gerde aboute , whanne

he gaf it good lawis, summe strong to gyve men mede , and sum

sharp to punishe men ; and bus dide not God to ech kynrede,

but speciali to kynrede of Jewis. Dis pressour ben bo prestis

bat geten out juys of Goddis word , and bei gladen men wibwyn ,

and gyven hem sause to Goddis mete. God delveb bis pressour

bere, for prestis lyven on Goddis part. God bieldib3a tour bere,

whanne he defendide his Chirche b i kyngis. Tilieris to whom

bis Chirche was hired, weren shrew is bat shulden profite b i

be Chirche, and bei traveiliden in be Chirche , and maden it

brynge forb myche fmyt for w ickide men bat pursuen be

Chirche, wibGoddis grace doon it good. Dis Fadir wente in

pilgrimage, whanne he badde ordeyned bus his Chirche, and

governmen free power for to do good or yvel. Dis tyme of fruyt

was bat age bat bis Chirche shulde profite here . And servauntis

of God sente weren kingis, patriarkis, and prophetis ; and of

bes weren summe pursued, summe kild, and sum stoned. Desmoo prOphetis bat camen after weren also pursued and killid.

Dis goode Fadir sente his Sone , whanne he made Crist to take

mannis kynde . De i knewen ligtli bat he was eir bobe of

beyene and of erbe , and git, for blyndenesse bat bei hadden, beijugiden hem to obeishe to God for pursuyng and killing of

Crist ; and bei token Crist, and kesten him out of Jerusalem


’ So in E ; A includes the word

in the quotation. So E ; A has hilde.

F 2



for Crist diede and was biried wibouten be wallis of bat cite .

And God , Lord of be Chirche , whanne he comeb to juge bis

werk, shal lese ful peynefulli bes wickide Jewis bat diden bus .

Sum prestis seiden bus b i ber conscience , bat undirstoden not

bis parable, b i what men it was seid 1,and sum seiden, God

forbede , as Matheu and Luk tellen wibouten contrariouste .

God hiride be Chirche to obere good tilieris, as to apostlis, and


s, and ober seintis bat camen aftir hem. And bei gaven

fruyt of be Chirche, whanne bei wrougten medefulwerkes, and

weren bobe vines and tilieris, and edifieden ober vynes . Dat:Jesus seide to hem aftir of be stoon batDavib tellib, it is knowun

to Cristene men bat bis stoon is Crist in figure , and heed and

helbe of holi Chirche, as be Psalm seib also . It is seid com

munli, bat in makyng of be temple ber was a stoon, ofte refusid ,

and discordide fro manyplacis ; and at be laste bei weren nedid

to make it heed stoon in a corner 3. And bis stoon figuride

Jesus Crist, bat was manytymes reprovede here, and at be laste

men weren nedid to put Crist heed of holi Chirche , and to

knitte hebeno men and Jewis, as corner stoon knittib two wallis.And for bis is a goostli stoon

3, berfore it is bi manyplacis, and

hab in him many resouns, as ground stone and corner stoon .

Dis was doon of be Lord , and is woundirful in oure igen.

For nobing is more woundirfulban bat God was bus maad man.

And bus applieb Crist hise wordis, and seib bat Goddis rewme

shal be taken fro hem, and gow n to folk bat doib his fruyt.For Jewis weren cast out of be Chirche, and hebene folk takenfor hem. And bis stoon mut ever laste, and reule be Chirchein blisse and peyne ; and who bat fallib upon bis stoon


pungning Crist or his lawe , shal be broken in his conscience,

and grutche agens himsilf. And for bis stoon is spiritual, bobeabove and b inebe, bis stoon shal falle on siche men, and squatte

hem al to poudir. For ech part of dampned‘shal figte wib

ober in discord.

‘om. Q .

dampned men, Q .

This legend is here translated Not improbablyit might be foundalmost literallyfrom De Lyra, who in the Historic Scholastiea.

does not state whence be derived it.


Dene hige preestiswisten here what C rist mente in bes wordis,but bei mygten not take him bifore be tyme bat he wolde die .

And so telle bou Goddis lawe to Anticrist and his felow is, and

bei shal caste to kille bee. But be puple assentib to skille , for

Goddis lawe stondib in seculeris, as lordis and comunes, bat ben

goode and bei letten malis of preestis bat ellis wolden be to

wickid, and pursue trewe preestis, for treube bat bei tellen be

I n SATURDAY Gosrar. m pa Sac na waxa m LaN '


[ S E R M O N C L I X . ]

Homomadam hahuit duos .—LUC . xv. [ r r .]

Dre gospel tellib a parable, as be nexte gospel bifore . Luk

seib bat Crist tolde how ,A man


hadde two sones andhe gonger

f hem seide unto hisf adir , Fadir , gyoe me a poreioun ofhe suh

stanee hat f alleh me. And he f adir depar tide him his goodis.

And soone af tir his gonge sone geder ide al hat f el to him, and

wente/a h in pilgr image in to af i'

r contre and her he waslide

hisgoodis, brynge in lecher ie. And a/ler hat he hadde endid alle

his goodi s,herf el a gret hungre in hat lond, and he higan to he

led . And he wente ante, and elevede lo oon of he eitiz eins of hat

W e, and his a'

tisein sente him into his loan , to hepe suyn. A red

his sane coveitide tofille his heli w rh pese holes halhe hogges eten,and no man gaf him. And he, turninge agen,

seide,Hm many

hynen in myf adirs hour henf ul of loves , and Y per ishe heref b r

hungre. Y shal r ise, and go to myf adir , and seie to him,Fadir


Ihave synned in heven ,and hy


orehee now Y am not warh i to

he d¢idhi sone, make me as oon (y’

hin hym n. And he roos,and

ra n to hisf adir . And git whanne he was fi'

r , his fi rdir sawe

him,and was moved hi merg


, and remy-

ng agens his sone,fi l on

his nekhe, and histe him. And he sone seide to him, Fadir , Y have

g-nned in hevene, and hgfbrehee now Y am not worhi to he clepid

pes holys , l.



hi sone. And hef adir seide to his servaunti s anoon,B r inge ge

f brh hefirste stoole ‘, and slohe ge him,and gy mge a syng in hi s

hand, and shoon upon hisf eet. And hr inge ge a [ at eat] ; and sle

him,and ete we, andf ede us f or his sane of myn was deed, and i s

quykened agen, and he was per ishid, and i s f oundun. And hei

higunne tof eede hem. And his eldere sone was in hef eeld and

whanne he cam,and was gwghe hons , he herde a symphonie and

aher noise of mynystraleye2. And his eldere sone tlepide oon ofhe

servauntis, and ax ide what werenheshingis. And he seide to him,

Di hrohir is eomen, and hif adir hah slayn af at ealfi/ b r he hahresegzved him saaf Z But his eldere sone hadde dedeyn, and wolde

not come in her/ bre hisf adir wente out, and hegan topr eie him.

And he answer ide, and seide to hisf adir , L o, so manygeer i s Yserve tohee, Ypasside nevere hi mandement and hou gavest me

nevere a hide,f or tofi de me weh my/ rendis. But afler hat hehis

hi sone, hat murher ide3hi s goodis wrh hoor is, is come

, hou hast

hillid to him af at ealfi Andhef adir seide to him, Sone,hou ar t

ever more wzh me, and alle mygoodis henhine. But it was nede

to ele and to make mery, j br hehi shi hrohir was deed, and lyvedeagen he was per ishid, and isfounden.

I t is comunli seid bat bis man is Jesus Crist, bat bobe is Godand man, and b i his Godhede hab two sones. De eldere sone

is be folk of Jewis, and be gongere, hebene folk. Des two sonesweren for a ryme wibGod bi grace and kyndeli witt. But bis

gongere sone of bes two seide pryvylyto his fadir, bat he wolde

have bi himsilf goodis bat shulde falle to him, whanne hebenemen wolden have propre , bobe lawes and Ober giftis of God, andso bei wolden be reulid bi ber owne witt, and not fulli b i God .

And so richessis of bis sone ben goodis of grace ; and God


ride bis sone to be reulid apart bi his owac witt but God

gaf him goodis of kynde and goodis of grace in al bis tyme.

For ellis bes hebene men migten not be, but gif be i hadden

goodis of kynde of God ; and manypartis of bis sone, as Jetro,

and Job , and obir, hadden goodis of grace of God ; for ellis bissone badde al be lost. Soone after bis gonger sone wente aweie

fro God b i synne ; but git bes hebene men for a tyme loveden

God , and servede him wel. And so bis fer contre is be liif of

stole, H. mynstralsie, G.l. murbere, I ; devourid , Q. servyden.E.


men to come to bis fadir ; ben divers graces of God, b i whiche

he movebmen to love him.


onfesd on Whanne a synfulman knowibbe sobe, bat God is his fadir inkynde , for bobe his soule and his bodi God made of nougt, as

Moises seib 8 , banne man mahib bis confessioun, Fadir, Y have

synned in hevene and b ifore bee. Sob it is,man mai not synne,but gif he synne agens God and agens albe world, and so bisman synneb in hevene. But

,for he woot bat God seeb alle

synnes, and he hopib forgyvnesse of him, berfore he seib bat hehab synned b ifore God, bat is his fadir, and for be grete synne

bat he hab don to God , he is not worbi of himsilf to be clepid

his sone . God makib man as oon of his bynea , whanne he

gyveb him grace for a tyme, and mahib him to do wel his

werkes. And git, gif man be Goddis sone, he coveitib to have

bis grace, for be moste peyne bat man hab is peyne bat he takibof syn c. And gif a man shal be dampned, and be Goddis hyne

for a tyme , git he hab lasse peyne in helle for bat tyme bat heis Goddis hyne.

His rec eption. God oure Fadir seeb us afer, longe bifore bat we comen to

him,for b i mercybat he hab he moveb us to do bus. God

renneb agens us whanne he helpib‘us to do good ; God fallib

upon oure nekke , whanne he stireb us to be meke ; God kissibbanne his man, whanne he gyveb him grace of sone , and mahibhim oon wib Crist his Sone, and parsenere of Cristis merit.

And banne bis Sone makib efte bis schrift. God seib banne to

his servauntis to bringe forb soon be first stoole, whanne beishewen mannis innocence. And bat man is ordeyned of him to

blis, for bis stoole is long and narowg, and mahib alle be preestisbat shal be saved. And bis lastib round wib man,

for it shal

ever be wib him in blis. Dis stoole is derkid for a tyme b iwickid liif bat man hab, but it is clerid bi good aungels , and

good men bat serven God. Man is clobid bus wib vertues, and

ibanne men seen afer bis stoole, for men gessen he shall be saaf,

for good bat comeb of his vertues. Dis ryng bat is upon be

I .

a No passage correspond ing to found in the Pentateuch ; but see

the reference in the text is to be Wisd . ii. a , and a Mace . vii. 38.


fyngir, is b ileve in sutile werkes, to maken man to disserven

hevene for short werkes bat he doib heere. And gif bis hOpe

tame to bileve bat bis man shal be saaf, banne bobe bis stoole

and bis ryng ben b rougt forb to mannis sigt, how man is weddidwib Crist, be which is spouse to holi Chirche. And bis man

synneb not aftir, as Adam dide not, ne be apostlis, but gif it be

ligt veniel synne, bat lettib not bis stoole or wedding. Datmannis feet be bilid wib shoon, bat hab mynde of dede seintis,

and is bobe hardi and redi to renne after Crist in his cause .

Dis fat calf bat men shulden etc, is Cristis bodi bat men oh'

ren ,

and so it is be sacrid oost, bat is in figure Cristis bodi. Crist

was deed in his tyme, and ordeynede for to fede men goostli bi

his bodi, for it is fat b reed herto. And bus God wib his

sangele is glad of bis gonger sone.

But bis eldere sone, whanne be fadir and be gonger sone

eaten bus, was in be feld of literalw itt bat be i gyven to Goddis

lawe. And Jewis han git dedeyn of Cristene men,as Poul seib. r Cor. i. as l

Des melodies bat weren maad ben stiryngis of be Hooli Goost,as upon Witt-Sunday be apostlis knewen alle langagis, and

rymphonye and croude weren herd whanne apostlis knewen alle

wittis, and ber was ma d a greet soun ,whanne be Holi Goost

taugte hem. Dis eldere sone clepide oon bat servede to his

gonger b robir, whanne men of be olde lawe herden Petre , batwas of bobe, telle how bis comyng of be Goost was profesied

bi olde profetis. But git be fadirs of be olde lawe hadden

dedeyn of his comyng, and seiden bat bei hadden served

God many geer ful stahli, and git he fouchide 1 nevere

saaf to fede hem bus wib a kide, for manna and pask lomb |weren but figuris to bis calf. But b ifore be daie of dome shal

Jewis be reconcelid to Crist, whanne he shal telle hem of his

witt, how he hab ordeyned hem to blisse. And letting of Anti

crist shalbi grace be putte awey; for coveitise of be pope lettib

be Jewis to tume to Crist. And so bis eldere sone is evere wibGod bi sum part, sib Crist took his manheed of kynde of bis

eldere sone. And it helpib moche here for to knowe a greet

persone , and now b i 00 part and now b i anober verifie wordis

of bis gospel, as be kynde of Jewis is now clepid eldere and

1vouebide, G .

Christ ln the


now gongere , for ber ben d iverse resouns of b igynn and

ending of hem. And so for Crist and hise apostlis was bis sob,

bat alle myne be bine. And for ober parties of bis grete

persone was bis soib, bat he grutchide. And so bis gonger

brobir was deed bi synne, and quykened bi grace ; and so ech

word of bis gospel is sob to witt of bis parable.

pr. Momm y Gospm. m bx barons wan m Laur a.

[ S E R M O N C L X . ]

Quanta audz‘


mm .—LUC. iv.

pls gospel tellib how Crist answeride to objectis of false

Jewis. Luk tellib how bei calengiden Crist to do myraclis in

his contre , sib he wrougte miraclis in Caphamaum, bat was fer

fro Bedleem And bus tellib Luk, bat Jewis seiden, How

manyfi z’

ngzlr we Izan herd nea of bee e'

n Cap/zarnanm,make

fiore and here in fiz'

cuntr e, and shewe bou bus here bi power .

But j ester seide nnlo Item, Sofile' Y seie Io gou, fial no man pr o

plzete zlr aee¢led in b i: contre. I n treufie I’seie Io gore, many



: weren in Helyes doies in I srael, whanne bevene was clos id

fro reyn firee geer and wir e monefizlr, wizanne greet Izmgw'

r war

ma d in alfie land ; but to noon q/ fies widewis was 11e sent,

out in lo Sarepta of Siam to a womman we'

dewe, as be book of

Kingis tellib. And mary' merile’

s weren in I srael undir Elz'


fie prof efe, and noon of been was clew e’

d q/ Heli ree but Naaman

cf Sz'


. And b i bis wolde Crist seie bat God doib not w iboutecause, ne b i personel accepcioun, but comunli for merit b ifore ,

and so bis puple is unworbi to have miraclis maad of me. And

bus we taken as bileve, bat be Jewis ben git unworbi to be takento Goddis grace, fer greet synne bat bei diden in Crist. And

so bei ben worbi to have false popis, and yvelprelatis, bat lettenhem to turne to Crist ; and God woot whanne bis synne shal

0 The comment below , on v. z this gospel was Jerusalem, insteadshows that the w riter careless y of Nazareth.

assumed that the citymentioned in


have ende. For, as God knowib grevouste of synne , so he

know ib lengbe of his peyne .

And afle men in fie synagoge fiat berden fies wordis of Crist,


d ey'

ire and bougten bat he jugide hem unworbi

to be helpid. And fiee'

r isen, and eastr'

den be'

m out w zfionten fier

e'ilee, but was Jerusalem andfiec


ledden bin: tofie top of fie bill

above wbieb fier a'

tee was bddz'

d fi r to taste br'

m dorm bedlz'

ng .

But Cristma nageforfi out wentefiourgfie m'ddt1 qf bem. And

lerne we here bat God doibnot bi acceptyng of persones, but for

bing doon b ifore, whos qualite is oonli knowun to him. For

who woot how manypersones assentiden to bis synne, and

how myche helpe men hadden of obers bat reversiden it ? And

bus it is of synne and meritis, bat ben unknowun to us here.

p! a rsu r Gospm. m bx paw ns wan m Laur a.

[ S E R M O N C L X L ]—1\IATT. xviii. [ r

pm gospel of Mathew tellib how men shal snybbe synne ;but menais lawis letten bis cours, bat bis gospel is not holden.

j est : be'


nge be'

s dimples seide to Symount P eter, and in him

to ech Cristene man, 357 fiz'

brofi z'

r synne agens fiee, go fiou and

snybbe be’

m betwixe fiee and b in: aloane 357 be beere fiee, we]fin barf m enfie


brofier to God. And 337"

be beerefiee not now ,

labe tofiee oon or two, so fiat t’

ufie moufi (y'

two or firee w r’



stonde any word, bat here is spoke . And {f be beere not fies

witnessis, me to fie Cb z'

rebe, bat is comunte of C ristene men ;

and gef be been notfie Cbr'

rebe,be be tofiee as an befiene man and

public“ . Sofile'

I’ w e to gore, wbat bynne fi z’

ngrlr ge bynden above

fie erfie, sbal be bounden in benene,and wbat bynne fi z

ngzlr ge ren


nden above fie erfie sbal be loosid z’

n bez'ene. Efl Y seie to gore,

50 E and Q A has synagogis.

In the Sc rum M issal (as also in the change of number in the fifteenththe Romnt h







l is, as it were, verse from vestrum'

to tuus’

preh eed t o owing words. In illo tempore , Res iciens esus

lot fea s i


in the Vulgate. but cvi in discipulos suos. ixit Signonidentlyintroduced in order to explain Petro.



fiat rf twa q/ gon consente above erfie of cab fir’

ng, wbatever fiee'

ax en, it sbal be done to bee'

m cy‘

myfadir fiat 1'

s in beven. For

wber ben two or firee gedr e'

d in my name,fier I’ am in fie mydde'


of bem. panne P etz'

r comyng to Cr ist, seide, Sire, bow q/te sbal

my brofier yennen in me, and Y sbalf orgyoe be'

m P Whet bis

shalbe to sevene”mes 2 And j esus seide to be'

m,I’ see


e not tofiee

In bis gospelben bree bingis which Cristen men shulde marke

to hem. pe first part of bis gospel mahib ende of Cristis

ordre ; so bat sum gospel tellib how we shulden love, and sum

tellib how we shulden snybbe ; and whatevere be more in anyordre is superflue wibout witt Love bou bi frend, and bi

enemye, and whanne evere bou woost bat man trespas sib in

bee, bou shalt snybbe him, as bis gospel tellib bee. Ech man

bat bou woost bat synneb, synneb in God and in ech man.

And so, what tyme bat bou knowist bat anyman synneb in bee ,

bou shuldest snybbe him bi gou silf, whanne tyme and ober

bingis wolen sufl'

re . And so it semeb to manymen, bat besnewe lawes and newe ordres contrarien bis gospel, and so bei

ben agens b ileve. Manynewe lawis ben maad to susteyne bes

newe ordris, bat lettib sich snybbing as be gospel tellib here.

For it is ofte knowun to men, bat ber breberen synnen agens

hem ; and gif men snybben5 hem of beir synne, bei seien bei

have a sovereyne, as a priour or an abbot, bat shulde knowe

in bis trespas ; and bis fallib not to bis brobir, but gif he wole

reverse bis ordre. And myche more gif he snybbe be bridde

tyme and be fourbe ryme, for banne ofte sibis his breberenshulden leeven comunyng wib ber abbot, and fie him as an

hebene man ; but how shulden bes ordres stonde bus ? And

bis fallib in chapitre lawe , and ech punishing of mouei. And

so, gif bis gospelwente forb, alle bes biagis shulden be fordone .

And here ben manymannis lawis made of defamynge of men,

and bei wib practisynge of hem shulden perishe b i bis gospel.

Here men benken bat bes newe lawes and bes newe ordris

shulden ceese, and so bei don myche harm to alle ober and tohem silf. And so ech man shulde snybbe bes ordris, and ober

bem, Q. unb ea ten anywit, E medium , E. undir


ng. I‘.


men bat m ayn teynen hem ; for bis reule bat bis gospel tellibis betere ban onyprivysnybbing. And gif men loveden albe

gospel, it w ere of more strengbe ban bes ordres.

De secounde part of bis gospel tellib how preestis shul loose

and hynd e . pei shulden do bus above be erb, accordingli to

Godd is w ille ; and so whatever bei tellen be peple bat bei loosen

or hyaden bus, be Chirche and ech man shulde suppose bat

it is (101111 bus in heven. But gif bei doon for men or money,

or unknowing‘of ber dede, bei done not bus above erbe , but

in be erbe or b inebe be erbe, and noon shulde strive for bis

power. For God mut first do bis dede .

pe bridde part of bis gospel tellib how ofte men shulden

forgyve . And men shulden beir wrongis as ofte as mensynne in hem

’; but God wole nevere forgyve his wrong, but


men maken aseeb to God. And to seie opynli bat bou

forgyvest bis synne in God, is an Open blasfemye, but gif God

telle bee bat he doib so, and bidde publishe Goddis wille , batGod himsilf forgyve bis synne. And bus love daies 3 of manydamages

' ben comunli agens bis gospel, for man shulde forgyve

freeli be harm bat is doon agens him, and entirmete not of

Goddis injurie b ; for God oonli mai forgyve bis. And so , as

Austyn notib, ech bat synneb in maundement of God synnebhobe agens God and agens ech of his breberen. And so en

leven sibis sevene , bat is be first noumbre after ten, maken

neventi and sevene. And so wolde Crist seie bi bes wordis ,

but how ofte onyman synneb in anycomandement, and so he

synneb agens us, we shulden forgyve oure injurie, and be aboute

to amende him.

V ON -ch amp iM mE.

‘ Love day’

is explained in Hal


s Dictionary as a‘ day ap

pi ntad for the settlement of differ

ences byarbitrafion.

’ A quotationfla n Gower follows,

‘ Dnt hd le h fnne ol u che dh eordem u m be m b w d qyfi

The word octmrs also in Chaucer.Themeaning here seems to be, that

trespam n agens bent.E.

to appoint anyprescribed number

of da of penance w ithin which

0 case against God maybe ex

piated . is to ‘entirmete of Goddis

mjurie ,’

and not allowable.b One mi ht suppose Wi

clif to

have read tge famous apo th

in Tacitus. Deorum injuriaecurae.



Free forgive


ON Wannasm v m bkmna wsxs m Lam'

s .

[ S E R M O N CLX I I . ]

Aeeesserrent ad j esnm. xv. [ L ]

pm gospel tellib how Crist reprovede veyn religioun of Pha

riseis. Matheu tellib how per camen f roj erusalem Scr ibis andPbar isezs, and accusiden Crist in hise apostlis of breking of ber

religioun . Dei seiden to Cr ist, Wbi fii disciplis breben fie mandementis q/ oure eldr is,j b r fiei waisben not fier bondis wbannefiei

eten breed 2 And Cr ist seide agen to bem,Bret wbi breben ge

Gaddis maundement, f or goure vg

'n tradieioren P For God bad

worss be fii f adir and fi i modir , and wbo ever a ersrfi b is f adiror bis modir

,die be yvel defi . And ge seien in goure lore, Wbo

evere sezfi to bis f adir or beir modir , Wbat byne 3m: is «yme itsebal profite to fiee, and noon Ober ; and so, ggf be wor sbejbe not

b is f adir and bis modir , bi kepyng of bis tradicioun , he an

swereb wel, for his kepyng bat he doib to bis mannis lawe .

And so, sibge Phariseis han goodis fallinge to goure ordre , and

not propre to gou silf, ge helpen not goure fadir and modir.

And fires ge avoiden Goddis beeste bi goure vgrn tradia'

oren. 0 ge

sbipgb me w zfi fier lippes, for bei b idden manyhedis, but fieir

berte is f er f ro me. And w zfiouten cause fiei worsbzpen me, for

sibGod is Spirit and treube , wiboute feyning wole he be wor

shiped ; and fires fies P bar isezlr teeben Ior is and mandementis (ymen. And bis bes Phariseis don to dai. For gif bes ordres

geten nevere so myche good , bei seien bat al is ber ordris, and

it were a deedli syn c to scatire bes goodis in be world. But

in ber ordre shal bei be dispendid, as if bei weren sunken into

helle , but summe be stoolen,and summe be murberid, and

summe ben rotun for defaute of us . And gif bei gyven ongt

to ber pore kyn, obere seien bat bei ben cursid ; or bei moten

So in E ; A includes these three word s in the quotation.

Chr ist admo


cause, bes idelmen don manyof beir dedis ; for brekyng of ber

owne custumes bei chargen as a greet synne , but brekyng of

Goddis lawe bei chargen nougt, or to litil. And sib love of

mannis workis is signe of love of her autor, bes ordris loven

more hem self‘ ban bei loven God bat gaf be lawe ; sib love and

kepyng of be lawe, and love of be maker, ben answering. And

bus in chesing of beir breberen, and of beir prelatis, be i takenmore heede banin chesing of Goddis werkes. For bes false

men chargen mannis lawe ; and so in chesing and lyvyng aftir,

and algatis in ende of ber lyvyng, bei tellen whos knygtis bei

ben, and how bei ben ful turned fro God. And lernyng of bar

rotun lawis lettib to lerne Goddis beestis. For take be b isynesse bat bei ban, to lerne and kepe ber owne lawes and gif it

were turnid into Goddis lawis, bei mygten cunne betete Goddis

lawis. Asaye hem in ten comandementis, or in nedeful bingto be soule ; and bou maist wite where bis be soib, bat mannis

ritis passen Goddis lawe in love and heping of bes ordris ; and

banne bei ben veyn religioun.

Pa PURSD/ u GOSPEL m be m om; wax ]: i n Lan e .

[ S E R M O N CLX I I I .]

Operamini non cibum.—JOHN vi.

lbs gospel tellib of Crist, how he taugte be soule fode. For

it is knowun bi bis gospel, bat ber ben two metis ; oon bod ili

mete , b i which be bodi is fed, anober goostli mete, be which

fedibmannis soule. And as mannis soule is betere ban be bodi,so bis secounde mete is betere ban be firste ; and so men

shulden take more hede to bis ban to be first. Joon seib how ,

Cr ist bad fiat we sbnlden worebe, not mete fiat pm lrbrfi ,but fiat

sane sbal gyve unto Cr istene men. Here shulden we undir

stonden bat Crist forbede not bodili metis, sib he fedde ofte

be puple bi miracle, and b i bodili mete, but Crist forbede

So in E ; A has bun.

wr omr .


bisynesse aboute sich bodili mete, and more love berof ban

love of goostli mete. C rist tellib here two skiles, to prove bat

goostli mete is betere. Oon,for bodili mete mut perishe, and

goostli mete lastib evere. Anober, for goostli mete b ringibman

to be liif bat evere shal laste, but no bodili mete fedib a man r

but for a tyn e. Goostlymete lastibwibman , bobe here and in

heven, sib vertues bigynnen here, and ben betere in hevene

wib man. But Crist techib his Godhede , whanne he seib batmannis sone shal gyve bis mete of vertues , for bei ben of

Goddis grace. pelt C rist marbide God fief adir , for to gyve be

mete of vertues.

pa j ewels seiden beff are to Cr ist, Wbat sbulen w e do, f or to

wor ebe Goddis werkes ? And Cr ist taugte hem be ordre of

vertues , how bei shulden b igynne to worche. pi: isfie zoerb ofGod, see} Cr ist, fiat ge trowen in b im fiat God sente. And so

men shulden bigynne at bileve, be which bei taken at manhede

oi Crist for bileve is ground to man, to stable Ober vertues inhim. And sib bodili wittis ofman ben ligter ban goostli wittis,ordre axib to bigynne at be manheed of Crist, and stye fro bis

manheede to be Godhede of Crist. For noon b ileveb in a man,

but gif he lceve bat he is God. And berj b refiei seiden to Cr ist,Wbat signe doirtfiore, fiat we see and trow e to five 2 wbat fiingwor ebirtfiore e’ Onref adirs eeten aungels mete in deser t, as it is

written, God ggf bem breed (y'

bevene to ete. perfor e j esus seide

to bear, For sofie,f orsofie, I seie to gaze, bfozses gaf gou not br eed

from bevene, but myf adir gyvefi gou ver r i breed f ro bevene. As

Crist hab spoken of goostli mete , so he shulde speke of goostli

breed. And as breed is ground of mannis mete, so b ileve is

ground of mete of soule. And sib C rist is bis first b ileve ,Vcrrili C rist is breed. For Goddis breed is fiat ilbe fiat eomefidu nf ro bevene, and gyvefi Iiif tofie world.

Crist spekib not git of be sacred oost, sib on Shire pursdaie

he ordeynede it. And so it is nedeful to men to knowe , how 31mm? “ofte b reed is taken. It is seid comunli bat breed is taken on

foure maneres. First, for breed bat men usen and maken for

to fede ber bodi. Also ,for almanere of virtue , hut speciali for

bileve. Also, for cause of bis virtue , as teeris ‘ ben clepid of'

terts, E .

sermons . VOL. 11. u


God breed“. Also, be sacrid oost is clepid b reed in Goddis

lawe ; and bus be myddil persone of God is b reed, for he

foundib b ileve . And bus be oost of be auter is verri b reed ,to

many wittis ; it is b reed maad of whete, and eke it is Goddis

bodi and so it groundib b ileve , and it is an Object of virtues.But flee to clepe bis b reed, accident wibouten suget. And bus

men worchen vertues whanne bei traveilen in beir soule , and .

heeren wordis of God , or worchen to vertues bat in hem is.

And fie [ ew is seiden to C r ist, For evere gyve us fies breed. And

j esus seide to bem,Y am br eed of liif ; befiat eomefi to me sbal not

bangre, and befiat trow rfi in me sbal nevere be afi irst. And here

men treten comunli how bis breed shal be eeten. It shal be

chewid b in moub Of soule , for tretid godeli bi skilis and sib it

shal be b id in mynde , as mete is hid in mannis stomake, and

bere move men to worche werkes of love as God b iddib ; and

aftir it passibto alle lymes ofmen, and tumebman into God . For,

as Austyn tellib here0, bis breed varieb from ober breed. Obir

b reed is bikke , panid, and turned into Ober kynde and after it

is turned into his bodi bat s tib it. But bis breed , bat is Crist,etun goostli of man, mai not wende bes bree weies. For he mai

not be bus partid, ne turned in anober kynde, ne bus drawuninto mannis bodi ; but he turnibman into him,

as man tum ebmete into his bodi. But over, sib bis beste breed is ground Of

alle vertues of man,how faste shulde a man holde clere bileve

Of bis breed ! And gif we seien bat so we doon, for Crist

biddib us worche bis mete, nebeles oure liif and dedis beren

w itnes agens us here. For to fews men ben now, bat ne bei

hadden levere heere and lerne veya lore biside bis, ban for to

lerne be lore of Crist ; as bes men shewen, bat studien mannislawe , and leven Goddis lawe

, and doen more worship to

mannis lawe, ban bei don to Goddis lawe ; and however men

excuse hem, bes ben heretikes out of b ileve . And herfor manyC risten men dispisen bes lawes for Goddis lawe , and worshipen

Can the reference be to Gen. S. Aug. In j ebanm‘

s Ev. Tract.i. 39 Non ergoMoyses dedit panem

b He means to say; chewing in de ooelo ; Deus dat pnnem. Sedthe mouth of the soul must be ia quem panem 7 forte manna Non.terpreted , discreetlytreating and rea sed panem quem significavit manna.soning upon. ipsum scilicet Dommum Jesum.


dr awe water, and fie welle isf ul deep and wberqf bastfiore quyk

water P Quik water is clepid Of Crist, springinge water, as

water of wellis. And bus seide bis womman to Crist, Wber fioa

be more fian our f adir j acob, wb icb gaf to us fiis welle P and be

drankfieroj ; and bis cb ildr en,and b ise beestis . Cr ist answeride,

and seide to b ir , Ecb fiat drynbzfi of fiis water sbal befiir sti agen ;

but befiat drynbzfi qffie water fiat Y sbal gyve bim w zfiouten cende

sbal notfir iste butfie water fiatY sbal gyve b im sbal be maad

in b im a welle of water , spr inging into [ it] ay lasting . And fie

womman seide to b im,Sire, gyve mefiis water ,fiatYfir ist not, and

come not b idir to drawe. And f esus seide tofi is womman, Go, and

clepefii bousebonde, and come b idir . De womman answer ide, and

seide,Y bave noon bousebonde. And j esus seide to b ir , pore seidest

wel, fiatY bave noon boasebonde. For fiou bast baddefyve boase

bondis,and now be fiat fiou bast is not fii bousebonde fi zlsfiore

seidist sofili . And fie womman seide to b im, Sire, Y seefiatfiou

art a propbete. Onref adir s preieden in fiis b ill, and ge seien, fiat

at j erusalem is place, wbere men moten preie. And f esres seide to

b ir , Womman, trowe fiou to me, fiat gm sbal come,wbanne ge

sbulen nezfier in fi is b ill, ne in f erusalem, preie fie f adir . 3c

preien fiat ge knowen not we preien fiat we knowun f or belfie i sof fie j ew is. But tyme is camen, and now it is , wbanne trewe

preiyng men sbrelen preie fief adir in spir it and trenfie. pat man

preieb God in spirit, bat preieb him wibinne in herte and he

preiebGod in treube, bat axib bing nedeful for his soule. For

fie Fadir secbefi siebe, fiat preien bim on bis manere. God i s

a spir it, andfies men fiatpreien bim,motenpr eie bim in spir it and

tr eufie. pe womman seidefianne to Cr ist, Y woot fiat M essias is

camen, fie wb icb is clepid Cr ist and wbanne be sbal come, be

sbal telle as allefiingis. j esus seide tofi is womman, Y am befiat

And anoon cam bis disciplis, and wondr iden fiat be spab w zfi

fie womman nefieles no man seide to bim, Wbat sebest fiore,or

,Wbat spebist fiou w zfi bir 2 Andfie womman [ef te ber pott,

and wente into fie citee,and seide to fio men, Come gee, and se

fiat man fiat bafi told me alfiat Y bave doon wber be be Cr istP

“bib, E .


Dei w enten out 4 fie citee, and camen to bim. And in fie mcne

bu t b is disciplespr eieden bim,M aistir , etefiou. Amtf esus seide

b ben , Y bave mete to etefiat ge knowen not. And b is disciplisI

seiden togider e, Wber anyman bave brougt b im mete to etc2 j esusseide to b is disa


pli s, 113mete is to do fie w ille qffief adir fiat bafisa t we, fiat Y do at be fulle b is werb. Wbcr ge seien not

, fiatfier

ben/bar e monefi is to bervest, and r ipe corn is camen B L a,I seie to

gas . Iij le up gorer eigen, and sefie contr eis,f or fiei ben now wb ite to

reps . And be fiat repzfi tabzfi mede,and geder zfi f r teyt into Iii/ i

mfiw tfl l eende, fiat bofie be fiat sow zfi ,

and be fiat repzfi , j oie to

gidere. I n fiir is fie word sofi,fiat be is ofier fiat sow efi ,and nfiir

is be fiat r epzfi . Y bave sent gou to rope fiing fiat ge ban not

traveilid ofier men ban tr aveilid, and ge ban entr id into fier

And of fiat citee trowiden manyin Cr ist of fie Samar itanes ,f or

fie w or d of fie mammanfiat ba r w itnesse,fiat Cr ist badde told b ir

atfiat sbe badde doon. And wbanne Samar itanes badden come to

Cr i st,fiei preieden b im to dwd lefiere and Cr ist d welle fiere t wo

laies . And manymoo trow iden in bim,f or bis word fiat be spake

to ben: and fiei seiden to fie womman, fiat, No w notfi ar fii specbe

we trowen infiir profete f or we ban berd, and we w iten fiat be

Ech word of bis storie is ful Of witt, whoso takib hede. And

so it were betere to freris to w ite what bis storie mencde , ban

bus to blasfeme on C rist, bat he beggcde bis water of bis

womman. Crist is a curteis frend , bat whoso elib and drinkebwib him, Crist wole etc and drynke agen , and conforte him for

to etc. And so bis speche w ib bis womman was not ma d of

wantonnes , but for to figure to be apostlis how bei shulden

preche to hebene folk. And SO men bat speken wel to

prechours, to profit of be Chirche , gyven to drinke to C rist and

to hise , algif bei gyven hem noo coold water. And bus bis

womman gaf drynke to C rist, for of Ober drynke reden we not

here . And so freris shulden drynken to be puple be gospel. and

treube of Goddis lawe , and leve siche blasfemes and dremcs ,

bi which be pUple is empoisouned. For Ober seintis b ifore us

Sn L . om. A .

taken ln


weren scribis of God, and moveden be puple to take of us be

lore of God ; and we shalden repe bis ripe corn. And sich

traveil in bis hervest were worb to gete to blisse of hevene ; and

not begging of Ober corn, and levyng to teche Goddis lawe.

But manyoomen to repe redycorn, whanne bei preche not to

profit of be folk, but to spuyle hem of ber goodis, and to foile

hem wibmanysynnes.

pa Su mp / n GOSPEL IN bE m ms war s in Lsnr s .

[ S E R M O N C L X V . ]

P er rex itj esas . onN viii. [L ]

prs gospel tellib how bat C rist savede a womman, and taugte

his Chirche. Joon seib how , j esns wente intofie bil (yObmete ,and gfle infiegrgymorewrytng

3be cam agen intofie temple. And

here we b en taugte to preie and benke on God b ifore we

prechen. And atfiepaple com to Crist, and be sitting taugte bem.

And P bar iseis and scr ibis brougten a womman, taken in avoutr ie,

and fieiprettiden ber in fie myddil, andfiei seiden to Cr ist, M aister ,

fii swomman is now taken in avontr ie. But infieW e M oises bad

as stone siebe a mamman, but wbat seistfioa bere2 And fies fiingis

fiei seiden, tempting bim, fiat fiei m”ten accuse bim. For be i

hadden graunt”3 of Crist bat he wolde algatis have mercy, and

bat he wolde kepe Moises lawes ; but bei bougten bat be toon of

bes he muste forsake , and so he shulde algatis be taken in his

owne wordis or in his dedis . Butf esres bowyng dean, wefi bis

fyngir wroot mfie erfie. And wbanne fiei dwelten ax ing bim, be

rer ide b im, and seide to bem,Hefiat is w zfionte synne of gore cast

befi rst a stoon on bir . And ef t Cr ist, bowyng bim, wroot infie

erfie, as he dide first And fiei beeryng wenten awei oon af ter

j oules . Q , E. grauneid , Q, E. So in

E ; A includes the four words in the quotation.

Means , theyhad made sure .

88 WY C L I F‘


for synne bat is domand fie for to synne after. And bis mnt

God do algatis bi gyvynge of his grace ; and he gyveb gladlyer

lfis grace to men bat kepen his ordenaunee, ban he doibm ober

men bat loeven it, and kepen mannis .

Muse we not what C rist wroot here, as sum men dremen bat

he wroot first be lawe , and after he wroot be foule synnes bat

bes accusatours hadden don, and movede hem to shame of

hem, and so fiee out Of be plane t . But howevere God or

deynede of bis, it is lickeli of bileve bat Crist wroot here as

myche as was nedefulus to cunne, and kepe we bst as ynowg.

And muse we not aboute uncerteyn byngis‘, for sich veyn

curiouste were a tempting of God.

pa Mom "Cospar. in be rouabtt WERE 1s Laura.

[ S E R M O N C L X V I . ]

P rom-erat Pascba .

—] omt 11.

lm gospel tellib what Crist dide to reprove synne of be

Chirche. Joon tellib bat, P asb was nyg, a feeste dai g’fie j ams,and/esus wente np toj erusalem. And/ond men bcyng and setbmg

And wbanne be badde maad as a smmge of smale cordis, be mste

And here Crist shewide his regaly and taugte how lordis

shulde chasfise symonye and ober synnes bat ben usid in be

Chirche. For sib clerkis ben lege men to kingis in whos londis

bd ben mne kyngis han power of God to punishe hem in

‘ S. Austin ble on the ground. either the deeisionthe which he had arrived at. or the sins

of the accnsen ; this last obsinion he

prefers .‘ Alii dicunt. et melius ut

videtur. Quad sc ribehat comm peementaton were coarser and more eata. ut ens ostendenet ineptos ad

pos itive. De LyraW“. follow aocusationem hujus foeminae


tug other writers. tha brist w ro te


Goddis cause, bobe in bodi and in w el and bis figurib Cristis

dede. Des preestis sillen sheep, bat in be Chirche feynen

symple liif, bat be puple shulde ofl'

re to hem, more ban for be

love of God . And bes preestis sillen oxen, bat doon grete

werkes and stronge , to be holden pilleris of be Chirche, and

champiouns in Goddis muse. And 3if bei doon siche worldli

dedes for to gete name of be world, and not for love of Cristis

Chirche , banne bei ben enemyes to God. As, gif b ishOpis figten

now , and ben arayed in hers and meyne , or ben greet in bous

hold, and ober biagis to fede be world, bei ben enemyes to

Crist, and not in bis sutours of him. pes men sillen dowves,

bat sillen werkes of preestis, as sacraments, and Ober werkes batlongib hem for to do. For dowve b itokeneb be Holi Goost, and

tellib how prestis shulden worobe freely. And bis chaffaryngwib dowves is not oonlyb i selling of chirchis , but in prechinge

and shryvyng, and wel ny; in falle werkes of preestis, as

halowyng of chirches, and auteris, and visiting, wib ober japis.

So bat holi chirche were betete bat sich japis weren not

uside , for bes preestis b i siche japis fuylen hem and harmen

be puple . And as Cr is-I cast out q/ fie temple slmp and

m i , bi bodili strengbe , and slzedde out metale qf mom/ours, b iwhich bei chafi


ariden in be temple , so lordis shulden wibdrawe

mater of bis synne of preestis. For ellis bei maynteyneden bis

synne, and disusiden a3ens God goodis bat bei shulden be lordis

of, and bus bei harmeden hem and be chirche . And banne bei,turnen Joan fies 60rdzlr, whanne bei distrien ber menes b i whiche

bis synne shulde be nurishid , to harm of be rewme and of be

Chirche . And bus seculer men shulde seie to preestis bat sillen

bus dowves, Take 3c fies fiz’


s bennes . For bus bad Crist to

teche us ; for sib be hons of be Fadir of hevene shulde be

figure of Goddis dede , and God mut nedis do freeli, and chaf

fere not wib sich bingis , bes men bat chafl'

aren bus blasfemen

fouli in God. And so be from qf Izoli clu’

rclu shulde not be Imus

(f d rafi'


ng .

Aad discipli s of Cr z'

rlfiouglen over [low it was w r it/rm m be

Saline, p: sale of ipocritis in Goddis Imus Ira) elm Cr is! m beir


lyvyng. For bei feynen of alle ber dedis bat bei ben C ristis

werkes, and bus bei lyven bi title of Crist, and geten al ber


are here. And so ber feestis and ober dedis ben fals fruyteof Cristis liif, and bus bei eten falseli Crist b i ber feyned

ypocrisie. And bes wordis mai be Sone seie to his Fadir of

false preestis for bei feynen bat it is love bat bei ban to Goddis

hons , but it is foul envie and coveitise ofypocritis. And so bei

bacb iten Crist, and eten false goodis feyned of him.

And beff arefiej ew is answer iden, and seiden to Cf ist, Wba t signe

Ma oist fiou to as, fiat fiou doirt fie: maistris ? f em answ er ide ,

and seide to Item, Undo 3efi ir temple, and in firee da ies Y slzal reise

it. Her/ b re seiden fie j ew ir, I nf our/i and rix e geer was fi ir templeand shallfiou reise it infiree da ies P But Cr is-t seide of fie

temple of lair bodi , and bei meneden of bat material temple. And

wbanne Cr ist badde ar isenf ro deed,fianne his di sapli t fiorq ten

fiat Cf irt seide fies w itter , and fiei trow iden tofie w r itzng , and tofie

wordfiatf em seide. And wbanne Cr i ftwas inf em alem in P ark,

manytrow iden in Iris name, sgzingefie signerfiat he dide. But/erastrow ide not I u


mrilf to hem,f or Ire knew alle men, andf or it was no

nede to [rimfiat any s}:ulde bere wetnesre of man,f or Ire weir/e wna twas in man ;—sib he wiste of ech man what he shal do, bobegood and yvel, and so he badde no nede of spies, to wite what

men spaken of him. And herfore Crist trowide not in him

silf to hem, bat bei weren trewe in his love . And of bis tix t mai

men take, what signe Crist shewide of his dedis. For C rist bi

his manhede telde of his sufl'

ryng and his deb, and b i autorite of

hem Crist spak and dide his dedis. And bus preestis feynen

falseli bat bis lordship and glorie of bis world longib to patri

mouye of Crist, bat was don upon cross And as bes blas

femes mai speke , bei sclaundren Crist in beir speche .

- Q.E.’be crosre, E.

9,WY C’L I F ’


haliday, and 3c alle ban wondir . perf ore M oises go] 3014 cir cum

eisioun notf or it is of M oises, but (y'

f adr is b ifore , as Ab raham

and Ober fadris ; and in fie Sabot 3c eir eumeiden a man,and

holden bat Goddis lawe. And so, gif a man take eir eumeisioun in

fie Sabot, and brebrfi not M oises lawe, bow bave 3c dedeyn to me,

for Y made atfie man boot in fie Sabot P l?e gej uge af ter fie

f ace, bre/j uge gej ustj ugement. And beff are seid summen q er nsa

lem,I s notfi i s befiatfiei seben to slee 2 L o

,be spebzfi aper tli, and

fiei seien nongt to bim. Lord, wber fie pr ince'

s Of preestis ban

bnozoenfiatfiis is Cr ist ) But it semeb bat bis is not C rist, for

knowing bat we ban Of him ; for, ilim we knowen of ; wbennes be

is but wbanne Cr ist sbal eome, no man woot of wbennes be is .And beffare j esus cr iede, and taugte in fie temple, Bofie3e knowen

me,and qf wbenne Y am and Y eam not of mysilj ,but be is

trewefiat sente me,fie wbicb ;e bnowm not, as ye knowen not myGodhede . I knowe bim,

and gif Y seie, Y knowe bim not, I sbal

be liib gon, a lyere, but Y knowe bim,/or I am of bim,and be sente

me. And beff ar efiei song/en to take b im,and no man leide bond

on bym, f or b is yme was not git eomen. But many(yfie pepletrow iden in bim. And bus, gif we leden Cristis liif, and trowen

in him ,and in his wordis, we witen wel bat he had not b ie us

swerdis, to figte wib hem to slee oure b reberen bodili, and venge

us on oure enemyes. Wel we w iten bat al pursuyng bat C rist

badde muste nedis be , but herfore be i ben not excusid , bat ne

bei synneden myche in Crist.


[ S E R M O N C L X V I I I . ]

P raeter iens j esus .—JOHN ix. [L ]

prs gospel tellib how be false Jewis pursueden C rist for a

sight. and ispe rsecuted by miracle . Joon seib bat j esns passznge saw a man blynde f romthe M o o o o o o c o o

bzs brrfie. And bis dzserplrs ax zden bem, M ars/tr , wbat ynnede

wbennes , E.


isbis , or b is eld r is e’ fiat be sbnlde be born blynd. j esres an I

str ide, fiat n e zjbe r be fiis ne b isf r iendis g inneden fins , but fiat

Geddis wer kes be s bewid in bim. And so it semeb bat alle men

henpunish e d m oo st for bis cause , sum men for to turn to good,and sum m e n to make Obit drede, and sum men to shewe

Goddis rigt , an d his power upon men. Y mat wor ebe my

fadirs werkes fi at bafi sente me to fiis ende,fie wbilefiat it is dai

be sen t eomefi , w banne noon mai worebe. And bis is sob; for

grace of C rist , bat is ligt to just man ; and noon mai worche

medefulli longer ban he hab bis li3t. And bus se ib C rist afterward, As long as Y am in fi is world, I am of fie world.

Wbam C r ist badde seidfies wordis, be spit/e infie erfie, and made

dayof fie spittyng, and elamngyde‘f ly! on b is gym , and seide to b im,

Go and wa isbe fiee in fie water of Siloe, fiat i s to sei , sent bidir

weren men sent to babe hem and to swymmc in beir pleie .

perf ore be wentef orfi , and wa isbide, and com a3m range. And

so b i s neigbor is, and men fiat sawen bif or e, for be begeide in

comune place, seiden, [ s not fiis be fiat sat and begg ziie P Sam

M seiden fiat fiis i s be sum men seiden , Nay, but fiis is liib

b im ; but be seide , fiatY am be. And herfore be i seiden to him ,

How weren fiin i3en opened 2 He answ er ide, pat man fiat i s

clepid j esus made eley, and anrp'ntide ng

'n eien,and seide to me,

Go to fie water of Saloe, and waisbe fion fiee and Y wente,and

walkeb ide, and saw . And fierf or efiei seiden to b im, Wbere is be 2

And be seide, Y woot nere. Dei ledden bim fiat was blynd to fiePbar iseis. And it was Sabot, wbanne j esus made eley, and

openede b is eien. And eftsones ox iden fie E zr iseis bozo be bad de

seen. And be seide to bem, He put to me eleyon fie even,and Y

waisb ide, and Y see. And summe of fie P bar iseis sezden, pis man

is not q/ God,fiat bepzfi notfie Sabot. And ofier seide, How ma i

a gen/ rel man do fies signes 2 And fier was stof among bem.

And gflfiei seien tofiis blynde man, Wbat sei st fion of bim, fiat

bus openedefiin i3en 2 And be seide fiat be was a propbete. De

j ewis trainiden not cf b im,fiat be was fins blynd and saw ,tilfiat

fiei rbpiden b isf adir and modir ,fiat sawen his stat fro his b irbe .

Aand fiei ax iden bem and seiden pis i s gonr sons , wb icb 3c: seya

elemeJ . 2.



was bbmd bore ; and bow .seefi be now i pe elden is gffii s bbnde

answer iden to bem and mdemfl’e wrten welfiatfiis is m e sone,

and fiat be was bom bb'nd but bow be seefi now m wrk n nere,

spebe be gs insiyi pes fiingi r seiden /sis eldr is,for fiei dr eddefiej aniw f or fianne eonspcrrdenfie j aors fiat g/ onygrm te ' brill

to be Cr ist, be sbulde beput out a) : ebirebe. Her/or e bi s eldris

wibenfiatfizs man rs sinf ul. And fiis NM man m’


f be h

Y see now. And fiei seiden to bim, Wbat dide be to fieu ‘ bow

openede befiin gren ? He answer ide to bem, Y bave seid ;on now ,

and ge berden ; wberto wolen 3e beeren a;en t Wber e y wolen

be bi s diseiplis t And fiei mrsiden bein, and serden, Be fiou bis

spabe to M oi sea t we wzb n not bimfii f, ef wbenne be is. pat

w iten not cy'

wbenne be ismnd be openede ngym . For we witm

fiat God berrfi not sinfi d men, bnt f ory be beriere cy'

00d, and

do bi s wrlle, bem be bm fi. Frofie W e af fie world it is

teeb iste’ as ) And fier eastiden bim on] . f erns berde fiat fier

badden cast brm out, and wbanne be badde founde bim, be sei&

to bim, .Bilevest fioa in Gaddis sane ? He answen'

de, and seide,

Sire, wbo is be fiat Y trowe in bim ) And j ems seiak to bim,

pou bast seen brh ,and it is be fiat spebrfi wrfi fiee. And be seide,


storie semeb Open, but it techib trewe men how be Fari

seis to daie bileven not in Cristis werkes, but denyan Goddis

lawe for ber bi-lawis, as bes Sabot. For mankynde was born

blynd, and sawe not be grace of God ; but Crist bi his man

hede liytnede it and made it to see.

’ So E ; A bnsfm.‘ So E z abon n.A .


dazfi ,and sbat sbezoe bim mor e werkes fianfies,fiat 3e ban wonder

of hem. And bis was don in Cristis deb and his resurreccioun

for bes weren more ban bes miraclis, algif bei shewen be same

mygt ; for ech werk of creature tellib be my3t of God . For as

fie f adir reisrfi up deed and greybenefi bem, so fie sane w benefiwbam be wale. For fie f adir j ngzfi no man but be gaf at

j ugement tofie sane, fiat alle men wor sbrpe fie sane, as fiei war

.sb zpen fie f adir . And here Crist spekib Of jugement al Of

anober kynde ban is jugement Of God wibinne ; sib jugementof bis manhede is sensible, and shal be seya

land endid at be

dai Of dome ; and b i bis jugement, as Crist seib here, be Fadir

jugib no man. Hefiat worsbzpzfi not fie sane, warsbrpzfi not fie

f adir fiat sente bim and so he worshipib not God, but brekibal bes ten beestis. And sib worshiping of Crist stondib in

holding Of be newe lawe , and suynge Of Crist in manere of liif,

how manyworshipib’not now God ! And bis worship Of be

Sone is more ban to worshipe a messanger, for bis Sone is be

same God, two kyndis and 00 persone .

Sofili, sofili, Y seie to gaze,fiat befiat ber zfi myword, and trow zfito b im fiat sente me, bafi liif w ifionten ende, and eamefi in to no

j ugement, butpasszfif ra defi into lyf And here heeryng is taken

for obeishing Of be soule , and jugement is taken here for teprovyng Of be world. Safili, sofili, Y seie to fiat W e eamefiand now it i s

,wbanne dede sbnlen beerefie vois a Gaddis sane, and

wbosa beer en it,fiei sbulen lyve. For as fief adir bafi liif in b im

silf; so be 3af fie sane ta bave liif in b im silf ; and 3a/'

b impower

to do j ugement,f or be is fins mannis sane. And nyte 3c woundir

fi is f or fie lyme eamefi ,in wbicb alle fiat ben in graves sbnlen

beere fie vois of Gaddi s sane. And fies men fiat ban do good,

sbulen go into r isyng of [ii] ; and fies men fiat bave doneyvele

sbnlen r ise to bej ugid in belle. pes wordis tellen more witt ban

we cannen blabere , or mai telle. But it is knowun bat ber ben

two manere Of dede men ,bodili and goostli. And at be dai

Of dome shal ryse alle dede men bodili and b i vertue of C ristis

word risen summe dede men goostli ; for bei turnen to good

liif, and holden be wordis of Crist.

seen. E.




[ S E R M O N C L X X . ]

Erat gnidam langnens Lazarus—10311 xi. [1

pm gospel tellib how Crist quikenede Laz ar fro deeb to liif.And bis is be bridde deed bodi bat Crist quykenede in erbe .

De first was a gong wenche, bat was quykened wibinne be hous .

De tober was a gong man, bat was quykened at be gate. De

bridde was bis Laz ar, bat was quykened in be sepulcre. Joontellib how, La z arus lay siib in Betbanye, fiat was brofier to

M artba and M ar is. And fi is M ar ie was sbe fiat ang'

ntide fie

Lard wifi arnement1, and w ipte b isf eet w zfi ber beer , wbas br afier

La zar was sirb. And beff ar efiis L az arus sistr is sen/en toj esns,and seiden, Sire, 10, be fiat fian lavedist is siibe. And j esns ,ba rynge, seide to bem, pis sibenesse is not tofie defi , bntf or glor ieif God,fiat Gaddis sane be glor ified bi it. And certis j esns lovedeM artba , and M arie ber sistir , and L az ar . And wbanne j esusberde fiat Lazar was siib, fianne cer tis be a elte fiere taa da ies ,and removede not ferber benns, for he wolde bus quykene

Lazar. And fianne, af ter fies2, Cr ist seide ta b is di scipli s, Ga we

g en to fade. Hi s disaplis seyn to b im,M ai stir , now fie j ew es

mygten to stoanefiee, andfian goist agen fiidir P j esns answer ide,Bat fier not twdve banr is of fie day? Bif anyman walbe in fie

day, be bar tzfi not,f or be seefi fie of fiis world but gif anywatbe in fie nygt, be bartrfi ,f ar li; t is not in bim. Crist wolde

mane b i bes wordis , bat lengbe Of his liif is certeyn, for it habtwelve parties, as be dai hab twelve houris. And as man mut

dwelle from hour to hour, so Crist mut dwelle b i alle bes parties,for noon of bes mai asterten Crist, b i worching or bi fleyng.

And Crist is evermore in ligt, for his manheed is ful Of grace ;

and berfore he doib evere good, and hurtib neiber him ne Ober.Des fiingis setfi Cr ist, and a/ler fies be setfi ta b is desaplis,

bis, E. never , E. om. E.


L azar anref rend sleprfi ,but Ygo to wake bimf rom sleep. And

fie di sa’

plis saw to Cr ist, Sire, 3a be slepe be sbal be sadj i But

j esns seide q/ defi of b im, and fiei wenden fiat be badde spoken ofb is sleep. But fianne seide [ em to bem ag enly, L azar i s deed.

But I j oie f or 3014 ,fiat 3e bileve,f or I was notfiere but go we

to b im. I t is seid comunli bat absence of Crist here dide bree

goodis wibouten moo . First, bis myracle is more Open, and

shew ib how Crist is al cunnyng ; and declarib wel bis figure

what it bitokeneb spirituali. And Ybamas ,fiat is clepid Didimns ,seide ta dz


sezplis, bat weren his felowis, Ga we ebe, and die we w rfibim. Thomas spake bus, to shewe be love bat bei hadden to

bis Laz ar, and how bei tristiden in Cristis helpe , and tolden

litil b i bis lyf.

And fires j esns cam, andf ond bim bavynge bad f oure daier in

fie grave. And Bitbanye was bi j erusalem,as


it were fif tene

ferlongi s. And manyof fie j ew is camen to M ar tba and M ar ie,

to eomfarte bem (y‘

fier brofiir . And M ar tba , as sbe berde fia t

j esus cam, sbe eam a3en bim,and M ar ie sat at boom. And

M ar tba seide to j esns , Sire, 32'

f fian baddest ben bere, my brofiirbadde not be deed. But git now Ywoat,fiat wbatevere fian ax ist

of God, God sbal gyve fiee. j esns sezfi to b ir , pt brofiir sbal r ise

agen. blartba serfi to b im agen,I woot fiat be sbat r ise a3en,


r igmg agen in fie laste day. j esns seifi ta ber , I am r ig 'ng agen

and lie] ; be fiat bile-mp in me, gbe, if be sbal be deed

, sbal lyveand a b fiat lyvefi, and traw zfi in me, sbat not die w zfionten ende.

Martha, bilevest fion fi i s. Sbe sezfi to b im, 3be, Sire, Y bave

bilevedfiatfion ar t Cr ist, sane of qnyb God, and not ofmawmetis,

fiat camest intofiis world.

And wbanne M ar tba badde seid fies wordis, sbe wente out, andclepide M ar ie b ir si stir stilleli

, and seide to her, he ma istir i scome, and elepzfi fiee. And blar ie

, wbanne sbe berde fi is, r oos

soone, and com to bim. For j esus eam not git in to fie eastel, butbe was git in fiat place, fiat M artba ram to b im. Herf are fiej ew is fiat weren in fie bans w zfi M ar ie, and eanf artiden b ir


wbannefiei sawenfiatM ar ie roos in baste and wente ant,f olow idenber , and seiden,fiat sbegazfi tofie sefirelebref ar ta mepefiere. AndM ar is

, wbanne sbe badde seen wberej esus was , sgrnge b im/21 atb isf eet and sbe seid to bim

,Sire, 3afion baddest ben bere, my


bardid, bat ne bei mai be loosid b i grace ; and bes ben bis

bridde man, bat stynkib foure dales in be sepulcre. And C rist

dide not bus for noun2power, reisinge bis


man from deeb toliif, but to teche us bat bes synneris b i hard ben turned to God.

And no word of bis storyhere”wantib sutil goostli witt. Crist

criede wib greet vois, to teche bat soulis in purgatorie , be bei

nevere so fer from him, comen anoon to his crye . Des bondisin whiche bis man cam forb, shewen be miracle of Crist, how

he movede bis bodi bat was deed to come forb bus al bounden .

And it b itokeneb also bat men bat ben unbounden of preestis ,

ben bifore quykened of God. And bus Crist bad his apostlis

loousen hem. For it is an open blasfeme bat preestis forgyven

bis synne in God, but gif God forgeve it first, and seie to preestis

bat bei shewen it. For alle be men heere in erbe, ben be i

nevere so grete lordis, maynot forgyve synne doon in man, but

gif bis man for3yve it first ; myche more men shulden not pre

sume to forgyve synne don agens God , but gif God for3yve itfirst

, and bei be trewe bedells to telle it. And bis blasfemye

bat is usid now shulde be knowe of be scribis, bat popis assoilen

men of synne and peyne , whanne it turneb men to avantage .

Sobli, but 3if God assoile first, ber assoilinge is feyned falseheed ,and bei blasfeme in God, as bei don ofte whanne bei shryven .

Dis fruyt among obere comeb of scrifte batmen have ordeyned .

bx SATURDAI GOSPEL m b] : rovspn warm in Lann a.

[ S E R M O N C L X X L ]

Ego stem lax mundi.—JOHN viii.

pm gospel tellib how Phariseis wolden prove bat Crist bostide

of himsilf, but ber witt was turned to folie , for bei faileden in

bileve. Joon tellib bow , j esus seide tofief olk of fiej ewz'

s , I am


3t of fie world wbofi at suefi me, wandnfi not in derbnesse, but

be sbal bavefie qf lx'


j Z And here men taken treulybat ech

‘ So E z A has to.

’nowm, E.

’om. E.

‘ doae. E .


man shulde sue Crist, for ech man shulde walh1°in~ li3t, and

eve rysich sueb C rist, for noon hab leeve of God‘

to walke inderknesse of synne. For ech man mut nedis go3onber to

hevenward or to belle. And here men seen be fendis'


bet he hab taugte manymen. 3ifmen seyn , bei shulden notfdo

bus, for Crist dide and bad be contrarie , lo, bei seyu, where he is

now ; for he liikeneb him to Crist. And bus be fend wolde

stoppe ech weie bi which men shulden sue C rist. Ech man

mut be liik to Crist, gif bat he wole come to beyene, and so ech

man shulde sue him, or ferbere or nerbere1; for who is not wib

C rist, he is nedis agens him, and whoso sueb not Crist, he sueb

be fend to helle . And bus seien clerkes, bat bes men bat shulen

be saved , whanne bei synnen, bei suen not be fend to helle , but

stonden stille , or suen Crist to softe ; sib ech man bat shal be

saved mut do some good bat Crist hab ordeyned. And bus

manymen taken signe of ber werkes, bat Crist wole save hem.

And beff are seidenfie Fan'


s to Cr ist, Don ber z'

st w itnesse offir


tf ; fi z’

witnesse is not sofi . [ em s answ er ide, and seide to bem,

And 31] Y bere w itnesse of mystlf ,my w itnesse is trewe f or Y

woot f rom wbennes Y cam, and wb z'


r Y go. Crist mut bere

w itnesse of himsilf, sib he mut witnesse al treube . And so ech

man b i his werkes berib witnesse of himsilf ; but boosting

stondib in fals witnesse, for pride bat man hab of himsilf and

so take hede to cause of witnesse , whi and what manere it is

don. But, for bes Jewis knowen not C ristis godhede , berfore

he seib bus to hem, Certzs 3e w iten notf ro wbenne Y cam, or

wbidtr Y go. 3cj ugen afi'er fieflez


sb , but Yj uge no man.


here we moten undirstonden, how C rist takib jugement. For heseib bifore in Joon, bat God gaf al jugement to be Sone and

bus men seien comunlybat Crist takib here jugement for pre

sumptuous jugyng, as man jugib wibouten cause ; and bus Crist

ingib no man, neiber himsilf ne ober man. But Crist seib, gz'

f be

j ugzfi, bi rj ugement zlr trene,/b r be is not aloane, but be andfief adir

fiat sent bim. And infie lawe of Jewis is wr itun,fiat witnesse oftwo men is trewe, and more be w itnesse of bes two persones

and herfore seib Crist aftir, I amfiat bere w itnesse ty'


fa rer or acere.Q ; oba '

fer or near,E.


me, be ber ifi w itnesse of me. Herforefiei seiden

to b im fii f adir 2 j esus answer ide, Nexfier ; e bnowen

me,ne mfi f adir ; 3if 3e bnewen me, per aventnr e 3e bnewen also

myxad m For it fallib b i grace of 1 God bat knowing of C ristis

mauhkede bringibm be know inge of be Godhede . Des wordi s

qqabe j esus infie tr esor ie, teebinge infie temple, but not to have of

him tresour and, no man tobe bim, f or git was not bis ame

ON MONEBAI m pr: amps wnxs m Laur a.

[ S E R M O N C L X X I I . ]

filiser untpr incipes saeerdotum.—JOHN vu . [32

Drs gospel tellib“of malis of be Jew is, and how Crist pro

phesiede of hem. Joon se ib, Depr ineis ofpreestis and Far iseis

senten servauntis to take j esus . Herf or e j esus seide to bem, 3ita litil gone Y am w zfi gou,

and Y go to bim fiat sente me. 3esbuten sebe me, and 3e sbulen not[ ynde and wbereY am3, 3e ma i

not come. Crist spekib in manytymes how 31 bat shal be mut

nedis be , and how nou3t may come but bat shal be . And

banne it is li3t to maynteyne bes wordis ; and so it is li3t to

defende, bat Crist is b i litil tyme , for he is b i ech part of bat

tyme as he is b i ech tyme And fie [ ew is seiden to bemsilf ,

Wbidir is befi is togo and we sbuten not[ yna'

e binu’ mber be be to

wende 5intofie seateryng of befienef olb, and to teeben bem P H’bat

word is fiis fiat be seide2 3e sbulen sebe me, and_ ; e sbulen not

not come. Des blynde j ewisknewen not how Crist is evere in blis wib his ,

Fadir, and how

bei mai not come to blis, for Crist hab ordeyned hem to peyne .

And bus be fredom of ber soule is bounden for to d o amys, but

not in bat bat it is free , but in bat bat God ordeyneb it, for to

profite to his Chirche . And so men knowen siche ober speches.

And infie laste da i,fiat is greet, (y’

fief eeste among j ew is, for be

So E ; om. A .’ wbidir l go, E .

E om . this clause .

5So E ; A has wending.


And git Cr isti s brefieren seiden to b im, fiat be sbnlde wende

fiennes out of Galile into j ade. For Cristis kyn lovede him litil,

sib he made hem not riche , ne greet among beir neigboris. But

more be preestis of be temple hatide C rist and his breberen.

Cristis breberen ben clepid here men bat weren Of his kyn, as

weren summe Of Galile, where bat Crist was maad man ; for

Luk tellib how Crist was conceyved in Naz areth, a toun of

Galile . Des breberen weren not Cristis apostlis, but Ober menOf his kyn. And berfore be i seiden to Crist, fiat be sbulde go

intoj ade,fiat b is disciplis seenfie werkes fiat be dozfi j br cer ti s

no man dotfi ongt in b iddis, and git be eastzfi to be in apert, for bis

were falshede ofmannis liif, in doing and in entent. Bif fiou dairt

fies fiingis, mabefiee open tofie world. For bis brefieren trow iden

not in b im. Der/ bre j esus seide to bem, lilytyme is not git comen ,

but gour e geme is even redy. It is seid of holymen, bat God

hab lymyted a litil tyme for to do a good dede, but yvel is don

in manytymes as men may err fro be mark in manyweies

beside it, but 0 weyledib to be pricke, as it is knowun comunli.

And, for Crist wiste bat bei weren yvel, and felowes to be

wickide j ewis, berfore seib Crist, ber tyme is redy, but his tyme

is not git comen . De world may not bave batid gou, but fie

world batifi me,f or Y bere w itnesse (y'

it,fiatfie werkes of it ben

yvele. And here mai we welw iten bat bes breberen weren not

apostlis ; for Crist seib in anober place bat be world hatib besapostlis, as be world hatib Crist. And here we mai take of C ri st,

bat men bat reproven synne Of be world geten hem envie Of it,

whanne ber wordis ben ougt trowed . Go ge up tofiis/eeste dai,but I sbal notgo tofi isfeste dai. Here men seien comunlybat

ber ben diverse wittis Of word of bis feeste dai. Sum tyme it

is taken for be firste dai of bis feste sum tyme for ech on of be

sevene daies Of bis feste ; and sum tyme for albe hool tyme of

bes sevene daies togidere. Crist cam not on be first day, but

on sum Ober aftis pryvyly. And bus undirstondib Crist bat he

shal not go to bis feeste day,for b is genre is not gitfillid ; as gif

he wolde se ie ,—gif he cam bidit in be firste dai Of bis feste, beJew is wolden kille him banne ; but algatis he muste lyve longer,and profite more to be Chirche, bifore bat bei slowen him.

Wbanne Cr ist badde seidfies wordis, be dwelle stille in Galile,


o ut wbanne bis brefieren weren went,fianne be steiede tofie feste

day,not apertly, but as in b id. And bis was be

1same wyke

And fiefew is song/en b im infief eeste day, and seiden, Wbere is bet

A and nyebe grutebing was (f bim in fief olk. For summe seiden

fiat be isgood ; and summe seiden, Nay,but be dissgmefi fiepaple.

Nefieles no man spab aper tli of bim,f or drede of fie j ewis. And

bis persecucioun of C rist failib not git in his memb ris, or in

treube of Cristis cause. For we han alle bes bree parties ; behyge preestis ben bishopis bat wolden not here of Goddis lawe ;

bes Fariseis ben religiouse , bat holden ber ordre betet e ban

C ristis bes men of be puple, bat holden here agens Crist, ben

sum seculeris bifid of hem, or disseyved wib feyned gabbingis.


[ S E R M O N C L X X I V . ]

Faeta sunt encaenia.—] OBN x. [am]

Drs gospel tellib furbere how bes j ew is pursueden Crist.

Dere were maadf eestis in j erusalem, bat joon clepide Eneennia ,

for banne be temple was renulid3in clobis and Ober omamentis,

and enoennia is as myche as newinge in oure speche . joon seib

bat it was wynter whanne bis feeste bifel bere ; for be temple

was bries halowid, as men seyu bat taken hede. First be temple

of Solomon, as be bridde book ofKyngis tellib, was hallow id in xmm viii. a.

Septembre. But be secounde was in Marche , whanne be temple

was rerid agen undir Z orobabel, as be book of Esdre tellib. Em vt to.

De bridde clensing Of be temple was in Machabees tyme , and

bis clensyng was comunli in December, and in wynter ; and so

of bis spekib joon here, as men witen b i his wordis. And j esus

walbide infie temple, infieparobe of Salomon, bat men seien was

a place where Salomon was wont to preie. Jesus cam,not for

devocioun bat he badde in bes fecstis, but for to teche men bat

m en, and how men mygten do bis medefully. Des [ ew iswen/en aboute bim, and seiden to b im,

How longe tubistfiou awgy

in be. E. woke. E. renewid, Q renulid . E. summe, E.


oure by? be Cr ist, telle as opynli. I t semeb bat bes Jewiswolden mene, bat bei b ileveden bat C rist shulde come, and w ib

bis bileve and Ober was ber soule fed goostli. And so C rist

tariede ber lyf here, for he wolde not seie opynli bat he was

Crist. j esus answer ide to bem, I spab to gou, and ge tr owen not

fie werkesfiat Y do in name (f myf adir ,fies beren w itnesse of me.But ebe ge trowen not, j br ge ben not of my sbeep. And bus C rist

wolde seie to hem, but covertli, as we shulde speke,3c ben out

of b ileve, and shulen be dampned for gour synne. For ech man

bat shal be saaf mote nedis b ileve in Crist, for ech man bat shal

be saaf mut nedis be of Cristis sheep. C rist disceyveb not bis

sbeep, and seib bat, fiei beeren bi s vois,and be bnow zfi bem,


fiei suen bim and be gyvefi bem Iii/ w zfionten ende andfiei sbal

nevereper isbe, and no man sbal raoisbe bem out of bis bond. Datfiat myf adir bafi gaven me, is more fianne alle ofier fi ingis , and

fierfore no man may ravisbe out of myf adir bond . Sib it is

more ban al bis world to be Goddis kyndelysone, for whoevere

is bus Goddis sone, he mut nedis b e be same God , it is a

knowun cause bat noon mai ravishe fro Crist sheep, but what

he hab shappid’to blis mut nedelyb e blessid . And bus seib

Crist suyngli, Y and myf adir ben aI oon ; for bei ben 00 God,

00 substance, and 00 kynde .

De j ew is token up stoonesf or to stoone Cr ist. j esus answer ide to

bem,litanygoode werkes bave Y sbew id to gou (f myf adir f or

wbicb werk of bem ge stoonen me in wille ? For 00 werk C rist

dide on his Fadir’

s behalfe, bat he reprovede synne Of be j ew is ,and telde how bei diden agens God . And

,for bis speche was

agen pryde and ber coveitise, berfore be i pursueden Crist, and

wolden algatis have him deed. De j ew is answer iden to Cr ist, q/

fii good werk we stoonenfiee not, but (y’

fii blasfi mye, andf or fiou ,

stfi fiou ar t a man, mabi stfiisitf God . Des wordis wolde C rist

graunten, sib he is of two kyndis, bobe Godhede and manhede .

But git he spak soib covertli. j esus answer ide to bem,I s it not

wr itten in gour lawe,fiat Y seid, 3e ben goddis P 3if God seide

fiat fiei weren goddis, to wbam Goddis word was maad , and fie

Scr iptare ma i not be undo, fiatfiefadir bafi balow id and sent into

80 Q and the Wyclifiitc vers ions

A and E read bim . perpeu m.


fiei seiden tofie servauntis, Wb i brougte ge bim not wib gou ? Deministr is answer iden agen, N evere man spake so as befi is spebrfi .

And banne fie P ba r iseis answer iden to bem,Wber fiat ge ben

dissgmed P wber ony of fie pr incis trowiden in bim,or onyof fie

P bar iseis P Butfi is paple fiat bnewe notfie lawe ben cur sid,for

ber errour in feib. But N icodeme seide to bem, fiat cam toj esusupon fie bygt, and be was oon of fie P bar iseis, Wber oure W e

j ugzfi a man, but337 it beerefi rst of b im, and bave knowe wbat be

dorfi z’ for word and dede accusen men, b i Goddis lawe and

mannis lawe. Dei answer iden,and seiden to bim, Wber fiou art

of Galile P Sebe fiou w ise scr iptures , and se, fiat propbete r iszfinot (yGalile. And fiei weren turned agen, ecb on to b i s ozone bous .

Des Jewis worshipen ber lawe more ban Anticrist doib now , but

bei erriden in be lettre, as Urydide, bat bare his deb in berynge

OfDavibis lettre to Joab , duk of his bateile . I t semeb bat bes

j ewis wolden meene, bat no prophete cam Of Galile, for holi

writt, bat shulde make mynde of be comyng Of Crist, seib bat heshulde come of jude, Of be kinrede Of Davib. And so, as besfoolis argueden, he was not born in Galile. For bei knewen

not be myddil birbe bat Crist was boren wibinne his modir.


[ S E R M O N C L X X V I . ]

Collegerunt P ontifices.—JOHN xi.

Drs gospel tellib how be Jewis conseiliden to Cri stis deb.

Joon seib bat, Bisbopis and P bar iseisgeder iden conseil agen j esus .

And b i bis we see bat be moste ground, and pursueris Of Jesusand his lawe, weren princes and Pharise is. For be princes of

prestis, bat weren be bishopis, and be Phariseis, bat weren

religious in Cristis tyme, pursueden Crist to be deeb, as autours

of his mansleyng. Myche erride Pilat, and Ober gentile folk ;but not SO myche as diden be bishopis and Phariseis. For

of, Q ; E lgrees with A.


wordis and parahlis of Crist weren agens synfulmen, but not so

n yebe agens Ober, as agens bes two folk. And berfore, for

coveitise, bei conspiriden more agens C rist.

Des men seiden among hemsilf, Wbat sbulen we do? f or fiis

m dozfi many s ignes ? 337 we leeven bem fius , alle men sbulen

trowe in bim, and R omains sbulen come, and take m y oureplace

and oure j blb. Whanne bat preestis weren princis, and kyngisweren put adoun, be Romayns bougten bat knygthode was dis

paragid and bus bei senten Heroude and Pilate into Jude , forpreestis and Phariseis shenten leding Of be lond. And herfore

weren Heroude and Pilat sufi'

rid to comen ’ in. And bei

dredden hem of Crist, gif his wordis wenten forb, bat Romaynsshulden come

,and fordo preestis and Phariseis , for in hem two

stood myche be lordship Of Jewis. As gif b ishOpis and abbotis

spaken to daytogidere, Hide we Goddis lawe, lest bes seculer

lordis come, and take oure lordshipes, and fordo oure statis.

But oon of bem,fiat bigte Caifas , and was bisbopfiat geer , seide

to beta ,3c cunnen noo good, ne casten ongt, fiat it spedrfi to gou fiat

0 man dief or fie puple, and al fiefllb per isbe not. And fi is be

seide not of b ims ilj ; but stfi be was bisbop of fiat geer , be pro

pbeciede, and tolde fiatj esus was to die f or mankynde and not

on lyf or befiene men, but togadere Gaddis sones in oone. I t semebhere bat Caiphas badde bis undirstonding, bat it spedde to slee

Crist, lest beir lordship were lost ; bat Romayns ,'

bat weren

hebene men, token not fro preestis and Phariseis al be lordship

bat bei hadden, and so bes two manere Of folk shulden perishe

for faute of riches. But it semeb bat bis Icon, and men bat

taken bis as prophecie, undirstonden bes wordis to Obir undis

stonding, bat it spedib bat Crist die for mankynde, lest al be

peple perishe in peyne Of helle. And bis is a good witt, pro

phesied of Caiphas ; and so it fallib bat an yvelman, to obit witt

ban he meeneb, blabere a good word and a soib, for be profit Of

Cristis Chirche. And here men taken bat a man is a prophete,algif he undirstonde not his wordis.

And sof rofiat daie fiej ew isfiougten to sle Cr i st. But j esus

wente not apertli now amongfie j ew is , as be dide bifore; but wente

So E ; dispargid , A . scbenten be la dyng, E. 50 E.

mm A


out into a contre biside desert, into a citeefiat is clepid Ef rem,and

fiere be dwelte w zfi b is disciplis, to gyve hem ensaumple aftir,for

to flee wiseli Whanne o persone is pursued. And here men han

nede to witen of God whanne bei shulden do bus . For b i bis

gospel mai men take, bat it is leveful to do bus, gif bat circum

stancis fallen b i which God movebmen to do bus.


[ S E R M O N C L X X V I I . ]


,dico vobis.—JOHN vi.

D18 gospel tellib hOW bat Crist spekib Of two maner of etingis ,goostli and fleishli ; and bobe bes two ben nedeful, but speciali

be goostli, for it shal laste evere in hevene. Firste seib Crist tohis disciplis, and to be puple Of Jewis, SofiIi, Sofili, Y seie to gou,

but gif ge eetenfiefleisb of mannis sone, and drynke b is blood , ge

sbulen not bave liif dwd ling in gou. Hefiat elib myflei sb , and

dryns b my blood, be bafi liy'

w zfiouten ende, for he mut algatis be

blessid. And berfore seib C rist here , fiat bim fiat elib and

drynbib fius, be sbal reise up in fie laste dai, to come to blis

among his sheep. lltyfleisb is ver ili mete,and my blood is

ver r ili drynbe. Hefiat etzfi myfleisbe, and dryns b my blood, bedzoellzfi in me, andY in b im. As myf adir lyvynge sent me, and

Ylyvef or myf adir , so be fiat etzfi me, be sbal lyve/or me. Disis fie breed fiat cam dounf rom bevene, not as gouref adirs eeten

aungels mete, and weren deed befiat elibfiis breed sbal lyve w zfiouten ende. Des fiingis seid Cr ist in fie synagoge, tecbing in be

toun (yCapbarnaum. But many (yb is disciplis beerynge seide,

Dis word is bard ; wbo may beere it and fille it ? But j esus ,bnow inge bi bimsilf fiat bis disciplis wolden grutcbe berj b re, be

seide to bem, Dis fiing sclaundr tfi gou 2 Herf ore gif gee seen

mannis sone stigynge up wbere be was bifore2 I t is spir itfiat

gyvefi lyf ; fleisb belptfi nofiing here ; fie wordis fiat Y bave spokento gou ben spir it and 1i

The words of


speken here, but gif bis mete be defied. And Crist lickenebmen to him ; and so no man etib bus Crist, but gif he be saved

in tyme. And bus bes wordis of Crist ben soib, to men bat

undirstonden hem wel.

And here ben manymen marred of be sacrament of be auter,

and referren alle bes wordis to bis holi sacrament. But nebeles

men witen wel, bat bes wordis weren Spoken of Crist longe

b ifore bat bis sacrament was ma d of Crist or onyman ; for be

sacrament was m ad first upon Shire Dursday, and longe bifore

bat tyme weren bos wordis spoken Of Crist. Nebeles manyOf

bes wordis mai be wel undirstonden Of bis sacrid oost, who bat

knowib hem soundely. And so we shulen undirstonde, first,

bat sum bing is Goddis bodi, and nougt ellis in his kynde , as be

fieish bat Crist bare here and is now in hevene glorified , as

seintis shulen be. And of bis fleish and bis blood, in his kynde ,spekib be gospel, and of be goostli eetyng bat men moten eten

bis. De breed Of be sacrid oost is verrybreed in his kynde , and

is eten bodili ; but it is Goddis bOdi in figure. And it is be

same bodi bat is Goddis bodi in his kynde. And not but gif bis

be eten goostli, in eetyng of be sacrid oost, ellis men taken not

worbili be sacrament more ban a beest. And, for bis goostli

eetyng, manyOf be wordis here ben referrid goostli to etyng Of

be sacrid oost but bis oost is eten bodili and goostli of sum

men, but Cristis bodi in his kynde is not eten bodili. And SO

moten men wel be knowun 1, and Speke wiselyin bis sentence .

And sum men trowen, bat Joon spak no more of bis sacrid oost,

for he spak here bes wordis, bat mygten wel be seid Of it. But

ever wite we, bat bis oost is verri breed in his kynde, and in

figure Goddis bodi, bi vertue of Cristis wordis ; but bus it is not

of Cristis fieish and his blood in his kynde. And it is nede to

wite, how breed and wyn ben Cristis membris. And, for C rist

wiste wel here bat bis witt is unknowun to many, berfore bis

gospeltellib hOW C rist seib aftirward, Butfier ben sum (ygou fiattrowen not, to bes wordis. For j esus w iste f ro fie big 'nry


wb icbe men weren not trowinge, and wbo was to traye bim. But

bes wordis he spake mystili for manycansis. As Austeyn seib,

knowe Q ; moten men knowe, E. And so it nedib. E.



gif men traveilen treuly in love of God, and studie bes wordis,

be i shulen knowen bis witt of hem. And bis is mater of greet

merit, and trews men han no doute bat ne Crist sbah bus for be

beste .

And Crist seide to his disciplis , Herf ore Y seide to gou ,fiat no

man mai come to me, but gif it be gooun to bim (ymyf adir . And

gif bou seie bat no man mai undirstonden Cristis wordis, but h

gif God gyve him witt, as no man mai ellis be saaf‘, bou seist

soib for bobe parties , as ech man mut nedelybileve . And gif

bon seist, over bis, bat it is in’no mannis power to undirstonde

wel holi writt, ne to be saved for his dedis here , bou failist

opynli ; for do a man bat in him is, and God is redi to his

dodis. But soib it is, bat alle sich dedis tellen in maner Goddis

grace, bat is above 8 mannis power, and bei tellen eke mannis

werk. And not, for a man hab power to make bus Goddis

grace , but for he hath power to worche berbi, berfore he hab

power to disserve blis. And for hardnesse Of bes wordis, litanyOf di sciplis wenten abak

,and wenten no longer w zfi b im,

for bes

wordis astonyeden hem . Butj esus seid to bis twelve, Wbere ge

walen alsogo m g!2 And Symount P etr e answ er ide to bim, Sire,

to wbam sbulen we go2 fiou bast wordis cf lizf w ibouten cende

and we ban bileved and knowun, fiat fiou art Cr ist, fie sone ofGod lyvyng. j esus answer ide to b im, Wbere Y bave not cbosen

gou twelve, and oon (y'

gou is a dead ) Andfiis be seide of j uda s

Sear iotb ,f br befiis was to tr ayCr ist,fie wbile be was oon of fie

twelve. And sib he was ordeyned to helle , he wente never wibC rist as his membre, algif he were for a tyme in maner Of grace,

and dide myche good. And bus ech man bat shal be dampned

is a devel, as was Judas ; but noon shulen clepe his brober

devel, but he wiste bat he shulde be dampned, and God bad

him clepe him so, for be profit Of holyChirche .

SO E ; eaf , A. SO E ; om. A . SO E ; aboute, A .

be diea'

plie, E.




[ S E R M O N CLXXV I I I .)

Am sex on: P ascbe.—JOHN x11.

D18 gospel tellibwhat Crist dide be sixte daie before he diede.

Joon seib bat, Eyare six e da ies of fie P asb , bat Crist was deed ,

j esus com toBetbanye, wber e L azar was deed, wbomj esus rei side.

And fiere fiei maden bim a soper , and M artba servede bem,and

L az ar was oon of bem fiat eeten w zfi Cr ist. M ar ie Mawdeleyn

took a pound of trewe g mement and presbous , and angfntide j esus

f eet, and sbe w ipte w ifi ber beer b isf eet and fie bous was fillid

of smel of fie oynement. And so oon of Cr isti s disciplis seide,

f ua'

d s , Scar iotbis sone , fiat was f or to troye Cr ist, Wb i i s fi is

gmement not sold f or fire bundr id pens , and gow n to pore men 2

But be seide fi is, not f or be rougte of neay men,but f or be was

a fieef , and, bavyng pursis, bar fio fiingis fiat weren sent. And

so ech man batyvil dispendibGoddis good is a bef. And Judaswas smytun wib coveitise, sibhe badde no nede bi his maistir , for

Crist found him evere ynowg, and taugte him to forsake be

world ; and git coveitise Of moneymovede him to sille C rist.

And wib bis synne ben preestis smytun, bObe more and lesse,

more ban was Judas. Her/ore seide j esus , to excuse M arie ,


re ge b ir fiat sbe bepe it to fie day cy'

my biriyng . And

sum seyen bat Marie dide. She kepte O preshous box to

anoynte Crist whanne he was deed , whanne Ober wymmen

bougten hem newe. And bis savore in be hous b itokeneb fame

Of Cristis deeb, bat ech man shulde smelle, and benke devoutliOn Crist. And Crist seib bat, fiei sbulen ever e bave pore men

wib bem,but fiei sbulen not evere bave bim. And so bis oyle

is wel dispensid, for betir, and in beter tyme , ban gif beggeris

hadden badde it. And bes apostlis wantiden nevere beggeris

for to take ber almes, for bis is hard to do wel, and goostli

almes is beter, and Crist taugte his apostlis to chese bis beter,and leve be wers . And bis ypocrisie is in preestis, bat colouren

ber coveitise bi almes . And so mycbe paple q/ fie j ew is knewen



And bus Crist preieb after for Goddis worship, and profit Of

be Chirche. Fadir , he seib, clar zfie fi i name. And a vois cam

f ro beven, and seide, Bofie Y bave clar ified, and Y sbal clar zfie ef te.

And fiepaplefiat stood and berde, seide fiere was a fiundir maad

ofier seidenfiat an angel spab to b im. j esns answer ide, and seide,

Not f or me cam fi is vois, butf or gou. Now is j ugement (yfieworld now fie pr ince of fie world sbal be cast out. And Y


gy' Y be byedf rofie erfie, sbal drawe allefi ingis to mysil/ Here

Crist spekib greet prophecie , how bis world shal be jugid, and

how be fend shalgo to helle , for merit bat Crist doib. And so

mater Of bre jugementis bat Crist tellib after was goven banne .

And dilatinge Of his Chirche b i folk Of be citee, and uplondishe

men, and hebene men also, figuriden clobis, palmes, and song,

b i which Crist was worshipid in comyng to Jerusalem. And

so ech word of bis storie figurib myche Witt ; and, whoso wiste

be habitude , O word bat comeb b ifore bringib in anober word ,to God bat knowib good resoun. SO bat O dede bat Crist dide

nedib bat snober mut sue, and ellis were not bis word, ergo , SO

ofte sett in bis storye. And fiis word, as Joon seib, seide Cr i stto signefie wbat defi be was to die, and hOW bis deb shulde be

taken. Depaple answ er ide to Cr ist, We ban berd of fie law efia t

Cr i st dzvellzfi w zfiouten ende, and bow seist fiou, fiat mannis sone

mut be byed bi sich deeb ? And wbo is be fi is mannis sonc e’

And fianne j esus seide to bem, 3it a litil ligt is in gou . Wolbe ge,

fie wbile ge ban ligt, fiat derbnesse atabe gou not ; and be fia t

wandr zfi in derbnesse woot not wbidir be goifi . De wbile ge banligt, bileve ge in ligt,fiat ge be cb ildren cy

ligt. Des fiingis spabe

j esus , and wente awgy, and bidde b imf rom bem. Studie bou be

dede Of Crist, and knitt OO witt wib snober.

Foa n or bE PASSIOUN ON a rsmu rN sum WEEE.

As ber ben foure gospelleris, so be Chirche redib foure

passiouns, Matheu, Mark, Luk, and Joon, b i ordre bat besseintis writun. But it is ynowg to tell of Joon,

for he wroot

last, and ynowg us to cunne.



Lon tellib on bis dayhow Crist diede for mankynde . And

ecb of bes foure evangelistes se ib sum bing bat anober leeveb,but noon mai be contrarie to Ober, and God mai not denye

himsilf. But mystakyng of Cristis witt marrib sum men in bis

mater. And so mai men take a word Of bis passioun, what bat

hem likib, and touche a point Of Cristis passioun answeryngto bes bree daiss 3.


[ S E R M O N CLXX I X . ]

Ante diemf estum —JOHN Eviii. [ I .]

Di s gospel tellib how C rist taugte his disciplis to be meke , Christ washesand how be more Of hem shulde serve his b reberen , sib C rist

mi m ics

dide bus, oure alber maistir. For it was knowun bi C ristis liif,

how he was be moste pore man bat mygte be. For poverte in

be staat of Crist is token Of perfeccioun ; but C rist toke no per

feccioun , but gif he toke it sovereynli, and after be stat of

innocence. Crist badde noo bing worldli ; and so take bou

good hede to Crist, and bou shalt fynde in open resoun, bat

no man mygte be porer ban was C rist for his Chirche ; for

he mygte have no more wanting, ne more wille , to take bis

staat. And SO Crist passide al ober in takynge of his poverte ,and so he was mekerst man, and moost servisable of ober . l

Joon tellib how Crist ordeynede. B if ore fie Satirdayfiat was

P arkDay, and so upon be Dursdaybat was before Good Friday,j esus, w itinge fiat b is yme was comen, topasse oute of fii s world

So E ; A adds M after forums, probablyfor J‘udaeorum ; the word in

the Vulgate is Pasebae.

These short notices for the in the two MSS. at the British

Tuesday and Wednesday before Museum , G and I also in Q.

Easter are omitted in E, but occur




tofief adir , wbanne be badde loved b is disciplis fiat weren in fie

world, be lovede bem tofie cende. And wbannefie soper was doon,

wbanne fie f end badde sent in to j udas ber te, fiat is, in j udasl

Scar iotb is sone , sbulde bitray Cr ist, for money, Cr ist, w iting

fief adir gaf allefiing in to bis bondis, and fiat be camf ro God,and gozfi to God, r i szfif ro fie soper , and puttzfi aw ey bi s clofi i s,and wbanne be badde take a sbete

,be girdide b im. Af lir beputte

water in to a basyn, and bigan to waisbe fie f eet of b is disciplis,and to wipe bem w tfi fie lynnen clozfi w zfi tbc wb icb be was g ird.

And so be cam to Symount P etir , and P etre seide to bim, Sir e,

wa isbist fiou to me f eet 2 j esus answer ide, and seide to bim,

Wbatfiingis Y dofiou bnow ist not now ,but aftirward fiou sbalt

w ite. P etre seide to Cr ist, Dou sbalt nevere waisbe myf eet.

j esus answ er ide to b im,3g Y sbal not waisbe fiee,fiou sbalt not

bave par t wib me. Symount P etir seide to b im, Sire, not oonli

myf eet, but bofie my bondis and my beed. j esus seide to P etre

banne , Hefiat is waisb id, bafi noo nede but to waisbe b isf eet, butis al elene and ge ben elene

,but not alle. For Cr ist w iste wbo

was be fiat sbulde tray bim,andfierfore be seide, 3e ben not alle

elene. And fius wbanne be badde waisbidfierflet,be toob bi s clofiis ,

and wbanne be was sett agen, be seid to bem, 3c w iten wbat Y bavedo to gou. 3c clepen me ma istir and lord

,and ge seien wel, f or

certis Y am. Derf oreyf Y bave waisbid gour f eet,fiat am lord

and maistir,and ge sbulen wai sbe oon anofier isf eet. For Y ba ve

gooun gou ensaumple,fiat as Y bave do to gou, so and ge sbulen do

Here mai we lerne what a prelat shulde do to his sugettis ,

for he shulde be moost meke and moost”servisable to hem .

For most meke servise and love were to waishe a mannis feet,

and after to drye hem, as Crist dide to his apostlis, and bat in

form Of a servaunt doinge wib wille , as Crist shewide . And sibCrist chargide not ceremonyes, wib bodili waishinge of feet, butfor ensaumme of goostli waishing Of mena is wille , bat ofte is

fuylid, we shulden benke how gretter men shulden gyve en

saumple to clense be wille Of lower men bat ben binebe hem .

And bis lore failib to myche bis day, for men mai now take

‘bae bus j udas, E.

‘ SO E and

Q ; A has elenese.



bem, Wbom sebe ge 2 And fiei seiden, j esus ty'

Nazaretb . j esus

answer ide to bem,Y bave seid to gore fiat Y am fierfi re

, gif ge

seben me, letefies apostlis go m y tof ulfille fie word fiat C r ist

seide,fiat wbomfiou bast gooun me, Y loste not any of bem,


togidere, ne atwynne . And fianne Symount P etir badde a sw erd,

and drew it, and smoot a servaunt cy'

fie bisbop, and bitt awey bis

r igt eere. And fiis servaunt b igt M alcus . Herf oref esus seide to

P etir , P utte fii swerd in fie scabard sbat Y not drynb fiat

passiounfiat myf adir bafi govan me 2

And here mai Cristene men knowe, bat Crist lovede not for

to figte, but gif he dide SO bi his Godhede. He mygte wel, as

Lord of alle, for he made bobe bOdi and soule , and knyttyngOf hem two togidere, and git he ne mygte not figte ne slee , but

whanne he wiste bat it was just. And sib alle bes failen to

men, how shulden bei figte unbeden Of God ? And gif C rist

b i his manheed wolde figte , bere was noon sich a conquerrour ,

ne figter in so good a maner for he mygte banne sle alle

bateilis, wibouten hurting or harmynglof him ; and alle manere

Of assailing wepene he mygte have turned in to men hemsilf.

And SO in spensis, and victorie, and Sleyng of men bat weren

worbi, Crist mygte have passid alle conquerours, gif he wolde

have used bis crafte ; but C rist wolde not ensaumple it, but

movede ayto charite . And bes men bat figten bus, and moven

men for to figte , be i doon as bei silf weren goddis, and speken

as blasfem'

es, and so bei ben opene heretikes, and taken amys

Goddis wordis, as bidding of Crist to bie swerdis, and blamyngof Petre for he fangt. And beter cause of mannis figting can no

man feyne to day; for as Crist mote nedis b i Shile be sleyn ,

so alle bingis muten nedis be, and turne to good Of Cristis

Chirche , bi ordenance Of be Trinite. And so bes blynde

heretikes, bat seien bat Petir shulde not figte here, but preestis

shulden figte where bei wolen juge , wanten witt in bis speche .

For b i bis3resoun ech man bat turmentide Crist shulde do so

for he moste nedis do bus, and Crist muste bus bie mankynde .

But excusyng Of bes heretykes saveb not bes Jewis bifore God ,sib nede of comyng of bing stondib bobe wib good and yvel,

‘ SO E ; A has of barm.

SE R bI O N S.

and bus bes foolis moten loke ferbere , to knowe a just dede, andso unjustDe oost of Romaynes, andfie tr ibune, and mynystr is of fie j ew is , 6m

Icah n j esus and bounden bim and ledden b im fi rst to bisbopAnna ,f or be was coqyn of Caipbas, fiat was bisbop of fiat geer .

De bishopriches weren bougt and soold , for coveitise Of preestis

and Romaynes ; and ber termes weren Shortere , to make ber

wynnyng bickere. And Ca ipbas was be fiat gaf a counseil to

few is, fiat it spedzfi fiat 00 man die f or fie puple. And SymountPetre suede j esus , and anofier di sciple, bat was Joon ; and fiat

d imple was h um an to fie bisbop, and entr ide w zfi j esus in to fie

out balle of fie bisbop. And P etre stood w zfiouten atfie dore, and

beff are [ oon wente oute, and seide tofie wommanfiat keptefie dore,and brougt in P etre. And fiis band ma id


seide to P etre, Wber

fiou be cf discipli s of fiis man 2 P etre seide, Y am noon. Men

seien bat she axide not Joon bus, for Joon was knowun in batbous . And howevere men speken here , God wolde bat it were

bus ; and God mai ligtli move a man , to take oon and leve

anober. And servantis and nymistr is stoden at fie coolis, and

warmyden bem,for it was coold and P etre stood w zfi bem,and

warmyde bim.

And fianne fie bisbop ox ide j esus cy'

bis disciplis , and (f bis

lore. j esus answer ide to b im,Y bave spoken opynli to fie world,

and taugt evere infie synagoge and temple, wbidir alle j ew is camen

tagidir , and in bid Y spak nougt. Wbat ax ist fiou me 2 Ax e

bemfiat berden, wba t Y bave spoken to bem lo, fiei w iten wbat

fi ingi s Y seide. And here mai we lerne myche . First, how

preestis shulden preche opynli,—for bus dide C rist our albermaistir, and spak nobing in hidlis 3, b i shrift of rownyng to

men. We mai lerne, over bis, to fede not uncovenable axingis ,

for it was not tyme now to axe bus Crist Of his lore, for be folk

was unable to heere his wordis to ber profit, and be b ishop

wolde not trowe Crist, as he wolde not‘trowe Ober bat herden.

And bus Crist taugte bis b ishop, bysharpnessc Of Cristis swerd,

bat he shulde not axe uncovenablyquestiouns out of be tyme .

And wbanne Cr ist badde seid fies wordis, oon (yfie ministr is fiat

and an unj ust, E.3a disciple, E. biddh


s, E. SO E ; om. A .


was ryg, gaf a bufi t to j esus, and sezde, Answen Ist fioufius tofie

bisbop ? Algif bis stroke moste nedis be, git it was not ful‘

medeful, for he was in be same synne wib be bishop in beswordis. For wherto shulde he axe Crist a bing bat men wisten

wel aboute ? And so he synnede in veyn wordis , w ib be strook

bat he gaf Jesus. j esus answ er ide to fiis mini str e, 337 Y bave

spobenyvel, bere gou w itnesse of fieyvel, and grf Y bave spoben wel,wbi smytistfiou me 2 Sib bat Crist knewe b ifore, bat he shulde

be smyten for bes wordis, and git he spak hem bus upon resoun,

lerne we bis hardynesse Of Crist.And Anna: sente Cr ist bounden to fie bi sbop Caipbas . Bobe

bes two weren b ishopis in bis geer bat Crist diede inne. But

muse we not whebir was first bishop, or hadde be Ofi ce for bistyms ; but it semib bat Annas ; and Caiphas was be elder man.

And Symount P etir stood stille, and warmede bim in al bistyms . And fie ser vaunti s seiden to P etir

, FVber fiou be of bis


plis 2 P etir denyede, and seide, Y am not. Gen 4 fie bisbopis

servauntis seide to P etre, bis cosyn, wbos eere P etre smoot of; SawYfiee not in fie gerd w zfi bim 2 And P etre denyede agen, and

onaon fie cob crewe. Wite we wel bat Petre synnede ful grevouseli in bis tyme, sib he falseli denyede his maistir and

cowardli to bes servauntis ; and git he muste nedis do so, or

ellis Crist badde gabb id bifore. But God forbede bat we trowen

bat Crist mygte gabbe, or bat Petre synnede’not ; but formere

synne bat Petre dide , as was his presumptuous pryde, nedide

Petre synne but Crist mekide him b i bis synne. But here

it semeb bat be apostlis varien in bes bree denyyngis of Petre .

For Mathew seib, bat bifore be cok crowe, Petre shal denye

him bries. Mark seib, bifore be cok crowe twies, Petre is to

denye Crist bries. Luk seib, be cok shal not crowe to day, til

Petre bries denye for to knowe Crist. Here men seien comunli

bat cokkis crowyng is taken on two maneris ; first, for alle

be voices togidere bat be cok mahib first, and aftirward for ech

vois bi him silf, bat be cok sowneb at oonys. And so be cok

syngib comunlyfirst fyve songis or sixe togidere, and alle be s

maken oo cokkis crowyng, as alle bes ben O vois ; and sum

‘ Om. E.‘to sym bus, E.


answeride ban to Pilat, M rowme is not of fiis world ; 357 anywere of fiis world, certis mymynistris wolden str ivefor m,

fiat Y slud de not be taken to j ew is but now my rewme is not

here. Bi bis word we shulden wite, bat Crist grauntide bat hewas a king, for ellis he badde spoken in veyn bes wordis to Pilat ;but he mente bat he was king of aungels and alle good men ;

and alle bes weren ful fer fro be men bat weren here. And

C rist b i chaumbring of bes wordis taugte men to flee boost.

And so Crist denyede here bat he was seculer kyng of Jewis ;and so Cristis clerkes shalden shame to be sich lordis b i title

of Crist and bis shulden be pope knowe, and fie blasfemyof

his maistir. And so P ilat seide to Cr ist, Hefforefiou ar t a lyng 2

j esus answer ide, pou seiest fiat Y am a 13mg as who seib, ofmywordis it sueb bat Y am a kyng, for Y am kyng of hevene

and erbe , bymanytitlis of myrigt. And here Crist chaumbride

his wordis and taugte men to flee boost ; but be hebene jugeseide soib, and telde how hebene men shulden graunte bis

aftir. And bus seib C rist, pryvyli, Y am born infiis entent,and

Y cam f or fits into fiis world, j or to bere w itnesse to tr eufie.

And so Crist grauntide in general wordis bat he was kyng over

a] bis world. E el: man fiat is y’

treufie, been} my vois for sum

ryme. And bis seide Crist to teche Pilat to knowe be treube in

bis mater. P ilot seide to Cr ist, Wbat is treufie 2 And algif

Pilat abood not answere , git C rist, shewinge himsilf, tolde to

Pilat what is treube, sib Crist in his persone is treube , as he

witnessib bifore .

And wban P ilat badde seide fiis fiing ,be wente out agen tofie

j ewis, and seide to bem,[ fynde no cause in j esus , to dampne

him to deeb. But it is a castame to 3014, fiat Y leeve oon in

P ask wole ge herforefiat Y leeve to gou fie byng (y'

j ew is , and

dampne him not ? be Jewis calengiden a fredom to have

a man govun to hem,for solempnite of be feeste, bat shulde

ellis be doon to be deb. Efle fiei cr ieden alle,and seiden , 3yz 'e

not bim fiis , but Barabas . Barabas was an hardi fiecf , fiatf or

manslaugter was put in pr isoun. And fianne take P ilotj esus and

seourgide ln'

m, b ifore be Jewis, so bat ber yvel wille were fillid in

‘ levc gou onc.E.


be betyng of Jesus. And knygtisfl, foldinge a erowne of fiorn ,


den upon Cr i ms heed, and elofiiden him in a clozfi offiurpur ,

bat his blood shulde be lesse be seen. Andfiei camen to b im,

and seiden, Hall fiou Kyng q/ j ewis andfiei gavun bim buj'


after al, for to plese be Jewis for bei weren wel hirid of hem ,

and be i wisten to plese hem bus. And bus be Jewis werenmore to blame ban was Pilat, or bes knygtis. P ilat wente out

agen, and safi to Item, L o, Y br inge b im f b rfi to gou,fiat ge w ite

fiat Yfynde no cause in him. And so j esns wente out, and ba r

a crown: (y'

fiornes , and elozfi q/ purpur . And P ilat sezfi to ban,

Lo fie man. But whanne bisbopis and ny/nystr is badden seen

Crest, fiei er ieden, and seiden, P ie-

eke him on fie crosse, piecbe

bias! on fie crosse. pis was be mercy be Jewis hadden on bis

meke man for his treube . P ilot seide to Item,Tak ge lzim gou

self, and do ge bim on fie cross for Yfynde no cause in lzim,

to dampne him to sich deb. pe j ew is answer iden to P ilat, mban a law , and af ter fiat lawe be is worfii to (lie,j br lze made

bin! Gaddis sone.

And wbanne P ilaf badde berd fiis word, he dredde more, and

wente agen into fiat balle, and seide to j esas , Of wirenns art fion P

But j esns gaf bim noon answere. per/“

ore P ilat seide to bim,


stfion not tome P waastfiou not fiat Y have power topie-

eke it

on fie erosse, and to leeve fiee 2 j esus answer ide, poa slmldist

have noo power agen me, but gy'

it were govun fiee f rom above.

But neiber God ne emperour gaf him power to dampne bus

C rist, and so he hadde not from above power to do bus C rist

to deb. And here men taken wiseli, gif bei han power of erbeli

lordis ; nebeles al bis power mut be reulid b i Goddis lawe .

perfore lie fiat trayede me tofiee Izafi more g'

nne, ban bou hast.

And here manymen traveilen in veyn to excuse Pilat, algatis

bat he synnede not in bis dede . But Crist witnessib bat he

synnede , algif be j ewis synneden more, of more malis, and

lesse pite. Soib it is bat Pilat hadde manybougtis to save

1 Hail, E. P utts , E.


is a natural mis mon soldier, but for a knight or

translation of miles’

in this place, man-at-arms, one holding a knight'


that being the familiar Latin term fee .

in the middle ages, not for a com


Crist, but he lastide not in besl

bougtis, and herfore he synnede

myche. And he shulde teche bes worldlymen to laste sadde

in good purpos, and to drede to folde fro treube , as Pilat dide,for an yvel cause. Wheber bat he assentide here to dampne

Jesus, for drede of be emperour, or to plese2

be Jewis, to makehim dwelle longe in his ofiice, to dampne a man agens con

science excusib him neiber to God ne man. And of be wordis

of Pilat maymen gedere bat he was gilty, for he seib he fyndibno cause in Crist to do him bus to deb : sib bis is soib, and git

Pilat dampnede Crist wibouten cause, it semeb he dide an opyn

wrong b i Goddis lawe and mannis lawe. And so, algif C rist

was dampned bi colour of lawe cyvyle , git Pilat failide in bislawe, for he abood not proof berc i. C rist was many weies

accusid, but be moste was beresie and Pilat cowde not juge

bis, sib be contrarie was soib, and it was nedeful in sich cause

to knowe be sobe and wite his proof. For manyputten

on ober bi malis and fals maner. Sobli ech beresie smatchibblasfemye, and agen

8. And blasfemye mai be done upon bre

maners. First, whanne a man gyveb to God bing bat mai notacorde to him,

as gifmen seiden of God bat he were not mer

ciful. but mercyof men passibmercyof God. Anober, whanne

a man takib fro God bing bat mut nede be aproprid to him, as

gif men seien bat God is not mercyful upon synful men. pe

bridde maner, in gyving to man bing bat oonlylongib to God ,as gif men forgyve synne bat is doon agens Goddis rigt. And

almanere of heresie smatchib summe of bes bree . And so, git

men maken lawis not groundid on Goddis lawe, and darnpne

men as heretikes,for bei done agens bes lawes, bes dampneris

ben heretikes, for bei wolen be anober God. And bus be pope

and his cardinalis smatchen ofte bgrgsie, for bei b rennen men

as hgretikes, for bei maynteynen Goddis lawe.

Joon seib bat, Fro fiennes forfi saugte P ilat to delyvere j esus ,butfie j ew is er ieden, and seiden,3if fion leevest bim fiis,fiou a r t

not fie emperours f rend, for eel: man fiat mabrfi bim Ayng, agen

sezfi fie emperour . And P ilat, wbanne be badde berd fies wordis ,

t So a gA hu pa.

’ So E ; A has or pIm to.

and agen’

seems to ma n‘and vice verst



banne knygtis wolden not have parted bes clobis, ne have lettid

to kerve his cote ; but it semeb bat bei weren preshos, al dyvers

from abitis now .

And fier stooden about fie crosse of j esus , b is modir , and bis

modir 1sistir , M ar ie Cleopbe

2, and M ar ie M awdeleyn. And

herfore, wbanne j esus badde seen b is modir , and bis disciple

stondinge fiat be lovede, be seide to b is modir , Womman,to bere

fi i sone. And af ter be sezfi toj oon b is disciple, L o berefi i modir .

Andf rofiat bour tookfiis di sciple M ar ie into bis modir3. A[ ter

ward j esus , $0171t fiat now weren alle fi ingzs ended, fiat fie

Scr ipture were endzd,be sezfi ,

Y fi irste. And a vessil was putt

fiere/ul of eisil and fiei toben a spungy'

ul of cii il putting it

aboute w zfi isope’and pr ey


r ide it to b is moufi . Men seien bat

bei token a vessel, and fastnede it on a pole, and filliden it wibeisil, and helden it to Cristis moub. And wbanne j esus baddetastid fi is gisil, be seide, I t is endid and bow ide doun fie beed,and sente out fie spir it. pes wordis bat Crist hab spoken here ,holden more witt ban we cunnen telle. But, as Austin seib andnotib here, bis maistir made his cross a chaierb , and taugte ,

hanging on be cros, for he hatib ydelnesse. Joon tellib b ifore ,how Crist answeride to his modir, What is bat to me and bee ,womman ? for git is not myn oure comen. As who seib,Y have of bee fieish, whereb i Y shal sufi


re but git dwellibmy

godhede, b i which Y sende my soule to helle . And bus C rist

clepib twyes his modir, womman, for gretter cause ban we

cunh e se ie. And C risten men han noo doute bat ne Joon was

verryMaries sone, and bis Marie was his modir ; for he seibso bat mai not lye.

And so men bat marken be gospel seien, bat Crist spake

sevene wordis, be while he byng on be cros, to greet witt and

mannis profit. First, he preiede for his enemyes, to ensaumple

us charite, and preiede his Fadir to forgyve hem,for bei witen

an te-Fa‘ywm Q

0 Thus the w riter. and also the cxix. Exemplo suo suos instruxitnewer Wyclifi te version, translate praeceptor bonus, ut a filiis piis imthe accepit in sua


of the Vulgate. datur cura parentibus ; tanquamThe older Wycliffite vers ion is um illud ub i erant fixa memhrabetter ;

‘ took hi re in to his thingis .

morientis , etiam cathedra tuen'


S. Aug. In Johan. Evang.Tract. magistri dooentis.'



not what bei doon. And no man shal fynde but here bat Cristtaugte men ever to figte. And bus Crist quenchib ire, sib he

forgaf bus hise enemyes . Anober word bat Crist Spak here was

but he seide to bat o beef 1, To daybou shalt be wib me in

Paradise . And here Crist quenchib envie, bat fleeb bat a mannis

neigbore take part wib him in good, but Crist taugte here be

contrarie. De bridde word tellib here, how Crist gaf his modir

to Joon as virgyn, for to kepe a virgyn ; and bus he dampnede

lecherie ; for lecchours doen no such heping as a good sone

doib to his modir. De fourbe word bat Crist spak here , was

when he criede Eloy; and b i bis word he puttide out sloube ,whanne he preiede his God now, and confesside in a manere

pt God dide bus for his good. For love of Cristis Chirche

God lette him bus to sufl'

re peyne, but God mygte not lceve

Crist, to helpe him and comfort him. And sib God lefte Crist

in his enemyes bondis, to good of him and his Chirche, what

art bou batgrutchist agens God, to sufite peyne and flee sloube ?

De fyveb’word is writun here whanne bat Jesus seide, Y

birste. For he birstide to save mankynde, and herfore he tastide

beyne. On bis birst shulden glotons benke, and nevere drynke

but in mesure, to worshipe ber God and helpe ber soule ; and

benke how Crist tastide eisil. And herfore Crist, wib his

apostlis, taugte to suffre peyne for treube and for profit of

Cristis Chirche, as Poul tellib in his book. pe sixte word bat z Cor. iv .

Crist spak was a litil bifore he diede, whanne he seide, Fadir,in to bi bondis I bitake mySpirit to kepe. And bus men

shulden flee pride, and put alber trust in God. For ober stanes

bat beren lame men failen , be bei never so proud. pe sevenbe

word bat Crist seib here, It is endid,—as it shulde be,—castib

out svetice, and ober synnes, whanne men holden hem paied

ofynowg, and seien wib Poul, whanne we han fode and hilyngholde we us paied. And bis lore failib to averous men, and

to many clerkes of be world. And sib we chargen mennis

testamentis, and C rist mad bis testament solemply8to oure

profit, charge we bis for more mede, for oure bileve techib us,

bat who chargib not bes wordis is cursid of God, as a fend

to be M pned evere in helle.

I to be Mf E. IN !” E solempnely, E.



And j ewis,for it was vigile q/ fie Sabot, bat we clepen GoodFriday,fiatfie bodies sbulden not dwelle upon fie Sabot in fie cros,

for fiat dayof Sabot was a greet day,preieden P ilotfiat ber bzprs

sbulden be broken, and bet bodies taken m y. And sofie bnygtis

mm , and brokenfie bzpzs of fie firste, and so q/fie tofiir fiat was

picc on fie crosse w rfi b im. But wbanne fiei camen to j esus ,and sawen bimfianne deed, fiei broken not bis bipis. But oon of

fie bnygttis openede bis sidis"w tfi a spere, and anoon wente out

blood and water . And befiat sawe it bare w itnesse, and bis w it

nesse is treme and be woot fiat be sezfi soifi,for fiat ge sbulen

bzlw e. pespag e weren doon tof ulfille bolywr ifi ,3c sbulen not

breke a boon 9’ bim. And efte anofier wr itt sezfi, pei sbulen se

bim in wbomfiei piccbiden3.

Here shulen we knowe bat ofle God wole 00 cause , and man

anobir. For it semeb bat bes Jewis wolden be sikir of bes bree,bat bei shulden not flee swey, and herfore bei diden bus. God

caste for anober cende, for to telle bat his lawe, made of be

Paske lombe, bat bei shulden not breke his boones, figuride bis

Lomb of God. And here men noten over bis, bat Cristis

passioun was be moste bat mygte be in onyman, for manycansis bat weren in Crist. Cri stis wittis weren moost quik,

sib in be myddil age Crist sufi'

ride , and God ordeynede be joieof Crist not lette be wittis of his fleish, bat ne bei feeliden fulli

be peynes bat his bodi hadde 8. And so bis innocent feelide

welwhat sorowe bei diden his bodi. pe cros, be place , and be

tyme, aggregiden be peyne of Crist ; and unkyndenesse of his

kynde, and moost synne of hem bat alowen him. And so bislomb gaf his blood, bat is in bree places of man . And first he

gaf his blood b i scourging, bat was in be fleish of Crist ; sib he

gaf his blood of veynes, in his feet and in his bondis ; but last

he gaf blood of his herte, bat holdib moost preshious blood .

And bis blood was kept bymiracle, and movede whanne Cristwas deed, for herte blood springib of man as in his moste

propre place. And bis blood, wib the water, bitokeneb ful

M d“, E.

God ordained that the PK.“ prevent his bodilysenses from feel

Christ. as God. inO

sceomp mg to the full the pain and tormentthe work of redemption. should not of the cross.

nounces to

them the


evensong tyme, whanne it was leeve to worche on Sabot,

ordeyneden beir oynementis to anoynte Cristis bodi. And ful

cerli on be Sunday, bat was be first dayof be weke, fiei camen

tofie sepulcre, aboute risyng of be sunne . Dei weren comynge

on be even, and ordeyneden hem oynementis and token ber

inne’nyge be sepulcre , to be eerlybere at morewen . And we

supposen bei rysen ful eerly, aboute mydnygt, whanne dayb igynneb.

And lo, fier was maad a greet erfie dene, f or fie angel of fie

L ord cam doun f rom bevene and neigide be sepulcre of Crist,

and turnede awg' fie stoon, and sat fier on. And b is lobing was

as leigt, and bis clozfi was wbile as snowe. And be angelis face

like to Crist, tellib how be Lord is dredeful to shrewes, and be

whitenesse of his clobis tellib how Crist comfortib goode men .

And so,for drede (y'

fiis aungel, weren fies beper s af er d, and fiei

weren maad as dede. But fie angel answer ide, and seide to fies

wymmen,M le ge drede,f or Y woot fiat ge seben j esus , fiat was

piccbed up on fie crosse. He is not bere, for be is r isen ,as

be seide. Come ge, and se fie place wbere fie Lord was puttid.

And go ge soone, and seie to b i s di scipli s and P etrefiat be is r i sun

and lo, be sbai go bgfw e gou in to Galile fiere sbal ge se b im

lo, Y bave seid bifore to gMuse we not whanne C rist roos, but holde we stable bat he

roos upon be bridde day, bat was Sunday, to b igynne be dai

at mydnygt. And so men seien, bat Crist roos a‘ Sundayin

be morewenynge, and feeride be knygtis bat kopten his grave ,

bat his apostlis shulde not stele him. But bes knygtis tolden

to be citee , how C rist roos out of be grave , and howbei werenaferd for be rysyng of Crist, bus quyk, and be Jewis b ihigtenhem greet money, to feyne bis leesyng of Cristis disciplis, bat

bei camen upon be nygt, and stolen his bodi be while bei slepten.

And bes weren princes of preestis, bat feyneden bis leesyng bus

on Crist ; and bes knygtis weren coveitous, and token a greet

noumbre of money. But bis rysyng of Crist was knowun in

be citee , and al be loond. And, if God wole, bes hye preestisshulen not stoppe ober trewe men, bygyvyng of ber money,

’ ber yn.E.‘on , E.


and of greet benefices, for to telle not Cristis lyi ne his lawe,

bat ben agens hem. For treube mut algatis be known,however

pa Gosrn . on Es srm Moxsnu .

[ S E R M O N C L X X X I I ]

Ex disa'

pulis feste.—L IJ0. xxiv.

pts gospel tellib how Crist apperide on Paske glgj to two

disciplis . For he apperide ten tymes b ifore he styede into

hevene, and bis, wib witnesse of knygtis, sufiicide to prove bat

he was risun. Crist apperide fyve tymes upon bat Sundaybat

he roos, and oones to bes two disciplis, in the form bat Luk

tellib. Two of Cr istis di sciplis wenten on fiis Sundayto a castil

fiat was clepid Emaus , aboute six myle/ roj erusalem. And fies

m spaten togidere q/ allefies fiingi s fiat weren f allen. And it

was don, wbilefia’

f abliden, and sougten bitw ixe bem two,fie same

j esus cam nyg, and wente’ w zfi bem. And here toolis arguen

comunly, bat it is leveful to telle fablis, for bus diden bes two

disciplis, after bat Crist was risun to liif 8 . But graunte we first

to bes foolis, bat whanne men speken fablis bei fablen in ber

speche, and whanne bei fablen bei speken fablis ; and bus bes

two disciplis of Crist fabliden as bei shulden not, as apostlis

synneden ofte, after bat Crist was rison to liif ; but God forbede

bat herfore Cristene men have leve to synne. But sum men

seien bat fablyng is taken on two maneris ; first, for speche of

mannis dede bat is unknowun to ober men, bat sum men

graunten and sum men denyeh , for uncerteynte of be dede or

fable is to speke fablis ydely, as manydoon, and bis is algatis

yvel; sib Crist seib in be gospel, bat of ech ydilword bat men

‘ So E gA has disciplis.’om. E.

‘ So in E o m.

3 From misunderstanding the difficultywhich has no realexistence .

‘ fabularentur'

of the Vulgate. (Gr. The Wycl. Versions, instead of

b n o“

mm, Wyclif has raised a‘ fabliden.

rightlyrender, talkiden .

The sln and


speken, shulen bei rekene at be dayof dome . Des disciplisspuken of bileve, but God woot whet bei synneden.

But fier igen weren bolden, fiat fiei knewen not j esus . And

Cleopbas, and seide to bim,Artfiou aloon a pilgrym in j erusalem,

and bastfiou not bnowun wbatfiingi s ban ben done in fiat citeefies

da ies 2 As who seib, no pilgrym in Jerusalem shulde unknowe

bis ; ghe, gif a pilgrym were him aloone, for comune speche batwas of Crist. And Cr ist seide to fies di saplzs, Wbat fi zngi s 2

bierste preestis and oure princis bitraieden bim, and dampneden

b im tofie defi , andpiccbiden bim onfie cros. But we bopidenfiat

be was/or to 612 I srael; and now , upon allefies fi ingis, to day is

fie fir idde dayfiatfiesfiingis weren done. Bat and summe vym

sepulcre andfiei f ounden not bis bodi , and camen, and seiden us

fiatfiei seen a sigt of aungels,fiat sgmfiat Crist livefi . And summe

of aur is wenten tofie sepulcre, andfounden so as fiem men seiden,

but fiei f ounden not b im. And Cr ist seide to bem, Of oolis, and

Wber it bibovede not Cr ist sufi efires , and so entren into b isglor ie 2And b i bis gospel taken many, bat bes disciplis failiden in

bileve,not aloonli for bei fabliden of bingis bat bei shulden wel

bileve, but for bei hOpiden sich bing be which bei shulde b ileve ;and speciali for Crist clepide hem toolis and slowe for to trowe ,

and Crist mai not reprove men, but whanne bei don amys. And

bus, as Petir synnede aftis sendyng of be Hooli Goost, so besdisciplis synneden in rigt trowyng of b ileve. And bus shulden

bes foolis shame to gyve hem to siche fablis, for bes disciplis

fabliden ’ in bing bat bei shulden b ileve.

And j esus bigan at M oises , and alle propbetis bat toola of

him, and expozvnede unto bem in alle scr iptur is fiat weren of b im.

Andfiei camen nyg tofie castil wb idir fiei wenten, bat was a wallid

toun,and Cr ist/eyncde b im to goflrfiere, and bis was soib bat

C rist wente ferbere . And fiei constreyneden bim,and seiden

, Sire,

50 E ; A has unbnowun . bysst, E.


pa Tswrsmu Gosrn . m be Ensrm wan .

[ S E R M O N C L X X X I I I . ]

Stetxt j esus in media—Loo. xxiv.

Lox tellib how Jesus apperide to his disciplis, to conferme

ber b ileve bat he was risen to liif. pis gospel seib, and Joonbobe , howj esus stood infie myddil q/ bis dim


pli s, and setde to bem,

P ees be to gou . And bis maner he badde ofle ; for myddil

persone in Godhede, and bis pesible king, heeld ofte bis myddil

place, and seide ofte bis word of confort. For pees is cende of

alle mannis werkes , bat ech man mut nedis desire ; and gif man

have be laste pees, he is fulli blessid of God. Y am, sezfi Cr ist;ryle ge drede. And bes two ben wordis of confort, for be firste

tellib his Godhede , and be tober how bis manheed is quykened .

But what man shulde drede ougt, be while he hab sich a maistir ?

But apostlis, disturblid and aferd,gessidcnfiatfiei seen a spirit.

And Cr ist seide to bem, Wbat ben ge trublid, andfiougtis camen up

in goure ber tis 2 See ge myn bondis and myfeet,for Y amfie sa

man ; grape ge and see for a spir it bafi nougtfleisb and boones ,

ge seen me bave. And wbanne be badde seidefiisfiing, be sbew ide

bem b i s boondis and bi s side. And git mbile fiei trow iden notf ulli ,and woundr idenfor j oie, Cr ist seide , Han ge bere ongt fiat sbulde

be etun 2 Andfiei oj'

r iden to bim a par t of roostid fisbe, and an

bony comb. And wbanne be badde eten byore bem, be take fie

remenaunt and gaf to bem. And be seide to bem, pes benfie wordis

fiat Y spab to gou, git wbanne Y was w zfi gou. For he toke his

twelve apostlis, and wente up to Jerusalem,and tolde hem how

he shulde die bere, and rise upon be bridde day. Andf or it is

nedef ul allefiingis bef ulfillid,fiat ben w r itun in M oises lawe, and

in propbeti s, and psalmys, of me,—myche more it is nedeful be

fulfillid bat Y have seide. panne be openede bem w itt, fiat fiei

sbulden undirstonde booli w r itt. And be seide to bem,For it i s

w r itun fius , and fins muste Cr i st nedis suf re, and r i sef ro deefi on

bis. E. sygen, E.


fi h’fddl dai, and be precbid in bis namepenaunce and

f orw ng

And here mai we pleynlysee, how Crist seib bat alle bingisbat ben writun of him moten nedis be. And so, sib al bing batshal be is writun in be book of liif, it mut nedelingis be for be

tyme bat God hab ordeyned it. And here men donten comunli,

what fel of be meet bat Crist cet, and how a bodi bat is blessid

mygte etc on be manere bat we doon. Here men trowen as

bileve, batCrist eet verrily, for no jogelyng ne falseheed was onytyme in Crist. And so we supposen bis mete wente fro his moubto his stomak and how bis mete was avoidid, we b isien us not

to wite but‘

we trowen bat it was not turned into C ristis bodi,

but avoidid on honest maner, as it is lykyng to God bat it

passe. And gif bis was Ober maner of etyng ban men eten here

comunly, nebeles it shewide bat Crist was be same man bat he


[ S E R M O N C L X X X I V. ]

M ani/Estavit se j ams—JOHN irxi. [L ]

Joorr tellib in bis gospelhow Jesus shewide him to his dis

ciplis, after be tyme bat he was risen. j esus sbew ide b imfius at

fie watir of Tiber iadis. And fier weren togidere at fi is sbew ing

seven di scipli s of Cr ist Symount P etre, and I bomas , fiat is

clepid Didimus, and Natbanael,fiat was of a toun q/ Galile, and

James and Joon , Z ebedees sones, and two ofiir (y’

Cr isti s disciplis.

Symowu’Petre sezfi to bem,Y gofor to fisbe. Dei seyn to bim,

And we camen w zfi fiee. And fiei wenten out, and stiedcn into

a mp, and 1m nygtM token nougt. And wbannefie morewenyngwas ma d, j esus stood in fie brynbe nefieles fie disczplis bnezven

notfianne fiat it was j esus. perfore j esus sezfi to bem, Cbildren,

ban ge my! sowvel’t bat is, mete to make potage, and to medle

among potage. Dei answer iden to Crist, Nay. Cr ist seide to

‘ So E z om. A.’ So E ; A has Manistavie. ' M , E.


bem, Sende gefie net onfie m’

gt side of gour rorepmg, and ge sbulcn

itf or multitude offisbi s. And fianne seid fiat disciple fiat j esuslovede unto Petre, I t isfie L ord; as gif Joon wolde seie to Petre,Dis man is Jesus bat stondib gendre

lon be banke. Symount

P etre, wbanne be badde berd fiatfi is man wasfie Lord j esus , be

girde b im in a cote,—for be was bzf ore nabid,—and puttide b im

intofie waterfor to comefins to Cr ist. But ofier disaplis comen

bi fie boot,f or fiei weren notf er f rofie land, but as it were two

And asfiei camen doun tofie lond,fiei sawen boot coolisput, and

fisbeput on bem, and ebefiei sawen a loaf . And j esus seide to bem,

Bryng of fiefisbesfiat ge ban tabe now . Symount P etre wente uptofie Iond, and drowgfie nett in tofie lond,f ul of gr etefisbes, an

bundr id andfifi andfiree and git, wbflefiei wer en so many,fie

nett was not broben wib hem. j esus sezfi to bem, Come ge and etc.

And noon q/‘

tbe menfiat eeten dursten ax e bim,Wbat ar tfiou,for

fiei misten fiat be was fie Lord. And j esus cam, and gaf bembr eed, and fisbe also. And fiis fir idde bone was j esus sbewid to

bis dz'


plis,f rofiat be was r isenf ro deed.Here men noten manywordis ; for bis gospel is fii l of witt.

First, how Petre wente agen to fishing, but Mathew not to his

tolrie ’ ; for be firste craft is leveful, and be tober nedib to synne.

And men supposen bat Petre badde of borowyng bobe bootand nett

, and bes disciplis camen togidere, and badde werk and

fish in commune. But bes two fishingis of Petre figuren two

manere ofmen bat ben convertid unto Crist. Summe breken

be nett, and tumen to be water, and aftirward ben dammed in

helle and bes ben figurid bi Petris fishing, bat was b ifore batCrist sufl


ride. And bus tellib be gospel, bat Petre fishide til be

nett brak, bifore bat Crist was deed ; but bis fishing figuribmen

bat shulen laste to blis, and bes men mai not breke be nett, algif

bei ben manyand grete . For bei comen to be lond of liif, and

breken not bus Goddis beestis. And bus, for Crist was in blis ,and was passid his weye in erbe, berfore he stood on be loud ,and neiber rowide , ne wente on be water. And git he mygte , gif

he had wold, gon3on be water, as he dide before ; but he

lM s E. W ‘OM .E.


bim, and Y sbal tabe bimficnnes , and bus he shal not be chargions

to bis gardyn. j esus sezfi to bir , M ar ia . And so she knewe bi

vois and name bat bis persone was Jesus, and sbe was turned,

and seide to bim, Kabany,fiat i s to seie, M aistir . And it semeb

bat she wolde have kist Cristis feet as b ifore. j esus sesfi to b ir ,

M iefiou toucbe me,for git Y bave not steied to myf adir .

Marie lovede here fleishli Crist ; and he was not steyed in her

herte as a bodi glorified, as he shal be after assencioun. And

bifore bis ascencioun shal he not be fleishly tretid, for b i his

ascensioun his body shal be goostlyknowun, and not b i sich

fleishlykissyng as Marie wolde have kissid Crist. Derfore go

fiou tomy brefieren, and set? to bem,Y steic to myf adir and to gour

f adir , to myGod and to gour God. Here Crist spak homelyb i

his manheed as he shulde, for be Trinite is bus his fadir, and he

hab a God as we han. And bus he shewide his broberheed, and

tellib bat bei shulen aftir be blessid. And ber/ bre cam M ar ie

M awdelg'n, and tolde to disaplis fiat sbe sawefie Lord, and fies

fiingis seide be to bir .

PE Farm s GOSPEL m bx Ess'

rrR wsxs .

[ S E R M O N C L X X X V I . ]

Undecim discipuli abierunt. xxviii. [r

MATHEW tellib how Crist apperide in Galile to his disciplis.

Enleven di sciplis wenten into Galile, into an b il wbere j esus ar

deynede bem. Andfiei sgynge bim loutx'

den b im, but summe doutiden.

And b isie we us not here, wher bes enlevene disciplis weren

apostlis, or what bing bei doutiden here, sib Thomas, ferrest frobileeve, trowide bifore bat Crist was risun. Wel we witen bat

men mai doute where bis be Crist, and git b ileve bat Crist is

risun fro dede, algif we witen not which is he.

And j esus cam 193, and spake to bem, and seide, Al power is

govun tome in bevene and in erfie‘. I t semeb to sum men bat bes

wordis weren seid of be manheed of Crist, and bat he hab, after

So rightlyE ; A excludes the whole sentence from the quotation.


his tip-risyng, a maner of power, bobe hevenli and erbeli, bobe

in doweris of his bodi, and in worching of his Chirche . For

C rist mut nede ab ide his tyme to worche, bobe in hevene and

in erbe. And strive we not aboute bis word, bat be same power

of his manheed mygte now have worchid bus and now bus,aftis bat his tyme axib. Welwe witen as oure b ileve , bat Crist

ln b al sich power ; and bes wordis weren wel seide here, to bat

witt bat God meneb.

Whanne Chist hab confortid his disciplis of his power bat he

hab, he enjoyneb hem an oflice to alarge his Chirche here.

perfore go ge, setfi Gnu,and leobe ge alle befiene men, and cr istene

ge bear in fie name offie Fadir , of fie Sone, and of fie Holi Goost.

And tsebe ge bem to bepe allefiingis, wbatever Y bave beden gou

and lo, Y am w zfi gou in alle da ies, tofie end offie world. Here

mai we see how Crist worchib dyversely, for dyverse tymes ; for

sum tyme he b iddib his apostlis go not out into be heben mennisweye , and here he biddib bat bei shulen go and teche alle

manere of hebene men. But wel we witen bat bes wordis

reversen no bing hemsilf ; for, as clerkis seyn, contradiccioun is

of be same bing in be same tyme ; as , now spekib a man to me,and now he is stille and fer fro me. Sum men seien, bat Crist

bad men go not out into bis weye , for he wolde bat bei pas

siden not resoun, ne token be weyof bobene men. And bus

C rist wolde bat his Chirche growede fro a litll flok to manyflok and first he wolde bat it were litil, and sib more, as ski]

Men musen aftir, how apostlis cristeden ’ men in be name

of Crist, sib C rist tellib here be fourme to cristen, in bename of be Trinite . But here seien wise men, bat neiber Crist,ne his apostlis, chargiden not siche wordis so myche as beididen vertues and dedes. And so, to maken Crist more knowun,

be apostlis baptisiden wel in bis word ; and bei hadden lore of

God to do as bei shulden, for dyverse tymes. But men donten

ferbere-more, how Cristis manheed mai be til domesdayb i al

bis world, sib he is oonlynow in heven. But here men seyu

comunli, bat Crist is everywhere bi his Godhede, and bi man

heed wibhis apostlis and her suters, tildomesday. And bis is gret

fals .E ; and this seems rather the best read ing.



confa t mhem.mbe stali e in ba dedk ; fu bis ofi ce bat Cristh b gonm hem mygm not ell


s be pa formyd . Lord l sib an

erbeli kyng is bobe li verme and power li alle places of his

m m dmkle bis acorde to C ris-t. Cr'

s t hab manym a s of bd ng m hb m mg as d u kh knowen. And so

algafis bis is sob, bat unto be dn°

e of dmne he is wib ech part of

” Sam u Gosrn nt ba l-Zasrm m a.

[ S E R M O N C L X X X V I I .]

Una Sabati .—Jo. xx‘. [L ]

in sekinge of Jes us bodi, and how Petre and Joon diden. Defirste dg r after fie Sabot, bat was on be Sunday, cam M ari e

sezfi to be”h pei ban taben myLord / ro fie sepulcre, and Y not

wber fiei ban don bim. And beffare P etre and f oon wenten out,

badde bawid b im, be saw lynnen clofiis of Crist leide aside, but be

fie sepulcre, and sawe fies lynnen clofiis leid biside, andfie sudor ic

saw , and bileevede. For git fiei bnewen not booli wr itt, fiat Cr ist

Here men seien comunli bat Joon figuride be synagoge , and

Petre be hebene men bat camen after to b ileve. But Joonwolde not entre in be tumbe for Jewes, for a litil part camen

in to bileve of Crist, and be more stood wibouten. Petre entride

So ri

sbtlyE and Q A has Lab. xxiv., tly confounding this

gospel a n that for theQsecond Wednesdayallerg en p. 145.

fi re m en


bE m e Farm s arr rx EEs'rrR WERE.

[ S E R M O N C L X X X I X ]

Ex ierunt mulieres.—Man . xxviii. [8 ]

D18 gospel tellib how bat Crist apperide eft to bes wymmen.

Mabew seib bat,Des wymmen wenten out cy’

fie sepulcre, w zfi drede

and mycbe j oie. But bis was alone drede, for bei b ileveden bat

Crist was tisun, and bat he was bobe God and man , but bei

dredden what veniaunce God wolde take for bis synne. But

fiei runnen to telle bis disa'

plis and lo, j esus cam agens bem, and

seide, Heil be ge. And fiei camen nyg, and belden bisf eet. and

lowtiden bim. Donne seide j esus to bem, Alyle ge drede go ge,

and telle ge my brefieren fiat fiei gon in to Galile,f or fier sbulen

And wbannefies wymmen wenten forfi , lo, summe of fie bnygttis

fiat beptenfie sepulcre camen in to fie citee, aird teldenfie pr inci s qfpr eestis allefizngisfiat weren doon (f Cristis resurreccioun. And

fies pr incis, geder id w zfi eldere men of j ew is, taken a counceil, and

govunfie bnygtis mycbe moneye and seiden tofies bnygtis, Seie ge,b i s di sciplis camen onfie nygt, and stolen b is bodi, wbile ge sleep/en

And gif fiis be berd of P ilat, we sbulengreewtfi’ bim

,and make gou

sibir . Andfies bnygttis toben fiis many,and diden as fiei weren

taugt and fiis word i s publisbid among fie [ ewes til fiis dai.

AS bis lesyng Sprong of preestis, so lesyngis spryngen to day;to bigynne at be hye preest, and go bi preestis of his sort.

And asit semeb to manymen bis gabbing smatchib blasfemye,and so it semeb grevouser ban was bis gabb ing of princis of

Jewes. For bei gabbiden on Cristis bodi, but bes gabben agens

his Godhede. Dei seien bat bei soilen men bobe of peyne and

of synne ; and git summe sich ben Goddis traitours, bat God

jugib to be dampned. For bes bat bus disseyven be puple

blasfemen agens God. And bus in lawis and in bullis ben

gabbingis bicke sowen ; and freris, clerkis of bis prince, han

sum part in bis crafte.

slepten. E. So E ; om. A. assoylen. E.

wvcu r'





[ S E R M O N C X C ]

Una Sabati.—LUC . xxiv. [L ]

Drs gospel tellib how Crist apperide , after tyme bat he was

deed. Luk tellib, On fie Sunday nex t, after be sabot of Jewis,a rli and in fie grgy day, camen wymmen to se fie sepulcre,


nginge fie garmentis fiatfiei bodden maad redi. And so bes

wordis ofMark, bat bes wymmen camen to be sepulcre whanne

be sunne was risun, moten be wel undirstonden. Sum men

seien bat bei camen ofte, and ofte wenten agen. Mark tellibof bis comyng, bat bei camen at be sunne risynge ; but Luk

tellib of be first comyng, bat bei camen on bis Sunday; and bis

semebmore lik to soib, ban bat bei tarieden bi be wey, til bat be

sunne was tisun ; for love was spore to bes1wymmen, to make

hem to haste faste. And fieif oundun fiis grete stoon turnedf ro

be date of fie grave. And fiei, comynge in, founden not fie bodi

of fie Lord j esus. And it f elle, wb ile fiei weren astonyed in fieir

mynde of fiis, lo, two men standen biside bem, in sbynyng cloifi ,

and bes two men weren two angels. And wb ile fiei dr edden ,

and castiden doun fier f ace to fie erfie, be angelis seiden to bem,

Wbat seben gefie lyzyng among deed men ? He i s not ber e, now

in bodi, but be i s r isun fienbe ge bozo be spak w zfi gou, git wbanne

be was in Galile, and seide, fiat manni s sone mut be bitrayed in

0W u] mennis bondis, and be pitcbid upon fie cros, and r ise on

fiefir idde day. And fiei badden mynde qf Cr isti s wordis, andfiei

turneden agen f ro fie s¢ulcre, and tolden alle fies to fie enlevene,

bat weren apostlis, and to alle ofier . And fies wymmen wer en

M ar ie M awdelgrn, and anober womman was foam,and M ar ie

j ames modir , and ofiir vymmen fiat weren w zfi bem, fiat seiden

fiesfirings} to apostli s. And so it semeb bi bes wordis bat here

weren fyve wymmen at be leste. And fies mordis weren scmyng

So E ; A has bis.



tofies men, as fici werenfouned wordis, for wymmen, whanne bei

ben afl'

rayed, speken ofte wordis out of witt, and fies disciplis

trow iden not bem. And P etre r oos, and ran to fie grave, and

wente awg', wundr inge bi bim silf fiatfi ing was doon

And here men seien comunly, bat Crist apperide here to

Petre, Whanne he wente bi him silf ; but, for he wantib obir

witnesse, berfore bis gospel tellib it not. But be gospel tellib

bat Crist apperide to Petre ; and it is liclybat in bis tyme. And

of bis gospel it semeb Opyn, bat bes wymmen trowiden wel

bat Crist was risen fro deeb b ifore be apostlis, as Petre, or Joon,

or onyOber. Crist shewide him goostli to his modir, and telde

hir how he was t isun. Marie M awdeleyn wiste not git alle be

treubis of bis uprisyng, but badde doute of manyober, as itsemeb of Joones gospel. And so Petre and Joon passiden beswymmen soone aftir in manypointis ; but bes wymmen trowiden

to be aungels, bat Crist was risen and was alyve.


[ S E R M O N C X C L ]

CW «mg, Drs gospel tellib how Crist taugte Joones disciplis b ifore

Cristis deb. Mathew seib, bat Joones disciplis camen to Jesus,and ox idenfiis guestioun, Wb i we and Pbar iseesf asten of te, butfii

disciplisf asten not2 And j esus seide to bem,Wber cbildren of fie

spouse maymoorne, as longe as fie spouse is wzfi bem 2 But fier

sbulen come da ies , wbanne fie spouse sbal be takenf rom bem,and

fiannefiei sbulenf aste. For no manputttfi a clout of a strong clotfiinto an oold clozfi,f or it sbal tabe aweyfief ulnesse offie newe cloifi ,

and fier is m ad a wers brekyng. And men putten’not newe

wyn into oold botelis ellisfie botelis ben broken, and fie tram i s

botelis, and bofie ben bept.‘of bat byng bat was done.E.

’ So E ; A has ine pauib.



be housebonde'of holi Chirche . And gif a spouse do a wor

ship to her housebonde , for he is beter, myche more be Chirche

and her membris shulden do worship to C rist. And fiis3myj oie

i sf ulfillid. He mut wex , and Y mut wanese 3. And so Joonesfame muste wexe for a tyme , and Cristis be hid ; and afte r be

fame of Crist muste creese , and be fame of Joon wexe lasse .

For Joon was ordeyned for bis cende , to bringe in be name of

C rist ; and whanne he hab do bis oflice, he muste ceesse of bis

maistirship. For as bristil bryngib in be breed, and knyttib not

be leber wibinne , so Joones penaunce brougte Crist in, but Joonis not be grace bat knittib. He fiat comefif rom above is above

alle befiat i s of fie erfie spebzfi of fie erfie5; be fiat is camenf rom

bevene is above alle. And fiatfiing fiat be bafi seen and berd,be

w itnesszfi , and no man,to regarde, tabzfi w itnesse of bim. But be

fiat tabzfi bis w itnesse, bafi ma rbed fiat God is trewe. It semeb

bat Joon wolde seie , bat Crist is bobe God and man, and bus he

cam from hevene , and he leeveb not to be in hevene , algif he

toke mannis kynde , and is maad lesse ban angelis. And bus

men ben myche to blame , bat trowen not to Cristis word . For

be wbam God bafi fius sent, spebzfi wordis of God ; but what man

of bileve wolde not trowe to Goddis wordis ? And so manyben

out of bileve bis dayin be Chirche, for bei trowen to sensible

wordis , and Ober signes bat men maken, but unsensible wordis

ofGoddis Sone, bat mai not passe , bei trowen litil or nougt, but

putten bes wordis b ihynde . And bis is an untreube agen be

firste commaundement.

For not in mesure gyoefi God spir it. For God gyveb be Hooli

Goost, bat is w ibouten mesure myche ; and hise giftis b en not

mesurid b i man , algif symonyens mesuren ber grace , and gyven

pleyner‘absolucion, and more sufi


ragies for more money“. But

SO E ; boss-bonds , A .

3 in bis, E.3

br isul, E.

3So in E ; the words He bat comeb—erbe are excluded

from the quotation in A . planer , E.

0 The indulgences of which the them. But the same indulgencesfriars had the d istribution carried m


ht also be applied per mod um

with them the plenary or partial “fin ger. ‘Suflragrum,

as expla inedabsolution of sin. so far as the tem b Fem ris and one of his la ter

poral punishment due to it was con'

tors in his useful Biblioebeca . is

cemed. to the persons ob taining the spiritual aid which one believer


siben bes ben nawfragies, wel is him bat b ieb not. For Joon seibhere, bat no man mai take ou3t but of God ; and sib bes prelatis

ben of erbe , be i speken of erbe, and ofte fals. Defadir lovefi fiesome, s ib he is be same God, and gaf allefiingis in b isfiozoer , as

alle bingis ben Cristis Hefiat bilevefi in fie sane, bafi tiff fiat

aye sbal laste and befiat i s unbilevef ul tofie sane, sbal not .se fie

bli s of bevene, but Gaddis ire dwd ltfi upon bim3. And sib bes

wordis of Baptist, put biside wordis of popis, ben so contrarie

togidere , bei moten have contrarie endis. But git Baptist was

more to God ban alle bes popis bat speken bus.

ON b: bxmnz a ar ar'

rm Ensma wan .

[ S E R M O N c x a ]

veni in mundum.—JOHN xu.

p18 gospelof Jon tellib how C rist seib Baptistis sentence , and ("m st thc luzhto f the world .

for what ende he cam doun , and he 3 profitib to his Chirche .

For bis turtil discordib not from obere foulis of hevene,but b i

lownesse and meekenesse he singib wel undir hem . I ligt, sezfiCri st, cam intofie world, fiat ecb man fiat trow zfi fier inne dwelle

not in derbnease. Crist is ligt bi his Godheed bat noon here mai

dwelle wib ; but bis ligt is sumwhat shadewid b i be manheed bat

he hab takun. And so be ende wherfore C rist is man,is pro

fitable to his Chirche , sib men han bi C rist grace to trowe in

him, bobe God and man . First, men mai se his manheed, and

So E ; A includes the clause in the quotation. So in E ; the

words Ila—bim are excluded from the quota tion in A . om . E.


ords to another for the sake of mortui : istis itaqne conceduntur per

obtaining from God a remission of madam suf ragii.’ Wyclif means

the temporal punishment due to sin. that the friars taught the people ,I t was in this form that indulgences tha t the more moneytheygave themwere a lied for the benefit of the for pious , or ostensiblypious , objects.dead. or Indulgentiae non con the more indulgences theygained.cednntur mortuis per modum judicii applicable byw ayo f suffrage to the

et nheolutionis , quia Eccles ia exercere spiritual benefit of their friends and

judicinm nequit in illos , qui suae relatives , whether living or dead .

jurisdictioni non subjacent, ut sunt

His vord ahd l


b ileve bat bobe it and his Godhed ben o persoone of God, and

lyve after lore of bis persone. And so bis ligt hab out of men

derknesse of synne, bat ellis wolde shende hem. And as manymen in umbre seen betere ban men in greet ligt, so meke men

in bis ligt seen betete ban men in worldli lygt. For men bat

seen bis li; t of heven moten nedis be lowe, and se it in umb re.

And bus it semeb bat manyprelatis, for bei ben hye in ber sigt,for bei trowen not in Crist, ben blynde bi glorie of bis world.

And317 anyman beere mywordis, and kepe bem not, I j age bimnot f or Y cam not to j uge fie world, bat/ hr to save fie world.

Here C rist takib jugement for ri3t jugyng to peyne, and spekibof his manheed for tyme bat he wandrib here. For as Crist, b i

his Godhede, jugib even wib be Fadir, so bi his manhede he

jugib at be d'

ai of dome. Hefiat dewz'

szfi me, and tab} not mywordis, bafi a j uge fiatj ngzfi bim, forfie wordfiat Y bave spoken

sbalj nge b im infie laste day. And bis word is in beyng 3be

blessid God in Trinite. For Y bave not spoken of myself; butfie

f adir fiat sente me, be gaf me a mandement, wbat Y sbal seie,and

wbat Y sbal speke. For Crist mygte not, b i his manheed, neiber

erre in bou3t ne in speche ; for he muste nedis seie in his soule

bat bat his Fadir bad him seie . And3Y woot fiat fie f adr ismandement is liif everlastinge, and fier/ore fiingis fiat Y speke, I

speke so as myf adir seide to me. And hereinne shulde ech man

sue Crist, to Speke and do bat God biddib and gif he be con

tsasie herto, he synneb, difi'

ormed fro Cristis wille. And so al

bat God had Abraham shulde he do, and dide myche ; but God

bad him not sle his sone, but ofl'

re him and so he dide. And

bus in bingis bat ben to do, shulde man speke and do mekely,

evere redyfor to do what ever God wole bat he do. But gif

God wole bat he do not bis for bis tyme, git God wole bat he

do it, ; if he shulde, for anober tyme, do bis after Geddis wille.

SO E ; A has biying.

‘ So E z u ndc.A.

’ So E ; A ex

eludes from the quotation.

3 That is, essentially.


pa rovsbs Farm s GOSPEL AFTIR Eas '

rrR warts .

[ S E R M O N c x c v . ]

Filiali mei adbue modicum—JOHN xiii. [33

prs gospel tellib how Crist spak to his disciplis on Shire

Dursdai. M eb ildr en, se ib Crist, git I am a litil gone we} gon.

3e sbulen sebe me, and as Y seide tofie j ew is, Wbidir Ygo ge maynot come, but to gou Y seie now . Crist seide to be Jewis, bat beimygten never come to hevene, but he seide to his disciplis bat

bei mygten now comen. For sib alle bingis moten nedis be ,

apostlis moten dwelle git hereafter, and edifie holi Chirche , as

Crist hab enjoyned hem.

A newe mandementY gyve to gou,fiat ge loven togidere as Ybave loved gou, gbe, fiat ge loven togidere. Crist gyveb here en

sample to hise , bat bei shulden bus love togidere, as Crist lovede

hem ; and banne bei procuren not to hem worldli worship and

worldlyriches. For Crist loveds hem not bus , as he shewide

in James and joon. And in bis newe maundement failen popis

and ober prelatis, for bei loven men bat bei clepen beir frendisto fatte dignities in be Chirche. And sib bis was ende of C ri s tis

love , whi bat he loveds his apostlis , bat bei mygten have en

sample of Crist to love togidere as he loveds hem,it is greet

synne among bes prelatis to love bus fleishlyber frendis for it

is not verri love , but raber hate of hem ; for ech good love of

man mut be ensamplid of Cristis love . And here ben many

prestis grounded, bat for love of C rist bei wishen and worchen,

bat clerkes wanten worldli lordship ; for in bis forme C rist

loveds apostlis, and he b iddib us bus love togidere. And here

mai we see how preestis ben knyt togidere in harmful hate ; for

siche worldli love of hem is contrarie to C ristis love . But

nebeles C rist seib, I n fiis sbulen alle men know e gou fiat ge ben mydi sa


plis, gif ge ban love togider e. Here mai we see opynly, what

man loveb be Chirche b i love bat Crist lovede his apostlis .

Symount P etr e sezfi to Cr ist, Sire wbidir goist fiou r’

j esus an


w ide to bias, Wbidir fiat o fiou mai st not sne me naw , bat


rwardfioa sbalt sue me Here men taken of bis tixt, how

bei shulden love be Chirche, and procure to it b i charite bat it

kepe Cristis ordenance . For worldli love, contrarie herto, is

nyebe hate bat Crist forfendib as3i_f_ a man wolde . fede a

knowun here, for worldlynesse bat men ben inne.

pa Montana: Gosrm. m PRocs ssrol WERE.

[ S E R M O N c V L ]

Qui t vestrnm babebit amioum.—LUC. xi.

pm gospel tellib bi opyn resoun how bat Crist mut love his gam e?children. Luk tellib how Jesus seide to his disciplis bis en

sample ; Wbieb of gou sbal bave af rend, and sbal go to b im at

mydeygt, and sbal sei eto bim, Frend, lenefiou mefire loves ,j br my

f rend is coman out q/fie w e to me, and [ bave not metefiat l sbal

putte s bre b im. And be wib /nne answ er inge seie, M lefion be

bevy to me, now fie dore is sb itt, and my eb ildr en ben in bedde wlfime Imay not r ise and gyve tofie. And be laste bnoebinge, I

seie to303, algif be sbal not gyve b im and r i se,f or fiatfiat be i s bis

f rend, nefielesf or bis sbrew idnesse, and noye bat be frend mahibhim, be sbal r i se and gyve b im looves, as manye as bim nedzfi ,

sib he shulde have more anoye to dwelle stille in his bed. And

I seie to gou, seib Crist, Ax e ge, and it sbal be govun to gou sebe

ge, and ge sbal/j a de bnoebe ge, and it sbal be openyd to3014. For

erb man fiat ax sfi tabzfi , and be fiat sebififyndefi , and it sbal be

opened to bimfiat bnoebzfi . For wbicb (f gou ax tfi b i sf adir breed,and wber be sbal gyve bim a stoon ? Or i/ be ax e a figsb wber

be sbal gyve bien an eddirfor fiefigsb ) Or if be ax e an ey, wber

be sbal dressse bim a seorpioun P perfor if ge, szfi ge beyuele,

l So in E ; om. A.

’ bis, E.

3fiscbe, E.

0 From the earliest times the cession, on the R0 tion days. SeeLitan ies used to be chanted bythe Bingham

s Antiq. lee. xiii. r, n .

clergyand faithful, walking in pro

kudos: tot lilen rehy.


(ybevene sbal gyve a good spirit to menfiat ax en bim. For God

is more lovynge, more merciful, and more ftc to gyve hise sones,

ban men maybe to gyve her children anygoodis.

It is seid comunli bat mannys frend comynge from be weie,is mannys spirit bat is wageringe

laboute desiir ofworldli biagis .

But whanne bis Spirit seeb b i resoun bat bis is bisynesse and no

profit, banne it turnebagen to be man, and axibhim foode medefulto him. Dis man comeb at mydnygt to God, bat az ib himderknesse of synne, bifore he be purgid of lustfulWillis bat hehab had in be world. For clerkis seyn, bat where mannys spirit

is, bere he is, sib he is bat Spirit ; and filosofris seien over, bat

mannys spirit is where evere his afi'

ecioun is. And bus seibPoul bat his conversacioun is in hevene, as ouren shulde be .

Des children ben in be bed wibman, bat ben in reste of hevene

wibGod, and maynot ryse and disserve to man, as prelatis bat

serven here to ber breberen. Dis lastinge knocking is purgingofman bat hab lyved synfully; bis improbite to bis purpos is

just tariyng of God, to gyve to man bat is unable bingis pro

fitable to him. Des bre loovys ben bre knowingis bat man habof be Trinyte ; as ech knowing of an article of bileeve is clepid

a loof.

And bus bat man of be world gyveb a stoon instide”of breed,

bat instide of articlis of be troube gyveb doctrinal conclusiouns

bei ben stable in trube everlastinge, but bei fedeu not mannys

soule. He gyveb a serpent to mannys soule instide of a figsh,

bat gyveb b isi werkes of be world bat venemyn men as an eddre.

And so figshis ben medeful werkis, for to gete be blisse of

hevene ; and serpentis ben bisie werkis, to gete here worldli

welfare. Dat man gyveb a scorpioun in be stide of an ey, bat

gyveb worldli frendship or love for love or frendship in God .

For such worldli frendship mote stynge a man at be laste, but

love in Crist lastib evere , til bat it hab brougt a man to blis.

And bus, if we taken good hede, worldli frendis serven bus men ,

bitwixe whom be i seien is frendship and love , for ber jugement is

And bus be pOpis, and Ober prelatis, gyven ofte to ber fleishli

in etu de. E.


ygen into beven, and seide, Fadir , M e is comun elar ifie fiou fii

sone, fiatfii sone clarejiefie as fiou bast govanfii sone pozoer ofaljleisb —as who seie, Clarifie bi sone , as bou hast govun him

power of almankinds—fiat alfiing fiatfiou bast govun to b im,


gyve bem liif w zfiouten ende. As who seie, Mankynde, of which

bi sone hab power, is dividid in two partis ; 0 part shal be

dampned, aneber shal be saved ; and in bobe bes two partisshal shyne power and mercyof Crist. Crist shal gyve beingwibouten ende to bobe bes two partis, but be firste part shal bedampned, and shal be st0ppid in helle, and lyve in ful justpeyne, bi be grace of Jesus Crist. So if bei weren led wibresoun, bei shulden be fayu of bis peyne, for bis plesib to God ,and to alle seintis bat ben in love. And it were moche more

peyne bat bei weren in hevene wib bis synne, wibouten anyobir

peyne, ban is peyne bat bei now han. For filbe bat be world

badde banne were in bes synful men in hevene , and so bei

mooten nede be da pned, for fairnesse of Goddis rigt. And

be firste part of bis word tellib all bis sentence, how dampned

men, st0ppid in helle , ban fairness of Goddis rigt. But it

is not Cristis maner to clepe bis, liif wibouten ende , algif a

sofistre wolde graunte bat bei lyven wibouten ende. But be

secunde part of mannys kynde , bat is sprad in brood bevens , is

toold in be secunde part of bis word bat Crist hab spokun . So

bat be ende whi be Fadir gaf Crist power of bes, is , bat C rist

gyve hem liif in blis wibouten ende. And bobe bes partis beno bing, for bei ben mankinde hool.

And so al hool mankinde, bobe saved men and dampned ,

gymn han beyng of Crist wibouten ende, but on two maners. And so

men construen bes wordis to double entent — and first bus, bat

al mankinde bat Crist hab have beyng wibouten ende , but be

bettere part of bis kynde ben bei to whom God gyveb blis. Desecunde grammer of bis word hab anober undirstonding, bat al

bat is govun to Crist, into oonhede of his persone , gyve blis

wibouten ende to seintis bat ben in hevene . For bobe Godhedeand manhede of Crist is oonheede of hooli Chirche, and bis

heed gyveb blis to ech memb re of bis Chirche .

cm ; d ec lares And fi is is fie blis/ ill Iii] , to knowe fiee, oon ver ry God , andthatHe Is God .

3m , E.


byt efiatfiou bast sent, bat is oure Lord j esus Crist. And here

it semeb openli bat Crist seib bat he is God ; sib blisful liif

stondib in knowinge of bis trube, bat seyntis han to knowe beFadir and his Sone , aloone verryGod. And bis is good witt of

bes wordis ; and bis witt denyeb not bat ne be HoolyGoost also

is bis same God, be which is aloone verri God. And bis know

yng bat Crist spekib of, stondib not al oonlyin witt sib fendis

knowen bat bis is sob; but it stondib in witt and wille . And

bus seyntis ban anober knowing ban han dammed men, bat

plerkis clepen intuycioun. For, as clerkis seien wel, a man seebnot b i face of Spirit be unmaad Trinyte, but if he have joyof

bis sigt.

Crist seib aftirward to his Fadir, I bave clar ifiedfie above fie

erfie. And it semeb bat Crist spekib here to bis witt, as in

Matheu, bat Crist hab preisid his Fadir here above be erbewibouten errour ; as bes prestis bynden and unbynden above

be erbe, bat doen bus wibouten errour of discord to wille of be

Godhede ; and al bis moot nedis be boundun or unboundun in

hevene. I bave endidfie werkfiatfiou gavest me to do. And now

elar ifie mefiou,f adir , atfiisilf , wefi fiat clar itefiat I badde bifore

fie world was at fie. For Crist badde clarite and blis at his

Fadir, be which was be Godhede bifore ih kynde , but not in

tyme bat be world was ma d of him. Y bave sbew idfii name tomen,fie wbicb fiou gavest mey

fie war Id fiei werenfiin, and fiou

gavest me bem, and git bei ben bine as bifore , and fiei ban kept myword. And now ban fiei knowun, fiat alle fiingi s fiat fiou bast

gaven me ben originali offiee. For Y bave goven to bemfie wordisfiat fion bast goven to me

, and fiei ban taken, and ban knowun

treulyfiat Y ram out qffiee, andfiei ban“

bileoedfiatfiou bast sent

me. Y preiefor bem Ypreie notf or fie world, butfor bem fiatfion bast gaven me,fi r fiei benfiine ; and bus bis preier is skileful.

And alle myfiingis benfi ine, and fii fiingis ben myne, and Y am

clar ified in bem. For Crist is clarified, bobe in Godhede and

manheed, in bingis of his Fadir. For alle hise Padris bingis ben

hise, sib he is be same God ; but bis he leeveb to telle opynly.

And now Y am not in fie world, and fiei ben in fie world, and Y

come to fire. Dis now'

bitokeneb a short tyme of a daybatI M E


Crist was inne and he was deed in be same day. And so now

he lyveb not bus, but apostlis lyveden longe after, but gif it were

Scarioth, bat hangid himsilf wib a grane ; but bis Judas is noonof hem bat Crist spekib of in bis place.

bx GOSPEL on Ascxs crous hun[s]u r .

R eenmbentibns sendeeim. Manx xvi.

[The sermon which follows in all the MSS. is the same, word for

word, w ith that alreadyprinted at p.360 of the first volume. The

reader willsee , on referri ng to that sermon, that theDouce MS. (E)did not include it in the list of its festival sermons, the scribe being

probablyaware that it was contained among the Ferial sermons, and

desiring to save himself the trouble of a double transcription. An

important error in the text, as printéd (solelyfrom Bodl. 7 88) inthe first volume, can now be corrected bythe help of these ad

ditional copies. On p. 36 r, l. 33, byreading‘as C rist seib

’for ‘And

C rist seib,’which all the copies of the Ferial sermons authoriz e us

in doing, the whole difi cultyof the pas age is removed ; the re

ference being to Apoc. xxi. 4,

pa Fawn GOSPEL NEx'

r s tres s Wr'

rsorvm v.

[ S E R M O N c x c v u mEt ego mittopromissum.

—LUC . xxiv.

Drs gospel tellib, b i Lukes sentence , how Crist toke lceve of

his apostlis. Luk seib how Crist bihigte hem, L o, I sende into

gou fie bibigt Spirit 4 myf adir , bat is be Hooli Goost. bat be ishulden take soone aftir ; and berfore, sitte ge infie citee, til ge ben

elofiid w zfi vertref rom above. Cr ist ledde bem out into Betbary'


and reiside up bis bondi s, and blesside bem. And itf el, fie wb ilebe blesside bem, be wente f rom bem, and was born into bevene.

And bus, Crist dide ever good fro b igynnyng of be world‘to be

cende ; and he dide good bi his manheed fro bigynnyng of it to

1 E om. of be world .


ne ober substaunce, ne ober kynde. Disgaast sbal dwelle w zfiouten ende, wib alle men bat shulen be saved. And fiis world

mai not tabe bim, as it mai not take spir it of trenfie. For as bis

world mut nedis be dampned, so it mut nedis faile of be rigt

cende bat God hab ordeyned to mankynde, bat is, to be blessid

in heven. For fi is world seefi not fiis spir it, ne bnowifi b im bi

his werkes but ge sbulen bnozoe bim,f or be sbal dwelle at gore,

and be sbal be in gou, as fier is in a brennynge coole.

Y sbal not leeve gou w zfiouten f adir ,for Y sbal come to gou.

Bit a litil tyme passib, and fie wor ld seefi me not fianne but ge

sbulen se me for I lyve, and ge sbulen lyve. And bis is blisful

lyf bat Crist spekib of here. I nfiat day ge sbulen bnowefiat Y

am in myf adir , and ge in me, and Y in gou. For sich knyttlngmut be in blis ; and herfore seib Crist aftir, Hefiat bafi my eons

andementis, and bepzfi bem,be i sfiat ilkefiat lovefi me and befiat

lovefi me sbal be loved of myf adir , and Y sbal love b im, and Y

sbal sbew e bim mysilf .

Here men seyen, bat be world is taken on manymanesis.

Sum tyme for be multitude of alle creatures bat ben ; and busseib Joon in his gospel bat be world is maad bi God. Dat summen seyu , bat bis world is oonli bodili substance, and neiber

Spirit ne accident, is a wilful speche ofman 3. But sum tyme

be world is taken for al be multi tude of men bat shal be saved

or dampned and bus seib Joon bat be world knewe not God ,

algif it were maad bi him. And bus seib Crist a litil b ifore, bat

he took seintis of be world. And manytymes is be world taken

for men bat loven so myche be world, bat bei shulen be

dammed berfore. And bus seintis ben not of bis world . Sich

maner of undirstonding shulden preestis cunne bat reden be

gospel. And bus Crist preieb not for be world, as for bes men

bat shulen be dammed, but for men bat shulen be saved , for

Cristis preier mut nedis be herd.

‘ So E ; A has on .’M , E.




[ S E R M O N C C . ]

Sic Deus dilex it mundum.— JOHN iii.

Drs gospel tellib Of Goddis love ; how he loveds mannis 32231330kynde, to teche man to love God bi be meedful crafte Of love .


Joon seib bat, Dns God lovede fie wor ld, and mankynde and his

Chirche,fiat be sbulde gyve b is oon born sone for bem. And no

man mai seie here , bat God failide in wisdom Of bis werk ; sibGod maynot gyve his sone, and aliene havyng of him fro God ;

but Ober creaturis ben beten’

d , and noon ben worsid, bi bis gifte .

For b i be manheed Of Crist, and be merit bat he dide, alle

manere creaturis serven God in betere stat. And so b i be

manheed Of Crist is be world maad beter now. And so, how

ever we taken be world, but gif it be for dampned men, it is

soib bat God hab loved so be world, bat he shulde gyve his sone

for it, and algatis for holi Chirche. God 3af his sone to make

it free, for noon Ober redempcioun was ynowg for mannis synne.

De ende whi bis marchandiz e was maad of God stondib in bis ;

fiat ecb manfiat trow zfi in Cr i stper isbe not, but bave lii/ q/ blis.

For God muste nedis save mankynde , sib he ordeynede

summe to blis, and movede hem to disserve 1,for bis ende

bat he desiride.

For God sente not b is sone in to fie world to j uge it now , but iii:fiatfie world be saved bi bim. For ech dede bat Crist worchib 23,hab an ende wherfore he doib it ; as his Incarnacioun was for

“mam a“

to save bis world, and his liif bat he ledde here was for bis ende ,and to plese God. But comyng to be dayOf dome shal be for

to juge be world,and to make be world betere , and bus algatis

to plese God. But God forbede bat we seie, bat God sente

Crist in to bis world for to dampne bis world, or holi Chirche,

but algatis for to save bis world. Hefiat trow zfi in Cr ist is not

disserve blis , Q.

SEBXONB. VOL . 11. ll


bus j agzd but be fiat trowzfi not is now j agid to helle, f or betrow zfi not infie name offie oon born sone o/ God.

Dis is fie j ugement,fiat ligt is eomen in to fiis world, and git

men ban loved more derbnessefian ligt bat is to seie, bis is mater

Or cause Of Goddis jugement, sib for bis folie Ofmen God shal

dampne Sich foolis ; j br fier werkes werenyvel and herfore

bei loveden yvel, bat is derknesse Of synne, and hatiden ligt Of

rigtwisnesse. For eeb man fiat dozfi yvel batzfi ligt, and eomefinot to ligt, fiat b is werkes be not reproved. But befiat dorfi treufie,eomefi to ligt,fiat b is werkes be sbew id, fiat fiei ben maad in God .

And bis word bat Crist seib here mai be shewid now in dede ;

for m oms bat now ben doon ben bid and defendid, not b i

resoun but tirantrie, bi mannis strengbe and bi lesingis . And

sibGoddis lawe is ligt, bei baten to come to Goddis lawe.


rSON wan .

[ S E R M O N c c 1. ]

Amen, Amen, dico vobis .—JOHN x. [L ]

Christ the eood Drs gospel tellib a parable Of Crist, how men shulen knowe

goode heerdis. Crist seib bus at be b igynnynge , Sofili Y seie

to gou,befiat entr zfi not bi fie dore in tofie folde of sbeep, but stiefi

above bi fie roof , be i s nygtfieef and dryfieef l . But befiat entr zfibifie dore, be is beerde of fie sbeep. De nssber openefi to b im,


fie sbeep beeren bis voi s, and bis owne sbeep be elepzfi bi name, and

ledzfi m f orfi . And wbanne be bafi sente out bis omne sbeep ,

be goxfi before bem,and fie sbeep suen bim, f or fiei knowun b i s

vois. But an alienfiei suen not, but fiei fieen f ro b im f or fiei

knowun not fie vois of aliens . Dis proverbe seide j esus to bem,


bnewren notmbat be wolde speken to bem.

The resemblance between the origin . But in this passage there

vers ions Of the gospels given in this is a remarkable coincidence ; bo th

series of sermons, and those found the Wycliflite vers ions render the

in the Wyclifiite b ible, is usuallyso fur et latrO Of the Vulgate nygtslight, that the former might, for bef and daybef,

a singular transla

aught that such resemblance would tion, which two persons would not

prove, be of wholly independent be likelyto hit upon independently.




[ S E R M O N C C I I . ]

Nemo potest venire.—Jomt vi.

IN bis gospel tellib Crist how bat be kepib his Sheep. And

first he tellib one help bat men ban Of be Fadir Of hevene , in

ber comyng to Crist and bis belp mai not faile. No man

may come to me, sezfi Cr ist, but gif fie f adir fiat sente me drawe

bim. For be Trinite nedib ech man to alle goode dedes bat

he doib. And bis Spiri tual drawyng lettib not fredom Of wille,

for God bat drawib and nedib bere, makib man for to wille ;

and bus violence is excludid, and free wille is brougt in. And

sib bis Fadir is almygty, no man mai lette bis drawyng. And

preie bou God bat he drawe bee , for worbinesse Of bi liif

for man mai be so unclene bat God Wole not leie bond On him.

But, for be werkes Of be Trinite mai not be departid, berfore

tellib C rist what he shal do in dayOf be laste dome. I, he seib,

sbal reise bim to lie] in fiis laste day. AS Crist drawib wib his

Fadir , SO mut his Fadir quykene w efi bim. I t i s wr itun in pro

pbetis1,fiat alle bes sbulen be Gaddis sealers for sich ben able

to be taugt of him, and so to be drawun of him to heven .

Ech scoles fiat bafi berd, and lerned of fie f adir , eamefi to me

for Y gyve forme and grace , for to do bis traveile , and come

to be ende bat he hab lerned. And bus acord Of be Tn’


mut move ech man bat goib bis gate . Notf or eeb man seefi

fief adir but befiat i s (yGod, be seefi fie f adir , here b i bileve,and in heven cleerly. And SO scoleris Of be Trinite moten

nedis first have be b ileve.

Sofili, Sofili, Y seie to gaze, be fiat trow tfi in me bafi lief wzfioutenende. Dat man trowib in Crist, bat hab b ileve, formed wib gra ce ,bat God hab ordeyned him to blis, and hab good love after bis

ordenaunce. And bis is in mannis power, bat takib good heede

SO in E ; A excludes the clause from the quotation.


to Cristis werkes, for Crist dide evermore good, and dide not

harm, in punishing. And bus men bat be Fadir drawib perisben

not for hunger ; for Crist seib bere sobli, fiat be is fie breed ofIii/ I For bi his manheed and his Godhede he fedib goostlyhis

clerkes, bat gon be weyb i which he drawib, in forme bat he habseid bifore. Holde bou his mandementis, and he drawib and fedib

bee, and defendib bee . Dis breed is beter ban angelmete for,

w j adr is eetenfiis breed, and git weren deed on double maner,bobe bodili and goostli. Dis isfie breed comyng dounf rom bereue,

-and bis is be ende whi Crist cam doun for entent of mannis

profit,—fiat ;yanyete (yfiis breed, be sbal not die be secound

deb. Dus seib Crist, fiat be is guyb breed fiat ram doun f rom

bevene gi/ any eete (y'

fiis breed, be sbal lyve w zfiauten ende and

fie breed fiat Y sbal gyoe is myfleisb , f or lii/ (f fie world.

Dis bileve crieb ofte on us,and git we showen bat we trowen

it not, for we kepen not Cristis wordis, ne benken ougt of his

werkes. And git we shulden ete Crist goostli in oure soule ,

whanne oure bougt and oure wille weren bus on Cristis bodi.

tE bus snax GOSPEL IN bx W ITSON WERE .

[ S E R M O N c c 1 1 1 . ]

Convocatis j esus x u apost[o]lis.—L l'

c . ix. [1

Di s gospel tellib how Cristis apostlis weren taugt Of him to

go and preche, and in bem ben we taugt to kepe be fourme bat

Crist telde bem. Cr i st clepide togidere bis tw elve apostli s, and

ga/ bem ver tue and pawn upon alle f endis , to lette hem ; and so

it semeb bat Scarioth badde bis power for a tyme . And Crist

gaf bes apostlis virtue ,f or to beele siiknesse of men . And be sente

bem/or topreebefie rewme (f God, and bele sebe men and Cr i stseide to bem, M 'le ge ber e ongt infie wey, bat wole lette gou in bis

ofi ce ,—neefier a stof , ne a ser ippe, ne breed, ne money ne bave

ge two eotis. And to bes‘ fyve weren bei Oblishid evere, whanne

So in E ; bes , A .

the m e d tb e


bei shulden do bis ofiioe ; and onyof bes fyve wolde lette on

onyside to do bis Ofiice. And bus bei mygten wib bes wordis

have ech of bes fyve biagis, gif bei wolden helpe hem bi Skilh

to do be ofiice Of preching. And in to wbat bous fiat ge entren,seie gefirst, P ees tofiis bores . And grf fier be a sam t/ para gon”

pees sbal reste on bim ellis it sbal tame agen to goal. And

dun/le ge in fie same bous , and wende not fiennes bi insolenoe.

And wborver ressq oe not gau, ge sbu1en wen& out gf fiat a tee,and sbabefie poudre gt

gaur/eet in witnesse upon bem. And fiei,

and beelrnge on eeb side.

In bis gospel maymen see Wher freris and Ober holden bisforme in ber preching to be peple. But fruyt of hem shewib

bat nay. For, first, bei synnen in ber purpos ; for bei wolen

no t beele goostli, but cast meenes to spuyle be puple, and berv

after bei shapen ber wordle. And bus bei prechen not be

gospel, as Crist biddib in bis place , but bi dremes frid ober

fablis bei moveu men for to figte ; as in a passage la te to

Flandria be freris prechiden a lady‘ dreemb , and bi a feyned

soilyng bei spuyliden be peple but freris hadden part. And

bus bei Spuyliden be rewme Of Engelond Of men and moneyand Of feib, and bei harmeden men of Ober rewmes manywe ies ,and quenchiden love. Dis is fruyt Of ber prechinge , and manyOber fendis fruytis. And fewe freris and clerkes, or noon, maydenie soblybat ne bei assentiden to alle bes barmes, and bus

manyben irreguler. Who was he bat grutchide agen, Or in

word or in wille ? And whoever maylette , and doib not, be

assentib in a maner. And so we alle ben aocusid bifore God

of oure conscience, and fewe freris mai shake be powdir Of ber

feet to Cristis entent. For bei ben chargions to be puple , bat

a lmii H OM E

‘ This passage . concerni tbe what the ‘ late passage tO Flaundris'

declaration of peaoe. is not refers to). tbat some pious ladyhadin St. ln ke, but is added here by ,

received assuranee in a dream thatWyclif from the lel pasu ge the souls of all those who fell in tbe

in St. Matthew , tt. x. 1 2 . holy warfare would be admittedl' Probablythe friars announced. immedia tely tO Paradise t—a t any

while preaching up the crusade in rate some current storyOf this kindfavour Of Urban (for this clearlyis must he intended .

mother. andother cures.

WI’ C L IF ’


sbulen w ile,fiat mama} sane bafi pow” in erfie toforgyve W e,

fiarme be seide to fie fiaralatik, Y w e to fiee, r ise fiore, and take

m yfir’

bed, and go into fie

bores . And anoon be, r ig/age brj b r e

bem, take up beir bed in wbicb he lay,

and wente into In} bores,

segjmge fiat God i f greet. Ared wander took bem alle, and fiez'

magnefieden God, and fier'

weren f ulfilled (ydrede, and seiden,

fiat we ban rem wander: to day. Of bis is seid in Mathew

gospel on a Sunday what it mene

bx 6 03931. on Txt TE Evr n.

[ S E R M O N c c v . ]

Surgens j ester de Synagoga.—LUKE iv.

prs gospel tellib of a myracle bat Crist dide in a womman .

Luk seib bat, f em roos offie M gogo, and entr ide into Symonde'


bores . Men seien bat bis Symont was Symount Petre, his ownedisciple ; for longe after his first clepynge Petre suede him

not And fie uyves sistir of Symount was holde w zfi greet

f ever zir, and fier'

preieden b io:f or 7 n’

r . Ared Cr ist, stondzhge aboveln


r , eomandz'

de fie f ever , and it lef te leer and size roos anoon,

and servede him. And wbanne fie sunne was go dorm , alle fiat

badden sr'


k men in dyverse siik nesse}, brougten hem to b im and

be leide bondir upon ecb of Item, and beelz'

de bem. Also f ondle

wenten out of ma rry of bem, fiat erz'

edm , and seiden fiat, pore art

Gaddis mm . Ared Cr ist blamede, and sufi'


de bem not speke bus

longe tofiepaple,f or fier’

w isten fiat be is Gm'

rt and sich fendis

ben foulwittnesse .

Ared on fie morewen wbanne it was day, C r ist wente to a

deser t place and fie f olk saugte b im,and camen rigt unto bim


and fiez'

helden lu'

mfiat be s/mlde not wendef rom bem. But Crist

seide to hemfiat, I’ meet preche to ofier citee: fie rowme (1 God.

Here men moralisen ofte of bes feveris, and ober sukn"fisis ,

n arew , E.

See Sermon XIX ., vol. i .. p. 46 .


and seien, whanne Crist heelide comunlyof onybodily siik

nesse, he heelide of goostly sikenesse , figurid b i bis Obersiiknesse . And so, sib feveris is a siiknesse maad of distem

pour of humoures, and blood is moost kyndelyumour an

sweringe to be love of God, bre obere umors in man answeren

to bree Ober loves. Sum men love to moche ber bodi ; and

summe to myche be world ; and summe loven to myche

sloube, and Ober b idding of be fend. And bus ben grete feveris

in be soule, bat troublen it more ban bis be bodi. Of bes

feveris, and medecyne of hem, maymen make a longe speche .


[ S E R M O N C C V I . ]

Caromea vere est cibus.—JOHN vi.

h is seid ofte b ifore, how Crist tellib in bis gospel of Joon,

bat men shulden goostli ete his fleish, and goostli drynke his

blood. And sib Crist is be firste treube , and hatib lesyngis,algatis bree treubis shulden men sue, and flee wysely breelesyngis. First, men shulden have treube of bileve, and flee beerrour ofmys-bileve. After, men shulde have treube in wordis,

and fle be falsheed bat is in wordis. Sib, men shulden han be

treube of liif, and flee falsheed’ in bis liif.

I t is seid comunly, bat mannis soul mut have two chauelis,

bobe be over and be nebere, and bes moten cete Cristis bodi.

De ueber chawle stondib in witt, bat men wite welwhat Goddis

lawe meneb, and fle errours in bis mater, for bis is a foul synne.

But Goddis lawe biddib bat we shulden not speke fals of oure

neigbore and it is moche more synne to speke fals of Crist, 23mg,

bobe God and man . Des ben to rude heretikes, bat seien beieten Crist bodili, and seien bei parten ech membre of him,

nekke, bac , heed, and foot. And alle siche heresies springen, !

for bei witen not what bis oost is. Dis oost is breed in his

bumour , E. 50 E ; falseed , A .



kynde, as ben Ober oostes unsacrid, and sacramentaliche Goddisbodi ; for Crist seib so, bat mai not lye. And so, 3if bis sacrament be foulid in bat bat it is breed or wyn, it maynot bus be

defoulid in bingis which it figurib. And so a man brekib not

Goddis bodi, ne drynkib his blood wib his moub, algif he ete

and drynke be breed and be wiin bat is bes ; for bei ben not

bes in kynde, as Baptist was not in kynde Hely. And bus a

mous etib not Cristis bodi, algif he ete bis sacrament ; for be

mous failibgoostli witt, to chewe in him bis b ileve.

after bis neiber chawle, in which ben pi3t manyteeb,as articlis of bis b ileve bat a trewe man shuld have, be over chawl

is nedeful, which is groundid in mannis love ; bat for bis fleish,and bis blood, and bis passioun bat Crist sufl


ride in hem, we

loven Crist for his worship and oure profit bi hoolyliif. And

bodilymete of bes sacramentis is litil worb, but gif bis come.

And he etib betete Goddis bodi, bat hab bileve and bis good

love, ban he bat etib bis sacrament, and failib more in bis

spiritualmete. And herfore seib Austyn Bileve and bou hast

eeten. And here mai we se, bat men bat gon to chirche, and

kissen pileris, and heeren aftir manymassis, and ban wib bis

an anclene herte , eten not or yvel Goddis bodi, as bei taken

yvel hislsacrament. For ber wordis and ber liif ben false

comunly; and so be treube, bat is Crist, hatib hem for bis


Dis, Q.E.

S. A Tract. in fl am Evaag. eredatir in u m quem n iu'

t ille. Hoe

As this passage estemo mandueare a’

bams non qui

is frequently quoted by controver per-ir, zed qui per

-mane! is vitam cater

sial w ri ters , it may be as well to ream. Ut quid paras dentec et

give it in exam .‘ Rerpoudit 7a m . ventrem? Cra le.ct manducastifi


eende. But wel we witen bat bei ben just, and techen at be

laste bis cende. And bus moralte of be olde lawe, bat stondibin be lore of vertues, lastib in be newe lawe, and wibouten cende

in bevone. And bus Crist fillib be olde lawe and mahib a

perfit cende berof, for it is purgid bi be newe lawe, and more

ligt us to kepe .

And bus seyen clerkes, bat as a man is ma d of bodi and

of soule, so ful lawe of God is ma d of be olde and of be newe .

De olde is mater of bis lawe, and be newe forme berof. And‘

as mater and forme ben 00 bing in substaunce, as be bodi and

be soule ben o persone1, bat is be spirit,

—so be olde lawe and

be newe ben 00 bing in substance. And bis forme is charite ,

bat was everemore in be Chirche, but it toke perfit degree b i

charite bat Crist taugte. 3if we wolen bryve , love we bis lawe ,and caste aweie all Ober lawes, but gif bei helpen and serven

berto, and so myche mai bei b e sufl'

rid. But sum men benken

bat as two partes of be old lawe ben abreggid, myche more

two mannis lawes,—be popis and be emperours, shulden be

lefte ; for bei acorden lesse wib Goddis lawe, serven it lesse ,and speden it lesse . Dis sentence shulden prestia seie, and

defende it b i resoun .

l‘n SEcUNDE Wa ssnar AFTI R CORPUS Cmsr r.

[ S E R M O N C C V I I I .]

Cum vene’

ssetj esres .—Manx xi. [Mam xxi.

D13 gospel tellib how bat Crist st0ppide his enemyes in ber

questioun. Wbarme j esses was « men intofie temple,fier camen to

bim,as be taeqte, pond s of preestis , and cldre men, and ox ides:


s pu shover: of bin Telle res in wbat power fiou doistfies fir’


s ,

and wbo ;af fieefirspower . And bus axen princis of preestis to

day. whanne men tellen bi be gospel be defautis bat ben in bes

princis,Who ;af bee leeve to preche ? Y suspende bee, wibouten

ryng. l“ A and E concur in describing this gospe

las taken fromwhereas ll in in fact from Matt. m . Q does not name anyevangehst.


mylceve to preche in mydiocese. j esus answer ide, and seide to

bem, And Y sbal ax e gore 00 word,fie wbicb gg’

f 3e seien to me, Y

sbal sez’

e ;ou in wbospow” Y dofies fir'


s. De bapgwn of'


of wbennes was it? of broene, or ellis of men 2 And fier’


amongbem, and seiden,3? we seienfiat it was of bevene, be sbal

seie, Wb i trowen 3e not b imP For Joon bare Open witnesse Of

C rist, bat he is God and be grete profete and albe bisynes of

Joon was to preise be state of Crist. And 357 we seien, bat

Joones state was of men, we dreden fie camante (ypaple,for alle

badden j oon as a propbete. And fiez’

answer iden to f ew , and

seiden, We w iten not. And be seide to bem, Ne Y sez'

e to 30a in

wbatpozver Y dofies fiz'


Here shulden trewe prestis and cunnynge holden hem in

boundis of be gospel, and preche noo bing but witt of it, andbing bat fallib as knb wen to men ; and banne mai bei answersto bishopis, and to folk bat axen hem wher is ber power. But

gidere bei not of be puple b i symonye , as freris doon, and kepe

hem clene fro Ober synnes, and banne God hab sent hem. For

bei han lerned bat Crist is Lord of be lond bat bei walken inne,and Crist bad his prestis preche be gospel to alle men for his

lordship. And for bis men shulden not be yvel payed ; sib bis

hyerste oflice fallib to bishopis, and bei shulden not be yvel

payed, bat men helpen hem bus freely. Dei ;yven lceve to besfreris for to proche, but on Ober maner for bei prechen fablis

and dromes and lesyngis, and beggen after. And Anticri st habfounden a lawe , bat bes prelatis shulden 3yve sich lceve, and habordeyned bat nopersoun shalhave cure but b i his lceve. And

bus, sib manyAnticristis prelatis ben fendis, as was Judas , hehab ordeyned bat siche curatis shulden be confirmed of be fend.

But gif Anticrist wolde seie bat sich prestis ben endurid bi

ensaumple of his prelat, banne he spake more propirly. But

what trewe man wolde not have orrour bat prestis shulden not

serve ber God, but ; if be fend 3af hem leeve ? In be hierste

werk bat God hab beden, be puple shulde lette bis lawe to

rengne ; and preestis shulden preche wibouten be Chirche. But

here it is a skilful bing, gif pseudo-

preestis prechen amys, bat

biest, E. borrow .E.

How this la tobe understood .

3. Austin’

s e a



bishOpis letten hem to preche ; but errour shulde be first

knowen, for Goddis werk shulde not be lettid for bing bat mensupposen to falle. For banne no man shulde seie his preieris ,

and freris preching shulde be suspendid, for it is knowun bat

bei erren in bes foure bingia bat we ban seid. And bishOpis

shulden letten alle bes foure, and maynteyn Cristis ordenance ;

for ellis bei shewen wib whom bei ben, and how be fend is ber

pr.WEDNESDAI Gosrsr. AFTIR pa barons Sonsnararm Tars rr s .

[ S E R M O N C C I X .]

Drs gospelofMatheu tellib, how a man shallyve here in erbe.

First, Crist biddib to alle men to assente tofier adoersar r'

e soone,


ben in w e w zfi bim,lest be gyve ban tofiej uge, and fie

tofie mynystre, and fiei benput inpr isoun. Soblyseib Crist, Yw e tofiee,fiore sbalt notgo outfienne, tr


lfiore ;elde fie


ng. But in bese wordis ben bree doutis ; first, who is

bis adversarie ; aftir, who is bis juge, and mynystre, and prisoun,

bat Crist spekib of be bridde doute, of Origene, is, what is bislaste ferbing ? For it semeb of Cristis wordis, bat alle dampnedmen shulen come out of helle .

Seint Austyn, after greet sekyng, techib bat bis adversarie is

be lawe of God while man is in synne and sib alle men aftir

Crist ben in synne more or lesse, Goddis lawe is adversarie to

alle maner of sich men. And man consentib to bis lawe ,whanne he accordib him wib it ; as men bat impungnen bislawe, or loven not bis lawe at be fulie, or synnen agens bis lawe ,shulden soone here consente berto . And be liif bat we lyven

here is clepid a weie to a terme.

De secounde doute is more ligt ; for bis juge is Jesus Crist,bat shal come at be laste dayof dome , and deme alle men bi

The passage here referred to is in the ninth of S. Austin'

s Sermon s

ad Populism, ch. iii.

to Elias.


And gt’

f fit’

rigt boond selarendrefiee, be'

tte it aweyand taste itf ro

fiee for it spedrfi tofieefiat oon of fir’

membr isper isbe,fianfiat al



go intofiefier of belle. And bis bond is good werkes bat

men doon in almes dedis ; and it were betere to lceve bes werkes,whanne bei ben mater of pride aftir. NO man undirstondib bis

gospel bat Crist b iddib to kitte mennis bondis, or onyOber partof man, or bat he shalwante hem in blis. But Crist techib to

take swey, ghe , goode werkes of bes partis, algif man wante in

blisse of hevene bat he badde don bes goode werkes.


[ S E R M O N C C X . ]

Interrogaveruntfestem. xv n. [ ro.]

Dis gospel tellib how Crist answeride to a questioun of his

disciplis, and how he dide a myracle after, bat his disciplis

mygten not do. Matheu seib bat, De dzlsa'


s ox iden Cr est, and

seiden, Wbat seien scr ibis fiat Helymutfi rst come b ifore domes

day? And Cr ist answm'

de,and seide to bem

,Hely is to come


and sbal restore allefiz'


s. SofilyY sole to gore, fiat Helyis now

eomen, and fiez'

knewen bim not, butfiez'

diden in bim wbatever fiez’

wolden . And so mannis sone is to suf r e of bem. Andfiannefie

desaplts rendz'


en fiat be telde bem of j oon Baptist. Crist seibhere , and bifore also, of Joon Baptist, bat he is Hely. For if

we taken Helias ’ Office , and be liif bat he badde, and putte it b i

Joones liif, bobe two lyves weren oon. For Helyis to seie on

English, lordship of God, or strong lord ; and bobe bes acordenwel to Helyand to Joon. And it semeb bat bei acorden also to

Crist, whom bei figuren. And it semeb bat Crist seib here , bathe is Hely, bat shal restore alle bingis. And so Helyis taken

here on bre maneres, for bree persones ,—Hely, Baptist, and C rist;for alle bes bree tellen O bing. But Hely and Baptist weren

moche like in lyvyng, for bobe bes two lyveden in penaunce in

Helyes, E.



desert, and weren pursued of wickide wymmen, and of princis

bi movyng of bes wickide wymmen. And as Helycam longe

bifore be eomyng of Crist whom he figuride, so Joon cam anoon

bifore be same comyng of Crist figurid.

Aftirward bis gospel tellib bis miracle bat Crist dide. Wbanne fi'


fi f'

Cr istwas camen tofiepaple, a man cam to bim,bnelyng bif or ebim,

and seide,Sire, bave mer cy on my sone,f or be a lunatib andyoel


refi f or ef te tymes bef allzfi intofiefier , and file tymes intofiewater . And Y qf r ide b im tofii as ap/a, and fiei mygten not beele

bim. And j esus answer ide,and seide

, and spak to his disciplis,

0b fnrede untrowf ul and weiward bozo longe sbalY saf re gore2

brynge b im b idir to me. And j esas blamede fi is spir it, and fie

f end wentef rom b im,and fie eb ild was beelidf r ofiat borer .

Here men seien comunly, bat Cri st kepre bis to himsilf, to

hele men of syknesse , but gif bei weren disposid in hemsilf, to

teche bat God heelib no man of goostli sykenesse, but gif he

wole worche himsilf berto in undirstonding and wille. And

summe seien here, bat bes apostlis synneden in infidelite and

to teche bat be prestis aftir mayundispose hemsilf b i shrewid

lyf goinge fro God, bat God take from hem vertue to mynystre

ony sacramentis, or to do ongt medefully. And, in confirma

cionn of bis, bes apostlis failiden in bis lunatik, bat badde2an

unstable sikenesse , bat varieb as be moone. For as be moone is

modir of moiste bingis, so it hath unstable movyng, bat is

unknowun to manymen. And bus bes Siik men ben unstable,

and, for bes apostlis weren unstable in feib, berfore bei failiden

in bis cure . God woot what was cause of bis , but wel we

trowen bat it was so .

So E ; A has bodden.




[ S E R M O N c c x 1 . ]

Fae/rem est in rena dier rem.- LUC . viii. [am]

D18 gospel tellib of a miracle bat Crist dide, to conferme men

in b ileve. Luk tellib how it fel on a day j esus styede in to a

boot, and bis disciplis wenten wib him. And Cr ist seide to bem

roweden, Cr ist slepte and fier fi t a tempest of uynd in to fie

water , and it was fillid w zfi waw is, and fiei weren in point to

be pen s/lid. And fiei camen nyg, and wabiden bim,and seiden,

and fie tempest of fie water , and it eeeside, and fier was maad

stilnesse. Ared Cr est seide to bem, Wbere a gour bileve P And

a be bis f or be eomandzfi fie wyndis and water , and fiei obezsben

Manysiche wordis and dedis of Crist shulden conferme men

in b ileve ; for Crist mai not faile to his Chirche, algif it be ofte

in peril. For he doib al for be beste , and bei shulden do bat

fallib to hem ; and bis bileve shulde stable men to stonde stiflyin Goddis cause .

‘ So in Q ; A has Faeta .

‘ So E ; A has in on dayand .


Themar mennis, for be i han no possessioun, and bat fallib to perfec

cionn bi Cris t. But bes foolis shulden lerne here two pointis,

and holde bem. First, bei shulden not have in comune bat

were not nedeful to bet state, for bis havyng more, agens kynde ,is more hatid of Crist and seintis . And however freris speken

here , bei kepen be‘contrarie to bis povert, sib bei han comunly

in comune manybingia bat ben ydil. Leeve we to speke what

freris ban in propre bileve ofber prelat ; for welY woot bat God

grauntib not bat bei shulden murbere bus worldli goodia.

De secounde bing bat freris shulden note abulde be bis, bat

C rist seide here not to ech man, bat he abulde sille albat he

hab and gyve pore men, but to him whom it harmeb to have

bis aboundance of goodis. And so freris shalden not seie to

ech man bat he were frere , but to men undisposid to lyve betete

in be world. And, for freris wanten bis wisdom, bei synnen

whanne bei maken onyfrere ; for he synneb bat doib a dede,and knowib not wher he do wel or yvel. And so bes freris

moten nedis seie , bat alle bes seculer men synnen bat comen

not to ber ordre. And bus alle ordris shalden be oon, sib

variaunce of be same ground mut algatis telle errour in summe

of hem. But bis is fals and vanite , as bes ordris ben ungroundid.

And b i be same skile possessioneris, and alle bat wedden hem

wib a newe ordre, ben foolis in be same caas. For bei benweddid wib staat ungroundid, and chargen hem wibouten cause

wibmore bing ban bei mai do.


rrx ss vss bs SONEDAY arm Tannin .

[ S E R M O N c c x 1 1 1. ]

Abiit j esns Sabato. x n. [L ]

Dis gospel tellib how Crist reprovede be Fariseis , for bei

tellen more bi oo ceremonye ban bi be substance of be lawe.

w ‘

Matheu tellib bat, j esas wente on a Sabot bi growynge com es, and

‘ So in E ; om. A.


t h is disciples, for fiei bungr iden, begunnen to plakke eeres and ete.

”As who wolde take newe whets , and rubbe it, and etc it. And

fie P bar iseis, seynge fiis , seiden to Cr ist, Lo,fii disciplis doon fiat

z is not levef ul bem to doon on Sabotis . And Cr ist seide to bem,

E Han ge not r ed wbat Damfi dide, wbanne be bungr ide, and fiei

fiat weren w zfi b im P bow be entr ide into Goddis bores , and eet

fie bolyloos es of proposieiozen, fie wb icb it was not levef ul to bim,

i ;ne to fies men fiat weren wtfi Damfi , to ete, but oonly to preestis ,b i comun lawe ? Or wber ge ban not red infie lawe,fiat in Sabotis

prestis f ouler: fie Sabot, in etinge m be _temple

1, and git fiei ben

w tfioreten blameP For lo,I seie to gou, fiat morefianfie temple is.

And gif ge w isten wbat it is,fiat Y wale mercy and not sacr ifice,

ge sbalden never dampnefins fies innocentes.

Here oure Lord supposib wel bat ech synne is in spirit, and Commentary.

sib no spirit synneb but fend or mannis soule, ech synne is in

oon of bes, bat is defaute agens God. And so synnes bat ben

in dedis, and in mennis bodies wibouten-forb, ben first groundidin mennis soulis, and ellis bei weren not sich synnes. Of bis

maymen see Opynly, how it is no synne to ete corn or holybreed, whanne no synne golb b ifore . And bis techib be firste

saumme of Crist how Davib in hungre ete be looves bat weren

lymytid to prestis to etc ; for sich nede hab no sich lawe . And

sib bes postelis hadden greet hungre , and God is Lord of alle

bingia, God wolde bat his servauntis token of bis corn , to sus

teyne hem in Goddis service. And gif bou seie bat in be Sabot

men shulden not ete in bis manere, certis bis etyng was homely,

and men wolden scorne it to day; but Crist ordeynede it to be ,

to distrye pride of Phariseis. For manybishopis wolden benketo day, bat it were dishonour to hem for to ete on bis maner,for nede of mete bat bei hadden. De secounde saumple bat

C rist seib is seid for be Sabot. For tyme in his owne kynde

mayueber be holyne pollut. But holyplacis, bat men mai see ,is seid ofte on bis maner. But, Lord l sib preestis in be olde

lawe mygten levefulli etc in be temple, whi shulden not bes

preestis in tyme of nede etc in presence of C rist ? Des werensensible conseitis , bat Crist tolde but litil by. And Phariseis

So in E ; A includes the clause in the quotation . apostlis, E.


chargen to dayber custumes bat bei han foundun ; but mande

mentis bat God hab bedun bei putten b ihynde , as untrew e men.

And bus bei fasten as Joones disc iplis ; but Cristis disciplis

taken noon hede but bat bei serve God wel, what meene ever

helpe to bis cende .


rbE Soxnav AFTIR Ta t um

[ S E R M O N C C X I V . ]

Dix erunt di scipuli—Manx ix.


D! sentence of bis gospel is seid bifore for be more part.

Mark tellib how ,Dz


saplir seiden toj esres , M ai stir , we sawen oon

infii name eastinge out f endis of a man , and wef orf endiden bim,

f or be suefi not as . Bret j esus seide to bem, Afyle ge lette bim

f or fier is no man fiat dotfi ver tue in my name, and mygle soone

yvel spebe of me. For wbo so is not agens us, be isf or res . And

“ w om mhere maywe see be synne bat be fend hab newe b rougt in , to

lette trewe preestis to teche, and kepe be puple to bes freri s ,not to profit of bis puple , but to spuyle hem more privyly. Crist

bad here not lette bis man to do goode dedis in vertue of him ,

algit he were not of his covent ; for Crist lovede more be Chirche

ban bis covent. And it is al oon to lette a trewe preest to proche

bus, and to lette a good s ungel to do good on Goddis side , or

to holde not wib Goddis part, but w ib be fend agens God . For

C rist seib here sobli, bat who bat is not agens him is wib him.

And so bes preestis moten nedis be on Goddis side , and he

bat lettib hem here lettib Goddis werk to be doon. And over

bis, freris han feendis maneris, bat OO frere grutchib agens

anober, and figtibwib him,whanne he prechib treube in his lymy

tacioun, as fendis figten togidere ; but goode aungels ben ever

acordid. And bis techib how freris coveiten ber pri vyspuylyngi t more ban soule helbe. And myche Of bes freris malis comebof ber shrew id coventis, be which be i gederen above Crist, to

He that ls not

SO E ; A has bis.

184 WYC L IF’S

nede, and, over bis, goodis of sich ordris, but bat herbi he habtwo feet, but to harm of his soule ? And so it semeb bat C rist

wolde seie, bat ech man shulde go ny; be state of kynde, and

serve God, and lceve superfine bat man hab foundid b i errour

of his wille. And giffii are selarmdr efiee, take bim out,f or it is

good to fiee to bave blyndenesse of fit}world, and af ter entre in to

fie rewme of God, fiab to bave bere two gm ,and mer be sent

into fie fier of belle. He hab here two eyen , bat hab bobe a

kyndeli li3t, and ligt of bis worldis glorie , bat comeb to him b i

mannis fynding.

bx Wanuz snn Gospm. AFTIR pa mmba Sonm v AFTIR



[ S E R M O N c c x v . ]

Quifidelir est in minima—LUO. xvi. [ ro.]

Hm Crist reproveb averice, and tellib here of manyloris.

Luk tellib how Crist seide , He fiat is trew e in leest fi ing, be is

trewe in more fiing . It is seid comunly, bat God gyveb men

foure bingis, goodis of glorie and goodis of grace , goodis of

kynde and worldlygoodis. And bes a goodis ben be leste, toloke to profit bat bei doon ; but git bei ben myche teld hi, andmyche bysynesse is aboute hem. But he bat is trewe to God

in coveiting of bes leste goodis, he is comunlytrewe to God in

service b i bes more goodis. And befiat is w ickid infiis litil, is

w ickid infies more. For bob seculers and preestis, b i coveitise

of worldli goodis, serven neiber God bi giftis of kynde ne b i 2

giftis of cunnyng bat bei han. And beff are, gyfiei weren not

trewe in wiebide goodis of fie world,fie wbicb ;e seien ben gour s ,

wbo sbal trowe to30a in ofier P Summe seien bat bis tixt shuldebe bus undirstonden ; ;if ;e weren untrewe to God in be s

goodis of fortune, who shal trowe to ;ou bat goodis of kynde or

Namely.worldlygoods .


grace ben ;ouris ? 3e semen to have bodilylymes, witt, and

ober goodis of kynde, but alle bes ben not gouris, for ac ben

sold to be fend. And gif 3e bave beluntrewe in ofier mennis

goodie, wbo sbal gyve gou goodis (yblis, bat3c shulden have gif3cweren trewe ? For men in blisse han verrilypossessioun in alle 0

bes goodis. No man fiat is servaunt may serve to two contrarie

lordis,j br oufier be sbal batefie toon and lovefie tofier , or be sbal

drawe to fie toon and dispise fie tofier . 3e may not serve to God

P ban lseis berden allefies wordis, and ,for fiei weren averous,fiei 3215513seameden b im. And bus it wolde falle to—dayof oure religious

and oure £ 35339» be which ben govan to averice ; for bei loven

bes goodia more ban ober. And Cr ist seide to bem, 3e benfio ilke

fiatj ustifien ;ou bifore men but God bnow zfi goure ber tis , whi 3cdone bus. Manymen in bis world, bobe clerkes and seculers,

doon ber dedis bat bei done here to seme just unto be world,and to gete hem worldli goodis, fame of be world, and obertrifilis and bus be ordre of bes goodis is now turned up so

doun ; b i be leest men tellen moost, and be moste bei chargen

not. But nebeles Crist seib sobly,fiatfi ing fiat is bye to men is

abbominaeioun bif ore God ; and so mut it nedis be.


p: Wm n sm r GOSPEL u rm ba rm ba Sonnar AFTIR Tumu lt.

[ S E R M O N C C X V L ]

Attendite vobis.—L110. xxi.

Cms'r techib in bis gospel to flee peril of worldli goodia.

Luk tellib how C rist seib a good lore to Cristene men : Be war

to 3014 test gone ber tis ben bevyed wib bes bree,— in gloter ie, indrnnbmesse, and bisynesse (y


fiis liif . And bis were ful nedeful

bobe to prelatis and to comuns ; for manymen liggen in a

sleep to regard of goostli wakyng, and bes bree bingis makenhem dreme til be tyme bat bei ben dede, and banne abullen bei

ben, E. So E ; A includes in the quotation. So E ;A includes the words wbi—men in the quotation.



fynde nougt of be richesse in her bondis, and ber hertis ben so

bevybat bei plumben doun to helle. And bus seib Crist of bedayof dome,fiatfiat da i come

1sndeyn upon gon and herfore he

biddibmen wake to passe be periles of bat day; f or fiat da i sbal

men sitten upon be face of al be erbe, bat coveiten worldis

glorie bat is berinne as a face ; and bei resten in bat glorie, and

b isien hem wib alle worldlycuris. And bis mai fallen to popis

and b ishOpis, fro be tyme bat be world hab gnaryd hem wibtemporalpossessiouns, and ober glorie of be world.

And so wake3e, preiynge in at b'mefiat3e be bad worfi i toflealle fies fiingir fiat ben to come, and stande bybre mannis sone.

Ech man m d be

demed aftir And, as C rist

techib here, bes bree b ringen men to helle. But we sleepen

and wanten bileve in alle bes bree bat Crist tellib, for bobeb ishopis and ober men traveilen to gnare hem in alle bes. And

no drede bei fallen foule in bileve of bis gospel, for ellis bei

wolden fayne be delyveryd of lordshipes bat bei ben dowid inne.

ps m u vz uba W z nnxsmu AFTIR Conpvs C unrsr r.

[ S E R M O N c c x v n q

Qnia opor tet semper .—LUC . xviii.2 [ r .]

prs gospel tellib a lore of Crist, how bat men shulden b isili

le of the ln preie . Luk seib bat, j esus tolde to b is disciplis fiis par able, toteche bat men moten ever preie and not faile 3 and seide bus,

And fier was a w idewe infiat eite, and eam topaj uge, and seide,

af tir be seide wefiinne bims ilj ; A132] Y drede not God, and sbame

not (y'

man, nefielesf or fi is s e is grevons to me, I sbal venge

2 So in E rightly; A ant ave x .

a Thesei words ought to be included in the quotation, but are not, either m A or E.


donefiat ben done infiee, perventurefiei badden dmd t intofi is day.

Nefieles Y seie to gonfiat it sbal be scytere tofie [and (y'

Sodom at

domesdayfian to gou.

And bes bree citees bitokenen bree synnes bat weren done in

hem. And interpretatioun acordib wib be storie of bobe sidis ;

for where God 3yveb betere giftis, ben men more unkynde to

synne. And for bes londis of hebene folk mygten be good of

ber free wille, berfore seib Crist, bat peraventure bei hadden do

penaunce longe siben. And seed of Goddis word bat bei token

was more worb ban mannis seed ; and herfore bei hadden moresyn c to waste bis seed ban be tobir. And gif bou axe, sib C rist

wiste bis, what movede him to preche here, and not to preche

in obir countries, where he mygte have done more good, sib he

is God and al is his, and he maynot accept persones,—we

bileve bat bis is sob, but God woot whi he dide bus, for worbi

nesse of his kyn , or meritis of patriarkes b ifore . But al be

Chirche shal be betere for bis dede bat Crist dide, ban 3if he

badde convertid Ober, and lefte to preche to bes folk. And bus

bishopis ben more to blame , and alle bes newe religions ,

whanne bei ben unkynde to C rist, ban ben Ober lesse bounden.





[ S E R M O N c c x rx q

Abeuntes P bar isgz xu .

pm gospel bat Matheu tellib spekib of vertue of C rist, how

meke and vertuous he was agens malice of his enemyes .

Matheu seib fiat, P bar iseir wenten out,and maden ber eoneeil

agens j esus , bow fiei sbulden leese b im,for he was contrarie to ber

liif. Bnt j esus , fiat bnezm fi is , wente fiennes , and manye sueden

bim,and be belide bem alle. And be bad bemfiatfiei sbulde not

mabe b im oynly knowun fiatfiis weref ulfilled , fiat was seid cy’

Cr ist bi I say Lo, my ebild fiat Y bave cbosen , my loved in w bam

Pbar isei, E .


it pleside wet to myself ; Y sbalputte my spir it on bim, and be

sbal tellej eegement to befiene men. He sbal not stryve, ne be sbal

crye, ne anyman sbal beere b is vois in fie stretir. He sbal not

breke a rede beysid, and be sbal not guenebeflex fiat smobxfi , til be

2aste out j uginge to victor ie. And in fie name (f bim sbulen

M en expownen bis profecie sobeli of Cristis persone . For to

be manheed bat he took, alle bes condiciouns acorden ; for he

was moost vertuous man, and moost meke man of alle Ober, sibhe dide wibouten defaute alle be dedis bat he dide. For gif he

were veniable here no man mygte suffre his veniaunce. He

was meke to seculers here, bat weren unstable as be reed , and

meke to preestis of be chirche, bat smokiden bi pride as brent

flex . But o dai of Crist shal come, in which he shal juge alle

men ; and banne he shal shewe his migt, whanne it nedib not to

spare more ; but git his mekenesse and his mercyshulen be

medlid wib alle hise dedis.

mt roun '

rsNbE W snxs snm arms CORPUS CnRrs'rr.

[ S E R M O N c c x x . ]

Ait ad j esnm unns.—LUC . xn .

p18 gospel tellib a parable, how men shulden fie averice, and

specialli preestis of Crist. For Judas fel b i bis synne, and

b itra iede Crist his maistir, as be gospel berib witnes and alle

be synne bat preestis done, in be office bat Crist hab govun

hem, comeb of averice of hem ; and bus bei ben his traitours, as

judas . Luk tellib bat, On afiepuple seide toj esus , M aistzr, seie

tomybrofiir fiat be departe w zfi mefie ber itage. For him bou; te

bat Crist was just, and sum part shulde he have , as freris seyu

now bat bishopis cunnen figte best of alle men, and it fallibmoost to hem, sib bei ben lordis of al bis world. And bus

Macabeus fougten, and Crist bad hise apostlis sille ber cootis,

So E ; red , A Machabees, Q .

W Y C L IF ’Sf

and bie hem swerdis ; but wherto but for to figte ? And bus

freris wenden in greet aray, and stiryn manyfor to figte . But

sum men seyu, bat it helpib not but to gete hem newe martin .

For, as bei seien, ech man bat dieb bus is fulli assoilid bobe of

peyne and of synne, and bus he fleib streitly to hevene , and

banne he is a martir. Who can denys bis ? Suppose we bat

bis is heresye, bat Crist taugte his apostlis to figte bus wib iren

swerdis, but wib swerd ofGoddis word, bat stondib in mekenes

of herte, and prudence of mannis tunge. And as C rist was

mekesteman, so he was moost drawen fro be world, and woldenot juge ne devide heritage among men. And git he cowde

have do bis best, gif it mygte have fallen to him. And bis werelasse perilous ban to devide benefices, for mede of good were

more, and errour of wickide were worse. And bus be apostlis

dursten not chese Mathi, but kepten be chesyng to God.

And bus sezfi Cr ist in bis gospel, 0 man, wbomade mej uge or

depar ter e among gou B As who seib, God bad me not do bis, and

whi shulde Y take bis office speciali ? sibGod hab ordeyned bis

lawe and oflice for seculer jugis. And myche more , sib God

hab ordeyned bat clerkis shulden not bus be dowid, to parte bis

dowyng amonge hem fallib for a fendis crafte . And here

heretykes cryen, bat bis gospel denieb not bat ne Crist departide

bis heritage, but he axide a questioun herof ; sib M oises, h’

conseils of God, was juge bus of heritages. But telle bes

heretykes how Crist jugide here , and in what forme, and whi be

Hooli Goost hidde bis jugement fro be Chirche.

And Cr ist seide to bi te disciples, Se gee, andflee ge f rom alle

maner (yaver ice, and speciali from averice bat stondib in siche

jugis. For C rist mygte have wonnen myche money, gif he

wolde have jugid bus ; but he muste have jugid ofte bat neiber

of bes partis shulde have bis. And Crist seib aftir bus, fiat not inaboundaunee of siebe goodis fiat a man bafi , stondzfi bis by; but in

be contrarie . For men shulden in state of innocence have

lyved wibouten sich goodis, and manymen lyven betere bat ban

here nougt of bes, as Baptist and Ober men , as bes Jew is motennedis graunte. And so bis is a fals princ iple bat worldlymen

usen to-day,—e ver be more bat a man hab, ever be more worbl SO E ; om . A .


prechiden now late a dreem 0; but bei cowden not rede wel,

and bei leften treube of be gospel. And bus bei han harmed

oure lond , bobe in men and moneie , and love of God , and

mannis frendshipe for so myche frendship as we han lost,

shulen freris nevere liclygete agen. And so be wynnyng bat

bei shulden have getun for trewe prechinge of be gospel, were

betere ban manyhundrid bousynd mark. But myche more bei

maden us lese ; for men bat knowen siche journeis and dis

pensis in money, wib hors and harnays, seien bat it comeb tomore , wibouten Ober barmes bat ben fallun. And noo drede

alle freris, or many, assentiden to bes heresies bat bes freris ban

prechid here, to gete moneie of be puple. Lord l gifmen weren

led b i witt, and wolde no more fede sich, bifore be rewme were

restorid of bis harm bat bei han don. For it semeb .

to manymen, bat tilbat tyme freris ben acursid ; and comunyng bus wibcursed men shulde not profit to oure rewme . And dedis of

hem bat God cursib ben litilworb or nougt to blesse. Late hem

lyve on ber werris , and on ber martris bat bei ban getun, or sille

ber feyned indulgence ; and disseyve bei no more oure rewme ;for feyned gabbingis bat bei heepen shulde make no treube toman of witt. Have we alle bes freris in suspect, in mater of

b ileve or obir for bei han sowen bus opynli lesyngis, agens

bileve. And no drede Clementis freris wolen as faste feyne

agens us ; for come bei in anober lond, bei wolen soone assente

to Clement ; and so bei wolden now here, gif bei hOpiden

worldli wynnyng. But God forbede bat oure b ileeve be led bi

sich heretikes ; bat seien bat be fendis eleccioun mahib hemnewe article of bileve ; as freris bat ben wib Clement seyen bat

it is ber bileve , bat Clement is heed of hooli Chirche ; as oure

freris feynen bus of Urban. Who shulde have hem not suspect

of beresie bat bei han prechid ?

So E ; A has comune .

See p. 166 supra .



bx srx'

rw bn Wnnxssm r AFTIR CORPUS Cnnrsr r nu .

[ S E R M O N c c x x 1 1. ]

Venitj esus ad rattan —Manx viii. [am]

pmgospel tellib of a myracle, how Crist heelide a blynd man.

M ark seib bat, j esus eam tofie toun of Betbsaida ,and fiei bryngen

bim a blynd man , and preieden Cr ist to toaebe bim. And Crist,

tabmgefie blynde mannis bond, [and ]1 ledde bim out (yfie strete

and Crist, spittznge in to b is glen, leide upon bim b is bondis , and

ax ide bim wber be saw ougt. And be labide, and seide, Y see men

and be began to se, and be was restor id to sigt, so fiat be saw

clerelyalle fiingrs. And Cr ist sente bim into bis bores , and bad

bim go into bis bores , and gif be entre into fie strete, lobe be telle

Crist fledde veyn preising, and algatis of bis toun ; for it was

oon of be bree touns bat Crist reprovede for her synne. And

herfore Crist ledde him out of a street of synful men , to teche

us bat summe synfulmen wolen veynlytake goode dedla“, and

men shulen lette to worobe b ifore hem, for depravyng of be

werkes. But here men axen comunly, whi Jesus, bat is al

mygty, helide not first fulli bis man, sib be myracle badde be

more. But here men taken as b ileve , bat alle bingis bat C rist

dide weren doone for certeyn resoun ,and for greet witt on ber

maner. And here Crist propheciede how bis citee was disposid.

Summe of bis citee weren goode, and weren growynge in ver

tues, and bis figuride C rist here , and lefte counfort to obermen to laste in vertues, algif bei done not beste anoon. And

trowe we not bat C rist dide here dispitously or unhonestly,spittynge in bis mannis face to gyve sigt to his igen. For C ristis

spotel hadde greet vertue , and was contrarie to venym of be

fend ; as philosophris seien it is of spotilof a fastyng man. And

bus Crist gaf devocioun and vertue to bis man to preie ; and it

is honest w ith sich spotcle for3C ristis hond to waishe his eycn.

lom. l§. a So E ; A has j





bx sz vnxrm bnW a nson GOSPEL u m CoRPUs Cnnrsr r mu.

[ S E R M O N , C C X X I I I . ]

Dixitj esns desapulzs‘.—MAT1‘. xiii.

Cars'r tellibhere two parahlis, bat tellen be state of his Chirche.

First he seib bat, pe rewme of bevenes is ma d liebe to a corn gt

senevey,fie wb ieb a man tabzfi , and sow zfi it in bisfi ld. Dis canis lest cf alle seedi s, bat men sowun comunlyin be feeld . Bat

wbanne it is grownn, it is more fian all wor tis, and it is ma d

a tree, sofiatfonlis (f beven eomen and dwellen in bis branebis .

Men undirstonden comunlybis parable of Cristis Chirche,

bat dwellib here upon erbe , and was but a litll fioc whanne

Crist chees his apostlis, bi suche ordre as he wolde. And bus

be Chirche is ofte clepid be rewme of hevenes, for be heed.

A seneveyseed in divers contrees hab diverse propirtees. I t is

liclybat bis seed badde bis prOpirte in be lond bat C ri st wasinne ; it was litil in quantite, and sowun in gardeynes, or in

be feeld ; and of leeves, whanne it growib, men maken potagein bat cuntre ; and after it growib to a tree, as done malues in

sum contre. pus growide bis Chirche bi vertue of C rist, bat

was lest for moost meke. And bis seed was b igynnynge of

alle be Chirche , bat now is greet. pis Chirche was sowun in

be feeld, whanne it growide here in erbe . And it contrariebnot herto bat C rist was a whets corn

, and fel in to be erbeand was deed, as Joon tellib bat Crist seide. pis Chirche

growide aftis to an hige tree, and cam to be hignesse of

hevene ; and grete lordis here in erbe dwelten in b ranchis of

bis tree. For emperours and kingis bicamen Cristene in pat

ticuler chirchis. Men seien bat seneveyhab bis kynde , bat it

is good for sause of mustard, and confortibmannis nerves , algif

it be sharp to mannis nose. pus C ristis Chirche lyvede first,

bat2 it was sause to Ober men ; and not oonli salt of be erbe ,

as C rist se ib of hise apostlis,— for men weren confortid bi

So E ; A has disciplis. bat is, E.


DE NYNTENbE Wannssnar GOSPEL arm CoRPUS CnRrs '

r r nu .

[ S E R M O N c c x x rv . ]

Aeeesserunt ad [ n un —MATT. xiii.

2 3m Dls gospel tellitb how Crist expowneb a parable bu he badde

seid. Mathew tellib bat, Diseiplis camen to f erns , and seeders,

Declare to us fie parable of tar is q/ fie f eld . And Cr i st an

swer ide, and seide Hefiat sow ip good seed is mannis sone and

fief eld is fie world and fiegood seed ben sones of fie ebirebe, but

fie tar is ben w ickid ebildr en. Butfie enemye fiat sowzfi fies tar is

isfie devyl, bat makib discord ; butfie r ipe eorn isfie cendey):world, and fie reper is ben Gaddi s aungels . Der/ore as tar i s ben

geder id, and ben brent in fie fier , so it sbal be in fie end cf fieworld. M annis sone sbal sende bis aungels , and fiei sbulden

gadere (f bis rewme all selaundr is, and bemfiat done w iebzdnesse,and fiei sbulen sende bem in to fie ebymeney of fier fiere sbal be

weg rng and gnastyng (y'

tefi . Danne j ust men sbulen sbyne as

sunne in fie r ewme of fier f adir . He fiat bafi oeren to beere,

beere be bis witt expowned. Ech preest bat hab witt shulde

first knowe bis parable, and after bes wordis bat here b en seid ,

and banne mayhe ligtli knowe what bis parable wolde meene .


r r.

[ S E R M O N c c x x v q

Dix itj esus prenapi .—LUC . xiv. [ I z .]

m um .“ Drs gospel tellib how a man shulde do his almes, and to what“pm

men. Luke tellib bow, j esus seide to a pr ince of Fa r isei s,

Wbanne fiou mabist a mete or soper , nylefiou elepefier tofiif r endis ,ne fii br efieren , nefii cosyns , ne fii r iebe neigbor is, leste fig/ bidden

So in E ; A excludes lest bes from the quotation .


fiee agen, and reward be ma d bere to fiee. But wbanne fiou

mabist af eeste, elepe fiou porefi ble men, blynde, and lame, and fiou

sbalt be blessid,for fiey ban not wberof fiei sbulen gelde fiee,f or

it sbal be golden to fiee in fie agenrysyng of j ust men. Wbanne

C r i st badde seide fies fiingis, oon (ybem fiat eten togedere seide

to b im, Blessid is befiat sbal ete breed infie rewme qf God.

Here men ben taugte to what bre men bei shulden do'

.ber Commentary

almes bodili ; for to pore feble men , to pore lame men , to pore

b lynde men. For a man maybe feble , lame, or blynd, and ful

riche ; but whanne he is pore wib onyof bes bree, banne he isab le to take sich almes. And, for alle curatis shulden be pore ,

and ben alle feble to do ber office, and to traveile for ber mete,

berfore bei taken almes as pore feble, and don beter goostli

almes agen. And bes blasfemes out of b ileve , bat seien bat

Crist spekib here falselyor uncompletlyto teche men to whom

bei shulden do ber almes, ben comunly stronge beggeris, and

tirauntis in Cristis Chirche. But bes heretikes shulden not be

trowid, ne be nurishid wib sich almes. Men maygyve sich

men good bi Ober title ban title of almes, as bi felowship or

lordship, as manytaken ofte mete wel.


[ S E R M O N C C X X V I . ]

Factum est ut intraret in .—LUC . vi.

Di s gospel tellib how C rist helide a man upon be Satirdai,and answeride to men bat accusiden him , and proved bi resoun

bat he dide wel. Luk tellib bat it fel bat, j esus wente into fie

w agage, and taugte fier inne. And fier was a man fier e, and b is

r igt bond was drye, and fie Scr ibis and Far isei s aspieden ,wber

j esus beelide on fie sabot, fiat fiei sbalden fynde to accuse bim.

And j esus knewe fiefiouglis (ybem, and seide tofie man fiat badde

fie drye bond, Rise fiou, and stonde in fie my'ddil. And be roos

‘ So E ; A has be.

The power of



and stood. And j esus seide to bem, I ax e wbere it be levefi elto do wel or yoel infie sabot ; to make a soule saf or to leese it.

And Cr ist lobide alle men aboute, and seide untofiis man, Str etebe

outfiin band. And be stretebide it out ; and bi s bond was restor id.

And fiei weren fi elfillid of unwisdome, and fiei spoken tog idere,

C rist makide many resouns bat man brekib not be Sabot,

gif he do miraclis on bis day, algif bei ben bodili werkes. For

banne shulden men moost do wel, in werkes bat God wole havedone ; but God wolde have bis werk done, for be him self dide

bis myracle. 3if Crist hadde do bis myracle for hyre, banne besFariseis hadden wel argued. But it is good to traveil bodily,and freelyto serve God. But bus dide Crist, in doynge myraclis,as he shulde uponSabot. For in state of innocence men

mygten traveile bobe bodili and Spiritualy to serve God in

nedeful bingis ; and bus servide Crist to God, doyng miraclis

on be Sabot. And bis was a medeful werk, and God was

auctor berof ; and herfore dide Crist sich werkes comunlyon

be Sabot.



[ S E R M O N c c x x v ru

Amen, Amen,dico vobis.—MARK xi.

D18 gospel tellibmen what vertue is in rigt b ileve. Mark tellib

bat, Crist seide, Sofiebz Y seie to gou,fiat gif ony seie to fi is b ill,

Tabe fiee am , and sende fiee into fie see and doute not in b is

berte, gif be trowe r igtly,fiat wbatevere be seifi sbal be do,fianne it

sbal be don to bim. Here ben manyobjecciouns bat bes wordis

of Crist ben false ; sib manymen mayaxe bingis, and trowe

into hem, and git mai faile . But prove bou bat bis man doutibnot, but spekib rigtly, and banne bou makist an argument bat

Crist and his gospel ben false . But bou provest not bat bou

‘on alle men, E.

Christd id rac

ys the




[ S E R M O N c c x x vm .]

Cum venzssetj esus . xv u. [z3]

D18 gospel tellib how meke Crist was, bat he gaf tribut to beemperour ; and git be emperour b i mannis lawe shulde not

axe bis of Crist. Mathew tellib bat, Wbanne j esus and b i s dis

aplic camen to Capbarnaum, fier camen, of be emperours ser

vauntis,fiat token tr ibut (y'

men to P etre,and seiden to b im, 3our

maistir paiefi no tr ibut. And P etre seid, 3be. As who seib, sobit is he paieb noon, for he is noon housholding man, and he habnoo rentis De goodis , wherfor he shulde paie bis tribut. And

wbanne be was entr id intofie bous , Cr ist eam bg‘bre P etr e, and

seide, Symount, wbatfiinbefi fiee e

’ Kengis (yerfie, of wbam taken

fiei tr ibut or taliage 2 (y'

fier sones , or of aliens 2 And P etr e seide,

Of aliens. And j esus seide to P etre, Danne sones bef ree fro bis.For it Semeb bat Crist wolde meene bis resoun unto Petre gif

be kingis of erbe taken no taliage of ber sones b i mannis lawe,myche more bei shulden not take of Goddis Sone bi mannis

lawe. But fiat we selaundre bem not, go to fie see, and caste

an boob, and fiatfisbefiat comefi fi rst ufi ,take tofiee, and apene bis

moufi , and lo,fiou sbaltjynde a maner e qf moneya. And bismoney

is as moche or more as bes servauntis axiden of C rist, for

dragma as men seien,was worb aboute sevene pens, and

stater , as men seien, is worb so myche or more. Cr ist bad

P etre tabefiis stater , and pa ie itfor Cr ist and P etre and bannebe maistir and

3his covent weren quit of paiyng of bis tribut.

Here seien clerkis sobeli, bat Crist shulde paie bis tribut, forGoddis lawe, bat is Goddis wille , nedide C rist to paie bis. And

l SO E ; A has didragwta .

’ So in E ; A has of bis eovent, and alsoweren evidentlytherefore and is the right rea ding.

The first Wyclifiite version ex which is simply standard .




to mean ‘a certeyn stater then current in Palestine was

of moneye ;’

in reference doub tless equivalent to 4 d rachmas .

to the originalmeaning of the word ,


here mai men see b i,resoun, bat Cristis preestis shulden not

grutche gif men token ber temporaltes ; for oure Jesus

grutchide not. And git he badde no temporaltees of kingis

bat dwelten in bis erbe ; for he ordeynede in be olde lawe bat his

preestis shulden have no sich lordship ; and he kepte it in

be newe lawe, for him and hise , ful streitly. But git Crist

taugte Pehe to take be stater of be water, and bat passide

mannis possessioun, and mannis witt, bat it was bere. And

bus Crist taugte bat God wolde bat he obeishide bus to bis

kyng, for ellis hadde Crist synned here, in doinge bat he

abulde not do, or bat God wolde not bat he dide ; but cursid

ben bei bat trowen bis.


[ S E R M O N c c x x rx q

Homo quidam babebat duos.—Matt. xxi.

DE witt bat bis gospel seib is toold b ifore in be fyt'

be weke

aftis Domine ne in ira, and bere men mai see bis gospelfl. But

sib alwitt is in Goddis lawe, and bi be same shile in be gospel,sumwhat moten men seien here of be witt bat be gospel tellib.

Matheu seib in bis gospel, bat God badde two sones, bobe

be hebene men and be Jewis. But be firste seide , he wolde not

do his bidding ; aftirward he hadde forbinking, and dide be

dedis bat God bad him. De Jewis seiden bat bei wolden do,and failiden falali in ber dedis ; and bus bei weren more to

blame , for more falsehede in word and dede.

And here men douten comunlyof be sixte maner of con

sence bat is whanne a man leevib to reprehende an Opyn

synne. Dus seien seintis, bat him wantib not scripul of privyfelowship, bat leeveb to blame an open synne. And snober

‘ taben.E.’eonsent, .E

See above.. .

pz 7 Domine ne is no introit with such a beginning

in in’

one wou d suppose to be the in anyoffice falling near the octave

first words of an introit ; but there of the Epiphany.

202 WYCL IF ’S

seib, he bat mayamende and is necligent, wibouten doute

he makib him pattener of be trespas . And bis same techibCristis dede, bat is comaundement to Cristene men, for it sebhiger to hem ban onyman mai speke bi vois. Crist, al vertuous

and alwitty, blamede hye preestis and Phariseis, and git he wiste

bat herfore bes ypocritis shulden shape his deb. And no man

of b ileve hab drede bat ne here was ground of errour ; for C rist

reprovede where moost was nede, and so shulden men do

to-day. Crist gaf be forme how men shulden blame bes folk bi

weie of charite ; for he seib bat hem bat he loveb, he reproviband chastisib. And he seib in Joones gospel, bat he gyveba newe mandement bat hise lymes love togidere rigt as he

lovede hem. And bus aspie bou what is cause of be synne s of

bes two folk, and drawe mekely aweybis cause, and bannesib lordship and temporal

goodis nurishen synne in bes two folk, drawe awey bes two

brondis, and bis boylyng wole after quenche. And no dreds

assent to bes menes is to assente to bes synnes. Manyseien

bat bei wolden bat bes synnes weren fordone in be Chirche, and

gif eiber bei ekyn be fier, or leeven to wibdrawen be brondis

as who seib, Y wolde fayu bat be hete of bis water were’

quenchid, and git Y putte under fier, and leve to wibdrawe be

brondis. Dis consence is wel knowun of C rist, bat knowib al

bing. And bis blamyng shulden men do,for love to bes two

folk ; for no dreds C rist for love reprovede hie preestis and


But here men replien comunly, bat b i bis skile ech man

assentib to ech synne doone in be Chirche for a man assentib

bat ceesib to speke agens bis synne. Also manyknowun not

bis synne, and ben not in power to ceese it ; how ben bei

oblishid berto of God , bat worchib al bi resoun ? Here

Gri stene men shulden have no dreds bat ne bis consent is

comune now. And so it is seid ful sobly, bat whoever synnebonyweyassentib to al synne bat is done banne , as manymendrawun a boot. But here we moten distingue blame fro ligt

synne bat we moten have , for ellis holymen assentiden ever

to almanere synne . Do we now bat in us is , and God wolc

So in E ; A has 11000. el'en , E . So E ; weren , A .



makib; and bus, for he makib a man domb , he is clepid

a domb spirit. And he harmed manyweies be man bat he

M sbsfi‘ beh dwmandfiam bef rofisfimndgnastib w ifi bis teefi :

and af’tirward be wex rfi dn

e. And Y seide to fii diseiplz’

s fiet


sbulden east out fies spsrit, and fiei mygkn nat. And Cr isl

answerrde to bem, and seide, O b 'nrede untrowgful, bow wsbal I be wsfi gou l boo nge sbal I sW e gou t boenge ge fiis

siib man to me. And fiei brougten him to Crist. And wbm

Cr ist badde sgrn bemanoon fiis spirit troublede bsh , and be , mst

W infie erfie, was walm°

d andfi ofiide. And Crist ax ide bis

fadir , How m um“is it/ ro fiat fiis is/allun a bim ? Zane

fie /adir seide, Fro ebefidbood And o/k Mu s bafi be patted

us, and bave mer¢yon us . And /m s m de to bimJ g


fiou mai st

bileve,alle fiingis ben possible to biasfiat bileevefi. And anaau fie

my: untroufie. And wbanne j esus badde sgm fie /olb renw

fiidir , be manasside fie unelene spir it, and seide, Dove M and


more in to bim. And fii s spir it, w , made bim serawbr'.

or, al to—teerynge bim wente oute /rem bim ; and fie ebfld was

m ad as deed, so fiat mam seiden, fiat be is deed. And j esus ,boldinge bis bond, reiside bins to bim, and be aroos .

And wbanne Cnlst badde entrbt in to fie bous , bes dtse#lisox iden brin pr iuyly, Wbi nygten we not caste outefii sf end fi And

Cr i st seide to bem, Dis b rute Q/ spsritis ma i not wende out but

in pr eiour and infi rs/neg.

Men seien comunlyhere , bat Crist kepte bis werk to him

silf, for his apostlis failiden here in sadnesse.

of bileve. And

mckell preie to God ; and herfore seib Crist here , but bis fendis m ten out in preier and fastinge. For as fendis han dyvers

poweris , so dyverse vertues contrarien hem. And noo drede

Crist wolde bat his lordshipe were here shewid, and bus he

spekib here as a lord. And myche peple saw bis deede .

M a li ; seraule. Q.



[ S E R M O N c c x x x r . ]

Rogabatj esum quidam—L I N. vu. [3

D18 gospel tellib how Crist dide mercyto M arie Mawdeleyn .

Luk tellib how , 0 Far isgzpreiede j esus to ete w zfi b im,and Cr ist

entr ide intofie Pbar iseis bous , and sat doun tofie mete. And lo,

a synf ulwommanfiat was infie citee, wbanne sbe knewefiatj esusr estid in fie Pbar iseis bous, sbe brougte a box cy


eynement, and

stood bibynde bisidefiefleet of fie Lord j esus, and bigan w zfi teeristo waisbe bisflet, and w ipte bem w zfi fie beer is of ber beed, andkisside bis f eet, and anqyntide bem w ib fie mement. And fie

P bar isgrfiat clepide Crist, sgrnge bis dede of bis womman, seide

w zfiinne to bimsib"; Hefiis, ;y

be were a propbete, certis be sbulde

w its wbo and wb icb is fie worbman fiat touebsfi bim, for sbe isa ynful womman. And j esus answer ide, and seide to fiis Pba

risgl, Symount, Y bave sumwbat to seie to fiee. And Symount

seide, M aistir , seie. And j esus answer ide, and seide, Der werentwo dettouris to an usurer oon ougte fyve bundrede pens, and

anofier fifb'. And wbanne fiei badden notfor to pai r, bef orgafb em bofie. Wbo fierfore lovefi b im mar; 2 And Symount


sweride, and seide,Y gesse fiat be to wbom be gey


more. And

j esus seide to bim, Dou bast j ugid r igtly. And Cr ist, turned

tofie womman, seide”to Symount, Seestfioufiis womman P I bave

entr id in to fi in bous fiou gavest noo water to myf eet, but sbe

fi is bafi waisbed myf eet w zfi teer is, and bafi wipt bem wrfi beer is

yber beed. A eos‘fiou gavest me not

,but sbe fiis,f ro Y was

entr id, eesside not to bisse myf eet. Wefi oile fiou angmtedist not

myn beed, but sbe fiis aneyntide myf eet w ifi tymement. DerforeY sei e to fiee, many synnes ben fi rgovun ber ,f or sbe bafi mycbe

loved fi r to wbom is lesseforgovun, be lovefi lesse, as bou hast

seid. And j esus seide to bir ,Di synnes ben forgovun fiee. And

summe fiat saten togidere atfie mete bigunnen to seie wefiinne bem

80 E and Q ; A has «ton . So E ; wepte, A .3and seyde, E.

eosse, E.

Private con(cation.

its effects


silf , Wbo is be fiisfiat fius f orgyvefi synnes 2 And j esus seide to

fiis womman, Di bileve bafi maad fiee saaf gofiou in pees.

Here maywe see how pryveyshrifte is auctorisid of 1 oure

Jesus. For but in bis place aloone men shulen not grounde

bis oonly shrifts . But bi be sentence of be gospel, gif man

have ful sorew for his synne. gif he speke not aftis 00 word ,

but do wel and leve to synne, God forgyveb bis synne, as he

forgaf bis wommans synne. And neiber gospel ne resoun mai

agen- seie bis sentence. And so be pope hab newe founden

a rownyng shrifte, and beden it streitly; and bis shrifte doibsum tyms good, and also myche harm in be Chirche ; for bi

bis han prelatis men undir foot, and spulen hem of worldly

goodis. And bus bobe prestia and ber sugettis synnen many

gatis in bis point. And bus men erren in b ileve, bobe preestisand be peple. For an hundrid poinn


s ben feyned of assoilinge

and eursinge bat han no ground in Goddis lawe, and git men

doren not agen- seie hem. And fro be tyme bat be fend was

unbounden, be bridde pope Innocent brougte bis inne8. And

sib bis doib myche good to manymen to be bus shryven , and

to manyit doib harm,- and herof bei hem silf shulden be juge,

—men seien bat it is nedeful to manymen to be bus shryvun,but whanne and to whom men shulden be shryvun is in ber

owne discrecioun. As stynge of mete is nedeful, but not ever

in ech place ; and maner of metis bat ben founden men shulden

take after bat bei done hem good . De popis lawis in bis materben litelworb for to trowe, but inasmyche as bei ben groundid

of Goddis lawe or of resoun. And it semeb hard bat be Chirche

shulde be nurishid wib newe fode, and leve fredom bat Crist

hab ordeyned, and be constreyned to take bis fode. Shryve

a man him wel to God ; bis sufiisib a man to soulis helbe .

And git it is nedefulbat sum men shulden shryve hem bus.

But for be firste part of be gospelwe shulen wite bat ber ben

two usuris. Summe usuren here in erbe for ber prou. and want

of love ; and bus usure is forfendid, for it smatchib cove itise .

But Ober usure is govun to God , whanne he gyveb men his

1 in , E.

A t the fourth COUI ICll of the La teran. A .D. 1 2 15.

The fa ith ofZ accheus.


sende donge tofie rootis . And gif it bere bus fruyt, it is a good

werk and a wiis, and ellis af tirwardfiou sbalt bitte it doun.

Dis man is be godhede of hevene bis vynegerde is his

chirche. Dis fige tree is be rewme of Judee . And it was

bareyne in bree eeldis ; but Crist, gardener of bis vinegerde,

grubbide inne and dongide it ; for he prechide to be Jewis,and lefte his bodi in lond but git bis fige tree bare noo fruyt,and herfore it was kitt awey, be two and fourtibe geer aftis

Cristis assencioun.

Luk tellib after how, j esus was teebinge in fier synagogi s in

sabotis, and lo, a womanfiat badde a spir it of sykenesse in eigten

geer , and sbe was bowed doun, and mygle not on anymaner lobe up.

And wbanne j esus saw berybe clepide ber to b im,and seide to brr ,

Womman,fiou art leftf ro fii longe siibenesse. And Cr ist putte

to bir bis bondis, and anoon sbe was streigt, and glor ifiede God .

And bus bis womman was heelid bi be myracle bat Crist dide

here . And fiispersoun1of fie synagoge answer ide, dedeyry


Cr ist beelide on fie sabot,and seide unto fie puple, Der ben six e

da ies in wb ieb men moten worebe, fierfore some ge in fies da ies

and be ge beelid, but not on fie sabot. And fie L ord answer ide

to bim,and seide 3e”w r ites

,wbere ecb cf gou unbyndzfi not in

sabot b is ox e or bis assef ro fie eratebe, and ledzfi b im to drynkeP

And was it not nede to unbynde fiis Abrabams dougtir ,fiat bafiben bounden f or eigtene geer , f ro ber boond in fie day of sabot 2

And wbanne Cr ist badde seid fies wordis, alle b i s adver sar ies

weren asbamed and alle fie paple badde j oie in alle fi ingis fiat

weren gloriouselydoon of bym.


[ S E R M O N c c x x x n u

Egr essus j esus ibat.—LUC . xix. [ 1

Dis gospel tellib how Crist dwelte in be hous of

Luke seib bat, j esus wente out, and wente unto j er iebo.

1 So E ; A has perssoun.

11 Z acbee, E


fier was a manfiat b igte 3acbee, and be w as pr ince of publicans ,and be was a r iebe man

,and be sougte to see j esus , and be mygte

notf or fie puple,f or be was titil in stature. And be ran bifore,and stiede into a sycomor tr ee f or to see j esus f or be was to

passefierbi. And wbanne be cam tofieplace, j esus lobynge up saw

bim, and j esus seide to b im 3acbe, baste fiee to come doun,f or

to-dayYmoot dwelle in fiin bous . And 3acbee bastide b im, and

cam dean, and took Cr istf uq yf ulli. And allefie men, wbanne

fiei sawen, gruccbiden, and seiden fiat be turnede to syry'

ul man

for puplicans weren holden synful bobe in liif and in craft. And

3acbee stood, and seide to fie L ord, Lo, fie balf of mygoodis, Sire,Y gyve topor e men and gb

’ Y bave ougt bzgs'

led any,Y gelde agen

fieforefold. And j esus seide to him ,For to- day belfie is maad to

fi is bous ,f or be i s Abrabams sone. For mannis sone cam to sebe

and mabe saf fiat was per isb id.

Dis gospel is red in geeris whanne be chirche is halewid, for

no feste as masse is worb but gif be gospel conferme it. And

as 3achee resseyvede Crist, so chirchis resseyven Cristene men.

But here shulden men undirstonde bat be chirche is taken on Distinctions ofw enum in the

manymaneres. First, for men bat shulen be saved, which I W “C urchCrist clepib Ab rams sones . After, for be bous of liym


stoon, bat conteyneb sich men . We taken noon heede to oberwittis bat be chirche sumtyme b itokeneb. Des two bingis

gederid togidere on what maner bat it be , be firste chirche

is Goddis spouse, in what place ever it be ; be tobir chirche is

balowid and maad, as obir places ben. And bes w ittis ben

diverse to Speke bus of be chirche . For no drede God is not

spousid wib bis liym and bis stoon but to sich places men

gaderen, bobe good and yvel, for to heere Goddis word, and to

resceyve ber sacramentis, algif it be not modir ofmen ’, but sich

a temple is an hous to oure modir to reste inne. And manybingia bat men don here , men doon to Crist and his Chirche ;

and in worship of hem bei doon summe discretli, and summe

doon folily, for defaute of enformynge .

1 tyme , E.

1 bem, E.


“ c.

The house



[ S E R M O N c c x x x rv q

Omnis qui venit ad me.—LUC . vi.

D18 gospel tellib how goostli Chirche shal be groundid in

Crist. Luk tellib how Crist seide, ecb manfiat comefi to me, and

beer efi my wordis and dozfi bem, Y sbal sbezve gou to wbom be is

like. He is like to a man fiat bildsfi an bous ,fiat delvefi depe, and

bafi put bisground upon a stoon and wbanne gr ete wetnesse i s

maad,fieflood is cast tofiat bous, and it mygte not movefiis bous ,

fi r it was grounded upon a sad stoon.

Bybis gospel maymen see, sib ech man shulde be Goddis

hous , ech man shulde ordeyne so for himsilf bat God b i grace

dwelle in his soule . And gif he have sad b ileve in Crist, bannehe is groundid on bis stoon. Des waters and wyndis and Obertempestis ben tribulaciouns of bis world, agens whiche stondibhe wel bat hab sad bileve in C rist, and trow ib bat gif he love

Crist, what caas bat fallib to him,it mut nedis falle to his betere ,

b i vertu of bis ground stoon. And bus stondib C ristis Chirche

faste, what tribulacioun falle to it. And generaly, bis Chirche is

paied in what poverte bat it is inne . And gif it be pursued in

bodi, it trowib bat it is for be beste. And, for noon of us

shulde be proud ne coveitous b i bis title , God hab hid bis stoon

from us, whet we ben men of holyChirche . For gif we shulen

not be saved, we ben not men of holi Chirche . And among

bree bingis bat God hidib from us, bis is oon. And bus he

semeb a blasfeme bat is bus proud b i bis title , or bus spulib pore

men, as he were God and wiste al bing. But certis banneshulde he leeve bis synne , and be meke as Crist was . A man

maywite whanne he is in worldlyofiice wib a lord ; but bis is ferfro bis title, to be a lym of holyChirche.

Em u of the


bour 1 is camen, and now it is comun,fiat ge be scater id abroad ecb

on into bis awne place, and ge sbulen lceve me aloone ; and Y am

not alaane,f ar fief adir is wefi me. Y am aloone from mannis

helpe, but not aloone from Goddis helpe. Des fizngis bave Yspoken to gou,fiat gee bavepees in me. I nfie world sbulen ge bave

aver - lesynge1; but truste ge, Y bave overcamefie world.

Here shulden men wite wel in what bingis stondib mennis

pees,—not in strong folk and castelis, ne in assailyng of oure

enemyes, ne in preieris of freris, but in oure owne vertuous lyf.

Triste we in Crist, and hope we wel to have in him oure pees

bi vertues. For manymoo freris preien agens us, ban feynen

for to prei for us ; and bes seien not. Fees to bis hous , what

toun or cuatre bei dwellen inne, but shapen to hem axis of

werre ; and bis shewib no pees, but hate of C rist. And bus we

wenen bat it were betere bat bes preieris helden ber pees, for

bei witen nevere where bei ben ordeyned to peyne of helle, as

fendis children ; and it semeb not bi ber lyi, bat ne bei assenten

to bes grete synnes.‘

How shulden bei bigilen be puple wibchafi


eryng of beir preier ?


r rs 5e FOR bE DEEDE’

[ S E R M O N c c x x x v n . ]

Dix it M ar tba ad j esum.—JonN xi. [2 L ]

Com custume ofmen ‘ is to make ber testament whanne

bei dien, and for to make exequies for bat day bat bei ben

biried. And in bobe bes bingis ben many errours in b ileve ;

for it is groundid in mannis ordenaunce for be more part, and

not in Goddis. A greet disseit in bis mater stondib in trist of

mennis preiours“; as freris and Ober preestis seien bat bei wolen

save be1soulis and bringe hem hastili into hevene b i be vertue

of ber preier. But here at be first men shulden wite , what

preier profitib to men. And preier of good liif profitib1be boure, E.

1 The title in E is ‘ M issa prodefunctis.

Cristen men, E.1preyouris, E. M .E.


moost of alle ober, and bis preier profitib more to quyke

men and to dede. Dou woist 1 nevere whet bis dede man

be dampned or in purgatorie and if bat he be dampned

alle preiours saven him not. 3if he be in purgatorie, good liifof be Chirche here mai be meedful to bis man, after bat Crist

acceptib it. And berfore lyve bou wel, and do bou profit to be

Chirche, and leve bis parting of mede to God, for so mut

it nedis be .

Many men ben disseyved in founding of chauntries, in

coostli sepulcris, and in solempne sepulturis ; and alle bes

fedeu be world, and done no profit to be soule ; but as bei

harmen men lyvynge, so bei done harm to be soul. And as

anentis masse or preieris, Cristens men shulden wel wite bat

good liif of a plowman is as myche worb to be soule as preier

of bis frere, algif it profite sumwhat. And berfore it is an open

foly to barggyne wib preestis for siche preier, sib bei cunucu

not grounde b1 resoun be valu of ber preier. And as God

accepte ber preist , so he maywhatever he wole ; and bus bis is

a lewid ground to move men to triste to bet preier. 3if bisprest shal be dampned, his preier profitib litil or nougt, but doibmore harm to quike and dede ; and bus shulden men hiire bym

to lceve.

Preier of lippis bigilibmany1, and specialywhanne lippis ben

pollut ; for sich preieris of preestis don harm manygatis . And

herfore bei shulden kepe ber lippis fro bloodyservise of be fend.

For men seyen bat prestis wordis shulden be as be gospel;but now ber lippis ben foulid on seven maners, wibouten moo.

First, in irous wordis, as scorneful and wrabful. Also in nu

honest wordis, i s and talis of japis. Also in

gabb ingis of ber breberen —and bis fallibofte to freris whanne

bei prechen of dede men, bei gabben bobe of quike and dede.

Also in boostful wordis bat men speken of ber ordris, and

of bingis bat fallen to hem ; and sich lesingis hatib God. Also

bei gabben upon God , bat is a foul blasfemye, as men mayheere of freris in errour of ber speche, as bei tellen of ber

begging in helpe of ber b reberheed , and in mede of figtinge, wibober errours bat bei sowun. Sich lippis ben unclene to plese

1 waste.E. bire bem to leeve preyer of lippis. sib beybigilen many.E.

omn d hepe hes lippis ia dm e qxed se ; and ban sll lklen ber

Axoq osrn ar MAssx n r rs s-

n n m lvx nm x.

[ SE R M O N C C X X X V I I I . ]

Gui verbum m audit—Jon v.

Mn shulden knowe bis treube in makynge of bes testament,

bat be leste nedefulwerk bat bei don ber in bes persone ia mote

medeful to hem ban al bat ber seketours’ done, and obes men

bat preien for hem, be it nevere so costli. For bi ech sich

medeful werk maya man disserve blis ; but bi sich werkes,

whanne a man is deed , he hab but remissioun of peyne or

sunnet comynge to blis, and bis is myche lesse ban be tober.

And herfore seide Crist in be gospel, bat men lyvynge shulden

sue him, and lete be dede men birie be dede for mede but be

Chirche on lyve doib, wole God departe for dede men afler bei

han made hem worbi here . And bus in sich dede preier ben

manymen b igilid. Denke we on Cristis testament, and shape

we oure deeb after his, for he diede in moost charite, and shape

we us to die in sum’. Ober ben goodis of be world, and bisie we

us not banne aboute hem, but bisie we us banne in love of

God and tristful sorewe for oure synnes, for no tyme bat manhab here were worse to him to be distract. And bus sich

makyng of testamentis is often a boon to manysynnes ; forbishOpis and erchedekenes and ber clerkis synnen ofte here .

De secutours synnen also byyvel dispending of bes goodis ;1glotonye.E.

1scanners.E ; seeatours, Q.

1to dyge so, E.

11 Compare the account in Chaucer’

s Sompnoures Tale of the affectionateSalutation of the Frere to the wife of Thomas the housbondman .

WY C L I F ’


Wber ge ban not r edfiat befiat made bem atfie bigynnynge, male

andf emale be made bem t For God made hem in bis kynde tolove, and bus brynge forb fruyt. And so ber ben bree goodis inbis oon sacrament, feib, children , and chastite . For bei shulden

5’ love togidere, and love ber children,wib chastite . De man

shulde holde him to be womman, and be womman hir to him,

and gif Ober of bes faile , be tober, stonding elene , mai lceve be

bedde . And Cr ist seide tofies men, Her/ore sbal a man levef adirand modir , and sbal dr awe to b is wyf , and fiei sbulen be two in 00

fleisb . And sofiei ben not two now ,but oofleisb .

And bi bes wordis wolde Crist meene bat moore oonhede

shulde be bitwixe a man and his wyf ban bitw ixe Ober men.

Ech man wib his b rober is 00 fieish, as o bodilykynde, and

a man is ma d oon w ib an hoore on ober maner, but bis4? sacramental oonhede passib bis in manymaneres, for bis oon

hede shal laste in hevene , but not bi sich fieishly knowing.

And as preestis shulden preche pees, so bei shulden move to bis

love ; but as bei forgetun pees, so be i forgetun to move herto.

For unkynde braunchis bat Spryngen up doon harm to be

tree .




hgxcellency And here men shulden benken upon to do worship to be


gospel, for it is Goddis owne word , and so worshipe God in it.

Wel we witen bat a lordis word is myche chargid0 for his

worship, and word of kyng or emperour is more chargid for his

f hygenesse . And sib Crist is heier manyweies, bobe in w itt andin worship, charge his wordis for reward, sib bis lord is greet

and witti. And bis moveb manymen to hate alle Ober wordisfor C ristis, and saveren hem lasse , but gif bei ben groundid

in wordis of be gospel. And bus men ben to blame bat docken

wordis of God, and bat avoutren Goddis word , as Poul pleynebon manymen . Des men docken Goddis word , bat takun a word

of be gospel, and aftir ward reducen ber fablis, bi rymes or Oberfals w itt. And certis bis is a foul synne , for bus Goddis sentence

is hid , and mannis liking is prechid ; but wo worbe him bat bus

doib! What resoun shulde move freris to large ber clobis and

docke be gospel? Certis, b i vertue of be gospel, men kissen

To char e means here . as in manyother places ,‘

to hold impo rtant.’

to value b ig ll)


bobe bokes and wallis, but sich reverence bei don not to frere 1

clobis , but gif bei ben woode . And so benke we on bis ende,

bat bis gospel tellib last. Datfiing fiat God bafi j g 'ned sbulde not

a man depar te. And bus, sib God joyned bis witt to wordis bat

be gospel spekib, men shulden not departe bis witt, and put an

hoore witt berfore . For banne bei avoutren falselyGoddis

word, as Poul spekiba

e The concluding rubri ck in MS. A is as follows

Here enden be Ferial Gospels of albe seer w ib commemoraciouns,and b igynnen be Sonedai Pistlis.

[THE Sermons which follow, 55in number, are, with two exceptions,upon the epistles (or less ons)for the Sundays throughout the year, according to the Sarum use . The exceptions are , the sermon on the lesson for

the first mass on Christmas Day(Sermon V), and that on the epistle for

the Sixth dayafter Christmas. Sermons on the gospel: for these two dayshave been alreadyprinted under the head of Proprium Sanctorum,

(seevol. i., pp. 316 and The difi


erence in number between these that

follow, and the 54 Sundaygospel sermons, arises from the fact of the last

named set not containing discourses for Christmas Day’

and the Sixth dayafi er,while, on the other hand, the epistle set has no sermon for the octave

of the Epiphany. Throughout the series the writer follows the Sam use.

W ith this use the order of epistles in the English Prayer- book, as well as

in the Roman missal, nearlyagrees ; where there is a divergence, it is

pointed out at the beginning of each sermon.]


DE n asu SoNxDAr Prs'e rN ADvEN'

r ErroRE Cnarsrm ssx.

[ S E R M O N I J

Scientes guia bora est. ROMANS xiii. [ I L ]

WE taken as bileve bat epistlis of apostlis ben gospelis of

C rist, for he spak hem alle in hem, and Crist mai not erre.

And alle be gospelis speken good tibingis of joie of be blisse

of hevene. And algif be Holi C oost spekib ech word of holywritt, nebeles Crist spake in PO111 more plentenousely and

sutilli. And bis moveb sum men to telle in Englishe Poulis

pistelis, for sum men maybetete wite herbi what God menebbi Poul.Dis pistle of P0111 tellib, how bat men shulden b igge ber tyme.

For algif God gyve freelytyme, as ligt and ober giftes of kynde ,nebeles bysynne of man tyme is lost to come to hevene ; and

not oonlyb i synne of Adam, but bi synne of ech man bat wole

not, in vertue of C rist, b igge be tyme bat Crist gyveb for to

wynne be blis of hevene. And bis marchandige abulde ech

man do—specialy for bis cause ; for be daies for synne ben

yvel, and maken manyto lese ber tyme, Poul bigynneb to stire

bus to take hede to Goddis tyme, and to lese not bis tyme,

our is now us to r ise f ro sleep,for now is oure belfie nere fian it

was wbanne we bileveden . Eche man coveitib kyndelyto have

blis bat God hab ordeyned to mankynde to reste inne, but

manymen contrarien hem silf, for be i coveiten comunli to have

bis blisse, but ber lust and fieishli witt letten hem to wynne bis

ua to rr

be tlll the lfl


blis, and bryngen resoun asleepe , and maken men to contrarien

hem silf. For ech man shulde first coveite his beter, and flee

his yvel, and so a man shulde more wille blisse ban onysen

sible lif here. And bis takib Poul as bileve, whanm he biddibmen rise fro slepe . And Poul meneb bi bis sleep synne bat

foolis lyven yuh e. For rigt as a man, whanne he slepib, wantibwitt to kepe him, and is nere dede ban a best, so it is of synne

ful men. For what dede ever he doib, it lettib banne to dis

serve blis, and disposib him to be peyne of helle, bat is wers

ban beestis deb. And for men shulden rise on morewe , and

do ber werkes aftir resoun, and men have now litil tyme to

regarde of olde fadirs, berfore seib Poul here bat our is now

to rise fro sleep. An our is a litil tyme , and sunne of rigtwis

nesse is uppe.

De secounde word bat P0111 seib stireb to be witt of be formerword, whanne he seib bat now is oure helbe more nyge ban

whanne we bileveden. It is knowun bi kyndely skill bat be

bingis bat moven kyndely, moveu faster toward be cende . And

it is also knowen b i skile, bat as tyms passib to men, so it‘

comeb nyge domesday, whanne men shulen have fulli her kelbe .

For al if Crist be mennes helbe , git he makib not helbe in man ,

but as resoun of tyme axib ; and herfore to be dayof dome

shalnot alCristis Chirche be in ful helbe, ne slepe in blis wibher spouse. To bis entent spekib Poul, in be persone of al

holyChirche, bat now , whanne tyme is passid to bileve bat be

Incarnacioun is to come, but bat be Incarnacioun is passid , as

be Chirche seeb ascencioun, it mut nedis now be nere to be ful

helbe of be Chirche ban it was b ifore tyme , whanne be Chirche

oonlyb ilevede. For now be Chirche passib bileve of be Iucar

nacioun of Crist, sib it wote wele in heven bat Crist hab longe

be bere man. And bis shulde move Cristene men to disserve

hastelyblisse, sib bei ben neer be cende bat bei coveiten kyndeli.

And to bis witt spekib Poul aftir. De nygt, he seib, bafi gon

Walbe we bonestly as infie day. Here men undirstonden ofte

bi bis nygt be nygt of synne. For as angelis weren not con

fermed, but ever stoden in nygt of grace , so mankynde , sib it

But, for men in bis lyf reversen be ordre of God , berfore

in bis seconde goke Poul rekeneb ayunes bat comen bifore .

Sicbe men bat ayunen bus liggen ofte to longe in ber heddis,

and so bei have unchastnes in bougt, in word, and’

in dede.

And herfore seib Poul after, bat we shulden not reste in beddi s, ne

in uncbastite bat sueb ofte afrit bis reste. For manyben temptid

of fieishlysynnes bi sich couchyng in ber beddis ; and gif bei

rysen and wakeden bifore , bei shulden fle sich unchastite . And

herfore manymen usen wel to come not in bedde wib sheetis,

but be bilid above be bedde , and rise snoon whan bei ben

temptid and bis semeb Poul to teche, more ban to rise at


De bridde gok bat Poul forfendib, is cbidxng and envie. For

bes foure sisters b ifore bryngen in ligtli bes two ; forydilnesse in

bis lyfmahib men to stryve after ; and for stri f, wibyvele wordis,ben men groundid in long envie .

But medecyne for alle siche synne is, to be clofiid in j esus

Cr ist. And bat man is clobid in Crist bat hab freish mynde of

his lyf, and clobib his wille to sue him, lest his soule be cold

in love. And bis were a general medecine to fle synne and

sue vertues ; for no man mai synne in bes, but in defaute of

clobing of Crist. And for bis al Cristene men han nede to

knowe bileve of be gospel, and so to knowe be liif of C rist,and be wisdom of his wordis. And so Gristene men shulden

wite bat Poulis wordis passen obere writingis in two bingis

bei ben pure, sutil, and plentenous to preche be puple. Desutilte of Poulis wordis maymake me and foolis to shame,

whanne we cunucu not undirstonde sutilte of his short wordis.

Dei ben also plentenous ; for ech treube bat Poul spekib is

knyttid w ib ech point of b ileve , and so after specheof oon maycome speche of snober, after bat it profitib to be heerers . As

Comessationes , banquetings .



be laste word of bis epistle b iddib us be clobid wib Jesus Crist ;and sib bis is goostlyclobing, in whiche mannys soule shulde

be clobid, 31 be vertues of Jesus C rist mayfittinglybe brougthereynne . And sib al vertues ben his, al vertues mayhere be

taugt. And vices bat ben contrarie to vertues maybe declarid,to flee hem ; as men bat taken privat sectis, or putten not Cristis

sect alone , sib bis glgib bi it silfe wolde suflice, fi'

ailen of be

cl_oib of chari te. And so it is to drede to hem, bat in tyme of

be laste Soper bei shulen be dombe , for defant bat bei have in

b ryde cloib. Dei shulen not be clobid in wolen and lynen, ne

putte sect of Crist b inebe , but putte bis lordis clgib above, andcharge hem not wib Ober clobis,

—sib Crist biddib men of his

suyt bat bei shulden not have two cootis.


mE R M O N N J

Quecumgue scr ipta u ni —Rom s xv.

D18 epistle of Poule techib how men shulden cl\obeber soulein b ileve , hOpe and charite, and banne bei ben clobid in Crist.

Poul bigynneb at b ileve , and seib,fiat alle fiingisfiat ben wr itunin Ober of Goddis lawes ben w r itun f or oure lore. For bo

bingis ben bileve bat men shulden cunh e b ifore ober. We

speken not of enke and parchemyn, but of be sentence bat God

seib ; and b i be seiynge of bis Lord we ben sikir bat it is sob;as, whanne a symple man seib a treube, we trowen it not for

he seib it,—sib he mai gabbe , and manybingis mai be un

knowen to bis man,—but Crist is man of greet witnesss , bat

mai not faile in noubet of bes. And so his speche makib treube

to be b ileve to Cristene men. 3it men taken more largelybes

wordis bat Poul spekib here ; for alle maner treubis, bat ben

writun in onyboke , git alle bes treubis ben writun in Goddis

lawe on sum maner ; as treubis bat ben more nedeful ben

writun bere more expresly, and treubis not so nedeful ben hid

bere in comoun wordis. And sib falshede, as Austin seib

1‘ See the second book ofSt. Austin'

s Soliloquies, chapters iv.—x.

sEEuons. von. 11. q



is trewe in a maner, al falshed or beresie is writun in Goddis

lawe, and so many travelen in veyn to witen how heritikes

shulden be knowen. But shortly, al bis falshede bat is un

groundid in Goddis lawe is heresie in a maner ; and al heresie

is siche. And so manymen wenen bat al bes newe sectis

brougt in , sib bei ben not groundid in bis lawe, smatchen sum

what of beresie. And berfore Cristene men shulden benkeshame to elobe hem above wib raggis, and foule be worbi suyt

of Crist, as done albes newe ordres.

Poul tellib after for what cause God hab ordeyned bes bingis

be writen, fiat we bave bope bypaciens, and b i confort of bes

writyngis. But Poul passib over bes two vertues, and praiebafter charite ; fiat God (y


pacience and «y’

solace gyve gou to bunne

fie same fiing among gou, ecb to afier , bi fie lore y’

j esus Cr i st

fiat ge be «y00 w ille, and wefi o moufi wor sbipe Gad, fie wbicb

God is f adir of oure L ard j esus Cr i st. Poul clepib God of

pacience , and of solace bat comeb after, for Crist taugte men

to sufl'

re bobe in word and in dede, and putte hem in hope

berfore to be solasid of God. For greet vertu is in bat man

bat castib him to sufi'

re, and kepib veniaunce to God, and hopib

bat God for bis pacience wole conforte him. And herfore he

is God of pacience and solace. And hereon manybenken to

litil, bat figten and pleden and casten weies how bei shulden

be here vengid, as gif God kuewe not ber wrongis . And so

Goddis lawe undirstondib b i bis same bing unite , whanne men

mekelyknowen o Lord, and putten alle wrongis in his wille .

And men bat slepen in bis bing resten surelyin pees ; and bis

unite shulden men have bi be lore of Jesus Crist, and banneshulden bei be of o wille , and wib o moub herie God. Desmen have 0 moub, bat preien God for pees and love , and what

ever bei speken or don it sounneb in to pees and charite. And

bis lessoun is binne to day, for men speken of werris and

stryves, and how bei shulden vencushe ber enemyes, bobereligiouse and ober. And certis bei have manymoubis bat

ben amys sett upon ; and siche fendis wib ber visers maken

men to flee pees ; and bes men worshipen not Crist, neiber

in his godhede ne in his manheed. For Crist bougte pees and

love, and sufl'

ride berfore in his manheed ; and he bat reversib


singen in God bis unite . And efte seib be same lawe of God,

Be ge befiene men glade, for ge ben oon w zfi bis puple. And efte

seib bis same lawe, 3e alle befiene men, ber ie fie L ord, and alle

puplis pr eisen ge b im for almaner of men of mankynde shulde

be oonheed in 00 Lord. And Ysaysezfi .y’

te sane, Der sbal be

a rate of j esse,fiat sbal r ise to f eule befiene men, and befiene men

sbal bope in bim. Dis rote of Jesse is Jesus Crist ; for he washidde bifore Jesse, and after he Sprong to Cristene puple , and

made 0 chirche of Jew is and heben folk.

And to bis entent Poul preieb,fiat befiat is God cf bopefillsgou wefi allej oie and pees in bilevyng ,fiat ge beplentenouse in bope,and ver tue of fie Holy Gaast. And bis vertue is charite ; sib

bis C oost is love of God. And bus preien men now, bat holyChirche be ma d oon , and bes sectis be al left, but be secte of

Jesus Crist. For we have hope in God bat we shulden alle

come to hevene, and wibouten siche sectis lyve al in 00 sect,

and ech on have joie of ober, wibouten envie and discord.

And to bis joie wolde dispose oonhede in Cristis secte ; for

Crist ordeynede bis 0 sect, to brynge to bis ful oonhede. And

no drede be fend hab castid bis divetsite in sectis ; for if it were

good, it badde ground of scripture of God ; but bis spekib of

oonhede, and algatis of oonhede in soule. Dre partis ben in

be Chirche , prestis and lordis and comouns and God habordeyned albes bree to helpe ech obir to gendre love, and noon

of hem to be superflu, but do ber oflice bat God hab ordeyned.

But bis diversite of bes sectis is comen in wiboute cause , and

bus it makib discord of men for wanting of good oflice.


w E R M O N M L ]

Sic nos ex istimet boma.— I COR. iv. [1] 3.

POUL tellib in bis epistle how men shulden mekely fleeworldis stryves ; and biddib first, bi oure life fiat man have

s The same in the Prayer-book ; and that for the next Sundaychangem the Roman missal this epistle places.


mater to gesse us as mynystr i s of God, and dispensers qf bis

servires. And algif ech Cristene man shulde be founden trewe

in bis, git preestis bobe more and lesse shulden here be more

trewe , and synne of failing of preestis in bis service is more

foule. As, gif be p0pe and his b ishopis shamen to be Cristis

servantis,and in ber maner of lyvyng bei shewen an emperours

liif and lordlyto be world, sib bat Crist hatide bis, bei gyven no

mater to gesse hem to be mynystris ofCrist, and so bei failen in

be firstword of bis b ileve bat Poul techib. Lord, what good doibbis gabbing, bat be pope wole be clepid moost hooly fadir

here, and b ishop moost reverent’

man ! Sib ber lif discordibfro Crist, bei shewen in takyng of bis name bat bei ben on be

fendis side, children of be fadir of lesingis. For gif he seb, after

Gregor-i, bat he is servaunt of Goddis servauntis, git his liif

reversib his name, for he failib to sue Crist, sib he is not dis

pensoure of service bat God hab beden,but he partib be

lordship bat be emperour hab govun. And so al services

of be Chirche bat Crist hab lymytid to his preestis, ben turned

to be contrarie side, and so to be service of be fend ; so bat if

men taken hede to be service of be Chirche bat Crist hablymytid, it is al turned up so doun, and ypocritis ben maad

rehetours, so bat unnebe is left onyservice of Cristis Chirche.

And so bi be service ofmen ben bei chaungid into ober kynde,sib bei ben Anticristis mynystri s, and serven in snober Chirche.

For, as be gospel of Joon tellib, Baptist held him in treube, and

preiside him not in fals name, as manyprelatis don to- day.

And sich ben be fendis servauntis and dispensours of his

tresoure, bat is feyned falshede, as be kyng of pride hab taugt


But nabeles, as Poul seib, bere in bis liif wolden men ax efiat

a man bef ound trewe amangis dispensour s of an house. For bis

stiward, among servauntis, maydo myche harm to be house .

And it semeb to manymen bat be service of C ristis house is

turned amys up so doun in changing into fals mynystris. And,

for suche dispensours ben ofte jugid of be house, for bei wolde

fare more likyngli, berfore seib Poul after, Tome it isf or fie lestfiingfiat Y be jugid of gou, or ellis of mannis day but Y inge not

ngysilf , bat Y serve treulybe Lord , and mynystre to his ser


vauntis as he wole ; /or algi/ I’ hw e no eom


enee bat Y do agens

Goddis wille, git it sueb not hereof fiat Y am j ust bifore God,but be fiatj agzfi For

Lord, seid bi himsilf, meneb Lord of alle lordis. And bus

shulden men not be martrid for blynde jugement of men, forGod mut juge al men,

ober to good or to yvel. And herfore

wel of bileve, bat gif God jugib bus, banne bis jugement mutstonde, and ellis not, but Goddis jugement. And bus ber ben

two daies,—dayof be Lord, and mannis day. Dayof be Lord

is be dayof dome , whan he shal juge al maner men ; dayof

man is ban here , whanne man jugib b i mannis lawe ; and bis

jugement mut be reversid gif it ongt reverse resoun. But at be

laste dayof dome al shal stonde to Goddis jugement ; and bus

bis is dayof be Lord , for al shal be banne as he wole ; and bis

jugement shal not be contraried, for nobing mayreverse it.And herfore seib Poul bus here, And so rgyle ge j uge bifore

tyne, 117 fiatW e fiat fie Lord come, fie mbich sbal ligt fie h’



ngzs of derknessz'

s, and sbal make knowe fie coneee’

lzs of bertis

and fiamze shal prez'


rzg be done in dede to eel: good man of God.

And gif at be dayof dome bes two bingis shulen be opyn,—belest purpos bat man hab to do agens Goddis lawe , and be lest

conseilof his herte bat he hab, to do wel or yvel,—what bingshulde be hid banne to God and alhis flok ? Bokes shulen ben

opened banne, and men shulen knowe ber owne dedis, bobegood men and yvel. But good men shulen knowe a] bing, forbei shulen se in be book of liif a] bing bat was or is. And bis

moveb manymen to benke upon Goddis lawe bobe nygt and

day, for bat disposib to knowe what is Goddis wille ; and

wibouten knowing herof shulde a man do nobing.

And bis moveb manymen to flee mannis jugement, bobe to

be juge and witnesse, and to plete in bis market ; for bis manerof jugement sueb to litilGoddis wille. And gif it sue onytyme,it fallib as a blynd man castib his staf ; for gif man have rigt to

bing, bat rigt comeb of God to him, and God jugib bat he isworbi to have bis bing bi his dome. But what juge in mannisplee can knowe bis worbinesse ? And herfore God forefendib

bis strif for bobc be juge and his consentours done here agens


Dz roman Soxmu Prsr u ; m Ann ur .

[ S E R M O N I V . ]

Gaudete in domino serven—PHI L . iv.

p mepistle of Poul tellib fyve maners bat a man abulde have,

wib bre vertues ofGod ; and wib bes shulde he lyve for to come

to blisse of hevene. pe first maner bat God b iddib is to be

joyful and glade, and herfore bigynneb Poul, and seib bus to

Cristene men ; j oie ge in fie Lord°

evere more ; git I’seie, j oie ge.

And wiboute bis maner of lyf Cristen man failib algatis in bileve,in hOpe, and charite. pe ground of joie bat man shulde have

shulde stonde clenlyin his God, and bis joie shulde evermore

be here in parte, and in hevene fulli. For what man mayhave bes bree, b ileve, hope , and charite, but gif he benke on

Goddis goodnesse, and b i bis have joie berof And bus he

failib in bileve bat wantib bis joie in God. And who hopib to

come to blisse, bat feib tellib is in heven, but gif he joie in

bis hOpe bat he hab of bis blis ? Or who loveb God b i charite,but gif he joie in Goddis heynesse ? And sib ech man shulde

have bes bre , obir in rote or in fruyte, ech man shulde ever joiein God bat is Lord of alle. And gif bis bougt, or bis joie, sleepein man for a while, git it shulde ever be , and quykene his

spiritis to Godward. For nobing shulde quenche bis joie , buttribulacioun of man ; but where is banne hope of reward, in

him bat berfore joieb not ? A worldli man hab myche joie of

hOpe of his victorie, of wynnyng of worldlygoodis, or fleishly

lustis bat he coveitib and sibmen shulden have more hope to

have evermore blisse in hevene, how shulde not a man have joiein stablenesse of bis hope ? Certis, defaute of hevenli hope

makib bis joie in man to faile. Lord, how traveilen men in

werre gladlyfor hope of victory; how traveilen men in mar

chandiz e for jo[i]eful hope of worldly wynnynge ; and how

joiefulli traveilen men bat ben ledde here in fieishli love ! And

sib bis hOpe shulde be more in blisse bat man shulde have , what

man shulde not ayhave joie , and bis joie shulde be in God ?


Of bis joie shulde come anober bat man shulde have in

disservynge of bis joie ; as we mai se b i ferber ensaumplis, howwilfulli and joifulli man traveilib for a worldli cause, as ben

worldli victory, worldli richessis, or fieishli lust. And certis bis

is a veyn cause,—short, and bryngib no man to reste. And for

bis joie of traveile for blisse, Poul b iddib us git have joie.

pe secounde maner bat man shulde have, is sadde maner and

knowun to men and to move men to bis maner, Poul seibfiatfie L ord is ryrg. Poulmoveb not here to joie, as joien unstable

men in gegilotis, but to sadde joiyng in God, and sufi'

re for him

w ib glade chere ; so bat it fallib not to men to wepe for sufi'


for God, but bat alle maner men mygten knowe how his

knygtis sufi'

ren gladlyfor him. And bus seib M atheu, byYsaie,

bat be HolyGoost seib of Crist, bat he shulde not stryve ne

crye, and no man in be strete shal heere his vois. For in alle

be passiona bat Crist sufi'

ride , he failide not in sadde chere .

He cryede not out for his peyne, and so sufi'

riden hise after

bym. And to move men to bis glade chere, Poul seib, bat beLord is nyge. Cristen men taken as b ileve, bat Crist is Lord

and Spouse of be Chirche ; and bat tyme til be dayof dome is

nyge to regard. But welwe witen bat a wyf, whanne she shal

soone mete wib hir housebonde, she gladib her herte and hir

chere , in hope to be confortid of him. Whi shulden not

C risten soulis do so ,whan bei hopen ber Spouse is nyge ?

De bridde tyme Poul b iddib bat, we stud de not be mine. pes mama ;

men ben b isie for nogt, bat b en bisie for vanite. And berfore , as

Petir b iddib, we shulden cast al oure b isynesse in God. For

nobing batibmore mennis contynaunce, for be plesyng to God,

ban b isynes aboute worldli bingis, for suche casten doun ber

heed fro God.

But Poul biddib be fourbe tyme , bat we shulden rere up oure but fnn of

beedis , and axe boldli of oure Lord in be name of be Trinite ;z’

n aI maner prefer in be name of be Fadir of hevene ; and al

maner specialpreier infie name (yGod fie Sone and in a! maner



ngis in fie name of fie HolyGaast. For God b iddib us in

Lukes gospel, bat b ifore be dayof dome we shulden reise up

oure beedis, for oure ful b igging is nyge . And bus, what

C ristene man hab good herte, his axing is knowun bifore God,

saints .


sib ech bing seib to God treuly, as bat bing is. And bus

preiede Moises welwib good herte for his folk.

De fyvebe maner bat man shulde have, for bes foure maneresb ifore, shulde some of God, 61


h ispees fiat slmlde k¢e oure malis

and m dz'

rstondzngss, and gyve us hertelylastyng in bes fyvemaners to oure Spouse. For no servise is crowned to blisse

but gif bis lastyng be betwib. And bus seib Poul, bat Goddinpees passzfi aI maner of w itt ; for he bat hab his pees bus tryed issyker ynowg of al his enemyes. And al bis bing is done bimene (y


j esns oure alfier L ord. Here it were for to speke of joie

bat men ban in blisse . And algif Poul, bat was ravishid, seibbat bis joie is hid, so bat neiber ige hab seyn it, ne eere hab herdit, ne it hab styed up into herte ofman in erbe ,—git byglymeryng of Goddis grace maymen knowe bis joie afer. Austin seb,

bat he is blessed bat hab al bing bat he wole, and he wole noon

yvel bing and bis joie have men in hevene . Denke what statewere good to bee, and what bing bi wille wole coveite, and batbing han seyntis in hevene in be best maner for hem. For ellis

men weren not fullimedid, bat sugetten here ber Willis to Goddis,but gif he gaf hem al ber wille and ledde ber resoun aftir his ;for ellis bis wanting were harmful, and man were not fulli


And bus men seien bat two blessis bem—blesse of be soule

and blisse of be bodi. And of bodili blisse is first for to speke,

as blaborers may take here. I t is seid comounly, how Crist

hab dowid his Spousis bodywib foure doweris of be bodi, and

berinne stondib myche joie. pe first dower is sutilte ; besecounde is agilite ; be bridde dowere is clerete ; and be fourbeimmortalite. Seintis bodies ben so sotil and so shapen in ber

partis, bat bei mai perse ober bodies wibouten lettyng of ber

wille. And bus cam C rist out of his modir, and entride efte to

his apostlis, algif be g'atis weren shitt, for nobing stood banneagens his wille. pe second dower of be body is agilite, or

swiftnesse ; so bat as soone as be blessid soule wolde be onya place , as soone it moveb be bodi bidit , b i ablete of

And be first dower of be bodi helpib to bryng in bis

De Trinitate.lib . xiii. §8 . habet omnia quae vult, et nihilvult

tur non est. nisi qui ct male.


hevene. And sum men trowen bat God meneb b i bes tymes

banne in hevene, bat suen not cours of be sunne, but seintis

willes bat ben in blisse, Secula Seculorum,

bat ben al ober banbes tymes. Of bis joie shulden men benken evere, and joifulli

3’ traveile to gete bis ; and banne men fillen be b ileve bat Poulbiddib in bis pistle.

Prsrw on Cnrsrm usss on .

[ S E R M O N v . ]

P aer natas est nobis.—ISAYE ix. [6 8

Arms be joie bat Poul tellib we mayseie on Cristemasse day,bat a litil child is born to us . For Jesus b i oure bileve is born,and to bis entent spak God, bobe in figure and in lettre , bat a

child is born to us in whom we shulde have bis joie. An d so

bre shorte wordis ben to speke of Ysaies speche, so bat men

mai after joie in ober service of bis child.

First we taken of b ileve , bat siboure first eldris hadden synned,

ber muste aseeb be ma d berfore b i be rigtwisnesse ofGod ; for as

God is merciful, so he is ful of r igtwisnesse . But how shulde he

juge al be world, but gif he kepe here rigtwisnesse ? For be Lord

agens whom bis synne was done is God almygtyand al- rigtful,

sib no synne maybe done, but gif it be done agens God . And

evere be more be Lord is, agens whom bis synne is done , evere

be more is be synne to take reward b to bis Lord. As it were

a gret synne to do agens be kyngis b idding, but be synne is

more wibouten mesure to do agens Goddis b idding. But God

bad bi oure b ileve Adam to ete not of bat appil, but he b rak

Goddis beste , and was not excusid berinne, neiber b i his owne

foly, ne bi Eve, ne b i be serpent. And bus b i rigtwisnesse of

God bis synne muste algatis be punishid. And it is a ligt word

In the Prayer-book this ssage tions of it are embodied in tw o

of scripture appears as the rst les introits .

son at mattins on Christmas Day.

b t.e.. to render satisfaction or

In the Roman missal the chief po r compensation .


to seie bat God mygte of his power forgyve bis synne, wibouten

aseeb bat were ma d for bis trespas ; for God mygte do bis gif

he wolde, but his justice wolde not sufl'

re bat ne ech trespas be

punishid, onbet in erbe or in helle. And God mai not accepte

a persone to forgyve synne wibouten aseeb, for ellis he muste

gyve free iceve to man and angel for to synne, and banne synnewere no synne, and oure God were noo God. And bis is be

firste word bat we taken of b ileve.

De secound word bat we taken is, bat a man bat shulde makeaseeb for synne of oure firste fadir, mut nedis be God and man.

For as mannis kynde trespasside, so muste mannis kynde make

aseeb. And herfore it were to strange bat angel made aseebfor man ; for neiber he mygte, ne he was bat persone bat

synnede here. But sib al men ben 00 persone , bat persone

mahib aseeb gif onymembre of bis persone makib aseeb for al

bis persone. And bi bis maywe see, bat gif God made a man

of nougt, of newe to be kynde of Adam,—git he were holden to

God as myche as he mygte for himsilf ; and so he mygte not

make aseeb for him and Adams synne. And bus, sib aseebmuste be ma d for Adams synne, as it is seid, sich a persone

muste make bis aseeb bat were ~bobe God and man ; for worbi

nesse of bis persones dede were evene wib unworbinesse of be


pe bridde word, bat nedis mut sue of bes two wordis of lore,

is bat a child is born to man, to make aseb for mannis synne .:

And bis child mut nedis be God and man, goven to man ; and

he mut nedis bere his empire upon his shuldren, and sufi'

re for

man. And bis child is j esus Crist, bat we supposen was born

to-day. And we supposen bat bis child is oonli born to bo men

bat suen him in maner of lyvynge, for he was born agens ober.

pea men bat ben unjust and proud, and rebel agens God, han

ber jugement in Crist, bat bei moten nedis be dampned of him,

and algatis gif bei ben unkynde to ber deb agens his spirit. And

bus, gif we coveiten welbat bis child be born to us, have we joieof bis childe, and sue we him in bes bre vertues,—in rigtwisnesse,

and meeknesse , and pacience for oure God. For who ever

contrarieb Crist in bes unto his deb, agens be spirit, mut nedis

be dampned of bis childe , as alle ober shulen be saved. And


bus be joie of bis childe bat was bus meke and ful of vertues,

shulde make manto be litil in malice,—and ban bei holden wel

bis feeste. To hem bat wolen figte or chide, Y seie bat bischild bat is born is prynce of pees, and lovebpees, and dampnedmen contrarie to pees. Studie we how Crist earn in ful tyn e

whanne he shulde, and how he cam in mekenesse, as his birbe

techib us ; and how he cam in pacience, fro his birbe to his deb.And sue we him in bes bre, for joie bat we have of him ; for bisjoie in bis pacience bringib to joie bat evere shal laste.

pa PISTLE on be srx'

rs DAI n o Cars'rn rassn.

[ S E R M O N V I . ]

Quanta tempore haeres parvnlis -GAL. iv. [ L ]

Pom. tellib in bis epistle what fredom men shulden use, and

leve service of be olde lawe, bat ledde men whanne bei weren

children. pe first word of Poul here is seid to us in bis forme ;As longe tyme as an eir is litil, he dyverszfi not f ro a servaunt

bi sensible dyversite, algybe be lord of alle. I t semeb bat Poulspekib here of service bat is bondage, and latib out be longe

tyme ; and spekib now of 0 part and now of snober and spekibhere Specialyof al mankynde bat shal be saved. Dis kynredeis an eir of be blisse bat ever shal laste. And fro be b igynnyngof be world ber is noon diversite b itwene him and be servaunt


sib be children of Israel weren in grete bondage in Moises

tymes, sib bei weren tretid bi Pharaoo in hard servise foure hun

drid geer. And git bis kynrede, bat is Cristis Chirche , is lord

of al bingis of bis world ; for Crist, Goddis sone and Lord of

alle, puttide bis child over alle his goodis. And as gong e ir

of a man is for a tyme of his childhode , whanne he is wibinne

age, nougt tretid as a lord , but andir latours and governors ,

bobe in werkes in foode and cloib tretid as anober servaunt,

tilfie tyme fiat Izisfadir wole bat he be tretid as lord, so it was

Should be par-ml“ ; but this is text (Bodl. 788) had but small

onlyone of a great number of ih knowledge of Latin .

dications that the writer of this

The Church

to hurnan


wordis be aliened, and al his witt, byAnticrist. But ber ben

two maner of sones,—kyndely sones and sones of grace.

Crist is kyndely sone of God, and his children ben sones of

grace. And bus Crist, whan he made him man and made his

Chirche to be his brober, he gaf a title to his children, to make

bem alle Gaddis sones bi grace. Aml for ge ben bus Goddis

cb ildr en, God sente fie spir it of b is sone, be which spirit cr iefi in

goure bertes and in goure persones, Abba , Fadir . And of bee

wordis bat God seib here b i Poul, whom God hab made his

whistil, it semeb to manytrewe men bat ber shulde be no sect

but oon, bat shulde be Cristis religioun, wib oon abbot and con

reule ; and bis wolde kyndele oonhede and love, and is ground

in Goddis lawe.

And bus bis Chirche , bat is Goddis sone, is nougt now ser

vaunt but sone and grf be be fius Gaddis sone, be is eir bi Crist,

God and man. Bi witt bat Poul spekib here it semeb to manybreberen in God bat be Chirche bat wandrib here is ma d bralbymannis lawe, sib mo ben sprongen b i Anticrist ban weren

in be olde lawe[s], bat ben now left as God biddib. And so be

Chirche is btalle more ban in tyme of be olde lawe, sib bes

mannis lawes ben worse ban weren Goddis lawes bat now ben

lefte . And Anticrist is maad a tutour or a governor ofbe Chirche,more fool ban be children, bat shulden be governed byGoddis

lawe. And of all synnes bat now ben, bis is moost perelouse

and grevons, bat lesib be fredom bat C rist hab purchasid, and

makib men bralle to synne and to be fend. And bus it were

a myche vertue to gete agen oure former fredom , and trowe no

prelat in bis Chirche, but gif he grounde him in Goddis lawe.

And bus men shulden shake aweyal be lawe bat be pope habmaad, and alle reulis of bes newe ordris, but in as myche as

bei ben groundid in be lawe bat God hab govun . But loke

bis grounding disseyve bee not, for it mayfallen bat Anticrist,bi his newe lawes and his biddingis, have moo bysyservantis

to him ban hab Crist byhis lawe, to serve him for blisse of

hevene . And bis moveb manymen to speke agen foure newe

sectis. For ech man b i hope of blisse shulde holde be fredom

bat Crist hab govun,and so he shulde maynten bis reule , and

diSpise alober reulis.wr cmr .


p: 80mm Prs'ru wrbrNNE ocr avs or TWELFbE mu .

[ S E R M O N v u . ]

Surge illuminare, fem alem.—YSAYE 11 . [ r

Mn expownen cotnounly bis prophecie of oure Jesus, batYaaysaw in spirit ; how Crist shulde be loutid, soone aftir bat

he was born, of bre kyngis of be eest. And b ileve bat Mathew

tellib techib wel of bis tixt, to what witt it is spoken of be pro

phete Ysay. First he bigynneb bus Ryse, and be fiou ligtned,

j m ak’

or fii ligt is camen,and glor ie of fie L or d is sprangen

goonfiee. Here trewe men undirstonden b i Jerusalem, bat was

heed citee in be londe of Judee , holyChirche bat wandrib here.

For Jerusalem in diverse placis bitokeneb on diverse maners,

now be citee of bat cuntre, now be chirche bat wandrib here ,and now be chirche bat is above ; and al ben figurid b i bis citee.

And Jerusalem bi interpretacioun bitokeneb a sigt of pees'; but

here men seen afer, and in blis verre pees. pis Jerusalemabulde ryse from synne , and be ligtned wibwitt and grace, sibCrist be first ligt is ma d man for bis cende. And C rist, bat

is be Padris wisdom,and so glorie of be Lord, is sprongen of

bis kynrede and in it, sib he is Maries sone . And bus bis is

a greet synne to leve to ryse and open oure wyndowys ; for bis

spiritualligt is redyto shyne to alle men bat wolen open . pat

man resceyveb in veya be grace of God, as Poul seib, bat takibof God manygiftis bobe of fortune and of kynde, and wole not

benke God herfore. He is an unkynde man, wibouten whom

be sunne shyneb, and git wole not Opene his wyndowe, to take

ligt bat shulde save him. And here men seien comounly, bat

first mannis folyis unkynde, and b i cause of bis unkyndenesse

God gyveb man no more his giftis sib God approveb nevere

more bat unkynde man shulde bus synne. But git God makibof synfulman and unkynde a good man, and alle be goodnesse

The derivation is doubtful. but rusalem in Smith’

s Diet. of thethis is among those that have been Bible.

widelyreceived ; see the article Je



of bis comeb of be goodnesse of God . And b isie we not

aboute ferber cause, for God himsilf is be first cause .

But be prophete seib on bis,—For lo, derbnesse sbal bile fie

erfie, and fiicke myst sbal bile fie puplis. Here we mai knowe

two maner of men b i bes wordis of Ysaye. Sum men ben

everemore derke, and wanten grace to come to blisse ; as be

erbe is ever derke and takib not ligt bi clerete. And bis derk

nesse habwib him Goddis witt bat bes men shulen be dampned.

But sum men ban for a tyme myst, but git bei ben a puple. as

ben men of holyChirche , for tyme bat bei ben in synne. And

bes men bi grace of God takib ligt bat persib hem and disposibhem to hevene, and avoidib ber synne fro hem. An d sich two

maner ofmen weren in Jude b ifore Crist cam. And bus derk

nesse of synne hilide be erbe til Crist cam, and bicke mystisof synne hiliden be puplis bat shulden be saved. But bis ligt

bat cam to men persid bis myst and made it clere. And so

bis ligt bat has ma d man clerede bo men bat he wolde a ve.

And for bis ligt spekib be prophete, and for bes men bat shulen

be saved, But upon fiee sbalfie Lord Wyng, and in fix sbal

glor ie be seen. For of co kynrede of Jacob , and in batkynrede, was Crist born ; and manyof hem weren saved in

Crist, and manyobere of hebene men. Andfolk sbulen wandre

infii ligt, and kyngis in sbynyng of fii birfie. For aboute tyme

of Cristis b irb bre kyngis camen out of be eest, and bobe beiand manyobere sawen be ligt of be sterre . And muse we not

whan bis sterre apperide first in be eest, and how longe ryme

bese bre kyngis weren in comynge to Bethleem. For soone aftir

batCrist was born bei camen,and bus worshipiden Crist. For , as

be gospelberibwitnesse, bei founden be child wib his modir ; and

it is liclybat in be same stable bat Crist was born inne in Beth

leem ; and so it mut nedis be sone after be tyme bat Crist was


And aftirward bis prophete spekib to be glorie and joie of

Cri st : L ifle up al aboute fiin g en and see alfies ben geder id,and ben com tofiee, to do bee worship as bei shulden ; and al

bes ben figure to bee fiat fi i sones sbulden come f rof er r , and

fi i dougtr is sbulen r ise aside, and many cantres sbalen trowe

in fiee. panne sbalt fiou see and abounde, and fiin ber te sbal


sib he is bobe God and man. pe bridde tyme we shulen knowe

liche bat Crist was deed for oure sake, and roos hool as he

badde ordeyned ; and so shulen we alle do at be last resur

reccioun, ober to blisse or to peyne. And lyve we alle justlyf, and love bis Lord upon oure power, and banne he wolerewarde us in blisse aflir bes bree giftis. And here manymen

benken bat men shulden ligtlypasse over bis, and Speke of

bingia bat ben certeyne , bat profiten to men bat heeren hem .

PE m s'

rn Scru m Pi s'ta u r n: oc'

ravs or Twn rbn mu .

[ S E R M O N V I I I . ]

Pour. tellib here to gentile folk, how bat bei shulden serve

m u m . God and kepe hemsilf in charite , and serve togidere as o

should bere

persone . For whan manymen acorden in con, and done 00

werk in Goddis name, bei done it more spedely, more strongly,and bi lasse blame . Poul b igynneb to preye to Romaynes to

kepe be lore bat he techib, for he prechide not for money, ne

for wynnyng of bis worlde . I’ pry/e gou, seib Poul, bi God lismercy,fiat ge gyve goure bodies to God , a quyk oost and not dede ,

to serve God b i his lawe . pe secounde tyme, be lyf of goure boabr

sbalbe boly, aftir Crist. pe bridde tyme shalgoure bodyplese Godb i devoute wille. And gif goure bodi be bus ledd to licnesse of

be Trinite, banne be ge wel disposid to serve God as ge shulden.

And algif alCristene men shulden marke bes wordis of Seint

Poule , git lordis of bis worlde shulden take more hede to hem,

for bei camen of gentilite ; and ber staat shulde bus serve to

God, to defende Cristis lawe and his ordenaunce , and lat it not

perishe for ydilnesse. And bus shulde fier servise to God be

resonable, and kepe ber staat. And, for siche men synnen ofte

in novelryes of be worlde, berfore biddib Poul after ; Hyle ge beconf ormed tofiis world, but be ge ref ormed in newenesse bat shal bema d in gour witt.

per nys no lord of bis worlde , neiber in more state ne in

lesse, bat he ne abulde take bis lore of Poule, gif he wole wele


serve God. For costli metis and gaygarmentis , whan bei ben

taken over mesure, bei maken lordis bisi for hem, and spoilen

wrongli ber pore tenaunn'

s ; and bis mnt ncdis displese to God,.

sib he is welle of rigtwisnesse. pee men bat lyven bus ben con I

formed to bis world. But man, be he never so grete, shulde

bcoveite to m yhis soule wib Goddis lawe and wib vertues, for

but is more presciouse . And it fallib ofte tymes, bat preestis

and freris bat shulden here teche ben bobe fals and un

cunnynge, and tellen but litil bi Goddis lore. And bis menebPoul here, whan he preieb unto Romayns bat bei shulden be

reformed in newnesse of ber wittis. And bus of alle be here- 1

tikes bat Anticrist brougt ever inne , bes bat blaboren unto lordis,

and seien bat bei shulden not cunne ne heere be gospel of'

Crist—for clerkes shalden teche hem to lyve,—ben moost

perelous in be Chirche , and moost to fie as Anticrist. Wib n’

ch flore of oure God shulden lordis sum what elobe ber soulis , and Ibe not to worldly, but benke smnwhat on her soulis. For bis

lyf bat we lyven here is bobe short and ful of peyne, and it is

ordeyned to be a mene to be blis se bat ever shal laste.

And bi witt of Goddis lawe sbulden men bno'we fiis tr inite,wbicb were fie good s Ie of God, wel fikgfng and perj it. Dewille of God mut nedis be good, licke to be Fadir of heven ;

and so al be ordenaunce of Crist mut nedis be good, sib he is

God. pe wille of God w purtishe men is good , sib bat it is

just ; but bis wille comeb not forb but bi occasioun of synne.

pe wille of God is wel plesing, as is be secunde persone of

God. For we reden bus of Crist, bat in him it plesid wel to be

Fadir. And bus men bat ben b isie to wite what is be wille of I

God, ben wel payed of bis wille, and traveilen for to do bis

wille. pe bridde tyme, aftir be HolyC oost, bis wille mut nedis

be perfit, for it is not shewid to man for fleishly lustis or

worldlywynnyng, but for worship of God and for profit of his

And , for wittis ofmanymen ben occupied for worldlybingis

and lores bat profiten not to be soule , berfore seib Poul aftir, I ’

seief or sofie bifie gracefiat is govun to me of God, and not for

to plese gou, s e for coveitise of goure goodia, butfiis I’seie to

gou alle, to cunne no more fian is nede to cunne, but to cunne to


WY C L I F ’


subrenesse and to lerne vertues of Crist. Sum men ben here

b isie for to cunne worldli witt, as cautelis of mannis lawe, and

craftis to wynne myche money. And clerkes traveilen manyweies

veynlyto have cunnyngis, and alle bes letten men to gete hem

knowyng of God. And so Poul seib to ecb man, bat he shuld

cunne his bileve as God bafi partid bileve, to sum more and to

summe lesse. And algif b ileve of God be ground nedefulfor

Cristene men, git acord in charite mut nedis be joyned wib bistreube,—for fendis of helle have troube , but bei tremblen, for

defaute of love.

And herfore seib Poul bus, fiat as we bave many lymes s.o bodi of dyverse b rndis, and not ecb lyme bafi fie same dede, but

ech is dyverse from ober, somanymen of 00 bileve ben 00 bodi in

Crist —and bis bodyis holyChirche, bat is weddid wib Crist.

And so ech memb re of Crist shulde have his propre dede ; but

alle ber dedis shulde come to bis, bat bei profiten to be bodi of

be Chirche ; and banne bei profiten to ech memb re, and to

worshipe Jesus Crist. And bus ech man shulde beware bat he

be in sich a staat bat is approved b i Jesus Crist, and traveile

treuly in bis staat. 3if bou be a preest of Crist, teche treulyGoddis lawe ; gif bou be a worldlylord , defende Goddis lawe

b i strengbe and gif bou be a laborer, kepe bou treube and

traveile fast. And bus ech man of Cristis Chirche shulde helpe

his brober after his mygt ; and gif he koude manyhelpis, be

sbulde be manylymes to bym. And bis lore b iddib Poul bat isful sotil and nedeful. And wolde God bat bis b ileve bat Poultechib in bis epistle were wel koud and wel kepte of bes foure

sectis of Anticri st, bat ben newe comen into be Chirche for to

charge it and harme it.

be sscuuns Sounar PrsrLs ar r-m oc


ravs or Twe bE DAL

[ S E R M O N I X J

Habentes donationes.—Rou . rm.

Pour. in bis epistle tellib unto Romayns, how spiritual preestis

shulden passe seculeris, for preestis shulden be lyf to quyken besobrenesse in the Wyclifhte Versions.


goodis ban be profit of ber soule ; for banne he feyned to lovehem, and hatib hem, and loveb ber goodis. And bus bei shulden

bateyvel, bobe in hem and in obit men,and speke wiselyagen

it for to make men elene berfro ; and in bis failen flaterers, bat

waishen menais beedis wib fals oile. Aftir Poule techib, algatisto preestis, bat bei sbulden cleve to good. Whan bei seen sen

tence of wynnyng and sentence of Goddis lawe, bei shulden

holde wib be secounde, sib it is good on Goddis side ; and in

bis failen ofte traveilours in mannis lawe. And so men shulden

love of God and love of man. pat man bat loveb a man lovebcharite of broberhede. And for his propre or pryvyavauntage

shulde not man lette to large bis love. And bus men shulden

come bybre, in doynge worship ech to Ober. He bat is hyger in

state shulde be more meke ban be lower, and so in mekenesse

of his herte go bifore be tobir in worshipyng. And bis mygte

ligtli be done after be giftis bat God hab grauntid. Sensible

honoures ben but litil, and lesse to charge ban honoures of

soule. And bus Cristene men shulden be not slowe in bigynesse,

to kepe oonhede in charite, but swift in bat bat sowneb love.

And in bis failen manymen bat wolen have worship of bis

world, and sugette ober men to hem for be pride bat be i have in

ber hert. And bus men shulden b i charite be brennyng in ber

spirit, havynge bobe desire and joie to kyndle love bymeke

nesse. And in bis failen manymen in tretes and acordis

makynge. And bus men sbulden serve tofie L ord, and not to be

fadir of pride , ne to ber fieish, ne to be world, and lette to serve

be Lord of hevene. And bus men sbulden bave/ore in bope bat

bei have of reward in blisse . And berfore biddib Poul to men

bat bei shulden joie ever in God. Poul b iddib to Cristene men,fiatfiei sbulden bepacient in tr ibulacioun bat fallib to hem. For

bei ben fewe men or noone bat lyven here ber ful life bat ne bei

have persecucioun, and bus pacience is nedeful.

We Should be And, for oure hope shulde be in God bat he helpe us in bis

wey, berfore Poul techib after, to stande bisili in preter . And , for

men shulden be merciful, berfore biddib Poul after bat men

shulden be comynynge in nedis fiatf allen to seintis bere, helpinge

hem now wib goodis, now wib praier, and now wib conseile .


And, as Poulbiddib, no brober abulde suffre but gif ober sufi'


wibbi n, and algatis men abulde do profit to ber brober in mede

ful lyf. And bus men shulden bisily sue berboryng to ber

neigbare, bobe gyve reste to bodi and soule, bi almes and b i

pacience. And bus biddibPoul aftir, bat Cristene men shulden

blesse to eber fiatpursuen bem bere, for bat restib myche mennis

soulis. And so men shulden blessefiere brefieren and not curse

bean, to wake hem ; for sich cursyng comonlyis contrarie to

hospitalite. And bus, sib alle goode Cristene men shulden be

of oon hert to God, fiei sbuldenj oie wzfi elene jaw s, and wipean} M fiat wepen here. And so al good Cristene men sbulden

f ele oonbede amongma rge. Wheber bei have joie or peyne , beishulden have joie or sorowe in herte, and benke bat oo bodi of

be Chirche sufi'

rib bi diverse membris. And bus men bat lyven

in bis liif shulden not smatcbe byefiingi s, to caste hemsilf to be

hye, and to harme ber evene Cristene. And in bis synnen

manymen, and algatis bes foure newe sectis, for bei done harm

to be Chirche for to hye ber novelrie. But alle men shulden

assente tomeke statis and meke lyves, and hold hem paied on be

statis bat ben groundid in Cristis lawe. For as a mete in a

man, bat is not defied bifore, mahib mannis bodi to gurle ‘, so itis of bes newe statis bat Cristis lawe hab not defied. Sum of

bes wordis bat Poul seib here shulden trewe preestis declare

more, as it is profit to be puple , after bat God techib hem.

pa pawns Scru m Prs 'ru t AFTIR ocu vs or Twe ps mu .

W E R M O N x 1

Nolite esseprudentes.—Ron . xn. [ rd]

Pour. tellib in bis epistle how comountes and almen shulden

shape weies for charite, and oonhede to kepe here. First Poulbiddib his breberen to be not quymte to bemsilf ; and gelde to noo

manyvelf oryvel. It is seid comounlybat ber ben bree laweshere —lawe ofGod, lawe of be world, and lawe of be fend of

helle. Lawe of God bat Poul techib is moost resonable and

groule, I . queynt. G ; qweynte. 1

The enstorn ofth e wofld ls

WY C L I F ’


ligt, to gelde men good for yvel; for so doib God bat mai not

faile. De secounde lawe, of be world, is to gelde good for goodand yvel for yvel; for, as men seien, bus techib kynde men to

do. De bridde lawe, of be fend, is to do‘

yvel for good ; as God

seide ghe, and Eve doutide ; but be fend seide Opynlynay.

Poul forfendib here be myddil lawe, bat men shulden gelde yvel

for yvel and bus queyntise to a man is here dispreisid of Poul.For bat worldlyman is queynt, bobe in wertes and ober lyfe, batcan gelde redelyan yvel turne for snober. And bis lawe of be

world bringib in lawe of be fend, for it is taken for a reule

among worldlywerrours1

bat bei shulden anoye ber enemyes on

what maner bat bei mai ; and it is holden a rigtwisnesse to do a

wrong for anober ; and git Goddis lawe biddib to gelde not an

yvel for an yvel. And it is certein of b ileve bat bis yvel is

wrong. For yvel of peyne shulde men gelde, bi be reule of

chari te ; sib God geldib peyne to men after bat bei have dis

served ; and bis yvelof peyne is good, sib rigtwisnes doib it bus.

And bis, holdun comoun lawe of men, is turned into fendis

lawe ; for no lawe reversibGoddis lawe, but gif it be be fendis

lawe. And as anentis serpentis and Ober bingis bat bringib inpeyne , bis b ringing in of mannis peyne bat bi his folymakib bis

peyne, is noon yvel of injury, but rigtwisnesse bat God mahib.But God forfendib here to do yvel of hanne , for yvel of harme.

And bus love bat Poul b iddib, tecb zfi topurvgt good to men,not aouli bzf ore God, to preyGod to make hem good, but bg


alle maner of men, to forgeve hem and disserve to hem. And

bis reule bat Poul gyveb is bobe ligt and resonable. For it is

more ligt to men to forgyve yvelban to take veniaunce ; and it

is more resonable, for more good comeb to men berfore. And

bi bis reule bat Poul gyveb here batailis and SWshulden be forsaken o daw ! as Goddis lawe tellib here .

And so biddibGod b i Poul,fiat :gf it may be,fiat rs of gou , ge

sbulden bavepees wxfi almen, doinge good and sufi'

ryng wrong.

But certis custum and mannis lawe ben ful ferre fro bis lore .

So it is bat manymen have of her owne synne myche malis, and

bes wolen figte wibmen and slee hem. But kepe bou pacience

and mekenesse, and ban ber yvel turneb bee to good, b i be

werriours, G, I .


ON soaps 80mm ar r-ta oct avs on swam ps mu .

[ S E R M O N x 1 . )

Nemini quidguam debe[atis.]—Rou . xu. [xiii.

Porn. techib here Romaynes, and so al Cristene men, how

bei shulden kepe charite bat God gyveb. And gif bis vertue be

wel kepte of man til bat tyme bat he die, oure b ileve techibbanne bat bis cloib bryngib hem to blis. Poulbiddib at be firste

bis word of myche witt. To no man owe ge onyfiing , but fiat

ge love togidere. Poul forfendib not dette of money, ne good

werkes of ober vertues, but Poulwole bat alle bes dettis draweto bis ende, to love togidere. And so ech man bi bis lore is

holden ayto love ech Ober. And so manymen in bis world

ben byhynde of dette of love, but God mut ever come b ifore,

to love men bat haten him.

Take hede to okur ‘ and ober synnes bat sownen not in charite

Acounte not bis now for dette, byPoulis reule of bileve . And

so bis 00 word, wel undirstondun, damneb al errours in be

Chirche. And so bis 0 word of Poul az ib myche special de

claryng ; and excusyng of ypocri tis bat bei kepen bus charite,

shalbe dampned b i be heirest juge whan no synne mayasterte

him. Men of werre seien comonlybat bei figten for charite,

for so shulden ber enemyes love hem in sich a caas . And bus

seien pleders and pursueris, bat bei done bus al for love. But

bis excusacioun mut be jugid bi Crist him silf, and bis lord

is charite, and knowib al resoun and algabbyng. And so ech

man here in erbe shulde lyve so justli to his brober, bobe inhert in word and dede , bat it sownede al in charite. For if he

passe bis reule of Poule, he renneb in dette agens his brober.

And Crist techibmen to preie him bat he forgeve hem bis dette ,but rigt as bei forgyven her dettours. And bus men bidden

agens hem silf bat failen in mercyto her breberen ,for charite

is justli knittid. Muse bou not how God b iddib bat bou shuldist

love ech man, sibmanymen ben unknowun of bee , and noon

ocur , G ; Ober , I .


mai love but bat he knowib. God techib to knowe generaly,and to love after bis knowyng. Do no wrong to bi breberen,and bou fillist bis love of Panic . i for wboevere lovefi bis neigbare,bafi f ulfillid fie lawe gf God. 3if bou seie bou lovest 0 man,and doist wrong to snober, bou gabb ist to God upon bi silf,and hatest bi first fiend. As, gif manymen bare a weigte, and

ech shulde helpe ober berto, he bat failib to helpe oon, mut

And Poul tellib d drward how bis 00 word of love compre

hendib albe lawe, as he shewib bi fyve lawes. For bis mande

ment of God bat biddib, pou sbalt,first, not be a leccbour be

secounde mandement bat biddib bat, pou sbalt not sleefii brofier

be bridde mandement bat biddib, pou sbalt not stele b isgoodis

be fourbe mandement bat biddib bat, Dou sbalt not sqyf als w it

nesse be fifbe mandement also, pou sbalt not coveitefii neigbor is

M a d gg'

f fier ben ony ofier mandement, in fi is word it is

M 3, pols sbalt lovefi i neigbare as fi i silf I As manypens

ben closid in 00 tresoure comonly, so in bis 0 word of God

ben comounlyobit undirstonden. He bat hab bis 0 lawe, and

kepib it wel as he shulde, bafi f ulfillid alfie lawe, as I’oul se ib

and James bobe . And bis love of fii neigbare worcbzfi no synne

agens him ; and fierforef ulnese of fie lawe is love. if it be wel

Dis short tresoure of word of love abulde be taken out whanneit is nede. For bis tresoure maynot faile gif it be groundid in

be firste love, for bat love is wibouten cende, and love is be more“,

bat it be usid. Poulspekibnot here of fleishli love, no of worldlylove, but of love in God. For bes two loves ben more hate ,and shenden love bat men shulden have. For love of God is ful

of resoun, and holdib no bing agens resoun ; for gif it held agen

resoun, banne it were agens God. And bus clene love puttibout al synne, and in bis love shulden men studie. And bis charite

abulde move men to speke stably herof. And among alle

men bat synnen agens charite, bes foure sectis bat newe hen

This striking word.which both used in the Vulgate version of thlsWyclifi te versions also employhere. passage.

is merelythe English representative Probablythe words be moreof the h fin instanratur.

the term have dropped out.



comen wibouten autorite of Crist, semen more stifiyto synne

agen be lawe of charite. And here is sumwhat to speke agens

be firste of bes fourefl. De first hede of bis secte is be pope

wib his clerkes, and ber maner of lordlylyf agens be lore bat

Crist taugte Petre. Dis agregat of bes alle ben be first sect,newe comen in. And al bes foure sectis ben armed wib armes

ofypocrisie. And sum men clepen bis first hede Anticrist for

his lyf. 3if he sue his patron as he feyneb he sueb Crist, he

suebmore be emperour ban eiber Crist or Seint Petre ; for beworld is his patroun, and be fadir of pryde also. First, it semeb

bat he synneb in charite bat Poul spekib of, for he disseyvebmennis witt b i bis foule ypocrisie. I f Petre in his lyf was passyng ober apostlis bat weren his felowes, in povert and mekenesse, and in traveile for be Chirche, ban he mut have a suc

cessour contraryto him in al bes bre. Certis a fend of helle

shulde shame to disseyve men bi sich a shile. And whan men

ben bus blyndid, he disseyveb hem aftirward of fredom bat

Crist hab govun,‘

and mahib hem bralle bi his lawes. Petre,

ne onyober apostle, durst not seie bat he was so nedeful, bat

wibouten his governaile mut be Chirche nedis perishe, and bi

bis blas feme gabb ing slee manybousend men. He is not on

Cristis side, bat puttid his soule for his sheepe, but on Anti

cristis side , bat puttib many soulis for his pryde . Dis manfedib not Cristis sheepe, as Crist bade bries Petre, but spuylibhem, and sleeb hem, and ledib hem in manywrong weyes.

3if he lovede Cristis sheepe, he shulde lede hem bi Cristis lawe,and watere hem, and make hem rest bi be lesewes, and b i bes

watris bat Crist hab ordeyned for his sheep. Dis man bat bushatib God mut after nedis hate himsilf, and al his breberen,bat he seib ben his sheep, for his rigt cure. It semeb bat no

man here in erbe reversibmore bis lore of Poul.

a By the four sects'

appear to head. (a) the monks, (3) the Canonsmeant—( I ) the higher clergy. Regular , (4) the Friars.

with the pope and cardinals at their


in charite. Aftir men shulden be meke, for bis fier axib meke

nesse, sib it mai not kyndle ne growe but gif mekenesse be

berwib. De bridde vertue bat spryngib hereof is tempera-me

in oure dede, bat men travaile stahli for good ende whanne bei

shulden. De fourb vertue of bis mercy i s pacience, bat mm

shulden have, sib alle men moten taken of God al goodis bat

bei have, and so bei shulden lerne pacience bi sufi'

ryng of be

Lord abpve. De fifbe vertue of bis mercy is fiat men supporte

togidere for what man is wibouten defaute and feblenesse in

bis lyf? And bus God hab neded us, ech man to supporte his

brober, for ech man nedib to obers helpe, and holde him up

bat he falle not. De sixte vertue of bis ground is tof reelygyve

togider , fi'

orgyvyng of cure treSpas, for bus biddib our alber

biddib Crist in techinge of cure Pater Noster. And over fies

six e biddib Poulfiat men sbulden bave cba r ite,for fiat is bondcf perf eccioun, bat knyttib togidere al obir vertues. De eigtibe

tyme biddib Poul, fiat Cr istis pees spryng in menni s ber tis, for

bis pees bryngib gladnesse and joie in o bodi of be Chirche, and

bus ech man shulde be b inde, and helpe his brober as he doib

him, as ech part of a bodi helpib anobir to make bat body.

De tenbe tyme b iddib Poul,fiat Cr istis word dwelle in us plen

tenouseli, for it hab vertue to kepe from yvel and bryng in good.

And here manymen ben to blame bat usen wordis of mannis

lawe, and obere bat ben not nedeful, and wordis of stu'

f wibobire japis. For word of Crist shulde putte bis out

, as Petretechib in his boke,—3if onyman speke ongt, speke he Goddis

wordis ; and certis ban Cristis word dwellib in us habundantly.

But a fool mygt seie here, bat sib Crist is God and man, ech

word is Cristis word ; and so veyn jangelers speken bis lore.

Derfore Poul knittib after,fiat Cr i stis word dwd le in us in al

maner ywisdom, and ban it is not superfine. De enlevenbetyme Poule b iddib,fiat Cr istis word be notydil in us

, for ever

be more bat it be usid aybe more betete it is, and more likibhim. And so men shulden tecbe ber breberen, and moneste bemsil e, to kepe hem boly,

in psalmis and inympnis and spir itual

songis, a infier bertis to God, for grace bat he hab govunwvcnrr .


to men. De twelfbe tyme b iddibPoul bat, alfiing fiat we done,in word or in dede, sbulden we do it in Cr istis name. For we

shulden ever serve to him, and he mut nedis be oure Lord,

and berfore we shulden do nogt but bat we dore avowe to

And so we sbulden 9 ! dofianbingis to Godfief adir , in fie name

tyj esus Cr ist,fiat is Lord of us alle, and heed of hoolyChirche .

And so no man abulde speke ne do in be name of Jesus Crist,but treube bat is skilful, and beden b i be lawe Of God. And

here Cristene men mai see how be secounde sect newe b rougt

in failib in mercy, and in charite of oure Lord Jesus Crist.Marke bei be lordship bat bei have by titil of ber holynesse ,and how lordis and ber pore tenauntis mygten be relevcd bi

bis lordship, and so myche ben bei ferber fro mercyand charite .

Dei shulden, bi b idding of ber patroun, be not bus scculcr

lordis ; but bei dispisen be b idding of God, and drawun to

a worldlypatroun. And bis is wanting of love to Jesus C ristand al his seintis, and wanting of mercy to pore men but

dwellen in rewmes bat bei inhab iten. God schilde us fro Sid )

preier as bes munkes b idden formen ; for rootyng in ber be resie

techib bat ber b idding is turned in to synne . And bes bat loven

not bus ber soulis, loven litil be bodies of ber pore neigboris-1,

but loven yvelber owene bely, bat bei feden as ber God. llow

shulden rowmes have pees of God bat nurishen sich (louhh

traytours ? For he is ferre fro charite bat loveb bus more his

belyban he loveb Goddis lawe , or be Chirche bat llt.‘ dwe llib


Ss pr um s sus SONDAI.

w E R M O N X H L ]

Nescitis quad u qui in stadio.—r Con. ix.

Drs epistle of Poul tellib how bat men shulden lyve he ro ,

and be Goddis laborers for to wynne be blisse of how -110 . I’oul W“

b igynneb on bis maner Witen ge not fiat fiei fiat rmm'

n in fir

SI BMONB. VOL. I ] . 8

the strife.

w ith the aid of

WI’ C L I F ’


f erlong for be pris, cer tis fiei rennen all, but oon of bem tabrfi

fie gleyve P R enne ge on anofier maner ,fiat ge all take fie victor ie.

I t is knowun bing in cuntreis, bat men usen ofte bis gamen,

bat two men, holden moost swift, rennen a space for a priis,

and he bat comeb first to his ende shal have be gamen bat is

sett, wheber it be spere , or gloves or obir bing bat is putt.And so, gif manyrennen bi tymes, git oon takib for oones be

prys. But oure rennyng in weyto hevene diversib myche fro

bis rennyng, for manybousynd rennen togidere , and ech of

hem comeb to be ende , and getib be gamen bat is sett ; for

bat is be large blisse of hevene .

De secounde ensaumple of champiouns is seid of Poul in

bes wordis —Ecb fiat stryvefi in figtyng absteynefi b im from ai

excesso ; for he chargib not his bodi wib mete ne drynke ne

obit bingis. And so shulden Cristene men do, bat figten here

for Goddis cause. But ber is diversite in bes figtingis and

Goddis figt, for ber ende is algatis worse, and bet traveil more

uncerteyn. For fiei traveilen f or fi is ende, to take br itul crowne

here , but men traveilen in Gaddis cause to take a crownfiat never

mayf aile. And Poul tellib after to Cristene men how he tra

ve ilib in bis journey—Certis Y renne,not as in uncer tgme

I’figt so not as betingefie eir ; but Y cbastise my bodyb i resoun ,

and brynge it into servyse to mysoule , lest fiat, wbanne Yprecbeto ofier , Y mysilf be maad reprovable. And so bis rennyng and

bis figting is hastelygoing of mannis soule to hevene bi be

weyof vertues, and figtynge wib enemys bat letten bis.

And so God of blis hab ordeyned , in tyme of his bobe lawe s,

how men shulden have sacramentis to make hem able for bistraveile . And berfore seib Poul here —B refier en , I

’wole not

fiat ge unbnowun,fiat alle oure f adr i s bat wenten out Of Egipt

wer en coverd in dayunder fie claude, and alle fiei passiden fie

Reed see,and alle fies wer en waisben bi 1119

's“ in fie claude

and infie see. Bileve techib Cristene men bat signes of be olde

lawe weren toknes of oure signes now, as bei ben tokenes of

be blisse of hevene . De cloude bat ledde hem in desert upon

daies , as Goddis lawe tellib, figuride be water of Cristis side,

gleyues , I .


m “132? witen welbat in be rennyng bat Poul tellib, whan 00 man con

trarieb anober in be rennyng to his ende , ofte be toon lettib

be tober to come sikerlyto bis ende. And so it is of bes newe

ordris, bat rennen bisides Cristis ordre —bei lette n in lyf and

bileve Cristis sect to come to blis. And berfore men shulden

preye for hem to God , bi helpe of Seint Austyn, bat bei holden

be playn weye by evenesse of Goddis lawe . Seint Austin was

a seculer b ishop, and badde preestis as his felowes, and badde

good bi title of almes ; and he dredde of hem ful sore , and

wolde have govun hem to be puple, as Possidoyne‘tellibof him


He was not weddid wib sich signes, neiber wib ab it ne wibcloistre, ne wib sich veyn ceremonyes as newe ordres kepen

to day; but gif onywolde wende fro him, he gaf hem leve,

for betir lif ; and men bat weren of wickid lilf, he nedide to go

fro him ; he puttide hem not in prisoun , as hebene men putten

beves. God graunte alle bes foure sectis to holde bus fredom

bat Crist gaf ; —banne shal bei not harme his Chirche, bobe

bodili and goostli.

ON Saxaos sxa Sonnar.

[ S E R M O N x 1v . ]

L z'

benter sufi'

er tz'

s z'

ns zpz'

entes — 2 COR . xi. and xii.

POUL techib in bis epistle , sum tyme b i maner of scorneful

Speche , how bat sum fals apostlis disseyven be puple bat be i

So G and I ; A has incipientes.

severalminor b ranches of that great Posidonius) relates , ch. xxiii. , tha t

order existing under particular in the saint supported himself and his

stitutions ; also the Premonstra ten household , and his compauperes ,’

sian , or White canons , living under from the revenues derived from the

the rule of St. Austin as reformed property of the see ; but that he

bySt. Norbert in the 1 2th centu ry; disliked possessions of this kind ,fourthly. the Gilbertine canons, and used to declare to his flock that

founded in 1 148 bySt. Gilbert of he would prefer to give back to

Sempringham ; lastly, the Canons them all such endowments. and

Regular of the Holy Sepulchre. trust to their aims and obla tions ;founded about I 1 10. which how ever the laity would

The b iographer of St. Austin never consent to.

(whose name was Possid ius, not


speken to ; and he medlib be grace of God and condicioun of

trewe apostlis. He blameb first bis peple of Grece for bei

nurishiden siche fals apostlis, and seib b i a wittyscorn , 3e berencmwil/alle w ise men wbanfiat ;e ben w ise men as who seib,in bis 3c ben foolis. For 3e suf ren, ;y


any man dryve to

bondrb ip, gif anyman demure goure goodis, 31] any man take

goure goodis, as 3if bei weren grauntid to him byGod, gif anyman bye his staat over bat Crist hiede his apostlis, ; i/ onyman

smyte ;ou in mirage onbet of bodi or of soule. And bus it fallibbi men to daybat ben disseyved b i bes newe ordris ; for bei


ren hem gladlyas bei weren wise men and holy, and as it

were a wisdom to sussteyne hem in ber folie ; as be puple bobemore and lesse sufi


ren be folie of bes freris, bat bryngen in ber

newe customes, as gif bei weren gospelis of Crist. And bis

is be moste bondage bat mayfalle to men in erbe , sib for sichceremonyes men weren bonde in be olde lawe ; and certis bes

ceremonyes of bes newe ordris comen not to be ceremonies

of God. And bus bes ordris devouren ber goodis, and preisen

ber ordres over Cristis ordre, and whan bei taken be r children

and ber goods as bei weren herne . And be i smyten ofte

seculer men in faces of ber soulis, for be i taken bileve fro men ,

and putten heresies perforé, as ; if bei smyten men in ber faceand made hem bollun unkyndly.

And bus spekib Poul aftirward, By unnobley Y speke, as we

weren siibe in bis part, bat have take fredom of C rist ;— but

nebeles, as Poul seib, Wbofia t a'

ar pr eise b im of good , Y dar

preys-e me

,seib Poul ; but fi is i s f oly and noo w isdom. Pei

preisen hem bat bei ben Hebreus , ordeyned of God to blisse ;

and Poul seib bat he is ordeyned bus, and an Ebr ea to bis

entent. pei bosten bat fiei ben j acobis sones, bat was a man

bat saw God ; and ; it Poul seib sobeli bat, be is sane of I srael.

pei seien bat bei ben Abrabams byn,to whom heven is b ihigt ;

but Poul seib bat he is oon to whom blisse is bihigt. pei se ien

at be fourbe tyme bat,fiei ben Cr istis mynystr is but Poul, batkepte be sect of C rist, seib bat be is Cr istis servaunt as b


And bus Poulpreiszfi b im over bem,as lasse w ise, to confounden

hem ; and seib he bassib a point over hem in traveilinge for

C ristis lawe /or be was in many traveilzs, to teche Cristis lawe


to be puple, not for his owac wynnynge, but to preche Crist

to men. Poul was at be secounde tyme, Men in pr isoun for

Crist. Poul was at be bridde tyme , in woundis over meum

for C rist. Poul was at be fourbe tyme, ofteyme in may defizs

for he was b tfyve tymes beten b i ipocrisie of j ew is ones lassefiaa

fourtytymes , as gif bei hadden do mercyto him ; be w as fin‘


beten w zfi gerdis, and be was e/te onys stoned. He was fir ies is

perel «yfie see, f or be was ni3t and day in fie deep see be was

ofte in perel (f weies , in pereloffloodis , in fi re! (f fieves , in perel

of bis awne barrede, in per ilis of befiene men,in perelis in citee,

in perelis in wildirnes, in perelis in fie see, in per iles off als f r er is.And bis peril of ai bes ei3t is be moste, as Austyn seibfl. And

so gif freris kepen hem clone, and taken bis peril for Cristis

sake , bei ben in be mooste peril, bobe for prisonyng and sleyngof freris. Biside al bes ei3t perilis, Poul was in traveil and

mysbej ; in manyf ashngzs, in coold and nabblnesse, biside fiofiat

ben w zfionten,fiat is b is ecb day instaunee, bisynesseof alle eb irebes.For Poul seib fiat noon is yke, but ; i/


be be syke wib him in

sorwe. Wbo is selaundr id wib synne, seib Poul, and Y am not

brent w ib him in shame 3if it nedzfi to baveglor ie, Y sbal bave

glor ie in fies peynes (ymy sykenesse. And in al bis speche seibPoulfiat God wool fiat be liefi not. be styward of Damasbe offief olk (f fie byng ,

Aretb,kepte fie citee of Damascenes to take and

punishe . And by a wyndowe in a leepe was be laten doun bi fie

walle,and so be seafiidefiis mannis bondis.

23513221“ And it be new? to glor ie, cer tis it sfiedtfi not for himsilf.

For freris and beves ben often peyned, but bat is for ber orme

folie . Poul seib bat, be sbal come to fie siglis and telling is offie L ord. For oure b ileve techib us bat fro be tyme of be dayof dome men shulen se in Goddis Sone bingis bat bifore weren

hidde , and God shal banne tellen men resoun whi he ordeynede

bes bingis . And in tokene of calendis b of bis , Poul tellib of

himsilf, fiat be knozmfi a man in Cr ist, fiatf our tene geer bif or ewas ravisbid

, wbefier in bodi or out (f bodi be woot never e, but

God woot. For Poul knewe bat fourtene ; eer b ifore he was

The reference i s rhapsb Calendis

seems to be used here.St. Augustine

s fi fteenthe ps

Sermon, and a few lines below . in the sense

Ch Vi . of first fruits or initiation .


And lestefiat gretenesse o/ Goddzs klting bye P onl above him»

sflfi God gaj'

bJM a firrbk cy’

btsM an angd yfie /b d b

tempte bim. And herbi Poul wiste his owne freelte, and held

be bondis o/ mebenesses , sib an angel of Sathanas mygt so li; tli


et his soule. But git bepretkde God fir ies fiat fiis m d sbutde

wende awg' f rom bim ; bnt God seide to b1mg em—M g r”

rsynouq tofieeJ'

or vertu grormfi in g bew m . And herfore seib

vertue N elle in bim.

Here it is pertinent to Speke of pride of bis ferbe sect‘; for

freris , algif bei ben ungroundid, hyen hem above apostlis , and

seien ber ordre is moost holyof alle be ordres bat ever God

ordeynede . And bus be i feynen blasfeme gabbingis, bat Crist

beggid as bei done , and on falsheed of sich blasfemes is holynes of bes ordres feyned. But Crist slepte or knewe hem not,

but for to ordeyne peyne for hem. And bus Poul tellib a goodmedec ine , to rest in ordenaunce of Crist, and take no part in

bis newenesse bat bes ordres have brou;t inne . Welwe witen

bat bes habitis and bes cloistris, wib ober signes , ben brou3t inneto blynde menais igen in holynesse of bes ipocritis. Welwe

witen bat Crist ordeynede fewe apostlis , to dwelle wib be puple ,and bobe in liif and in word to teche hem b i his lawe ; and

bade not lumpis ofypocri tis lyve as bes newe ordris. And bus,bi lore bat Joon gyveb, trewe men sbulden not dele wib hem,

but gif bei hadden hope to turne hem to Cristis sect fro ber

vanite. For wel we witen bei byndon hem more to holynes

b i ber signes, and wel we witen be i my3ten as myche holden

holynes wib comoun signes . And bus bes ypocritis hyaden

hem, wibouten cause , over ber power. And sib bei putten abak

many benken bei ben heretikes , and foulen men bat mayn

‘ So in G z A and l reld lm /om uetb .


On Qymovas asxa Soxm u PISTLE

[ S E R M O N x v . ]

Si lingu is bominnm Iowan— 1 Con. xiii. [L ]

Pom. tellib in bis epistle how men shulden knowe charite,

and how men shulden kepe charite , and bis lore is ful nedeful

to ech membre of holyChirche. First Poul tellib how nedeful

is charite bifore ober, and b igynneb at be heirest werk bat man

hab in holyChirche. Poul seib, 3if be speke w rfi mannis tongis

and angel tunges, and be bafi not cbarite, be is made as bras

soremynge and a cymbal ambyng. I t is knowun bi bileve bat

preching and ober speche is be heirest dede of man, whan bat

it is wel done ; but however a man speke in dyvers tungis of

men , ouber English or Frenshe, Latyn or ober langage, his voisis like a sound of bras bat distrieb himsilf, but ; if he have

charite, bi which he deserveb blisse. For sich men bylonge

tyme wasten hemsilf, and largen ber peyne. And on be same

maner, gifman apeke in angel tunge, wib clere vois or florishid

wordis, speke he nevere so sutilly, gif he wante charite wib bis,he is as a tynkyng cymbale ; for he profitib not to disserve blis,but wastib him to his dampnyng.

Aftir seib Poul,fiat gif be bavepr ofi cie, and knowe alfiryvytees,

and bave al maner of science and ; if be bave al bileve, so mycbe

fiat be translate b illes, and be bave not cbar ite, be is nogt to holy

Chirche. pes foure, clepid vertues of be undirstonding of man,

maybe wibouten charite, and ban bei serven not to blis. Manymen mai hunne myche and lyve yvel, not bereafter, as a man

mai worche woundris b i be worching of a fend. And so it is

to nakyd prof to preise men for siche worching. And bus

men mai have bileve unformed bi charite, and sich bileve

tchapitle, E. byeste, E. prow , E.

From thistpoint to the end of sistance of the excellent manuscript

the sermon on e Epistle for Trin E, (DouceitySunday, we have again the as

and the gift ofprophecy

a n ti ci pa

and ol selfo


pmfifib nog sib be fend hab sicbe bileve. And bus men mai

have prOphecie, and al bes habitis in bet soule , and be schrew id

wirchirs ‘, wibyvelwille of ber soule. And bus seib C ris t in be

gospel, Sire , propheciede we not in bi name, and cas tiden out

fendis in bi name from men ? and ; it be knowib hem not to

blisse . De bridde tyme seib God in PonLfiat gif be dele at bis

as sum men done in heresie and be bave not cbar ite wib fifl, be

And sib bes werkes and bes groundis semen to make hobmen, and ech man wolde bykynde be blessid, it were aftir to

wite how men shulden knowe charite , sib it is so nedeful to men

to come to be blisse of hevene. And berfore in bis secound

parte of bis epistle tellib Poul sixtcne condiciouns bywhich men

mayknowe bis love. be firste is ban cban'

te zspaa'

mAand so

meke bat it’conformeb his wille mekelyto Goddis wille ; and

bus he gnawib him not to deb for nobing bat fallib in be world,but for good bing bat fallib be hab a brennyng love to God.

And bis is clepid bmigm‘

te,bi speche bat Poul spekib here.

be bridde tyme tellib Poul bat, cbar ite bafi noon envie, and he

spekib of charite in his name bat holdib it. And bus men maywante envie, and reprove men in Cristis name , for love but beihave to God and for profit to his Chircbe ; for bus dide Cristful sharply, and he mygte not wante bis love. be fourbe con

dicioun of bis love is , bat it dotfi not amys for what bing bet hedoib, his last entent is to do Goddis wille, and so to profit of

his Chirche aftir be lawe bat he hab ;ovun. And bus al bes

foure sectis semen to faile in charite , for be i leven Goddis lawe

and worchen byber feyned fyndingis ; and so bei leven Goddis

worship, and traveilen moost for ber owne wynnyng. De fifbecondicioun of bis love is bet, it bolnefi not bi pr ide. For he

benkeb mekelyhow he is a lowe servaunt o od, and so

ypocrisie mahib not bat he hye him over resoun.

De sixte maner of charite is, fia/ it is not coveitous . Ech man

shulde coveite blis, and vertuous dedis to do berfore ; but Poulspekib of coveitise bat is contrarious to bis ende, as manymen

languishen for pryde , to hnve a stat bat God wole not. And

‘ So E ; A reads be



re bat Goddis word renne , and bat Cristis ordenaunce stood

hool? sib it were best, as bei graunten . But certis banne alle

bes foure sectis shulden leve ber patrouns and ber reulis , and

come olenly to Cristis sect ; and who shulde grutche agens


,3 Tm , De brittenbe condicioun of bis love is bat it trow zfi alle fi ingis;“m f or bing and treube is al oon, and so al treubis ben trowid of

it. And bus it trowib and assentib to al maner of treube and

resoun. But how failib he not here , bat lettib bus Cristis or

denance, and doib harm to manymen , bobe to ber bodi and

u “M .

to ber soule ? De fourtenbe condicioun of bis love is bat, it“s“ bopzfi alle fiingis for it hOpib bat ordeyned treube helpib to

alle good men,and bis charite hOpib to have parte of bis helpe.

Here failen bes newe sectis, bat dreden hem bat bei shulen faile

from worldli favour and worldlywynnyng, and bat Goddis lawe

shal be kepte clene ; and bus bei dispeiren in lyf of be fruyt of

ts PMGoddis lawe . pe fiftenbe condicioun of bis love is bat, it sus

‘m ' teynefi alfiingis for it helpib to holde ai treube , and ab idib be

ende berof. For after be day of dome shal be fruyt of al

treube ; and bes bat ben unpacient bat Goddis lawe rigtid hem,

failen in bis condicioun, sib bei trustyn to mena is lawes.

De sixtenbe condicioun and be laste bat folwib bis charite,is

bat itf allzfi never awey, neiber in bis world ne in be tober . For

Goddis love maynot faile , sibGod mai not ceese to ordeyne

bes men to come to blis, be which he wole ever have blis . And

bis love bat is in God mut have sich charite in man. Loke bou

bes condiciouns, wheber bou have hem al in bee ; and gif bou

hast not, be aboute for to have hem al hool, and ban bou hast

wibouten doute bis love bat mut bringe to blis. And of bis

techib Poul be excellence of charite and bis is be bridde part

of bis epistle , and makib ende of bis glorios lore . Charite is

woundirfulgood, as men mai se of wordis b ifore. And charite

mut ever last, ebir in lyf or in half lyf, for it is not ful clene

bifore bat men comen to blisse . But wbefier fiat pr ofibecies

sbulen be vaia'

ia,or fiatfi ingis sbulen ceese

,or fia tfiis science sbal

be di struyed‘,—and alle bes bree mut nedis faile, -bis charite

shal nevere faile. For snmwbat we knowun in certeyn, as is

distroyde, E.


beyng of oure God ; and snmwbat wefiropbeczien, as bingis of be

laste day; but wbanfiat sbal comefiat isperfit,fiisfiat is nnfierfit

sbal be avoided And so siben at be dayof dome men shulen

have ful knowyng and blis, be grees of cunnynge and joie heremut nedis passe, and be ending mut come. And bus seib Poulof himsilf, and so it is of al bis Chirche ; Wban Ywas litil, Yspake as gong, I understood as ;ong, I fiongte as gong but wbanne

I was m ad man, I avoididefies werkes y‘

a gong cbild. And so

it is of alle men bat shulen come after to blis. We seen now bi

a myrar , inf er sigl, and unpropre, but we sbulen se af ter in blis

be firste troube/ace tof ace. Poul seib, be bnow zfi now by a parte,and not fulli ; andfianne be sbalW e in blisse, as be is know n

fulli of God. And of bes wordis maymen gedre bat, now

dwellen fiesfi ree vertues, bileve, bope, and cbar ite, but moost cy'


is cbar ite.

And gif bis epistle of Poule were fulli executid as it shulde,

be rewme ofYngelond shulde be dischargid of bes foure sectis

bat ben spoken of ; and ban mygte be rewme dispende manyhundrid bousand marke more ban it dispendib now , algif



sectis weren avoidid. Marke what alle bes sectis dispenden in

oure rewme for a geer, and gyve alle bes to men in charite.

For gif bes foure failen in charite, oure rewme shulde drawe

from hem bis parte. But tchene how myche bis comeb to,and

b igynne bou to wite of hem what bing is be sacrid oost,wib

resoun of Goddis bileve ; and bat bei tellen not here to be kyngbut bing bat bei wolca stonde by, to sufite martirdome of men,

and losse of ai bat bei have of cure rewme ; and ban my3te be

kyng wite how he shulde put out al bes foure. And over bis he

mygt more dispende bi manyhundrid bousend marke , and be

rewme were more plentenous to bryng forb men to be blis of

hevene. And bus it fallib kyngis to do, bybe omce bat Godhab ;ovun hem.

sib, E. ; ij ; E.

Cortnthlans to



[ S E R M O N x v u

Hortamur vos ne in vacuum—z Con. vi. [L ]

Pom. tellib in bis epistle how alle Cristene men shulden flee

to take in veyn Goddis grace, and how bei shulden worobe of

bis. We supposen of bileve bat ech good bing bat we have,be it staat, be it cunnyng, - ech sich bing is Goddis grace ; forGod gyveb it graciously, for man shulde serve to him b i it.

And bus he takib Goddis grace in veyne bat takib his grace

and leveb his servyce. And herfore bygynneb Poul bus ; Wemoneste gonfiat3e tabe not bus in va

in fie grace of God. And bis

word mygt be seid to ech man in bis lyf. And sib defaute is not

in God, but al defaute is in his servant is, Poulmoveb over bisword anober word of greete witt. Certis God sezfi to bes men,I n covenablegmeYbave berdfiee, and in dayof belfieY bave belpidfiee. First, men bidden to God ber preier, bat he helpe hem in

tyme of nede ; and gif bis be resounable , God helpib hem in

covenable tyme ; and whanne tym e comeb bat God ;yveb helbe,he helpibmen as he hab bihigt. And bes wordis of Ysaye ben

general and in good ordre . For first God hireb men and gyvebmenes, and sib, whan nede is, he helpib. As first God b ryngibman bygongbe, and sib he gyveb helbe to man as in tyme of

mannis deeb and after, whan he gyveb hem blisse , banne Godhelpibman at be fulle, and helpib b ifore to bis ende . And bus,in age of holyChirche , God herde bis maiden in manyseintis,

and aftirward in tyme of grace he helpib bis Chirche to come to

hevene. And berfore seib Poul bus ; L o, now is tyme accepta ble

lo,now is fie da ie (ybelfie, fro tyme bat Crist styede up to

hevene . And so ;e shulden lyve in bis tyme ,fiat ;e 3eve noon

ofence to any,fiat 3oure servyse be not blamed, and bat God heere

not ;our preier. But in allefiingi s gyvewe as as mynystr is of God

in tyme of grace bat he hab ;ovun. Now ,whan holyChirche is

but his teach


bes pointis bat Poul tellib mai be alargid to be puple, and

declared difi'

usely1after bat God moveb be speker.

pa sacunna Sonnax m LENTE.

[ S E R M O N X V I I ]

Rogamns vos et obsecramw .— l Tass . [Tunas ] iv. [ 1

Pom. techib in bis epistle how Cristene men shulden lyve

togidere, and holde hem ever in Cristis lawe, bat is taugt b i his

apostlis . And Poul bigynneb wib bis praier, for non bar kepe

bis but gif he wole ; and bus holdinge of Goddis lawe shulde be

willeful and medeful. Wepraien gon and bisecben gon in fie Lord

j esns , seib Poul, fiat as ge bave taken of as bow ge moten w andre

and plese to God, so wandre ge in bis lyf,fiat ge abounden more in

vertues, as ge ben growynge in eelde . Poul preieb on two

maners, as Cri st is of two kyndis. His manheed is signefied bi

comoun preier maad to man, his b iseching tellib his Godhede,

bat is specialpraier of man . As gifmen praieden narnyng holybing, as who seib, Y biseche God b i vertue of his passioun bat

he helpe me in mynede. And bus is love of Crist axid, bobe bihis manheed and b i his Godhed. And nede is knittid b i Poulherto, whan he seib bat ge moten wandre bus gif ge wolen be


And to bis taken men litil hede of bes foure sectis bat we

have told ; for bei leven Poulis lore , and feynen hem a newe

reule , bat is obir b iside Goddis lawe or contrarye berto . For

Crist seib, Who is not w ib me, he is even agens me . And bus,siben bes newe reulis letten be reule bat Crist hab govun , be i ben

rigt contrarye berto and devyden fro C ristis ordre . And bis

devysioun was sum tyme clepid beresie of w ise men. And so

noon of bes wandrib as Cristen men moten wandre . For sibb ifore bes foure camen inne, men wandriden bicke and streigt

to hevene, but for be tyme siben bei camen in, hab ben here hateand weyto helle .

50 E ; A has defusely. none ba r , E.

wr cu r .


But Poul seib to Cristene men,fiatfiei w iten wbat comande

menti s be bafi govun bem, bi oure L ord j esus Cr ist. And bei

shulden be not suspect, for bei sounnen not to propre wyn

nyng, but to worship of God, and to savyng of mannis soule.

And berfore seib Poul here bat, fi is is fie w ille of God, goure

bolynesse and bat stondib in service of God as he b iddib. And

blessid be sich a Lord bat b iddib but profit of his servaunt, not

profit of himsilf, but honest and ligt bing to do. And so, men

sbulden abstg ne bemf ro lecber ie, for bat is foule . And so ech

Cris tene man sbulde canne kepe bis vessel in bolynesse. De vessel

of a mannis soule is his bodybat holdib it ; and whan bis vessel

is holy, be soule berinne mut nedis be hooly. Sum men undir

stonden here bat Poul spekib to weddid men, bat moten nedis

have wyves to kepe hem fro lecherie , so bat ech sich man cunne

kepe his vessel in hoolynesse, gendre and gyve dette whann it

is tyme, and trete his wyf as his felowe. We reproven not bis

witt, for God is large in his lore. And banne, men kepen bisvessel in bonour and not in fiassxbnn of fleishli desire, as befien men

fiat knowen not Goa; ne how he wolde be served in clennesse .

And clerkes speken bus of passiouns bat ben lustis biside resoun.

And beside bis lecherie is a synne among be puple, bat is

pryde and worldlycoveitise, bat foulib here manymen. per ben com oun “ ,

fulmanyhere on lyve, bat ben not paied wib her staat, but gone

b i pryde above ber breberen, and of bis comen figtyng and stryf.

And manymen ben coveitouse, and b igilen ber b reberen in


aryng and comen about hem manyweies, to b igile hem of

ber goodia. And bobe bes two forfendib Poul; and biddib,fiatnoon go aboven bi pryde, ne bus go aboute b is br ofier ,f or God

wale venge alfies . For bes ben pryde and coveitise , bat quenchen

mekenesse and charite, as P oul bafi.seid efte bifore, and w it

nessid b i Goddis lawe . And bes two synnes ben ful comoun,

and nedeful to wame folk of. For who wolde bi good resoun

bat onyman servede bym bus ? And so God mut nedis venge

him of men bat breken bus his beste. And, for God bafi not

clepid us to nnclennesse but to boob/nesse, men bat serven him bus

falslymote nedis be punishid for ber falsnes. I t is foule to be

a lecchoure, and foule to dispise bi brober, and foule to bigile

him in worldlygoodia, bat ben dritt.

st ati ons. von. n . T


And bus, befiat dispisefi bis lore, be dispisefi not al oonlymen,butGod,fiat gaf b is bolyspir it in bis apostlis , for his goodnesse and

for love of his Chirche. And bus, whan men heeren Goddin

word, bei shulde not loke to ber brober but to God and h'


wordis, and worshipe hem for Goddis sake. And wolde God

bat men token hede to speche of Poul in bis place , to holdevertues and flee heresies, for bobe ben nedeful to men. Danaemen shulden heere Goddis word gladly, and dispise fablis , and

erre not in bis sacrid cost, but graunte bat it is two bingis,bobe breed and Goddis body,— but principalyGoddis bodi.

And certis he bat dispisib be prechoure whan he prechib Goddis

wordis, dispisib bobe God and man, but moost to charge be

Godhede. And bus men bat dispisib bis lore of bis holysacrament, dispisen God and seien bat he is fals ; and bis is a

foul blasfemye.

pa barnna Scans : Prsr La m Laur a.

[ S E R M O N x a ]

Estote imitatores Dei.—Em s . [EPHESJ v. [L ]

Pom. b iddib in bis epistle bat men shulden be Goddis chil

dren, and sue Crist in maner of lyf as dereworbe2children of

him. And here men shulden take as bileve , bat ech man here

on lyve is holden to sue Crist upon peyne of dampnyng in

helle. For gif a man wole be saved, he mut nedis be Goddis

child, and gif a man be Goddis child ban he sueb God in

mauers, and bis childhode is be derrest bat mayfalle here to

men. Sum men ben here mennis children, bat bei loven for

ber bewes ; and bis childhode is dere gif it be groundid in vertues.

Sum men ben mennis children,for bei camen of ber kynde ;

and bis childhede is betere gif vertues be castid berto. But

sum men ben children of God, for bei lyven perfitli in vertues,

and loven Goddis lawe to ber ende and bes ben be derrestchildren. And herfore biddib Poul here, bat we sbulen be

def-worbe, E.


fornicacioun, and al unclennesse qf man, or synne of be

world, be not nemyd in gou, as it semefi in bolymen,or filfie orfals

sfiecbe, or barlotr ie fiat perteynefi not to fi ing of blis ; but more,use ge goure speche olenlyin fianbyngis of God ; f or w ite gefiisand undirstonde, as b ileve of Cristene men,fiat ecb lecbowr , or

unclene man, or averous man fiat servefi to mawmeti s, bafi noes

ber itage infie rewme qf Crist, bat is bobe God and man. Sibech man makib bat his God bat he lovebmoost of alle , and an

averous man loveb more worldygoodis ban he lovebGod, sibhe leveb rigtwisnes for love of siche worldlygoodis, it is knowun

bat he is fals and out of rigt b ileve of God, for he mak ib siche

goodis his mawmetis, which muten nedis be fals goddis . And

bus it is of ober synnes, bat men fallen ofte inne. In be first

fieishly synne ben many Speces, as men knowun ; and Poulunderstondib hem alle b i unclennesse , as sum men seyen


Obir men seyen welynowg, bat Poul tellib bes bree synnes,fleishli synne, and synne of be fend, and synne of be world, as

alle synnes. For algif alle synnes ben unclene , git bes bre

synnes of be fend—pryde , envie, and ire ber sister,— maken

man more like to be fend, and bi bis prynte of be fend bei ben

more foule b ifore God .

Poul b iddib here to trewe men ,fiat no man bigile bem in bileve

bi veyn wordi s which bei speken, bat bes ben no synnes or ligt ;

as lecherie is kyndeli, as bei seien , and mankynde kyndelyhablove of his owne excellence , sib bat God hab govun it him , and

God hab govun bis world to man, to serve him b i helpe berof.

Siche veyn wordis bat excusen synne done myche hanne

among men, as Adam and Eve weren b igilid b i veyn speche of

be serpent, and so weren manyober after, unbilevynge tr eufie (yGaddis lawe. For if we taken hede to ire of God, or in old

lawe or in be newe, it cam bi synne bat was brougt in b i siche

fals and gilynge wordis . And fierf ore sbulde ge not w ille to be

ma d percgrner is of bem, neiber spekyng bus , ne trowinge , ne

nurishinge sich fals speche. For ge weren sum tyme der bnessis ,but now ge ben ligt in fie L ord. Men bat ben encomb rid in

80 E ; A includes as is in the quotation . So in E ; A has seen .

perceneris, E.


synne ben made derke and blind wib synne ; but men bat ben

in ligt of grace knowun synne as motis in be sunnebemes. And

berfore , wandre ge as cb ildren of ligt, in clennesse . bef ruyty

and tr eufie. Des bre wordis, bat ben according to be holyTrinite , wolen make a man vertuous, and fieynge bree manersof synnes.

Fonba Sonnu rN Laur a.

[ S E R M O N x i x . ]

Scr iptum est enim quia Abrabam.—GAL . iv. [aa.]

Pom. tellib in bis epistle of fredom of Cristene men, how beihave ber ernes here, and fully fredom in hevene. And buswole Poul in tyme of grace bat Cristene men ben more free

ban fadris weren in be olde lawe, byfredom bat Crist habgovun.

Poul seib bat, it i s w r itun in be first boke of Goddis lawe,fiatA brabam badde two sones

, Ysmael and Yssac ; Ismael was of

be bond-maiden, be which was clepid Agar, and Ysaac of bisw eddide fey/2, be which was clepid Sara. But fiefirst, fiat wasborn of fie servaunt, was born bi fie jleisbe fie tofier , born of fief ree try/é, was born bi brbeest of God. be first boke ofGoddin .

his wyf weren passid be tyme of child-

getyng, God lwhlgt' lmm

Isaac , and tolde what shulde worbe of him. And bes two

children of Abraham bitokenen two lawes of (loci, and Wu

children bat God hab. be first child shal he dampned, l’"secounde shal be saved. And so men seien cmummly, butholywrit hab foure wittis. De first witt is of be utmyu, m saw”as be wordis shulden tokne. De secounde witt in ullagmylm,

bat figurib bing bat men shulden trowe as l” mu tumu MAbraham figuren bes two biagis. Dc bridde will is tmbulugu.

aW , E. so it . troflwyh , A

which would

Christians arethe child ren of

the children ofthe bond


bat b itokeneb witt of vertues. De fourb witt is anagogyke, batb itokeneb bing to hOpe in blisse. Poul seib here be secound

witt, and he badde autorite berto. Des two sones ben two testamentisin figure, as God spekib ofte. De first sone is be olde lawe ;

and fiis is Agar in figure . Synay i s an b ill in Arab ic,fiat it

jgmed to j erusalem here, and be Chirche bat is here ser vefi in

braldom, wzfi bir cb itdren ; but bat Jerusalem bat is above, but

is be Chirche bat hab overcome, sbe isf ree, and sbe is our eW ,

for Crist oure heed is ber wib hir.

Poul as a good doctour feyneb no fable bymannys w itt, but

he seib bat it is writun in be lawe of oure bileve . And wolde

God bat bes prechours wolde do so in oure dales , til men

cowden Goddis lawe, and lyveden aftir bis bileve. And sum

men have myche confort in bis treube bat is bus writun ; for

bei witen it mai not be fals but mut nedis be fulfillid of God ;

and herfore bei ben pacient, and joyful in ber turmentyng.

And bus seib Poul to be Romayns, Al bingis bat ben writun.

and algatis in Goddis lawe, bei ben writun to cure lore , and

specialy for bes two endis, bat we kepe pacience , and be in

confort of holywrit. And bis bileve, bat we trowun bat Goddis

ordenaunce mut nedis stonde, and al cbir ordenaunce mut

nedis be quenchid at be laste , confortib many C ristene men

to stonde b i Goddis ordenaunce,for nedis bis ordenaunce mut

be holy, and at be last overcome al obit . And he bat stondibfor Goddis lawe bus in clene charite here, mai be exposid and

pursued in worldli goodis and in his bodi, but he may not

wante meede bat passib al bis harm and peyne. Sib worldly

good is but liril, and bis lyf is short and peyneful, it were a

wyse change to man to suffre bus for be betere. And bus he

is traitour and coward, bat dar not telle Goddis rigt for drede

of losse of worldli goodis, or for losse of his bodi.

And for bis braldom bat fallib, bobe to men of be olde lawe

and to men bat shulen be dampned, it is wr itun bus in Ysay;Be glade fiou chirche of hebene men bat now art barayne of

goostlychildren , and b ryngist but fewe children to hevene , for

be Spouse of holyChirche is not git joyned to bee, bi be grace

bat Crist shalgyve whan he shal clepe hebene men. For ryme

r. as the trasurer of future


and temporal; and so he tarieb Cristene men to se rve Crist

in his fredom. So bat Cristene men mayseye, as be poete seibin proverbe,

—be frogge seide to be harwe, cursid be so manylordis. Now Cristene men ben chullid, now wib popis , and

now wib b ishopis, now wib cardinalis of popis, now wib prelatis

under bishopis ; and now bei clouten ber shone wib censuris,

as who shulde chulle a foot-balle. But certis Baptist was not

worbi to loose be thwong of Cristis shoo ; and more , Anticrist

hab no power to lette be fredom bat Crist hab brougt. Crist

gaf bis fredom to men to come ligtli to blis of hevene , but Anti

Crist chullibmen , to gelde hem to gyve bym moneye . And so

bis servage is foule, bobe for bis lord and his lawes ; for it is

foule to here dritt b i be servise made to fend. But ever bes

ypocritis dreden bat Goddis lawe shulde be shewid , and bei

convict of falshede , for God and his lawe ben more strong.

Des ypocritis mayfor a ryme holde men in be fendis braldom,

and feynen bat bei gyven leve to synne, or gabbe on God, bat

is worse , bat it is nedeful to obeishe bus.

ON Passrous Sos nar Prsr La.

[ S E R M O N x x . )

Cbr istus assi stens pontif ex .—Eaa . [Hana ] ix . [ 1 r .]

Pour. techib in bis epistle be excellence bat Crist badde over

bishopis of be olde lawe , al gif bei alle figuriden Crist ; and

bis was pertynent to speke to j ew is, bat knewen be olde lawe.

Poul b igynneb and se ib to hem bat, Cr ist was bisbop, and nyge

to God, sib he was bobe God and man,and so was noon of

be olde lawe. And bus he passide in bre pointis b ishopis of

be Olde lawe. First be was bisbop (y'

goodis of blis , be which

goodis ben hopid to come. And bus seib Petre , bat C rist isb ishop of soulis , for he is Lord of hem . Bishopis of be olde

lawe kilden beestis, and diden sum good in bat bat bei figuriden

Crist, and his passioun bat bougt mankynde . De tober excellence of C rist is, bat his tabernacle is betere ban weren al bes


tabernaclis bat weren in be olde lawe ; for Cristis tabernacle

is be world ; and Poul seib bat, fii s tabernacle is mor e largeand moreperfit ban was be tabernacle of Moyses, for bis was not

maad bl man, but maad of nagt 6: God almygty. But Moises

tabernacle was ma d and born, to grete traveile of preestis.

De bridde excellence of Crist is bat his sacrifice is beter, and

made more perfitli ban sacrifice of olde b ishopis. Bishopis ofw ’

be olde lawe sacrifieden hidis blood, or blood of geet or of

calvys. But Crist passide al bes figuris,—f ar Cr ist bi bi s owunblood entr id oonys in to beven

, and bere he foond ever lastyngbyging bat noon ober bishop mygt come to. And so he entride

oonys for ever to hevene, be yuner part of bis temple. But

bishopis of be olde lawe weren nedid to entre geer bi geer, and

git bei entriden not in to hevene, but in to a litil holet bat was

be west part of be tabernacle ; and algif bis figuride hevene,

git mannis blis was not bereinne . But entring of Crist to

heven, in to a place more holy and large, was in to be same

place where is blisse wibouten ende. And bus, sib Cri st is God

of hevene, and his manheed is so nyge God, oure bishop Crist

in al bes bingia mut nedis passe al ober bishOpis. For as bis

Lord mayteche ferber, so he is nerrer and graciouser, and butbi vertu of bis bishop mygte nevere bishop do good to man.

And bus dignities and pryvelegies bat ben now grauntid b i be

pope, but gif Crist conferme hem first, ben not worb a fiye foot.And so it semeb to sum men bat bishopis of be olde lawe weren

betete and more worbi ban ben bes emperour b ishopis ; for bei

serveden and figuriden Crist by auctorite of God, but bes

emperoure bishopis now serven and figuren Anticrist. And

ber auctorite is taken of be moost fend agens Crist, and bus

bei seien bat be pope is heed viker of bis fend. But al be

fendis and al be bishopis muten have ber beyng of Crist, and

muten serven to him, ouber wel or yvel, agen ber wille. For

ouber bei ben dampned in helle wib be heirest3Anticrist, or

ellis bei ben blessid in hevene bi oure bishop Jesus Crist.And aftirward proveb Poul b i a principle of bileve be sufii

cience of Cristis byggyng, bi bat bat he is God and man. For

gm, E. bigg ing, E. bym.E.



gif Crist be verre1 man, he is a part of al mankynde, and so

bis grete man habmaad aseeb bi Crist for bat bat he synnede

in Adam. And bus seib Poul to his breberen, bat grf blood gtbaalis or bidi s, and fiaudir of a cal/2 fiat is scater id, mabxfi men

bolyfiat weren foulid, as anentis fleisbli clensyng—bow with

more Cr istis blood, fiat ofi'

r ide bimsib"bi fie bolygaast w zfioutn

werkes to serve lyvyng Gad. Dis resoun bat Poulmahib is nyge

bileve bat men moten have. Der ben bre clensynges, bodili

and goostli, and co clensyng of bes two, as was clensyng of be

olde lawe. For bis bodily clensinge of bes figures of be olde

lawe clensid not goostli but in figure, for ober clensyng were

betete bi water ; and so it figured Cristis blood, and his herte

bat was brent bi love. And bis halowyng bat last was figurid

mut nedis be betir ban his figure , as fier is beter ban is smoke,and man is beter ban is his ymage. And so, sib Crist is God

and man, satisfaccioun for bis synne bat he made bus freli is

better ban ober bat man or angel mygt make. De same in

noumbre bat synnede byAdam oure first fadir, be same man

in noumbre made aseb bybe secound Adam, Crist. And sibhe is more of vertue ban be first Adam mygt be , and his peyne

was myche more ban synful lust of be first Adam, who shulde

have conscience here bat ne bis synne is clensid al out ? And

sib oure Jesus is verre God , bat nevere mayforgete bis mede,he is suflicient medecine for al synners bat be contrite , for Crist

is ever and everywhere , and in al siche soulis b i grace ; and so

he clensibmore olenlyban onybodi or figure mai clense. And

herfore , as Poul seib, Cr ist is mediator of fie newe lawe. For

Crist hab of bobe bes two, for he is God, autoursof bes bobe ,

and knyttib be toon wib be tobit ; fiat bi bis defif alling bitw ix e,in biggyng of fie first trespas fiat weren done in fie olde lawe


fies men taken bibeest agen, fiat ben clepid, (yay- lastyng berytage.

And al bis marchandige was done in Cr i st j esus oure alfier L or d.

We taken here as b ileve bat Jesus Crist bat chafi'

arid bus is

eche God bat mayb e, and so be same God bat made man ,

and after bougt man to blis bat he ordeynede bifore to man.

’ be same man , E.‘ God and auetour. E.

Who humbled


a bing is whit. And so, sib godhede maynot falle to a bingb ifore in kynde , bis godhede mut nedis be God, and so 0 per

sone, bat hab bis forme. And bus Poul seib in a manere , batJesus is verre God. And so, Cr ist fgmede not bi ba rbitr aa


of raveyn fiat be was even w zfi God, sib he was be same God.

De first angel Lucifer feyned bi fals harbitracioun bat he was

licke to God ; and so done men bat synnen here , for bei beninobedient as bei hadden no God above hem.

But, for Crist mygte not bigge man oonlyb i his godhede,for he muste make him bat kynde bat synnede in oure first

fadir, so bat same bing make aseeb which bing synnede of

man,—berfore seib Poul here bat, Cr ist Iesside b imsilf . For

whan he made himsilf man,he made him a creature w iboute,

whiche creature is but vein to regard of be godhede . And bus

seib Poul fiat be tobe a specialf orme of servaunt and bis

forme was bis manheed, bat is oonli in Jesus Crist. And so

bis godhed and bis manhede ben dyvers kyndis but 0 persone.

For as ber is 00 godhede bat is comoun to bre persones, so

ber is o persone bat is comoun to bes two kyndis. And ri3t

as o persone is dyvers from anober, algif bei ben bis oo kynde,so bei two kyndis ben dyvers, but ech of hem is bis persone.

And so men speken now of Crist bi be toon kynde and now

bybe tober, and graunten of bis same persone dyvers formes

bi bes two kyndis. But Poul grauntib not here bat bis personeavyntisshide

’ him, but he made him lasse , and comoun ser

vaunt, whan he made him bus man . Dus C rist is servant of

servyng, but not servant of synnyng, ne servant of bondage ,

algif his kyn was sich a servant foure hundrid geer in Egipt,

as Goddis lawe witnessib.

And here benken manymen, bat manypopis after Petir presumen falselyof hemsilf bat bei ben even wib Petir . And algatis

gif bei feynen bat bei ben even w ib C ristis manheed , C rist mygte

not bi his manhede feyne bat he were even wib be godhede .

And so manypopis feynen hem bat be i ben Cristis vikers in

erbe , and sib bei ben proud blasfemes , no man is ferbe r fro

bis state , for C rist mygte not be God and man but gif he b adde

So in E ; A includes the words For—Poul in the quota tion. aw a


take bis mekenesse. How sueb he Crist in vertues bat bus

is a proud blasfeme ?

And for to shewe bat Crist was no giloure, Poul seib bes twowordis of Crist, bat be was m ad into like-nesse of men, and in

abite/burd en as man. Crist came into bis comoun liknes, for

he was of be same kynde bat is ech man his brober, and bis

liknesse is in substancial‘ kynde ; and he is founden in abite

as man, for he toke bis singular manhede. Hab ite is taken

on manymauers, as Austin declarib wel; but here it is taken

for bis mankynde bat Crist toke whan he was man. And, for

noo bing in be worlde is founden but gif it have verre beynge,

berfore bis habite of Crist is verre man as ober ben. But for

as myche as Crist was bifore bat he badde bis hab ite, and in

sixe and brittyhoures he wantid bis bodili habite, Poul spekibantillyhere, bat he was founden in habite as man. But men

trowen here as b ileve, bat Crist lefte nevere bis made spiri t, and

so he ceesside nevere to be man, algif he ceesside to be a bodi.

Al bis saverib more to clerkis ban to comounte of men, and

berefore men muten passe over bis, spekyng to be comoun


st mekide bzmsztf , made obedient to fie defi , and not to ech

peyneful deb, but to defi offie eros, and bat is moost abhominable

deeb, and moost peynful of al obir. And beff are bobe God

h ede bim, and 3a] bim a name fiat is over ecb ofiir maner name,

a nd y'

bellis for ech wille of bes bree spiri tis is obeishant to

Cr ist is in glor ie (f God fief adzr. For as he is be same God,

so he hab be same glorywib bym.

SO E ; A has wbstauce al.



Prsa on Ens '

rm DAY.

[ S E R M O N x x 1 1. ]

Expurgate vetusflrmentum.—r Con. v.

POUL biddib in bis epistle bat men shulden clene forsake

synne, and algatis in be fest of Pask, whan bei have myud of

Cristis quykenyng. Poul bigynneb, and biddib Cristen men,

fiat fiei d ense out fie olde sour -dew . Poul tellib to be w itt of

allegori , what be wendyng of be folk of I srael, whanne bei

wenten out of Egipt, figuride to witt of vertues . And so bre

mystywittis ben tokened in be same story. I t is knowun to

trewe men bi be secound bok of Goddis lawe how children of

Israelwenten out of Egipt, after ten miraclis bat God dide hem

upon Pharao and Egipcians, bat maden bes children to serve

to hem 1. Dei wenten out in greet hast, and flour and salt bei

token wib hem ,and maden ber b reed wibouten sour- dow ; and

bus bei eten ber Pask lombe. And bis maner bei kepten longe

after, to have mynde of Goddis delyveryng. Poul seib to bisspiri tual witt ; clense ;e out be olde sour - dowg. Sour- dow is

undirstonden here old synne bat men ben defoulid wib. And

sour-dow, whan it is old, rotib, and foulib ober past“; and so

undirstonde we b i Poul bybis sour-dow , old synne , bat men

clensen out bis synne whan bei maken elene ber soulis, bat no

synne leve in hem to foule men aftirward. Synne stondib in

manybingis ; in levyng of bing bat man shulde do ; in wrong

doing of bingis bat he shulde do to God and shrewid custom

in bes dwellib longe aftir his werk. Of bes bre shulde man

clense him, as men clensen lond of weedes ; bei plucken hem

up b i be rootis, bat bei growun not aftir in corn . Dus shulden

men clense out synne b i lore and figure of Goddis lawe, and no

disposicioun dwelle to drawe men to do synne .

And berfore seib Poul aftir bat men shulden be in ber soule,

’baast. E.

WI’ C L I F ’


moveu bes newe statis to bobe bes two prides. For bei benkenbi bes ritis bat bei ben holyer ban obere, and holier ban beishulden be to leve hem, as diden apostlis ; and certis ellis beiben foolis to traveile so myche aboute hem. De secounde synne

of be worlde is synne of coveitise of men. But wheber bat besnewe ordris bryngen not in bis coveitise ? Traveil of monkes

and chanouns, and of foure ordris of freris, techib pleynlyber

coveitise bat bei ban to strengbe ber ordris. De fend argueb

bus to hem. Dis is a faire multitude, bat servebGod wele in bisordre ; and bus it were a greet almes to gete hem goodis to

mayntene hem, and to kepe hem in faire state , and make hem

strong to bus serve God. Also be fend moveb bi ber housis,and byober goodis bat bei have, to stire hem to coveitise agens


e ordenaunce of Crist. As if be fend argued bus ; 0 ! bis were

a faire chirche, a faire house and an honest to men to serve

God inne ; who shulde not traveile herfore ? But certis b ileve

techib us bat bobe Crist and his apostlis weren not moved bi

bese sophymes bat be fend now hab brougt in ; but b ileve techibus bat we have not here a dwellinge citee, but be citee bat is

above we seken, b i ordre of Crist. And so, what bat movebmen to seke blisse, and leve bis world, bat is a resoun of Crist,

bat it fallib to his ordre ; and so hard fare and poverte here was

coveitid of Crist and his apostlis. And git be fend disseyveb bes

ordres bi fleishlysynnes manymauers . He stireb hem togider,

hepis of men of dyvers complexiouns, and oon of hem movebsnober to etc and drynke more ban is good ; and, for be fend

maymove a man to be foule synne of Sodome, he mayb ryngin b i litil and litilbe synne of Sodom among bes hepis. And

sich knyttyng of enemyes gendrib bobe envie and ire. So bat

many, gif bei mygten avente hem, and do freelybat C rist b iddib,and flee occasioun of synne , as diden apostlis and ober men bat

weren out of bes religiouse , shulden synne lesse and profiten

more. And bis is cause , as sum men trowen, whi Crist and

hise foundun not bes ordres.

Poul seib in bis epistle , On fi is maner ete we not in oure old

synne , ne in game qf malis and w iebidnesse, but in spir itual sw et

nesse of elennes and of treafie. Dis swetnesse shulde be groundid

So in E ; And so, A .

wvcms .



in vertnons lyf bat C rist tam ; for in al om'

e ordenaunce , is |sum sournes se of synne. And bns d bes m ormea bat

cmken fio mdm we d Cra m occa ioun to synne.

ouber pryvyor apert. And rht a a ue bat is first m kii and

hardib bi lrmg tyme in his crokM efi o bs foure ordres bi

long tyme ben hardid more in ba nn lis. And bns God 3yve

graoe to hem to knowe be fredom of Goddis lawe, and turne

freishli to Cristis ordre, for bon e weren manysynnes quenchid.

n m s'

t Scrum m m Ez sr rn.

[ S E R M O N X X I I I . )

OmneM natmn est ex deo.— I JOHN v. [4 ]

Joon stireb here Cristene men to flee synne bat comeb of be

world , and bis synne is ful comoun in al bree partis of be

Chirche. First, Cristene men shulden wite bat alle men bat

shulen have blisse of hevene ben goostli born ofGod, and ma d

men of his ordre, sib bat Crist mut be ber fadir, and holyChirche be ber modir. And bis condicioun settib Joon bat mutnedis be fulfillid. Ecb fi ing fiat is born of God overcomefi fie

world,in alhis tyme. For ; if he be overcomen of be world, for

a litil tyme bat he synneb, nebeles he mut cover and overcome

be world at be last. For ellis he was nevere born of Crist, no

sueb his fadir in bis figt, and Crist wole have no siche children,

but bat ben kynde and suen him. And berfore Joon tellib a

mene to men to overcome be world. And fiis, he se ib, is fievictory/efiat overcomefifie world, our bileve. 80 but no on over

comebbe world, ne be fend, ne his fleish, but ; ii bile ve In: bat

armour bywhich he overcomeb bus. And herfore declaribPoul to Ehrens, bat seintis overcamen rewmes bi bile ve ya be :hadden, and maden manyOber vict ories . An d shortli, be! u n o

man overcomen of his goostli enemy, but ;ii be be: out 4 bileve

cuber in no maner or in ober. And bus bi sum m m M

um or s. 7 01. I I .

The world Isovercome by


speche bileve is bobe sheld Of man, and swerd b i which man

fi3tib, and victorybat he makib. And Joon anib b i ensaumple,Wbo is be, breberen, fiat over comefi fie world, but fiat man fiat

bilevefi fiat j esus is Goddi s sone 3if bou have ful b ileve of

Crist, how he lyvede here in erbe , and how he overmme be

world, bou overcomest it as a kynde sone. For gif bou take

hede how Crist dispiside it, and sue him here as bou shuldist,

bou most nede overcome it bi bileve of bi fadir.And here mai men w ite Opynli, bat manymen ben in bis

world bat ben not born of God , no b ileven here in C rist. For

gif bis bileve were in hem, bei shulden sue Crist in maner of lyf;but bei ben out of b ileve, as manymen of be dayof dome.

What man shulde b ileve fulli bat be dayof dome is anoon.

and bat God jugibmen aftir bei have fougten in his cause, bat

no he wolde b isili enforse him to sue Crist, for mede berfore ?

Ober b ileve of bes men slepib, or hem wantib ri3t b ileve as

men bat loven bis world, and resten in lustis berof, lyven as 3if

God saw not bis, and shulde not juge for bis dede . Dus oure

bileve of Cristis lyf is nedeful to alle Cristen men ; and herfore

men shulden knowe be gospel, for it tellib be b ileve of Crist.

And bus it semeb bat newe ordris overcomen not bis worlde bi

b ileve bat bei have in Crist, for Crist lyvede not as bei lyven

now . Crist purchaside not to his apostlis rentis, ne housis, ne

worldli goodis, but taugt hem bobe in comoun and privy, to flee

siche havyngis of be worlde . And bus be falshede of be fend

disseyvebmen of siche ordris, bat bei have be world in comoun,

but noon of hem to himsilf. Whanne bei have bus be world in

comoun, ech of hem assentib berto, and bei ben algatis more

strong to lette men bat don bet - agen ,obit in word or in dede ;

and bus be fendis champioun is strenger. Siche SOphymes

serven not b ifore Crist be laste juge. And bus bes SOphistris,

bat gabben bat bei have not neiber in propre ne in comoun , and

git men seen bat bei have bobe placis, and housis, and obir

goodis, myche more plentenouselyban Ober pore men bat beirobben,

—bes false men muten nedis be dampned Of Crist, bat is

be first treube. For bei diversen not fro beves, but bat bei

moste nedis, E .




[ S E R M O N x x rv . ]

Cbristus passus semel estpro nobis.— I PET. n. [ z I .]

Par as tellib in bis epistle of be passioun of Crist, how myche

it was in himsilf, and govun to ensaumple of Cristene men.

Cr ist, he seib, bafi snfi'

r idfor as,levynge ensaumple to fiaty

folewe fie steppis of bim. And so his passioun doib good to

men bat weren, and men bat ben , and to men bat shulen come

aftir. But men moten dispose hem to take profit of his pas

sioun, as men bat weren b ifore bis passioun token bis profit bi

ber b ileve, and men bat weren wib bis passioun, as weren

Petre and obire apostlis , addiden to feib love and sorowe.

And bes men meneb Petre here whan he seib, Crist sufl'


for us. De bridde men bat camen aftir, ben bo bat trowun bat

C rist sufi'

ride, and adden love to bis bileve, and suen for C ristis

sake his steppis. I t is ofte seid in Goddis lawe bat gif a man

wole come to hevene , he mut nedis sue Crist in feib, hope , and

charite. And berfore habGod ordeyned to men, bat noon mai

be excusid here ; for ech man mai sufl'

re for God , as ech man

mai trowe and love. What man is so feble of power bat he ne

mut nedis sufl'

re deb ? And so bis sufl'

ryng shulde be sette in

charite for Goddis sake . And ech man hab a spirit, wib wille

and undirstonding berinne ; and so God gyveb ech man power

to come to blis of heven ; for God chargib nevere man to do

more ban he mai do. . For bis large Lord axib Of man to be

served of his owen ; but pride lettib man to sufl'

re , and movebhim to fi3t and stryve ; and berfore sufl


ribl C rist contra riousely

to bis doyng. For man doib as Adam dide bypride and in

obedience ; but Crist sufl'

rib b i mekenesse and obedience to

God. And here mai men see now how be fadir of pride movebhem to leve bis meke pacience, and to sue C rist in bis point ;


but he moveb to do proudlyagens Goddis wille, as Adam dide.

And bus it is now to drede bat men bat suen not here Cristis

steppis, maken bat Crist sufl'

ride not for hem. For bei taken

not of Cristis merit, sib a man mut dispose himsilf to have

wilfulli part berof. But no man mai sufl'

re even wib Crist, and

berfore b iddib Petre sue his steppis.De gretnesse of Cristis sufl


ryng is taugt bi Petre on bis“gu

n fi gmaner. Cr ist, he seib, dide no synne, ne gile was f onndun in of m.m .

b is moufi . And so his sufl'

ryng was more medeful, sib he


ride not for his owac synne ; as bevys whan bat bei benhongid, or obir traitours whan bat bei ben killid , sufl


ren not

so medefulli as men bat serveden not bis deb. Crist was wibouten synne , and so not giltyto sufl


re peyne , but of his grace

and his wille to bigge men bat weren coupable . Petre declaribmore bis sufl


ryng, bi bat bat Crist was so meke,fiat wban be

was cur sid of be Jewis, be eurside not agen, but suffride mekeli

ber yvel wordis. And Cr ist whan he saf r ide in dede, be

manasside not agen, but sufi'

ride mekeli his passioun ; and bi

bis cause myche more bat he my3t, gif he badde wolde, have

take greet veniaunce of hem.

Petir tellib aftir of be wilful peyne bat Crist sufl'

ride for man

kynde , bybat bat, Cr ist of r ide bimsilf to Pilat,fiat j ugide bimunn


gt/ulli. For Mathew tellib how Crist b ifore told al his

passioun, and how he cam to Jerusalem to sufl'

re fulli as he


ride. And so his sufl'

rynge was medeful, for it was so

myche wilful ; for no man badde more desire to die bus ban

C rist badde ; ne Adam badde no more desire to synne , ban

Crist hadde to snfl'

re. And bus he spekib in be gospel, b i his

godhede and his manhede , Bi desire have Y desirid to ete

bus bis Paske wib ;Ou. For etyng of be Paske lombe , andsleyng bat was b ifore of it, was figure to bis lombe of God ;

and bus it came of greet desire , and Adam my3t not wille to

synne bi so gret desire of lust. And Petre tellib more of bis

passiona , bat Cr ist ;af bimsilf tofie man fiatj ugide b im unj ustli ;

be which Crist, for we mygte not,bare oure synnes in b is bodi,

and be bar e bem uponfie tree, as Adam synnede in a tree ; sofiat

we be deedf ro synne, and lyve af ter to r igtw i snesse. Petir spekibhere bi comoun speche, bat bat man heripa bing bat herib be


fruyt of be bing ; as a man in beryng moneyberib be bing batis bou3t berwib. So Crist bare oure synne on be cros , for his

passioun was prys boroi. And bus, as Crist was deed on be

cros, so shulde we be deed fro synne , be whiche sprong of be

tree bat Adam synnede first inne . And deeb of C ri st in bistree shulde teche us to die bus ; but we shulden lyve spiritualyto ri3twisnesse , bat is God. As Crist roos bi goostli miracle,

and wente to be same ri3tw isnes, and bi love fiat C r i st bad-bhere, we ben belid Of oure synne .

And, for Crist is be beste heerde, bat bus can quyken and

beele his sheep, berfore seib Petre aftir,fiat mankynde was m

W e as er ryng sbeep wibouten heerde, but fiei ben tkerned now

bi love tofie berde and bisbop of fier soulis . Crist for his excel

lence tellib but litil bi mannis bodi ; but for to fede mannis

soule, and have goostli care berof, bat fallib to bis bishop. But

b ishopis now done even be contrarie, for bei tenten neiber to

bodi ne to soule, but to drit bat man hab. For ; if bei have

moneyand Ober goodis, bei recken but litil of bes two.


[ S E R M O N X X V . ]

Obsecro vos tanquam.— r PET. n.

PETRE specifieb here mekenes, bat men shulde have b i en

saumple of Crist, and how bei shulden b e suget and obedient

to alle men . P etre preiefi to Cr isten men to kepe bem first f ro

fleisbli lustis, as gestis and pilgr imes for bes synnes fi3tcn agens

be soule. Fleishli desires moven men to fi3t and stryve w ib ber

b reberen, for men desiren not bus money but to maynteyne

ber bOdi in lust ; for if bei loveden more ber soule , bei shulden

more travaile berfore. And here mai men see bat men, and

algatis grete prelatis and lordis, failen foule in charite , and first

in love Of hem silfe . For sib bat charite bygynneb at be loveOf mannis spirit, man shulde love first his spirit, more ban

goodis bat ben w ibouten. And bes goodis done myche harm,


as to men sentf ro fie kyng , to veniaunce o/ yvel doer i s and to

preiyng of good men. For bis shulde kyngis and ber mynystris

do here for Cristis love, for be b eynes of ber staat was govan

of God for bis eende. And bus shulden popis be suget to

kyngis, for bus weren bobe Crist and Petre. For fii s isfie wille

of God,fiat men do wel in subj ect ion, and make domb fie f oli 9’

men fiat benf oolis in Goddis lawe. And bis bing men shulden

dof reely, and not b i constreynynge of mannis lawe ; b ut as bei

hadden not an b ilyrig of'

/ redom of malis of bis world , for sichefredom is litilworb, but fredom fro synne to serve God. And

bis kepyng of siche werkes wole make men f ree ser vaunti s ofGod. Do ;e bonoure to alle men, and specialyto mannis spirit.

And drede 3e God in his prynte, and do 3c alle goure werkes

for God ; and lovefie brefierbeed, b i be fourme bat Crist hab taugt.

And bus, sib kyng is Goddis viker, drede 3e God in bis viker,

and do ;e wor sbzfie tofie bong,for love of God whos viker he is.

Seroauntis, be ; e sagette in al drede, bobe goostli drede and

bodili, to lordis bat3c have here . For as Poul techib, servauntisshulden serve to bes lordis as to God ; and so, b i service goostli

and bodili, shulden bei serve , not oonly to good lordi s and r eron

able to ber servauntis, but also unto tir annti s, bat distrien C ristis

scole, as diden bObe B eroud and Pilat f or eer teynefi is is gr ace

in j esus Cr i st fiat is oure L ord. For Crist was suget to bes

tirantis, as God obeishib to mannis vois. Dis subjeccioun is no

synne, algif tirantis synnen in takinge it. For as sufi'

ring is

sum tyms good, and doynge yvel bringib it in, so subjeccioun

sum tyme is good, and men ben yvel in takyng of it. And bus,

gif men benken sutilli, kyngis and lordis shulden serve to men,

algif bei ben ber boonde men. For ber bodies shulden serve

ber spiritis, and Sib bodies ben worse in kynde ban onySpirit

bat man hab, and al be personalite of man stondib in be Spirit

Of him ,whi shulden not men graunte be s wordis, bat ech man

shulde serve to ech man ? And wolde God bat be pope knewe

bis, and obit emperour2

prelatis ! banne shulden bei be en

saumple Of mekenesse , as was Crist oure alber Lord .

Ms . E2emperour s , ( i .


Pt soaps 80mm Prsm At r ia Exsr rn.

[ S E R M O N X X V I .]

Omne datummm .-

.Jw i. [ 1 7 ]

Jam gyveb here a lore of Cristene mennis religion, and

”web as a wise man a greet principle to bis lore. Eeb fimg

;ow n best, seib Jamea and a b gr/te fiat is fierfitnsf ro abow ,

comyng doren fro God, bat isf adir tf ligt. Der ben bree bingis3ovna to man ; as worldli goodia, and goodis of kynde ; be

bfidde bing is gm dis of grm bat ben best of al bes bree .

And bus seib James wittily, bat al best bing bat is 3ovun is froabove, comyng fro God, as ben vertues and grace. And so

it is of al Ober which ben perfit giitia. And here benken manymen, bat gyvyngis of popis ben no giftis Dei seien bei granaten

privylegis and indulgencis, wib Ober feynynges ; but sib bei

smatchen wynnyng of moneye, and bat is bevy and drawibdoun, and bei sonnen not to charite and ober resoun bat is inGod, it semeb bat bes ben falslyfeyned of be prince of derke

nesse, and bus bei spryngen fro binebe , fro be fadir of lesyngis,

And bus it semeb to manymen, bat bes foure sectis bat ofte be

spoken, sib Goddis lawe groundib hem not, ben not bus fro

above,but fro binebe of be fend And bus men mayknowe

wele Cristis religioun fro bes'newe. For C ris tis religioun

desireb hevenly bing, and helbe of soule , but bes religiouse

stondib‘ moost in pryde, falshede , and coveitise. De fadir of

ligt is unmovable fro treube and goodnes of alle maners, but

fadir of derknesse chaungib ofte , after bat he hOpib more to

And bus seib James , fiat at God is not transmutaa bnn ‘, ne

sbadeuyng o/ wbilnesse fl'

or he is ever more in oon. De fend

s bynebefi 'o



and chaungib his wille b i manywilis, but non of bes is in God.

But, for good religioun mut be groundid in good persones,

berfore tellib James after how bes persones weren brougt forb.

He seib fiat, God gendnfi res w il/ selli, and b i his grace , we} bisozone word of tr enfie, bobe makynge us and biggynge us. And

bes goodis of mannis kynde moten nedis come of God fro

above. And bus God gendride his apostlis to be bigyawof b is ebirebe. For his Chirche is a womman, a virgyn, and

Cristis spouse, and a passinge creature among al bo bat God

hab m ad. 3: w iten, my moost dere brefier en, how C rist hobloved mankynde, and how he lyvede in bis lyf, bycause bat ;e

shulden lyve so. And herfore, be ecb man sw zf te f or to beenGoddis lawe, but be sbal be slowe to speke , but bat bat he know


bis Goddis word. And fins be sbal be d ome to ire, f or mannisire doxfi not r igt of God, but worchib

lrn be fendis werkes. Wil

of God is bigynnyng of al be good werkes of man ; and ; if he

passe beside bis wille, he doib be wille of be fend.

And beffare eastrfi3;e awgy al unclennesse and babosendana

of malice, and take 3e in mebenes fie word (y'

God pr inted in gou,

fie wbicb word may save goure soulis. And bus dilavynesse oi

tunge in spekinge wordis Ober ban Goddis is passynge fro goodreligioun bat God habgovun bi himsilf ; and bus bes newe ordris

ech on, which ben so lef 6 to lye, muten nedis be groundid in

be fend, be which is fadir Of lesingis. For gif God badde bougt

on hem to make hem partis of his Chirche , he wolde sw iftelyhave b rougt hem forb b i C rist swifterest“of alle bingis . But

gif God gaf bes sectis, he gaf hem alle in his woodnesse ; as

Goddis lawe seib bat he gaf Saul be kyng in his woodnes ; bushe gaf bes foure sectis for to turmente his Chirche , for it failide

bifore in sleube , to do be Office bat God bade. And sum men

hopen bat bi bis cause al bes sectis ben so wrabful whan men

spoken ou t a3ens hem,for bei dreden of ber ground .

woreebifi, E. wille, E. caste, E.



ni3t. And bus men seen a peny in a dishe by helding in

of water, and ellis not ; and b i bis sigt maymen see ful litll

bing bi ferre space. De first of bes bree Sigtis is moost clere,

and moost certeyn. We shulen wite over bis , for James wordis,bat bis man bat ever lemeb, and doib not in dede Goddis wordstondib ever more in be meene, and never comeb to be fruy1

berof. And bus he farib as a man bat mygt wel betir se a bingwibouten mirour ban wib meroure, and git he takib in vein 1

meroux ; and bus he fallib in manyerrours of place and quantiu

of bat bing. And bus bes men bat evere lernen, and leven tc

do aftir bis lore, ben as lokers in a merour of visage bat be

hadden in ;ongbe. For bis lore of Goddis word shulde b:

a newe lore and unperfit si3t, for be ende in dede shulde comc

after, bat shulde be even as be first sigt. And bus bis man be

lokib him bus bougte on his soule for a tyme, but wente for1bi curiouste , and forgate soone to worche berfore. Dus dommen bat stonden in science , and worobe not after bi bis science

And bes ben men Of veyn religioun, as James techib opynli

For wirche we here in good liif, as ende of lore of God word

and ban we shulen se in heven myche betir us silf and al obilbingis on be bridde maner of sigt, wib curiouste bat lib berinne

For we shulen se in Goddis word al be bingis bat God ha}maad, in a more clere kynde ban is be kynde bat be i have

wibouten. And clerkis clepen bis , intuicioun and 1clere sigt

in God and blisse . And bis bing bat we seen bere is in sub

stance God himsilf, and in a maner be same bing bat God habmaad wiboute- forb. And bus seib Joon in his gospel, ba t bingbat is ma d of God was lyf in him wibouten ende , for it was

Goddis kynde .

And bus seib James Of Cristis religioun,fiat be fia t lobzfi in

Gaddis lawe, bat is law e (yr

per/itf r edom,and dwellzfi perfi tli in

fiis lawe b i al his lyf, wibouten medlyng Of mannis lawe , bat is

derke , and is not madef orgit/‘

ul beerer , but maker of fie dede bat

he hab herd , fii s man sba l be blessid in b is dede. And bis is be

best fruyte bat mai folowe mannis lyf here. God bougte not

oonli on bingis, but made hem wibouten in ber kynde ; and so

he wole not bat men cunne oonli, but bat men done in dede

So E ; in , A .

SE R M ON S. 3m

be rafter. And bus be bridde gospel. Oi'

Jc-m mg t he wold en

300] day“. And d fis dedmib jm fid a r t'

s . ,ft’

eu; m

gesse fiat be is a religiouse M en d y? rgfr g'

uefi pa bi s h uge.

M ds'

ssa vfi bis ba t h ) is a m a rdsgiru On manv maners The

oure religiouse disseyveb ha n—s‘

lf in vanite .

freyneb’not bes moab in pn yesis, hm for3itten to surche, as l

gif prayeris weren be best bing bi which men serven and plesen

to GOd . On be tober maner, religiouse hen vein whan bei

lem en ber owen reulis, and leven be reule bat God gaf, and

occupien hem in bis lore , to sey and synge wibouten book,

as 3if bis plesid moost to God. On be bridde maner bes ordris

b en veyne, bat prefi en japis to hegge beter, and to susteyne

hem cloistris and housis and obir goodis bat bei coveiten. And

certis bes hrmpis failen here , as mowen gras bat were unteddid,for bat gras mut nedis rote , and fade in colour and swetnesse .

But James tellib, fiat eIene r eligioun, and relsgiosm wsfioreten un


wemm anentzs God fie f adir of al, is religioun bat lyveb bus

it visitrfi modirles ebeldren and rep/deans in fier tr ibulacioun, and

bepsfi it w zfiouten memm fro coveitise of bis world. Lord, sibJames and Ober apostlis knewe not bes newe ordris, and bes

cloistress wib newe housis, and ober ritis bat bei have foundun,what shulde move to love hem bus, and leve religion bat God

hab govun ? It is a blasfeme unbileve, however bat men speken

here . De apostlis weren taugt of be HolyGoost for to wandre

in be world, and teche men bobe b i word and dede ; for lore

is best to men, and not to gedere in wete lumpes, as done oure

newe ordres now. We shulden benke as diden apostlis, how

men ben now wibouten helpe of ber modir holyChirche. For

prelatis and preestis ben turned amys fro be ordre bat Crist ;af;and sibmen ben bus wibouten helpe of oure modir holyChirche ,

bei shulden visite more bisili bi be fourme bat Crist hab govun.

And for bis folyof novelrye God mut nedis forsaken men

and so bis Chirche is a widowe, forsaken of her spouse for her

unkyndnes. To conforte men in bis tribulacioun were a greet


’ disseyven, E.

The gospel for the third mass first chapter of St. ohn'

s m rel.on Christmas dayis taken from the va r—14.

J Il l

lnstant in

Ca se!“


Sonneu Ptsr LE AFTIR Asssxcroux .

[ S E R M O N X X V I I I . ]Estoteprudentes. 1 PET. iv. [7 ]

Pm ;yveb here anober forme to lerne be lore of Cristi

religioun , but it is not contrarye to James, sib God reversibnever himsilf. M oost dere brefiren, seib Petre, be ;e war e, and

wake ;e in praier is. Petre puttib b ifore prudence , and after

stirebmen to preieris. For manyreligiouse maybe b lyndid in

ber maner Of preiynge, as sum men tellen more b i new e preier,

bat be pope or obere men habmaad , ban bei done b i be PaterNoster, made speciali of be holyTrinite. And to conferme bi:

novelrie, bei aleggen of be pope bat he made now late a preie

bat he clepib Domine Jesu Christe,’

and he grauntide to bis

praier, at be b idding of be Kyng of Praunce, to ech mar

bat is contrit, for 00 seiyng of bis preier two bousem

; eer of indulgencis fro be poyue of purgatorie And at

men neden not to go to Rome to gete hem plein indulgence

sib a man mai gete here indulgence for many bousand ;een

after domesday, sib he maygeten in half a day an hundrid

bousend geer and more . But who wolde traveilban so folilyto

be Courte Of Rome in perel, for to gete hem indulgences ? For

siche errours in bis mater b iddib Petre first to men, bat bei

shulden be ware and wise, and flee errons spoken here. For it

is no dreds to men, bat ne Crist al my3ti and al wittymade

So in E, and there can be hardlya doub t that this is the true reading:A has peple.

See Sermon XLVII , vol. i. p137, where the same indulgence is

referred to . That sermon is on the

gospel for the first Sunday after

Easter ; this resent sermon is on

the epistle o a Sunday only fivew eeks later . The tw o passages

taken together go far to prove that

Wyclif w rote the gospel and epistle

sermons simultaneously. For in

both places the publica tion of the

indulgence is spoken of as a recent

event. which could not have been

the case had the epistle sermon been

composed in a d ifferent yea r fromthe gospel se rmon. The pope in

firestion must have been C lement

e antipope , to whose cause the

king Of France adhered . Froissart

mentions the issue of politic al indul

gences of this kind byC lement. butw ithout going into deta ils ; nor have

I been able to find in anyw riter anex licit mention of this part icular

in ulgence.

seed n d of

amlned end

12c v. 3. 7 .


be herborwid and fare as lordis wib pore men, more ban eves

Crist chalengide. Dei shulden benke to flee wiselybobe multitude and spensis, bat bei charge not be Chirche more ban Godwole bat bei do. And keping of bis reule of Crist shulde nuke

freris to were away.

For eeb man, as seib Petre here, as be bafi take grat e gt’

6 11.

for to profite to his brobir, so sbulde be mynyster bis lent bing, a

ellis he is fals traitour to God. And bus men shulden dispende

Goddis goodis aftir grace bat God gyveb hem,for man habnot

bis for himsilfe, but to departe hem wib his neigbore. And, for

charite ofman is shewid bobe in dede and word, berfore Petrespekib of word, and b iddib,57 fiat onyman meke, loke fiat bsiwordis be Goddis wordis. And wolde God bat be pope knewe

bis lore of Petre, and kepte it wele ! for banne he shulde not be:

send bullis of wordis, bat he woot not ben Goddis.

And here maken men bes newe ordris to shame, and axes

grounding of ber dedis. And certis bei may not prove I:

resoun bat bei shulden lyve on bis maner, and so bei ben h edie'

to seie bat bei ben groundid b i be pOpis autosite, or bi reulis 01

charite, or bi dremes ofmen,or fablis. Hem shameb for to seil

be firste , Sib popis speken manywordis, be which b en nO|

Goddis wordis ; but who shulde trowe to hem in bis ? And Si]charite techibmen to not comoun bus wib tyrauntis, but to flethem in word and foode, reulis Of charite techen not herfore for

to maynteyne bus bes men, whos staat is not groundid b i God

3if men seien be bridde tyms , bat dremes moveu to maynteyne

bes ordris, - certis men shulden not trowe bes dremes, for bei

have brougt in myche synne. And berfore be wise man b iddib

bat men shulden not recke of dremes. De fourbe tyme, bes

ordris blynden men wib talis biside holywrit, bat so manymyraclis have bei done , and so manyseintis of hem b en canon

ysid. But bis speche bar“no man trowe , but gif bei teche it is

Goddis word ; for it isynow ; to men to trowe Goddis lawe , and

Obir bingis bat bei perceyven wib ber wittis, algif bei ben not giled

wib fablis.

And Petre b iddib after to his disciplis, fiat grf ony man

mynystre, bat he mynystre as of fie ver tue fiat God myry'str ifi in

knoweb, E . dar , E.

wvcmr .


him ; and prove he bis in good maner, beter ban ben bes foure

faliscis And bus in at lyves and werkes of men, sbulde God

be worsbipid bi bis meene, batj esus Cr ist, bat is oure Lord, movemen to worobe bus. For gif bis meene faile to men, bei shulden

not trowe wordis bat ben told ; for Crist moveb sum b i his lawe,and am hi resoun, for he is resoun, and sum bi loose of ber

v itria, for he moveb al good mennis wittis. And sib Crist is

bobe bodi and soule, and over bes two bingia be Godhede, what

bing bat Crist techib not bus shulde be left as suspect.

ON W r'


[ S E R M O N X X I X ]

Dum eomplerentur dike—ACTS II. [ I

Drs storys of apostils dedis tellib how bei weren disposid of

God to receyve be HolyGoost, and medlib manynotable

wordis. Luke bigynneb on bis maner, Wbanne fie daies (y’

P entecostwerenfillid, bat maden fiftydaies in noumbre, alle bes

enleven dimplis weren togidere in fie sameplaee. And bis place

was in Jerusalem, as it is liclybi be storye. No drede bes

enleven apostlis, aftir be resurreccion of Crist, ledden devout lif

and holy, and algatis after his ascencioun. Bi bes ten daies

men seyn be apostlis fastiden and preieden. And bus bei camen

into an hous on Witsondayin Jerusalem. And fier was made

bastelyf ro beven a sound as of a greet wynd comyng, and fi is

sosendfillid alfie bous wberefie apostlis weren sittinge. And fier

apperide to bem diverslypartid tungis as fier , and fiis fier sate

upon bem alle, in forme of a tunge . And fiei weren al/r'

llid offie Hobbs Goost, and fiei bigunnen to speke in langagi s bat weren


s in hemsilf, rigt as fie HolyGoost 3af bemfor to speke out.

And so bree bingis weren seyn here, be which al b itokeneden

bis miracle. De firste was, soun bat cam fro bevone bat ful

fillid albe hous, and bat bitokeneb bat apostlis hadden grace of

M t il , E0 50110410, E.


mans of themum 1m



God to Speke his wordis. De secounde signe of bis miracle

was of be substaunce of fier, bat b itokned bat bes apostlis weren

ful Of charite to speke . De bridde signe of bis miracle was of

bis forms of fyry tangis and bat bitokeneb bat bes apostlis

hadden knowynge of manylangagis.

And bus seib Luke ,fiat in fie cite weren j ewis dwellinge of at

naciouns , men of r eligioun, and bes Jewis couden dyvers lan

gagis , of cuntreis bat bei hadden dwelte inne. For after C ristis

resurreccioun, and bifore his deeb also, Jewis weren scan-id in

manylondis, and lemeden langages of bes londis ; and bus bei

ben clepid of bes naciouns, and camen to be temple at bis fest.

And wbannefi is vois was maad tofie apostlis, fie multitude offies

j ewis camen,and fiei wer en eonf us id infier fiougt,for ecb (y



berde apostlis spebyng infier strange tunge, bat is spokun in bes

contre. And bis was a greet woundre and herfore fiei alleabazsbsden 1

and woundr iden, and seiden togidere, L o, ne ben not al

fiesfiat speken ey'

fie cuatr eof Galile P And bow bave we berd ecb on

bis awne tunge, in wbicb tunge we weren born, ferre aweyfro biscontre ? And Luk rehcrsib sixtene langagis bat bes pilgrimeshadden at hoom. and be i woundriden how bes Galilees koudenspeke bus al bes langagis. And be miracle was more , bat beiSpakou Goddis merveilis bus in so dyvers tungis.

And here men douten comounli, where bes apostlis spaken

aloone , or ech Of hem al spake dyvers langagis fro Obir, so baton of hem koude oo langage , and amober koude anober, but not

bei alle knewen ech langage. But here men benken b i be story,

bat ech Of hem kuewe al bes langagis, and bus be i undirstooden

bes men bat weren Of SO dyvers contreis. But difiiculte is moved

over,—wher ech Of hem blab ride al bes langagis

”; and it w olde

seme a greet woundir bat 0 man spake at O tyme bus dyverslangagis Ofmen, sib bat dyvers langagis axen dyvers formyngisof voicis, be which mygten not be togidere . But here men

benken bi be storye , bat bis miracle my3t be bus ; bes apostlis

knewen dyvers langagis whanne be i weren spoken unto hem,

but bei spaken al 0 maner Of vois to bes aliens bat be i spakento ; and bis was ber owen langage , bat badde kyndlyhis fo rme ;

1abayscbiden, E. SO E ; A has laugalis .



W E R M O N X X X ]

Vidi bostium aper tum in Coelo.—Ame. iv. [ 1

DIs epistle of Joon 1 tellib many statis of be Chirche , and

medlib lore of be Trinite ; wherfore be Chirche redib it to day.

Dre si3tis fallen to man ; be first is bodili Si3t, bat fallib to

mannis cien, be while he wakib ; and bis is knowun. De tobisis ymagynary sigt, bat fallib to a man whan he slepib, and in

bis sigt ben manydegrees, sum hyer and sum lower. De briddeand be heirest, is sigt of mynde of mannis soule ; as spiritis

seen wel in heven in Goddis word bingis bat shulen be. Desecound sigt hadde bis Joon, and be undirstonding berof, for be

Trinite tolde him in byding and privylyalle be greet statis of

be Chirche bat shulen come til be dayof dome . j oon seib, hesaw a dor e open in beven

,and fiefi r st vois (f angel fiat spake to

b im,as a tr umpe, bad b im fiat be sbulde somefiidir , and be sbulde

sbew e bimfi ingis fiat moten be after bis in be Chirche . De (lore

in heven bat was Opyn b itokeneb be staat Of holi Chirche,for

O staat bat comeb b ifore b ryngib in anobe r staat, as reste of

man in be nygt disposib him to traveile amorewe 2. And so

be first staat of holyChirche disposib it to be tobit ; and SO be

last rest in blis mut nedis come Of Ober bifore ; as prechingebat apostlis prechiden brou3t in martirdom , and sta t of martirs

whanne it was Opyn was an Opin dose in heven . But now synne

Of slowe cowardis hab closid bis dore , for children drede . For

not oonli for bodili poyue , but for worldli goodis and favoure

Of men,men dreden to mayntene treube Of God and telle it

boldli and bus bodili hardynesse hab quenchid hardynesse of

soule . Dis Si3t Of Joon and bis vois weren ordeyned Of be

Trinite . And so Joon dremede not siche dromes as done

drunken men and lecchours, but God pryntid figuris in Joon,

1 Seyntyon. E.1on be morowe. E.


and tau3t hem eft bi angelis lore, and God medlib wordis of

confort bat Joon shulde not faile in bis , sib bis lore bat joonb adde here is needful to bis figunge

Chirche . Speche of be

angel as a trumpe , is greet autorite of his word, bat it mut

n edlingis be so, sib grete God hab ordeyned it. And so bis

angel confortib Joon to come to him , and lerne bis lore .

Anaj aon was anoon in spir it, and saw on be second maner. "b u m “

A man is teld ban in spirit, whan his spirit'

seeb of God , and

his bodilywerkes ceessen and his out-wittis ben closid. j amsaw bow a secte was put in bevene, as it were a trone , and 3

lord sittyng beron, as it were Jesus C rist ; and befiat sate upon

bis secte was Is'

ebe in colour to bes two stones ; j aw} is be first

stone, be whiche stoone is greene of coloure , —and sardyrgys

be secound stone, of red coloure , as he b renned. And bes two

tellen to men bat Cri st oure Lord is ful of confort ; as greene

colour makib men glade , and bryngib confort to ber cien ; be

rede colour techibmen how C rist confortibmennis charite , and

mahib hem bold to be martirs , and shede ber blood for his love.

Andfie rainbow: was about: fie secte, lt'

ebe tofit sz'

3/of a smaragdyn

stone. Dis reynbowe tellib‘to Joon bat be godhede aboute

Crist temperib graciouselybe veniaunce bat men done agens his

Chirche, bat it faile not for hard tourment. And bis confort,

wib charite, mahib pursued men to laste . And in eumpas about:

fi z’

s sa te weren/oure and twa ste lesse setrls”; and bes lesse sectis

weren litil trams , and on ba ss satenfour e and tmenti eldir m m.

Dis bing bitokeneb to Joon , bat in be Chirche above in heven

is a noumbre of greete seintis bat preien God for bis Chirche.

Wb i]: elofir'

s of bes eldit men bitokeneb clennesse bat bei ben

inne, and crownes of gold bat bei have is goostli victori bat be i

have don. And bus, sib C rist is in bobe his chirchis , he habseintis here bynebe, bat doen in sum maner of figure as doen

seintis in hevene. So bes foure and twenti sectis ben foure

and Wenti placis here ; and bes eldit men ben bo bat holden

wiselyGoddis lawe . For rigt as foure tymes sixe maken bis

noumbre , so foure wittis of holywritt, bat is perfit, maken bes

eldit men. But ber cunnyng is here ful binne, as bis is clepid

‘ tdddg E.

’ So in E ; A has cscm.


a thynne noumbre ; but bei have clennes of lyi, and ber victoryon sum maner. 0/ fi ts trone eomen f orfi 113mm, and voids,

and fiandr zs bobe. Dis troone is Goddis sete bat ordeyned

bes bre bingis to come here . Li3tingis ben myraclis of holylyi, bat lastib

’ here for a while. Voicis ben preching of Goddis

wille , of mede bat his knygtis shulen have. Dundryngis bentellingis of greet peyne, bat men shulen have bat shulen be

dampned. And bes bree comen of God, and bi bobe hischirchis under him ; as mannis vois comeb fro his berte, bi

his brote, and b i his moub.Seven lampis bremgynge bif ore fie trone 6m seven sf irs


tis 9’

God, as Joon tellib. Bobe Cristis chirchis have seven lammsbat ben brennyng bifore God. De first seven ben alle bes

seintis bat ben in hevene and done Goddis wille, and helpen

mennis chari te in erbe , and techen hem as lampis brennynge.

De secounde seven ben al bes seintis bat done in erbe bis omoeof laumpis,

—as sholden be bishopis and greet prelatis,—but

ber laumpis ben quenchid now. But God faillib not in nouber

of his chirchis to ordeyne bes two universitees, to hete and to

ligtne comouns, bobe b i charite and witt. And so ber wille and

undirstonding ben fillid b i bes two sevenes.

32112.the w f or: saw also, in eomfias of fits sete

3,as it were a see of glas ,

fiat were lzbe to cr istal. And bis b itokeneb be Chirche here,for it is in tribulacion ,

as men ben ofte in be see. But bei ben

bi craft of God sad to sigt as be glas , and bei b en of clene lyi,as cristal is clene wibouten motis. For be everlastinge orde

naunce of God kepib his Chirche here in erbe , bat it maybepursued wib floodis, but it mai not perishe ne synke. But

pOpis , and obers bat seien bes wordis, shulden so lyve and sue

Crist bat be i ben partis of holyChirche , or ellis bes wordis ben

not to hem.

M the four Aflz’

r saw [ oon f oure beestis in fie myddil and eomfias (y'



and fies beestis weren f ulof eten bofie bybre and bz'

b z'


Defi rst beest was like to a lioun, and fie secound lzbe to a calf,fiefir z



zte badde af ace as a ma nnis,and fiefourfie beest was lybe

to a fleynge egle. As bes foure beestis weren sum tyme M ark

So E ; A has ceete. laste", E .

3 So E ; A has coca .

of be eompas , E.

5So E ; eccle in A .

d the elders.


be witt and resoun of God he worchib aftis bis power, and

aftir he hab devocioun of bes two bingis, of be Fad ir and be

Sone. And gif al his werkis ben bus ensaumplid , ban he suebwel be Trinite . But manymen failen in resoun , as bes bat

synne agens be Sone ; and manymen in contynue devocioun,as bes bat synne agens be Goost ; for bes ben bo bat God shittibout at domesdayfor defaute of oile.

blessing to bim fiat sittzfi upon fie trone, berynge in wor ldis wsfi

sittzfi in tram , and loutidm bimfiat is brynge bi at bones wrfioma ide. Ffor as ordre is of seintis in blis, so shulde be of seintis

here. For God b iddib Moises worche ‘ byensaumple shewid

in be hill; and as seintis ben in blis bobe wibouten pryde and

strife, so men shulden be in erbe acordinge to treube of God’.

Frasr s Soxm u u m . Tnmrr s

[ S E R M O N X X X I ]

Deus car itas est b .— r Jo. iv.

JOON tellib in bis epistle how men shulden love togidir , for

he bat wantib bis love wantib lyi, as a fend. First Joon takib

bis maxym as a principle of b ileve ;— 1![ oost dere

, God is eba r ite;

and bus of God comeb al oure love . Sob it is bat God and

man have sum names comoun to heem ,as ben bes comous

names be whiche tellen noon unperfit bing. And sib love is

sich a name , love mut nedis acorde to God , and he is nedis

welle of love , and loveb alle bingis in bis world. But as be

50 E ; wbicb , A .

For the next fourteen sermons first twenty-four Sundaysthe guidance of the MS. Douce 32 1 Trinity; that is , each epistle is an d

is unfortunatelywanting. a week earlier in one case than inb In the Roman missal the same the other. The English Prayer

epistles occur on the first tw enty book, it is nee dless to ob se rve . ad

four Sundays after P entecost that heres , w ith a few trifling deviations.occur in the Sanim missal on the to the Sarum use .


lovebhimsilfmoost, for be mut nedis be best bing, so he lovebobir men aftir bat bei ben good. And bns aftir charite of God

shulden men shapen ber charite.

And Joon declarib bis sentence bus ; I n fiis fiing apper ide n a b -c or

Goddzs eban'

te sn ns,fiat be sente brs oon born sone in tofie world,and n ade bin u an, fiat we tyoe bi b is sone. Ffor as al bing ismade byhym so be makib bingis perfit. And so no man mai


to blis bi vertues, but bi his Sone , as no man maybe

savyd but bi suynge of his lyfe ; for it mut nedis be a reule

to ech man bat goib to heven. And, for ech ober man is a

membre bat hongib on Crist, Crist seib bi Jon in his gospel

bat no man stieb in to hevene, but mannis sone bat is in hevene .

Knytte bon bee bi love to Crist, or ellis bou comest never to

heven. Sib be Fadir 3af Crist his Sone for us , to bigge us and

save us, we mnt nedis shewe him sum love bi his giftis bat he

;yveb us ; and bus, to clepen oure werkes oure sone, we shulden

;yve bis sone to him ; for alle oure werkes shulden we do in

name of God, and to his worship. But as bis Lord is more

ban we , so muten his giftes passen oure . And fins i s eban'


first as, and sente bi s sane belfie f or oure synnes. We shulen

undirstonde here , bat God mut love kyndely, and each creature

of God hab kyndelyan appetite to savynge of himsilf, and to

helpyng of obir biagis. And so be synne of a fend, bat is notGoddis creature, deformib him and contrarieb him fro be first

ordenaunce of God. And bus bis is a fendis maner, bat Anticrist quenchib love, and for his owne hi3nes hab envie batobir ben good.

And bus seib Joon for mannis love, to telle how it shal be .

M onet Jere, he seib, 357 God bafi loved as, we sbulden love as

togidere. For no creature of God mai faile algatis of bis love,and bus we shulden be perfit in love, as oure fadir of heven

is perfit. For gif a man love his owne good, and wib bat harm

his brobir, bis love is not perfit love, but hate agens charite.

Loke bat ech love of bisilf turne to profit of bi neigbore, forso doib love of be Trinite. And to bis entent seib Poul, batcharite sehib not his owne bing ; for charite loveb comynyngand profitynge, for so doib God. And bus, 3ifmen have elene


love, bei don noon harme streitli to bing, but good after albes

power, obir good profitable or plesing. And bus men in charite

don good to bobe his chirchis and obir bingia. For charite

doib good, and noon harme but bi occasioun of more good.

And bus werkes of bes pOpis shewen bat bei ben fendis children.

For 0 pope harmeb snober for to gete him propre good, as

manybousend markes of rewmes ben dispendid for Urbanu

cause , and many bousand men slayne ; but who shulde seie

bat bis were love ? But moost harme here is disseite of mennis

soulis in feib hope and charite , bat ben falsly feyned here.

And whoever trowib to bis power bat is bus feyned of be pope,he is harmed in his soule more ban is bodili harme .

And bus bes freris and ober ordris, bat seien bat bei gendrencharite, and maken men to large ber almes, feynen falslyaftir

ber fadir. And bus, whan bei maken freris, bei failen in charite

of God, for bei failen of Goddis reule in multipliynge of felowes

bus, as be fend bat temptib men coveitib to have felowship

in peyne ; and a lecchour seib to a womman bat he loveb his,and wole brynge forb moo creaturis of God, to profite to holyChirche ; and so a beef, bat getib him felowes to robb e treve

men of her goodis . Al siche failen in charite and ben fulof

envie . For faile in charite of oon, and faile in charite of alle ;

for charite is an hevenlyvirtue , and doib not good to 0 man,

but gif it do to alle men ; and doib never harm stre igtli. And

ri3t as man bat loveb ,his belydoib in bat harme to it, so a frere,

bat loveb a child to make him frere , harm ib him. And a man

bat loveb a womman to synne w ib hir doib hir harme as fend

bat temptib man ,to have him ever his felowe in helle

, do ib him

harm a3cns charite, for him failib ri3t purpos. For cha'

rite doibnevere harm ri3tli, but ever good ; for it mut ned is come of

God , bi be lawe bat he hab govun ,and banne it errib not in

doyng good , ne in menes to do bis good. As, 3if God baddeordeyned bes foure sectis for to profite, banne in takinge oon

of bes shulde not man do harme to be Chirche ; and gif God

ordeynede none of bes, banne in maynteynyng of onyof hem

he doib harm to C ristis Chirche, and banne he failib in chari te,

and loveb neiber God ne man.

And to bis entent spekib Joon, bat man shulde kyndeli love


clerelyfor bis tyme, nebeles bei have no dreds bat ne bis shal

sue in hem,for ellis bei weren out of hOpe , and so out of

charite. And of bis drede spekib Joon, and seib, Dr ede is not

in ebar ite, but M t ebar ite sends} out siche dr ede,for drede bafia greetpeyne and so be fiat dr edtfi bus, is not per/it in eban



For as moost peyne of man is of beryng of his synne , so moost

servyle drede is of punishing berof. And bis drede mut be

sweybi charite bat is perfit. Love-drede is in men wibouten

siche servile drede, and bis holydrede dwellib ever more in

And bus we sbulden love God,f or be bifor e bafi loved us . And

any seie fiat be lovefi God, and batzfi b is brofiir , be is a lief .

And bus manymen seien bat bei ben in charite , and git bei

gabben upon hemsilf, as Joon seib here sharply. And bus men

mai punishe obir byentent to do hem good, but not bygele

of veniaunce, ne wibouten autorite of God. And bus benkenmanymen, bat bis was a fendis dede for to slee so manymen

for a synful and a roten oflice , bat be pope chalengib so folili ;for bei bobe shulden be fayn to wante siche a sinful omoe.For befiat lovefi not bis brofiir wbom be seefi bere at i3e, bow maybe love God wbam be seefi not fins ? And so many lesingis be

maad on be charites s of men ; as manyseyn bei punishen men

for love of amendement ; but bei holden not be forme of

punishing as Crist held. Preching and pacience shulden be

meenes to scomfite synnes. And fi zs mandement w e bar e cyGod, fiat wbo fiat lovefi God, love be bis brofiir . And bus, ;ii

we haten oure b robir, we haton God in oure brobir. Studie

we Poul and Joon,to knowe perfit charite.


ln sacunnn Sonnnu AFTIR a nrr t .

[ S E R M O N X X X I I . ]

Nalile mirar i si odit vos mundus —1 JOHN iii.

Joon tellib in bis epistle how men shulden lyve bat suen

C rist, and algatis how bei shulden kepe b isili charite. Der bentwo lyves here ; oon of verre Cristene men, anober is of worldlymen,

whiche Joon clepib here be world. De first sect holdibC ristis lawe wibouten contrariyng b i ober lawe, and in bis benmanydegrees, as preestis, lordis, and laborers. Worldlymen

b en siche men bat be world hab overcomen, and bobe in lawesand in customes bei ben reulid bi be world ; as bes two sectis

b en myche medlid wib fals feynyng ofypocritis. For men batb en not Cristen men ben medlid now wib Cristene men, and beihave lerned of ber lawes, of ber werkes, and of ber customes,

and be fend hab taugt hem for to benken bat bes ben beter banlif after Cristis lawe , to make algatis hevene mennis eende.

Joon spekib to be first sect, and biddib hem ; Wale 3e not

woundre ;yfie world bate 3011, as Crist biddib ofte tymes. And

Cri st, to conferme men, makibbis resoun to his disciplis. 3if beworld hate 3ou, wite 3c bat it hatib me gour priour ; and it is

ynow to disciple bat he be as his maistir. And now, whan bes

newe ordris gyven hem bus to be worlde, bei haten men speciali

bat speken Goddis lawe agens hem. And woundre 3c not

herof, for bus hatiden scribis and Fariseis Crist. And Joonconfessib be first sect, and seib, We w iten sofilifiat we ben tr ans

latid/ ro defi to lyf ,f or we loven menfiat ben brefieren. Des twosectis ben dyvers algatis in bes two biagis. De first sect hab beHolyGoost bat techib it, and makib it lyve be secounde sect is

goostli deed, for it wantib quykenyng of bis spirit. De toberdivetsite is bis ; bat men of be first sect kepen hem in chari te,

be tobir sect hatib bis . And herfore seib Joon bus,We witen bat

So G and I ; A has mundis.


we ben translatid fro deb to lyf, for we loven briberen. Ech:

man undir Crist, bobe Cristene men and hebene, lyveden sum

tyme worldly lyf til Crist badde goostli baptisid hem. And

herfore seib Joon sobli here, We witen bat we ben translated.

And bis translacioun is beter ban worldly translacioun of be

pope, for it mai falle ofte tymes bat men bat he translatib bus

ben more deep in goostli deeb ban bei weren bifore bis. For

spiritis of men bat ben dampned han more peyne b i be synne

bat bei bygunnen to grounde here, ban bei hadden b ifore bis

synne. As, gif a dampned man was riche, and castide togidir

myche good, and ordeynede whan he diede to gete him worldli

glorie bi bis, bat spirit is more punishid aftir bat bis error

growib. And bus seib Bernard of sum heretikes, bat men

knowen not now ber peyne, for bei witen not how manymen

ben pervertid bi ber lore . And hereon shulden bes saetia benke,and stonde in lore of Jesus Crist, for ber newe lore pervertibmany, and makib hem more punishid in helle . For whanne

9. Spirit comeb to helle, bat synnede b i errour bat bei tau3ten,who dredib not bat ne bei han peyne bi newe comynge of siche

felowis ? And bis moveb manymen to holden be bound is of

C ristis lore,sib bis lore is ynow; and mai not erre , but obir

But C rist forbedib not, but b iddib his disciplis in figure , bat bei

gidere up be relif bat is lefte of C ristis mete .

And to bis entent seib Joon,Hefiat lovefi not dzoellzfi in defi.

And as it is seid in be nexte a Sermon,of bis love ben many

gabbingis. For ypocritis seien bat be i loven, and done bus for

charite , but bei failen in ber reule , and erren foule fro C ristis

lawe. Dei ben bes bat Ysay discryveb, bat bei seien good is

yvel. And bus seib Joon aftir here , fiat ecb manfiat ba trfi bis

brofiir is a man -steer . And here shulden bes sectis drede , bat

han founden hem newe lawes, and leeven to profite and to teche

after be lawe bat C rist hab ;ovun . Certis bis is a grete hate,

bobe of be Chirche and of hemsilf ; and for perilof hardyng in

synne , be i shulden dissolve bes sectis b rou3t in . And ech of

hem mi3te at be leste save himsilf b i Goddis lawe, and leve al

bes newe sectis , and flee to be sect of C rist, and axe hem not

That is. as we should say, in the last.


bi coloure of almes ofypocritis. But Joon seib here bree wordisbat shulden be chargid of Cristene men. He spekib not here

to alle men, but to riche men of be worlde bat God hab lente

siche goodis, bat bei shulden helpe wiseli her briberen bat have‘f nede of hem. For hier almes shulde be govun of preestis and

of perfit men. And bus seide Petir to be begger, Gold and

silver is not to me , but bat bat Y have bat Y geve bee . Dus menshulden seie to stronge beggers, Y have noon sich goodis to

;eve bee, but Y have lore bi Goddis lawe bat bou shuldist not

hegge bus, and bat Y wole telle to bee. Take bou Goddis

grace gif bou wilt.

mm“ De secunde word bat Joon seib here is, bat a man se bi s bro"

fiag amfiir . And it semeb to sum men bat bes men of bes foure sectis

m?! be? ben not breberen to Cristene men, but of ober strange sectis ;

and bus bes freris bat beggen bus ben not oure breberen, but

Phariseis. And Joon techib in his secounde epistle , to grete‘

hem not, ne dele wib hem, sib bei bringen not bat lore bat Crist

gaf to his disciplis. For as charite is not but gif it be clere and

general, so love of Crist is not, but gif it be cleer, unmedlid wiberrours. But sib siche ben oure briberen in kynde , men mai bi

love seie bus to hem ; Go bou and b icome mybrobir, and teche

bat bou hast nede to bes, and ban Y wole w ib charite gyve bee

siche bing as bee nedib.

De bridde word bat Joon spekib here is,fiat a man suf r e nede,

as ben bungri men and birsti, nakid men and herborwles . But

men perceyven not bes bingis of freris and of stronge beggers.

And so bes wordis of Joon steren not wise men to maynteyne

bus bes beggers agen be lawe bat C rist hab ;ovun, for be i hes

not pacient, ne have nede to bes goodis, but bei ben harmed bi

hem, and bicomen Goddis traitours herb i. And bus bobe bebegger and be gyver ben ful unkynde agens Crist, for be i sus

iteynen blasfeme lieris agens God and his lawe . And bus seibJoon aftirward, 3cfiat ben my litil eb ildr en,

love we notf alslybi

word or tunge, but love we bi werk and tr eufie. And wolde God

bat ypocritis undirstonden wel bis word of Joon for banne berbegging were not bus fals bifore C rist bat is treube . For C rist

So in I ; greete, G ; A has gete.



loveb algatis treube and good werkis, and hatib fals wordis ; forhe is Goddis word and treube, and bus bes wordis reversen

p: barons Sonm i ar rrn a nrr x.

[ S E R M O N X X X H L ]


subpotenti manre dei . 1 PM v.

D18 epistle of Petre techib men how bei shulen walke here

to heven. And first hem ned ib to be meke, for bat is groundof obir vertues , and proud men bat reisen ber heed muten

algatis spurne agens God. And berfore bigynneb Petre bus,and b iddib,fiat alle men sbulen be mebid andir fie my”! bond (y


1. Submiss ion

God. And bis bidding is resonable , for gif a child were ful suget

to a strong maistir and witti, and his gerde were longe and

sharpe , reisid above bis childis heed , and his maistir mygte not

be lettid to smyte bis child whanevere he trespassid, a witti childwolde drede bis maistir, to trespas bus undir siche an hond.

But bus it is of alle men undir be large bond ofGod. Men ben

here but gouge children , and God shulde be maistir of hem alle ;

and Goddis bond is long and stronge, for it stretchib over al bis

worlde, and he mut nedis punishe men whanever bei trespassen

agen him. And herfore seib be prophete of God, bat he hab a u x. 4. s

wakyng gerde, and his bond is git streigt, to punishe children bat

sitten undir him. And bis is a tokene of love , bat bis maistir

smytib bes children whan bei trespassen agens him. And gif bei

ben lastynge tryauntis, and he leveb to chastise hem , it is a

token bat he abidib to be ende to bete hem sore. What man

bat hab bis bileve shulde not be meke undir bis bond ? And no

drede, bi bis mekenes , wolde God take bis mannis bond and hie

him at be daye of dome unto be blisse bat ayshal laste. And

bus Petre b iddibmen be meke,fiat God byge bem in fieW of fie

laste visigmge, whan he shal rekene wib ai his servauntis. For

God bat mai not lye seib ; He bat hieb him shal be lowed, and

he bat lowib him shal be hyed, onbet to hevene or to helle ; for

be peys of Goddis rigt mut nedis weyafter mennys werkes.

su itor s . VOL . 11 . v

dw elGod ;


And bus Goddis clerkis sbulden here easle alfier be‘

gm inh

Wh i

man shulde not take tente to siche a mfi stin fo r lon and

drede ? And bus men ben to myche foolis, bat loken fro God

to worldli bingis, for bei, as men out of bflm seim bat God

slepib or seb hem not. And bus bei shulden wel gidere al bel

bisynes unto him, sib he sittib and seeb ber werkes bobe of bodi

and of soule , and God chargib al ber maners, and be lest entenl

of hem. Who shulde not drede to synne in presenoe of a’

ch a

Lord ? sibmen shamen comounlyto trespace in presence of an

And, for be fend tillib‘ men bi manywilis fro sifi e of God

berfore seib Petre aftis, Be ;e sabre, and wab y; /or w ad

versaryfie devel tom ssrfi abante as a roomge liaan , to sabe wbal

man be sbal swolowv. And no drede sicbe men bat ben not in

kepyng of God, and waken not in vertues to him, but lyve in

lustis to bis world , bes ben bo men bat be fend swolowib to him

For his bodi is his children, and his defiyng is his enduryngAnd berfore biddib Petre here,first men sbulden agen

- stonde fin

helpe . And bis shulden holymen w ite, fiatfie samepassionn , of

be fend, bi which he temptibworldli men, is maad to bob' men til

God. For be fend temptide Crist, and assaiede where be my)!

overcome him. And bus be fend benkib him sure of sinfulmen

bat he habgildrid’, and temptib sharplyholymen,

to lette hem

f erme, and mabe sadde. To bim begloore and eomandinge rhtofic

I t is knowun to trewe men bat bei mai not overcome be fend

but gif God gyve hem grace, bat is first fiowyng and litil; and

afiir bis graoe is confermed , for God holdib it in his place ; and

sib bis grace wexib sadde , bat it maynot falle swey. And bi:

ordre of be holyTrinite mai men so in bodelybingis. Elembe be holyTrinite , bat bus bigynneb bi his gm q and con


lord for litil rewardib men bi more mede. And bus cletkes

seien comounly, bat a man disserveb on two mane ris, com ahli

and even-worbily. On be first maner a man dissm eb blis ; for

it is covenable to God, worbi and just bobe. bat he of his gmet

grace rewarde largely his pore servaunt. But man disserve)not blisse of God bi even

mut nedis, of his lordship and his graoe, rewarde more men.

De glorie of heven bat is to corne is git hidde , and shal be

shewid aftir to men in blisse ; and bis glorie is so myche, bu

men shulden have wille to tmveile herfore. And bi bis skile

weren martiris moved to sufire joyfulli al ber peyne ; for no

man grutchib na failib here, but for defaute of his b ileve. And

sib man is Goddis creature, bobe bodili and goostli, man is

clepid b i himsilf erea ture, bifore obira, and specialli bis man bat

is lastinge in hope of blisse. And berfore Poul clepib bis man,abiding of a creature ; for bis man abidrfi sadli sbenvymg of

blisse ey'

Goddis ebildren. For Joon seib. bat we ben now

Goddis children algif it be hid, but we witen wel, at domesday.

whan Crist shal apere in his glorie, bat we shulen be like to

him ; but bis is not git shewid to us. And be ground of al bis

joie is, bat we ben Goddis creaturis , and he hab ordeyned of his

graoe us to be GOddis sones.

Anobir resoun bat Poul teIlib is groundid in bis rote, bat fro

tyme bat man hadde synned man was suget to vam‘

te. For be

was nedid to bere vanite of his liif, bobe in peynes of his bodi

and in passiouns of his soule , and bi bis he mut nedis sufl'


to anfl'

re wilfulli for blis, sib ellis he mut nedis anfire more

peynefulli for lasse reward ? Blessid be bat Lord bah n tgebid


re wilfulli for rigt. Hope and solace in bis peyne ia bat men

trowen to oome to blisse and ful beritage of Goddis sones, for

litil peyne bat bei sufi'

ren here. And herfore seib Poul bus

aftirward ; fiatfiis ereatnre sbal be debrvm df rom servage g/ eor s

in blisse . And cer tis we witen, fiat eeb man fiat is creature,

ordeyned to blis , weslifi and traveilsfi figny'

ulli tilfiat be fiar t

f rom fiir world ; for bus dide Crist oure alber Lord , and so


muten alle his children do. And men bat have ber blisse beremuten nedis in deb have more peyne ; and so be weybat Crist

hab ordeyned is bobe ligter and be best.And not al oonli obir children, bat ben ferber fro knowyng of

God, but P oul bims ilj , and ofiir apostlis, fiat badden fie first

f r rg'tis of fie spirit, weilen bere w rfiinne bemsilj ; desirynge titil ofGaddis sones. And so,fiei abiden in bope biggyng agen of fier bodi,bi j ester Crist fiat is oure Lord. Wel we witen bat man was

ma d in state bat he my3t lyve evere inne,and wibouten deb

and obit mysheves be translated into be blisse of hevene ; but

b i synne he was nedid to sufi'

re peyne and bodili deb. But

Crist hab brougt him agen to state bat he shulde first have badde.

And bus bes resouns of be apostle moveu to sufi'

re gladli for

C rist. And as God rewardib man over bat he deserveb, so be

state bat men have now in hevene is beter ban was state of

innocens ; and bis sentence shulde move men to be martiris for

love of Crist.

PE n rbr. SONDAI [ar r rn TRINITE].

[ S E R M O N X X X V . ]

Omnes unanimes in oratione estote.—r PET. iii. [8 ]

PM tellib in bis epistle how men shal dispose hem to take

giftis of be HolyGoost, and helpe of God in bis lyf; and bis

shulde be bi’oonhede in undirstonding and wille, in which men

shulden acorde to God, and ban ben bei wel disposid. And

herfore biddib Petre bus, fiat 3e sbulen be at of 00 w ille in goure

preier . And bis wille shulde be reulid bi resoun, and so na dir

stonding and wille shulden bobe serve God. And bus, as Poultechib, bere shulde be 00 b ileve and o charite among almen ;

and banne my3ten bei preie strongliere. But now men varien

in b ileve, as we seen in be sacrid oost, and men have made hem

a bileve of be pOpis and obir statis ; and oon seib oon, and

’ So in G and I ; A rends bis.

So in G and l ; A hns in undirstonding.


anober anober and bus men varien in bileve . Men varien also

in charite, for oon loveb bat his folk overcome, snober bat hisfolk bat fi3tib wib hem discomfit hem and slee hem. And bis

discord in charite , and suyng discord in praier, mut nedis be

reproved of Crist, bat loveb oonheed in bes bingis. And to

distrie bis beresie, b iddib Petre us alle be of o wille , for ellis

oure praier mut be unherd , but gif we have goddis of M anichea,

0 good god and an yvel god, to heere bes contrarious praieris.

And Petre biddib, aftir bis word , to kepe ci3te vertues to

blisse. First, we sbulden be sufi'

ryng togidere ech have some

of Oberis yvel, and sufi'

re injurie of snober, suppose bat be

wirche agens him. And bus Cristene men sbulden be looer iso/brefierbeed not of breberheed of freris, ne of b reberheed of

gildis, but of breberhed in Crist and of holy Chirche oure

modir. For bes men bat maken bes sectis trave ilen agens

Cristis breberheed ; for Cri st travei manyweies for oonheed

of bis breberheed, and bes sectis traveilen fast to diversen bisb reberheed ; and so bei don agens Petre, bat b iddib to love 00

breberheed. And bus men shulden be mercif ul, sib ech shulde

be brobir to obir, Of O fadir, and Of O modir. But now bei ben

dyvers in kyndis ; sum ben children of Sathan , and sum chil

dren of Belial, and sum ben children of God . But how shulden

bes comoun togidere ? sibe divisioun of breberen lettib love inC ristendome . And banne men shulden be temp


or al r and alle

suen mauers of Crist, sib C rist shulde be oure alber fadir, whomwe shulden nedis sue . But now bes sectis varien bobe in maners

and in wille, and so hem wantib bis temperour bat Petre techibhere Cristen men. And bus alle men sbulden be meke

, sib oure

fadir and modir ben meke 3, and God oure fadir hab a gerde to

beete ‘ us, but gif we kepen mekenes. And bus we sbulden not

gelde yvel j br yvel, for bus done be fendis children ; and we

sbulden not gelde5war iynge f or warg'

nge, for bus doib kyn redeof Belial; but w e sbulden blisse alle men

, for bus usen Goddis

children,for in fills ben we clepid fiat we ban Goddis blessing b:

comunen, G ; comune , l. temporali , G .

3 So in G a nd l ;A includes the clause in the quotation. bete, G , I .

5gyve, G.

werying, I .

Whnt lt h to

of Chrlst.


no weydo hem harme. And berfore Petre biddib Cristen men,Be not tnrblid bi ber manas, for be fend moveb bes debletis to

fere Cristene men 1 fro treube But Petir b iddib aftir but

Cristen men shulden,stable j esus Cr ist in fier ber ti s. And

blessid be bis reule and bis ordir bat alle Cristen men shulden


be su r e Sonnar Prsa ar‘

rrn Trum r n.

[ S E R M O N X X X V L ]

Quicunque baptisati sumus.—Ron. vi.

Pour. tellib in bis epistle how we shulden lyve bi lore of

Crist, for Crist taugte til his deb how men shulden holde his

ordir. And Poul tellib here sutilli to what w itt we shulden

take bis. He bygynneb and seib bus ; Wbicb ever of us be

bnfitisid in Cr i stj esns , we ben baptisid in bis defi. Bodilyhaptisinge is a figure, how menn is soulis shulde be baptisid fro

synne , for witt of Crist wole not sufi'

re to kepe bis figure

but for greet w itt. Bodili waishing of a child is not be ende

Of baptisyng, but baptising is a tokene of waisching of be soule

fro synne , bobe original and actual, b i vertu taken of C ristis

deb. And bus, we ben bir ied w zfi b im bi bafitvm in to a maner

of defi . And so C ristis resurecioun was figure to us, how we

shulden lyve. And herfore seib Poulbus aftis bat, as C r i st wasr isen f ro defi bi glorye of fie f ad ir of hevene, and so sbulden we

lyve b i bis figure in na mes of goostli by’

. And so bis watir

bat we ben putte inne is token Of Cristis tribulacioun, fro his

bygynnyng to his deb, and techib how we shulden lyve he re SO.

De baptising of us in bis water b itokeneb bobe b iriynge of

C rist, and how we ben b iried w ib him fro synne bat rengnebin bis world. Oure takyng up of bis water bitokeneb be rysyngOf C rist fro deeb, and how we shulden rise goostli in cle nnesse

of newe lyf. So, rigt as synne is rote of deb, so shulde we

kepe us fro synne after.

So in G : Cr i stene. A . This sentence i s om itted in I .


For we ben made plantid to fie libnesse of Cr istis defi,fian

sbulde we be also like to Cr istis r iyng fro deb. De first book of

Goddis lawe tellib how erbe is cursid in mannis werk, for erbe

bat man berib in his bodi crokide to synne till ryme of Crist.

And, for Cristis bodi mygt not synne, berfore oure erbe was

b lessid in Crist. And gif we ben plantid in Cristis bodi, ban

w e shulen have be fruyt bat sueb. And bus we have in a maner

an old man and a newe man ; oure olde man is be fieishlyman,

wib synne and lustis bat suen him ; be newe man is a spirit,

purgid bi love and lyf taken of Crist. And bus seib Poul,fia t oure olde man i s done on cros on a maner w rfi Cr ist, to distrye

fie bodi of synne, fiat we serve not af tir to synne. And bus be

bodi of synne of man is fieishlynes of mannis freelte, and bis

bodi shulde be distri ed, and holypurpos of spirit quykened.

And bus seib Poul, fiat be fiat is deed to synne is j ustified f rosynne. Dat man is dede to synne, bat is delyverid fro bat

synne ; and generali bat man is deed to a bing, bat is not

quykened to bat bing. And bus it is a greet grace bat a man

b e deed to synne, for banne he mut be quykened to vertue batis contrarye to synne, and banne he mut be justified and de

lyverid fro synne . And bus seib Poul bat,3g we ben deede w zfiCr ist, we bileven fiat we sbulen lyve togidere w zfi bim. For gif

bis olde lyf be dede, and oure lyf of synne be distri ed, lyi of

clennes mut nedis dwelle ; and so men shulde be in blis wibC rist. And we shulden wite bi bileve, fiat Cr ist rysyng agen

f r o dede men, sbal never more af tir die in bodi, and defi sbal not


ter be lord o/ b im. And bus men sholden die fro synne ; and

bus, as Crist lyved to God, and was evermore deed to synne,

so we shulden, fro bat we ben risen agen to lyi of Crist fro

oure olde lyf, and we shalden ever ben deed to synne and lyve

to God, in liif of vertues. And fins gesse 3c 30a deed to synne,and lyrynge to God bi meene of j esus Cr ist oure L ord. Dat manis deed to synne , bat wantib lyf for to synne as he is deed to

rigtwisnesse bat wantib wille to kepe it. As bat man lyvebto synne, bat hab strengbe and wille to synne, so bat man lyvebto Crist, bat wole kepe his stren3be to Crist.

in , I .


pa ssvmsbs 80mm PISTLE AFTIR Tam ra .

[ S E R M O N X X X V U J

Humanum dicoprop/er infirmitatem.—Rou . vi. [ 1

Pour. tellib in bis epistle here how men shulden flee fleidli

synnes, and seib, be sfiebzfi manni s lorefor sibenes gt“

bes fleisb ;as medecine shal be shapen aftir bat a syke man is disposid,

as it is not profitable to preche unto rude men subtilite of be

Trinite , or obir bat bei cunnen not conseyve. An d herfore

b iddib Crist in Matheu, bat his disciplis gyve no t holy biagisto houndis, ne scatere margarites amongis hogges . Des menin a maner ben houndis, bat ben bus bardid in synne bat after

be tyme bat bei have spued bei turnen agen and eeten be

Spuynge . Sich men mai taric l seintis, but booli loore dobhem no good ; and bus special lore of God, and sad as ben

preciouse stoones, is not savorid of swynyshe men , for fleishlylustis bat bei have .

And bus b iddib Poul goostli, fiat as fiei bave govun fier lymesto serve to unclennes in w icbidnes

,f or to ma intgyne w icbnesse,so

fiei sbulden now gyvefier lymes to serve to r igtw isnes unto b olynes,

bat is, sadnesse of holylyf. For wbanne 3c wer en ser vauntis

of synne, ; e w eren f r ee to r igtw isnesse. He is free to a bingbat is not oblishid to bat bing ; as sinful men ben free to ri3t.and just men ben servauntis to it ; as aybe more bat a man

doib rigt, aybe more he is holden berto ,for God oblishib a man

more , be beter bat he serveb to God . And herfore ax ib Poulaftir

,wbat f ray/e be Romayns bodden in fio fi ingzs in w b icbe

fiei sbamen now,sib bat synne made hem strange fro rigtw isnes,

and it fro hem ; for God is holden more to man aybe beter

bat he serveb him . And bus seib Poul bat, fie ende of synnes

is be worste defi of alle obit . And sib a bing shulde be preisid

or diSpreisid b i his ende, bes synnes shulden algatis be fled bat

tarien,I .


kyndis. First and moost to God of . heven, bat is a spiri

as Joon tellib and of bis dette and of bis spiri t spekib Porn

in bes wordis. And so, sib bis spirit is beter ban man,m

shulde love bis Spirit more ban eiber of his two kyndis, to liv

as his spirit wole. And so a man shulde bow his spirit !

obeishe to be spiri t of God, and do what God wole but he (I

and ban he geldib be first dette. Aftirward, man is in (let!

to his owen spirit to do it good ; and gif he do harm to b'

spirit, he renneb in dette to himsilf. So a man bat reulibh

lyf afrit be lawe bat God hab govun him, paieb his dette , ho]to God and to his owen spirit, as God wole. De bridde tyrnman shulde be dettour to his fieishe, bat is himsilf. And be

seib Poul, bat nevere man halide his owne fieish. If he (ii

for love of Crist, he trowib to profite to his fieishe ; and ; if b

fede his fleish to myche , he errib and weneb to do it good

but git he failib not fro comoun love, bi whiche he loveb kynd

his fieishe. But man abulde love be secounde Spirit more be

he loveb his fieishe, for he shulde not love his fleishe but 1

serve beter his soule. And bus man bat passib bis love but

in a maner his fleishe .

And herfore se ib Poul here,fiat we ben not dettid tofiefi eisb

fiat we lyve (Wer fiefieisbe. For banne we maden be serval

maistir’, and agens be lawe of God we loveden more bat it

loveb lasse . And whoever bus reversib God, and chaungib i

love be ordre of kynde , God mut nedis reverse him, and re sou

turneb his love to hate. And to bis w itt seib Poul afrit bagif 3e liven after gour fieisbe 3c sbulen die

,anentis goure soule

for goostli deb bat fallib to man is wanting of grace to com

to heven. And herfore seib Poul aftis, bat gif 3c sleen bi ;ou

spir itfie sinful dedis of gour fieisbe, fianne ;e sbulen goostli lyve.And bus, for mannis wandring is unstable here , Poul telli

of two wyndis bi whiche man is moved here. And bes wynd

mut nedes lede a man to contrarie endis. Sum men ben le

bi Gaddis spir it, and bis comeb fro above , and bus ben Gadd

sones led, even to be blisse Of heven. De secounde spirit

fleishli, and so it mut be erbeli, and come binebe fro be fend

l and ,for , G , I . SO in G ; A and I have Ober . be maistir . l.


and bis ledib be fendis sones even to be poyue of helle, and bis

wynd shulden men flee. Loke b i what lore men lyven and

berbi maist bou knowe bes wyndis. And bis moveb manymen, how be wynd of Goddis lawe shulde be cleer, fi



turblenes l in bis wynde mut nedis turble menais lif. And

bis wynd is spirit of service, and mahib man drede as servaunt.

An d herfore seib Poul aftir, fiat 3e [rave not take fie spir it ofservice agen in drede, but 3e have take fie spir it «y

grace, to take

to Gaddis ebildrm . I t is knowun to trewe men, bat bifore

bat men weren Cristen, bei serviden in drede of soule to be fend

and manysynnes ; but fro bat bei weren Cristen men, and suen

in lyf be scole of Crist, bei ben taken to Goddis sones, and in

b im cr ien,f adir ,f adir . Aadfie spir it «y'

God banne ber rfi w itnesto manni s spir it,fiat he is Gaddi i

sane. And bis is a faire title ;for gif we bus ben Goddis sones, we 60 : eires of God,f or we

be» eires cy'

God, and togidere eir is of Cr ist.

It is knowun of bileve bat Cri st is kyndelyGoddis sone, andTheW

sib Crist is man wib bis, Cri st is also mannis brobir. And bi

medeful sufl'

ryng of Crist man hab title to come to blis. For

nobing lettib bat ne be heritage is comen to manybreberen,but for takyng berof from o brobir to anobir, and make be first

eire pore . But bis is not in be blis of hevene, for Crist habfulli be heritage, and bi him alle his breberen, and noon of hem

bab lesse herfore, but oon helpib anobir in joie. And bus

alle Goddis sones ben ciris of God in sum maner, Crist as

kyndelyGoddis sone, and his b reberen as sones of grace.

ON mun Soum r APTIR Tarta n .

[ S E R M O N x x x rx . ]

Non simus em pireentes maloram.- r Con. x.

Porn. tellib in bis epistle how men shulden flee fyve synnes,

as it was taugt in be olde lawe, bi fyve figuris bat God made.

a. Idolatry

forn ication


Poul biddib at be first bat Cristen men coveite notyvelfiilg.

bi yvel desires, for bis is rote of obir synnes . For bobe Ad:and Eve synneden bi bis coveitise , for b i ber un skilful desi

bei coveitiden to etc of be appil, and wenden bat it badde l

good for hem ; but bei erriden in bis coveitise . Poul bidtaftirward bat a man shal not be made a worshiper of 5goddis b i siche wickide coveitise, as sum men in be olde h i

made a calf ber god.“

And bus seib Poul aftir, bat sum m

of be olde lawe synneden fouli in bis synne, and bus in maober synnes. Depaple sate to etc and drynke, and fi ei r i sento pleye for wantonesse in siche wille, bat is misturned l

Goddis wille, bringib in obir synnes, and mahib man out

b ileve . And bus al bes newe ordris coveiten -b i wrong desi

strange patrouns, or cbir bingis bat b ringen hem in wror

b ileve . And bus it semeb bat manymen of bes sectis b

heretikes, for bei worshipen falslybingis agens Goddis will

as Poul clepib averous men, bat loven to myche worldlygoodservytours of mawmetis, and bis is open beresie. And bus m

trewe men renne bi manysynnes bat now ben usid.

pe bridde tyme b iddib Poul, fiat men sbulden not do fi n

eaeioun,neiber bodili ne goostli, for God mut venge for b

bobe . And bus in be olde lawe God vengide fom icacion, at


e f oure and tw enti fioasand in a day, as Poul tellib. B

Poul leveb a bousand of bes, obcr for bis bousand weren save

or for ober cause bat we knowen not. But aystondib be treu]of Goddis lawe in be forme bat Poul tellib it ; for who so kill

foure men ,he mut nedis kille bree . pe fourbe tyme hidd

Poul, fiat we tempte not C r ist, as sum of bem temptiden him, at.

fieipen sb ia'

en bi eddr is . And bes men tempten C rist bat loke

as beestis to his cros , and wrappen hem silf in lustful liif, an

suen him not in his peyne . And bus al bes foure sectis , be

forsaken Cristis rule and maken hem a newe rule, to loke whc

bat rule were better, tempten Crist ful falsly, and bus bei perishe

b i be olde eddir. And bis tempting semeb more gre vous ba

was be tobir temptyng in figure . For be children of I sra!

grutchiden for hem wantide water, but bes newe ordris, no!

aftir more kyndencs of C rist, hadden plente of wisdom be

C rist gaf hem for to drynke , but bei grutchiden a3ens bis w ate1


berfore Poul tellib what tempting man shulde fiee in al veies

Sum is temptingp fmamand sum is tempting of be fend. He

enemy, and ober he a;en-s tondib bis tempfing, or ellis be rflsoone of his synne . And bus was Crist taken in eemptyng,for he hadde it bobe in bocb and in soule ; and ban bis temptiqtoke him as a suget to bis tempting. But Poul bidfi ober

g en-m nde ig or enis soone arise fro falling. De fend is tempv

mg is bannq whan it is so bu did mmam bat it leveb himnever til bat he be b roufi to helle . And so ecb man bat is bm

tempfid is a fend as ben bei bat he goib m. And man shulde

trow b i bilevew bat non mai have bis fendis temm but yif

his synne orbis foli bryng him into bis M pting. And her-fore

so who so fallib in to be fendis tempnnge , his owne foli mut be

in cause.

Ox w ebs Soxmu [u m Tam ra ].

S E R M O N X L ]

Seitir guom'

am mmgenie: esse/rin—r Con. xxx. [3

Pom. moveb in bis epistle, for former kyndenes of Crist, to

be kynde to him agen. For clerkis seien, and soib it is, but

bobe God and kynde haten bat a man dwelle unkynde afler

greet kyndenesse bat he hab taken. For sob it is bat al synne

turneb to unkyndenesse to God. And bus Poul bryngib to bes

menois mynde bow myche kyndenesse Crist hab done hem .

3e witen, he se ib, wban ;e weren Infiene, ;e weren led /o dom be

m umeh‘

s ; goyng as beestis from oon to anobir, as ; if ;e hadden

no soule of rnan. And sib mannis God shulde be a bing bat

were be fairest and be best, in which abulde lye be helbe of

men, and make mennis soule like to him, be foulist bing but"ou r .

3E R n oN s .

fallib to man, and moost perelous to his soule, is to have a fals

god , as men ban bat worshipen mawmetis. For bei maken ber

soule foule , to greet peril of ber soule ; and bus it is a foule

bing to be led as a bere to a stake , byuntreube of a fend , to

love ougt as it were God, be which bing is not God ; for al

siche ben fals goddis.

And bus seib Poul aftir bat, noon fiat spehfi in Goddis spir it

pnttefi enrsidnesse to Cr ist for albe Trinite approved him , and

bobe his dedis and his wordis weren holi, and ful of resoun

and love. And bus men seien comounli, bat fals men on bre

maners putten cursidnes to C rist, and al ben dampnable . First,whan men bi Open synne ben not kyndelyto Crist, as a] sinful

men done , for tyme bat ber wille is turned amys. pe secounde

seiynge of cursidnesse bat fals men putten unto C rist, is to seie

w ib herte and word bat Crist was a fals prophete, and curse

him bi unbileve , as diden Jewis longe tyme. pe bridde eursinge,

d be worst, bat fals men putten upon Crist, is bat bei feynen

be name of Crist and his goodnesse wib his lawe, and git bei

falsen bis in dede, and seien bat obir lawe is beter. As men

of bes foure sectis putten b ihynde C ristis lawe , and taken hem

a newe patroun and a newe reule,wibouten Crist. pes men

ben ypocritis, bat C rist hatib moost of alle . And bus seib Poulaftir, as treube suyng of his wordis, fiat noon may seie L ord

f erns , but in fie holy Gaast. And Poul spekib here of seiyng

bat is seiyng fulli formed, as is seiyng of trewe men , in herte ,

in word, in dede , bat seien ri3tlyto Goddis worship in be name

of be Trinite. What men, trowen we, maybus seie, Lord Jesusis oure Lord, savyour fro be fend , but gif be Holi Goost teche

hem ? for ban he mahib no departing fro C ristis godhede and

his manhede . But whatever C rist hab ordeyned or seid, was

done to his Chirche at point devys. And in bis cursing fallen

bes sectis , bat dispisen C ristis lawe , as gif his ordenaunce failide,but ber ordenaunce is myche beter ; for what man shulde chese

anober lawe but gif bat lawe were betoro ban C ristis lawe ? For

he is a foolof alle foolis, bat bus techib be worse wey, and leveba beter weyto heven,

more ligt and more red i . For he puttibto Jesus Crist bobe cursing and disseit, whan he seibbi his dede

bat Crist hidde be beter wey, and taugt be unperfit wey, til bat

am ons. vor. 11. z


God had sent bes sectis. And bes sectis camen not fulli out

tillSathanas was unbounden. Among al blasphem es bat ever

sprongen, bis is be moost cursid, for bei techou op inlyin dede

bat bus it is, however men glosen. But al3if be s two kyndis

of Crist ben divers in hem silf, git bes two ben 0 God , and be!

ben no moo goddis. And bus men shulden in be r bougt benke,how divisioun of bingis comeb of bis 0 God , which God 33


And herfore seib Poul aftir,fiat fier ben divisioun: g“


but certis it is fie same spir it, of whom comen al bes of o welle comen manystrondis. And bus of bis same spirit

moten come dimlsiouns of servises. Ffor bis 0 God mut have

servauntis aftir be grace bat he gyveb, sib bis Lord loveb degrees

in his servauntis as it fallib. And bus, in be bridde tyme,fie!

ben divi sions of wore/z ingers, and 3it it is fie same God fiat W e”at in atfi ing. Who shulde grutche for bes divisiouns, sib bei

ben bus ordeyned of God ? As ech part of a man mut have

bes bre digerse in ordre : as first he hab an hid power, and of

bis power comen his willis, and of bis power and of bis wille

comen worchingis to mennis profit. And bus it is in man ;

and so it is in holyChirche ; and joie we of bis ordenaunce

of God , sib it is bobe faire and good.

And bus Poul declarib aftir, nyne degrees of mennis worch

ingis bat God hab ordeyned in be Chirche, as be r ben breeierarchies. For ecb membre of holyChirche hab sum slung



fiis spir it, bobe to profi t of it and to profite of be Chirche

As to sum bygifte of God is govun fie word cy'

w isdom, for sum

han sum knowyng here of treubis of be hye Trinite . And anoficr

bafi word of w itt, af ter fi is same spir it, for sum han knowyng of

God, bobe of angelis and of bevens, and how be world comebof God, b i faire ordre bat he hab ordeyned. Ofiere men bare

bileve, of hidde bingis and of heye ; and al bes bre comen of

God , bat gyveb bes to his Chirche . Sum Iran gr aces of trelfies,bobe bodili and goostli, bobe to have hem in hem silf, and to

gyve hem to ober b reberen. And God is bat ilke spir it, of whom

a] bes graces comen. God gyvefi anofier to worcbe ver tues, and

speciali to knowe Goddis vertue , and how God of his grac iouse

vertue hab govun men power to worobe vertues, as in departyng


d eath of theb rist


Y have preclzid to gate, fie wbicbe ;e have medefu lli taken, is

wbicb gospel 3e stand git1, bi wbicbe, ; if God wole , ; e sbulen

be savyd. And bus manytrewe men se how bis go spel is to be

preisid bi manyresouns, bi be fruyte bat springib to men of bis

gospel. First b i autorite of God, bat spak bis song in bis

vessel. For prescious licour, in presciouse vessel, shulde be

preisid of hem bat taken it. Dis licour is wisdom o f God, and

Seint Poul is bis vessel. And he was ravishid to be bridde

heven, and sci; bere be wisdom of God. And bis licoure shulde

be taken more dereworbli ban oile of tombis, for it helibmore

mennis soulis ban siche oile helib mennis bodies . And meed

ful takyng of bis witt is anober resoun to preise it. And sibit arerib mennis soulis, and makib hem bus stondo in b ileve,

Poul tellib be bridde resoun whi bat men shulen preise bis

gospel. pe fourbe resoun bat Poul gyveb of preising of bis

gospel, is bat it is a ny; meene to save men in blisse of heven.

And Poul boostib not here of bis gospel for his persone, but

b i resoun of his God, of whom bis gospel sprong bi grace.

And bis shulde move trewe men to take bis gospel and lceve

fablis. And Poul tellib aftir of bis gospel, how men shulden

last berinne, for ellis ber traveile beraboute were idil and wibouten fruyte . For preching of Goddis word, and hold ing berof

in mannis mynde, shulde be to gendre b ileve in men,and berhi

b rynge forb good werkes . And Poul seib, but gif bis sue, fici

leave bileved bere in veyn as clerkis seien bat trave il is vein,

of whiche comeb not be good cende bat men shulden shape

to come berof, b i grace and ordenaunce of God.

And bus seib Poul; For wbat resoun slut/ale Y bave pr ecbidfins toyou, and 3c shalden bave holden fiis lore, but for comynge

of bis ende ? and gif fiis eende comefi not, 3c bave bileved herein vein . Y bitokefi rst to lor e fiat Y bave taken of God , fiat

Cr ist was deedf or oure synnes, aftir be with es of Italyw r itt, and

betir witnes may noon be , for berinne mut God w itnes it.

C rist diede not for his owun synne , as beves dien for her

synne , but Crist oure b robir, bat my3te not synne , d iede for

synne bat obir hadden done . And bobe rigtwisnes of God , and

So G and I ; gite, A


grace and savyng of men,movede Crist to die bus, and not

oonli synne of men,for banne Crist badde died for nougt

and ideliche, wibouten cause.

Y tolde gou more of bileve, bow fiat Cr ist was af tir bir ied,and bow be roos onfiefir idde day,

bi w itnesse of bo wr itt. And,

for bis b ileve was writun in be book of lyf, and mennis soulis,and also in dede skynnes, Poul clepib it manyseripturis. And

Poul tellib of sis e degrees bi which C rist was seyn on lyve ,aftir be tyme bat he was deed and bis b ileve shulde be trowid.

Poul tellib fiat, P etr e say b im, and af tir al fie enleven apostlis .

And af ter , whan C rist stiede to hevene, mo fian fyve bundr id

men sawen bim togedir , for bei weren warnid bifore berof, and

berfor moo camen to bis sigt. And sum of bem lyveden to fi is

tyme, of P oul, and sum of bem weren deed b ifore. And af tir was

Cr ist seen of j ames, and af tirward of al fie apostlis and atfie

last of al was Cr ist seen of P oul. And bus Poul, as a cbild

bat weren mys-born, distriede synne of be synagoge, as summe

children, whanne bei ben born, sleen be modir bat berib hem .

pus Poul distriede be synagoge whanne he cam to Cristis

Chirche .

Poul seib mokeli of him silf, fiat be isfie leeste of fie apostli s,and fiat be is not worfi i of himsilffor to be clepid apostle, for be

parsnede Cr istis Cb ircbe. Here we shulden undirstonde bat

Poul seib sob as he shulde , sib noon shulde gabbe for onycause. Poul seib bat he is leest of apostlis, in his owne

acountyng, for Poul was woundirli meke ; and how he cam b i

grace of obere ; and bus he seib he is not worbi to be clepid

apostle wib ober ; and cause of bis unworbinesse is, bat he

pursued Goddis Chirche. And herfore seib Poul aftir, B i graceof God Y amfiat Y am. And bus he is not even worbi to be

clepid a Cristene man, but nebeles, fie grace of God was not

ydil in Seint P oul, for it movede him to profite to be Chirche,which he harmede b ifore. And bus men mai preise God in be

; iftis bat he hab govun hem but benke we how Poul traveilidefor to gete worship to God, and sue we him, in as myche as

Poul bus suede C rist.



pr: rwn rbs Sonmu Prsr LE arr-

rm Tamrr s .

[ S E R M O N X L H J

Fiduciamtalem babemns .—z COB. iii.

Pour. tellib excellence of grace of be newe lawe over grace of

be olde lawe, to come li3tlier to hevene. And Poul b igynnebbus ; We bave siebe tr ist bi Cr ist, as b i be best meene to God,

fiat we be not snfi cient tofienbe 01431 of us, as of as, but oure ny

ficience is boolli cy’

God. For sib mannis benkyng, among his

werkes, semebmoost in his power, and 3it bis bougt mut come

of God, more ech obit werk of man. It is knowun bing to

clerkes, bat no creature mai do ongt, but gif God do first bat

same bing, and helpe bis creature to do it. And sib we have a

betir proctoure in tyme of grace, to preie to God, ban men

hadden in be olde lawe, no woundir gif bis be a betir tyme ; and

bus shulden we putten of pride, and holli tristen in Jesus C rist.For he batmai not benken of himsilfmai do not of himsilf; but

al oure suflicience is of God, b i be meene of Jesus Crist. And

Sib C rist is bobe God and man,he is bobe juge and proctoure.

And bes wordis b en bileve , Sib ech power is of God, and so ech

suflicience of man mut nedeli be 3ovun of God. And 3if bou

grutche here agen, bat a man doib manyyvelwerkes, and God

doibalbat man doib, and so God doib manyyvelis,—trewe men

graunten bis Of God, bat ech creature of be world, where bat it

be good or yvel, is made of God, Lord of alle ; but synne , bat

is no creature, but a defaute of man or angel, is not made of

oure God, sib to do it is faile to God. But gif synne were

a creature bat mygt be b i himsilf, banne synne muste nedis be

made Of God, and man mygt make bat it were synne .

{mesmfi n And bis mediatoure , Cr ist, made apostlis, and ber vikers ,

covenable servauntis of fie newe lawe. And bis avaunsement is

grete , for it is holden a greet grace to be pope or Ober prelat ;

‘ So (3and 1 , bus , A .


Cristene mennis bileve ; and trow bat C rist hab now lyved here

as it was figurid in be olde lawe, and bide it not as git to come.

And so ech word of bis newe lawe bat sowneb to ve rtues of

C ri st, and to charite of his Chirche, shulde be taken after be

letter. And herfore ben heretikis dampned, as Austin tellib in

his book 0,whiche denyeden literal witt of undirstonding of

Goddis lawe .

And bus seib Poul aftir, fiat gif service of deefi , w r itenf ouli bilettr is in stones, was in glor ie of Moises, so fiat fie cb ildr en (yI srael mygten not lobe into b isf ace,f or fie glor ie of b is sbynyng,

fiat was soone voidid aftir, bow not more spir itual serv ice of

Cristene preestis shal be in bis tyme in glor ie, sib bis glorie bobeis more , and encresib unto blisse. And gif men wolen undir

stonde bis resoun bat Poul makib here, it were nedeful for to

wite how be face ofMoises shynede whan he cam doun out of

Synay, and gaf be lawe writun in stones, and so be puple durste

not loke into Moises face bat was horned wib ligt. And bus ber

goostli igen weren hidde whan bei lokeden to bis Moise s , but he

hidde his shynyng face , and ban be puple spake to him . And

Sib Crist in be newe lawe puttib it in his apostlis bertis , myche

more ber goostli suynge shulde be in glorie ban was M oises.

For printyng in ber soulis was beter ban was pryntyng in be

stones, and be shynyng of grace of Crist passib bodilyshynyngin Moises face. And bis service in Moises lawe is c lepid

service of deeb ; for manyhadden deeb of soule , and deeb ofbodi sueb ay bis servynge ; but servynge in be newe lawe

quykeneb sum men tilbei comen to blis. And bus bis w rityngin lettris was foule to writyng in menn is soulis .

Poulmakib aftirward anobir skile , fiat gif service of dampryngeOf manywas in wor sb ipe and glor ie of Moises , mycbe mor e ser vice

of r igtw isnes to Cristis children sbulde be in glor ie. AS who seib,sib bis hidde figure, bat b rougt men but ferre fro blis , w as in so

myche glorie and worship to men bat hadden but litil b ileve,

myche more be lawe of C rist, and service bat his preestis done,shulde be in more worship and joie , Sib it is neer be sta te of

SO G ; encreeeb, I ; A has encreessit.

I have no t been able to find this passage .



blisse . But as bloises faoe n s hid bm mlde h n m be of

Jew es to come , so bis hidyng figuride treochoms comyng of

Anticrist ; for he is aboute manyweies to hiden and darken be

law e of C rist, and b i his tradiciouns fordo be fre doom but Cristr




rsnxbs Soxnu [a rr-

rm Tam r a ]

[ S E R M O N X L H L ]

Abrabae dictae suntpromi ssiones .—GAL. iii.

Porn. tellib in bis epistle be excellence of Crist and bis tyme,

over be tyms of be olde lawe, ghe, gif men kepten wel bat lawe.

Poul notib first bis word ; bat to Abrabam weren seid bibeestis,

and tofie seed of bim. God sezfi not, and to bis seedis , as in many,

but as in oon,- and to b is seed, fiat is Cr ist. Poulnotib, as trewe

men shulden, ech variynge of Goddis word, sib no variynge

berinne is wibouten cause and witt. And bus whan God bihigte

Abraham bat he shulde gyve bat lond to him and to his seed, he

seid not pluraliche , bat he shulde gyve it to his seedis, but

singulerly, to his seed, for specialte bat was in Crist. And lond

was but figure to be heylond of blis. And bus Abraham haddebut figure to come aftir to be blis of hevene. And also whan

God biheetib bat al folk shulden be blessid in his seed, he

menib bi bis seed Jesus Crist, bat blessib in joie al maner of

folk. And bi bis undirstonden trewe men, bat Crist in gyvyngof his lawe dide alle bingis wibouten defaute , bobe in worchingand resting ; so bat no resting no levyng was don of Crist wibouten cause ; and sib he lefte speche of bes ordris

, he wiste

bat bei shalden harme his Chirche. But in bis men muten beware, and take witnes of quyk signes, for siche levyngis ben not

ynowg, but gif sensible barmes sue.

And Poul sezfi, batfiis bibeest bat God bihigt to Abraham wastestament confermed of God, wbicb b iheste was aftir made lawe a

This same ritis-translation oc W cliffite non‘

scurs in the earlier of the two mineml

“ Am a comma

The inherit

which wasad ded b ecause

WY C L I F ’


biforere bemdr id geer and fir iby. Here men moten knowe kstorye , and wittymanere of Poulis speche . I t is knowun li

geer and more shulde his seed serve in Egipt, and bei shulden

‘ aftir go to be lond of b ibeste ; and how in be'

w eyGod ;lf

IMOises be lawe writun in be mount. And al bis lawe was in

5effect bihest bat God b ihigte Abraham,sib bis law e was but a

lore, to bringen his seed to blisse of heven. And so seib Poulaftir

, bat makyng of bis into lawe , avoidzfi notfie bibeest of God.

but raber confermeb it ; and so gracious bib ees t of God was

ground of gyvyng of bis blis, and not law bat God gaf Moi”.

algif it helpib aftir berto .

And bus seib Poul aftir sobli, fiat gfi'

her itage of blime d

hevene wer e groundid cf fie olde lawe, fian it were not groundil

qf God ofgracious 51726316 , bat he bihigt. But bis is knowun fals

b ileve , and so bis first word is sob, fiat God gaf Abra/lam fiir

bibeste. And gif bou seie, what servede bis lawe , sib it

groundide not bus blis but h ave was putt f or trespas

sours, bat wolden ellis have be ever wantoun, but gif lawe

hadde bus chastisid hem ; and so bis lawe was profitable.

But bis lawe badde bree parties — be first part taugt men

vertues, be secounde part taugte jugementis , and be bridde

part taugte figuris. be first part mut ever last, bobe in be olde

lawe and be newe. Sum of be secounde part maylas t bat techibjust jugementis now ; and gif it b e to rigorous

2,or impertenent

to oure trespas, it shal ceesse on sutil maner ; as C rist dide

mercyto be womman bat was taken in avoutrie , b i form e bat

be gospel tellib. Des figures and cerymonies bat b itoke neden

be comyng of Crist, muten nedis ceesse in tyme of grace , sibC rist, ende of hem,

is now comen ; and ellis we kepten , as’

fals Jewis, a newe comynge of C rist hereaftir.

And to bis entent spekib Poul, fiat lawe was put f or tres

passour s , tilfie tymefiat Cr ist came, bat was seed of Abraham to

wb icb seed God bib igte bat it shulde fulli bigge mankynde . For

C rist was made a mediatoure b itwene God and mankynde . And

God puttide in Cr istis bonde, lawe bat be badde or deym d b ifot

SO I ; A has gracrcious . 50 G ; rigorm . 1 ; ”goats , A .3 So

G and I ; 015, A .




[ S E R M O N X L I V .)

IN bis epistle techib Poul how wey- ferynge men bat lyven hereshulden go be streigt weybat ledibmen to be blisse of hevene.

Poul supposib at bis b igynnynge bat man hab two partis, be

which ben be spirit and be fieishe ; and bei have divers lawes,and divers weies and endis, bi which bei leden men in bis lyf;and bus Poul b iddib men, Waundre in spir it, and do notf alledesires of fiefleisbe. pat man wandrib in spirit, whos spirit is

led b i be Holi Goost, and bevyfleish of man ledib him not

doun be weye to helle. And Poul seib here w isely, bat men

shulden not do fulli be desires of ber fleishe , but sumwhat bei

moten nedis do, as mete and drynke and reste of man we

muten nedelytaken here ; but loke bat bis be reulid b i resoun.

bat be fieish have not be maistry. For fiej ieisb coveitrfi agenfie

spir it, and fie spir it age n fiefleisb . And bis is sob to nudit

stondo, —be fieish, wib his strengbis bat ben unchastisid bi be

resoun of be spirit, as it is led bi Goddis spir it,— and to nudit

stonde mannis spiri t b i be resoun bat is bus led3; fi


or bus fleishe

cove itib dounward and bis spirit upward, and bus be fieish

coveitib to drawe be spirit after his desire , and be spirit coveitibagen to drawe be fleishe after his desire. But man bat bus con

trarieb himsilf mut nedis be undisposid b i synne ; and so, whan

men ben led b i resoun, bei done not albat ber fleish wole . And

gif ge ben led bi spir it, ge ben not undir fie lawe, sib oonli bei ben

undir be lawe bat be lawe b iddib punishe for ber synne . And

bus, whan a just man is wrongli punishid, his charite beribhim above be lawe .

And for to make bis beter knowun, Poul rekeneb seventene

l So G and l ; uncbastid , A .

‘ So in G t A has bi

resown ba t it is bus led . I reads , and by undirstondinge mannis spirit bi beresoun bat it is led bus .


fleishlywerkes, and twelve werkes of be spirit, to flee be first

and sue be secounde . De werkes of fiefleisb ben opin to man, as

ben fyve bat Poul tellib first as oon isfi rnicacioun, as whanne

a man delibwibwomman, and nouber is bounden bymatrirnonie ,

and bis lecheryis knowun. Unclennesse of bis synne stondibin unclene sheding ofmannis seed, however it be done. And

fleishli men knowen how be bridde synne of bis kynde stondibin uncbastite, as ben unclene kissingis and unclene touching of

folc. De fourbe synne is, generaly, be comoun kynde of tecberye,on what manere bat it be done ; and bis hab manyknowun

partis. pe fyfbe synne , bat sueb of bes, is service of mawmetis ;for wymmen drawun ofte men to worshipe her fals goddis

and bi bis synne was Salamon drawun unto mawmetrie. And

in bis cercle of bes fyve turnen men b i leccherye . pe sixte

werk of leccherie is venefice, bat is banne done whan men usen

experimentis to geten bis werk of leccherie . And bis is done

on manymaneris, as men knowun bat usen it. Do sevenbe

synne aftir bis sixte is enemyte of contrarious partis, whan

0 part lettib be lust bat is coveitid of anober, and bus rengnen

enemytes bobe bitwene men and wymmen. pe eigtibe synne is

str if; bat springib of bes former synnes ; for of leccherie comebstryves and chidingis in wordis, bobe in men and in wommen,

about manymaner goodis , as ben fairnes and obir goodis b i

whiche leccherye is nurishid. pe nyube werke of bis synne ben

envious wordis , as sclaundris and obir shrewid wordis, bat comen

ofte of fieishlysynne. And of bes comeb be tenbe synne , bat is

w rafifie, of man or womman. For ofte after bes nyne synnes

comeb wille to be vengid and bis w ille is ofte shewid b i

shrewid signes in be face. pe enlevenbe synne, bat comeb of

bis , ben maner of stryves bat suen after, in wordis or in obir

contynaunce of folk, for to venge hemsilf. pe twelibe synne is

dissencebuns , whan men or wommen maken part for to venge

hemsilf, more ban God vengib him. For God mut suffre

mekeli, and at be last take ful veniaunce.

pe brittenbe synne offleisho ben sectis,as we mai now

foure sectis bat ben now brougt in , aftir be secte of Cristis

Sects ' the

3p Y Y C L I F S

M m drc fb bmm n fi s m in fi n dd x m d h m ; fir

m ke i s a r m m fl cf his rmk émlfle fi mi bs

ofi e to fi h necfis m z hmmilimfink o m m bc spekm

‘ W fir be fa d n ifibmm m mah hu n gh de hn ofi

diners and h re mpers ; fix ba fal en to § ch e felous hipcs, and

manyumu om ble wonfis . Mmyn'

che t u kcs oomen of be

fleisbe, bat ld ta m f r ofie ra r- e gf k ra . And so, ; if b0ll’smdie wd , bes net e sed is dkunblen m m es ; and lu fore bes

m rm d us p m ym w me nm m And

Poul tellib aftir of twelve fruytis, be which spryngen ef fie

spir it. De firstf ruyte is cba r ite , and bat conteyneb al good. as

Poul shewid in snober place , b i sixtene condicions berof. Desecounde fruyte of be spirit is , bat men have ioie togidere. Oon

joieb Of anoberis welfare whan bei acorden in Goddis lawe.

And bus bes foure newe sectis have be r joie in variyng. and bat

oon is Oppressid bat he mygte conquere C ristis secte . pe bridde

fruyt of be spirit is pees , bat contrari eb be s stryves, and bis pees

shal be in hevene where Cristis secte shal be clene . pe fourbefruyte of bis spirit ispac ience, bat men shulden have . For C rist

bi s overeyne pacience groundide his sect, and fordide ober.But as be fend hab brougt in sectis, so he hab b rougt in stryves

and gif a man telle bis gospel, bei seien bat he disturblib rowmes,as bei puttiden upon C rist bat he disturblide be rewme of Jude,bigynnyng at Galile to be citee of Jerusalem . De fiftbe fruyte,and be sixte

, ben benzgnite and goodnesse. Benignite is hete of

love , bi which a man wole make his brobir hote ; and goodnesse

is a boom of bis, b i whiche a man profitib to his brobir in h

yng of worldlygoodis bygood mesure for be soule .

and nourish ahumble spirit .

WI ’ CL I F ’


exilid, bobe of puplis and of persones. pe first cautel of be

fend, bi whiche he disceyvebmen,is to stire hem to vein glorie,

for in bis he himsilf was disseyved. And bus he castib manymeenes to coveite siche heynes. Alle batailis and stryves

spryngen of bis cursid roote. And bes men, of bis veyn glorie,

lyven not b i be HolyGoost ; but gif bei lyven spirituali, bat is

bi be wickide spirit ; and bus lyven bes newe ordres , b i coveitise

of vein glorie . And herfore printelwe mekene s instede of

bis coveitise, and banne we wandren surely, b i be weybat Crist

hab tau3t.And bus biddib Poul aftir ; Br zperen, gif a man be bifore

occupied in any trespas , to God or man, 3e pal ben spir itual

enf orme pis man in spir it of sty'

tnes. An d bis lore leven bes

popis, whan be ton figtib wib be tobit , wib be moost blasphemelesingis bat ever sprong out of helle. But be i weren occupied

b ifore manygeer in blasphemy, and synneden agen God and

his Chirche ; and bis made hem to synne more , for an aum

blynge blynd hors, whanne he b igynneb to stumble , he lastibin his stumblynge til he cast himsilf doun. And bus men

of bes newe sectis, fro be first to be last, procuren deb of trewe

men bat tellen hem even Goddis lawe . Lord, where be i lyven

spirituali, and techen men bi softe spirit ! Certis bis is craft

of that spirit bat compassib here erbeli men,to loke how he

mai tempte hem , to putte hem fro Goddis lawe . And git

blyndenesse of Cristene men makib‘ hem to sue bes spiritis.

And bis shulden spiritual men done , and benken on ber owne

freelte , how myche worb it were to have helpe whan men ben

temp/id in hem silf. And bus oon skalde kelpe anoper , bi m eke

nesse and pacience , whan he is temptid of be fend to pride or

ire or obir synne and his brobir shulde bere him up agen ,for

tyme bat he is temptid .

And pus men shulden b itwene hemsilf f ulfille love , bat

Cr isks lawe. For gif anygesse pat be be 02431, pe w b ile be is

nogt but a shadowe , pat man disseyz'

ep b imsilf . And in bes

wordis bat Poul spekib mai men see how God is sub s tance of

alle maner of creaturis, and so bei ben nogt to God. De spirit

putte, E. sprongen. E. aumblynde, E. So in E :A has maken . So E ; om . A .

w r cmr .


of man is m de of God :o ym age z n i licnes se of him . m d he

maykyndeli unne fro G-J i m i bz nne he is nou z t ti sm ne.

And so Poul techib aftir. Ax : m i s in-Si r

[ w as b is mm : W E.

wheber bat be In} do bi s w erk after be comandement ofGod.

and sfial glen ? rf b i-n l’f mw


m t g/ Ied r l a n ne wod dlv .

power. For tymc shal come p'

a t ed sw ber e fie rba rge bat

God hab beden hem to do. Bm fin afnr be h we‘

of cm ech

man shulde helpe his brobir. oubir bodili or gooszli. for bus isech man charg

'id of God. Bm as men helpen not bing of

nougt, but ; ii bat bing have beyng first, so man helpib not his

b robir, but ; if he helpe himsilf first.

And berfore biddib Poul here. bat bis m M rs erg/"d a? ”

sbal tom w t} h is err/om ” d: at maner qf grants}. bobe bodili m s,t u b a l!“

and goostli, for bat mai oon do to anober. And bus ; ii freris - mt“;

disseyven bee , agens biles e of Goddis lawe ; it helpe hem goostli,

and withdrawe from hem worldli goodis, for bus bou doist hem

myche good, and drawist from hem ber sinful lyf ; as God

doith good to manymen, takynge from hem worldli goodis.

And among blyndenesse of be world bat is oon newest b rou3t

in, bat bes newe sectis holden not bat a man doib hem good 3“

but ; if he gyve hem worldli goodis, al3if he do hem harm in bis.

And here men speken to bes sectis, bat sib bei, b i lawe of

charite , taken goodis fro seculer men, and gyven not so myche Iagen, whi shulden not lordis love hem bus, sib be i s

eien bat bis

is love, and hem fallib b i Goddis lawe to ben pore . and lordis t

riche ? But Poul seib to bes ypocritis,pat pet shalden n ot w il

pus er re’ for however bes ypocritis seien, God wole not here

be scorned, for resoun of Goddis lawe moot algatis be fulfillid .

For obir man shal lyve b i Goddis wille in doing good , or

And bus seib Poul aftir, bat certis wbat werkes a man xmxn‘?pa werkes sbal be repe, in reward bat God mut gyve. For lie

but saw ip in Irisfleisb , lyvynge b i ileishlydesires, of his ileishcshal repe peyneful eor rupeioun, but bepat sow s} in spir it, cf his

spir it sbal be r epe aylastyng {y}: He sowib in fleish or in spirit.

bat lyveb aftir fleish or spirit. And bus stireb Poul aftir, [mt we

bis , E. willm bus to erre. E.

Bm ons . VOL . I ] .


do good and f aile not, f or in h is tyme sbulen w e repe, and not

faile for evermore . Men bat God ordeyneb to blis,algif bei

failen ofte here , git sum maner bei holden on, and don sum good

to holi Chirche . And herfore concludib Poul,pa t w e do good

pe while we have iyme to at maner of men , but moost to bombmen of bileve. I t is often seid bifore , bat Crist dide good to

al bis world, bobe to heven and to helle,and b iside to al bis

world. And so men bat shulen be saved ben laborers in Cristis

werk, and profiten bi vertue of C rist to al bis world , as Crist

dide . But git ber is diversite in helpyng of men in bis lyf ; for

bes bat treulyholden bileve and shulen be blessid for ber work.ben homelymen of Goddis bous, and holden welC risten mennis

bileve ; but bes ypocritis bat feynen bat be i suen C rist and ber

patrons, and git bei suen ber goostlyenemyes and done ’ con

trariousli to C rist, men shulden not helpe hem so moche as

trewe men in Goddis cause .

PE srxr nnbn 80m m: [AFTIR Tmmu ] .

[ S E R M O N X L V L ]

Obsecr o vos ne dejfia'

at— EPH . iii.

POULE telde in be nexte epistle how ech memb re of holi

Chirche shulde helpe to anobir membre , as ech man shulde

helpe to obir ; and so be i shulden bere ligtlier, and algatis

beter come to hevene . And bus Poul pr eiop Ephes ians3 to

f a ile not in h isparty'

ul tr ava iler . For sib his trave ilis ben good

to hem , and he tristib in Jesus Crist, bat he shulde performe

bes peynes, and bus glorifie holi Chirche , bes fole w eren to

myche foolis gif bei failiden in bes peynes , bat is to se ie, gif b


failiden to joie of hem and helpe of hem. For Poulis tribu

laciouns ben taken/or good types/01k. And bus, as Poul lovebhem

, shulden be i love hemsilf and him.

And bus for lastyng in pis peyne, bobe to Poule and to bes

So E ; or deyned , A . gone. E . p esions , E .


frendis , and enemys, and God, bat is above his manhede, and

creaturis , bynebe his manhede. To b i s Lord bat mai do more

ver tue bat worebtb in as,to bim be glor ie in be Cb ir cbe, and is

Cr istf erns , bi at bmredir of be world of a] worldis . pes wordis

ol' Poul ben ful sutil ; but it is ynowg to us to knowe sumwhat

of C ristis charite , and berafiir shape oure charite ; for in blisse

shulen men cunnen al bes bingis wibouten trave il. And ber

fore be best conseil were now to us to practise oure lif in

charite , and to agen- stonde Cristis enemyes, bobe for love of

Crist and hem. And trowe we not to bes here tikes, bat ne

men mai speke wel agens hem b i be stronde of charite ; for so

dide C rist, bobe God and man. Clense bee fro pride and

envi e , and elobe be in mekenesse and charite , and stonde

stronglyagens Goddis enemyes, for bis is token of love of God

pa sz vsxr z s bx Sosnn [AFTIR Tam-rs ] .

[ S E R M O N X L V I I . ]

Obsecro z 'os ego z'inetus in Domino—Era . iv. [ 1

Pom. tellib in bis epistle al Cristene men to kepe charite , for

m p Cm ,“ bis is lore ful and ynowg to ech man to come to hevene . Poulb igynneb, and seib bus Y

,bounden in b e Lord,prg 'e gou to kepe

bis lore, for love of God and of goure soule. Poul meneb bat

he was bounden, not for befte ne for mansleyng, but for be love

, of God bat he badde to teche his lawe . And bus he was

' boundun in prisoun at Rome bi enemves of C rist and 2 sibC rist is Lord of alle , in bis Lordis name was he bounden.

And bis shulde move bes Ephesies to take hede to Poulis

wordis, for he chargib hem not b i money, ne b idd ib hem bi

lordlymandementis , but preieb hem for ber soulis helpe of bing

bat shulde be good for hem . Lord , what love badde bis Poulto Crist and to C ristene men,

whan he wroot bus in prisoun

' So in E ; A has bi. 2 So in E ; om . A .


to folk to turne hem to Crist ! And whan he mygt frelygo,he traveilide to hem manyperils. Lord, how ferre is oure pope

and his bishopis fro Poulis lyf l whan bei comanden men to

come to him,algif God comande be contrarie ; and bis is for

worldli wynnynge , and to shewe ber lordshipe . Poul preiebbes men mekeli and honestli, not for his wynnynge , bat bei

walker: worb ili in be sloping bat bei ben clepid. pei ben clepid

C ristene men of C rist, Lord of al lordis and gif be i taken

worbili bis name of bis Lord , ban bei muten holde his lawe”,

and teche it and defende it ; for he is traitoure to bis Lord,

bat foulib falslyhis name . And bis preiyng bat Poul preieb isferre fro Anticristis somounnyng,

for it conteyneb fyve partis,

bat drawun to oonhede and pees, and not to rebellioun ne lord

ship of Anticrist.

Poul b iddib hem at be first to go w ib al mekenesse. I t is d humility.

greet mekenesse bat be lasse obeishe to be more , but it is more

meeknesse bat be even obeishe to his even. But it is moost

mekenesse, bat be Lord obeishe to his servaunt and bus came

C rist to Baptist, to be baptisid of him . And bus shulde C ri stene

men kepe bes bree degrees of mekenes ; and specialy sibw iten not what witt bat God hab govun ber breberen to telle 3,

and to consaile hem to bing bat is Goddis wille . And herfore

Poul biddib aftir, bat bei go in boner nesse, bat is a vertue of and tu m ble

mekenesse , whanne men done as bei ben conseilid ; for bes men

ben tretable in Goddis name, as bei shulden . But C ristene

men shulden not trowe to ech spirit bat spekib to hem ; for gif

it be agen resoun, and sowne to worldly heynesse , and not

to profite to mennis soulis, bei shulden not do aftir it ; for bat

were fendis obedience , and unobedience to God . pe bridde

tyme preieb Poul, bat bei go w ibpacience to God, and sufi'


wrong of ber neigboris, for bi siche pacience may00 man sup

porte anob ir , and overcome his pride and ire , b i whiche be fend

temptib him. And bis is a gret work of goostli mercy to bi

b robir, and bi siche pacience ben be fend and man overcomen.

And aftir bes foure honest preiyngis b iddib Poul, bat men bebirie to kepe oonbede of spir it in bond bi wbicb God bnittzb pees.

So E ; om. A . So E ; lawes , A .

The four fold


And wolde God bat bes foure sectis wolden traveile aboute bis

oonhede ! for ban shulde pees be in be Chirche wibouten strii

of doggis in a poke. Anticrist hab put diverse doggis in be

poke of his obedience ; and bei grutchen agens bis, for it is so

unkyndely. For al men shulden be 0 bodi , sib bei shulden be

0 chirche ; and bei shulden be 0 spirit, as it was in be former

chirche. Luk seib, bat of be multitude of men bat trowiden

ban in Crist, was 0 herte and o soule, and so shulde it git be,

sib al be Chirche is clepid git, in oon bope of ber d oyng . For

al C ristene men ben clepid to be fest of hevenli blis, but Crist

seib bat fewe ben chosen,for fewe holden oonhede of love.

And herfore hab be fend brougt in diversite of bes newe ordris.

And herfore tellib Poul oonhede in foure bingis, bat shuldenmove bes foure sectis to kepe oonhede in ber lif. per is 0 Lord,seib Poul, and o bileve to alle men, and o bapgim in be ground.

For 0 Crist baptisib be soule , 0 water cam out of his herte,

o vertu mahib men elene ; and bis is oonhede of be Trinite.

De fourbe oonhede bat Poul tellib is, 0 God, bat knyttib a] bes,for be is f adir aj alle men

,and speciali of al his children ; and

git be is above alle b ingis , and bi alle b ingis, and in as alle.

Blessid be bis God , bat bus draw ibmen to oonhede of himsilf.

And here trowun Cristene men bat diversite of b ileves bat

ben in be sacrid oost makib diversite in be Chirche ; and bis

mut nedis make aftir diversite at be dayof dome , and maken

sum men be taken to hevene , and sum men to go to helle.

For Poul seib, ber is 00 b ileve bat alle Cristene men shulden

have ; and dive rsite in 0 part berof makib dive tsite in al be

bodi. And wolde God bat lordis knewun be errour‘ in

bis unite , and constreyneden men in be Chirche to acorde in

bis b ileve ; as C rist seib, and seintis aftir, bat be oost


it is sacrid , is verili C ristis owne bodi in forme of b reed , as

C ristene men b ileven ,and neiber accident wibouten suget, ne

nougt, as heretikes seyu . And errour in w itt of holyw ritt habb rougt in bis beresie . And beyseyen


bat holywritt is fals , and

gyven it w itt aftir hemsilf ; and bus bis w itnes moveb hem not

but C rist se ib bli s in holyw ritt. But oon newe sec te se ib on

kurmen er rour s , l‘: 50 E . A has M1 N 1 3C?“

utterance andin knowledge.


maner of word and cunnyng , bat turnen hem to getyng of blis.

For bobe ber speche and ber cunnyng was so reulid b i Goddis

lawe , bat bei diden medefulli bobe bi ber speche and ber cun

nyng, and bis riches is myche more ban never so myche hid

money. For worldlyriches bat man gederib, leeveb aftir and

drawib him to helle ; but bis riches goib bifore to hevene , and

moveb trewe men to come aftir. And w itnes of j esus Cr ist isconfi rmed in sicbe men

, bat bei loven him and his lawe ; and

herein stondib verre richesse . And so no b ing f aillib to been

in onygrace, to putte from hem hevene 2, for bei abiden surely

be sbezryng of oure L ord j esus Cr ist. For bei shal be knowun

at domesday, b i clennes and b i bride clobis, bat be i ben of

C ristis secte , and shulen be taken in afrit his mustre . And

Cr ist sbal conf erme bes knygttis w ibouten synne tilbe eende, in be

day of be comynge of oure L ord j esus Cr ist. And here spekibPoul bi prophecie , or ellis desiring bat it be so.


[ S E R M O N X L I X . ]

R enovamini spir itu mentis .—Er r] . iv. [2

POUL tellib in bis epistle how men shulden amende be r lyf,and how bat bei shulden serve God bobe generali and spe ciali.

And Poul b iddib bus first Be ge new id in spir it of gou r e mynde .

And to undirstonde be s word is , undirstonding of bre e wordis

is nedeful. First, what is a mannis mynde ; aftir , what is beSpirit Of bis mynde ; and aftir

,how man shulde be newed agen

in spirit of bis mynde . NO drede bis mynde Of man is be sub

stance of his lyfe , bat is, a spirit lyke an angel, bat ever shal

be in blisse or peyne . And b i resoun bat he mayknowe him

silf, bis sub staunce is clepid mynde . And SO be secounde word,

of be spirit, hab manywittis, and bis is one bat‘

be propre

ra bec s . E. bem/m bevene, E. So tn E ; A rmds but best s but oon . 50 E ; om A .


acte of bis spirit, b i whiche he saveribmanybingis, Obir hevenly

bingis or worldli bingis, is clepid a Spirit in bis place . And bus

man is made newe agen in be spirit of his mynde, whan his

soule hab good savour of hevenli bingis as he shulde. For in

ryme of grace of men ,whan bei weren baptisid of Crist or ellis

b i grace confermed of him, bei saveriden banne hevenli bingis ;

and if bei saveriden bes agen, bei ben renewid l in bis Spirit.

And bis is a good preier to b idde for men bat bus han fallun.

And bus b iddib Poul aftir, bat men sbulden elob e be newe man gggfigggg


b at is born af tir God in r igt boolynesse and trube. Poul clepibbe newe man be substaunce of mannis soule, in as moch as it

is newid, to lyve aftir Goddis ordenaunce ; and so be good lyf

of man is be clobing bat Poul biddib. But, for men mai not

have bis clobing, but gif two bingis worchen berto.— be grace of

God is be first, and bat ober, mannis werk,—berfore seib Poulaftir, bat bis man is made of nougt, aftir ymage and licnesse of

God. For be bingis of his soule ben elene peintid wib vertues,and bis is aftir be Trinite , as Poul meneb aftir bi bre wordis,

in rigtwisnes and holynes and treube shal al bis be done. Rigt

w isnes bat mai not folde answerib to be Fadir of hevene, andto be power of be soule , bat Austin clepid mannis mynde.

Holynes bat is so stable answerib to be secounde persone, and

to resoun of mannis soule, bat is be secounde bing berof ; forno bing is more resonable ban to quemelyserve God. pe bridde

word , bat is treube , answerib to be bridde persone for trewli

shulde man love 3God, even wib be knowyng of him.

Andf or b is b ing put ge awey lesingis , and speke ge treube ecb gaging;w ib bis neigbare,f or we ben ecb membre to ob ir . Alle bes breeseid vertues ben treubis in a maner, Sib bei ben evenhed ”to

Goddis witt, and bat is treube, as clerkis seien. And herfore ,

Sib God hatib lesingis moost of alle Ober bingis, we shulden

put awey lesingis, and kepe treube in al oure lif. And love

shulde move men to bis breube , sib ech man shulde be obiris

membre . Ech man shulde come to blisse and be membre of

holyChirche , and so ech man shulde goostli do to obit be ofiice

of ech memb re . And to bis witt seien seintis, bat ech membre

renewlid , E. evenyd , E.


of holyChirche is transformed in to Crist, for love and werk

bat he hab.

And bus, as Poul biddib aftir, M en sbulden be w roob and not

synne, for men shulden hate mennis synnes, and love ber kynde

and ber vertues. And bus was Crist wrabful, but b e sunneflldenot on b is w rabbe. And bus shulden Cristen men be wrab. andkepen bre bingis in ber wrabbe . First, bat ber wrab shulde not

longe last, and herfore b iddib Poul, bat be sunne go not dons

uponper wrabbe, for ban it were to longe lastinge. pe secounde

witt of Poulis wordis biddib, bat be sunne of rigtwisne sse go not

doun fro man bi grace , for sich wrabbe bat he hab. And so be

bridde witt of Poulis wordis biddib, bat man shulde not be wrob,but for be more ligt of love, bat shulde shyne fast in his soule.

And wel were him bat badde bis lore bat Poul meneb in bes‘

short wordis. And for as myche as a man hab love quenchid

in his soule, be fend comeb in instede of love , and bringib in

synne wib him. Perfore seib Poul aftir, Nj le ge gyve stede to

be done] , but holde gour love ever hool, and bat shal ever holde

be fend out. And herfore biddib Poul aftir, bat be bat stole,

stele be not more,but mor e worobe be w ib bis bondis b atb ing bat

is good, bat be bave wbereof to gyve men bat suj'

ren nede . And

bis lore bat Poul techib is usid to litil of freris and Ober. For

ban bes strong men shulden traveile , and not bus b egge and

gabbe on C rist and ban bei shulden gyve to nedymen bat

C rist hab put in his prisoun.


w E R M O N L ]

Videle quomodo caute ambuletis.—EPH . v.

POUL tellib in bis epistle how men shulden walke in bis lyf,and knowe weies to flee perilis, for manySpies ben made to men.

Poul b iddib at be b igynnynge, to see bow men sbulen war/y

So E ; A has bis .


made unware , bat reulen ber lyf bi mannis witt, and leven be

w itt bat God hab govun to passe bis paas fro oure enemyes.

And bes men muten nedis be taken and putt in be fendis

pri soun,but be wille of oure duke forfendib bis, and he is heed

of al be Chirche . And bus, gif onyman be taken , his owac

unwitt is cause berof ; and berfore Poul b iddib undirstonde,

what is be good wille of God. And algif God be b id fro men,

git studie bou wel his lawe , and bou shalt wite what is his wille,

bobe in 00 bing and in obir.

And bus Poul biddib aftir, M le ge be drunken bi up'ne, for

Siche drunkene men ben unable to studie aftir Godd is wille, sib

in wyne is lecber ie, b i which men wes en wood fro God. And

goostli leccherie of man mut nedis make him faile in witt, but

men shulden befillid of b e Holi Goost, spebing to bems ilf b i him,

not in foli, but in wisdom, aftir be profite of ber soulis. And

bes men bat ben fillid bus, speken to God and to hemsilf in

salmes,inympnes, and goostlysongir , bat ben holden foli to be

world ; and bus bei singen in ber bertis to God. And bus pil

grimes bat gone ligt, and singen gladli b i C ristis vois , and

whistelen sweteli b i hope of blis, feren bus ber goostli enemyes.

For it is seid comounli bat a wey-

goer, whan he is voide , Singibsure b i ‘ be beef 8 , and moneymakib him drede more . And bus

bade Crist to his apostlis to bere not2 in be weybat shulde lette

hem for to wandre , and do ber Office bat he bade . And bus be

fend,b i worldli lordshipis , makib preestis to

- dayso hevy, bat he

dryveb hem doun to helle,as his sones bat swepten his weye.

And al ber song bat bei singen is of be worlde and worldli

goodis, and into bis is preching turned ,and Obire pre ieris maad

to God ; and bis is vois made of be fend bi which he cacchib’

on his carte .

But Cristene men shulden treuly, gelde banbingis to God and

bef adir Of heven ever moref or a !b ingis , in be name of oure L ord

j esus Cr ist, bat is a meene to gyve alle bes to his children ; and

bis is a ful greet grace . And bus, for men shulden b e meke,

Poul biddib hem to be suget ecb man to bis br ob ir in be love

1surelybifore , E.

9 301431, E .

3CGICbtb, E .

‘ C antab rt vacuus co ram latrone vra tor.

Juv. x. 2 2 .


dr edeyCr ist. Whan ech serveb to obir, and doib him good b i

charite , ban ech man is bus suget, wibouten love of worldli wor

Ship. But sib be pope lettib bis lore , he coude not wite how he

shulde be suget to Obit men bat weren his sugettis ; for he

rengnede in Luciferis pride, and kuewe not how b i charite man

shulde obeishe to his servaunt. But as Lucifer coveitide to

have ful evenhed b i God , so Anticrist his viker wole be moost

in worldlyworship ; but whan he is heirest, as smoke ban he

shal vanishe awey.


[ S E R M O N L I . ]

Confortamini inDomina—EPH . iv [vi. t o.]

Pour. techib in bis epistle to figte wib oure goostli enemyes,

and how we shulen be goostli armed , and in what forme figt

wib hem. First Poul confortib Cristis knygttis to make hemhardi for to figt, and se ib ; Be ge conf or tid in be Lord and in

power q/ bis vertue. For be capteyne of oure bataile , bat is

C rist bobe God and man, hab lordship Of al bis world, Sib bat he

is Lord of Lordis. What good knygt shulde drede him to figt

in be armes of bis Lord ? And bi bes same wordis of Poul itsueb, bat he is ofmore power ban a] be fendis bat ben in helle,or ougt bat mai reverse him. And Sib he overcam be fend, bat

is heed of contrarybataile , he hab vertue b i his manheed to

overcome al enemyes of his knygtis ; and in bis knygtis ofCristis

bataile shulden be confortid for to figte . And herfore b iddibPoul aftir to take oure armes in Goddis name ; Clobe gou, seibPoul, w ib Gaddis armer ,bat ge maystonde agens bef endir santis.

For ber is notfigting to gou agensfleisbe and blood of man,but

agens pr incis and potestates, agens governours (yb is world, bat isin bes derknessir. And bus C ristis knygtis figten not oonli agens

be lest fendis, ne oonli agens middil fendis, but agens be heyrest

wib, E. E also has in in the text, but vi in the margin.


fendis. And Poul clepib bes spir itualb ingis , bi kynde bat bei

hadden of God ; but bes ben bingi s of w iebidnesse, for be i helden

wib Lucifer in be first synne of al, bat was done in beren!)

b ingis.

Men shulden undirstonde here bat bei shulen figte agens

fleishe and blood, but bi'

s figtinge is litil unto be figting wibfendis, for bei ben quyke enemys, and Of myche power and

sutil. And so Poul benkib it but litil to figte bus wib fieishe andblood. pat man is seid to figte wib fleishe, bat temperib it in

bodili foode ; and bat man figtib wib blood , bat swagib lustis of

leccherie, bobe in chastisinge his spiritis, and his blood bat

governeb hem. And for as myche as fendis felden w ib Lucifer

of manyordris, Poul clepib hem princis and potestates bat ben

of be myddil ordre, and fendis of be lowest ordris ben clepid

governours of bis world, and bei worchen in derknes bat hevene

makib of be nygt. And sum men dremen of bes fendis , bat sum

ben elves, and sum gobelyns, and ban not but litil power to

tempte men in harme of soule . But sib we cunucu not prove

bis ne disprove bis spedily, holde we us in be bondis bat God

tellib in his lawe . But it is liclybat bes fendis have power to

make bobe wynd and reyne , bundit and ligtyng, and Obir wedir ;for whan bei moven partis of bis erbe , and bringen hem nygtogidere , bes partis moten nedlybi kynde maken Siche wedirs ,

as clerkis knowun . De bridde part Of bes fendis is moost heie

of alle Obir, as Lucifer and his nexte spiritis , bat assen tiden

moost unto him ; and bes ben be fellerest1 fendis bat C risten

men figten wib. Al beS fendis han w itt and powe r to move

mennis bertis and Ober lymes , aftir bat bei gessen men to be

temptid to a goostli synne . For algif bei knowu n not be bougt

Of mynde, ne purpos Of it, nebeles bei gessen ofte nyg be sobe,

and bus tempten men. Figting wi b bes bree fendis is moost

hard of al obit , Sib Joob seib ber is no power up2e rbe so

myche as is bis. But git bes knygtis han confort bat C rist Over

cam be moost fend ; and bis Lord wole not suffre fendis for to

tempten his knygtis, bat ne bei mai overcome hem , but gif ber

foli be first in cause .

fellest, E.

2up on , E .



and be werst of alle bes bree and be fellerest is be fend ; for

temptyng of be fend is hoot, and moveb to many synnes

Perfore clepib Poul here bes temptaciouns brennyng dartis.

But be bre corners of bis Shelde wel stablid in be Trinite , and

Ober articlis Of b ileve sadli pryntid wibinne , and wib senewis of

charite wibouten hOOliS wel bounden,and al dartis of be fend

mai not perishe siche a sheeld. pe fifb armer, for be heed, is

an belm, of hope of blis. And gif resoun and wille of man be

wel wlappid in bis helme, no stroke of stones ne hevye bingshal noie bis soule bat bus is armed. And Poul clepib bis

armer an belm of belbo, bat is blisse. But, for he were a feble

fibter bat ever sufl'

ride and never smoot, berfore Poul clepibbesixte armure, swerd of be HolyGoost. And bis armure is ful

sharpe, sib it perischib more ban iren swerd, for it partib be

soule and spirit, whan it makib man lyve to God and leve

worldli afi'

ecciouns, and bus doib no bodili swerd. And bus be

tunge in mannis moube is a scaberke 3to bis swerd , and shapen

in forme of bodili swerd, wibouten boon 3 or straunge part.

And with bis swerd was sum tyme woundir wrougt agens spiritis,but bis swerd failib now in preching of Goddis lawe . For

prelatis han scaberkis w ibouten swerdis,and obir han sw erdis

Of leed , b i which be i tellen worldlywordis , w ib fablis and gab

gingis On God. And so no woundir gif bis swerd assaile not

enemyes as it dide.


[ S E R M O N L U J

Confidimus in Dominof este.— PHIL . i.

POUL techib in bis epistle how prelatis shulden love bet

sugetis, and how sugettis shulden love agen, and bus how

charite shulde Sprede . Poul, wib his b reberen ,spekib bat bei

tr isten in b e L ord j esus, bat bebat bab bigunnen in bem a good

peersib, E . scauberb, G . I , E.


w erk, to turne hem, shalperform bis werk untofie dai of f ewCr est. And bis shal be domesday, whan Crist shal have ful

victorie. And bis werk bat Cri st bigan b i Poul and his obir

felowis, passib al mannis ordenaunce , al b ildingis or worldli

goodis. And bus shulden b ishopis edifie, and not make hepis

of dede stones. Poul is certein bat God bigan bis goostli werk

as he baad ; and Poul is sikir bat God wole not bigynne a werk

but gif he performe it. And herfore it is licli bat newe sectis

and mannis ordenaunce, bat han not ber ground in God, muten

have cende bifore domesday. And Poul seib bat he shewib bus

charite to hem, as it is r igt/7 d to b im tof elefitsf or Item alle; siba man shulde suppose or gesse good of anobir, whan he hab

greet evidence of just lyi bat he lyveb. And, for Poul hab besfol: as recomendid in al his meritis, he habmore evidence bat

bei shulen make a good cende.

And foure meritis he tellib, bat passen sixe pointis of freris

lettris, bi whiche bei graunten men blisse in hevene, as 3if Anti

crist passide Crist. pe first of Poulis sufi'

ragies stondib in his

her teli pra ier , bat he praieb for his children whiche he hab geten

in Crist. De secounde sufi'

ragie bat Poul tellib is, bat he habhem in his bondis for Poulwas bounden and prisoned for Crist,

and part of bis peyne was ful medeful. De bridde sufi'


bat Poulnemede, is def ending offie gospel for be gospelhadde

enemyes in Poulis tyme as it hab now , and it is a medeful bingto stonde a3ens bes enemyes. De fourbe helpe bat Poulwischib,is eonfi myng of fiegospel, in preching and miraclis makynge , in

orisouns and in obir traveilis, and part of bis semebmore mede

fulban sufl'

ragies of bes newe sectis.

And marke bat Poul grauntib hem not part of bes foure

medeful dedis, but he seib bat he hab hem in bes foure, and lete

God part. And Poul doib not bis for moneie , ne to gete him

annuel rente , but for pure charite, fiatfiei ben atf elow is of his

foie. For God is w itnes to me bow Y concite 3ou to fills in clene

mercy, and no symonie, and bat is fie entralis of j esus Cr ist.

And fitsYpreie, not for 3oure goodis, out fiat gour char ite be

more, and bi double weybe plentenous more and more, as 3c ben

eldere bobe in science and at w itt, for al bis shulde turne to

charite ; fiatyassaybeter drinkes to conforte goostli ;oure soule,

an i ons. VOL. 11. B b


fiat 3e be elene wifionten synne to doenesday,fiat is Cn’

stts bat ybe fillid of f r uyte of r i3tw isnes, to beriyng and glor ie of God.

And Y preie God bat bis be done bi medling of f ew : Crist.

And wolde God oure prelatis now wolden lerne bis crafte of

Poulis love, and charge ber sugettis no more in erbelygoodis

bat drawun to helle.

bx XXI I I SONDAI Alr'rm Trum '


[ S E R M O N L I I I . ]

Imitatores mei a tom— PHIL . iii. [ r

IN bis epistle techib Poul how bat men shulden sue bet

prelatis. and what bei shulden cunne and do, to wynne hem be

blis of hevene. Poul biddib at be bigynnyng, to sue bin in

werkes and lyi, for he is certein bat he goib be rigt weybat ledibto hevene. And sib prelatis lyven to-daycontrarie to Poulis lif.

it is not good to sue hem,lest bei leden ber children to ‘helle.

And sib be i contrariembis bileve , and mai not soundli bus b idde

ber children,men shulden not comoun w ib sich prelatis , ne gyve

hem worship ne worldli goodis. For Joon b iddib to grete hem

not,and resoun b iddib, wib charite , to make hem not worse ne

more hevy, for gif onymen d iden bus, bei token part of ber

synne . And wolde God bat bis lore were wel knowen of

worldlylordis ! for ban bei shulden seie to bes popis, bat rewmes

and men wolden obe ishe to hem b i forme bat men obe ishiden

to Crist and to Petre , and no more ; and certis, gif be i chal

engen more , bei ben open Anticristis. And bis answ ere shulden

men gyve to prelatis and to obir preestis ; and it is open , gif bis

were holden , be pope shulde not bus spuyle rewmes, ne chafiere

bus bi symonie wib beneficis bat ben in rewm es. And ban bobe

prelatis and prestis shulden holden hem paied w ib Poulis reule,

to take foode of be puple for goostli traveile bat be i done , and

git take not bis of be folk but b i title of almes and love. And

mennis owne cowardise is cause bat bei holden not bus Goddis

lawe , but ben opprcssid bus bi fendis, and drawun b i be brode


agens treube bat witnessib bis. 3if we in oure owne persones

taken bis lyi of bes sectis, woo is us bi peyne after fro bis dede

and consense .

But Poul seib, fiatfier beryng is in beven, out of bis erbe , bobeb i ber bougt and ber wille. And bus shulden good prelatis and

preestis seie treuli in bet lyf, and banne mygten bei surelyabidefier Savyonr , andfier Lordj esus Cr ist, at be dayof dome. For

he is to siche men savyoure to bodi and soule, and Lord to

blisse siche men. Dis Lord shalban, reforme bodies of bis meteservauntis. A13if bei ben now deformed and scorned of manyworldlymen , 3it seintis hopen banne bat bes bodies , bat now benfoul, shulden in blisse be like tofie bodi of Cn


stis clen nesse. For

men bat ben blessid in hevene shulden have foure doweris of be

bodi, and bis shal be upfie worebinge of Cr ist, bat was so mede~

ful and so holi,fiat be mygt mabe suget to b im and his alle fiingxlr

of bis world.

And aftirward spekib Poul to his breberen wordis of confort,

and moveb hem to holde be lore bat God hab told to hem bi

Poul. And so, moost dere brefieren, seib Poul, and moost desiredof bingis here , myj oze in hevene, and my eoroun

,stonde ;e fins,

moost derew orfie in fie L ord. Dis b idding bat Poul a z ib shulde

make him loved and unsuspect, for he axib not worldli bingis,but goostli good , for him and hem. And Poul pre ieb aftir totwo persones bat weren two devoute wymmen,

—be ton was

clepid Eneodia bat was more stable in God, be tober was clepid

Sintzsem3,fiat was mor e gong and freel,— bat bei shulden saven

fi is same lore in fie L ordis name, as Poul hab tolde . And marke

bou wel bat Poul preieb comounli be first persone , but he preiebspeciali be secounde

,not for worldli goodis. And Poul badde

a man to felowe bat was clepid German b , bat was ever w ib him

in Goddis cause , bobe in preching and obir helpe . Poul preiebhim to belpeforfi bobe wymmen and men

, fiat ban traveilid wt}P oul in fie gosfiel of C rist, w zfi Clement and ofiir belfier s of Paul,wbos names ben w r itun in fie book of liif . Poul badde helpers,

Wycliflite Vers ion (1) gives Vulgate rendering of the fl a ts of

these names as Encod iam and Syn the original) to be a prom name.tesem . Wycliffite Version (2) has Both Wycliflite Vers ions translate

Encodiam and Syntioem. german felowe .

Wyclif imagines germane’



as men han now, bobe of men and of wymmen, in good word

and good dede to helpe apostlis bobe to preche , and berborwehem and waishe ber feet. Ffor ber travaile was good and greet,

and but gif God badde made hem helpe, bei mygt not have per

formed bis lore.

Pa roux: AND'

rwmn ‘

rba SONDAI Prs '

ru : AFTIR Tamrr a.

[ S E R M O N L I V . ]

Non eessamns pro vobis orantes.—COL. i.

In bis epistle tellib Poul bobe his wille and his werk, to pro

fite to Cristis Chirche, bat it be bus taugt bi him . Poul seibfirst to bis puple, bat bei eeesen notf or bem preiynge and ax inga,

fiatfiei be fillid bi bnozeynge of Goddis w ille. And no bing ismore nedeful to man here ban for to knowe what God wole

bat he do for Goddis love . For gif man performe bis, he getibblisse w ibouten drede. For sib God is be moost Lord, and ech

man abulde do his wille, it is moost nedeful bat his wille be

comounli knowun. And God mai nevere more faile in bingis

bat ben nedeful, berfore God tellib certeinli what is his wille of

albingis. Sob it is, bat al bingis bat kynde doibGod wole have

done, for God doib alle bingis bi kynde , and God doib not but

bat he wole do. And so God wole make al creaturis bat ben

made ; and shortli for to seie, fille bou Goddis comandementis

and it is ynowg to bee , for God wole axe no more of bee. Leve

we to speke and argue bat God wole alpeyne for synne , b i bis

shile bat it is just, and God makib al siche peyne . And sum

seien bat God wole synne be done for be good bat comeb berof ;and bus bei seien bat God wole al bing, bobe for synnes and

creaturis. But leve we here bis doute of scole,and lerne we

what God wole bat we do. For bis is ful nedeful, sib Poulaz ide bis in his convertynge . And no drede God wole bat al

men holden w ib his lawe , and reverse it in no manere ; for

; if bei done, God wole punishe ; and so Goddis w ille mut be


ulfillid, for no bing mai a3enstonde it. And bus God wole bat


we lyven not for his profit, but for oure owun ; and God wole

nobing but honest ; and ai honeste God wole have done . And

bus men witen more singulerly, b i good lyf and good werkes,

what bing God wole bat we do, whan we ben of betir lyi .

And herfore biddib Poul aftir to bes Grekes, bat be i be fillidin knowinge of Goddis wille , in at maner of w isdom . I t is a

wisdome to man to wite what God wole bat he do , and to do

aftir bis knowynge in his persone, for Goddis sake . And it is

myche to Cristene men to be fillid fin goostli undirstond ing

for ech creature of God tellib bat he wole be beste , and what

bing God wole bat bei done , gifmen undirstonden it. And fian

men go worfiili to God, and plesen to bim in at maner s, bobe

bodili and goostli ; and bes mauers ben al fiingis in ecb good

werk bat men done . pei shulden make f r qyt of reward , for al

oure lyi shulde be ful of fruyte , to 'helpe in blis of hevene.

And bi bis shulden men growe in fie cunnyng of God . I t is but

litil to men to knowe b i resoun Goddis cunnynge , but gif bei

turne bis cunnynge of God to ber lifand ber good dedes. For

God is maistir practisour, and loveb wel good dedis of men.

And bus men shulden be confortid in ecb ver tue, bat be i done

af tir fie pow er of Goddis clerenesse sib bei shulden knowe as

bileve bat God seeb clerlyal ber vertuous dodis, and w ille and

purpos bat bei have , and castib to reward al bis. W'

ho shulde

not be confortid here to contynue and worche Goddis se rvice ?

And herfore seib Poul aftir, bat bei shulden lyve in alpa a'


and long abid ing w zfi j oie, for trust bat be i shulden have in God.For b ileve techib men bat God mai not faile on his side for


power or unw itt, but al defaute is in men . And grace wibwitt of al bes bingis stondib in Jesus C rist oure Lord .



And bus manydaies comen as fast as ony tyine mai come,for bei comen not bodili, and bus hem nedib not to have feet.

And git manybingis comen bodili bat walken not b i ber feet;as be smytyng of be stoone comeb bodili, but it walkib not.

pus oure David, Jesus Crist, is a just burionynge, for he mahibal a newe world, and saveb be Chirche bat ellis were dampnyd.And bis Crist rengnede kyng bobe bi his godhede and his man

hede. For bi his godhede he is kyng of al bis world , as bilevetechib ; and bi his manhed he is kyng bi titii of staat of innocens, whan it is joyned wib his godhede. And what trewe man

mai denie bis ? And Crist is witti on manymaneria, and doibmany jugementis, and berto many rigtwisnessis. Blessid be

siche a patroun.

I n fio daies sbal j uda be saved, and I srael sbal dwd le tr istilicbe for men bat confessen Cristis lyf, how he was bobe Godand man, and bes men bat seen God b i good bileve in Cristis

persone, ben saved and dwellen surelyin be vertue of bis patroun.

Andfiis isfie namefiatmen sbulden clcpe b im,fie L ord our e

bat is, God. Her/ bre, lo, daies camen, sezfi fie L ord, and fiei

sbulen not seie,Onr e God lyvefi , fiat ledde out fie cb zldr en cy


I sraelf ro Egipte, but bei shulen seie a more preisynge ,— God

lyvefi , fiat ledde out and brou3t tofie seed of fie bores ry'

I s r ael,fro

fie land of fie norfi ,andf ro al ofiir londis to be whiche Y bave

caste bem bei shulen come agen to Jerusalem and to be 10nd

of biheste, and fiei sbulen dwelle in fie 10nd , seib Go d bat isAlmy3li. Here Jeremye wolde mene, bat bobe be s two pri

sounyngis, bat j ewis bat weren flemed out of ber lond, in

Moises tyme and Jeremyes , bobe bes figuriden be flemyng bat

be fend prisounyd mankynde in be lond of synne . And bis

lond was bobe Egipt and be lond of be norb ; but C rist brou;t

bes folk agen to hevene , bat is ber kyndlylond. And it semebb i holywritt, bat Jeremye and obit prophetis hadden ber wittof Jesus C rist, for ellis ber Speche were to nakid .

And bus mai preestis of C ristis secte teche be puple on Sun

daies , bobe bi be gospel and be pistle , algif fals prophetis bigilen hem not. For fals men of bes newe sectis

, and speciali

be laste sect, robben be puple of ber goodis and b igilen hem

fro trewe lore .

V A E O C T U P L E X .


confessours and leden moche peple. And bes scrib is helpen

bes Farisees, for prelatis and persouns and obir possessioneres

seien in her lyf bat Crist lyvede bus, and so volupteis and

rychesse of be worlde maken bei to be loved, and C ristis lyf

diSpisid. And bi keies of helle, bat ben her feyned censuris,

bei closen be weie to hevene from hem and from obit men.

pe secounde woo bat Cristwishib is seide bus of C rist, Wooworfie ;ou, scr ibis and Far zseis, ; pocr itis, fiat etenwidouns berm},makinge longe preier is ber/bre sbulen 3e takenfie morej ugement

of God. Ffor bese ypocritis persen houses of lewide men, and

eten good mete bat her meyne shulde etc. And siche lewide

men ben widowis fro be lawe of Crist; sib b i be firste mantel bei

priven men from Goddis lawe, and b ibis lawe shulden bei be

weddid to Crist her Savyour. And to blynde be puple more bei

feynen longe preieris, bat bei seien ben moche betet e ban be

Pater-noster, and so undirstondinge and wille ben blyndid bi

bes ypocritis. And bus shulen bei be jugid of many kynnas

falshede bei robben ber neigboris b i cautelis of be fend, and

over bis bei priven hem from hir rigt b ileve, and b i her ypocrisie

bei disseyven hemsilf and obir, and bus shulen bei be dampnyed

b i manyjugementis of God.

De bridde tyme seib Crist unto bes fals folk, Woo worbe ;ou,scr ibis and Far iseis

,ypocr itis , fiat gone aboute bofie w a tif and

londe to make a cb ild o/your ordre, and wbanne be is ma d , 3:maken b im a cbild (ybelle double morefian ;ou . Des wordis tellenopinlyof making of freris, hou bei comen beefly, bobe b i waterand b i lond , to robben men of her childrenbat ben bete te ban

oxen. And so it semeb b i Goddis lawe, bat siche beves shulden

be dampned, sib be i taken aweymennis goodis, coostly and

presciouse , and bei han noo lceve berto neiber of God ne man,

sib God ;yveb hem no leve bus to harme her,

nei3bore . And

where manychildren b i Cristis ordre shulden be saa f, be i shulen

now be dampned b i taking of bes false ordris, for a frere can

teche no more bat bis child shal b e beter b i takinge of his ordre

and kepinge of his reule, ban bis frere can telle bat God ; ai him

bis mannis oxe . And so freris migten spuyle men of alle be

goodis bat be i han . And it fallib ofte tymes, as C rist se ib here,bat summe children bus maad freris ben worse ban her bew


E ris 3. And be meenes b i which bei stelen siche children ben

ful of venym ; bei feesten hem and gyve hem giftes, as applis,

purais, and ober japis ; and bat is moost yvelof alle , bei b igilenhem wib false wordis ; bei seien her ordre is be beste for to

come to hevene by; bei b ihoten lustis of fleish and worldelywelfare, and neiber bei mayperfourme bis, ne it acordib wib her

staat. And bus bei dampnen manymen b i her false feyned


pe fourbe woo is seide bus b i sobenesse of C ristis word ; Wooworbe gou, blynde leder s,fiat seien it is nougt to swere bifie temple

of God, but befiat swenfi bifie gold of fie temple, be ozwfi to per

fourme his oob. Foolis and blyade men, wbefier (y'

fies is more,

fie gold fiat is infie temple, efier fie templefiat makzfi it boolyP And

so3c seien fiat it is not to w ere on fie outer , but wbo ever swer tfiby fierqf, be is bolden to gyve it. But, ;e blynde men, wbefier offies two fiingis is more, fie gifte or fie auter fiat makrfi fie gif te

boolyP For be fiat swenfi in fie anter , be swcr zfi in it and alle

fiingis fiat benfieron and be fiat swer zfi infie temple, be m er zfiin it and in bimfiat dwellzfi fier inne and befiat sw enfi in bevene,be swenfi bofie in Goddis trone and in God fiat sittzfi fieron and

herfore shulden we no weye swete , but as God grauntib us. Disferbe woo mai be seid bobe to scrib is and to Fariseis for bese

prelatis, fro be pope unto preestis bat kepen men, alle bei

chargen biheestis of wynnynge, and bei chargen not more b i

heestis b ; as, if a man have vowid to God to wende in pilgrimage

to Rome, or ellis to onyober seint, bat axib traveile and dis

pensis, bei dispensen wib bis traveile so bat bei han be dispensis,

and on bis condicioun wolen bei wele assoile men. But who

woot not bi his witt bat ne bese men sillen her soilynge, sib bei

marken to hem bis moneie , but bei tellen not b i be traveile ?

Lord, whi shulden bei have bis moneie but for her absolucioun ?

But men bat bus chafl'

aren w ib hem ben in bis caas blynde

foolis. For wheber it is resonable to dispense bus b ifore bat

bei dispenoen wibmen, or it bigynneb to be resonable bi vertue

of her dispensinge ? I f bou seie on be firste manere, ban 3if

3 That is, beau -pares. properly, portance to promises which involve

fi therl-in law ; but here it seems to pecuniarygain to themselves , but

mean god -fathers.’

none at all to promises intrinsicallyThat is, theyattach great im greater and more serious .


God badde moved bis man to leve bis vow, and gyve to pore

men as myche as he shulde gyve hem, bis man badde algatis do

beter, save 00 bing ofmyche charge, bat he badde left for to


re to dame Symonie in bis prelat ; for he hadde do as reson

able bing and as it semeb on betere manere. Ne no man of

witt wolde seie, bat it were resonable after bat bis prelate hadde

jugid, or bis man hadde paied his moneie , and no gatis bifore.

For, if it were resonable , God wiste and ordeynede be resoun,

bifore bat bis vow or bis chafi'

are were maad ; and so, if it was

resonable banne, it was bifore resonable. And so, if we marken

bis dispensinge, it stondib in bis, bat be prelat changib bis

moneie wib his jugement, and bat is more verreytreube ban bet

he changib bis traveile , or his dispendinge in be we ie , wib gyv

yuge of bis moneie . And however bis ypocrite se ib, he spekibabove his owne w itt, and bat he sillib rigtw isnesse for be moneie

bat he takib. For no man chaungib oo bing for snober, but ;ifbobe bes bingis weren ; and if it were unresonable to bus vow,

and bus traveile, neiber God ne man chaugen bes bingis for ; ifie

ofmoneie . And so witt of Goddis law shulde teche men bat

suche vow is weren nou3t, and have sorewe for folie of bes

vow is, and make aseb discretli ; and banne God dispensib betere

ban bes prelatis w ib here chaflare . For bei chargen be lesse,

bat sowneb to her wynnynge , as gold of be temple and Ofl'


to be auter ; but be ground of al bis bei chargen to litil.

And where bei feynen to men bat bei oonlyhan power, so

bat, but if bei dispensen bus , bese men shulen nevero be

saved, bis is as myche blasfemye as to seie bat be i ben God.

To sum of hem God hab gow n knowinge of be sobe , and

power to teche men how bei shulden do here ; but gif be i sillen

bus bis bing, bei ben be fendis disciplis , sib Crist b idd ib to ;yrs

freely, as be i token freelyof him. De Fariseos practigen w ib be

puple in bis point, for whanne be i han power lymytid to hem to

gyve counceil in bis mater , and aftir to assoile , be i maken , as

men out of bileve, bis matere to harde,and kepen a part of

moneie to prelatis above hem and a part to hemsilf, and bus is be

puple spuylid . But if men wolen gyve to making of her chirche.

or ellis hemsilf to be freris , or ongt bat turnebhem to wynnynge.

men moun li3tlypasse aweie fro pe ril bat is feyned . And her

6. 8m m


take tibe berof, but greet maundementis of God bat touchen

soule heele ben lesse teld of Parisses, for wantinge of worldelywynnynge. But bes bingis shulden men kepe as moche as bei

ben nedeful, but more gretter bingis, for bei ben more nedeful.

And bus shulden men telle b i diversite of synnes ; as more

bodilyharm is more to ebehewe

De sixte woo bat Crist wishib to bes ypocritis is seid in bes

wordis in be gospel to Cristene men, Woo worfie30a , scr ibis and

Far isees ,ypocritxk, fiat clensen w ifiout-f orfi qf fie cappe and (yfiedisbe, but w zfiinne in gam e soule ben 3c f ul of ravgm and at

fi rst w zfiinne-forfi bat bou drynkist and etist goostlybi mete of,

and banne be bodi wibouten-forb shalbe ma d elene. And it is

no nede to applic bis to freris, for bei tellen more bi her synne,knowen in be peple, ban bi myche more synne hid fro be peple,for bei coveiten more her fame in be worlde ban bei done herholynesse knowun of God. And after bis bei eten and drynken

goostli hemsilf, and serven to obir men foode of ber soule.

De sevenbe woo bat Crist wishib to bese ypocritis is seid in

bese wordis of Crist bat is al witti, Woo to gate Scr ibis and


sees,ypocr itis, pat ben like to fie sepulcr is wbite w zfioate,fiat

semen w tfioutery'

orfi f eire to men, butfiei ben w zfiinne f at 4 dedemennis bones and alle manere of filfie bat comeb of dede careynes.

So3e semen w zfiontenforfi r igtw is to ofier men, but w ibinne ;e ben

f ul cf w ickidness andypocr isie. And bis bing fallib to oure newe

religiouse , for bei ben weddid wiboutenforb wib sensible signes.

be which bei putten to b itokenen her holynesse w ibinne, and

ueber bei ne bese signes stonden bus in holynesse , for God habordeyned siche holynesse to stonde in soule . And bese menseien bat siche holynesse stondib in her colours, and bodilyabitis , wib Ober feyned signes, and so fals ypocrisie is b iried

w ibinne hem, and so stinkinge pride, wib manye Ober vicis ;

but her ground bat bei cove iten is boones of dede men , for be

substaunce of her goodis coveiten bei moost, and be i sleen bes

men b i falsenesse Of bileve . But be gospel techib us bat we

shulden do privyly ai siche holynesse , and crie it not to beworld

, but purpose clenlyworship of oure God, and leve wor

esebewe. Laud , 314. (C)wvcu r .


ship of be worlde and reward here. And bus benken manymen -bat bese newe ordris ben ful ofypocrisie, and herfore Crist

clepib hem sevene sibis ypocritis, and not wibouten cause, sib

be i my3ten do as myche good to profit of holyChirche, if alle

bes signes were awey, and bei kepten pure Cristis ordre .

pe eigtibe woo is seid of Crist in forrue of bese wordis, Woo

be to gate, scr ibis and Far i sei s,ypocr itis , fiat edifien sepulcr is of

propbetis , and maken f eire bir igls cy'

r igtw ise men and seien over,

falsely, If we badden ben in tyme cy'

oure f ad s, we wolden not

bave done to defi sicb bolypropbetis . And fins ben ; e w itnesse

fiat ;e ben sones of fies men fiat slowenfies propbetis and 3c wolendo wel worse, for 3e casten to slee C rist, heed and cende of

alle prophe tis. And herfore profecieb Crist, bat fiei sbulden

fulfille fie mesure (yber f adr is , in sleynge of prophetis. And

herfore , 3e serpenti s, gendrnr is qf eddr is, bow sbnlen 3c flee f ro

dampnynge to belle 2 And bus bese newe ypocritis drawun to

bis cende, for bei quenchen trube of Cristis religioun, and so bei

sleen Crist in manye of his memb ris. And ; it bei seien falsely,

bat Fariseis b ifore hem diden untreulyto treube, but bei wolen

helpe treube, and make Cristis religioun to renne among be

puple . But as myche as bei taken of her owns ypocrisie, as

myche bei drawen fro be ordre of Crist. Lord, if C ristis ordre

were clenlyholden hool, and men loveden it so moche as bei

done bes newe ordris, banne shulde Cristis ordre be stiflyer

defendid, bi as myche as men traveilen aboute bes newe ordr is.

And banne , as ber is 00 bileve , shulde ber be oon ordre, and

charite shulde be nurishid more ban it is now, sib we witen wele

b i dede bat a man lovebmore a man of his ordre ban he doibanober man bat is of straunge ordre. And so oonhede in b i

leve and oonhede in ordre shulde gendre kyndelycharite amongmen ; but charite is now coold, and dividib be Chirche, as deed

bodi is dividid for defaute of humure . Dis oonhede bat Crist

made is wel ny3e excilid, and stablenesse of be Chirche is

torned in to gravel. And moost cause of bis bing is ypocrisieof men. And bi bis cause Farise is pursuen trewe preestis,

bat tellen her defautis and letten hem of her wynnynge , so bat

no pursuyte is more ful of envie ne more perilous to men

for cautelis of ypocritis. For bis synne bei magnifien be witt

sl al om . VOL. 11. c c

M at t ia s


of her owne men, and seien bat bei passen Goddis lawe and

alle bat weren b ifore hem, sib bat Goddis lawe is fals, but besemen glosen it and tellen how it shal be koud, and olde docteurs

undirstonden. And bus bei bowen to her orders bobe lordis

and clerkes. And bus, if strife amonge hemsilf do good to

be Chirche, nebeles it were betere bat we drowen all in 00 got,

for banne be Chirche were not bus chargid wib novelries , and

banne be Chirche were shapen b i ordenaunce of C rist for to

renne ligtli be ordenaunce bat he hab ordeyned. But now it is

mysshapen bi cloutinge ofmennis wille, and unable to go fast

be weie bat Crist hab ordeyned for be partis ben to bevy, and

And be bridde mutil of be fend, in whiche he traveilibmoost,

is to varie in be b ileve bat God himsilf hab ordeyned . As we

maysee opinlyof be sacrid oost,—that is, be white bing and

round bat be preest hab sacrid, and is perceyved manyweies

wib bodilywittis, bat Cristen men seien is Goddis bodi in

fourme of breed, as trewe clerkes and lewide men han bileved

sib God wente to hevene. But be fend, sib he was loosid.

hab meved freris to reverse bis ; and, as bei se ien, her newe

seintis and newe doctours bat bei han, techen bat bis sacrament

is an accident wibouten suget, or ellis nougt, for it is quantite

and qualite. Dis knewen not Jerom, ne Austin, ne Ambrose ;

sib Jerom seib bus, after tretinge of bis matere, Here w e bat bat

breed bat Crist tooke and brake it and gafe hise disciplis for

to etc it, is be bodi of oure Lord , savyoure ofmankynde , sibhe

seib and maynot lye bat bis bing is his bodi. Se ih t Austin seib

bus, and resoun acordib berwib, bat bat bing bat men seen wib

bery3en is verre b reed, but bat bat b ileve az ib be b reed is Goddisbodi. And herfore se ib Ambrose , bat bat bing bat b ifore wasbreed is now maad Goddis bodi b i vertue of C ristis wordis

Siche witnesse of holyw ritt is not chargid of bese freris, but

witnesse of her owne felowis, bat bei holden more ban Crist.

St. Jerome Speaks (Epist. xcviii . be said of the quotation that id

5 of the ‘anem Dominicum low s , purporting to be from the

quo Salvatoris Corpus ostenditur ;’

works of St. Augustine . For the

but the exact words



ven in the passage from St. Amb rose, see vol.

text do not appear to m anyof l. p. 379, aotehis genuine works. The same must


men shulen opinly trowe And bus Cristene men shalden

trowe bat holyChirche mut nedis stonde , but bis pope or best

prelatis we shulden not bileve to be of Cristis Ch irche but ;if

bei suen Crist in lyf, we shulden suppose bat bei ben of Cristis

membris, and if bei lyven contrarie to Crist, taken he. as be

fendis synagoge . And al bis bing shulde be taken binebe

bileve, for uncerteynte of be ende bat wole sue , b i priveyorde

naunce of God. And bus shame we of bis venym ,—if bis pope

determineb bus, banne it is comune b ileve bat Ech man owib to

trowe ,- for two popis shulden make two credis , and crede of

be Chirche shulde honge on be pope, and he moste nedelybe

saved, for he were God here in erbe. Dus crying of freris blyndibbe peple, and [bei] seien bat holyChirche seib bus, and determit as treube for false preestis and disseyved seien bat b i God

it is bus, and bus ech man owib to bileve. But axe bese freris

where it is gzoundid in comyn b ileve of be Chirche , and if bei

failen in bis point, have hem suspect as fendis children. And

bus knowe bow rigt b ileve, and stonde berhi to be deeb, andputte awm nh owen treube , and seie bat it maywel be sob,but put bee not to be deeb berfore ; but if rigt b ileve teche bee

bat it mut nedis be treube of God , bat bou shuldist trow e bi his

wille . On bis w ise shulde feib be purgid, and vertues groumfid

in be pepie . And bus, if men trowen in God , bei trow en wel

bat hem nedib, for banne bei trowen wele bat God is , and loven

him and her nei; bore . And bus in general crede b en con

teyned manytreubis bat us nedib not to dispute , but b ileve hemas unpertinent ; as in be creed of Atanasie and be c rede of be

Chirche ben expressid manytreubis bat men neden not bus to

trowe, but it is onest ordinaunce to men that God wole bat [bei]taken it.

And bus ech man shulde trowe bat God is bete r ban onyOber bing, and in generalte bileve alle be treubis bat God wole,and muse not in specialte aboute treubis bat God wole hide.

As God wole have hid fro bee wheber bou shalt be saved or

dampned, but he wole bat bou trowe,if bou b ileve in him to be

So Dryden in the R eligio Laici

Plain truths enough for need ful use they found ;But men w ould st tll b e itch ing to expound ;Bach was amb itions of the obscures t lac e.No measure ta


en from know led ge, from



Egressas j esus de Templo a

D18 gospel tellib mouche wisdom, bat is hid to manymen ;and speciali for bis cause, bat it is not al red in be Chirche.

But sib it is of evene auctorite wib ober gospels of Crist, and

of hid sentence and good, bat were profitable to be Chirche,sum men wolde seie it in her modir langage as bei cunucu.

And al gif bei witen wel bis text of b ileve, nebeles, be expown

yng is supposid b inebe b ileve, and bei ben redi to take mekeli

betere witt if it be taugte hem, and so forsake her owne witt,

gif onytechib bat it is fals.

j esus wente out (yfie temple and bise disciplis came to bim to

skave b im bilding qf fie temple. But be answer ide and seide to

bem Se ge alle fies fiingis e‘ Sofili, Y seie to gou,fier sbal not

a stoon be lef t bere upon a stonefiat ne it sbal be distryed. And

so it was er fiftygeer. But wbanne Cr i st sat upon fie mount ofOlyvete, b is disciplis camen pr ivyli to b im, and seiden, Seie to

us wbannefies fiingis skulen be, and wbat signe qf fii laste comyng,

and qf endinge of fie world. And j esus answeride, and seide to

bem, L ake gefiat noon diseme gou. For many sbulen come in myname and seie,fiat I am Cr ist, and fiei sbulen begile manymen.

For ge skulen beeren j igtingis and opynyouns of figtingis lokcfiat

ge be not disturblta'

,f or fies fiingis moten be done, but git i s notf ul

ende maad , for manybingis shulen falle aftir. A f olk sbal r i se

agens f olk, and remme sbal r ise agens remme, and fier sbal be

pestilencis, and bungre, and erfie-dene sbal be bi stedts and alle

Donne skulen men betraie gou in

3 We have alreadyhad a sem en of Many Martyrs in the Com

(No. LXXI I I .) upon this gospel. mune Sanctorum .

which is one of those for the feasts


tr ibulacioun,and sbulen bille ;ou and ;e sbulen be in hate to

allefi lk f or my name. And fianne sbulen manybe “b undrid,and sbulen bitraie togider , and bate bem togidir . And ma y/ab:

profetis s}:ulen r ise, and de'

segme manymen. And, f or waw

nesse sbal abouna’e,many mennis ebar ite sbal wex e coald. But

befiat sbal laste to fie ende, Ire sbal be soaj I Andfii sgospel of fierewme sbal be preelzid in at fie world, in witnesse to alle fol)and fianne sbal/u] ending come a.

It is seid ofte tymes bifore, how Crist leeveb to specific

comyng of be daie of dome. But he tellib of perils b ifore ; and

berfore trewe men in Crist shulden be wel paied of bis uncun

nyug, and be wel paied of knowing of be perils bat shulen be

bifore be ende of be world. For bobe bis cunnyng and bis un

cunnyng ben profitable to men, and Crist hab ordeyned hem

to be for oure good ; who shulde grutche ? It is seid, over bis,

bat fiftene perils bat Crist seib here, ben manypassid now, and

manyshulen contynue berafter. And we supposen bat Anti

crist, heed of alle bes yvelmen, shal be be pope . of Rome, and

of him Crist spekib here. And manypopia bat comen to be

Chicche ben 00 greet persone, be which is a greet kynde , and

hab manyw ickide lymes , as cardinalis, and newe ordris, and

manybat ben hirid b i hem. And bes newe ordris, and algatis

freris, ben clepid of Crist pseudo-

profetis. And herfore sum

men han travailid to discryve a pseudo frere for it is certein

bat be pope wib hise wingis distrieb be Chirche , and is rote of

bes synnes, and of perilis now in bis world. And it is certein

of b ileve bat Crist hnewe bis everemore ; and kyndenesse , wibcharite , shulden meeve C rist to telle bis . But no man can telle,

Y gesse , what wordis of C rist wenten neer bis mater, ban wordis

bat ben in bis chapiter, which semen best bus to be aplied.

I t is knowun of b ileve, bat Petir, wib his successouris , shulde

sue C rist in bes bree , for ellis bei weren Anticrist, to take falseli

bis name, and do algatis agens it. Dei shulden be moost poremen , and moost meke men in Spirit, and moost profite to

Cristis Chirche , for so d ide Peter in Cristis name. But jugeThis version. though by no versions . For instance, it keeps to

means identicalw ith that tn Sermon the ‘

erbe dene'

instead of ‘erbe

LXXI I I W is yet on the whole nea rer moving.’

as in those versions .

I to it than to either of the Wyclifli te

and the mostselfish and


in ypocrisie. And so anentis bis mekenesse bis pope oon

trarieb to Crist ; and bus he semeb to be Anticrist for be

secounde condicioun.

And as anentis be bridde condicioun , bat is, profitinge to be

Chirche, sib it shulde be goostli profitinge, groundid in vertues,

noo drede sich an ypocrite doib moost harm to be Chirche.

And if he parte benefices, and ordeyne ongt b i his lawe, it

smatchib aftir symonie and crokib fro C ristis lawe and bis is

no profiting, but harmyng to Cristis Chirche ; for coveitise

and pride mooven him to siche workis. But it is b idding of

Crist to gyve freeli, as men token, and to do good pryvyli, for

to quenche ypocrisie. And so, if bes bre condiciona be wel

examyned in Crist and Petir, and be liif of bis pope be treulyexamyned bi hem, he is an Open Anticrist among alle be sinful

men in erbe.

And bus semeb bat Crist meenede, whanne he spekib besewordis Wbanne 3c sbulen .se abbominaa

oun of disconf or t, teld

of Danielfieproj ete, stonding infie boli place befiat redrfi undir

stonde be. Sum men undirstonden bis word, bat Crist wolde

telle to his disciplis bat be dai of dome shulde not be b ifore bat

bis pope rengnede bus—and whan men seen bis rengnyng,

rede bei bis gospel and undirstonde it. First, he stond ib in

holi place ; for he seib bat he is C ristis viker and Petris felowe.

and passibmyche ober apostlis of Crist. For if a prest reprove

him, as pore Poul reprovede Petir, he wolde not take it as dide

Petir,but dampne bis preest to be brent. So be state bat he

stondib inne shulde be holi, if it were wel ; and more abbo

minacioun was nevere , ban an ypocrite to stonde bus, and lyve

bus contrariouslyto C rist, for he is worse ban obir fendis. For,

sib bat Bernard seib wela , bat an unwise kyng in his rewme is

an ape in be roof of be halle , for propirtees bat fallen to him,

mouche more sich a pope, maad as heed of holi Chirche , is a

fend in mannis bodi, and disturblib albe Chirche . And sib synne,among obit bingis, is moost abhominable to God , and ypocri sie,among obere synnes, is moost abhominable to treube, Crist clepibwisell bis synne abbominacioun it silf. For synne , abhominable

5 De Considera tion , lib ii. cap. 7 . Simia in tecto. rex fatuus in solno


I N TH E C H I R C H E .

to God, shulde be abhominable to men. And bis is a dis

confort to be goostli igen of trewe men ; for if we benken how

ba t C rist helpide his Chirche goostli, and put his liif for his

Chirche , to bringe it to fredom,it were a greet disconfort to

se a fend sitte in Cristis stede, and live and do contrariousli

to be dedis bat Crist dide. For as a good heed doib confort

to be meyne of bis heed, so a foul, abbominable heed doib dis

confort to his meyne. And so it were more disconfort to ban

sich an heed in be Chirche, ban to have an heed of a dragonn

or an eddir.

pis witt undirstondib Crist bi bes wordis, as we supposen.

And, b i oure protestacioun b ifore8, we wolen mekeli amende

bis, or a; en-calle bis, if we ben tau3t bat it is fals. But quyk

resoun, or auctorite, shulde meeve men to Goddis witt. As

many foolis arguen here bat if Crist badde bis witt he wolde

have said more Opynli to profit of his Chirche,—but here we

seien bat Crist spekib ofte, bobe in be eelde lawe and in be

newe , derkli to manymen, for be profite of his Chirche. For,

b i be lore of Austin, Crist wole bat men have mede for to tra

veile for Goddis lawe, and to seke be witt berof ; and men can

not disprove bat ne sich witt, hid for a tyme, profitib to Cristis

Chirche , as dampnynge of men profitib. But git Anticrist

grutchib here, and seib, bis witt is not confermed bi holi doc

tours of Goddis lawe ; whi shulde it not be dispisid for defaute

of good ground ? But here we seien bat manyw ittis, which

ben hid in Goddis lawe , weren unknowun to bes doctours.

Whi my3te not God hide bis witt, til bat be malice of bese popesmeevede men to undirstonde it ? And here we axen of Anti

crist, to what Crist spak bes wordis ; and putte he his witt bi

ouria, and disprove ouris if he can, and prove be his contrarie

witt byresoun or autorite. Welmen witen b i bileve , bat siche

popis synnen moche ; and sich synnes, longe gedrid, moten

algatis have a foul ende. Whi shulde not oure Lord Jesus

These words mayperhapsmerely before the pope’

s delegates , of his

refer to the language of the o ning willingness to retract any errors

paragraph of this tract. ut it that he might be 0 have

seems at least equally likely that fallen into . SeeWyclifmeant to refer to the public Wye

-Ii] . p.59.

protestation, which he made in 1378

ls. ll. a


telle profecie of bis synne ? But git Anticristis clerkis grutchen

agens bis witt seid here , and seien, bat Danyel be profeto

bou3te nobing of bes popis ; how shulde bis profecie be re

ferred to bese men, sib bis holi man Danyel was a profete of

be eelde lawe ? But here be fendis procuratour shewib opinli

his folie. For Crist, bat mai neiber erre ne synne , lymytib bis

word to be newe lawe ; and sib Danyel teelde of C rist, how

bat he shulde be deed , whi mygte he not make profecie of

bingis bat shulden falle to Cristis Chirche ? pus be patriark

Jacob prophecide of be tyme of grace. And b ishopis , but

algatis be pope, shulden knowe bobe Goddis lawes ; and bis

token bei beren on hem, whanne bei hilen hem wib hir mytir

And bus Crist and Danyel, of be newe lawe and be elde , tellen

bobe bis profecie , but to what w itt, ober ban is se id ?Aftir seib Crist bat, panne men fiat ben in j udeJ le fiei to billis.

And be fiat is in fie bous , come be not doun to tabe ougt of bi:

bouse and be fiat is in fie f eeld turne be not agen to tabe bi s

coote. pes wordis of C rist ben mysty, but bei ben ful goode,

and ful of witt and counceil, whoso coude undirstonde hem.

But preie we to Cn st, w isdom of be Fadir, bat he gyve us

w itt of hem , if he like , to oure profite . But ; it w e undir

stonden bus, stondinge oure protestacioun , bat bese men ben in

Jude bat b en prestis of C ristis Chirche ; for Judea is confes

sioun b , and bes preestis shulen principali confesse Jesus C ristin word and in liif. pese preestis shulden flee to hillis , for

to take ensaumple of holi preestis bat weren b ifore, and lyveden

pore liif of almesse, and speciali to be hi3e hil, [at is JesusCrist, how he livede bis pore lif, al if he were in be heigbe of

hillis,and alle men shalflowe to him, as Ysaie seib.

pe secounde part of be chirche is seculer lordis, and be i ben

The tw o horns. or points , of the

mitre. a re emblematic both of the

two tes taments , and of the tra

d itionalhorns on the head of M oses .

Acco rd ing to and (Kircben-Lex rcon), the form of episcopal

consecration in the Roman Chm ch

conta ins the follow ing passage :‘ Imponimus , Domine , capiti hujusantistitis et agonistae tuae galcam

munitionis et salutis , qua tenus deco

rata facie e t armato capite cormbus

u tr zusque testamenti terrib ilis ap a real

adversarirs veritatis .

The a i us ion

to the lucid issima cornua’

on the

face of Moses follow s .

b St. Jerome explains Juda to

mean lauda tio, sive confessio.

Gen. xxix. 35.


and wanten love of Goddis lawe, and tellen more b i be popis

lawe ban b i be lawe of Jesus Crist.For, as bei seien untreuli, be pope is evene wibPetir in power,

but who shulde untrowe Petris sentence ? sib his wri ting is

bileve. Men bat han love of Crist, and so hete of somer tyme,

witen wel bat Petir badde power and witt for to write b ileve ;

and bis power and bis witt wanten to preestis after apostlis.

For Poul badde passingli bis power, for to knowe b ileve of be

Chirche ; for bis keye badde Poul more ban Petir , or Ober batCrist wolde not gyve bis witt but power is evene in preestis

to assoile men of her synnes. And so alle goode popis have

evene power to teche be weyto hevene , and to asso ile men bat

ben contrit, for God assoilib alle sich first. And manypointis

of Goddis privywitt hadden Poul and Joon, bat Petir wantide ;and alle bes writeris of Goddis lawe hadden autorite of God to

be scrib is of Goddis word, be which autorite wantib to preestis

aftir. And so men shulden specifie power and cunnynge bat

ben in preestis ; for in summe be apostlis passen , and in summe

bei ben evene wib obir.

And bes men fieen in Saboth bat tellen to mouche bybe

pOpis lawe , and trowen to cerymonies berof, as it were law e of

Jesus C rist. For it is knowun bing to men bat oure Saborh is

turned to Sunday. And, as be i seien, be pope ordeyneb bat bus

be Saboth shulde be turned ; and men of be chapitre lawe

chargen more traveile on be Sondaie ban bei done a deedli

synne , done banne or in obir tyme . pes two men ben en

combrid to helpe hemsilf to flee bis peril, bat wanten hete of

charite and tellen to moche b i mannis lawe .

And fianne sbal be greet tr ibulacioun , wba t manere w as ner'


bef ore f rofie bigynnyng of fie world, no sbal be done aflir . And

but gy'

fies da ies sbulen be abr eggid, fier sbulde not be saved ecb

fleisb , bat God hab ordeyned to blis ; butf or cbosen men sbulen

fies da ies be abr cggzd . Here men benken bat Crist spekib of

tribulacioun of soule , for men shulen be oblishid to be peyne of

helle for synnes bat bei shulden do ; and vertues shulden be

binne sowen or usid in C ristis name . Bileve shal be exilid , and

in stede berof shal be take bis eresie , bat be pope mai not

synne ; but whatever bat he feyneb to hynde or unbynde , it shal

w r cmr .


b e so in hevene ; for Crist mut nedis assente to him. And in

sted e of hOpe of blisse shulen men hope bis popis helpe, summein fatt beneficis, and sum in gifte of croiserie , and sum in con

fe rmyng of be pope , and sum men in cursyng of her enemyes .

And al bis shal be bou3t, as who b ieb an oxe or a cow. And,

as anentis charite , it shal be turned to love ofmoney. And for

sich hevylove of fieish and of worldli goodis, shal manymen

be killid and moo dampned to helle. Men han herd’

of batels

b itwixe rewme and rewme, but so general striif 8 as now is

among manyrewmes was nevere herd b ifore fro b igynnyng of

be world. For ai oure west lond is wib bat oo pope or bat obir ;and he bat is wib bat oon, hatib be tobir, wib alle hise . And git

ipocritis feynen bat al bis is for charite and bis ypocrisie is

worse ban bat ober synne b ifore , for bis world growib in synne

fro yvel to worse . But bis tyme shal be short, as Crist seib, batmai not lye . For as alle moten nedis be saved whom C rist habordeyned to blis, so bis tyme mote nedis be short, to helpe hem

bat ellis wolden perishe , and so,not ech bat God hab ordeyned

to be saved shulde come to blis. And so God mut nedis

ordeyne sum remedie in be meenes ; for as fier wolde ever

brenne, stondinge be mater of fier, so synne wolde ever growe ,

but ; if Crist wibdrou; be mater. And bus God mut nedis put

fier and synne in helle , and departe hem from holynesse bat he

hab ordeyned on obir side. And bus , sib b ileve techibmen bat

bese wordis moun not be fals, and Crist himsilf b iddib men bat

reden hem undirstonde hem, what men of rigt bileve shulde not

undirstonde bis gospel?

And Crist medlib medecine for bis tri bulacioun , be which

expowneb sum weye be w itt of bis gospel. For Crist seib, batmai not lye , pan, zf ony sbal seie to3ou ,

L o, bere is Cr ist, or fiere,

trowe ;e it not. And b i bes wordis benken trewe men, sib Crist

tellib here ground of bis harm , and C rist tellib bat men shulen

t ‘The vanityra ther than the in decease , of Bened ict the Thirteenth .

w est of the nation determined the Rome and the rincipal states of

and the clergyof France. The I taly. Germany, ortugal. England ,

states of Savoy.Sicily, Cyprus , Ar the Low Countries . and the kingragon , C astile. Navarre , and Scot doms of the North. adhered to the

land. were inclined bytheir example prior election of Urban the Six

and authority to the obedience of Gibbon'

s Decline and Fall, ch. lxx .

Clemm t the Seventh, and. after his

SM OKE. VOL. I ] .


holde , summe bat here is Crist, and ober men ba t bere is Crist,in hem bat feynen hem Cristis vikeris shal al bis diseencioun

rise . For as Grekes han seid b ifore bat bei han be rigt bileve,

and in be Chirche of Rome is errour , for synne bat rengneb in

be pope , so seien bese Sarasynes bat Cristene men han fals

b ileve ; and Jewis seien also of Cristene men bat be i ben fals.

for bei trowun not in Crist, ne suen him as be i shulden do. For

if bei wolden lyve in vertues, as Crist lyvede and taugt to lyve,

bei shulden have pees among hemsilf, and obir men wolden

turne to hem. But now be moste falshede and synne of be

world is in be pope , bat feyneb bat he is Cristis viker, and moost

holyman bat lyveb and bus comeb divisioun to be las te , ifGod

wole. For sum men seien bat here is be pope in Avynoun, for

he was well chosen ; and sum men seien bat he is gundis at

Rome , for he was first chosen 0. And no man of b ileve , bat

trow ib bat Crist is al witti, shulde untrowe bat ne C rist tellibhere of bese dyvysiouns ; and bat be pope , bat feyneb him viker

of Crist, is a greet cause of alle bese divisiouns. And as he

gabbib on C rist and him, bat Crist lyvede bus, and taugte him,

and bad him for to do bus b i auctori te of Crist, bat defendibhim from alle men, so C rist bad him to defende dow ing of be

Chirche , and clcpe it patrimonie of C rist bat was don on be

crosse. Sich blasfeme gabbingis , bat ipocritis maken agens

C rist and his law e , disturblen be Chirche . And as Jes us in be

elde lawe was clepid passingli C rist, for he was a gree t profete

to help men and save men, so bes popis seien now , bat bi

graunt of hem bei ben passingli Crist ; for be i passen ob e r

preestis , as be sunne doib be moone . And so C rist se ib sobli,

bat manyshulen come in his name and seie bat, I am C rist, and

disseyve moche folk.

And C rist tellib bus be cause of bis word ; per sbulen r ise,

seib C rist, pseudo Cr istis and pseudo-propbetis, and fiei sbulen p e e

grete tokenes , and woundr is fierw ifi ,so fiat, {f it ma i be, men be

br ougt into er ror, ; be,fie cbosen of God but bis laste mai not be .

gun k !“ Bi be se pseudo

-C ristis , and b i bese pseudo-

profe tis , undirsts and

This pas sage proves the treatise to have been w ritten w ithin the

ponttfica te of Urban, A .D. t378 1389 .


And here trewe men benken bat Crist gyveb a good rule to

avoide sich feynyngis. Whanne bat bei shulen come, posse

men not to hem ,but take hede to her groundinge ; and, if 16

prove not bat it is bileve , loke bat bei avoide it on a war manere.

As sum men seien here , bat bei wolden fayu trowe bis, if bei

wisten bat it were b ileve , or her wittie taugte hem bis , or resoun

approude it ; but bei seen noon of bes bree , and so bei dar not

assente to bis, lest bei be ledde in falshede agens be renle of

Crist. And of bis men han two ober reulis, bat helpen hem in

bis liif. Oon, bat wheber pope men nennen, bei b ileven not but

he is Cristis viker, and so bei wolen neiber figte ne fiite in bis

cause bat is uncertein. But as Grekis and obir strangeris ben

here in pees, and leeten foolis figte , so trewe men ben here in

pees, and neiber wolen fi3te here ne dispende . For bis were

a fendis cause, to figte and prove bis to be Cristis viker ; sibCrist wolde not bat men fougten for him ; and who woot wheber

bis be a fend ?

pe bridde reule bat men usen here, [and] puttib manymento reste ; bei delen not wib bes newe ordris, but supposen hem

heretikes,be bei mounkes

,be bei freris ; for bei grounden hem

not on resoun ,but bei ben newe b inebe b ileve , and suspect for

many cansis. And so ben alle bes prelatis bat han posses

sions in be name of Crist. And neiber cursingis ne b lessingis

of sich ben chargid of bese trewe men. And if be i hadden

many felow is to holde bis, and binge bat sneb, it w ere a weie

to b ringe in be firste ordenance of Crist. For C rist b iddib us

not b ileve to sich preestis whatever bei seien. How shulden

men 3eve hem goodis or commune w ib hem in word or dede ?

And C rist b iddib of himsilf bat men shulden trowe to hise

workes . And bus men shaken freris awey as Etnycus'l or

publicans ; and algatis sib bei wolen not gyve her fe ib undir her

comun seel,and putte it bi oure elde feib, bat trowib bat be

sacrid boost is Goddis bodi in forme of b reed, as C rist se ib.But

,for C rist hab teeld in maner of his comyng to be laste

doom , he tellib more of bis laste comynge, how it shulde be

sw iftli. As fie ligtnyzzge eomefi outf rofie eest, and appenfi untofie

fl Ethnicus tn the Vulgate , Matt. xviii I 7 .


west, so sbal be comyng cy’

mannis sone tofie dai qf dome. And

w b erever fie bodi be, sbulen fie eglis be gedr id. And anoon,

tr ibulacioun of fio daies , sbal fie sunne be ma d derb, and fie

moone sbal not gyve bir ligt, and ster r is sbulen f alle f ro bevene,and ver tues (ybevene sbulen be mooved. Andfianne sbal seme a

tokene (y’

mannis sone in bevene and fianne allefie bynredis offie

land sba l sorew for her synnes ; and fiei sbulen see mannis sone

comyng infie cloudis of bevene w zfi a moebe vertue and w ib maj este.And be sbal sende bise angels w zfi a trampe and a greet vois and

fiei sbulen gadere Cr isti s obasenef romfourW is of bevene,f rofieb i3esteplaee of bevenes untofie eendis of bem. Of fie j ige tree lerne

3e fie parable, Wbanne fie br aunebe (y'

it is tendr e, and fie leeves

br ode, 3e w iten fiat somer is ui3. So and ;e, wbanne 3c sbulen

se alle fiesefiingis , w ile 3efiatfie comynge is ny; in gatis. Sofili,I seie to gou,fi is bynrede sbat not passen til alle fiingis be doon.

Hevene and erpe sbulen passe, but my wordis sbulen not passe

aw eie. Of fiat da i no man woot, ne fie aungels of bevenes, butfie

f adir cloone. But, as it was in da ies of Noe

,so sbal be eomyng of

mannis sone. For as fiei weren in da ies bi/ bre fie gr eetflood,eg'nge and dr inbynge, weddinge and takinge to w edde, to fiat da ie

fiat Noe wente into fie sbip, and fiei bnewen not til fieflood earn,

and took awei bem alle so sbal befie comyng (ymannis sone to

pes wordis ben treuli undirstonden of be dai of dome, but git

bei ben ful derk, as oure Lord wole mesure hem. I t is seid

comunli bat Crist shal come doun in haste , in cloudis of be eir,

as he wente up in cloudis . And here men donten comunli,

wheber bat Crist shal come into be valeyof Josaphath or into

obit place of be eir. And it semeb bat Crist wolde bat bis witt

were bus knowun to men, bat wherever his bodi were, shulden

be gedrid men bat shulden be saved. And bes men ben clepid

eglis, for her hi; lyf in hevene ; and it is liklybat bis shal be in

be e ir , and dampned men in erbe . And Cri st shal come in his

bodi, wib tokenes of his passioun ; and beimoun be in sotil bodi,and after be severid as he wole . Greet multitude of aungels of

hevene shal come wib Crist to bis doom, and alle be spirits of

men in hevene shulen take hem able bodies. Dis trumpingeshall be moving togidere of bodies of men fro eest, west, north



and south, as Crist himsilf hab ordeyned. But muse we not

wheber bis trumpe shal be of bras or of silver, or it shal be an

horn,and be left here in erbe . Sich wordis ben sobeli spoken

here , to make men drede be daie of dome ; for he is not on

Goddis half bat dredib not bis jugement.It semeb bi bis text of bis gospel, bat soone aftir be higeste

of Anticrist shal be bis daie of dome, wib signes bat C rist tellibhere . But we dar not take of bis text, bat fiftene ; eer bifore

shal be shewid fiftene tokenes to warne men of bis dai ; but

alle be signes bat Crist tellib here mai be in an hour or lasse.

De sunne mai be derkkid heter bi fumes bat shal cleer be erbe,and ; it it mai be b ri3ter, aftir bat be prophete se ib. De moonemai be to men in erbe al derk, or hid to hem , and ; it aboven,

in cleer ligt, be bri3t, as be prophete seib. De fallinge of be

sterres fro hevene mai be visiouns in be eir, bat bod ies glorified

shulen shewe in comynge doun to du pned men . Movyngof vertues of hevenes, shal be of God in hise aungels , bat shulen

gadere be bodies ofmen, and teche men whiche bei shulen have.

And muse we not whet alle men shulen be of 00 sta ture banne,or wheber ech shal have bat bodi bat he badde here in erbe.We ben sikir of b ileve , bat it shal be at bat dai as it is best for

to be , or as men shulen w illen bat shulen be saved ; and among

dampned men shal be sovreyn rigtwisnesse. And muse we not

wheber a] be filbe bat now is in bis world shal b e banne gaderidin helle , and medlid w ib fier to punishe men. Des foure wyndis

bat C rist spekib of moun be foure mevyngis of be e ir, in which

mennis bodies shulen be moved , to ech man to take his bodi.

And bis mai be sonner doen ban it is spoken now o f us biz

borers . And alle be meedful bougtis of hevenes , bat goode

men hadden,shulen be gaderid, and also voyu bougtis of obit

men ; and be fruytis of bes bongtis shulen be meritis or deme

ritis . And ri3t as God makib al in mesure , so speciali it is of

bes men . For if a fige tree be shapen here to his fruyt and to

his cende , moche more is mankynde shapen to be ende bat

God hab ordeyned . And so ,whanne saved men ben redi in

noumb re and in qualitees , shulen also dampned men ben redi

to take be ordenaunce of God ; for bis tyme mai laste no longer.

ne bis dome be de fe rrid .


Twof emalis sbulen be grynding at a gueerne fie toon sbal be

taken andfie tofiir lef t. Tzoo sbulen be infie bedde fie toon sbal

be taken and fie tofiir lefl. It is seid comunli, bat Crist partibhere mankynde in bree partis ; and ech of hem Crist dividib in

two partis be oon part shal be take to hevene , and be tobir

part shal be left to peyne . Sum men ben ordeynours of menais

state here m erbe and bes men ben m be feeld ; and sum men

of bes shulen be saved, and sum men of hem shulen be dampned, after bat bei have served here. De secound part is lower,

bat is b itokened of wymmen ; and bis part is laboreris , and obi:

bat traveilen in peyne. And sum of bes shulen be saved , as

innocentis and trewe workmen, and sum men of bes shulen be

dampned, as bes bat ben not baptisid bi baptym of be Holi

Goost, and ben unworbi to be saved. De bridde part of mankynde is divided in two part is. Sum men lyven contemplatif

liif, as bese bat resten in her bed, and have oile of hevenli

bingis ; and al bes shal be saved. And sum men lyven a

bougtful liif, and resten in beir bed fro workis, but bei benkennot on hevenli bingis, or ellis hem wantib devocioun. And siche

ben manycalkelatours, and astronomye and obir sciencis. Defirste of bes ben taken to hevene , and be tobir ben left to helle .

And herfore Crist biddzfi us wabe, f or we buaw an not w bat

boure oure L ord is to come. Dal fiinge w ile ;e wel, fiat if fie

bosebonde man w iste wbat bour fie fieef were to come,cer tis be

wolde wake,and suf r e b im not to myne b is bous . And fierflre

be ;e redi f or wbat boure fiat 3e gesse not,mannis sone is to

tome. Wbo, gessist fiou ,

is trewe servaunt and war, wbam bi s

L ord bafi put above bi s meyne, fiat be gyve bem mete in aw eP

Blessid be fiat servant, wbom, wbanne b i s lord sbal come,sbal

fynde so doinge. Sofieli , I seie to gou , f or upon alle b i se goodir

be sbalput/e b im. But gf fiisyvel servaunt sbal seie in b i s ber te,lily lord mabzfi dwelling f or to come and if be gynne to smyte

fie lordis ser vaunti s fiat ben w zfi b im,and if be etc and drynbe

w zfi dr unken men fie lor d of fiat servaunt sbal come in fie da i

fia t be b rwzfi not,and in boa r fiat be bnow zfi not

,and sbal depa rte

b im, and be sbalput bis par t w tfiypocr iti s fier sbal be weg


and gna sting (yteefi .

Dis laste word , unexpowned bifore , is dredeful to prelatis.


For as be servant is blessid of God bat feedib goostli his

sugettis, so bat prelat is cursid of God bat faillib in bis foode .

And he smytib hise b reberen bat dwellen servantis wib him ;for alle men here in erbe ben togider Goddis servantis ; and

he smytib hise breberen oo manere or obir. For algif summe

woode preestis leeven for to preche, and ban joie to fi3te, bobein her owne persone , and to lede men to fi3te , nebeles ober

prelatis smyten her breberen goostli, not oonli for bei spollen

her goodis and lordshipis bat bei shulden have , but besemehlis of pore men bei ravishen from hem, and biden hem ;

and algatis bei smyten be soule , whanne be i done injurie to

men,whanne bei wibdrawun preching and service bat bei

shulden do. And so ber worldli liif, bat lettib sich service,

is moche worse banne a strooke upon be cheke wib an hand ;for be face of be soule is more worbe ban be face of be bodi,and so smytinge in be soulis face is worse ban bodili smytinge.

And bus b iddib Crist, If a man smyte bee in be goostli cheke,for love of be bodili cheke, ;yve him be tober ; for losse of

bodili goodis is lesse ban losse of goostli goodis ; and bus manyb ishOpis smyten her sugettis. And bes foolis weenen bat bei

do wel in dowing of her chirches ; but love of worldli goodis

hab maad hem over drunken, for her w ittis ben undisposid to

perceyve hevenli goodis. And alle bese drunken prelatis sein

in her bertis bat Crist dwellib longe b ifore he come to be dome ;and berfore in be meene tyme bei shulen lyve as be world axib,and take gladnesse of be world aftir her astaat. Certis, bes

ipocritis ben out of b ileve ; for bei shulden trowe bat her spirit

shal ever be ; and sib be dai of doom mote nedis be sum tyme ,

bei mut come to rekenyng, as Crist tellib here. And dwellinge

of bis juge tellib bat her peyne is more ; for a darte bat comebof fer smytibmore grevouseli. And bis daie comeb as faste as

onytyme mai come ; for no tyme mai come swiftlier ban comebech tyme . Oo tyme comeb bifore snober, but noon faster banober. And him faillib b ileeve , as beest, bat takib not bing but

bat is now . And herfore seib Moises : Biside us is be dai of

losse , and tymes hasten to be present. For sib al tyme bat

shal be is present to God, wite we wel bat be dai of dome

comeb certeinli and swiftli. Dese prelatis of be world eten and


drynken wib drunken men ; for bei kepen to have no ser

vauntis, but men bat ben riche to be world ; ne have speche

wib ober men, but wib rich men and worldli. And herfore

be fadir of be freris techib hem to wexe riche , and to feyne

her povert in ech persone, but to grounden riche sse in be

greet persoone0, and bere bei resten more falseli and more

sinfulli agens Goddis lawe ban if bei weren in a simple persone.

And alle bes men ben drunken ; but more bes ipocritis ban

obir. And bis drunkenesse of hem makib hem not to hOpe

comyng of be dai of dome, ne our of her deeb ; and so bis tyme

moot nedis come unwarly to hem. And at be day of dome

shalGod departe bis prelat fro men bat shal be saved , as kidis

ben departid fro sheep ; and his part of be jugement shal be

wib ypocritis. For al if alle dampnede ben ipocritis , git ypo

crisie is more in preestis, bat feynen her staat hier ban it is in

worldli men ; and herfore of her owne moub bei shulen be

dampned depper ban ober.Lord ! who mai be depper dampned ban shulen be bese

false popis ? For bei seien bat bei ben moost blessid , and git

bei grounden alle synnes of be Chirche ; for bei consenten to

werris and to w rong liif of seculers ; and alle be synne s bat

prelatis done bei autorisen ,as beedis berof. And obir meede

han bei noon,but worldli goodis getun b i symonie ; and bes

goodis shulen not helpe hem at be dreedful daie of doom.

And bus bese newe ordris ben groundid in ypocrisie for alle

her signes serven of nougt, bat bei han over Cristis reule,but

to crie her holynesse over ober worldli men . And sib bei

mygten be as hooly w ibouten sich feyned signes, e iber bei

moten in hoolynesse passe disciplis of Crist, or ellis her signes

ben false , and hemsilf ben ypocritis. And herfore C rist clepibso ofte bes Farisees , ypocritis , and seib here bat false prelatis

shal have her part w ibypocritis. And so it is lieli to men bat

bes ipocritis shal be deppist dampned .

Obir wordis of bis gospel ben expowned in ober places . But

here men grutchen agens be w itt bat here is govun to bis gospel,and speciali herfore , bat it sowneb agens be pope , and so agens

Wyclif employs the phrase‘

greet persone in the sense in w hich we

now say corpora tion .


tellib moost bi, ban shulde be Chirche of Crist be severid fio

hebene men ; but now men ben hebene in soule , and cm

ordre stondib wibouten , in signes ; and bis is more horrible

ban if mennis skyn were taken of hem.

To be secounde resoun bat is ma d, trewe men seien on bis

manere. Dei graunten bat be Chirche hinobe hab an heed, batis Crist, heed of aungelis and of men, alle bat weren , or shulen

be saved ; and we doren not putte two beedis, lest be Chirche

were monstrous. But wel we witen bat Crist wolde ordeyne

ever more oon beter ban anobir to wende to hevene b i his

lawe , as he dide Petir for a tyms and if he ordeyne manyfelowis to helpe Peter, as he dide Poul, so mouche more ben

men holden to God. And bis reversib not his ordenaunce ; for

ech apostle badde in his contre pleyn power, wib helpe of C rist,

so bat noon badde nede of Petir, to renne and be oonfermyd

of him . And if ony seie be reverse , lete him prove it bi

autorite ; for resoun faillib in bis mater, to prove bis bing batmen dremen. And so Petir was not heed of be Chirche, but

a capteyn of be Chirche. And certis werriouris wolen scorne

bis resoun , bat if a man be capteyn , he is heed. Petir was

capteyn for a tyme , and aftir him was Poul capteyn ; and berwas noo striif in bis , which of hem shulde be capteyn ; for hem

fel noo worldli wynnyng, but more traveil axibmore blis . And

so, if men wolca not be apis, but speke b i ful sim ilitude , bei

moten maken pore staat of be Chirche , as it was in Pe tris tyme,and in bat forme bat Crist chees Petir, chees an ab le man as

was Petir . But al be world wole skomo bis skile , bat if C rist,

bobe God and man , chees Petir b i pure Goddis lawe , banne

be cardinalis aftir shulden cheese a feend bi pure mannis lawe.

Certis, neiber bese cardinalis cheesen oon able as Petir was,

no ordeyne him to be pore , as Crist ordeynede alle hise apostlis.

And where C rist seig, in his Fadir, who was moost able of his

apostlis, bes cardinalis loken b i her lawe who is moost mygti to

be world ; and bus bese two elecciouns goen even b i contra rie

weies and over lew id is bat lawyer bat seeb not bis diversite .

To be bridde seien trewe men, bat be first word and be

secounde ben sobe but bes blynde bussardis moten knowen

first what is C ristis Chirche. Dere ben bree Cristis chirchis ;


oon bat hab vencussid, and is above ; anobir bat slepib in pur

gatorie ; and neiber of bes az ib sich a pope ; but be bridde is

figting here ; and bis wib obit axen Crist her heed . And which

of bese is moost pore, moost meke , moost servisable, is capteynof herb bi be jugement of be Heed above. And bus shulden

men leve worldli pryde and worldli lawis in bis mater, and

triste algatis to Goddis lawe, and traveile not to chese sich

a pope ; for bis name is new foundun, and ablid wib chesing of

him And bus, for alle bes wanten ground, Cristene men

shulden dispise hem ; sib alle bes cheseris cannot telle wheber

bei han chose a fend, or wheber be i ben partis of holi Chirche ,

or be pope bat bei chesen. And so it were a greet folie to

traveile for to chese bus, sib bei witen not wheber bei plesen

God, or done agens him and his Chirche. And bus to traveile

in sich doute, where men mygten sureli traveile in certein, were

folie wibouten ground, and nevere bedun of oure Lord. And

bis movebmanymen to fie alle sich eleccions, sib bei witen not

wheber it plese God. And men trowen bat bis movede Petir,wib obir apostlis of Jesus Crist, to chese Mathi bi lott, as tellib

be book of apostlis dedis ; for bei witen nere wheber it were

good banne to lceve bis, and seie her Pater Noster but no man

abulde do ongt, but bing bat he were certein inne. For as it is

folie to chese be worse, so it is folie to chese be uncerteyn.

Dese cheseris wolen be even wib Crist ; berfore her folie doibhem harm. And so be Chirche shulde be wel governed, if it

tristide hooli in Crist, and made not sich elecciouns wibouten

his revelacion. But now men wolca governe be Chirche wibouten autorite of Crist, and bi her newe lawis cheese oon heed,

and do her dedis ; and bus Crist wole chese a viker, al if alle

bes goen doun to helle. And anentis bes newe lawis and

ordinance of be pope , it were beter bat bei slepten and restiden

in Goddis lawe. For alle bese popia, wib her cardinalis, kan

unnebis undirstande Goddis lawe ; how shulden bei maken

uncertein newe lawis, bat Crist shulde b idde ? For certis, if bei

don augt bat Crist doib not bifore hem, bei worchen agen Crist

be fendis work, to her harm.

That is,—derives the powers which are associated with it merelyfromthe election itself.


To be fourbe resoun, men answeren and seien bat bese menwiten not wheber onyman of Cristis Chirche wolde assente to

bis court ; and if ony wole assente , grounde he him and

answere here, how he woot bat God wole bis, or contrarie bat

he doib, and how mygte bis be wiseli don ; for certis bis fool

woot nevere . And sib ber ben fewe wise men, and foolis ben

wibouten noumbre , assent ofmore part ofmen makib evydence

bat it were foli. For as multitude of wise men is confermynge

of her dede, so more multitude of foolis is evydence bat bei

done yvel. And liclybis court wolde dampne men bat speken

bus agens hem ; but Crist wolde save hem to blis, if bei sufl’


bis in pacience. And bes foolis cannot seie whet mo men ben

wib us in bis point ; but of aungels be we certein ; and lieli mo

men of Inde , of Sarasyns, and of Grekes, and of Jewis , and

goode Cristene men, wolden seie bat bis sentence were sobe.

And however bat men seien, Cristis lawe and resoun wole not

faile ; and so,if men sekon wel, men shulden fiynde bat it mai

not be proved bat it is resonable to have sich a pope . For

nobing shulde prove it but oon of bes bree ,—over ligt undir

stonding ofword is of C rist,— evydence of mannis law e , bat errib

bus in chesing,- or custume , wib opynyoun of a mouche peple.

But noon of bes mai prove ougt, al if bei moun blynde men .

De first hab noonevydence gif C rist chees Petir and succes

sours of him to lyve aftir C ristis lawe , banne be cardinalis shulen

chese whom ever hem likib to lyve contrarie Inf, and do how

ever hem likib. As anentis be secounde , it were a foul bing toprove errour b i errour, where is a greet diversite and be rfore

bes spekeris shulden justifie first mannis lawe , and after shewe

be sufiicience of be similitude . De bridde maner of proof

is knowun to feble ; for many shrewid custumes and false

mennis opynyouns proveb not her entent, but tellen more

errour ; as , if Iyndis or Sarasyns, Grekis or Jewis , han bisopynyoun ,

it is not berfore sob.

And here moun be skilis maad to prove bis sentence . C rist

ordeynede not in be Chirche , but bat bat he w itness ide in his

lawe ; but C rist w itnesside not in his lawe sich chesing of be

pope ; banne Crist ordeynede not in his Chirche sich chesing of

be pope . And nebeles men seien here, bat in vertue of be

taken bya

e a rightuse of the


chargibmen wib service as mouche as bei han power to ; but

bus takib [be pope] bis unfoundid staat ; and berfore C rist or

deynede it never. De pope takib on him power and cunnyng,

for to governe albis world, bobe in spiritualte and temporalte, as

moche as fallib to wynne hevene but git he leveb to preche be

gospel, and bat is moost bat Cri st had ever. And herfore Crist

bad Petir bries to fede his lambren and hise sheep ; and noo

drede Crist undirstood of foode of poverte and ofmekenesse.

For, as Petir tellib aftir , he hab neiber gold as silver.

If we goen speciali bi manydedis of be pope , we moun wel

see Opinli bat him failib power and witt to do bes dedis wibout

errour ; but how shulde Crist enjoyne hem bus ? And b igynne

we at elecciouns or provysyouns of be pope. He seib bat heshulde make hem generali in Cri styndom ; but C ri st cheese

nevere apostle to him,but if bei camen to his presence, and he

made hem able bifore to do be ofiice bat he enjoynede ; as

Crist ablide Scarioth sumwhat to do wel his office. Lord,

whebir ech pope aftirward passib here Crist wiboute mesure !

Poul seib, bat Anticlist higeb him moche above C rist but wel

we witen bat bis boost is fals, and comeb of be fend. For be

pope woot not be perilis bat comen to his owh e persone ; how

shulde he knowe be persones able bat he sig nevere in fer

contres ? and sib Crist and Petre diden not bus, whi shulde be

pope presume bis ? his owne synne were ynowg, if he took no

more on him. But coveitise semeb be cause , and not merit to

alarge his blis. And sib Petir hadde Poul to felowe , and obir

apostlis, wib Clement, whi shulde not bis pope have felow is and

helps, as God hab? Poul seib bat Petir and obirs gaven him

good felowship ; but it passib felowship oo pope to distrie

anobir, and alle men bat holden wib him,and berto feyne a

croiserie . Lord, whebir bis pope mai not synne in governance

of so mouche peple ! certis banne is he God , and present bourgal bis world. And banne he passib Jesus C rist, bat w ente ofte,

and not in veyn, to be present in manyplaces, aftir bat his man

heed axide . Alle bes shewen bat coveitise moveb be pope to do

bus, for he wolde not have a felowe, and take part of his wyn

nyng and so pride and coveitise blynden be pope in his liif.

And so men b igilen him bat seien bat he is moost blessid fadir,wxcu r .

I N TH E C H I R C H E .

for pryde and coveitise meven him to blasfeme in Jesus Crist,and forsake Cristis lawe , and take anobir as Anticrist, and to

drede not be dai of doom, as men bat ben out of bileve . And

it were aloon to men to truste in him and leeve Goddis lawe ,

and oblishe hem to a fend, and serve bis fend and forsake Crist.

But God seib, But cursid be he bat afiieb him bus in man,and

puttib fleish his laste strengbe , as bis fleish were his God ; for

no man shulde afiie to man, but as help to Goddis lawe. And

if he reverse Goddis lawe, triste to it, and leve bis fend.

Ifwe taken heede to obere werkis bat ben feyned of be pope, 333we moun se ligtli how bei croken fro Goddis lawe to be fend.

For if he assoile or gyve pardon, obir maner ban Crist wole , indulgence;

certis he feyneb him to be God, and blasfemeb in Jesus Crist.For no man mai forgyve synne but if Crist forgyve it first ; and

prestis ben aftirward Cristis vikeris to telle be w ille of JesusC rist ; and if bei sillen bese indulgencis, and gabben bus upon

God, bei chafi'

aren wibGoddis power, and gabben as fendis on

her God, for bei seien bat Crist assoilib, and git be synne levebworse ban it was . And bis movebmanymen, sib bei witen not

whanne Crist assoilib, to Speke upon a condicioun , and suppose

aftir signes. And bus marchaundise of shriftes and graun ting

of indulgencis shewen opinli of be pope bat he passib be drede

of God, for he wole graunte for a preier bat himsilf makib two

bousind geer0, and for C ristis Pater Noster he wole not graunte

half a dai. What man shulde trowe to bis, al if be graunt be to

a kyng? for sib it is mesurid bi graunt of Crist, if bis graunt be

ongt worb, Crist loveb more his Pater Noster ban obir preieris

bat man can make ; and if bei comande aungels here to bere

mannis soulis to paradis, bis comaunding is not worb but ifC rist comande bifore. Sich b iddingis in prelatis shewen pride of

Anticrist ; for wherb i shulde bis man wite bat he hab power to

b idde bis ? Petir, and obir seintis , hadden revelacioun of God ,

bat Crist wolde bat it were so, as opin miraclis shewiden to men ;

but doumbenesse of bes signes tellib us bat bes wordis ben fals,and croking fro Cristis liif unto be world techib men bat besewordis ben feyned, for pride and for coveitise. And sich fals

See ante. p. 303.



feyning on God durste be fend never take on him, ne seie bat

he mygte not synne ne varie fro Cristis wille. For be fend wole

seie nobing, but if he have some color berto, and suppose bat

sum man wole bileve bat bi bis colour ; but what colour moun

men have to trowe to siche indulgencis ? For it were opin

beresie to trowe bat Crist acceptib so persones, and lette be

goodnesse of his preiour for novelrie of mannis preyour. Anober

side it were beresie to trowe bis but if Crist grauntide it. And

so sich grauntis meeven men to trowe a fals as bileeve , and to

trowe in sich falshede, and to lceve be love bat C rist hab


But 0 good such speche doib, as ech fend mut nede do good.

It holdib manymen at boom, and lettib to traveile fer for par

don , sib a man mai in 00 daie gete here manybousynd 3eer , and

so hope bat he shal not come to purgatorie bifore domesdaie ;

and aftir bis shal noon be purgid, but eiber be in helle or in

hevene. But albis doib harm and good , as it conteyned bobegood and ivel but be good is groundid of God , and be ivel of

be fend. For be fend, bat is kyng above alle children of pride,

hab taugt his viker b i a proud noumb re , to b igile men lyvynghere

,first to gyve beneficis, and make suget to him lerned and

lewid. And be first part is not groundid, but as Job is w iif

badde him blis God. be gospel tellib how oon preiede C rist to

parte be heritage b itw ixe him and his brobir, but C rist forsook

bis, and seide , M an,who made me juge over gou ? And God

wolde telle in his lawe what jugement bat Crist badde govun,if

C rist badde jugid in bis caas . For worse jugementis ben w ritun,

and bus if C rist lefte to juge b itw ixe two men of worldli goodis,

his viker shulde leve to juge a] bis world, where jugement is

more perilous, and w itt wantib to juge wel,and al obir bingi s

failen . For be pope know ib neiber be place ne persone bat he

avaunsib, but he oblishib be clerk to him,and takib part of his

spoiling,and nedib be peple to do her almesse to a fend bat

harmeb hem. And bus seib Robert Groostheed bat besebullis ben heresies 8 , for be i ben false looris, contrarie to holi

The w riter appears to refer to tete , then on his death -bed , and hisM at thew Paris , who under the year physician , Friar John of St. G iles



1 253relates a conversa tion w hich in the course of which the Bishoptook place between Bishop Grosse proved that both the act of the pope


Goddis lawe betir be kept, and bis were mouche to Goddis wor

ship, and profit to mennis soulis. And so bis lawe of Anticrist,

w ib execusion berof, doib dispit to God .of heven, and moche

harm to mannis kinde ; for pees and rigtwisnesse and helbe of

soule shulden better be nurishid b i Goddis lawe. For kepe men

wel be ten comandementis, and alle bes shulen more larg'

elycome . And git bes heretikes stryven bat bis lawe is betir ban

Cristis ; for be pope ordeyneb discretli more punishinge for

hem bat b reken bis lawe ; and bus Cristis lawe is put abak,and Anticristis lawe magnefied.

pe fourbe good feyned of bis viker is governaile of bisChirche. For rigt as an abbot reulib his covent, so be pope

reulib al bis Chirche , and techib hem how bei shal rise and etc,

and how bei shulen bidde her hedis, and sacramentis wib oberdoutis bis pope declarib whanne it is nede ; and so he is more

nedefulban be abbot to his covent, or be lord to his comunes,as Crist is moost nedeful of alle . In bis fourbe is mouche

errour, and turning fro Cristis lawe ; for Crist nedide not his

apostlis to rise ever more at mydnygt, ne to faste as men done

now , ne to be clobid as bese newe ordris ; but al bis is b rougtin b i be fend, and fredom of Cristis ordre is left. For C rist

wolde bat siche serimonies weren taken of him bi mennis free

wille, aftir bat bei weren disposid to kepe hem , eiber more or

lesse ; but kepinge of Goddis lawe C rist wolde bat it were

groundid in his ordre . And Crist wolde teche, as nede were ,

chaunging of cure serimonies for, as God telde Adam and

Joseph, bi litil and litil, what bei shulden do ,so C rist wolde

telle men of his ordre how bei shulden worche and serve him.

For men shulden ever benke on God , for C rist mai not faile

to hem and bus men seien bat Bartholemew knelide an hun

drid tymes on be nygt and an hundrid tymes on be dai, and

bad hise bedis to Jesus C rist. Whebir Bartilmew se ide bannehis Pater Noster, or what preieris , reden we not, but we trowen

not bat he seide his matynes, ne kepte ever more bis liif. And

cbir apostlis varieden wel, aftir bat Crist tangte hem ; and I am

certeyn bat Crist wole git, if men serven him as bei shulden.

For Salisb iryuss, ne Borkes use , ben not nedeful to come to

hevene ; but as ech cathedral chirche hab an use b iside be


pope so Crist wolde teche ech Cristens man how he abulde

preye and serve him,but if his synne were in cause. And bus

sich lymytinge of clobis, of fasting, and of preiyng, doib harm

to Cristis Chirche , for it distrieb Cristis fredom, and bostib of

nede of be pOpe , and puttib men out of bileve. For if bis were

nedeful to Cristis ordre, ber shulde not bus be manyordres ;sib alle freris monkes and chanouns han oon ground in holi

writt ; and so alle preestis in be world shulde holde be use of

be Court of Rome . And gif bou seie bat special patronas

oblishen men to siche bingis, teche where bei hadden witt or

power to oblishen men on bis maner. Wel l woot bat boost

is feyned , and moneye govun for to dispence and assoile men

of synnes, bat ben entrikid wib sich ritis. And so bis, wib obir

dedis, smatchib coveitise of be pope.

And bus it is of cardinalis, of erchebishOpis, and of b ishOpis,

of erchedekenes, and of ofiicialis, and cbir servauntis bat ben

newe foundun . Alle bese ben to charge of be Chirche, and

fruyt of hem is moche synne . Preestis and dekenes weren

ynowg, if bei wolden mekeli doen her office, and holde hem

apaied wib Cristis poverte ; but Cristis lawe is al reversid.

And as anentis sacramentis, wib telling of doutis in Goddis

lawe , be world habmaad bis court unable to knowe ongt of bis

mater. For when Crist tellib in his gospelbat be cost, whanne

it is sacrid, is Cristis bodi in figure, and veri breed in his

kynde, freris seien now bat it is nougt, or an accident

Portions of four of these Uses

(those of Sarum. York , Hereford ,and Ban or) have been printed byM r. Masl

gtell in his Ancient L itur y

of (be Cburcb of England . Of e

L incoln use , mentioned in the pre

face to the Prayer-book, no my

according to this w riter, either in

print or in MS. , is known to ex ist.

A s Lyndwood (quoted in Gibson’


Codex).w riting about declares

that in his time the Sarum use was

followed throu h almost the whole of

the province 0 Canterbury, it seems

possible that when Wyclif s ks

of each cathedral having a di erent

use.he refers to differences of chant

ing only, not to such more imliortant differences. in the wording andarrangement of the prayers. &c., as

properly constitute a distinct use.

Or, aga in. bya ca thedral he mayhave meant a metropolitan church.assuming the Sarum use to be thatof the southern, and the York use

to be that of the northern, metro

politan province.

Professor Stubbs suggests thatWyclif maybe merelyreferring to

local peculiarities of service, inhonour of local saints. as of St.Hugh at Lincoln. St. Wilfrid at

Ripon, or St. Ethelbert and St.Thomas at Hereford.

No orders ofclergyare


wibouten suget ; and, as bei sclaundren, be court seib bus,and cbir ground han bei noon. But it was seid in eelde tyme,bifore bat be freris comen inne, bat as Crist is God and man,

so bis cost is breed and Goddis bodi, but on divers manere ;

as Baptist was Elyand not Ely. Ne Goddis bodi is be beste

bing bat is in place of bis cost, for bere is be Trinite , bat isbetere ban Goddis bodi ; and Cristene men axen not what is

bere, but what is bat as Crist spekib. And bus, bitwixe be popeand freris, feib of be gospel is putt abac, and newe bing isfeyned bobe agens resoun and feib and mannis witt, wib al

proof ; and unnebis dremyng mai maynteyne it. pus wole be

pope declare Goddis lawe and susteyne pees.

pe fifte office of be pOpe is to disE nse with his lawe , and to

graunte privylegies to men bat ben worbi to hem. But certis,

among cbir goodis bat be popis lawe doib to men , it mahibhem perplex, and bindib her conscience wib feyned bondis .

For as fendis in apostlis tyme feyneden mouche helpe in greet

templis, whanne bei ceessiden to punishe men be which bei

honden bifore, so feyneb Anticri st to do privylegiis to men,

whanne he releesib his owne bondis, bat weren put to harme

cbir men . And so alle bes privylegus ben cacling of malice

bat is mystaken agens God and his Chirche , and so bei ben not

prevylegiis, but ceessinge of malice bat God sufi’

rib. And bus

it is of alle privylegus of bishopis and of abbotis, bat bei singen

w ib myters or orosis glitirynge wib gold ; for in suche privylegies be fend gyveb power to do more agens C rist and agens

his symple peple , and robb ib hem more gredili of goodis bat

bei shulden lyve b i. And so alle sich privyleg us tellen two

pridis and two coveitises ; o pride of be pope , and anobir pride

of be prelat, for he wolde passe c bir for pride of bis liif. And

two coveitisis ben medelid here togidere ; oon is in be pOpe ,

bat whanne a prelat dieb be pope wole have his stente of alle

bat fallib to his hous . And bi bis privylegu bis prelat boostibabove cbir prelatis, and se ib bat he is more worbi, for be pope

hab bus lokid to him ; not lokid to his mekenesse , but to his

Luciferis pride . And so alle dedis of be pOpe , and prelatis bat

ben under him,sownen to pride and coveitise and not to meke

nesse and povert of Crist. And so bes fywe pointis of be pOpe