B 's nozonnn'l - Forgotten Books


Transcript of B 's nozonnn'l - Forgotten Books

/ J 3 5 9 5 9 é

B 's nozonnn

'l; mec '

rnamararo 1111 113 A n luifics ie s ynan ynuxbm ,

n o soupoc'

b an. A nmiflcuis nponaoegen ia snaqmexsno yuen b mm

0 11 ; 11m 1 0 111111 1 1 , 311 xo'ropmm 111 . npeamee open s coc

'hnn ie 1111's

nopom npi'hszun m. A nmim, cdnnam


rca no nnanofi 11111111 , name

t om lla no. npogaa y 111 . c-rponn fl an . anponou ; trro


nonporm ,n t c'rnn fi aanpoc


x. no nuocrpannne 1 0 1111 111 1 noc'


yuan 1 11m m 11 ni nu no. 11 11111 . nm on’hpno nomanam ca . H 'b

sorolme an a utumn . 11 10 111113 11 1 . .’lonnoncnnx


5 ,—

.1 1onupaayn nn e

n safioumieca 0 cnoefi 0 11 1 113 11 11,coopuncx. oocyzsneuia

cpegcm n M'

B pamenilo razoro ynan a A nmiflcn ofi 1 0 11 10 11 1 11 11

ocranonuucb 11 1 101111,

111 0 11 111 . ca'hnyen , no npuu

'hpy Monau

um 11 H omym men'b , 11m m. 110mm 1101 0 11 11 113 0“ 3 1 . 060 11 1 1110 11 110

oupm'ienm 110 111 1 11 1 . c'

rpam. 11 yqpemen ieu'

s nonuxm Tnp l‘

O B H X'b

cnomenifi . 1100 1111 1 110 11 1 1 1 . con'hnmn ifi C


L naxonnsmu ca 81 1 To

open B 1 1 310 3 1 03 11 anal enm u C enac'

rianon 83 6070 10 , c an no

ero con'hry nocranomun cnapnnmn. ocmnpy 0 1 11 0 11111113 n 0 1

s pu'ria m1. c'hneponoc


rox'h arm 31 . 110 1111 11 11 1103111 0 11 1 13 11070 1 11

011 13 11 1 1 . jln cnapan en ia 3mm. nopaonen p’hmeno coc


3 11 1'

s 061110 0 1 110 . m m! oxen-

1. m opa ro aoaa em. 611 111 . 113 1100 1 11

ne men -b e 25 413mm crepx . C xopo coopano 6 we . clpymon ,

no. noropn e xynxenu, nonpauenu n cnapamenu rpn nopoosa

131 113 11 1 1111 . nan . 11mm nauusunnom. nasnaqeu'b « qecmnfi 11

1 061 00711 1111! nyz'

L » cop'

s 10 11 . 8111 1 0 1611 ; rm nnu's 110 11 11 1 111 11 .

Pmapm ‘I encxep's .

Taxona cymoc'rs pascnaaa meuenm Am os 0 11mm; 11

yqpes gen in A amificnaro «O Gmec '

raa xynnon , non reaefi 0 1'



rin c'

rpan'b,acn e-1 5







b 11 3 1 11111511 111 nona

« 1111071111 110 11 nocea'lz no noc 'hmaen n x'

r. 110 110 11 11111 . ny'

ren ». Ta s e

11 1 10 1 11 J oa nn 111 . 00 110 341 rpauo'ru anyapm 6- 10 , xo

'ra n paayxpa


110pa11'1 . H anonen

'a , 110111 110 1 11 1 0nyc1 111 1 11 1 101 1 ,

111 061 1 1 1 . no

or lua ax'n npencuep



n nyqen ian roaona a xoaona ,naneno

unmew py110 10 , nc'

rnnno 1106.1 eo'1'n 1m B a .1 .1 0 1

*6n c'raa


n nnca1 1

0110 11 naynav a na61 101 enia, ecaaon 11 11-

1 pyaoaonaaa onna np 1161 1 .1 1

a ne 111060 111 aao1 yn1 ennaa 11 11 aaya'h,no man na noanan ii

1311611 . no z ep'raoaanie 0060 10 1 0611 1“ anan in caonn

'a come

1 1 Man 1 5 53 roan onapaa eann e aopa6aa 1 1 1mm 1131 . Texan .

E l ena 11 11 11 « B aaraa H agoaua» , amapan . com. 10 11 .

1 0 1611; « 3 11yapr 1 B anroe H pemp ia 'rie » raanana nop 11 11ia Pnnapm.

tlencaepm; « B l ame Ynoaanie», mannep'a R0pnea ifi llépéypa


a .

I I oc'roaano mepa aaaelme 11111 111111 11 6operoa


1 A nmia , 1 1

1 10 1111111 I n na on 1 0 11111111 1 orm an ca 0 1 1 caoero nepaona

11 1 11 1 11 111 0 naui pen ia M 1 11 1 onepaa 11 1. 6epe1'a11

'1 [110 1 1 11 11 1 111 11

p'hmm cn 1 3111 1 aanpaaaen ie npal o na 110 0 1 0 11 1 : 1 4 hoaa onn

11111 11 1 1 11 11 11 1 . oo'rpoay I

eaaroxanay; an y” ,nonnaama ca an ok

aep'a ,

2 A aryo'ra as an y B apaoryyoa, no as ai rpm no

110 1 1 11 110 111 11 111

1 ero raaann . B auoa yon'ha '

n nasnam a

ary m ans mi cron s 11a oayqaa eon noon6an 6y1 y1'1

pasc'hann 6ypo10; 1101

1111 1 311 1 1111 1 na6'hs a amii maaaa '

n onpaaaan

ero npen nfl nie 110m m oan . nanom ca ,

‘I encaep'

a norepan .

am B aary1o R anean y» 1 « B l ame Ynoaanie» some.“ 111

B apgoryyonylo manna 11, nanpaca o npon aa

'b 11x


1 n'lune

com. n et, p

'lnmuoa nyc1 11 1 1 ca an maan 'lmmifl nyra. 24 A aryom

0 11 1 npnc'ru'

n 1111 you- 111 11 11 11, uonao '

rn pa C a. H anoaaa, n

yaw n 0 111 narnannn xs 1111 1. p 1 16a1zoa

'1,111 0 0 11 1 no aaaxha iax


naps Mooaoacaaro . «1PI napa a aeam ro naaaa npm mnon , X0 1uoropcnie 1 1 160pnue roman Quaa


a P ogionoa'

a, 1 11<l>o1bnan Man

[10 1 1 01

1 Xoxa orop'n nncaxn 111 . napm 11 aeanaouy 1111 113 10 11

11 Mo

cza'h o npnxon

'h 0 1-

1 A ram ano mpoaa E m p'

ra nocaa P nnep'


a 011 11 1111 1. moron» . B 1 0 111 116111 aopaon .

‘I enoaepa ,no 11 11 1 . pac

nopaz en ino, uncl ean no. annoane 1 1 Ynoaym ry6y , a 23- 1 0 H o

a6pa no rocynapeay yaasy‘I encaepa omymena 01 . 1 0 01 1 1 1 11 1


Mocaay .

(83 gem). Paac'rannmcs y B apzeryyca cm ‘I encxepon , om. 6m .


b 3 1 1 13135 00 q e n rams . son s 1 4 C em'

a6pa B'B ryfiy ,

oG paayexylo yc'rb enn , p i n A pamm,

swim . nocrenennoe 3 5mmn ie cB oero annuama on ronona uxoxoxa : m cc r B ennopyu



namennofi upn B en salmon ammo , n o on am

eme D'L H nnap 'h u'hcan'h. I I o rocyxapeny ynasy nocaalm 69 m

c's Xou orop


s nq ie n oun nepennca'rt. n saneqamn B G C B 70

mm,n npnsea


rn em in , Xoauompu mrhcrh c's nopath smn ,n as nymnann ,

n c'

r, mamaaaun a co B eet cnac'mo nopa

60 1 5 110 10 .

Plant a in, coo eanm ‘I eacaepom, o np ieu'h ero m, Poccin

n o nosnozenin naps A nrmqauan B ec'rn rap t-5 0 5 em crpanom,

ml 'hm nocn'hxc


rnieu y'mepamen ie B O pO JIeB O lo Map ielo 11 ea cynpy

rows ‘I’FI J H I I H O H '

B ye'rasa 1mm « nynnon

'n,npempmmualomnn outpu

« rie crpam ,aen eu,

ocrponom, n odxac'refl nen'hnoun n n 1 0 an


ria nape“. odunnonenno B e noc'hmaemn 'm . Xap



nepmamaa a'

ron yc'

ran's, ygoc


roena nepoaencnaro y'mepz xenia m,

B ec'mnncrep'h 6 Qenpaaa 1 5 5 5 r . O fimec'

rao gua no co

c'roam. non manna“, san

'hmnaniem npanm u,“mom '

s mana

m ca C eG ac'

rian '

s Ra60 ra nommnenno , H 4 - H . noncynom, 0 1 ; 24 - 1 31

non onnmnaxn ,n36npaeuun n na rononofi cpon O dmec'rny upen

ocmmuocs npano fi uan caon ompm ia no nanpm enim 3 3 ch

sepm, c'haepo

- B oc'

rom a ci nepo- sanm ; yum


pea s“ nepoaencnie

snanena, (W arn n m'

rannap'm ; sa B oeB n B a


rL n npnnnna'n . 110 15 3 0

poaescnylo A nmificnym gepm y nc'l; aa ecnie rop ou, ynp


s is ,cenen is , ocrpona n scum nen

'hpnux's napogon ; o'rpaz a


cmom nuoseunenm, no'

ropue c'

rapamcs 6m spear " . an mammixo

um Toprom'h n caun 113mm no o



b nun n opcmm . ny

mnm. A nvm qanau'

n,no npnnannemmnnmo6mec '

rB y, B ocnpemuocs

Tam e imam um Top ro sa'

rs fl mn nyranm (Seas paap'hmenia 061119

cm non , c'

rpaxom, oro G panin an Imp a ct! 11 Toupon : up l


b nonoanna oro6pannaro nu'lua 110 0?m 81» nopoaeacnym

many , a npyraa—Gm s ouana D'L noasay o6mec'ma .

B c'h am a eme n'hso'mpn a npyria npnmuerin Mapia i t (Im

mnm, nomamnam 06mec'my an ce63 , cao nx's nacr hmnuom. n

npeeunnuom .

1 Max roro me 1 555 r . 110 Topa ecmennou co6panin 061110

01 30 nom noueno ornpann'rb ‘I encnepa m, Pocono 3 0 won

3 0 « E nron-

5 H peunpin'rin» n 01 . man noonan Jun ynpeameninmproun no t honh may“ ammo“ P anama I

pea n Poopu Rm

.mnrnopca ; non , 110 1 0 1 5 01 1 30“ 3 0 ‘l encxepa o'rnpanmxca , no no

pa6mh « (human s 11 Mapia» , arem I/I nam p n , no'ropnn

m m6mmocrarsca 0-5 B apxeryyc

'h n crapan ca ynpemrs Tm

n i nono l ropr's, mmm sosa m. A nraixo cymenofi pn6n , m nenm o

amps n myrnx's nponanenenifi pu6oxoncm , n, cno '

rpn no xony

Mi nn , 03 mm“ o6pamaro npo'hua ‘I encaepa 1m. Poccinum npea ne

ero nosnpa'rnn cn 3

's A rm in .

B aa-km wk o'rnpaaunmieca D 'L ny

'rb 6mm npnnenenn nan


E namexien 3 1 . up load s na nfipnym onym6y 06mec'my, n ‘I enc

nepy, I‘pero n Ruxnnrnopcy 6mm npyqenunopoxencnia rpan o


n naplo (on . 1 Aa n 1 555 r .) nncannnn no Tpen 3 3m m :

rpeqecnon ,noucxon n n

'ruuncnon .

H anan 1mm 06111001 3 0“ aroma“ , 3 1. women c'


m i qam em cnoero o'memnnoc

'ruo , nomMnocrino n npenycno

rpm n noc'rito; D

'L manna“ nep


'h on 88111 100 0 1 03 81 : 608

ycnonnon non nnenin nc'hx'

b cumin o6mec'ma aren'ranm, no

ropun npenoc'

ranm acb nonnaa moon nanosnnan , ocaymnnn n

nepam nn , a. own 651 on npnsnun nyz nnn tb , TO name 11 ounnan nxs Pyccnmrs “m an

's m nanaaan in no 1 1301 a saxo

um . H omanenie no 13 3 05 0 1 0mm: noxnoe , n o 130a1110 110 6mm name ouyna


rsca na nous ns's cnoero nona 6031 , 000

60 10 nosnozenin aren'ra . M'B crnn e saxonn ,


1. nepnonnn e, Tam

n rpm nancnie, 30 115 110 611 1 0 0065 10110 1 1 . 011 10 1 0 , 3 013 nonunnn n

nona'rn mama

's nonpuno , 300 m ce6n xo6ponopanonno n cunpno .

E cm 6mnaps saxor‘b n npncnon

'n , 00613 nan npenoc



rs Roxyan6o onnouy upano 3 00m roprosmo cm A nmnqanann

, TO nasna

‘l fl'

l‘b nosn oa no nucmyro wh y an A nmincnie Tonapn 11

, no. 060

pon ,noauoa no nnsmyxo 30 Pyccnie , nn

'hn 3 3 an y, trro nepso

“m am n'hnn 63mm onyz n

'rs pynononcmon


r. na nocr hnyro

mee open . O rnocn'ren no cn

'hxhnii , co6pani0 noun ,no n

'hp'h B os

noz nocrn, B om m ocs na wi n cnymmnn , m noc'ranm ocb

B's o6aaannoc'

rb gonocn'rs 061110c 060 3 00 13 , n o on yanaton :

o npn ax-b, 06m m



s ropronm Pyccnnn ; o r im ro

napax'b, no

'ropn e cm noxb sono m A nrain nory

'n . 61m nm oam

an Poccin n npnnosmm B'b nee; o npnpomnn nponsneaen iax


01mm ; 061 , yno'rpe6uennx'5 3 1 , 0 1105 neuron ,

st eam , n'hpax

-L ;

o nomnnnax's,cnoco6ax'

5 nepenosnn n upou.3au'hqa'ren b no ,

nnes npoqm , n o i xanmie m. P O C C ilO o6s

aann 6mm anemia 3 1 : 0611100 1 3 0 nenea nn e sanorn n enlight en


rna fiaamnaneacnn x'b n0pyqn

'reaefi m. no6pon '

s n necr

noum nonenen in .

lI onm'rna p na aanecrn ropm, B

'B B apnevyyc

'k , no nnmnony,ne ymuacs : no npafinefi n

'hp'h ‘I encnep


x. npn6nm> m. npncrann

on . H nnonan 0 1 , 060mmnopa6nnnn , ( B J M‘

B I‘L H pemp ia '

rim » n

ub nmnnon'b uMap ielo »; Tam, me 30073 3 1 , on npnaenennue am.

A psnnofi ry6umm ImpaG nn B num‘G ia : « B urymE n emy» n « B u

roe l'

nonanie»,n yanam ,

nro enly ne cyaueno nepen'rb nepno

naqusnnny npennpia'rin nopyqenie o6mecm : « n o 06111001 5 0 cnop

6wr5 061 . ero nonronm s emen n rlm nan'hcrin o next


n 0 ro cnymunax'

b,06mm, nx

's, confi n es! C

’B nnnn

,npnnar b nx


mm . nopomx'

b n B oanto6xennn x'


B ca 'lsm an tI encnepommm 3 0 11061 3“ na llnnncme ym e npn

Gwm « I‘

omanncnin n B pa6an'

rcnin 30mmnopa6m , a na m mrop« ronn o nnoaennn n 0 5 I ’yccnmm arom a TOPPO B M B na R ope.“« cnon


r. yew}; no 9 5 ( 1 587)mm». H 0 nm o , nnpoqen


no camaro B ocmec '

rnia E mcanem na npec'ron , 06mecrno 00a

nnnanoc b npnmocu'rf. sopoxen

'h Mapin 113 B TO napymen ie

1m . npunnner ifi nouannnuuon cynpyra Qumnna c ancnaro ; 30

TO am H 0 uponpamam'rcn B O 000 napoaenc

'rnonanie E nn


'mpan , I I O 'l‘


lI 81 : m o ]! 1101 . 030mm rpon o'n n I onnay,

nac'ra tmae fm. mt nocnpenueniuH nnepzannnan '

s xonn'rr. Topron m.

IPImo nomnnm npnc'mnnwb , k o


ropua 0611100700 onuwuo 03 0mm

ucnmommxmnun '

b no c'

ros fl ier s .

‘I encaep'

b npn6um, C'L Knnnnrnopcon

'b B‘I : Mocnny 4 O n :

6pa , oc'

rasun'b I

pes D'L B oxom'h.

‘lepea'b necam men 0 111! 6mm un


rnno npunam nape“ , noropn fi, no fl X'

B np0056'h o non ano

uanin mu, rpan o'm "a nonon b nmfi Topm B


B P occin, n0pyqnn .

um. nepena'

rr. coo n Tp06onan in na nncw'h nyn nony nanny Maxauny B at


naneumly B ucnona'

rony. B ncnona 'ron

'n neperonapnw cn

cmmum 000mm npyzsemo G no ; ynpenwrb 1 0pm. B'B X0 3

noropm ; no Rnxm m pc-L npocnn 01 1 03 111 5 070 13 nonpoc

's no

npenenn , s en s pasysna'rb sal ie pun“ 6um Jun A nruqan

“I ron i c n rmh on 6yny'r5 110115 0 30 0 1105 1 1» 075 Pyccnnn syn

non , ne 6eoocnoaamuo upemol am ,trro Xon oropcm Toproun,

a n omuennan on Moctm , mum 69 1 5 oocpenofroqena

n pynan nem omn . Peayn m'ron neperoaopon 6mo non n o

mnie o6m00 'my A nuiflcn n m et napcnofl mama no 603 11001

.unnyno mpronn o 003m m t onapann no 11005 Poccin . C nopn nes xymea n uPyocsnnn xynnauu nonxem n p

'hmeailo canoro naps ;In. My!“ 063 nnenin room , rompn n noz n


rnn em 0 0 nouen auo'ro6panin m. napcnylo ma ny, it con sumes aren


ry . B sannnne

cuapa roe-rel l eg gy 0060 10 a uncb aren't-

ou , no rpeoonanito

noero napc l ie npnm nne mm nou nn 6mm 0m m nnnonnnn

n mpuy an 1 0m m aren'ry opygin m nasaaanin . Rpon


roro, naps nonex

'hn organ‘I encaepy B nuorlfienunopa6an 00

wi n -5 onncam m no nun Toupon n phmnn ompanm cs

am noczon B oxoroncnaro aor t a -

nun O cnna l‘

pnro psem a H 0

nelo , noropn i , noxynm ownycn 25 l ama 1 556 W AS , 0 5 couponoa xenin 1 6 m om -

5 Pyccl nn ornpannaca n Xon lo ropn ,n

c‘hn no ‘I enczepon 3 0p06n > « E uroe I lpexnp in


rie» ; an on ion

m npoqnn rpen 0 0006a minus 0010 60 1 5 0 10 quo ta-knPyccm

's .

[£om nc rnn cb n nope 20 1m n; on 3 001 11 60mm rpyn

no « B a ron H pennpinrin 3 003 0 , m ean t-o z npa, can ,

t h ou, B ot toms -5,m on o! npaz n no mm“ mm (bys

ron crepunron ; no «81 300 11 H anea xh» naxomxocs 000 any

mecmo H enen nt nnocrito u mean m ean (byn'

ron crepn aron .

H o nso wi n sempon nopa61 0 i ron no 01mm « (h um a Mo

pia» upa6nu 0's JI onnon 0 TO ya e na crhxytomifl non (18Aa n

1 557 001m m 3 0 Tpel's,nnenno f laws


oropn e conepmun

nepnoe nxm nio 01 > B h oe nope , ne cyz geno 6m 0 m npa'


35 601mm " , A nrxin : « B l ame Ynonanie» , pas6nnmncs 0 H omesexia cum

,nomen no my 00 not“ summon ; « B um H a

na n » nponm 6081 : when ; 0 « B l ame Il pempin'rie» , nocrh no

rnpexu'hcnnnaro 6ypnaro mananin ,

annonen , n 6ypnylo noa6p b

cm non women In I ll ouangcnyno vy6y « H erncxero », 0 10651

ran-5 madam 0 exam .

‘I encxep's 81160 1 3 0 5 enuncm nno 0 en

cenia nocaam na, 110 11 60 cm 0 1013c 01. cnom ca non n 01»

601 5 1110 10 0001 110 000000 annnaa a; no'ronyxn n Pyocnnn m

conponom nmnn B enene; m ronapon's TO , n o ne 11070

nyno , 651 1 0 pasrpameno npn6pez nn nn 3 m m“ , run 01 0 , ne


rpn na nc'h poan cnn , crluannn e no Tpe6onaniro Mapin 111 01

nanncnnn'b npann

'relwmons , 061110073 0 noaytnuo n noanpa

'rb no

nan na 500 (byn'ron

'b cnonn rompon .

11 301301 10 061» 01 0 105 necnac'

rin, cxym mencn 7H onG pn, 01100noayqeno 651 110 in . JI onnon

'h nepea'n 1 15 00 115 , 6 Ilena6pn: neuenJ enao 6m o


rnpanaenn naponnn e,t1'

ro6n 0n0611m H enemnc'b n

nyz nnn'

b ; no 01 131 073 13 , posn cnn n npyria n0 1106nn n nponen enis

0me n yn 115 03 110 3 1 , sanepz nnun ero n [H ouannim H a

nonen's , 18

<I>03pun 1 557r .,on npn6nn n B epnnn ,


A nmificnoe ynp'hnnenie na py6eu

'h moraanm; 01 010110 nanuca

0ny 00mi n noqe'

rnn fi np ien , no'rOpnn conponomm cn nexnnafi

meto mpmecmennoc'

rim: noun on np l 6msucn n l lonxony , an

1 2 mm on mount: on 6n n nc'rp

'hnen o'rpnnon 80 nynnon ,

nepxann , n 60ramn onea xan , 01 , 80 1 01 1 1 10 1 n'huana no. rpym;

30 4 nun on JI onnona any 61m npnro'ronaen'

n non en ; na Two ,28<1>enpam,

eny 61m npnnecena n 1 0pm60mmy6pannan nepxom

xomanb n 1 40 nynnon'n,twanon Mocnoncmro 0611100 1 3 0 , in ocupo

noauenin cnonn cnyrn npncoennnnnncb n ero 01001 3 110 . H a qeprh

r0pon . ero npnn‘hrcwnonm nopn

- nop'n 00 not“ crapmnnann 30

ma n onex nan . B af fin H ones n i xm n JI onnon'L , nepxonm,

neauy nnnon'ron Monrerm n nopnon

'L - napou

'b, npenmec



113 0 1181 1 ! 0601001 3 0 ; neon 9 1 01 -5 noann i no'hsn am m o: o


110 11 1» 0.1e 06111001 00 1 03 3 0 nepxann . I I pn nc'rynxenin nocaan

m a n npnro'

ronxennoe 0ny non menie , en y nomecenn 6mm

napu noponencnie .

a nnm n n o spam 6am no 41 1 0a n np ien H 0

nen no wopy 6mm, ouoa en 1 0 ero nosnpamenin . H e pa

0 5 0 25 - 10 Map'ra

,n caaqm rononnmny cnoero ornycna as



Mocnnn,on npenc

'ranxucn noponenh n nopon o; sat i n nepe

ronopn 01 , nm 6mm n0pyqenn xopny enncnony I/Inincnony a mannol y noponencsoxy cenpe


rap lo copy B nniany H enry , noTO pn e 01 >

nemnafimewnon uom 0 1 85180 1 1105 0 c'renennoc


rn, paacynn


ren no

011 1 11 000 03 111 001 11 nouannm 23 A np'lm

,n 11em» 03 . Peopria,

H ones ornycn n npn o m m pna 6m npnnexen n'a

B ecrn nc'repcnii 0060p

'1,1 1

-5, na 00060 nero npnro'rouen

non ci n xnm'h, npncywcrnonan npn Topa ec'raennon 60 000J y3 0

nin no 0 131110 10 npasnnnna omens. H om ann . E 1 . saumenie, 29

A np'lun, only nan 31 . sar i cynonnaro neza pocnomnufi

yuan-5 . 3 Man on o


rnpann cn n I‘

paneeenn ,lurk c

'hn na no

pam nopa61 5 01 01 1 , 0 11111 0 1 01 aunpan cnnn 00

(51 0711 11111 , 0001 0 110 0 100 01110m rpen nopa6zefi; nann'ranon 119. near;

611 1 1 . A nt on llz ennnncon z 1 11110 01 0 01 11 111 110 11 1. aan'hqam anoe ,

ne ynonnny'

n o npexmec'raonanmefi ero cxya 6


1713's coxpanennon I‘

ann ofi-ron anro610 1 pa¢b nqecnofi sanncn

nuno ,Irro lla ennnncon nam '

s cnon ny'

remec'rnin 2 G ara6pa1 546 1 0 1 0 : 31 . 1 00 0 11 1: 1 00411 11 115 1 -5 , npenmec


rnomnmnn noc-ryn

aen im ero no caya 6y 060100 1 3 0 on npo'hxan <I>xan11p i10 . H nnep

J anna ,nepeo

'b Pepnan in) n 1111 01 110 , o

'rryna nepea's Il ia

nom no <I>panni1o , 01 . c an in n n H op'rym in


no C pemaennony 3 0pm, noc'h'rnn ocrpona Ponoc

'n,Maury, C n

luuino , B umps , 3.0a n 11py 1x ; 065 1101 a 80 10 I‘

peni1o , 60 .1 1my10“on Typnin , n Manon A sin , na JI naan

'h,111. 1101 1000 11,

31 I epycunn'h,nnx

’b n npn6pez nne ropona A dmnnn : A nz np's ,

Tpnnoan , Tynnc'l. 11 upon.,

n npoq .

,n upon. C nnxh


ya n 000 na61 101 a1 01 5 n00'rn oc


runcn nnoroqncnennnn 0 1 0 80

1 5 1 3 0,nc


rp'b qamminca 00 0 1 1 0 1 0 11 1. 061 . 0 1 0 ny


rninn ; a so

0 10 Mm 00 01 1 1 neperonopn pyqaerca ycn'hn ero n cnome

nian 0's pasnmm3 3 1111111 01 11“ Kacnificuro npn6pez 1>a n 10 00

sanunofi A s ia . ocnonanie mpromn A nuin 0 1. 11000105 tropes ! »P 000110 11 naxonen


s nac'

ron'ren noe rpe6onan ie naps Huang B a

cnn ennna,

E nncane'

ra npncmua 1 0 11001171. 01» nun o 00

cynapcxm rluan nnenno « Amona H an na » , a ne 3 0 00 3 1160

nnoro .

110 111161 11 npa6wn n npncrann C a . H nnonaa 1 2 H enes

cs rhun A nunnanann, 11010m nu nans'm n

's llonnon

'h na

uyx 6y napcnym, o'rnpanucn n Mocnny 20- 1 0 9 1101 0 , neueuenno

no nn rpyan'h npen eron ,

nymennnn m n A nmin us napczolm an ; 110 llx enxnncon 0 1 15 1104 1. 31 . Xouoropn ne npeue , nan

3 0m 00 11 npnneoennn e na nopaGu n A nui l cnie roupn

_ 1 2 _

rpyz enn , a 35 1 0 1 0 3 1 03 3 3 0 Pyccnie 1 035 1151 narpya enn no. 3 0

p561 3 3 35 1 5 1 15 05 113 0 3 0115 61 3 01 3 pan1 03 3 o6pa1 no 35 A n r1 i10 .

B 5 X0 1 110 1 0p5 n 3 3 5 B onorxh 03 5 1 5 3 13 0 11030 1 5 3 0 3 110

1101 3 3 1 0 1 5 3 3 3 001 5 3 03 3 11 , 33 5 3 0 113 05 05 3 0 110 115 1 0pm3 1 3 , 1 5 3 5

3 1 0 35 Mocnny 03 5 np i5 xan5 1 3 3 15 6 1103 56p3 . JI acnono upuna

1 5111 nape115 , 0 3 5 np0 1 13 1 5 35 M003 35 3 0 10 an y 3 05 y115 1 5 03 3

03 5 1 5 01 5 napa 1 5 3 00 61 5 1 03 0 1 03 i0 , 3 1 0 3 0 1 115 3 1 15 6511 5 35 3 31 03 5

3 1100565 0 1 033 0 1 03 13 5 3 5 1 5 111 3 0 1 3 p3 1 13 3 03 3 3 5 1 0pron51n

3 311 011 35 B 0 1 1 0 10 , 1 0 mm. 3 0 1 0 1 5 3 0 3 5 cie 003 3301 3 1 5 , no 03 56

0 1 0 0 3 p5 3 3 3 113 1 11 5 1 101 5 1 13 3 5 3 113 paannn 3 1 5 115 1 0 1 03 ,

3 p 035 061 5 01 3 3 0 1 0 113 3 5 eny c.1 y3 n1 5 on npo5 31 15 1 5 , 5 3 35

[1 3 13 3 3 1 0 H 03 1 0p0115 3 0 1 5 1 5 e11y 5 3 5 1 5 110 A 01 paxann 00 3 3 0 35

3 5 33 5 3 03 3 3 11 5 35 A c1 paxan5 3 003 0 1103 .

11 35 Moonnn 1113 03 3 3 3 00 3 5 3 515 1 5 1 5 23 5 3 331 3 1 558 r . 3 5

A 01 paxan5 3 1115 3 5 1 5 1 4 Mapmpy1 5 0 1 0 no B 0 1 1‘5 3 0 05 1 15

1 1060 3 51 1 03 5 : 3 5 3 0 115 3 01103 3 0 35 3 3 05 3 0 onncanie 115 01 5,113 110

3 01 0p51n 0 3 5 3 1105 5 1115 1 5 . Mea n upo3 n115 , 03 5 3 3 13 01 5 , 3 1 0 3 5

31 0 05 11 00 3p0 113 1103 1 3 300 H oraficnoe n pn6pean5e 003 0013 03 3 0

06031 10 1 5 1 0 : uea noy0063 3 3 3 05 3 51 , 1 0 1 0115 , 11 005 3 01 11063 1 3 60 1 5

my10 3 5 01 5 110 1 5 303 3 3 5 0p115 : 001 5 1 5 3 3 0 110 1 5 5 1151 3 0 1 3 3 3 1 3 05 3 5

A c1 paxann ,3 5 115 3 05 1 5 115 3 5 5 1 3 0065 nponn1 anie , no np ornannn e

01 1 y1 5 , 1 3 61 3 01 5 35 1 5 3 0 115 orp0 11 3 0 115 33 01 5 , 3 1 0 60 110 1 5

B on n 1 0 p0 115 no3 p3 1 51 rpy115 113 110p1 3 3 n 3 c11ep

1 3 3 13 3 5 1 5 1 5 .

1 0 - 1 0 A nryc'ra 11130 3 3 3 3 00 3 5 3 0pm ! 3 35 A 3 1 1 3 3 5 3 5 3 513 3

nyx5 111 5 1 5 05 3 p5 03 51 115 3110 01 0 11 5 03 . Peopria 3 5 115 03 1303 3 115

30 1 5 115 : 05 3 3 11 5 3 00 1 0 1 3 00 Amm an ,1 035 1103 5 3 035 0 3 5

05 0060 10 1 5 3 00 3 01 3 3001 3 0 , 3 1 0 35 3 001 5 1101 3 111 3 0115 0 115 nn

3 0 1 110603 5 1 5 0 » 1 3 03 3 5 nep61 101 035 : 3 0 1 3 3 3 5 3 115 1 5 0 1 0 ny1 eme

0 1 3 111 030 1 5 3 0 11 0 1330 1 0 1 5 1 513 5 1 5 03 , 01 3 11511 10 3 371 3 3 5 03 5

303 3 3 5 115 1 5 1 . 0 3 5 3 03 1 51 1 5 03 01135 3 5 3 001 03 5 3 1 0pm 05 60

110 1 0 3 5 , 3 5 3 03 03 5 3 3 3 101 5 3 5 30111 10 3 5 Manrnm a3 03 0 115 noxy

001 p035 : 31 5 05 , 3 5 3 5 103 3 35 1 0 35 p51 030 3 3 5 3 0p61 1 01 035 , 3 5 3 3 1 3 3 5

y 3 03 033 115 Typ3 1103 035 , 03 5 3 5 3 5 1 5 03 0 3 6.1ymnanin no 01 03 3 115

Typnnencnnn ; 115 03 3 3 5 1 0 3 03 0 1 5 , 1 4 0n1 a6pa upn6511 5 3 5

a engz'n; 23 1103 56113—3 5 B yxapy , 0 1 3y115 3 515 3 5 1 5 3 5 06pa1

3 3 3 ny1 5 8 M5 p1 a 1 559 r.,35 3 5 03 01 5 3 0 113 03 1 0 115 315 5 61 03 13

_ 1 4 _

1 4 Man 1 561 roan llz enxnncons anon o'rnpanuca n POO C i IO

on!» B ean on 0060 10 rpuo'ry E n cane'm n I onnay 0 's npoc b oo lo

0 nponycn'h ero m. [lepcino n npyria en rpano


rn ,nncanuna na

J amncxon's , n

'rusancnons n enpei cnon

'n sauna“ no us «now

«mec'rnenn 'kflmaro n nonoo'hmn 'hfimaro rocygaps , B ant am Cochin,monem ean H epoon


b,Muslin ,

Ramon , I‘

npsanifinen's , Rupi a

cuifinewb , Maprian'

s, naponon no 0 10 cropony n 060 11 0 0“ P


ca pa n not“ mel ons n oon'ra'reael newly nopen Kacn ifi

« cnnu n H epcnjcm 's sa lmon ». O omec'rno c's onoen croponn ,


B 1103 0 313 03001“ nopyuu lls enunoony 01 0mm 0 npo'hsl


c's Tonapann B’

B I lepc ixo Racniflcm u nope“ nan nnn n ny



rm uo eny calms neorpannqennna nomonoq ia : ero

yonorp'hn ilo npenoc

'rauuocb onpex


hm s s onn ec'

rno Tonapon ,coro

P09 0 3 1 » npn nae'

r b nymnmn .m un H epc immr hxmno ropna on'



n so nytnnee nponm: B

's P occin ; on non nanpaan

'rb 70

napn D'

L H oabmy nan sown cnoco60n B'

B R oncmn '


non . E l y npenocrm uocb Tam ,no cnoeuy snoopy, nomec


naplo Apamnfinnoc'rn nan. ocooaro cym na

,on no


ropano euyo5m spy

-10 11 's sn ows . O n'n non ncnpaun


rb nexoc'

ra'rnn , soro

pn e wh en 31» cueronoxc'rs'h n m ania roproun M emo irs . Il pn

aroma—ace 01 > un cn no oo's ompn'rin c

'hneponocroqnaro npofism81 » Ka rat , any nopyquocs noun -

5 00060 0 anno lm» cayx nrexei

oomec 'rna p a nacfi nonania np onm 3 0 30 ! 30mm.

20 A nryc'

ra lla enxnncon'n npi

'hxau B‘

B Mocxny n npocnn .

mm noaonm napto 061» ero np i'haxh .

« H O 000 3 9 00 000 1 3 0 6511 1 .

« B aum B eannnun t h an : on . roronn ca acrynnu 3 1 > 6pm on

« nnu nono ‘I epneccnom Marone'

roaa aazona (Mapieto Tenrpmnonc not) n nosea

'lu's,n oon ni cxouno B penenn nnnanofi nyt ec

'I pa

men's , nn nocaanm '

b,an n ot no 6mm in . 11e 1 0 11703 110 110 ;

« s pou'ls mm

, on nonea'lu'

b , 970651 3 1 . npmoaa enin men met ,

« nona oygm npasnnona'

rb ca 970 ropz ec'mo , ropoxcnie B opo



«con sumes saneprmln , n “0611 “ no : nn nnosenen's,nn Pyo

c enih (spor t ni xoropnu Jinn-5 m ero Anopa) ne nn xon n . no

« open cero ropa ecm ns'

b onoero nona; npnqnna t anonaro no

« B eat nia nenan'hc'

rna uno cefi gens » .

—1 5

lls ennnncon 's no cpasy nonmn . poopi menie h am o r, H opcilo: M8881» ero coodnum rpuory E ancanom na. npennapn



nu! npocn orp'n npeaue annnm'

o n onnecen in on napxo m om 's no

paonoxoa enie gum nocon cnaro npm aa ( B ncnonararo), n exhucuion coro 6511 0 oouuonie lln ennnnoony, q


ro eny nponycna

m. I Iepcim nan nouns , no '

ron y, 6yxro 651 , n o naps some“, 01 .

‘I epnecan n . Mennnncon'n ya o no



n 6mm nonnyto nuoauy npacnpom '

n B'

L Mocnn'h nao'rs ronapon

'n,nasnanonnn x


b Al l H ep

cin . H o H ones npyn on oono no'rynuca an nero n ycn

'lm . npn

unpn'rn ero 01 > ”axon s , m 0pn fi Toua TO J B B O n nonoz nn nap to

xogamflc'rno lla onnnncona. llz enmncon'

n noxyqnn . onacnna man ow no 3 5 maxy, no n m. pasnmrs npyrmn . manh o

n n n , no“ on m en , caepx'

n roro noxy'nu'n on naps a



ropnn m nnn nopynon in . Omonponenno c'n nun o 'rnymen '


m Mocxnn H opcnxcnii nom nnnn , 01 > no'

ropm on'n nocwa

noxpyzucn no npeu mananin no ~ A c'rpnxann , nponoaa anmaroca

n'hn mmoon nexus (on 27Aup'iun no 10 1481» A c'rpa

m mon 68 1 5 on ymou's no my“ c'

rpyrax'n 01 > 50 - 10 orph a

nann, no'

ropn e npononnnn oro no llepoen'ra .

Orpanc‘rnonania lla onxnnconn as H epcito n odpa


rno no orno

cam n nacronmeny nacrhnonanilo : noc'rnroqno owner ; 03 0 3075 ,

n o D'L Rnsdnn 'k (mount I llaxa Tunes) om. Gun npnna



soes l o nonpyw loG no n,nanpowa'n , canons .“ nanny» npinsn b

A ogyn- xnna , “wh en I I I npnancnaro (nu, m a» on

'n ero na

amaen , naps I‘

npnancuro), xo 'ropnnmmA nmnnanan m oaan

nyro rpaxo'ry no nonon nn i n oesnomxnnnnfl ropn n I II npnan


n B l em fi

O n o ooc‘ma'rexm no

,0 s oon now ynoaqan ,


menie lln onnnncona , yme no 06parnon'

5 oro uy'

ru nu I l opcin ,

n'n I II ouax'h m an

's t o A pn snnnon ; A pnnnnn'

n 65m o'


npm en'

s n . noxy on I‘

pysnncuro naps an confirm“ : mm.mm

H ood Az on l nnoona G nu o'rnpouonn run on e mm rpancnoprron


b 01

A nuihcxnnn Tonapun ; no yoionio npnxnmuon , 9 001-

00 pasrpooxonio roupou'b

n ca n nen‘hpnom n nenaxox nom yum-m in m i! roprou

'h, npoxcn nuo

s ol ont cnoc'rn n n cyxon um , I as n oprh, n an oni on B en t ,M u noctu

ouim oooopmonnoo on npexpunonio as 1681 r.

_ 1 5 _

can y naps H anna B acm onnnn nonpon ron cwm n aamm on .

nam on ifi Typnon'a n I I opcinn



roanno rpnonamnn n pa no

pnnmnx'a Ppyaito . O nacanca m yr qn on

'n, no

'ropn o noun 651 pa

copnra 000 cmA onyn - xnnon II I npnancnm , Aa cnnnnoon 'a orpnp

nnqnaca cont ro l s ooparn'raon on sn ownpocaooao naplo upon .

nocpenc'rno ero room,

‘I epnoccnaro nnaaa Tourp tona .

lla onnnncon 'a noanpa


rnxca n Mocnay 20 A nryc'ra 1 562 r.

[laps our s nocana xonoaena on e-rows 061 , am ny

'romecrnin , o6



nnu'a,irto yno


rpoom epo na nuan'hl mia cnomenin n , a s anon

caooi n neny unnoc'

rn, mm nonyro m onannyro rpano


ry A n

minonum roc'

rn'n. O nono t oga npnmnoca lla ennnncony ocu

naraca one an P occin, n, ya o no o


rnm 'rin npnonnmnn no

aecn’b nopnonen, on 9 hon 1 564 r . o

'rnpaanxcn n


a odpa'

rnn i

fl y“, as A nub o , na'n no

'rO pofi “th an an Tp l Pom nopon . Thu .

Moa no noun -mam a,n o rpym,

noun-mo lla onnnnconmn'a aroma ny


remec'rain , 6mmaoanarpuuenn npnna'rien ero m.

1mono uonon'a nynoqocnaro 060149011 30 ; no npnfinoi n

’b p

'h, an nep

aon nom oaannoi noor k cero napalm. rpan o'

rh ( 1 567r .)ero m



ra as “ can nn en'a f lax-

a A nmificanx'n rowan, t oropm on

noauoaana . B o B ens on cxyqa'h nan 1 0 1 5 3 0 npencm uaca

noooxom oc'ra o G pam acn on 1 0 11070 00 1 5 0“ 3 1» nap»,


comec 'raa anoaa nan na llmennnncona , no

'ropnfi 4 m 1 566 r.

0mm o'rnm n na

'a A nrzin an Poccixo . 11 030 110 11 1 . n ero ot npm o

niro an a t om, pm nocayz nm necana norpenos nnmio ofimoc'rnouyxn , n


ro n'hnifi Hm annen

's, PM .» B apoepnnn , nooem m cn

n'a P occin , crapae


rca apenn'ra A nuii cxoi roprom

'h, auywa

naplo , qro Toanpn ,npnaoanun e A nrm anann, ne


ra A nmil cnio

n noryn orm ropaaxo an roxn'he npioop

'h'raon n H B'B nepnm pyu,

o n , F ouannnea'n n H annea

'a . llannoe llz onuncony nopynonie

Tpoooaa'ra nn cn nnn 153m n nogonymonin nnnannx


s nnoaon

nea'n n'a you- llama 651 1 0 Thu aarpymm nan

'b o,

n o B apfie

pnnn 6mm npuasu napen'a no npnaoaonnony m nncaxy on

00 1 0 11 E nncnaern , y no'

r0pofi on'a ero nunannn non npeuo


n,am Men as P occixo ma aan cnania 110m m 01 , pasanu

Amm an , Tana npoon aanomnx'

a . Monnnncon'

a nonom n . am

n0pyqen ie ca noannu ycn'hxon ; caopu.mro nonpocu

'a y nap:

noaylo m oaannywrpano-

ry, no noropo l sens or y , A nranqannny

1 11 nnoaeuny, no npnnouemomeuy 063 100'

ray, aocnponnucanpi

'han m opoo 1 360 m y0'r50 3

'5 113 3 3 51 , 3 5 Xon oropn ,

Roxy, 3 5 1110303 5 , 3 5 11 0 3 03 17, no 0 0 1 0 3 0 111110 oc'rpoao , 3 5 [10

uopy , no 065 , non e 3 5 B opxeryyc'a . 061110c 15 0 3 0

nomopam ocx. 3 1 1111133 10 nonnoro o ny M003 3 }; gaopo «y Mon0 111 1o C onroro so Topron

-a» (no B opaopn

'b ) 3 poap'hmonoc5 ynpo

030 3 0m m no 3 5 B onorxh, fl pocxonr h, Roc'rpou


113 3 3 0 115 H onropon'k, Rosana , A c

'rpoxonn, H onropoxh B eannou'


110 110 341, Pyroxnn'h (H opn

'h) 3 100 50 3 11 JI nooncnona no

coepn . roro nponoo'raauxoc5 6033 0 3 11 3 3 3 0 npoaoan

-t a roaopn

lll ouoxy, B oxopy 3 I I o ro '

ro ii,r . e . C on apno nm (‘I onofi

m yn n npecnoay'mfi B oron).

F oam y mo on ro'


ocm I oanna 0 1111113101 5 , noz e'

rcn,3 03 11 1 5

3 5 30 31 1113 3 01 15 0001 011 3 13 0ro nyxo : co open enn 6po no oro

‘I ep t emonnom noquco 7075 113 5 13 , noo6yaxonnn i poaryn oro


,noropn i npoaoaoxo 110 1111 0 10 3 11 1 11111101 5 0 1


0 nope -

1 3 0311 3 10

fifl TO H I C G B iHX 'B Poccin ; nonpo cno 1113113 1 5 ero noann no ano

x3 03 1 0 13 3 51 105, npom nu 3 01 0 3 0 115 aoannom nocr lunio

33 01111111 5 ai m oro 3 1133 11 , no npeuonm cmya nnoo , no 3 3 no

11 3 3 y'

ry 3 0 npexponmn caooro 6ypno ro 10 110 3 10 11 3 no 11 1mm3 0 ammo pauoanin 005 111 03 111 3 5 100 3 3 11 : 1 3m5 no opene

3 o 11'

5 3 5 3 0 115 o63 opym oe'rcs 603 33 5 so 03 0 10 60303 00 3 0015 3

forgo 13c1our eny qymrca nan'hno , on

'a yc

'rpounen 3 010 030 10 ao

60 17o ooxponon'

in caooro agopoow,0 05 03 1103 13 00611 6orom a


o coopyz onin m pm3 5 m xponenin 3 1 5,

o onynenin 03 0 110

00611 m xofi, 1 1m xo'

ropn x'a 01 3 3 01 3 03 3 3 1 5 03 110 1 0 111 . on nono

nopv 61m 651 3 0 3 1101 3 3 00 1 5 rpoanono 3 110 073 1 0113 . B orn

110m 113 03 153 3 003 5 no ny'm


m. Mocnny 3m m , sons 1 0 1 510 .

11060 3 3 11 5 cn'hmo '

n coopya oniou'a nonpnc


rynnnn waepmm. 11-5

B os orxh. B o'r5 noneny 3 5 111003 3 11 on 3110700 1 1 » 3 3 00 nopc'rno

11 on ly! ) omn ny poaxhaom nn no 3o 1lmany 3 O npm nny . B o'r'5

now y mp5 , coanoaon non necrepnn o oro nym wraon o ero nopono ,

—yronm oc

'rim np00 56o 11

'5 E mcoae

'rn 30 1103 3

men on 1 06p03 0w1'01 50m no cayqofi, 651 «no mi noxy

n aoroaopy, no 33 3mm! 1 3 apos xh 0 3 5 annyuon'

r. no

m y n Poccim 3 3 03 111 5 y 3 011 , 01 3 3 01 3 03 3 011 03003 00 1003 111151 ,

y6'hx 1m1o n o 0063 3 111111 0300 11 00 11 5 11 .


H p01 no1 0 13 0 3 10 111 0 065 3 03 3 0 1 5 113 0 00 0 : 01 3 3 0 3 3 1 0 11 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 1 11 5 ,

no 11e11y 103 3 3 5 35 11 13 110 1 11, 3 001 3 3 3 0 11 05 1113 03 3 3 3 00 3 0 115 , 1 p0

6y0 1 5 3 p3 0511 3 3 opxn1 03 1 0po , 3 0 1 011513 y11'b o1 5 01 p0 3 1 5 3 3 1

3 00 1 3 , 63 13 3 3 3 1 3 0 113 1 1 03 5 000py1 11 1 5 1 1 3 33p3 6030 3 303 00

1 13 1 3 130 ; 1 03 1 0p3 3 on 1 03 op3—on 11 6y1 y1-5 61 100 1 11 0 1 0 smpon5o ;

11301 0p035 111 3 01 51 03 3 3 31 30 1 0 1 3 3 00p06p3 0 3 11 73 01 113 3 1 5 0 1 0

many . H 030 1 5 no 3 p01 01 oa1 3 01 03 300603 1303 110, 3 33 5 Mann , 3 0 1 5

3 0 3 p03 0 115 3 0 3 11 , 05 115 03051 1 511 111 3 0p0 1 0 1 o113 3 110 1 111 5 111303 3 3 300 3 3 35 0303 1 0pe115 3 1 3 11 5 3 5 np3 0y1 01 3 13 01 3 0 1 0 0300 10 00

3 111 3 113 3 , 30pm 01 0 1 0 1 1 13 1 3 P 101 1 epo , 011y 1 333 5111 3 3 33 35

0 3 po1 1 013 03 13 331 3 03 301 11 001033 1 py13651 , no 00 1033 1 113 0 1 0 , 1 1 0651

opal- 5 0 1 3 0 1 0 1185 3 111 5 6511 5 3po1'0115 Apyroro , 111 0651 3 0331 0 1 3

3 3 13 1 3 1 0 651 1 3 3 0331 01 010 060 11 115 , 111 0651 , 001 3 01 3 3 5 3 03 3 3 0 1 5

030 0 rocyn pcmo , 1 0 rocynopc'rao myroro 651 1 0 651 1 1 11 3 0 1 0 01

3 1151 1 0 , 3 3 3 5 0300 0060 1 3 03 3 00 3 1 3 1 11130 .

0 5 01 3 115 3 0py1 03 10115 111303 3 3 003 5 6511 5 01 3 y3 103 5 3 5

A 3 1 1 i10 1 0 10 1 10 0003 5 10 , 3 11p03 1 no 3 0p035 JI nray, no1 o1 ly 111 0 35

H 036p'h 1 0 1 0 13 0 1 6671 01 3 0 3 5 p m 3 3 05 1103 3 0 1131 03 111 5 01 0

35 Jlongon'h: nopa cn

'hmn1 5 1 1106033 1 5 0 1 113 1 11 3 5 I lerpony

113 10 (29 01 3 1 03 3 1 0 1 5 3 0 , 05 30003 3 111 13 3 0 11361 1 1 1 3 .

H 0 3 5 113 0 1 01 11 E n ema -51 no 110 1 1 0 33 3 1 10 1 03 10 3 3

01 y3 3 1 01 5 3 3 1 0 n 060ponn1 01 5 3 3 1 0 001083 05 103 3 3 01 15 : 01 1111 3 1 5

01 5 Poccin 3 0 110 133 35 03 0 11 115 11033 3 1 5 05 3 3 1 01 3 3003 3 3 3 1 0p

133 33 1 13 0 3 3 3 0 110 1 1 3 ; 1101 373 3 1 5 3 5 6op56y 05 3 113 3 1 063 3 1 13 P 00

cin I I o 1 5m010 11 111303 1010 , 6511 0 1 33 13 0 3 110 1 1133 0 3 51 301 3 115

A 3 1 1 in . Poccis 6511 3 A nuin 3 0 rocynopc'mon ,

3 1 111103 11 1 15

3 33 00 1 360 3 0 1 3 1 3 1 1003 00 33 3 1 03 10 , 3 3 0 601 -110 3 3 3 5 3 1 1 1 01 3 1 11 15

1 op1 0 3 51115 1151 3 3 0 115 , 3 3 3 0 1 0110 11 5 065133 1 3 05 3 31 111 13 A nuificxinn o 1 3 y1 o non

-13 1 3 05 cn pna npom ogenia , 3 0061 01 13 1 51 1 1 1 1 3 01

epon5 113 3 033 1 03 , 3 0 1 3 111 3 1111 3 001 3 3 3 00 111 15 npon oa onio on

1 3 3 0 no 61 11 0 : 0 3 5 001 3 3 31 01 1 3 13 0 35 3 0383 30 1 3 001 3 , 31 13 0 1

3 3 1 5 1 11 111303 3 3 3 003 5 113 3 3 00 e11y nopyaenie.

T1 115 3p0 1103 01 15 1 1 3 11 3 1 1 1303 3 110 0613001 113 3y3 3 0 35 , 1 0 1)

ry10 133 1 5 05 11100 1103 1010 , 11003 3 3 1 11 33 13 3 3 11 0 3 3 03 001 5—y1 p111 n '5

0300 1 0 03 1 5 3 0115 6osp1131'111 5 1100 1 003 0 1 01 30 31 . P y003 oi mp

1 031 1 . 05 y3 3 3 1 013 03 10 115 0 111 03 11 M0 1 03 003 035 , 31 3 1 31111 01 0

_ 1 9 _

”03 1101 31 3 1 3 05 1103 ” 3opo 1 n11u 1113 01103 3 11 5 3 [10 1 5 03 111 15 3

ynpo3n1 005 33 napo 1t5 31 3 1 33 10 3 001 0 33 51 1 5 3 3 0 1 03 30 1 1 3 3 313 11

1111411 3 3 1 111 . E 3 10 13 1 5 103 3 3 3 , ocnoaonien H aonrop0 1 03 03 3 113

3 001 11 , 0 1 1 3 1 03 3 03 1 0 1 5 3 0 p33 0 10 0 1 5 1 0 110 1 3 H opan , y3 3 33 1 5 no

1 0 ano3 enio , 3 01 0p00 0 3 5 3 p 3 1 3 3 3 1 5 1 00 3 0 1 01 3 51 3 3 1 5 31 03 11301

3 001 110, 3 p01 00 1 3 31 3 3 13 010 Poccin 3 113 01 3 3 5 3 3 153 1 1 1303 0 115 110113 ;

05 3 pn 0 1 03 10 115 3 0 1 5 3 1 3 01 5 Poccin 33 3 3 33 03 0 3 ponn 51 B 0 1

1 03 3 , 11 033 1103 3 H opoan , 0 1 3 115133 1 3 05 1 1 3 I oonno 3 0 3 11 03 3 001 5

y3 p0h 1 5 6030 3 3 03 513 1 0111 0 3 513 3 y1 5 3 35 I I cnono 3 3 35 H oaro

pom 35 H opay 3 , 01 3 35 1 3011110 10 3 0 1 010 3 3 5 3 111 1303 0 115 npa

61103 53 , np0py6111 5 35 E npony 1 0 03 3 0,3 0 1 0p00 01 3 p511 5 cyan o

no 6111 0 I I 0 1 py no pon30 3 3 3 5 3 011035 no1 1 opo 33 3 3 103 3 3 5 3 0

1 0 1 5 3 0 yonon1 5 0063 115101 5 3 01 3 3 3 1 0 030 0 1 0 1 3 1 3 0 3 3 3 3 011 5

33 3 3 03 13 H opon , no 35 03 1 3 1 33 3 0 10 y0110 1 p3 1 5 03 10 3 031103

3 001 5 ncnp33 3 1 5 orponno omn63 y 3 1 0 1 0 1 3 1 3 , poaaoponion'a

H onropono y3 3 3 1 0 3 3 3moro cnomenin 05 173 3 30 10 . I oonn5 3 03 3 3

3 3 113 1 03 np3 3 1 03 5 35 B opay 1 0p 10 3 1 1o JI 10633 3 5 3 00 1 1 3 3 13 05 ,

35 yroxy 131 3 03 3 01 3, azla 1 5 B 31 0 110p03 13 np 3 01 3 3 3 3 13 31 3 3 03 1 5

113 030 1 13 03 5 3 p0 113 “1 1 3 3 3 3 5,

35 1 0 3 0 3 p0 113 0 1 3 1151 1 5 3 5

H opn'h 1 0 113 5 303 115 3 3 030113 3 115 3 no npennymocmy JIm633 3 3 11 5 .

111003 0303 13 3 1 03 1 5 A nrxificno ro 063 100 1 3 3 1 3 3 3 0 y3p0 1 3 1 5 35

$3133 03 0 10 3on 1 opy; 3 0 3 00 1 3 3 3 510 3 1 15 rygo 3 pn3 1113 3 3 n P 101 1 0p5

3 P 1 030p5 , 3 11035 . 3 00110301 3 0‘I onneu,

3 0173 3 1 3 35 3 113 1 1513 03 0

meni1 05 A 3 1 1 1303 n113 3 yuna11n , 3 p3 3 3 1 1 03 33m11113 3 5 3py 1'

o 11y

0613001 3 } A nr1 3 3 3 3 5 , 1 0p 1 0333m111 5 35 JI 1D603 3 n Pepn onin , 11

1 3 3 11115 0603 30 1 15 03 000601 3 03 3 1 3 nogpnay B 3 1 0 110p03 3 1 0 061300 1 113 .

11001 3 1 3 00 333 01 3 0 33 1 0 05 3 03 3 13 3 1 0 35 03 110 11 5 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 0 1 0

3 3 1 5 3 p01 31 5 onocnony 003 3 3 01 3 3 3 001 3 y: 3 0 0 1 0 3 3 0 1 03 3 13 1 15 ,

301 3 1 5 33 3 033p3 3 103 10 115 113 03 3 113 00 3 3 , E 1 3 03301 3 3 001 3 1 3 35

B opay 1 03 3 0 35 : Man on (35 0 3 1 36p3 1 567) 3 31 3 31 5 1 0 3 3 (35130a 1 568) 05 1 p0603 onie1 15 0 1 33 1 11 1 5 033 3 3 03 3 51 1 5 upuna

33 13 03 5 11 01 3 11333 1 5 3 1 5 3 5 A nr1 i1o; no I 03 3 3 5 00060 3 3 0 61 3 1 0

3 01 3 1 5 3 5 P 1o l 1 epy, 6513 13 e nepenon 3 3 0 115 upn 113 03 3 3 3 00 3 3 ,11 3 5 P 1 0 30py, 1 3 3 3 0 y3 30 1 nn3y « 35 1 0 11 5 33 1 3 05 3 113 3 1 3

,3 3 3 5

«y mp3 0 5 3 0p0 1 03 3 010 6511 3 6p3 1 01 3y n I I 3 3 3 0 1 5 1 3 3

3 0 , 05 03 3 03 00 1 3 0 3 113 113 , 3 03 0 1 3 3 1 5 poannn nopynen in naps35 JI 10603 3 ; up 111 o 115 111 3 3 1 03 11 31 11111 1 5 1 0 3 5 « 063 3 3 03 10 p1 001


«3 3 3 0 1 0 113 1 0 0 1 11111 11 3 0 1 3 3 3 3 1 3 » 0 1 0 11 5 3 03 0 1 3 11 1 5 1 3

3 3 3 00 3 5 3 3 110 3 0 0 nopyqenie? 063 1 0 3 3 3 , p33 3 0 3 3 3 5 11 1 pe1 ii


y1 113 3 5 , 3 0 3 0 3 01 3 3 110 napa , 6511 3 33 1 0p3 3 3 51 3 3 pe1 5 1 0 3 01 1

303 13 0 1 3 3 1 3 E 1 3 03 30 1 51 . 11 5 3 p3 3 3 1 110 3 1 03 3 3pm 3 0611 3 1 3 0 1 0

3 3 3 3 3 1 51 0 1 1 03 3 3 13 3 1 03 3 p 3 3 3 13 3 3 035 , 1 33p3 3m3 1 5 , 3 1 0 1 0 3 3 51

3 0 3 113 101 5 3 3 3 3 3 0 1 0 3 01 3 0 1103 13 0 1 5 E 1 3 03 30 1 51 , 3 1 0 rp3 1101 51,

3 113 30303 3 513 3 1 1 3,3 01 1 03 3 51 3 3 1 0 0 3 11 1 33 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 opo 1 a 11 0 1 5

03 3 1 0 , 3 03 3 003 3 01 3 p3 103 13 1 003 3 p0 3 3 1 0 1 3 033 1 5 113 11303 03 1 0 11

1 0 3 1 3 ; 3 0 01 3 1 3 00 3 0 110 1 1 0 3 3 33 1 5 03 103 3 3y 1 31 15 60 1 30 33 110

3 1 3 5111 5 , 3 1 0 03 10 1 0 3 pi331 3 113 0 3 3 3 3 00 3 3 35 1 567mm, 0 3

1 3 31 1y3 1 5 2- 3 , 3 3 1 33 05 3 036y1 3 1 5 3 01 033 33 13 33 113 3 3 A 3 1 1 13

03 3 1 5 1 001 03 , 3 01 051 1 3 1 5 3 01 1 03 3 51 3 0 1 5 0063 3 3 3 1 5 3 113

61 3 1 01 3 p0 1 3 03 3 513 11 3 110 1 51 , 03 3 113 3 3 1 5 3 5 113 3 3 3 1 3 3 0 p361 3 1 1 3

331 33 1 3 0 111 03 5 , 3 1 11 3 13 1 5 3 5 H ap33 , 11631 11 3 1 5 113 1 3 3 3 5 3 111 30

1 0 35 3 0 1 03 1 03 3 1 5 00 1 0 3 1 3 3 3 3 13 3 1 1 p03 3 1 5 E 1 3 03 30 1 3 , 3 1 0

c 1umu15 3 3 33 3 , 03060 1 11 , 3 03 5 3 1 31 03 » 1 3 1 5 3 35 03 3 011 3 3

3 51 1 5 , 30 1 0 11510 6y1 y1 5 3 0311 1 5 1 033 1151 , 0py3 ie, 113 0 1 0 110 3 5 3 xy

1 03 3 3 3 0 3 5 3 5 H 3 113y 1 3 5 M003 3 1 10 3 1 0 11 1 3 0 1 0 1 5 3 0 3 110 1 103

1 3 03 1 3 01 pyry 3 opon51 11 01 503 03 ,3 0 3 3 03 0 3 3 0 11y 3 p3 1 y 3 03 1 5

« 03 060 1 3 511 5 3 3 110 1 035 11 .

B 5 3 1 3 1 5 060 1 0 3 1 0 1 5 0 1 33 1 5 E 1 3 03 3 0 1 3 113m3 1 3 05 0 1 3 113 3 3 1 5

3p033 51 3 333 3 1 0 03 00 1 0 3 001 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 33pm: 1 1 3 3 0py'103 13 3 1 0 1 0

03 3 na6pana 01 3 0 1 0 3 35 0303 1 5 3 3 1101 3 0p3 03 5 , 6513 33 3 13 1 0 313 0

35 3 000 1 5 01 3 3 115 , 3 3 3 3 1 5 3 33 3 3 03 1 5 60 11 11 P 3 3 1 01 5413 ; 1 1 3 3 3 00

01 0 3 0111 303 10 000 1 0 1 1 0 3 5 1 0 115 , 31 0651 05 3 0 1103 15 10 11001 3 3 3 51115

05 3 11115 1 3y1 5 3 1 03 1 035 3 0301 33 0 3 3 1 5 3 0p3 1 03 5 35 13 1 3 1 5 1 0p

1 0351 1 5 3 1 1106033 1 5 3 510 511 3 3 3 p3 3 3 13 3 3 035 , 3p01 3 3m3 1 5 1 0 11

1 03 1 3 063 00 1 33 ; 0 1 0 1 0 3 0p3 00 1033 0 3 5 1 0 1 3 0 3 5 6511 5 3 1 3 npo i

1 3 110 1 3 3 3 10 11 5 111 11 0 1 33 33 1 5 y3 1 03 3 3 3 0 , 3 1 0651 3 3633 3 1 5 y33 0

1 13 A 3 1 1 13 35 3 033 3 1 5 P 00013 05 110 1 5m0 10 3 1113 03 10 10 ; 0 1 33

3 0 11 5 3 0py30 3 13 113 03 3 3 3 003 3 301 3 3 0 065 3 3 3 1 5 3 3pm, 3 1 0 3 0p0

1 03 3 3 , 33 33 110 1 y3 100 1 30 3 11y1 p001 5 3apa, y0y1 13 3 1 3 05 3 5 1 00 1 0

33 p3 001 3 01 03 5 , 3 0p01 3 3 3 511 5 33 03 3 3 3 00 3 03 5 ; 3 1 0 33 110 30 115 ,

35 0 1 1 3 3 3 3 0 3 p01 3 3 1 33 3 3 1 0 631 01 3 11 , 3 3 115 6y1 e1'5 1mm “

3 113 3 3 1 5 0 10 3 5 A 3 1 1 13 ; 05 03003 3 0 crown 033 , 1 3 0 33 1 3 3

113 1 001 5 B 03 110 , 3 3 0 1 113 1 33 1103 3 3 5 03 003 603 03 3 03 00 1 11 33 3 5

01 5 03 0 11 1 5 3 01 1 3 3 3 51 1 5 , 1 33 5 3 0 1 5 33 313 11 3 1 5 311 3 1 035 .

_ 22 _

H ficnon no met cnyc'rn naps nompetk nun em 3 1 . ce6'h newe

pou no conhmanie; con'lnnanie a'

ro 6mm oocmueno 601 5 1110 10

mnnc'rnennoc'riro . H pncnannnn on naps 601mm (m as B asel

cnifl?)m Tennylo , xozonnylo non can nponen no m peu's Pannoxuba , nepeoxh'raro B

's P yccnoe mam . C on'hmt niem xocn

1 0 me n qacon'

n n Pannoxub 's B osnpam cn mno i t on no non

y'rpo . H a npyroi gens naps o'rnpannncn n A xem mom ym

01 n n npnnnn Panmmba yn e Ton t o B'b nanu'k A np


no no arc-

n pm npnnm m un nuocm o , napom's A rm in

cnnn'b roe

-ran nonun npnnnnerin, poopi mm m nec


rn nepes'b

Poccito wpm. B‘

B I lepcino, noun m fisnyxo pyxy 3 's B nnerrh n

nepenxannm none'ry m. Mount , 33 H onmporh it no [logos -k;

A nunnanm , sanemmn ouh b nym 075 06mm ” mpronuo n

H apn'h,aanpemeno 6511 0 ee npoxonm n n odunec-rny npenocran

.neno upano auxnarm n nnosem e woma n,noropn e cram on

xonm m B 'luonopcnony npndpea uo , cm f lan , “0651 noxonnna

noon -m mm m napcnymnanny. H o ocoG enno sani naren na cum

m ononnoi rpanom , no B oTO pO fl A nuii cnit m p1 . B‘

B Mocnn'hnan 3enmnnn nepexam ca B 's s

'lu'hnie O npm nnn . C oofipax enie

m m Moron-ren own cm f lan,n o nc'h neperonolm C

'L Pomon

cho lm. 6m : neuenn nsn'hc'rnn n M anner s I oanna, onnnn'n m

n annnx'r» onpnnnnnon

'n,nnnsm A oanacim I/Inanonnnen 's B a .

aencnnm , ynasm en , n o I onna 's cnorp

'hn na cnomenin cnon

cs A nn ie» no nan no 1 111 0 nezmapoxnoe, no nan . na Juno

em 11 E nncane'm nacanmeeci .

p naa P annonmy any rpano'ry, naps B en

-km on h am 3:

coG oxo n B onorny, n'

ro 0mm o'rnyc

'rm on nan

nocxannnnon'n n . E nncane'rh A nnpes I

pnrop b enn'm Comma . 0 1 '

npannenien mot-o nocna naps ran mpomucn, n o no npyroi

a o nenn no m yc Ponnozubo n B oaou'h, 0 03m o6unnn .

Pangom by, m on no on i on mno t pn us , no am nenin no

ropnx'r. ero noam n G ym nm ny

'm .

111m» nocon c'rna Panxon tb a, no m n ony, 6mm l oci-mum :

o cen o A nuincxnx's more! noxym o ne roam mamm o

nie , no n pacnpoc'rpanenie cnonx'n nonoa b noc

'rel ; conn

'hct nnqecn o

nnooennen'n B

B B 'hxonopcnoi roprou'h 69 1 0 yc

'rpaneno ; nonop

nanie anon mpronxn f hnn A n rnm nun,nompue sane.“ G in o

_ 23 _

cc rnennn l ropn . 31» H awai i , npenpameno 31 . canon nanm n

rum ! sannnmm m l ropronon cum—Pl onep '

n 39mm Pan

lumpy m ornlm nepem. oonmc'mon . H o rpedonanie Ioannon's

m o nenin noc'ryna

'ren naro n oG oponnren naro nommpa coconu

n nocn nacroum n‘he , 11 mm Pannon tpy n yguocs ycrpamm

006: on gol onunin m om goronopa, no on no non 0mm

pm on . oraoan n A nn i» Connan, a Conn y m i . noun cs

nponncanier n yuonii , mum G nu 65 m num enn n'n

goronop-n, n m. soropnn eny unpemeno 6511 0 gonyc


rm m in

3 1 60 nan'hnenin .

Tpeoounin naps m an ner, 3 1 . TO I'L , n oon E mcane-d n

eny ems -

rs so oano npom's o6omnnx

's npnron

's ; non ora


rnmmmyry not cnou

, m nono n nc'hnn noennn nn norpe6nocunu; non

n nnnn'n coo- n nenoofipanno Aonycna

'rs ca uses in oG onx'

s no

cygapcm n n goanoum nun . neon ropronm cnofionnym on no

nunn-L n on . m a n . orpm nenin. Tai nono m mm odo rocy‘

n pn nou ns G nu ofissan cn , n cayna'k nenarom onnoro mm

m m, mm, oomnnsy yfihs nme m. cnoem. rocyn pcn

'h. lloronopn.

mas ons G nu. G nu 060mm ynp’bmen

's npecrnn n nh onanien


am nelo rpanm as rocygapc'

rnennn nn nonaun n n nsannnolo

npncnuon nocunnnnom. m npncy'rc


rnonanin npn npecrnou

n‘luonanin. H oum n om on E nncane'm 1 0m m 6am. 6am.

A nt on-L llz em ncon's n on gom ea '

n Gun Man In. P oocino

upn odparnon m i st ]; Tyne G oanna .

An coni nmnil 01 : C onnnmn . E nncane'ra naananua noni pen

n'hfimnn . cnonx'x. canonnnnon

'L—xopnom. cnoero railnaro con

'hn .

H eperonopn an nam es onono rom (on 1m : 1 569 no Manno can no npnnen nu In . m any pesyn n ry . JI opm

ofiucnnn , m nopoxenna, npeme trim . muons A nuilo m not

nn nap: on ero negpyrann , gonn a 6mm yfi mrscn n eupnaeaan oc

'rn nononon


x. m. an “ nonnm n nonn'

ra'rb yon

-kn . onoero

nocpegnnnecm n ycrpanenin nx's . C onnn'

r. noes-an on . no go

caonnon nepenncr h rpeG om ifi naps , cum necooopasnnu cs

nocronncm n cnoero mon apa 1 1 065: npanusnocn em rue-milO dcyw en E ncane


rofi. E nncanen mum s , nro naps,oxym mncn, om en s on . own“ medonanifi, 11 norm, on. no

crynaenien'n necnu, C onnn'

b nacront exnno npocnn . omyct a , orny

“ 24

mum em 6081» llmenuncona, in . no nponn (nos e-

rs G nu it no

nan'hponia) naxoannmaroon nn

'h Jlonxona, n cna6m -b ero

no norowpou , a my“ rpuoun —ognon « 06m nan upo

M om (nan . noel-13am. co m. nocr lucn in loam ), gpyron

mfinom, an onoeto nom cm n co6c'rnonnol o, 1101 0 10, nona'rm .

I I opnom, cocrm nnmoxo orn'h'rb no n ame npeme'm noconwruC onnna, on 068851863 30 1: 61a com on. Poociel o , oust-1mmannnyto nonoms npo


rnn'b 061mm woman 11 npoxornpamu nea

nin open ,noropn fi n o 1 1160 nou m nanoc

-rn Poccin; nrop0 10,

Tonnoxo—ona 061311105 11. Ioanny cm cenencrnon '

n n npndanx enm n

b a nmo on A nuin no 01 371 3 11 , ecn 6n «no rai nk n saro

«mpy, no nn'hmnel an npm 'ha—on'b 631 0 11 3 5111m oc



rb Poccilo .

H ogoonn fi owhn no non . n on e-rowan I oanna , gocrl rmaro

3 1» am open noannro paarapa To! G ennpn'hpnoi B

'B ncropin

onoxn rnpanc'

rna , Roma ya e no non enno , no menu-nun,no 00 1

nnun , a 6on'he Thu m eans» nnncnm ncb as C nnon nn mann

un n no oro nonen'hnimz op'rnn H onc'ronoro 6pm xo paspoanacn

on m, nncu 'h n E nncaner b , nocunnon'n B eni n . as manpowe

n ion '

n C onnna ( 24 O nrn6pn —Mmgym n , nnmm on , 1 1 0

TL! 31 . once“ rocynapcrn'h rocynapnnn, m m nn'hems rocymp

cnyro macro 11 W W 0 0300! rocyn pczoi neon n 0 na


n cnoero rocympcm ; no st or y 1m 11 xorh n sh o t s on

10 60 10 xlua no rocyxapcnn . H 0 1m 3mm ,“0 moan rocy


'n ups ea '

n . nonnn o reds n ow, u no 1 0 m n on ,« no

nys nnn mpronn e» , a m mecu n'ksana, m m no Ann- 11m n

Regents coda ( « a m npe6nnaems m. omen ( humm us a ny

nan ecu nomm H owl; roro nm nonoro npogon

man on 1 060 10 namnn . cnomenii : non pa'

rn nan am y a n o

nannyno rpano'ry; anponou , ocan n no m pa

'rnms ee—nco pan

no : ynntrroz aen n oe 11 wk npes nin on n01 06m rpuom .

U ocnorpnn's, nonono no Gum 6005 m 5 rhn 's «mp ronm ny

mnnanm , no'rO pn e nan, so 03 0mm. ropronnx

's npn6men npone

Cu. "1 . Cunonnwh: « nonnnn Pocnom Aymo po rn cuonx'

r. m eant! ) nan

con . mrm 9 0 Yc'rp l mom . C namnin nnmn Kypficno ro "on. 2 - 43

C . 1 1142 , cm.

_ 25 _

opera nomeno rocynopcnow nec'

riro n rocygopc'rnennn nn unm

m l “mum—H 60m. A nuificm o moron Mocxoncnoo rocy

n pcrno c nocnynno 6mm .


pn ory my {mum cocroanmin no onyx 6'is 06mec 'rno , fin n

mil npn Conant muonon , llam o C nn necm . H o one no

oro np i‘hsga no JI ongon

'h nomono noni crio, n'hpon no nopmH apsy , n o naps no 70 1 5 3 0 o'rnu'

s nonon noc'rn y A nmiflcnmroom , no non

-1m. ooxno'rm not n o nonapa n nponpo


tu-rs 1 0p

roam 06mecrno , no npnnnnon m onnx'n m om roc


ren no no

uxorem. m xen on . 06meo'rny rpomuo onocnoc'rn umn ncn

mmmo l ropronm on. Poccieno, n nnxh'rn nponponxenie roanno n o

m omentum“ nun cnomenifi cs I II enoxom n H epciolo , nopon'snonopnn A nn i: nn

'luo nonoan y nonopno'rn ropronn o B ononian

um 1! nom in ation on B ocronon .

H egoyn'hm 0 npnnnnox

'n unnx's noo



n nopn , E n co

ne'ro nocn

'hmno ornponuo n nony ronnon P06ep'ro B oom, npoca

06ucn1m. trims aocny’

mun en . nouonnn o Tony» onuy? Ron's

lim o m m i n loan s no rpoxo'ry, npnnesennyro B ec'

ron ,

E n cono'

ro nn cnosn nom npexnonon enie, n o naps nporn'nnoacn

no 70 , n o n a me C onnnn n '

o no A nmin nopoG en nn e nocropo

no 6mm 0mymonn non. A nuin; n o on npnnenonnnx'n nun no

a lum na n ronopon'

r. m m no A nuin nomm a,n n o eny no

om no nou noro none'ra ; n sorhn onpanmnoe'rcn no man

oro s o an em onnn n Mormonism . H o no no no rn'B noncn I oann '


0 mpofl onnn on only «npynnnn no 651m m,no nonunnn only

nnm no w om en, o econ C onnny n sonepa onie no no

pemmpox's n G onnoc'rio no nopnox

-s,no no TO ero wh o , a no

no , m on no ni nonou npecm no cnooi rponorh nopem 00

m 11 no ynnnuo c'n nm m onoro noronopo .

—H no f lan .

nop's nponou n

'rcn nomo onuo no n orm . moron, nnmo'rr. naps ,

non no npnmnenm no non onooro nocno (1 06mmnonon'hno) 11

en» nus Am n nnoono .—H 171 1 , s o no 3 0a rpon o

'm 1106»

n m : H roneps gomer s no noc'n onyx

-n, n o Mon a co“

n um np i'hxon ; 1: s on s nuero nn cxymoen

'b, m yn

'hnon m

m6! 0 nocr hxymmen 's .


flol crom xono no open : nonnconin noon rpuom (no A nt-yo rk1 571 r .) llx ononncono yx e 6m no Xon oropoxo , on ym no

nop enno ornpoonno C nnonocrpo no Mocxoy nonfic'm'ro naps 0

omen -o np i'hsxh. H 0 no noon nyuno no Mocuo 6m l noc

't on

nonn socronn no npm n'h noponoro nonhrp ia a C n onecrpo so

90 nopc'ro no B onorm 6m o m ops ono no lllyficnono ocrporh,

m o n o Ils enonncono non e nempe nocnno no am o , n o co

nnno cm oco . O no pomucn nocxo'

ro npyroro ronno ozon nouo

mporono (nopon'rno nepeoo I lon'hneno no H onmpoxo); no n on

noun -lo o onosuoco noynoqnon: roneno nonopo nonopom ca co no

mrieno , n o , nononmnco no socrony, em nadornyxo onocnoc'


ont o cou onnn n o nnocrh co cnooro nomum (1160 a n noxono



t o co acor n , n o on e“. nn roroca n nouro cropox enn a socronn). 1[0 noxoom H anaps np06ouo llx enznncono no

Xouompoxo , non epronco m on o 06am co croponn nonun

nnxo amen n noxynon orsemxy canin e rpenom o cayn : co nt

.nmonieno nopcxon onun no A nuil cm o rowel , we n o m ymoc'rno , nco nxo roupn 6am on anno 0m6ponn ; n o cmon nun no nan


row]; gonz nmxo n o xenon-o ; nn c


- no apo

cxouo cymo nu nunan in no Ill onoxy so m omm a Ton-


npnnomnnou 06mecm n so nyn nennm nun no [lepcin rol opo

nn, oogepa ono no A c'rpoxonn; nononono , no m ot Mocnnb ,onu onnon no Moo roro t op Ilen e

-lo I

‘npoeno , crop

'luo t ona

pono , coon ennn xo no A nuificnono non opo'h nonnocrilo no 1 0

m on o py61 ofi . B opon'

rno noxom l no llz onnnncono a m 11 0

rono , n o nopno no no zoom-o no m ono 0 xiuoxo A nn i!

cmxo «mp ronnxo nya nnono », no n 06o ycrpol c'rnh cnooro no

cygopcm , poaooponnoro roaoxono , nopono , nonlecmiono Rpm:

neno . C nepno nopo H oono B ocn oonn o n onmuo nonopo onoen

6'hrc1 'no nepogo ileum Pnpeeno nonno lo rh o donpo , noropn xo

063m m no npnononin oro ; norono m a cs enorpnnonn oat h

newb orn t oo “can oonnonnnxo co ncero rocympcm spoon -no ,

neqenieno nn6ponn0n uoz xy nnn l Mopon Common, yew


roor o 6pannat o co new mps ec‘

rno ; nononono corona tion 0

npos nenpenennol on 3 0 1mm , corooonien'o , conponoxmmnncn,

nono no opnsny no not , nononm m anna an gel , 06nnnn

nunno no rono , n o on nonycrnu no nee nopny!


H o “m ol ly, noon! on ycnozonan Pponnovo 11 noon “no

nouo yo‘huenie, n o co cnop rin cnonxo nny

-rpennnxo cynoc


mono ono npoqno mepxnxo coon m nylo 6enonocnocro ; no o pon

nen x'hp

'h, norm llx enonncono (Sm -

o nuoneno Aonymeno upenc'ro

'ro npoxo noro no Axencouponcmfl 0 .1 06v n norono t om

noxynuo no C oopm'h coon ornycno , I oonno oG o am o only, n o

on no open ouoroo'ro cnon rofinomwh o , r . e . noporonopn o

m unoi n un]; oro n E n cone'm no nm oe npoun go

'ro myro

gpm yok on o .—I l pn n'rono nopo odo snn o , n o nponoero soone

nino cnoe neynonoxoc'rnie no A nrxm no

, noonpomoe'ro n o no ];

n o nonoxonocu n nexn o no G ynymee opens mon o m oxpon

nyoo c'rpoz y npn mononin n o no B omb m 10m co crpo

nm so -Ko cnii cnm .

H opecno'rpn u oyuorn, m ommiocn o

'roro nocoxocrno llz on

n ncono , nous: no ocunonm nm onia no nonomonnouo nop

cn onnoro uocronnc'rno o'rnh 'h E mcono'm no 6ponnoo nosnonie

en mapono «cymom (nom ono) nonmew».—Hm nie om i t

, an

m ono , no nponn'ro nomm rocyn pcrnono ; ynponuen o n o

o n con 1: ynponueuo m o npnxnnecrnye'ro mo 11 nopoxenn


B oron nocnm ennol ; n non roro rocyxopn , no'ropouy 6a cm o


rno nonnnonon co nom nnole, m o nouo : so n o n ot noon

eno oxomgoponie B oryt—H e mwono uocronnc'rno n m ono l oon

no . 3 0e ,no ero m otion no nonegonio A nrzincouo roc

'refi ,

llz onnl ncono npoonno ero noouro nueno nnnonnolxo . Tn n o

no ysnoomo : n npoc'rnr o on , M oon nopo , o n o snonnxo (in

awe maponoe npomenie , eon on n npogoc'

ronluo moon t opo

J enno n o nom n no'ro !

F i anna: wh o noooxoc'rno llmm neono oom, rom o oooo

aono uocrnrny'ro : ono nonc'rononnxo B oxonopcxym n oo -Kocn il

0 : o ropronn o al ongoncooro oomec'rno . O gnooos e , noonorpm e

nie yon-mono , xo

'ra o



rn ooomono , no no nocr luonuo .

11pm nonogonio co nnno nopn nom nnooro ooxm oe m o

nonio no npea nono no nony oxompocnoaoz onin: noo mm,1190

negonnono n o no Poccin (co 26 hon 1 571 no 23 I n t : 1 572)An om ncono 6am .nponops on o coonn t coneno no Xouoropoxo (no

1 8 Humps), nox'ropo t ha n no H opeocuna

'h (co 3 tb enpon no 23

- 28

Monro); no npnna'

rin oro nopol o no 0 1 060 1 11 nucxono no Tnopo ,

n o em onono myxo M 1103 !» (no 1 3 Mon) G eno fi n s 08 !

nor o npi'hnno nopn no C ropnny no no myron s o Aono no nony

nonin o'rnycno o 'rnponxeno oopo

'rno no Xouoropn . B o Mocnny

on no 6am. nonymono . O oronn'ro C nxonec'rpo no O rapnn'h n o

nooynenin nonon m ononnon rpono'rn , gonero , nou nn xo no

peno oomemo y, n A na mono,no

'ropn xo m ono no rpooonon ito

E n cono'm 61m eny oG hmono,—no G ouo eny noonoxeno , co odo

maniono , n o n rpono'ro , n xenon , n A nrm one G ym cgonn

only no Roma n—[loa m on new no H onroporo co nono

m aniono o cen o onyx-o no ornymeno no neny ofiporno . H ono

neno , no m otion ero no m ono ro nopcnono m onm o B ea

eona , oco O pounmuo oro (no no no oro npncy-r

c'rnin 6n mo'

ro A nunnono n nonocl nmoro nopoaonny, woman?)monsoon n

‘roro B encono n mo non . ycxonieno , n oon np i

'haa on

mie no H opny no 1 668 rony roann nopoxennn Man on n H um o

rono 6mm Tom e nom onn .

23 I ron 1 572 r . Am n nncono nonceuo npoc'rucn co P oc

cielo . I I o npnomin no JI onnono ono npegcronuo m en 0 eno

eno nocoxoc'rnh n norhuo nonaxo oomec'

rny nonncny , no no

ropo i,nnxon nno nepeqono cnonxo m anor: mecm 'hrnnxo c‘



c'rnononifi no E npon'h, A sia . A tbpnnh n Pocoio , ono ronomrro

no ooumnenio : « H notn'h y

'rouennui n ooet op

'hnmincn, o no

c nopono ouoxny'ro no cnoeno noun, y 'rhmennn fi rm n'hlme f lan .

4: n o non oxyx oo 6m», am i no on'hneno n noonorpoa gono on no

( 1 1 1 00730 1 5 n myrm ,nony a m o »


3o ynoooneniono llx ennnncono o'ro onyx on oomocrny, nepo

ronopot co nopono 6mm no cr hnymnxie rono nopynoel ot llom'h


rpy. I I ocJ annn i no nopto'

no 1 573 roxy , ono npnneno

E n co l e'rh nuonuo o

'r'o nero on » 20 A nryc'ro 1 574 r .

,co nonh

c'rieno , n o nopo nnono ononnxco no A nuii cnnxo nynnono no

npnn no on pn'rio cnomonin 9 o lm I

‘J onepo n Puntbo Pm-ropo

co ero nonpyrono oopoxono H oxocnm n npn oooxo no st ony

caynolo soxno'rn


ro no nopcxyto nanny nc'h ronopn , noxoxnnmieca

no A nuificnofi non-top'h no B oxorrh; H om e: ono n o nnxo n

so 1 0,n o no wor k noamxo y I I Inonono nomnun no l cooun noon


ria crononnxo cononnnnono , n o coonmonio oni on nocr h cero

G ym nononnoa no; n'ro gonycno

'ro nonnncanio cono‘



ro, noxnnconnnxo nopononnoxo , no A nuil cnony 06mm

6511 0 on noconnocrno co rocyxopcnm noc'ronnc

'rnono . H o ao

n'hno '

rononoo ncoro m or onic ornono E n cono'

rn no rpooonnnio

naps , n'roon ono , nono6no ony , npocuo, no 0.1q nyzm, y6


z nmo no Pooch —E u odoncnn'ro nopzo , nonosn noo'

ro ono Cun


rpy, nro nogoonon npocooo co nomofi craponn nomc‘

ro no

nmno nouonnn no nn cno , n o not nnoono nonoxo noro 1 1160 on

nnxo onoco'

rocn; o Tonoi amen m nnxo noc'ro

'roqno G ygo


ro ,

n oon noncrnn'

ronono noc'

ronnro noco no onocnoo noxox onio . H o

connonoenca , trro nopo, onosnnazomin nano coon non nyxo Apya oy,

no women noxo'ro no ceny nonoxo .

C nnonoc‘rpo aocrono naps Knono B ocnnoennno no ry nen‘hpo

arnyno anony oro m an, noun, ooo annno B o cnnoncnoro nopn

C onno S yno'ro B onnnnno R omano Cueonono B onoyn



ncoo Pycin » n nosn non coon n cnonxo cn nonofi no nonmem o

ony nonoon'

rnn xo Mocnoncnnnn nnnnonnn : «Knonnono B ocuoonuno co rho


amm o co Mononono , no co O ompnono », ono upoz nnuo no Mocnno nn

'h Rpom no cnoeno onpm ono 1 0 : 13, en on t o npnnn

'ro C nnonoc'rpo 29 H oaopn 1 575 . «Tn nnnmno ,

cnoauo only nopo , nono connnco nomn onocenin, nooygnnmin

noco noc'rn rofinn o noporowpn co nomowcocrpownopoxonnolo !

Mout o n namnxo nouonnn xo gone.“ noco no roro , n'

ro nu no

pogun nponnonie rocygopcrnono nyanopomy! B oni t o no carxacu

noco ono no nomn npouon enin : rnopmn noonnnn fi com ynpo

nuo on nomy nopznony n nooym o on noco mm. on nouanm o ncnnin nonononoc


,nonono on ronono onn n oun nos e

.xo'ro . H opanynno noc


rynnno cocopa am , no npnnnno name

npeuoz enio !H o nnoqo soronOa o I onnno n o t ha n non e (29 H nnopn

o'rnycnon Cnn nocrpo , nocx

'h ooro nono nonm nuo mys ecm nnn fi nomnopo co npncnonnnnn oro nocopn nocuu . Pmnopn npn o


rono cnyno'h ononnnno oonncono Cm nec

'rpono co

Aocnonno to ronnoc'mo ; cnn cno on oonono z—Mn nnoono nono no

nnnn nn rom,nonnenoennn

~A nrnificnm men u on nonoaono

coon, no'ropnn nn o 6mm nuocrnno nom ononn noun. Mom

rhno no nounno o'

ro cocrpn namofi nnnonofl noonnnocrn no Romyno not npya oy . E uomo nno namnxo m onifi no 61 11 0 on ncnon

nono . llan o nn no ono noyn'hc'rno nonnocn

'rco nono nonn n na

xomrto nonpunnnn no n o coon nn posn'

ro nono Ty s o npoco6y

(061 . M t), co m om o n no not oopo'runco. I I o orony

ooo o oo on, n o o n rpeoyeno on non oooya onnom con ocia no

nomn npon oanonin. O rnoso ea oyuooo nn'lm noco

'hgc'rniono nepo

xo ity noel ropnoun, no'ropon oonepo yc

'rynneno nann A nn ua

nono , no pynn B enonionnono n Popnonnono , o'

ro no'r0pnxo onn

nonyuam'o G onomylo noc

'ro oonapono , no nono npnnonnnnxo . H o

gym , n oon n o no 6am m oron cio ynnnm : npanxo—nu no

pown npyrony nomy nopz any , no n o non ono , no cnoeny upo

nonony, nnono no nonnoo nponn oe nocnp in'ro : nomn con s non

nono , nomo cnnno'rpo , nco nopcnon yrnopo, nc

'h nopcnin ocuponnmo , ncn noano rocynopc

'xo ennan no nonmxo pynoxo .

E onconoro angi na , trro nononnoznno 60mi n yn ono'roon

n cn'hnnuo ornponn


ro ooporno Cm noc'rpo co coonno oon


no napm: no coo'n'ty arony no cya nono 6mm notion no naps .

Il o npnom'in no Xouoropn ,

nome'ro Popcen, llnnnno Cm noc'rpo

«cm o nopocnorpnno'

ro cnon mom , coonponco nonrn no naplo«rpon o

'ry nopoxonnn ; nop


rnon m ono trro npnnopnxo no nono

«no on ion noo nonnooo nopxnoro a n on A nrxil cnoro nonnOpu«nonyro ogon y nno anon


row orn co n om yeni no com-

n co

d i ctum , nono ynopnno rpononon cop'Iuo n yom C nnonecrpo

«no whor ls, npom upon-o nnyrponnin nopo'

ro ero nonoro momn now n o npanol croponn oro m a. Monn iefl (Stun rang e

«yom noxommiocn npn nono nunnnno n cooono, 11 no omo«nrnonenio con ean oro J opnnno , nncono n neco nono . H opocom npofine nopoa ono , noun ono o cono ycnnxoxo n ena

«nono : no 63mm non S on ia !»

B o cfi xynonxio oorhno rpn rono loom , nam es , no no on

m anuo ocooonnnxo cnomonifi co A nmiolo. S aloon 0 mi n i

co I lInonieoo n no ocooennocrn co H onomoro, no nnm ony, norm

mxn nco oro nnnnonio : nya no 61m nooo'rm cn no coca no o

coxpononin nonoenonin no JInnonin , onom o ooo oxpanonin 06n

crol Pyocnnxo : yz e llononno , C onono , Pyron no (H opno) co

Koonroponono 6n .u ornoononn nonpiom eno ; B on nie l nn no

_ 32 _

06mm : H ononcnon, fl no (fl noypro), Konopne , O pomono (Illn e

cexooypro), Ropono (Koncronono )—no 6nnmofi B o -rcnon nm no

npoznnon ooxoc'rn H onoroponcnofi—6n .m o

-rnoenonn nporonn . IIopo

nnono noooxoxnnoc'lo n neooxonnn ocoo neouon nylo no G oem o


'lsnn , cnnnn'k, com '

rp'k, cop

'h, nopox

'h n upon . G o

rpooononiono o npncm no n'rnxo npnnocono I oono o pomnnon


'ro no E nncone'rh « roponn» , r . e . cyxnno ny


rono , omoronno npnnanmnono oomecrno ,

nonoero E pou'ho PO pcon, noropnfi

ycn'nno oopo


rn'ro no coon ero nnnnon ie cnooto noxonnnnoc

'mo n

cnonn n poscnosonn o6o yc'


rn'h A nrxii cnnxo nopaonoi 1! n o

noopyanonin . I‘

O pcon nomepm cn G onomon onocnoc'rn : only upon

c'ronno npo

'hxo 'ro nclo J umb o 1! Rypnnnnilo , rn

'h oro norm cm .

rn'ro H ounn nono Pyccnoro nosy

'n nno ,

I I onopanilo n Mennon

6ypro , mo roro n o noro ono on nnooo o'ro Ill nexono ; no npea no

nano no npionxh no JI tooono n I‘

on6ypro , noro ono cnm '


muons cnom no 6ooonocnoc'rn . B o nanon Mop-ls o


'ro oro

noun '

to n 65m connonoono connno nopono nnnno noo TOPO n o,n o

npnnanonilo nopcnony, rpano'ro I oonno 6mmmon ono no nepo

nnnnymG annamny co nonnom,no

'ropylo l

opcon xoxn ono 6m o nop

n a'

ro cnpn'ronnowno rpnno oooooo nonn . I I ocn'h ponnn xo npn

nmo qonifi Popcoxo ynonoco , onnonoano , noc'rm yro I

‘onoypro , or

nyno ono npnon xo no Jlonnono , npynnxo E nnoano'

r'h nnny

'ryl o noo

G ananva rpono'ry n

,nocnom 1 581 roxo , npnnono no Poccino 1 3

cynono , norpyanonnn xo rp eoononnomn nopono npnn oconn , non

noc'rilo ncoro no 9 m o . (pyn


r. coop] . H opo n noc'rnno noxnuuo

Popoca so ycn'hmnoe n cnO poo nonoxnonio n0pynonin : nopo

nonno n o norpom o Popcen nonneneniono no ananio on rh oxpo

nnronn (anan ie coo'

rno'rcrnononmeo nnopnncnony). C o noon

-o npe

nonn I‘

O pcen npncnonno coon nopnenconymmoo whom no open-hA nmincnnxo roo


ren no Mocnn'h,no

'ropoo , nono nngno , conepmonno

can onponsnonono npononm o nonnn o'

ro no co l on nonqm I oonno

n noozno no nepnn e roxo nopc'rnononin O eonopo .

B o coon-women 's 1 582 mm I oanno o

'mpannno no E mconerh

noona, nnopo nnno G ompo A nnp oonnno I I ncen cnoro , n npn nono

nom noro E nn tb ona H oynony B ocnnoono Xonpoaono . H no nopy

nono 6mm npnnec'

rn no ononqoniro wh o 0 com npyanon 11

motion n cnaro'ro no nopn ogny nso ponc


rnonnnno nopononnn

_ 33 _

«ma ny Xanm cnyno a ino Pocrnnrco , nono rpodn I‘on

m noncnnro . A nrniflcnony n a nny I Inconcnoro 3mm Rpoy

onuo npono mro npnnanono mono nopego'ro nopononn

'h,woo nopo

n oon-o m openio npnon ro no A nmim.

H an-horio ooo orono nonoponin no comm on . mono»: no

pomn i ronoco npnnncnnnno oro «H onnnny, mmny B on ny, no

pnnoonony « E no ch »: (B onenim, so n o roan nopono rh o no

n opennony no Mocnn'h), no'ropnn, no ononnn o Il cnoncnoro t hro

nncno , mpnnono nopn no nonono on e (Son ora no A ronncnyxo

«nenn o 11 m o z onn'rncn a

. C o G onomolo omo nonpoonoc'rilo ro

B OpH'r

‘B ooo o'rono Popcefi, npn6nnmifi no P occino no 1 572 t ony

n co ooro npon onn no 1 59 1 roan, an ncum oniono umo no

cnononnxo noosnono no A nn i»,noo'roonno npoonnanmin no Mo

ooo'h, n onmifi noc

'ryno no nopcnony mopy n Juno nonfic'rnn i

co l ony I oonny: « E nncol B ononiil noon nopn no . anonymonio ,

yn'hpn o oro , m A nmil cnon nopononno n oxono , n “0 ony

« noel-no noonoa no no no! z onn'


Kano noronncnoo cnononie, Tnno n nonom Popcoa o'rnocn

m ono B or eais onponopromcn cooopon enion o onceno nonun

M on o noporonopono nopn co E nncono'rom, np i'hoxo B onn- in no

Pocciio n 06cmo 'ron c'rno m nn I oonno . 3onncno co m ozne

niono rpooonanio I oanna o nu'rnonnono oo'hnnlnin ony yo

'ha n

mn no A nmin nogono llz onnnnconono no H onop'h 1 567Pogo ; a

B qnoxin, cogepznonnn’

ficn on cnon nponcnoonnin no n opon'h, 6n 1 o

nn nymono noo A nrnin no Pocono no npocoo'h C onnno , nocoonnoro

nnpouo no E n caporh Jun noporonopono odo mono yo'hn nm'h,

ron no n o co nononnnolo rono on e“, no Mot 1 570 rogo . oon

an aaon nopn ornocn'ronono nor-o n nopys noc

'rn nopos onnn Tont o

em on noro pomnoocn B ononil . O ooo o o nocnonono poso 6n noon npnnm ono 1! no roqonin cnooro necom 'kcunoro npoonno

nix no llonnono , em on noro no you-lo , n

'ro E n conorh no ro

T. o . nonon no nn cn , nono npoon ono nonooorono no I lcnoncnol

J imnncn M. I I . I lo roxnno . M. 1837, cop . 209 . B o annonin n o A pxeo rpo tbu

necno ll nonn cin (noon. C oop . nor . O no. 1848. T. I V, cop . 818) omnoonno no

noun no : « nononono : no omono cl out , n o ynnm n oro onncno nooro

op p os es“.

- 34

open 6mm yz o 37r h o ,n n o on roxono rponn ronnnn no

nozoe nopn. I I pn'rono nononmoecn emo no 1 560 Pony cnoronc


nnpn no nonepn C nrnnnynno H on cnaro , nponona onmoecn n no

nnxon'h on no nnnyznoc

'rno (no 1 562 rony), ononnn


rexono npopno

noco am no m enu}; on nys ono , noponono I oonnono I IInoncnnn o

Mocnoncnnxo nocxono no 1 567r . ,

'r . e . so n o nocnno no

nonnconin (no C en 'rnopo) rpano


ro , nocnnnnnxo co llz onnnnconono . O nonono


oonono , no coro o'rnpannon in loono o em on noro

nynoro o 6pnn'h co E mconeoom. H enopon

'rno Tont o npennono

[o n no nono ory n n cxo n no nonnpnmonin C onnnn noo A nuin,

wrong n o no nonno coonynomo ro 1 571 ronn I oono o nc'rynnno

no merit opano co a eon C oonnnnoxo , o no on cnep'rn co

nnnno cooopo nu y'rnopz nonin cnooro nornop

'rnro 6pano co A n

noto Rom ncnono. 3o 'rb no nno oc'hno noporonopono nopn co

lla onnnnconono no 1 572 r . n co C nnonoc'rpono no 1 574 n 1 575ronnxo , nnnno, n

'ro I oonno nucnosn nano oonocn

'ronono E nncone'm

pnonpoznonie , noconn'hcrnoo co i n onom o nc

'rynnonin co newno

H o ocnonnnin wh o own noconn'hnnnxo nonnn xo , nos no


'ronono cnnna'


n o I oono o nnono m ono (Sh own no

A nrnixo nom no npn rono no np ionno B ononin, n nro nponon ie

o cnnronc'rn

'h oro no E xncane'rn nponc'rnnnno

'rcn conepmonno 6os

ocnona'rononnn o .

I I o np i'hnn

'h cnoouo no A nrxilo, I I nconcnifi no n oro 5511 's

nonOp'h npnnn


ro nopononnoxo no npn'mn'h cnnp


rnononmen no

TO nponn npnnnn ounofi G onoonn , nhpon'

rno ocnn ,nonopon) dor k“

n nn6pnnnnn nopeno nonoc'ra : ocno'rpo a in I‘nc

'rm co , no



pnfi 6n no nopynono Unconcnony , om o o'rnoaneno no conepmon

nnro on nnnnO ponnonin; no cnn'rio co non nop

-rpo'ro E mcnno'ro no

couomnnnco no noro npononn nonn pn6nnn , oc'rnnmincn no on

nnno, no nooonom o n no nonarnonn'

rcn . H oporon0pn 0 comrnnn o nun necomn nonnonno no npnqnn

'h noyc'rynnnnoc

'rn no

cannnnnn . Conn nnopnnnnn nonoc'ro , no nnnnn ony, no nponomonnco np onnnroonom on G yny lnnocrino n , now no A nrnin omo annnn 6mm conoon onnnnn moc'rnoponnoro Ponpnxo 8- no , no onno

on noxonan A nrm onnn noun nrhnn'rocn nn cnono , nro oyno


moc'rom non cononozo cynpyrono 50- Tnnornoro nopn. B o Tony n o

no open npodnnonin a enonoro no JI onnon'h npnmno nonoc'rio,

n o Tornnmnnn cynpyro I oanna (Mopin H orns) pasp 'hmnnnco o'ro

openonn cn nono (naponnnono Ano n-micr o). H anoneno , nnnnnnon

no t n o o'rnponnonin co I I nconcnm capo B unono Poccono no

no 'ri no om ; no P oocino. I I ocnnnnnno cnynano G onnoi c'rni

ono n co noc'rynnon ion o necnn ooponnxo ononnon iono no

pynennn xo ony nono : 1 8- ro Mon ono 6m nonymeno nnn'lm

newb ery; 5 - t o honn nannoqono nocnono no I onnay capo E penol

B oyeo , n m nononn cnyc'rn (2 1 I rons), a nnonin co B oycono

om n nn no Poceiro .

B oycy 6mm nann com e nonpo G nn o nonnnn : ornocn'ronono co

loonnro noronopn ono nonn eno 6m o nac'ron

'ro no nnnrononio ycno

nin,“0651 ono no comm o no 6ouo oonoano nc


'ro no B onny

co npom nnnono npyroro , no nc'romnno cnopnn oc

'hno ycnnii no

yn nponizo npnannymmnxo cropono ; npnneno B oyeo nounono onxonpennoann

'ro nocponnnnec

'rno nopononnn no nofino nnpn co nopo

nono I lI noncnnno , no npnm nn onnonon o no coon oonno 'ronoc'rnn

co l ony oxn'

ro no I I Inonim n no o'rnnnnnnon n o no aroro nono

onooro nn'hnno nno Pocoio . C nnroncrno Mopin I ‘ocrnnrco B oycy

551 1 0 nopyneno om onn'ro nono nponnorono nonnoponon , ocnn

n o nopo oyno'ro nncronno



TO no npm n'h noco rnocin on

cponnnnono no o'ro 'ro opano n nonoonoannocrn n0pononn

'h n o no

Tony npnnym o . B o cnynoo npnon'rin nnpn no A n I ‘J ilO

,ony 0613

mnnoco oro nopononnn ,n o ono 6yno

'ro npnnnro co nocnono,

nononon nonzer o os nno'

ro n ooonnnn comm o n n o n o nono

5yno'ro cnh ano one , n o non o

-to nopononno c npn oooooo nonm o

cponc'rnnxo »

. Pnnnnnn nono nncmnnifi B oyca nona no 5n nn nanom


rnen no non'rnops nonin oomoc'rny nc'hxo oro nonononocrol ,

npnno oopronnn no E h ouo nopo n cnooonn o'ro ncnnnxo no

oopono .

O nocoxocrno B oycn coxpnnnnoco nocnonono connoron c'rno

cooc'rnonnnn oro onanona co npo'rnnno m orono 06o oro upeon

nonin no P oocin onn nononneno canoxnnnoc'rno ; nponc

'rannem n

n o no nonnpnmenin no A nrnimm oon no npo'ropn

'hnnnn ocnopo

zonin oo'h 06m m mounnio, npnnnpm ocn cnnonnoc


no cnno'rnnno ; pnncnooo oG o ero noconocrn

'h no aonncnnxo Popcon,

nno no'mpnxo nenonnon no no nnnoc

-na yG oa nonin no norma l

n no mocnonin S ayco ; n nononono odxb nnioxom sonncn no

conocnnro npnnoso , neonponopznnn o nononnnanomin , n o no nono

nin neporO B Opono B oyeo G onnpoc'rnnno nym cn no cnonxo omb

raxo , ooponnncn o ro cc 'rnonnnxo cnonxo onono ,

it now Gm

ynnqnono , ccm oncn no nonocoo-ronnocro cnonxo nonooono . O no

oG nnnnno nopeno nnpono nynnoro nonno I IIonnnJ ono no nonnyno

H nnepnonncnnno nynnono llo- H anon o ; nnnonnnnono nopcnnxo no

nonnnnno cnonno o'

rnycnnonnxo n0pnono : npnc'rono , conponos non

moro oro noo Xouompo , no nonopon in no'ronn


ro oro nono» .

H o cornnmonco no nepon'hny a iozo I

ncrnnrco nhpn , ono yo b

pnno nnpn , n'ro E nncnno'ro n onzero nponnonm no nn G opo no


ro APm o non-nono , no

'rOpn n n G onoe G nnnnn on no ponc



n npocnn'ne no nnpyannoc

'rn non o Mopin; o no npyron nono no

orn'h'rnoil nono

'rh ronopnno , n'ro ronnxo yn

'hponii no nonnJ o ;

norna ano Gm o ynnnono no nonponno, TO o'rnnnnncn, n o y nono

nono nnnaoo nonn no'ro o

'rono nonoc'ro

, o n o em E nncnno'ro

poap'hmnoo , TO vo


rono G yno'

ro npncno'lo nap! ) on noprpo

'm . B o

conn i nono nponc'

ronnonin no naplo nomono no Kpomo nomnono

o'ro Toro , o

'ro npnnonennan ony nono nopxo nomnno G nu, no em

nnrnnno , no c'

rono x0pomn nono on, no no 'rOpon cnn'hno nanno

nonnnfi oro conponon no'

ro G onp nno . H ononeno , npn cnnono nep

nono cnoon o np ion'h nopono , norna , no 06mm ,

noconocnifi nonno

non-mo non o o-to noro rpano


ry E nncono'm , no npncyocrnin no

pn, onpyznonnoro neon -o cnonn o nnopono , crono nponnpo

'rocn o

nono , n'

ro n0pononnn no no nony ,II Ionnonony, nume

'ro . B o m

nn xo noporompnxo co nopono nn nonnno I oanna nno ropn'hnin: no

onwhnonio nopn , n'ro ono

,B oyco , no onae

'ro noconocnnxo oG n

qaono , oon'knnno , n

'ro snoo

'ro n noynnno n o no noconoc


'h no

(b pnnnin; no ynonnnonie no pn oG o nnnopo-ropo Pnncnono , o no

ponnxo(Dpnnnyacnon o n H ononcnono—oooooooo , n

'ro onn no no

on oro rocynopn no .

H noanny nono rpoonn fi nopo I/Innno B ocm onnno no moono

ropn'hno wk on narnn n nnxonnn B aycn , no crannno n o no

npnn'hpo nopnononnnnnnnecnofi npononnoc

'rn n nos e cnncxonuo

no nonnnonin fl ow n» B oycono , now no noro noonopx nno'ro coo

_ 33 _

nom o, n o , em nopn


ro Popco lo , no nm uonnofi nopxonnot

mo noonnnnno nonpoco o npononin oro cnop'

rnon noonn n t on no

nponcrnnnonin I‘

O pcon o nono , n'ro E nncnno'ro no oc

'rnnm oro

cnop'rn noo


ronmonnooo , ycn'hnn cnoc'rn ony s nono . H anonono ,


poso nonn'ro nono. “nmpeG ononn B nyoo no Rpenno : no nocono

cnon nnnnrn ono G ouo nc'

rp'hneno II I ennononnno n oro G po

'rono ,

no'ropn o oG onnnnn ony, n

'ro uconn nnpo no nonopono nponon


ro noporonopono nova'ro no npea nnn o ; no cn o

'rpn no coupo

m oonio B oycn, noonnono o'

rnnnn y noro ero mnnry, no noon ony

non e nonnny'ro enonnn, n no

'romnnn npono nnpn, no nouye



wroG n oro conponoz nono Tonnnno . B o onnnoononio , no cno'rpn no

oro o'rnnso , eny opq rpnn o'

ry nnpn no n o n0ponennn n,

nonxnn'rnno nono pyon , nn nonn noo nono

-m co o G onnnoniono , n o

no not-nono noo Mocnnot ony noo'rcn opoo cyrono .

c E mo G nomnnpn B orn, nen'h o ony nopono'ro no npyrofi nono

I I Ionnnnono , n o no cnynnnoco co TO G O 10 nnnoro xynmnroz'no

ynpnn ocn 1 1 1 nm no naplo—ro G n G n nnpyG nnn no nycnn 1 ! no!

nnnynn G o: on Rponnencnin crhnn l

H G or ho G noroponynnoro nonon'hna , nono B oyco , noun G n

nnnec'rn nso oopnonin nonoG nn o noc

'rynnn; ono s o nnn

'hno G o

monc'rnono G oacm non nooG n n no TO n o open rpono'rano no

cnooo G ononncnoc 'ro m ono Guno wh o Anrnificnnn o vocrnno

mons oon nso Mocnnn n nponoz o'ro oro no n opn: no

, poo

ynoo'rcn, oro no nocnymnnn. I

O pcofl , onnonoano , npononnno oro no

nopnnro npnnnna , Tonno npynnno on y nonnpono (cepono coG onofi)o'ro B opncn G onoponnno

' Ponynonn co npocoG om noponnoo noponenu'k yn

'lspon io no oro npononnoc'rn n co oG nnnoznnnoniono , n o

nc'h nono yc


rcn .

H ononono ,noco

'n nom ro ny'rn no npnc


ronn C n. H nnonnn,

nocn'h nonn xo (nnnnn xo nnn nonconn

'ronom o) ocnopG xonin o'ro

cnooro npnc'ronn ( «nnqroznnorm coma G onpcnoro H nnmbopo C ymo

no), 1 2 nnryc‘ro 1 584 r onnn coono no nonyG y A nrnificnnro

n0po G nn , B ayco orocnuo ony n nnpcnyoo «no conopz onnmo nu

noro non noro » rpono'ry n nopcn in nonnnono rpn copono coG o

non, «noropn o no cron n n 40 «b . or . n npnnn'ho nonno no on

momo no noon Mocnno »; nn 'hcr'n co rhno ono nonna o nncon o,

no m opono nm xo newcnooo m oo no G onpnno 10 m 11 no

noon Mom ma , nn poa nn nonoanny, n'

ro O onopo , nomporn, nono

ono a mmono , nonnancn no nnpc'rno



ro cpyG nio rononn co

mono ornxo nnyxo can oanonnnxo napol .

«B nnono G ouo eny np i'nnzno '

ro crono ! llo nom yo'

xo nnco nc'hxo


ocnono ! nnon o JI onnoncnony o oc'rny A nrnificnifi Xonn orop

cn in npnnonmno , nocn non no mono one mpoG no , no nompono

oxuo S ayco , no cn0po cno'

rnfi cnncono co oro pyrorononoro

no cona .

C o nocnpin'rieno G oonopon o nonno n onon oxonn nonoono noonoo

nnoo nninnio , npon'h nnoc

'rn oro onononnrnro mypnno , nnoro

ylmoro H opuca ,- no

'mpn fi no nc'hxo conpononnn xo A nrninonnxo

nonncnoxo nonnnao'rcn « G onpnnono nonponn

'ronono »

. B oaropocno

noa onio H opo ca no A nrnnnnnono n m o an oro npinnno no Pop

cooo G oun nceno ponno nanmonn no com nono nnpcnoro nonna

nin ( 10 I oona nornn , upn nonnnnmon o no nopcnnxo nono

roxo cn0po : nony noo nn ononnn xo moron nopnony nonnoc'

rn na

p 10 nonopnn , B opnco nono.“ B mG onrcnony nynny no - B on o yc'ry

mm nopnoncrno Popcooo . E uro 11 npoanno B opnco ononnnoxo I‘

O p

ceoo nnnoc'ro : no open cnnronii , nocnonononmnxo no Moon ]; on

cnep'rin nopn H nnnn B ocnnoonnno , no em npocoG o npnc


oxponnyoo c'rpoany no A nrnii cnony nnopy , nannno ony connon

nono nec'rn ooG n no o'rnomon ilo no B ayoy no open conopz on in

coro nocnonnnro nono napoynono , nono en y cnoG onnonn no ooG’b

nocryno n upon. C ynn no coxpannnmnn cn odxb nnianonn no onnnc

nono JI onnoncnoro oG rneo'

rna, I‘

O pcefi noc'ro yno

'rpeGm o ronoo

non-hpio no npeno o ooooo . H ooonon o no Tony Gm noyc


cm ,nonnnnmin no ynponnenin nh onn oG onoc

'rno no Moons -h .

llo npon onn , nono onnnc'rnonnnno n opcnnno ny

'rono no P oc

cioo G on o mononie B ononopcnoo , B in onopcnnn ropronnn npnonn

B anaco nocronniono onnnxo A nrnnnono n npn'rono annovo JI on

noncnoro o ooooo Moononin : nponno npnxonnnn rynn no no

poG nn « oonnn B poG on'rcn io»

,no nnanonie nxo nponononnnoco

nono G oo nonefino 11 no non noi m onannoi rponorh nnpo non

rnopznnono on o oc'rnono nonmnnm onoo upano npnxonm no

B 'hnonopcnin npncronn . H o , co nonOponiono a nn , nopo o'r

npouo o'rooo npnnopcnin pn nono nu nc

'hxo nnoc'rponnnxo moron

n nopoao H opny , nn'hc'

rh co JhoG nonann n I‘

on G yprnan n, upo

_ 4o _

noun no Mocnny A nrnificnio roc'rn

,no npnnannoanomio ~Mocnon ~

cnony o ocony, n rcp t'onanmio no I

onneficnnxo roponoxo . RomH opno o

'romno oro P occin , ro nono 'mpn o nso o

'tuxo moronupo

nonmnnn cnon canoc'ron

'rononnfi , o


rn'hnonnn o

'ro o oc


rno ropro ,

nponoon cnon oonopn cyxnn o mono nepeoo Jln'

roncnii pyG ea o

on ,nono ronopn

'rcn no To rnnmnnxo rpnno

'rnxo,«noposo ropn ».

Ro o'rnno roe


tan o npncoonnnnnnco no nocn'hnc


rnin nnorio upunamnnn o ec


rna , o'

rnnon nonmiocn o'

rnnna'ro o 'rno

'ro no nn


y nnxo no pynaxo nonopaxo on no nonynonnnxo so m o nono

rnxo : no ocoG ennoo'rn nnono nxo ynennnnnoco no no open , norno

nnpo H nono B ocnnoonnno , onnnnnmnco no oop ronn xo nyz nnono

n0pononnn E nncnno'rn , snxno'

rnno nxo Tosapu, o'rnano n o no

nononocrn , n nonpo'rnno npnnnno

'ro o

'ro no no nanin nnG o m oon

no nonnarez o nno nonvono . B oyco ycn'luo G on o cnnonmo ero

no noncrnnonnon io ncnn onnrononnxo npnno o ooooo , no non

nnno I onnno ynnnroz nno noo , noro B oyco noc'rnro cnonnn non o

ra'renoc'rnon n n nco , noo I onnno o

'rnonono no asep

'rny nonponn

oozocrnyen ony E nncone'

rooo o ec'

rny no yrony on n no nonoa no

nation no not nonoG nylo n o yronnnnoc'ro no nonony ero « nonn

nnxo rocynnpcnnxo nono n—yG 'hannmo no A nuin n a onnooG n no

A nt'nnnnnno . H onopno nn cnnnnnn nno Poccin,onnononononmii


rnn n om n'

rio cnoe o'ro Pyccnnxo G oporono , l oronyo no


ro o co'

t on no ocnymonio oro npnnoaan in , n oon nc'h A n t o n

nono wh om no nnn o nno Mocnnn , B oyeo , no npnGm in no

Jlonnono , G eno connonin nponc'

rnnnno no canuno nopnn xo npacnnxo nonoanonio nono o G nioc

'rno no Mocnno : cnonc

'rniono cero

G nno o'

rnp onnonio no non o n o rony nnyxo aren'

rono non non'hpnn


rono : I I nnono no Mocnny n "I onnonn no Rnnnno ; Mocnononifi


t-o p n G yJ o norhxano no no no no nc


rp'hny no Xonnoropn

u,no nponn cnooro orcyoconin, noponnno Mocnoncnyno non



I I o npnGm in no Mocnny, I Innono o'rnpnno G enomia uoynorpoG nonin : nonoc


'rono mnopono , nnnnmnonnno cnorn , nonone


cynn o ; s o nomono n ‘I onnoxo no Koaann . I Innono pomucn

non onnonno o'rnponn'ro nonoconio oG onecrny; no onncanco , nroG n

Popcon o cono no nanoconncn, nonoconio o

'ro ono ornponuo co

nonoponnnno npnnamnnono PapnG n, no'rOpnro nocJ ano co no

—4 l

uno TO nynnono , oxanmnno nso Mocnnn no H onomy. F opcofi

ycn'hno onnanozno 3nG onronpenonno o nono ynno

'ro n noneco , n


[Innono n ‘I onnono cnocn 'rcn co JInonooo no np ono P occin : I

opuG n G n no cxnnneno , no cona oro nopononoo non noponona I


n Popco ony coo nnny Mapmy; nocn'hnc


rniono G n no nponon io


O pnG in nm'no no nuG 'h n ornon o (on new ono no


ron o ynopo)

n onnnoononie I I nnono n tI onnonn no m pony .

Ma nny nono,upn nocn nn

'b ronnono co nonomonion o o noc

onoc'rnin G eonopo no npoc

'rono , pomeno G n no o


'ro ronna n

no E nncnne'ro . F onnnnn no A nrnioo nocouannco oG nnnonenno

oonnonn, nnonmio non no A nrnificnin, n nnn ro ro nna onnco npo

nnymoc'rnonno coyt o o oc'rnn , nononnenno no npionno no Jl on

nono coo G onnnmio o G o noono nponcxonnnmono no Mocnno; 9 1 0

no n orno nxonnoo no pocno'

rol I‘

opcen n no'rony , nopon


rno no oro

ynnoo nito , no o'ro

'ro pnno Guno nnG pono np iooa anmifl no 1 569 r .

no Jl onnono ronn onon o npn C onnn 'b , Jlntb nnnnono B onn ono ,

G n nmin norno 1 0 no cnyz G'h o oc

'rno , no no nocnonc

'rnin enh an

mificn c'rO ponnnnono a n onnnono n cr hnona


ronono npoanneG nn il

A n rnin .

II o noonpomonin cnoono no Mocnny (no'rono 1 585 r .) B on

n ono m onso on no xynon np ien o E nncone'

rn : ronO pnno , n'

ro ono

G eno n'lun nepznano oro co a


ro no I oono nocnno ; n o ono

np n pono G n no no not npnrnomoeno n npnnn'ro ronono no nor


rom pooo no « nonyc'rnon o or0pon


'h com-

o nyno no me

cnono »; nro o'rnycno ony no no no canon n0pononnon, o no nono

ro nncnon o ,no

'ropnfi n0pynnno ony nopono


ro nonnonn napoo .

H o can ono mo E nncnno 'rn, no TO npono nann'ron cny

'rnnn ,

nonG ys noonn nn Mop looo C rooopro nny'

rpn n0pononc'

rno , noncon

nooo no'

ronnnoonnxo nn ncnpono nso P nnn , noc'

rnnn o soro'ronno

nin snon enn'

rofi A pnonn no Kononin , no cnomnno np ion ono nop

ono ro ronnn, no'mpn n no n oro o



rocn no Poccioo ponoe

nomo ro nnanonin nO po G nen o oc'rnn ,

no npnnnno oro nnnoc'rn o

no no oropon'h, nono ronopnno B onn ono , o no napno , oyna no

nycnonnco non G oconn co nono onno npnG nnz onnn o n orm en

nno ooo cononnnnn ; o'rnycno B onn ony nnnnno no nncono , a ro

cynnpc'rnonnnfl on conpo rnpo B onocnnrnno

—ono n o nao nnonenn

rhlmnxo nonn'rnqocnnxo non


ronofi on nopooonc'rnononin, coon .


cnpononnnno npocnonnonnaro nynpoc'

rioo cnonxo nonn'


ni anin.

H o noncrnn'

ronono nonoon no nponnonnroro, n'

ro G n no primoxo

ono no nn cnanonn xo'rn o


rqocrn ooro ompnen in, noropnno oran

no oocn nocnannon 0 10 co B onnnnono rpan oon no nop lo : no n

p nno G nno nonnenno i E nncano'r'k np nnnpn


rocn co nn cnooo,two

on nocnonnnno,nponc


'rono on non nec


rna ,n oro nonnop rny


nO pyronioo nonnn I llonnnnona , trt o y noro nn pnonn oro mnory ,n


ro ero nocnnono Tomnnn npono nnno nyznaro rocynopn on no

TO I'L no pyo n nnnonnnn nno nnopno !

B cn'hno no nonnpnmonien o B onnnno no Mocnny (no A nrycrh1 585) co ornorono napn no npnnenonnyxo nno rpon o

'ry n0po

nonnn G ouo nocnano I‘

opcofi . lino l‘

opcen neconn nnanno G olno


ro To nonoc'rin, no'rO pn n nona nol G own G ono nonynonn

no J lonnon'is o G o oro conononoc


rno n o G o oro onoyno'rpoG noninx


no ynponnon ioo Mocnoncnooo nonmpooo : no o'rony no ca nnon no

connnxo nopaG nofi, ono o'

rnponnncn no Pnry, rn'h n omny npo

nnn o ncnonnnno nopynonio l‘

onynonn yG'hnn

'ro nnony Marnyco

(n0ponn Jlunoncnoro), nono nnnnn B onnnn ipn A nnpoonnnn C ra

pannat o , n cnonono'ronono nnynornyoo coc

'rpy nopn , E mpnn ioo nos

npn-ro roen no Poccioo; nno Pnrn Popcon npono Rypnnnnito ,

I I pyc

cioo, Mennon G ypro n I I onopanioo , npnG nno no Pon G ypro , n 0 1'

Tynn nO pon o no al onnono . [Io nnnnn ony ono ycnono ynonno'rno

pn'ronono o G o ncnnro nonoz on io nono oa ocrny n onynm


ro on co

noo nonnrio o cnoono onononin no Poccin : nooniznnoo , nnponono ,

nonnponnnnoco rofinn n o n0pynoniono nonnn no eny on 5 0a




rn nao A nrnin ncnycnoro npono n nonnnononyoo

G o G ny . B O pnco no TO npono connonon, n'

ro ero nnoc'

ro nonncm

mum on nponona n'renonoc

'rn manna nopn, ooG o


rnncn o nponon

monin nnpcnoro ponn n , annonro no o'

ro'hsna I

openo , ronopnno

co nnno oG o noono npenne'rk: no npo ilnofi nopo . ornno o G o nc


rcn nn pomenio no coxpanennon I‘

opceen o oonncno oro oro 1 5

A nswers; 1 585 r . « 11 0 Tony nony, o noeno n o no nocn'hnniil pnno

«conomamco no Tponnn no nono , n o no connonaon cn , n'ro TN 0

«nono noooG o '

rnmocn ycopnno n noc'ryn nmo paacynn


ronono o'



ronono non'

ropo fl no G n,rono

,nooGu ono npion ono sonne

«wnco noono nyannnno ».

_ 43 _


p ono'

ro E nncono'rn

,npnnononnon Popcoon o no nopoo , nonn

co no no canono yn npn'rononono nyxo : ono nono G oo nannnnoocn

on B oycn, no snonmnro oG n non nnnn'

rocn npono nopon o G ooo opy

s in , no nepnoo npono no nonnnno oro o'

rna; oG o ncuno'

ro Tafinylo

nocn nny ronno no Jlm y z enonion o I I nnono cnopoo noc'rnnn



omen oG nooc'rny; pynoe

'rcn on TO, n'

ro ‘I onneno no J lrq nnnno , no

A nunnonnno ; npocn'ro nopn cnn


ro co on roc'

ron onuy n noonpn

moo nno nc'h nxo nonononocrn no nonnon o o xo

no co noronononiono o'rnoproo

'ro nc

'h o G nnnonin S ennana , noon

non nxo nnone'rooo .

I I o nosnpnmonin I‘

opcon co noonnnn nopoG nnnn , non-lino G nno

nonnnononylo G aG ny nanopano'ro no B onorn

'B : n oanno nponnonorn'ro,

n o , no oxo'rno nonycnon nonnpn nnonopna no nonenin, P yccnie

nomnn G oo cnnmnon o G onomnn o coG nonnono nonyc'


ro nocnp in’


naponaro no'rmnn nonn

'ryxo oo G ycypn onnooo; no nonnono cnyno


ono nocrh conepznon in no B onorno no npononn on io noon-o nono,

G oun npon o on yno o'rocnono oG po

'rno no A nrnioo . Cono s o l


con G on o npnnn'ro co npoannolo nnnoc

'rioo l

onynonnn o n, nony

nnno nonymm ononuyoo rpono'ry , no Anryc


ro crhnyoomoro 1 587nono nnono G n no o

'rnponnono no E nncone'ro .

H o no o'ro'ro np ionno Popech yzno no nc



rnno npoonnnro

np ion o mo o oc'rno : nonpo


, on new no'

rpo G onono G nno



ro no oro canonononnxo noncrninxo , o no'mpnxo npnmnn


rin no Jlonnono ; npnrono ono yonano , q'

ro non poso ncne

n in noc'ronmoro nonoanonin A nrnificnnxo nono no Mocnno oyno

nonnonoe'rcn no ornpnnnonioo ono no nno nopononnnnn xo conpera

pen y npnnn'rin nonoG n '

rnn xo 3mnin Qnoonopo n npn nono no


ro oG lnocrno oroo'ro A nryc

'rnno (I’ynonco . l

O pcen po

mnncn cnpn'rno yoxooo nao Jlonnono n o


rnpnnnncn no Poccito .

H o n ani co ono nomeno conepmonnyoo o'rnocn'ronono co G n nope

n'hny: npn

'mnooo o'ron nopon

'knn G n no nonnnmnin nparo A nnuit

cnofi mpronnn, nynnnfi nonno A nnpen I llennonono nn'

ronmin nnn

nyn) npaznny no I‘

opcooo no G pnnnn n cnonn, no'

ropn n n l‘

opcofi oro

no nonony‘l‘

o cnyqo oo ocnopG nno .

I lp ll canono nonon'h ynpoznnonin o ec

'rnono TOpronnu co

I I opcieoo , onnnno nno npnnnmnnono no a'roil ropronno G n no no

n o A n '

t ono a mo ; no nocr hnconin nro'ro Mopmo nocnoxono

noncn onuofi I oonno no ot oc'rno , n oG n , no o'rnano ononxo

o'rno'rono , nonpocn'ro coG o o


'b nonym npnnnnorito no ropm. co

C na ooo n co A c'rpoxnno lo ; no o'rono oopr'h, now 11 npono

nonnnmencn no nonpnno ot oc'rny, npnnnn ono ynoc

'rio I

opcot ,


rnono noropnro a mo ycn'hno non o cnon

-lo nnnnn


nn o nonoznnno nnnnn noo nopcnon nosnn n y B O pnco Ponynono .

B opon'rno no nocn

'hnc'rnin I

op con nocoopnncn co a mono , no'ro

poro , nono nnnno no G osnopn crno , npnnnno nono cnooo nonun yIllonnonono : no ynononioo coro nocn

'hnnnro , Mopwo noponncono

nc'fi cnon nnnnn e nonrn no nn n o oo

'ooo ; nnG om oro G nnn npono

nnnonol no nnucnonioo on no cnorpn no ynnson in aren'rono

,n o

Mopwo no TO J B B O n o no oonopnnxo , o omo nxo nonz nnno n

npo'rnnnnno , I llonnonono oG po

-rnao nco non cnonio (no cynny G o

rho 23 m6. no nnymoc'rno oG nmc-

rno , ocnonn nonco no non

nnxo any a mono nonono 'ronocrnaxo , n o ono n ono y ooG n no

oonopnnoaxo , new nponnno , Popcon, no no npono , norna I‘

O p

cen ynponnnno A nrnificnooo non'rO pom no Mocnno . H ononononio

A nrnincnnxo roc'ron oG pornnoco no I

opoen , no'ropnro onnncrnen

nn no nonponn'ronono oerancn B opnco I

onynono . H o n con no

cnonn ifi no noro npnnn'lo ornpn


ro oro nono cnon somnry, no'ronyn o I ILonnonony ynnnoco npono nnn


ro npo'rnno I

opcon nnn nna nnn

o G nnnonin : cc 'rnonnopynnoo ero nncono , no m 0pono Popcefi

on nocnonono nono nopono rhn o nnnnnn o Xonn oropcnony aren


ry nonoponio cnoponn'

ro nopo G nn nnn ooxnn'

ro oc'hno nnoc



nn xo cynono , npnxonnnonxo no H o me nope ; n n‘

onoonnio A nnun

qonnno cayru I‘

opcoo , G yn-to Pepcon onnon nn consono npo O o

n0pn H nnnonnno : «no nopono G n ony 65m , 9. n ononono»


E nno on , nnponono , no nninn ioo B opnco G enoponnqo cr hnye'



, n o npea no ononno'

rononoro o'ro G pnnin y A nrnnnono

nonontb ncnonnnnnxo l I la ononnno ronopono , pi meno G ouo ornponn'ro Mopmo ronnono B onnnnon o no JI onnono , nnn nopocno


oro nono conoonnnonn E n conom . I I o c'rponnony connoneniio

npononn cnynnnoco , n o B onnono npnG n no no Jlonnono 7C on

q n, n 17- t o ooro n o nocnnn npnG ouo no Xonnoropol nounn

nnno mpoxonnn (h ormopo ; B onnono Guno npnnnoo E nncono'rooo

5 nonG pn, (Dnoonopo n pionono no Mocnny 25 H on G pn n npnnn'


nopono 1 9 nonoG pn .

- 46

nncuo ono I‘opceoo , «n o napmonno n on cononnnnn nnw n nn


« nonpnron e, cnomnnon n ono co nnoxo». H pn oonnxo 06cm:

Tenoc'rnoxo , Qooonopy p gno 6mmoannno

'ro m ono moo ycn


no cnonxo noporonopoxo , Tonto oorho, n o nonenio nm o neperonopono n0pynono Ma m ony . H o no A np

'hr k n i cano 1 589


v npnouno noo A nuin ronono Mnneno co rponooom, no no

mpon E xncono'ro yn e npono oonnnuo [Hem o ono z Mopmo , no

peno on cono'rnnnonn n nopoxo nponxeniono oomec '

rno,G in o go

nonono no nncononnoro coononin, n o no}; nonnnonin oro no

Moonno nono! noo c'

rpoxo n no npnnyangonim H I ennonono ; n o

l Ilennonony xOpomo nnnoc'rno , n o Mopwo nono ocooennnfi o'ro


rno Topro , nn'hn nonononyxo rpol o

'ry no mpronooo no A c



xonn uno I lo'mp'h, n o Monm ono n oon no pynoxo cnonxo

oro monopono no 1 0 on e . pyonefi ; n o II Ioononono s o, nonpenn

rpeoono n ilo o ren'

ro oomoc'rno , ornyc'rnao co yon

- Rom no F on

6ypro ImpoonoMopmo co rpyoono Tonopono , nooopn xo noc'

ro'ronn o

611 Jun ymlo '

rn oro nonrono . B o non mnonie E n cone'ro upo

cuo n epono'rn nco wh o no oocys nonio H opuca O omponnno n

opeoonano ocnoG oanAon ia cnonxo women on ncannxo ynoo'lo no

Mopmo .

tIulo '

rnopo owlo gonymono no naplo Jun nonynonin o rnycno

22 - t o Aupono , emo no npionno a eno ; nonpocno ono noc'


noao no nonono nponc'

ronoen in nop lo , Jun nononn eny npnnonen

non a onono rp on orn nopoaennn ; only o'

rn'hnono , no room

pony npnnony, n o only co l ony on t o y rocynopn nonpuroase nono

wrong , n o ono yzne noayn uo o'

rnycno , oono n no 1 011 upn

nnno,n o E nncono '

xo , n on o npoznnnro o G n non, no cono npnnnno

nopcnylo ma n y on S ennana , o nonono cc nnn'

rn y nero cno

ony Jmpny nonnanelo .(Dnoonopo npnnyznnono on no nonopn


2 - t o Mon ono npncnono rponory no nocoxoonin npnnooo no non

non o A nnpelo II Iennoo ony n no H oc'rnnny llunrpieny, o 6- ro Monnn

'hxono nno Mocnnn ; nn'hc'

ro co nnno o'rocnono no A nn i» no

rpeoonon ixo E anconem G orm fi I‘


Jlmoonn ono cpo nnenio non nnnnno non o rpono'm E mcone'rn , n o

on namo'lo 0 c et , co conpon onnm fl. Pyccnnno nepononoxo ; E xncane'ro

uncuo : «Mn no nono momma , n o on ( l‘

openo) moo neponyl no noun »

«yours , 1: nuno nono ro on o , n owTo (npoao anzonnn o npornno noro)cnOp n

- 47

Mommy Tonto ponn cno Mopmono nono nopynono 60n

po l o H nony B ocnnoonnny F oxynony n nnnn10 H nony B ocnooennny

I IIyi cnony. H o comomonoo conepmonno ocn060 1 n 1o 06moc'rno oooorno'


'rn no Mopmo , onn pomnnn , n o 0 110 nonznno ynno

omo cnonno oro noun Tonono no nopcnym nanny py6.)n

B opncy G enownnny py6 mym o n o, noc

'rnnno an

nouo npnnnoan nonuoz nm c6onn'1o noun no nooonnny , orpo

nonono nxo cynnom py6.

H o omo no ycnono Qnoonopo 11013o 110 B onorum, nono ro

n omnony noenoxh nnn310 B on6onocnony nonono nonopn o'rn n o no

n ono mpon'n: npm nom Tony 61.1 .1 o npionno nono ro A nrnificno ro


onno IO pno B oyno , no'

ropnn npnneoo co 0060 10 A n 'rono Mopmo

n noon posn cno 06o ero nonroxo , nponsnononnn l no JI onnono .

11m nepoonorpono nnono n,so nono6n1o eno n nenononono

ouo «nopcno ro nonnnoc'rno mypnno , 6onpnno n nonmmoro 11 co

«nepzno'renn rocynopcrno Rononcno ro n A c'rpoxoncno ro , H opo ca

« G onoponnno I‘

onynono » nonono nnoc'ro npnnnannn xo nomeanonmnnn ynno


ro py6., ynonoanc


rnono'rocn nnn


rnnn y A n t o in

conzo roe-t en Tonoponn no cynny py6. 113 1; n o mono eny

npnnonnoznonmin no6onn Mapn o,onay no py6. npyrylo

no py6. B opnco G enoponnqo o'rocoono noponenno , « nono

c znnno n o no on nor th, nono ono nponononn'ro ».

Pomenio nocxono 611 .no o6o onn'rn (I’nornopy no B onouy

llnnncnifi noeo P onrnnonefi JI 106ynonnnono , no'mpony npono

roro n0pynen0 nepogo'ro ony Mopmo n pocn0pnnm cn o


nponaonieno noona no A nmin ,nyno due


rnopo n ornpanucn, neon

co 006010 I‘

0pcon n Mopmo , no nonn'h Im n nan no nonn o

Anryc'ro 1 589 rono .

H o1106n0 nponn onoro'

ro n noro yno n nnoro nnn0p 0mnnoc'


no Popce'h, n o6o1 nonn

'rn nonnun ny


rnnn ono younao , nocno

onooro 61mm nno A nmin no P ocoi1o n nocr b nn cn nnn 06po '


nno Poccin no A nmilo , nnonn cnncno'

lo co6o 6nor0 pocnoxoznen ie

E ucone'rn ; no no nonmo nono no A np'luo cnonytomo ro n o 1 690 r .

cucuncn nomoro npocno'


rno nomnxo con'lvrnnnono ». B o nope

noxo : «a Tony on 1 06011 mon o , n o on n pono Tono comm , n no 70 1!

«61mm nonuni on , n o ono nomoro npocn- no M a nna" . 1 10 1 0 111 . unoro 1 0 11a

c onamo » .


ono 6m o ornponnono on no Mocnny co rpono'r0 10 , no no'rO poi

ona ynopnno nopn no 0cn0p61 onin on nocnonnnno Qnomopo non

nnmnnno nporono A nrnnnono—I IIonnononn no , Tpe60no 1 o n oon

on naps , cnh ono an cio co oro nonouo ; 11 no oonn ononio npocm

cnnmo co Popcen onony , no'mpon ono nonnoprcn nonpocno no


rono cnonxo nen06pon eno'renofi .

H en na no ynonnnyno , n o,nono nnnno nao 6y1 1oro JI onnon

cnoro rocynopc'

rnennoro opxnno , Jlonnoncnoo 06mec'rn0 nynnono

ycnnonno xono'rofic'rnonoo o o Tono ,

n o6n I‘

0poofi no 6n no noon

noen o no Mo cnny 11 n o nocnnno n o conepmnnoco onnnc'rnonno

no noc'ronnim rocynopcononnoro cenpo

'ropn capo <I>ponnncno B onn

cnnrnno : n an ny nono nnnoc '

rno, n o n



ro nnon ennmfi nomo

no'ro E nncone'rn ,

J nnno noc'

rnnn (ono yuopo enno no no 61511

ounnonca nnoonymiono no nonoxo nonn'

rnnn n nn6npono

ce6o no o ron'm

,nnn Toqnoo cno so

'ro no nooy

'rnnnn , nponnymocr

nonno n onon onopononnn xo n nn onno no'

rony nnonno only npo

nonnn xo n nopo36opqnnnxo no cponc'rnoxo no nononnonno oro

nonononin. II o n ony onno on omn60qno 6yno'

ro nponnonoann'

ro,n o

nn60po B onncnnrnn o oc'

rononnncn no I’

opce'h .nnonno no


rony, n o

nopyqen io , nonnoe I‘

opcom no nop10 no npin no 11 n o , npn

ron o one no npionno no Mocnny ono 06onnnoxcn nononnn'l o npy

rin nopynonin, conpnmonnn n co neuonn nn onocnoc'

rnnn: ono non

Jnono 6m o 06o nnn '

rn no l‘

on6ypro n Apa no Ponoeficnnxo roponono nocnpomon ie E nncone-

rmo ncnnnxo ccn nono co I/I cnoniom,


l o no Konono no nponnonoronminca (no no ooc'roanmii

i on)cooono npo



ron'rcnnxo c


rOponnnnono nopononnn ; nooxo '

ro no

Rononroreno nnn noporonopono co llo 'rcnnno n0 ponono , npoa ne6

nun o E nnconorh on TO, n o ono npo


rnnnnoco 6pony llo'

rcnofi npnn

noccn co fl nonon o Ill ouonncnnno (no noca'hncrnin npeonnnnono

E m cono'rn no A n rnificnono nononono , n06nno 1 o no

B opmono nnn noperonopono co noponono H onocnnno .

Popcofi npn61n o nno B opmonn n pono B unny no Cuononcno

n xo'r'luo cnpmo cnoe n o , no 6m ynnono oon omnnno noeno

no 1o , nnaseno H nonono Ponnnn nml o,no


ropn fi xopomo onn o ero

no Mocnn’n, anon non o nono n o coconcrny co A nmincnuo noo

pono ; no np ionno no Mocnny I‘

opcofi no 61.111o nonymono npono

nopn; no nn'rpe603on in n o noro npon o


ro,ono om an on none

n oonnunn,no no 0611 1 11 10

,non0 10 nono

'mo nopononnn ; nopcnifi

run -

yr s 61n o no nnxo nonnco no co ynuoniono nec'rn , 6ono non

m o neponnuonin ncoxo nnna ocrno n 06.1 oc'ro ll . Monm ono


yn noennn no o'tuxo rpol o

'roxo no ponnn xo naoyno

'rpe6noninxo ,

noc'ronnuo no nenpnnn in n o ; no ncornomn in nonuonnno no

A nrxnnono ,B opnco G en0ponnno y6

'hnnno nopn npnnn'

ro n o n

honors nn co ymoro I‘

opceo no noconocnono npnnooo; norhn o F opcefi

61uo onnonoz o numono nno MO C I B H no fl pocnonao, m conepm en no son cnonymmoro nono ; no 1 10 1 1; 1 5 9 1 rono ono 6m o

o'rnpm eno no A nrnilo upn rpono


ro, noropon 61.1 .1 o n0pynono

A nuificnony room <I>ponnucnytI oppn 11 no no

'ropoi G oonopo nn

caJl o E nncanerh, n 0611, econ ono anonoe


ro coxponn'l o co nnno

npn y n n1060no, TO nopocnuonocn co nono n pono xO po

waxo amnen, o no nopono Tonnxo nny'rono n noronnono nonono


Opcofi .

Apyz 6o n 1 1060no Pyccno ro naps 61.1 .aa sonoron o cnnmnon o

6ozomnxo nn rono nnn A nrnin , n 06n E nncono 'rn npene6pono o 1o :

ono o'rnonaxo 9 o0n0py rpano

'rmo , no no


ropon nponc'ronnnno cnon

onponnon in no nn cnosonnn a nno 06nnnon ia ; comamonoco no co

61 10nonio nnpeno rpe6onon ifi nopn 0 nponnconin nonnoro Tn'

ryxo ;

06m i n “ co6n ynonno'

rn0ponno 1o no neono nn'hnmnncn co on

croponn noynom woninno ; nn cnonn nono ome n'nnompn a npoco6n

no nones nn no t h a n on rocrofl Mocnoncno ro o6moc'rno ; no , no

crona nnqoro nnme nonnoro 00 10311 11 npyanon co nopono , upo

cuo 1 1 11 no nonon o cnynoo no nopymo'

xo onxo,o npnno rooo no

nenonio o conopa onin nxo no B onn nonopymnn o . B o I‘


ono nncuo c'roo o n o npya oc

'rnonno n

,nannnnnco cnonnn nem

nnnn rocynopcnnn n nh onn . ornn no aco no canuno noc'

rnn xo nn

poznon ioxo 0 sno'rnoc


rn ero pono , o6o oro nynpoc'

rn n nonnnnxo

w yroxo , con'luonmnxo ero monnn no conoonnnon o n nponnro

non o n ono nomno ro nonopxo , np ocnno oro cnocnrncn no noono

guan o A nmificnnxo rocrofi co on rocynapcononnuno nasnoqeeuo

J opnon o liépncoxo .

I n the midd le o f the s ixteen th cen tury the E nglish mer

chan ts perce ived that the deman d fo r E nglish wares and com

mo d ities had con sidera b ly decreased ; tha t the some articles

fetched but low prices even when carried in to the coun tr ies

o f the v ery no tion s who formerly came to seek them in E ng

lan d ; while ou the o ther han d,the price and deman d

fo r fo re ign merchand ise stead ily in creased . Certa in grav e an d

wise c itizen s o f London,ha v ing a t heart the welfare o f the ir

coun try ,mot together to take coun sel how to remedy this

fa lling o ff o f the E ngl ish trade,

an d came to the conclus ion ,that

,fo llowing the example of the Span iards and P o rtugoeso ,

they must seek new sources of riches b y the d isco very

o f n ew coun tries and the establishmen t o f new mercantile co nnec tions . A fter much d il igen t co n sultation with the

ren own ed S eb astian C a b o t, a t tha t time in London , the y

d e termin ed b y his adv ice, to send out certa in ships fo r the

sea rch and d isco very o f a no r th eastern passage to new and

unk nown coun tr ies . To fit out these ship s it was decided to

fo rm a company ,every memb er o f which was to subscribe

twen ty five pounds . I n a sho rt t ime s ix thousand poundswere co llec ted , with which sum three ships were bought,repa ired , and tho roughly fitted out . The en tire command of the

exped ition wa s given to «a mo st v al ian t and worthy gen tleman S ir H ugh Wi lloughb y», and b y commo n con sent R ichard

Chan cello r was cho sen pilo t- majo r .

Such is the purpo rt o f the accoun t given b y Clemen tA dams

,schoo l -mas ter to the Queen ’

s henchmen,of the o rigin

and fo rma tion o f the E nglish Company o f «Merchants A d venture rs fo r the d isco very of lands , terr itories , isles and se ign

io r io s un kn own , and no t b y the Seas an d n av ngatious common ly

frequen ted ». The same idea fo rms the b as is o f E dwa rd V l ’slette r miss iv e to a ll Kings and P rinces o f the n o rth

eastern par ts o f the wo rld,though it there appea rs ado rned

with ph ilosophica l reason ings to pro ve tha t commerce is the

fulfilmen t of the command o f « the great and A lmighty G od »

who «ha th giv en un to man k ind such o n heart an d des ire

tha t ev ery ma n d esireth to jo in friendship with o ther , to lo ve

and b e loved ; a lso to g ive and rece ive mutua l benefits» .

I f, to the majo rity o f the members o f the n ewly formed

company ,the chief inducemen t was so lely a desire fo r wea lth ,

mere ly en vy o f the r iches b rought b ac k from Amer ica an d

I nd ia b y the Span iard s and P o r tugueese , still it is impossib len o t to recogn ise , were it but in some o f them, o ther and

more elev ated mo tiv es . O ne must b ear in mind tha t the pr inc ipnl direc tor of the mo v emen t was Se b astian Ca b o t , a t that

t ime one of the mo st learn ed represen ta tives o f c o smographya sc ience who se theories had b een late ly o v er thrown b y the

d isco v er ies o fCo lumb us and Va sco do G ama ,and whichwas n ow

seek ing fo r a n ewer and suro r founda tio n ; on e mus t remem

b er tha t the pas s io n fo r ma ritime exped it io ns , inn a te in a ll

sea -

girt nation s, a lways remarkably predominan t in E nglish

men even down to the presen t day , had just then rece ived

fre sh st imulus b y the return from the fo r West o f ad v entu

rers who b e ing we lcomed everywhere with respect , repa idthe reception giv en them b y the accoun ts , sometimes fa b u

lo an, but even in the ir s tric t v erac ity resemb l ing fa b les,

o f

a l l they had seen, heard and suffered ; and the v ery ta les o f

the pr iva tions they had endured , the dangers they had enco n a

tered , on ly inflamed in the ir young hea rers a thirst fo r d is

tan t en terprise,jea lousy o f tho se who had proceeded them


and eagerness to endure an d suffer as they had don e .

Without reco gn izing in this case the pa rt ic ipa tion o f the

d a ring spirit o f the E ngl ish common people , an d the learned

zeal o f the educated classes,it would b e d ifficult to unter

staud how,

amongs t the names o f the founders o f the com

pa ny , we mee t with some o f the highest pers o nages o t the

rea lm: the Marquis o f W inches ter , lo rd h igh treasure r ,—E a r l


«Duke,the elec ted elders of C o lmogo r , Phil ip R b d ion of an d

« F o fan Makarof, wrote to the C zar and grea t duke at Mo s«cow

,about the arr iva l of the E ngl ish k ing E dward

s en voy,

«R ichard an d his compan io ns». In Oc tober , the ship, b y theiro rder , was brought in to win ter mo o rings at the mouth of the

Un a,and on the 23- rd of N ov ember , b y the Czar ’

s command,

C han cello r an d his compan ion s were d ispatched to Mo scow.

The arrival o f C han cello r a t Mo scow occurred at the

mo st brillian t per iod o f the l ife of John when he had justre turn ed v icto r ious from the fin a l struggle with Kazan , bringing b ac k from the multitud in ous d ifi

iculties of the war , the

glor ious title o f con queror o f . the k ingdom o f Kazan ; when

surroun ded b y a ho st of v alian t lead ers he could fo resee the

easy subjection of the k ingdon o f A strakhan and hope for

the repression o f the C rimean s ; when secure from the Ta r

tars and attended b y the unfe igned lo v e o f his subjects , he

could employ the powerful and truly sta tesman ly in tellect he

had inher ited from his gran d father an d n amesake , in the a o

complishment o f the grea t wo rk begun b y that grandfa ther

the se tting in order an d c iv il iza tion o f his empire . The riches

o f Musco vy were immen se ; innumerable armies ro se at the

command o f the sov ereign ,bravely withsto od the enemy in

the fi e ld , pa tien tly and un daun ted ly endured when besieged ;b ut the Russian c zar was obliged to admit tha t he could n o t

compete with the Swede or the Teuton ic kn ights , the P o le

or the Lithuan ian , as long as he had no t « cun n ing engineers ,

accustomed to d estroy town s», and « architects who could

con struct fo rtresses , towers , an d palaces ». H e kn ew as we llas the P o l ish k ing tha t he required «weapon s hitherto nu

« kn own to him,artificers and arts»; that «hither to he was

«vuln erable on ly because he was rude and ign o ran t o f po li«cies»; and he arden tly longed for inte rcourse with the Wes t!

B ut the West was closed to him: the jealous eye o f h is implacable foe and neighbour , the P o le , narrowly watched that the fewG erman trad ers who con tr iv ed to cro ss the Lithuan ian fron

tier should carry to Mo scow no wares which might serve toinjure L ithuan ia and P o lan d , tha t they should bring to Russia


n o per son s capa b le to ass ist in increas ing its power . O n the

con trar y , the P o lish k ing employed these merchan ts as

and b y the in te ll igence they suppl ied , learn ed what was beingdon e and plo tted at Moscow.

This state of things accoun ts fo r the fa vour wi th whichJohn received the letter brought b y C han cello r from E dward


and the read in ess with which he gran ted permission to «R i

c chard and the guests arr iv ed from the E ngl ish land wi thwares brought in the ir sh ips from beyond the seas

,to come

c and'

go in safety in his Russ ian domin ions , and to b uy and

bui ld houses without let o r hindrance ». When d ismissingChancello r

,John assured E dward (who was a lready dead) o f

his «most hearty and o f goo d zea le with good in ten t and

fr end ly desire » in trusting C hancellor « in the l ight o f

grea t understand ing h is an swe r to wise ly lett him know» thatan swer .

O n the l 5 o th o f March , C hancellor with his compan io nsleft Mo scow an d


arriv ing a t the Dwina lived on the sh iptill spr ing, and then returned to his own land . O n reaching

E ngland , he wro te his « B oo ke o f the grea t and mightyE mperor o f Russia and Duk e of Muscouia an d o f the d omi

n ions,o rders , and commod ities thereun to belonging». F rom

this compo si tion , v ery correc tly wr itten for the period , i t is

ev iden t tha t C han ce llor was an educa ted , observan t man,

who had seen much (one o f his passing remarks proves tha the had seen the F rench court); and it is surpr ising howmuchin fo rmation he co llected as to the products o f the d ifi


eren t

parts of Russia , the markets to which they were b rought,the mann ers , customs , religion , style o f life , military afi

a irs,

the admin istration of justice etc . in Russia , where , ign orant

of .th'

e language , he rema ined no t mo re than eight mon ths ,out of which he could scarcely hav e spen t three at Moscow


the on ly place where he could meet with perso n s k nowingany other language than Russian . In fact as regards o b ser

vation , all the accoun ts sent b y the first agen ts of the Muscovy company must strike every read er b y the co rrectn ess

and fidelity of their information ; their narrations , in which

n o t o nly the structure o f the language , but frequen tly even

the handwriting itself, betray unpractised wr iters , someti

mes conta in matter equa lly v aluable bo th to the histo ry of

commerce and to the study o f Russ ian domestic life in the

time o f the czar John Yassiliev itch .

Meanwh ile , dur ing the fo llowing win ter some nomad tri

b es return ing from their migra tions on the b orders of No r

way , brought to A rchangel v ery marv ellous news ; they hadfound on the western coast of the White S ea two ships fullo f merchan d ise a t an cho r in the roads ; but the people on them a ll

dead . I twas theun fortun ate S ir HughWilloughby wi th his com

pan ion s (83 men).—A fter separating from Chancello r at Ward

huys, he had been carried away in to the W hite S ea ; there ,

o n the l l - th o f September he en tered the creek fo rmed b ythe mouth o f the r i ver A rz ina , and gradual ly saw all his

crew die away from co ld and hunger ; from the no tes in his

own han dwriting found near him,it is ev id en t tha t he him

se lf, surv ived til l the mo nth of January . B y the czar’

s o rder

trus ty men were sen t from C o lmogo r to in scri b e an d sea l

up al l the merchan d ise and to bring it, toge ther with the

sh ips , the ir canons , culver in s , .

and r igging, to C olmogo r .

The in telligence brought b y Chan cellor o f his receptio nin Russia , a nd the permiss ion of the czar to E nglish

men to trade with his coun try , had for result tha t

Phi lip an d Mary co nfirmed the charter for «merchan ts aduen

turere fo r the d iscouerie of lands , territo ries , iles and seign

ie rica vnknowen , an d no t b efo re the ir la te aduenture o r

c en terprise b y sea or n auiga tion common ly frequented ». The

deed co n ta in ing this charter rece iv ed the royal san ction a t

Westmin ister February 6- th 1 555 . The company ,which

was to b e placed under the d irec tion of S ebastian Cab o t, named go vern o r fo r life , was to con sist of four

con suls and twen ty four assistan ts to b e chosen every

year . The compan y was licensed to mak e d iscover ies in the

d irec tion o f the n or th,

north- eas t and north -west; to carry

the royal bann e rs , flags , stan dards ; to subdue , possess and

o ccupy , as our sub iec ts , all town es , castles , v illages , isles ,


and ma in lande s o f in fidelitie »; to repulse b y fo rce , strang

ers who should attempt to h inder the ir nav iga tion or trade ,

o r to profit b y the sea - pa ssage d isco vered b y them. E ngl ish

subjec ts no t b e longing to the company were likewise fo r b idden to sai l or trade b y that way without lic en se from the

company , under pe nalty o f the fo rfeiture o f the ir ships an d

wares , ha lf the product of wh ich was to go to the roya l

excheqher , and the o ther ha lf to the company .

These , and some o ther p riv ileges were gran ted to the

company b y P hilip and Mary , in the name o f themselves ,the ir heirs and successors .

O n the first of May 1 5 55 a t a genera l assemb ly o f the

company, it was decided to d ispatch C hancellor to Russ ia

on his former ship , the E dward B onaven ture, and to send

with him R ichard G rey a nd G eo rge Killingwo rth witho rders for the establishmen t o f trade with that coun try; the

agen t John B ro o k , o n board the « Philip and Mary», a lso

under the command o f C hancello r , was to b e sen t to

W ardhuys , to endeav our to establ ish there an exchange

of commod ities so as to br ing to E ngland d ried fish , tra in

o il,and o ther products o f the fi shing trade ; and acco rd ing

to the success o f the exchange , he was to await there the

homewa rd passage o f C hancellor , o r to return a t once to

E ngland .

Thereupo n a l l tho se in tended fo r the vo yage to ok o a th

upon the B ible to serve the compan y truly and upr ightly;and Chancellor , G rey, and Killingworth were furn ished withletters to the cza r (da ted l - st o f A pril 1 5 55)wr itten in three

languages : greek , po lish and ita lian .

The instruction given b y the compan y to its agen ts is in

the highest degree remarka b le fo r its exac titude , minuteness,and foresight; its prin c ipal articles enjo in that al l perso nsemployed b y the company should b e in uncond itiona l sub or

d in atio n to the agen ts , to whom full power is reserved to

pun ish the d isobed ien t and negligen t , an d even, in case o f

necessity ,to giv e them up to the Russian autho rities to b e

pun ished accord ing to the laws o f the coun try . The sub o rd i

n ation required was so en tire , that it was fo rb idden to leav e

on e’

s house b y n ight, without a spec ia l permission from the

agen t . The laws of the coun try , bo th c iv il and ecclesiast ic

were to b e str ictly k ept, all duties an d taxes duly pa id , and

a quiet and orderly behav iour to b e observed . I f the czar

should wish to appropr iate to himself o r assign to any o ther

person the so le right o f trah ie with the E nglish , then to fix

the highes t po ssible price fo r E nglish wares , and the

lowest possible fo r Russian ones , bea ring in mind tha t

the first named prices would serve as a rule fo r the

futur e . With reference to the information which every one

serv ing the compan y was enjo ined to collec t, they were boundto repo rt to their employers a ll they learned respectingthe manners , customs and way o f trading o f the Russ ians ;what merchand ise it would b e ad van tageous fo r E ngland to

carryto , o r br ing from Russ ia ; the n atural production s o f the

coun try ; what money , we ights and measures are used ; wha t

duties , mean s o f tran spo rt etc .

V I t is wor thy o f remark tha t those go ing to Russia wereo bliged to depo s it with the company a pecun iary pledge a nd

the testimo ny o f trus two rthy sureties fo r the ir go od and ho nour

able co nduc t .

The attempt o f B rook to establish a trade with W ardhuys

seems to ha ve b een unsuccessful ; a t all even ts C hancello r arriv ed

a t the po rt o f S t . N icho las with b o th ships the « B onaventure»

and the « Phil ip and Mary»; there he met with Willough b y’


two vessels the « B uona E speran za » and the « B uona C o nfi

denza » and learned that he was no t destined to deliver to the

first commander o f the en treprise the message sen t b y the

compan y : « that the company grieved for h is long absence ;wished for n ews of him and his fellow- travel lers, an d to

embr ace , accept, and en trea t them as the ir dear and wellbeloved bre thren .»

So o n a fter Chan cellor ’

s ships arr ived at the mouth of the

Dwina,there came «ships from the lan ds of H o lland and

B raban t an d on them trad ing fo reigners who traded with« the Russian people at the Co re l ian mouth o f the Dwina

«un til H owever there is no th ing to showtha t the companyever v en tured to compla in to Queen Mary of this breach of

their pr iv ilege b y the subjects o f her husband P hilip o f

Spa in ; b ut the complain ts never cease after the access ion and

throughout the who le re ign o f E lizabeth , who in a lmost

ev ery on e o f her letters to John in sists on the prohi b itionto the Ne ther landers to trahi e in the ports o f the White S ee


which the company looked upon as its own exclusive inhe ri t

ance . Leav ing G rey a t Vo logda , C hancello r arr ived withKill ingwo rth at Mo scow on the 4 - th of O cto b er . Ten days

later they were graciously rece ived b y the cza r,who

on their request for the gr an t o f a pr iv ilege fo r

free trade with Russia , o rd ered them to presen t the irdeman d in wr iting to the secr etary Michael Vassiliev ich

V iscov atofi‘

: Visco va to fi'

conferred with them mo st amica b ly , and

ad v ised the establishmen t o f tra ffi c with C o lmogo r , b ut Ki llingworth asked fo r the postponemen t o f this question for a time


wishing to find out what mark ets would b e mo st adv an tageousfor the E nglish ,

and where they would b e the least depend en t on Russ ian merchants ;

“suppo s ing ,

no t without reason,

that C o lmogor be ing so far from Mo scow, the trade there

would b e concentra ted in very few hand s . The resul t of this

co nference was the gran t o f a pr iv ilege b y the czar to the

E nglish company fo r traffi c without duty in a ll so rts o f

wares , throughout all Russia . D isputes b e tween the E ngl ish

and Russian merchan ts were to b e dec ided b y the czar him

se lf; in case o f the con v iction o f o ne of the E nglish, his

wares and personal good s were no t to b e confi scated to the


s tre asury , but giv en up to the agen t. Disputes betweenthe E nglish themselves , were to b e settled b y the agen t, at

who se deman d the Russ ian autho rities were to impr iso n the

accused,o r pro v ide the agen t with in strumen ts fo r his pun ish

men t .

F urthermore the czar o rdered Willoughb y’

s ship with a ll

its co nfisca ted proper ty to b e given up to C hancellor , an d de

c ided on send ing with him as amb assado r , the go verno r o f

Vo logda , Joseph G r igo r iev ich N epea , who ,hav ing rece ived

his commiss ion on the 25 o th o f Ma rch 1 556 ,left fo r C o lmogo r

accompan ied b y sixteen Russ ians and emb ark ed o n C hance l

lo r’

s v essel the B on aven ture . Upward s o f ten mo re Russ ian s

star ted also on one of the three o ther ships .

The sh ips se t sail o n the 20 - th o f July ; they car ried a

rich cargo : the B onaven ture had o n b o ard , wax , tra in o i l,

ta llow,furs , fe lt , and yarn ,

to the value o f twen ty thousand

pound s; on the B uona E speranza was the who le property o f

N epea , va lue six thousand pound s . O f a ll the four v essels ,

but o ne a lo ne , the Philip and Mary , arr ived a t Lo ndon , an d

that , on ly the fo l lowing yea r ( l S - th A pril thg rema in

ing three , n amely tho se wh ich had fi rst achieved the pas

sage to the White S ea , were no t destined to reach the sho res

o f E ngland ; the B uon a C o nfidenza , struck on the rocks o f

N orwa y and san k with its who le crew; the B uon a E spera nza

was nev er heard o f aga in ; and the B onav en ture after four

mon ths sto rmy pa ssage ,a t la st arr ived o ne tempes tuous N o

v emb er n ight in the Sco tt ish B ay of P itsl igo , to b e d a sh

ed to piece s there o n the ro ck s . C hancello r , so lic itous o n ly

for the safe ty o f the amb assado r , was d rown ed , together wi thhis so n and the grea ter part o f his c rew; o f the Russ ian s whoaccompan ied N epen seven a lso were drown ed ; such o f the

cargo as had no t sun k,was plundered b y the popula tion o f

the coast, and no twithsta nd ing all the r esearches in stituted

b y the Sco tch go vernmen t a t the demand o f Queen Ma ry ,the

compan y never reco v e red mo re than fiv e hundred poundswo rth of the ir merchand ise .

The news o f this misfo rtune,wh ich happened o n the 7- th

o f N o v emb er was rece iv ed in Lo ndon o nly a mo n th la te r,

fi- th D ecemb er ; without lo ss o f time, expresses were sen t o ff

to pro v ide N epea with ev erything necessary ; the inquiry ,in

v estigation and such l ik e delays, kept him sti ll two mo n thslo nge r in Sco tland . A t las t o n the l S - th Februar y 1 5 57hearr ived at B erwick «within the domin io n an d rea lms o f E ng« land , where he was b y the Queenes ma iesties letters and

«commandement ho noura b ly reee iued , vaed and in terte ined b y«the R t . H o n . lord Wha rto n , lo rd Warden o f the E ast marches ,

« tifully on a ll sides , and replenishing all streets in such so rt

« as no man without d ifficultie might passe) into h is lodging

« situate in Fan t church streets »; on arriv ing there , the ambassado r was presen ted with gifts from the queen .

King Philip was absen t a t that time in Flanders ; and thereception o f N epea a t court was postpon ed un til his return .

A t last on the 25 - th o f March,exactly one year after

his departure from Moscow, N epea was presenwd to the

k ing and queen ; the ensuing conferences with himwere entru

sted do the bisho p o f E ly , and their majesties chief secretary ,s ir William Kn ight , who with the highest encomiums com

men ded the grav ity ,wisd om and state ly behav iour o f the ambas

sado r . O n S t. G eo rge’

s day, 23- rd A pril , N epea took leav e , and

straight from the palace was conducted to Westminster A bbey ,where , from a sea t especially pre pared for him

,he assisted

at the so lemn d iv ine service celebra ted in honour of the feast

of the o rder of the G arter . A s a con clusion , on the 29 - th

A pril , a gr and supper was giv en to him at the Draper ’

s H all .

O il the 3- rd May he left fo r G ravesend , where he embarkedon b o ard the «P rimro se», which was considered as admiral o f

the little flee t co nsisting o f three mo re vessels ; the captainwas A n thony J enk inson , too remarkable a person age no t to

recall some o f the ev en ts of his serv ice .

From his autobiographica l no tes preserv ed b y H akluyt it

appears tha t Jenk inson commen ced his travels on the 2 - nd o f

O ctober 1 546; in the course of the ten years which proceededhis en ter ing the serv ice o f the company , he trav e lled throughFlanders , the N e therlands , through G e rmany to I ta ly , from

thence through P iedmont to F rance ,went to Spa in and P ortu

ga l , sa iled through the Med iterranean,v is ited the islands o f

R hod es , Malta , Sicily, C yprus , C and ia an d di vers others ; tra

ve lled all through G reece , the greater par t of Turkey and A sia

Minor , crossed the Lebanon to Damascus and Jerusalem, sawthe sea - coast towns of A fr ica : A lgiers , Tripo li , Tun is , etc . ,

etc . , etc . The numerous remarks to b e met wi th in the

accoun ts left b y him of his trav els bear witness to his in tel ligen ce and o b servation ; and his knowledge. o f the con duct o f

nego c ia tio n s is shown b y the success o f his in tercourse withthe di fferen t rulers of the Caspian coast and of south westernA s ia ; b y the establishmen t of trade between E ngland and

P ers ia through Russ ia , and fina lly b y the persisten t demands

expressed in numerous letters of the czar John tha t E lizabethshoul d sen d to confer with him on «pr incely affa irs» espec iallyA n thony Jenk in son , and n o other .

The vessels reached the po r t of S t . N icho las on the l 2 - th

June ; N epen with the E ngl ishmen whom he hadfl md in L ondo n for the czar

s serv ice , departed fo r Mo scow on the 20- th,

immed ia tely after the land ing o f the goods purchased b y him in

E ngland for the czar’

s treasury ; but Jenk in so n d id no t leave

for C o lmogor un til the ships had been un laden of all the E nglishwa res they had on b oard , an d had b een refreighted with the

Russian merchand ise a lready prepared , and had set sa il on theirhomeward v oyage . A t C o lmogor and a t Vo logda , he sojournedsome time , acquain ting himself with the state of trade , so tha t

he arriv ed at Mo scowon ly on the 6- th of December . Most gra

cious ly receiv ed b y the czar , he spen t the win te r atMoscow, and

foun d mean s to obtain such favour at court, that when he

presen ted his request for permission to seek fo r n ew ro ad s of


ie b eyond the Vo lga, the czar n o t only gran ted it b ut pro

v ided himwith safe - conducts addressed to sev eral of the rulers

through who se territo ry he would perhaps have to pass , and

ordered him to travel from N ijn i N ov ogorod to A strakhan withthe n ewly appo inted governor of the latter town .

Jenk inson left Mo scow,23 - rd A pr il 1 558, and arr ived at

A s trakhan 1 4 - th July . The account of his voyage down the

Vo lga is extremely in teresting; day b y day he wro te down thedescr iption o f the places near which he passed . F or in stance , he

wr ites that at that time almost all the N agayan v illages weredepo pulated : civ il war s , famine and pestilen ce had destro yedthe grea ter part o f the N agayan hordes ; the remainder had fled

to A s trakhan,hoping to find subsistence there , b ut dr iv en thence ,

they pe rished b y hunger in such immense numb ers, that the

b an k s o f the Vo lga n ear the town were strewn with heaps of

dead an d decay ing b od ies .

t )n the I O - ih o f Augus t, Jenk in so n wa s the first E ng l ishma n

who unfur led the red - cro ss flag o f S t . G eo rge o n the C aspia n waters H e had wi th h im o n ly two E ngl ishmen an d had broughtsuch an immen se quan tity o f merchand ise

,tha t a thousan d

camels were required to carry it . The rea l purpo se o f h is journey , as far as on e can guess , was to d isco ver a road to the

fa b ulous Ca tha y . H e sa iled first towa rds the east and keep in gnea r the co ast , finally landed a tMa ngyshlak ; here , he pa cked h iswares upon camels hired from the ro v ing Turcoman s , an d b ega n

h is wan der ings through the steppes of Turkestan ; afte r a

mon th’

s journey , on the 1 4 - th Oc tober he reached U rgenz, o n

the 23- rd Dec emb er , B o kha ra,from when ce he turned b a ck

8Ma rch 1 559 , a few days befo re the pillage of B okhara b y

the pr in ce of S amarkand . A fter six week ’

s journ ey ing through

wildernesses of sand , an d a mon th’

s sto rmy n av iga tion o f the

C a sp ian S ea , on the 28- th May , Jen k in son , wi th his compa n io n s , arr ived a t A str akhan ,

whence he was d ispa tched with a

guard o f on e hundred armed men fo r his pro tec tion ; and o n the

2 - nd o f Septemb er he a rr ived a t Mo scow, bringing with him the

ambassadors sen t b y the so vere ign s o f B okhara,B a lk and U r

genz and twen ty five Russian s whom he had del iv ered from

slav ery amongs t the Turcoman s . H is ar r ival gave great pleasure to the czar

,and the p resen ts he brought a white cow’


ta il , and a Tar ta r d rum were grac ious ly accepted . H e broughtwi th him s ix hun dred camel

s loads o f merchan d ise fo r the com

pan y . I n the en suing spr in g Jen kinson wen t to Vo logda to

awa it the break ing up of the fro st which would render the

r iv e r nav igable , and a t las t sta rted fo r E ngland after an a b sence

o f four years . I n Lon don he presen ted to queen E liza b e th , (whohad succeeded to the throne during his absence) a Ta rtar girl

he had brought with him,ca l led Aura - sultan a .

O n e cann o t to o much admire the in tre p id i ty with whichJen k in so n accompl ished the journ ey just described ; alo ne withtwo o f his coun trymen , unacqua in te d with the language o f the

coun try to which he was go ing, n o t even knowing whither hewas go ing, he spen t ten mo n ths , so o n

- times wande ring through

unkn own d eser ts , sur rounded b y ro b b e rs who co nsta n tly fo llow

ed h is ca ra van , some times living lik e a se ttler in the mid s t

o f those same robbers . H e brought back the con v iction tha t tra fficith that coun try was imposs ible , b ut at the same time he had

d iscov ered how to co nduct a trade with P ersia , and presen te dto the compan y all the informa tion he had been able to co llec t

on tha t subject .The resul t of his travels was the dec is ion of the compan y

to en gage his further serv ices an d to in trust him with the

es tab l ishmen t o f trade with P ersia ( through Russ ia); the

adv an tage of such trade being apparen tly vouched fo r b y the

incess an t wars of the Shah Tamas ( second shah o f the d y

nas ty o f the S ophi s)with the sultan So liman I I , which render

ed extreme ly hazardous the con v eyan ce of E uropean merchand isc to P ersia through Turk ey .

O n the 1 4 May 1 561 Jenk inso n agai n depa rted fo r Russ iahe carr ied with him a letter from E lizabeth to John with the

reques t to allow him to proceed to P ers ia , an d a nother letter

from her , wr itten in La tin, I ta l ian an d H e b rew, add ressed to

the right mightie and r ight v ic to r ious P r ince , the grea t S O phie ,« E mperour of the P ersian s , Mod es , P a rthians , H ircans , C ar

man ian s , Margin s , o f the peo ple on this s id e , and beyondthe r iner o f Tygris , an d o f al l men and nation s , betweensthe Caspian S ea , and the gulfe o f P ersia ». The company,which b y its in struc tion s enjo ined Jenk inso n to endea vour to

ge t to P er sia with merchand ise b y the Caspian S ea o r any o ther

way , left him the most unl imited powers ; his d iscernmen t wasto dec ide wha t quan tity o f merchand ise he should co ns ider

neces sary to take to P ersia , and wha t he deemed better to sell

in Russ ia ; in cas e of the impossibility of getting to P ers ia ,

and of the prices o d‘

ored in Russ ia b eing disadv an tageous , he

might send the wares b y P o land o r an y o the r way to C o n

stan tin ople . H e was also en trusted with the keys o f a chest

from amongs t the con ten ts o f which he wa s a llowed to choo se

A t the departure of N span fromEngland J enkinson had taken service

wi th the company for four years ( l bw—1 560) at an annual salary of 40 poundssterl



a v aluable gift to presen t to the czar . li e might remed y the

defects he should fin d in the accoun ts kept b y the agen ts ,

and in the ir man agemen t of the trade . F urthermore , a lwayswith the idea of d isco ver ing a nor th easter n passage to Cathay ,he was enjo ined to send a servan t of the company to explo rethe stra its a b out Nov a Zemin . O n the 20 - th of Augus t J en

k in son reached Moskow an d requested the secretary to sign ify

his arr iv al to the czar . B ut his H ighnesse haning great a f

faires , an d being at that presen t ready to b e married vuto a

lady o f C hircassi (Mary Temgrukov na), of the Mahometica ll« law,

commanded that no stranger , amb assadour, no r o ther

should come before him fo r a time,with further straight charge ,

that during the space of three dayes that the same so lemne

feast was celeb ra ting, the gates of the citie should b e shut,and that no person

,stranger or na tine (certeine of his hous

ho ld reserv ed) should come out of the ir said houses dur ingthe said tr iumph

,the cause thereof vnto this day not b e ing

kh owshJenk inson d id n o t at on ce obta in permission to con tinue

his journ ey t0'

P ersia ; his refusal to submit E lizabeth ’s letter

to a prel iminary examina tion , b efo re it was presen ted to the

czar in person called forth the displeasure of the secreta ry fo r

foreign afi‘

a irs con sequen tly he was in formed tha the could no t proceed towards P ers ia , under preten ce tha t the

czarwas atwarwith the Cherkesses . Jenk inso n had lo st all h0 pe

of go ing fur ther and so ld at Moscow part o f the merchand isein ten ded for P ersia ; but N epea k ind ly b efr iended him an d

succeeded in recon ciling himwi th the secretary, who on ly thencommun ica ted his request to the cza r . Jen k inson no t only re

ce ived safe - conducts to the Shah and d iv ers o ther pr in ces , butas hewr ites , the czar «committed matter of impo rtan ce daud charge

vn to him to b e done when he should arr ive in those coun

treys». H e left Moscow in company with the P ersian amb assa

do r,with whom he liv ed o n the mo st fr ien d ly terms dur ing

the who le voyage (b y the Vo lga) to A strakhan , which las tedsix week s ( from A pril 27to Jun e F rom A s tra khan , he

was conducted b y a bod y o f fifty armed men on two b rigen

tines to Derben t .The tr av els of Jenk in son through P er sia and h is ro ad b ack ,

do no t co ncern the even ts at present under con s id eration ; it

is suffic ien t to state tha t a t Kezbin ( the capital of Shah Tha

mas) he was rece ived in the mo st unfriend ly man n er , whi leon the contrary he o b ta ined the person a l friendsh ip of A bdulkhan , tho sovere ign of Shirvan (o r as he calls him

,the k ing of

H yrcan ia)who gran ted the E nglish a priv ilege o f traffic without duty to Shirvan an d S hemaklta

O n e c ircumstan ce is howev er wo r thy of ment ion : duringthe homeward journ ey o f Jenk inso n from P er sia , he receiv ed

a t S hemakha the v is it of an A rmen ian sen t b y the k ing o f

G eo rgia , to ask his adv ice how to obta in from the czar John

Vasilliev ich pro tection and defence aga in st the a ttacks of the

Turk s and P ersians , who con stantly pillaged and wasted G eo r

gia. Fearful of spies who might embro il him with A bdulkhan o f Shirv an , Jen k in son l imited his adv ice to recommend

ing an appl ication with this petitio n to b e made to the cza r

through the med ium o f the czar’

s father in law, the Circus

s ian pr ince Temgruk .

Jenkin son return ed to Mo scow August 20 1 563 ; the cza r,

highly pleased with the accoun t he gave o f his journ ey , ann oun

ced that he should emplo y him in further transaction s , an d as

a mark o f his fav our , gran ted a new charter to the E nglish

guests . Jen k in son rema in ed a yea r longer in Russia and then

on the a rr ival o f sh ips in spr ing, he set sa i l,Jun e 9 1 564


for E nglan d from which he had b een absen t three yea rs .

I t may b e suppo sed tha t the labours of Jen k in son , duringthese trav els , were rewarded b y the compan y rece iv ing him

amongst the number o f its memb ers , fo r in the next cha r

A lter J enkinson , live more transpo rts of goods from England took

place; but the murder o f the persons in charge , the frequent pillage o f the

c aravans, and the very irregular and uncertain payment , presented so manydangers , b y land, b y sea

,and even b y the Vo lga , that the trade was

finally ab andoned in 1681 .


te r g iven b y John ( 1 567) h is name appears amo ngst those o f

the E ng lish merchan ts to whom it is gran ted . A t all even ts

as soon as the necessity of in tercess io n with the czar presen ted ttse lf, the cho ice of the compan y fe ll upon Jenk inson , and

o n the 4 - th May 1 566, he aga in left E ngla nd fo r Russia .

The reason o f h is be ing sen t this time wa s a mo st a la rmingrepo r t which had reached the company , that a certain I ta lian ,

R a phae l B arber in i , settled in Russ ia ,was endeavouring to in

jure the E nglish trade , b y assur ing the czar that the waresbrought b y the E ngl ish merchan ts , were n ot of E ngl ish pro

duction , b ut might b e obta in ed much mo re ad v an tageously

d irec t from the Dutch and G ermans . Jenk in son was instruc ted

to demand the expulsion of B arber ini , and the prohi b ition of

the en try o f the Dwina to all foreigners—demands which wererendered extreme ly d ifficul t from the fac t of B ar b er in i hav ing

been rece ived b y the cza r as the bearer o f a letter from E li

za b eth,which he had obta ined from her under the fraudulen t

pre tence that he was go ing to Russ ia fo r the reco very o f debtsowin g to him b y some E nglishmen res iden t there . J enk ia

fulfilled this commissio nwith en tire success ;moreo ver , he obta ined from the cza r a n ew char ter b y which a ll person s n o t

b e longing to the company , whether E n glishmen o r fo reigners ;

were fo rbidden to en ter any of the mouths o f the Dwina , o r toan cho r a t C o lmogor , Co la , Mezen ,

P echenga , the is land of S o lo

vetsk y ,the P etcho ra o r the O b i ev en a t W ardhuys . The company

wa s n o t on ly con firmed in the po ssession of its house at Mo scowa nd the r ight to establish wa rehouses on the Dwina, at Vo

logda , Ya roslav l , Ko stroma , N ijn i , Kazan , A strakhan , N ovo

go rod . P sko fi‘

, N arva an d D o rpat , but a lso acqui red the pr iv ilege to tran spor t its merchand ise without duty to Shemakha ,B okha ra , an d Chaday i . s . Samarcand .

The mo tiv e o f this read in ess on the par t o f John must apparen tly b e sought fo r in the state of his min d a t tha t per iod . Fromthe t ime o f his marr iage with the C ircass ian prin cess , commenced that wild

,un restra ined aban donmen t to his passion swhich

has in scr ibed his re ign in blo od in the annals of Russ ia . I t

is v a in to a llot his execution s to var ious per iod s in one


o ther,the misfortunes o f the one , the misfo r tunes of the

o ther , that if o ne of them should b e obliged’

to forsake his

k ingdom, the k ingdom of the o ther might b e free to him as

his own possession .

With this commission Jen k inson was sen t to E ngland pro

bably in autumn , b y way of Lithuan ia , fo r in N ovemb er of

the same yea r ( 1 567) he had a lready set it down in writingin London : the czar was in haste he required an an swerb y S t . P eter

’s day ( 29 - th June), con sequen tly b y the spr ing

ships .

B ut it d id no t enter in to the calculation s o f E lizab eth to

conc lude a treaty ofi'

ensiv e and defensiv e with John ; she couldexpect n o assistan ce from Russ ia in her were aga in st the

Ca tho lic powers ; and to commence ho stilities aga in st P o land and

Sweden , the enemies o f Russia,would b e con trary to the in ter

ests o f E ngland . Russia was no t to E ngland a coun try o f

an y po li tical importance ; it was merely a conv en ien t trade

ma rt fo r the barter of E nglish wares , and when ce could b e

rece ived the rawmaterials , necessary to the ma in ten ance o f

E nglish in dustry . The term fixed b y the czar passed , and no

answer was made to his pmpo sition ; he was ev en left in

ign o ran ce whether Jenk inson had fulfilled the trust committedto him.

A bout this time the compan y o f E nglish merchan ts trad ingto Muscov y incurred a great d anger the loss o f the monopo lythey had hither to enjoyed of the Russian trade . A t the fall

o f the Teuton ic Order , the terr ito ries belonging to it werepar titio ned b etween the k ings o f Sweden and P o land , and

John was confirmed in the possession of the western po rt ion ,E s thon ia an d L iv on ia . The grandfather of John , b y erecting the

fo rtress of I vangorod , separate d from the town o f N arva on ly

b y the r iv er,had shown how much impo rtance b e attached

to the sov ereign ty o f tho se parts ; it secured to Russia a sea

po rt on the B altic . B y brin ging the western ban ks o f the Vo l

kho t,the P eipus

,and the N aro va , under the Russian sway ,

John was en abled to esta b lish a safe route for traffic from

P sk o fl'

and N ov ogorod to Na rva , and with a firm foo ting on

_ n y _.

the B a ltic coast, to b ow out that window towards E uropewhich itwas reserved - to P eter the G reat to throwopen a centur yand a ha lf later . John no t on ly adopted the v iews of his grea t

pre d ecessor as to the importan ce of N erve,but in tak ing

po ssession of it, d iscerned the po ssibility of rec tifying an immen seerro r committed b y his grandfa the r : the ruin of N ov ogorod

b y the cessation o f commerce with the H an se . H e endeavoured to a ttract to N arva the trade of Lub eck ; and , while con

sen ting , at the desire of E lizabe th , to clo se the ports of the

W hite Sea to a ll strangers except the E ngl ish ,he , at the

same t ime opened the trade at N erve to all fo reigners more

especia lly the Lub eckers . The Musco v y agen ts o f the E nglish

commny also established there an agen cy ; but the facto rs

sent for that purpo se , B utte r and G lov er , b y the means

of one,Chappel , entered into d irec t communication with the

merchan ts belonging to ano ther E nglish company trad ing to


k an d G ermany , and thereby caused great injury to theW hite Sea company . The latter b ecame alarmed , and at once

has tened to put a term to this dangerous competition ; at its

so licitation , after the return of Jenk in son E lizabeth had sen t

out her messengers, Man ley and Midd leton ( the former in O ctob er 1 567, the latter in F ebruary to demand that the

aforesaid fac tors‘

should b e seized and sent to E ngland ; b ut

John was part icularly well d ispo sed towards Rutter , formerlytranslator to Jenk inson , and toward s G lover who had

a lso tak en part « in the afl'

airs o f brotherhood and frond

shippe » be tween the czar and the queen . Chappel , likewise ,‘a t the risk of his life had executed sev era l commissions fo r

the czar at Lubeck ; furthermore Man ley, and Middleto n , «em

b rased with pr ide , would make n o aunswere», as to whetherJenk inson had fulfilled the czar

s trust; they were bo th deta ined , as was also a third messenger , G oodman , un ti l a replyshould b e received from E lizab eth .

This measure was sug


b y the ca lumn ies inven ted b y . the factors , who affirmed

that the messengers had no autho r ity from E lizabeth tha t the

letter brought b y them was a fo rgery , an d they, themselves ,

sp ies o f the king of P o land , who emplo yed every poss ible

mean s to hinder the trade of N e rv e . Th is last reason might

appear the mo re proba b le to John,from the fact tha t ev en

befo re the arr ival of Jen k inson in 1 567, Sigismund ll , hopin g

to in spire John with suspic io n again st the E nglish merchan ts ,

had secretly sent pretended letters of thanks purpo rting to he

addressed to them,had fitted out ships from D antzig to capture

the v essels go ing to N erve , had persuaded the D a nes and

Swed es no t to use that route , and thre atened E liza b e th tha t

lo ss of l ife , l iber ty , wives and child ren » awa ited tho se who

should carry wares and weapo n s to N ar va—« to the Mosco v ite

who was n o t o n ly the tempo rary enemy o f the k ing of P o lan d,

b ut the he red itary foe o f a ll free n a tio ns».

Such be ing the state of affa irs , E l iza b e th dete rmined to sen d

an amb assado r ex traord in ar y , and fo r this trus t she se lec ted

o ne o f her courtiers who had a lready served as amb assad o r ,

Thomas R ando lph , mas ter o f the queen’

s po sts . H is pr in c i

pa l busines s was , with the aid of two agents sen t with him,to

put in o rder the ad'

a irs of the merchan ts , and to demand the

expuls ion o f the facto rs who had injured the trade of the com

pany; as to the treaty o f a ll iance , he was to pass it over in

s ilence , o r an swer vague ly, so as to avo id engaging E ngland

in the wars o f Rus s ia with P o land and Sweden ; as to the

secret message o f Jen k inson , he was to info rm the czar tha t

the queen ,kn owing his power and wisdom,

thought Jen k inso nmus t have misco nce ived the message he had brought , but if,however , any mischance happened , the czar might b e sure o f

a fr iend ly reception in E ngland ; tha t the queen , fo r her own

part , trusting in the mercy o f G od , had no fear o f da nger ,

either from he r own subjects o r from any fo reign enemies .

I n her letter to the czar , E l iza b eth on lymentions trade afi'

ai rs ;

the rema inder o f her in structions , R ando lph was to tran smit b yword o f mouth, to avo id a ll wr itten documents .

R ando lph arr iv ed in the harbour of S t . N icho las June 231 568, b ut on ly reached Mo scow October 1 5 ; the E nglishwerefor b idden to go to welcome h im; he an d his suite were no t

allowed to quit the house ass igned to them, and no o ne was

admitted to them. John,in his letter to E l izabeth

, exp la in s

this b y saying that R an do lph would no t confer with his lordson any subjec t un ti l he had been received b y h imself; b ut it

seems more pro b able to suppo se that the czar d id n ot wishthe ambassador or his a tten dants to knowwhat was then pas

sing at Mo scow: execution s fo llowing on e upon another , the

R eserv ed b od ygua rd urged b y the czar to ev ery so rt o f out

rage , the metropo litan to rn from his episcopa l sea t and thrownin to P erhaps also , the czar was influenced b y the

ca lumn ies of the compan y’

s Mo scov ite facto rs , who fear ingthe detec tion of their a buses b y the agen ts accompany ingR ando lph, d id al l they could to slander the ambassado r ,throwing doubt ev en on the authen ticity of the letter he ha d

brought from the queen . The latter suppo sition is confirmed

b y the compla in ts of Rando lph tha t bo th the letters he wro teto E ngland , an d those whi ch were sen t thence to him,

were ,through the in tr igues and accusation s of B enn et an d Rutter ,se ized a t N arva

,an d del ivered over for tran slation to o ne

of the pr incipal o fi'

enders R a lph Rutter .

I n his fo llowing letter , however, John attr ibutes the n on

receptio n o f R ando lph for so long a time , to the prevalen ceof the plague with which G od had v isited the coun try.

O n the 9 - th o f F ebruary 1 569 , R andolph was at las t re

ce ived b y the czar , but without the hon ours usually shownto an ambassador : the hour fixed for his reception was very

ea rly ,8 o

clock in the mornin g ; n o horses were sen t e i ther

fo r himself o r his suite , so tha t he was obliged to hire a

saddle ho rse fo r himself and his suite wen t on fo o t to the

pal ace ; when he a rr ived a t the ambassadors office , he wasmad e to wait there full two hours; and at his presen tation to

the czar,he was n o t hon oured b y an in v itation to the czar


table .

A few days later , the czar sent for him in the evening for

a conference ; this conference was surrounded b y the greatest

secr ec y : on a co ld da rk n ight R ando lph, disguised in 9. Rus

s ia n dress , was conduc ted to the pa lace b y the personage sen t

to fetch him, and whom he ca l ls « the long duke ». The confer

en ce lasted three hours and Ran d o lph re turn ed home on ly to


wards mo rn ing. N ext day the czar left fo r the A lexandrov sky

Sloboda , and R ando lph was again admitted to an audien ce

on ly in the beginn ing o f A pr il, but this time he was rece ived

mo re grac iously , and new priv i leges were given to the E ng

lish merchants , allowing them to carry on the ir trad e withP ersia , through Russ ia ,

to search fo r mines of iron a t Vychegda ,

an d to'

co in money at Moscow,N o vogorod an d P skofi’

; E ng

lishmen carrying on trade at N arv a apart from the company ,were fo r b idden to con tinue i t ; and the company rece ived the

right to seize the fo re ign ships which had begun to frequen t

the White S ea po rts , o n con d ition that half o f the v alue se ized

should go to the imperial treasury . I t is wo r thy o f remark

tha t b y an article o f this charter , the house of the E ngl ish

merchants is transferred from the N ational to the Re serv ed

jurisd iction ; this d eta il , taken in conjun ction with the fact

that all the conferences with R an do lph were conducted b y the

well known fav orite o f John , on e of the principal R eserv ed

people , P rince A thana sius I v ano vich V iasemsk y , proves tha tJohn cons id ered the con nection with E ngland n o t in the least

as an internatio n al afia ir , but as a matter perso nally co ncom

ing E lizabeth and himself.

The czar ordered R ando lph,after receiv ing this charter


to fo llow him to Vo logda , announc ing that he should b e d is

patched then ce in company with his amb assado r A ndrew G re

goriev ich So v in . The czar was in such haste to send o fl’ his

amb assado r . that the day after taking leave at Vo logda ,Rando lph was told b y S ov in that he was allowed three

days for preparation , at the exp iration of which time, all his

good s would b e thrown out of doo rs .

The a im of Rando lph ’

s mission was attained : the companyof E ngl ish merchants had received n ot on ly the confirmatio n ,but also an increase of its priv ileges ; the competition of fore ign

ers in the White S ea trade was averted : the injury like ly to

b e caused to the traffic a t N erve b y E nglishmen trad ing there

on their own account was put a stop to , at the very commen ce


and the ringleader of the d isturbance , G lover , was

g iven up to R an do lph to answer befo re the compan y fo r h is

do ings .

B ut John was inten t on obtain ing a treaty o ffensive and

d efen s iv e , and a lthough R ando lph succeeded in ev ad ing fo r

himself the conclus ion of such a treaty , still he could n o t

refuse to take S ov in to E ngland with him. The in structio ns

delivered to S ov in co n tain ed clauses , to b e in clud ed in the

treaty and which the queen was required « to cause to b ewr itten in Rousse wo rds fo r wo rd ».

The requests of John prov ided that E l izabe th and he should

upho ld o n e ano ther again st their common fo es ; tha t they should

he lp one ano ther b y tr00 ps , mon ey and arms ; tha t the subjec tso f the on e should ha ve the r ight to settle in the coun try o f

the o ther , and trade there , free from duty . and all hinderan ce .

B y a secret artic le bo th so vere igns were to engage that in case

o f d anger , the one should find refuge in the k ingdom of the

o ther . This conven tion was to b e confirmed on the part of bo thb y k iss ing the cro ss , and seal ing with the great seal in the

presence of ambassadors to b e mutua lly exchanged fo r tha t

purpo se . E lizabe th’

s ambassador was to b e A nthon y Jenk in son ,and he was to leave for Russia at the same time as of S ov in .

To confer with. So v in, E lizabeth named some o f her most

trustwo rthy di gnitaries , lo rd s o f her priv y counc il . The confer

ences lasted nea rly a year (from July 1 569 to May but

they led to no result . The E nglish lords dec lared that the

queen befo re engaging E ngland in the wars o f the czar with

his en emies , should assure herself of the justice of tho se wars ,and try the success o f her in terpo sition to put an end to them.

S o v in insisted on the literal transcr iption o f the co nv en tion

demanded b y the czar,no t cons ider ing it compatible with the

d ign ity of his so vere ign that the justice of his acts should b e

ques tioned b y E lizabeth . E lizabeth hoped that the czar on

reflect ion would desist from his demands , and the fo llowin gsp ring when S ov in urgen tly asked for his dismissal , she let

him leave without Jenk inson , at that time absent (perhaps ,purpose ly)from London , in trusting him, no t with the trea ty ,


with two letters—one,such as she usua lly sen t on the dismissal

o f amb assado rs , the o ther secret , signed b y her , and sealed with

her own,sma ll pr ivate signet . I n the fo rmer , con ta in ing the

answer to S o v in’

s osten sible mission , she undertakes to enter

into a league with Russia for mutual a id aga inst their com

mon enemies , and the preserv ation of Russ ia from injuriescommi tted b y any person o r po tentate whatsoeverg—in the latter ,the secret one , she promises John

,for himself, his family , an d

al l he sha ll bring with him, shelter in E ngland , in the even t

lest « b y any casual l chaunce either of secr ite con sp iracie , o r

outward hostill itie he shoul d b e driv en to change his coun try».

Such an an swer could no t sa tisfy John ,who had then attain

ed tha t period of fur ious tyranny which is unparallelled inhisto ry when the v ict ims of his execution s were in scribed fo r

masses on the church registers , no t b y name , no t b y tens , no t

b y hundreds , but in who le thousands . H e breaks out in tov io len t abuse in his letter to E lizabeth

,wri tten after the return

o f Sov in . W e had thought , he writes , that youwere sove

re ign in your own country ,and ruled with so v ereign power ,

ca r ing for the hon our an d profit of your coun try , therefo re wewished to tr ea t with you, as with a so vere ign . B ut we perceiv ethat other man

,without you,

rule your coun try, and no t men ,

b ut b oo rs an d merchan ts , and you, maid as youar e,behav e

like a ma id , ( «you flows in“

your mayden lie estate like a

I t is n o longer necessa ry to con tinue our inter coursewith you, and you may send back the charter we gran ted ;but if it b e no t sen t back , it is of no consequen ce—we annul

it,and a ll similar priv ileges gran ted b efore ; we shall see how

they will managewithout their pr ivi leges , those «boo r ish merchan ts» who preferred the ir own mercha nt ’s wea lth ,

to our

prince ly honour and pr ince ly profit ! A nd even before the

E nglish merchan ts came , the empire of Muscovy wanted fornought .

This letter was brought b y a person in the serv ice of the

c ompany , former ly interpreter to S ov in , one Dan iel S ylvester .

B ut before he arr iv ed in London , news had b een received , pro

b ably b y way o f N arva,that the cza r had no t on ly depr ived

the E ngl ish merchants o f the ir freedom, b ut had se ized all the ir

an unknown way through wildernesse » (proba b ly through P o

venetz and Nov ogo rod)but this attemptwas also unsuccessfulthe messenger soon returned with the news tha t b e ing caughta t the b a rr ier , he had with d ifficulty escaped b e ing burnedtogether with h is ho rse , orders hav ing been giv en to treat thusa ll who should attempt to pass the barr iers . A t C o lmogor J en

kinson had to en dure every in sul t from the people there , and

mo reover , rece ived the most alarming repo rts tha t, on accoun t of

the czar’

s d ispleasure , al l the good s andwares of the E nglishmerchants had been tak en from them; tha t they had been re

fused the paymen t of the de b ts owing to them; that the vas

sel , bui lt a t Yaroslav l , to b e sent to Shemakha for the com

pan y’

a facto rs there , and for the merchan d ise b ought b y themin P ersia , had b een deta ined at A strakhan ; fin al ly that du

r ing the burn ing o f Mo scow,in the mon th of May that year ,

b y D ev let G hire i , the proper ty laid up in the E nglish sto re

house had been co nsumed , to the value of roubles .

P ro b ably the repo rt had also reached Jenk in so n tha t the czar wasfar from b e ing so licitous no t on ly about the afi

airs of the E ng lish

merchan ts, o r about the o rgan izatio n of his empire


tated b y famine , plague , and the in cursions o f the C r imeans .

First o f all,the czar took v engean ce for the d ishonour o f

his pus illan imous flight before Dev let G hirei, putt ing to death

al l tho se boyars whom he was pleased to accuse o f ha v ingin s tiga ted the in vasio n ; then he was busy , choo sing him

self a br ide from amongst the beauties co llected from through

out a ll the empire ; then fo llowed the illness o f the lady

se lected , Martha S o b ak in ; the arrangemen t of the ceremon ies

of the wedd ing with her ; an d finally , gr ief for her untimelydeath , gr ief which instituted , as fun erea l rims fo r her , freshexecution s o f those who were accused o f hav ing bewitchedher l

These execut ion s seemed to calm John and to in spire himwith the conv iction that the dea th of these in testin e foes had

fi rmly esta b lished hi s personal safety . A t all ev en ts, whenJenk in son was at last admitted to his presence a t the A lexan

drovsky S loboda , and afterward s at S tar i tza to take his leav e,

John informed him that he had put o ff fo r the presen t the

secret affa irs , that is to say , the nego c iat ions about the mutualo a th to b e taken b y him an d E lizabe th to afford on e ano ther

shelter at all times . H e then announ ced that he had remitted his

d ispleasure aga inst the E nglish, giv en them back their pr iv ileges , and ordered that in future they should hav e a guard

for their pro tec tion dur ing the ir nav igation of the Vo lga fo r

traffic to coun tries beyond the Caspian S ea .

In examin ing the papers relative to Jenk inson ’

s embassy ,one is struck b y the queen ly d igni ty of E liza b eth

s reply to

John when he angri ly calls her «ma id » or ra ther «wen ch».

—N o merchants , she wr ites , go vern our count ry for us, but

we rule it ourse lves with the rule befitting a v irgin queenappo in ted b y G od ; and no sovereign has more obed ien t subjeeta, for which we render thank s to G o d . There is also

much d ign ity in the answer o f J ohn,when Jenk inson request

ed him, on his complain t aga in st the E nglish merchan ts , to

n ame the o fi‘

en dersz—J on sha ll no t kn ow them; I have fo rgiven

their offen ces , an swered the czar, and wha t would my pr in ce

ly pardon b e worth, if I afterwards gave them up to your

queen for pun ishmen t?The chief aini o f Jenk in son ’

s mission was thus attain ed ; he

had resto red the trade of the Wh ite and C aspian seas to the

L ondon company ; b ut the indemn ity fo r the damage in


although promised , was n o t pa id . B e s ides which,John ’

s conduct toward s Jenk in son prov ed that the la tter had

greatly fal len from his fo rmer fav our . O f the year pas

sed b y him in Russia, (from the 26- th of June 1 571 to

the 23 - rd Jun e 1 572) he was deta ined e ight months a t

C o lmogo r ( t ill January 1 572) and a month and a half at

P ereaslav l ( F eb ruary 3 to March after his receptionb y the czar at the Sloboda , he was sen t to Tv er , where ,

with out o ccupation , he awa ited the a rr ival of the czar a t

S tarits a near ly two mon ths ( till May 23 , an d , the d ay after

he had taken leave,he was sen t back to C o lmogo r . H e was fo r

hidden to enter Moscow. Sylv ester was n o t allowed to awa it atS taritza the delivery o f the new charter , of the mo n ey owing b y

the cza r to the compa ny, a n d the sur ren der o f the E ngl ishmen deman ded b y E lizabeth; he on ly o b ta ined the promise tha t the charte r, mo ney ,

an d men should b e del ivered to h im a t Vo logda .

The servan t sen t b y him to N o vogorod to reca ll these things to

the czar’

s reco llection , was n o t sen t back to him; he waspromised the pun ishmen t o f an o fficer named B ezson , who , in

presence o f Jenk inson an d o ther E nglishmen ,had spoken ill

o f the queen , b ut on cond ition tha t E lizabeth should likewisepun ish her messengers , Man ly and Middleton , who had beensen t to N arv a in 1 568.

O n the 23- rd of Jun e 1 572 , Jenk in son too k a fina l leave

o f Russia . On arriv ing in Lo ndo n he gave an accoun t o f

his emb assy and presen ted the compan y with a memoria l

about his twen ty yea rs o f trave l in E urO pe , A sia ,A frica

and Russ ia , in which he says in con clusion : «A nd thus« b eing wea ry and growing o ld , I am con ten t to tak e my« rest in mine own s house , chiefly comforting myselfs in tha t

«my seruice ha th b sne honoura b ly accepted a nd rewarded of«her majes ty and the rest b y whom I have been employed ».

O n the retir emen t of Jenk in son from the company’s ser

v ice,Daniel Sylveste r was en trusted the fo llowing yea r , with

the con ferences wi th the cza r . B e ing sen t to the czar in

1 573 , he b rought back a letter from him to E l izabeth, (20 - th

August and the news tha t John was aga in d ispleasedwith the E nglish merchan ts , hav ing d iscov ered the in tercourseo f Thomas G lo ver and R a lph Rutter with his enemy the

k ing o f P o land ; tha t con sequen tly he had ordered a ll the

wares in the E nglish sto rehouse a t Vo logda to b e se ized fo r

the imper ia l treasury ; together wi th them, his wrath fe ll alsoon one o f the pr iso n ers taken b y the Russ ian troops fromthe Swedes , who , being a Sco tchman

, spoke E nglish an d wasthere fo re supposed b y him to b e an E ngl ishman . The

pr iv i leges wh ich had b een given back to them were no longer so great as befo re : in stead of the trafi


ic en tire ly free of

duty the y had hither to enjoyed , they wer e to pay o ne half of

the cus tom - dues which would have b een p a id b y o ther

fo re igners .

A cco rd ing to Sylveste r the principa l cause o f Jo hn ’

s ange r

was tha t E l iza b eth had no t renewed her n ego tia tio n s withhim and tha t, b y wha t he co ns idered undue pride , she wouldno t co n c lude the secret trea ty , b y the prov isions o f which she

was to ask for herself shelter in Russ ia in case of necessity ;also that she had shown no read in ess to con firm this trea ty

b y k iss ing the cross , b y causing it to b e signed b y her counc il ,o r b y seal ing it wi th the great royal


sea l . Satisfactio n given

to these demands , would , acco rd ing to Sylv ester , secure the

pos itio n of the E ngl ish company in Russ ia , and br ing grea t

profi t to its trade .

The co rrectn ess of Sylveste r’

s opinion is shown b y the

co nclud ing wo rds of the letter he brought from the czar ,

(Aug . 20 - th —A nd if y ouwish fo r mo re ami ty and

fr iendship from us , ponder upon that busin ess , b y which youmay increase our amity toward s you.

E l iza b e th was grea tly as ton ished a t these demands ,from

which , at Jen k inson’s las t mission two yea rs b efore , John had

seemed en tirely to desist . Knowing b y exper ien ce wha t hersub jects might expect from the despo tism o f John , she feared

to pro v oke him,b ut a t the same time mad e a last a ttempt to

av o id the d irect fulfi lmen t of his wishes . This was , to sen d

Sylv ester aga in to the czar . Sy lv ester’

s ins truc tio ns are drawn upwith remarka b le talen t . H e wa s to state ,

that the queen wasa b o ve a ll things , anxious to preserve the sec re t o f her nego tiati

ons wi th the czar ; that for tha t very reason she had no t beena b le to k iss the cro ss , o r pass her letter under the great sea l ,as b y the con st itution o f s ta te afi

airs in E ngland , tho se cere

mon ies would ha v e en tailed the par tic ipation o f so many o f

he r d ign ita r ies that the preservatio n o f secresy would have

been impo ss ib le ; tha t to allowa deed already s igned b y her to

b e afterwards sign ed b y her counc il , would b e , acco rd ing to

E ngl ish customs,in compa tible with her ro ya l d ignity. Still

more strik ing is the reason given b y E liza b e th fo r r efusingto ask , like the cza r

,for refuge in Russ ia in case of neces

s ity .—Yon shal l dec lare unto him

, she instruc ts Sylvester ,that such a request on our part, would lead our sub jec ts to


suppo se we had some reason for fear ing them; and such a suppo sition would « b resd so dangerouss a mislyk inge in them

« towards v s , as might put v s in peril! o f our esta te . Whichs« things wee kn ows our good bro ther , in respec t o f the good«will he pro te s ts to b ea rs towards v s , wo ld b e lo the to draws« V S vuto ».

Sylvester found the czar John a t that incredi ble per iod of

his existen ce when,hav ing dec lared the czar of Kassimo f to

b e « the grand duke S imeo n B sk b oo la to v ich o f a ll Russia »,he presen ted to him petit ion s in which he styled himse lf and

h is chi ld ren , lik e commo n petitioners , b y his an d their d imi

nutive b apt isma l names (Jack , Thsddy , etc .) and l ived at

Mo scow,outs ide o f the Kremlin in his own house o f the

O pr ichn ina , whe re he receiv ed Sylvester , N o vemb er 29 - th,

1 575 . You see,he sa id to him, tha t the danger has

happen ed ,which prompted us to ho ld secre t nego tiati

o n s with the queen our s ister . The treachery of our subjectshas led us to giv e up the go v ernmen t o f our empire to an

a lien . W hy d id she no t con sen t to our request ! A firm mutua l

league would ha v e strengthen ed our sway ,and , in c lined us

to gran t her sub jects every po ssible l i b er ty they could des ire .

U nwisely d id our sister act in not accepting our propo sa l !B ut very d iffe ren tly spok e the czar two mon ths later , when

d ismiss ing Sylvester , (29 - th Janua ry 1 576) and when he had

just concluded a trea ty o f frien dship with the ambassadorssen t b y the empero r o f G ermany . The speech of the cza r on

this o ccas ion was ev iden tly wr itten down b y Sylvester withl ite ra l ex ac ti tude ; the impo r t o f i t is this :—W e are aware o f

the immense b enefit the E nglish merchan ts derive from the

pr iv ileges we were gra c iously plea sed to gran t them. A t the

same time our s iste r ma kes n o re turn fo r the friend ship weshow he r . E ven now she unduly exa lts herself abo ve us ,and thin ks it un fitting to mak e the same request to us (res

pecting refuge)which we ha ve made to her . Therefo re , declare

to her tha t we demand an uncon d ition a l ac ceptance o f

our propositio n . H er refusal will have fo r consequence tha t

the trad e which we have del ivered o ver to the E nglish ,shal l


b e transfe r red to the Vene tian s an d (i ermaus . from whom

the y rec e iv e the grea ter part o f the goo d s they b ring to us .

Think n o t , that we hav e no t the power to ac t thus : true,we

hav e given up to an o ther our autho r ity; but we can a t an y

t ime , b y our wil l , take it back aga in ; our seven cr own s , oursceptre , al l the so v ere ign in s ign ia , a ll the sta te o rnaments ,a ll the imperia l treasury are s till in our po ssession .

E liza b e th saw tha t she could no longer de lay , and hasten ed

to send b a ck Sylves ter with her an swer to the cza r; b ut her

an swer was no t destin ed to reach him. O n his arriv a l a t

C o lmogo r , writes H o rsey , D an ie l Sylv es ter , was «p rep arrin

gs and mak ings clo ths fitt fo r h is presen t po stings up to the

empero r with tho se letters and message fr om the quen , the

ta ilor sasnge one (essaying on) a news ys o low satten jack etto r jspons in an upper rome o f the lodgings in the E nglish

howse , an d the tai lo r go ne scars (scarce) down the stears,a

thunderbo lt cams and s troska h im dead, ps arsinge down the

co llar of the in sid e o f his news coa ts,owt the r ight side

o f

his b odys , no t owtwa rd ly seen . A flash o f lighten ing k illed

a lso his b oy and d ogg b y him, burn t h is descke, letters , howse ,a ll at in s tan t . W herat the emperowr was much amassed

when he heard of it , sa is ng « G od s will b e don n l»During the three succeed ing years , John seems to hav e had

no particular in tercourse with E nglan d . The cares a tten d ing

the war with Sweden and especially with P o land , ev iden tly

engrossed all his attention ; and care was indeed necessary , no t

so much for preserv ing the conquests made in Livon ia , as to

provide for the pro tec tion of the Russian territory : a lready

several of the n o rthwestern pro v inces were ov errun b y the

en emy. The czar had need , and v ery immed iate need , o f

warl ike mater ials—copper,lead , sa lps tre , sulphur , powder ,

and such l ike . To deman d the send ing o f such articles , John

determin ed to despa tch to E lizabeth ov erland a person in

the emplo ymen t o f the compan y ,a certain Jerome H orsey ,

who had a ttracted the czar’s atten tion b y his ready wit

an d b y his accoun ts o f the manner o f b uild ing and armin gships in E ngland . H orsey in curred grea t dangers ; he wa s



o b liged to tra verse a ll L ivo n ia an d Cour land , where he mightb e se ized b y the P o les a s a Russ ian spy, P omeran ia and

Meck lsn b urg, where he ran the same r isks from the Swedes;it wa s on ly on arriv ing at Lubeck and H amburgh tha t he

could con s ider his l ife in safety . That the czar himse lf

thought the a ttempt very ven turesome , is shown b y the

impe ria l o rder that John ’

s letter should b e enc lo sed in the

false sides o f a wooden flask con tain ing spirits , whichH orsey was to carry hidden in the mane o f his horse . A fter

man y ad ven tures , H o rsey succeeded in reach ing H amburgh ,and from thence go t to London an d deliv ered to E lizabethhe lette r taken from the flask . I n the spr ing o f 1 581 he

b rought back to Russ ia thir teen ships laden with the waresdemanded b y the cza r , to the value o f pounds . The

czar mo st grac iously praised H o rsey fo r the rapid and success

ful fulfi lmen t o f his trust; the queen rewa rd ed him b y nomi

nat ing him esquire of her body . H encefo r th H orsey took

the lead amo ngst the E nglish merchants at Moscow, and con

tinned to do so , ev iden tly b y his own choice , till afte r the

dea th o f John and the first years of the reign o f Theodo re .

The fo llowing year 1 582 , John sen t as amb assador to

E lizabe th Theodo re A ndreev ich P isssmsky and with himthe un dersecretary E piphanius N eoodacha Vassil iev ich Khovralef. They were empowered to b r ing to a con clus ion the

negoc iation o f the league o f lo v e and friendship and to pro

pose a marriage fo r the czar with a relation o f the queen ,«P r incess Khan tin sky » i . s . with Lady Mary H as tings , daughterof the E ar l o f Huntingdon . P issemsky

's E nglish in terpreter

G iles Crowwas also instructed to in form the queen priva telytha t the czar in tended coming to E ngland .

This in ten tio n , however , d id n o t remain‘

a secret; publicrumour ascribed it to « the wicked G erman magic ian , ca lled

E liseus» ( B omel ius) who, according to the Russian an nals ,

had in stigated the czar to flee to E ngland a nd there marry .

This is also very plainl y men tion ed b y H orsey , who . during

B urnt to death at Moscow, two years previously.


he men t io n s E lizabe th with an exasperatio n inc ompa ti b le wi ththe thought o f en ter ing in to a ma rr iage with he r .

B y the a id o f these ind isputa b le facts , it may b e po si tivelya ffi rmed tha t John had con ce ived the idea o f a fl ight to E ng

lan d nearly thrs years befo re the a rriva l o f B omel ius , an d

tha t the trad ition a s to his in tend ed marr iage with E lizabethis pro ved to b e en tirely without founda tio n .

O n his arr iva l in E ngland , P issemsky could no t b e imme

d iate ly rece ived b y the queen o n accoun t of the preva len ceo f a very ca tching d isease , probably the sma llpox


a lso attacked the cho sen b r ide o f the czar ; the in spection o f

Mary H astings which was a lso en trusted to P issemsky ,was

con sequen tly deferred un til her entire reco very , an d her

po rtr a it , b y o rder o f E lizabe th,was fo rbidden to b e taken

un til the marks left o n her face b y the il ln ess , had b ecome

smo o ther an d less in flamed . The n ego ciatio ns fo r the league

a lso proceeded very slowly , o n accoun t of the inflexibility o f

the ambassado r . The cho sen br ide herself was ev id en tly but

little charmed b y the pro spect before her an d a lthough there

were s till living in E ngland con tempo rar ies of the six times

wedded H en ry VI I I , still a young E nglish gir l would ha rd ly

b e cap tivated b y the idea o f b ecoming the s ix th o r se ven th

wife o f a cza r,fifty years o ld .


hereupon , during the stay

o f P issemsk y in London,news was rece iv ed tha t the presen t

wife o f John , Maria N agoy , had been del iv ered o f a son .

F inally, S ir William Russel,who had b een n amed to accom

pan y P issemsk y on h is return , refused to go to Russia . The

ambassad o r was weary of his : in action,an d with the coming

in o f spring, hurr ied on the conc lusio n of the affa irs commit

ted to him b y the czar . O n the 1 8- th o f May he wasadmitted to see the in tended b r ide ; on the 5 - th o f Jun e S ir


B ows s was named ambassa d o r to John,and two week s

later (June 23) P issemsky and B owes sa iled fo r Russia .


B owss received the mo st explic it in struc tion s;—respectingthe treaty o f al liance , he was to ins ist o n the in sert ion o f the

clause sta ting that one o f the a ll ies was n o t bound to go to

war with the enemies o f the o th er , un til every effo rt had beenexhausted to reconc ile the belliger en ts; and thereupo n B ows swas to o ffer the in terven tion o f the queen be tween the czar

and the k ing .o f Sweden,without however tak ingupo n himse l f

the o b ligation o f go ing to Swed en ,n o r de laying, o n that

accoun t , his departure from Russ ia . A s to the marr iage withMary H astings, he was to decline it under pretence , first o f

her ill health , an d then , if the czar in sisted , b y saying tha t

the lady’

s paren ts would n o t giv e the ir co n sen t, and that the

queen had n o power to oblige them to do so . I n case o f the

czar coming to E nglan d , he was promised b y the queen a

welcome as affectionate as the most beloved ally could expec ta n d that every thing should b e done fo r him which the

queen ’

s « small mean es ca n yes ld h im». The pr inc ipa l a im of

B owss was to b e the con firmation to the company of a ll its

pr iviligs s , the exc lusive r ight o f trade in the W hite S ea , and

exemption from a ll duties .

S everal documents hav e been preserved re lating to the

embassy o f B owesz—his own memo ir with a short accoun t o f

his stay in Russia which is full o f boasting;—the compla in tspresen te d b y him on h is re turn to E ngland about the o ffen ceshe had endured

,which show him to have been va in

,quarre l

soms and fond of gossip;—the accoun t o f his embassy in the

memo irs o f H orsey , which ca nn ot but leave the conv ictio n

o f his effron tery and van ity; and finally the documen ts o f

the amb assado rs’

o fi'

tce which unan swsra b ly prove that in the

c ourse of the nego c iation s , B owes co n stan tly prevar ica ted inhis answers, con trad icted his own wo rd s , an d when he wasd etec ted

, appea led to the in suffi cien cy o f his in struc tion s . H e

accused the chan ce l lo r S che lkalo f b efo re the czar of be ingb ribed b y the Dutch merchan t de W ale ; the o fficers o f the czar ,

o f no t delivering to h im the full pro v ision o f v ictuals a l lowed ;a nd the person sen t to accompany him from C o lmogo r ,o f in tend ing to s ink his barge . When n o t con sen ting to


the chan ge o f religion fo r Ma ry H as tings , he assured the

cza r tha t E lizabeth could o ffer fo r his cho ice a dozen o ther

lad ies mo re n early rela ted to herself and o f greater beautythan Ma ry H astings and the next day , at the ambassado rs

o ffice a ffirmed tha t he had giv en no such assurance

when co n v icted o f the fa lsehood o f this sta temen t, he re pl ied

tha t he had no instruc tion to n ame these lad ies ; but if E liza

beth would permi t it, he was ready to send their po rtraitsto the czar . O n the v ery day of his receptio n b y the cza r ,

he wen t on fo ot to the Kremlin , because , in his opin io n the

ho rse b rought for his use wa s n o t so good as that moun ted

b y the lo rd sen t to accompany him. A t his first aud ience when

the chan ce llor S chelka lof, accord ing to custom,ad vanced to

rece ive E liza b eth’

s letter from h im,he began , in the presence

o f the czar surrounded b y his cour t, to argue tha t the queen hadaddressed n o letters to h im S che lk alof. I n h is personal in terv iewswith the czar , he caused John to lo ss patien ce ; to the czar

s rema rk

tha t he , B owes , was un acqua in ted with the customs o f um

b assado rs , he an swered tha t he knew them v ery we ll and hadlearned them in France ; when the czar men tioned the R oma n

empero r and the k ings o f F rance and Spa in , he repliedthat they were no t fit to b e compared to his sov ereign .

A nd the terr ib le cza r John Vassil iev ich, n o t on ly b ore

with this inso lence , but held i t up as an example o f zealous

loyalty , and even condescended to apo logize to B owss for

giv ing way to impatien ce . H av ing o nce ca lled B owss«a boo r », he sen t him the same even ing h is favourite

l aky with excuses, grievously b ea t S che lkalof with his

own imper ia l hands,and o rdered the o fficer s complain ed

of b y B owss , to b e thrown in to pr ison . A no ther time in a

fury o f pass ion he d rov e B owss from the pa lace an d d i

rect ly afterwards sent to assure him tha t the negoc iation s

n eed no t b e in terrupted , in creased the ambassad o r’

s a llowanceo f v ictua ls

,acceded to a ll his requests , con fi rmed and en larged ,

at his in tercession,the pr iv ileges o f the E nglish merchan ts and

loud ly procla imed befo re his courtiers , tha t if E lizabe th d id n o tsend h im a b r ide , he would h imse lf go to E ngland to seek one .


I t is easy to comprehen d how much ha tred was felt b y theRussian s toward s the detes ted match -make r, who arrogan tly

boasts in his memo irs , that at tha t time who soever wishedto o bta in the czar

’s fav our , sought fo r no tice from him

,B ows s .

The delusio n of B owss was no t o f lo ng dura tion ; o n the

18- th of March 1 584 , the czar John Vassil iev ich was s itting

half- d ressed after h is b ath,

« so llac ing himself and mak ingmer ie with pleasan t songs as he used to do s » and call ing

for his chess - b oard ,had first placed the men and was

setting up the k ing, when he fe ll back on h is b ed in a

swoo n , wh ich put an end to h is re ign . That n ight the go vern

men t o f the empire passed in to the han d s of the five lo rd s na

med b y him as gua rd ian s to his weakmin ded son , and in the

mo rn ing, messengers were flying to ev ery pa rt of theMoscov i terea lm with the news o f the access ion o f the czar Theodore

I v an o v ich . The chief power was,in fac t , assumed b y his un cle

N ik ita R omanov ich Yoo ris fi'

, the prin c ipa l accompl ishe r o f

who se will was the man who had . lo ng been ill d isposed to theE nglish, and wa s the in v e tera te person a l en emy o f B owss , thechancello r A nd rew S chelka lo f. «Thy E ngl ish k ing ( the czar) isdead !» he sen t wo rd to B ows s

,and o rdered the house to b e

surr ounded,B ows s an d his atten dan ts to b e kept under stric t

gua rd , and no on e to b e admitted to them on any pretext wha tev er—mud an d sto nes b eing thrown a t an y one who put hishead out of the house .

F o r mo re than two mon ths , B owss was kept in this confine

men t , fearing every momen t fo r his life ; an d his fear wasn o t un founded , fo r the an imo sity aga in st himwas so grea t, thatif we may bel iev e H orsey ,

the questio n was d iscussed b y thesupreme tr ib un al o f the fi v e members

,whether he should n o t

b e g iven o ver to executio n , and his life was on ly sav ed b y the

represen tation s o f H o rsey tha t E l izabeth would n o t leav e his

dea th un avenged . A t the end o f n ine week s , B owss was o rderedto the Kreml in ; in the amb assadors ’

hall he was met b y Schelk a lof and his bro ther

,who ann oun ced to him

,that the new

czar d id no t intend to continue - the n ego c iation s with E nglandb egun b y the late sov ereign ; no twithstand ing the res istan ce

o f B ows s , they to o k from him his swo rd , a nd , no t even le tt i nh im throw o n h is uppe r ga rmen t , dragged h im b efo re the

cza r,without a llowing h im to b e accompan ied b y his in ter

preter . P aying n o atten t io n to h is refusal , they forced upo n

him a letter fo r the queen , then se izing h im b y the arms ,

they turned him out o f the pa la ce , info rming him to qui tMo scow.

«Lett him thank G od : G o d was his gud G od », S chelk alofsen t wo rd to him nex t day : «for had he no t comme to the

empero r , ev en when he d id , he had b ene to rn s in peecesand thrown e o v er the wales».

A wise r man than B ows s might ha ve lo s t pa tience und ersuch ind ign ities ; he foamed with fur ious

, powerless Sp ite , and

a t the same time fear ing for his own safety he ordered all the

E nglish me rchan ts to lea v e Mo scow and accompan y him to

the sea - co ast,b ut n a tura lly , b e was n o t o b eyed . H o rsey , how

ever , accompan ied him as far as the first hal ting place and

pr iv a te ly gav e him a present o f fo r ty sa b les from B or is F eodo

ro v ich G odoon of, with the request tha t he would a ssure the

queen o f his ( G o do o no f’

s)d ev o tion and pe rsuas io n tha t a ffa irs

would b e satisfactor ily arranged .

A fter a long journ ey , after more insults (real or suppo sed)from the gen tleman sen t to accompan y him

, N icspho rus

S oo scho ff (whom he ca lls a mean s sinab o iarsk y i . s an

inferior o fficer), on the 1 2 - th o f August 1 584 , B owss at

leng th reached the po rt o f S t N icho las; he n o sooner stood

on the deck of an E nglish vessel , than he sen t back the


s le tter «whsr in was n o ma tte r o f an y impo r tance » a ndthe czar

s gift, three timbers o f sables , «n o t worths a b o ve

for tie pownds , no question the ver is wo rst that were to b e

fownd in a l l Mo sco »; a t the same time he wro te a letter in

which he pours out a ll his wrath aga inst the bo yar Yoo ris t‘

an d the chance llor S chelkalo f, express ing h is hope tha t Theodore ,

whom he had heard was now crowned empero r , would« so o n cut the heads from the shoulders o f those two usurp ingempe ro rs » .

« W o ld s he had n e ver come here ! The L o rd s sen ds us a l l

his grace !» wr ites the London company’

s E nglish agen t a t

C o lmogor when send ing, b y the same v essel which carried

B owes,a hurried c opy o f the la tter

s angr y epistle .

F rom the time when Theodo re assumed the crown O f

Russia , al l o ther influence faded b efo re the power o f h is

illustr ious b ro ther in law,the h ighly gifted B or is , who in a ll

con tempo ra ry E ngl ish wr itings is styled «Lo rd P ro tector».

The favoura b le d ispo s ition o f B o r is toward s the E ngl ish , a nd

his personal fr iendship fo r H o rsey , were public ly shown on

the v ery day o f the co ron a tion ( 1 0 - th June 1 584) when a

d ispute aris ing in the czar’

s palace as to which o t’

the fo re ign

merchan ts should first presen t the ir o fferings to the czar,B o r is

o rd er ed the B ra b an t merchan t de Wa le to giv e up h is precedence to H o rsey . E ven still ear lier , B o ris had shown much

fav our to H o rse y ; a t the time o f the tnmults in Mo scowwhichfo llowed the d ea th of the cza r John , he had gran ted a guard

fo r the E ngl ish house at H o rsey’

a request; had given him

ad v ic e how to ac t respec ting B owes , dur ing the de ten tio n o f

the latter in co nfinemen t; allowed him free access to himself

an d so fo r th . Judging b y the o ffic ia l records o f the London

compan y H orsey frequen tly used his cred it to the detrimen t

o f the compa ny he found an occasion fo r this in the d iso rd er

appa ren t in the managemen t o f the company’

s affa irs atMoscow.

A t the time when the on ly sea passage to Russ ia was b y theW hite S ea , the trafiic o f tha t sea was recogn ised as belongingexc lusiv e ly to the E nglish, co n sequen tly to the Lo ndon o r

Musco vy company; it is true that shi ps from «the land of B ra

ban t» had also come there , b ut their coming had produced a

k ind o f , co n troversy ,an d in ev e ry charter o f pr iv ileges the

czar con fi rmed the compan y in the ir exc lusive r ight to frequent

the ports o f the W hite S ea B ut, b y the conquest o f Na rva the

czar opened a n ewsea t of mar itime trade to a ll fore igners , and

b y the way o f N arv a , togethe r with Lub eckers and H amburgh

ers , there arrived at Mo scow E nglish merchan ts , no t be longingto the Musco vy compan y and trad ing with the H an seatic towns .

W hen N arv a separa ted from Russia , some o f tho se merchan ts


stil l co n tinued the ir in d epen den t trad e a part from the compa nyb r inging the ir wares ov er land through the Liv on ian b orders .

O f la te times man y person s in the serv ice o f the company had

jo in ed themselves to these merchan ts , refusing to give accoun t

o f the goo d s in the ir possessio n o r of the sums received fo r

them; the ir number had grea tly in creased at the time whenthe czar J ohn burn ingwith wra th aga in st the bo o r ish merchan tso f queen E lizabe th , had seized the ir merchand ize , withd rawnthe ir pr iv ileges , an d for b idden to rece iv e from them any

compla in t whatever about the nonpaymen t o f the ir deb ts .

B ows s had prev a iled on him to resto re the ir exc lusive pr iv ileges to the company ; b ut the dea th o f John d estroyed a ll

tha t B owss had obta in ed b y his persev erance , a ll tha t John

had sacrificed fo r the pro tec tion o f E lizab eth’

s compan y to

please her , hoping to fin d in her the same complian ce respec ting h is «great prin cely afi


airs»,—his refuge in E ngland and

his marr iage with an E nglish lady . B ows s wa s hurt b y h is

shameful expulsion from Rus sia , which he showed b y his

in so lence when setting sa il; he was d ispleased with the agen ts

of the company fo r d iso b ey ing his o rder that a ll the E nglish

should esco rt h im from Mo scow, and d oubtless,when he

arr ived in L ondon he repre sen ted the state o f the companyat Mo scow in the v ery darkest co lours . The result was the

send ing o f two agen ts to ver ify the accoun ts : P eaco ck to

Mo scow an d C happel to Kazan ; the Mo scow agen t Trumbullwent to meet them at C o lmogo r , and dur ing his absenceen trusted the a ffa irs o f the Mo scow house to H o rsey .

O n h is arriva l in Mo scow,P eaco ck d isco vered great ma l

versation s ; defi c iency of go ods , co n fused accoun ts,and emb ezz

lemen t o f sums ; C happe l found the same thing at Kazan : P ea

cock de termin ed at on ce to in fo rm the compan y o f his d is

co v ery, b ut fear ing it should come to the kn owledge o f H o rsey,

he sen t his report b y one o f the trustwor thy facto rs , H o rn b y ,

who accompan ied a certa in merchan t go ing from Mo scow to

P o l and . H o rsey, however , con tr iv ed to hear o f it in time,an d

la id in fo rmation tha t P eacock an d C happel were schemingwith L iv o nia to the detrimen t o f Russ ia ; H o rnby was se ized

“ ‘ Xl

F ranc is Wa ls ingham,on o f the mos t remarkable po l itic ian s

o f her re ign , so justly ce le b ra ted for the wisdom o f her

po l it ic ian s .

H owever , it is impo ssible not to suppose tha t in her d iscourse shs showed some o f the angry fee l ing she expresses inthe letter she sen t to the cza r b y B eckma n ; and it wouldhave b een d ifi

icul t fo r the haughty E l izabeth to admit that

he r ambassador , the represen ta tive of her majesty , migh t

b e , at the o rder o f the secre tary S chelkalo f, depriv ed of h is

sword , fo rc ibly dragged in to the presen ce o f a fore ign so vere ign

and then thrust head fo remo st out of the pa lace !A fter the return o f B eckman to Moscow (in August 1 588)

the answer . to the letter b rought b y him was sen t b y H o rsey .

I t was highly impo r tan t to H o rsey to fo resta ll the n ews whichmust get to London o f his a r b itrary ac ts , an d his malve rsat io n s

in the managemen t o f the Mo scowbus iness ; on th is accoun t ,without wa iting for the spring ships , he s ta rted fo r R iga , exe

cuting there the commiss io n given him b y G odoonof to

preva i l o n the czar’

s second cous in E uphemia , daughte r o f thepr in ce of S tar itza and widow o f Magnus k ing o f L ivon ia to

re turn to Russ ia ; after pass ing through C ourlan d,P russ ia ,

Meck lenburg and P ome ran ia , he reached H amburgh, and

from then ce wen t b y sea to London . it is ev iden t tha t he

succeded in giv ing a favourable account o f the affa irs o f the

company and acquired grea t cred it fo r his knowledge o f

Russia ; this feeling was in creased b y the fa c t of his be ingpr iva tely en trusted b y B o r is G od oon of to b ring back out o f

E ngland a lea rned docto r an d a midwife . B o ris a t tha t time

felt conv in ced that his power d epended o n the dura tion o f the


s l ife , was anxious for the continuation o f the imper ial

race, and lo ng before the depar ture o f H orsey had spo kento him on that subject; such, a t le ast, may b e inferred from

his letter to H o rsey Aug . 1 5 , 1 585 . « C on cernynge thos matteres

«wee hav e las ts conference o f a t the Tr in ity, I doub t no t b ut« thouwills duly con syder o f themand use this d isc recyone con

«cernyngs D o cto r Jacobi, pro v ided yf he come, he come wellfurneshed with sk ylle»


E liza b e th’

s le tter b rought b y H o rsey to the czar is wr itten ina most conc iliato r y tone ; she almo st apo logizes fo r B ows s , and

expla in s his conduct b y his igno rance tha t it was customa ry to

appear without arms on firs t comi ng before the so vere ign

after his fa ther s dea th; she excuses the secret journey o f

the messenger to Liv on ia b y the desire of P eaco ck to send

his accoun t to the company as quick ly as po ssi b le ; she

v ouches that Chappel is no t a Lub s cker b ut an E ngl ishman ;she begs the czar to remi t his wra th aga ins t her merchan ts an d

to give them back the ir char ter with its full priv ileges; butshe rejects with ind ignation the accusation s o f B eckman

ca l ling them slander .

W hen H orsey returned in summer , o rder was given to

deta in the midwife at Vo logda ; i t ma y b e suppo sed tha t the

Russian people , gen erally illd ispo sed to fo re ign doc tors ,

would have thought it schnd alous to al low the imperia lchild to b e ushered in to the wo rld b y a here tic midwife ; a t

a ll even ts after be ing deta ined a t Vo logd a a full year , she

was sen t back thence stra ight to E n glan d . H o rsey, h imself,was we llcomed b y G odo o n o f with his fo rme r k in dness, and

after receiv ing a new char ter , in August o f the fo llowingyear , 1 587, was aga in de spatched to E l izabeth .

B ut this time H o rsey d id n o t meet with the same reception from the compan y; on the con trary an accoun t wasdeman d ed from him of h is arbitrar y measures , o f which the

news had reached London ; mo reov er he lea rned , that to come

to a clearer un derstand ing of the real state o f E nglish affa irs

in Mo scow, it had been dec ided to send thither her majes ty’


master o f requests , G i les Fletcher , and wi th him an accred i

ted agen t o f the company, Austin Fulk s s . H o rsey dete rmined

on secretly lea v ing L ondon,

and re turn ed to Russia . B ut

here also , he met with a grea t change in his reception : thecause o f this change was the o ld enemy of the E ngl ish trade ,

the secreta ry S chelkalof who had a personal an imos ity aga inst

H orsey o n account o f some abus ive wo rds b y which on one

occasion H orsey had o ffended h im.


A t the v ery b egin n ing o f the company’

s trade to P e rs ia ,

o ne of its agen ts for tha t trade was a ce rta in A n thony Marsh;a t a la ter per io d Marsh , without giving up h is accoun ts, too k

ad van tage o f John’

s anger wi th the company to obta in for

himse lf a separa te priv ilege for trade to S iber ia and A strakhan ;in this trad e , though de tr imen ta l to the company , H orsey

to ok pa rt,

and b y his mean s Ma rsh o b ta in ed a cous i

de ra b le lo an from the imperial treasury an d from B o r is

G odo ono f. P roba b ly H orsey afterwards quarrelled with Marsh,who obta ined the pro tec tio n o f S chelkalof ev id en tly b y br ib e ry;b y order o f the latter

,Ma rsh tran sferred his personal de b ts

to the accounts o f the c ompany; his bon ds were presentedfor paymen t, and a lthough the agen ts declared , tha t

,no t

on ly Marsh d id n o t be lo ng to their company , b ut was ev en

the ir debto r and their adversa ry , yet S che lkalof o rdered the

who le o f the sum cla imed (mo re than r oub les) to b erecov ered from the property o f the company , found ing this

d ecis ion on the a sser tion o f Marsh,that amongs t o thers he

had fo r pa rtn er H o rsey , a t the time when the la tter man a

ged the E ngl ish house a t Mo scow. The d isplea sure of the

E nglishmerchan ts was turned on H orsey , who se so le rema ining pro tecto r wa s B o r is G odo ono f. B ut even G od oonof could

n o t Open ly take h is defence,for S chelk alof had succeeded in

o b ta in ing two v ery serious accusations aga in st H o rsey; one,

was a letter in H orsey’

s own handwr iting ,in wh ich he had

some years befo re , in fo rmed the agen t a t C o lmogor of his

in ten tio n to fi t out vesse ls to seize al l fo re ign ships comingto the W h ite S ea ; the o ther was the depo s itio n o f H orsey


E ngl ish serv an t that he heard h im once say o f Theo dore

l van o v ich « tha t he was -mee ter to b e a fr iar tha n a k ing»!

I t must , however , pro b a b ly b e a ttributed to the in fluen ce

of B o r is G odoono f that befo re the fin a l se izure o f the E ngl ish

goods confisca ted b y S chelk a lo f,it was dec ided to sen d

Ma rsh,with the messenger B eckman , to London

,fo r his b u

s in sss to b e examined befo re E l iza b eth’

s counc il . . B y a strange

co in c iden ce o f da tes , it so happened , tha t B eckman arr i

ved in Lo n do n , Sep t . 7, a nd E liza b eth

s amb a ssador Fletcher

letters we re sen t from the counc i llors o f the quee n to h im,

G o do on o f,and to the chancel lo r A nd rew S che lka lo f. « I t is no

« sma ll d ispa rragsmen te un to my prin cely d ignety», he wr ites toH o r sey , « tha t the queens an d n o b le men have written le tte res

«un to me mo s t un seemly , and v ery un decen te jo yn ings the

« chauncellere with me thear in ».

Such be ing the state o f th ings , F letche r could har d ly

expec t an y success wha tev er from h is negoc ia tion s , the

more so tha t the con duc t of those nego c ia tion s was en trusted

to S che lka lo f. B ut in the mon th o f A pr il 1 589,the messen

ger Mitchel arr ived from Lo ndo n with a lette r in whichE lizabeth pla in ly accuses S chelk alo f: Marsh

,in presen ce o f

the privy coun c illo rs an d o f the manage r s o f the compan y ,was induced to acknowledge in wr iting ,

tha t a ll his deposition s given a t Mo scow,

were made through fea r and a t the

in stiga tion of S che lkalof; tha t S che lk a lo f was we ll aware thatMarsh co nducted a trade o f h is own , apar t from the company ,hav ing a letter o f priv ileges fo r trade with A strakhan and

P echora ; tha t S chelka lof had in h is po ssess ion go od s b elong

ing to Ma rsh o f the v alue o f roubles ; that S chelka lo fcon tra ry to the request o f the company

s agen t, had a lloweda ship be lo nging to Mar sh to . sa il from C o la to H amburghhav ing o n bo a rd suffic ien t merchan d ize to pay the who le o f

his debts . I n con clus ion E l izabe th a sks tha t the who le afi‘

a ir

may b e g iv en o ver to the judgemen t o f B o ris G o do o n o f an d

tha t her sub jec ts may b e exo nerated from a ll paymen t forMarsh .

Fletcher was admitted to take leav e o f the cza r A pril 22 ,b efo re the arr iv al o f Mitchel; he va in ly demanded ano ther

aud ien ce to presen t the le tter b rought b y Mitchel from the

queen ; an swer was made him b y the czar’

s o rder , that ha v ing

o n ce tak en lea ve,it wa s n o t fitting tha t. he should aga in b e

admitted to the czar , and a lso b y the reason tha t E lizabeth ,con tra ry to fo rmer custom,

had no t herse lf rece ived the cza r’s

le tter sen t b y B eckman,b ut had ordered it to b e deliv ered

to the lo rd treasurer . F le tcher was obliged to giv e way;Ma y 2 he sen t the le tter to the amb assadors

o ffice to

the chan ce llo r A ndrew S chelka lo f an d P o stn ik Dmitrief an d,

May 6 left Mo sc ow; b y the dema nd o f E lizabeth , H o rsey

was sen t with him to E ngland

I n the mean time,the examin a tio n of Mar sh’

s affair was

en trusted to the b oyar J ohn Vass iliev ich G o do on o f an d

prince John Va ss il iev ich S hoo isk y . N o t con sen ting to rel ieve

the company o f a ll respon sibi lity fo r Mar sh , they dec ided

that it need o n ly pay in full the d ebts to the imper ial treasuryroub les) and to B o r is G odo on of —the o ther

d e b ts to priv ate person s were al lowed to b e d ischa rged b y

half- paymen t , amoun ting to roubles .

Fletcher had n o t ye t reached Vo logda when o rder wasrece ived b y its gov er n o r to deta in him in that town : the reason

o f th is was the ar riva l of a n ew E ngl ish messenger , G eo rge

B owes , who b rought with h im Marsh ,an d the repo r ts o f the

enquiry held at Lo n don about his debts . The ex amin a tion was

gon e through afresh and « at the reque st an d petitio n of the

« czar’

s majesty’

s bro ther in law,lo rd master o f the ho rse .

«govern or of the empires of Kazan and A strakhan , B o r is Theo

« do rov ich G odo ono f» it was ordered that the de b ts o f the

E nglish merchan ts should b e reduced fr om to

roub les which sum was to b e considered cov ered b y the

merchand ize seized from them. Two o f Marsh ’s bonds , owing

persona lly to him,B o ris G odoono f sen t o ver to E l izab eth

« submitting them to her will , to do with as she pleased ».

This dec ision was commun ica ted to Fletcher b y the governoro f the prov in ce of Dwina R o sgildey Lub o o chen in of, whowas a lso d irected to surrender Marsh to him and to arrange

ev erything for the departure o f the ambassado r . A ccord in gly

F letcher,tak in g with him H o rsey and Marsh

,left fo r E ngland

a t the end of July ,or the beginn ing of August , 1 589 .

I t is curious to compare the original where Elizab eth speaks of H orsey,with the contemporary Russian translation . Elizab eth wri tes : ,,W e marvelnot a little that he so unwisely reso lved to depart , and we do no t supposethat the complaints (presented against him)concern your highness or yourcounsellors“. The translation says: ”A b out this we much marvel that helike a tool as he is, did so , and we feel assured that b y this contention b e

caused much annoyance to the persons ab out your majesty .

H orsey must have b een po ssessed of much clev e rness and

impuden ce ; o therwise it would b e d iffi cult to und erstan d how,

after run n ing away from E nglan d to Russ ia , and b eing sen t

b ack again from Russ ia to E nglan d , he yet once more co n tr i

v ed so far to propitia te E liza b eth , tha t, no later them A pril inthe en suing yea r , she aga in sen t him to Mo scow

,with a letter

in which she reproaches the czar with the afi‘

ro n ts offered to her

amb assador b y the an cient an tago n ist of the E nglish—S chelka

lof; she des i res to kn ow whether they were done with the

cza r’

s knowledge ; and in con clusion , begs htm to remo ve h is

d ispleasure from H orsey , who had been exposed to it b y the

ma l ice o f his enemies .

I t must b e b orne in mind , as the documents in the L on

don State P aper O ffice pr ov e , tha t the merchan ts of the L ondon company strenuously endeavoured to preven t H orsey

being sen t aga in to Mo scow, and tha t his b eing sen t wasen tirely owing to the ins istan ce o f S ir Fran c is W a lsingham.

I t is a well kn own fac t tha t this illustr ious d iplomatist,although himse lf incorruptible (he d ied almost in po ver ty)was remarkable fo r hi s double dea ling in po litical ma tters ,and especially chose as his agen ts , or to speak pla inly as

his spies,men o f doub tful reputation , as b e ing mo re likely to

b e devo ted to h im,and less scrupulous as to the mean s fo r

accomplishing his orders . I t can , scarcely, therefore, b e

erron eous to surmise that the cho ice o f W alsingham fell

upon H o rsey for the very rea son that his mission to the czar

would n o t b e agreeable , and that he also under took to fulfill

an o ther trust l ikely to b e a ttended with n o sma ll r isk b efo re

his arr iv a l a t Mo scow: he was to give n otice in H amburghand o ther H anseat ic town s tha t E lizabeth prohibited the

co nveyance o f any k in d o f goods to Spa in ; he was to pass onto C o logn e and assist there at the propo sed assembly o f the

queen ’

s pro testan t al lies (which did not take place);—thenceto Copenhagen for negoc iation s with the king of D enmark ,who was hostile to E l izabeth fo r oppo sing the marr iage of

the D an ish pr incess with James o f S co tlan d , afterwa rds

wro te to G o doo nof in the same friend ly style , making exon

ses o n the ground of man y impor tan t state affairs , speak ingin the mo st fla tter ing terms of «h is no b le lin eage , grea t wisdom an d deser t

,wh ich ha th mad e him the princ ipa l coun

se llor a nd d irector o f the sta te o f so grea t a monarch» and

requesting him to treat with her treasure r Lo rd B urghley o n

a ll affa irs con cern ing the E nglish merchan ts .

A n d B or is G od oono f rece iv ed the E ngl ish un der his powe rful care

, gran ted them in a ll the ir affairs h is mighty d efen ce

and pro tection,

and deserv ed ly earned from them the title

of «Lord P ro tecto r ». With the next year 1 593 ,there was

an en d o f a l l cause of complain t aga in st the Russian o fficia ls

b y the E nglish merchan ts , and since tha t time no even t

happen ed to d istur b b etween the queen and the czar , tha t

«amity an d lo ve which had been b etwix t her and his most«no b le father o f famous memor y , John Vassiliev ich

,lo rd

« empero r and grand duke o f a ll Russia ».

N l .—1553 F eb r. 14.

E xemplar E pistolae souliterarum Missinarum, quas illustrissimusPrinceps B dnardus sins nominis Sextus, Angliae, F rancias, st H ib er

plagam inhab itantes iurta mars glacialo, nso non Indiam Orien

talsm; Anna Domini 1659, B sgni sui anno septimo st ultimo.

E n o x a nus S a x r o s , A ngliae , F ranc iae , et H i b ern iae R ex, etc .

Omn ibus R egibus et prin cip ibus ac dominis , et cun ctis lud i

cibus terrae , et duci bus eius , quibuscunque. est excellen s ali

qua d ign itas in ea , cunc tis in loc is'

quae sunt sub vn iverso coelo

P ax, tranquillitas , s t hono r vo b is

,terris , et reg ion ibus vest

ris , quae imperio vestro sub iacen t, cuique v estrum quemadmo

dum conueni t ei .

P rep terea quod ind id it Deus O p t . Max . homin ib us praecun ctis alije v iuentibus , co r et des iderium ta le , v t appeta t

quisque cum alijs soc ieta tem in ire , amare et v icissim

amari,b enefi c ijs afficere , et mutua accipere b eneficia studeat


ideo cuique pro facultate sua hoc desiderium in omn ibus qui

dem homin ibus b enefi cijs fouere et conserua re co nuen it, in illis

autem maxime , qui hoc desiderio adducti a remo tis etiam

region ibus ad eos v en iun t . Quo en im longius iter eius re i gra tis

ingress i sun t , ao arden tius in eis hoc desiderium fuisse decla

rarun t . lnsuper etiam ad hoc , no s pa trum ma iornmqne nostro

rum exemp la inuitan t, qui semper human issime suscepernn t

et b enign issime tractauerun t illos , qui tum a locis prop inquis ,tum a remo tis

,eo s amice ad i b an t, eorum se pro tec tion i com

2 If: 1 .- 1 553 our . 1 4.

mendan tes . Quod si omn ibus id praestare aequumest, certs mer

catori bus imprimis praestar i debet, qui per v n iversum o rb em

d iscurrun t , mare c ircumlustran tes et ar idam,v t res bo nas et

v tiles , quae D e i beneficio in regio ne eorum inuen iun tur, ad

remo tissimas region e s et regna adferan t , atque inde v icissim

referen t , quod suae region i vtile i b i repeterint : vt et po puli adquo s eunt , non desti tuan tur commod is quae non pro fert illisterra eorum,

et ipsi s in t partic ipes rerum quibus illi a bundan t .N am D ens coeli ct terrae , humano generi max ime consulens ,no luit vt omn ia in qus a is regione inuen iren tur , quo regio ope

a lterius regio n is ind igeret , et gens ab alia gen te commodum

aliquod expectaret, s o its stab il iretur in ter omn es , singulique

omni b us b enefacere quaereren t . H oc itaque ineundae ac sta

b iliend ae amic itiae desiderio mo ti v iri quidam regni no stri ,

iter in remo tis maritimas regio nes instituerun t , v t inter nostros

et i llo s populos , v iam mercibus infereud is et efferend is aperiren t ,no sque rogauerun t vt id illis concederemus . Qui petitioni

eo rum annuen tes , concessimus v iro hon orab ili et fo rti R ugo n i

W i l i b e o e t al ijs qui cum so sun t seruis n o stris fid is et

char is , v t pro sua vo lun tate , in regiones e is prius incognitascan t, quaesituri ea quibus n os caremus , et adducan t illis ex

no stris terr is id quo illi caren t . A tque its illis c l nobis com

modum inde acceda t , sitque amicitia perpetua , et foedus ind is

so lub ile in ter illo s et nos , dum permitten t ill i nos accipere

de rebus , quibus superabundan t in regn ie suis , et no s conce

demus illis ex regn is no stris res , quibus destituun tur .

R ogamus itaque v os R eges et P rincipes , et omnes quibusal ique est po testas in terra , v t v iris istia nostris transitam

permittatis per regio n es v estras . Non en im tangen t quicquam

ex rebus v estris inuitis vobis . Cogitate quod homines et ipsisun t . E t si qua re caruerin t

,oremus pro vestra b eneficen tia ,

cam v os illis tr i buatis , acc ipien tes v icissim a b eis quod po terun t rependere vobis . I ts v o s gerits erga co s , quemadmodum

cuperetis v t no s , et sub d iti nostr i, n os gereremus erga sc ruos

A ngllce : « S ir Hugh W illoughb y knight.»

N: l .—l 553 o nes . 1 4 .

can ,so scxnnxz ut erus

, mi: 651 an so see! scexem l .

a z,rnmnns a users can , sen aun n odxacrsn cam -


s orO pn s norannentr nepmas'h unmet , B 'B rofi xi p‘h sax


s cio raz

rouy m sacs r osters 6m yrorno .

B oos B cetiaariil n B cesnmnifi oxapnirs musk , npemrymec'rses noopen sc

'hnn ADYl’mtus naymnnn, crpeues ienz n w arrior s , ra

amen m us t! not sum sc'rynars as odmenie o

's rpyrm , n o


rs n ssanuno 6n 'rs J IOOHMH M‘

I», onasn sars duroxhs a is , n

npnnnna'rs asanxnna 6raror

'hania . I iesrouy , ma sonry upmttec

'rsyerz , no cnocods ocrn cooch, G raroa

'b sniun nouepm sam n

oxpanars s esan ie am no scb xz m a n , a nan6ox'he a'

s rhxz ,

noropn e, pyaosornnn e cmrs meranieuz , npn6nna to'

rs not. crpan's

ornasennnx's ; n60 what 's G enomifi npernpm s n can palm cero

nyrt , r hu's (ioni c ods apymnsn os n as we'll cie m anic . I lpnrou's

uses as early no6ymaato'r's npun

'hpn namnxz ornosz a nperaos's ,

norapn e seems Assam caxn fl aeros'isnoxtotinsn fi npienz n onasn

saJm sexnaailmes 6aaronymie no t“ n o rpyatea todno m. sun 's

npuon sas'

s can nsz when Museum , ran uuse rasennx's, xora

raficrsya ce5'l: nxz noxposnrea t crna . E cru cnpasemuso rax's

noc'rynar t co so il“ ,

t o s os sano rsans'hflme 1 01 3 3 0 ram. nocryna


or s tore“ reprosn nn , aoropue crpas crsyto'n no sceil sceaennott,

nepenm sato'rs naps n nepexonars nycrn nn, satin roc

'rasurs as

ornaaenn'hflmia c


rpann n rocyrapc'

rna npenne'rn x0pomie n nones

nue,s oropn e , no Maroc'

rn B oatieil, naxozts'rca m. mm. emails , 1:

mon otipa'rno sn sosnrs o


rryna'ro trro can rauz nomes aro '

rz noxytm'rsma nor t sn enock crpann ; qrotitr sass


r'h uapom,

m. aoropmrs

can npnxona'rz , a s ur b an neaocra

'ma sz rosapax's, aoropn xz ne

uponssorar s an sen s,ran a can can cahramcs yqacrnnsaxn

B ‘B npelme


raxz , se'ropus s apom cin nx

'hrors m. nsoG t in . P160

TB Opny ne6a a seam , so B eenumneil sa6o'rnnsocrn o

caoxz port as yrorno on t o , aroon nce naxoruoct in . B arton

undo ors ofi crpan'h; specs are one s crpana nymrae

'rca as no

xomurpyrok crpann n OAKH'

I» s apon'

s omngaer'

s m oi sndo rosapz

o'rs rpyraro s apora n ram s oopaaouz ycranaunsaerca t ea ry

sc'ittm npyasec


rso n s eotixornnocrs “0651 no t nouorasn sas

may .


: 1 .- 1 553 c ase . 14 . 5

ilsnm n e onus m anisus scrynn'rs as mystscrso n ycrano

m s onoe, assoro’

pn e H ymn aoporesc'rsa namero npernpnnun ma

nanie as orxaxsnnnn npmmpcxin c'

rpas n , mon orapsrrs ny'rs

t ea ry nammm n m omnnnn naporann an arms n sn sosa rosa

poss ; n npocnxn onn s acs nus sro pasp'smars . C onssoun

na npomsnis uxs , pasp'hmnxn xn necrnoxy n rods ecrnoxy n yz y,

IO r y a o r 6a , n rpym s cs smf s cymnns sspnmrs n

rrooesnmrs c rans namnns, 1 a arm on

,no a ss an iro csoexy,

ss crpansr s pea rs nus nessrormn, norms as onnxs so , were an

ns when ,n npnsesrn m nss setters namnxs to , nero cm s e

M m ; na nponsol rs'rs apes-s '

ro nos sas nus n nans n a 6y

ae'rs mes sy m n nan s

'hnnan npyn tia n coroas nenapymmmn,

Across onn 6yry'rs s an s rossossrs noxyna


rs open ers), aoropmtn

onn nsodnsyrors ss csonxs rocynapcrsaxs . a nu G yrsns yc'rynars

nss rocyrapcrss namnxs npen ern,soropn xs on as nn imrs .

H ras s npocnns sacs, naps n rocyrapn, n sch, are user s

sasyso antic mac-rs s a sen s, its nossonn

're cnns n ymans namnxs ,

npo'hsrs specs c

'rpann samn. 1460

,sonpenn s ows samen, onn

m ero samsro s e rosocny'

rcn . Huma n s are n on can n ow.

H ecu 651 as s ens moo os n nit-km nesoc


ra'ros s

,uos nn s sacs


no drawers samen, nus ro saposars n ssanuno npnsnrs o'


nnxs are on n ory'rs sans sosra


rs . ll'hncrs ynre ss ornomenin

as m s sas s sst a ssasn 6st,trro tist a n n nom nnn e namnwhil

crsosa l n ss ornomenin samnxs eayrs , scan on can s orra nn6y1s

npo'hsx asn specs namn crpanst . A nu oosmaeuca sans B orons

scero corepa amarocn ss ne6'h,us sen d: n as steps

,n m sniro

m en ,it cnosoncrs isus sapers's namnxs , trro 1m cs pasnnus

Marorymienrs npnnens eayr's samnxs , son on sous nndyrs

npi'luy'rs as am rocyrapcrsa; n n o rm unouas nn s namn

G yrsus nocrynars cs nnnn ram 61 arorymno , sass scan dsr onn

6m pomes n as namnxs rocyrapcrsaxs ; as sosraruns san s 3a

61 arorymie , s oropoe sst coasters nammrs cxyrans .

Plcnpocnss sacs naps , rocyrapn it upon. o sasnsars scnaoe

m osimn odie n oxarorhan ie s anmr s,s ans m occasins , csyran s ,

mom s B csxorymaro B ora namero , its craps -

rs sacs roxroro to

moi n nonosus . us e s o users s onua .

6 N: 2 .- 1 55 4 o ssr .

lI ncano as Jlonron'h, nspasncrsytometrs rpar

'b sopoxesc'rna

aamsro ss r b ro ors corsopenia n pa 55 1 5 , ascana fl npa‘)l 4—ro

m ; xopoxeacrsosania namero as cersnol rors .

M 2 .—1554 wasp .

I lpems scero nansesn in it seem nocrol nn l 3 r y a p it s

sopors A nrxincxin, no npocsti'h rsoero s'hps aro csyrn P n a a p it s

as rosapnmn, us mwaro ypasyx'itnia cett namen nec

'rnon rps

norsr namel y aopoxeacsoxy sem ecray ons reed: pasyrmo nos t

rae'rs m ono esprennoe n rotipoyceprnoe cs 61 arona1rhpenieus

name rpyz ecrsennoe z a anis; n sas oss nams crass-s no aa

111e carroxy xpncriancrsy it no sen s or y rocyrapc'rsiro .

A m anic name it ores-

rs s anrs raaosn :

B s ror s rows , aorra neuoxm ocs n amarnr hrie namero rocy

Aapc'raosanin nss'hc'rns ncs , n o as nouopcs ouy npn6pea sro namel y

npndsus aopadxs cs n'b xom P n n a p r o n s cs rosapnmn n ons

ods asnxs 'rro s emen upndn rs as'

s anm assass in; it no csoen

upocsd's ons sums name nem ecrso n namn on n oG saa ts

m anic samero m as ses-

so , n oon an nom osaxn rsonxs nor

rannnxs , nosonun m npnxom s n yxornrs a “ i ts soun d

rcprs as nanmxs assass in s n cs namm nousnnuun scn uxnporan rosaposs it no ronya s (ram s)6pars as aosspa

'rs rosapn .

H can (Pnnaprs cs rosapnmn) nsnxn sans'rsoro rpauory, a as

not uncana raaosas a s npocstia . H noceny 1m noaer lun rrh

651 an m ess ns (leper-s n a s npnc'rass as namnxs assass in s

n ot n'kpan i csyra IO r s B a s s o on, m ocrnso sro npnna

'rs ; l

”Pan ama ni a n-M useumm l rpaaorn n xam on rym ss

npn-b l asts: «fl a p s

—noun s) H a r p s , m as Canaan- cnon m i (cl il ol l! T7908 “ cs Erasmu s ). sl an t -s O o s po r a, no m oss- in us“can an s a yons s o p aos s l as n o p e» .

8 N: 2 . 1554 o n e .

In the strength o f XX- ty years o f our gouernance b e knowns

at our S ea coast aryned. a shipp with one R i cha rd and his com

pany and sa id that he was desyrous to come into our domin ions ,and acco rd ing to his request hath seene our L o rdshipp and our

heyres and b a th declared your ma - ts desyre as tha t we should

graun t vuto your sub iects to goe and come , and amongs our do

min io ns and sub iects to frequen t free markett with all sort

merchand ize , and vpon the same to haue ware (fo r th i r)retourne ,and they haue d eliueredun to us your letterwh ich declared the samerequest . A nd vpon that wee haue ginsuorder wherso eus r yourfaithful] servan t H ug e W i l l o b y lands or touch in our dominion s tob e well in terteyned which as yet is no t arriued , the which

your serv an t R i ch a r d can declare . A nd wss with chr istian

b s ls ifs and faithfulnes and acco rd ing to your hon - hie request ,and my hon - b is comandemen t will no t lsaus v ndon e . The whichb oth wilb s you to send vuto v s with your shipps and vesse ls

when and as o ften they may with goo d assuran ce , to see them

harmelesse . A nd if you send me o n e o f your ma - ts conn cell to

trea t with v s wherb y your con try merchan ts may with a ll k ind s

o f wares and where they will mak e the ir markett in our domi

n ion s,and thereun to haue the ir i

’free ma rkett with a ll free ly

b ertiss through my who le domin ion with a ll k ind s o f wa res ,and of all k inds of wares to come and goe a t ther pleasurewithout any lett, domage or imped imen t acco rd inge and b y this

our le tte r o r word with my sea l and this my bill o r le tter weehaue comanded to b e undersea led .

Wr itten in our domin ion in our Towns and our P a llace in

the Castle o f Mosco vy in the year seauen Thowsand and sixty

the second . Mon th F feb ruary s .

‘) i 0 «eyes»

If: 3 . 1 5 5 5 ans . 9

M 3 . 1555 A pr .

Philip and Mary to J ohn Vasiliuich B mpsrour of all Russia.

Whereas b y the con sen t and licence o f our mo s t deare and

en tirely b s loued late bro ther ,King E dwa r d th e s i x t , who se souls

G od pardon , sund ris of our sub iects merchan ts o f the oitis o f

London within thes our rea lmes of E nglan d d id a t the ir

owns proper costs and aduen ture furnish three sh ippee to d iscouer ,serch , and find land s

,I slan ds , region s an d territo r ies b efo re this

aduenture n o t kn owen ne commsn ly haun ted and frequen ted b yseas , the one o f the which three sh ippes named the E dwa r d

B o n aue n tur s whereo f our r ight wel b elousd R i ch a r d C h a n

c e lour was then gouern eur an d grea t C aptain s chan ced b y the

grace o f G o d , an d the good conduc t o f the sayd C ha n c e l our

to arr ius and win ter in the N or th par t o f your E mpire of Russia .

Forasmuch as we b e c red i b ly in fo rmed b y the repo rt o f our trustle

and wel b e lousd sub iec t , tha t your maiest ie d id n o t onely ca ll himand certa ine o f his company to your emperiall presence and

speech , en tertayn sd an d ban que ted them with all human itie and

gen tlens s ; but also b e ing thereun to requested partly b y the le tterso f our sa id b ro ther , and partly b y request o f the said R i c ha r d

C h a n c e l our,haue b y your letters pa ten ts vnder your seals amo ng

o ther things gran ted : Tha t all such me rchan ts as shall come

forth o f anis o f our realms o f E nglan d o r I reland wi th al mauer

ofwares,if they wil trauel or occup is within your domin ion s , the

same mercha n ts with the ir marchan d iss s in a l your lord sh ipmay free ly , and a t the ir lib ertie trenails out an d in without hinderan ce or any maner o f lo sse : A nd o fyour fa r ther ample go od nessshaue promised tha t our amb assadours

,ifwee send any , sha ll with

free go od will passe to and from youwithout any hin dera nce

o r lo sse , with such message as sha l l come vn to you, and to

return s the same to our k ingdoms s well answered , as b y the

same your letters , wr itten in your lo rd ly P a lac e and C astle o f

Mosco in the yeere 7062 the mon e th o f Fe b rua rie mo re a t la rgeappea reth . Like as wee cann o t but much commend your prince ly

1 0 If: 3 . 1 555 ans . 1 .

fauour and goodnesss , and in like manner thanks you fo r the

a b oundan t grace , extended to the sayd R i ch a r d C ha n c e l our,and others our sub iects merchan ts : quen so these are to p ray

and request youto con tinue the same b en euo len ce toward them,

and o ther our merchan ts and sub iects , which doc o r heereafter

sha ll resorts to your countrsy : A nd for the more assurance and

incouragemsn t to trade and exercise the feats of merchandise

with your sub iects and al l o ther marchants within your domin ions, that it may please youat this our contemplation to

assigns and authorise such Commissar ies as you shall think s

mee ts to trade and conferre with our wel b elousd sub iec ts and

merchan ts , the sayd R i c h a r d C ha n c e l our , G e o r g e Ki l l in gwo r th and R ich a r d G r a i e , bearers of these our letters : whoare b y v s author ised fo r that purpo se : and to co nfirms and graunt

such o ther liberties an d pr iuiledgss vuto the G ouernour , C onsuls,A ssistan ts

,and C ommunaltie of the fellowship o f the saide

Merchan ts , as the said bearers in their name propone and

require b y youto b e granted fo r their safe conduct , good gouern

men t , and order to b e erected and con tinued among them in your

sa ide domin ions; A nd this with such your clemenc is and expe

dition aswee , vpon the next arr iuall of the saide R i ch a r d Chanc e l our may b ee enformed o f your gracious d ispo sition and ans

were . Which your b eneuo lences so to b ee extended , wee b eeminded to requite towards any your sub iects Me rchants , thatshe] frequen t this our realms a t your con templation therefore

to b e made .

Thus right high, right E xcellen t , an d righ t mightie , A lmightie

G od the F ather,the Sonne and the ho ly G host haue you in

his b lessed k eeping .

G iusn vnder our seals at our P alace of Westminster , the

first of A pril , in the yere from the blessed incarn a tion o f our

S auiour lesus Chr ist, 1 555 , and in the firs t and second yesres

of our re ignes .

1 2 N: 3 .—1 555 ans . 1 .

oaons mirra 7062 r hesus thespia n . Tam e n m r oster s nunsnnoro socxsan rrs samy rooyraposyso m oors n dxaroors , a pornon dsarorapnrs sacs as odnxsnyro m oors oaasannyso peaennouya s pay ‘I en o s epy n npcm s uon annmrs s ans roproamrs

mom s . H com nameto rpauororo npoon s n nouns sacs npo

routars raaosyro s o m oors nus n rpyrlnts namnns ropros tnrs

atom s a non annsnrs . aoropns ornpasumos nnn acrons ornpa

sures as sanry orpany . lb s don maro ate yrocroa'hpeais n odna

rez enis as roprosr h n ynpas nenito as roprosoxs ms cs

samm non annsnrn a co sc'hm xpyrm roprosmtn m xsun as

samnxs as sass in s no yrorno an sans dyrer s , no oeny nameuyupen oatsniro, nasnaanrs n ynoxnonounrs xom ooaposs ,


npnsnaere noxesnmrs , m nepsrosopa n coas tnanis cs namm

n odesn'lilmnun nom nnsnm repros tnrn ma ma , cassaansms

P n nap xo n s‘I e n ox s p ous , P eep rous E nu n a r s O p r ous n

P na ap ro n s I‘

p een s , norarem n cemaamsi rpauorn , soropns

nan n ynoanouonenn as cell npsn re'rs : n y

'raepmrrs n nom osars

rpyrin nosoxsnoo'rn n npnsassrin npasaren o, aonoysaxs , rosapn

mas s 11 ynaornnxaus odmeo'rsa csnauenan xs rcprossrxs moron, aas isrs norarexa or s osoero n oun dyryrs npen ara

'rs n upcou'rt ,wrodn

satin dun now osann m nxs dcsouaonoc'rn m sytmraro ynpas

assass in s ; a yaw ss cie cross 1 1 1 001 11130 11 noon'hmno , n ods!

an , as dyrymifi npi'hsrs oaasas naro P a vap ra

‘I sn cxepa, n oun

dm's m i nions! o aamens m oom oxs pacnopsa enin n ors

'b rh.

3n aaosna samn m oors soropns npoon s sacs om ars, 1m na

x'hpenn soars

-rs ssam o scram ram s nomnnmrs ropro

m s n oun , acce p ts , no yonorp'hniro namel y, dyry

'rs npi


H raas an coaalmin, npssocxomnmil a norymecrsenn‘hlmikl

B cenorymil B ors O rens , Cue s 11 k m Can on, rs xpannrs sacs

nors daarooxosenm s nonporous Cacans .

J ana as namero nova-m o as namexs B eorxnnorepoaons n opn'h,

nepsaro A np'lua , rhra o

'rs dsarooxosennaro sons omenis C naonreu

namero I ncyca Xpncra 1 555 , n as aspan i a aropo l rora xopoassorsosanili namnxs .

X: 4.—1 557A” . 18

J! 4. 1557A pr .

tho prinilodgss of the marohanta.

P h i l l i p pus et Ma r i a D ei gra( tia) Rex at Regina a t c .

I llnetrissimo et poten tissimo principi W a s s i l i e (s ic)eadem gra tinimperato ri to tia s Russia pr incipi Vladmicrio at c . salntcm in

nomin o pa tris ct filij et spiritus sancti . A ocepimns letteras

vestraa amoris at amicitia plenaa par dilsctnm vestrum nnn

tinm et logatnm O s ip sm N e p e am ad nos delatas , quen:non solnm ipsi presen tee and inimns eas res co pious exponen tom,

qnas nt ad no s defcrrs t, s t co t-

am cxponeret in manda tia ha buit,sed etiam facimns nt qne a b illo vostro nomino pmpon e b an tnr ,

per cartonnostro s consiliarios , qui bus nego tiumdedimns ,a t cum illotractarcnt pro lixo at d iligenter perpendoren tnr . In quo tra ctatn n t

omn ia lib on ter concessimus qne ad vestram expocta tionem at

petic ionem pertin c b an t, sic speramn s hoc fundamentum mntne

amicitia hoe modo b one iactnm st feliciter sta b ilitnm magnos st

uberos fmo tns tum fratern i in ter nos at successoros n ostros

amofia s t amicitia firms , tum perpetui in ter sn b d itos nostros

commero ij comnn icationem allatnrum. E t in magnam spam


auoimn s fo retn t sicn t D ena ex sna i nfin ita

b on ita ts s t fanore

nostr is tempori b no hano mari v iam at nan iga tionom antea in cog

n itam apex-nit,

sic etiam in posternm ad suvm hono rom et

gloriam, ad incrementam chr istiane at catho lics religionis , ad

pub lionm commodum et v toiusqne partis sub ditomm et regnomm

b onnm sit cam consorvatnrus et proaperatnms . E t quon iam ia

telligimns n on so lum ex litteris vestr is legatiqne vostri narrwone,sed etiam ex csrtia mercator ib ns nostris qui illino rod iornnt , vos ex

vestro lib eralitate varia prinilegia , libertatea ct mnn itates mer

oatoribus noatl-os (sic) at alija etiam nostri regn i A nglia sub d itis

qn i in aliqua d ition is vestro parte moroaturam excrcent, ded isse

ct concess ions , v t o b hec ipaa gratiaa vob is maximas b ahamas .

In ad earnm compesaconem,ut volun ta tia no stre aignificaconem

ostendendam condom ra tionem mercatomm at an b d ito rnm vos .

14 N: 4 .—1 557cur .

tro rum ha buimue . qui bus concessimus , v t s i qui ad no s profi

c issi velin t, at in hoc regno nostro A nglia msrca turam exercere ,

li b ero as in d ictum regnnm no strum A nglia rocipare po saint,

snaque n ego tin in omnibus eius partibus ugere i b i oommorar iat d iscedere quando s t quoties ill is v isum t

a s t it preterea in omn ibusoris et partibus A ngl ia merces suas ex v estris region ib us et do

min ijs allatas sine imped imen t (sic)quorum qua siue simul a t in

so lidum,sins sigilla tim at par partes pro sno arb itratuv endors .

Damus etiam st concod imus v t tam illi qui so rum meroes

dnm in fra regnum nostrum an t portum a liquem no strum so

con tin e b un t, in fidem uostram et tutelam rec ip ien tur . E t pretoresnt tam immun es hic sint ac li b eri a so lutions vartiga lium e t

po rtario rum quin sub d iti alio rum princ ipum christian o rum infra

regnum nostrum prad ic tum mercatnram fac ieutes . l taqua ad

merca torum vestro rum usum vn as aut p lures odes in ciuitats

no stra L ond ino huic nego tio conuen ien tes destinab imus , v b i ipsiha b itaut , s t man-cos suns reponsn t, quod idem fior i cura b imus in

a lijs regn i n o stri urb i bus , qua ad ipso rum nogo tiationem npte

v i do bun tn r . E t s i coutigerit, quod abs it,aliquas ipso rnm naues

v itsmps statum aut alio casu ad litto ra n o stra vol props eadsm

naufragium faoore , damus at conced imus si quando id suausritut mer ca to rum bo n a huiusmod i in vsum domin o rum b on n lids co l

legan tur ; nut s i quos illi ad ea rec ipienda coustituan t serusutur .

E t ad ma iorsm tranquillita tem s t tutelam vas trorum mercato

rum et sub d ito rum in omn i ooutrouersia at l ite m premum regni

no stri cancelarium ind ioom assiguamus , qui e is ius d icat , cumomn i

in tegrita te et celeritate que fiori po te st maxime . P lacet etiam

D O b I B v t mercators s ot artifi ces regn i no stri si qui vo lsn t in

vsetre d ition is urb es at lo ea pro fic iscantur bona cum vsn ia st

fauore . E t a quo n iam v ester legatus O s i p o s N ep o a , qui seh ic apud nos in sua legation s pruden tsr et considerate gassit,iam ad vos red ire in stituit, qui optima oxpo nare potost, s t ut

spammus prolixe vo b is expon at quo an imo sumus s rga hoe

commercium aupar in ter noutros v sstrosque sub d itos at

utr iusque d ition is regna et ur b es repertum , qui et iam nouit

quid do uniuersa s ins ra tion s constitutum et conclusum s it,

desissimus in p n'

eseutia lo ng io res ad vo s l itteras scr ib oro,

1 3 If: 4 .—l 557cur .

mum n rocyxapcm oo'b nxs cropons , Ous coxpaunrs out

m n 0m m any th orouocn'bmeuie. Id now ay nu ypasyn

'h u

no Ton t o m rpanoru same! a ass noascraoaauin noonannm

numero , no n on n‘hxo '

ropuxs nynuoas namuxs or ryna soupsm muxcn , n o an , no memos-b csoet , naposanuu nozuoaun

paam npn uorin, noaoxsuoc'rn n npsn ymoc'rsa annuus syn

nans ugaz e npyrnns nom nuns namoro noporerc'raa A rm in,

m opus aegyss soproam as usno'ropol aacruaamuxs 31mm;

t o nu as cio canoe npanuoro sacs om ompn s . B s mmuie as cio , mon nan

-rs suanouie namefi sou nuynnum ros e

m samnxs roprosuxs must n non auuuxs , goaaonnas nns,

scan on noz enams np i'b xa-rs as nun s usoon roprosn o as

cons namens noponesc'rs

'b Aurxin, oaooomo npi'b az ars as oxa

osunos name sopoaaacn o A nn ino n secs-ucson t han no sosxs

oro sac-runs , oc'raaa'

rscn as uens ususua'rs ass ouaro some. n

cm sno pass nns uys uo on es -s , upon-b soro , n

'ro nns monouerca, no cuoany nponauony, ou

't on

's un'lmmons , nnn noposus

uno asosan s , ua acsxs oeperaxs n so ac'hxs nao

'rnxs Aus t in

oesnpenn-rcraeuuo nponasars cnon msapu npuasseuun e nas

aamnxs c'

rpaus n snag-b ait . Mn con sousns gaz e, a

'roon , sans

on , m s 11 roaapuuxs , nona naxomrcn auyrpn namero noponsacm n uas t aro! moo raaann uamefi, 6m 6s: npnnnnaenu

nous namy oxpauy us ome noneneuie; npon’h soro , nsodu ouu

6m nadm nsnn n ocsoooa gaenu on m ass: coopoas n npn

aoauuxs nonunns uapasn'b cs nomnun nn npym s xpnc-riau

onus rocynapoi , senyum roproam suy'rpn smnscsasanuaro

uamero ropoasuc'rsa. H m cero nu naauannns m aamnxs syn

noas as namens rOpox'b JI ougou'b oxuo m uscnom o sn ail ,

npm m xs m cero sopra, as t on s on can tin s un a

m o as upym s mpom s namero nopoxoacm , nosopne nora

s y'ren I ns cnocoouunn m nxs roprom . fl eon crynn

'rca (nero

B os e coxpm ) n o nsno'ropuo nus nxs nopaoxefi cn on oypn

m 361m onuxs , nu conaaouens , n oon,t om cio onynn ca,

n ymecm nynnoas goopoooa'hc'ruo 6511 0 on coonpaeno as non ay

a n imus» , m , son on rony nopyna'rs noayanrs onoo, on ro

X: 4 .—1 5 57ms . 17

on oxpauneno . H m om nium cnono l crsin n oxpaueuin samnxs

nynnoas n nomuuuxs nu nasnaam syn -em scsxs cnopoas n

suds aapxosnaro m umps namsro s oponeacm ,noropun, co

ne'b ns 6aonpnorpac‘riens n cs om o - soan onuoso os opoc

'riso oosnc

nnr s m sanons . H ans npin'ruo mu s 61 arocuouuo n nuoc'rnao

mam a's, n oon n

' nynnun pensoneuum namn , scan nosopue

nus m s w orm , o'mpauuncs as sopona n oeneuin samai

gopz asu.

H m s m s noonanunns sums O cun s H an a n, nosopui

sxb os y uses no. nooozsc'ru'h sens coon ocsOpoa uo n thumps

ayuno , yz e pfb nnucn soasparm on as am ,11 nos es-s nyume n


sans num sencn ,npocrpauu

'b e ofis ncun'rs sans cnon nu

pacuoxon euu as sol roprosr h, usmuo on pn rot nan ny namnnn

n m un non m unn urooynapc'ruanun ropon nn 066m gop

s ass ; n yn s anao'rs n o sooonxe no ceny npegnery Guess noon

uoarouo n pdnneno : so as nae-romeo span: sosgepn r saencn

uncut sans 60 1 5 s npoorpauuyto rpano'ry n npoonns , woouaumrn

ub py as oc'ran uon s rony ,

trro cram ro'rs sums nocnauunns .

3as 'sns , aonnnafimil n norymoomouu'b lmin rooygaps, nuupo

cnns acson raro B orn no m om as ocm n'rs C aosl o ue6scnom

m oo-mo n nonomin n so acorn oxpausers same m nneo


samn rooynapcm n samnxs non auuuxs .

Jim on unmaso noun s) as uamens B scrnnncroponons mopusA npsn as sons namnxs noponsacm aauil rperil n nam put ,a onaconin m ore, ca son souomeuin Xpncrosa as son 1 556

E lizab eth I oanai B asilinioh.

S alutem st omnium rsrum prosparamm foelicissimum

in oromentum.

Potsntissime P riucsps, res sat nob is ad memorandum longs


, illa v sstrao ma - tis erga use at noutros amicitia .

Quuo tompors foalioiasimae mamorias regio E dwar d i ssxti , fratria

noon-i charisrimi , D ei b sgnitate incepts , ds incspa vero v estro non


18 N: 5 . 1 561 m . 26.

so lum singulari human itata a lta atque fo ta , sed incred ibilietiam b on ita ts aucta atque cumulata ,

nuno autem omn ibus

b suenolan tiao vestraa ofl’

nc ijs sic fi rmata sat atque constab ilita ,v t iam m in ime dub itsmus , quin ea ad landsm D ei , ad gloriam

utr iusque no strum, ad pub licam no strornm v tro b iqne regnorum

immensam oommod i tatsm, ad p riua tam singulorum v trinqna

sub d ito rnm O pta tam spam, os rtamqus foal ic itatsm multis sit

ds inoaps seculis duratura . E t quauquam b aso vs stra bonitas ,plen issims sass afl

ud it in omnes no stros sub d ito s , qui sees

in v llas impar ij v ostr i partes vnquam receperun t (p ro quaingentes nostras , v t par est , gra tias v - as ma - ti hab emua,vastr isque v iciss im in omn i O ppo rtun i tatis loco lib entiss ims

feromus) tam abund an tia b anign ita tis vestraa , in accip ien do ,

tnmque linman itor trac tand o no strum fid ilsm s t p s rd ilectum

tumalum A n to n ium J e n k i n s o n , qui has ps i -fart litaras , scorsim nobis gratissima ox istit . N am pras tsrquam quod uullisnon lo c is vostri imperii at mugn a lib erta to , et summa huma

a ita te vastrae sere n - t is non permisan solum, sed iussu etiam

fruors tur , v s stra b o n itas tumen n on in hac domestics ben ignefaciend i ra tion s co nquisuit , sed parlib an tsr at vltro aun dum

no strum hnnc ps rd ils ctum famulum,

v arijs principib us, quo

quouersus ipse iter sunm instituera t, l iter ie suis , suo magn oimperia li sigillo oon signa tis commendauit . Quod b enefi c iumil li v b iuis gen tium, at v iam sine vllo periculo , propter publicam vestrum fidem, s t udusn tum cum magno fauo re , proptervestrum oommenda tio n em,

op ta ts quidem at foe lio ito r commu

n ia it . I taque quemadmodum gemin a haoo vestra b suouo len tia ,cum illa gens ra lis sxhib ita in vostro regno nego tian ti bur sub d itis

no stris vn iue rsis . tum ista seo rsim praestita b uic A n to n i o

J e n k i n s o n , parfideli no stro famulo , nobis in man ta non so lum

ad gratam perpetuamque memor iam,v erum etiam ad mutuam

v o l O ppo rtunam oomb en sa tionam, firmiss imo defixa est : its,

pe timus a v estro ma - ts v t v tramque b eneuo len tias vestraa

ratiouam et communem no stris vn iuarsis , at prinatam huio nostro

d ilec to famulo , v tr isqua ds inoaps dignetur tneri , atque conseruare .

N eqns no s quidem d iffid imus , qn in quem fauoram vastra ma

taa an tea sua spouts A n t o n i o J auk i n s ou,tum quidem pr inato

X: 5 . 1 561 Ann. 25 . 2 1

nuns rocyxapnns , nyra da ons an uanpaanr s cnon nyrs . 3 ro

dn ron'lunie roorasnno any y scsxs napoross draronorynaufi

npossxs dess seas on onacnocrn, dzarorapa sceodmeny as sans

m eans, a ap ions apesaunanno drarocuouuufi, draroxapn as

me! pesoneurania . Tsaossucyrydan rams narocrs , ousauuaa n

aoodnra scans uamnn 's non auuuns

,ropryronuln s as samens

napcras , n as orrsn uoorn A n r ouy Az an nuuco n y, npo

aspuon y cayr'b uamony, raspro aanenarr b nacs as nanarn name!

us roxsao so yraepn neuie asnaon dnarorapuocru, no n m roro ,

n odu n uans aananao , npn onynas , om ars ros e . l ocun s , aro

da same sen - ao aasorm coxpaunrs raaosoe gnom e drarosore

uie—odlneo m aosxs aamnxs nomuuuxs n ocodaaaoa m sroro

n odssuaro uamero cnyrn. Muys'lspsuu, n o m oors , soropyro

same sea - ao npors can s no oodorseuuony sumony nodyz

rauiro nauu A n r ouy llz eunuuc ouy as racruon s ms,nu

draroaon re anos s daarocuouuo oaasars no uamefi npocsd'l; ro

ny ate A n r ouy Jun unmet cnyaudu; n norony nunpoonns , n odu

same sen - ao yrocrom onnrs nom oaars ceny nameuy cnyrhuposal ty», nb pnrsnsuym n onacayro rpanory, as cuy soropoll roa

aorn ocs da any, oro gonamnnns n cnymns , cs rosapann, no

m anta ,1 0mm 11 so'lins nnymscruons npnaosnnuns ununo

annuus,dssonacuo n caodoruo npi

'b an ars xornrs , nepexo

m s aosspamarsca a w orm no acsns aamnns rocyrap

oraan s , noesaeninns a odnaornns , ocraaarscn as unxs, caon ao

any n as nuns dynymnns yroruo dyrors a so son oe upon: or

ryxa answers . H e connsaaacs , n o name sen - so,no npassunai

uon rodpors caoon npnporu, dxarocuonuo n marpo oran ore aa

meny onyx-b act on asannonymnuunuocrn, nuascsna s eason s

n run e npocrns , n odu same sea - so yrocronra peuonauaosarsunmaro cryry, an

'b cr'h cs oro aonamnnnu n aro nnynrecrron s

xpyruns aarpaunuuun's rocyaapnns , npeanymocraenuo n o n 0006

m o B o n no n y C o tb iro. naplo H oponrcsony , as n unapcraa n

crpauu rors nams cryra uan'b peus ornpaanrscn users as cno

nnn nonamuann m nyamaro nsyneuia unocrpaauon roproann .

E ran-s nuya

'hpeuu, n o nos srn namn npocsdu rcnomarcr

oorxacno cs unres not uamero cryrn, cs uamnns oz nmuians , assome! nodporon, cs surorann odon rnuxs namnxs nouaanuxs l

22 N: 5 .—1 561 A II


P . 25 .

nonoxuuroa any ua panocrs , am as yroaonscraie, al s o namel y.

sen- B y as yrory , a m ans odomnuns non auuuns as m a y»

11a rapyors B ors samany sen - B y duronozyrie non orauoruen

uoo us send , a’hsoa'b nnoe aa nadeen .

I Iucano as aaanennrons rpm aamens Jlouaou'b 25 run as

cnna A nphra, as rors ors coraopouia nipa 5523,I‘

ocnoaa 11 B orn

aamero I acyca Xpncra 1 561 , aoponaaorsoaauil

M 6. 1564 I n . 23.

B lizab otha Serenissimo at Potontissimo Principi D. I oan VasilouuzImperatori totias Russian.

P otoutissima P rinceps . E st nobis grata rsco rd atio vestraa

b s neno lan tias , tat modis dsclarataa, ss o rsum arga carton nostros

famulos par vestraa regiones transsun tes , gens ratim erga omn es

quosounqua A nglos ad vautras d itio nos accoden to s . Quod vestrum

arga no s s t nostro s singulars stadiumfac it, v t lib an ts r etiam hoo

tammro R a p h a e lum B a r b a r i num,v irum quidem ltulan


sod nobis,

certis nomin i bus v alds oharum,his nostris literis

vastras ma - ti commendamus . F atima s itaque , vt his v ir vestro

b one gratia atque vo luntats ,at insau etiam atque author itats ,

si opuc fuerit , b enigne a vastra ma - te,b uman iter a vestr is

sub d itis tractstur : v tqus aib i ac suis , cum bouis vniuorsis,

tutum lib erumqus sit , per vestro regna atque prouinc ias , ire ,

trauaira , iatic morar i quamdin placuarit, at inde abire atquerocsd ors , quandocunqus illi ac auis libitum fuerit . Quas omniahuman itatis ofi


tcia , v t il li valda opta ta , sic nobis etiam pargra ta ,

aun t futura : Quasque no s vicissim,cum res vsstro rum,

simili opportun itata , fers t , ad vestrum rogatum, studious com

pansa b imus .

Dans fos lic itatam omn em s t florsn tsm in tsrris , s t porpo

tuam in coo lis , vsstra s concedat ma ies ta ti .

24 N: 7.—1 564 uou. 23 .

B orn. rs aooracrs samany m n ecray scanoe casorio, duro

neuorueuuoe na senrh a shame as uadecaxs .

llaua nO poresorsa aamero A nt rin as suanauarons ropor’b

J onson's as 23 gens I roua ascana , as roxs ors cormpeaia n ipa

5526, ors sonromeaiuI‘

ocnora a S ore usmero I ncyca Xpncra

1 564 ; noporescrsosanin a s namans as 6- 2 .

M 7.—1566 A pr .

Anthony J snkinson I nstructions sent b y the merchants adventurersinto Russia to the E mperor there.

Man se A prillis 1 566. The S o cieto of the marchauuts

adv en turers trad ing in Russia do e desiar mo st humb ly that

A n th o n y J euk y n s o n may haue in commission from the

queues ma - tie to the emp ero r of Russia to the tone r en sewing .

1 . F furste that the sayd A n tho n y J euk y n s ou (hav ingdeliuered to the empero r her graces letters) mayo declare

in her grace n ame accord ing to th’


ecte of the same letters

that her grace hathe sen t him to gave his highni s most

har ty than ck s for the go od afl’

ection his highn is b earethe

towards her grace an d her sub iec ts an d to dosier his fav or

fo r the con tinuaunce of this amitie and mutual] trafl'

y ckc .

2 . 1tam b icawse her ma - tie dothe v nderstan d that on R a ph a e l ]B a rb a r i n o an I talio n (who is lately arrived in his dominion s)hathe abused her ma - tie she thought y t appertayn ing to her

honnor t’

ad v ertise his highn is thereof to th’in ten to he shulde

gave no ored itt to the said B a r b a r i n o o r any joyn id withhim in sacratia but to b e we ll we re of theirs do ings fl


or saingthey haue taken suche b o ldn es as to v sa a false suggestion

to her ro iall person and tharby o b teyne her letters of fav or

to his ma - tie . H er grace do the (no t without cawas) suspectsthey wy ll in sho rts tyma vsa some further prac tyses , hither

X: 7.—1 566 sun. 25

to the d ishonor of his ma - tie an d preiudyce of his sub iects

or to the sub ver tinge of her sub iects trad e vnder his domin ions .

W hereof her grace wo lde b e r ights sory not on ly for the good

v yll she b eary the to his highnis and her sub iects trade b ut

a lso fo r that his highn is shulde no t imputa tho s straungers

fawte s to the la te racomendation made to his h ighn is from

her grace .

3 . I tem yf it b e demaunded b y th’

emparor wherein the

said B a r b a r i n o hathe abused her grace that the sa id A n

th ouy J e n k y n s o n may aun swer that the sa id B a r b a r in o

made suggestion to her ma - tie tha t car ton of his debtors weirfleedd in to Russia , an d for the pursuits of tho se his debtorsdesired her letters of comendac ion s to his highn is wherevponher grace v ppon earnest comendac ion s made to her of the sa id

B a r b a r i n o and not think ing that he wen t thy ther for trafl‘


or any o ther cawas othen aforesayd was con tentid to graun te himher fav orable Iettres agre inge to his suggestion ; syns wiche tymaher grace hathe vnderetoode that the said B a r b a r i n o va der

the coo ler and fav our o f her Iettres of comendac ions hathe no t

on ly placed him self there in his highn is domin ion s contrary

to his promis mad e to her highn is b ut a lso hathe a ttempted todeface her sub iects trade in thos domin ion s anirming that

he is ab le and will serve his highn is domin ion s with the

natural] Inglyshe oomod ities better chaps than her owne sub iectswhich b e , no r n o other stranger is ab le to do .

4 . I tem that A n th o n y J e n k y n s o n mayo haue a lso in

comy ssion fl'

rom her ma - tie to says to the said empero rof Russia that fo r as motohe the Ingl ishe mer chaun ts her

sub iec ts haue foun de owt and con tinued b y those great charges

the trade to his ports o f S - t N icho llas B ay hit wo ld please hishighnis to gran ts tha t the I nglyshe merchaun ts may haue

the only trafl‘

ycke and lan d ing at that his ports o f S - t N icho llas

b ay A nd that no o ther straungers may b e admy tted o r lyoen cyd

to land or trad e that ways as her grace is aduertysed that

carton merchaun ts straungers will sho rtly a ttempts a v iadge

that way .

26 It'

s 7. 1 566 nnr .

«The true co py of the artyk les , comytted vnto me b ythe queues ma - tye to b e declared in her grace name

to th’

emparour o ff Russia .»

« B y me A n tho n y J e n k y n s o n . »

M 70 1 566up .

E m m enia Anrouy Hz anxnuoony , noomauony nynnann ropryn

man as Pooolsro as ranomneny naps).

O dmecrso aynnoss ropryromaxs cs Pocciero nonopu'b nmo upo

onrs , n oduA n rouy ll n aua nuc ouy dur o raao ors en sop- rs

nor - as as Pycoaony napro nopyaauie crhryromaro corapz auin:1) B onepsuxs , n oduoaasanuun A ur ous As sur a n c o n s

(no apynanin napro aoporesnuon rpanoru) ors nneun aopoxeauu

ods nsnrs corracuo cs corepn auians rot rpanoru, n o on ser i ao

noonans oro npnuecrn oro auconeoruy canoe cepgennoe dramas

peuie as rodpoe pacnoron euie , oaasusaenoe oro sa c - son's as ea

aar - ay n as ea nouanuuns , a npoonrs nar ocrns aro npororn anin

caro rpymecraa n odororuuxs ouomeuin.

2)Tans aaas as ass - so asasornr aos , n o usrro Pups e r sB up d o p aun—nrassauens (uenaauo npndusmin as oro sust ain)odnauyrs ea sen- ao , oua npnsuara ronrons necrn uperynpen rs

0 cans aro ouo - so , cs rhus, n odunaps no rarer

-s unaasol aspu

caasauuony B a pd a p nun urn aony undo ass uaxoumnxca cs nunsas rafiuuxs cuomeuiaxs , uo dun da anorn

'h nporya'hronrous ods

nxs nocrynaaxs , raas sans oun no roro dun repsaa , n o , yno

rpednus npars aoposeanuoro ooodoro r oam npercrasrenia, ons

norynus ors uen peaonenrarer suyro rpan ory as ero nor - sy. E n

ass - so norospsaaers (a ne dess npananu), n o on as caopons

speneun npnd'hruyrs as uoauns nponcaans nrn as npornauocrs

necrn oro B er - as n as’

ymepds oro non auuuxs,urn m norpum

roproarn on non aanuxs as oro assass in s . 3ro duro da apal ao

23 N: 8.—l 566 anr . 20.

M 8. 1566. A pr. 20.

In tell igimus v - em ma i a tem earn e tiam nostrarum litterarum

rationem habere , ui ad respectum earundem at p lurimum semperno stris , trib uat , at plus aliquando al ienis etiam in n ostram gratiam

conoedat , quam no s ipas a pro illis po stulamus . I d quod superio rianno , cuidam b omin i I talo

,R a p h a e l o B a r b a r in o , aco idit,

quem nos,ut peregrinato rem,

non ut negoc iatorem v - aa ma - ti

commendav imns . S ad de hoc I talo homin e , quomodo at no s

trarum littararum commandatioue at was ma - tis bon ita te suait

ab n ti at d o aliis etiam rebus , quae ad in tercursum in ter no s

ac nostro s institutum imprimis pertinent, A n t o n ius J e n k i n

ao u, perd ilec tus noster famulus fusins , coram presen ti sui ser

mon s , sad nostr is v erb is , animi no stri sen ten tiam deolarab it .

E n oasora I lapro .

H au'hcruo am, n o name sen - ao corepa nre namn rpanoru

as raaons yuaa enia , n o no nun s sumayors Jun uacs acorns ,

a nuorra as yrory am a an myrna 's gaz e dorse ro ro, n o nu

can i n m s npocans . aro a cnynnr ocs as nnuyamans rosy cs

usaonns H rar iaunens P ad a e r e n s B ap d e p nun , aoroparo

nunopynur n as nnrocrs samero nor - as sans nyremecraenunaa,a us s ans ynosuononeuuaro ans noparosoposs . H ams npcr iodos

nufi oryra A ur ous lla eua nuc ous rnnuo caonnn psnann, no

namnn n cr oaann , ods nanrs as npncyrors in aamens name cyn

rauie ods arons B ras iaun'h,aoropul ocn

'hs nr cn ynorpednrs so

sr o n namy peaoneurararsuymrpanory n drarocarouuoors sameroasr - aa, pasuo n omyt h s nperneraxs , oruocsmaxcn mean-Mme

go ouonlonifi ycrauosnenuuxs nan ny nann a new nom a

9 . 1 556 1 569 . 29

F ragments ex tribus litteris Sigismnndi Rogis Polonise ed

S igh t -M i titula r in litter-is his: S igismundus Tertius D ei tin RexP oloniao, Magnus a L ithuanias


Russiao Prussias Masoviae ogitiaeL ivoniae nec non regn i Suacias proximas H aores at futures Rex“

a) 1561 I n] . 13.

Quominus autem nav igationem in Moscov iam permitters

possimus , videt nos seren itas v estra gravissimis non so lum no str is

pr ivatis, sed etiam religion is et reipub licae to tia s christian ae

ra tion ibus prohib er i . I nstruitur an iam ho stis , ut d ix imus , com

meatu, in struitur , quo d magis est, armis in illa B arbariainusitatis

,instrui tur , quo d quidem max ime ducendum ease

oxistimamus, artific ibus ipsis , its ,

a t etiamsi ad illum n ihil

pro teron impo rtetur , tamen opera ar tificum ipso rum, qui illi ,v igen te ejusmod i n av igation s ,

lib ero summittuutur , fac ile om

uia simul et fab ricen tur in ipsa ill ius barbara d itioue , quae ususipsi belli requirit, et quae uti hactenus ipsi igno ta fuerun t .

h) 1568 H art. 13.

Cum en im hac n a v iga tio n e reoen s admo dum in stitute , ho s

tam non modo regn i no stri temperar iam sed etiam omn ium

nationum li b erarum haered itarium, Mo soum,maguopere instrui

at armar i v id eamus , n on so lum armis , talis , commeatu, quae ,etsi magna sun t , tamen facilin a prefecto prohib eri po ssen t , sed

etiam aliis multo majo ribus re bus , quae neque satin n llo con silio

pro v ider i, at ho stem ipsum magis etiam juv are po ssun t , arti

fic ibus inquam ipsia, qui tale , qui arma , qui caetera ejusmodi in illa

B arbaria nac v isa nec aud its hosti fa b r icars non cessan t; ac

Rymars P osdat a XVI p. 1 54 .

30 N: 8. 1 566 1 569 .

pra eterea quo d max ime a ttendendum es t , c ogn itio n e omn ium,

e tiam secretiss imorum con siliorum n ostrorum, quibus illi paulopo st, ad in teritum, quod absit , omn ium no stro rum aba tatar ,sperandum. profecto nobis esse no n ex istimamus , ut hanc ejusmod i nav igation em l iberam esse pa tiamur .

c)1 569 D ec. 6.

as ve haue wr itten afo re , so n ow we write aga in s

to your ma - ty tha t we know and fesle of a surety ,the Mos

co nite , enemy to a ll lib erty vnd er the heauen s , day ly to grow

mightier b y the in crease o f such things as b e brought to the

N ame , while n o t onely wa res but also weapons heretofo re

vnkn owen to him,

an d artificers an d ar ts b e b rought vuto

him : b y mean s whereo f he mak e th himselfs strong to v anquisha ll o thers . Which things , as long as th is v o yage to N ame is

v aed , can no t b e s topped . A nd we perfectly k n owyour ma - ty

can no t b e igno ran t howgrea t the cruel ty is o f the said enemy ,o f wha t fo rce he is , wha t tyran ny he vseth on his sub iects


and in what seruile sort they b e vn der h im . W e seemed

hitherto to v anquish him on ely in this , tha t he was rude o f

arts , and ign oran t o f po licies. I f so b e that this n auigation

to the N ame con tinue,what sha ll b e vnk nowen to him? There

fore we that k now best,

and border v po n h im,do admon ish

o ther C hristian prin ces in time , that they do no t betray their

d ign ity , l iber ty and l ife of them an d their sub iec ts to a mo st

barb arous and cruel] en emy , as we can n o lesse do b y the dutyo f a Christian prin ce . F o r now we do fo resee

,except o ther

princes take this admon ition , the Mo scouite puffed vp in pr idewith tho se things that b e b rought to the N ame , and made

more perfec t in warlike affai eres with engin es o f warre and

shippee , will make assault th is way on C hristendome , to slay

or make bound all that shal l withstand him: which G oddefend . With which our admonition d iners princes already

con ten t themselues , and a b sta in e from the N arue . The o thers

32 If: 9 . 1 566 1 569 .

6) 1568 1 1am. 18.

Mn nnm m, aro , G naronapa mananiro srouy, necsxa nem no

yqperunmenycn, Mocm n—eror b a s roxnno npenennn k spam. no

ponn namen, no n spars nacr hrcrnennn fi nc'hx-s cnodonnnx

'n na

ponon's, m amb o npeycn

'hn n's ofipasosanin n as noopys e

nin n ne ron no n's opyatin , n

's cnaparax


s n m. nepemmeninnoficn'

n, aro , xorn n nnoro snarnr'n

,no nro nonemo nerno nos

6pana , no n m. gpyrnx's npen erax'

s,upo-um . nor0pn x

's new

nocraroqno npenocrepennca n noropn e noryr's onasars ci ty 60 1 5

myro nonoms : rosopro 0 can “ nacreponnx's,norOpn e ne nepe

crator 's nepernm nars spary Opyz ie , cuspam n pasnn e rouy no

xo6nue npen e'm

, nocen'h nenngannn e n necm annn e in. cm

napnapcnon crpan'b .—Iipon 'ls cero cr b xyer

's otiparnrt nernqafimee

snnnanie na ro , qro snanie nc'lsx's namn 's gat e conponenn


mnx's npemp inrifi , neunoro npexenn cayera , nocrannr

'n eny nos

noatnocrs , snaa uero y nac'n n

'lsr 'n, nsroronm nornfien sc

'h rn

nammrs —Il ounnno no ctmraen nosuoannmrs , aro6mnon no 6mm oa nrars , uro m uorepnmrs ranoro pore mananito


n) 1 569 flex. 6.

nan 1m nncuunpeme,rm namen u renept in . aa

meny nex- ny , arc 1m snaen 's n rocron'hpno yG

'huelm, qro sparr.neuron cno6om noxs ne6ecann , Mocnaxs , ez emenno ycm naerca

no r hp'h G ommero noxnosa n'

n E spa'h pasnnx'n upeueron


m 1 . orryra exy xocraaratorca a s ron no ronapn , no n opyz ie,

rocerh eny nensn'hcrnoe , n nacrepa n xyrox nnnu: G rammpa

ceuy on's yxp

'hmaerca m noG 'hauenin nc'hx's npoqnx


B roxy nem a noroa nrs npea‘h a nona G yryr

't conepmarws an

naanania an H apny. H m xopomo aassu'n, aro newcity B el - B y

as n os e-

rs no 6511 1 . nan'hcrno nan s eer-

ou. cm annn i spat- 5 ,

16 1 0 .- 1 567ans . 1 0 . 33

am our. m en , ran on rnpancrsyer t nan . cnom nomin

nmm n nan onn patior b nnn nepen nnn . Rasuocs 1m rocer h

noofhn am ero roa m in rows , qro on'n 6m nes'hatecrnsn'n B‘B

xynoa scrnax'n 11 am azon . or: nmm om. l oroutncs ero ma

nanie m. H apsy, m ocranerca say nsnsn'lscrnmrs? I I o eroxy 1m,

ryams myrnx'

s snaxomis cis G ymn or. nnn m. norpanannon't

cook er-uh ne l os er s no roux-y xpncriancnaro rocyrapu, no

npsn ns npncon'lsrosars npoum xpncriancnun mcympm

11e on ne npsm n'

t pynn sapnapcnaro n a scronaro sparecnoe rocronncrno , cno6ory n m am. cnon n csonxr. nouannnx's ;

1160 m m l; npemm 's, aro , son myrie rocyrapn ne 1300 1101 5

3yrorca sum nperocrepez snieu , Mocnaxs , rmecxanacs rim-

n, uro

s l y npn em urn apen em m H apnn ,n yconepmencrnosanmncn an

nosnnon g'b rh opynim nofinn n nopatinm , omnem B TKI


ay't en nam enis na Xpncriancrso, aroon ncrpe6m n nopa60

rm ace, aro sl y nocnpornnnrcn: ors aero no. coxpann'r'n B orn!

H 'lsnoropn e rocygapn yans nocnymamcs eroro namcro npsrocre

pes snin n as nocn narors (nopa efi) a 's H apnn. I Iponie a s,no

ropn e G ym nnasarn srn 's ny


rsl rs , G yryr'n saxnarunaeun na

mmrnmoron . a norneprnyrcn onacnocrn mmnrsca a nsnn, cno


s 11 fi rst . E ran , ecu nominal-ts samero sea - B a nos

gepz arca ors eroro nxanania an H apny, m nun'n sen nalm

ne G ynerr. m useum—H ymn same B er - no nan-13cm nmym

nosow n npnum ,notiymrammis nac's ocrananmnart n0pa61 n

agyn ic n H apn'ls. B '

s ocranosn'h srofi, nan 1m yane macaw m.

namsny sex- B y nnn . nm nol am so croponn namuxr. non un

nuz's ropoAa Prancna: m m. eron Mar k 11 as otipamaencain . nnn . ea cont rou

M 10 . 1567A pr . 10.

The empereur ofMosoouia to the Queens Maiestie.

fl it bab es gefautb an eager sorb et feitteuuuier Raufileut é tefl auSi tt er

b tl o , nub fi eb ota fi ogorelo , nub mit iueub ab es tuir O efautb metre an!

autem“use, unb fie fallen in engern luuid teiée anunferut a bate lonifeu.SA PH IR nub rout- e, nub tleib etue

tl,wasumunferm660k b iuet, nub mena

34 If: 10. 1 567A t . 10 .

Ne us iere taufiteut tomes is eager Rsuidreid), ash is molt ib r tars 3amgebes fret)ssh truit ises Iafies mit engers B euttes, ash as! as teres b erfib sfitesieuttes mothers alb ess is eager los idreid)mit ises lasmcb tss us b B euttesmit msb r, usb gurtsufies ms! is es S ciatica is usierur G auge sure, and)

806 tsmgt use fur sheriat usb bum b ofies us b hos b erb ergeuus b as t er

B oriidaer G eretb tkb teit (G eretb iicb ieit)bus unferer msb r Dos t iB es usieres

Raufileutes , sub uos ib res G uttermolt ib r aid) lanes semen.

G ills; slfo rule and; tutr is safer b erkb afites nos eugers scuttes R(eise)(b er)O erecb itdplelt s idat lanes semen, us b mas mas tsuri b astrages

j ib es is ast er saute, us ! aster fi eb arft b slb er us b to molt tbr ises

freib ett geb es, us b was b ifie safer Raufileute bab es G ebas telt, sub guurugesites as use usb to molt tbr fie turd) engere E ss b t b eleit [ages tubes .

was isses aid;mucb te [ashes nos tsas b er eb er fis tbaltssge G rimes.us b(e)sger ftb ifie molt lot fie lsfies icb ifies , was Re snt ber as saferM i sfitg eiss tb tomes.

O efcb rtb ea is safer b erfcb aflt b ofie b er e ts b t mutants . 3 st S ab re has

6 150a hermeltb 7075 imemumosaism 1 0 safer b erfdpaft its 34 subsafer tetfertb sst Stumdpes int 20 Rsfasmes int 1 5

j m 10 .—1567A pr. 10 .

Mosoonia. The transcripts of the E mperors of H osoouia his lettre

W e haue sen t into your L and s our merchaunts S te phe nTws r d i c o and F s o d o t a P o go rue l l o with certa ine waresof ours out o f our own s Sto rehouse , where with they mays

and shall in your graces domyn ion s prepare for our owns v se

S aphires , Rubies and apparellings , such as in our tresorie wehaue n eed s of. t ar in our requests is to your Majestic tha twhen our said Merchaun ts come into your Lands , that you

will suffer them to trafl‘

ique with your Sub iects and S traungers

theer resident , and freely to sells b uy s or barter for wha tso susr is comaunded them for vs n eed efull . A lso that for

our sa id store presen t your customs may b e free in and out

with howserooms and a ll o ther duties belongings to our sa id

36 N: 1 0 .—1 567AM . 10 .

mania; 11 new nocaxnrs nu na rnon nopatixn , aroma crosl en

m orryna B's namn B r itannia.

I lncana as rmympcrnin nemero m ph rpana Mocnnn er. rh o

orr. cosranin n ipa 7075 anp'lus r hesus. l o- ro gnu, rocyrapcraia

nemero 34 , a napcrnr. namnxr. P occificnaro 20, Kasancsaro

N 1 1 .—1567G ear . 16.

naps E n oaner'h.

PI ra l in n A nrnin apxnrenropa, soropnn l os er s ri sers

np'hnocrn , G amma n Jump im; nonropa n anrenapa n rpyrnxr.

nacrsponr. rm xr,noropn s or

'sncnnnaror 's sonoro n ceps6po .

lI ocxaxn am as re6'ls namy m osannym rpanory ran ram n,

noropn s aaxorm npn6urs cma cxya nrt nan ,n ma rannxr ,

nor0pn e saxorm nocnyatm nan no roam ,near. rt

,noropn e

npn6m n a's npoumou roxlt , n m rattan , noropn s saxorar


cxya nrn um nancsrra; aroma n rh, nor0pn e saxorm npi'lsxars

in . near. cryz nrs nan arisen nancsrga , 11 sce sero pone

rnon 1mm apxnrsnropn , ros ropa n anrsnapn no set name! rpa

n or'h npi

'kas aan caya nrs um a 1 m nom yen retia ea rnoro

aem yro nur ocrs no rnoeny xorha ito ; a rhxr , nro saxousrs cry

a nrs nan nascerra, 1m npni finr na cnos corepa an is a no

a axyelrt an . what's on saxorm ; a rim,nro ns saxonern gon


cxyam nan,

a n new cnorpa no m rpynanr. a someone saxorar's noara no tion aft cnoe orsqscrno oG parno , an on ly

crmrn nxr. cr namm m ount s“ m. an . crpany (Sear.m am

sagepa ania no set names m onannol rpanorh. fl nncana cia

nama w om an rpanora an rocyrapcrsia namero m ph rpaga

Mocnnu. Jl 'hra or s cosme in n ipa cent m om . cen rscm (meanes

ro?) cenraG puarcane 16- ro nnn rocyrapcrs ia namsro 33; a

napcrn'b namnx'

n P occiflcsaro 25 ,Rasancnaro 1 5 , A crpaxancnaro l 3

8a neorncnaaien nom nan a, Pyccnil nepeson . ent rant or.coupe- elnaro A nrxil cnaro nepeaoga, nr. noropon roan en orm ous! ousam o neupvnun o : naps porn o: 1530 r . ; nacrhronur. orny 1533; wi n n er as nape

-n o

1 546; nonopm B aum 1 552 n A crpaxans 1554 . an m nocrhrnia aupnup surn as ocnonanis npn ornecenis cei rpanorun 1 567rogy.

If: 1 1 .- 1 567czar . 16. 37

16 1 1 . 1567Sept . 16.

Coppie of th’amp. lre for the craftsmen to b e sente owte of E nglande.

—ltaly and sngland an A rchitec turewhich can make cas tells

towers and palaces a Doc tor and a po tycary , an d o ther mas ters

suche as a re coming to seke ought go ld and s ilver . W e have

sen t un to you our goodn ess licens for those wh ichs a re

willing to come hears to serve us and suche as will serve a s

b y the years tha t they come n ows this last years—(and suche

as are willing to serve as alwayes)tha t than those wo ld also cometo us to serve us hears alwayes , and tha t your a l manor of

me n A rchitecture docto r and po tycarye and tha t this b y

our licens that you come to ser ve a s an d tha t we willsrewards you o f our great goodnes to your mynds and suche

as will serve a s alwayes than we wil l tho se en ter tayne and

gyve them as this will as to , an d tho se whichs are no t willingsto serve as an y longer tyms we will rewards those lowk inguppon theare works , and when they are will ing to goo home

in to theirs own s countrys ageyne we will lett them goo withower goo dnes in to the irs lands withought any ho ld ing b y

this ower goodnes l icens , and this our go odnes licens is

wrytten in ow’

er empors howse and castell o f Moskowis the

year seven thousand and seven tys (sixth?) in the moneth

of S eptemb er the 1 6- th day and in the 33 o f ower age ,

and in the 25 year of owr reigns , and in the 1 5 yea r o f

Kasans , and the 1 3 year o f A strican .

The original of the Russian letter has no t b een found : the foregoingcontemporary English version of it was not written b y a very expert linguistas its orthography undoub tedly proves and the maze of dates in to which hegets , shows him to have b een quite ignorant of the S lavonic mode of numeration. The C zar J ohn was b orn 1 530; succeeded his father 1 533; was crowned1 546; made the conquest of C azan 1 552 and o f A strakhan 1 554 ; these two lastdates have served to fix the date of the document .

38 N: 1 2 .—l 567uos s .

M 12. 1567New

An tho. J enkinsons message done to the Q. hie - tie from the E mpe

ror of Mosoouia.

F fi rst, the sa id E mperor of Muscouia earnestly requireththa t there may b e a perpetua l] frendship and kynd red betwixtthe Q . ma - tie and him which shalb e the b egin ing of further

matter to b e done .

F further the said E mp erour requireth tha t the Q . ma - tis

and he might b e (to all their en emyes) jo yned as on e ; to say

her grace to b e ffrein d to his fr iends and en emy to his en emyes ,and so per con tr . A nd that E ngland and Russland might b e

in all ma tters , as one .

F further the said pryn ce hath willed to declare to the

Q . ma - tis that as the k ing of Po le’is no t his fi

rs ind , ev en so

he sheweth himself not to b e frend to the Q . ma - tie ffor that

this last soms r ther was a spys taken with Iettres from the

king of P o le’

directed to the E ngl ish merchan ts in Russia ,wherin was written thiese word es . I , Sigismond , K. of P o ls

e tc . require you E ngly sh merchan ts my trustis servan ts to

s ide this b ringer , and to assist and ayde such Russes as b e

my tfreind s with money and all other helpes , with o ther wo rdes .

W herat the E mpero r a t the fl'

irst was much offended . B ut

after b y the con fession o f the ep ic (when he enfired dea th)it was known s to b e a practis e of the k . of P o le

, as well tohaue b y tha t ms anss caused the ind ignacon o f the E mperorto haue fallen upon the E nglish nation and to haue broken(frendship betwixt the Q . ma - tis and him

,A s allso that he

should haue charged d iners of his no b les with treason t rfors

the E mperor requireth the Q . ma - tis that she would b ee and

jo yne with him (as one)upon the P o le and no t to suffer her

people to haue trade ofmerchand is e . with the sub iects of the

K. of P o le’.

F further , the E mperor requireth that the Q- s ma - tie would

lycen ce ma isters to come un to him which can make shippee,and sayls them.

40 N: 1 2 .—1 567noan.

H oascniii s l y nsrpyrrt , a panno om n saercs nerpyron n ea

nopos . B ea - B y; n6o npomrmrs r'hrou 5mm. aaxnansn


s m yrqmrs

or. uncertain or s nopora H os scnaro na m anrs iiicnnxr. nynnon'n

an Poccin , B'B nanonn xr. nncsxax

'r. nauncann rania cr oss : « 11 ,

«Cm suynr'n,n0por s Il os b cnifi i t upon . npomy nac

'n anrxil cs nx'


«nymon'n, cryr

's n onxr. ron

‘hpsnnux'n nonorarn noraren o cero

«mean s a onasn nars noco tiie n nouoma r'hn '

s Pyccnnn's,roropue

«no a nd; rpya ecrsennn , nan'n general s ran a ncanm rpyrnun

«cnocoG ann .»—I Iaps cnspna secsna can ocnop6ns ca ; no nororrs

nan npnananis rasyransa (norra on 611 1 's nasnenr) ornpm ocs ,

aro sro 5mm nosnn noposn H orscnaro , cr'hrannua c's nau'kpe

nienr. nos6yrnrs nerorosanie naps npornn'

s anraificsaro naporan pasopsars rpya tiy a smry m n ea nopos . ass - non ; a ram s

runners otinunen ie pasnnx's ero canosnunonr. er. nannn'h. I loven y

naps npoonr s ea nopor . sea - no cosrnnnrsca as m e as. orno

npornna H oranon's a s ocnpsrm en napory ascrn rop rosr ro or.

nouannmm sopors H on or aro .

llan'he naps npocn


rs,arotin es nopos . sea - no rosnos ns a npi


mart as neny uacrepan's, noropne yn

'hr a crponr s nopa5m n

ynpanuari. m .

. \f \llan'he ,

lrrotim ea nopos . sea -ho rosnornxa sl y noryaars m

Aurais ncanaro pora aprnssepiro n cuspam,nya nus rm no iinn .

Ilas 'hs naps npocnr'n y5

'hrares sno , uro6m nemry ar e a sa

nopos . sea - son 's 5mmy'mneno arm ennoe o5'hmanie, nro , scan (inca shirt r atio use nnx

's cay'maacs nanaa ratio tings , ro seam

ns's nax


s when npano npntin rs as crpany rpyraro p mc6e

pestenia ce6n a crock manna,n a m ran n nu'hrn yddss ame 6m

G oasnn n onacnocrn no roro npenenn , nona 55m as nanysr's n

B orn a s ycrponr'

s nnaas ; n aro 01mm 5yrer's npnnar

's rpyrmr


o's nousroun .

—I/I xpannrs am as nes aqafimen rahnh .

Pl 060 nc'hxr. srnx'

s shrax's, naps nos opn

'hiime npocnrs ea

r cpor . sea - no rare orn'hr 's apes-s ornaro an en ron'hpsnnuxr

con'hrnnnon't m spear. noro rn6o (Sonne snannrensnaro what's a .

nero a s npoonrs ea sopor . sea - no orr. nero,one nosta

J yer's a smash ncnos nnr


s .

[laps npoonrs , aro6n ornhr's ea impor . ass - B a 6am runs as.

5yrymeny I lerponymm.

N: 1 3. 1 568 r ear . 1 0 . 4 1

M 13. —1568 F eb r. 10 .

E lizab eth I sanni.

—luter al ia mandate hoc ha b et (G e o r g i n a Mi d d l e t o npraecipuum vt sedulo agat cumv estra ma - te de apprehendo ,

primoquoque tempore certos istic ( in N erve.) A nglos qui ad

aper tum con temp tum nostrum,ad summam fraudem no stro rum,

ad non leuem iniuriam etiam vestrae ma - tis , n imium in fido s

iniurio so s s t in iquo s , n o b is omn ibus esse gs sssrun t . Qui, v ti

accepimus , clam, insc iis eo rum domin is , qui hic in A ngl ia

sun t, cum P o lon ie fo sminis con cub ia contrahers

, s t prO p terea ,

si ratio apprehendend i eo s n on matur ine. non tutius ineatur .

pertimescendum est ne brev i in P o lonism confugia n t .

M 130 1568“B P 10 0

Mes sy npoanan nopyasnisnn us hers our (l‘

e o p r st

Mn r r 1 o in .) rrann'hnmse—npnreatno coshmarsca or. B antam.

sex-u o neners enn ou w ear]: as H apnh n'hsoropuxa A nnm

aan't norO pn e, an nnnony nameny ocmp tis eniro, a

's nemes i

msny o5nany nanmx'

t nomann x's , name an neuar ony apery namero

B ea - B a, onasam cefia npornny nc'hx'

s nac's npaflne nes

'hpnunn ,npernm m, n 5e3necrnm m. Ram's 1m asnhcrnancs , onn railno ,

n'hroaa cnonx

's xossear , 311t A nrs in npe5nnaromnxa ,

scrynm B'B npes rotios

'lam a cnssa ca menmnnaxn H or ssann a,

roro para , rou no onacart cs , nro one an cnoporrs spsnena


's a


s H orsmy, scan ne G yryr s npnnnrn nenegs snnna a

nkpuma i tt u rony, nro5u nx's cxnarnrs .

Thomas G ] 0 v s r Ralph R ut t o r , J ames W a t so n . C hri stopher 1 ! c " n o t .

O oa n l‘

a o a e p a, Pawba P n r re p a ,&aosa B a r co na ,Xpscrohopa B eus e r s .

42 16 1 4. 1 568 a ss 9 .

A] 14.- 1568 Mai). 9 .

Literas v estraa Ma - tatis superio ri anno 1 567decimo d ie

mensis A pril is dates , v estr i mercato rs s S t e p h a n us Twe r

d i c o st P h e o d a t a P o g a r s l l a , qui has no stras perferun t ,nobis trad idere . Quos vestro s merca to rss in omn i suo apudno s et nos tro s o b eundo nego tio , ita trac tar i et li b sn ti v o lun ta te ,et expresso nostro mandato curauimus

,v t non so lum v es trae

ma- tatis pro illis po stula tioni sed sorundem etiam hominum

expectation i plene satisfactum esse confidamus . I d quodeo fscimus

stud ios ius , quod plane psrspec tum pro b eque cogn itum ha b eamus ,no stro s omnes , qui bona cum gratis no stra , nostrarumque

literarum comendation e, istuc , sub v estro imperio n ego tia turi

veniun t, pari , cum v estrae ma - ta t is fauore , tum vestrorum

sub d itorum human itate,

v b iuis accepto s esse . Quas no stra

v tro b iqus , et mutua inter n os amic itiae , s t grates inter no stros

b en euo len tiae ofi‘

icia , vt crebra et perpetua ex isten t, no s ad

modum po stulamus . Quem an imi no stri sen sum fus ine~ hi

vestri , s t oppo rtun ius sno sermons co ram d sclara b unt . Quibusno n dub itamus quin v sstra ma - tas emplam fidem s it tributura .

D eus etc . G renouici . nono d ie Ma ij 1 567l

N 14.—1568 Il sa 9 .


panory namero sex- B a , nncannyro nsesreso nnn l

'hcana anp'hu

npomsaro 1 567rora, nynnn namn C r en a n a Tnep r n n o nf

s n

O s o r o r 's I l o r o p

'hr n tt, noropn e nacroamyso namy rpan ory or


,am npyanan . Mn osa6ornrncs , nan no ro5poh nor ]: (as


n nom nnn x'

n), ran a nepoti sm ynssorrs , uro5n c's rhu

namm nynnsnn no ace npens ornpasr snis nxr. r0pronnxr. rim.

y near. a y namnxr. nouannnx'

s nocrynseuo rat'

s uro na

r'hexca sro suoan'h yrosaermpm as rouno xogaral cray eamsro

44 N: l 5 .—l 568 no s . 26.

I nstructions for The. Randolph esquier H - r of the Q. ma- ts pa ts

b eing sent in Amb assad to the h peror of Russia.

I n the origin a l rough draft the exp ressions p r inted in italics

W heres the said empero r of Russia sen t vuto vs b y

A n t h o n y J e n k i n s o n his Ie ttres dated in Sept. —b y

which among o ther things is sign ified vn to v s that vpon our

request he had inlarged his fo rmer graun te of libert ies to

the company of the me rchan ts o f our relme o f E ngland

trading the no rth parties of his coun tr ies , and that he wasread y to cntsrtayn e a ll good amitis and frendship b etwexthim and vs . A nd further declared to our sa id seruan t A u


ouy J e n k i n s o n , his desyre to b e in frendshipp with us withoutand which he did comun icate vuto v s , and to that end woldhave vs send to b y»: our grea t messenger .

You shal l use him and suche ceremon ies vsed as

yousha ll b y your d iscretion th ink may stand s with our honour,

hauiug regard to hi s esta te ether v aage of those his coun tries,

declare vuto him the comma of that a b ous men tioned and thereuponshall giue h im thank s for his frend ly wry tings and o ther

dealings toward s our sub iec ts and seruan ts , and shall assure

h im that we means to retayne the same in our con tynual]

memory , A nd so with lyk good speeches you shall con clud e

that we haue mad e cho ice of you at this po in t to com and

v isit him a nd to conferre with him vpon any maner of me ter

tha t shall please him to cpsn o r disclose vnto you.

A n d you shall says that our said servan t A n th o n y

J e n k in s o n ha th v ery secretly to ld v s tha t the said emperour

was des inous to haue suche a frend ship b etwex t vs , as if

eyther of v s had cause b y any misfortune to seek s refuge

out o f our own s coun treis,that in tha t ca se the one might b e

a defendour o f the o thers cause . To which ma ter you shall

says that we d id think tha t our sa id servan t A ut h . J en k y n

s o n might miscon ceaue the woo rds of the sa id emproa r . F o r

thoughe we th in k it very trew that th’

emperour might pro

I “ l 5 .—1 568 non . 26. 45

pounds our sa id ser van t a mo tion to haue amitie and frendship to

b e kep tt b e twext v s , yet con syder ing on the one parts tho

roughe G ods goodn es allwa is shewed vuto v s we haue no

manner of doub t of the con tynuan ce o f our peaca b le gouera

ment without danger ey ther of our sub iec ts or o f any fo rren

ennemys . A nd on the o ther parts , we know no t any thing to

the contrary of the state of the sa id emperour , of who s poweran d wisdom we haue good repor ts made to v s b y our sub iects

trading in his coun treie , we doo think that our said seruant

hath mistaken the in ten con of the sa id empero rs speche vutohim. A nd yet n euer the lee for the clearer vnderstand ing of

his wyn ds , we haue willed you to repets this ma tter , therin

to kn ow cleerly his in tencon , assuring him tha t if any mis

chance might happen in h is estate (as a ll th ings vnder b esusu

are sub iectes a t gods will to mutation s and changes)we dooassure him,

he shall b e frend ly rece iued in to our domin ion s,

and shall finds assured frend ship in v s toward the mayuts

nan ce of a ll his just causes , in as good sorts as if he had

spec ia l] graun te or couen an ts from v s in that b ehalfe sign ed

with our hand,and sealed with our seals .

A nd in such go od gen eral] sor ts we wo ld haue y ousa tisfis

him without giuing occasion to en ter in to any specia l] trea tiesor cap itulacon of any suche lsgus as is ca lled o fl


sn siue and

defen sins b etwex t v s W herof though the sayd A n thon y J en

k i n so n made men tion to us , yet we wold have youp ass those

ma tters with silence fo r we are n o t igno ran t of the inmitie that

is b etwex t him and the E mpire of R oome, and also b etwex thim and kings o thers : so as it can no t b e conv suyen t

treaty with him, o therwise than to haue som graun te from

him fo r priuiligs to the benefit of our merchan ts . I n whichcause our special] in tencon is to haue you to tran s ]! and

that is our sp eciall cause of sendyng you thither .

I tem we haue ordsyn sd tha t you shall presen t him from

v s with a riche stand ing cupp o f the weight o f ouncs,con

teyn ing in it greats n omb ere of p eeces o f plat art ific ial ly

wrought , which when you shall presen t, you shall recomend

it fo r the ra rytie of the fushou, as sur ing him that we doc

46 If: l 5 .—1 568 mon . 26.

send him tha t same ra ther fo r the newnes o f the deuise , than

fo r the v a lue ; i t be ing the first tha t euer was made in these

parte s o f tha t mann ir . A nd so as you see cause to se tt fourth

the gift, as in d sds the woorke o f it self do th well deserus .

I tem whs ras the so cietie o f the merchan ts haue made

cho ice o f l] trusty wyse merchan ts of their companys , T h oB a n n i s t e r an d G s o t

r is s D uc k e t, to whom also we haue

for their mo re cred it ginsu commission with your help totreats with the said emperour , a b out the meters of their

tratfike . B ecause the sa id so cietys hath best knowledge howto adann es tha t treaty , we must who lly refs rr you to suche

in struc tion s as the said so cys tie hathe in that b ehalfe deni

ssd , and doo requier you to v se all your d il igence and

wisdom and cred it to the furds rance of the same , and speciallyto the recouer ing of the stock and store of the said so cietie

out of the hand s of such as haue ben e ther put in trust b ythem with their trade , and haue no toriously abused and

falsly d sce iued the same merchan ts .

N: 1 5. 1568 I ron . 26.

H adna cs na otiop onm

G ar con . o's nacrasxenifi r. Panrorscby npn nocsmrb are as N ecros is).

H ods ammo nadnacm 00m m omnm na :

1)wh en npnn'hrcrnis , orasac a s as ran B art


s sinus arc 1 860

ass npea nnx'


2)npemoa nrs sa y arises Ma nnie, scan npercraanrca cayash.

3)oruonnrs cootimsnie ll a e n nn n c o n a 06's sro assass in

corona nacryuarersnaro n cooponnrersnaro , m oaaro noporeaaa

ns l os er s sanmuars no npnunn'h sro ccopn o

's m eparoporrs ,

o's noporsrrs I loascm

's n as noporeirs I I Iasrcnm

4)ocotienno aa60rnrsca 06's ycranoeaenin roproam; npn sears

coahmarsca o's rayua nynnaua , ynoa anacxsma as aacraaasaiax's .

43 N: 1 5 . 1 568 non . 26.

nil , as onacaacs nn namnxs non annnx's , na noro moo nas uno

c'rpannnxs aparoas ; cs myron emponn nm ne naahcrno n o

moo npomnnoe sexy n o nonoz enin naps , o l orymcc'rah n l yn

poc'rn aoero noxynaens xq in Aonscenin or s namnx's non an

m s,roprynomnx'

s as sro rocynapcrah. I lo at ony 1m nom acu's ,n o ynounym i cayra nanrs omnoonno nonnas amusais em an

nn x's cry naper s pi nch. Tier s as t ense omano nu acn'hlmaro

ypasyn'hnia ero nan

'hpsnil , 1m noaerhn nan-s noaropn

'rs say

aro mo , Tonno ysna'rs ero non ) n yahpm ero , n o , ca n on

as npasxenin ero nponsom o m os moo necnac'rie (rat 's m s

ace noxs action -s , no s oak B on iefl , non epa sno nepsn

'hnar s)1m ya b pner s ero , n o on 6yns

'rs myx ecnn npnnm as namnx's

sm i niaxs n ush er s as names nanca nytomys oy ma nousps anin ac

'hx's ero cnpaaem sn x

's ncsanifi, crozs a s a b pno sans em

on on na h -s or s nac's naponnnn 0 cents rpanoru n Mesa-reas

craa, nomnoannnn nameto pynolo n npnnena'rannn a namero ne


rsro .

Tanni n 06mm n onaPonorpeonm p'hnann users an yno

non creosars ero , ne mm nonou nc'rynars a s nanie moo ooo

G enaue spun-am n noronopn ma aauuonenia neauy nan ut oro

coma,aoropnn nasnnae

'rca nacryna

'rexsnm n oooponnm snmrs .

Xo'ra cassannnfi A n 'ro n 's As e n n n n co n 's n ynonnnm nax


0 cent s , no an nn'hs'rs upen n arm'

s npsn sr s nonunion -s , noo

nus as wan nab e-mo o cymec'rnonanin spas m steamy um n

P nncaofi mmepiew, a n u s H em” nnn n nopoxm (H ozscnmn I llnemnn '

s n)npym n;wa s n o no t on ers 6n 'rs ynoOno

comes as m s, spot s naas us nonyqenin o

'rs nero ni t o‘


nononsnoc'rei a s nol ssy namans nynnoas . B 's crows n summer

ca upuana ooooennaro m ania namero , an ompannnncs

(a m o ecms uaonaa npuum omnpauenia sacs myoa

E ms nossrhxn 1m sans nonnec'rn euy or s nac

's 60mm ny

603 1 . a s noa ah ab oor s as ynnifi , a s no'

ropnn nfi nano 60m

moe nom ecrao nparon'hnnn x'

s I sran nqecnnxs nsxh ifi ncnycnoh

paoo'm . Roma (Sn are ero nonnocn


,an o


'rscs cs noxnanofi

o neoG n vaflnoc'rn ero any . n cam el's napro , am an "00 1 3 1 “ any

pyaon xamucpo 3 0pm C eca." ( B emeu).

If: 1 5 .—1 568 mon . 26. 4 9

mon t yoons oorhe nas sa nosoern ero omnium ,trims nas aa ero

trimmers , m s m s mo nepsn t xyoons Taxoro oopasna . nounmoo cah annn l as axsmnefi crpans . PI nan n

're cayaan an em

nnrs merom m aroro nompaa, ao'roparo paoo

'ra fi lm nm sno

sac-tym e“ noxsam .

E ms : O 6nce'n o nynnons ns6puo asyxs noc'roflnn xs goahpia

yunnxs aynnons nss caoero oomecn a , O o xy B an n o r s p a n


o'r tb p nna llya c


r a, xo'ropnn s , us oon maro as nus goaspia,

1m ga i n ors econ nopyqenie cs nononmo samem scorn cs na

psns nepcronopn o ai ms axs'roproun . A wa s sans cassan

noe oomee'

rso cano xynms enae'rs s ans ynodn'he ycnopn


rs nosy

sonic aroro norompa , t o 1m noun m nopym s sans cooopasoaars

ca no ncsns cs rhn nac'

rm eniann , so'ropna oomec'rno m o no

cel y npsn s'ry n noses -ham s B an s yno


'rs ace name craps

nie , ynsnse n enanenie, n oon cnocn'hmec'rsoaars as sens ms n

a s ooo6ennoc'rn, n oon aosnpam s n ymec'rso n rosapn oomecm

m pyxs rhxs , m opmts ono nonspnno t an s caom ropronn o n

m opus csoxs narao ynorpcom no n o (nosspcnnocrs) vb xs

nynnoas n oon nyxn us .

16 Sept. 1568. H it Ma- tics lettre to the E mperor of Muscouia,b y Mr Thomas B andolphc.

Imperatori Moccoui tarum etc .

E lizabetha etc . I ntro. hn iua uniuc anni cpae ium, ia stic dc

canaie, primum, dnoc ccrto c nuntio c famuloc noetro c cx ictcn tcc ,

ccoranm, c t varijc tempo r ibus , tan dem illustrio rem nostrum

o ra to rem enm dno bue cpeeta b ilibus mercatorib ne, omnes quidemcum no stris litcris ad v - em ma - tem delegan imuc .

P rimuc fuit L a n r e n t iucMa n l e y , famulue noster perdilectus,cum letterie nostr is ad v - cmma - tcm da tia W indco riac 14 O cto b .

L cttcrac illae breves cran t . Certo enim c t bono con s ilio ,

co ncilia n o etra,so tempo re , no stri po tins nun tij sermons expli

cand a, quam letterio nos tris deolaranda ease dnx imus . P ost misi


60 X: 1 6.—1 568 can . 1 6.

mus G e o r g ium Mi d l e t o n gencroaum v irum et nostrum

item pcrd ilsctum famulum, multi v aua st pruden tcm hominem,

cum letteria nostris ad V .M. L ond in i datia 10 F ebr . 1 567In G e o r g i j Mi d l s t o n i letteria hoc fuit praecipuum, ct

sxprcscc d cclaratum, v t ipcs sedulo agcrst cum v - a ma - ts,

dc app rehendendo certo s istic A nglos (quo fucrc)qui , ad apertum contemptum nostrum, ad aummam fraudem b onorum

nostro rum sub d itorum, ad n on lcasm in iuriam etiam was me.tia, n imia scae

perfidioaoa gssssran t. Mandatum tamen ded imus

G e o r g i o M i d l e t o n , v t , si forts apud N amsnae empo rium,

vllos ex ist ic immo b is homini bus repcrirc t, statim accundum

leges ct in stitute. illins loc i , ipso s cum bon is omnibus aisti

curarc t : ne fo rsan illi , sup licantcs qua dc cause. ipac ietuc v sn irct ,in al iquam di tionsm P o lon iac regis , as suaque omn ia

,sub ito

et -

clam sub ducsrcn t . S ed , quomodo , st Laur e n tius Ma n le y

in Moacouia , ct G e o rg in a Mi d l e to n in N arucnai empo rio a

vestric tractati aunt , cum non med iocr i admirations aud iuimus .

N am quamquam ipsi lettcraa nostras ed M: V : acriptaa osten

dsran t, nihilominua tamcn fuerc apreti inhuman itsr s t illuc

in so len ter,ct, quod grauius sat , v t falaarij c t improbi hab iti

aun t, tanquam nuntij , non a nobis miaai , as a b alijs subornatifui ssen t . A tque v t plan s indicamus , hos nostroa famulos its

tractatos ease , v - a ma - te prorsas in cc ia , v estroque omnino

in iussu, ita eatia explora tum hab smua, certos A nglo s , qui istic

aun t, huius non fersndac in nos contdmeliae , in nostrac in iuriae ,st authorea c t psrfec torsa ex titiaas .

E t n e horum A nglorum impro b itas ab his in itijs peregrcsaa ,a acclere ad audaciam,

a b audacia ad impudcn tiam, ct tandem

ad cam etiam d scpsra tion sm sees 06c ,v t con tra T h omam

R a n d o l p hum vnum ex cameras nostras nob ilibus , illustriori

ration s ad v - em ma - tem a nobis lsgatum orato rem aliquidetiam mo l iri aus i fncrin t, atatimus his nos tris letteria, s portsat fuss d sclarars , quid dc no stro oratore , dc illis impro b ia

A nglia , dc societate nostro rum mercatorum, ct eorum ictic

ata b il iendo commcrtio , v - am m- tem sen tire s t constituerscup imus .

P rimum, orator no ster Thoma s R a n d o l p hus , pmpter

52 N: 1 6. 1 668 cam. 1 6.

ma n , B i r k e t , P l a aai n gto n , A s l a b y s , etc . his omn i bus s t

al ija etiam ora to r noster acturua eat cum v - a ma - te . Qui

omn es , tam aun t o b scur i , v t si ipso s ipso rum impro b itaa nobisno to s n on fss is sct , nec unquam nobis n o ti

,use a no b is hos

tempo re n omina ti fuissen t .

I ati , noctram Ma - tem v t ino b sd ien tcs sub d iti , suam patr iam v t ingra ti ciues , iusto s domin o s , v t pcrfid io ai ssrui—calumn ia ,infamia

,frauds v io larun t . D c no stra ma - te s t regni nostri

dignita te , nos v idc b imus . Nun s dc frauds ct in iuria , qua

multoa b onoa s t honestos v iro s s t to tam celeb rem illam

spec ta b ilsm mercato rum no stro rum so cieta tem irn pro b s efl'


scrun t . E t hoc inprimis pro ccrto ha b erc volumus v - am m- tem,

bo n a illa omn ia,quae ictic occupan tur , non csac comm propr ia ,

qui moran t in Mo scouia , sed sn orum domino rum, qui man sn t

in A nglia . S sd illi ictic , luxu d ifl'

lusn tes , s t effuci in omnem

sump tuo sam lib id inem, cum sua honcata te s t fide alio rum

etiam b ona in so len ter d iasipav erun t . Quorum bonorum rationem

(cum a b il lis rspoacitur) quia instam non posaun t, n a llam

vo lunt redders . S i hacc priua to rum hominum ccelcrata audac ia ,pruden ti princ ipia author itats non mature cocrceatur , quo

tandem, ct ad quam,ct ad quorum ps rn icism non sat cmp tura

non v ide t? S ed cum certo ac imus v - am ma- tem plans in telligere ,no n eaas pro ho no rs cuiuaquam prin cipia ,

ced stare cum

sommun i iuatic ia , v t huiusmodi homines v llo in loco to lera

ren tur, non dub itamus

,quin v - a ma - tas quem iustissimum

prin cip em ease acc ip imus , primoque tempers , nostro orato r i ,

non so lum ben ign e sit conccasura, sed praesidium s t authori

ta tem auam imperator iam y b i Opus fueri t,

etiam ad iunctura ,ad id perficicndum, quod no ster orator , nostro nomine , dc

illis n cfar ija fac iat , impsn se pctimus ct stud iose rogamus .

Tertio in loco , dc so cietate nostro rum mercato rum, ct

c ius con stitucndas ration s , fuss etiam acrib cmua. H as c iatuc

pro fcctio regnan te fratrc n o stro char iasimo nobilissimoprincips E duardo 6 - to auscep ta est . E t suacs p ta est primumcum d ispend io bonorum, c t in terituhominum

, qui tum profccti

aunt . S sd rec dcnuo ,‘

s tms l ior i auccs sautentata sat . E t nostrorumictus aduentus non fuit ingratua: fucre nam nostri s t ben igne

16 1 6. 1 568 cm . 1 6. 63

accepti a v - a ma - te s t human itsr tractati a v estric sn b d itis .

A tque , sum pann i A nglici , s t al ia regn i n ostri , quae depo rtaban tur commoda , ad naum v ss tro rum sub d ito rum pern s cessar ia

v isa snn t , v - a ma - s non illi b sn tcr con cessit nostr is sua

pr iv ilegia , quibus nostri mun iti,mn ltum provoca b an tur v t hos

commerc ium cum vestric in itum,ma io ri stud io ausc iperen t

s t cele b rior i ra tions frequen tarsn t . E t b in s fac ile pa te b it, quam

inanis et falaa est illa calumn ia , qua D . G . G a r r e t v ir

prudens s t nobis percharus , i llnstris cond itio n is in sua pa tria,

st cxp lo rats e pro b itatia in omn i v itae suns ra tion s alijqn s

cum illo specta b ils a mercato rs s , s imilis co nd ition is , c t par ia

pro b itatis v iri, quorum nomine. quon iam in illis vestric priv i

legijs cxplican tur , iniqn iasime istic a cc rtis no str is sn b d itia

prsmnn tnr , quasi D . G . G a r r e t s t paus i a lij ad as so lo s

hen s negociationsm a t trahers studsan t, ct commun i mnlto rnm

commodo , ad privatum p auco rum qus eatum abuti mo lian tur ,

A ct tan tum ab sat v t illi tale al iquid v s l cogi taren t quidem,

cum hi ipsi v iri quos accnaan t in ipso huius negocij in itio ,v iden tes , han c rem ease , tam ps r iculosam d iscrimine , tam

snmptuo sam imm ais , ct omn i ration s tan ti momen ti , v t a

paucis ferr i , a priua tis anstin eri fac ile non po tuerit , a as ad

alio s,a suo prinato domi consilio , ad publicum parliamenti

indic ium,rem to tam rcferc b an t . P arliamen tum est supremum

concilium to tias nos tr i regn i : y b i regni ord ines trea iuasn

principia conveniunt : clema, no b ilitas,s t populua : leges , si

vans pos tulat , sum assenauprincipia, ct amendatn ri v eteres ct

cond itnr i nouns : E t qusmadmodum dc quaque re deliberan tcommuni consilio , sic quamqn e rem sta b iliun t publico sufl‘

ragio .

A d hoc parliamen tum relatum eat, dc in stituendo in Moecouia

commercio . V b i statutum fuit , v t hn ius commerc ij celeb ris

quaedam societas tieret, non so lum mercatorum, sed aliornm

etiam omn ium A nglorum nemine sxclnso , qui certa praescripta

cond ition s , s t ord in ario ritu, in hanc societatem cooptat ilab oraren t .

N imirum,vt omn ia , ab hos in ito commerc io , d iscrimina

iasturac , sumptns, commode , emo lumen ts , quasstn s , omn ium

sommun ia forsnt : v t hi soc ij negoc iationem non qn iaqus

54 If: 1 6. 1 568 cm . 1 6.

snam sed omnes v nincrsam exerccren t : vt n ihil sco raum ad

pr inatnm cuiusv is quaestum scd cuncta simul ad commune

omn ium commodum,ad publicam soc ieta tis dign itatcm refer

rcn tur . E t in has so c ietate , qua uam aun t s liqnas psrsonae ,vt alitsr fisr i non po tect , prudentia , dign itate , s t authoritatc

super io res , in relique tsmen conditions omni, omn es aun t

excepto nemine , s t pares in commun icando consilio , st aequales

in partiendo compendio . A tque sic in ter hos socios cn iusqus

homin is pr inati commod itas,

cuin sque iusta rations,


est . H acc celeb ris soc ietas has supremi parliamen ti author itate at his cond ition ib ua a b in itio in stitute ,

po st a superiorib ua

pr inc ipib n s , fratre et soro re n o stris charisaimis , s t a nobisipsis summa gratis , cer ts prasrogatins var ijs priui lsgija non

magic ad stabilem confirmation cm muni ta,ad illustrem s ins

d ign itatcm orn ata sx istit . E t hoc factum n c cuiquam no n

in iqnnm ,sed omn ibus nostris sub d i tis aequalits r propositum

est , qui in b an s so c is ts tem recto o rdine cooptat i studes n t,

vt n on so lum commod i partic ipes , sed fortun as etiam con sortes

ease v clint . A tque ipso etiam exemplo n ouum non est,cui

pa r so c ietaa A nglo rum in B elgica , pari pr iuilegio praerogatiua ,

a snperioribus A ngliac regib us do n s ntnr . I taque ,cum nullus

sub ditus n oste r inrs cuique po sait , as sxclusum case a b has

so cieta te , quin illa aut immun is sit sua negligen tia , ant

in dignns s it sua cn lpa : Cumqne legum p raeccptis , s t v ita

hominum, ct ordo rerum con seruatur : Cunque con temp tis

lsgibus , ct sn b ls to ord in c , miseria hominum, co nfusio rerum,

v trincqn s interitns co nsequatnr , plans nos dicimus , ai quisqueno stro rum sub d itorum, ant domi n ego c ium snacip iat , an t foris

negoc ia tio nem exercent,co n tra o rd incm a legib ns nostris prae

sc rip tam, s t no stro regali asssnsn confirms tam, siue is terra,

sine mar i v ixs rit , sins as in qnemcnnqus orbis sngnlnm abd iderit, hun c legum nostrarnm. hunc no stras ma - tis co n temptum,

impune n on la turum.

N on po ssumus igitur no n mirari,

s ic auao a fuisse ictic

certo s o b scnro sno stroa sub di to s a v - rs ma - te postula t e , v t ill is

sco rsum certs prinilsgia ictic negociand i concedsrct, cumrcrnm in A nglia , licc t ipsi inopes sint , tam imperiti tamen

56 N: 16.—1 568 csnr . 1 6.

ma - tas pro sua singula ri pruden tia fac ile ism po ter it prasn idere ,

E t quemadmodum no s nullo persuasn a b duc i possumus s n ostro

propo s ito lib sn ts r amp lsc tsn d i , s t con stan ts r co n seruand i ami

s itiam illam, quae in ter no s s t no stro s fos liciter in terced it


its apes no stra s t expec ta tio e tiam sat , v- am ma - tem concimi

liter v e lle s t imped imen ts omn ia to lls re s t ra tiones quasqne

in irs , quib us con similis v es tras s rga n o s amicitiae in v - a

ma - te par vo lun tas persp icue o stenda t . S sd dc has re , s t a lijaomn ib us , o rator n o ste r T h . R a n d o l p h n s n o stro n omine ,praesen ti suo se rmon s sen ts n tiam n ostram fusins s t O ppo rtun ius

sxplica b it . Cui , v t amplsm fidsm tri b nat v - a ma - tas , admodum

postul amn s .

D eus op t . Max . v - ae ma - ti lo ngo s c t las to s anno a : rsrnm

gs rs nd s rum opts tissimo s snccs san s : fos lic ita tsm omn em s t

flo rsn tem in ts rris , s t aetern am in co s lis , b sn ign issime con ceda t .

1 6 S ep temb . A nno 1 568 a b orb . condito 5537. W ind so r ias .

M 16. 1568 C c . 16.

E nnoase'ra Haplo .

B s nporora enie ornaro nn nhmns ro rors rm ornpaannn as

pass os sperm a s nameuy sex-nay cs namnn n nncsn ann no nym

s tuss alum cuspas , omsm as npyrnns , asyxs ahpnsrxs non

noss nas nncxs namnxs csyatn'rsrsfi n naaonsns n ennraro na

msro nocrannnas cs nnyna nonsrnsnm nynnann .

H ep sn ns Ponnons dam JI s s p s n r i ll Ma n x s il, M eant-ti

caya nrer s nsms ,nocrsnnnn a s nameuy ass - B y cs rpanororo na

msso, nncsnnoro a s B nnnaO p'h 1 4 O ar . 1 567. I

pan ors ara onuss pasm ; 1160 m as ro spsna nonarasn , nro 6yac

'as n nym s n

m ou se, oos acnnrs namn nsnspenis nepsas nsmero ronns na

cl osaxs , a as as nncsn'h. Il orons nocJ ar n nu I ‘ s 0 p ra Maus

r o n a, uya a or sropomaro n ram s crya nrera namero ummG csnaro , nesoahaa ocropoa naro n nnoroonsrrnaro cs rpal o


namelo nncannoso a s ssmeny ass -

y as llonron'h 1 0 (heap . 1 568.

Op an opa—nocaa n snmsro n ycrnna nop yncnia .

If: 16.—1 568 canr . 1 6. 57

B a rpaxo'rh I

c 0 p r s Mn rr s r o n s rzsan'hlms n acno ods as

m oss , aroda ons ycepxno npocus same sea - so 0 rol ls ,

17060 sasarm ahaoropn xs A nrs nnsns,

aoropn s , naxonncs

as Poccin, oaaaarn apaflnee akpor oncrso , asnoe npeneopez enie

as nan-s , oons nons socnor ssosaxncs nnymecrsons namnxs nor

mam as n‘

npm nun nsnaan fl ymspos same ass - B y . Mn

run ornaaozas npnaasanis I‘

s 0 p ry Mnus r o n y arson , scan

on any cnynnnocs omcasrs aoro undo nss rhxs 6ssnscrnn xs aro

refi as roproaons roporh H apah, ons nensnssnno oasoorruca ,nro6n onn n0psraons , yasas nnn ns as nsc'rnnxs asaonaxs , 6am

cxsanenn co sc'hns nxs anymecraons ; awn can as ycn

'sr n sne

asnno n rsfino capn rsca can s co acsnucsomrn anymecrssnn as

on ly ass oG rscrsh H or scasro sopors , noramsancs o npnsnn'h sro

(Mudxsmonooa) npi'hana . H o 1m cs s erum ymuenisns ycm

xun aenon 6am. cxhrans npiens n Jl s a p en r i so Ma n nie» as

Mocaas n I‘

eo p r iro Mnus r o n y a s H spah . E 60 , xors can a

npsam sann nncsns, nanncsnnn a nann as sameny sea - B y. fi l l :

as nsn'he m cassano 6511 0 nss

'hauns os npeap'hnis , a as H ap

a'h cs nnnn o60mnncs nepsao , n n


ro ems sa tani c , nxs coun t asnon h n aarssefi (s accus) n as 6sanscrnn xs n osed , aaas oyn o

on Guns ronnann , nocJ annsnm a s on ns cs , a nonynennn nn ors

myrnxs . Id 1m upano o G s am sns,nro rs namn csyrn upst ep

n'lun noxoonoe ooxomenie cosspmenno nonnno ahnona samero

sea - as n aonsano 6eas samel'o npnaaaania; nocraronno sacs-sno

as no,n'ro rsaosoe necrepnnnoe ocaoposenie, as ocnny sans , as

xynano n npnsersno as ncnos nen is n'b aO '

rO pn n n A nunaanaxn .

aor0pn e nsxom ca as semen ornan's. B eesscrnocrs arnxs A nnm

nsns , noca'h raaoro nanas s , nas nayroscrsa l os ers nepsnrn as

nepsocrs , nss repaocrn as aarnocrs , n naaonens nozasrs nossc'rn

us no rsaoti orssannocrn,nro onn ocn

'lua'rcs sas s asnn crnrs

m ando apossas 9 o rm P a nno n s eb a, osas co nss smpnns na

mero mops ornpass snnaro nann nocssnnnaons as namel y ses - syno u nt imel y ( hay; s norony an p‘amara upus n nonpodno

otis n nrs nacroamero nameso rpanororo 0 rows , nro rm m aens ,

n ods! same sen - so nn canm n nocranosun o namens nocxan

m i , 0 rhxs ossnecrnn xs A nrancanaxs, 06s 06mecrah s amar s

aynnoas a o6s ynponsnin nxs ropronrn as ssmeil crpans.

58 N: 1 6.

—1 568

B oncpssrxs nocnannnas nams G o n a P a n r o r a t!)s , caosi

ocr0pozanocriso, caosso oorsmoro onmnocrino so nnornxs mus,

npiofip'hrennoro nns as cnomeninxs ero ors namero nn enn cs pas

nnnn rocynapann, cnncaars rsayro namy daarocaronnocrs n pac

nos ozaenie, nro nu npnsnasn sro nsncnoco6a 'hflmnns m neps

naan'rsneps samsny sen - B y namnxs nan

’b psnii .- Mn npocnns ,

nrofin same sen- so nsrn eny raayro zae ahpy, aaaosyn) ysocronrn

6a nars s ans esn ans, scan on n n nnnno 6am npsrs ssnn . H naan


n naan npocnn s , npsno yn nn'roran


rs scsayro nepaayro nonsrray

ya ssara ahpnocrs nnn necrs namsro nocsannnas 9 o n P a n

g o s s ips , 6yns ons crhnana ahns 651 ro nn du o—A nn ama r

nons an , an nnoaennens . H pocnns raazae, n'ro6n raaosas a s

ahps (in ns ram s sans rhns nayna nsmnn s nonernnns aynnsns

G o n 'h B a n n n cr e p y n P o r tb p nny ll ya s'ry, ao'ropa e om n

aoso cs namnns nocnsnnnaons an'hwa ssacrs ors nnenn accro

odmccrss nsmnxs aynnoss son-rs as rpyzasm tinoe coraamenie

cs ssmnn s sex- sons n cs samnnn coahrnnaann n , ao seen not

snroxh, as nacronmes spans ycranosn'rs reprosmo as asmens ro

cyrspcrah, n as nocahncrsin no aaersniro es nporon anrs . H no

rony na ydhnnrsrsno npocnn'

s same ssn no n noscs'hsaens na

mans nomsnnsnrs ne nonycasrs , nro6n asaci ratio anon A a rna

nannns nas naxoaamnxca as same! crpan'h, ocn 'hm cs sn'h

msrscs as am nepsrosopn , aor0pn e nopynam cs ncunm cn no

nxs 6m opasyn iso n aspnos'rn .

B oaropnxs , uro aacasrcs rhxs ahpoxonnnxs A nrrnqans , 0

s on s nams nocsannnas 9 . P an ; os s drs ors nnenn namero npo

crpsnn'he oos scnnrca cs samnn s sen- sons , n o aarspzaanin ao

nxs as H apah Mus s r o n s pacnopam ca ns cnpaasn nson s

ocnosanin n corrscno cs saaonnn ns nopm ons, na xornns , aro

os nameuy sen- B y 6am naahcrno as ahpnoe, n o on as aynnn ;

a m yuens an, sas rn c a s naa'hcrnos nncno t hrs

,nnn naennne

cxya nrcnn , nnn roprosn e npnaamnan rhxs aynnoas , aoropnns

same sex- so nepsonanusno noa axossxn cson nosonsnocrn . B ors

nncns arnxs ynennaoss , crym srci n npnasmnaoas : G ons P n os ep s

,Pynos sdrs P ro r r e p s , fl aoas B ar c o n s , eons P a y r p n ,

Pnnsprs Y ca o n s , G ona C o y a e n s , Podcprs B oyp o y ,H nao

.rafi ‘I s a c e r o p s , Pnnaprs H o n n r n n r r on s , B eaiannns

60 N: 1 6. 1 568 cans l 6.

B s rpo'rsnxs—ods otimscra b namnxs aynnoss n o n pnnna

'h oro

ynpeaanon in nu cross 8 6 npocrpsaa o nannmons . [Irasaa ie as

namy crpany nponnpnanro as aoponoacrsoaaa io nameno n o

dsaasams ro n 6naropoxn'hfimsno 6psra 3 1xya p a a 6

- ro , n cnopss

npempnaars cs noroporo rosspoas n m6cas to n osed ryns ornpaa

J QB H H X'B ; no npompiario 6mm soso6noss ono cs nynmnns yca


xons . ll pi‘hsns as sans namnxs nonrannnxs (isms osaronpin

rsns—ona 6mm nns ocrnso npnaarsx samnns son - sons n samn

nousnnn s rpyzaon odno cs annn odomxnss . Row yono

rpsno , nro aanni ilcain cyana a name ansosnnn o ass aamnxs ro

cynapc'rss rosapn apai ao neo6xornnn Jun samnxs nousannxs ,

same ass - so oxorno nporocram n namnns nom ann ns noaoxs

aoc'rn ; caadaasnan e nnn cin nocrhgnis np naoaanxn na oro craps

nia , m on roproass , asaenoa nan cs aamnnn nouannn nn , 6mmasses s cs aan6s rsmnns ycspnions a m ost ynpom ncs soanoz ao

nacrsrn cnomeain. O rcms acno snrno aaas noocaoaarersna n

s ca ns aresors , aoropyro asses s asao'ropn e nas namnxs non na

anxs as 11 . P . I‘

s p p o r a, nyma pssyn as ro n nsn's nc mG ssnaro ,

ananoanraro as csoens orsnoc'rab pol s n nocraocrn

, roaaasanoa

onn'rons scoi oro a naan , a cs nnn s raazao n as spyrnxs nonronnnxs

aynnoas , n oses osnaaaosaro cs nnns assnin n nonodao i ony necr

nocrn,aonxs nnoas nponncsnn as rofi names m oas nnoi rpa

norh. (P ooopum o moosmn) oyn o 60 ll . P . P ap p o r s a no

naorio APYPie crapsro'

rcn aaxsarnrs us soon oranxs ary sopronn o n nas ocmaro rosaps nnornxs nasr ons nacrana n pnon roas

asnaornn s . Mos sy rhns as 1rs aroro aoaco no 651 110 : no roxsao

oan nnaorrs no sannmnsnn nnnoro nonodnaro , no nanpornss arn

canals s ans , aoropnxs ooannmors as aanna sain arnxs nponcaoss ,

sans , nro aro rsno conpmasno cs rsaon) onscaocriro n cs ra

annn asropzaasnn n cross aazano no caoony ansqoa iro , qro . oy

ryan assono nona ornnn , no s orao 6yness nouepzasno nacrnnnn

annsn n ,—nporcrssun ass mo ors coda npyrnns , ors csooro

aacrnaro , ronamasro cyan os is—na oocynuonio sconspom ro nap

.rsnonrs . H spxsnears ecrs scpxosnn fi coahrs scoro namoro ro

cyrapcras , as aoropnfi, no nosea hniro rocynapn, co6npsmca rps

rocyrspcrscnnn s socaos in: ryxosea crso , m pancmo n a spoxs ,

scan oocronrszscrsa roro rpodym's, cs corracin rocyxspa ,

N: 1 6. 1 568 canr . 16. 61

ncnpsss s rs crspn e asaenn n nocranosaa'rs aosn o . Id as as 060

nouons npoxnors odoyamaorca oomoso noranoro rosocoas , ronao

rsaa s acaaifi nporno'

rs n nocranoas s srcs orapn roro norsaoro ro

nocoss . B s aro'rs ro napnanonrs snecoas 6513 s as paacnorpsnie

130a 06s yapczanonin roprossn as Mocaos in . B 's napnanon'


s o a noc'rsaoasoao , nro6n ropro sm a

'ra ours corona asaonns sas

nonn'mn 's odmecraons , coc

'rasnonnn ns no roasao nss aynnoas

no 11 H as rpym s runs , as ncan onan ancas oro A nrrnnsanns , ao

ropna 6yny-rs paoorars as nonsay aroro 06mocrs s nors asascrnnnn

npornncannn nn ycr os iann n as 0cnossnin ycrsnosnonnnxs npssus .

Pasyn'hsrcs , nro as arofi npernpnnsrofi roproars , ass noropn ,

sarparn , pscxom as m osanss n npn6n'ran mama s! 6511 's odmnnn

p a scans : areas! 06mocraa roa ms: secrn roproar ro no sauna s

orx'lusno p a sods , no o6myl0ma sc'b xs ; nnn'ro no nosa ao 06pamarscn

as nacrnyro npn6sus |rs lo moo , no as o6myro B a rony nc'b xs

,a s

nsnyro necrs 06mscraa . Xora as odmscrah n scrs , as m ac a

dam no noz o'

rs,asaO '

rOpn s oso6n , npssocxonmia npyrnxs onn r

s osriro,sas aions n sass


,onaaaoaae as apo s s as ornomoniaxs


apon'h m ain csooro

,ass pasnonpasnn aaa s as nouns nasnis


raas n as pasm-h npnonn . Taanns oopaaons namy n onann 06

mecrsa m om aszars ro nacraaro nexossaa 06sononoan capassarnamrs odoyzagoaiens as s nsro arena. Taas cnopaa yaponnzocs

sro snanoan'

roo 06moc'rs0 as arnxs osaosaniax'

s snacriro sopxos

naro napnanoa'rs ; cs

'rsas nops oao cymoc'rsyo'rs , nonynna s ors

npez nnxs rocyxapei , 6psra n cccrpn nsmnxs n ofissan xs , n ors

nacs csn nxs , npcnnnocrns'b fimo naposaaasm np snnymocrsa a pas

nn s nosoasaocrn , aor0pnn 1ta as rozsao as rssprony oro yapononim, no n as s oassxnnoniso oro as sass in, n aoropna sn



,117061: as s ony moo nponn ymocraoano , no paanon


scans namnns nom aanns , a0r0pn e‘rpyMrcs saaoann ns nopm ons

as noxssy 06mm , 6511 0 npsrocrasroao ca rs as ronsao ynscrnn

aan n npnfimon, no n coroaapnmsnn as cnyns l aocraxs roprosm .

I Ipnn'hps arors a s nosa li—nonodnoo 06mocrso A ara aas cyms

crayons as B oasrin cs nosodnn nn aae nosonsnocrann, raposas

m a npsaannnn aopossnn A nrxii cannn . H rsas an s o'

ropa ti assaamaxs non sann xs an no asaony np say as n oaas

'rs 6n rs ncamo

trons ass aroro 06mocrss , paaah ecxn oaazae'rcs ascn0c06oas no

62 N: 1 6. 1 568 earn . 16.

sacony nepansniro m nerosronns no codcn oanol sans . A man.nocrs aoa l onisnn saaonoas oxpsns rorca n a nans n oses n nopn

roas as rsr sxs , Tom aaas aapymoa io assonons n nncnposcpz o

aie nopnaaa nn'hrors nocahrcraisns aocnacrio amen, cnsrenic as

mans n 06myro noraosns ; ro nu ropzaec'rsonno oos nsuons , qro

ca n n o moo ass namnxs non snnn xs nponnpnn ors ropas as

names crpaa'h, nnn aaasrors roprosn o as rpsnnnero soupons no

puas , nponnncannsro s amnnn saaons nn n yr sepaassaaaro aam ns

aopoaoacann s conssorca icns—noroonos as pymoaio asmnxs sanc

aoss , nor06n0e ocaopos sa io no np onnors 6canaaasanno , xors on on

mas s as cym'b an as nop‘h, xors da ons (ism s a s aps i css'

ra l

I lo arony n as nozaon s no ynnsmrrscs , nro asao 'ropn o nn

n'roaann e asmn nom a an e ocn

'hrnrncs npoonrs y aamoro sos - as

0 nom oaanin ans orrh sao naahcranxs nosos snocren Jun rop

rom as samofi crpsn'h, xora oan can no nn

'lnors ancasoro

cocroaaia as A nrs in; no noryrs oan onnaao 6n rs cros s nos'b aao

c'rsonnn , nrodn xopomo no noannsrs , qro arc


rs nocrynoas nxs

crsr sns sonpean nocranoaron in ss aoas , aonpoan nocronncraa

nxs orsnsc'

rsa , aonpcan son's nxs rocyrapn nn; i160 as aonn c


aro as npomssors ; orsnoc'rso npnsnao'

rs neaocrofian ns , n'ro6n cros s

nerocrofian o oro rpaa raao cs nsnrocronasfimnn s rocyrs pons axo

nnnn as aaaia nn60 coahmaaia nan npo saaom n on aaayro

1 n60 roprosaro . Mn a s 0 nnxs rsas nn crnns , nro ncrnano yrs-f

m onca, srofin noauy m s n ors orn caarscs aro J aco , a'

ro no rs



rs same ass - so , nro n ozasrs cs csonnn omaonnmssannasnn

6oas nsmoro coaasoroa is , sonpean asmero noscasa ia , snaosnrs

orcroxs rocraronno rosaposs ar'hmaaro rocyrspcras , nrotin nn


us as nosos snons naoons in m aamna s roprosnxs pn naoas n

m norpeonocroll samus non snnn xs . O osmars oan rorosn nno

roe, nocrasn'rs oan noryrs socsns nas o , snms as spenn

ans noxs scrsrsca anymecrsons csonxs xoaaoss n erasers coca

npyaci : a as asam nsa io oan 06nanyrs n can co63 a spy

rus ; n60 nn oyrsns ycepnao crsparsca , arson cros s aoaapnn ns

nouananns a s ynsaocs cros s zyaasn ns cnocodons npi06p'hrars

aaaio on so an rossp n ass nsmoro rocyrspcrss an asao

l') cacao a: cameo : ”ynorpofim so 31 0 aaaia 6n ro an G nu G l aroxbuin

sumo aoporeacrsa.

64 N: 1 6.

—1 568 caar . 16.

qaxs . B ecsns npocnn s , n o6n same nor - so nun any non

nyro aspy .

I I ps6raria B onnain B ot-s as acenns ocrna b lmo aapyers sameny

sea - B y maria n pagocra n s J'hrs ; somoa'hann fi ycn

'b xs as sens

a in aim»; acnaoo 6J sroaoacraio n nssrymoc as cent s a a b nnos

na as6ocsxs .

—1 6 C oara6pn 1 568 rors , ors coass ais nipa 5537as B nansop

'b .

as 17. 1568 Sept. 16.

tissimo Imperatore B unnies etc. cupremia a crnatoribus, amicis

sins charissimis.

Magn ific i, illustres amic i charissimi .

Misimns hoc an no duo s nun tio s L aur e n t iumMa n l e y s t

G e o r g i um M i d d l e t o n , v trumque no strum pord ilo ctum fa

mn lnm,cum litter io n o str is ad impera to riam ma - tom Russiao

accep imn s , faeulta tom tran sound i per v sstrsm inr isd ic tion sm

ad imps rs to rsm vestrn ln no s tro nnn tio G o o r g i o Mi d d l e t o n o s

vo b is ease denega tum. Qus e res s o ma io rem no b is admira tionem

commone t, quo cer tio ros no s sumus , vo b is incs rtum ease non

po sse qus oquam cer ta amic itiae ratio , quasquam magnn et

mnlta mutnac b en euo len tiae ofl‘

icis , in ter v estrum pr inc ipem et

no s , in ter n o stro a v tro b iqne sub d ito a, amice e t human its r hoe

tempo ro in to rcodnn t . S od cum cs rts o ism res aun t momen ti

magn i , qn as commun icandas ha b emus hoc tempo rs cum vos tro

impo ra to rc s t qns s in to ll igore impr imis in tero r it an s ma - to ,

prop toroa a vo b is pr imum p ro vs stra s rga pr in c ipem vestrum

o b od isn tia ,admodum rsquirimus , d s indo p ro vestrs , v ti sps rsmns ,

srga no s quoque o b so ruan tia etiam po timus , vt ha s nostras

litteras , qn as cum his vestr ic con iunx imua,pr imo quoque tom

po re , ad suam ma - tem perfo rr i curs tia . S ic,

v t no b is certo

al iqnando co n sto t ( id quod v t con stare po ss it , d iligen tes procu

rahimn o) v o s fuisse in hoc o tii c i i parts o t v o stro princ ipiob sequio sos magistratus c t no b is gra to s s t o f fic io sos amiso s .

X: 17.—1 568 caar . 1 6. 65

Quo offi cio v estro , vo s no b is non minimam,at commendationom

s vostro pr incipe , c t gratian a nobis e tiam po tcretis promsrcri .

I d quod v obis , pro no stra quidem par ts , explo rs tum orit , cumv lls vobis ad id idonea da b itnr oppo rtun itas .

F oelicitor valeatis etc .

M 17. 1568 C OM . 16.

E n canara csonns spa sm -s npyssans , sennaon

'hnan ns n

non n ornam norymooracan'htmeny naps) Pyooaony n upon .

B om onsnnn o n aaan ennrn e npazasfimie rpysss .

[locum n as an sw er s rony rsyxs roanoas JI s a p o a

r i a Ma n s o n n P o o p r a Mnu s r o a s (a0r0pn o o6s namn

rn6ean'hlmio cnyrn) cs aamnnn rpanorann as napcaony sea - B y

as Pocciso: ysaaons , n o an oraasas n nsmony sonny P o o p r yMa r a n 0 n y as paspsmeain npo

'hxs 'rs nepoas namy o61 ac'rs as

samany napro . 9m rsns 6osso sos6yzaraors name ynm onie, n o

na nocroahpao ansons , n o sans no n ozaers 6ms 6ea snssscra0 ,

aaas a cymsc'rayo'rs npyza6s nan ny ssmnns rocynspons n am a

nan ny aamnnn 060mm “ nomaann nn n asas a zascrsonnn n

npiaanonnn as aacroamos spans soma io n nnoronncnonnn o 0nn

rn asmoro aasnnnaro G rampacnoxoaaonia . H o rs as aaas nnn-s ocrs

upomera npcsan nsilno il sszanocrn , o ao'

ropn xs nn an'sons coo6

mnrs sameny napso n 0 aoropnas as 0c06snn0c'rn oro sos - sy

saaaao 6nrs nss‘hmonan ns , nusocsna npocnn s , n 06n sonopsn xs

para asmero nosnnoaoa is ssmony rocyrspro , s rsaaao a no as

mony , aaas na nassoncs , yasa ea iro n a s s ans , an oss6ornrncs ,

npn nopsofl soan ozanocrn , ornpaan'rs as oro son - B y ry namy rpa

n ory, aoropyro nn npnxarasns as nscronmen, a s sans nanncsaa ofi;

raas , n 06n nan s aorna an6yns n oma o 6n s o as canns'rsnscrsosars

(a n o6n cia sosnozanocrs np oncrasnr acs , na 6yrons npnnez no

‘ I Magnificentia—oeu xom uic s srs ruryr s mamas yuo'


uacnufi as ou'l

s enonanxs nh n aocr axs II pnG an'il cas ro nonopan P ooc in .

66 17. 1568 c am. 1 6 .

crapsrscs), n o an as n ot ycayrs oaasa t n ce6n npasnrcaann .

npcrannn n n samany rocyup lo , n npiaaasaan nn n ycayz nm nn

npyssnnn sans .



saoanns samm onoaz aa ions an non oro as

cnyaanrs aonanylo s onna y ors namoro rocyrspn nmmmpnocr sors s acs . To , n o sans 6yrors crh ano no oraomea ino as nan



aacrs caynsil as coo'rahrcrssaanns nocrynnsns cs asn n .

llps6n aaiiro 6rs r0nonyas 0 as aspaain it upon .


pan ors nauncaaa as B ullp en] .

as 18. 1569 A p r. I .

C o in gemefenn ta aaimm M eta Rouldutd)! b es G ag:liidmn 20 1ml D oom R i c o r t h o snub hot as! G cb laet, S aab [start

b lttc rad; b ab es : ml: in : M aob lget, snub « bottling: b e! G agltfdyea E on:

b e! G ncb ldylldyenc abgeioflear .

G cicb rleb cnu In b asic b eridmflt b ofi: b et B iab t a

3m3at noon 6 6:00am: her 7707(7077)b ean G i ft: 2209 l nrtll.

Inb lctlo 12 3 1min omnium nab busier! fl eun‘

tidm: Rollersthan ! in: 22 , Raianfdma in: 17, l itmdyonfcb eaa in: 15 .

M 18.—1560 A np . l .

naps B um .

B uns as asmen s (napc'

ra b ) samoro aopoxoacrsa snuiilcao ii

aennn xoa'rops P n no p r s n crya n s sans , a no npomoaiio oro

nom osun nu oro, nn ocrnso ornycrm as m ail cayro sonm .

I Incsna rocyrspcrnia aamero so mops ropoaa Mocasn , t hrs

ors cm opcais nipa 7077nepsaro m A np'hn , nnm ra 1 2

, no

22,Kasaa caaro 17, A crpaxsacaaro 1 5 .

68 N: 1 9 . 1 569 nos . 20 .

Wr itten the se le tters in our rea lm o f Mo sco vy in the town

o f Vo logda , from the b eginn ing o f the world 7077in the mo n th

o f June 20 ,lndiction 1 2 , the yea r o f our lordship a nd re ign 35 .

and of our emp ire o f Russ ia 23, C as an 17, A stracan 1 5 .

N 20 .—1569 1 10 11 . 20.

naps E n oasa'rh *l .

‘I ro npncnsas s son a nan nocsa eaooro'


o n o c s P anno ne y

a rpano'

roro , s a not nncsna ecn,n o apomaoro rare 1: C ca '


nn'hs'rs H . H . B - so c asmnns m6n'

ressanns cnyroro , nn enens

O a r o n H n a na co a s rpanory a san s upncnaan , s a0r0pofi

rpano'rc rn anger s namy rocynspcayro nn crs nporns asmnx nor

manna ,see an ncnn raan ,

snaasn n nopasyn'hnn . Id rn H 11.

H 4 0 no6pos xor'hanc i ses naoe npns emsnso no emao ssmon nn can

xornrs nopa arn . H o raaaao aamn nocr hnnno aosean H . I I . B - ao

ro6poc nor 'hano no 6yryrs sa6n ssrs . Id H . I I . B - ao no6p0o ao

rhans snspcn pscnpoc'rpsanrn . PI names xb so sensemm . Tans

nn'hems rn em oayqoro nocr s a H . 11 . B - sy nocrarn ,

a s oro

pnas rsnox ana ona an6psan n noem a aams nm6nrcasnoil csyra

Ton o e P aa no r ey ca n or shpan a rsonx; n oro s'hpnocrs , npn

s'haa(ani)o n pasyns ; a so na ornx nnn x assax upon cero y nan x

rocyrapen rm “ cnoras , acnn rano ec'rs . Id rn aanameca rsaaae,

n o conya ror 6yror , aorop oo H . 11 . B - so 6yrers non o6nrn , ao

ropoe ahpno n paaynno a asmon s rh o; n H . I I . B - sy xor'hnno

omyc'rnrn; roro Jun nocnnaomrn a H . I I . B - ay cero penasan

scaaoe rh o an asnrn a neuron nnann . H anamocs H . I I . B - ao

6yro'rs same rsro a no6pon aspun n npnnsrn cero asmoro nocna

i a b PY M .

H n ry raoro rpanory scerpa caoon snnsn n spssyn'hnn

ropaaxo; n n o rsooro naaasy c s ans n so room so

namn x yms roaecono n rsooro nocrs T o n o s a P s n ro r e s alip

B csnpccranno noaropnenna as rpan or'h cross H aw Ilap cxoe B ea n

necm o oaasncnn coapamcnnoz—H . H . B - ao .

G one Pm mnbs .m )A cro ss k ca an co irs .

W ) sp am s, nocra cs naycran ns nopynca icns .

N: 20 . 1 569 non . 20 . 69

nolmaro cnyry racero c necrnocrmo nocoacanns o6n naen s npn

nn n . H as s no: use s 10 60 10 rs c'rpo io cacolo 6psrcrsy n n o6ssn

a wh o Ass am c raoun a nocan

G onpnns 030e n asnsc'ranas B os oromaoro R a a s a O e o n s c aI a s n o a n n s B a a e n c a o r o , as ris aa caooro H a r p s I

p n

r 0 p s a s n a s npnroza neat nae 6parc'rsy n Jus tina 6n '

rn . P] can

no nameny noaor hamo c racan nocxon'

s coc'rpn nsmn o c T o n 0

s o n s c P a n no n e o n s as rons n norosop ynnnnrn . Id nn raoero

nocas T o n o s a P a n s oa e s a ro6'h cccrp'h caoofi ornycrnnn ; a

c nnn s sa6fh nosaaan ccna or caonx ahpnnilmnx 61 ns aero cso

oro rsopnnnns O n r p s a I‘

p n r o p e a n n a C o a n n s , as c nnns

nnaa cs ooro C a n o n s C s s o c r n a n o s s ; n o sc'hx caonx rsrex

npnassa rn ecnn a reds cecrph csos li c csonn s nocaon s c O n rp s s n

a I‘

p nro p o a n n o n c C o s n n n n s ; n c rsonn s nocs on s To n oco n

a s no: s ee 6psrc'ray a M an 6n '

rn , a n ews 06'lmx seams n0 ~

aomn rodpony npn6nray 651m . A o ron (in con us use no no

m as , n o mes s scnn raoero y c06n noasropaasan : nocon raoh

nosaxepa anca ri n s o6mason , norony aaa scnn a re6'h rsooro no

crannnaa O n r o a in ornycrnnn , n aoropno para a rs6s c nnns

npm an aun n asa no ran cp oaon asas 6n ao a s an s 6n rn or

ro6a cecrpn aamn o aopol osan G a'


n nan npo O a r on a

sh one. nnaor0por0 as ynnanaoc . A n ot nocoa To n o c P a nro a e s

ems as npnmoa a s . Ida o npnmoa nocxsanna rsofi It l p s n Ma n

no n r n n as P yro l as ; mat e i a n nn e n'hcra apamas a noras

nocnaannan; a caasn sssnc sci : raouna ronnn ; a nu ax aer han

pocnpamnsa'rn: raoti noc asannas O a r o n o h, cecrpn nsmno , no

ro6a aomoa an, it n o 0 ron a aans npnaas ocr an; n aaas

O a r o n ea a nan 6yne'

r nan n o n o! as oro n 'hcro as nan 6y

rsr?—H oan . 06nsscs mpaocrnro a nans nnao'roporo orahry no

yannnnn . wh o as cropoa's nano

pcxs rims aonnar co6ns , as norons npn6n s caoro amyrs


ooprs Mammas .

upcom arors h onoured-ea coapcnannnns nopoaorons : ”no ao


,,nm sca as nams mm scams 1 o6s aanru. any aaa ia rn60 ass eaoaxs r'lus ;

”ace n o oan roaopun ascarocs ayncnecanx s f in s , ocrs axaa namero scrunc

,,cn s rh o as cropon'h; roras as as so ac

'kxs crp snaxs o6nnn0 euepm psalms“h e N on s pcaia , a norons yzc npu6ius cson) neaar s


70 N: 320—1 569 uon . 20 .

A a nose: root roano npni xasmy as ran a s aanemau, n o

nocnrasn sens a nany a m an n mocrss , n o6 y anx coast lin es

651 1 ; n m roro aaaecm c asarna ons mon npnhxar s ; a nn

6 no rony oro noconcrao upnnm , m roro n o sens aoropoe

cnoao npnaasnaun a 1 061: cocrps caoon c O n r o n o n s n rony

ai ry asao 6n ra no npm z'h; n nocoa raol no nosxu s o a

nam ns 6ospons na coast s n so rh o as fhns npoaorouocs .

H asa nocon raon am on anus a 6ospons aamnns ro

naascrus , n o aa nnn-a o rons rh o , n o son: as ra6'h c

O n r o a s on s npnaasn aun npnaas ocrs; a nu oro your m o

sarn s 1 0 mo noauoc rluarn; a coaopmna ro rh o, ornycm n

ecnn oro a re6'h c caonns noenons c O a rp s en s a I‘

p a r o p o

a n o n s c G o s a s a n a . A n o sea npncnua a sans caoo

rpanory cs caoans roanons cs lO p s en s c Mu rc a r an n n s

a c aynnn o aynenaons wh o a 0 score, a nu ro npn asan

donpnny caoeny n nsn'hcrnnay B onoronaony R a n a» O e o a a c »

I a a a o a n n» a c n c a o n y c raonns nocxons c'


o n o c o n s

cncaarn; n aynnn raoa c rhnn aynan , aoropn o y ass a namcnsrocyrapscrae c T o n o e o n can

-rune rs cnocrnes arises as

M an; a nuus every ornycrnxn a n o» son » T o n o s aI a s a o s a c caonns nouons c O nrpson s s l

p n ro p oan non s ;

a on no: code rans coaryrna, a n re6'h i t seems caool aopoaeaaeE xam 0 m ax aynni x o T o n o c o, as 0 P a s s e n o

Xpa cr oe o p e npnaaaas n sens roaopm caonns crowns nocxy

caoony O n xp s » P p n r o p o a n n» a sens nope; 1060» at

aynnn anaoaarn , a 11 16 rhxs aynnoas m aamcro cross non a

noaua, onuy cao» organs ; no'rony n o at aynnn T o n o c, as

F e e a rons rare cannon 6n .1 n, asas y sacs c 10 60» 6am6parcray n moan . A roe

-ton s rsosns a ayrmon o roproue ,

aaa ans as name rocyrapscrao i a m o rocyrapscraa repesa

same rocyrs pscrao xorm e ropmns , run sens rpanory no

raoeny apoucai» u no a y raonx a s

aynnoas y T o n o s a y ld s s a o a a c rosapnmn rpanory sens

asun, a ry ecna rpanory m a

Push Pum ps . 1m » B enso n .

72 N: 20 . 1 569 mm. 20 .

R a n d o l ph s wee haue rece iv ed him acco rd ing to the mann er

an d customs of rs cs iv e ings amb assadours suar as b e tweens

youand mes bro therhood and frendshipps should has and wassen t our coun sello r and capta ins Duk e A l f o n a s E v a n o

wi c h V a z s m s k i s an d our secretaris P e t r o G r e g o

r i a to giv e aun swsre and to furn ishs your amb assadye as

it is meets our bro therho od and frendshipps to con t inewe , and

they acco rd ings to our commandmen t with your our sisters

amb assad our T h o m a s R a n d o l p h s haue agreed uppon the

same . wherefore was haue se n t to thee aga ine our sister your

amb assadour and with him our trustie and fa ithful] gen tleman

who is nears a b out our person A n d r ew G r e g o r iwi c h S av i e n a

m) and with him our sscretarie S y m o n S o b a c

t a n a a nd o f all our affa ires to thee our sister , wee haue

ginan commiss ion to our amb assadour A n d r ew G r e g o r i

wi c h S a v i n s with your amb assadonr T h o m a s R a n

d o l p h a how le n s and fren d shippe should co n t in sws b etweenus and that peace maie co n t in sw b e twix t b oth (these Iandes)fo r (wel fare) o f our common wea lths s .

Fur ther tha t it would please your h ighn es to thinks n o

(p srtin anccs) tha t was keep t your amb assadour so longs from

our presence , the reaso n thereo f he was so longs keep t b ack s

wa s when I ls tt departs yours mess ings r A n t h o n i s J a n k i ns o n and with our afl

a ires committed un to him to speak s b ywo rd s o f mon ths when the time was s ome that wee d id loo ksfo r aun sweere b y A n t h o n i s aga in e was hard no wo rds o f

him an d as then your amb assadoure was n o t come . B ut your

ms ssinger G e o r g e Mi d d l e t o n was come to the Marv e

(i . e . N erv e) and with him man ia o ther n aminga themselues

to b e y our mass ingers and was willed to enquire o f them

whether your our s isters ms ssinger A n th o n i s were some to

yours presen ce , and whether they had an ie things to sais to

v s o f the messaudgs o r whether A n t h o n i s should some o r

an ie o ther in his steed , and they b as inge emb rased with pridewould mak e vs no aun swere , tha t theywould no t come to our

P rince A thanasius I vanovich V i a s ems k y .fl ) Peter G r e g o r i a f f.


l A ndrewG regorisvich S o v i n .

M )S imon S e b a a t i a n o f f.

N: 20 .—1 569 iton . 20 . 73

nears and p r iv ie counsa ils an d would ma ke them pr iv ie o f

no ne o f the irs a ffaires , a ll tha t they saide was o f me rchan t


a iras and se ttings our highnes a lfa res as ide as it is the use o f

a ll coun tries tha t prin ces a tfa ire s should de firs t en ded a nd

afte r tha t to seek s a ga ins .

A n d your amb assad our T h o m a s R a n d o l p h s when hewas come , was keep t from our presen ce in l ike man ner was

sen t to him fi ve o r six times tha t he would come to our

coun sa ils fo r he tha t wo rdes tha t

was willed to b e spo k en to thee our s ister autho r itie an d tha t

it was n o t meets ,tha t these a tfa i res should b e oppen ed an d

your amb assadour would no t go e to our coun s a ills r s to giue

aun sware o f the secr ite a ffa ires vppo n which tha t o ccas ion , he

was longs d ala ied .

B ut your amb assadour had sasn e our ais s and had shewedt o our coun sa ils , wha t affa ires was committed to h im and tha t

he ha t commiss io n o f that , I sen t to thee b y A n t h o n i s than

was shewed our gra tious fav our to h im,an d then was b egann e

to haue to doe in tho se a ffa ires an d en d ings tho se affa ires we ehaue sen t your amb assad our to you our s is ter and with him

our amb assadour A n d r e w G r e g o r iwi c h S a a v i n a . A n d

fo r that yousen t your letters b y G e o r g e Mi d d l e t o us your

mess inger with the marcha n ts o f trade o f marchan td ize a nd o f

ac compts was haue committed th is ma tter to our coun sa ile r and

capta ins of v o loger ie ( Vologda)D uk s A l f o n a s E v a n o wi c h

V a s s m s k i e wi th T h o m a s your amb a ssad our tha t they

should seeks the right and your me r cha n ts d id reck o n withtho se ma rchaun ts T h o m a s G l o v e r tha t is wi th v s in our

realms,an d they could - no t come to a nie agreemen t a nd was

uppon tha t o ccasio n o f a ccompts have sen t in to thy k ingdoms

T h o m a s G l o v o r with our amb a ssadour A n d r e w G r e g o

r iwi c h that the marshaun ts ma ie a cc omp ts there with him.

To thee our s is ter Q . E l iza b e th as con ce rn e inge the marsh

aun ts G l o v e r , R ut t e r a nd B e n n e t t,wee haue given c om

mission to our amb assad our A n d r ew G r e g o r iwi c h S a

v i n a in wha t so aue r those ma rchaun ts b e guilt ie b e fo re thyh ighnes , tha t it would please thee fo r our s a ke to show fa vour

74 N 20 .—1 569 nos . 20

un to them and to take swa is thy d is pleasurs s from them fo r

that these marchaun ts G l o v e r and R ut t e r in these affa iras

were the first b eg inno rs how betweens thee and me bro therhood an d frandshippe should b e .

P riviledge—W ee haue giuen to this marchaun ts at this

request a pr iv iledge to traffique thor rowe our realms an d to

passe with marchaund izs tho rrowe our realms in to o ther rea l

mas acco rd iuge to ther supp licacons an d was haue taken our

pr iviledge from the marchaun ts T h o m a s and R a p h a and

theirs fellowsh ippe which was given to them for the lon e and

frein dshippa o f thee our s ister .

Our le tter wr itten in the E mp ire o f Muscov is at our

auncien t towns o f Vo logdaye from the b eginn ing o f the wo rldsev en thousand ss a vsn tis an d asev en the xx - th o f Iun e

fuor tis th of our age , the xxx - th yara o f our L o rdshippa an d

the 23 yera o f our E mp ire s ince the wynn ing of Casana v ijyara and o f A str aeans xv yara .

M 21 0—1569 .

Articles agreed uppon (on her Maiestias putt) on the p art of the

right high, right mighty and right excellen t p rincesse E lizab eth

b y the grace of G od Q. of E ngland F rance and I rland defensor ofthe Christian fa ith etc. for a League of Amitie b etweene her H ighnasand the (great Duke of Muscouia) right high right excellent right

mightie p rince I ohn- B asiliw- oh k . and great Dulce of all Russia ; Vo

lodomere etc and others, her dearest b rother and cousin

The original of this documen t is written in a b eautifulon some letters remain grams of gold sand; corrections seem tohave b een mad e in a va hurried manner . A ll this lead s tosuppose that it is an origi drauht laid b efore Queen Elizab ethand co rrected under her own station b y one of her undersecretaries.

The axprassions which in the original are affacad are hereinclosod in b rackets . The corrections or additions are printedin italics

1 . W hereas it hath b an requested o f her ma - ty on the behalfo f the (grea t Duk e o f Muscov ia) said right high and n ightie

This word is written on the marg in .

76 N9. 2 1 .—1 569 .

same han ing con sideraco n o f the presen t state and cond icon o f

the pa rty so required .

4 . I tem whe re it is requested by the sa id right high and

mightie p . tha t n ey ther o f them do ass ist. b y an y mean es

whatsoeuar the ennemye o r ennemyee to the o ther o r do wit

lingly o r wittingly suffer d irec tly o r ind irectl y , an y s ide to b e

giuen .

I t is accorded on her ma - ts part that after the tyme the

partywhich sha lb e an enn emy shall Vppon request t o b emadsas in the fi rst artic le is con tayned

—refuee to desist from do ing

fur ther wrong or in iury , to the o ther par ty, the pa rty con fede

rate so required shal l in n o sor t ayd the par ty d o ing an d co n

tinuing wrong aga in st the sa id confederate , nor sha ll will inglysuffer any a ide—which con v en ien tly may do impeached—to b eginan to the par ty o ffend ing an d do ing the in iurya .

5 . I tem where it is requested b y the sa id right high and

mightie p . that her ma - ty do suffer and giue l icen ce to such

artificers and handycrafts men to go to the sarn ies o f the sa id

D . a s he shall p rouida here within the realms for h is bettersarn ies in the wa rres .

H er ma - ty is con ten t and agreeth ige t V ppo n knowladgg iuen o f the part ies be ing artifi cers an d han dycrafts men that

sha lb e co n ten t to d epart to the sa id D - e sarn ies,the same shal b e

l icen sed so to do if they b e n o t a lready lawful ly impres ted b yb on ds o r o therwyse in to an y o ther espec ia l] sarn ies withintheir s n atiue coun try .

6. I tem where it is requested by the said r ight high and

mightie p . that the enhies ta o f ey ther may haue free a ccesse

an d regressa in an d out of a ll and suery the k ingdomes , domi

n ion s a n d terr ito r ies o f each o ther without an y le tt o r mo le

staco n (or without o ther espec ia l] l icen ce o r sa lfe co nduc t b ut

o n ly b y v e r tue o f thee league).I t is o n her ma - ts beha lf agreed tha t it shal b e lawful] fo r

a ll n a tura l] born e sub iec ts o f ey the r P rin ce so to d o that a re

no t b y the irs o ffice o r b on d s tied to rema in s with in the irs

natiue co n tries an d the same b e n o t reetrayned b y the fo rms

o f any p riuilege graun ted b y e ythe r P r ince .

36 2 ] 77

7. I tem where it is requested b y the sa id right high and

mightie p . tha t it may b e lawful] to a l l me rcha nts , sub iec ts to

eyther of the sa id P r in ce to br ing in an d carr y out o f a ll a nd

sn ary o f the k ingdomae d omin io n s and terr ito r ies o f each , a l l

so rts an d k in d s o f marchaud ize s without ls tt o r mo lestaco n o r

without forci b le tak ing any par t o r parce l] o f the sa id goods

to eyther o f the irs preper v ses (without the go o d wi ll , consen ta nd agreemen t o f the sa id me rchan ts and the pr ices o f the sa id

me rchan d izae duly befo re pa id or due order g iuen fo r the

paymen t .)I t is acco rd ed o n her ma - te pa rt tha t it sha l b e lawful] fo r

a ll a nd on ery the me rchan ts which are n a tura l] b o rne sub iec ts

o f ey the r p rinc e to blings in and ca rr y out a ll ma rchaud iees

out o f ey the r the i r d omin ion s a nd contries in lyk e so r t as a t

this d ay they lawful ly d o o r may br ing o r ca rry out from o r

into an y o ther cen t ries o f any o ther k ingwith whoms her ma - ty

is in a mity, so i t d e n o t with o ffen ce o f pr iuiledge g ra nn ied

b y e y ther P r in ce , and that it b e without coul lo r ing the go o d s

o f a n y bo rn e sub iec t of any o ther P rin ce , o n the on ly payn e o f

co nfisca eo n o f the good s as to b e co loured an d without v s ingfacto rs o r min is ters o f o the r naeon , an d tha t n eythar p rince

shall take an y pa rt o f such me rchand ise from an y me rchan t

aga in st h is o r the irs will , b ut in ca se whe re ey the r o f the

prin ce sha ll haue man ifest needs to buy the same fo r the p r iua tev se o f the sa id pr ince a b out h is person , o r fo r his houshon lde

and in those cases tha t read y mon ey a t reaso nable p rice d e pa idto the merchan t or own e r .

8. I tem wher e it is requested b y the sa id right high and

mightie p . tha t the sa id me rcha n ts on b oth p a r tes m ay sa ltly

so ion rn e a b yd e ts r y and remayn e (a nd haue houses fo r the irs

necessar y res idence an d wa rehouses for the irs marehand ises .)i t is o n he r ma - ts beha lf agreed an d acco rded tha t the

sa id me rchan ts b e ( the)his na tura l ] bo rn e sub iec ts (of e yther

P . and that the y o b serue the c iuil l lawes o f the con tr ies where

they rema in s .)9 . I tem it is on he r ma - ts pa rt required that th is trea ty o r

a n y pa rt the reo f sha ll n o b et d rawen co n s trued o r ta ken t o

78 JG 2 l .- 1569 .

the d iminueon o r preiud iee o f an ie priuilege hereto fore graunt

ed b y the sa id (D .) right high and n ightie p . to her ma - ts sub

iseta and tha t the sa id pr iuiledgs and snary clause an d arficle

thereo f b e from henc e fo rth inv io lab ly kept o b se rusd an d main

taynad b y the said (Duke) right high and n ightie p . h is hairee

and successors espec ially the article tha t sxcludeth a ll stran

gers from tra d icque in his domin ions without her ma - te lycen ce

an ything in this treaty or o ther things n o twithstand ing .

10 . Lastly whe re it is reques ted that this league ma y de

mutua lly confirmed b y amb assad o rs sen t from the one to the

o ther and b y o thes and sca les o f the on e and the o ther .

I t is on her ma - te part accorded so tha t con ven ien t tyme

b e a llowed in respect of the long and doubtful] passage b y seafo r the ambassado r to b e sen t fo rth at good purpose .

21 . - l§69.

Cu r s a,no comp el-s socs ocan dosaao coussom t


e spe

sneer/utmost , ap exoryammeeamama a aaaspesoczodnmcoeydapu

na E n cu er a,B oam ro m oemio xop oaesmt

Am: t’


tcxoit,M yscxos

t uH p aaadcxofl ,odop ouasteasmmu

Xp acmi'

aaexoa cap“ a sport . mt saunasais spy- screen

nsro cotoss nanny as sunqccrson a npesuco'ta ttmaxs , naunpesocz ooaaamux s a up ea ozymecmsmaa amam tocydap emH an s on . B s cu s s a cn

's, yopwe it assum es «as serts

com F ocai'

a,B oaodaxepcxum a sp an . a uauxs

,op amom a

p odrmsmauxoxs ea m o’

esm dmuxs .

1) E s ses nueersy ems npeg'sm ena on n ear caasam ro

rocyssps Mean s B a cnn as n aa naps a sex. asses sees Poccin


,npoesoa 06's ycrauouenin sh ack gpyz on namy es

sea - i t's n m .

E : sea - so con son ant, n oon sas sy an a sea . unseen cynic

crsosasa assess , coaspmeanas n asses s es spyx oa , a m ost , l az

3m onycsam ca com pass es n m ac! crars'h cross :

, npeanco

salure n norymecrsens aro“.

80 N: 2 l .—1 569

E n sea - ao con sumer's,n oon acer

'b roro , runs as rpeoo sa

nie , senes ce nce (salt-s ysasano an aspect crun ch)rony arc 6yaersaenpiareaen

's . en

's oraaa erca orerynn

'rsea o n . gas es

-hammer. no


s so spars canon ns's corcsnn x

'a cropoa

's , sp yraa er0pona .

no socrpe60 3anito , nnaaxan's oopason

's as (in er t nonorars npn

aanasmeny n npogos a aronreny spars , s nare nan'lzpenno as nony

er ar'a—eesn ros sno non er 'a ycu

'hmno rony socnpenarcraosars

n oon on sa om ens nonon e rony, nro npannnse'rs span . a

ofiuny .

5) Cm annn i roeynaps upcom , n oon ea sea - ao nonsen s e

n we pasp'lsmenie serynars so. crys tiy sea . asses schn '

s rhn 's

n aerepan's n penecsennnnan

's,re'mpa r '

t on m aster's ashes ,

as rcporescrs'h, ma syumaro ycrpo i crsa csoaro sosnnaro ma .

E s B ea - so c's ysosoaser sian

's eorsamaeres na ro , n oon , no

socrassenin es'hrhniit 0 t i n . nacrepan . n penecsennnaax

's , no

r0pn e s ca nners eors aeie arm as cnya dy sea . mass, m 6511 0

pasp'bmaen o cie eras ers , scan rouse one , no oossam scrsy nan

nnaae, na nons eatars ya s no saaony aaaony moo anony consa

reasnony ezysteniic as csoen s oreqecrnh .

6) C aesannn ii rocysaps upcom ,n oon nouannn e coi n s cc

resumes cropon's norm caooosao npi

'hszsars a or phan s -

ta no schn '


rocysapcrean's , concern s a n

'hcrnocrs n 's caissonm m a 6am.

npensrcreis n sasepatania

E s sea - so cors amaerea npegoerasnrs are npaso achn '

s npn

poxnn n's nouannnn '

s 061mm cropo n's, scan on no sosn noern

csoeit run no sorormpy ne oossann ocraaaracs B's csoens creas

crab a scan sro npaeo na orpaa aaeno saao to moo npnnnseriero ,

saposannoro omens ass sorosapasaromaxcs roeysapeii .

7) C nasannn it rocynaps npoonr s , n oon aaaonon'

s seaso

s sno sedans nynnan's , nouannnn '

s oraoro ns'

s eorosnnx's rocyjta

pail . npnsosur s n s n eosnrs so s c'hx'

s rocygapernax's,



s m acro m nnn,scasaro pose a paedopa roeapn

6am. npens rcrs is a sagepatanin n (See's nacns snaro npnesoenis us

a)sa nep nnymt): oes t ocooaro am t-m pm paap‘hmeais . an oxpannotl

rpan oru, a n un. as cuy namu’

amaro so ro aopa .

N . 2 1 .—1 569 .


ooocuesnaro yno'

rpeoaenis ognon 1131 , CTO PO H'B nanofl ( m TO an

sac-rs nnn no.“ r

'hx's TO B apO B


E n sen- no conssoznm as 1 0,n oon sc

'Bm. n rcsmmo ny sumk yn

nos's,nompne no npnpoxh csoefi n pomnen ito n omannn e owom

ns's uorosspm nmnxcn rocynapefi , nono upano npnsozm


rs n

sn sosn'

rb sc'h rosapu n . nx

's 06mm maximum 1 1 v


rpanax's .

roqno ram nan mm m. nacromnee sperm mrlno '

rm upano npn

sosn'rs n sn osm 3

's c


's scanaro nnaro mpos a, as s i n

en sea - no s's xpys o

'h; c's rims mun. swoon cie ne s

's npo

rnsnoc'rs npnsuerian, nannmrs omnn '

s ns'

s nonosapnsatomnxcnrocynapefi , n m on s


rm ne npn pnm ncs Tosapu nannx's JmG O

npnpom x's nomnnnx

's nnaro rocynapa , non . egnncm nnn n

ycnos ien'

s oa nosopors aro oroopsnia rosapos's,rannn

's oopason

npnxpn saem's ; (n oon ne onus yno


rpe6n eun npm mnnn nan

nosi pennn e nnaro napona; qroOn nuwon,an npymn rocyzmp s

ne opus s am oh sac'm '

rosapos's nanoro To an leyuna

oos's ero couscin, psas

’h D'L (wyse/h com on no

'ropony nnfio nan.

rocympefi onus onesnmu neooxonnnoc'rs xynnu 9 1 01

's Tossp

's macofic'rsennsro osoero nnn csonx'

s nonamnnn yno'

rpeonenin; as m

nosn n cnynanx's nynny nnn snarkuny


rosapa gon na 65m. ynna

nenn gaa b ra no cnpaseunsofi Mas k.

8)0m m ! rocymps npoonr s , n oon on oot nx'

s c'


nynnn n omn oesonacno npe6n sa'

rs,nocenm ca , np omnsan n

0 01m mE n sen- no common a conssoasen na cie ma npnpomnx


nom nnnx'sm).

9) E n sex- no rpefiye'

rs,n'roon arm'

s xorosop's nun users onaro

ne G nu (in autum n, ncronnosusaeum nan npnnnnaeu

's B



ynensmenie run s apymes ie m nx's moo nosoasnocre i , s own-m

cm s nnn rocyn ps nocer h nom osau nouannnn 's en sen - s o , 1:

d noson noc'm n m us cram onnx

fs ( in ns o

'rnnn i; s e

snwep xuym : mono nan uo noopot sor t , cs co raocia uno yronopyc-

nasas s nn . nyunos'l. uno ros s ofi ynxsrhun sum; 0611“?e c no ymary.

mum s/mo : n M n nono u: csoero npoom nia n cusp : nu cson-


roupo ss .

W “)”mung/mo : ooonx's ro cyxapon v1 . r ims , n oon on cofianwn rpm:mnc s ie muo n s fl ax-

5 c'


s , rxb upeousam .

82 N: 2 1 . 1 569 .

nopyms no coropm o , 006mm n non ops m ona em oti on -5


rocyropen'a, oro nocr b rnn m n npoennm nn , as ooooemmcn

cram ,no soropoit roprom as oro

“as sass in s. socnpenroorca

sedans nnocrponnon'a, noropn o no G ym M 75 roam ed : ea

sos - so ; n sroon cio 6mm cooxrom no no cnorps as no n o n

s acronmen '

a gorosop'b n s o cnorpo s n no unis oocrom n crso .

10)H anonons m uons npocsoa , n oon oan com 6m 1mmwo ysp'hnson's npncnn oro nocxonnn os

's omom rocyropo o r.

rpyrony, npncaroro n npnroa onien notional odour, rocysopei .

E n sol - no no cio eonsnouo'r'a, on fi lm 1 1 065! 6511 0 m o 30 .

croroqno spononn, no upwa rd nporos atnron nocrn n consuma b

noorn nopcnoro nam s in, noropoo l oam non-smart» ycn

'hmnol yornposxeniro nocs onnnso .

N e 22. 1570 May .

B arton instroksyons govon mo b y S- r W -m G a ra rd knyght

to move the E yght honnorsb oll S - r W -m S y s sy 1 1W ”) of ato

1 . n rst that y t may plea your honnon r to porcov c the

ambassado rs letter of ansere o f hya reqvests to b e wry tte n in

I nglyshe .

2 . A nd the same to be tran slated into B v s b y D o n n e l l

the in torp rotor and he to mak e too copys of the some , the our

to love with your honnonr the o ther to take with hyme to

shows the ambassado r yt‘

vuto your honnonr yt shall some

so good .

3 . A nd fl‘

or the more corton tyo that hyr mo - ty shal b e wel lo sowored that D a n y o l l hathe don the some trwly , ther ya onecalled N o rmy to n t (P)and H o t r ym )thatmay porv os the somoso shall declare the same agen to to your honnonr in I nglysb o .

A nthony J e n k i n s o n .

S ir . W il . G o r r o r d knight stands first amongst the G o vernors namedin the privllodgos granted to the C ompany on the 20- th June 1869 .

at" )L ord B n r l o i g h.

lW u")D onlol S y l v e s t o r .

“M )Thomas H owt r y o?

84 N: 22 .- 1 570 nu.

2) n eroon ons om n nepesenes n no Pyccnn JI an inn o n'a

nepesonqnnon'a as nsyx

'a cnncaax'a,m xonx

'a onsn

'a ocrasm

somel noc'rononrennocrn , npyrofl are soars eny c's coooro us no

naaanis nocnannmty, eons soma nocrononrennocrs npnanaere ar e

as (h ero .

3) llnn 6onamoro ynocros'hpen in, s


ro ors'h'r'b on s en- B y roneam.

n sro lla n i nn 'a s i pao oro neposen

'a, ec

'ra n

'hn'ro no nnenn H o lt»

n n'ro n

'r'a n I

o fr p e ll, noropne n oryr'a oopo

'rno (or. Pyccnoro no

pesono)nepesecrn asmen nocrononronnoc'rn no A nrnifican ro ,trro

oofansn'r'a osnoqennm

i neposontmx'a .

4) I I'ro nocaercn noasonenin nnn. (Pyccann

'a) npi

'haa ora nnn

ropra cross , ro on sen - so mater-r. oro pasp

'hnmra as ron'a cnn crh .

soar. naps ya e nponpfhmnn'

a er. caoefi manoaannoll rpano'

rh, rn'l:


ronsno o rosopax'

s coocrsenno nnn nero , no an m.

reasons npyrorrr. ornomenin .

5) ‘I ro aacaercs nocn nnn spyraro nocrannnao . qroon con ];


rscn 0 coron!) i t upon.—ne G noroyronno nn G yne

'r's es non—av

ornos nrs am no G ynytnoro rono ; as 'rony spenenn naps name-r t.

xopomo oocynn'rs no n o co rnocnrcn es sea - so n ea rn G yro


rs 1 0

nonon'a , coros'

s Montana '

rorno ours som eone .

6) B aarosonnre, some nocrono trrennocrs , npnnonnnrs 06's oro

anon in nono li Panama P lo r e p a, Xpncrodwpa B a n n e r s , ldaous‘I a n n e ns n tb pannncs a E s p a e r a; a

'rnxr. B

's ocooennoc'rn a

Tom e n npyrnx'r. A nrnnnan 'a

,noropne ocrororcn ran

'a B

'B upo 'rnenoc

'rs rpanoru noa aaosonnofi oomecrsy.

7) C aaaonnony nocnannnny nya s o nars ors'h'm no sc

'hn 'a

crow n 's s

'a nepsoe ate cos'hmanie , trroon eny n os s o or

nnonnrscn , roar. s oar. nopaoxn ronaao oro n zany-rs

, a span rona

ya e noannee .

8) E n sen - B y nymno npnsecrn no noun . 0 ( nodap xam mona s

mmy?) n cesperapon's,nero onn 6am. con s

'hnis os nnaror s .

lio nin 'a C nn s o c r p n

23 .- 1 570 ma 6. 85

N 23. 1570 May 6.

vj Msij 1570. Muscouia. The Amb assadors request to the right

ho- ll M- r Seoretarie.

The amb assadour from the empereur o f Russia requireththat the Q- s ma - tie would cause her highnes Iettres o f secrit to

b e written in R ousse worde for wo rd as the copp ie of the

lettre that the emperour sen t and tha t her highnes would sett

her han d to the sa id lettre and tak e an oa th b efo re the empe

ro a rs amb assad our and to hang her B eale to those letters .

The c ause whie the Iettre s should b e written in rousse is

tha t the emperour can no tt vnderstand an ie language but

his own e .

The empe reur would dislike of the lettre yf it b e n o t writtenword fo r wo rd as tha t lettre which he sen t .

A nd when the said letter shalb e translated in to rowsse thatit ma ie b e do n e in the s ight o f the sa id emb assad o r .

A nd tha t the Q- s ma - tie would send her amb assadour to the

emperour n ow,with his amb assadour , and then the empe


(s ic)will cause letters written l ike word for word , and

will hang his sea le to tho se Iettres , an d k isse the cro se b efore

the Q- s amb assadour .

A n d that'

the quee n e would send to the emperour A n th o n i e

J e n k yn so n , with her great amb assadour in commission .

F for the cause wh io the sa id A n tho n i e should go e is b e

cause he was made priv ie b y the emperour to the b eginn ings

o f this loue and amitie , and therefo re the emperour will b e ttercred itt his wo rdes .

May 1870. - A rememb rance of the Amb auador of Moscovia.

This document is word for word the repetition of the proceed

ing one , with the addition of the two following clauses .

A lso as the queue do th wryght her heyghnes letters in rowse

so th’

empro re will wryght his letters b ack s agayn e in englishe

or in'

lattin and to the same will sett his sells and will k issethe ero sse in the p resence o f the queues emb assador .

86 N: 23 . 1 570 run 6.

A llso that hit will plese your honour to sen d me wo rd b y

this b erore ( b earer) when 1 shal l come to the co rtte (court)for my dispatchs which I wishe myght b e shortly for that the

tyms goeth aways .

Moon ria. l oosoa noorannn a m. oro noorononronnoo'm

r- ny ooxpe'rapro.

I I ocrannnnts Pyccaaro naps npocnrs , nroon ea B er - so aopo

xesna nerhxa nanncars rannyro rpanory ea B ea - B a no pyccxn

who as cross , corracno co cnncnon's nncsna, Rompoe npncrano

nape“ n uroon en sex- so npnrom a pyay an. roll rpuorh n

npnnecl a npncary nepen .nocrannnaon'

s naps n noser'hra npns


cm nanars an rot rpanorh.

I lpnnnna noneny rpanora nors na ours nanncana no pyccnn

ra,n o naps as ease

-rs nnaro sauna apon

‘h csoero .

[laps on e“ neronoren's , ecrn rpanora as 63mm nanncana

crono on. 61 030 corracno c'r. nncsnon 's

,noropoe on'

s npncraa'

s .

Roma rpano'ra on e“ nepesenena no pyccnn , nroon sce s



crhrano nepem. raasann nocaannnna .

PI uroon es nopor . sex- so ornpasua csoero nocrannnna nun 'h

a s or. ero nocrannnnon 's ; n Toma naps npnraate'n nannca


croso m. croso raxyro ate rpanory, npn-hem an. cen rpauo



caolo noun 1: cosepmrm . npecrnoe n'hrosanie nepen . nocrannn

xon's noporesnn .

H n oon noporesna ornpasnra as napro A n r o n a Jime n

n n n c o n a npn csoen s sen sor s nocnannnn'h.

l1m noueny m as onry A n r o n y nyz no hur t—rs , are

naps nos'hm '

t any 0 nannnaniax's eroh moons n rpyaton , it no

rony naps n on rylmyro s'hpy ero cross“ .

T . e . noml canie ea , npaneconie tip- earn a npn ox enle neuern .

88 V: 24 . 1 570 run .

The o tfec te o f le ttuce reques ted to b e d irec ted to

the k inge o f Swe then .

Tha t his h ighnes d irec ts his lettres to all his admyra lls ,v iz- admira lls , cap itanes , and o thers se rv ings hyme o n the seas

c ha rginge theme tha t theyo n o r any o f theme d o e mo les t o r

tro b ls any o f our x iiij sh ipp s , wh ich n owe b e fre ighted to pa sse

to the N arve,b ut that thsys sutfer them quys tlio to passe thither ,

b o the to fo tche homo suche our merchan d ize s as remayne

there , and also to carry with them suche our good s as theyc

b e laden wi th fo r to pa ie suche deb ts as a re owinge b yv s hers .

I tem yf b y chan c e a ny o f our shipps should c b e b rought

b y any o f his sub iects in to any parts o f this realflie tha t ytt

mayo please hymo to d ischa rdgs the same our shipp o r shipp s

without a ll tro b lo and h ind erance , and to suli'

s r theme with

the goods to depar ts vuto the po r ts , fo r which theyo were ladenwithout a ll ymposchomon ts o r troub le .

ltt mayo also p lease your honnor to mo ve the sa id amb as

sador to pro cure R aulfs R ut t e r C hristofer B e n n e t t J ohn

C h a p p e l l F fraunc is B i r k i t t and a ll o ther E ngl ishs men

d isturb ors o f the trade in Russ ia Musco o r a tt the N arvs to

b e sault‘

ly sen te hs ther in the nex ts shipps tha t shal l reto rn e

fromo thence .

N 24.—1 570 Man .

lI o oa a n n n x 's Mo o x o s o x i i .

E cruPyccxin nocn nnn'

s G yro“. nacran a'

rs na noauosaninnosom oc

'rsi nomm n naps nu npnsosnofi n usunosnoli rop

rom , aasub cs on (scan s'ro un'hais no omnoo'mo)n o crhryefl .

ors'hrnrs, trro Guy-

rs csooomo n nn n orarocuonno n rpys ocxn

paspfbmonn n npm ronu B 'B M orenra os nonornsnio ronno

ruin a s n M : om anosoii cur b noson noc'

rn, sarcoma naps, oro

rocymps , ncqncanr s it important . in. most a arosannon rpamorh

90 N: 24 . 1 570 sun.

‘ I a n n s a a, (Dpannucna 13n p s e r r a n npounx's A n rnnnan's upo

"snowman roprosylo cnyry in . Poccin n MO CM m n .

l laps'h .

33 25 .—1570 May 18.

E lizab eth to I van E asily.

There are extant in the S tate Paper O ffice three rough draftsof the let ters of Queen Eliza b eth to the C zar J ohn Vassilievich,which were to b e sen t in answer to his two letters b rought b yhis amb assador A ndrew Sovin and dated from Vologda on the

eo- th of June 1 569 . F rom those drafts it appears that at first it

was proposed to give but one answer to the two letters; b utafterward s (it may b e presumed at the request of Sovin) theoriginal draft was divided into two separa te ones . ofwhich thesecond (with the excep tion of the commencement) was at firs t

inserted in the primitive draft . These letters are here pub lishedin their fina l separate form under 25 and 16 26. The co r

rections in the original are in the handwri ting of L B urleigh

those made in the first dra ft are printed in italics; those in the

las t are inclosed in b rackets .

B ec ause we rude rs tan d from you E mperour and grea t

Duke our go od b ro ther fi rst b y the repo rt of our trustie ser

v an t A n t h o n y J e n k i n s o n whom we sent a s our emb as

sad our to you the empe ro r , corten ye ro s past , and now last b yy our emb assadour the no b le parsouA n d r e w G r e g o r iwi c h eS a v i e n a an d with b ym your secreta ry S e v a s t y a n e whom

yo sen t to v s as your highnes amb assadours in compan y withour . last emb assadour T h o ma s R a n d o l p h , tha t you th e

sa id emperour do ern estly ds ss ir to en to ir in to some stre ight

co n tracts o f amity with v s,

a n d fo r tha t purpo se where the

sa id A n d r ew G r o g o r iwi c h ha th d elivered vuto v s corten

wr it ings in the Russian tongue , which b ecawse we could no t

vn d erstan d fo r lack o f knowlsdg o f that tongue , the sa id

a mb assad our hath del ivered to v s in corten o ther wr itings b o th

in the R omans to ngue and in the I talian , which are sayd to

b e the trewtra nsla tion s o f the said Iettres in the Russian tongue :b o th which (wrytyngs)we do well vndersta nd and ther b y do

9 2 N: 25 . 1 570 run 18.

(F urther more yowr highnes shal l vnderstand tha t) youramb assadour A n d r e a G r e g o r i v i c h (hath b en e with v s)atsundry times (and) b y his b ehaviour and d iscrete vsage o i


se lf,weo do thin k yow the omporour and grea t duke , hav e

made a very good cho ice o f him as well fo r the wisdoms we

poree ave to b e in him as fo r the reve rence care and duty he

b earoth vuto your highn es a nd to the c onservac io n o f your

higlmes estate and ho nour,and in all things which he hath c om

mun ica te d to v s , we trust b y our an swers he ha th recsa v ed

good sa tisfac tion .

t rfore we means no t to in larg our Iettres an y furd c r .

but do giv e your higlmes our harty thankee fo r the p r iv iledge

which your highnes hav e gran ted to our trusty an d wo lb o lo v edsub iec ts S - r W i l l - m G a r r a r d kn ight a nd his compan y ,b eing person s whom we s ingulerly do esteme

,dowting n o t

but your con trey s and peo ple shall b y ther re so r t in to the

same reesav s grea t pro fitt and estimation .

A nd acco rd ing to your highn es amb a ssado rs mo s t orn e st

desires and tha t on ly for the lo ve and regard we ha ve to show

your highn es pleasour in your request ,we hav e b en conten t to

lice n se T h o m a s G l o v e r to return s vpon his o the and b ond

that he shal l mak full pa ymen t to our . said merchan ts of such

things as b y his accomp t he ha th con fes sed to b e due to them,

dowting n o t but your highnes wil l o f your honour an d for lo ve

o f jus tice cawss h im so to do .

A nd we most orn estly requier you to give furder o rder

tha t R ed R ut t e r , C hrs sto fer B e n n e t t , J ohn C h a p p e l l ,F rancs B y r k s t t and such o thers englishmsu a s our sa id sub

iects S - r W - m G a r r a r d and his compan y shall b y n ame

requier , may b e safely deliv ered to b e sen t in to these our

co n treys as of n atural l duty they are b ound , who (no twithstandyng ther faults) sha ll fin d such favour and mercy a t our

hand s as sho lb o reasona b ly b y you required tha t with our

honour we may gran t.

A nd further we requier your highnes to permi tt such o ther

honest engli shmsn our sub iects as came ov er ths ths r of good

will an d hav e b en s tayed in your serv ice,an d are (now ve ry)

If: 2 5 . 1 570 n an 1 8. 9 3

desirous to return s , that they may with your highn es favourcome home h ither in to there nativ e eon trey ,

where they have

the ir wives and ch ildren . (W ho do day ly mak request to vs

for the same purpo ses). A nd in so d o ing your (highn es) shall

min iste r good cawss fo r man y o thers o f like quallitios to re

pa iro thethor to serve your highn e s b e ing such as we know

youwill for the ir coming and knowledg much s s teme whenthey sha ll come .

A nd so wishing that this in te lligence (and amy ty b e twixtv s twoo mayo have long con tyn v acon and the) mutual] trad eb etwixt (our sub iects) the people o f b o th our eon treys may

hereafter sneroase to b o th our co n ton ta tion s and (specially) to

the hon our of A lmighty G od , who hath ord oynsd and cho sen

k ings and princes to employ the ir (who le)cares to go vern s a nd

d e fend the peo p le o f G od committed to the ir charg in pea ce

welth an d tranquillity fo r his hon our and serv ice . we

commi t you to the tuition o f the same A lmighty G od .

G iven a t our ho nour o f H amptoncourte the x v iij - th d ay a t

the mo neth o f may in the x ij - th yore o f owr re ign and in the

yore o f our lo r d one thousand fyv s hund red thrersr o re and

tee n s .

N 25. 1570 Man 18.

E n oasera lIapro.

H ashcrnn cs rm, naps n seruii mass , roopnn opera ram,

cnopsa no soneeoni to namsro s'hpnaro eryrn A a r 0 n a li t e r

n n n co n a , m oporo nhesoruo r im . ros y nasars nocmarn m

n m , napro , a m t on . samero noeunnn a om pom ro

A n xp on I‘

p n r o p s ea a C o s nna n npn non san s m ono

C an o e ru n os a , s oropnn an npneran as nan in “secret

nocsannn om. samero one-u whor ls ca namm noerhrm r. no

el annn on G o n o ro P ang o s ub o n s , n o n , m m naps ,

yeeprno t on ers serynnrs cs nan an. rhenn l rpyz eersonnn l

com ; no orony nonosy em anate A n sp s n P p n r o p s s s n s s

94 N: 26. 1 570 I n 1 8.

npescrasm um n'b noropnn nncanis na Pycel on a n d ; no

am , no nesnaniro sroro sen s e,in : no nersunu. ypasyl

'lm ,

cnasannnn nocrannm npsgerasu'a um n

'b noropm gpyrin nu

eania na Pnncnorn . s smrh n as H ruunel on ,erasers , n o oro

s'hpan o nspesom rhx's nncannnxr. no Pyccl n nneen ; ode or!

nncania 1m s opowo snpssyi rh n n non naen , n o on: npon o

atss n 1mm.m s oopassn's m oro rorosopa n coma

,m oron nu

nanrs s ro6eonufi (Spar-s naps

—s creens salmo tnrrs us namero mannnaro r b cnaro spys ecrsa .

—I l o orony m ,no aspanon pascyatse

n in, pswm can o n AD)

a ecnm oopason npnnm goopoa e ra

resscrso cross norymecrsennaro rocysaps a 3m m l p fz ocmo

cs sun , cm annmn . upon », in. roll n

'hp'h, m yro mam a




soronopn n rh colour. aoropn e yx e ranno nan am m on ia n

ynaexhgonann nan or s namux'a npessos

's,noporstl A nrs iiicenx


s .

n noropn e socor'h eorspa arcn c

's peanunn xpncr ianem n rocy

Jiapn n,m sparopaun , sopon l n n users resm .

—H so vsaaten ir

unroorn , om annoii san s , noryniocr sennn l naps , namm anodes

nmrs non annmrs , nexynrm ropra rosapan n c-

i. aammm erpa

naun , m. ocoosnnocrn me so sm anis roro sodparo pacnor oaten ia .

aorO poe an an. nan nursers , sax-5 csnxb reuersyron nan pan

nn s soopne nocrynnnz—rm consaousrn . sess ions

-n . cs nan —o

naps a sex . nnw hm mifi goroaom, sepa aes D‘L non nan .

n omao ornate vb x's cam s cs on

,sar is 1m nams n an.uncerta in .

samsm on e- ea , news on neposesenn .

Mn scrynaerrs in. spya eernennn fi n coerpunnn ti comes , so

ropony nposor s araen na ohm s spenena cs B al l,ne ras itl roe

nosnn'a n naps , nan c

's noryinecrss nnn n

's rocygapen

's n an tics

nmrr. 6parorr5 namnn , napeu's,roenomnon n nor . unseem seen

Poecin . Corona aro'rx. 1m oyserrs coormars n coxepa ars no t h e

ram», nro oos syonca namm ooorosnmm a 06mm cnraun npo

mayo-roars upon » a nanasars na sein e , l oropn s tin y

-n . 06mi n

aparun nan odour s : n summers ooo tosno namy rocysapcxyio

users , (h eroeoerosnie namnx's rocysapcrm. n crpam. n nonorara ,

nocoourr. n G naronpis rersosars omni -s spyrony namnn m x

m n nonomiro n noeooiei rs npornsr. namnx'

s oomnx's nospyrom.

in. rot tri pe nan yersnouae‘

rcs cero name» rpa n oru—H am

no G yro“ nonora'

rs , nocotiurs m sonyenars , uroousame ratio

a?! 26. 1 570 ”A 3 18. 97

your h ighnes fo r a manifes t and cer ta ine to k en o f our goodwill to your highnes estate and suerty e : this our secrit lettre

wherevn to none are pr iv ie b esides our selfe , but our most

secreite conncell , wee doe so rega rd the suertie o f you the

E mpereur and grea t Duke , as wee offer that yf at anie timeit so mishappe that you L . our b ro ther E mpereur and grea t

Duke , b ee b y an ie casua ll chaun ce either o f secrite conspiracie

or outward hosti l litie driv en to change your coun tries and shall

like to repa irs in to our k ingdoms an d domin ions , with the n o b le

empresse your wife and yours deare ch ildren the p rinces , weesha ll with such honors and curtesies receive an d in treats your

highnes then , as shall b ecome so grea t a prince and shall

earnestlie endeav our to make al l thinges fall out accord inge to

your ma - ties desire , to the free and quiett b reed ings of your

highn es life , with a l l tho se whom you shall b rings with you:and tha t it ma ie b e lawful] for you the E mpereur an d grea t

Duke to v se your C hr istian religeon in such sorts , as it shall

like you: for nether mean s wee to a ttemp t anie things to o ffend

e ither y our ma - tie or an ie o f your people nor in termeddle anie

wa ies with your highnee fa ith and rel igion , n or yet to sev erre

your highnes housho ld from you or to suffer an ie of yours to

b e taken from you b y v io len ce .

B esides wee shall appo in ts you the E mperour and great

Duke a p lace in our k ingdom fi tt vppon your own s cha rge , as

longs as ye shall like to remains with v s .

And yf it shall seems goo d v n to you the E mpe rour an d

great Duke ,to depart from our coun tr ies , wee shal l suffer you

with a ll yours quietlie to depart either into your emp ire o f

Muscov is ,o r els whithe r it shall b est lik e yout o p asse through

our dominions an d coun tries . N either shal l wee an ie wa ie letto r staie you, but with all o ffices and curtisies let you our deare

b ro ther E mpereur and grea t Duk e passe in to your coun tr ie o r els

where at your p leasure .

This wee p romise b y v irtue o f these our le ttres and b y the

wo rd o f a Christian P r in ce ,in wittness whereo f and fo r the

further fo rtifi cacon o f this our lett re . W ee Q. E l iza b e th s do e


98 N2 26 . 1 570 l “ 18:

sub sc rib e this with our owns ha nd in the presence o f these

our no b les and counse llo rs .

N icho las B a c o n kn ight grea t C haunc e llor of our R ea lms o f

E ngland .

W -m L . P a r r L . marques o f N o r t h a mp t o n kn ight o f

our order of the garter .

H enrie E arle of A r e n d e l l kn ight o f our sa id o rde r .

F raunc is L . R us s e l l E ar le of R e d f o r d k n ight o f our

sa id o rd er .

R o b ert Dud l e y L . o f D e r b i g h E a rle of L e c e s t e r

m- r of our ho rse and kn ight of the same ord er .

E dward L . C l e a t o n and S a y Lo rd A dmira l] o f E ngland

and kn ight o f our sa id order .

W - m L .

H o wa r d of E f f e in g h a m L . Chamb er layne an d

kn ight of the same order .

F frauncis K n o l l e s kn ight Treaserour o f our howse .

J ames C r o f t kn ight Comp tro ller of our said howse .

W -m C i c i l l kn ight our P rin cipal] S ecretarie .

an d haue also there to hanged our priv ie se als , p romisingetha t wee aga in st our common enimies shal l with on e acco rd

fight with our common forces and doe euerie and singuler

things men coned in thiswritings , as longs as G od sha ll lend v s

liu's , and that b y the word and faiths of a P rin ce .

G iven at our honor of H amp ton Cour t the xv iij - th dais o f

the moneth o f Ma ie in the xii- th yere of our R eign s , and in

the yere of our lo rd one Thousa nd five hundred threesco re and

Tenn e .

The co n temporary Russian transla tion of this document b earsthe following inscription:

«This writings in the Russian to ngue is affirmed b y

D a n i e l l S i l v e s te r E nglishman ,the in te rp re te r o f the amb a s

sad o r o f the E mpero rs o fRussia , b e ing swo rne upon his o the to

b e the tr ew copie of the letter , whichs is wr itten in the

E nglishs to ngue b y the Queen es Ma iestie o f E ngland . a

N 26.—1 570 run 18. 1 0 1

llaua a's namenrs san s F B I H TO B '

B -KO p‘l

‘h 18- ro ma u'scanaMax, s 's 1 2 - 1 regs namere seperescrsosania a m» r sre l

ocuonnamsro rn caua narscor s cw recaroe .

H a cospsl sn on's P yrraem. "openers erotl rpanoru, nernnra no

« lla s i n r 's C u s s s cr ep

's,A s rn uannn'

s,ren ews nocran

nn n naps Pyccraro , no npnsorh r's npncarh, m rass as yrocro


's, are are nncanie na P yccron

's asur 'h ecrs TO ‘l lmfi

nepesers nncsna, s anncannare s a A nrxittcron 's san s 'h ea se runecrsorrs reporesnotl A nrrittcsefl .


M 27. —1570 I n ly 1 5 .

The copy of a letter sent to the ofMosoeuis, b y Christopherurreugh, anno 1670.

Mo st mightie empereur , e tc . W hereas S ir W i l l i am G a r

r a r d and his felowship the compan y o f E nglish merchan ts ,this last win ter sen t hither to the N arue three ships lad en

with merchand ise , which wa s left here , and with it Ch r i s top he r H e d s d e n one o f the sayd felowship , and the ir chiefs deer

in this place , who when hes eame fi rs t hither , a nd v n til] such

time as hes had d ispa tched these ship s from hence,was in

hope o f goods to lad s twelue o r thirteen s sa iles of good ships ,

against this shipping ,wherefo re he wro te vn to the sayd sir

W i l l i am G a r r a r d and his cempan ie to send hither this sp ring

the sayd numb er of thirteen s ships . A nd b ecause that in the ir

comming hither wee found the freeb oo ters on the sea , and sup

posing this yeere that they would he very strong, he therefo re

gene the said air W i l l i am and his companie aduise to furn ish

the sayd numb e r of ships so strongly , as they should b ee a b le

to withstand the force o f the fres b oe ters : whereupon they haue

acco rd ing to his aduice sen t this yeere thirteen s ships together

well furn ished with men and mun ition , and all o th er n ecessa o

rise fo r the warree , of which 1 3 ships W i l l i am B ur r ough

o ne o f the sa id fe lewship is cap ta in s gen era l] , vn to whom

1 02 Ne. 27.- 1 570

there was gin suin charge , that if has me t with an y the D an sk e

free b eo ters or whatseeuer ro b b ers and thesnes that are en imies

to your highnesse , he should doe his b est to apprehend and

take them. I t so hapned that the tenth day o f this mon eth the

sayd W i l l i amwith his fl eets , met with sixs ships of the free

b oo tet e neere vnto an island called Tuttes , which is a b out 50

versts from N arus , vn to which freeb oo ters he with his fleets

gaue chase , and teeke of them the admirall , where in were

left but three men , the res t were fled to shore in their b o ats

amongst the weeds v po n Tuttee , on which ship he set fire and

b urn t her . H e also teeks fours more o f these ships which are

new here , and o ne ship eecaped‘

him: out ofwhich fours sh ips

some o f the men fled in their b eaten and so escaped , o thers

we re slaine in fight , and some of them when they saw they

could n o t escape , cast themse lues willingly in to the sea and

were drowned . S o that in these fine ship s were left but 83 men .

The sa id W i I . B e r o ug h when he came h ither to N ame ,

find ing here C h r i s t o p h e r H o d s d e n aforenamed , b o th the

said C h r i s t o p h e r and W i l l i am together , in the name

o f air W i l l i am G a r r a r d and the rest of the ir who le com

pan is a nd fs le W sh ip , d id presen t vn to your highnesse of tho se


rsc b oo ters tak en b y our ships 82 men , which we deliuered

here v n to Knez Vo iuo da . the 1 3 o f this mo neth . O ne man o f

those t’

reeb oo ters we haue k ept b y vs,who se name is H aun c e

S n a r k s a capta ins . A nd the cause why we haue done it isthis ; when wee should haue ds l iuered him with the rest of

his felowes vn to the ve iuodas s o fficers , there were o f our

E nglishmen mo re then 50 which fe ll on the ir kn ees vnto vs ,

requesting tha t he might b e reserued in the ship , and caried

b ack in to E ngland : and the cause why they so earnestly in

treated fo r him,is , tha t some o f these en r E nglishmen had

b ene taken with free b oo ters , and b y his meanes had the ir

l ieues saued,with great fauour b es ides , which they found at

his hand s . W herefore if it please your highnesss to permit it ,we wil l eary him home with v s into E ngland , where in

i . 9 . P rince G overno r .

1 06 x: 28.—1 570 orr . 24 .

N 28.—1 570 O r r . 24.

‘I re npea e core as s rorepoe sperm opars rso ii E rs a pr s

repoa shroropux mores esoax aa an s P a nep r a noose: a'h

rorO pstxs are s erpeo no sosny a s py wheres a nacax s o whenreporea a nepen a asasea s i snecrorepxnoa s a ascroom era

reaen . A as naas as ors oro cl ose as an as tim e . 11 rh 6para'

rsoero mega P n nep r s c rosapsma ne si gner s s or opn as 06n

aaeas ser ene ans s esoaete npacrar s a npaeras amy r nepcroay

s s ameas rpere (mo r e!)As s am. H a s a ryro rars norooaers rocy

repens xpaerss s crans naxoeras s o ys asua an s user s npas eaa

a s eso s x s reeynaperax s s aparan x cror hx axs csoens w o

sas seas ynor o s s a 6pery rs oea y ornycraxa . H or ro ro or

epary rsoere s pasxana as s al t ror s e P a ne p r s P n n s p r o s ,

re P a n e p r s P p e fi . Fl a s a rhxs reus e noz aaosen e users! )

PI nocae roro npa'hxua r s ans or 6pare or m ore

P n ne p r o s s H a s nocaaaa r s opary rsoexy esecro

O c a o a I‘

p a r O p s e s a a a H e n e re. A recreas

opera raoero i sesus A rea s crans n oreus w ow s ylo cson

rpaa oqy rem rer osy cmoomy m ore a aamaas m reas repro

sn a s e arase'r csodoma a seam cel ls re are or 6pare samero a

or see ser ar s e wys on n or sesxs A rraaerax n oses caya oa i

a s ore nopy noeaaaa sea s esecro aocraa s are i s Th nopu

opera rsoero E ns a p r a ropou as crane a yaas azeea s e rocy

reperse eeerpe rses Ma p s s . H noeae roro nomxe se Hmnas

cs ore r epem ea B a n a n a . l/I I/Imnes erea s epos G s a a n a eeerpe

rsoa Ma p s s noeaes n l re samero npas ars e usersm a r s ea s

ornyeram e jrhxe c anus s ar oroporo s e npn esal a ; e a'

r'b nepn

s ama A rras er ae rocra s eam a s orae J yrascrsa mars s ag

aamaa a reersaa a resapn cson norm reporo s pewers are

were as cros r . A noere roro ym saoea s ax sh one are cecrpn

raees Ma p s s aopoxess n as cure a B a n a n a repos e Hmnea

eroro A rm eras n on e reporeecrse cocaexa a N 68 yaam a B a

PaaapxstI eaereps .

“ j P aaeprs I‘


1 08 N: 28. 1 570 on . 24 .

Pl noose were s pr ints ; o r sees it as ! necss s s s s's as Pyre

ss s IO p s s Ma s s e a'ro s o reprosux sh es PI 1m ere scr im!

capsms ssrs npo O a r o a s ape H au s a on su n on y reos s

sax eny or was a news 6mm [4 a ocsaa s sn's rses IO p s s min e. a s

s erepere s e csssss a m an nousas sson a O s 're a y ass ; H m

ere Tam e ser lus a osepz sm sesysa or Tees s aws npo O s ros esn

pin s s'hsos e oyse

'r .

I/I aecs e'

rere sun 's ysm xecs s'luen o 4111 0 or sees apamea

s oces a s llsaacsoe npac'rsasme T'o x


oc P e a sex e s H m

s s exy necsas s c eneas's a ssessment -s cus s ooapcsero s sed us

onl y ems y s ero s's ups c


rssex a see'rs ecu ys s s as s eny seas

nyio A sexism ecu ere es peca'ra ec


r as c as s O a 'r e a H on as

mo s y ea s y ooapcseny s e cases : auero A O a r o a c as“

as s pas ms I/I noses roseps'rs o s ya a

'ms s x e represa s ms.i ex a nps

'hxu s an s s ame rocysspsc'rse H m a

s exy uocus ss s uoroassn s 're6 ea c asmsu oespu 0 mon

s ssec'

rs s cs ec'r as c s aws apasss e

'r Tees 0 fi x p

'Iwex are u: s

Tees c O a '

r o a on's aps sssnsua . H o s yposc

'rses au. eoa sseu.

s e uemes . A m oon s acs ; as To a o cs as as P ae s A3 e

us n x e represn x { hex nacax, s asms recysspscs s e sin s ne

ws man s oess'ss se H no'mexy aecoa '

rses sss emm y s ac 6am . A

110c were ap sm o eon se necaaase s os'h'

rpee a eny 6511 0 y s ac

nesosuomao 6am . PI s ax speu npsmae s oemse nocass se us v

.uocs aes'h'rpee a 1m exy ses

'hxs cson oas sue'rs . H on asu's re

s0ps 1 e Teprosa x a c gi uex . 14 a n as s exy sucm sm ooaps s a

csoero s s snrhcrs s ss B osorornsero as s es O e e a s c s s I s s s o s a s a

B aaeuc s e ve as nes s'

rs s s a csoero I s s s s Ms xsu o s s sa pus sO s np i a B s c s s s e s s

-A sexism ecu ere cnpocs'rs 0 Tea ecr as

ea sun 's TOT s pam n o ecu 1: recs aps sssa sam c O s r o

s ou. PI on cases ; are as s aws 'ro'r s pas s s ec

'rs me . H as s o

ma y s s exy m ess ase csoe sesame yss aus . H s ome ‘l‘O l‘O y

me s s eegans 6m . H on e rhx me o xyn smnsx e represa s

fluex reseps a As a 1's gin s am s apesse cs ssu x c . H am s

TO speu ao'hss

's l ym es s asmy om ay as B oxorxy . H 1m ne

mius 'rsees y s ecxy T o s o c y as 0060» a h am . H rm a s B o

ro fl lifl o MI MM’

U I I'

I» M )

X2 28. 1570

aorae sa on aaas ecu 1: sexy oosps s a osoere s aass O e e a a o s s

I s a s e s s s a B s s en o s e r e as am a cseero H e s p s I‘

p s r e p s e s a

s seasas ecu o s a s s rosops rs s as s r ims ass es s spe

nea s ac s ps roz e 6m . 11 s eoea'rsos T e s e o P e a a e a e s

resepsa 0 represent ate win e a oasa ere yreseps a s . H 0 mm. shaexcesopaas H s pa resopaaa o m 1 13a s as s r ims asses s pares

s eat s ac ems as a rpanoru s os aoaaa a nesa'ra ecu s shins

rpas o'raus sps sscaaa . A rem; ea s e 6yse

'r sees amoe TO me

m ono a: spanera s os s cs'rs s s ecaos ososx s s an s s ps oaa


aodpa x a ieaei as s O a 'ro a a fl a s a s s c s as s 6am sp s oaars as .

A O a r o a a a n s poos a s a s were are xo'r'has ecu ere 0 sons


rs , aoaeo a s on is pres s so


ropa e ecu s sees c s a s s

s pssasa saaa a io6n as see-h shmas a are em asaex'rsofi s pe

na cas . I users ecu c'

rsesus s ecaea s s eoaaas oseere s ecaa

U s ap'hs I

p s ro p es a s a C e s a a s .

PI s a ne'm as s al ts e


rs yc'rsaa s amero necaa , a cs s as s


s s as s cseere a s ecaa s e s p scaaaa . A name wh o assasaa ecu

s o s o sexy sas s aoooa ssofi s pares0psas . A rpas e'ry ecs s pa

oaaaa oom s yse sas s s pe'hmsyio . A ras s e sea ss se asaa fies s pe

s ee'teil ae sh am-

na s 6es s ocaes . A m so a ls o eraems aa a s

crepoay a sham c aamm s ooaoi ts TB O II oes pe s ee 0 Term»

sa xs i:lia a saaasas B C'hI '

B asael s'

rsos rec'

rs c e p'rs Ya s s a

P a p s-

r as oep'rs Ya s s a s ‘I ec '

re p I4 1m saaas sero q-

ro m

a s csoens recyaapsorse reoyaapa aa a can saaasem a osees se

cyaapsosoa aeo'rs campus s 0130e rooyaapo

'rsy sp som sa Ma n

s orel y Tas s e ah a a xo'rhaa c redone ah a


t a . A n ne y 7063 us e

root was saat a s o TO E I O areas s o xya s sa'

repres s e a o

aamsxs o rocyaap os s xs roaosax a 0 scores a o ses asx s pa

6m's a ae cs o

'rpszr a man cses x repress a s ps oa


rsoss A m

apeousaem as csoens sesaqeos os s ss ay sas s ec'rs s emaas

aes ss as q aj A are ae'ropes on e? s o“ i s aameus s in e 6m as

s al ts s sneana a Tony aspa'ra ae s pasms .

Pl s eas ya: sas s a a s s ]; asaa wom an as crepes v . A ay

m a reprenne soropa e e'rc


rassaa aams rocyaaposae sos oan a

caps B azaar s I‘

appapas 11 caps B aasaa s‘I ec'reps .


r. e . l on as aa . sm oamaa .

1 10 X: 28. 1 570 0 3 13 24 .

namy recyaapcsyn aeors a w a s eeusns upset-irons it our


r oses xs repro sux asas uos a nooxorps'r l ass my?» t opm

ears . A Mocsoscs ee reoyaapsorso noses-b ore 6ee A raaacm ro

sspess ae cayano tim e . A rpas ery 6 eon serepyie ecu s reds

uocaaas 0 represents shae nps om a as sal t Kora I: am res

rpanoru a ne apamaem s s ans no res rpaure s e ser hrs t h an :

as sero . 11a 1: nos nanm spes era soropa e ecu sam e 0 repre

sux sh e: s o oei seas ac s rpanoru.

H acaaa s aameus rooyaaporse rpm Mocs sa ass; or ooeaaa ss

supy 7079 oursopa s 24 (sen t.

M 28.- 1570 out. 24.

The coppie of the Muaeevitts lettre in E nglish b rought b y

F t’

o r tha t b efo re time certa ine sub iec ts o f your b ro ther hinge

E dwa r d n amelie R ic h a r d C h a n s l e r and o thers b einge

sen t t'

e r some occas io n to a ll peop le and p laces and haue inge

wr itingee to all hinges , empereurs , dukes , lo rdos , and ruler s

(b ut s amalio vn to v s no t o n e word was written), and these

your b ro the rs sub iec ts R i c ha r d and his fe llowes , wee knewnot after what so rt whither it were willinglie o r vnwillinglie came and an chored in our hav en . b y the see. side , and

to our towne of Dwena , and woe as it b ehoo ved a Christian

prince , shewed them so much favour tha t wee rece ived them

with hon o r , and a t our pr in cely and appo in ted dyuners ,wee of our goo d n oe sent fo r them; and wee sen t them b aoke

aga ine v nto your b ro ther . A nd afte r tha t it plea sed your b re

ther to send the said R i c h a r d C h a n e l e r and on e R i c ha r d

G r a i e vnto vs , and woe in li ke cause shewed our goodn oe

vn to them and sen t them b aoke againe . A nd after that your

b ro ther sent the said R i ch a r d to v s the third time,


there vppon wee sen t v n to your b ro ther our messinger O s ip e

G r eg o r i o N e p eu. A nd to your b ro thers marchaun ts and to

all E nglishe men wee gaue our lettres of p riv iledge so large

1 12 X: 28. o n . 24 .

good cred itt with youand therefo re our goodn es was the grea t

er to them .

A nd afte r that wee had newes , tha t a sub isc i o f yours was

some to the N ame b y n ame E dwa r d G o o d m a n ,which

had manie lettres . but wee sen t to him to enquire o f A ut h o

n i e but he to ld v s no thing o f h im,and commaun ded him

to b e serched fo r lettres an d wee found manic lettres ; an d in

tho se lettre s were wri tten wordes no t allowab le'

aga inst our

princel ie state and emp ire , how that in our emp ire we reman ic v nlawful l thinges donn e . and he gaue sv ill language

to our msssingers , which we re sen t to him,b ut was of our

goodn es caused him to b e eta ied honora b lie till such time as

was should haue aunswere from you of those afl'

airs s tha t

was sen t of to you b y A n t h o n i s .

A nd after tha t there came from you a messinger to the

N e rve a b oute marchaun ts afl'

a ires n ams lie G e o r g e Mi d d l et o n an d was sen t to him to kn ow wh ither A n t h o n i s

were come to you o r no , an d when he. should come from you

to vs , B ut your mess inger G e o r ge vould te ll v s n o th ing o f

this ma tte r , b ut d id misca ll our massingers and A n t h o n i s

a lso and was commaunded him to b e keep t , till such time as

wee had and kn ewo f the matter,that wee committed to A n

t h o n i e .

A n d n o t long after tha t we e were en fo rmed tha t your am

b assadour T h o m a s R a n d o l p h was come to our po rte

o f Dwen a , an d wee of our good n es sen t to meets him,the

son ne o f a gen tlemen , and wee commaundsd the said gen tle

man to b e h is guide and was d id in treats h im with grea t

ho no r and W es commaun ded our said gen tleman to enquire of

him whither A n t h o n i s were with him o r no , but he to ld

our gen tlemon no th ings ; for A n t h o n i s was no t with him,

but a ll h is ta lk s was o f b owrishn ss and afi'

a ires o f ma r

rhaunts ; A nd when he was come to our empire wee sen t

vn to h im man ie times , that he would come an d conferre withour counsa ile tha t wee might haue had knowledge of tho se

on the margin : «Mid elto n n .” t on the margin « R anda ll» .

16 28. 1 570 our . 24 . 1 13

great afl'

aires tha t was sen t you wo rd of b y A n t h o n i s ,

but he after a rude man n er den yed to come ; but he wro tesupp licaco ns again st G l o v e r and R ut t e r and uppo n afl


a ires

o f marchaun td ise he writt, but o f our princelie atfaires he

made them o f n o ne effect and therefore your emb assad our

was keep t the longer from our presence and after tha t our

c ittie was stro ek en b y the ha nd of G od with the p lague , so

that it was no t possib le fo r vs to giv e him p resence , but so

soone as it pleased G od to withdraws from v s the plague of

sicknes , wee gaue him presen ce , an d al l his ta lks was vppon

marchaun ts a tfair ss ; an d the n wee sen t vuto him our coun

cell o r and cap ta in s o f W o loghda ie Duke A f o n a c e E v a n o

v e t c h V o s e ms k e and our sea ls keeper E v a n M e h o

l o v e and our secretaris A n d r ew V a s i l o v a “)wee willed

them to enquire o f him yf he had comission o f those afl'

a ire s,

which wee sen t youword o f b y A n t h o n i s and he to ld them

that he had comissio n fo r tho se afl'

a ires also ; the re vppo n wee d idaugmen t our goodn es vuto him after that he was d ivers timeswith v s a nd eus r he epake a b out b owr ishe and a tfa ires o f mar

chaun td ize and veris seldome would talks with v s o f our pr in

ce l ie afl‘

a ires , an d at that time wee had o cca sion fo r to ride to

our inher itaun ce o f W o loghda ie and wee gaue commaun demen t

to our gentlemen that the y should conducts him thither , an d

he b eings ar iued thither wee sen t vn to h im our presaid coun

c e llo r and our secre ta rie P e t e r G r e g o r e v a a n d wille dthem to treats with him how tho se afl

a ires of amitie might b e

b etweene vs , but the ta lks wh ich your amb assadour had was toes ta b lishe marchaun ts , and wee willed him to ta lks with v s

o f our affaires , a nd we ta lked o f them and wee d id agree howthose afl


aires should passe b e tweens v s , and then wee wro teour lettres , and to our lettres wee se tt our seals and then y t


they had liked you, tha t then youwould haue caused your

le ttres to haue b een e wr itten and to haue se n t some trustie

I"i Prince A tb anas ius I vanovich V i a s cms k y . J ohn Mi k h a i l o t’


A nd rewV a s s i l e f.O n the margin : ,,repo rted b y m- r ltando lt

hono ra b lie“

mj P eter G rigorief.

1 1 4 x: 28.- 1 570

amb assadour , and that A n t h o n i s J e n k i n s o n might haue

b een sent with him. The cause whio wee were so desirous to

haue had A n t h o n i s J e n k i n s o n to haue come , was thatwee would haue knowen o f him whither he did declare vn to

you the word es which was commaund sd him to tell you b ymo uth , and to haue haowon of him whither the wordes d idlike you, or n o , and howyouwere min ded of that ma tter . A n d

so was sen t in compan ie with your amb assadour our amb as

aadour , A n d r ew G r e g o r iwc h S a v i n .

A nd youhaue sen t v s our emb assadour b acks , but youhaue

no t sen t your amb assadour to v s, and youhaue no t ended our

afla ires accordings as your amb assad our did agree vppon ,

and your letters b e not there to agreeab le , fo r such weight ieaffaires b e no t ended without some golds or without amb assad oure, but youhaue set as ide those grea t afl

aires,and your

conncell doth deals with our emb assad our a b out marchaun ts

a l aires; and your marchaun ts sir W - m G a r r a r d and air

W - m C h e s t e r did rule all bus ines . A nd was had thought tha t

you had b een ruler over your lands and had sought hono r to

your self and profi tt to your coun trie , and therefo re wee d id

pretend tho se weightie atfa ires b etween s youand vs; B ut nowwee pe rce iv e tha t there b e other men that doe rule , and no t

men but b owers an d merchaun ts the which seeks no t the

wealth an d hon our of our maiesties , but they seek s there own s

pro fi tt o f marchauntdize : and you flows in your mayden lie

esta te lik e a maids . A n d who soeusr was trusted in our


aires , and did dsceave vs , it were no t mee ts that youshould

crsdd itt them.

A nd now see ings it is so ,was dos sett aside these afl

airss .

A nd tho se b owr ishe marchaun ts,that have b eene the occassion

that the pre tend ed welthes and honors of our ma - tiss hath no t

come p asse but do e seeks theirs own s wealths , they shall see

O n the margin : ,,F ormsr lettres of the Q. to b e aeeen howmuch is

aunswercd and a fi tt aunswere to b e nowmade. and the lettres framed and

b rought b y the B aas : Amb assadour to b e scene“


Incorrect translation : the original signifi es : ,,m

tlwa t confirmationb y oa th“.

1 16 N: 29 .- l 57l .

5 . A lettre rehers ing a ll his secret demaunds made b ym- r J e n k i n s o n b y speechs to her ma - tie . A nd that he willed

gius cred it to b e a sswered to the same b y lyke speechs from

he r ma - tis with these wishe s if it plea se .

Under this memor ia l in the handwr iting of D a n i e l

S y l v e s t e r

B ecause her ma - tie do th no t think i t tas te (fo r good co nsi ~

dera tion to b e to ld b y A n t h o n y) to wryte her answer tothese sec re t a tl

a ires . H e r ma - tie ha th to ld he r mynd therin to

her fa i thful] es tua n t A n t h o n y (added : «who sha ll fully sa

tisfy P rayeng to gius him cred it the rin fo r his wo rdes o rher wo rd es (added : « In this case J e n k ius o n to b e

M 29 . 1571 .

11am uo Pyooan rs glam



psoye'rca ms ornpasrenia r - na li a e a aua c o n a .

l)a sa o o upsrcrosmea '

a ero npi'hsr

'h, m opoe uocaara

no mark .

s o s ome aa aaca ao : « acum eno » .

2) I lacaa o as ore'hr a na rs symia ma, no asshcr ian

'a, up l

seees nm llan i n r ou'a

no name : « acuorneno » .

3) llucsno o ruhab a 't cotos

'h ru ssaaa naro ap ions ua cryualt

6hm.—ll orpooao oo's ero up ieirl; s tore a (o upietrh) ea sea - B a ,

scan 1 0 6yre'ra yrorno .

n o ”on e: « naus eous—it's upocnorpy 11 . B . » (1 0pm

B ep r e s).

4) lIucsa o na H rar t s ncaon 't sen s

-h,o upncsr

'h a conch orno

carsa sno as tronaut: nouoma a'haoropna

's rocyrapn

's a rocyrap

creams npo'rm s ero .

as non e:

5) [Incano ca nepeuacrenien sc'hx'

a ero renam e upon -6's ,

neperaannn r- n'a li sten a n n c o n o n

's es sex- B y aa caosaxa . ll

29 .—1 57l . 1 17

gratin on 61 amsonm rare n'hpy Tony,

taro row, a s (Antennascon )omen mas s us c l oser }. ronopnr t. on on sett - ea ornoca

ren no ernx'a assass in.

11 00: 9 1mm m ama’s aamtra ao pytmto JI a n i n s a

C s r a s e c r p a

Tana ra in . on sen - no ne yrotinn a's (no sen sum.

yeat es isna , aoropn a coootntrra A n r 0 n y)nnca 'rs csoh ors

'h'r't no

area's manur eman '

s . E n ass - no an cnaeaaa cson m ean no eroaynpen ery ea n

'hpnony osyt'h A n r o s y (np n b

auea o : «r ompn fi

snor a'h pae

'ascnnn I I puvein , npoonrs , trrotin 3 1 » mor e

what 6mm gras s s'hpa ero crosatra near. ea cr osan


s (apuoauea o :

« B 's rati on s cayua

'h rare liz enauncoay

N i 30 . 1571.

The B equests of the merchants A dventurers for Russia.

1 . To haue lettres from the Queen s ma - tie to the k ings o f

Denmark and Sweden o f the effect o f the last lettres writenin F ea r ing either ther miscarye ing o r sho rt delius ryo f them e ther .

2 . To haue le ttres o f cred itt. from her ma - tis to the Mo scouit

fo r J e n k i n s o n . 0u (the margin in L B urleigh’

s ha nd

a panopo r t»

3 . To haue her ma - te lycence tha t they may cary out,o f

th is R ealm in B oull io n o r in D a llers to the v a lew o f i ij thousandd a llera which is in E ngl ish mon ey v ije l b . F fo r the wh ich thev

d o promises to b r ing into this re a lms , a s much within three

mouthes nex t e ither in to the Tower,o r o ther p lace a s then

shalb e appo in tid . The cause that mov e th theim hs rvn to is .

tha t they s n te nde to sends on e Sh ippo through the S ownd b efo re the res t, and out o f han d , ther b y to p rev ent a ll o ther

s trangers and the b ette r to mak e ready fo r their o ther ships

coming afte r . W h ich they can no t do without ready mon ey .

4 . That a ship ps called the G ho st o f N ewcas tell , b e ingladen at L o ndo n with clo thes fo r S - t Leucas , and go n to N ew

N: 32 —1 571 Arr . 1 2 1

donororhr a name! napcrne n cayrn ap'hunus earspatann ecrs ;

soropoh onyx cuspas nono! asses aspm r im PO CTOI ram s reds

n on non o! er yx‘I 'ro sum s no cnoefi r qro nnuero or

us e an or nnnx aoropnx nnuero as erhraroca a m erry nap

caoay sen sed -ray) (refi nan ce . A red]; so a sh on e new

seruos rpyz oa l ets use no a noras Jrh'ra 65m 1! ycran

tme nomrm aoropn e raona nom am rann 651 1 1: T.

nepsaupse neranno ors ro noroay trro reo'h csoe ycrasrensa

as non paepymnrn ui ro npiarercrno neat nac o'rroa nrn roxno 6

nan npassm n apecrssn cm rocyrapen 6m niche-re . flours;

oro nnorux t hrs rpanoru na rpan oru a reds nocsutann ecrs s

ro reds nen'b crno n m roro serooirsa rhx rocrei as a orra

orcrasn'm n a named nuocrn naea

'm roraotrh rpanoru npanra

oro nan npo'rsenmt l yn ch ornesarn a romo rh rpan oru as

apanra dyner uro nan trouno npornsnnx or namux nsnpyros

cspne name noapenuoc 9. am oan caesnaam aoropoh a a ano

nannotl onyx ea apanay repairer .

A a n roro eareps anne ro t dol oroxh'

rn a nepsonytI ro wh

aoropn e napaorennxn at aoropn e or s emis auaocrn nams nomen

m s O n r p'hfi I

p n r o p s e n n s s C o n a n who s auna: n G yrro

rn an a crock sen s sarepz ana a a nun as ornycrnna ;tI 'ro s ome

nouann e ea o r G onoror'hrs a soup ao

'ropon c namnn nocran

an on a reo'hnpnneean or roro rainy ram mA 'm 6y1rro H . I I . B .- no

nocrannnaa y code a s arms . PI ro rome o scrs or rhx aoropn e a

ros y nouas ra aynrenst n me xx mpn crn as an y-

r repn'hra raaoe

esan os npns rsascrso ropronr s neat namnx smelt . Pl rn caaa em,

‘I 'ro ror nocsannn s um m e xro ns ero nus sax nan semen

rooren (as?) cusses oro xor'hrs a nan aapaorennaon nocra'rn; A

uro o ran ch n m cror J erao c namm Ass a ils u'ro s n otty ner

a oz nony nocs annmty; E l ni t-hem npaersr crno uporne namue na

socrn s amero nocaannnaa repa sas n or mom: nocaansnuaoaascraenno n rai no scam users a npnsrer c


rso n ace ayrses a

s exy (in nat e no samsny paeyny . A a nocryxy a a npanre an sweras m ao

'rOpn e ryr tha n a na can o ro nocnannnna Tom m 'm

then sa l on ornor s sno nameh n eoc'

rn sroo an nonoruu B aa ro

ec'rs name cecrpa n c nann su'hc're yxp

'hnnenno 6orm n’kpu

M n 9. an r‘hn mxaa mores aoropn s aamsa y npaarercrsy npo

1 22 36 32 —1 571 anr .

m an scrs a as a oryr repn'hrn roii odms it roproun a s: n o c

ro60 10 ;111 06 an nom an may» m oors a m an non ann nep

z arn ran on acrann o rsrnm are on see eacays m esos io

czyz oo to uporne nam e m oors H am or run mushnameh m ocrn cepme poern

'hsano son a m re6'h ro traction

museum I a m: nans - ue1 06urs 'h ca rnoa rpal ora a

nan nocnana m o a n nonomrn rson rooren sonny» roproam

n ones a nameh sea r-h n roro acero norenien apnery yaas en ro

air-luau n ras oe nemnoe npnnrsacrno a roro aouaro ocrauenss

a s: us e yunneno ecrs ran ts uomnes namm nomm roproue

a norpe6crny PI rn roro as omnem seems nai ls 6yrer 1 1060 .

B a n rpanory rsoro mm a npaeyidun ropasno . B a n it rolls

a nps ta roro nncar a c raona ass on'haon e A a nur o n c ror

a auon PI us 6 roe names rpan orunocuorpnna noseny nams rn'hss

ym uca a rsoenv rocyrapcrny . A n o son nuns nacal a nro refi t

nesemarn B a r o n P a p e r“) 1a B su n II I e c r s p:o npnnuan

anxs more! un o 6 nan nonesecm a san e ro y rs63 mm: H 6yrer

y re6s pagan s n o ro ran npnromE yre-r s o ropronn e H ym n

n o 651 110 npo nxs nncarn ne npnroats ro t oan nouscrn n ero

orohan . A n o on cream 0 roprosre a red ]; roro m orn as

snow: rocrex na cep Y r a n e I‘ up a r e as (do ?) no csp Y r a n e

‘I a c r e p e . B ans 651 1 y sac nams nocos O n r p'hn l

p a r o

p o s n n q C o n a n n on nonnne nanm rhea t h an 0 roprosae

u on yam ! noenesn m ore an npnosu na reproers (ma n !)crass . A qro so onerorhrn rosep nonn an n ro roro Jun yum -a

s oc ‘no n os room wh en 0 csonx ropronn x t h eir a sumin a s man a nam x rocreh ympnm a seam an as nom

nmmm ) rocrnn n ronapon mt ro6pnxs aymrrn as am .

A nepers ananur noca on neper A nrp'hel na rpan orax ape

cra son as neronua n npanm m oropus ne yqnnua. H rorao

noxousln nam e 1 106“ a ce6'h n rm 6 a nan npncnara ro6poro

cnoero sci on-b aa as n O n r o n a 6 son s nan npaa aaa. H an a

re6'h o rou c rhu nocm rnom o ncen npn aateu naas nal s

c roG oro s rpyza6e 6m . Its a o rot dol ororhrn o aoropol ecuunease rorm a cross 6yrer . A n o 0 aopa6aennn ex n o rout

l anim C ar tmo rrps . B ur eaus rappers .

1W ") 1 . e. as narroa tuan .

1 24 N. 32 . 1 571 m .

M 82. —l :i71 Aug.

Czar J ohn to Queen E lisab eth.

A t the end of this copy is written : «The lyk letter was sent

« from the Emperor of Moscowia t.o Phillip and Marv in high« ltnch dated in F eb ruary».

W he ira s y ou haue sentc v n to v s your ser v aun te R o b e r t “)withe a letter where in youhav e wry tten vn to v s tha t W y l i

y am G e r r a r t a n d W i l l i a m C h e s t e r afte r the ma nn eth

o f S eptemb er las t p a s t b y manye an d «lin ers men n e and writ

tinges ha v e ha clde in tell ige n c e tha t'

the go o d s o ff the mar

chaun ts ( an d the ir serv aun ts a l so) were stayed an d kepte

s tra ightl ieo vn ller ur este v nd er owre jurisd ic tion ,

the which

was a t the. first n o t oue l le sca rsl ie b e lev ed , b ut r a ther thought

to b e a v ayn e d ispersed rnmer : as in y our c o n sc ien c e y ou

d id indge itt to b e and tha t there ha s n e ither b y you, n o r b y

no man ne e l ls a n y so che o ffe n ce comy tted o r don e ,a s shon lde

mer itte the same,and that oure imper ia l] ma

- tie therefo re,

must. n o tt b e o tfended and that i t ys “e ll knowne vn to you

wha t grea te frend ship their ha th b en e b e twixt v s ma nye y eare s

and the grea t adv ancemen t an d trews dealinge that ha th

b ene showed vn to your sub iec ts , a nd likewise a lso the n ewecompacte an d agreemen t wh ich o f la te ha th b en e con c luded

b e twixt v s a n d that the refo re y ou can no t. departe from the

same , no r withd rawe your fren d shipp from v s . S o that wemight b e go o d and christia n rule rs t ogether .

B ut co n s id er inge tha t there haue b en e sen t v n to youletters

uppen le tters , ma king menc ion thereo f a t the ear n este in stan ce

an d request o f the seyde ma rchaun ts you coulde n o t for b earc

to wryte vn to our h ighnes , an d so farfo rthe as the same let

ters were found e b e trewe , tha t th’

env io ns do o aun swere and

if the le tters b e no t trews , y t may b e po ssi b le tha t th e d ies

o b ed ien t no t. b e ing our fl'

ren d s hav e d oo n e itt to a lter and

change owre har tes , and so e saye those that d oo houlde the

llohert B e s t .

X: 32 .—1 57l M W . 1 2 5

fo rsayde rumo rs to b e trews , an d tha t tho se sho nlde b e the

causes o f the sta yings o f the go o ds s .

F firste , b ec ause cs r tayne free b n ters mar in ers the which

owre highnes amb a ssado rs A n d r ews G r o g s r g ewi c hS a wi n had d taken vppe ,

shoulde haue b en e stayed in your

domin ion s , and no t permitted to come v n to v s . Tha t our sub

is e ta d id paye customs fo r the ir good s and wares tha t they

hadd b rought, with our amb assad o r vn to you: a nd tha t you

shoulde no t ha ve es teemed owre amb a ssad o r b e ings with youand that the same ha the b ene soe d e v ised b y so che as b eing

currup t b y giftes theirvn to ; o r b y reaso n o f the ir owns pr iva te profitt ie and como d itye can no t a b yde an y suche grea ts

frend shipp in the trad e o f merchaund ize b e twix t our peo ple .

S ayings tha t the amb assado rs (o r howeso s ve r he ys o therwisenamed) shoulde n euer haue sp o k en to you n o r to your merch

an ts con csrn yngs the se nd ings o ver o f maryn s rs vnto vs

and a s towching the cus toms, youhaue so to von rahls y , and

ly b eral lye dea led : as ever any amb assad o r wa s dea llte witha ll

,home grea t so e ver he was . A nd a s tea chings the an t

b assadeur himselfs ; tha t it mo st manyt‘

es t b s knowns to a l l

menus tha t all ho nno r a n d fl’rend shipp ha th b en e shewed vn to

him re ti'

eringe your se lf to the wittness o f a ll them tha t haue

b en e presen t , and o f th’

mb assadour him ss lfl’

e . P rayinge there

fo re earn estly ours highn es tha t (you b e ing our susts r) y our

persuasion might ha ve mo re crs d itte then the ev illd ispo sed

peop le , tha t b e en ymyes and ev i l] wi llers to our mutua l]

amytys and fren dshippe and canno t a b yde the trade o f

merchaund ize tha t is b etwene vs and you, we woul de sheweour se lves go od an d grac ious toward s your enhies ta, a s they

knows they hav e dese rv ed itt b y the ir serv ice towards owrema - tye . That our harte ha th con ce ived anger b y the ev il] re

ports o f e villdispo ssd peo p le and tha t we woulde b y wry tings ad vertises you thereo f. and that a t the in staun c e o f your

people youhad sen t v s your le tter , to th’

ande we might sutt‘


your merchaun ts freelys to traffike over a ll our domin ions .

Tro n ghe the grea t fl'

rendshipp and the new compac t made

b etwix t vs and in con s ideracon o f the mutual] romod i tie an d

1 20 N: 32 .

—1 57l A er .

pro fy ttc b e twen c our sub iec ts ; and youdoute no things the re

o f, b ut hope tha t itt will lyke vs well .W e ha v e redd s on te your letter , and well vnderstande n

the same , a nd we hav e wr itten vnto you b efo re withe D a

ui e l l the in terpreter : yt may p lease you to loo ks vpon the

same lette rs,and the ir t o see the occas ion o f our ange r v pon

your h ighn es ; a nd whereas you have written tha t W i l l i n

G a r r e t t and W i l l i n C h e s t e r ha v e gyv s n youthe know

ledg b eings goue rn eours o f the. fo re saide marchaun ts , le tt v s

vndersta nd e wha t man n er o f men they b e with you. Yf they

b e men o f warre with you so ya itt raison a b le , butt if theyb e marchaun ts so were it aga in st reaso n to wry te fo r them : as

no t b e ings wo r thy o f y tt; and that they have seyd e as con

c ern ynge merchaun d ize , the same eann you ask s your mer

chaun ts V l g a n G a r r e t h s an d V l g a n C h e s t e r , howethat our amb assad our A n d r e G r e g o r i v i t h S a v i n hath

b en e with you, an d they ha v e ls tte our matters and axer

cyced ma rchann d ize , and nowe hav e the v nd erstand inge what

ga yn es an d pro ffittes they hav e vpon the merchaund ize and

what goo ds a nd wares hav e b en e taken . A nd the same y s

happened ,b ycanss tha t your merchaun ts hav e employed them

selv es to there trade o f ms rchaund ize and no t to our matters,

and ha ve d isd ay ned our merchaun ts an d no t es teemed them

as r ights merchaun ts ; an d hav e no t suffered them to buye

an ye goo d wares;A nd youhave no t his te the c rease vppon the letter in the

presen ce o f A n d r s we our a mb assad enr , and n o t d on e that

which o i'

right is vaed to b e d on n e . A nd so farfo rths as youwil l hav eour frend sh ipp toward s you, send v n to v s your goo d ser van n te

A n to n e " ) and then will we with the sa me your amb assado r

conc lude o f all things tha t may tend to mayn tayns our fren d

shipp , and also commvn e togither con cern ynge the sa me good s

which youhav e written fo r : as towch iuge the mar in or , we ha v eno t b ene a ngrys , he ha th b rought v s owre amb assador , and as

concernyngs the customs , we ha v e herd s n o things , ne ither

‘ l D aniel S y l v e s t s r .” l A n thony J e n h i n s o n .

l 2s N: 33 . us er . 2 3 .

A5 33.—1572 March . 23.

Account of a personal interview of M. Anthony J enkinson withthe Czar at the Slob oda on the 23 March 1572.

This account and ano ther under as 34 are extrac ts from «A no te

o f the proceed ing of M. A n thonis J enkinson , emb assad our tromthe Queenss most excellen t Maiestie, to the Empereur o f Russia ,from the time of his arriuall there , b e ing the 26 of July 1 5 1 1

vn til] his departure from thence the 23 of July (H alduy ted it . 1809 , vo l p . 462

The 23 (o f Ma rch 1 572) I came b e fo re his ma - tie , who

c aused mes to k isse his hand s , and gaue gra tious aud ien ce

vuto my o ra tio n , gra te fully rece iuing an d a c c ep ting the Queen

s e ins - ties pr in ce ly le tters , and her presen t , in the p resen c e

o f a ll his n o b il itie . A fte r I had fin ished my o ra tion , to o lo ng

he re to rehe arse and d e line red her highn esss lette rs and pre

sen t (a s a fo resa id) the empereur sitting in roya i] es ta te stood

vp and sa id ,H ow do th queen s E liza b eth my s ister , is she in

hea lth? to whom an swered,G o d do th b le sse her ma - tie with

hea lth , a nd pea ce ,and do e th wish the like vnto thee lo rd


her louing b ro ther . The n his ma - tie s itting down s aga ins ,

co nn naunded all his n o b ilitie and o thers to depa rt , and an o yd e

the chamb er,sauing the chiefs sec re ta r ie and on e o ther o f the

coun se l ], a n d will ing me to a pproch n eere vuto him with myin te rpre te r , sa id v n to me these wo rds .

A n t h o n y , the last time then wast with v s heere , we ed id commit vn to thee our trus tie and sec re t message , to b e

d ec la red vn to the queen e s ma - tie herse lfs thy mistreese at thy

coming home ,and d id exp ec t thy comming vn to v s aga in e a t

the time wee appo in ted ,with a ful l a nswers o f the same from

her highn esss . A n d in the mean s time , there c ame vuto v s

at seuera l] t ime s three mes senge rs , the o ne ca l led Ma n l y ,

the o ther G e o r g e Mi d d l e t o n ,and E dwa r d G o o d m a n ,

b y the way o f the N ame , a b out the merchaun ts afl'

a ires : to

whom wee sen t our messenger to know whether thou A n

t h o n y ,we re return ed home in sa fetie , an d whe n thous hould

es l. re turn o vn to v s aga in e : b ut tho se messenge rs c ould tel l

N: 33 . 1 572 n arr 23 . 1 29

v s no thing, and d id misc a ll a nd a b use with euil n e rd s,b o th

our messenger and thee ,whe rewith wee we re muc h o tl

e nd ~

ed . A nd v nders tand ing tha t the sa id G o o d m a n had le tte rs

a b out him, we caused him to b e sea rched , with whom we refound many le tters , whe re in was written much aga ins t our

princely esta te , and tha t in our em pire we re ma ny vulawl’


things done , whereat we were much gr iened ; a nd would suf

fer n o n s o f tho se rude messengers to haue a cc esse vn t o vs : a nd

sho r tly afte r wee were in fourmed tha t o n e Tho ma s R a n d o l fs

wa s come in to our domin io n s,b y the way o f Dwina

,amb a s

sadonr from the queen e , an d we e s en t a gen tleman to me e te

and co nduc t him to our o itis o f Mo sco,a t. which t ime we lo o k

ed tha t thou shouldes t haue re turn ed v n to v s aga ine . A nd the

sa id T h o m a s b eing a rriued a t our sa id e itle , wee sen t v n to

him d iners times , tha t has should come an d co n fe rre W l lll our

c oun se l] , where b y we might vn d ers ta nd the c ause o f his r om

ming, lo o k ing fo r answe rs o f tho se our p r ince ly a ll’

a ire s c om

witted vn to thee . B ut has re fused to come to our sa id c oun

se l l : where fo re a nd fo r tha t our sa ide c itie wa s v is it ed with

p lague , the sa ide T h o ma s was the longe r kep t from our

presen ce . W hich b eing ceased , fo o r thwith wee gaue h im ac

ceese and aud ien ce , but a ll his ta lk s wi th v s wa s a b out me r

chan ts a ti‘

aires a nd n o thing touching ours . W es kn ows tha t

merchan ts ma tters are to b ee hea rd , fo r tha t the y a re the

stay o f our pr ince ly trea sures . B ut first p rinces a ffa ires are

to b e es ta b lished an d then merchan ts . A fter this the sa id'


h owa s R a n d o l l’

e wa s with v s a t our c itie o f Vo logd a ,

an d wee dea l t with him a b out our p rin c e ly a ffa tres . where

b y amit ie b e twrx t the queen e s mat - tie an d v s might b ee es ta b

lished fo r eue r , a nd ma tters were agreed a nd co nc lud ed b e

twix t your emb assadour an d v s, and the reup o n wee sen t our

amb as sad our in to E ngla nd to en d s the same : b ut our amb as

sad o n r re turned vn t o v s aga ine , without. lin ish ing our sa id a ll

fa ires , co n trary t o our expec ta t io n ,and th e agre emen t. b e

twix t vs,and your sa id emb assad our .

Thus when his ma - tis had mad e a lo ng d iscours e ,hum

b ly b eseeched his higlmesse to hours we gra c ious ly , a nd to


1 30 N: 33.—1 572 n r

'r. 2 3 .

gins ms Is sue to speak s without o tfence and to b elesus tho se

wo rdes to b e true which I should speak s . W h ich he graun t

ed and these were my wo rds .

Mo st no b le an d famous prince , the message which thy

highneees d id send s b y mse v nto the queen s her most exsellen t ma - tie

,touch i ng thy pr in cely and secret afl


a ires , im

msd ia tly , an d so soone as I came home , 1 did declare b o thsecre tly and trus ly v n to the quesnes ma - tie her selfs , word fo rwo rd , as thon


lo rd d iddest commaund mes . W hich her high~

neeee d id willingly hea rs and accep t , and b e ing mindefn l] the

ree f and will ing to answers the same ,the nex t shipp ing af

te r , her ma - tis d id send vuto thee ,lo rd ,

her highn esss um

b assadour T h o ma s R a n d o l fs whose approousd wiesdomsa nd fidel itie wa s vn to he r ins - tie well knowen , and therefo re

thought meets to b ee sen t to so wo rthy a prince ,who had

commission no t onely to treats with thy ma - tie of merchan ts

a fl'

a iree, but a lso o f tho se thy princely and secre t afl'

a iree com

witted vuto mes . A nd the cause (mo st grac ious pr in ce) tha t Iwas no t sen t aga in e , wa s , fo r tha t l was imploy sd in seruic e

vpo n the seas aga in st the ques n s s ma - tis s enemies , and wa sno t return ed home a t such time as master Th o ma s R a n

d o l fe depa rted with the shippee , to come in to thy ma - ties

coun trey , o therwise I had b ene sen t . And whereas thy ma - tis

sa ith ,tha t Thoma s R a n d o l t

s woul d no t trea ts with thy

coun se l] o f the ma tte rs o f his legation ,hee d id (lo rd) therein

acco rd ing to his commissio n : which was . first to dea ls withthy ma - tie thy ss lfs which o rder is common ly v aed amo ng a l l

prin ces , whe n they send the ir amb assadon rs a b out matte rs o f

grea t we ight . A n d wherea s the sa id e T homa s is charged

tha t hes agreed and con cluded vpon ma tters a t the same ti

me , and p romised the same should b ee p erfourmed b y the

queen s her ma - tie ; W hersv pon (lo rd) thou d iddes t send thy

emb a ssadour with him in to E ngland , fo r an swers thereo f: it

may please thy ma - tie to vnderstan d , tha t as the saide Tho

ma s R a n d o l fs do eth con fesse , tha t in deeds hes had ta lks

with thy highnesss , and coun sel] d iners times a b out prin celyaffaires : suen so hes de n ie th that eusr hes did agree , conclu

1 32 Ne 33 .—1 572 nan 23

trns re po r ts o f thy la te amb a s sa d o r in E ngla nd ,a nd o f suc h

wic ked pe rson s o f our na tio n res id en t he re in thy highne s

domin io n s , re b e ls to he r ma—tie , and the ir coun tre y , the n o f

a ny ins t de se rts o f the sa id me rch a n ts , who n euer willinglyd ese rued thy highnesse d isp le a sure . but ra ther fa rme r in a l l

their d o ings a nd me an ings . A n d s in ce the firs t t ime o f the ir

tra ftik ing in thy ma - ties domin io ns , whic h is now i n ne tee ns

ye res , the sa id me rrhan ts haue b e ne,a nd a re a lua ye s ready

an d willing: true ly to se rne thy lngb nr ss e o f a ll th ings mee te

fo r thy treasur ie . m time o f pea r e a nd o f wa rre in d espite o f

a ll thy en emies : a lthough the p rin c e s o t'

the ea s t seas were

agreed to s te ppe the S oun d a nd the wa y to the h a rne,


haue b rought a nd do b r ing from time to time such commo

d itie to thee , lo rd , as her ma - tie doe th no t sutl'

e r to b e tran s

po r ted fo orth o f her rea lms to n o o ther prin ce o f the wo rld .

A nd wha t gre a t lo sses the sa id S ir W i l l i a m G a r r e t,with

h is compan y ha th sus ta ined o f la te yeeres in th is trad e , as we ll b yshipwra c ke a s b y fa lse se ruan ts it is man ifestly knowen : and

wha t seruice the sa id compan ies ships d id vn to thy ma - tie agains t

thy enemie s,two yeeres p ast in go i ng to the N ame , when they

fought with the k ing o f l’o les sh ippee t’

ree b o o ters,and b urn t

the same and s lew the peo ple , and as man y a s were ta ken

a line delinered vn to thy c ap ta in s a t the N arue , I trus t thyhighnesss do th no t forget . W here fore mos t migthy p r in ce , the

premises con s idered , the queens her mo st excellen t ma - tie thylouing s is ter , do e th reques t thy highne s to resto re the sa id s i r

W i l l i a m G a r r e t with h is compan y into thy prince ly fa

non r aga in s , with their priuiledge s fo r free tra l’

tiqne with thyaccus tomed goo d nes and instice , to b e min istred vn to themthroughout a ll thy ma - ties domin ions , as a fo retime : and tha t

the same may b e s ign ified b y thy princel y le tters , direc ted to

thy office rs in a ll places , an d thy highnesss commanndmen to r restra in t n o twiths tand ing . A nd fur the r tha t i t will pleasethy ma - tie , no t to giue cred its to fa lse reports , a nd vn trne suggestion s o f such as are enemies

,and surh as neither would

haue mutua ll ami tie to con tinue b e twixt your ma - ties, no r

yet en ts rco n rse b e twix t your coun tries . A n d such re b els o f

.ts 33 . 1 572 mm . 23 . 1 33

our na tio n,a s R a l f s


R n t t s r,and o thers which lye ltl l

’k l l l "

he re in thy highn es domin io n s ,se ek ing to sows d issen tio n s

b e twix t your ma - ties b y fa lse surmises , spend ing away the n

mas te rs go od s rio tous ly , and will no t come home to gine upthe ir ac cmn p ts , adua n c ing thems e lns s to b e me rchan ts

,a n d

a b le to s e rn e thy h ighn e s o f a ll th ings ti t fo r thy trea sn rie .

wherea s indeed they b e o f n o cred its . n o r a b le o f tlt e tn se ln e s

to do thv tn a - tie any se ruic e a t a ll : the quee n s s highne s ro

qnss t i s tha t i t would ple a s e l ll \°

tna- t ie to c e tn tn a n nd tha t

such perso n s ma y b e d e l in ered v n t o me to b e c a rr ie d ho tn e

le as t b y the ir remayn ing hem a nd ha l t ing p rac t ise s and fr iend

ship with s ttch a s b e no t thy h ighn e s friend e s , the ir en il d o

ing might b e a caus e herea fter to withd raw tlty g oo d ne s t'

ro tn

s ir W i l l i a m G a r r e t and his comp a ny ,who b a ne tr ue

mean ing in a ll the ir do ings , and are ready to se rt te thy h iglme s

a t al l times .

V sing many o ther wo rd s to the ad ttan ce tn en t o f your c red its

and the d isgra c ing o f your enemies , an d so I end ed fo r tha t time .

Then sayd his ma—tie . W e haue heard you and will co n

sid er o f a ll things fur ther , when wee haue read the queeneour s iste rs le tte rs : to whom I an swe red tha t I suppo sed hisma - tis should b y tho se lette rs vnderstan d he r h ighnesss t


n ll

mind s to his con ten ta t ion , and wha t wa n ted in writing I had

cred its to accomp lish in wo rd . W herewith his ma - tis seemed

to b e we ] pleased , and commaunded me to s it downs . A nd

afte r pawsing a whi le,his ma - tie sa id these wo rds vn to me ,

I t is nowe t ime which we spend in fasting, a nd p ray ing, b eing

the week s b efo re E a s ter , an d fo r tha t we wi ll shortly depa rtfrom hence

,toward s our b o rd ers o f N o v og rod ,

wee can n o t

giue you an swers , no r your d isp atch here , but. you shal l g oe

from hence and tary v s v pon the way , where wee will sho rt lycome , an d then y ou sha ll knows our p leasure and haue yon r

d ispatch . A nd so I was d ismissed to my lo dging and the same

day I had a d inn er ready dre st sen t me from his ma - tie , with

grea t sto re of d rin kee, o f d iners so rts , and the n ext day fo llowing , b e ing the tours and twen tieth o f March afo resayde , the

chiefs secre ta ry to his ma - ty . sen t v n to me s a gen tleman , to

134 36 33 . 1 572 m . 23

signifi s vn to mes , that the empereurs ma - ties pleasure was .

l shon ld immed iate ly depart towards a s itie , ca l led O twer ,three hund red miles from the afo resa id S lo b oda , and there to

ta ry his highnes semming vn to a place ca lled S taryts , threesco re

miles from the sayd O twer (Tam ).

N 33.- 1572 l am. 23 .

I n s t-to nopsronopn naps H anna B aom snn a 0's noon - an on

B ron orpmton . pasuo ran nofl mennn fi “ 3 0 (non 16 84)naueqes n lts

's ”San- cu o noc


's r A n'

rona Men n eona ,

ea upesocxoxn'ltl n aro m use-run aopmennn n nap»

,,Pyccaony co spouse s are up l onr ia tn. P occin 28 in n 1671 no

01 171 11 28 [m s 1 672 rem“.

23 Mapra a npegcm 's upert ero sea - no , l oropn i Ao

nycrnx's s ens non

'luosa 'rs cno to pyay n nnxocrnno nncxytnan no te

p'lm , drawcuonno npnnam. rpanory ea s op . sex- B a tt on non »

porn 81 : npncyrcrnin re'lax'

t. csonx's canosnn on . Roma a son

tnu's cso to p

‘h‘lb, cannnton

's um ym, as when npnsom ,

n spym's nogapom. ea we as , naps , no rhx's nop

's sub mit ,ecru-

L n cl am s : C ecrpa nos nopoxenna E n cuera agopom

1 n?—' na n o a orph ans —B orn G l amorous” ; ea sea - no expa

niein . n upon n on s catter s roro a s n roots rocyxapto, spary

csoeny xtoonren nony.—Tor1ta ero sex - so

, cnosa ci e-s, nonexmcsonn

's canosnnnm suam m mnnarn n ym nrscs , cernam

npn cso'b Ton t o rm naro m an a cute omono m saesil gym-t ,

npn ttasan . nn'h ornate noxom so sexy c's i tem m utton I

ronopnn n a'h cxh yromia cross

A a r o n 's , n nocr lunin pm ran an (inn amt, 1m son o

m tt na reoa name gos'b pn easnoe n rannoe nopynenie, noropoe

w som e“ on“ ,n o npi

'hsx‘h xenon, omnem canon aoporenn


most rocygapn n'h; it a n 08 a racero m. trans sosnpaa sni:

n . nasnasennony spel ean ca nausa a tmnt 't orrhron 's on sat

B uo na . Man y rhu spenenen's as am as passos speu npn

1 40 w: 33 .

- 1 572 narr . 23 .

sans nn». ncnopt y'ltsatasn's means as naamna H onoropoxcnnn

't .

npsn’hran '

s, “N 0 nonten

's J ars reo

'l; sates tn t o rnlrra , an ornvcnn

no N nodusms 030mmn 6y,1sms angers met . as ny rn , no new

pony nu cnopo no'lntsn

's n Toma reel . omen . oomssena name

sons a trans G yners orayea's .

I I nocn'b roro a 6mm. ornymen '

t. xen on n a t. ror s ate can no

ne t. 6mm. npncnan's c

's snopa tumon


t. o r s ero nos - B a cosspmenno

roronn tt 06111 1 . a G os smoe ndlmsecrno paztnaro pone nnretl : a na

,tpyr0 ll J ens 24 uncna Mas mastmtt 1mm. ero sea - nunpac.-ta.r t .

no nn'b n opnnnna oos anm'

s nnn. are sro ttapr son y ne t - s t y rogmolrro tin a nenemsnno o rnpannaca tt

'b r0 p0 ,1




nep t. a s 300 sum 1 .

on . (A xexcaadp oacnoa) 03 0604” n t tflt lutl il 'b on ran t. npn t’

mr is

cro nn c -na as r. C rap ttuv . as 60 suntan . or s cnasanno tl'



M 34.—1572 May 13.

Account of a personal interview of M. Anthony J enkinson with

the Czar at Staritza, on the 13 May 1572'


The 1 3 May (1 572) 1 had warn ing e a re ly it » the mo rn ing

to p repare my some to b e a t the cour t b e twix t the lto t tre s a t

10 an d 1 1 o i’

the c lo cks,whe re I should haue acce s s e v n to

the presen ce o f the prin ce , as ell to re c e iue a n s“e re o f a ll

things , as to b ee d ismis s ed to go e home . A ! which ho n re s l ua s

s en t fo r to the ca lm a nd b rought in to the chamb e r o f p re senc e .

here his ma - tie d id s l t ap pa re lled mo st snn tptuo n s ly ,utth a

riche crown s Vp o n his head, ga rn ished m th man) p re tin a s

s ton es , his e ld est so nn s sitting b y him, an d man y o f hi s no b il it ie

a b out him : and after my dus tie done , hi s highn esss comman d e d

me to app roch v ery use rs vn to him . and sayde v n to me the s e

wo rdes .

A n t h o n y , the queen e our louing s iste r he r te n e t s W e

haue caus ed to b e tran s la ted an d d o e e l l rud ersta n d the s ame

a tid o f a ll things a s we l l the re in co n ta in ed a s In a t

t sup ra 33

N: 34 . 1 572 n aa 1 3 . 1 4 1

mo nth b y you to v s d e’

c la red wee haue we ll co n s ide red , and

doe perec ia s tha t our secre t message v nt o you committed , wa s

done truely ac co rd ing to our mind s ta lthough wee we re adner

tised to the co n tra ry) an d news wee a re b y youfully sa tis fied .

A nd when wee d id send s our amb assado n r in to E ngla nd , a b out

tho se our grea t a nd wa ightis a t’fa irs s

,to con clud e the same

with the queens o ttr s is te r , our amb a ssadon r co n lde ends no thing

fo r wan t o f such a ssuran ce as was requisite in pr incely a lfa ires ,accord ing to the man er of a ll coun treys , b ut was d ismissed

vn t o v s aga ins , with le tters o f sma ll effec t, touching the same ,

and no amb a ssado nr sen t with him from the quee ns : wh ichc aused v s to thin ks

,tha t our p rin cely a tfa ires were se t as ide ,

and l ittle regarded , wherewith wee were a t tha t time much

grisusd : fo r the which cause , and fo r the sa il] b ehan iour o f

your merchan ts , resident in our domin io ns (who haue d iners

wayes transgressed and b roken o nr laws s , l ining wilfully ina l the ir do ings)we d id lay our b ean ie d isp leasure vpon them.

and d id take away from them the ir p riniledge , commaund ingtha t the same throughout all our domin ion s , should b e v oyd ,

and o f non e e ffe ct : and thereupon d id write to the queens oursister , touching our griefes .

A nd nowe her highnesss hath sen t vn to v s aga ins , you

her amb assadonr , with her louing letters , and full mind s , whichwe do e than keftilly rece ia s , and are there b y fully sa tisfied .

A nd fo r tha t our p rincely , and secret a ttaires were n o t fin ished

to our c on ten tatio n at our time appo in ted , accord ing to our

expecta tion , we do e n ow lean s a ll those ma tters , and se t them

as ide fo r the time , b ecause our mind s is nowe o therwise chan

ged , but hereafter when occasion sha ll moons vs to the like ,

wee will then talks of those matters aga ins . A nd for tha t it ha th

pleased the queen s our louing sister , to send s vn to v s a t this

presen t, and doeth desire to con tinue in friendship with v s for

euer (which wee do s gratefully accep t , and willingly agree to

the same) wee o f our goodn esss fo r her highnesss sake , willnot on ely from hencefoo r th put away , and fo rge t a ll our

d isp leasure towardes s ir W i l l i a m G a r r a r d and his compan y

(as though they had neuer offended vs) b ut a lso resto re them

142 N: 34 .—1 572 nu 1 3 .

to thei r prin iledges , and l i b erties , in , and throughout all our

domin ion s , and will signifi e the same b y our le tte rs , in a ll

townes an d c ities , where the sa id merchants do tra tfique , and

we will shewe them fauon r as a foretime , if they dessrue no t

the contrary . And if the queens our sister had no t sen t thee

A n t h o n y vn to v s a t this present , G od knoweth what weshould haue d one to the sa id mer chan ts , or whether we wouldhaue called b ack our indigna tion .

Then 1 humb ly b eseeched his ma - tis , to let me know the

particular on'

eness commi tted b y the sa id merchan ts , and the

o ffende rs names , to the intent I might mak e repo rt thereof, vn to

the queens s ma—tis , my mis trcs , accord ingly , tha t the sa id

offende rs might receiue inst pun ishmen ts fo r the ir deserts : b ut

he sa id , I should no t know them, b ecause he had clesrsly t e

mitted al o ffences : and furthe r, that it was no t pr incely to

fo rgiue , and after to accuse the parties, where b y her ma - ttes

d isp leasure might fall vpon them a t home . No twithstand ing Id id a fter vnderstan d some pa rt thereo f, b y o ther meanes .

Then his ma - tie proceeding in tal ks , said : as touching the

articles of request , concern ing the marchan ts a ffaires , which

youd id yesterday deliner vn to our sec re tary , we haue no t

onely read the same our se lfe , but also haue appo in ted our

sa id secre tary to declare v n to you our mind , and answers to

the same . A nd for tha t we a re now vpon our iourn sy towa rd sour b o rde rs , and will depar t from hen ce sho r tly , we will d ismisse

you to the queen s our louing s ister , your mistrs s , with our

letters , and full mind b y wo rd o f mouth , touching all your

requests , and will send a gen tleman one o f our housho ld with

you to sa fe c on duc t you to your ships : and o f our goodneswill gins you v ic tua ls , b o a tes , men , and po st horses , so man y

as you sha ll n eeds . A nd therewith his ma - tie standing vp ,

and putting o ff his cappe , sa id vn to me these wo rds : D oe our

hearty commenda tions v n to our louing sister , queen s E liza b eth ,

vn to whom we wish long life ,with happ ie successe: and

he rewith his highnes extend ed his hand to me to k isss , and

commanded his sonne , sitting b y him, to send the l ike com

menda tions which he did , whose hand likewise 1 k issed . A nd

N: 34 . 1 572 nu 1 3 . 1 45

Toma a nonopn'ltknts npoonr s sro sen- no od'snnnrs nn

'b ros

nn a npecrynxenia, corks nnn a cnasannn nn nynnann , n nnena

w orm 's,

roro , n odn n nors gonecrn 0 rows en sen- B y

noponern'b , nosil rocyrapn n

'lt, gndst r'lt nnnonnste nosyqnxn cnpa

sem no sacxytnennoe nnn nanasanis . H 0 ons cnasar s , n o 11 an

as man , norony are on cosspmenno ornycrnr s m 1111 1 . 1111

ns1 11 n o no no rocygapcnn 611 , nocs'lt roro news 0 111 . tttt t

npocrm , 06m m 11 11 1 . 11 r ltn 't nonseprars us w hy samero

sen- 1ta lt's A nrxin . H e cn orpn na to a as nocr hgcrs in oran


pasysnar s are rh o 11 1111 1 111 cpsgcrnann .

3ar b n 's , nporonm ronopn


rs , ero sex- 110 cnasar s : ‘I 'ro a s

nacaemn nynenecnnx's 1 111

's,noropnn rn ruepa nsperar s name

ny m y, 1m ne rorsro cann npom r lt ma, no A38 0 upm

3a1 n nameny m y odm nrs red'lt no nnn-s name p

'hmenie 11

mm m i n . A ran's m s nu reneps 1ta nyrn a 's namnn '

s py

dsx an 's 11 scnop

'lt orcrora y'hlten

's,tu ornycrm reds n'

s nopoxen

n'ls, cec


'lt name! m dnrensnott, rnoett rocyrapstn'lt, c

's s amero

rpanororo n noxnstn 's nsycrnn n

's p'ltmenien 's no nc

'kn's rnonn


npocsdan's ; n nasnaann

's m pannna ns's s amero gona c's depe

ntsnsen's nporognrs reds 110 mom nopadnel ; 11 0 1 's nnsocrn

asmen nom yen's reds nopnon

's , xors ana , n orsnn , n nonnona

nn, cros sno red'lt 11111106110 dyne

-rs . I I pn aron

's ere sen - no

scram n , cam cnoro manny , esanan na-h cr luymmia cr oss :

H spsnat nam's cepnean srl nouon's names n odnrens non cscrp


nopoxenn'b E n caner b , noropotl nu s eason


s sorronencrssnnaro

s ar is n dsaronocn'hmenis . 3arhn 's ero rnc- no nporanyr s

nnn pyny ni aonania , n npnnasar s csoeny cn ny, cnrkm eny

noun nero , nepecs ars ranoron ate non on's ,

111-0 m 11 651 1 0 as

nos neno; sro pyny a rang e nomonar s . I lorens ero sen - no npn

ansar s nn'b c'ltc'rs n ser lu'

s nous -rs ltm 11 pasxnanstx's nann

non's , nor0pnx

's on

's nn

'lt gal s mm. m cnonx's pyn's .

110a aroro n ymor s .

14s re sea—1 574 m . 2o.

N sa - umA rt . 20.

Hops B um .

( H pucuxm )eon nan ronna csoero Aanu a C eu s ep cr o s a

s rpan ororo . A sr. rpanore csoen nan nncara ecn norop (ma rp a

x omu) s iroxe t heme 1: red ]; npnnecenn I : nc rhx ecn rpanoru.m pasynera rompn e r re6'h npnses ll a nu o roman n o t n o

1m m ax rocred B ern nom om a 60 3mm! m q n T o

n o c a B a n n c r e p a 11a E e p e r a Jl y n a s‘) ra Mur o r a n

II p o r r e p a ma rsoero B ern oro qer odnra aro nu somo a na

unlx rocyrapcm x r0prosarn . A nro ecna no my 711m m To

uo c a P r e s e p a 11 P a s s P y r o p a n c n xnnnm rasapn

nu! mmpn e soroqac a rm a m om m a m an . If] m 1 : ac

csosa rocyrapcrsa npoq Bureau . PI ro ecu no name! m os t

yvm m 3a qro B an roop's sa accra n nnoro nan m orn . (it ems .

norony uro ror I‘

r a s e p's roprosar s e A rrnncuoro roprouen

ron o rosapnmefl csoux oonam ax noropn e ne no namel y no

J'hlmo as Linux sel ler roprosan us G pannosct ne n we H errenn e

sen t xornmca . H caasn sar re6'h rs ofi roman ll a n n r 0 t on

on ou s namefi organs 3 sen sor H osi mpore n o on or na

mnx rymmx amen nn pasyl'ha trro n aorac more A rm en e c

Can cun nporn nae crosm i t seem s u Tu ro xorem or n o

sh am ran an ro on r o ran reo'h caasa r roman reon lla nu o

Teddi ro xluo nes'hrouo . A rn crosa csoero n 13t coop-relme

s e xouem's nepeuennrn . n or an a s xouem repn'hrn . A sn e

per nn rorO poro rocra roprosoro ne xouemr. nocrarn n onpmr

r'hx xoropn e re6

'k s 'hpnn n n anin n npnoma enn . H oropn e 6mm x

r oropn e serum 3 nerpyrosr. namnx onpnq nam e sem ropro

B arn ne xorun . H 0 re: cranem's nponumxarl qroo r

'h s en o

6ocrn npouea nac ror ro s e drum n uamero 6 crosa n rn'hsy

na m nx mpromx n one! a s H roop'h o ron sa l on 65cm

non roropn e A rm cnne rocrn G ym ties samero ner kuu a no

where c mom rocrnn noropne noprm roprn un o: nae cco

pn n mar ke t! manor !» 1! nan (in r'hx m nurn ser hrn m n

P o r tli puxa llyr er a.

1 50 X: 36.—1 574 Al t . 20 .

rocyrapn ace m a s red: ynnnnu n m rsoero nerodlrru. A or

reds m dnrarnn e cscrpn nannre npecserrhlmscrso no sea nae

sca ns n ods ! men . PI name nan necrno n cnacm na unorl e rh

ra c nean oro euro» 11 necruo no B en ton n‘hcre npndnsaen .

A caoso z nan or red: n ot neros'lm. na n n r o rosopur.

nro ynnnuaoca na socronnnx nepex seruos souosanne I poo

don sch“ rop rosmr amen a sornyerr. n posdnuer C s'hhcnofl

ropor ccmasc c “0 1 cm aoporen n c [10 1 c a screa a co

s'hr y nux na rou nro n upadrei nn os as s amero rocyrapcrsa

odracrelt n npncrann Pyrornscxofi no nponymar a xorana nan

n name! neps aro roa m yunnrn . H rn no xorsnn odpeureano

encero cross nspenenm nan 0 row; n nemaem . A ron o dyrsr

mpoa lo cxol n (b itt en ! n O pannoncnol m ynnw n n !

odperaemca nan norpedy m oron-

r n nanornnrn scum na

nmm napcm n narodnmnr ysoponn csomm room chsepcun

crpanm m opus 1m rsooro m npomem nosorno nom osuu.

H an more rpanory sn owman n spasyrrhn . H nro ecunan

nncua s csoe! rpanore cm n su rad'h n ot roman na n a r o

nro unorne mmA rxnnen e c Can cun nporns nac croan . H m

roro xonem or nac sh ar norony m ran maena . A tucsoero

cross 1: 3 1mm odO pnenne as xonem nepen'hnm . H nuupes

cero noona n x red'h csoero n opam a O n r p'lu I

p n r o p e

s n n a C o u n a o rompon rate I rn ro rh o norozua na

a r r-mute rb aa roprosue ure no rony xhxy as cruoc. A nro

ecu run nosornocrt raoet sen t: more: no rsoeuy npomem

am a npneuar s csoe rocyn pcm n roprosarl scrum ro

napn des smera uno sceny cnoeny rocyn pcrl y ham 1 rop

rosarn desnomm no . H n oel sew sooru norm m a name:

rocyrapcrse no; name» nap b cron reparation npncram r nannnr

m urm ur—n o nan m enu ror mt ncn o i rpyrs—n m ne

cn nonam u cnocodcrsosarn I am mam m i s s - nos yumxoponm y coda a sun 3 am our. rocyrapcm rte rynenxn odl r

naen aoponcrsouurasyn crsou s r nanmr nerpyron npncrn an

nonara n Jlnroscxony n Illaeficxouy. H na name yt pam c

Can cun n oun sohnon rson n on ea O pium 1mm Upl

162 If: 36.—1 574 not . 20 .

A aoropne rson rocrn nnepor npn'hryrr. n nan m racers

npomensa 0 non nan-

1. ynnyr dnrn neaon nrod nuorncaarn roa n

cson or nanmx nom nnn x n or am nrod nan nonuourn n

modnreano snpasyn'hrn no namett w om non rpanore aoropyro

sens nn non ar ourn nrod onn oxornee a name napcrso raupnsow n n nan s

'hporo n npanro io crys nan so seen . PI rn d a

nan np l cnxua nuopea rocreh 3 name rocyrapcrno rodpnx u)

xefl nor0pn e d onpon'h r0proun n npanm an x m ony rypny ne

npneraurn n n namnn nerpyronr n a namnn nsn'hnann on nn o

rapun odnnann . A nu nx no rsoeny npomenuo xo'rnn m ourn

no enoch a arom non nocrhrneh rpanore n ynpasy l n ranarn

sernn no csoeny napcaony yaon enuo n rhx nx roupon m un

cn caarn .

A nre eon nncara a H . 11 . B - ersy s csoefi rpanore c nanm

na nom nnnnn no noro nn n. dyner rh o no namel y napcaony

eyry od O nap‘he o Te e p e

") nro dna y rsonx m ash ropro

snx rorou s m ason H os'hropore n s P yrom e n y nero a n

sorn nonnann c T o n o c o n ennore . PI y roro norony z uaronro rson amn uporne nae croun .

A nro er oson H . I I . B - crsy or reds root neaos'hnr. llan n o

rosopnr nro na socronnnx noper sernnoe sornosanne n posdon

roprosnn moron . A s ornyer n posdnuer C s 'hficaon aopon cen

sure 0 I loacnnn nopoaen n er. ero uacron . Id rn ne xorm

odpeaarer noro cuou nepenennrn nan o ronn. nestmaem n odpe

naemca H . 11 . B e rry scannnn namnnn napcannn m odnnnn

ysopo nsn nan norpedy nsrom nrn n nanornnrn csonnn roernn

c'hnepcannn crpanann aoropnx numa rsoero npomenu noson

no noa aaourn . PI H . I I . B - crso u s o an moero npomonu na

c'hsepnn e crpann unameny rocyrapcrny na llsnny ropery orso

mm n oeaodoman eena room rocrenr. co scam n roupuhe

rnrn s csoe rocyraperso no se‘hnr. n

'hcron '

s no csoefi nou'hxnei

m om non rpanore . If] depenn nx n m ourn xornn ru rsoe

ro modnrennoso npomenu so scenr. aaao dyrer npnroa e .

H rsoero neaonhaa ll a nu a ornyerun ecna a red]: c com

rpanororo dos nemnanu. A noxonem namne n ced-b mode l it

H n a o r a'k Il p o a r o p

't ?

16 36. 1574 n r. 20 . 1 53

xpyz dn Gwmni a rat 6 0 rows coo'h nom cm a n mama no

ropmr rluoursd'h a an a ction cson yua omnri.

A nro 6 ecu B er lin 3 nan esoun more! npnsosnrn roent xy

n paraoro 0pyz sa 11 t han a cross a can ny n c'hpn repa irs

in “Pol“ !

a an mamas m an a sea son mas on s Tseperon . Jl 'hra

or caucus n py 7082 A sryera l acuna 20 run sw am 2 .


ocyrapcrau s amero 4 1 , a napem namnx Pocncna ro 28. lia

aanscaoro 2 1 . A eropoxanexoro 1 9 .

Ozar J ohn to Q. E lizab eth.

Youhave sen t to us your messenger D a n i e l S y l v e s t e r

with your letter ; and in your letter youwrite to us ab out theletters wh ich were b rought to you in the mon th of July ; and

from the letters which D a n i e l your in terpre ter b rought un to

you, youhav e understo od that we have shown grea t favo rto your merchan ts , ha ve allowed the ir d irec to rs T h o ma s

B a n n i s t e r , G e o f r e y Duc k e t and N i c h o l a s P r o c t o r ,

accord ing to your demand , to have free trad e in our realms .

A nd what have we done in the b usin ess o f T h o ma s G l o v e r

and R a l p h R ut t e r an d their con federates who l ived d ice rderly and did much harm?- we have d riven them out of our

emp ire . A nd we d id it from our love , for that youho nor as

and send us often your gree tings ; b ecause the said G l o v e r

d id no t trade fo r E ngland , but on ly cheated his compan ion s ,

who d id no t trad e acco rd ing to our pr iv ileges but b rought trade

from o ther coun tries, from F rance and G erman y . A nd your

in terp re te r D a n i e l to ld you tha t when he was in our towno f N ovgo ro d he was apprised b y our governors that manyE nglishmen stoo d up again st us with the Swede an d fought

agains t our peo p le ; you wish to know from us if what yourin terpreter D a n i e l has to ld to you b e true ,

as it is no t known

to you, b ecause you do no t in tend to change your wo rd and

1 64 16 36—1 574 n r . 20 .

yonr pledged faith and do no t wish to sufl'

er b y them; and

will no t in future send a ny merchan ts but those who are

faithful to you, an d known b y name , and trus ty; tha t those

who have b een in the lands of our enemies , should no t come

to trade in our land ; and tha t youwill con trive that such d isagreements should no t con tinue b etween us an d that we should

no t b ear any ind ign ation against your merchants . A nd you

grea tly pray us that we should punish these E nglish merchan ts ,who come without your order and apart from your merchants ,spo il the trade and promo te quarrels and treasons b etween us .

A n d in case it should b e so , your merchants sen t many wareswith W i l l i am Me r r i c k as their chief

, pray ing that weshould favor him and k eep him safe . A nd tha t the sa id T h o

ma s G l o v e r who trad ed in our emmre and too k from his

compan ions much merchand ise on cred it and ga ve many b o nds

under his s ignature and remained in d e b t for roub les ;and that nowwhen he came to you from Moscow he has b yjudgemen t b een pro ved guil ty . and lies now in gao l for this

money and has no thing to make p aymen t of it. A nd youpra yus

, accord ing to our ma - ties former priv ileges to pay it out o f

h is property to your merchan ts that they should no t suffer

any loss , as he has no thing mo re to repay it . A nd tha t the

rumour has come to youthat we have tak en fromyour merchantsand from your soc iety near Mo scow in th e A lexandro v ska ia

S lob oda E nglish wares to the amoun t o f roub les,which

sum we took upo n us to rep ay to your sa id merchan ts . A nd

tha t your amb assad o r A n th o n y J e n k i n s o n to ld you that

b efore your le tter came they had received their money, for

which you give us thanks . A nd you also pray us much that

we should fav ora b ly receive the request of your merchan ts toorder their deb ts to b e repaid them b y our sub jects and b y

o thers, acco rd ing to our priv ilege , which we have gran ted

them that they might willingly b ring the ir wares into our

empire and faithfully and trustfully serve us . A nd that after

the time when A n d r ew had the d irection o f their trade in

No vgo rod and N sum and fo r their treason which was doneuy T h o ma s G l o v e r and his confederates he was pun ished

156 16 36—1 574 “v. 20 .

your coun try accord ing to y our request , that they may come

and liv e in our domin ions un der our emp ire , and traffi c with

a ll so rts of wares without excep tion , and go an d trad e

through a ll our domin io n s without pay ing an y custom. A nd

the merchan ts o f your coun try b egan to live in our domin ionsun der our emp ire jo in ing our traito rs—whoever b e trays usb ecomes the ir friend—an d in every way they b egan to give

them a id , and they con cealed the goo ds of our tra ito rs , liv ingin our emp ire no t as b ecomes merchan ts but thiev ing and

spy ing and tak ing the side of our en emies the Lithuan ian and

the Swede . A nd your sub jects b egan to come with the Swed es

to make war on our b orders . E ven un til n ow they continuallydo ev ery mischief and in iquity to our ma - ty and ev erywhere

and in ev ery way do prejud ice to our realm and have com

mitted man y iniquities in our emp ire , and this was the cause

of what b efell them. F o r the future youmust o rder that tho se

o f your merchan ts who come to us , should b e good men , whoshould b e on ly occup ied with their trad e , b e trusty and no t

sp ies , so tha t they shoul d no t mis b ehav e themselv es in our

emp ire an d no t side with our en emies , but live and trade in

our emp ire , accord ing to our ma - ties o rders and to the last

priv ileges , which we have graciously gran ted to your marchan ts a t your request un to us .

W hereas you wro te in your letter to our ma- ty , tha t

T h o : G l o v e r rema ined in de b t to hi s c ompan io ns fo r

roub les and that you pray our ma—ty to pay this

sum to the said merchan ts out o f his go od s , which we too k

from T h o ma s during our d ispleasure b ecause your sub jectsstood up again st us and hired themselves to our en emy the

Swed e .—I t is no t sui ta b le to give b ack these goods , and tho se

who ga ve them must loose them, b ecause they gave them

to an ev il mind ed man . A nd there is no coun try , where one,

who comes from a foreign land , can liv e b y ev il prac tises

and b y spying. A nd he ought to b e judged and co ndemned

no t only to the loss of his goo d s but even to the loss of his

head . E v ery merchan t in foreign coun tries deals in trad e and

no t in spy ing and in ev il practises . A n d these your sub jects

16 36. 1 574 ass. 20 . 1 57

fo r their ev il prac tises and their spying hav e come to deserv e

even death; but we , b e ing a christian prince and no t wishingto see the b lood o f such wret ches , d id no t ord er them to b e

put to dea th . A s regard s R a l p h (Rutter) and T h o ma s

(G lo ver)we sen t them to you b efo re this an d you ought no t

to wr ite to us any mo re ab out them,the more so as A n tho n y

has a lready had our answer a b out them; youmay know it

yourself if you questio n A n th o n y . A lso the goods o f your

mercha n ts who are in Vo logda have b een co nfisca ted b ecause

your men ro se agains t us with our en emy the Swede and b e

cause our merchan ts S t e p h e n T v e r d i c o f and P h e d o t

P o g o r e l y have no t b een hono ra b ly en terta ined in your coun

try and b ecause free trade ha s no t b een gran ted to them.

(Youwr ite tha t) a t your request we might gra c iously givefa v o ra b le hea ring to your mercha n ts a b out that which they

sha ll b eg from us a b out the pay ing o f the d e b ts due to them

b y our sub jec ts and b y o thers,accord ing to the priv ileges ,

wh ich we have. gran ted to them to make them the mo re willingly b ring wa res in to our rea lm and se rve a s in a ll things

fa ithfully and trustfully . I n future you ought to send us

in our emp ire go o d men ,who will do n o thing b ut trade and

b e trusty , wi thout dealing in any e v il prac tise o r in any ways id ing with our en emies and our tra ito rs . A n d we a re will ing to show them favo r at your reques t acco rd ing to our last

le tte r o f priv ileges and sha ll o rder to give them sa tisfac tion

a cco rd ing to our imper ia l regula tion and let them b e indem

n ified fo r the ir wares .

W hereas youwro te to our ma - ty in your letter a b out wha tmay co ncern our sub jec ts in our imper ial judgemen t on A n

d r e w T e c t o r (N i c h o l a s P r o c t o r ?) who wa s chief

o f your merchaunts in N o vgo rod and N e rv e and who se go od s

hav e b een confisca ted toge ther with tho se of T h o m a s .

H is goo ds have b een co n fisca ted fo r the same reason tha t your

sub jects ro se aga in st us .

A nd whereas your se rv an t D a n i e l has to ld to our ma - ty

from you b y speech tha t there a re grea t d istur b ances and free

b o o ting o n the ea s te rn seas , the k ing o f Sweden b y agree

1 58 If: 36—1 574 asr. 20 .

men t with the k ing o f P oland and his authorities mak ing these

d isturb ances and p iracy ; and that you, no t willing to v io

late your pledged wo rd make it known to our ma - ty and

promise to furnish us with all the prin cely and p rec ious

wares we require and to fill our treasury with any go ods weneed through the way o f our northern coun tries b y your

merchan ts , to whom we have given priv ileges at your re

quest . Our ma - ty even without your request did o pen the

no rthern way to our emp ire b y the D vina and b y our las t

letters o f priv ileges d id permit your merchan ts to come in to

our empire with ev ery sort o f merchandise ; and we are willing to prov ide fo r their safety and favor them as shall b e con

v en ien t fo r the sake of your lo v ing request .

A nd we have dismissed your servant D a n i e l with thesel etters without any delay . A nd if youwish for more ami tyand friendship from us , ponder upon tha t sub ject and do

tha t b usiness , b y which youmay inc rease our amity to

ward s you.

O rder also your men to b ring to us fo r sa le ammun itio n ,

and arms , and copper , and t in,and lead , and sulphur .

W r itten in our domin ion the granduchy of Twer . The

year from the creation of the world 7082 , the 20 - th day o f

the mon th o f August; ind ic tion 2 . O f our age the 4 l - s t,

a nd of our emp ire o f Russia the 28- th,o f Kaza n the 2 1 - st ,

of A strakhan the 1 9 - th .

N 87. - 1574.

Daniell Syluestor oonoornings his yomaye to Mosco.

The two po in ts wherin th’

emperours ma- tye findeth b ymsc lfe no t fully satisfyed ar thes .

The first is fo r tha t he r m- ty hauinge graun ted to co nfirmeb y o th tho s thinges W h I C ll b y pa ten t v nder he r hand sheha th sen t him she will no t pe rmitt her counsa il to signe it .

1 60 If: 37. 1 574 .

roprosr h. llu'he yrosrersopsa ien ero aymm norm on firm. nos

eranosrenn as an . upst ream. npnm srin 's a sapymnrsn m

reproa tn (pasyu'hro rhx'

s,noropn e rcprym

's ae np l nauss a n

odmecray), npn unmmis m new oe sau'hmarss sct so, morn 6i r

ours cosspmenno nernann a un cl ean m r im.users , sero deer.

ocodennaro roeyrapeaa ysasa ac ast er s em ran-s et h ano .

M 38.—1575 May .

Instrnooons giuen b y hero Ma- tie the c of May 1575'

S i l v e s t e r b eing then sent to the E mperor of Russia.

A fter the de lin ery o f our letters you shall let him vnder

stands tha t we accep ts in v er is good parts , the good conceipte

he b a th o f our good will , and meanings towardss him,b e ing

perswaded tha t we greatlie mis like as we do e in veris d eed

the e v il] v sing and b ehavo r o f our sub jects towards s himwhomswe e lwa ise wished and charged so to gouerne them selues

in a ll the irs trafficque and dowinges within his domin io ns, as

the amitie b e tween we,and the en terco rse of our coun tr ies

mights there b y ra ther b e con seruied , then b y an ie msans s

domin ished o re b roken of.

A nd in hand lings o f this po ints , to witte , how well weaccepts h is goo d p srswasion o f our fo resaid mislike ing you

sha ll espec iallie shew our go od b ro th er , how grea ts like inge

we haue o f his pr incelie an d p la ins manner o f deal ing in tha t

he his co n tens (P) so s fraun kely to vtter the ground and cause

o f his ind ignacon : which we can no t b ut in terpr ite as an ar

gumen t tha t he highl ie estsemethe our frindshipe and des ire th

the co n tinuance o f the same in that he asketh to rsmone the

groundss o f v n k indess as mights impa irs our said frindship .

B ut fo rasmuch as the sa id empro r our go od b ro ther at

your last comings frome then ce comittsd vuto you, twos spe

c iall ma tters to b e imp o r ted un to v s ; on e of the yll demeno r

of our marchaun ts exercisings theirs tread in his dominons ,the o ther o f certa ine our sub iec ts (as he is info rmed)se rv ings

16 38. 1 575 m . 161

the k ing of Sweden in his warree against him, to the whichhe look eth b y you at your re turn s to recesve an swer and satisfaceon , and niece shewed h imself to b e no t a little grev ed

towchinge a message of greets seacretis sent vn to v s longs

sense b y our scre ent A n t o n i e J e n k i n s o n , to whomsa b out a three yeeres paste we returned our answer whereinas yet he concsaueth he hath hade no d irects answers madevn to him: our ples sner is that tonchs ing all tho se three po in ts

yousays and dos acco rd ings to this our dereccon fo llo ing.

A nd first for our merchaunts youmay assuer him tha t

whatossusr they haue donns heretofore other b y transportings

out of our dominon s such commod ities as warre no tmerchaun t

a b ls , or b y co lloringe of straungers goods , to the defraud inge

of his customes , or b y ratelyng (retailing) of warree con trary sto theirs pryuileges, hath b yn downs no t on ly without an ie

our knowledge , or alowance thereo f but a lso e much against

our wi ll and pleasuer , and as we are informed the offences

growing b y our sayd merchaun ts rstay ling there and colloringhis sub iectss good s ,was committed chs ifelie b y sertain e euill ser uan tes of our msrchaun ts swithoutt concen ts of theirs who le com

pan ie and gouernors and nowof late also reformed whereof weare right glade . A s to that our sub iects s trawd ing theither b e

charged to haue vsed some lights and comtemptsouse b e

hauior to the deface ings of such dsv ine seruica and religon

as our good b ro ther an d his hole coun tr ie vaeth; you maye

se is that we can hardlie b e perswaded that an ie of themwouldhaue sos littels regards to themselues and all that they haue

therein to (incur? the?) apparen t daunger of sos might ie an

emperors ind ignacon , as he is . B ut fo r his b etter sa tisfaccon

in this b ehault‘

s , yf an ie such faul ts haue b yn o r is comittsd

we haue giuen and doe giv e comaundsment to our sub iectss

there hav ings the gonernemen t o f our said merchaunts that as

they tender o ur good will end favor towardss them, and con

traris wise fears our highs disp lsesuer , sos to haue an espe

ciall cars that hencefo rward no such ofi’

en cs b e myn istrsd : and

also that our merchaun tss them selues doe as quietly as b e

cometh them and acco rd ings to the l ib erties and p riuileges1 1

64 16 38—1 575 m .

To conclude therefore you shall assure the emperor from

vs , tha t we doo make that valewe and accompts ofhis fr indships

and good will he professo th toward ss v s as theirs is no things

that he can dsmaunds o f vs which with our honnor and good

satisfe ccon of our sub iects may convon ion tlis b e graunted tha t

we will donio vuto h im.

Th0 following supplement has evidently b een added in consequenceof the proceeding note of Daniel Sylvester ( yids

W hereas we concsavo the secrsate message you delivered

vuto vs from the empero r to stand in twoe po in ts : The one

that he should mislike our refusall to confirms b y o the the

league agreed on at the tyms of his amb assad or b sy ingo here ,as that it was no t sub scrib ed b y our eownssllors hands : theo ther , that he found it straunge that was shoul d make some

scruple to require like assurance of refuge at his hands , as

wee gave vppon his request made vuto vs for the same growntod vuto him.

F for the fyrst you shall dec lare vnto him, that thougho

wee had well hoped that he had concsavod so honora b ly o f

v s that n o o the could have drawen vs to a more sinecure

perfo rmance o f our promise deliv ered in writyngs signed withour hand , than the great respect wee b ears to the mayn tsn

ence of our prin c ely word , as in honor woo are b ownd : yetthe only and chiefs cawss whywee yoe lded no t to the confirma tion of the same b y o the grows of the

had to have the con tents of the sayd long (athynge no lssse earnestly b y him required , then iudged b y vs

of it ss lfe most necessaris eonsiderynge of what importan ce itwas towards him)which with no po ssib ilitio could have b een

performed with that so llemn itie that is vsnal l in that b eha lfe .

F for the leagues which was confi rms b y o the doe ord inar ily

passe our greats scale : which can no t b e done but tha t thesame must runn o througho the hands of so great a numb re of

our min isters as in no po ss ib ilitio they can b e koept sscrsat .

A nd as towchyngs his mislikyngo that the league was no t

signed b y our cown cell, y oumaye tell him that suche thingesas are s igned b y our se lfe are never sign ed b y our cowncell .

If: 38. 1 575 us . 165

I t‘

for that it is held a kynd of a b asemon t of the sta te and qualitiewoo should to hav e any ioyn sd with v s in that b ehalfe .

F for the o ther po int towchingo a request to b e made b yv s vuto him for assuran ce of refuge in case of nocossitie , youshall declare vn to him that yf our sub iects should never so

litlo eoncsave that woe grows into an ie doub t or susp icion of

an ie chawnge o r al teration in them towards vs (as was knowsthey woul d b y oonsontyngs to ths makings o f suche a request)y t would b rood so dangerouso a mislikyngs in them toward svs

, as might put v s in per ill of our esta te . W hichs things wooknows our good b ro ther , in respect of the great goodwill hepro tests to b oars towards v s , wold b e lo tha to draws vs vuto .

A nd therfore wee hope he will accep t in good par t this ouranswoare towching the sayd po ints .

H oot -sud s mm on son- son Oun oorpy as Mai 1675,npn nooun

-k ero n napn Pyooaoxy.

H o uspon a'h named rpanoru, an rm ro ouy ypasyn

'hrs, nro

seem xoson nn roopm norm -ion , m om on user 's 0

m en roopoa ouren crs'h n pacnoroz es in as neny , a ri m , uro

om. yshpen's , (am . 0 110 n cert na canons rhrh), nro an seems

nsroaon nn gypm n nocrymtann n nosersaiclrs nam e. no;

nam e. as ornomonin a 's neny; 1m scorn s eam n nascen

aan m , n oon on rear. son coda so seen an roproarh n

as m nocrymtax's snyrpx oro rocyrapcm , arson rpyz oa neat

ry nan n cnomonis namuxa sexton . 6am on eoxpaassnn , a sr

lmn. un om odpasonrs no ynonsmac im urn npopn saeim.

H rosops 065 aroma npsn srh, (a user s 0 rows m a an

noyxosen crain), an u'here n . ocodonnocra snem ara samony

reopen 6pary, nro can seem np iarona oro es per il n respon

l il 06pm rh ea-ail as rows , are our. oraposonno oducunn .

npnm y n nonort csoero aororosenis . Mn as non e“ npnum

dust; and verily, the hand of G od weighed heavily on B ussia during that eventful period : the Crimeans burnt l oscow; theplague laid waste whole provinces ; the burning and ransackingof Livonian towns did not prevent Livonia, Lithuania and Po

land from holding in check the whole armed force of Russia .

It was at this dreadful time that Czar J ohn thought of leaving Russia altogether; already he made overtures to E lizab ethfor shelter in the event of internal or external hostility drivinghim out of Russia; already b e built the fortress of Vologda,

where he accumulated his treasures in provision of a flight to

E ngland . And as a preparatory stop to this final issue, he putto the highest proof the submission of his sub jects: he gave upthe ostensib le part of his power to a stranger, to a vessel, to

a prisoner, to a more puppet he declared to b e G rand dukeof all Russia, S ime o n B c k b o o l a t o v i c h , who had only coased the previous year to b e the mahommodan S s a in B oo l o t


son of the Astracan refugee, Ka l‘

B o o l o t.

Daniel Sylvester seems to have arrived at l oscowand to havehad his first audience ab out the time of this pseudo- resignationof the throne of Russia (or rather, of the national domains of

the Russian people) to Simon; and John, mistrusting the resultof this daring stroke of his policy, openly speaks to him ab outhis having resigned the throne . B ut rumours reach himthat umb assadors have arrived on his frontiers with a mission to himfrom the Roman emperor; and that which he thinks useless toconceal from the messenger of the far off queen of E ngland , he

considers ab solutely necessary to withhold from the knowledge of

his doub tful confederate and neighb our, the emperor l aximilian;officers are immediately dispatched with the strictest orders to

conduct themwithout allowing them to hold any communicationb y the way, prob ab ly, to prevent any possib ility of their b eingapprised of the puppet showgoing on in l oscow: czar J ohn

has the amb assadors conducted to one of his reserved townsl oshaiah

, whither he repairs himself on the 1 5 - th J anuary 1 576.


The amb assadors (Kob cntzel and Printz) are dazzled b y the

splendour of their reception : Kob entzel declares ,,on his knightly

honour, that neither in Rome nor in Spain did he most with a

more summuous reception“. Theconferences terminate agreeab ly to

the intentions of the czar; and on the some day 29 January),whenthe amb assadors take their departure ignorant as it seams, of theexistence of a ny other Lord in Russia but the one whom theyhave seen

,Sylvester is admitted to the presence of the czar

John,who declares to him that , although he seems to have on

throned another, yet he has not so far resigned, but that he isab le to take the imperial dignity unto him again


No documents, as yet known , prove howlong this contemptib lo comedy of a mock king lasted; its very existence seems tob e vouched for only b y very fewdeeds extant in copies . This ab

sence of information on so curious a point of history lends ad

ditional importance to the account of even so mean and sub ordinote an official as Daniel Sylvester the interpreter , employedb y the society of l archants trading in Russia“

; an accountwhich till lately lay unheeded among the documents of the

State Paper Office in London and which indisputab ly and dis

tinctly records the statement taken from the lips of the Terrib le

czar John that he once upon a time resigned a portion of his

sovereign rights, were it only over a part of Russia, to the 00spring of his conquered vassal the Tartar czar S s a in B o o l o t ,alias the Christian G rand Duke S ime o n alias the sightless

monk S t e phe n !

180 16 39 . 1 575 tion . 29 .

they prac tice sgainste our person . The which to prevent

we have gyvane them ouer un to an o ther prince to gov erns

them but hav e reserved in our custodys all the treasure of the

land s witho sufficien t troyne and place for the ir and our re

lyofo . A nd fo r those and such like occasions d id we mo shon stho s proceed ings with our oy ster and to confyrme the same

we sen t our messenger A n d r e a s S o v i n o ; but our purpo se

was pres en ted b y practise of troyghtours which in to rpry tyd

our mean yngs to theo r pleasure and mines en formed our sy

star o f v s whoa aunswere b y him were so contrary to our

purpo se as no thing might b e mo re . F fo r trulye our onely pre

tonos was to have lyn ched us togea thsr in suche tyrma amyto and thearin so env io lab la to have cons isted as no th ings

shoo lde empayre the some to the great profittts of our mage

atyss and estates and no lasso vn to owre sub iects espec ia lly

o f our sisterea who con lde no t have deuissd that freedoms

o r ly b orty e that should e have b ene d onyod them,marv elyn gs

that our sister and her conncol l con sidered no b etter on tho

mossadge the some b e ings o f so s greats emportaun ce .

Mo reov er we vnderstand of cortayno sub iects of our s i

sto rs rosydon t in the town s o f Lub eck in S axony whoms wesuppo se to b e o f the socys tie of G l o v o r whoa vsa socrstt co n fer

ence with so rtayn o o f our con ton toues sub iects b y latteras

common ly passing b s twene them con cernynge v s n o t to allowed o ff A nd as such do po sse b e twix t them and the ev il] d is

po sed o f our sistars whome we wisho b y some mo onos might

b e go tten thence eythe r b y coa linga s suche home o r o therwisewhich to do we request our sister .

184 If: «10 .—1 576 aun. 29 .

My r e p ly e : Your magistyo muche myslyketh the aunsweres

o f the queen s ma - tie my m- res which b y sundory have b one

b rought v n to y ou. I t woulde thearfore please your excellencye

to certifye vn to your sinta r the o ccasion of your so greats mys

like : peradven ture her ma - t ie vnd orstand iug the cortayn tyo th ar

o f may satisfye your expectation therin .

H i s a n swe r : Our mislyke con sisteth in the scruple aun s

weres of our systar and in the doub tes and accep tion s co n

tayn ed in them ( as herein) that she maketh dayn tye to requiar

the like o f us a s our requests is to have of her acco rdings to

the symple and playne moanynge o f our demaunds the cop

pyes whereof were b rought b y S aui n e our messenger in the

I ta lyan an d La ttyn e tounges .

Mo reouer a t’fayres of merchaun ts ar preferred an d mad e

o f mo re ompo rtance then the atfayres o f ours wherevpo n a ll

tho ire successe shoulde dep end e . A nd how ample our goodnes

ha the b one an d ye towards them ys aparaun te b y the manyfoulde ly b ertyes whearwith we ha v e graced them.

A lso howe b en efic ial] the commod yties o f our coun tryo s to

E nglan d we perto ly vndersta nd especia l ly in tha t we ha v e

permitted them to sett vpp b owses fo r the mak inge o f co rda

go which b enify te ys no t onely profitta b le to the merchaun ts ,but very commod ious fo r the who le state o f E ngland which toa ll o the r na tio n s ys inhib ited . O f a ll the which with the rest

o f a ll their ly b ertyes they o r to b e restrayned yf we fynden o t further lyb era lyto then this from our systar . A nd wil ltraun spo rte the same trade vn to the Veueatianes an d G arwayn es from whome they receyv e mo st o f thear commod ityes ,whea rewith they serve v s; whearin wee will ye tt staye vn

till we shall here from our sister towchingo her determyn ation ther in : e i ther a l ib era l] groun ts o r fla tt denya ll . F o r a l

thougho we man ifested to thy ne aparaunce to hav e en thro n

yeed an o ther in th’

emperyall d ignityo and therevnto ha v e

en throwled b o the v s an d o thers yet not so mucho and no t the

same no t so fa rr resy nod , b ut that at our p leasure wee can

ta ke the d ign ityo vuto vs againe and will yet do thear in as

N: 40 . 1 576 o ne . 29 . 185

G od shall instructe vs , fo r tha t the same ys n o t con firmed vn to

him b y o rder of coron ac io n no he b y assen t elec ted , but for

our pleasure . B ohouldo allso soaven crownes ye t in owr po ssession with tho ce pter an d the res t o f the sta te ly o rn amen ts

aportaynyngo vuto th’

empyre with all the treasures b elo ngings

vn to eache .

W e taulke v n to thee in owr owns langwadge knowingethey perfectio n thes r in as our (your?) own e wherefo re attend

the speche well which we commytt to thy memory. Yf our systar hadd so frend lye delte with v s in the accompl ishinge of

thee afl'

ayres as we thought she woulde trewly our who lecoun trye o f Russia hadd b on e as much at her p leasure as

E ngland ys as frelye to haue sen t or commaunded anye thingo

thence as out of her owne treasurye or wardropo . nn ally, the who le domin ion had b ene a t her commaundemen t

as no twithstand ing the same ys vuto the merchaun ts wheeare as free as in E ngland to ryde and goe when and whetherthey shall haue occas ion , the which to none b ut v nto them ys

adhib otyd .

B ut trulye our systar make th to (too) scruple to accompl ishe our request which vnto v s some b o the reso nab le and

a lso e commod ius for our ma iestyes .

To co nclude ,we haue showed more favour then sownde

frendshipp for tha t no thinge that since the first ha th b ene

pre tended b etwext v s that or in an ey thingo to our expect

men t accomplished no t onely in then her matters b ut in all

o ther thingos which to fo rn ishe our wan te we have sen t fo r,

and allwayes sorvnd with con traryes ,wherefo re we have justooccasion to repyn e .

S o kissinge his hands a nd the p r ince his sonnes I wasd ismissed .

186 16 40 .—1576 an . 29 .

N 40. 1576 an . ”a

oo nnon llanim o mn asorpm

Mu oocym n nopynonie, noropoe ou nano upnnoao , n na

xom o oro cnon s o nexhi crnnronnm o nano uupouie ony

npomec-rnonanmia , a n so Inono no corxacnuno co namnno na

rluo . Mu no w e ceny ymsn onca n uonaraeno , nro npm non

ornero cie npon ouuo dun cnorhnin, noxynennua oro nyunono ,

otinanyruxo nam nn nsnt nn nann co nhn n n mnrn naco G es

onacnocra; o nono nu n upegyupen aono namy cocrpy . H ! or

n'hrunam e on Inpono namero ronna ,

ll a n i n n a , nn uocosncrsoA r r o n a, nn nacroameo rnoo coo onie no yxouernopnmo naco u

no npono-ream rhxo nonasaren c

-rso mys ecrsa, aoropuxo nu

ounaeno or s name! cecrpu. Mu ycnarpnnaon o so names cc

crp'h n

'hnoropyto ropnocrn um anio on you rs naco nepexn

new rhno, nro nuupouaraeno no ornomonin no not re ,


ona curaer o m coon nenyx nuno .

I I o srony nonon nu nc'rymun no noxodnul com co m e

pampono Ma n c n n n n i a n o n o, cumonnuno n nodpuno Opa

rono namnno ; 1160 n o a n m oi rocy'

xapn Aodposon no n u

oesupm nno ocrannro m nouns-rs won can a n senm nro

ouupon a-sea m ocopnim nyz garo n nonhxonaro nocyxapa? a

ram nro, our ]! upu nonuny'rn cnon) sons» 11 cool

cano , no t anono fi rem en . uononynin , no uoaopnrcn

ponno m oc'rnnon sor t rocyxapa m naac

'rnreu, noropui n ono

ony M e?—Tonno rus e ecu on n nano , nporn o name

ro 03 m in, cnym oco ours nunya gennunn sum-n n o m ore

fl Am ann o l J‘

anen W om an-rs , nro m o w -nonexc

n ao so l los al cni , norony uo so srono canul aeno 6111 : 01mm n o

ornycno m o nno onn napeno um gna nepon M fl m apn a uo aap

A n mda H an s . C I G 1866. 1 18; 1 H um an“ Km “ OM crp.646 n

N 41 . 1582 Man.

nap s B nn eaner 'h.

II ocnann ecnn n re6'h no cec'

rp'h cnoel uocs a cnoero n eps

nnna n nan'hcrnnna I II annaro B e ne p a O n np ne n nua 11 n

c o n c n o r o 1rs uomnero cnoero E une a n a H eynany B a cn s n

o na cuna X o np anena . PI nro roof]; or use cecrp'h namefi no

con namo (P omp I I n con cn on n nonaqoi E n no an e i H ey

nan a ysny'

ro ronopn'rn 11 mo nno n

'hpuna 'ro ec


rn namu

p‘hsa .

I lncana no rocynnpc'rnin nomere m ph rpaga Moos au. Jl 'hra

or coonanin nnpy 7090 , nan: n'hcana . 11m m 1 0 mcympmnis

s amero 48. A napc'

rno namnx Pocificnaro 37Rasancnoro 30

A c'rapanancnoro 28.

N 41 . 1582 May .

Oza r J ohn t o Que e n E l i za b e th.

W e send to you our sister our amb assado r our gen tlemenand lieuten an t of Shatzk“) T h e o d o r e A n d r e e v i c h P i s

s em s k o y and our under secr etary E p i p h a n ius N o o o

d a c h a so n o f V a s s i l i Kh o v r a l e f. A nd what our am

b assador Th e o d o r e P i s s e ms k o y and the un der secreta

ry E p i p h a n ius N e o o d a c h a sha ll speak un to y ou, our

sis ter, cred it it to b e our speech .

S h a t s k is a town in the province of Tamb of. The title of lieutenant (N ame a t n i h) of such or such a town or p rovince was merol honorary and was given to the Onar

’s functionaires who were sent on em ies

ab road or who were entrusted to conferwith foreign amb assadors coming toRussia. Their amb assage or the conferences they were entrusted wi th once

ended , they dropped their hono lieutenancy. Thus it was with N e p o a

who has called cea tm a t of Vo log for the time of his emb assy to the courtof Phili p and Mary ( 1666 so was it also with prince A . V i s s ema h w0 here the same title during his conferences with Tho Randolphe

$1 In the contemporary English documents N epea 18 called the'a high officer in the team a nd cona trey of Vo l

ogda and prime Viasem

ahy co but neither the one nor o other had anything todo wi this highest administrative and jud icial powers were invested in its governor (vo evo d a).

1 90 JG 42—1 582 n an .

G iv en in our princely court o f the city of Moscow. I n the

year since the creation o f the wo rld 7090 in the mon th o f May .

lnd iction 10 . o f our lordship the year 48- th and o f our reigns o f

Russia the 37- th , of C anon the 80 - th , of A strakhan the 28- th .

W e do glo r ifie the G od o f merc ie , in the Trin itie

The great Lo rd , k ing and great Duk e J o hn the

sonne of V a s i l i of all Russia , o f Vo lod imir , Moscouia and N ouogorod , King o f C onan , k ing o f A stra

can, Lord o f P lesko , an d grea t pr ince o f Smo len

sko, o f Tver , of Vgo r , P erms , Va ika , B o lgar , and

o f o thers ; Lo rd and great Duke o f N ouogorod in

the lows con trs y , o f Cherneegoue ; o f R azan , P o

lo tsko , Ro stoue , Yero slaue , o f B eloner, L ifland ,Vdo r ,

O b do r , C ondencs , and commaunder o f all the land

of S eeb sria , an d o f the no rth partes and o thers ,

S endeth grating vn to your highnes his sister E l i s a b e t h,

Queen s o f E ngland , F fraunco and I reland and o f o thers .

W e do glo rifie the G od o f mercie , in the'


rin i tie .

The grea t Lord , king and grea t Duk e J o h n the

so n ne o f V a s i l i , of all Russia ,H ath willed to b e declared to your highn es Queen s E l i

z a b e t h his sister tha t of man y yeres past, hath passed b e t

won s your h ighnes his louing sister Queue E l iza b e th and

h im messages o f good will , and that he do th desire herafter

to con tinue with your highnes in b ro therly loue vnitis an d

league of all frend ship . A nd after what maner he do th de

sire to b e in league with your highnes , he ha th geuen o rd e r

B ach ts the contan porary translation preserved in the London S tatePa plo“g ia the M “

1 94

A memorisll for her maissty touohing the amitie and trade witbRussis eto.

That amonge o ther thinges for the aduancemen t of amit ie

an d trafi ique b stwene the sub iects o f her ma - ty and the em

perour o f Russia : Yt may p lease her ma- ty to haue


b rance o f these particulars a t the first accssse o f the amb as

sadour vn to her .

in enquir ing o f the hea lth o f the emperour and of his sonnes,

whervn to it wilb s answearod that the o no is dead : Yt will p leaseher ma - tio to take occasion ther b y to asks where docto r J a c o bher phis itian , whom shoe recommended to the empereur , wasat tho tyms o f the sicknes of the said sonne , and hows it

fell out that he was no soo ner admitted to the emperours pre

sence , who in respect of his great skill in his pro fession waslikely (so farrs forth as art co ld perfourmo) to haue proseraed the sa id empereurs sonn e .

To sign ify the grea t affection tha t her ma - ty ha th showedto the emperour : her ha b ilitys to stand him in stead and

fourn isho him with necessa ries more than o ther pr inces can :

her power to restrayne all o ther from the B ayo o f S - t N ico

las to the ryner o f Duyun to Mo sco ; acco rd ing to the prini

ledges grann ied vn to her sub iects b y the which all other are

restra ynod .

That her ma - ty hath b ene en fourmed , that he hath exact

ed paymen ts o f her sub iec ts as of his sclaues : tha t a Dutchomerchan t aga in st the priuiledges graun tod to her sub iects ,is permitted to v se trade to their grea t hindran ce in the parts

priuilo dgsd : that a ll this no twithstand ing her sub iects for lone

an d o b edi ence to her haue sufi'

rod these thinges and con tinued

al l frend ly do ing to him an d his .

‘ 1 J o h n d e W a la —ln the contemporary Russian documents he goesb y the appellation of the W h i t e b e a r d .

E 44 .- 1 582 nu. 1 97

and answers for the league b etwixte H ir his - tie and the

The documen t b earing this endorsemen t is wr itten in two co lum n

,the left b eing entitled : C ertai

n c heades of a league b stwene hir ma - tie and the

great duke of Muscouie, p referred to her H . b y the

said D . his amb assad ors; the r ight The answersto the said headcs made b y the L . L . app oin ted b gher m- is to trea ts with the said amb assador .

W ith the excep tion o f a few words, they are b o th

iden tical with the A rticles agreed upp on for a lea

gue of amitie e tc . (v ide supra E 2 1 p . 74with the d ifference that 9 b eing a request o f thequeen is omitted and therefo re the 1 0 is numb er

ed as 9 . S till it would seem that tho se last A r

ticles , s ince the ir first drawing up in 1 569 duringA ndrew So v in

s stay in London ,he


d b een rev ised

as there is a documen t in the S ta te P aper O ffice

which con tain s the fo llowing add itional three artic

les ; from its endorsement « A . it appears to ha

ve b een drawn up in 1 577( the l 9 - th year of Q.

E lizab eth’s reign). These three articles , howev er ,

hav e n ot entered in to the A nswers to the heads etc .

I tem where it is desired b y the sa id r ight highs etc . tha t

such his m- ts amb assadors and min isters as he shall at any

time send to other prin ces ne ighb ours and such amb assadors

and min isters as o ther p rinces sha ll at any time send to him,

sho lb o o ccasioned to passe throgh her H . realmes and domi

n ions, may with her m- ts good loans and licen ce so p asse

throgh without any lo t , hinderan ce or mo lesta tion .

I t is accorded on her m- ts b eha lf, tha t from time to time

when the sa id r ight high etc . mightie pr ince sha ll thin ks good to

send any amb assadors o r min isters to any prince o r po ten ta

te her H . ne ighb our , that it shal b e lawful] for them to passe

1 98 E 44.—1 582 n an .

throgh her H . domin ions and realmos without any lo t, hinderance o r mo lestation , and shal b e further friend ly v sed with

all good o ffices as b s twen e pr in ces confedera t b elongeth and

appertain oth and also tha t the amb assadors and min isters sen t

from o ther p rin ces to him,sha lb e in like so rt vaed and ih

troated , in case the princes the ir soueraines and masters , b e

of the same religion as her m- tie is , and in league and ami

tie with her H .

(A dded to ar tic le 8 afte r the words «soionrne a b yde tary

and remayne») in echo o thers con tries without wrongs ls tt ormolesta tion and further promisoth that such houses as are

alredy b y his grs syfnl] priuiledges an d letters giuen and

graun ted to her H . marchan ts that is to say their houses in

Mus c o ,V o l o g d a and C o lm o g o r o d shall remains sti ll

from henceforth in their po ssessions .

(A dded in the answer to th is article after the words « b orne

sub iects») shall from time to time and at all times,so oft

and whenso s ver a ny of them shall come in to any her m- ta

domin ions safely so ion rne , ab yde and remains in the same

without any wrong, ls tt o r mo lesta tion , so that they o b seruethe c in il lawo s of her H . said rea lms and domin ion s prouid

ed fo r the good gouernemen t of her sub iects , and further hs r

m- tis thank fully taketh at her lun ings b rother the said K. and

grea t D . handes the confirma tion o f his former royal] graun t

o f places and houses o f res idence for her H . sa id marchan ts

in the townes afo resa id .

(A dded in the article 9 b e tween the words «that excludeth

all strangers» and «without her nut - te lycence s) and other her

H . sub iects n o t b eings of the compan ie comprised within the

sa id ar ticles from trafi'

ikk inge to 0 0 1m0 g o r o d , the r iner of

O b b e , V a n 1 a g e r , P e c h o r a ,C owl e y ,

Me s e n i e ,

P e c h o n c o we , Z o l o n o t s k i o islant , the riner of S h a

m e,

o r to any hauen o f Dwi n a , or any part o f the no rth

side of Dwi n a b y hitherward of W a r d h o us e with ship

pe , b uses , or any o ther v essellawithout her nut - te lycence e tc .

i . e Kholmogo ry, the rivers oh, Varzoogs and P erho rn C o la, Meson ,

Pechenga , So lovo tzky island , the river S oome .

C o croponuea sen - nuraeren com onenie us ro , nrodu oro

npenenn no npenonn , norna cnasannul npsnuconalmil n upon .

norymecrnennun rocynapo npnsnso'ro as dram ornpannro nann o

naps) nnn m orn-

rem , cocony on nuc- na , nno npon o-

rsmone du

no npano npo'hsn aro upano nnaxhnia n nopos enc


rna ea nuc- na

deso scanoil ocranonnn, npenarcrnis n sanepn ania n npono

roro co nnnn dynyro npyn ecrnenno odpamarncn 1! an dynyfl .

nan ny comsnunn rocynapann . Tann e n nocsannnnano a memonononnuno

, ornpans ennuno oro mym o rocynapei no neny, dy

nyro onasanu ranoe n o odpsmonie n nocrynnn, no oryuno ecnn

nno rocynapn onnaro n'hponcnon

-hnania so on nos - nono n so co

tos'h n so npyn d

'h co ea nuc- no .

(I I pndanreno no craro'h 8—l noos

'h cnono «np eo’

a sam ,nece

M ntacn , np oonneams n ocmaoamocm :)no crpanaxo roro n npyraro

deco opens , sanepn anin n npn'rhcnenia n cnepno roro odomasr n,

are oh nona, no'ropue yn e no emnns oc

'rnnuno npnnns oriano n rps

norano ranu n non as onanu nynnano ea nuc- na , a nn onno nno

nona no Mo c n n‘h,B o n o r r

'h n X o n n o r o p a n o oc'ranyma

ornun'h supens no n o cnonofin ono nsan'hnin .

(H pndanr eno no orn'h'

rh no my craroto noos'h cnono cap -sp ed

nuan noddanauan » uroduonn, oro npononn no npononn n som oo

npono , cnono sac'ro n norra dunro J B G O nso nuno nn npnduno no

nompoo sndo nso nranhnifi en nuc- na, npedunasn , np on nnann n

comm on no onon o deso scenaro npona, sarepn ania m npnrocne

nia mm on codnmas n rpan nancnie sanonu cnasannuxo no

posoncrno n nnan'hnin ea nuc- na, nocranonsennue nu nodparo

ynpannenia ea nom nnuxo . Anni e on nos - no dsaronapno np ion


ro oro cnoero m dn'renonaro dpa

'ra, cnasannaro naps it nor .

am nonrnopn nonie oro npon naro napcnaro nonuonania nno

pono n nonono nnn npedunania cnasannuxo nynnono es sue - na

no numecnasannuxo roponaxo .

E 44. 1 582 nan. 201

(B orannsno so cram 9 - 11 nsn ny cnono c eocnp cataentca

scram m a np annam » n am opuc no dydym nomine deaco

n nponnno non annuno ea nuc- na no npm nsena

mnno no rosapnmecrny pasyn'hen ony no cnasannuno nonon no

erano , necrn ropro no X o n n o r o p a n o , na piano O d n , B a ps y r

'h , I l e twp 'h , no R o n -h , Me s o n n , H o nour -h , na

C o n o n e n n o n o ocrpon'h,na p

'kn'k C y n'h , nnn so anon npn

crann ,lln n nu, nnn no such nocrnocrn conspnaro npudpsn oa

A n n nuno em coupony oro B a p ne r y c a na nOpadm o, nnyx


rosa no nan nunno cyrano , nomopa e no dydyntz an nm dos

conen ia en sen - ca n tion .

M 450 1583 May o

Oopie of instructions ginsuto Sir J erome B owss.

W hereas our good b rother K. and great Duke of all Rus

sia hath of late sent an emb assadour vn to vs to treats withv s of certo ine matters touching his sornico , which require somean swer from v s b y some especial] minister to b e sen t thetor . W e

haue thought goo d to make cho ise of you for the serv ice as

well in respect of the op inion concs iued b y v s o f your suffi

clancy to perfum e it to our good lik ing, as for the satisfac

tion of the said emperor , who b y his said amb assadour re

quested tha t a gen tleman so qualified , as in our op inion you

are , might b e sent vuto him.

H auing therefo re recoined this charge from vs, and b eingarriuod there , our pleasure is that after ds liuery o f our letters

accompanied with such complemen ts, as in like cases are re

quisito you shall gins him to vnderstand , in how acceptab le

sort we ta ke the send ing of an emb assadour vn to vs, recoin

ing thereb y great sat isfaction an d co n tentmen t b y the re

port his said emb assadour made vn to v s of his good estate

as we ll o f health, as of peacea b le and happy gouusrmon t,which was d sliuered vn to v s in so good so rt , as that we can

no t but think our so lfos grea tly hon ored b y him in send ing so

202 E 45 —1 583 nu.

graue and wise a coun sellour and min ister to vs,who ha th

no t fa i led to performs such good ofi‘

ices as b y h is careful ]

traua il therein it seemeth he recoined in charge , and werecommitted to his trust .

A nd as one part o f his message was to treats with v s o f

a league defensins and ofi‘

snsiue , so you shall declare vn to

him, that for his satisfaction therein , and to mak e it appear

vn to him, how accep tab le that motion was vnto v s , we haueo rdered vn to certa in o o f our conn co ll to conforr with his said

min ister therea b out, b y whom he sha ll vnderstand , what re

so lution is taken here , the same b eing delinered v nto him in

writting , wherewith we hope he will rest con tented , hauing

yeeldod (as on e tha t grea tly d esireth h is sa tisfac tion)s o farr

fo rth , as may stand with our hon nor , and due considera tion

had of our p r esen t state .

A nd for tha t his min ister d id no t at the first rest satisfied

in some po in ts o f our sa id an swer , which we caused to b e

d el inered to him in writting youshal l declare v n to him (incase an y occa sion b e there vn to ministred) tha t we thought

good to refert o the further enlargement o f our mind there in

to you, whom we haue expressely charged to mak e such de

l inery o f our said mean ing in our sa id an swer, as we doub tno t shall remoue all matter o f doub t, and wo rk that good ac

cepta tion in h im o f our sa id answer as we desire .

A nd therefo re you shall declare vn to him first that whereas his said min ister required of v s , tha t the treatty might

b e sett dowue in the same forms that he delinered it vnto v s ,

and our an swer accord ingly to each po in t, we thought goo d for

the b etter e xplana tion of the matters therein comprised , an d

that our answer might b e more o rderly framed to cause it to

b e so d istinctly sett down e in articles , as is presented to him,

no t doub ting, but he will conceine well of our mean ing therein

,con s ider ing that it was d one vppon no o ther respects ,

but fo r the b etter furtherance o f that he most desired , wherein after was had yeeldod our an swer to such demand s

,as b y

his min ister wa s propound ed , we foun d it exped ien t to adds

the reun to a request o f our own s , te nd ing to no o the r end, but

204 N: 45 . 1683 . nu.

them, these three yeares last past, namely the first years one

thousand roub les, and the last years 600 roub les yearly , con

trary to all priuiledge in that b ehalf prouided , and we therein moued his min ister here to b e a meanes to him that the

said new exaction might b e remoued ; youshall in our n ame

pray our good b rother the K. that in that b eha lf our sub iects

may b e relieued , and accord ing to his former fauors b estowed vppon them, v sed as the sub iects of so frien dly as confe

derate , as we are , and means to b e vn to him.

H auing in this sort delinered our mean ing vn to him vppon

the treaty of amity , you shal l declare vuto him, touching the

secrette message and request he made vn to v s , b y this said

minister for and concerning the matter of marriage how the

lady mo tioned is fa llen in to such an ind isposition o f health

as that there is small hope she euer will rocouer such strength

as is requisite for the state , especially considering the longan d tedious voyage , she were to make , in case should vppon

report of his amb - r and v iew of her p icture , haue an y d ispo

sition to proceede therein,and therefore our pleasure is . you

v se all the b est perswasions you can to'

disswade him from

that purpose , laying b efore him the weaknes o f the lady ,

when she is in b est state of health , and d ifii culties, that areo therwise like to he stood vp pon b y the lady, and her frends ,

who can hardly b e iudured to b e so farr separate the one

from the other , whereb y the greatest comfort of them that are

users of b lood are cutt of, that vnlesse their good wills and

consen t might b e procured (which is a matter v ery doub tfull),the match could no t in any sort b e b rought to passe , considering tha t in those cases

,as ouer the rest of our sub iects ,

so espec ially ouer the n o b le houses , and famil ies , we haueno further authority then b y waye of perswasions to inducethem to l ike of such matches as are tendred them, and b y

good apparan te reason s maie tend to their aduancemcnt .

A nd for the o ther motion delinered vs in like secre tt

manner ( b y the interpreter , as hereto fo re it hath b ene b y someof our owns ministers sen t v n to him) vppon occas ion , as those

times ofi’red , touching hisse lfe repa ire hether in to our do

206 16 45 . 1 583 an .

Lastly our pleasure is you shall earnestly recomend to our

good b ro ther the K. the send ing home of J o h n F e n s h a mo ne of his apo thscaryes , who se father b e ing a man very aged ,desireth greatly to see him b efore he d ieth

,and to leave him

possession of such lands and good s as he hath gotten for him.

M 45. 1583 Man.

Gueou or m enumam a aspy E psa-tn B ayoy.

Tan nan-s roopn i (Span . nanra naps 11 sex. am t ncea Poc

cin an nerasuen spenenn npncrm n nan nocrannn a mneperompom. no th an ,

racarouunrcn ero cryx fin a no romrpeoyerca or ; user. ors 'hra upset nocra napoano ryra ornpaa

r ennaro, ro m npnsnarn as oraro na crya oy ary naopara sac-a,

ram. no yaaz eaie iurhnin , m osoe 1m M en 0 cnocofinocn

samefi ncnornnrt se m. nameny yronor scmiro , ram. 1: an yroa

rerB Openie cnasannaro naps , norOpn l spear ynouny'raro no

crannnna npoonr s , m ost a s neny 6m npncran's n opam

'n ca

ranmm aaqecrnann , ream ,no nameuy un

'hnno , an ofiraraere .

E ran mum on user n0pyasnie oro , nan yrorno , uroon

,no npit srh name“ ryra a no npyaenin namefi rpan oru ca

ofin qnn n n 3 1 .m an . cryvanx's npns

'hrcraim ,an oo'ucnun napn ,

cnon 6mm Jun nac's npiarna npncnm an nocrannn a n nan-

a ;trro a n in. serum" , yrosoucraien n panow ie m i ca-1mm. or ;

caasannaro nocrannnna o rofipon ampos t 'h naps n o n pnon

n cqacrrnsona ero npasrenin; 'rro nsn'hcr ie oro ran 1 0pomo

om o nan -r. coofimeno , irt o an as non e“ as ni t-hum ceo'h n

fio n mon none'ra npncn n y crosr. crenennaro n pasynnaro co

a'b ranna , as npsnnnysmaro ncnornlm yrom n nan

-n nopyssnia ,

no'rOpn s , ram. sumo rm. sro 0 m 1 , pennoc


rnaro crapanin, 6m

na nero nosrox enn a say nonhpenn .

A ram. ero n0pywenie m acrn coc'

ron o an roars, m on roro

B Opn-

rt ca ca nan 0 come» ob’

op ouumumom a nam y/nam

n om, ro an ofiunnre name, a p a ero yronon crnia , n u: no

nasania eny ram. nan np ia'rno om o m os nperron enie, m I n

n paxasaan n'hro'mpmrs m namnxa coat raaroaa no! " as pas

2 1 2 16 «16.—1 583 nos . 1 9 .

princes honors , then is it thought meets that you shall ad

uertise the k ing of Sws tia thereo f. A nd as for such d ifl'


as may fall out and hang vnd s termind fo r lacks o f the med

iation of some person neutrall youmay offer on her ma o tiss

b ehalf, v n to the said empero r that she would b e glad in case

he can b e con ten t to mak e her an arb itrator to interpose her

med iation in qualefy ing the said d ifi'

i culties , in case he maye

b e in duced on . his parts to reterre them ouer in to her. I n the

means time vn till the said difi'

icul ties may b e b y her ma - tis

con sidered of,and her iudgsmen t gett down s for qualification

o f the same, as maye agree with iustice and due regard o f

either o f ther honors , whereof if youfind he shall haue anylik ing, then is it her ma - ties pleasure , that youshall aduert ise

the said K. thereof, and to learn s from him whether he can

yes ld thereun to . A nd so b o th their assen ts b eing ginsu vuto

the said motion , youmaye per swade the sa id princes the one

b y speech ,the other b y letters to b e con ten t to yes ld to an

a b stin en ce of armes for so long time,as it is likely (the d im

culties o f the passage duely co n sidered) tha t she may returnsher op in ion in tha t b ehalfe .

A n d in case you shall b e pressed to resorts to the said

place where the treaty shulb e d ealt in with the mutual] assentof b o th princes youshall in that case for your excuse declarevuto the emperor , that fo r as much as you haue receiued no

d irection so to do ; you can no t without offence of her ma - tis

add your owns particular assen t thereun to .

O n the o ther side if the emperor n o t yseld s to haue a

treaty in some neutra ll p lace , b ut shall insist to haue the samedeal t in within his own s domin ions

,then shall you aduertise

the k ; o f Swetia of your p roceed ing with the said emperor

b oth in the one degree , and in the o ther , letting him vnder

stand , how carefull her ma - tie was for the regard that she

had to his honor to haue pro cured , that the said treaty might

haue passed in a neutrall p lace . A nd yet notwithstanding thather highnes is of that op in ion that prin ces for the auoyding of the efusion of Christian b lood , and o ther inconuen iensee tha t depend vppon the continuance ofwarres, the k . should

2 14 16 46. ms . 1 9 .

npnanannns , aredu an yn'luonnan 0 cans aspoan I llaencnaro .

O raocnreasno aarpyrnenil , noropna n oryr s aoannnnyrs n ocrars

ca nepsmenan nn aa nsrocrarnons nocpeannascraa naaoro nadyas

acyrpaasnaro man, an noa ero npsuoa nrs napro ors nnm ea

sea - B a, nro , ona cs parocrin) ynorpodnrs caos nocpem nscrno

ran ycrpanenia arn s aarpyanenil , scan oro dyrer s s eaareasno

nap io a scan ons , cs ososa croponn , aorhpnr s us cl . E can

an mi xers , nro oro npon oatenie eny yrorao , m no apsuona,noun or sea - no pascnorpnr s arn aarpyrncnia n odcyanr s cuoco

as ycrpaneniro an, coraacnn s co cnpaaeam ocriro n cs roan

mans yaaatsniens as uscrn odonxs rocyaapsfi , ea sea - B y yrorno ,lrrodn an ys

'luonnan o rons aopoaa n ysnaan or s nero nos ers

an ons a s are coraacnrsca . Rom a s n naps n n0 poas m anna-s

coraacie na oro npep oa enie, an nos erc yd'hm s odonxs rocyaa

pet], (ornaro na caoaaxs , xpyraro na nncsn'h), npeaparnrs soon

nsm as l cr aia so apensan , noaa aopoaeana no npnmaer s cnoero

manna no oron y npernsry : npn sens ca'hayers npm rs as cc

odpaz enie'rpyl nocrs nyrn .

B s cayaa'h z o om 65! sacs ydhs aaan ornpaanrsca as oana

rennos n'hcro , rxh dyryr s serenn neperoaopn no aaam ony cc

raacin) odonxs rocyrapetl: an ods aanre nap» as aaannenio codh,

are raas naas an as noayanan m enoro am 0 rons , aroda

cio nonoannrs , an as nos ers can n ors coda coraacnrsca dsas

C s rpyrol oropes a scan naps no coraacnrca na saun asnie aoroaopa as aaaons nadyas neyrpaasnons n

'hcr 'h, no dy

rsrs aacranaars na seronin neperoaopoas as caours aaaxhniaxs ,rem an ya

'hronnre aopoan II I sercnaro o cnomeniaxs aamn s cs

napens , a as re a s apena ya'haonnre are 0 rons m s or sea- so

aadoraaacs ods oro aecrn, ynorpsdnas csoe crapan io, aroda soro

aops dnas sem en -s as neyrpaasnons n'hcrh: no n o ornano

ate,ea sea - so m oan

-rs, aro aadn npeaparnrs npoanrie Xpncrian

cnon s pan a rpyria asanrom, nponcreaan nria or s nporoa

x enin aol ns , nopom no arrays-rs as ranons aas nons ri a l

nacranaars na nycrn xs odpam s when n apenenn , a na rpyrmnoaodnnxs odcroareascraaxs , a cropse odparnrs annnanio na ca

noe rh o , aaa‘hcnas apurons , nro npn roan nas dot-arom as ,

If: 47. 1 583 . 2 17

rorre, scan an nanrsrs coda as rocrarctmofi npornas anxs sr

as , an dyrers aamnrars ca, crapaacs canaacs e nsd'hrayrs us a

npcl rn npcanas aaas cacpc roasno n os ers . H o scan an nausre nxs as react] cm , arc no dyaers as cocrcanin nn s couporm arsca , rorxa an npm a oro n

'hnoropnns aynnans gers , sans

no codersennony nodyatrenirc cdasaroascrsa na ynaary cra

aanacn gaan as noca'hrcrain coraacnc cs rhn s nccranoaaeaisns

nan psmenions , aaace aocncca'hryers nc arony npegnery notary

aopcaens n caaaaaanns nccaananaons ea sea - ea .

” 48. 1583.

Reader of instructions for Sir H iorcm B owss to Russia.

Instructions ter Sir H iercme B ower L emhaeaadcr ct E ngland intoRussia cuer and b eside the anm u te the articlea prcpcundod cnthe part of the L emb auadcr cf the king and great duke.

That he on the part of her ma - tie in b ehalf and fauor o f

her sub iectss the soc ietie o f merchan tos fo r discouerie o f newstrades complain s and pray redresss of the dc lsances o ffered

vn to them against the fo rms of the graun tes couenantes and

prouiledges made vn to them b y the said k ing and great duke

etc . and aga in st the good k indenesso expec ted and dsserusd b yher ma- tio and her sub iects .

That in anno 1 580 there was enacte d o f them in n ame o f

the said k ing one thousand rob ls s con trario to the forms of

their prouilsgo . That in anno 1 581 there was lik ewise exactedo f them 500 ro b les . Tha t since the aryuall o f the amb assador

here in the moneth o f J anuary and F eb ruary last there ha th

likewise b en domaundsd of them 500 ro b les .

A nd herein he is to informs himself b y the E nglishs agen ts

in that contrie whe ther those 500 ro b lss b e payed and withwhat rigor exacted and to frame his complain ts accord ingly .

That her ma - ts sub iects haue b an in those er ections v sed

as the said k ings an d great dukes etc . slaues and captiuos b e ;to b e taxed with them o r at such time as they b e .

2 18 36 48.—1 583.

Tha t the Ducho man J o h n d o W e ] 0 whcs endoucreth

to cus rthrcws the trade of her ma - ts sub iects is n o t onely

suffered to co ntinewe his tratl'

ike in tho se place directly aga inst

the said preuiloges, b ut also remaine th free from all taxac ions

whereb y and b y sx tracrd inaris charges of good ofi‘

ices o f her

ma- ts sub iec ts done to the sa id k ing and great duk e etc . and

to his amb assadors and o thers , and b y the great charges that

the compan ie hath home for d iscouerie of the trade to the

b en efits o f his dominions of all which charges J o hu d o W a l e

ne ither ha th b o rne n o r b ea reth any thing , he is the mo re

en ab led to make them woe rie o f con tinewing trad e to the

terr ito ries of the said k ing .

M 480 15830

I Iopoaons nacraaaonil copy S pan-1m B ayoy ornpasanoncny as

lhm aaenle Aauilmcny necm any as l’eech can i ne- tum”,

m axi - M oat m an n a, M m M anpo

‘I rodn ons ors anon on sea - ea n as yrca aenie nom annxs

on ,

ca 11 npoonrs yaosasraO penia a 06m , npm nennna an as npo

rnanocrs car ]; asrcrs , ycacai l n npnanaoril , anannas I ns ors

canaaennarc naps a sea . annsa it upon. n aonpoan nnaccrn cl

daarocaacanccrn ncrcpci ca naaan n nompyn aacayz nan ea sea- ac

‘I rc as 1 580 may cs naxs aan caano ors nnsan oan -reana

ro naps 1 000 pydasn as npornnnocrs cars a s npnanaeril ; n o

as 1 581 may paaauns odpaacns cs m s nan cnano 500 pydaen;

arc cc apenena np i'hsaa nocaanm a cam, as m ym xs anna

ph n ‘b enpaa'h n 'b canaas cs m s cnars rpedoaaan 500 pydad .

I I c orony upsanery eny (B ayoy)ca'hayer s cnpaanrsca y A ar

aincam women as Poscia c rcns : dun an or: 500 pydael

ynaaaenn a nania nonyanrcasnna n'hpn dnan yncrpedaonn npn

220 X: 49 . 1 583 ms . 5 .

lium, s t aliarum, fra tsr s t amicus charissimus , no b ilsm v i

rum,F e o d o r A n d r swi c h P i s ems k i

,nupo r ad nee

ab lsgausrit, ad certa quaed am nego tia no b iscum agenda , quaehonorem v trinque nostrum quam proximo attingun t, quaequcrecto d sfin iri ccn clud ique nequsunt , nisi amb assiatcrem aliquemet oratorem ad p raefatum ssron issimum princ ipem emendano

r imus : H inc est , quod nos do fidelitate , industria , prouida c ir

cumspectione , s t setis magno rorum van , praed ilscti nob is ta

muli nostri , H i e r o n im i B ows s Mil itia ox ncb ilibue domesticie nostris vnius , plurimum confidon tes, praofatum H i s

r o n imum B ows s Militem, nostrum vorum s t indub itatum

Amb assiatorem, O ratorom, st C ommissarium spec ialom fac i

mus , et con stituimus per praesen tes . D antss s t con cedentes

s idem H i e r o n imo B ows s Militi,

oratori nostro tenors

praesen tium,authoritatem

,st mandatum, tam generals , quam

specials , ita quod spocialitas no n dercget gensralita ti , use a

con tra goneral itas special itati , n omine no stro , et pro no b is ,

cum prao fato seren issimo pr incipe , a iusque con siliarijs , et de

putatis quibuscunque de praefa tis n ego tijs st eorum singulia,tractand i , conferend i, con clud end i , appunctuand iqus ; prout o ra

tori no stra aequum, at on hon o rs n ostro v idob itur : N se non

do , at super huiusmod i tracta tis , ccnclusis,


qua , caeterisque omni bus s t singul is, praomissa quouismodo

concornenti bus , literas , s t instrumen ta valida et sfficacia , no

mine n o stro , et p ro no b is tradend i , l iterasqus s t in strumen ts

con similis v igo ris st efi’

ectus , ex alters parti petondi , et con

fici, et sigillar i deb its pro curand i , st recipiend i , st generaliter

omn ia st singula praemissa qualitercunqne concernon tia , fa

cisnd i , e xercond i , at expedisndi , in , et sod om modo , sicut nos

ipsi faceremus, et facere pcsssmus , si oessmus praesen tss,etiamsi tal ia sin t , quae do so mandatum exigent megis spe

cials ; promittsn ts s b ona fide , st in v erb o regio , omnia at

singula , quae per prasd ictum amb assiatcrem, st oratorem

nostrum appun ctuata , promises ,ccnuen ta , concord ata , s t con

clusa fuerin t in has parts , nos rate at grate , s t firma hab i

turas et o b seruaturas , et super inds l iteras noetras patentes

confirmatc rias , s t appro b a torias in forma valida s t auton

tica , prout opus fuerit , daturas . I n cuius rei testimon ium,h is

praesen ti bus manuno stra signatis , magnum sigillum nos trumregn i no stri A ngliae appon i fs cimus .

D ates o regia no stra G rsnwici quin to d ie mensis JumJ .

A nno dom. 1 583 . n n i vero no stri v icesimo quin to .

M 49 0—1583 mu. 5.

ea sea - B a npa naps Pyocaons .

E a n c a a s r a , B oatieto m ocriro Repoaeaaa A nrain, <1>pan~

nin n Plpaanain , odopcnnreasnnna aspn n np oq .

B ehns n aps gony , arc dygsrs angsrs n pascnarpnsars na

croamyao rpan ory , arpaacraosanis .

Teas sans H pscasrasnmin I‘

ocyraps Pl 3 a n s B a c n a s e a n a 1.[laps n aeaaain Rnass aces Poccin, B am n ipcain, Mocaoaca ifl n

H oaroporcail , [laps Raaanca in n A crpaxancain, Pocyraps I I caoa

sail , a Domain Knass C n oaencain, Taepcail , IO ropcain, I I epn

caifi,B arcail , B oarapcain n nnnxs crpans : Pocyraps n aeaaail

Rnaas H oaaropora H aaoacain ssnan,tI epnnroacailt, Paaancaifi I I o

rona in, Pocroacain, fl pocaascail , E saoaspcain, l lncpaanacain, Yropcaifi n Rosannc


aifi, n H oseanreas aces C ndnpcaia sonaa it O h

sepnslxs crpans , dpars n rpyrs m dnroasn'hnmil , as negaansns

apenenn npncaaas as nans daampoanaro nyz a 9 s o a o p a A n

ap s s a n r a I I n c s n c a a r o m nepsroaopoas cs am no as

noropnn s xhaans , aorO pn a croas dansac aacatorca namefi asa

nnnol ascrn , arc no noryrs darra npaaaasno onperln enn n aaaaro

asnn , snare m s scan nn ornpaanns macro ando nocaannnaa

n oparOpa“) as cassaanony npecssrasnmeny rocyrap lo . I I oceny,

nn'ha nandoase roaspsnnocra as aspnocrn , ycepri to , nposcpan

not ocnorpnreasnocra n rosoasno doasmony naanay as r‘haans

npon odsanaro sans cayu samero capa'

E p e n s a B a y c a , san

naro m npnaaopm s mopans nanmxs , nn nacroamsm rpano

rcn) cot asn s onaro capa E p s n'ha B a y c a namnns ncrnn

P a nama : on . k 20 cm. 68 npnn . 4 .

X2 5 1 . 1 583 non . 1 9 .

l 5 1 . 1588 Jun. 19 .

E lisab eth I oanai.

S eron issims princeps , frater e t amice char issime .

E x iis quae no b iscum ogit S . V . illustr is lega tus in te lleximus, quam grate v o b is faceromus sa tin, si legatum a liquom

cum mandatia instruc tum, ad S . V . ab legaremus . I n quo ce rto

quidem insti tuto adeo no b is ex animo placn it, qnod est ho

nos te postulatum, v t non nioi praesti ta re , poosemus no b is quo

quo modo sa tisfacore . A tque cum id hab eromus apud no s do

cre tum,n o b is non in commodo incurrit in men tem e t ocnlos

H i e r o n imus B owo s miles, ex no b ili b ns nostr is domesti

c is , plurimum no b is d ilectas , quem inpraoeen tiarum ( inp racsen tan


mn?) ad S . V . a b lcgamus , cuius pruden tiae ot fldoi , to

tum ho c quicquid (quidqm’

d) est quod ad soren ita tum mntuono strarum d ign ita tom o rnandam pertin ere posse ar b itramur ,comieimua. In quo monore perfungendo , quin omnem ca rom et

diligen tiam sit co llaturus neutiquam dub itamus; a S . autem V .

rogamns , ve lic o i eam fidom ha b ere in ijs persoquen d is quaeha b et a no b is in mandatia, quam no b is ha b endam puta ret , s i

s asema s praesen tes . P raeto rea . cum no b is mn ltum churns sit

R o b e r t a s I a c o b us mod icns , quem superio ri anno , ad

S . V . miaimua , t ogawas v t onm oo loco S . V . ha b ea t , quo

v irum pro b atissimnm, et singulari quam plur it‘

narum v irtutnm

lande orn a tum ha b ondum ease b on i princ ipes consen t . Quem

a no b is neutiquam ab legauiosemus , n iai amic itiae nostras , o t

s tud io gratificandi S . V . plurimum tr ib n isoomus . In qua dam

v o lunta te manonnus erga S . V . non n is i op tima d o b on ie vest

r is meritia in praefa tum I a c o b nm no b is po llicemnr . E t D eum

O p t . Max . precamnr , v t S . V . saluam conseruot , at inco lnmom.

Datae e regia no stra G ronouic i 1 9 d ie men sis lun ij , A nno

no nn in i 1 583 , regn i vero no s tri v icessiln o quin to .

228 If: 52 . 1 584 aar. 1 2 .

trewe and wise councello rs to the sta ts . I return s it b ack

ago yne to those 2 v n trewo sub iects to their prynce and enne

myes to the state , whose hedds I doub t no t b ut orelo ngo

F f e o d o r the sonne of the la te emperor whoms I now here

to b e crown ed empero r and am glad of it and do wish him

happyno s , will finds it reaso n ab le to cause to b e cutt from

the ir shoulders .

J s r ome B ows s .

This le tter is annexed to the foll owing o ne , wr itten ,it would appear , to the Lo nd on d irectors o f the Russ ian

compan y b y some of its agen ts at Kho lmogory .

I t may p lease your worsh ips tha t my lord s E mb assad o r

b e ing a b orde cen ts a letter open to the G en tellman tha t came

downs with him in most despytsfn ll wyse , which 1 haue ina ll po s ts haste coppyed out. Your wo rships must mak e shift

to read s it , I wolde he had nev er come here . F from the Mus

cow yt shal b e sen to yow in b etter order fo r none of vs have

more tyms a t this presen t . The L o rds sende v s a ll his grace .

This 1 2 August a t 8 of the clock a t n ight .

Your wo rships at comaundemen t .

J . G .

36 52 —1 584 aar . 1 2 . 229

M 52. 1584 A s r. I 2.

Cancans cs moans ospa S pan-as B ayoa.

O G s aanalo, nro aorra a an

'hxans ass Mocaan H n a n r a P o

n a n o a n n s n A n np e fi III e a a a n o a s cqn'

raan coda napalma man y raas n nasn samcs nnornnn moral s , name anorana

m ailma n n raaan'hnmmm cos'h'

rnnaann . Ca ns aae noao i naro

naps 9 o o r o p s 11 Th coasrnnan, ao'ropue 65m 651 rocrofinn roc

noncrsoams n ynpaarm no caoetl aapnocrn csoexy rocyn pro a

no moons as caoeli c'rpan'h, no B M'IH O ’

I'B nuaaaon arac


, as a no

canto -

rs narrow anacrsosa'rs . I I oo '

rony TO'

l'B o'rnycas , as soaol

a nnh s , 6511 s nn'h cxluans sm n napm - noxm roun 1! specs

m s , no us s o npm saniro n pacnopaa eniro ca'luann sci ties

noc'ria n


oca0p6r onia , s osopa n nn'h cab ana ; a m an s 6311 0

m ore,

no us pacnopas onilo, m , as oca0p61 onio, 65m ! aoaapa

menn n pn , aoropno a m s noaoi nony nap» : m aao ass an s

asaocram o syn- canocrp

'haa . an seam 61m : m npnuanncs m m in m as s new s a rpyrm noxaraxo c a o

n o p o x a n n,'t)-ne

'ro l y nro as y omoro ass s axs na cm 'h no

G in o onesm a na A unhe'

ro canoc'rp

'lua , npo ao'rOpn l

nors aqmrs cat sano , nro ons asa'

rs napous , nn'h npncxan



coposa mayps t nasnm a axs coooaann, no B ora snao'

rs nro

s'ro 6am as xpan s .


nymarocs fi ns are a n ]; sosapatnenn non norapan .

B s recs-

rs pass G orso rnymamcs npen ozaoniexs raaoro noaapaa

nocaannnay aopoxeann A nmi i caon—xors (in n nn'h a nan ny

soaspamw oro r'sa s gayns mum s aspnas , aor0pn e ero npn

cam .

1I 'm s o m ore: rpanoru, ao'rOpaa than a t spy

-lens , ro

am ' a ors noa roras s o oraasarca , ronno maze n reneps , 6y

9mcross asuouaam 'lsnauncano co rracno cs Pyrcam upom ouloaim .

rouse coorwlmraym'Pyccaony: Mm m am a » .

232 I : 53 . 1 584 .

A t my first comynge to the presene of the empero r , afte r


eringe ms to kysss his hands , he caused moo to b ee put

b ack s , showt ten yeard s , b efore he would hero moo speak s ,

and ther made me delyv er my mossedge open lye , as yf I had

b ean s to have mad e a proclamation , and then d omand inge mylette rs , and I go ings toward s b ym to delyv er theme , hi s

chaun celler S h a l k a n came to hav e tak en theme froma mes

esteminge me a s yt semid (thoW ghe hir ma - tios amb assad o r)vnwo r thy to ds lyver them my selfe nether d id the empero r

vowchsa fe to towche her ma - ties presen t , but caused the same

S h a l k a n to tak e yt of me a t the p lace whoa I stoo de .

The same day b e ings to dyn e at a ay de b o rd in the presen s

o f the emperor , when I was ( to) sytt down s and go ings b y the

v pper end o f ( the) ta b le to the place whor l was to sytt , I

wa s chal lengid fo r y t from the empero r , and caused to go

a b owte to my p lace b y the lower end o f the horde : he wouldalso (had I no t v ttarlye refused yt , and my dynner too o f

tha t prycs)haue fo rced tha t all my servan ts should haue dyn id

at the same tab le with mas ; and that refusid , d id neverthe

lesse cause the ta b le to b e furnyshid with a compan ie o fmean s

gen t ilmen o f his own s .

A fter I had b ene dyv srs tymes b efo re the empero r , and

had often had co n ference with his cowncs ll and tha t he

fownd I had no t comyssion to ys ld to ev ery d emands tha t he

thowght reason a b le , he one day amongst o ther v sed thais

speaches . c l do o no t estsme (quo ted he)the Queen s your mystrisfo r my fellows : ther has that are her b atters, yea hir worstars» wherun tto answeringe as I thought fl


yt t (wheche no waywas v n reaso n ab la)he towld me in furys ,

he would throwsme owt o f the doo res , and had me gett me home .

S h a l k a n suppo sings tha t I d id no t put in vse the full

auctoretie of my comyssion , sayd that I deserved to b e whipt .and Mo


h i t a R o m a n s and hes , b e ings o f the Dutcho

faction , and so anymies b othe to her ma - ties amb assadge, and

all their mastars good purpo ses toward s owre na tion; did del

yver to my truchman , theis dysgracafull spea ches o f mes ; the

one sayd : l ga theryd the grease and fees o fmy kytchyuto carrye

234 N: 53 . 1 584 .

which lyke dysg raco was never o fferid me b efore : This mys

lyk inge me muche , aswell in respect I dowtid the mallyceof theis men , as also that I thowght yt vn comly b e ings in

ver is sho rt garmen ts , to come b efo re a payn es and state

without a sword , rather lyke a presonar than lyke an

amb assado r I made some stay wher I was , and seemyd ( syn sI saws they men t to v se me with suche dysgrace and tha t

they had alread ie delyvered me the res o lution o f the empero r ,which was , n ot to gran ts anye part of that L earns fora)to b e will ings rather to rs to rn e to my lodgings , then

with the is dysgraces to see the emperor ; and in this

meanewhile , I sen t for a longar garmen t mas ter to b e wo rnewithout a swo rd : but they fynd inge my purpose , a b ro ther o f

S h o l k a n s came v n to me,with sterne coun tenance and b ad

b ehav iour , to hasten the tak ings away of my weapon s , and mycomings to the empero r . Thus fynd inga no reamedye , an d

dowtings some outradge to b e purposed vn to moo , leav ings

my wepon s , I wen t to the empero r , as well with purpo se tocomp layne of the in iur ies don me as a lso to receave what hewoul d farda r say to me towchinge my amb assadge , and b y

the way I mett with my man , with the gum en t that I sen t

for whoms they perceav inge , either he could come to delyver

yt me , heapes of them with furys ran vp on b ym, an d trust

hym quyte owt of my sight my selfe b eings sti ll hastid to

the emperor with o ffer of to muche o ccation , to haue b red

me myscheofe , yf I would haue taken howld o f yt .

I n this means space , the is men , Me k i t a and S h a l k a n,

think ings o f the in iur ies they had ofl‘

er id me : and suspectinge

my purpo se to comp layne had are I could come to the em

poror, comand id away my truchman , and so made suer works ,tha t I should say no things of that I would .

W hen I was come b efore the empero r he tould me a v eris

shb rt tale , not,muche to other purpose , but tha t he dss ir id

suche leage of frendship with hir ma - tie, as his father tofo re

had had and fo r the time of my dyspatchs ofl'er id me a letter to


ver to hir ma - tie wher in I well knows , was no mattar

o f iro po rtan ce or gran t of owght I came fo r ; and therfom

N: - 1 585 narr . 2 1 . 24 1

M 54—4 585 Mart. 2 1 .

A romomb rance for m- r alderman Mal-tyne G ouernor att his goingsto the court 21 maroho anno 1584

l . l tt may p lea se youto make S ir F l’

r a n n c s W so l s i n g n m

p i e vye uf the eominge o f R a y n a l d B e e km a n from the emp e

ro r o f Russ ia with le ttres fo r he r ma - t ie .

2 . l tm t o rude rs ta nd his ho no r s p leasure when he sha ll

c ome vn to the court to d eliue r the sa id le ttres .

3 . l tm in as muche a s the empero r eomaun t led hym to

cle lyue r the is le ttre s hym se lfe his humb le reques t is to haue

his ho n o rs l'

a vo re to (lo the same .

4 . l tm i t is thought b y wo rd s which this B e c k m a n ha th

repo rted tha t the cause o f the is le ttre s is towc hinge s ir .l h e r o i n

It o we s a nd o ther ma tters fo r the company .

5 . l tm tha t i t. would p lea se h is ho n o r to ta ke some o rt le r

tha t the r maye b e somme p lac e a po yn ted whe re B e c k m a n

s ha l l lyve , a nd a lthough h is cha rgis sha ll b e home b y the c om

pa nye , yet tha t i t ma ye some he r tun - tie ha th somme c a re o f

b ym,ltt -c ause he c ome th from the emp

ero r .

(i . ltm this B e c k m a n wa s he re with the Russ o amb a s

sa do r x ij ye res p as t“0, and wa s o ne o f his in te rpre te rs an d

can e S p e a ke god (y ood) englishs , he was b o rn e in L e fe lande ,

a nd serv ed the comp a nye in Russm u] o r my ye res , a nd we ll

k nowen he re b y the rmnpa nys se ruan ts , a nd ye t a we ll wil

Ie r o l'

the F flemings a s it. se tn e th .

in 1669—1670 with A nd rewSovin

242 N: 54 .- 1 585 n an . 2 1 .

npn on h fl m no mpy .

1 . B ureaoxnro nswhcm s caps Qpannn ca a B a ns c n a r e n a0 npntinrin P o rn n axs ga B e a n a na ors pyccnam nap: Q

's nn cs

nann an on sex- sa .

2 . s ars m ania oro sect s nous eny npnoms no n opy

m noaasn caasannn xs nncens .

3 . Teas asas naps nexus eny canony nouns t s nncsna , so

on noaopn'hime npocm xomral cn a oro sec

-tn 06s ncnsxnon in

cero .

4 . H as asao 'ropnxs cxoas , nepegannnxs suns B e a n an o n s,

noz nom ars , nro cogops an ie w as mean aacao'rcn caps E p o

n'hs B a y ca 1: npyrnxs fi ns oomecraa .

5 . H e 61 amyroxno u oyxo'rs ero socrn wh at s pacnopns o

nio o nasnasonin assoro axon s when m s nroxscm B e a n an a;

n xopm oro oomoc'rso npnnors na coon, no (s ens -ren ao)m

on non o sass-race ,

trro on sex - so user s 0 sons nh oropylo

snoo ty, noreay nro ons npnom s ors naps .

6. 31 0 1 s B esnans (inns sxhcs cs Pyccanns nocxannn ons

r im» 1 2 rony nasaxs a 6m ohm s nss nopoaon naoas,n

aspomo rompnrs no anrxifican; ons pon i es as mn n

gin n cxys us oomoc'ray as P eccia roxa 2 a n 3 , n xopomo na

a'hcrens sascs cnyz snmns as 06mm , n on enes s , asas aa

azercs , dumnpiaroxs (h ummus .

B a. 1669 - 1670 rom s cs A nzpoons C on sul ts .

244 X: 55 . 1 585 non . 9 .

Iite ris in te llig imus sa tisleceri t . C um en im in ma nd a tia n o s tr is

exequend is his in A nglia so canto e t p ruden ts r semper , at

summa cum laude gesse rit non idem e tiam apud magnum prin

c ipempo trem vestrum ser- tsmqus vestrum, fratrem no b is che riasi

mum,tum vo b is fec isss v id s r i mirama r , at do lemus . F ieri

cs rté po test sum quondam pa tris v estr i co n s iliario rum, a c

min istro rum o b treeta tion e at co n trar ijs stud ijs , tum etiam

a b ioc tis ab us s ins nego tiation i impod imo ntis , iracund ia pro n e

e tum n on sa tis memo rem fac tum sass o fl'

ic ijs . N o s enim smn

hominem hic pruden tsm s t in rs bus gs rsnd is ssgacsm cognoui

mus : qui si v ol morum,v s l consuetudin is vest raa igno ra tio ne ,

v ol intorprs tis v ic io , sou nonnullo r um in so in iurijs v o l

a lio quouis defectu, alits r quam vo b is docs re v isum set, so

gesserit, non id amic itiae no stras sursum imped irs , aut ro ta t

dars de b s t .

In so en im amicitiae , s t fra tern ita tis cursu v ti oer- tom

v estrum fra trsm no strum charissimum con tinen tsr pers is ters

vs lls ex amic issimis , at fratern is v s s tris lits ris cognouimus ,ita no s perpetuo s and em amic itiam omn ib us o fl


icijs sane to , e t

inn io la ts co lors decrsuimus q us sadsm prorsus rations , qua

cum b oa tae memo r ies magnc regs pa tre v ostro amic itia e


o edus in iuimus . Cuius foodor is forms (a s in literie hijs acr i b en

d is longiorss s imus) ex tractatus articul is cum foolic is ms

mo riao magno regs pa trs vestro paulo an te o b itum co n c lus is,

fac ile appa rero po ts rit . H uius certo tracta tus v igo re p ruden

tisaimus pr inceps op tima n ouit , so adusrsus v is ine s in imieo s

prin c ips s cum al ij s multis ad iumsn tis tum omn i appa ra to

b e l lico multo fo re mun itiorsm.

Quod igitur ss r - tas v estro. in lits ris po stulat , v t sui sub d iti

in no stris regn is s t d ition i bus merca torum lib ero sins v llo im

ped imen to oxercsant, quanquam id priuilogijs a prasd scs sso

r ibus no stris A nglias rsgib n s huic mercato rum soc io tat i ad

eo rum industrism in nouis regio n i bus psrquirendis sxacuondamcones ssis con trariumest tamen v t quan topsro v o b is gratifi cari cupi

amus sor - tus vestro. in telligat, id ita largimur, v t omnes vos tr i

mercato rss qui nature-loo vo b is aun t sub d iti,omn ia more imo n ia

in regna no s tra inushan t,s t expo r tsn t, quae a cuiuseunque pr in

N: 55 .- 1 585 nos . 9 . 245

c ip is arctissimo no b is food ors con innc ti sub d itis impo rters v ol

e xpo rte rs iure possint , no tamen illi in te rim aliorum b oue'


min i bus suis co lo ran t , n sc alijs nn in is tr is v tan tur,quem qui

v o stri n a tura‘

les aunt sub d it i.

Vic issim v sro n os 9. oer - ts v estro. po timus , v t qua priui le

gia magnus princeps fos licis memo ries pater vaster , peulo

an ts o b itum no stro rummercato rum soc ieta ti per H i s r e n imum

B owa s equitem lsga tum nostrum p are tus ers t concsd s re , quae

qua tractatu heb ito in scr ip tum rad aete more p raspmpe ra ia

tervsn isss t M plissimo confirmata fuissen t , ea oer - tea vestro no s

tr is indulgsro v elit : qui cum max imis impsnsis , et multo rum

etiamprofuse v ita , pr imi omniummo rtal ium in R nssiam nen igan

do iter apsruorun t, omn isquo generis msrc imon ia iuvestraa regio

nes inuoxorunt : ex quo commerc io , a b squs dub io megne has vaqus

demo s contraxsrun t; squum est v t quibus solis huius commerc ijin itium deb s tur , ij etiam so li quod eorum la b or i bus par tum est

pa tien ter , s t p res cos tsris nation ibus a oer- to v sstre asstimen

tur , as in p recio heb ssntur . Cuius etiam mo riti rsspec tu 86 !

tom vsetram ib idem rogamus , no qua uam nostro rum A nglo

rum nisi quem ills soc is ts s appro b av it, out quam nos liter ie

nostris comendomus , in vostris d itioni bus mercaturam sxorcsrs,

vs l hab itaro permitta t, v t hesc soc io tas quae hens nauigationsm

primum incsp it ad commercia istic moresada a lecrins inc itetur .

Quas sans si hijs vti per set priuilegijs po tia tur omn ia cuius

qua generis mercimon ia que s v estris vo l omn ium sub d ito rum

v sstrorum quorumcunqus vsibus necessaris arnut a bundants r

pe rpetuo suppod itab it . Huius igitur societatis agentsm R o

b o r tum P e a c o c k ssr - ti vsatras do msl ior i no to common

damus : qui v t vo b is in omn i bus inssruiro studo b it , ita v t sundsm

rsgali v ostro fauors emplsctsmin i summopors rogamo s .

N os certs ear - ti v estrs s fratri no s tro che riss imo in singulia

gre t ificari plane cup imua , s t ad omn ia b sn svo lsn tiae s t amici

tiae o tfi cia,fideliter s t soro rio an imo p raestanda , legatosqus

v o l nun cio s si opus fuer it inuissm mitts ndos , s rimus sempe r

paratissimas : v ti etiam emplius per lt s g i n a l d um B e c kma n

interpretem quem v ne cum nauib us no stris in Russiam remit

timus,oer- tea vestro potar it inte lligers . i ta Deum O p t . Max . co e

246 JG 55 . 1 585 non . 9 .

li st to rraa C o nd ito rom precemur , vt ssr - tsmwestrem in mul tos

enuos incolumem st florsntsm set net .

Dates in Reg ina n ostro. c iuitats Lond in i ta d is me ns isluuij . A nno S e ruetoris nostr i lssv Christi 1 585 . n ni v e t o

no stri x xv ij .

M 55 . 1585 I ron. 9 .

I Ipsca'hrr himin n npssnenennrhfimil rocyaaps , 6pm n

npyrs awaren nslmil . C aoxs nu 6am onenuenn aonnnnom

upscalmsnmaro rocyaapn I o a n n e B a c a r s s a n n a aexm ro

naps Poccin, G rea snnofi nam e on e samero , xsrao on s-rs no

narno scans , aro saxoners pascnorp'hrs aaas m no sesam e

nan ny nenn norpeonocrs xpyaaon : one awar e nspaos neque so

spsnsna opera s amero 3ma p as , not ons npogoan an cs as ao

cyrapcraoaenis cecrpn name! Ma p i n , naaonons cam econ o

ral acs a npoonm a nenapymnnoxo so use name aopoaoacraoaanio

go nocrsgnnro ans aansnn samero orue . Koo cs roro apsnsnn

aoraa ,nepsaro nso ac

'hxs naporoas , nom ann s nama o'rapmn no

psxornn i uywa as Poscia), orsns hams m om s n has A nrn

nans nponnymacrasnno npsas acsn n napoaann m ocr iro n oas

pns s n s anorana nosoxsnocrnnn : cans npm snsnnne , oan oz o

roano cs peaocri lo npnaosm as aanm crpenn as. aopatiuxs ace

aero pom roaapn . Mn no noun ncrnnno a m emo as

caoptfim 06s yrpe-rh raaoro rocyaapa , aorO pn l 6m cusses

cs nenn cros s assuero n croas nponno ycranoanamelocn nox

ay nann xpyz oo io n aoropn l croas nnoro noapom on crao

seas namnns non ennnns . H o nuns name ca0p6s no nano

snannrsxsno odxem srcn rh‘

ns ,Irro , aaas nn ycnorp

'hn nss

npncrannol as am cs aamnns roananons P o r n n a s s ao n s

B o a n an o n s rpanoru, ras ony orny noes-limiter s raao l cnns ,

aoropn i oG lnnesrcn 6m necr lunnaons as ren ao napcraa . no

a rpymon cnoero pornrsm; aoropn l , nuno confl uence , G yros-a

Aocronouen onymyry n oeny E p en 'h o B n i an

Bus rn , n ot goopa i E p enal , amass a oasmnoxyaens a

asfi B oas nsns onus reoa sums srhcs as sapania a 6coonscno

cm . 33 noe agopoase G ymxaua B ory!—O 'raoca


ren ao'roro rh

n, o aoens nn as nocxsmii pass coasmuacs as Tpoana as

gens , nn ae conasasencs , n o an xopomo o aens nossoo-rnma

ca a psscyga'ren a o noc

'rynams o


rnoca -ren ao P o oep

'ra (aoarops

3 3 0 611) was n oon , ec ons npisae'ls


'ro np i

'hsaus 651 as

nscnmcs so'hns ays anns o sens m n mam as ero npexys

'h o

m s . 0 sons,n o a no arony npexne

'ry aynato a sero m an


nocm sao're6s ocooenaym ssna cay aepess H as a s

apess ao'ropsro

'rn maz e noxyaa


ra ors neaa as nonanons

copons coooaea, reo'h as man e myon . H ors neaa reds,

B aa s an o sh a s , a asaifi nouons .

Pom ona, m opnfi asxom cs as A auil cnons nepeaorh

ct ons I‘

Opceens cs ansamsroca y aoro 110m m .

H o ms coapenm s m xonsm ecm s nsnn nn oas , auao , n o as caomea in s cs aaocrpsnanna mcympn n ons

m yaoaucs : ,,B oz ieno m om-in aexm ro rocympn mp: 11

«as , B un nipcasro , Mocnoacn ro (n r . m . cs nponncsaiens

acero m yxa mpcasro), ero napon ao aem ecus 63 am« dyxu (n cs 1 59 1 roan: cams)manual , G oapnas a as

« n'hc'rm s E sssacail a A c'rpsn acnil , B op n cs c o p o

« an s F o xy n oa s ».—Psspfhmenie Pomony ors cnoero n

as nepeancnasrscn cs aaoc'rpam nn mcympana 6am n

ao as Mss 1 587norm no cxytmo npn oss as ero an: n

ccns H anon ens B spasacns nocnons nnnepsrops Pyl on

tbs I I a opus ero spm'epnors Mucm xisas , Pom ona ao

cm m m um o moun o. wo n -“ m ain s

ons t oms yua n , n o ofl ocrao oro ont o nam o as “can : a n o Pom oas

nem nm s ero « E peni ens H um m us » m no rorn m eny «7m m »,

3 «D a ws on- n n n .

“0 Don or s 6m noamn ns B opaca W oman ln Pom ona .

252 N: 56. 1 585 A ar . 1 5 .

To my ho no ra b le fro nd J e r o m the. so nne o f W i l l i a m

innub led

B e thou,my go od J e. r o m,

in helth and happy and G od geve

tha t wee may (see?) the he ir (thee here) in good healths and

safty agnine . F or my he lthe G od b e praysede l C oncernynge tho s

matteres wee have laste co nference o f a t the Trynetye, I doub t no t

b ut thouwille duly consyde r of them, and use thie d iscrecyone

con cernynge R o b e r t e , (do ctor J a c o b i) p ro v ided , yt'

he come ,he come well furneshed with sky lle , as thowa mayete informe

him. My mynd and p leasure I send thee in a p artyculer no ate

b y I v a n V o l k o v e b y whom also thowe sha lte receave

my tok en o f rememb ran ce , fo rti sa b les , to make thee a gownewithal l . A n d from mee un to thee , the sonn e o f W i l l i a m ia

no b led,a lowe sa lln ts c ion .

The title o f G odo o nof is presen ted he re in the same.

fo rm as it has b een t ransla ted b y H o rsey in his «Discourseo f h is imploymen te». In 1 589 when G odo onof rece iv ed

the C zs r’

s permission to correspond in h is own n ame

with the k ings o f S pain and o f F ran ce , with Queen E lizab e th o f E ngland and with the eastern so vere igns o f P ers ia ,

o i'

B okhara and the Khan o f the C rimeans , he wro te in

his lette rs the fo llowing title : « B y the grace o f G od , the

grea t lo rd,czar and grand duke Theo dore I van o v ich o f

a ll Russia se lf upho lder , grand duke o f V lad imir , Moscow

(and so fo rth,the who le o f the cza r

s t itles) his royal


s pr ivy c oun sello r ( and from the year 1 59 1 «his

majes ty’

s master o f the ho rse , b o ya r and lieu

tenan t o f Kazan and A strakhan ,B o r i s T h e o d o r o v i c h

G o d o o n o fi

There are two manners o f mak ing the patronymic desinenra in Russianthe one. used fo r common people is formed b y add ing the termination off to the

fathers name : e . g . W i lliam /f; the o ther used for gentlemen , b y the add ition

o f etch: e . g . W i lli amom'

ch; the singular ep ithet o t‘

ivtuo b led seems to ind ica te

that in G od oono t’

s letter H orseywas addresseed b y the hono rary appellation

of J erome W illo‘

amoo iclt .

Master of the horse to B oris G odoonof.an )S emitar of the czar was the. highest ti tle. in Russia in the v i centuryit is known to have b een conferred only on four b oyars , o f whom G odoono fwas the las t; he received it in 1 59 1 for repulsing the C rimeans fromMmmw.

254 N: 57. 1 585 can .

npnroaaie noc'rynan mans raol nocoxs 6namn npn aamens or

n'h 6aazaeaans nsnsrn B . l

. 11 . a B . R . H a s a 'h B aea r aeaa a 'h

aces Poccin; as as ons as psasxs nepexs aamnns ornons roao

pus nnoria aenparoaaia cr oss , aoropna ae rom ca aaaaaony noexy

roa0pa'ts nepers

'raaans aeaaaans rocyaapens ; a anxynn asns naorin

aenpaam as nan nas ooaps , oyxro oan s e nepenaasra nameny o'


rhxs pisses , ao'ropn a roaopua es arms ,

a as nepersaan ors aero

asaemnrexsas ro ena rra mass ; a asas oas aeaaas G ees cos-hora

ce5fh nonera us cnoero npatin'raa

,m 6a eny ans '

ls npea35n‘roaan e aopnn . PI o 'rens asms B . I I . a B . R . H a s a s B a

ca as eaa a s aces Poccin , ae asapaa as ranos s o ero noerynan ,

a retia para , eec'rpn names m oarcasa'hamea, aopozeaan E x a

c o r n n , so acsxs caynaaxs npaaasn asxs oaasnaars eny aeraayro

sec ts , raaoayro , asaoaoit ae nonooaa am as s , oaasanaas noexaa

annans r am s aexaanxs roeyrapea, an I I snn Pancaaro , an Kn

neparopa I‘

epnaaeaaro , an C yr rsas . H aaaaony, an as s , an myraxs norymee'raeannxs roeygapefl nocsaaaaay ne 6mm oaasaao

raaoro nose-rs a m oern, s e 6am ornyeaaeno t sanas aopn oas

a as 6mm rano axs nocoaseaans mom s cao G om no m aor h

m ay aorni s . Roma Jae , nponn cxons B oz ians ne cram s amero

o'rna B . I

‘. I I . a B . R . H a n n a B a c a s s e a n a s ace: Poccin,

no nponn cs y B on ito a 61 arocxoaea iro orna s amero nn , aoenpisas

aepz aay nape'ras aamnxs

,noaer lua raoeny nocaaaaaay E p e

n s ro npil ra npeas uses , as asnpaa a n em xypan e nocrynaa ,

no real, m finres saoa cecrpn names, para , mesa: 6m cs t ofioro

as 6parcaoa m6aa , nn nonerao ero ornyeran ors econ as reds ,

cecrp'h m en, a nocaaaa asmn nacsns cs sans as refi , ceerp


m et , as orasrs as raon nnean s , aoropna nocnaaaaas raoa npn

aess orny nameny 61 ameaaoa nanara B . I‘

. I I . a B . R . H a a a yB a c nx s e a a a y aces Poccin ; a nparons nana eny an as sens

no 6511 0 enarano oesqeeraa , a aaaan m oors a users oaasann

6am eny npn B . P -

ps owns aamen s , ri s e oaasaan eny asna

a nu an as sens an ac yfiam a . H nocxaxa npoaom s ero

as nopcaony 6epery as Xosn oropn gaops aana s amero H a a a

(b o p a C ymo s a roe-realm eny aopnoas nro norpedno no emsons a m i s s mm eny aeaail none-rs npeaame nocn a aaaoas

acsxs apyraxs roeyrspea, reds , cecrpn nametl, pm . PI as no

256 N: 57. 1 685 can .

nsn 'ham os. M nu aa a'a s easons as rooow, oecrpom name»,

ans -

rs aeanaym mya oy a ayneaeoaylo'

roproan o a n 61-11 0 as

apea s es apena a asas 6513 0 as naoro t his npeas cans nen yasmans aen ann s ornons a aopoaens B aya p s o n s a aopoae

aoxo Ms p i e no. H asaoasa m om anas rpan om ma rocrefi n o

axs npnrozas , m oaylo rpsno'ry noaea

'lua nu as'rs moan s ro

ma n, a s camp s as axs nenparozaee mus e , ao yam s namy

gpyaaOy, mooa'reasa

'himss eeerps asms .

PI asms '

rosns qs P e r n a s aus o G s s aaas a smnns dosps ns

a gynanns n ouns , are n ot nooasaaaas E p e n 'ha roaopnus'

roo'lz, ceorp

'l; asmea,63mm nu sexism ae ops

'ra aaasaofi nom

aaaa an cs as aaxs nam s ays eo'rps aaa xs roas poas , s Ton ao

cs'raoaxs A a rs iaoanxs roo

'rei aer as a ops

'ra nonunay . B s arons


raofi nooxs naaas E p e n 'B a casssxs roofs, esc'

ap'k asmea, ae

npsaay : nu oasssaa m oors a m oasa ae'raoeny aspogy ammo

sosxs xpyraxs as poaoas , ao'ropa xs am: am roc'ra xourrs as

nans as name rocyaspo'rao ass asaaxs on a n seam xs


yaspo'ras ass Typenaoa aenan , ass lleos ponaxs as sass in,

uass aopoaeaoras(Dpsanysoasro , a ass aopoaeac


raa Monsaoas ro ,a ass aopozeac


ras H oa scas ro a aesnasro ausmeo'ras Jla 'roacas ro ,

ass l lopcin , ass B o l'en ia , o'rs nuova xs uauxs rocygspofi n ao

poacao'ras . O '

rs ac'axs araxs roo

'refl nuoepen s nos ayao no

msnay , as as assas seao no nameny no soasuilo a aaas aege'


as nsmens napora'k cs aess nsns ras ro apeneua , s cs TB O lIX



mash, as npennymeo 'rao axs nepezs apyrauu, nu6epons m aao

uosoaaay'roa nomanan . M s logans


raonns a sms a n oe't a ems

"opens aosna apyranuanoo'

rpsuaa na moun t: as was , n o oan

nooeaeaa a naams as a smen s napo'

t a'k gaopu; uasauan s xo

pomio naopa so n aoruxs n'lac'rsxs asmero vocyasporas

—as Mocs a

'h, as H poonass'h,as 130 110p a as Xos norops xs . A gpyran s

aaosenaua s roo'

rs ns a aaaaaxs saopoas ac mao as namens ao

cygspc'ra'k , ao apyraxs seneas roo

'ruc '


on't s cs caona n


roas psn a ,

n noaynsm ,a npoasm s as oaaons oomens Asop

'h assasaea

nons us voe'

rsa, asas nags as a som oca as asmens napot a'b , a


s as gaops a as on us roaspoas . PI n ot! mean, «seems ,as cno


rpa'rs as Tsay lo aemayao as ann s namy m oon , I a n

ay'rs as no w oasaaofi ans 01s asos rpan orh, as was m s

Ni 57. 1 585 call s . 257

an as ms asmea rpsnora yasssao am a roproasra as as

mnxs rocyaspcrasxs : ans yasssao npaaosa'rs oaoa rosapu ou

sons a a s npogsas'

rs as posaany, no spunny as s nsps ,a ans

ae nosaoaea o npoaosms a amasa'

ra as oaou roas pa asanas

s aoo aaa xs aaoo'rpsaneas , ae npaaoaa


rs , aa asass as oaoaxs ,

amen aasro aspoas a n naeneaa ; a n on roo'

ra , cec'rps , noay

nsms a nponuors oaoa ro sapu as posaany, a. no on'

rons , ao

npean asmefi w oas a aoa rpsnoaa; a npoaoss'

rs a npaaosa'

rs ao

aspa am s aaosenneas aa asass as cson, a aa aoss rs qyzaec'


ass naa xs odxsc 'rea as a sma rocyaspo

'ras noxs nneaens caouas

A araaasas . PI oan npaaesaa cs coG om as as tny sena to aaosenns

ass JI Jooeas H a s a s ‘I s n n e a s a amua oro as oaoero sema'has , as A a rmqsaaas , a npaaessn ero as SIpocasaaa a as aaaaa

ero asmans asasxaan ns a npaassan ns MOM“ , a , as npaaoas

ero as Mocaay, nooass a ero ass H pocasaaa as Ksasas os 1 0

aspsna , swoon oas'

rsn s oorsaaxoa. PI sro '

rs I/I a s a s ‘I s n n es s

gym s oo'rsas


raos as H pooasass m as Kassaa 'rop roasss


aapsna 6ess asmero naponaro nosaos ea is mmmm ; a assa

asas oe63 Am'xnasaaaon s a oayrolo


raoaxs rocrea; n was tI s n

n e a a naosenens ass modem, a no am en A arxia . B s npes aee

apena oas npissm s as omy asmeny, oam aaoa nsns'


B . I“

. I I . a B . R . H as a y B s oa a aeaa ny aces Poccin as asma


ras naoro pass ass JIxo6eas a npaaosass nnosns ors G yp

ron aorpoas n ors coas'rs ass JIxooeas as a smeny ma y, a namans

asasaaaa ns s logan s xopomo o aens asaso'rao , a nnorie sas to'rs em

as Jlxooas aaa s , a oas 6153 s ass JIaooeas ors as saa , no'

rony q'ro

JI aooeacain 6ypronac'

rps xo'

r'axs assaass ero onep


rilo as ero aen

aoe aoaspcrao ; s reneps ons npisxsas as asmy capsay, assaaa

maos 03m moms A arsiaoaaxs J ames , a mass as Nassau, na

osas as osolo sennao na oria npenocyna'

resaan e asa'a'm as ayay as

mero nspc'ras . H among an

'reneps noaea

'aaa oxas-rms ‘I s n nezs ,

a nu aer lua as names onsa'h san s as ascs , asais oas an

'lusroas pa a scram Aepa s


rs ero so asmero noaeraa is ; oas as arons

as yaaaas onep'

ls , a o a n ae aea'lua ero assaa


ra go apenean, aorgs

na oyaens roomo ynapo'

raopeaa .

A n ot mess P o n s a s (P o G ep'

rs H na o a s) cs'roaspaum,

cs npaoa'ris caoero as name rocynspcrao , aenpa roaae aens coon as


260 N: 57. 1 585 om .

ero as JIonaoa'h mime speu , 0 1s 23 Mapss go 6 Man, a as

m speu'rpa pass npacnm a as m s , “0651 ons mus as 1 06i .

a aorua ons npaxom s saaepa aaua em y ce6a a nocnaaaa aa

saas xonca a no aonycasaa ero as reds ; a was yn e as w asp-ml

npaxoas aonycm a ero as media; a npa ornyca'h ero a ors


m , cec'rpa aama , no 3 31 s any y reds oa rs; a oatss ons ornymeas ,

as as eny cassano , no sasoe noaea'ha ino , 24 hoax

'raoaas nacnoas

capons‘D p a a n a c a o a s B s a s c a a r s a o a s , a raoa rpanoru

as a sa s apyqeaa eny'raoaa s nacnoas , a caasaaana means as

a'lus eny a sa s noaaoas npaaa


rs o'rs '

re63 , cec'rpn namel . Park

970 car-las s o , swoon asaoa moo rocyaaps nocnxaas mans as asas ,

'ranouy aeaaaoay rocyaapno, a noaaoan npaaaas aepess nacna?

oxna s rocyaaps apyroay cans nowaaa'rs noaaoan . H aa s so

same-tea, nro ace oro axe-rs ors moans coahraaaoas , nom o

't aoero asaoa s , a m awam sasflmaa cec

'rps nama ,

no oaoexy

som ony pasyny, cans paseyan xopoma 1 a rs nocrynan .

Xou ou a ama peoeaoas o'rs sacs npameas , a ecaa ou oas

npameas cs namelo rpaa o'roso a ran cs an s noc'rynm

ms aacs , aeaaaaro rocyaapa , nenparoaae; mm on so on.“ pe

G enoas , npacaaaan fi ors aeaaaaro rocyaaps aaaoro 651 an 651 1 0 , a

npn ero np issas a o'rs

'hsas aams rocyaapcaifi 06mm oa orp'hrs

roro rocynapa , o'rs aoro ons npameas .

H a'ry namy rpano

'ry nocmaea s an as mos

,M am nslmel

cec'rps aamel , cs

'raoaa s nousnnn as E p e a s e n s I

o p c e o a s

B a a a i a a o a n a s ca non s . PI m on , oecrpa aams , a0poxeaaa

B a n 0 a a e'r a o

'rnacsaa 6a as as o


ras 'rs a s say namy rpaao



co aoelo nocn'amaoc'rilo cs cassaaasms E p e a s e a s , non aaam

moan s , m on an a oua no Tony yana'ta o noxoaaeaia acsxs ms .

H aa'ro ass aamaxs nouananxs ne a oaae

'rs nposxs

'rs specs em ao

rocyaapcras : aama npea a ie roann a Tom as 6m ao m om s

a t om s xyao npam aea n a sueps n aea n

Fl ecaa aanpexs noxoaems am as am as coaepmeaaol

oparcaofl n ooaa , a s! m aeas am a 6m cs 10 60 10 , an tim a

a'hamsa oec

‘rpa aama aopoaeaaa E a a c a a e r a , so see! opascaoa

M an a mums a noaoaaas 'raoaa s rocraas Mproaa-rs as m en

rocyaapc'ras no axs asas , roasao ouraoa room mm asas apy

rie ass aaxs s un as npezaaee apeaa , as mas s. asas aeneps n o!

16 5 1 —1 585 oas r . 26]

men P o ee p r s (I l a a o a s) nporaas npea s aro 06mm. Taoa

roc'ra B a a r s a a s (p a 6y r s) a caasaaana E p e a

'ha (P o pc o l )z any

-rs asas as crapos speu,

a as masons aaaaaoro

xyaa, a apo m s neaero xyraro cassa'ra; o P o ee p r s an no

roas m an s reds as rosaocra ypasya'lrrs oro aenparoaaia ah a .

I lacaaa as asmeas raop'h rapons Mocaan , rsra ors aaaua

nipa 7084 as ascan'h C enraop


N 57. 1585 S ept.

Ozar Theodore to Queen E lizab eth.

The M ic copy of lorom Homeyu translacion oi the king of

M u lefior hroght b y himwho camwifli tha um to l oodm at

Christmas 1585 .

W ee haue sen t vn to yow our sis ter with our letters our

l ights po sts and in terp reter R e y n o l d B e c k ma n , and yowsen t vn to vs your letters b y our sa id in terpre ter R e y n o l d s ,

and we lo v ing s ister queen E l i z a b e t h haue throughlie herdthese your letters an d what your coun cellers d id declare vn to

our in terpreter he hath imparted vn to onr rulers , and was our

se lfe haue also kn owledge thereof, and as yowour s ister haue

written in your le tters vn to v s it seeme th yow b e very angry ,

and J e r o m B o we s whoms yow sent in your imb asss dge to

b e cho sen owt o f your howse and tha t it aho ld seem vn to vs ,

that his b e ing heer d id no t well,a nd hes with y aw in E nglands

and in o ther coun tries , whether yow sen t h im in any emb as

ssdge always in a ll things d id v ery well and wisely with

great comen dscon of him,and had b in with sutch as our (father

and was are merv a iling a t it, tha t it so hspned , and touchingthe priv iledge which in our ffa ther

s tyme gr . L . E mp . and

gr . D . J ua n V s c i l l eue e c h of al l Russ ia would haue gi

uen va to your E ngl ish merchan ts , and that your amb assado r

sholde intrea ts of it es rlie and late ern estlie , and tha t he d id


ectual lie an d wiselie acco rd ings to your comission for your

honor sake and also to do well for his owne ho no r and fame

262 k 57. 1 585 cm .

and not d ishonor . A nd that some of our G athers conncell sho ld

mo ve him often times to anger against your amb assador, and b e

a hindsrir in the prosacutinge of his afleirss which he came for .

A nd we wrote vnto yow lov ings sister throwghlis o f your

amb assador J e r om e B o ws s in our letters with our in ter

preter R a y n o l d s B e c k ma n what vncomaly dea lings your

amb assador d id vsa at his b eings wi th our fl'

athsr of b lessed

rememb rance gr . L . E mp . and gr . D . J o h n V s c i’

l l eus s c h

of all Russ ia and d id v tter in speach b efore our E sther manywoo rds no t comel is which d id not b ecome any imb assador to

spea k s a n y sutch speacha b efo re any sutch great lords , and vppon

our no b leman did inv en t many vn trothss and that they did

no t deliner those spes ches vnto our ffathar wlich they didta lks with him and wo ld no t giv e from him any aflsctual

mean ings o f matter , but without d iscrecon soughta his ownshonor for pro fit sake that he mights haue allowance super


ab un

dants , A nd our ffs ther gr . L . E mp and gr . D . J ua n V a s

s i l eue a c h of all Russ ia no t regard ing thsis his dealings, and

fo r your sake our sister most lo vings queen E l i a a b s t h e in all

causes comaunded great honor to b e shewed him in sutch sorts

as the lik e to none great prince amb assador was the like , not the

P ops of B oomas , nor the E mperor o f A lmeigne , not the Turksneither no o ther mightie princes amb assador so graced , honor

ed , nor like al lowance and sutch lib ertie gsvsn his fo lkes to

walks a t pleasure in all place : which hath not b in gran ted to

no amb assador . A nd when G ods providence was tha t our fl'


gr . L . E mp . and gr . D . J ua n V a c i l l eue e c h of all Russiadeceased b y G od s pro v idence and b y the b lessed order of ourE s ther

,takings Vppon v s to b e lords of all our kingdomes . we

wille l your amb assador J a r oma to come vnto vs not ragardingahis ev il demeanor fo r your sake our loving sister , desirous to

b e in b ro therlia lov e did d ispatch him to yowour sister honorab ly from our presence , and sen t our letters b y him to yowour sister answers to your letters which your amb assadorb rought vnto our Ra ther of no b le memory gr . L . E mp . and

gr . D . J ua n V a c i l l eus e c h o f all Russia neither wasthere any dishonor dons vnto him b y vs in any respects , what

264 X: 57. 1 586 cans .

W harb ia e ither we o r yow our s is ter sho lde b e d isho no red

as he hath casted away our letters and no t b rough ta them

vn to yow.

A nd fo r tha t y owour sister wro te vn to v s in your letters tha t

we sho ld will to b e gevan to your marchan ts sn tch our priviledge

letters in sutch sorta as our father o f no b le memory gr . L. E mp .

an d gr . D . would haue genen to your amb assador J e r o m B o wa 3

tho se matters which yow our sister had then to doe with our

ffather gr . L . E mp . and gr . D . J ua n I v s c i l l a n e e c h o f

all Russia is n ow altered . A nd we nowwith yow our s ister

wish great amitie and o f trade of merchaun ts accord ing to tymes

past , an d as in ma ny yeeres past y t ha th b in wi th our grea t

ffa ther, with k ing E dwa r d and queen Ma r y ; an d what let

ters o f p r iv iledge were fitt fo r your merchaun ts , sutch letters

haue we comaundsd to b e giv en your merchan ts , no t regard

ing their vn comely l iv ing , but respecting your amitie , our

most lov ing sister .

A nd our in terpreter R e y n o l d hath declared to our no b le

man and ruler s that your amb assado r J a r o m e hath to lda vn to

yow our sister , tha t we sho lde haue comaunded no cus toms

to b e taken of no o ther straungers good s wha tsoever , but one lieof your E ngl ish merchaun ts we to haue comaunded cus toms to

b e taken ; there in your amb assador J e r o m e ha th to lda yow

our sister vn tro the , but we haue for your sake lo v inga si

ster graced and tendrad your people a b one all o ther na tio ns

wha tsoever peop le, or merchaunts tha t haue recours into our

k ingdoms to v s from when ce soev er they has from great k ingdomes , owts o f the Turks lands , and of th

E mperors domin ions,an d owt o f the k ingdoms of F fraun cs an d owt o f the k ingdom of

S paigne and the k ingdoms of P o lland and grea t duke o f L e t

towes, owte of P ercys , owt o f B oheme , from many o ther

pr inces an d k ingdomes from whence soev er , o f all theis their

merchaunts was tak e who l ie customs , as b y our appo inted

orders , as we v se in our k ingdoms time owt of memory , and

o f your people a b oue all o thers we take butt half tha t customs . A nd to your p eople a lso our goo dnes is to theim shone

all o ther straunge merchaun ts , are p laced and haue howses

If: 57. 1 585 use r . 265

in our kingdoms gsvan theim in many, place o f our realms

feir howses in the Musco , in Yas rs slausley , in Vo logda and a t

C o lmogor; and to o ther straunge merchan ts no howses are ge

van theim in our kingd oms , but o ther coun try merchaunts do th

sta nd with their comodities and b uy and sell at a gener al]

merchann t hows appo inted , as of long time is v sed in our

kingdoms and they do paia for the howse and warehowsaroomas

,A nd your marchan ts sister sutch our great good nes

towards theim do th not consider an d do th lyv e n o t accord ings

to our letters o f pr iv iledge as is willed theim b y those our

letters to lyv e and trade into our k ingdomes an d are willedto sell and tran spo rts their comod ities b y who le , and no t to sell

b y peecamea ls ,b y yards o r measure , and willed theim no t to

tran sports or culler (colour)any o ther str aungers comod ities, andno t to b ring any peo p le o r n s con with theim va der color of

theires in to our k ingd oms , and sister y our merchaun ts doth

buy and sell their wares b y peecemeale , and no t b y who lecon trary to our o rders

,and con trary to our letters of priv i

ledge , an d tran spo rt an d b ring o ther stranngsrs comodities

vnder co lo r o f their own s , and o ther do th b ring owt of other

prov ince in to our k ingd omes v a der name o f their E nglish

natio n . A nd haue b rought with theim in to our coun trie a

straungar of Lub eck J o h n C h a p p e l ] and guns him owtefor their own s man an E nglishman , and b rought him to Ye

raslaulsy and no t presen ted him to our rulers and ofi icers ,

an d n o t b e ing at our k ingdoms a t Musco sen t him from Ya

ra slaulay to Kazan with comod i ties there to remain s ; A nd

tha t J o h n C h a p p e l ] d id thinck to remain at or in H ery

lung C azsn (at Yaroslavl or in C as es )to trade merchaund izeswithout our p r in celie leav e or knowledge ; and named himself

an E nglishman an d yourmarchan ts serv aun t; and that O hup p e l l

is a stranger o f L n b eck , and no t a dweller in E nglands . In

times past he came to our fa ther of no b le memory , gr . L .

Ra p . an d gr . D . J ua n V a s s i l e n e e c h of all Russia

into our k ingdoms oftentimes from Lub eck an d b roughta

letters from the B urghmaste r an d connce ll o f L nb eck to our


athar, and our officers vnderstoode well of him,and a great

266 if: 57. - 1 585 cm .

many knoweth him to b e a L nb ecker , and he escaped owt o fL nb eck from execucon for that the B urghmaster of L n b eck ,would haue putt him to death for his grea t treachery ; and

now he is come in to our countrie for one of your people o f

E ngland seruaun te , and liv inga at Kazan ,wro te letters to his

countrie with many repro b rioue inventions to the infamy o f

our kingdoms . A nd therfore we haue now commannded tha t

C h a p p e l l to b e apprehended , and those good s he had wecommaunded to b e tak en for v s in our displeasure , and willedhim to b e hapte va til l our further order ; he had d sserusd

death therein,but was comannded him not to b e executed ,

va tili sutch time as we shall hereafter b y yow b e pacified .

A nd for your merchann t R o ma n s (R o b e r t P e a c o c k)and fellowes , since his comings in to our k ingdoms , hath b ehaued h imself vnseamly in his dealings , sent certain his fo lkes

owt of our conn trey secrsatly b e ing v ilanows people therev ntothrough the coun trie of L s ttowe wi thout our pr incelie knowledge or lycence , and wi thout paspo rt letters with his lettersas it were a spye , which at no time hath b in done in yeeres

paste in our fathers time o f no b le memory gr . L . k ing and

gr . D . of all Russia, none of your merchaun ts in times past

hath done the like . A nd in his letters he wra te in to o ther

coun tr ies and in to his owns coun trie into E nglands manyvn ssemlys matte rs touchings our k ingdoms , and att that

presen t tyme we had no t thronghl ie agreed vppon a firms

peace with the king of Po llande . A nd heerafter when there

sha lb e any amb assador , or messinger to vs from youour s ister

was will thronghlie mak e knowen to your amb assador wha tvnssemly liv inge your merchan t do th vse in our k ingdoms .

Yt was not herds of sutch livinge and trechary in no pr ince

country v sed .

A nd whereas yt is written vnto vs in your letters that

your people mights b r ing vn to vs greats stoars with overplusof en tche comod ities as is needfull for v s , and that we sho ld

no t permitt nor ls tt come in to our k ingdoms to tr ade merch

and ise no o ther o f‘

your coun trie b esides those that cometh

with ‘

your letters; for vs to make any sutch orders fo r your

268 if: 57. 1 585 cans .

theim, and mak e of so small a matter so great an excep tion ;

our merchaun ts haue no t i n times pas te had recoors in to your

coun try and haue n o oc casion to some haerafter .

A nd wheereae yowwro te in your letter s v n to v s that yoware wil lings to shew p le in lis in a ll causes your lone towardsv s b y your good deedes through an imb as sado r o r messinger ,

and yf there b e an y sn tch n eedfull cans b e tweens v s , yf yowlists to send we referr it to your p leasur e; and yf yow, our

sisters , p leasure is , to send vn to v s touchings any saws,

your imb assydor , messinger etc . then do yow sen d v s sn tch

o f your good peop le , that maie goe with speeds , tha t ma ie

some vn to v s with knowledge in messadges , as the manner

and v se is to sntch great p rinces, no t in sn tch sorta as your

amb assado r J e r o me B o ws s d id with many un saamlie dea lings , and your emb assydors , messingere etc . comings and

goings in to our k ingdoms , the way shal b e O pen and free a t

p leasure without any stay o r ls tt.

A nd our interpreter R e i g n o l d was shewed great d is

honor ia your k ingdoms ; no t in sntch so rta in terteined as

messingere are b etween v s and sn tch like great princes our

b ro thers; your coun sail lors and no b leman , and lord threso rer

a t London d id ho lds an d delay him a long time from the 23

o f March va till the six te o f May and in tha t time did send

fo r him three tymes to come to yow, and still when he camed id keep him vp with theimseluee and so returned him to his

lodgings again and would not lett him some to yow; and so

a t the foorth time of his comings ls tt him come b efore yow;an d a tt his d ispatchs and p arture yow, our sister , comaundedhim n o t to come b efore yowe , but was sent away as he said

b y your order your c lerck S i r F f r a n n c s W a l s i n g h amthe 24 - th dais o f June , an d your letters delivered him to vs

b y your s lerck , and the said clerck comaunded him to sa lutev s from yow, our sister . W here was that ever herds that anyprince would send any messenger to v s

,sn tch grea t lord , and

salutacon s done b y a writer,b ut on e pr ince to ano ther send

eth salutacon s . Yt seemeth vn to vs that all theis proceedeth

from your conncellers , without your knowledge , and yow,

N: 57. 1 585 G ear . 269

our most lov ings sister , o f grea t iudgsmen t y f this b e good

dealings . A lthough a yo nge chi lde came from v s and com

inge with our letters to shew sutch dealings towards himwere vnfitt towards v s

, great lords , al though he were a childe

sen t from a grea t prin ce from whomeso e v er he comings or

departings our princelie mann er is to regard the prin ce from

whence he cometh .

A n d the ie our letters we send vn to yow, our mo st lov ings

s ister , b y your enhies ta J e r o m H o r s e y sonne of W i l l i am.

A nd that yow, our s ister , queen E l i z a b e th , woulde wr itsb ack s vn to v s awn swere o f the ie our let ters with all exp ed

icon with the said J a r o ma your sub iec ts that we mightethar b y knows th

estate o f al l th inges . A ny o f our sub iects

canno t well pas through so many k ingdomes : our former

mess inger and in terpreter was evill in trea ted in many p lace

and vpho lden .

A nd hereafte r yf it p lauze yow to line with v s in perfite

b ro therlis lo ve , we do d esire to lyv e and b e with yow, our

most lo v ings sister queen E l i z a b e t h , in a ll b ro therlis lov e

and will licence your merchan ts to haue trad e in our k ingdoms to their con ten tment , so that y our merchaun ts l ive a s

o thers of theim haue in times pas t, no t so as now your

merchan t R o b e r t (P e a c o c k) do th n ow ly ve con trary to the

fo rmer manner . Tho se your merchan ts W i l l i s m (a n b ul l)an d the sa id J e r o me - (H o r s e y) d o th lyve as in o ld tyme ,and committeth no on

en oa , and haue no caws o f ev il] to say

of theim; but fo r R o b e r t heerafter we will thronghlie gave

yow to vnderstande o f his vn ssemly deal ings .

W ritten at our hows in the citey o f Musco the yere from

the b eginn ings o f the worlds 7094 in the mon eth o f S eptemb e r .

270 If: 58. 1 586 a s as. 23 .

10 58—1586 l lsrch 23.

S er -me at po tentiss ima princeps , frater at amicns cha

r issime .

L iteras quae par H i a r o n imum H o r s e y genero sum

sum qui has afi‘

ert famnlnm nostrum at sn b di tnm naturalem,

ser - tas v - tra ad nos misit, accap imus at lagimns parl ib snter .

Quae dues in se partes proac ipue con tin sre n ob i s v ide

Vnam in qua mo lee( tc) v o s ferre v idemus . H i e r o n i

mum B o ws s equitem at famn lnm nostrum da reb ns ab so

ge stis sum legatus n o ster isthic asset literie nostr is defend i ,

s t interpretam ac famn lnm v estrum B e c k ma n ,non ao quo

par ers t fauore in s in s ad itn ad n os admittendo , at liter ie

vestr is tradend is acceptnm esse .

A lteram in qua n on leuis vestro. in sn b d itos at mercato

rss nostros in imper io vestro degen tss aa imi ofi'

en sio oontinctnr ,

allatis mul tis argumentis quibus n o b is persuader po se

optima at b snegn issima cum sub d itis nostr is per imper ium

vestrum agi , cum b enefi c ia , fauores , et immun itates idque supra omnes alias nationes in to ts Russia ab tinoan t, qns nv is

pr iuilegia a patre vestro foelic is memor ies pr in cipe concessa

in stis quibusdam de sausis sxarcsre ill is anctoritata vestra

non sit permiseum.

H iis v t o rd ina respondamus pr imnm ear - tam v - ram fratrem

no b is char issimum in tell igere , st sib i parsnadere summi cn

p imue quod ad H i e r o n imum B ows s equitem aupar le

gatum n ostrum attinet , n ihil minus a n o b is cogitatnm ease

quam v t s ius cause an imum vestrum v llo pacto ofi'


e ius n smpe patr is filium quocnm vetusta no b is O ptimes ami

s itias necess itudo in tercessit qnemqne nos in ter coateres o r

his pr incipes , prmc ipue quadam an imi b eneuo len tia at m ore

eemmr comp lexa sumus , quae inter nos amic itia vtr inque

inuio lata ad extremum s ins v sqne v itae d iam, at sancte cults

272 If: 58. 1 586 run . 23 .

toe, ei literas ant dons ac cep isset, n e gran issime post redd i

tum in as extrao rd ina r ia poena an ima dnerte remus .

Verumtamen nuns cum per H i a r o n i mum H o r s e y sub

d itum n o strum natura lem harnm dato rem persp icue intell igi

mus adempt ion em armo rum rem ease in ijs pron inc iis s t regn is

vsits tsm,itamque P o lon o rum regis legato ib idem an tes fs ctita

tnm n o stro quidem an imo abunde satisfactum hac in ( re)comp(on)imus simulqne par iter loetam(ur) nunc

in ter n o s amic itiam perpetuam ease ausmus n ihil a ear - ta v - tra

de in dustr ia factum quo legatus n o ster v llo. con tumel ia effi ca

retur : quanuis ills lo c i co n suetudinem ign o ran s con tra s ib i tum

persua( de)r it ad id proec ipue ind amic itios

oer - tam v - tram permanere con stituisse quon iam pr iuilegia a

putra no str is concesss illo mortn o statim denegar it .

A t varo cum liter ie ism vestr is certio res fac toe sumus san

dem v estrum sees in n o s an imi v o lun ts tem quos O ptimi ( imperat)o r is (patr is) vestr i b ea toe memo r ioe semmr fuerit omnes

has susp ic iones quos amic itiam loadan t v tr inque ab ijc iendas

ease cen ssmus , v t idem srctio r is amic itioe cureus quam cum

patre vestro ear -mo instituimus cum magn o s t ragn o rum at

sub ditorum b on o dein po sit . I n quo

no s conetan tissime perssuerare ism decreuimus , its ear - tie v - tros

idem ease propo situm ex liter ie vestr is amiciseime scr iptie p la

n e perspeximns .

Qvod varo ad in iurias attin et quos B e c k m a n n o min istro

vestro i llatoe ease d ie pr imum quod n on an te longas

moras ad n os sdmissus s it , tum quod in horto admissus , po

stremo quod per scr ib am vulgarem at infimoe ex istimation is

hominem literoe n ostroe cum d iscederet ill i rederen tur , ser

tam v - tram ign orare no lumus qnod non statim B e c k ma n us

ad n ostrem proasen tiam admissus sit caueam fuisse prostarquam

quod eodemque ad no s appul it tempora magnis regn i nostri

nego tijs implica b amur satis n ouimns (qnod ipso etiam mn ltis

d ixera t).

non po tuisse ilium an te fin itum var hinc d iscedere

vt nulls festinationis canes n o b is v ideretur , proesertim cumas non lega tum, sed nuncium l iterarum dun taxat lato rem

pro fiteret ur .

Ni 58. 1 586 stars . 23 . 273

Locus varo in qno ad n os ad itum ha buit,secretio rib us pa

la tij no s tri par ti bus con iunctns es t,in quem proes ipui fsuoris

cause non n isi so s qui n o b is in timi , at chari aun t familis r ijprinc ipnm more admittere so lemne , in quo neque allia , usesome (csp as) crsscere quod B e c k ma n n us falso at maligne

calomnia tur , sed ameniseimnm hortum ease at prin c ipe d ignum,

H o r e o eus qui has perfert testari po terit .

P ostremo quod ad s ins personam a ttinet, qui literas no stras

B e c kms n n o trad idit in signia eiue est calnmn ia . Vnn s en im is set

ex in timis nostris consil iar ijs , at secre tar ins noster pr in cipa

lis, cuius fidei arcane regn i no stri nego tia committimne, ao

lnsqus qui propter ofi'

ic ij ra tion em pr inc ipnm nuncijs et le

gatis literae nostras at response dare son sueuit.

Merito igitur B e c k m a n n us n nn cius v eeter propter im

pnden tes has calnmn iae non so lum v itnperar i , sed acr iter

etiam castigari de b et , qui false hoes maligne serendo , at no

stram amicitiam loaders , e t sub d ito rum n o strorum commerc ia

in terrumpere con e tur , a b ijs v t v idetur co rrupta s qui nec ser

ti v o troe nec no b is amic i asse po saun t . I n quo non so lummaliguem sed ingra tum homin em se o stand it, qui apud mer cato

rnm no strorum societe tem primum nutr itus sit at creui t .

R estat v t quo s , quos mercato rib us no str is in liter ie vestris

oc inn tur , b reuiter v ti a b illis rem accapimns rsspo ndeemus .

Con tra priuilegia merces sues minn tim at par v lnae d istra

here at v endere d icun tur , tum alio rum mercimon ia suie no

minibus pro etexere , atque a lioe qui A ngli n on sun t perinde as s i

A ngli assen t priuilegijs suis pro tegera . Minutas vend itiones

mercium aiun t ea agen tibue suis soaps p rohib n isse at R o b e r

tum P e a c o c k in Russism pro sgen misisse

v t' huius rei shueum to llere t , quon iam id populo vestro d isp licere

coep it, se v ero n nllius merces proeterquem snas nomini bus

suis proetexere , aut v elare , neque id sc ien ter vnqnam ad

missi. N am quod de I o a n n e C h a p p e l an rihua v estris

relatum est sum L n b ecenso asset, se pro

S ir F rancis W alsingham.

274 E 58. 1 586 user. 23 .

A nglo geesisse , s t Cass e ttes sine vestra ven ia commas-s is

exercuisse , dan ique sum L n b ecos pro maximis crimin ib ns ca

pitis accereitum fuisse , certum set C h a p e l lum A nglumuse ,at in A ngl ia a s tum, sub d itum nostrum cuius uxor s t fam(ulinu)nc e tiam aunt in A nglia , quenn ie L n b eco s , at i n a l ijs

O rien tia partibus merces nonnunqnam exercsret at pro tem

po ra ha b itaret. N ec minus verum est literas a cinita ts Mosco

(Y)eris1avom ad sum misses quo s in il lius fauo ram scri b eb an

tur v t C assan oe nego tia g(erer)st v t C h r i s t o p h e rusB o r r o ugh s qui ass litere s illi per tulit at nnnc est in Auglia r

eligio ee tastatur . Valde igitur mittimnr hoes quo s tam a

v ar o alien s aunt anrib ns vestr is inculcari v ti e tiam illud non

caret ca lnmn ia quod L n b ecos p ro maximis cr iminib ns ps cti

cap ite de b uisss d ic itur , cum periculum illud in as c iui ta ta n on

a lia de crimine sn b iarit , quam pro impensis imperato ri patri

v estro fideli b ns ssruitijs , v t in illis loc is regni Moscouioa v ti

litatee promonaret , quod certs lands po tius st misers tione vastra

quam od io d ignum iure censerj deb et.

Qvod ad R o b e r tum P e a c o c k attinet, non negan t mer

catorss no str i inconsulto ,at temare a b en factum ease vt li

ters e per pron incias vestraa sins vestrs v'

en ia miserit nec ta

men id , oh so factum v t v ilo pe sto vos ofi'

enderet, vel status

vestr i qn ietem perturb ers t, sed cum non satis in tempora in

c in ita ts Mosco I iters s eum mittend i ven ia o b tinere po tuerit vt

rerum et merc imoniorum suarum statum socis ts ti impart ire t,

periculum sine v en ia mittend i snb ijt; quod v t inconsiderate fac

tum esse fatemur, its nos fratrem nostrum chariseimum ora

tum vo luma s vt honesto s huius soc ietatis agantib ns esm v e

niam de tur per famnlos , at ministros sno s litaras de commer

c iorum snorum etatulib s re mittent , a liter at maxime dsmn a

snb i bun t , nec vestris regnis quos commod e at v tilia sun t sup

ped itare po terun t . Nee sane dub itemue quin ij ss mo deste gs

ren t, at sua nego tie dnmts xa t pro curan tes nec populi vestr i

quietem moueb nn t, nec status v estri rs bus sass immisce bun t .A d eam varo literarum vestrarum t em in qua mark s

torum nostrorum pr iuilegijs agitur , quos at magna ease , at

malts numero quenqnam non p lane eadem quos a b optima im

276 If: 58. 1586 am . 23 .

b its qui no b is ino b edien tes aun t, eoc iatatem val el iqn em ex

so tije conuenirj patiare .

P o stremo v t omn ia in te r vos fratrem no strum che riseimnm

et nos tranquille at mensuete tran sigan tur at amic itio e n o stra

(nostras) cursus snb d itumque n ego tiatio perpetuetnr ear - tam

v - tram toto pas tors rogamus v t R o b e r t o P e a c o c k ,s t

I o a n a i C h a p p e l l e eorumque famulie at ministris qui

nuns in indign atio ns vestra v ersan tur regaliter valit agnoscere ,mercatorumqne no stro rum merces at b on e , pred isti R o b e r t i

at I o a n n i s causam (cause) deten ts , ralaxerun t . t ue v ti ipsi

eorumque min istri at famul i cum b on is at merc ibus soc ie tatis

ad S an c ti N icho lai partum antaquam mercatorum nenes adue

n ian t , v ti quo tsn n is facere con sueuerun t ire permittan tur . I ts

cum magna ragno rum nostrorum v ti litate ilo reb it hoc in ter

nostras sub d ito s commercium, at nos amic issimia omni bus o th

cijs ear - ti v - troe soror io an imo semper reepondeb imus .

Quem Deum O p t : Max : coeli et tarros C ond ito rsm p reca

mur in multo s (snnos in co l)nmem at floren tem aarnet .

D at : in ragia nostro. G rinuicj d ie mensis Martij xxiij .

anno S eruatorie no stri I esn Christi M-mo D -mo nxxxv - to

regn i varo nostri xxviij

278 If: 58. 1 586 “ PT . 23 .

seam ro as eaea ieas rymeaamrs a smfioaaro , a rpyz6s cs aom

ocrsassacs asaaaao neas pymeaa a cum coxpsaeaa so noad ia

nsro an: em z asaa . 9 1mm sum 11 corsm ocs, nro ln rorxa

a s 6m yai peaa , asas a aan'h yaspaeas same npeca

- ao , nro

aa ronno raaaae nacrhnosasa ciao rpyzaoy , asas a asperso a

asacrs porares acaia .

B npovea s , aoraa an aaaspnoe ysaar a ors cape E p e a s a

B a y e s a ors asaoropa xs spym s sans ero conpoaox rsamaxs ,nro apoa

'h asaoropa xs o6ars cs n'hao -

ropero pom G eesecriea s

m ecanaa xs any, aoropa l , no sass imnocrsanaaa, npercrassus

ocofiy namy ; an , 6psrs asms , m un y s amars aynnoas npass

seria , nom oaanaa a ans G rueaaoa nm ra orm aa as rocy

aspen-a pom es ea s aamn s ssros ro so ero aoasm ; an namn

cnp aaen aamrs sanorospars as nomeprsacs an a n npesp'hniso, a

as 6yxers an as sacs aspen-b aa roro pscnosoa ea ia a rot rpya 6a ,

asais 1m nocros aao acnn raasn co cropona naps , pom eu

Ma asmrn, nro npn oras ria npm ssril ynsmaxs aynnoas a aso

da so oassaao yaaz eaia necra names aamenoaxeao

asm l nocoss asms E p eus s B a y e s as npea re ears irony

mea s as npacy'rcraie same asas no ornsria y s ero a ens , roraa

asas ons npnaarses ars as cocs oaim panspefi ; ao-ropmrs no

nponoscn srscs asaoas ; a as aro canoe spans orans ass um

crpoas ero (orna samero?) —(ysp oalca.u an y ac cus tom?)C ryaal cross nexus asas cnpsaarm ul noaors norosp

'hasrs as

semen npeca- a'h apyris ayacraa, asas rt , aoropa xs an assay

a sset s on ocoda asas meesaol . H ams nocsaa aaas , G yms

panspeas , a , no p anel any npa (acrynsea ia)as panspcrao asa s-h,

Ma m a aocars as as ; (nparoa s) npacsaaaa l (aaa a) canon

mym m anhlmel rocyaapa aefi , as non . apea ra nosynm ao

cryns (as asas) asas auras y aero orasss oa rs asas .

110 m m ceases“ sro cen suses cam s ass aul t- l asaso achxs ocsopdssail , aaais aoryss 61m asaeceaa nos l y, s as

ocodeaaocrs panapro .

I I ocryn tias arms asas ysssus ero rymy, nro ss nocr'hacri a

m usi c-m aes t r o oassass douse aesepn'h aaocra alias es cr i

284 N: 5 9 1 586 m ar . 24 .

m namnxs mcympcm : a 1m, cs rereanecrile cecrpn ,eyxeus

acem aaan ae eaaanaars nameny npeea- ay acn ia yum aen

nalmefi xpya eu.

Mom s aceeurare n aceanceaaimn e B era, aeee a saw C e

an reu, 1mxpannrs name npeca- ae an n eria l i ra neapem n

11am as aopel eaenens naepn'h namens I

pnnanrh 23 p m

when ; Mapra as rare C nacnreu s amero I aoyao. Xpncra 1 585 - e

aepexeacraeaania z e numero as 28- 0 .

M 59 . 1586 H art . 24.

E lizab eth Regina Sereniuimae O r in e B et tina Imperatrici.

S eren iesima et pe ten tiss ima p r in ceps amice. et serer cha

t issime .

S ingul ar is , quae de in sign i vestro. pruden tia v irtutib na ra

r iaeimis et mer i bus tanta pr in c ipe vere dign ia fame. circum

fertur , cre b re etiam aermene praestan tia v iri decteris I a c e b imed ic i no str i cenfi rmata , fac it ut aer - tem vestrum vere an imi


ectu amemus , eique fauata et feelie ia. emn ia arden ter opte

mus . I deeque de valetud ine et in eelumitate veetra n en ae llic ita

ease n en pe ssimua . I taque n en so lum (qued no b is ameuter peti it)e b atetr icem expertam et per itam mis imua, quae parte s dele reascien tia len iat, sed med icum e tiam n ostrum qui no strum va

letud inem curat e ae leb at, p ree dietum deeterem I a e e b um un a

mandamus , hominem v o b is an tea cogn itum,fide p lenum ut

med ica arte , in qua exeellit , o b stetr ic ia actiones d ir igat, et

veatrae valetud in ia fidel iter inaerv iat . Cup imua etiam vehan en

ter,nen in hiia so lum sed in a li ia e tiam omn ibus quae ser - ti

veatrae p laeere peaaun t, se t er ie an ime l ib en tiaaime gratifi car i .

Quam D ena O p t . Max . etc .

Da tum e regia neetra G r in v ici , die men sis Marti) xx iv ,

A . D . I D LX XXV ( i . e . regn i vere n o str i xxv ij .

M 5 9 . 1586 mar .

‘2 1 . 285

N 59 . 1586 Maw. 24.

E epoxeaa E n em a npeea'hrn-himefi E p n a s I Iapnn

'h Pyeeaofi .

II peca'ku'hfimaa n norymecraean'hfimaa recyaapn aa , npyrs n

cecrpa n oG arensn'hfiman .

H eeen aafiaan cnaaa, pacnpocrpannamaaca 06s ornnqnens psa

yus namen s , o pagan s geepensremxs n aaaecraaxs ncrnnno

necrefinn xs crena aennnel rocynapn an , a macro nen p'hnnaenau

pi que ermanare nya a nearepa a a e 6i a , comn aaers , are an

ors ncnpennefi nymn n eenus name npeca- ao n mancano s e

zaens aaxs acanare nocn'hmenia n em eneayuia . Tam e ae no

s eus ae eaa6em ar b ca o namens amaain a neapem ecrn . ll e

arony nu ne rouse nocmaens , sans y nacs npocue ,

nenycnyae n enurnyxo neanaaasnyne daeay, neropaa ncaycraeus

eexeraaers crpaaania poneas , no users cs r'bms ernpaauens

n aamere apaaa, aeropn fi oen aneaeane aaeernrcn o nameus

uepoas’h, aamecaasannare nearopa a a e 6i a , aenoa'hna yn e an s

npez ne narkcrnaro n ncnonaeanaro ya'hpenaecrn , are apaneenmls

acaycraens , as aerepoa s oas npeaecxenens , ens owners pyne

aemra Ashcraiaun neanaansaei 6aoan n naa'hpno npnnecers

noxwy nameny axepeauo .

‘Ipesu'hpae mexaens , areen m cs ce

crpnnelo aloeoas lo noun aannq e yrennrs nameny npecB- ny ne

reasae as area s me, no a no acaanxs npyrnxs , xerepma 6y

ayrs B an s yaonan . Ila coxpaanrs aame npeca- ae B ceexaria

a npou.

H acene as aamens Asopa'k l

pnnanas , 24- ro ma n


Mapra, rhra ors P . X . 1 585 aepexeacraeaania numero

as 274 ! regs .

286 N: 60 . 1 587.

M 60. 1 587.

B epnos Oeaopoanas Penyaoas B pen'lne Pepeere .

O rs B o p uc a O e no p o a n a a P e ny a e a a nuscrnnaa 0)aces P occin n uapefi (P)Kasaucaaro n A crpaxaucaare, manure

ceakrnnaa , eoapnaa aoa tomat o; naa snnare aaaaa oexacrn B aa

caefi n npeu. ; rafi'h, E p eu

'h lo B nm iaueanuy, anaail neueas .

B ym. rn , n ot aefipnfi E p e n i n, anpaas .

llato reel ; aaars , are aopeaeana E u caa er a A nuiiicaan, en

caaeaanan a eeape nenaaae nacaxn us rpanoru aecua ne

npnreaaia a secure nenpuanuuua, cusnmaaa as aaxs amaa co

m ore , are neuaaaa nepyxa t eeny anaa ecaeny nocrona cray n

aoera, aaas reds asaoue; are l as aecsxa npncaepoae . Fl nncun

raaace as r 'hxs rpaxeraxs , euro 3 na yaaz nxs I! no aamnrnasaepeaeannan xs recrefi , a nenycm s ac

'hxs quam m nenpaama 06mm. Tees ,

E p eus fi, asascrne aaas a econ aeas , naas a

aamamaas nxs pan aepeneanu E a n caa er n , a no anunanie as

ea neepor'h n unnecrn menus as. a nxs naps , aerepn h mm l ens

neaaaxeaaas axs noaonsao te rpanerono, aaaeaefi m om neeerh

nus m eaaao ne G a l e , areen an cs nnxs ,an cs nxs roaapeas

ne 6pars anaaaofi nemnnnu an as aaaens tri ers cnxs eenacrei ;

nonn ew s P ed ep r a (Il na ea a), npocrnxs ere annn ; 3 0 wi nsuscraxs ees aaus caete unnecrs; neaer lus ynaarnra nus ac


cnepaue noun; n oaaaaas nnoris ApYrin unl ocrn xepome na

a'hcrnn e rees . meeean i E p e x s fi . A norea y a , no neynoaexs

m ine, as. cen paas na erasaaxs na rpanoru aeponeann E l l!

c a a e ru, ea caaeannaeas n eeaps ; no , es B ea iete nonenme ,(Syn nnca


rs an s nerens negpoene non nn cxn a re,aaaeaa 611

na non 1 10603 5 n gpyz ea as aepeaeaas E a n c a a e r s n as ea

nemanauus .

A noaa , a necaaxs as reds , not neepun E p e n s fi , cs

‘I’p a a n n c a eus (e p n) as anaas npegenaaea in meet as re6'l;

a amcn eanocrn , napy ceooaen a aycoas sonerei naptm: neon

uxs pan mean .

288 X: 60 . 1 587.

In the mean s tyme l ha ve sen t to thee , my goo d J e r o m ,

in to ken s. o f the cen tynua n ce o f my go o d will towards s thee ,b y F r a n n c y s (C h e r r y), 11 p a irs o f sa b les and a peece

o f c lo the o f gen ld , wh ich I will thew wea rs fo r my sack .

A! 61 . —1588 Jun . 6.

B l i z a b e tha Th e o d o r o.

S eren iss in ie pr in cep s , frater co n sanguines . s t amice cha

r issime .

Dues a mute v - tra lite ra s , v nam per H i e r o n i mum

H e r s e y, a lteram per F r a n c i s cum Ch e r y sub d ito s n o s

tras magn a n o s tro. cum v o lup tate n e per accessimus,easque in

lingn am n o stram traduc tas leg imus per l ib en ter , s imul etiam

eodsm tempe rs mun e ra per H i e r o n imum no b is trad ita, et

amp l iss ima merca to r ib us no str is rsga l i vestra b en ign ita te ia

dulta p r iv ilegia rs ccp imus . Quae n o b is emn ia mir ifics grata

a c iucun da ext its run t,eamquae let itiam a ttuls runt quam ver

b is v ix p o ssumus expl ica rs .



an tam en im amo r is v - r i in n o s

a b un dan tiam p retio s iss imi the saur i lo co n o s semper ha b e b i

1nua eamque mutuis omn ibus e lfi c ijs p romerer i accurate as d i

ligen ts r . 1lum v ita supps tit, e la b ora b imus .

Cum vs re ho e a rc tio r is amic itiae in te r no s fo edus ic tum

ia 1n s it,non a b s re fo re pulamo s , si p r ie res v - trae in sub d i

tea n o stro e c o n eep tae o flen s ie nes pen ita s ds lean tur nec earum

memer ia l i te r ie n o str is 1le i1 1cep s e b jic iendo v e l reep o nden de re

fr icetur ; ta n tum ps timus a s sto t im tide s lems rs de msrca to r i - f

bus n o str is queren tib us a dhi b ea tur ueue pe na ill is ceumulc ta

pr ius infl igatur quam cause. legitime examinate e t p ro b a te. fue

r it . S pe 1 a 1nus e n im ( idque ill is ti rrn iter in iunx imus) ita as

s ea modeste gesture s , v t n ih i l ne cegita tio ne quidem ten ta turjsin t quod iusts a s tem aut mag istra tibus vestr is pun iri de b e t .

Ni ti l . 1688 1 10 11 . 6. 289

Que autem omne s l'

el ic ius in futurum p ro ve t lzt n l , ves trwlnese r - ta s in te lliga t quan tops rs n o b is hac c rega lia p r iv ileg io rmn

n o s tr is concs saio grate ex titer it, misimas ho e tempe rs p raes tan

tsm v irum D . E g i d ium F l e t c h e r supp licum l ib e lle rnm n o

stro rum magistrum qui de con firmando a c s ta b iliendo ho e in

ter n o s fra tern a s amici tiae feeders tra c te t, turn e tiam v t 1 Is

priv ilegierum cencessorum o b serv a tion s tran s iga t , e t demum v t

csr ta commercij ra tio qua v ela ti no rma to ta v tninque n ego tin

tio d iv tur constituj po ssit . C ui v t se r - ta s v ra omn em

tidsm adhi b ere v s lit maio rem in modum e rs i n ne .

Quia v ere in pa rts l iterarum ss r - tas v - ra n o s mon e t v t

sub d it is no str is genera tim han c n ego tiand i po tes ta

s an dem in memo riam rev ocan in p rio r ib us n es

tr is l iter is scripserimn s in illis en im persp icue e stend imus , so

c ieta tsm hanc p er . um a b a n tecesser ib ns no stris A ngl izw

rsg ibus app s ruisss—rum i1 11psn sis mul

to rum e tiam pre fusa v ita con stitute s it, n s c pro in de a equmn

esse ut a lij qui n ih il in id imp emls rin t, n sc quicquam e p s

s n tur . N e e en im no s sin s in iur ia co nce sss

illis p riv ilegia revecars aut irr ita fa cere po ssumus , n sc co e te rn

n o s tr i sub d itj (ha b ita o b ed ien tiae ra tion s) id 11 n o b is iure e x

pect ars a rchij c red i tores s t hanc soc is tatem a l ti

net, p lane n on dub itamus quin ssr - tas v - ra cum in te llexer it

dem A n t e n ium cum sub d itis v estr is con trax isss , n s c c o n sc io

n sc appro b an te n ego tia exercersn t prohi b en te ,n ih il

hoc so c ieta ti praeiud icars de b srs sta tuet,n s c sum d o A n t o

n i j deb itis v llo iure e b ligar i po sse . Quod e tiam p riv ilegium

a b 13s qui aucterit ats apud impera pe llohan t

s idem A n t o n i o ce ncsssum v t A stracanam e t S ib er iarn n a v a

gars pe ssit, euid s n ts r declarat : quo l iquid s e sten d itn r,sum 1 1

so c ieta tis numero d istin ctum, et p lan e p ro n o n soc ie ha b itnm

fuisse . Qu n o d s incsps hanc l item ren o v a vi po

tia tur et n evus ists amic itim, et commerc ij cn rsus sn hln tis l iti

b us tan to a lec rin s p ro c sd at .

S imi liter etiam petimn s v t I O 11 n n i s C h a p s l i b enn 11n

tea o b la te (quo rum dd ita es t) in tegre nunc d emum res


2 90 X: 61 . 1 588 me . 6 .

titsan tur,a s v lla occa tie in terrumpendae huius insti tute s ne

cessi tudinis per spec ism pro sequsndarum litium efl'

eratur .

E t quon iam ser - tas v - ra li terie per F r a n c i s cum C he r y

missis ps no s admenuit, agen tes et fac to res huius ae

cieta tis qui in Russ ia nunc comoran tur parum ease idea ses ed

res istic agendas , ideeqns no b is consil ium, dat v t aliquem e

familia no stra pro b um ac pruden tem virum s t rsrnm usu

pet itum mitteremus qui de interierj ac fratern a amic itia

con sti tuenda ac fov enda agsret, simul etiam res , st ration s s

tetina commerc ij moderato r , s t lites cemponers t , hoc nos co n

s iliam secutae unum ex multis ds lsgimus an tea nominatum et

no b is pro b atum v irum E g i d ium F l e t c h e rum suppl icnm

lib ello rum no strorum magistrum: cui ho c munus impesuimus ,vt ds perpe tue amicitiae feeders trac taret , et de priv ilegiernm

vsu, s t commercfi ra tion s ags ret , qui cum antea seeps in o b

eund is legationi bus apud cenfedsrates nob is princ ipes operam

suam nob is summe pro b av it, non dub itemus quin s - tas v - ra

expectatien i plen s i tidem satisfaciet . B um igi tur v t ser - tas

v - ra b en igne aud iet , s ique in omni bus fidem adhib eat v alde

ac ser io iterum regamus .

A tque etiam pro primar io e ius societa tis agen ts de cen

s ilij sen ten tia A ugus t i num F n l c k e s constituimus prudentem hominem iustnm ct hon estum

,tum et


am ad co s rsgen des

ap tum qui eius sub ijc ien tur eucter ita ti . E um itidem que res

raetias administret v estraa b en ignitati de ms lior i note commen

d emus .

Cum vero multi ex us qui pro hac soc ieta te n ego tia istia

gs sserun t , non sta tim in A ngliam rev erti pessin t denec geste

n ego tiatien is ration ss reddiderin t, aliquan tulum tempe rie so s

to lerari expetimus , qnod legatus ists noeter singula examin ari t,e t o rtas contro versies d iremerit, sta tumque commerc ij rite ac

legitime constituerit , quod cum fac tum fuerit , statim so s in A n

gliem per sum remitti iussima s, s t n isi pe ruerin t sos ancte ri

te te v estra co ercer i , s t inui to s huc smun dar i s tl'

legitamns .

I d ipsum etiam fi eri optemus , si pe stquam legatus ists noetera cin itate vestra Mo sco . discssserit , v ll i no stri merca torss agen

tis iussui refr ac terij s t ino b ed ien tes inusn ian tur , s t as qui alij

294 If: 61 . 1 688 ma . 6.

1 111 11 1111 11 zuom ayn rpanory, 1 06011 611 1 0 near. as users re no

ce1 crao , as no 111 1 0 110 asais npm a refine ass m ore re

07a wh en ,a npaaaaara sc111 ceesay nocey, 11r06a ac

n0 1 n111 s are 1 111 0 us e a as A rn acaym61. can » ere npncaus ,

“06s aama gym s 1 101 11, acre ens aoaeaerna, re 61 . near.m s

1 ensure ; a may ca 1 061111 mm , are our. aypaas rear. er b

1 a1 s , 11 as roe 6pm aanaaa ca , are 0 111 . m ore npsca- aa

61 111 111111 11 . amen-

1. 1 1110 1 0 aeayaa m as s . A csapas rero samero

npoca- aa eeerpe 0 r0 11s B ore 110m aroos I

ecnen. B er-1. name

npsca- ae cexpamus expose so anerie 1 1m.

I I nceae as aepe 1 eacra'h m m . as reporh as I


110 1111 6 nncaa, 1 1m 1688, recyaapcraa samero 30 1 1m.

39 62. 1588 Jun. 0.

Q. E lizab eth to B . P. G odoonof .

R ight no b le prince, our very good and lo v ing cous in .

The letters wh ich yousent to us with J e r ome H o r s e ywere v ery agreea b le to us , and the presen ts which you sent

to me at the same time with the sa id i s r o me were also very

agreea b le . A nd we were given to understand the great love

that your L o : b eers un to us ; and we were acqua in ted b y the

le tters o f our b ro ther the amp . tha t you are the chief pro tec

to r o i our sub jects, and that it was a t your reques t that letterso f p riv i lege we re giv en to them. A s a lso in the proceeding

yea r, when we d id send F r a n c i s C h e r r y to our most lo v

1 11g b ro ther the amp . youd id grace him with your great favour . A nd we re turn yougreat than ks therefore .

A nd whereas your L e : wishes that we should let sub jects o fo ther countries pass in to Russia and should no t in any way hinder the ir free trade in to Russia . A lthough we could preven t

the ir passage , however we will, acco rd ing to your request , grac iously co nse n t no t to h ind e r them and let them pass a t lib e rty

N: 62 .—l 588 110 11 . 6 . 297

r ims, nerepue apeme aamna neayle nepery 1 0 act rocynapcraa ;

11 name 1 - 30 cans asnaema .111 0 ranee aexn ee 1111110 , 111 0 mas

m eam n e rpanoru, 1111 la11s nepymra , 11 11 1111 1 TO I‘O cnh aru

aeaeeuea a e .

A 0 1 0 11s y raeero a - aa npemaexs ,11 1 061 ecn aen

flus cu

caa'm npo rero 0 11 1 0 11 11 Me pua 11 npo ere 110 1 3 11 1111 11 cs ro

aapama, 11 0 aenpaxexs nen y 0 11 1 0 11 0 3 11 11 0 11111 1 0 1 11 11 1 I'I a an a

R an exa , (H a n an ), aerepn e 11e ac‘h 0 11111 11 1 1 , B east s 61 1 ecn

enema ornara , 11 n am es , are 1 1 1 aamere npemea sa re

cxluaema .

A 111 0 aaus ayrun ey11ers paaa'ae re , 111 061 aa11s neyapomr r.

6paa11, a 60mm 1 0 1 0 6s 11 1061111 11p116aa11r 11 11 11p cs 6par0 11'


11am11 11s 1 10611'1em 'hfim1 ms 11 aacnmsfimuus napeus P yccana s 11

yap-111111 1 1 61 1 , 1 100 1 911 111 ecu rero 11110 110 1 0 113111111 E x 11 3 11 p a

(I) a ah e p a 11a Pyca, ueficrpa aanmxs aunt‘s 60 1 0 1 10 1111 1 1“ (na

mezo cexp emap a y "pa nama np owem’

a); 11 r0 11y ecu npuaaamn

0 necraaeanra 0 1 1061 11 11 0 rep rewrh; 11 name 61

114 10 ere m enus 11 ere 11s ce6'h nycm s 11 eny aspuxs ,0

re11s re6'11 11 110 1 0 qeaexs 61 10 . A meme 0 A a r y c r n a'h (Inn e

n e c'ls, (n a n e s), nerepere ec11 11 as 60 1 m11xs recr


1100 1 111 11 , np0c11 11s y aamere a - na ,1 1 06s ecu ere 11 11410 13111 1 . 11

61 1 11 0 11 1 raec1o 06ep0 110 1e , a 11 1 1 re 110 110 1 11 11 wh eel s , are

re6'h ao ac'axs wh en ucone 11 11 11111 10 craners cnymuru. A 60 1111100

nomi n ee npec 1111s ,11r06s ecu E x n s a p a

111 11 0 11 0 p a , aerepere

ec1 111 110mm as Mecaa'h,nn onymus ecu ere 1111

11 1, are 0 11 1

craners reaepms . PI 111111 11 caac mae .

H acana as aerqmrh namen as I‘

pnaamrk , 11 110 111111 1 10 11 11 64 0

111111 , 1111-1 11. err. Pex necraa Xpncreaa 1 588, Repeaencr aa 11 11 1110 1 0

30 4 0

298 N 63 . 1 589 11111 . 1 5 .

M 63. 1589 J an . 15.

E lizab eth to Theodore.

W e received your letter , which was b rought b y your in ter

preter R e g i n a l d B e c k ma n and in which are wr itten ma ny

compla in ts a b out our merchan ts who trafl'

ic in your empire a nd

countr ies .—'

F irst youcomp la in tha t our merchan ts ewe man y

deb ts to your treasury and to your sub jects ; a nd there was sen ta schedule of these de b ts drawn out under the hand of your chie t

secre tar y A n d r ew S c h e l k a l o f f,and the sa id schedule was

given b y your in terpre ter to our counsellors —Your ma - ty cem

pla ins a lso of our facto rs and of our merchan ts tha t they do n o t

b ehave well in your empire , practise , and send the ir le tters in to

o ther k ingdoms ab out your k ingd om, intend ing to destroy the

peace and in stigating to inv as io n of your k ingdoms . Youwritea lso a b out J 0 h n C h a p p e l tha t he came in to your emp ire un

de r p retence o f b e ing an E ngl ishman and a servan t of the com

pany , whereas he is a Lub s cher , and tha t he lived in your k ingdom as a spy send ing letters and communications to R e va ]


to the k ings o f Sweden and Denmark, prejud ic ial to your

emp ire , and that he deserv ed death fo r this, but that youspar

ed him and had him no t put to death fo r our sake . A nd

youwrite also , tha t R o b e r t P e a c o c k and J e r e m e H e r

s e y hav e written letters to the sfl'

ect tha t the sea passage to

your k ingdoms should b e in tercepted fo r a ll strangers , so that

our merchan ts might a lon e come b y it; and tha t they hav e

written many o ther th ings , not b eseeming men who live in

fo re ign k ingdoms . A nd that R o b e r t P e a c o c k and J o h nC h a p p e l an d W i l l i am T rum b ul l and J e r o m H e r s e y

and A n t h o n y Ma r sh a re all v illains and ought no t to live

in any coun try . A nd you declare un to us tha t all the de b ts ,which ar e put on the accoun t o f our merchan ts in your let

ter and in the schedule drawn out un der the han d of your h.s

secretary ( the whiche re deb ts con trac ted b y A n t he n y Ma r s h

and fo r which he gav e b il ls fo r himse lf, and some b il ls fo r E ng

300 Ne. 63 . 1 589 11 1111 . 1 5 .

they a re inde b ted fo r such grea t sums o f mon ey and will n o t

pay them; o n ly we rememb ered tha t they often comp la in ed

to us and to our coun sello rs a nd wo rried us a b out some o f thei r

fac tors and serv an ts, whom they sen t in to your coun tr ies , no t

b ehav ing we ll toward s them, b ecause they sought the ir own

ad vantage to the prejud ice o f the company ,whom they se rved ;

and we k new a t o nce tha t in this ma tter there was some

grea t v illa iny o r some inventio n in the request , and to ma ke

the ma tter truly apparent , we gave o rder to the great trea s

a rer o f E ngland lo rd B ur l e i g h and to lord B uc k h ur s t

and to our chie f secre tary F r a n c i s W a l s i n g h a m ( three

o f our privy coun se llors) to inv estiga te this ma t ter , an d to

enquire o f our merchan ts how could i t have so happened tha t

so grea t and famous a p rin ce b rought aga in st them such a

comp la in t, that they wil l no t pay the ir de b ts , which are due

b y them in the Russian land to the great d isho nour o f ourse lf

and o f a l l our sub jects . B ut acco rding t o our o rder , our coun

se llors c o n fron ted many o f our mercha nts with your in ter

pre ter and with A n t h o n y and with J o h n Me r r i c k ;

R o b e r t: P e a c o c k no t b e ing then in our k ingdom, as he

is n ew in the E astern parts in G erman y fo r his trade . A nd

tirs t they b egan to question A n t h n n y .Ma r s h a nd to ld him

tha t he must tell them what is the rea son tha t there are so

many b i lls on the ir a ccount written in the schedule an d howd id i t happ en tha t he gav e tho se b ills un der his hand fo r the

comp a ny while the chief agen t an d fac tor was himse lf a t thetime in your emp ire ; an d b esid es they asked h imwas it knownto the comp an y tha t he co n tracted de b ts ; and they o rd ered

him to write d own and to sign with his hand how and in

wha t manner it came to b e known b y the company . A nd

A n t h o n y Ma r s h,knowing tha t he was to answer to our

councello rs and unde rstan d ing tha t they were appr ised o f his

trad e in H amb urgh a nd Ln b eck and in o ther places an d o f h is

ha v ing sepa ra ted himself from our merchan ts in this trad e; and

furthermo re k nowing that they could p rov e upo n wha t he and

h is asso c ia tes who W e re not o f the company , had laid out the

grea t sums o f mo ne y which a re written in the schedule and

Ne 63 . 1589 nnn. 1 5 .

tha t many o f the se de b ts ought. no t to he pa id ; he pre tl'

e red

to them the request . tha t they would give him a l ist o f the

sa id schedule o f the sa id de b ts wo rd fo r wo rd ,as it is written

in your letter and in the schedule ; and he pr omised to writea true answer

,how much o f these d e b ts are to b e pa id ; and

they gav e him the sa id l ist out o f the schedule , acco rd ing to

his request , a nd gav e him time tho roughly to write it a ll

out . A n d after some time A n t h o n y Ma r s h del ivered a.

writing and an an swer a b out this matter , as he willed it h imself; and when his writing was ready , he was summo n ed to

the p resence o f our sa id two coun sello rs ,our treasurer and our

se cretary an d he de liv e red to them his writing and a

b ill und er his ha nd o f a ll the said de b ts aga in st your sche

dule ; a nd we have sen t his sa id wr iting to your ma - ty

with the same b earer o f this our presen t letter tha t your coun

sellers might read and understan d the sa id writing . A nd

it appears from the sa id wr iting, tha t our company will hav en o thing to pay ,

but that the sa id deb ts are due o n ly b y A n

t h o n y himse lf, and tha t some de b ts a re unjustly put to his

accoun t,

and some de b ts hav e b een pa id b y your o fficers out

o f his goo ds , which are in the han d s o f your secre tary ; an d

tha t par t is to b e paid b y W i l l i am T r um b ul l fo r his ownspec ial accoun t . A nd it appears from the a n swer o f A n

t h o uy , tha t he is to p ay his de b ts himse lf, and that the said

d eb ts may b e pa id out o f his good s , which hav e rema in ed in

the hands o f your sec retary; a nd tho se goo d s exceed wha t isdue from him to anyon e . A nd our coun sellors to o k his one

wer in wr iting, and wished to knowhow it came to pass that

he b ad cred it and also to know the reaso n why these d e b ts

a re first o f a ll demanded an d made suit fo r : and our companymade them known and the said A n t h o n y Ma r s h dec lared

himself that there had b een giv en to him b y your ma - ty spe

c ial le tters o f p riv i ledge permitting him to go and trade b yhimself to A s t r a k h a n and to P e t c h o r a and to o ther p la

ces ; and tha t in these letters of p riv ilege he was set

apart from our company ; and that it was well known to

your o ffi cers and merchants that youhad b es towed on him

302 J'é 63 .—1 589 ( an . 1 5 .

your great fa vour an d had given him your free privilege

under your seal , and therefore he had such cred it and no t

for our merchan ts sake . Furthermore i t is kn own to our

counse llors tha t they have thoroughly found out that your mer

chan ts first sought thsse de b ts from A n t h o n y Ma r s h and

for a lo ng time b rought comp la in ts aga inst him alone , and no t

aga inst the company; and tha t they requested also tha t y our

ma - ty would order his goods to b e tak en for their payment; and

tha t acco rding to their request his good s have b een tak en , a nd

out o f them the re hav e b een paid to your ma- ty’

s lord B o r i s

F e d o r o v i c h roub les , and to o thers also paymen t has

b een mad e . A nd a b out the said goods Ma r s h himself to ld

our councellors and it appears from his petition which he

p resented to your counse llors in which he asked that the sa id

goo d s should b e ta ken out of the hands o f your secre tary, as

your ma - ty’

s sa id secre ta ry has in his hand s roub les ;and our merchan ts in formed our coun se llors

,tha t the sa id

A n t h o n y had h imself p resen ted a peti tion to this effec t to

the lord B o r i s F e d o r o v i c h and to o thers o f your conn

sello rs , and tha t in this petition men tion was mad e n ot on ly

a b out his goo ds , which were in your secretary’

s hand s , out o f

which your merchan ts and your o ther sub jects might hav e b e en

pa id , but it was also no tified therein , tha t the deb ts whichare required from him were his own spec ial deb ts , and that

he durst n o t require his goods from your se cre tary ,b ecause

he is a great man in o ffice . A n t h o n y Ma r s h gave our

counsello rs the copy o f this petition ,hav ing tran slated it in to

E ngl ish and we send it with the presen t messenger to your

ma - ty , as it has b een written un to you, and we deman d from

your ma - ty redress acco rd ing to this petition . Our coun

sellers d id a lso find out in this matter that R o b e r t P e a c o c k

our agent , a t the time when he was in Russia and hea rd that

the sa id A n t h o n y had con trac ted deb ts to your ma - ty’

s sub

joete of Mo scow,had made known to your secreta ry and to

o thers , your od’

icers , that the said Ma r s h had in your kingdom at the mouth o f C o l e. a sh ip laden with merchand ise , and

in o rde r tha t h is de b ts should no t b ring any prejud ice o r an y

304 15 63 .—1 589 nus . 1 5 .

P e a c o c k l i ved a t Mo scow as agen t and it was known t o a ll

your ma - ty’

s merchan ts o f your c ity o f Mo scow,that the sa id

R o b e r t P e a c o c k was the agen t o f the company and d id

n o t know of these de b ts , and tho se who trusted A n t h o n y

d id no t te ll it to h im (P eacoc k), b ecause they pr iv ily agreed

b e tween themse lves,and kept the ma tter secret, an d d id no t

te ll it to him,a lthough he asked them how much A n t ho n y

owed to them,and they did no t say to h im anything a b out

it . Mo st gracious pr in ce , it is k n own to you, tha t our

company sutfered lo sses to the amoun t of many thousand roub

les through the petty tradesmen and merchan ts o f your k ingdom

,but they endure it as if they d id n o t owe them any de b ts ;

and men who b ehave in such man ner may b e cred ited ; an d

may it p leas e your h .s to ca n cel these de b ts , on accoun t o fwha twas owing to our merchants b y your fa ther o f famous me

mo ry fo r the good s he to ok from them and o ther lo sses , fo r

which they were no t pa id , as they themse lves declare to the

amoun t of n o less than roub les . A n d our coun sel lo rs

a fter hav ing in vestigate d and sought out the sa id deb ts , hav e

come to knowtha t however much A n t h o n y Ma r s h may b e

inde b ted , there is n o reason to exac t it from our company . A n

t h o n y says a b out the sa id deb ts tha t he ga ve the sa id b ills o f

deb t in h is name , as it is wr itten in h is schedule , which is sen t

with this presen t le tter and wh ich is in his , A n t h o n y’s wr it

ing toge ther with h is pe tition which he presen ted to your ma ,

ty ab out h is good s , that he might pay his deb ts and the copy o f

this pe tition wo rd fo r wo rd is sen t together with the said sche

dule o f accoun t ; an d it is wr itten in the same , that he is inde b ted to your sub jec ts in his own specia l trade , the which appears

in his petition which he presen ted aga in st R o b e r t P e a c o c k

an d aga in st W i l l i am T rum b ul l . There is a lso wr itten in

ver b a tim (accord ing to the Russian , very immrfect translation) « the

old de b t , which was taken to our merchants on your father of M ona memory , which he took from them» etc . I t is eviden t that this passage refers

t o the confisca tion of G lover's goods and of the good s of the company at Vo

logda which is mentioned in czar J ohn'

s letter dated 20 Aug. 1674 . (vide sup ra

as 36)

16 63 .—1 589 sun . 1 5 . 305

the sa id schedule how many wares he had p repared , fo r theW estern parts and for the S pan ish land ( i . 6 . G ermany and the

N etherlands); an d he declared also howmuch profit he wouldhave had , if on ly his wares had returned therefrom; and that

the said deb ts for which he is in deb ted are for the sa id par

ticular wares,and accord ing to his accoun t they are al l his

own special deb ts and all the sa id deb ts might have b een pa id

out o f his ship and his good s , if th is ship had n o t b een a llowed to depart at the time when R o b e r t P e a c o c k petitio n

ed to detain it ; and in th is matter the fault was that o f youro fficers , who might hav e given an o rder to this efl

ect .—A nd

we expec t therefo re that your ma - ty, tak ing adv ice with yourwise coun sello rs , will l i b erate our company from these deb ts

so that in future they should not b e required from them.

A n d whereas you wr ite that R o b e r t P e a c o c k and

J o h n C h a p p e l n ot on ly d id n ot b ehav e well , but as ifthey ma de treason a b le practices again st your ma - ty

s k ing

d oms and domin ions , an d as if they sen t letters an d in fo r

mation in to o ther k ingdoms on your fron tiers to tho se , whowere enemies to your ma - ty ; and you wr ite that youwil lmake it kn own to our amb assador or to our messenger ,when they sha ll come to you, and if there comes n o em

buscador youwill leave it till an o ther time . W e have nowre

ce ived your letter , an d what is wr itten there in , the fo rmer

comp la in ts aga in st the sa id R o b e r t P e a c o c k and against

J o h n C h a p p e l and futhermore a comp la in t again st a ll

those our sub jects,who l ive in Russ ia and whom youca ll

v illa in s we hav e understood , that your ma - ty’s sa id letter t o

fare to the schedule , the which schedule was wr itten b y yoursec re tary in order to imp ach them; and as in your ma - ty


letter there is frequent men tion made of the ir faults , we ex

poo ted that there would appear to us some grav e ofl'

ences , for

which we should have to pray your ma - ty to have mercy upon

them for our sake . Therefore we ordered our coun sel lors

to examine the sa id schedule that we might b e appr ised of

their offences ; they examined all these matters which your socretary had put together and wr itten against them and we found


306 JG 63 .- 1 589 m . 1 5 .

n o grav e affa irs which touched the d isturb ance o f the state o f

your ma - ty , ne ither anythin g of such matter as ought to b e

b rought to the ears of your ma - ty an d for whi ch J o h n C h a pp c l should have deserved death; there has also b een no rea

son to take from him the goods of our company, which werethen in his charge . N either was there reason to put J o h n

H o r n e b i e to the to rture on ly for his hav ing b een willingto carry his letters a b out trad e .

—A nd the great charge , whichwas wr itten in the sa id schedule aga in st J o h n C h a p p e l consisted there in that a man , R i c h a r d R a l f b y name , was inthe serv ice of the agen t of the company and wr iting to a

fr iend , wrote accord ing to his mind that the company had sen t

the sa id J o h n C h a p p e l to look in to the ir afl'

airs and to

learn well how to s p y, mean ing thereb y that he well understan ds how to find out the ir d ishonest serv ice to the ir lord s .

A n d for such in sign ifican t letters there was no reason to put a

man to death or to send him to pr ison , or to take from him

the goods of the company which were in his charge an d no t to

give them b ack .

A nd we have made it known to youb y our letters whi ch wesen t with J e r ome H o r s ey, and afterwards again in formed youthat J o h n Cha p p e l is an E ngl ishman our b orn sub ject and n o

Lub scher,and our company sen t him in to Russia to trade for

them; and your ma - ty was informed that he had your free p r iv ilege sen t to him fromMoscow to Yaro slav l and that he had

freedom to travel and to l ive and to trade in Casan ; and he

traded there without any fraud ; and when he came to Mos cow;he wished to clear himse lf from any charge , and o f his ownfree will gave himselfup to b e put to death, if any one could

pro ffer cap ital charge again st him; and when he returned to E ngland he took nuoath acco rd ing to his C hristian religion ,


he nev er had in his mind such a dev ice ; and he d ied here no t

hav ing lived even three mo n ths in his coun try ; and all this

for his hav ing la id in prison b y which reason his health wasimpaired and his life was shortened ; an d he d ied of grief that

he sufi'

ered such d ishonour an d such to rtures , a t the time whenhe sought honour b y his good b ehav iour and b y his b e ing will

308 JG 63 . 1589 sun . 1 5 .

a b out such a thing ; the said letter on ly pro ves tha t the sa id

A n t h o n y and P a lm e r traded toge ther a t the time when thesedeb ts were made , which are written in the schedule . A nd

as regards R o b e r t hav ing ordered the Dutch letters to b e ia

tercepted , it is customary with tradespeople , when they are

trading to envy one ano ther a b out the ir trade and we do no t

approv e this , tha t they d o it; b ut those letters were wr ittenon ly a b out trade , to giv e notice o f the wares that were to come

and we do no t understand in what this matter can afi'

ect your

state . The Dutchmen who l ive in your k ingdom have b e en

the cause o f man y losses and o f d ishonour to our merchan ts

in their trade b y the ir coming to trad e b y the passage whichthey discovered , and our merchan ts woul d no t hav e suffered

it , were i t no t for the sake o f the love and amity b etween us :as they know that we wi ll no t permit an y restrain t as long

as your ma - ty will no t take from them the ir former letters of

priv ilege , according to which they do no t pay any custom ;

whilst o ther strangers pay half the customs . A nd your ma

ty can understand that our merchan ts could shut up the pa s

sage from o thers , who trade b y this passage b ecause they foundout this passage at great cost ; and they could have shut up this

passage long ago , ifwe had no t prohib ited it b y our decree . A nd

we take care tha t the who le un iverse may knowour endeavour

to keep un altera b le lov e with youand we expect that there sha llb e a lso in future unaltera b le love without change , if only it is no ttroub led b y ev il mind ed persons , who seek their own specia l

profit and do n o t care for the honour of their sovereign and

the welfare of their country . A nd whereas your ma - ty re

quests tha t we should give order to our sub jects no t to in ter

cept this passage and no t to repel the strangers who wishto come to trade into your kingdom as well as our own sub

jects who are no t of the company of our merchan ts , that theymight come with wares for trade into your k ingdom; we are

will ing to acco rd tha t the strangers who will go for trade

with your sub jects shall no t b e hindered , for this we giv e ourword ; but with this condition that our merchan ts who haveletters of pr iv ileges should b e set apart as was written afore .

JG 63 . 1 589 sun. 1 5 . 309

A s fo r our o ther sub jects who ar e no t o f the company it b e

comes them no t to go b ecause our predecessors gav e lette rs

of privilege to tho se merchan ts and their heirs who found out

the passage, in co nsideration o f their great losses in find ing

it, and we confirmed tho se letters b y act o f parl iamen t , and

after such so lemn confirmation it is quite impossi b le to withdraw and a b o lish the sa id le tters .

A nd lastly whereas your ma - ty writes tha t you hav e

decreed with your counsellors tha t youwill no t let wax b eexported in to o ther domin ions , excep t it b e exchanged fo r

saltpetre , and gunpowder , and b r imstone , and lead ,and fo r

this reason youwrite to us tha t we should o rder our sub jec tsto b ring you the said saltpetre , an d lead , and b r imstone ; wemarv e l , there b eing such lo ve b etween us , and free trade

given to our merchan ts,tha t now a new prohib i tion is made

at the in stigation o f tho se who do n o t wish hono r to their

prince but would annull the former franchises . A nd we th inkthat yourma - ty may give o rder to the agen t of our compan y , and

accord ing to his adv ice our company shall furn ish wha t is tob e found in our country ; b ut if we order our sub jec ts to

furn ish you with such wares , as we rece ive ourselves from

foreign coun tr ies and which we keep for ourse lves , it willb e a loss for us b o th when those , fromwhomwe b uy them, come

to know that there is such a compact b etween us : they willra ise the pr ices and we shall have a grea t lo ss there in . A c

cord ing to our mind it would b e more profita b le that our

company trade in those wares and b ring them to youwithoutsuch orders ; if you think so , our company will glad ly trade

in a grea t many such wares and b ring them to your ma - ty

if they see your fav o r un to them confirmed in like mann er as

it was a t the time o f your fa ther of famous memo ry , whono t on ly o rdered no t to tak e any customs from them b ut ev en

no t to let any strangers come b y the said passage .

A nd we thank your ma - ty fo r your grea t fav o r unto them

and fo r the priv ileges and we know that you acted thus fo r

our amity sake and a t our request , and not fo r their owndeserts , and we hope tha t youwill confirm the sa id pr iv ileges,

310 JG 63.—l 589 m . 1 5 .

a t the time when our amb assador shall b e with you, in suchmanner that in future they shall not b e taken from them.

W e hav e also afo re this written in many of our letters to

your tna - ty that you give order a b out the servan ts o f ourcompany ,

who reside with the factors of our company in

Mo scow and in o ther places in the dominions of your ma - ty

as to what cred it is to b e giv en to them,tha t there should

b e no d isagreemen ts b etween our sub jects a b out de b ts and

mo n ey , as there were heretofore which often times caused

annoy ance to your ma - ty and to us ; W e write again a b out

this ma tter in our presen t letter to your ma- ty b ecause it isn eed t

ul tha t there should b e no d isagreemen t b etween our

sub jects . A nd the matter is that no cred it is to b e giv en in

Moscow to any se rvan t of the compan y who lives there withany factor o f the company without giv ing notice to the facto r

so that in all tran sactions there b e the signature in the facto r’


handwriting b e it in loan s or in trade afiaires , tha t the factor

of the company might know how to answer for them; an d if

any one rece iv es a loan without a b ill of the factor , or withoutthe fac to r

s signature , then the one who gave cred it to the ser

v an t must recover from the servan t himself and no t from the

merchan ts , out of their goods , o r these of their facto r . A nd

if such serv an ts of the company, who live at their fac tor’


should b e ordered to live in o ther towns and not in Moscow,

the fac tor must write a b out such servants to the town wherethey shall trade , and no tify that these serv an ts trade for our

company ; and this must b e registred in your ma - ty'

s treasuryor custom house in order that it may b e known to your sub jectsab out such servants and ab out the facto r

s writing in whichwriting the factor o f the company mus t state to wha t amount

the sa id servant is to b e cred ited ; and such n ames as the factor

of the company shall give to register in the b ook s , these na

mes must remain in the b ook s as long as those servants

shall n o t do any wrong. A nd if the factor find necessary to

dismiss anyone in o rd er tha t he should no t trade any mo re for

the compan y after his name had b een inscrib ed in the b ooks ,

a nd the fac to r gives info rmat io n: a b out this man ,his name is

31 2 X: 63 . 1 589 m . 1 5 .

k ingdom wherewith to pay tho se deb ts , which are no t paid .

A nd he further says tha t he has jus t cause to transfer the

rema in ing part of this de b t on W i l l i am T rum b ul l and

that W i l l i am has wherewith to pay it .

A nd n ow we heartily request you, our dearest b rother

tha t your r ight hon ora b le b ro ther in law, our most lo v

ing cousin B o r i s F e d o r o v i c h should consider all the

artic les which are written in this our letter and your

o ther coun sellors with him,and we hav e giv en order to our

amb assado r to request the same and we have sen t him a

cow o f this our letter , that he may b e apprised o f all , and

your ma - ty’

s letter with the schedule , which was given to us

b y your interpreter . A nd we left a cop y thereo f with usan d we sen t it in o rder that they b e apprised tha t your ma


s secretary wro te to us in your ma - ty’

s n ame,and that n o

o n e might say tha t it was no t co rrec tly translated ;and in o r

de r tha t it might b e b etter understood we have wr itten th is

our letter mo re c ircumstanc ia lly in our E nglish language , b ecause it is known to us tha t it is mo re easy to tran sla te from

this language than from the La tin .

A nd now r ight high ,r ight excellen t, r ight mighty pr ince ,

our dea rest b ro ther , we commend you and your mos t famous

pr incess un to the pro tec tio n o f a lmighty G od .

G iven a t our ho n our o f R ichmond the l 5 - th o f J anua ryin the y ea r o f our S a v iour 1 589 and o f our re ign the 3 l - s t .

N 63 . 1 589 sun. 15 . 31 3

H pnnun ecu rpanory namy roe, noropas nocxaua c'

t sa

mm rom eo“ , ca P o n a n o n't B e n n a n o n 't , a at s ell na

hues s o a not ie m ofiu na namnx's roc


rell , nompne ropryto'


D‘L sameirs rocynapcrs'h n ofisacrn . D epace m yerecs , arc news

more rom an samefi n ew]; a nammrs 6ospon's n senm rs a sa

nmn 't nom nnun '

t amen no k nown nenrax't,n poonacs rony

sor ry at new; npncaas't o

's samero rpanororo, as samero 60a

moro t iara O n np'ha Insur a n c e s npnnncsro, n W pocnnct

rouaas rams organ . namm Tam e same s - so

n asyema na nanm rocrnnn npnxasmnan n nynnu, n o can at

camera . rocyrapcrs'h m yr t nerodpmrt ofiuvaeirs , cny



rpanoru cson noctuaror s D'L ns n e rocyrapcrsa 0 same“ rocy

rapcrs'h o pasopensn naps , fiynro nayqaro


rs npnxorm a s newsrocyrapcrsa . PI ram s numere 0 Id e a s 13 0 Ku wa it, are 03 1 :

npnxonmrt a t same rocyrapcrsa npnnnan ma , fiyrro O B'B A rr a

vannn't n roc



s cayra , a on Jlmdqauun 't,n nro one s un

at same“. rocyrapc'rs

'h sasyuecsmrs odm aen's n nss

'hmaros a n

ornacn sa loqn B's Rom an s a

's C shlicaony n 81 : Harmony ro , nro

yfin ro sno nameuy rocygapc'rsy , a n o on roaches as TO nasnn


uan arc nomarusn n s e uasnnm nac's m . H reuse m ere,

nro P o n a n 't H e r o n 's n E p e n

'h tl I‘

O p mi fl rpanoru nn

cm 0 rows , q '

rofifs sars0pn'rn rcpora x

't sammt 's rocyrapc



nopen't oro sc

'hx's nnoscnnos

's,arctic nammrt roc


's ornnn


npnxorart , as. n n sn e n ro nnorie rhea nncann,nro s e npn

roan-ma more“ ram.mam ,

a nsyan B ‘B arox ax

't rocyrapcrsax

's ;

n P o n a n 's H e r o“ . 11 H a s n

't R a n e x s n Yx s a n '

t Tp o n

G o a t a E p en'hfi 11 0 11 1 0 11 1 . (Ma pm

's)ro sc

'h n ro rcpu n as

npuouma m s an 3 1» aoropon'

s rocyrapcra‘h. Fl omn em

um , nro'

rh sc'h marl , norop t te uncanuna nam 't rocrex't as

names rpanorh n as pocnacn , norcpaa sa samero s - sa rises

npnnscsro , no'ropne roar: A a r o n 's Ma pms n an a aafiam

nnue as code m an's ocotino , a s an e mam na roaapuutes


3 14 JG 63 . 1 589 m ,1 5 .

csom as A rm cm ‘s roerei , a are O n r o n ‘s Ma pmt caa

can nepers ram s riaxon 's n G a mm on , nro O n r o n s

roars n an . as namn 't roerei , t o same s - so nparoaopm

ro'rt roar

-t s n arl. m s ucrose. namn '

t rocreil; a ro 6's namn s

cont ra c tion 6mmchrono , m m 06t am coshrnm ro

wh o cyrnrn , a us roro same s - so npncsan an em poc

mm. 0 seen 0 rent t h is sa m ero rim npm cm ,a ram

npncxus ecrc roro O n r o n a Ma pma c's rhn '

t rom von ,

arctic. ero nocranm o's oven na on c!» F o r u m)” on I l e

n o a o n't a ct H an s o n

's C 'L Me p n n o n

's , eny ro xhro

noumno nss'hcrnrt aspen . namnnucos

'hrnm .

H Tam e, npen ofinre t t nofi opera, as csoefi rpanorh 3 1 : new;unmews , n o me roro ecre nom om a , m a namun '

t rocrein .

nosomym rpan ory s amero us npomenss , arc raxo ro sexm ro

ocs ooon em as ouass o npn orn'h semen cau cus e s nan “

at namnn more“ ,a a n 61 . ro ro mt roopoxorcrso repx an as

nameuy rocynapcrsy n m. amen , a wo6's uamtnrt more“ ,

r oropnn'

t rano ce ocsooox ent e , m u nnosennosa ors samero

rocyrapcrsa as own ers , noropn e noxo'ra


rt hxarn at can at

rcpron's,a rang e 61 . a c n

'hman n nn rocren't s amero rocy

rapcrsa, as rhx's a sman roerei rosapumen '

s, aoropue noxo

ram roprosa'

rt at semen rocyrapc'rs

'h c't ram s o's nom a

H as rot a c sametl rpanorh nocrhn nanncano ,1srro ecre

npnroB Opn n ca csonnn coshrnn n n sanos'hn»yanm n no ac


csonxa rocyrapcrsax't , nro as seam sm ears m encero roey

zapot an B‘

B ann e sen s socxy nncxoasxo , pass'he wh en a co

.urpy, sa se nse nnmm oe , sa c'hpy n as curr ent , 11 nan fin

npnxasarn csomrt roc'ren

's, “061 , on rhx'

s rosapos's nnoro no

sem D‘L same rocympcrso , n ro 61 . on n t naxn ca sannnm npn

xasnmm 1 1mm a ct roc'rnn as soon , soropot miners at aa

m x's rocyrapcrsax

't .

H no sch -t r im . cram , aoropue nanncann as name!

rpanorh no pm , an ors'lm. yqnen't m art , nro anno fin er;

rora ors'hr t o r s raxoi rocyrapm , xoropaa m am same!M an a coernnem .

3 1 6 X: 63 . 1 589 a s s . 15 .

rout or s namm rocreli can wil l omen ; n shun . a s s ro .

arc oan noryr t rowers , rrh out a ero caremus, aoropae na

uamnx't rocret ,


rh nnorie rea r: t han , aorO pue nanncann B 1»

rot pocus ca n are nnoro roro roxry as msererna a re-ran ; a

on turn can act or s , arctic on an y ran ca rod pocnucn , enaco s t 0 rows Lor ry cs oso B

'B caoso , can nanucano s

-s samero

a n 81 : rpanorh n as pocnncn , a out an area 0 rows 0

seem nounnnol ors'hr 's nauncarn , cron o ri x'

s roxro s's gone

rerna mum s no npasxh a as non rhroars m u 1! no npasxh ro


rna nn rnrs n on eny t o nacn o mum pocnacn no emnpomens to n mor e eny ran ace ro non uno nan carn . H noc

sh roro'ror s O n '

r o n 's a mt no spenenn yum m a c n

ors'hr s rony t hey, ran cofi'h can 't saxorhn ; n m a. y ncro ro

nncn o roroso ,n nossun ero nepers ced: m m rhx'

t namnx 't

coshrnnnos't , nasaaqefi nann. ra m a t,n on am an . nncn o

a cam sa cnoero pysoro o sc'hx's rim son

-hr s, nporm semen

pocnncn ; n ro nu cro nncno nocrau B‘L nameuy s - sy o's rhn '


nexos'hnon '

t,nro cmnamy rpan o

'ry npnnwe'rs , n trrofi'

r. samn cc

aha-nuns roro nr cna nocnorpnn a 061 : news nomin al —H anno

cer t no rony nncny , Irro as rom ema anaero namm rocrcirt

naarnr t , ron o ror-s roars na can on-

t n as Yu a n h r eam , a

ann e t om mmnie na s ero nsrosopm , a m e t om sausaraan ns


t ero a ns ora cam npnaasnn e um, ao ropue y samero

Juana m. mat , a r ace rosere'rna mam Yr t a n y Tp an oo r y

3a are ocofinofi cum . Fl no ero O n r o n o s y ors'hry anno ecrs ,

noropn e t om rosaryrns can ony mars-

rt, ur t ero roxrn noqno

naarnrn new. era a nsora, aoropue ocraxnct y m as samero m.

pyr ax's,a roro ero mirrors corm rero . nro on aony anno


rs . Flcos'hrnnan nanmmu y nero ors'hrs B 's nuclrh, n xora

as re st rum or s sero ro ccruoct , nro eny s'spus , a ram

“061 . mm. shrono 6mm, noaeny r'hx'

t non ou npomamrr cnepnan m m

, a rocrn namn nss‘hcrm m

, as n ro'r't O ur o n ‘s

Me pmt can cream, arc t ans 6mm eny or s samero s - na

ocoonaa nosor nan rpanora npo coca ocodno roprosa'rn


'hsm n at

A cr paxann n n . H esep'h uno nnmrt r heron '

t,n as rot no

sonnofi rpano'rh 0 11 1 : 6am orseren

's on new! “ rocrefi, n ro

6mm norr na no r'hnono samm npnnasn ttn

't more“ a rocretrs


320 N: 63 . 1589 nnn . 1 5 .

no roonco ,I1ro nomo o - oo , ooo

'hryn nn or coon : pooynnm co

woman,11 onpocroore orr roro mory nomnxr. moron, n ods

onopoxn no m s roro no npomon .

A o P o l a n 'h H o n o r }; 3 0 H un t R'

o n or h, nro on co“no ropoano ( 13.! a no ron o or onoen rop roorh, no n upo umoro B - no oom n ooucrn , tin un i on on or» 00613 non i ny

n dymo onn comm on n 3'c gow n or. anne rocynopcroo no

m an pyoez onr, or r'hur

, noropn e 6mm nenpyrn nameny npo

cn'hrn'hlmony o - oy, n nnmore, nro on xom e noc namen yrun m any ronny 0 rows M m , our. on ! y B oer. G ym ,

o ron o no nyrnrno nocxonr», n on xornro ro orxox nrn or. n o

ny opononn ; n m nn n'h rponory namy npnnm , n nro or. no!

nonnco no npon io m oon no roro P o n o n o H o nono no no

H o o n o R o n ou , o cnopn roro aud io 11 no wi n nomnxr.

o rogen, norO pn o m m no P ycn , n noon noore nr o oopn ; n I n

upo ro onpooyn'hn

,nro ro oomoro o - oo rpon oro yuan-moon

no pocnnco , norO pyro pocnncr. rio t s noun. nncur. or rony, rmon eny nro gooocrn no nnn ; n noun nn ro , nro norony , m s

or oomoro o - oo rpon orh upo r'h nxr om nocro non cono , 11

a n noun, nro nonn nono oygyro n'hnoropno B ean ie ( i n , no

noropn nr nonn o noon n o m un,n so nro non onrn

nonon namen y o - oy , nroor on an nocr pun nonnon n . B n

roro pom norh n cnour coni rnn onr. nomcnorpm ro'h poc

nncn, nro6r no“ nonficrno G i n o upo nxr om ; n on nope

cn orpun ooh rhmo,nro xion oomr ooopm , no mm . no

nnoon n nnnero B os n ian t hrs no nom n, non on npnrom n

cnymonuo oomero n - no oooocrn , nu anot o m om,no upo nro

ronoro wh o nomoro o - oo ymn n gonocnrs 11 no nonony no

croi ny 6mm6sm. n ono cnoprnol E o o ny R o n o nm; rous e no

lrero porn y noro ornm nomn rocrm sworn , m opn e

rorno y noro 6mm or. pynon .—H nn no m opoi out us no

no 6511 0 H o o n o X o p o i o (l‘

o p n on) nynm , norol y n o on

xor'lm. ron o rpon orn coon o roprou'h mm . A Oom oo

mo , noropoo nonncono or. rot pocnncn no Kn o n o B o n e ."

6m o ro , nro H’B B OTO pofi remai n

,n onon P n n o p o P e s t s ,

(P n n o p xr, P o n o érn cxyzm on y rocrnnoro npn osmm ,

n on ,ornncnno lonn or cnoot y rooopumy, m oon co cm i s

324 N: 63. 1 589 sun. 1 5 .

A n o B . l l . B - no naouocr h m on , n o on e npnrosopm

c's cos

'b 'rnn n csomm, n o son soony so ann o no so sonic no

cygopcm no nponymors , paos 'he n i sm no con-my , n no sense,

n no G lam, 1! no csnnon's,n roro pm on. non m ore “061 .

am npnnosun csomrs non onmrs 1mm , n ods on : no son


roo con rpy n cannons n ci py npn osun; n m sonny n on on ,

n o l os s noc's rot a: M oss eon

,n roe


's 1mm nosoxnol

t om's , o nn n

'h sonos'lm, noso yqnnono

'vb x's yn nnoonson's no

mpn o rocyxopno csoony seen no xo'rm , xo

'rnnn nopym s npo :

noo ocsoG oa onso ; o ran on m a n csoofl upo some s - no nopm's

TO . son's on o roars npnnoznoro nameny rocn ny npn osmn y I ! nooro nss imonuo roe-m nomn rh o cnonoos

'n ,

n o so nomoi sonrh

m in-

no : o ron o son's npn oso

'rs m m non om '

s mumcnonoom s oc-s t om 's sonocon , sou-opal m cm m m m

semen an on n gopam npo coon , n 70 non oo‘lnlo 63mm


rows , son r s nos'hxomno , y noro n so synau

's ,trro upo

oz's noc

's n oon npnmsO p's ; n on m ars n

'hny m y» 1

non D‘L TO I'B yon ron

'o 6o “ somno i . H no nameny man y sonp n6m n

'ho , “06's noc 't en

's nomm Th“ nponmnxm n no son .

npnsosn'rs oos's ronnx's sonosos

's ; o

'rouo some. ynnnn o , n nomn

rocrn , poxyncn , 1's“ ynny

'r's np onnmm n npn osn

'rn n so

mony s - sy nnoro'rosopy, s on

's no coon youm some a o

xosonse ym pa ono no worry a s , um um m om 's mom

som's 6sos onnno nonn


,no Ton to c's nnn . nomxnn'

s m m,no

n nnnn's

'roro goporom npi

'hsz o 'rn no sor t a .

PI 1m 'rsoony s - sy nonon G oon so moo summe t o mm .

ouooox onso n o ocny , n so sh oot -s,n o on an rhu's non m

m o nomoro pom coom onsn n npomonsa , o no mu»ms nu

oxyrn , n nu'b on oo .«n o on To some ocsooon onso n nnn .


rsepxn'ro , so t oo npono nocor s nom'

s y s oc-s nooyxo'rs ,

1110 65

snopon . roro y nnx's no o

'ro o

'ro .

,llo npon o cero nncoxo ocnn no nameny way so nnornn

es oun rpano'rox

's , n

'roo's some s - so ynnnnn , yours 0 am

room 's coyrox's , s oropn o xusy

'rs y roc

'rei nonmx's npnusnxn

sos's no Moons'h n no nnn n

's users“ so t sooro s o so 06mm ,

nonony mm s'b pm ; n norm 65 only“! no net's nonmx's nox

Aonnx's n ogon so non on n B

's Aonrox


s , saws G in o l os s on

If: 63 .

—1 589 an s . 1 5 .

npon o cero , n 0 Tons nonyny qo c'

ro npuuocxun nameny s - sy n

norm—PI n n 0 mm fi lm; 0a nn n'h nnmon nameny s - sy o 's

con nomofi rpan ors, norony nro mo nono6no , “06'

s M9 8 1 :

namux'o n onon cayru as an . mp rosr s no 6mm. A

wh o so , woos no Moons ]; no s'lspnm nnoono sy eayrs room

s ol y, no'rO pon Tom. a men y nx

's npnnosmnno floss '

roro npn

sosmnnoso st ool s , “065 y sensum.who 's npnnnos npnoosnm

nono pysa on oo , D'L soflu'hx'

s on non so To proson'

s who 's,

s'hnono so nnx

's rocmny npnnos lnnny ors

-hr s nopn orn; a 70 3 3 0

nosi po'

rs nony 6os'

o npnnosmnnosunotional , nan 6os's npnnosmnno snnpnnncn , worm mo Tony myrs nro noon , no rows no canons n sos

non,a no no rocf hx'

s,no ass o n mo no '

t on'

o nuno o n npnnosmnn

'hx's . A noropn e eayrs rocn ann ,

mnsynn y nx's npnoosmnnoss ,

o npn o sono ownn on mm so on ropon'lsx'

s, o no no Moons 'k


npnnosmnny 0 Thu cnyrox's no Th i s roponon


s, mo yqnyn

mp roso'


'rs n n


ro 1's n oon on namux'

o ro

crofi ropryno'


s , 11 To so nnco'

l n no samero s - so B osonnon's mom,

s o n as woma n's, “06's samou'

r. nousnn n '

s n onon 6mm B's

oono upo no ro n upo npnnosmnooso nncno,a so roars on nno

wk npnnosmnn '

s t oornn'

s nonneau,s'

s s on's Tony osyt

'h s'hpn

TH ; n s ompn e nnano roc'rnn

's npnnosmnn'

s noon s's nnnrn sonn


,n 11 ; 61 > nuno 6m no nnnrox

's,nono n'hc'ro Th nx

's mom

no yqnm xygo Minors . A G yno'

r's npnnosmno '

s,no xhoy cno

'rpn ,

noxono'rs nono n


ro eny snepom, on word no'rop

roso'rn, nocr h

'roro s on


s nn n oro B'

s nnnrax's nonncono 63mm ,

11 npm smns 's 0 Tons nexos

'ho 'h nss’scrnn

,n wo rm (is n o oro

m nnnrs s n oop nn'

rn; n nocn'h wowwownenos

'hny no ma nual!

roprosnn wh o no Gum , rouse n morons no nero , no no oro

roprosm wh o n'h'

rs s o ; TOPO pom,woos nnnos ol noao s

'kn '


npnmnn us no nosson'

s coon nomnx'

s roo'ren '

rosopnms , s oro

pm'ronoso ocnooontenon rpano


ro nono , xo'

ra on's coda ns


wh o nompony cn non'

s nosose'

rno , n o no son rpon orh mi nnowsnaus ean '

o , o noxono'r's T


s nomnx's rocrofi nnenon

's n

'rn n s


ce6'h ant hers, o somnx'

s nom nnx's n onon oononnso '

rn , n s lurs

on namux'o roo

'ren no non onoon nonpocno .

H mm pom copnonno G oon nonon nameny s - sy,s'


o nu

nom osoxn sewn somn m om nn o rpano ru nanoso nopoun

328 N2 64 .—l 589 an . 1 5

your hono ra b le mod iacon d id o b teyne fo r them fo r our as k s a

groun ts o f pr iv ilige fires o f a ll customs , and o ther cho rdge o

whatso ev er . The which your so honor a b le dealings , lo v e ,

and fl‘

rond ship showed to our merchaun tes a t our requests,we

wi lb s ver is mind efull of d o t ings our lief.

A news a ttemp ts o r p ra ctis e b e ings aga ine in vse b y some

tha t b ears n o o good lik ingo to the lo v e , and (frendship p ro

fessed , and esta b lished b s twen e the wor this emp . and vs : an d

who seems also s to env io that our me rchaun tes should e b e

vaed with more favor , then o ther straungo rs , we are o n ce

aga in e occas ioned in the b ehaulfs o f our said merchaunts , to

pra io your hono ra b le mediacon and tra \ ell ( trav a il) to on

trea ts the sa id wo rthio emp . our lo v ings b ro ther , that the ma t

ters o f comp la in ts which are b roughte vn to v s b y his in terprete r

R e g n o l d B o c k e ma n , monconed in his h . s letters , and also

written in a scedule b roughte v nto vs , together with the sa id

letters d rown s out vnde r the han ds o f h is h . s socretor is A n

d r e e S h a l k a l i , mayo b e more deli b era tel ie cons idered , and

ad iudged o f b y your se lfe , and some o thers , such a s are ho .

no ra b lo b o o th b y b ir ths , and co llinge , whose mindes in the

iudgsmen t thereo f wilb s drown s without afl'

eccon to doe there

ia tha t is b o o th ta ste , an d b esoomings no b lemen , an d who

wil b s carefull tha t n o o course b e tak en , tha t standeth n o t withoquitie , or which sha ll swa rve from his h . s promise made

vuto vs b y his le tters , o r his graun te of priv ilege , graun ted

vnd er his grea ts sea ls to our merchaun ts .

The sa id letters las tlie sen t vn to vs doe partlie co n teyns

comp la in te s aga inst our sa id merchauntos and p ar tlie ms con s

on his h . s b ehaulfo fo r some thinges to b e admitted b y v s

which a re b o o th con trary to his ma - es groun ts o f prev ilodgo

and to our graunte o f pr iveledgo graunted to our sa id merch

aun ts .



hes thinges b ecause they do o appears b o o th in his

h .s letters an d in the sa id scedule an d also s in our le tters the

wh ic h we knows are to come to your ho n o rs handes , there .

fore we p ray s yow to b e reffered to the some .

H is h .s lette rs and scedule we thought good to send to ouramb a ssad o r ( F l e t c h e r) to b e showed b y him to your ho no r

N9. 64 .—1 589 as s . 1 5 . 329

for that we a re o f O p in ion yow a re no t a cqua in ted with the

matters that are co n teynod in the some , and fo r tha t a lso s

there sho l’

b o no o doub t o b iected o f the true vndorstand inge and

translacon o f such things which his h . s hath written . Our

said amb assado r hath alsos the copp ie of our letters whichwe do e send to h is h . s ; which copp ie we have sen t to our

amb assado r fo r further in struocons to so l ic its an d trea ts vppon

as his further commiss ion from v s ; who wil l a t large acqua in t

your ho no r with tho po in tes o f our letters .

O n lie this sho rts romemb raun ce co n cern ingo our aun swereto the grea ts sommes o f mon io taken vp in the Musco b y

A n t h o n i s Ma r s h e d omaundsd aga in st our merchaun tss wethought yt go od to note vn to your hon o r in thos our letters

which we prays yow to thinke v ppon a nd con sider o f.

F first that yow would s b e in formed that Ma r s h o had a

priv iledge o f trad e in h is owns r ight to trade to A straean and

o ther placeswhere in he was d istinguished from our merchaun tes .

Tha t yowwould por vso the comp la in t o f Ma r s h a mad e

aga in st R o b e r t P e a c o c k s a nd W m T r um b ul l fo r

d istur b inge o f h is trad e to H amb o roughe and o ther places b y

which he a lledgoth he wa s grea tlie damn ified ; which com

pla in t appea reth in the scedule wh ich h is h . s soc re to r is wro ttout . B y which it will appears that the cred it an d de b t whichMa r s h e ente red in to was imp lo iod in his part iculer trade n o t

to the commo n state o f the merchaun tes .

A letter written from o ne V a l o n t y n e P a lm e r to A h

t h o n i s Ma r s h o from H amb o rougho who was partne r withh im in his p articulor tratfique do eth menco n the imp loymen t

o f go od es an d merchaund ize to his pr ivate v se and n o t to the

y es o f the compan ie (This) letter is tran slated in theRusso to ngue wr itten at large in the sa id (scodulc?)

Thes pro b a l itiss b efo re men con od do e man ifo stlio dec lare,

that the sa id cred itt vaed b y him whoro vppon a ll tho s sonnn o s

o f money grows due , was no t to the comen vse o f the merch

aun ts as he wa s induced b y some s in ist er prac tise to a v owo,

and co n fe ssc , when h is cred ito rs ca lled v ppo n h im

0 Ni 64 . 1589 ans . 1 5 .

Then that yowwould a n ier o f the va lewe o f such good es ,

wh ich wea rs sea sed b y the ho ndo s o r o rder of his h . s sa id so

rreto r ie . an d what is b ecome o f them, and howe: much o f

themwears imp loysd towa rds the satisfacoo n o f h is c red it ors ,

and wha t pe rs on o f them doo remayne in the sa id secre tar ies

handes .

That yowwould likewise o xamyne , b y what o rd t r the shippand goodes o f Mo r e h e s , tha t our merchaun to s made suite t o

have b ene staied a t C o la ( to th’

o nd the emp .rs sub iec ts s

mights b e ful l io answered out o f tho se go odes) was a fterwar

des an tired to b e lstt passe , a nd what valewe tha t shipp and

go odes wears o f; which shipp and good es yt’

your ho nn o r shall

tinde was sen t aways b y the o rder o f his h .s socr e to r is , and

sos his h .s sub iectss depr ived o f the meanes where b ie they

mights have b ene pa iod ; then was doub ts no t b ut your ho no r

wil l thin ke yt noo reason , tha t our merchaun tos sho l b o com

po lled o r b rought ( in to?) que stio n to an swer s those

de b ts o f Ma r s h e s .

O ur sa id letters doe mo re at large expresse our an sweareto thee thinges , which we have p rayed our lo v ings b ro ther

mighte b e co n s idrod o f b y you, an d others o f his h . s ch ief no

b il itio and conncel l wherewith you b e ings mod e

throughel ie acqua in ted , wee doub ts no t but youwill make an

ho nora b le d isohardgs o f our merchauntes from the sa id do

maundes , and also s eon csave , and reso lve of the res idue o f

the po rts of the letters , and compla in tes , as a ll th inges s ha l l

have an honora b le end .

332 Ne 64 . 1 589 ans . 1 5 .

crotlnoro naps , n oo-m 6para samero ornocnrenono m ooo , npn

nocennn xo no noco oro ron anono P o r n n a r o r o n o B o n n o

n o n o , ynon nnoenn xo so rpan o'

r'h oro sn c - sa 11 ro oms upona

connn xo so some“, aoropon nocrousno nono npa ro ll rpox o'


n y no'

rO po lt nn'herca npnn aca pyan gonna oro sn c - so A n r p e n

lll o n n o a o s a . (Mn npocnno)woos: s'rn ma roon G olan annua

rorsn'he pascnorphn n n odoyannonn B onn con nnn n nocs onoann n

npyrnnn nnnoun nonrennnnn no pony n no ssan ito,noropn e, 6eso

npenyo'hmrenia , p

'hmnnn on wh o no cnposononsocrn n nono npn

nnnno conosnnaano , n seropus osaoornoncs on, nroon . no


ro p'hmon ia necomocnoro co nec


rnocrito nnn npornsnaro

ofihmoniro oro snc - sa, crhaannony so nnconaxo no non o,non no

soronocrnno , non onosonnn no nomnno rocrano so oro sen nwronenaroto .

Ynonanyrn a, nocrhrne npncrannnn no nono rpanoru or

nocrn conepa aro s woon npornso namnxo cnosonnn xo rocrelt n

ornacrn npomoa onia co croponn oro sue - so no nono'mpnno npon

nerano , npnnirrio aonxo nann on onnnanoso npornsno n

npnsnrorin non onosannoii oro s on - son'

s n npnsuorin nom oson

non noun nontnno cassannmro rocrnno . Tonto - nono srn npon tern

paso acnenn nono so rpan o'

r'h oro sa c - so n so ynonany

'rofi ao

nnco'h rano n so nomofi rpanorh, noropoa , 1m snoeno , mi ner '


no somnxo pyno ,ro not npocnno soco pascn orpzhro onn n .

Mn com so ororo nocaoro rpanory oro on e- so n sonncny

no nameny nocronnnay (Q n e r q e p y) co rhuo irr06n on no

aosaro nxo someti noo-m,noo 1m roro nn

'hnin, nro nono nons

s'hc'rnn nponnorn , so nnxo corop t omiocn, a ram n m roro ,

n oon no dn ro nponoasneno conn'hnin o m nocn om en i t no

pssoro roro , nro oro sn c- no nncaao . H ocxannn o nomo nt hon .

ram s cnncoxo co rhxo naosuo , nor-spun nu nocm oeno t o oro

snc- sy; cnncnn m nn noenarn no nameny nocronm y so no

noxnsnie nopynonin eny oro noco , nono ren ornnren nn li nous-o

roro o nono ono nn'hero npoonrs n norosopnsaroca ; ono no

rpoono osnononnro namy veer s co crorm n nomoli rpan oru.

B o sron non on rpanorh not com so 61 am ooparn'rs ann a

nio somo ll nocrn n npoonrs soco oocyinm n poscnorp-hrs ron no

cohnylo inyto npa'

rnyro nanars ornocnrenono ors'hra namoro o

16 65 .- 1 589 non . 23 . 337

troub led o r mo lested there in b ut tha t tra fficquo ma y quie tlyp o ses b e tweens b o th your marchan tos and ours .

A nd thus hauing b en co n straynsd to en large our fo rme rle tters with mo re matters than we wish we had

cause to troub le your ma - ty with with this do

sire we b e n ot hen cefor th troub led with any further con sub iects s but tha t we may congra tula teb y our letters one an o ther and argumen t o f our onts rcha ngeab ls league and ami ty freed o f a ll var ian ces and

of our sub iects .

A nd so right high right excellen t an d mo st mighty pr ince

and dearest b ro ther woe committ yous and the mo st famous

pr incesss your wyfs our dsorest s ister to the tuicen o f the omn i

po ts n t G od .

Da ted a t our pallocs o f W es tmin ste r the (2 3) day o f

M(arclt) the yore o f our L o rd 1688

M 65. —159 Mapu 28.

[lesson ecna nocaannnno csoero soposo ropn (cg/sum ny

m a) no nameny s - sy co no nm ro ors‘hrono nporaso samio rpa

morn , w epyro rpanory rouaso aonro , P o n o n o B o a n a n o ,

npnsss'o, un o rero no xormro noxynoro nameny s - sy rhnn oh n


seropus nonnconn so rhxo npez nnxo rpan oraxo , nanoteanca as

re,are r

'h rpanorunew no pyno samero m m, a mono an co

namn 'o necaon o necnee cosspmenno o


o rhaex'o , m apn s

so rod rpano'rh nannconn , ynnnarn .

m roe npnrnn n'hqro dyasr o rh rpan oru namn no ro

por'h nesumo , aorepn e ecna nocr oaa aepeso repn no nameny

s - sy, nono re nosnxhaoca npnrez o , are non o nocaarn no nono

co res rpanorucnncoro so s amero neaorore, xorana rero , aredo so

meny s - sy dnao nas'hcne

,trrd namn cosh'rnnon yaaa aaa so pocnpoc


o rh o Annex-o,so nono sor or io m edn ynnm aca no namuxo re


340 N: 65 . 1 589 run . 23 .

s end a motion , a nono on ce6a enpecrorn on wh o rhxo cnep

nn xo r'luo

,l orepuo ecro nomn o neuonuxo arerel .

A o n ones , npecusn-hflmore n ser oues nhfixnore couegopxno ,

s amero apo s ofimere eporo , oe caosn'htmere s ome» npen etiurex

nere cecrpere nporoeno so edopenen ie scouerymeuy B ery.

llucono so nomeuo m ph E ycnncrp'h rhro

oro Pez ocrso Peone m ore 1 589 Mopro 23- re Ann .

M 66. 1589 A pr. 30.

E lizab eth to Theodore.

W e ha ve b een petitioned and mo st pitifully imp lo red b y

our wellb elo ved sub ject R i c h a r d P r o c t o r who lately trad

ed on the accoun t of the factors o f our company in your ma


s domin io n s , that we should ,in respec t o f his pov erty, o r

der a letter to b e wr itten to your ma - ty ab out him,that some

of your ma - ty’

s sub jec ts fell upo n him and p lundered him on

the riv er Vo lga as he was coming from A strakhan a nd took

from him a grea t many goods and wares in the summer o f

the year 1 583 , and that b y reason of this plunder n o t o n ly

he was ruin ed , b ut many o f our merchants to whom he owedmoney come to great po verty and lo sses and that therefo re

b ecause of his great po v erty he has no t wherewith to p ay;

and they C t mpla ined thereo f to your coun sellors . Therefore

we earnestly so licit your most high , right mighty mo - ty; and

this redress was promised b y your fa ther o f famous memo ryto our amb assador sir J e r o m e B e we s , to inve stigate this

matter a nd to indemn ify him for his lo sses; and may it p leas e

your ma - ty at our request to give order to make an enquiryand give red ress acco rd ing to our former request; and whe reas your father o f famous memor y promised that it might b e

b y your mo - ty’s o rder and mercy acco rded that he may re

co i vo his de b ts which a re due to him from your ma - ty’s sub

jec ts , who dwel l in your mo - ty’s domin ion s . A nd we shall

b e thankful to your ma—ty for this .

N: 66. 1 589 our. 30 . 34 1

A nd so we commend you, mo st high and most po ten t prince ,our dearest b ro ther to the supreme and a lmighty G od .

G iv en a t our court of W estminste r , in the year of our S av iour

and G o d 1 589 , the last da y o f A p ril, o f our re ign the 3 l - st .

M 66. 1589 Aup . 30.

E n cosero B eerOpy.

B n o nono nonono n repno n am es s omo mednrernn i ner

raun t ,P n n o p r o I l p e n r y p o ,

s oropot ne srosn's oro

cuornnneso oro nomn o recrefl represoro so nowere s - so

o6rocrn , qrooo rm, rra ere G i rnocrn, rponery serorn nonncor n

no; nono no nameny may 0 rouo , are m e samero s - s a nor.

ranne morn ere rpeunrn n orpoenrn no posh no B ernh, nono

o no oxoro noo A crepexann, a can e y nere ornarn maneros o ere

n resopo so ror-h 1 583 n o rory, n oro rero rpaeemy no resn o

eno ornno uora6o , no n n norie namn reprenn e morn , neny eno

rom eno 6n ro,so sernnefi G ornecrn n so y6m nexo ym nr ncn

enn,n oro rei ere sermon G ornocrn som o eny m nrornrn;

n on e rouo m esarncn nomnuo ces‘hrnnneuo . Tore porn rm

co rmanieuo ooouo sororio nameny sern ony, som erepmasnenymay: a 0 roll ynpos

'h n oreno somo oroa ennn o nonarn area 110cnameny, rnasre E p e n

'h re B o y s y, re r'hre n ore yea rns cn

croso errors ; 1: some do s - se rra s amero np omensa nem osoro

nuno npnaosoro cn cnorn n ynposy yas s ara no npemneuy no

meny npemen ire; n nono ereno somo (iron ennote nourn nnorca,

re l y no nameny s sy npn osy n unreceprieno cror oao tim e ,

nreoo eny npuytm-n ren oso csenxo ,

nerepn e samn nerroan e

n ern eny rermnn ,m are eyrero eny ann e rern sn , nerepne

npoen sorero so samero s - so eerocrn; a rm 0 rer o G yreuo s o

meny s - sy G r oreropnrn.

PI nnn'h nperoeuo soco , npecs

'hrrhfimifi n sereuen nofimifi re

cyropo, s omo rpouofimin eporo , no scorepa nreroneuy 1: scene

rymeuy B ery .

342 N: 67.—1 589 our . 30 n n o 2 .

tlncono so nomexo rsep'h so Yecnnncrep

'h, oro P oz ocrso


ecuoro 11 H ero nomere . r hro 1 689 - no , ecroneunore anon A np'h

u, o recyropcm s amero 3 1 - re .

N 67. 1589 A pr . 30 and May 2.

mimb eth to Theodore.

B efo re this we hav e lately sen t to your mo- ty two sepa

ra te letters , in which we acqua in ted your ma - ty with the o r

der we had given to some o f our pr ivy counse llors to inv es

tiga ta these matters a b out which your ma - ty compla ined in

your letter , and how they had ex amined the cla im b e tween

your sub jects and our merchan ts . Therefore we will no t this

time troub le your ma - ty a b out tho se afl'

airs , which were written ia our fo rmer letter , and we regre t tha t such an a ffair ha s

taken place b etwix t us and your ma - ty o n accoun t of the sub

jec ts o f e ither o f us . I t were mas ter fo r us to wr ite to o ne

ano ther ab out our princely a ffa irs , a b out perfec t league , an d

lo ve , and amity, and a b out those ma tters , which may on

tortain una l tera b le league and lo ve , and we expec t tha t when

your ma - ty sha l l b e apprised o f the p lo t for spo iling the

trade , your ma- ty will give such o rder to your coun se llo rs

a s we ga ve to ours , tha t on e ither side the merchan ts

should b e o rd e red , tha t n o d istur b a nce should tak e place in fu

ture and tha t the y should no mo re mo les t us with their c la ims .

A s regard s our request a b out our merchan ts who are named in

our fo rmer le tter and a b out whom o rd er is given to our om

b assader , we sub mit it to the p leasure o f your ma - ty , and

we expec t that your ma ' ty , sha ll show your favour in this ma t

ter . Mo reo ver our compan y wishes to send in to your pro

v in ce o f P sko fl'

as fac to r fo r trade,J o h n Me r r i c k

,and he

is to go there o ver lan d : our coun sello rs rememb ering yourma - ty

s fo rmer comp la in ts aga in st J o h n C h a p e l l , that he

had come in to your k ingdom without giv ing no tice tha t he is

sen t to trad e fo r the company an d tha t youc a lled him a spy,

344 N: 67. 1 589 our . 30 I n o 2 .

cer ta in,n e ithe r came from our amb assador , n or from our sub

joete an d we gave fa ith to the speeches of your messenger

and acco rd ing to our fo rmer reso lution we gave him this our

le tter ; and we p r in c ipal ly would b e lieve him, b ecause he said

tha t ev en if any o ne had spoken to the co n trary ,he knows

fo r a cer ta in ty tha t your ma - ty is willing to confirm en tirely

the lib er ties of our sub jects in your domin ions , such as werecon tinued afo re this b y your fa ther o f glo rious memory ; and

acco rd ing to these speeches we trust tha t these a ffa irs shall

b e dec ided with our amb assador . May the 2 - d .

N (so —1589 A llp . so uMon 3.

B rnoosero Oeerepy.

H anepero cero no srana'k nneo rn eel s no nameny a ny

rpan oru pesnn e, a so rfhxo rpoueroxo nss

'lnnon ecxa namenys ~ sy e nomex o npnnos

'h, are ecu npn osorn n

thoeropnuo no

mnuo rohan no ces'hrnns exo pocnpecnrunpo r

‘h mo 0 am a o

r eoa yqnnnr acs samero s - so so rpon erh, n nono onn en em a

npo rer o cnepo , nerepeii cero non o somn o nerranuxo rrorett co

nantmm recrun; rero porn not nn n'hnmnuo spen nexo no

sacno nameny s - sy o rhxo rimer o , nerepn e nnconor so namesnpestnefi rpouer

'h, n recoryeno e retro , are ysnnnreca noc o noco

n samero s - sa ros es rh o oro eoen o s amazo nen onn xo r te

roxo .—A nono tim e non o coon nncorn rpyry t o mm poem

0 esenxo recyrapocr nxo ros exo , o sopneuo 0001111803 5 13, 5

moons, n o np is rerocrs

'h, n e r‘hr o ror ero , neropn e npnresnn e

l ento noco no nepymnxeuy ceernnenore n n otion; n nonaexca

346 N: (51 —1 589 our . 30 n m 2 .

mo nomono . H rm rero cnepso sorepz arn ecu ere rponery

n non -roman 6am ernycrnro renno samero oes o nomie rpa

noru, n nono eno y noco euro no ornycno, n not only cn

sorn , n oose nono re no moo cra te,Irre noro necreno nomi no

rono ynnnn ecn no nameny desc'iecrore; n eno nono co n'hpom

cassaro , nro rero , nro nono re csoensoro , nenpasry nono ro

sopnro a on sorsero some ( some?) recyropcnee xerhnoo

n rpymoy no nono , nro rom o ri s en m ono no n o cerar

no , n r into noco pasresepuo . H m e retro non crn n, are

rh porn nono cnoen s onn no or o s'hpnere nn oro necro

s amero , nn oro nerronnxo nomn o n ereB , norepne m e a n

sYT'B , A8 nes

'b pnrn ecu samero necxannn o pasresepy, 11 no

nameny npeatneuy npnresepy ram eel s ere namy rpanory; It

ran rero aens oermn stops" , are on cnosoro , xern are as ournpon o cero rosepn o no roposro , route on sorooro are some

s - se norm ae xenero yrseprnrn so neono ecseooz renie so no

mmto nerronmro r terorro so namn sen s, rou e nono ereno

somo oros ennn o non rn npea o core yrneprnro ; n no r lnro p'h

neno nor-lieues , are r

'h rh o ncnernenn G yryro nome nen y .

Mo ia so 2 - 2 reno .

N 68. - 1589 Aup .

Oeeropo E n core-rt .

I lpnen rorn ecn no H . II . B - sy, cecrpo s omo , E r nc o s e r o no

peresno, necro esecro , E r n s a p o Q r e n e p o , co cseere rpanoren

a co p'hm ; n 1m neeJto raeero ,

E r n s a p a, npnnun m oor-anne n

rpouery rsere, cecrpn nomie n oo- note

,n porn rsen, rerepne H .

II . B - sy resepnr o oro reoa, cecrpn name rreti—nne , nocero reel

Jneonrerno sn crymorn , n o noropnxo r'hrexo nncorn sea t o H .

I I . B - sy so cseofi rpon erh, n are H . I I . B - s y rosepn o oro

reoa,E r n e s s o r o neperesnn ,

nocero E x n o p o pi que n nncne

rhrto esonuo p'hneno ror o , a not soror s 65m. s eery rseeuy y

sanita t ion y s amero y Pl s o n o B o c n o s o s n n o T p o x o n i o r o s o ,

350 N: 68. 1 589 our .

aeperesnn , eny- m rhroro n creso nenpnreotie ronopnro npo

noco , npo scrun o recyropei , n npo redo , cocrpy namy n od

nyro , np o E r n c o s e r o reperesny. H snoporo da roxie nepn

co recrus room no name recyropcrse no harm , modo so ro

r n o sepexo cayru non o noco m un sepn nopyxn no don e .

I locano so recyropcrsia nomere rsep'h rporo Moonsn , r b ro

oro cesronon n ipy 7097A np'lua n'hcsno .

M 68. 1589 A p r.

Ozor Theodore to Queen E lizab eth.

You sen t to our ma—ty , sister Queen E l i z a b e t h your em

b ossador G i l e s F l e t c h e r with your letter and with a

message . A nd we grac iously receiv ed y our amb assador G i

l e s and fa v our a b ly heard your letter , lov ing sister, and the

speeches which your amb assad o r G i l o s pronounced b efo re our

ma - ty on your b eha lf, lo v ing s ister .

A n d a b out tho se matters which your amb assador G i l e s

spok e to our mo - ty in his speech on your b eha lf, queen E l iz a b e t h , and gav e his speech in writing , we gav e order to

your amb assado r to go to our treasurer J o h n V a s s i l i e v i c h

T r o k h a n i o t e f f and to the secretary A n d r ew S t c h e l k a

l o f f; and we ord ered a decisiv e answer to al l the said speech

es to b e given and gav e a wr iting ab out them.

A nd whereas your amb as sad o r G i l e s sa id to our mo - ty

fr om you, tha t we should main ta in b etwixt us b ro therly lov esuch as our father of famous memo ry the L . E . and G . D .

J o h n V a s s i l i o v i c h of a ll Russia d id ma in tain with youwe wish to con tinue perpe tually such un changoo b le b ro therlylo ve with you, as was main tain ed b y our father of famous

memory the L . E . and G . D . J o h n V o s s i l i o v i c h o f a ll

Russia .

A nd whereas your amb assado r G i l e s spoke to our ma - ty

from you a b out your sub jects the merchan ts who trade in ourk ingdom, that we might favour them in gran ting to them our

352 N: 68. 1 589 o ne.

see b y this way ought n o t to come fo r trade into our k ingdom; and tha t it b ec omes no t you, our s ister , to v io la te the

cha rte rs o f your predecessors . G ive o rder that a ll peop le o f

your k ingd om may b e permitted to come and to have li b erty

o f trade , and le t them no t b e fo rb idden on accoun t o f the five ,

six ,or ten persons , who ha ve b een used fo r a long t ime to

come into our realm, and o rder that there should b e no o c

casion there b y to supress the trade of those merchan ts . There

is no such order in a ny k ingdom tha t merchan ts should b e

enfo rced to trad e , so tha t some should have the lib erty to

trad e and o thers should b e deprived o f it . A nd if it should

happen for the future tha t some o f your people may trad e,

and o thers sha ll b e restra in ed from trade it would appear tha t

your lo v e fo r our ma - ty is no t perfect . D o no t make pro b i

b itiou in your k ingdom fo r merchan ts o f your k ingdom

willing to come with wares into our rea lm, and order no t

to res tra in merchan ts o f all o ther k ingdoms , but le t them b e

permitted to come without hinderance in to our realm ,tha t

b ro ther ly lo ve may no t b e tran sgressed b e twixt us and you,

our lo v ing siste r . A s regards those merchan ts your sub jec tswho d isco vered the sa id way b efore an y strangers fr om

o ther k ingdoms and b efo re your o ther merchan ts , our great

fa vour has a lread y b een espec ially shown and sha ll also

in future b e shown un to them, as they ha ve a house in

our prince ly c ity o f Mo s c o w, and many houses in the

towns o f Y a r o s l a v l , an d W o l o g d a , and D v i n a and

they liv e toge ther with our people and trade in all so rts of

wa res , and it is o rdered to take from them and their goo ds

on ly half of the duty pa id b y o ther fo re ign ers . A nd n ow fo r

your sake,our lov ing s iste r

,acco rd ing to your request, we

fav oured your merchan ts ev en mo re than hereto fore , permit

ting them to go with their wor se and trade in our rea lm,in

C a z a n and A s t r a k h a n , and from A s t r a k h a n to go to

B o k h a r a and to S h e m a k h a, and to P e r s i a ; and we or

de red our new p rin c ely le tters o f priv ilege to b e given to

them. W hilst o ther merchan ts from a ll o ther k ingdoms, o c

co rd ir g to our pr in ce ly o rder , are to pay the who le o f the du

If: 68. 1 589 our. 353

ties and are no t allowed to go through our k ingdom o f Musc o v y no t on ly to C a n o n and A s t r a k h a n

,and to ouy de

min iens b eyond the C a s p i a n s e a,b ut no t ev en anywhere

in to any o ther k ingdom were it but a mile d istan t from the

kingdom o f Mus c o v y . A nd you ought to keep in rememb rance such our favours to your merchan ts , and it is not meet

for youto give such on ord er tha t some merchants should b e

allowed to go for trade in to our realm, and o thers should no t .

F reed om of trade ought to b e given to every on e; b ecause as

our prince ly favour and our equi ta b le justice are alike to all

merchan ts, so ought traffic to b e free alike to all .

Lastly you request our mo - ty a b out J e r o m (H o r s o y)who , after he had delivered our letter to you, fo r some un

known cause , departed secretly out of your k ingdom, and a b out

whom y ou ordered your amb assado r to elucida te this matter

and to send him o v er to E ngland . W e have sent the sa id J o

r e m with your amb assado r G i l e s un to you; and J o r e m

has deserved death for his misconduct, for the practises he

used b etwixt us , great prince , and you, and for the un b eseem

ing words he spoke ab out us , great prince , and you. A nd

henceforth such v illain s are no t to come into our k ingdom

with your merchan ts , that such v illains might not cause any

disturb an ce b etwixt us , and might n o t harm the b ro therly

love b etwixt us .

W ritten in our lordships palace at Mo sco in the year from

the crea tion o f the world 7097in the mon th o f A pril .

.NE 69 . 1 589 ml . 357

pooosn'h, co Tomaseno osonno , co P o n o n o n o co B o n n o

n o n o , n O n '

r o n o co nono s o oroco onn; n O n r o n o npionono

so Aunncsyxo solum nopogo samero son- so cosornnnn rO B Opm

nn orie 1 08 3 11 0 cxoso n rocygopocsnxo gonoro so 0060 10 no cno

3uso 1 o , n unornxo so6o 1 o csonxo pys o sonnpuco ; n upo O n

o o o o o o soposc'

rso noum o cn csono , nro'


ro O n r o n o sopo

s om on, To nonon ncom o roc'

rnnmto n onono so rocyxopo no

moro rocygopoc'

rs'h y seas on . omen, n ncnynnso rosopn Pycnic



rnoo no nopoor h no pyoooso , m o samero s - so

Amnnoxio sous so H ooopuncs yxo solum s o csonno coun s

nono . co nono mprosoxo , o nn n-h nnorie J oa nn e co oso sono


,xoro csooro soposc

'rso mom-

n n rh o cs onno a nno-ton


noo ornyc'

ruo noo rooygopo nomoro rooygopocrso anno A n on

cxio sous,n noo n no 70 no O n r o n o s o soposc

'rso no cn0

rpn, o m 'rsoero no ceoo

,E o n c o s o r o sopoxos no , m ononoo


gopxo osoony , B . I‘

. I I . n son . m ono. duo nexouo n l oom

mcympo cnoero , o'

t o6o no m nxo roc'rhxo no O n r o n o s n x o

“Guano no sc'h gonm soo


ro somsxo nuno: n rocynopo s omo ,

B . I‘

. I I . n B . K. G o xo p o I/I s o n o s n n o , sooo P ycin, oro

noposoo son - no , 1063 coc'rpy csoso awon'

roonyro , E x n c o s o r o

oopooosny, 1! m nooro noxofin '

roo n nom osonsa,no

m osauo som o soon s o'rsonxo roe


rh o,no Y c '

r n n -h (In to

no p o co'

rosopmnn, nsopanoxo n roprosnuo omnemo sexism

noxosnny Aenero , n scoro sun 's soo'

ro o co rocynopoxnun non

rm no A s r y c'

r n n'h co rosopumn , no O n r o n o s n n o so6o

oouo , ron s o so pyoxoso'

rosopouo , onpon'h O o o o o o o o

10 1mn o s oooxnn xo nonon , nro no Yu a n's ys aoono ; o r oom

ooun rooygopo cnoero sea . rocynopa , oro nopos oro son- so , n 6m

ooxono Jun rsooro so co6'h m onos on, o o csosxo non-h o no

cson o soouuo no 0 n '

r 0 n o nonon ono ecu no'

rsoouo npocs

so , n n oun sc'h no O n r o n o oro pyo n , soropn o y nono 6am ,

nocl oxo so moo co room noco oxo , oo E o n o o p o n o , n some

65 sol - no w h o sn cxo'rpm't'szo nonxo M ono no 0 n

'r 0 n o


go no Tony 1: yonso yqnnmo, n o roro noooz n o ocun no '


sor t , rocygopnnn som ofi,no


A n o ocn , rocympn no , n ew no uni so cs oofi rpoxo'rh 0

A s r y o'r n n

'h Quon o p'h,so


roporo so! nocxoon 010m so 601

358 X: 69 . 1 589 ml .

m o rocco-h o

,modo a m oro m “ n dmo dn eny non

somolo odoponono , a ono yum-o npono cayn

'ro,n zoo m -mo

ero cxos o rocygopocs oro A s r y c r n n o co rosopnnu 1 0 1 1 ) so

socno dopetu n odo m o rocygoplo csoexy 0 scum wh en

neoos osornco ,n so scono xom oro nono onoen odopononom ock -


depenn, n socygopno encomy, B . I‘

. I I . n B . K , a snoporo xom

nem oso-

rnco 0 m o o n o t han scon n roc'

rm n xom upo

nnmurn,9. Hunt rocyn po nuno , B . I

. I I . n B . R . G o

A O p'L H s o n o s n n o, scoo Pycin , n ods redo, cecrpy cson n odu

roxnyno , E o n c o s o r o sopooosny, o so mom nomdmo ouo 1: no

m osonoono A rn ncm o roe-rei Y c r n n o co rosopnm non o

zosoxo , n o du o nom oco soon co n o n opo, n o no Mocn i,

nonunnn 300 pydxoso , n m diuo nom oco co n o rouposorouoz nn o nonum no H oonn'i m i n now 97roxy pyd

nono , 1: n o duo no m o soars B ouoropcs ie twos ome nomanunpoosa io co n o rosoposo , 240 pydxoso , so noropnxo on

Aonroxo n nodom oceneco y B on oropcs oro ropop . s o coda no

n o: so csom pyxon , n rhxo wh o xenon . mcygops nuno ,oro nopscnoo sos - no , m rods

,cocrpo: cooes m dn

'rexnoi , o so

non o moods -

room , no samero sex- so roc'rhxo

,no Y c fi n

'h co

moopumn, m u no seam , n s odom , 1 1 0 no m o sumso Ron ompcxofi so m on s o on n omi n o, 0mm sex

-hr s deo

gonoa no .

A n o ocn, rocygopn no , npncooxo so n o csoe m ousse .

non nsn, co nocoono cson o, co E o n s o p o n o , n aso rsooro

m osonso noxnnooso s o soon , 11m n o nocor o n ot npn

soso oro redo oro rocynopns n no rocygopxo nameny,’

xo B . I‘


11. n B . R . G o xo p y H s o n o s l uo, scoo Pycin, nam n

'mo , 11 so now 30 1 0 1 011, 11 so oon ep‘ro somroro n so xonry oo

mroro , n moxie nouns n non o soco , son m o rocygopol , npon o

cero s o dam n, I : rocyxopo s omo , B . l

. 11 . n B . K. G exo p o

H s o n o a o, sceo Pycin, rh o nonnuoso m oo no ser luo , a.

zoo, rocygopn na, n o roro moot-o m onso on nom ooso mon o ,

o ompn o so n o noco oo n ot npnsoso dmo , soars , m yn pnn ,

no nocnrluo , as so moo m om redo, sea . rocyn pun'b , nonon

dom n'rnoc , rocygopn ns l oot , m ous se no noo, non-m o , no

man ; a snope 1 0 10 1 0m sn ort. n rocympa coocoo non-

to n

360 M 69 . 1 589 nor .

A nd whereas , lady , youwro te me in your letter tha t yourh .s in tends to let pass tho se sub jects of o ther k ingdoms , whosha ll come with their wares in to the domin ions of our lord

b y the sea passage wh ich was first d iscov ered b y your sub

jects , you do so reasona b ly , lady , dec laring there b y your

lo ve to our lord his ma - ty; and I acquain ted my lord withthis (proof of) your ma - ty

’s love .

A nd whereas , lady , youwrote me in your letter tha t yourh .s would b e willing to consen t that all those your merchan ts

who might wish to come fo r trafi'

ic in to the domin ion s of our

lo rd should have lib erty o f trade , b ut that youhad b efo re this

given letters of pr iv ilege to those who first disco vered the new

passage to a ll the domin ion s o f our lord , and that now you

can no t infr inge this priv ilege . Thereb y youdo no t show, lady ,

perfect lo ve to his ma - ty , in that you wr ite that some of

the merchan ts your sub jec ts might come for trade un to the

rea lm o f our lo rd , an d o thers are n o t to come . I t is no t

the custom with you, great princes , that some merchan ts

may come and o thers may no t and that there b e no equalitygiven in trad e to merchan ts . I t would b ecome you, mo st res .

p londen t lady q . E l i z a b e t h to b e in perfect b ro therly amitywith our lo rd , and it is no t b eseeming to insist upon such on

a b out this matter to you, h is lov ing sister . A s regards your

merchan ts who were the first to d iscover the n ew passage,they are alread y more fav oured b y our lord than an y o ther

merchan ts o f a ll o ther great princes : there have b een given

to them houses in all town s , in Mo s c ow, in Y a r o s l a v l,

in V o l o g d a , and the Dwi n a ; and nowmy lord , accord ingto my prayer and en treaty ,

has granted permission to them to

go fo r trade into his k ingdom o f C o z a n an d A s t r a k h a n ,

and from A s t r a k h a n to B o k h a r a , and to S h em a k h a

and to P o r s i a , whilst merchants of o ther coun tries are no t

permitted to go through the k ingdom o f Mo s co v i a to any

place whatever , no t even if it were but one mile b eyond the

Ne 69 . 1 589 no t . 361

fron tier . S o you ought no t, lad y , to write an y mo re to our

lord ab out so un important a matter, and youought to give o r

der that your merchan ts might n o t b e hindered any more .

A nd whereas your ma - ty wr ites to me in your letter a b out

A n t h o n y Ma r s h,that I should enquire a b out him an d a b out

his cred itors and a b out what is not rea lly owing b y him. The

v il la iny of A n t h o n y Ma r s h has b een tho roughly in vestiga t

ed : he d ese rves n o t to remain in our lo rds k ingdom b ecause

o f his v illa iny, for his hav ing tak en great sums o f mo ney from

the o fficers of the treasury o f our lo rd in the n ame o f the E nglish merchants

,and for his hav ing b o rrowed man y sums from

lords and gen tlemen and divers merchan ts , giv ing b ills under

his hand for himself and for associa tes. They cred ited him

and len t money to him, and accep ted his b ills under his hand ,

giv ing cred it to his compan ions b ecause he liv ed in the E ng

lish house together with the E nglish merchants . I do no t ev en

write a b out my de b ts , howmuch money A n t h o n y owed meand howmuch he still owes me : o thers shall inform your ma

ty thereof. G od alone knows how many were my endeavours

and my in treaties a b out R o b e r t (P e a c o c k) and J e r o w

(H o r s e y) and al l their do ings . There was to b e recov ered

from A n t h o n y and his compan ion s his ma- ty’

s money ,and

de b ts b y b ills to d ivers peop le together wi th the b ills o f W i l

l i am (T rumb ul l) for wha t they had b o th b o rrowed from

the Mosco v ion merchan t A t h a n a s ius l ud i n to the amount

of roub les . A n t h o n y was ca lled to account fo r thissum b efo re his ma - ty

s ofiicers and together with R o b e r tand his company con fron ted with the sa id people o f his maty , and see ing his own hand on the sa id b ills , he acknowledged himself to b e responsi b le fo r them. A ll this inquiry and

the copies of those b ills have b een afo ro this sen t b y our lo rdto you, his lov ing sister q . E l i z a b e t h , with his in terpreterR e g i n a l d B e c k ma n , with whom also A n t h o n y wassen t oway .

—A nd when A n t h o n y came to E ngland he spoke

many lies b efore your ma - ty’

s coun sello rs and he d id no t

say tha t he owe d mo ney to our lord an d d id no t ackn owledgehis handwriting on money b ills . A n d A n t h o n y

s v illainy

362 N: 69 . 1 589 1 101 .

has b een tho roughly investiga ted and it has b een made appa

ren t that A n t h o n y is a great v illa in,tha t he took the said

mon ey in the merchan ts n ame from d iv ers people in his mo


s k ingdom an d hav ing b ought Russian wa res sen t them on

a ship fo r the amoun t of 1 5 thousand roub les , av o id ing your

ma - ty’

s E nglish land , to the N etherlan ds to his sto re - keepers ,

with whom he traded together . A nd now he tells many lies

wishing to conceal his v illainy and the goods which b e ex

ported out o f our lord ’

s coun try no t into E nglan d . N o twithstand ing such v illainy o f A n t h o n y , so lely for your royal

ro yal fav our’

s sak e , I made supplication and en treaties un to

my lo rd to giv e o rder that n o t the who le of the amount o f

A n t h o n y’

8 b ills should b e taken now from your merchan ts .

A nd our lo rd , his ma - ty , the great L . E . and G . D . T h e o

d o r e I v a n o v i c h o f all Russia , out of his love to you, his

lo v ing sister q . E l i z a b e t h,an d for the sake o f my suppli

ca tion an d on trea to s was graciously moved to order tha t there

should b e taken one half of the money from your merchan ts

A us t i n F lut h e r (F ulk e s?) and his company fo r the pay

men t o f d iv ers gen tlemen and merchants . A nd now, togetherwiththe emp- r

s de b t,and in paymen t of A n t h o n y s b ills

, goods to

the amount of on ly 7800 roub les hav e b een ta k en from A u

8 t i n an d his compan y , no t includ ing therein the money to b e

pa id o n A t h a n a s ius I ud i n’

s hills , which are to b e put on

W i l l i am (T rum b ul l’

s) account . A n d it was for the sak e

of your fa vour un to me that I b eseeched and intrea ted his

ma- ty . A n d as rega rds my deb ts on the b ills A n t h o n y gav e

me,I hav e trusted them to your h . s , and I sen t o ver to you

with your amb . G i l e s all the b ills I had from A n th o n y un

der his hand ; an d may it please your ma - ty to le t my b ill s

on A n t h o n y b e examined and o rder b e g iv en a b out this mat

ter , b ecause I have submitted it to your h . s will, great lady .

A nd whereas , lady , youwro te to me in your letter a b out

A us t i n F lut h e r whom you sen t hither to b e agen t tha t

I should favour him and keep him un der my p ro tection . I f h e

will ser ve uprightly , I will fo r y our ma - ty’

s wo rds ’

sake , tak e

care o f A n o t i n an d his company in all their ma tters and wi l l

364 N: 70 .—1 590 our . 1 .

W ritten in our lord’

s k ingdom in his princely c ity o fMes

cow,is the year from the creation of the world 7097 in the

mon th o f July .

M 70 . 1590 A pr. 1 .

E lizab eth to Theodore.

To our b ro ther and mo st lo v ing frond we wisho ho lth inour lord J esus and prosperous success in all b ussynes .

The le tters which your highn es sent vuto v s b y our am

b assado r G i l l e s F l e t c h e r , we haue rocoaued and woev owed them vn dorstond ing the partyculer poyn ts therein ; which

to aun swer in ord er or enter in to the partecularitos thero f yt

were ted ious; n ether doe woo mynde to d isco erse of those can

ses vn till farther oppor tun ytes o r dyv ers con sid era tion s . I n the

moo s e t ime we refi'

ero the effec t of all tho s causes gen eral] to

your h . s delyb erat o vervewing aga ine . W herin we desyre youwould haue such honno ra b le con sid erac ion as the trewmean ingthero f may b e agroa b lo to your pris elye d igne tey .

The soden o ltoracon o f your h .s b rotherlye lo ve pro fessed

towards ya, in using our late amb assador , G y l l e s F l e t

c h o r , so b o so ly as the lyk e ha th n o t b on shewed and v aed

to our p r in c ly h .s b y any pr in ce in E urope and most injur ionely deal t withall b y your officer o r chauncelor on e A n d r ewS h o l k h o n , who sheweth himself an auncien t onymey to our

sub jects , and nowe opoyn tod ,as judge an d partio in tho se

ma tteres our amb assador was to in tre at of. W hich d ishonn o ra b le dea lings do th go o v vs just cause to suspec te that your

h .s wa s n o t so well affected to v s as we deserv ed . The greats

d ishon n or sondrye wey s shewed towards our p rin c ly h .s , and

the manyfo ld an d un cessan t in iuries done v n to our sub jectstrad ing in to y our k yngdomes , sins the dea th o f our lov ingb ro ther I v a n V a s i l o wi c h o f faymous memo ry , o r man ywhich we o f our pr inc ly po ciones d id ev er sup ress and kyver

JG 70 .

—1690 our . 1 . 365

thynk ing that they would haue b ene ceo ssed and romedyed b y

your princ lye and b ro therly lo ve to v s so pro fessed . B ut noweb e ing b rought vuto suche an ex tremetey that we can n hard lylonger indewr them,

b eing although v ery hard fo r our prin clynature to d isgest such gro ss in iurios o f any p rince lyv ing vn

der the sonne . A n d therfore we desyer to v n derstand your

reso lution therof whether they or done b y your prin cly knowledge or b y such as o r in ofi


yce vnder your majesti , tha t d o thra ther wish onemy tey b etween v s then b ro therly lo v e o r frend

shipp . B ut in the meane tyms we wil l premed itate the b estof al l things an d tak e ho ld o f y our friend ly co nc lusyon n owand ev er in your letters .

The b ringer hero f is our wel b elousd sub ject an d houshouldservan t J o r o m H o r s e y s jen telman , agains t whome in yourh . s letters we perceav o youhaue tok en soome d ispleasur fo r

word s should b e vndesan tly spok en b y him. H o rto fo re a swe lb y your ma- ties letteres also b y his owns ropo rtt he hath hes

a man fav o red b y your h .s and comendation o f his good demea

nor ; mar v eling ho should forge t himself so much as to pur

chase your d isp leasur any kynde o f waye , he protesto th dep lyto our p rin cly ma - ty he hath n e ver ofi


ended your h . s in wo rdno r deed and that he is preten ded ther aga inst him o f sett ma l

l is . W herfo re we tendering his estatte do prey you, our most

lov ing b ro ther , to remov e your h .s d isp leasur tak en aga in st

him and to show your accustomed c lemen cy towards him and

that he mayo haue reco orse too and froo accord ing to our com

mission ,v nder your prin cly favo ra b le pro tectyou.

A n o ther copy of this same letter somewhat d iffer ing inexpress ion s an d pr in c ipal ly in o rthography from the pre

sen t one , is pub lished in the «Discourse o f the second an d

third imp loymon to of Mr . J erome H o rsey» etc . (v ide «Rus

sia at the c lo se o f the xvj cen tury» ed . b y E . A . B on d .

London . n ncoct vj . appen d ix ij . p . 297 I t is dated

there as given at G reenwich the L ot o f A pr il 1 589 (is

stead o f

366 Ne70. 1 5 90 our . 1 .

m70.- 1 590 Aup . 1 .

B rnoosera Oooropy.

E smony dpory n n odnror sn 'lsfimeny rpyry z eroeno smasiao I

ocnoxh Incyc'h n draronocn 'hmenia so wh o roroxo .

Mn nonynnrn nncsno , s oropn n some sue - so nocnarn no nono

co nomnno nocr onnnsono B r n r i o n o (P r o r n e p o n o n poocno

rp'hon nxo , snposyn

'hso ou'hronn o crorsn so onnxo ; ors'haors

no onn o no nopnrsy nnn sxornro so norpodnocrn onnxo 6mm

rosynno; a n uno nowhpesoenca pascyarroro odo srnxo rh

noxo no dynymaro crynon nnn no ycnorp'hnin . llo roro are spe

nonn 1m "O pyaaeno phmenie s'rnxo rhro soodnte nosony sph

r on y poscnorponiro samero sue- so . I Ipn srono a n moross o ,srodn nu os oso nn ysomenie cnpaserrnsocrn , rooo srodn cno ero

samero pomenio dn ro dn corroceno co somnno rocyropcs suo

nocronncrsono .

B porcs oa n odoss , so s oropofi some sue- no ys'hporn noco

snesonno nsr hnnrocs,nono snrno nso odxomronin co nommro

nocrornnno nocronnnnono G r a ni euo (D n e r n e p o n o , odxox

Jtonia crons ynnsnrer onoro; nro noxodnaro no rossoraro ced 'h so

ornomenin s o nameny roc tapcs ony sn c- sy nuornno rocyrops

so E spon'h; co nnno odponranca can o no ocnopdnrensnnno odpo

sono somo nonor snnn aeros'lmo nnn Jlb fl it


b A s up e r! Me n s a

JI O B o ,s or0pnn ososn saero coda ras anmnnn o sparono nomnxo

noraonnn xo , o renepo nosnoaeno n cyroero n yaacrnns on o so

rhxo at roxo , 0 noropn xo s omo nocaannno o normeno dn ro no

em neporosopn . Tos ie ocs opdn'ren nn e nocrynsn rotors nono cnpo

sermons nonono norosp'hsors , nro some sn c - ao no cros s xopomo

so nono pacnoroatenn , nono nu roro sacryzonsoeno .

C o spenenn s onnnnn s amero nrodureasnaro dporo npecaosnolt

nonnrn H s o n o B o c n n o e a a nameny rocyropcnony snc - sy

dn ro onosano nnoro posnn xo ocs 0pdronitl a nomnn o non onnmro ,

roprytonrnn o so samnxo rocyropcrsoxo annmm dnrn nno rOpao

mann a n nenpecrannn a odum; so nomeno rocyropcs ono rep

u'hnin am n o ocrosoarn n npexornan n oaaoniexo , gyr os , 'rro

368 Ne7l .—1 590 our 1 .

M 71. 1590 Apr . 1 .

A draught of the letter to b e sent from her l a- ty to the

E mperor of l uscovia and to the prino B oris F edorowich.

To Prino B oris F edorov ich

E l i z a b e t h b y the grac of G od etc .

To our welb eloued coessen and fron d the famous pr inc

B o r i s F e d o r o v i c h govern or an d l iften on t genera l o f

the E mpyore of Con n and A stracan , o f the prov in ces o f

Vaga , M- r o f the E mp . r ho rse and chief coun se lor to his

ma - ty ho lth wishes etc .

Your pr in c ly letters we haue rocoaued b y our emb assador

G i l l e s F f l e t c h e r and reed and overvewod them. The con

ten ts therof together with the reportt of our sayd emb assado r

do th make v s to wonder to hyor and see . The sodden a lter

a tion o f your pr in cly regard towards v s p ro fessed in your

fo rmer letters . The great ind ign ities shewed vuto our pr in c lyh . s b y the gro ss vsag o f our emb assador with the hard dealings toward s our merchan ts , doth make v s justly to suspect,that your p r in c ly effecton towards v s is n o t as we des ire . (N ot)to en ter in to the particuloryto s thero f at this presen t tyme weass ign vn till farther oportunytey fo r dyvers con s idera tion s

with desyer that youin the moo s e tyme wi ll o verv ewe al l tho se

causes and to ho ne such an fauora b le con side(ration)of themas the trewmean ing therof maye agree with your p r in c ly d iga yty. I n the meane tyms we take ho ld o f your lov ing con

s ideracon in your letters pro fessed , and will premydyta tt theb est o f you.

The b earer hero f is our welb e loued sub iect and houshould

seruon t J e r o m H o r s e y jen te lman b y whoms we recsaved

your fry ind ly presen ts a lwoyes sin s geav ing youho rty than cksfo r your lov ing rememb rance therb y expressed toward s v s : andwi lb e myudfull thero f vn t ill we haue 0portunyty to showour

se lfe far ther than ckful l . Our serv an t departed then vnadv i

sed ly withowt our p r in cly knowledge b y whome we d id do

372 Ne 72 . l 5 90 our.

b esych your honn o r in h is b ehalf, no t o n ly to b e a mean to the

emp . r mo . ty fo r the resting of the displeasur you co nceav ed

aga in st him, but also that y twould please y outo con tynewyour

p rincly fowo r toward s him o f the which he hightly estemeth and

the mo re fo r our reqwest . A nd that he maye haue fa vo rab le ea rs

and furtherance geveuh im to such efi'

ec tes as o r comytted vn to

h im b y comission no t doup tiug b ut the’

go od success therofwil b e

como d ious fo r b o th rea lmes , to the good lyk ings o f b o th sid e . In

accomplishinge this our requests , W e wil l.ho ld ourselves b eho ld

ing vuto your hono r va till o ccason shol b o o d‘

o red to showyour

lyk ing a t your request : assewring your ho nor to fynde us reddy

a t altymes .

J! 72. 1590 A np .

J Iopno d aed B . 0 . Ponynosy .

3nonennrhllmeny xnasro doopnny B o p n c y G e no p o s n a y

Msshcrnsmncs , are naps G e nO p o I/I s o n o s n n s soso nn'hao

neynosorscrs ie no onhmnaro nsopannno E p e n isa 1‘

0 p c e a , cayry

nono ea sea - so , so cnoso dynro nno cnosannna so nonomeniemp8 .

a n poso acnnr n cie none 1: nos npencro saenil oro , E p o n o o , nro

ono nns orno an cnosono , anmono no ocoopdm o naps , upennonoroeno

,nro oro csop

'he snnynsa , sssenennaa no nero rhnn,

oro no a eroero eny nodpo ; ndo ynnsnrensno dnao da,


nno noro no rono l orenonusodnrsca , econ coodpasn'rs ry gen

syro m oors . soropoa dnro scorno ooasn soeno eny uspeno , nornonnoe drorosorenie some, snonenn

'r'hlmin s noss, ooropn a nu

ycnorpasoeno oaso noo somsxo nncono , m o 11 n o nocro s'hp


nnxo masher-ih. H n n'h ono , co dorsmoro nu coda ace'rin), ounc

m ca or s npencrosaennnxo nono npornso s ero odsnnenifi ; routecosspmenno ADYa em dno ooonaenn n posnoraocia n cnopn nan nyanno n rocran n so odomnnony ynosoascrsiro; n on sea - sy yronno

ynorpednrs oro no cs oro caya dy nono s o some! aecrn, ran . it no

if: 72 . 1 590 our . 373

nap! ) n, so oador 'h odo oro daarococroaniu, npoonrs namy seen .

so nero ,'rrodn on no ronoro dsun dor nocpennns ono npono

nopcnnno sea - sons no ycrpaneniro neynosoascrs il , sosans nmxo

npornso nero, no arodn on daarosoanan ro t ate nponor n ors eny

namy s naa ecsyn) nuoc'

rs , no'rOpyro ouo na cuao nonnro n ono

nn ro ems doa 'he nocrh names npocsdn ; n nrodn ono n naocrns o

dmo sn caymono n nonnepz ano so rhxo noaoxo , s oropn n no

nooosy eny nopyaenn n soropn xo ycn'hxo deso conn

'lsnio dynero

suroneno nro odonxo rocynapcrso , so ynosaersopeniro od'hano cro

pono .

lI peso nenonnenie cnxo nomnxo npocsdo , nn dyneno can

ra'rs coda so noary y some! users , nono no upencrosnrcn cay

aofi no soweit npocsd's osasors mn o yronaoe; no neny somo users

s ai noro noco—dyns re ys'hpenn rorosnnn so scanoe spena ,

M73. - 1590 A 13 .

E lizab eth to Theodore.

E l i z a b e t h , b y the grace o f G od , Queno of E nglan de .

F rauuce an d ir lan d , De fender o f the fa the , etc . , to the mo st

mightie Lo rd E mperowr an d G rea t Ducks T h e o d o r e l v a

n o wi c h of all Russ ia , etc .

Requir ings o f your Majesty a reso lute aunswe r upo n the

art icles fo llowings :

1 . F irst . W heras your ma - ty send inge a Dutch man (R e

g i s s l d B e c kma n)as your messinger with lettem un to our

h .s referr inge the matter therin cnuteyned unto our ma - ty’

s judgmen t and op in ion , and that yt should so res t un til] our aun s

wer were goven ther in , the wh ich with a ll co nveyn ion te sp ede

we d id . B ut the sa id matters were ful ly determyned and pro

scen ted longs b efo re the sa id messingere rs to rn e with our

pr incly letters ; which is aga in st the law of a ll nation s , wh illethe messinger is in eomun ication to de termon o f the cause s

a b so lutlye .

374 If: 73 . 1 590 A s r .

2 . W ee sen d inge ( our)h.s omb assadour , G i l e s F l e tche r ,

to your ma - ty, he could n o t b e excep ted for an amb assad or ,no t o n ly a b ased b ut greatl ie ab used , his letters and messadge

was domaund sd from h im an d could n o t b e permyted un to

your mo—ty’

s presence in the space o f half a yer .

3 . O ur h. s sa id emb assad our , b e ings thus kep t as o p ry

sonor within do res b y wa tchmen of very b ase ca llingo , wa sno t permytted to treat o f our pr iuclie causes with your

ma - ty’

s couuso lle , but very reprochfully was put o ver p rin

cepa l ly to an o fl'

ycer ( the secreta ry S t c h e l k a l o f f) uponwhoms he was to comp leyne for dyvs rs gro ss a b use s . S o the

sa id o fficer b ecame judge and par tio himse lf to roceo ve and

a nswer at his owns will an d p leasure ; b y wh ich permitaushe p ro secuted h is longe atemp ted O po r tunytey aga in st our sub

jects to our ma - ty’

s grea t ind ign itéy .

4 . W as, of our priuclie lo ve an d good will towards you,

our mo st lo v ings b ro ther , comaunded a d electa b le presen t to

b e sen te un to your h .s ; ourselv es b eings then in the mo st b us

syest tyme o f our wa rs with the S pan iard s . W e ack nowledgethe o rde r ings thereo f no t comen da b le n o r agrea b le to our h . s

pleasur , when we und erstood thero f; b ut ye te the things no t

b e ings so b ase but smo ler v a lewe hath and do th pass b s twene

pr inces wher lo v e and fren dshipe remayne th . The things rejec ted

and d isdayned in mo st d ishono ra b le so r t,and reto rned with op

ro b r ious speches pub lyck ly , no t respec tinge the b ro therly lo v e

your h .s pro fessed un to our ma - ty ;which might farr b etter agreedwith your princly ho nno nr to have gea ven a b ro ther ly an d

pryvat ad vor tismen te o f the d islycke thero f. B ut if your ma

ty had ever a t an y tyms sen te un to our h . s the ten th part of

the v a lew thero f, an d mea t in no wo rse so rt then that was ,our pr incly mo - ty would have excep ted the ro f no t in respec t

o f the th ings itself, but o f the exce lency from whoms yt was

presen ted .

5 . The priv ileges sen t un to us fo r the use of our sub jec ts ,as a to cken o f your b ro therlis lo ve toward s us , was ofl



to b e frustra ted and no t s lowed of; which wee thought a

thinge inrevoca b le o f so mightie a prince . The como dytey

376 .h‘

: 73 . 1 590 our

an d me s singe r-

s o f wha t qua litey soe ver they b e o f,wh ich we

refer to the r owne repo r ts . Ye s , we o r croda b ly in fo rme d tha t

your ma - ty make th mo re es tima tio n o f o the r pr inces o f mean

our quo litey; heathen s , Tarto rs , Tureks , etc .,

receave b etter

exce p tanee then ours in all respects . To d ec lare the p o r tion

lers wherin were o ver ted ious : if we should use the lyeke to

an y no t ion ,represen ting the ma - ty o f a p rince , we should ac

comp t it in our selves no t comend a b le .

W ee des ire o f your h.s to consider o f these v i ij a r tic les

her b r ieflie sett downs , co llected owt o f d yv ers o thers u’h ieh

we make n o monc io n o f here . W ee hav e a lo nge tyms ky

v e red them with our p rinc ly po c ion es , preinge you to ye ld

your p rin c ly s enso r wi th yourself, whether we ha ve jus tc ause to comp la in s o r fynde our se lves agrev ed with these

gro ss iugo re s o r no e , o r whether y t wer to lo ra b le b y you if

we should show the lost o f them towa rds your ma - ty ; and

the lyck e were n eve r o ffe red o f noe p r in ce towa rd s us,no

n o t o f our gretest en ymies ; an d a lthought they o r hard ly

to b e d isges ted o f a ny p r inc ly n a ture, yet hav e we n o t b o rn

d e s irous o f revenge o r b reach o f b ro the rly ame te y . B ut y t

may p lease you to und e rstand tha t we ha ve had the o p o r tu

uytey dy v s rs we ys , a n d yrneste ly in s tiga ted therun t o b y s o n

dry p r ince s , your n o ightb o rs a nd on ymes , who e ,k nowings a n d

fe linge our stre ngth b y sea , would n o t, n e a durst n o t a temp t y t

themse lves withowt our prin c ly pe rmy ttouce . the y mean ings to

opo y l l and ro se your inha b itan ts in the no r ths , P e c h i n g a ,

V o r z e g a , C o l l a , S o l l o v e s k ue, U n e

, N o n O p ( N e n o

k s a) and o the rs , a s P e c h o r a,N o v a z e m l a and tha t s id e

a n d to s to p your sub jec ts trade fo r sa ltte,fishe

,oye ll, sa b ls etc .


b y sea , that no o o ne b oa te should come owt and in the

ryver Dwi n a . A lso tha t no s tra ingers might come to trade

in to your d omyno ns b y shipp ings ; a s a perod b y the upon prec

tise thereo f o f v ery la te y e rs , when ther we re sen te thre ga l

lyes o f warr an d four sh ips with 200 men in each

,we ll fur

n ished with o rd ina nce , o f purpo se comings upo n your no rths

co a sts ; ro b b ed a nd opo y led a ll such your sub jec ts they couldcome b y , and lo cks N e the rlaud ships a nd goods . W ee unde r

Ni 73 . 1 590 our . 377

s tand ings o f th ie r p re ten c e eoma nd ed our me rcha n ts sh ips to

ley wey t fo r them. The y met and fought t ogether ; rescued

no t o n ly your sub jec ts a nd go od s , b ut a lso the Ne the rlanders

a nd ther ships ; son ek e and spoy led dy vers o f them. A lso , o f

la tte,ano the r p re tend ing to spoy le P e c h o r a , was lyckwise

put from the r purpo se and yearly ther o r b e ing some b y ste lth

ub owt your co a sts wa tching ther o po rtunytey . Thus puttingthe o nymey from your co asts , th ier purpo ses and p reetises o f

ten tymcs prev en ted o n ly b y our fo rces , a lthought n o t her re

syted (here recited), ha th b ryd c ause o f o ffence b s twene the

eas teren pr in ces and us. llut ws,a lwoi es p re t

e rringe the o h

serv a tio n o f b ro the rly lo ve a nd frendshippc p ro fessed b etwen

us , ga v e no ears to ther o ften messadgos , b ut co n tynewa l ly

permyttinge our sub jec ts to tran spo rt in to your k ingd omes ,

powde r, sa l tpete r , b rims to n e , coppe r , lead e , tynn ,s ilv e r , go ld ,

a nd suche lyeke ; which your fa the r , o f famous memo ry , d id takehims e lf grea tlie b eho ld ings un to us for

, althought nowe n o t

so acknowledged o f y ou,fo r tha t i t s tood h im in mo re steed

i l l the tyme o f his ma - ty’

s famous co nquests . H is h .s accompt

cd o f us a lwa ies , a lthought a fo r neyghtb our ye t a ne re a n d

a sure frond , us b y p ro o f d id a pere . F o r the k ing o f c thna

o fte n ano ye inge the passadge b y sea towa rd s the N a rv o , ye rlyhis sh ips o f wa rr ro b b inge a nd spo ilinge the L n b ecke rs , D anes ,

F renchme n , l lo lland ers ,e tc .

, your sa id fa the r , o f famous me

mo ry , des y red us tha t we should send our p r incly ships o f

wa rr to remed ye the spoyle tha t the Swethian mad e in the o a s

t eren seas ; wh ich we wi llingly graun ted un to , a nd sen t ce’


o f our war lyc ke ship s , a comp anyed with o ther o f our me rcha n ts

o po yn tvd fo r the purpo se ; fought with the who llo tle te o f the

enymes pr in c epa ll ships , so nc kc d y vs rs, spo y led the mo s t par t

o f the rest , a nd reserved some 1 50 o f the p rincep o ll ac to rs ,

wh ich our sub jec ts b rought a nd prese n ted to your fa ther , o f fa

mous memo ry ,l v a n V a z i l e wi c h e , L . E . and G . D . o f

a ll Rusyu, a t the N a rv e ,whe re then was executio n do ne upo n

them B y tho s mea n s the Swe thian shipps durst n o t come

a)ride sup ra re.

378 N: 73 . 1 5 90 asr .

fo rth , and as longe as our shipps used tho se seas , the pas

sedge was clersd and great tra tique was a t the N ar vs b y a ll

na tion s in quie te tyms .

The trowth and presen t memo ry o f these things will ma

n ifes t y t self; which if they were no t yet in reges ter as a ter

rour with the Swethian ,Dans , Lub scher, etc . ,

they would no t

fears to atempt the lycke in the north seas . Yet do we fo r

b ids non e to come p oaca b ly b y weys o f trafiqus into your

k ingdoms , a lthought woe hav e some reasons the run to , for tha t

our sub jects were the first founders of tha t passadge , with losso f many a man s life and good s , and the mayn ten ancs thero f

to th is day ; and we thincks that no n ation wha tso ev er will

p resume to pa ss the seas of purpose , aga inst our pr incly fav

our . W ee v aun t no t o f these th ings , nether of them a s threa ts,

but to helps your pr incly memor is to cons ider that your b ro

therlyo lov e towa rds us is no t such as our watchfullsfrend ships towards youhave deserved ; nether can s your ma

ty chardgs our pr inclis h .s with any one such disco r tosy o r

cause o f b reach of b ro therlye amy tey . B ut your h . s may p er

ceavo we ha ve hetherto car ied a constan t care fo r the p reserv

a tion thero f, and therefo re we do requier that as your ma

ty do the tend e r the p reservation o f your own s honnour , so

maye ther no t b e cause go ven to impeache our pr incly d ig

ny tey .

The compan ys o f marchan ts our sub jec ts trad ings into yourk ingd omes ha ve made knowen un to our ma - ty man y grev sn

ces , emo ngest which ther ar b r ieflye here co lscted b ut a fsweo f them, aqua in tings your ma - ty with the manner and cos rse

tha t ha the b ene pro secuted therin ; desyringe o f your h . s re

dress thero f, in such sorts that we may b e perswaded y t isagrea b le to pr in cly an d trewe justice .

1 . There hath b on e of late v ery d isordourly sensed upon

the merchan ts genera ll great somes o f mon ey b y pretence o f

depts owings p articularly b y one A n th o n y Ma r sh to yoursub jects , which was a counts rfsyt things and prectise b s t

wsn e them and the . sa id Ma r sh e no t apertsyn ing at all to

our me rchants the compan ys ,he hav ings a pa r ticular trad e ,

380 N: 73 . 1 5 90 it er.

c itty Mo sco so longs ex trao rd in a r ily , he hada come lo nge b e

fo re tha t tyms to ha v e sh ipped the same goo ds therin b urn t,

whe r b y dy v s rs o f ther ships re to rnad empty; so tha t ther lo se

and hinderance is a leaged to b e a b o v e 2700 ro b ls .

6. There is yarly fo rsa b le ly la yed up on the saied compa n ie

b y your ma - ty’

s o tl‘

ycers wax for great somes a t an extreme

price , wherb y the y lo se muche tn the tran spo r ta tion thero f; a

comody tay they were won te to b estows ther money o n e,b eings

at a reaso n a b le price b efo re this restra int was made ; as a lso

thcy would injoyne them to a grea ter incon vanyans to giv e

saltpete r in leuo f the waxo at a b as e pr ice , which comody teyis no t o riginally growinga in our rea lmes in suche quan titeyto b e tran sported mo re than serveth our prin c ly pro v is io n .

Your pr inc ly letters o f p riv iledge , whichs you o f your h .s

b ro therlis love towards us d id send un to us fo r theirs v se,is

no t ratifyad no r co nfirmed to stan d in effect . They o r thro a t

nad o f many impo sy tion s and taxes , as howse ren ts and o the r ,

wh ichs t'

red oms your ma - ty ha th alwa ias s ledged as a sp e

c ia ll favo r and n o a ts o f d ifference your ma - ty ever had and

he ld b etwen the E nglish merchan ts and o ther na tion s; an d

they comp la ins o f many hard deal ings towa rd s them b y your

o fficers , tha t a faults unad v ised a t any tyma commy tted is

p ro s e cuted upon them with r igour , no t way ing tha t they are

s tra ingers , and that the r fo lly is for wan t o f exper ience , whichsmight b e kyvered witho wisdoms and leanacy . W e would thesa id o fl


ycers should k nows tha t they a r n o t a peop le destitute

o f such a princes , b ut ha th d ew care fo r the preservation o f

her sub jects and to defend them in thsyr rightfull causes .

H ere may your ma - ty perceav o as well the fo rmour artyc les

towchiuge our p rincly esta tte as also these la tter consarn

ing our merchan ts dec lare th itse lfs o f grea t impo r tan ce ,re

quir inge a far grater trea tes and amb assadge . B ut fo r tha t

this our mess inger (H o r s e y) in whoms we rep o se grea t trust ,and ha ve go ven suffyc ien t comissio n requisit in suche e t

’fs ars


a s ( b y) our pr in cly letters un to your ma - ty a perc th , whoab eings fully aquainted with your h .s o rde rs a nd o f sutl

yc iancyto judge o f the reas o n a b le aun swere that she ] b e produced her

N: 73 . 1 590 arr.381

in , b e ings a l l done in the tyme o f his a b od e in your k ing

doms,hs e sha l b e perswaded of a ll matters on b o th sid e farr

b etter then b y a ny o ther was should have imploysd wan tmgs

his experience . A nd therfo re woe exp ect an d requier from your

tn a - ty a full determyns ts and reso lute aunswar b y him towch

i ngs a l l the par ticularytos o f the sa id promises (promises?)D s lyv ercd the 4

- th o f August , 1 590 ,in the Mo sco , un to the

E mperor’

s h ight treasewrour,D e m s n s h o y s I v a n o

wi c h s C h e r im i s s e n ,the ofl


icer o f amb assages , A n

d r ew S h a l k a n,a nd P o s n y c k D e m e t r i o v e , b y

the E mpo rc a ra o rdour and B o r i s F e d o r o wi c h s s .

N 75. 1590 . A er .

Rum ors Osonopy.

E 3 a s s e e n ,B osnian nnxocrito xopoxesna Anrxin, (Ppasnin

H pn s gin , Mep ma-

ren ame 13p n npoa .

I lpcnorymecrssnn ‘hlmeuy rocygap to nap ro a sexuaouy as sert)

O s xo p y H s a n o s n a y aces P occin n npo -1 .

Tpooymca m samero sea - B a p'bmnrar snn e orn

'hm na er b

1 . B o napsnx'

s . B ame sex - so npncxam an nan-s H 'Inma (P e

r n n a xua B a x n a n a) on case ronnon'

s c's rpanorann as

nameny sue- B y , organs : corepa anteeca 3 's cann . rh o na cya

genie n un 'ha is s amero sex - B a on Thu , m 6n 'ro xk l o ran



ocranaaocs , noryn no os ony no on e“ mas nan ors'b r s , no

mpn lt nua m a co score sosuoz noro nocn‘bms oc'mo . H o rh irlua

6am cosspmenno pasp‘kmenn n npnseuenn B


B acnoraenie as

,roaro ,ao soaspameaia cxasannaro rosna c'

x. nammm rocympcunts rpan o

'rann. O sos qa'res sno p

‘hma'rt gin s , none 0 nnn cno

cares sepse's roana , npo


rnsno saaos au'

t sc'b x'

s napogos's .

2 . li ps acam a't nocaaa rmsa s amero sn c - sa aruia flue -


a e p a m. nameny sex- B y, ero as xor'lun npnaars nan nouns

am , on 6515 1 . as ros sao ynuataeu , no npennoro ocnopG aaen'


382 If: 73. - 1 590 asr.

y s ero surpatiosan sro rpanoru n mass-r. n as mnycm n upon

anno samero sea - ea m. rsaenia noxyrora .

3 . H eart caasas nnfi nocxannux's corepm ca B

's csoens rout

man's na

'hnann non c'

rputelo ame! nassaro uponcxos ges ia ;ero no ronycaam seem neperO B O pn o namm rocyxapcn x


s rh

aax's cs cosh-rows (63mm) samero sex- B a , no

, n . sea son are

cough, on 6513 1 . raasn 'hflme nopysen't emony upnm nony m m

shay (ass ay fl e x n a x o s y), na pass e s B an ana uoynorpetixe

nia noroparo en'

s mas ons 61 11 's m onet-

sea . Tanni n otipwonsrorz npnxass n t sal on

-hm can crux. cyn ero n . csoens c06

crs ennox's grin s , no csoauy ycxorp

'lmiio m am sonpocn uno

peranaa ors'lrm .

‘I pes'r.m oses non spcrso an y rocraues '

s Gunxasno nsn cansaaun fi cxyqafi A

’hl crsosars npo'rnn

's namnx'

s nog

Aansnx's,as scrawny neroxosas ito s amero sex- 3a .

4 . H e's rocygapcnofi aamefi 1 1063 1! a np iasnn n nan , H am's

m o- n'b ttmitt (Spar s , an nosea

'lua nocxars as nameny sue- B y npo

.recrnn fl norapon'

s , G yrytm can 31 . to span: secsna sana

'rn na

man a sofinaun cs c annann . Teneps s om 1m ypasyn'b an a o

J anin samero sue - B a , an scanner s , are norapon sro'

rs 6mmas


rmpurexea's ; on enes s one as tim e go raxol crensnn nn

aroa ea's ,

trrotin a n ss'he n

'b n s n s non pm no nepecnm ncs no

a ny rocyrapan ,usury noun s segerca n otices a mys tic . I I o

Jrapox's 6mm orseprnyrs a npes stipes en

's can n em ptin es s

amrs oopason'

s,n scenaporao sosspatnen

's cs nonocm nn nn pi

qaus , 6es'

s ysaz es ia n 6pa'rcnofl n odal

, soropyro same sa c - B o

am as s" nameuy sex- B y. Pepmo G oa-B a coraacom ocs (in ca name!

rocyxapcsoro accrue, no 6parcxn n aos‘lspn


res ss o easi er“; w e,

aro one sans no npasnrca . E arn same sos - no norm xn60

npncxaan nameny sn c - sy nompon , ni ne! ) s 'r. recurs pas-

5 go

meue, n s o xyn s s amero orrh aaanfi, name rocyaapcnoe sea - no

npaaun on sro , no ass as canon new, s o an yess enia n .

npssocxorcrsy roro , lt‘h t 'b os a norapena.

5 . I Ipnsn eria , npucs as s na m. s an s us pyxonogcm nam n

nouannn x's, sans 83 1 0 11 : camel oparcrott n nan


s an d“, 6m

napymaenm n as ronycnaem as ncnoaneniro; a nu canrun m

nenpeaoa anua on . cros s uorymecrsens aro rocyn pa . Yxotic'mo

an . m sacs as non on cpasnarsca cs rowrorosaoc'rito , cs

386 N: 73.—1 590 an .

arms aopaoxon, as conpoaoxnonin npyrnxs namnxs nynoqecm s ,

napoqno nu rero naanaqonm s : onn G n ncs cs rnasnnnn no

pathnnn score nonpinrenscnaro (More , noronun n'hnoropno ass

m s, at 6on myro aac

'rs npom s nospennn ; m cream s s o

nonpinrexofl oc'ramun onoxo 1 50 not . aoropnxs namn nonnas

nn e n nponcrasnnn nameny o'rny, npscxasnon nsnarn ,

H a a n y

B s c n x s e a n s y B . I‘

. I I . n B . R . aces P occin as H aps'b , in];

can some. a 6mm aaanenn 110c more I lI aoncaio nepatirn no

enim: an xonnrs as nope n nona namn nepaoxn xonnn as rs

nope , nm anio 6mm caotionno n roprs as H apay oc'rasucn os


rs as nnpnoo spans nu ne'b ns naponoss .

H ernns cero onosnnna : n'lua srn ame y ask s us nanarn;

scan on can no nason ys aca as I II sonoas , Ilsa-sans , JIMqans n npyr . cin noca

'hnnie no notion ncs on cn'lua'rs nono6

nnn nonn ran ns cssopm s nopnxs . Onnaao ms nu ne soc

npemsens nnaony n apao npnxonn'ls as namn napcraa xorn

mai ns (in n'sao'mpym as rony upw ay, rans asas namn non

nannn e nepan e yapennxn oro masonic cs no-repsm a nsnn nno

rans n onon n nnornxs rosaposs , n nonnepz naams onoa no cero

nnn; n nn no nonaraons,srotin an on on as tim e napons ocn


.uucn nxasars no nepsns sonpoan s amero rocynspcaaro mel anin.

Mn no s ananes srmm odcroarenscraann 11 no npencraauens nxs

as nnn-h yrposn , no s easons non oas names rocynapcaon nana


pascynm , are same 6parcnan as nans motions no m oss , m on

sacayz naaao tin name G nareasnoe as sans npyz oc'rao; n same

sen - so no n on et s otiannnrs name nopox . an s - so an as nanon no

nodnofl (ucvuuemmm) nonsm naocrn n n as naaons napymenin 6ps

'rcaofl npisann ; no name an c - ao nos ers ycn orp

'hrs , nro

nu nocer s noc'roanno npnxaran crapanie o coxpanenin cnon.

H no'

rony nu rpeoyons , nro6n,scan same sex- so noses


os o co

on enonin coticraennon caoon users , no 651 nonsaasno no

aona as conepmonno s amero rocynapcaaro nocronncraa .

06moc'rao nonnasm s namnxs synness , reprymnrnxs as as

mnxs rocynspc'rnaxs , nasscrnxn name ass - B o o nnornxs otinnaxs :

388 If: 73 . 1 590 ur .

4 Tam e (can np oonma) ocrussuxs reaapeas n nsners cusannare eemscrsa , sam sennuxs s ornaruxs y axs npm nrn s

H s a n a ‘I a n n e x s nons nponnerens nurs es are annu, nero

pyre au, as names recynapcaofi nnnecrs , any s pec-run , 064mm:

as rpsnerh samero sea - as,nerepaa y s acs uni on s , are , pans

uses , an nus neaoasnio aco sossparsrs : are no cn'hzane no

can nons . Mu cur-

aens same recynapcaes 01 030 a eesmaniocros s a s aspnun s sans yunary s no cenn

'saaencs , n o namesen- so aen rs nuns ace seaapars

'rs (ions nan n

'hfimes npoaenesas .

C aasannufi A n np o s H I e n n a x o s s nonysnns ace as cson py

ns, no. cynn y pyorea, asas nacrsysr s necens

'hnne ass

causes .

6. I I enz ers eemecrasnnare naepa as X e n n e r e p a x s , asas

xepeme seahors e , ours sreynsnnxenne cosspmens nennannunssamero sos - as s ecn eu arss r s efinrecras no em cros s spea

n'hpne nonre saneps ans as aamsns repent Mom s , ens npseuns

6u sanearo no rero apsnons nnn ornpaanenin no. nepatiuxs ro

aapens , s eropus crepsas ns rens naeps .

lI peas are nsnoropuonss nepaerai oemecraa sosaparnns cs eons rpysa, runs are cemec


rae naca uasors nporopofi n your-s eas eerhe s 'hns as py6.

6. H asm nuo n ens samero son - as sn orenne nacusne npn

nya narers caasannes eemecrno epars aecas na 6oumis cynnuno

nos nea‘hpnes nsn

'h, specs are namn rocrs rspns rs 6ensmie your

as nopoaosn aocas . I I oaa aroro nacs nin no dune nns n'luaeno

n rosaps arers crous as nacreamei asas , ons exerno nnarm

an acre nensrn . O snssennue namn nasm nue n enn npnssnn ers

nns ems eonsmis noyneecraa , ascram n sxs ernsaars as secns

cen rpy no m acs nsn'h. Tonapa arers (con

-rpn) no spouse

ns rcs as nams xs nepoxencraaxs as m en non secra'h, sretiu

ere nen no euro ausess rs (Sense, s'hns san s cannns nymne nu

nsmsxs recynspcns xs sanaceas .

B ama napcaas m esannas rpan ors , aeropyro nu, no 6parcnoi

moons samero sue- as as s ans , s ans npscxam nnn nams xs re

erst , s o users capsnu s yrnsps nenin, nyn nuxs nu es nar

cranrcxsnecrs . I‘

ocrnns namn s yrpen am s n norie nuorn n

seeps , sans re nonnepnas mars n m a, new f ans sans ocno

eea nenie ors enuxs samans sen - sens acorns ynaauaanecs sans

390 N! 74 .—169 1 1101 .

M 74. 1 591 I ron .

Mn yn e npea ae cero , mom ma: cecrpa, nncau as reo'h

namn rpanoru cs nocxanm ons raoero aex- na 3 t ani ous 0 : ar

nop on s n nams ora'hrs , o6m 1 0nnnfi eny namero nyl on ornocn

Ten no E p en sn I‘

o p cen, aoropnfi a rms as namens napcras

nan ny rocrs lm raoero an c- na as maoeras nxs arenra, n aexs

0063 as namaxs rocyaapcraaxs aocua nenopuonn o n mno .

O ns means as caonn s roaapamans n em onnenennnaans as na

cra rxh aopaom npnon aaaors as namn npncrann nacsna o roars ,

nroon naroroan n aopaon an npeanpiarin nopcaaro pasG oa n

rpaoea a m s ran aynnann, aorO pn e G yms xonymenn m rop

roam as nan nas rocynapcraaxs n oomcraxs na pany llanny.

I Incana arn 3a ero coocraennopynnom nom on o n ames no. n

no n nepeaenenn on us ass non annnxs raoero aez - aa E a a

n o n s C o y r e p o n s , aoropnfi 6m rom nons npn raoes s no

uanm h 9 a . Q n e r n e p s .

O ns am azes nepers ar . fi ne r -re p o rt s , nro oyxm npnexons nom nnnaon s ors raoaro aeJ - aa . O ns roaopnas 0 na

mn s rocyxapcraaxs , 0 n os 11 0 rank, n oo- na oecrpa nama ao

pox . E x n c a a e r a, a not ia a paannn aemn , aor0pnn nenpum o

na os ara na nncawb ; m paayanun 0 rol ls no poas acay n 0006

xnun 0 cel ls raoeny nocnannnay a r . Q x e r n e p y . O ns annal s

eme l aot in namn nenpnrozain ah a as namens napcra'h. O ns noa

oyaus nnoro pasAOpoas n npepeaanin nan ny nam n a mom

rocrm repeas caoa nerom n aponam . 3a ac'h arn nocryuau

ons sacxyz nxs cuepra . H o name aen- ao pan raoero an c - na ,

1 106- 03 cecrpa aopoa . E x a c a a e r a , ynoaom raoaaxnca rams ,nro ornycm n ero n orocnun as raoeuy aex - ay cs raomls no

cunm ons a r . Q x e r n e p o n s , no raoeng npomeniro, anpa

a ennony as raoefi rpanors ; n roma z e nncun as raoeny aen

ay, nro caaaannony E p e n sm ne nom a o 60m rosaom a nn'lsra

r'luo nn cs nammts napogons , an cs raouna rocrann, an namy

392 N: 75 . 1 59 1 lm .

6parcayro amooas a npiaans , no 1m melts G oasmel n oG an n upi ~

aann ors reoa, namea n oo- oi cecrpn aopox . E x n c a a e r n , ra

aofi, aaaan 6mmnea ay raous B ea -us n B . I‘. IL n B . It . H a a

n o n s B a c n a a e a n n e n s acea B occia , ornons nanm s .

B s rsas Jae caonxs rpuoraxs namema rn nus , n oo- an ce

crpa aopoa . E a n c a a e r a, o csoens nocaannna'h B r.

tb u r n e

p 13 , G y m eny 6mm oaasano 6e8necrie nam n npaaasnamn

momma n oyaro ero arses coaepm n na raas asas npeaam s

nocnoas raoero aeJ - aa; n oya o nama a pacnoxoaaenie as

raoeny B ea - ay ne raaoan , naamin on roam 6m ; n as rot s

rpeoyema aamero ora'hra : asa

'acrno an nus aaas ero conepm

an . E on raoe aex- ao aonems snars nams ora'ars nus na

B’B crno aaas ero coaepaaaan namn npnaasnn e man; a punk aronpnqnna w reoa npncnxara cma raom ronnons E p . I

o p

c e a?H npezane acero aacareaano E p . [

o p c e a mucus. rn as

nans , n oo- an cecrpa aopoa . E zncaaer a, 6mm ac'a ran ,


nero aonecennnn, 6m necnpaaep nan,n lxro 1m roam aa

6nrs name an nero neyaoaoxacraie, n nro rat eny noa'apnems nape

xars naus no. cxoaaxs ro , nro rat eny nopym a . PI no rony nan ny

E p . I‘

o p c en an caymaxn nepeas namnns coa'arous o raoeus no

cJ aannas B r . Qa e r ne p'h n o non paaxs ,

aoropn e rn cs nnns npa

cuna as naus , n oo- as cecrpa namn , n aoropnxs an ne npnnun, n

o roproaa'a raonxs rocrefi, nrodn nus 6m as m s m l ocrnanun

aaas npeaaae cero, no npeaanefi namenm oaannofi rpan or'h, aoropu

a s aana, aroon ans coaepz ars ee n nanpeaa G ees M ne

nix; n qroon mouun acsxs rhxs raoaxs non annnxs , aoropn e

m m arses (Seas paap'amenia raoero aea - aa; o non

-h rocrel rao

ero aea - aa , aorO pn t namn nouannn e a m an aaucaal n cs nus ,

a o rons , 6yaro A n r o n s Ma pms dams na nas nxs o6mecraan 6yaro noun aan caann cs raonxs caaaannnxs rocrel G ees npn

qnnn n nro Mapms aeas ah a roxaao m ce6a .

C nepaa xor'lun a n ac npnnuars raonxs rpanors , norol y nro

ons 6m nam cann n aanenarann na no roxy 06mm , asas rn

mann a npeaaae npn orn'h namen s , cmann n nm rn H a a n s B a

c n a s e a n n a, B . I‘

. IL n B . R . acen B occia , n aaas nnmyr s

as naxs m apyrie B ean ie vocyaapn nponacnaaa rm n namn

If: 74. 1 59 1 non . 393

cnom , a na norony nro rs rpanorunpnaeaenn G ama E p . I‘o p

c e e n s . H o , no npomenim namero mypnna, aonaomaro n G ann

naro G oapnna, nar hcrnnaa Raaancaaro a A crpaxancaaro B o p nc a G e ao p o a n n a P o ay n o a a, m raon rpanoru npnnua n

n'haoropn e nas name! m uan caymaxn pm raoero cayrn E p e

n'hn . PI m ros y manancs , nro ro ne coraacno cs nammts com

sous n apya ecraons , n raaoro asas. a n ors reG n ne oaanaaan;

no ayun a s , nro ace ro nanncano aaann n an G o raoun a n am n

G ees raoero alumna . Poaopnrca as raxs rpanoraxs o aen aons

G eanecrs'h, oaaaannons raoeny nocaannnay B r .(P a e r n e p y n

G yn o an arm . ne yaaaaaeus raoefi n oG an n np inann . E cm ons

nan aro 1 1)l nenpaaanao naa'amaers raoe aea - ao , ro ne ao

pomo fl amers a ne n eaaers npogouaenia namea G parcaofi AphG n . Mnme,cs caoencroponn ,

n oG - aa cecrpa aopoa . E a n c a a e r a ,m acus npoaoaa enin namefi npeJanea n oG an n apyzaecraa n yacan

qenin ea,11 nroG n ona G ama raaoaa aaas npn namens orn

'h, caaa

nn n 11m m. A nocaannnay raoexy 3 r .flut e rwe p y necrn oaasano

crouao Jae, caoasao G auo oaaaano rnom npeaanans nocnannn

aans . PI no r ims mamas , no aoropams ons nomaOpnauca a no

aoropams rn as caonxs rpanoraas s auna,

lrro G n eny aars ra

ayro Jae a‘hpy aaas reG 'a canon, ero ancaymnaun


noapo G no nams

aaanarefi H a a n s B a c n a a e a n n a T p a x a n i o r o a s n nams

ass as A n a p e n lII e a a a n o n s , aoropnfi aoroaapnaaacn cs am

0 wi ns mamas . PI noroxs aer i a l; eny , nocaannnay B r .tb n e r

n e p y am as H a a n y B a c n a a e a n q y P o ay n o a y namenynuscrnnay Paaancaony n as anasm H a a n y B a c n a a e a n n y

I II y fi c a o n y n as apyrmts nammts G aus am coasrnnaaxs ,

cs aoropm ons coasmaaca no ac'hns m o G ans , n namy my

rnxs asas a o a man neroxuxs E p e x s'h a A a r o n

'h,qroG n

npeaparnrs acaaoe neyaoaoascraie . PI as arox s , moG - as ce

orpa, n naacs nama n oG oas n nnnocra as reG 'a. xora rpeG oaa

nia raoero nocxannnaa G aun G or he am . no roro G nu m anne

B . B . F o r y n o n s G oapnas . rpo lopoauun G pars B O pnca O oaopoaana;

ero fi rs 11 o r p s a mans B o pnca R s 3 us l ‘pnro p seannn l‘

oaynoan G lu poa

a aaa G parunn; anaas H . B . 111 y fi c a i it, G oupuns , as nocr lucran naps .

394 N: 74 . 1 59 1 a n .

a n no noaoay raoaxs rocrea: ons rpeG oaus , nroG n I n om

m nanocra, man an namy napcayao rpanory noayao cs pac

npocrpaneniens axs noaoaanocrefi a an ac nom oaun . H pan

raoero aea - na,an m ocraao nom oaam raonxs rooren aerhn

pacnpocrpanara namy noaonanymrpanory no ac'has namus nap

craans Raaaacaouy, A crpaxaa caony a so. Racnificaoe (Kam a

caoe) nope as napcrao H epcnacaoe , a B yxapcaoe a I lI enaxan

caoe; a nocaaxa o rons yaasn ao ac'hns naman s m omm a

a nanaaann ns n ouns ao acens namens rocyaapcra'a o rocraxs

raoero aea - na, aaaaa ans cao G oay t han a ropra roaapoas , ra

ayto aaaoaofl ne users an omns napoxs . B ce ro an cab an a

ass aeanaoa n oG an namefi as reG 'B , namefi n oG - nol cecrp'h ao

poa . E a a c a a e r s . O G o ac'has araxs arxaxs a n m ean as

reG 'a as namnxs rpanoraxs ornpaaaennn xs cs raoans nocaannn

aons S r . Q x e r q e p o n s ; nos ers G n ra ons rhxs rpan ors ne

organs a ne ya'aaonaas 0 m s raoe aea - ao .


onens arors , nerom E p . P o p c e fi roaopaas nnoro G ea

aecrnaro a nannmaaas a noria nenpaam 0 m en aea - a'h;

oanaao zae an ne nanecxa eny naaaaoro G eaaecrsa a ecaa ons

roaopars nnoe, ro aro nenpaam. Mn aaaaan eny aem ie aopnn

npeanme apyraxs ; ero nopyneaie ocraaaaocs xoaoasno non o ne


,no npaaan

'a namnxs nam uxa asas . O rnocareasno

noaapaoas , npnaeaennn xs raonn s nocaannaaons , oan G n an na

raaoan nanio casaoman a an cs namefl croponn aoraa G yaens

ornpaaaara caoero nocaannaaa raazae yn enamnns namn nompaa .

Mn n ennen s , n oG - a'hfimaa cecrpa, npoaoxz enia nan ny am

G parcaofi n oG an a np iaann . A nncaaa rn nus , n oG—naa cecrpa ,

as caoaxs rpan oraxs cs E p . I‘

o p c e e n s a nun eny cao

aecnn fi npaaass o nont axs raoaxs rocrefi , G ym cs nnxs

G eas npnaa an aan caaaatorca G oaamie aoarn A n r . Ma p ma ,a G yaro rora A n r o n s roproaaas 3a caofi cners , a ne ans

cr'a cs o ecraoas : o G s aron s an yn e npen ae nacaaa reG 'a npo

crpannylo sanacay a raan e nonpo G no oG s acnaan raoeny nocxan

naay, naas eny nncsnennn fi yanas , aoropnfi namn am no cel y

may . H an ayaaens , nro nu rams noaaaaxa namy oco G ennya)

n oG oaa n aoG poe pacnoaox enie as reG 'h, namea n oG - oi cecrp'h, n o

ma s rah cs raoaxs non aaanxs,no axs pocnacaans , crhaoam

E auc a a e r a , pass ysnars aro ass raonxs ceaperapea nacaas n on

rpanoru, npncaannn a cs E p e n'h e n s a aro raas ynuus name

an a raryas nporaas roro asas G n ao aocer h as 06m i

9 ro nonn raa raonxs nom nnn xs aoen nrs neyaoaoasc'mie

a pasmps H en ry nana : na naas as ca'hayers oG pamars nam

nie . Mes ay namn G naa a loG oas a apyaaG a, aorOpyto a n s emen

xpaanrs n npoaoan ars raaoro aaaoaa ons G nu cs namans or

nons , caaanofl nansrn B. I‘

. II . n B. R . H a a n o n s B a c a a s e

a n n e x s aces Poccin . A aro no E p eus s , ons nans unscrensas myra asas nporaas nacs , raas a nporaas nocaannnaoas a

ronnoas . Taon room as 11m nroG n ero npacnxara as namysen ro . H e aonycrn ero nowhmars namea aro G aa a zpyz G

'B : ecxa

G yaema aoro as nans nocnaars , nepecnaai ca cs am nepess

oaoaxs xopomaxs moneth aor0pna G yaers craparsca a saG orars

ca 0 nporon aen in namefi n oG aa n npiasnn a 06s ea yap'hnxenin .

JIroG - as cecrpa, raoit roaens E p e n dsa roaOpaas namel gyn

'h, nro raas rooren, aoropn e z aayrs arises as namn s marb

nians , G yayaa raoann nom nnnna , G ess raoero asnous , nyz noan caars ass names seun . Mn na cie coasaoxaens a m an s

noaea'hnie anaara nxs rams , aony rm 0 cents aams npaaaas .

I Incano rocyaapcraia namero ao rumpus as ropoa'l: Mocaa'h

t hrs ors cosaania n ipa 7099 whoma I ron .

N 74.—1591 July .

Czar Theodore to Queen E lizab eth.

W e hav e heretofo re , lov ings s ister,wro te our letters un to

you b y your ma - ties emb assadour , G y l e s F l e t c h e r , toge

ther with our answere delyv ered him b y our conn cell touch

inge H i e r o m H o r s e y, who e hath lyv ed in our k ingdome

amongest your h . s marchaunts as the ire fac teur , b ehav inge him

self ia our sa yde d omin ion s v ery d isorder l ie and b ad lie . H e

hath written un to his compan ion s and men of his con sorte to

the place of the a rryvall o f shippes a t our portes, letters

Ri 74 1 59 1 non . 397

touchings the prepara tion o t'

shippes fo r the en terpryse o f p ira

cye an d ro b b erye of such merchaun tes as should e hav e access

fo r tra ffique to our k ingd omes and domin ion s uppon the ry ver

Dwina ; which letters are extan te und er his own e hand s , an d

are enterpre ted b y o ne o f your ma - ties sub jectes , J o h n S o wt e r whoe was en terpre ter to your amb assad our G y l e s F l e tc h e m

H e ha th v aunted tha t he should e b e imployed b y your ma

tie as an emb assadour b efo re G y l e s F l e t c h e r . H e ha th

S poken o f our k ingdomes , o fus and o f you, our lo v ings s iste r

queen e E l i z a b e t h, dy vers and sund ry thinges n o t titt to b e

comitted to wry tinge , which b y ex amina tio n we ha v e foundeouts an d therewith accuay n ted your amb assadour

, G y l e s

F l e t c h e r . H e ha th a lso commi tted ma ny o ther un seeme lie

notes in our k ingdoms . H e hath mo ved much co n ten tion an d

co n tro versie b e tween s our merchaun tes and yours with hislewde pra c t ises . F o r a ll which his b ehav iour he ha th deserv

ed dea th . B ut our ma - tie fo r your h . s sake,lov inge s ister

queene E l i z a b e t h , wa s con ten te to let h im passe , and sen te

him to your ma - tie b y your amb assadour G y l e s F l e t c h e r ,acco rd inge to your reques te men tio n ed in your le tters . A nd

therewith wro te to your ma - tie tha t the sayde H i e r o m

shoulde b e n os mo re permitted to hav e to do e with our p eop le

no r with your marchaun tes , n eythe r b e twix te your ma - tie and

us,to th

en d tha t our lo ve an d ame ty might no t b e impeached

b y the prac tise o f suche a sed itious person .

A l l which no twithstand inge , afterward s , the year fo lowingethis H i e r o m H o r s e y , who s b efo re ly ved heare as your

marchaun ts facteur , committinge man y lewde a ttemp ts and

mo v inge much con tro v ers ie , cometh in to our k ingdome as your

ma - ties emb assad our , n o t the o rd in ar ie way that he shoulde

have comme , b ut throughe P o lon is. a nd L ettowe , and soe to

our b o rder town s o f Smo len sky . The k inge o f P o lon ia an d

L ettowe and we b e inge b en t uppon trea ty o f peace and un e

tie , and b e inge uppo n the b orders of our con try , gav e himself

a con trary n ame . N o twithstand inge , our ofl‘

icers uppon the

b o rders k n ewe him to b e H i e r o m H o r s e y , that lowda fel

393 N: 74 .- 1 59 1 nox .

lowe which we sen te outs of our kyngdome for his ev il b eha

v iour . W e wrote un to you, lov ing sister , our owns letters

concern inge him,that y ouwould no t hereafter uppon any oc

casion send in to our contt y such a lewde v i llain as he is . I n

his comings hetherwarde it is well knowen unto us what he

d id in P o lon ia and L ettowe , where he used such speeches 0}

us and our k ingdoms as were no t meets for him to deals in ‘

for which his b ehav iour he deserved to have b eene putt to

death . B ut we make noe accompts of thaims ,b ut for your

ma - ties sak e comittsd him as our manner is to the custod ie

of our aucthorised people, and commaunded your letters to b e

receyv ed at his handes and his message to b e heard to th’ende .

A nd as for your ma- ties letters , they were directed to us

the emp . ,ab ridginge our stile and tytles of honor , which here

to fore your ma - tis in o ther your letters expressed at large.

Your sayde letters were sealed with your sign et or small seals ,which B i s r o m H o r s e y sayda was the seals of your ma

ties treasury . Un to our ma—tie , our b ro ther S aldan the Turcke ,the R omayn e E mpereur and other greats princes , writt un tous with all our style and tytlss of honor at large , and due

seals their letters with the irs greats seals o f Ina - tie ; an d wedoe the lyke to your ma - tie and to tho se greats pr inces , and

wryte our letters with your who le sty le , and seals theime withour greats sea ls . A nd thoughs these greats princes houlde 'b ro

therlie lov e and ametie with us , yet we looked fo r greater

love and amstis of you our lov ings sister , queen s E l i z a

b e t h, such as was b etween s your ma - tie and the gr . L . and

E mp . the gr . D . J o h n V a s i l l ewi c h o f all Russia , ourfather .

I n the same your letters , lov ings sister , queen E l i a a ~

b e t h, youwritte vn to us con cern inge your amb assadour , G y

l s a F l e t c h e r, as thoughs he should e hav e b eene dishono r

ab l is used b y our aucthorised people , and o therwyse then yourma - ties former amb as sad onrs hav e b een used here ; an d as

thoughs our lov e and affection toward s s your ma - ties shouldeb e otherwy se then it oughts to b e ; wherein you require ouranswers whe ther we were acqua yn ted with his usage . Yf

400 M 74 . 1 59 1 nor .

wri tte n b y some o f your secreto ries withouts your privetie .

The sayd letters mak e men tion o f greats dishon our doon s to

your emb assadour , G y l e s F l e t c h e r , as thoughs therin we

respected no t your lo v e and ametye . I f eyther he on any o ther

enfo rms your ma - tie un trewl ie o fus they doe no t wel l , neyther

doe they wishs the con tinuance of our b ro therl is smette . W e

fo r our parts , lo v ings sister , queene E l i a s h e t h , wishs fo r

the con tinuance o f our fo rmer lo ve and ametie with an encrease

thereof, an d such as was in the tyms o f our sayd father of fa

mous memory . A nd as fo r your amb assadour . G y l e s F l e t

c h e r,he had as much honour showed un to him as hath b eene

shewed to your fo rmer amb as sadors . A nd co ncern ing the affa i

rss whereof he treated , where in b y your le tters you wished

us to give him the lyk e cred itt as to yourself, he was hearde

at large b y our treaserour , J o h n V a s i l l ewi c h T ruh a n

n o t o v a , and b y our p r incip al] sscretar ie A n (1 r e a S h a l c a n ,

who s trea ted with him of a ll causes . A nd after tha twe gave order

un to your sayd e amb assado r , G y l e s F l e t c h e r , to repa ire to

J o h n V a s i l l cwi c h G e s d e n o v a , our deputie o f o ur territo

r ies o f R esan sko , and to J o h n V a s i l l o wi c h S h y s k oand to o thers o f our especya ll councellors , with whom he

d iscoursed o f a ll matters and do leances wha tsoe ver ; and amongest o ther ma tters of tho se v erle tts B i s r om and A n t h o n y

that a ll d isco n ten tmen t mights b e shutte uppe;where in , lo vings siste r, appeared our lo ve and favour toward s you, althoughe

your amb assado rs d emaund s were grea ter then herto fore hav eb eene mov ed touching your marchaun ts . H e required tha t weshoulde b e gra tious unto the ime in gev inge theime our princly

p riv iledge an ewe with an en largemen t , the which we graun ted . A nd fo r your ma - ties sake , we were soe gratyous to yourmarchaun ts tha t we appo in ted our letters of priviledge to b e

en larged throughout all our k ingdomes, and to Casan ,A stracan ,

and b eyond the Casp ian S ea , in to the k ingdoms of P ersia , and

r a k h a n i o t o ft ; A ndrewS t c h e l k a l o f f ; J . V. G o d o o n o f f

second cousin to B oris F edorovich: their grand fathers were b ro thers; P rinceJ . V. S 11 s o i s k o i afterward s elec ted czar , d ied a prisoner in Po land .

N: 74. 1 59 1 non.

B o gharia and S hamaky ,and n o tified the same. un to all our

customers and o fficers in our emp ire concern inge your ma- ties

marchaun ts , gev inge the ime lib ertie to traffiqus and trad e in

such so rts a s us e na tion do s the lyke : all whichwe hav e doo ns

fo r the grea ts lo v e we b ears un to you, our lo v ings sis ter ,

queene E l i z a b e t h . O f al l thes thingeswe wro tte un to you in

our letter s sen te b y your said amb assad o r , G y 1 e s F l e t c h e r ,which le tters it mayb e he hath no t delyvered nor made your

ma- tie acquayn ted therewith .

Muche d ishonour hathe b eene spoken and un truthes devys

ed again sts your ma—tis b y this messenger , this v erle tt

H i e r o m H o r s e y ; no twithstand inge we have d oo ns himuoe

d isgrace , an d if he repo rts o therwyse it is an un truth . W e

have ge v en h imhere la rge allowance ab ove o thers; his message

ha th b eene the longer unan swered b y reaso n o f our grea ts

occas io n s . C oncern inge your p resen ts b roughte b y your amb as

sador , they were n o t such as they should e b e ,and so s fo r

our parts when we sen d s our amb assado r will lykewyse a b ate

of ours .

W e desey re , moste lov ings s ister, tha t b ro therlis love an d

smette may b e con tinued b e twix ts us . A nd whe reas you, lo vinge sister ,writt un to us in your le tters b y B i s r o m H o r s e y ,

and gav e him o rder b y word s o f mouth touchiuge your march

aun ts d e b tee, a s thoughs there had b eene layde uppon the ime

greats deb tee o f A n t h o n y Ma r s h e s without cause , alled

gings that A n t h o n i s traded b y himself and no t with the

company , whereo f we wro tte you hereto fore a large no ta is

(no tice) and a lso satisfied your emb assadour at large , gev inge

him our o rder in wryt ings tha t we too ke in that ma tter ; wherein wee thinks we shewed our specyal l lo ve and kyndnes

towardss you, our lov ings sister,that where a grea ts somms

of mon ey b y b i lles o f y our sub jec ts wa s dewe , we a b ated to

our sub jects the half of the irs v ery princ ipa l]; i t is ver ifyfed

that A n t h o n y Ma r s h e b o rowed the money together with

your marchaun ts agen t, and dwelte toge ther with theime in

o n e house: uo twithstand inge , fo r your sak e , lo v ing s ister,and

a t the requests an d pe t it io n o f our b ro the r in laws,B o r i s F e


402 X: 74 .—1 59 1 rm

do rowich, master o f our hares , go vernour o f C asaan a nd A stra

can ; we d id cause our o fficers houshoulde , serv an ts and

marchauntes , to accepts of the sayde de b tee the one half, and

have a b ated the o ther half, and have caused the b illes to b e

de lyv ered to your merchaunts . A nd whatsoever was owingsb y our sub jects to your merchaun ts we order that the same

shoulde b e paid . Thus have we b eene gratyous to your march

aunts and geovsn theyme lib ertie to trad e in to our k ingd oms

withouts pay ings any customs , and for theirs agent and fac to rs

that remayne in our kingdoms we have geven orde r that

grea t care b e had of theme . Our said b rother in laws , mas tero f our horse , B o r i s F e d o r owi c h , b y our order in tha t

b ehaulf geo ven him,wilb s and is carefull for the ime in all

causes , and also our o ther officers of auc tho re tie , b y order and

comission goay en theime to that ends . A nd whensoever here

after your merchaun ts shall desyre aas istaunce o f our o ffi ce rs

in auctho retie and repay reth to theime , they sha lb e favo ra b le

to the im and defends theime .

F or your ma- tis wry te th your letters and rs ferrs th matters

to b e d elyvered b y wo rd s o f mouth b y such a v illa in as

B i s r o m H o r s e y it is no t the course to cause our lo v e and

ametie to continewe b y imploy ing in such affayres one that

we knows to b e a v il layne , and whom we sen te away out o f

our co n try fo r dyv s rs of his villanyes, go v ings him commannde

ment that he shoulde not returne hether aga ine . There fo re wewritt unto you nowe ngaya o of the same matter , b ecause weknows our fo rmer letters have b eene kepts from you. A nd

our conn cell delyvered him to your amb assador G y ] a s

F l e t c h e r , to b e b roughte home in your ma - ties d isgrace ,

which would have appeared un to youif our le tters had comme

to your handes; but they were kspte b acks b ecause your o ffi

cers do fa vour B i s r om.

A nd nowe , lov ing siste r, for your salts we have forb orne tolay our d isp ls sure uppon the sayd H i e r o m, and hav e suffred him to departe sp yne b y the Dwina , and sue to the sea,

hav ings sen te our letters downs to the sea syde un to yourma rchaun ts . W e pra y you, lo v inge sister , queene E l i s a b e t h,

404 N: 75 —1 59 1 m .

N 75. 1 59 1 I ron .

B . 9 . I ‘oaynoss aopay B apsem

Mnnocrito m m ro rocyaapa , naps a aea . anasa O e o ao p a

ll a a n o a aua , aeaaaaro rocyaapa , naps a sea . aaasa acea Poc

c in,B saamtipcaaro , Mocaoacaaro it upon. ors B o p uc a G e o

a o p o a n a a, ero ass - B a mypana, G oapnna aonromaro , aan'hcrnn

aa Rasancaaro a A crpaxancaaro .

B n a a a n y ropry B s p a e to , ropry sen sor y aasnanero

aoG poxhres an'himel rocyaapnnn E a a c a ae r n aopoacaan

A nraii caofi, Qpannyscaoh, l/I paanacaoi a ann xs as sass in.

H oaysus a uncano raoeh seem, as aoropons namema ,nro cs

aeanaoro paaocr iro noaym s n os nacano , as rsG 'h nocaannoe a

annnareasno apoucas ero ea sea - B y . PI nro namn rocrn womanon rhus nro

,aoraa onn noaxoaars as srhmnmts crpanans a

npacrarors as am , ans as aosaoaarors upncrynar t. as a s

croameny n noaoasno l y ropry a npon'hny axs roaapoas , asas

no cero ahaaaoca, a atten uators , npezaae trims oan nanny-rs aa

aoa roprs , noaynara cs G oramaus yG nraons napcaia aocas 1:

ann e roaapn no ancoamts asnans aaaeao anme axs croanocra

n nro no npnann-h raaoro npnnyzaaenis , oan roam saaepm atorca

y G epeross cs onacnocrsro sasan oaara na nyrn .—H anpeas as G y

aers aaaaeno noaora as Mark rocrefi ea aop . sea- as aopoaeaan

E a n c a a e r n ,.ne G yay

'rs onn nn


as neny npnnyzaaaerm,a as

cranyr s y naxs cnpamaaars nomannn nan ronrons , aaas G n ao

no cnxs nops : ace sro no nxs npomensro n nes oG aram yzas ae

a'b no orsozaars .

—.H morass ero sea - ao as nnxs

,uroG n us as

G esnoaoars anpeaa srnnn aaaana a aroG n nxs npnnara noas unaocraayio pyay. PI no raoeny npomeni to a G yny as naxs xoaa

raens y naps so ac'hxs ann xs cayaaaxs n cans G yny oaasstaara

an s caoe aoG poaaeaareasnoe coraacraie. P1 upomy reG a,B a s a

a n s .uopas B e p a e i , oG s aanrs cryrans ea ass - B a ,|rro a o G 'hnta

tocs mrhrs o s axs nones enie a, para sa sea - an aopoasann A n

raittcaott, apuy ea rocrett noas caoe noapoaarcaacrao n G yay as

mmuar t. axs aaas orG opnnxr. napcaaxs .nonett, no napcaony na

If: 75 . 1 59 1 ms . 405

aasy. PI no nosny pacnopaz eaito ac'h ero sen - as npaaasan e a

naaausnn e moan G yay-rs 0 m s a ir-b ra saG oryz

—napcaoe naaocra

aoe as anus m oaanse naaoraa raaoamts as G n aaao aaaoao un its .

A nro ecunacaas , nro na npacranam'h rocyaapean npnaasnn e

man npoaamrs caofi aocas no nanasy as na snasenayro ans asay

aueao anme croanocra a nro npanyataato rs ramnas rooren G para

rors aocas : a rd; npaaasnn e .noaa orpsaatorca , roaopars , nro ro

ro as ah am s , a nsnams cnon soon as apyrie roaapn a

rnaase npoaamrs cson aocas sumus roe-rat s as aensrn , no roay

Irero ons cronrs a aaas croars nhna na ranomnsa ranoaan'h;

G nas ons ao caxs nops aopors , a nn n]; npoaaerca raazae as

meao aaas ao acaaons anous users ; a asas oan cr0prytorca , a

as upanyx aarors nanoro noaynars aocas,a caop

‘he ocraaaamsero y ceG a . A norony aamm rocrans n

-lrrs cnpaaeaaaaaro no

aoaa raas aonocars . H asas napoaan fi yaass roro asmars,aro

G n npnnyaaaara axs , a aroG n ans noaynars no axs aoa'h a asas

saxorars , ocraaarsca npacranam'h nan ors'hsaaars .

A nro ao npeaaae G n ama xs nom ans a aoaroas , rpeG yennxs

cs samar s worst , 0 aens rn namema nans . B . I‘. II . a B . R .

O e o ao p s H a a n o a nus aaaas caoero aea - as oraaanyto 1m

aocrs a n oG oaa as aeaaayro moG oas ero aoG poa'hreasnoi cecrpn ,

aopoaeann A nraificaoa, a no noexy neaaaoaans ro a sacrynnaaecray

asas ya ass asa’

rs cs aamnxs roerei a npaaamaaoas as secs

aosrs Ma pma as yunary noaoaany, a apyryxo noaoaany aensno

as G para, a pocnacaa rocrea ans oraars .

P] as rors aonens aroG n nanpeas ea ass - as rocra as asao

aua cn yrn ass ay namn -s B . I

. II . a B . aaasens aces Poc

cia a ero aoG poa'hrersaoto cecrpono aopoa . E a a c a a e r o 10


as s - ao s c atters , aroG n noaeasno G nao aamn s rocrm nocry

nara as an roproaa'h cnpaaeaanao a aecrno , G ess oG nana a ay

aaacraa . A a an s G yay aoG poateaarenens npeas ac'hun apyrmm

noas aspa aaoro sro sea - as a oan ro cann yanam .

I laccua aea aaaro rocyaapa namero as ropoa'h Mocaa'h, vaca


iroaa 7099 .

B r.zospsneaaons sauil caons nepesoa'b npaG aueao : ,,csaaaol nanum“


406 JG 75 . 1 5 9 1 nor .

.U 75. 159 1 J i ll .

B oris F edorowich G odoonof to L. B urleigh.

B y the grace of the greats Lords E mperor and grea ts Duke

T h e o d o r E v a n owi c h great L o rds k ings and grea ts dukeo f all Russ ia, o f Vo lodomer , Muche etc . from B o r i s F e d o r e

wi c h his ma - ties b ro ther in laws , m- r o f his ho rse , gov ern or

of the territories of Casan and A stracan .

to W -m Lords B ur- g h e l e y L o rd high Threasurer to

the most ver tuous lad ie E l i z a b e t h Queens of E nglands ,F fraun ce , lrelande and o ther dominions .

1 receyved your L . letters wherein you wr itte tha t you

have receyved very joyfull is my letters sen te vn to you and

advysedl is red the ime and imparted the same vnto her ma - tie .

A n d that your merchaun ts fynde the ime selv es agrss vsd tha t

when they approch those partes and are aryved here they

are no t permitted to enter in to a fi tt and li b eral ] cores o f

b arter , traffique and exchaunge o f theirs comod ites as hereto

fore they havs doons but are compelled b efore they can en ter

in to any traft ue to accepts the emp .rs waxe and o ther

goodes at highs ra tes farre ab o ve theyre valewe to the ir grea ts

losses and that they are b y reason of this restrain ts lo nge

b oulden Vppon thes costes to their daunger ofwin tringe b y thewaye .—H ereafter there shalb e nee cause of o ffence geoven to the

merchaun ts of the queen s s ma - tie queens E l i z a b e t h, they

sha ll no t b e forced to any things neyther is there or sha lb e

any demaunde made of customs or de b tee, such thinges as

hav e b eene hereto fore d em anded ; all such thi nges have b eene

alredye vppon ther peticon and supplicacon comaunded to b ed ischa rged . 1 have so licimd his ma- tie for theim that they b e

no t tre b led hereafter for those matters and that a favora b le

hands b e onrysd over theime . A nd acco rd ings to your requestI wil b s a means to the emp .r for the ime in all other ocea

sions and will my self shews theime my favorab le coun tenance . A nd I pray you W -m L . B ur gh l s y to sign itls to her

408 N. 75 . 1 5 9 1 1 10 1 .

o r guy le . A n d I wilb e a fa vo re r o f theyme a b o v e a ll o thers

v nde r his ma - tis s auc tho re tis—the ime se lves sha ll see it .

W ri tten in our grea ts L : the empero rs c itie o f Mus k o in

the mo o n th o f Jul ie 7099 .

M 76. [592 J an. 14.

Queen E lizab eth to Czar Theodore.

R ight no b le a nd exce llen t p r in ce , W e haue rec eiued your

met - tie s le tte rs b rought ouer b y our merchan ts in the ir re tur no

o f the i r la s t v oyage from your port o f S . N icho las ; wh ich le t

te rs we haue aduisedly read an d con s ide red,and the re b y pe r

ce ius tha t your ma - ty do th grea tly mis l ike o f our la te imp lo yme n t o f J e r o m e H o r s e y in to your d omin io n s a s our mes

senger with our h - sse lette rs , and a lso tha t your ma - ty d o th

thin k s tha t we in our le tte rs sen t b y the sayd messenger haue

n o t o b serus d tha t due o rder o r re spec t wh ich apps rte in s d to

your p r in ce ly ma - ty , in the fo rms o f the . same le tte r , aswe l

touch in g the in la rgemen t o f your ma - t ies sti le an d titles o f ho

n o r,wh ich y our ma - ty expected to haue b ene there in mo re pa r t i

cula r ly expressed , a s a lso in the add ing o f our greatest sea ls

o r s ign e t o f arme s to the le tters which we sen d to so grea t a

p r in c e a s your ma - ty is : in an y of which po in ts we would

haue b en e v ery lo th will in gly to haue giuen iust cause o f

o ffen ce thereb y to our mo st dea re an d louin g b ro ther . A n d a s

touch ing the sa yd messe n ger J e r o m e H o r s e y we a re so ry

tha t co n tra ry to our expec tatio n he is fa llen in to your ma - t ie s

d isp lea sure , whom we min ds n o t to ma in te ine in an y h is s e

t io n s b y wh ich he ha th so in curred y our ma - t is s mis like

ye t tha t we had reaso n a t such time a s we sen t h im to your

ma - ty to v ss h is seruics a s our messenge r , we rs fer re our

selues to your pr in cely iudgsmen t, p raying your ma- ty to reduce

in to your minds the espec ia l] commen da t ion ,wh ich in your

le tte rs wr itten v n to v s in the yee re 1 585 , youma de o f the

o r s e y h is b ehauiour in your d omin io n s : a t

If: 76.—1 592 sun. 1 4 .

wh ich t ime your ma - ty was p leased to v se his seruics as your

me ssenger to v s,requir ing our answers o f y our letters to b e

rs tumed b y him and b y n on e o ther . Tha t imp loymen t, witho ther occas ion s taken b y your ma - ty to v se the seruics o f the

sayd J e r o m e H o r s e y (as namely in the yeere 1 587)when

your ma - ty sen t him to v s aga in s with your letters an d

p r in cely pr iuiledgs a t our request gran ted to our merchan ts

(for which we haue hereto fo re giuen than ks to your ma - ty ,

so dos we here b y re iterate our thank efulnesse fo r the same)moo ned v s to b e o f min ds , tha t we could n o t make cho ise o f

any o f our sub iects so fit a messenger to your ma - ty as he ,

whom your ma - ty had a t seuera ll times v aed v pon your own s

occas ion s in to this our rea lms . B ut least your h - sse should

co n tinue of the min ds that the le tters which you sen t b y our

amb as sador G i l e s F l e t c h e r (where in some men tion wasmade o f your con ce iusd d ispleasure aga in st the sayd H o r s e y)came n o t to our hands

,and tha t wee were kep t ign oran t of the

comp la in t which your ma - ty made there in against the sayd

H o r s e y ,we do n o t den y but tha t we were acquain ted as

well b y our amb a ssad eur as b y tho se letters o f some d isples

sure con cs iusd aga in st him b y your ma - tyz but your sayd let

ters giuing onely a sho r t gsnerall men tion of some misdemean

our committed b y him, exp ress ing n o par ticular s , we wereo f op in ion tha t this o ffen ce was n o t so ha in ous , as that it might

v tterly extinguish a ll your fo rmer pr in cely fauon r towardshim

, but that vpon his humb le submission to your ma - ty, o r

v pon b etter examin ation o f the matter o f the d isp leasure con

ce iusd aga in st h im,the o ffence might haue b eene either t e

mi tted,o r he thereo f might haue c leared himse lfs . A nd to tha t

end we were n o t one ly b y his great impo rtun ity long so llic it

cd , b ut b y the in tercessio n o f some o f our no b ility gluingcred it to his own s defence , we were in trea ted o n his b ehalfs

to vse his seruics o n ce aga in s in to Russ ia as our messenger

to your ma - ty, whereb y he might haue O ppor tunity to clears

himselfs and e ither b y his an swers o r b y his sub mission t e

couer your ma - ties fo rmer fauo r : whereun to our princely na

ture was meoued to yes ld , wishing the goo d o f our sub iec t so

4 10 if: 76. 1 592 sun. 14 .

farre fo o rth as his deser t might carry him o r his inuo ceuc ie

clears him.

Thus no b le prince , our mos t louing and dea rest b ro ther , it

may appea rs vn to your ma - ty how we were induced to v se

the seruice o f the sayd messenger , aswel] for the reconery of

your ma - ties fan e r towards h im ( if he had b ene found woo rthy o f it)as fo r exper ien ce o f the mans rs and fashion s of your

co nn trey , where he ha th b ene much co nusrsan t . B ut s ith b y

your ma - ties letters it appeareth that he ha th no t cleared him

selfe in your ma - ties s ight, we means n o t to v ss him in any

such pr ice hereafter .

A nd as touching your ma - ties co nceit o f the b reui tie whichwe v aed in the setting downs o f your ma - ties sti le and titles

o f hon our : as n o thing is fut ther from v s , then to ab r idge so

grea t and mighty a pr in ce o f the ho nour due vuto him (whomwe ho lds for his gr eatnesss to deserus more honour then weare a b le to giue him) so sha ll we need n o further no r surer

argumen t to clears v s of the susp ic ion o f the detracting from

your ma - ty any par t of your iust and p r ince ly hono r and great

nesse , then the con siderat ion o f our owns st ile,which is

thus con tracted,

v ide licet , E l i z a b e t h , b y the g r a c e o f

G o d Que e n s o f E n g l a n d , F r a n c e,

a n d I r e l a n d ,

d e fe n d e r o f th e fa i th e t c . W hich k ingdomes and domin

io n s o f ours are expressed b y these genera l] words, v idel icet ,

E n g l a n d , F r a n c e,a n d I r e l a n d : in sac ry o f which there

are ssus ra ll pr inc ipa lit ies , duked omes , ear ld omss , prouincss

and coun trsys : which b e ing seuera lly exp ressed would en large

much our sti le,an d make it o f grea t length; which b y our

progen itours ha th n o t b ene v sed : n o twithstand ing, we thinksi t n o d ishon our to v s

,compsnd iously to a b r idge the same in

al l our wr itings and letters wr itten to wha t p rin ce k ing o r poten ta te so eur . W hereupon we in ferre , that ho ld ing your ma

ties genera l] stile , we o ffer your h - sse no d ishon our in no t

expressing a l l the par ticular p rouin ces : a lb e it we can willingly con ten t our selfe , vpon the kn owledge of your usages and

customes,to o b serue that course , which your selfe sha ll thinks

mo st hon oura b le . A nd for the seal ing vp of our letters which

4 1 2 If: 76. 1 592 arm. 1 4 .

and ises : which d ifi‘

erences b y arb itrab le o rder were reducedto the summe o f 3000 rub b les , and so much should haue b eene

p ayed b y him as may appears b y your ma - ties conn cel l o r

magistrates of iustics b y v ery cred ib le in forma tion and testi

mony : and whereas also the sayd T ur n b ul l was further

inde b ted b y b il les o f his own hand to d iners of our sub iects

amoun tin g in the who le , to the summe o f 1 326 pounds , whichb il les are exemplified yuder our grea t seals of E ngland , an d

to b e sen t ouer with this b earer : of which sammee he hath

often promised paymen t : it may please your most ex cellent

ma - tie in your app roousd loue to in stice , to giue o rder to

your fauourab le co nn cell and magistrates , that tho se seusrall

deb ts may b e sa tisfied to our merchan ts and enhies ta out o f

the good s , merchand ise , and deb ts which are due to the state

o f the sayd T ur n b ul 1 : whereo f your ma - tie sha lb e informed

b y the agent o f our merchan ts .

W e trust we shall no t need to make any new request b ymo tion to your ma - ty that some o rder might b e tak en for the

find ing out o f the rest of our merchan ts good s seised to your

ma - ties v se in the han ds an d possession o f J o h n C h a p p e ltheir seruan t

,b e ing a thing gran ted , an d no doub t already

performed b y your ma - ties order . W e therfore in trea t your

ma - ty , that as conuen ien tly as may b e , satisfac tion or t e

cemmn se b e ginsu to our sa id merchants toward s the re

pairing o f the ir sundry grea t lo sse s aswel] therein as other

wise b y them o f la te sundry wayes susta ined .

A nd las tly , our mo st deare and louing b ro ther , as n o thingin a ll these our occa sio ns is to b e preferred b efore our en

t ire league and amitie , descending vpon v s as an inherit

an ce , in succession from b o th our ancestours and no b le pro

gen itours ( i): so let v s b e careful] on b o th sides b y a ll

good meanes to ho lds and con tinue the same to our posts

rity fo r euer . A nd if any mistak ing or errour o f e ither

side do rise,in no t accomp lish ing o f circumstances agreea b le

to the fashion of e ither o f our coun trsys and k ingdomes , let

the same vpo n our en terchangsa b le letters b e reco nc i led , that

our league and amitie b e no way impeached fo r any pa r

H 76. 1 592 as s . 14 . 41 3

ticul ar occasion wha tsoeuer . A nd thus we recommend your

ma - ty to the tuitio n of the most H igh .

F rom our ro yal] palace o f W hiteha ll the 1 4 o f J anuary ,

anno Domin i 1 59 1

B xaropom'hlmil l npenocxom'hlmil rocyraps .

Mn nox q rpanoru samero B er - B a npnnesenm nam n

rocraun npn noes-laments sosspamenin an m same! np l crann

O r . m as . I ‘paxo'm an m nnnxarsn no upon : 3 s npasy

r hn I ! M can . ycn'rpn asu's

,are same sex - no nectua n ero

soxum nocr hrnsto m erin o» nan E p e x'ha P e p c e s m.

ram m xhnia m. xaaecrs'b nemero rosna cs nnctuan s amero

m c- sa; l m ore n o name sex- ao naxorm , are in. name! rps

xor b nocxannofi c-r. crux -

r. manor -t , m as codm xn roro nope);

na m ys aa enia , x oropus cr hrye'rs cotim rart s t rpanorax

's as

raweuy napcxoxy sex - B y, nan ornocnrext no nponucan ia cnorna

noue'rnn x't rumors samero sex- B a, seropus , no m i nim rams

l y, ext rem e npomrca'

rr. norpotirrhe , ran 1: no ro nro x'x.

rpanorau , xoropn a 1m nocm aerrr. x1 . cror t t en ac i ty rocyrap lo

t ax: same sex- ao , cr b rom o (m eas ements) npnxozm namynern yro reptiorym rocyrapc

'rssnuyro nea rs . I lo odhm arm

cram m 073 0 1 5 s e rui n nax‘hpenia ran cnpasen n n i

nonon . r t ocxopd l enim s amero mm tmaro n m on-ren ame

tipers .‘I ro are xacasrcx ynoxany

'raro roma E p eu'ss P op c e a

n ! com i c“,n o

,31 . nporn nocrt namel y oa nranim, on

noman nor-t rrrhm. rams . Mn as narrhperm m um sar is

n oo m rhx's ero noo-mum 's , xoropn e sacryaun eny nen

xocrs samero sex- rs . H o n o n tnrkn noron . ynorpetim

ero n ssanix s amero norms n ro rpexr rorra 1m ornpasnn

ero x1 . nameny sex- B y, nperocrausen co6crsennouy namel yuapcnouy o ticyz renito ,

npocs name sex - no npnnoxm m o

M noporm n nouymemto numero G parcxaro coma n n

a ni mal -sanct ity s's cnomenisx's .

H nan ,.noG - ‘hhmifi n rpm tmifi G par s , as m en rocyrap

cra'h nerasno ynep

'r. nam-

r. nom nmm, n'hxro B r a t s “ . T y p n

G ym»; a namn rymumrhm c't um n noro npennparexscm

m as G on mnx's renea nnx

's cya n , seropus en's Gm Inn . ror

s en'r. as re speu norm Gm ux's npm muxox'

s rs nx'r. roproam s rim s ; m oan s cnopm ges t ru no rperel cxoxy eyryGm yn entmenn no cyn rn 3 rue . pyG r en; a say cr hrom o

ynxarm srn rem , rex's noz no yrocros'b pnrscs cont ry m

cyrm samero sex- B a no recurs rocros 'hpm 't noaasanin 's x

csu'hren crsax's ; a ran xpoirh roro crasannnfl Typ n G yu

Gm ems ross sn's pasn a n namn -s nominalulm no cc rsen

nopyunmrs csom pocnncxm , roxoxsmm soo G nre ro cyw1 326 (byn

-rent (crops), nanosnx pocnncna sacnnrhrsr scrsonann

samero rocyrapcrsennom neurm n G yry'rs orocxann cs rhn


xro nosese'n , nacrosmym rpanory; one nnoro pm oG 'hmar -


ymarnrt m rent rn. I I o arony G xarosou're , same npes ocxor

n'htlmee sex- no , no ncnn

'rannofi s toG sn csoefi n . cnpanemnso ~

crx, noner b rt nammrs G raronarea nmrs cos'hrnnxan a synt a x

na tocrn, “0651 Th pasnne roars G nu G n ynsaaenn nanmrs nyn

nturr. a nom nnnu's m nuyrnscrna, rosapos

'r. n xen on ,cocrar

uromnx's mrymec'rno cxasannaro Ty p n G yu ; o roux's same

sex- so G yrsre yr‘hroxrenn ares


rows namax‘t xynnos

's .

Mn nar'hexca nro nan ne ncrp

'h'rnrca nyzm snort oG pa

mart en n nameny sex- B y o's npocsG oro o emania xaaoro na G a .

pacnopsz enis us orn cxan is ocm ann x's rosspor

't , npnnarxes a

mm . namn“ rynnan n saxsaqennnxs n . nowy samero nex

sa , rorra onn G nu na pyxax's n so martinis nx

's cryrn B e a

n a ‘I a n n eu, ran ran a s are G ruo com osen ic samero sex

sa 1: nhposrno sro yn e n crhxano no nom i niro samero sea - B a.

I I o arony 1m yn oueu's same sex - no ,

uroG n , nan . nosxoxtno cso

p‘he , namn“ crasannn n xynnan G n o rano run yrousrsope


nie urn sosnarpaz renie as'

ris xnoris n remain norepn , m opn a


4 18 NE 76. 1 59 2 ans . 1 4 .

can nonecruram. no arony wh y, ran a no nnoruu's rpyrlnn

uyaaau'r. s

'r. nocx

'b rnee speu .

H sarcasm». maa anmitt n .noG - hllmih G par's namn , ran a n

no sc'b x'

z srnx'

x. rerun . ne cr'hryer s erasers irre anG o sums

s amero nornaro corosa n rpya scrna, nepememam m. nan no

nacrhrcrsy npeeucrnenno ors namnx'r. nperaonz. n G ramponnnxr.

pomrexei (i), npnr ozmrs c'rt oG 'hnxx cropou

't. nonesenis o conep

mania n npoxosz enin ero m nam n no'rounom. nas

'hnn . Hecruc'r. at es ratio creponn nponsofirer s neropasyxrhnie nu on nG

as spec's ncnoxnenic sero 1 1160 as no oG nm o oraoro m na

mnx'r. rocyrapcrs't , rs G yrers cie ycrpoeno upse t. oG trb n'

s nu

cen , q'roG n mun-s com n rpys ecrno m om oG pasox


s ne G nunapymaetm no xanoxy 611

'ro cxyualo an G in o . 3a cm no

pyuaen name sex- so 31 . oxpany B cennmns ro .

H er. namcro roporescxaro B en-museum rsepna (as l oaders»)

1 4 - ro Humps , e'

ra ors P . X . 1 59 1

Q. E lizab eth to Lord B oris Psodorowioh G ordino.

R ight hon o rab le . I t hath appeared vn to v s vppon theread ing and perv sing o f the letters la tely sen t vnto our h .s

from our deare and lov ing b ro ther , the empereur , in what parthis ma - ty to oke the late ymploymen t of our messenger H i er o m H o r s s y in our a ffa ires into Russia . W herein wee do sa lso fyn de the hon orab le endeuour, v sed b y y our lo rdshipsto appease his h . s . myslyke, and excep tion s ta ken aswell tothe person o f our messenger , as to our prince lye letters sen t

b y b ym; b o the o f which po intes , wee haue an swered in

our letters sen t b y this b earer d irected to our sa id lov ingb ro ther the emp .r vppon perv singe whereo f wee doub t no t

b ut his ma - ty wilb s well satisfied touching our sa id messenger , and fo rmer letter .

420 a! 77. 1 592 an . 1 4 .

A nd las tly co ns idering your no b le lynage , togethe r wi th

your grea t wisdoms ,and deser t hath mad e you a principa l]

coun se llo r , and d irec to r of the sta te o f so greats a mon arlre ,wherb y your adv ise and d irec tio n is fo llowed in all thinges

that doe concern s the same , was haue geven o rder to our

said pr inc ipa l counce lle r W i l l i a m Lo rd B ur g h l e y , L o :

highs thrcsaurs r of our realms of E ngland , tha t a s an y ocea

s ion shal l ar yse to the hinderan ce of the en te rcourse b e t

ween the is two con tryes , o r of the p riv iledgss graun ted b y his

ma - tis to our ma rchaun ts . that hee maye b y ad v ert isemen t

trea t with your L o : thers vppo n , which wee b y rea so n o f

our grea t prince ly affaires cann o t so conven ien tly at a ll tymes

doe with suche exped icion as the cause may require .

A nd thus with our princely comendations , wee hyd yourL o : farewe ll .

F rom our roya l] pa llace of W hiteha ll , the xi iij - th o f J a nu

a ry anno D omin i 1 59 1

.M 77. 1592 11 118. 14.

lloeronoqrenn'hnmin! H e's arenia x c yz renia noer

'hrncl rpan o

npxcrannoi n . nameuy rn c- ny or ; s amero roporaro 11m6:

ren naro G pa'

ra naps , nan yeuorp'hno nan ero sex- sour. npanara

nocrhrnxs noen xxa namero ronna E p e n‘b a I

o p e e n no namtn rr.

wh en m. Poccin . H e's rot a s rpanoru rm nun -r. no 'rrennoe

crapanie same yxnporsopm neyronoat crric ero rn c- sa a as

npisrnocrn , sosnnxmis no nosory xax-

r. i n sect-a s amero ronna,

ram. 11 namm rpaxo'rz , noexannnx

'r. c'r. nm . 110 e60m arm

np en eran ln run ornlmr in. m an rpanoru-t, nocxannn xr.

c'l. naeroxmm noerannen , ornpauennn n m. csasannouy na

meny n oG - xy G pary napro . H e coun'hnaexes , n o , no npoarenix

an , em sex- no yross ersopm ornoen'ren no m 1 . snmeynon

uaeuaro ronna, ran . a npen nxr. rpauon .

E 77. 1 59 2 mm. 1 4 . 42 ]

3s G raroeuom tl a s oG pas's M ercia samelt users npn as

sueniusamero xn'hnin n as G raronpisrnos neros s osan ie raeero

t h e m eme norm G n nosecrn x's napymenin coma nmya fin ,

eymecrsytomnx's nex ry rsrnm roeyrapetrs a mum (npn nears

an ncnoanm oG ssannocrs necrnaro n pasyxnaro cont ra - ea)m cur-aens ceG s oG ssannm npcrs can as namy rorosnocrs


s crows t hat , n ni t-heirs ys

'hpennoers , are are npousoms o or s

oeoG ennoh .no r 11 roG paro paenoxozcnis , soropns an scerra

mrhm n nporouxae'rs airb rs r s nai ls ; were i ts: no nams tt ro

cyrapcsofi npnpor'h nn orra ne seG t ex

's .

H am'

s rxasnn lt n nepxoann i cont r o l “ B n r s a x 's soprs

R G p .l s it, sepxosm m allet sopor sscrsa numero A nrxis , naesram s , or s spenena re spexean , nsrhmars o sam x

's nnesuax'


seropus Gm nepecsuaeun nen y can n m ornoetrrer s

no roprosn x's cnomenitt namnx'

s synnes's s


s namnx's crpa

saxs n o G aarocuonnn x's ycryrax

's samnxs npn naps s



now y crasannnx-s namn -s synnes


s . PI s arcasm. (are rm

npieusex's as s

'hpn'hfimee rosasarsl sc

rso sama M an a np io

m u rmurs), m s m a ca w, are an npnnm na eeG a no

xpos trrexserso namnx's erasann stx

's xynnos


s n sneaynmran ien p

'hmenie se'hx'

s ms an n sesxnxs paa pa're ers's


pn a G yryr s xacarscs nxs nan ux'

s roprosu . Mn cam el 's , nro

see are et h ane para s ees it noroxy eosnael rs ceG s nuns,a

supers as npee‘raneu's eosnasars ceG s , as see cie oG ssannoro sturs .

A rax's saws a n as exasannon namsh rpanorh, nncanno lt as

M a y nameuy G pary napro , ynousnyxn o n'hxo'mpn x


s roxrax's ,

cs‘hrynmnx's sass namnx '

s xynnax's , ran . it rpyrnirs namuxs

nom nnsnrs es n'hs oero B u su a p uG yu ,

non sens

no samero nerasno yxepmaro B's Pocc in , ro npocmrs sacs

oG pa'rursen (no emon y np edx cmy)as r im namurs rpanoraus

P] m man's , no npns nn

'h npuns'

ris B an nox's csoe swim-usanie n nonposnreaserso sc

'hx's rim . (autem org/moors), sro wh o

raxx e non sprnerca eya ren ito nameny , ro 1m ran-

s rsepxo

ys'hpenn as name! npnsepz ennoe

-rn as cnpanern soern n as as

meu's roG porrs paenor oz eniu x-s namtnrs xynnax

's para nae


n o as cam e l's nyzunu

's npoctrrs samero G raroetuonnaro

422 N: 77. arm. 1 4

enocn'hmscrsosan ix r s cnpasemnsoxy a cropk oxonuanito era

ro t han .

H as onen's so snnuanic as Tony, irre G s aroxaps nameuy Gu

ropornouy poronpouexoa reniro, same! sea son uyrpocru n ra

mmes sacryralrs su exami nes rxasnmrs cos'hrnns onrs n npa

nurexeu's roeyrapersa cros s sernsaro n oaapxa, n Irre norony

namn cont ra a paenopm nin nenor nm rea so selues rhraxs ro

eyrapcrnsnnn x's , nu run noncr

'B nie erasannoxy nameuy rus

noxy cos'hrnnny B u s s ! y repry B ep x em, se renel y sasnaaeto

numero nopoxesersa A rm in ,irroG n , sen G n noannuo xaxoe

nnG yrsmo r s napymenito cnomenin cnxs crpans an uproar.teritt nom osannnx

's ero sea - na namtnrs xynnan


s, on wh en

war s (in n enoensen 0 cents e's samero ascr ito; 1160 , no np tmnrh

namnx's m m xs rocyrapcxnx

's t hr s , m as xoateu'

s rat 's

yroG no so scares sperm cie mars es raao to noc

trlnnnoc'rito ,

nanosofi Jrhxo l os er s rpeG osars .

3a etn rs noet tm sans namn roeyrapcxis npns'h'rcrs is


ntaettcs e's samero sec-


Piss namero sopoxencnaro B elirraxsexaro rnopua , 14 sna ps

1 5 9 1 ( 1 59 2) rora .

424 N: 78.—1 592 sun. 1 5 .

is ho lden , their good s were taken b y the emp .e o ffi cers fo r his

h .sse cern ice a t such rates , as the sayd o fficers were d isposedto set vpon them, so ferre vnder their va lue , tha t the merch

an ts could n o t assen t to accep t o f those prices : which b e ingden ied , the sayd o fficers restra ined them o f a ll fur ther tra ffiquefo r the space o f three weekss , b y which meanes they werecompelled to yes ld vnto the ir demaund howvnwillingly secua r .

A no ther is , that our sayd merchan ts are dr inen to pay the .

emp . e o ffice rs customs fo r a ll such Russe money as they b rin gdowns from the Mosco to the sea side to emp loy there a t the

ma rt within the emp .s owns land ; which seemeth strange vn to

me , con s idering the same money is b rought from o ne p lace o f

the coun try to ano ther , and there imp loys d without an y tran s

po rt ouer of the sayd mo ney .

These in terruptio ns and impos itions seems not to stand withthe lib er ties o f the emp .s p riui ledges an d freedoms of the eu

tercourse , which should b e restra ined ne ither to t imes o r con

d it ions , but to b e free and a b so lute : whe reo f it may please

your L o : to b e aduissd , and to con tinue your hon oura b le course

ho lden b e tween s the emp . and her ma - ty , to reco n cile such

d ifferences as any occasion do th o ffer to the ir league o r traf

fique . Thus no t d oub ting of your L o : s furtherance here in , ]

humb ly take my leave o f your good lo rd ship .

F rom he r ma - ties ro ya l] pa lace o f W hiteha ll this 1 5 o f

J anua ry 1 59 1

432 N: 80 1 59 3 ans .

poas caasannaro ‘l a n n e a a Guru orn caann , genara organs: 1 »

gaa s r soero sea - B a B a 1 . p a oyuo cs roaapama .

C a yry raoero s ea - as O o n y Jl a n g a orocaua an cs na

meto rpan ororo Th is a s m en , aorO pn a s ons npadrus as

name rocygapc'

rao . lloaroe npedn aanie sroro ronna as namea s

rocygapcra'lt cayaaaocs no npaaan

'h (nosdmrw) npaon'ria rocrefi

'raoero sea - as ors a opcaaro npacranama .

Ilucane rocygapcraia nemero ao Jumps as ropog'h Mocm

ultra ors cosgania n ipa 71 0 1 (71 1 2) l ’hcana anaapa .

N 80. 1 593 J an .

Czar Theodore to Q. E lizab eth .

L o v inge s is te r , your m- ies lettres sen t b y your servan t

T h o ma s L y n d e , wee have receyv ed and read what youhaue wr itten in the same touch in gs our lytle an d style o fh on

no r an d towch ing your o rder ho lden in the se il ings o f your

le ttres here to fo re se nte vuto v s b y our serv ants J h e r o m H o r

s e y, wher in your ma - t ie ha th aun swered v s sufl‘

ic ien tlye and

mo st gra c iously . W ee a lso cs rtefyed youmo st lov ing sister

queen E l i z a b e t h con cern ynge H i e r o m H o r s e y his mis

demean o r in our domin i o n hereto fo re suffi c ien tly an d gyv en

to your ma - ties M b afl S G d O I ‘e G y l e s F l e t c h e r to yuder

s tan ds that it might b e appa ran t and throughlye kn own s to

your ma - tie . S oe tha t herea fter there b e o ffered no occas ion o f

suc h lyke o ffen ce b etwixte your h .s and v s and a lsos that here

a fte r ther may noe suche tro b lesome person b e sen t in to our

domin ion s . Our letters which we sen te b y the amb assado r G i

l e s F l e t c h e r v n to your ma - tie dec lare at large the misde

meano r o f the sayde H o r s e y b e ings as it seemeth kep t from

your m- ies s ight or kn owledge , fo r that afte r the send ing o f

our sa ide lettres b y your amb assado r G i l e s F l e c h e r the

sayde H i e r o m H o r s e y came aga ine in to our domin ions no t

acco rd ing to the oulde accustomcd ma n ner b ut throughe the


f: 80 .

—1 593 ans . 435

dukedoms o f L e ttowe chaunginge his name,and b rought to

our ma - t ie a le ttre from your h .s n o t written acco rd ing to your

ma - tie acco stomed p rin cely manner . Therefo re wee wish an d

d e syre your ma - tie hereafter to sen d v s no p erso n o f such b e

hav ior,that our {fren dsh ipp an d a mi tye may contynewe and

remayne as hereto fo re it hath donne b etwixt your ma—tie and

our p redecesso rs .

A nd whereas your ma - tie hath wr itten in your lettres co n

c ern ing the good s o f W - m T rum b ul l la te decea sed in our

k ingdoms tha t your sub iects fo r whoms he was fac to r shewlde

haue de b tes growings dewe vuto them from him b y as

comp te . W ee a t your ma - ties request hav e caused no t o n e ly

o rd er to b e taken b ut fo r your h .s sake lov ing s ister wee

haue caused tho se go odes to b e sought out an d delinered v n to

your merchaun ts agen t and h is compan ie togithe r with his


e,b ook es o f accomptes b illes and wrytings a s a lso read y

mo n ey to the v a lue o f 600 ro b les wh ich C h r i s t o f e r H o l

m e s aud P r aun c e s C h e r r y s a re to pays v n to the suyde

W m. T rum b ul l fo r Yka rye ( caviar). A nd wee haue a lso

se tt a t lib e r ty the seyde T r um b ul l e s k in seman R e y n o l d

K i t c h i n an d his fe lowes and delinered them to your march

aun ts agen tt .

A nd fur ther when s your ma - tie wro tte vuto v s fo r suche

your sub iec ts as haue departed out o f your ma- ies rea lms se

cretly without l icen ce that we shoulde gea ve o rder to sen d

them home . A s co n cernynge suche your sub iects fo r which

youhav e wr itten vn to our ma - is b y letters wee will cause

searchs to b e mad e and suche o f them a s are willings to goehome in to your k ingdome wee will comaun de forth with to

b e de lin ered v n to your marchaun ts agen t an d so to passe an d

suche o f your ma - tie p eople as have gyven themse lfes v nder

our gouern emen t as sub iec ts v n to v s wee thinke yt n o t re

quisite to graun te to lett them passe .

A n d further wher your ma - tie ha th wr i tten v n to v s con


ernynge the good s o f J o h n C h a p p e l l wee haue wr ittenyouhe re to fo re the who le d isccurse thero f n o t on ce b ut sun

d rye tymes an d there fo r e it ya no t n eed full to wr ite a n y mo reas

434 N: 80 . 1 5 9 3 us e

thereo f a nd suche go od es as we re foun de out o f the go od s

o f the sayde C h a p e l ] the mo n ey thereo f was resto red to

your ma - ies peop le W- m T r um b ul l an d his fe lowes .

Your ma - ties servaun t this b earer T h o m a s L y n d e wehaue sen t with our lettres the same ways he came in to our

k ingdoms , the longe a b yd inge here o f the sayde messen ger in

our domin ion s was fo r the comings v p o f your ma - ies march

aun ts from the sea port .

W r itten in our prin clye pa llace and roya l! seats , in the

c itie o f Musk o in the year s o f the wo rlds 71 01 (71 1 1) in themoneth o f J a nuar ys .

M 81 . 1593 an s.

B . 9 . I 'ogynoas noporesnh E n sure-rt .

B cenpeca'hrr lsamaa aopoaeana E a a c a a e r a A n rzii cm ,

<I>pannyscaaa a I/I pxangcaaa .

E ro napcaaro sea - as cayra, 6oapans a nontotni i a gaopenxil

a npaaa'

rens Kasancnii a A c'rpaxancnii B O p a c s O s g o p o a n q s


o g y n o a s'

raoeuy npsaocxogn oay sea - B y, serum rocygapnna

aopoaeana E x a c a a e r a, nnsao n anae'rca .

Yrogno 6am raoetty B ea - B y nanaca'

rs nom narocraaoe raoe

rocygap cnoe nacsno cs'rsomts cayro to G o n o n JI a n g ous , no

ropoc na csno a nouym s co acanaus cunpenieus . B s tin -


raoero ronna 9 0 1m JI a n g a arises as Mocaa'b , B ory yrogno 5a110 no E ro unuocepgiro a no nom aaus I ‘ocnos a named B oa iei

Marepa a scan C aarn xs a rocygapa a naps G e o g O p a H a a

n o a a a a aces Poccin cauogeps na , npaaocaaanaro acnoa'hgnn a n


rem Xpacra, nacnocaars napan'h name! a m ocraaol rocy

gapn n'b If] p a a s , as neuron pagocra a y


r'hx'h napcraa numero ,

anamny napeaennyto G e o g o c i e a. 3a trro nut aosgaens scaayto

aecrs a craay soenorymeuy B ory neaspeaennouy , Ko ero gapu69

436 N: 81 . 1 593 ans .

crea cs roaapanm,a cs gensraaa 600 pydxaa a caasannaro

p n 6y xm

Id 0'

raoaxs rocraxs a 6ygy md rrs aeranoe nonenenie a 6ygy

samamars nxs,aroon ona a s


'hr a y6n raoas as caoe! rop

roaa'la a B osnia '

roprs roaapatm arts 6ygers cao60geas .

I lacano as rocygapa namero , ero napcaaro sea - B a , rocygape

sons ropog'lt Mocaa'a, as min-

a or s corsopenid n ipa 710 1 (71 1 1)a

'hsane Slanapa .

.M 81 . 1593 J an .

B . P . G odoonof? to Queen E lizab eth .

Mo st resp len den t queene E l i s a b e t h o f E nglan d ,F raunce

a nd I re lan d .

H is p rince ly ma- t ie serv ant lo rds and m.r o f his ho rse a nd

highs steward o f his howse and presiden t o f the te rr ito ries o f

Kasan and A strak an B o r i s F f e d o r o v i c h G o d e n n o ue

v n to your mo st exce llen t ma - tie grea t lad ie queen e E l i z a

b e t h,my humb le comen dacon s .

I t ha th p leased your ma - tie to write vn to me your gra

tious a nd pr in ce ly letter b y your serv aun t T h o m a s L y n d e

which le ttre I recey ved with a ll humb len es . Da r ings the

tyms o f the a b o ade o f your messenger T h o m a s L y n d e heere

in the Mo sk ow,it p leased G od o f his merc ifullnes an d our

L a d ie the Mo ther o f G od an d ho ly S a inctes b y the praiers o f

our lord s and k ings T h e o d o r e I v a n o v i c h o v er a ll R o s

sia gouern or the r ight b eleev er and lo ver o f Christe to sende

our queen s an d gra tious lad ie B r i n y to the great ioye and

comfo r ts o f our k ingdoms a p rin ces n amed F fc o d 0 c i a . W her

fo re we giue a ll hono r and glo r ie to the almighty G od vnspealt

a b le W ho se guiftes haue b een man ifo ld with merc ie vn to v s,

fo r which a ll we Christian s laud s a nd p ra ise G o d

‘ l T h e o d o s i a was b o rn on the l t - th o f June 1 59?

N: 81 .—1 59 3 ans . 437

A fter a l l this your serv an t was o cca s io n ed to s tey v n tyl l

the comings o f your ma rchaun ts from the sea po rte . W he ra s

your h . s wro te to me in y our let ter mo st lo v inglie an d fre nd

lye towchinge the le tters which youhaue receyv ed from your

lo v inge b ro ther our lo rd s a nd m. r b y your emb a ssado r wherin yowperceyv e suffic ien tl ie my go od mean e inge , in tra v a ils

ing fo r the con tynuaun ce of amy tie and frend ship b e twix t

yow mighty greats princes , in the which I will con ty newe

myn e sndev o r .

A lso your marchaun ts I hav e taken in to my pro tecc o n fo r

t o defend them for the lo v e I b ears v n to your ma - tie a n d as

heerto fo re I ha ve don e y t willingly an d with great ca re o f the ir

goo d : see I mean s to con tynue so e fa r as G o d will g iue me

leav e . To the end tha t b ro ther ly lo v e ma ie b e ho ld e n b s twen e

yow pr inces without d istur b an ce .

A s I hav e b en e to your marchaun ts in tymes p ast so e n ow

b y the permission and comanud emen t o f our lo rd and m. r I

wilb e the ir defende r in a ll cawses,

and will cause a ll our

auctho r ized peop le to fa v o r them an d to d efen d them a nd to

gins them free l ib er tie to b uy and sell a t the ir p lea sure . T he

merchaun ts do e no t cer tifie your p rin ce ly ma - tie o f a ll our

frend sh ip a nd fa v o r shewed vuto them from tyme to tyms .

A n d wheras your ma - tie ha th n owe written to our lo rd s

a nd m .r fo r the de b ts which your ma rchaun ts ought to hav e

o f W i l l i a m T r um b ul l la te d ec ea sed,I hav ings p er v sed

your ma - tie le tter wher b y I am required to b e a meanes fo r

the reco v ery and o b tay ne inge their sa id de b ts, I hav e mo v ed yt

to our lo rd and k ings his ma - tie tha t o rder ma ie b e g iv e n

ther in,and tha t his k in sema n R e y g n o l d K y t c h i n with three

per son es mo re ma ie b e sen t o v er togea ther with the sa id T r a m

b a l l his sta ffs,an d o ther things as b ille s b oo kes a n d wry te

ings , a l l which sha lb e d e ly ve red to your marchaun ts age n t.

and h is fe llowes , an d in mon ey 600 rub b e ls o f the sa id T rum

b a l l s .

A n d fo r y our ma rchaun ts I will hav e a g rea t c a re o v e r

them; a nd p ro te c t. them whe rhy the y sha ll an tle r n o o d ama g s

4 38 N: 81 . 1 5 9 3 sun

in the ir trad e and a ll k ind o f tra ffique in ma rchand iz sha lb e a t

the ir lib ertie .

W r itte n in our lo rd an d k ings ma - t ie ro y a l l c ittie o f Mo sko

in the yea rs from the b eg in inge o f the wo r ld 71 0 1 (71 1 1) inthe mo ne th o f J a nua rys .

M 82. 1 593 H a s .

B . 9 . Pogynoas xopgy E epr om.

l/I ss nacana raeero sa tay , nro noca'hgn ie aspaGm aamaxs ro

erst! aosaparngacs G ramnoayano n nro ru noryqaas nocaaanus

an a rms cs (la p a n n a c a o n slI e p n rpanoru: ogny ors namero


. I I . a B . It . aces P occin as ea sex- B y aopo s ean'l; named ,


gpyryro ors mean as ea an c - ay a ogny ors a ens as re6'li . H rn

scalar s cogspzaauie o noa npoaecrs a x0pomo se aupasyn'lus . A

are as neit naeano o E p e n s -b I‘

o p c e s , ro rn pasuca aaaus no

neny ons as aeaaaotl onairh A ea ans - no as caoeli rpan or'l; na

rana o caoero B ea - as aynnaxs , qro raas aaas a axs asass as

caoro odopony , ona ro necsna n otiareasno a aacaoao npienucr s ,trro onn pagu ea nogynana rog aayto auroora

A 061 . y6n raaxs a sagepzaaniaxs ,aor 0pn e aama rocra norep

n'lun ors napca axs npaaasnstxs a naaaamn xs mogelt a nro m

as 1 589 may rpn aeg'ana a s gaaaxa noaoasnaro roppa y nop

caaro npacrannma ; a re cayaaaoca 6ess nona a no neg itnia ero

napcaa ro sea - ea . A aro aouems a s eason". arson nemgy ero

napcann s sea - a s a ea r opsa . neg - a s 1 1060 131. a gpyzada n aaorga

no napymaa aes , no npogoazaaaacs; a np ocama a ens , aroma a

dams n anocrans as A nraiilcanns rosraus , a ofioponaxs uxs na

apega ors acaaaxs yon raoas . H a as sron s anaaareasao passa o

rp'Ius raos nncano ; a B ory asa

'b crno , nro aaas npeaage cero a

G rass , raas a anepegs cs aemao to pagocriro a oxororo G ygy xoga

raens sa colir togenie 6parcaofi n ooaa a gpyattist neargy nannnts

rocygapeus , ero napcaans neg - as , a B arnett aexnao lt rocygapa

no tt, ea aopox . ans - a s , a r o t

m npomy g'in ara mas ts . O guo noo

1 40 If: 82 . 15 93 an s .

N 82. 1593 J an.

B . P. G odoonoff to L . B urghley.

l pe rec ias b y your letter tha t your merchan ts las t shippes

c ame home in saftie , and tha t you haue rece iued the le tters

sen t b y the hands of F r a n c i s C h e r i e,o n e from our lo rd

an d grea t k ing o f a ll Russ ia his ma - ty v n to your queenssmo st exce llent ma - ty , a nd o ne from me to her h .sse

,and on e

from my se lfe to you: an d the co n ten ts the reo f you haue

caused to b e read an d wel l v n d ersto od a t la rge . A n d wha t

so euer is there in wr itten conce rn ing J e r o m e H o r s e y , you

haue sought out the groun d thereo f,

and tha t he is in gr ea t

d isplea sure . A nd her h . sse ha th wr itten in her le tter co ncern

ing he r ma- ties merchan ts , tha t wherea s I haue taken them

in to pro tec tion , she taketh it v ery louingly and k indely , tha t

fo r he r sake they haue reco ined so great k indnesse .

A nd touching the damage s and hinde ran ces which your

merchaun ts haue susta in ed b y mean es of the emp .s autho ris

ed p eople an d o fficers , an d tha t they were n o t permitted to


tke a t l ib er tie a t the sea po r t in the yeere 1 589 fo r the

space o f three washes , it ha th b eene aga in st the emp .a ma

ties will a nd p leasure , as a lso aga inst mine . W here you de

s ire an d wish that b etween s our emp .a ma - tie,an d your queen

es ma - tie , the ir loue and amitie may n o t b ee sepa ra ted a t

an y t ime , but to co n tinue : and you reques t mee that I should

b e go od vn to the E nglish marchan ts , and to defen d them from

a ll such damages hereafter : your ho n ours louing le tter [ haue

the re in tho roughly co n s idered : a n d as I haue b en e he re to fo re ,

so I will co n tinue to b e a mean s b e twixt our lord s and k ingsma - t ie and your grea t lad ie the queens her h . sse , fo r the ma in

teyn ing o f b ro therly loue and amitie,mo st io y fully and wil

ling ly , as G od kn oweth, aswel hereafter as I haue b ene he

reto fore : pray in g you to d oe the l ike also . Min e o n e ly de

s ire is fo r your most excellen t prin cesse as ks , to d o a ll tha t

lye th in mee fo r the ayd ing ,he lp ing and p ro tecting o f her

N9. 82 - 1 59 3 a ns . 44 1

ma—ties mercha n ts b y the o rder and commaundeman t o f our lo rd

and k ing his tn a - t ie .

A nd to tha t ends I haue ginsu o rd er to a ll our autho r ised

peop le to b ee ca refull oue r them a nd to defends them in a l l

causes, and to glue them free l ib er tie to tra tl

icke a t the ir own swilles and p leasures . I t ma y b ee that your merchan ts d oe no t

certifie you the trueth o f a ll things , no r make k nowen v n to

your ho nour my read inesse to pro tect them: A nd howe my letters and commiss ion s are sent to a ll autho rised peop le for them,

tha t they shoulde ayde a nd a ss is t them a cco rd ing to the te

nour o f my le tters , to a ll o thers tha t b e in autho ritie vn de r

the sa id o fficers o r o therwise .

A lso your ho n our wr ite th o f the de b arring o f your merch

a n ts a t the sea po rt from their accustomed lib ertie o f en ter

cha ngea b le trafficks an d b artar . Touch ing .which comp la in t

sea rch an d inquis i tio n hath b en e made , an d commaundemen t

giuen , that your queens s ma - ties merchan ts a t the seas ide ,an d


a ll places where the trade is , doe n o t susta ins any domage

o r hinderance herea fter,b a t tha t they sk a lb o a t l ib ertie with

out an y h inde ring o r le tting , e ithe r in the Mo sco,the trea sur e

house,o r else where b y any o f our autho r ised p eop le , b ut a b

so lute ly to b ee at free l ib ertie a t the ir own s will and p lea sure .

A nd a lso I will con tinue to b e the ir pro te c tour and defend our

in a ll causes , b y our lo rds and k ings ma - ties o rder and com

maundemen t : as it shal l b e knowen and certified you b y your

peop le res iden t here in the Mo sco .

W r itten in our k ings ma - ties roya ll s itie o f Moses from the

b eginnn ig o f the wo rld 71 0 1 years , in the mo neth o f J anua ry .

1 1 O N ! QB J E H I E

18. 1 569 sup . 1 . loan s as E xacauer l; (P a a ep r s)

iron . 20 . E ro a s as not a s (C o aa a s)

in n . 20 . Era s e as aell xewo a a n s).Spam . I n . Cotton. Nor-o . B . at]. 316—317.

O raran goroaopa I oanaa cs E xacaaeroto .

22 . 1 570 nan H acrauenia As sur ancony.

r an 6. H pocsda nocxannn a C o auna

H ours are a s

3anacaa o nous

man 18. l‘

puora E n caae'm as I oanny (C o aun s).

E a n o as neny ate , m om s (C o r n s)

tu . 1 5 . D ream l‘

ogcgona a B éppoy as nap»

oar . 24 . rpan oruI oanna as E nco re-


llougon. nonon our.

29 . 1 571 (Sens ors o nocmas h enaancona

I I pocsda aynnoas no sexy cryaato

iron . 2 . I‘

paa ora E n caaern as I oannydlx s n a a n co n s)omp ~axu

loan s as


E n caaer b (B e er s)l ougoui . uopoa. apx.

88. 1 572 aapr . 28. .llaunn e neperoaopn I oanna cs Mean ncoaons as

usacangp oacao l cr odogs .

r an 18. Taaoan o a s noperompn as (humans .

nan I‘

pano'ra loan s as E n caaer

'lt (lin e n a a n c o n s).

J ot-goo . upon. an .

86. 1 574 oar. 20 . E ro a s as net a s (Cu s a e c r p s)J a rgon. upon. an .

88. 1 575 no: H acraat snia E n canern C an ascrpy

llonoxaoaio as nus

3a1rlrraa o nepegaas I oaaaous npausaia usp to Kassuoacaouy C aueony B eatiyaaroan tty

O PJ A B J E H I E . 1 1 1


89 . 1 575 s ons. 29 . Pas s I oaaaa C axs socrpy as Mount

40. 1 576 a s s . 29 . Pasroaops I oaana cs C an nes-mous

4 1 . 1 582 n an l‘

paa ora loan s as E xaeaas'rh (I luc en ca i ll)

Para lI aceucaaro

H ana rs gm paaroaopa E racaasrucs I lacsncaaus

,llonoraarsrsan a crar sa goroaopa lonnas cs E ncarta-o ro .

com cs It! 21.

45 . 1 583 nan H acraaxsa ia cspy E pea'lno B aycy

iron . 1 9 .,llonoxaenie as nu s

3an nuureasnaa as anus crarsa .

H epeaens sro s acramsnifi

iron . 5 . I'

pan ora o 5urin sapa Epem B ayca nouaaauaous

in n 8. I‘

pan ora manua ls E racaaern as I oaany (B a yo s)

iron . 1 9 . E a a s as s exy a s (B a yes).

52 . 1 584 aar. 1 2 lI acs tto mpa Epeu'ss B ayca

E ro m otin .

54 . 1 585 a apr . 2 1 ll auars o np issgs B an ana

iron. 9 . l‘

pan ora E racaaern as B eogopy (B e ama s s)

err. 1 5 . E sp asa G ogopoaaaa I‘

ogynoaa as I‘

O pceto

sear . O eogopa as E ncarta-

ta (P o p ce ll).

58. 1 586 uapr . 28. E n caaern as O oogopy (P o p c s ll).

napr . 24 . E a me as napun'it Kpa na (P o p o s it).

0 1 1 588 iron . 6. E uare as G oogOpy (th e r ao p s)

E a a s as B . 8. Pogyaoay (d ue r a ep s)Tm no, err. 33 .

63 . 1 589 ans . E a a s as Oeogom (M a tt er s)Tm no . on . 50.

E a t o as B . 9 . I‘

ogyaosy (Ma r en ).

90 . 1 589 B . 9 . 1‘

ogynosa as I‘


IV oruaaam .

85 . 1 589 naps . 23. E n caae'rn as O ooaOpy (B o yas)c m. on e . O n t -n u, up. 10 .

anp . 80 . E a n o as non Jae (X p a c r ooe p s)Tans t o, en 95 .

anp . 81 E a 3 8 as an y s o (B e a a a a s).

Tans no, cap . 18.

9 001 0» as E aacaaers (Qa en ep s )Tan a t , m . 48

B . 9 . Poayaoaa as E n caaers (Qaeu ep s).

Tm no, on . 82 .

70 . 1 590 . aup . 1 . E xam as O eoaopy (Po p co l ).

E a n o as B . 6 . Poayaoay (P o p oo t )

JI O paa B épaea as may n o . (P op es ! )

E ucaae'ra as O ooaopy. (Town ).

74. 1 59 1 im . Oeoaopa as E n caaerfi. (H ep p a)

B . 9 . Poayaoaa as mpg B épaen . (Kap p a).

78. 1 592 mm. 1 4 . Eucum a as O ooaopy. (ll - a xs)

E a s o as B . 9 . Pom ony. (J anus )

n a. 1 5 l opp B epaea as ma y n o . (B an s)

E ro s o as neny n o . (Me p p a a s)

80. 1 59 8 m . 0001 0» as E n caaorh. (I nn s)

B . 8. Pom ona as no! s o. (I nn s).

E ra s o as mpg B épxen . (J a nus)

H as ucaa mmooaaaaeaanxs 82 aoaya ea'roas coa s mums Ioan a ena

caaucs nom aaaaoas . xpaaamaxca as J ouoacaoas aopoxoacaoas spa- as

(1818 1 9,28, 82 , 85 , 88 a 4 1) a as M ore“ B paraacaaro ayaea ( 18

mo o r s rpaao'rs E xacaaera cs ooapoa oam s Pyocaaas nopeaoaoas , m on

m m s as crarel aoas cal cas nocoascraa Qam epa (15 16 81 , 82 , 88, 65 , 06a g as rpanoru 9 00 1 01» a B . 6. Pom ona nepo tism-

n an us rom a c

cnacaa (1815 88 a - ocm sane me c r saecu s co a s aoayaoaroas nope

aeaean cs J am aican s a A amillcaaxs nom aaaaoas cum auarexeas .



5 . 1 561 . A pr. 25 . Queen Elizab eth to ezar J ohu.—L a ti a . (J euk i n s ou)

I . A. N! 2.—Ill kl. 318.

8. 1 564. Jun . 28. The same to the same . L a tin .

8. P. 0.

7. 1 588. A p r. Instructions to J enkinson8. P. 0.

8. A pr . 20. E lizab eth to J ohn . L a tin—( J enk i n s o n)liam. appendix ll.

9 . 1 566. Jul. 18. S igismund k . of P olaud to q. Elizab eth—L a tin . (a fr a g29

liam. appendix 8.

1588.March. 18. The same to the same . L a tin . (a fr a gme n t)liam. appendix T.

1 589 . Dec. 8. The same to the same. (a fragmen t)Haiti. 879 .

1 587. A pr. 10. J ohn to E lizab eth. G erman . (Tv e r d i e o f a n d

r e ly).

9 . Cotton. Nero . 9 . vii]. Pinto. and). E . i.

The same in English8. P. 0.

Sep t . 18. The same to the same (a fragment) .

8. I . iiarieian me. 296. Pluto . tail. i94 .—Turgen. 365 .

J enk inson’

a message from the czar .

9 . I . Cotton. Nero. 9 . xx]. 332—Turpon. 366.

18. 1588. F eb r. 10 . Elizab eth to J ohu. La tin .—(Mi d d e l t ou) a fragmout

liam. appendix 11.

May 9 . The same to the some. L atin .

liakl. 421.

J on 26. Instructions to m- r Randolph

8. P. 0.

Sep t . 18. Elizab eth to J ohn . L a ti n . (R a n d o lp h).

9 . l . Cotton. Nero . 9 . x]. 385.

The same to the governors of N arva . L a tin

liam. appendixw.

18. 1569 . A pr. 1 . J ohn to E lizab eth G erma n . (R i cha r d).S . P. 0.

The same in English.

E dit. Tranal.

Jun. 20 . The same to the same . (S o v i n).

E dit . Tranel.

The same to the same. (S o v i n).9 . l . Cotton. Nero . 9 . Plot. axli. E . 4 .

A rticles for a league b etween the czar and the queen8. P. 0.


22 . 1 570. May. J enkinson'

s message from S ir W -m. G arrard

8. P. 0.

May 6. Sevin’

s request .

9 . fl . Cotton. Nero . 9 . xi. 335 . v. 368.


s rememb rance.

8. P. 0.

Memorial ab out Sovin8. P. o.

- a gen. v]. 369 .

May 18. Elizab eth to J ohn . (S o v i n)s. e. o .

—Turgen. xi. 31 2 .

The same to the same. Secret - (S o v 1 n) 9 8

8. U . Cotton . Nero . 8. x]. 341 .—Tur9en. vi]. 370 , ix. 372 . M A. N! 3.

Jul 1 5 . C hr . H odsdon and W -m B urrough to czar J ohn 10 1

Haiti. 450 .

O c t . 24 . J ohn to Eliza b eth (S i l v e s t e r).9 . M Cotton. Nero . 9 . x], 847.—Turgen. x. 375 .

Memorial ab out J enk insou’

s d ispatch

8. P. 0 .

Request of the company8. P . 0 .

Jun 2 . Elizab e th to J ohn . L a tin . (J suh i n s ou) fragmen ts .

Ham. append ix Y

Aug. J ohn to Elizab eth. (S y l v e s t e r)B . M. Cotton. Nero 8. xi 16 v.

88. 1 572 . March. 28. A ccoun ts of personal interviews of m- r J enk inso n withthe czarz—at the S lo b oda .

May. 18. at S taritza

Hal l. 453—456 8 549—460 .

May . J ohn to Elizab eth. (J e n k i n s o n)E dit . Tranal.

86. 1 574 . Aug. 20 . The same to the same (S i l v e s t e r)E dit. Tranai

S ilvester’

s memorial

8. P . 0 .

88. 1 575 . May . I nstructions to S ilvester9 . fl . Cotton. Nero . 8. xi. 343 8 393 .

—Turgen . xiii. 384

A supp lemen t to themB . M. ib idem. 396.

—Tur9en. xiv. 386.A no te ab out S imeon B ek b oo iatovieh G rand duke o f ali

RussiaE dit. Tranal.

89 . 1 575 . N ov. 29 . Speeches used b y czar J ohn un to D aniel S ilvester

in his city of Moscow and house of O priehina

“ll warm-


1 570 . J an . 29 . in hie town of Moeeovia9 . N . cottee. Nere . viil. N e a n e

Tm mm l xv m t m4 1 . 1 582 . May. J ohn to Elizab eth. (P i s s emsk y)

E dit . Tranel .


e speech to the queen8. P. 0 .

Memorial touching the amity and trade wi th Russia .

8. P. 0.

A dditional articles for a league b etween the our andthe queen (v i d e 18 21)

8. P. 0 .

45 . 1 583. I nstructions to Sir J erome B owss8. N . G otten. Nero . 9 . el l, 29 .

—Turpen . avi]. 391 .

Jun . 1 9 . A n ad dition to them9 . N . ib idem. 3i .—Tureen. xvi]. 394 .

A clause to b e added to them8. P . 0 .

H ead s or the instructions8. P . 0 .

49 . 1588. Jun . 5 . S ir J erome B owes’

commission as amb an edor to Russia

Jun . 8. Elizab eth to J ohn—L a tin . (B ows s)9 . N . cotton. Nero . 9 . x]. 355


Jun . 1 9 . The same to the same . L a tin . (B ows s).

N . A. N! 4.—iiaki. 50 .

52 . 1 584 . A ug. 1 2 . A letter from S ir J erome B owss .

8. P . 0 .

S ir J erome B owes ' comp laints8. P . 0 .

54 . 1 585 . March. 2 1 . Memorial ab out B eckman8. P . 0 .

Jun . 9 Eliza b eth to czar Theodore . L a tin . (B e c kma n) .

8. N . cotton. Nero . x]. 375.—l 'urgee . xviil. 396.—N . A. N! 6.

Aug. 1 5 . B oris Theodorovieh G odoonof to J erome H orsey

Sep t. Theodore to Eliza b eth. (H o r se y)8 P . 0 .

58. 1 588.March 28.Elizab eth to Theodore . L a tin —( I I o r s e y).N . A . N! 5.

March. 24 . The same to I rena wife of the czar . L a tin . (H o r s e y). 284liam. append. 2 .


81 . 1 598. J an . B . F . G odoonof to the same . (Lyn d e)9 . N . eettee. Nere . 9 . vii]. 22 .

—iieai .Turpen. xx). 402 .

The same to L .

O f the original documents , mentioned in the proceed ing tab le t h i r t y

t h r e e are nowpub lished for the first time : two of them are germau

(1818 1 0, s i x—latin (1818 6, 8, 18, 50, 58, 61) and two 11 t y f i v e - ouglish (1818 7, 10 , 1 5 , 20—23, 29 , so , so, 37, 41—44, 47, re, 52 54, 57, 64 . 65 ,

70 —S e v e n are translated b y the edi to r from Russian original MS S

(1814 18, 1 9, 85 , 88, 4 1 , 88, 69)and fo ur are his translations from con tempo

rary Russian translations of Queen Elizab eth's letters (1518 82 , 68, 86,Tho ed itor is quite aware that these last translations , faulty in themselves andmade from very erroneous and incorrect translations , give but a faint idea

of the vernacular product ions of the renowned Queen B oss'd ip loma tic writ

ers; b ut he thought tha t even those p ieces, sub jected as they ha ve b een to

a doub le process of defective translation are stil l no t useless in supp lyingthe ab sence of the originals , which are no t to b e found in the imperial archi

ves of Moscow. May t he indulgent English reader b e of the same mind and

acco rd to the Rus sian ed itor'

s English style the same tolerance which hemust accord to the author of S o r te n i n s t r o k s yo n s (18 22) or to the tran

scrib er of T he p e r t i t e c o p y o f J e r om H o r s s e yo s t r an s la c i o n (85


A c anon , anr.1 auxoaens . 18. i O o aa I‘

a r p o it nepesoasaar.1 1 0 - a l ia 11 11 e r o p s , anrr . areurs . 16, 22 .

18, 811 . 0 0 1111 l‘

.1 cus p s (Tonnes R eas ons l'


1 11 11 11, 11m . 6,7,8. aeps ), aa ra . upaaam. 18. 20 , 25 , 28,

C op s (anas t ) L poasa B a ye s , aura : 811,89 .

no es 45—411, 5 1—58; yuon . 54 , 55 , Xpae'

rodmps F o ncaous , e 1o nucaa o57, 58, 66 as I os s ay. 27.

Pernnaaus tPonansme a n a n s ,pyeca . B opucs O o 110 po a11 11 1. l‘

o xya o ns , o ro

rouens . 54 , 5 5 , 88, 84 ; ynon . 57, naesna as Popeen . 58, 110 ; as E 1 1185

,69 , 73 . case


r'h 69 , 81 ; as a . B cpaen

Xpnero rb o ps B o a s e r s , aura . an xo y11on . 68. 85 , 74 .

1 6111 1 16, 20 , 22 , 24 , 25 . Means B acuaooanut l ‘ onyno a s . 74 .

1 117) B unions C ocuas aopas B ép a e i’

l l‘

o a a n e s , aura . ars on .

( 11 11 113 1. B opao ii) 22 , 26, 68, 77; oro 79 , so .

uncana as l‘

oayaoay. 79 . "sans aura . npn

P06ep 1s B ee r s (P e5ps )aura . rouonsu am . 68.

82 , 38. lineas ti l‘

o p c e ii (Popms , l‘

o 111ii’

1 .

'l'pannacas B np a o r smura. Xopeiii); 11110 5 11 11 as nen y B . l‘


1 11,2 2 , 24 , 25 . ryno na 5 11, (11 1; noes . in. A us t in . 57,

B unions B o np o y, oro ancano as I o 58 ; 611mm . 9 1 . Po ceim. 61 ; o rocr . 111 .

anny. 27 A nrr in . 68,89 ; noca . 11 1. Poccin .

i 'o G ep'

rs B O p po y. aura . npaaani . 1 11 . 71 1 - 731 ; 110 11 62 , 63 , 711—78, so ,82


rodmps h o p p o y, aura . ap11as 11t. Pn trapgs 1 p o ll, aura . arson . 8, 28.

58. J onas News l n r o p oo a s . 2 11, 28.

lio yp a e a s , aura . anxoaens . 1 8. ( 10 11 11 1'

p 11 11 1. o a o e 1. l'

peas ), aura .

Jloms B ya ro p er s ( aaasa B yaopcas ). a yn . 82 .

n yapm. l'

y n 1 1 a n E raaps l‘

ynn sans ),l lnaas 1 0. - B a a s (lleaaa '

l. as l lap sy. 28. 88

ll 11aop 1 anrea . ayn . 48 l ienne'

n . l a a a a a n s , aura . an ac

C sp'

l. 'l'pannncas B aa b c nuro n r. gens . 711 .

( 15 1111 11 1111cs ynasna rans moras ), cus s ,

roc yn . ceapor . 54 , 57, 58, 63 . noes . as I I epci lo .

15 11 11 1 . A arpon B a c nn a e s s cn . lil e r 5 ; uoeoaser aa oro as Puccia . 7, 8,a a a o ns . 1 5 , 20 , 112

—25,2 11—81 ; noporo no

11110 111 . l l a 'r c o n s . aura . npuaam. 16. c1 . I o anno as . 33

, 84; ynou. 82 ,10 12 B a a o ron ,

l, 2 . 3 11

,38—41 1.

llenarnuas i laans Maxaflaoaaus l l n l’

onlopua b ll ya c'

rs ( l-Io peas J yaaas ),c a o na


ro s s 28. aura a rea-

1s . 1 5,18, 811 .

115 11 111 . ll o s a o 11 1 ., ao nmmiii i i 0 l‘

oxy Ponaas E a ns a p s e a s ea . Pooop'


110 1111 . 56. 11 15 0 6 11 .Mo na il o e r e n rs n r. ( B ounc e rsa s ). cry lio po 1es na E u c aue r a . E a rpanorura l

e pr on . 711. loaney 5 , 6, 8, 18, 14 , 1 11, 25 , 26,11 11 113 1. A n anac in ll ltttH O ll ll ‘l h B a o o a 11 1


.5 1 ; as "panoramas H ap sn .

r a i n . 2 1 1, 28



a p 711, 78, 78; a t . 1111 11 118 59 ; as B . i )

p a ng s ,


runzl e 11. I'

. l'

a p p er'

s fl'

a I‘

myno ny. 82 . 114 , 71 , 77; on nowpar t , B n .1 1.11 11s npo onr s“. oo p s e 1. I oannoa s 2 1

,44 .

06111 16,

2 5 , 27, 28, 112—34 l'l n a n n 1. en . ,

lme n a n 11 c o a s .

Xl l

Pan t s H aa a o a s e1 1 . P arr -rep s . O oaa P anao a sos (Pa-newts )noe l .

Tonnes H a n n o ns cn . I‘

ao a ep s . as Poccin . 1 5, 18, 20 ,[lap s H aa a s B a cu s o aa a s . E ro P a s s R eas ons e11 P a n-r e p s .

rpan oru as E n eaae-rh. 18 P ofip s ca . B e er s .

2 0 , 28, 32 , 85 , 88, 4 1 ; oro aoroaops .iloarops P a e a pns 18.

cs new. 2 1 , 44 . C anons P o ax e p c sliapana H a n a G eno o a n a; nucsao 78.

as aca acaaern . 5 ynoa . 89 , 81 . H ours P o n a n o a a e s ea . D p s o a s .

B an n e r s ca .

‘l a nuezs . B ureaus P o o s ea . B rutus P a pl'

oop rs R nu n n r a o p c s , aura arem . p ap as .

8 Pyaorsibs F lo t r e s (Pan t s , Pas sPeraausrs Kau n a s , aura sna c H aauoas Pyrops . arm . npaaam. a

aens . 76 roar s -rs . 16, 20, 22, 24 , 25 , 28, 82,B eaiaaaas B a ap a s , aura . npaaam. 16 88, 86, 89 .

Paqapgs R o a c s , aura . an xoxens , 76. l saas C ol eus C ea a c r s auo a s , noes .

Toaa aas B ruin R p o y, noes . as Au as A araim. 1 9 , 20 , 25 .

N i l ). 50 C ee a a s ea . B ep z e li .

Mnxan s li en s . aura . anxoaens . 78. R oper s C a ra ea ya g s 11 , o ro naeo

Jl eua a s ca . ll a e a a n a e o n s . a s as E raeaaorh. 9 .

60 11s Jl a nas , noes as Poeeia). Touaqs Ananao C u s ne e r p s ( C en.l aapearia Maua o il, noes . as H apay . noperons ) 22, 28, 29 , 32 , 86—88;18


,88. oro neporo ao n es I oaauoas .

B opoaeaa Me p i a (R poaon aguaa). E a C aus o n s B oa yaaroam ,

rpanoruas I oauay. 8,4; ynoa 28, noaeai ii, aeanamm ar.

56, 57. oi l . ca p e rs. 174—178A asxepaans Ma p r a a s , upon-m s C a e l es , aarr am orous . 18.

06111 . 54 I‘

aacs C nap a s , Paaaea il manuep sAurous Ma pms (Mepms , Mapms ), 27.

aura anxoaous . 81 85 , 68,89 , A axpel I

puropsoaaq o a nus , noes .

78—76. as A l l‘l l l ). 1 9, 20, 28, ynoa .

B ur ial s (B an ens ) Mo p n a s , aura . 28, 82 , 88, 85, 86, 89 . 40 , 54 .

area-rs . 88. C onn C o yeron s , aura . npuasu. 16.

B onus M o p a n s , aura . aren't-

s . 63, H aaas C o r e p s aau. roaaar s . 74.

87, 79 . B ouaifi od e (mars T aua e s), 5 .


eop rs M a p s-ro a r. (IO psn H araneu I l pnc


raas H uandgops C ymo a s . 57ro ss ), noes . as H apay 18

,18, 17, C


renans Ta e p r a a o a s , pyeea . ayu.

so, so. so. 1 0, 14 so.

I leaarsnas H aans Ma xa l ao as ca . AuapenTea-

reps , aura . area -rs . 86.

B a c a o a a r o as . Reces sed Knaus B aen soauqs T p aO enus i

pnrop seanus H eue a , seen . as xaui o r o a s 88, 74 .

A s ram. 4, 28. B ar on s T

gyutiya s)an Typ a oyz s

H n a nr a Poaaaoanas c11 . IO p s oas . (Yasnas po r tion , aura . ayu 57,H o p n a r o a r s , nepeaoaunas . 22 88—85 , 89 , 78, 77, 80, 81 .B aaearaas H a a s x ep s (H ousman


1. Pnaaprs Yc a o a s , aura . apaaanr. 18.

I I aa eps ), aura . an xoaens . 88, 64 . H aans Q o amaa s , aureaap s . 45 .

P odep rs I I a a o a s (P oaaas Usaoas i , l3 r1uifl d uon e p s ( E aaaaps , 8aoasaa ra . arears . 55

,57, 58, 60 , 68, threaseps), uoca. as P occ1 l 1 . 61—64,

68, 69 . 67 71 , 73, 74, 76, a).O omps A aapeoauus a c a en ia, A arycraas (b ya s a cs (Yer- as flun

as A nrailo. 4 1 , 42 , 49 neps , tmaniacs . a saa ll s ), aura.

I l a a c a a r r ous , aura . anxoaens . 18. area-as . 61 82 , 69 .

G eno's-s H o ro p'luo ii , pyeea . ayn . |X e p a 11 s , X

c s on .

‘l ep p n .

10 , 14 , 88 H oasauil E na uiii R oyraas B acaasa apas fl o a a r n a rr o a s , aura : eas X o a p az o s s . uoca as A araw.

npaaanr. 16. i 4 1 , 42 .

H naosaii l o a r 0 p s , X o p fi i d ea . l‘

o p a tin .

Pampas H p o a r o p s , aura . upaaanM X o pmi l en . l‘

o p c e il .66, 73 H aaas ‘I auuo a s ( E auuoasxaa ra . ayu.

P nuapas P a a s (Pnnaps Pants). 18, 22 , 24 , 25 , 57. —68, 87, 78,cayra aura . arenra . 68. 78, 80 .