The ecological significance of phenology in four different tree species: effects of light and...

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Student Name: Gursimran Arora

Roll Number: 010111006

SHTM 2011



1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………3

2. Literature Review……………………………………………………………….3-5

3. Research Methodology…………………………………………………………5-9

a) Research Approach……………………………………………………..5

b) Research Strategy………………………………………………………6

c) Time Horizons……………………………………………………………..6

d) Data collection Methods………………………………………………….6-9

i. Sampling



ii. Secondary Data…………………………………………………8

iii. Questionnaire Design……………………………………………8

iv. Interview Design………………………………………………….9

4. Practical and Ethical Issues………………………………………………………9

5. Triangulation……………………………………………………………………….9-10

6. Data Analysis………………………………………………………………………10

7. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………….10

8. Bibliography…………………………………………………………………………11-15

9. Appendix…………………………………………………………………………….16-20



One of the most rapidly growing sectors in these days is the

Hospitality and Tourism sector, accounting for more than a third of

the total global services trade (ILO, 2010). Increasing growth of the

services sector in India, the Indian tourism and hospitality industry

has come out to be one of the leading and key industries worldwide.

The Indian hospitality sector is expected to grow much faster than

other countries in the world, with continual growth in country’s GDP,

per capita income and increased spending. The total contribution is

around 6.23% to the national GDP and 8.78% of the total employment by

this sector in India. (Marketreserch, 2013) The total market size of

tourism and hospitality sector in India touched at US$ 117.7 billion

and by 2022 is expected to reach US$ 418.9 billion. (IBEF, 2013)

According to the WTTC, by the end of 2015, the hospitality and tourism

sector in India has the capacity to earn US$24bn in foreign exchange.

(India Tourism Report, 2012)

The intent of this research proposal is to identify the current HR

issues faced by the hospitality sector in Delhi/NCR and to investigate


the organizational employee retention initiative and practices who

work in the hospitality sector in Delhi-NCR

Hotel XYZ has commissioned the consultancy organization to conduct an

enquiry on the issue of high turnover, loyalty and job satisfaction so

as to reduce employee turnover and maintaining employee retention,

leading to positive workforce productivity.


An organization’s most valuable assets are its human capitals (Thomas,

1993) and many companies gives a high importance in retaining the

trained and skilled workers (Anderson, 2005).A crucial way of cope up

with the intangibility of services in the hospitality industry is

through the performance followed by the attitude, appearance,

personality and behavior of its customer-centric employees (Hartline

and Jones, 1996). Thus Human Resource/Factor plays an important role

in hospitality Industry.


With increase in the competition world-wide and due to globalization,

the ability of the workforce to perform and deliver quality product

and services, is coming out to be a key source of competitive a

advantage in relation of the hospitality industry internationally

(Baum et al., 1997; Bharwani and Jauhari, 2011). These days’ managers

and organizations in the hospitality industry faces a tough challenge

of retaining a committed, trained, motivated and a well managed

workforce which focuses on offering top quality performance and a

challenging task of recruiting in the initial stage. (Nickson, 2007).


There is a perception in the minds of the people that hospitality

industry besides being a tough task master, long duty hours and a poor

pay master, offers very less opportunities for growth and promotions.

(Wood, 1995; Riley et al., 2002; Enz, 2004). The shortage of workforce

is another important issue which is further aggravated by high

attrition rates in the industry and is estimated to be as high as 31%


double the average rate for other prevailing sectors (Deloitte, 2010).

The turnover factors are generally associated with the work variables

such as unifying variables like pay, working condition , job

satisfaction, and promotion, demographic variables such as age ,

religion, etc (Pettman 1975; Mobley, 1982; Arthur, 2001).The hotel

industry face a major challenge of managing the largest operating

expense of labour cost which is generally 44.6% of the total operating

cost without disturbing the guest satisfaction, especially when there

is a shortage of skilled and managed workforce.(Jin-Zhao and Jing,

2009).Also India is confronted by a weak labour market as compared to

that of a strong international labour market in the hospitality

industry.(Jauhari, 2006) .Thus there is a need to retain human

resources through better and competitive pay ,a well structured

training program ,planning and benchmarking.


Those retention techniques which require attentions are structured

working hours, engagement of employees and investment in their

development. (Jauhari, 2012). According to Samuel and Chipunza (2009),

the main reason of retention of employees is to overcome the loss of

committed and competent workforce from leaving the organization as


this could have had an adverse effect on performance and profitability

of an organization.(I.J.E.M.S, 2013). Unique and effective

compensation and benefits package, and recognition program for the

employees is the best strategy for retaining and attracting new

employees (Lee, 2000).Equally opportunities of growth and a positive

working environment must be created to keep employees motivated. Hence

when the workforce is motivated, there is reduction and retention in

turnover, and motivated employees will thus out power the unmotivated

employees (Honore, 2009). A study revealed that organization’s vision,

goals, reward and compensation strategy, mission, employee

recognition, were key factors in reducing the employee turnover

(Moncarz, 2008). Factors such as flextime, insurance, childcare

facilities and other additional facilities provided also contributes

towards employee retention. (Panoch, 2001). According to a study

conducted by Boxall, Macky and Rasmussen (2003) variables are

considered to be as multidimensional. These include interesting work,

which was considered as the topmost factor in retaining employees in

both the private as well as the public sectors. This also indicated

that employees wants management to make decisions based on

performance and merit and also revealed that extrinsic rewards plays

an important role in employee retention and employee turnover.


In order to retain their employees Accor group of hotel provide an

attractive compensation and benefits package. They value their

employee the most and recognize their skills and performance. Surveys

are carried on a regular basis by the hotel in order to ensure

competitiveness. (Accor, 2014). Taj Group have also taken up


initiatives to recognize their workforce through the programme know as

the Gallup Great Workplace Award where companies are awarded for

creating a highly engaged workforce. Some of the HR initiatives taken

by the group to build a high performance based work culture are

Project Vidya, Mi-University, Flexible Compensation Strategy, and

leadership development. (Taj hotels, 2012).IHG group of hotel through

their program “Room to be yourselves” focuses on retaining and

attracting people through their set values and behaviours which they

expect from their employees- “Winning Ways” and by encouraging to

perform at their best. (Ihgplc, 2014)


Research Design can be described as a well defined structure within

which the research will be conducted. The main function of such a

design is to provide the collection of information which is relevant

with minimum expenditure of time, money and efforts.

( Also it gives a view of the method chosen for the

design with proper reasons and explanations. (Saunders, et al,

2005). I will be using Onion Approach method to give an overview of

my research methodology. (Refer Appendix 1)


The current research is done by using an inductive approach. Inductive

Approach also known as the Building Theory approach, it involves of

collecting data in order to develop a theory from it. It provides a

flexible methodology that permits alternative explanation of what is

happening. (Saunders, 2005) It helps us think that which

approach will work before making up a theory. (Weijun, 2008)



The Research Strategies which are used in the research are:-

Surveys: With the help of surveys a large amount of data is collected

from a sizeable population in a very economical way. These are often

obtained through a questionnaire, hence are standardized and allow

ease in comparison. (Saunders, et al, 2005) Surveys in this research

are conducted through both questionnaire and a set of interviews.

Grounded Theory: It is considered to be as one of the best examples

of Inductive approach of research. In this Data starts getting

collected without any initial formation of theories. Hence, later

theories are formulated through the collected data. (Saunders, et al

2005) The main aim is to generate a theory (Glaser and Strauss, 1967).


Cross-Sectional: It is the study of particular phenomena at a specific

given period of time .Most of the research projects which are

undertaken for academic purpose are time constrained and hence cross-

sectional. (Saunders, et al, 2005) The above research is a cross –

sectional research with a given time frame of six months.

DATA COLLECTION METHODSIn order to get a reliable and valid data, it is important to choose

correct data collection method to achieve the desired result.

(Saunder, 2005)


Sampling is a process by which an assumption is made to the whole

population by sampling a part of it. ( As it will be

impracticable to survey the whole population, there is a need to


collect a sample to get accurate results. (Saunders, et al, 2005)

Sampling saves time which is an important consideration while doing a

cross-sectional study. Also it is flexible and reliable in nature.

The sampling techniques can be divided into Probability and Non-

Probability sampling.

The above research is based on the Non-Probability sampling approach

which consists of the following.

Purposive Sampling: It is a type of sampling in which the selection

of units is based on one’s personal judgment rather than selecting

randomly ( Hence it enables us to choose those

units which are able to answer our research questions and meet our

objectives. (Saunders, 2005).This type of sampling is used while

working with the small group of samples and when one chooses cases

which are specifically informative. (Neuman, 2000)

The following purposive sampling were used

1. Heterogeneous Sampling: It is a sampling technique which is

useful in capturing a vast range of perspectives related to the

matter one’s interested in. Hence it is a search for variation

of aspects which are completely different in nature. Therefore

helps in documenting uniqueness of data collected. (Saunders, 2005). General issues of job satisfaction, initiative taken

by companies to resolve such issues and time duration worked for

in a particular organization are some of the issues which can be

addressed to vast sample.

2. Homogeneous Sampling: This focuses on sampling of a group in

which all the sample are similar or share same characteristics.


This helps in studying the sample in a better way and serving

one’s particular interest. (Saunder, 2005) Focusing HR

department in various hotels in Delhi and NCR on challenges and

employee engagement initiative taken by them to retain and reduce

the turnover of employees.

Snowball Sampling: This method is creates a sample study through

referrals made among units who share or knows other who can contribute

to the interest of the research. ( Because of this

it has helped me in targeting the hidden population which earlier was

not in our reach by forming a chain.

Self-Selection Sampling: It is a type of sampling in which one allows

a case in which an individual identifies their desire to be a part of

the research by either asking them to be a part of it or by

advertising it. (Saunder, 2005) This sampling was done by

choosing industrial experts from the same field and approaching to

them. Mr. Achin Khanna, Director of HVS Consultancies was approached

for the same.

Convenience Sampling: This type of sampling involves selecting those

cases which are convenient and easiest to approach for the sample.

(Saunders, 2005) .Fellow colleagues and hotels where I did my

internship were approached for this type of sampling.


Secondary data is that type of data which collected by someone else

but useful in our analysis. (Boslaugh,, 2007) This type of collection

helps one save time and resources in the initial stage of research.

( This data was collected through journal articles,

books, ebsco, ibef, emerald, elsevier and proquest, etc



According to a definition, Questionnaire can be defined as a document

containing different varieties of questions and items, designed in

such a way to get more information which is easier to analyze.

(Babbie, 1990). . They were distributed to the hotels in Delhi and

NCR. These were given to a specific targeted people such as the HR

managers and employee in that department and managers of the

department so as to know their response. Theses questionnaire will be

also sent through email to people who can’t be reached. Different

types of questionnaires which were used are:-

Open Ended Questionnaire: An open ended questionnaire is a one in

which no options or no response categories are provided. In this type

the respondent needs to think critically and an analytically to answer

the questions. ( Most of the questions in the

questionnaire are open ended, Question no. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,

and 13 are open ended.

Close Ended Questionnaire: A Close ended questionnaire is a one in

which different types of alternatives and options are provided to the

respondent to answer the questions. ( It can be

also mentioned as a Multiple Choice Questionnaire (MCQ).

( Question number 3, 12 and 14are a good example of close

ended questions. (Refer appendix)

Likert Style Rating Scale: These types of questionnaires are designed

to collect opinion data. In this the respondent is usually asked of

how strongly they agree or disagree on a statement given. (Saunder, Question number 11 and 12 are an example of rating scale




Interviews are a great way for getting the story behind the

experiences of participants. It helps in getting in-depth information

of the topic. (McNamara, 1999). Based on the structure of the

research, the interview can be split up into three categories, i.e.

structured interview, unstructured interviews and semi structured

interviews. (Fontana & Frey, 2005). Interviews were constructed in a

semi-structured manner. I.e. they had certain questions fixed and the

other were asked on the spot in the interaction.

Structured Interview: A structured interview is a one in which the

interviewer asks an interviewee a set of pre-arranged questions on a

selected topic. ( There is a standard set of

questions being asked, and hence makes easier to take interviews. A

set of fixed questions were kept which was uniform for each interview.

(Refer Appendix 3)

Unstructured Interviews: It is a type of interview in which questions

and answer category are not pre- defined. No pre-determined questions

are prepared. It depends on the social interaction of the interviewer

and interviewee where spontaneous questions are asked related to the

topic. These interviews can be very useful in seeking more information

from the respondent. (Minichiello et al. 1990). Proper Ethics were

being followed while doing this type of interview.

Semi -Structured Interviews: It is a type of interview in which the

interviewer prepares a set of pre-determined question and as well as

engages in a social conversation with the respondent and asks

questions accordingly. They are flexible in nature and can change

according to the respondent. This type of interviews has the potential


to increase the response rate. ( A set of fixed

question were being asked along with questions where were asked during

the conversations. And a note for the same was maintained for


PRACTICAL AND ETHICAL ISSUESEthics can be described in terms of code of behavior which are to be

followed during the conduct of a research. (Wells, 1994)

Privacy needs to be maintained of the actual and possible


The nature of participation will be voluntary and will have a

right to back out partially or completely from the process.

Confidentiality of data provided by the individuals will be


The way of analyzing, using and reporting the data should not

affect the participants

The behavior and biasness of the researcher.

(Saunders, 2005)


Two data collection methods have been used, namely questionnaire and interviews

Reliability: Reliability can be defined as consistency

and replicability over time, over instruments and over groups of

respondents (Cohen et al 2000). It also means whether the same results

can be applied on other occasions or not. (Saunders, 2005) As

the research was conducted over a period of six months, there is a


difficulty in replicating it , and hence there is a threat to


Generalisability: It is a process through which a set of research and

observation can be applied to a larger set of sample or population.

(Hitchcock and Hughes 1989) It aims to predict whether same results

can be obtained in new situations. The research was conducted in 10-15

hotels in Delhi and NCR and data was collected from the same. Hence

the concept of generalisability can be applied to the entire

population of hospitality organizations in Delhi and NCR.

Validity: It refer to how sound is your research. Validity in research

means that your findings are truthful to the phenomena you are

measuring. ( A pilot study will be conducted on

the questionnaire and therefore there will be less chances of

falsification. Questions were designed to achieve quality and

efficient information specific to suffice the research objective.

DATA ANALYSIS Analyzing of data depends upon the objective and the research’s

questions.(Sunder, et al. 2005) The data collected was analyzed

through Excel. Also Graphs and Charts were used to analysis the data.

CONCLUSIONSA topic on HR issues in the hospitality industry and employee

retention initiatives taken by them were being addressed. A research

was being conducted on the same, based on the secondary data,

questionnaire’s, interviews, etc with proper ethical standards being

followed and Onion approach was used to design the research.



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Questionnaire was designed as a mixture of both the open ended and

close- ended methods. They were distributed to the hotels in Delhi and

NCR. These were given to a specific targeted people such as the HR

managers and employee in that department and managers of the

department so as to know their response. Theses questionnaire will be

also sent through email to people who can’t be reached.


Q1. Name and designation of the Employee?

Q2. How old are you?

a) Less than 30 years

b) 30-40years

c) 40-50 years

d) 50-60 years

e) 60 years or above

Q3. For how long you have been a part of the organization?

Q4. What are the different Employees engagement Activities prevailing

in the Organization?

Q5. Is your company a good pay master than your competitors?


Q6. What are the HR issues prevailing in your organization?

Q7. Is the HR department successful in retaining the employees?

Q8. What are the employee retention initiatives followed by the


Q9. Does your organization have a balance between intrinsic and

extrinsic factors?

Q10. Are you happy and satisfied to be part of this organization?

Q11. From a scale of 0-10 mark the turnover of staff in the


Q12. How far do you agree with the statement “Employee retention and

engagement is the key to successful organization”

a) Strongly Agree

b) Mildly Agree

c) Neither Agree nor Disagree

d) Mildly Disagree

e) Strongly Disagree

Q13. Suggestion which you think can help in making this place a


Q14. Will you recommend this workplace to someone you know?

a) Yes

b) No

c) Maybe




Interviews were constructed in a semi-structured manner. I.e. they had

certain questions fixed and the other were asked on the spot in the

interaction. A target of 20 interviews was set but only 10 could be

reached. Appointments were taken well in advance to ensure a good

response. Questionnaire was kept to the point to fulfill the

requirements of the research.



Q1.What are the HR issues prevailing in the organization?

Q2. Is organization successful in retaining and engaging their


Q3. What are the employee retention initiatives taken by the


Q4. What is the Turnover rate of the employees?

Q5. What growth opportunities are provided to an employee?


Assignment Gantt Chart

TASKS Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun


W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4

1 Framing Of Hypothesis2 Designing Of Questionnaire3 Pilot Study

4Distribution of Questionnaires :-

- Online-Offline

5 Collection of Questionnaire6 Scheduling Of Interview7 Conducting Of Interview8 Entering data in Excel9 Computing Results10 Interpreting of Results

11Presentation Through Graphs and Charts

12 Presenting Recommendations 13 Compiling of Final Report