Politik Luar Negeri Indonesia dan Perubahan Diskursus tentang Pembangunan: Sebuah Tinjauan...

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Transcript of Politik Luar Negeri Indonesia dan Perubahan Diskursus tentang Pembangunan: Sebuah Tinjauan...

Ahmad Rizky M. Umar, SIPumarbanjar@gmail.com

“…Indonesia, rich in natural resources and

having 84,000,000 inhabitants, comes

automatically as an important factor onto

the chessboard of world politics…” (1953)

Domestic Needs



International Context

Foreign Policy


• Technocratic

• Criticized as the developmentalist regime combined the use of military and technocrat fores to repress the resistant social forces

• Market-Based


• Market-Based

• Criticized as being capitalistic, injecting society with the logic of capitalist development and exclude the poor with state’s facillitation and creates bourgeoisie class


• Treat People as object

• Criticized as being ‘anti-politics’, with the help of the World Bank and IMF, depoliticizes the social forces and makes them dependent with aid and loan

� Domestic Context� Transforming Colonial Society into an

Independent Society

� Indonesia needs to expands her market to another third world nation states (Hatta, 1953)1953)

� International Context� Post-War Division between Communist (USSR)

and Capitalist (USA)

� The emergence of ‘third world’ nation states via the politics of decolonization following the new world order

� Discourse on Indonesian Foreign Policy� Decolonization

� Domestic Context

� Transforming Colonial Society into an Independent Society

� A need to liberate West Papua and Confrontation with Malaysia � Huge military budget

� The rise of Communist Party in Indonesian politics� The rise of Communist Party in Indonesian politics

� International Context

� The emergence of post-colonial states in Asia and Africa

� The growing tension between two political forces in international level� USA & USSR

� Sovyet diplomacy in third world states strengthened

� Discourse on Foreign Policy � Anti-Imperialism; Anti-Western

� International Context

� Changing international political economic landscape

� The rise of East and Southeast Asia in international


� Domestic Context

The changing political structure, President Soekarno� The changing political structure, President Soekarno

ousted following the G30S failed coup attempt

� The rise of capitalism with the help of aid and ‘Oil

Boom’, pumped by international financial instititution

and foreign capital (Robison, 1987)

� The rise of ‘repressive-developmentalist regime’ (Feith,


� Discourse on Foreign Policy


� International Context

� The Asian Crisis

� The changing development strategy designed by the World

Bank and IMF: Structural Adjustment Programme (Hadiz &

Robison, 2004).

The rise of Post-Washington Consensus via social � The rise of Post-Washington Consensus via social

development project (Carroll, 2010)

� Domestic Context

� The fall of Suharto

� ‘Bad image’ of Indonesian in international politics

� iIndonesia needs to gets more loans from donors

� Indonesia becomes ‘arena’ for social development project

� Discourse on Foreign Policy:

� Encountering Globalization

� Every Citizen is a diplomat: Minister of Foreign

Affairs (MFA) is no longer functioned as ‘single

actor’ in diplomacy

� Welcome to the age of International

Development: many political forces in the world Development: many political forces in the world

now use ‘development’ as instrument to govern

the ‘third world’ nations � development is

instrument of foreign policy

� The social is political! Through the international

development project, the battlefield in

international politics is now conducted in social


�Since 1945, The discourse of development

operated in domestic level has directed

Indonesia’s Foreign Policy

�The ‘bebas-aktif’ Foreign Policy cannot be The ‘bebas-aktif’ Foreign Policy cannot be

functioned well since the development

strategy was hijacked by the capitalist


� In post-developmentalist era, it is

important to integrate development

strategy with Foreign Policy