Holy Cross - Parishes Online

Post on 20-Mar-2023

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Transcript of Holy Cross - Parishes Online

Triumph of the

Holy Cross Parish

Saint Clare of Assisi Church

460 Reed Street Clairton, PA 15025

Saint Elizabeth of Hungary Church

1 Grove Place Pittsburgh, PA 15236

Holy Spirit Church

2603 Old Elizabeth Road West Mifflin, PA 15122

Saint Thomas à Becket Church

139 Gill Hall Road Jefferson Hills, PA 15025

Learn , Love and Live JesusLearn , Love and Live JesusLearn , Love and Live Jesus


JANUARY 23, 2022

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me … He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free. — Luke 4:18

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Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 23, 2022

1st reading: Nehemiah 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10 2nd reading: 1 Corinthians 12:12-30 (or 1 Corinthians 12:12-14, 27) Gospel: Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21 GROW AS A DISCIPLE | PRAY, STUDY, ENGAGE, SERVE

Jesus returns to Nazareth, where he had grown up, and went according to his custom, into the synagogue on the sabbath. As Jesus reads from the Prophet Isaiah, He is proclaiming His mission: to bring glad tidings to the poor, liberty to captives, sight to the blind, freedom for the oppressed. His mission is straightforward, bold, true and, of great significance, as He fulfills the prophecy of Isaiah. By virtue of our Baptism, we are part of the Body of Christ and share in Jesus’ mission in a real, concrete way. Whatever our backgrounds, abilities, or talents, we each have something to contribute to building up one another and the Church. And with the help of the Holy Spirit, we, too, can be bold in our proclamation of Jesus Christ as Lord. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAY, INVITE, WITNESS, SHARE

We’ve heard the phrase “Don’t sell yourself short.” Many of us tend to focus on our shortcomings: We may wish we could accomplish more, multi-task, have a cleaner home, be better at our jobs, be holier, in general, “get it together!” The reality is, as Saint Paul reminds us in today’s reading, each one of us – whatever our strengths or weaknesses are – is part of the Body of Christ. God loves us deeply, even with our imperfections, not despite them. Therefore, each of us has indispensable value and much to contribute to the mission of the Church. In the coming week, reflect upon these readings that remind us to place ourselves at the service of the Church and one another. Beyond that, we can invite others to join us by recognizing that God values the gifts, talents, and uniqueness – that each of us brings to His service.

Article Adapted from Grow + Go, from FAITH Catholic, January 23, 2022.


God has created me to do Him some definite service; He has committed some work to me which He has not committed to another. I have my mission—I never may know it in this life, but I shall be told it in the next.

I have a part in this great work; I am a link in a chain, a bond of connection between persons.

He has not created me for naught. I shall do good, I shall do His work; I shall be an angel of peace, a preacher of truth in my own place, while not intending it, if I do but keep His commandments.

Therefore I will trust Him. Whatever, wherever I am, I can never be thrown away. If I am in sickness, my sickness may serve Him,

in perplexity, my perplexity may serve Him. If I am in sorrow, my sorrow may serve Him. He does nothing in vain; He may prolong my life, may shorten it; He knows what He is about. He may take away my friends, He may throw me among strangers, He may make me feel desolate, make my spirits sink, hide the future from me— still He knows what He is about. Saint John Henry Newman (1801-1890)

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Parish Life

Spring Festival Planning Meeting

We’re counting on YOU to have a successful event!

Monday, January 31 at 6:30PM St. Elizabeth Cafeteria

We ask that you please call Carolyn Bourgeois in advance

at 412-726-7089 so that a suitable meeting place can be prepared

along with some light refreshments. Nothing else will be needed –

except for you!

There are still spots available for our parish weekend retreats for both men and women at Saint Paul’s Monastery in 2022. Reserve your place now!

Retreat for Women:

February 25-27 ———————————

Retreats for Men: February 18-20 and March 4-6

The weekend begins with Mass at 5:00pm on Friday and ends by 2:00pm on Sunday afternoon. Retreat amenities include reflections/presentations by the retreat staff, Adoration, daily Mass, the opportunity for Confession, the opportunity for rest and private time, 2 overnight accommodations in a private room, and 5 meals. The suggested weekend offering is $250 for a room with dormitory style bathroom/shower or $275 for a newly remodeled room with a private bath.

For further information and to register, please visit: www.stpaulsretreatcenter-pittsburgh.org, or call the Retreat Center at 412-381-7676. Feel free to contact our Parish Retreat Coordinators with questions: For WOMEN: Toni Aceto toniace1@yahoo.com Michele Yotz 412-389-2568 For MEN: Pete Diulus 412-638-0662 Ron Gribschaw 412-719-6325, Brad Froehlich 412-901-9935

Parish Retreats

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Great Catholic Books to Read In the New Year A Few Suggestions ... Theology - Great Adventure Bible - The Everlasting Man by G.K. Chesterton - Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis - Cur Deus Homo by Saint Anselm - Bible Basics for Catholic by John Bergsma - Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist - Why We’re Catholic by Trent Horn (Highlight) Not only will you learn about the Faith, but you will also be better equipped to hand it on to others. Spirituality - He Leadeth Me by Walter Ciszek - The Power of Silence by Cardinal Sarah - Story of a Soul by Saint Therese - True Devotion to Mary by Saint Louis de Montfort - The Imitation of Christ by Saint Thomas à Kempis - This Present Paradise by Claire Dwyer - Confessions by Saint Augustine (Highlight) Perhaps you know about Saint Augustine, but if you really want to know Augustine, it is necessary to read his autobiography. Contained within these pages is a story of a man who will change the western world forever, and not just that, but change you as well. Augustine’s story captures believers, skeptics and everyone in between because Augustine was truly a man for all people. Fiction - Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien - Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis - Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh - Brave New World by Aldous Huxley - The Complete Stories by Flannery O’Connor - Father Elijah by Michael O’Brien - The Brothers Karamozov by Fyodor Dostoevsky (Highlight) Dostoevsky brilliantly ties on theology, philosophy, psychology and more without you even realizing it, and tells the story of a family and how to live well. Evangelization - Life is Messy by Matthew Kelly - Persuasive Pro-Life by Trent Horn - Forming Intentional Disciples by Sherry Weddell - The Strangest Way by Bishop Barron - Rome Sweet Home by Scott Hahn - Evangelizing Catholics by Scott Hahn - Return by Brandon Vogt (Highlight) Admittedly we want to highlight this book because our parish’s book study on it begins next month (make sure you register now!), but it is an important book for Catholics to read with great tips on bringing others back to the Church.

Why We Read from Scripture During Mass Dear Friends, The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is divided into two unique parts: The Liturgy of the Word and The Liturgy of the Eucharist. Both are incredibly important and lead to the worship of the True God. The Catechism says that both parts of the Mass “together form one single act of worship, the Eucharistic table set for us is the table both of the Word of God and of the Body of the Lord” (1346). Therefore, to have the Eucharist, we must have the Word of God as well. A few months ago, I discussed why we reverence Holy Scripture, so I don’t want to recount all those points here, but it is important to emphasize its importance in the life of the Church. Scripture is how God speaks to His children, how He shares His revelation, and how He expresses His love in written form. Dei Verbum, the Church’s Constitution on Sacred Scripture, says, “For in the sacred books, the Father who is in heaven meets His children with great love and speaks with them; and the force and power in the word of God is so great that it stands as the support and energy of the Church, the strength of faith for her sons, the food of the soul, the pure and everlasting source of spiritual life” (21). At Sunday Mass, we are blessed to hear a reading from the Old Testament, a Psalm, the New Testament, and then the Gospel. Thanks to the reform of the Lectionary after the Second Vatican Council, these readings have a ‘theme’ of sorts that we can see and understand. For this reason, the homily is provided to unpack that theme for us. The homily is a sacred time when the priest teaches and instructs the congregation. It is not primarily a time for jokes or stories, but as the Catechism says, the homily is “an exhortation to accept this Word as what it truly is, the Word of God, and to put it into practice” (1349). Though we have this opportunity of the homily at Mass, we should be prepared to hear these readings. For this reason, we must be reading the Sunday Mass readings before we come to Mass. Not only will this prepare us for Mass, but also it allows us to encounter The Lord outside the context of the celebration of the Mass. We should not only read these but also pray with them as well. If you want help doing that, search for Lectio Divina online. So to summarize why we read Scripture at Mass, it is because God wants to speak with us and for us to understand Him so that when we receive Him at Holy Communion, Jesus can truly dwell with us. Your Brother in Christ,

Nick Clinton

From Our Seminarian

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Living Our Faith at Home This week we celebrate the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary time. What this means to us liturgically speaking, is that we are still within the 40 days after Christmas and the effects of Epiphany, the arrival of the magi, and the recognition of Jesus as King, His baptism in the Jordan River, and the beginning of His public ministry at the Wedding of Cana are in our recent memory. The Liturgical color is green but we are still basking in the glow of Christmastide. This week we celebrate the feast days of Saint Francis de Sales, Saints Timothy and Titus, Saint Angela Merici and Saint Thomas Aquinas. In their honor, learn a Bible verse, prayer, or activity to teach others about your faith. On the 40th day after Christmas, we celebrate the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple. This day falls on February 2nd and commemorates the occasion when Mary and Joseph, in obedience to Jewish law, went to the

Temple in Jerusalem for purification and to present Him to God as her firstborn (Luke 2:22-38). Connected to Simeon's prophecy, on this day the Church has a special ritual involving a procession and the blessing of candles, the candles being a symbol of Christ whose birth illuminated the world's darkness. Since ancient times the Doctors of the Church have given special meaning to the candles used in Candlemas as a symbol of the Incarnate Christ: the beeswax is a symbol of His pure body, the wick His soul, and the flame of His divinity. The blessing of candles at Candlemas is similar to the blessing of ashes and palms during the Lent and Easter season, respectively. The faithful will often bring candles to Mass on February 2nd to have them blessed for use at home throughout the year.

January Saints Word Search

Search only for the saint’s names NOT in parentheses.


(Elizabeth Ann) SETON (Thomas) AQUINAS TITUS

ANGELA (Merici) (John) BOSCO ANDRÉ (Bessette)

SoulCore Update We had a good response in regard to forming a SoulCore group! Unfortunately, at this time we are on temporary hold due to the transmission of Covid, but stay tuned.

Faith Formation Class Schedule

At this time we are planning to return to in person Faith Formation Programs. We will continue to advise you of any changes via Flocknote. Be sure to check it regularly for any changes. Tuesday Class: January 25, February 1 5:30-7:00PM, St. Elizabeth Wednesday Class: January 26, February 2 4:30-6:00PM and 6:30-8:00PM St. Elizabeth Edge 2 - January 24 6:30-8:30PM, St. Elizabeth Gym

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Hello Everyone! This week, we’ll be continuing our reflection on youth ministry by looking at the second “goal” of youth ministry as it is laid out for us in the United States Conference of Catholic Bishop’s document Renewing the Vision: Goal 2) To draw young people to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the Catholic faith community. One phrase that I hear often is that our young people are “the future of the Church.” While in a very real sense this is true, I think that it misses the mark in a very important way: young people are not only the future of the Church, they are called to be full and active members of the Church of today. I often share this with Confirmation students. Before they are Confirmed, we can still say they are the future Church as they are still completing their initiation. After their Confirmation, however, they are full members of the Church and should be expected to assume a level of responsibility for being the Church alive in our midst. I am a HUGE Marvel fan, and anyone who loves the movies could share the famous quote which was integral to Spiderman’s formation, “With great power comes great responsibility.” I believe the reverse is also true, that when we call someone to great responsibility, we have to empower them to do the job. This is the whole Church’s mission—to form these young men and women into disciples of Christ (Goal 1) and draw them


into parish life. When you see young people at church, or helping out with your ministries, please say hi! Get to know them, invite them to come back, thank their families for bringing them. Hospitality goes such a long way towards this goal. And if there are any young people in your life, please let them know about the different youth ministry events we have going on and help them get plugged into our youth ministry! We are still in the early stages of building a program, but it will be a great community for our young people.

Finally, THIS Sunday we are kicking off a four-week Life Night series at 6:00 PM in Vincentian Hall called “Mirror, Mirror”. The theme we’ll be exploring over these next couple of weeks is “Who are we in God’s eyes?” It is a series primarily on Jesus, and in our first night, called Shattered, we’ll be talking about the brokenness in the world and how Jesus

came to heal it and save us. We also have some dates locked in for a summer Mission Week and Youth conference that I’ll be sharing soon!

Great things are on the horizon. As always, please keep me in prayer and feel free to reach out if you ever have questions or want to learn more.

God bless,


Page 7

TMIY is a fantastic program that is most important to young Roman Catholic husbands/fathers, although men of all ages WILL benefit from its tremendous message on “male leadership”, particularly the leadership qualities and attributes that are required in our homes, if we are to properly emulate the Holy Family! —Al Teeney

For more information, email: Dan Rehak rehakda@msn.com Matthew Gargani theoneandonly.mrgargani@ gmail.com

Second Session Begins Monday, January 31 6:00 - 7:30AM Saint Elizabeth Cafeteria

All men are welcome!

THAT MAN IS YOU!THAT MAN IS YOU!THAT MAN IS YOU! Guiding men and their families on the pathway to holiness.

That Man is You! honestly addresses the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture, especially those relating to their roles as husbands and fathers. The program harmonizes current social and medical science with the teachings of the Church and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of man fully alive!

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“The statistics are troubling: an average of 6.5 people leave the Catholic Church for everyone that joins, and 50% of young people who were raised Catholic are no longer Catholic today. The Catholic Church is hemorrhaging young people.”

B ehind these statistics are countless stories of wounded families. Millions of mothers and fathers are longing for their prodigal children to come home to the Church, crying: “Where did we go wrong?”

The passive wait-and-see approach is no longer an option. We need a different strategy. We need to understand the real reasons why our young people drift away, and we need a game plan to bring them home. We need “Return”. If you have a child, a family member, a friend, or are just concerned with people leaving the Church in general, we would like to personally invite you to join this 9-week study on Return by Word on Fire’s Senior Director Brandon Vogt. Now is the time to take the mission of the New Evangelization seriously and discuss with fellow parishioners the best tips and tools to draw those who have left back to the fold. We look forward to seeing you! For questions, call Amy LaMartina or Nick Clinton at 412-755-2046.


Begins MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7 Saint Elizabeth Cafeteria

Session Choice:

1:00-2:30PM or 6:30-8:00PM *$10 Registration Fee which includes the

price of the book

I would like to Register for the “Return” Program Please place in the collection basket, drop off at the Parish Office,

or mail to Triumph of the Holy Cross Parish, 139 Gill Hall Road, Jefferson Hills, PA 15025

Name: ________________________________________________ Email: ________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________

Session Choice: 1:00-2:30PM 6:30-8:00PM

Amount Enclosed: _________ ($10 for book and registration) Checks payable to Triumph of the Holy Cross Parish

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SUN 1/23

Knights of Columbus Planning Meeting, 7:00PM, The Annex, Room 6, St. Thomas Bingo at Holy Spirit, Doors open at 12:00 Noon

MON 1/24

Marian Stitchers, 12:00 Noon, The Annex, Lower Level, St. Thomas Eucharistic Adoration & Reconciliation, 6:30-7:30PM, St. Elizabeth Church EDGE 2, 6:00-8:30PM, Pius X Hall (Gym)

TUES 1/25

Bingo, doors open at 5:30PM, St. Elizabeth Gym Faith Formation, 5:30-7:00PM, St. Elizabeth Martha & Mary Ministry, 7:00PM (see ad for details)

WED 1/26

Mardi Gras Planning Meeting, 6:30PM, Pius X Hall, Room 107 Faith Formation, 4:30-6:00PM & 6:30-8:00PM, St. Elizabeth

FRI 1/28

CMF Group, 6:05-7:15AM, Pius X Hall, Room 107

SAT 1/29

CMF Group, 8:00-9:30AM, Pius X Hall, Room 107 Centering Prayer Group, 10:00AM-Noon, Via Zoom, for the link, call 412-653-0435 Reconciliation, 10:30-11:30AM, St. Thomas Church


Monday, January 31 Spring Festival Planning Meeting, 6:30PM, St. Elizabeth Cafeteria

Monday, February 7 Return: How to Draw Others Back to the Church 9-week study begins

More News & Events In Our Parish & Community


Free Tax Preparation service, sponsored by AARP Tax-Aide, is available for Low to Moderate income taxpayers of all ages. Federal, State, and Local tax returns as well as Property Tax/Rent Rebates can be completed typically within one hour. All tax preparers are annually trained, tested, and certified by the IRS. Call between 10:00AM and 4:00PM Monday through Thursday for appointments and locations. Jefferson Hills Library 412-627-3014 Pleasant Hills Library 412-655-2424

You are called ...

Martha and Mary Ministry Recipes of Faith to be shared among sisters

in Christ Jesus Our Lord™

We will gather for prayer and fellowship on Tuesday, January 25 at 7:00PM

The Conversion of Saint Paul

Zoom Host: Donna Canovali Call 412-653-0972 for details


Marriage Preparation Class St. Paul of the Cross Parish (Castle Shannon/Mt. Lebanon) will be hosting Pre-Cana marriage preparation on Saturday, March 5th from 9:00AM-5:00PM on the campus of St. Anne's Church. Six hours of preliminary preparation using FORMED is required prior to attending. Registration information can be found on: https://forms.gle/xKQ9NyEVjUrytPXA6 For more information, email Don Fontana at: dfontana@stpaulofthecross.com.

Christmas Poinsettias Any poinsettias remaining in our Churches are available for you to take home after Masses this weekend, January 22/23. These plants are delicate and cannot tolerate the cold. Bring a large paper or plastic bag to insulate and cover your plants while transporting them to and from your car and into your home.

Snow Angels With all the snow we had recently, we are reminded that winter will be around for a while. If you would like to volunteer to be on the “on call” list to help with snow removal for our parishioners that need assistance, please call Karen Michaux at 412-207-1655.

Widowed, Divorced, Separated? The Beginning Experience© Pittsburgh Lay Apostolate will host a 1-day Saturday seminar, Coping with Life Alone-In the Beginning Program, intended to help widowed, divorced, or separated men and women work through their grief and begin to move forward with hope on Saturday, January 29 from 8:45AM – 4:00PM. The cost is $25.00 (lunch included). Location: Our Lady of Mount Carmel Community Center (St. Athanasius) located at 7 Chalfonte Ave., West View, PA 15229 Register at www.BeginningExperiencePittsburgh.com or make a confidential call to Rob at 412-584-5575 or Kim at 412-352-2653 to learn more about this healing ministry.

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(Includes online giving donations)

Offertory (January 15/16) ..................... $ 30,399.45 St. Anthony/DePaul Schools .................$ 4,992.00

Thank you for your sacrificial gifts to the Lord.

Parish Support

Vigil Lights

Saturday, January 22

8:00 AM Saint Thomas Deacon Gerry Como by Alberta Sherman

4:00 PM Vigil Holy Spirit Donald Buck by Nick & Regina Botti

4:00 PM Vigil

Saint Thomas Deceased Members of the Totin Family by Lisa & George Steinmiller

5:00 PM Vigil

Saint Elizabeth John Yablonski by Catherine Soltis

Sunday, January 23

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:00 AM

Saint Elizabeth Dorothy Brown by Ken & Linda James

9:00 AM

Saint Clare Ann & William Cavalier by Daughter, Phyllis Rukas

9:00 AM

Saint Thomas Charles F. Gillespie by Daughter, Cindy Smith

11:00 AM

Holy Spirit For the Living & Deceased Members of Triumph of the Holy Cross Parish

Monday, January 24 Saint Francis de Sales

7:30 AM Saint Elizabeth Edward Willig by Mary Anne & Tony Talarek

8:00 AM Saint Thomas Rose Borriello by the Fulmer Family

Tuesday, January 25 The Conversion of Saint Paul

7:30 AM Saint Clare Madeline Sporio by Bob & Barbara Garber

8:00 AM Saint Thomas Adam Roberts by Barb

Wednesday, January 26 Saints Timothy & Titus

7:30 AM Saint Elizabeth

Deceased Members of the Varesi Family by Tony Garofalo

8:00 AM Holy Spirit Everett Burns by Rick & Linda Terrick

Thursday, January 27 Saint Angela Merici

7:30 AM Saint Clare Angelo P. Sgroi by Angie & Paul

8:00 AM Saint Thomas Deacon Gerry Como by Bill & Judy Kerns

Friday, January 28 Saint Thomas Aquinas

7:30 AM Saint Elizabeth In Thanksgiving Bob & Marion Schorr

8:00 AM Holy Spirit Jose & Susan Vigil by Brothers & Sisters

Sunday, January 30

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:00 AM Saint Elizabeth Frank Kosinski by Family

9:00 AM Saint Clare

Joseph S. Mitko & Gertrude J. Mitko by Family

9:00 AM Saint Thomas Douglas O’Har by Wife, Ann & Family

11:00 AM Holy Spirit

Enrico Dambsco & Donato DiNardo by Romilda & Family

Saturday, January 29 BVM

8:00 AM Saint Thomas Robert Lamars by the Sparta Family

4:00 PM Vigil Holy Spirit

For the Living & Deceased Members of Triumph of the Holy Cross Parish

4:00 PM Vigil Saint Thomas Rod Kushner by Wife, Rita

5:00 PM Vigil Saint Elizabeth Helen O’Leary by Family

The Vigil Light at the Tabernacle at

Saint Thomas à Becket Church will burn this week

In Loving Memory of Donald & Gloria Lepiane from Mary & Family

The Vigil Light at the Tabernacle in the Chapel at St. Thomas à Becket Church will burn this week

In Loving Memory of Tina Roberto from Sister, Anna DiPilato

The Vigil Light at the Tabernacle at

Holy Spirit Church will burn this week For the Poor Souls from Narinjan Hope

To schedule a Mass, call the Parish Office at 412-755-2046.

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We welcome our newest member to Triumph of the Holy Cross Parish …

Marie Katherine Geiegerich

Rest in Peace

Remember our recently deceased faithful departed in your prayers:

Patricia "Pat" Baumiller Joann Bieranowski

John Chorba ~ Nancy Jean Ginanni Debra Yoskoski

Keith Polick (Brother of Kevin Polick)

Private Prayer in our Churches 11:00am - 2:00pm daily

To View Online Mass

Go to YouTube and search: parishgrouping225

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

MONDAYS - 6:30-7:30PM Saint Elizabeth of Hungary Church

(during scheduled time for confessions)

Triumph of the Holy Cross Parish

Minister Schedule - January 29/30






4:00PM Vigil

St. Thomas Karen Brown Patty Cagney Dawn Hines

John Baltrus A.J. Cardillo Gianna Cardillo

Russ Behary, Carolyn Bourgeois Mark Simon, Kathy Stock, Diane Wojtunik, Stan Wojtunik

4:00PM Vigil

Holy Spirit Nick Clinton Pete Diulus Lenora Debiak Butch Fast, Jim McGinnis, Matt O’Donnell, Theresa Palyo, Barb Price, Kathy Rotz

5:00PM Vigil

St. Elizabeth Janice DiCecco Lauren Lemasters Joseph Obara Mary Frances Archey, Larry Bunda Bob Karcher, Gerry Karcher, Ray Michenzi, Christel Somtcheu

8:00AM St. Elizabeth Jay Black Jean Wytiaz Kaylee Rehak Gary Backo, Jim Grassi, Mary Grassi, Lance Tischler

9:00AM St. Clare John Vitullo Monica Kapsha Elizabeth Marsh Paul DeDominicis, Val Furrick, Jean McBride, Bill Ulmer

9:00AM St. Thomas Marina Pawlesh Doug Saltzman Cynthia Smith

Felix Fusco Claire Saltzman Dave Alderson, Sally Byrne, Mame Donohue, Tom Donohue, Joanne Slappo, Rose Sullivan

11:00AM Holy Spirit Nick Clinton Frank Pasquinelli Luke Brennfleck Brandon Fulmer, Bruce Kunkle, Melissa Lippi, Linda McGuirk, Barbara Rauch, Ken Suski,

The Sacraments

RECONCILIATION: MONDAYS: 6:30-7:30PM Saint Elizabeth of Hungary Church SATURDAYS: 10:30-11:30AM Saint Thomas à Becket Church BAPTISM, MATRIMONY and ANOINTING OF THE SICK can be scheduled by calling the Parish Office. COMMUNION to the HOMEBOUND Call Karen Michaux at 412-207-1655.

Page 13

Orders forms for this sale are near the White Box in back of the Church, marked Knights of Columbus Hoagie Sale starting on January 15th. After the order form is

completed, please place it in an envelope with payment and drop in the box. Hoagies are picked up from the same church where ordered

Our Parish School


Matt hosted “Man on the Street” for the WDVE Morning Show, numerous shows across America, and was featured on Good Morning America.

Giggles for the New Year!

Matt Light


Friday, February 18 7:00PM

St. Valentine, Frawley Hall 2710 Ohio Street, Bethel Park, PA 15102

18 and older event Covid Protocols and Masking Encouraged

General Admission $20 VIP Tickets $30

Reserved Table $125 (seats 6) BYOB, 50/50 and Basket Raffles

For tickets, email:

Knights of Columbus


to raise money for our parish school. If you would like to support this sale, you can go online to:

Mother of Mercy Academy is fundraising with



Mother of Mercy Academy



Instructions: Once you’re on the Sarris Candies Fundraising website, you can select the Online Ordering tab in the navigation bar or the Online Ordering Banner to have access to all of the available products. Enter our Group ID# and your family member or your friend’s name and select Continue. All orders must be placed by 11:59PM on February 8, 2022. TIP: Use the drop-down categories under the Online Ordering tab to look for specific types of products. TIP: Use the search bar to look for specific products.

FREE GROUND SHIPPING $5 Handling and packing fee will be applied.

Orders shipped directly to your home!

2-Pack Pepperoni Rolls

$7.00 each

Contact information:

Earl Fentzel 412-951-8412 Ralph Graeser 412-580-1914 Stan Wojtunik 412-519-9523 Larry Bunda 412-977-0989

Proceeds from Sales will Support the KOC Charities Coats for Kids and Cloverleaf Food Bank

Support local Seminarians Food for Families – Support of Cloverleaf Food Bank

Support Mon Valley Special Steelers (Special Olympic) Parish Respect for Life, Faith Formation and Youth Programs

Delivery Date - Super Bowl Weekend February 12 & 13

14-inch Hoagies Choice of:

Italian or Turkey $7.00 each

Knights of Columbus

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Richard F. Koll, III, Supervisor412-655-4501


Page 14

Triumph of the Holy Cross Parish Parish Office : 139 Gill Hall Road | Jefferson Hills, PA 15025

Phone: 412-755-2046 Fax: 412-655-0615

Email: parish@triumphoftheholycrosspgh.org Website: www.triumphoftheholycrosspgh.org

Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:00PM Facebook: facebook.com/holyspirit

Sacramental Emergency phone: 412-572-4810

Served By:


Reverend Paul J. Zywan | 412-755-2046


Senior Parochial Vicars

Reverend William R. Terza | 412-755-2046


Reverend Kenneth E. Kezmarsky | 412-755-2046


Parochial Vicar

Reverend Michael J. Faix | 412-755-2046

mfaix@diopitt.org Institutional Chaplain of Jefferson Hospital

Father Joseph G. Luisi | 412-755-2046



Nicholas R. Clinton | 412-755-2046


Pastoral Associate

Amy LaMartina | 412-755-2046



Sue Weber | 412-755-2046


Business Manager

Don Greco | 412-755-2046


Office Support/Bookkeeping

Kathy Ulmer | 412-755-2046


Safe Environment Coordinator/Bookkeeping

Lynette Baldwin | 412-755-2046


Bulletin Design/Editor

Marie Perticone


Social Concerns

Director of Social Concerns

Karen Michaux | 412-207-1655


Music Ministry

Carol Accetta | 412-755-2046


Chris McCloskey | 412-882-8436


Jeanie Werner | 412-755-2046


Faith Formation

Director of Faith Formation

Kristina Centinaro | 412-882-5023


Faith Formation Program Manager

Jennifer Michalka | 412-882-5023


Youth & Young Adult Ministry Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministry

Jonah Soucy | 412-882-5023


Hotline Numbers

Diocese of Pittsburgh Abuse Hotline: 1-800-932-0313 Victim Assistance Hotline: 1-888-808-1235 PREGNANT? FOR HELP CALL: Option Line: 1-800-712-HELP (4357) Birthright: 412-621-1988 Catholic Charities: 412-687-6683 Post abortion healing - Project Rachel: 412-456-3167 Sisters of Life: 267-831-3100 (914) 907-8570 FOOD BANK - Cloverleaf Food Bank

Karen Johnson | 412-207-1657

Sacramental Records

To request sacramental records (including Baptismal Certificates, First Holy Communion, Confirmation and Marriage records) prior to July 2020 ... Contact the Diocesan Archives and Records Center: Phone: (412) 456-3158 Fax: (412) 444-4417 archives@diopitt.org