Dms146 Slide Inflamasi Pada Kulit Dan Kelamin

Post on 22-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Dms146 Slide Inflamasi Pada Kulit Dan Kelamin


dr. Imam Budi Putra, MHA, SpKKdr. Imam Budi Putra, MHA, SpKK





LICHEN PLANUSLICHEN PLANUSLPLP :: Akut atau kronis, inflamasi dermatosis pada

kulit, selaput lendir dan genitalia. Gambaran, p glesinya 4P (Papul, Purple, Polygonal, Pruritic).

Onset : 30 – 60 tahun- Onset : 30 – 60 tahun- Perempuan > Laki-laki (Laki-laki = Perempuan)- Etiologi : ?Etiologi : ?- Hipotesis : Virus, berdasarkan :

• Pada pemeriksaan hispatologis; pada• Pada pemeriksaan hispatologis; padaepidermis menyerupai gambaran yangdisebabkan oleh virus.Mikroskopik elektron : elemen elemen


• Mikroskopik elektron : elemen-elemenvirus.

GambaranGambaran KlinisKlinisL iL i P tP t dd LPLPLesiLesi PertamaPertama padapada LPLP-- MulaiMulai ditungkaiditungkai dandan lenganlengan

PalingPaling banyakbanyak :: fleksorfleksor pergelanganpergelangan tangantangan dandan-- PalingPaling banyakbanyak :: fleksorfleksor pergelanganpergelangan tangantangan dandanlenganlengan bawahbawah..

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LesiLesi KulitKulit KhasKhas- Papula poligonal- Papula, poligonal,

permukaan rata berkilat, pada puncaknya ditemukan cekungan

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ditemukan cekungan-cekungan (Delle)

- Pada permukaan papula p p pdapat terlihat garis-garis anyaman berwarna putih yang disebut Wickemyang disebut Wickem striae.

- (Tampak lebih jelas bila k k lipermukaan kulit

dibersihkan dengan minyak dan diamati


ydengan kaca pembesar)

Warna papula pada permukaan merah- Warna papula pada permukaan merah,kemudian cepat berubah menjadi ungu ataukemerahankemerahan.

- Dijumpai fenomena isomorfik atau Koebnerphenomenaphenomena.

- Lesi-lesi yang sudah menyembuh :hiperpigmentasi atau hipopigmentasihiperpigmentasi atau hipopigmentasi

(tanda khas).

- Lesi dikulit bertahan 1 – 2 tahun

- Lesi di selaput lendir masih bertahan beberapa

55tahun sesudah lesi dikulit hilang.

LesiLesi didi selaputselaput lendirlendirll dd ll l dl d bb ll khkh-- LesiLesi--lesilesi didi selaputselaput lendirlendir memberimemberi gejalagejala khaskhas

didi mukosamukosa mulutmulut (buccal),(buccal), lidah,lidah, bibir,bibir, faringfaringdandan seluruhseluruh saluransaluran pencernaanpencernaandandan seluruhseluruh saluransaluran pencernaanpencernaan..

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The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again.The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again.


LesiLesi GenitaliaGenitaliaPadaPada PriaPria :: PenisPenis ;; papulapapula anularanular atauatau striaestriae putihputih-- PadaPada PriaPria :: PenisPenis ;; papulapapula anularanular atauatau striaestriae putihputih

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-- PadaPada WanitaWanita :: VaginaVagina dandan vesikavesika urinariaurinaria :: gambargambarretikularretikular serupaserupa jalajala yangyang terdiriterdiri atasatas garisgaris--garisgarisputihputih atauatau striaestriae abuabu--abuabu.. The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again.


KukuKukuAdanyaAdanya kelainankelainan 1010%% (Samman)(Samman)AdanyaAdanya kelainankelainan 1010%% (Samman)(Samman)

KulitKulit KepalaKepalaPapulPapul folikulerfolikuler alopesiaalopesia sikatrikssikatriks

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KeluhanKeluhan SubjektifSubjektif ::KeluhanKeluhan SubjektifSubjektif ::

- Sangat gatal (LP hipertrofik)

S l t l di t b k d d h- Selaput lendir : rasa terbakar pada daerahmulut

- Timbul erosi sakit


VARIASIVARIASI GAMBARANGAMBARAN KLINIKKLINIKII VariasiVariasi bentukbentukI.I. VariasiVariasi bentukbentuk

•• BentukBentuk AnulerAnulerPada 10% penderita LPPapula membentuk gambaran cincinDapat juga terbentuk dari penyebaran keDapat juga terbentuk dari penyebaran kepinggir, penyembuhan ditengah lesi LPkhasP d l i

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Pada glans penis

•• BentukBentuk LinierLinierThe image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again.

JarangPapula – papula berjejerd l t i b


dalam satu garis gambaranzoster

IIII.. VariasiVariasi LokalisasiLokalisasi

Mukosa buccal, lidah, bibir,•• SelaputSelaput LendirLendir

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palatum, tonsil dan faringpaling seringDapat juga : Sal cernaDapat juga : Sal cerna(Lambung – anus)Mukosa vagina, kandungkencing, laring, conjunctivaEfloresensi : Jaringan seratatau garis-garis putih atauatau garis garis putih atauabu-abu, berkelompok atausendiri.

l l d / k1111

Lesi selaput lendir 2/3 kasus

25% k t j di d•• GenitaliaGenitalia The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again.

25% kasus terjadi padagenitalia laki-laki yang palingsering : glans penisPapula (khas) : Anular ataulinier (Putih)Di vulva dan vagina samaDi vulva dan vagina samaseperti lesi pada selaput lendir.

•• KukuKukuTimbul setelah beberapaminggu lesi di kulitP k k k k d

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Permukaan kuku kasar danmenipis, warna coklatpenghancuran dan atrofi


Tanda penting LP (walaupundi kulit belum ada)

•• KepalaKepala

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Lesi berbentuk papula folikuleralopesia sikatriks dan liken pilaris. The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again.

IIIIII.. VariasiVariasi MorfologiMorfologi•• HipertrofikHipertrofikThe image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again.

Lesi plak verukosa berwarna merah coklatdan ungu cruris anterior

•• HipertrofikHipertrofik

dan ungu cruris anterior

Papula papula seperti duri pada kulit selaput

•• FolikulerFolikulerPapula-papula seperti duri pada kulit, selaputlendir dan kulit kepala trias liken planopilaris



Bentuk vesikobulosa >>

•• VesikuloVesikulo -- BulosaBulosaBentuk vesikobulosa >>Timbul pada tempat bekas atausedang terdapat LP The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again.sedang terdapat LPBentuk bula <<, tegangPada kulit normal atau pada bekasPada kulit normal atau pada bekaslesi LP dan selaput lendir mulut

•• ErosifErosif dandan UlseratifUlseratifThe image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again.

Erosif ulcus : selaput lendir

•• ErosifErosif dandan UlseratifUlseratif


•• AtrofiAtrofiThe image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again.


gBersama bentuk yang lain

Pada bentuk hipertrofik•• DegenerasiDegenerasi MalignaMaligna

pkarsinoma epiderma

Oleh karena iritasi menahun, trauma,pengobatan oleh arsen sinar Xpengobatan oleh arsen, sinar X.

•• AktinikAktinikPapul kecoklatan (menyerupai granulomaanulare)Pada usia muda, di daerah tropis, sub tropisPada usia muda, di daerah tropis, sub tropisGejala ringan atau tanpa gejala

•• EritematosEritematosPapul lunak, eritem tanpa gatalKadang-kadang tidak ada hubungan dengan

•• EritematosEritematos


g g g gLP yang sesungguhnya, tapi pada gambaranhistopatologis khas LP.

PEMERIKSAANPEMERIKSAAN LABORATORIUMLABORATORIUMP ikP ik d hd h tid ktid k b kb k jjPemeriksaanPemeriksaan darahdarah tidaktidak banyakbanyak menunjangmenunjangJumlahJumlah leukositleukosit dandan limpositlimposit menurunmenurun

PEMERIKSAANPEMERIKSAAN HISTOPATOLOGIHISTOPATOLOGIEpidermisEpidermis :: hiperkeratosis,hiperkeratosis, akantosisakantosis tidaktidak teratur,teratur,pp p ,p , ,,penebalanpenebalan stratumstratum granulosum,granulosum, degenerasidegenerasi mencairmencairmembranamembrana basalis,basalis, hilangnyahilangnya stratumstratum basalis,basalis,degenerasidegenerasi keratinositkeratinosit (Colloid(Colloid CivatteCivatte bodies)bodies)degenerasidegenerasi keratinositkeratinosit (Colloid,(Colloid, CivatteCivatte bodies)bodies)DermisDermis :: SelSel infiltratinfiltrat padat,padat, menyerupaimenyerupai pitapita yangyangterdiriterdiri daridari selsel limfositlimfosit dandan histiosithistiositterdiriterdiri daridari selsel limfositlimfosit dandan histiosithistiosit..BentukBentuk BulaBula :: pemisahanpemisahan antaraantara epidermisepidermis dandandermisdermis

1616BentukBentuk AtrofiAtrofi :: EpidermisEpidermis menipismenipis..

BentukBentuk folikulerfolikuler :: SelSel--selsel infiltratinfiltrat didi sekitarsekitarfolikelfolikel rambutrambut menghancurkanmenghancurkan folikelfolikel rambutrambutfolikelfolikel rambutrambut menghancurkanmenghancurkan folikelfolikel rambutrambutLesiLesi didi selaputselaput lendirlendir :: TidakTidak hiperkeratosishiperkeratosisatauatau hipergranulomatosishipergranulomatosisatauatau hipergranulomatosishipergranulomatosis..PadaPada lesilesi yangyang lamalama :: bagianbagian atasatas dermisdermis ::melanomelano fagfag >>>>melanomelano fagfag >>>>GambaranGambaran khaskhas LPLP :: pitapita lebarlebar luruslurus yangyangterdiriterdiri daridari fibrinfibrin dandan fibrinogenfibrinogen padapada epidermalepidermalterdiriterdiri daridari fibrinfibrin dandan fibrinogenfibrinogen padapada epidermalepidermaldermaldermal juntionjuntionPemeriksaanPemeriksaan immunofluorescenceimmunofluorescence langsunglangsung ::PemeriksaanPemeriksaan immunofluorescenceimmunofluorescence langsunglangsung ::DepositDeposit fibrinfibrin didi junctionaljunctional dandan IgM,IgM, sedikitsedikitIgA,IgA, IgGIgG dandan CC33 didi ColloidColloid BodiesBodies


DIAGNOSISDIAGNOSISDiagnosisDiagnosis ditegakkanditegakkan berdasarkanberdasarkan :: gambarangambaranklinisklinis LPLP atauatau variannyavariannya yangyang khas,khas, ditunjangditunjangyy y gy g j gj gdengandengan pemeriksaanpemeriksaan histopatologihistopatologi

BahanBahan--bahanbahan yangyang dapatdapat menimbulkanmenimbulkan erupsierupsiy gy g pp ppsepertiseperti iniini adalahadalah :: emas,emas, streptomisin,streptomisin, tetrasiklin,tetrasiklin,arsen,arsen, merkuri,merkuri, yodida,yodida, quinakrin,quinakrin, dandan klorokuinklorokuin..

LichenLichen planusplanus –– likenliken eruptioneruption tidaktidak dapatdapatdibedakandibedakan secarasecara klinisklinis dandan histopatologis,histopatologis, daridarilikenliken planusplanus..



1.1. PsoriasisPsoriasisKulitKulit

2.2. GranulomaGranuloma anulareanulare3.3. NevusNevus uniusunius lateralislateralis4.4. LikenLiken striatusstriatus

MukosaMukosa1.1. LeukoplakiaLeukoplakia2.2. KandidosisKandidosis oraloral3.3. LupuseritematosisLupuseritematosis4.4. SifilisSifilis IIII


11 P i iP i iGenitaliaGenitalia1.1. PsoriasisPsoriasis2.2. DermatitisDermatitis seboroikaseboroika33 SkabiesSkabies3.3. SkabiesSkabies4.4. HerpesHerpes genitalisgenitalis

1.1. NeuroNeuro DermatitisDermatitis22 LikenLiken amiloidosisamiloidosis

BentukBentuk HipertrofikHipertrofik

2.2. LikenLiken amiloidosisamiloidosis3.3. SarkomaSarkoma kaposikaposi

1.1. LikenLiken spinulosisspinulosis22 LikenLiken nitidusnitidus

BentukBentuk FolikulerFolikuler


2.2. LikenLiken nitidusnitidus

BentukBentuk AtrofiAtrofi (Kepala(Kepala Muka)Muka)

1.1. LupusLupus eritematosuseritematosus22 FolikulitisFolikulitis

BentukBentuk AtrofiAtrofi (Kepala,(Kepala, Muka)Muka)

2.2. FolikulitisFolikulitis3.3. SklerodermaSkleroderma



Glucocorticoids occlusive pada lesiIntralesi triamcinolone 3 mg/ml

•• TopicalTopical

lesi mukosa mulut dan bibirCyclosporine dan tacrolimus solution

th h ( l LP)mouthwash (oral LP)Asam vitamin A (Asam retinoat 0,05%)

S t ikS t ik•• SystemikSystemikCyclosporine 5 mg/kg BB per hari

kasus yang resisten dan general.kasus yang resisten dan general.Glucocorticoids : oral prednisone dosis inisial70 mg tapering 5 mgSystemic retinoid (Acitretius) 1 mg/kg per hari


Systemic retinoid (Acitretius) 1 mg/kg per hari(oral LP, hipertropi LP)

•• PUVAPUVA PhotochemoterapyPhotochemoterapyG l LP t k i t d b tGeneral LP atau kasus yang resisten dengan obattopikal

M h l tM h l t f tilf til H iH i (E i )(E i )•• MycophenolateMycophenolate mofetil,mofetil, HeparinHeparin (Enoxaparin)(Enoxaparin)Immunomodulator, Azathiophrine

PROGNOSISPROGNOSISBeberapaBeberapa dapatdapat sembuhsembuh sendirisendiriBeberapaBeberapa dapatdapat sembuhsembuh sendirisendiriDapatDapat sembuhsembuh 11 –– 22 tahuntahun berlanjutberlanjut 55 –– 1010 tahuntahunTergantungTergantung bentukbentuk dandan luasnyaluasnyaTergantungTergantung bentukbentuk dandan luasnyaluasnyaKambuhKambuh 1010 –– 2020%% daridari kasuskasusPengobatanPengobatan yangyang cepatcepat dandan tepattepat dapatdapat


gg y gy g pp pp ppmemberikanmemberikan penyembuhanpenyembuhan

LICHEN SCLEROSUSLICHEN SCLEROSUSLICHEN SCLEROSUSLICHEN SCLEROSUS((Lichen Sclerosus et atrophicus)Lichen Sclerosus et atrophicus)

KelainanKelainan kulitkulit Anogenital,Anogenital, chronis,chronis, atrophicatrophic

EtioEtio :: ?? DNADNA :: BorreliaBorrelia SppSpp (Jerman,(Jerman, Jepang)Jepang)

PNAPNA :: SporochetesSporochetes (USA)(USA)pp ( )( )

PerempuanPerempuan >>>> 1010xx daridari lakilaki--lakilaki

DD >>>> (A k(A k 11 1313 t h )t h )DewasaDewasa >>>> (Anak(Anak 11 –– 1313 tahun)tahun)


GambaranGambaran KlinisKlinis ::PapulPapul berwarnaberwarna putihputih ivoryivoryPapulPapul berwarnaberwarna putihputih ivoryivoryatauatau putihputih porcelineporcelinePermukaanPermukaan meninggimeninggi atauatau

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ggggdatar,datar, verocousverocousPapulPapul dapatdapat berkonfluenberkonfluenmembentukmembentuk plaqueplaquemembentukmembentuk plaqueplaquePadaPada lesilesi yangyang sudahsudah lamalama

depresseddepressedDilatasiDilatasi pilosebaceouspilosebaceous atauataukelenjarkelenjar keringatkeringat (Keratin(Keratinplugsplugs // delle)delle)plugsplugs // delle)delle)GambaranGambaran karakteristikkarakteristik ::Bula,Bula, erosi,erosi, purpura,purpura,



PadaPada vulvavulva;; plaqueplaque hyperkeratotichyperkeratotic erosierosimaserasimaserasi vulvavulva atropiatropi khususnyakhususnya clitorisclitoris dandanmaserasimaserasi vulvavulva atropiatropi khususnyakhususnya clitorisclitoris dandanlabialabia minoraminora ukuranukuran introitusintroitus vaginavagina berkurangberkurang(mengecil)(mengecil)TerjadiTerjadi fusifusi labialabia minoraminora dandan mayoramayora

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PadaPada lakilaki--lakilaki yangyang tidaktidak sirkumsisisirkumsisi didi daerahdaerahpreputium/frenulumpreputium/frenulum papulpapul--papulpapul konfluenkonfluenwarnawarna putihputih ivoryivory scleroticsclerotic

GlansGlans :: putihputih ivoryivory atauatau putihputih porceline,porceline, purpurapurpurahemoragichemoragicgg

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The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again.

The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again.

The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again.


LesiLesi padapada vulvavulva menjadimenjadi sensitifsensitif ketikaketika berjalanberjalan ::prurituspruritus sakitsakit (erosi)(erosi) dysuriadysuria dyspareuniadyspareuniapruritus,pruritus, sakitsakit (erosi),(erosi), dysuria,dysuria, dyspareuniadyspareunia

The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again.The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again.

PadaPada lakilaki--lakilaki :: rekurenrekuren balanitisbalanitis AcquiredAcquired2828

PadaPada lakilaki--lakilaki :: rekurenrekuren balanitis,balanitis, AcquiredAcquiredphimosisphimosis

PadaPada perempuanperempuan yangyang lebihlebih mudamuda dapatdapat terjaditerjadiresolusiresolusi

PadaPada perempuanperempuan yangyang lebihlebih tuatua atropiatropi vulvavulvap pp p y gy g pp

PadaPada lakilaki--lakilaki phimosisphimosis

V lV l dd ii llll iiVulvaVulva dandan penispenis squamoussquamous cellcell carcinomacarcinoma


HistopatologiHistopatologi ::infiltrasiinfiltrasi lymphocyticlymphocytic atropicatropic epidermisepidermis dermisdermisinfiltrasiinfiltrasi lymphocytic,lymphocytic, atropicatropic epidermisepidermis dermisdermis..SebahagianSebahagian epidermisepidermis edematous,edematous, subsub epidermalepidermalzonezone tidaktidak terstrukturterstrukturdd bb k lk l hh ddAdanyaAdanya serabutserabut kolagenkolagen yangyang homogenhomogen padapada

papiladermispapiladermisThe image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again.


PengobatanPengobatan ::TidakTidak adaada pilihanpilihan terapiterapi khususkhusus•• TopikalTopikal :: -- PotenPoten glucocorticoidsglucocorticoids (Clobetasol(Clobetasol

Propionate)Propionate) 66 –– 88 mingguminggu

TidakTidak adaada pilihanpilihan terapiterapi khususkhusus

Propionate)Propionate) 66 88 mingguminggu-- Monitor tandaMonitor tanda--tanda tanda

glucocorticoid induced atrophyglucocorticoid induced atrophy-- Pimekrolimus atau takrolimusPimekrolimus atau takrolimus-- Topical androgen << Topical androgen <<

(H t h lit i )(H t h lit i )

•• SystemikSystemik :: -- HydrochloroquineHydrochloroquine :: 125125 –– 150150

(Hypertrophy clitoris)(Hypertrophy clitoris)

yy y qy qmg/harimg/hari untukuntuk beberapabeberapa mingguminggu –– bulanbulan (monitor(monitorefekefek sampingsamping padapada mata)mata)


•• PadaPada lakilaki--lakilaki :: sirkumsisisirkumsisi


GAGA :: SelfSelf limited,limited, asymtomatic,asymtomatic, chronischronis padapadade misde mis (lokal(lokal tidaktidak adaada tandatanda tandatanda kelainankelainandermisdermis (lokal(lokal :: tidaktidak adaada tandatanda--tandatanda kelainankelainansecarasecara internalinternal diseases)diseases)papulpapul papulpapul annulareannularepapulpapul--papulpapul annulareannularePadaPada dorsumdorsum manus,manus, kaki,kaki, siku,siku, dandan lututlututkadangkadang--kadangkadang bisabisa generalisatageneralisatakadangkadang--kadangkadang bisabisa generalisatageneralisata..PadaPada anakanak dandan dewasadewasa mudamudaPerempuanPerempuan :: lakilaki lakilaki == 22 :: 11PerempuanPerempuan :: lakilaki--lakilaki == 22 :: 11EtiologiEtiologi :: ?? ImmunologiosImmunologios :: MediatedMediated necrotizingnecrotizinginflammationinflammation padapada pembuluhpembuluh darahdarah


inflammationinflammation padapada pembuluhpembuluh darahdarah

GambaranGambaran KlinisKlinis ::P lP l dd ll ((11

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PapulPapul dandan plaquesplaques ((11 ––55 cm),cm), annular,annular, arciformarciformplaquesplaques dandan penekananpenekananplaquesplaques dandan penekananpenekanandidi tengahtengahSepertiSeperti warnawarna kulitkulitSepertiSeperti warnawarna kulit,kulit,violaceous,violaceous, erytematouserytematousSubcutaneousSubcutaneous GAGASubcutaneousSubcutaneous GAGA(jarang)(jarang) :: tidaktidak sakit,sakit,sepertiseperti warnawarna kulitkulitsepertiseperti warnawarna kulit,kulit,solitersoliter atauatau multiplemultiplenodulus,nodulus, deepdeep dermaldermal


nodulus,nodulus, deepdeep dermaldermalatauatau subcutaneoussubcutaneous..

DistribusiDistribusi ::DistribusiDistribusi ::LesiLesi tunggaltunggal :: DorsumDorsum manusmanus

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LesiLesi multiplemultiple :: EkstremitasEkstremitas dandan punggungpunggung atauataugeneralisatageneralisata The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again.

The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again.

LesiLesi subcutaneoussubcutaneous :: dekatdekat sendi,sendi, telapaktelapak tangantangan3535

LesiLesi subcutaneoussubcutaneous :: dekatdekat sendi,sendi, telapaktelapak tangantangandandan telapaktelapak kakikaki

VariasiVariasi KlinisKlinis ::LesiLesi perforasiperforasiGAGA dengandengan nekrobiosisnekrobiosis dengandengan lipoidicalipoidica

ff dd llGAGA fascia,fascia, tendontendon sclerosissclerosisGAGA generalisatageneralisata bersamaanbersamaan dengandengan DMDM

DifferentialDifferential DiagnosisDiagnosis ::•• LesiLesi PapulaPapula dandan plaquesplaquespp p qp q

LichenLichen planusplanusPapularPapular sarcoidsarcoidNecrobiosisNecrobiosis lipoidicalipoidicaLymphocyticLymphocytic infiltrateinfiltrate ofof JessnerJessner


•• SubcutaneousSubcutaneous NodulesNodulesReumatoidReumatoid NodulsNoduls

AtauAtau yangyang mempunyaimempunyai kemiripankemiripan padapadapemeriksaanpemeriksaan patologipatologi daridari GAGA rheumaticrheumatic nodulnodulpemeriksaanpemeriksaan patologipatologi daridari GA,GA, rheumaticrheumatic nodulnodulatauatau rhematoidrhematoid nodulnodul

•• LesiLesi AnularAnularTiTi (T(T i )i ) E thE th iiTineaTinea (T(T.. corporis),corporis), ErythemaErythema migransmigrans(cutaneous(cutaneous larvalarva migrans),migrans), sarkoid,sarkoid, lichenlichenplanusplanus..pp


PemeriksaanPemeriksaan LaboratoriumLaboratorium ::HistopatologiHistopatologi ::

FocalFocal chronicchronic inflamasiinflamasi dandan histiocytichistiocytic infiltrasiinfiltrasipadapada superfisialsuperfisial dandan midmid dermisdermis dengandenganpadapada superfisialsuperfisial dandan midmid dermisdermis dengandengannecrobiosisnecrobiosis daridari connectiveconnective tissuetissue yangyang dikelilingidikelilingioleholeh dindingdinding pallisadepallisade histiocyteshistiocytes dandan multimulti

l t dl t d i ti t llllnucleatednucleated giantgiant cellscells..The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again.


PengobatanPengobatan ::

TopicalTopical glucocorticoidglucocorticoid occlusifocclusif

InjeksiInjeksi IntralesiIntralesi triamsinolontriamsinolon :: 33 mg/mlmg/mlInjeksiInjeksi IntralesiIntralesi triamsinolontriamsinolon :: 33 mg/mlmg/ml


PUVAPUVA photochemoteraphyphotochemoteraphy GAGA generalisatageneralisata


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