upcoming | read the corrected letters below! - 1 File Download

UPCOMING | READ THE CORRECTED LETTERS BELOW! Below are the letters written by one of my students. You can see her improvement. If you read this completely, you can reach upto 330+ or more. Don't forget to join English Melon. Join Now! LETTER 17 | LIVE NOW The Nursing Unit Manager Rehabilitation Centre Waterford We are starting. Please watch carefully! If you are new, please note that it is a silent session. As this is a personal correction, guests can only watch! Ready! Minu, ready? Yes sir 11 February, 2014 Dear Sir/Madam, Re: Mrs Beryl Casey, 72 years I am writing to refer Mrs Casey, who had a fracture of the left femur and is recovering from left hemiarthroplasty. She requires further care and assistance following her discharge today. You are being very careful with the starting paragraph. That’s good. Let me look at it again You can remove that comma before who and put the same after “femur..” Next Mrs Casey was admitted to the hospital on 4th of this month after a fall at home. On radiological investigation , her diagnosis was confirmed. Hence she underwent the aforementioned surgery uneventfully.Post-operatively, she [it is better to start with the patient’s name - when you repeat the name, the recipient is reminded of the patient, or else, the recipient loses track of the patient] Mrs Casey was managed with 3 units packed [with “blood” that looks informal] blood cells, intravenous fluids,

Transcript of upcoming | read the corrected letters below! - 1 File Download


● Below are the letters written by one of my students. ● You can see her improvement. ● If you read this completely, you can reach upto 330+ or more. ● Don't forget to join English Melon. Join Now! 


The Nursing Unit Manager Rehabilitation Centre Waterford 

● We are starting. ● Please watch carefully! ● If you are new, please note that it is a silent session. ● As this is a personal correction, guests can only watch! ● Ready! ● Minu, ready? ● Yes sir 

11 February, 2014 

Dear Sir/Madam, 

Re: Mrs Beryl Casey, 72 years 

I am writing to refer Mrs Casey, who had a fracture of the left femur and is recovering from left hemiarthroplasty. She requires further care and assistance following her discharge today. 

● You are being very careful with the starting paragraph.  ● That’s good. ● Let me look at it again ● You can remove that comma before who and put the same after “femur..” ● Next 

Mrs Casey was admitted to the hospital on 4th of this month after a fall at home. On radiological investigation , her diagnosis was confirmed. Hence she underwent the aforementioned surgery uneventfully.Post-operatively, she [it is better to start with the patient’s name - when you repeat the name, the recipient is reminded of the patient, or else, the recipient loses track of the patient] Mrs Casey was managed with 3 units packed [with “blood” that looks informal] blood cells, intravenous fluids, 

and antibiotics. She was on patient-controlled anesthesia for pain. Her wound dressing was done daily and alternate staples were removed on day 5. Currently, she is ambulated for a short distance with assistance and a pick up frame. She is on anti-embolic stockings and an abduction pillow when resting in bed. 

● All good but what about admission date? ● Okay… You can check with your case notes ● Next ● K sir 

A widow, Mrs Casey lives alone. She has had hypertension and is on Ramipril 10mg which was tapered post operatively to Ramipril 5mg. 

● Good! Next ● Okay sir 

Upon discharge, it would be greatly appreciated if you could provide Mrs Casey with [provide + with] the following care. Kindly recheck her hemoglobin level and monitor blood pressure twice 3 days in a week. Ensure her medication compliance and assess her rehabilitation therapy. Please note, on day 10 her remaining wound staples need to be removed and kept without any dressing. 

● That was cool! High score is possible ●  

All relevant health records of Mrs Casey have been enclosed. Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me. 

Yours faithfully, Registered Nurse. 

● One thing you should recheck is: ○ Did you tell everything? ○ Did you include anything irrelevant? ○ Did you repeat anything? 

● What do you think? ● Yes... ● Sir can add some thing now which i missed ● Okay, carry on. You are adding admission date! ● You know, I was going to give you 300 for this letter because of that error! ● The problem is once we have completed the letter, we get into a frantic 

mental condition and we will not see anything! ● So, be cool!  

●  ● Score can be 300 or 350+ ● Okay? ● Make a proper planning before you start the letter! ● See you later. Bye. Thank you for allowing others ● I saw that… ● See you! ● K thank you  ● Sir thank you but i just add few lines that missed while typing 


Ms Julie Harper Senior Nurse Riverside Care Home 130 Park Road Granthorpe 

12 Minuary, 2019 

Dear Ms Harper, 

Re: Ms Harper Carlton, 95 years 

● You know, last time the case note was a repeated one from last year! ● Reading and finding that it was a “familiar” case notes, candidates became 

excited! ● Then what happened? ● They did not see the crucial changes in that case notes. They all wrote from 

memory but failed to note the difference! ● This is how OET tricks you! Beware because OEt knows how to trick you! ● Let’s start! 

I am writing to refer Ms Carlton who has been recovering from ORIF due to fracture of the right ankle. She requires further care and assistance for one month following her discharge today. 

● Very clear presentation ● Next 

Post-operatively, she was treated with analgesics and her leg was kept elevated to reduce swelling. Her surgical site was dressed with non weight bearing Plaster of 

Paris. Thereafter, she was ambulated with a zimmer frame by the assistance of a physiotherapist. 

● Wow! ● Even the use of “ambulated” is correct! ● Next 

A widow, Ms Carlton [follow that style! Like, “A retired school teacher, MsMinulives with her elder son…”] lives alone. She has had hypertension and atrial fibrillation from 2000 and hypercholesterolemia, and [“and” repeated] along with osteoarthritis of the [don’t forget to write a “the” before body parts / organs] knees and hand since 2002 and 2004 respectively. Thus she is on medications for these conditions. 

● Let’s go back! ● Now it’s better. Clear, ? ● Yes sir ● Next 

On discharge[on discharge is not correct. It should be:], Upon discharge / As her discharge is due, it would be greatly appreciated if you could provide care and assistance for Ms Carlton for one month. Please note a follow up review for the Xray on 19th of this month and thereafter for a review and removal of POP on 7th of next month are arranged. Apart from that[comma needed] her physiotherapy for range of movement need [never write “to be” alone - there should be either “need to be” or “should be” (need to be is used between nurse and doctor while should be is not really preferred] to be continued, after the removal of POP. Kindly note, her foot needs to be elevated for at least 1 hour per day for 2 weeks. Kindly arrange an occupational therapist to assess her for home assessment. May I remind you[comma missing] on the use of zimmer frame to be tapered gradually and tablet warfarin should be recommended after finishing [finishing is not correct] the course of injection enoxaparin 40 mg. 

● None of the errors above can hamper your score at large yet be careful. ● When the assessor reads a flowing english, he feels so wow! ● That’s how you score. Remember, assessors are not nurses or doctors. ● They are just English experts! ● Next ● Yes  

Please contact me for any further queries. 

Yours sincerely, Registered Nurse 

● I hope I have pointed out all. ● Did well. Score 340+ ● No repetition, good organization, concise, all good. ● Be more careful with the next letter. ● See you later. Any question? ● Thank you for letting other watch! ● Bye! ● Thank you sir ,noted the corrections. ● bye 

LETTER 15 } Corrected 

Dr Green General Practitioner 

23 September, 2019 

Dear Dr Green, 

Re: Tina Black, 9 years 

I am writing to update about Tina, who has been suspected with egg allergy and eating disorder. She requires further investigation and paediatrician consultation if the symptoms persist. 

● Good starting but “update about” is not really good! ● Update + progress / condition / etc ● So, in this case you can write, “update the worsening of Tina’s egg-allergy 

and…” ● Okay? ● Okay sir ● Next ● This is a letter to GP, right? ● Yes sir ● Is it mentioned, “her gp” or simply gp? ● I am asking because there are different versions of this case notes. People 

kep changing this case notes ● Her gp / gp? ● Her gp sir ● Okay. Good. ● You really started well with the word “update” ● Next 

● okay 

Tina had multiple episodes of vomiting since [you can use “since” only when you know the starting time/date. Or else, if you know only the duration, write “for”] for one month at school. Initially, on 28 August [as you are writing in September, you can write “previous month” instead of August] of the last month, She had an episode of vomiting after eating omelet. She was treated with Tramadol 375, advised plenty of fluids and rest. Consequently, she had similar episodes of vomiting and a mild headache after consuming omlet for 4 days and the same treatment was continued. We tried to contact her mother to inform her condition and to know her condition at home but the call was not answered.  

● Well written! Some lines are par excellence! ● But regarding that date issue, clear? ● Yes sir ● Okay, you said “for one month at school.” The gp didn’t know that? ● Good! You are thinking very well now! ● If you have any confusion regarding what I asked, you can start the second 

paragraph like, “As you already know…” ● Okay? ● Yes sir ,k ● School nurse handled at school now seeking 

Today, Tina had repeated episodes of vomiting and it was informed to her mother who was unaware about her condition. 

● Next ● Your score (the assessor’s impression) is 330. 

In view of the above, could you please monitor Tina for any allergies with or without egg and investigate further[problem! In fact, “could you…” is a question, so, there should be a question mark. However, we are not allowed to ask direct questions in a letter. I shall explain]. Please arrange [I even removed “a” before referral..”] referral to a paediatrician if symptoms remain. 

● Direct question: ○ Could you please take care of her? 

● Indirect question: ○ It would be greatly appreciated if you could take care of her. 

● Clear? ● Yes sir ● Let’s go back.. 

● yes 

In case of any queries, please contact me. 

Yours sincerely, School Nurse. 

● Score 330 ● Minu, you missed “me!” ● Next correction will be announced. Please look for any errors before we 

start. ● Write as if you are writing the real exam. Okay? ● Yes sir ● Thank you ● Bye. Bye, all! 


● Minu, suppose you found an error in your oet case notes, like Paracepamol 500 mg, will you write as that or will your change it to Paracetamol 500 mg? 

● Really? Why? ● You should change because last year OET deliberately made an error to 

check how sensible and dedicated the students are! ● You have to change but with great great care! ● I will not make any change, ● Can i change ● Okay? ● Okay sir ● Ready! Starting! 

Ms Samantha Bruin Senior Nurse Greywall Nursing Home 27 Station Road Greywall 

07 September, 2018 

Dear Ms Bruin, 

Re: Mr Gerald Baker, 79 years 

● All good! Impression is 310 (Impresssion means how the assessor feels) ● Next 

I am writing to transfer Mr Baker back into your care following left hip replacement surgery. He is being discharged today and requires continued care. 

● You wrote a comma here, instead of dot. Maybe a u ● typing error ● Next ● Impression - 330 ●  

Mr Baker was admitted to hospital [that’s a repetition - impression 320] on 3rd of this month due to his worsening symptoms of osteoarthritis. On the following day, he underwent elective surgery for the left hip[repetition - impression 310]. Post operatively, he was found disoriented and the investigation revealed his drop of hemoglobin level to 7.2g/dl, for which he was transfused [he was transfused means you make him liquid first, and then, fill that liquid in a syringe and then transfuse] threeunits of red blood cells was transfused. Currently, he is progressing well. 

● Did you understand? ● I am simply sad that you are (many of you) not taking my instructions 

seriously! ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ● epetitions 

○ To the hospital - we admit a patient to a hospital, not to any other places, so, not important 

○ For the left hip (he has problem with left hip so no one will think the surgery was done on the right hip. 

● A, ll clear? ● Yes sir ● I am no angry, okay? Because language is very important! ● Yes yes sir ● Next 

Yes sir i understsnd 

During hospitalization, Mr Baker’s surgical site dressing was changed daily and he [added “he” otherwise the meaning will be, “the surgical site was provided occupational therapy…”] was provided occupational therapy including range of motion and stretching and strengthening exercise. He has improved his mobility with the help of a wheelie-walker. Apart from this, he is on Panadeine Forte as and when required for pain and Aspirin 100mg daily. 

● Good! Next? ● Okya ● Did you understand that “transfused” issue? ● Yes sir ● He transfused blood cells (wrong) ● He was transfused blood cells (wrong) ● Blood cells was transfused (correct) 

○ “Blood cells” was, not “were” because we cannot count blood cells ○ Okay? 

● Okay sir 

On discharge, could you please accommodate Mr Baker back into your facility [this is a question - we don’t write questions in letters] kindly accommodate Mr baker into your facility. Please ensure his medication compliance and monitor for skin integrity along with continued exercise regimen. Kindly note, a toilet raiser has been supplied by a local medical supplies and we are sending a wheelie walker and a wedge pillow. May I remind you, Mr Baker’s wound staples need to be removed and blood investigations (FBE and UEC) need to be repeated on 21 September at the City Hospital Clinic. 

● Impression is 330 ● Score is also 330 ● If you had not committed those errors, it was 350 ● So, please focus on  

○ Language ○ Conciseness (Repetition) 

● Okay, Minu? ● Okay sir ● Will correct the next letter after a break! ●  

Please contact me if you have any queries. 

Yours sincerely, Registered Nurse 


● This is a peep session.  ● All the guests are allowed to watch these live corrections live. ● As you are guests, you do not have permission to type on this page except 

when there is a special session happening here. ● Thank you for allowing the guests! 

Let me repeat, OET assessor are not nurses or doctors. They are basically English experts. So, to score in OET, you should please them with your English skills along with medical knowledge. 

Please watch these corrections seriously and note down all the corrections in a notebook! 

● Ready! 

Ms Daniella Robertson New-born Specialist Nurse Sydney Children's Hospital Randwick New South wales Australia 

● This is a complicated case notes with 2 patients ● In most case notes we have single patients so we write “has” or “has been”, 

is, am, was” ● But here you have to use the plural forms! ● Remember, English is more important than medical knowledge here ● Next 

17 January, 2019 

Dear Ms Robertson, 

Re: Baby Ryan, one-week old (1st twin) Baby Roshan, one-week old (2nd twin) 

● You could have avoided some information ● K ● Like, “Baby Ryan and Rohan, 1 week old twins 

○ Okay? 

○ K sir ● Make sure you don’t repeat what we have mentioned already! 

I am writing to refer the twin babies, Ryan and Roshan [you changed the patient name - this can cost you 33000 rupees + other expenses!] for an immediate management. They were treated for complication mechanism for aspiration. They are being transferred to your care today. 

1. Minu, the main problem with you is writing in “excess” 2. Oet wants us to be “concise” 3. You can write in 200 words but that doesn’t mean you should write all 

those 200 words! 4. Let me rewrite the paragraph here: 

I am writing to refer Ryan and Rohan for immediate management. They were treated for complication of aspiration. They are being transferred to your care today. 

● So, be concise, Write what is necessary! ● Next ● Do not write a / an with words that we cannot count as one, two three 

○ One tablet (correct) ○ A capsule (correct) ○ An umbrella (correct) 

● But there are certain words that cannot be counted: ○ Treatment (don’t write “a treatment”) ○ Medication (don’t write “a medication”) 

● Let’s go back ● Nextg t ● K sir ● So, we are discussing conciseeness! 

Ryan and Roshan were born by emergency Caesarean [avoid unnecessary capstarting!] section due to fetal distress and cord enlargement. The first twin, baby Ryan, was born with a birth weight of 2.5 kg and he had signs and symptoms of respiratory distress, for which he had continuous positive airway pressure for three days. In addition, the baby was administered [this is a common error due to which you can lose the assessor’s impression] prophylactic antibiotic therapy was administered. The second twin, Roshan [name change] Rohan was born with a birth weight of 2kg. Although his heart rate was normal, his respiratory rate was high. Hence [we cannot start a sentence with “hence”. Here you can continue the sentence after “high”] and the baby was on oxygen. Apart from this, he has been diagnosed with cleft lip and cleft palate. 

● Hope that’s clear. ● Yes sir ● If you wish to use hence here, see: ● ...his respiratory rate was high, hence, oxygen support.” ● So, if you use hence, do no add anything like he, she, was, were, has been, is, 

am… ● Minu was desperate about exam, hence this behaviour… ● She had no means to attend classes, hence this application for leave… ● Minu, please read the previous para again! ● K sir ● Next 

During hospitalization, these twin babies were administered with intravenous fluid, oxygen therapy and radiant warmer therapy were administered. Please note [1] their mother had gestational diabetes melitus and is depressed. 

1. Please note a. Please note, he is ready for discharge (with comma but no “that”) b. Please note that he is ready for discharge (without comma, with 

“that”) c. Next d.  

On discharge, it would be appreciated if you arrange a pediatric surgical consultation for Rohan for his cleft lip and palate. In addition to this, please monitor their sucking ability and daily weight check. Kindly continue intravenous fluid therapy for them. It is worth mentioning that their family members, especially the mother, need psychological support to overcome depression. All relevant birth records of them have been enclosed. 

● All good! ● Next 

For any queries please contact me. Yours sincerely, Registered Nurse. 

● Score ○ Language - 330+ ○ Conciseness - 320 ○ Others - 350 

● Minu, let’s focus on your weak side! 

● Just take note of your language area and conciseeness! ● Never repeat an information already discussed ● Okay? ● ?? ● Seems like you are away. No problem, we will correct the next letter after 

30 minutes. Please go through it and edit it... ● See you in 30 minutes. ● K sir 


Dr Michaer Porter Asthama Specialist Hill Town Hospital 55 Well Road Hilltown 

16 March, 2019 

Dear Dr Porter, 

Re: lucas Hardy, 13 years 

I am writing to refer Lucas, who requires further assessment and management for his worsening symptoms of asthma. He is being referred to your facility today.  

On 27 February, Lucas was brought to clinic with the complaints of shortness of breath, red colored phlegm and disturbed sleep. On examination he had an expiratory wheeze with peak flow of 280 and conjunctival congestion. Hence, he was educated on breathing exercise and advised to maintain a peak flow diary for the follow-up. 

Today, Lucas visited with similar complaints due to the non compliance with medicine and recording of the peak flow diary. 

Lucas lives with his mother who is a divorce. He has a family history of asthma in his father and brother. He has had this condition from the age of 5 and was on inhalers such as Ventolin, Budesonide and Salmeterol. 

In view of the above, could please assess Lucas for his worsening condition with the symptoms. Encourage him to continue in the exercise programme and advise him to chart his peak flow reading during the exercise.  

All relevant health records have been enclosed. Please contact if any queries. 

Yours sincerely, Registered Nurse 


Ms Monica Kullan Senior Nurse Practitioner University of Marchbank Health Centre Hillsdunne Road Marchbank 

02 February, 2019 

Dear Ms Kullan, 

Re: Jake Peterson,18 years 

I am writing to refer Jake who has deteriorating health requires special arrangements for exam and monitor his individual living after his transition to University.  

Jake has been a boarding student for the past 8 years, Initially, around 5 years ago he experienced recurrent hair loss of unknown reason that resulted in anxiety.He was referred to a trichologist and was commenced on steroid which was later discontinued due to his change in personality, aggression and insomnia. Thereafter he was better. 

Recently, for one year, Jake has been experiencing recurrence in hair loss and anxiety with weight loss. Although he was advised to consult a doctor, but preferred natural remedies such as homeopathy. Hence he tried homeopathic treatment but was not effective. In addition, he was found distressed with low mood and had difficulty in forming and maintaining peer relationships. Also his interest towards sports is affected and he has exam anxiety. Therefore, he was referred to a school counselor which he was unable to attend. Please note, his consumption of alcohol has increased to 25 units/ week. 

In view of the above, it would be beneficial, if you could assess the health of Jake. Please arrange a separate room for exam after his ---------- to the University. 

Please contact me for any further queries. 

Yours sincerely, Registered Nurse  


Mr Barnaby Webster Psychologist 

● , sorry for the long delay! ● Let’s start today ● Are you okay with 2 pm? ● That's fine sir you can put the correction in offline also sir. 

If any doubts i will msg you, but surely i will try to join ● Ok  

27 November, 2020 

Dear Mr Webster, 

Re: Alison Cooper, 10 years 

Alison, a grade 5 student is being referred for further assessment for any grief or psychological related complaints as she is unattentive in class. She has been accompanied by her mother. [This is not necessary] 

● the introduction is perfect. ● No need to add with whom she will be accompanied, that might be clear by 

their first conversation. So we don't need to mention. 

Initially, Alison was a regular and active student but since for the last 1 years she has been distracted and least interested in school activities and in her studies. Please note, she has eczema on hands that turns red and weepy occasionally. Even though she applies ointment but [We have used even though in the beginning, so no need to use but]it is ineffective. Hence she was embarrassed in front of her friends. 

Alison lived [While we are writing, it means she is not living with her mother now]with his [He/she? It’s a serious mistake] mother who is a bank manager. She has two siblings and her grandmother has been living near the school. She used to take care of her when she get got sick at school. Alison was attached to her father but around 18 months ago he died in a motor accident. [Explanation below] Thereafter, she was withdrawn from home and found comfort by eating chips and cake after school which resulted in increased weight according to her height [Increased weight itself conveys the message, no need to add according to her height]. Please note, Alison was unhappy about her mother’s new relationship and was not ready to accept as her father. 

● here the recipient is a psychologist and the purpose of writing this letter is to analyse the student if she has any psychological related complaints. 

● While writing a letter with this purpose, you need to observe the casenote first. They may give much details,but it’s our sense to choose the most relevant from that. 

● Here the change in the patient is shown after her father’s death, so the most necessary details which you have added at the first is that. 

● Another thing is, you have written that the child’s grandmother is living near her school and all. 

● Just think, while giving information whether that will help the recipient or not. 

● Here you have given some details, but the organisation is not correct.  

In view of the above, it would be greatly appreciated if you could evaluate Alison for any psychological issues.  

Please do not hesitate to contact me for any further queries.  

Yours sincerely,  School Nurse 


● Good morning  ● We can start at 12pm ● Let’s start, please join when you are free.  

Ms. [No need of this dot after the title] Alerina Vikings Charge Nurse Duke Hospital 119 Red Sparrow Road Docklands, Melbourne 

02 February, 2018 

Dear Ms.Wikings, 

Re: Ms. Andee Valley, 70 years 

I am writing to refer Ms Valley, who has colon cancer and scheduled for colostomy on 05/02/2018 [when we are mentioning something going to take place in the same month, no need to write the month again. Just write, ‘of this month’] 5th of this 

month, She [Since we have used ‘who’ in the first part of the sentence, it requires the second part to make the sentence structural wise correct] requires pre-operative care and advice regarding post-operative care at home. 

Ms Valley was diagnosed with the above mm [Missing something] and has been planned for the surgery. She has been explained about the procedure and preparations, which made her concerned regarding the potential risk of dehydration due to the diet. Apart from this, she is anxious about the post- operative recovery on stomach care at home and in leading a healthy social life. Thus, her family members are encouraged to support Ms Valley for a speedy recovery. 

A retired school teacher, Ms Valley lives with her husband. She leads a secondary sedentary life style [Lifestyle is a single word, no need to keep space] with an unhealthy diet including taking alcohol 4-5 days in a week. Her family members are encouraged to support in her care for a speedy recovery. [This need to add along with the above paragraph]  

In view of the above mentioned details, could you please provide educate Ms Valley regarding instructions on the pre -operative diet and nil by mouth day prior to the surgery. [Noneed to mention this separately, because instructions on the preoperative period includes all thes] Please provide her health education about the practical care that to should be taken to prevent infections due to bowel content, post operatively at home. 

For any further queries please contact me. 

Yours sincerely, Registered Nurse 

● some corrections have been made. ● Please read those carefully and you can ask if there is any doubt regarding. ● Score 320+  


● Let’s start. ready? ● yes sir 

Ms Lui Holland Director At Your Service’ Social Workers’ Agency  

7 July, 2020 

Dear Ms Holland, 

Re: Ms Disney Carpenter, 78 years 

● All good so far! Next 

Ms Carpenter who has had paranoid schizophrenia requires support from your service to improve her poor mental health and general wellbeing. 

● So far, very good! Next 

Ms Carpenter has attempted committed many episodes of fatal overdose on with medication but recuperated well following the treatment. She is very cooperative with people involved in her care when she is mentally stable, especially with the her social worker, but she is unmanageable when her condition deteriorates. She disagrees with her regular activities such as hospital visits and shopping. It is vital to know that she has paranoia to crowded places and she experiences auditory hallucination. 

● Good now! Boring, ? ● Taking much time? ● not at all enjoying the way of correction ● Really? Thanks… But some of the viewers have escaped. Probably they have 

duty now!  ● Let’s move to the next para ● Now it looks better. We can work on it and make it much better.  ● Please come back again! ● organization is a big issue ● You know, there are three levels of organization in an OEt letter 

○ Organizing the paragraphs ○ Organizing the sentences in a paragraph ○ Organizing words in a sentence! 

● Let’s work on the second paragraph. Please come back! 

Ms carpenter lives with her family of 11 members. Her interest includes gardening, theater and literature. She also enjoys her pet and is a religious person. 

● Not all these social aspects are important ● We should write any information if that will help the recipient. ● k ● But I think you wrote that correctly 

● I will show. ● Look at the purpose ● If you look at the purpose and the social info, you can connect them in some 

ways. ●  

Purpose  Social 

1. paranoid schizophrenia 

2. requires support  

3. improve her poor mental health  

4. and general wellbeing. 

1. Ms carpenter lives with her family of 11 members.  

2. Gardening, Theater, literature. 

3. She also enjoys her pet  

4. and is a religious person. 


● So, you can decide what is needed and what is not needed ● Next ● Yes, I have already said that you wrote correctly in this case also! ● There is nothing doing without social history when written to a social 

worker ● k ● Next? ●  ● sir if we are write g to a social work is it okay without social history 

In view of the above, could you [4] please provide Ms Carpenter with assistance with her weekly shopping and practical task. She will also require emotional support to manage her mental health and general well-being. She could be abusive in nature. It is important to contact Dr Samuel Bison, her GP on +61298792600, and Ms Doris Peaks, her psychiatrist on +61298217607 for emergencies. 

● Now, clear? ●  ● You started with “could you”, so, that should end with a ? ● So, write, “In view of the above, your acceptance of Ms ….. Care will be 

greatly appreciated…” ● Provide + with 

● You wrote well ● Score 330+ ● I added these information mostly to confuse the writer and you have made 

no mistake ● I didn’t see an error. Let’s go back ● sir this last paragraph i dint understand how to write ● which was this case notes? ● Day 7? ● Okay! ● That’s the end of today’s correction. See you tomorrow. Thank you for giving 

your permission to other nurses to view your correction! ● day 15 i think so where last ● thank you  

In case of any queries please do not hesitate to contact me. 

Yours sincerely, Ms Stevena Loverky Registered Nurse. 


The Emergency Consultant Emergency Department Holy Spirit Hospital  

● Hi … ● Ready? ● Hi… ● Hi… Starting! 

15 July, 2019 

Dear Doctor, 

Re: Ms Helen Marshal, DOB: 29 JMinuary, 1968 

● For older people, change DOB to “52 years” ● Next 

I am requesting an urgent admission for Ms Marshal,[not needed here because the sentence is short] who is suspected to have myocardial infarction. She requires 

further assessment and management.[+connect both sentences with “Since”+] She is being transferred to your care today. 

● , instead of giving short sentences you can combine and write it as one. ● Since she requires further assessment and management, she is being 

transferred to your care today. ● I hope it’s clear for you. ● Next.  

Ms Marshal has been complaining of an epigastric and a shoulder pain for 3 days which was reduced by analgesic. Today, Ms Marshal is complaining the same with worsening symptoms associated with fatigue. Her GP was informed and has been advised analgesic. Her condition was frequently reassessed. 

● Good language! superb! ● Next 

In the [No need to use ‘the’ if we are mentioning something for the first time] 2nd assessment, Ms Marshal was observed to be distressed, pale, sweaty with complaints of tightness and chest pain radiating the shoulder and neck. Her pain score was 8/10 with elevated blood pressure. Thus, she was administered oxygen 2liter through a nasal prong and a nitroderm transdermal patch was applied,but her condition persisted. 

Ms Marshal has had [ here we have given that the patient has this for the past 10 years, that itself makes clear that she has a history of the same] hypertension for the past 10 years, for which she takes Captopril 25 Mg twice daily. 

In view of the above, please provide Ms Marshal as an immediate assessment and care as deemed appropriate. 

Please do not hesitate to [Why should a doctor need to feel hesitation for contacting again?] contact me for any further queries. 

Yours sincerely, Registered Nurse  

● please go through the corrections and suggestions given. ● Please note down your doubts. ● Your score 330+ 


● Sorry for the delay ● Let’s start.  ● the word count of this letter is below 150* 

The Director of Nursing Fiona Stanley Palliative Care Hospice 


Dear Sir/Madam, 

Re: Ms Anousheh Ashraf, DOB: 9/10/1951 69 years [For aged persons you can write the age]  

I am writing to refer Ms Ashraf who requires hospice care after her discharge today. She has cancer of the lower intestine with widespread metastasis.  

● Introduction is clear .. ● Next..  

Ms Ashraf underwent a laparotomy in March followed by [While we use followed by it gives the meaning that the first one is followed by the second one. So here it’s wrong, we need to change the order] radiation therapy in April for her diagnosis. Her diagnosis was poor with life expectancy of 3-4 months. In the subsequent month, 5th of May [Minu, we are writing this letter in the same year, so no need to mention the month again] , she was collapsed at home due dehydration, nausea and severe pain. Hence, she was hydrated with intravenous fluid and for pain a transdermal patch was applied. In addition to these, she was advised to take a light low fiber diet.  Currently, she Ms Asharaf has no pain but occasionally weak, disoriented and she preferred [Here we are writing about her present condition, so need to use present tense] prefers liquids especially apple juice and lemonade. Therefore, looking into her health condition, she and her family decided for no further treatment than that required to maintain her comfort and dignity and to relieve her pain.   Ms Ashraf is a widow and her brother supports her.   Ms Ashraf has requested the social worker to visit her. Hence, the social worker contacted Ms Ashraf's brother and discussed regarding the availability of a sheared shared bed at the hospice center. Thereafter, she was informed about the private 

room that will be available after 3 days. She has also requested a list of books to read and watch television programs of the 80's.  

Could you please provide hospice care for Ms Ashraf. 

Please do not hesitate to contact for any further queries. 

Yours Sincerely, Registered Nurse 

● some more details need to add. ● Please note down the casenote number, let me go through that and I will 

give you additional suggestions.Minu please go through the correction given.  


Dr Ceawlin Jones 68, Riverside Clinic Newtown 


28th August 2019 

Dear Dr Jones, 

Re: Mr Craig Hensworth, 50 years 

I am writing to update on the health status of Mr Hemsworth’s health status who is recovering from an episode of tonic clonic seizure. He requires further follow up monitoring and care following his discharge today. 

● Introduction is clear Minu. ● Next..  

Mr Hemsworth was admitted to hospital on 19 of this month after an episode of sudden fainting followed by jerking movement of the arms and leg for 2 minutes[Better to write as epilepsy] On admission, he was conscious with complaints of and complained of headache. In the initial assessment, he was observed drowsy and disoriented, his left arm and leg were bruised and tongue bleeding was noticed. 

During hospitalization, Mr Hemsworth underwent an EEG which revealed evidence of focal epileptic variants. The CT Scan followed by the EEG confirmed a subdural 

hematoma at the right occipital regions. Hence, he was shifted to ICU under neurology evaluation and medical management was provided. His condition improved unremarkably and was shifted to ward. In addition an ophthalmology consultation was provided and he was advised to rest his eyes. 

● , you can combine both and write. ● During hospitalisation, Mr Hemsworth underwent an EEG and a Ct scan, 

which revealed evidence of focal epilepic variants and subdural hematoma at the right occipital regions, respectively.  

● Next..  

On discharge, it would be appreciated if you could explain Mr Hemsworth and his wife to monitor for any relapse of epilepsy. Please ensure his medication compliance, especially on anticonvulsant. He requires a follow up review on anticonvulsant therapy after 2 weeks. Please note he needs to wear a safety alert band and to avoid driving and stramous activity. Kindly advise him to sleep regularly and to consume a healthy diet.  

Please contact me if you have any queries. 

Yours sincerely   Registered Nurse 

● in the introduction you have written that this letter is to update the health status of the patient. 

● That means the recipient already knows the patient and his condition, right? 

● Please go through the correction and ask if there’s any doubt. 

Your score 330. 

Letter 1 Rewrite 

● Hello  No sir what up plz sir 

● ,sure ● Let’s start!! 

Mr Barnaby WebsternPsychologist 

07 November, 2020 

Dear Mr Webster, 

Re: Alison Cooper, 10 years 

I am writing to refer Alison a grade 5 student, who requires further psychological assessment and management. She has a long term absenteeism at school after her father’s unexpected death. [This is not mandatory to add in the beginning paragraph]  

● Introduction is clear Minu..   

● I am writing this letter to introduce Alison who has some behavioural changes. She requires detailed assessment to find out whether she has grief related or other psychological problems. 

● You can write this way too. ● continue..  

Initially, Alison was a regular and active student but for the last 1 year she has been distracted and least interested in school activities and in her studies. In addition, she has eczema on hand for which she applied ointment which is ineffective. She has a small friends circle at school and is often teased. 

● Minu you have included all those details, but certain organisational problems were there, not serious. 

● Let’s see how we can reorganise the above given details.  ● According to Alison's school records, she has been a regular absentee in the 

class after her father's demise. She has complained of various ailments during class time which were managed with primary aids. Her academic performance was good until the third standard. Now, she experiences lack of concentration and rarely participates in class and sports activities. Her standard of school work is declining. In addition, she has red and weepy eczema on her hands and face due to which she is teased by her classmates. 

● Next..  

Alison lives with her mother who is a bank manager and works full time. She is the middle child among her two siblings. Her grandmother is her care provider after school and when she falls sick at school. 

Due to Alison’s recent decline in studies, her mother was contacted and discussed about her current condition. Her mother reported similar withdrawn nature at home too. According to her mother, Alison was very intimate to her father and cannot accept her father's loss. In addition to this, her mother is in a relationship and she is reluctant about the same. Consequently, she often finds comfort in eating oily and fatty foods after school, as a result her weight has increased.  

In view of the above information, please take over Alison’s care to evaluate her psychological issue and provide necessary support. 

Please contact me for any further queries. 

Yours sincerely, School Nurse 

● Minu, grammatically there is not much fault to point out, and as I have told earlier you have incorporated all those details in the casenote. 

● Your score 330+ 


Ms Annette de Cruz Nutrition Department D Wing, St Charles Children's Hospital BridgeTown Sydney8Dear Ms Cruz, 

Re: Sona Mittal, 2 years 

I am writing to refer Sona, who requires nutritional support, and educates her mother on preparation of a healthy diet. She was discharged yesterday. 

● Minu, your introduction is ok. But it's not clear. ● You can try this: I am writing to refer baby Sona and her mother, since the 

former require nutritional support and the latter need proper advice on how to prepare a healthy diet. The baby was discharged yesterday.  

Sona was admitted to hospital on 20 th of this month with the complaints of weakness, fever and shortness of breath along with weakness. On assessment it was noticed that she is malnourished and underweight for her age. In addition to these, her eyes were sunken and the skin was dry. During hospitalization, her nutritional status was focused and has improved along with medical treatment. 

Currently, Sona is physically active with a good appetite. However she has a reduced sleep output and sleeps throughout the day and has a disturbed sleep at night. Her mother is the sole caretaker and gets assistance from her colleagues.  

In the light of the above, could you please educate Sona’s mother in preparing nutritious food. Please ensure the mother provides the continuity of provides antibiotics and vitamin C to the child for the next seven days. Please note, the child has a follow up consultation on 1/11/2019 1st of next month with you.  

● Minu, actually the followup date needs to be given by the recipient. ● Here it’s not clear.  ● Somebody else is given the followup date and informed to the person who 

needs to schedule the same. 

● Minu, some sentences were not complete as well as there were some missing in continuation too. 

● Please go through the corrections given and ask if it is not clear for you.   ● Your score 330 

Kindly provide nutritional support as deemed appropriate. 

Yours sincerely, Pediatric Nurse 


● Good morning Minu.  ● We can start at 11 am. ● Ok, Minu, let’s start..  

The Pulmonary Physician Essex Pulmonary Physician Group 

1 February, 2018 

Dear Doctor, 

Re: Mr Douglas Rayburn, DOB- 13 August, 1956 

I am writing to refer Mr Rayburn, who has been diagnosed with sleep apnea and desaturation, for further care and management. 

● Minu, the recipient of our letter is a doctor not a rehabilitative care center. ● So we can’t write ‘for further care and management’, ● Next.  

Initially, Mr Rayburn presented with complaints of fatigue and lack of energy 4 months ago. On examination, his blood pressure was found elevated and was treated. He was advised to lose weight by regular walking and by following to follow a low sodium diet. 

On the subsequent visit, Mr Rayburn’s still had fatigue and his blood pressure was high. condition remained the same. Thus, he was advised to increase lisinopril 100mg daily and to consume a healthy diet along with exercise. In addition to these, he was instructed to monitor his blood pressure three times a week and to update after two weeks. Thereafter, on the next visit his wife complaints complained of his loud snoring and occasional naps in a day. Hence he was referred for a polysomnogram.   

Today, Mr Rayburns polysomnogram revealed sleep apnea with desaturation. Therefore, he requires further support of CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) [He is a doctor, no need to give the expanded form in brackets] machine support. 

In view of the above, could you please provide Mr Rayburn follow up care for managing his condition. 

For any further queries please contact me. 

Yours faithfully, Registered Nurse 

● Minu, go through the correction. ● Your score 330 


● Good morning Minu..  ● Let’s begin..  

The Nurse- In- Charge District Nursing Service Greenville Community Health Care Centre 88 Highton Road Greenville 

16 July, 2017 

Dear Nurse, 

Re: Ms Margaret Helen Martin, 81 years 

I am writing to refer Ms Martin, who has been recovering following on angioplasty, has undergone angioplasty, is transfering to your centre for further care and monitoring following her discharge today.  

● Minu, usually we use ‘recovery’ after a problem or disease. ● Here ‘angioplasty’ is not a problem, it’s a solution. ● So we can’t write ‘recovering on angioplasty’ ● Hope it’s clear for you, if you have any doubts please ask. ● Next..  

Ms Martin was admitted on 15 July yesterday for the angioplasty above mentioned surgery secondary to coronary artery disease. She underwent the procedure uneventfully. [Not necessary to add this] Post operatively, although there is no signs of infection in the catheter insertion site, there are mild bruises. At present, she is following a light diet and fluids. Now she is worried about herself coping at home after discharge. 

● Minu, some minor corrections are made in the above paragraph. ● Continue..  

Ms Martin has had coronary artery disease[This information we have already given in the above paragraph and due to which she underwent the surgery. So no need to repeat], Coeliac disease, hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. Thus she is on regular medication such as aspirin, clopidogrel, metoprolol, ramipril and atorvastatin. 

Ms Martin is single and lives alone in her own house. She leads a sedentary lifestyle by depending and depends on meals on wheels services for her diet. She has three siblings and they contact her intermittently. 

On discharge, could you please monitor Ms Martin for any signs of wound infection. Please ensure that she maintains her medication compliance along with exercise and low calorie, high- protein, low- cholesterol, gluten-free diet including plenty of fluids. Kindly arrange her regulator follow-up check up with doctor, dietitian and physiotherapy. May I remind you to prevent her from social isolation. Never make her feel socially isolated and please ensure family support. Please do not hesitate to contact for any further queries. 

Yours faithfully, Registered Nurse. 

● Minu you have tried to add all those necessary details, somewhere you have repeated some details. 

● Be more careful while drafting such letters, they may give much irrelevant details to misguide the candidates.  

● Your score 330 



● Good afternoon Minu, 

● We can start at 12:30pm. ●  

Ms Nita Roberts In Home Nursing Service 79 Beachside Street Bayview  

15 July 2017 

Dear Ms Roberts, 

Re: Mrs Jasmine Thompson, 75 years 

I am writing to refer Mrs Thompson, who has been recovering from a right total shoulder replacement, for further assistance and care at home after her discharge today. 

● Introduction is clear Minu. ● Moving to the next paragraph. 

Mrs Thompson was admitted on 11th July of this month for the right total shoulder replacement above mentioned procedure secondary to right shoulder osteoarthritis. The procedure was uneventful. [If it’s normal, no need to mention that. Because it won’t help our recipient in any sense] Post operatively, she receperated well with analgesics, cold compress along with physiotherapy and keeping drain and wound site clean and dry. Currently she is on medication voltaren 50mg daily and panadeine forte 500mg 2 tablets every 6th hour. 

Mrs Thompson is a widow who lives alone in a single story house. She has a daughter and a son. Her daughter will stay with her after her discharge for one month along with home nurse assistance at home. 

On discharge, could you please provide Mrs Thompson instruction on using the right arm sling for 4 weeks and strictly to avoid lifting heavy for next 4 weeks. Please note, she requires to continue physiotherapy for the next two weeks in the opd with hydrotherapy once in a week. Kindly remind a follow-up appointment has been arranged 10 days following discharge for staples removal at the orthopedic joint replacement outpatient department and for any concern she can contact a specialist nurse in the same opd. In addition, please assist Mrs Thompson in showering and in administration of Clexane subcutaneously for 4 days as DVT prophylaxis.  

● Minu, here the patient needs a home nurse to assist her after discharge. 

● But you haven’t mentioned that in any of the paragraphs. ● Can you please go through the casenote and rewrite the discharge line once 

again.  Sir i checked only this much they have mensioned in discharge note 

Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me. 

Yours sincerely, 

Registered Nurse. 



● Good morning Minu!! ● We can start at 11:30 am. 


The Director Department of Veteran Affairs GPO Box 777 Brisbane 4001 

09 July, 2008 

Dear Sir/Madam, 

Re: Mr Jim Middleton, DOB: 03 July,1924 [Minu, if the patient/recipe is older, it’s better to calculate and write his/her age] 84 years 

I am writing to refer Mr Middleton, A a second world war veteran who requires assistance home visit to assess his for the eligibility of for pension. He has been recovering following a [No need to add ‘a/an’ before a surgical procedure] left inguinal surgery. He is being discharged today. 

Mr Middileton has undergone the left inguinal hernia [No need repeat the same which we have mentioned once] above mentioned surgery recently which was uneventful [If it’s uneventful, no need to mention that. It won’t help our recipient in any sense.] He was advised to take rest and to avoid lifting heavy lifting post operatively. 

Mr Middleton and his wife Mrs Olga, live alone in their own house without any assistance. They have a son who lives in the USA. The couples managed their income 

expenses from the number of investments they made, so they never applied for a pension to meet their expenses. Due to the sudden fall in the stock market, their income has reduced. They have a garden which was managed by a gardener and they will not be able to afford the payment for the gardener. Mrs Olga has increased hearing loss which makes her difficulty in phone conversation. In addition ----------------to transportation. [No need to add wife’s hearing loss and which makes her difficult to use phone]  

In view of the above details, could you please check the eligibility of pension for Mr Middleton and arrange a home helper for their assistance. 

It could be appreciated if you could visit them at 22 Alexander street, Belmont, Brisbane 4153 and do the needful. Please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Olga at 22 Alexander street, Belmont, Brisbane 4153. 

Yours sincerely, Registered Nurse. 

● Minu, please go through the corrections made and ask if there’s any doubt. ● Your score 330 



● Good morning Minu,  ● Sorry, yesterday I missed your letter. ● Let’s finish it now..  

The Dietician Department of Nutrition and Dietetics Spirit Hospital Prayertown NSW 2175 

21 March, 2012 

Dear Sir/Madam, 

Re: Ms Nina Sharman, 51 years 

I am writing to refer Ms. Sharman who requires an urgent assessment and evaluation for swallowing and nutritional status due to high risk of aspiration.  


● Good introduction Minu. ● Purpose is clearly mentioned. ● Let’s move to the next paragraph..  

Yesterday, she Ms Sharman had an episode of choking on a piece of food and suddenly she became cyanosed, but however after a strong cough the solid food piece was removed. On assessment, her vital signs were normal. In addition to this, she had a chest infection and cough last month which was treated and she was recovered.  

● Good enough Minu. ● Next.. 30min 

Ms Sharman has had [Here we are clearly mentioning the period of time from which she has all these diseases, so no need to add ‘had’ to denote past] diabetes mellitus is chronic heart disease and severe dementia since 2000, 2005 and 2011 respectively. She is on treatment for the same and [Its clear for the recipient because here we have mentioned she has all these still. That means, she is undertreatment] has been on a dibetic diet. Her weight increased by 10kg for the past five months with a BMI of 30. [Minu, it’s better to combine and write both sentences] Even though she is on a diebetic diet, her weight increased by 10 kg for the past 5 months. She complains of constipation and is on laxatives. Please note, she is on complete dentures but wears it occasionally due to confusion and disorientation. Please note, recently her appetite has increased and borrows food from the other residents too. 

In view of the choking episode and increased appetite, could you please visit and examine Ms Sharman for her swallowing ability and nutrition status to prevent any further risk of aspiration. 

Kindly do the needful, for any further queries please do not hesitate to contact.  

Yours faithfully, Registered Nurse. 

● Minu, you have tried to incorporate all those details. ● Some structural mistakes were noted above, please go through the 

correction made and ask if there is any doubt. ● Your score 330+