Untitled - Repository UIN JAMBI


Transcript of Untitled - Repository UIN JAMBI



















A. Background of Study

One of the most important part in teaching learning is classroom interaction.

Classroom interaction is essential for the success of the teaching and learning

process. Communication in the classroom can be built through interaction.

Interaction is communication which implies more than one person. According to

Brown (2007), interaction in a language classroom is a process of learning,

interaction in the language classroom in very important in the process of teaching

and learning in the speaking classroom. How the teaching learning process run

well also depends on the interaction between the teacher and the student.

In the speaking classroom, interaction should be encouraged. In other

words, it is the teacher responsibility to promote the interactive language teaching

in the class. In the interaction in the class, however teacher should not dominate

the class, instead facilities student in practicing as much as they possibly can.

Language learning occurs through meaningful interaction. According to

Brown (2007), interaction then will certainly involves student. In other words it

can be said that language learning is a two way interaction between all the

element in class. Those elements handle the same significant role deciding

whether the learning will achieve its aim or not. Each element cannot dominate

the others. The teacher than handle a significant role in creating an atmosphere

that stimulates student to participate in the classroom.

One important element, besides the teacher is the student that also play

many significant roles. In the language classroom, the student can be positioned as

object, but sometimes they have to put themselves as subject. Its mean that they

are not only as receiver but also as an independent one who can speak up, gives

ideas, and contribute to language in the classroom.

In the speaking classroom the teacher and the student have significant roles

to the process of teaching and learnig. These elements ( teachers and student)

constantly interaction the teacher and the students are the main subject. In the

speaking class the teacher is not allowed to dominate the class where he keeps


talking or giving more question. Each elements has as much to contribute as very

other participant in determaining the direction and outcome of the interaction.

Interaction is the exchange of thoughts, feelings or collaborative ideas

between teacher and students or student and other students produce reciprocal

effect on each other Brown (2007) thus, interaction in language classes is the

process of learning languages. Learning is the ability to use English (Azies and

Alwasilah, 2013). Meanwhile, the purpose of language teaching is not limited to

the ability to produce grammars sentences, but also in term of communicative

Musthofa (2016). As a result, teacher us managers in the class must be important

to motivate students to be involved in the classroom interaction.

Based on several studies related,the researcher try to conduct a study about

classroom interaction try to find something new in the research it is about the

types of classroom interaction. Which is this study haven‟t conduct yet by the

previous study. Beside that, the researcher conduct a research with different

subject from the two previous studies above. The subject of this research is not the

students in university and senior high school level but the student in junior high

school. It is of course there are different significant because the level from two

subject is really different and the ability in mastering English is also different. So,

it is why the researcher really intended to conduct the study by use second grade

students‟ as the subject of her study

Actually, there are many Junior High Schools in Jambi which are

appropriate to be chosen as a setting of the research, especially school that

emphasize to use English in their daily activity. In this case the researcher choose

one of the Junior High School in Jambi which have refer to SMP IT Al-Azhar

Jambi. This school is one category in the mastery of English because it requires

the entire student to exert English in their daily interaction, not only with the

teachers but also with other friends. Besides, they once achieved the first winner

in the English Olympiad at Jambi of City.

Based on the elaboration above and taking consideration of the significant

role of classroom interaction in teaching-learning process, the researcher is


interested in conducting a study about the classroom interaction at eight grade

students of SMPIT Al-Azhar Jambi in academic year 2019.

Based on descriptive above, the researcher would like to plan qualitative

research entitled: “The Analysis of Classroom Interaction at Second Grade of

Islamic Junior High School Al-Azhar Jambi.

B. Focus of The Study

In order to reach the expected goal, researcher focuses on classroom

interaction class at second grade of Islamic Junior High School Al-Azhar Jambi.

C. Formulation of The Problem

The problem discussed can be stated as follows:

What is the meaning of interaction from the point of view of the students and


D. The Purpose of The Research

Consider the background and problem statement above, the objective of

this study is:

To describe the meaning of classroom interaction in the English teaching

learning process at SMP-IT Al-azhar Jambi.

E.The Significance of The Research

The findings of the research are expected to be beneficial and be

able to give contribution to the improvement of the effective English

teaching and learning process theoretically and practically. Other that it

also gives contribution for the teacher, for the other teacher, for the

students and for the further researcher.

1. For the teacher

For the teacher, they can develop of their English teaching, she/he

should increase indirect-influence talk which includes acceptance of

learners, teacher should encourage and criticized also reminded, in that

way the interaction can be more effective. Teacher should reduce the use

of mothertongue especially teacher as a model, she/he should enrich

his/her knowledge.


2. For the other teachers

The results of this research are expected to be the model of

interaction in teaching-learning process. At least the other teachers can

apply this teaching model in their own classroom.

3. For the learners

For the learners, they have more opportunities to practice their

target language skill when they are in the classroom also outside the

classroom, and also get useful and meaningful feedback from their teacher.

4. For the further researchers

The results can be used for the further researchers which focus on

developing classroom interaction between teacher and students by using

English in the classroom.

F. Definition of Key Terms

1. Classroom Interaction

Interaction is collaborative exchange of thoughts, feelings, or ideas

between two or more people resulting in reciprocal effect on each other.




A. Classroom Interaction

Classroom interaction is collaborative exchange of thought, feeling, or

ideas between two or more people resulting in reciprocal effect on each other in

other ways the action performed by the teacher and the students during instruction

interrelated. The New Oxford Dictionary of English defines the noun ‟interaction‟

as a „reciprocal action or influence‟. Therefore interaction is more than action

followed by reaction. It includes acting reciprocally, acting upon each other.

According to Chaudron (1998:10) classroom interaction covers classroom

behaviors such as turn-taking, questioning and answering, negotiation of meaning

and feedback. In addition, Brown (2001: 165) describes the term of interaction “as

the heart communication, it is what communication is all about”. Interaction

occurs as long as people are communicating each other and giving action and

receiving the reaction in one another anywhere and anytime, including in the

classroom setting. Thus, Interaction between students and teacher is fundamental

to the learning process.

From the statements above we know that interaction in the classroom is

fundamental, because without it teaching learning process in the classroom will

not exist. A good interaction will make messages transmission success and create

a good interpersonal relationship between the teacher and students, so the

students‟ achievement in language acquisition can be increased. Finally it can be

conclude that basically interaction is a systematic and collaborative activity that

requires both the addressor and addressee to exchange ideas or message and

negotiate their meaning either by using verbal or non-verbal meaning.

B. Communicative Language Teaching

The types of learning and teaching activities in communicative language

teaching are unlimited. The exercises enable learners to attain the communicative

objectives of the curriculum, engage learners in communication, and require the

use of such communicative processes as information sharing, negotiation of

meaning, and interaction. Classroom activities are designed to focus on


completing tasks that are mediated through language or involve negotiation of

information and information sharing (Richards and Rodgers, 2001: 165). The

emphasis is on the processes of communication, rather than mastery of language

forms. The role of learner is as negotiator - between the self, the learning process,

and the object of learning. It emerges from and interacts with the role of joint

negotiator within the group and within the classroom procedures and activities

which the group undertakes.

According to Richards and Rodgers, (2005:166). The teacher has two main

roles: first, to facilitate the communication process between all participants in the

classroom, and between these participants and the various activities and texts;

second, to act as an independent participant within the learning-teaching group.

In the communicative language teaching, there is a set of principles about the

goals of language teaching, how learners learn a language, the kinds of classroom

activities that best facilitate learning, and the roles of teachers and learners in the

classroom (Richards, 2005: 1)

The goal of language teaching in the communicative language teaching is

communicative competence. It includes some aspects of language knowledge: the

knowledge in using language for a range of different purposes and functions, the

knowledge in varying our use of language according to the setting and the

participants, the knowledge in producing and understanding different types of

texts, and the knowledge in maintaining communication despite having limitations

in one's language knowledge (Richards, 2005: 2) Richards (2005:3) states learning

a language in the communicative language teaching is the result from the process

of, such as, interaction between the learner and user of the language, collaborative

creation of meaning, creating meaningful and purposeful interaction, negotiation

of meaning, learning through attending to the feedback learners get when they use

the language, paying attention to the language one hears and trying to incorporate

new forms into one's developing communicative competence, or trying out and

experimenting with different ways of saying things.

The use of pair work activities, role plays, group work activities, and project

works are the kinds of classroom activities in the communicative language


teaching. Learners have to participate in classroom activities rather than individual

approach. They listen to their peers in group work or pair work tasks, rather than

relying on the teacher for the model. The teacher has the role as the facilitator and

monitor (Richards, 2005: 4).

The use of English in communication in non-native speaker countries is

limited on specific contexts and speakers. Not all people can communicate in

English. Also, not all public terms use English. English can be used effectively in

certain society with certain speakers. An Indonesian person who is very fluent in

English cannot communicate to all people in English. It is impossible for him/her

to bargain in the market using English. It is also impossible for him/her to ask for

help using English in a public service. English learning in classroom is on of the

efforts to meet the need to have an atmosphere and context that stimulates the

students to interact in English.

The use of English in communication in non-native speaker countries is

limited on specific contexts and speakers. Not all people can communicate in

English. Also, not all public terms use English. English can be used effectively in

certain society with certain speakers. An Indonesian person who is very fluent in

English cannot communicate to all people in English. It is impossible for him/her

to bargain in the market using English. It is also impossible for him/her to ask for

help using English in a public service. English learning in classroom is on of the

efforts to meet the need to have an atmosphere and context that stimulates the

students to interact in English.

C. Foreign Language Interaction Analysis (FLINT)

Table 2.1.

To use Flanders Interaction Analysis, the interaction is coded in 1 of 10

categories, the following are the 10 categories in the Flanders Interaction

Analysis Coding Instrument :


Modified Foreign Language Interaction Analysis (FLINT) System:







1 Accepts feeling Acknowledge student-expressed emotions

(feelings) in a nonthreatening manner

2 Praises or encourages Provides positive reinforcement of

student contributions

3 Accepts or uses ideas of students Clarifies, develops, or refers

to student contribution, often nonevaluatively

4 Asks questions Solicits information or opinion (non





5 Lecturers Presents information, opinion, or orientation;

perhaps includes rhetorical questions

6 Gives directions Supplies direction or suggestion with which a

student is expected to comply

7 Criticizes or justifies authority Offers negative evaluation of

student contribution or places emphasis on teacher's

authoritative position.



8 Student talk – response Gives a response to the teacher's

question, usually a predictable answer

9 Student – initiation Initiates a response that is unpredictable

or creative in content

10 Silence or confusion Leaves periods of silence or inaudible

verbalization lasting more than 3 seconds

Note. Modified Foreign Language Interaction Analysis (FLINT)System adapted

from Brown 2001.

Classroom interaction is a reciprocal and meaningful interaction between

the teacher and students that happens in the classroom. By interaction, learners

develop their language ability. It is in the interaction what communication all

about is found. In interactive classes, students can join a discussion, problem


solving tasks, or dialogue journals. The form of the activities can be pair works or

group works. In the classroom interaction, teacher and students have a reciprocal

effect upon each other through which they say and do. Meaningful interaction

with others in the target language in the classroom is much more important in

language learning. The description of the interaction between the teacher and

student is seen from the teacher and student talk. The teacher talks are accepting

feeling, praising or encouraging, accepting or using ideas of students, asking

questions, lecturing, giving directions, and criticizing or justifying authority. The

student talks are student talking-response, student-initiation, and silence or


D. Strategies For Helping Students in The Classroom.

1. Teachers help

Teacher can help student to develop their interaction skills in foreign

language. According to Dagarin (2012) some of the ways of teachers help are the


a. Asking Questions

It is easier for student tp answer questions than to initiate a

conversation or make up an independent statement. The teacher indicates with

questions some of the words and language structures which will appear in the

answer. Teachers can ask additional questions to bring the students to the

right answer. The strategy can be used in retelling stories stratrgies or

descriptions. Nevertheless, this form of help is still very guided and does not

really lead to freedom of expression. Therefore, it is expecially appropriate

for beginners.

b. Body language

Student can obtain a lot of information from teacher‟s gesture and

mime. The teacher can help student to express themselves with body language.

Sometimes students did not know how to continue speaking so that we can

prompted them by exaggeratedly acting out body movement thins or animals.


c. A topic

Teachers can stimulate student interaction by choosing appropriate

topics. Student prefer talking about sports, computers, music, and etc. student

can say a lot more about a topic of their interest than something they do not

really know well.

Johnstone (2015:13), describe some other strategies taken by teachers

help that might help students understand the teacher‟s utterance and interact

appropriately :

Regular checking of understanding

Using familiar words

Applying lower cognitive level

Immediate repetition

Recycling of information


Other aspect of redundancy

Shower, and cleaner talk

Exaggerated intonation and emphasis

Structurally simplified language

Clarity of discourse markers

Key vocabulary and structures notified in advance

Simole task and notified in advance


Translation into L1.


E. Previous Study

1. Classroom Interaction Analysis in the EFL Speaking Class (A Study at English

Department of IAIN Imam Bonjol, Padang

Elismawati (2016), the objective of the research to discover categories of

talk spoken by teacher and students according to FLINT system The findings

revealed that during interaction in the EFL speaking class, the teacher tended to

act as facilitator which facilitated students to speak with several student-fronted

speaking activities, such as class discussion, presentation, simulation and

communication games, a director that directed them in conducting speaking

activities, and a resource providing information needed by students. In addition,

the students had more opportunity to speak and interact in EFL speaking class by

doing speaking activities focused on group-work activities and presentation. The

research employed a qualitative design and applied a case study. Subjects of the

research were an English teacher and 35 students at the second semester at

English Department of IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang. The data were gained through

naturalistic observation and document analysis. The data were analyzed by using

Foreign Language Interaction (FLINT) system. The findings revealed that both

teacher and students applied all categories of talk as mentioned in FLINT system

and classroom interaction types.

2. An analysis of classroom interaction in the teaching-learning process of

speaking at tenth grade students of smk al-husainkeling in the academic year of

2017/2018 .

Annisa (2017), this study directs to find the teacher talk time and student

talk time in teaching-learning process of speaking. The researcher used

descriptive-quantitative method during the research since the aim of this study is

to find out the classroom interaction in teaching learning process of speaking.

Observation and interview used by the researcher to collect the data. The

researcher also used Flander‟s Interaction Analysis Category System (FIACS) in

analyzing the data. The result of this research determine that the percentage of

teacher‟s talk was higher that students‟ talk. It showed that the teacher‟s talk was


the most dominant classroom interaction during the observation. From the result

the researcher concluded that the interaction would be activein teaching-learning

process of speaking when the teacher and the students complemented each

other.The subject in this research was the teacher and the students in tenth grades

of SMK Al-Husain Keling. The writer conducted the research in X-AP 2 grade.

This class has 22 students consists of 7 male and 15female. In X-AP 2 English is

taught once a week.

Based on that two pervious studies above, the researcher tried to conduct

the study about classroom interaction tries to find something new in the research it

is about the types of classroom interaction of is this study haven‟t conduct yet by

the previous study. Beside that, the researchers conduct a research with different

subject from the two previous studies above. The subject of this research is not the

students in university and senior high school level but the student in junior high

school. It is of course there are different significant because the level from two

subject is really different and the ability in mastering English is also different. So,

it is why the researcher really intended to conduct their study by use second grade

students‟ as the subject of her study.




A. Research Design

Before going to the point of research, it is better to know first the definition

of research. Qualitative researchers is the research that focus on the study of

social phenomena and on giving voice to the feelings and perceptions of the

participants under study, this is based on the belief that knowledge is derived from

the social setting and that understanding social knowledge is a legitimate scientific

process. The design of this research is descriptive research with qualitative

approach. This researchuse qualitative approach it means that the data collected is

not in the form of number, but the data derived from interviews manuscripts, field

note, personaldocuments, record memos, and other official documents. The

purpose of qualitative study was to describe the empirical reality behind the

phenomenon in depth, detailed, thorough. In this study, the descriptive research

was done in the classroom and out of the classroom, and the main point of this

research is to collect and to accumulate the basic data in descriptive way. It

describes the phenomena that occur in the classroom such as the interaction

conducted by the teacher and learner, the aspect of classroom interaction and the

pattern of interaction during teaching learning process at eight grade students of

SMPIT Al-Azhar Jambi in academic year 2019.

B. Data and Data Sources

1. Data

Data refers to the answer of the research question. Bogdan and Biklen,

(1998:106) define data as the rough materials researchers collect from the world

they are studying. Data include materials the people doing the study actively

record, such as interview transcripts, and participant observation field notes. In

this research, the researcher used qualitative data based on the data from field and

other source. The data of the study belong to descriptivequalitative data. Those

data were the interaction conducted by teacher and learner during the teaching-

learning process in the classroom, the aspects of interaction in the classroom and

the pattern of interaction which occurred during the English class. In this research


there were two forms of the data. The first data are gathered from the observation

and video recording. The second data are interview transcript of the teacher and

the student that was recorded by the researcher during conduct interview.

2. Data Source

Data source is a source which data is taken from. The source of the data is

very significant in the research, because the researcher will not enable to get

information without the source of data. In this study the sources of the data got


a. Teacher who taught English in eight grade female students of SMPIT Al-Azhar


b. Three Students of Eight Grade that include VIII-C students. Since the study in

directed to describe about the classroom interaction,

The subject of the study are taken from the class who use English in their

teaching learning process. The selected students as the subject of the study are

those female students in class VIII-C . In this case the researcher does not involve

boys‟ students as the subject of the study, because in this school between boys and

girls students are separated and teach by different teacher. Here are the following

reasons to involve female students as the subject of the study because taking

consideration into the classroom teacher female classroom are more active talking

in the conducting interaction than boys students, and the last consideration the

class was conductive and communicative. Based on that all suggestions the

researcher take consideration to use the girls or female students as the subject of

this study.

C. Setting and Subject of The Research

This study will be conducted at Second Grade of Islamic Junior High

School Al-azhar Jambi. And the subject of the research are the students VIII-C at

Second Grade of Islamic Junior High School Al-azhar Jambi and the teachers.

D. Technique of Data Collection

The data of the present study are collected through the two following

methods, doing observation in the classroom and conducting interview.


1. Classroom Observation

Observation is a method of data collection in which researcher comes to

the field to observe what is going on in the field. According to Ary et al (2010:

431) define that observation is a basic method for obtaining data in qualitative.

The qualitative research goal is complete description of behavior in a specific

setting rather than a numeric summary of occurrence or duration of observed

behaviors. For doing observation the observer directly observed the classroom,

and took notes on the relevant events while the teaching-learning process was

going on. In the meantime, video recording of the whole proceeding was also

made to acquire more complete data about the classroom process. In collecting the

data, the researcher conducted non-participant observation, in which the

researcher as the passive participant. It means that the researcher didn‟t involve

herself in the subject activities in the classroom. The data concerning teacher talk

and learner talk in the classroom interaction were collected by doing classroom

observation, which was the most widely used instrument in collecting data about

all kinds of classroom verbal and non-verbal behavior.

2. Interview

According to cresswell (1994) for qualitative research the researcher

conducts face to face interviews with participants. These interviews involve

unstructured and generally open-ended questions that are view in number and

intended to elicit views and opinions from the teacher. In this research, researcher

conducted face-to-face interviews with the lecturer and students, to get some

informations that are needed for the research. Researcher proposed some

questions related to the research title.

E. Data Analysis

Data analysis is the process of systematically searching pattern and

arranging data in such a way, so that the data will be understandable. In other

word data analysis is the final activities in a research are analyzing and

interpreting the data collected and presenting the result. Analysis involves

reducing and organizing the data, synthesizing, searching for significant pattern

and discovering what is important.


In analyzing the data the researcher employed the method as suggested by

Miles and Huberman (1994) covering data reduction, data display, and conclusion


1. Data Reduction

Data reduction is a form of analysis that sharpened sorts, focuses, discards

and organizes data in such as way that final conclusion can be drawn and verified.

The selected data in this study were data which referred to the proposed research

question. Thus, the selected data deals with the main data (the interactions

between teacher and learner conducted in the classroom during the teaching

learning process, which is identify the aspects of interaction, and the patterns

during done the interaction) and the additional data (the classroom organization,

classroom activity, and the approach of teaching method in the classroom such as

using GTM, direct method, and communicative approach and others).

2. Data Display

After data reduction the next step in analyzing the data is data display.

Data display is a form of analysis that describes what is happening in the natural

setting, so that it finally can help the researcher to drawn a final conclusion. The

process of display the data are based on the formulation of the research problem.

It is about how the teacher and learner conduct interaction in the classroom, the

aspects of classroom interaction that include the teacher talk and the learner talk,

and the pattern of interaction during the teaching learning process. The most

frequent form of data display in the study is in the form of narrative texts. After

displaying the data, a conclusion is drawn.

3. Conclusion Drawing

This is the last step of data analysis that is Drawing Conclusion or

Interpretation. Here, the researcher begins to see what is in the data. The

researcher examines all entries with the same code and then merges these

categories and finding the connection among categories. Then, it continues to tell

the stories and to make connections among stories. The researcher begins to make

meaning of the categories and themes to connect them. So, we can get the idea

from this step. Conclusion drawing involves reflecting about the words and acts


of the study‟s participant and abstracting important understanding from them. The

researcher makes generalization based on the connections and common aspects

among the categories. The conclusion in qualitative research is a new discovery

that can be an answer of the research problem. The conclusion is in the form of

description of the object of this study. Finally, in this step the researcher can get

the result and conclusion of the research. In the last procedure of data analysis, the

researcher concluded and verified the transcribed data. The conclusion was the

essence of analysis that tells about the classroom interaction, to identify the

aspects of interaction used by the teacher and learner in the classroom, and

investigate the patterns of interaction between teacher and learner occur during

teaching learning process. To have clear understanding about the process of

analyzing data.

F. Technique of Data Verification

Verification of the result of the data analysis is necessary to be checked in

order to reduce the researcher‟s biases and prejudices. In this study, triangulation

is applies in order to check the verification of the data analysis. Triangulation

may be defined as the use of two or more methods of data collection the study of

some aspects of human behavior. Furthermore, according to Lodico (2006:267), in

the process of collecting data the researcher will typically include more than one

data collection technique to validate findings, these different data sources are

letter compared with another in a process called triangulation. Based on Denzin

(1978) cited in Miles and Huberman (1994: 267) reveals that there are four kinds

of triangulation techniques, they are: (1) source or data triangulation, (2)

investigator triangulation, (3) theoretical triangulation, (4) methodological

triangulation. From those techniques of triangulation method, the researcher used

source or data triangulation and methodological triangulation. Source of data

triangulation is a process in which various sources of data are collected.

Thevariety of source can refer to time, space, and person (Denzin, 1978). In this

present study, the source of data refers to person; they were the teacher and the

students. The data triangulation for the study was done by analyzing the teacher

and learner talk in the classroom interaction.


G .Triangulation

Triangulation is a ways for validating the data in qualitative research.

Triangulation can also be defined as a combinationof method of collecting data.

Cohen (2005) stated that triangulation is the use of two or more ways of collecting

the data in a research for the aspects of human behavior. It means that

triangulation is a way of checking the validity or comparing the data by utilizing

other aspect outside of the data itself.The data of the study are collected through

observation, video recording and interview .

H. Schedule of Research

Researcher arranged the schedule of research in order to make the research

effective and finish with the specific time.

First : Arranging thesis proposal and pointing of advisors.

Second : Improvement of thesis proposal seminar

Third : Gathering and analyzing of data

Fourth : Consultations to the advisors and continue thd analysis arrange

.Then , writing final report.




A. Data Presentation

The data presentation begins with the description of the classroom and the

description of the English learning in SMP-IT and the process of the interview

and observation.

In SMP-IT AL_Azhar Jambi. The English lesson was done in the regular

class. The teacher moved from one classroom to another. There were 21 students

in class VIII-C. All of them were girls. The time of the English lesson was 45

minutes per meeting. In a week there were two meetings: on Monday and on


Before coming to the discussion about the result of the interview, I would

like to describe the participants and the interview process. The participants of this

research were one English teachers and three students. The teachers is Mrs. anita.

The students were Rara, caca, and qurata. I had interview with Mrs. anita for three

times. The interviews with Mrs.anita were done in the teacher room. I made an

appointment before I met her. The interviews took time for about 15 – 30 minutes.

She gave me much information about the English learning in her class. She was

very cooperative and helpful. The interviews with the teachers were in

Indonesian; but, in some expressions we used English. The interviews with the

students were done one times. It took time for about 15 minutes. Before

interviews, I always asked their teacher's permission because I would take their

time. Actually, I wanted to do the interviews when the students were having

break. But, they were unwilling because they usually went to the canteen with

other friends in that time. The interviews were done individually and outside the

classroom. The students were very helpful. They gave me much information and

answered my questions clearly. The interviews were done in Indonesian . The

result of the interviews with the teacher and the students is summarized in the

following table.


Summary of the Observation:

A. Indirect Teacher Talk

1. Accepts feeling

Teacher-student interaction Teacher-students interaction

Open the


1.Checked the students'

attendance (calling the

students' name one by one)


1.Opened the class by greeting,

"Assalamuálaikum wr.wb. good

afternoon, students." (obs. 1,2,3)

Close the


1.The teacher answered,

"Waálaikumsalam wr.wb."


1.Closed the class by praying

together. (obs.1,3,5)

2.Closed the class by

saying,"That's all for today.

Thank's for coming. Let's pray.

Assalamuálaikum." (obs. 4)

5.Closed the class by

saying,"This is the end of the

lesson today. Thanks for

coming. Wassalamualaikum."


2. Praises or encourages

Teacher-student interaction Teacher-students interaction

Praises or


1.The teacher appreciated him

(the student) by saying,"Good!

Yes, of course."(obs.4)

1.The teacher said,"OK. all of

you have finished the reading.

Generally, you are good;

almost half of you got good

score. It means that, actually,

you had good potency in

English. So, English is not

difficult Teacher-students


interaction, is it? Here, we can

see, you have had good start.

You only need to practice. Be

diligent." (obs.2)

3. Accepts or uses ideas of students

Teacher-student interaction Teacher-students interaction

Accepts or

uses ideas of


1.The students tried to guess

the verb form and change the

sentence. Some were correct

but some others were not. The

teacher gave the correct

answers / sentences. (obs.5)

1.There were some examples

that could be made with the

discussion between the teacher

and the students classically.


2.The teacher checked the

answers on the board together

with the students. (obs.5)

3.The teacher discussed the

questions classically. (obs.6)

4.Asks questions

Teacher-student interaction Teacher-students interaction



related to the


1.The teacher asked some

questions related to the

picture. (obs.4)

1.The teacher asked, "Have you

finished?" (obs.1,4)

2.The teacher asked,"Any

questions? Any difficult words?"


3.The teacher asked,"What is the

meaning of 'suggestion'?" (obs.2)

4.The teacher translated her

question in bahasa

Indonesia,"Apa maksudnya


'suggestion'?" (obs.2)

5.Ïs it clear?" asked the teacher.




unrelated to

the topic

1.The teacher asked,"Has

everyone come to class?" (obs.1)

2.The teacher continued by

asking,"Where are they?" (obs.1)

B. Direct Teacher Talk

5. Lectures

Teacher-student interaction Teacher-student interaction


s the topic

1.The teacher presented the

material by writing it on the

board. (obs. 1)

2.The teacher explained the

topic that had been written on

the board. (obs.1)

3.The teacher explained about

the content of the dialogue. (obs.


4.The teacher explained about

'causative have and get'. (obs.4)

7.The teacher explained the

material again. (obs. 4)

8.The teacher explained the new

topic orally. (obs. 5)

9.The teacher explained again

and gave some more examples.

(obs. 5)

10.The teacher explained the


topic classically so all students

could listen to her. (obs. 6)

11.The teacher explained the

topic loud enough so that all

students in the classroom could

hear her voice clearly. ( obs. 6)

Explains the

unclear topic/

difficult words

1.The teacher told the

student the clear writing.

(obs. 1) 2.The teacher

explained about the unclear

part. (obs. 4)

1.The teacher explained the

meaning of the difficult words.

(obs. 4)

Discusses the

topic classically

1.The teacher followed the

activity by discussing the text.

(obs. 1)

2.The teacher discussed about

the picture. (obs. 4)

Explains the


1.The teacher explained the

instruction of the activity. (obs.


6. Gives directions

Teacher-student interaction Teacher-student interaction



related to the

class activity

1.The teacher pointed/called

some students to answer some

other questions. (obs.1)

2.The teacher called some

students to read the dialogue

on the book. (obs.2,4)

3.The teacher called 5

students to write the answers

1.The teacher said,"Write the

material on your book, please."


2.The teacher asked the students

to open the book, page ...


3.The teacher said,"Please open

page... and do activity ..." (obs.1)


on the board. (obs.2)

4.The teacher asked one of

the students to explain about

the difference between

causative have and get as

what has been explained by

her. (obs.4)

5.The teacher called the

students one by one to read

the answers. (obs.4)

6.The teacher asked one of

the students to give an

example. (obs.5)

7.The teacher asked the

students to practice orally

activity 9 on the book. (obs.5)

8.The teacher asked the

students one by one to write

the answers on the board.


9.The teacher asked one of

the noisy students to explain

about the last week lesson.


4.The teacher followed the

lesson by asking the students to

do the activity on the book.


5.The teacher asked the students

to open page 102 and watched

the picture. (obs.4)

6.The teacher asked the students

to read and learn activity 1.


7."Now. Please do the activity 3.

you have 10 minutes to

do."continued the teacher.

(obs.4) 8.The teacher continued

the activity by asking to do

activity 4 in the book. (obs.4)

9.The teacher didn't explain the

direction, it was written on the

question sheets. She just said to

answer the questions

individually and it would be

collected after class. (obs.6)



unrelated to

the class


1.The teacher said,"OK.

While waiting for your

friends, please one of you (by

calling the student's name)

borrow the book from the


2.The teacher said,"Have a

1.The teacher said,"I give you 10

minutes to have


2.The teacher said,"Now, please

collect your notebook, give it to

me. I will check your notes and

give you score while you do the


seat now."(obs.1)

4.The teacher asked one of

the students to pass the

textbook and the dictionary to

all students. (obs.4)

5.The teacher asked one

student to clean the board.


test. Prepare your pen and paper.

Please write the questions first.

You are allowed to answer from

the one you think the easiest

one. Don't forget to write your

name and student's number on

your answer sheet." (obs.3)

4.The teacher told the students

that if they had finished the test,

they could collect the paper.


5.The teacher asked the students

to pay attention to her. (obs.4)

7. Criticizes or justifies authority

It was not found in the observation.

C. Student Talk

8.Student talk-response

student-teacher interaction Student-student(s) interaction

Response to


related to the


1.The students said,"No, not yet."

When the teacher asked,"Have

you finished?" (obs.1,4)

2.The teacher asked,"Any

question?" "No."replied the

students. (obs.2)

3.Caca (one of the students) read

all the expression. (obs.2)

4.Two students said, "I don't

know." When the teacher

asked,"What is the meaning of


suggestion?"(obs. 2)

5.One student said, "sugesti."


6.The students answered,"4, Desi,

Ami, Layla, and Lisa."(obs.4)

7.The teacher asked,"Have you

got the

textbook?""Yes."answered the

students (obs.4).

8.Some students answered

inEnglish (in short answer) while

some others were in Indonmesian

when the teacher asked them

some questions related to the


9.The students tried to answer the

teacher's questions although the

answer was not really correct.


10."Is it clear?"asked the teacher.

"No, not yet." Replied the

students. (obs.5)

11.The students tried to guess the

verb form and change the

sentence. (obs.5)

12.Some students could answer

the questions orally in the class

discussion." (obs.6)

Response to


unrelated to

1.The students answered,

"Waalaikumsalam wr.wb. Good



topic 2.The teacher asked,"Has

everyone come to class?' Some

students answered, "No, not

yet."(obs. 1)

3.The students said, "Still in the

canteen." Some others said, "Still

have a break." Some others


4.The students said,"from the

canteen." (obs.1)

9. Student – initiation

teacher-student interaction Student-student(s) interaction


related to the


1.One student asked an unclear

writing. (obs.1,4)

2.Some students answered it

voluntary. (obs.1)

.Some students asked the

teacher about the activity.


3.Most students took part in

writing their answer on the

board without waiting for

calling from the teacher.


4.Some students asked about

difficult words and the

instruction of the activity.


5.One student offered himself

1.Some students asked their

friends about the activity.


2.They tried to discuss the

questions with their friends.


3.During the test, most of the

students were discussing the

questions with their friends.


4.The student asked his friend

about the lesson and then

opened his own book. (obs.4)

5.While they were doing their

activity, they were discussing

about the difficult words with

their friends. (obs.4)


to write the answer. "May I do

number 3, Mom?" asked him.


6.The students discussed the

answers with friends. (obs.4)


unrelated to

the topic

1.Only one of them said his

sorry for becoming late to the


10.Silence or confusion

teacher-student interaction Student-student(s) interaction

Silence or


1.The teacher asked,"Any

question? Any difficult

words?"The students kept

silent. (obs.1,4)

2.One student kept silent and

did the activity by himself.


3.The teacher asked,"What is

the meaning of suggestion?"

Most of the students kept

silent. (obs.2)

D. Emergent Themes

11. Students do/talk something unrelated to the topic

Teacher-student interaction Student-student(s) interaction

Students do


unrelated to

the topic

1.While the teacher was

writing on the board, most of

the students copied on their

book, some of them chatted

with their friends and two

1.Some students played/chatted

with their friends. (obs.1) 2.Two

students looked busy looking for

something in their bag, maybe a

book, and whispered something


students made a noise. (obs. 1)

2.One student didn't write the

material. He only opened and

looked at the textbook. (obs.1)

to their friends. (obs.1)

Students talk


unrelated to

the topic

1.Some students still talked

with their friends, although

their notebooks were on the

tables. (obs.6)

1.Only few students chatted with

their friends, but it was only a

while. (obs.2,3) 2.The students

were noisy. They talked to their

friends, laughed at something.

(obs.5,8) 3.The students talked

about something, that was very

interesting, but it was not about

English lesson. (obs.6)

12. Students' gestures (including the students' act as the response to the teacher's


tudent(s)-teacher interaction Student-student(s) interaction



1.The students nodded their

head and went to their seat.

(obs.1,2,6) 2.The students

listened to the teacher while

watching the board. (obs.1)

3.The students looked still

confused. (obs.7) 4.The

students paid attention to the

teacher's explanation. (obs.7)

Students' act 1.The teacher asked one of

the students to borrow the

textbook from the library and

the student stood up and went

1.The students were rather

noisy.(obs.7) 2.The students

moved around and borrowed

books one another. (obs.5)


to the library. (obs.1)

2.The teacher asked the

students to open the textbook

and they did this.

(obs.1,3,4,7) 3.The students

followed by checking their

own work and revised the

false ones. (obs.1) 4.The

teacher called two students to

read the dialogue on the

book. The students did this.

(obs.3,4,6) 5.Some students

directly read their books and

wrote/did the activity on their

notebook. (obs.3) 6.The

teacher called 5 students to

write their answers on the

board. They did this one by

one. (obs.3) 7.The teacher

asked the students to do the

activity on the book. They

did it individually. (obs.4)

8.The students copied the

questions on the board.

(obs.5) 9.They took their seat

and took their notebook from

their bag. (obs.6) 10.The

students copied the important

points on their book. (obs.6)

11.The students could make

the examples using their own

3.The student nodded to the

teacher and then took a seat.

(obs.6) 4.Some of the students

opened the dictionary. (obs.6)

5.Some students opened their

books but some others were

still noisy. (obs.7) 6.Most of

the students did the activity by

discussing with friends. (obs.

7) 7.Some students moved

from one seat to another.



words in Indonesian. (obs.6)

12.The teacher called the

students one by one to read

the answers and they did it.

(obs.6) 13.The students could

answer it. (obs.7) 14.Some

students started directly to

answer the questions. (obs.8)

15.After 20 minutes, all

students had been busy doing

the activity. (obs.8)

13. Teacher's act to help the class goes smoothly

Teacher-student interaction

Teacher's1 help 1.The teacher stopped her writing to remind the students to

copy the material on their book and keep silent. (obs.1)

2.The teacher went closer to one of the student and reminded

him to write. (obs.1)

3.The teacher walked around the class. She checked the

students' work, helped them, reminded some noisy students to

do the activity, and answered their questions. (obs.1,2,3,4,6)

4.The teacher wrote the questions on the board. (obs.3)

5.The teacher reminded the students to do the test

individually. (obs.3)

6.The teacher wrote some important points and their

examples. (obs.4,5)

7.The teacher checked the students' notes and textbooks.

(obs.4) 8.The teacher asked the students to be quite for a

while. She reminded them to learn more at home. (obs.5)


9.The teacher distributed question sheets. (obs.6)

10.Sometimes the teacher answered the students' questions,

but on the other time she just kept silent. (obs.6)

11.The teacher gave some clues that could help the students

to get the correct answers. (obs.6)

B. Discussion and Interpretation

The data presentation begins with the description of the classroom and the

description of the English learning in SMP-IT and the process of the interview

and observation.

In SMP-IT AL_Azhar Jambi. The English lesson was done in the regular

class.. The teacher moved from one classroom to another. There were 21 students

in class VIII-C. All of them were girls. The time of the English lesson was 45

minutes per meeting. In a week there were two meetings: on Monday and on


Before coming to the discussion about the findinds of the interview, I

would like to describe the participants and the interview process. The participants

of this research were one English teachers and three students. The teachers is

Mrs. anita. The students were Rara, caca, and qurata. I had interview with Mrs.

anita for three times. The interviews with Mrs.anita were done in the teacher

room. I made an appointment before I met her. The interviews took time for about

15 – 30 minutes. She gave me much information about the English learning in her

class. She was very cooperative and helpful. The interviews with the teachers

were in Indonesian; but, in some expressions we used English. The interviews

with the students were done one times. It took time for about 15 minutes. Before

interviews, I always asked their teacher's permission because I would take their

time. Actually, I wanted to do the interviews when the students were having

break. But, they were unwilling because they usually went to the canteen with

other friends in that time. The interviews were done individually and outside the

classroom. The students were very helpful. They gave me much information and

answered my questions clearly. The interviews were done in Indonesian . The


result of the interviews with the teacher and the students is summarized in the


The following is the discussion about the teacher-student interaction that

happened in the English class. The condition of the English class was quite

conducive. The students had good attitude to the teacher. They paid attention to

the teacher when the teacher explained the material. They did the activity asked

by the teacher. They also did the activity by practicing dialogue.

They (the students) are quite good in giving attention, some of them

are not or noisy. But, they do the activity or practice the dialog.


The students practiced the expression asked by the teacher..They were only 21

students in one meeting. There were enough time and attention given by the

teacher to all students. The use of English for communication in classroom was

very rarely.

The teacher and the students never spoke in English. They spoke mostly in

Indonesian. It was only greetings that were always spoken in English.

The students very rarely communicate in English to the teacher

and friends. They use Indonesian more often. The teacher uses

Indonesian more in explaining the material. (I.T.1.Ni).

In explaining the material/topic, giving instruction, and asking questions, the

teachers used Indonesian more. They were very rarely using English. When they

used English expression, they always translated it.This condition reduced the

students' chance to become usual in listening English expression. In one occasion

(in observation 4), the teacher tried to discuss a dialogue and a picture using

English without translating it. Actually, the students could understand it. They

could answer the teacher's questions using short English expressions. When the

students were given chance to practice, they were good. The students'

participation was determined by the class atmosphere that was set up by the


In relation to the teacher‟s understanding about interaction, the teacher

understood that in learning English, interaction was very important.


Interaction is important in learning a language. (I.T.2.Ni).

To be able to interact well, teachers and students who were active were needed.

The teachers were active in practicing English in classroom and giving interactive

activity in class. The students were active in practicing their English ability, by

asking questions or expressing their idea/opinion. Both the teachers and the

students were important actors to make an interactive English class.

But, in class the students never expressed their own idea/opinion

(I.T.3.Ni). They were obedient to the teacher. It seemed that they didn't have any

other literature. They only relied on the teacher. The communication between the

student(s) and the teacher was limited on asking about difficult English words.

Asking about class activity instruction or material was not found. If the students

asked questions to the teacher, they did it in Indonesian. And, the teacher also

answered it in Indonesian, not in English. They learned English, but they didn't

learn to use/communicate in English.

One technique to make the students more active that was done by

the teachers was by pointing/calling the students' name one by one

in doing class activity or practicing dialogue (I.T.4.Ni).

The volunteer students were rarely found. If the teachers pointed to one student to

do an activity, he did it. But, if the teacher gave time for the volunteers, the

students were silent. When asking the students, the teacher usually gave more

chance to the students who had understood the material first. The students were

regarded as the model for others.

The communication that happened among the students was about asking

difficult English expressions and practicing dialogue/activity. When the students

had difficulty, they asked their friends first before they asked the teacher. The

students' book was only the textbook from school (I.T.5.Ni). When they had

difficulty in understanding it, they would ask their friends or teacher. They didn't

have other books/dictionary to learn. The material in class was very limited from

the book. There was no development outside of it.


The role of the teacher in classroom was very important in the success of

the English interaction. What happened in class was usually influenced by the

teacher's role. The class activity was determined most by the teacher.

The teacher should be more often speak in English, so that the

students become more usual. (I.T.2.Ni) The teacher should be able

to become a model for her students (I.T.2.Ni).

She gave the students motivation or made a condition so that the students were

motivated to study. By having good motivation, the students would learn better.

The participation from the teacher and the students were needed to make the class

goes smoothly and successfully.

The students agree that communication is needed in learning

English. They are aware that in learning English, communication

ability is needed, so that they can communicate in English.

(I.S.1.Ra) (I.S.2.Ca) (I.S.3.Qu).

From the interview with the students above, it could be seen that actually the

students were aware that they had to learn to communicate in English. They had

good understanding that in learning English, they needed to learn how to

communicate in English. They needed to know how to use English. They knew

that they had to practice English. They understood that they had to do some

activities or exercises in order that they had good skill in using English for


In class, the students' practice was very limited to what the teacher asked

to them. They never practiced English outside the classroom. The use of English

was only in the class activity. When they would ask their friends or the teacher,

they used Indonesian. They felt ashamed. They didn't have self confidence. They

didn't believe to their own ability. They always thought that they would make a

mistake and their friends would laugh at them. One think that always came to their

minds was that they didn't know the English words. They were lack of vocabulary

(I.S.1.Ra, I.S.2.Ca, and I.S.3.Qu). They said that in class, their friends and even

the teacher never spoke in English. The classroom condition didn't support them


to speak in English. If there was a speaking activity asked by the teacher they

were willing to practice that.

The students will ask the teacher if they have asked their friends

and their friends don't know about it (I.S.1.Ra) (I.S.2.Ca)


They don’t ask their teacher because they feel that there is a gap

and feel ashamed. They feel more comfortable if they ask their

friends. (I.S.4.Ra)

The students were more comfortable to communicate to their friends than to the

teacher. They could ask and express anything to their friends. They felt that there

was a gap between the teacher and them. They also felt ashamed. They felt that

the teacher was too high to be reached by them. If they could consider the teacher

as their 'friend', they could communicate better to the teacher. They could ask and

express everything to the teacher. It would make good condition in the classroom

that smooth then the communication between them. It means that they could

practice English better, to the teacher and also to their friends. They would not

feel ashamed to practice English, although they were not quite fluent in that. They

would understand each other that in class, they were practice to speak English

together. Everyone was equal. Nobody was superior to others.

In some observation (observation 2 and 4), it was found that the teacher

made a class discussion. They were talking about a picture, a dialogue, or a class

activity. The teacher tried to use English, but, she translated after that. The

students tried to answer the teacher's questions. Some students answered in short

and simple English expressions and some others answered in Indonesian.

I try to answer the teacher's questions, if I can. (I.S.1.Ra)

I try to guess the meaning or the answers if there is a question from

the teacher (I.S.2.Ca)

There had been an effort from the students to be active in class discussion. They

tried to guess the answer or the meaning of the teacher's questions. If they knew

the meaning or the answers, they would answer. But, if there was an answer from

one student, the other students would keep silent.


When the teacher ask about the meaning of an English


- actually I know, but to express it .... other students have answered

it. I feel ashamed; sometimes I don't feel up to answer it.

- try to guess, if I know it maybe I will answer it, but if other

friends have answered it, I will keep silent, I don't speak because I

don't feel up to answer it, other students have known about it, I

don't want to be called as a follower. (I.S.5.Ra)

The students didn't feel comfortable to express their own opinion in the class

discussion. If there had been an answer from a friend, they would keep their own

idea or opinion, whether it was similar or different idea or opinion. The condition

of the class didn't support the students to be brave to express their own idea or


The interaction among the students happened in some conditions. When

the students didn't understand what the teacher explained, they would ask their

friends. If their friends didn't understand either, they would ask the teacher. They

felt more comfortable asking to their friends than to the teacher. If they directly

asked their teacher, they felt ashamed and afraid to make a mistake. With friends,

they could ask anything freely.

I will ask my friends if I have difficulties. (I.S.1.Ra) (I.S.2.Ca)


I prefer to ask my friends than to the teacher because if I ask my

friends I can ask freely. If I ask the teacher I feel ashamed and I am

afraid to make a mistake. (I.S.1.Ra)

It is easier to ask to my friends than to the teacher, I can ask

anything. (I.S.2.Ca)

It is easier to communicate to friends than to the teacher. if I

communicate to the teacher, I feel ashamed, I feel uncomfortable.


I ask my friends if I don't understand what the teacher said.



I ask my friends about the meaning of words or about the

instruction. (I.S.5.Qu)

If the students didn't understand the instruction of an activity, they would also ask

their friends. Some students were cleverer than others. Usually, they would ask

the clever students to help them. They would ask their friends about difficult

words or expressions that they found in the activity. They didn't try to find the

meaning of it in the dictionary. They said that it was easier to ask their friends

than finding the meaning by themselves in the dictionary.

So far, the students had done some efforts to practice their English. They

knew that they had to do some practice to develop their English. They tried to

translate the difficult words or expressions using a dictionary. They listened to

English songs and tried to understand the meaning of it (I.S.1.Su and I.S.2.Ca).

Another student said that he studied with his friend who studied in English

Department (I.S.3.Qu). The students didn't keep silent and do nothing. They tried

to develop their English ability by their own way. But, in class, they didn't feel

free to practice. Their activity was strict on the textbook. They learned the English

only from the book. They never used it to communicate whether to the teacher or

to their friends.

The students' motivation to interact with the teacher or the other students

was influenced by some factors. The motivation could be from the teacher or from

the students.

One motivation to communicate is the score. (I.S.1.Ra)

The motivation to communicate depends on the intention,

awareness, and willingness to learn. (I.S.2.Ca)

The motivation to communicate depends on the teacher's

technique, how the teacher can make the students understand.


It depends on the individual, her willingness. If she has good mood,

she will have good spirit. The teacher's technique also gives effect.

If the teacher teaches well, the students will also have good spirit.

(I.S.4.Ra) .


The motivation from the teacher was the score and the teaching technique. The

score given by the teacher gave good motivation for the students to be more active

in class communication. When the teacher gave a class activity and she said that

there would be a score for the students who were active in class, the students

would participate much. They would compete to get the best score. If there was no

score, only certain students were active. The teaching technique that was used by

the teacher was also the students' motivation. The teacher should choose a

technique that could make the students feel comfortable and enjoy to study. The

technique should also give the students chance to practice English for

communication. The students felt free to communicate using their limited English

ability. They wouldn't feel ashamed or unsecured. The motivation to practice

English in class also came from the students themselves. It depended on their

intention, awareness, and willingness to learn. If they were good in these factors,

they would have good spirit. They would learn English enthusiastically.

The result of the observation showed what actually happened in the

classroom. It showed how the teacher and the students interact each other and in

what cases. The observation was divided into three categories: (1) Teacher Talk,

(2) Student Talk, and (3) Emergent Themes.

The Teacher Talk was categorized into Indirect and Direct Teacher Talk.

The Indirect Teacher Talk consisted of four themes: (1) Accepts feeling, (2)

Praises or encourages, (3) Accepts or uses ideas of students, and (4) Asks

questions. The Direct Teacher Talk consisted of three themes: (1) Lectures, (2)

Gives directions, and (3) Criticizes or justifies authority. The Student Talk

category consisted of three themes: (1) Student talk-response, (2) Student-

initiation, and (3) Silence or confusion. The Emergent Themes was divided into

three themes: (1) Students do/talk something unrelated to the topic, (2) Students'

gestures, and (3) teacher's act to help the class goes smoothly. The interaction

found in the classroom was discussed based on who started the interaction and to

whom it was addressed. It also discussed about the condition why the interaction

happened. To be more focused, there are four categories:

1)Teacher–student interaction


2)Teacher–students interaction

3)Student(s)–teacher interaction

4)Student(s)–student(s) interaction.

By using these categories, the interaction that found could be seen more clearly.

Although, in some cases, it was quite difficult to differentiate an interaction that

happened between the students.

1)Teacher–student interaction

The following discussion talked about the interaction that happened

between the teacher and the student individually.

The information was sent by the teacher and addressed to the student

individually. To get the picture of the students' emotion in the class, the teacher

did a personal communication to some students. It was done in the beginning (in

the opening class) and in the closing of the class. In the beginning of the class, the

teacher greeted the some students individually, after she greeted all students in the

class. The expressions like "Good morning. How are you?" "How is your

mother?" (obs.4) were used. It was done to get to know the condition of the

students in that day. It also made the students more ready to start to study English.

In checking the students' attendance, the teacher called the students' name one by

while the others were kept silent. If the teacher gave the same chance for

everybody, there would be only certain students who participated (I.T.3.Ni).

That's why; the teacher often directly pointed or called certain students. It would

save the time and the class would go quicker. The teacher answered and explained

directly and individually when there was a question about unclear writing. In

explaining the topic, the teacher always wrote the important points on the board. If

a student asked an unclear writing, the teacher directly answered it (obs.1 and 4).

Copying from the teacher's writing became an important activity in class.

The teacher should make sure that the students wrote correctly. The students

didn't have textbook instead of the textbook from the school (I.T.3.Ni). It was left

in the library and couldn't take home by the students. The students learned from

what they had written from the class. Relating to the class activity, the teacher

gave directions. Directions were about what the students had to do in relating to


the class activity. When giving directions, the teacher pointed to or called a certain

student(s). Giving directions to the students individually could be found in some

cases, such as asking to answer questions (obs.1), reading a dialogue (obs.2,4),

writing the answers on the board (obs.1), reading the answers of an activity

(obs.4), repeating the teacher's explanation about some important points related to

the topic (obs.4), and giving examples (obs.4). All directions were spoken in

Indonesian. When the teacher used the English expressions, she translated it

directly into bahasa Indonesia. The use of English without translation made the

students confused (I.T.2.Ni). The students would know nothing if the teacher

didn't translate the English expressions used. The teacher also gave directions that

were not directly related to the class activity. The directions were used to prepare

the class activity. It was found in the observation when the teacher asked the

student to take the textbook from the library (obs.1), pass the textbook and

dictionary to all students in class (obs.4), and clean the board (obs.4).

These directions were also expressed in Indonesian. To make the class go

smoothly, the teacher gave some help to the students individually. When the

teacher was writing the material on the board, there were some students who were

noisy. The teacher stopped her writing to remind the students to copy the material

on their book and keep silent (obs.1). When the students did class activity, the

teacher walked around the class. She checked the students' work, helped them,

reminded some noisy students to do the activity, and answered their questions

(obs.1, 2, 3, 4, and 6). She did this to make sure that the students had understood

the topic. If she found the students' mistakes, she would directly correct it

(I.T.2.Ni). When explaining the topic, the teacher wrote the important points and

their examples on the board (obs.4 and 5)

. The students would be easier to get the point of the topic. They could

write it on their notebook. The teacher controlled the students' notes by collecting

and checking it regularly. She also gave the score (obs.4). In the class discussion,

the teacher helped the students by giving some clues to get the correct answers

(obs.6). The teacher didn't directly give the correct answers. She gave more

chance for the students to learn by themselves.


2)Teacher–students interaction

This part also talked about the interaction that happened between the

teacher and the students. The information was sent by the teacher, but it was

addressed to the students as a group instead of individual. Before starting the class

activity, the teacher greeted the students classically.

It was found in observation 1, 2, and 3. The teacher used the expressions

like assalamuálaikum wr.wb. and good afternoon. "That's all for today. Thanks for

coming. Let's pray."(obs.4), "This is the end of the lesson today. Thanks for

coming."(obs.6). Praying together lead by the teacher was also done to end the

class (obs.1,3,5). These greetings and expressions to start and end the class were

used to get the picture of the students' feeling in that day. Praises or encourages

were given to all students when the students had a progress in their study.

The encouragements were expressed in Indonesian. The use of the English

expressions like good, of course, that's great was often used. In observation 2,

after the students practiced their pronunciation and their score was good, the

teacher encouraged the students by saying, "OK. All of you have finished the

reading. Generally, you are good; almost half of you got good score. It means that,

actually, you had good potency in English. So, English is not difficult, is it? Here,

we can see, you have had good start. You only need to practice. Be diligent."

These encouragements were good for the students. They were motivated. They

felt that the teacher respected them. After the teacher encouraged the students, the

students were more enthusiastic in joining the class activity. They practiced the

pronunciation of the words/expressions by themselves and together with their


The teacher accepted the students' ideas in the class discussions. After the

students were asked to do the activity individually, the teacher discussed the

answers classically. All students were invited to participate in the class discussion

by expressing their answers. It could be found in observation 5 and 6. Some

students were asked to write their answers on the board. If there were different

opinion, the teacher also accepted it. After all questions had been answered, the

teacher discussed with the students to get the correct answers.


The class discussion was also found when the teacher made some

examples. After explaining a new topic, the teacher invited the students to make

examples concerning the topic (obs.5). Some students gave their opinion. The

teacher wrote it on the board, whether it was correct or not. Then, the teacher

revised it by discussing it classically. Questions for all students in class could be

categorized into two: questions related to the topic and questions unrelated to the


The questions related to the topic were asked before and while the teacher

was explaining the topic. The questions asked while explaining the topic were

found in observation 2 (the teacher asked, "What is the meaning of 'suggestion'?"),

observations 1,2,, and 4) (the teacher asked, "Any comment?"), observation 5 (the

teacher asked, "Is it clear?"), and observation 1 and 4 (the teacher asked, "Have

you finished?"). The questions unrelated to the topic were found when the teacher

started the class. She asked the students' attendance classically. She asked, "Has

everyone come to class? Where are they?" (obs.1). Most of these questions were

expressed in Indonesian. When it was expressed in English, the teacher directly

translated into Indonesian. The students' responses were also in Indonesian. The

interaction between the teacher and the students classically was found when the

teacher presented or explained a topic/material. The teacher wrote the

material/topic on the board in English. The students were asked to write it on their

notebook. Then the teacher explained and discussed it classically in Indonesian. It

was found in observations 1,4,5, and 6.

In discussing a dialogue, the teacher used textbooks. Some students were

asked to read the dialogue. The teacher discussed it classically. She wrote the

important point or difficult words from the dialogue on the board. The students

copied it on their notebook (obs.2).

In explaining the meaning of the difficult words, the teacher sometimes

directly translated into Indonesian. In some cases, the teacher only gave the clues

and the students guessed to get the meaning (obs.4 ). In doing a class activity, the

teacher explained the instruction in English then translated it into Indonesian


(obs.5). Giving directions by the teacher was done classically. The directions

could be related or unrelated to the topic discussed.

“ The directions related to the topic were happened when the teacher asked

the students to write/copy the material written by the teacher (obs.1), open the

textbook page .... (obs.1, 2, 4, and 5), do activity .... on your book (obs.1, 2, and

4), read and learn activity ... (obs.4), and answer the questions individually and

collect it after class (obs.6). I will check your notes and give you score while you

do the test. Prepare your pen and paper. Please write the question first. You are

allowed to answer from the one you think the easiest. Don't forget to write your

name and student's number on your answer sheet."(obs.3)

- The teacher told the students that if they had finished the test, they could collect

the paper. (obs.3)

- The teacher asked the students to pay attention to her. (obs.4) The directions

were spoken in Indonesian. If the English expressions used, the teacher gave the

translation directly.

3)Student(s)–teacher interaction

The following discussion talked about the interaction that was started by

the student(s) and it was addressed to the teacher or as the response of the

teacher's talk. The interaction was categorized into three types: students' response,

students' initiation, and silence. The students' response was divided into two

kinds: response to questions related to the topic and response to questions

unrelated to the topic. Responses to questions related to the topic were happened

in the following condition: - Beginning of the class: Before beginning the class,

the teacher asked the students whether they had got the textbook in English. The

students answered it in English, too (obs.4).

- Before coming to a new topic The students had got the textbook. The teacher

asked whether they had found the page to be studied. The students could answer it

well. The conversation was done in English.

- When the students did the activity When the students were doing the class

activity, the teacher asked some questions, such as: Have you finished?(obs.1 and

4) What is the meaning of....?(obs.2) The students answered these questions using


simple English sentences. When the teacher asked some questions related to a

picture (obs.4), some students answered in English, while some others were in


- After the teacher explained a topic After explaining a topic, the teacher asked

some questions to know whether the students had understood the topic. The

questions were: Any questions? (obs.2), Is it clear? (obs.5). The students

answered by saying no. There wasn't yes answer. Responses to questions

unrelated to the topic happened when the students answered the teacher's greeting

(obs.1, 2, 4, 5, and 6). It also happened when the teacher asked about the students'

attendance (obs.1 ). The questions and responses were in English. Gestures and

action were another form of the students' responses to the teacher's questions or

directions. The students' gestures were nodding head and going to their seat

(obs.1, 4), listening to the teacher while watching the board (obs.1), and paying

attention to the teacher's explanation (obs.5). The students' action happened when

the students did directly what the teacher asked without saying anything. It was

found in the following situation:

- When the teacher asked one of the students to borrow the

textbook from the library (obs.1);

- When the teacher asked to open the book (obs.1, 3, and 5);

- When the teacher discussed the correct answers classically, the

students followed by checking their own work and revised the false

ones (obs.1);

- When the teacher called two students to read a dialogue on the

book (Obs.2 and 4);

- When the teacher called 5 students to write their answers on the

board (obs.2);

- When the teacher asked to copy the questions on the board to the

students' paper (obs.3);

- When the teacher asked to make examples using the students' own

words (obs.4);


- When the teacher called the students one by one to read the

answers (obs.6).

In some cases, the students didn't give responses as hoped by the teacher. They

did or talked something unrelated to the topic discussed in class. While the teacher

was writing the material on the board, not all students copied it. Most of them did

it, but some of them chatted with their friends. Some of them made a noise. A few

of them were only opened and looked at the textbook. The teacher reminded them.

She came to closer to their tables and asked them to copy the material on their

book (obs.1).

Only few students who sat at the back raw still chatted with their friends.

The teacher didn't remind them. He continued to discuss the dialogue by giving

some questions to the students orally. The students' initiation was categorized into

two: initiation related to the topic and initiation unrelated to the topic. The

initiation related to the topic happened when the students asked unclear writing

(obs.1 and 4), asked about the instruction of an activity (obs.1), asked about

difficult words/expressions (obs.2, 4 and 6), and answered the activity voluntary

(obs.1 and 4)

. The initiation unrelated to the topic happened when the students greeted

the teacher (obs.4). Some teacher's questions that weren't answered by the

students were questions like: any questions? Any difficult words? (obs.1, 4),

what's the meaning of .... ? (obs.2).

The students didn't have self confidence to answer the teacher's

questions. They were afraid of making mistakes (I.S.1.Ra).

Not knowing the meaning of the English words/expression was also

another factor to keep silent (I.S.2.Ca).

4)Student(s)–student(s) interaction

The following part discussed about the interaction happened among the

students. The interaction was started by the student(s) and addressed to the other

student(s). The students interacted with their friends most of the time. But, it was

not related to the English topic discussed. It was about something outside of

English lesson. They talked in Indonesian. The class atmosphere was not make the


students were dare of speaking in English. English was rarely used to

communicate among the students. They felt uncomfortable. They felt that they

weren't capable enough to speak English. They were lack of vocabulary (I.S.1.Ra,

I.S.2.I Ca, and I.S.3.Qu).

When the teacher had started the lesson, the students were still busy with

themselves. They did or talked something unrelated to the topic.

They played and chatted with friends (obs.1, 2, and 4).

They were noisy when the teacher explained the material (obs.3,

5,and 6).

They didn't feel up to join actively in the class activity. They weren't aware of the

importance of studying English (I.S.4.Ra). When they were asked to do an

activity, they moved around the class and borrowed books one another (obs.3 and

6). They didn't believe to their own ability. They always needed to ask to their

friends. The interaction among the students was found when the students asked

about the activity (obs.1 and 4), discussed the teacher's questions (obs.3 and 4),

and asked about difficult words and expressions (obs.4). She had tried to use

English, but his friends laughed at him. After saying that, he kept silent and

looked ashamed. In observation 5, the teacher asked a question to a student orally.

The student couldn't answer it. He kept silent in a moment. After that, she asked

her friend but her friend didn't know the answer either. At last, both of them were

silent. The teacher helped them by explaining the material again.




This last chapter is about the conclusion from the discussion and analysis in

the previous chapter. It is completed by the implication of this research and the


A. Conclusion

From the discussion about the result of the research, some points about the

meaning of classroom interaction can be concluded. They are as follows:

1.Both the teachers and the students were aware and understood that interaction

was important in English learning. They also understood that to be able to

interact well, they needed to practice. But, the understanding was not supported

by what they did in classroom. The teachers did not give much interactive activity

in class. It seemed that the teachers did not believe in the students' competence.

There was not much chance for the students to interact either to the teachers or to

the other students. The students were not active in practicing their English by

asking questions or expressing their idea or opinion. The classroom condition did

not make the students feel comfortable to interact in English. Feeling lack of

vocabulary, afraid of making mistake, having no self confidence, and feeling

ashamed were the students' barrier.

2. The interaction between the teachers and the students was limited / was based

on the activities in the textbook. Reciprocal interaction in the use of English in

communication did not happen. English was rarely used for communication in

the classroom. The teacher and the students never spoke English. The teachers

explained the material, gave instructions, and asked questions mostly in

Indonesian. If the teachers used English expression, they followed it with the

Indonesian translation. In the teachers' opinion, if they used English all the time

without translation, the students would know nothing. The communication among

the students was also in Indonesian. The use of English by the students was very

limited when they practiced the lesson or dialogue asked by the teacher. In

making the students more active in class activity, the teachers pointed to or called


certain student(s). Time for voluntary students to participate in class activity was

also given. But, it was only certain student(s) who participated in class. The

teacher interacted with the whole class by accepting feeling, praising or

encouraging, accepting or using ideas of the students, asking questions, lecturing,

and giving directions. The teacher accepted the students‟ feeling when they

expressed greeting in the beginning and the closing of the class. The teacher

accepted or used the students‟ ideas when they invited the students to participate

in class discussion. Lecturing was happened when the teacher presented or

explained the material, discussed a dialogue or a picture. When the students did

or talked something unrelated to the topic discussed, the teacher reminded them.

Students‟ gestures were also found as their responses to the teachers‟ act or talk.

The teacher interacted with individual student by accepting feeling, praising or

encouraging, accepting or using ideas of the student, asking questions, lecturing,

and giving directions, reminding noisy student, and helping the student's work.

The teacher accepted the students‟ feeling when she greeted the students and

checked their attendance. The teacher accepted or used the students‟ ideas when

she accepted the ideas or answers in class discussion.

3. The student interacted with the teacher by giving response to the teacher‟s

questions and giving initiation. The students' silence was often happened when

they were asked by the teacher. The students did not directly answer or respond to

the teacher‟s questions. The students‟ responses were in the form of responding to

the teacher‟s greeting, answering the teacher‟s questions, and responding to the

teacher‟s directions. The students‟ initiation was asking questions about unclear

writing, instruction of an activity, or difficult words or expressions. The

interaction among the students happened most of the time. But, mostly it was not

about the English lesson. In relation to the English lesson, the students interacted

with their friends by talking about the activity asked by the teacher, discussing the

teacher‟s questions, and asking about difficult words or expressions. Students‟ act

was also found as their responses to the teacher‟s act or talk.

The conclusion looks common knowledge. Most teachers may know this

already, but maybe only some of them realize these in their forethought. These


aspects, i.e. the teacher-student and student-student interactions, need to be

considered before teaching as a part of the lesson planning process.

B. Implications

This study brings implications on some areas related to classroom interaction

in English learning. Firstly, the use of various media is needed. The various

media can stimulate the students to speak in English. The teaching of grammar

needs to be improved and modified as needed in the communication. Secondly,

the use of interactive activity in class is needed. Students are very busy in doing

the activities taken from the textbook. Their activities are very strict on it. It

decreases their time and chance to practice speaking. In order to practice

speaking, the students need various interactive activities. Thirdly, the teacher

needs to have positive assumption about the students' competence. The students'

silence does not always mean they know nothing. Teachers' believe influence

what they do in class.

C. Recommendation

Based on the findings and the conclusion above, there are some suggestions

for relevant parties to increase the quality of the English classroom interaction.

They are as follows:

1.More communicative classroom activities are needed to be given to the students.

The activities should give more chance for the students to interact either

to the teacher or to the other students. It helps to increase the students' confidence

to interact in English. Activities like role plays, information gaps, small group, or

pair work can be included. These activities also maximize the opportunities to

practice as more learners speak for more of the time. These activities provide the

students with a reason to speak and listen.

2.Various English textbook are needed.

Students can enrich their knowledge by studying from various textbook.

3.The teachers and the students, in together, create a classroom situation that

makes the students feel comfortable to initiate an interaction using English.

The teachers need to be more frequent using English in class. The use of

direct translation can be reduced.


4.The teachers' encouragement to the students' progress is needed to be improved.

The encouragement can motivate the students to be more active in

learning. Giving lots of praise and giving feedback on task achievement raise the

students‟ confidence.

Since the class consists of students with mixed ability, tasks with different

levels can be provided to give various and challenging activities for students.

Students can interact at an appropriate level.



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Appendix 1



Day/Date : Monday, july 15 2019

Time : 10:50-11:30

Place : In the classroom

Teacher : Mrs. Anita

Comment Teacher-Learner Interaction Code



between the

teacher and the

students are

mostly in



initiation to

communicate to

the teacher or

other students is

mostly about




- Creative

initiation (such

as expressing

ideas) is not


One or two minutes after the bell rang, Mrs.

Nita, the class teacher, and I entered the

class. I took an empty chair at the back of the

classroom to sit. Not all students entered the

class. Mrs. Nita opened the class by

greeting''Assalamuálaikum wr. wb. Good

afternoon, students. The students answered

"Waálaikumsalam wr wb, Good afternoon

Mrs. Nita." Mrs. Nita asked, "Has everyone

come to class?" "No, Not yet", some students

answered. Some other students played /

chatted with their friends. Two students

looked busy looking for something in their

bag, may be a book, and whispered

something to their friends. Mrs. Nita

continued by asking, "Where are they?" The

students said, "Still in the canteen." Some

others said, ''Still have a break." Some others

said, "Downstair, Mrs. Nita." Mrs. Nita said,

"OK. While waiting for your friends, please

one of you (by calling one student's name)




ST / RE,

ET1 / UT


ITT / AQ .


ST / RE,



ET2 / GE


- A few students

answer the


questions in

volunteer. But, if

they are asked to

write their work

on the board,

they do it well.

- Some students

can understand



- When the

teacher give

time for the

students to

speak, they keep


borrow the text book from the library". And

the student stood up and went to the library.

Mrs. Nita continued the class by checking the

students' attendance (calling the students'

name one by one). While she was doing that,

three students entered the class. Mrs. Nita

asked, "Where were you?" The students said,

"from the canteen, Mrs. Nita." Mrs. Nita said,

"Don't be late again. Please, be on time, OK?

Have a seat now." The students nodded their

head and went to their seat. Mrs. Nita

presented the material (i.e. expressing 'wish')

by writing it on the board. While she was

writing, most of the students copied it on

their book, some of them chatted with their

friends, and two students made a noise.Mrs.

Nita stopped her writing to remind the

students to copy the material on their book

and to keep silent. The student who was

asked to borrow the book from the library

came, and he directly gave the book to their

friends one by one. After Mrs. Nita finished

her writing, she walked around the class and

said, "Write the material on your book,

please." About 5 minutes later, she asked,

"Have you finished?" The students said, "No,

not yet." One student didn't write the

material. She only opened and looked at the

text book. Mrs. Nita looked at his and let his

do that for a while. But, when he tried to

bother his friends and chat, she went closer to





ET2 / GE


ET1/ UT,

ET2 / UT

ET3 / AH




ET1 / UT

ET3 / AH

ST / IN,


his and reminded his to write. One student

asked an unclear writing, Mrs. Nita told him

the clear one. When the students have

finished writing, Mrs. Nita asked the students

to open the book, page 84. The students did

this. One student looked confused finding the

page, but her friend helped her quickly. Mrs.

Nita asked, "See activity 7. Now read

paragraph 1 (She called two students to read

and asked the others to listen to them)". Mrs.

Nita followed the activity by discussing the

text. She read the questions taken from the

text book and asked the students to answer it

orally. Three students answered it voluntary.

Mrs. Nita pointed / called some students to

answer some other questions. After all

questions had been discussed, Mrs. Nita

explained the topic that had been written on

the board. The explanation is mostly in

Indonesian. The students listened to her while

watching the board. Mrs. Nissa asked "Any

questions? Any difficult words?" The

students kept silent. Then, Mrs. Nita said ,

"OK, now please open page .... And do

activity ....." Most of the students did this by

themselves. Some of them asked their

friends. Some of them asked Mrs. Nita. One

student kept silent and did the activity by

herself. When he finished doing the activity,

he talked with his friend but about other

topic. While the students did the activity, Mrs

ST / IN.

ET3 / AH




ET2 / GE




ST / IN,



ET2 / GE


ST / SI,


ET2 / GD

ST / IN,


Nita always walked around the class. She

checked the student's work, helped them,

reminded some noisy students to do the

activity, and answered the students' question.

After all students have finished doing the

activity, Mrs. Nita gave time for everyone

who wanted to write the answer on the board.

Most students took part in writing their

answer on the board without waiting for

calling from Mrs. Nita. Mrs. Nita checked the

work after all answers have been written on

the board. The students followed by checking

their own work and revised the false ones.

One student asked about his confusion in

answering the activity. The time was only

five minutes left. Mrs. Nita gave a short

conclusion about what have been learned.

She closed the class by praying together. She

and I left the class after all students went out.



ITT / AF : Indirect Teacher Talk, Accepts feeling

ITT / AQ : Indirect Teacher Talk, Asks questions

DTT / LE : Direct Teacher Talk, Lecturers

DTT / GD : Direct Teacher Talk, Gives directions

ST / RE : Student Talk, Student talk-response

ST / IN : Student Talk, Student-initiation

ST / SI : Student Talk, Silence or confusion

ET1 / UT : Emergence Theme 1, Students do/talk something unrelated to the topic

ET2 / GE : Emergence Theme 2, Students' gestures

ET3 / AH : Emergence Theme 3, Teacher's act to help the class goes smoothl



Day/Date : Tuesday, july 17, 2019

Time : 08:50- 09:35

Place : In the classroom

Teacher : Mrs. Nita

Comment Teacher-Learner Interaction Code

- The teacher

has tried to ask

in English, but

if the students

keep silent, she


translates it



She doesn't

give the


chance to

guess the

meaning. - The

students learn

English not use


After the bell rang, Mrs. nita and I entered the

classroom. Only a half of the students were in the

room. Mrs. Nita went to her desk and I went to the

seat at the back raw. Mrs. Nita opened the class by

greeting and checking the students' attendance.

Then, she distributed question sheets. She said,"

Today, we will have a review about what we have

learned so far. Answer these questions

individually." She didn't explain the direction, it

was written on the question sheets. She just said to

answer the questions individually and it will be

collected after class. Some students started directly

to answer the questions. Some others were still

noisy and movedfrom one seat to another. They

weren't concentrated on the class activity. A

student asked about the instruction. Mrs. Nita

explained it classically so all students could listen

to her. About 20 minutes later, all students had

been busy doing the activity. Only two or three of

them were still quite noisy. Most of them discussed

the answers with their friends. A few of them did it

individually. While the students were doing the

activity, Mrs. Nita didn't sit at her desk. She moved

around checking the students' work. Sometimes she










answered some questions from the students, but on

the other time she just kept silent when students

asked her. When the students asked about the

meaning of difficult words, Mrs. Nita answered it

clearly. Some students asked about the direction of

the question (how to do/answer the question or

what should they answer). Mrs. Nita explained

about it loud enough so that all students in the

classroom could hear her voice clearly. After her

explanation, the students were more quite in doing

their work. About thirty minute later, all students

had finished doing the activity. The students'

answer sheets were collected on the teacher's desk.

Mrs. Nita discussed the questions classically. She

asked the students' name one by one, and then she

gave the correct answers. Some students could

answer the questions orally in the class discussion.

The correct answers were written on the board.

Mrs. Nita gave some clues that could help the

students' to get the correct answers. All questions

had been answered and written on the board. Mrs.

Nita closed the class by saying, "This is the end of

the lesson today. Thanks for coming.

Wassalamualaikum wr.wb." "Waalaikumsalam

wr.wb." replied the students. When the students

were leaving the classroom, the bell rang. Mrs.

Nita and I left the classroom, too.










ITT / AF : Indirect Teacher Talk, Accepts feeling


ITT / AQ : Indirect Teacher Talk, Asks questions

DTT / LE : Direct Teacher Talk, Lecturers

DTT / GD : Direct Teacher Talk, Gives directions

ST / RE : Student Talk, Student talk-response

ST / IN : Student Talk, Student-initiation

ST / SI : Student Talk, Silence or confusion

ET1 / UT : Emergence Theme 1, Students do/talk something unrelated to the topic

ET2 / GE : Emergence Theme 2, Students' gestures

ET3 / AH : Emergence Theme 3, Teacher's act to help the class goes smoothly


Day/Date : Monday, July 22, 2019

Time : 10:50-11:30

Place : In the classroom (Regular Class)

Teacher : Mrs. Anita

Comment Teacher-Learner Interaction Code

- The teacher


about the

material on the

book orally. He

gave chance for

the students to

talk. It was

quite done. The

students can

answer the

questions orally

using short

answer. Here, it

After the bell rang, Mrs. nita and I entered the classroom.

Only a half of the students were in the room. Mrs. Nita

went to her desk and I went to the seat at the back raw.

Mrs. Nita opened the class by greeting and checking the

students' attendance. Then, she distributed question sheets.

She said," Today, we will have a review about what we

have learned so far. Answer these questions individually."

She didn't explain the direction, it was written on the

question sheets. She just said to answer the questions

individually and it will be collected after class. Some

students started directly to answer the questions. Some

others were still noisy and movedfrom one seat to another.

They weren't concentrated on the class activity. A student

asked about the instruction. Mrs. Nita explained it







means that

students can

understand the


questions, and

they can

express their

idea/opinion. - I

think, the

students know

the dialogue.

They can

answer the

questions asked

by the teacher

in short answer

and in English.

Why they didn't

do this in other

session (B.

Nissa's class)

classically so all students could listen to her. About 20

minutes later, all students had been busy doing the activity.

Only two or three of them were still quite noisy. Most of

them discussed the answers with their friends. A few of

them did it individually. While the students were doing the

activity, Mrs. Nita didn't sit at her desk. She moved around

checking the students' work. Sometimes she answered

some questions from the students, but on the other time she

just kept silent when students asked her. When the students

asked about the meaning of difficult words, Mrs. Nita

answered it clearly. Some students asked about the

direction of the question (how to do/answer the question or

what should they answer). Mrs. Nita explained about it

loud enough so that all students in the classroom could

hear her voice clearly. After her explanation, the students

were more quite in doing their work. About thirty minute

later, all students had finished doing the activity. The

students' answer sheets were collected on the teacher's

desk. Mrs. Nita discussed the questions classically. She

asked the students' name one by one, and then she gave the

correct answers. Some students could answer the questions

orally in the class discussion. The correct answers were

written on the board. Mrs. Nita gave some clues that could

help the students' to get the correct answers. All questions

had been answered and written on the board. Mrs. Nita

closed the class by saying, "This is the end of the lesson

today. Thanks for coming. Wassalamualaikum wr.wb."

"Waalaikumsalam wr.wb." replied the students. When the

students were leaving the classroom, the bell rang. Mrs.

Nita and I left the classroom, too.













ITT / AF : Indirect Teacher Talk, Accepts feeling

ITT / AQ : Indirect Teacher Talk, Asks questions

DTT / LE : Direct Teacher Talk, Lecturers

DTT / GD : Direct Teacher Talk, Gives directions

ST / RE : Student Talk, Student talk-response

ST / IN : Student Talk, Student-initiation

ST / SI : Student Talk, Silence or confusion

ET1 / UT : Emergence Theme 1, Students do/talk something unrelated to the


ET2 / GE : Emergence Theme 2, Students' gestures

ET3 / AH : Emergence Theme 3, Teacher's act to help the class goes smoothly


Day/Date : Tuesday, July 24, 2019

Time : 08:50- 09:35

Place : In the classroom

Teacher : Mrs. Anita

Comment Teacher-Learner Interaction Code

- Not much

dialogue is

found. The

students do

what the teacher

asks to them. -

The instruction

is presented in

Indonesian -



After the bell rang, Mrs. nita and I entered the

classroom. Only a half of the students were in the

room. Mrs. Nita went to her desk and I went to the

seat at the back raw. Mrs. Nita opened the class by

greeting and checking the students' attendance.

Then, she distributed question sheets. She said,"

Today, we will have a review about what we have

learned so far. Answer these questions

individually." She didn't explain the direction, it

was written on the question sheets. She just said to

answer the questions individually and it will be






between the

students are

about asking the

instruction and

even asking the


collected after class. Some students started directly

to answer the questions. Some others were still

noisy and movedfrom one seat to another. They

weren't concentrated on the class activity. A

student asked about the instruction. Mrs. Nissa

explained it classically so all students could listen

to her. About 20 minutes later, all students had

been busy doing the activity. Only two or three of

them were still quite noisy. Most of them

discussed the answers with their friends. A few of

them did it individually. While the students were

doing the activity, Mrs. Nita didn't sit at her desk.

She moved around checking the students' work.

Sometimes she answered some questions from the

students, but on the other time she just kept silent

when students asked her. When the students asked

about the meaning of difficult words, Mrs. Nita

answered it clearly. Some students asked about the

direction of the question (how to do/answer the

question or what should they answer). Mrs. Nita

explained about it loud enough so that all students

in the classroom could hear her voice clearly.

After her explanation, the students were more

quite in doing their work. About thirty minute

later, all students had finished doing the activity.

The students' answer sheets were collected on the

teacher's desk. Mrs. Nita discussed the questions

classically. She asked the students' name one by

one, and then she gave the correct answers. Some

students could answer the questions orally in the

class discussion. The correct answers were written













on the board. Mrs. Nita gave some clues that could

help the students' to get the correct answers. All

questions had been answered and written on the

board. Mrs. Nita closed the class by saying, "This

is the end of the lesson today. Thanks for coming.

Wassalamualaikum wr.wb." "Waalaikumsalam

wr.wb." replied the students. When the students

were leaving the classroom, the bell rang. Mrs.

Nita and I left the classroom, too.



ITT / AF : Indirect Teacher Talk, Accepts feeling

ITT / AQ : Indirect Teacher Talk, Asks questions

DTT / LE : Direct Teacher Talk, Lecturers

DTT / GD : Direct Teacher Talk, Gives directions

ST / RE : Student Talk, Student talk-response

ST / IN : Student Talk, Student-initiation

ST / SI: Student Talk, Silence or confusion

ET1 / UT : Emergence Theme 1, Students do/talk something unrelated to the


ET2 / GE : Emergence Theme 2, Students' gestures

ET3 / AH : Emergence Theme 3, Teacher's act to help the class goes smoothly


Day/Date : Monday, July 29, 2019

Time : 10:50-11:30

Place : In the classroom

Teacher : Mrs. Nissa

Comment Teacher-Learner Interaction Code

- Today, the After the bell rang, Mrs. nita and I entered the


students are

much quieter

than the

classes before.

They give

good attention

to the teacher's


they do the

activity well

and discuss

with friends.

They don't talk

too much


something not

about the

lesson. They

talk about the

activity of the

book. They ask



about difficult

words. - Most

students are

enthusiastic in

doing the

activities. -

Here, the


classroom. Only a half of the students were in the room.

Mrs. Nita went to her desk and I went to the seat at the

back raw. Mrs. Nita opened the class by greeting and

checking the students' attendance. Then, she distributed

question sheets. She said," Today, we will have a review

about what we have learned so far. Answer these

questions individually." She didn't explain the direction,

it was written on the question sheets. She just said to

answer the questions individually and it will be

collected after class. Some students started directly to

answer the questions. Some others were still noisy and

movedfrom one seat to another. They weren't

concentrated on the class activity. A student asked about

the instruction. Mrs. Nita explained it classically so all

students could listen to her. About 20 minutes later, all

students had been busy doing the activity. Only two or

three of them were still quite noisy. Most of them

discussed the answers with their friends. A few of them

did it individually. While the students were doing the

activity, Mrs. Nita didn't sit at her desk. She moved

around checking the students' work. Sometimes she

answered some questions from the students, but on the

other time she just kept silent when students asked her.

When the students asked about the meaning of difficult

words, Mrs. Nita answered it clearly. Some students

asked about the direction of the question (how to

do/answer the question or what should they answer).

Mrs. Nita explained about it loud enough so that all

students in the classroom could hear her voice clearly.

After her explanation, the students were more quite in

doing their work. About thirty minute later, all students














question is

used in order

that the

students give

attention, to be


concentrate on

the lesson and

not busy with


had finished doing the activity. The students' answer

sheets were collected on the teacher's desk. Mrs. Nita

discussed the questions classically. She asked the

students' name one by one, and then she gave the correct

answers. Some students could answer the questions

orally in the class discussion. The correct answers were

written on the board. Mrs. Nita gave some clues that

could help the students' to get the correct answers. All

questions had been answered and written on the board.

Mrs. Nita closed the class by saying, "This is the end of

the lesson today. Thanks for coming.

Wassalamualaikum wr.wb." "Waalaikumsalam wr.wb."

replied the students. When the students were leaving the

classroom, the bell rang. Mrs. Nita and I left the

classroom, too.








ITT / AF : Indirect Teacher Talk, Accepts feeling

ITT / PR : Indirect Teacher Talk, Praises or encourages

ITT / AQ : Indirect Teacher Talk, Asks questions

DTT / LE : Direct Teacher Talk, Lecturers

DTT / GD : Direct Teacher Talk, Gives directions

ST / RE : Student Talk, Student talk-response

ST / IN : Student Talk, Student-initiation

ST / SI : Student Talk, Silence or confusion

ET1 / UT : Emergence Theme 1, Students do/talk something unrelated to the


ET2 / GE : Emergence Theme 2, Students' gestures

ET3 / AH : Emergence Theme 3, Teacher's act to help the class goes smoothly



Day/Date : Tuesday, july 31, 2019

Time : 08:50- 09:35

Place : In the classroom

Teacher : Mrs. Anita

Comment Teacher-Learner Interaction Code

-The interaction

that happened is

not like what is

hoped before.

-The teacher

makes a review

about the last

lesson in the

form of

questions that

should be done

individually but

the students

don't do like

this. They

discuss with


- The teacher

doesn't answer

the students'


directly, she

gives the clue

After the bell rang, Mrs. nita and I entered the classroom.

Only a half of the students were in the room. Mrs. Nita

went to her desk and I went to the seat at the back raw.

Mrs. Nita opened the class by greeting and checking the

students' attendance. Then, she distributed question sheets.

She said," Today, we will have a review about what we

have learned so far. Answer these questions individually."

She didn't explain the direction, it was written on the

question sheets. She just said to answer the questions

individually and it will be collected after class. Some

students started directly to answer the questions. Some

others were still noisy and movedfrom one seat to another.

They weren't concentrated on the class activity. A student

asked about the instruction. Mrs. Nita explained it

classically so all students could listen to her. About 20

minutes later, all students had been busy doing the activity.

Only two or three of them were still quite noisy. Most of

them discussed the answers with their friends. A few of

them did it individually. While the students were doing the

activity, Mrs. Nita didn't sit at her desk. She moved around

checking the students' work. Sometimes she answered

some questions from the students, but on the other time she

just kept silent when students asked her. When the students

asked about the meaning of difficult words, Mrs. Nita













answered it clearly. Some students asked about the

direction of the question (how to do/answer the question or

what should they answer). Mrs. Nita explained about it

loud enough so that all students in the classroom could

hear her voice clearly. After her explanation, the students

were more quite in doing their work. About thirty minute

later, all students had finished doing the activity. The

students' answer sheets were collected on the teacher's

desk. Mrs. Nita discussed the questions classically. She

asked the students' name one by one, and then she gave the

correct answers. Some students could answer the questions

orally in the class discussion. The correct answers were

written on the board. Mrs. Nita gave some clues that could

help the students' to get the correct answers. All questions

had been answered and written on the board. Mrs. Nita

closed the class by saying, "This is the end of the lesson

today. Thanks for coming. Wassalamualaikum wr.wb."

"Waalaikumsalam wr.wb." replied the students. When the

students were leaving the classroom, the bell rang. Mrs.

Nita and I left the classroom, too.












ITT / AF : Indirect Teacher Talk, Accepts feeling

ITT / AI : Indirect Teacher Talk, Accepts or uses ideas of students

ITT / AQ : Indirect Teacher Talk, Asks questions

DTT / LE : Direct Teacher Talk, Lecturers

DTT / GD : Direct Teacher Talk, Gives directions

ST / RE : Student Talk, Student talk-response

ST / IN : Student Talk, Student-initiation

ET1 / UT : Emergence Theme 1, Students do/talk something unrelated to the topic

ET2 / GE : Emergence Theme 2, Students' gestures

ET3 / AH : Emergence Theme 3, Teacher's act to help the class goes smoothly


Appendix 2




Day/Date : Monday, july 15 2019

Time : 10.00

Place : Teacher Room

Interviewee : Mrs. Anita

Comment Interview Report Code


response is

quite good.








material in


R: Bagaimana kondisi siswa anda ketika jam pelajaran

bahasa Inggris?

N: Mereka cukup memperhatikan ketika saya

menjelaskan, memang ada beberapa yang kurang

perhatian atau ramai. Tapi, mereka mau kok untuk

mengerjakan latihan-latihan atau mempraktekkan dialog.

R: Apakah siswa berusaha menggunakan bahasa Inggris

atau ekspresi bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi baik

dengan guru atau siswa?

N: Mereka masih sangat jarang menggunakan ekspresi

bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi. Mereka lebih banyak

menggunakan bahasa Indonesia. Kalau pas menjelaskan

materi pun saya lebih banyak menggunakan bahasa





R: Researcher

N: Mrs. Anita

C.CND : Classroom condition.



Day/Date : Tuesday, July 16 2019

Time : 10.30

Place : Teacher Room

Interviewee : Mrs. Anita

Comment Interview report Code

-The teacher

realized that

being active

is important

in learning a



n is also

needed, but

the class is

still passive.

R: Menurut anda apa pengertian interaksi dalam berbahasa?

N: Kalo saya sih, aktif antara guru dan siswa

R: Selama ini anda di kelas merasa bagaimana?

N: Yaa saya merasa anak-anak masih terlalu pasif. Kalo saya

suruh tuh agak sulit kalo enggak dioprak-oprak gitu kan. Jadi

memang gurunya harus aktif.

R: Seberapa penting interaksi dalam berbahasa?

N: Ya penting. Jelas penting, kan untuk feedback.

R: Siapa yang harus lebih banyak berperan?

N: Kalo saya sih harusnya dua-duanya harus berimbang,

antara teacher sama student.

R: Bagaimana guru harus berperan di kelas agar interaksinya

bisa berjalan bagus?

N: Kayaknya lebih banyak speakingnya. Teacher harus

ngomong nanti kan anak-anaknya nyambung.

R: Apa yang anda lakukan agar bisa membuat siswa anda bisa

berkomunikasi baik dengan guru atau dengan temannya?

N: Eeee gimana ya... anak-anak tu kayaknya harus dari


R: Bagaimana seharusnya?

N: Yaa... apa ya, kalo saya kalo mau aktif itu kayaknya lebih

keconversationya. Kelas speaking gitu. Kalo grammar itu kan

soalnya yang harus aktif gurunya dan banyak menulis.

R: Apakah anda pernah mempraktekkan group activity,










dialogue, atau pair activity?

N: Pernah, itu lumayan jalan, murid berani ngomong.



R: Researcher

N: Mrs. Nissa

T.UND : Teacher's understanding

T.EXP : Teacher's experience

T.ROL : Teacher's role

S.ROL : Student's role


Day/Date : Tuesday, july 23 2019

Time : 10.00 – 10.25

Place : Teacher Room

Interviewee : Mrs. Anita

Comment Interview report Code

- There is one

student who

brings other

literature and


- According to

the teacher,

the students

are still shy in


in class, they

need support,

and they don't

R: Menurut anda, bagaimana seharusnya siswa

berperan dalam kelas?

N: Ya idealnya mereka yang aktif belajar sendiri

kan, seperti punya buku catatan. Buku paketnya kan

dari sekolah, mereka harusnya punya buku yang lain.

R: Pernah anda menemui siswa yang aktif?

N: Yang aktif pernah. Dia bawa literature lain.

Kamus dia bawa.

R: Bagaimana anda memotivasi siswa anda?

N: Terutama saya ingatkan waktu kalo UAN kan

semakin tahun passing gradenya meningkat, jadi

kalo bahasa Inggris tuya nggak cuman sekedar

pelajaran tapi diharapkan mereka menguasai.





have any

initiation from


- The teacher



everything she






- The teacher

always goes

around the

class while the

students are

doing activity.

- The teacher

had practiced

game in class

and it was

quite good to

give change to

the students to


R: Kalo motivasi itu dilakukan terus menerus kira-

kira siswa akan berubah tidak?

N: Tergantung anaknya. Kalo seperti Sugi (nama

salah satu siswa) yang memang higher, yang mampu,

mungkin berubah. Tapi kalo yang malas ya malah

..... enggak. Tapi, Suratno (nama siswa lain) itu,

walaupun kurang dia rajin sekali. Ya tergantung

anaknya. Tapi Suratno pernah patah arang juga

dengan kemampuannya. Saya bilang, kamu belajar

yang rajin ya. Katanya, yagimana bu orang otaknya

cuma segini.

R: Ketika group activity, bagaimana teknik

pengelompokan siswa yang anda lakukan?

N: Acak. Kalo yang pinter-pinter kasihan yang

kurang-kurang. Kalo mereka duduknya bergerombol

karena memilih teman, saya pindah.

R: Bagaimana kemandirian belajar siswa anda?

Apakah mereka mau berusaha sendiri?

N: Enggak ada. Kecuali ... ada sedikit, yang

memang pada dasarnya anaknya rajin. Jadi emang

kayaknya, apa ya, sifat dasar kayaknya....karakter. ya

gimana, lingkungan pergaulannya itu-itu saja.

R: Beberapa kali saya mengikuti kelas anda,

sepertinya saya belum menemukan hal yang baru.

Ketika disuruh menulis, yang nulis yang duduknya

di depan, yang di belakang tetep ngobrol, besoknya

juga seperti itu lagi. Ketika ada activity yang aktif

anaknya juga anak-anak tertentu. Apakah memang

mereka seperti itu terus?

N: Iya. Karena mungkin malu, malu-malu. Jadi

harus kita yang mendorong, enggak ada antusias







R: Pernahkah anda mencoba untuk menjelaskan

tanpa diterjemahkan ke bahasa Indonesia?

Bagaimana siswa anda? N: Enggak ngerti, makanya

saya translate. Dengan body language mereka tahu.

Misal "repeat", saya ngomongnya [ripiiiiet] gitu,

harus ada second language-nya. Body language itu

kalo enggak.

R: Apakah kalo anda benar-benar tidak

menterjemahkan, siswa anda benar-benar tidak


N: Blong! Kemarin, bacaan yang cuma sekelumit itu

kalo enggak diartikan itu mereka enggak tahu.

R: Apakah dalam setiap menjelaskan anda selalu

mengulang? N: Ya. Harus selalu diulang. Enggak

cukup kalo hanya sekali.

R: Ketika siswa mencatat atau mengerjakan latihan,

anda selalu 'muter', apa tujuannnya?

N: Untuk ngecek – ini – tau ndak. Anak itu kan

biasanya kalo salah kan mesti enggak dong atau

enggak tahu. Kalo menemui kesalahan langsung saya


R: Apakah siswa anda mencoba tanya ke temannya


N: Tanya, tanya ke temannya. Selalu kalo tanya itu.

Walaupun mereka tuh harian tapi kan apalagi kalo

saya bilang saya nilai tuh kan maunya nilainya

bagus, akhirnya tanya sama temannya, ujung-

ujungnya ya tanya sama saya.

R: Ada banyak cara untuk membuat siswa

berkomunikasi. Selama ini yang belum dilakukan






apa dan kenapa?

N: Saya belum mencoba game. Belum pernah. Yaaa

saya kira enggak efektif aja, karena perempuan

semua. Kalo game itu kan anak-anaknya aktif semua,

mereka antusias, mungkin saya kira antusias, tapi

kayaknya.... pasti akan kacau kelasnya karena kan

kalo game itu kanroyokan biasanya.

R: Jadi ada semacam prediksi bahwa lebih banyak

tidak berhasilnya daripada berhasilnya?

N: Yaa.... Tapi eee... tapi pernah ding saya nyoba

game, nebak artis tanpa menyebutkan nama, mereka

antusias sekali.

R: Mereka menggunkan bahasa Inggris?

N: bahasa Inggris.

R: Apakah siswa anda pernah berinisiatif untuk

mengungkapkan pendapatnya sendiri?

N: Tidak ada. Malah di luar itu. Misalnya ada judul

film bahasa Inggris yang mereka curious kayak 'red

top' itu apa. Bu, red top itu apa? Nanti di-apply buat

mereka sehari-hari maknanya. Kalo untuk pendapat

lain tentang pengerjaan latihan yaaa sesekali ada,

tapi jarang.

R: Kira-kira kenapa?

N: Mungkin karena percaya sama gurunya atau tidak

pernah baca yang lain, kurang baca. Paling cuma

kalo misalnya, had itu, kok bisa jadi had bu? Gitu aja


R: Mereka tidak pernah mencoba untuk mencoba

mengungkapkan pendapat sendiri gitu?

N: Enggak. Kecuali kalo bacaan lho. Ini kan kalo

grammar. Mereka manut saya gitu lho. Jadi seperti






enggak pernah baca yang lain. Bahkan, kalo saya

salah ya manuuut saja.

R: Kira-kira kapan mereka bisa mengungkapkan


N: tidak ada. Orang saya tanya, kan saya mesti tanya

kadang-kadang pendapat kamu gimana? Enggak ada,

diemaja, mungkin mereka takut kalo saya suruh pake

bahasa Inggris, tapi herannya kalo pas buat game

yang describing people itu bisa. She has curly hair.

Ya walaupun saya drill dulu. Tapi inget gitu lho.

Tahu. Kayaknya memang harus dibiarkan. Saya tuh

herannya, waktu saya tinggal, tugas saya dikerjakan

dan variasinya banyak. Berarti saya pikir apa

harusnya ditinggal saja, bisa mikir mereka, malah

berpikir, walaupun ada yang kosong.

R: Apa mungkin ada rasa seperti segan atau takut?

N: Kalo takut tidak. Mungkin kalo enggak ada

guide-nya kan malah cari jalan, mencoba sini, sana.


R: Researcher

N: Mrs. Anita

S.ROL : Student's role

T.EXP : Teacher's experience



There are three students: Rara, Caca, and Qurata.


Day/Date : Monday, july 15 2019

Time : 10.30

Place : Teacher Room

Interviewee : Rara.

Comment Interview report Code

The student


realized that

he needed



te using

English, but

he didn't

have self


because he

thought he

didn't have



He needed

to be


to be able to

speak up

R: Apakah anda setuju kalo dalam bahasa Inggris perlu


Ra: Setuju

R: Apa yang sudah anda lakukan untuk practice?

Ra: Mencoba mengartikan kata-kata sulit, mendengarkan lagu.

R: Apa yang anda lakukan kalo menemui kesulitan?

Ra: Saya tanya ke teman dulu, kalo teman nggak tahu baru tanya

sama guru.

R: Kenapa anda memilih tanya kepada teman daripada ke guru?

Ra: Kalo dengan teman, lebih lancar. Kalo dengan guru ada rasa

malu, takut salah.

R: Apakah anda pernah mencoba menggunakan bahasa Inggris

untuk berkomunikasi baik dengan guru atau dengan teman?

Ra: Tidak pernah. Kalo tanya sama guru atau teman ya

menggunakan bahasa Indonesia.

R: Kenapa anda nggak mencoba untuk practice komunikasi /

tanya sama teman atau guru menggunakan bahasa Inggris?

Ra: Yanggak enak kalo sama temen, nanti dikiranya gimanaa.

Tapi sebetulnya, eee karena tidak tahu arti kata-katanya.

R: Kalo misal dalam speaking activity, dikasih tahu dulu arti

kata-katanya atau kalimatnya, apakah anda berani untuk berlatih

menggunakan bahasa Inggris?








Ra: Ya kalau tau artinya ya mau.

R: Ketika ada pertanyaan dari guru, apa yang kamu lakukan?

Ra: Mencoba menjawab, kalo bisa.

R: Apa yang menyebabkan kamu termotivasi untuk

berkomunikasi? Ra: Nilai.


INTERVIEW 2 (I.S.2.Caca)

Day/Date : Monday, july 15 2019

Time : 10.30

Place : Teacher Room

Interviewee : caca.

Comment Interview report Code

The class



make the






They need




so they can

speak freely

in English.

R: Apakah anda setuju kalo dalam bahasa Inggris perlu


Ca: Setuju

R: Apa yang sudah anda lakukan untuk practice?

Ca: Mendengarkan lagu-lagu dan mencoba cari tahu artinya.

R: Apa yang anda lakukan kalo menemui kesulitan?

Ca: Coba tanya teman dulu baru ke guru

.R: Apakah anda pernah mencoba menggunakan bahasa Inggris

untuk berkomunikasi baik dengan guru atau dengan teman?

Ca: Pernah sih, tapi ya itu cuma ketika ijin mau ke toilet.

R: Kenapa anda nggak mencoba untuk practice komunikasi /

tanya sama teman atau guru menggunakan bahasa Inggris?

Ca: Saya nggak tahu arti kata-katanya. Selain itu juga malu.

Sepertinya di kelas nggak ada yang pake bahasa Inggris

R: Kalo misal dalam speaking activity, dikasih tahu dulu arti

kata-katanya atau kalimatnya, apakah anda berani untuk berlatih

menggunakan bahasa Inggris?

Ca: Tentu saja mau.








R: Bagaimana kamu menanggapi pertanyaan dari guru?

Ca: Mencoba nebak-nebak artinya atau jawabannya.

R: Apa yang menyebabkan adanya motivasi untuk belajar

berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa Inggris?

Ca: Menurut saya itu tergantung niatnya, kesadaran, dan

kemauan untuk belajar.

R: Menurut anda, lebih lancar mana, bertanya sama teman atau

sama guru?

Ca: Jelas dengan teman. Bisa lancar tanya apa saja.



INTERVIEW 3 (I.S.3.Qurata)

Day/Date : Monday, july 15 2019

Time : 10.40

Place : Teacher Room

Interviewee : Qurata

Comment Interview report Code



opinion that

the students

don't have



is not quite

true. Qurata

learns from

her friend

outside the

school, but

she keeps

R: Apakah anda setuju kalo dalam bahasa Inggris perlu


Q: Setuju.

R: Apa yang sudah anda lakukan untuk practice?

Q: Saya di rumah ada temen yang kuliah di jurusan bahasa

Inggris. Saya sering ketemu dan ngobrol. Saya sering dikasih

tahu tentang bahasa Inggris sama dia.

R: Apa yang anda lakukan kalo menemui kesulitan?

Q: Yaaa tanya sama temen dulu. Kalo dianya nggak tahu ya

terpaksa tanya sama guru.

R: Apakah anda pernah mencoba menggunakan bahasa Inggris

untuk berkomunikasi baik dengan guru atau dengan teman?

Q: Tidak pernah.

R: Anda kalau di kelas kan lebih banyak diem, tapi kok bisa dan






silent in


benar kalau mengerjakan latihan, gimana caranya?

Q: Lha saya bisa kok, ya sudah diem saja. Wong ternyata ya

benar. Saya suka dikasih tahu sama temen yang kuliah di jurusan

bahasa Inggris itu.

R: Kenapa anda nggak mencoba untuk practice komunikasi /

tanya sama teman atau guru menggunakan bahasa Inggris?

Q: Malu eee

R: Kalo misal dalam speaking activity, dikasih tahu dulu arti

kata-katanya atau kalimatnya, apakah anda berani unruk berlatih

menggunakan bahasa Inggris?

Q: Mau saja.

R: Apa yang membuat siswa lebih termotivasi untuk belajar

berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa Inggris?

Q: Wah kalau itu tergantung cara penyampaian guru. Bagaiman

dia bisa membuat siswa lebih mudah paham.

R: Menurutmu, lebih lancar mana, berkomunikasi sama teman

atau sama guru?

Q: Kalo saya sih, lebih mudah komunikasi dengan teman

daripada dengan guru. Kalau dengan guru rasanya seperti ada

rasa malu, nggak enak.







Appendix 3

Interviewing with the teacher

Interviewiee :

Time :

Place :

1. Can you explain what activities that you always do in the classroom interaction?

2. What is the method that you always use in classroom interaction?

3. Do you always using lecturer method in classroom interaction?

4. Do you always translate into Bahasa Indonesia?

5. How far the efectiveness of your learners in the classroom?

6. What kinds of question that you always gave to your learners, close or open


7. How far the effectiveness of your learners in asking question?

8. How many percent do you speak in the classroom?

9. What is your response to the students who cannot answer your question?

10. Do you always give reward to your learners?


Appendix 4

Interviewing with the students

Time :

Place :

1. Do you like learning English?

2. How is the teacher teaching in the class?

3. Based on your opinion, how much your teacher speaks in the class?

4. What kind of language that your teacher uses in the class?

5. What kinds of questions do you like, open question or close question?

6. What is your teacher response, if you cannot answer the questions?

7. What do you think about the effectiveness in teaching?

8. Does your teacher give reward?