Transcript of THE NEW ERA II COLOOY aut

Onl, thit It., dawhl to ",hlch )'Ou a~ awaH.


It II b~'ltr " 'ltte wllh • man a. rnlleh •• Yll kin. II rna"" him Ittt lood. 'no! '" don', h •• t' lI .. tn , • ao much III'" • •






(94 Dltltrlcts)


t GOULD :~:~LECTED REPUBLICANS IN : David F. Gould and Archibald LOCAL COUNCIL ! BUlh, RepublicAn& and unopposed.

G.O.P. Wins 2-1, but Palmyra and .Citlnaminson Vott

The annual Palmyra - Riverton 'V .M.C.A. filther and Ion dinner will be held Tuesday nlrht, November 12, at the Central B.ptillt Church, Maple avenue. Palmyra. Haddon· field'lI Baptllt minister, Jasper P. Hendershot will be the apeaker, l1nd live the boys pointers on "How to Brlnl tIp Father."

I were elected to a full term as mem- Wright and Engle Re-Elec:ted Presldent- • ben of the ~Iverton Boroulh COlln- by Good Majority; . Wlllkie, R. ..--.-.. _ •. -.-.-- 21.086 ! dt at thc Tuesday election. both Sports Approved

for Roosevelt

R.v~ton. alone of the three com­n!Unitles in lhlll section, aave a mnjority to Wendell Wlllkle at the eledion on Tuesday, Palmyra. teo' turning a IIlIght Roosevelt lead. "'hilt' CinnamlMon went for the Detl10cratll by a conlliderable mar­lin.

Roosevelt. D. '---'''---'''-- 26,389 will comlliete their first term on I The Democratic strength evi-U. S. Senator- December jl. denced in Palmyra (or Mr. Roole-

Barbour. R. .. __ . ___ ..... _ ... _._ 23,088 Mr. Oould received Il total of 976 . velt failed to carry down the lenlth Cromwell, D. __ . ____ . __ 18,959 votes, while there were 968 ballots I of the ballot and the Republlca~

MUlllc will be provided by mem­bers of the County 'V.M.C.A. Or­cheltra. under the direction of Sec· retary Ouy C. Hendry. There will allo be Ilnllnl. A brief period on the pro.ram will be allotted to a few contelta between picked teaml of fathen and 10nl.

Oovernor-candidates for Borough Council,

ca8~ for Mr. BUlh. '. I Arthur Y{rilht and William F. Hendricklon, R. ____ 23.145 Edilon. D. _______ 21,100

Wililtie carried all three dilltrictl III Riverton, the count there belni 994 to 4211, lomewhat better than In 1936. Palln;ra'a tit lind 5th dll­trletl • went Itronlly Democratic, while the other three remained In the O.O.P. column, the lecond by only four votea. Palmyra'i lolill W81 Wllllde 1,:s84, Roosevelt 1.453.


1 here were scattermg votes for a Enale• were re.elected to ollice b" number of residents In the "peo· a count of nearly two to one over pIt's . choice" column. their opponents Mary L. Duffy and

Ralph Saller. Pow era, R. ______ ._ 24;88'1 Dllnan, D. _._. ____ 18,098

Clifton p, Ma)lfield II chairman of . the committee of arran.ementl, and hll the help of Charlea B. Marple and Floyd W. Spahr.



Mr. Enlle received 1.&37 vote .. while Mr. Wrilht was the cholc. of 1,1123 cltlaens. They carried three out of the five dlltrlttl by a wid. mIJorit,. BtackhoUI" R. _......,._ 21,4"

Clark, D. 1'1,114 Grllcom Wlnl Mrl. L. Arthur Ho,t, preilldent

of the V.M.CA, Women'l AuldUar" and her fellow membere wlll aefVI • turkey dinner. 'rlcketl, for either boy or man are U cente.

Freeholder- The queltlon of utlllalni the audi- Edwin Ortlcom, RepUblican can-The firlt Clnnamlnlon dl,trlct

WI' carried by WUllde ... 171, but be W81 Iwamped In the lecond and received an even worle "efeat In the third.

Jone.. R, 22,e6I Norcro .. , R. ___ 23,857 Moyer, D. 11,450 Rahn, D. ___ . ___ 10,447

Republlcatlll Lead Memberl of the V.M.C.A. board

In addition to the father II\d Ion dlnner committee, from whom tick. etl m.y be hid, arel Thomal CI­hill, Jr.. How.rd B. Conover, Orover F. Pox, Palll R. Jonel. Cllf. ford H. 1.0000e, Lawrence B. Park­et, Mayor John tt. Ward and Oeorle N. Wimer, from Palmyra, and Rob· ert O. Adami, Walter P. Barclay, Francll B. Elwell. Robert J. Pinney, Nlthan Line, Vidor Rltlchard. Wil­mer C. 8waln, Richard M. Wood· ward and Chlrlel H. VOlt, from Riverton, and Becretary Ralph P. Durlln.


torlum of the Riverton PubUc dldate for collector, wa •• wept Into School for beiketball Ilmee to be ollice by a hendlome majorltYf ,et­played by yount men and women tin, 1,8211 votel as compared with of the commUnity w.a dlsculled by 705 for hll Democratic opponent the Riverton Board of Education on Elliworth Coatell Was named Ju ... MondlY nlaht of thli week when tlce of the peace with a total of the property committee reported 1,474. HIli oplJonent polted 941.

Rlverton'l RellubUclI\ atrenlth WI' manlfelt throulhout the entire ticket, with Barbour, Power., Hen. drick,on, Btackhoule. Jon... Nor­cross and White comlnl throulb Iboul three to one. Rooleveh ran well ahead 01 the reat of the ticket.


White, R. _ 22,041 McNUlty, D. ____ 17,6114

The above 81urea tell thl itory of how erltwhlle Republlcen Burlln,­ton county WII won by the Demo­cratic ticket In the prealdentlal rae .. The other RepubUceni clme throulh with a eefe marlin.

Harry Moyer, of Riverton, made a ,ood fU!l In thl ~reeholder battle.

DRAPT ADVISORV BOARD Accordln, to an Innouncement

that Itec:ellilry Itandarda for buketi The Sunday 'POl'tl propolitloD would COlt approximately 1175 wal approved In four out oftb. five completely lnltalled. dl.trlcta, the fourth beln, tbl onl"

Beverll memberl of the board one where the oppoaitlon wo@ out. atated that they felt that the aport, The total count W.I: Yel, 1.387; or,anl!ed under proper lupervlslon, ' No, 1126. . would be a decided allet to the The votlnl wal very heavy in III recreational facilities of the Bor· dletrlcta and It WBi not until w.U oUlh. Into the mornlnl that the fint final

Alk Comment returns came In.

The Porch Club

Cinnaminson reverted back to Ita former Republican Itatul on the balance of the baUot, none of thl Democratic candldatea recelvlnl a majority, althoulh the vote wal flo8e for Moyer, who ran only a few votel behind hll Republican opponenta.

In Palmyra. the Republlcanl­rled the relit of the ticket by ICbm· fori able marlin, althoulh two dll. trlch remained Itronlly .ntretlched In the Democratic columtl.

made thll week, membera of the

QUESTIONNAIRES I Advlloty Board for Selective 8er-II vice re,lltranta will lit at Palmyra Baroulh Hall (formerly Society

The matter WII tabled until the next meetlnl and the Board will ea­deavor to Ie cure exprellloni of opinion from local relldentl regard. Inll the advisability of Ulln, Ichool facilities for basketball. ThOle In­tereeted In the lubject Ire requeated to communicate with Board mem-

On Tuuday, November 12 at 2.30 p.m., Mra. Oeorae Emerlon Barnel, well known literary critic. will Ilvo the firet of a lerlel of book revieWL Mrs. Barnes wlll alBO comment on curren} ploys.

Votlnl Heavy Votlnl wa. the heevlelt ever leen

In mBny dlltrlctl, the polllni pllcee In this section loin I at h11h .peed durlnl practically the entlrf dlY·

In mBny dlstrlctl the percentale 01 realltered voterl caatlnl their ballots ran over 90 per cent, and the Itreets In the vlclnlt, of the elec· lion places were thronled with voterl and workerl from early until late.

The firet dlltrict In thll IIction to complete the tilly wal, a. UIUal, the Third Riverton, where thl board I, compoled of Meaarl. Major, EI. liott. Hamlin and ~Iynn.

Wellare Director. At the annual meetlnl o( lhl

Rlvtrton-Clnn.mlnlon Weltare As­sociation held I .. t week In thl l10me of Victor Rltlchard. Ellhth Itreet, Riverton, the followln. dl. rectoU werl ullllntmoully elected fOl the year 1040·1 .. 1:

Rev. Francll B. Downl, CharI •• Rvans, David P. Oould, William A. Hendrlcklon, Edward JIIIUp. MfL Kllism E. Bennett, "-re. John P. Abell. Mr •. Paul M. MeCr.,. lr •• Oeorle H. Peekfnl, Mre. E. C. HUlhet, Mre. 1. P. Emerton.

Clifton P. M.yflelel. Prederick W. Mett,er. Mrl. C. Iialleton Meara, Min Cornelia Murr." Mr •• J. V~n­c~nt H.clrett, Dr. John IlddaU, lIow.rd T.ylor, MrL JOleph L. 1'''omal. JOieph Beck 't"lr, Mr •. Wslter K. Woolman .nel Vidor Rit4ch.rd. ------

WILL PARADE '1 he P.lmyr. BUlle .net Drum

Cndrt CarPi wUl par.d. MIlt lion­d"v nllht. Noyember II, Armllftc. DAY. It Rlntllde where • p.racle will be held lot the I ..... n.tton of Ihe to ... nlhlp'l new ambulance. AU the bulle .nd elr1ItII corpe of Bw-1ln,!nn coant" and ot...... 'roat South JnN1 are ....... , thoM ...., Ire lI.ted to ...... c .. .

BEING MAILED HaU)each evenlnl be,lnnln, Mon-day November lS, between the

. hOU~1 of 7 and 10 o'clock until fur-

The fint batch of queltlonnllret lor thOle drawn In the national lot· tery for aelectlve lervlce were lent from Local Draft Boord No.1, Pal· myra, on Monday of thll week. Since there are 2,101 noW reiliter­ed there, the operltlon of eendln, out the documenta Will probably reo quire leveral weelo.

ThOle drawn fint In the lottery Will, naturally, be the flrat to reo celve the quutlonnllrel, whlth mUlt be returned to the bo.rd within five days .fter the date of mallinl Irom the board ollice.

A lilt. contall1ln. the namea of reilitrantl to whom queatJonnllrea Ire belnl mailed will be polted each d.y .t the draft headqulrtera her ••

No Quote Vet Leonlrd R. Biker, chairman of

the locil board. It.ted that no quota h.d yet been received for thll dlltrlel, but that thl. wa. exl>tcted almo.t In, dey.

HI allO 'Itated th.t thl local of· fici will be open Monday to PtI­dey 'rom t a.m. to I p.m., while the laturela, hour. will be • to 12.

A tllephone hat been In.tallid and thl number II Riverton 1M.

Mr. Baker remarked that on. co­Incldanc:e In the dr.wlnl hacJ been aoted In that alUDber 1777 rec .... d order number .", 'rom thl Pal· myra board. ------New .Pumper

At Palmyra p.lm,ra'. new Mark pumper .r­

rived herl taat .aturd., and I. ready for .dlon. The new equip. ment will be a valuable Iddltlon to the fire l.hUn, .,uJpment- In that communlt" "ne. t II the tatllt word In .pparatae 01 thl. type.

ther notice. The purpolle of the Board II to

allliit reilitrantl of Local Draft Board No. 1 In filllni out the .quel­tlonnalres. ThOll' dellrlnl luch aid Ire requea~ed to 10 to the hili duro Inl the houri mentioned above.

Albert McCay, of Palmyra. a member of the county advisory board ha. been alilined here and hal charle of locil actlvltlel of thll nlture.


The prolr.m of tile P.lmyra­Riverton Rotary Club lor th. monthl of November and Decetflber II announced Udl WH" by Rollert O. Adami, chalrman of the pro­Irlm commlttH, II .1 foliowl:

November 7 - "Colonl.1 South Jers.y," JOHph I. Sickler. Mr. Ilckler, who I. the poltmllter It S.lem, N. J., II a SWlrthmore Irlduate and • former membv of the Ne ... JetleY Lell.l.ture. 11. II the .uthor 01 "Old Houlet of lalem" ancJ • Hlltor, of 1.lem count,.

November IJ-Inter-clty me.Un. • t Mt. HolI,.

November __ "Char.cter Educa­tion," Dr. Thom.1 F.. Roblnlon, a Iraduate of Rutlerl Unlverlity and nuw principal 01 Orant School, 1'renton. He II noted .. a writer .nd educ.tor.

O.cetnber ~"Hondurll Junlle Eaplor.t1on," "Butk," Reev". of Eaat Riverton. he.d Irrrl'tr of the monke, houle .t the Philadelphia Zoo. Mr. ReevrlI h .. worked with W. E. Buck Ind atelnired .n .. -.,edition to Hondur.l.

December 12-"Hlltory of Plre In.urlnee," Georle P. Ginther, HC­ret.r,-trllwrer of the 1. L. Lippin­cott Co.. of RlvertOll.

Decemher j9-"A Con.t.nt Chrftt· IDI.," .... Hlltold Lee Rowe, .... tor of Bethan,. Lutheran Chutch.

bers. . The clerk, William H. Bottler,

reported that he had been .dvlsed by Dr. Loull J. Kaler, county luperin; tcndent of Ichools, that annual tui­tion per pupil It Palmyra Hlih School would be 1122.15 .and that at Moorestown Hllh School '130.70.

Two Injured In Cralh Here

The Drama Section. on Novem­ber 19 at 2.30 p.m., will present two ploys entilled "All My Life" and "1'he Delicate Child." ---Be .. e Howafll'l firel talk of the Bcason on international affair'1 wal .enjoyed by a large number of club members and their friends. Mila Howard's talk was devoted mainly tl) her recent trip to South America.

Two men are In Zurbrugg Mem- l Mr. Ooren w~e at the Porch orial HOlpltal. Riverside .• s I relult Club at the ulual time on Thur.d.y of an auto crolh on Brood street. morning. November 7. Riverton, ihortly before mldn1lht -0--

Inlt SaturdlY. I The Oarden Section will hold it. Michael Buedilrolli. a rnldent fint meetin, directly after tho

of Florence, IUltalned a poaslble brIdle lecture by Mr. Ooren on No­fractured Ikull. and lIeveral broken I vember 14th In the Club HOUle. ribs, while Anlelo Cicero, of the _ .Bame community h.1 Ilmilsr In- On 1'ueaday, November 5. an In-juries, and John Prapoll. .1.0 of tereated .udience li.tened while Mr. Plorence. the driver .nd owner 01 H. B. Blillne" of R.C.A. t.llred OQ

the m.chlne wa. mlr.cuously uldn- "1'he Artistry of Recorded MUllc.­Jured. Several member. of the Porch Club

Hllh Speed The Pord 1040 convertible lports

ledan which Rlured In the cr.lh II IUeled to be the one th.t W.I blown It by Officer Llwrence Betty, of P.lmyrl, Ie .. th.n • minute be. fore It ... ent out of control. The driver failed to ItOp. The car w •• travelln. 81 • very hl,h rite of lpeed Ind evidently went out of control when .t Thomll avenue. turntne over IIverll tlmea .nd fin.l· Iy comln, to reat .,llnlt the north curb of Broad \ltre~t nrar Lippin­cott annul'.

I"edltorl were .mlZ~d th.t In tbref' occupantl were not Idlled. The c,,,"h w." Invtltllated b, Chit' William Oool~e .nd Olflrer John C.rh.rt. of th. Riverton police.



Ule coontr, be.m

When roadl are clar.

were invited to record their vole ... sfter which the record I were repl.,. ed. much to the Intereat and enter. t.inment of the audience. Tea ..... served by the committee It the COR­

elu.ion of the .fternoon. -

PRIZE WINNERS Henry A. Drnr. Inc., announc ..

th.t the followinl personl were wlo­ners of prize. .wlrded In conn.c­tion with the Chry •• nthemum Fe ... tlval held at the Dreer Nurteriel at Riverton on October 19 Ind 20.

Pir.t priTe : IS wnrth of erll.n. themum pllnll .1 selected b, pri,. winner. Mr.. Ethel M Chant. Coorentown Roa". Beverl,..

Second "rite: 13 ... orth of ["hr,. IIInthemum "Jant. II "f'Ie'cf~tJ "" priTe winner. Mu. Jotlf'rh StUn. 17' P.vette .treet, Brfd,rton.

Third prJ,e: Mabel P. Fre'v .. 6. Allelhan, lYenue. PhilltfelptHl.

In Iddltioa to the new pumper, Palm,r. .... • .. • .,.".. tacJcJer truck. • ptIaIper of the IIDM make • nd • Padlar41 hoM trac" It .... not ,et ..... cJeddel! w .... her ..... Iatt piece of ........... will .. ,.. ........... P.lm1fL ,

UH tr.fflc beam

When car •• r. near .

ELEcnON TABLE ON PAGE .9 December »-ChrIII_ Part,.

--boldeat motonet Mldom ""tllNd and hoUd81'S when a.:c:identa occllr n I 0 bu 11\ to Mototl 8tylln, Section.

I had In --am numberl. a.:ttylt" motorcar ,eta lee I ,



forth at nl,ht Ihice the .. hI.: ea .- - prefet dark colota Ind Iwlnl to A roof die which ltampi out roof nil headll,hta-only lampl. Con- WHY AUTO DRIVBRS IlI,hter hUll with the return of ,ood panela tor modern motorca .. wei,ha traat the jalopy of 19l0 with the ARB LICENBBD \ timea. accordln, to fI.ld lurvey.' a~ much as 65 tonI. . "ehide of today. peed ha


\' CARS AND DRIVERS Ie'" of lOll of property. In Ie.. _ • '

thIn a leneratlon the annual n~m­But with the bulldlna of thoul- ber of automobile deathl haa rllen

1Ia ___ ;;;;;;;;;;;;_;;;;;; ___ ==~ "llndl of miles of hard-Iurfaced roadl, rrom Ie.. than l.OOO to well over • and the development of reliable, 30.000 a year,

William deH, Washinaton. of' speedy. inexpensive automobile .. , Sodety hal therefore atepped In Riverton, conducted Palmyra River.; more and more perlona beaan to for its own protection and licenled

. d r R . drive Where as there was one car all driverl. Whenever a IIcenae Is ion Dlltnct Boar 0 eVlew. rl!- . for 20 persona in 111111: there art required It meanl that lodety hal cently. He was assllted by J. M' I now ' 30 million cars. or one for taken over the rlaht of lay Ina who White, O. B. Welaand. and Q. W' j about every four and a half per- shall be allowed to carryon luch Lllce. The followhll Scoute were sonl. . activity. Since Inellperlenced drivers awarded lIarioUI Mel'lt Badlu: war.\ Our city streetl have become let Into many accldentl. the atate

k R k f I crowded with motor can and pede.- ' th II e prlvlle,e only to I ten Lamon, lafely; Jac oc a. e - trl'ln". This Irowth of traffic make. ,ranta e cens

h bll h Ith Ii t " by an ellamlnation that they call low, firemanl ip, pu . c ea , n drlvinl more difficult. It also makes drive properly. aid, .0010IY. first aId to anlmall, it easier to have an accident. The purpole of the driver ellamln· automobilil\l, safety, rowlnll, conser· -v~tion, leathercraft, handlcrah. bird SPEED AND HORSEPOWER alion Is not to prevent any Iroup

d f I of perBOnl from drlvlnl. Rather atudy, public speakllll, an ores· Man. who.e nervel and muscles the e"amlnatlon I. a meanl of find. try. Both of theae SCOUII are mem- h~e always been accu.tomed to a In out whether the applicant hall berl of Troop. 5. Palmyra. Wkrr~. leow rate of travel-three miles per ell~uah knowledle, Iklll Ind lafety Jenlen. cookllll: a,nd Fran . I hour walking-can now go nearly ·ndedne .. to drive or whether he Welaand, wood carvlnl. and ~ndl. I fourteen times as faIt in an auto. :'~I serious defects which mllht craft. These 8COUts belonl to roop mobile. make him a menace to other user. 9, of Palmyra. Early automobiles were so lIolay of the hlahway. All except a very

and traveled 10 slowly that pedea- few people can learn to drive a car CINNAMINSON H. & L. lrian. were warned ,;"ell In .advance aafely. The purpose of the slrlver

TO MA 'I'U1{~ 51st SERIES and had plelltyof tame to get out I examination Is to make lUre that On Monday eveninl next Noveli\· of the way. Present motor cars, on you practice lonc enoulh and I,earn

ber 11th, 1940, the Cinnaminaon . the contrary. are faster .and make how to drive properly. It la tAe Sulldlnll and Loan Association will : lea9 noise. The pedestrian. the· e· examiner's duty to relect you unless mature Its 51at series of stock. 564 I fore, has Ie •• warnlnl and less t,lII'! you can operate a car without en· Ibarel havlnl a value ot $112.000, . to reach the aidewalk. As a I en,1t dangerlnl the life and property of w11l be paid off. This aeries ia I in many of our cltlu loday 1111 out other people. Get a lood driver to comprised of $111,025 In cash, ,of ten deat.h9 from motor vehicle. Instruct you. Take plenty of tfme tlO,800 In cancelled mortlalee and are pede .• tnans. . to learn. '! 1115 In paid all stock loan.. These The higher speed made pOSSIble fu~da will be di.trlbuted to share· through the more powerful cars DRIVER LICENSES holdera in New Jersey and Pennsyl. has ~I.o incr.a~e~ the number ond ARE TEMPORARY vania. Ay would be e"pected they severity of coll ... ons. are mOldy In Riverton, Palmyra HUMAN RESPONSIBILITY and Clnnamil\son. ' AND ACClOENTS

The act of IIcenalnl makes drlvlna a prlvilele. All IIcellaes lire Isoued temporarily. If you drive In a danlerous manner on the hlah-way you will 10le thla prlvlleae.

Durlnl the year jUlt closed the earnlnll by the alOociatlon amount· ed to • . 4'70 compound interest, which II much Ireater than can bJ,. obtained from IIvinls accounts In bank. and trult companle. or by holden of lovernment bonda. Thl. polnta clearly to the sOllltd conser· vatlve manalement that has been reaponslble for the rna tutlnl of a lerlea each calendar year since 1889.

Between 1921 and 1940 inclusive the, a .. oclation hal matured $2.058,­\l50, a performance of which theae communities should be juahy proud, particularly when cons.deration is ,Iven to the fact that durlni theee yean the association has been bloulht 8afely throuih the wont depre.lion the country has ever "'­perlenced.


The averale man's reach ia 30 Inche.. But In an automobile hll I'esponsibility reaches several feet ir ' front to the bumper of his car. Thll extension of hil reach com· It cost John J. Plianhlk. Jr., 19, bined with the control of a machine of Pennsauken, ".50 for erratic 20 times a9 heavy al hll own body, drivlni In Riverton on Monday with 400 times lis power, · some· nlcht, for his stunt I Rttracted the times unduly increases his feelinl attention of OlTlcer John Robinson of Importance. It leads him to who. upon Invefttlgatlon. found thAt "show oil" and to dlsrelard the the chap lacked a driver's license. riihts of others. . althoulh he owned the machine he

WaS operating. AGE AND ACCI DI;:NTS Upon being arraigned before Re-

Persot1! betweet1 Ihe age. of 20 corder William H. Battier. Pilar. and 30 Me the most dangerous shik told a rath,er vague story about .Irlyer., The "ausu are inexperi. · n permit which he waft unable to ence and bud driving. They also I produce and the verdict was a fine drive more at night. on week·cnds ' "f as,oo and $2.50 In cosls which those new driver. who have pl'Oved I was paid later In the evening. I

A LOCAL YARD chock full of

HIGH-T''''ST FUELS ready for




11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 The real eatate which has been

acquired is ill excellent condition, all properties art rented and are in· come produdnl. Any of thiN real eatate can be purchased on excel· lent eaNY tel Ina requlrinll a munth· Iy outlay of about whal . • 1 wlJuld cos I for rent . lJullng I he " a8t year over $30,000 wurth of renl estale RIDE

lorn ", •• 1'111.

SENSAlIIIN hal been ooill. To tho.e who a. e looking to·

ward intleJlcmJen,... by means of tiounf l fiavUlgb lO vcst m ents luch a n o utstnndlflg recur d merrts .rrious consull"r.ltiun. T illS i .. cspe .. cially t lie fOi tllI:I'e whu "' e ,Ie· .lru u B o f pnrc.: h ;'·lI1b tllf If h'lOlCS un I the tleirn ql 1'1/HlCI1 • • ' U\.

The it ... r;l~fUti It I:> 11 J' )),;'1 In t I.

m ake J:,;.n~ j I ntw u'I'tnb,.-,'O un mO"lt 'fa VII' "b ... · I('J P 'io. It I I, I1' I_ W tn"l t erinK its " I ' 'yl htl ,l I.',,: (.,h'JII,·"

at par 11M!, ht· f I,' If' I I IU tJ" , f'lll l

et' ri c§ at the ClllJl )111' f1~"11 B.tI'k i lllil

Tru~t CfJ. , Uf l -ill;!. I1C~t t.1 (tJ}chy e vening alllt Ittf tl'l 'H') t two m o n th,. A l tflt.' O CIO\'f"1 meet,i ng 247 .harc~ were .r,uht;nit·(·d 10 f . The: ofJict'r!l and direrlt,,! Will wdcf)m~ I new m~mbt'rs who ,1(,;;,,. to ,.elure · • hares in t hi5 ~f"ies.


AI) article 10 assist pi olpfc tlYI automobile drl l era a~1t1 to fa mil· iariu licen.ed o~rato,. with le,al requirem .... ts and common aeRie rule. of the roa<l.

B, ARTHUR W. MACEE Commlliioner of Motor Vehlc1ea


Then-and Now

Thirty ~rl a,o there .... no ac­cident probkm. Cuod roadl wfre ltCAIu. Automobiles wn-e, ..... eI ID operate and nat very de­........... Onl, able·bocIied -- ' ••• .we ID dnve them. By... the

thal' ..... talk of ''(ll • Ha\'e )'011 uied the r~ tlo tty hI 1r'11IION Don', buy .ny ~~ed"~. l(l' who",."'" by rar thaD aD pro . level ride that toOk ford ride • ·~;~l:-.e aad Iprlogbell! ••• DOt ooly Inc ital cban~e1 10 Ford tpr ...... tJ::a~_~1Jo ~~..: r~ eubdizer. It',. r~~ ....,uL • be w.n word. eftl ~ cell' Its OWD c:!e io":ct meet tbe bi"." F~ Try It toeh,... roomiest t-liet UIOIII car eYer b,ull , '.' the the rIM dIaC toOk tbil )'ear'. low·prace leaders • .;.ik .. uatlJI' ..., oa the world by turptlte. WI ebil rally I'." -- FonS!



Get the fads •• you'll get tile

'1& lEI fOlD! Palmyra, N. J.

_____ :-.. ___ "11££ YOUR PORD DEALER PIRIT 'POR LOW.cOIT PINANCING----------

~ED CROSS TEA Mrs, Nathan Lane, local chair.

,man of the American Red Crols il openinl her home, 30S Hilhway, on November 7. at 3.30 p.m. so that all R~d Croll workers may have the opporlunity or hearina Mr. Wil­liam H. Wells, of Bordentown, Roll Call chairman of Burllnlton county apeak on the: work and the needl of the Red Cross. Mr. Wells il Ihe 8011 of the well.known Judie Harold B. Wells, and i8 a molt able and enlhusiastic chairman. All those: who have been helpina with the Red CroBs work In any capacity are invited to come to hear Mr. Wells. Tea will be served.

Annual Roll Call

Monday, November II,' the an· nual roll call of the American Red Crols will be launched. POlten, which have already been placed in public places, will allo remind you of this important event, and the con· trlbution made at thi. time .erve. the American people throuahout the U.S.A.

AU money collected in thi. drive II for National need., and National needs alone. When calamity befallil our own people this il the fund which makes it po .. lble to come to their, aid at once.

AU who live In thia community wiU not 800n forlet the ravalea , caused by the ' floods thle past lum­mer in South Jeney. As dOle al Mt. HoUy many were made home­lela and the Red Cro.. promptly .upplied new blankets and other Immediate need., while a Red Cro .. Comminlon was aent from Wa.h­inllton to Inveltllale the damaae and authorize financial help in re­buildlna·

While it I, interestinl to know


Mr. and Mra. Jamel C, Brinton. of Overbrook, announce the enla,.­ment of their daulhter, MI .. Mar, Eliaabeth Brinton, 10 Mr. Walter Maynud Sowen, son of Mr. and Mrl. Walter L. Bowen, or Riverton.


Newelt thinl in juke bOllea I. a "talkina" model-in which your nickel-in.the·llot aet. you a phone connection with a central .tatlon, whereupon you tell the .weet·volced operator what swinl tune or ballad you want, and it il forthwith piped into the cafe, or whatever '. , • auto· matic wlndow-lUt In one of the new can;. hydraulic power ral,el or low.

era the window at the pren of a button ••• Now ,ou can bu)" of all thin II, dOl food, In lla .. contalnerl aid to be ju.t al nifty .. the cele­brated thecae ,Ia.... for re-ule II oran,e or tOmato juice t~mblefl . And here'l .omethlnl to LISTBN foe: a typlcally·tlmely tune from Tin Pan Alley, "Ia It Love or Ie It Conlcrlptlon1" • . • a new ethyl plastic, transparent, that can be drawn (like metal) to form rlald bOllel without leam. or reinforce­mentl •• , another, and brand-new. moldlna plaatlt material II coffee ,round., up to. now a terrific walle item in hotel, and restauranta • • • A new auto radio turned on or off, and tunable, by the drlver'l footl

. -'~OOOOOOOQOOOO'O'DOD'DOOOOOO'D'DDooooooaaaaoooo~~~

(THE NEW ERA ' I Publlahn More Local Hewa of Palmyra. Riverton and

ClnnamlnlOn than ANY OTHER PAPER

Circulated ln Tbia Vicinity.


All Local 8portl 1IIIt! lion On ..... Picttartl TIwI Otb. Ac"Yit1.. lIott W • ..,. .. ,.,.

Valubla ltor. Newt ~t .. Ia _ latertttlal, Readable IIlDDer

By readln, The New Era relUlarly you can keep iDlo .... ea

about your community allaln and the merchant

n ... at a WftkJ, coat

of lea than


If we tried to ral.. human chil­dren the wa, we want to ralae in. dUllrial children, the human child would be earnln, it. livina ",!!en It wa. nine month. old.-Charlta F. Ketterinl. Oeneral Moton research chief.

Iron and ateel expand wheft he.ted and contract When cooled. Your automobile il over an ellhth of an inch lonler on a hot lummer dlY than it ia on a cold day In wlnter.-MetallurlY and Wheel •• a General Motora publication.


~~i:c~:i~e~f:~t~~!lqg~~i~~ I"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"IIIIII"IIIIIIIIIIIIII"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"IIIII"III"UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.

'every dollar Is kept in our own com· 1= CINNAMINSON munltiea for local need.. So re- == member thOle Ie.. fortunate than

F,:r::.~:~:::::~~ I BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIA TION The work on Friday mornlnl'l is of Riverton, New Jersey

for refule.. i. proarelllnl, but e there Is Imllreat need for machine, II FRED P. HEMPHILL. Secretary JOSEPH L. THOMAS. Pre,sident and machine operllofl. If you own a portable aewin, machine aren't you willinl to brin. it to the Porch SIN C E 1889 Club and do some of the Itltchina, whi~h il waitinl to be done? Some· ...-' one will come for your mlchlne and return it al noon if you will call Mr •. Gilbert Coe, 321-R. The men'. bathrobel which hive been .tlrted mUlt be fini.hed II quickly a. pol.

Ilble The committee will be moat Ir.l~ful for more machines and more lewer., 10 plan to come UId do your Ihare on Friday mOniin, at 9.30 al The Porch Club.


Mr. and Mr •• Chulel T. Wool. .ton, of 626 Main .treet, are. reo ceivinl con,r.tul.don. 01\ the birth I of a daUlhter. Elizabeth ROM, on Thurad.y, October 31. al the Zur. brull Memorial Hoapital, River· aide .

BIG YEAR EXPECTED With new car production up 70

per crnt over I .. t year Pontiac I. pl.nain, • 300,000 clr year in 1941, v. U. B.thrick. vice prcaldent and .en~ral saleaman.,er or Pontiac Motor Oivillon. today lold a meet­in, of k~" dealer. in the Waldorf-A, tonl. •

"We no'" have our prodor tion at a ,_ nt when your demand. .re ~. g mel prom,."y." Bathrick •• id. -Dur;nl October we ... iII produce 3"/~ car_lhe blC,rst month por.',ac hal ever h.d. And we Ire r.bnmnc no " caler expanaion ~o­, ,.'" ,,", oIt .. tml volume mereaN.w I

An unbroken record of success suggests a future investment for your serious consideration

51st Consecutive Series Now Maturing Thi. A.lOCiation will mature it. Slit con.ecutive .eries of Iharn on Monday evening. November 11. at the annual

meeting in the CinnaminlOn Bank and Trult Company building.

Thil aeriea amounta to $112,800, of which '30,800 will be in maturing mortgagea and 1J.975 lIock loanl. Tht balance '78,025. I. in free eaab.

The "lOCiation, founded on October I, 1878, hal an enviable record. due to .ound eonl ervative management. having matured one aeriel annually for the put 51 year • .

Community Confidence The IOUndne •• of it, management i~ recognized by thC' communltv as I, evidenced by tht fact that I haru a re

being lubacribed for in inert .. ing number_247 being taken at thr October meeting . Books for the 63rd wriu will be opened Monday and ahares in It may be l ubsnibed for at par d unn!: the ntllt

two month.,

Favorable Terms to New Members Older rtlident. in Rivenon, Palmy ra a nd CinnaminlOn nre .1 no ,emin.ler of t h e alh'antaj!ti (If membtrthip. but

new resident. should become acquainted w ith an organ i rattoll Iha t . !luling the I,ait 14 p·ars. has p.ud 10 It I m em. bers a loUl of 52,058.9.50 in m aturing sh arC's.

To thOle who are lookin g toward fin anc ial ind t'J.tndtnce. by mr,IOS ot IOlInd u\'ilTJ,l inv C'~lmtn ... ~\lch an out. lIanding record meritl co nl idrn ltion. This il ea~cially t rue for thol«' who arc d",nolll oi I'lIrchasirg t heir homr on the dc-ferrc-d payment plan. .

The aaaociation ~ in position to m ake loa n. t o nc-w mrmbrr. on the m~1 fa,'orable u rn, . directors will welcome new mnnbera who d rsire to N CUrt ,hiun to the (Jrd 5C'1Ir1.

The ofhern and

= a a § = iii

I War cyck : eonymln • .crap iron I brIO Ihlll and bombs 10 they can I CCftV~r1 usefDl etractarea laID .cnp ' lron.-AktOll Beacoa Jc--l.

~, , ~~ , ID-•• UIMIII'I •• 'IHI'IIIHIIlw.l.n.'IHY!U~





Mr, Ind Mrl. II:dward L. Mullen, formerly of Germantown, have moved to illS Waahin,ton Ivenue, Pllmyr.. Mr. Mullen II lalel min. I,er at "Jack" Dawley, Inc. -Tho River Town. Ladl", Club will hold ita weekly card party to. dlY (Thuraday) at 2 o'clock It the X.G.E. Hall, Rivenlde. -Mra. Henry Wilbraham, of Mor. aan avenue, entertained tho memo bera of the Shlnin, Hour Cia.. It a Hallowe'en party lo.t Thurlday eYenln,. -Mill Helen Adami, of 611 Lincoln avenue, Palmyra, W88 the November I winner In the Shulman Merchan. dl.e Club.

H 11\ UH' U" Are Your Child'.

Ankl .. "RoIHn,'n"t Step by step Edwards shoes guide young feet to happy growth.

Start your child out with a real chance in life. Many doctors say that nothing takes the place of Edwards shoe. in helping children to build strong bones.


T££PLE-ZAUN Mr. and Mrs. Simuel G. Zaun, of

702 Morain avenue, have Innounced the marrillie of their dlUlhter. Mi .. Dorothy Mary %IUn, to Robert Melvin Teeple, .on of Mr. IncS Mn. C. D. Teeple. of Rlyerton. which will tllile place on SalurdllY, No­yember II. at Chrl.1 Church, Rlyer. ton.

Mr. and Mn. Chari", Yo It. of Thoma. avenue. motored to £allon, Penna., lalt Friday. where they wit. nelled the Bucknell.Lafayette 10C' cer ,ame. Jack Yo It. center on the Bucknell team, Icored a ,001 I,aln.t Army in the previoul week'i ,ame. -The Glr. Scout Mothers A .. ocl. ation of the Methodiat Church, will hold ita reaular meetln, on Thur •• day, Noyember 14 at 12.30, In the form of a covered dllh luncheon at the home of Mr •. H. Ander., of 331 Leconey Ivenue, Every mother II welcome.



Up to $300 Balance Small Weekly or

Monthly Payments

Don't Wait Come in today

get first choice




Buy Now-Save

• Shoes Carefully Fitted


Palmyra'. Leading Dept. Store

121 w_.tOId ...... Palmyra, N. J.

For Better Roses in June Cover your Rose beds witb II thin layer of

TEROGEN Thil famous fonnula will IUppJy your roea with the

vital chemical elementa necaury to stren&then them, as­lilting in warding off eIise_ and ... uring sturdy, bealthy Iprin, arowth and dark ,rem folia ,e.


I-tb tin 2-tb tin 5-tb tin

... , ___ . ________ ~ •• 75 1.25

_ .______ 2.75

Henry A. Dreer, Inc. 8",l4i., G.t •• , 8, •• 1,(.1'''.11 I'll .

A __ t r.oI ....... laaIJ .................. • .,... .8riet, 01 ....... __ ....., .. die • ..-,. 1M .. cif1a.


528 Main Street Proprietors



Second Anniversary Sale

,,~. .,,,,,,*1Af!Pi -\; •

We wish to announce again a BIG REDUCTION IN OUR PRICES. We are running our own second year Anniversary Sale in conjunction with Kellogg's 98th, Thi. annual event occupies II prominent place in the plans of thousands of women who realize the important price savings during these sales, Right now. while stocks are complete and prices are the lowest of season, is the time to purchase your winter requirements-BUY IN CASE LOTS AND SAVE. .

A dillcount of 10% will be given on the purchase in dozen or calle tots of any Kel· logg or Merion Food Products not Jlsted Itl this sale.

Kellogg's FRUITS APPLE SAUCE ___ "'_"'""_'_' 3 No.2 canl 21c A Blend of the Flneat Apple. Dozen ,t.OS APRICOTS (extra laree halyea) 3 Ice can. 111c Extra Heavy Syrup Dozen '3.15 APRICOTS (whole peeled) ___ 3 I,e cana 7Sc 12 to 14 Apricot •• Heavy IIYrup Dozen 12.115

. Royal Anne CHERRIES _ ___ 3 I,e can I 87c Lar,eat Size • Heavy Syrup Dozen f3.45 Pitted Red CHERRIES ____ 3 No.2 canl SIc In .yrup • for plel and roly poly. Dozen 12.00 FRUIT COCKTAIL .. " __ . __ 3 lie cana 611c 5 fruit. diced for fruit cup a Dozen '2.70 GRAPEFRUIT _._ ''''''''''. 3 No.2 can. 33c Whole Selmenta Doaen '1.30 PEACH DELIGHTS (halYed), 3 lie canl 7Sc MarveloUI Aevor • Heavy ayrup Dozen ,2.115 PEACH DELIGHTS (Iliced) _ 3 IJe Cllnl 75c A Revor no peach can !!}atch Dozen 'Z.95 PEACHES (Yellow Clln,) _ 3 lie cana 53c 7 to II perfect halvel DOlen 12.10 PEACHES (Yellow Cline) __ 3 I,e cena 53c Thick Slicea • Heavy Syrup Dozen '2.10 Bartlett PEARS 3 lar,e eanl 7Sc 6 to 8 perfect hal yea Dozen '2.90 PINEAPPLE DELIGHTS _ 3 lie Clnl IIle Ripe • LUlcioul Dozen '2.50 Sliced PINEAPPLE ___ 3 lie canl 63c 8 thick Ilice •• picked In Hawall Dozen 12.50

Merion Seleded Quality Fruits Merion FRUIT COCKTAIL _ 3 IJe canl6lc

Dozen Merion Hell/ed PEACHES _ J I,e can. 43c

Donn '1.70 Merion Sliced PEACHES __ 3 lie can •• ac

Dozen'1.70 Merion Bartlett PEARS __ 3 lie canl 63c

Dozen Merion SUud PINEAPPLE _ 3 lie unl IIlc

Doaen t2A0

Kellogg's Vegetables Green ASPARAGUS _ .... _ .. " 3 No.2 canll lISe The arlatocrat of yeletablel Dozen '3.35 Cut Strlnele .. BEANS _ 3 No. 2 elina 41c Tender and full of Aavor . Dozen '1.60 Cut Wax BEANS . __ . ___ a No. 2 cana 3Sc Strlnlle •• Golden Beanl Dozen 'US Strin,lnl • Whole Green, or Golden Wax Tiny Tim BEANS ... ____ a No. 2 cana SIc

Dozen 12.00 Tiny Tim LIMA B£ANS ._ 3 No. 2 cans S3c Extra amall • Full of Rayor Do"en 12.10 Red KIDNEY BEANS _ .. _. 3 No.2 can. 27e Temptinl and Dellclou. Dozen '1.05 SLICED BEETS .. ___ 3 No. 2 canll llc Deep Red • Fine Flayor Dozen 'l.ZO Cream Style CORN ___ . 3 No. 2 can a 37c White or Golden Bantam _ Dozen ,1.45 Whole Kernel CORN __ 3 No. 2 cena 37e White Shoe Pe •• or Bantam Dozen '1.45 Tiny Tim PEAS _. _ _ _ 3 No.2 canl 57c Very amall • Early Juno Dozen 12.25 Sweet Wrinkled PEAS _._ a No.2 eanl .7c medium alz. ;. tweet Ylrlety DOlen 'I.8S SAUERKRAUT a IJe tena Z7c Lon, Shred· Well Cured Doun 'I.OS SWEET POTATOES ___ a No.2 cenl 47c Picked in Extra Heavy Syrup Dozen ,1.85 TOMATOES _ a No, 3 een. 37e whole tomatoe •• deep red color Dalen 'lAS

Merion Select Quality Ve,etabla Merion Cut BEANS __ 3 No. % cana 27c (Strinele,,) Dozen ,1.0S Merion LlMA BEANS _ 3 No. 2 CIDI 37e

Dozen ,1.05 Merion Cream Style CORN, 3 No.2 canl %lie White or Golden Blntam DOHn 'US

Merion Jumbo PEAS 3 17-0 •• can. 3Se Dozen '1.35

MERION TOMATOES _ 3 No. 2 cana 2fc DaHl! 'I.OS

PRODUCE CELERY HEARTS bunch JOe California ORANGES . ___ doz. lie

Lu,e Beedle" GRAPEPRUIT _ 6 for 2Sc Ealinl or Cookin, WINESAP APPLES _ _ __. Ib io.:

•••• MEATS. • • • Fresh PORK SAUSAGE --Ib 25 Fresh GROUND BEEF .. C Skinleu HALF SMOKES


BACON Yrlb pIKa. lk


N ........ rPaI CHICKENSlb 32 J tD IV. ., a"._ Frail Killed (5 ID6 Ib I.t) C ROASTING tHICKEN _ ARMOUR', STAR LFNS OF LAMB tb 27c Smoked TeadetUed (I to 1 ., ... _> l?J..CNIC HAMS - ____ _ tb lSc


"alln', Rec. lSc Ib IMOKED 80NELESS BUTTS __ . tb 28c

Jy. tD J Ib av .. Pr.ah Ki1lcd (5 tD 6 ., a"l) . Stewing CHICKENS ___ . tb 21c PRESH Whole or Rib Half PORK LOINS tb 17c

C,_ COTTAGE CHEUE _ ., lie


A~. TRImT ___ 21c

n.. AlJ.-............

"-ted .&AT LOA. ~., 'c BED BOLOO.A (pItiw) ., 2Jc

.reelr .... SCRAPPLE _ ., lie BOSTON MACKEREL ___ Ib lie


NA&JES OF LOCAL RESIDENTS DRAWN Lalt week The New Era publlahed

• Itst 01 re,iluant. who will "cave ordtr nwnber. from 1 to 101 from Drah Board No. I, of Bur­IlI1,tun coun\.y.

1 h. {ullowille liat Kivu the Dut 1 ~U on the local lilt al I rcault of til , nallonal draw ina.

N umbers without namel denote I ~'I\kllt¥ In Maple Shade, Chelter IlIIU lJelran Townlhlp .. ~: I A~~~~hJM~~~~tt:,-:,t:;.~:.u'p~:a~!~" L!,(. -14\-­;.,U-14JI_ .,-J\I, "' fhwuurt Wayne Win", .. E. lU¥er1oD. lltU - HerlJfr1 F.tderldl U.ldwll1t P,lm,fL ~,-~U<J--, -!~~cil~:;~I: :J~~!d' ~~~~~n\.f.:~n:r" Cit> M4!Hht Atmel TOlld, Jr., KJV,rloa. 1;6-HI I J. tU" .. pi, .. H.l~hj., Riverton. 1l4-I JO-J J04-IH9-Petl John Pnlcoll. Palmy,.. 3' U-I.H--WIIII.", H.rolll Fuul~., Palmi/f" U$-MJ~

~oa ·-(~b-

~ ~:=g~:~r:. ~ril~ckp. ~t~W~~I':;~:.r'OD. ~o~e­al~-716-

m~~:!'~~~~lt.i'tva.~·T~~~~-21_ lH4-tt.ny Iilbrrt{ Cia,.., iii ......... .ol-hlph L""n John,.ton, .' • ..."oa. Patndt Bric .. IIt., Petm.,ra: 'la-JIm •• Pr."taHn W"n"oop, Palmpa.

:~;t:CI ... n<l ...... 1 .. 1 ...... 1Ii...-­us-"4-U.s- Charln Mora... &aal JUvenon. U4-llclw • .,1 .iI.,mo •• ' O·H.\I~ P ......... Ilel- C.rmon J. Rub6no.. Palm,ra. Illj-1456--0101'.' W'"fllrhl Icolt harpl.,. UiI-1l.II-Jam •• Oordon Devor. P.lrrtyrL 114-U4_I\'tt~ F. S.yrlu. Polmna. 120 Mlle-. LHdom. Jr' 'pSait IUv.rlon.. 21t-Le\t' L. Couh.,. almy,... 119.v-nut-John nanlltl ".aon, PI'm" .. U~-'r\lin& Moore. Palmyra. a1S-Ig36-276-Chart .. Rh:ktrt. Par". I U'- Hury Uar'ler Brown


:~j,:.VWlM:m Jph:w:'YU!rm.~~~:im~ .. 'U06-IG,-WIlHom John O' Oonn.l~ P.lmrr • . 10"'-I~ 74-Joh" Pedino. ralm,ra. 115l- 'k.ymund FOlter, PalmyrL 1~5i-2~5-Arthur Raymond Orlffin, Moo,u,OWtI. 1166-1348-20 j 4-lin- liarty Paul Llndlt. Jr. Palmyra. U60--John K,_"t,t Reldef1'b.ktt, Pa",. 1 ~1 1 -104- 0,or.:e Lawrence Ho,hn, Patrn~ra. 7,3-In-Calvin Harry Heck. RIYerton.


SIIftUDII7 I "A lenel'OUl friend hal donatltd Pollowlnl I. a comparative I"K. the Chrialmaa urda to the SOdel)

ord of trAffic flt"ltiea In the c:oun· without Coilt. 10 that all proceeda tiea durin, the Iirat nine month. of I will r~pruent an outri,ht ,ift to the current )'elr and 19Si. The British Wrar ReUef Society for

County 1940 111311 , furtherinl ita prolram on behalf of Aotlantic 2S 34 war sufferera in Great Britain." Bereen • __ . __ . __ " 49 48 MilS Murray laid. burlineton _.____ 26 25 "OUr Chrhtmaa card II unique. In Camden ~ 44 27 that It beara the handlome Briti.h Cape May 9 2 Emblem, with holly intertwined. Cumberland 14 16 The le,end on the card I. I qUOta· E~sex 84 87 1 tlon which wal u.ed last Chri.t. Gloucester 20 18 . mllB by Kin, Gear,e VI In hi. Hudson . 48 48 worldwide radio addrell from Sand· Hunterdon II 6 rinrham. En,land. Mercer 27 29 "Members of the committee are Middlesex _ 49 46 Monthouth 30 30 Morria 18 27 Ocean 18 13 PaRiBIe: 29 26 i Sal"m 8 S i Somer8el 14 18 ,

I Susie x 7 9 , Union 48 23 Warren 16 10'

Stnte 594 547 ,


acceptin, order. from III pereona who wish to • .,nd their friend. a really diitinllliahed Chriltm.. card and at the .ame time mike I con. tr,butlon to a enat humanitarian cause. Dehvery wJII be mad" in a few days on all orders. ao that pur­chasera wilt h.v~ thtm in ample time to ntlke thtir usual Chrlatmu moline-. ..

The Chrlstmaa cards may be leeD at headquarters of Th~ Britllh War Relief Society at 204 Lippincott Ilvenue. Riverton. or Inforrnltion may be obtAined by telephonina Riverton 40, the chairrnan ... Id_

FOR WAR REl.IEF I II C08/s No More Members of the Riverton·Palmyrn

Chapter of The Britl.h War Relief Society are concentrating their el­(ortl on the slIle of the Society's own ctlltinc:tiye ChriBtmaB CArd, ~c· cardin, to Mise Cornelio G. Mur­ray, chairman of the locnl commit­tee.

The IIBe of the perfectly equipped Snover Funeral Home i. extended to ~veryon~ wi thout additional char,e.

Every r acility II here for the proper conduct of a funeral service. and every po.sible help is ,iven tboae who rely upon u. In their hour of /leed.

146- 0.orw. Itdward B.dw.l~ Palmyr .. ti92- hmlll Oem •• BUdrth. Ell. Rlyerton.. 341-'th.rln William Ray, Valmyra. 1498- .

There were 47 more traffic tra,e. dies in New Jeney durine the fiut nine monthl than In the correlpond. ..-------.. ·------9 • AIR CONDITIONED.

!:,t:=Thom •• CUrll, PJynn, Palmy, .. "'7-lUU-Juliul Jam •• Pew&, JUytrton. 131 4-tl l:"'-lu~WUII.m Patton kln"l. ftjvt'tton. 17 $_01"1.,1 Jo •• ph Ward, Jr., Petm." •• J(iS)-

r~:~';;I~n.!IA':d~.,:·"~::.~lj:.~1t~lm,,.. 2.!fi-J 1IS-A'e •• nd.r ".rc), 'BroWh. Riverton.

~ ~::=U,'ii~~d R~~ee~:rj~~)',:!:.rtoh. 1.''' 1-I09-EUj.h Curl .. Oold,. ClnnarnlhMlD. 28/·-If>lJ-S 116-_Arlhur Lee nanl.l .. Paln\),r •• 11''1-1674_W ln.low Andenon, Parr),. 58" - Howard C. Rnnl, Riverton. J I 6J-Percy*,erlnchld NI.ori. elnn. Twp. HI' - Jon ph Robert Pll!rlro .. , Jr., ~u.,_

J1fi1-Joseptl Wa1s0n , Wen .. P,1myra. Jl Sl - Gl!lJJRe Cubit Vince.nt. Ri .. rton.

~~tr-HOrat. Parker A ••• y. Jr., Palmyra.. 1" '4 - . Jli(,J-W.h,r Edwin Statter.ood, Riverton. IGII- . .. 1·..0 H4 .. - ftmanuel Norman Polkman, Palmyra. 151-J,(·1-J 417_AukU1I1UI Joseph Younr. Rlvertonj lo,"o - Ho\"ar(J A1exan"" Olbb; R'ver'no. ,vOl-Kenne1h Andrew Dinn. P.lm,. .... ( \'1-0

,.79'-Jeroml Orn.t"" Palmyra. fll)~ -1fJch.rd JOII"h itowl.r, Palm,r • . lI'! •. '.-10"~_Nlck Edward 8eh..-. V.1m,r • . 1.,tr; .. ., . 101l'i-J,,"n Plower Ayres. Riverton. ' Ij'- ,_ J' - P,.,.k Ep,wlilf. Jr .. Rt •• rton. '0 ..... l115-,,,-l' ,,-

~~~~=JUw.r" Puntl. Kin . Palmy". 11"0- Of or, 1 Harrlnl'on 'non., •. Y,.t. ".tm", •. t~-::Cal.l" Sun ... 1( ... _ Palmyr._ 262-W11If1m Joh" Braw!!t .'Y"'tOft. f1M- Robnt AI, .. "der Jl(onh. P8'm,.,.. ,-

In, period of lut year, Motor Vehicle Commillioner Arthur W. Malee reported today. Thl. year'. fetality total Is 5114 al compared with 547 la.t year. .

Union and Camden countie. with 2S and 17 reapettively, Itlll.lead the countlea hay in, the mOlt leriOUI cDlualty problem while Ellex, with the lar,eat population, reported a reduction of ihree deathl.

One of the lIerioua phaaea of the year's casualty report II the Inerelle in the number of elderly pedestrian I killed in traffic while children under fifteen years continue to lead all other a,e ,tOUpl In safer walkln, ways. Durlnl the nin,e monthl period, 92 pedeltrlana 65 years and over have been killed al a,ainst 60 In t he lame month. of last year while child pedeltrlan death. drop. ped from 42 la.t year to 34.

Electrical Vulcanized Resoling

No Nln. Noltltchn

lbon .bhMd

UNln SHOE REBUILDERS 100W •• reedlt. ........

For hard-to-heat homes-KOPPERS


n., 1- ...... yaw -- a. ....... to .... t, 1'hftt ,.. h ...... 't tried Koppen ~J 'I1de KIen&Uic fuel ........ riaII, ...,....,.. to '-t yOUI' ...... dflht. •••• .., to JumdIe .nd ....... 1& o.n_ w.u at nl,tht-_ up f.t in tile 1DOI'IIhI,r. Ct ... y_ the lind of .... t y_ vant ...... you •• n. itl Bt.t 01 aD-KeppeN Colle Ira ... enl, • -U pailful 01 ...... In the •• f'NIIe home HdI .. rn. Fell' _ .... --tJ-. _tWaetlao ....... Koppen c.u .... ,.1

J. T. EVANS CO. •. a._


Flnl.r W.vlna MarcellinK Manlcurln. Jllir Cunin.: Balr Tintina 1J1 .. ,hlna f,~~Ir.;!,~~aJmfnt Dullrt Me'hod 01 Pll:RMIINEHT WIIVING


..none ... u

The Snon:r Funeral Home


313 E. Broad St., Palmyra. N. J. Phone-Riverton 130


P .,.ou at •• Ita,., ., •••• &,nc" .n-_ Old._ "',., W"r. now ..... -. 1M .. 1 .... 0 .. I,-Iel-o at IMI .... 'OO In tb./f-.., d_ ... tID aI_, Iwftl'7 ....

9fM1II,. ""I ~ ,... ... -" .. -"r/_ 1.ld In /fro' ."'. ."oroll., •• ., ODd .0/.1 .. __ .""." ... C- In ...... _ .. Itrlm.,.. ow. 8podoJ to •• ,-co .. ,.,. Itl ' •• t.,., _ .... I ...... I.,.-c_ ..


lbo .. 'h .......... _la Yoa'U ..... tloat l1li0 .-II.,. ""UI OId_ ....... 1t! tao ., lbo' , __ Id-_ ... -_,

Old. ",..c .. 1M" • •• "5' ,_ 5"..,..' 5/0 •• w_ C __ _ s.dan pn .... o,ort .t ,., •• ·.Ii.,."" .t z.....I... "I .... !I .... r ••• opH_.r ..,.u~, aIIIII.aooeeaeri • •. ~,.... •• bl •• ' t •• 11 ... , •• , ,11 •• '

HYDRA. MAYle DRIVE-.~ .... -­....,,, _ ..., ...... ny .....

'ow· ...• v •• known •• ,., ~'.

~~.OIDSMOBILE "JACK" DAWLEY, lac., 10 Broad Street, Riverton

TELEPHONES-ai_tOll U.J-•• cM.I.aa. ..


•. a SIX THE NEW ERA, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER " lc.MO '/ businns. So far. that cOlOpditioll

hots ~n mo~t notable in the field ot po .... er I~nerabon and dillttibll­tllm. It. (O,t t() the ta.~ra baa


Publlabed Every Tttur-.laJ at 609 St~t RIVBRTON. N. J.

Entered at tbe Riverton. N. J~ Post Olliee II Second Cia .. "liner Telephone. Riverton '12

WALTER L. BOWEN. It.lttor _. W. METZOER. Allociate Editor KARL W. LATCH. Adv. M.r.

4 Second Street. Riverton ,,2 Ave.. Palmyra Phone 406 Phone 8611

LEOAL ADVERTISEMENTS na New Rra I. a New.paper. Comml •• ioner· .. Sherilr. ud

ether Balee, Adminiltrator·. and Executor'l Adverti.ement. are .ollcited. 11M New Era will appreciate beina remembered in thll connection.

Subscription '1.50 a Year in Advance --------------------Advertl.ina Ratea on AppllcaUon

PRINTING Tbe New Era Olliee I. equipped to do all klndl of ,Fine Prifttlnl at

r_nable price ..

Civic Responsibility "It is not enough to vote regularly. to pay taxes promptly,

and, to live well within the law. One who does these things cere tainly would be classified as a gQod citizen. Every community needs many such people if it cannot 'do better.

"But a community with only good citizens is likely to be commonplace and lacking in progressive ~pirit. It takes more than the performance of the minimum requirements of citizenship to make a great community. Many Citizens must give their time and energy ueyond that which would give them a passing mark. It is that amount of energy above the minimum which in­dividuals pout into the life of the community that makes the dif­ference between the mediocre place and the one of distinction." Harold D. Smith, Director of the United States Bureau of the Budget. makes this thought.provoking observation on civic re­aponaibility in a recent address and had more to say pertinent to the subject and in succinct form that every citizen with the wei· fare of his community at heart should digest and consider.

"Failure to exercise the privilege of voting is all too prevalent. aa has been demonstrated by a number of studies." he continued. "Thls is the mo'St elemental civic duty. yet many citizens pass it over with the excuse. 'my vote does not count for much any­way.' What a feeble excuse for failing to perform the number one duty of citizenship I

"Since only a relatively few citizens may hold official p~si­tions and thus acquire a sense of participation beyond that af­forded by the common duties of citizenship. there are other ways in which the individual may participate in community affairs. Most towns and cities havt;, various organizations with community objectives which should invite the in~erest of many people. There are luncheon clubs. neighborhood organizations, the chamber of commerce. the community fund. labor organizations. church or­ganizations. parent-teacher associations, and farmer groups, to mention a few.

"It is often stated we are over-organized. There is much more danger in under-organization; danger that there are too few organizations to permit the individual to join with his {ellows in the advancement of sOme community objective. He Bhould not be permitted to lose his identity in the community mass and fail to achieve a feeling of constructive participation. His aSlIOciation with some smaller group in the community brings the individual out in sharper relief. and focuses attention upon his role as a member of the community. When he is not allowed to slip into the oblivion of the community man. he i, made more keenly aware or his responsibilities. •

JOIN THE RED CROSS • The coal cellar i. laid to be the mOlt popular place in the

home since the bombardment of London started. Remember when the cellar was the most popular room in the American home-but for different reasons.

Remember the good old pre·automobile daYI when the only thing you .topped to ask for at th~ side of the road was a ,I ... of water?

Well. wlnt«;r is upon ua again and one of our friend. telt. us he can't remember now what has become of hi' lummer', W.P.A. wage •.

G.O .... MOTORCAO& HERE I The Republican Motortade. on

tour oi Burlington "ounl)·. stopped I a' P.O.S. of A. Hall. Palmyra, and I at the Riverton railroad station on Monday. where ~rowds of consid. ('rable siu had assembled to hear last.minul" lalk. b)' the "anous (and,date •.

c o M M E


Committee. \\ as master oi cere· It i. inausHllly denr

i run into t hr bilhons. And not a ' -mgle thmg h.1< b~en produced

I "hl\'h we di.1 not already ha~. cw (ould ha\'~ had Wlth"ut cost to the t,u1',ye<s. the \>oliucal po_r pro­

I II am has prr"ented the normal ex· I pans",n 01 onr of our «reatest in.

dllstnes 3nd has drstro)l~ a lTCat amount of potential employmmt.­LIM"olnton. N. C .. Times.

Frank A. Sno".,r. chairman of the Burhnlton County Republican I ' m"nle. al Palmyra. while this POSI , " was tilled by Mr •. Alma Evans. of that the luture . of Ih.s na~,on def THINGS TO WATCH FOR the same orllani2ation. at Riverton. p"n~. upo~ lelllni t.he mo • . out 0 • •

. our Industrial enterpnses, ",hl.:h (on· Un"'ers,ty of Texu enlmeen bave Amon!, to he tspeakc<ps were Scon. stitute the IIreat"st produ.:t;',,, rna· 1 a \'eget3hle qukk.(re"aer to help the

Iressmall . ane owers tate h h Id h k . . d . '00 Senator Howard Eastwood.' Albnt c lI\e t e wor as ever nown. farmers pr~serve theIr pr uce ~or an C. Jones. Fred C. Norcros. and The American people ha\'e 3~. all.y~a~. market: they forsee • com-Emeral White way, prtded themseh'es on theIr muntty plants where produce can be

. standard of Ii"ing. And to improve quick·frozen and stor~ away und~ that standard means that there mUllt the Irowers name. for relellsinl to b. more job.. more wealth. more market when demand situation la V.W.C.A.

A delicious dinner is beinl plann~ crop.. more goods of all kinds. betler .. , redudnll candy. a .p"cial fol' the second annual County Fair There i. no substlcule lor abund· ~3rmel : you eal one 15 mmutu be­and Dinner of the Buriinaton Coun· I ance. We have lried a policy of fore n meal 3nd it cuts your appetite ty VOllnll Women's Chrislian As· scardty. and we have found it sui· I fnr meal and potatoes. so the theory sodation. which will be held Thurs· cidal. goes .. . a home·use eotree extrac· day eveninll. Novem~er 14. at the This country derend. on private tor. in which you make your Owft Moorest?wlI CommunIty H?use. . enterprise for its living. not on po.! cotr"e extracl by a cold water drip

The dtnlnll ro?m dec<;>rat\ons WIll litteal or govern menIal enterprise. metho.d. a ~hol. Ilound at a time. a~aln have an mternall?nal Aavor. That is the Amcl'kan way bl life. then Just mill the .• Klrllet with hot wllh the Rags of all natlon~ draped whkh we call by the name democ. water when you WIsh a hot cup ... 011 the walts and table sethngs and racy. The hope of u. all is two. " new household portable electric wait:enes' . co~tumes carryinl out I fold: for national SAfety. and for heater with this safety feature: It the tnternatlonal theme .. Mrs. Alex· national pra~perity, Tho'e two gO~I'1 turn. off automatically when tipped ander C,. ":'ood. Jr .. of Riverton. and can be achIeved only if we g,ve over. Mrs. WIlham G~abler .. of ~oore.. industry of alt kinds every chance town •. a~e co.chalrman. tn c~arle of to expand. to build. to Improve. to I Every day last · year more than the dInIng ~oom. whIle "!ISS Ger· broaden itl se(vices to the country. I '2.600.000 in death claim paymenta trude N. Brick., of, CrOSSWIcks: will Above all. that involves an end to I were made by American life in.ur· direct the preparation of the dtnner. direct government competition with ance companies.

Table hostehses and the countries I they' will represent have been as­sillned to date as follows: Mrs. Frank O. Smith and Mrs. Albert R. Shinn, RancocaB. Holland: Mrs. R. Brlhn. Mt. Holly, Oermany: Mrs. S. Norman ' R"aars and Mra. Carl­ton W. Tillinihast. Burlinaton. France; Mn. WIlliam Vauahn. Mt. Holly. China: Mrs. B. Hubert Cooper. Moorestown, Russia: Mra. Georae McMeans. Roebllna. Spain: Miss Laura B. Thayer. Beverl)! and Edaewater Park. Little America; and Mrs. Walilro J. Kindll. Mt. Holly. HawaII. Several other coUllty com­munities will be alligned additional table •.


WINDOW SHADES purchased here are

mea.ured and In.laDed PREB

Prlcee RealODabl, I

SCHWERING'S Palmyra, N. J. Phon. 28


FOUNTAIN OF YOUTI~ For Shirfs and Other 'rona&les

A modern electric iron with automatic temper­ature control gives your clothes new freshness with less effort.

A Brooklyn woman aged 90 haa juat taken her fiBt airplane ride. The Brooklyn baseball team haa been up in the air on numerous occuion • .

Light in weight, durable,' and compact, the electric iron of today is a masterpiece that costs little. Come in today and see the iron display.

Since the cost of education baa rapidly become one of the moet widely diKuaaed eurrent topics. taxpayeB throuchout the State are keenly interested in the announcement that a Porum DiKuMion on the aubjeet wW be the feature event at the Tenth Annual Medin, of the New JUMy TnpayetS Aaeodadon. to be IIdcI in Newark on December 7. 1940.


• I


~,. ,'


P ti· ~ ES & CINNAMINSON on ae ~ ~~:tVICB , BANK a TRUST co. BELLEVUE GARAGE . The Primdl, BenII

" Memb« PDIC Broad and Kern Ste. B. RlftttOD ' Main at Harrl_ 8tnet Telephone Riv. 1$95 - Nlcht l6S-M ~ . RIVBRTON

"jACK" DAWLEY, Inc. Oldsmobile


S"e~1 Tatett Uled Can

10 Broad Street. Riverton


Riverton 1212 Merchantvl11e 510

Koppenhaver Motor Co. DODGE and PLYMOUTH

SALES and SERVICB GOO Broad St. Riverton

Phone Riverton aao FRANK I. LLOYD

Service Mualer




Speclll Attention to All Work



Emerson Wolfschmidt Edward Moorhouse

521 Howard. St. RlvertClll . Qullk Service • lanlta", Shop

BUILDERS Moorestown Motor Co.. Inc. ------:--------

219 Weat .. aln 8t.. Mool'tltowD John E~ M. eVa, ugh Phone Mool'tlto_ 77 or 4U

Contractor and Builder RIVERTON. N. J.

Telephone Riverton OI5-J AUTO·SERVICE


EARLE B. HARDER R~palra and Inlltall,tlona

Power and

S06 Melroae Avenue Palm,n Phone Riverton lI25


Shinn's Express Rlvenlde, N. J.

DAIL V TO PHILADELPHIA Olflce-l06 N. 5th Street

Phone-RIV1!nlde 'S46 Phlladelrhll-Lombard 9055

5' & 10· STORES

Mn. Jarnea E. Wolfe'a PALMYRA



Nova"", ... CANDY •• "C.


w. F. Becker oaOC8RI.1 • paUITI • VaGftA.UI

Dou •• _.. COII_. .. IIATt and PltOVlllONI

517 HOWARD ST •• RIVERTON Phone 'n4-Pree DaU".,.


Special Attendotl to 10bblq KBLLOGO'S CANNED OOOD •

MEMORIALS CUltom·bullt Cemetery Memoria" In

Onnite. Mtrblt and Bl"Oftft

Will Hope & Son Waahington and Federal StlUta

Burllncton, N, J. Phone BurUn.ton is

r. "


Pltone RI""rton 2


Rulton - Inluron Notal'l' Public

Wltli.m.,Wnl'" ltd.. al~""

W. H. SLOCUM & SON Walter D. Lamon Marbl~:r~ranlta REAL ESTATE

67 BaIt Main Street INSURANCE Moorestown. N. J. 516 Cinnlmln.on Ave. Pal.,..

Phone 1S9 Phone Riverton 25

~~~~~~~O~e~t~O~ur~Prl~~~ ........ ------------------...., e:xe PAINTING

EDWARD HUGHES Covered by Inlurance

Painting EDWARD HUOHES. Mil'.

114 Oarfield Ave. Palm".. Phone Riverton 341



McCROSSON Incorporated

Real Estate and Insurance 5 East Broad St., Palmyra

Phone Riverton 500

lNSUII"NC. will .aflwulrd furftit.,. a ... .­

•• tomahn •.• l


Ada E. Price Nota., Public ' aul II.-

506 Broad 8tr"' RlvertoD o.n""1 In •• r .... 416 Lippincott Ave. Rl .....

Phono Itt .... 011 lOt

I ./\ T I ,N I 1\ 11 ' I'll I ~JI .' ,

Lealie W. Reeves L. L. Keat.·ng OEORGE w. ROOERS, Inc.

REALTORS- INSURANCa Patent Medlelnea • Glfta • Cud, Phone Riverton 7&7 or 1141

Oreednl Cerdl • I~. Cream 529 Clnnamlnlon Avenue CI,arl and Stationery . PALMVRA. N. J.

Broad ud MaIn Str"ta. Rlvartota ----------=---­Phone 1540

Burke's Service Station UI W. CHARLES ST •• PALMYRA MBATS-POULTRY Phone 744 607 Main St. RIVERTON Broad ud Linden Rl~ ______________ Phone 16


'Insurance JOS. F. YEARLY Phone 1~ .... ____________________ ee-e

PLUMBINO . HEATING· ROOPING COAL WM. BISHOP~... Riverton Phon .... B. • 601 Linden Ave. Rlv.rton, N. 1.

J. S. Collins & Son, Inc. Telephone Riverton 847 LESTER S~ FORTNUM HARDWARE

ATLANTIC PRODUCTI Compl.t~ AutomobU. lanfce

1I0.12S W. Broad 8t.. PALIIYRA 6hlu .. ~oa1' HARRY C. SCHWERING

.UI .. DING IIAT.alALI-HAaDWA .. westlneb GEORGE BONSAL .. u .... a-r •• o-coa. _ _ ~.,a PLUMBINO - HEATING

_________________ ....... ed ... 1. a.- ~ ROOFING· OIL BURNERI


Phon, 1110

For Beller Shoe Repllrlnl TrJ N. Beitz

SHOE SERVICE 117 E. Broad Stre~t. Palmyr., N. J.

Phone 130·W 901 Lincoln Avo. Pllmyra, N. J. Telephone Riverton 12 ____________ _ SCHNEIDER'S ATLANTIC SERVICE J. T. EVANS CO.

Refrl,erators and Appllue ..

FlorIda Road Teat Labrlcadoa Lee Tlrea - EJllde Batt.n.

Broad ud Morlu Palm". Te1ephona Rl .. rtOft 15f1

!!!i!!i!!l!!!!!(~)i!!!!i!!i!!l!!!! WOOLSTON'S






Phone Riverton 101


LEHIGH COAL P'- RJnrtoll ..

H. B. WILLIAMS .. ... IOK YA .. L."


~ ,..::==;'''' PALIIYRA ~II.


305 Eut Broad It. Palmyra, N. J. Phon. 28


HAULING Cleanlnl - Whlte.a,hln.

awn Work C. D.TURNER

207 Union Landin •. sto.d Eaat RlvertClll. N. J.


101 Wilt Thlrd It.. Palm". T.kphalle RJ"ertoo I"'J

George Friday, Jr. Plumblnl. Headn. and Rooftnl BLF.CTROI. OIL BURNER.

N. DREIER 19 W. Broad St. PALMY .. All Kind. of Orthopedic 8hoe WorIt

Dr. Scholl'. Poot Remedlll PETRO·NO·KOL OIL BURNERI -----------

609 Thoma. Av.nul Phone 937 RI ... noo

H. D. Hullings & Son PLUMBINO • H.ATING • aOOPllfG

Delco Oil Burners 202 Broad I., ...

Riverton, N. J. Pb_ eo


John H. Etria 17 West Broad Street







PALIIYRA. N. 1. Work Called For aad .,.......


RadiOl, Refrl,eraton Wuben,Eu:.

Expert Repair Service f.KluMve 'HILCO Deaicr ror

'almyra and Riverton BARGAINI IN UIED lETt

CA ...... V.IITO. e,.

Peel Poindexter c.n CaW for .. .,.....

............... 567





.,AlleY .AXI.O S ·th' Sto __ ........ en- mi. re . CO • .,J:CTIOII8

........ ,.... Orr Goode ......... 'lIId "

....... to .... IIcCaII' ......... CIMta .:'::.~ 4,4I1AI •• i .... ' ... 9D10II

........ w • .,... .... ,.


. , au •••• LL, .... "'--.........

RivmideHomelaundll C. WARD LOWDEN 318 P me S

NORGS RanlOERAToa • trect .... the ~ NORGS Lin

PARN.WORTH. R.CA .. Rivenide. N. J. ZltNITH RADIOI I'te'" __ A.-

........... ,.. P .... ,...L •. J. T...,. _ n7

TAILOR Cleanin •• Pr ........ D' ....

Pr .. D.liv.". " ..... ce RIVERTON ~ 1M


REMINOTON PORTABLE "_"-­_.-..-- _ ......


DlI'llVOl GETS '''''' It 1\_ ............... 1 .... t~ ~ to ~l -, I~ t*~ Ute., .. .,.. ...;; ........ 11Ul .1_ ~ - t'*7 .... jed .. .aN, II. ft'It ktt ~ ...-- .... I v-..~C'A BRl~FS ....-...nll be......-&"-.. ~ a ,.... &Dow .. iMtI ....... ~ (1'1Iot .... ill tM ~ A PI: 1;. . tM o&t\oep- Ml Wift't ..... ~ Il"f.

~~.CO'''D YIMRRY' It • ~ ........... fomK\l ranb 'Of f'OV .... ~ I-~ ~ tMa. ~ ~ • .It 11 .". V II mach -- IdIoal ~ --- Pftt-.kod tl\ot.t - - .~ ..- of the mab\ dltmet "'<*.r-a ~ 01 ~ tip. I n..t • n.Nh..) 8~ -t)t-- tilotmtnt of .. "'G.a

. TN. AMltRtCAN BOY." - We ~lkarulr hftr _~ sa ~tiaJa to tM &l\n" State into Ltfe at H~ : riD(. '11'-Red. and Wbi~,: ImpttAl\-'t M~ famooaa adlJotta ill ........ ..., from th<t otd fen7 __ 'tritll V.M.C..A. Ohiw BoOya' ~ l.,(e Am~ frlotnds"'; "'Gtari'llt

In ~s-o ~\on ~:h'tr ' endit m\ldl of tbW ~ ~.... i" .. lttI of hiatoridl fttia" too £liA~ Deambot to. ,. • lias into U(e il\ Vow Commllnity" MerchaRt"llit HIgh hilI ll\IUft"-a ~ ..... apona nll.m_$ to mtlI~ '-n ",--aft<! bJ s .... 'ftwY Guy C. ~'n.c Vour

Pb,rina the ~,' brand 'Of rootbeU arbds ~tried ~ THIi ANUl· On b7 Beat Ta~ 'tIhtft the Hemit 7· Neatly a \hOIlun,l otdft I phy into Lift.. .. .I~~. thus lat this )'Sf and CAN BOY Ifqaaine. Vi£Wall) \r'ooopII .rMdtd _ .t thQ ~ boors ha~ ~~tt\t-ed BiIrllnaton --------118 atll/antqe .of all oppor- l e~ ias~ oIItn adlnu ~ a r.. ~\on bJ t_ dill~t ___ -t, 0_ the ~ _lDII.l\1 of Ra\dmbi 01 the Unlttd Sta_ blnluu. Palnvn H .. h anne>ted ,I. __ alol",h « .,.qer. Footbal\, 'We 'Went, ... !rom look b.d, upon sud! 1COIIfu-. aInlprisillt ('; pel' ceat of ~he ""DrlIh _d ... m of thl: 0810n last Sat. , baabtbcltn. lnldt. ttftnls., ID htct WI: ~'lImtd to 1'tel\ton '* tM ~ as beinc on" .of me's a

tftt ell· pGPllUio!I. 0- nead" " pel' ttllt ~

_ay altlemoon at th" Io.:al .ta • . •. ""ti'7 majot ..,I't II ttOftftd III k- ro\lte tione the unal .. hkb I. not ~nl:nces. . th<t _rld .. lift ih....-4lium, adm,mat .. rinl a 2S-0 ~'-..rR , "01'1 .nd f.d .rtkles. IIS1td bll\ .. hkb the peopI~ of Tftl'I- B ... ~n Ii~ and 11111 hllndr..d boO,. I ============= l\l M<eI.:h.nt,-U1.... I Tea\:hen., II~ .. pa'tel\~ .. 1_ ~r.IR to han doom). makt up tM 1COIIf_~e. Some of .

II\ftu a SCOI'"I""" lint qllartn. th .. l ..... dU• of boya' dub. *'10 rft'OIft- At ~ntllft Il«t ~sited th .. Mu Amll:tlca'll linest lIpok"l"S lire 801IIhi !ted and Whit'" rani the Mil WIth mend ~HE AMERICAN BOY - _11m Iftlt\l the be&lItlflll habib'; for thtu pth-er!n ... This ~t Ihl: two SlII.po.nt<trs in the nUl 8talln. thlislasticall,. TIler haft IoI1M that .ho""Ia ... i1d lift. Ttl", Iftdian ea- d .. lqBtu will h\!a\" Frink D. SIlIt .. Thl: tint .:anile as a Jir • .::t rulllt of •• a I&<tnenal rult ftlUlat Iftden 01 hib.t. W<t\'"e most in\<tt"tltit\a .of Ohio, ",hom lltat-e Y.M.c.A. of·

NORGE a misl:rabl" ludo on Ih" part 01 th" THE AMERICAN BOY adftllce Tb Ba a. I • t1 tidals ha~ """n ttyil\, to aet for 0PIN.itio" and th" I.:>.:alll \ook po'" more taJlldly Md develop - d cl- f ' I ... 10 apo ea8 Ilw J'eIIl"S. APPLIANCES

. Ruion on M"""hant,-illr's 12. On wotth.hlIl: charattenatlca \han do lUI." I rill.:!. tb It, ...., o~ La.t yu\" at J..n~, City Bur. "'1: thinl pl~ COli well took the bo,. ... ho do not read I\.. aw '" s a "" •• nt .to.... tlolIH 01 lIalctoft _ty had the braest dtle­o"al o .... r. I fialned wtlt'cn and artl" .. ramou ftrl;, ~driod (umlturte, nap, fire. cation of atly Y.M.C.A. In the ~ltate.

, coaches and athletea. uploren. arm" an co.t~.... ~ .. ren" i.a\~11 to moembtn of Flournoy Gem! O,-er • adentists and mttl IlItCfllfulln bllll. A moat thrtllt~a IUId 1n • .,lrinc ex- Y.M.C.A. It'Oup~ lind Hi-Y c.lub ..

SOOtt nlterward, another poor ntlll .lId Indllltr,. Join with an ... - pcorll:nce was beina ,l't'tt'ccl bJOcv- but a f",w ~r..dentlala will be ror lkick aa"e Palmyra allolher ar• nd I ~rienced .11Iff to prodlle. In THB .. mortjA. Her" ~oore in hla priltate "ll:lIow. tit lartt"''' (rom an, stethn optnina and lhil bme Flollmoy AMEtUCAN BOY, tht lort of Iftd. rece., on ro~m ,n the capital. . o( thec:«MUI\1. . made Ihe nip lI'om tile 2, after two I Ina matt'cr booya lib best. W: ~Iii VIII~td ~'" ~~m~::.s Application forml lor del.ptes



pa.alna B\I"mpta faUed A pa."1 TRE AMERICAN BOY .elll OIl al:ii ~ r a "e:;nS er T.~ ance a ma, be had fr-om the Counly Flournoy 10 Conwell 1~lIowinc a moat lIe ... utandl at ilk II cOP7. Sub- ,veTo n 0'b ta~ rooperpl' Y.M,C.A. Headquarters. MI, HolI,. dri" .. from Ihe Merchantville 37 to I«iption prices Ire 12.00 for OIl. ' 1 m~ ~ ., com, ete. ... e D071 mUlt be 15 yeen oid alld up. .... 11, r"'lIlted In Ihe Ihirtl ,I •• I y .. ar or 13.50 for three yea.... Par- ent tI! c a,a n arollJII 0 ten were Wherever two bon .... nt to go to· polnln, whlll: the lall . Icorlna of el ... and Canadian rate. SOc: a rear taken to the top o( the Battl. MIlft- aether luch lall ... ment will be 1114 ClllnamIIIIoIl A.,.. ..

PALMYRA .... dBY came art.r Flollrnoy had I ext", To .ublcribe a1mply Mnd u":ttt\tl and I~O~ I view of bTt<tuton made. Homea of ~1I1l1""th w\1l en· romped rrom hia own 30 to Ihe , yOllr name, addretl anil remittance an p acea 0 terest near 7· tertaln the c:onf",renet!. Dine.yard Itrlpe 01 Ihe inyaden. direct to THE AMRRICAN BOY. b N:: al I~. :eUldna late we mUlt Thl. year.. conferenee themt i8 NaphocM tit Conwell ann"",,,d the tally on an I 7~O Steond DI'Pd.. Detroit. Michl- ~ : .... ~ d oun • aflu a moet =====_=====================-___ _ alld p ,an. Uell ona .n thorollCh1y enJoy-

M:~~an'lYlIle Ihreatened only once able day.-Suunne Tro.t!II.

durinc . the eniaaemenl, lettlnl a. far al Palmyra'l U yard line In Ih. lall p"rlod, This wal brouaht to an abrllpt end .. Flournoy inter­cepted a pas. on Ihe next play.

Palmyra Merchanlville Ketti LE _ Sryman,k.

~~~.~~ NOTES . - . . = Durllnllon Counl, IUtnl.llo'l COllrt ........................... aULa TO aA. ·ca.DITO •• Qrimea __ L T ____ . Coccia

Emmonl __ LO Dale An HI.ato.rleal Prollc Trotta ___ C ... _ ____ ._ Cale How would )'OU like lo ILlIlly hll-Villari ___ RO __ Minnick tory, ieol.aphy, natllre IIItIi \:Iti-

Ba.:on ___ RT ---- - Paradee .en.hip by takina an eau:urllonl If Line __ __ RE ---- Licit. 8U, you Ihowd have laI&en a "Ip MltcheU __ QB .... __ ... _ Bmllh wllh the elahth arade on October Conwell. _ 'R H · Mebl <lllIll. ' .Iournoy. __ • LH __ ..•... Ma .. ey I Accompanied by Mn. Bllih a1td Dura\n _ F B - RockafeUow MI.I Clark the c1u. lelt RII/erton Palmyra -.. -~-- ... 0 13 Ii 1i-2~ I School by bUI at eleven a,m, Our Merchantville •..• _ 0 0 0 0-- 0 conlettlal driver belna well verled Touch~ownat Conwell 3, Flour. In counlY hI.tbr~, look III throu.h

noy. Poml alter .IOuchdown: Kean I Jiurllnalon, where he polnt .. d Ollt to (pass). Bubalilullonl - Palmyra: I UI the 10Uowitta piacel 01 Intereat: Ackl~.on, Caldwel.l. Sowe~l, Bacon" The home of the Iir.1 United Statel l'erkms, Clair, Dietz, M,lroy, Lo- 'l'realurer. The Hevel Houn, The mon, Brewsler, Stowe, Cardea. ' Shield Tree. Ihe lite or the ohl Wentael, Powers_ Merchattlvllle- Town Hall, Oranl'a houn and Bt. Baxendale, Malice, Baaanl, Baker, Mary', Church, Nlnsl, Herbanek, Rockafellow. I 00 you anuw where Chief Oca-

attlckun I. bur/eM It I. there MOORESTOWN SATURDAY itt 8urJihiltOtt In an old alaveyard, Coach benbera, of, I Bllt now on to Bordentown where

brlnla hla Quakera 10 Palmyra nn I We IIW Ih.. Hopklnaon Hou .. anll Saturday aft .. rnoon or thil week the Bordentown Military Inatltute, when what promillel to be an Inter-I Have )'ou ever leen Ihe hand .. tina en&8l1ement wUi be 10l1aht In wroullhl rail there In Bordentown' lb, local .tadlum, The klckoR will i It II around the bakony or an old be at 2.30, I hotel. Thla beautifully carved Iron

Mooreatown II not tha team of , piece II ver,. very old, 'ormer yean, havln, ellperlcn\:ed a , Now It la .etUh. ne.r lunch poor .ellon, the latest reverae \:om- . time, and on to Wllhlnlton', In. lUi SatllrdlY at the bandl of Croaalnl' II you h.d lived a few Haddon Hel,hla by • lll-O Icor •• hundred yean elarU.r, and on a Palmyn lOll to the aam. team by a! Chrlltma., yol1 had look.d In count of 3l-13, which leavel lh. a window of the McKonll.y Perry do .... t.r. JUlt about where they Roule, you prob.bly would h ... .tatted. a .. en Wa.hlnlton, Ilttlnl In a tadd ...

A. • relult of laat wltll'. .ama blcll chlllr, IImnkln, a lon, white with Merchantville. Palmyra 100111 pi.... AIId,ou .ou14 hav. bHa batt.r than th.y han been all y .. r. llI1prlHd to ... him, whea h. ta­lIut liloorntown CIUI alwa,.. be cia. Ilhed, break all the .nd of th. pi .... ""d.d upon to put up •• GOd flaht 10 . It woul4 be clean lor the nul and lh. al'lIIr .hould be ciON, peraon. Tha nallt motnln, ,011

would hay. MIn Wultln,toa and


TO THOUSANDS nllU llllU ••


Ad .. lolatralOr'. NoU ..

K .. ltt of JAIIIB' L. ,AIIB., 'he" .... Nollc. II h.rtb IhlP III" .. I IIi<Itr ...

btt. mldt b, OlOrl' B. Dllllnl, 'u_Io of the CdunlY ~f utllnlton. belriDIt dati Ih. IIrd dlY 01 Oclober, 1940, u~on 1,­pll,"tloll of Iht IUb"rlbtr~ Admlnllt}"lo", tequlrlnl. Iht credlto ... of 1m., L, am ... 'att of the County of By, naton. aeuistd. '0 brln. I" thllr claim •••• In., the .. tate of Ih ... Id dec.dent, undtr 01111 or 11(11'tn1-lion, 011 or btlo .. April U, 1041, or tilt, will ba dtb,rred 01 In" Itllon thl .. for lR,I.'t the .. Id Admlniliralotl.


Admlnl,tn'ora. Proctor, BI .... I,. BtockwllI, Lawl •• fink. nlted, O<tobar II, 1140. 10-11'011·28 .. 0


Delicioua KEATING'S



1/21b 30c

lib 60c


WALTER·~. LAMON JOHN H. ETRIS L L KEATING II.ah.or .f W" ... .... ... ...........

.1. C~ A ••.• .....".. ".,. •• d" .. .. mvarro .. ....... aiYeno." ' .... '"


• ~w.. .. WAY - - me


=::::'EA'J'/~ • No CONWlI runnln8 10 the cellar 10 Dune the 6Je whea )IOU bum 'blue COAl'. n,l. top quali", PeMJyl\'lUlla han! mal .na". IDlD aedon rail oa left) momlaal-maket a rotlrlna 6re on lrenlns dap-buW _dl1, ID mJtd _ther. Ttr II In )/pur bome. .

J. S. COLLINS & SON, Inc. Phones 4 and 5 RIVERTON, N. J.

, \ J N I I r,J (' r J I III " II /\ () ( ) \ 'J I V f ~~" ', I J t J 1 , 1\ f :\ I 'I I' , J! ) f • J


The Currency of the ltniled States

TN. paper currency of the United Stetl'1 con. .1111 of the folloMnll

Oold C ... tllicat .. - held only by Federal He­eetve benn •• merv ... alnll other....... f c:urrancy. .,.,.,. 0

SIIv., C.u&atw-the eomlllOhelt t)'pe of 1m.1I denotnlnatlc.a eurtency. lecund by • like amount of .lIy., dolla,.. or bullion. United St ... Not .. ("arwenbeckl") - amount outatandl", I. kept COIIItant at '346,e11 016 lecuted by • 15e.o39,43 t In IOld bullion: • "ed •• , Retetv/l Not .. - the chlel dtculatJnt currency, lecutttd by • like amount 01 lold cartlllc8t.a or at leat lorty per cent lold car. tlflcat .. and the balance In alilibl. peper or direct ohlJ."tlonl of the Unltl'd Stat".

TNluul JI Note. 0111l90, "ed.".1 R.l8lYe B.nIt N vtM,1Ind N.tlo"., BMI< NotH-iJelna retired.

tina·;.. W .. InII c.. RlVERT'OIf, K. J. ..... r....., ..... __ Cc..._, ___

~ o c: ...

· f

THIt Maw UtA. TmJItSDA Y. NOVIUIlBItR 'I. IMD PAoa MIlIa : : !\ ,

GENERAL ELECTION RETURNS NO\lember 5, 1'!HO L SFT-O\'£RS ant ort .. " a p'""<)b-

PRltSln • ..,. W1I'IIrit.. It. rt-'OtI\ D..

If. $. •• NATOIt a ......... R_ ~"""_I\, D-


"""dri<.-, It. _ lWi_ D.

HouilE 0 .. RliPIISSIrU4TA'rlvat'

""- It. U\cft .... D..

O£NE.AL AI •• llaLY Stltkholl.... It. __ ._ CI." D .• __

FR.£HOLDa •• J~ .... It. __ M~ ........ 1t. Rahn, D. Mo' .... D.

CORON.a WIll ... R. II<N.It,. D.

...• -- •


1 t a 4 I T W,I,hi. R. _ to. 'II 190 air .It It., Snit., R. _ __ 110 II. 16' .11 II. "" D.try, D. _ _ _ tOI 141 lSI 114.U ISS B,n.r. D. ___ ... aOI lee II. 14. I.. .11

COLLEtTOR-OrilCom, It, __ ._ 21. 178 .. I ... '0' lUI Tra.chitelt .. D. _ In U4 III 11.04 ,OS SUNDAY SPORTI-

V •• ______ 101 no 114 toe III .. 11 No ____ ,. 211 III U' IIr .Ie

JUSTICE OF THE I'KACIIi-Coat... It. _ ._. __ . 114 , .. IPI .24 ill tar. R.dn.ld, D. _ •... 221 171 I" 111:111 .41


I 2 I T Duth, It. ___ ..:. .• _._ 119 lSI iU til Oould. R. • . __ •. __ .. '17 161 ... Of'


I , I T Mlndl.m., It. _ .• __ 2t! U' 10. ..4

W •• hould all be toncIl'lled about the future beclul. we wW havi to Ipend the rell of ollr Uvea thera_ Ch.rieo F, K.tterln" Oenera! Molor. r'l .. rcher.

Accordln. tn .urvqa conducted by the aenera! Moton Cutom. Research 8tell, 90.6 ... r cml of driver. pr.'.r tha ..... -ahlIt In ... located on th. It .. ria, collUlUl.

Alltomobllea have been drlvea for mora than 76,000,000 mille on tIM Oeneral liIoton Provlnl Dround It Mmord, Mich., alnc. it w.. bulIl In 19z.4.

Ownerlhlp of Den.rel Motorl Corporation II divided amOll, more than 391,000 Itoc:kbolclar.. accor4· In, 10 the IIt .. t fIeUr.a.


....., WAIfTD CUlllJIIIID """ .... .,,1 ___ "'1'11.

Rlite I~ Pet Une ( ... -....w..., ~ ....... ,

Pboae 71Z

,~.- i 1tt1tA •• .., .. I I .. , • .....tM

I • - I('m. ~\\"at ,UII , 010 whh o!Q;

TOI"' . ... lIlt a Imall amount ot ""'t\'"­iahlel or h-IIn. "nimh • . IOnr ,,,\ll or I~I\ o'ter metlt r .. th .. hom'<­m"l\1or n-..q\)"lIt~ nita h (' ....... lt_ tlQ AI ... 1M

lu us ,at ~

* .tt ... ... IU • IS .sU

~" UI ti, Mt UI 101 101 .. A

III m .. ... III

., II HI

Sit .ts Itt In lIS " to tU

211 lOa aro us Z19 142 na 110. IU I. tI 101 110 UI UI ue

S02 .. I "S tu U. II 104 I"

... "' ~ us

"! 141



ht 2U U. us

u. US

lit " lIIIl I4S a~ M *" ... 1* .. ,. t4a nI\ sl. ~ v. u. m ." I.n

155 1111 In 141 294 US ftl 2\lt 1411 III 1&3 5111 -au II. Ito lOl tIS\)

IS' III 5M U. 291 In I. ~M IUt II! I" 11. n, 217 201 2\)V 10' uu

1110 110 SIl I" I" 194 41f II' un It! 1110 Ua 2U I" US "I tU lOll

lSI 111 In 1S6 110 S73 4" 223 un liG "I .6' a41 Ita 110 Ie. ue I..,.'

UI In 521 IVO z,o lU OOS 211 10" 140 III 534 HI soo le:! .ot aa, 1472 151 ... a45 ZIt IU 171 "6 m .It III ,,, 4U · 241 lit 199 n. ne lot.

us 10. 51) lSI 2 .. lSI SU 2\)1 U7. III IU .• 90 Zot 191 II. "' aas lOll



Attractive Floral Pieces for Funerala

RESTO\vN GARDENS, lu. Cut Ft_ • • "'ontl. Ftol'dllJ«orofion.

IRIIUI ••• 1111 II ..... 111 .... Uf ....... .

,.._ ... MOORGSTOWN 1019

lteN! ar-e a ""mber ot !""I'd.,... tnr .... t\n>r l tnll "Ieh-o~",· {nlO It!n'I\lt­In8,n.h .. "

CO",l:tI eee' He," 1I ~"I\~ rll"l\l"d 8~1t rorn~" b~t Peppe,

I "li P" ~b"llp~d '. ~\l1I mlllt IIr ~o,'k1!ol llOtll- ""1Ile~ 10Ml I th~lI. btltter MIX b~<! t ftlltl !'alalae. 10~II\"l!r

lI~h t l!, and !"nBOII. Pour Ihe milk tu t,) " rr~'III!l pAn ... ·nl. lin If the hU I· lI' r ,, ",1. ,,·h .. n I h l~ t. ,,"arm. IUI'O tn lhe hlt .h. ~1l""lI" l u lt tt e"C ul\' nn~ I\IA " ~ thl' tf'.1 of Ih .. hlliler. C\l1 In 1I 1 ~ ,·~ . un tnp_ rn\-~r th .. p.n ~nll

pla r f' 0' flf IIIlmlHPr lmrn p r And t"ook ' \n" I ~- 'ur hnlt . " hour. Th .. re No. t- t ~up' .".oge and ~ el' IIhouht bl ' Q rirh. thh'k ('I'U!' on t he I,.H H HU . Ito ~'n\ ; ttr fo.~otd " R~ un om r> tfll ,,, ftllll~ll 1\1H1 l' l:ll'~ on a \\ (\1' ", ..,la t (pr. ,'hl8 !tlo\\' h€:'tHhl J(

. I!.h·POl Illt! h:\ ... h n nU\'or .hnt ,'annat he ohtnlned h)" h"nl~" rnnl'I"~

E.ealloped Vegetabtn 4 rill" ~~ge- '4 '"I). I,,,,,,,er

I"hlp •. Jul~. 2 ""11' IU'pnd ~I\rl "ulp crUluh8.

cb(' ... e No_ S- 3 CUI'S cllollped .plna~

aud I CliP Rrml~d chee.e /«0. 4-Onlon. :-;~ . 6- Carrllls and onilln,

O .. e cup 01 ""'nl 1\18)' he addad 10 till)' of Ihe '-e8t'ltlhle colUblnl· l lmas. tnllkhll It Cll1t1plete dfnn.r ,It. h.

soum. ~ ·Ib~ p. hutter ronrsrly t 18t' . ,,,It Itrnllnd t t:.lng eIther lUeat '01' vegetahl.)

1 tbap. 8I1g"" ~ tbop. blllter B ~"'~ • Pul a la),er of crulUh. In bottolU ! lb.p. nOllr 1 ~up cooked

Of B wpll huttered baIting dish, '. lop_ aalt mt'I" or co' er 1\"1111 "eRelrthle pUlp nnd A ~'llp. ,'elll,er ,·egetllhl .. lilli e JUice lIud II"llrlnkle "'lIh . .. It, I cup milk ~ top. outon 1Il'IIIIr r and s\l~"r; thell (O,'e f "' I\h Jutce or 8alt " "lIuh8 "nd tlot with 1'1"""8 of t"" Melt bUll e r . IIdd lIotll nnd 8ea80D-h'I' , rel""", CO"I'" tllil " ' Ith 1'1' 111 li n Ing. When "uur buhblp •. add crad-Inll cl'muhs 111111 11,11 wllh li"" n,· unlly Ihe mUk .• linlllg conllanU,. Uu"" III II mllllp,·nl. on"'. ~~. dp ('ook "'hlle ,alice .Inln Ihtcken6d. I!fee •. fur I<lrl)' -III'" mit.ul". \' , It.,· Add, lIokell IU pal lli' \'eg('tnblea nnd InUlel lUay he ,'<II til onmll III ... ·". ' well bpnlt'u p~,., yolks. Cook one nnd a while @nUl'e III t'Y hn uqpd In I mllllll. lol\ .e,·r. n " IIIO"(, fl'OnI heat IIpn.1 of vel\otnhle luh-e!_ S"n ~. und ,'oul .1I " t · tI~ . I'llt Anti foid In eight. j ill., Sl I III)' h .. "t~n ~"K \\"hil~s . Pour VARIATIONI FOR ESCALLOPED 11110 II ~1· "II ."d unklug dish "lid

h"he In 1\ "Inll p l'lttl' Ol'ell, 360 de-DISH' I ~1"'P 8 ru,' fm·I)·· lIv e mInutes B~r\'u

No. I- 'it lomn lo nlill .~ "'II'n 81~ .

==== ======== . __ ._ - --------~~~·-~-~============~-=-==-~~-==~=-~··==--~=====a ' , 1,1 , i , , i,· i ·"'; i7""ii7i'~G"'i"i\~~, ---. - --• • • I _. _ ~ _ • ~\ I \ t ' I ' " , , " " ' -1 ;

OF Course , I READ THE ADS e

"'IT YY E have been able to make

better buy. on many of our local purchuel by 'pendln, a lew mln­ute. each week ,oin, over the

NEW ERA advertiaementa.

"John picked up a dandY'Uaed Car bargain he .. w advertlaed In THE NltW ERA, and each week we find we can .. ve "real money" by taIdn. advantage of advertbled week-encl food lpeclala.

"We Uke THE NEW ERA for ita "NEWSY" coverage of aU local hap­pening, and event. ••• and the little it COita UI fa .. ved many tim. over through the aid of Itli, c:olunma."

• Phone 112 and uk to have your name placed on the IUbacripdon Utt.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I • • ..

• , • • t •• _. ~._,:I_.~_'. '-:'.' ~ • • • • • • t • I •

Ia-dlNodceIl II&TIIAM'Y • .,ANGBLICIol.

LU'l'HII.RAM .:MURCH ........ ..s.owauA--NmJn . Itn. HtnIhl ... .10",", Putw The twm\7-fiRh SUllday after

'mllll),. 10.00 Lm.-ChllUb school. H.OO a.m.-Tbe setvlce, letmon.

"'Shado," or Even" to Come." 6:45 p.m.-Intermediate and tbe

IeIllor Luther Lueu" w:ill meet. 11..00 p.m. - Veapera. lermon,

"Lydia." The paltor .... ilb Mr. J. J. Vatter.

pulah de!ecate will attend the IH· ilion. of the &st ~nna. Confer· eace of the Central Penna. Synod oof the United Lutheran ChllUh hi America. at St. Matthew'l Church. Philadelphia. PI.. today alld to· bieht.

To nieht at the parish hall at 8.00 oo'clotlt the Mlsllel Mary and Har. riet Eean will show pictutea of their _tern trip for the benefit of the Bo), Scouts. R .. freshments will b .. .rlled and II sliver olf .. rllle taken. Come.

CHRISTIAN BCIBNCB CHU.CH Firat Church Gf Christ, Identlat

ThGIlIM Ave, It S.veath 8t. RivertGn. N. J.

Bunda, IlchoGI, 9.30 .. m. Bund.y Ben":", U .. m. WtdDtIda7, 11..00 p.m. .'Idln, Room In Church BuUd­

IDa, ThGma. Avenu. and Inmth Itree.. Riverton. open TueadaJ and prida,. UO to 4030. .


Bu~lInllon Pike lund., MGrIlinI

10 o'dock-Plrltclq SchooL 11 o'dock-Meetln. for Wonb1p.


"Adam and Fallen Man" is the lellon'lermon lubject lor Sunday, NGvember 10. hi all Christian Bdence Churchel and SodetiH thrGUlhGut tb.. world.

The Golden Text Is: "Unto thee will I cry. 0 Lord my rock . • • thy p .. ople. and bleill thine In· herltance: feed them alia. and lilt them up lor ever." (Pla1ml 28: 1. t),

Amon. the lellori·sermon clta· tlonl II the followlnl from the Bible: "And the Lord God formed man of the dust 01 the Iround, and bre.thed Into his nOltrll1 the breath of IIf .. ; and man became a IIvln, IGul." (Oehelll 2:7).

The lellon·sermon alia Includes the followln. palll,e frGm the Chrlltlan Science textbook. "Science Ind Health with Key to the Scrip. turel" by Mary B.ker Bddy. "Tha lecond chlpter of Genelll contllns I It.tement of thll material view of Dod ... the ellBet oPPollte Gf ulen· tlflc truth .. before recorded. The hl.tory of error or matter, II verlt· able, would tet allde the omnlpo· t .. nce of Splrlt;Of (p. !21).

CBNTRAL aAPTJIT CHURCH .... Geor •• LocUtt. 8.0 .. Putor

Serllicel Sunday November 10th. Bible SchoGl, 10.00 •. m.-On the

,"e of the .nnual meetlnl Gf the Ichool, the lecret." dlaclo.ed thll fact from hll report-th.t the aehool had Increa .. d In enry reo IPIct durlnl the p •• t yelr; the lit. .... cIanc. befnl the hI.halt with the .. cepUon of the Tenth Annl"enar, Thll II 10 encour.,lnl, It Ihould Inlplre new .mbltlonl 'or .n .ven baUer ,ear to COllI ••

Mornln, wotlhlp, It.U •. m.-A .ny 'pproprllte lubJect h.. been .. Ieeted by the P .. tor for hi. morn· IDI lerman, "Armlltlca tJ.~, 1911 and 1940." MtI. 1. Wllllim Van. Horn. IOprano, wilf .Inl "Orant Me De., Lord Deep Peace of Mind" by StickIer. "Featlval Te Deum Wo. ,.. by Buck will be the anthem 10 be render.,l by the choir.'

HI.B.Y" 1I.4S p.m.-Younl peopl' of the hllh school .I~ group are .1-•• y, welcome to thll meetln,.

Bvenlnl 8~r"fte. 7,45 p.m.-An. other molt Ipproprl.le sermon IUb· jeet "A Bible MUSil" 10 • Presl· dent" will be pre.enled by the Pa •. tot. The Choir will offer the an· them "Lord, I Believe" by Alh. worth. Thf. proml ... 10 be another ..". InterHtlnl eormln" 10 plan IIOW' to Ittend. and btlnl out your ......


....... til 1M Cast • ..,

"LIFE AT lTS BElT" Frs Anadioo, the' artIat Mid, ~la

unler to painl the thin .. of Chriat _ JULIUS A, WOlDlLL on .. mUlt live with Cbriat." In the A community chllUh Rnl.ce will New Testament the charactti' of be held fot tbe member. of all jIillUI A. Woidill. Sr .. died NGvetI\­JHUS is p«'trayed by men -a-o chUTchft in t~ three to_ thil bel" 2nd in a PblIaddpbia hoapitalo, liyed with Chriat. St John laid. Sunda, In tM Palmyra Ulah Ikbool followinl a hellrt attack. For the "He be~ame IIHh and d_lt amonl Auditorium Itattinl .t :\ p.m. A. past 21 fH" be bad been in Ute us and we beheld Hi. IIory." many Calbolk. all possible are I'e- tailorina busintss 'n Riverton. ~

To truly Interpret Jeaul one mUlt quested to make an ell'ort to be pres. Urina lalt March. Since bl. Rtift. live with Him. To menl)' .peculate ent to honor those who 100t their ment h .. had made his home with about Him without experimental livea In the Brst World War. hil IOn In Glassboro, N. J. Itnowled.e of Chrilt·. indwellinl Iii i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. He III a\lrVived by a daulhter. Mn. not conduciv.. to • true portraiture Charlea Hall, of I:I(c Harbor; two of Him. To know Chrllt i. to live l I aons.. Juliua A.. Jr., of Gaauboro, with Him. St. Paul'" account of OBlTlJ ARIES and Walter E. of Philadelphia and the Christ is readily understood b, five arand·chlldrel'l. hi. cOllfession. "I live, yet not I, " Th.. funeral was held WednH. Christ liveth in me." Thl! IraciGUI MRS. ELLA BUROER day aftemoon at the Wlmberl Fu· life of Jeaul can only be reproduced Funerlll lervicea fGr Mn. BII'I nerlll Home, Ell H.rbor, with the in our lillel as we live with Him. BUrler, 73, of 30) Leconey avenue, Rn. Chearlta Strlnc of the Re-

.11 exaMple and woflhlp we leek Palmyra, who died llilt Thuradar. formed Church officl_tlnl. Inter. as a Bible Class too set forth the were beld Monday at :I p.m. from I ment . w.a In Ell Harbor beauty of tht Ohrilt Life. Come tbe Snover Funeral HGme. The! Cemetery. .... ilh UI · nellt Sunday and enjoy out Rev. David HlUley. nl!w Methodiat --------fellowship. mlrllst .. r In Palmyra, olflciated and I MAND£VILLE RB·BL£CT£D

interment w.. In North Cedar HUI Elmer Mandeville wal re·elected a EPWORTH METHODIST Cemetery, Philadelphia. I member of the ChlnlmlniGn Town.

Morlan Av .. nue and Fifth Street She II aurvlved by her hUlband. ship Committee on Tuetdill'. recelv· Rey. D. Roe Hane" Minister Frank, a dauchter, Mra. Olad,1 M. .Inl a total 101 399 votea In two dill'

Th .. Sunday prolram In .Bpwo'h Snyder, and a Irandlon, Oeorle B. I tricte. No tot.1 wal Illallable fGr Church will belln. with church Silyder. Jr., all of Palmyra, Alta a · the secGnd. Mr, MandevlUe, whG Ichool In all departments .t 9.45. .llter, M". S.lIy Todd. of Phlla'\11 a Republlclln Wal unopposed. The men'l Bible CI .. I meetlnl at delphi.. I 9.50. Worthlp will be at 11 and 7.4l1. The cllltGmer rHe.rch Italr of The paltor will preach in the Mom. KATHRYN S. LAMB Gener.1 Moton contact. more thin

Mrs. Kathryn S. Lamb, of liM


Two famoul doctors-Lew .Ayrea

and Lionel Barrymore in "Dr. KII. dare Ooee Home," the lattll of the popular eerie. with L.ralne Day. inl wor.hlp on "Thlnll Bnentlal."

the choir will lin •• Certain lodl" In the community

will attend the evenlnl won hlp. The pastor witt preach on "Democ· racy and Rellilon." M". Rachael Lord will direct a mUllc.1 prolram and prellde at the

Clnnamlnlon avenu .. , died on Mon·'ii _____________ •

day. November 4.' I ·~===;:;:;:;:;;;:.: Funeral I .. rvices were held on I !

Wednelday at 7.15 p.m. from the Snoyer Funeral Home. the Rev. Charles T. Bat .. s oll'ldatlnl. Inter· ment will be mode toda)l ('r.hun. day) at Saddle River, N. J. The Intermediate and. IIInlor

leaaues will have their devotlollal servlcel bealnnln. at &.45.

Prayer meetln. will be conducted for .11 who dealre to let closer to the Lord, Wednelday evenlnl at II o'clock.

Junior Bpworth Lealue will meet at four o'clock, Wednesday after­noon.

Choir practice, Friday at 7.45.

SACRED HBART CHURCH Fourth and Linden Avenu.

RI"ertGn. N. J. Rell, John F, Wellh, Paltor

Sund.y M ...... , 7, !I and 10.30. Dally M .... 7 o·dock. COnlClllonl Saturday at 4 to &.n

.nd 7.30 to II, lt hal been very Iratlfylnl to eee

luch a larle Ittendance at the No· vena lervlce held In honor of Our Lady of the MlraculGu, Medal on Monday nl,ht at 7.45.

Thl, nOlleli1 proved lucttalful when held laI' year and there wlU be flOur novenae conducled thl. lea· IOn. Monday nllht will be the IIIventh novena service In the flnt nG"ena.

Today 998 church... In 32 .tate~ In our cGuntry ,.nd churches In Bnlland, Irel.nd, India. Canad., Chin., Ind the C.n.1 Zone conduct thll Mfraculou. Medal Perpetual No"en.. Our L.dy of the Mlracu. lou. Medal ha. Ir.nted thou.and. of '."or. to thoae mlldnl the no· vena .nd • larle number uf f."on hay. been beltowed upon our own parl.hloner •. -The alt.r boy. to serve thl. lun. da, are: 7.00, J.m •• Hamlin, John Pard l 9.00. How.rd Denel.lieck, Bernard Dalley: 10.30, WilHam Kem.

Evans' Service Slatlon SUNOCO



11,.. • Ihttett ... Allto Ace ... ""'" arotd aad Main Ita. ..... N, J.

Ethel' 5 Btauly Salon 111 Howlrd IUNt

RlyeAon ...... RJYlrtoll ....


Beaaty Cultar. In An It. Brandlel

F-r= .. Wr

The deceaaed la the widow of the late Dr. Rld ... way H. Lamb and II 8urvlved by one dau.hter. Mill Bermuda L.mb, with whom abe made her )lOm .. ,


Mra. Bertha D. Snyder, of 734 Morlan annue. died on Monday. Noyember 4.

Funeral .ervlces were held on Wedneaday at 1 p.m. from the

OARMENTS SUITABLE I For Needlework Guild







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Hi;RE 18 the laklt' aUy on curves and In btav)' eros. Seda. and back of It I. a .toq of wind .. and the combination of new Inu-nejy. enll'fneerlnl'. .. exempli· loncer.M lofter springs with more fled In th~ development of .UII tenlltlve lever type hydraulic ~h()('k an'aler rldtng comfort. The elee- abl10rlwrs lI'ivu a ride withoul • trie.lly w~IIIMl frame structure of pN·r. The 115 bor.q",wH dght­the late8t Mereu/')' line f. alto- eylindt·r ('ngine now haA m'w fir!t gHher new. It Ja 1110 per c('nt more and IIt'cond rulills II,at ~tell lip rigid. yet Wre h.. bet>n no In· "K1't·aw81". The bvll ,1('8I gn~ in. e"·.... In w('lght • . Ind the. new dude a 8U1li'>fI wagon and a dill. {UI.\J('r bt.dy mounttnl1l1 (·/fecltyely N,nvl'rtil,l .. with a ti,1' "v(·rntt·,1 by

Ir,ck "fI' r(tad no I ..... A new rflle- on ('1I·ctric pu. b baltl.... IIwltch, .18"III&('r leg In It. "~rk, ('~ped· whether or D<tt the motor Ie rUlmin ••

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Protection AND


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Main .nd How.rd Itr,.t. IUYel'ton

BurL Pike at Hllhland A.e. Cianami_

Can CaIIecI for and Dellylfad PIxme 1567

W IIUTtNO ~rw"'s--t"""''''_''''''''~eI*''' estfield Friends' ~ H..- SdIoal"a OncttIIlte I deot .... at ,~ ---. wWdl wW'~ 1M ..... . .:::, ~~ _tiIa'ft:t ~~-..

School GnMq, will hoW Ita _Mal........ start at &.00 p.a. -., t_ aoo. - \0 aiV<lll ~ ~ -= :. -iW'lf Ita tiaa lIlfttiDc Fridq ""tit.. No_ t ~oIlowtk\a the al\ctIt ...... . ~t 1M -- toaUIl .-..a ~ ,: . ... ---------..AI::.: 1ft tbe ~ Hteh SdIool ~ ail Inf~ __ ..m.. Al.UMNI DAY Ian a~ ~ --Wi w na· held 1ft the ~Ulll. A larae .. ~. laml~, 'tile ~ Iw...

ia~t to edn~ -- a ~ ell Olli.-. wiU be eh<:ted and .:h)..... is ~ted as tile _ AIIaaMi' ~ will be aptIoIl--.t tills , of ~ en ~ lw .. d-. Idl btu all the dIIIdnn at Weat-- ___ _ Sat~ _ tile "'1",,", Hith Ina and ~na -llidl ~ tmtin. T US\! .of thl! Hallowt'elI fa.. lkhoot Abunftl. A-atiun.. "anq 6U ~ '*t' of tile ~ Itrta ~ klll~eriartel\ dlildren ~ with the ~ H:""'"~- 1'ht othtt Ittm& til the ~ IIlOn1 \ned ~hI! pnm':'Y CfOIlP at their H to ~..a th ........... f to'ltn tootb:all pmt It t30 p.m. au .. the Not ... J.., Pltbhc Uttli~ to3t 11\1 un~h penod. A~ QIM in OW ~. • ...... 0 ~ will be a ~lal ~~ f'e- lnlurtnllUon COft\mluft., Ilre lilt\ · ~.e :and b~d Il I""I:nd lime .-. H II v. H Rnotd in thot &tldlum b, !bt allllO- I,-~ me.bal o,:a~ h\)usehoold '\til-me a.h othl!r ~ Identl~, There ~a ea ft. ,our om. ci.tion tor alumni ""~' whitt tIMrt ptlts, tllrt'lhu~ tl"a~rt.t~. ~ :~~mal crac!ter lun~h .nd liaht ~~ will be :a booth teM' lhot reaiat,,1ion ,urance and m:re<atl'Oft, and mi~"

h m~ntL aY o( IhcKe dealnna to jQin the Pal l:an_ Bill lbot pl!Nefttaaot of tM T .. oJtU~r .:hildren _re entertain. I\l)'ra H"h Scl\ool AlIISOI:ilUon. - blld,1!t "Io~ for faml~ 11M ~

e;I at lutl.;h by Jean Clatlt. Tbot ..... C .... 0 ••••• ml. '1"" lh ' 1!IIt\:Iri~lt;y la the am II I ' III !>&rt}. was held In the a.;hool dlninc b\)ld I e JYenlna ,~ alSalOciatlon will t~ hat 01 t_l~ a ft Ilem room. whkh "" .. attra.:tlvtiy decor- I . an.:e In. conjunction with ----'----.ted. Alter thl! luntheon, Jelln H.,., To OLa.J- B ....... c!.-a,!~'-IO" ~ot lI~rl! ..... on Hlch Scbool Alumni ESS.\ Y WINN£RS Clark. Lenore Merer Ind Jun Cun. - ~/- tiaOClilion at t.~ MedtCM'd Wb. lIiniham presented an orilinal Hal. ANO'I'IIIlIt hI!&\!nc .... win luta ~r and.".. ~odCot \IIlder the direction of Urit 'the juq.ea o( the e&U)O ~tttt. lowe'en play ""ritten b)' thue aidl ~ be upon UL WIIvI ttIDd-~. .. .. hal'l. ~Wh)' No l>nsldent Should H.~ " ~ith the lll1aistano:ot of Mi.. Mar- Ing to the fIlrnaee. lel \III ...,..,. .. 0 Chu.:h GoNion. and hi. wtll TtUrd Tum. ~ consiltlna of Mrs. It. lone FerluslOn. From thl! ellthua. not to follow thOil h.blla whIela =-~.:= Itno~\'ft CM'\:hHtrl ".m furnish thl! Budd Matter. 111. of BI!\"<trly; Hon. lasm of the audience the entire par

eu _5te monq. _1.1. and au .. Ill- _ ........ : Stftllll .. It m~Slc for the .II'alr with dalldnc Charll!l A. Rill. former CommOll

"'liS a huae SUCCftL ..., eon\"<tJIlence and al~ ~ eeem. _ peoph dG b .. ,1I1 from 9 to 1. Admiwon will Piss Juq.e 01 Burllll,lOn coun17 On Friday, Novernbw I, the ..... There an ten web bad hablta 1101 both... to k~p their be . two dGllnl a ~ouple. dre.. and WilHam H. Welt .. £~ •• 01 Bor:

Iy 3uembly was held at 11.30 when ",bleb \!\"otry h_,,",u _ld darnpu- eonUOl. in aood opllonal. denlown, h."e announced the loa. do _n ..... a'-Id.· . -1'11'-- 0............ _ 10"" .. ·, parents and friends w .. re Invited to ou wu ~u U'fI "'~, ... u. wn- .......

b f I 1 E . ._.~._ . troI. are III n_&l!IU')t to C IN . F,rst pnn: John CedI. Joum-·.

lee e.uti u mOlllnl plcturea In ,ftelltn ............ , tA. »our fIlmltoe .. bm~1I are NAMINSON P.T.A, .. col Of which weI'\! tak .. n by Mr. Vic- IIml .. : A pnUe ahaJdq to an automobile. Th@), are TI ,sm ClnL MOQt"ltown hla

h so:hooh

t<lr Rit!~hard' The picture of "The wllllllne the 8III1e purpoaa a1mple to opt""' If hl\n. Ie ~muAI Chkken tlupper of ·tht u.:onll prin: Sara E, William .. Pit. P,ed Piper," tht paat.

nl pr .. sented and Illve file!' Shah onb died properly the)' wilt la" ~,"~am1R~"'n parent·te3chtr alllO- myra hlah ~~hool: third prlft: WII-

" W Ii Id Fri d I until the Brat red Ilow a... muclt tu.I and add ItftI'tl\' d~110h wIn b.e held ill Ihe clnna'llIam S. Flemlnl. Rh'''nlde hl-"" u' est e en S ast sprln...... ~re In tile ashflt, not un- to the eomfort · of )'Uu'r mlMon Pubh~ School Thursdill', I,·hool. ... Ile.lly appealed to the children. til live pl~1 0 coal drop home. Your file! dealer 9n NQ""mber ~~. from S.30 to 8 P.M. .

The school il now preparln. for tlIrough the .... te. Instruct )'Ou In the rorred Everyone IS \vel.:ome too atttnd. rn 1!l1I Cadillac Introduced the "Bol,1< Week Story Hour" which 2. Uai"g a.hra. /Of' bo"~;ltl1 use of dampers. Adults liS ~ .. nI5. children 40 centll. eledtk sell·starter de "eloped _

dwill be held for one p .. rlod tvery pttrptl"hl!a:· Tbe anI)· place 9. U.ittg.,ittto ...... ct .i.2M eoof: p. ea. nuts are beinl lold by the "-1 Chatln F. Ketterh'l of OMn·-·

")' next week. for 88 ella In the nahplt - "'or s· h~atlnF. I-'ults al· 0 , t d ~ ~ ... Ith

,. 'I r. ~~. S C" 1011 an may bl! ordered Motors ResHtch fame. \\' troe ex~~. on of a thin wn.'- u·e tl,'e •• " -~I b~·t th h I t If

•• 0 ,~,. raUl an" pupil of th· ,~'-ool or a)'er upon e grates. lui ted for \'our hell",r. '1'". b' ~ nO


"Safety lips" lor motoriets who are planning to drive over th .. '70,· OQO.OOO P .. nnsylvanln Tumplke link. Inl H .rrlsburl and Plttsburlh .re rI"'" by the Keystone Automobile Club. on · the basis of observation lind Inquiry by m .. mbe .. of the Club .... gineerln. and lafety st.ff •.

Drive .. ar .. warned to allow ample fipRce In followln. oth .. r vehlcl .... The turnpike II so well dulaned with scientifically banked curves and ndeq\\ate "sight dlstallce" throUlh. out It. entire 160 mllee th.t motor. I.t. are ap! to loee their Bense of Bpeed '! UllleRR a safe distance III malnlalned. the enllneers point out, a sutlden stop of a car In front Is likely to create n hanrdouB condl. tion for vehicles followlnl. Allow. n,ll·c ~hou'" be mad .. fool' relctlon tlll1e And stopping distance. At 70 miles per hour. A snfe followlnl dis· t J,,~ e would be allproNlmately 400 feel. It Is also urged that motori.ts kC"Jl cnreful WAtch for .Ignnls of Stal. Molar Police guarding the hlt:hway, portlcularly nt night. For sOllie uneMplained reason, police reo I' <l rt. drivelS fall to heed fla",.lIght n ... 1 other .IIIRAls whcn polke are t ' ying to warn of danger ahead. In n retenl fatality. the lirst Qn the new h.t:h","y. a driver failed to see or her,l. a Rlgnal well In nd"ane ~f a IIi ,,,I,lp,1 truck.

Anolher important thing to reo Ill rOl".r. the Cluh .Ieelnres. is thnt "-'hHe the p:1ving ~ur(ace 1111 OM Rufe ;1' l1~n(I(', n enl!lneering can mnk~ It c 1r1~11 rl t"'t",ing in the mOllntnlh~ r" l\' l" 111' .. k f' h' forln fa stC'r thAn I ,,,J\I'I I I' W" 1""1 11 (nv("1' It. "rhe {l,.'tin. 1" d,I'I!1 ., "I "t".,lhrr" hir,hwnv Rhnllid 11 .t ,." hlf"lll C"t,.tl tn mC,1l that iflroal • I r It,.. ,. nrlifiollR wi ll C")(I~t tll1£l,..r

\ It'lili nt:; of wr;tthf"'" \V'1.Jr l1.f' "'pf'('rl ["In th~ ' ·lJrnpi k,. fPCL"II.tllv tht' Stntt- mo'Ciml1fn of

\11 111 I h. fl. i"f"r~ fltf' I'rrlhittt'll to • I' flll·jf nwn fu(lemt'nt nr "~:'\f,." ~""" I. "1,11,\" or thl~ ,1h,rrrtlnn mAY f wll! ;,~ ntfll ~ riqifl ruJt'ct for Turn ... I 1.,. "(lj'fl"l ltinn

P.O.S. of A. NRWS

I ' 1\11 M"nl'~r" O, .... llng" On Suntl •• y, Nov.Ill"., 10th, nn

1\"01 ',ro Day "el vice wll be h .. llI " I' myr I High School at 3 pm .• a' I C 11111' No. 23 to invite,l to par. t i".te.

t1'·lIlh". will 8O ... mbl. al the I' 0 S. of A. lulli not lat., than 73U iU1,1 ff1an·h to th~ school in I."r .. ith tlo. Legion Poat. Thl. '0' ill h. of ,,,.rial 10 you •• trll~ .. "n5 of Amrric4 Rnd you Are u' "r,1 tn att~nd. So come out and \ kr p.rl.

Sun,t.v .... nln, a church I.rvi .. e will I,. h .. fd in the Methodisl dOll/t h, We are Invited to .tttnd thi ... rvlce In conjunrllon with Ihe

J' O . "f A. I As our watchworrf II "God. Our C"untry .nd Our Order," we oUlht b •• 1 our eyes onward and upward . A,wmble In the luture room 0/ th •• church at 7.30 o·cloclr.-<:ommllt •••

)IOU ftre aohes on top of 11\.., day ronl 1& prepnred I.. nlem er of the P.T.A, There wall iI coal~. )'OU ('nn expect dlnl«!r leveral al'''I, olle or "'"kh "ety I. fie • .,therln. lit the IUllch. trouble and poor heat. is SUMI to Itl\~ \'1)U be.t eon held at the ruidenel! of Mrs

3. !'untiltg "lb/till" or I1n" hnll. ~pult8. It the cui" Is tou Leslie W. Re .. v .. ", lilt Thur,day. • "' /lour fll .... II~C: Your CUI'- Imnll It plloks t~ mu~h In nace ·"'1111 built to burn coal. the Cuel bed. "h,," this and you shouldn" put any tnkes pluce It II 8O",etlme~ foreign lubstnn~ In It. Ie dim~ult to brlnp: up heat


In n conlprehenslve report on dlnk"ra oCten result lind qulckl)·. Other troublea ma" fIlel I. \\'tIeted lIS a con5e· also be caUeed from a fuel quence. bed thnt 18 "packed." nco

IIl1lnl con.lltlol1. In lifty-nlne larl" ~

4, OPfl"Rling dir~ boiler, "eQt. enUse oC the bl.,.tlng thnt Is It, Ifl'. pip. Of' clti,""e~: nl!<'eS!81'\' It II Bon,etlmes A I h tI I I ·very difficult to have the

cean ea n, p lint - I • dnlCt ~."" tl,rough thla .... ·1 I c1enn nutomoblle onlflne - .. . , <II:' will give betblf aervl~ and of COI~. The hent mllv be grellter comfort. Remove 1111 retained to Buch an extent aoot lind fly aBh at lelllt thnt there mny be a p0881· once a year. . 1,lI!thv of ~lInkerl forminlf.

It t 0 coni Is too Inrge In 6, Co""t~ti"11 two hplltert iHfo lile tho nil' will J1u ~~

IRlnp chilll.111/ "lie: Thil thruugh It too qUickly and practice I'otnrd. the drnft aetunlly rob hent from the and cnUles poor heat. If two tuel brd. ne Iui'c the eorl'r(:t henter" Ill'<' cOllnccte.1 Into .lle of conI 18 brln .. uscd. tho .nme OUe, mnke 8UI'e the .. draft on tho one not hl'lng 10. II/cor,wl .1frrlonrlH ,II !i";I1,,: o~ratcd I~ rOl1llllctelv .hut Alwnp II,·" th" ,·,'n! ~o. lI",t oft' Rnd nil leRks 8eol~d. the furl hOfI nA.lUI1PR 1I10 .. e

«I or 11'"" II Ic~ll'nSitlon. The

• 0t.,rraUlI" frot. a;r ,""'lIIC" dc th r tl I b d I",lfrOltl "on/PI' "' tl'" /,,,,,,i,/. P " II' ue I' will ilir .. : nr.v ail' II both UI" vnl'Y ciclll'ndllllC UIlOll the .Ir. .. of the 111·1' hox. Irh'e the comfortnble und unhmIUI'". I I I I I I You will get much II1nl'(' "nt. Coli P"(' \\" I, t 'e b"tt"m Isfnetloll from your furlln"" of the IIrlnlC dool', ol\\'IIY. It the hlllnldlflcr pnn h kPllt IUB,·ln~ II ,tl'l" oC I·rd ronl filled with wllter. '1'1,1- I_ all eXI''''''d to B.·t II~ 1\ pilot I

" • IfJrhl to IlI'lIitl' the gO! Ihnt mrmrlnnt hl'81th measure. will como orr r .. .,111 the I .... h

7. Cn,.,.";,,u rI,i" /Ire "I'd: Tho furl. flrchox .houltl It" 11111'<1 Ihlsh Follow ~ho above ,u~~I'.tlons wilh tho lowl''' .,Ige of tho nnd ynu WIll hp .ur~ til ~ctl11n"e 111'1' cinar. Conlt·,u·y 10 tho hent thnt will r(,Full hI r"mfurl-bclioC hrld by "Ulh'y [1.".,,10 \I I I I thllt l\ hnlf IIlIed IIr.n hox n ,~ 11111 ,wn th~' .·"", tillo .. 1

" dul'lJ'", Ihl' "IntI"'. Ir ,'"u nrc In snvee coni, It "rtunlly bUI"I11 ,1011 lot nl.lIIt the ('''I'r;'rt "I"'rn. 111' more eMI lin" al the tloll "t youl' houtilllt 1,1""t, "nll PUn\,' timp ('n1t~eR tllul'h un· ntl your Illral ('11'1 c!f1I!1t l l', Ill' will Il('("e'f; I1I°Y ill('llllv(,l1irnr" A 1)(1 mon' Ihltll pJ('Il ~l'{1 to l'l' II ·I. - t'

thlrk Om "ClI burllA Iwll"r, thi " ,r, '. '.... t I)

dtles 111 the United States, the Friday and Saturd,y. NGv. 11.9

. Rylex Stationery $1.00

The New Era Office

~J\• • ."I~A ;1 :1'I.ID:'1. \ -..." ... AI I ... a.' -. .....

M"liriee Dlily "I l.oa I'.m. \l:venlnl" 7.00-9.00 o'dock

'i'lT(fRSDA\;~·No\'emhel 7 -



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"lth \11., Fi~.nd ~llr}'l,("'Swd AMN


I-I 1';:'{ 'r l~A I·'FATURE J : Snlll"I.1\' 111 alln.e Only

.1. ,, 11 HOller, 111 1 ·· HFAVRN WITIJ A i I nAHB~~1l wlln: ~'g'JCE"

I S'\)I:I ~-:;~,i M,:,lo)". Nel\' . 10.11 Sped.,1 1I0LIIlA" SIIOW

...... "'~"


11ft I I '\" I,r. ' iUrillll'li

O:d'A\' ,<I", 'llll ' !) /l ,y ~~ \~IIIIH'r II II'

( ,. ~

r "




Kickoff 2.30 I'.m ,

Admillion 40c Come oul and root f()r Po(myra

HUll I .. "

CAIn U!<ANT ... ,,1 MAin IIA ;:\.:O 1"1 1/1

The Howards of Virginia

1111"'1'11 llll I tiP liilpi \'

'1 .. I fl , , , . ) , ll ul S~I('£n-

~~ ,I., .. . UIAI! .HlR. "Til B TfU;g OF I lIiEln'Y··

1' •. 1IU1e T,,,,. 2.1~ 7 nu • 9 I~ MOl,,"')' : Frt"(" G ft~ tu thlP' L llhC"~ A C.h •• ,. '111." • IItA HA'''OIi.

W I.;!IN mH1A ,. & T 1\ LlI<SIJA 'r' N"HllIl,,·, 1.114

J.IIW A Y In:S",,1 LIONEl . ""'<R,'MOHI: ... ,th


Dr. Kildare Goel j W(",·llt.·ld·.·

Home ,

1.11" I tY ,~ ~~"\; I Jol 4

---The ' Bualntq Ilnd ProfeulOfta' Womert'l C.nd)t Club b'a n llltm­btft at pI"tUl\t. Tbt wIftMtIl ~ da~ a~ Dorvtb7 tt. DtlMt, Ifra. W. W. Ko-. KllNld Bowtb W ~thtl tot. Sawn.

-0-The III' two whiner. o' the laend

. Wt neptdl~ lubmlt tht lot· Keert MlntU&MOIIa Club ... nat of "8af.~ TeIllft" U.. MI.. O'Ntll and Oll>m' RM",-CIn ro" rout tOnildentloa If rw both of ~..:.-WlDt ~ tut mo~dlll eotta tIIla Th. tad'" AI1IlIU..., 0' tt.. _tilt nil hllve the Iltmoat Ill...... hff1 Vollln~ Plrt Compllft1 bu

,al\l\OlInced the lllt thne wtMtta ., Uld de_abUlll. of the tUmftt merdwldile tillb.

• The, art totra. lOlep" Utbu, .a"7l R., Leeonq, RI'ftItIde1 alld Ifn. LH~f 8 .. 111 PI" Pob\tL A IleW

Htre the, IIrt-tOmt 1ft ",It lit tillb will bpeft Oft NoYttftbef lith. whb ,ow 0_ e~e REAL A ttllp", of metthutllae for the VALVR eath rtpres.Ilh.

• '1939 OldamobUe

COVPK. A PttfICt ou, ..... hilt condltlon. low II1II .....

• 1938 Chevrolet

.. DOOR SRDAN. Oood pa1ftt. tina and upholll'lf),. Bactll.nt mIChanlcal condition.

• 1937 Pontiac

COUpR. New paint, lood tlr." .ac.llent mechanlc.1 condltlop. A Real Oood Cif.

• 1939 Plymouth

SAVE NOV. 29th or 30th




Thank You


a·DOOR UDAN. Keatlr, radio, 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 on. owntr. Thl, car II In p.rf.ct • condition.

• 1938 Plymouth

4--DOOR IUDAN. Oood palnt anc! rubll..r, low" One oWller.

• 1936 Chevrolet

'.DOOR IICDAN. A rill bu. lain. Prlc.d rllht.

I •

1935 Docile 4-DOOR '.DAN. Thl. car can be bOUlht It • Vlry low prln. Will II VI you m.ny milia of tranlportadon.



10 Broad Itr .. t RiIl.Rod Telephon.

......... 111. or lIerchaatwllll NO


a! YEARS' tXl'tRltHtl:

• E"tI!lsh and Am.taeall H.1t and Oh lme CIMU

• ttl ,.,,." -..."1,1 an. T, ... hn,OIK "

• ..~ R.puu", .~ • .,IIt ...... nd W., .....

• a .. iM Illd AmHtt ... b,a",ond Bt-.:.",

W.l r-J, ..

• I<II&IIAJ, TIIADt· U. ALt.QWAHC£ 011 Htw WATCHI* AMY MAII£ • ttl UIIMUf ,.""'

'AUnU, • . , .

T.,... IUvIttoll II"

"\lhlIIt of tlla IIlliliIUIa" I!atlll,. It I ... I.. ",.'

dllll wUl · lit lIett 'cl It ;,011 fullo" "1~1I01l' ~al'efllll,. All hllt'l!dlelltl • 110111. be tl"''I!fIIU, llI'1!hlltell. \Vbell Ihi ttelp. call. fur a t.ble'\IlIOlIfIll of "Itllr. IIUi!t "lit! II hMPlnlt tllbli!' l\IIlol!f\ll.

IItt tbe tlllle alld tllllllllll .. tllf'l! ~oulroll of ),0111' WIIa I'tlll" . .... 10011 itl Ibe time bell tin!!'. annoullclnB IMt Ihl! \llllIlIllIt II lI"n~ ..... 1I10VIl IIII! dl~h fl'lltl\ the 0\'1111 Ihlllledhlll!­Iy . Ac~uratl hlellll' lIetteclion In ~olllilhll .

He ..... tt .I!~'rlll f'l!1l11l1!1 tor \llId· dllllt~:

tilulI\ Iluddllll 1 9,01 . "kll. l Ii I'UII. lOft

nlillctnient br .. ~l1 I~ cll" \\'Ah'r Crtlllib. '4 ~U\l oll'ohlr • 1811. ~Altlllll

rnll'ee lill\\' lle~ • I hPII. bUIII' I' t I~I" ,·Ihlll!.· l. "11" brO\\'II 111011

011",,1' ~ 1o, •. rllJv~s ~ " It!!" 1 rllil .e~""d ' \ tOI' . hutmel rAI ~lns

'",,"k IUII,cPII,pilt Inlo t'lecl!O. add I ~r .1111 rl1nk olo\\,ly. sltrl'hljl rnll·

<,"lilly until nil 111111111 .re Ihur· ullllhly h"okl'n 111'. nrlll" H. n 1I1'IRk boll 111111 IInll thr Ihree mllllll ... or 010111 11IblllI'A I. II PRI'ly III·Y . ,\.101 •· .. lfer IlItl1_hlll All" 1'001. t" 'P,1I11 10' ,,, ·tI,pr IIw hl1l1el' 1111,1 RU/\AI'. 111111 11.1111'11 PIIIl" ,,,,,I 1110'11" th"'·'"lghl),. \lltl hren,l ,·I·lIi"h •. lin 11111 "nll·,h'r.

"1111'1'1 nlltl rRleh'R. Polt! 1'lInled IIllnrr""' nl 11110 1111"1111111' 11I1~ll\fp 111111 "nul' 1I'ln R 1l"p"Re li Iluddlllll IIInlli . nllhlA II 111',1-11011',1. r,,11 I'o.· .. r ·Ir. hllv AIIII RI .. " "' fnl' nile nh,l Olle. hRIr h,,"rR. 1'111'11 IltllhllllM 0111 01 IlInlll alld ~n""IRh "'Itlt "Rlldl",1 h .. r,·lee IlI,d 1·lIrnll. ~"'· I· p. pl",ht.

aaked Ohobol.le OUltard II. "'1 ft rl"".olnte 8 rRI;"

III,plt"" I • I h ~ t' . R" Aor a "111" "cnlllNI \/0 IRI' . 1,,11 ,,,"k ,~ I.p. vnllilhi SI lIld th. ",Ilk. A,hl IIIPIt,·" 1'11111' I

010,11'. ~tI. 81111dl. Pltl". "All sl,d

.I~~IIII Inll e\)mblu wltb lI\!illll~1 IlII1L POllt lilt\) ~1I'tanl ~UPl or billlll\t IUlib. llet III lib IIf lI\)t •• ter nil poacb III a moltel"&t. oyen ... " til :laa llelll'1lM. \llltll "rlt!. It. knlll! bla.e I'\Ib Into the cet\tll!t of the ~1l"'1'It "III tOhle out ~IMII.

Oll.eoll" .""t' Mlnle t tba\l. tlli'll· .~ elil. tboe.

Itarch olnte .• Iblp. IIIRar I , . CliP bol\lllit • CliP' mllll Willet . f, II • • ~It l lip. \·alllll ..

Melt cbDc\llat. oY,r bllt .Iller. whell ",ellell .~Ir In lugar, bol\l\\8 Wnter', sUr ulIUI " "hlotlth I,"sle. Mill cOI'lIslllrcb ""lib .. IItlle coltl hi Ilk, add to choe\)lnle. ~t1~tlllll 1111 the tlllie. Add .... nlnlnlhB milk. COllk 1111 til 111I"tllre Ihidlelll, about teh ",IIIUltl. Add ehlt and ~ahilln . 'l'urll 11110 II'el ntuld or IIlile8~8. Berve \\'Ith \\'hlll"ed creom .

"prlcot Oottage Puddlnl I ~~ CUIII IIl1ur ,~ tIll. talt

3 Ihol" h.kllill 1.0, CUll ",Ilk III1\vol"r 1 0KII

\/0 l'UII BUllar ~. CUI' butter Blft th" nOllr with Ihe bnklllR

1'"II',ler. CI'elllU Ihe !Jlliler 8nd add Ihe .UKill· ulld enlt Alld Ihe eKIt. WI'll h. "I"" . i'hl'lIlIIld lire milk RIIII nl1lll ' RII ~ I· lIlIlrly . l'nI'pr loot to", or ~nll II'lih Ilrnlll~ 11 mOlh.d apricots. 1'111,,' I'olillile 1111,10111111 lulxlllre liver Irlill II ,HI Imltl' III n IlIml<'I'nle 01'1' 11. :I fi ll ,1.111· ••• "ltllilt torh'·III·. 1IIII\IIl~~ Rerye hot "'1I1t Lelllon !lnuclI.

Lemon 'auCl "UII lUII'll" ' 11 CUll Wllter

J,llce ot I lellHlIII All. hl)fI'ed'leltl S, hOIl utltll Ullx

lu'·. h.gll" III 01111·,,101' \ lerell to 1t' 1I III 111111 PI I. tl"mol's trolll nl'r, R,ltI ~rdtetl 1ellll", rlllll of OU8

10 111 1111. r'olll ""~hl\y .

Plun. pudding I. a t~'dltlon.1 holiday de ... rl. "or a 11ft, pla.t In In attraclivI oDntalntr and wrlp IH III' p.per.


NOTE the DIFFERENCE "'~I:~~~m JI4IiIdlit.JI !III -T •• tur., AI 1IIf, ~bOn, Alb .000tMI •• .... s..~um~5i£F. t= lint to~ • .':l'\: Of~ ..... 0"''. • J. T, Evan. CO.


r.aJ!a~~ .. ,..~=

BROAD ai\d GAit,lIU.D •• nn D~).l\tlllt't

"ALM'Y~ N. l. ...... aM C.1lf«1\la S\lnlDst LEMONS .... " .... do.. lSC


7 for 2S~ FIRST OF THE SE~SOtt­FLOttlb~ ORANGES ... _ ...... do., 11c Sno ... Whl~ Cauliflower .............. head 120 PMESH (L~Att SPINACH ......................... tb 50 ~- U. 8, N<>.1lDAKO aAKING POTATOKS

10-tb blJ 2Sc tum... or CLAP"

aABY FOODS Strained .................. 3 W\I lie Chopped .................. 2 cana tOe HARDINO'S SWEET CItMItl



'21ba 63c KELLOOO'8

EVAPORATED MILK 3 taU cans 19c


or PUDDINGS 3 pkgl. 14c -PILLBBUMY

PANCAKE FLOUR 2 pkgl. 110


(UtI .... eetened) 46-02. can 250 -FRANKLIN

OkANULATED SUOAR lO-1b bag 49c

BtRDS KYE Littlil. Beans ... box 2Sc ktMDS lCYlC Strawberries box 250 .

. . SEA TROUT ............ tb 150 FRESK FRE8~H------------------

FLOUNDltR .............. lb 200 !tREIH FILLlCT of FLOUNOE~ ...... Ib 3Da -1y.:IVatl.!\'f.l~

crlC'UU~NI'lPRrtlb LEOS of

Lamb Ib27c 1114 to 7 Ib ,vI.

ITRlc.fL~Or3~kILLD Large FOWL

Ib 27c • Ib 'VI.

D.lIcloua for Itlwlll, or FrI ......

Firlt of the Se.lon-ThI, Week', Belt Bu, I




1I to 11 Ib .v,. laid with iOll% Money-BlCk

Ollaflnt" ------=-. .... -----SUGAR CURED BACON I ARMOUR'I

1-_______________ -' ~-tb pkl. 12c

" .

"'C~I'''.''ttItn~ Oft ~Idi .... a h~ ~tt \W\ Ma.h"­a 1\"" ....... THE NEW ERA





"nit RiftrtOft P.T.A. win hold • IMIttiI\l on Monday. Novoembff la. 1

Well kno_ th~hou\ Mtbtnt at UO p.m. il\ tilt achcol llIdilor-, N~w J-)l, JOItpb. s.. Sidler, Jloat- fum. mastlit' It S&lem ",d fotmtl" mtbt- Tilt IptIlket 'frin be MI'tl. Nathan ' ~r ~f th~ l.ttaillatllrto p~ an in· . Lln~ 01\ tht....... "lnmt\ lional 'Ptnn& addrftl ro the locti RO\a17 I "" __ .. • ...... c it I Club last ~ 01\ the licnifiall\te ~. ., 01 urI)' SO\lth Jente.)t billtot» Ib \he Mi\l$ Caro'in~ Sttman. B\lpet\!isil\& li&lIt o( the pretlfl\t day "'~Oftll prindpal, will tal" abollt tb~ new ; flll~&'I!I'~)l. M". SI.:kler. a\llhot of report UNa.. ·Old HoUse. of Saltern" and "Kil- , luI» of Salent COII\\t)r," _I inbo.. Th~ ~hild Study Iro~PI ltd by du~'Cd by Rev. Thom .. Wintrate past I Mrs. Rh:hllN Hooper, WIU meet at dlSlh~t fI'Ovel'l\or o( \hIa Rota., 2.30. di~trict. MiSl Chriatine Ridley ... m be In .1n 1638-0vu three hllndr.ed yoeara cherat· of the y"unatr children.

qo-aaid Mr. Sl~kler, I ItlUe (ort Tea ·",Ill be aerved at th~ cla.~ 'W" .. tabUlhtd Oft the louth ban" of Ihe meetil\l, 0(. Pert\\IIII1~n Cree" lit Ita mOllth _______ _




RAISING FUNDS A,"'ot'<lin, to Il "t.lelnent made thi$ week. Local D1'Ilrt board No. I. of P.'m~ta, bqan the tas" of dusifylnll the Ii"'t retlll1ltd II\IIH· Wor~nI To Sell New Buttona

I· tionnai~. on Wtdnellday nilhl. Each Month to Assist Rqistrant!! will be Mlilted of

Ilheir dl\~~ifkalio\\ by mail ftnd no- Community Center Ike. will al.o be l\O~ted lit the At lonlt, lonl laat sometll,,,& new dmtt . h~d'tuartns. Pillmyra Bo.... in finan\.~ Cl\mpalps la to be un. ough Hitn. derta!ttn ahd II lona '&ullerina pub.

Qm,.hon"itin!' :\re being ' mailed lie will doubtlelS respond .. llh .n out by tho local board lit Ihe ra~ I enthuBium assurina Ihe auccess of o ~ "l'I' .-o)( imal"ly 2~ pn day and I the plan to be launched 0\\ No~m_ tlt t fint relurn~ \ltwe aln!ady been ber 18th by the Community C~hte\" r l'cl'h-ed. Office hOlln! here are ', Committee.

. Iro.m 9 ~. m. to !o p.m .• Monday ro Th~ Community C~nler project. Frtday 311d rrolll 9 " .111. to noon Otl a. i. atneraUy known, hall been rllll S~t\IrtlllY. ' U1ion the slender ~80Ul'\:eS of com-

Th" Itl\·.1 "d"lsory boanl meeta partitively f~w dOhatloh~ end i, • at the same location every evenln,. tribute to the clI~ful mllnll~meht from 7 IInlil 100·dock. 'this bOllrd. and wi'~ supervision of the Com. he,uled by Albert McCIlY. ~nderl miltee headtd by n.rl Whltcr.ft lIS8istance to tho!e who desl~ thl. .lId the atntrouB cooperation of the service In Iilling out their questlOI\. Re'cteiltilln Divlelon or tht W.P.A.. naire!. . ' But the neffS.ity of a more wide-

ICll'\:ety a mile Itom RlvertOft and for three yell'll flew UniOn of OtUt Britllill. Tbl. furthest Wtlt outpost o( Enttland, part of a Ro)'. &111.1 rq} tllta~ ventllre p~ • atnte~c ~ in the final eYenta .h\ell broulht the colonie. inro the fold of the Eniliah n\her than the Dutch or S'llPtdea.

Because of the obsel'vanct of Thankllltlvll\l 0\\ Thursday, Novem. be ... 21, The New Era wiD be dla. tributed on TIIesday mornlna or

The rqulation of Sundl1 aportl :::!l.\Veelt In.tead of Thul'tldll.Y II BUILDING WORK ,} ~ Illd Imllaemen" 111 Pallilyl"& will be -~

spread .hllrinll of even these modlat co'&ta h.. been Incruslna1y appar • ent.

Committee determined at an open meeUnI to All new. Ind luJvertitllnl ~opy IN PALMYRA

MCMqllitoa Bad be held In the Coun~l1 CbIlmbera MUST Iht~fore. be turned In by l2 With Paul Jones, supervilintr MOI!illltoa al\d the Dutch con· on Fridtl1 niaht of thIa weft It , n\)Oh on Monday, November .1. prillcipal of Palmyra Schooll. U the

.plred IIlCc:eatlf\lJbt to drive out lbe o·clo.:k it _. IUInounctd It the rea. POllltlvely no m.terllll will be lie- orilinlt\)r of the Idt" and chairtnllt, little colo", at the fort a, -U .1 IlIIt meet\fll of the lomnlnl bod)' cepted after that lilillr. Conltructlon operation. In Pal- • committee conll,tinl of Mra. Vlc-ont at Salem_d a nile tftull fol.. on TIles"". The cooperation of our newa con. II11ra dllrlna October amounted to tor Ritachard, Robtrt Finne" Joh" lowed 111IIII1r Ittem.,ta .t these triblltora and Idvtrtllera 'frill be oller 18.000 "cordlnlt to I ~port Ward, Mlurice Conrow. Mn. W. A. politi. ahd It · BllrUhltoll between M.,or Ward Itated that the pea- lreatly IIppreciated. I"ued thla wee" by the bulldlha In· McCamy. Mrl. James Davidson and 1641 IUId 1064 b)' R1l1erton .:ol\lnllh. . pIe of p.lln),rl w~~ In a maJorit)r Ipector, Edward A. Kina. Earl Whitcraft has developed a Thul Klnl Charlea 11 Wl'& con- vo~ for Sunday apotta ud th.t It The \larlous proJeetl wert .. fol- plan, unique by renon of the fact fronttd with the In,\atanet 01 both II the dUI1 of 'Council to lee thlt R~D CROSS HAS 10wlI: thllt contributions are limited to Royall.ts IUId PUritalle that I~PI be rtl'&on.ble r~,ulatlonl are .et up by ~ Clifford bootman, ntw 011 burner. ten cehte. takell to oust the Dlltch and Bwedel ordinlUlce. He '1I1~.ttd the lpe.. MANY A T T 29 "ear .treet, Albtrt E. Mellor, 'the 'plan h.1 the dual advantaa_ Ind rtCllllm theae aettlementa. The clal meet/Il, In order that all II\\tr.. . C IVI I~~ '1000 01 not beilll Uled ·by other orlw.

..lft putles all.:h 1'& footbaU. billie· ~ . outcome Waa that In lfi64 · the Duke ball, tennl., bowlin, and movie Thoma. I\I~rs new '&hlnlle roof laUon. and of pBSslhlt on to the of Vork led the IIll1torlc I!IIpedltion b b .010 Garfield a:ehue, A. H. Brew: people who are e\\joylnll the bene. to the Hlld.on and Delawlre .hlch aetten mllht I' prea~nt to work A lIery Inlere.tlnl and revealina stl'r, $150. fitl of the Center .a .hare 01 the reetored Brltlih power. :::e r~:~:i~lonl that would be ault. ~:I,:r!r::m:~s !~~Bea~~:~d~d t~he ':~~ A'lbert Fry, new roor. 707 Weet I financial mponllbl"ty Involved.

The whole ltory of the aettle.. .. d t M Alb F '200 B M ment Ahd Itrowth In the Delaware Pumper Telted .. nual Ineetln... of the burllnlton Droa I reet, r... ert I'y, ., New uttonl Each onth Valley area la Interestlll,ly told In County Chapte~ of the Aml'tican Robert Deutfr, lIew roor (Carey Ohce a mOhth active member. of I new book by Harry Bmel'1lon Carl WUcux, Rrealrlent of tht In· Ited CrOll helt! In Burlinllton on ~hlnlll~I, 1104 Oarfield IIvenue, W II- the Community Center will prelent Wiles, "1'he Delawlrt." d~pelldet1ce . Fire Co. No. 1 of Pal. November 6. There tire sillteen loam BIshop. $200. 10 residellh bf Riverton Clnnamln.

myr.. It.ted thlt the new Mack branches In Ihf cOllnly with 12 Donllid Founlaln, new dwell In .. , . 01\ and Palmyra a eol~red button Now Nelleded lIumper WhIch .rrlved I .. t week aUlliliarle. e. mosl of which were re"'1 EBBI Side of Cheatnut IIreel, Cal. bea,in\l the Ins,rlption "C\lmmunlly

The strallellc hlatory of the urly hl'& been Pill throuah III pal!n bt- restnterl nt Ihe lI1eetlnll. Seven vln Stowe. $5000. . Cel"~'" lor willeh they Will uk ten fort. In this IIrea was related by fore the offlcl.11 of the $\:heduJe I RleRlberR from Riverton nuenrled. Arthur Bowker. remodel room In I unts-no mor ... no I... . A differ .. Mr. Sickler to the defenlelels can. HoUna Buteau IIIId that 1\ met ret It waR I'e ported .turtnll Ihe paet · rear. 13 Eaet Broad etreel, Albert ent color will be u.ed each monlh dillon In which thl' vitally Impor. ~ulrement • . on all IlId It! two yea,' 18 daRBeR 111 Fir.t .AI<I weI" , Thiel, '75. I and tile co. lIecti ona will be limited to toni Rrea filldl 1t8eU today. Fort \:IBee ex~eeded . required lIre8lure , conducted which Included 254 pu- C. N. Bucholll hew roor, 25 East I thr •• days ullder a "".11 orllanllcd Mott for Inatance with a larrlBon of Ipllell. 1 he tructl II now In ser .. " ,,118. '·welv. fir.t olo.! stllllons hove I Charles .treet. John Kerrillon. ,",00. ' pl.n of l~aRl '. Inter.sted ciUnnl four mell ia one of three equally vice for fire. dUly. beell eatabll.hed In the coullly. An I Merchnllt Fllrmer Bld&. Loan. have made It posSlbi. to order ad .. neglected cOBlt ddenaes of the The lovelnlna body were unanl. InBtltUle was helrt whkh resulted In new roof (Bini Shlnilles) 903 Mol'. vallee bllttons for the firsl three D.loware--A condltlOIl which would moul III .refusln, to arllnt • liquor 19 neW Inllrlll·tors in fint old mak- lIan avenue Clorence H~bb. j'r. tIIl'1lthl of the plan. II public reo moke posllble Ihcrtdlble dt!ltructlon IIcenle to !tuben Feuot despite ad· Inll 25 In all In the county. 1185.' . , ""o"se is al 11I,·orabl. a. il anti. of vital war Industries by a lOne I vhlce thlrom ththe I·ttorne)' rtdPreaeNntlna I lnalructlon In Home Hy,lene hn WltHRm Btack. new 81b.lt08 roof. clpated th. major ploblem 01 Ihe rovlna plane launched lomewhere 1m at e Iquor bollr In ew. also been alven. 711 P.rk .venue, J. O. Lon\latreet. Cenler Commltl.e wtll be IOlve<1. 01J our New Jeney C.,.It. \.rk would ,rant It over the held. of 1280. Community odivltlu thi.

With military .tr.te,lat. freely the local I!ouncll. ~ Other Evehle W. D. Wilson. new nob.slos fall hO"e brouKht an even Iruter pledlclina the New Jerley COlli be.. ~ounc:lm.n tt.u~e~ pruJentedr • At the swlmtnlna pools and shlnlll .. , 423 We8t Broad atreet. attendance than heretolore Ind I tween Bay Kead and Ma, II ler~. 0 new '" pro ect. or beaches In the county Bwlmmlnl SII Roofin, Co., 350. p' ollram of balanced Inter .. tt II the loaicil .electlon for .n Ihlll.lon, ~hlh~ ~;..rlUlte'!.!!'pU~lon m

J I~e and lire savIni have been taulht, Jo.lah Wallace, new brick .Idlhl. Ichedul.d lor th" winter lndudlnl

William Sickler ahowed how utterly or, pro,. II fro ec. allo other forma of Wilier safet)' 401 Weat Broad streel. Howard .""erAI roruma spontor.d by the defenlelen thll aret now la .lId 1IIc1lld. the completion of &I Ir.vel euch .. proper handllnl of canoel, Helma 14110 Philana Boclety. pleaded for an uprellion of pllblle .tntta In Palmyra • new Itorm surf boarde, etc. Thle II the twelfth •. _______ _ aenUment for Immedl.te protection I .Iwer on ... 1Tt .nnut to South .... on for thll form of Red Crall or the 8rel which Include. the vitali Broad atreet Ind m.cadam lurface .rtvlce Ind lit the beach.. where D.lllwllre V.lley. for a number of p.lm,ra .treetl. the Red. CrOll Inslrudora hAVe

The Porch Club

Bri.' Blaze At Biddle Property

Th. coundl .a. unanimoul In III- eerved thl. put lummer. There Proml hi. project •• nd Inatructed have Ileen no dtownlnls durlnl the ct ... k to malrt the proper I.,.. Ichfduled bathlnl houri

Ister nile[ Ihan 3ny other orlanl. raUon. In retard to rorelan I.rvlce there are Red Croll .oclelle. IIU ovar Europe with e.tabll.hed head. QU8rlera at Oenpva which arll a. A clearlna houle. 'upplte. from Amerle •• howtver. lire not .. nl oYer unlel. Ihe AmericAn Red Crall has rhn',e of dlalrlbutlon.

Th. Dranla stet"m will pre .. nt two one-aci eomedlu on Tuttd." NO"ember 19. at 2.30 p.m. Thne

plication.. At the life I'VIIlI d"monltrlltlon ar~ :

Than.. to Itor.. which WII held It the end of the "All My Life," dlrfctfd by Mn.

A lI\1ely blue In the Iltlle .. barn owned by Mayor K. Mcnv.ln Bid. dIe. Bank Iveliue IUId Thomll, w .. relponllble 'or • call for thl Rlvlt­ton Are department, ahortl, .fter 1.30 Bunda), .fternoon.

The fir.. which .tlrted otl the rool of the two·.tory Itructur. with Ifeat rlpldlty .nd much of the ulJPer portion of the bulldln, W.I a ma .. of n.mea upon the Ir­rival of the Arlttlltl.

Coundlman Huyett "'0 I.lted that a ItHat be lint to \hI BurUnl" toll COWlt, Board of Fr .. hold.rl .. kin, that thl bad w.tlt condition at the moyIe .. R.ce, Market .nd Le .. alon Innu .. be lIud.

The new "w.r ...... ment com .. million WII Innounced by MI,or Ward .nd recel.ed the unanlmou. conArm.Uon of Council. The, Ire: plo,d I.,.hr chllnlUllI. Qeorlll Luce alld Hir.., ltacll •

Palm,,1 Council Inatructed the Two Linea Laid clerk to write to both the Am.rlcan

Two lin.. of hOIll were broulht Itorea Company Ind Ih. A. " P. Int o "I.y Ind the Rlmea lOon TN ComplUlY thankln, them for "nnck. d down. The roof WII ptle.. dOllltlon. of food.tuffl .llued UcaUy burned aWl,. but the lower .t 0 •• 1500 •• nd which Wit. Uled part of the bulldln, e.c,"'" aeriou. for dlltributlon 'nIOn' relief cllenta. damlle. Thr.e w.r. hlulld -tu I.fety .nd • car In the ,arl,' .t I,preldlnl to oth.r lI .. rb, atfUe­the tim. of the fir. wla run oot b,. lurH. Mayor Blddla. M.,or Biddie heartily tomm....,.

Th. 1011 I. utImItld It ........ ed the m.mbtrt 01 the locat _ hundr.d dollart. pin, for their .trldent wortr Ind ...

Prompt worll on tilt jilin of the prHltd hit tint.,.. Ippttdldon 'or ... tII ....... ttd tilt ......... tilt ........ fl ........

le .. on fourteen communities In the count)' were repreaented.

lelfente.n different veteran.' ho •• pltall hlY. been ,Inn .up"Uel from the County Braneh durin, the ,Nr and other or,anlutlon. have been helped trhere there I. real need.

JunIor R.d Cro ••


C. Sln,lrlon M •• rt. Th. caol Ie Mn. Chari ... F. Earp. ]r" Mn. Ed. wllrd Hunn Ind Mr.. Henry L.

In our own locality the Rfl1 Cro •• Rand.lI. h .. cooperated wIth other reUd or. ··Th. Drll<ltf Child." direcl.d by 1I. III.atton.. It h .. IUI'plled ,Iallt.. Mre. Henry L . Shreve. Thf ( .. t "bdomln.l belt. and olhtr unu,ual I, Mrs. H. A. Jrlfcolt. Jr .. Mr .. n.ed.. It I"ve 150.00 worlh of rna· H.,bert Stu.rI. Mrt. IUthlrd H~ terial. 10 th" Lo.n CIOlfi of Ihe eor.

The Junior R"d Crol. funrllDn. In VIIllln. Nun. 10ci.l)' whlrh I,.ndl _ 35 .chooll throu,hout the tounty, all t)'I'''' of ,Ick room 'UI'I,II.. 10 To Ihf tldl .. of the Commun, ty--and the rhlldreon are ettlaled In a Incal ho", •• wh.rf IIInr,. rail. lor Rr",rmb.r D.crmbrr 3 .. 1. from 10 number of utlvr atrvl .. ,.1 for ,r· ' " l' h n.ed,. lief and tDmfort to IhDft" In 11'11 In normal lime. thl co.1 (>f Ill. 10 5 o'clock I, Women', F:1IChanl. fortunat. tlrcum"tlnt'~. mlnl' lr.lIl ,," of Ih. R." ern .. h.. DIY. All who haveo fntrlr. 1'1,. .. .

.. <'nil'" Mrs E"wlr,\ J Hunn . .. ho The election of officer. rrault"c1 not f'Xc •• drc1 on. Ind on. h.1f c.nt. I. thalrm.n (>1 Ihi' '1'1t ... h . I'hrne

In Mn. GIIY N.llon nf Mt Hnn. <,ul nf A dollar. IO~8 ,ervIn. '1,,·ln u chairmAn. Thll Thl. In.wera .nm. of Ih,. ('jun· _. will be the t.nth ,t'lf in which Mr. lion. a. to trhffl YllUr Rt'<! ern" -0-Nelton· haa ",..rtf In thll rararlty. doll"s 10 and _h. th, In an I On Thurld.y. Novtnlb" 14. Mr •

The .. erutln .. aetA,." II MI.. If.atly nHdt'<!. .nd thl. w •• k I. Oar,", will ~ye ht. fin . 1 IKI\lra. Miry lampeon .nd MI.. Rt1ll ,(>ur opportunltJ to .how your to, .. , The mornlna will he dn"I",\ to 1'TII1I,I I. ttlrt'rtOf of Jdnlnra. alt, to --Th. Or.llut MOlher (If qUtltion. Ind an.w.,.. Comr \'on..

Mr. K. B. Wrtherow r' .... ' .. nt.1 Them An.- ,our brid,. ",,,bl._ In, the Nltlon.1 ot,anlntlon 11: • .". mf'tllh.r.hlp IMlf'I tt.. .rm -btou,ht IIIIt the flc:t th.t In tim, of the RHI Cruea to ,Nth CIIIt I ' Ladle. 01 the O.rden Itctlon ... of erWa or tIMf,",t)' thl Rid IIHIe flrther to th, platft w.... ... lin. 8.1II1II,. In th' Po'" CrON Jmow. bitt.,. "- to Idmlft. au_trin, tilt" Itt toll. (_ ...... _ ..... )


OBI'fUARY PLAYERS WILL ~anuta befoR the perfoi'manc:ea . "I ro~:';~G\-:'~LLER DRAMM.ER· and bet~ the ac:t~ for the pi- MISS LAURA WELCH

(]torte Welael, Phlll) Weicel, 0

Riverton. IlI\d Mn. (]to~. D. Zlq­ler. of New Brun,wick, lIleen and . ld F ' d \ d wlain-,.,u tronl to mWlch 01\ durlna the abow Mill Laura Welch, of pompton

W esth~ nen s h"~nhan d';~ f~~i"" is the tty (it I, ltopal \hI' alldlen.:. doea t\ot La~ .. died on Friday, November 8. ntph~ ____________ __

A . named W~t6eld with I aill'el\ by The Footlilht PlayeR of woatinc on a ~perative lind non- Loc~t officlatll\C. d I Oddfel. «ty . • d other im- · Palmy... • Riverton. Ptrformllncea I ro6t Wail Ind 'ake pleasure in an· Interment ",aa m~ e n

The n:ailtration of alien. in the United Stltea ftached the 2,500,000 mark on November 4. And nobody'. rlahlll or prlvilecea "ave yet been curtailed.

S b 1 s t ~he~"olne In "Pu." as the Driven ~naiat of too mat\,}' people who aR I Funeral lervicell were held on C . 00 • Snow" '0£ "A Workinl Olrl'I Se. cr.Ck Ihota with their Ilrm,.. I 'fueWay " 2 p.m. from the Snover

I c"'t." firat producUon of the season 1 'fhe FootliCht Playen an: atilll Funeral Hom~ the Rev. Oear ..

a'rut .. traltl" 11I~1I ~Ity has btoen will be aiyen 01\ Friday and Satur. ~OWlcinc a reduction In the priee of , lowl Cemetery, Burbnaton• h portant ftatUrtl h°:OO t the kin. dat eveninp, November 29th and dmi Ilion to pe~rormancea thla sea., 'l'ht deceased ",aa a s(hool teac· 'fhen: Is a fortune in 't for the ~na,ru.:ted 0':n t be the

r ':embera of 30th, at '\.30 o'dock, at Riverton 1 :01\. • The ne'" price win be 35c ta_ er for m.t\,}' years. her last post be- fellow who wil\lnvertt a ee\( empty-

:...-----derllarten roo b.a .: 'hUd h •• a plot SchOol auditorium. The tast for included. Tic~ta May he obtained inc at Butler. ~. J. . b M Ina ash tray,

:::n ~h he h~a built a houae and the preatntation will be announced I from .I\)t memt>tr of the Oroup. ::~M;IIIII:~W:e1~Ch~l~a;~su~r~V~lved~~y~~n~.~~~:::::::;~~~ td A mayor hb been .:hOllen nelCt week. . '. . • _____ _______ _ .a en. ther with hia helperl II This pIa)' '.- ",ntten In the sPlnt

-"PI~n:~I~:: reat of the .:Ity a8 well of the old·tlme melo.dra'6as ~::ad. How to cut the coat of h lawl ~mbllllni all of the sUfi!· n: s -

ali Ma"'I\~ t e ' 1 s'" attended the ationl from the beat of them. The

FJah~I:~~~:~~U';; !~ the Franklin In- villain will wear the usu~:1 ~a, b~~~~ Heating Your Home lItitute on Wednesday when the No· mUltache~ thl' heroine b'" a,vlle h ~~

lven by Dr. lovely VOICe. IlI\d the ero 'III ave ;::':r( ~ec~~me~:rya school .:hll· I that broad and manly cdhest for the tv heroine to rest her hea IIl1On• t

-'Rn. b t A.UICA" MO.I "IA""O ..... Red Cross u.y a Hila the VUlaln WHUleld Spare moments are utll· " . ·ted I knittlnl .qllates f6f lin af. "Pure II th. Driven Snow " , h n ~hich will be turned over to really IlI\ old·fllhloned meller drllm· ~hta local Red Croaa Chapter. mer and the Footllaht P

j la)tra t a~

preaentinl It for the en oymen 0 the locill RlIlrientl. Y nu will be

TRRPLE-ZAUN ' privUeaed to hi" the villain on hi' Christ Church\ ttlvetton, wat ~he everll entrance and to ft1Iplaud the

teene of an attractille fall weddma hero and berolne when tbe occllto.n on Satllrday, NO\lember 9, at • demanda It. Rveryone attendlnl \I o'dock, when Miaa Dorothy Mary requested to ~onduct themselvea Zalln, daulhter of Mr. and Mrs. atrlctlv tbe way tbeatre KGera did Samuel O. Zaun, of 702 Morlall years lIao at the same type of plaYI. a\lenue, Palmyra, became the bride The &roup la .Iso plan nina to aell of Robert Melvin 'reeple, ~n of Mr. =:...:::.:.......:. ________ -==-==-=-::::::::::;-;::;;-;;-and Mrs. C. D. Teeple, of Riverton, FOX THEATRE. RIVERSIDE, MONDAY ONLY

The ceremony was performed by the !tev. Francia B. Downa, rec~o~ of the church, and O. Lincoln RId· ley, orallnlst, played the weddlna march.

The bride. ",ho was alven III mar· ria Ie by her father, wore a aown of Ivorytont faille, made entrllln, a~d htr tulle veil will held In Illace WIth a wruth of oranae IIlossoms. She carried l white llrllyer book with orchldl.

Mrs. WlIIlam T . Zaun, of Hemp· atelld. Lolla IIland, ,llter· of the bride, served 81 matron nf honor, and her frock was of mO~1 areen faille with matchlna velve. teen hat. Her boUQuet was of -yel. low 'crysanthemums anct rOlebuds.

Miss Louise McKeon. of Phila· delphia, as maid of honor, selected II ao",n of aold faille. wltb matchlnl bat, lind carried bronze CI'yaanthe­mums arid rosebuds.

Mrl. Arthllr B. Watt:r., of River. ton, and Miss Olive )l1nes. of Pal­myra, served 81 brlileamaldl, and wore lownl fashioned after that of tbe maid of honor.

Arthur Water., of Riverton, ~al beat man, and usherl were Frank Alloway and Robert Smith. of Rlv.

, frton. I The bride'S' mother wore blue ve •

vet and dubonnet Icce.lorln. and a cors.le of pink rOlebuds. .

Mrl. Teeple selected black and

A bower s Itfire (left) becomes a lady on 'her own In Park Ave~ue (rllht), ThlY'r~ both Jane Wlthera In a atory a. humnne and appeal nl liS It Is hilarioul lind excltlnl, "The Olrl from Avenue A.

Building .4 FurRfJC!e Fire

S1'A1l'MNO • new fire In your flar· nal)e ",11\ be an eaq matter if

you ",11\ follow these few suggell­tions: Fir8t. close the cheek \lam· and open the alh-plt damper. The turn .damper In the llDIoke­pipe Bhould be open wide. Leave a thin la)'Ol' of aah about 2 deep • .,read evenly over the !,· r"t~a. ThIs will 11I"C\'ent the first hot fire from the kindling from com­iug In contact with the gl'llte bars and will awo mlnlmlae the dropping of lUI' burned coal IIlto the a8h-plt.

Spread about two Inche. of coal evenl,. over the layer of allh. Piaee kindling on top of this coal. This kindling mllY consist of lightly wll,lded 'ICWSpllpera, light drf wood, or . 'l'con\.Next,lIghttlie kindling.

Whan It II burning btlakl,. .. add a thin layer of fresh coal. tittle at a time. The kindling will not only Ignite tbla coal bllt allo the layer ot coal underneath. By adding more COllI gradually you

can build up a ROod deep flrebeil in • abort time. If smoke tl'~m

the kindling seeps Into the cellar 'from crackl around the doors. hrnlte a loosely wadded piece of paper, 11ft the cheCK dllmper cover, and Insert the paper Into the amokellipe. Thla will help to heat the cold ehlm1ley

. and aid in carrYing the 1IIlI0\e away from the 'kin­dling.

Do not /rwgd to pl4ce tfle dIlIHtJf!r8 i'l lI, sir co .... ect 1Jo .• i­liot! fV" ~t! ths fire is bllilt to iln "rop~ " deprl,. (2~


WINDOW SHADES pureblled here .n

me •• ured and InltaUe4 PRBB

Prle" RMlODIbl, I .


her cona,e wa. of "Ioletl. Pollowlnl a reception at New·

IIn'l, the couple left on their wed· dina trip. On their return they will realde at 1122 Linden· a"enue.

MAOAZINE:S Over 3,000 to Choose From


Our Smallest Investment Pays the Biggest Dividends!

• WALTER H. CUMMINGS tfublcrlptlon Alency N J

Box a~ Palmyra, . .


FRIDAY o el IATURDAY Qahr Cooper In tIM title rol. of

'''l'1li -WMt.m. r."

• The $1.50 we invelt each year to receive

The New Era through the mail givel UI more return on the amount Ipc!nt than any other item on our budget.

A few cents here and a few centl there re· lulting from Nvingl made on local purchaaea advertised in The New Era lOon mount up to a lizeable lum.

We read the adl every week and take advant­age of the good. and service. offered by our local merchants. Maybe 2c on a pound of butter, 3c: on a box of Kleenex, lOc on a quart of paint­whatever ill I18ved i. clear gain-made pouible by reading New Era adl.

And the new. alone is worth the $1.50 paid-10 our lavings yield a 100% return to the family treasury.

Telephone Riverton 712 now and jUlt Ny you want The New Era delivered to your home each week. IT PAYS FOR ITSELF MANY TIMES OVER.

__________________ ~ __ ----------~T~H~E~N~E~W~E~R~A~,-T~H~U~R~S~D~A~Y~,~N~O~V~E=M==B=E=R~14~.~I~~O ____ ~--------------~P~A~GETHREE Funeral sennctt were held on One of the memberl of the. erton, and Mrs. WiUiiin Cunnina- ZURBRUOO AUXILIARY

Saturday at 1 p.m. fro~ the Snover vanity footbell team at The Peddie ham, of Riverside, spent Monday In 1 TO M.EET DECEMBER Sth Funeral Home, the Rev_ Harold L. School ia John D. Clark, Jr., aon of Atlantic City. I

. John D. Ctark, of 1lO7 Thoma. ave. , _ The Palmyra Branch of the Zur. Rowe officiatina. nue. R. M. Woodward. president of brugg Memorial Hospital AUXiliary

Interment was made in Mt. Ver· _ the Burlinlton County Real E state will hold itB meelina on Thursday, . t non Cemetery. Philadelphia. The M L'II' Wh b f Board nd Oeo.. F Oi th b

, Fredenck M. RodaeR American d-ceascd 1' 1 aurvived b" Walter D. rll. I ,an artna y, 0 25 .. • a. r.e. n .er, pu - December 5, at the home of Mrs. eglon ost of Palrt\yrll and River- I Bates and fllmily, with "'hom ahe . ' .. ti f th N' I A . a erg Ing...". aln street. at , L . P ~ ., Cuthbert Road will entertain the I hClty director, are attending the Th Ib K ' ~.,. M .

ton met Tuesda.. nlaht at the """t ' d h . h Lucky SOCial Club thla eve rung. c~nven on 0 e attona 550(1- ! 2 30 P m h . " ..... rna e er orne. _ atlon of Real Estate Solrds held at " .. . "

ome With count,- commander, Ray· the Belle ue Str tf d H t I Ph'l Due to the holidays thIS WIll be a mond C. Danler, and his ataff HARRY T V· SCIVER The. P~lmyra Hilh School .Alum,!i d I b' ~ • b 0~3 140 e'd I; a- bi·monthly meeting, so keep the among the aueltl. . an I Aasoclatlon will hold a meeting thIS I e pIa, ovem er , an . date in mind.

Apprnximately 300 persons tum. Harry T. VanSciver, of 371 Thur~day eveni!,a at the residence , The branch will hold It. annual cd OUI to honor those who 10lt their Broad"'~, Salem, formerly of PIII-, o~ Mtldred Crllll, 2,11 Elm a~en.ue. PALMYRA wr IAN S movie benefit durin a th~ week of !iIlCS in the World War at Ihe myra. died on Wednesday, Novem. RIverton, at 7.30. The IISS0c'Btlon CL UB December 2. Proceeds w,lI be used al nn~hce service htld in the hiah ber Ii. dance held last Saturda~ W88 a to buy new equipment for the hOIla school audilorium laal Sunday "'Ith I Funeral SUlliCCI were held on ,uccelS, .and Rusaell RIvera, presl- A covered dish luncheon, with the pitlll. William McKinley, at the princi- Saturday It 2.30 p.m. from the dent, ~ealrea to tha~k everyone who literature department of the Women's pal speaker. Every paator and c1er-1 Snover Funeral Home, the Rev. patronized Ihe affllr. : Club of Palmyra in charle will be This country hasn't lone entirel,. gyman of this area had hia churcb Otorge Lockett offlciatina. -0- . held on Monday, Novembe; 18 at 1 to the bowwows. Take a drive r.presented at the IIftair. 'rhe pusfa 1 Interment "'as made in Morgan Mra. Leon Oray, H~rrlson ave· I p.m. I throuah the country any Monda,. Bugle and Drum Corpa, the vari' l Cemetery. nue, wal last week's w~ner of the I A talk on Lenox Chinll by MrB. Rlornina and you will see that there OU$ Boy Scout troopa and Oirl l The decealed i~ the huaband of Sacred Heart P.T.A. MIscellaneous , Frederick ~ullwinktl will follow. ~till is .ome long. underwear hlna-Scouts of Palmyra and Rlllertob the late Josephtne Harril Van· Club. Helen Guldin will render several tn, to the c1othe.lanes. were present. and the P. O. S. uf 10. 1 Sciver, and il aurvived by two .ons, -0- oolos.

An American fta, will be pre· I Theodore, of MI. Holly and How- The Sacred Heart P.T.A. will A musicale treat was enjoyed at I Forty Ihouund manufacturinc sented to Rlverton'a new Oirl Scout &rd, of Salem. hold Ita reaular monthly medina the November . ·meetina when memo firms process the food that is pro_ Troop at the Presbyterian church : Thunday, November 14, in the bers of the Sacred Heart P.T.A./ duced and sold to them by Ameri. on Tuesday, NOllember 18. at 7.30 I achool auditorium at 3 o'dock, ex- Olee Club lave selections. ca's six million farmen. o·c1ock. ecutive meetinl at 2.30.

Everyone il rtclueated to did in _

the leaion'a solicitation of toyl, I Mrs. Harry Groome, of 417 Lln.:~ ===:=III11ITlllllllhlllllellllllllpllllllll.lIg'III;;.lIIblllllalllllcllllklllllllllpl1IIll





tlllllll books, and gamea, for the poor of den avenue, wal the winner in the

various towns. Anyone havina ;lny ' November B drawing of Shulman's of theBe item~ thai will be areatly , Merchandlae Club. appreciated by aome boy or airl at, -0-

Christmas momlna, ia reQuelted to : The River Townl Ladiel Club caU Oeorae Durain, Riverlon 546·W I will hold ita weekly card party to- E (TOLMIAE) :I or RuneU J. Muaaer, 709-W. I day (Thursday) at 2 o'dock at the = •

. County Commander Danley, hal 'K.O.E. Hall. Rlverllde. The pub. 5 = requested that the varioua posta try Ilc i. cordially invited. . :: An extremely interesting, handsome and easily· grown i to obtain .1I8 IIIany book. or ath· _ 5 house plant, which. bears many new plants on its leaves = letic tclulpment lor the .soldiera at Mrl Anna T. Denneler, of Riv _ _ Fort Dlx. A campalan II bema con- BRIEF ITEMS' . 5_ which can be transplanted. -dueled to aid In their entertainment and recreation. from J i Also called "Mother of Millions" and "Youth on Age."

·ABOUT TOWN Ii The ideal gift for the ·shut·in. 35c each for 3·ineh pot

I OBITUARIES I i'::'='=t ~.;:~,;.:,.~:~ . _ ~. . :p=la=n=t5=.===================

PAULINE '8. DAVIS noon December 1, and Tueaday E PaUline B. Dallls, of 223 Horace night, December 3, In the Sacred Coli. oDS' Floor Semoce E

IIvenue. died on Wednesday, N0'1 Heart School auditorium. Admis- i Henry A.' Dreer, Inc. v~mber II. lion will be by lilver offedna. Old Floors Made New =

Buildi", Gard.", 8m"li{,,1 Slit" 1838


AV"D N'AT/Nfl WORRI'S the 'bIDe c:oaJ' way I, the fAn way to heat your home

J. S. COLUNS &: SON, Inc. Phones .. and 5 RIVERTON. No J.

Sandinl • Finilhlna = Scraped • Shellacked - Varnished IE

Waxed • Pricn Reasonable Burlap makes a fine windbreak or sunBcreen for your Rhodo.

dendrons and Everllreens. Write for pricel. Phone Bordentown 414 = ============ , ""I ...... IlIII1IHIlIIIIIIIIIIII .. IIIIlIIllII .... lIllIIIHIIIHIIIIIHllllIIllllHll




• !~


~ : ---_ ..... .-..... /

. . , ~ r'

• j

ROA ST the noLle hird in a ratl j!C that is worthy of Ihe CoWl"8 dignity. Bake )'Ollr pies ill an ow n that is corn'ctly in ~u)alcJ

and nUlomalicnlly l1I'al conlrolled. C('rtiflt·d Pt'rfoTmanCt·l!.I ~ ranf!t" have tWf'lIly·two rigiJ specifications which makto cooking and baking easy and succe sful rt'!'ults sure. Prices art' from 899.95 cm.1t if YOII trade in on old ra n j!e. Installation included. Term, - small lum down, small sum monthly.



.' • The Mi •• ea Price are convcrtine I The annual county . fair and din. I = MAIN STREET' MARKET IbeIT residence at 416 Lippincott ' ner o( the Y."'!.C.A. will be held II ' aftnue into two deluxe apartmenta.! at the Commuruty House. Thursday == .

_ . eveninl, from $.30 to 7.30 p.m. Mrs. E! A aurpri.e shower wa. tendered , John W. Thacher, of Moorestown. I W ALD & CARHART, Proprietors

lin. !J:lelUlor CobaUlh, of '510 Cin. i. aeneral chairmlUl in char Ie of 528 Mal'n Street Riverton DlmmlOO .treet, Rivcrtoa, on Mon- arraneement .. · and the .upper com.

::dl~:b!e~!: ~~a:~~le ~clI'!r~~ mittee ia headed by Mi .. Gertrude II!! NEXT TO CHEW'S BAKERY lin. Fred Ver.t. Mra. Edward N. Brick. of Croaawicks. Flal' o( E Phone 904 FREE DELIVERY Ooena, Mfli. Earl Lenker, Mila all nation. will decorate the dininl == 8IIth FllIlke, Mill Betty BrlUlch, room. and the International theme 1Ir.. Georae Snyder, Mra. Walter allO will be carried out in table lIbleld.. Mrs. . William Richard., lin. Robert Ricllard., MR. John CuhaTt. Mr.. Howard HamelmlUl, 1Ir.. Lee Mitten, Mr •• Lawrence B. -.rker, Mra. W. C. Williams. -Bolton Blwcll, lIOn o( Mr. and lin. FrlUlcl. B. Elwell, played on tIM winnine Exetcr football team in tile traditional lame with Andover Jut Saturday.

PORCH CLUB (Continued from Pile I)

Club at the concluaion of the bridle "aon.

An afternoon of unusual pleasure ... .fforded the club members on Tuesday, November 12, when Mrs. Qeorae E. Barnes reviewed several IIooka. The fact that Mr.. Barnea IflI1 come to ua alaln will live those who missed her an opportun. IV to anticipate a future delllht.

decoration. and waitrea.e.· coatumea. Glfta, pllUlta, boob. COlIIDetic .. cake. and candy will be on .ale.

On Saturday. the Burllnlton County Girl Reservea wlU be hoat. enes to the Philadelphia Area Girl Reaerve Conference, aI.o to be held at the Community Houae. Saturday 200 lirl. from cluba in the territory .tretchine from AnnapoUa, Md.. to Harrisburl. PL. and from Trenton tt' Lakewood, wID attend.

,~. tt~ ~:~::I~:Y'DI ,<:. " :::~1~:::l:1

., ... - Tlntl". "It BI •• chlnl .. G Q" Sc.lp TrCOlmlnt =_

J Pulal.and = . ~ DuArt Motllodo' ,. ==;;_: ~ .... PERMANENT 11';.\ f'I~; WAVING


ATIENTION! ATTENTION! . We wish to thank both our new cUltomer!! and ~Id fot: their grand ratiro!lage ~d

our store during the chain Btore strike. We have acquared a new S)'ll~em 0 burng a we are meeting the rrices of both the Chain Stores and the Super Mar~et8. n some calel our prices wil be lower. We hope you will continue to patronize us and lind out these facts for younelf.


"BILL" and "BUTTS"

A Continuation of ·Our PRICE Slashing! . lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmllllllllllllllllllllllg

I Sugar 10 Ibs 45c I E 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ::

; Campbell's Soups 3 for 25c ! E Except Chicken and Mushroom § if 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ii


~ SPRY 3·1b can . 46c ~ E 1-1b can 18c E = = = IIIIlI 1111111 1II1II1I1II1II1I1I1II1I1I1II1II1I 1111111111 -:: MAkwELL or BOSC'UL E

I COFFEE Ib 24c I "1111111111111111 1111111111 I 1111111111111111 1111111 I 11111 II lin

3 No. 2 cans. 22c Y.W.C.A. BEAUTY STUDIO ==

Two outstandin, eventa on tho .1Ig Clnnamlnlon A... PALMYRA ===- Ml·Xed Vegetables hllnlton County Y.W.C.A. cal. 6. ____ ... Ph_o .. "._~B_O ____ ...

--==============================~ §

111l1e for Pumpkin Pies 1= LAWNDALE STRING BEANS LAWNDALE CRUSHED CORN LAWNDALE TOMATOES (All full size No.2 cans) Kelloil'~ JUMBO SHRIMP ._._ 3 can. 45c:

14 to 16 Plump Tender Shrimp

3 for 22c Merion BARTLETT PEARS _._ _ No. 2Ya can 21c

,. {\('I\ Io'ltos'(''' lIl1I ~ I. 1111111 1,1<1 11 I "' , 1_14' time. Th (t IllImpldn nwnl

II 1I1 !lIle InlO Jtuhl f' 11 hrowli I)I(\~ 'flU' IHlIlq.klll tlllf\IIM lU'~ 11 -1 ('11 rflr

eo hll'ful 411' ('01;1111111" flllil l uh lp ('('11

t l' ·I",·,·s like Iho 011 0 III Ih ~ IlIu _ l ... 100.

NOT .. ; : 011 0 Clip IWllt'y Ulalcf.~. u vOl'y l'leh loIt'

A~ple P I.

• In n la rl. Jilil y lllJldfl8

3., l'U I) I:UI;:- 'l r

1 11t"'1l

1 I,ll. ('Inllamon 1 I~'I, " ' IIIOU

Juka hutll'r ,\rl~r YOII havp )lIndp YOllr 1,1 "

CJI" lI!-1t un ll put 11 In lh l' 11 1p I n, I pl. r th~ latt"r III Ih .. "lIn,"ulic

Par!' th l' II ;,)111'11 nlltl ",11.,1" v/'ry I hIli, 1' 111 ililU 1, 1f' PUll JlIII't.! wll h

we: ro:"!':llo r for filII I" Illllr'K 1(1 ,, :11'11 \ .• '.lIx ti ll' !o11~', II' ,lIul 1'1 111111

.hlli. "111" r"UNt- will ho I,("HI'I' nud 111011 anrl t'lU Inld. , c,)\'pr Ih~ "11(11f'1I" " "\' 1\IH'I'1 11 '1 'd, I DOl wllh hlillPr ("0\('" Wllh to)) · I .,'f( a'u r~dl"'a 101' r.1\·" .. Ue "I'Ukl whll'h II". It,·,·" ~"I lIak,' 81 !tk .f: I ,1;,0 eh'1:n"'M tor n(II"'1I mllllltPH. r (l

Flaky Paltry cln,'" If'lUrHI':tIIll'O to :lr;u tI ('I.:I"~' • rlll'R " nur ~., ,1111 . h<>l'I '·I1II1" for lhlrl)'-ll\'" to Inri)' mll1l1. u. " 1'1" ."It Culd ":tl .. r Mlncemelt

~'Ix BIUI 81ft """I' an,l •. ,It r llt 2 Ih •. ral~III' til 'I<" lhsl'. ot Ihe a"MII'lIll1g "',," 2 Ihl. Ipan

• hu lt". Add f'nolu;h waler tn nm ,\(' DPf>t J IIUlfn"k • .111f dou .. ". Roll 0111 In all ohl""~ I 110 "'IOI'I'"d '. 101" ground »Ip,'" 00 a Rllj:htly nonr"d honr~ OUN pd dot .. llh blt o ot ohorl'·1I1n~ . 4 Ih •. lart .. I,,!: oO(··thlrd of Ihe rpn",I"'n~ "1'1,1.,.

ler and rntd 1I1\8\n 10 mnk~ fOlfr • lb •. curm,,"

mnrf' 2 orall~PI 2 Il'mOlu.

J~ II,. Itl"on 1 'h. ~ .• nlt

.UlIll1lty. Folcl oV.'r end. 10 Ihp ""II I fI ('!Illfl ,..IH{.lf

",Pro. f>rr·, ... nrl. In~~lhpr .,," roll 81"" hp"r In .; little .... 1"1' &I

"I. 1101 altai" with .hnrl ""lnll. f"ltI po •• II,t .. unlll "nltn ",,"1"1'. en,,1 • d r ., II. " rl",sl Ihl. I'I'ON'" a a nd "hn~ In.n nne 1'1," ".' Add h""f alrd Ihna. (,hili Ihnrnu",hl,. aU{'1 "h"I'I,ed "nt· nn~ 01'1,10" I'. ,·d.

Hon." Pumpkin Pie ('orrd and rhol'pr<l. 0"<:((1' . rn .. rn·IIJ. • ." rnp •• If ,med 'it top. nI t ral.ln •.• plr .... nran" .. and Ip",,,n

pllI"!l~ln a (.~ • jul<·c. Itratrd rln·1 III .101" nrn,,~~a .. or 1 "up 1 ~UI' milk 81,d ot t Ipmnn t t"lloJ)lu"I (',.run 31111 r.- hun,', ~ "up rr"am o~lt. MIx Ihorf\lI~hl,.. " "rk Inl" ..

, • 1"1'. ctnna. /II' otone jar or Inlo. " .. rUIIPd 1ItI" •• mOD % nJ{l e~uIJ')- j~.rfl. S(,II Itld 11nre In a ron) J.Ja r f 4•

I.(-fl·o\"f>r (-.anrH'd tnlU JUlt P or iii Up. Irllll'er ra , ",I mllll """nN' ,m' l n,av h .. add .. ,1 fr '"''

)11& lII ~r{·dlcnl. In ortl"r al\·cn. ttme to Ill",.. I'~ .... npNIl ,I for I'ou r I1l1nl Inlo IJaSl. y·lln<,u pIe Inrt.l"d plea. ,..te ,atno luth) aud baJ,.. a, 4.5 .... " .. fo t Ihlrt, to rorl, mlnll'ea Th inking abo u t Chrl.lm .. ., unUl • • 1 \C·r knlta In "rll',1 'nil} Gif,.' lI~k. fruit <Ok .. n~" _Ier ", fi Iinc {'''!lIn nil ,Iran. They ... ,11 1:. welt.Nlvo,ed by "ry. wit" hODr,. d rlnled whlPI,,,d I holl"3Y tim ••

.... , "-:===-=-~==:-::==~

~ E! a §

~ == == ==

I == == I

White Meat TUNA FISH .. __ 3 7-oz. canl 61c

Kelloll'& SOUR KROUT, 3 No. 2Ya can. 210

-: PRO DU C E:-FRESH PULLED ~ERSEY BEETS ...... 4 bunches lOc

RESH cut ~erse~ BROCCOLI .. .... .. bunch 9c

RES CLEAN • SPINACH ..................................... ..... Ib 5c

LARGE HEADS CAULIFLOWER ................ each 9c soLIn GREEN . Jerseh CABBAGE ......................... Ib 2c \' ett W or RED SWEET POTATOES ...... 3 Ib lOc WAITE or YELLOW TURNIPS ........................... : .......... 3 Ib 10c

Merion PEACHES ._____ No. 2Ya can ISc (Halves or Slices)

Kellon's PINEAPPLE Juice, J No.2 cana 211c




18 for 25c

GRAPEFRUIT .................. 6 for 25<: EXTRA LARGE

Sunkist LEMONS .................. doz. 29c GOLDEN RIPE

BANANAS .: ................ ............. .... doz. 2Sc WINESAP EATING or COOKING APPLES ...... ...................................... 3 Ib lOc

TOKA Y GRAPES ...... .. .. 3 Ib 20c





(reaular 3Sc)

Stewing Chickenslb 27 c 5 to II Ib aVI.

flELIN'S 2· 1b pan

Scrapple 25c Creamed COTTAGE CHEESE _. It! 15c

ARMOUR'S STAR SMOKED TONGUES .. _. __ ._._ It! 29c

PRINT LARD __ ... __ ... _.




... It! 8c

--.. can 21c

-- .. Yc.1t! 7c

c Ib





Members o( the Boy Scout Coun. cil Executive Board held their monthly meetin, at the home of Dr.


John H. YOlt, Riverton athlete, I, a member o( the Bucknell .oecer team which thll. far this season hal ann.xed victories over EUlibeth· town, Lafayette and Syracuse.

Grade a . Jacqueline Steve •• on

Economic Geoaraphy The economic leolraphy e1 ....

undar the direction of Mr. Millman, is ke~pinl a tabulation of current market price. on wheat, corn. and colree.

The croup I. plannlnl to take a trip to II .ular refinery in the near

Yost, who alternates at the half. back post and the line for the BllOn booters, Is the son o( Mr. and MR. Ch.rles H. Yost, 631 Thomaa ave· nue. future. The c:ommlttee In charle

'held at the State Teachers Collele a\ Gla.sboro.

The 10yernlni council. 01 many New Jersey hilh schools were there. the purpo.e of the convention· belnl to lIee how other hilh schools deal with problem. In their .chool 'Y'. tems, and to learn by their experl.

ences. One of the new ideas broulht

back to PHS was the forminl o( • County Council. One representBti,,­from each hilh school would be Ilre.ent and in thAt way much could b~ done to better all hiah .chool, in New Jersey.

FRESH GROWN A aophomore, yo.t I. enrolled In is: Roy Gotta, Sallie Coddlnaton, the Commerce and Fin.nce course BUlene Dlemond. John Haynes and at Bucknell. He I. a member o( Grace McDonoulh. the Phi Kappa Pal fraternity. Student Council N otel . I


ROOM and ALL OCCASIONS . S. Emlen Stoke. on Tuesday even· ing. J. Aubrey Sutton. president 01 the 'Count:U presided and outlined the prolram on Scoutlnl that wu drawn liP at the Bxel:utive Board Conleronce that waa held lut nlonth at Griacom Hall in the Pocono Mountaina. J. B. Ryan, Palmyra, Chairman of a Committee

-============:::; On Friday. November 1. the Stu. .. I dent Council went to a convention: '

======================= ' Attractive Floral Pieces for Funerals


to survey the National Council Bul. The Honor Roll (or the filth lotin, reported on a plan (or a Coun· Irade. Cinnaminson Avenue Build. eil Invcntory and Roll Call for all . inl. lor the Firat Report Period II Troops, Cub Pack. IUId Senior I as (ollow.: Scouti~a Units. Members o~ the Clair Burke ExecutIve . Board and the District Committees will arranle dates with these unitl and will vlalt them on the Invcntory and Roll Call Plan. It Is anticipated that this prolram will . be completed by December 15th. Other membera o( this Com. mittee are V. Larwood Caldwell, Delanco and Scout Executive Georae A. Darlinlton. · William C. Cole., Jr .• Moor.eatown, outlined a plan for re.orlanization of District Com. mittees. Thia plan would make the work that Is beinl done by these committees more elrectlve to the Scout program. Other members of Ihls committee were B. Newbold Cooper, J. Aubrey Sutton and Gearl" A, Darllnlton.

Eight Russinn. were sentenced to death the other day (or stea!ln, meat, thus furnlshinl another ex· ample of how the Moacowltea tak'e care 01 the poor. Evidently the ul\. {orunates were under the Impres. lion that it was red meat.

Ethel's Beauty Salon 511 Howard Street


PhoDli Riverton 1090


Beaaty Culture in All It. Branchl!

tradal. IUId Bod, Mu ••••

Rylex Stationery $1.00

The New Era Office

Frances Le Cates Ann Palmer William Price

The Honor Roll (or Iradea, 5, 6, 7. lind 8. Delaware Avenue Bulldin, (or the first report period I. a. lol.! lows:

Grade 6

Dolly Marllhall Richard Eberly Jamea Mitchell Joaeph Nalle Helen de Gothaelr Barbara Lippincott

Grade 7 Carol Ward Alfred Nalle Dorothy Blackeby Marlaret Dilks

Evans' Service Station SUNOCO

GASOLINE and OIL Tlrea • Batterlee • Auto Accellortn Broad and Main Sta. ·Rlverton. N. J.




514 CinD~ A.m_



Full value for every fuel doilar with

KOPPERS COKE Wlarn you pay mOIl." (01' KopJM'I'II CoIl_you pay rOl' 'IHI! Thle lICientlfHl ( .... 1 .. almoet oil mrbon, and .. hat m ... na _tmod nil hHI.",odlll'inl(. You don't pay ror a lot or .moke and IIOOt that I!I~ II,. the ~hlmnf'Y. J n I he a"M'IIgf' hom ... tltr.." .. only one .mall panrul oC ... hN 10

COBrrv out ('.arh \O· .... ld You not only IS'" mon,..,. bill ~Oll a'",; Nu,e lOu"",lr a Jot or. b.,.k.brc-.Ii'nj( work. On!" Kopf't'n Coke loclay and apend lhe winlC'r In ('OlDfort t


~Og ,J. T. EVANS CO.




For Every Purpose The New Era, Inc.'


For Complete E.timate

Layout Phone Rlve'rtoD

on.~STO"·~ G .\nnt:'s~ 1\1'. CuI Flow ... • Plan' •• Floral Decoralion.


Tclf'l-.tll,nr- "1(J(1lil"~TOWN t O~O



chock full of

TlIGH-TEST FUELS § re~ Jy for =


1100 = = H. B. WILLIAMS ;


·11111111111'" I ~ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! 11111111 1I111111l11111111111111111111ii


ONLY~ KJ'ND OF DRIVE flll1n;natellJ the clutch I, " • • ONLYONB KIND OF D.R.TV:B eli","n-;;/;; gear-shiftinK I . . ONLYONE KIND OF DRIVE "as a completely aufomah'c IrtlnllJm'SB;On I. - _ . - - " . " ONLY~ KJ'ND OF DRIVE givesfoll tlccelerRlinK power without manltal shifting- -•• HYDRA-MArIC DRIVE !

hNilt lind hRelied h!l QBNAJRA~ MOTORS



AND IN A CLASS BY ITSELF ! JIM" tr~ .. "'"' •• ,,1/ •. "J.I ••• rr.J ., t,.., ... . ",~, . s..,/c .... .

"JACK" DAWLEY, Inc., 10 Broad Street, Riverton TELaPHONa-Jl'-t_II1J-II~ _ •


THE NEW ERA PuW~ I~ '11toredu at lOt Ill. 'tHet

RIVUTON. N. J. "terM .t tlte Rlwrt.D. N. J. PaM 0tIi~ .. S~ Clue Ill .....

".tapbOD" Itl""_ 712

WALTER L BOWEN. IWltor rr. W . MltT7.0ER. A"OI:iate Editor KARL W. LATCH. Ad ... Mcr./

• S_n41 Sl~et. RIverton alz Morpn 'Aft., Palmyra ..... ne ... Phone 8IiI - --

C o M


that bappeMd. .Ithouah It did OCtur Mdt III 1936. -

LEGAL AnVBRT1SEMENTS 1\' ,." th. 1 the rl.lIl,'n~ 1 rlCO-' II,m I~ The New It .. i •• l .. ,.1 N .. w.paper. Comml"loner· .. Sherll'", and ,n ~r ,lIh! the lI",.,k • • ' 1 t-.lttlr ..

• lIIer Sal ... A,lmlnlllr.I I>r'. and 1i:,. .. ,' III(1r·, Ad".,rt ... m.,ntt are aohcited, 'n.. New Iir. WIll .,'pr'~I'I' bein, rrmrmbered In Ihl • .:onn«tlon

I, \,. ~.~: (' ~ ~ .... ::!(' .. r :h:s ,: .. " . ~i~ ~ :\, ~ .. ,~~ ~ ~ .. ~tl t" : .. " Lllk .lSo 1hC'u::,! &~"'Up '

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Rrdl.ll d M Hollingshead. III, Ion ,>: ~I r, anJ Mrs. R. M. Holline8. 1I ,'." j ) 1., 105 Midway. Riverton. has I",·tltl\' heen promoted to the rank ." C,ldet Sergeant in The Manlius S,h,.,,1 8 ,11I.1 lto O, a unit of the Re. ;,,'1 \. O IT,,'Ns' Training Corps. Serlleant Holl ingshead is assigned h' Comp"ny A.

This promotion was authorized b) ll ri C. Gen, Asa L: Sinileton, newly .1 ppointed Superintendent of I hi s nat ionally known military school Grn. Sin,leton was retired this past l ummer as commanding officer of Fort Benning. Ga. -P.T.A. BOARD Th~ Riv~rton P.T.A. Board held

:1 meeting last week at the home of Mrs. john P. Abell, president of the local association.


J. RusaeU Mu •• er of Frederick M. Rodgers American LeCion POlt 156 will present a new American FI.C 10 Ih~ Ri"enon Girl Scout Troop on Monday evening. November 18, a: ; .30 o·c1ock. in the SW1day School room of the Presbyterian Church. Both organizalions stand hiCh in the country for Democracy and pa. triotlsm, and the Troop will iRAt. Iy appreciate the Flae which will further stimulate their patriotic en. thusiasm, New memben of the Troop will be invesled.

P3ren ll and rela ti,·« are cordial. Iy tn\;tro to attend, Refreshments WIll be ser ... ed.

The con. re te u.ed recently In a <urerh;,h".l\ built In one sinele Am enc3n <:lte " 'ould have bullt ::'J< rr"""J, equal in size to the i l::;CU. C heo!"s pyramid in ECYllt.


I t's }uarl-u'tlrmi", Itt inCl" that fric:nds and ~~lali ... tS •• • ~!lllr th" linl" ones • • • lU'e

iust u I1ftr U \" ~ :d~hC!l~. \ \nC'!"eTr !" Ibn 1.._ • '. . may L>C •••

bOWCTff ic &W"1Y·· • :"u ,"'a;l 11~!'l :ok:': up thr ·phonr.

and ic K'nr..:.s ~ olk1Q~ l:l': I&uf:iung act'O$I thr mil".

ft ... ;.c : .. 4 ..... - ... .... , ....... 'fl.'" ... 1 ..... . J",-. ., ...... J ... ,~ .. ,

·~.:= .... ,-.. ·" .... ·n.1

+ I



P t· ~ SALES on lac ~ SERVICB

BELLEVUE GARAGE Broad and' Kern St.. E. Riverton Telephone Rlv. 1595 • Nl,ht lQ.~



I Repairs and Installalton •

. The Friendly Bank Power and Li&ht

{~ . Member FDIC 306 Melrose Avenue Palmyra • Main at Harrison Sueet Phone Riverton 1125 ~ ~. RIVERTON

MEMORIALS Custom·bullt Cemetery Memorial. In

Granite, Marble and Bronze'

Will Hope & Son Washington and Federal Streets

Burlington, N. J. Phone Burlington 13


Phone Riverton 2


Realtors • In.uro" Notary Public

WItHaml·Wrt.hl Slda, RtvOf1_ •. J.

BARBERS "JACK" DAWLEY, Inc. ___________ _ EXPRESS Marble & Granite

W. H. SLOCUM .& SON Walter D. Lamon

Oldsmobile SAL~S and SBRVICE

Safety Te.ted Uaed Ca"

10 Broad Street, Riverton


Riverton 1212

Koppenhaver Motor Co •. DODOB and PLYMOUTH

BALES and BERVICB eoo Broad St. RiYel'toa

P~cme Rivertoa S80

FRANK I. LLOYD Service Manac.


llooratown Motor Co., Inc. 219 WMt Maln St.. Mooreato_

Phone MooreetOWD 77 or 415



Flratoae Tlre_Battmn

Burke's Service Station Broad and Linden

Phone 15112 Rlveftoa


Special Attention to AU Work




Emerson Wolfschmidt Edward Moorhouse

521 Howarel St. Rlvertoa Qu1<.k Service • SanltU,t Shop


John E. McVaugh Contractor and Builder

RIVERTON. N. J. Telephone Riverton 915-J

Curtis E. Stavely CONTRACTOR and BUILDER

Special Attention to Jobblnc 16 W. CHARLES ST., PALMYRA

Phone 744


Shinn's Express Riverside, N. J.

DAILY TO PHILADELPHIA Offlce-I06 N. 5th Street Pho~e-River.ide 346

Philadelphia-Lombard \lOSS

5 ,. & 10, STORES

Mra. Jamn E. WoUc', PALMYRA





W. F. Becker oaoc.alEI • FaUlT •• VEonABUI

DeUc •• __ Co ..... •• ATI and paOVIIIONI

S17 HOWARD ST., RIVERTON Phone 724-Free Dell v.."



607 Main St. RIVERTON I Phone 86

Worn 67 Eut Main Street Moores'town. N. J.

Phone 159 Get Our Price


EDWARD HUGHES , Covered by Inlurance

Painting EDWARD HUGHES. Mil'.

114 Garfield Ave. Palm),!,a Phone ' Riverton 341


Alao SPRAY PAINTINO 506 Broad Street Riverton

L. L. Keating Patent Medicines • Gift. • Cand,

Greeting Card •• Ice Cream Cigar. and Stationery

Broad and Main Streets, Riverton Phone 1540



516 Cinnaminson Ave. Phone Riverton

Palm,... 25



Real Estate and Insurance 5 East Broad St., Palmyra

Phone Riverton 500

INSURANCE will .al"uar" ypur ",,,,It.,. a" .­

••• omoblle .•• SA'E DRIVEa'1 uwaaD

Ada E. Price Noaa.,. PubUc .... _

Otft.t.1 la .... aace 416 Lippincott Ave.

Phone Rivenoa lOt


Phone Riverton 787 or 845 529 Cinnaminson Avenue


REAL ESTATE Notary Public

-------IWM. B. [

'Insurance JOS. F. YEARLY BISHOP ;....;:-:.~ Riverton Phone I19-M

PLUMBINO . HEATINO . ROOFING 501 Linden Ave. Riverton. N. J. LESTER S. FORTNUM J. S. Collins & Son, Inc. Telephone Riverton 847 I

C:~:;:~~~O::~~~ce 6blu .. ~oal· HARRY c. SCHWEIlING GEORGE BONSAL


For Bett~r Shoe Repairing Try

119-125 W. Broad ' St., PALMYRA .UlLDINO .ARaIAU-RARDWA" ~.j&nabouse Phone 1110 LU .... --••• O-C:O.. y~u~_ ............. --- PLUMBING • HEATINO


N. Beitz SHOE SERVICE ...............


ftIrWa RoecI T_ LUricatiaD Lee Ttree - EIdde Batteriea

Broed and Morpa PabDJra Telephone RlftI1GO 1571

!!l!!!!!~~)!!!!!!!i!!!!!! WOOLSTON'S

ESSO STATION • aaso GAIOI.DI& .... OILI • BJtAKE ... LIGHT 8ERVlC8 • LUBarunON. WAlRDfG • 10NmON", UTraItY IERVica




Phone R1Yertoa SCI2


LEHIGH COAL Pboae Rmrtc. ..


co.u. Ilo ..... ~coa

na. Oflo ................... .......... ...... , .. PALII1'JtA


SALES and SERVICE Refn,erato,. and Appliaacet .

305 E .. t Broad St. Patmyn. N. J, Photle 21


HAULING CIOInin. • Wblt ..... hIq

Lawn Work C. D.TURNER

207 Union Landi,...., Eat RivertOll, N. J.



ICII w. TWrd It.., PaIupra TeIephoM IthowtmI lIS-J

E. Broad Street. Palmyra. N. J. Phone 130· W \lO1 Lincoln Ave. Palmyr .. N. J. Telepholfe Riverton S2 1 _____________ _

G F "d J ! N. DREIER eorge nay, r. 19 W . Broad SI. PALMYRA Plumbini. Heatinc and Roofine All Kind. of ~nhopedic Shoe .WorIr ELECTROL OIL BURNER' Dr. Scholl s Foot Rem. d,es

PETRO-NO· KOL OIL BURNERS 4509 Thoma. Avenue I

Phone 937 Rivcrtoo STATIONERY


Delco Oil Burners I' $ 1. 0 0 . 202 Broad Street

Rlvcrton, N. J. Pboae • THE NEW ERA OFFICB


John H. Etria 17 West Broad Street




PALMYRA. N. J. Won CaDed Por .... ~


c.. c.IW ..... .,._ ..

LAUNDRIES BISHOPS'DAIRIES· ___ _ Radios, Refr'~eratorl

Wuben. Etc. Expert Repair Service Peel Poindexter QUALITY PRODUCTS

PIIoeI eM ........ .....1U ..... U67


{..:!!'~-==- Smith'. Store co •• a:cno_ Dr7 a.... _ ....... _ • 'r Irr .. a...,.. .. .. ...... .. ..... 1IcatII' ......... c-.. c_.-a •• wrwy ... IIADI 81 ... 1 " •• 1011 ............ . ........ ....... .... .

RIVERTON Eldluivt PIIILCO Oukr r., LA UN DRY "'-yra ..... liwtrtoe

II. 1I't1&1fI8LI.. ..... BARGAINS IN U.E D .£TI ... . , __ In CAU. a, .,.

--~~~~---f!-------------IIYmick HomtLaandriC. WARD LOWDEN

NORoa ~OERATO" 318 Paine Street ... tlw CoIn. NOROa Lin

FARN'WORTH. R.C.A. .. Ri--:,A- N J ZENITH RADI08 ~~ • • sa4 Cbs A~

.... llie.rMi ,.. ...... rr .. N. J. Td J'

TAILOR CI_ ... . Pr ...... . n,. ....

Free Delivery 8crYicc RIV ERTO N Pboae SN


RE MINGTON PORTABLE "--­.... ' ............. - -_ ..



QUAKERS BOW I PAL:~~O:G:~~~OOL the Renewal of the Churc:h In nas

teacher from the Gla .. boro State I continued to expand for tw~ ~en- I are preserved in the "Bllhop'a Book" Teache"' Colle,Co accompanied b'l turiea bu! with the Counter e or- . Ihe vallits of the olllce of lifteen student teachers, spent Wed- mation and the Thirty V cars' War kepI In cl1 ' Bethlehem, PL nesday, November 6th, observina , it was nearly extin!tuished-nearly the Chur VI •

the lJleth~s of. teachln. being us~ but ~ot quite. For sixty )lears its Throullhollt 118 10na hlltOf)' the


.... -----------~ I American fllctory worm I. tat!­

c o M M

mnt<e<i at 60 ~r ~ent hi,her todll7 than ill IlU4- -If )'Ou are fed up with nfc and


TO PALMYRA " ' Denote.F~SI~~~~nor Roll

Locals Take Second Straight Freshmen Win Here Saturday; , . Bebe Carhan

!n the Cannamlnso!, Schools. Vla- spirit burned deep in the hearts of resources of the Mo~avian ,churda_ Itors w~re entertal!,ed from Cam- its 'former membeu. hn\'e be:en expended an mlasiollU7 ...... den. Vineland, Brldeeton. Wood- I . pccial effort to


discoura,ed . about the future JOU

can alwll)/8 try to cro .. thlt .~ all"inat the red Iiaht. , Score 18-0 Joan uonaghy

Moorestown, always a dangerous Jean Grassie opponent. CeU before Palmyra's last- j jess!e Lippincott

. f UOrl6 Massey aOlng eleven, last Saturday Ii ter-/ _v ' . M' l s IrglnJ3 1 e

DOOn at the local stadium, when Helen RowillI the Red and White pushed over I ' Ehzabeth Stiles three touchdowns to win by the I Lillian Wells

ICore of IS·0. Sophomores The charges of Coach Isenberg • Vesta Evans

were never in the running. Dean Garwood

bury Hci!thts, Millville and Mer- Go to Saxony I work Without any 5 Tbi chantville. Under the leadership of a travel- e,tablish churches. . . I acc:ount&,

'The general philosophy of the inll carpenler. Christian David, a of coul.e. lor Ihe Iilnlted ~umbcrs school was presented to the ~oup croup escaped to Saxony where a enrolled under 115 denominational by M~ldred ~agow~n. superV1~or. spiritual young nobleman, Count banner. Converts were uraed to Followana a~ .. ntereatine ~lscusslOn, Zimendorl gave tltem refuge. On join nny e$tablished church nearb, the !tuests VISited the vanous clall- AueuRt 13, 1727. tlle revived church I and thus tn the Colonial D~ of ro~ms ~t Schoo~ No. 2 !o observe ' held its first Holy communion.. Ameraca olher Protestant c.hllrchea thIS philosophy In o'!eration, From the very lirst the Moravlans I wcre greatly strengthened .1D their

Lunch. was served an the cafeteria were intent on bringina the light of early struggles by Moravian ml .. after which a tour was made of our their religion to enlightened peoples sions.

new building at School No.4. The and from 1732 on they have pene- -====;;:;;:;;~=======~;r altern.oon was spent observina the tl'ated to every corner of the carlh. ;;

Palmyra started II drive late in ' Lorraine Hawke the first period which culminated in ' Marcella Klekot the lirsl touchdown of Ihe second !' Mary Laning quarter, Flournoy going over from I Robert Shaw the I·yard stripe. I Dorothy Wallace.

various classes at School No. 4. Thus today with a total of 60.?OO : There WIIS an Interchange of val- in Germany, Europe and Amenca

uoble Idens and a very pleasant 38 this church administers to 120.000 in well as a profitable day was enjoy- itb mission 'field. Second only te:> ed by both faculty and visltora. I . .. orkl 's 'IIS work in

Iits missionary w S;'A&

Intercepted Pass Juniors Game Contest the field of education. Some of t/le fOUNDATION GARMENTS

The second six-poinler came a Ruth Henry few minutes later when Keen, co-: ' Louise Miller captain of the iocals, intercepted an I Mae Parsons aerial on Ihe Quaker 25 and scam- ' Peggy Ryan

best schools in South and Cenlral In to ~tl.~utate .Interest In . America arc financed by Ihe Mora­

the phYSICAl actIVities of the school I I Church during the month of October, the v an . . alrla of seventh and eighth erodesl Complete History

Conetl, lirdl... brUlier" or one-piece .armeDtl • , • chlip­ed exclullvel, for poar SlUre It :tl

pered over the goal line. MargaTClla Smith The final tally came as a result , "EleanOr Voorhis Mrs. L. M. McCamy were divided Into two teoma, Blue, It I Itt' t know that

d G Id a n e.res IRg 0 •

an Eac: team chose a basketball: there is a complete record 01 the CorHllt ... IId ...... .. of a Mooreslown kkk Ihat was . Seniors blocked by Lane. Trolla recovered .

group, and a softball group to play ; c~nsecratlon of each of thc 234 7U Hlahlond ' ......'" against each other. Each' day's I Bishops of the church B.nd tha\~~: Ph .... al • ..- ,u.

on the invader'l 40. Euna Armstrong _.Flournoy and Conwell cooperated Sara Wilhams to annex Ihe score three plays later. --_____ _

acore was kept for each game and ;~u;to;g~r;ap;h;B;0;rth~e;I~72;B~18;h;0;P;S;S~;;;;;;~;~;;~~~~~ the team winning the moat points I was ted to frankfurters, rolls and marshmallows by the losing I

Palmyra Moorestown CINNAMINSON team. All hiked a mile and a half . from the school to a lovely woodsy I Keene - --- L E ---- Main.. h

Grimes -.-- L T .• - ... ----- etllt SCHO "dogs" and marshmallows roasted. P . OL spot where a fire was made and tel Emmons __ LG _____ Berry Trotta _ .. _ .. ___ C ___ _ .. Alber

Valerie ----. RG !-.-.- Clements .. REV HARKE TELLS t Lippincott - - RT -' - -- Head Band IR Action I Lane _____ RE - - - ~on'gaker Uuring the school year 1939-1940 0

Mitchell - - Q B --- Llebkn~chll <,:i.nnanllnson began ils Bchool band OF MORAVIANS: Flournoy .-- l..H -"----"- Tlver organizallon under the abl. teach-Con--:ell ---.• RH .. --- Horton ing and leadership of R. H. Gehr- I Durgan - -- FB ---- Rooney illger. We, naturally, began With "Sixty years before Martin Luther .

. ' . 1 a small nudeu. and had hopes for started the great Protestant Ref- . Score by periods . "I buildIRg a larger band, This y. ear . . h f \I f 1 h H I

Pillmyra _.- .. -.---.... 0 12 0 v- 8 Our hopes are slowly being reahzed. ormation teo ower 0 0 nUB, I Moorestown --'-- 0 0 0 0-- 0 11' ha band I'S bl' ager and better than martyred head of the University of

~. Prague, founded the 'Unitas Fra-SUbSlilutions- Moorestown: Pas- / ever. We have a totai now of three trum' or 'Unity of Brethren' in Bo-

calc, Brown, Carey, Hutcl]cson' l clarinets, five trumpets, two &axa- hernia. The church grew rapidly in Klane, Garro. Palmyra: Stowe, phones, two trombone~, one base Bohemia and Moravia but it was not ' D!elz, Milroy, Lamon,. Brewster, horn and drums. Two of these in- until its followers spread to Eng­Llberae, Wentzell, Perkans, Bacon'lstru"?ents are school propert~, .T.he land that the sect became known as McDermott, Conover. remam<ier are owned by the mdlvld- the Moravian •. " With this brief in- I

-----'"-' -- uaJs who arc band members. We troduction, Rev. Albert J. Harke, W lLSON HERE SATURDAY I have high hppes and pla~8 made to I pastor of the Moravian Church at I With ' impressive victories over' increase the number of anstruments Five Points, gave an interesling ac­

Merchanlville and Moorestown on : owned by the school to enable more count o( the history and traditions luccessive Saturdays, Palmyra I of Ihe worthy p~plls the opportun- of the Moravians at the Rotary High·s much improved cleven looks I ity to study musIc. The band. plans Club I;lst week, I forward to making it three straight I il:; debut at the annua~ Chns~~~ These early Moravians translated in the local .tadium on Saturday program of the school. ~ cor I~ the Bible into the language of the t

afternoon when Woodrow Wilson Iy invite any who may be Intereath

common people, Introduced congre­comes to' town to provide the op- to attend our program abt t e ' gational singing. printed the first

. . . I school on Thursday, Decem er 19, hymn book. The "Unitas Fratrum" The locals, after a rather bad '

It Costs No More The use of the perfectly equipped

Snover Funeral Home is extended to everyone without additional charge.

Every lacility 'B here for the. proper conduct of a funcral Bcrvke, and every possible help is !livcn those who rely upon us in Iheir hour of need.


The Snover Funeral Home


313 E. Broad St., Palmyra, N. J. Phone-Riverton 830

posItion. ' al 8.15 p.m. I ltart h.ave shown a decided come-I Glee Club ~=========;:::::::::===::=======:::!! bac\( slIlee the Burlington engage- I The membership of the Glee Club now SHOWIDr.! ment and followers of . t~e team are has increased to forty-five members U I hopeful that Ihe ~ema~ang engage- , this year. We anticipate a very suc-ment~ Will reault 111. WinS. cessful year due to the fact that we . F~lIowing W}lson.. the Red and have many former membe~s stili

White playa RIverSide on Thank.- with us and the growing Interest aiving Day and winds up the sea- and enthusiasm among our pupill to .an with Gloucester on Nov~mber become membeu. We are IIrateful 30. Both of these gamH Will be to the Parent-Teacher Allociation played away. . who made choir robel for UI. They

Fanl regret that the Turkey Day are very attrac:tive, beine made of engagement cannot be switched to I maroon poplin, trimmed with white Palmyra. since the stadium there collars and designed In the regula­providea ample lcatin, apace which tlon manner. The Glee Club made is not avaHable in Riverside'l pocket- it. lirlt appearance wearin, the lize athletic field. gowns It the last Plrent-Teacher

I Al5ociation meeting. Ther AJJe CARD PARTY two Indian ballad., "Canoe Song"

The Ladies Auxiliary of Dela- ; and UWaterl of the Minnetonka."

H. EIRIS ware Fire Co. No. 2, Eall RivertoD, I Entertain Viatorl J 0 H N will hold a card aod game party Fri- Mi.. Anna K. Garrc:tlOn. crltk day c:veninC, November 15th,' in the 17 W.. .,. ..,.. &cbouIc. Rdreahments. Adml.. ....".. ., J,

aioa ~ centL F. H. A MORTGAGES Pta. '" SEE


516 Cinnamin_ Ave., PIIm7n. N.J. Phone RiYCrtOD %5

New Shoes From Old

"AMICO" Eleetrical VuIcani%ed



N=~ .n SlOE IIfIlIIMIS ................


• Wet __ pIdre4 ~":.=

cIrMra 117 2 d'dId ..... aa. "_tid __ ..... • cfdodl ...,..., _ fp • ........... 1tIVDTOw. "'JDIi& Ill111raYI ~.I._"



Our Membership In The American

Bankers Association o ua membenbip In thia orpnjzation, which .a IJ"Mt DatioaallllOciation of l,f,Ooo bub, mean. that wa are keepina: abreut 01 the lat. developrDellb, improvemenu, met .... metb­oda in banJdna. Ae • dmber, .u the fac:i1itiea bf the A.oc:iation on • wide variety oIlUbjecta .... available to us. ThiI. of c:our., belS- UI to np.nd and Improve our aenlcw to our a.. tomera .

It mean. that we are CXlOperatiq with the other t.nb 01 the country to promote the leneral welfare of bank., for protection apinat crime, . and to obtain practical benefits rrom the dis­cuaaion and consideration of aubjecu of im­poIUnce to the banlci", and commucial in­t"esta of the country.

c;.. .... Baak aad Trut Co. RIVERTON. N. J.

..... r-.. .... a- cc._ .....

e< o c:: ~


The United StitH producea more cltctric power thlln the total of the Dell six or eilht countriel of the world combIned. -The automobile Indultry usea mOre than two· thirds of aU the leather upholltery procCllCd in the United State .. -For every doUar paid to Itock-holde.. last year, raUroada of thla country paid nearly three dollan In taxes. -The buyln, power of the averale

-There is one thm. to be aald for the .:ampaian this JUI'- Nefti' wu tbere a bl,aer and better varlet, 01 Cllmpaip button ..

NOTIC. No.I._ II h ... bl'. II ... " .h.. tho '"'~

on Broad Itreet. RlYtJtcm. ud Craa'" Inl o. tho Po_ C ... k, torm.,tp owned b, III. allad.r4 OU Com,..... 01 N_ ~ ... ,. .... bHn purehoood b, Jooepb J.

;'1.':' d.mpta of nob"loh, 1ft.... . ...... etc. or Olh_,.,,'.. tre.p.,ul.... II (ofblddea.

, JOSIPH J. WEBER, 4. 11·14'0 11·5-40 0 ..... '.

THE NEW ERA Publi.he. More Local New. of Palmyra, Riverton and

Cinnamlnaon than ANY OTHER PAPER

Circulated In Thla Vicinity.


All Locai SPOrtl and Other Actlvitlel .

More Onllnal Plcturel Than MOlt Weeld, Papan

Valulble 8tore Newl Prelented in In

IntereltlD" Readable 1I1IIIIl~

By reading The New Era recularly you can keep Informed

about your community afIal ... and the merchant

new. at a weekly eo.t

of Ie .. than

fr •• h Crop florida

.Grapefruit 'u, • ",t""""l . Sw •• t Ponto •• 3 .. lC)c

Nt" ( 'ru,1 1'1"rlll"

Juicy Oranl". 15e l ' I , lIudl'II,"'" ""","t I \ul

Crisp C.lery ... Ik 5c .... d 10c

,,,. rlU "''''1'' " 'h't.--Caullf!ower - -

New Supply Fre.h end Sr.:~k.d Meat.1

dilK LOIN5':=;' .ISe .. d P .... Lola. (~ .. ) 1'11e I P.rk Ch.p~.r I •• It. 't I ~2k

liiNC .. tHICKEN5 .I~C ...... 'en s..ICICJe- · II> 21c -I Meaty kr.pple 10.

r-tEA :i:--:2"9~ , "u.&cIt C...... \\ hll ... \nwrl... .. ~ It! IJ,

1i:.DrIe4 .... T ...... ~.~ 1 Splced .... c .... M ... -..... 15- 1 a... ..... ... =r.t.: · 15.1 r;:ter. .. • Maek.r.'

W,..,..OruJily Count. and Your /',4fmey Coe. Farlhe.t un ....... , ......... ",.... ..... u •• NI, .... -;;;;r ."....,._-_-_-_.A-.-.~I.-_-..:v

IIWM"cn' ....... '.'..:w, ..,., .... e I, .1IIf ' W'"II '

• Each Store C.mpl ... I, R.·Shc ..... wltl. F .... h Pl'Oduc., M .... , Buttar, Eg •• , Mil",

. B,. .... "d Othar Marcha"dl... \..-





GUARANTEE OF SATISFACTORY QUALITY. Buy the American way EVERY day and Save on ALL your food needs!

lISaJ Lemon Cllna Calif.

PEACHES 2s~.~~25c

RICHLAND BUTtER II) 33c ~-~~-==-'

lISCO Evap. MILK 4 .~::. 25c MI ... " 1 .. 1 ... ·1. 'or .&Juabl .. PremlwllII. 3 ':':::~ 10.

K t "" flit 7 '.rmd ••• IISaJ Sauer rau ;.... 0 Tomatoes 2 H • • • 160 V.""M' P N ... 2 "o. • 150 .... ''';~~'''IM!al! .......... Pabst.ett Spread 2 u···250

Rloh, Florida Lima Beanl 2 '!:.. •• 150 Che~se 1'1,,",'. 2 .... 17 c

Orange Juice ' G;;;~·~"Pe~i'" 2 H!:~"230 Tuna FIS~""" 2 ~. 27e

2 4e·",27C 4U1na

'Ia. Broken Seotlon.

Grapefruit NC:'I1 ~ 7c

I Hr,ml.... M I 2 tile 5 String Beana 2 :.:~ .. 150 Corn ea 0 Beana 211>0 130 Ge/atineOessertt 3ph··l0c

If. Y. fIH.ffll " .. nllao. ,,".1ft C' hlH"C) ... I • .,. \'alltll. - ---NOW, you oal1 get Fresh

Baked Bread at 25% laving.. .

B R EA,.=I:.......;.;,;,;.HIII_.".I_" •. _RiI_ft _~~I.:."r~~~~"":':"l~:-c '1',\ I., or Milk

VU'I'OIt Sc In,I('I':n lar .... I"n'

If:kf; 5c "/ •. , .5 IISCIJ PANCAKE FLOUR nn.':::h ...

TOM "'TOES I'1"n,h .. ,' " 1, .... 1", Fancy Whit. SOUP BEANS Blue Re •• RICE ";.=~~t;. C.lif. S.edte .. ·RAISINI GI.nwood APPLE BUTTER fr •• h PRUNES .~',~' SwEET ~IDER"' I'I" In" .. .. 'j,,: "119c

I" III" ' "lIult ,."11,.,,,. J tt •.

.. ,,1'1 C

'" .5c­Ib .5c

II I" .5 Il k . C

t .·", 10 J!,r C

II" I' 10C ... 29 t J". ,

I ~GRAPEJUI_C_E _____ ~_"I~O_c='_"~_~:_'1_9_.

Viralnla Le. Spiced .Wafers ~ ·:Y .. 2:Jc '~r lSc liSCO Pure FrUit Pre.erv.. ...

"'rll'\ ." "1 rJ, ''''''''I'PI'''". " ... ("k' .. ',,) , t 'h." t) , U."' I.Oc 'rr, 1W4t Youn"LM.·rr) .

--Q-r-ep-.fruat Best Pure Lard fb 70 JUICE 3 u -." 16c .

Grap.frult"'juIC. g.III ,MIl FLO U H 121~~ 3Sc 4 'u" :J 25c 'fl .. II ..... " •• n·pUr'M .... " Alltn) I 'uur. ......

'n-.-!,!! u~."(-. "!!:!..~

SPAM '!.':: 23C


D.llcious Fruit

COCKTAIL .c:.:~ 17C


IIi I'u", '"",·Iahl .. C, ..... •• te 111I0I'l.·,,11,. .~t115c : 3t~!,:,39c

II ' " fl l' ......

Mayonnai.e I l t lfll -d .- U ••

pi 17e Salad Dreiling J:: 15c ... ''''.·'''.,...t.

Table Syrup 401110 I' , .. ge l Cranberry Sauce 2 ';~:,.23r. ... APPLE SAUCE '~I::-r~ 2 ~ .. ·Ilc

PICIN r .. _ kl.. J ,. flf '5(: lISCO PUM ... "",, •• ,,!roo. .. • •

.W"I. .. " · Ch ••• NONPARIELI .. 151' ~- --


I Chun:h. Notices II Sunday. 9.30 a.m. - Children'a ' SACRED HBART CHURCH I Chun:b.. Illoo ChUN:h SdlOOl_ . ReY. John F. Wda'" .... t«

IU10 a.m.-The Seni'-"'. SennOft Sllnd., M.Na.. '. 9,. and lIUO subjed: "Re"li~illa Etu11al Sfiur- o'doc"

eNlHSTIAN SCIENCE CttURc:H Fint Chllrch of Chri.t, Sclentilt

Thom.. Aft, .t Seftrltlt at. Ri~rion. N. J.

S\l\'lday Scbool. 9.30 SIll\day Senl,,", It ' .m. Wednesday. 8.00 p.m. Reildlnl Room in Chlll'l:h BuDd­

IDa, Thoma. A~nue .nd Snentb Itrftt. Ri\ltrton. open Tuesday and Frida,. Uo to ".30.


Burlinaton Pike Sunday Moml ...

10 o'c1o.:k-Firetday SchooL 11 o'c1ock-Meetlna for Wonhlp.

it)'." . Dall, M .... ,. . 6.4~ p.m.-Intermediate and S.. Confeteions s.turday .t 4 to $.4$

nlor Luther Leaauts.. and 7.30 to 9.

3.00 p.m.-Vespera. Sermon .u .... Al · Probl joe.:t: "1he Widow of Naill." This j umm em will be the laot 1ft the aeries "Oreat T Be Settled Ptrsonnhllts ot the Bible.'" I 0

. Betha"y beli;:::tw. worship n.r. The much"-d-e-ba-~--qllt.liOn re-I ' .. ~e . far ,Is .:hlldren WIth the Chil- aardin .. the statu. of the two elli,t. d, ell S Chur~h at 9.30 evt!ry Sunda, . • In& alumni orcaniaations of Pal. Tilt servke will .:onsist of music, a I myna Hl,h School will be settled 01' ' sel mOil and offering. The strmon I Wednesday, Novltmber 20. when I topk-"Livina Clockwise." The ser~ Iradu .... 01 that institulion will ,"(t will cOlldutlle in tln:'1! for the I YO", on their choice for either the church o"hool session whIch follows Alumni AtI$Ociation or the Oradu. at 10.00 a.m. All children up to and ate Oroup. illdudJnl 12 ytan of ale lire wei. The decision to .ettle the quea. cCllIe. iton in tI1is manner w .. arri~ at

METHODIST CHURCH Cominl Events b)' the Palmyra Board of Education Fifth Street and Moraan Avenue as stated in the 10Uowina announce-

PIN J . N""elllber 21-10.00 a.m. The ' menl: a myra. . • . community Thanksaivina service will " .

Rev. D. Roe Haney, MInister b h Id' B Ih Ch r h Th Tht Board of Educ.tion of the T ·1 I t: e til e any u c . " I Borou .. h of Palmyra dete.rmihed .t . he Sunday prollr".m WI I bellin Htv. D. Roe Haney will speak. their re&lllar monthly meetin held

WIth 'Church School m all depart· Novtmbtr 22-3.00 p.m. The Ju. I on 0 tobe 31 th t th ' ld menst at 9.45. The school is pre. nior choir will present two one-act r 0 'i. ~ . ' . a ey wou pared to take cart of all peoplt of plays entitled "Hello Orandma" and eecnt lanroepo 1 one of tbe tt~O pr""h-.11 aies I "Th M·· t 'N C" S'I u snow represen ilia: t e

• 00 tillS er s ew ar. I ver rad t f P I HI h S h I Church worship will bee in at 11.45 ' offetini. Plall now to attend. .. nd lIB ~o a "'rr~ a th c. ~o ..

a .m. and 7 .• 5 p.m. Rev, Haney will a paIS a reso ution IU onlln .. preach in the mornini on "The Re. the callina of a meetinlf of the Ir.d· enforcinll of Ones Character." and Wesleyan Men's uates of IBId Hllh. School. for the In Ihe even in I on "A Thint for purpose of de.termlftlnl theIr choice Rllhteousness." of repre.entalton by ballot.

The evenini service will be pre· Bible Class "The Board, In purauance of sald ceded by a short son a service. The resoillti~n, wUl hold a meetlnl in choir .under the direction of Mrs. the audItorium of the Hilh ' School Rachel Lord will render ,pedal For the Men of the CommWlltJr on WedneBday, November ZO, 1940, numbers for each service. The Ju. at 8 p.m., and .n persona who have nior choir will sinll for Ihe morn· "Put Yourself In Hia Place," ao laraduilted from Palmyra Hilh Ina worship. Wrote Charles Reade, the distlnl' School and have received their d\.

Prayer meeting will be conduct- uiBhed author, as the title of one of ploma. are requested to attend thla cd for all who want to know Clod his books. meetln.. and cast tbelr vote for more ~erfeclly Wednesday evenln, How else can one uhderstand all. thelr choice of representative-.r 8 0 clock. other except by seeklnl to under. either the Alumni Associalion or the

Btand one In the circumstances of I Graduate Group. Whichever of CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH hiB life in his handicap and IUr- these two arouPI receivel a major­Rev. Oeorle Lockett, B.D., P.ator roundinls. Ity vote wID bereafter be reco,·

. In the final judlment, there will ' I'Illed by the Board of Education 18 Services Sunday. November 17th. be Ireal surprises when to thoBe of the repre,entatille of . the Iraduates Bible School. 10,00 a.m.-Henr, whom we knew but little. specIal of Palmyra HI,h Scbool."

Waller. the newly elected Superln. credit is accorded by the Christ for (Sllned) JOSEPH S. LOW, 'endenl of the School allumed. his victory over self and surroundinls. GEORGE M. RIVEL, charge laat Sunday with a very fine Hence through the value of Chris. GEO. M. DURGIN. attendance. Mr. Thomas Van Osten. tiait brotherhood and it. sympathetic Committee. whom Mr. Walter succeeds. w~sl fellOWShip one lets to know and made Honorary Superintendent tn value another. eap~esslon of Ihc esleem In which I SI. Paul said "Non~ of' us liveth hr .s held amI for sevenleen yean I to himself" Romani 14:7. We owe of faithful "erylce. Mr. Walter will t an Ih und r t ndln th bp alslsted by Mr. Karl Frank who I a~d h~lp~~lnell.c B a If sympa y

was reelecte'" ot the annual meeting For this helpful brotherhood our held last week. Mr. Edmund T. B'bl CI k I Jones who 8utceeded Mr. Lockett • e nS8 see S 10 pract ce un-

h ' I d , derslandlng fellowshIp, "Put your· aM c onst .. of the schoo. AS"ume I If I HI I .. C d b his responsibilities In a very credit. se n space. ome An e

American tourists IlIsl year sp~nt a billion and a quarter dollar. 10r equipment, IlftB, and souvenirs.

U \ , .. '\·.\IL\l .. S UltllW tllite (\)1'

othpr 'h l ll~". R,' '''\'l dl-h,·s to be hilke,l at tho .'"l1c.I"IUI"·t":\l\lrl' And for ttw !'&nme t"ng:h of tilllC'. Put thr ill In Ihl' ,W(,II nr ~'ot1r onln· tomnltc f,!'ns l'UUj!Q; !I~t the tllnl'

nntl tf'lUIWrnl1l1"e ('nnl!'ul. Fonn'\t nhulIl till' III ~nl 11111 II III .. 1),,11 011 th~

tllUe clo,'k r,' IIIllllh ),Oll thai It '. tlllle to tok" dIIlIlCI' 0111 of Ihr 0\"1'11.

"011 cun w".h Ihe r lolhes III )'<llIr

I!I"~I ric w"ohllll! mlll'h Illp or )·011 call sit III t1le ""llIg 1'110111 with 0 good bonk Alld read whlle .tlllller cooks. E"ery homcnmker .hould pIAn one o\'ell IIIelll a Wl!pk. It·s her _peclnl trent.

Try this OI·en dinner this week : nok'cd Coltllge Hnm

Scnllol.ed Strillll npnn& In Onion Suu{'e Bnhed .Poloto

SlIh' d Bllnann Dreod \\'11 h \\,hlpl.ed Crenlll

Baked Cottage Ham two lb. cOlln~e hnlll or sllloked "ork trlltlerltll"

~ rill' hro wn sllgn r 1 tAl" dry or III'el.ored IIIl1 AIII ... I

t,It tsP. "nllrlkl\ ~ CUI' "IIIPgllr t,It rill' "olllllg wnter PIII.·c II", hnlll III n ,',n 'N'pd rn.·

"crolc. S"r~nd '""'" Ihp h"III .II~III': hlUBtnrd ulIlI putu'llen whlt-h hll\' (' beCII'mlx,',1 IlIgl'tltPr. J>II"r Iho 1'1".

"Rllr 811~ holllng "' :I "'" nl'ollll.1 I' Bud C'D\ll'r. Unit(> Ilt alin fll1 ,lCt'(.Jt'8 rUl' one hoUl' nnd h 'lI IIIIIIII'('S,

Bc.lloped 8trlng Bun. 4 "IIPS cuok~tl fl l""g berlll8


l:.. l -I) 111 ~ u on iun ~ t hSII. nOllr 1 "1111 milk or l~ eup e"Rllo-

rilt!'(1 milk nlld ~II CliP water ' i! 1 ~ 1" pult ~t\ uqt. 11l"111u!r

Melt Ih~ hllil~r In a 6'"I'·I'I"tn. Atilt rh,' ontllu!oI flht. eouk genU)' un .. Iii tlI P ~' li re INlth'I'. Then add the ""l1r lind otlr IIl1tll I lcndcd, NI'~t odd Ih., mlll( n'HI sensonlng. onel Cool: 1I111i1 811100lh nll,l creamy. Ar-1'"nIlR tht> sl.hl" benns In n en.. sr"nle nnd 110111' the onloll snneo o,'pr nil. Dukc ot 350 d"gl·ce. ClIr ohe hOllr nlld 11'11 mInutes. Sen os sIx.

Baked Potatou '

\Vnsh six or plght 1Ilt>,llnm slzp.I polllloeR. IlI 'Y thorollAhly o·lId rub wllh 011 or 'hllrtelllllR. Pln,'o In 0\"4.' 11 nlHI hudP Itt abo dpl!TeCe liU·

olle buur llnrt t£"u mlnl1tl'8.

e. nane Bread

rill' @1IJ,;nr 1 ~ "up hUller 2 ,'g~. 4 tOI', 80nl' milk

or ""lIl1l'mlll< t;, 181'.

2 l'IIIHI hrrnd nonr

1 '"I'. 80da 3 hnnlHJU8.

mnRhed snit

('I'~am 811/:"1' nn,l shortell lng, A,ilt hpIII"" rlC~" nn,l hf'nt IIntil flllffy. 11I." "I.·~ M,ulll III "0111' milk nll,1 l~ nmhllll' f.ttlJ.wr Hl1xtut,(! nlh'l'''flh.'ly with "1f1~,1 IInllr. Ad" .a" ou,1 hn. '"","Q. lWllt \l'l·lI. nul(a In 10llr tin at :1:;0 d,'~I'I'~' (or onl' hnllr nnd If'lI 111 ill 11 I l'R. ('(h 'Ullttllt mny be

"1,,·IIIlde" nil (all Jllot bl'ful'e Illllllng IIIIn O\(' It.

I'll, '" .11111 o"""il ltot, I"lllled Wltlt

NOVEMBER 29th & 30th . J IbRI" "Ull~1 \\'1111'1 1('11 "I 'eIlIU,

able manner and gave evidence of one of this great men'. group next ' hi. ability aR 0 Rong leader. The Sunday at 9,50. I ___________ _ new offi~n wen alven n vo~ ~ , -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-conli,lener Bn,l sup""rl hy lhe I CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH I Srhool which. with Ihi" unity of "Mortals und IllllnoHals" is the O,'11y 0 FI t T· f E ] 9 purpose the school will rI~e to eyen les.un-Hcrmoll subject lor Sunday, De a Ire or v('ry :J,OOO Miles gr~Aler helghlS. I huve.lIucr II. in all '-hnst.all Sdence

M !)r"inl( service. 11.45 n.m.-A I Churdles anll Soc.etles thl'oughout pre· Thank_g iving RubJel·t h~. h •• n "": world. annollncrrl hy the I'aolor who will ' I he .. willen Text is: "He Ihat talk on "Th .. nay of Than~Rgivlng''' 1 I"veth hiS hie shall IU8e it; anu he Attuned 10 thl. Ih~me. w,1l be the · that hutett, hia hie in this world ftelecti"n hv t he choir: "ThAnk Ood ahall keep it unto lile eterna!." 101 Blessing," hy Stephens, The (Juhn 12:25). soloi81 for the .mol ninR selvice Willi Amung the lusolI.aermon elta. b~ H~I.n nn""n. "oprano. . tiun. is the followlftlf from the

HI . B. Y .• ~,45 p.m,-Por all Vounl Bible: "I the Lord .. arch the heart, fWople of school age. ! 1 try the reinl. evell to give every

Evenlnll service. ? .45 p.m.-Still man accordinll 10 hi. way. and ac. continuing the mornIng the~e. "For- cordin, to the fruit of hi.' doing .... ael NOI . All His Benefit" will be (Jeremiah 17 :10). the .ubJect of the evenlnl serVIce., The le.lon-Iermon al.o indudn The "Inlercessory Hymn" hy Oer. the followlnl pall'le from the man· will be oITered by the choir. Chrillian Sci'lllce tutbook "Selene,

To all thue services, Ihe public and Health with Key to ihe Scrip. II invlled-Clpeclally those . who I turea" by Mary Buer Eddy I "Mar. hive no olher church affiliations. I tale obtain the humotly of health,

The . Union ThRnkaglvlna Servlee only .. they forlake dl.cord, .c. will be held on ThursdlY. N°vem'l knowled,e the .upremacy of dIvine ber 21s1. In the Belhany l.utherRn Mind, .nd ab.ndon their malerlal Church al which time. Rev. Dlvld f belief." (p. 400). R. Hiney, P88lor of Ihe Epworth _______ _

Methodl,' Church will preach Ihe ATJiLEETIC HONORS FOR _mono The lervlce will atart prom"t!y at 10.00 a.m. Everyone MISS DOROTHY WOLCOTT

I-Tlr .. for Public •• rll'C. bu ... In m.nuf.ct r • at all tim .. fcr any tlr •• mlrll_no". I-T.'~In';·t:tor~room. 2--Rud"

4-eh.cklnll 'ront wh •• , .lIl1nm.n't. .! pr".ure. and

,hould .ttend Ihl. lervlce. On Sunday even In,. November

24th. the choir of "Cenlr.1 Bapti.t" will render Maunder'. "Son, of Thlnlrlll:lvlnl" under the direction of Mr. Claude y , B.,to, Keep thele d.t" In mind. be pr"cnt .nd brlna ,our I fiend •.


... Itt ... ud lIor ... A_ Palm,.,.

R.9. Huolel LM Raw .. Pator TIM twenl,·lIath IWI", after

Trlalt,. PrIcIa" lAS p.m.-Chlldren of the

Charth. c:::."', ,.10 ulI.-c.lechet!cal

MI •• Dorothy Wolcott, of River. ton, wa. namad a member of lis. honor.ry all·.late hockey team, 101. lowln, .n all"late meet held 1 .. 1 week at Duke, In which elaht other Norlh C.rolln. coll:::et partlcl. paled. Mr •. Ellzabelh Yeend Myer., noled hoc:key from New York Unlver.lty, coached Ihe pl.yer. duro in, lhe afternoon'. ,.me ••

The d.u,hler of Mr. .nd M,.. Everett O. Wolcott, of 415 Linden avenue, thl. Riv.rlon ,Irl I •• It. u.te of the Palmyra hl,h IChool, where .he WII 1ft oulltandlna .th. let •• nd an honor lIadent. At DaIre .h. I. a member of the N •• eIlan club, or,.nI,.tlon of .apert .wIm­m.r ... net of Delta PhI Rho Alp .... honor." .t .... t1c eoraril7.

HAVill yo~ IIY .. r planned an .Ulb .round the world at Ibe Equator. r rid. for ,our famn, onl, to Th .. tire. on Public Benlt ... bU"8I n addition 10 lir~ mRnutaf'turere'

baYlI Ibll fun .polll'd by a lIat tlreT "rll Ip8l~d trom "eyer. I of Ibe oul. rAp'.u'nlatlvp8 a' I's.'h IIANlII", Pllb· H I dl lie SurY"'" haR a tlrp 1'1l·IIIPpr who aYlnll oyer.lept and mIlled your • an nlll manutarturetl. T h "A, ~ train 0' bu •• baYII 'OU eYe' drlYI'o manulaclurpr. maintaIn IblOlr owo IU"'rvI8". thrlr wnrk lind l'OIUItIl"S ,our c.r to work ooly to .rrlye .erylell or«anluUon In ... eh of Ihu tell. h. rollllllllr4111111 with .hp late beeau •• oC a puuetureT Cer. Publle SIInlce Ifaralle •. It I. Ihll lnanlllal'lurero (0' 'h~ dpYt'lotIl/H·nt

d t f of typl" .nd "OIlRtrut'llon o( ,Irt'l., ,ou h ... ; probably mo,e u y 0 tbe •• milo to m.lre a coo· La thaD oou. Itant In'Pl'Ctlon or the tlr .. l. rle lI"rk. ", rl'll'rve tlr .. , aT"

Til II .tored al PBfh 1{011l1ll<. Th"Rh tIT". Tb... famlll.r dl •• ppaIDlmflnt. • ,e. arll le.ted ne,y fort,. k n ellCht hour. f I II tJ .ra apt Inllau'd Gild moulIl .. d '01\ -occurrenu. Ibat ba.II d.rkened or D. on; Iread • h

lb. II., tor mOh, motorl.t~-m. ""llbt. are mellu, .. d 9"to". 10 ,.are 'II' 1t'1, '0 Ihat w"an rhan,,,,, - .~ oftllo 10 tb I I are n""I'I.ary. thl! proper .,·1",·111111

pba.l .. tllII rem.rkable record ~om. lar Ire.1I b~1 :~ y "'11' with Ilml· ('an be madll In II mlnlllmm of 11m •. plied 1 •• 1 ,ear b, tbe bUill Illet or the .Inll. b!b a d:~~I:I~~::'d Db A lotal of 36,0(1f1 IIrp unit. or Pabllc ""Ie. ba .... The •• bu .. , wbeel., Front wbeel .IIIDIIIe;~~ twpl" .. dl.prPQI ." •.•• ran!!I,," 'r"", ~,",.,..d DID •• ,·two millIon Beeamu· ye". .lIenu., fo, 1001 lit I 7.60 by /I IUl'lIu 011 Iman "all-II. 1.led 11111118 wltll oDI, on. tI,I' 'D. _ I. checked eYe', 1.1410 e I~ IIrH Iue bult!. 10 Ih. 10 '0 b, 20 In,'h :~~'UPIIoD .nr, '''.000 11111101- Tb, tlr .. are allO W.tcb:' ~~;,... al.. OD lbe Ihlrt,·.I. " .. .,.n""

- .... Y .... l of ~t u ... I, for .Ina of .tDa. or alU, eUII. t,PI. If' ul8d 0 I Publle lie. "II'. bu ... darlna .D ... r'le ,ear,


" Jacob Weiner, '36, was re-deckd )niIrlfnt of the Palmyra Hiah SdIooI Gradua~ Group fOt' hi. I foIlrth term last wed: at a spedal' ':Ieallhi hdd in tbe a.:hool I,mna­alum .

,William L. Wallace. 'M, waa reo dr.:tN treasurer while Mary Youn\(. '36. former secretary, waa _and vke president.

Ne\v office" are Albert Mount, 6m "ice president: Syl";a Reynold .. '40, recordinl secretary .. Ruth Ham­mell. '34. and Floren~ Stephen .. 'M, correlpondinl secmar, and Carl McDermott, "40, aerceant-at. arms.

Newly elected membe" to the ea. ecutive committee are M.rion AI· 1m. '38: Marvin Snow, '39: Fred· erick Wi lain .. '35 and Georae Km. nedy. '37.


The temporary prorram for thla year includel montbly meetinp In the school bulldlnp; an alumni n~W5paper, the firat issue to appear at Christmal; monthly dances In tbe .dlool iymna8ium and a combined "Homecominl Day" and Christmaa dance to be held at the hi,h school.

Weiner wI's selected aa edItor of the paper with Oray Swart., '37, to bffVe .0 busine.. manaaer. Other members of Ihe statf are Emma · Cole, Frank Stewart. Kay Shields and William Mack.

The aims of the aroup are to build up an outstandlnl alumni or­ganization at the Ichool; to help estahlish Palmyra Hl,h ail one of tho fine~t schdols in this area lind to (o.ter better relationships between the school and the alumni.

Awards Each year the ,roup awardl sev­

eral prizes at the anhual bllh school commencement eaerciles for out· standlni scholarship and service to the Bchool. This year the oraanl. .ation is altemptin.. to establlsb a pertnanent collele loan scholarship open to any ,raduate.

Due to their belna two alumni or­ganizations al the hllh Ichool, the Board of Education i, callinlf a spe· cial meetlnlf In the hlah school buildin, at which all IraduBlel of Palmyra Hllfh, will be permitted to vote. at an election to decide which ,roup Ihall represent the hllh school. Therefore the Oradu. ate Group'. eaecutive board hopes that .u Iraduale. In the vicinity of Palm yr., Riverton, East Riverton and Ctllhamlnson will turn out for thl, meetlna. Wedneaday. Novem. , bel' 20 and .upport the Graduale Oroup.



Rate lOe Pet lAne C.-A_'W_)

........ CItortt ...... AI

Phone 713

UNTI P1ll1llallatl ......... 411 lIor .......... ....., .... ......

8i.artaD M'.W. • ......




A popular buy al our Ice Cream Department



.. .


O~'TEN you Ilh\l1. an afternoon I eholllllllg tOllr that doesn'l leavo

much lillie lor ~ooklllg dlnll!!r. Then . YOIl ore IhAnkrul for your gus mnge ; that makes quirk meals 60 enay to I prel'are. Hrrc Is 1\ dlnntlr menn that can bo malIc In 1\ hurrr. Ptll tile frlllt snlnd tn Ihe Rnlo IRtle refrlg· crlltor In Ihe llIornlng.

Shrlmll Cocktail Droll~d ChIcken llroiled Tomnto

DruMels Sllrollts hI Lemon Blltter I Corn Mool Mumn.

Frolen ~'I'Ult Salad Coffee

Bhrlmp Coc"tall . 2 CUI'. shrImp

2 Ib"ll. chili ftllUC~

I~ t bSI', Worc!!s' hsrRhlre Snure

~~ CIII' ketchu" Few drOll. 01

Tn "osco slluce 2 t "Kp. lemon

Julre ('!e' IU\ ehrlltltl, l'emO\' r hlock Yeln".

O1'I ' nll~r' In ~hpJ'h('rt giU!lR"'" Com· hlll~ I'NIl"II,IIlg Illg"v,II\,llt~. pour 0\'1'" ~hl' lrnlL I "hl~ >lIl1"\' tuay he kept III BUtO'

mnUc rl!rrlg~rlltl1r for nny seafood "0",,'"11 . . ,

Broiled CI\lcken

UR.. hl'ollpr. w,'lllhln" Iwo to tltrl't) IlOnn"" ClII·h. """e Ihem el.lI\. SIII'lnltle wllh suit ulld 11"llpcr and brn.h wllh mcHnd hulter or cook· Ing ull. Place on hl'II tler 1'011 .• klll .hlo duwlI (Iud "roll for 15 mlllllles; IlIrll til<! ,'hlt' kens Iliid conllllue lo broil for 10 10 15 111111111\'8 10llger.

A fll'I' "'Iklwn has been turned, 'Ir' rBllge lumnl"es that hllve Ilacn cut In hAIr on broiler pan .roulld chlt'ken. Sprinkle wllh .alt and I.op"er; hl'ush wllb butter aud broil Ulltil brow II,

IIruliela Sprou.a In Lemon lIutter I CUI'. brll."ela t,It cup water

oproul. t t.p •• all

',-, Cook bruBsels slorouts Ih sailed

waler until tender. about 20 nlln· ute •. S~r\'e with Lemon n"lt~r.

Lemon Butter 2 tbsp. lemon e Ibsp, "utter

Julco 1 tep. II'rnled 1 sprig chopped lemon rind

pllr~ley Pnl,rlka Melt butter. add II'IIHID Juice. flar·

aley. pnpr·lkR. POllr o,'I'r sprouts.

C:rn M .;j: .

3 thsll. butter ,~ elll' slIgur 2 ('ggo

,. cup milk 1\4 CUI" nour

~. rup corumenl 3 t81' hnklng


'" t81" snit

Cream billter Olltl sugar. Deat eggs. add milk .. Ad,1 nltel'tllltely. 0

little nt .. time. to lhe tlrat mlxturo. the sifted dl'Y Iugrcdil'nts oud the ,Cgg ntHI milk Jllbtllre. Dnke R"out 26 mlnlltu In n hot 0"1'11 . 400 de· grel's,

Froren Fruit Salad 1 CUl' shl'p"dad 1 CIII' mByoll'

l.hlPulllll e nolKo »lh81', I'UW· 1 CUI' CI·eRm.

dN'''d sugllr whlt'l.ed 'A Ih. rrpnm dot, mAra·

"heese edlino R 1Illll'shmnlluw. (·hp, ... lps Drain plllPuPllle well, Bdd sugar,

chorrlpl nnd l1Io.-.hlllnllo\,·s, Burten the CreOIll ohoo.e nnd 11\,:\ ·"".11)' work In lhe mayonnaise tn 111:1 !to 0

smooth mlxlllre. then fold h' the whllllled crenm and comhl,ll' wllh Ihe trull . Pour Into rl'll' I ':<' l"Olor tr., and freeze from three 10 foul bours. Place cherrIes on top AO IhRI when cuI Into servings. one will bl! In the center of each porilot\, !'Iern on IcUuce. It dI'8Irp(I.· sen·" with mayonnaIse. thinned wllh whIpped creBm, relervlnl the cherrle. tor larol.b.



by C.rt Q. .n.vely

H •• d 'ootball Co.oh


1'j,U .. tIoa ~., ., • _1ft 01 .IJt o .. 'dudllfl( dla,r.", p'ay. by (,mU,., r .. I/. ',~ tD4l'lN, I, ... Gr.,.,t.Ad /I,.. ••• If .... (;/ti .. s.."·.r~ I'ooll,nll (,uld •.

FAKE reyerN .nd end .round. Tbl. I. one or the IIIOlt elrectin p"" tbat Cornell 'haa nlHl In re­

uent , .. ar •. Thll ball I, Inapped to tbfl rull·

back ~o. 3 who takPi on. Itpp to­wartl the wln!!back NO.1. Tbll wIng· back IIrt'l!'n.l. to tbl> ball from the tullbark .a It for a wlfl.. r .. venll. However. Iba fullba('k k .... I,. It .nd ."In. on around and makP. a prp ... na .. of bit lin!! Ihl' lin. In · .Idll tbe lukl. on tl-fo .horl .Id .. AI b. apln •. bow ...... the ,." .nd lallP. tbe b.1I from hIm and r,rrl ... It either off lackl. or out!!d. of

pnd on tllf~ "trmlK Rllh- 'fhl' IlliI) ,. Ilpllltnp" to go off lArk I ... 1I0 ..... "'r. ... .. IIntl trolll "XI'''''''''''P thAI thp d .. r.·n ....... ",1 Is Mtnl'lim .... 11"«",1 In~atd slant{ lin· IInp of (l.rrltnnlill'j­an,I thp blnt'ktn,.. bark No 2 rlln blo('k him In ... ar.1 II,orp ,·".IIy I It,ll hI' "an bllW'k him oul .... nl. or rOil,"". In Ihl. ('A'" bp Itll\d:~ hIm In

TIJfI nflu"r blnl'ktnr nfiflit.!nfTlf'ntli IIr ... ho ... n by Ih .. ,1I"lI:r8.n. TI", r., .. t .. r. No., In, ItrtPt' '11I1'.'11~ U,,· hall. r.o'·~ thrn"~h Ihp lin.' 81111 Ilown III" II .. Id ror th" "all'ly mAn or .n, olb"r OpllOl,"nt who ma, bll In poeltlon to tad Ie lb. tunn .....

Tod.,., attOnlina to a no~ mili. tary expert, there are ~ases in -bkb American tompalUell ha''e mVHted a~ milch :a& II million dollars in new pt'Oduction racililies to aid in ddenllAe 'Irork wilhout ha";n .. ~~ allin­lie sianed order from the Army.

wq. It at- a".nc;t and eata1aja. Ul& ~d\ll& on e~ wbjttct fill .hlda a )'OIlnC renow is intuatetL It ia partu:u1art7 helpful iD tpona. I made _ .chool ballrttbell teaa bttallR 01 pl.,tq tip. I rU.t Ie THE AMERICAN BOY."

, M~ famous atltl~ in all aporta Now the, are maltina _mal's ' emit mu~ of their. auccea to ~

drases Ollt of milk. Somebod, hit . auaceatlona ~~ frona 8pOl1a wants to Imow if they e~r cuntlc. arttcle:. "rried an ' Tit&: AMERI. No. but daddy will certamly tum CAN BOY MQUine. VirtllBlq lIOut wben he cell tbe hill. every "ue oIrera ad.nce frona ....

IIIOUS coacli or playu. Football.



baabtball. trIlck, tenfti.. in tact every major aPOri ia conre.d in lie­tion .nd fact .rticles.

Teaclien, librariana, paren" an4 _den of bo".' c1ubt ."0 recom-mead THE AMERICAN BOY _

HUIldrtd. 01 thOllalUlda of bo,..... dlllalaetica1l7. They haft folllld that JOWla DaeD read THE AIIIBRICAN II a cenenl rule "P1ar ned .. of BOY M .... iDe e"'7 mODth .... THE AMERICAN BOY HftDce CODIlckr it Daore .1 • IiwiDa __ more rapldl, Iftd dewdop IIIOre I*DiOD than •• a ma, ~wbH, cliaraderietica than do

"It" II much • IMadeir to _ .. ~ bora wbo do lIot read It. neiahborhood clillDl, .. Writa OM 1niDed Writera and artIa ... famo .. bleh IChool aenlor. -rNa AIIBRlo coacheta and· .tltIete&, eaploren. CAN BOY __ to lIDdentaDd • meDUI" and men .ucceaful in baal. bo,.. problema and coallden ..... Dell and InduItrp join with ID ea­Ia acli • aympathetlt an4 beIphl perimced ... If to produce in TH.


PALMYRA Bowling .AIIeys

Broad and Morlan, Palmyra



A 1111' ........ MatID" U.lly .t ~.OO p.m. Evenlnaa 7.00--9.00 o'dock

THURSDAY.- Novembe':-14 LEW AYRES and


Dr. Kildare Goes Home -Added-

"MARCH OF TIME" "Britaln'a Royal Air Poree"

AI.o--A Donald Duck Carloon Free Oifla to Ihe Ladl ..

PRIDAY .nd SATURDAY November 15 • 16


The Westerner (If. Grand Enterlalnmenl)

-Added­SCOOP-"London Can It" Start. Saturday Matinee Only THE DEAD END KIDS In

"JUNIOR O·MEN" SliNiiAY. November 11 --­

Conllnuou. from 3:30 P. M. BOB BURNS and UNA MERKLE In

Comi!lB 'Round the Mountain


MONDA ~ November 18 OEORuE MURPHY and

BRENDA JOYCE in EI .. Maawell·.

Public Deb No. 1 Free Oifl. 10 the Ladin

TUESDAYand WEDNESDAY November 19 • 20




will be di.tnbuted Irom our .lIle to peraon. boldin, ay coupon number. on ~"~nina. November

AIiOleAN BOY. the .ori of read. In.. matter bora lUre bett,

THE AMERICAN BOY "U. Oil moet ne_tlftdl .t 25c a cop,. Sub­acription pric"" are 12.00 for ODe ,ear or 13.50 for tltree ye.n. For­eian .nd C.nadl.n r.tea SOc • rear

. eatr.. To aubacfibe limpl, aend ,our name, addresl and remittance direet to THE AMERICAN BOY, '430 Second Blvd., Detroit, Mield-.. an.

Friday and Saturday, Nov. 8-9

,-- EXTRA FEATURE ;] Saturday Matinet Only


Sunday Only, Noy. 17 2-B10 HITS-2


-Al.o-Hit No.2

Zane Orey's "LIOHT OF WESTERN STARS" Monday Only, Nov. 18

1- On Our Slale al 9 p.m. ] ,--_"P,-,.~T.A~TYLE SHOW"

On Screen


I plul FOOTBALL HIGHLIOHTS L.. _. thrillin, .porh rr~1


_ __ and Jmglu from Motbu GooR. Now eWft a \\ild _t senal on ---.- --I Th .. I'rCIlIar 1n''1lth\)' mftt"'C of the radio is alm.,.t too blase. the Ch'1': Cillb <>t IWst }t,,_ttSn. ---- KET

E~ERY ONE' ttmtrtoll an.! ~"lnlYTa WIll ~ · btid Some folks ttil UI the)" are unable 10 .. y what the)' think MA R PHILA. A


that's what prosptctive buyers say when they look over the Used Car stock at Dawley's-

We take a special pride in making our Used Cars "look like new" as well as giving top performance on the ~.d.

Come in and look over this fine lilt of


USED CARS every one i. a

"beauty" •

1940 Oldsmobile "70" 2-DOOR SEDAN. Like new. Traded for 1941 Hldra-Matlc Drive. Priced to Sell Quickly.

• 1939 Plymouth

2-DOOk SEDAN. Low mileale, fine apr,earance, cood tire. and m .. chan cally iood.

• 1939 Oldsmobile

BUSINESS COUPE. Perfect con­dition In every relpect. Priced

. low for thl. type of car.

• 1939 Chevrolet

"-DOOR SEDAN. New car .p­pearance. JUlt traded In. Will make someone a Cood car.

• 1938 CJtevrolet

TOWN SEDAN. Thll I, .n ex­ceptional buy a. it I. well equipped .nd in .plendld condition.

• 1935 Chevrolet

.... DOOR SEDAN. Cle.n II can be. Inllde and out, with .oocI motor and tJr ...

I, •

2 1935 Dodge Sedans Both carl have had I completa motor ovethaul Job, brak.., and new linl'h. They .re ready to ,0. All of the • bov.e cafl carry our

"uII .uarantee to be worth every doll.r we uk for them.



10 Broad StrHt Rivertoa Tllepllou

......... IJII or Mercbaa ..... _

01\ Frida:t e~'UI'nc. Nu\"Ullbel' Is.. at I . .... ..... d bt ~ Grteb will th .. Clyt~ C",,""r U\ &a.t R,~ of Mussolml s mwasaon of GrtCCe .... t no OIl 1 "World PN~e and Fdlo-rup- will ha,,'e a wonl for it. ~ dis':\lM~ by R .. ~·. Spin,. 01 lilt. ~~~============:::::=:::==:=== HOUSE !:' Chll..:h and V,.:tor wash~- Sen~ Wa l'l'les TI,;s Win . . fer

Plana for th.. winter a.:ti.-..bea IJ J t WIll ~ pnsent~ bl the Strtrinc Commlttft which m"",\a on W~· BROAD and GARPIBLn Ava. nesda)' .. ~ninll· FRU D£LIVIlRY

Oelinlte plans for a rummaae ' PALMYRA. N. J. ~ lIOO Nle ", .. n made by the ladies 01 th", I Clllb to . be Ih'en every Satllrday I from l p.m. to Ii p.m • . dllrina the month of Nowember.

The pllblk .'~ invited to all ac.\ ti'''tles and ' VI~t me .. Unc... 1IIem-1 bershlp is open to all CIVI': mll1ded I ~rson ... ------PALMYRA'S NEW MACK

PUMPER PRESSURES Below are aiYen th.. ruult1l of

the made at Lipplncott's pond on Tllesday by th.. n",w Mack pumper recently acquired by the t Palmyra fire Company. Tbe te.sta i were madt before a S-.:hedule Ratanl • Bllreau olTicial. I

7S0 callons per minllie at l50 Ib pressllre for l~~ houra

-1015 cal Ions per minllte at \00 Ib pressure for l ~. hours

525 lIallonl per minut.. at 200 Ib pnssure for ~ hour

• 375 callons per minute at 300 Ib prellsure for Va hour

-Theae licuns were over and above the requirements of the Schedule Radnc BurealL Submitted by Carl Wilcox, PresI·

dent of the Palmyra Fire Company.



It Won't Start




Motor Oil Changed THE

Rear and Transmission OIL CHANGED





• Better Check Up on Anti-Freeze, Too


PHONE 1567



Main and Howard I .... Rlvertoa

8111'L PIke .t Hlchland A ... ClnNmlMoB

Can Called for aDd Dell.and PIloN '1f7

\\."nHll5 nit! It .. l l \l' , · lt, )Ul "RI't)

lood ror th('y lire ''''Y 10 pn'I'RrP ,ud mAY I'e mu,le 01 lhe tnhle a8

you chnl " ' lIh "uv .... W"lfl •• nlhY bo I.n·"d with mpnl or ft.h Innd· ",Ich.fashlon. De •• "rl WAtne. ftre allo POIIII Inr.

n your wllftle Iron bna been IlIIt a'll'8), ror tbe "uRI mer. or )'011 are aol"l It for the lInlf'. brlll b tbe IIrldl \\'lth nn IIn~nltod Inl be· fore h!'Allng. nnllo a "'nffle to abo sorh the rnt nnd Ibl'ol< It I\\\""Y After IIBln/t. cleAn the IIrld •• dlb ft wIre brulh . rlnce R pnller towel b~t,,· .. e ll 1I.ld. b .. fore pntt"n~ tb! Iron 8WUY.

"~re «I'e reclJle~ for ... pnl'l)' d .. ".ert:

Dellert Waffle. 11111'11 wolfl",; )

21~ ellpe sHIl' d .nl", tI", .. 2' II 1""RI",o"a d\tllhle·n,· llng unIting

\lowder 2 " 'n8 POtl"0 .1I~Ar 2 et:R ),011, •• w .. 11 h""It'n

1 \~ Clll). llIlik If, ell I' lUelted bUIlllr

J egg whiles. IlIlfl)' hcnl en sm nuur once. menn,·e. IIdd Ionk·

hlg powder and IU8t1r. aud slh allnln. Cnmhlnc eKR yolk8. mlll<. and batter; ndd 10 n"llr llIlxIUl'e. Uetll· tnl! IInlll .mnfllh. Fold In "~R whltel. noke In hOI tvllifi. 'rlln Cool ,,·n(n. Sen'a a IlII1"nd of vnnltlR Ice CI'lWrtl on Plll'lI I ce llun of wnlfle nud cov~ r with cl'uohod. l\I'cel~ned Il'lltt or I.I"'P. Mnkel BYe Of Ilx t'8ec\tOIl wutrlp". It ... mnlnln!! wntrlel oervl'It "old wllb anJ fruIt Isueil p~nrod ovor 'bllll.

gh i\:i \'d '1."H.· r~ Ut\k~ in (\ lh't \tH' U

4110 drllrl'c8. 14 or 16 nllnutos. Turn oul hllnludlolCI), 011 dnlll\! rloth _t,rlllkl.d "'llh \'Iowdel~d .ll~nl·: r~lllO~" pnl,rr 1111'\ lIulrkl, trIm orr t' edllo" Co.u lira' rnll g(,lIt1y. Ihon RIIIsh romnll rn~ hlly. WI''' II In drRD lowel or c\.e" •• d"lh RIl,I Ililow to cool.

When reatly 10 .erfs unroll caka an,l al"'end "'lIh IIbout one qllart or Ice' Cl'rlllll. \toll ORRin. alld \'Ilae. on arnill!! "IIII@. Sprend whl'piH'd C.'PIl m O\'l,r the lOt'. or Just .ttt I,ol\'dul'~d Ill~"r o'·.r It. Olll'niob wllh drromU"". nppropl'll\te for' IlA1'tle. ,!r holhloy ••

Sliver Lake Houae Chocolate Cream Pie

1 '. 1'''1'" enlto 3 1ft,,, . Ibort.. flullr Plllnll

21~ "I'. "uhlnl 2 "A~'. well PfH\' IIf\f b~ntt'n

1 "lll' Sll~nr I~ rup milk Sift. IIUtil'. U1{'n ~UI e, nthl huhlnc

11I\\\' I"'I' nnd f'ift nJ!ntfl . C'r(lnll1 hut· l!'I' wt'1t. IHld ,~ ('Ull flllunr Rrnll· I"'II~' nll,l I' I"" "1l lo~elh~r UIIlII lI~hl Ailil IIIIO·y. A 1111 l'CIllAlnl"" IIII ;.: nr 1111'1 (' ~g8 Iud twat ",,,lI. Adll "fllIr altc"nAt~ly with mllll, a "",,,II nmfllllll at 1\ tillle. n"At nrlt' r ell"h 8.llIllIon Ilnlll !lIIonlh. nil III' In 2 Ifr~ns"d 8 Illrh Inypr IIn ~ In tllllilPl"lIte O\'l'n, 8iG dogrl',11 I'. 20 1lI I'lllII·". ("nol. BI,lIt 8"..1. IU)"l"'r In hillt . Put tO~l'tlu' r Rlltl

"0"01' 1"1' I\'lth Chocolllte FI'oltl"l And 1'lIIh.~ .

Chocolat. Froltlng and Flllln" t !ItA cho""lnlo • PilI! ,olkl.

(nnMlI'of'lon",I) well benton til I'1I1l "nhl ."lIk 1 th.p. bUller

Ice Crtlm Roll 11,'0 CUllS IU/(llf 1 tIp. nnllia •• 111 1 tap. bnklnl Add chll~'ulule 10 mllil and pInel 1 cup (Icant) powller ovur low nBllle. Cook unlll mIx Inri

'Ular ~ I.p . • nlt II Iinolllb and blend"d. IUrrlng roo' 1 cup \lCaDt) 1 lap. vanilla tlllnlly. nent ellil ,olkl wllb • tblP,

cilke lIour Augur. Add relllBilll"1 lugar to Dpnl e!llta onlll IIghl, addl1l8 ch(II'ulllle mIxture and Clook unlll

.ugnr 1I1'II(Iuully 11 lid continue co I "Illullth. Add elll mlltur. and bllt. lIenl until Ib"'k and InlOulh Bitt tOI Bud cook 1 mInute. nemOl" nour bnklllll pllw.lcr nlld oult unll " ,,"11 111'(, Add vanllta. unlll folt! Inlo eKII mlXlure. Arid vllnllln Ihh'k ond "1'"I11y. Mnkpi .p\)" " h Bnt! tUI'll Inlo 1,,11, roll '''''' ((Iu,nll I 11· ... 11"1( 'IUd nlthlll fu. 1 .. 0 Iplll ur ~ by 16 ~"C" lined willi fOllr Ihln 8·lnch laye... ~


OD poor qllll.llf coaL Your bealth, comfort and • "., II 1.lured, If 'ou UIe EVANI' PREMIUM COAL. "It ,_ farth ... and bea .. Ion ..... " PUEL OIL· a.nulDa Kopper. Colle

• • • Repeln, Alteratlonl .nd N.w

Hom.. 8nanced on low monthl, paymenta. No cuh required. No red tapa. Por fr.. information, wrltl or caIJ

J. T. • Evans RIVERTON

.01 PUIEL OIl.


Vlta-Var PalDta • ltorm lull oa a.-.

H_ "lAIn... repair. aDd lit«. a*'- _ .., ..abI, ..,......



100tb bag 23c

Sno. White Cauliflower . ... " .. head lOe


2 tb 15c

FRESH CALIFORNIA Sugar PEAS ... " .... 2 tb 23.1:

Fancy California

Tokay GRAPES Ib Sc FLORIDA ORANGES ....... : ....... doJl. 19c



21ba 69c Mother's Quick or Recutar OATS ......... ......... 2 boxes 1St


10-ft) bag 48c SPAM ........................... can 23c

The Meat of Man), Uan

SLICED PINEAPPLE 2 No.2 cans 27c

Golden Bantam CORN 2 cans 25c



3 No. 2 cans 25c dozen 95c


4 No.2 cans 25c '---


Ginger Ale or Club Soda 3 1ge btls 25c

dozen 90c plul bottle


EVAPORATED MILK 4 tall cans 25c

ROLLS .......... doz. 15c: Hard or Pocket Booll

Vienna BREAD ...... loaf 5c PRESH JUMBO SHRIMP .......... .. .......... 1b 25c DEEP SEA SCALLOPS ................. 1b 29c FRESH CRAB MEAT ............ tb 30t REAL VALUE-


LEOS 01 .

Lamb Ib27c S54 to 7 Ib .v,.

Bold with 1~ monly-bacll Guannt ..



CHICKENS Ib 29c 154 to .. Ib av,.




~·lb pkc, 12c

~~ .~t that ill itatf 1,"""" t'<! lle a ra~ ~ ha~ a ttall\ .,( e-.'t~" ·1'1 IE NEW ERA


t'~ ~ ___ ~ ... . .. ~ 1ft.., . ....", ~

''''. 1;.!I't.. • • 'IM'I!'t.,\ t to. .,"'- t ....





Palmyra •. Hapa to Anna Dedsion from Ram.

in Annual Claab On Tlw\kqilrina l)q (No_

bel 11 aD Ne. J-,) ~ i>altu)-ra Hiela will dub with Ri".. _de .at llUG o'clock OIl tht Iittld 01 the oppu.lllon tn a VI" ~ mtent that ia apectted to liB.... a ~cit¥ crowd, 1Ii.n¥:e the a1Jair I. the mam obJe.:\ive lIarae lor both t_ ..

lIoth tQllIa appear ev.:n4t IIIlltdl­ed on the bau. of put perlormance, eacll havinc won lrom Mooreaoown and 100t to Burlinaton by wailar I~Ores.

U the local' pl8J up to tbe atand­ard evidea.:ed in the I .. t two en. Plemtnta. l'alln¥ra &hould WII\,

In the U tim.,. theae two ouUiIa bave met, Rlvenide holds tix wlnl and .... ined one' tie. , A vktory for the Red and White will tblls tend to even thinaa up a bit.

Tbe ltertina lineup for PalliI)'fa • iU probebl7 be: keen. l.ippmcott. linamool, Trotta. Grilli.... Villari, Lane, Mitchell, Flo_01, COl1wdi and Durain. while the opj>otlit/on will ltar~ with JOG, Clause, Hul­Unp. Malone. Rheurnllna, Walker, Periled, the Illd Palmyra mult w'l~b) "e.:hlllo, Garbe and Weat. phal. .


Ai the IIIfttmc Ol lti~-vton ... OI&&h \;OOIncd b~kl on Th~ naant o.t laat wftk, a ~t ..... """.l~ aaamst tbt ~ .. amob anli t\lm" that ttmU\i.. trom the \lump in thlt her at ........ onal l>ult.

'l he IIt\taUoo. \\ Will, 'a pallo U':lIIarl,» ot!se.:uOltablt to I'tIldtbla III tht n4W"b, VIW\llJ. ~dl pnMUIled to \II,,'caua .. \e the nlllttt ~ take 11e.:_r)' atotpa to rtileft the utll .. UoD.

l'olloWUlC the dla':IlMion oi '* topa~ \:o\ll\cibnan Robert Kwa" oliered the "IlilJlCaUon that un.,. WIlllde .... boo nalCbt ~ 11_ m~ ~ tra.ah colllt'Ction u..\ead .. bavlllC mdl",uual ruldd:lta .,., .. thI" ae."ice. No acbon Will ~ however, l10ne Wa line.

. N~w liralt ... NUclttll CO\ll\ciIman ll_ ~ ..

tbc tire and .am ~~ * l'OI'ted that the hrtmen ~ that both pu....-. be "",\lipped w •• bc.-tee bralt-. tin.:e the pRl\'b\t

. -~. . ". . ~, . lI'4~ent it nbt ad"",laaa. to .tol Oy r f ty b f h B I I the beay), vehicle.. 1 hit bralt.,. ... f J .: DOl' II mem .~ra 0 t e ~a nell Ind Profellional Mena Club of Palmyrl and Riverton "'ef't the pat. the lJPt IIMIl ... _ the ncb ba4 d ~ J aw ey, 10.:31 Old~moblle dealer, on a ttlp throllCh the aaumbl, · plllnt of <nneral Mo\t\ra at Lin- i lid Itt

en, . ., on Tuesday nftemoon. Some of the group are pil:tuf'td here before they embarlted in an Olda. &0 "' mobile ~lIrnyah. t.!n cara long, preceded b. a State po lice eatorL Luncheon wa. aerved b, General Moton I' Mr. tall.b wa. authohftCl tb let at the ~Iant and ~ per~onltlly conducted tour OVl'r thlt lona line lollowed. The 10cil mtn _. the mod_ .. tim,tea on the coat ~ .lbe work.. producllon methods thltt turn out over 7bO cara n da,. . Another matter te(ented to the

. fin and water .:ommlnee "'Btl the Two D'QlvS At aler, Emma Knlth .. Marta Be'tint- WILL VOTE ON I:Olllltlll':UOII 01 • hOlt·drylDa lower

rei .., er, Marforla Knlaht, boro'hy Bind. \111 the rear of the lire bOlla... Mr.

L th e'L h er and Id. Mohrmarm. - Kniabt pointed out thal there ~ U eran nure Between the plq. VlrJlnlll Mil.. SUNDAY' HOURS no facUlties Ilt pnlenl (or dry. ~C

will pili)' a plano .010 and Vlralnla bOlle properly anll thal tnltalJaboQ On Friday evenlnll, Nov!mber 22, MUea and Dorothy Binder will Iinr. 01 a tower wOllld J:l8J lor usell "'II.:4t

l 'he anllual Roll Call o. the American Red CrOll I. well under wily. Mr .. Richard Lippincott beade thCl committee .upported by a lara. force of worbta. . l'h" liat is nl follow.: Mr •• Francll

Elwell, Mr.. Lynn Hendricklon, Mrl. Blaine Capehart, Mn. Robltl­lOll Coale, Mra. Cbarlea LonClY, Mrl. Edw. Jiuabes, MI·I. DOllcla. Tylet, Mrl. Deweel Showell, Mt .. Oeor,. Jialltoa, Mrl. Wayne Ayre.. Mre. Raymond Hall, Mrl. Harry Mark, Mrl. Charlea Allen, Mr •• Edw. LIp­pancott, Mfi. Wlnfteld Willon, Mfi. Carl Peterlon, Mh. Artbur Schuh, Mr.. Vincent Hackett, Mra. Staw. art Bor,.r, IIr.. Bruc. Dlcklon. Mn. Paul Mecr.y, Mn. ThompaoD Co., Mr .. RIchard Graff, Mn. WII. liam Shoemaker, Ill, MI'I Anna Coale, MI .. Ellubeth RIdley, Mill Chrlatlnl Ridley, Mill Emily Bar. clay, Mill Klldne Shebl .. 141 .. Aile, Harwell, Mrl. John Jone. Tlmoth, Johnlon. Jr.

In . the Pariah Hall of BethAny /It. Illver offerln, will be taken j the hOlle would lasl milch lonler, .Lutheran Cburch 0.- Palmyr., the whlcb Ih.1I b, Uled toward the pur- The Palmyra Council chamber All a malle, 01 lact, " h,,, .. I"Wa" Junior Cbolr will present two one· chaoe of robel tor the Junior Choir, wal crowded to capacity on Frida I' . II Illmosl slanJarli equlplIlell\ at

If thl reprelentatlve In ,our dli. trlct hal not lean you perhapi thl, calJecl wbll. ,ou were out. It would help 10 much If you would phonl GIll of th,.. worklrl .nd tell them wlNn you wlll b, at home. It Ia bopICl everyone In Rlvlrton wUl Jolla the RICl Croll. Ther. II no ,ruter need .t tha pre .. nt tim ••

When the Annual Meetln. wu held on November 6th Rlvlrton'. and ClIlIwDIftIOD'1 contribution In I.wln, and knlttln, to that date IIIU U followil 12 laylttl" 1211 IW .. tlrt; JS dr ...... JII allpa, 21 blby blanJc. etl, and mlny othar mlKIUaDlOU1 Item ..

Tha work II cOIItinuinl and _. In. day. are ItllI Prlday, from 11.10 I.m. to 12.00 na. at the Porch Club.

Read the article b, John Malon,., In the November 6 IIIUI of I.turda, Ennlnl POIIL

WOMEN'S EXCHANOE A Women', Exchan •• wUl

held In tbl Porch Cilib • from 10 Lm. until S p.m. Thil the dlY when thl ladlu of thl com· munlty lIl.y dilpl.y .nd .. II their arta, cullnlry and otherwlH. Mrl. Edward Hunn wID meet .. hlbltol'l II thl Porch Club It ".m. Bach ~rlOf\ will be rllponalbll for her own ...... and wraPllfnlI - your profit II dalt-dub hoIpitallty Ia your ..

Th,re will be a dab proJrllD be­Jlnnin. It 2.10 It which tI .... •• reqlltet that 110 ..... be COD-ducted.

Por further information caD M .... 1I:cI, HUDD, 'ON ,. M .... ., ....... lEI.eD,2ft.

IItt plaYI. Tbe caets are al iol. nllht of h.ot week. when an open ~ver)' bl-e ' tauun. 10WII C L DR T QUOT nleetlna waa held to determine pub- Ord,""l\~" AuopteJ

"Hello Grandma" b), Grace V. LO A AF A h~ lentimellt regardlna reculationl nl" ordlllal\~e ,elll"" 'ln, we 0 111-Kinyon-Frank Wellind. William Lotal Dr.rt Board No. l. of Pal. for tbe "open" Sundlly that wao hour palklllll' restll~ll\ln Jt t~1 busl. Howe, Wllrren jensen, jelln Ferllu- myra, hal been Inltrlleted to tend voted upon favorably at the General lies I houri III ceilaul .c:.:bOU5 01 ,b. IOn, Betty Rauch, Robert Hayea, two men Into the aerviee on No- Election. lloroullh '1<61 passed 0 11 linal read. Jr., Dorothy Binder. vtmtber SO. Reprelenlstlves were preoent from UIII. bUUJ'"1 I" ,,'e al'pr\l' al "I Ih.

"The Mlnlster'l New Car." by Medical examlnatlonl are beln. the various cftur.:hes and .110 from ~omnlllS.oner 01 mot"l \ .. Ill de •. Arthur Leroy Klier - Vlrclnla conducted after which final claill. other local orlalllaalionl. CUllncllman J. W. Sylvester. , hall'. Howe, Jean FerJUlolI, Carol Lenk- lie.tlon will be made 01 the lint As" relult pf the aenlon. cer- mall 01 th .. IUllhlYa>" .:ommlllee ,e. er t jean HOleland, Florence Hen- Older numben, lain reculatlonl were formulat",d perled that the VCI1ll8yh drua Ha.l.

which will be Incorporated Into an road Will WlliflllI 10;> leale th" Iut ordinance thlt will come up for lint adJ", .. lit to Ihe L' an. blllhhllTi 10 readlhl at iI meetlnc of the aovern. tit" Boroullh lUI palklnll purpa ... Inl body scheduled tor Wedneaday and .Il II ""pe~I~t1 Iha, lhla 11'''' . nlllht of thll week. i will be availabl .. fOl publoc n.~ '0

To Bt Conlldered lhe near {uillre. These provision I are a. folloWI: I --------Movies and bowllnl aUey 10 be T'h P h ~l b

r.ermltted to be open durin I the fol -, I. j e OTC '" U owln. houl'l: t p.m. to e p.m. and

II p.m. to 11.1 5 p.m. The "" viable repulauon ot Ihe Sporll: To be allowed from I to Drama tjlOUP ... ·111 be Ilpheld UI1

6 p.m. Thll Inciudee tennll. bue- l 'ueaday afternoon. N.,. elllbu 19, ball Ind foolbalL when lhe)! will p,u~1I1 ,>vo one·a<t

Tht Friday nlalon Im.ted until, play.. Till. I. a "don I ""11 I'r .... well after 11 o'clock, wllh mllny of aram. thOle preaehl enterln. Inlo the dll.' -4-cUlllon. Oil Tuelday, Nu,elllb~1 16. al 2.30

p.m. Franc .. 8. EI .... ~II •• e"et.lI)' 0' KENNBL CLUB SHOW I New Jeruy Takpa)er. AIIO<IOIIOn.

will Ipeak on "Tlkea, Trldlery and One of the lallelt arraYI of dO.1 1 T uth" Mr Klwell h .. been with

In all breedl (pollibly aoo to 1000) t~1 Allocla'tion 101' "veral yeata will be on hand .. t the Camd.II Con. I and I. well ablt I\) 1~lk Oil thll VI"" ventlon Hall, Bunday. Novehlblr 24, I tllnely .ubje,t. • when tbe Camden County Kennel -0-

Club .ta.el It. ninth annual alii A Conlin. Kvent: Dn'l1Ibrr 3. a. bleed dOl Ibow. The .how will b. a.31/ William MacMillan. ID open from II a.m. to II p.m. llnd Iinlernallonal .puller will lalk apout j",III". will cOllllnu. an day lonl. , Undel War Condltl,'n .... Hot only will fsmou. Rlul Ind ch.mplon. of all breed. hunl sll COLL~UE SI'I!:AKKR over Ih, country be Ihown tllere but John W IIUI, 01 3116 Thu u III fit. obedlenc! tut performance. will be I wa. one 01 the .Iudellt Ipea •• " at ,In led by many of the br •• d.. • the anl\uOII,," tilatc Te,,,h.,.

The office .. of the clull. hlany o f Collelle l'r"",,I.nt'. Duaner h.ltl Oil whom will .110 hav. their dOl' .t 'fhilr.,lay e •• IIU1,. Odult" .4 " tht Ihow are John II Irwin, of H.d. lb. C"lIeae 1nll . Ilonlit'ld. rruldent: EII.,"r W . Mil. I Mr. Will .. , reNeaenlln. Ihe A .... 1., . of Riverlon. flnl vIce rreoldtnt, thl C AI'lar ""lid)! "1'0 •• l'n .­Ralph T . Miller. of l'hll.,lcIPhl,I'1 relall~n 01 hll dub ;u p.obltl", .. .. cond vIce pruldent; Walter H. I".lfty. Riemann. 01 Collln ...... OOfI. hf'.' .' Ue II I lI.a,lllale ul l'almYIJ HI,Ia urer and Walter G. Emmoll. ol 8chool all,l II ellH,Uetl In the 1..­Media. Pa., _r,tar,. OIIdary curmullllll ,,( Ihe JuniIr

On. of the e.hlbltora will be Mr •. CI ... ma)Olllll In nl.thrm~U(' _ E. W. Mill ... , of RI"erton, .ho wlll •

Kie-n,e. allow P.Idn ..... nd Chow.. Buidu brllli • membel "f th.

lucc... In 1IuaIM. II _e ol"a achlewed thtOUlb obltl'Yanre 01 almpla. ollvloul ruJea than thtOUlh -1 .......... and deep C1III. .....

A,.ar Bo<ielJ. M,. Wllh, It allO a IIlflUb", 01 Tb. K.dlu Wu.hlK-p. I'ly~hololY Club .nU Knl'l'" Uelta Pi, oae of the Dltivnai IIl'm'l -detlla ill eclllUtion.




JOHN H. ElRIS " Wtat anMd I .... ~N.J.

PhoM '"

Get out your lilt and marie off a few nom... Electric appllanc.. lolve many a knotty glft problem. They are rea.onably priced and they will give year. of faithful .erylce.

Aunt Sarah will be dellghted with an electric coffee maker, drip t)'pe or percolator st)'le.

An ek'ctric toa Bess? It has

Electric clocks are accurate time­l1ieceA. Then wouldn't one he just the gift for some tardy friend or relative?

1m.1I ",,"'n, clter, • • dded " ."., applla"r. I. pure",,,.,,



hll1\Jl'&. N. J.

It Costs No More , The use ot the perfectl, equipped

BnOY'ef Funtral Home I, eateillted to everyone wi~hout addltlollal charte.

Bvery radllty 'I here for the proper toIiduct of a funtral 1Ienlce, .lld every poIllible help II aiven tbo.. wbo m)' uPOI\ 1I1 In thelr bour of need •


. The Snover Funeral Home


SU B. Broad It., PaJm,n. N. J. Pholl .... Rlftt1eft 110

lit by hit primary the bank.r Mould

lOuud loane to appl&. .tandlnl and 01 lood

without a cI.., the bank and tile bof,.

methodl and time

It It rend,tlnl itl beet policy ,uppU .. the

Ilvl,~It.I. and bUlln ....

to Ilv, adequate and bUalftlll ent.r.

TilE NEW ERA. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, HMO PAGE THREE ----------------~------------------~--------------------------------------•~III .. fI~ri;~.l l ---Ne ~tiorI f« IIIIIt .., tht .. -1 .... eM babfts. Of W. ~ '1«~ may ~ plkrdla~ fl'Oft\ and a la~ c\"Owd is tltpKtm to ..

, ditn at Fort OUt. C'OfttrlbGtioot\ l~ ~ ~ aiIoe\ an)' Ift't'mbt\- of lM juni« CN.M, ~l ~Rnt to ..... tW tbt outfit in t~1r

II - ." tht ~ ~ 00( die aw;td I a n-tw 1)Iri~ of ~:s ctn~ per tldttt. 6nt home tn~tntnl tllla ua-. A ~ ~1Ilt ",,'1) bot bt.W .\ the mil SS2 b, t1wt Rt~·Cinl\llmin- I 'I Fut'lI'~ oppontnts of the Red ~ home W~ Ilicbt. No. - dlapttt. i~nc fa bab, pro I FOOTBALL GAME Dt.,;ls ~m be Ftortnet and Nt ..

I vembtr ~ at '9 p.m. f« ",r-et tv- IDtftta ~ted by the ColOftd HERE NOV 24 ' VOl''' ShIp. ~-.. and ~ ( the III ...... adIool of Cinnaminslon. I • ~ F'rtdtridt N. tt~ A-,. ....". at.. ... I FOOTLIGHT PLA VERS

Un ~ poIt 0( Palm)'t'a od ~ o(~SItd lNIl\ a~ limn· JUNIOR PLA't 'nte Paltnyn Rt'd Dtvils, dut to I POSTPONli: PRESENT A nON ~ ftsu-. aI\J. toy. at .. ~es post. "'I " ....... ," h-oftn the ' n. a revi~ion of toea! "'BIll! .... W'I, ... ~U I The Foatliaht Pla)rers anMlinc. thtt ttIay be R<'Oftdltlo\\otd b dis· ,Olll\& 1'" C 1Il1l. .: be enabled to play In tilt! h'lh Ilhe postpoMment of thtir fint pro-th1l\}~ to hu fort\lnatt clIildren GANIl: THURSDA V wnW prodllctlon of tilt jUnroc dIllS'S school Itadium on Sunday. No~. dl1ttion of the l:urrtnl SU50n. "Pu~ 0( this 11ft at Cbrilltmaa. 't'btR Tbt Red Dt""l_ ... " M~ to Ri". wI! ~ ~~ O!' l>tcttn"f t! t boer 24. with Roehlina A. A. ClII tht as the Driven Snow. ~ scheduled f<ll' ton will be naintM ud tilted \I\) tnidlt _ TbuhKtay w~ \My will .in . It<. P,;:I' ~ • lItqllt. ' op\l'OSilion.. Friday and Satunby. NO\l'/!mber 20 • nit..., and the L~ .. 11 lIlI1lin I battle wit" the Greyhounds. Tht "'Gro~nc PaIns whlcb ....... ,wen The Mdro" will boe at 2.1S and and 30. at the Rivtrton School ;ludl. this year ad as Santa Claus in keep. lcal tle~ ddtatM tilt Greybollndl htTh In .\93'5. tJ tlt peri. I a"mission i. to be 33 cen~ 'ndud. toriUIft. The Group will ,hortly all­~ wi'tb t"t tilstom of ~Yious 19-6, and '-0, last naaon and· tbey e 1> ay con nuttl M U 1 inl tilt. nounCt the new date for thl5 prt­,-eat"&. Call. J. Ru_tl Muuer. Ri". , will <et\'deavot to tiY'e thttn a taste ;'cta of d t~e ;)'Olln.1 th ,:tn~ Tile Palmyra team i!'i composed sentation together with plan5 for the trton 791).W or Clinton B. Gardner j lGf deft:at as the)' haw \lron titbt tITy an eorgf!. til elt CI 0 laratly of ('Ortner hilh IIchool IItan! entire I!MO.41 sea50n.

~1·M .nd .'" article will be col. lI\Ritht wames alona with the cham. esctnC't. 1 ==================:====== I~ . ' ~ : PionrSh~ o( the Camd~ SlIbllrban I IIIII ... IlIlllllllllllllnll1ll1l1U1lllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllmtlllUl

Cou,,\)' Com~er Raymond C. enn e~ct. Evan~' Service Stalion I IF YOU'RE D~nley. has again ttqtrtsted the GA.RM~NTS R~Cll:iVED SUN 0 C 0 leaion.~st·s throughout ",It CO\l"~Y The Vi&ltinr Nune Society has GASOl.INF. and OIL = HUNT IN G to solk.t eny boob that may be In . ~,,~ from lM N~lew-ork Guild 'l"ires _ Battoerift • Auto A~rietl 15

~ new wannents fur small chit- Btoad and StII.. RlvtC1oII. N. J . • e for something to be

F. H. A MORTGAGES :;:===========~IE really SEE WALTER D. LAMON

~ PIES-PIES-PIES ,I T~~!!~~Y~lT~OR Realtor , 5UI CillnamlnllOn AYe., PaII1\Jft.. N. J./

Phont RIY'er1on 2$

.,-, I."

• ~.. Plaet your order tarly for our




i WILL~~~~~mil' ,,~UELS

~:qi ~I"'-{

Many varieties of ROLLS and BREAD to make your Thanksgiving Dinner a IIUttellB.



l>.S.-You can spend what you save on a tIlrkeyl


f .. tbtltanlmR:,.,~";io PALIIUA

Store Houllt: 9 a.lft. to 1.30 p.m. on Thanbllfvlltl Day MA.IN STORIt CIt 31123 Welltfield AvtI\u~, Cllmden Open from 7 a.m. 'to Mldnilht on ThClnkativlnl Da.,


Phone 1100 PALMYRA . 1U1II18111111111018111111111111111111111111111111111111111111H11II11II11I11II1I01.

W 0 R D seA N 'T DES C R I ~ E IT... V 0 U • V li: 0 0 T T 0 SEE AND D R I V E IT ..

the greatest mr ," Dodge ft'er Luilt •


..:mr n SIU8 IUSf DOW THE SHi\UDl1AJW·PRI~ fAIlS f APfER tw.nty·.lx of con.tont pragr ••• "" and hllprov.m'nt, Dodg. for 19.1 hal hit a brand-n.w hIgh.

WIthout doubt, thl. 19.1 Luxury Un., I. the fin ... car Dodg. hal y.t 'urn.d out!

l.t u. t.1I you of four a.p.ct. 0' the 'omou. Dodg."It,p and Depend. ablll,y which thl. n.w car oth" you.

Flrelt hau')'. The n.w'41 Dodll. Lullul1 Lln.r It n_ In .tyllng. Uke Dodg. Engln.erlng,lt', of tlm.-It ho. the touch of tomorrow In Itt .tr.amlln.d

btllln.... In'erlort or. In faultle.. to.' •.

S.condl Com for' and Performance H.r.'. a car with a .w •• plng .urge of Ilv. pow.r, .alY for a woman to hondl., y.t blgg.r than .v.r before In.ld •.

Thlrdl So"'y. Dodg. Engineer. have olway. mad •• o,.ty fir .. conlidero­tlon. 50 In the n.w Dodg. th.r. or. many add.d .of.ty f.atut ••. for "Iampl .... The lUggage comportment lid I. .prlng. bqlanc.d-a child can .oftly and .0.lIy ral •• or low.r It.

Plnolly, fca"omy. How wond.rful It It

IHJOY TH. Tit"" rH1t1L1. 0' DODO. FLUID DIIV,e, I, ",,,, ., .", ., ,. ... ,,.,., ...... , •• _ Ie 1M,,,. II .. "" I ... 10 .... 0... ... ._an-.... d.d "".Iy. •• ......, ... "." .. Vov .t ...... d ... , ....... 1' .Ithey, ,.,. Dr Ito,. And whe , .. w.nt It. a file. of ,ay, "n, .. I",. th ..... _, .... , ,I ... ,."" • lIu,,' ., _od. .. ",. ........ ., Of' , .... , f' ..... Ih .... ,1 •• 1. ',an, .. 'Hod I. , ... , wit .... ,h,,,,,,h •• h .. k.a ..... rlol •••• ,hla .. of .11. CD",lIln." .lth PI_In. 'D .... Dod,. PI.ld 0,1 •• • 1 ........ " .... 111 •• _Ihn_. _ of IteMU", ... I ..... ' ..,.lIf.-a"" Ihl ... , _,... It ."'lter _It," ., "'_ 0 ..... _."".

Ihot you can buy thl. b.outlful big cor for onl)l 0 f.w doUart more than .maller. low. priced conI Its engln. II an "Economy· mo.terpl.e. that will .0 .... you mOrley.

And now, for the flrtt time In a low- prlea car, Dodg. off.r. you the matchl ... combl. nation of fluid Drl .... ·wlth I'loating Power. Th. r •• ul, I. unb.II .... abl •• moolhn ....

May w. mok. a .ugg •• tlon' Com. In and I., thll n.w Dodg. flr.t·hond. L.t thi. ',uly great aulomobll. do II. own talking. On. rid. I. wotth a thou land word.1

f_ .............. CII. ' ........... ' .... LLT.

........................... '825 ''II1L\''t~ LDaO~\"A"\l\A.'

.,.. It ""'011 lI.h.,." ."ke 0." INI"tf •• 01 ,., • .,.1 t ••••• ~" ._ .'0,,411.,4 •• "1.,,. •• """~4 '880

600 Broad Street

. _-&-.~ .. t.. ....

............... "af ..... t .. 0"'1. oaff_ 'r.'" ' ....... 01 ......... tI It .... ,., , .. tI. ot ...... ' •• ,,_ .... ... t"'" De4,. 4.0'-, 'Of" ••• ,. ~ ... tel-.

..... ~l_"t.. .. ,.." .....

KOPPENHAVER MOTOR CO. Telephone Riverton 380 Riverton. N. ],


SACRED HBART CHURCH I WIN ANOTHER Rn. John F. Wtlab, Pastor Last SllDd~ the Red De'Vu att·

SlIDd.,. Masses. 7. 9. ami lUO btck St. htu'& Holy Name do of G~ i Riv:entde l~~ DwiDa the 6rat

Daily M ... f. I period ha N.castro, fonner HUll-Confessions &turday at .. to 5.4S _toil biab .tar "ored fn>m the

and 7.30 to .. I 5. OD a line p1unae. with Heilller NO'Vel\a to Our Lady of the Mit. I miasma the ~tra point. Sbortl7

aculous Medal Monday Dilht at after halftime 8ua Pratt tallied from US p.m. the 8 yard iltripe. With 1_ than _ llive aecond. left ill' the contest

The putor of the Sacred Hcart Nicastro racted up mother touch­Cbun:h favored the repeal of the I do~ The attempt foe the ~tra "Blue .... aws, .. which the citiaen& of ~lI1t was blocked. but Hei.s1er Palmyi'll 'tOted on last election day. JlIcted~ the ball md I'lln over mto Innocent recreation for our younl pay tory to acore the . ~tra people on Sunday is not contrary to point. th. Will of God, provided that he i. Palmyra scored 10 fi",t down. to liVen Public Worship on tbat day St. Pete." 4. . and IIin i. a'VOided. Outdoor llpoi-~ The line-up: e.pecially are beneficial. When we Palmyra: Sacca. Le.; Bemer, Lt.; arc. out in the fielda of nature we are eardea, .LC.; Lombardi. c.; Liben. reminded of God. A lame of base. r·c·;. GalD':' r.t.; W. McDermott, ball, or footbaU-withoul, of COll('sc. r.c.; T. P,erlrosa, q.b.; Devinney. aD7 rowdyism on the field of con. Lh.b.; Pratt, r.h.b.; P. McDermott. teat doe. not, in our Catholic inter-I f.b. .-datlon of the Lord'. Day, violate ~t. Petu's: Dadino, Lc.; Scbllnd­any law of God. On the contrary, welD, Lt.; LUeDscr. La.; Orfe, c.~ roUD, people, while obUpb!d to at- R. kelly, r-c.; J. Kelly. r.t.; Schlind­tend Divine Worablp 011 Sunday, are ' weln, r.~: Malaclti, q.b.; Shedaker, much better occupied ill their leia'll.h.b.; Rider. r.h.b.; McNulty. f.b.

• ure hours while play inC. or attend- SCOR by periods: . Inc. innocent aames of variou. Palmyra 6 0 6 7-19 t)'peI, thaD Juat "ldUlnl time" In ' St. Peter', - ' - 0 0 0 0- 0 .roupe. or. perh,p, wortbleell, or dallierous discussion. Sl>ECIAL MUSIC AT


CLUB PLAY DEC. 1.t and 3rd ~n. Elvin I. Powell at the or .....

I wiD render Maunder'. ..creel can· Want to lauCh~ Be amonc thOle tata "Solll 01 Tbankqivlnl" tbla

attell.dinl that riotous farce "Aunt Sunday eveninc In the Church at TWie Goea to TOWIll that Ia to be I 7.45 o'dock. preaentcd at the Sacred Heart This cantata i. In keeplna witb Ikbool 011 December I, and 3 b, the . • plrit of Thaltkalivinl and con· the Sacred Heart Dramatlc Club. I &i.ta of live par'-

The play baa IOUle 01 the funll1est 1. "0 Come, Let U. Slnl." lleenea eYer to be written into a ' :a. "Great I, the Lord." farce. It \a novel, Inceniou, and I So "The Promlae." baa load. 01 pep and aelia and III •. "Tba FuJJWment." thoroqhl, clean and wholesome. 5. "Let All the People Pral .. The Cllt I. II foUow,: Aunt Tillie, Thee." Helen Pfaff; Lucinda Talbot, Mar- The cantata will be directed by ,aret Pfall; Pamela Muab, Marlar· . Claude Y. Barto. the .olol.t. heinl( et Faunce; Llaaie Parson .. Reclna aU active members of the choir. Powler; EUen Neeland, Patricia I The pubUc: I. cordlall, invited. Pord; Ronald Homland, Jes.le Mor-rI.; Luther Lorrlmer. Albert Captaln irwin, who reteued a Schuler; Mervln Tucker, Gerald I womm Irom drownlnl( last week, Malone; Cbarlle One Lunl(, Jo&eph when he Jumped Into the Delaware Kratcher; Mrs. Tillie Tucker. MIr'-I from hi. boat I. well·lmo_ to man, aaret Plttltt; Dr. HaWe Bin •• Dorl. l· reaident. In thl. ItCtion, beln, a Lane, ' member 01 the Delran Yacht Club.




SCHNEIDER'S SERVICE becau.e our one big job il to .ee that every rule and recommendation of the Atlantic Refining Company II rigidly followed. Our one internt II to plelle you and keep you plealed with Atlantic products and lervlce.




SCHNEIDER'S Atlantic Service

Broad and Morgan Avenue Palmyra

Phone 1571-Car~ Called POt' IIDII DeUYI ... d



528 Main Street Riverton Phones 1221 and 1222 (Nut to Chew~s Bakery) FREE DELIVERY

A Word of Appreciation Once again we wish to thank our customers for their grand patron­

age with us after the Chain Stores and Super Markets resumed their business. Another ~"IOrd of thanks to our new customers of whom more than 75% are still buying from us, and who tell us they are more than satisfied with both our prices and quality of merchandise.

Thanking you once again! 'BILL" and 'BUTTS"

TWO Telephones-1221 - 1222 On a.:count of our tremendous order trade we have Installed t"'O new telephones to hettu aerve you. We haft chanced our number from Riverton 904 te numbers Riverton 1221 and 1m I

The Fourth Keek of Price Slashing :!:!"1l11ll1ll11ll1l111WlIIllllIllIlllllllllnllllllulIlIlg !.!,lIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUUIU

§ "BILL" and "BUTTS" Superior Quality E § ARMOUR'S EVAPORATED i § . COFFEE ~ ~ MIL K i

i 2 Ibs YELLOW BAG 3Sc i i 4 tall cans 2Sc I i § § E ! IVORY SOAP! ~_- ScotTissue 4 roDs 29c!-_ _ Small Cakes Larce Cakes -I Sc 2 - 17 c ; ! Waldorllissue 2 roUs 9c I iiIllIllUIlIII .. " 1IIIlIIIIIIIIIlIIIlIIIIIIIlIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIn fl1l1ll1ll111ll1ll111U1II1II1I11II11 In 1111111111111111111111 ~

..• FOR THANKSGIVING .•. HEINZ DATE PUDDING (large can) ............................................... 5 ::~~~ ~~~~u~g~~~N~(r.:~~): :=: :=:==::3 C

Silver Lake CANNED PUMPKIN ................................................ 3 No. 2Ya cans 25c


Mmce Meat· Ib 19c MIXED

FRESH CUT Jersey BROCCOLI ......... bunch 9c

NUTS with PECANS ............ lb 23c Diamond WALNUTS ..... _ .... 1b ~5e

FRESH PULLED Jersey BEETS ............. ................. 2 for Sc LARGE HEADS

PAPER SHELL ALMONDS ...................... _ ............... lb 29c

CAULIFLOWER ......... .. ... each ' 9c CELERY HEARTS ...... bunch tOe

Pitted DATES or FIGS ...... pkg. lOc Slicing TOMATOES ............ 21b 25c GREEN PEPPERS ......... 4 for tOe RADISHES ............ ......... 2 bunchel 9c

Kelloll·' or Bopweet Cranberry Sauce ......... 2 Ire cans 2Sc

WATER CRESS .... 2 bunchel lSc WINESAP EATING or COOkING APPLES .... _ .......... _ ....................... 3 tb tOe CALIPORNIA SUNklST ORANGES ............... ........ ..... doz. 19c


Merion Peaches. 2 No, 2Ya canl29c (SlIcel or Halves)

MERION SEEDLESS Bartlett PEARS ... No. 2Ya can 19c GRAPEFRUIT ................... 2 for 9c FRESH KILLED 'COMS HENS

TURKEYS Ib31c Ib35c CREAM COTTAGE CHEESE ............................. .. ............. tb 1Sc Fre&b Made

Fresh Killed ROASTING CHICKENS ...................... _ .............. tb 32e

II to e Ib ava. •

SCRAPPLE .... , ................... _ ........... tb 10e RIB END

STEWERS .......... _ .......................... lb 27c 5 1b aVI.

PORK LOINS .............................. tb 19c FRESa SHOULDERS of PORK ...... tb 17c A.sorted

Armour'. Star SMOKED TONGUE .............. tb 29c Armour'. Pure PRINT LARD .................................... lb 8~

MEAT LOAF ........................ ~-tb 7c FRESH

Smoked PICNICS ._ ........ _ ....... tb 17c FILLET of FLOUNDER ... ' ... AU 29c

Pelin'. Smoked BONELESS BUTTS ............... Ib 23c



! t ... ~

t •••



To Put It Off 'TILL

Tomorrow Ye •• we me.n .nti·freeae

for your car. Bven a few hourS delay at thl. aeuon of the year can lpeU a cracked motor block or Ipllt radiator core •.

Don't fUrt with a bl" unnece .. ary bID. Bring In your car for a complete


and then drive all with that "let 'er come" feelln,.

e We Invite you to try our

expert BSSO lubrication service.

'l'he c:ornet lublicant. ap­plied wltb correct "ulpmtll~ worlrln. frOID chedr c:harta I, th. metbod w. follow,



Maln and Howard '.".t. RIverton

BurL Pike at HI.bland Av •. c: ..... mlnlOIl

C .... CaIW for and DeU •• 1II PIton, IM7


,is "tr.A~~ £XPtf\l~

• t~~~ .. ~,== • Ft.~t-'" N.""., .~

,... .... II ... CI .. M

• ~ ... ft.,,"h"', • .w II""'_'~ W._ • S«\Il ana Ar",","f1 ~.",b"''Il~._


e t.'lItlto\t. TIIAbE·'M o\u.o\llo\~ Otf NEW """'101'" ANY MA"e • ... WICOIM AftIIft

puM"taA, • • l

Telephone Rlvertoft 1101

Be.t Pure Lard 2 lba 13e ,..,~ Flour h~_ '12'::'3Sc

........ 1,. \ · .. ~ .. hll! ~ ....

Cream-white :.;.W: 14<:: 3 .!" 37 c: ,..,.., Flour 2 ~::-25e

A.,... I".' .. Ae4 Ch.,.... 2 ;. ISe MI"n M .. , 2 '': 3', ""CJ MI_'" Nut ... '7, Ral.i". ,'.II!. . .r ... St.

liN I Hi ....... tI .. " .. .

e... ub \\'~:~~, 10,· PrlmluM "racker. ,:. II·

/lSaJMlnce Meat - " 1 Se Fruit Coc t.11 111\-_ • .,1, N~:" lee

M VIC Up to 11\ '" UII "O'er III'C.'tId hlll~ I

BREAD Ih,"n'''" Milk or lIora 'I'wl~'

2=15c ::,sc

'Ne'n Tn""'t" ... IN C.c .... 11 ~::.~ 15 . I 011... ~ I, M ... hm.U ••• l:; II, ot", ... t .. ,. ~

~~!, Pu .... ,". - 30 P ..... P ...... I •• .- 30, Will ... ,'. ~'!':.'t~:::;:. - IS

III ,h- 1.11" M.,."...... £!, 17 H .. m .... ·tJ.P

... .....,r"-: ... _ .. hM''I'ft'."''l"pl ...... ;.;;._ ...... 1 ... DNul", 1: II, ,Ie ... :ll":~ 2.

PI ..... Pulldl"1 I;! 23c IISllJ T ..... t ...... , .... :,',. • ... ·Se ew., ~:'~t' Ai't~~.. " .. , "t· • ... ~.c .,.,.f, .. lt .ctlo"l ClI .. ".... ":..- fOe: D.I. PI"H"I. J .. lc. 3 ~~t 25

Cranberry Sauce .. :'.:i.2 .';...~. 23c Pre •• rve. I'''"~IIII 2'':.· 2Sc

PI."I',"" ..... h.....,. ,., ... ". .....,,_ ... D .. ff'. M.... 1I::::';~";::""w .ka "t· HIC Ch ...... ""."Hit -21e leN" V.t ... t. eh.... 2 ':e. 113(' .,1"." ... 1 ca..... 2 .. t:: 13('

f ·t· .... "t " ............... P ........ 'z.:.-" I ':t;: 'II· - ..............

RIVAL Do, 'ood 3 ~~: 25e Frf'\h fruih & V~q~table Sp~cial'!

N~w York Stllte-8oll~ He.d.

CABBAGE CI .. ~ J , .. 10 Cr.......... a 1'(' Oal ... ::..:. • ··,0, jl"..... .... .• s' ee ... ,...... .... I , T ..... ,.I\,'~~ .... •· 10,

APPLt:'S ;r:=: ORANGF'C ~.~!:111

It\, rKX STA'flOMU't, It .•

T n tB NBW &Ri\ OFFlCE


'b~ IiUr W~= .. 'I4 .... _r.-.ue ~-vaa.

, "'iM~" OIOIR "I' ·.-rr(



OPEN Wedn •• day Till. P. Me Clo .. d Nov. 21


serve­Reaaonably Prie.d Qualify lood. hi. oompllte ltoeb of 1.I,y food n .... to make JOU' ,",Inltallvlnl , .. It I oompllt. .uoo .... now .. Id, In rour oonvlnllnt American Store, If you aN not .nJo,I"I complete Iltllf.ctlon In ,our food lluyln,. WI .u ... t you turn to ~.

..... on .. ' Brlnd" T.nd." Vo~n,: Fre~h Kliied


DUcKLiNGS 'ano, 'Nih KIII,d Stewlnl

CHICKENS 3'!J, =. Mal Le". u •• , P ...... I,,! lISt:» Lu"ch .. " A.II , ... ~,:... lISt:» ...... I .. " •

'Ito a I.e: .. .. ·.i·

Pork Loins ",hoI.. ....18 n. Ifa" .11 C

Ce"t., c .. t Ch.pI ., R ••• t. • .is .... ,,1. ,~=~. • lOt Ch •••• \ \\1:\" It '-13" ....... 1 .""...... tn .....

D ..... 8... - • Ile I Lunc .. ,.n M •• t '. 'b lIe: .... h Op ...... J.r •• , .".ct ~., .. T iA' ~.,,~ "" .. ,k .... "kill..... ,W""", u. 19 ",","II I",u" lihll,,11 1I.1t1 III e

Holiday Cannfld JI flg~'abl" S,./.l F.r.ti~.i. T.nd., P... Nt!!;"· 10c

/Ij'CO GN ........ 1 , ••• ",",'" 2 ....... 27 R L,-.JI •• " ..... ' •••• _ GN •• Ju...... ..... I ..... . 11' 1· . ... """. C ........ UeW .....t' - .,. '''''''.'''' r •• ,·" a..:1_ I ~:-' .. ' '1. IISaJ P ... ,II... I"·' I'. IS . ACMI e ..... " ..... ' C ... :.:= ~~, 10~ •• , ... d ... c.,,, · w~;;: ~!". A,,.N ... ,.", ...... m..... I .... ;. 17,

-__ .11 0_ •. 21. IIStD T ......... r.~~.:,. ::::t 3 ~! .. 21 T......... '.', .. , ,. .. 'Ie '1 •• '1" _

H'iiil'cii'll ~;imit4" '~. ,. t ,,·hlll·t , '''' UrN"

Itt:... ...... 2 ".: .. : II " . t •• .. 1 ..

'.ncy 'hrl",p 11.'.::: JS F,.lh P, .. ".. ..~.' 6, Glu. Cltren ·0 ... II Lellon orOIIAa,Ptll " "'II, P........ ' ...... .. . 7

rr ... U .... I ... • "I.ell •• , ....... ·2' r .. s .. • ..... ,..... • ..... 4 ,

PAGE SIX 1'H£ NEW ERA. THURSl>A Y. NOVEMBER :1. 1940 IN CHANCER\' Of NEW JERSEY I ~~ ." .. ~ bt AtI<>l¥>I>H S .... :"D.UI~ J::

1 Churcll Notices I CllIUSTIAN SCI-.ttC£ CKURCM

t:bt Ch\l~h of ClIriat. Sdtl'ltiat 'tboit\o A<ot. at Se':~tl\ St.

R1~, N. J. S\lIlda)' S~hoot, ~~ ~ Sandal' S!In"""-es. 11 Lm. Wtdnuda.y, &.00 p.m Rftdil'lt Room In Churth Build­

.... 'n\Oll'\U A~hut and St~th luett. Ri\~rron, o~n 't\ltosda, and Pridat, ;UIl to .. 30.


Burhnal"On Pike Sund;ay Morbil\C

10 'O\:liXlk-FlfSooay S ~boo\. U o·d.xk-I\leetin, f,' r Wonhip.


"Soul and Boo}''' I~ th~ le05on. _ Thoe Cale.:httkal Mnnon .ub ' ~'1 L'r Sunda\, r-;.:>Hnl- 9.30 a.m. ~ 2'4 . ' n ali Chfl.lian Chun:he& and Claut._ Bociebe~ throuihoUl the wCltld. Sunda)'

The G\llden TeM , •. . 0 ble~~ our The La~t Sunday alter Tnnlt)'. God. ye reo pI,.. and make the vo,.:e 9.30 a.m.-Children·s Chur~h-Ser-Of hi~ praise to be heard: \\'hl<h m.:ln: "A Little Soy', Lun~h." Iloldeth our soul In life. and ~ufJn· lll.OO •. m.-Chur.:h Sl:hoot I eth not our feet h:' ~ mo\'ed." 11 .00 a.m.-The Ser\'i~ pastor i (Paatrtts ~: s. In. R.:lwe wtll use as his sermon them~

Arnone the lus.:>n-"ermon ~Ita- "Oil ior the Lamps of Chn'ti.\ns.~ tiona is the f<>lIIl"',II, Itom the Bible : ~,,~ p.m._Intermediate and St­"M)' soul, walt thoU ont, upon God; nior Luther LealUe•. • felt my upe.:tabon is from hIm."· 1.00 p,D1.-Ve~pere. ~he :-"'omena (pulms 62 : ~ ). Mluionary SOClttt wtll ewe theiW'

'the lesson. sermon at.o Indlidn annual Thank offerin. service. Mrs. the lollowinl pa .... e (roID the ~o,..e win apeak on tht ,u~l~t. Chriltian Sdem:e textbook. "Scienu "Th~ Wa)'1I to Give Tllanlm. alIIl He&ltb 'lrith Ke, to the Saip. This \I Your in,itatlon to attend ~.. by Mary Balter Ee\d,': all of thelt attvl~9. ""dettee ttnatl Splrit. SOIiI. a. n~t TUeada)1 eveniltc. November :ze­ta the body, and Ood as not In man Bethany', Luther Luau" will tn. tIIlt u rt8ec:ted by mati. The erta!'. I tertllin the Luther Luau" 0(. South er cannot be In the lenet .•• Tbia Je"e, at a Iervlce which 'lnU be· la a ieadU" point in the Science of tin at 8.30 In the church. A choir loW. tbat Principle II not In ita from the Slovtk Lutheran Church. idea" (p. 4(7). Trenton. N. J •• will ain, Itveral Ie-



A bowl filled with p~bbll!ll and water ia all that ia re­qUired ; in i'I temperature of from 60 to 6S d~grt'ea for but results . Plant 2 weeks apart from late November until March.


Mammot h Bulb. \5 '. 11\ • .-Irc.l : 3 for 20c; 12 for 70c I 100 for $4.75 Moniter Bulb. (6 in. circl: 3 for 24(: 12 for 80c: 100 for '5.50 Jumbo Bulbs (6'. In. cir<.): 3 for 30e: 12 for '1.00: 100 for '7 .00

Henry A. Dreer, Inc. B"d",,,t G"·J,,, ! "" ,ul,(ul l ll ... ' I ,~3S

111 .......... n ....... III .. IIIIIII ....... IIIIIIHIItlltIIIIlHlllI ..... ___ 1

You're always prepar.d with


" ·Iht .. r w('alh .. r hold_ no t .. I'1'0'" tor th ... tamlll"" .... h.­tUt'1 blnll art" RIINl "ill1 KO\lPl'''' eok('. Fo, Ih~ Ilt'It'ntUle tut'l a. ",a.l, I", th .. IIf"\'f'N'fOt " .. alht", Alm" .. t .11 hNt .. prothu.·ltl(l ,·arllU". It "h ... ~uu tht' klml ot h ... t )"OU

,...nt ''''1'''1 ,'tn. '1'1111' ftt Bun,. 1I1 •• dU, thl'oUl!h the dar-ba ...... " .. U .t ru,.hl-romN up qul"kl,. In the 1IIOI'IlinI. And DlDOlt Importaot, Kopp"" CAlli. Ira.M wry I .... "./1" •• BUI'R tha. et'OI1om1.a1 tu"l thla wtntftl

J. T. EV ANS CO. ......

til II til , III III 1111111 "111 1111 II 1111 II II III III IU IIltllllllllllIII 1IIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIlII III IIII11It It!! FOR i




A popular bu, at our Ice Crelm Dtpartment

. L L. KEATING 8raed aDd lIaID ' Itrata










5 I i

I Phone 15" - Free Delivery 4-0 _________ --' nllllllllllll'IIIII11I1I11I1I11I11I1I11II11I1I11IIl1II11Il1Il1IlUtIlIlIllIllIlIllIll~lntlllllllll


-~ 7)/Uoe:/


".\·'AnoN or ,.... J'&4ItI \, THa" rou ,.t .11 Ih,ourb wllh VV d.lma and count.r .. tl.iml, lb_

pl.ln l.c, ,.m.In. .. Ih.,.', onlT on. Hyd, •• MIlIc Ori ... 1 R.prdl ... or wbat .n,.on ... ,. •• bout anT otb .. fI.W drive, .. ",omb .. thl. : No car wI'h • c/ul.h -no cor thot roqulr •• , •• t .hl(tfn,. .. ".n p.r' of ,II. '".",-c.n po •• ,bl)' ,Iy. r .. "II. '" Hydr •• AI.tle Drl" • . Old.mobll.', Hydra­Malic DrI ... lIIap' up p.rformenc:.. It ...... b.l. tb •• «on o. dri .. \na. 11,1,," mo,. mU .. r. on r'" \t'l U.. Gloa' popule,. m ... tlnt .... tlftr. moe! w",,1iaI , .. "' •• of lb. ,.,. lee II .1 ou, abow. --. tb.n tak. 0 thrill .... trial dri ...

... and dri... al •• , .. , lin •• fot .,4I-tb. low· priced Old. 8~ d." tb. popular·priced Dyneonlr C.ul .. , and lb. ",edlulll.priced o..lom C'ul .... a.d ... pH ..... ,.,.,.t I •••• ·d.,I".ted .t La ... I .. ,. Mlaltl, .... a,.t. 'a., optlOll~ • .,_lp. ••• f •• 4 •• _ ra,a. am.N AI'

SJI«i4I4-Dr. Wm-SiJt, $94'.; =a~~::.-.~: '852* Hi"",~, ~.""Il lim fttrlL J." f ••• , ... ,. 1'0 ........ AL ...

~OLri'SMOBILE "JACK" DAWLEl, Inc., 10 Broad Street, RivertoD

TaLUIIO... .. ........... n 1"_



Phone Riverton 2 SE~Vlca BANK It T~U8T CO. . • - Granite, Marble and Bronn

I \ Repall'1l and lnstllllationa W·II H & So GEORGE ' F. GINTHER

BELLEVUE GARAGE \ " T';e~,:d~D~ . Powa- and Licht , lOpe n Broad and Kern St.. B. IllftrtOD . ' M I II rrl 8 306 Melro.e Avenue Patrnrn Washington and Federal Streeta

J. L. LIPPINCOTT CO. Realto" • Inauro"

Telephone Rlv, 15M. Nlehl Ia-M a n :IV:~':;'~ met Phone ~Iverton U25 I Burlington, N. J. ' ------.--------1------------- _____________ . Phone BurUncton 13

Notary Publlc W1111.",,·Wrtl'It Bldl. .1_ ....

"JACK" DAWLEY I w. H. SLOCUM & SON Walter D. Lamon • nc. __________________ \ Marbl~!r~ranlte REAL ESTATE BARBERS EXPRESS

Oldsmobile RA Y BANKS ~ Shinn's Express I 117 BaIt Main Street INSURANCE BARBE~ I Moorestown, N. J. 516 Cinnamlnlon Ave. Pal.,..

SALBS and aB~VIC£ Special Attention to Rlve"lde. N, J. ~~~~~~_~P~h~0~lIe~15~9~_ Phone Riverton 25 All Work DAILY TO PHILADELPHIA Get Our 'Price

Safety Teated Uaed Cal'll Office-lOG N, 5th Street I • W • 306 BROAD STREET Phone-Rlvenlde 346 • f

10 Broad Street. Riverton RIVERTON PhllAdelphll-Lombard !lOSS I I REX Te1ephonea

Riverton 1212 Merchantville 510

Koppenhaver Motor Co. DODGE and PLYMOUTH

SALES and 8ERVICE 600 Brold St. ~Iverton

Phone ~Iverton sao FRANK I. LLOYD

Service Man.,.r


Moorestown Motor -Co., Inc. 119 Welt Mala 8t., MooreeloWll

Pbone MooreetoWll " or 4IS



Emerson Wolfschmidt Edward Moorhouse

521 Howard St. ~Ivertoa 9uklr Service. Sanltaf7 '8hop

BUILDERS , John E. Me Vaugh

Contractor and BuUder RIVERTON, N. J.

Telephone Riverton IIIS.J

5·' & 10·' STORES EDWARD HUGHES McCROSSON In~orporated -------------1 Covered by In6urance

Mra. Jama E. Wolfe'. I P' ,. I Real Estate and Insurance PALMYRA am IT'lR t

. 1 EDWARD HUGHES. MIfI'. , 5 East Broad St., Palmyra 5c and lOc STORE , 114 Garfield Ave. palm:rra

l' Phone Riverton 500

9 WEST BROAD STRE£T I Phone Riverton 341 CARRYINO A CO .. PL.". LlN. 0'

NOTlONa. 'tOILET ARTI,Cl.U 1 I INSURANCE NOV.BL'I'IBa. CANDY. IITC. ' LEON ROUSE ""111 .. f.aulrd your furtllt ...... ,..

SAPE DRIVBR" IIBWARD . I .utomobU .... .

GROCERIES INSIDE It OUT8IDE PAINTINO Ada E. Prl'ce I Alia SPRAY "AINTINO _____________ Notery Publl. a .. 1 __

W. F. Becker 1

506 Broad Street Riverton Q.n ... 1 In •• ' ....

oaOClIlusS - .RU1"1 • VBOI:TABLU DeUca_n C ••• 1ff


517 HOWA~D ST .. RIVERTON Phone 724-Pree Dell.,.,.

_____________ 4111 Lippincott Ave. Ill..,.. Phon. IIlv.rlon _

"1\ TJ:r-JT 1\ 1I:11ICI N I:~

Lealie W. Reeves L. L. KeatlOng GEORGE W. ROGERS. Inc.

REALTORS- INSURANCE Patent Medldnt'l - Gifts - Cand, Phone Riverton 787 or 145

Greetln, Carde • Ice Cream 529 Clnnaminaon Avenue

MARFAK LUB~ICATION Curtis . Stavely KARL FRANK'S Broad ~;~:~: :t~:e' PALMYRA, N. J. CARS WASHBD MEAT MARKET . Phone 1140 [I

Fhfttoae Tint-Batttrtae C~:!~~~~~!I:~ B~:;=R KELLOGG'S CANNED 00001, /. 11 sur a 11 c e Burke's Service Station la w. CHARLBS 8T., PALMYRA MEATS-POULTRY REAL ESTATE 8road and Linden RI.... Pbone 744 607 Main 8t. RIVBRTON i . ' Notary Public

Phone lila ---------- Phone 16 , _ lOS. F. YEARLY _________ IWM. B. BISHOP ~~~ Riverton Phone".


• J S C 11' Jl. So In 601 Linden Ave. Riverton, N. J. ATLANTIC PROi)UCTI •• 0 Ina ut It, Co Telephone Riverton 141

Complete Automobile 1enI~ .blu .. ~a1' HARRY C. SCHWERING ---. ----1190125 W. Broad It., PALMYItA .UILDINO .AftIIALl-IlAaOW ... ,.~~ GEORGE BONSAL

Phoal 1110 .~ ... LU ........ a-' .. D-COD -.......-.... - ~!!dhouse PLUMBINO • HEATINO

SHOE r<EPJ\Il\Ir~l}

For Better Shoe Repalrln, Trr N. Beitz


SCHNEIDER'S - ..... • ... • SALES anet SERVICE 901 Llnc:o~O::.STOK~:yr .. N. J. 117 E. Br°pih:~~e~i:~myra, N. J,

ATLANTIC SERVICE J. T. EVANS CO,eratol'll IIld ApPUlnc:w Telepbon. Riverton 12

Plodda R-' T_ Lallrlcadall PUBL OIL • 305 Eut Broad It. PaIJD,.... N. J, Lee""'" - Bakle .. tt...... ...... COAL Pho .. 21 George Friday, Jr. Broad and Mor... .,...."..... LUMBaR ------------ Plumbln" Keatin, and Roolq

Teltphoa. _1""0iI 1171 Q!II MILLWORK ELECTROL OIL BURNltRI Phone Rlvll'tClll 101 PETRO·NO·KOL OIL BURNERa

I 609 Thom .. Avenue Phone 937 RlvertoD

N. DREIER 19 W. Broad St. PALMY1tA All Klndl of OrthopedIc Shoe Wadr

Dr. S~hoU·. Foot R~medlea

STATIONERY ~~~)!!!!!!i!!!!!!! WOOLST(1N'S



HAULING Cleanln, - Whltl.a.h\DJ

Lawn Worll C. D.TURNER

H. D. Hullings & Son 1----- -----­PLU .. BIHO • "KATIHO • 8001'INO I RYTEX STATIONERY

Delco Oil Bumers " S 1. 0 0 ESSO STATION





Ph_ Rivertoll ..

H. B. WILLIAMS .... 10" YALL ••

COAL I!IRIi!9 Ito ..... "OC •• COD IiiI!BiiI 'UaL OIL

~ ... ~ PALMYRA PboDe 1110


207 Union Llndln, Road Eaat ~Iverlon. N. J.



JOI Weal Third lit., Palmpn RI"'fUton .IS-J

202 Broad Bttut Riverton. N. J. Phone eo THE NEW ERA OFFICE ------------------------- '-------------------------


John H. Etris 17 West Broad Street

Pahnyra f

Radiol, Refrigerato ...



PALMYRA, N. J. Work Callad Por and Dell .....


Expert Repair Service Elcluslve PHILeO Deller for

Palmyrl Ind Riverton BARGAIN. IN UIED IETI


Peel Poindexter earl Called for ... .,......... Pbone alvaton 1567


QUALITY PRODUCTS Phone 47t .........


(. H!'!!'~t!=- Smith', Store

- :::':.0:' Dr, 000dI . NCIdoaa .• "IId.t~1 -r, lie ..... to .". 1IcCd'1 ....... CIIftII

CHIIW'I hIED" I ..... It.. ....... 4.4 IIAIN 1ftDT. aJV8JITO. ----......... w • .,.... ..... ,.


If KU •••• LL. ... ""'-111 __ m

Rlvenidr Home Laundry C. WARD LOWDEN • 31S ft' S NOROIE RIEWR.OKaATOU ..... me treet .... he C_pIete NOROB LIn


114 CI-.=I aa A_ ............. 1M ...... pr .. N. J. T ·,,11 7"'

TAILOR Cluninl • Preu1na • 01 ....

1'1", Dfli",U7 B.rvice R1Vt-:RTON Phoae 1M


-... -

REMINOTON PORTABLE A_"'-_ .. ............... - _ ... .,.


The best turkeys taste the best and are the moat desirable to buy. It'a juat the same with used cars, it pays to buy the beat. We have the finest selec­tion' to pick from today.

Your best bet is to buy your Used Car from a local dealer whose reputation depends on pleasing YOll.

We are sincere when we say that the Used Cars offered for lale by liS have the backing of • firm whose one ambition is to please its customers and to keep them pleased-year in and year out.



and be

THANKFUL instead of



1939 Oldsmobile I 2-DOOR SEDAN. Thl. II a one· owner car with low mUea,e and ha. had the belt of care. A real bar,aln.

• 1939 Ford

COUPE. One·owner car. Perfect mechanical condition. Good paint and tires. An excellent buelne.1 car,

I:. •

1939 Oldsmobile COUPE. New paint. Complete. I, overhauled. Radio and heater.

• 1938 Chevrolet I-DOOR SEDAN. Good paint and rubber. Perfect mechanical condition. A one·owner car wltb low mll ... e. • 1937 Ford TUDOR. Thl. car It priced ri,ht and thocou,hl, reconditioned. An aceUent car for economical trana­portatlOD.

• 1937 Chevrolet J.DOOR 8EDAN. Thlt car I. nail, an excepdon. One owner. New painL Perfect mechanical conditlOa.

• 1938 Plymouth

4-DOOR SEDAN. A perfect automobile ,ood paint ana rub­..... Low miI.a,.. Radio ancl beater.



10 Broad 8trMt ....... T." •• t&i ...... WI."" ......


Wednesday. Nov. 20 -Now Playine-

PUBLIC DEH~ No. 1 with

Geor,e Murphy and Brenda joyce -Added Attradion­


Thursday Only. Nov. 21 (Continuoul Today)


Hit No. 1-

Friday and Saturday, Nov. 22.2l A Joyous Star Studded Musical

111«)1(811 ROONEY

Sunday and Monday, Nov. 24·25 - "BIG 4 UNIT SHOW"

A Mirthquake of Melod, ancl Merriment

-with-Alan Mowbray • Billy Gilbert Matty Malneck and Orchcatra

-allo- , SCOOP-"London Can Take It" EXTRA-"Mr. Duck Stepi Out" ADDED-"Pootball ThrlUl"


Wednesday Onl,. Noy. 27 Adventure on the Hlah S_

CAPTAIN CAUTION with 'Victor Matur., LouI .. Platt

ancI Bruce Cabot Adcled-Carl Holl SAd OrclMltra

TharacIa, Onl" Noy ••

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE I concepti4nl of Deil¥l We admlt I THANKSGIVING SERVICE theoreticall, that God I. 'Iood, om·

wpotent, omniprelent, intinite, and In cratitude to God for divine then we try to ,ive information to

care and pdt-nce durina the paat thi. infinite Mind. We plead for un­year, and in lceepln, with the Proc· merited pardclD and for a liberal out­lamalion of the Prea!dent of the pourlna of benefactions. Are we United State.. Firat Church of , reaIl, .. atehll for the Cood ~ady Chriat, Sdenti.t of Riverton willi rec:civedl Tben we ahaIl avail our· Hold ita annual TlwlkspvinC act- lelve. o{ the blealin'~ we hav~ and 'vice at 11 o'dock LID. thUI be fitted to receIve more.

Tbe acrviee will Include readina At the do.. of the readlnp an of the Proc:lamalion, conareeational opportunity will be pven to CbrI .. Iin&lnc of appropriate hymn .. a .010 dan Sclentiltl to expreas thankful­entitled "The Ma.ter'. Way," and a neal for beaJin,1 received throu~b ahort leaaon-aermOll. Cbrlltian Science. Tbe .ervlce will

Tbe Golden Text for Tbanupvlna dOle with a benediction from the




Day It from Paalrna 117:12, "Rejoice Bible: "For all thin .. are for J:oar HARDING'S SWEET CREAM In the Lord ,e riabteou.; , anti ,Ive like .. that the abllndant .. ace nu,bt thanu at the remembrance of hi. throu,h the Thanks,ivln, of many hollne..... redound to the ,lor, of God." BUTTER

One of the Scriptural .electionl In (Farm Roll)

2 'lbs 6ge tbe leHon-lermon ia from PHIm. The Palmyra Cadet Drum and 31 :111, 21: "Oh bow ,reat la thy Bu,le Corps took the firat p~iae. of ,oodneal, which thou hast laid up $75 for bein, the best or,anlzation fOI' them that fear thee: which tbou of thiB type appearane in the Mt. R.&R. PLUM PUDDING haat wroucht for them that tru.t In Holly parade last week. 9 Ib can 23c

f BI ed 4-oz. can C thee before the Ions 0 men. ess I There's no way of ,oinK Into be the, Lord: for he hath sh~wed I trainin for writlne. me hi. marvellous kindness In a ,

stron, dt,." , I j~~i~~i~~~§~fil From "Science and Health with ,-----

:;:~er t~d~~~ 18S~~~~t:~:::,~~n ~:;! i I b. !:~ldW~W 3, lines 11·24: "How empty are our • "!~ ~ _ ~!~]

AI n :w _ ; J' -. ....

Wh.n Your Child', Ankl .. Look LIIc.


Matin.e Daily at 2.00 p.m. Evenin,. 7.00-II.00 o'clock

TUESDAY and W~DNESDA Y November 19 • 20


Duley FREE-8 Turkeys will be dI .. tributed from our atace to per­aons holdine lucky coupon num­~ers Tuesday evenin& at II p.m.

' . , , h can pay you to have Ihoae growIng feet fltt.d with EDWARDS CORICTRED SHOES

TH UR,SDA Y (ThanklpvinC) and FRIDAY, Nov. 21 - 22

Continuous Sbowlnc Qn

Thanksrlvlne Day from 2 p.m.

10 th.y will look nice and atrolght lik. thl. ...


Strike Up the Band Ladies Pleaee Note: We will not distribute dinnerware on Thanks· ,ivlng Day I



Dance Girl 'Dance rSaturday Mltinee Only­


Our • .,.., 1IItIo. .....teo ..... IDWAIDI COIIcn.DI_

SUNDAY, November 24 Continuoul from S.30 p.m.

... ,... tIIN ...... _ely, JANE WITHERS In ................. '"' ........ . The Girl from Avenue A

...... )'011' 110" ~rd

.~ ... ......." u a I fw • IIIIfne.

Shoes Carefully Fitted By X-Ray

SHULMAN'S Palmyra', Leading

Dept. Store


I'm Nobody'. Sweetheart Now


OIl poor quIIt1 coal. Your health, comfort and • -willi fa -eel, If ,OIl 11M aVANS' PREIIIUIi

J COAL. "Jt._ farther and _e. Jona ..... PUaL OIL - 0. .. Koppen Coke

• • • R.paIn, A1 .... done and N_ R__ 6JIanc.cI OIl low -tbIJ

pa~'" No c:uh nquIn4. No reel tapa. P. tr.. lDfonudoD, wrlU cw caD • J. T. Evan. Co.

1lIVmITO .. .oa OIL Vlla-v.P-.. ............

011 ..... .. _ ................. . ad-. _ .., .....,..., ••


KERNELS .................. Ib 49c

Calif. Soft Shell ENGLISH

WALNUTS .................. Ib 2Sc



Kellogg's Tomato Juice 3 taU cans 27G

Kellogg's Fruit Cocktail large can 23c


box 23c ----Fresh Pumpkins ...... 2 Ib SC FANCY RED RIPE

CRANBERRIES ... 2b 23c


Sweet Potatoes or Yams 3 Ib 14c



Snow White

Mushrooms .................. tb ZSc FRESH CLEAN

SPINACH ........................... Ib Sc

Fancy Hearts of Celery bunch He stalk Sc

u. S. No.1 IDAHO



18 for 2Sc CALIFORNIA 8UNKI8T LEMONS ..... _ ... :_ ..... doz. lSc




12 to 14 II ....

Stricti, Frnb Killed ParaJDClUt ROASnNO or PRYING

CHICKENS ., 29c ~to4" ....

NO GUEIS WORK-Newr BefOft lC1O'J1' II~ STRICTLY FRESH KILLED Paramouat P __ NeII'by ......

Hea Turkeys ., 3le 1110."

Jt.tra ...... IMIIt1 IaInIa c­ia .... -_ iMea _ ..... 01-.

::: .. If,:.:re. to..!:S .... ~ ...-=11_ ......... ..... ..... II ••• k_,.. .... ...

"Opportunities mi,ht be more easily recognized if they did not come so often disguised as hard work." THE NEW ERA Ont Of th' h.n11f"u

thln~ ... " Irrft ,"11.1 th' t l mt t CA\.

muncy 1/ \~(n Y C/,t"\C

"ot ... um 1




. Announces Concert .-

; I!-

The Festival Foundation will ,ive , the first of its mid·wlnter concerts' ,", in the auditorium of the Mooreatown I High School, Moorestown, Wednes-day evenin" December 4th. The I &lime program will be repeated in , ' the Wilbur Watts Hi,h School" ~ Burlington, Wednesday, December I f,J 1 lth. The time on both evenin,.

. will be 8,15. I At bOlh concerta the Foundation

will present as soloist Miss Mar­guerite Kuehne, violin artist·atudent of the Curtis Institute of Music and winner of the 1940 Youth Award.

. ,

Post Frederick M. Rod,er.,

. Thanks Contributors American Lellion. of Palmyra. is ,conducting its annual project of reo

I conditioning toys for needy children 4>

. ilt Christmas. The officers and directors of tb.

I All residents of thi~ section who I Riverton Branch 01 the Needlework have toys that can be used by the I GUild wish to express their apprecl­Legion are requested to call C. B.' ation of the number and excellent Gardner, Riverton 52J · M or J. Rus· quality 01 the ,armeots contribute4 sell M IIs,e'. RIverton 709· W as I to tbe Guild this year. suon as po,sible. On the day of the annual meetinl

_ __ 1840 fine, serviA;eabie, wisely choseQ

I articles were ,athered in and redia-l tllbuted among thirteen social scr_ , , VIce agencies. all In New Jersey

I with the exception of the Home lor Incurables, Philadelphia. A' cash donation of $60 was made to the Riverton-Cinnaminson Welfare AI-sociation for the purchase of shoca.

Miss Kuehne has appeared four times a8 soloist with the Los An­,eies Sltnphony Orchestra under the batons of Arthur Rodzinski and Otto Klemperer. She hal alllO ap­peared with the orchestra In Holly. wood Bowl when the conductor waa 'Sir Hamilton Harty.

ZimbaIist Student

The sustainin, interest and ea. thusiasm lor· the fine work 01 tba Needlework Guild was well exem­plified by the prelence of Mrs. Harvey Mitchell at the annual mee~ ine. Mra. Mitchell was for yea,..

Mr, and Mrs. William Smith, of 200 Delaware avenue, Palmyra, a resident of Riverton, active in the celebf<lted their J.olden wedding anniversary on Saturday. November 23rd. social life of the community. She Mr. Smith is a hf.long resident of Palmyra and Mrs. Smith, prior to her I is the .only livine charter membCl'

Thie winter Mi .. Kuehne will play marria&e, was Sarah E. Bishop, of Riverton. The Smith's have lived at of the Riverton Branch of the a concerta with the Philadelphia or- their present address for the past 48 years. Tbey have a dau,hter Mrs.: Needlework Guild, whicb was or_ cbestra in the Concerti for Youth. Clarence N. Hubbs and a 60n, Warren T. SmIth, both Palmyra residents. ,anized in 1894. Her continued Eu,ene Ormandy conduc:tlnc. At Mr. 'Smith remembers Palmyra when it had but 64 homes, one street (the : 'I yearly attendance at the meetin,a the Institute ehe ia. pupil of Efrem present Broad street) and a one room school house on Strongtown Road and her lively interest in all the

f now Cinnaminson avenue.. • ! Zimbalist and a member 0 a .tu- local work, is a creat source of in-dent trio booked (or numeroul en- ,lsPiration to those who are carryinc cagemellts this winter. In addition ANNUAL MEETING I FIRST QUOTA TO on what Mrs. Mitchell &0 ably be-to two aroups of 1010 numbeR, Mi.. LEAVE SAT ' I can. Kuehne will appear witb the Fee- URDA Y Do you know that your annual \ tivaI Foundation Chorua in a "Lake LOCAL WELFARE membership in . the Red Cross • 01 Dreams," a choral paraphrale of Wiliam Hugh Reilly, 47 East I crea!es the fund w~ich. makes it I New OrdInance "The Swan" by Saint·Saens. and In Linwood avenue, Maple Shade and poillble for the oreamlatlon to help Raff's Cavatina for violln with piano Report Rendered by Executive Clifford Louis Mason, 418 H~race ' so promptly in tim~8 ?f disaster in ' Is Passed' Here

The Foundation chorua will pre- Secretary Shows Vast avenue, Palal1yra, the first to be fire, and earthquakes receive prompt and chorus. l our own country? Vlctams of flOOdS'1

sc:nt a choral proeram which will Amount of Work ~aIlef :~m Local i1prlaft B~ard ~o. relief. and special needs of veterans At an adjourned meeting 01 P ....

include such very popular number. F . hI ' f' 0 a myra, weave 0. en er hospitals and similar calls of the : myra Borou,h Council held OIl ab "Annie Laurie." arran,ed by the e~~~n~C~:::::~sOs:e~~ffa~e th~. army on Saturday mornan, of needy are promptly met when the . Wednesday ni,ht of last week. the Geoffrey O'Hara; "The Bells of Association, Mra. Robert J. Sim, ex- thIS week. Red Cross has sufficient members ordmance on the Sunday questlOD St. Mlchael'a" by Stewart; and ecutive secretary, reported on the The two men will take the 7.34 t., maintain a regular fund for the passed first reading by ,a 4·2 vote. It "Come to the Fair," by Martin. I activitie. of her office both aa dl. train from P~myra to Trenton, purpose, . This fUlld is secured will come up for pubhc hearin& iUld

Sustainin, memberfhipi in the . rector of relief for Riverton and where they will report for duty. through the annual memberships. final passa,e on Tuesday. Decem. , I F d' $2' mem'I' I . Maple Shade officials will be pres· but it is' necessary for everyone ber 3 • Festi~a oun atlo." cost, Clnnam.nson, ~nd WIth respect to ent to see the men off and others . . According to the pro"isio'ns of Ih.

bershlp cards admIt two perlons to the famaly servIce work of the WeI· . 'ed d . . I d to Joan. , . , S d ... each of the mid·winter and .prln, fare Aasodation. anvlt to be on han WIll Inc 0 e The quota for Riverton is at least ne .... legislation, un ay sports anlA

S· Ie d-: II'onl by I . . Mayor John F. Ward. of Palmyra, SOO members Two thirds of the amusemenl. are hmlted to the po-concerta. ana a .... 8 This dual field of work IS of G N W ' e I I I ' . d I 6 a d f C to . k t th door SO cents each .' eorge. 1m r, oca appea time allotted for the drive has flO. to p,m. n rom .

tae et or a e b' . d f . , c"u.rse. a frequent source of ml&Un· I a,ent and members of the Palmyra . d d h h !l,15 p.m. A lurthrr restriction III TI~kets may be 0 taane rom l!:ny I derstandina. Relief disbursements Draft Board. passe an t e town as not yet respect to the movies provides that acbve member of . the F~undataon , al'e subject to rather ri,id standards I Reilly's order ' is No.6, while that re~ched half the quota. Have you any procram shown on Sunday chorus, or from ~IS' C~rrle Batet" but in the re,eneration of a family I aosi,ned to Mason was 32. fBlled to. do your part? W,e must mu.t aIlO be .howD on a weekday The New Era offIce, RIverton. it ie sometimes desirable to draw Th b d h ha f h no~ lall m o~r ~upport of thIS areal . h' . d f h S d •

. e oar ere s no un er rehef or,alllzatlon ' Wit .m 81X ay" 0 t e un ay per Personnel upon the funda ~f the ASlOcla~lo!, information about the aize of the . formancc.

F . I for purpolea outSIde of these Ilm.I' I next quotll, nor when the call win , Important to Join It i. also requir~d that the pric. The pera,;,nnel of the Cltava lation.. Unfortunately the pubhc , be made. I of admission must not be len tha'Q

Foundation'lI made up of a. ~roup i. not aware of the dividine line and ' , Perhaps you were, not at home 011 a weekday and that no ,ift~ be of some forty carefully .udltlOned is apt to aaaume prderential treat· NOTICE when the representative called. If If d sin .. e.. from all over Burlincton ",ent i. ..iven in relief di.burse· . you have mi .. ed her won't you caU 0 C~re . 'I T C t ' PI

• • • L f R ' t· " f h II h' h ounci man . ur II ynn "x. county. ~rac ~arruc. olver Oil ment.. . The ~almyra FIre D~partment wiJI ,,:nyon~ 0 t e co ectors w IC wer~ pJained his ne,at,,'e vote by .tatinc is the mU.lcai ~ector of the croup; , . ~ICOIItinue all collechon. of paper ~.t.ed an the New Era !ast week 1 It that it was moti,'ated by the clau .. Jean E. Morrason of Palmyra the Pounded an 1931 Ul the Borou,h of Palmyra effec· IS lI1)portant that you )om. 'd' I th ep titio of mov'. _.- I . . di I d d ' . Th R d C . d . th pro'~ mc or ere D I accompa .... t. . . Mfi. Sim made a lencthy and in. tive Imme 'te y ue to con II10nl . e e.. ron win ow m e performancCI. He remarked that

Never ha •. the upliftin' Influence tere.tlne report, pvine detail. of beyond ~ur control. , I Collm. ~ulldlne tells. yo.u much Ihis .... as an imposition. of eood mUBlC been more needed in . many ca ... which had been prob- We WIsh also at thl. tame to I?ub. about thll .,reat o~ca",%atlOn. Do O ..... r 50 r .. sidents attended the the world, and b, more people, than lerna durine the year endin, Octo- Iicly thank all thOle who have aaded not fall to mspeet It carefu)ly. The meetine. !tiatoday. A aubscription to tbe F .... ' ber 30 1940 but which nccesaarily u. in any way. especially Ro,er. committee •• ereatly ind~btt<l to _______ _ tival Foundation (acnd 52 to Mr. " were cloakeci .... ith anonymity. In. Ci,ar Store, Hawk'. Cafe, Wolfs Mill Helen Landefl who doe. this Brooke Tidlwell, foundation trea .. tereatin, extract. from her report : 5 .t 10, McAUiater'. and Etril', work prof~.ionally and. who ha. CINNAMINSON P.T.A. urer. Mt. Holly National Bank, lit. are eiven in the followin, para'j Hardware Store. 'Iven her bme .nd serVIce to the I Hollr) will not onl.' a~ur. you two papa I caule.. . I The CinnaminlOn P.T.A. wiD ~"OIn.,s ~f rare liatenln, plealure. "Tbi, oraanization from the time , their economic crisi •• families with. . . Aeaan we call .ltentlo~ to the ar· I bold a lOur krout luncbeco at die but. WIll 'Ive you a vital part In a of 1(. becinninc on' October 25. out employment-haa been decre •• -' ticle by jo~n Maloney In the No- home of Mrs. F. Kapua. 14 Cuth. ~ro)ect lmportant to the. cultural lillI, hal lived throueh many I inll in volume until today-we have vem":er 9 Issue of the Saturday I bert Road, an Wednesday. De.em­hfe 01 our county • .....,PubUclty. chanCca. At that time--1931-the nn employable family on full relief. Evemne Post. Mr. Malon~y trav .. lI .. d bn 4th. Luncheon ... 111 be .erved

The POTch Club problem of unemployment fir ... ' be· I Thlt means that lince October 16th t~rou,h war·torn Europe. a. .~. from 11.30 to 12.30 II a cc.t ., 2S pa to be felt by our local lammea. n ' family in which there Is an em· ' Clal observer for th~ Re:" cent~. ~e~be" and fnend. arw JUlt 9 ,ean later, we becin for th" ployabl" penon il without the an· Cro... You. shou!d not mi •• thl. cor&lI, In"trd. Phone rewrvatiODt filet to _ an upward tum tow.rd ployment of at least OM member 01 account of hll find,"C" to Rlvenon S76 or Ru .. "non 54~ .

Franci. B. Elwe1\, of Rivcrtoa. employmcnt-due in larce dearer to that famll,. It meant aho that oar Silrtecn worken came for the _ secretary of the New Jerte)' Till. tile Dew dcf_ proaram. So far I relief civtnc .t ttaf. prCkf'lI tfIn" is "wine period Jut Frida, and much The recuIar m.:>nthly es • ..-"::",, payers' Aasociation, ,avl a IDOIt In· thIa upbarn Ia atRmd, aIlcht. A' entirel, aupplemmtary for the fint was accompUstaed. There is atill IDfttine will be held on M""d~, t<lestlnll talk on Tuesda" Novem. Cood number of our men are ,till tame since December. 1937. and that nted for more worke... M"terials "min .. December 9. at the hCII'Oe ber Z6. aupportinc their familica throueh the amount which we rh·e. that il if for diapera and b3by blankets have of lira.. E. Puker. ,42 HI,~i.lIM1

Mr. Elwell prefaced hil remarka W.P.A. but that number it arada. employment continue •. will decrease It last arrh'ed and thew mUlt be "''mUO'. The 1000';.n Will 10 .. 101-by statin, that tbe auoc:iation wa. all, dec:reaalne a. one man after I ,"dually al the replar ..... ,... of fini.hed a. quickl, .s poaible. The " ... rd I", • ,Mm .. tk ~",' 01 canll,ed several years lICO to ac- aDOth.,. COCI baa to private CIIl· those penons wllQ._ha"e most reo balance of the lav .. ttes i. complf'teJ _ quamt the tallpa,e.~ with f.cta COIl· ploymeaL Ilea who have been em· : cmtly obtained ~PlOYment read- and IJhipmmt is d~la,ed becauu of Dut to a<hocl rlM:"r cn ('«<!II_ cuning the dilpOlltiOll of our taxn. ployed in farm work durinc the aum- I juat themacl"H-tn c1 .. annr debt. thew two item.. If "OQ U"""I bn ~ anJ Q!hrr .ct,,,,,1 .l;: . ,,~

The .peaker 1JI00trated hi. talk mer now fau tile inevitable la,off· 1 to Public Serviu. th .. milk man. th .. come Priday will you do acme 01 there ",ill N "" ~,,,Ia{ m ... ",., ca in a most novel manner which force. They~, c_ to OIlr office for landlord, etc:. Our oraanization dC'H thi. work at home? Call Mrs , Oil . I'eCMr.N' 11th. fully brou,ht to hi. ~udience t~ W.P.A. refnnl. Fewer men have I not cut o/f relief help .. soon. as bert Cae. Rivrrton 'tl.R .• 11" will ~ si,nificance of the tax IItuation al It coma. • employment i. obtained b,' .tome I be Cbd to wnd you the maIm.! Tht Perm:s and T .. ac~rt CIo,;c. eXIsts toda,. "Durine thil 1ft!' 48 penoIlI haye mrmber of a family. but we d" dis· I Mra. FilIOn GrafF. R, .... rton 11'). J. en ... I"'nv win ~ }'dd on y, la,.

F'ollowinr the formal addr .... IIr. beaa raerrecJ for W.P.A. employ. continue it U IIOOn u thr hu,ICet , wl1l an_er .U qUf'ltiton. "",,-..,...inC ll~emt-er ZOo Rho'ell an.wered numeroUl qua- mmL Of that munlaer 40 Wft'e ~hows t~ first lJi",1 .. f f~ncti"n'llrnittinc. tions that were ~ed by membera certified. by the W.P.A. otIic~. , ml on a .ray· •• · ba .. s .... th. Do ,ov "an to maltt the R,,'I , en1 in tlw aDohtonum ~i t". RiY. of the lar,e .udimc:e that attended I were rejeCted; • r~en-aIa were DOt OU! ",'!lUne Into debt. can • .uc~..... and .... ill in the enon Pubbc ScM'1 on F'n..U •. t_ the leclure. .mt; and l.iI peodInc. Of tile 40 Dur!ne tht ,rar J9l9-I?40 we -'n, far rthl&~ • in, f tins wret. at lUG c'ct ,It.

-0- I JWr~1 certificcl 2'f were placed at "we .. ven -..e form of rehef II~lp , Th .. ~«a r is !orin( .po.'ftf reJ by On TuetJda,. December 3. at S W.PA. -~ Of Ihe 2'f pat tn 56 families. That btlp au, ha.... rht I~t C .... rcb A'4 • r the

p.m .. the Literatur. ~t of to work em W.PA. %4 -- reBef l included anytH ... cw tvft'yttafnr--U Gl RE CL U8 CONCERT III Zion A. M. It. Chur .. h. .,.. lb •• tbe dab will .. _t wwa- J. caM&. tile cue wartaDted, from aIwttft' ... no. LiDcoID Uai~ Gw Clab. n1IIIIL

(contiDaecI oa .... J) ........... to = I 1 I........ • (~t"'" - .... I) 01 40 male .",,*"- will .....s. a roa- V ... ~ call R~ tD$f.


from Germany. that uRd to run fnIa wreckine homes. are IdJUna and , In mlDd the momlnl of December I match or .harmonile with ""rlor. 9,000,000 to 20.000,000 a year) ••• maimini thousands. 12, wbea Mill 'Bene Howard wll1l bedroom, kitchen or bath walla . _. A new \'IiChway safety Bare ••

Many more Ihousand. are home- &i.e another Iraphic word picture I An item of footwear called a "Mopa. stlckini in the road behind ,_ ca less. all their beloneinis loat. of war·tom Europe, combination .lipper a~d mop. when stalled-can al.o be unci II

Now a cold B~lti.h winter con· . for c1eanlnl floo,. ~ la Sonja Hen .. , campfire (or makine coRee. ad , fronts her men. women and "hil. THINGS TO WATCH FOR , •• A new harmo~lc., .or mouth or- burna 40 to 60 minutes deaplle wind, dren, Warm winter c10thinl must R.dlo Itta th.t are built rieht into I enn, made of P~ShC, WIth rem.ovoble rain or snow ... A new and cheaper _

The reeular monthly meeting of be eiven them Qui~kly, to lu.tain the wall-not a blC, expen.ive job reed. whole t~an, can be bo~'ed 10 model Ford V -8 .in the next moath Post Rodeers will be held in the them both in body and in spirit. requ1rln1 a special wall, just small c1t1~ and sterilize (war. h .. choked or so-and an even 10wer.prlct4 po.t home on Tuesday evenin,. Ho.pltals, Irowinl busier each onH, with front panel. in colors to oft Imports of harmonicas, mostly ".ix" early next year.

December 3. day, badly need equipment in larier ~;~~~~~~~~~;;;=====~========================= Commander Morgan cordially in- and lareer quantities, ·';tes all ex·service men to attend Travelin, kitchens muat be ruah-thia affair. ed into all bombed areaa-to eiv ..

hot food to the homeless, the fire-FOOTBALL GAME fi,hten, the relcue ' crews .nd the

~ • 1'~ UN DA emercency volunteerl • . HERC'~ S Y Relief, NOW Is imperative I I The Riverton-Palmyra Chapter.

The Palmyra Red Devils will play British War Relief Society offen their first · home ,ame this Sunday, ' you a aure way to help send their December I, at the Palmyra Hieh ' relief. 8chool ,tadium with the Roebling Stop In at local headquarter.. 204 Blue Centers providinc the oppoal- Lippincott avenue. Riverton, or tiOIi. Thil ,ame was postponed telephone MI.I Comella G. Murray. from last Sunday due to rainy Riverton 40. and learn how you can weathClt'. It will be the first time a helpl football ,ame has been played in Pal~yra on Sunday and .the Red : PORCH CLUB DeVil'. first home iame on many I ..,alOn.. The contest will atart at (continued Iro.m pqe I) 2.15. MacMillan. wh~ will .pe~k on the

L t S d th R d Devil. let I timely .ubject • The En,h.h People a. un ay 00 e ' under War Condition ....

~ck the St. Pete,. Holy Name dub, M MacMillan throuch hi. ea. 01 Riverside by the score of 19-0. r.. '·th ld O Th k .. D Ih b ttl d traordlnary contactt w. awe n an .c'v'"e ay ey a 00 • f E 1\ h Uf . th R' 'd G h d t 0-0 cro •• ·.ectlon 0 ni. e. I. un· . (; Iver.. ~ rey oun. 0 a ulually equipped to .peak of prea.

tic. . ent day Enlland. bavinl left the The Palmy~a Juntor . Drum and country in July. He i. a Ir.duate

Bu,le Corp will be on hand Sunday of Choate School, WaiUneford, to drill between the halves and Conn.. and hal attended Yale, Uni. Mayor John Ward, of Palmyra, verslty of North CaroUna, UniYer. will speak a few word. before the slty of Vermont, Berkeley Divinity etart of the came. . . School. Kinel CoUe,e. London, and

Palmyra ha. , won five. eamea thil . Oxford and URiver,ity of Toulon, aealOn namely. Bader A. A .. of At· France. . lantlc City; Twinn Boro A. A .• of For the paat 10 yeara, ftfr. Mac. 8princ City, Pa.; Olney A. A., of 'Millan haa been livinl in En,land Philadelphia; Carney. Point, of and hal traveled widely on the Call. Penn'craye, and St. Peters Holy tinent. where he hal known the life Name, of Riverside. l of the people .nd many of the not.

They also tied a came with the able fiCurea• Hla intimate know. Rlvenlde Greyhound. and loat to ledie of European life Indudea Nor. Blue BeU A. A. and Sh~rock A. C. way, Sweden. Frmce, Gennany. both of Philadelphia. AUltrla. Italy and Rolllftallla.

'Palmyra'l .tartin, lineup will Club ofticiall feel honored In probably be a. follOWllI havlne atcured Mr. MacMillan aa a W. McDermott --- Left End , spealcer and ur,e all memberl not J. Plercro.1 .---- Left Tackle to miss one of the "hleh .patt" In D. Mento Left Gua~ the club'. procram of the year. J. Holmel Center -a-N. Bemer ------,. Rleht Guard The ItCOnd bridle tournament J. Peditto ----- RlCht Tackle will be held OIl December 10, at A. Sacca Rieht End 1.30. Memben are requested to note HeI.ler Quarterback the chance of time. P. McDermott _ .. . Ri,ht Halfback -a-Niea.tro .---._ Left Halfback Women'. Exchan,. on December Pratt . -- ,,- ---"'-'- .-- Fullback 3. from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mr •• Ed.

ward Hunn will meet all thOle who LAST CONTEST have lpeelaltles for we In the club

OF GRID SEASON houle at 9 a.":..a...

I Chriltm.. wre.thl wUJ be made Palmyr. Hieh School will wind a,aIn thIa year at the dub on MODo

up the current football It8IOII all day, December 16, at 2 p.m. A Saturday afternoon of thil week I charee of 25 centl per penon wID .. aiMt Glouceater on the field of be made to belp cIefn, the COlt of Ibe oppa.itlon. A win for the 10- the eyercreellL cal. will enable them to break even Member. are requeaUd too keep all the 10 came alate. the fir.t to be played under the tutela Coo of Coach

William Piedler. A The Red and White hal decl.lon. to Ita credit over Camden Catholic, llooratown. Merchantville and Rly. ~ erlide, while revClt'ItI have been aus- . tained at the hand. of Collinc.wood. ...' Woodrow Wilaon. Haddonfield'i -~ Haddon Hdehtl and BurUn&ton.

Alter the manner in which the I locall played aeain.t Rlveralde, , Colll'os' Floor Senice Gloucater would appear to be the fifth victim of the Fledlermen. Old F100n lIada New


Local Chapter B.W.R.S. Hel.,. Ruh Relief

C. you IlDill Caa ,OU _1 Have ,ou clean wann dothine to .-4' wm,ou help with cuh COD.

tribution" Do,ou Deal CbrbtmM anb'

Relief NOW it iaapendftl Tbe Britbh people, ... anc:b aad

detenulnecl. carry _ with .....

Web. tIMir IPirit IIIIIIroIIea tIaoaab tou of boIIIbe raiD from the air.

llIIlcllne • PiDllhlal

Scraped. 'bellacbd • VaruIaW

Wued • Prtc. R_able

Phone BorcleatowD 414

But Noi bombs, tGn8 01 them, _I

Ethel's Itamy Salon 511 R-.rd ..... ....... .... ....... ............


In.~'' ~ ... IJOHN H. EIRIS

I .r ....... .... .5 .... .. ......


. ~ /I- Henry ~LippinCOU


WI JUST CAN'T WAIT TO HAVI YOU 511 IT ••• AND DRIVIITI" - -BelfrY! It or not, we're getting a big g "wallop" out of .howlng Ihl. carl It', . r.eolly fvn to watch folic.' .y •• IIgh' up o. th.y gllmp.. Ihl. handaom. 194' Dodg. for the flnt tlm.1

Iut the grand part of It II thll. I".,,,,, 101' you, '001 For h .... •• a car that It .tyt.d for tomorrow,

And In the tradillonal Dodg. mann.r. new lofety and economy f.atur •• ho .... alao be.n odd.dl for In.lclnca. the rear deck·lld It -,pring·balanced,- 10 thot a child can rol .. or lower III

Ar_rIIable newOIi 80th Air Cleaner pNftnta grit from attaclcing cyllnden and bearing., and prolong. engl ... life.

AItd when you lolea the ....... you ~ In a fIoah thot here ,. a "auncit­- exclu./ve '0 DoCtge ••• the _It

"'"" .............. 1'IIAII .... '. LeW ........ CAM.

~sa25-::Il!i"sa80··~ --.. -.. --.... ~ .. --::::,...t~i1.- ....... -:.-= ..... ---. .

of 26 yeo,. of building fine lIIOtorcon tfIa Dodg. way.

And now, the n_ flufd Drlva·, c:om­blned with Floating Pow.r, giva. you .... .lIIOOfh ... rid. you ..... , hod I

Why don't you Ilop In today' &..t .. glv. you a demon.trallon. And remember - Dodg •• tlll 1.111 for lull a few dallorl mar. thon the .moller, Iow.prlced cOrll

,. .. , ..................... . .. ....,.,-,-,. .. ,...."._ .. ..... $I.~"'""a.-" '" " .. ....... 2. ......... ,y .. _~ ... -...... wt ....... I-t ...... Aa4 ..... ,.. __ twt..-.-r ...... .,_ ............ ..... ...,. ......... ,.. ..... ., ....... L.' 1 .,01''-''- ... ..... ...... lII ..... _ ................. ..... .......... --., ... ~ ... ....... '-. ""'W ."... .... • ,." ... .. ••• 1, ...... ., .............. ....... ~ ... .,~-.......... -..


• KOPPENHAVER MOTOR CO. 600 Broad Street-Telephone Riverton 380 Riverton, N. J.



! her own lrowine under.landine, I ,teen her over to the "rieht one." i Terry '. older brother, "Georee,"

M~ M.the.... al Mildred: Doro- vite. parts and bUSlneu manqe­thea Gou1er ... Jant; and , Jeanne 1 ment "'ere th$~UMed and the newftt Wemer, a, Lilia. idea. available were liven a '

! ia In love with "the aweetelt .. r1 in the world," and dI.covers that ahe BATHRICK PREDICTS

thoroueh airine durlnc the two dlYs oi meetine •.

ia only human after all. whids di.. BIGGEST YEAR TO illullionl him. Finall" he roealiael PONTIAC DEALERS LITERATURE NIGHT h~ lov", her anyhow, ju.t a. ahe i... I De..:ember 2IId will be literature And we·.ee Georc~ crowina up.t de.le .. from the com· nieht for the Palmyra Junior Wom-

~--=======;;;;:;;==;;;!I reaUtie.. to co .. t heard D. U. Bath~ck, 1m • I held at Soci~ty Hall at 8.30 o·dock. llaat, to adjult him.elf to life'. pany'. 24 lonn louted fr~m coaat I.n-. Club. The meedn, will be

Thl'Oll&holit the play. Mother and el&1 .. lea manaeer. predict with, The cuelt lpeaker will be Min Traininl Cour.. Dad. now calually, now in creat mathematical certainty that the cal., EliAbeth lIorton from the John C.

Plan. for a trainlne coune that : concern dilcua. their youneltera' endar year of lIMO will be the creat· Winlton Publlahinl Co. She will will Itart thil Wednelday were an· problema. ft.t in t~e. ~istory of the Pontiac I elve an lUuatrated lecture on MBe­nounced by Eric Groednc~r, M~~ The play. enlivened by frequent Motor D.v.s.on. tween and Behind the Bookcover .... ford, chairman o~ L"aderahlp Tram" humor, ia a lenulne atudy of par. Salea for thia year have been 52.4 1 Inlt of the Counc.1. The course will ent.' and chlldrenl' reaction I, duro per cent ahe.d of 1939 and baaed WRESTLI NG be held in the Sunday. School of the Inc the romantic. impUlsive, "Youne 011 the be.t eatimatel for Noyem- At tbe Camden Convention Hall Pre.byterian Church m Beverly on April" ale. ber and December Bathrick lay. Monda" ni'ht four bout a are on the three Wednelday evenlnl •• ~tartlnl . The lounee lizard, mother'a boy. that the total sales for the year proiram. November 27th. It II open. to new the pamperinc mother, and the .elf- ahould be between 240.000 and 245.. Palll Boesch in the atar bout of Icoul leader5, troop committeemen a.lured youn, mlln, all have part In 000 which will beat 1928, the belt two out of three (all. with a 90 min-and other men Intere.ted in boya makinc the play "real life." prevloua year, by lome 10,000 unit.. ute time limit. work. Mr. Groezlnier will be... Eleanor Voorhil and Donald Weat Dealeta took Pllrt In a free and Startlni the Ihow il a team battle li,ted at the first Its,ion by V. Lar. will enact the role. of "Terry" and open dl.cussion of all buslneal and I between Tommy Rae of Bo.ton. wood . Caldwe~, Delanco, ?f the "Georce." Wallace Mood II Pro· economic condition. with a creal and Henry Kulkovlch of Poland. on A ahow Itoppin' muaicale in CounclI Orcanazatlon Comm.ttee. fUlor McIntyre and Peley Ryan i. deal of emphaal. beine placed by lone .ide and Herbie Freeman, of techniwlor wh."h shows at Ihe Fo,,­

Visitation ' Mrs, McIntyre. Bathrick and the other factory ex- 1 New York and Eddie Newman of R"'e",,le. Sun,l.w and Mond3Y. De­I In the .uppartine ca.1 are: Loui." ecutlvtl on the eftortl taken by the I Chlcaeo, on the other, In the other «mber I "lid Z. slarrinl[ DOG

E. Newbold Cooper. Mooreltown, Miller al "Diane Gilmore." Geor,e'. · fActory to eel Jlroclu~tion up to the 30 minute duel. Mile Steinborn will Am"che, Belt I' Grable and Carmell cbe.irman of the Boy Scout Coun· .wedheart; Richard Taylor as point where the thouaand. of un. 'tnckle Warren Boekwinlcle. Mirando. ciI flannln, Committee announced Brian Stanley. a likeable youn, filled orden Can be taken care of ===============:c:=========== ,''­pian. for the Inventory and Roll man; Dorothy Mohrfield a. the .Iy. promptly by .. 11 dealer.. The plant. Call of all Troop •• Pack. and Senior feminine. Vivian; Mary Kemmerle, have been workine It top cap .. clty. Scout unit .. at a meetin, held at as Elale,' the bookworm; Willi.m I "The all.tlme lales reeoN! lor the hi. borne on Sunday evenln" Carlon, the lophlltlcated loun,e ' United Statel that w.. let durin, Thcaa villtatlon. are to be made in lizard; Bruce KlnC. aa Stewarl October .how. that Pontiac II more accordance with plan. developed by Miller, l!ae .. mam .. ·.' boy"; Mar. popular with the public thll year the National Council and are beinl laretta Smith a. Mrs. Miller. Ihe than ever before," Bathrick told carried out In council. throu,hout CUlby mother. Minor rolea are the deale ... tbe United State.. The memberl teken by David Houah ait Dutch; , Almoat every phaat of adver­of the Council Planhin, Committee Frederick Woodward. al Pete; Polly tislnl, new and IIsed car selllnl, aer-

are: V. Larwood Caldwell. Delanco; I_-;~::::;;;;;;;;;:;;:;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-J. B. Ryan, Pamyr.; R, H, Gill, Beverly; Donald H. Powerl and W. C. Col ... Jr., Mooreatown. To ac· complilh this out.tanding piece of Itrvice thil Committee will be en· .ar,ed and the followln, men will meet on Sunday evenlnc at tho bome of Dr. Power. In Moorel­town: Harold V. Holmes. Burlinl' ton; David Slyer and W. R. Valen. tine. Bordentown; E. E. Beyer. Mt. Holly; Warren A. Brown. Flor­ence; J. Aubrey Sutton and Dr. L. P. Hall, Moorestown; Slanley Co. ville, New Lilbon.


How to cut the cost of Heating Your Hom.

~:~~t 'non't lJlJe Tltrn Damper lor Daily Operatioll"

WITII few exccl'tlona tife turll per Hhould \.oe wide upcn and tI" dUlIlller . hou d not bu u8(;d u8hpit llullllJer <!\1l8cd. II 1> ,

(or tlnJlr l'~gulullon o{ the lire. 11101'0 hellt 18 /lceded th" ch '('1( You \VII prohably IIl1d it nccc"- dumllcl' . 1.<>uld lIe drlsed pa"1 Miry to nl'Wn th(.l tU1'f) dumpcr ilL ""y nnci the ll~hJllt d tlmllot' I\ rWII the bclCillnlnfC of lho coltl H""Run Hlightly. III vcr~ coltl w" ,d ll, ·!·, tlnd to cJ",.o It U little at tho 'Hturt the check dUl1Iper 0110111,1 I", or the mild tightly cl,,",'" Early sale of tlcketl indicates that wculher. a lid the n a h},' t

a capacity ' crowd will tllrn out De-, You shuuld tlumper Wlilo comber 6 and 7 to attend the Ju. n"vcr uttemJll, opell. nior Cia .. annual dramatic produc- however, to rogu- Tllel'e Ul'c I,HllI}'

tion, "YOUR, ApriL" II.t\! the lire {rom IYIIC. or lIulO ... 1I 1 i,' dny to day by "uml'or t·onl .... I. The Ihow. one of the outltandln, movlnJ:' the turn olllhcnlllrl« 'Ilh"t

three·act comedies evClt' to be pro- I dumper, Alwuy" CIIII he II1I1 ... h(l<",1 duced at the lehool. i. a sequel to rely on the ,,"hplt very lnc~ "('"~iv<i-"Orowini Painl." the Junior Cia.. nnd check dum· I\,. The actioll (or ploductlon of 1935, Jlera to ftpeed up !f'CRe dlim"el'. CIOII

The plot revolvCl around the ex· or .Iow down the he l't'gulLlleJ h)' 11 d burnIng epeed or thermo"tllt 100111-perl once. of adolelcent youth, e· the fire a8 re- ell In the )jvJnj(-

pictin" the adventure. of Ihe youn, "ulred tor dlllly room or yeur Melntyr.,., Terry and Georic. ch"nges In outside homo thul I. _.,11-

"Terry" hal her In rapid temperature. ASH PIT DAMPI.. .lIlva nt till ti.m~" .uccesalon. .Imolt marrylne the '!'hele two dam· to chtlngc s In ·wronl one," until the kindly help pcr. Rhould work elmuittl'1(,· I room tem ..... roture. Your IOI'al of Mother and Dad. to,ethClt' with "uRly. When one Ie, the coal tlenl"r ",III gladly r;h·c ) 'IIU

I other should bo open. In. more Inlo"mnlion nbout 11 "

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::; ==m=I~I'='='="=~"='=~=~="==II='P==(='h=r='=k==d=o=m=' =====rl=n=m=p=r=r=r=o=n=t=ro='=,,~========.==~

~~~I Rate 10e Per Line

(a..-A_'W_I _a... .... - ..

Phone 712

RENT: PnnUabed apII'tmad, 4CII Morean ..,enaa. Palm".. ......

Rlwertoll 'llf1-W. IMod

tOUND: Sailboat, l%-foot Ioae • Owner can obtain tame by identi.

'ymi property and payine for thi. ad.ertisement. Georec Steedle, 304 7th .treet. Rlverton.

HORSE for Sale: Chap. Appl, C. Davia. Rivmon Road (near I

Barhn,lon Pike).

SA L{;: Strone well·built .Iorm I n.hbuJe and curtain Itrdrher. I

~ill Rivuton_~ 1l-28-ttl

WA/ITED: Piac ponl table. rep­lot":'" .ia. rc:uonable. Call RI"·1

uton 4811. 11.28-1t

;-ANTP.D: SmafJ bouM ". aput./ ment available Jm..., ht. Write

Bo)( "E~ New Era_ 1I-2I-1t

WANTED: p.- for npeIr .... 1 ''41 uniforms and Clodlilll. CaD


R>~ert.,.. ... 1I.a-1t cia" Noocn.e

§ 11111111111111 III 1111111111 1111 1111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111

5 FOOD SALE i a Friday, December 6, 2 to 5 p. m • ii_




5 POTATO SALAD 5&==-5=====

Any of the above item. can be reserved in advance by ...honlng Mr •. Harry F. 10ne8, Riverton 441.

DISPLA Y OF HAND-BLOCKED LINENS Tea and Cake will be served

CHRIST CHURCH PARISH HOUSE ~ Pourth and Howard Streets, Riverton _

BIIIIIIA 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111 III III 111111111111 1111111111 II II


A LOCAL YARD = chock full of I





H. B.p!!~IAMS I 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

11 Cosls No More The UIC of the perfectly ..quirped

Snovtr Puneral Harne It utaaded 10 everyone without additional charee.

Every 'ICalit, 'I her. for the prorer conduct of a 'uner.l "rvlre. and enry palllible help II I'iven Ihol" ",ho rtly upan u. In the.r hour of need .


The Sf1()\'l'r Funerall-lprnc


)13 E. Broad I ... Palmyra. N. J. JItIon_Rinrtoa PO


I T: E:~e:~~~ee::~~ the ,lnnnlllllmnllll_lHllnnnnIROUllllllllllllllmlOlllnllllllllmnlln_nnmmmIROII_11I1I

::~Il::S ~:n?t ~:aIWI~~~ Ii MAIN STREET MARKET Mount Hol\,)r, on Tue.dOl,)' eveninll. '15 November 211; PreSIdent Woodward I = prwdlnll. I e W ALD & CARHART. Proprietors

Main Street Riverton The ptmdple sptaker waa Monroe IE 5 2 8 Hawes, 01 Manasquan, a member of the Monmouth County Real Eatate Board. Mr. Hawes spoke about e Phones 1221 and 1222 (Next to Chew's Bakery) FREE DELIVERY aellinll real utate III the small ~om- $ -=============================== munitie .. Ihe value 01 usina pictures I i- -



and clrculara in obtainiRll lor sale .. Ihe necenily of .ellinll the community and Its advanlaaes be­fore tr7inc to leU real eatate and many items of interest to a ImaU lown teal ulate broker.

Budd), DeLaney and hi. orchestra Grelll Bird.ell, executive leere-will fumlah the mUlle for the dance cary of the New Jerley A •• ociation "ven by Departments 57 sa and I 01 Real Estate Board. waf pre.ent

, and confirmed the report of the con-SO of the I.U.M; and S.W.A. to be I venti on in Philadelphia of the Na. held at the Amencan Lelion Hall, tiona I Association of Real Estate Mt. Ephraim, Friday nl,ht. ,Boardl submitted by Georlle' F.

Vocals will be provided by Eddie I Ginther, Ratelllle and Fred Davia. The or-I Mrl. E.telle Wilkin.on, board .

. ch"tta will feature leyeral noyel ar- trell.Uter. receiyed a uaeful birthday canaemen.s. 11ft from the board, aa did Bert

_ Edau. of Moorestown. At a recent meetit11l of the Tbe Board wlsbel to announce

Woman', Athletic Allociatlon of that man)' of It. member. will at­Duke University, 23 award. were tend tbe State Convention of the presented to students for out.tand- New Jer.ey Association of Real Ina participation in athletic. during Estate Board. at Atlantic City, De­the pa.. year. Amana the senlorl cember 5th. 6th, and 7th. . 10 honored w.. Dorothy Wolcott, After a abort buslne., ee •• lon tht of Riverton. meetinl wes adjourned. --The winner of the Sacred Heart DOLBY.SPELLERBERG Miscellaneous Club on WednMday. November 13, .was Thoma. Brad- MI.. Dorothy SpeUerberll. of dock. 519 Leconey avenue, Palmyra. Henry .treet. Rlvenlde, and WH-

lard Dolby, of 207 Woodlawn ave-A family aa;;;:;1 wa. held at nue, Maple Shade, were married on

the home of MR. Dati. Reed on I Saturday, November 23, .t 4 p. 1ft. FrIday. Those pr"ent were Mr. ; In the Church, Rlveulde. and Mr.. Warren Cumminl" of j Mr. Dolby .. ,. k~own locally •• a Newton, N. J., Mr. and Mn. J. w., at Jack Dawley, Inc. Reed, and Mrs. Breunlnl, of Oranle, N. J., Mr. and Mrs. Fr.nk 1 ENO ... GED Swain and Mr. Lambert Reed, of , M.... Allee H. Kell, of Palmyra,

. Lambertville, N. J., Mr. and Mra. announcea the enillement of ber P. P. Coddington, Sallie Cod din 11- daullhter, M. MarJorie, to Robert H. ton, Mre. F. S. Cummlnll, and Steedle, IOn of Mr., Alma H. Rthel Cummlnl.::o: RIverton. I Steed Ie, of Atlantic Cit)'.

The bualne.. meetl~1 and lunch- A man may own a million dollar.' eon of the Women a Society of but the c!hance. are that he own. Chrl.tlan Service of the Methodist only one front collar-butlon. Church will be held in the Inter-, =======-====== mediate Room on Wednelday, De-cember 4, 12.30.

Luncheon will be aerved by the committee for 25c. Do not brlnl china or allver. ThOle expectlnl to : come notify Mrs. H. Paraons or Mra. J. E. Tur~ I

Mre. Harry Stranl, of Walhinl- , ton .yenue, wal the .Ixth wInner' of the B. 8. P'':::y Club. I

The Ladlel Auxiliary 01 the Parry Volunteer Plre Company wiah 10 a',noun<e the lir.t two wlnnera of theIr merchandise club, MI.s Ada Showell, of Parry, and Mrs. Ralph Whartnaby, of Cuthbert Road. f

A Helna IOU~mOl1stration and I luncheon will be held at the V.M.C,A. buildinl, Thuraday, De· cember Sth, at I o'clock. A free can or 10Up will be liven to everyone.

-~ , MI •• e. Margaret and Barbara

Taylor, Mr •. H. O. Taylor .. Jr., and Howard Taylor, of Riverton. were recent luut. at the Challonte-Had­don HaU, Atlantic City.

Christmas Gifts



... ND WE


L. L. KEATING Broad and M.ln .tt.... ./

RIVERTON There will be • food lale Ipon.or-l t-----_____ --!

ed by the Sacred Heart P.T.A. on Thureda,., November 21, in the !:I·: I.H:~~"la'E: Herbert Kern- i 1110100111111111111111111111111111111111111

The winner of the .acred Heart RIVERTON P.T.A. Mi'cellaneou. Club for November 13 wa. Mr., Benelllf., IUverton. -.-

Mra. Edwin Redfield, of 622 Penn­.,Ivanla avenue, will entertain ttl. Lucky .ociaJ Club tonlllbt.

.peakinl of unity, dId yoa h.ppen to know that there are more than two hundred and fifty relllliou. de­~nalion. In Ihe United .tatn'


FOR RENT WeU located bungalow type

home. Large living room. d1n1n, room, kitchen, two bedrOOllll. bath. Encloted front porch. Immediate ~

135 per month

Phone Riverton 6 PO. RENT: Two new a.,.nmenta, • ~at"" rriniaW hot .... ter

;::~~tr-"~en~"o ~ I RaymoDd Warner I UAJ.TO.

O~BI for Rent: SOl Main St. • •••••••••• ...... )U •• toII 2U-R. 1 .... 1t

Our SiDcere Thanks to the Public Once Again Our tr"m~ndous busilless last week proves 'h" nUr prt~~S al'e naht .and our merchandise

satisfactory and that the public appr",ciatel our Free Delivery and Protnpt Service. These results proye that an independent IfOcer can suve tht pllbt,~ best of all.

TWO Telephones-1221 - 1222 11I11UllllllllllllllUllUlIIlIIlIlIlIIlIlIlIlIlIIlIIlIlIIlIIll

! Gold Medal FLOUR. ~ ! t2-lb BAO ! 5 45c 5 5 = a : . = = - : i CRISCO or SPRY ~ = = ~ 3 Ibs 4Sc ~ - -ITIllIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII if Armour's MILK : .......... _ .. 3 cans 19c


BAKED BEANS ... 4 I-tb cans 2Sc LAWNDALIt

TOMATOES .. .... 3 No.2 cans 20c Lawndale CRUSHED .

COR N .... : ............. 3 No.2 cans 20c KELLOGG'S

SPAGHETTI ................ . 2 pkgs 1Sc VAL VITA SPINACH ...... 2 No. 2Yz cans 19c SILVER LAKE PUMPKIN ....... 2 .No. 2Yz cans 19c

U 111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ! WELSH'S I 5 GRAPE JUICE i 5 t QT. and 40c __ a

t PT. bottie § 5 § § ~ CHIPSO FLAKES i 5 pkg 2.1c 5 ~ I SERVING TRAY FREE I 1f11ll1ll1l11ll11l111ll11ll1ll1ll11111l1l1l1ll111l1111l1l1l11l11 SOFTASILK

CAKE FJ"OUR ................. pkg 25c (Ie Extra for Hurricane Lamp)


PANCAKE FLOUR ............ pkg 9c DUFF'S


PINEAPPLE ...... No. 2Yz can 19c Merion Whole Peeled

APRICOTS ............ No. 2Yz can 19c Merion Sliced or HaJv"

PEACHES ............... No. 2Yz can ISc


c Ib

MEATS ARMOUR'S STAR LEGS OF LAMB ......... : .............. tb 27c LOIN LAMB CHOPS ......... tb 39c Fresh Killed ROASTING

CHICKENS Ib 32e (6 to IS Ib a"lI)


Frying CHICKENS lb ' 32e FRESH KILLED STEWING CHICKENS .... tb 27c Forequarterll LAMB .............. tb 17c RUMP of VEAL ...................... tb 27c PORK LOINS ............................. tb ISc

(Rib Ebd - I I> a •• ) ARMOUR', 8T ... R PURE LARD ....................... _ ....... Ib 8c ARMOUR'S 8TAR

SMOKED TONGUE ............ Ib 27c TOP MUSCLE ROAST ...... tb 42c

Smoked PICNICS ........................ 1b l7c ARMOUR'S Canned TREET ........... _ ........ can 2lc

(All PIUJIC* Ihat)

TENDERIZED HAMS ..... _ .. 1b 18c (Shank Ende • I to ... aYI)


(Pr .. 0 .... with EKIt Po.cI)


SPINACH ......................... _ ............. tb SC FRESH CUT


.. 3 bun. IOc

................................ tb 2c

FLORIDA ORANGES ..... doz. 2Sc Extra Larce SEEDLESS

GRAPEFRUIT ................. 3 (or 19c WINES ... p EATINO or COOKINO APPLES .............................. __ ......... 3 tb lOe

We have jWlt contracted with Mr. Fred Hartung for an Agency for ' his Home Made Candy. This merchandise has been on the market for several years and needs no introduc:.­tion. Come in and give UI an order. You will be more than satisfied.

CRBAM COTTAOE CHEESE -.... __ _ ~'" ... _. __ .. ~. Ib 15c FRESH FILLET of FLOUNDER ... Ib 29c




E R H CIlttom-lluBt ~ lIIemoria1la. P~e RI'IfltGft 1 ARLE ARDER Gr:nlte. Marble -S a.-. GEORGE F. GINTHER Repa;'::: .!sn:tiobe WUI Hope & Son J. L. LIPPINCOtT co.


BELLEVUE GARAGE ... IDIl Ktnl .... .. Itl".... 1'*11"_ Rl ... liM • NlIIIt 1 .....

SOtS Mel......, A__ Pabatn WaaJUnct- and .Federal Streeta Reatt.. • IlItlHOft Phone RlYHtoIllllS 8urUncton. N. J. NotAr1 ~

PhOllt BurUnctoD l' --WlIeM ..... --- a It

W. H. SLOCUM A SON Walter D. Lamon lIIarbl~:"" Gnnha REAL ESTATE



....., Ta.tad Uaad c:.n 10 Broad Itnet. Riverton

T ........

RAY BANKS I' B ... RBER .pedaI ... ttentiOll to



Shinn's Express R1nn1de. N. J.

DAIL Y TO l-HILADBLPHtA 0&1_106 N. 5th Ilrftt

PhOll_RlYenld. S4t Phlladelpbla-Lombant !lOSS

6., Bbt IIUI Street fNSUR ... NeK llloaresto .... N. J. $16 Clnnami_ ....... ~

PII_ 1st PIIIIM RI...maa 1$ Get OW' PriH

PAINTING • .:x. IIInrtoIl I2lI 5 & 1 0 ST(JRE~S ED!~~,~~ES Mc~~2_~SON KopPfnhav~r Motor Co.


M .... J_B. Wolf,', PALMYRA

Painting Real Eatate and ~ BOWARD HUGHBS..... 5 East Broad St.. Palmyra DODOB ancJ PLYMOUTH

IALS. aad ISRVIC. 1t4 Garfleld ....... Paba,... Phone Riverton soo .. Bn*d .t. RI ....

Sc and lOe STORE ·1 WEST BRO ... D ITRBft PhOII. RI'lfltGft M 1

£merIOn WoUlchmid.t CAYl~r:N.:' ,£\Iln!f1\t.t~n. o. ----------- INIVRANca Phoaa RI-u.a_ FRANK I. LLOYD

Banlce Muapr


Edward Moorhouae NOVU.~Ii[ CANDY. em:. LEON ROUSE W\II ................. 1\utII_ ... ,..

51. Howard It. R1..-toa .",. t::r;-~.·lilliwUD Qui"" Service. IaftltaJy .hop INSIDE a OUTIIDE P ... INTlNG Ada E. Price

Alao SPRAY PAINTING NotaPI' PvbU. . .......

------------- 506 Broad .treet RIYWtOII 0-1 1..-____________ 411 Lippincott "'ve. JU--. BUILDERS

Phofte 111_'" W. F. Becker Moonatown Motor Co" Inc. -----------

J h E M V h GaOCaal.1 - .. vaTi . V.OIrrA ..... t.t w .. t Mala It.. Moo........ 0 n . c aug DeUClt_ Co .. * .hoM MOOnRcnm " or 411 llIIAT' ....s •• OYlIIONI ------------

Lealie W. Reeves



FlrHton. 'I1r._BattM'lH

Contractor and Builder m HOWARD ST" ~IVBRTON L· . L. Keatl'Dg GEORGB W. ROGERS, Inc. RIVERTON, N. J. Phone 724-Free Dellv.., REALTORS - INSURANCE

Telephone Riverton 115-J Patent Medlcbiea - Giltl - CantS, Phone Riverton 787 or 84S Greetinl C.rd •. tce Cream 529 Cinnaminson Annue

KARL FRANK'S ' CI,ar. and StatlonefJ ___ P_A_L_M_YR_A_,_N_. _J. __ Broad and Main Street&. RlvertOll Curtis ~ Stavely



SpecIal Attention to Jobbln. 16 W. CHARLES ST .. P ... LMVRA Burk~'s ~elVi{f ~1111ifn

BroacS and LlndeD Phone 1561

Phone 144 Rlnrtoa _________ ..._--Phone 16 JOS. F. YEARLY'

WM. B. BISHOP ~"".. Riverton ' Phonl5o. COAL HARDWARE LI:t:TER S. fORTNUM I PLUMBINO . HE"TINO • IIOOPINO U 101 Linden Ave. Riverton, N. J. ATLANTIC PRODUCTS J. S. Collins & Son, Inc. I Telephone Riverton 847


Compl ...... utomobUI Iervlce ·blup· ~oal' HARRY c. SCHWERING . Phone 1180 .. u •••• - ••• ~O.. nd ouse I PLUMBINO • HEATING

For Better Shoe Rep.lrin, Try


UIo.15 w. Bro.d It.. P ... LIIYRA .VILDINO ."nIlIAia-HAaDWAaa \\tid b ,GEORGE BONSAL .PMf •••• aIII __ -5-- I ROOFINO - OIL BURNER.

SCHNEIDER'S .......... BALES d SERVICE COAL STOKERS 117 E. Broad Btreet, Palmyra, N, J.

- an VOl Lincoln Aye. Palmyra. N. J. Phone 130-W

J T E VANS CO R.frllerator, and Appllanc.. I Telephone RIYerton U

ATLANTIC SERVICE • • • 30S Eut Broad It PIN J . I N. DREIER narIde .oad Till L.brlcaliOll PURL OIL . a m)'rB, • , G F °d J .... Tir .. _ Baide .. tt...... . ...... COAL Phonl. I eorge rl ay, r. 19 W. Broad St. PALMYltA .road and Morl8ll PaImJra.... LUMBB. Plumblnl, Hutlnl and Rootlnl All Kind. of Orthopedic SIIoe Wd

Talapboae Rlnrtoa 1171 QY MILLWORK EL£CTROL OIL BURNERI Dr. Scholl'. Foot Remedl .. Phone Riverton 101 I PBTRO·NO.KOL OIL BURNBRI

600 Thoma. Avenul I Phone 931 Rlvattoa STATIONERY HAULING !!!i!!i!!!!i!(e~!!!!!!!!!!!!



LEHIGH COAL Cleanlnl - WhltewlihIn,

.wn Work C. D,TURNER

207 Union L.ndln, ROid E •• t Riverton, N. J.

,H. D. Hullings & Son ' RYTEX STATIONERY


Delco Oil Burners ' S 1 ,00 202 Broad .treet I


UNION YAL ... Y f I COAL ____________________ j

tIE .O ... ·:U~~O~~IC: .. HARVEYFOOKSI---------....... .:.,..=:; .... THE ONLY COMPLETE PALMYRA Pboaa 1100 ICE John H. Etris ~



ONE-STOP 8ERVICB STATION 108 Welt ThIrd .t., Palm,... 17 West Broad Street MAIN AND HOWARD STREETS Telephone Riverton IU-J Palmyra DAIRIES


LAUNDRIES Radios, Re(rigeraton

W.ahel'l, Etc. Routt 25 and Hljhland Annue BISHOPS' DAIRIES CINNAMINSON -----------------------

Car. Called For .nd QUALITY PRODUCTS Expert Repair Service Excluslwt pnllCO Draier ror

Palmyra and I"urton BAROAIN. IN U.BD IBTI


Phone Rlverlon 1567 Pbona ..,. RI .....



" . • V." •• LL. ..... "'---- ". Rtver5id~ Hom~ Laundry C. WARD LOWDEN

NORO. ..,.IGK .... TO •• MIl the C_'" NOlO. Lin

PARNSWORTH, •. CA .. 318 Paine Street

Rivenide. N. J. .............. ,.. ZENITH .... 0101 114 elnn 1M A ....

JtM.,r .. N. 1- T"I,' "f



PALMYRA. N. J. Work CaJled For and D~U"r" .

Riv.rton 771

Peel Poindexter TAILOR

Ctunin l • Pr~ulnl • Dye., t",te O('ltvuy 8~rvlce

, IUVi!:IUON Phon. II.



.... .....-- ,..--- ........ r


PAO£ SIX Tll£ N"£W £RA. THURSDA'i, NOVua8U ~ 1

[YMCA BRIEFS I ~-a.u.""th"- !o. "'h~tl_~"'iat'tr- '- ~ II •• - • .t Inaa 4IIItIl Am~ ~ttlt Set- tUr .~ ~ ... ~ .. ~ H-.. ~ - "'C't ~ a~ttIlltm\a. Westfield Fri~ds' lq ~ tIIirWP 1M Slatt ~y bc..c.a \<l tie ~t at OW ~ . 1_ ~ ~ ~ ",«-..-wh JVltY DRA'4IftMCl ~~ .. ar4 ill .. ~ Sclaool ........ ~ ill .... t .. ~ Th tt ... ~ a. ....... .r-

on. ~_ k,. alul ~. _. __ ~ th~ VN.CA." 9f tbe v .. "tet Slats toda.y haft • \lew N­..... I....t~ who bo .... tht ptOb­~ 01 ""'ath th.r\;oqllollt tltt _Id ., d'Q ftw ott.. _

Q\IIIIt.. I . I db \M iIfIoOst ~ ~ cl U\."t 00( tM S\alIt-~ c-t. .. .... Tht at_ben ~ tht ~ttft, . "'* ~ ~ Mft. ' \Vt\l\\;,. ~_ n" ..... ::c i:t!.:~::. :~tA~=·· 'hit. ~ ....... o( WtstfiBI ~'I G.. W. ~..:~ 'ri~ ~t &l\\i at ttt\ .,',,~ 1ft th fOlltllL 24 at

. tllttname.l ....., .... of • ~ ItMftl ~ 00( tll<t ~otw ttIol ~rt tl_ lilt. H~ N. l.. aw,fit., .:.t..._: l\l", G. DalltWC4l lY_ K __ w~. ' ~o- , -ul ~ O'C1ft' tltt &5 tht U_ M\'d ~ r. "- __

He Is ~t krttttt. .. ttffan of • )'ear. <>I ' .. nt~ "'uti t"~ V .... ,CA \1\ and Sln"t 1t»; tt. di~~ of the Worl.1 ~K" ~ of the NOrth /l.ltlrm(an V..N.C.A·~ Blatn .. U • • 11 I~h «>l. litt laniary 1. '"""ft·hn. Jobn ... Ml1i'il .. ,. rtiaboatl .. 1 Iff. .... i _e" ~t ary tot eilht )'Urs.

Col_ N_ GuttW~ Elf. atno. 'C'tlll~ ~ £atMr ~ lftII , ::::r~ -ftC £rot\\ tht a~ ~ of tht Ghnd an.l hti\ ".,.. R Gd5>l1l Enm. III", v.:LIballl God- Joan A~ ~~ tM ~- \ \utum of C I H h s·~ hll' tM Dotnmller 'hr-. .... III( (rq. ~r.. Ja_ 00--. Mr.. Carl- \ftC I tnln ~ " ..... _~..: ~ Hams, Mn. H. Gatu ~ TM tono ' I· 'tftt\~ A-. tht othft ,a\tle~. th~ CoMIns 00( hb~ ........ ~ R~rt Stta~.H~ l\lf$.. At. Uftmi wma ~1Il -- ~ itt<! Wail, Nn. l\ltlrtu \Vct£. I Chon..: ~ of Palm loo by .... t .. , .. "" ... "." ........ ..

SEAL CAMPAIGN 1\"S.:.~o_~ h..t.~ ~I~ ~ f-:-': s3~~ VENETIAN BUNDS STARTED NOV. 25th ar:.~nbttiotthe ~ b.)' tb~ pi~ ~ -~--§l W1NDOW'SIIADES I ml~ &f'l~ a~.\e.t bl' L~ - -o..ini 10 Cht"a .n t'i: 1 llarnett

ft,llrultyf lh.. ~hrld· n ", ,. N C A From 1921 until ll137. hot .~,ed en tNt sto1rr at 'h .. ctlolntGtlO'1" Sol · tion.1 Cr)tnrr"\~ .. " In Ch,na. be"" m­lnl ihtlln31",iy a"'lu~intle<l ..... th China', ,,"tc and I',"hl~ry lu.j~n. Induwn, Oenual'ulmo Chi"ni I{ai. ..... It. commandant cf 'h'" Chm .....

B->y S~"III~ of BlII'lanlt\lll Colln~ M~ . I ..... - ""n:hat.l httft 11ft tull-pGu .. n lut _k .. hea Son~. "r »t&~ Mr, '1"Urb" s...,," L musum IM\\l m,tIIItII t ft,,) bq.m d'~lrIb\lllnc ahd puttml b.. the .~ h.,.,l t:;:' : f R •• ~p ~t"t . ;anno\l'.'~mc th .. th.rt)·. -Fl:)llt C .. nh.lhb of Thanks . I~I ' f ~ (.;\lrtb .. nnllil Christmas Sui <:&ltI. ~~nnt'td bFRllth I{omi, : t;n . -4 ' .: ~ Plt1CU R_bae t r a' in . o.,.aln .• \ tubet'<\lI~1s _hl<ch ~pnuntood by "tar; »uU ~ 1!15.S "Po - ~ , ,,,, \ .. d ' it IN G' S ,ptne>1 on So''tmber 2Stb, and .. W n ...... t...! by M.dlul ·Cftl_\l: 't9-tO ~~.~§f''' ' ¥. \: r Wit

Army. ~ontl nllC throll,h Chnstmas. The n~~tled by lio.-.rd bunn. 1: ,",,~.7~~~~;'i·· ;j \J" " ""tllrns Cn:>m th .. ~alc of th .. Christ- I D.splay and dem<>fllltntion of mask I . ~""' . """"..C"f' _ • it P .. lm, ..... N J Ph....:\ ma, ,,,ais IUppoct th .. "'.urk of t~ .. m.""n,. Nahcy Rlhchard. ,~~ ... ~~~~~~~~~$1i~$$$'lo'lo"~~'\o •••• t_

Iro.,· .. I,,<1 W.,ltly Burlma t<:.n County 1 ub,,",ulos'l OnCin and hiltory of mull'S.. J .... n As luder of the WvrlJ Sn\l~" Lu&'ll~. I Cunninchllm.

work of the t ' ~I C ,A~ Barnell Tht post .. rs tha.t an b ... hl Pllt lip Orllinal story. "Th.. Medicine has trcl\elood ext .. n ~I\..:I) throughout featu~ .the C~llIUnll.S Seal with ~ k Jun Clllrlt. Ellrope and South Am .. nca, I .. arn. thr~ chIldren "Irol. to the SeleoetiOn by Thlt Toy Symphony (til at fi"l hanu th .. u, (\t,ull, •• Ihal publi~" and canyinl the m .. »a~ of I ullper lrouPs.. • bent YOlln. ptQpl~ 01 all iand... th.. 1940 campeian• "Pro~ec:t 'iour Sonl ... Amulc .... ntt1one.

'The bu.t problems 0 1 ),ollth Home from TIlb<erculoals. I Tht ltindtt',arttn presented their throUlthollt the wodd are not much The partic'pltiorl 01 the bo)' Rl'llt pIa), 01 th .. ~"t fl:)r the relU­dJlrnellt Irom those Inlna Amer.- SCOllts in this calDpalp I, made lar school a.selDbr,. last _It. The)' can bo~" •• l1e ."YI. " In nurl)l ew .. ry po",bl.. b)' the cooptntlon of present...! "Th .. Three Billy Goats <:ountry. oo,s and ,ounl men ar.. O..orae A.. Dilrllnllton. Scout ItXteu· Gruff." attltinl reerUlIon lor their 1""lIre tlve of the Count)l Bo)' Scout COlin. buun. vocational \ratnihl lor a job, ' \.il. lrl commentln" Mr. D.,IIIlI- STATE OATHERtNG OF ,u,dance In personal problema, and ton "ys. "Our SCOUtl IIH aI ... ys TELEPltGNE EMPLO'iEES an outlet for ·their Iplritual )learn. rudy to cooperate and to do their inas:' I' in promotln, th.. work 4)'

With three .. dno of hil o.n, Bar. the Butllnaton County Tuberculoal. nell knows th.. tnal, and trlloula. I Lea,ue, At Iult once a y .. ar we bans 01 h .. I.,lnl th .. m ,tow Int4) I should all intenllf, oUr .. lIort. to uulul CllIaenl. Hi. elde.t IIOh Rob- I h ... lp lOIn thl! problem or tubercu· nt, • lUI met Rhode. .tholllr at ' losls:' OlCfuru. IS on Ihe Ilall 01 the In· 1 ============= Ititule 01 I'adfit Rtlaliun., and is now In Chill" on a opetial project. lIl, .e~ond Ion. UeWltt il a Irauu. all! of Ulllvers'I)I ul North Carolina. The thlt dian, Duak is .tud)llnl It Yalc University.

Tel .. phon.. men and women hue· . about, wllh the exception of those' actuall, on duty .t the time, ",III i M Imohl 10,000 lrem all path o( the Stale who writ meet Monday tVtllihe. December O. to hl!ar their pn_ldent. Chester 1. Barhal'd, who will talk to- the orlaniaalion about I vaNou. aspect. of the buwlnuB.

An' equal number of memberK o( I their lamlll .. a have also been Invited to attend the Itat .. ·wlde m .. ellh,. (n ortl .. r 10 .ccommod.te the 20.000 I expect .. d to attene!. the New Jer.ey





J. S. COLLINS & SON, Inc. Phones 4 and 5 RIVERTON. N. J.

TUNI IN!1N 1111 \H,\(10W [VI ~\ ~lINI',\' ,\1 11 '·h .• A nallve "I 1'1(J~.da. Barnell Ia 52 , IN CIiANCIiRY O\' NEW JSRSSY

)'"~ u~ II .. 'I a I~~~ ~ h . ~lv_K~m ' ~~_~rnl~~:===========================================~ Emory Uni\l~15llYt and hall .tuJied tnu S .. h".ru ; ·~uut. SdlWlttt. a .. ClIIo

at V an~crb,ll, ColumIJ~~. and the \ W~. :~"~.'117 ~~r,1rc Ols~~lJ!~~ll: i8c~r:..~':t Universlly 01 North .Carollna. He . ~d' • • 'l&; Roll." Sd"""ji N •• ,I .. " a memher 01 Phi !Jela Ka"pa and I fJ~:\i:(tt~i.'~It~~'t JSuttil:Ifl¥~lIh~~ ,'It:!~ Alphll Tuu Ome.". Wtl,lItll Lw Wel J;nuj Anna W'I"n.r:


Iht htlr~. dtlol\tl!l or .,ttwn.' rept ..

d'.ttll\~~l:,~. o~. ~~:;~':.~t ~~~;~:~,~~1¥~:'t:1 Annl W .. i.",.: and tht. hat,.. dewl .... IJr pt' l \Imll rt:prn_nl.uvu ul Adolph S .... 'w.rt. :

By vlno. uf an 'Order of tht Courl 01 thlfllC'V of New jfrHt made otl the .. . . . il Is terrible to uk people "vonlh ,I." 01 Nuv.mbq. 19.0. In ......

. wh~l.ln Clmden Tru~t Cumptf1Y. a\hcelluf ttl ralle money. but the caule •• 10 lIr mc'y'r tu C.mden a,ft D'ilolit I: Tru!} loot! and the! n~~tJ IU hnpe.-.Uve (or I t~m't':'~t ort~~t·l:t .. ~~n~~"=o~D;r.~~~~:~.;a Mobile Call1ecn. that I feel 1 would l<.th"lnl I<I"n Ind •• h., •• ,."' be leavina a Itone unlurned if I r.fl~ ~re .~~~u~'~~I1\~l:::.fI~n .~~ \~~::: :h' did nol oak yuu .•. tlelen.e IIroUps, .I~hlh dlt 01 JlnulIY n .. , ., 'hi •• Id bl~ are .cottered ih out or the way t wlfhl~~ ..!i .. ·1~lIr~" C:t':,n~~J~:10::~ln(':rt~:-motl. POlta lar II 0111 the villain-anti c;an 15.~1 Mhl.n hy All"", .. a, hw.,h ~nd ;\:'11. only be reached by the Mobile Can- ,,;.,~";~;' h!:I:II:~b~I!~~'~Otll~ D~'~I~~'; I~h teens , . . with the .ppro.dl of tl""I,n Sol. ".po.11 " T,uII •• ..r A'l wlnler. bUlelill1l la lolnl to be dil- I ml.I"r.' '' '. C,T.A. 01 .h. SOIl'. of Hirold

I) IWI., '0 C.",rl.n a.l. Illpo,(t • T", •• (,cult, , . e~el 'I house Inu bulltllnl CU,"~ln~ T,.,,", U"~" d,ed 01 "Ut' b, lIema to be laken lur hoapltala. bll- J".nh. II . IW •• llirod I\"/'u" •• h ...... o. I IlIrmllu knm .. n •• pa,t Q L t,l sa on • CIt et •• Ithou ••• I ~I u"eel. ~\I.cue •• t etc. Ulln 1'1.11 (If Survey fll til. lan,1 0' Jo •• ph

1lI0bile canleens would be the only MUll,.". P.lmy ... NI .. jo"., .• n yOIL WU)' to lake care of Ru,-h ,roups:' ~t~:~lt',lt,~e; ~~~,rljl.: 9~h'!;:r~l. hF.:~~~tlo~l~f·~ci

'tohe IIbuve quotoUtJlI1I ale frOUt • H.l l fe "I Arl/lhih 8d lwllh~h dtuetlltdl Oi')I~ letter reLt:ntJy reu!lvctl Irom Mr •. ~ ~ ::::::!! J~.~t:r~~1! 88rh!~t:t~: RI~~~ Runalu Tlee, wile 0' a membcr 01 ~ "UoI ' l Rlt 1'1,10" i I/ovlll 'l,h"1 JuUU. ., II I I I I h U I d Wro.n .. · " .. 10 W.llnlf: t. .. , W., ..... n. Tar atrlcnt W I(J Y I tel len Ie An"a W,I_ft't : th. h,." •. rllylllffll or ,.,. StOIU with Anlhony Ktlen. Mr.. .IInol ,""",,,",1 ... nl '''''rl, a.h •• "., 'free, whu , •• duuKhter .. ln .. Jaw o( ;:~,..h~Y"An,~el"IW:I.~:rJP~':Jn:~.rv.~::.flJ. AJuiiral llcully 811U. II coulln to vI , ••• "' ~.""n.1 '.P ..... I.,' .. ' .1 Ail.:;:' M h II "i IJ I I Chi A,hwI'" ... m.,I. def •• d.n" beel." ,...

ar. II ref I)CO.II Ueh C •• O .rt the heltl Q' Artulph Id,warb and rnli, phllanthropl.t. I. In .hlltl" 01 Mo. ~~.~h:.r;e,~~'~~~\ ~ .~h. "eml ... c ....... bile Canteenl Ih BII,land. , ' JOI"PI' AI'.CK TYLER,

In reply to Mrs, Trce, .,111, a lollrllo, lor Ihd .1 COlln •• 1 ... '" I I Phil tI I hi Com~I.ln •• '. '"IUP 0 prom nlnl a epa .U euo ... , '''''', e .... d.n, If. I

wOlllen. heatled by M~. Alcunder 41 11 · 21 In (J.IJ.tI\ Bidllle, ucvl .. d v.rlous plan. ---------____ _ tu ~iae 'und. 'or the purcha.. 01 NOT,ea Mohlle Cantren. to .Id Ihe Brlll'h I N9CI •• 10 h."~~I'1J! , •• C clIe _, bombed clvmans ~ .,o~ .~Mt, IU'~'" .... 'reet.

Tho firtl 01 H;cN .lIalre, throUlh : ':/:. • .. ::r.- , .. t .. "r::I~'::= the fin. cooper.tlon 01 Mr. Harmon .~r!:......... .-..... .., J I. BI.ckburn 01 Old Orl,lnal Book- I TIM .......... .. .. ~" ll~ , blnd.,'1 Re.t.urant S"cond and I .t •.• 0' .tb.". ... 't_ I. , 10 •• PH. • .. Wainul ,treel., h •• been achrduled .111·14.0 II·... . 101 flrld.y. Noytmb<et Z2nd. when -.... entire d.y·1 ,W.I reeeipla 01 ··'~llon c:.u.1J 1-1 ....... C~ Old Orllln.1 Bookhlnder', R .. t,ur- .~. TO a ., :''1'011 • t will M turn.d over In luU, with .... ,. '" 1~""/A IIr Do~.

Id L. ht lo M ' .. O'k.Io ..... ..,~ .... _ I e uchanl w. t1I." n./ ..... ~ br, Ooitt • Iltllljl, .. 1IId4le 'or the Mobil. C.nt"n Ftmd. "' ... ~'Ir.":~' i I III Ito ... "an" II r. Iddillon to man, ptoml_t ~""I~ ''d.. -..." . '1::"'~

'ICI.I'I'~I .. 041.... :!l!- L, ,= , H. A MORTGAGES S".r1·::;r t=::'~""

• , ..... p_ • tt: .. A::# I.. r. IKB =:.~ U:;~"~.::iNo

. WALTE~..?~ LAMON 'll1'i" .. H~a.:::1

... ~:-a1:t.....,.. •. J,jfi1!'.'~ ,. . .

T P;N TO ONI ),ou'll,a"e I I!ood 011'11 but how Impatient ttl.,

cook. LeC'ome il tlte)' don't ilkI' the '1"/111'. Crrlifird Pl'rlormllnCf" gal range. win tlaeir approval. The drlwt'r-type broilr,. I'I"I! 8h1okC'. IrA. ',roilin« pllnA. OVI'nll ar,' (.",. r,.",ly illllll .. ll'd IIntl bC'la It 111110'

Dillal.·all y C'onlrollt'd. 'J'l'''Y rrlu·1t

I IllJIh Iteat qulC'IlI)' and will hold In unuaually IIIW tl'rlJperalure. 1'op burn .. ,. _I ..... aJllhp dift'f'rl'nt .... ala nl'l'dPd lor ooo"lnl(. All llUrtlf'rlllRI" Gutmoollenlty. Pric ... (rllm '99.95 caA" II )OU trlul!' 10 .'1 oM rangf'. Inlltallation inrlnd"d. 1·"rlll. - ~1II1111 111m do~ n, ,1111111

lunt monlMy.

, .. ",


________________________________ T_N_~ __ M_£_W __ SR_~~~T~"~U_RS~D~A~Y~.~M~O~V£Ma~~~£R~~~'~ ____________________ ~PAG~~~ .


F~y,. ... ~ ~na ~ 0.. aa-.i '-~ ~~ IO~ ........... ~ '-"- ~"': dIaIIlr ... ~ ~ a. .,.. .. ..... ~ 'not r-aao ........... ~ ~ Del.-- __ iIIiI ............ M ~... u.e ~ SltIrwc<t ... __ ~ kn-t ~" ........ tIIit- ~>OfAIIIiIe_~~ __ ....... IItIIcx >Of" .... ~~. ~ ~ ~ ...... ~ .. ~ ___ ~ a iII..m.t b)~

~ ~...., - Itioeh~ "'I ,,1MI1If, ~ - .. ~ -- ".1'.A. CO~ cov~ I .. tnlII __ bt .. liM ~ ... ........ ~ ~ ~! .~nro ~VU8U • UGAGItD

m d&d_lM~~. iii\.. .................. 0- Mr.-.t .R.~ a.~ l\\<t~.'S.~~tkb.l~~-~- •• ~.-.J'OWdiMn:a .... ~.--.~ ... """ Wlti\t ~l~" ~ ..... s\rtOtt ill t _'bots~ ~ __ a.. __ ~ to. __ ........ .t ~ - ~ ....-t tal "'* ktst __ .,.. tM ~ _ dMtiCtII.. .... -~ 00IIthI_ to. lie ~lIttll ~ ~ SIIMIIft

~ M ~ W'ritItI~ adwd _ .... ~ t... SW"" ~ ... ...,. oci • .. ~)Mr'~:::'t.~ ~-.:l BOOKS NEEDltD ~:~ ~~ .!:':it ~ "-",'tr .... ~ ....... -' It"" ~ L. S~ tal 0.

... ~ bd tb~ lU l1\. AT FORT DIX WIot .... --. 00( ~-~ .n:::.:·~..::.·lIa~~ A~~~~=tr. ~~ ~ ba.J dash u.t a~ .... • \.~ bdk. ~ 'OCt .... ICftoo.l \enst >Of .. ~ ~ ~""'t-- _ Sa~ Noo_be- .. a\ __ ... the 1 tml r.M to thot Mtd of 'hat 1Il~ at f'ort OUt Ut.... 0.. "- .h~ -~--~ ~ ~ aftt> hai'M >Of tllr·, Ml<I N~ ~. • ~ fO' ~ tII'I,J ~ of boob. b.\ ...., ~ "'" u .... I*~ ~ ha-.t bftt\ ~ tI~ 1tR.1 .,------

'I'M aa- -~ ~ tI, Pal. ~ \be IIdI\d ,... ~ bb\rs btiIac ~ ~~ CMilIt~ Hm.n L. AdltM.. >Of ~M Wt're Il"IlYbted _"" ~ ..-,n .... abllilt to 1n~t tht ~ \Xl r-t~. Go tlIroottac'I ~ <t<d. ~ ~ .:a.traill ~'" C-tt Jl4l""'t ~\irol\ -. of\t!ft tban W't adMit. ~rial atmnl'b tal tk Ram.. .nd I book --. md Irorl -oIkt all \hat ~ In It.. Hooll.l' • . l'\ll'C 1Itrett. ... ttIt- tIICOrihe d'w\'o.'tS I\a~ "'" \'ft- can qlarc IM\\l tUt ot 11th.! tllun to Cltftt .. s\&~ Hi&tI~ ~~ No. -.ttn b, \M t'I~"S t,,~ of JOOIIt to.-aI . hbn.'7 11\&\1'01\ Of lM ll*. \11 \Ift~ ~"OI\S~~ tot ont-l\aU th<t Fitd~. A. a mllttr' 01 8\1l'hnat\lll C\)\\lltt "<tot Libnry. ""le.. 'l\-aW\\': 1'Ml1\tlllned. FR'£SH GROWN btt. ~".... was ntft. In danfP." ·1.'1tt .:\Ist., .,. ttl" hbnry "atl_ S L NTS UftI!l .~ til"", ___ !oly PUll_ilk aft that ttl..., rad\ ttlt Coun~ ' WAR HU LITTL.E EFFECT CUT FLOWER AND P A ~ oppoosi~ til a PMi~ to l..brnry ",h"...., u...." a...., 001\1 ... rted I ON COST 0'" LlVING fw WEDDINGS - ANNIVERSARIES. StCR ~ .md ,"~nd~ and made rd.d» lot' ~tin~ war in hropre ~n I ROON al\d AL.L OCCA.SIONS

LOftn T\\n, Fint ,,-. I tlt\lll raT b:o IIIn-e had ntt)~ dhd on Attracth-e Floral Pi~s fur Funerala . 'rht War D""pertmet\\ pro\'\\loes a I tht .:ost of 1i\'1nll I\x th-t a~,

fie aftalr o~...! ."':'tll PalmYI"& \\maU hilI at}' l»t $~" p4etman~ht Ne. J-" f&MIl), as dtttnnine.l by tat~nlt b:o tltt opposition'" ;!& and army pro5t Ilut lhq .. ~ Mt able tu \he 'IlUIrtUt, study made by th~ \tit 0 .... 1 waa promptl, booted m tht aupp\Jr et\ouah boob lor lhe num., SbI~ Departm...nt of A.cnrulturt.. local "t. A fumble oqcllrnd on ttlt boo.n 01 mat that In now in uni- Th"" .~..... N... Jeffty Jam~ ~d pIll)' Ind Rlwnlde \onlt OWl" fOI'tll< so thoe Ne,. Jersey Cuun.:!1 ~t onl7 Go. per ttnt more in M Palm,",~ 3'9. Tilt RClmll fo".,d t tot Ddet\sc has a~ MIS$ Serah SeptemMr, 1940, than in the pre­tilt 1'01n* tolllh ,lIrough the Rot<! . A .... -ew. Itlltatian or tht Nit\\> Jersey I cedlnl June, or in Sept'emMr, 1939,. ,.,d \YlIltt l\tal_rt forwe~ waU a!,d ! Publlt Llbrat, Conlmi5Sion and a I the 1tud:J Indicattll. Tilt il\~ml5-e tilt\\- liMIt 'San" Into the mlr was In· 1 mtlllb""r 01 the' Coundl. tu ,-oUe.:t IIln~ June, 1'!Ml}, haa bull duot l.t~ ~p\e.t on PlIltmhY"'l.t !!. bFlotuhr. boo"" for tht Fort Llbrar". ~ to ttlt ri. In a~ rmt. (units no, s pel!S .all en II"",n ~ ~ I Collection 'llrithout beal) of 3.2 pel" <Cellt. FUool R.hI~ who .tftl,,'t to tilt 100;:'" 'I . Ilnd lI,ht l"OIle I pet cent: clothln" War... b .. lne. hal~. Plallll haft beu ma~e (or a e'ell- Go? per ~nt, and f"mlture, 0.11 pel" At~r maki!,1 Ihll. tine lIh1nd, th .. i t~1 colle.:tion ~cy .n ea;;h larlf'e c:ent. Food ••• l.l Pti' ~nt lo'/tet'

Fledl .. r"'....... In the afor..meHboned I· CIt)' and each \.-ounty. The. boob I artd mlartllatleous i!'tms dftlpped ItInd hllltnn~, promplly fumhl"" and an colte.:ttd and talren to thlll cen- Q.I per <ctlll in the mol't ~t the Rllml I'tcovel"l!d 01\ the loefll ~r, Ant\f trudl". wilk ~all ,(or th .. m quarttr. 10 and wasttd no time In pUllhln, II as. - . .. placa are rud" to ""'- ShU.tlcians Ih the rnpertment of 0'"'" a .core.. ",eave them at the .Iort, For the pre~- A.rt"ultutt t1epol't 1\11 lItutt .hort.

P TI T ent the" a" belnl diltrlbuttd by Il~ 01 hO\laln, ladUliea &lid p.-c alii oell hlnp I the cbaP.lina, but .s .oon aa the lIcall, 1\0 III.canel.... Rente, which

Afttr tht ~cltooll Palmyra op-ened orlanl.lllon la corllpletood the), WIll conltltu~ ltl.l peer up IUld • pes", Flournoy to Mltcbell bt:come a pert oC the neular hbrat, Il:ent of the a-.t .. ae flmll" budaet. .a. !JOOd 01\ the Rlftnlde 41 ." ~ollectlon. . Inl:I'Q"ed In Rven o( the !'tn dt/eII. the ~uarter tIIded. Mitchell then I The BurUhltoll County F~ee LI. from _hll:h ~n\a an obla\ned and to .. ed one to Con"'tlJ, who "aultht I br.ry Is lervlnl lIa a cellter ,n Bur. nmaln...! unchllnttd In thtte. the bill on the op!l4)tlltlon ao and I Un,ton County a. lid will ;;oll~cl th.. Comhlet\\a (rom field repott .... In tlced for I score. The conversion I b~k" a~ they ac~umUlate In the September mentioned: "Sliltht aHf­attempt was null and woid. a. w.. var.ous hbrar, It.bona. (f you have I fenlnr In rental prices"; .. t.andlo~. Rlftralde's, 10 the tOlll\t waa 11 •• 11. I booka to donate and dQ not live

800n arter hostilities wer.. ~. ' near a library station brlnl them ii ••••• ii.ii.iiii.~ allmed. a Palmyra kick was fumbled directly to the CounlY Llb, ar)' Oh the Riverside II lind recovered by hcadquarter" at the corner , o( HI'h . eo.caphlln Keen. A p .... Conwell and Vrllon aU·eet. in Mount HOIlY'j to Flournoy ran It the bell and tblll 00 not dtlay. The books art need· tlln.. Mitdtell mnde aood with a ed now. placement. Donations lrom local relld .. nt. I

may b .. left at the Rlv"rlon Library. Several Chancn I

Durlna the s .. cond .emester Pal. COUNTY ROAD WORt( myra starled to click on aundry oc· Count, road.' lead In, dlrec;tly to eaalolla. but fumble. ruined ally (ur. "'ort Dix (the U. 8. Governm .. nt ther chances 01 the Red and Wblte, MiUtary Reaervatlon) and with a to pull awa,. I radlul o( 5 mU ... of the Fort. partlcu •

RIvera/dc, on the other hind. larl, the entlra len,th o( tbe road threatened orten beclule o( th.. 10" (rom Bordentown to thi Fort are cal mlleu.. IIld only 'tveral lilt tlrr,lna III exee .. lyel, I.t,e vol­dllch It.nda prevented the deeperate I ume 01 trallie on SlturdaYI Ind R.m. from pUlhlnl over one or Bunda)' ..

New Shoes ' From Old

"AMICO" Electrical Vulcanized

Reeoling h~ No Nan. /" , N~Cb" ~ •

IlIlaed c:Il..J'" UNITY 'HOE REBUIlDERS l. w ....... It. Palm,...

more touchdown.. Trallic not destined (or Port blx 1 .. __________ _ The enem, drovi to the leven on ahould avoid Ihl' ar ... If poulble. I

ODe oteaalon, where the locala took The (ollowln, d~touta are In ef- e over .nd Ihortly afterwird WHe fett due to dam'lte ruultln, (rom I only one ,ard hom acorlne terr.ln. thl heavy tlln. o~ the Labor Day,

Ju.t before the end of th. en. week. end. ,all'hlent, Palmyra .tlrted a be- MallOnvllle· Postertown Road­lated drlv. from their own l-Ylrd bridle out three-quarte,. of a mUe marker. when tW4) paint were lood louthealt o( Masortvllle. Bhort de. for a tot.1 01 40 yarda. The In- tour via Blate HllhwlY Route No. evllable lumble occurred. however, 311, and Rlvefllde took oller only to Eve.boro-Mount Laurel Road­have their IInb p... Intercepted .. Brld,e out one mile north ... t o( the ,Ime ended. Bvnboro. Detour yl. Churcb Road

.nd Mt. Laurel-Mooreltown Road. I Jottln,. Bayreslowrt • Lumbetlon Road-I

Palm)," made el,ht fir.t downl I Brld,l out three.qullrte" 01 a mil, lour comln,ln each hal(. Th, enun; louth.a.t of Lumberton. Delour : unlnd RYe, three com Ina In thl vII Lumberton-Medford ROld to lI"t quarter. In the mttter 4)f Fo.tlltown and thene. to Elyr"'1 p ...... Palmyra trIed 17. completed town.


• Wet wa,h picked 1111. b, Ollr

drive" b, I o'cloclt ,.tUrd.y II"moanl dellyered oe or before • o'eloclt Moede, momln,L •


.,hoal. RlyertOli .,. nina Ind had two Inlred by the op- BI.pbam MOUht "011),- I pollUon. The Rtm. Ittempted ellht .... ___________ ... IJId completed none, with Palmyra .eUlna IIva of them.

Rh,er.ld.·a rUhhlh, .ttack wa. .lopped told. with the eaceptlon of the 11m period IIld with no Ilr 01· ,"' ... the Rami wert reaUy a b.dly .... tlft team at thl IInll ,un.

Baclpt for tlla lumbll1!1. Palmyra w.. a line 1.11'11 and .hould haY. WOli b)' a wIder mlr,ln.

eo.captaln Trotta, one or thl out-ttIIldln, loul play"a all .... ott. mIINd the aam. due to l1Ia ... .

PIhn,,. atarted wfth tlla follow­!a. III1IUP I Lan.. "1 Bmmottl. It. Llltrl, 1., Clair.. " VIllari. r'l Chintat, rtl KHfI, '" Mitchell, qb.

. Evans' Srrvlc:r Sialion

MAGAZINES Over 1.000 to ChOOl. Prom


Boa It palm),r" N. J.

Ph ,It w ....... Ma.ullln" ~h"l"ul''''

U.I' CUllIn. 01, Tlnll_. Il4chlnl

1(11r,1 "',.l ... l "'t tlai.d ~A'" .........

• M NaNt' AVI 0

II UNO C 0 BE'M'Y PETTY OASOLINE and OIL BRAUTY ITUDIO =~~II.'! "' ........ t .... __ I .. ~iiiiiiA .. ,.ii·_·.".L.II.Y.IIA_ ..





la4 Clnnamln_ A ..... PALMY ••

T ......... tI, I

c ... ~ ."'-t •• n-.., 0...-_. uunl ... un til Ullin

.... u" ••.•. J.


Burn Koppers Coke

\\ h",n ~~IU burn 1\"1""'''' (,.uk" In ~~ml' rurFln ..... ~ our fn .. 1 n"I1"'~ IIt_n't J[O "1' II ..... hlllln.·~ or In\o IIIl' ""h

I'lt. l'llr ,hi" • ... "·nllli.· flll·1 I .. nlmn .. t .. If ''''''''·'In>rlll,·illll~ It.. hIli" c'lIl'h<ln ,'lilt t I'll t 1Il1I1,.... It 1111' \\I .... t "'lid.'nl .. nlhl fc ... 1 till II", mArk.,t • . \tlll I ...... • Il ... • th.· ",' ..... 11\11-

J\1I1'1~''''' ell",' 1t'.1\ l'" f.·" t'r n .. IIl'''-~Il'''''' ~ lilt IIllltl~ hUll"' "f.lrll.ljI.·r~· IhrHultlulllt II", "I,,"·r. It'" Ih,·.·. · ... ,"lllh·,,1

fl ... 1 fllr 1~'''I,h' "Iu, ,,,,,It III "''''1' II\l'i~ h",,"'~ "omfort­.. ltly wllrIU \dtll It'fll! "'Irk.




What is non~ Wilh the l\ 'olley You Ul'IJnsil'!

I" addition to providina a aat. place fDC' you to keep your money, I bank perfOrtnl onlt of Itllmportant functiona by PUttlna theae f\llldl Ihto c:onatructlve u ...

Here I. whAt hap~n. to • depoeltl

Pint, a amount of cub II kept In the blink', vaulb to mNt all reuonable withdnlWIIl rf'qulttmlOntl,

Second, the bank II requlntd by law to main­talh Il'Ial rewrv .. with the Pt'dlO'll Reeerve bank or with othpr approved dppoeltory bankL

Pinally. the lmount of thlO dlOpoIlt flOmalnln, II thl'n IVlllahl. to borrow." and II ('()hnrted Into ronalrUl'llvp U'l' thtou,h lORn. for pto~r pur""I!!1 allll thtOUKh lIOund Inv"llmen.tI .

Caminsoa Bank and Trust Co. RIVERTON, N. J.

.. .... I0I0 ' ...... 1 ~ , __ • " ...........

~ o c:: ~

tD >'


THE NEW ERA l<' "Woe shali support l~ Pre!si-tttnt '\~ not . in 'COntl~t wt ... ,_ tM ~tial -.l ~ wtc­

I \tit {;tUt pt'i~,pk'& I'M wtlidt \~ ~t . In tbls crusa~_ . \Vt ftQry 110 ~ ~ * twtr \1m.

'---- I '" _or' f m "non .anti pt'q'.al't 'lg'0t- tirinc and ~~ ~ ilk the ~ ~ n..n.b, tilt" 1I ... "S\Jtit will <tx~ moe '<'UKfen.c)· 0 'out Ot"gil Z;, <exa..'t1l1& -" 0( dial ~~ RI~lO~ N. ,. \ Gusly hx tbe ~iooal c:ampa~1\." . . . In tad t+.oe lntubt .rod ~.

..... at .tJt Ih~ N. J., "'* QIfic!t 111& ~ a.. ".~ I This $'eftl\S \'0 sum up ,~ ~ral opintOn oj Repuhhcans a~ aU- 'Of all _btn 'Of tM boa"<l .~ Rl __ "2 tb<t,r political friends oe,,-e ..... ~-hoere. "ft madt t~ .,... 'Of eMt -at

• J ot~si>t'r and pioNsantu. WAL ~R L. aoWEN, 1Wat'CW . I . . , ""'nany, ttle a.-t Aaistan<'t

... W, M£TmtR., A __ ~ IWitobt RARI. w, LAKtt. ~~ "IT. ' 1 Fan\\\y S~. ~fttos Board's of both Ri~ -' (;\1\-• ~ Strftt, ti_,,* "02 ..... A ...... ~ t ~ ~ .... min_ have atta.tfutly hpport.

~ - ~ .. C ""Of "-'t fal'll'll.i>ts wh6, ...,,"th ~ oed tM '4lift<:tor .of reM! in tilt At. L..-oM. ADVU'fl$UlaM'h 0 "",thout ~I ......ny, Nlft i!'.factor)' handline 'Of b'oU~

De ............... Nt. II,tr. ODt § (CHI" '*-.. ~ M I ~t ~I ~s to _ it ., URI ..mdI haft ari_ -' ~ ... .... A~ .. t«~ ..a ~'a A'--" ... 1ft -- I is _ diK~1t to ~ defm~ I aanon of that in\'er8\ and SUpPort bit .... "'* ...... tciatt ..... __ ...... ill .. ~.:~.~ •• ~__ M ~ to a wotunon of tffeir. stIoIIld be a part of tftit ~."

E ~s.. OM _ !IOOa\icll\ ,.hen . ~ .. .a a Y..- ia A.ttPtce -------.-:.-- ------------ N a famil)' ·..nth al\ amed i~ auf· I\LlENS MUST RtmlSTRR

T fideftl to support ita famit) is re-l 8Y DttEMBIlR .. 1940 stored to a frit:ndly. I\qble ~. .. __ ~ ~ 'lrith ~ anotMr. The ladt . I\lien ~tiOft will ~ .. De-

~ltlNTlMO . I of _plo~' and II\Ifti~t in~ cotmbtr a awd *l:' non-a\iatfts who

~Ihti" S ........ ~tkIII

'he Mw .. O«kt .. ~ to .. eM kiHa of hat Pria"-l til' W'Mtt ~ eft .tlmne at a ~ proVft the stumblinc block \0 early "'rot I\Ot )'tt rtcm~ art ~ II. "h ~ or ratalli'Ult ,.. ~ \lIet tht: aoIuliah of ma\\)' famil), dilliculti8. ~t aotftft ptnaltt." ~ folio ..

• _itu aI-- brines tlR cMock ant\ ~Of tlle 221 ramiliU whi~h ca~ Uilure to con\pl, ~th th.s F'edttal

o ,tt IJCout .,t' or" tums it f~ -'0 __ '" ao fOil can'I •• did not recti~ """'It form or AU aliella ~ atl&O • ....nmI tba\, B ~ IJ J , t. f --.,- · to us for - ~ of setVI<'t; Oftt)' a. ... . 'J tte die 6a\l-- Pr-obably on the I'Mnrial 1Idp. and that c.)\Int d~ ohitf', muat ~ III penon alld

- " C·· th· rd ·de. ..-on" hurt )'OU- inl from our dothinc room-that A1i'a\ children, ulide.r ." IDUat &lot l!Iem~. 0( thlt Bo~ S~ut& of Amltrica pride thoemaelvea th.t I thtot)' that what )"OU don' know not Include lamlli~ ttctivinc dot. h· bt 1iJ\aUprinttd.

"'Ihtrt art no aol\i8 in ~\1t'na, luna e.r r'C'tO a. a, _ is dothine which Is not lIew. Of rqiltertG b7 tbtir ))Utt\b or to reKUlt wom"" fint",id men, and m~ buroena in time of W d tM thtt d th t C. • the!6 ddinite reli<tf famili~ In,",,· a\IaI'dianl. .... ~ thlty aroe equaUy proud that tht~ aroe p~ttd to .tne· dft eti tft • u: toni. a)' ~ d~ ber of thtm brouaht ~ot 0111)' one Rtciau.tio!\.... place at the

• Tbei ... . I nl "I ..., )' social probl~m to a lamll), but lIOme- poat oIIicea. aeir community in hundreds of lltlll lpe.:ta(ular way&. r .. .,.. which IIftftt lor .... 'nkie and "cNary timet tWo or thm. Some of them . Tbtre i, no cbarce 01 *Il1 md to-dau proD'ram. Scouts insist. bep. them rudy and Mlltf to Oft NI~~htbet 5. It' .. thawt ISld~~ -.e hue had real difficulties over. 1000t toIlIlected. with alien rqistratiOQ.

' .. td.. art I ... t ,.,;on ne or """,ItS period f ti De . f J . a.lp in at\)' manner that ~ need. In October. . "Our Chri:all pl3ns last )'tilt In. ' ali!!': to =:n:,. 0racb=""'U'III

Some idea of thoe serVltt nndltred in the pallt .30 )'Una ia - dudoed Chnltlnlll diMtt 1CO\l~' The Poll 0B1<'t Deaiutment and . • ..uable in tht rtcotda Qf tht National Council of tht a01 EmploymHlt In Ihe encutlve Ind cand)' for as families. Two the Department of JUllict will wiD, -_.. f Am r' A quicll a\lrve)' .bOWl! that the kbaki-dad ,"nd! 01 the federal 1aVfttl\met\t families out bf town received Chriat· Inll)- anilt the aUttIl in tfttJ poe-.-.ala 0 e lta. reached 1,oes.59Ii on Selltembet 1 m.. baUet&. Canned ROOds _. alble "*1 ,,*naatena ,old Liberty Bonda worth $147,000,000. have .. \ltd of ttu. )ell'> ItIlt to le~ flmllies: 4 boltltS of Sui a. llaniton. . Director 01 manyli,,", delivered half a million 1'hank'livina bam .. to needy candy _ maned to OUt people In Alien Reailtration of the Depart-..... _... £titi ted in hundreds 01 ."rebel for loat peran.. ANNUAl MEETING Institutions Ind c:htch for Chnst. ment. SUI&'tlltl tha' thOR alitll. wbo ........ u. pa pa i .... l.. mas dinnen wtre lient to thm have not )'et rqlatend do ., .. &\lardtd lichool cros""'" Iought lire .. cltantd up Wt ..... t v \lacant . flmllles Uvine in other lotalitles. In IOOIl II poulble aDd lvoid thto ... acted .. c:olor I'la. auilted in controlling tRffic. ulhered LOCAL WELFARE aU 19 letlen of th~nlll _re Itnt Cbriltmu Nih It the po.t oIIi(tI.

bli d rl te uretnoniea aid~ in brlng-out the voten for Chriatmaa donBholis of mone" I A.ll alien art allO Wll1ltd that. at pu c an p va, . for eanned ~I to the moYIe ' haWta ttiJIatered, til .roe required umpaign-el1en htlpoed rtlCUe a parachute jumper caulht in a (contlnuoed h1)1D pqe 1) thestre mAnaaer. for ~ys And for to reporl any chane": ill their per. ttee. SCOUt. do not. however. solicit money lor &n)IOne. thf1)lIch the lIat of lillint nit<tds Slip. candy filled boxea and atodrinls to mlnenl rtllideace addttal within 'lit

d I h ,,-- d' II Westfield Finl DB)' School. de to th • ml r II d N t Betwttn --~ tum.. Scouta keep fit by practice an c:otn- plemenlary ~ lef II """,Ii In wi Thirty.nlne of our families wett J1I 'm t a on In a _ . """" . lib' be a mbre or lell continuoul need urll.lialtion Service of the Depart.

petition in firllt aid, algnaling and slmplt eilg ntoer nl. Y extenalVit fOI thooe older penon! who are un. 011 toy IIsl for the Letr\on; 38 (hll· ment of JUIUce In Waahlnctob. laikihar alid camping. and by conltaM adhertnce to the lunda. employable and for aome tusol'I In. ddreJl 'for 'Rhe Letr\°dnl party: d25 ChtU. Forml for thia purpolt Itt obtain. mentals of Amerlcani.m. . Ithtr\ Ie for Old Ace sslslance. In I th PArt '"'II b th t I h II a e at PO! 0 cea. .. I . bAd ren or otary nner an 8 Ot bl all t lit

for the mothers of children reo I! y ". en y e e ep 0 e No aUen need be unprepared for Typical o( the .pectacular aide of Scout work I. tht roecotd o( celvinl StBte board cranl. The : op.~i:ators. I the queations he will be alked.

1938 New England hurricane. Almost without exception, every I,mounta of supplementary relief . th wec~~~y ~~an~s 'Id u~t"~ed h to Sample regilltration . lorma which . d h . k f h kh ki I d vlry from month to month. I" ee . wo Ul w c ao show him eXllctly what in forma.

damaged comhllmity pralae t e wor. 0 tea -«: a )'Ou~g- "Durinl thll )'ear 4 families. rep. not only been lel'leroU8 In Its dOl'la- tlon he will need at rellalratlon are atena. They helped dear IItreetll, earned meBBagell for the police reaenllnl Itl persons have r~teived lion of cash. but haa contributed Ivailable In all post offices.

d d h if d d I BIB n:I t· · hnd more than three hundred garments . All lire departments, rescue a a ozen maroone perlon., co • b e oa cran s; one c I was which agllrellate a lIery substantial lected dothell (or tholt left homelua and when unable to com- cranted foster home plactmp.nt: <'nd v lind d A lot 01 people und to ,row old

. ". there are three Ippllcatlons for State a ue ee. cracefully. Now they may not crow plete rescues themselves, g lllded better.equlpped adults to the Board lIendlnc. Two persons have I Thanks old 80 .racefully but they can let In 10th.. been Iran led Old Ace Asslslance. "To Miss Cornelia Murray. re- th~ money after they are slxty.five.

Similar stories have been told repeatltdly from every part of ======================================== the country. Tornadoes in the South, Roodll in the MiBlilsippl Valley, bUtardll In the mountain statu, and forest fires In the Welt have been the occallon for brilliant roeaeue work by Boy Bcout., whale long training had prepared them for emergency aervlce,

Far leu dangerous, but no less useful. was the work done by Bcout Troops in collecting clothes. furniture. food and luppllu (or needy families during the deprualon. The Job wall begun in . 19~4 in tesponse to a 8uggeB~lon (rom President Roosevelt, and It I continued (or aeveral yeart.

Tile Ajter1110th One of the noteworthy arter-effects of the recent national

election ii, that although the Repu blicans lost one of the hardut fought battlel of the century, there il no disposition on the part of the leader!! or of the rank and file to become dllcouraged 'al to the future. Although remarks are heard that when the 1942 tOnlfUllonal electlonl roll around It will be I different Itory.

On the other hand there WBI no dlspolltion on the part of the New Deal leaderl to over-celebrate their victory or gloat over the defe.t o( their rivall. All leem to have been lobe red by the fact th.t America haa lome critical time! ahead. The Republicanl view. point WII admirably exprelled by National Chairman Joe Martin when he laid on the day after the election:

"The campaign for Wendell L. Willkle and Senator Charlet L. McNary WI. fought for great American prlnc:iplea. Tholl prlnclpltl were approved by nearly 23 million. of American voter •.

liThe margin between victory and defeat wa. very Imall In the large Itlltes which could have produced a Wlllirie and McNary .ajorlty In the electoral college. When the lull return. ar. It wU1 be • .urprlH to the country to note how very clole we came to a national victory.

"WhUe naturaJJy dllappolnted, we have every realon, beeau •• of thl. atrong national IUpport. to continue to 8ght lor theae American princlpln. SUCCIII can and will be achieved If w. "... our caUal A cruaade .uch a. we have .tart.d cannot be .topped by thl. temporary .. tback.

'"It .. our purpoae to take lull .dvantal' 01 th. n •• and pro­.,... ..... d.rahlp and .upport that h .. com. to u. In th .. cam­peIp. W. ar. for national unity. W. are for a atron, del.nee.

BER 1VfJR'~" 18 AT HBR DB£K AND CALL (III 1O'lIn4,-b ""phon.)

AND thlt mun. I lot Ih ••• day •. She 1.11 a

home and flmlly to nre for - I wide cltele

offriend. and relaUv •• to keep II, louth wlth-

. community work .h.liket 10 do,ln .hort, aile'.

I bu., lad, .. BUT "The butch.r. Ihe blln.

the candlt9lkk maltn" - aU her dally ald. an •• h.r t.e.:k and ull (I~ 1,t'fJft4, h, ·plwlll).

1\l. "hi, "J," malt. Ihe ' hel I"t 1IIIltint - uslo, It tv calf)' 0IIt pl,n., to do

hn dally .hoppl"" .akt .ppolntm,"It, Yislt with frllDd. lB. "I.lIv"-to ,et IIIlIIy

Ihlny. done matt quickly ud eMily ... riDf time .04 'MII1 10 _plilh __ IaCh

"y with AlisfactlollO "-II ... to oIhen

N,,,, JUllr Blu r""HON' COMIANr


Fo, • r',oldl:1 hoI! "o~r.f mu,', 'un, fn "Tltt Trl'rhn, H."r"Hff7 M.III., .f,.t.t • . \VEA" Irw


l I.

.. ; I . ,




THE NF.W &R"-. 1'HURSDA Y. NOVEMBER 2& 1940 PAGE NINE ----------------~---- . -- ---


tryinc N p.lSlS Y-lu, ""'-e\' in~~~~ ~~api~ from tbese ~ta ~ I potential SOItn.--e . of IT"Qt daniff ,n st'~.cifl:\litin. by not nannint cenk )"lV &p\!'I!d. Kite\) to t~ rilhl .a.nti enttt th~ ,-ehiclIt in 'arce quantities ' y.lUr home. lf)'Ou ",m ob.-e.-"" thlt 0\ er t'a'diaton or stum pipes. N_ ~ tum by. 1t)'U\l ,",uh to dn~," witNllt t~. ~~ftI' beinc a~ of foUowinc rules., Civen by tli,. Nltw I~ve . heatinc awlian~""s ~te4 w-t:r atld road ,,"OO\'ditions a,,,, socii t~ tianc-« .• t q aSlS'Uttd. I Jen~y ' Pubtn: Utility Info~ti'On \vhen not in Uft. and al_ys di-. dial otlltt 1In ___ canftQt pIUS "Motori!'.t' ~ly," said Mt. Commi,tft:. you will redu,,,,, th nit'« by talOne hotd of lilt phle. lICIt

(Stcond 01 • ..m. of artides bI __ t ~ti'lre .... tomoblle

utdy be.:auSlit of on~-omina traft' • .:. C"nninc. "tulift the d~ 01 car· dancu' in )"OU'r homlt to a minimum. t~ ,-ani. Cords shoutd ne'ftt n .... i cun."eI 01' hUb. it is a ~-ourteou" ad bon monoxide in dOS'td .. taCH- &1- N~ run c:ords Ilnd"" rues b<e- stitute fOl' permanent winill and .. I to puU Ol/'et' \'0 ttle rictlt. ell tilt thoouttt .nnually many an: kIlled 'CatrSe tlle, art 'tIItOm too quickl) worn ~s should be immedi:a~

ntad and &lenal tlle liM of driven thnmth failure to ta.k ~ l\I'I!'- t when _lkd upon. Do not llla.:ot f'ellla.:td. Have all wirinC in~ dri'ftft and to faDliaria Ii­tenwed OIIUIItora willi kcal roe­'luiremenls and commoo __

I behind 10'1 to rotnlt put. cautiens. ThIt danc-« to dhlll!'l'll on corda in door jambs b<e-cau5t this puiodical~ b, COlllpetut de'Ctrio-at awe t'-'e i. ampl,. 1Ipa~"" tM open road has not been sulli. j bttab tlle pn)ttttive conrine. A~ cians.

nalts 0( the road.) .a, ARTHUR W. MAGEE ~ of KGtot' 'idlidea


ahead befOre passu .. ollme vehicllts. ciently emphasiftd. It now appeaB, \ .... 011 tlle Id\ of \':&rs &'Oinc in the ho_llef'. that accidmtll . Invol",nc _ direttiOl'l. Paasinc 01\ \hit eIIperietKitd dri\'ffS travelil\r alonl 1II ......... lIlimllllllll\l ........... I\IIIII ..... III"III ....... 'IIIIIIIIIIIIIII .... II ........... ri&ht is onl;y pennitted when the lItraieht hich .. ays und« safe opet"- I -, drillef' )"0\1 wish to paM has indio atlnc conditions may b<e caused by PI Y 'CIt<td hi, intention to m.k a Id\ urbon moneldde "",denne the ease our = tum and h.. moved into positien operators less el\'idet\t. IlIhalatiOft IN.vine you et\oU&h space \'0 eet by o~ the caStell may cause Madacht. KIt'tPina to "'" Ritht~ YO\l mut

hep \0 tile richt 01 tilt Nad.. Sla:r til tilt utRine ri&h\ lane., not lDe~ a, to the richt of the «fttet line. 0. hWa and cllNU be eapteciall:t al'ItfW to keep W'dl ~ JOIIr 0_ Iide of the road.

011 tilt richL AC'COrdinc to ~ New sleepiness. _!mess. impairoed iudl- G d I · F· d JIet'R7 law before p&!'.!'.ing another ment and deeRased drivinl allllit,." aW- en- Ovmg nen s car O\ltaide of a business or resi. .. ' deatial district you must sound your CARE OF ELECTRIC CORDS

EmeqltSlq Vehkln: £m~q 'ftbicka hlft the ri&bt-of.way. lf """ htU a police. fire eD&iM.. Ol' _bulanct Ii.- or ben at ab;f time., aiWl o'ftf" to the curb llid atop. If tWa i. not ponible. &'Itt III far to tile rlabt band lide .. JUU can and lift the Hnetl"llcy vehicle ItIlOUCh ~ to &'Itt b,.

ltitht.of.Way: The Aver. In. tenlec:tion-Tbe law ptOvidea that if two can U'It approachinc all Inter­aecliah on different roads the veM· ~Ie ttachine it lint hu the rtaht-of •

honl to InhXm the driver ahead that WILL ' AVERT FIRE MENA.CE tau Intend to pUI.

Paaaine i. not only daneerou5 but All thines considered. it Is roe-b forbidden by law on hills and marhble that so. fit.. fires In the cuna, at intene.:tionl Ind othet home can be. at~buted to electric deaoerou. placel. .pplian~ and ..."nnl. But IIIn elt'IC. I

Mallinc 'I'IIm.: All hand .I&nal. : trk wire !hlt haa ~ broken cw lhould be aiftll at a distan~"It of , has lost ,Is Insulllltion can lie I 100 feet from the pla .. "It 01 makinl

thlt him. b vet)' cold 01' rainy I ~-------------t _ther. or at nilht when your car windows Itt closed be espedally careful to "'Itch the approach of cars (rom the rear &Iotfon you 510w d.own to malle I tum.

\tra1. III cue two ca .... arrive II an CHECK CARS FOR CARbON httenecticll\ at the .. me IIIO\'lHlt MONO>tlDE LEAKS the car Oil the riaht hal the rilht-of.w.,. It. car tumlnl len at an In.' Now il the time for all Clr own·

With gifts of Roses, Shrubs. Water Lillea and other

outdoor plants. Dner will make delivery at just the right

time for planting in spring. and notify the "giveea" that

the gift ord~rs hav~ b~en placed by )'Ou and juat whtn

the plants will be d~1i'Yettd \'0 th~m.

Henry A. Dreer, In~ BHllttll'l (,'",'r/-IrS 8ft/Ht.t .. , jlft.., 1838

We invite your inspltction of a fine collectioll of potted pUb and dishes lor the home. now on display It the lIuneqo. •

tenlectlcll\ aci'Oll the path of an on· era to check . for carbon monoltide, tom\nc car h .. the riabt of·way If lull.. the Keystone Automobile I It baa ltarted to tum bdotlt the on· Club adviles in a bulletin warninl l Camina ur hi. Rached the Inter. of the huard cauled by thil insld. I IIdlon. If both cana tftch the In· loul enemy of motorine.

ChI __ .. II ....... IIII11 .. II"'ItI~.IItII."'.mIllIlHn1m1nI1ll .. IIIH.n.IIIII ... _ •

ternctiOll at the ume time, the car On the bul. of Inllltsliletions lind IOina Itralabt ahnd hal the nlht- a!udln by sclentilts. the Club says 01 ...,. It Is I\ow. beUellltd that man)' other·

Intenltctiona o( Maln and Bec· .. Ise uneltiliained hlChway accidenls oadar:r Htah .. .,.: A.t intersections I ate due to driverl unknowlnlly which art prottc:ted b, a Btop BIIft bttathlnc dlnlerou. amounts of .... car ~ the tnaln thQfOulhfatt estIlllnl exhaust I&sca.



hai the riaht-o(·wI, If It hll enter· William S. Canninl, enllneetln& ed abe Intersection or I. dose I diretlor of the dub. aays that In two ttlouab that the lIeceal1ty of I Iud· per cent of the "'lthlcl~ telted b), dID ltop mltht caule an Iccident. one Iroup of inllestigators the car­It Ie the duty of the drlllltr on the bon monoxide c:onc:entratlon waa MICOndar, road lIot ohl, to come to fOlilld potentially danieroul. I


For Every Purpose a fUll atop at th. I"terltctlon, but to Defecl. litter clrefull, 10 u to avoid any The New Era, Inc. poal1bUlty 01 collll1on with the fait· The source of the trouble was I er traffic on the more heavily traY· trlced to one or more of the follow. I eled blab...,. Inl delects 11'1 the UhlUlt system: I


Thl Fundamental Rule about the Loole exhault pipe or manifold For Complet~ Bsllm... Iftd

&.ayout Phone Rivett_ 711 IUaht-of-W.,1 The lm\lOttant thlnc I connection; blown.out exhault cas· la lIot to lnailt on the rilht-of.wl, Iret. cracked uhausl manifold. or U there Ie rllIt of an acddent In 10 leaky muffier. Exhaust casea dolna. You are never jUltlfied In =======================~=== drlYinc Ilat tbroulh iii Intersec· tioD or falllni to notice other car .. ",ardI ... o( whether In I tecbnlcal tenle you have tha riCht-o(·way. The rllbt-of.wl,. rule don not IU· thorl.e lItllllent or blind drlvin, It lnternctlon ••

PUllnl: When another driver II




NOTte!!: il hereby aiveu thlt I. JOleph It. kutlul. Cullel tor of The Town.hlp of ClDnaminlun In the COUf1ty or Budln.lon, I Btale ul New jeucy, pUllulnt to the T •• 8al. lAw vi the Blatt of New Jerte)' (Ilt- I •••• d Sial III .. ,. Till, 5!, Ch.p,!or 51. on

SATURL>A T. DKC .. MBItR ZI ... 19.0 at onl o 'clock In the afternoon of .. Id day, It the 91flce or the Townah!1) Collet:tor, ott the Northerly Ilde of Bload Slreet, Wnt of Pomp... Avenu., Kilt Riverton, Bur­tlnlton COUnty, N tW J frley, 'n the .ald UKlnl. dll.ricl, will sell .t pul1Uc auctlonl .In 'tIC. the I.ven. loti and pan:el, o' rind, herein.her deter. bed. to mike the amount. HverlUy Char,ellll' .".lnlt the •• m.. II helllnaU.r lit orth.

aalei lotI lin pan .•• , of land will b, lold for the Imounta , .. ,ntl..-I,. chl, ••• bl. Ih.,.lo on ,h. fint .,y al July, 1,.0, to-, •• ther with Ibt" ... from uJd d." tD the dat' of the .. It. with co.t. ther.of, to .Llth I per,ott or peraona al wilt putc:hau the .. m. lubJul to red,mpdon ., th. low ... rat. of "".rnt. but In no Cal. In 'Iua of

p,,,::n:,u,,':,f.''io::''.':· p.rcela 0' "n4 to ... told end Ih. n_mH of ,h. _n.,. thtrlOf'l and the total amount. d ... th.,eon r .. pec .. tlnly. .1 compu.'" to Jul,. I. 19.0. at ••• ~.... I

lntare.t Tn

;;';;"';".11,. ho;" ao.4lo. .1 W,I,hIIYul. IU7 T.... 1I0.n

I". T •• ta 10." , .. TIUI 35.Z •

II •• , Drlnk",ater hOUIf Ind Lou No •. ttl l,bu.""IOII r .. :?;1!~.~· '1'.40 1"1 T.... .... T.... ".150 ~ar, U-;Jr;'kwIl'tt.- 1ot .... t • url N. J. '17 .au 'U' UN ... 'T .... r-;;d lIor .... -II ' Lou •• B.II •••

'1.21 .U ... ,

to J"'Y h.

" .11 •••• • • 01 1

.UZ '91 1.21


".7 f.... .n.n II. I I I'" UH 10.. • ...

Quality Foods for Le •• A _Ih wblle sale 0' -..onnble 'oode at ."... &ba& __

..... _Yin.. fOl" roa. 'J'tIoaMncb of partfnlar. e .. ,ut, '­Irt!epen enJor _!11th rood _till'......... __ '- ... -, hr ..... ppln. "'"" .... , In dw CIlIDWftlalt., .......... hood " ..... PI .. n ""'_ wllto"' "na"" _I. .nII fOIl' ....... _tn" ....... .

Special Sale-Calil. Dried Fruit. Fancy (""lIforllla Lare;" "''''eat (40.60811.)

PRUNES 3~·25C Sweet PRUNE5.u.::,,:!!~ h:U1ld2 lb. 13, IIplh~o ... hrl.hl nlt·.I"" .. run .... , ...... tit .. I.m."'~ Manlll (·In.1I,. 1I1~ '" al tltl. Inw ""'"' and ..... - -Evap. APRICOTS , ... 'iW"'nI~!'h!!.~ *- 20e Iv.p. PEACHES "'1I11~~I~lIlr .. 13c APPLE BunER~I=~:! ': .... 10c TOMITO 101, ("II,~,.1ftJ 41t~119c ORANGE JUICE 2::~7c ASPARAGUS ~=- 2~";.!27c CUDAHY'S TANG ILl".: • I' In la.... ... III"" " 'W'

Toe, 8_ UlUe' f O ... lIil Z '~"1'$ BREAD ..... Iu.u Nlll~·. Ilurida

--1111. o,!jolt.,..... •• I'EF •• IT 2 '!.-.: 17f 2 .= 15e I'", .. , ,-II. ",1 lIu ... u.a .H ......... ......... '.IU"LE 2 ::':II~ IIS(XJ OOfFEE .ft I'u,,· , ," •• un

.... r.r. I ... ~~. n.!~~.~~~! ~ -:. II' 2 b ... 2ge IMrIrIlt21~~ ... 11$

...... r.-1:'_ .. ow ............ , Mar ..... to •••• " ... _ VIIIaIIJ .. , .. N II." I." ....... U-I.:4I ., - ~ - .1III1III1WI~1WI~lW.IlIItIlIIltfttl"""'!W!I""""AI"'''''YI''''''tIW'''tlWWltllillll

- - ------- ----- - -

Lean Fresh (Rib . It , .-Up to 3 fbs I

Pork Loins Ib

Fanoy F .... fI.Kllled 8TEWINQ

Chickens 3':): :. Ib 19': Tender Steer Beef

CHUCK ROAST 1b2lC COUltry Scrappl. - -;100 I Llv.r Puddlnl t:: ~ til lac All Pork '.Ullp til 21c Lanr IDIDIIII ~ ... lie SmDll1d S.UII" .. 21e Lunc'!'n Milt -•• Ir"" ~ a13r

Sliced Dried lilt lllld... "l'" 130"l· .tt .:..., .\ 1 "',,,Ie-\ .It·r .. 4'\

M •• ",.r.1 .. I' S •• T,.,t I '",··" IIIN'''1'd .r_, ", .• "'.. .·an~·s "".'fd OYlten doe 15' Codfilh

CRISCO I L'ChoyChopSU.yl::;~: 27c


2-01 can Nood les FREE Veget~I) ' e Shortellillg 1./1,''' .. ,

..H'16$. I·H, 44' Ch •• M.I. N •• dl .. , .:.:;',.17 .... " ..... " S.y S.uce • "' It", hoi 10 Palmollv. Toilet Soap 3 ' '~"-16e KLEK Uormerly Super Suds) ':i.~' IS, Blu. !tup.r Sud. I'k!"~"r Ie

I> It It tI e ,.",.,1_ 0" bI. pkjr_ at ....... 1 ... l.rI ... ·. , OCT AOON PRODUCT8

!d~~~~3"·kpol0~ OC .AU ... ~P •• d., 2 ."". 9~ .... , -.' CI .. T.I S ••

I ..... ~' -"13, ... 1 ....... 1,1

IlfDJ Buokwheat or

-W.ld orf

ue 7e

Tlss 4 rolll 1

ScotTI'lud"'"'' ..lIt' 20, lc.tT ... I. 3 ... 1·15

Pancake Flour 20-01SC pkl

Sweet, JulcV Florida

'ORANGES <.. LL_ IIrl> Ao " '-10 ...... 4!tf111' ... •· ,"

V.I ••• 0"1.,, ...... 10 S ••• t P ....... 3 I '· .,. •

GRAPEFRUIT 3 lor 10 51 Gift C.rtlficate.


' PAG£ T£N THE NEW ~ THURSDAY, NOVDlBER 28.::.:-:1.:..90«);".;.... __________ -----_

I Chun:h Notices I I

Wesleyo lea's Biale Class


an.ct Strftt and Morpn A'fftllt PabQn. N. J.

••• HuoId Lft Ro-. PutIW

T1Ie ~hildRn of the .:hurd! and tk ~ate.:tlttkal classeS will not ~ \hia week. RelUlu meetin .. .m be held n .... t Wftk at the -t ~

A JOW\C German COWlt 0( lot· \\IDe who apalt his 1O'Ith in aimka 'aIlcI aelf-iDdlllamt life. Ilnupe.:ted. I:t in hia wanderinca throqh an Art Galla-, saw the painted form of JUIlS in Hla allRerin .. on the UGIIL Instant\:t ttlt CO\IDt WlUl dHpl, im· pr6Rd and cried 0\It. "AU till. ThOll hast wtrered feM" me. wbat

Fint Sunday in Ad~t have I done for Thte. ~ The Fint SunJa)' in Ad~t is In lUll a\lfftIIdet of hi. lif. to

"The New Year's Da, fO&" the Chria. (:hri." COllnt Ztnmnotorf bec'ame • tian Year. The Ad~-ent HaMID tuma Iftat apiri\\lal leader of the No ... • GW' thou,h" to_rd ChriltmaL It mna. and Itnown internatlonalb for .. the time what tht wO&"ld awaita hi. mlaaiona", ft.l. the birth of the Sa~"our. It la aim-I Christ on the Crcu is the -.ital .... to that lone period of prepe. m_ee that alone stln the heart hlion whkh Ood worln:d In Israel and attra~tlI, fulfiUin, what Jesu. ~fore He lent His Son Into the ' said. "If I be lifted up from the _rid. Many of u, need to make I earth I ,,!iU draw .U men unto me." Christmas really Christmas. Let us The Klncdom of God Is not won open our arms and our hurts to the ' by fOl"Ce but throll,h love reneled Lord. the Christ Child. A splendid 1111 ucri6cial .eNke for others. It ..., to welcome Him Is to be in Hi. , Is the joyous m_ee of ou~ Bible ileuM teaularl, at an the services In . Clas. that Jesu. came to leek and His name. I to aaOft, .nd ttlt CraA of Calva",

.\ renel. the .ufrerln, .. yet triumphs S\lDda, SemCH of redeemlna loft,

9.30 a.m.-Children', church, Pu. In th.nldlilnesl join wltb u. nellt .... Rowe will lpeak to the children Sunday as we meet in the quietude on the Illbj«" "He Shall Be Like o( worship lree from earth'l cruel • orr-. conflicts for worldly conquests.

10.00 I.m.-The Church School. "000 forbid," .. Id P.ul, "th.t I 1l.00 !f.m.-The lemce: The pe •• shouid ,lory aave in the tl'OA of

tor will use II his Advent Slindl)' 0\If Lord Jesu. Chrl.t." This II our theme, "Thy Klnl Cometb." You aacred mottO. wUI want to prepare. ,plrltulny. lor Meet with us next Sund.y morn· Chrlltma. b~ attend Ina the .emcu ln, at Re.. D. Roe Haney of JOur church. will· addte .. the da ...

6.45 p.m. Intermediate Ib:i Se. nior Luther LUlU!!'.

8.00 p.m.-Vespera, "The Loit ...... CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH


Burllnatoo PUl. Sundl)' Momiq

10 o'clock-FirstcR1 SdIool. 11 o'dock-Maetina for Wonbip.

"Ancient and Modern N«rom· ..,., alIu Mesmerl.m .nd Hypno­tIIm, Denounced" II the lellon·aer· mon subject for Sunday, December .. III aU Chriltlln Science Churches


Rev. Frands B. Downl, Th.B .

and Sodetiea throu,hout the world. :'atunlay, November lO, St. An· The Golden TeKt il: "Look unto drewi' Day, Holy Commuruon 9.l0.

me, and be ye saved. all the ends of Uecember I, Fint Sunday in Ad· the ear~h for 1 am God. and there, Is "ent. DOlle elle." ( .. alllh 4!I:U). Corporate communion for -men and

Among the lesson· sermon clta. boy .. tions Is the followlna from the Admls.,on lervlce for Servers Bible: "Beloved, believe not every Guild, 8.00. .pint. but try the ~pirit! whether ~unday Scbool, 11.45. th., are of God: hecllule many falle Holy ~ommwlioll and sermon, ll. &wophets are lone out Into the Conhrmation, 4.00. _rid." (I John 4:1). Youni l'eople', Fellow.hip, 7.30.

The lesson.sermon also Includes I The fllht Key. Wallace J. Oard. the followinl passaie Irom the ner, U.D .• bi.hop 01 the &pl.copal Chri.tlan Science textbook, "Science I D,o~e.e of New Jersey will admln· • nd Health with Key to the Scrip. I i.ter ~nfirmation in Chrilt Church, tures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "A., R,verton, on Sunday alternoon De· aamed ln Chrl,tlan Sdence • . • • cember lst at (our p.m. In addition hypnotl,m I, the specific term for' til a cIa .. of 15 from Chrl.t Church error. or mortal mind. It is the there will be dllsel preaented Irom f.l .. belief that mind I, In matter, St. Slephen'. Beverly and Holy an4 I. both .vil and ,ood; that evil Trinity Moorutown. Is •• real •• lood and more power· I Bllhop Gardner hal a wide repu· ful (p. 103). , t.tlon II one of the really fine

pr~acherl In Ihe church. A cordle I CHRISTIAN BCIENCE CHURCH Invitation is eKtended to hear him,

Firat Church of Chrl.t, BeI.ntl.t I and to wltDe .. the rlt. 01 confirma· Thoma. Ave. at Seyenth It. tlon. With the other pari.h'. join.

Riverton N J in, In wl~h u. there will probably , • • bo • full church, but Dot too lull to

Sunday Bchool, 9.30 a.m. find • place Jar all who wl.h to Sunday Bervlcea, 11 Lm. come. Wulneaday. S.OO p,m. Readln, Room In Churcb Build· CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH

In" Thoma. Avenu. and I." .. tb atraet. Riverton, o.,.n Tuaada, aDd Prlda" I.JO to 4.10.


Rev. D. Roe Haney, Mlni.ter

Rev. Gear,. Lockett, B. D., p .. tor Bible Bchool, 10.00 •• m.-Both

yoUR, and old today are .. ,.rly Iooldn, for a "lOm.thln," that will alv. them .. tI,fyln, h.ppln .... They t", mOlt everythln, and trav.1 afar to find that ".omethln," od all

Bpworth Church will he,ln th. , the whll., the "ery thin, that they lunday pro,r.m with church .chool , .r. looldD, for I. riaht .t home. 'n the varlou. department. at 9.45. Y... "Act.. of DIamond." in the Holy communion for .U will be ad., BI.,.. 8chool. and Church .. In thtlr mIn1.terad at the II o'clock wor,hlp own town. There. and only there, IllrVlte. . Thl. bain, the pre· can on. rsall, •• p.rlenca that communion It I. hoped bapplnell that actually ,Iv.. the that aU will be preaent. The com. aatl.futlon the world deIIr •• today. • union II not reltricted to mamber. ..... Th. choir will render lpe. -clal numben. Evenln, wor.hlp wllJ 1Maln at 7.45. The plltor wl1l preach on the qlleation ~Dld th.\ World Need Chrl.t." Thera will be ~' ..,,,Ic •• nd a Chriltmll an·


Th. Bpworth Le.1'II wID con­• ,_d d",odonal meetln,. at II.4S

IDCI apoDlOl' • fallo •• hlp hour fol. .."... churcb tlrftc ..

----p~,at mMtln, 'or all wiD 1M ........, Wadneada, ",min, at ... cJocIr. ,aa-., by oIlcIal board I ......

5;J / i ( (J[JO fltlJfj[tf,II'l lj l,flVltllrJI)

Cortlt.. lirdl... "' .... era. 01 .... pleca ...... , ••.• ,,\po t4 .adlllh,aI, 'or row .... at !t. belt.

Mrs. L. M. McCamy c.nea- ... ...... , .. ~.- .... ,.. ....... -.--

Th. alactric c:urnnt In JOW' born. PALMYRA WOMAN'S la. wiIllIII atnaIlt, ntpondlnl to

NAMBD TO WEST POINT the tum cit a .wltch or button. ' But , Con,telamln D. Lane Powers to- CL UB it ha. Its p«uilarltlea. It I. always

dl)' appointed Arthur Kurla Keevll trylna to eet baclt to the plac~ from and Ivan W. Nealon, both of Tren. Th. WomeG'a Club of Palmyra whleh It IItarted; It trlel to' eet blck ton, •• hi. princlpala for Welt win hold Ita reaular bualneaa mHt·, owr dae eaal .. t and shorttlt way; Point In 1941, as rnull of competl. Ina In Soc:letJ Hall on Mondl)', De- and It wanta an Ilftbrabn path back tJve desilnatlon examlnatlonl held cember I, at 2.SO p.m. to Ita source. If that peth or circuit fOI the ConareBlman by the U. S. Th. welfare department will hive I. broken, the current will not Row. Civil Service Commission. chlree of the procrlm and Mn. The .mollftt of cur"nt l coppl!r

Since the Conarelsman has two Helen Monn Wal'n!n will .pealt on wire will c.rry depend. on It, slfe. appolntmenta for 1941, both 'younl · Intenatln, work in weltare. Mrs. That I. the nelon for fUln, .~"a men were appointed. Warten I. well bo,,", for her weI. the New Je"e~ PubUc UtiUty In-

T lare work In Camden County and lormatlon Com-it"'e. Th-I- fua-

he alternates appointed by the 1 tt d I I I _.. .., ,.. .. .. u were all from Mercer a ar,e a en .nce I ant c pat..... are so made that they wU1 melt and County. breAk the path or clrc\llt of the cur·

The Republican Party ended the rent II the wire. an overloaded to Power •• ald the palt examination 1"40 ~ampalln without d fldt th d In I '" ~ Ie. e .nlter po t. f you Ire

marked the fir.t time that no younl Secretary of the Treasury Mor,en. troubled by fu_ blowln. out, cill man from BurUnlton county placed thau want. the le,al debt limit of up the electric: company'. aervlce a. either princIpal or .Itemate In the United Btates ralnd to Ilxty·fiv. department and lind out the teaaon any competitive. b'llllonll Ho huml f the! bl , or r owln,.


RICE & HOLMAN Ford, ,Mercury and Lincoln Zephyr Dealers

announce that

CECIL A. BOWERS is now in their employ at the Moorestown Branch in the capacity of lalel­man.

Mr. Bowers was formerly Service and Paru Manager for the palt 14 years at the Merchantville plant of the firm. He hal won many Ford Motor Co. prizel for outltanding lervice, including a Merit Club medal.

Rice and Holman employ 75 people and have sold linee January 1 1940. over 1200 Used Cars and over 650 new carl. They have lold thi~ month over 70 new carl for immediate delivery •

They have in It~ck at all timel nearly 200 Used Carl, and Mr. Bower. ~an certainly lelect a car for long and economical lervice for you.

Can him a~

Moorestown 1092 OR

Riverton 1172


StaN." c-t.

~------­Lab W~--.. -a----~-~~... -------------R~ __________ __

...................... ....... ..... C' ........

..... L 'hi. ..p ....

...... ....... "

..... ,.If"!I ........ -..................... It ................ 1111 ... ,..t' • ..., ... , .... ..

BOYS' LIFE .......... leMII ......... -............ -.-.. .. - .. ··-......... -··,... .. 1 ...... ~ ............... . ......................... ...... eM ......... le ... · ..... IOn' L.N •• •• I .. ' ........ , .. ,.

'1.10. yr. SUO a yra. '1.10.,.... ...., ............. , .. 10YS' LI ••

...... Aw_ .......... .



, Bowl for

HEALTH and RECREATION .,.. .............


Friday ."d Saturda) .. No .... 29-30


wllh BIHAN DON I , EVV Alld AK1M TAMlltOl' V

_ K"III1-...!:.atut MArdI 01 Tim. "Mrxlro" Thul'.c1ny Only. Dt'c. S

IDNA .1"-10011 AL.IIT --..-............ ---Addt'd- Blu. a.,rllll Ind Orch.,tl1l



33c FUno • .,LA VOR

A popular bu1 at WI' I~ Cntlll Departallftt

L l. KEATING IJl'CIIil aIld Main '\nita


M.lln .... Ulily .1 ~ 00 p.m. Ii"nlnaa 1.~9.00 o'c1ocll - .. - - -- - ._-

THURSDAY, No\·tmber 21 81, Double Attractlon


The Lady in Question and


Yesterday's Heroes Please Note: E\'ellilll Show

Itarta at 11 .30 o' d,,~k 1 rrC'C' Gilt , to th\' Lall, ... I

FIHnAV Rnd SATURDAY N,wrlnbC'r 29 • 3\l


In thr III11Jil' AI RlItrnlliln ••

Down Argentine Way {III TrdllIlCl,l"r)

- Addtd-The M .. ~ h of T,mC'-"Mtxlco"

Balu"I.) Mahllft Only THK URAD END KIllIIII


IUNDAY. Drrrnlbtr 1 Cunlinuou. Ironl ' .30 p.1L



Sailor'l Lady _"d-


I'm Still Alive MON""\' . Ilhrmhtl l

I \) ,1\ Ollh

URIAN lJONII ' ''\' . Il,t AKIN l'AMtROi"" I II

The Great McGinty Ihua A "IIP,\ Alt,a(tlL",

"POOTBA 1.1. TUIUL .. I· VrH alit, ,,, tIM t .. dlu



OUR TERMS 0" the CAR of


1939 Chevrolet 4 DOOR 8EDAN. H~'~, clock. lOod palnt, elu" II I plri,

• 1939 Ford

COUPB, Run '1,000 milt .. heat­er, rldlo. A Rn~ car for bUlln,",

• 1937 Ford "60"

TUbOR TRUNK SBDAN. Thl, II a teal Rn. car. Will bl .old at a v.ry low prlc ••

• 1938 Doci,e ~DOOR 'BDAN. Vv, I~ orlllnil Pllnt. RlIll low price.

• t 939 BUllnHI COUPR. ActulU, nul onl, ",000 mil... A Hal bu,.

• 1937 Chevrolet TOWN IBDAN. N.w paint. ~dlo, loti o( •• t" ..

• 1937 Plymouth 4.DOOR ISbAN. Pin. paint. Aver, tliln Job.




10 Broad Itrnt Riverton Ttltphoa.

....... ., .. or lI.zchlntYdit 110


'f'U~ N~W ~~A.. T"U~S~ V, N()V~"B~ $. .~.o




Everything AT





• TIRKB You will lUtl dllUn,

wlth Woollton'l. 'fhty take a petton •• lntl .... l in thl proper m.tnt.nlnet and 0plr.tlon of your motor oar.



...... and HowarcJ IlrIIte IUverton

8tarL PUl. It HI.hIaad Av •• ClnllllDln ••

C .... Calltd for ud DIU ...... Phone '11'

1'""liliiii111 ....... II1II11IIIIIIII111'"'

II's Fr.,. 10 BaA-e COO'''i~8

OlO.f=~SHIONEO ...... , .... w,,~.

"IA~~ ~\\r \.~'~I~ u ~rl~\1 ",\\d " 111\\\ n ~ 1\1\\1 ~ I~. ~~h '''~I\\ ... ltll II", IIft~' ot bIIlt~t'· ~\~II ot \\lftl)l .. "'~'I"\l\l. roo" t"~\\\ '\\ Ill\~\\tI\I~'" ftlld ,tu~ t\\ all old· ~",l\Io\\ed ~l(I~ In. \'0\\'11 !\lid tllM ~l\t ttll'lldt\ .m "'\1I)re\\lll~ toIllllel lu~d t"~~ .111 hi! \\\lI\It bhllll ~, toea ",\\d l'ft\!'ettl. "I'~ Il~ ~ ~. ~~I~ ~1\1e'A.

Wit" th\! U\\\e4\\1\-l\!\\I\1el"AtllW'\! ~ll' "",Itl ot ~I\\r ~, I"AIIP. \\\Ilkillt ~ulll~* I~ ""'8~.

a .... I\dWl ... '\IIII' CllllkiU

" 1:\1\1 ",l\\Itt· '''' 1:11\111 Ilhed • ..\\lIlit all \11\'~1I'\ I ~ ~' II II 'lIitllt I\lmr , 1 I'l\~ w~1I \l hl\1. IIIHIIII'I! I ... b",I\I'\I ~ 111\1 bl\~Ihlt


1 Ih!!11 nlllt \!lIw,hlr '4 111\1. 1'111\

\: 1"1'11 nl ,h\)tll·\lIIIII. IUld '\\td 8111t1l1' ttillhlolb Add I'llit "'lid IIIIIIt .IlId 111"'111 IIl1tll wl!ll IlIllIlld . Sih IIr\' 1\1-1l1'l'11\,,"I11 1\\\\1 CHid 10 mlxtllh> 10 hI\'11I iI 1'lIlhH ~III\' dOlllth. f'hlll

Iloll 0\\1 nil IIIIIII'pd 1111111·,1 II) , n,·· \111111'1",· I Ill'll thh'klll'''B. ,'\\1 I\1l1h Clmkh' .·,1111'1'. SIII'IIII<I" \\,1111 Ittll\\l1-1"11'11 IIl1l\nr. III\\\'I' Oil cllOkle tlh" .. t IlIlII hnkl' II''' III 1\\'('1"1' tIIhll\ll'~ III hot 0",,1\ ~\Jn dl'ltl'l!ell.

Butlenllotth Ae'rllll!~litOt 0011101l1li I \' 1111 b\lHl!r I CU,I "II ' \,AII I I'\ltlll b~ow" II CIII,A ilfh'lI

t!lIllllt Ntke I\ou, 1 IIII'It I tllP hlikillll; .

Iltl'l\1der Crellnl bllttl't an.. Ilttll i\lltftt

"~,,dll""'. Alld I',tlt 111111 bpill ,,"111 tliol'ougbl, mlltlld Adtt 1111 b'·lIh. Blh IIllIIr with hllklllll; \lu"'Il!h· alld Idd. Bhll\lt! Illto ~oll IIbOll1 UIIII lind Olll\·hlllf IIIt!hl'~ In tilllll, .. 'llr Writll III WilliI'd 11\\111i1' Illld Blotl! III ttl: ftlltl'rlllllt 1111\11 ftttll. t'UI 111111 Ihlt' 11111'1'" IIl1d bll~" U\I \'llukl" 11111'1\1. 11'11 to t ... IYIl ",ltml .. 11 al 4nn IIl!ltrl'l'lI YIeld: 1!I!nll Illltt Ollli·hll" d"lllll lWu Ib\lh eooltl .. l . Mil) bll rolilld ahd (lUI Itl hll"l'l IlIrpl!lI Ittl .. t rhllllll"

, Oook"1 ./1 elll) Ih\)rl

IIlllnl 1 cUp IIU,,'

1 till. vIIII,1\1

n", CUI'" wUled clke Itour

~\\\ IIl'Iol't'e"tb~. ",ttd 1I'I~t th\dll~II, . Combln .. ep. WlIIII ,,\\tt 'Pllnm\\. IIIl1\\d IIbtt Ildd. 81" 1\,1\\\". nIt IUld tIIl~II\" ~\V\lllr \'o~lbllt ","tt \ldd. b'el\tI\\~ \\h\1I 1I\\\'!lOth l\\\d Illllt\! ,Ult. n\\lll. \\011 to IIl1'14'lltlltl'l 1\\I:b \.I'III:~nell~ un 'AlIghtl, ft\)l\h!d bua~. CUt .,lli \)\)Ok III ~lIlle" . .. lace Ill\\! telltllloOll of t\lIlb~ 0\\ 1\)\1 uf 0\11' \)\)Ok''e. ~,",t .Ilh ","othl!~ "I\d Il\'en ed~. tO~lhl'''. nllke tll·UI II\III\I\lltl III nil'8. Vll'ltt: I~ Illld o\\e-",It dOlell ~ltln.

'1II11't1 I I h~\1 . Iitted

1I1l1I1' I. ,11\1 ~IIIlR~

~ '('ltll wlltet '" 1'1'11 ral~I"'.


" c\l\lll~ eliot)\1l!tt

~ ell\! nltt \\'I'8tll • . cholllll'd

t tl\\1 . ,,,"I,,\) I,I'Cf'

Rift 1I0ilt All" 1I11.AI· hl~lhl!r. Add ' \\"'''('r. tl·ull. 11111 1111'11111 lind 11I1II'IIb Jlllt.. . Cuuk O\ll!t lu\\' I",nl \Ibtll thick.

Lllllcaah!t OOlillty Cboklu

l/~ \'1111 ~I\\)rl· 1 ~ CII,'II RII Illl ... 1'11111. po~e IIout

2 1 ~ "Ii\l ftllil;Rf '" 111\1. Mit \ :I ell\1 111111111' 8 11111 bllklllR

1I1rllii \lbwder 1 ('gg. hpntpll 1111 ellll IIlIt lit \!lIll ontl,,,,,,I. hll'Rll, eut

cllllke\l IIIII! l~ 1111' ~1I1l11I.

Cr\H1II, Ibe ~horlllnih. lind ,u,ar tllll;elltllr uuUl Yllrl IIRbt. Add lIyruIl, Willi bl!ate'l ellil I\ltd IIiIl Illmlted "lItt cooled olllnll!1I1. ~lft lIollr. lIall allil b\\klll!t \lowd .. r It). Rl'tlter all\l add to IIiI' IItIII ttll.hlre. "'\)Id \11 I he IIUt "'Illlis IItld W1I11111a. IJroll fro ttl a lellllloOll Ollto • 1\\,I!IIBed cllokl, IIhel!l and blkll fttt aboUI IWIIII11 ttlllIUtell III II lIIod,,­Rte O\l!!II •• "0 dell'l!.'.

Cooltl.. hi ,Iy W'I""I",' ttI.k, .Urlllllv, Thl"It.,,,,I,,, "t ••• llt •• Th'lI II" '1111 t. bllt. tbr Ch,latm .. tift .. t •••


HOUSE Il~n *""" nA~'t~l.D ~~

~~~~ n~Ll~~~V ~A"MVWt~ ~, J. ~ 1M

~tI S'fR~ wn~RR'Y

RHunARn ........... .... 2lb 19c

FLORIOA ORANGES l'UU m .)\lift 20 lor 25c


: GRAP~FRUIT, 6 for 19c

'fENDEWt ltEARl'S CEt.ERY ............ bUhch lSc

\l.S. NI). 1 lD~ltG nAKING PO'rA TOES

1 O~1b bag 25t

Ttnder ~SD bEETS 3 but\the~ lOt .. l='ANC'Y GR~ItN


tmeOA Oleom~rgarine ............ lb 19C

KttLLOOO'8 Pink Me~t Or~pe£rult

2 No. a .cans 2.5t ---Kelon's ltvAPORATIlD MILK ............ 3 tall cans abc ~vERnEARlNQ GARbKN

COFFEE ....................... , Ib 18c ----------Meltl' or Clllpp~

BAB\' FOODS (atrained) 3 Cb"" 22e (chopped) 2 cahS 19c

ItIUNI SOUPS 2 t~ll canl! 25c Motley btlp Chocollltt Co"red CHE:RRIES ...... lb box 2Sc

V .. 8 COCKTAIL • Vqetabl. Jill!! .. Cootbllled

2 12Ya-oIt. Cbn, 23c



1b 25c

DATES .............................. lb 150 THII WBllie l

, .. KaT auy-It=::====::=::::::::::::::=::==:=::::;: IIWlft


• Premium or Armour'e Iter I' OBNUlNB IP1tINO


Try • tilt tOtl of BVANI PItK. MlUM ANTMItACITB coal Ilhd com.,.te with ordlttat, COil. It I, hl.h In urban cOln.nt and B.T.U.I ,

(heat unit.) IlIld low In I.h, It It th' crelm of anthtaclt .. Ind lhIny blld, JUlt II Mothn Nlltur. mid. II •• tld blllt of Ill, "It ,011 furthlf .IIet hut. lon •• r."

'l't1 I ttlt totl .nd be cotlvtncld of It. IUiletiorit,.

J. T. Evan. Co • RIVSItTON

101 AuthorfJtd bealJf'

a.nuln. 1.0P"", Cola.

FtH1t~~J'!aJ:. !!'I;~~ .. ... bulhlllli IIICI r .... CIa .. ., II ..... I, P.,......

Ib 27c .~ to' tb ,.,

-------------------~ Par.mount ItrlcUy Pteth Kllltd PRYINO or ROAITINO

CHICKENS Ib 29c I~ to 4" ••• __ _



Iwllt'. Pr.ntlwn OItlWae Ipttq

Shoulder. of LAMB Ib 19c IK ...... .-