The Billboard 1908-08-29: Vol 20 Iss 35


Transcript of The Billboard 1908-08-29: Vol 20 Iss 35

S8,000 S10.000 ^Yearly.

Till* 1* not ■ large profit for owner* of Merry- On Bound*. It la a deligbtfni, attractive, blg- inylng, bealtbful bualneaa. Juat the bnalm^aa for tbe man wbo baa aome money and wanta to Inveat It to tbe beat advantage. We make the flneat appearing and eaaleat running Merry-Go- Koiind* manufactured. They are almple In con- Bt ruction and require no mechanical knowledge to operate. Write to-day for catalogue and par¬ ticular*.

Harsolicll-Splllman Co..

Park Amnaement Outfitter*,

Sweeney Bt., Horth Tonawanda, K. T,, U. B. A.

BANDMEN SOUVENIR NUMBER OF HOLTON’S HAR¬ MONY HITS now ready. Sent free on requeat. If In need of a new Inatriiment, write na. We aend ’em on trial to proepecttre purcbaaer*. Big atock of naed Inatrumenta cheap. Send for Bargain liat.


171 Gladys Ave., Chicaico.








DEME IFG. CO. 1067 Central Avenue,

ClNCimiATI. O.

PERFECT DICE WORI Spindlen. Drop Cane,

Counter Magnet, Cerda. New Holdout.





SONGS No ropcotcra.

ProMpt sfelpMcat. All of tk« latest proAactloM.


24 W. WiibiigtH St., IIDISRAPOLIS. IID. iiu w iiDmioiMT NKWi soa


IN OUR....

llal«S1.0iaM HI, Parkp, Siorep, VV'liolesale.

Investment small. Quick sales. Enormous profit.

Fritter - Crispette Machine.

W. Z. 1.0NG, a73 Higai St.. Springfield, O.

FORXUIMES Printed Fortunea, 75c 1,000. Future Photo*. Vlalble and Invialble $2.00 1,000. Horoacotx'*. Trick Card*, etc. .’•c for sample*. LEDOUX, Printer, 1297 Myrtle Ave., Brocklyn. M. T.






WANTED Vaodevtlle Aet*. Send liiweKt i.rliv, F II HABl.K, Manager, l.yrlc Tliealre, AIS I’eiiiia Arenne, Waalilngtrin. I). C.

STREETMEN We have a full line of .lewelry ami Novelties for Fairs and Garni va's

Send for Ceta’ogue. GOLDBERG JEWELRY CO., Ill A.6th St KanaaaCIty.Mo.

-: WA.NTKIl :- Legitimate Coiict'HHion* and Paid Attraction* for Anniversary Celebration at Horton. Kana., S^d. 10. ’08. 10,000 iieople. Addree* E. F. H£l(. MET, Horton, Kainaat.


MUSIC HALL la the recognized organ of Vanderllle Artlsta throughout the world. Americans visiting In Ixindon will And a friendly welcome at 14 I.elceeter Street, W. C. NEW YORK OFFICES: 19 W. Tweiity.fourtb Street; Tefepbone 1772, Madison Square.




— LITHOGRAPH — BLOCK AND TYPE WORK I^argest and finest line of Ht«)ck Paper in the country. Prices reasonable.

Write for our Catalogue.


Why Invest vumn inth^ oM*«tyle anmiw^ineDtA. when for I^nni cApital y u can have* the NEW CIR- | CLINO WAVEl, the hifih clas* attmcHlon that la mak¬ ing men tich In the Amoaement l>u«ltjeaa Operated hy Caaoline enfdne A fir»t eWa orff'n. The money maker wherever It la operated Patent^ in I 1907 For catnioeue and pricea writ*' AKMITAOR A GUINN. Bprlogville, I rie County. New York.


Price. SS.NB Containing 25 articles a* follow*; I Japauneil Tin Box with 2 skeleton keys; 0 Unera. aaaort •d; S Tblck Stick*, aaaorted fieab; 1 Box Lip Bonge; I Box Dry Rouge; 1 Rabhlt'a Foot; 1 Powder Puff; 1 Box None Potty; 1 Piece Black Tooth Wax; 1 Bottle Spirit Gum; I Box Fleah Powder; 1 Large Tube Cold Cream; 2 Lining Stnmpa, 1 Aaaorted, Foot Color* Crepe Hair; I Coametic Pan; 1 Eyebrow Pencil; 1 Box Burnt Cork.

On* dollar moat accompany ordsr; balanc* O. 0. D. Sand for Catalogoa B.


Perfected at L.aet.

Al... yaars of experimenting, we ar. tbe only firm to prodnee tbe greatest Spindle ever Invented, gnaranteed to work rarfect. Slxe, 22x22 Incbra; come* li 1

aodsom* rase; price, g'ld.OO. RenieniiH.r we are attll selling the twUted wire *.< Slilmn*; price, r.’ii tat. Tlie World’* Fall Striker, tbe Evan* IW Hire Dnip Cbiv. and all fair ground givMla. The Evanr New Ronlotte wheel, complete, a lib I.f*» Harris Ch.-cka. Price. fl.Vl.uri. Cbeol Cop., per N.ttle, l>|c* of all kind. W* make and aell more of thei.. gii,.!, than all nthcra combined. Send for Fre. Catal^iic. Addre** H. 0. EVANS A CO ISt Oiark St.. Chloogo. IlL

Temple Skating Rink, Jackson, Tenn. For Rent or Lease

The best equipped Rink in Tennes.see, skatinff floor 175x60 feet. Seating

capacity, 600; fine maple floor; check rooms; toilets and new Rudolph

Wurlltzer Military Organ. Only rink In Jackson (population 30,000). Can run both winter and summer. Would like to hear from rink men of ex¬ perience, who have money enough to start right. No others need apply.



And TOILET ARTICLE COMBIMATIOMS. Art quick. .1. .">. 6. 7 and 8 piece Comblnatlona, witb Taliialde Preuilums, roatlng 10c to 20c. yon ■ell for S-'ic to 75c. All live prottoaltIona. Sam pie of a Si>eclal Cracker-Jack Seller will he sent prepaid fur 40r. E. M. DAVIS SOAP CO.. M Union Park Court, Chicago.

BALLOONS GAS OR HOT AIR. Manufactured by oa. ar* ■Iway* a ancceoa. All Aeronauts are our ref erencea. CIr. free. Addrea# mall to W. F. McOUIBE, Mgr., Morthwaatera Balloon Oo., IM Clyboun Ava., Chioago.

Fair Workers! Lowest prlceti house in the United StAtee for Jewelry, Confetti, Kubber Balloona, Ptjuawkers, Whips, Canes, Knives, Shell Chaina, B*ad Necklaces, Post Cards and Campaign Goods. New novelties of all kinds receivetl tlaily for .‘^treetmen and Canvassers. Write for our new catalogue, full of bargains.

La ROSIN & SONS, 4 Eiit Pttrl StrtGt, CINCINNATI, 0.

-: WA>’TK1> :-

Carnival Co. and Concession Stand* for Exw •Ifinn. IMerre, 8. D., Sept. 22-25. C. H. iJl- DEKSOM.

...WANTED... At Star Theatre. Klcbwood. W. Va.. ^>od Van

devllle Acta. State lowest price.

OIXIE FILM EXCHANGE 312 6tli Ave. N. Nashtll.'e, Tenn.

BROKERAOE DEPAITMEirT. Will rent yon SIX chsngc*. 612..‘Ml, Will rent or iM-ll you a ■.-.-oiid IihihI luai IdiHv 'Will sell your niuia and slide. Hi |H-rceiil chii. Send ua wbat you have for sale.

-: WANTED :- At .Star TTientrt*, IlIrhworMl. W. Vn., Plano

I (Mayer and IlluatrattsI Song Singer. Stato all In flrat letter and prire et|*ecte«l

Grand Trarnrse Region Fair, TRAVERSE CITY, MICNIRAH,

leptember 29, SO, October 1. 2. Repreoentlng territory of eight well populated coontles; caa-

• ter of Northern Michigan fruit, agrlcultaral and manufacturing region. For cunceoalona and priv¬ ileges. write i. W. HAMNEM, Traeeree Olty.

I Mloh. No gambling privileges.

GRINNELL FAIR Orlnnell, Iowa, Sept. 1. 2 and 8, lOOS. Big

crowds. Big Fair and I'rivllegea for aale.

OLAA8BLOWEB8 AMO NOVXLTT MEM, TAXB NOTIOEI We are prepared to furnlab QIaaa Tubing and rod at cbeapeat price on market. Cooli with order. Being lllaea Blower* our •elves we know exactly wbat la needed. Order •hipped Immediately. Write for price*. OKI- OAOO MEDICAL OLAM WORKS. IS 11 M. Deaplalnea It., Chicago. III.

»RRT-00-R0UMD AMD SKATIMO RIMK OR- REPAIRED. Nt'W tiitialc. baaa and anar#

drum. atlacbiM. ('urre*|HiniIence aullclted. O. ■ F. hath. Abilene. Kan.


Volume XX. No. 35 CINCINNATI—NEW YORK—CHICAGO August 29,'1908

svpiONS Of ytD Ansusenoent bifi an

BpRIES «b A A politiriaii tells of an experience that AuKUstu-; Thoma.s. author of The

Witching Hour, had with Kinny t’onner.s, the chairman of the democratic >tate committee of New York;

Mr. Thoma.s, it will be remembered, i.s a Kteat frit-ntl of William Jennin^.s Hryan. and made a flght before the committee to have Mr. Br>’an indorsed l>y the New York Democratic state convention. Feeling ran pretty hi(ifh at the meetinK at which Mr. Thomas spoke, and when he left the room it looked as though he wculd take the fight into the convention Itself and thereby disturb Mr. Conners’ program

to have an uninstructed delegation sent to Denver. The author was standing in the hall after the meeting of the committee on resolutions had adjourned, when Mr. Conners came out.

"Conners came down the hall steaming and looking ver>’ much like a boiled dinner," s<jid the person who overheard the colloquy. “He Is a I great big man. He spotted Thomas and tacked over toward him, his face growing red with rage at each step.

".\nd you’re Thomas?" he steamed. (

."I don’t know your name,” said Mr. Thomas, suavely, "but you’re a good guesser." I

This enraged the Buffalo politician all the more. | "When I see Bryan.” he fumed, “I’m going to tell him that there Is'

sur« ly one - - fool in New York state.” I "When Mr. Bryan see.s you,” said Mr. Thomas, quietly, “he will agree

with you.”

look like a little wooden man, and when I forgot and stuck them Into my pockets the audience applauded again. The manager took that opportunity for a stage whisper:

“Speak up, now,” and he began the first line. Then I said in a strange, hoarse voice:

“I wish I had a little pat. “To dog him on the head.”

(Hoars of laughter. Frantic demonstrations on the part of my family.) 1 began again:

“I wish I had a little pat, "To head him on the dog."

My father rose In his seat. That added to my confusion. Again I e.ssayed:

“I wish I had a little dog, “To head him on the pat.”

Then my weary family took me by the hand and led me home, and my ability as an actor was never questioned by my family from that day to this.

Cliff Wodetzky. better known out in the one-night stand time as “the New York Kid.” relates an amusing Incident that actually happened recently.

“Did you ever attend one of those home talent plays in a town hall? If >ou never did. then the point of the story is lost. Several days ago I related it to a friend of mine In New York, who had never been beyond the city limits, and it did not have much effect.

"In the closing town of Harry Hastings’ Black Crook, Jr., I met a very friendly chap, who was desirous of ’seeing New York,’ and insisted upon going in, and I showing him around for several days. Thinking the theatres. Coney Island. Chinatown, the Bowery, the Ghetto, Staten Island, the Subway and several of the parks would satisfy the young man’s curiosity, and hoping to 'send him on his way a wiser man, I decided to open our tour by attend¬ ing the Friar’s Festival.

"We were no n>ore than seated in the already well-filled house, until niy friend began casting occasional glances over his shoulder. I could easily see he was getting nervous. Just .as the orchestra began playing he Inquisitively inquired If the audience was composed of show folks.

“I a.'-sured him the majority were in the business, and the best in the l.anil were scattered over the house.

"Near the end of the performance he Inquired if all the people taking part in the performance lived In New York. I assured him each and every one of them lived In the city. Nothing more was .said until we were enter¬ ing the Albany Hotel, when I chanced to ask his opinion of the affair, when muih to my utter amusement, he declared it the best he had ever seen for a local talent.”

Everybody who knows anything about music knows that The Billboard March was written by John Klohr, a young Cincinnati composer of much ability and brilliant promise. The piece has been played at least a million times by the numerous bands and or¬ chestras throughout the country and Its popularity seems never .o dimin¬ ish. The John Church Company re¬ ports that the sales are still enorm¬ ous. both for piano and band arrange¬ ments.

Klohr tells of one time when he at¬ tended a concert by Sousa’s Band at the Cincinnati Zoo. Directly in front of -him sat two women of the par¬ venu type, whose comments on the variou.s numbers rendered were ex¬ tremely amusing to Klohr and the members of his party. They character¬ ized the selections from Trovatore as “cute” and a Wagnerian creation as “pretty.” The climax was reached, however, when one of them said: “Why don’t Sousa play The Billboard? It’s the best thing he ever wrote”

William Heed Dunroy. better known as “The Nebraska Poet." now general western press agent for the Shuliert.s. tells the following amusing story of his first and only attempt to become a star:

“At the age of seven. I made my debut before a large audience In a very fashionable club house in Lin¬ coln. Nebraska. My deluded but lov¬ ing family, who had egged me on to this sacrifice, were mostly with me in the dressing room; they wanted to be sure that my bangs did not fall over my eyes and obstruct the view of my mother, father, aunts, uncles, and cousins in the reserved seats directly

sure you make a nice bow."

and my father

In 'runt. .'S’ow, William.” .said my mother, "be 'You bet I will.” said 1. with a swagger.

"•Vnd let your hands fall easllv by vour side, like thi '•'f k an altitude.

"Of course,” said I. Are you sure you know your piece?" said my sister. Yep,” .said I, and I recited the first two lines:

"I wish I had a little dog. "To pat him on the head."

'That’.s right, he’ll do splendidly." remarked my mother. “You will 8 '!> In a minute now. and we must get Into our seats. Don’t he scared ® William."

Who’s scared?” said I. an«l at the same time 1 began to feel a sinking o e knees, while my heart began to rise until It was up in my mouth, and ' -omeliody was pushing n>e forward, and 1 saw a lot of faces, not one

•hich 1 could recognize, and it was lighter than any electric searchlight ' 1 liad ever seen.

"Speak up, now," said the manager. “Make your bow and say >x)ur I e."

I made my bow and the audience applauded, but 1 had ditficulty in ■ling my tongue. .My hands hung down, as father suggested, making me

As an example of the Intensity to which a melodrama audience can be worked the following is not without value: J. E. Miltern, a famous melo¬ drama “villain.” was playing in The Fatal Wedding. At the end of one of his most brutal scenes there fell upon the stage what looked to be a bouquet of fiowers. He hesitated to go out and pick it up, so a stage hand went for it. It was a woman’s bonnet. A little old lady in the first row, in her excitement and anger, had thrown it at him.

In his play last season, there was a scene where he choked a woman. He was berated for this by another character. Whereupon he answered be¬ tween puffs of his cigar, “I’ll choke her. I’ll choke you. I’ll choke any one.” A little boy leaning over the top gallery rail, chin upon palms, shouted back in Miltern’s own voice, “I’m from Missouri, see!”

Miltern has had every kind of fruit and vegetable thrown at him. But the enthusiasm does not stop at that. He was playing in Trenton a couple of seasons ago. In the third row there sat two old people, about 60 years of age, their silvered hair bespeaking tenderness and simplicity. Yet in the midst of a scene the little old man got up and with a curse shouted. "Kill the dirty dog!” This, however, pales before what happened in Chicago. He was choking the heroine when a man jumped up and yelled: “Let go that woman, or I’ll blow your damned head off.” Miltern gave a glance at the man and noted that he had a pistol. The situation was serious. Quickly he whispered to the heroine; "Slap me and slap me hard.” She did not know what he meant, but she slapped and the man down in the audience shouted: “That’s the business.” and subsided long enough for the ushers to remove him from

the theatre.

Colonel Cody (Buffalo Bill) always likes to put one over on Major Burke, his life-long friend and associate, and who has for many years serxed In the capacity of general press representative of the Buffalo Bill

Wild West. Shortly after the return of the

show from its European tour. Colonel Cody one day said to The Stroller:

"Say. by the way! have you met Major Burke, one of the best fellows on earth? And did you notice that big scar on the side of his face? He wouldn’t take a million dollars for that scar. It made a great hit over in Germany, where all those Heidel- bergers are m.arked up with scars of sword duels. I thought the major had a stiff neck over there. He kept his face twisted around like a soldier at the command of ’left, dress.’ These Germans thought that he must have been in a terrible duel to get such a scar as that. And over in this country he passes it off as the mark of an Indian battle.

"Now, here is an unpublished story. The real facts are that when the mjijor was a bov he was turning a grlniLstone for an old fellow to sharpen his scythe. The maj»>r got a little tired and .stopped whirling the wheel. The old fellow got mad and struck him across the face with the scythe and made an awful gash. And now the major is so proud over that duel- mark or the scar of an Indian battle that he would not have it eradicated for a million dollars. But the major is all right; best fellow on earth.”

AUGUST 29, 1908.

tioiuHl ablllijr, and ranka aa one of Amerlea'a beat leadinic women. The ataxe priMliirtlona will be under llie ixTaonal huinttIhIou of tbe actor and playwrlKbt, II. IVrcy .Meldon, wlio la well- known In every aectlou of note aa a ataxe direc¬ tor who baa few eqiiala. The o|H‘nlnx t'lay, coiu- uienelnx Saturday evenlnx. Septendn-r and euu- tliiulnx tbe fullowlnx week, will be Tbe Itoa<' of The Uanefao, by Pavld Itelaaco, and tbe playa that follow will be of the aame order of merit. The larxe aeatlux capacity of the Creaceut will enable Mr. Wllllaina to preaent tbeae (reait pru- ducllona at n‘aaonable prices.

An liiatance of the oualneas aaxaclty of the Hyde A Itebinaii Amuaement Company Is tbe re enxaxemenl of John MacIKmnell as treasurer of the Olympic. He has been several Heawma In the employ of tbe company, which speaks well for his ability and falthfulueas.

The limerick contest, which Is under way at IbmliH'k’s. In Dreamland, Coney Island, la pro- xroHsliix with exccdlent results. Nearly ll.tiui) answers have been received and by tbe end of tbe season, which will nut come until the eu<l of Manll (iras week. It Is ex|>ected that fuliv il.ntai will have comitettHl for the prise, of a Jeweled tlxer's claw, set In x*>ld.

Tbe Itoad to Yesterday was tbe oftenlnx attrac¬ tion of the SiMXiner Stuck l'om|iai^, which has axnin taken iswaession of the Dark Theatre, where In seasons |iaat It scored Its xreatest triumph. The formal opening occurred Monday matlne,-. August ITth. Tbe Spooner name la a household word In Itnsiklyn, and tbe return of tbe splendid c«ni|>an.v. after a st>aaun spent In New York, will no doubt b<‘ balled with delight. Jessie Mc.MIster. wbisiie dainty |iersonallty baa en¬ deared her to thousands of admirers throughout the borough, was seen In the leading feminine nile of Klixatietb Tyrell and had splendid op- iM>rtunlties of demonstrating that emotional act¬ ing is her forte. Mias McAlister played tbe leading roles throughout tbe engagement, and Ren F. Wilson (lortrayed tbe leading role of Jack lireatorex. Many of tbe old favorites in the cast cast have been retained, and tbe cast lias iM'en further augmented by new members, including Hurt King, late leading man of tbe Dull StiM-k Company; Ruyd Nolan, formerly with (he Forepaugb Stock Company, of Dhiladelphia; Ibdla Walters. Julia Varney and others.

The new Kmpire Theatre, located at Ral|ib avenue and tjulncy street, is all ready to open, and Is one of thi* most handsome theatres In Rrooklyn. The Star Show (!lrls. with tbe Four l.ukeiis. as an added attraction, opens here .Viignst I’ttb. •

t;FD II. IIAKK.x Hi.~.klyn. N V


country for 8t>veral years. Is the leading fun- maker. This theatre, tbe Star and tbe Gayety have undergone extensive impnivements, like tbe rt>at of tbe Hyde A Rehman houses, and will be found to be mure comfortable than ever.

Tbe RIackmailera of New Y'ork, Hal Reid’s latest, will reufmn tbe Columbia Theatre on August 114.

His Terrible Secret, Charles E. Rlaney's Istest production, comes to Rlaney’s Theatre the week of August 24.

The .Majestic Theatre, which, because of Its suiierlor facilities, is always in demand for re¬ hearsals during the summer, sheltered Dock- stader's Minstrels for live w<“eks this summer. Tbt‘ dress rehearsal was held there August 14, preparatory to the o|H‘uing at I’lainfleld, N. J. IbH-kstader and his troupe, who have a ’ ery clever program this year, will return to tbe Ma¬ jestic for a week during the winter.

Employes of all Rnwklyn theatres are greatly interestt^ in tbe plans for an outing that la to t>e held on Sunday, August 30, at Roehm’s I'icnlc Grounds, New Dorp, Staten Island. Tbe outing is being conducted jointly by the Brook¬ lyn, Manhattan and Jersey City lodges of tbe 'Theatrical Mechanical Association. Brooklyn Lodge No. 30, T. M. A.. Is a strong snd pros¬ perous brsnch of the order, and expects to send a large delegation to tbe picnic.

The New Crescent Theatre (formerly the “Old Montauk”) will be opened for the season Satur¬ day evening. September S, as a high-class stock theatre, under tbe management of Dercy O. Williams. Born again, as it were, the Old Mon¬ tauk. now the rresc*-nt. will take its place In

Charles Seymour Will Manage The Columbia

Frank Jones in Europe for Percy G. Williams—The Creole

Slave’s Revenge Scores a Big Hit in the City of Churches

—Notes of the Week.

The theatrical season In Brooklyn has started and it will only be a abort time when all of the twenty-live the- airea In Brooklyn will be open.

In tbe selection of a local manager for his new Crescent Theatre, I’ercy Williams has done well in choosing Lew Darker, who is known from coast to coast as a man well quali¬ fied for the position. For several years past Mr. Darker has b€*en located In Brooklyn, managing, with marked success the Grand Op<*ra House and the Rhubert. Mr. Darker is well versed In mat¬ ters theatrical and has always succeded In mak¬ ing the house with which he was connected de- cldetlly iiopular with tbe tbeatregoing public.

That well-known Brooklyn manager, Charles Seymour, who will be remembered in connection with tbe old Brooklyn Theatre, will this season control the destinies of the Cktlumbia. There is no doubt in the minds of bis friends, that under .Mr. Seymour’s guidance the Columbia will be more liberally patronised than ever before, as he knows everything pertaining to the position he occupies.

Nick Norton, whose long service in the Brook¬ lyn theatrical field has made him a prominent figure, will not pilot the destinies of the Olym¬ pic Theatre this season. He has acetmted the suiierlntendency of the Felber A Shea (Company, which Is as8oclatt>d with Keith A Droctor’s, and which mainlaing a circuit in New Jersey. Mr. Norton has been with Hyde A Behman’s since 1S81, being stationed at various times at tbe Grand Opera House, Bijou, Dark, but principally at the Olympic, where bis intimate knowledge of vaudeville affairs was one of tbe causes that made this a leading playhouse in that field for many years. Before he assumed managerial duties he was a variety |)erformer. He is known from coast to coast in the theatrical world. For the present he will spend considerable of his time In New Brunswick, N. J., where he Is over¬ seeing tbe finishing touches to the Bijou Theatre, a new and pretty playhouse.

Frank Jones, who Is Dercy O. Williams* book¬ ing representative, is now In Europe, where he Is enjoying s rest. .Mr. Jones’ health has been bad for some time and his physician ordered him to take a rest.

Dercy O. Williams has booked Harrison, of The Soul Kiss, for a three weeks’ engagement at bis vaudeville houses. The Zanzics, who have made such a succcas in Europe with their mlnd- readlng act, will also apear at Dercy G. Wil¬ liams’ vaudeville houses this season.

’The best melodrama ever B*“en here was pre¬ sented at Rlaney’s Theatre last week. It was A. H. Woods’ big attraction. The Creole Slave’s Revenge. The play Is a very interesting one and the comedy is one of the best ever seen here at popular prices.

C«*cll S|MH>uer will o|>en the Majestic Theatre next Saturday night, August 22. with ’The Girl and tbe I>ete<-tlve. which will remain at the the¬ atre the following wi*ek. This newest vehicle for the display of Miss Spooner’s versatility is a comedy drama, written b.v Charles E. Blaney and J. Sarle Dawley, In The Girl and the De¬ tective Miss S|MK>ner will present at each i»er- formance a novelty specialty entitled I Can Do That, In which she gives her own spectacular version of the Salome dance, with electrical and sitecial scenic effects.

During the past week, Aaron Appleton, an old- time manager and treasurer, died In this city. Years ago he was employed by Augustin Daly, at the <dd Fifth Avenue Theatre. New York

•City, afterward he became manager for Mary Anderson and Fanny Davenitort. For sixteen years he was connected with the Casino, Manhat¬ tan, and surrendered his position three years ago.

Annie Oakley, the crack rifle shot, who for- mer'y was one of the star features with Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Oimiutny, and who In private life is Mrs. Frank E. Butler, established a new rifle record last week at Fr<^ Stone’s residence on Clock Boulevard. Ainityville, Ixing Island.

Miss Oakley hit. without a miss, 1,016 brass discs, one and one-half inches in diameter, thrown Into the air at a distance of 21 feet from her. She used a rifle and single bullets.

of this change. Opening with Wine, Woman and Song, there will be a judicious mixture of melo¬ drama, musical comedy and other high-class en¬ tertainment. Bonita is stiil tbe leader of this company, and Nat Carr, Lew Hearn, James Mul¬ len. Allan Coogan, Ethel Hall and Nells Dalmer, who have contributed so much to its success, will continue to make It one of the most enter


Da\ld Belssco’s made over plsy. The Wife, liHS Iteen pleasing the Belasco Theatre patrons during the past week. Frederick Belasco has |H'rsonalIy staged and directed the play, and nothing Is lacking. Mr. Boswortb and Jane Grey. In the leading parts, are satisfactory, and the minor parts are all well lilletl. For tbe »<ek of August IT. Muttsburg Life Insurance will Im' presente<I. In honor of a visit of tbe In- -iirance unilerwriters.

Masters of Men has held the boards at the Burbank, this w>ek. and while probably not as great a play as ’The .Man of the Hour, la a gtsHl play and well presented. Miss Klrkwoisl. a new iiiemtH-r of the company. In a heavy role, was well receive*!, and giswi work by the other mem Is-rs make it a pleasing offering. When Knight I Was In Flower, is billed to follow.

Katie Barry has the big type at tbe Itrpheum. this week, but there are half a dosen other acta that could, with jiistb-e. occupy the position. \Vm. Thompson and Company are seen In tbr -ketch. I.sive’s Young Dream. Others who make up the most excellent bill are ’The Bas<|ne (Juartette. Fnsl Singer. Barry and Hughes. Pat¬ ty Frank Trio, and Martinettle and Sylvester.

Two and three week nins are getting to be the rule, at the Grand, since tbe management has te-en offering musical comedy. This is what we all like, in hot weather, and the clever principals keep lui alternately laughing at their oiil|>s and applauding their song selections. For the week of August 17. The Typewriter

Kolb and I>lll played to good patronage. In their second week, at the IxN Angeles Theatis- Manager York endeavored to secure them for another week, bu4 tbslr othar engagesaMta whhiM not (M-rmlt.

Moroei'o’s Maj«-stlc Theatre will open. Octtdwr I. with Cort A Uellig’a comic opera. Tbe Alas¬ kan. as the attraction.

The principals of the new Ixwils Stone Stock Company will arrive In I,os Angeles to morrow, snd Ih-xIij active rehearsals "The company will open Monday. August 31 with George Ade’s cisneily. The Colli'ge Widow, as the attrac- tlor.

Comedian Kolb, of the team of Kolb and Dill, Can run. but he missed his guess when he vol- unleered to beat Dak’s, the little center fielder of tbe Ijoa Angeles Baseball Team, in a trip armind the bases. Kolb lost, to the tune of two s^-conds. and his boosters were forced to part with most of their small change. It’s prob- ald<‘ that In future his sprinting efforts will take pla**e Isdiind the ftsitllghls. oniv.


She Will be Seeu In a New Play This Seaaon.

taining stage pieces on tbe road. The comedy has been revls^, a travesty on Three Weeks and new plays being among the new features. ’The <-ostuming and scenery are fresh, and there is a large singing chorus.

Pain’s Fireworks at Brighton Beach are more popular than ever. Every one who visits this big attraction is satisfied. Luna Dark is draw ing capacity crowds at Coney Island.

Dreamland is doing tbe largest business in its history.

John P. Hill, for a number of years stage man¬ ager of Hyde A Bebman’s Adams street play¬ house, will begin bis second seaaon as manager of the Imperial Theatre, in ITovldence, next week. He was a noted actor in his day. His home Is at 52 Willoughby avenue, where be has a finely appointed bouse.

Theodore Roberts paid a flying visit to New Y'ork this week, after bis twenty weeks’ star¬ ring season at tbe Davidson Theatre, Milwaukee. He has gone down tbe Shrewsbury river in bis motor launch for a short vacation before opening bis season, September 5, at the Broadway The¬ atre. Brooklyn, In The Right of Way, In which Klaw A Erlanger are featuring him jointly with Guy Standing.

Charles E. Blaney’s Tbe Bad Boy and His Teddy Bears, which made a great hit with the children last Christmas time, at tbe Lincoln S<iuare Theatre, has been entirely rewritten dur¬ ing tbe summer. It now reap|>ears as an elab¬ orate musical show, under tbe title of The Col¬ lege Girls and the Teddies. It will be seen at the .Majestic ’Theatre, Brooklyn, tbe week of Aiigust 31.

’The Olympic will have The Gay Masqueraders to Often the season on August 31. Billie Ritchie, the English comedian, who has starred in this

tbe division of first-class theatres and will cer- taiuly be welcome to tbe theatregoers of Brook¬ lyn. One of tbe wonders was tbe moving of tbe favorite old bouse, and tbe work was watched day by day by thousands on Its Inch by-Inch travels until It landed on the new foundations built for it three hundred feet away. ’The in¬ terior of the building Is entirely new, new chairs, roomy and comfortable, new carpets, new decorations, coinnuxllous reception rr>oms, a mammoth cording plant, up-to-date fire appli¬ ances, exits by the dozen, in fact, all improve ments that tend to give comfort, safety and pleasure to the patrons. Tbe entertainineuts will be furnished by a stock comiiany of unusual merit, who will present only the highest class of latter day successes. Each member of this new organization bas been selected for his or her Individual ability. Not one of the company has ever ap|ieare<l In stock in Brooklyn In tbe past; In fact, Dercy O. Williams, tbe manager.


Tills Is tbe farewell week of the Ferris Stock t’ompsn.v. St the Metr<>|iolltan Opera House, and the patrons are more than sorry to witness the departure of the old-time favorites. ’The sum¬ mer season of the company, here, has been one of the most brilliant stock engagements In the city's theatrical history, and Mr. Ferris Is blgbly plean<-d with results In general. For the dialing week the Ferris Stock Company Is pri-s*-ntlng thr<-e plays, Thelma, East Lynne and Camille. Thelma w sa played Bunday matinee, anil Is being (iiit on every evening. East Lynne Is the offering for Tiiesilay and Weilnesrtay iiiallnees Miss Flon-nce Stone takea the title role In ’Tlielma snd Camille, and playa Lady Isa¬ bel In East Lynne. Dick Ferria ap|>ears an Ar- iiiand. In Camille, and Guy Coombs, aa Archl- linld Carlisle, In East Lynne, also aa Rlr Dhllllp Bruce Errlngton, In Thelma. The balance of the company are well cast. In all three of tbeas pnsluctlons. Tile (latronsge has, so far, lu'en unusually heavy, and this w<>ek will end the third summer engagement of the company In this city

They have always seen fit to put on the Is-st playa and such only as please the patrons, and It Is to Im- bo|M-d that they will return next sum mer. for another stay of the same duration. Be ginning Sunday. August 23, Mr. Chaiincey Itl- colt will o|K>n the fall and winter season with his new play. Bagged Itoliln He will be fol loweil liy the great racing play. Checkers, and Lew Fields. In Ttie Girl Rebind the Cotinter, will

credulity. She can ahoot any firearm, with her right or left band, and can hit any small object, such as a copper cent, a marble or a cartridge- shell when they are thrown into the air.

The Evening World’s contest for king and -queen of the sixth annual Mardi Gras Carnival and Fall Festival to be held September 14 19, at Coney Island, is well under way.

Cp to date, Ferdinand Akoun beads the list for king, with Claude Hagen second, and Mrs. Ben I,evy for queen, with numerous close fol¬ lowers.

The St. I,eon Family have closed their engage¬ ment at I.iina Dark, and Ojien. August 27, with Frederic Thompson’s Dolly of the Circus.

William Inman and Company are one of tbe features of Jacobs and Jermon’s Golden Crtmk Burlesque Company this season. Mr. Inman was manager of tbe Imperial Music Hall at Coney Island this season.

An Impetus to the opening of the Brooklyn theatrical season will be given Saturday evening, August 22, when four popular playhou8<*s, the Folly, Bijou. Star and Gayety theatres, will open their doors. The prospect# point to a suc¬ cessful s«>ason, Hyde A Behman, and other well- known figures in the theatrical world, being con¬ fident that a rift bas appeared in the clouds that followed tba financial storm, and which played havoc with the bookings of theatres con sequent upon the closing of numerous companies.

’The bookings of the Folly Theatre, the pop¬ ular Eastern District playhouse, are Indicative

pssi; lu iBci, i-ercy u. williams. loe manager, guarantees that all of the entertainments will be of the very best. The plays will be of modern character, each piece presented with brand new scenery and costumes always )x)ual, and. in some instances, superior to the original produc¬ tions. Tbe excellent company will have, as leading man, Edward Mackey, son of that vet¬ eran, F. F. Mackey, who, in the palmy days of the celebrated Union Square Stock (Vunpany, was one of the bright lights with the late t’harles R. Thorne, Rose Eytinge and others. With such a tutor, young Mr. Mackey’s sctMsilIng bas been of the very best, and that he has profiti-d by It is best pnived by tbe fact that managers all over the country are bidding for his services. Tbe leading lady Is Miss laiora lAing, a young and lieautiful lady, who has achieved fine success In tbe West. She Is a close student, has marki-d iiersonsllty snd ungues

GUST 29, 1906.

(iriil )>** tbiril attrmctloa at tbe Metro-

'll I* aoniMioct-d aa tbe beadltner for tbe I'Qi. riM-alre tbia week. While be la Dot tbe

I of 'I'rllb/ fame, atlll be la quite re- Dll' li' I'J'Pbotlc work, and awakena ^rrr iileD-Kl and eothualailiu. Ilia eotertaln- Jjiri made up of two acta, tbe Drat deallDf wilt piiuala, tbe ae<-oiid witb telepatbjr, and be

ii.Ki 111 an arra; of lauKbable altuatlons, • li .'t-IlKbt tbe audience. He la followed OB bill bjr Tbe La Molnea, wbo preaeot a g,u novelty, aiid win much applauae. Other nun - are Sam Hood, The Mao From Ken- (uik •'<-cll JetferaoD, cooD abouter; Mylle and Orll lu Tbe .Manager; luea Montague, tbe l ul'. Kopraao aololat. In an llluatrated aong, and -'I of buiiioroua motion plcturea.

I'. !• I’roaiM-rlty Week at Wonderland Park, and ' : 'iiO Oiia >■ wandering around tbe grounda will- reward offered to tbe peraon wbo can mat '‘iin aiiille. Many have tried ao far and Bull- ii.-eieded. Moreover, tlie open-air vaude- rlll. exceptionally line tbIa week, and la well worn -e.-liiK. l-ea Tbeodorowica baa an act of aerlid u) miiaatlca which la mure than graceful and iri'nic and tbe Taggart Family give aome cunii '' aer'ibatlca on the borlsootal bara, which look fiiii.iiy but are really bard and dangeroua (ral lit rou Morgan, and bla Wonderland Band are i>ner.iiK an entirely new and delightful con¬ cert i>'i>graui, which la enjoyed by all on tbe groin-i-

Th regular attractlona are all In full awing and well palrouUed. Wonderland Park will (irol'ddt run about three or four weeka more, dri>'ii 'nt u|>un tbe weather, after which it will loee Ita gatea until early next aprlng, |iro*-.ibly reopening in May. Tbe Park la en- joyinir an luimenae patronage, tbia week, and iX'it week will undoubtedly aee the good work go -in tVonderland la the Twin Cltlea' Ideal tunimcr reaort, and Ita patronage aubatantlateB the fact.

Tie tirpbeum Theatre opened Ita fifth aea- aon Ihia week, and an exceptionally fine pro¬ gram marka tbe firat bill. It is headed by tienaro and bis band, wbo are musicians of tbe IlDeot I) i<e and are well worth bearing. Byron aoil l.angdon. In The Duke Detective, also bara come Into public favor, and La Petite Mlgnon li a clever comedienne and mimic. Uncle Lem's Idleniina la a quaint, sympathetic New Kngland •ketch. In wbicb Henry Horton, Louise Harden- hurg :ind James O'Neill score a succeaa, Eape, Uuttoii and Lape are a comedy acrobatic team of DO mean merit; Fred Soaman Is singer and whoHe work is above tbe average, and lllack and Joiwa are a colored, singing and daocliik' team, wbo win much applause. Tbe Kln-alrome closes tbe bill with new motion pic¬ ture*

TbW was the opening week of the Dewey TIm'- atre. for the fall and winter (u-ason and, aa tbe tint attraction, Sam T. Jacks' Own Company, one of lb<- dneat of burleM|ue aggregations, la holdltig down tbe boards. This company la beadid by Maude Harvey, wbo Is noted aa being one of the nxwt striking burlesque women of tbe cln'ult. ami she Is assisted by a Capable com¬ pany of skilb-d actors, and a chorus of twenty dainty and shapely maidens. Tbe Dewey baa been thoroughly overhauled, and tbe lobby and otfice arrai-gements have been alteresl to make them much handler for tbe public. Moreover, more dr>-sslng rooms bave been added to occom inoilate the larger slsed companies which will appear this season.

The Merry Widow Burlesque is the opening number, and tbe second part Is full of song and mirth Moreover there la a song number, en¬ titled Three Weeks, which is a satire on tbe English authoress, wbo sbocked tbe reading world with her book and that name. There is also an eX|KMe of tbe Sheath Oown. showing that It is only tbe old burlesque gown adopted by »ts-lety. and there are many other travesties ralculate-l to keep the bouse in a roar. Tbe olio Is of eicepitonal worth, and Is beaded by The Thr»-e .kruistrongs. In a daring bicycle act. Other numbers Include Misses Armstrong and Ashton, lu a bright new tea act; Lawrence and Harvey. In an up-tmdate sketch; Harry Fink. Hebrew Impersonator; the Three Mualcal Stn- arta. and Statuettes Realisque. new living plctim-s Next week. Mlaa New York. Jr., will be tbe attraction at this theatre. Mr. Archie Miller, the (sipnlar manager of tbs bouse, was at hl« (lost IcMiklng spick and span, and states that business Is starting In with a grand rush.

For*-st Amusement Park has quite an elabo¬ rate program for this week, and Profeawor Stan- baugh and bis band have prepared a fine prxv gram of riisslc and popular airs for the occa¬ sion Mlldre<| Eafl, the New York Casino aerlo ^Ic. renders the following songs: When the Moon flays Peekaboo. Hellaula Sisters, and V r* " Yon. The Gans- Nelsou fight Is reproduced on the grounds In motion pictures, and Frank Read explains the yarlmis films displayed. The dancing pavilion

1 • snd the electric fountain la dis¬ played .wry half hour

Mr Neill, of the Neill Stock Company, of St. taul. wan <4dlged to draw on Minneapolis, this wc'k f.u- aetora with which to augment hla company f.u- the production of The Heir to tbe noorah Among those engaged were Samuel wetiarr. for the role of Bud Young; Frances Pe. . Mrs. Joe Ijicy; Frank I neat and Harry Plympton. all formerly of the l-Wim riieatre. of this elty.

'>n August 30 the Bijou Opera House will again Its doors for tbe fall and winter

,M.l will oresent the annual State Fair "cex yimctlon. In Old Kentucky. Olive Skln-

will I... here, for the first time, as .I.V ‘ ^ *'ccnch will play I’ncle Neb. . , *' ' *1ark. the colonel. Others In the

'dwanl Wenn. Duncan Penwarden. ^ IVan. The scenic i*o

tnr /i!' '•Iillrely new, and especially gotten np

of**B*^ M’lld West Show and Congress Imn, 'O'lers of the World, exhibited to two rlrrn. '"''cnees. Monday. August 24. at the •Ir^r avenue. 8<Mith. and .34th talnin . I'ctformanee was a highly enter- •ihih.’ '' educational one. and Included many nf fh "**"c of Summit Springs wss one T.ll I "'"Pbers. showing the death of this ( chief, who was kllleyl at I'ndv, Mnffalo BUI (Colonel Wm. F. luoiin *’Cc** Train Hold up, showing the w»s "" train on the Union Paelflc. ..^ crs|,hlcaHy given, and A Holiday at Imes 'I*"”' "'•owing the pleasures and pas

ing k '''■'•’■'•'cn. was the most Interest klllf, b.irspnianshlp feats were bold and

"hll. '""'"‘ted the work of all nations, ■'Un ''Ptcrlalnment ffirnished by the In- I on T''." cowgirls, also played an Ira- j i.T , tt'c program. The famous cow-

'••ndewd excellent music, and the ex¬

hibit was In every detail a most enjoyable and delightful entertainment.

_ A striking feature of tbe Minnesota State Fair, the week of August 31, will be tbe appear¬ ance of an actual old Red River Cart, with Its yoke of oxeq. In the wagon train which la at- tacke<l by the hostile Sioux on Its way to Fort Itldgely. (Md settlers here state that It Is B<Hiie thirty five years since these carts have t>e»-n used as a means of (M>nveyance, in this state, and Its appearance Is therefore of more than usual Interest. Another feature will be the presentation of the Bontoc Igorrotes, who are perhaps ted ter known as the famous head¬ hunters of Luxon, and whom the United States (lovemment have allowed to appear at this fair to give the |>eople of the Northwest ao Idea of the life In tbe far Kastern Islands.

Tbe colony will build Its village on tbe grounds, uaing material brought from their na¬ tive highlands and tbe many little thatched huts will (iresent a novel spectacle. The Igor¬ rotes will also display their native Industry, such as weaving, forging the ax beads, spear¬ heads, and bolos. making of tbe little brass pipes used by both men and women, and there will also be exhibitions of spear-throwing, tree- climbing and a representation of tbe famous Ig- orrote war dance. It Is also rumored that the famous Bbeath or Dlrectolre gown of modern so¬ ciety was Invented by tbe Igorrote women, long before the ladles of Paris ever dreamed of it.


Manager Burgess Shows Resourcefulness

Reopens the House the Same Night, the Necessary Repairs

Having Been Made—Austin and Stone’s Museum Opens the Season—Other News of the Boston Week.

IRE. which started in tbe rear of the Tbe cast of Tbe Merry Widow, which opens Old South Theatre, at 1 o'clock. Sun- *1 the Tremont Theatre. August 25, will be day morning, did a great deal of largely composed of the players who contributed damage until It was under control, to the New York success of the operetta. Among and only for tbe quick work of tha those who will be seen here are Donald Brain,

and moreover the Igorrote women weave these fire department, tbe Old South Theatre one of Miss Ruby Dale. Miss Mlxxl Miller. Robert L. pwna themselves on their primitive looms. This the most beautiful playlemses In this city. Graham. Paul Blayden, Walter C. Wilson. Harry Igorrote colony will undoubtedly be one of the would have been destroyed. The fire started Hyde, F. J. McCarthy, Ray Shaw, and Miss most interesting features of the fair, and a great on the third Boor, from some unknown cause, Aurora Platt, of the original company, novelty aa well. ,nj biasing through the roof. Tons Speedy, the high diver, comes to Paragon

I.ake Harriet Park is enjoying an Immense of water were thrown on the lire and to this P«rk. this week. He makes a dive from a patronage, this week, and Mr. J. H. Esebman. cause most of tbe damage done the theatre height of 150 feet. Into a tank of water seven the genial lessee and general manager, express was due. At ten o’clock Sunday morning. In >“<1 three feet deep; his act was __ _ 'a strong drawing card last season, at the park.

-- and this Is a return engagement. Another pfActP qTAMi strong attraction Is Pro'essor Gilmore, who

oi/Anu. walks on the water, and finishes bis act by a ride down a steep wire, at an angle of ninety degrees, on a bicycle, ending with a plunge Into the lagoon. Tbe other free acts are Lawonde Brothers, In a Fish Marsh, champion jumper.

In their Roman Commencement will open Colonial

^ Theatre, August a The play Is written around tbe types

/> tbe / Alice is coming, soon, to Wonderland.

/' retinue /' tbe / tbe pig tbe / the the / tbe other ebar- / acters tbe story book. Alice / Into tbe fairy realms Wonder- / In a Japanese drawn

cute little / dazzling procession marches / the enter the arena I a ship has been / upon Its will be given a pro- I ' rVr The proiluctlon will be I under the experienced direction of As-

Perry; John Coleman Is tbe dancing master

w-lll be in charge O'Connor, this be free to patrons of Wonderland.

There will be no falling in tbe I' ■ tractions Womlerland. This carnival aeason

begins kj tbe close of tbe season at Won- 9 on Sunday. September 20.

On tbe tbe Pastime ^ are the blind boy T and tbe long varied program mov- ? ing pictures and Illustrated songs.

Elmer W. Reed, who for eight years was K . stage manager .Austin and Stone’s, and has \\ ' been away summer on tbe road, has retnmed y ' A to bis old position tbe Museum. Mr. Reed \ 7 Is a bard worker and. during his long stay at \ this theatre, has only missed one performano*. \ and that was on account of sickness. \ . * m Manager Roth, of the Jolllette. has arranged \ ' j a bill of exceptional merit for this week, and is \ / doing an excellent business. \ .1 ‘ / Everything Is In readiness, at the Columbia. \ ^ / for the season's <q>eniDg. which takes place An- \ ’ ^ j gust 22. with W J XVatson’s Burlesquers. as \ X g / "•" sttraction. \ / V / Hlack Hills, and Lynn Justice, two \ / funny burlesxime. make up ao excellent show \ / at the Palace, this week. Both skits are full of \ 1^- ,, xKjx / good comedy and musical numbers, tbe leading \ W / feminine roles being played by Miss Madge \ / Chester. There have been many changes In tbe

/ company, the past month, and It baa been ^ rejuvenated and strengtbem-d. so that Manager

yc Waldron has now one of the best stock com- panles In this city.

Miss Josephine Sanborn. Miss Camella and ^“•'J Chapman are on the hill at the Hub

Theatre, this we«-k. .All are great favorites with the patrons of this house, and were well

. _ _i.K Ti. _ 1 . i_ I . I received. A new list of the latest comedy and She I. duplicating her American succeaa with The t horua Lady la London. dramatic numbers are offered, as well as tbe

________ Illustrated songs, sung by tbe above-named art¬ ists.

es himself as well pleased with results. The looking Into the auditorium, one would have (x„*t-Te Frohmsn will be back In Boston concerts of the MlnneaMls P'rh Band a at 111 tt^ght that the wa'^*^ '•>'* with M^rle l5^^. ^ptember lieing given, and with boating, bathing, the pony dark bw a week. Manager Burgess, who was on ,,, . .. p . llmlfe«t enesee track and show, and the launch trips. Lake Har- the scene early, was asked If be bad cancelle<l ‘ * Theatre, fra limited engage riel Is a most enjoyable place to spend an after- his bookings for the week, and he replied: "I '

_ * * wKaxail.4 Yt'aa m task ••xin* ^.kax.% fiy^nlawK* Thd» At tK* 1^1/1 TlraVAFsI will FXnAn nffl

Sh*‘ in «1u|iUratlnic her American succeaa with The Chorus Lady la London.

n4Mtn or erenlnf. alKHild say oot! We are foln; to open to-night. I season at the Old Howard will open on ! , SI ^ • xsA AW-. v...aii« •** 1''^* •• have the roi>f left to keep out the Monday. Aiigiiat 24. with the New Century OIrU,

Huatnesa continues gmid st rsin.** He st once hired a large force of men Tandevllle aa the attraction. Tiu'Mre, under the management of ' and a^'rub women, and at seven o'clock, when he Morning. N<w»n and Night, a new musical anagh, with continuous vaudei^le. P. rane un the curtain, the onlv trace of the tire plaT. will come to the Clobe Theatre* Laboi with continues vauuevme. rang up the curtain, the only trace of the Are P*sy. will come to the Clohe Tlieatre. Labor

and lllualrat.-d "'Off*- b''« ^°' ,**••• was a faint odor of burnt wood throughout the I>s.v. for a wc-k’s stay. s.-ck Is as followa;^ Wm. th* npeldc- theatre. ” t’harles F. S*-mon. the Nsmon Feller, will d■•wn man. Hershal'a Great TTMp* of Humpty- with everything new Austin and Stone’s open his vaudeville engagement at the Boston Dunipt.v t rane and Kelly, Irene Siam- >in»euiii was formally opemM Monday, August Theatre. August 24. His tour for the season field, and the motion plcniw^ IT. with the most elaborate bill of attractions of ipns Op will comi>rlse 40 consecutive weeks.

KtHiEKIl srr.. M.Kl Kb. ever pix-sented In tbe twenty-five years this played In forty cities.

_ h.Hise has been opemsi to the public. In the Hsp Wsrd and Harry Yokes have again joined t'lirlo Hall can b«* sen Charles Catulle, tbe peer- hands, and. as Want and Yokes, will ojs'n in

AKIN ARROR MICH mastermind of electro-spectacular optical their new musical comely. The Promoters, at • ■ Illusions. Introducing hla latest European optl- f*'" Globe Theatre, .August 31.

The new Whitney Theatre will open the sea- <'•' a.‘nsatlona. L’.Aphroitlte and Cremation; P. After a sticcessfnl tonr around the world. s<Mi Aiigiiat 31 with Rose Melville In Sis Hop- J- Gornisn’s x»ne msn band; Mile. D’Erlon, who .Andrew Mark has returm-d to America, and be- klna. The Man Fn>m Home. Richard Carle, walks on a ladder of sw.wds: a wonderftil aviary gins his next tour In this cltv, at the Park Thea- Ktibert Kdeson, and many others, all go to make with an array of brilliant plumaged and marvel- tre. August 24 Since Mr. Mack has been sbs.'nt up a very brilliant season for Ann Arbor. Man- '•usly intelligent macaws and cockatoos; and a from America, he has app<-ared In various ager Abbott la to be thankexi for the excellent London Punch and Judy Show. In the theatre plavs. In New Zealand. .Australia. Ceylon ami


things he hss secunsi for this winter. Ann »>«* Msnhattau Girls give sn excellent show, indls. Arbor will hsv* a great treat. •"•• "•‘w •"•' up to-date noveltlaa. de- The Governor and the Boss, will have Its

M.leetle Thestre will reonen In Sentemher *' AYhite the manager. Agnes initial is rformsnce here at the Globe Theatre, e ,V .‘.T^ ' *“•» '•»'>'«’ • ‘••'’'•T »l»tcr team, and August 24. for one week.

idI;«*'^*Vrn.teVll!’e rctr'and ererv^hlnrTvvlH be ***’' * *’'* **'* *“** pstrona. aa baa A II W.sals’ pro,1uctlon of The Prince of ^ " and .everything will be upward, the charming vocalbt. The S|» ndthrifts. In four acts and nineteen seen**,

up lo-uaie. Thix-e Melhvcn Sisters have a new nroductlnn. will he the attraetlnn et the <tr«n.l rti^era Ifnnee

India. The G. ernor and the Boss.

alao Pearl Howard, the charming vocaliat. The S|»ndthrifts. In four acts and nineteen seen**. Three Melhven Sisters have a new production, will he the attraction at the Grand Opera Hona*

The Bijou baa undergone extenaive Improve- and all the show la new and well produced. fiw the week of .August 24. menta and la atlll enjoying excellent business. The Majestic Thestr»‘ will oi>cn Ita regular The Hollis Street Theatre will open Ita regular

At the Star Theatre motion pictures and 11- seas<H>. S.'ptoniber 7, with Sam Bernard and the season. August 31, with The Gay Musician, aa inatrated sunga continue to the aame big bual- Caatno Theatre Company. In Nearly A llerxv a the attraction, nesa. musical play which en^yed a long run at the Boston. Mass.

C. F. ST.AFFLET. famoua Casino last aeastm. EDWARD A COADT. F. ST.AFFLET Bost.m. Mass.



AUGUST 29. 1908.


IS SATANIC MAJKSTY had a Intt-rnipted by the entrance of Jolan'a buabaml. i “As late as the middle of June, Mr. Konta ''In view of the above liter*’ !• no angle from im^ry tlmV of It In New York last The H,Hdl la broken. notlBed llernian Kroinme. my attorney, that he which an nnprejnd ce,l i.ii^bllc man can look at Tuesday when both Henry W Say- The seconil act takes place at Jolan'a house, was l(s>klii|; for a inanaKcr to produce his yol- the aasertlons of .Mr. I'jahc that will exonorate aite and Harrison (Jrey FIske i^rmlt- where a reception Is iM’InR Kiveu, at which San- untary translation, yet Mr. Flske announces that him from the charge tljr nii»t under-handed an. aim tiarnson t.rey r isae permit- _._i.. i... .....i i... .-intur At this and two-faced deal ng It has b»H-n my mlsfor-

llss went to the llelasco. Wireless telegraphy, teleidionea, sp<‘clal trains, and aiitomoliiles were ^ called Into recjulsltion for Sarage’s production.

And now the exiiectant ones what new kink Itame Gossip

are wondering prvKJeetled in' stealth and secret will unwrinkle ‘1,*'° V’ *1'"* ***"\n*the purpose of circumventing my pi on Rrordway 1''*^ "r®"’'’’' *'*! not^e conduct of a man win-tlij

s-ret for the sole y plans. Such Is orthy of the husl- Mr. Savilge did not return to the city until I"*"' '«<» IH’vlIs running l.mse on Broadway; face of the above statement of facts I observe a M';!'

ne o'clock .Monday morning and learned for ‘‘'‘'n ll»*t w'>ul'I »w « h*-!! newspaper story promulgated throughout the been ^ nw’eLltr of ^''r.’CJ the first time of the coup arranged by Flske. * muss. All eminlries for .Mr. Savage received the re- .Mr. Savage issued the following statement:

"How would you feel If. after sending out

city to the effect. ... ,..11 Flake's part If he had lieen honorably planning 'First, that Mr. Flske declares he obtained production in an honorable manner,

e moral rights to the play last winter from ..|f Flske. In his wildest Imagination, Dinar's BudaiH-st agent. fancies that he can convince his business friends “ •S<'cond. that he bought the right to pro- and the public that he oittalued any moral ice the play In this ciaintry. paying satlsfac- rights to the play or any consent from tin- an- ry compensation. thor. I can easily undeceive everyboily concerned “ "Third, that when .Mr. Savage announced be py exhibiting my contract with .Mr. Molnar

and agents. ~ “In view of this, I take pleasure In sub¬

mitting the following statement with extracts from atlldavlts and contracts, effectually prov-

HfH M Ing the falsity of any statement to the contrarv. ■ ■■I TO-NIGHT IT g. 15 I “1. Henry W. Savage holds a receipt from

_ ■■ ■ ■ Franx Bard & Bruder, of Vienna, sole owners ■ W ■ ■ GARDEN THEATRE I of the play In all languages for all countries,

ru w SMI—exc»*ptlng Hungary, for advanced rayalties to B clinch his purchase of the sole right In all ^ languages and In all countries, excepting Hiin-

gary, on .March 12, IShlS. iBcat with the aathar, of- ..o ^i, game date Mr. Savage bound

"I.. that he was closeted with his attorneys w**"!*' '«'“<1''>K out nioral rights to the play last winter from for the day and c.aild not be seen. From that 'n'ltatlons to a banquet and or.lerlng the finest Budaiwst agent. !nn«*r otfirp howovor nliinn luiri niont exiM*n8ive nproad that could he fur* ® a ^ .i t k» ^ the surprise planned by Vh Flske t wss Ue "‘•‘•‘"■I »>y ‘hf y*"* ’•‘‘“'•'•'I !<> " •S.;<'Ond that he bought the t- Kl't I" P^®' elded to Iirmluce the pTay concurrently^ wdth the “* y°'"' lft»’8tg, but when you were ready duce the play In this cimntr.v. paying at Flske pr.Hluctlon Savage’^ actors Vere scst "> oP*'" the doors you discovered that a imrch- tory ^mpensatlon „ , tered oVer six siaU^ Klwin Teven^ ‘"e banquet hall and was '"Third, that when .Mr. Savage ann.ainced be

rated |)y wireless telegraphy on Nantucket Is¬ land. He chartered a steamboat to reach the mainland. Beaching Wood’s Hall, h*» was met by an automobile sent from Boston to enable the actor to make train connet-tlons. The others In the cant selected for a late fall profliictlon, w<‘re scattered In Massachusetts, Connecticut, New JerfM-y, Long Island anil New York, .Messengers were pressed Into service and by 7;30 every one except Stevens had assi-mbled for rehearsal. It was a record breaking affair. The scenery and costumes were hustled from wan-house to stage and soon but In readiness.

By far the most sensational surprise of the theatrical season was let out of the hamiier last Monday when Harrison Grey Flske an-

prmluction, under his management, of The Devil. The mere announcement was enough to make the Broadwayltes sit up and dust their goggles. For current history chroni¬ cles the fact that Henry W. Savage had an¬ nounced The lievll as his priqierty; In fact had Kiven It a premiere at Hartford a fortnight since and the billboards told you that Savage Intended putting The Devil In the Garden Thea¬ tre for a run early In September. This was sur prise numiH-r one; number two did not dally far ix'hind, but It made every one take another rub at those self-same goggles. Flske an¬ nounced the prmluctlon for the following night What a smashing of theatrical ethics—no bill IHisting, no press matter, no advertising of any natiire except an unconspicuous, unassuming ad. In the tially press. Then dame gossip took a hitch In her skirts and waddb-d along the av¬ enue In nervous frenxy.

But mort- was to eonie. For two weeks the company, under .Mr. Flake’s direction, had been rehearsing at Tarrytown, ami no one knew It No one knew either that George Arllss ha-l sIlpp<M Into stellar togs and would go on dis¬ play Tuesday night at the Belasco. George Ar¬ llss recently returned from Kugland after a va¬ cation sojourn. Broadway knows him well and yet there la no one on the incandescent street w-ho will tell you of having known that the actor had returned.

The company assembled at Tarrvtown, not a nietniMr except p<>rhap8. the principals, were aware of what they were to play; In fact, most kf •’Ikp*''!- thinking It was a production for blrs Hake. Not alone were they kept In the dark, but the stage mechanics at the Belasco. who built the production, had no intimation of what It was. The general belief was that the scenery was to !«> used In one of Mrs. Flake’s plays The coup siiruiig by Mr. Flske has set the Broadway- owl to thinking—something’s wrong with the wisdom pump. What a corking go<Hl chance for the press agent, but his pencil l>ox was locked. .Mr. Flake secured what he terms the moral rights for proilucing the play In ’he Lnite<l States. This happened last w-In- ter. The play being a production of Hungary, *. 1 » outside of the royalty pale as no copy¬ right law exists between Hungary and the t nited States. Mr. Flske, however, agreed to pay the usual compensation.

Savage Is reportetl as having wltnesse<l tne play In German and bought from the Vlen-


GARDEN THEATRE THE DEVIL Henry W. 8nTt0 ^^.^ocluive nmnfCBcmt witk tkc nntknr, of-

fen nt the Onrden Thentre te-niefat at 8.1S the only anthonied Tcr- lion in Ancrien of Frani Molnar'i eclebrntod three-act play* *‘The

Deril,** bcinf the Tpyliah tranelation aad OUver Her-

ford sf ths eoBtiaeBUl raecMs, "Der

cart that iacladn: /






PTodsetiaB rttgad^ as Tolks-Tkaatrt, ir^ with the asthar. ^


tVa—Mi. lavatc hat

■tw York pcifSaSMc to this svamiag. S. fairtiBW tm tha aahlie at aa alleaad vaiatoaN^^ 4

lOTX.—Sr. Savafc hat itcidtiX ■tw Toth pcifSaSMc to thit tvaai^.S. <0

ftirtiag oa tha pabUe tf aa allcgad vaiaioaS.^ iicd hy ^ aathar et kit agaata. Tha tola patfa

piadactiaB ara vattod ia Btaiy 'W. lavatt, at pet

flaw Berr ■alaar’i aSdavit twan to bafatt tht tal Saatial la Tiaaaa:

aa aUegad vamoaN. ' *^ //. agamta. Tha tala y«f«V O Btaip W. laTaca, at per

vit twain to bafatt the hmti^. Get —a















Two New York Newspaper Advertisements of The Devil at opiisitlon houses.

himself to pay royalties we«-kly for pro<luclng the pisy In any country that he might select under Ills purchase prices.

“3. .An affidavit from the authtw, Franx Mol¬ nar. dated in Vienna. April 110, lOON. states that he hud never given authority for bis play to tie published or sold except to Henry W. Savage.

“1. An affidavit fMm Franx Bard & Bruder, on same date, is to the same effect.

“5. Mr. Savage has an autograph letter from Franz Molnar ('.Molnar Ferenc’ In Hungarian) dated April S. In Biidapi-at, that contains the following: (translation). 'I have not authorised BD.vhody and can autliorixe nobody to play The Devil, In Kngland or America, aa I know that the right of performance for my work with the exception of Hungary iM-Ioiigs solely to the firm of Franz Bard A Bnider, In Vienna, for all lungnuges. and I also know that this only aii- tlsirlxed Arm has sold the said work for England and America to Mr. Henry W. Savage.’

“d. Mr. Savage also has an autograph let¬ ter from I.iidwlg Valentin, dated at Budapest, •April H. liaiN, in wblrh he says: (Translation.) ‘1 have from the author of the play. The Devil, hy Frank Molnar. the performing dates only f«r Hungary and the Hungarian language while the p*-rformlng rights for all countries and lan¬ guages have been transfern'd to the firm of Franz Bard A Bruder. I have authorizeil no- liody and can authorize nobody to play The Devil, In England or America, as such p<-rforra- Ing rights iH’long exclusively to Franx Bard and Bnider.’

“7. On Man'h 14. IIIOR, two days after Mr. Savage had purchased all rights for the play. It was officially copyrighted In America by the firm of Brcltkoj)f A Ilaertel. agenta for Frans Bard A Brucler, and these copyrighta were also there¬ after sssignisl to Henry W. Savage,

“S. To further protect his Interests In the play. Mr. Savage had a copyright performance of The Ih'vll, given at the I’rince of Wale# Theatre, Blrmlnghsm, England, on April II. 1908, and during the week of July fl. 1908. at Parson’s Theatre, Hartford, Conn., he gave eight is-rformancea of the play, railing It The Cloven Foot.

“9. On Man-h Iff. two ilays after the play had l>een pnqs-rly oqiyrlghlrd In Washington, and after Mr. Savage bad purchased all rights in all languages. Alexander Konta. a Hungarian, entereil for copyright a play under the title of The Devil, describing It as a comedy In three

I as having witnesseil acts adapted from the Iliingarian of Molnar bought from the Vlen- attempting to stow away In his swag bag all had olitaliied the rights. Mr. Flske had already Ferenc. Mr. Konta did not seems- fr»m the sii- for the production of »h*‘ K0g<1 things with which you had loadeil your made an arrangement with .Molnar. thor or any one authorized to s|s-ak for the au- esse publishers a right for the production of »h*‘ K0g<1 things with which you had loadetl your made an arrangement with .Molnar. thor or anv one authorized to s|s-ak for the au-

that version In America. Mr. Savage tried the tsblea. What you would say might make far •' Fourth, that he will be able to show he has thor siiv rights to make any adaptation of thla piece out at Hartford under the name of The more Interesting reading had the man been able a moral right to make the production and that |,1hv. as shown hy the above facts IsM-ne out by Cloven Foot, later changing the title to The to escape with the goods. he has agreeil to pay .Molnar a substantial roy- affidavits.’’ Devil. A singular feature of the episode Is “I would not have you say that 1 even Inti- alty. Mr Flske, when seen, said: “We shall pro- that this will be the first plav from the Hun- mated that Mr. Flske is a ‘porch-cllmlier.’ I ’ 'Fifth, that Mr. Flske. through his agent ,i„oe Tli.- iM-vIl no matter what steps Mr 8ar-

Cloven Foot, later changing the title to The to escape with the goods. he has agreeil to pay .Molnar a substantial roy- ihhlavlta.”. Devil. A singular feature of the episode Is “I would not have you say that 1 even Inti- alty. Mr Flske, when seen, said: “We shall pro that this will be the first play from the Hun- mated that Mr. Flske is a ’porch-cllmlier.’ I " 'Fifth, that Mr. Flske. through his agent ,i„oe Tli.- iM-vIl no matter what steps Mr. 8ar garian ever produced In America. used the above illustration to show how a man In Enroiie, learned of the play and obtained niay Iske and we have made all our prept

'•r. Flake selected the following cast: might feel If he caught a porch-cllmher. a <-<q«y of the manuscript and had It prepared rations to o|m n on Tuesday night. No Injnnc The Devil.George Arllss "Mr. Flske, having always posed, both In his for an English presentation. tlons or other ois nlngs will cause us to rhang< Sandor Tartray.Hamilton Revelle newapap«-r and In hla ptihllc controversies, as s “ 'Sixth, that two months after his agn-*-- rsir plans In tin- slightest.’’ Lozzto Voross.Herbert Bmid stickler for honorable dealings, would surely not nient was made with the author, another Ameri Mr. Cook. David Belasco's n-presentallve Andre.J. Palmer Collins like to be placed In the position of the men c-in nisnager (of course, ineanlng myself) bought A Servant.C. P. Zell whom he has always seen lit to charge with tin- rlglils, or the sup|s>sed rights, for the pro- Jolan.Grace Elliston playing unfair. However, should tie persist In diictlon. Vllma.Emilv Stevens Ids'announcements, that he will produce Franx “'Seventh, that Flske, however, announced. Fanny.Mrs. George Arl ss Molnar's celebrated play. The Devil, the rights last night, he had bought the moral rights by The Devil is a singular bit of symbolism in to which have b<-en piirchaw-d by myself, I do agreeing to pay Molnar the same royalty the

the most modern and realistic garb. Mostly say that It will be one of the most brazen and playwright might have demamleil If protected cynical, witty, he is Just such a chap that scurrllona tricks any man connected with the the- hy an American copyright. might be a feature of a draw-ing room. He Is atrical profession has ever i»eri>etrated. It Is " ’Eighth, that last winter Mr. Flske s<-cnred

1 stickler for honorable dealings, would surely not nient was made with the author, another Ameri j like to be placed In the position of the men c-m nisnager (of course, inesnlng myself) bough whom he has always seen lit to charge with | the rights, or the supisised rights, for the pro playing unfair. However, should tie persist In I diietlon.

lent WHS made with the author, another Ami-ri- Mr, Cook. David Belasco’s r»*presentsllve. in nisnsger (of course, inesnlng myself) bought h.sIiI: “We have iiisde all our preparations anit II- rights, or the supisised rights, for the pro- shall not allow anything to Interfere with thi-m.

his announeenienta. that he will produce Franz “ '.Neventh. that Flske, however, announced. Molnar's celebrated play. The Devil, the rights last night, he had bought the moral rights by

“I"' .. ™ .1 "’•* ■t'" prepared to meet every emergency that '.Neventh that Hske. however, annwinced, m,y .rise, and will do so snceeasfnlly."


sibillty, he might be termed a genuine meddling I this offioe assurance that he would not con cynic.

Sandor. an artist, much beloved of women. siller the proposition to produce this play.

“If he ahould persist In his plans, as an

the usual compensation therefor.’ “The above quotations clearly " tietriy Mr,

la about to be led doollly Into marriage with I nounced, he surely forfi-lts every claim he may I They are unqualifiedly false, anil as an honor Flake’s pretense that he Is acting honorihly. I hlx stage dehiit with Sol. Smith Kussell. in A

Vllma, a young heiress, "rhe marriage has been I have on reputable prislnclng managers for sym side prodiieliig manager, he has not a sound I * hsries Ferdinand In A Uoyal f'"*™ arrangi-d by Jolan, a former sweetheart, now the I pathy or honorable consideration. We are told I I*'* I** stand on wife of a wealthy merchant there Is even honor among thieves.

Jolan has come to the artist’s studio to pose I more, then, have we the right to expect honor I Consul General In Austria hy Franx Bard The affidavits sworn to before the Amerlrtn I ** ^‘‘IH In Sweet and Twenty, and In T^

for her iiortralt and draws a confession from among men with whom we are doing hnslnessT tirother. Ludwig Valentin, the BiidsiM-st pro- '''*’"'’8 '**1"’' J*u>es In "nie LBII* Sandor that he would not marry If she still “Had Mr. Flske intimsted. when he was notl- i ducer, and by Franz Molnar. prove conclusively I.i ®*'i'""'ii ' Fitch wrote a spei-lal loved him. The artist leaves her to arrange fled of the exis-nse to which I had gone to se- her dress for the portrait. Suddenly ap|>ears cure all rights In all Isngnsges to this play. the stranger. Sandor, hearing Jolan'a cry, re- that he was dlsapiKiinted, chagrini-d or had any Ids foreign agents enters and recognizes the stranger as a man desire whatever to produce the play, we might “nid not niircha enters ann recognizes tne stramter as a man desire wnatever to prooiire tne piay we m giii ..p,^ purchase the rights last winter, nor who bad once befriended him at Monte Carlo. easily have come to a luisiness understanding. from Mr Molnar i

At once master of the situation, the Devil, But he did nothing of the sort. He now atlver- , ' by B.ophlstry and cynical induction. leads to the rises his play as an adaptation by one Alexan- " I®',',!*' ■'? "''“’8 •”* proof that, despite all their protestations. Jolan der Konta, whosi- version was not presented ■ ■B**f*l right to make the production, and Sandor really love each other, and that for copyright In the I'nltwl Btates until the "It’s apparent he has not legal right or Jolan'a wish to see the artist married la not original, which Is my property, had been ropy, standing or he would not hide behind what he genuine. An appeal to the pleasures of life, to righted, and after I had personally rontraeted elalms as 'moral rights' without defining what the call of youth, happiness and freedom Is with the author. he means hy 'moral rights.’

me luoBi niuaern anil resiisTic garb. Mostly say tnai it win ue one oi me i>raz>-u auu o.-uiniiM.-.i ■> i, „ ii n i, ,,, , .i, cynical, witty, he is Just such a chap that scurrilous tricks any man connected with the the- hy an American copyright. I»i»niil(l tinlllinpr will I>lny tnP leaa- mlght be a feature of a draw-ing room He Is atrical profession has ever |»eri>etrated. It la " ‘Eighth, that last winter Mr. Flske secured Ing boy In A MiHintsin Boy, the new American the evil side of man’s Inner consolonsness per- all the more Indefensible at this time for the what he terms the moral right for producing drama, hy I’anllne I’helps and Marlon Short, sonified, he never passes the line of mortal pos- reason that Mr. Flske had personally given the work In the I nlted Stales, agreeing to pay which Klaw A Erlanger will produce in Chicago

this fall. Master Gallalier has played ten parts In hla brief stage csrei-r of six years. He mads

Later he Joined Annie Ruaaell

After that he played sncoetslvely with

I'he Twin Slater. He played

,f’ - 1 J film In II,.f W’ay, and later gave him an-

“.Mr. Flske did not secure the play through •" T'"’. 'i"


, ,. 4, I - I I'ley'l roles In Salomy Jane and Nurse Marjorie. ‘ Did not purchsm- the rights last winter, nor I

at any time from Mr. .Molnar. j REHEARSING ROUND-UP.

“Mr. Fiske will not he able to show he has HehpnpwnlM nf The Itniinil ITn th3 a moral right to make the production. ,, Hoiinri-up, ina

4 . . 4 *''8 * Krianger play of the plains, which It s apparent he has not legal right or oiu-ns August .11 at the Aesdemy of Music, New

standing or h.- would not hide behind what he York, are being held In the New Amsterdam

he means hy ‘moral rights.' (C'-ontIniHMl on


JGUST 29, 1908. X ti e Billboard 7


Dl’JtlNO the jxvst two months til*' (trfHM liait <leTut)‘il • roliiiiinii of siiMc- to Ib4- roiniiiK attractlou*, and llic two that have n-eolved iiiore inib' lirlty than any of the otbera, A

|lt">>-ti Mol and The tilrl KehItuI the I'oiinter, ..I f<ir indellnite riiiia. The former 0|>ene<l *l lie- Wlilttiey OiM-ra llouiu* Satunlay evenlnR, ah' the Field allow o|H-ue<l at the (iarriek on erenliiK. Ilotli roIllIianleH were wel-

il liy ea|>aeity lioiiwa, whieb la a K'mnI pre (lli'lMii for the hal-mee of their atay In the rity. 4if tlo- holil over attrartlona. The Servant In the l|..M«e. at I'owera’ Thentre, aeetna to have the Kr'Kieat (IraMliiK power, ami the hamlaonie lit¬ tle ^how abop la rrowdetl every iiIkIiI. I'ahl In Full Knitetie Walter'a hl|{ American prtaluc- tl'iii la taiw nearlm; Ita om- hiitalrial ami flftletli |H>rfortiianee at the ttraml 0|a*ra lloiiae, ami It la aa laipular aa ever, t'aptalii Clay of Mlaaourl, the ni'W priMliictlon by Iiavid llliCKlua. at .Mc- Vlekera' Thi-atre, made a ten atrlke during ita nrat week'a run. and laith preaa ami piihllc have lirtix-d It liljthly. The Top o' th' World, at the Stmh’liaker Theatre, eontinuea to Im‘ a hlft favorite, ami it wiii continue until the Michi- aati avenue playboua<‘ o|a>na ita winter aeaaon. The ahow' that la a aiire cure for the hliies ami all aorta of ilia. The Talk of New York, la a blkKer drawing card at the Cadonlal thia year tlian It waa laat. A Stuhhorn CImlerella, at the rrlmeaa Theatre, la aa bl|t a winner aa It ever waa, and ita tniiaical nuinbem are aoinethlnfc that Chicago can he proml of, ami The Volunle«-r Oriianlat, at the (!n>at Northern Theatre la as pleaaltiK aa ever. The Brat of the at<M-k houa<>B to ojN'U waa the I'taiple'a, out on the West Side, aud la an oia-m-r thia week they playetl Walter Hackett'a play, called The Invader.


Slngwee, dauichter of Sun Ixa). .Madice Voe

Sun I/ee 1.00, a Chiiieae merchant. .I.awrence Coiner

SUaa I'UKaley, a retire,) merchant with |h>- lltleal amhitloua .(leorKe Kichanla

Mlaa I.ucretia Mnddleford, wife of Kly, with a,K-ial amhltiona..Mias Carrie 1‘erkint

J. Kly Muddlefonl, I>. Z., in search of biiita .Otto Hoffman

Jack Maaou, a newapa|M‘r reporter. .Charles II. Rowers

• Roc WhatT" .Otis Harlan lA>rd Huiihy, a fortune hunter. .David Amiraila

Marlon I'uttsley, Silas I’uftsley’a daughter, .Alice Y’orke

Mile. Marie DelVau, fn,m the Follies I>e- are, Faria.Gertrude DesRoche

OflSc-r Jeiiklna .Fred Hill Henry, a servant .Maxwell Sargent

A Broken Idol, a brami new miialcal comevly. In two acta and two scenes, was produceil at the Whitney Oia-ra Houw laat Saturday night and st-ored heavily. The piece Is produced by B. C. Whitney, and la the joint work of Hal Stevens, Harry Williams and Kgla^rt VanAlatyne. Mr. Stephens la rea|H>nsible for the btaik, which Is a det>arture from the usual musical show, in that it has couaiderable of a plot and then* is a consistent story. The dialogue Is brisk, snappy and full of life aud ginger, and the situations are farcical in their style. The l.vrlcs are by Harry Williams and the music is by Egbert Van .Mstym-, two young writers who have a loyt list of iKipular songs to their credit.

The plot has to do with a fortune hunting English lord, a socially ambitious mother, and a .Tuung American am) bis sweetheart. The mother la buumi her daughter shall marry the bogus lord, but the daughter objects. A plot Is hatcbnl to ruin the young Am,*rican. and a dla- motKl ne,*kla,*e Is stolen from the tlaughter and jdaced In the young lover's (locket. A little < bim'M- Girl, who sees the trick, takes the i^’klace out of the young man's |Ktcket and thus all comes out right In the end. There is another or subplot. In which three of the male characters are Implicated. Tlies.* three go out for a night of It and. while in an ex- bllarati-d comlition, they visit a Chinese res¬ taurant ami partake fr,'«‘ly of chop sue.v. Tberv* '* •“ slt'-rcatlon In the D'staurant ami one of IDe im-ii takes a heavy cane ami. aa he sop|ioses, and as his compsniotis think, kills a Chinaman, luring tlo* retnalml*-r ,,f th,* a,'tl,»,i th,*s«* three are In constant t,*rror ,>f tin* law. ami ar»* al¬ ways <'t|»s'iing to Im* arn*st,sl for tnimler. It nnally transi,|r,*w. at th,* chew* of the last set. that th,* lnrurlat,>d man had only caved In the head of a Chim*s,* hlid, ami Kfty ,lollars s,|na ,*s all ai'i .units.

Otis Harlan la s,s*n as ••|(,a* WhatT" a farclial s*'*'*'* ‘'"Olg some ,lf the lM*st

Work of his long and lllnstrions ,*are,*r. In this I't'‘'*''ms* on the stage Is ,>m* nil

on.keii laugh, from curtain to curtain Tlie Ko... '''•ff*'c'ly tlll,sl to .Mr. Harlau'a iwcullar

tittles ami he la making the moat of every oWHrtiinlty in the lines. .Miss Alice Yorke Is erTi <l,inna. ami she sings, sweetly, aev

ai Very giMsI songs, ami apis-ars to gissl advan \lsi l•ersecul,sl young daught,*r. Miss the's'I j’"*"* playing In U*L?'‘ "f l<‘''«w**.e. the Chln,>ae wife of "Iks* iT.s, '. X*"' '■'•'** '* ■ difficult om*. but la well nandl.,! | hns* |,layers In th,* cast <lo excellent (sen '1‘. character t.vpes. These an* ards "■'libs. Otto Hoffman ami Gvsirg Rich

to ; the I Her a out VI

ly a Who I,


* Rant Brat . Ang.

t:: last rest,I th,*r.

Ml S,V|, fe, •


'. D,*sRiH'he la seen to flue ailvantag,* as , ■flfess. anil aings aom,* a,>ngs well.

'** ami sh,* mak,*s th,* |mrt stami ■ ‘.v. The i*nn,*mbl,* nnmb,*rs an* ,*sp>s*lal

"11,1 lh,*y an* the work of tins itohiki*. has seventi‘«*n big musical tsnmsiy am*- Ilia rnsllt. There an* many aur|>rlaing 'un*a ami many unusual ,*l,*elrlral ef

•he stage envinmmeni Is unusually bril ** Ihc in,sl,*rn musical isiuieily. The

■ I" laid In the CbliH*a,> ipiarter of I ,*s luring the New Year ceb-nratlon, whb h

o* lalllmie for the lnl,*rmlngling of the "hd Occidental alyles of dn*as. The

iak,*B place In the grotimis of a palatial h,*ar Santa klonira, ami hen*, again,

nimh giMid taate dlsplayisl. * 111 limy baa siuinsl m> ex|H‘iis,* on the

—slHnn*, ami tin* isNiiiiiiiIng Is gor- » ,l,*gr,m. Tin* pbs*,* came Into favor .111,1 and there la little doubt but that

amdher A Knight for a Day The loj"’*'"" "'noothly ami without hindrance. Tlila waa dm* t,» the fact |,l,*re was put on the nmil for a w,*ek

of one night staisls before It waa brought Into Chicago. It hail Its first pnsluction In Spriug- fl*'l,l ilurlng th** riots, ami was later seeu at I'lsiria, where it iiiail,. a l>ig hit.


Maj<;.'ttic.—Ilia Fuller, the famous Bn* ilaucr, who*,* uaiin* Is known throughout two continents, was the hi-ailliner at the Majea- lic laat week. This is the first time .Miss Ful¬ ler has playe,) at the Maj,-atlc, for her appear- an,*es for the past six years have been confliied I rlcrlpally to the Kur»|man theatrea. The fJreat Xovelloa, with their performing e)e- phanta, ibdcs ami |K>iili*a, playeil a return en- gag,*m,*nt last week, owing to the success they in.iile a few we,*ks ago. Over a drnen people lake part In the act. Arcailla furniabeil one of the principal musical numimra of the program with her violin ami vocal aidoa. Harry Union ami Anita l.awrenre offered a neat musical plsylef ralleil An .\ufo Kloin-ment. The Four Franklins. ,lire<*t from the Berlin Wlntergarten. preaintcil their flying novelty, which was one of the sensiitlous of the Kuro|M*an vaudeville wiml,). Th,* How aril Brothers playeil on ban- Joa In all aorta of novel ways.

yising Sioux warrior for a sw,*et Kentucky girl, anil many thrilling ew,*apail,*a were pre- s,*nt,*,l aa the play progreaaisl. TTila week W. F. Mann's The Fighting i'arson la the attrac¬ tion. Thia play depicts a young nilnlater who is struggling to make better men ami w'om,*n of that class of humanity which Inhabits the slum districts of our great cities. In the t-ourae of Ills religioui, wimk be la often called upon to make gisal use of hia athletic abilitiea. and ih,*r,*by gains the title of "The Fighting I*sr- s,«i." The prmlucer has aiirrisimled John A. l'r,*aton. who baa b,*,*n engageil to create the title role, with excs*ll,*nt support, which In- clu,l,*a Mlaa Blanch,*ll as "Finkcy Fodiink." Mlaa I.atell has been one of the big hits of iuiial<*al comedy tor the |>sst season.

Bljisi—fine of the nusit (sipiilsr of outlying h>His«-a. the Bijou waa rw,>|M-n,sl for the season laat week with Shadowed by Three as the pro¬ gram. I.en I'arker'a melodrama was well stsged and pri-senteil by a atrong company heailcl b.v B**rtha Jiilfan. Gertrude Maitland and Myra Collins. I.lfe of an .\ctress prm'idea the amuse, nient for this wec*k. It Is a ilitficiilt matter to liresent to the public In an attractive and cred¬ itable wa.r the two allies of tbeatrleal life as


Thi*y are scoring a hit In their sketch, entitled The Sons of the Ghetto.

ttlympic.—The J<s„*ttl Troiu*,* isvupl,*,! the headline |M*aitl,>u <m the Gl.viiipic'a big bill of feature acta last w,*ek. TTi,*y are Kur,>|H>aD |w*rfiirm,rs n,*w on their first .Vmerican tour. .\niiaig iIh* half ib«en pi*<>pl,* in the act la a n:blgi-t acr.diat. I.,*w Stilly was on hainl with a tMinrh of new ,b>k,*s. pariali,*a ami atiwb'S. FanI Kb*lst, an ,*i*i'i*nlrlc musical clown, with a no»,*lfy mimb,*r. was another ,»f the entertain ers. The R,s*ne.v Sisters, ilancing girls, daugh¬ ters of the famous Fat ll,s>n,*y, gave an adilin) charm to the bill. Henry Clive, a novelty magi¬ cian and Imiw-rsonaliu*. |M*rform,*,l fcata of magic nml Illusion IVvIin and KIwinwI ap¬ peared In a comedy sketch calbM The Girl from Yonkers


Columbus.—Mc*a<low Hrook Farm, one of the niimt entertaining ilramaa of the .Vmerican stage, was ,*iiacl,*,l all of laat week at the Coluiiibua Theatre. Thia wei'k'a attrac¬ tion at tin* much patronlacl Cidiimbua la Aa Toll! In the Hllla. a play that la regardisl aa the atrongi-st mebslrama pnaliirval thia sea- aim. anil on,* that haa met with mti4*h aiu*i*4*ss from Ita Brat iM*rf,wman,*,*.

AlhainI.ra.—I.Incoln J. Carter'a lat,*st play. The Indlan'a Seer,*t. waa last we,*k's offering St the Alhambra Theatre. The alory of the In¬ dian I I hta home; a romantic i-iwirtahlp of a

th,*.v exist tt tin* pr,*s,* it time, but the way In whi,*h the whole atory is relati*,! t,*ii,ls to at- trai't the att,*ntlon and hol,l the tnten*st of ev- ,*ry hearer, from the bt-glnuing to the end. The play has tw>,*n enthusiastically re<*clv,si wher¬ ever pr<*senfe,l. and Is. uniloul>t,*,IIy. om* of the iiiivst pr, tentliHia ss well ss <m,* of the most succ-ssbtl proiliictlons of the y,*ar.


Kinplre.—Miss Nexv York. Jr., one of the lM*st hiirl,*s<pi,* attractions o-i th,* nwid. was the olT,*rlng at the Empire Theatre last week. Th,* ,*ompany pn-sent,*,! a musical traveaty of two acts, call,*,! The Navigatiuw. whl,*b treati-il of the a<tv,*ntiir,'a of a party of .Vmerl,*ans oo a tisir of the world.

Folly.—The Fay Foster Company mviipleil the Foll.v Theatre last w,*<*k. The principal featiin-s ,*onatat,*,l of a big minstrel flrst part, ami Kelly's Hotel.

Tro,*ad,*ro.—loiat wi',*k marke,! the clow,* of the long run of the Tris-adoro Stock Company. Their,*well hiirl,*s,pie was entitle,! On Boar,) Ship. Tills we,*k the offering Is Weber A Kush's Farlslan WhIows. who present a varle,) entertainment, full of laugh and song. The ,>l>ening event Is eallevl The Boanllng House, and In one of thiave rare but always enjoyable raplil Bn* comic skcti-bi's. Tills Is f,>H,>we«l b.v a «,*rles of advaiire,! vainlevllle. cooslstlng of

the Aiito Bi-e, Mary Ann Brown. Morgle Hil¬ ton. Bi*n Flerv-e, that funny little German; Cllffofil ami Bi*ntley. Catherine Howaril, Julia Sln,*lair anil Burns and McCone.


White City.—The Great Llberatl Band ami Grand Ojiera Compan.v was re-en- gag,*,! for last w,*,*k by the White City manage¬ ment. This musical organlintlmi ban been a ileclil,*,! siiicesa since Its ailvent. more than two w*<*eks ago. .A novelty la the "barn dance," the Ial,*st erase at the White City ball room. Every evening from eight to nine the flisir la cleareil for thia dance, and Inatrnctora are on hanil to teach. Tlic usual weekly change of lirogram takes place In the vainlevllle and bur- i,>s,|ii,* showa, olil malil conventhui and at the l’ho**nlx Theatre. S,*veral new featur,*8 have lH*en Introduce,! at The County Fair.

.Sana Soiiel —^The extenileil engagement of the Creatore organisation at Sana Soiirl Fark waa brought to a close laat week. ITila en¬ gagement haa proven an arflatlo feature. Many gisal acta are b,*ing offered at the vaudeville theatre. .Among the rides that are growing more pofoilar every day. The Tlirlller haa taken the leail.

Rlvervlew.—The miiaical featurea of Rlver- vlew thia aeaaon have been of excellent class and full of novel featurea. The Navaaaar Rami, an organixatlon romposevl entirely of women, was the can] last week. Miss Ixiulse Horne Is I he comet soloist with this baml. The M<mttor siiil the Merrlmac gave a siaivenlr last week — all anchor made from the Iron that clad the famous ronfderate Iron-clad ram. I-aat wt*ek. also, the park management opened their latest rilling ilevlee. The Whlrljiool.

Forest Fark.—Ellery's Band was the miialeal attraction at For,*st I'ark last week. This os the Brst time this band ever appeared at a ten cent admission. Twenty-flve cents has been the or¬ dinary charge to the Chicago public to hear El- l*ry. For the price of a park admission the [M*ople saw Ellery an,I his band. anil. In addi¬ tion participate,! In all the glare and glamour that go with a summer park's menu.


William Raymond Sill, one of the Governoi-s of the Friars, and a man who lias tH*en wltn Lew Fields ever since be was a boy. has .arrivcl In Chicago, to do the ailvance work fi>r The Girl Behlml the Counter.

Will Keisl Diinroy, who haa ls*en doing the pr,*ss work for The Wolf during Its Cbleago stay, will manage the Shubert Theatre In MH- wanke,* this coming season. It Is the policy of F. Bay Comsto<*k. uiiiler whose dlr,*ctlon the hmtse Is. to play big attractions there and hold the best s,*ats at $1. A large number of the big attractions owneil and l>ooki*,l by the Shu- lierts will be seen at this bolts,*.

Larry .Anhalt, who will do the press work for David Warfield this season, passcl through Chle.ago on his way to Denver this we,*k. Mr. WarfleM will open the season at Ellt,*h's Gar- ilen. In Denver, next week, and will come to the Garrick ,luring the holidays.

Pauline Boyle, who formerly had a stock at the Shuliert Theatre In Milwaukee, was In the city last week seeing the Chicago attractions.

■nu* leaillng part In The Broken Idol, at the Whltnev l>i>era House. Is played by Gertrude Ib-s Riihe. a W,*st Side girl. Miss Des Boehe is the thlril person engag,*d to play the part. Carrie Weber was the first engag,*,!. but she was taken 111 and will h<* unable to act for a few months. Miss Clara Belle JeriHne waa the next engageil, ami she gave way to Miss Dee Roche.

Jami-s Ibirkln. who was the star at the Col¬ lege Theatre last season, ami now owner of a stock company In one of the seashore resorts In Maine, will play with a sto<*k company In Milwaukee this season. Durkin Is not a strang¬ er In the Cream City, for he came from there to Chicago at the o|»>ning of the New Theatre Company.

Eilward B. Haas, the stock Idol of Chicago, will pla.v outside of Chicago this season for the flrst time In thr,*,* years. He has been engaged as leaillng man of the resilient company of a Fhll.iilelphla theatre.

.An extra girl haa been added to the chorus In The Top o' the Worbl at the Stmlebaker The¬ atre, and now In the dancing act one girl has a r,*st at every tenth performance.

Jack Newman, general director of the Gentry Briw.' Shows, was In Chicago last week. Ifsvk- Ing after the railroail lnt,*r,*sts of the <*ompany.

Zeke Harris has Iw-en **ngage,l by the Frln- eess .Ami*s,*nienf Company as business manager for the roail ei>ni|>anv of .A Stubtsirn Clmler- ella.

Eilwin Holt will come to the Majestic Thea¬ tre soon In a new playlet, b.v George -Ade, calleil ■The Malil anil the Manicure. This I" the playlet that Eng,-III* Jepson was pla.ving when he died.

Miss Frani*,*s K,*nn,*ily. wife of Thomas J. Johnsim. a well known Clileago lawyer, has re- tlreil from the cast of .A Brv*k,*n Iilol at the Whitney 0|s*ra Hous,*. ami her place Is fllli*,! b.v .Miss Carrie Perkins, an aotr,-ss of great promise.

To m,*et the reunlrements of the Are n*giila- fli>ns of the city of Chicago. G. Behr, manager of a flve-cent thentre In South Chicago, haa rut all entrance Into the pr,*mls,-s of Hisik ami Ijul- iler Station No. 14. A convenient place to get the hisik.

Hal Lane. th»* voting pr,"lii,*,*r. Is one of the hiisy men of the day; at the pn*sent time he la n-hearsing two burlea,|ne companies, one musical comedy and three vandevllle sketches.

i;<s>rge W. la*,leivr. manager of the Colonial Theatre, has been conflm*,! to hla be<l for the past three weeks, suffering from rheumatism. Late reports say that he Is Improving ami that he will be arouml town In a few days.

A Broken Idol was given a try-out at Sprlng- fl,*l,L HL. last Saturday, under military guard, this city being the scene of a race war. The play was well rec-lved under the circnmstancea, but the jiersons who played the various roles went through their parts shaking with fear, and they were glad when they left the dnat of the capital city b,*hlnd them.

iCiintlnuc) on page 43)

8 X li e Billboard AUGUST 29, 1908.

FOR I.OVK OF GOLD.— dliplay of dramatic talent, ami lnTOm|>etent p«- O curwd lust of Kolfl! When for thy sake I>le behind the screen, are InHultely worse than The f<K>l throws up bis Interest In both worlds. u _™ First BtarviMl In this, then damn’d In that to The talklnc picture has cauKht on, and there

P,,,,,,,_Jtlalr l« » big demand for It from all parts of the True, Indt'ed,. are the above lines; for what country, prixlucers arc ad^rertlslug dally for ^o-

will not mail do for gold. No deity is more de- ple and companies •J® being sent out as rest voully worshlpiH'd than Mammon. Men will as they can l^ put together, the one fre*t barter eternity’s crown, yield honor—all for love dllllculty Is evidently, the scarcity of gold. It Is often said there Is honor among |s‘oi>le, who are willing to work for ree small thieves, but not so, as we shall 8*‘e In this coiniK-nsatlon the talking picture man story. Two denizens of the under world are the lack of electric '•ree eTOugh re se<>n. In their squalid furnished room, planning si'atliig capacity, to alTord the permanent pre- a roblH'ry. Their intendml victim Is known to simtatlon of this new and popular picture fea- h<dd at all times In his safe at home a large I ture. sum of money and a wealth of Jewels. Gather- I As As an extra attraction the talking Idea has.

I lug together the tools of their nefarious calling, *<> f*r proveil Itself an b**"** __■■ -■ ■ J| they start off, arriving at the homw shortly tbe added eiii«'ns«| *• brohably a little t(» heavy

■ after the master had retlri'd for the night, for the small h'‘’Ji'‘bHb’un l>roprletoj-, ^ --Entrance is easily and noiselessly effectetl. A £^l** the case

Foiion-ine i. . II , V I . HI V. 1 11 • II. I, ii» ... ..... chlorofortii soakcil handkerchief soon puts the be beyond the reach of all excepting the larger hollowing is a list of late films, by leading | through life, always bearing in mind the master bi'vond the tmwer of Interfering ami the establishments. ...

lanufaetiirers. for early ndeas..; axiom, ”.S.-lf pr..servation Is the first law In safe Is bmken ^ The The smaller places may possibly form small I ** ^ ^ .... ... Arveste.anlnm (ifiliKlniT •UllIlP t\t t hp hmiM


HROTHEUS IN AUM.S.—In this little drama we see two young men who are life-long coin-

nature.” I.ength, 300 feet.

A WOMAN’S JEAIXirSY.—In this little dra

iTfe'is"b'n.kVm“7.prn.' '‘The‘sighV The smaller places may them almost makes them gasp. There, In this stock companies, utilizing strong box. is m-t only an emirmous sum of attaches where isisslble. 7}** money, but many valuable Jewels as well. •'"K**'’. prominent among which Is a handsome diamond double If they bapiiei^ s7m.

are admitted, and soon we see them in their *'•'*, father, amiears on the scene, qnip the argument for the time being to eat "bould In ^ ^'imto^fS new uniforms and apparently very happy In She brings sorrow Into the life of the gypsy iu„,.h. One. to make sure that he will be the Ihemwlves. ‘“‘bU way they berome a^st^M their new surruundiugs. The little fiancee 21“','*'“" " spell over the suscejitlble |K>ssi>s8or of the loot, drops poison In the coffee 1° •,{Jf?‘*i?ifh*^hin!*..*.KwV*thev *^wlll'naturellv comes to see them nearly every day, and they man, t^hlrh causes him to throw aside his of his chum, which ho drinks, and Is soon in the a«nMin» thi s*‘em to enjoy her visits, for she hriiiKS them heart and follow her. throes of convulsions, falling to the floor life- obtain ^J**‘^,^*“***; *• h*^d or giKMt things to eat from their old home. One . other stands by, sardonically w ll

>oks on horrlfliHl. '7 lover. >%uo m quite uut^iuseious luai among thieves?’*--! The next picture shows the party of three at P * footstejia are being dogged by his old sweet- I^ength, 548 feet, cafe, where they are enjoying some refresh- ^***®*’t' overfak<‘s the young heiress in a

bid or sickening nature, gbaatiy suiciaes aiM brutal murders are best left out, as they fom poor entertainment for women sod childreo, to whom the picture exhibitor es!>ectsUy eaten. ments One of the men lonv'pa thp tnhip fnr a remote part of the forest and approaches her, .... whom the picture exhibitor esj^iaiiy eaten,

few moments and seeing his coinnanlon klsslne her of hts love and devotion. They walk . HOUR.—Much has been printed Good comedy la always acceptable, and *■ the womiin’*’hSnd S7 h^ retur^rtrstrike. hU *« "bere the forest touches the sea. and, Pr«» on this subjwt. but never best booster any picture bill can obtain. old frlimd In a fit Sf Jealousy An Jumping Into a boat, set sail together, the gypsy has it ^en ^re vividly depicted than in this public wauta to faugh, ao give them all th# liens In at the moment and^iiiibraids the iiaVr *frummliig on bis guitar and pouring forth his Blograph production. long I^ee. a Mephlsto- good, clean comedy you can aecure. One of for their TOii uet Tn^ hastens awav to re™wt *ove In song. The poor gypsy girl watches them Phellan, Mffron skln^ varlet, has for some the funniest comic films I have seen was a them to Xlr suiS-?lor ofllwr who sui^^Tini “hore, anfi Is nearly driven to dlstrac- * ‘i'** female white i.ubln. and was one of Will H. Stevens* Ho- them and renrlmaids them 7or’ thX b^hiivlTr ""b wl‘h Jealousy. "'sye trofflc. In which sinister business he was m.novo subjects. The title was The Count of The two voung men hSw^er dwlde re'SJtUe finally, the couple land, and, to their amaze- by a stygian whelp by name Hendricks. No Account, and the story, which will be re- tlie affair'by ilgbtiug a duel ’The iialr ao to a meot- ibe girl rushes between them and de- writes Hendricks that he has need for membered by most moving picture people, wm remede part of the griiunds and h^vMt out “*"<>'> recoRnltlon. but la spumed by her old TObb* «**» out,.*® the funniest thing Imsglnable. The Count Do During the frecas the vijune lover^ Infuriated at such treatment, she makes them. Msltlng a rural district, he has Rosa and General IV Busted, two tramps, after

rever 18 severely j._i, .» Ka. k... no trouble, bv his allb. affable manner. In .nm. Kin.rk.hi. .ml ridleiilniia adventures, are

The victorious fellow Joins the other young denounces the murderess, w woman, and as they are going down the street P'*J<vfully dies In his arms the inJiiriMl man h*m‘s his old chum in the com- Ijcngth, 47o re<*t. pany of the deceitful heart-breaker, and calls to ▼ him from tbe window. As soon as he hears the LDBIN

neighborhood and brings to tbe scene several rioua party walls and other obstacles, they fall iioircemen and a couple of detectives, who have through a skylight, landing right Into tbs long been on tbe lookout for these caitiffs. The police station. In tbe midst of an army of Chinese get away with tbe carriage, however, astonished coppers, who are as much tnrprlaed and Hendricks, by subterfuge, throws the police aa their nnwTllIng vliltora. Among tbe nn-

idace*'”nd“rer rerw^lT'frlemls’a're'^ ehoiwii 'oW. "and 'it ‘ Is^’funny, “indeed? to see J "*** in doping his and may even furnish dlalogoe with their re- Lanoi'lv united friends are once more succeed. '’rink. He falls asleep and she secures the let- spectlve productions.

iJ-nelh 770 feet The fun starts on Sunday and ends on Satnr- *yr written by Pong, which discloses the hiding ’The moving picture butlneiis Is yet young, and • . day. Sad to relate, neither of the two rivals P>*ce of tbe Chinaman. This she Immediately It certainly presents more strange poaalbllltlea

re.,^ ...... .... ^ wins the fair lady, but. while thev are fighting telephones to the police, and while so doing, than even the moat experienced and far seeing IHK BM E BIRD.—In this beautifiil pic- a duel with buckets of water, a lucky third Hendricks awakes, and starts off to warn bis expert can Imagine. 1 will not attempt to m.rr. ...... ...... . I wins the fair lady, but. h THE BF.l E BIRD.—In this beautiriU pic-• a duel with buckets of '

ture we w-e Prlneess llorlne with her queen I walks off with the heiress .. . .,_ friends. lie arrives at the old deserted house prophesy, but I firmly believe that the near fn mother and sister Trinity In their apartment In • ahead of the police, hut escape Is Imimsslble, ture will bring out some startling develoomenta the castle. Trimly, who is very ugly, is the so the imliee rescue the girls, but fall to se- which will fend to lift the cinematographic In spoilt child of the faniil.v, while Florine, who THE WRONG VALISE.—A farmer puts a cure I’ong and Hendricks, who afterwards seize dustry to a conalderably higher plane. Is beautiful, si-eins to be In no great favor with duck In his satchel to take to a customer. Pn- the girl detective and taking her to the house. - — - - --- her mother, the Qiieeii. The King now enters, fortunately, Mr. Biisyman carries the same kind tie her to a jiost and arrange a large pistol SUSCEPTIBLE YOUTH. bearing a message from Prince Charming, stat- of ■ valise, and having Just five minutes to on the face of a clock In such a way that when _ Ing that he Inteinls paying them a visit. They catch the train, he nins to the depot as fast as the bands point to twelve the gun la fired and make great preim rat ions to entertain the young he can. A sneak thief steals the farmer’s the girl will receive tbe charge. Twenty min ’o'* fonoT picture we aee a ^ung man nobleman, anil when he arrives they receive him satchel and points to Mr. Biisyraan as the thief, ntes is allowed for them to get away, for the *“0 la poswssed with an over amount of admi- with great iMittip and ceremony. He is Intro- Now begins a lively chase, full of humorous In- hands are now Indicating 11:40. Certain death ration for the fair sei. and bla lack of dlacre- dooed to Florine and falls d<>s|)erately In love cldents. Mr. Rusyman misses his train and Is seems to be her fate, and would have been had tlon In forcing bla attentions on every woman with her at first sight, but the mother, who has caught hy the pursuing crowd. The thief Is not an accident disoh>sed her plight. Hen- that he meeta leads him Into many embarraaaing other designs for her royal guest, nreseuta olfo caught in the act of snatching a hand- drlcks. after leaving the place, la thrown by a positions, out of which he emerges, as a mle, Trouty, whom she ho|H>s will captivate the satchel from a lady. Both are brought before stn-et car and this serves to discover bis Iden- much the worse for wear at the bands of a young man: hut when the Prince si-es her ugly the magistrate, where the mistake Is cleared up. tity. so he Is raptureil and a wild ride Is strong brother or father. The first picture

, bat I firmly believe that tbe near fn


fare he turns away in disgust and leaves. An extremely funny film. The tjneen has Florine loi-ked up In the licngth, 326 feet,

tower so ns to Is- rid of her and her beguiling 4*

made to the bouse in which tbe poor girl Is shows him following a beanttful woman down Ineareerated. This Incident is shown In alter- tbe street, and Into an apartment where abo nate scenes. There Is the helpless girl, with goes to look at rooms. When the Janitor shown

ways; lint the girl's governess success In get- AMEBICAN MUTOSCOPE AND BIOOBAPH ticking Its way toward her di-structlon, the lady in tbe matlier it close at her heela ting the keys awa.v from the ktsqier and is COMPANY ”’** coad Is the carriage, tearing and tries In every way to attract her attention, assisting Florine to es<ai>e w hen they m.-et the . v ..r .• ■’ breakneck siiecl to the rescue, arriving His efforts are iinsueceasrul. however, aa aba Qm-en on the stairs and she forces the girl back '1^-' . ’1 -I’"*’ k'*’ h*‘f Mfely out of range of utterly Ignores him. But finally, ao perelatent Into her prison. " kV f J? '‘Ifol «» it (toes off. In eonelnslon. we ran doea he Wime. that she. In an effort to rid

In the ineantimo. I’rince ('harming, who has »ubje<*t ahoma the aMfnl pninilae thla to bo an oxciHHilnuly thrilling film, boraolf of hU proaonoo. throws him on the floor

Divine "l*ro"q ienc^'‘’ 'john .nd"’’^m ^^^^IklSl "/''I""' anrrUe. out? t^krei him In ^e ^m. Boon foot of the stairs. The mother, bent on having *’"*'“'* Irovldenei. John and Tom Wilkins I>.ngth. ‘1.32 feet. 1,1^ climbing out of the window and

crawling along tbe ledge to another apartment in which a woman la seated reading. Bhe la horrified when confronted hy the stranger, and

tions tor the wedding. Just as thev are atvi'iit to "" esseniiai in yonin. nis rainer neiug »_ ayDNET WIBE ! L* "‘“‘'""’''■'’''k •'Jm for his ■"’••'’’y be married he dlseiivers the dee.-otlon sn.l de h'* mother blind, he drifted info had WIBE. her husband enters and mistaking the intruder nounees the woman, and refn« r to aewi.t her ‘mmpany, the contaminating Inflnenee dei-ply - Jot «ne of hla wife’s admlrera. proc«-ds to glre as his wife. The King, to protect him In his k^Potlng his susceptible nature. Itesplte the Since the advent of the new (behind the Innocent woman a lieatlug, a^ then fol-

In the meantime. 1‘rince ('harming, who baa "I'I*eal. and this subject shows the awDit |,n>iiilse this to be an exe<*edlngly thrilling film, herself of hts presence, throws him on

Divine "pro^d lenc^'*’ 'john .nd*"’’^m ^^^^IklSl "/''I""' annUes out? t^krei him In ^e ^ foot of the stairs. The mother, bent on having “‘‘''m* irovidenei. John and I'oin Wilkins I>>ngth. ‘1.32 feet. -- nim cllnihlna out of the wli her way, throws a veil over Tronty’s head and brothers, and most divergent In natures. _ we iw him climbing out or the wii the haiq.y Prince, thinking the veil.-d lady Is the « '’>»''’kyt|ian. and a noble, upright fel Ifiwr DirTIIQCe ADC it beautiful Florine, genllv leads her awav to the Tom is a scapegrace, wild, reckless fairy Queen and King, who make great'prepara- unsempnlons. Not having the parental tions for the wedding. Just as thev are about to (t'lhtanre so essential In yonth. his father b.*lng be married he discovers the deeeiitlon and de- mother blind, he drifted Info had nounees the woman, and refns<-s to aeeept her ‘mmpany, the contaminating Influence dciqily as his wife. The King, to protect liim In his »<T<'»’tlng his susceptible nature. Iteaplte the

a... a.i *_A- - s. . . . oarnoMt nf hla hwnthor Jrahn Ka aank



designs, turns him into a bine bird and he files pioadings of his h-other John, he sank sereim) talking pictures, many film exehangea <lo«n atalre. kirking him at awav, [lavIng a visit to norlne In the tower lower in the morass of transgression, spending have taken hold of the idea, and are putting '"T •’T

The so'idiers rhaM> the bird and capture It *’*" drinking and out companies of Invisible artors. A versatile Undannted by thla harsh treatment, the young and take it back to the falrv King who changes Ail this John has succeeded in keep- writer is employed to frame up the dialogue and masher climbs up on a tram car and seats hlm- It into Prince Charming again The voniig man '"k from hla dear mother, whose blindness is rehearse tbe actors and tbe little aggregation Is ■'“’f belww-n two women. He forces his atten- IB then snpplieil with an army whle'h he leads "’most a blessing, for a mother would rather then ready for the road. In writing the llnea, tions on one of the ladles, and at last becomM In an attack on the castle, and. rescuing Florine ’“y'** sightless than to view the India- the author must be aasisted by a rapid atenog "o obnoxloiia that her escort throws him down carries her away to fairvlaiid. ' ‘'t’ctlnns of her lovi-d ones. So she possessed r^ber, and the film must neceaaarlly be run Into the streid and Juin|is down blmsi'lf to hava

The last iilctiire shows the grand reei'ptlon blissful Impression that her boys were both off at leaat a couple of timea before any at It out with him. The fellow overtakes a rah In and the marriage of the happv Prine*' and llor- P"'’"(t'm« of righteousness. God’s merry la un- tempt can be made at the improviaatlon of which a young lady la riding, and to escapa Ine, while they kneid and receive the father’s faiHug -yon will admit this Divine Charlt.v. In aiiitahle words, which will pro|>er(y express the hla enraged pnraner, he Jnmiis in atsl explains

an iK-easlon presents Ifself to practice some of with the honorable ohligatlon It merltisl. But. Talking pletnre artors are not as easily oh tu * nnrsi'mald comes along with oh. how mistaken she was, and only after ] talnml aa If would seem, as now. with the ' ” . . .. .. ... . . „„ „ ...... E DRAM-A-TONE CO. STARTS

* J*' arms and sits beside him, and iirayers anil tearful eiitreaties dims he agri-i- to regular season about to uiien, few aetora of any OPERATIONS. " 1 some work, he volunteers to marry her. and then onl.v upon eoiidllion that merit are to be fonuil at lltM*rty, and those who _

‘’"‘If '“'‘‘r II l"Y’ '’'“P*’ To this she eons..nls most relnetsntly, are‘S8e<l of any real talent are unlikely to The Draiiiatnne To of Toledo Ohio itata that however’ for It sets up such a squeal fliat he for which act she Is disowned by her parents, aeciqit the small salary that Is being offered, they hU.^rJc?U?.d a Smtlher of ?h..?I« th^^^ Is glad to return It to the maid and hasten The villainy that Is wrapped m. In the black The talking picture prodtirer is up against i ad fn^Th • lini?K and thit^hev hVv#

""h « ‘i.‘’''k ^ h”'"’* Tom. Truly, a marriage ceremony Is rather dlfflcult iiuestlon. He la utterly unable sele^twl many^ llk. lv ' who s having 8.jine difflru ty buttoning her shoe, rn-rformed, but It Is by a rowdy friend of to offer large salaries for hla ptrlleular line of Plcrere eompa^ih's!? J O It^le^^^ and lie very gallantly volunteers to assist her. Tom’s. dIsgulsiHl as a clergyman- In fact, a work, owing to the extremely low price he Is {hVt he has already aeven niimian/^ on ^t she. in snnderotancllng h s desire to be kind, mo. k marriage. For a time Gladys lived In obtaining for the rental of his films and eaata and i"ve?.l olherrir? .7r.f.‘.T. rohe.rsln. conshlers hla oondnet Imiiertinent when he ralims Ignorance of the truth, hot It at last com.s of jday.'rs. He can not send less than three M^nV evM.n. nt siil.wi. i.Vve her ruffles a trifle high, and she gives him a out when Tom d. serts her. Bark to her home pe<qde with each auhjeet. and the manager eV .. T.

The Draiiiatnne Co., of Toledo. Ohio, state that

ty young woman h.-art of Tom. Truly, a inarrlag.' ceremony Is rather dlfflcult .luestlon. He la utterly unable selecte<r many I'lkelv mmde’rer* their talking intoning her shoe, rn-rformed, but It Is by a row.Iy friend of to offer Urge salaries for hla parlleula? line of fflerere eomp.7,h. MaMil r ^ .rs to assist h.-r. 'Tom’s, dlsgulscsl as a clergyman- In fact, a work, owing to the exfrem.dy low price he I. that L hi? , re* rlimnanlea on llr'ril— Jf' 'i'.'J': "'"'•'■'"ke For a time Gladys lived In obtaining for the rental of hla _fllnia and eaata roa.i. and several olhera are already rohearallig

with parh aulijf*rt, and th#* inanaK^r ex I gg fjint rfiad, and afi*v«»ral othora are aln^aily rehMralnf. Many oindh'nt aiibj«*r(a hav»* b«H*n ap|<H*ted, and

and ho. thinking that It la a man in dlHfroaR. Tom’a h«*art la at last aoftoiKNl. Ho takoa | in tlio troniondoua aoopo utllixod by pirtnro pro dlvoa in and dra^a the thintt to ahoro, much to Oladya and fh«dr child to hla hfia^nn. while they j duc<ra of to-day, one plcttiro ahowtnfc a acoue


the amus.>ment of the spectators. ri-cel'ye the iMTnstle When he realizes that the Joke is on him he jy brother.

b<-.-..meB hardemsl and vows to go his way ’ Imngth. 770 feet

ri-celve the iMTnstletlon bestowed hy their priest laid In Bonnie BentUnd, while another takes Mr. A. Delmarr has assumed management of ly brother. us to tbe Siinnv South. In almost every pie- the Manhattan Film Fomsany. Twenty thin

Ij-ngth. 770 feet. ture there la shown some opportunity for tbe street New York ('lly

UGUST 29, 1908. 9 X ti e Billboard


pxmTiiDFDt l« an exporlment only—chaiKrr mt nimk^ If ■ ” rlrtu.- of a fad la m, to the crwllt of an ^xperlnient than It la to be honor of the fancy, yet. when exMil- m. t« become fada, aucceaa mu»t aurely follow.

>■ “Actalogue" It an experiment that haa be ne a fad, yet a worthy fhd. and one that tb‘ public appreclatea aa a raluable adjunct to nn roua hitherto, either mlaunderatood or not BO riitood. aubjecta that are beautiful and la¬ te' <'lng, yet not comprehended, aturlea.

..tih the appearance of the “Actolofue.” new In* eat la lent to the auhjecta and the effect In loto’’ la to preaent a drama in tabloid form —a drama preaented by capable actora, with eri T detail worked out, erery effect added, af "''played In a creditable manner throughont.

1 lie ten comiianlea already out are meeting xriiii aplendid aucceaa among the beat audicneea.

prominent film company MOVES TO NEW QUAR¬


llie Electrograph Company, one of the beat- known film concerna In New York, haa mored to lt» new quartern at 8 Eaat 14th atreet.

Church and club work will be taken apeclal can- of. _


The motion picture business at Buf filo N. Y.. la having a very proaperoaa bnal- iH-i The houaea. about twenty In all, are, most of them. In remodeled atorea and acattered thnwighout the city. The Bljon Dream and Golden Palace, the leading hoaaea on Main atni'l. hare a large amount of capital Invested. The f.irmer. one of the Harry Davla Circuit, It a lieantlful place of amuaement. and baa a bit! run of patronage under Chaa. E. Dempsey’s can-fill management. The Palace, a Buffalo In- atltnllon. which was formerly the Oolden Dollar la a very pretty resort, and la drawing In the dollars. Only one or two have fallen by Ih-- wayside, and the business Is a good feeder to the regular theatres.

The 20th Century Optlscope Com panv. with headquarters In Chicago, and the branch ofllre at Kansas City, la one of the bual'st ofBces In the latter town. 'They are keeping up to high standard In their films tod are endeavoring to please their customers In everv way. Mr. C. J. Scherer la the local manager, and la proving very popular and capable. The Film Association met In Kan aaa Clfv, August Id. It la understood, on re¬ liable authority, that the Bljon Company, of Chicago, la contemplating a location In Kansas- City and haa already secured ground for two new ten cent theatres.

Thomaa A. Brown, owner of the Mckeldom at Iowa City. Iowa, “flies high, even though be Is lying In a hospital, having undergone an operation for appendicitis. The paradox la explained by the fact that he Is floating a "Brown's Nlckeldom” sign hundreds of feet In the air. It Is a great banner, at¬ tached to an aeroplane, the first flying machine of Its kind ever exhibited In Iowa City.

The LyHc Theatre. St. L/ouia, III . baa. under the efllclent management of Jos. Erber. been a great aucci-ss. Mr. Krber has Jnat enlarged the house and Installed six hun¬ dred opera chairs, making the seating capacity over l.ouo. The theatre la parked both after- anon and evening, due to the high-class attrac¬ tions presented and the courtesy shown bla patrons by Manager Erber.

The Dreamland Theatre, a movinR picture show at Perry. Okla.. was destroyed by Are on August 8. 'The audience which was la the theatre at the time the blaxe was dlacor- ere,1 reached the streets In safety. Bnah Bow¬ man Vaa the owner of the theatre, snd Fred Vinvatta. manager. They will not rebnild.

The Victor Theatre, Kensinsrton av¬ enue tx-lnw I>>hlgh avenue, Philadelphia, having ownership, have secured the services of I'r Krwin R. Sonneborn. the college boy cnno-.IIsn. as manager, who will use hla knowl- e,lg. which Is broad. In the amnaement Held.

O. \V. Morey, of Valentine. Neb., has c.snmenced work on the erection of bla new movliu: picture theatre, and the structure will'v be completed within a few weeks. Only the best moving pictures and lllnatrate<1 songs will be given.

tl.'.rsre Colston, only son of Herbert Wales, of the Klelne Optiral Co.'s Mou- Iresl branch, and formerly treasurer of Ben¬ nett’s Theatre, that city, died suddenly, Au- g'l't aged eight months.

The Arcade Amusement Co., of flpokine. Wash., have leased a hnllding In Spo¬ kane which they will remodel Into a penny ar¬ cade nnd moving plclnre theatre.



H Miickenfusa haa been appointed bonking hjan.' r and will do all honking for the Inter- "fate ’irciilt. Me aneceeda E. E. Carntfhera. rnmie- , general manager, who haa severed hla Jlpnn. Inna wUh the Interstate Amnaement ’'’nil- ,r The nffleea of Mr. Mnrkenfuas will 0* b -led on the second floor of the Majestic The.s Hiilldlng.


With the close of the summer stock aeaaon, last week, at both the Broadway and Blltch’s, there was a general exotliia of playera. Near¬ ly all the members of the Stock Company at Elitch’a went to New York. May Bnckley will return to The Right of Way Company, which opens In the Eaat next week. Sheldon Lewis will Join the Faveraham Company. George Soule Spencer, after a trip among Colorado reaorts, goes to New York and Joint James Neil and Edytb Chapman In a tour of Sooth America and other pointi. Marian Abott will Join a lead¬ ing stock company In New York. Elliott took bis old place In The .Mualc Master Company with David Warfield, which opened at Elltch’s, August 17. Henry WootlrulT will probably play Uriaudo, to the Rosalind of Henrietta Cruaman.

Of the Broadway Company, Catherine Countlsa will probably make her home in Denver. Robert Warwick goes to San Franciaco to become lead¬ ing man of the new Valencia Theatre Company. .Mr. Churchill rejoins Mr. Faveraham; Miss Lackaye goea with H. B. Htrrla, and Mias Hen¬ derson, with John Drew. Mr. Meek goea with the Castle Square Company In Boston. Mlaa Tower creates the lead In The Traitor. Mr. Storm Joins Norman Hackett in Classmates, and Mr. Emery la already rehearsing for Fifty Miles From Broadway.

The urpbeum continues to draw the crowds, and several days last week were compelled to bang out the S. R. U. cards. .M. Marcel, with bis eighteen niodela. loads of scenery and superb light effects, was the headliner for two weeks, and this week's bill, which la composed of the following, are making a decided bit; Patty Frank Troupe, W. S. Harvey and Company, Leo Carlllo, The Uperator, Beaoab and Miller, Noblette and Marshall, and Majestic Trio.

The Broadway’s regular season opens, thia week, with Margaret Illlngton and Bruce Mc- rae In The Thief, and are playing to large bouses at every performance.

Klltch's Gardens, with David Warfield in The .Music Master, the first week, and A Grand Army .Man. the second week, played to record- breaking erowda. The seats were placed on sale Tbnnday. and, without a single break, there was a continuous Hue of buyers for three whole days, prior to the opening night of The Music Master. The same thing was almost duplicated when tickets for A Grand Army Man were placed on sale.

At Lakeside, an entirely new riding device the “0-8 Velvet Coatter,” was Intit^uced to the amuaement loving public, last week, and la proving a big success. The distinct feature of the Sunday evening free entertainment offerings was the searchlight balloon ascension by Wayne Abbott, the man who has been thrilling White City visitors for the past few weeks with hla spectacular aerial slide. The Flight Aflame, 'nis resort la proving more and more popolar, aa the season progresses.

The Majestic is putting on a higher claaa of shows than last aeaaon. and the result U ma¬ terially noticed in the box office receipts. The headliner of last week was The Cowman, which was a winner at every performance.

Manhattan Beach continues to draw the crowds, and Its ufferiug. The Beggar Student, by the Stewart Opera Company, was very well tiatroalxed all week.



When Ernest R. Ball went up In the mouu tains for a short vacation, recently, he took with him a phonograph and one record pL song hit. As Ixmg as the World Rolls On. In or¬ der to do some work on the song, which be wanted to bear played over mecbanclally with¬ out the trouble of going to the piano.

When be struck the summer boarding honse about ten miles the other side of civilization, be found a bunch of city girls who were trying to while away the time and were having a lot of trouble to Bod amuxement.

There were no musical tnatniments In the bouse or in the neighbor'jood, ao the moment Mr. Ball started the single record, which he had brought along, to going, they flocked around, begging him to give them a concert, and from that time on this record waa the hardest worked one the phonograph people ever manufactured. If they wanted a waits, the record was brought Into requlaltion; If they wanted a song, the record was again used. The landlady Installed it In the dining-room at meal times In lieu af a dinner orchestra; a young married woman nsed It to Bing the baby to sleep; and finally the last used, which ruffled Mr. Ball's otherwise even dlsposltiou, was when a visiting clergyman wrote a hymn to it and wanted to use It in the Impromptu religious aervlces which they had in the bouse on Sunday. Here Mr. Ball renege'l and taking his phonograph under bis arm, bled himself back to New York City.




Iirl- FIl. SIX'I ten-

i\ oerf 't'e, tnl- ■ hi,


Rill In hla wonderful feats with the ""Stained his title of champion roper, irling with gnna and knives, while hal- -n the hic.vcie. shows anrpriaing dex- I.nqiilrer. Clnelnnatl. O.. Anguaf 10.

Cn-awell. the Cowhov CycMat. whose nnee with the lariat both on. and off the declares him a champion roper. Juggling

*"d runs on the wheel discloses remark- vierliy. He seems to endow the lariat

-vf *’.****' *"""*•> Intelligence, that makes ole for him to do anything with them he ^Uommerrlal Tribune, Cincinnati, O..

The Alvin has for its attraction, this week. Under Southern Skies, a very tntereatiag play, prettily staged, and with a company of young and talented artists, la being greeted with hearty applause at each performance. The play la not new here, yet baa Its drawing power, and la playing to elegant business. The pretty Halloween party and the singing of the negroes, of the plantation, were features of Interest. The role of the old colored mammy. Annt Dos- bey, as portrayed by Miss Annie Mortimer, waa the particular hit.

The Gplum Smugglers la the Bijou offering, and Harry Fields, the Hebrew cometllan, la the hero-ln-cblef. Fields baa. possibly, the largest following of any comedian playing the RIjoti. and hla appearance. In company with the 0|dum Smugglers, la one of the principal draw¬ ing cards. However, the play, aa a whole, baa Its volume of thrillers, and la satisfying.

Miner’s Rurle«i)ueni. bright, new and attrac¬ tive. new features, scenery and faces, are meet¬ ing with goo«l hualneaa at the Academ.v. The vaudeville end of the show la of particnlar merit.

Each week finds Luna Park provided with i new thriller. This week It la Dare Devil Dash and comment on hla act la nnneceasary. We have had Dash with ua before, and know hla act la one of the most daring, an well as thrilling, now tonring the parka. Other new features, this w«-ck. are The Bnino-Karmer Troupe Kuaahimiro Imperial Acrobats, and Rnaatl'a Naval Reserve Band.

Patronage cnntlnu<>a liberal at Kennywood. Southern. Dream City and Weatvlew. and all re- |M>rt satisfactory season ao far. It la to he re¬ gretted that Coney Island la at preaent. down and out. yet the prospects are good that this popular resort will come back again, stronger than ever. The purchase of this property by Capt. Klein, places the same In the bands of a hustler, a man wrho la In a position to tndnee capital to Invest In hla enterprise. It la ru mored that he will be ably assisted, and that Coney Island will prosper aa nevrr before.

The coming week will And every theatre again under way. with the exception of the Grand, which do^ not open until August 31. The Nixon o|>ena next week with Geo. Evans' Min atrels. The Diiqneane. with a new play. By Order of the Court; The Blaney. with The Lily and the Prince; the Gayety, with Irwin’a Ma Jeatica. The Exposition opens, September 2 s 1th Theodiuv" Thomas' Orchestra.



The Time. The Place and The Girl will open the Midland Theatre. August 28.

RInglIng Broth»-ra’ Clrciia cornea September 2. The .Vtth Regiment Band of Ft. Doilge. la

will he the official hand at the Iowa State Fair this year.

Verne Rule will aucct"e<l W. P. Dernner. aa manager of the Midland Theatre.

The new Magic Theatre la about completed and will o|a-n 8«‘pfemher 1.1. with a grand con cert by the Mllh Regiment Rand. ThIa theatre will he under the management of T. S. Hoinn and will he devoted to moving pictnrea and vaudeville.


The principal offering to the catalogue of M. Witmark A Sons, thia week, is a beautiful instrumental piece by Theodore Bendiz. This Is a part of the aeries of twenty pieces, known as The King’s Ball Maa<iue Suite. The work of this popular composer la too well known to need any expenditure of praise in this article, and the new piece, A Hungarian Kumance, la one of the beat Mr. Bendix baa ever written.

Two novelty songs complete the list of new music offered and both of them are winners in their way. Affinity Jones or Variety’s the Spice of Life, by Bert Fltxgibbons, author of a number of successful songs, is the first which is being sung to great applause by Stella May hew in the leading TaudevlUe bouses in the country.

Tlie other one. which George Walker, of Wil¬ liams and Walker, la featuring. Is by Harry S. Creamer and Ford T. Dabney. It la called. Yon Can la'irn the Hootchie Kootcble for A I>ol- lar and 'Thirty Cents.

A Hungarian Komanee, by Theodore Bendix. You Can I.a-arn the Hootchie Kootchie for a Itollar and Thirty Cents, by Henry 8. Creamer and Ford T. Dabney: Affinity Jones or Variety’s the Spice of Life, by Bert Fitxglbbona.


tieorge Spink, the well-known song writer and author of the Bill Simmons and later on. Golden Poppies, Rock, Kock, Kock, I Used to Believe In Fairies. Voodoo Man. and Fairies, haa Just completed a aerlea of novelty musical vaudeville acts, which will be produced during the coming aeaaon by Jesae L. Laaky, the well- known vandevUle producer.

The flrat one la a musical production called \t the Century Club, which will open In Utica. August 31. with Mr. Spink playing a ggrt. The

ond one is a musical fantasy calletl Flower- land, and immediately following this during the winter months the n-raalning acta. The Old Mill and Voodoo Man, will be offered for a metropolitan verdict.

There are seven musical numbers by Mr. Spink; In the flrat act. At the Century Club, their titles being. A Sympathetic Girl. Hats. Fair Dreamland. At the Waldorf. Rock, Rock. Rock: Things the Show Folka IK), and Jasper Jameaoo.


L rehearsal on the beach at Atlantic City will be presented by Xe«l Wayhurn prior to the o|>eDlng of Gua Edwards' musleal play. School Days at the Savoy Theatrw, Tut-aday, August 2S.

This three-act musical comoly la an elahora- tloQ of the vaudeville act. ^'bool Boys and tlirla, which haa be<'n a headliner fur years by many novelties with an abuodauce of catchy mualc. the beat work ever done by Gua Edwanls, have been added to the musical play.

The book la by Aaron Hoffman: lyrics by Vln- rv-nt Bryan an<I Ed. Ganicnier and the seventy kids comprising the principals and chorus, have Ihs-u rebt-arstal by Netl Wayburn. who la staging the entire pro<lurtlon for Gua Edwards.

Kid daya Is the general theme of the piece and a school-yard and a class room scene af- f.-rd Innumerable opiH>rtunlttea for fun and comedy, while a lawn party In the third act, provides an excuse for the Intnaluctlun of a iiumlM-r of apeeialtlea by clever youngatera.


Company are featuring When The Moon Plays Peek-a-Boo. and Josephine Gassnian, the vau¬ deville queen, reports that When the Moon Playa Peek-a-Boo. and Somebody Lied, are bringing her a number of encores.

Since the invasion of A Kulgbt For A Day, in the East, Chaa. K. Harris has had big demand for the tong bits of this clever little musical comedy. The ones that the Easterners are tak¬ ing to and which have a big sale an- The Ut- tle Girl In Blue, Two Little Kittens, The Girl of the Great Divide. Whistle When You Walk Out, I'm A Lawyer. Life is See-Saw, Yon Never Told Me That Before We Marrietl, What Fools We Mortals Be, and Situation. A number of new aelectioDS will be issued by Harris abont the middle of September. Including the song hits from A Girl at the Helm, Chicago’s lateat musical success.

Let’s Play House, by Lee and Bestor, la the latest piece produced by the Thompson Music Co., and is considered by them to be one of the biggest suoceses they have bandied In years. Will Yon Always Call Me Honey? la an¬ other aeleetton which baa a very promising future. Baseball, the song which is now being sung in all parts of the country, has been add¬ ed to two more productions which are rehears¬ ing In Chicago. One being The Flower of the Ranch In which the chorus costumed In baa«‘ball uniforms, will sing It. The quartet in Shadowed By Three, are also using this popular ballad as a feature.

♦ One of the most successful tlngera of bal¬

lads, a man who la making a national reputa¬ tion, is J. W. Meyers, whose wonderful voice has probably been beard by more people than any other similar ainger In this conntry. Mr. Meyers’ work la doubly attractive aa all hla singing la Illustrated, ao that the audience get a double treat of a splendid voice and beantiful realistic pictures. At present be la featuring Ernest R. Ball’s new ballad. You’ve Always Keen the Same Old Pal.


The Lyric Comedy Four, with From Sing Sing to I.lberty Company, playing Miner’s "raeatre this we*-k. are featuring Barron A Thompson’s latest song success. I’m A Y’Iddlah Cowboy I’Tongb Ony la-vll; Billy Dear, and From Yonr IK-ar Heart To Mine. Ted S. Barron’s big bigh-claaa ballad. From Y'istr Dear Heart To Mine la being featured by Mlaa Florence Bindley this season In her new show. In the Nick of Time.

Harry Aurcher, antbor of the Taft March, haa returueil from a two months’ vacation In the Mackinac Islands and will resume hia position in the professional department of the 'Thompson Music Co. While on his vacation he wrote the libr»-tto for Stanley Wood and Otia Colbum’a latest play. In Panama.

Siinbonnet Sue, the world’s champion kid song, published by the Gua Edwards Mualc Publishing Co., has struck the gait of a big winner. It haa already reached every vaudeville circuit and will be a feature number with many of the leading burIes<|oe productions.


Kawaon and Claire, who always make g<M>d, have aeleetetl (iiia Ed'S'arda' Y’oti’re Just the Boy for Me. A Little Bit’s a Whole Lot Bet¬ ter Than Nothing at All. and Sunbonnet Suei for the coming season with The Bon Ton Bur- lesquera.

•I* The Victor Kremer Co.. Chicago’s hnstling

mnalc hoiis*-, report a heavy aale on their three big song hits. Morning Cy. Tattle Tales and The Moon Won’t Tell On Y’ou. Next month they will Issue a half a doxen new selections which they guarantee will receive the encores.

A Little Bit's A Whole Lot Better Than Nothing At All, Gus Edwards’ new comic, la lieing featured by Fred Watson. Catharine Baird. AI. Jolson. Rawson and Claire, and oth¬ ers. This Is a big comic song.

"I" Y'ou’re Just the Boy For Me. It an excellent

number to slug to the audience. 'nia Is an¬ other of tJus Edwards’ hits that-can now be heard throughout the country In vandcrllle and burlesque.

‘I’ DcHaven and Sidney, original proteges of Oua

Edwarda, are making good In vaudeville and are now featuring his Sweet Ivy Green, a promising new song.


Wilbur Meld, the Post Can! Boy with the Casino Girls, is singing Sunbonnet Sue and A Little Bit’s A Whole I/>t Itetter Than Nothing At All.

•I" Loris Searsdale has signed with Gus Ed-

wanls for the sketch. Little Romeo. In which .kdolpb Zink, the clever midget, will be fea¬ tured.

The Boo-gle-oo gle Man. the lateat song hit, which the Rossiter Co. la publishing, was writ ten by Harry L. Newton, a Chicago man. who haa a number of successful hits to hla credit. This one In particular seems to be bis master piece, and It will he beard in all the first- class musical attractions during the coming sea SOD. Two companies that have been rehearsing In Chicago. Tlie Flower of the Ranch, and The Empire Rurlea<iuera, will use the above men tlonod song with special properties. The Hip hip Hooray Company are featuring the fol¬ lowing Rosalter hits; When I Go Marching With Georgia, and Sarah, Won’t You Let Me Seranade Y'on. The Wine, Woman and Song

Gut Edwards announces that Johnnie Hoey, featured’ In The Roy IK-tectlve. la putting on Sunbonnet Sue and You're Just the Boy for Me.


The Avon Comedy Fotir have entered society and made a bit at Newport last week, where they featured Gua Edwards’ Sunbonnet Sue.

Gus Edwards’ latest offering In vaudevlll* la Orletta and Taylor In a clever burlesque opera sketch. Past, Present and Future.

* Hans Roberta, featured three seasons la ths

leading role In Checkers, la alngtng Everybody Ix)vea Me But The One I Love.


10 X ti e Billboard AUGUST 29. 1908.

San Francisco Letter 41^

By Our Own Correspondent

CONKY Island, on Fillmore street, was eoni|iletely wiped out by Are Thurs¬ day, AuKUst l.'J, at 2:;U> A. M.. and threatened for a time to siiread dis¬ astrously. The tire fore<sl Its way to

the rear of the I.anore restaurant, at the corner of Kddy and Fillmore, before tlie Are men (tot it under eontr<d. Thi- blaze assuiiiisl such iiroiHirtions. when at its hei(cht. as to at¬ tract the attention of residents I 1 all parts of the city. It Is sahl to have starteil in one of the side sliows of Coney Island, which has iM-cn closeil for some time. Owln({ to the Hlm- sy construction of these buildings, and a strong wind, the tire spread ra|ddly, until It threat¬ ened the entire Idm-k. It was not tintll ten minutes afti-r tlins* tliat the tlremcn Anally got the Are under ctaitrol. Tlie bws reached fully $1o0.U0(i. F.|ihraiin Johnson and wife, pro- [irletors of the sh'sding gallery in Coney Is¬ land. were tiie only [s-rsons living on the grounds when tlie Are started. .After mui-h dltUciilt.v tliey managed to reach the street, throiigli the flames. All tlie stores facing Fill¬ more street were savisl by a miracle.

A carnival and street fair will lie given at Burlingame. Septemlw-r 4 under the auspices of the Woman’s (dub. Tlie fete will eclipse the affair '>f last .vear, wliicli was attendisl b.v

[s-rsons. Novel liooths. side shows and new entertainments are promised by the com mittee In charge.

San Uafael will have an eleven-day carnival, begl-i-ilng Septemls-r (1. to celebrate the open¬ ing of the San Itafael canal. A niardi gras will lie a fi-ature. Itiillimn ascensions, higli dives, side allows, etc., will all be in line.

Tlie Vagatsind I’rince. a new romantic drama by Martin Y. Merle, author of Tlie l.ight Kter- nal. wdl receive its premiere at one of the Its-al theatres iievt month.

The Tiles of llofTinan. presentisl by the Idora Park Opera Company. Is bmiked at the Amer¬ ican Thiatre. opening .August 2n. and is co¬ llected to make ii run,

Henry W. I’fafr. the local music writer and puldlslicr. has Just placed a new song on the market, and it has already tsicome very jiopti- lar. It is c.-illial All’ll Railroad Yoiise t'p to the Moon. Orders are |ionrlng in from all parts of the fnlted States.

.Alice Caldwell Ilegati. author of .Mrs. Wiggs of tlie Cabbage Patch, was a guest at the St. Francis Hotel tills week Slie Is touring the world, accompanied by her mother, and left 'Tuesday for tlie Orient.

Till- Five Nosses. musical act; Jack McKay. Scotch come,linn: Valera. Juggler and trained pigeons. Sidi. mislerti Hercules: Ixatlse and her ttveiit.v-one trained monkeys, and Frank Got, h. the wrestler, are bookisl at tlie Umpire for an early appearance.

Tierney and O’Hell. Kdward MeWade and Co.. I.eon and .Adeline, Fred Raymond Trio and Strauli Sisters ileparted this week for Henver. to open the Majestic Theatre.

Manager Will I,. Greenahauin has the follow¬ ing attractlnns for the coming season. Travel Talks, by I.Ioyd Scott, who will use his won¬ derful collection of colored lantern slides, which Is in addition to motion pictures and moving tiaeoramas. Tlie siilijects will lie India. Egypt, Russia. Jiiiian and ireland. Tlie list of sing¬ ers thus far engaged includes Signor Emilio de Gorgoza. famous S|ianisli baritone: Mme. Gad ski and Havid Itlspham: and Arthur Hartman. P.oliemlan violin virtuoso. The pianists who will aiipear are: Miss Katherine Goodson. Miss Adi le Verne, Josef I.evlhnne and Ossip Oab- rllowltsch.

’Frisco now ha« eight Aim exchanges. Tlie latest to enter tlie business are PaciAc Film Exchange. 11. G. Millar, manager, and The Cal¬ ifornia Film Exchange, with M. L. Markowit*. manager. The Aeld out here Is constantly grow¬ ing. ns almost every country town has one or more nIckeliNleons. all seemingl.v prosperous.

Tlie newest nickelodeon Is called The Flag Theatre, and will open September 1. It will have a shell front and has a seating capaclt.v of .iriO. E. Fried, formerly manager of the Mission Theatre, will be the manager. It Is located on the corner of Stotkton and Green streets, in the I.atin Quarter.

Owing to his big success at the Chutes Thea atre. Sam Rowley has been rctalneil for a sec¬ ond wiH-k.

Bert l.ev.v. the booking agent, left this week for Lancaster. Pa., In the Interest of the Mo¬ zart Circuit.

Henry Miller. In The Only Way. proved a goo.1 drawing card at the Van Ness Theatre this week. Next week Is the sixth and fare¬ well week, when The Great Hivide will be reproduced. Augirst 24. The Man of the Hour will hold the boards.

T'nder the Bear Flag, a local pla.v by a local author, with Miss Mary Nannery In the lead, supported b.v a capable compan.v. Is the attrac¬ tion at the American Theatre. Every night the different parlors of the Native Sons of the Golden West attended the performance In a t>od.v. Next week the same compan.v will pre¬ sent At the Old Cross Roads, with Marion Tif¬ fany In the leading role.

Miss May Boley is the hit at the Princess Theatre In The Girl from Paris. Francis Kel¬ logg. William Burress and Wallace Brownlow also scored. Next week Ferris Hartman makes his Arst appearance at this house as principal cimusllan in The Idol’s Eye.

Thoroughl.v appreciative audiences at the Central Theatre applauded Child Slaves of New York to the echo all through the week. Next we«-k. James Carrigan, supported by Howell’s Sto<-k Company, will appear In Kidnapped.

The Dancing .Mitchells are the opening num¬ ber at the Orpheum this week. 'Hie big act. I.asky’s Military Octette, follows, and. al¬ though on Its second week, confinnes a feature. Fa.v Carranza, a l.vrlc soprano with a local rep utatlon. made her debut In vaudeville, and earned considerable applause. Franklyn Cnder- wood and Compan.v presented a condensed ver Sion of Mrs. Temple’s Telegram, called Dobb’s Dilemma, which Is full of laughs. Mike Ber¬ nard. a rag time piano player, and Blossom Selley come next. Bernard plays a piano for

all It is worth, and Miss Selley sings coon songs and dances with artistic abandon. The act la well liked. Cressy and Dayne. always welcome, olTereil Rill RlAin s Baby with their usual suc- eevs. In<'s and Taki. Euro|H‘an eccentric dil- eltlsts. are re|M'atlng their last we«‘ks suc- ei •»■». Tlie Tennis ’Trio, the novelty juggling iwt of Will Camiibell. and May and Alma Stock are newt meritorliMis. During their act they use rae-piets. Indian clulis, etc. The act la lieautifull.v Klagisl and Is worlh.v of sincere eoinmeiidation. It Is the clraiing number, and holds the audience until the Anal droi> of the curt ill II.

Tile National Tlieatre continues to hold Its own. both with Its splendid bills and big aud¬ iences. "nils week. Rotter and Harris, a pair of gymnasts, present a good Roman ring act as tlie ojiening nuuilier. W. A. Wmalley, in black face, has a novelty musical turn, using several freak instruments. He received a big share of aiiplaiise The old favorites. Armstrong and Holly, after an absence of eighteen months, ottered The Expressman, and It was the biggest laugh getter on tlie bill, although It has lieen seen out here at almost ever.v house. Miss ElAe Rearson, a p<‘tlte singing commiilienne. nicely costiiiiii-d. sang several catchy songs in 11 nianni-r tliat made her a favorite. Tlie sketch on the Idll was presented by Chas. J. Stong and Miss Edna Dornia-i. It Is nannsl Wanted—.A Divorce, and provisl tmth to be very capable actors. The feature act was fiirnisheil by Rar met Russell and Company, with an up-to-date scenic novelty, entitled .Around the World In an .Airship, which included moving pictures, slides, electric effects and a singing quartette. .Another feature number was Will Rmlgers and Ruck .McKee, and their well-tralneil bucking tironcho. The lariat throwing by Rodgers, and the riding b.v McKee caused a sensation, and made town talk. Tliey had the honor of closing the bin.

Manager Tipiiam. at the Empire, had an ex¬ ceptional bill this week, and good houses niled. Cherokee Blanche and Musical Cowboy, a very strong numlK-r, oiiened the festivities. The act ccmiprlses musical niimliers. fanc.v shooting and a trained midget dog. 'The act was gooil enoiigli to close the show. The Two Wynn womls. in a novelty change singing act. calltsi Tlie Messenger Boy’s Dream, are back again, after a two years’ absence. ’Tlie act is much Imiiroved since It was last seen here. The Wrong Mrs. .Ap|iletnn was the sketch presentisl by Frank Maltese, assisted by four capable coniislla'is, and scored immensely. Rost’s Eight Gaiety Girls continue a big drawing card at this house. This week they appeared In A Trip to Clilna. a lieautifull.v costumed singing and dancing turn. Rome. Ma.vo and Juliet, as The Wandering .Minstrels, with their own appropri¬ ate drop scenery, have a very good talking and singing act. which made a hit. The Four Com¬ rades closed the bill with a fast and furious acrobatic act, full of new stunts and two com eiiians. lioth being very funny. Techow’s Trained Cats, George W. Day and The Great Rowell are on next week's bill.

Hugh Lloyd and wife, Ann Hamilton and Co.. Mr. and Mrs. I.ewis. Leo and Chapman. Harry Rllcer. Oscar I.oralne and Ten Dark Knights are at the Wigwam this week.

Hill, Cherr.v and Hill. Sam Rowley. Lillian Hale and Comiiany. Clifford and Burke and and Alonohan are playing the big Cliutis Theatre this week.

Manager Ben Lust, of the Novelty. had I’.t.rnes and West. Imuis Brothers., Rost Roma, FIske and McDonough. Barr and LaSalle, Harry Reters and two reels of moving pictaires for his program this week.

Tlie Reople's Theatre, in tlie old Mission dis¬ trict. continues playing vaudeville, and is do¬ ing a satisfactory busi:iess. The house is now under the management of R. Rinciis. who is al read.v very popular with the Mlssionites.

The Valencia Theatre Stock Comi>any will hrve on its roster Joseph Dailey, comedian; Reginald Travers, character man: Harry Frazer, light comedian: Earle Gardner and Harry Leon¬ ard utility men; Blanche Douglas, second wo¬ man: Neva West. Rigenue: Lillian Andrews, character woman, and Evelyn Foshla, dancer. The leading lady will be signeii In New York. The new house Is about completed, and will open in September.

The MaeSwaIn Theatre, at Santa Cruz, which has always been devoted to stock companies, commencing August 17,_ will play straight vau- devlllle. the acts to be’supplied by the Western States Vaudeville Association.

The Novelty Theatre. Fresno, after a run of two weeks as a vaudeville house. Is again dark. Cause—poor business.

Sullivan and Considine have removed their Seattle offices from the American Bank Build¬ ing to their own office building, at Madison and Third avenues.

Tills office received a most unique po.stal card from Adgle. the famous lion tamer, now at Young’s one million dollar pier. Atlantic City, where she is the chief attraction, lielng booked for eight weeks.

The ’Tliursday amateur nights at the Chutes Theatre are a howling success, the theatre be¬ ing crowded every week.


The Second Annual Alameda County Indus trial Fair and Carnival had a brilliant o(s-n ing at Idora Park, .Monday. Autrust It). The park was ablaze with myriad electric lights and flags and bunting fliitten-d from ever.v building and tre.‘ In the grounds. 'Tlie industrial exhi¬ bition, In the big iiavillon. is one of the main features. Another fe.xture Is the band con¬ certs. under the direction of Raul Steindorf. which fake place each afternoon and evening during the carnival. The Happy Rath Is full of the usual side shows, and each and every s|)lcler Is dressed In carnival costumes. Mile. Mnrzello’s Birds Is the feature of all the side shows, and occupies a prominent position. Sev¬ eral special days are announced. Manager James Rlllings has worked day and night to du¬ plicate the success of last year, and Is deserv¬

ing of much crmllt. The carnival cb-scs .August ‘22, lasting twelve days.

.A Strenuous Life is the bill at Ye I.lls-rty Tlieatre, preseiiteif by Bishop’s exci'Ileiit stisk company. Tills house, for the past two months, has run without an orchestra, but It seems the music was misseil. so. beginning August 17, the full orchestra will b»> reinstattnl. under the leadership of August Ilinrlchs. A new Idea to encisirage patronage has tu'en Inaugurated at tills house. It Is called 4'avor Niglit. This Is the way it is done: All patrons who pur chase ri'S.-rvisl seats In advance of Monday, for Misiday night performances, receive a numtM>r wl Ich entitles them to a chance on the arti¬ cles iis.'il to dress the stage for that particular week. The favors this week consist of brass Etrusi'in vase, royal Bonn Jardinere. brass ta¬ ble. Fren"li potter’s vase, gold Anished Ji-wel case. Corinthian brass idtclier, fancy mirror, glass liowl, green Bayreuth vase, and a nul royal vase. All of these prizes are tine go<Nls, and well worth having.

Lasky’s A Night on a House Boat, Bertie Herron. Dolesch and Zlllhaiier. Ben AA’elch. Four Fords. Fer.telle and Carr. The Four Riatios. and Tom Davis Trio are at the Orpheum this week, drawing big houses.

Tony LulMdskl. manager of the New Novelty Theatre. Is making a big succ<>ss with his van devllle olio and burlesque program. This week, Tlie TTiree Kuhns are features in the olio. Ilie F'our English Belles. In specialties during the biirlesipie. are already favorites.

Riva-I.arson troupe of siiis-rior gymnasts Is the hig headliner of the Bell Theatre. Their novelty act. on four hanging rop<‘s. Is met with thunders of applause. Eckert and Berg are also very popular. Alexander and Scott. Apollo Quartet, SelbinI and GrovInl and Miss .Ann Bingham are also on the program.

'The Columbia Theatre Is presenting Down East by a stock company to fair business.


the love stories that they ran not be separated and it add-i much to their Interest.

The tliiiil act sees Clay able to untangle the threads of the plot. Much ciaild Im‘ said In com¬ mendation of Captain Clay collectively and In¬ dividually. If s|i.ace |H-rmltted. Mr. Higgina has not roblosl Ids fellow players to give him¬ self an o|i|Hirtuiiity. and there are many clever Hill s and situations which the others handle very creditably. AA'ILLIA.Al K. GIBBS.


I'rohiilily the iiiihiiie .tdA'ertlR- ing scheme In theatrical annals, was pulled off by Manager E. \V Jackson, of the Grand Op4>ra Hisise. Rarls. Ky. Some lime ago the energetic manager was approached by the mother of a child, who la-iiig unable to take care of the baby prois-rly. asked for cooperation In se¬ curing for the Infant a g<ssl home. Actuated by prliicl|des of cliarity. and si-elng a a|dendld clianee for advertising his playbouae. Manager Jackson acceptisl the trust and advertlMsl his plan. .A isiii|Min was given with each admis¬ sion ticket iMin'Iiased and the person holding IIm- niiuilH-r corres|iondlng to the one tucked to the dn'ss of the baliy, re<vlv«ql th<* prize. Niiiiieroiis thri-ats and violent protests wetv made In an endeavor to stop the proceedings, but Manager Jackson kept on selling tickets, (in Saturday night. .August 1, the affair took place. The theatre was originally built to ac- comniislate stai iw-rsons. luit on that night nlnc- ttsm hundred p<-otde secured admission. When the curtain went up Manager Jackson stepped to the edge of the stage and explained his part In the affilr. and taking u|i the card on the child’s clothing which liore the number 4482, asktsi for the winner. He was llariitnn Stitt, a well known Baris lawyer. The formal trans¬ fer of parentage was held on Momlay, August


The Majestic Theatre. Grand Rudds. Mich., opened .August 10, with David Higgins In h's new play. Captain Clay of MIssiairi. The cast:

.8<-rgeant Orln Frye. ei-Confi'dcrate .

. Bert S. Frank CoriHiral Billy Cartmlll, ex-l'nlon soldier . Fred G. Hearn

Jimmy Burns, the constahle . .I-ew A. Warner

Charlotte Ross, the girl of-all-work at Thurston’s Inn .Bliss Milford

Silas Bater. the megaphone. .Gu.v F. Evans Jupe Thurston, the landlord. . Frank Owens Hon. Calvin Slavin, a itolitician . .Lawrence Atkinson

Bob .Atherton, a "reil head'’ . .Hugh J. .Adams

Bill Donegan. another .Jack Rathhun Charles Hadron. banker-boo<iler . . FreilerIck E Wright

Hod Doane, the Jockey . . . Georgle Mack Caiit. Rob Clay, “the si>ort of CornvIIIe’’ . David Higgins

Sycamore, Capt. Clay's bo<ly-servant . . Richard Webster

Tilly Slfvln. Calvin's daughter . . .Anna Jordan

Della Thurston. Leslie’s rival . . Margaret McDonald

Rene Hadron. Tilly’s friend. .Lelah Hallock Harr.v Benton, clerk at Hadron’s bank.... . Jack Wyatt

Richard Hampton, captain of the "Blue •Tsys’ . Mark Smith

Ix'slle Renton. Melissa’s young sister. . Clare Armstrong Melissa Benton. Capt. Clay’s sweetheart.. . Marv Servosa

Smith Ramell, captain of the “Red Heads” . John Webb Dillon

Dryweather Jordan ....Henry Van .Arman (Characters named In order in which they

first appear.)

A(’T I. -Scene 1—Thurston’s Inn, on town square. Scene 2-The ball field; the ninth In¬ ning.


Innings. 1 2n4.An7S9 Red Heads . 0 2 O 1 1 n 2 0 Blue Jays . 1 0 o 3 O 2 n 0

The score stands 0 to 0 at the end of the eighth. Curtain rises on first half of the ninth.

ACT II.—Melissa’s Home. Tlie night of the dance.

.ACT HI.—Scene 1—Rarlor In Thurston Inn. The Democratic love-feast. Scene 2—Captain Clay's stables.

.ACT IV.—Room In Capt. Clay’s house. 'The nominition.

I.OC.ATION—CornvIIIe. a town in Southwest Missmiri. TIME—ISPS.

“I am more than satisfli'il.’’ Tliat was E. D. Stair's comment on the Ini¬

tial pertorinance of David Higgins' new |)la.v. Captain Clay of Missouri, after the final ctir tain had Iwen rung down on the o[H-nlng night.

The same feeling seemed to prevail with the large audience that wltiiessial the [ircnilcre performance.

.At the end of the second act, Mr. Higgins was called before the curtain and given an ova tlon.

Captain Clay of Missouri Is the Joint pro¬ duction of David and Milton Higgins. It Is a rural play, with the scenes laid In Missouri. The characters are such as are seen today, where the progress of ’’mfsii-rnness” of the A’ankee has left Its least Imjiress. The center of the plot hinges on the machinations of two unscrupulous politicians--a “Imws" and his ttsd.

Mr. Higgins is surrounded by a very capible companv of twenty-seven peojile. In ability much above the ordinary popular priod casts, and the costumes and staging are adisiuate.

of has.•hall has lieen successfully made ■ pa of the plot of a play. In this case, the ca tains of the teams are not only rivals for tl hand of the same girl, hut one practically stik his whole career on the outcome There a many exciting climaxes thmiighrait the t>ro<ln tlon.

The principal theme of the plav Involves tv v<ry charming love stories and a iwdltlcal gam Tlie love stories revolve around (*apt. Clay ai Mellssi Benton, and about Richanl Hampto protege of Capt. Clay, who Is In love with M INsa s younger sister. I^-sIle Benton. In tl latter case. Smith Bamell. a wealths fellot seeks unscnipulous means to win Leslie Tl political (dotting Is so closely Interwoven wl

Work has been comment’ed on the construction of Brockton’s (Maas.) new theatre, the Or[dieum. and If the (iresent plans do not miscarry, the house will be completed the latter part of August. Tlie new' place of amuse¬ ment will be erected uiKin the site of the old Nickel Theatre by F. L’. Bishop, of New York. '.Mr. Bishop Is well vers)-*! In theatrlrala having ts'en In this particular field for twenty-two years, and he projiows to make the new bond¬ ing a thoroughly moilern metro[Mdltan play- houst'. There will l»e new entrances of orna¬ mental steel, the passage continuing clear through the boose to the rear of the stage. New otK'ra chairs will lie Installed, there will be side wall decorations, heavy (dush draperies throughout the house, and electric lights. T^ stage will be newly eipilptsql with several sets of scenery, asbestiai anil dro|) curtains. Ev¬ erything will be so constructisl as to make the houst“ perfi>ctly safe for Isdh the audience and players. The policy will be vaudeville along with the latest moving (ilctuix- subjects. Man¬ ager Rislioii (iromlses some ha|ipy surprises when the bousi' Is ofsmed in the way of novelties and other features In the variety field.

The Grand Opera House, at Car¬ thage. Mo., of which Archie Brigham Is man¬ ager, is undergoing a uumtwr of much needed improvements, preparatory to the 0|M‘ulog of the autumn show season. J. A. Mitchell, the owner of the building, will sp<>nd more than ♦ 1,0(10 improving the (dayhoiise and when the fall amusement season o(>ens, this theatre will be as neat as the proverbial pin. Joseph Hltch- Inson, of Chicago, a professional theatre dec¬ orator and scenery painter, has already starteil the work which will take him two months to complete. Every piece of scenery, including the curtain, drops ami all other (dec«*s which have been used for so long a time will be dls- cardisl and entire new ei|uiptiient will 1h> fitted In thi-ir stead. In addition to tlie new stage equi(inient. the entire house will be red.-corate<I from pit to dome and repainteil througlmut. The dressing nsinis. under the stage, will be Improveil and In short, every neeiled Iniprove- ni<-nt alsMit tin- building will be made. Mr. Hitchlnson l.s decorator In chief for Ringling Brotliers' (’lrcu« at the show’s wlnter<]uarters In Barahisi. Wis.. ami is a com|ietent artist who will (lilt the Grand In a fine <-undltlon and make of it a handsome theatre.

The cornerstone of Milwaukee's (Wis.) new auditorium, was laid August 1. the occasion being one of the greatest civic celebrations in the history of the city. The ceremonies were preceileil by a parade of fonr divisions made up of military and civic bodies tinder the 8u|>ervlslon of Gen. Ixnils Ayer. The main auditorium of the building will be con¬ structed In amphitheatre style without a pillar or a post In It. It will be (K fi-et high from floor to center of celling and surrounded by a promenade 12 feet wide, terminating In a foyer 24 by 70 feet. The seating rapacity will be 8.ri!»4. Surrounding the an-na are (12 boxes and there are to be two balconies. The cost la estimated at ♦.’’itMi.uoi). half of which amount was subscribed by 2,7.’').’) citizens who form the roriHiratlon known as the Milwaukee Andl- tiM-lum (’ompany. Tlie city of Milwaukee fur¬ nished ♦2.V).0on.

M’lll (I. \Vllllniii.'< lias D'turnctl to Lima. I)., after haring managed the Sun and Murray tsnise at ('anton. <)., for the past six we<-ks. During his absence, the Orpheum at Lliiiii. of which he also has charge, was com- (detely overliauled. making it one of the neat¬ est little vaudeville houses In Northwestern Ohio. Talking and moving pictures are at [in si i’t holding forth at the Orpheum. hut after S'pteinber 1 it will be ilevntiMl to vaudeville. All of the fdd hiMisi- force have bv-en retained. Including James Farley. treasurer: Emerson \\ iriilson. eleetrlelan, and Rrof. Humphreys. In chsrge of ori'hestra.

Kl.'iw At lOrlntiKt'r hnvo ohtnintvd an Inten-st in the lease of the Chicago (>[iera House and In the future will hook all of the attractions for that famous playhouse. The auditorliiin will 1m- thoroughly renovated before Its ofM-nlng. September 7 The first attraction under till- new management will be the new Gillette (day, Ticey, under the direction of frederle Thomtison Mary Ryan will play the title role. 'The house will become one of the chain of Syndicate theatres, playing the big Klaw ft Erlanger attractlnns.

The new theatre at Uake Charles, La., has been completed. It Is a modem atmet- 'T'", r«-s[»-ct with a seating capacity

tor the coming season will tie In the hands of the Greenwall Circuit, who t>romlse a fine line of attractions. Com-

Pixylng New Orleans for the fnll week will piny TsHke Chnrlpii on Rnndax night and

august 29, 1908. Xtie Billt>oarcl 11


1 Lond on ] Let ter ! 8 RUPERT C0X7RT

1 L«c«cter Square, W.


’Phone 4194, Gerrard

lir*-iik till- Jump bctwo»‘n Texiin. wh<Tf Hiimliiy viioM* nri* >i«l piTiiiIttcil. Til)' lioiiiif tiiiii iHH-n

iiimmI th<' l.vrir uni) will N- under the niamiKO- .iieiit of M <’• While.

Th«‘ Majestlf Thfiitn*. at Siroator, III., will thin WHHon he iiniler the iiiaiiaKeiiient

f Orville It. Ta.Uor. Mr Taylor haa Jiiat n-- iriied to SIrealor after aeveral we«'lta ahaence

iiiil will o|M‘ti hla liiHiae alMMit the nilihlle of <e|ileiiilM-r with hlicli claaa vainlevllle. .Mr. Taylor liiaala no liitnalnellon to the profea- .|on aa lie haa Ihm-ii eoaiie<-teil with varhaia tiiealrleal eiilerprlai-a for the paat alxte<-n \eara.

Til** »>v**rlaii«l Th«*atr**. N«*l»ra«ka I'll.v. Nell , haa t^l•en leaaeil for next a<-aai n li.v ■ he Overland .Vninaeiiieiit ('o., Charh'a Itolf. iiianaiter. Ttila aanie eonipany held the leaae

.11 the Overlatiil laat .vear. Manaicer Itolf atatea I liaa laaiked a iintiiher of ttooil altrartlnna and

liltlelpiitea a iinaiiM-rona aeaaon.

Th** Loyal Si.sters are playing thnaiKh Indiana end are niakinie i|ulle a hit with their Wealern eharaeter Xnti and M<Hitana. Nellie lx>val. .i.itiee, la heartily a|iplanded alive. Th< y are hooked until tlivn so to the eoaat.

Hailji. the eiltieated .Xral ian, ia now |M-rfortiiliis hla wimilerfiil trlrka in the larlety iKawa thnaish Indiana. The anitnal w'll ap|a-ar In a Weateru akelrh thia winter with the owner and train T. Montana Frank. The avt will earry live piaiple aiHl thre*- horaea.

t'ontracts have been clo-ed for the ero'tlon of a new opera honae at Red Oak. Iiiwa. to lawt ll^l.iMMi. It will Iw known aa the IlMiearaon 0|w'ra lliaiae and will have a aeatlns ! ■ apavity of alasit t.-MIO. It will prolialdy Im’ roiilldetial alMMIt NovenitoT 1 .

.‘alanley and Scanlon are lakinR a innvh ne*Mled r*‘af at l.ake Itenninston. Minn., after havins played wltlwiit logins a w..ek. aliiee I'hrlatniaa. Tliey are workiiis on a new tlnliti for their ronitdy art. entitled l»'d Y<«t Se<- tiladva.

Lt'Uoy and May, th“ well known vatlilevllle team, have alsned with the Crao* Oitmey Sl>x-k ('om|>any. under the manasement of I'aiil Ooetteehe. They oje^n with the com¬ pany at Kankake*-. 111., .kiisuHl 10. for four wii'k*.

ttrti Hoffman, formerly connectetl with the Maj*-«tle Theatre. Fort Wayne. Ind.. will Im> advance asent for the Nancy and Jack Sto'k ('onipany. the comlns aeaaon. Thi-y o(H*n their aeaaon at I.lnia. O., .\iisnat 31.

Manager Jo.seph K. Henninsj.s. of the I i rand 0|M‘ra Honae, .kndvrann. I ml., ha* Jn»t r»‘tiirm‘d from New York City, le-oklns at- Irartiona. lie ivia>rta havins aectire*! a line line of ahowa for the corains aeaaon.

The ffatnhow»*rs. dalnt.v soii- hretti-a. have Juat llnlaheil a aeaaon of elshty- one wi-eka on the National .\aaoclatlon time ami are row enjoyins a reat. They are bonked aolld for the aeaaon of Ipos ta.t.

Russell (Ireen, well known In the profeaaion. will act aa atase manaser at I’ower'a Theatre. Decatur. 111., thla aeason. He la at prea<>nt In l><*oatiir and la rapidly s*‘ttlns thinsa into ahape.

>lii ( Mitch* II celebratt'd her hirthilay anniveraary recently while at Poplar Kliiff. Mo.. r<>cently. ami waa pre a. 'nti'<l with a beautiful sold pin by the mem- bera of her company.

Fred R. Kdwards, who has forsaken hla familiar Hebrew Imperaonationa. and la m«w ap(H>arlns In a new act, entitled Marlutch'a llnahaml. and la more than makins Soo<l on | the Ciia Sun time.

The I-Mison Theatre at Iloldredije. | Ni b . under the manasement of Mr. Haylor. baa Inans’irated atock protluclloiia by a company of alx [KHiple. Vatlilevllle and movins pictun-a are also prea«-nle<l.

The Lawton Roof (Jarden. at Idtw- ton. Okla.. known aa the .Vlr Caatle. opene<1 .kiisiiat I with movins plctitn-a. vaudeville and «t<a-k. J. W. Martin haa the manasement of the hn*iae.

Th** .Xherns. equilibri.sts. have cl*>sed with the S*dla Floto Showa. after vlaltins rela- tiv.-a In Kanaaa rity they will l**ave for their b. .iiii-. prior to openins "n fh**!r park time, Atieiist 17.

I'. I>. Kelsey has been api>*iinted tr. ::«iirer of the Majeatic Theatre. Krie, Pa., anil N A, raultiar<l. niiialcal director. J. I. <;il«oii will have the manasement of the h..i,...'

The reorisanlzed I ijr City tjitar- telte with M*aara. Uo*cr. O'Hara, llamlltim and U.-,.,|. atart Weat early next w*s>k t*» open at tl.e Orpheiim In Sxn Franclaco. .kusuat Id

Lep .Meyer is dolnR nicely in vdii*lc- 'llb at pr*-ai-nt. He la ualns Ie*w llob<*rl’a laii ‘t aons hit. Ixvvins Kill, and la comp*‘llcd

i to answer a4-veral encoix-a at each appearanc**.

L The Haller Th*‘atre. P*)Tt T*>wn- a.n.i. Wash., waa opi-m**! July 27. t** capacity bn i.i-aa. The hoiiac la devoted to vainlevllle

I an I la under the manasement of F. M. llrow n.

' .trick and Lalonda, female Imper- •oniliira. are book*>d for elsht wi'eka ahead on p « time. They have b**en playins In and at- d New York City aince laat rcbmary.

Herbert l>uce, western representa- II for the SbulM-rta. and manaser of the (lar t; IlK’atre. t'hicaso. la apending hla vacation e Wlaconaln wooda.

I ' he ii.-w Stiir Tht'atre. at Kingrston. j ' ' will h<* o|M-nc<l about Ausuat 22. with

' ' 'III** ami movins plcturea. Ko*v* an*1 ^ p-on are tin* nianasera.

• ti’liilr and West are enjoyins I 'I vacation at Si-a laic City, N. J., where

I' hale thi'lr aiimmcr home. They will op*'n ' seaaon S<'ptemlH-r 7.

htrry .\. Ralley, inanaKer of Poll’s '•re at Hartford. Conn., haa realsni'd hla Ion to acrx*pt an appointment aa r*»ad man •'f Charlea Froliman.

L. T. I>oraey. manager of the ll•»rlum Theatre at (laleaburg. Ill.. baa

’ -ht a farm adjoining that of II. B. Rmery I lenton Harbor. Uteb.

The team known a.s Smith and Dapp have dlHsadviil partneralilp. John b. Smith Is now worklns In vaudeville ilidtis a r*-llned alng- liiS and dancliiK act.

The date for the openini? of the Duval Theatr**. Jacka4inTllle, Fla., la act for

I .\nsuat 2*1. with t'nder S<aitheni Skiea aa tbs Ilnaiisural attr. etbm.

The tlem Family Theatre. I.dinc:iS- ter. It., a new vaudeville houa**, wa' uia-ned to the public, .kuguat It). b. J. fiardner has th*- matiaseuient.

The (>rand t)pera House at Kenton, 'll., haa l>e« n leaaial by S. H. Brick and ('o..

who are now furiiiahins amt redecoratins th<- ; luMiae thnaishiait. |

I Josephine Turner .and the Dunhar Itrulhera have cbau-il with the PiH<ty Comeily

. I'lHiipany amt oiM-neil In vamleville at Ih-nver, I ('<d.. Augiiat -t.

ON Frlilay, July 24. by kind pernila- aion of the Oxfonl illreclora. My Fancy, at the conclualon of her tu-autiful ae*-na. Winter. Spring and Summer, ehrlaleiied two baby aea

Ilona, the ilrat bom in <-aptivlty. Mr. Cliffe p.ena*- inlr<aluee*l the two bablea. also their mother. He then gave a abort apets^h. and pr*-aente*l one baby aea lion to My Fancy. My l-'amy tti*-n stei*|*e«l f*trwar*I. anil. In a few well-choaen wi>rda. chrlatene*! one Fancy anil the other Oxford, at the aame time sprinkling INanineroy tiri-iio on their little heads. On taking her *-urtain. It waa a very pretty plc- tnr*- to a**e My Fancy nuralns her pet, whilst (’blfe Berxac waa tMiay receiving Uowera. be¬ stow***! on thla little laily liy her friemla In fr<mt. .\mons other amivenlrs was the fidlow- iiiK neat acmatic. whii-b waa f.aind embedile*! In one of the handaome lK>n*|uets:

My aid of the Seasons, a weU'otne to thee, ■years come ami so. btit Fortune’s d**cree

Ftnils there always a Fairy, with sand fur thy tioor.

Alas! for the ilaya when thy dancing gives o'er;

Nor will thy sweet form faml thla I’ll engage) Cease h.xuntlns a bright spot of memory’s page; You n.vinph, you liewlt<-her. you elf of the


Mr. Macy an*l .Mias Hall, a new .\merlcan turn, are due to appear at the Tivoli on Ang- iiat .3. in a new com**<ly sketch, entitle*! A "Tlmel.v Awakening. The sketch abounds In bright lines ami r*-ally funny low come<ly busl- n*-ss.

I ittle TIch will make a welcome ri-tnrn to the OxfoTiI on Bank Holiday. .August 3. Joe Elvln and t’o. will apjiear In Deail. and there la also the incomparable Paul rimiuevalll. a great fa¬ vorite at the Oxford, and Wilkie Bant.

The Futurity Winner Is still drawing crowd- p<l houses at the bondon Hippodrome.

.Mr. Herbert Sleath’s next new production, with Mr. Devan. of .America, will be Pudd’n Hea<t Wilson, at Christmas. In which he will star Mr. ■ Oeorge W. When he has laun<-h**il this play he will prcalut^e a new piece calle<l The Spendthrift.

Another theatre, the Hicks. clos<-d last night. There are now only ten West End playhouses offering attractions to holiday makers. At thrt-e of these cofue<lles by Mr. Somerset Maug¬ ham are being perfortne*!—Mrs. Dot. at the Comtsly; Freslerlek. at the H.vymarket. and Jack Straw, at the A’audevllle. The other pla.vs which are particularly succ**ssful at the moment are The Flag bleutenant. at the Play¬ house- The Mollusi'. at the Criterion, and When Knights Were Bold, at Wymlham’s. Musical ple<*es are to be found at Daly’s (The Merry Widow), the Gaiety (Havana), and the Apol¬ lo (Buttertlles). With reference to the last- mentioned entertainment, several changes have r*>centl.v been made with a view to making It even brighter than It was on the first night ami the new features ln< Imie a ilelightfnlly ar tistic dance In the third act by Miss Phyllis Monkntan. a talented young lady, who has previously dlstlncnish**il herself In Peter Pan an<l ba-ly Mailcap. Tills dance is well worth s<*elng.

Mr. Martin Harve*. prior to the <Oiumence m*-nt -(f his season at the .Adelphi Theatre. '»!ll. (ommencing .August 17. visit blamlUilno. Piixton. Ilarrocate inrl Middlesborough for a few nights. In fulfilment of promises made si>nie time ago.

Mr. Martin Harvey has engaged Miss .Am.v Coleridge to play the part of Emllie de IF.s- fiarre, th-* heroine of The Corsican Brothers, when he produces It ilurmg his season at the .Ail*l|ih!. In September. Miss Colerblgc was for a b>ng time assi*clat*'<l with Mr. Martin Har- ve.x’s sm-ccss. The On’y AA'ay. In which she was biicie Manette. She was also for many years a member of Sir Henry Irving’s I.ycenm C<>mp.any.

The cast at the Drury bane autumn drama, which will be proiln*****! In S,-pteml>er. Is com¬ plete. and Is given below. Thi* play, which Is tiy M*‘ssrs. Cecil Raleigh ami Henry Hamilton. Is aa yet unname*!, and the ib's*-riptions of the char-icters give but little assistance In form¬ ing a guess.

IVvrothy Gore .Miss Eva Moore Duilley Gore, her brother. In the Guanls.. . Mr. Vincent Clive

Gener.)l Sir .Anthony Gore, their father... . Mr .Arthur Poole

Nigel Vllliers. also In the Guarils . . Mr. Basil Gill

bady Margaret Vllliers, his mother . . Mrs. bancaster Wallis

bonl .Adolphus Vllliers. her brother-in-law . Mr. .Albert Chevalier

Ib’nnie Bess BIssett, a music hall artist.. . Miss Marie *5**orge

Mrs. Bissett .Miss I.iicy Sible.v .Andrew Broader, a Scotch comtslian amt

churchwanten ...Mr. Fnsl Grove ba B-be Biix, his niece Miss Irene Smith Jim Cullender, a sportsman. . Mr. byn Hanllng

Julian Edgi-oml>e. somewhat of a dreamer . Mr. Oscar Ayde

Harry bamler Is engaged to appear In pan tomime In Glasgow, and has a great treat In store five the "Glesca” folks. In two new num¬ bers. Queen Among the Heather and Susie Mac- lean This week be tops the bill at the Palace Theatre, Hull.

Pretty Rose Stahl, who Is known to London ers thmugh the raetllnm of a smart sketch which she played here some time ago, has had her pliylet elaNvrate*! Into four acts and, un- *ler the title of The Chorus Lady, It has made a great hit In New York. It Is a play with a moral, showing that every chonis girl ran be virtuous, thtwigh surronnded by temptation. The melmiramatir touch should aid Its success just now, when that form of work Is having a new lease of popularity. But. of course, there Is a realistic scene, which will claim the attention of the audience. This la a large dressing room.

with all tin* 1'.*lii*« of the chorus in different stagi-s 'if uu*lr«-ss. There is a siiggeatbm of pl*ium**y ulHHit this si-ene, which will api>eal to and, in these ilays of classical danc¬ ers. we shall not f*-*d particularl.v shix-ke*! how¬ ever d**c<dlete the toilets of the ladles Chorus girls are. as a rule, a merry, lrresp<>nslt)le class of damsels, ami if th**y only Indulge In the bailln.xge often re<-oril*Hl In Roy McCantle’s hu¬ morous tal**s of the .American chonis girl, the s<'eii** should go with a l>ang.

Charb-s Gr*-g*>ry. a New York negro, engaged at a music hall in the Faulsiiirg Montmarte, Paris, has come in for an extraordinary piece of giHsI fortune. Some time ago he was buying some totiacco. when the dealer haml**d him a half-burnt lottery ticket, and told him that be was web-ome to the priie. A few *lays ago Gr**gi*r.v heanl that it ha*l won t4.(SS(.

Milt. 'A’oo*!. the .Aineri*'an wisslen shoe *lancer. Is this wm-k at the I.omlon C*>llseum. and also Miss Carrie Swain, an .American singer of great talent. 'Die latter will make her first ap|>ear- ance In England at the I»n*Ion Coliseum on Monday. .August 3. .Mile, de bllo, chanteuse Etolle. from the Scala an<I .Marigny theatres, Paris, will also t>e seen for the first time In this c<Hintry at the above bouse. .Mr. John War¬ ren is inclmli**! in the bollda.v company, and will iiresent a military mystery. The Magic Carpet.

G. H. Elliott, the cbotsilate colonsl ctxm, will be heanl at Sbetlleld Emi>ire this week In all his latest succ*‘ss. including Sue. Sue, Sue. Barton ami .Asble.v. the breeay .American couple, will also be seen next week in their new act. .Ailam the Secimd. The scene Is labl on the ri'Of of a castle at the ttip of the And**s. .A young girl who has no knowledge of the worhl, fintls a sheet of paper In a palm tree while strolling through the roof garden. It has evl- dentl.v been put there by a bird when building Its nest. On the pai>er some words are written. The girl has no Idea of their meaning, which she sets about unraveling. A tramp, while walking along a road In England, is sudilenly ceiight b.v the anchor attache*! to a l>.illoon ami Is carrusl awa.v, until he alights on the roof of the castle, where he meets the girl who Is bitsy s< the sh**et of pa|M>r. When they meet, the girl natitrally asks the tramp to solve the mystery, ami also if he can tell her anything alsnit the worlil amt Its doings. He liegins to teach her the art of kissing, which she se**ras to enjoy greatly, ami asks the tramp If he would klmlly teach her mother. At this, rather than umtergo the trying ordeal, he makes good his escape with the balloon. Dttr- Ing the absence of the girl the tramp puts away a table d’hote dinner, which he pro«-ur«*s from one of the palm trees, and his antics pro*luce much laughter. Jitliits Tanner. .America’s fs- tiiisis monologue artist. Is In the same bill, together with Robb Gilmore. The Findens. Charles Fraser's Iona. I.t'onle Dixon, Grade Grahame and I.ady Mansell's Juvt-nlles.



I'arl Herts is at the Palace. Manchester. Fi>reman ami Fannan are at the Duchess, Bal-

ham. Dissly anil Wright are at the Ealing FIlppo-

ilronie. Mis>n**y and Holbein are at the Holtiorn Em-

pire. I The Harmony Four Is at the Rlchmoml The¬ atre.

My F.iiii-y is at Eastham. Harry Tste is at the Tivoli. H. 'nvarr. and .Sinclair ami Whitefor*! are

at the llipiMMlrome, Norwich. Tuuibo and Tamtx) are at the Black|>ool Pal¬

ace of Varleti*-s May M<x)re Duprez is at the Pavilion, Glas¬

gow. and Franklin are at the Palace, Glas¬

gow. .\*ldle Dorlna Is at the Hull Hlp|>o<Irome. Lotto. Lllo and Otto, ami Blake and Amber

are at the Winter Ganlens. Mon-cambe. Radfor*! and Valentine are at the Portsmouth

Palace. Diamond and Beatrice is at the HlppO)lrome.

Stockton-on-Tees. Phil an*l Nettle Peters are at the Empire.

Cacllff. Dunedin Troupe Is at the Coliseum. Glasgow. Campbell and Barb**r. .American comeily cy¬

clists. are this week at the Ixvmlon Hippoilrome. Gertie GItana Is at the Olympia. Liverpool. Chung Ling Soo Is at the Manchester Hippo-

ilrome. E<lwar<l Clark and AA'innIng Wblows are at

the bottom of the bill at the New Cross Em- [dre.

Truly Sbattnek Is at the Empire. Dublin. Mike S. Whallen Is at the Empire, South-

shields. A’erno and Voyce are at the Empire. Swansea. Chari**** T. Aldrich Is at the Emiiire, Sunder-



Silvia's Rig: Reptile Show, at Jami- si>n. Mo.. **n S.xtiirda.v. August 8. broke the sea¬ son’s recool for one day. the rt*celpt8 being $212..■>0. a ri'markable bnsin**ss considering that the top Is only l.Sx.TO feet. It was an all-day grind at the picnic groumis.

Selden and Nichols are doing: well with J. J. Kelly’s Big Show presenting their a**rial and ring contortion act. .Andrew Ksn- zlg. with the same show. Is also making good with his female Impersonations.

Princee.s Flor.a has opened new of¬ fices In Roanoke, Va.. and for the past ten days her bnsiness has been so good that she has engageil Mile. Cleo and Prof. Orrln as as¬ sistants In her palmist parlors.

Prof. R. Thompson, hlRtf-wlre art¬ ists and balloonist, has just flnisbod an engage¬ ment at Saskatoon. Sask., Canada, and baa left for Prince Albert, where be will appear August 17-18.

songs. G.vimv In her Scotch

at every ap|M-ar- ib-totM-r anil will

.MuniiRer \V. \V. .McKwen, of the Crystal 'ITieatre. .Anderson. In<l.. haa n-slgneil his iHisItlon. He Is still un*l*‘*'lded as to hla future plans.

The Faribault Theatre, at P'aribault, Minn., of which I.. H. Dibble is manager, will Is- o|M-ii*-<l for the season August 11 with The Isle of S|>lee

The .Maplet*in Op*-ra House, Maple- fi. Kan., will ahortly ff^r tb** nen-

»«Hi. S. K. Hall haa th<'' manaicpnipnt of the hoiiap.

I'edla.v an*l Rurt-h have leased the Gn lid at Morganfi**ld. Ky.. anil are now tiook- iiig first elass attractions for the coming sea- si ai.

The McOhie Theatre, at Columbus, Kan . under the management of W. E. McGhle, will be i>|M'iiei| for the season about .September 1*1

The new Prince Theatre, at Houa- t -n. Texas, will be opened on the night of S-pteiiiber 17 with the comedian. Tim Murjihy.

John and .-Mice McDowell are booked solid In vaudeville. .At B**echwoo<l Park. Ma.vs- vllle. K.r.. iveentl.v. their act was one l>lg hit.

Stewart and Stephenson, of That Crazy Roy Company, an* rehearsing a new act for the (aiming s<*ason. entitbal My Only Son.

Danny .Mc.Mormack and Robert rti.-teller opi-n***! an exteniled engagement on tl e Westi-rn Vaudeville Circuit last week.

J. L. Maitland, manager of the Bijou Theatre. Puluth. Minn., has left for the East. He will b** gone about two weeks.

The (Rand Rooking: Exchanse has oix*n**d an ollee In llie Masonic Building, Lou¬ isville. Kv.. and Is now ready for business.

Edward Rice, of Ft. Wayne. Ind., has left for Wilmington, Del., where he will take charge of the Graml Oix*ra Hous**

Th** .\venue. at L<')ui.«ville. Ky., is row undergoing many Improvements and will n|s'n .August Id with Sure Shot Sam.

Lew L**sli**. the popular manager of Nashville. Tenn . aeeompanled bv his wife. Is siM-ndlng a few weeks In I.otilsvllle.

- Vinni** Daly began a long Western lour of twenty eight weeks at the Orphenm Th<-aln*. Salt Lake City. last week.

Van Hoven. the mad magician, nperi<*d on the Western time at Oskaloosa. la., August 3. for eight**en w**eks.

Percival and Shiehl. the Dixie Kid.s, made s big hit at the Atajestle. Charleston. S. C., w<**'k of August 3.

Dincing Marnell is making a hit in the South with hl« soft and wivsb-n shoe ; cro batle buck ilancing

The Elks’ Theatre. Taylorville. Ill., 'Ill Iw ojx'ntsl S<*iif**mber Id. with The District .exib-r

La Fiance and LaPlance are now l>lsylng the Verbeck Circuit with great suc-

W will I

Littlefield, the .Xnierican miin- o out on the Grph**um time next sea-

XX'*»rk has not yet I een started on «• tien Gaiety Theatre In Louisville.

Hughie iJrillith is again at the door the .A*enu** Tliealre. I.otilsvllle, Ky.


The Fuster Frown .Xmusement Co. will .>i«Tate two Buster Brown companies the coming season. d<*signat<*<l as the Eastern an*] Wisli*rn The Eastern company will he man- agisl by E H Fllxhugh with F. M. Sliortrldge as sgent. The W**slern rsunpany Is to b<* In charge of G*s>. G<»*tt. Harry Hopping as agent. Master Reed will play Buster lalth the Eastern company. an<l .Master Rli*e will app**ar as Bus¬ ter with the Wcs'tem company. MIsa Ray M.'ers and Miss I c|la Cautna will play the part of Msr.« Jane In the Eastern and Wi'stcrn Vomi>anles. res|Mt<'lively. Jack B*'1l In the AVi'stern. and F.ilwln l.aniar In the Eastern, will l>or1ra.v the well known charreter of Ttge. The thr***- lending characters will have the strong •upl'ort of Urge and w*>llhalan»*cd companies snd chorus Eugene SsUcr. Esstem. and Prank Remlek. W**st*>rn, will have charge of the music.

Hchpnrs;il.'« for The Sunny Side of Broadwsy. which will serve those famous origi¬ nals. Mnrrsy snd Mack, as a starring vehicle again this season will b** coiiimenrvd August 29. at Muncle. Ind.. the hf*me of Air. Murray. The company haa been routtxl for forty-two weeks this .v'esr. tbeir tmir Including all of the principal cities to the Pacific Coast snd return. Thi* score of this year’s show Is said to be en- tltx'Iy new ami ctMitsIns forty one new festtipcs with forty-five people in the cast.

Ml88 El.slo Jnnis ha.s returned to America after sp**ndlng some time abtxmd. Miss Jsnis will appear In a new musical play by George Ado next season.

Hazel Cox will a-ssume the role of the school teacher In Ous Kdwanls' new muslral c*>me*ly. ScIkwI Days.

12 Xtie Billboard AUGUST 29, 190a


l^Tith Street Tbeatre.—For a aecond week the New Salome will be the attraction at 125tb Street Theatre. Hope Booth and Cktmpan; will be Keen In The Little Blonde Lady, a aketcb by Geo. M. Coban. Baiay Ilarcourt, comedienne, will be another feature. I>eo Cooper, the Cali¬ fornia actor, and bia company, will be seen in The Price of Power. Othera will be Sharpe Brothera. and the Six Diiaky Bellea; Parabley, In a niualcal act; Mable Berra, vocallat, and Bob Pander and Brother.

Fifth Avenue.—I.,aSylpbe, In Salome, and a claasical Greek dance, la the acheduled headliner for the Fifth Avenue. Henry B. Dlxey and Company In David Garrick, and Mag(;le Cline, the comedienne, will be other featurea. Lillian Show, Loiiey Haakell, monologlat, and The Mar¬ shall, a dramatic sketch, will be aome of the other g(H)d things on the bill.


Sue (loodwln, the Tennessee coon Bhoiiter, Italian Impersonator and character singer. Is monarch of all she surveys in South¬ ern t<‘rrltory, and la featured as headliner on all bills. She has Just finished eight weeks on tin- Wells Park Circuit and la now being rep¬ resented by George Greenwood, of the South¬ ern Vaudeville Agency, Atlanta, Ga. Mlaa Goodwin’s act was such an instantaneous hit at the Orpbeum, Savannah, Ga., that the manager, Mr. Wllensky, tendered her another week for August. The Orpbeum Is one of the floeat vaudeville bouses In the south, costing Its owners about $30,000 to equip. Miss Goodwin’s Pullman car, the Princess Flora, was recently burned at Bedford City, Va., and she says the Insurance com¬ pany either has to remit the $10,(H»0, the amount fur which it was Insured, or build a new can

“Walking Joe”, the globe trotter, who is under a scientific test by several Boston physicians, to walk five thousand miles, from San Francisco to Boston, arrived in Savannah, Ga., last week, and gave several interesting lectures on his trip. He has been out on his tramp since January 1, 1U05, and has a year and a half to complete his Journey, but says that be exi>ectB to finish in about eight months. Among the large cities be visited are San Fran¬ cisco. Is>e Angeles. San Diego, Cal.; Yuma, Tuc¬ son, Arlz.: K1 Paso, Sandersville, San Antonio, Houston. Texas; New Orleans, La.; Meredian, Miss.; Birmingham, Mobile, Ala.; Pensacola, Fla.; Klorala. Dothan. Ala.; Balnbridge, Thom- asvllle, Valdosta, Waycross and Savannah, Ga.

The Misses Hengler, May and Flora, left New York, recently, and Itegan their fare¬ well vaudeville tour in St. Paul. After the present season this dainty duo will be starred in a musical comedy under the direction of J. J. Murdock. The name of The Twin Detec¬ tives. which was originally s<>lectcd, is to be altered to something less suggestive of a ’Theo¬ dore Kramer piece and a title more in keeping with the light, airy character of the musical comedy will be chosen. For their final tour in the vaudeville theatres the Misses Hengler will present their usual characteristic dances, without a Salome dance.

llarber and Palmer write that they have Is-cn meeting with success for the past B»‘venteen weeks in the South, and are now pla.ving return dates on their way back East. Their acrobatic dog. King, has been a decided Idt In ever.v house where the act was seen, and encouraged iiy its success, the team purchased three very fine fox terriers in Jacksonville, Fla., and exiH-’ct to pn-sent their new act, entitled The Dutch House Maid and the Hungry ’Tramp, in vaudeville, this season, featuring their four acrobatic dogs.

Aimee Allaire, the club juggler, was given a big spread at Fargo, N. C., August 8, by Kmlle Erdele, of the Tathskeller Cafe, Moor¬ head. Minn., in honor of Allaire’s twenty-fifth birthday. Among those present were Noble and Brooks, Kennedy and Vincent. Nixon and Moran. Kaschetta Brothers. LaPetlte Dorothy, l,u1u McCroan, Bud Mohler, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hooker, The Two Hawl-Rumes. Emile Erdele, Harry Phillips and Clever Conkey. "Boots” Conkey was master of ceremonies.

Amelia Summerville, when she opens her sesson at the Orpheum In Denver next Mon- dav will have Joined the list of Impersonators. He'r new offering. Mrs. Get-Rich-Qulck’s Supper Party, introduces a series of imitations of Marie Dressier, Harry Lauder, Donald Brian, May Irwin. Andrew 'Mack and Eva Tangnay. She speciallv requested the writer in chronicling the Introduction of this feature to say that for her imitation of Tanguay she has selected I Don’t Care.

Miss Rosa Barnes has just closed a three months’ engagement with the Arcade Company, at Tientsin and Pekin, China, which was a return date. Miss Barnes writes that she bolds the record with the Arcade Company, having plaved Pekin and Tientsin over 270 nights, closing August 20. She will then go to Shanghai, opening at the Alhambra, where she will remain for six months, after which she will return to London, England, where she is booked at the Pavilion.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Wells’ new ru¬ ral plavlet. The Boy Who Wore ’The Blye, was product for the first time, August 8. and won Immedl- e favor. ’This is the most pretentious production that these clever vaudeville per¬ formers have yet made and they feel highly elated over their success. The act will be seen on one of the vaudeville circuits this fall and winter and no doubt will prove one of the big winners and surprises of the season.

Joe Kennedy, the roller skater, Is at present working In stock at the Lyceum Theatre in bis home town. Knoxville, Tenn.

He re|>ort8 gou<l business at this house. Joe siiys he is somewhat of a dramatic scholar. He has received many flattering offers for the coming w-ason an<I Is thinking seriously of Join¬ ing Karl B. Sterling in a skating act.

I..aura Burt and Henry B. Stanford, late CO stars In The Walls of Jericho, left Au¬ gust 14. for Montreal, where they are to ap- IK-ar week of August 17 in their new playlet. The Beauty and the Bath. So successful was this tabloid comedy that an entire season of forty weeks In vaudeville has be«‘n booked for the two stars.

Harris and Proy have just finished twenty weeks of vaudeville time in the South and will rest during the month of September at Mr. Harris’ home in Pennsylvania. &-veral changes w-lll be made in the act In the way of up-to-date comedy and an entire new wanlrolM- purchased, after which several return dates will be played with other good time to follow.

One of the best novelty acts seen In Savannah, Ga., In some time, is that which is presc-nted by Veda and Quintarouw, a novelty glolte Juggling and serpentine turn, which has caused the receipts of the Casino, where they appeared, to show a big increase. This act Is a decldetl novelty and the team deserve cred¬ it for the way they handle it.

McConnell and Simpson, a new act from the West, after opening at the Alhambra Theatre, New Y’ork City, August 20. received contracts for fifty-three weeks, all Eastern time. They present Lester Lovergan’s act called A Storm.v Hour. They oitened their sea¬ son In Boston, at Keith’s, August 3.

The Mysterious DeVeauxs have just a very successful ten weeks’ engagement on the Holland and Russell time through the South, and opened August 8 on the Lyric time. They state their act has been going big in Southern territory and have b<s‘n offered return dates in practically every house they played.

The Zat Zams have spent a very pleasant vacation at Point Marion among the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, and will begin work August 17 on the Verbeck Moun¬ tains, and will begin work August 17 on the Verl»eck Olrcult well rested, and glad to be "on the go” once more.

Corcoran and Dixon, who were with la-w Dockstader last season, played Riverside I’ark, Hutchinson, Kan., week of August 3, and they pleased the crowds so well that Manager Leo engaged them for the second week. This team has one of the best black face acts ever seen in Hutchinson.

James E. Hardy, the hiffh-wire king, was the special free attraction at the Blue Grass Fair. Lexington. Ky., last week. His p«-rformances were regarded as the best aerial feature ever engaged for that fair. Hardy will play over the Southern Circuit of State Fairs this season.

Harry Allister, a very popular Berlin character comedian, booked In America to open in September, has written Martin Beck that he is sailing August 14 on the Deutchiand. Mr. Allister op<-ns in Percy G. Williams’ houses In the East before his tour over the Orpheum Cir¬ cuit.

Lola Lea Earl and Company played a return engagement at the Orpheum, Savannah, Ga., last week, and they did not seem to have lost any of their drawing powers. The act Is a very clever one. consisting of Mrs. Earl aud her two daughters. Dearest and Zella.

Tekara. the European court magi¬ cian. has consented to give two js-rformances on Wednesday and Friday night. August 19 and 21, it the Gayety 'Theatre, Indianapolis. Ind. An entertainment will be given on those evenings and the proceeds will go to charity.

Owing: to the sickness of Vesta May- fair. The Ma.vfalrs were compelled to cancel the remaining half of the week of July 27. on Wednesday, at Mammoth. Philadelphia. They desire to express publicly their appreciation of Manager Cullen’s kindness and consideration.

Kins and Franklin, illusionists, re- t>ort a very favorable season ns the vaudeville attraction with the Crescent Comedy Company. They presented the Francello M.vstery and Or¬ iental Illusion, which met with much approval from both press and public.

Leo Carrillo, the clev'er mimic, who Is best known in the East through his vaude¬ ville cartoons In Variety, opened his tour at the Orpheum. Salt I.ake. last Sunday. He Is booked for a season of twenty weeks In the West.

Miss I.iaura IjaPell, the dainty sou- brette. Is making quite a success this season, singing several new songs. Miss LaBell has a charming js-rsonallty and always leaves a host of friends ts-hlnd her wherever she appears.

Howard and Banard, who recently close with Metcalf and Cartwright’s Minstrels, have signed with the Jolly Widow Company, do¬ ing principals. Mr. Banard will also do a race¬ track sketch, entitled The Race-Track Tout.

Willard Halstead is arransring: hi.s new act. A Few Minutes in Posterland. which he will pres<>nt the coming season In vaudeville. Mr. Halstead states the act Is a novelty and the only one of Its kind ever produced.

Cunningrham and Marlon opened at Binghamton. N. Y., July 20. for one week to break In their act. and It went so well that the team was engaged for the second week. ’They closed the show each week.

Mitchell and Browning: are present¬ ing a sketch, entitled His Last Case, which Is a scream from start to flnish. ’These clever peo¬ ple have an act that Is a laugh-getter and which Is making good everywhere.

Miss Mildred Cox. of the Cox Family | I Quartette, has recovered from a serious attack

of typhoid fever at the St. Thomas Hospital, Nashville. Temi. She ex|H‘Ct8 to Join the Cox Family in lh<‘ near future.

I'ernard ami John Conners and Aver.v Hughes, of the team of Ollle Young and Brothers, who have been K|M'iiding a (lortlon of the summer at their home in Ashland. Ky., left for Columbus. (».. .\ugust 10, to rejoin Mr. Young fur a long season in vaudeville.

Earl Flynn. "That Minstrel Bov,” has secured through the I'nited Booking )f- flees and the Majestic Interstate Offices, twenty weeks, to open Septemiter 7. Mr. Flynn plays Carnival I’ark. Kansas City, Kan., fur Ed. Hayman, August .'to ami w(‘ek.

Cecil Smith, the popular illustrated song singer. Is taking a much needed rest at his home In Chlckasha. Okla., after working fifty-one consecutive weeks. He will o|)en Au¬ gust 17 at the Bijou, Anadarko, Okla.

LeClair and Sampson, the travesty strong men, will open their Orpheum Circuit engagement at the l>r|>heum Theatre In I-sm .\ngeles. Cal., instead of Oakland. August 24 Is the o|>ening date.

J. Aldrich I..ibbey and Katherine Trayer. famous singing character artists, have l>een meeting with great success during the en¬ tire summer months. Their bookings extend well into the winter season.

Garden and Somners. the xylophon¬ ists. are under the sole direction of Lykens and Levy. They are featuring Morning. Noon and Night in Vienna, also Weber’s Invitation to the Dance.

Martin and Crouch, comedy knock¬ about acrobats and barrel Jumpers, have been engaged as one of the feature acts at the car¬ nival to be held in Medford. Okla., September 10-12.

The Chapman Sisters, Lulu and Galatea, with their pickaninny. Little Ray, have signed with The Avenue Girls Burlesquers, and are now rehearsing in New York City.

Rooney and Girard are making a hit with Robinson and Ibmney’s latest composi¬ tion. entitled Mary Dear. Faded Flowers and Sweethearts aw* we True to the Heart.

Merritt and Love are meeting with success on the Pantages Circuit and will open for the Western Vaudeville Association in Octo- l>er. They are bookt'd by Jake Stemad.

The Great DeCleo, sensational aerial artist, will sever his connection with the Ginnl- van Stock Company, and will oi>en at St. Marys, O., with several dates to follow.

The Three Moshers is the title under which the well-known cyclists, Mosher, Hough¬ ton and .Mosher will be known. They opened on the Orpheum Circuit. August 23.

The Aerial Goodrodes are now pre¬ senting one of the foremost double trapeze acts before the public, replete with many or¬ iginal and sensational feats.

Hill and Ackerman have made sev¬ eral Improvements In their original act. en¬ titled TSvlsts, Tangles and Bumps, and have been booked very far ahead.

Hi Tom Ward, the merry minstrel writer, has Just finished his Western time, and will open on the Majestic Circuit at Mont- (jomery, Ala.. Sept. 14.

Billy Elckard and Gaynell Everett have Just closed the Hodkins’ Circuit and open on the Sullivan and Consldine time, S»‘ptemb«‘r 7, at St. Paul, Minn.

The Masqueria Sisters open at the Majestic, St. Paul. Minn.. August 17. with Min¬ neapolis. Grand Forks, Fargo. Sui>erlor and I.a- Crosse to follow.

Dan Sherman, formerly of Sher¬ man. IVForest and Co., was appointed Iteputy Sheriff of Nassau County. New York, last week.

Lew Dean, “The Minstrel Moke,” still continues to score a hit with his black¬ face song and dance act. through Ohio,

Happy George LaVigne will join the Robert Robinson Co. at Corldn. Ky.. August 24. for a thirty-five we«'ks’ engagement.

DeMarlo and Bell, now on route with Ringling Brothera. have lieen booked solid for one year by J. A. Stenard.

Lewis and Chapin write that they are booked solid until Christmas by the Western Vaudeville Managers’ Association.

"rhe Juggling Nelsons, after a suc¬ cessful season In vaudeville, are resting at their home In Ashland, Ky.


Manager Jake Wells, president of the Wells Circuit, and his right hand man. 11. L. Conloza, were In the city, last week, making prepara¬ tions for the opening of his bouse, early in Septembi*r. ’The Bijou’s opening attraction has not as .vet been annonneed. The executive staff for the coming season Is as follows: O. A. Neal, manager; Aio* Halley, treasurer: Roy An¬ drews. assistant treasurer; Ren Dickinson, stage manager; H. Hamilton, carpenter.

Mr. Robt. J. Miller, a well-known druggist of this city, has recently purchased controlling Interest |n the stock of the RIJoti Theatre Comftan.v. which owns the handsome Shubert Theatre. At the annual me**tlng of the stock¬ holders. held last week, Mr, Miller was elected [iresldent of the company, and his son. Harrv L. Miller, was elected a member of the Imard <if directors and secretar.v of the company. The directors are as follows: R, J. Miller. F. F. Sloops. J. B. PfMind, H. J. Miller, J. .M. Allen, S. M, Chambliss. J. R. F. I»wrey.

The Shubert has t>een leased for a term of ten years, to the Cnited States Amusement Co., and iiy them sub let to Paul R. Alts-rt and Jake Wells. A large number of high-class attrac¬ tions have tK*en tiooked for this house, which will play the Klaw * Erlanger time, and many treats are In store for Chattanooga theatregoers, during the coming season. Mr. Albert has leas<-d. for a p<"rlod of five years, the Shubert Annex. He will remotlel the rooms, making them Into a first class apartment, and will oc- cutiy them as a place of business, at all hours.

Mr. O. A. Neal, the manager ef the Bijou, has sp<*nt the summer at his old home. Danville, Va. While there, during the summer months, he managed Danville’s summer park and Casino

Theatre. His many local friends welcome his return.

Ala* Halley, treasurer of the Bijou, spent the summer season in .Memphis aud Atlanta.

W. J. Patterson, who for years was stage manager of the old opera house, before taking the road with .Murray & Mack, ten years ago. has returned to his boybtssl home and will have charge of the big Shubert stage, the coming m>ason.

Prof. Geo. Saffer’s Orchestra has been engaged Iiy the management of Lookout Mountain, Tenn., for the remainder of the seasim.

It. E. l>’e will give a grand spectacular flr»-- works display, at Olympia Park, August 27, the (iroceeds to go to the Old Ladies’ Home liuilding fund.

The famous Sheath or Dlrectolre Gown will have its first introduction, in Chattanooga, this wt-ek. It will be worn by Miss May Keenan, during her engagement at the Creacent ’Theatre.

A. G. Allen’s Colored Minstrels played Chat¬ tanooga, August IS. Notwithstanding the ther¬ mometer was 96, the tent was parked with negroes. Manager Quine stated that it was his banner one-nigbt stand, this season.

The Orpheum Theatre is drawing well during the warm weather, with four iierformances daily. Manager W’lll 8. Albert la to be con¬ gratulated for giving bis patrons such good vaudeville bills.

AI. G. Fields* Minstrels will open the Shu- tiert’s regular season, early In September.



B. C. Whitney's Musical Farcicality Given Try-out at Springfield,

III., August 16.

B. C. Whitney’s elalsirste musical farce, A Broken Idol, was given Its initial try-out at the Chatterton Tbeatre, Springfield. Illinois, on Sunday evening, August 16. The first offering was made to a comfortably filled house aud was welcomed warmly. S|irlngflel<i has always ex- tembsl a friendly hand to the Whitneys, and were given measure for measure in this creation. The costumes were fetching and the settings well up to the Whitney standard. Angeles’ Chinatown furnishes the arena for Act I., and a .Santa Monica private bouse, the other. ’The l>b‘ce is s»i at the p«-rlod of a Chinese New Y’ear celebration, and gathers abumlant excuse fur much clever fun. Otis Harlan aud Alice Y’orke hand out the largest slices of merriment and are followed well by a coterie of ten other fun- makers. The chorus was nut excellent, but quite good, aud time will sm<H>tb ami strengthen it. Ftdlowing Is the full cast and song numbers: A BROKEN IIH)!.—B<H>k by Hal Stephens. Lyr¬

ics by Harry Williams. Music by Harry Van Alstyne. Staged by Gus Sobike. I Note—The characters are named In the order in which they ap|S‘ar.)


Slngwee, daughter of Sun l^’e I>no. .Madge Voe

Sun liee Ixm, a Chinese merchant. .Lawrence Comer

Silas Pugaley, a retired merchant with po¬ litical ambitions.George Richards

Miss I.ucretla Muddleford, wife of Ely. with social ambitions .Miss Carrie Perkins

J. Ely Muddleford. D. Z., in search of bugs .Otto Hoffman

Jack .Mason, a news|ia|N>r reporter. .Charles H. Bowers

“Doc What?” .Otis Harlan Ix)rd Dunby, a fortune hunter. .David Andrada

.Marlon Pugsley, Silas Pugsley’s daughter, .Alice Yorke

Mile. Marie Ib'Iteau, from the Follies De- gre, Paris.Gertrude DesRoche

Orticer Jenkins .Fred Hill Henry, a s«*rTant .Maxwell Sargent


ACT I—Chinatown. 1/)S Angeles, during Chi¬ nese New Years Celebration.

ACT II—Silas Pugsley’s Home, Santa Monica. California.


Orchestra under the dln-ctlon of Mr. Don Mathews.

ACT 1. 1. Oiienlng Chorna—Welcoming the New Y'ear. 2. Big *131110 To night, I>oc and Sandwich

Men. 3. China IkdI. Marlon and Chorus. 4. Marie. Marie and Vlvanillcrs. .’>. I.ove Makes the World Go Round, Marlon.

Jack and Chorus. 6. Finale.

ACT II. 1. Opening Chorus -lla|>|>y Days. 2. Sjirlug Time, Marlon, Jack, liord Dunby

and Cboi-uH. 3. Polltl<*s. Doc. 4. The Art of Making Up, Marie and Spanish

<;irls. Alabama, Ibic and Daffy Dan Girls and

Boys. Am 1 Right? Henry and Walters.

6. Finale—'The Old Fasblonisl Buggy Ride. Peoria wllness«>d It two nights, thence to Chl-

<'ago for an Indefinite run.


The muslcsl comedy. Pickings from Puck, w’lli open its seasf>n about Oct«>l>er 1, near Kan¬ sas City, Mo. This attraction was out forty weeks last s<-ason under the management of the Diiblnsky Brothers. Maurice M. Duhlnsky will manage the show this season.

The new musical show. The Yankee, The German ami The Girl, will take tlie ix>ad about Novemix-r 1. undi'r the management If 8. J. Gtmld, and will go to the coast.

The Wallack’s Theatre Company, featuring Miss Irene Daniel, will not close but will continue winter and summer. This show closed on the Bell Circuit of AIrdomes last June, at St. Joseph. Mo., and opened In Oklahoma, playing lnde|iendenl airdomea, where It has been doing a phenomenal business. It has broken six house records. In fact, has made more money for Its managers In the past six weeks than It did all last summer. Fklward (YIddlel Duhlnsky la the manager of the Wal- lack Company.


L. T. Burnham, the well-known Chicago architect, was badly Injured In Detroit. Mich., August 2. by being thrown from a street car. He was taken to Orac Hospital, where he is In a critical condition. It In feared t?iat his skull Is fractured and there are also Indications of possible Internal Injuries.

august 29, 1906. X ti e B i 111» o a r cl 13


rill- piirka hnrr had anotbor buay wri-k. TIih Mialb'-r baa runuiiiK tb<* Kau>ut uf varta non. from but to ilullKbtful coulncaa. Tbougb ... bavn, to auniu iDatanrca, boon a lit lb* oliill;, uu one baa b<M-D In tbo |oa»t In- ooiivoiiloucotl.

.\t fboator Park, tbe crowtla bavo iii.kIo no nIiow Ilf falliuK off, and, an tlio cl<at<- of tb« opora KoaHun drawn iioar, tboro ia a dlK|Hmitton (II uitiii'na tbn H|>loiidld work of tbo .Motro|iolltan tiraiid t>|H-ra Couipany, boforo tbo oiid tamioa. I.ant wook. tbo proKram oiiiliractal tbo oxvollont ■loiililo bill of t'avollorla Uiiatlcana and Trial lij- Jury, wblob woro kuiiic In tbo aaino artiatic iiiaiinor aa baa rbaractorlsod all of tbo pnaluc- tioiia of that ronipauy tbia aoaaon. In fact tboao oia-raa won- prialucod la-ttor than any of the lirooodinK nniiibora. Tbo vaudorlllo proKrain at (his park waa niado up larKoly uf bold ovora froiii last wook. so tbo patruua woro troatod to a K"<al bill. Aniulilo and bla tralnod looparda, IdlKor, tbo bandoulT oxport, and tbo Itarktown «'ln-iia addod to wblob woro Mr. tJoorno Waltora. In iiobrow apoclaltloa, Kurtia and Kiia- so. witb tboir Siaitcb torriora, and tbo Aiiatln and Austin Company, clovor comodlana, JuKKlora and liurloa<|iio niaKiclana.

Conoy Island wan oullvonod by tbo roKUlar Cull llurToat Koatlval, and band contoat. Tbo rniwda of rural p«-oplo wbo woro drawn tboro wi'iild baro duiio rordit to tbo political nx-otlnKX of old tItuiM. Tbo I.awroncoliurK. Ind., orftaolxa tion won tbo band contoat prixo. A tiuwor sh-'W and baliy oxbiblt woro alau featun-a uf tbIa llarvost Homo Wook.

At tbo l.aK'sm. tbo ufTorliiir uf attractiuna waa K'sat. Tbo woathor boint; Kmal, larKO at- tondanco waa aaaurod. Milo. Aruiinta, and Kurko Karo aoiiio aatonlabInK foata uf K.vm- uastlca; tbo Clnoinnatl Conoort Co., numiH-rtnic anionic tboir art lata. Mra. Von Sb-giforn, Mrs. Wlukloman and Cora Kand .Miigulro, plotaod tbo audlonco lmmona<-ly. tioo. E. Austin and tbo SholToy llrotbora woro also Kuud numbora un tbo profcram.

Kd. Sbafor, bandmaator at tbo Lagoon, bad a atriko on bla bands for a briof timo yoatorday. Ilia mon rofua«al to play or roniain In tboir placi-s wbllo Micycio Hill Juggled big kniroa and bayonotod guns, at tbo aauio tImo balancing blnia<-lf OB bla wbool. It liaikod alarmingly dan- gormis to tbom anil Anally got on tboir norroa. A cianpcomiao, bowoTor. was Anally olTectoil by wblob tbo doatb’lnroklng Itlll waa kopt twenty foot away from tbo f itllgbt trough.

Tbo /iN> kad lloloombo and bla band, last wook. This Is tbo band that Is adrortlsod to act as writ as sing. Tbo audloncoa woro a ploasod lot. and tbo band, as a drawing card, waa a auccoaa. Miss Anna Wiaalward was |>o|m- lar aa a soprano alngor, and at oTory porhirm- anco was utdlgod to respond to froquont oncoros.

Itolchrath'a Park cootlnuod to onjoy oxcollont patrunago. with tbo Imporlal Hungarian .Mili¬ tary Hand and Sonnonleltnor's Tyrolean Warb¬ lers. This place baa boon Tory [lopalar, tbo en¬ tire soaai«. and baa reaped a substantial re¬ ward. In patronage.

Tbo beaches are woll patronlzial and bands of merry people make tboao places IlToly.

The Lyric Theatre will oja-n on Septomtior I. for a preliminary season, with Lyman II. Howo'a newest moving pictures, none of which have over bei-n soon In this section of the coun¬ try. .Mr. Howe writes that the series to bo pre¬ sented Is by far the jest that ho baa ever col- lootoil. This la saying much, for. In the opin¬ ion of (nnat of those who have onjoyotl tbo Travels, tbo pictures bad roachoil the limit of oicollon.-e.

Houck's will have a goial show next week. The few |>oo|do who missed seeing Panhandle Pete, when It waa proaontt-d at this bouse- last si-ason, ii-e not Intending to miss It this s*-aaon. If pro- Tliais aHsortlons count f-»r anything. It Is sel¬ dom that a niualcal comedy of the ‘-cartoon" oblor makes the hit that It has made In Cin¬ cinnati. It Is said that many now features bavs bts-n addnl to the show this year. All the fa Torlto comodlaus. singers and dancers who con- trlbntoil ta last season's success will be seen in llii-lr ol.l parts.

.\t the Lyceum, which will o|>on Its season 2-1, sill Im- vi-en Tlio Kis-ky Mmintaln Kxpross. Rall- rosil |ilaTs have tas-n many In the past, and some of them wi>rth while. The above play ia the newest canilldate for favor, and Is said to be su)M-rtor In every detail. .Vs a creator of en¬ thusiasm It ia aaiil to N- a thriller, liocause of Its realism. A large and capable cast will In- teriiret the play, which la to be handsomely icoiinteil amt staged.

Tlie ilrsnd opening will la-cur .Vug. .10. with Cohan A Harris' Minstrels.

The Iiuckllnga. a vi-ry mcritorliais show, was the olTorlng at People's all last wook. The brilliant setting ami lively. sna|>py w,>rk scored heavily.

The preablentlal election. In all Its glory. Is to be roprialnoed next wwk In Tlio Pollies of the Day. the show that has lieon the talk of (ho country, owing to Its satirical treatment of the iMillllcal altuatton. and the Intnsluctlon of e' Impersonations of William Jennings Rryan. W II. Taft, Thetalore UiMMovelt, S|>oakor Can¬ non and Hosa Muridiy of Now York. There are '-‘2 musical nuniliers by .Vltn-rt Von Tllxor. a witty IhhA ami lyrics by Harney tleranl, and •riginal dancing effects by .'is p<>otde In the show, and the cast Is hoadi-il by Larry Mc- • •slo. .Sam Hldman and tlortnide llavnos. and " st and Williams.

The Stamlanl will have all next (seek Chaa. H .Vrnold'a Si-renaders. a m-wly organlio<l com¬ pany of the snappy sort, sure lo idoase the pa Irons of this house.

riie Walnut will n|>en Its season —I. with Oeo. A le's Just (»ut of Collcpe.

The Cidumbla will throw otn-n Its diMirs 2Tt. I" advanc*-d vaiiilovlllo, and doubtless ropi-at ID suoci-ssea of former seasons. Tlie headliner •I the bill for the Arst wook will be tins Kd wanis' Hlonde Tyin-wrlters.

Ib-oklng ami Amusement Manager Knglobreth, er ( onoy Islaml. presents for the week of .Vug. -1. Hughes Trio, rive (;.\|Miy Porluno Tellers, •llnimy Wall, celebrated minstrel; Lafayette La- nioiifs TrotiiM- of .Vcrobals. and Peter Haker, of t lirls and Is-tia fame. Manager Knglebroth has return,-d from Chicago, and promises a groat "'(( ilisir attraction, to tw- tn-bl In the mic mile r.i.-i- track on the gnninils. Iluslucss Is now «o"M- the average Coni-osslonalres ar<- all woll plcaH,',| kladani Maraiilctto's Horse Show has Ii'-I.l mor another wook.

ho Crost-t-iit Sitti-k I'oinpttny, who laMng ... pla.ving alrdomos In Southern In-

'iiana for a<-voral weeks, are now getting their inter show Into sba|ir. and will ot»-n at An

br-o-n. Ind.. August 24.



I am taking iny s«-rvice from .MILKS HKDTIlKItS and they are certainly delivering the g<MMls. 1 am coining money and my theatre is a bowling succi-sa. Their pictures are new and entertaining and their songs popular and up tu-dute, having one of the largest stocks to select from I have ever aeon. Up to recently 1 have dealt with seven different Aim exchanges and never have I recelvetl the courteoua treatment, prompt attention and HH gissi idi'tures as I am now getting fnim .MILKS HROTHKltS. 'They have also sold me one of Heir ItllLll.STATIK'IDKS. which makes the motion picture se«-m almost realistic. Theu, again, this uonilerful Invention of theirs cuts down electric light bills more than half. IT S WONDLKFUL. tSigne.1) ONE OF OUR MANY SATISFIES EXHIBITORS

BOSTON RRII PO DO SAN FRANCISCO Hub Theatre IwllLeb^D I 790 Turk Street

t i.ncorporatbd)


412 E. Baltimore St, 121 Broughton St,. W. 439 Commercial Building



Yes, the John It. Smith Show has lM'«-n through Jersey, and is still doing business, hut not in the same old way, "Mr. Slaller.” 1 am now on my way South for the winter, where there are good eropB of folloli. Tcdiac<-o, etc. I want a few more good shows to make THIS the biggest in the South. Want .Vnimal or Ia>g and Monkey Show; Vaudeville or Burlesque; Serpentine and Fire Danee, or any other novel and up-to-ilate show. Concessions, come on. Cisik-house, Confetti and Novelties. Palmistry and any other gissI privllegt-s for sale. (Act quick if you 'want them.) Positively no HIItD piekout or other graft allowed. Cheatertown, Md., week Aug. 24; Cam¬ bridge, Md., week Aug. 81; aud other good ones to follow.


The Great Piedmont Fair odt l t". laos; New groamls; new urounds illuminate<l with electricity. We want conct-sw-iona of all kinds. Write C. E. WEBB, C. M.


Artificial Flowers ' are making a hit. Order now. Usexl extensively 1 in Floral Parades and street Fairs. I I hrysantbeniums. packed in boxes, I gr. to box

tll.iX) gross. 35 cvB. doz. Carnations, reg-

I ular size. 12-inch stem, 9&C gr.; 15c

I doz. Extra large Carnation, tl.50 gr., 2l'c doz.

Poppies, |3 gr.; 35c doz.

Tulips. |3 gr.: 35c ooz.

8now Balls. |3 gr.; 35c doz.

American Beauty Roses, 11-in. stem, |4 gr.; 40c doz.; in red. pink, white or yellow.

SE.NI) 11.00 for complete line sam¬ ples, PREPAID.

Terms: Halt Deposit; bal. C. 0. D.


12-14-16 S.Ver. St., DANVILLE. ILLINOIS

Opera Chairs, Folding and Portable

Chairs, Settees, etc.

Send for Special Catalogue.

Prices and Discounta.

THE A. H. ANDREWS CO. 174-176 Wabaah Avenue. CHICAaO. 1161 Broadway, NEW YORK. 810 Olive Street. ST. LOUIS. MO-

W A N X E D , Experienced Alps man to take charge of show.

Can place two platform shows, also others that can make good.

BURLINGTON, IOWA, Aug. 24-29 on the main streets. GREAT MACOMB, ILLINOIS Aug. 31-Sept S en the mein streets. COSMOPOLITAN SHOWS.

Wanted... ...Wanted For BAYNE’S 20 WAGON SHOW

Band—eight pieces; Trick BIcyclIat. Foot Juggler. Impalement Act, Boiintllng Rope, or other Cirrus Acts. Boas Canvaaman, Pro|H-rty Man. .Vdvamv .Man. Show reopens its tenth season Sept. 'M, cloees Her. 12. go South. Wag'in Show. Pt-rformera sleep hotels, eat on lot. Writs all first letter. BAYNE’S 80 'WAGON SHOW. Permanent address, R. F. O., No. 8. Tolbort. Tax.

OPEIM XIME YOUNG’S GARDEN AIRDOME,TERRE HAUTE IND. Sunday, Sept. 6, Monday, 7 (Labor Pay), and balance week, excepting 9th. Also all Sunday nigbta In Switember and Urtober, and other time when not occupied by political aiieaking. CARl. W. COOK STOCK COMPANY, now playing fifth conaecntive week to capacity buaineaa. Steel roof, no U«s OD account of weather. Address SAX X. TOUNO.

EILER’S KING GAHLE RING CO. WANTS Actors, double brass: Comet and Second Fiddle; Tuba and Double Baas Baritone, double stage. Ixing season: gtsal arcoinnKalationa and tn-atment. Address E. F. REED, North Platte,

Neb.. Aug. >4; Ogallalla, 27; Juleaburg, Colo., 88; Sidney, Neb., 89; Kimball, 81; Laramie, Wyo., Sept. 1; Hums. 8; Rawlins, 5.

WAIMXED —. Bill Posters, Musicians, Performers. HOWARD DAMON, care Circus, Butler, Pa., Aug. 28; Grove City, Pa., 29; Con- neaut Lake, Pa., 31.

The Dawson County Fair and Jubilee fair dates. Sept. 22. 88, 24 and 25. 1908 DAY AND NIGHT. Legitiniate Coneessious of all

kinds vaun-tl. The plm-c lo g>.t the tiii-iny W.VNTKD .V g<vHl Wild West Show. We have

Frontier ami Home Coining Days, Will draw 4l‘,t’W>. Write quick for space. NILU.3 E. OLSEN,

Secretary, Lexington, Nebra-ka.

Wanted for The Great Russell Shows «:«mi Shows wl I isal fronts and gmat Coiui-ssioiis at I.eea Summit. Mo.. .Viigiist 31 to Sept. 5. Fr«-«- Street Ka... Can always um- (hsHl Carnival People. VVANTED--Band Men or T'-*n-IMec«i Band, let iii< bear froiii you and if there la anything doing I will let you know oul-k Ail towiia contrartt-il by this company are annual affairs aial an- ou the atn-ets. Will mall route to Inleresti-il iiarlli-s ( oiiee-sloiis address 0. 0. XcCUVNAHAN; Slmws and others address H. A RDSSELL. Xgr., St. Joe, Mo., Auguit 85 to 29.

Wanted—-Illustrated Singer For Majeslle Theatre No 'J. now being <-qiilpp<sl. ext-i-Blng all other moving picture theatres In the South; salary no ol>J<-<-t. If you hare the voice and know bow to uae it. I am now running the Majestic No. I. and am n-<vlviiig the |>atn<nage of the Is-st class of amusement aeekera In this city. If you eaii't make gisal tw-fon- the highest class of audlem-t-s, don't answer. State whether

I or not you play the piano Those who have written write again. Address T. XONTOOXERY, Xnjeitio ThaaU* No. i. lM-158 Main Street. MEMPHIS. TENN.

We Buy and Sell Everything -IN THE LINE OF-

SLOT MACHINES state in your first letter what yon have to sell, or what you want to buy. We laaue no cata logue. Arcade and chance machines cheap.

J.E. NELSON &CO. 48 River Street. CHICAGO. ILL.

A large stock of Films for sale; .4-1 condition. Write for our Song Slide rental proposition—A greater variety than anv other Exchange. PRESTO FILM A SOllO SLIDE EXCHANOE.

1416 Broadway. New York. N. Y.

If then- has be<-u any contracts sigm-d for shows after October 1, UH0>. by the umk-rsIgiH-d. no¬ tice ia hereby given that we caiH-t-l same.

ECkOLS A FARRIS. Mangum. Okla.


To LINWOUD FLINT. No VABt**rford. Mt».

Dear Sir: Yoor Porchi ItiDem ar«) grtN^t 1 work them in t'KOvni# pit. >«»• Itody e««‘r Kaw thfm down ht^rv. they mro m nreat Kttrai'tion.

C. O. LONG. Care Haag's Show.

LAURA DAVIS, The Girl Who Sings.

AGAIN IN VALDF-VILLE. Permanent Address. BILLBOARD. Chicago

W A IM X Ferris Wheel for the Big Central Carolina_ Fair and Ceuteiiiii.xL tt. t. l.'l-ld. Greensboro, N. C.

COMPLETE MOVING PICTURE OUTFIT - Paekml in siH-eial Taylor trunk: gas making out fit and material: over slides, colorerl sets. mis<'elIau<H>u.s and song; about I.ttOO feet of film, giNHl condition, iiu-Iuiling 'J feature and HOO ft. coloreil; curtain, tis'ls. extra n-el and mlacel lanles; original cost, over Xstst; s»-U at a bargain.

I entire outfit or s«-parntely. R. G. ANDERSON, I 3;i7 North Washington Mrv-r-t. St. Paul. Mina.

14 Xtie eillboard AUGUST 29, 1908.

Philadelphia Letter

By Our Own Correspondent


TIu* flpiM‘arnn<'»' of Williniiix aiul Walker at tlie A<*a<letijy i»f Musie was very sMe<’essfol. 'Hie

I show was much enjoyed l»y the larjrc ainllences.

Kiiimctt nn.l r<>.. tiuixl.-Hl nml TcntrlUxniUl en- ItrlMiniT; ll:i7«*l XH-allut. anil th* Kilieti»s«*o|»e.

riie dominion Theatre opens Autrust 17 with a (IihhI vHiiili-Nllli- Mil IM Wltlo I'rliiita guar li-tti' In llvliiir flatuiir.v; ('iMiiirlly ami Wfhb,

...... HR a wliolo, cave an <'Xoc|>tlonally pmul piT- III.Mfb an- liriKliti-nlnK ii[) In the the- paiatory to (ioIiik in ailvance of another Cohan fonnani'e. atrii'al worlil lierealinutR. and, not- and Harria ahow. I.yinan 11. llowe’R moving plcturea continue withstanding the fact that croakera A season of Italian opera will he given at as a sph-ndld atlractlon at Ford’s Opera Mouse h.ive lieeii Iiredicting all sorts of dla- the (Irand Oiiera Mouse at po[iular prices. The large attendaiiee Is due to the excelleiiee of aster for the coining season, the man- The season of vaudeville and pictures at the the ent.'rtainment.

agers of our tlieatrea are going ahead with I’eople’s Theatre has heen so very successful The Page Stis'k Comiiany. at the Auditorium, preparations to make their luMises attraetlve and that arrangements are heing made to continue continues to please the large audiences Ini- pleasant, just as if they wi'ri* sure they were this elass of attractions all winter, and to mcnscly. This compan.v has an I’livlatde record going to lake In a ton of money every week close down on melodramatic attractions for one for (dcasing large auilleiicca in hot weather.

Tile weather during the week was liiicnscly ,.,,„„sly musical artists; Marry Van Fosaen, w arm and not comf.irtalilc for in.lisir perform- |,|;„ k face coml•dl,■lll: l.erey aii.l lawaiilon. bar atucs. That the audiences were large was due .„.rfi>rmers; Anita Primrose In a turn from to the lielief of patrons that tlo- show was ••.\eross the Water"; Itiwalluo and Sleveni, worth seeing, Tlie audiences were kept laugh- ,.,,„„.,llans. and the KlniHlroiiie. li;g. an.I the iuimitatile coniialy and grotes.|ue ■I'l,,. ^•„'h|||,. Theatre will open Aiiguat 17 dancing of P.crt Williams was a treat. Mis „ musical lauuedy. greatest hit was the song, entitled The Kight -p],,. star Theatre's tnovlng pictures wei-k of CliureU hut tlie Wrong Pew. The company, were a gissi progratn, showing guels*e Ter¬ ns a whole, gave an exceptionally gissl per- ,.ei'itenarv Kxposllloti. formanee. -pi,,. Koval Theatre had a tiiovlti" pletura

I.yinan M. Howe’s moving pictures continue program to g.ssl huslness. IAU I8 LKIPSIC.


next season air In liusini

Tliat there Is a more (onddent I season at least. circles Is proven by the merean- I F.ven the tirst-elass tlarriek Tlieatre has sue

tile estahlishments. who claim that liusiness la I eumlied to moving ph-tures

.... With the end of August fast approaehln*. e for (deasing large audleiieea in hot weather. season Is alsait over, and one lurna to

when theatres have In the past Issm closed. theatres for amiisi-ment. With one theatr* • Ttaltimoreans are highly appreciative of the , another to reoia-n. August 'il. the

■™- I New York, and has retnmed. looking tine and In manv parts she has plaved. J. Cleneat Pet^ile who look ni»on the opening of the I ready for a big season at this popular play- Mathews has made a distinct histrionic success'

oung actress, and has dlsplaywl miioh talent Theatre. In the death of bU father.

melotlramatle hoiisea as a criterion of huslness I house •Mien Fawcett Is a splendid actor, being also

J Cleneay ,4

The next house to aiinotinee an opening for wing also n, |h the t'entury Theatre, which la

The theatrical merger In New York created quite a lot of discussion here, and more talk Arch Street Theatre, has written a new song, |s was ereateil when It was rumored that the U. enlltltHl. My Cowboy Girlie, which will t>e a w 8. cotirla would be used to prevent It. feature of The Devil’s Auction this Reason. ul

At the Chestntil Street Theatre, the Orphetim .Taeoh HItsehler. a well-known merchant of w

moderatml. The niinager; of 'the 'open"hmVsei I his brother. Mike, and will start the Welsh Montigne .Taeohs, the new manager of the i;.',“,‘h“xr,nl^er’ MarUn l^rmanTn rtSrge'«aln’ wimrt that this season Is fully as gootl as the | P.rolhors’ Circus from this city early next Monumental Theatre, was kept hiis.v last week rn^it' iV^ i^Ti.biV with unit of the former st-

I"’'"*- making the acquaintance of tboae who want ‘ W. Dayton Wegarfarth, manager of Rlaney’s to be on speaking terms with the manager. He p.rk ts maklmr a hit with the nark

ireh Street Theatre, has written a new song. |s a Jolly go,si fellow and has the spirit that vl-D^ m semi ^ -eklT flilworka mZu nllthsl. M.v Cowboy Girlie, which will ts- a will make him. as well as bis house, 'very pop- X ,^one o? th^h «e«r7Jowds of Thi eature of The Devil’s Auction this season. ular as the season i.rogresses. The Rriea.lie^ Sun.tay saw one of the hlgg. at erowna or toe

W. Dayton Wegarfarth, manager of Rlaney’s to be on speaking terms with the manager. He ■eh Street Theatre, has written a new song. Is a Jolly go,si fellow and has the spirit that

"7'.""'»"« OThMim .Taeoh HItsehler. a well-known merchant of were on the boards as the opening attraction, i“hi‘eh 'ir.a'ain "JhU w.iiV "!'• tltP ttmimer In great shape, this city, died at his summer cottage at At- It Is a splendid example of what a good bur- .AVr^tlon the

Imslnesa having heen very good for the pact lantlc City. N. J.. August 1.3. and was burled lewpie show ought to t>e. and If all the shows *“# ,hV’n«k and* the mimeixma am^ two weeks. ,l,*splte the very hot weather. Week here the Mr. Hltaehler built the Stand- that follow are tip to this one In standard

■of August 1,. they a r,Miri‘sentlng DIvorcons to ard Theatre, in this city. In 1887. and for many somelssly will work overtime counting monev! eonceaslona. Tlie vaudeville in the tillage

seaaon at Kleotrlc to enj,>y the delightful mtialc of the Randa K,wsa. which la again, thla week, the feature attraction at Kleotrlc, the cooling

National Theatre.—Al. Woods still gives the biggest meUsIramas on the road, so his Con- Atlantic City. N. J.. recently. Having a dla- M vict which Is the attraction this week, la pute over a freight bill, she refused to pay tt. M Rawing crowded houses. Week of Aug. 24, and a deputy sheriff attached the lions. Adgie M ITOT Rroadway to the Rowery. told klm to go ahead and take them, and when pt

RIan,>y s Arch Street Theatre.—Young Ruf- he heard their roaring he weakened. He placed gt falo. In his new play. The Sheriff of Angel a watchman In charge of the cages, hut as no at

■Quleh, has been drawing big houses this we»‘k. arrangmnents ha,l been made for feeling them, F!

tomm se parlonage. ami for 'he week of August years was Jnaneially Interested In Its operation. The rompany has some splendid talent In the * -yiv'Ih’e at*f^^,ianoe at Carnival Park ^ will give a revival of Richard M.insHeld s Ills son. J,din J. HItsehler. will fall heir to the ranks. Among those who answer roll call are J. *\\^hli» Cltv the* narka are not

^ . ... . prop.'rty. and may manage It this season. John Neff. Rilly Flemen. Walter A. Wolfe. ^ , “ ,11*,^ u'J^*,^tv at h..mer left g pjpprience at Francis Chenault. George Stewart. Tom Fisher. eUr ier'awav thl

tlantle City. N. J.. recently. Having a dla- Harry Webh. Chas. Melvin. Elmer Melvin. Pau .r tVL JoilT.rk.

and the has ma<je a hit. Week of August they became ferocious and the sheriff was glad Davis. Violet Perlo. Mailge Pauli, Vsllerle Shea l>«TS,>ual remlnlseenreB and Irish atorlM. "hleh to give up the Joli and remove the attachment. Annie Rose. Mollv White. Mav Waldr,>n ami his many admire^. the event of hto

Keith fi Chestnut Street l*heatre.—Riislness 1« A nmipromlpe was quickly accepted bv the Marlon Kussell ' * "act Is a thn*e round bout with Jake KUraln. ▼ery good at this vaudeville house, and. in railroad company. * The Gavetv Theatre opened for the season former opponent. The Banda Blanca la atlll

summer season Great preparations are belnp: made for Found- Anciist lf» with Fads and Follies an evoellent pl^asin^ and as popular as ainl SeDi»r

e« M? m"-. A”"./’"* 'J.'*"'' httrMsnnrshow The comp.nv give an excel- P"" f "* ''“-'how. R- C. Herz. Geo. tolu-r. A large force or artisans have heen lent performance which was much enjovcl. The *"’11,"**,^“'’.'** 1-,k ....k

Air^ ’xri n**'!'", ""‘1 R'‘“ busy for months preparing handsome floats for house has been repainted and the general ap- >- A •xeller, the manager of the park. All’s Whirlwind R, douln Arabs, ’The Pi,mays, the' parade, tinder the direction of a well-known i.earanee Is much Improved probably leave for his vacation. August

"h."""' leslguer of New York. It is claimed Eleetrie Park presents a btisv scene, as there ,Th« »^P‘‘‘'” ^tltlod TI1P Bandliox. The Five Splller Musical that those floats will he much handsfuner than Is somthlns dolnt; everv minute. Tlie irreat r a. a ** -.i a.h.a Bump^. T^ie Sawados. Brown and Hodges, any ever used in a mardl-gras celebration. throngs that are visiting the park are causing lofest Park has many new attractions, this tinned and Drake an,l Kaiser and His Fox Frank Van Horn nins over from New York ev- the t^nagement to vvear a smV that will not •'“* '““"y ■"** “P*"

At will,.- r,. n •’'* In *"l« come off. Ntimerons features are provlde.1 to »Psce cou^tuently every one g.s-s ‘H'-re to es At W lllow Grove Park, Sousa and his hand city. He Is now running a very extensive eos- Interest the patrons ’The attractions are ,Iolng "^“P^ city. There Is always a

drawing hig erowds while the minstrel turning establishment on 2tith street. New York, splendid hnslness. Jacques Casselle gave some •‘'hl» Pl^jncc resort, •^pany and other attractions are pleasing the and states that his orders for costuming new thrilling balloon ascensions and on several 00- -''""■IP’r Anderstm Is full of plans f.w a great. P^Ie who go to Reeehwood. White City Is production* are heavier this season than they easlons the" were so thrilling that thev w.we »'«««l»«l oo'l Carnival at Foreat. which giving a paraeluite dr.q. every day and two have been for five years, bnt all of them call almost fatal to the aeronant H.>nrl French '* '"‘'‘I «*""■''*>’ “'kI*'- August evenings a week, by Prof. J. J. Malorx'y. while for late didlveries. pri-sent* an Interesting handcuff art in the I-ahor Dsy. S<-pteiulM-r 1. This Is to be * nlllUJ’"vJ'‘ ''»* K^n'llc’* First Regiment Sousa and his band are very p.quilar here, and itadliim. Van Vranken. with his airship. Is Kreat event for Kansas City and will prove to Band, with .May Shirk as soloist. Washington the series of concerts to be given bv them from doing some clever stunts ‘I**’ Itcople that a real, sure enough ramivsl

paraeluite .Inqi eveir day and two have been for five years, but all of them call almost fatal to the aeronaut. ID'nrl French w!^i«fte n 1'" V-"* .i'^-^ for late d.dIvcricB. pn-sents an Interesting handcuff art in the

Ilf J xf^.. 0*1 I l^r Sotisa and his band are very popular here, and stadium. Van Vranken. with his airship. Is t Slilrk as soloist. Washington the series of concerts to be given by them from doing some clever stunts.

Vark has the Roman Ini|H>rlal Rand. this date until Labor Day. at Willow Grove River View Park Is still attracting j^rge M* Casino Theatrc.-Tlils house will reopen f^r Park, will be largely attended. Ttiere will be erowds. as there Is mtieh to please the great

wDh Wtl,"/.. ’"I.'T”? "k. 22, a number of special musical nights, but. as ns- throngs. The chief topic of Interest Is the dar- Vivo . «oi ""'1 ’’"oob » Goblen Crook Co La ual. Sousa marrlies and airs will prclomlnate Ing and thrilling balloon ascension* of Edward ^VC’ a Salome dancer Is an added attraction, on all the pnigrams. Hutchison, who makes a trlmde naraehute

erowds. as there is mneh to please the great .,,7*“’, k*'*”**! throngs. The chief topic of Interest Is the dar *" "£ Klnkllng Brother*, which come* Ing and thrilling balloon ascension* of Edward "D September * . A circus f,*'* Hutchison, who makes a tripide i>arachute rrow,!* In this town. an,I RiDglIng Brother* Inmn The Ilom.n Pn.,Ioffe Wheel h.L . e.e.f Show will pr,)ve no exception. ^e same company will play w,>ek of August A. O. Delamater. who Is managing Graiistark. lump. The Human Roulette Wheel has a great exception.

. e.. P”' niiislcal comedy after elec- fasrlnatlon for the crowd as It I* alwava well FalrmiHint Park still roiillntie* to please the ’Til *'*" P''f '•fbllo' patrnnl7.e,1. There are numerous features' at the lover* of ,mt,|,~.r life with It* bathing. Ilshliic

•uny. will head the Mar,II Gras Beauties that drama. writt<n by an author of this city. park, and all reoelve go,*! attenti,.n from the The*.- nr.- fav,>rlte p**liui<-s, now are to ojii-n the r,-gular season at this house, J,>sse Laskv will give the first performance patrons ">e warm s,-as,in Is npoii ns. August 2’.. to continue during the following of At the Country Club In thla city. Septemlier Holden’s high dive Is thrilling the large WILLIAM W. SHELLEY.

- M. at Keith’s 'nieafre. crowds at Rav Shore Park. Jovine’s Nerumll ___ _ Among the announcements of early opiminga

and mimy new a,Iditl,fns; and the Chestnut made a Mg hit with a typical Arne Opx'»r« HotiRo. AiiKu^t Til. with School ilancp Rp«*oIalty. Mr. Cli*^vpr« v

Days, thp now play that haa hoon with iMiniont** Mlnatrela all Foa'snn elaborate,! fmm Gits E,Iwar,ls’ vaudeville BOR sketch, nie Garrick will oifcn with Lyman H. _ Howe’s moving pictures an,l lectures earlv In SeptemlK>r. an.l the Broad, with Malfcl Talla- MUSICAL COMEDY. feiTo. In Pollj- of the Circus. ah,fut the same time. -

14. at Keith s Tlieatre. erowds at Rav Shore f’ark. Jovlnc’s Ni-offoll ____- Among the members of the rompany at the tan Troubadours, comprising eleven ladles and

Eleventh Street Opera House this season will fRe men. Is a spb-n,lld mtisleal organization WILMINGTON, DEL. l)e Joe Cheevers. who has Just relurncl from There ar.- other sttraetlons to amu*,- th- crow,!*. -,I. where he ha* been for a ntimlH*r of The financial and htisln,*** ,lcpr,-s«lon ,11,1 not It Is anmuinced that W. L. Itockstsdcr, own years. He is one of the leant of Cheevers and cause any serious results In this city, s* bsnks cr of the Garrick Vauib'vllle Theatre, WllmiDf Goo,lwin. formerly known as The Buffalo Roys, and business firms were In a i>o«ltlon to endnre ton, Itel., bas signed an agreement with the who went to Englan,! a seore of years ago and the storm. Now that the cloud* are itassihg, I'nltcl Ibtokllig Ag,-ney of New York, under m.ade a big hit with a typical American song there are encotiraglng signs of ronflib-nce. Large whlrli he secures the frsm-hlse for Wilmington. an,l ,lance specialty. Mr. Cheevers will remain manufacturing firms have r<-suined work tiut at the same lime retains the prlvlh-ge of *e with Dumont's .Minstrel* all season. and there is much activity In real estate. Ie<-llnK hi* own acts The I’nltcl IbM^Ing

missed an Issue. It Is a dall; Frank A. Leonard, the black-face I'S'i'ng J<Hirnal in this eity

snn mere is mticn activity in real estate. Ic-ilng hi* own acts The I’nltcl IbM^Ing Blinding orteraflon* are progressing on a large Ag,-ncy is the Keith Pr-a tor coneern and this scale. One of the m,_*>t enterprising firm* In ni<-ans that Manager D,*-k*ta,l<>r get* Keith tM* city Is Charb** C. Fulton an,l C,,.. putt- VHiplevllle which I* s,ltiiltt,‘,| l,» be among the Usher* of the Baltimore American, which ha* highest class vaii,b-vlllc played, ben In exist,-ncp since 177.3. and has ni-ver The Klaw A Erlsiig.r and Stair and Havlln nilsse,! an Issii,*. It la a ,laity i,aiw*r. an,! the j Inti-resta are coinblncl In the Grand tt|wra leading J,Hirnal In thla elty. Rallliiioreana Hotiae, Wilmington. D<1., theref,a-e, the Wll w-ould lie at a loss without It. It Is und'T tiiinglon public arc aa*iin',l all the high dial

ney’s Theatre last season, and his attraction Is playing that house this wi'ek.

The German Tlieatre will lie un,ler the sole management of Max Hanisch during the coming season, the firm of Hanisch ami A,Mick* having dlss<dved. The tlo-atre was a htige suc-ess last season, but Mr. H.anisoh. who has charge of the

Cummins, Clarice Evans. ! Hoffman. Elsie Baird and

Mamie Hunter, Daisy ’T”‘''5 P’*l’‘'^ starti-,| ,>n the first will play only Tii,b'iM-ii,letit vaiulevllle. Th* I Betilah E,1lsnn with , , "" ’”'*'.7,'! '’■'’'■'’'""'’t' -,<•.•**• e,ii name of the ilo-atre haa b«s-ii eliaiigct from tha

7 iJ.'r'jr.'" ' ’ai'J v . Lyceum to the Avenue, and Dan Humphrle*. t Improving. S^L\AN St IILNTII.M.. former nianag,-r of itm Lyceum, haa M-en re

Iiieaire win im iimier me sole , i.,],,.., Orch,-atra The cmiiauv a now n R't-ln<-as activity In all bran, ti,-s a.-ema ^Im^r^'ranTwrrope^^^^^^^^^^^ »-• "".’-ing. SYLVAN SCIIENTHAL

theatre was a huge Jt ", ess" la’ll «"■! Texas. ---'__

stage, ,'ld not aiiprove of some of the liusiness rehearsal* of his new cuncly. Cuplil ami the policies of his partner, so he purchased his In- Dollar, at sea. on the steamer which 1* to take terest. ami this season proposes to give some his company snil priKlnctlon to Savannah for It*

WINNIPEG, MAN. Colorado. Kansaa, Oklahoma anil Texas. --- I tallied as niniiagi-r by Mr. .Mackev.

Tim Murphy will conduct the final WINNIPEG. MAN. ii,!.'!*’."".?.',''',‘*‘'i‘"r"' "P*''* rehearsal* of his new cimsly. Cu,,l,I ami the - .... 1. luccm F u-""‘'i'iT' .Ti"?' Dollar, at s.-a. on the steamer which Is to take The Walker Theatre - -The Isle of S,dr.. plaved traveling iiiaiiag.-/ Mr j..l iimu, Ts cmlldMinS Ms company and prislnctlon to Savannah for tt* 13 1.’’,. and dr-w g,**! t,usln.-«. Th,- Cal ^ml Lii off.-r from a \\^-«|. rn house. ""Merlng

of the best German dramas and comedies. The first apjH-aranee, Augu.*t 21». After si* nlghta the FI.I,He will 1>,. the attrai-thai 2*1 L’S The season will open .September 12. and a number 'Ir. Miirrihy opens the season of the Tiilane n-giilnr fall ami winter si-asoti will" oie-n 31 of novcltl,** will be given daring the month. Theatre, New Orleans, which has b,s-n the Cres- with A Knight for a Day. a iiiiisIchI conu-ilv The first season of this house was such a illre cent City program for many year*. that will crrlalnlv make 'a hit Joseph J,-ff.-'r- failure that many theatrical managers had their (’has R DMMniyham has eyes on It for an English house, but *0 much , J grit^P money was mail- last year that there Is not 7'm 1 * Frltzl .S< heff * Company the much prospect of It ever being used for any- "

It City program for many years. that will certainly make a lilt. .l,,s,>ph J,-ff.-r- H.llph t’. t’lytie has rfcelilly olttACd (’has. R. LillinRham has enpagfod api*-ar in Tlie Itlvala at tlie Walk,-r Ilia Acme .Stia-k Coni|>aiiy at Ni-W|«,ri. Ore., a EXle Conwav for Frltzl .Scheff’a Company the in.intli. Coming Thro’ the Itje will I*. Hiiiiinier re*.,rl. ami will take th,- ,-oni|i*ny out nlrig seaaoi. •*’1;" f""ire. on a roiul lour hIhiiiI Hie uihhile „f Sei>lember. _ The patronage at the Rljiai was g,**I laaf Mr. Clyih-’a r,>m|>aii.v will hiiv,. a reiMTiolrw of

thing hut a German playhonse. Charli‘s It. Riighee. who did very effective ad¬

vance work for the Cohan & Harris Money Roy es , l-'iroriean gyiiin.isla; I.ea Diirsmln Trio,

The manuscript from William (^Ol- vocalists; The Kramera, liitr,«luc|ng Mamb

week’ Week of .4iigiist 17. F,air Ylleron Sla I ilx |ilaya ami will make fr,>iii three nights to ter*. Eiirofiean gyiiin.,*l*; I.e* Diirsn<ln Trio, j «,-,-k alamta In Interior town* In the I’adflc

Mlnstri-ls during their 0|>ening week*, la real-j ller’s new play. Th« Patriot, bus been delivered I Kramer. cham|it»n ia,iy hiiek ibino-r of the I fnan the'East.’ ISMa* *Chrlallii>""R,-D,bT wd'Ir^be tug ii|i at his mother’s home In this city, pre- I to Charle* Fr,>hman world: Al. Coleman, dialect comclbin; Hugh ' Mr. C1y,le’* b-adlng

august 29, 1908. Xtie Billboard 15

KANKAKEE—KlMtrlr I'srk H.irri'im Tlifatre (('oncy HoliiifS. mitr.) Thr»*


iiiicr.» Th*" Grace Gilmcy Stix-k Co. In r<’iMT- Alaucons, Harry lauda, Stanton amt Stantteri, tolre. under the dlreoticui of (Jeo. I’aul. The .Mlaa F'ay Adams In Illustrated songs, and tno» company has so far presenteil very satisfactory lug pictures .Aug. 1ft-19. pleys and met with unstinted approval on the Wilson Theatre (Fred Wilson, mgr.) l>olog |iart of large amllenees. Grace Glhney has gissi business with lllustratetl songs and moving made a genuine hit with the patrons of the pictures. Electric Park Theatre. lairMAKlA

KEWANEE.—Nickelodeon (Chris. C. Taylor. TsirtTswA-DOT ti ingr. > Illustrated songs and moving pictures to INDIAIIArOI.Ii excellent business. n;gr. I .Moving pit

*»pera Mouse (F. F. Shultz, mgr.) 0|Kns .\ng. '"l' large crowtls ‘Jt! with the I.yman Twins. Hljiai Dream (

Cnder canvas—Sells-Floto Shows 2.'. detllle and mov I MARION—Marlon Opera llmise (E. E. Clark. A audette (A. .

INDIANA. INDIANAPOLIS.—star Theatre (Mr. Levy,

n;gr.) .Moving pictures and vaudeville are draw-

Ths Billboard wants a reprasantativa la aaary city not already proTidad for. Only baatlara pictures and lllustrat;sl songs aaod apply. Must Im young man of good personal address. permaoantTy located, who can write a • “"•* business, good letter for pablication. a^ who has a keen eye for news and business. A liberal oommission MATTOON.—Itijou Theatre (J. W. Hanna, paid on all business secured. Terms easy. Write for particulars to the Correspondents’ Department, mgr.) Frank Risigers. singing and dancing

——^ I comeillan; Denning and Diinkle, farce comoly.

NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. Itallast Point (Tampa Electric Co., mgrs.) land Illustrated songs by .Miss Maud Rotdus.'in gooil business

Hljiai Dream (O. L. Sutherlaml. mgr.) Vao deillle and moving pictures doing very well.

Vaudette (A. J. Gllligan. mgr.) Moving pic tures aixl vaudeville; gissl returns.

Lyric (Mr. P.arton. mgr.) Motion pictures and vaudeville: show and business good.

The Gem (Joe Giilffre, mgr.) Vaudeville and moving idctures continue to draw go<sl crowds.

The Mvstic. Vaudeville and moving plcturea

copy for their advertieementa as early as convenient, inadead of waiting till the last moment. All ads received

■ rly in the week will be given pref*|mgra.) motion pictures

Ferguson Bris,.. sketch artists; Tom Martin, week of 19; business g(s«l. .pJip Manhattan Theatre Motion pictures and Tk- Rillhoard’u advertiuina oatronl "•«tl«'i pictures week of 17. The Great I.aehman Hlppoilrome and Car vamlevllle- show and business very good. The Bll boart e advertising patronh P.the (Iturgert A Ratliff, mgrs.) iris snd nivsl Co. drew large crowds entire week of "iu oJhVr attractions are doing iell.

Will flreatly obligo by sonding in the PaUnK**. SpanlaU opera, and motion plcturea Aiiic. 10. * \ S COHN W. Ohio St.

copy for their advartiaemante am early “f >7. . . wVlUci ShowVT’IS.blnJi’^ EVANSVlLLE.-0«k Summit Park (Sweetoa

TAVTnnvrvTTv nu . * Danhaiim. mgrs.) The following bill, which TAYLORVILLE.—Elks Theatre (Jerry Hiv j, jli,. p,.st of the season, opened here

gan A Orlle Hill, mgrs.) Moving pictures and jg f„r one week to S. R. O.; Tlie Orlg-

Klno,lronie Theatre. Motion pletnres. Tampa Hay Casino, Dark. Pathe, West Tampa (Burgert A

Wallace Showa Combined 27.

_ , _ TAYLORVILLE.—Elks’ Theatre (Jerry Hiv Kitllli, gun 4 Orlle Hill, mgrs.) Moving pictures and

erence in position and diaplay. Change of copy must reach publication offioe

GEORGIA. AUGUSTA.—I.akevtew Casino

s >ngs week of 10. to large luislness. Tneatrical |nal B<s>thlack Quartet. Geo. Fredo. comtsllan; w-amn opens Sept. IB. with Tlie District Leader. );rapo Weston, singer; Baby Prince. lazmb’S

on Thursday of tha waak previous to hen. mgr.) Fine vaudeville bill to big business I ness.

NIckeldome (Miss .Mollle Oder A C. H. Lewis. I yfgnlkins and excellent motion pletnres nigrs.) Showing motion pictures to big busl-

date of iasue.

ALABAMA. Majestic, .Arcadlum and Alhambra doing well

BIRMINGHAM. — Pastime ’Theatre (R H. "'I'l ,, „ ... . K,s)ii. mgr.) High-class vaudeville to capacity CARTER8VILLE.—Idlehour (J. K. West- bii'‘ln**i«fi. brook*, mcr. > Motion pictures ami illustrated

AlnbKue ilIoiip(»ert ft Kelly, mf:rs.> Van wwk of 10; fair house*. The Clarks. Gofre and Cotrely, equilibrists and balancers: ®^Jb>n picture* and aonga 17 and (tadl«h and Blake. In A Jack and a Queen, am! 1 nder canva* f ark I>rainatlc Co. 3*8; good J. C Murphy, undisputed champion bwe soloist. Performances to fair returns.

Alrdome 1 Ernest Harrington, nigr.i Ruth Grey ha* been engaged here for her second week

'T, „ , D A. ww I k t’D‘ler canva*—CoamojMdltan Camlral Co. 10- commencing 17. 'Fhla. with Aln ome (Bsndy Bros. A Worden mgrs ) i.-,. „nder snspices of Knights of Pythias; ITs are .Dawlng go<sl houses

Splendid returns with vaudeville week of 10. I ph-ased capacity business.

WAUKEGAN.—Schwartz Theatre

sets are drawing gooil houses. Majestic (Edw. Raymond, mgr.) This will

be the first hcaise In Evansville to oiien for ths


OAKLAND -Macilonough Theatre (C. II. Hall, mgr.) Dark week Atig. 17.

Ye I.llierty Theatre (Frank Graham, mgr.) Stork Co. In .A Strenuous Life week of 17.

roinmhia Theatre (Keating A Flooii. mgrs.) I excellent business

BOISE CITY.—Riverside Park ’Theatre (Mose H. Christensen, mgr.) Posty’s Musical Cooieily Co.

continues to draw good attendance, r.) The Alrdome (M. H. McMlnn. mgr.) Pre¬

senting Jolly Dells Pringle Co. and playing to

Stoi k Co In Down East week of 17. Pierce Park (Boise ortihenm Theatre (Geo. Ebey. mgr.) Bertie Drawing gfssi crowds.

Herron. Dolesch A Zlllhauer, Ben Welch. Fen- The Star Theatre (I.

Pierce Park (Boise Interurban Co., mgrs.)

A. Nelson, mgr.) Drsw- telle and Carr. Tom Davis Trio. F<wr Fords. A Ing good attendance with moving pictures and Night on a House Boat and others week of Illustrate,! songs. Aug 17. Bsrniim A Bailey’s Circus gave an excellent

Novelty Theatre (Tony Luhelskl. mgr.) Three performance and packed their tents at both per- Kiihiis, Bell Boys* Trio, moving pictures snd formsnees on Aug. S. burlesque company week Aug. 17.

Bell Theatre (Gns Cohn, mgr.) Psrnett snd Rtiss.-H's Singing Travelsrs, Potter and Harris.

ILLINOIS. BLGGMINOTGN—Grand Opera Honse (Frank

Stin- and Evans. Rogers and McKee. Armstr-mg Rslclgh mgr.) The Big Review 22 sod H<dl,v, Eflie Pearson and moving pictures ’The Alrilome (Wm. Avery, mgr.) Fine shows Week Aug. 17. to goo-,1 business.

Central Theatre (L. L. Price, mgr.) Vaude Scenic ’Theatre (H. C. Kupfer, mgr.) Fine re vllle and moving pictures. turns.

Gem Theatre (Snow A Hoffman, mgrs.) Vsu- The Empire (Harry Sterling, mgr.) G<K(d devllle and moving pictures. show to goal business.

SACRAMENTG.-Grsnd Theatre (C. H. God- <'''*■•«;«•’«« •“’> Mokeldome. Pleasing dart, mgr.) Slrronje. Juno Sslmo. Terley and “I*"’,'*.,. I Schneider Ott. Nelson and Sle,lmsn. Esier and Webb. Mai- Slchnelder.

Trek A’liT’n rnde? eanvaslRlngllng Brother.’ Circus 19. Acme W.,re IC II i v.o ELGIN.—Elgin Ol>era House (Fred W.

devllle and moving plctn^ ' \ SAN JG8E.-Empire Theatre (E. M. Carlson. Movlne ^rtu^^ linder

Dalrymple. mgr. i Teinio-st ami Sunshine 1ft; season of IDOb-l*. High elass vaudeville will if<»od buolneH*. Tliorn* an«l Orange BUieiiomH 22. (Continue<l f»n page 18.>

Pioneer Amoseinent Met Ce. § ^*2 Broadwiy, MEW YORK.




FILM SERVICE of Sweden. Is»na Rivers 22; The Time, the Place and the Girl 24. Moving pictures, tinder management of W. K. Prlckett. ar,* being

SAN RAFAEI-Uvric Theatre (M. NocertnI. nigr. 1 Vaiidevllle and moving plcturea.

VALLEJG.—Novelty ’Theatre (Sam Mendel

booked, to big houses. Star Vaudeville ’Theatre (Del S. Smith, mgr.)

WKi. mgr.) i.ililan Hale and Co .‘santell. Hor- ,12 '*T*UmGh* mer ) R.i.ln...s ers and R.s-heater. Mabel Maitland and moving , ..nTl inT'movrne nl^ pictures week ef Aug 17. good with Illustrate,! songs and moving pie- plctures week ef Aug. 17.


TRINIDAD.—Central Park Theatre (E R. B.vers. mgr.) Fonseca Trio, Mexican acrobats;

tures. Coliseum (C. E Aldrich, mgr.) It Is contem¬

plate,! opening rink for roller skating In Sep¬ tember.

Arens. Bnffslo Bill’s Wild West IS. to big Josephine Turner and The Dunbsr Brothers. In attendsnee In aftern<v>n. Night attendance fair singing, dancing and talking; Miss Harvey, vo- on acco»int of heavy rain all the evening. fallsi, and moving pictures win-k of Ifl A new vaudeville house, st 04 Grove avenue.

Dreamland Theatre (E. R. Wets, mgr.) Mr. la pro|>osed by W. J. Me,'hsn. It ts expected WeU Is on a trip to Chicago, to laircbsse a to be ready for occupancy In Derember. 8yncbrnaca|>e for this theatre ALIGN.—-Alrtloroe Theatre (Wm.

Crystal lYieatre (Mr. Srott, mgr.) Moving I mgr.) Innesa and Rvan. Joe McGee. The Four pictures and Billy Burke, song artist.

New West Theatre (E. O. Hower, mgr.) Will lift; good returns. Flying Banvartls and moving pictures week of

open early In September; at present nightly Victory Theatre (F. W. Brill, mgr.) Fair lectnrea by Prof. Mclvor TFixIall on ’•'ITieoa- business. ophj." Under canvas—The Lschman Mighty Hippo-

CONNECTICUT. **'beARD8TGW’N—Dreamland (J. M Peters. RARTTGRD.—Parson’s Theatre (H. C. Par- mgr.) Moving pictures and songs; good houses, ns. mgr.) A Kulght for a Day played to gissl Alrdome (Mr Hewitt, mgr.) SplemlUl re- jsos. mgr.) A Kulght for a Day played to gissl Alrdome (Mr Hewitt, mgr.) 8pl

biisinesa KVlJ. Regular s,-asoo ,q>ena with turns with moving plrtiir,'S and songs Frank I.alor In the premiere of Prince Humbug On the river—W. H. Markle’s Floating Pal- **T* S. are 12; good show and atti-ndance.

Poll’a Thi-atre (11. A Bailey, mgr.) Excel Under canvas—The Cosm«q>olltan Showa 17- lent pnslurtbqi „f Ky Right of SwonI by slock 22. O'Hnpany to big business week 10 ntrogolT wiH-k 17. Vaudeville sea Aug SI.

ness week 10. Michael Grand Opera House (N H. Harris, mgr.) Vaudeville season oi>ens Monte Cristo 2ft.

BELTIDERE. Lyric 'Theatre (W J. Rude- l^enlc TSieatre (H. C. Y'oiing. mgr.) Songs I sill, mgr.) Biislns^s g.xsl with moving plcturea

and plctnri*s continue. I.iins Park (D. J. Murphy, mgr.) Free clix-ua

and Illustrate,! s<>ngs. Majestic Theatre (Babcock A Tabor, mgrs.)

acts cuitlniie to b* featured at this |M>pular re- Moving pictures anil tlluatrate,! songs to good SiMs-lsl carnivals are also fre<|uent. houses.

BRIDOLPGRT.- Smlth's Theatre (E. C. Derthlck's Theatre (Pierce. I»ysart A Ixiop. Bnilth, mgr.) Moving pictures are pleasing goal mgrs.) I.ena River* 19. •ttcndsn.e CHAMPAIGN.—W,'st End Park Casino (Matt

Poles (K. B, Mitchell, mgr.) Summer Stork Kiisell, mgr.) Oidunibls Stock Co. week of 17; to. pleasing big biisln,-aa. In the BIshiqi's plersed large audteneea

Week of 17; UapI Swift week of 24. Cresient Th,‘atre (Emil I.ohr. mgr. i House MERIDEN.—Poll'a Theatre (R. Halllwell, la being entirely rem>sleled and will be reop-

* **'>|wrh program of moving picliires and ened early In September, Illustrated aunga renders,! by Uarl Stiimpt to Walker Otu-ra Hmise (S II Siiraaal. mgr.)

snd appreciative aiullencea week of 1(V Opetia August At with vaudeville. Another excellent hill of motion pictures. Varsity Theatre, Doing gival business with

wjth cbsngi-s three tlni<-a a wiM>k. e<Hnmenclng moving pictures '■ This tbealr,. will Im- s,irr<>n,lere<l on Aiig. DECATUR.-Powers’ Theatre ( B. R,v

to le«aee H. 7. Poll, who will oiM-n the reg- nan. mgr ) Mo,Ing picture* and lllnatrated “ M **‘‘*"'« 1. a<uigs week of IT; The Girl Question 2b; Jan*

NEW HAVEN_Poll a New Theatre (Fre.1- Eyre 29: Th.uuis and ttrange Bloss.mia S,‘pl. 4; tnif. I The Poll Slock Co. In Little Johnny J.Hii-s .b.

The Two orphana we,-k ofienlng Aug 10; g.sxl ’ Blj<ai Theatre (A. Slgfrle,!. mgr.) Moving sire,] hisises. Regular vaudeville neaaon oiiena pictures to g<**! business S<|denil»r 7. Dreamland nieslre (Ed. Baker, mgr.) Fair

FLORIDA. TAMPA — Orpheiiin (Burgert A Ratliff. "(••.I Sig. Rcliiflehra l.ady Mlnatrela week

1.2,"'*; IBuregerl A Ratliff, mgra ) 'Tho Lena River* .11 .r'Js. romtsly *keteh artlala. and moving Star Theatre (W lurliir’:, seek of 17. song* and niovliia

busine**. Under canvas Rlngllng Br.» ’ Ulrcis 1.; go,Hl

Ratliff, business I week DIXGN. Di*rs IDoise (Hugh !■ Isnnery,

mgr.) National 0|H>ra ('o. IS; New Husband 21; 1.) 'Tho Lena River* .11. moving Star Theatre (Wni. «5 Kent, mgr.) Hliistrsted ]

songs and nnoing pictures, with Miss Helen Siratifor,!. Cleveland, lu <Un,liig a;ie,laity, drew large Sulphur Springs Alrdome (Mr. SIra.Ifor,!. Cleveland, lu .Isn.liig a;ie.lalty. drew large

11*2 ' and Kellar, singing sml whist- business we«-k of to. ling act; Thr.>e Mlllafls. musical conie,ly. and JGUET J.dlet Ttiestre (J. T. Henders.m, '•Id. lri-,1 J<d,na„t,, feats of horsemanship, mgr.) The Girl Question oi>eDS this theatre •’CCS of IT 23


Members of the Film Service Association.

Th80.T.Grawfor(IFilniEx.Co. Is a MEMBER, and can furnish you with every good Film Issued by the Licensed Manufacturers. One dCMee can serve you equally as well as the other as they are all Licensed Offices.

14th and Locust, - Crawford Theatre* 214 Levy Building* Hopkins Theatre* Shubert Theatre,

St. Louis* Mo. - El Paso* Tex. - Houston* Tex.

Louisville, Ky. New Orleans* La.

Sisgman&Weil 77-81 WOOStBF Sti (B»».Spring* Broom*) YORK







Samplaa and Cataloffuaa upon raquaat

o B

Tfeeatrical Weekly VairncaA Ivcedin^

W. H. DONALDSON, Uanacliic Editor.


416 Elm Street, Cincinnati, O., U.S. A. Ijong DIatance Telepbooe, Main 2709. Cable Addreaa (reglatered) “Billyboy."

NEW YORK. Suite l>, Holland Building. 1440 Broadway.

Telephone Central 1030 Bryant.

CHICAGO. 907 900 Scblller Bldg., 108-109 Bandolpb St.

Telephone Central 6934.

SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Koom 2. 14.39 Fillmore St.

LONDON, ENGLAND. 8 Biipert Court, I.ielceBter Square, W.

MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA. Caledonian Bldg, Offlce 264, Poet OtBce Place.

Addreea all communlcatlona for the editorial or bualneiia departmenta to

The Billboard Publishing Co.

Subscription, $4 a year; 6 months, $2; 3 months, $1. Payable in advance.

No extra charge to foreign snbacrlbera.

ADVEBTISINO BATES. Twenty centa per line, agate measurement.

Whole page. $140; half page, $70; quarter page, •35. No adTertlaemeiite meaaiirliig legs than 5 tinea accepted.

THE BIIXBOABD ia for sale on all trains and aewa-stands throughout the United States and Canada, which are supplied by the American

News Co. and its branches. When not on sale please notify this ofice.

THE BILLBOABD is sold in London at oar offlce, 8 Bnpert Court; American Exchange, Fall

Hall Deposit, Carlton street; Norman’s Amer¬ ican Ticket Agency, Haymarket, la Paris at Broatano's, 87 Are. de I’Opera, The trade eupplied by the American News Co,, and its branches.

Bemittances should be made by post-offloe or express money order, or registered letter ad¬ dressed or made payable to The Billboard Pub¬ lishing Company,

The editor can not undertake to return unso¬ licited manuscript; correspondents should keep copy.

When it is necessary to wire us lastmotfons

and copy for adTertisements, great saving ia the matter of telegraph tolls may be had by recourse to the Donaldson Cipher Code.

Entered as Second-Class Hatter at Post-Offlce Ciacinaati, Ohio.

.Saturday, 29, 1908.


The Billboard’s advertising patrons

will greatly oblige by sending in the

copy for their advertisement as early

as convenient, instead of waiting till

the last moment. All ads received

early in the week will be given pref¬

erence in position and display. Change

of copy must reach publication office

on Thursday of the week previous to

date of issue.

The park.® are beginning to close theis gates, the wheels of summer merriment are ceasing to revolve, and

the cool nights conduce to The Old the opening of the thea- and tres. The summer is mor- Tlie New, ibund.

Another fortnight will find the autumn season at its height, and the prospects are for the most brilli.'int season in several years.


Wllllamg Brog.’ Amugement Co. bag con¬ tracted all fall dates from Prof. Cowen and bis sensational fire dive. The electrical effects and outfit are new, and Vanceburg, Ky., reports it a great bit.

The optmlng sf the New American Theatre's second season of vaudeville was marked by a big attendance. The bill was excellent, and pleas<-d greatl.v. The Managers Oppenhelmer were greeted by their host of friends, and many floral ideces were in evidence. Helen Bertram, a St. Louis girl, and a favorite, was at the bead of the program and deserved to be.

Manager D. E. Russell opened bis Imperial Theatre for the season Sunday. It has been ^wly painted and decorated. On the opening date It did an immense business with the End

EDITORIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS p^ERHAPS no single publication has devoted its ■ columns more consistently and more disinter¬ estedly to the profession than has The Billboard. In keeping with an established custom, from time to time special editions are being published, which are devoted to one particular branch of the profession. The big Autumn Number, bearing date of Septem¬ ber 5, will be devoted largely to dramatic creations, and the individuals who make their production possible; to vaudeville artists; to repertoire com¬ panies, etc. It is aimed to reach not only a large part of the profession, but also all booking agents, producing managers, opera house and theatre owners, etc.

fA® e9(% rin rjjf® JJW

opportunity to reach with one effort a larger ■ percentage of persons interested in every branch

of the theatrical profession is seldom equaled by that offered through this big special edition. With a handsome specially designed lithographed cover in five colors, rich editorial material, lavishly illus¬ trated, etc., we believe it will be the best edition of this character ever issued.


npO performers and vaudeville artists who desire * to arrange for bookings for the ensuing season,

or who desire to exploit their acts, no better avenue for publicity could be selected, and the usual consid¬ eration extended to the profession by its favorite publication will be extended for this big number.

rA® rA® rSfs fA®

IN the matter of lists, routes, and other informa- ■ tion of like character, this number will far overshadow any previous special edition. It is conceded that information of this character has long been The Billboard’s superior attainment, and to the profession its value is fully known.

rA® rA> rA® rA®

T'HIS edition will recommend itself especially to * the advertiser as well as to the profession, for

professional announcements. 35,000 copies will be printed, and the circulation of this number will cover all America, as well as many foreign coun¬ tries. In keeping with a long established custom, no advance in advertising rates will be made, the only suggestion being to have copy reach the pub¬ lication office at an early date.

of the Trail aa the attraetloo. Manager Bua aell'a popularity haa not «lecT*e >6 any, for hlg biialnena waa alao the rule ai ..a Weat Eml Helghta Harden. ...

I’rl.'eter'a Bark will hold a big carnival Aug- uat :$0 S«-pteinb«r 6. In Belleville, 111. It la in the nature of a Jubilee celebration. ^ _

The Sell* Kioto Show paaaed through Eaat St. lAHila. Ill., laat week, and re;H»rt bualneaa aat

BUI illee haa l>ooke<l The (Irtfllth ('omedy Co. for Eaat St. Loula. Ill., week of Auguat 23.

The Mound City Carnival Co.. J. S. Wall rAup. ha* Inmkwl th^ foUowInic weeka: Rolla. Mo., week of Aug. 24; Belle vine. Ill., week of Aug. .30; Bcneie. Ill., week of Sept. 7; Wright City. Mo., week of Sept.

'^Tlie oiM-ninga annmineed for Sunday, Auguat 2;i. are the llayety Theatre, with the Trana- Atlantic Burleaqnera.

The Imix'rial Minatrela will play Poplar Bluff. Mu., for two weeka. coniiiieneliig Aug. 24.

Mr E W. Linn anniMineea hla etmlval date, at' Washington Park, aa Sept. .V2(i. Inclualve. This la the first carnival at Waahlngton Park and ahould lx- a winner.

Mr. .\. II. Van Bnren, who haa been lead¬ ing man for the Siiburlian Stiak Co. here, re aigned suddenly from the company last we<‘k. Not wishing to study minor parts to Jamea K. liaekett waa the cause asaignmi. lie will go East to rest before taking his winter engage ment with the Ih-laaco Slock Co., at Ix* An geles. Cal. Mr. Van Bnren takea heartfelt wiahes for hla future success from the St. Isaila

’ It was annotinced here this we»‘k that Mias Grace Van Studillford will this season star In The Second Kiddle, under the direction of Chaa. Bradford. ......

Mlsa Mary Quive la ainging I>reamlng. her own composition. In The Gtllc*- B(»y, at Delmar Garden, and la making a hit with It.

The National German-.kmerlcan Alliance la making active preparatlona for Ita monater cel¬ ebration of German Bay. Gctober 4. A parade of 60.000 la one of the featun-a. The state convention of the German Alliance will take place here week of Getober 4.

The Jal-Alal Building will reoix-n this ter aa a roller rink, with a capital of $100,000. T3ie lneort>oratftrs are Charles King Leiden. Herman Maasann, Vital W. Gareaehe and Au hrey Clingsley.

The opening of the New Grand Central The atre. devoted to moving pictures, haa met with Immediate aueceas. and la a beautiful place of amusement. A new feature la lady ualiert. who attend to the comfort of Its patrons. The CrawfonI Film Exchange la furnishing the pic tuG»a. , , ,,,

The Broadway Theatre. East St. Louts. 111., will open Ita season Sept. 6. with The Hol.v City aa the attraction.

An amendment to the nickelodeon bill waa passed by the House of rndegatea last night, authorlxlng the picture shows to have •taK’’', platforms and aeener.v. The nickelodeon bill regulating the operation of moving picture shows and abollahlng stages and arenery was paaa*®! aa a rc-ault of a crusade showing the picture shows to be a menace to public safety. Build tng Commissioner Smith haa been conducting a campaign against the picture shows, and manv will be eliswd liecauae they can not meet the building regulations. Commlaaloner Smith la op;>ose<i to the provlatona of the amendment which paaaed the House last night, lieoanae. be olatma. the picture shows beget Im¬ morality by luring young girls to them when thev have stages and scenery. The bill, with the’ amendment, will be forwarded t* the Coun ell for eoneurrence.


ORANVILLE-PARKER.—Mr. Sam. D. Parker, known aa "Hopp, the Frog Boy,” and Mlaa Ida Granville, were united in marriage at Baltl more. Md.. August 6. Mr. Parker Is at present en route with the Johnny J. Jones Camlvai Company.

HAMILTON DELMAINE.—Mr. Frank Del- malne and Mlaa Ruth Hamilton were united In marriage at Fort Worth, Texas. August 3. Mr. Delmatne la stage director at the Standard Theatre at Fort Worth, where Mlaa Hamilton Is alao playing. The couple will make Fort Worth their home.

Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Julius Oems. a baby girl, at New Orleans. La., laat wc«k. Mother and child doing fine.

“SUNNY" Brtgga. well-known bicycle rider, waa dashed to de'ath at the Stadinm track. Clifton, N. J., August 16. A motor cycle, which he waa riding, got beyond hla control and Brigga waa thrown against the grandstand of the track, anatalning Injuries which eventually eaiuied hla death. Briggs waa about thirty years of age and lived at Revere, Maas

Cblrago, III., AugniM M. 1908.

To the Editor. The Billboard:

I>ear Sir.—Will you kindly help aie find my daughter. She left, Friday, the 7th of Auguat. to work as cashier at aome enunty fairs In III Inola. She said she waa going with aomc other people and that one of the agents sent them off. I believe she said on ItearlMirn atrecl. Now. my girl always writes when she leaves home, and she promlaed to write aa aoon aa she wmild arrive, but did not know whleh town they would go first. Gne of my other ehlldren waa III at the time ahe went, and I did not refleet the risk to let her go, under theae elrriimataneea. She la a very attractive girl, abmit 21 years of age, and weighs alKMit 110 pixinda. She took along a anlt-eaae and aome money. Her name la Eugenia, and alie bad workml laat as cashier In Rivervlew Park, for one of the ronoeaalon- alrea. She haa fine teeth and dark hair and eyes. 1 am nearly frantic. Ho{>lng you will help me find my rhild, I remain.

Yours, most reapeetfiilly,

B. LORF.NZ, 179 Kdgewood Ava., l.ogan Square.

Chicago, III P. S.—The girl aometImM algna her name

La Ixvcnse.

AUGUST 29, 1906. X ti e Billboard 17


busy autumn season planned FOR PALISADES AMUSEMENT


AltbiHifcb tb<> maJorltT of ■ummer ■niusein<>nt and park nianaiteni are b^walllnK bard timi-a, Manakrr A. H. of the new Fallaadpa Amuarox-nt i’ark. acrnaa tbr Iludaon rirer frotn Orrafer N>w York, baa Joined the “Proaperlty lloomera.” and la Imajr as a l>ee I Inin* up an added autiiian neaaon to follow the rlnalojr of tbe regular aeaaon. AltboiiKb tbe newest of the pleaaun* places catering to the wants of sum¬ mer smuaement swkers, this park has been a suoceaa from the very start, and has the phenomenal reranl of an Increased attendance each week from the official opening day. June 18.

I'nllke the artiflclally conatrurted park, this park will 1» a wealth of autumnal beauty In tbe fall, with Its hundreds of shade trees dressed by Dame Nature In a wealth of color Realising that the beautiful autumn leaves and Idyllic weather of Indian Summer will make an unusual comblDe<l attraction. a gift from heaven, as It were. Manager Dester has ar¬ ranged an added autumn season. Iwginning the 16lb of Sepfeml>er. and running until early Oc¬ tober. During this jM-rln.| a Harvest Festival and other pro|iosed feature weeks have been planned. S|>eclal free acts will be given of a sensational nature, and many new attractions added to make this Innovation a sucres*.

This week, under the able management of L M. Rich, the Hrst annual Baby Show and Dec¬ orated Baby Carriage Parade was held on Fri¬ day, and a novel, new School Girls’ and Chil¬ dren s White Dress Psrsde on Saturdsy. Over seven hnmlred dollars were given away In prize*, and the comblne<1 events scored s dis¬ tinct schlsvement for the psrk.

Each week ha* added to the sise and num ber of the attractions, concession* and amiise- ment* at the park. Nebraska Bill’s Wild West still remains, and has been greatly enlaraed by the addition of an Indian Village, and* a number of rtsigh rider* and feature act*. Prof. Flower*. In dally balloon ascensions and para¬ chute Jump*, has Wn giving his act dally for the past two wwks. and will be retained for Ml# balance of tbe season. Another free act Is

•*'* »'“»«tlonaI unlcycle jct. \ biA b<H*n Jrlren in the theatre

1^7 playhouse In the park for the balance of the season, and iluring the au fumn aeaiton.


develojMjd the Minnesota State Fair, during th# last forty nine years, and which sees, each *uccee<llng year, a larger and better state fair In each department, the luwrd of managers for

5**..,”,"* decided upon the ei- ^ndlture of $a:.,(sst f.u- prlaes. In the speed department, and f-to.iiuii for premiums, but baa also increased the appropriation for amuse¬ ment*. until IJo.ooti will be spent, this year. -“Ii circuit attraction*, with which to amus<- the grandstand crowds, and thiise who will patronize the horse and trained ■“‘“••I 'how. In the IDe st.s k pavUlon

This unprectsh-nted ex|M<nJlture. for amuse- ments. has made p<«slble the booking of aerial, acrobatic, gymnastic, eguestriau and other fea¬ ture*. of the circiiB vaudeville type. In excel-

*U|>erl.*r to any aggrega- flrtr ***** ***" Iwfore appeared at any state

prominent among these features will be, the famous .Novelbsi, an Austrian combination ^acrobats, traincl elephants, horses and dogs, JWch Is (julte the m<wt pretentions, a* well as tne nxwt sensational amusement feature on tw this season. Th.- NovelUw Troupe will be '*' •**^ numls’r on the grand stand program,

»“<l ev.-nlng of the fair. August 31 to Sept. 5. ami there will also be sncb

ei*. ■* HxM.v’s Trained B.‘*r*. tbe "iz flying tianvards. a.-riallsts from th.* Clr-

M ^^”^***‘ ^^^****i ihr faDiAHiM Judge Dacooia Samlly of Acridiat*. and the S.-veB Grunatbos, Who have the reputathm of Iteing the greatest *^Tir**** w.unen acMilials ever se«‘n.

••‘Aiglas and Douglas Acroliatic toinedlans; Six Joaetti*. and a doa«n other feature* which will keep InUirost at the top notch, during the Intitvals Is^twe^i the *^*^1 afternmm and evening.

This vaudeville and circus proizraiii Is to be '•’■'•“'"B. by the great iflstnncal

spwtacl.. j-.iTt KIdgely In ’OJ. wlgch is to be pytlclpated in by ;hk» Indians fruan the

liMii Re«-rvatlon. and twice a* many white men. concluding each evening with a $1,000 dls- piay of t.regory’s famous fln-works.

An Innovathm of this year’s fair will be the Tsncy horm- show, cattle show, and hlppotlrome. f. •■'•‘"'"B In the live stork pavilion. #*.tdil! h lx‘*« of driving and Iiri!l!. ..w * N»rlhw.s<t. a parade of the If »nd horses on exhlhltlon whms ii7’ * •'■"Ined animal exhibition.

nich will Include such featun-s as Treat’s •^ala Madame Marie Sunlln. and her hlgh- whmd hors.- ’’Mlzpah.” and I'rof. Ix>u Sunlln. and hla tralmsi bull “Bill;” Fink’s mules, co- ueuians In their own class, will also be In this r ^ "lo’clal altrartl.Hi for Ibis new

. .iV*’** •’ntertalnment will be the n.-iot*'"' *'”■ *'nlver*lty of Min

"Tni'Klng for the tern- .1 u Installing of :ua) Siisix from the Rlsae-

' , "'■"*’ff*tli»n. the board of managers has In'IlaMon to a village of Bontoc

thl^VT’. fni’off I’hlllppln..*. and h* bead liuiitliig alsirlgliies have acc.*pt.Ml.

fheoK?.*? ‘<*• hundred trlb.'S In ,nr,«f nnipplne*. the Igorrote la easily one of th*

* »Dter«*Ktjng of bit itriinfe mtDoer V”* fnlher welnd customs. He Is

fhV* r"’7 * nnvelty to the world, at large. In u ,,*• •• much of an excitement pnaliicer *lmii..^*’v.*" •'nlte.l States which as

*'"• ""n'** nlhera. Of Malay klssM- *?.!’ *. ’■'"^>’fn man” without negroid aiDshlp, the Igorrote la described by traveler*

a* “An Apollo In Bronze,” has long, black, straight hair. Is unusually gracefnl, and Is said to be the only native of the Philippines with a well-developed sense of humor,

William llowanl Taft, who may or may not bold down a chair In the White House, has taken an active Interest in this Intelligent, handsome, barbaric, head-hunting, dog-eating trite* of little brothers of the browner skin, and Prof. Albert K. Jenks, who holds down a chair in the University of Minnesota, has made a thorough study of these odd people, about whom be ah* written a btsik. generally accepted as an authority on tbe subject.

From the taking way he has with his enemies, and his |>enrhant for dog flesh, tbe Igorrote is naturally classed among tbe barbarians, but he Is far from being a savage, since tbe condi¬ tions under which be lives. In tbe pine-clad uplands of Luzon, compel some attention to agriculture, and be has become sufficiently adept in tbe minor arts and sciences to secure gold medals at tbe Portland Exposition of 1906.

Originally brought to this country. In 1905, by Richard Schneldewind, formerly of Detroit, but later a soldier In tbe United States regulars, serving In tbe Spanlsh-American war and tbe Philippine Insurrection, and more recently a civilian attache of the government of tbe Philippine Islands, the Igorrote village has been a sensation at the various expositions, in 1908 and lissl. and was returned to our Paclflc pos- sesslims In the fall of tbe latter year. Tbe group which Is to attend tbe Minnesota State Fair was brisight over In May. 1907, at the direction of the United States Government, and will make Itself as much at home on tbe state fair grounds a* the importation of a vast iiuantlty of native grasses and utensils will iwrmlt.

In the walled village of the Igorrote*. tbe visitors from a distant land will live In their native, grass-thatched huts, with a “rich man’s house” for the chief, and a "fa-wl” for the iKvys and unmarried men; an ”olag” or dormi¬ tory for girls and unmarried women; a “poor man's house,” another of similar type for a young marrlt^ couple, and the ”*-to,” and “Pa- ba-foo-nan.” .w public building. In which Is held tbe tribal ceremonies.

Tbe sartorial system of tbe Igorrote*. Is sim¬ plicity Itself, and tbe eternal feminine will be permitted to watch the Igorrote women weaving the "gee-string.” with which the male Igorrote carefully clothes himself, and the short skirt and queer Jacket, which Is the female Igor- rote’s costume.

Exact location of the Igorrote village at the state fair has not been determined upon a* yet. but the board of managers is disposed to keep the Igorrote village at a considerable distance from tbe Sioux Indian village, which Is to be pitched ojK)n the knoll northeast of tbe mile track. No one knows, by experiment, what might bap|ien if tbe head-hunters and scalp- lifters sbotild Informally fore-gather.

No doubt It will be one of the biggest draw¬ ing cards the Minm-sota State Fair ever bad.



The Great Uosmopolltan Shows exhibited at Taylorsville, 111., August 19-15, under tbe au* pices of tbe Knights of Pythias, delighting thou¬ sands of representative people. The company made a host of friends during their stay there. J. R. Anderuin. general manager, was sick in a hoepltal. at Ubirago. while tbe company was at Taylorsville. Therefore Mr. L. L. Cole, secre¬ tary-treasurer. assumed tbe management during his absence, to the satisfaction of all.

Cha*. R Evans, the genial press agent, was ver}' diligent In looking after tbe comfort of tbe editors and re|>urters of the local daily pa¬ per* and. a* a result, got a big write-up each day, on tbe first page of each paper. J. H. Roberts, chief of puhlicity, is tbe right man in tbe right place, and did much towards making tbe Great Cosmopolitan Shows popular with tbe masses.

Prof. Dean's Military Rand, consisting of 19 men. furnishes the music for tbe attftctions which, vkith their managers, are as follows: Trainee! Wild Aniaial Show. Charles R. Evans, manager; The Dutlaw. Uhas. Jessup, manager; Gn'at Isindon Ghost Show, Dad Nelson, man¬ ager: Crazy House. Uhas. Wilbur, manager; Old Plantation. Harry Clark, manager; Su|>erba, Geo. Angonostana. manager; Noname. J. U. Rtuhhs, maua^r; MInnIehaba. W. M. WoodrufT. manager: 1. T-e a It, Jimmie Loveer man #Ki-r; IJttle Gussie. J. .M. Jessiqi, man ■ger; Beattie, The .Allgator tilrl: Isl. Livingston, manager: Tbe Alps. E. Z. Wilson, manager; Fair Japan. O. C. Luca*, manager; tbe Ferris Whe»-I. Carry Us All. and the Penny Arcade, all wen- well patronize<l.

A feature of the week’s festivities was the crowning of Miss Della Bulpltt. a popular young Taylorsville woman. Queen of the Caruival. in the the big sttvl arena in which there were two mountain Hons, two royal leo|>ards. one pan ther and three tiger*. The Coepomolltan Com pany pres«-nted the young woman with a gold Anger ring, with a diamond set, for ber bravery.

Two little cub Hons, only sixteen day* old. at- tracteil iiiiich attention.

Captain Ricardo, Captain Chester and Prin¬ cess Pearl, all ask to be kimlly r»'memb*-re»l bv all BHUxMrd readers.

C. D. .tlMUSDN


Many of the professliui who have ls>«-n *<i Joiirnlng at Coney Island this summer, have al ready sIgiKsI for the coming *.-ason. .Among the flrst to sign was Mr. R. W Start, who ha* been conccted with the Kay of Naples. In Dreamland, the entlr*- season. Mr. Start will be seen in an official capacity with one of the many Jo*. M. Galti** pr<Hhietlisis. He was formerly assistant general manager of the Wm Penn BIH|M>*tiug Plant of Philadelphia, also having been con nected with th- Garrick. Park, Fon-st and Broad Street Theatres and the Chestnut Strw't l>p«-ra House. A most g<-nlal chap whose iiersonallty alone prislaima him a gissl fellow, be carries with him the b*‘*t wishi** of thosi* who have had th* pleasure of his acquaintance.

Lovers of athletics will find much to Interest them In the numerous contests to be held at Cedar Point. O., near Sandusky, dur- loglng Carnival Week in September. Elaborate plans are already under way and entries are being received. Tbe athletic feats sre classed as Olympian games and are open to tbe beat talent to be fonnd In tbe various gymnasiums, high schools, tumverelns and other athletic or¬ ganizations throughout Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, and Pennsylvania. Tbe big Coliseum has been converted into a Roman Hlppotlrome for tbe occasion, and here will take place such events as a three day bicycle race, three-day walking match, relay running races for men and boys of from one to ten miles, high Jumping and pole vaulting. Everything will be conducted with a view to breaking records wherever the skill of the contestants offers the chance. No oppor tunlty to create Interest in and stimulate whole¬ some athletics will be overlooked. Tbe strain attendant upon the Olympian games will be relieved by a program of amusing contests, such as greased pole climbing, greased pig bunt, pipe smoking race and water sports. Trapeze and aerial swing acts. Zouave drills and tumbling; also an es|)eclally elaborate flreworks display are featured.

The Great Miller Shows are now back in their own country ami playing to big business. Prof. Hill Joined July 25 with bis balloon ascension and high wire act. Capt. Jack, tbe educate<l horse, also Joined on that day. The company now carries nine shows, wheel and swing, three free acts and a fourteen- piece band.

Kirk Brother.s are now In Webtern Nebraska and playing to big business. ITie company Is now larger and better than ever and includes King Cotton. In leap tbe gap and bal¬ loon ascension; Jack Rromser, the big stride act. and other big attractions.

Harry .1. Freeman, advance man for Marshall's Old Plantation, was In Spartanburg. S. C., with Mr. .Marshall, getting the outfit ready for their road tour. This attraction will Join tbe Johnny J. Jones Shows at Statesville. N. C., August 24.

The National Amusement Company, under the direction of Messrs. Fotte and Lind¬ sey, is doing a splendid business. Dr. J. E Fitzgerald's two tented attractions are with this company, and are also doing a most ex¬ cellent business.

Chas. Williams, of Williams Bros.’ Amus«'ment Co., and Cowan, the sensational Are diver, were Billboard caller*. August 17. They are on their way to Vanceburg (Ky.) Fair, where they are the free attraction.

L. C. Kelley, of the Dixie Carnival Co., reports business goo<l In Nebraska, in fact, better than that of previous years. He states the crops In that section are also very good this year.

L. A. (Pat) Von Erlchsen closed with the Greater Nichols Amusement Co. at Eagle Grove. Iowa. August 3. after being with the company nearly three year*.


We are in receipt of the Premium List of the Virginia State Fair, to be held in Richmond, Va.. October 5-10, Inc., setting forth in an attractive way tbe subdivisions of tbe fair, in which premiums aggregating $35,000.00 are offered. In this connection it may be stated that a leading farm Journal (the South¬ ern Planter, August issue) of the Old Dominion, speaks, editorially, as follows of General Man¬ ager Mark R. Lloyd: “We are glad to note that all preliminary work incidental to the holding of a fair which 1* intended to be the greatest agricultural fair ever held in the South, has received the personal attention and super vision of Mr. Lloyd, the general manager, whose experience In work of this kind has been large, and to whom tbe success of tbe last two fairs was largely to be attributed. He is personally known to most exhibitors at fair* and these gen¬ tlemen have always moet highly commended his arrangements, and we cannot doubt but that the same will hold gooil at this fair.’’

At a co.-xt of $4,500, the management of the Louisiana State Fair, has provided s list of free shows for the big fair, which is to be held at Shreveport. November 2-7, Inclusive. Heretofore practically everything in the amuse¬ ment line has been given In tents and admission has been charged to all. This has proven some¬ what expensive to the men with a family and he Is being considered In the new arrangement. There will be ten free shows, the tents of which will be pitchetl In various parts of the grounds Instead of being conflned to a midway. The hours of performance will be *0 flxed that one free show will be witnesse<l every forty minutes. They will oja-n at noon and continue until 11:30 p. m. The free attractions include many of the leading show* seen In the Northern summer parks. In addition to this there will be twenty- five paid shows of endless variety, affording *d- dltlenal amusements of all kind*. The secretary of the fair Is I/Ouis Bni<>ggerboff.

The Southern State Fair Circuit opens at Ixmlsvllle. Ky., September 14, when the new givninds will be opened for the flrst time. These grounds are said to be the hand- comest for exhibition purpose* in the country and tbe management Is expecting tbe largest crowds In the bistivry of the association. 'This fair will be foHowe<l by seven state fairs, name¬ ly, the Tennessee State Fair. Nashvllfe; Trl- State Fair Association. Memphis. Tenn.; Alham¬ bra State Fair, Birmingham; Montgomery Fair .Association. Montgomery. Ala.; Macon Fair Aa- soclatlon. Macon. Ga.; lAUilsiana State Fair. Shreveport. Frank P. S[>eHman. 14 Lyceum Theatre Building. Cleveland. O.. Is the secretary.

The Williamson County .Agricultural .Association will Isdd their fifty-second annual fair at Marlon. III.. S<-ptrmber 15-13. 'The asso¬ ciation has been Improving the grounds which Is now In flrst class shape. Their one half mile raiv track 1* one of the flni'st In Illinois. En¬ tries are now b<*lng receive*! and attraction* en- gagetl for the fair, which will probably be one of tbe biggest ever held in Marlon. W. J. Air¬ man is president of tbe assticlation, and Geo. C. Campl^H. secretary.

The Second Annual Oklahoma State Fair will be held at Oklahoma City, Okla.. Oc¬ tober 1-19. TlHuisand* of dollars have been expen<b*d in Improving tbe gipunds, which are now one of the finest in the ^uthwest. The fair

has been widely advertised and tbe management la expecting at least 290,000 people at tbe fair. Tbe officers are as follows: C. <3. Jones, preai dent; H. Overholser, secretary; 8. C. Heyman. treasurer, and I. S. Mahan, assistant secretar.*.

The West Kentucky Fair Associa¬ tion. at Mayfield. Ky., have built a new flor il hall, reserved seats in tbe grand-stand, and added a number of new stalls for the horses and are making big preparations for tbe Septemb r fair. Secretary W. L. Hale has booked some e\ cellent free attractions, and with the racing lirogram. there will be something doing all the time. This will no doubt be the banner fair of Western Kentucky for 1908.

Lucille Mulhall and Congrress »>f Western Riders, is one of tbe amusement fe 1 tures booked for the State Wide Fair, to be held at Topeka. Kan., September 7-12. Tlie fair |iromls«‘S to be the biggest event of its kind In the state and will surpass anything of this n..- fure ever held in Topeka.


The Mound City Carnival (}o., of St. Louis, has be<-n engaged by the White City Co., formerly Priestor’s Park, In Belleville, Ill., for an eight-day carnival, which begins August .'10. The White City ha* bom having extraor¬ dinary large crowds this season, so with a car¬ nival company of a high class such as the Mound City Company, there will certainly be something doing at tbe park. For tbe week day* each of the Belleville Io<lges will be given a day. Du Monday tbe Maccabees will hold their outing: 011 Tues<lay, the K. of P. Ixslge will come out In force; on Thursday the Eagles will hold forth, while on Friday the Mouhlers’ Union will have their day. Saturday will be Charity Day. when a percentage of the receipt* from all the shows and attractions will be turned over to the poor of Belleville. The Sundays will, a* usual. I>e big ones, as all amusement places In St. Lout* and East St. Louis, are closed on that day.

Now that the ?>iulty Tobacco Socie¬ ty promise to distribute over $400,000 In cash to the farmers In Mason County. Ky., between .August 20 and 30, the amusement situation should again resume its normal shape. Mt-ssr*. HIbler and Ru*a<dl. managers of Beechwood Park. MaysvIIIe, Ky., anticipate a material In¬ crease In attendance at their resort as soon as the money 1* distributed, and all amusement* In that section will undoubtedly derive some tieneflt from this movement.

Oak Summit Park, at Kvan.sviile, Ind.. is each week featuring an outing or cele¬ bration of some fraternal organization, which ar¬ rangements Is bringing large throngs to thia {>opuIar resort. During the week of August 30 the Elks will be out in force. Manager Cba*. Sweeton ha* gone to Chicago to engage attrac tlon* for this week, which promise* to be the banner one of tbe season.

Will P. Gallagrher. formerly con¬ nected with the Great Wallace Show* and AL AV. Martin’* enterprises, is now doing the an¬ nouncing for the Little Big Horn, the feature show at Rlvervlew Park. Chicago.

Ada Wilkes ha-s been putting on the old Southern Plantation at Frf>Btler Park, Ni¬ agara Falls. Canada, besides playing the Ken¬ tucky Rosebuds a* the special outside attrac¬ tion at fairs and parks.

Garfield Shainlane. a populai vounR man or Norristown. Pa., has accepted the possl- tlon of trea-surer at the Grand Opera House, Norristown. He aasnmed his new duties August 1.

The Mardi Gra.s at Altro Park. Al¬ bany. N. Y., will be held August 29 Prize# will be awardetl for the most beautiful coe- tumee.


The fifth annual Fall Fcstiviil of the I'.agles at Delaware. ()., will l>e held we«’k of .August 7. The Famous Robinson Amusement Company has been engaged to furnish the at¬ tractions and the committee In charge of it la making preparations for one of tbe biggest event* ever held in Delaware.


That the Sayso Cone manufactured by A. T. Dietz, of l'J7 Michigan *tre«-t. Toledo. O., I* becoming one of the favorite cones of the trav¬ eling. a* well as the park concessionaire, 1* at¬ tested by the enormous »ales of thi# pr<*luct during the past few months. Then the outfit n»<*il In making these celebrate*! cones. 1* alao win¬ ning Itself into popular favor, ami the sales In¬ creasing right along. Tbe details aiv given In the ad. on another page of this Issue.


F M. Shortrldge and wife arrived in the city. August 13. to visit with Mrs. Shortrldge’* parent* a few day*. Mr. Shortrldge has a host of friends In the profi-sslon, and. ke<-plng In cloee touch with all of them. Is always bubbling over with tbe latest show news. He leave* for New Y’ork. .August 24. to take up his duties as business manager, ahead of the Eastern Buster Brown, for the third season.

Manager Roy Nichols, of EIe*trlc Park, 1* convaIes<-lng after a sb'ge of sickness, for th# past six week*, and will be In the barneaa again soon. Hr will open his Great Rantell Stock Company late in September, playing week stands, and ha* some of the Ix'st time booked In the MUHe West. The company will feature the Great Santell. strong man. ami will he man- age<l by the hustling Moc Sad .AH. They have a fine line of paper for each pla.v. and a strong company, all signed.

Mr. Fred Busby, brother of A J. anil W. L. Busby, of the Iowa and Illinois Circuit. Is lA the city getting up one of the flnest of aouvenlll programs for the entire circuit, ever seen In' the West. The Busby* are all hustlers, a* can be seen from their past record.

The Central Labor Union will hold a week’# celebration at Electric I’ark. commencing Labor Day. that will be the largest labor celebration In Iowa this year. Nichids and Alford have *lgne«l a number of extra features for the week.

H. R. Parker, tbe popular treasurer of th# Syndicate Theatre, has b«‘en assisting Manager Alford, at Ele<-trir i’ark. this summer, during Manager Nichids’ sickness, and has certainly made good. Herb knows the show bustnean troaa A to Z.

0. B. BOTCB.

18 Xtie Billboard AUGUST 29. 1908.

CORRESPONDENCE. (Continued from page 16.)

again be the attrartlon. The Initial perform- anre will he Aug. SI.

Oranil (F. W. W’aatjar, mgr.) Rxtenalve Im- proreiiienta are atill going on whlrb will make thia place an exceptionally modern houae.

Trl State I'alr Orounda. A fair will be held here Sept. 28-Oct. 3.

Under canraa. [lagenl>eck-Wallace will be here I.abor Day.

MICHIGAN CITY.—Grand Opera Houae (Ot¬ to Diinker. mgr.) Tempeat and Sunahine 9; good hoiiaea and excellent jM-rformancea. The Cow Puncher 16; fair houae, gfaxl ahow. Mead- owbrook Farm 23; J. Warren Pavla Stock Co. week of 24; Thorna and Orange Bloaaoma 30; The Volunteer Organlat 31.

Lyric Theatre (C. F. Wyaong A Co., mgra.) Good hotiaea with moving plcturea and aonga.

Idle Hour Theatre (p. U. Uorning, mgr.) Mo¬ tion plcturea and aonga to good buaineaa.

Dixie Theatre (F. M Sparka, mgr.) Fair bntlneaa with ulcturea.

Vaiidette Theatre (J. Rohrig, mgr.) Good buaineaa with moving (dcturea and aonga. and The DeVere Slatera

Waahington Park (F. M. Boeckling. mgr.) All conceaalona report g»o<l buaineaa.

ANDEB80N.—The Grand Opera Houae (Joe. E. Ilenninga, mgr.) ThIa theatre ofpena with the Creacent Stock Co. on Aiigiiat 2.5. for one week, their aecond return engagement here. During September, Thorna and Orange Bloa¬ aoma, Murray and Mark, Little Johnny Jonea, Whoa Maud. Farmer’a Daughter, Hilda Thom- aa, Man from Home and The Volunteer Organ¬ lat will be given.

The Cryatal Theatre (J. H. Ammona, mgr.) Billy LInk'a big vaudeville aggregation, return engagement: hualneaa big, flue ahow.

ANGOLA.—Croxton Opera Houae (R. E. Wlllla, mgr.) Angola Dramatic Co. 12-15; larg- eat buaineaa In the hlatory of the houae; hun- dreda of people turned away both nighta. The Moonahiner'a Daughter 19; A Pair of (Country Klda 26; Maude Henderaon Stock Co. week of Sept. 1; Lyman H. Howe’a Moving Plcturea 14.

Majestic Theatre (Sandera & Hanaelman, mgra.) The Majeatic will move to another building, their present place having been sold.

Under canvas—Gollmar Brothers' Circus 14; fair buaineaa.

C0NNER8VILLE.—New Vaudette (H. W. Hendricka. mgr.) Moving plcturea and vaude¬ ville continue to draw good business.

Bijou (Q. T. Lyons, mgr.) Closed until Sept. l.

FRANKFORT.—The Bllnn Theatre (Langer- brake A Hufrord, mgra.) Cutter Stock Co. week of 17; big buaineaa and beat aatlafactlon.

Cryatal Theatre (Charlie Welch, mgr.) Van and Maddox, musical sketch; The Bruces, sing¬ ers and dancera: Miss Frances Swartx, emo¬ tional actress; Mias Ruth Collins. Illustrated songs and moving pictures week of 17; excel¬ lent business all week.

The Electric (Ed. N. Thacker, mgr.) Illus¬ trated songs and moving pictures continue to draw large houaea.

KOKOMO.—Slpe Theatre (G. W. Slpe, mgr.) The Oolbya. Mile. Alma, Agnes Holden, Craw¬ ford and Manning and the Klnetoacope week of 17; good returns,

Plctureland (O. P. Weed, mgr.) Damon and Pythias motion pictures, with Viola Lewis and Madeline Pickett In songs to good returns week of 17.

LAPORTE.—Twentieth Century Theatre (Ko- lar A Jenicek, mgra.) Moving pictures and lllus- trate<I aonga; excellent business.

Palace "rheatre (I. Slavin. mgr.) Doing well with moving plcturea and aonga.

Air Line Park Theatre (Jaa. Kolar, mgr.) Moving plcturea and vaudeville; good returns.

Long’s Carnival Co. week of 10; good patron-

L00AM8P0RT, — Nelson TTieatre (Fred ^Mmythe. mgr.) The Cow-Puncher 1.5; good busl- Fness. The Volunteer Organist 21; The Phantom

Detective 22; Columbia Stock Co. 24-29. Broadway Theatre (W. B. Helmick, mgr.)

Earl Hyman. Illustrated songs; Gladys Middle- ton. mezto so|>r.ino; The Devana and Dog, nov¬ elty acmhata; Five Shannons, singing and danc¬ ing entertainers, and the Klnetoacope week of Aug. 17; very good business.

Cryatal Theatre (Tom Hardie, mgr.) Haney and Tx>ng. singers and dancers: Baby Thelma, tinging, dancing and whistling; Ferguson and Dupree, come<ly: Frank Vincent, black face monologue; Nibbe. Bordoeux and Co. week of 17; doing good business.

The Ark Theatre. Doing good business. Spencer Park Rink (Oeo. W. Rush, mgr.)

Doing goo,l buaineaa. N0BLE8VILLE.—Crystal Theatre (Harrison

A Strickfaden, owners; J. Watts A W. Wheeler, mgra.) Mitchell and Browning, presenting His Last Case; Howard and Banard. In black face; Laura La Bell, aoubrette. and the Cryatalscope with talking pictures to good buaineaa week of 10.

Grand Opera House (L. Wild, mgr.) Talking pIcDirea and vaudeville to capacity bouses 14 and 15.

TTie Vaudette (J. H. Wise, mgr.) Moving pic¬ tures and lllnatrated songs to good business.

RICHMOND.—Gennett Theatre (Ira Swisher, mgr.) Talking plcturea were shown at this houae week of 17; foiir shows dally.

Theatorlum (J. H. Broomhall, mgr.) Motion pictures and Illustrated songs to good business.

Arcade (C. A. Bennett, mgr.) Penny Ar¬ cade, moving pictures and Illustrated songs to good business.

Palace, Richmond’s new flve-cent theatre, will open this week.

Star PIctorlum. .Motion pictures and Illus¬ trated songs to good returns.

WASHINGTON.—Theatorlum (J. T. Laymon. mgr.) Fair receipts.

Theatorlum (Padgett A Moore, mgra.) Ma¬ honey Bros.’ Stock Co. 17-22; excellent busi¬ ness.

Under canvas—Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus Sept. 1.

IOWA. CEDAR RAPIDS.—The Alrdome (Collier A

Hugo, mgra.) Week of Aug. 16. Jim Lucas, song and dance artist; Frank E. Ix>ng Stock Co. In popular plays; business goo<L

The Alamo (Ernest Walsh, mgr.) Week of Aug. 16, Mac, the h.vimotlst; DIcke.v’a Wild West 11-19: Thavlu Band 17; Well’s Baud 20; goes! crowds.

Greene's (IjH-ra House (W. S. Collier, bus. mgr.) Time, the Place and the Girl Aug. 25.

Delphna Electric Theatre (1. P. Williams, mgr.» Moving pictures and Illustrated songs drawing giasl crowds.

The Palace (Davidson A Mummert. mgra.) I Illiistratetl songs and moving pictures having good attendance. I

American Palm Ganlen (5V. L. Meyers, mgr.) Moving pictures.

Under canvas—Rlngling Bros.’ Circus Aug. 27.

DUBUQUE.—Grand Opera House (Wm. L. Bradley, mgr.) National Opera Co. in comic opera 22; Ralph Riggs In All on the Quiet 24; Tlie 5'ankee Regent ‘27-2K.

Lyric (Wm. L. Bradley, mgr.) Moving pic¬ tures and illustrated songs to gixid patronage.

Alrdome (Jake Rosenthal, mgr.) The Hunt- Ington-Scanlon Stock Co. still holds the boards ami this week will present the English comedy. Fun In Our Regiment; drawing good bouses. Stung week of 17.

Trl-State Fair (D. C. Stewart, mgr.) Book¬ ings of exhibitions, entries of horses largely ex¬ ceed any previous fair, and these, with the many paid and free exhibitions booketl. Indicate larger attendance and gate receipts than any previous fair ever held. Among the paid exhi¬ bitions will be Cora Beckwith, the world's champion swimmer. In a miniature lake con¬ taining 40.000 gallons of water. Free exhi¬ bition dally, the acme of sensationalism. The Automobile double somersault; LeRoy and La- Vanlon, the comic knockalsMit acrobats; The GaudsmIdts and their wonderful dogs. The will last from Aug. 2-t-29, Inclusive.

Dubuque Home Coming Celebration same week as TrI-State Fair.

CLINTON.—The Clinton (C. E. Dixon, mgr.) His Royal Muchness 18; National Opera Co. 20.

Alrdome (Dixon A Stuart, mgrs.) The Earl Stock Co. in repertoire.

IOWA CITY.—Bijou Dream (H. F. Pocock, mgr.) .Moving pictures and Illustrated gongs to big business.

NIckeldom (Thomas A. Brown, mgr.) Trav- ologues and moving pictures; business excellent.

Under canvas—Gollmar Bros.’ Circus 22.

OSKALOOSA.—Alrdome (J. Miller, mgr.) Stewart Dramatic Co. In repertoire week of 17; pleased large crowds.

Orient Theatre (W. Harry Bowen, mgr.) Mov¬ ing |>lrtureg and songs pleasing good business.

Palace Theatre (McCormick A Hanna, mgrs.) Moving pictures and illustrated songs drawing large attendance. Continuous vaudevilla com¬ mencing Sept. 1.

Lyric (Stalker A Lytle, mgrs.) Songs and pictures to goisl business.

Under canvas—Rlngling Brothers’ Sept. 2. SIOUX CITY.—New Grand Theatre (H. H.

Tallman. mgr.) The Great Divide Aug. 29; Ar¬ tie Sept. 7-9; Uncle Tom’s Cabin 10; The Lieu¬ tenant and the Cowtvoy 11-12; The Yanke Re¬ gent 13; Chauncey Olcott 17; End of the Trail 18-19; Human Hearts 20; ’Thorns and Orange Blossoms 25; Why Girls Leave Home 26; Ly- Hisn Brothers 27; The Flints 28-.30.

Crystal Theatre (Newton Cook, mgr.) Bill for week of Aug. 16, Cooke and Meyers. Par- ratt Bros., Dolores Chase. lllustrate<l songs and moving pictures; business excellent during the summer months.

Moving picture houses doing a goo<l business. Buffalo Bill’s Wild West, under canvas, Aug.

27. WATERLOO.—Syndicate Theatre (A. J. Bus¬

by, mgr.) A Sailor's Sweetheart 24; The Wizard of Wall Street 31.

Waterloo Theatre (A. J. Busby, wr.) Mis¬ souri Girl 11; good houses In splfe of bad weather. Royal Chef 20; Ma’s New Husband 29.

Dreamland Theatre (J. L. McCllnton, mgr.) Business 6ne.

Jewel Theatre (Walker A West, mgrs.) Bnsi- ness good.

Electric Park (Nichols A Alford, mgrs.) Tha- vlu’s Band and Russian Dancers week of 10; goo<i hoviS'‘s. Lopez and Lojvez, Maurice Cooke, Mae Melbone and Jarrow. etc., week of 17.

Under canvas—The Great Parker Shows week of 24; Rlngling Bros.’ Circus 28.

KANSAS. HUTCHINSON.—Lyric Theatre (Wm. Win¬

ters. mgr.) Moving pictures with Illustrated songs by Miss May Hulce drawing good busi¬ ness.

Elite Theatre (Scott Wilkie, mgr.) Moving pictures and songs; big cn>wds.

Crawford Alrdome. James Fulton Stock Co., two .weeks, commencing August 17; pleasing large atendance.

Midland Alrdome (Mrs. A. L. Holmes, mgr.) Moving pictures and illustrated songs to good business.

Riverside Park (W. A. hne, mgr.) The Younger Bros., physical culture act; Martelle and Levy, In comedy sketch, and Corcoran and Dixon, blackface, who were held over the sec¬ ond week, pleased big crowds week of 10. tin and Crouch, knockabout acrobats; The Wfr- slcal Brennans. Martelle and Levy, moving pic¬ tures and band concerts week of 17.

ARKANSAS CITY.—Alrdome (Memt Jeff¬ ries, mgr.) The Morey Stock Co. week of 10-17; good returns.

Pastime (George Comlch, prop.) Moving pic¬ tures and songs to good business.

FT. SCOTT..—Alrdome Theatre (Harry C. Ernlch. mgr.) Clint and Bessie Robins, with The Chase-Lister Stock Co. week of 10-17; big business; broke house record. Ferrris’ Come¬ dians 24. L

Fern Lake Park (love A Hafer, mgrs.) Skat¬ ing rink and moving pictures to fair business.

The Vaudette, Theatorlum and The Theater- ette. Moving pictures and shows having fair attendance.

HOLTON—Perkins Electric Theatre (Fred W. Johnson, mgr.) Moving pictures and Illustrated songs.

Nickelodeon. Moving pictures and Illustrated songs.

PARSONS.—Elks’ Theatre (W. M. Nellgh, mgr.) Dark.

Lyric Theatre (C. L. Carrell. mgr.) Burke anil Farlowe, singing and dancing; C. L. Car¬ rell, songs; M, A. Rummage, banjo artist; The Camjibells. comed.v music sketch; Lessig and Anita. Arab Juggling novelty act; DeMonde and DInsmore, comeily sketch; Doric Four, male quartet, and moving pictures and songs wei'k of 9; giHsI business.

Star Alrdome (Lou Smith, mgr.) Dorothy Stock Co. week of 9; splendid business. Bell Boy Opera Co. week of 16; Bryant-Balley Stock Co. week of 23.

WINFIELD—Th« Alrdome (G .O .Gary, mgr.) The Paycen Strsk Co. Aug. 10 22; good company and liberal patronage. The Morey Stock Co. ,\ug. 24-Sept. 5.

The Elite (F. E. I'lerce, mgr.) Moving pic¬ tures and songs; business gmsl.

I'nder c»nvas—4Jentry Bn*.’ Dog and Pony .Show .\ug. 17; Rlngling Bros.’ Circus Sept. 21.

KENTUCKY. LOUISVILLE.—White City (John H. Whal-

len. mgr.) Don Phillpplnl and his Spanish Baud week of 16.

Fontaine Ferry Park (Tony Landurtch, mgr.) Majestic Musical Four, gooil; Eva Mudge; Prin¬ cess Taris-a. handcuff expert; Muiqihy and VI- doeq, blackface comedians; Five Martels, bicy¬ cle riders. Free attractions are Cisvk’s Band and Dorothy .Morton, soloist, week of 16.

Avenue Theatre (Frank Shrlner. mgr.) Sure Shot Sam week of 16; Bunco in Arizona week of 23.

Hopkins’ Theatre (Eddie Dustin, mgr.) Mov¬ ing pictures until 29.

Crystal Theatre (Cris. Wassman, mgr.) Mov¬ ing pictures changed dally.

Princess, Bijou and Dreamland (Irving Si¬ mons, mgr.) Moving pictures.

The Victoria (Jake Oreenburg. mgr.) Mov¬ ing pictures. J. J. MUSSELMAN.

LEXINGTON.—Opera House (Chas. Scott, mgr.) Closed week of 16.

Hippodrome (L. 11. Ramsey, mgr.) Eva Ray, mind reader; Martynne, spectacular dancer; Gus Bartram and moving plcturea week of 16.

Majestic (Arthur Jack, mgr.) Week Aug. 16. Wiley and Wiley, comedy playlet: Geo. Smed- ling, solos and Imitations; Jack Wiley, sing¬ ing and dancing; The Norwoods, comedy sketch: big business.

Princess (S. A. Platt, mgr.) Capacity aud¬ iences continue to enjoy first run pictures and new songs.

Blue Grass (O. B. Hill, mgr.) New pictures and songs to good business.

ASHLAND—Theatre (Norton A Smith, mgrs.) Dark.

Majestic (Dick Martin, mgr.) Theresa Ja¬ cobs, sweet singer; La Rose and Hatfield, com¬ edy skit; Chink Brown, comollan; Sperry and Ray. In Something New; Hendrick Abrams. Il¬ lustrated songs and moving pictures we<>k of 10; excellent performances and attendaiice. The Great Billy Morris, black face comedian; Two Gre.vs, songsters; John Hawkins, come¬ dian; Evans Sisters, singers and dancers; Hein- rick Abrams, Illustrated songs and moving pic¬ tures week of 10; good show, fine business.

Edisonia (E. W. Handley, mgr.) Moving plc- tuix-s and Illustrated songs to splendid business.

Clyffeslde Park (Jos. Gallick. mgr.) Band concerts Sundays. Dances several nights In the week.

At the River—J. W. Cooley's Show Boat, Wonderland. Aug. 17.

CYNTHIANA—Star Theatre (Chandler A Ad¬ ams, mgrs.) Moving pictures and songs to ca¬ pacity business.

Kentucky Theatre (Hawk A Goldberg, mgrs.) Harry Baker, musical act; moving pictures and songs to capacity business.

OWENSBORO—^Tlie Grand Opera House (Pe«l- ley A Burch, mgrs.) The Howard Dorset Co. week of 10; good business. Moving pictures week of 17.

Chautauqua Auditorium (W. F. Maylott, mgr.) Well’s Band 10-11; pleasinl large crowds. Miss I'rankel, soloist, well recelve<l.

Fredrlca Theatorlum (Ben C. Nunn, prop. > Moving pictures to very large business.

Wonderland Theatre (John C. Rogers, mgr. > Moving pictures to good business.

The Archway (Wm. Castler, mgr.) Good houses to moving pictures.

Majestic Theatre (Scott Haynes, mgr.) .Mov¬ ing pictures to good business.

I'nder canvas—Rlngling Bros.' Shows Sept. 30.

LOUISIANA. NEW ORLEANS—Tulane (Tlios. C. Camp-

b«“Il. mgr.l Tim Murphy In Cupid and the Dol¬ lar, and Old Innocence week S»-pt. 6.

Creacent (Thos. C. Caiiiiibell, mgr t Under Southern Skies week S<‘pt. 6.

Dauphine (Lester Lonergan. mgr.) Is'Ster Lonergan Stock Co. In The Heart of Maryland week of 2:1; capacity business.

West End (J. M. McKee, mgr.) Cahill am! Barbat. singers; Sells Sisters, singers and danc¬ ers; Miss Lucille Savoy, singer; Chris. Schrelv- er, lllustratetl songs; moving pictures. IxHiibar- do'a Military Band week ’i'l; excellent business.

White City (Chas. C. Mathews, mgr.) White City 0|>era Co. in College Chums week of 23; big business. When Reul)en Comes to Town week 30; big business.

Winter Garden (Morgan Dowling, mgr.) Silas, the Chore Boy; Andrews A. Rogers, palmist; lyouls Rsmaguera. baritone; moving pictures week of 23; capacity business.

Shubert (H. L. Massle. mgr.) O. T. Craw¬ ford's moving pictures, illustrated songs, vau¬ deville week 23; capacit.v bUHineas.

Greenwald (Fly. GreenwaU. mgr.) Harry Hasting's Bachelor Club Extravaganza Com¬ pany week 29; opening.

Lyric (J. V. MeStea. mgr.) Tlie New Lyric Stock Co. In A Child of the Regiment week of 23: c.xpaclty business.

Elysium (C. S. I’ayton. mgr.) I’ayton Sis¬ ters’ Stork Co. In repertoire, and vaudevllls week Sept. 6. WH.I.IAM A KOEI’KE.

8722 Poplar Street.

SHREVEPORT. -Grand Oi>era Hotiae (Ehr¬ lich Bros., lessees; Burgess A Grierson, mgra.) Carson Talcott Co. In musical comeily; L. T. Johnson. ventriIoi|Ulat; Elmer Jerome, blarh face comedian; Walter Warson. acrobat, week of 16; gooil bill, playing to capacity.

Palace Theatre (L. Montville, mgr.l Miss Dixie Warfielil. singing; Sterling Bros., ac¬ robats; The Sedgewlrk Family and The Two Hermanns; gmsl bill week of 16; business fair.

The Theatorlum (S. E. Donley, mgr.) I.«test moving pictures: business fair.

The Mus<“e (Geo. Ilamptou, mgr.) Moving pictures: business fair.

JEANERF.TTE.—McGowan’s Oi«>ra Mouse (R. Domengeaux. mgr.) Moving pictures and songs drawing well.

MAINE, PORTLAND. - j4'(T*TH<>n Tli«*airt* (Jiiliim Cahii.

mirr.) Val** Stmk c’o. In How lltMrta are Hroken week of 17; A Kni^bt for a Daj 2S-


This troui* of aerlallsts, gymnasts and acrobats present a m<*t phenomenal act on four hanging rojies. The only act of Its kind. Their o«n original Idea and own Invention. During ths act they present phenomenal muscular endurance, cumblned with amazing dexterity and skill and practical demonstration of efficiency of physical culture. It Is one of the big novelties now playing the vaudeville theatres. Thia hlgh-claas act Just tinishisl a live months' tour In Cuba and is now fllllng a twenty-week contract on the Sullivan Cousidine Circuit, where they are featured on every bill. The act will be open for Clrcuaes. Parks, Fairs, etc. Th.y have sevea changes of handsome wardrobe.

august 29, 1908. Xtie Billboard

KhMIi'k (Jan. K. Moore, iiiicr.) Ki-lth St(M'k Co. Ill Zlra »• . W of 17.

lii iii. I’eitk NIaiiil ir. W . T CiMlInK. mirr.) <;elll .'(lork I'O. Ill lli fore aiiil After week of 17,

Cafe, c.ife Colince l*ark < K. V. I’lielail,

iiii:r. I Cafe SIin W Co. In The lottery of I.ove

week of 17. ■ ’..rllaml NIekel (K. II. Havla. murt Mot-

linr iilet'ina ami llliiNtrateil maiKa. Iireaiiilaiiil NV. llreeley, niKr. 1 Illustrated

..,n»:s anil iiiovlnc liletiires. Savoy tJ. i:. .Mellilllltiess. Iiiur.» .MorluK pic¬

tures still SOUKS. KIvertoii I’ark (l>. It. Sniltli, niirr.) Vaude¬

ville. AUGUSTA.—ttpera House (T. II. Cuddy,

iiiKr. I .MoviiiK idetureM and Tauderllle to apleD’ did luisiness all week.

Island Park Theatre. Halley Stock Co.

MARYLAND. CUMBERLAND.—.Mar.v land Theatre (E. E.

Hutter. niKf. I Fifty .Miles from lloston 'Js. .keadeiny of Musle tMellliiKer Itroa., niKfa.)

UeimsIelliiK and linprovint; the staKe; house entirely rialis-ia-atial. Cpenini; date not ao- nolineial.

Merrvlatid Hark (John Kirk, niKr.) Iluslnesa fair.

MASSACHUSETTS. WORCESTER. — I’oirs Theatre (Joseph C.

Crlddle. niKf. I Poll .Stis-k ('o. In .Kt the Mouth of the Mine week of 17; ereellent business.

White Cit.T 111. II. IllKelow, mirr. t Tlie Man¬ hattan Opera Co. w»-ek of 17; K'sal huslness. Al other attraietlor.s dolntt fine huslness.

Lincoln Park Theatre (J. J. Itlake, mkr.I J. W. Cornian's iip todate rauilevllle week of 17; drew lar^e crowds.

New Park Tlieatre (S.amuel Grant, niitr.) Morin* pictures and son*s week of 17; drew large crowds.

Plesaant Street Theatn* (Kreil P. l>ean. mgr.) Pictorial raiidevllle week of 17; drew good huslness.

Nickel Kanill.r Tlieatre (Samuel Grant, mgr.) Latest Pathe creations drew large audience* week of 17 I.K.SLIE It. LLEWELLYN.

GLOUCESTER.—I nlon Hill Theatre (I»throp A Tidnian. nigrs.l Moving pictures drawing large houses. L.vdia Hreain. fannsis European novelty, and Gardner. West and Sunshine, com¬ edy singing trio, are the vaudeville artists at this b>aise.

Ixing Beach Park (Joseph J. Flynn, mgr.) In the n|mn air theatre are Evans. Emlta and Evans. In the comedy sketch, entitled Child- l.iMid Days; The Joll.r Prices, clever colored en¬ tertainers; Edith Gllisim. singing and dancing comedienne, and Harry Poiilter, comedian, sing¬ er and dancer.

MICHIGAN. GRAND RAPIDS—Powers* Theatre (t>rln

Stair, nigr.l Coming Thro* the Rye 2.1; The Man from Home S«-pt. 6-7.

Majestic Theatre (Orin Stair, mgr.l Indian** Secret 1:M.*'i: fair company and business. Den¬ ver Express 10 III; fair huslness. .Mollv Hawn *J«2*.’; The Lost Trail il 26.

Grand Dpera House IDavis-Churchill Circuit, mgrs.t Dark; oju-ns .kug. 21.

Ramona Theatre (L. J. Def.amarter, mgr.l *rhe Three Yoscarys. Lillian .kshhiirv, Sam Wat¬ son's Ramyanl Circus. Bertie Fowler. Jesse '■•sky*s Seven Hobo,>s. Tlie ArakI Japs and the Ramonagrai>h week of 17; drawing go<sl crowd* and pleasing.

.\lrdome (E. R R>-ed. nigr.l Harris Beaure¬ gard A C*'.. Geoige Harris. Mari|uls and Finn. Jay Bogert. The Petltt Family. Minnie Wash- hum and the .Vlrograiih week of 17; good at- tendanc,' and pleasing.

The A[m>!|o o|H-ued .kugust L'> and Is doing go<»l huslness with songs and pictures.


DOW AGIAC.—Beckwith Memorial Theatre (Harry J. Somers, mgr.l Tem|iest and .Sunshine 14; fair huslness. Ci>w-Puncher 21; Meadow- hrisik Farm *27; Nohle McCann In Tlie Girl Over There Sept .*1; HI ilenry*s Minstrels 7; ^e^^Two Johns 1.2; Morris Thurston Stock Co.

JACKSON.—Athena«*um (11. J. Porter, mgr.l Dram <l Tone talking pictures are drawing well.

Bijou (Will Marshall, nigr.l Meehan's Dogs. Ernest 2er.\a. Ttu* Thr»*e Trtsihadmirs and mov¬ ing pictures week of 17; gtssl hill and business.

.Subway ami Star are doing well with plc- tnrcs and smigs

8AULT 8TE- MARIE.—S<sv (l|iera House (J. P -Lirilan. mgr.l .4long the Kennebec 22; C<»m- Ing Tliro' the Rye *26

MINNESOTA. 8T. PAUL. Grand (l|«r* Hmise (Tlieo L.

Mays, mgr.l Farewell engageiiieiit of the .Nelli t ompany In The 11. ir to the H.s.rah week of 16; S. R. tl. prevails. F.xll season oiu-ns Aug. -M. with In Did Kcnlmkv.

Drpheimi Theatre til W Pier.eig. nigr.l ^le (lis-rator. "Slivers** Daki.-y In The Ball

• aiiie. as.s|st*>.l h.v .Vrtle Nels.ui. the premier acrobat; May and Flor.a lleiigler. Ju¬ piter Brothers. Raymond ami Caverly. Klein an.l Clifton. In The Dummy's H.diday; Frank B.'l rea amt Co., ami the Kln.slroine wwk of Aug 16: ex.-ellent ..[.eiilug week

Thonfn' MK mtrr.) Ttir.s. Masipiera Sister*. Christine 11111’ ami Co.. T.'tito ami TotUo. The Great Hamilton. Fr.wta ami y\i>ymsn. klarle Witt ami the Camvograph; g'ssi patronage

W..m|erlaml Amiisem.-nt Park IF. H. Camp, ngr. I Lea Thi-o.|orow<N-g. Taggerl Family ami vili.-r oiit.lcsir attraetlons'. g,ss| attendance week v*f 16

M.-tr<.|iolltan Dpera House |L. N. Scott, mgr.l | D|H-nliig of the season starting Aug. *2;*.. Ch.-. k- ers. Chann.'.-.v Dh-ott Aug. .'lo ami week.

Wlhlw.ssI Amusement Park (11 .M Barnet, mgr.l Ex.ell.-nt loitronage with (aitibsir siM.rts." bathing, sailing. F'igiire Eight, ilamiiig, band concert* .-very evening, etc.

Como Park IJ. Barnet, mgr.l Band con.-erta every evening: hig attendance.

Fnlipn- Theatre (J. T. Mahoney, mgr.l Busl ness giMsI with moving pictures and illustrated songs.

Lyric and Crystal Theatres continue to gissl attendance with moving picture* and songs.

Mlntie.ota State Fair (C. N. Ciwgrove. secy.I Many new features. World's Fair at Home. Aug. ".I S<-pt.

Star Theatre (J. C. Van R<si. mgr.l Op<-ns Its regular si-usou Aug. 2H, with Chani|iagne tilrls Company.

Cnder canvas—Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show .\ug *2.">

DULUTH.—Lyceum Theatre (0. A. Marshall, mgr.l Tl:e Maek'l.eon Co. In Lynnwood week of 16; giHsi business. Same comiiany in A Dipio nialle Tangle week of IS. In Old Kentucky 17; giHsl huslness. Coming Thro* the .*11 Sept 1. The Rivals 2-3; The Iloneymooners 4.1: The Clansman 7.

Bljon Theatre (J. L. Maitland, mgr.l Roland West Sc Co.. Grace I^'onard, The Havelocks. Noble and Brooks. Hill and Sylvlany. laadore Sliver and moving picture* and lllustratisl simgs week of 17.

Drpheum Theatre (Tlioa. Fnmiss. mgr.l Mov¬ ing pictures and Illustrated songs to gooil busl ness.

Sunlieam Theatre (J. B. Clinton, mgr.l Mov¬ ing idctures and songs to gissl huainess.

Star Theatre (C. .A. Skelcher. mgr.l Ooisl business with moving picture* and aongs.

Savoy Tlieatre (11. C. Hadfleld, nigr.l Gooil attendance with moving picture* and Antexa phone.

West End Star (E. Z. Nelson, mgr.l Business goml with moving pictures and songs.

Coder canvas—Buffalo Rill's Wild West 2*2. BRAINERD —Park Opera Houae (Frank G.

Hall, mgr.l Fisir Corners of the Earth .Aug. 17.

I’nhiue Theatre (E. 11. Isle, mgr.l Moving Iilctures and Illustrated songs; business gorsl.

I’nder canvas—Norris A Rowe's Circus Aug. 12; gissl (lerformance* enjoyed by good crowds; an Ideal day.

MISSISSIPPI. GULFPORT.—.Alrdome (Geo. Pierce, mgr.l

Graham Trio, acrobats; Kelly and Wayne, sketch team; Jimmy Kelly, black face come¬ dian; Illustrated songs and moving pictures week of 1.2; business fine. Barber and Palmer, comedy sketch team: Jim Kell.v, black face monologue: Palmer's Dogs, picture* and songs week of 22.

VICK8BUR0.—Lyric Theatre (B. Mulligan, mgr.l I>* Dana*. Dewey Campbell and Clark and Clifton week of 17.

Nlckeloileon (Beyer A Ford, mgrs.l Illus¬ trated songs and motion picture*.

Walnut Street Theatre til. Mayer, mgr.l DlM-n* .August 31 with On the Bridge at Mid¬ night.

MISSOURI. 8T. LOUIS. — Suburban Garden. Jann** K.

Hnckett iK-gan his second week, playing The Crisis, and I* pleasing big audiences.

Delmar Garden. Tlie Delmar Opera Co. this week I* presenting Tlie Dfflce Boy to big busi¬ ness and pleasing Immensely.

Forest Park Highlands. This week's bill In eludes Charles Wayne and Co.. Jeanette .Adler and her Plckanninles, Wincherman'a Bears. George Armstrong. The Be.Ano* and KInoilrome. Cavallo's Band and Virginia Rankin, soloist. In the garden; business big.

West End Heights. Maliel Montgomery and Stock Co. In Magda this week, and pleasing goisl business.

Mannlon's P.irk. This week's bill Inelnde* The Phantivm Trio. William H. Mack and Co.. Wolf and Zadella. Daly Comedy Trio, Dan Ro- hev and moving pictures; business big.

i.emp's I’ark. The fourteenth and last week of The Imp«-rul Minstrels to good business.

American Theatre. Diwning week*' bill In¬ dude* Williams and Weston. Sylvester Trio. l,«-s Salvsggls, Helen Bertram. Jonny McVeigh and i;irl*. Wilfred Clarke and Co.. Ri-gera and Ibele.v, The Saytona and Klnodronie; huslness good.

Itii|H-rlal Tlieatre. The season oi«>nisl Sun¬ day with the End of the Trail as the attraction. Business Mg and attraction gvssl. The Candy Kid next.

Havlin's Theatre. The Life of an Actress this wei-k to Mg business and pleasing; com panv giHsl. Sure SlM»t Sam next.

siandanl Theatre. Tlie Bohemian Burlesipiera to gissl business and a splendid singing ehiv riis; (^inipanv pli*sses. Frivolities of IIM* next.


CARTHAGE.—Lyric .Alrdome I Boon A Tur tier, nigrs.l Tlie Culhans, eonnsllans. week of 17: tsisMi-ss gtssl.

Cnlipie The.itre (William* Bros '. mgrs.l Banner w,H>k roiiimenclng 17 with moving pie- inres and s<-iigs.

Cnder canvas -Gentry Bros.' l>og and Pony show 2*2‘ Sells Kioto 2.s.

Big Knell Fair. Drawing large erowds; sniendid attraetlons.

tlrand Dpera House (Archie Brigham, mgr.l Dpe([s ,\(ic IS with Mandy Green

JOPLIN. I.vrle Park (Clias E. H.slklna. n(gr I Isda Milton Trio. Y<singer Brotl(er«. The Juggling Parrots. Gold.n Gate yuarlette. The I.a Te(np1es. Tlie Delscev s. M C Ruvane and pii tiin-s wei k of 16. lilg tnisines*

Equipped with Improved Fire Mag-

aaines. Automatic Fire Shutter and

Automatic Fire Shield (Lubin’a Patent) Aabeatos covered Wire Conneotions,

new improved Lamp-House, new style

Fireproof RheoataL improved Electric

Lamp. Complete with everything aeen ID the cut, including pnliahed carrying Caae for mechanism, together with Ad¬

justable Bioycle-Steel Legs, to

extend over five feet high, w


Rivals for a Week An exiv.Hlingly funny Film

which eiiows more action in this shftrt subject tiian tfiree otiier Filina toifetlier. Full of comedy ami giHxl iiumor.


The Wrong Vaiise A farmer, a tloctor and a

sneak thief in a grand humor¬ ous mixup. All ends well alter a great deal of fan.



The Midnight Express A most exciting dramatic

Film full of action, teaching a good moral.


S LUBIN "V.n'-a'.XtiiT l''‘'"»''*s926.928M.rk.lM^ Ma Films and Slidaa. RHlL^OEl-RHlA.. RA.

$4.SO Per Gross For this elegant 'Watch Fob, ma<le of black imitation Morocco and grain leather. Size 5i inches long Handsome Phototype Button, li inches in diameter. Bncklee highly nickel-plated. One

-W ct8.; gro.s8, $4.50. Send for our Pri(» -wholesale-

List of Campaign Notions, Stationery, Jewelry, Cutlery, (ioods. Oar prices Watches, Optical Goods, Novelties, etc. are the lowest. 272 EAST MADISON STREET, CHICAGO

CRESCENT ORANGEADE POWDER tTHE BIG SELLER-DETLICIOU^ AND HARIVfLESS Each ponod of tbo powdar will mak* 43 galloiis of dalldoua Oraagvad*. by

•Imply dlaaoIvlDg in watar and awaatrnlng; nu troubla to prapaiw It. To* maka ovar $.34.00 claar profit on ovrry ponnd. It la a fruit product and eu ba aiild anyvrbara. It baa a rich orange flavor and bright orange color that ia anra to plcaaa the moat particular. No batter Orangeade could poaatUy he mada. A trial order will convince you. 1 to 3 Dm., $*2.00 Ib.; 3 to 10 Da., $1.86 D. Sample gaUoa. lOe.; none free. Wa pay aU axpreaa chargaa.

CRESCENT PINE/VPPEE CIDER The New, Delicious Money -Coiner

Pineapple (Tder la aomathtng very attractive, entirely new and will oataeU —'.M any other drink anywhere. We put It op In Ifi-onnce bottlea, which makaa M

gallona by aimply adding the water and aweetenlng. When prepared, cut part of a pineapple In •mall piece* and put Into It Ifor appearance) and you will have the beat-aelllng drink ever pet on the market, la a crowd It can he aold •• faat aa glaaaea can be filled, and at a clear pr^t of over 4c out of the Sc; or over 3<i0 per cent. Thia drink la not only attracltve. hot It la aa good •• It looka, and la aiire to give aatlafactlon. It la abanlutely barmleaa, and can be aold anywhere. One pound, pretiald. $2.30; n |Ni., prepaid. $11.23. Sample. 10c; none free. If you want a money-maker GET THIS NOW—It'a a Winner. Attractive Signs Frae.

We alao maka nine other drtnka, and will aend complete line of aamplea prepaid for $1.00; actual value, $1.43. Our drink* are all ahaolntely barmleaa and are Qnaranteed under tbe Food and Drugs Act, June 80. IPod. U. 8. Serial No. 11708. A* money-makers at Fairs. Parka, Daneas, Theatre* and Celehrattons they ar* nnetiiialed. I.ateat improved Cooler* at lowest piica*.

I Ons-thlrd cash mast accompany all C. 0. D. ordsr* as a guarantas *f good faith.

COLUMBIA MFG. CO.. Dept. 15. 1159 Harrison St.. CHICAGO, ILL.

WAIMXED! MA^^^S***'***" For growing music publishing rorjioratlon. Must l>e at least 23 and not over .30 year* of aga. -Must lake a llnanelal Inleresl in the eoriM>ratlon. for which at least giUai.OO will be reijulri^. .\11 application* will tie treated a* i-onfldenllaL and must slate fully pa*! live year*’ exiierlence; iiiarrlisl or ainglo; age; extent professional ai-i|uaintanee; plaj'liig nr slnglug aMllty, and whether willing to bs-ate In I'li'Saand. Dhlo. .\l*o. nieiitioii the lowest salary that would be aeeeptable at start. If provided with iletinite Increase. We want a nian who will work until

I his work Is finished and then a little leuger; one who will take a Mg moral Interest and Die ' rtxinlrixl fiiianrlal lnten-*l In the eori*'ration. To the right parly we shall offer an exeellent I op|sirtnnlt.v. Written HM'lleatloii* only. No answer a [s'llte negative. .Vildress your applloatloa I to JEROME A. STRIMPLE. 1814 West Twenty-Sfth Street. CLEVELAND. OHIO.

Pittsburg Cut-Rate Film Exchange 300-301 LEWIS BLOCK, PIXTSBURG, F*A.

I-et ne Blip you a trial order. We have jiiet addtd mer eight hnntlretf reels of new Film for our Fall bu.’tiness. Below are oar prices. If they appeal to you, ^ drop us a line. I.et3 g3‘t aeiiaaintexi.

2 changes, about 1,000 feet each, - - $ 8.00 5 changes, about 1.000 feet each, - - $15 00 3 changes, about 1,000 feet each, - - - 11.00 6 changes, about 1,000 feet each, - - 17.00 4 changes, about 1,000 feet each, - - 13 00 TICKETS, TEN CENTS PER ONE THOUSAND

All Supplies 2S Per Cent Cess Than Any Other Flint House.

20 X li e Billboard AUaUST 29, 1908.

AT LIBERTY Circus Bosses Wanted AGENT ^ A A V M ■ M. OB «w ■ ■ ^^Kaa aa is ki a ^ v ■«■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ^ B aa F

7 Years with Reilly & Woods SIDESHOW, MENAGERIE, HIPPODROME,


Noiseless! Flickerless! No Vibration!

Guaranteed forever atainst defective workmanship or materiai.


VIASCOPE MANUFACTURINC CO., Co. Burlesque preferred. Add. WANTS Boss Canvasman and Assistants, Boss Property Man, „2 E. Randolph St., Chloago

ruac uni I nwiY Roarh Ma«pn N I Chandelier Man, Side Show, Boss Canvasman, Steward, --- CHAS. HOLLOWAY, Beacn Haven, W. J. harness Maker, 24-Hour Agent.

FELT PENNANTS Also Musicians and a few more high-class acts for balance of ^ Of Every Description. SeaSOn.

I/V FAIR PENNANTS .. b. . .■ m #

Agents Wanted HOME-WEEK PENNANTS Special Orders Quickly F.xecuted Now Contracting Performers Campaign

Decorations and

Sample free of the Great TwiBter Puzzle and Fennanta. Cheap enoiiRh for atlvertising aiid gootl enough for a souvenir. Send for Cat logue.

FRANK L. OLESON, 77 L 3l<t St..


and people for all departments for season 1909. wmvemr. send for llWl I n WE OFFER THE LONGEST SEASON OF ANY AMERICAN fnankToleson JlfcA PRICES CIRCUS. Address NORRIS & ROWE, Idaho Falls, Idaho, HOYBltiOS ill

B The HOLIDAY NOVELTY MF6.C0. 26; St. Anthony 26; BlackfooL 27; Amen^n Falls,- II 37 Great Jones St., New Yoik cii> 28; Twm Falls, 29; Montpelier, 31; Kemmerer, Wyoming, „ CU^II OkAiH*

Sept. 1; Rock Springs, 2; Rawlins, 3; Laramie, 4; Ault, Col- ¥611611811 011611 unalllS

WANTED. .. . .... Attractions for the Bedford County THEO. STOUT, Mail Agent, Fair, Bedford, Pa., Oct. 6th to 9th. Write quick. .Address J. Roy Cessna, Cor. Secretary, Bedford, Pa.

...WANTED... Vaudeville I’erformera, Sketch Teams and SluKle Aeta for apeclaltlea and work in after-piecea. Write o|ieu time and loweat Halary; atate all In flrat letter. Addreaa O. MIDDENDORF, Palace Theatre, Covinyton, Ky.


state alze, price and full particulars flrat let¬ ter. Must be cheaji for oaab. Reply at once to OEO. H. MAROERUM, 612 Pond Street, BRIS¬ TOL, PENN.



C. W. Moroanstern I). A. Harris

Permanent Addreat Santa Gruz., Galit.

Postcards In Three

Biautiful Colors Your own Photo and cartooned body to suit your profession

I). A. Harris I Send 4 ccuts iu stumps for sample. Prices so you all can buy. Suitable

Beads. Shell, pearl p'atea. wire flndinrs. jewelry. No. 1907—50-lnch Venetian • bain, aa cut, |7.60 grroaa. 14 1-2 inch ahe 1 necklace. |3 75 ktom. Send for Free 190H caialogiie. R. E. DODGE Jl CO., 42*44 River St., ChlcaRo, III.




Sixth Floor American Trust Building.


ASSOCIATED BOOHING AGENCY for souvenir advance and many other purposes. A request without Southern Branch, iss North Main St.,

of piitsburo. Pa. stamps will not be recognized. The Billboard backs our business reputation. Memphis, Tennessee.

—“ wlNT^r'^uTcrQUKN CITY EH6RAVIHG CO., Cincinnati, Ohio... ...... kelly a Me- MMe me v «a*™“wr'tr w^or

IUNKE.Y S biK 10 and 20 cent Shows—Cornet I AS Rfl P I A HP PI Ixieklet. ahnwina areat variety and Clarinet; also, a Novelty Act to atrengthen I||b N HI H Mil I H 111 M I Mil W ef chaim*. Pin*, Huitoaa •nd show. Must be ready to Join on wire. ■■ BmIm ■ I Fobs Hperul diaonuat to

KELLY 4 McCONKEY, rmmW ■ BMW M ■ MM ■ aaenu. FOR Jewelry at Colon, Mich.. 27; Bronson, Mich., 28; Sturgis. _ ■ a M B B M ■ MMB . B lowest prices. Write today.

- For J. A. Coburn s Greater Minstrels FOR SALE—The whole or any part of the fol lowing: 1 Spirit Cabinet, complete; 1 Box Mys SEPT. 8. TO ENLARGE WINTER COMPANY. SEPT. 8. Singers, Daueera, Ends, l*“rfonnert a , as tery and Stwk* wmblned (the latest out); 2 Doubling BracH, answer quick.. SPECIALTIES—Single or Double Strong Coine<1y or Novelty; ' I * —_— -_ Zouave"sult (“new")1 ^Dresi"su'lt: Tenor'^Driiin. x'nt-'*'') : Musical Comedian (double Strong Straight Act); Comedians (sing and I O^nOjfTn ranUpITiPQ Cymbals, ete; KtO Lithographs; 120 feet of dance): Inside Ends (double brass or props.). SINGERS—Feature High Tenor, Soprano or 1||11 11M M IM | | l■lJlLllLllJU

feet”°Gnt**an^*riush ^I^^to**F'rames°*'l'^*l)ox Y'lsller; Uobnst Baritone; Singers doubling brass. MUSICIANS—Cornet, B. & O., Two Cornets V ^3 talning Juggling J/nd Magic l4“raphernalla!' Td- (doubling String, End or Props.; Two Trombones (ditto); Cornet (double Snute or ’Cello); Clarinet Thai’s where we shine Wa dress BOB PURVIS, 66 2Iat Street, Chicago, Ill. to double; .Musicians, other lines, write. NOTE—Reliable People Only. Boozers Ijiat One Day Only. i,sve the largest and ts-st varletv In the country.

Seaion. I Pay all Expenses. State all in firit letter. J. A. COBURN, Mgr. and Owner Buttoni. Badges. Watch-Fobs, etc. Buy direct

gons. Snakes, for I’lt Show4;“ab^’. a fa^ge lot'of -'ddresa Springfield. O.. Aug. ’23-26; Palace Hotel, Cincinnati. O.. Aug. ’27’.tJ; Cheater Park, fin- | f-""' Cage Animals for Jungle or Side Shows; Lions, clnuatl, O., Aug. 30 to Sept. 7. ' I, * ■*' V*. „ “I*

WAIMTED QUICK For SOUTHERN TOUR with KELLY A .Mc- CONKEY’S big 10 and 20-cent Shows—Cornet and Clarinet; also, a Novelty Act to strengthen show. Must be ready to Join on wire.

KELLY 4 McCONKEY, Colon, Mich., 27; Bronson, Mich., 28; Sturgis, Mich., 29; Lima, Ind., 31; Lagrange, Ind., 1; WoloottvUle, Ind., 2; Kendallville, In(i., 8.


THIS SOLID GOLD SHELL EAGLE RING Guaranteed for 6 yeare’ wear,

. $1«. W'r te ns for illastrate<l Isioklet. showing great variety

Jil V. •*■ j of I'haims, Pins, Hultona ind Hni^*C^ B kFohe Social dlaonunt to

yMlwTalWlf agenu. FOR Jewelry at lowest prices. Write today.


197 E. Madison Street, Chicago. III.

-.Attention! That’s where we shine. Wa

Hyenas, Leopards, Thibet Bears, Wolves. Zebu, Giant Sheep: (’heap: all good Cage Animals. Ad¬ dress H. Hoile, Animal Dealer, 868 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.


one of the Best Ixieatious at the BIG PUTNAM

FAIR, Oct. 6, 7 and 8, 1908, apidy AT ONCE

OEO. H. TAYLOR, Supt. of Rentals, 208 S. Main Street. Putnam, Conn.

FOR SALE—R) reels of good films; good sub¬ jects. 2c and 3c per foot. Send for list. Fine Oraphophone, $1.5; .Stereopticon, $10; No. 4 Cameragraph. $6.". .Address W’. VA. FILM EX,, Piedmont, W, Va.

FOR SALE—Black Tent. Tent Seals and Moving Picture NIaobine Outfit, Films, Graphopbone, and Wagon; suitable for Ouintrv- Fair Shows; bar¬ gain for qnick sale. T. ANdERSON, 6615 Lawn Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.

“FLOUR OF PEARL.’’ an Indian remedy for cuts, scalds, burns, plmpl(‘s, eczema, etc. Also, after shaving. Price. 2,’5c per box. ifent bv mall posMiaid. H. O, HODGE, York, Clark County, lUinoii.

W.,1NTED—One Flrst-Claaa Illustrated Song

Singer; none but first-claaa need apply. PITTS¬

BURG AMUSEMENT CO., East Liverpool, Ohio.

-: WANTKI) :- Agents. Legitimate substitute for Slot Ma-

1 d

i ’’SKiJ lot a i Stibjeci te Kults of Thit Thtalrt

V MBHui ncfii cmufi. ^am/Tlk


ROLL TICKETS Your Own Spicial Ticket

Cheaper than Stock Ticketi Not Afraid to Print our Prices

5.000 $1 25 25.000, $5.50 10.000, 2.50 50.000, 10.00 20,000, 4.60 100,000, 14.00 Sukjeef te .w.v

■uimu 1KI! Accurately NBmbered, All Cclort,

lireflt. (lur gri'Ht Bryan-Taft Puzzle la making a big hit with Hgents, streetinen and fair follow, ers. The greatest practical puzzle ever put on the market. Sells everywhen-; everyone wants It. Sam|de. lOc.; circulars fnT. THE OAKS NOVELTY CO., Dept. 24. Oshkotb, Wia.

AGENT At L.i1>eFty Open for position as Agent or Second Man; Ca¬ pable of handling briiHli. cania and banners.

Quick Shipments, Cash With Order. SINKEN, 810 Grand St., Brooklyn, N, Y.

Get The Samples. r.naT™wQ w«w _ „ .

NATIONAL TICKET CO.. - - Shamokm, Pa.


“RICE C R I SF» “ HIT OF THE SEASON. A new confection—“RICE CRISP.” Sella like hot cakea.

MACHINES and INSTRUCTIONS, $S to $20. Send lUc for aamplea and literature

•*^r^.'‘Sr8HA‘=co"r.''U4rrorin4' ‘'"‘ ATLAS MANUFACTURING CO,

—, a . " wa COSTUMES FOR BALE—(’Imms Set for girls, I ^nAfTY/\Mfn aoldlera, aallora. cimiuh. clowns, cowboys, ankle 'ey * k^1 Nil I IKJIVllla f Qe xod knee length danetng dreaHea, evening gowns,

opera eoata, etc., etc ItidM-rt Warring, Makar Healer. 4.56 W. :tsih St., New York City.

6" C i C ¥1 1 HUBETsTHTTrREE^iUSEUMrNni^^Mk* • ^ W'anteil—Aeta. ete. Can uw Kreaka of Nature. __ _ (’onteata. Anything new and novel. Address

Me AND SELLS FOR 5c CHa^P T riL^ ^ ^ ('omplete (Mitfit for ’Takliig Moving Pletnrea.

A wL J$ *- ™ M Address CAMERA. Care The BUlboard, 1440 ,,, Broadway, New York City.

-“RICE CRISP.” Sella like hot cakea. _

$20. Send lUc for aamplea and literature .— : \V/\NTI''I> Second-hand Pathe Passion Play; mnat be cheap

346 Guerrero St^ San Frano Isoo. Cal 5,“’’ ';<«''ii(ion. A<idreaa passion PLAT, ■ Care The Billboard, 1440 Broadway N. Y. Olty.

august 29, 1908.

SOUVENIRS' 70 Page Catalogue


A boy to do top mounting and tum¬

bling in a trouj)e. Give ;ige, weight, height and wliat you can do. Ad¬

dress THE - TROUPE, Care Billboard, Chicago, III

iw J.akes iMovelties lor Fairs and

Others Imitate or Fxposition:

Feather Flowers and Wire

Artists Supplies.

415-17 Dearborn St., Chicago, III.

Featuring Big Electricai Miiitary Spectacle Musical Numbers and Novelties.

>A'e furnish plates for a*l cannon ma¬ chines for gn.UU a thousand. Frames like cut il.76 per irross (complete with pin. > Heart shaped framestl-IO per Krosr. our t hampion Photo Cannon ( capacity 300 pic t u res an hour ) |I5. SinKle deve'opinK solu¬ tion Ite. thy mail 2S cts.)

Am Willing to Invest $300 In t;oo<l, show, to act a.«

Manager or Treasurer. If you’re looking for an anjuel, keep off. Si'Iney Belmont, care Billltoard.

Present closes

Can be engaged for Fall and Winter Season.



MILLS NOVELTY COMPANY, Only Mnnalactnrcrs of the Orlotnal and Genuine Mills Coin-operated MACHINES,

■lilt Bldf,, Jaokson Blvd. h Braan Sts., Chloana


Shamokin, Pa

For Streets. Soldiers' Reunion, Bome Coming.

Fill Festiral. I.lheral percentsge. Sept. 21-2a.

WM. WILLIAMS. Sec'y., Well.ton. Ohio. AT LIBERTY w W III ^^11 big Indian feature song, **LITTLE V V flMlll^yml ARROW" by Payne & Esberger, the

Cincy boys. Full of Indian yells, and Tom-Tom music. Vaudeville people now using it; getting big encores nightly. For professional copy and orchestrations send late professional prt^ram to

WANTED Band and Orchestra Leader. Pre¬

fer to locate in smaller town.

Address Music Teacher, 406 East

Pearl St., Cincinnati, Ohio.

For th. South East Trias CsmlTsl and Uirdl- Rra* to br held at Corpoa Chrlatl. Trxaa. Srpt. H to 21. on. High Wtrr Walkrr, Doublr Traprar Prrform.r, two 0<xid Comodtana.

PATHrScx.%R'^D passion play For Rent or Sale

JACK LEE. - Orn. Del.. St. Paul. Minn. Groene Music Pub. Co.

Cincinnati, Ohio FILMS

AND SLIDES Filma from 1 to 5o per ft.; Slides of erery de¬ scription cheap, I-eoture. Comic. I’ose, Seimen- tine. Announcement. Travelogues and Song Slides. Send for large lists. One .lOO-ft. reel of Mis. Comic, etc., S'l.tiO. C. L. HULL A CO., 20« East 57th Street. Chicago, III.

For »ale cheap Addresv M.W Ra.vie, H>'i TM. Ada. O.

WANTED For the Evanavllle Fall Festival and Agrlriiltural Dlsplsy. for the week. Sept. 22 to I'l. Merry-Oo-Round and 3 good Pay Shows and gold free attraetlnn. I.<*t ns hear from yon. H A. Myers. Secy,, Box 195. ETsnaTille, Ind.

Y ACT ^ATV ^or ttie Real Elve Li/A9I One of ttie Year.

WANTED—Two more Shows and one good Freak for fine pit. Now don’t think, but telegraph. Now. remember, this is a Militar\- Carnival, 10 days and 10 nights. 500 people take purHn the sham battles.H

Don’t Forget the Date, AUG. 29 TO SEPT. 8 Including Sundays, at Glen Haven Park, Rochester, New York, ‘

Street CaFCompany operate^ParkT~5^cent car"fare. Wire to-day.

BORNKESSEL & CAMPBELL, 39 Main Street, E. In charge of Shows and Concessions,


Repertoire Company

STUART’S COMBINED SHOWS want Man and Wife Team and Single Lady; all must work in acts. Add. Stuart (next week* at Crawfords vllle care Fairs. S»‘c Route.

-: \V \XTFI> :- The beat of Vaudeville Acts for new theatre. Addri'w Lyceum Theatre, Daltoa, Oa., W, M. Hardwick, Manager,

To play Family Theatre, Sioux City, week of Inter-State Fair, Sept. 6th to 12lh. Inrlnslve. Other time oi>en in September. Addrem with full particulars flrst letter. P. 0, BOX 16S, Sioux City, Iowa,


Give condition, description and number plecea.

where located, cash price; no junk wante<l.

J, WADDT TATE. Dallaa. Texae.

M P. Operator or Manager M. P. Theatre and wife At I.lberty. Wife Is Stenographer and frcaaiirer; road ,i>mpany preferred. Best of ref erences. Strict^ temperance. Will take half lntcr..»t In goml road ahow and manage same. Big lllnston for aale cheap. Magician, care The BllUmard, New York City,

Clean and good, for Horse Show and Merchanta'

Carnival, Sept. 30. Oct. 1 ami 2. on main atreet.

ELMER EAGAN, Peteraburg, Indiana. An Advance Agent to make some dates for a prominent Lecturer, in and about New York City, in the month of October. Liberal commission. Address, A. W. HAWKS, Htndtrsonville, N.C.

WANTED - at once. Statue Turning to Life or other good Illusions; must he the latest or will P«.v salary to msn that has same; long season

or Prank Skerkeck, Dorchsater, Wla. WANTED ••• Two or three Bnck Indians; most be good dress¬ ers, and have flrst-class wardrobe, anil be wil¬ ling to wear same at all times. Address KEN¬ NEDY WILD WEST, Tullahoma. Tenn., Aug. 24-2.*>; I'aris. Ky., Sept. 1-3.

POR SALE One Coliimhls Orspho,>hone. largest nisde for exhibition piirisgies. ipiadrnnle winding springs and planing attachment for making new out of old O'cords; this machine pla,xa Inch eyilnder wax records; very loud and "powerful and as giswl as new; cost originally $106 00; One •It* Inch brass horn with shapi'il carrying case, "'«t $'.*7 00; one folding nickel plated horn stand, •list *3.00; one extra recorder, cost $.1.00; one carrying case, holds 24 records (padded*, cost XII00: 31 .1 Inch cylinder wax records, cost $31. consisting of gi>od songs, brass band and other "•■ll•ctlllns. Just the machine for In front of the stre. I guarantee alt of above nroperfv in flrst e ass condition, and the flmt $73 00 will take

"i*''’'e lot. will shin via Am Kxp. Co. on V.3 00 deposit, balance r. O D., snhlect to ex a'ulnatlon. If yon mean business, this Is a bar gain, so set quick No further use and need O im Address PRANK DeMORA. 288 Crystal Avs.. Pindlay, 0. Can ship same dsT I receive •rdi-r

Partner Wanted rrofesslonal Skater, for Baby Ruth. Champion Nine-year-old Skater of America; little winner everywhere. Reliable jieople write quick. ('AKItIL SACNKEKS. 24 South Third St.. Vln ceuncs, Indiana.

.3 Si'naallonal Acta. .3. 3 Mid air Wire Acta. lAlior Day t*i>en Time. Tbi>ae acta om-mil Mi iwaaon. Gomi Work Siwlla ' Succcsb. ’ 1 wll l*alcs wante.1 North. South. F.ast and West 8622 Indiana Aranue, 8t. Lonia. Mo._

AGENTS and STREETMEN—Get the right stuff, that sells at the right time. We have It. Our Great Transformation Campaign Novelty Canla do the trick. Two different samplea 10 centa. Bear In mlml. we are atill selling the “O, .Mama. It Won’t Come" cards. U. S. OREF.N A CO.. 152 N. State St.. Chicago. Eastern representa¬ tive, Wm. Green. 2r>27 N. Opal St.. Philadelphia, Pa. M CARNIVAL, ^

Toulon, Illinois, October 8 and 9.1908.

WANTED Lady, not — -... ..... •„ years old, by '' inedlsn; must make a gisid sppesrsnee, have ■ air voice for dramalle and comeily aketch; ex (leriwa paid while rehearsing; no objection to

• smstenr; send photo If convenient. Write * J. W,, 146 5th St,, Room I. Mllwaukes, Wla.

THE CARROLLTON OPERA ROUSE will be open Sept. 13th, for all flrst-elssn shows. Includ '"g repertoire; tmnnialloii, 6.600; good tboww wanted. I,. A. \goon. Mgr., Carrollton. On.

FOR SALE—1900 Lobtn Moving Ptetnr* Mncblne. 2 lensea and take-up, complete, $33.(X*; one Bill- son Cnireraal. $.30.00, gooil; Iktnble Dlaaolver, fireproof; alao, new machinea. dims, slides and anpplies. IDEAL FILM EXCBANON. 113 BMt Randolph Street. Chicago. III.

at year. Aerial Arllsts. Wire Walkers, and attractions and Amusements of all S|>eclal ImliM'iunenls to Tent Shows. Also, want gisid Theatrical Attraction for

ml II* -one with band pr»‘feiT»Hl, Small Circus cauicotn OMDcy. Write J, A. OB, IlliMis,

AUGUST 29, 1908.

Circus TENT Menagerie

Museum SHOWS Wild West 20x46. Complete. $ 65 00 35x50, Complete. 75.00 60x90. Complete. 120.00 70x110. Complete. 250 00 80x250 Complete. 300.00

NOTES FROM SUN BROS.’ SHOWS. Fruut Uoyal, Va.. un Saturday, Auguat 8. ll\)'d up tu Ita reputation aa one of the beat allow towua in the South. Crowded teuta tea- We Sundayed. July 26. at Mt. Olive, Ky.. "I'"", r"" "- 'Vf

where It rained all day and we had but a popu arity lu thla arlatocratlc •mall reataurant lu which to while our time i 1* “'* !{**“'*'*> *''8 •way. The town waa played on Monday to a good afternoon, but amall night bouae.

fact that thla aggregation la looked upon, in thla aeetlon, aa purely a local institution. Ev-

Tueaday, the 28th. found ua In Salt Idck. ' •■■•y»><xly «H-ma to take a personal Interest in where we had two line houses and more rain, *"*“1'' ? .**!*^'. . . . . ■ with the temperature at U<), lu the ahade, and about lUO under the big top.

The llrat two sections were loaded and pulled lilt without mishap, but the third section waa

Wednesday, at Winchester, we had two fair >" «>««»»>'U. and It is a wonder a goisl bouses. In oppoaltiou to a big political cele- '"“nj ,Ml‘‘‘V 1* seems the train ere*, bratlon. Thur^ay, In Clay City, was a real | •* UeHinK. left the sliH-ia-rs In the Middle frost, as one attendance at both shows would 'I”’ fa'n, which was a plain violation of not make a good opening for the Kid show. |**e *“**'''touimerce Caws, and, of coursi-. The business at Jackson waa good, both per IsJ* the Southern Hallway open for heavy dam-

Tlie Best Chance in the Year to (fet a Bargain from


m Freight Cars adapted tor Ctrena. m A Carnival, Tent Shows, Live Stock, I . jA Im tg tftllvfry, but pritts, Mun M.

IrHi, Pbiii ir fin. Low, DlstaM^hoM^a^ o^m. Low, Dlstanoa PhoM WaMar> Owloa U 0*aa.

formances. At Cannel City, big crowds. After “K<'s. The rear end of the train got from uu * ww ww mi mT A vw BAa ■» n, the evening show, the musicians and perform- '••■■■ »'0“lt'ol of the brakemen, and crashed Into A Ml. VCnOB. IH- ers adjourned to the town skating rink to see the slopers, wrecking car number three, and Ifl JL • V IfiM V»« V,d^W9 Prof. Dawson give a performance on roller tearing the platforin off car number twenty-flve.

.^•tea, and a remarkable performance It waa. ' flfinFMCRIIRfi FAIR AMR UflR^F ^URW Jas. Irwin and bis son Jimmie are the latest Alexandria, V'a., on Sunday, August 9, and UllUEalwODUIlml iMIlt Hlwlw llwIlWb Wllwff

additions to the big show. Mr. Irwin, In bis rain piaired down all morning, but It cleareil , —aavua wonderful bead-balancing on a swinging tra- up toward noon and, as Washington Is ony six OCDENSBURC, NEW YORK, pese. Is the special feature of our aerial num- miles away, nearly every showman “hlkeil" ... ... bera. while Jimmie Is a valuable addition to there In the afternoon and stayed over night. Sept. 21, 22, 23, 24, 2S. 5—Big Pays—0 Space for high-class Tent Shows. 1‘latform Showa. our already atrong Joey line, besides being a 1 noticed. In the lobby of the New Willard. Room for all kinds of Amusementa and Conceaalons Big money bi^-re. No bard times. The comeily Juggler of rare ability. where most of the bunch stop|M*d, Fred Faber, Best of Treatment will be given to all. STATE WHAT lOU HAVE.

Tr^d Keniio, our principal clown, la still Red Shelton, Walter Garland, Clarence Me- WILLIAM H. DAMIELS, Prei.; D. 3, SHOWN, Supt. PrivilcgM. producing new clown stuff, that never falls to Cartby, Solly Wise, Mr. and Mrs. Patt, Mr. make good with them all, even If the weather and Mrs. Frank Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Garry m w PWl _ 9 I OgliAa is as hot as It Is In Vera Cruz, .Mex., and sev- Vanderbilt. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Halle, Mr. B I * EattUlW •ral other places. and Mrs. Lon Proctor, James Weston. George Bm ■ m# ^B w B .^B ■ ^%B^ ■ ■ B ■ B B B B B BB^ O tf^AwwCa

JOHN RU.MM. S. Cole, George Fisher, Norma Davenport, Irene “ * ^ a " UCUES - lYench. Mr. and Mrs. Van Shaik, Mr. and Mrs. i • mi_ i . , i • j

-rue irtUM ortDiKiorkKi cunvA/e Rooney, Blanche Darling, Amy McAvoy, Phenomenal Hct rn touf hanging pope«. The Only actof its kind. Original. Nov- THE JOHN ROBINSON SHOWS. ,,oretta White and Marie Liii. elty. Address THE BILLBOARD, 1439 Fillmore 8t., Ban Francisco. Cal.

era adjourned to the town skating rink to see ***** sl^'P*****. wrecking car num^r •■*<1 Prof. Dawson give a performance on roller I tearing the platforin off car number twenty-flve. skates, and a remarkable performance It waa, too.

Jas. Irwin and bis son Jimmie are the latest

Beyoml a few slight bruises, everyone fortun¬ ately, escaped serious Injury.

Alexandria, Va., on Sunday, August 9, and additions to the big show. Mr. Irwin, In bis rain praired down all morning, but it clearetl wonderful bead-balancing on a swinging tra- I up toward noon and, as Washington Is ony six pese. Is the special feature of our aerial num- I miles away, nearly every showman “hlkeil" bera. while Jimmie Is a valuable addition to I tbere In the afternoon and stayed over night, our already strong Joey line, besides being a I I noticed. In the lobby of the New Willard. comerly Juggler of rare ability. where most of the bunch stopi>ed, Fred Faber,

fYed Keniio, our principal clown, Is still Red Shelton, Walter Garland. Clarence Mc- produclng new clown stuff, that never falls to Cartby, Solly Wise, Mr. and Mrs. Patt, Mr. make good with them all, even If the weather and Mrs. Frank Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Garry is as hot as It Is In Vera Cruz, .Mex., and sev- Vanderbilt. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Halle, Mr.



•ral other places. and Mrs. Lon Proctor, James Weston. George JOHN BU.MM. S. Cole, George Fisher, Norma Davenport, Irene

- lYench. Mr. and Mrs. Van Shaik, Mr. and Mrs.

THE JOHN ROBINSON SHOWS. Mu7’\7te airiitrie^m.*’ - Alexandria, on Monday, August 10. was

__ . ^ crow<led with people who came early to view tha This Is certainly **’,_ **’ *^® banner parade and see the circus. The business here

year for the John Rolilnson Ten Big Show's. g hummer, and we certainly have stnick and the big top ctHitlnues, day after day, **> *^ t>nr stride. The Ten Big Is riding on the crowded with enthusiastic audiences. The very top wave of prosperity, and the ushers weather never has behaved better for a clr- found It a hard matter to even And seats on cua than It Is doing now, and vvhen It has (j,p ground, for the late comers, as the big top ralni'd It has always happened late Saturday ^vas one seething mass of good-natured human- night, or early Sunday morning, and so tbere has been no possible chance for a kick on that Cullen, one of our efficient managers,

, 1 1 I xrows eloquent, every time you tell about Vlr-

nlglit, or early Sunday morning, and so tbere |f-_ has been no possible chance for a kick on that •core, erow

There has been no large cltfus In Virginia uinla. and says, beyond the shadow of a doubt for eight yeara, and so practically this la vlr- r^la state Is the garden spot of the world, and gin soil for our monster tented entertainment. f|,p home of beauty and hospitality. It har- The elephants and other animals are being awn more beautiful women than any other sec- for the first time, by the greater part of the tion of our country, and the swagger, well populace, and the streets are crowded early groomed women who have thronged otir tents, with people, who have driven an unbelievable iq fhe past week, bear him out In hla con- number of miles, to be lu time for the parade, tentlon. and to sw the circus. .... ..... Marvelous Smith, the upside down man who

The S'Mitbern railroad, which, for the flrst stands on bis bead, in various postures on a time In years, has consented to transport a big swaying trapeze at the very top of the tent, show over Its system, also has contributed Its ^vith no net underneath him to catch him If he share t«> our great success, and have bandied falls, continues to be one of the big hits of our trains with celerity and dispatch, and with the Ten Allied. He used to stand on bis eye- due reganl for the lives and safety of the brow, but, after getting a couple of bad falls, employes. The train crews have spotted our quit doing thla. It certainly takes daring for


62 BIst lilait Avt., CHICAQO, ILL



Sn4 far CATAIOC. ■catiai Kli4 ffailH S^fcial Atttfltioi Give! the Proftssiii

Western Uniform Co. 214 S. CLARK ST. CHICAQO


cars early, and the switching has been prompt ly dune.

anyone to do what this foolhardy man does, day after day. Some day be will lose bis bal-

The press have been uniformly courteous to gnce_ g^j then, good-bve to Mr. Smith! I have us. and the notices the show has received could alreadv written hla obituary, not be Improvtal upon. Thus the fame of one Manassas. Va.. on Tues<lay. we gave only *'t**KJ P***-'**,™*****'*-" preceded the show afternoon show, to a crowded tent, and not be lniprove«I u|K)n. Thus the Mme of our g^jer , q„ick daylight load, we were enable,! great ring |K-rformanoea have preceded the show, ^g,,/ “Thia |g’the very heart of Pi'l much credit Is due the pencil Pushers, the cotintry where flghtlng during the Rebel-

the varbais cities we have visited, for their „as the hottest, and what the Union n,l tr.atment and eulogistic praise of the ^^my did not destroy or carry off. the Con-

• a a a. T* a a. «r federstc** (11(1. After the war waa over there The (lay 8 buslneaa at Harrisonburg, V a., on

TENTS was not the vestige of a fence left, and where

Eitablished 1866.


Friday, August 7, was surely a revelation of homes once stood, in stately magniflcence, only the tn-mendous drawing power of the John j^e brick chimneys were left. The post csnl Rol>lnHi>n Shows, for, front the time we com- atorp Iippp done a land office business, and hnn- menc'd to unload, at earliest dawn, there were dreds of cards were sent to faraway homes., on hand to watch every move the p^-en to Toklo. The Japs sent some to Japan. ah,m n..-n made and when the parade started g^^^g fnan the lot, the streets were lined with peo- Culpepper, Va.. on Wednesday. August 12. pie, who thoroughly enjoyed the gorgeous street t^e big top was rammed. Jammed and packed ^ctacle. Owing to the great concourse of the largest and most enthusiastic crowd ^ople in front of the main entrance. Manager p^pp „„,,pp p^n^gg. Culpepper County. JameH KoI>1dh«>ii gave the word to open the sk • doors at 12;30, and. at two o’clock. W big ' hS *,hi top was crowded, every Inch of available space jI’ha being utilized. Even the big hlppo,lrome treck ‘X gTe ‘put hfs f?ce chJ^ 5 rhe\Vn^hCL«*'!rnTrVw"7l^%'re'*Vrt%^ *h<‘ »*«*« *>' *»''* ventllato? trying to see whst the ring hanks on straw and extra side walls. r- • m..?. vtt.«»(4w 'vbva A A 4 B .... the Inside (H^otained. In a flasn, Vllonie, the

the ^veragr Und one dire ^av hT^ I’""*"* "'■c*'*^'*'* larvu tht rf/hf getting tier claws Into his face and tore It away, large balance on the right side of the ledger, ^Is right eye and his

face Was torn Into ribbons. r.n.i Uifia laas *'*’'*P ■* Orange. Va., on Thursday, Au- Phone, Canal 8664. EiUbUahed 1866. „ g„^ g„a,pp ggy pgpgpit,

A • a a n a BwiB •■• M sw marked up against o<ir day’s business. Tiie TUniBVllN W. ifAlinilfLLD eixtwmen, after having associated with the inilln^lllB Af, Bg|BI||Br| 11 Virginians, are commeneing to talk like them, ’ •MWHi wAf W nilWI ■ bbll gp,) ,|,p Qjgpy imitations of the slow Southern

drawl are very painful. MANUFACTURERS OF Jesse C. Harraman, the Waahingfon correa-

.W W J pondent of The Billboard, chaperoned a party ■ fl ■# B ■ 1^^ ' Bof newspaper men at the night performance in

_ Mrs. Geneva Davis Joined na a few days ago. TEXTS I'XJlt IlF^XT to pay her bnahand. BUI Davla, a visit. Mrs.

Davis is one of the big hits In the vandevllls 816 I,.,aRt Pearl St., Cineinnatl, O. world, and Bill la as proud as a p,‘acock of his

talenti-d wife. Professor Hornmsnn, the magician. was

I VsK I SNwKIwKK a JEIBU signed up by Managi-r Cal. Towers, of our An- a-rrnrrr ArsTmT..., . . , . . . . ***■*• “*>*• **^ Joined IIS yesterday. He sends SHOW PAINTING at lowest price In the land, (greetings to all his friends with the Hagenbeck- Higb-grade work only. Illustrateil catalog to the w’gHgee Show p^easlon. Tell •*» ^hat you nwd and we will pavls.' the sideshow msn. won the ring

^ MoTKorth «th S^V ‘"•>■**1* Watson, the girl with the changeable 00., 6806 North 87th St., Omaha. Neb, U. 8. A. g„^ Immediately sold the

ring to Loretta M’hite, the snake charmer.

miDDNV TCNT £ Nll/NIIlP Pfl James Robinson, as the manager of the Ten

UlUHKfll ItNI a AWNInli LU. t^‘ c'iii‘iaT'?.riy‘^';o,i;{i^ ^r^^i^thinS TEBITC seems to ruffle or disturb this man of reserve I Elti I 9 force even in the most exciting times, and every

showman knows there are exciting times aronnd

Black Movinc Picture Tents “ B.i'i.'avo-.r;!.' wiiiwn III wring I IWIllIU l WIIIW oontlnnea to get the audience worked up to a

SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS I great pitch of enthusiasm, by one of the great- eat acta ever seen under canvas.

7 Stuth Union Stmot, Chlonon. lilt. Oeorge S. Cole, our special reprcMotatlve. * ^ *** who la one of the best known ahowmen In tbs


Cars for Advance, Baggage. Privilege, Stock, TOPS. CANOPIES. COOK TENTB. VTABEE Merr7-go-Round8andAutoniobi]es.5Uft.aDdaurt. TENTS. MOVING PICTURE TBNTE. Ps«s long.desirableforahowaaDdcamivaloonipanies. ****»f Mads. Address Reasonable terms. Write for partlcu'ars. aai iiasBiiA waev m m—mmmmmm


SIIK SHOW PAINTINCS 0IR0U8 TENT8 Carnival and Midway Fronts

Scenery for all oeeamona. Pictorial work of all kinds fumiahed at abort notice. Eat. 1894. Inc. 1006. B. J. HAYDEN A CO., 106-110 Broadway, Brooklyn, II. T.


816 East Pearl St., Cineinnatl, O.

THE BEST SCENERY AND SHOW PAINTING at lowcat price In the land.



Circus & Juggling Apparatus, anhs, Batooa, Globes aad Noveltlas. Btaw* far eatalogue. EDW. VAN WTCX, Claoiaaall 0-

Show Tents, Black Teats, Candy Tops, O M Ji. 1^ c. O MsrryOo-Round dovm. ' OlwAIvCS

And svary thing In Canvas. Send for Catalog. %J|f || A Ml I W A I O

Doogherty Bros. Tent & Awning Co. Very cheap, rerearlea. Oceinta, Lynx, Coyote*. .. ’'•'* Bear*. Prairie Wulvr*. Civet <*ata. Badger*.

_109-11 fcnth Main Bt., ST. LOUIE, MO. Armadlllf>a, Kqiilrrel*. Mexlean 18-er, m.w ..n hand. Also, Igiistias (or ('hln^iN* l^rsg on*! and Knake* of all kind*, flxeil Ksfe l» h*ndle; Green Macaw*. Rt.yal Pbea*ant«. Wild

■*•** lijtiiaraiHlle*. F. B. ^BMdTRONQ COMPANY, Brewntville, Taaaa.

00., 6806 North 27th St.. Omaha. Neb. U. 8. A.


Black Moving Picturu Tents SIDE SHOW PAINTINCS

7 Stuth Union Stroot, Chlense, Ills.

Wild Animals, Bnakea, Monkeys—Mezioan Leop¬ ardi, Catamounts, Lynx, tbiuirrel Monkey*. 86; Ringtail*. 810; Baboon*, Coona, $4; Rare Hqiilr- rela. Wolf. 810; Marmot, 8-3. Pythons, Dena mixed Snakra, $10; Glast Baboon, $60. White Fantall Plgeona. Putnam’s Wild Animal Stora. 490 Washington St., Buffalo, N. T.

Portable Lights FOR ALL

PURPOSES The Bolts A Weyor Co.,

223 Nlelilgan It., OHIOAIO.

TENTS BARGAIN LIST—Almost new 80x120, SOzM. 60x00, and 200 smaller tenti, for aala ebaap.

D. M. XXRR MFO. 00.,

278-80 W. Madlaan Btrsat, OUaags, m.


2183 Boons Str#«t, - ClndnoEtl, 0.

august 29, 1908. e B a 23


UNITED STATES TENT aid AWNING CO. Souttiwest Cor. Randolpli and Union Sts., Ctiicago, Ill.


MURRAY TENT & AWNING CO. Circus, Carnival & Black Tents & Banners 7 S. Union St., - Chicago, 111.

oiNiiilr.T mill my tit.t ilv.r rri<-iiit. Rent ■ tele- air.iii. S.itiiriliiy. tu IiIr kihi, llert Cole, who bolils the Kaiiie iMMitloii In the llaitenlierk-Wallare Slum It xalil: ••Ihar Son; arrept my con- KratulatioiiR, anil may .'tS.UtlO.UUU bleiwInKB real un you. on thiH. your thirty ninth lilrtbilay."

|ian r.lieiiiart, tiiatiaKer of our up town hIiow,

la one of the nnait aiieretiaful of our kale eol- le<-tiir«, anil with the able aRalatanee of TiHn Kiiim. la Riire Kettliik the coin wltb the wllil wuniah. Ilia "Nplel" la a i{em. He aaya; "l.aillea ami Ki'iitletnen; I Introduce for your a|i|iroral, the eiilKma, lieyiKiil a doubt the Htraniteat of all llvinit riirloaltlea. Sbe waa found aeven yeara a|to In tbe lowlanila of Ana- tralla. where ahe lived In bolea In tbe itrounil. Iiiat like an animal. She belonca to a rare, or trllie. of peo|ile, that are now eitinct. and la the only one that hlatory baa any record of for twenty lo-ven yeara. Her IliiKer nali. and toe- nalN. If yiHi will notlre rioaely, rea«‘mble the riaw'a of an animal. She baa a Ionic abaic- Ky mane like a lion. Her clotbea muat be HtrapiMMl and chained on her. In order to keep her from tearlnic them off. Sbe eata friilta. reicetablea. lerrlea and niita. and very little eookiil fonil. Sbe drinka water juat like an animal, piita her mouth to a pan and laps It up with her tonicue. Now bmk her over cbw- ly. atay aa long aa you like, and If tbe abow mi-et* with yirtir approval kliully send In your frleuda to ae« her.”


IHrkey’a Circle I> Ranch Wild West, which baa a|>enl tbe autuiner ao far at 1‘abat Park. Milwaukee, will leave there next Sunday nlfcht, for Alamo Park, Cetlar Kapida. FoIIowIuk there, they will play at tbe Itea Molnea, Iowa State Pair and at Hainllne. Minn., when they will come bark to Milwaukee and at>end a week at Palwt Park. cloalnK that reaort. The ahow will then play a circuit of ten fairs In Kentucky, Tenneaw-e, Alabama and loulalana, endlni; the aeaaon late In November. Since comlna >« Mil waiiki'e. the personnel of the abow baa been considerably chaniteit. Shortly after their ar¬ rival here, a number of the boys who had ten-n with the UH Ranch Show, lolned. and Henry <lrammer and hla wife, Clifford Currie. Neal Hart and hla wife, and Frank Malah are still with iia. Tom Crammer, Roy Campbell and A're.1 Ray left the show for home, some wia'ka »gn. Kernle St. ITalr and bis wife left the ahow for the 101 Ranch a week aKo yeaterdav. .k week ajpi. last Sunday, the entire till Ranch Company a|ient the day aa our aueata No one waoteil to 1(0 home. They said the Circle l> outfit waa a yiaid entertainer.

There have lieen a niimtier of ac<-|.leiila dor In, the encaicement here, but everyone la around alt rlftht now, with the exception of Frank Malah, who la still laid it|i with a a|iralne<l ankle, which he |tot when Raid Hornet endear ored to tear the fence down with him. the nlkht before last. Itiialnewa has been it.aal iliir IliC the time we have a|>ent here, amt the in dlcatlona are that It will continue.


Truly, this la the "Yankee ibaatle" show lliialneaa atlll contlniiea ,reat. The Meaara Fre<| and W. C. Iliichanan seem more than |.|eRa«-d They have one Idea con«lantlv In view, and that la to make the "Yankee Shows” the la-at In .knierica. The.v are lamata'itly addins to the several departments. Their recent addi toms to the menaxerle inelude another camel anil a den of animals, also a xenulne iwtrlch farm. The cim-ert band, under the direction of .lotin llaxelwiaal. has tM*en atrcnirlhenrd by Kd ward Hayes, clarionet, and I.ola I.ara<-n. alto, niakln. It now the moat complete miialcal or a’-mlratton en tmir. The bl* show |a>rform am-e la now riven by the followlnr

NVtii. F. Wallet, principal Jockey rider: l.lmla Jeal. e<)ueatrlenne, Fred I.aaere. ei|ullibrlatlr <'i>ntortlonlat. P. R. Kelly, laibb-ra: Clyde Phil. Mpa. novelty wire; l.a Tell Slaters, aerlallata; I'aro. alnicle trapeae, Hataii. Japanese foivt Jiir- rb-r ami eqiilllbrlat: Vernon's Canine Wimilera; Itartella Family of .kcpdiata. James Roaal ami bl" trained ami trick inillea atiil liotilea; Tlie Yankee U>4<|naon heni of Tom Tom elephants; lli-ntly and .\von. revolvlnr ladiler: law Frerea tinlarlo. ciiiiiedv akatorlal artlata ami horlroiital bars; while Jami's R<atal lof the Roaal Rroe.l, J'a- Marvell,, ami Rllly .Arno, aaalated by all other iiK'rry inoiiarcba of Moniiia. au|>tdv the fun maklnr ami clown entrees, all throuirh tbe brnr and varleil lairformance. The iteneral e.anment evervwh<r<- la. that the Yankee Ridiln •on rltitf la'rfoniiance |a far au|>etior to many Ivriter anil iiim-li more pretcntoiia oricanlxatlona. ViNim the oia-ulns nunila'r on the prorram. to the „o«<.|ty tliilah. the entire |M<rfoniiance r>a*a with a da«h ami vltii a<-bban seen with tented • vliltiittona Paul Venion la e<iu<-slrlan dlrec tor.

Hie Side Show Is made up as follows: A 1, Salvall. lecturer: Madam HeVere. Ken

lucky ba-anled lady; Raby Pare ami den of •naki-a:|on. Punch ami Judy; Vernon, ven trlbapilai. Captain ITeY'ere ticket mdler and manarer. "Con" Horan, and three asslatanta. on cativaa Rosa Ashcroft, ticket taker The ci>neerl nmalata of Charlie Rartlow, with hla den of Ilona. Wally Mack, Irish comeilian; Winkle liern-lhi. commlleniie; Joseph Marvello. black- fac,. cnmlipie. and the "Yankee” Tronbadonra.

YV C llnclianan la manarer for the Rtichanan Rr,<lliera. w. O. Tarkinrton has succeeded 11. ■ . Hill, who ban been asalatlnc the Rnrhanana

In the xeiieral reorranixatloii of the ahow. E'. McCart la bral ailjuati-r; I.iicliia Foster, boss eanvaaiiiaii. with Tom 11111. aaalatant. and fif¬ teen others, .\rtbiir Cblreilre. boss hiwtler and twelve aaalatanta; Cbarlea Rartlow, In cbarge of tuenarerie. F. K. Iloldman, In cbarre of the herd of Tom-Tom elephants, while Hurt Mead la In cbarre of the ciadt himae.

Ilreat credit muat to* riven W. H. QuInnette, Keneral areut of tbe show, fur the manner In which the advance baa ta*en handled.

Resides the advertiatnr Car, with fifteen men. In cbarre of Homer Davis, fourteen days ahead, a laix briraile of six men la aeven days abi-a,l of tbe abow. The Yankee Robinson Show will lie a fifteen-car concern next season wltb ac- commmlatlooa second to none.


We are now In our seventh week, at l.una Park. Clevelanil. <>., and business la fully up to our first week’s bualneaa. Several new acta bare been aildeil and tbe abow la voteil, by all. to be the atronreat abow ever played In a park, ami has routracte,l fur a return enrarement, next season.

We oririnally opened, here, for two weeks, but have bad our time extended several times and will cbaie here .Aiirust ^tll.

We are fraiiilnr a blr novelty act for vaude¬ ville that will Im* a beailllner, sure, ami are ne- rotlatlng wlib the lu-st Kastern Circuits for its time.

In the fam- of so many rejHirts of poor busi¬ ness. we are lelad to be able to say that for us. It has be«-n fine. E^verybialy la well and pros- permia Manager LItt sia-nt last week visiting hla fsm;Iy at Dayton O., after our cbaiing here.

We jilay the Iletrolt State Fair, followeil by lirami Rapbla. .Mich., then by tbe tiest and largest of state fairs. We are bookeit to Octo¬ ber 17.

O. O. I.ITT.


By SYDNEY WIBE. The rm-ent news relative to the unfortunate

rallri>ad wnK-k which haa befallen the Rar mini A Ralley Shows, hss serveil to remind us that the entire present Besson has been one long chapter of accldonts, misfortunes of vsiious forma have di ai-ynjed U{H>a a number of shows, but the unusual number of railroad wrecks is NS siirjirlslng as It Is appalling, (iollmar Rroa., Miller Rpw.. and tbe Rarnuni Ralby Shows having each and all been visited by disasters of a like nature. It seems almiait certsln that III niiwt casi'S the arridents have iHi'n cau8*id by tile negligence and rarelessnisa of tbe railway emp'io.ves. and It Is to be sincerely boi>ed. that the lime Is not far distant, when some system will l>e IntriNlucil. that will, at least lessen the ah.imi fill and too oonataully la-curring acci¬ dents to circus trains.

Joe .Miller iH-aily got hla atol i;] hi>rse back nut lure's the story: The ate«*d. a thoroughbred siirri'l Kentucky, waa stolen fri>m tbe show In Rulte. Mi>nt. month later, while the show WAS at K,-ni>sha. Wis., a telegram was re- celvisl from Killings, Mont . telling of the re- coM-ry of the borw.

Kil. Riiflsford. a popular cowpuncher ■f the ranch, was Immediately dlspatche,! to Itill'iigs to bring back the stissl. amt Joe Miller was wearing a smile of contentment while the whole shiiw was glad of th,' rvstiirlng of the eipilne .V telegram from Riillsford upset the wliiile iN'Jolclng. for It slated that In loading the atiliiial onto the car It bail fallen, and tbe In- Jurl,-s It riN'etusl wer,' of siidi a ai-vere nature. Hist II waa foiinil necessary tu kill Ibe beast.

Sis-akliig of "lOl Kan<-b." 1 might whls|s-r that It Is KiMst|M-d alsiiit the ahow. that the aggregation will remain out all the winter, and It i» hinte.t Hist a f.>n'lgn trip Is tu-lng ai-rliHisly tll'MIgllt of.

D R Ra.Ifonl. late assistant to Chaa. W. Hs.ies. has Ims'Ii made assistant general nian- ag,-r with the show.

W C. Thi>nii>si>n. general presa n-piN-senf a- Ihe with the show. Is <|s'mllng much of hla time with the No. 'J car one wis-k ahea<l. Mr. Tliomps«ui la doing some clever work, ami la leaving a trail of breexy w Ibl west atorlea all along the route. "to! Rancli” haa aeiMired a g<as| story man In Tli>nii>son. who has an ex- i-ellent rceont aa a m-wspajs-r man. He was for Iwii seasons, with Thivinps<in A Ihindy, both at the New York lllpisslronie and at l.una Park.

Assistant Contractor Rosenthal haa resIgniNl. ami has retiirnc,! to New York.

At Riel, who for twenty five yeara waa con- ne,-tisl with the Ilarniim «■ Ralley piiWlclty ileparlment. Is now acting aa spiu'lal agent for "IiH Ranch" Al . although slaty five years of age. la atlll aa sprightly as ever.

J. M Southern, the well known circus man. haa aallcit for Carlsbad. August 10. to take Hie cure for illalH-tes Mr. S.mthcrn controls tbe program an,I courier pr|i|||a^'s with Miller Rriw • lot Ranch. Hagenb«>< k WJTlace. the Sells- Fbdo Shows, ami Ibiwe's Hreat I.onilon Shows.

tJeorge l.ayton. formerly hiiaincsa manager for .M WiMwIs. la press agent bark with "101 Ranch."

There are a plentiful supply of circus nimors In the sir this aeasiin although I am unable to vouch for Itielr acmirary. Here are some of them

Man.v circus p*‘0|ile believe that the Ramiim A ItHiley Show will Is* shelved at the close of the present season and that It will not be on tbe road next year.

It Is stateil that the E'orepaugh-Sells Show will be sent out as a -ttJ car show for next sea¬ son.

A reis.rt says, that Lewis E. Cooke, and the Ilutcbliison boys. E'red and Charlie, will put a big abow on tbe naid next season.

While tbe RufTalo Rill Show was playing through New E^ngland, "Pawnee Rill’ la said to have Is-en a fre<iuent visitor to the show, and was often cbaieted for hours wltb Col. CiMly. This fact has given rise to the rumor that the Riillalo Rill Show and the Hurdon Lillie outfit will combine, and that a new and novel wild west show will be organixed for next season.

Cy Compton, the cowtioy who was hurt In the railroad accident with "101 Ranch,” is back to the show. "Cy” didn't like hospital life and made bis esca|>e from tbe iiistltution and re¬ joined tbe ranch outfit.

Eiildle .Arlington Is a very busy mau and has lieen doing some tall traveling of late, one day he Is In Chicago or New Y'ork. and the next he la on his way to Seattle or some other re¬ mote Corner of tbe country. .Mr. Arlington seems very satisfied with the season so far. and rejMirts excellent business. "1(H Rsneh” will make Indiana and will afterwards work steadily South.

Heo. O. LItt Is general agent for Buckskin Ren's Wild West Show. Tbe show Is booking In parks ami fairs. LItt Is an old carnival man. ami was for several seasons wltb E'erarl Bros.’ Shows United.

Harry Wilson, for many years side show man¬ ager with Pawnee Bill. Is manager of prlvlleg'-s with -Miller Brothers’ 101 Ranch.

Harry Devlin, of the Devlin Zouaves, reports that h’ls act will go to Euro|>e at the close of the present season ami will play eleven weeks of continental vaudeville time.


Just think! the si’ason Is more than half over, ami It won't be long liefore we will all see "Home Sweet Home.” on the nnite card.

This show has bei-n out sixteen weeks now, anil in summing up what they have accoiii pllsheil It is quite safe to say that glory ami filthy lucre are about evenly balanceil.

Riisiness has Iwen about all that could be expei'teil. while the fame the show has gatm-d for llsi'If has bi’en great.

Curtis. Neb.. .August 10, was something dif ferent than has lieen seen around here for some time. Why! to si-e the crowils you wisibln't Imagine It was presidential year, and It would make you forget all about the panic we had last winter. It was the old-time circus crowd, gatlierisl from all over, with lots of money and an eager willingness to be shown. Tlie only thing toward the pleasure of tbe day was a little wimlstorm. alsait nine o'clock p. m.. Mon¬ day evening, which cut the p,-rforniance about half In two. ami necesslfateil a little bustling on the part of the show folks to put their stuff away aud get the show boarded on the train. The Wind WHS <jiilte seven* for a while, and lit tie puffs made the different tents pitch about In a frenxy. Tills Is the thlnl Instance, this season, that the I,amy Brothers had finlshml their aerial n*tiirn an,l casting act Just lu time to tlrop from their rigging and alight on safe old Mother Earth.

Elwvssl. Neb.. .August 11. foobsl the wise heails. again. E!verything that run on wheels was useil In getting the emwds to Hie circus, ami business was again top-notch. Threatening weather, in tbe evening, kept a few |M*ople away fn>m the night iierforiiiance. Htherwise. the day's returns were very satisfactory.

Canipb**lL Neb.. .August 1'J. was another "dinger.” Business wss 1-m m e n s-e. ami Hie weather was ideal.

Edgar, the next day. was the biggest of the week. No other show stamis higher In Hie esH- insHon of the |ieople throughout this territory than the Cami>lM>U Brothers, ami this show can play ther«* amt do business where all others would condemn It.

Totilas. Neb.. .August 14. was all to the camly. Last year we made our first stand hen*, after the o|>enlng at wlntenjiisrters. and It will bo reniemberisl by last year jicople. long after other gn-at events are forgotten. In the morn¬ ing, after the parade had returned to the Ii>t. the heavens covensl the earth with a fi«>t of snow and the is'rformers could hardly do their work. This year It was hot I A i><*r»on alimwl suffocated In the big top.

rhe show pass,*,! through the winterqiiartera on Its Jump out of Tobias, and on arriving at E'alrbiiry It exp«'rlenc,*»l a gn'at ovation from tbe town peiqde. Tlie show folks came right bark at them. A gri*at mimln'r remained up. an,I an h.sir’s lay-over. then-, offerevi plenty of opisvrtiinlty to renew acquaintances.

Ilanover’. Kan., .August IS. was the same at all wcv'k—excellent, ami It was a govsl climax. .Alsmt as satisf.aoti»r,v to all i-onccrned aa one cvf Lincoln J. Carter’s, at the end of the thlnl act.

From here a great many people Jvsimeyed to E'alrbury Neb-, fho wlntenjuartera. to si>end Sunday. The I.amy Brothers Jumped to Quincy. III., to see their folks over Sunday, and Ous and Dan Lohta went to Kansas City; Coe Mlxiino and Chas. Bray, to St. Joseph, and many of the others are away at other isvints. visiting.

Several ivevqile have siiffereil from the heat during the past week, and Dr. Crosby, the

company siirgeim, haa bi>en busy reatorlng them to their iioriiial comlltlon.

The show Is iimlergoliig its raid summer over- liaiillng. ami wagons, rages and other parapher¬ nalia are looking as new aa at tbe apring open¬ ing.


.Monday. .Augiiat It, at Alliance, Neb., ths ahow re|H*atevl Ha old-time i-uatoiii of exhibiting aouietbiiig new. aomelbliig bigger and a great deal better tbau any aeaaoii previoiia, and tlis aflermaiu house was so well pleased that the night business waa big. I’eiqde voleil It th# lieat two-ring abow they hail ever aeen. and, although far away to Hie other able of the Mate from winter quarters. Hie town |a*n(ila feel quite proud of aueb an excellent home Stats organization.

Scott's Bluff. Neb.. August 4. waa excellent. Tula la the first circus they ever hail, and ths (leople certainly tiaik ailvantage of Hie chance to see It. This la certainly tbe "tall graaa" cvnintry, but they know- how to make money aud are not afraid to aia*ml It. The afterniMiu crowd packed the ahow to absolute ca|iaclty—tbit It no plja: dream. If you don’t Imlleve It. aak "Dad” Bishop. The abow pleased them to ths limit. It was awfully hot ami dusty, and tbs water could hxnlly lie awallowed.

IJuernsi*y, Wyo., August was a sort of diaapiaiiutment. Tbe town Itn't much Itself, but the couDtr,v la thickly ae-ttbal, and If tbs (leiqile wantial to come from iielghboriiig towns there were plenty of exciiraloiia. But bualneaa waa only fair, and why It wasn't big can not be comprelieiMled. While turning the cars around ami switching lu the yards here, a few of the coaches were sent a-ahiaitin' off on a side-track aud halfway down met a string of empties. Tbe ainaab deiiioliaheil a calxMias, and one end of a alee|a*r waa almost put out of commission. The privilege car waa Jerked and pushed every which way, and, beablea cupa and saucers, plates, lamp chimneys am' other stuff being broken, tbe grease splllevl out of tba fry lug pan and caught fire. And the car looked like a furnace. It was for only a few minutes, however, when a few of the gal¬ lant heroes around the show, exHnquIsbed tbs blazes and restored order. About two hours’ delay was siiffensl, however, and the sleepar was repaired and put In sha^ tbe next day.

Rrldge|)ort, Neb., August 7, was gissl. Every time we show here. It blows and turns rainy. This time was no exception, but tbe crowd got In before the Indications arriveil, and ths weather did not binder the business. This was tbe first ralu for a long time, and brought hack horrid nightmares of what It was the first of the si'ason. Wuzziint It awful, Is*e?

Sidney, Neb.. .August S. was all right. Much better than last year; In fact, any time pre¬ vious. Last .year It was so awfully windy that we couldn’t raise the big top. Of couraa that cut out all aerial stuff, and when tbat'a nmittevi a great part of the show Is gone. Rut we sIiow'imI them this year, made them Ilk* It. and bii.siness was all right.

Holyoke, Col., .August i>; looked Ilk* a bbsmier, hut it fis.bsl the wist* ones again. The isHiple were there, the money csiiie In at the ticket wagon, ami that's all that's nec**- sary. Cseles.s to say they likisl the show.

A pick up team of hostlers played the town basi-hall team here, Hie game resulting In a smire of 17 to 17. Rather an even match. ehT

Rack in Nebraska. Sunday, August t«, for a week’s sojourn. Another has<-liall game waa iiiillist off Siimlay aftermsm. with the town ball team. I’li to Hie sixth Inning It waa giHise egg to giHsie-egg. and It was an evenly nialchml game, hut the show f.iks got reck¬ less and I don't care to let you know bow they trimmed us after that. The writer acknowl- mlges that he Is the rottenesf plsyer on th* show, ami willingly retires to the dismal hack- grouiid. slm*erely hoping they secure at once a conqietent sul>sHtute who will In time pn>ve bl* ability to catch easy "grounders'' and Hp-up "files" and thus uphold Hie reputation of th* No. 1 Team. Did I say anything?


Riiffvlo Rin wild West Advertising Car No. 3 •pent Sunday. .Vug. t*. In MlnneniKills. .Minn. While there, the.v—"the Isvys"—were royally en¬ tertained hy Lm-al No. lit to a banquet and was one of the most sm-Iable Sun,lays ever spent on the roail.

On July 4 all enjoj-eit theraselve* by spending the ilay at S.allsluiry Reach where two motor t>oats were i-hartereil with refreshments and fishing tackle and was one of the plessanteat f'lviirth of July that was ever spent on an ad- verH«!nc car. EverylsNly railed It one of Vtc- tor Cooke’s great Fourth of July outings or on* of Cooke’s tours.

R.mtt-r of the car: Victor B Cooke, mgr.. Harley White. Heo. Rattis. J. Lyons. Shorty TYirner. Henry Issle Mason. J. Hyland. W. Winn. Liigg Sullivan. J. Rearib*. .Anarchist Van Dlen. Riinttle .Muir. Jas. Britt, Roy Cad»,J J. Morris and Cl. Lasher. im

RinKlinjf Brothers’ Advertising Cars No. 1, in charge of Frank Estea, manager, and Chaa. A. WTilte. presa agent, with eighteen men, arrived tn Halesbiirg. HI.. July 81. and put up paper for the Hreateat Show on Earth to apjiear there August 21. Tha car went frtvm Haleaburg to Quincy. Messrs. Kates and White report good bualneaa.

e B AUGUST 29, 1908. llll>oard

Be Snrc to address your letters to

The Murray Company 59 and 61 W. Washington St, CHICAGO, ILL

ESTABLISHED 1869. telephone, maw »4m

NIGHT CALLS: AasMn. M44: Humboldt, MM.

Circus, Show Tents, Banners and Circus Seats. WR HRVR Nn RrSnOh HMIIQR Tbls is the one and only Mldrcsa of the OldEBtabliBheddrcus and show Tent Home, dlspoMd to wire rou better than ever before. Write to-dar tvD nQlD nU Dl Qllull nUUOUl for the Best List of New and Second-hand Tents and Show Equipment everpubliahed. Afente for the Bolte A Weyer Lishtina Systema. Write for prioM



Salt Lake City, Utah. The afternoon show Is over and nearly avery

one connected with the Barnuin A Bailey CIrcua la rushing to take a dip in the briny lake. It Is sometbing nearly all of the performers have been looking forward to for aome time. The hot weather baa been something terrlOc. The aum- mer through here baa been the warmest known In years. This afternoon was capacity and to¬ night there are Indications of a turn-away.

Denver was reached after a long and trying ride. Nearly every one forsook the cars for tha hotels In the convention city. The buslneas was, as It always is for the hig show—capacity, and this, despite the fact that the Greatest Show on Barth waa the third show In the city this season. Among the visitors to the show was the proprietor of the Denver Post and himself a circus owner, who partook of the hospitality of the Canvas City.

Things were lovely in I’neblo, and In Colorado Springs the attendance was enormous. The Colo¬ rado State Holiday was spent In Greeley, and, of course, there waa fine busluesa. Cheyenne was aa It has been for thirty yeara, msrcly a feeding station for the animals. From the capital of Wyoming the cIrcua made the jump to Ogden, the largest one that It la called upon to mate during the season. The movement be¬ gan after the afternoon performance In Cheyenne. A three hours’ stop waa made at Green River, where the horses were taken out of the cars, fed and watered. Every one prepared for the journey and tried to make It as comportable as possible. It was midnight on Sunday when the show pulled Info Ogden. At three In the morning the work of unloading began. Despite the fact that It waa the hottest day of the year. In Ogden the business was excellent. The show Is now heading toward Vancouver, and then down the California Coast.

The general health la exeelleiit. A little yak was born yesterday. The camel

which had Its leg broken the day after its birth Is now all right and on Its feet, thanks to th. skill of Dr. Webster.

Baker ('Itv, Ore., Sunday. .\iig. 'J, l!»OS. The Bamuni & Bailey Circus la at last In tha

cotintry where the cramped lot la something unknown. One of the performers has just coma In from the show grounds and says that tha tents are spread over all creation. He vows that from the gate to the cook bouse It la a mils walk.

The genial press agent—If you notice, he Is always genial—Invariably hariis on the people making up the nomadic city as one big, happy family. He does this because It sounds well, and lias a fine moral tone to It. But he la not far wrong when he refers to the people making lip the Barmim and Bailey Circus, as one happy family. In the vernacular which Is so expres slve. It la one fine bunch. There are no little elluues. and, strange as It may aeem, and hard as It may be to believe, there la much good feeling, much comraderle and no small petty jealousies.

tin one or two occasions the fact has been dilated upon, that notwithstanding the stren- iioiisncss of the elrcus man’s or woman’s exist¬ ence, they atm manage to find time for some of the pleasures of life. Several instancea have come up reeently, in which this has lieen made very clear. The big show exhibited at Sho¬ shone. Ida., on Friday, where one performance was given. As a surprise to the girls the men arranged a dance, for which they hired the town hall. Professor Jewell furnlsheil the or¬ chestra. The dance Ix'gan at six o'clock, and was attended by fifty couples. Bob Stlckney was floor manager, and the affair was so ex¬ tremely pleasant that It Is to be repeated in Seattle. .Many of the ladles wore exceedingly handsome dresses, and at the next dance the men will be more careful to dig out and wear their splke-talled coats.

Saturday was si)ent In Boise City. The city boasts of a fine swimming pool, and at eleven o’clock at night it was filled with the circus performers. The few fortunate outsiders who were In the pool saw more wonderful doings and stunts In the water than they ever saw before, and. perhapa, will ever see again.

The run to this city was a short one. Every thing was up on the lot at ten o’clock. The performers all flocked to the Geyser Grand Ho¬ tel. At lunch they filled the dining room. T^ere were Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Shipp, Mr. and Mrs. Danny Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, Ella Bradna and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stirkney, Caesar Gillette and hla wife, Fre<l DeWolf, Clarence Dawson, Maurice Geranger. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Silbon, Tote Slegrlst. and a number of others. Many of the boya busied themselves during the afternoon, though thers was no need of that, for this Is a wide-open elty In the true meaning of the term. Back of every saloon, tbrlst parlor and cigar store may be beard the click of the chips, and the soft, dulcet tones of the dealers.

A great many of the people were like chil¬ dren out for a holiday, 'They ran In and out of the moving picture sbowa, just aa If they hadn’t a very fine one with them every day. A loud meUslrama of the pretty dreadful kind, called Convict »90, la being given at the local opera house to-night, and a big party waa made np to attend It.

Several fishing parties were made up. One. composed of Charley Hutchinson, Maurice Ger¬ anger and Mr. Bradna. drove twenty-two mllea to Boca River, for trout. Upon their return

they declared they had fine luck and a great time—hut no one saw what they caught.

Dexter Fellows, one of the "genial” mem¬ bers of the press department, waa seventeen daya ahead of the ahow In Pocatello, from which place be looked after Shoshone and Bolae City. There was a report that he married a squaw and intended getting up a Wild West ahow. He did get up a Wild West show when he beard the report, and. so that his relatives, in far-away Fitchburg, Mass., may not be wor¬ ried. baste is taken to deny the report and to mutter harsh things against the being who started it on Ita way.

The heat tbrmighout the far Weat has been terrific. It has tieen the greatest known In years. It has helped crops in some places and Injured them in others. The heat however, has had no effect on the cirrus business. All along the line the business has been of the nature that warranta tall talk regarding the drawing powers of the show with the time- honored name.

The doctor reports all well.


Dear Pal Billy Boy;— I Since I last wrote you the camp was thrown

into a state of excitement, and great depression hovered around It until the welcomed word of the physician set everything allright again. On last Thursday evening, during the performance, MIsa May Lillie was taken suddenly III as a re¬ sult of too muoli exposure to the sun during the day. A physician was called who pronounced It a slight stroke and that It was not serious, which relieved the distress of the entire camp. She waa given stimiilebta and was Immediately taken to her private car. May Lillie, where she completely recovered. It may be well to say right here that Miss May Is the most popular show lady In America among all classes.

Miss Ethel Fletehall’s smiling face Is again to 1h‘ seen In the an-na after a couple of days’ oonfliiement to her room. She Is Indeed a very popular young lady and counts her friends by the score.

J. A. “Curley” Baldwin, of the cowboy string. Is the victim of a very badly sprained foot—the result of a fall in the arena.

Manager O. J. Krause has recently returned to the show from a trip through the South, where he has completed arrangements for the presentation of Oklalioms or Statehood Day at Pawne<' Bill's Buffalo Ranch, which haa had a run of fourteen weeks here with five more weeks to follow.

Many managers from all parts of the country have cow bands and Indians as actors. The crowning feature of those Western actors is their originality of lines and natural dialect. The show has more than made good with ’’cultivated Boston.” and each p<*rformance sees the box section filled with membera of the New Jjjngland smsrt set.

Marry Allen. America’s foremost jail breaker, handcuff king and Chinese stock artist. Is making a great lilt In the annex. Harry haa one of the finest frame-ups and much booking ahead for the winter.

Did you hear of It? Well. It’s so! ”T. Y.” got plied by Harry Tracy, the outlaw—but It was T. Y.’s fault It was Harry’s fault. Jack seemed to have a very nice lady friend In the audience and as Harry went down the line, T. Y. worked on him and smiled In confidence, when lol Harry was cruel enough to spill T. Y.'s hon- do.

Saturday evening. August R. will go down In the history of the Pawnee Bill Show as a day of great events.

The cow hands got together and made np a Bryan Silver Dollar dinner, which waa an In¬ formal affair In the honor of Major Gorden W. Lillie (Pawnee Bill) who was placed at the head of the table where he presided aa only the genial Major can preside.

Many Interesting stories of pioneer da.vs; days spent twix csntle and horn; on the round-up and o)it with the show were recited by the Major and others present.

Gene Xeadrau. the Yiddish Cowboy, was pres¬ ent with a brand-new supply of rich stories and he kept the crowd In an uproar all the time.

At the finish of the dinner Major Llllle was called on for a speech to which he responded In words that bespoke of the banker-showman’s principals along the lines conducting the show’s moral welfare—among them being absolute so¬ briety and when about finished with his remarks* much amusement was afforded the cow hands by the appearance of Kelly, the Major’s valet, who. unseen by the great showman, touched his arm tn an apologetlcal manner and said: "Major, here am dat package yo»i all Bay to bring from de ear.” Everyone saw the point gained by the Major and each one appreciated It to the full¬ est.

Among those present were Mr. Williams, a wealthy machine manufacturer of Boston. Senor Jose Barrera, arenic director; Mexican Carlo Myles; The Tanner Boys, John, Carl and Earl; Clyde Jones. “Jimmie” Kinney, Capt. Jack I.ear. John Highland, Curley Baldwin and others. They all report It as the only snceess of the season.

The show secured much publicity from the Boston papers by the entire camp—the cow hands at least volunteering to hunt yeggmen that have terrorised this vicinity for the Isst few days.

GEO. WANNER, Secretary.

Big tents or little tents—we make them all. And we are jnst as glad to take your ortler for a little one as for a big one. We are in business to make money by giving you satisfaction—our trade-mark is a guarantee of ABSOLI’TE satisfaction.

W rite for our big catalog.

carimie-goudie: mfg. co. KANSAS CITY, NfO.

MR. BILLPOSTER Are you *'hep*' to all thafs doing in the outdoor advertising Kne? **Signs of the Times/’ the adver¬ tising man’s newspaper, will keep you **wise.” A dollar to **Signs of the Times,” Cincinnati, O., will keep you posted for a year.


Clean, Attractive Side-shows with good fronts will make money at Roanoke, Va., Fair, September 22 to 26, and at Lynchburg, Va , Fair, September 29 to October 2nd (four days and three nights). The two are 63 miles distant r.nd arc followed by the State Fair at Richmond. Special low rates for side-shows. Write to LOUIS A. SCHOLZ, Roanoke, Va., and to F. A. LOVELOCK, Lynchburg, Va.

WAIMXED Big Feature A.cts

Week of Oct. 5, at WUmington, North Carolina. Parties producing Elks’ Burlesque Circus, communicate at once. Concessions of all kinds, write. No gambling.


august 29, 1906. Xtie Billboard



Cheboygan, Aug. 13. 1908. one more week la Michigan ami then we try

Ohio anil Indiana, entering the former at To- leilo on August 24. Mike Bodkins of the Bod¬ kins’ Show, was a visitor at Chicago Heights, while Mr. Dickey, of Dickey's Wild West, paid the show a return visit at Waukegan. A num- lH‘r of years ago Buffalo Bill exhibited at Mus¬ kegon and experienced a severe blow down. We wire there on the tbinl anil was the Omt Wild West to visit the town since and likewise ex- lierlenced one of the worst electrical storms ever witnessed in that city and It took all of the Ingenuity of Kd. t.acy and bis efficient crew to keep the lilg ti>|i In the air.

Mr. Zack .Miller, I’rice Taylor and myself, were the guests of Muskegon loilge of BIks at their annual picnic on Sunday, August 2. and In return .Mr. .Miller gave abisit thirty members a SIngalese dinner in the dinning tent after the pi-rforniance on .Monday, which was greatly en¬ joyed liy all attending. Mr. Al. Gillingham was a giiest of Mr. Wilson at Muskegon. Many members of the show paid Buffalo Bill a visit at Saginaw, witnessing Ills afternoon perform¬ ance including .Mr. Zack Miller and wife and Harry Wilson and wife. William Lynd has returned from a short business trip to Phila¬ delphia and bla brother Edward has In tom went to Philadelphia for a short stay. J. C. Miller has retumi'd from the ranch and will leave in a few days for New York City on a business trip. Charles Kelters representing the Ringling Brothers with Buffalo Bill, and Mr. Hall, presa agent of the latter attraction, were visitors at Lapeer.

At Renton Harbor the show entertained a nnml>er of our advance representatives, Mr. W. C. Thompson. Charles Hayes and Fred Beckman meeting Mr. Eddie Arlington at this point. Dick Radford and wife have left for a visit to Mrs. Radford's home. William Desmond, formerly private secretary for Joe Riley of rare track fame, has Jolnol the show as special agent and Mr. Gns Furleman as twenty-four hour mao.

Many members of the theatrical profession visited the show at Mt. Clemens. Including Wilson R. Roes, who I am pleasetl to note Is re¬ covering from the bad smash-up be had with The Girl of the Golden West In the Wabash wn-ck last February. Fishing parties are In oTiier with the "101” at this writing and the Ashing stories going the rounds will do credit to many an old-timer.

Charles Tipton has fully recovered and Is again at work In the saddle. Miss Julia Al¬ len. brnncbo blister of the show, has a broken arm the outcome of old "Chalnfoot" falling with her In the ropes at the climax of a won¬ derful ride across the arena. Miss Mabel Miller is dally gaining favorable pr<‘as comment for her wonderful ability In the doping and throwing of wild ateers. During Miss Allen's illness. .Miss Ros(> Bonnett Is taking her turn as well as her own in the riding of backing bronehiw.


C. H. Sweeney, James Orr, Mrs. Kid Hearn and Charles Hite.

George Anderson has been called to him home by the illness of a relative.

Kid Hearn spent a few days last week at Excelsior Springs, Mo.

Mr. Hatch, the veteran showman, now a well- known Kansas City business man, paid the show a visit at Lexington, Mo., Augnst 8.

Mrs. DInlus was Indisposed at St. Joseph, Mo., and was out of the Van DIeman’s act.

W. E. Fuller, of Chicago, paid the show a visit at St. Joseph, August 10.

The Fort Scott (Kan.) Elks entertained a number of the show boys when the circus ap¬ peared In that city.

The members of the Latimora and Leigh Stock Company saw the performance at St. Joseph.


It’s such a long time since the "Billyboy” has had any news from the front about the big Sells-Floto Shows, that people are commencing to ask whyT So here goes for a few lines to let you all know we are still with and at it. are thankful to say doing banner business. Frank Tammen, the genial manager, enjoyed a swell birthday anniversary at Parsons, Kan.. August 8. and celebrated for not only himself but the entire company, with a picnic royal, after the afternoon show, on the lot.

There were speeches and everything funny to pasH away a few pleasant hours. Everyone declared It the best time ever.

We are now on oiir way East. We play Kansas City, Mo.. Monday. 10. Then on through Iowa and other Eastern states.

Rhc^a Royal has addeil to bis string of horses, a beautiful black and white Arabian stallion, and to see him go through that hlgh- scbool work Is a delight; In short this beauty starts In where all other animals finish. Now that's going some- eh?

W. H. .McFarland has the side show. Every¬ one knows Mac, "the fashion plate.” Well. Mac has been so busy lately be only gets time to change clothes about six times a day. It hurts him. too.

Old. Fat Ramey Shea is suffering these hot days. But who cares? “Nobody loves a fat man.’’

Tom Ryan is fixer, but that's not all. He has started smoking those big. black cigars again.

H. H. Tammen and H. F. Bonflelds, pro¬ prietors. are going to visit ns In Kansas City

Doc Waddell la lost. No one knows where he Is. I guess old “Waddy.” bis elephant took him to the Jungles somewhere.

Chss. Sanders, superintendent. lost his big diamond ring in Omaha, and refuses to be "kidded” of late, save when Jim McLaughlin, the 24-hoar hero, tells him one of those Mc¬ Laughlin stories.

We wish you could all get over and visit ns. that’s all. b^ause we have a real show and an elegant, congenial bunch.

Everybody stays for the concert. BOB CAVENAOH



Newsy Letter From the Yankee Rob¬ inson Shows.

Well, we have made the Sioux Reservation and the bad lands with the Yank Show, and. notwithst.xnding the fact that we were the first to enter that coiintry. business was very satis¬ factory. The towns of Reliance. I’resho, Mnr- do and Kadoka were all big. We stopped Sat¬ urday, August D. at a way station called In¬ terior. This village Is situated In the very heart of the bad lands. There Is not a soul lives within miles of this place, but several miles south is the Pine Ridge Agency, aiul from this place the Indians came in shoals to the show-. The advance bought two steers and fed ail the Inilians on the lot the day the show exhibited there. As a business proposition for the show It turneil out bad. but It certainly was one gala day for the Indians and the kinkers with the show.

Rapid City. .Viigiist S. Dimeil out the banner day of the season

Belle Kourche. August 9.—.Another big day with the Yanks. The report must be ahead of this show that It Is all right. Mr. I.a>na wired iN-s Moines to-day to get more middle-pieces for the idg show, to hold the crowd. It Is un- dersfo«sl If this business keeps up that a rub- N-r middle will be sent up In order to stretch It out to take care of the crowd.

Sturgis. August 12.—Notwithstanding the fact the Parker Carnival Company Is over at Deidwiid. the Yank show put 'em to the


The Greater Sontbem Shows, playing high- class vandevllle, farce and drama under canvas, under the management of the sole owner, Mr. Arthur DeArmond, opened Its 20tb week of the present summer season at Danville, Ky., on Mon¬ day. August 3. to capacity business.

Owing to Its being Fair Week, and having nnmerous other attractions to opjiose. our effi¬ cient agent. Mr. J. B. Morton, leased the New Rink for the week and we are playing "under shingles” instead of "under canvas.” for this week only: and. while the business far exceeds cur expectations, still, we will all of us be glad to Kft back under the "old rag” again next week.

Morris and Parker closed last week, as Mr. Morris was railed for rehearsals with Johnny Ray's King Cas<>y Company, making his third si-ason under Mr Ray s management. Their places were taken by Newton and Deyo. who opened last night and made a most favorable Impression, both with the audience and the entire company.

Our cast now includes; Ro^rs and I.atepha. The Reveres, Way and Earle. Newton and Deyo, The Three Italian Strollers. Harry Bernard. Harry Lemlen and The Mysterious Ixicksmlth. Charles DeArmond. This strong cast, together with our challenge unlformeil band and orchestra, under the direction of Prof. Harry Bernard, Is prwing a magnet that Is well night Irresistible. We are playing to capacity business wherever we go.

Mr. .Archie Clark, our assistant manager. Is ever on the alert for the welfare of the people, and has succetsled In making a reputation, both for himself and the company, of being "hall fellows, well met.” everywhere. We all get our Billboards by subscription and thereby avoid ring bank this afterniHm u. • i ..i.-.i n„<i lueieei nx.i.i

^.***"^ whether I disappointments met/sl out to so many per e . - . . . deiiend U|s>n buying theirs in the thirtis-n has anything to do with It or not. but

today was light for this show. Chadnm. .August LI.—Big day again. In Ne¬

braska now. and from reports from the advance we are going to have a continuation of the g'HsI business we have enjoyed f»>r the last eight w<-eks.

Percy Hill, who has been with the show as assistant to Mr. Buchanan, leaves this week for his regular winter engagement.

W. O. Tarkington. formerly general agent of the Gentry Shows, Is now assisting In the man agement of this show. Everyone likes Tark.

Andrew Riley, who has been with the show all season, rinses, to Join a winter trick.

It is whls|>ered on the lot that we are going to stay out till Christmas. If the cook house ke<ps up Its present gait we all hope the show stays out all winter. Certainly good stuff to '■at over here.




rile week of .Aug. 3 was the banner week of the s<>ason—two records being broken. At But¬ ler. Mo., iFreil Morgan's home) the reconl for Die annsint of money taken at a single pi-r- r->rinance was broken and two days latter at «arrensbiirg. Butler's record was broken by more than four hundred dollars. At I.exIngton, llarrisonville. and Jefferson City the afternoon ■rowds tilled the seats and the hippodrome

^‘^"ll" was a rainy day but In spite of this the business was big. ...e ........ , J*”* Hagenbeck A Wallace people I met with no accblents and t..L . *^"* Floto Show at Kansas City. | business the entire season, '"gust 10. Aniosg them were Charles E. Cory. MOLL

smaller cities, whore they only get a limited number of copies. .And when they see us all sitting around reading our Billboartls we are the "focus” for many an envious eye of the less fortunate.




Tlie Miller .Amusement Co., under the man agement of J. .A. Miller, met with reasonable success at London. O.. while Eaton. O.. was gmsl. beyond expectations. Th.-y will furnish attractions at the Dtinklrk (Ind.) Homecoming. .August 24-29. The roster Is: J. A. Miller, manager. Elliott Hunl. general agent; James Dawson’s Wild West and Dog and Pony Show; Red Stump's Southland; Boneta West, the arm- b-ss wonder: The Spieler Girl, and other at¬ tractions of merit. J. C. Bolen's Military Band. The .Aerial I»erby's free act and the many prlv lieges, compose an ensemble. thor.Mighly pleas Ing to the crowds that visit the Midway.

We have bm-n dn.lglng cyclones ami washouts this season, more than usual, but have not lost a performance or mlssml a stand. So far the weather has been very hot. the past few weeks. We only laid up two weeks. In Feb niary. and expect to run up to next February, playing the Southern towns in Texas. We have

have done a fair


Sir Genllle Cave-Brown-Cave, the cowboy baronet, made hla last public appear¬ ance in the arena at New Brighton, Lradon, England, recently, when he took part In Col. Cummins’ Wild West Show. There waa a very large audience present and Sir Genllle was loud¬ ly applauded when he rode with the cowboys and entered Into friendly rivalry with them. Tliere was an Interesting event during an In¬ terval in the evening (M.-rformances. This waa a presentation by the baronet to C<d. Cummlna of a very handsome pair of gold spurs, to¬ gether with a large portrait of the donor. The spurs were of the large Texan kind and made a very handsome pres«-nt. Sir Genllle said the present was a token of the esteem In which he held Col Cummins, and a memento of hla visit to the Wild West Show at New Brighton. He thankeil Col. Cummins and everyone at New Brighton for their kindness to him. and for the warm reception acconled him. The cowboy baronet was loudly cheered at the close of the last performance. He will shortly sail for America, where he la to marry the daughter of a Denver mine owner.

Twenty-seven members of the Buffalo Bill’s Wild West were made members of the Jackson, Mich., I.,odge No. 113, B. P. O. Elks, on August 8. Through the efforts of Samuel McClure, s|>eclal officer with the Wild West, a special dispensation was granted, mak¬ ing It possible for the applications to be tiled and the work given on the night of the show's exhibition day In Jackson. Col. Cody occu¬ pied the seat of honor and after the initiation made a pretty speech to the newly-made broth¬ ers. A surprise was sprung on Mr. McClure when be was called forward and presented with a beautiful diamond studded Elk's button, a token if regani and appreciation from bis brother Elks with the show. After the Initia¬ tion an elaborate luncheon was served In the banquet room at which time about as Jolly a crowd as were ever brought together In an Elks’ club-room, did Justice to the good things to eat. Among the visiting brothers were Col. Cody, Johnnie Baker, Roy Feltus, Samuel Mc¬ Clure. Wm. Sweeney. Carl Grigsby and several others.

Charles Eldridge GriSln (Pyramus), who represented The Billboard with Buffalo Bill during their four years’ tour of Europe, writes as follows; "My parents. J. W. H. and Fannie Griffin, celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage at Albia. Iowa, June 24. Ten children resulted from this union, vis., Chas Eldridge. now with the Al. F. Wheeler Model Shows; Wm. B., sheriff of Monme County, la. Lina M. Ix>we. Itasca. Texas: Lucia B., well known elocutionist and magazine writer; Nell, who died In Infancy; Frank S.. formerly of Bob Hunting's. John Robinson’s. Ringling Brothers’ and Buffalo Bill’s Shows: Harry A., train dis¬ patcher of the New Moffet Road; Fred I., of the Hagenbeck-Wallace Shows; Dr. John M., formerly with Bob Hunting's Show, but now Iocate<l at Sulphur Springs, Ark., and Anna L. Jones, of Ft. Collins. Col. They have twelve grandchildren.”

During the stay of Advertising Car No. 3. of the Ringling Brothers’ Shows at Racine, WIs., recently, Charles Tlede. son of W. C. Tlede. the city hllI|>oster. tendered a banquet to the elghte<-n representatives of the circus, who are with the car. Charley bad be«-n with the Ringling forces for three s«-asona and proposed to show the circus boys a good time iiism their visit to Racine. In all about 2.’> persons attende<l the affair, which occurred In the bill rooms of Mr. Tlede on Water «tr<-et. Charles Knox, of the car. told his celebrated fish stories, and acted as toastmaster. Tha circus boys were more than pleased witli the enjoyable time affopled them and highlv com¬ plimented their Racine friend. Mr. and Mrs.

C. Tlede assisted in the entertainment.

F. C. Leslie, one of the few old-time wag'>n showmen, writes that he closed an un¬ usually pros|>erous season with the Al. F. Wheeler New Model Shows at Fayette City. I’a., .August 13. to take charge of the front of the Bijou Stock Company, at Rochester, N. Y.. for the coming season. New England territory will be invaded by this new aspirant for reper- torial honors, and hacked by a capable company iMiulpped with a carload of new scenery from the scenic studios of Manning and Servas. of Rochester. Mr. Leslie Is confident that all of the old traditions concerning presidential year will be relegated to oblivion. Mr. le'slle pro¬ nounces the .Al. F. Wheeler Shows "The Shows Pn-mier.” and has been engaged for next s«-a- son as veterinary in charge.

Tiger’s Jungle No. 1 at Bridgeport, Conn.. pn'sente<l its premiere circus entertain ment under a mammoth canvas, aided ma terlally by a score of artists of national re¬ pute in the sawdust arena July .30. Through President O’Hara's guidance and assistance of a corps of brother members residing tempor¬ arily in Bridgeport, also Bamum ft Bailey heirs permitting the use of the grounds, a capital performance of merit was secured, win¬ ning press encomiums galore and good attend¬ ance. scoring a triumph of approyal In Tlger- dom for delivering the real goods. The engage¬ ment lasted three days commencing July 30. The I/Cggetts. ojuestrlans. and Winston’s Seals topped the bill.

The ordinance requiring the pay¬ ment of fSOO for a three ring circus license In ■Topeka, Kan., has been repealed. The tax is now $300 for thrt'e-ring circuses. $230 for two- rings. and $200 for one-ring. The new ordi¬ nance provides that If a circus shows outside of the city limits and thereby escape's the pay¬ ment of the license tax. It shall pay the same amount for the privilege of giving a parade that would have otherwise gone for a perform¬ ance llcens**. When the circus shows Inside the city limits and pays Its license, there will be no extra charge for the street parade. A tax of $10 Is provided for sideshows and $100 for Wild West exhibitions.

Following is the ro.ster of Car No. 2 of the Norris and Rowe Circus; Josh Billings, car manager; Bert (Kid) Wheeler, secretary: Walter Nissen. special agent; Geo. Tinkham. programs: Pete Dunn, porter: Ben Deschane. boss billposter; Gns Jenkins. Phil McKIm, J. .Alveter. Punch KInnon. Frank (Kid) Raymond. Is>w Taylor and Kid Eadigan. hlllpoetera; Clias. Webster, in charge of banners; Jerome Deagon and George Lawson, assistants; Ollle Hamols, in charge of Itthoa; Wm. Corbett. Glory Miller and Chaa. Duffy, assistants.


13)e circus clown who was killed In a rail¬ road wreck at Roanoke. Va.. Aug. 3. as reported In Tile Billboard of Aug. ‘22.

Car No. 1 of the Barnum and Bailey Show arrived at Sacramento. Cal.. August 11. and billed the circus for September 3. The ros¬ ter of the car Is as follows; Harry Graham, manager: Roy Patcbln, tsais blllp<a<ter: Gun Gus¬ tafson. assistant boss billposter: Wra. Smith, boss lithographer: Clias. North and Geo. Bate¬ man. assistants; Dan .St-anlon, Pete Scanlon, C. M. Geiger. Wm. Wais-hani, E. Hanf rd. Joe Henlety, Wm. Johnson. Joe Horton and W. The- bo, hlllp<a<ters; Peter Hurst, poster, and John Cotiglilln. programs.

Buckskin Ben’.s Famous Show con¬ tinues to do g<Msl business. The show has been re-engaged for an additional two weeks at Luna Park. Cleveland. cbMlng at that resort Au¬ gust Id. They are at present breaking in sev¬ eral new acts, one of which, a pony musical act. will be featured. They will also put on a new act In vamlevllle next s«‘ason which, ac¬ cording to the management, will be a novelty, and one of the Is-st staged and dressed acts before the public.

The Bell and Braley Shovv.s opened at Cortland. (>., .August 13, to a packed tent. The following |s-rformera compete for arena hon ors; Hadji, the educated Arabian horse; The Stadium Trio. The Laciana Trio, Meade and Werntz. Prof. Frank Bell and bla troupe of dogs; Montana Frank In his Wild West spec¬ ialties. and the Loyal Sisters In Western charac¬ ter songs. The show is moved by sixty head of draft horses and is entirely new from stake to bale ring.

Herewith we sive the ro.wter of the Yankee Roldnson Big R. S. Shows, advance department: W. H. Quinnett. general agent; Evert E. Hayes, contracting agent: Homer E Davis, manager advance car No. 1; Toby Beers, boss billposter In charge of paper; Ralph Car is-nter. llthos ami bann'-is; Pd. McClury -g" grammer; Emmett Millhlllm. special ^rnt. Geo. .Summerville. .Alls-rt Knuff. D’i-1 Li|^''»II, Tom Bniwn, Jack Stone aiuI ILarviy flTTr) Idli I«eiters.

Following i.s the i;oeiier of the Mollio Bailey Show: Mollie A. Tlalley. owner; Eugene

I Bailey, manager; Wm. Bailey, leader of band .Allle Bailey. (s|uestrlnn dln'ctor: Brad Bailey.

I side show: Chas. Dickens, privileges; Frank Bel¬ mont. head balancer; Chas. Dryilen. foot Juggler; .Allle Bailey, slack win* and lcs>ps: Brad and ■Allic Bailey. perch and contortion: Birdie Bailey. serp»‘ntlne dance: Eiigeue Bailey, prin cipal clown, and a band of eight pieces.

Prof. C. H. Clark’s Colored Band and Georgia Minstrels, now en route with Camp- Isdl Brothers’ Circus, have Just completed a four weeks’ tour of Canada, where they made (luite a success. Blll.v Johnson, the comeillan of the company, and Prof. C. H. Clark, would like to hear from ”Pap” .Adams of the Norris A Rowe Shows.

Frank A. Uobbin.s. Sr., ran over to Harrisburg. Pa., while his show was playing Millersburg. Pa.. .August 13. and was the guest of the Forster Club, of which he was made a member. Mr. Robbins is very enthusiastic over his circus and made many friends during his short stay in Harrisburg.

Smith Brothers’ Shows are now in the Hocking Valley coal regions of Ohio and reports a splendid business. Frank Kotaro Joined the show at Nelsorvllle. July 25. Man Rger Roy Smith was given a pretty little dinner party July 2.3. It being bis twenty-fifth birth day.

The roster of Gentr>’ Bros.’ Show Car No. 2 la as follows: F. Harris, car man ager; F. Stem, boss billposter; Ray Barnett. F. Stennett. C. Brown. R. Nichols and W. Scott, billposters: R. .N. Paul, bannera, and G. Keaney. chef.

Col. M. Henry Welsh is layinsr out the nuite for his gigantic European Circus for next season and will Introduce the Innovation of playing certain large cltiea two days. In each instance the feature will be the changlnst of Iota each day.

William Gillman, oontractingr agent for the Campbell Brothers’ Slavws for the past four seasons, will close his engagement with that aggregation at St. Joseph. Mo.. Aiignat 19. and will go to I’ortland, Ore., foe the winter aeaaon.

John Burget Joined Car No. 2 of the Son Brothers’ Circus at Louisville. Ky.

26 Xtie Billboard AUGUST 29, 1908.

CORRESPONDENCE. (('ontiuupd from piKC 21)

TENNESSEE. KNOXVILLE.—IVnichl and flypac-ne ap

pparod on llip liHl wcplt of 17 at Clitllowpo Park wlicn tlicy iiiit on 'Flip Olrl Over There and Tlie 81cn of the Four. The reRiilara at thla houae were ifLid to weli-onie the favorltea home and btisInpHs waa lilj: during the week.

Tlie Athletic Carnival eloaed after a week of ffOo<l hiialnpHs. At the Alrdome week of 17. the followinp hill waa preaentetl; Ma<l Miller, the handeiilT nionareh; Th» Klahera. frog an(l allpator act; Stella Harnett, aonp and dance; Win. Iteain, ainpinp and dancing comedian; Paul, the myatltler, and Oeo. Collina. In illiia- traled aonga.

Staiih'a Theatre haa ta-en thoroughly reno- Tated and la ready for the opening, which <jc- cura Aiig. 24. with the JewellKelley .Stock Co. apiiearing at thia house.

NASHVILLE.—Creacent Theatre (W. V. Ready, gen. mgr.I Jimmie Rota'rta, The Great McOarvey, Merritt Slaters. Bahy Howard, Uiia- tlcuno lYlo .and moving |>lclurea week of 17; excellent bill to capacity bnalneaa. ■ Lyric Theatre (J. B. Furlong, mgr.) Dolllner and lli>gera, Koliert Wingate. Colib and Cobh, Miinaon and Munaoii, and Lyrlcacoia' moving plc- turea week of 17; good hill and bnalneaa.

Itlxle Theatre (W. R. Williams, mgr.) Mov¬ ing picturea and Illustrated songs by Ben Scott and Mlaa Uaymer; bualneaa fair.

BRISTOL.—Alrdome (Abe Cross, mgr.) Bora WtKslrufr and Alrdome Stork ('o. In repertoire week of 17 24.

Fairyland (Melvin Hayes, mgr.) Moving jdc- turea to splendid bualneaa.

FAYETTEVILLE.—Under canvas—W. I. Swain's Company week of 10; pleased capacity bualneaa.

COLUMBIA.—Gem Theatre (A. J. Lewis, mgr.) Nemo, the armless wonder; Luella Pullen, the child Patti; Kartell anil Kartell, sketch team, and moving pictures week of August 17; go<Kl business,

Electric Theatre (W. P. Worley, mgr.) F. Martin, Idack face; Nelson Slaters; Jarvis and Tudor, sketch team, and motion pictures week of Aug. 17; good business.

Opera House (Ashby Wilkins, mgr.) Dark week of Aug. 17.

TEXAS. HOUSTON.—Lyric Theatre (L. O. Blsslnger.

mgr.) Lou Bates, female im|iersonatnr; Baldwin and Shea, eccentric singers and dancers; Harry Avey, Glenroy and Russell, singing sketch, and the Lyrlcscope week 9-ir); exc»*llent bill to ca¬ pacity business.

Bijou Theatre (Clarence Weis, mgr.) Dr. Stewart, hypnotist, week og 9-15; pleasM ca¬ pacity biiaiuess. Week 17. lm|>erlal Opera Co. In repertoire.

Hapiiy Hoiir Tlieatre (11. Bonn, mgr.) Vaude¬ ville. moving picturea and IlluatratiHl songs con¬ tinues to please ea|iaclly business.

SuiM-rba ((». McLane. mgr. I Tlie Synchro- Kco|>e talking, moving and dancing pictures, also illustrated songs; drawing capacity busi¬ ness,

Miml'’ World (O. McLane, mgr.) Moving pic¬ tures and Illustrated songs; caiiaclty liuslness.

Electric (J. B. Parker, mgr.) Vaudeville, moving idctures and Illustrated songs; |ilayiiig to capacity business.

The new Prince Theatre is going uii raiddl.v. All amusements continue to draw capacity.

r.ALLAS.—Lake Cliff Park (C. S. Mangold, pigr.) Drawing good attendan<'e.

The Alla .Meade ()|H'ra Co. Is doing big liusl- III ss at the Lake Cliff Casino. The Belle of New York was the bill week of 10.

Cycle Park (R. C. McAdam, mgr. i Marlon WishIs Co. In repertoire 10 and week; pleased c:i|iaeity business.

.Nlckebsleons doing fine with moving pictures.

CLEBURNE.—Alrdome (G. V. Brown, mgr.) Russell O’Neill and Goss In The Matinee Girl Co. week of 10; excellent shows to large at¬ tendance. Marion Woials Co. week of 17.

Ciwy Corner (Jess King, mgr.) Detismore Sis¬ ters week of 10; pleasisl gissi attendance.

HILLSBORO.—Picture Palace (W. E. Sco- bv. mgr. I Business gooil with moving pictures and illustrated songs.

Wo’iderland Tlieatre (Jones & Dewees, mgrs.) Business line.

SHERMAN,—Tlie Lyric (Ray Stinnett, mgr.) High-class vaudeville, different moving pic¬ tures every night, gooil orchestra and new Illus¬ trated songs; capacity business.

.\lrdome (Miss Beatrice Fairchilds, mgr.) Gmsl vaudeville, lllustrateil songs, moving pic¬ tures and a gooil orchestra: splendid returns.

Old Settlers’ Park. Greatest picnic in the Southwest Aug. 11-14.

The Lyric Alrdome (Hay Stinnett, mgr.) The three iiretty Gllden Sisters, dandy dancers and gisKi singers; Prof. Rederlck. In his wonderful act; Billy and Irene McBrean. house acrobats; Howard Ilislson, clay misieler, and The Musical Wolfes; tip-top business all the time during the idciilc. Parker Shows, lialliMin asi-enslon. base¬ ball games, fireworks, and great crowds from all over Texas and Oklahoma attended the pic¬ nic.

TYLER.—Lyric Tlii'atre (WIMiur Hlgby. mgr.) Hlgby Stock Co. week Aug. 10; excellent comjiany; played to full house.

Tlieatorium (S. M. Ely. mgr.) Moving pic¬ tures; doing good business.


J. I.a‘terinan. mgr.) Moving pictures and songs drawing gcxsl crowds. Prof. Franks and Baby Lillian, skaters, and Mark Johnston, cyclist, made a big hit week of 10.

Under canvas—John Robinson’s Ten Big Shows 14; big business ls>th afterniam and evening.

WASHINGTON. SEATTLE—.Mmire Theatre (11. L. Cort, mgr.)

Dark. Grand ()|M-ra House (John Cort. mgr.) San :

Frani'lsco Ois-ra Co. In Olivette week of 10; Faiitana week of 17.

l»ls Theatre (.\lex. Pantages, mgr.) A Temiieraiice Town week of 7.

Seattle Tlieatre (Russell & Drew, mgrs.) Bur¬ gess-Bunting Co. In Honest Hearts week of 10; The (!lrl from the West week of 17.

Pantages' Tlieatre (.\lex. Pantages. mgr.) I eon Xlorrlss and Co., wrestling (lonles ami others.

White City (L. B. Gorman, mgr.) Tlie Great Roller Coaster. SkiiliMi Hiaise, Japanese Gar- oeiis, .Mligator Farm. Circle Swings. Miniature Railroad. Tlieatorium. Laughing Gallery and other attractions to splendid business.

Syiuhrislrotiie (Bums A Newblll, liigrs.) Illus¬ trated pictures that talk.

Lyric Theatre (S. H. Frledlander, mgr.) Bur- lesipie week of 17.

Savoy Theatre (J. ('hrlstson. mgr.) Moving pictures and lllustrateil songs week of 17.

Luna Park (('has, Loof, mgr.' Marie Rolf- soii, Oiida, Um-le Hiram and Pig. Capt. .Me- Leopnbl McLaglan and other attractions to gissl business.

((dean Theatre (P. Gevurti. mgr.) Moving pic¬ tures and lllustrateil songs.

Bel) Theatre (Kdw. J. Glatx, mgr.) Moving idctures; fair business.

Dream Theatre (Mr. Clenimer, mgr.) Moving pictures.

Shatition Theatre (R. T. Shannon, mgr.) ('has. Ke'idals. laiguarelly Bros., DeGarr and .kiistiii, Willianis, J. Gaffney Brown and moving pic¬ tures week of 10.

Circuit Tlieatre (Cohen & Levy, mgrs.) Good bill .and business.

Coliseum Theatre (Carl Reiter, mgr.) The Finneys. McLinn Bros.. Grace Darnley. Muriel Window, Murry K. Hill. Musical Shirleys, .\rni- Strong and Davis and Fagan and Byron week of 10.

Star Theatre (rank Donnellan. mgr.) Geo. A. Street and Co.. Stevenson and Nugent. Tom Xlisires, The Sisters O'Meers, lAHiis- Chevalier and Co. and Eddie Roesch.

LEM A. SHORTRHH'.E, 210 Union Depot.


HUNTINGTON.—The Huntington Theatre (J. Gainer, mgr.) Vogel’s Minstrels 12; good house and satisfied audience. Moving picturea on all off nights.

The Hippodrome (L. H. Ramsey, mgr.) Vau¬ deville, iliistrated songs and moving picturea; good returns.

The Van Dome (H. F. Varker, mgr.) Mov¬ ing pictures and Illustrated songs; excellent business.

Wonderand (Geo. F. Moore, mgr.) Moving pictures and illustratevi songs drawing good houses.

CLARKSBURG.—Grand ()|>era Htaise (Reu Ih-ii Robinsiai. mgr.) Opens Monday, Aug. 17, to fair himse. John W. Vogid’s Minstrels prs- sentevl a very snappy and up to-date perform- auee. lame Trio, comedy acrobats, have a spleiiilid act.

Odeim (Fretl Pickett, mgr.) Hale and Hear ty, singing and dancing, and The Great MU a'talr week of 17; business fair.

WESTON. -Camden Tlieatre (Whelan A Ed wanls. mgrs.) John W. Vogel’s Minstrels IN; fine |H'rforniance and business. Uncle Josb Jenkins 21.

WISCONSIN. KENOSHA. —Rh.sle Oimra Hmise (Jos. (1.

Rhisle. mgr.) Bessie Dainty. In Lena Rivera II; giHsl show and business. Tlie Cowpuncher 16; giHsI returns. Teui|M-st and Siinshiiie 17; gisal show to fair business. The Broken Idol 19; canceled. Thorns and Orange Blossoms 21; Tim> Proud to Beg 2:t; lloiieyiiKsiners 24; Snug Harbor 27; Jane Eyre .’to; ITie Flaming Arrow Sept. 0.

Bijou Tlieatre (F. J. O’Brien, mgr.) Mack an>l West. Walter McFarland and Dale Sistera, llerlH-rt O’Connor and Co.. John Baltea, The CriMt Isuda. 'Hie Three Alaroms. Stanton and Stanl»-rg. The Bijou Orchestra anil moving pic¬ tures week of 17; gmsl returns.

Park Ave. Electric Theatre (A. Alfiry, mgr.) Mov ing pictures and lllustratevl songs to gisal returns.

Under Canvas—Tlie (jiiaker Meillclne Co., with free otan alr vaudeville continues to ple.ase. APPLETON.—Apideton Tlieatre (('has. A. Tak acs. mgr.) Tetti|iest and Sunshine .'lO.

Bijou Theatre (Harry Danforth. mgr.) Har rington and Lester. Little Mlldr<*d, Billy (!ra ham. .Mabel and Jay Mtsire, Musical Coates. Matthews, Hughes and The Singing Girl. Miss Salisbury, and moving plctun-a week of 10; capacity business.

BELOIT.—Wilson Oimra House (R. H. Wll son. mgr. I National Oia-ra Co. 10; fair busi¬ ness. Lena Rivers 14; pleased gooil boiisea. Two Merry Tramiai 1.1; goisl business. All on the Quiet 17; The Cow-Puncher 19; Tenii>est and Sunshine 21.

FOND DU LAC—Henry Boyle Theatre (P. B. Halier, mgr.) The Partello Stoik Co. played to gooil business week of 10-15; SI Plunkard Aug. 20.

Idea Vaudeville Theatre (Oscar J. Vollert, mgr.) Alfred A. Harrington, Ilislges and Dar rcll, llertM-rt Mitchell, The Morrow and Shell iH-rg ('o.. presenting the playlet. Happy’s Mil lion; Earl Morse and moving pictures week of 10-16; good patronage.

GREEN BAY—Green Bay Theatre (J. B. Ar j thiirs, mgr.) College Boy 10; good business.

STREETMEN MAKE EXTRA PROFIT BUYING AT OUR PRICES. We manufacture these goods. Cannot and will not be undersold. Buying from us, you buy direct. Money thus saved is easy coin.

Me. 100. I Am Afraid Home in the Dark.

to Go Lantern

No. 101. Merry

I Am Looking Widow. Lantern

for a Pend-

No. 102. Come Have a Smile With Me. Beer Stein Pend-

Mo. lOS. I Am liooking For My Affinity. Lantern Pendant-

Mo. 104. What a Good Time 1 Had I.«et Night. Beer Stein

Mo. 106. Key to the White H o n a e. Padlock Pendant, worded, "Taft bolda the key,” also for Bryan.

Mo. 107. Ain’t It Awful, Mabel.

Mo. 108. When I'm Full, Take Me Home. Beer Stein Pend¬ ant .

Mo. 109. * I'm looking For An Honeat Man. Lantern PendanI

Mo. 111. 1 Am Lacking for a Merry WMow. Opera-glass

Mo. 119. I Am Looking for My Affinity. Opera-glass Pendant

Mo. 118. I Am a Lncky Dog.

Mo. 114. I Am Not Afraid to G-> Home In the Dark. Rerolyer

Par 100

$1.50 $13.50

1.50 13.50

1.50 13.50

1.50 13.50

1.60 13.60

.1.50 ,13.80

1.50 13.60

1.50 13.50

t 1.50 13.50

1.50 13.50

1.50 13.50

1.50 13.50

1.50' 18.50

No Wedding Bella For Bell 1‘endant .

No. 116. Me.

No. 116. I Am Looking for Sweetheart Heart Pendant.

No. 119, 23, Skiduo. Shoe Pend¬ ant .

No. 118. Will You Be My Dear?

Ml ;

Per 100

N Per l.OOO

$1.50 $13.50

1.50 13.50

1.50 13.00

1.50 13.50

We Manufacture


Men’s Elastic Belts.

No. 760. MEN’S ELASTIC BELT. A new and scuaible novelty, mtwt prac¬ tical and comfortable belt maile. One of tbe biggest sellera thIa aeaann. One man sold 2.’> grosa In a week at 10c each.

Style "A," beet quality, full size. Groas .16.00

Style "B," narrower. Groee. 4 t)0

Our Streetmen’s Special



(■THE kvji TO-Trd


' ugibsilflf ( I^|C


CAMPAIGN FOBS. leather black or tan color, with strong polUhetl buckle,

solid hrsKH |>eiidsuts wtib appropriste wording, etched black * . appropriate wording, etched black. No. 922. Horaealioe Pendant. 'TaM and Sherman.Gross »8.00

' - - .’.(InisB fiioo .Grtiea 8.00 .Groaa 8.00

923. 932. 833.

Hontexhoe Pendant, Bryan and Kern Padl.M-k, Taft . Padlock, Bryan .j

Merry Widow Handkerchiefs

2 Special Lots.

The bept in tlie inarkeL Nit*

i IMPORTERS AMO MANUFACTURERS i cloth, nice make up, fancy col-

ors, fancy frills. Don’t get

fool(Hl hnying el.Hewhere. Rend

ns trial order, (iet the iHHrt

agoing—the fellers. Lot No. S,

1 a90-S22B*IVI/ADISOIM STRtEX, - - ILL. Gr. S7.20; Lot No. 6. Gr. $9.

FILM SERVICE Exclusive Features, ludeppudent Films. ScmeihiBg yonr com- petttor hasn’t got.

Cut-Rate Film Exchange 4th Floor Kodilo Building,


august 29, 1908. Xtie Blllt>oarcl 27 i






■n<l Ix-Ht rnork. All atcentioni ruaj-anteed. AIm>

all kliHiH uf o|N‘n air ami lu<liM>r arta. Tha TED


Buildinf, Kaniai City, Mo. Lone distance

Phone, Main 242S.

STREETMEN Make big money selling I'OKCNIiUM Razor Hones. $4.00 per 100; sample, 10 cents, circu¬

lar free. Warner A Co., Sole Distributors, Mo. S

Warren ATenue, Chicago, Ill.

SALTED PEANUTS Urst quality Spanish Salted Peanuts for Thes- tre ami Circus Men, In aswirtetl colored (ilawlue bags: very sbowy and salable; m-ver get rancid; $1..V) |>er 100 packages: b full size,! packages free for saiuplea with every huiidre<t. Address REEVES A CO., SSO LaSalla St.. Chicago, HI.

WANTED One more Show that don't conflict. Plantation and Platform Show and Ferria Wheel. Privi¬

lege People Come On. GARDNER SHOWS,

Dunbar, Pa., Aug. 24-30; Fair Chanco, Pa., Sopt. 1-7,


Open Dales; Small Stage; Seats 500. 3.000 ex¬ tra iHHiulatlon, account new dam; all show wild. Can (III bouse with anything go^ For dating address Michigan Amuiament Oo., Nilas, Mich.

RIJoii <11. C. Danforth. mgr. I Vaudeville and plctiirea week of 17 to fair returna.

Wonderland. IPHiae dark. JANESVILLE.—-Myers Theatre (Peter L.

Myers, mgr. t The National Opera Co. presented The Grand Dutcheas 15; very good i>erformance to large houaea. The Cow Puncher IS; Why fllrla I>-ave lliune UO; Tempeat and Siinahlne 22: Father Vaughan 24: Meadowhrook Farm 25; Tlie Yankee l»,a)ille Roy 20.

RACINE.—Racine Theatre (Central State# Theatre Co., ownera; Jolin Wingtteld. mgr. > Lena Rivera 12; fair hiialneaa, caat well bal¬ anced; scenery and coatiimea flrat-claaa; show very g.Kal, Temiieat and Siinahlne 16; Otis Harlan IK; Thorna and Orange Rloeaoma 23: Hiineymiam Trail 24; Ole Swanaon 20; As Told In the Hllla 30.

Bijou Theatre (Campbell A Danford. ownera; F. R. Staffonl. mgr.» Trolley (?ar Trio and Halley and Taylor featiirea; Joe NIemeyer. Sig¬ ns. Mavtiell Gage and Master Rlchanl, fair; Harry Baeratein, gomi, week of 17; capacity hiialneaa. good show.

Dreamland Theatre (C. Jeller. owner and mgr.) Moving pictures to goiwl liuaineaa.

WYOMING. LARAMIE.—O. K. Theatre iWInnam A

Montgomery, mgra.) Capacity hiialneaa with moving plctiirea and llliiatraleil aonga.

Kleotric The.itre (J. E. .Moore, mgr.) Doing well with moving plcturea, vaudeville and 11- luatrail'd aonga.

CANADA. MONTREAL -Bennett’a Theatre IB. MeVenn.

mgr.) Glrd'a Zoiiavea, Ward and Curran, com¬ edy skit. The Terrible Judge; Berry and Berry, mirth and melialy; Marcello and Mellni, Fun In a Studio; The Six .\merlcan Dancers; Ir¬ ving Jonea. colored singer and comeillan; BUI Cort. In Imitations of Harry 1.auder; laabella Jones, vocalist, and Laura Burt and Henry StanfonI In The Order of the Bath week of 17.

Francala Theatre (F. I>'clalr. mgr.) Oenaro and Bailey In Tony, the Biaitblack week of 17; opened to gisal business.

Theatre Royal (Oliver McBreen. mgr.) Pat White and hla Gaiety GIrla opened to a bump¬ er house wi-ek of 17. The Strolling Players week of 24.

Theatre National (Paul Caieneuve. mgr.) La Pompadour week of 17; La Bete Teroce week of 24.

Dominion Park (11. .\. Dorsey, mgr.) Mon treal Slrwl Railway Festival week of 10; all rei'orda broken for attendance during week. Myrtle C. Byrne and Co., rifle shots, and The Norlna. In a diving act. week of 17.

Sohmer Park (Lavigne A I-aJole. mgra.) Goial attendance week of 10. The Nillanna Flying Ballet; Klein. Ott Brothers and NIrholaim In musical act; Prof. Slneay'a Cats and Doga In pantomime; Mr. and Mrs. Bi-tpie, vocallats, anil Lavlgne’a Military Band week of 17.

Kam Hall (11. W. ('mover, mgr.) Moving pictures and songs week of 17.

Nickel (H. W. Conover, mgr.) Moving plc¬ turea and songs.

Casino (.k. N. Sharp, mgr.) Moving pictures and aonga to S. B. O.

Bijou Dream (H. .kttewell. mgr.) Building too small to accommodate patrons.

Starland. Business gisal with moving plc¬ turea and songs.

Cryat <I Palace. Goisl business with aonga and pictures. N. W. SHANNON.

HALIFAX.—0|>era House (11. J. .kuderson. mgr.) Worcester Glee Club 12; line concert, fair returns.

The Cedera. The Nickel. The I'nlqne. Tlie Bijou. The Happy Half-hour and The Princes# moving picture theatres report big business for the week of 10-15.


FOR SALE One iKiuble Dissolving Stereoptictin. B. A L. lens. leather Bellows. Nickel Iflated, ami Boi of (kl Coloreil Comic Slides, all for $20.00, Ellison Exhibition M. P. Machine, new; about KUli feet new Comic Films and Set of Coloreil Slides. Rbi'oalat amt everything complete, $75.00. Don't ansser If you ihm't meaa bualneas.

L- N1CH0L8. 267 N. Royal 8t.. Mobil*. Ala.


NV .\ X T F, l>—<)i>ii('«*sHionK, Merry-Qo Hound, Klectric Show, etc. Every thing clean goes. V. L. SIIOKl Chairman Committee, (iaiva. III.


SEPTEMBER 15-19, 1908. Show and Privilege Men take mdlce: Alrahl rrw Attraction. Electric Light* on Groiiml Allcmlam-e last year, .kK.0(a). Gmal a|.emler ><• Immoral shows or gambling iH-milttial. F I'ice adilri'aa Soo'y fair Assn., Leaven wort

FOR SALE Two Twolcggcil Calve* and complete outfl

$*ka> a wes'k; have other liiislnesa ai ^n md go on the road. W. W. COOK. 22$ ] «^n Street. 8t. Charles, Mo.

V •tamacy. 111.. Sept. 15 20, lUU vin. IT Harhm ne. Bally and Reunion-VamI k West Show. Animal Sb.c e* 1 •Tlvllege f

\V.\.NTFI> Jllndul Oblong: Most be In . In*^ KiVi “ Ji?'* Also lailv to work Snal ■how';.

•'sl Gentleman Singer de* Vrulr NlckeImh«on. State salary In fl

t”i:;.Ttio^;"’i:r '• •• ^

Things theatrical have been brightening up considerably during the past few weeks and from present Indications the coming season will l>e as successful snd |>erbsps more so thsn any previous year. Changes of local management are numerous and |>erhaps the moat surprising of *11. was the is-slgnatlon of W. B. McCallum from the Cook Opera llmise. Mr. McCallum had been ldentlflc<l with the J. II. Moore In¬ terest# for shout twelve years, and It waa due to Ills untiring efforts that the local house has become one of the nmat Important on the cir¬ cuit. On January 1. Mr. McCallum will begin to give hIs entire attention to bis numerous en- tcrprlsi-s, he having quite a large circuit of pic¬ ture iheatri'S. alsvi seven large vaudeville acta no« apitearing In this country snd Europe. On the same date Mr. McCallum becomes blentlflml with one of the largest amusement concerns In the country, the details of which I am not at Ille-rty to make piihlir at pn-sent.

He leaves for a trip to Kurop*' In October. In ' the Interests of his attractions, and on his re turn some .surprising news Is expected. Siif- flee It to say that he has made a host of friends who rego-t his departiiri- from onr midst, anil who extend to him their best wishes for success In his fiitiiix' undertakings.

That the white tops have given to the amuse¬ ment world more successful managers than any other branch of the business. Is again proved by the engagement of ('has. W Coleman as msnnger of the Corinthian Theatre, this city. Mr. Coleman will be n-membi'n'd as one of the foremisst car anil opi>os1tlon managers In the cisintrv. having twen conm-cted with all the big ones In the ps«t. an cxyrience that will no doubt show some splendid tvsnlts In his present position. Tliose who know, predict that si*mc of the circus o|i|»wltlon arguments that he has psrticipatnl In. will h«' Intrisliiccd to great ad¬ vantage at the ('orinthlan. this season, thereby rsusliig some of the other local managers to keep their ears close to the ground. Coleman has a large following In this city, and the oiM'nlng of his house. last night, was the largest In the history of the thestn*.

The oynlng of the National Theatre was gn>eteil hv large siidleneos. who enjoved the an¬ tics of Fields' Mlnstn'Is. snd voted It one of the best shows of Its kind. The Outlaw's Christmas spis-srs .kiignst 17-1(i, to be followed by Billy, the Kid. .kngnst 20-22.

The Lycnm oiwna August IK. with Dockatad- er'a Minstrels.

The Baker Theatre op«'ns September 14. with the Vaughn Glaser Stock Company, who will re¬ main h«'re all wsaon. should husinew* warrant. Although the season Is drawing to a rioae, the Slimmer park* are atlll receiving excellent pat- ixmage.


EDISON FILMS New Featare Subiect. Ready lor Shipment Augnst 26, 1908.

ROMANCE OF A WAR NURSE A. Ttirllllng IVlllltar^ Drama.


PREFACE—Amid shrieking shells and dying groans, an heroic nurse finds oiqiortnnlty to further serve her country—Daring all—Patriotism opens the door to Love, and she meets amt merits her great reward.

ON THE BATTLEFIELD -Two armies opisiscd —In battle array Oiitisist halts carriage— Demands passiKirt —Lady emerges—4.'or|K)ral In doubt—Takes her to headquarters.

THE FIELD HOSPITAI.—laidy put In charge of nurse -Corisiral s«'eks captain—Captain flnda pass|i<irt correct—Attack on hospital—Soldiers rush forth Nurse calms lady—Figbtiug outside.

"WAR IS HELL”—Holdlera driven hack —F'Ire from hospital—I'aMdemoiiiniii leigns Windows broken—IKsirs spllnterisl—Shells crash through walla—F'hsir falls—Lady struck.

A PATUIOTIC MISSION—Nurse alone—Bushes to aid —laid.v aiqiareiitly dead Dlseovers imisirlaut letter—"For the g'ssl of the cause”—Iteteriiilws to assume her place- (Jiiick change of costume -Victors enter—Nurse given es<-ort—la'aves in carriage.

EN ROUTE .SOUTH—Beyond Battle Zon*'—Guard leaves— Carriage hastens on. IN THE ME.kNTIME—At field hospital—Victors ttiid iimstnsi'ious lady She Revives—Between

life and death—In rare of colored "Mainiiiy”—Slow Uecove.y. THE SOUTHERN HOME Disguised nurse reaches destiiialioii—Met by mother ami sou —Son

Is Uaptain—Cordial welcom«>—Shows letter—Unsiisis'ctmi. "ALL'S FAIR IN LOVE .kND W.kB”—Captain smitten—Ijiys siege to nurse's heart—

Presses suit—Nurse hesitates—Conrler arrives—Coiisultatlou—Nurse learus important news. THE MYSTERIOUS LADY—Veiled lady arrives—.Midher receives her—Nurse di'iioimced—

Proofs shown—Mother thinks insane—Lady shown out. "AS FROM THE DE.kD”—Nurse, happy, enters library—Rei-elves iiii|sirtant pa|iers—Maken

fearful dlstsjvery—l.ady abruptly enters—Confronts nurse—Deiiiands n-trihiitioii Nurs«- offers all— "Spare my love"—Lady unrelenting—Nurse defles her -She calls her lover—Wails det-islon— lAjve'a victory-Ijidy departs—Captain escorts.

THE END JUSTIFIES THE .ME.kNS—Captain returns-S,-es shadow on il.sir Suspicions awakenetl—"Twlxt Ijove and Duty"—Iteiiiand exidanatlons —.k harsh measure—The unexpected— A confession—Woman to woman—Happy recunclliatloo—Love triumphs.

No. 6370. Code, Velocltate. Length, 1,009 Ft.


Heard Over Tlie ’Hlione. No. 6374. Code, Velonnee. Approx. Length, 575 Ft.

Comedy In Black and Wlilte. No. 6376. Code, Velours. Approx. Length, 425 Ft.

Both Films Shipped Sept. 2, 1908.

Edison Klnetoscopes UtDERWRITERS’ MODEL. MICE, $176,00

Approved by the New York Board of Fire Underwriters and the Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity.

Includes, among other Improvements, a new Automatic Shutter, Improved Lamp-house, Dpem and Ixtwer Film Magazines, New Style Rheoetat, New Encloaed Switch, Improved Takc-np D»- vtce. New Revolving Shutter aud Aabestos-cuvered Cord ConnectiOD.


Send for New Catalog, Form 335, containing Full Deacrtptlon of Improvament*.

EDISON MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Main Office and Factory, 7i Lakeside Avenue. ORANGE, N. d.

NEW YORK, 10 Fifth Avenue. CHICAGO, ij04 Wabaeb Avenue. Office for United Kingdom Eklieon Works. Victoria Road Willeeden. LONDON, N.W

0.11- t . / P- L WATERS, 41 Eaat 3let Street, New York BeUin* Agente. ^ qeORGF BRECK. 660-664 Grove St.. San PranciiKJO CW.


WANTED Shows, Concessions, Free Acts, Bands, etc.



Georgia State Firemen’s Tournament and Convention* CORDELE. GA.

September Ttb to 12tb. Special features every day entire week. Entire country beinfr billed. Hand¬ some cash prizes, b^very merchant to enter big Mardl Oras Parade. Special trains and cheap excursion rates on all railroads from all parts of State. IMenty of money, as the cotton crop will be well in. City turned over to Firemen, and all on the streets. Any good, clean shows or concessions will get the money here. No gambling. Special inducements to Wild West or other big shows. I have some of the best cities and Fairs to follow this one, and can give any good shows or concessions a long sea.son In the South. Address ,1. \V. .lOllX'SOX, .Munager Shows and CoiMt*ssioii>, can* of Chief

'riioin|)son. Fire IH*pt., Cortlele, (ia.



GIBSON CITY, ILLINOIS, OCTOBER 20 TO 24. Sthows, Conccnnlon* and, Reformer* Wanted.

IRA GILMORE. Conca.lon.. L. C. WRIGHT, Amusement*

W. A. DAVIDSON. Secretary.

m-GRUNDY COUNTY AGRICULTURAL FAIR,*** Mazon. ininois. September IS. 16.17. 18.

Concessions and Clssn Stkows ol All Klntls. Fair day and night. Grounds illuminated hy electricity. Grounds inaide city llmita. Addreee

ARMSTRONG AMUSEMENT EXCHANGE. 204 Schiller Building. Chicago. HL

We have no branch offices and are in no way connected with any other exchange.


AUGUST 29, 1908.

Opera Houses and Moving Picture Theatres

If you have a seatirgr capacity of 200 or more, we vlll furnish'an excellent


Flntt l’Ia** Attraction* for Aeaaon 190S-00. Rep ertoire Companlea, Mualcal t'oiiD'dles and Min- atrela. Capacity, ,M)0: Drawinx ro|>iilatlon, 6.(MK). Good abow town. CA.MI’IIEIJ. ft ACKER. MfCra. Oiiera llouae, Bolton, 8. C,

S(*pt- 20, for Stock Companies. Younp

Man, 18, with A-1 Stereoptlcon Outfit

and Sour Slides for week stands; play

bits, etc. State best salary in first.

JACK WELLS, care O. B. Florence,

Burlington,.N. C.

On a percentage ba' .8. This plan is a winner. We put up one show in each town, and our success means yours. Send for particulars quick.

I Want $6,000 For my Costume Business. Btock worth fR.OOO; areraee receipts, $7,.*K)«; clear proBta, $3,000: establlsbe.! 16 years; no comi>etltloii this side of New Orleans. Supply tbeatricala, masquerade*, secret societies. Pairs and decorations. Will stay four week* to show you. OTTHDLACH. 81$ 7th St., N. W., Wsabinrtoa. V. C. 20 Set Sonic Slides, 100 Opera Chairs, 1 Edison

Exbihitlon Machine, 1 Edison Model R Gas Out¬ fit. Also the folhiwlng Films: The Counter¬ feiters. Tlie Devil’s Dot, John I> and the Re¬ porter. The Riiiico Steerers, Se<>k and Ve Shall Find Trouble. The Blacksmith’s Daufthter. Stnig- Itle For Life, Day In Bumsiand, Red Specter, Go Little Cabin Boy. Write for prices, etc.


Tippecanoe City, Ohio.

Higtiest Class

Taft and Bryan SUdes

Per Set of 2 Hand Colored $1


> Monty Order or Stamps.) These slides are made from the finest photo* obtalnsble and are GCAHANTEED TO SATISFY. Sjieclal New I'rocesa Announ<*ement Slide* Fre* with first hundred set. Address all order* to

CAMPBELL CARD ft SLIDE CO., Richmond, .... Indian*.

For the 52nd Annual Larjre crowds at CAMDEN, N. J., last week. Ttiis week in NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J.; following two weeks in JERSEY CITY, N J., for Royal Arcanum Employ¬ ment Bureau of Hudson County (8,000 metubers); then to NEWARK, N J. (Essex Ckmnty affair.' WANTED, to join at once—A good TENT SHOW and a gooti PLATFORM SHOW; CAROUSEL also. Join at once. Propo.^!ion very rea¬ sonable. Address by wire, C. H. BAKER, Manager Carnival, Somerset St.. New Brunswick, N. J. Following two weeks, Royal Ananum Carnival, Central Avenue and North Street, and Ocean and Bidwell Avenues. Jersey City. N. J.

FOR SALE Olney, III., Sept. 8-9-10*ll, The BIk County Fair of Illinois. Shows. Prlv-

lleires and Concessions. Must be first-class in

every particular. .Might do business with a

good Carnival Company. No games of cbance

go<-s JAS P. WILSON, Secy.,

Olney, HI.

Half intereat In Glen Echo Park. I want a

partner who Is capable of taking aole charge of

the park. HI health force* me to retire. Write

for particular*. .kddre** L. D. SHAW, Olea Echo, Maryland.


Pathe’s Passion Play, all hand-colored, four reels complete subject. Just like new; 2,000 ft. of best Sellg f'llm. all long subjects. 1.000 ft.; other good film. One 18x50 Black Top, lO-oi. duck, mill-dew proof, 10 ft. walls, all complete, with front piece, ropea, stakes and poles, used 3 weeks, not a bad place In It, coat $168.00. One Edison Projecting Kinetoscope, complete with fire-proof top and bottom boxes, both arc and gas burner, two rheostats, used 3 weeks. One 9x16 exterior drop and one 9x14 front drop complete with Cypress roller, all done In oil. and has never been used. One 9x14 portable stage; 3 excellent finished baggage boxes; 2 A-1 trunks, new. cost $1."(.09. One set cypress trusses for elevated seats, about $50.00 worth of printed matter Including a lot of Passion Play stuff. All kinds of curtains, flags, good flag poles, about 100 good slides, complete subjects. I set song slides, carrying case for film slide boxes, and many other things too numerous to mention: In fact, everything to make one of the most com¬ plete outfits of its kind on the road. Cost $1,.V)0.00—$700 will buy the lot. or will sell separate. Address OSKAR KORN, Bay City, Texas.

—ILLINOIS oi*i:r.\ IIOrSF—

27 miles North of Cairo, Ill., on the Illinois Central; population, I.ISK) and good country pat¬ ronage. Capacity. 400, Electric lights, piano. go<al atage. Now hooking. GikmI open time, ilb eral terms. S. 0. BOYD, Manager.


at Piedmont, W. Va., Sipt. 7 to 12. WANTED—Shows with good front*. I fnmisb a *20 piece band for Ballyhoo work. Wanted gocal feature free acta. Joint population of North and South Side, 15.000. Coareaslon* write. (No graft or confetti.! Cooke’s Jerusalem, write; you know what you done last time. Ad dress CHA8. RAY. Sery., Box 587, Piedmont. W. Va. ’Two more to follow.

Greatest Novelty of year in CAMPAIGN BUTTON. Sells on si^'lit. Big profit. Send name and address on postal for particulars or 10 cents for samples.

CAPITAL CITY NOVELTY CO., 503 Lemcke Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. AT LIBERTY WANTED Young man with flrst-claas M. P. Outfit. Prefer

to locate or take small Interest. Would con¬

sider filling open time between regular dates In

small theatre. Tell all In first. JAS. MURRAY,

Box 243, Dunkirk, N. Y. WANTED (•|)era lIoiMea to liiatall moving pic e shows <,n p«-rrentage. For n-nt—Six 1.000 Keels Films. $12 weekly For .Sale—5'llm 1

I 2c. f(K)t. Wanted to buy 8.con,l band Film. DAVIS, Watertown, Wls.

TO ALL THEATRICAL and PARK MANAGERS Anyone presenting the HIAWATHA INDIAN PLAY, copyrighted by me In 1900. will be

prosecuted. I understand that weak imitations are being given in some of the Central states. No one is authorized to give the above play outside of Wa-YA-O \-Mr(J, Petoskey, .Michigan

L.. O. ARMSTRONG. - - 221 Milton Slre«t. Montreal.

WANTED FOR SALE OR TRADE—My Beautiful Floating Pslace Show Boat. Fully equlp|>ed for showing.

For Anglo-American Railroad Shows—Midway Dancers, and Connection Man. Suffolk, V*., Aug. 29; Elizabeth City, Va., 31; Hertford, Va., Sept. 1. _

For further information Marion. III.

address Flem Oant,


Leader Wanted Tiie Arcade Theatre, Toledo, Ohio, is now playing vaudeville. When you are in the neighborhood, drop in. Send open time to WILL C. BETTIS, Manager.

Salary $18.00 per week for Columbia Theatre Orchestra. Mast be good, reliable man or wom¬ an. Shows average about three per week. F. L. BROWN, Manager, Columbia, 8. C.

WANTED—Black-fare Comedian to put on acta. Other UH<>fiil people write; week slanda; tell all In first letter. Manager Clifton Remedy Co.,

LOOK! LOOK!—I want a partner, (I bate to do It but I must) who Is experienced, and has capital with services, to Invest half, toward ex¬ tending operations over a field which ha* never been systematically worked for Vaudeville and Amnsement Enterprises. ’This Is an established business now In operation and no experiment. Address BUTTERFIELD. No. 83 Fort 8t., W., ’Phones, Bell—Main, 2729; Independant—^ity, 6608, Detroit, Mick.

FILMS FOR RENT ROLFE, IOWA, CARNIVAL, Sept. 8. 9, 10, Shows and Amuaementa wanted. Adilress gecy. of Rolf* Carnival, Rolf*, low*.

Knickerbocker F'ilm Elxcbange. 1402 Broadway. NEW YORK CITY.

august 29, 1908. X ti e Billboard 29

OBKAT WOVELTT BAI.I, OAME—(imtented). GETS TOP MONET EVEBYWHERB. PARKS, FAIR. CARNIVAL AND PRIV- II.KGE PEOPLE. EVEUYHOOT WANTS TO HIT THE BDLL’S-EYE AND SEE MACD KICK. EXTREMELY CO.MICAL. HAS EVERYBODY LAUGHING AND HANDING YOU THE MONEY. Thre« throws for s Hckel. Spsco required, 10x18 foot. WolKlit. l.'iU pnuiMis. Priro, 830, f. o. b. Cincinnati, O. Terms, $10 witb order, balance C. O. D., or casb. Shipped same daj order Is rec*-l»e<L Order now. For full particulars, address


Printing Business

and Calling Cards,

Souvenir Postals,

Post Cards, Tick¬

ets. Programs.

Blotters. Adver-

tisements. etc.

100 Character Actors and Actresses

Good Money Maker

the year round in

Hotels.News Stands.

Amusement Parks,

Fairs. Department


For talking part» liehintl moving picture screens. State lowest sal ary, etc. Address

Gayety Ttieatre. ST. LOUIS. MO. O. T. CRAWFORD,

No Security, No Dapoeit.

Film* rentc<l to all part* of the world aa low a, $12 |.cr In New York Citr. two reel* chanitcd daily for

112 per week elaewhere two reels, three i hanae*. $12 Weekly Reference blank, mailed no application. If you need flr*t mn flim. we bny 14 reel, of it every week

SrariAL Rate* ros KeRemtebr.—All reel* atdd at I 2 and Scent, per foot after icoinw over ear circnlt. Road Rhow* take heed. A>lmi**inn ticket*. 10.(M) forSlL Si.noo for $4 Slide I'arrier*. twwt made. Pink l..a- hel Fiertra Carlxn*. SO for U 50. You Need Pcb Filw Sebtice. Be»t I* New Yobe » ht don't toc get it?

Senu f r apecial ra'c. apecial price* for fall tra<'e. Get acquainteo with onr lateat •cneme for fi'm renters. Don't wait. It la money saved for you. Write,'phone or rail.

No knowledge of printing required. C. W. Clark, operating our press in Ouryee’s Drug Store. Schenectady. N.r . took in SI30.80 in II days. You can do as well. Press stands I2x2Ie24 inches, self-feeding and inking, uses standard type, prints 120 cards per min¬ ute in sixes from 1x2 to full postal sixe. We sell everything necessary to start you in a permanent, prof table business. Here's sure success for you. AUTOMATIC PRINT¬ ING PRESS COMPANY. 163 Dearborn St.. Chicago.

I (V. V/) V) ! t Tsl. S37I Grammercy.

AT LIBERTY Oscar V. Babcock


Spangles, Tight.s, Symmetrleals. Uniforms, Wigs, Beards, Grease-Paints, Costumes, Gold and Silver Fringes, Drummers’ Traps, Jugglers Goods, Punch and Ventriloquial Figures, Magical Apparatus and Illusions. Clown Cloth. Stage Hardware. Electrical Effects, etc., etc.


We keep everything you need! W'e make to order, on short notice. Lobby Frames. Aerial Rigging and Devices and Paraphernalia of any sort. Our Ik'aiitiful n«*\v catalogue will bt* ready September Ist, 1908. Stmt anywhere for 6 tvnl.*< ill «nie or two-eent stamps.

Lding Distance Phone, Central 2215.

SAMUEL WINDECKER & CO., 185 Wabash Ave., Chicago.

Performing hl.« Combination Death Trap Loop and Flume Act. The larg¬ est and most .sensational feature act in the show Dimen¬ sions: Length, 185 feet: height, 50 feet; width, 15 feet. NOTICE—Owlnj to a misunderstanding with a booking agent ■with whom I had a ten weeks Fair contract the dates are hereby cancelled. I’ark managers or secretarle; who had contracted for t Is act can secure .«iime by writing or telegraph¬ ing to O. V. It.MtCOi'K. No. 7 Sturgis sirc«*i. \\ inihrop. Mass.

I.tbor Day and all w*vk following. 7 Big Day*. 7. All factories working here. WANT—Pay

Shows of all kind* on iiercentago. Most any klml of oonoeaalona for week ending Sunday, Sept.

13th. Write quirk, or fome on. Under auspices of 4.(**> Union men of Waterloo. NICHOLS A

ALFORD, Eleotrio Park, Waterloo, Iowa. Two Strong Paid Attractions Wire THE ROBINSON AMUSEMENT COMPANY, Niles, Mich., week of August 24th; Wabash, week of Slst; Delaware, O week of September 7th,

^■UIIU1IIIU| 11 lUl September lst« 2nd, 3rd and 4th. I fiimUh all Free Arts at the above Fair and also have the exrlnsive Show Privilege. WANT Three Show*; Liberal Term*. Fairs In Wleronaln. Illinois and .Minnesota wanting Feature Free Arts «rlte or wire BERT HOBS. EvansTille, Wis.

Jap Candy Machine? Make* fanr dellcloos candy noveltlea from puffed rice, or popeom and aymp. Barns $00 to $n proflt In a day. Any man. woman or boy can ran It. Prteo, eompleto, $90. Makes UJtft^ Loo Ohoo, Togo Topo and Takio Rings all hammsra. For full doocriptlon and torma write to-da) to JAP NOVELTY 00.. bttlo Crook. Mioh.. O. 8. A. (Solo ownora U. 8. Patont.)


SEBREE. KV., FAIR, • • SEPTEMBER 15-19. 12.000.00 In Race Purses, $1,000 In Attractions. Racked by Business Men. 4iOo<l Crop.s. $200,4M>0 lx|iiily Tithaix'o Moiu'y latt'ly 4lNtrlbiit4Hl in Webster toiiiity. W'.\N'TL;1>—('lean Shows, Merry-Go-Round. Jingle Hoard, Baby Rack. Novelty and all kind.s of privileges for .sale. No skin games. Wire ur write .l.-XCOlt /.IMItitO, Privilege .Manager, llcmb'rsoii, K>.

Changed 3 tlmea a week, $15; 6 times a week. $25. Set of Travelogue Slide*. View* In Yellow¬ stone Park, sent freo with your first order. New Edison Underwriters ONE-PIN Marhlne com¬ plete $7 a week to film enstomers. Beat reference* required. 80TTTHEBN FILM £X(?HANOS. C. E. LINDALL. Mgr., 100 Granby St., Norfolk. Va.

NYACK, NEW YORK Celebrates with a Real Big

(WILL C. SMITH. Managar.I

Carries in stock everything pertaining to the Moving Picture Business. Write for CWtalog "8."

7 E. 14tlt Street. • NEW YORK. N

Privileges and Concessions -FOR SALE==

, " Write or Wir«-

G. C. FILLER, 4cUig Secretary, Overland Park, DE\VER, COLO.

aiHl Night*. Starling Monday. AiigiiKt ;il*t. .\n«pl<s'* HIGHLAND HOSE COM- II nm- Merr.i Go Round. Forrl* Wh.-<-l «iid Tent Show* »lth SIn>ng Bally tno ift Game*. Want Girl* fur I'oao* and Ser|>entin«‘. Free Ai-ts. send your best waale. Animal Show will gel money. OtiMT lime to follow. Addre** all eom UIWABZ, car* D. W, Bobartaon Amusement Company. Room *07 Park Row !$I Cortlandt, New York City.

Xtie Billboard AUGUST 29, 1908.

Cm iiicii. (Jri'iit (Craiiil Kaiiillyi: Kiirnn. N. I>.

Cnlilwi-II A: Wentworth (DIoilI lUiirhi; Oloolt. I Kiiiinoinls. ICiin-riuin

Karl. Chirk ICawliioi; WashliiKlnii, I‘h., 24 lift; (tt. II. t IthlKWHV .'tl S«'|il.

V.. 24 2!t. Ca»iHT. Will A; Maht'l tl.ake Xlininii' l“arki: I'x

hriilKe, Mass., 24 21t. I Cars4iii. Miriam K. ttirpheum): San I'raiU’lsco I Cal., 24 S<‘pt.

KiiiiiiiiiiiIh l.Mannluo’a I'arki: St. I onis. M<>., 2.'! 21); tliak Summit Park) Kvansvilh'. Iinl.. .'toSepl.

Ks|«\ Dutton A Kspe 11ln>Io‘iiiii I: St. Paul, Minn., 2;< 21); t Itoiniiiloii t W1uiiI|h-k, Mau., ;ti s<'pt. ri.

Charles, Helen (IlipiMalrome): Helfast, Ire,, .11 I Kekel A- Dupres- tl'ark); Itrlstol, Conn., 24 20.

Manacera and performer! are reapectfully requeated to contribute their datea for this depart¬ ment. Routes must reach The Billboard Saturday, to insure publication.

Sept. flay. (l«s)r):e (Happy Hour): Klinira. X. ^.. 24

21). Clipis-r Ceiniedy Four: Miinele. Iixl., 24 21) Conlou A Hastings (1‘axtani; Dark): llarrlshurK.

Da.. 17 21). Cole A Clemens (Wootllynne Dark): Caimlen, N.

.1., 24 21). Collins A Drow n (Coliimhla): St. Istiiis. Mo.,

The Billboard forwards mail to all professionals free of ebarg-e. Members of the profession 'T' s-m i i.. v t-Tl'l-V ..;L' ti... Invited, while on the road, to have their mail addressed in care of The Billboard, and it (Sttn-l 1 ler). Atlantlo (ii.r. N. K-lM-rtons Tin )Dr|

srlll be forwarded prompUy. J.. 24 21). -121); tOrphenin) !

KiIliiK-'r Sisters (James .\ilains Co.): (lr<s-nwuod, S, C.. 21 21).

Kx|s>sllioii Four tVonnii's tleeaii Dh-r): .ttlantlc Cllv. X. J., 10 21); (Shea's) DiilTalo, X. Y., 11 Sept. .1.

Klllott A West I Dijon): Wllllston, X. D., 24 21): tCraial) Farito 11 Sept. .'i.

Kilwanls'. (ins.. Konntry Khls (Sln-a's): Toron to. Out., 24 21); («i. O. 11.) DlttshurK, Da., 31-

Dyers A Herman (Oiqihenini: .Miiineaistlis, Minn., ■21-21): (Oriibeum) St. Danl 1(1 Sept. T<.

Cassady. Kddle (St»H‘l Dier): Atlantlo City, X. K-lttertons. The ((Irphenin I: SI. Datil, .Minn.. J.. 24 21). '21'21); (Orphenni) Mlnni'n|sills. 10 S-'pt. 5.

Chevalier. I onis (Ori>heum): Vaius-nver. D. C., Kv-'rett A Kekard: Dos Moines, la., 11 S<-p|. ,1.

Telegrams inquiring for routes not Da"ader i.aVwie'“Tri..‘"(\)rprnm Mont., I •’’’J,''"'-' ven in these columns will be ignored 'Ji-H); (Orpheum) Sis-ka le. Wash., lo sejit. i,‘ co'rl.Vite'with iii ii

r,e*r.tii/4 Dluuey A Chapmau (Majesliel: la-xinKtou. Kv., I I*""'I'lwr.n.e Kn route with HI H Hess answers are prepaid. •24-'") s ■ . - i MPistrels. s.-e Minstrel Ucaites.

given in these columns will be ignored '21-21); (Orpheumi Sis-ka ie. Wash.. lo-Seio. i. unless answers are prepaid. •24"-li).'^ ‘'''“1'“*““ (i'ajesiiei: ia-xin«ton. Ky.,

Routes that come in too late for Dauka-Drean-ale Dno (Colninhia 1: Cim-iunati, ()., classification, can be found on another Bage, under “Additional Performers’



& l>*Au«lreH; Kn rmitf with tho (ilrl from H»‘U>w 1\). S»*o MukIoaI Uontoh.

Hlaui|>hiQ & Hehr (CaKiiior. PhilaflolpliiH. I lh‘Mvos, Marry. & t

HurD8, Harry (VaudovllloK iVtorHhurjr. Va.. -4 | I>«*Holi»Mj Mna ltt*a<’h. L. !.. N. Y., May ihi Sopt. 15

Kn rtmie with flu* John Hi)h-

(Farm I’ark) Toletlo, ().. .‘U-Sopt. 5. Adair. Art: En route with the Hagenbeck- Kurbauk, Frank and Lillian (Dijon): .Marqiiett

Darry, Katie (Or]iheuiu): Los AiiKeles. Cal., DeChst. the Croat: Kn ro 17-21). , v.'in Stoek Co. See Dramii

Dnnrh Droa. (Four Mile Dark): Erie. Da.. 21- DeF.ave Sisters (Konacher' 21>: (Farm Dark) Toledo. ().. 11 Seiit. .I. Irla. Ailu. 10 Sept. 10.

Inson .Show. See Tent Show Itimtes. DeClts). the Creat: Kn route with the Cini

van St-x-k Co. See Dramatie K-aites. DeF.aye Sisters (Konacher's i: Vl--nna. .\ns

Wallace Show. See Tent Show Routes. Mich., 24 21). DeMarlo. Harry: En route with ItiiiKlinK Droa.’

Show. See Tent Show Uontes. Adama, E. Klrke, & Co.: En route with the St. Ia-»lie (I-akeslde Dark): Dayton. ().. DeOesch. Mamie D.: En route with Centry

I»ula Amusement Co. See Midway Kotites. T r\ Dros.’ Xo. 1 Show. See Tent Show Kimtes. Adttle A Her Llona (Young'a Million Dollar '■ Sardinia. O.. .51 DoRoIh-o, Count: Kn route with the Mahara

Dier): Atlantic City, N. Y., July 27-Sept, uyron A I-angdon (Oniheum): St. Daiil, Minn. Minstrels, See Minstrel Routes. I DeVarre: En route with Campbell Droa.' Show. 1 Se«- Tent Show Routes.

12. 21 "9• (Malestle) Chleago 111 ' '«) Sent' .I "Il’eVarre: En route with Campbell Dro Albion, John: En route with the Sella-Floto jjuuds Aerial (Star) • Elgin HI ’•’4-'’<) * 1 ***‘'‘ T)'nt Show Routes.

Show. See Tent Show Routes. Dennett, Guy (Gennettl': Richmond, iud... 24 .D, I I**''’Trio: En route with the J Alexandra & Dertle (Winter Garten): Berlin. Dowerti. Walters A Crook)-r (Ramona Dark): I Inson Show. See Tent Show Riaites

Dennett, Guy (Gennettl: Richmond. Iud... 24 2D, p**''tonte with the Jolin Rob

Ger., Aug. 17-()ct. 17. Alpine TrouiM-: En route with Cole Bros.’

Show. See Tent Show Rotttes. Altona, The: En route with Snyder's Shows

Fnlted. See Midway Routes.

Grand Rapids. Mich., 24'21); (Temple) De DeVere Bros.: En route with Barlow Min trolt 11-Sept. .I. strels. See Minstrel Riaites.

Bootblack Quartet (Alrdome): Ft. Wa.vne, lud., DeVere A DeVere: En route with the Grar»' '24-29: (Olympic) Chicago, III.. 11-Sc|>t. Hayward St<K-k Co. See Dramatic Rmitea

Alton Troupe, Five: Bn route with the Royal I Brand Sisters (Dartbolamay): Ontario Beach, Brunettes, Cycling (O. H.): Duller, Da., 24-'29, I Dlll.te. Max: En route with Rlngliiig Bros.’

Amusement Co. See Midway Roiitea. Alvin Bros.: En route with Al

N. Y., 24-Sept. Field's Min- I Boulden A Quinn (Merry Meeting): Brunswick.

strels. See Minstrel Routes. Anderson A Dayton (Elite): Rltxvllle, Wash

July 11, Indef. . m j ,r. ... .........1. .... ....... ..a.uun, „ Api>elle. Charlotte (Alhambra): I»Ddon. Bug., ^ (Xheas): loroiito, Bailey Sliow. See Tent Show Koiites.

Aug 1-S<‘pt. 12. „ 72, V, irr 1 i,. . ,» v,, 1. •>, Dolly Twin Sisters (Xation.-il 1: Havana. Cuba Archer. Ohle (Bijou): Newark, O., Indef. * Tip Co. (T» mple). IVtroit, Mich., .4 Kl-Sept. 12.

Arthurs. Kitty (Flood’s Dark): Baltimore, Md.. i,grry A Hughes (Marquaml: Dortlaud, Ore., Indef. 30-Sept. 5. Tent Show Routes,

Austin. Harry C. (Orpheum): Savannah, Qa., Battis \Vm Carl- Dine lake Iud July 11- I*''''*- Dorothy (Empin-i: Johannesburg. Soutl Indef. Aug! 29. ’ ’ - , Africa. August 10.

Arlington Four (Shea's): Buffalo, N. Y., 24-29; Brown. Milt (Hillside Dark); Newark. X. J.. H'lncdln Troupe: Moss A Stoll Tour. Eng., in (Hammersteiu's) New York City, 31-Sept. 5. June 1-Aug. 29. '’’‘f-

American Dancers. Six (Bennett’a): Ottawa. Bates. I,. Alb-n: Zanesville, O.. 24'29. Dum. IV. Byron (Wo:idcrlnnd): Chicago. 111. Ont., 24-29; (Bennett's) Quebec, Can., 31- Brooks A Veddf r (Washington): S|K>kane. Wash.. June 21, Indef. fb-pt. a. 24-29. Duval. James: Kn nsit-- with Cole Bros.' Show

Me.. 24-20; (I.ake Dark) Bangor 11-.Se|it. .I. Barr.v A Wolford (Bennett's): Montreal. Can..

24-29; (Shubert's) Utica, N. Y.. 11-Set,1. I Dollar T

Sl)ow. .See Tent Show Routes. Dliiiwl. Great. En r,S)te with Howe's Great

I.ondon Show. See Tent Show Routes. Doherty Sisters (Hutowsky): St. Deterslmrg.

Russia. .Aug. 1 '29. En route with the Barnuni A

Bailey Sliow. See Tent Show Koutes. Dolly Twin Sisters (Xation.ali: Havana

.Aug. 1(l-Sept. 12.

Earle. Daiiclug iSalt Daliicc): Salt I.ake City, he Sells Floto Ftah. 17 21).

Enx-rsoi) A Balilwiii (Hausa): Hauihurg, Ger., h HI Henry's 17 Sept. .'iO.

Falnnlsux. Csiiillle (Dalace); B'wton, Maat., with the Girl -Inly '27 Aug '2;).

tmites. Keye. Killy. A Co.: Haxaua. ('uha, .Aug. 17- loii): Bergen Sept. 12 .|,t. 1,1. Fay. Fraiifi-s 1 .AIrdiaiie): Wisxlward. Okla., the John R.,1)- indef. RiHites. Fay. Kay \V. iTlic .Alamo): Cellar K.i|)lda, la., ilth the Glnl- lixlef. .sites. F,llx A Calre (Casino): New Yiwk Oty. July Vh-niia. .Aus- ■>. Iiidcf.

I'liMs. \V C. I llipiHsIrome): lamdon, Eng., tingling Broa.’ June 1. iixlef.

Fiilils A Hanson (Terrai-e); Ib-llevllle, X. with Gentry J-. June S-.Aug. 29.

Show Rmites. Fletcher. Carl (Dis.ple's): St. Joaepb. Mo., li the Mahara Imlef. s. Fowler. .Axelle Maye (Ma|>Ie laslge): Graaa I Bros.' Show. I.ake. MIeh., Indef.

Fox A Hughea lUoselandl; Chicago, HI.. In. the Jidin Rob- def. :,sites. Francis. Fnitna IEni|>lre); London. Eng., Ang,

Barlow Min- l-Sept. 12. Frank. Joe (Mannlon'a Dark): St. Ixuila, Mo..

1th the Graca- Indef. latio Risitea. Franks. Jessie: En route with the Hagen tingling Bros.’ beck Wallace Shew. See T<-nt Show Risitea.

Fr.inks. The Two: En nsite with Cole Broa.‘ Howe's Great Show. See Tent Show Itisiti-a. Routes. Fullerton A Dersey (Family): North Tona-

St. Detersliurg, wand.i. \. Y., .Aug. 1'2!). Fink’s Mules iFairl: I>cs Molm-s. la.. 24 2ft;

the Barnuni A (State Fair) St. Daul. Mliiu.. It S,-pl. 5. Itoutes. Frclo. G*s). (Electric Dark): .Alton. Ill.. '24 2ft. Havana Cuba Kn-voll. Fred (D. H.): Klinira. X. Y.. '24 29; ((k

H.) Oiieonta 11 Sept. lagenbe<-k Wal- Hel<'her. ('has. I isiuard (Tivolli: Isindon, Eng., oiites '-1 Ang '29. neshore Sooth T"""- ’""y •' tMaJcsIle); Chicago. III . 23 2ft.

*. Wu*- t'orl: l-«he, Iud., July 11- *’'’!^7r,ea'’^Mi'irust'^^T-slmr Tr.iiHn.-lle.^‘The 'M.vs^rhnis Jos**'Farn-ii. “mgr'.

n. ‘Milt (Hillside Dark); Newark. X. J.. Diim-dln Troupe: M.cs A Stoll Tour. Eng.. In FIl^U^nrVHhVr?^^'Ind le 1-Aug. 29. , "4 -D ). I- Alb-n: Zanesville, O.. 24'29. nDm. W Bjr.m (Wo:,derland 1: Chicago. 111., KDhe'r. Mr. ami Mra. Derklna (Columblal: Cln- Its & (Wasbtugtuin: Sitokane, \Nasb.. June -.1, Indef, clnnatl. O,

Acker A Otlllna: I’ateraon. N. J., 24 29; New- Burke A Urilue (Rustic): Olcott Beach. X. Y. ark 31-Sept. ,1. 24-‘29.

Aldo A Vannerson (Dalisade Dark): Culon Hill, Burton. Mclntlre A Burton: Darla. Tex., 24 29. N. J., 24 21). Bllti. Frank It.: Gret-nvllle, O., 24'29.

Duval. James: Kn nsil,- with Cole Bros.' Show. See Tent Show Routes.

Dupllle. Ernest .A. H.yricl: I’nionlown. Da., (Vaudeville) <>|ili<>n 27 2".): )Star) M,,-

nessen 3I-Sei,t. 2: (Star) Donora 1-.",. Aheam Trouix-. The Chas. (Trent); Trenton, X. Black A Jones (Oniheumi: St. Daul, Minn., 23- Dorsch A Russ,11 iGraud); Taisuna. Wash., 24 ,i,.f • " ' “ • r.ism . «. a., iw-

J., 24-29; (Empire) Daterson 31-Sept. .I. 09. (Orpheum) Omaha. Xeb., Stti-Sept. 5. 29; (Gramll Dorlland. Ore,. 31 Sei>t. .1, Eentelle A- Carr lOn.heiiio) • loa r.i Alexander Bros., "Three, and Brady (Young's Bernier A Stella (Idora Dark): Youngstown, O.. Dixon. Bowers A Dixon )Kann): Tobslo O, ‘>4 s,o>t i '* ’ g . A .,

Dier); Atlantic City. X. J., 10'29; (Shea’s) 24 29. 23 2D: (R<xk Springs Dark I East LlvertxH.l. Fa'dettes' of Boston The (On.lieiiml • Malt Buffalo. X. Y.. 31 Sept. .I. Blanchard, Eleanor (Grand): Dortland, Ore.. 24 30 Sept. r,.

Api.leby, E. J. (Electric Dark): Detroit, Mich., 29. Davenport. Gram' (Gem); Colninhia, Tenn.. 24 Fields Ilai^Vv W 'a IlVa Xaoaneea (Keith'... 24 29. Blake A Amber (Hippodrome); Norwich. Eng.. 29; (Sardinia Fair) Sardinia. O . S,'i.t. 1.',. Cleveland O it v-oi A ' (Keith si.

Arn.strongsA^H';)'-'' (Wigwam); San Francisco. 3D^pt. mippodrome) Ipswich 7-l'2; Mid IK-yde^ Fields (Crawford's): I>e,venworlh. Kan.. Fern A Nlick '(Bro^dwaylV L.g.nsixtrt, Ind..

24 29. Blanchard, Eleanor (Grand): Dortland, Ore., 24

29. Blake A Amber (Hippodrome); Norwich. Eng..

31-Sept. 5: (Hippodrome) I|>8wich 7-l'2; Miil- , dieslioro 14-19.

Fanton Trio (Oak Summit Dark): Rvansvlll*. I ml.. '23 2D

Fnxlerlck Alualral Trio; New York City, 2*- 21).

Frwse, J. B. (.Avenue); Elkins, W. A’a.. In- def.

Eentelle A Carr (On.heum): Isia Angelea, Cal., 24 S<'iit. !>.

Fadettes of Boston. The (Orpheum): Malt I ake City, Ftah. 17 21)

Allen, Iss.n and Bertie (Orpheum); Zamoivllle, I Bond A Benton (Orpheum): Seattle, Wash., 24 I DeRenzo A I.aDiie (Wonderland Dark): MInne { K|,,y 4 f.,, . lUvaiia Cuba 17 Sept

Arnolda, ('has, (Bennett’s); Milaca, Mini)., 3 Bowen A Florence (Wonderland Dark): Revere, ‘29. Mass., 17-2D.

Adams. Mabel (Majestic): Chicago, III., ,11 Bradshaw, Chaa. H. (Orpheum): San Fruiiclsco,

aixdla. Mini)., 24-21); (Fair) West Union. la.. 31-Sept. r>.

DeCotret A Rego (Cresci-nt); Chattams>ga. T**)in.. 24-29; (Theatoriiim) Huntsville, Ala.. 11 Sept. 5.

Alquist, Nellie, and Ollle Clayton (Rialto): El-| Bertram, Helen (American): St. I.ouis. Mo.. I Devlin, Jamea F . A Mae Kllwixsl (G. O. 11); mlra. N. Y., 24-'29.

Austins, Tossing 1 Dalace): Burnley, Eng.. 31- Seiit. .1; (Dalace) Southampton 7-12; (Dalace) Bath 14-19; (Dalao-) Cardiff, Wales. 21-26.

Alexis A Schall iFaIrvlew Dark); Dayton. O..

■24-29. Besnab A Miller (Orpheum): Denver, Colo.. 24

29. Big City Quartet (Orpheum): San Francisco,

Cal.. 16-29. 23-29; (Four Mile Dark) Erie. I’a., .10-Sept. 1. I Burt, Laura, A Henry Stanford (Bennett’s): Ot-

Angell Sisters (Star): New Kensington, Da., tawa. Ont., 24'29. DeVeauxs. The Mysterious (Creix-eut): I'eiisamla.

At^lm Country Club (Orpheum): Utica, N. Y., IleTmo^* A'oneid. (Ihsm. Dark): Asblaml. Da..

Indlanaiiolis. Ind.. 24 29; (Columbia) Clix-lii natl. O.. 30-Sept.

Dellaven S»'xtet lOriih<-uni); San Fraix-lvo. Cal 23 S«-pt.

DeCleo. the Gn-at (Edison); St. Marys. ().. 24 29; (Hamilton) Gr<x>nville 31-S<>pl. .'i.

DeVeauxs. The Mysterious (Cres<‘eut): Deiisamla

Farlardeau, Doll I lCres<-ent Garden); Re- vere. Mass.. 24 21).

Fen-Dalton (Lyric); Houston, Tex.. 24 29. Ftnm-ys, The (Acme); Sarraiueulo, Cal.. 24.

Sept. .1 Fields. AA’III 11. (Uiii<|iiel: Minneaptdla. Minn..

24 '29. Fowler, Marvelous: Salem. Alasa . 24 29. Fox A Gray ; Kotoii Dolnl. Conn., 24 29. Fuller. Ida (Haymark)'! 1; Chicago, III., 24

31 Se|>t Arakl'a 1

26-2S: Altx-rta, Adgle an

X. J.. American

Findlay An)erlcan Newsboys’ Trio (Gem): Newark, N. I ~ 11 ..„i. v \- I. I?.''.. • .

J.. 17-Se|it. .*). I Cob* n. I»)ils M. (Jewett). South Ib-ach. X. j I))*Velde A /elda (Fair): Wilki-sBarre. Da. AMel, Kadir (Keith’s): Dhiladel|ihia, Da.. 24-

29. Anderson, Amy (Keith's): Dhilailel|phia, Da.,


Jul.v 6. Indef. 29. ' * Conloo A Hastings (Daxtang Dark): Harris Delsirls. Musical (Garrick): Xorrisionn Da

burg. Da., Indef. 24-29.

Flynn, Earl (Bijou): .Amh-rson. Ind., 24'29; iCamlval Dark) Kansas City, Kaos., 30 S.'pt.

Galetti's Monkeys (TlvoIH: Sydney, Aua- tralla. June 22. Imlef.

G)s,rgettvs. The F<a)r: En route with the Bar * num A Bailey SI)ow. See Timt Show R<H)tea. )la •■lln'sns. The: En route with the Great Dat-

' Ip-rson Shows See Midway lt(a)tca. Golillwrg. Ill rl (Harris): Braddork, Da.. In

def. Ibdidn Russian Tri«)ix-: En ns)te with the

S.-lls FIi>(o Show . S<s- Tent Show Raaitea •a.. ‘I'eisans. D.oliby En nxite with the Barlow

Minstrels Sis- Mln-trel Rtxitea. Corellis. The Three: En route with the Hag- |), Sisters (Uonacher'sl: Wien, Austria, 'if"''''»>• Blan. he (Fifth Avenue): St. Cloud.

Raircr llarrv- Fn route with Jolin W Vogel's I „Show. Sec Tent Show Routes, i sseiir. I :«). I x) mu . inner Minstrels.' S»*e Minstrel Routes. j Curzon I'*®**'™ Schumann): Berlin, J m.Voy A Dayton Sisters: Grand Forks, X. D. I• Frank (Crystal)- St. Jiweph, Mo.. Indef

^ |co?emin!’Tni}®'A"*E.L Butterflcld (lUpiHxlrome Rink): Birmingham, Ala., indef

24 29. iKiiiovai) A .Mack (Majestlci; ('ineinnall. ()..

24 '29 See’^ttiow'^RoX:!'’” * nanford. conn, Moore (Dalace): Glasgow. Scot.. Fallev Show. See Tent Show Routes. 3]-S«’-pt. !>.

Barlow's Donles (Luna Dark): Coney Island. Coste, .Maurice Rene (Mldlaixl X. Y.. indef. inson, Kans.. 23-29; (Womlei

Bartelmes. The: En route with the Coney la- ta 30-Sept. .1. land Shows. See Midway Koutes. Coakley A McBride (Shea's):

Bayrfx)t.T Bros.: En route with the Buffalo 29; (Shea's) Toronto. Out.. : Bill Show. See Tent Show Routes. Cassady’s, James J.. Minstrels

Beno. The Great: En route with the C.. W. Ashland. Da., 24-29; (Luna Darker Aninsement Co. See Midway Routea. D. (’.. .11-S<-pt. .5.

Bernstein, Harry (Bijou): Racine, Wls., In- Carson Bros. (Fair): I-aDorte. rtef. !-■ Fa.vefte .ll-Stmt. 5.

Berre A Hicks; En route with Cam|>l>ell Bros.’ Clifford A Burke (('oliaeum): i

Show. See Tent Show Routes. „ “Y' „ Blondin. I,<‘0. A Eleanor: En route with Eller's '

Show. See Tent Show Routes. (Bennett s) 0 tawa. (Inl Borella. Arthur: En route with the Barnum A ^ (Virginia Be

Bailey Show. See Tent Show Routes. Constaiitlne Sisters. ’n)ree (Co Bowen A Florenze (Wonderland Dark): Re- e*ter N Y ‘>4‘"I- (Shea

vere. Mass.. July 27. Indef. .11-Se’nt* r.

Gre,-n. W'InIfn-il- Kn route with the Allen IXir I's Musical Ciuiusly Co. Si-e Musical Routes, Fortune Tellers (Kbs-lrle Dark): De¬ troit. Xlleh.. 23 29.

, ,, . , 31 Si-pt. Ti: ) lllpiHHlnime) Belfast. Ire.. 7 1'2; Glhson, Sidney ('. Illrpheum); San Franelaeo. U"/*:*! rxivoih Dubiiu 14 1ft. .%

KlorlHiin larki \\ Irbl |>4ib**rt.v SlKt*»r8 (IliiHtuwHky i: St. rvtiT'tnirg. Tb«* (ItljoiU: Sti|»«*rlor. WU., 24

Gisiliiiaiis. Th)‘ Musical (Majestic Dark!: ()»

Carbrey Bros. (Bennett’s); Montresl. Can., 24 29; (Bennett’s) Ottawa. Out., .11-S<-i)t.

Chase A Carma (Virginia Beach); Disirla. III.. ‘24 '29.

Constantine Slaters, Tlirei* (CiKik's O. ID: Roch-

Ksineralda Sisters (Seals) )nHrk. .\ug. 1-31.

Co|i4-nhagen, Den I Goyt Trio (lleiHlerson's .Mnslc Hall): Coney I Island. X. Y.. 21 '29

Ksfes. Lylllan: Kn runte with the ('. W. I’ar I Gardner A Stishlard (Bell); See Midway ltis)tes. 24 '29; IW'Igwain) San Kranelseo 31 Sept. !i.

Kvans, Billy (L.veeum): Missonis. Mont., In Goforth A Dovie (Idora Dark): Youngstown, def. 4) ^ o.| . (('',*|i*vou Dark) Jami-slow ii X Y

ester, N._ Y., 24 29; (Shea's) Toronto, Out.. | Kseela. I»ulse. A Jessie Franks: Kn route with 31 Sejit. .I.

Boyle. Francis J - & Co.: En route with Sun Carr Trio (Bijou 1: Watertown. S. 1).. 'Jt-'.D. the Hjikent-ek Wallace Show. Sis- Tent Show (;,,M,orL ^^IG.ell j,, The Dalle.. Ore..

Braehard Daiil '(CIrco'**11^111)*'^ *XIex?co City Claire, lua (Henderson’s): Coney Island, .X. Y., •’■h'/hlge. Dress (tuna Dark): Washington. D. Geniiaro A Ills Venetlsn 'Goniloller Band (Or Mex indef ‘ '24 29. t-4 29. phenm): St. Daul. Minn., '2:1 ■-'9

Rrsdle'; A Davis: En route with the R.mnm A Ttnllp (tl. O H.): Rohlnis.n. HI.. 24 '-1(; ^_

U’VE BIN STUNG Buckley A His Doga; En route with Rlngling 29; (Ondieum) Dorlland, Ore., 31 Sept. 12. Wa (fiwA Twn nr ThrAA Dnll« CDCr'IAl I V A DD A Crx.

Bros.’ Show. See Tent Show Routea. Carlisle, The (I’eople’a): Cincinnati, O.. 24 29, wtr O I WO Or I TirOO FtOIIS Of dr'twIALeLT AKKAlMGlbD

%'iJow.'‘' ^e^Wn?show''R7mte.."'“''““* ‘‘""" MUSIC for all iiiakes of ELECTRIC PIANOS, for what you

Bradley A Davis; En route with the Bamum A Bailey Show. S)-e Tent Show Routes.

Brlsson. Alex.; En route with the Bamum A Bailey Show. See Tent Show Routes.

Broadway Quartet (Y’oung's Dier); .\tlantic City. N. J., Indef.

Brock. J. Alex.; En route with the John Rob¬ inson Show. See Tent Show Routes.

Buckley A His Dogs; En route with Rlngling Bros.’ Show. See Tent Show Routes.

(County Fair) Dortage, Wls.. .11 S«-|)t. .1. Chassino (llainmersteiu'H): New York City, 31-

Sept. Clarke. Della. Th<*<slore BalK-oek A Co. (Shea'a):

Toninto. Out., 24 29. Christopher, Chris. (Grand): Fargo. N. D., 24

29; (Unkpiet .MinneaiMilia, Minn.. 31 Seiit. .3. Cressy A Dayiie (Drpheiim); Oakland. Cal., 16-

29; (Orpheum) Dortland, Ore., 31 Sept. 12. Carlisle, The (Deople’a): Cincinnati, O.. 24 29,

Burtim. Harry A Eva: En route with the Caw-ford. Arthur (BIJoa): Aberdeen, K. D., 24 Robinson Amusement Co. See Midway Routea. op

Burton. Richard (Fischer's); Los Angelea, CaL, Civniea’. Mra. DeWItt. Art Renroducllons (Car

pay elsewhere for one. Send for Latest Catalogue.

Jhdo 8« Indef nWal I'ark): KaoMs City, Kans., 30'8ept. 5. UNITED STATES MUSIC CO., Uftrgftst Makers In th* World.

1867 Mllwaukoo Ava., CHICAQO

AUGUST 29, 1908. X ti e Billboard 31

24 <;«*nter * Clluiore (Elite): DsTeiipiirt. U. (II1J<MI» KeiHwhii. WIb., .11 S<-pt. >.

Oanleii City Trio (Maiiulon'B ■‘arkI: SI. Ixiiln. Mo.. 2 4 211.

Ca-ioii & (ireen (llayinarketl: ChlraKo. III.. .'4 21*

tiatli Karl Sc Kriiia Ki. O. II.): tiraiiil Itap- |,|a. Mlib.. 31 St-lil. .V

tillli-D. Ilaael (Ti-mple of MubIcI: Srarlxiro Iti-arb. Toronto, t»iil., 17 21>.

CralB. |•n>.llKll••.: S.'allle. Waab.. 24 214. (irixini Trio i.kllaiilU' tJardent: Atlantic City,

N J.. 17 2tt. tiroeiiv A l’i> be (Atlantic (larib ni: Atlantic

CUT, .V. J.. 17 21* tircKory Tron|H- iKinpire): NotllnuliHin, Knic.,

.11 .s,-pt. (Calncei la-lceBter (> 12; iKinpIrc)

.\cw CaKtlc loi Tyne 14 lit. Callluiore, Artbnr, Trio t lllpiMMlminei: I’orta

inontb, Einr., 31 .S«*pt. r>; iBiniboi 7 Oct. 3. (e'licer A Waltera (Junction Park I: New Hrlicb

ton. Pa.. 2 4 2U. llalnea. I.ola (Woiiilerlaoil): Kcvcre, Maaa.,

In.lcf llalpcrin. Nan: Kn riHite with Uaymond Teal

Mn»|cal CoMirily Co. See Mualcal Koutca. Ilanvey. I.onU .V. (Koof Oarileul: Little l(u«‘k.

Ark.. July 13, In.lef. llarciHirt. Prank (I.ului: llutte, Mont., Indef. llarilitlir llroN.; Kn route with the Itarniun A

Halley Show. S<-e Tent Show K<Hite«. Harney' A llajncB: llaltiniore. Mil., Auk. 3-

Sept 12. Harria. Sam: Kn route with John W. Vivgel’a

MlnalrcN. See .Mlnatia-I Uoutea. Hart Prix ' Kn route with the llaKenbeck,

Wallace Show. See Tent Show IliBitea. Hart. Uawn (llljiaii; Newark. (»., Imtef. Hart A Tlntley: Kn route with the Norrla A

Ilowe Show See Tent Show KoiiteB. Harrey, Hurt: Kn naite with the John K.

Smith Show*. S-e Mhlway Itoutea. Hawk. Karl: F.n rmite with To<l«l llnw.' Show.

S4'e Tent Show Uoute*. Hay.len Family: Kn nsite with Collmar llroa.'

jihow. See Tent Show Routea. Ha.vca A Craham: Kn route with John W. Vo-

Kel'a MInBtrela. S«e Mlnatrel ItiMltea. Harne*. J -aale J. iKIiaara Park!: Curtla Itay,

Mil.. July «. In.lef The rnlcyclltiK Kn route with Ye Co¬

lonial StiB'k Co. See Pramatic ltoute« Havier A Janet (K.llaoiii: Hohlreje, Neb.,

July 20, In.l.'f. Henrr A Yotine lShell|K>t Park): WIImlnKtoo,

P.i.. May .to. Imtef. Herroil. W. 14 ■ Kn r.ajte with IlInKlInK I4r.*.'

Show. See Tent Show Routea. Hewitt. Fre<t: En route with the Royal .Ainiiae

ment Co. See Midway Routea. Hewlette. R.di A Mae (Standard): Ft. Worth,

Tea.. Menh 23. Indef. Hlldera. Cha« En route with Cole Broa.*

Show S<-e Tent Show Routea Hoddnl, Palay. En naite with RInKlInK Kroa.'

Show. S«-e Tent Show Routea Hocrleln. Lillian (A|m>1Ioi; Vienna. Auatrta

.kiiK. 15 S*'pt. 30. Hoffman*. CTclInr: En route with the 8t

Paul Camleal ('o. S«.e Midway Routea Holden. AKnea (Sl|ie'*): Kokomo, Iml., Indef.

H.dter A (lixa: En route with the Royal Am Co. See Midway R.sitea.

Howard. Edna (Cryatall: LoKanaport, Ind Indef

Howard A Eaher' En route with RlnKlInf Broa ■ Show. See Tent Show R.aitea

Hi'wanI Tnaipe; En route with Smith Broa Show. S«-e Tent Sh.>w Routea.

Hnefel Bnw.: Kn route with Oentry Rnit. No. 2 Show See Tent Show Routea

Hulllnrer. Plllon- En route with the Robin aon .\mnaenient Co. Si-e Midway R.aitea

Hntehla.'n. Lillian: En mute with the Peo¬ ple’* Slock Co. See Pramatlc Route*.

Hthberl A Warren (Temple): Ii,.trult. Mich 31 .Sept ,%.

Hale A Harty (Palace): SteubenTllle, O.. 24 •2».

Hay*. f>l. C., A (Tarence (Ijik.‘alde Park) Payton. O.. 23 21); lEdirwiaal Park) May* Ttlle. Ky.. 3t S,.pt. 5.

Hane*. Charle* L. (Caalno): NaahTllle. Tenn 24 Sept., Floyd; Ruah Center. Kan., 2.5‘2 Sylran (5niTe Sept. S 11.

Howard Broa. MtIiik Banjiw (Iwkealde Park) Akron. ().. 24 21); (Myera’ Ixke Park) Can ton 31 s«-pt. 5.

Herta-rt A Vam-e (Coney lalao.!); CIm-lnuatl O . )« •.’2

Harkley. Mah.*! (Hlllalde Park): Newark J., June t .kiiK 21).

Hiatdy. E.lwin (Home ('omlnK): 0«hk.a«h. Wla. 24 21); (County Fair) Fairbury, 111.. 31

Sept. 5. Hernm. B.-rtle l(4r|ib<'um): Portland, Ore

24 21); S. atlle. Waah.. 31 Tt HarrU A Proy (Creacent): ('hattan....K*. T.-nn

24 2tl Herta-rt Hr..* . Three (Bell): Oakland. Cal

24 2t). (WlKWani) San Franelaeo .30 S«-p H.daa-*. S< ve-i ((irpheiiiii): Mtntiea|H>ll«. Minn

24 2!). lOri.hellIII) St Paul 31 S«-t>t HarrInKtoi. A l.e«ter iBIJoii): Caliiiiiet, Mich.,

24 21), iBIh.ii) Hatieta-k 31 Sept. .". Harrta A HllllanI (Pei-rleaa): Horm-ll. N. Y..

27 ’.■!» Unrley. Frank J. (Novelty): AlIcKheny, Pa.,

lalilkawa Briai.: En route with the Sella-Floto .Show. Sa*. Tent Show Routea.

luiiiaii A Waltera (BIJou): Hancock, Mich., 24 21).

uiiH-rlal .Mualcal Trio (HeB.leraon’a): Coney la- land. N. V.. 24 ’Jt).

Jackaon Family; Kn route with Rlnsllng Broa.’ Show. See Tent Show Route*,

acoti* A Sanlel; En route with Cole Broa.* Show. See Tent Show Routea. al, Linda; Kn rtuite with the Yankee Rob- Inaoii Show. See Tent Show Routea. Ilka A Clifford; En mute with the llaKen- la-ck-VVallai-e Show. See Tent Show Riaitea.

Jerome, Arthur; Eii route with the Fok Mln- atrcla. See Mlnatrel Rtaitea.

Johnaon. Mark (Stauche’a Pavilion): Coney la- laml. N. Y., Indef.

Jolinatoiiea, .Mualcal (Em|>lrei: Jobanneaburg, Africa. .kUK. 24-4)ct. 3.

Jack A Claire (Electric): .kthena, O.. 24’2t). JeniiInKa A Renfrew (Ria-k SprliiK* Park): E.

I.lveriHHd. ()., 24 21); (Four .Mile Creek) Erie Pa.. 31 S*-i.r.

Junea A Walton (Lagoon Park); I.udinw, Ky., 24 21).

Jefferaon. Cecil (Majeatic): Wauaau, Wla., 24- ’21); (P.IJoul IjiCroa*** 31Si-pt. 5.

Jackaon, Mlaaea. A Ponglaa (I’alace); Steuben¬ ville. ().. 24 21).

idly, Edwin, A Wlnlfreil Wild (BIJou): Win ul|a-K. .Man., 24 21).

Joaaelln Trio, The (C^dunihla): Cincinnati, O.. 24 21); (Cuiuiubla) St. I/iula, Mo., 31 Sept. 5.

Jonea, Johunv ICIark'a Alrdonie): Jackaon- vllle, Fla.. 24 21).

Jeanre A Kllaworih (Illghlantl Park): WInated, Conn., 24 21).

Jacoha A Weat (Sana Soucll: Chicago, III., 17 ’21).

Janaeii, laabella (Krollman’a Garden): Clncln natl. ().. 17’21)

Johnaon. Mark (Staueh'a): Coney laland, N. Y., 17 21).

Jobnatona. Mualral (Empire); Jobanneaburg, S, Africa. ’24 (Vt. lo.

Julian A Dyer (Carnival): Kanaaa City, Kan., •24 21).

Karuata. J. F. (Temple of Mualc, Dominion Park): Montreal. Can., June 2 Sept._ 13.

Kaufman, Reba A Inez (Ronacher’a): Vienna, .kuatrla, Aug. 15 Sept. 30.

Keene A .kdama (Pavilion): Portruah. Ireland, J))ne 1-Sept. 20.

Kelly. Walter C. (Palace): Ixindon. Eng.. .April ’27, Indef.

Kemble. Minnie; En route with Smith Broa.’ Show. See Tent Show Route*.

Kennedy. Uttle Mable (Atrdome): Knoxville, Tenn.. .\ug. 17. Indef.

Kennebell. Franeol* (Luna Park): Coney la- land. N. Y.. Indef.

Kerahaw. Tho*. (llathaway’a): Lowell, Maaa., .Aug. .'ll. Indef.

Kokin. Mignonette (TItoII): Sydney. Auatra- lla. June 22. Indef.

KoIIlna. Stuart A Carmen Slater* (Cryatal): Denver, Col.. .Aug. 17-Sept. It).

Kurvllo. J. Edward: En route with the Sella- Floto Show. See Tent Show Routea.

Kirk. II. Arthur: New York City. Imlef. Kramer, Annie A Maude (BIJou): Duluth.

Minn., 24 2!); (I'nlijue) Mlnneaindla Sl-Sept.

FILMS m RENT Subjects snappy and full of comedy. They make your pa¬

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'have Ibe’’

Beal Goods



Member* of Film S«rvice Aasociation


8 E. 14tll St. FhonallSlM,. Mew York, M. Y.

Price of Machine. $15 Capacity. 250 Photos per Boor

Kollln* A Kllfton (Kdtaonia): lliintavllle. Ala.. 24 2)1

K*-nn«-v A William*: Chlrago. 111.. Indef. K--"n..iy. Jii, (1. 4). O. F.): Corbin. Ky.. 24-

29. Kol*. Sara A Id* (rnlune): MInneapoIla.

.mV»i., 31 S«-pt. 5; (Grand) Fargo, N. D., 7-

Klw»*. Four Mualral (Olympia Park): Mc- K.a-aport. I’*.. 24'21»; (Oakford Perk) Grerna- biwg 31 Srjit. 5.

Kramrr A Biirnrlt* (Miller): RoaavIHe, HI.. 24 ’21)

Kdar, The Great (Wlxard’a Den): Foreat Park. 711.. 23 21)

Karnati, J. F. tTemple of Mualc): Montreal. Can., 17 -2!)

Keane. J. Warren (Fonr Mile Park): Erie. P*.. 24 ’21).

Kelly A A*hhy; Southampton. Eng., 31 Sept. 5; Blackburn 7 12; Burnley 14 lb.

Kollln*. Stuart, A Carmen Slater* (Cryatal): I)enver. Col.. 17 Sept. lb.

Ke,-ne A Adam* (Pavilion): Port Irlah. Ire., June 1 S*-pt. 2d.

La Mate Bnx.. Three (Ronarhera): Vienna. Auatrl*. Sept 1 .30.

Lambert. Frank J. (Flood’a Park): Curtla Bay. Md., Indef.

Ijine Trio: Fn naite with John W. Vogel’* Mlnatrel*. See Mlnatrel Route*.

Lancer, W J : Fn naite with Cole Bm#.’ Show. S«-e Tent Show Riaitea.

Lang, tleorge (Cryatal); Bedford. Ind.. Indef. | l.aNoIre, Cha*. (White City): Chleigo. Ill., ,

Indef. I.aKev. Wonderful

A B.illev Sh'*w. See Tent Show Uout> * Larke A Adam* En naite with the St. I.iail* , i, . ,

.Amuaemeni Co See Midway R aite* l and vou will be our Steady Customer.

$33 PROFIT This is wh«t one man made in a tingle daj,

operating the

Wonder Cannon Photo Bntton Machine

Send in yoor order todny nnd gtart making big money. No experience required Full Instructloaa with eatch ontflt. Price of platea, ll.eo per 100; frame*. 12.00 per gross; deTeloplng powders. SO cent* (enough for one month’s work). Send IS.OO with order. Bslsnoe O. O. D.

CHICAGO FFRROTYPE ( 0. 515 Bine Istand Ave. Chicago. ID.

“ERIE” ICE CREAM CONES For $11.10. cash Avith order, Ave avIII send you 1 enite 2 1 eurtoiis. 100 Cones to » «’Mrtoii. liAe-eiMit siz4‘. Golden YelloAV ('risp Font's, ninde of liiKli-fcriide shM’k. swet't. erisp iind unifonn aaIiIi small to|»—,11'ST .\S AX .XDVKHTlSIX'ta I’ltOIMISITIOX'. How can we do it? Well, by having the largest and best

En ^<aita jvith *hr Barmim j t'one plant in the country; by having the of help; by getting

" ; cash with each order. No accounts to run and none to lose. "Try a crate. We can ship your order same day

24 2b Hathaway’*. Bi-lla. Monkey* (AlaJ<wtlr);

eago. HI.. 31 S,-pt. Ili-iiry. A ('<1. (Orpheiiinl; Allnne


Hnrlo *I«-II*. MImi . 31 Sept, 5.

II*’'*'"'’’ Wally A Ixittle (I'antage’ai; ... -- -.... Ta<\>m*. Wa*h 24 2S

llanv.-v A Nuig iVaudelte); 24 •2b

HenrtPrs.n’a S< hi.d Boya A Glrla; Aiid.-ra-m. Old.. 24’2b; lAA’onderlaiiill lihllana|Mdl* .3))

Bliiffton. Ind.

Svpr llarbia,.. B•■at^lf-e. A JImmv Dolu-rlv (I.ake

•Ide Park): Akn>n. O., 23 •2b. HylamI*. 3 hre<- iTiiiiildIng liaiii Park): Bridge

ton. N J . -n jji Harvey A Parker (Park); Philadelphia. P*..

.4 2:1: (I’pople’al Frankfort .31 S«-|d. 5. Ilerah. y (Illiu <*lronieI; St. Calhi-rtnea. Ont.,

-4 211. (Niagara) Niagara Falla. N Y.. 27 ’.3)

'(*. The (I’nliine): Mlnneaindla, Minn., Havi'birk '2( 2b

Hardman, Joe: Wlniil|>eg, Man., 24 ‘."b.

I’V,”* * Wynne (Empire); Holloway. Eng.. r»: <Rinntre> New CrtHMi, liitniion, 7*

(Emidre) .Slrtlfnril. london. 14 1b. Ilarronrt, Frank: Si-attle, Waah., .3 S.-pt. 6.

(Bl)ell4i«t Park): Wlluiluglon,

llcward A Howard (Or|>heum): San Fran rlw-.., (',1.. -.M .5

ll.vmaek (riiiidn.i: Belfaat. Ire.. .31 S.-pt. 5: Kini.lroi Dublin 7 12; (Einplra) Bradford,

/■rg . 14 11,

A Memlng: yiieliee. Can., 24’.’b irvliiK. Miiabal (Naratoga Park): Poltatuwn.

, ■ ,-'1 -3’; (Seeiiti- Temple) Providence. R I 31 S,p|. .1

Laaere. Freil: En r-'iite with the Yankee Rob- j Inaon Show See Tent Show Route*.

Leach A Vance: En route with the H igenberk- I Wallace Show. See Tent Show Route*.

I.ce. Jamea P (I’nbpie): Ima .Angelea, Cal., Indef

Lee*. T3ie: En route with the f. S. Carnival See Alldway Route*.

I.Htrav, I).dlle (White City Park): Oahkoah, Wlal. Indef

LeRoy, Jack (Gale): Wichita. Kan. Indef In-Koy A May (Kbvlrlc Park): K.mkakee. Ill.,

.Aug. If) Sept. 5. I.c*ler. Leonore; Spokane. Waah.. Indef

I.eAere*. TTie: En route with the John H. Spark*’ Show S*-e Tent Shos- Rimtea.

I.lnlger Trio F.n route with Sun Broa ’ Show. StH- Tent Shos RiHite*.

Loretta Twin* 3>oui>e (Elltch’a Gablen): Den¬ ver. Col , June 1. Indef.

LiicanIa Trio (CIrco TatalD: Lima, Peni. S. America. May IS, Indef.

lane A .Adell (Alrdonie); Atehlson. Kan., 24 S«-pt. 5.

IwVlKue. Ha|i>y Geo. (Majeatle): Corbin. Ky.. 24 ’21).

Ijcoiiard. Jimmie: Atatloon. Ill . 24 ’21). laS’lalr, John (laland Park): Easton. P*., 24

2b. la-miiel* A la-miiel* (Steeplei-hasc Pier): .At

lanllc City, N. J.. 24 ’20. lorralne, ()a«-ar (Majeaflcl; IV-nver, 4’ol.. ’23

’2»: (44. 4* II.) Pltlabiirg. P* . 31 S,-i.|. 12. la-wl* A Chapin (Electric Park): Dubuque,

la., 23 ’2b; (Maaonic Temide) Ft. Wayne, Ind., 3l) S.-pt, .V

I.aA’Inc A lasinard (Idora Park); Youngatown. 4) . 24 •2b: tPark) New Caalle. I’*.. 31 Si-pt 5.

I/ewla, Andy A Frank (Drpheum): Zaneavllle, 4).. 21 ’20

la-andre Broa. iFamlly); Bntte. Mont.. 24 29. laH), Jollv (Penn Art Amii*«>ment): Phlladel-

lihla, i’a.. ’24 '29; (Little Grand) Philadel¬ phia 31 Sept. 5.

as recelA’cd.



Valley Falls WANTED

Carnival October 6, 7, 8,1908.

Address the Secretary, VALLEY FALLS, KANSAS.

A 1^ FOR WASHINGTON P.4RK, I Y w m LOUIS. Missouri.


CARNIVA.L, St RT. Stik to DOttk INCLUSIVE. All kinds of Shows and Concessions (no Picture Show) Ferris Wluel, Merry-Go- Ronnd and Oriental Show. Address all letters to E. W. LINN, Gieneral Manager 2005 8. Broadway, 8t. Louis, Mo,

32 Xtie Billboard AUGUST 29, 1908.

Tex., 24-‘J9. Leonard, Orace (Family): Butte, Mont., 29-

Sept. 5. LaMolnea, Musical (Bijou): Sut>erior, Wia., 24-

29. Lyric Comedy Four (Acaiiemy): Wasbineton,

D. C., 24 29; Norfolk, Va., 31-8ept. .’i. I.aBord & Uyeraon (Orpbeum): Oil City, I’a.,

24-29: (Star) New Keusiiittton 31-S<‘pt. 5. Lloyd « Garrison (.Mary Audersou): (.uuisviile,

Ky., 24-29. Leonbardt, Al. (Grand): Sai'ramento, Cal., 31-

Hept. 6. Lawrence & Tamblyn (Savin Hock I'ark); New

Haven, Conn., July ti-Auit- 29.

Ta.. 24-29; (junction Park) New ItriKbton 31 Sept. 5.

Melville & IIlRftins (OrpbeiHii): S|M)kane. Wash., 24 29; (Orpbeum) Seattle .It) Si-jit. Tt.

Moore, Tom: Victoria, B. C., Can., 2-t 20; Ta¬ coma, Wash., 31-Sept. .^.

Middleton's, Minnie, Military Girls Quartette (Henderson's) Coney Island. N. Y.. 31 Sejit. 6.

McCav. Wlnsor (Music Hall): BrlRhton Beach, N. Y., 24 29.

MlldriHl, Little (Bijou): Calumet, Mich., 24- 29; (Bijou) llanciH-k 31-Sept.

Martinez A Martinez (Iilora Park); Younjts- town, O., 24 29; (('as»-sde Park) New Castle, Pa., 31 Sept. .'i.

Leigh, Miss Lisle, A Co. (Bennett's): .Montreal, I Martinettie A Sylvester (Orpheuiu): Salt I.ake Can., 31-8ept. 5.

I/)ve Waltz (Proctor's): Newark Sept. 0.

l.«Clair A West: S»‘a Isle Cltv

Newark, X. J., 31- Citv, Utah, 24*29; (Orpbeum) I><‘nver, Col., 31-Sept. 5.

Mack. Wilbur. A Co. (Colla«-uui): Seattle, Wash., 24'29.

Muller, Cbiiiiii A Muller (Keith's): Cleveland, O., 24 '29; (Shea's) Buffalo, N. Y., 31- Sept. 5.

Montague, Mona (Poiple's): Goldtield, N'ev.,


Our OfiBceslare now

Ixdjlair A Sampson (Urpheutii): Isis Angeles, O., 24'29; (Shea's) Buffs Cal., 24-Sept. 5. Sept. 5.

I..a8ky's Night On a Huus<‘ Boat (Orpbeum): Montague, Mona (Poiple's): Portland, Ore., 24-29; (Orpbeum) Seattle, 17, indef. Wash., 31-Sept. 5. Martyne. Eddy (Polbs'man's Circus): Allan

Lasky's Hoboes (Orpbeum); Miniieaiwlis. .Minn., tic City, X. J.. 24'29; (Baltimore Co. Fair) 24-29; (Orpbeum) St. Paul 31-Sept. ,’>. Timoniuui, Md., 31 S«‘pt. .3.

I.«Hky'8 Military Octet (Orpbeum): Oakland. Miaco A Hublado (State Fair); Des Moines, Cai., 17-29; (Orpbeum) Los Angeles 31- la.. 24'29. 8«‘pt. 12. Middleton. Gladys (Grand): Peru. Ind., 24

Ijisky's Pianophieuds (Oriibeum): Spokane, 29; Hock Island. Ill., 31-S«‘|it| 5. _

Main Offices NEW FILMS


Leanard A Phillips (Wonderland): Hillaboro, McGrath A Paige (K. It. Park): Greensburg, AAV VA Tex., 24*29. Pa.. 24 29; (Junction Park) New Brighton W|1|l’1fK |S|1| ||1

.«onard, Orace (Family): Butte, Mont., 29- 31 Sept. 5. I W WH HV I IV Sept- 5- Melville A IIlRgins (OrpheiHii): Sistkane. Wash., ^ __

.AMolnes, Musical (Bijou): Su|>erior. Wis., 24- *24 29; (Orpbeum) S<-altle .3(1 S<>|>t. > If C OAlBCalllMfl Moore, Tom: Victoria. B. C.. Can., 24 29; Ta- HBWF B HBWW

-yrlc Comedy Four (Academy): Washington, coma. Wash., 31 Sept. .3. ■ » W W na H ■ ■■ ■ ■««■ U. C., 24-in; Norfolk, Va., 31-Sept. .’i. Middleton's, Minnie, Military Girls Quartette a a a ww

..aBord A Uyeraon (Orpbeum): Oil City, I’a.. (Henderson's) Coney Island. X. Y.. 31 Set>t. b. OfIVIII l^fl flECED 34-29: (Star) New Keusiiigton 31-Sept. S. M(*Cay. Wlnsor (Music Hall): Brighton Beach, | |

Uoyd A Garrison (.Mary Anderson): (.ouisville, N. Y., 24-29. ” Ky., 24-29. Mildred. Little (Bijou): Calumet, Mich., 24 MAIAf ■ ABlfCI

Leonbardt. Al. (Grand); Saeramento, Cal., 31- 29; (Bijou) Hanctsk 31 Sept. .'>. ■■ 11 ■■ ■ H ■ Ml H W A Bept. 6. Martinez A Martinez. (Iilora Park); Youngs- Iw If ■* A If A I If!

Lawrence A Tamblyn (Savin Hock Park); New town, O.. 24 29; (Casi-sde Park) New Castle, Haven, Conn., July « Aug. 29. Pa., 31 Sept.

Leigh, Miss Lisle, A Co. (Bennett’s): .Montreal, Martinettie A Sylvester (Orpheuiu): Salt I.ake 11181 8 Wfliy Can., 31-Sept. 6. City. Utah, 24'29; (Orpbeum) I>i-nver, Col.,

I/>ve Waltz (Proctor's): Newark, X. J., 31- 31-Sept. 5. Bept. 0. Mack. Wilbur. A Co. (Colis<-uui); Seattle, mA# 88 8^

l.aClair A West: Si-a Isle City, N. J., 24- Wash.. 24‘29. WW AA IV m. M Bv 29. Muller, Cbiinii A Muller (Keith’s): Cleveland, w w * * ■ * ■ »

Ixdjlair A Sampson (Orpheuiu): Isis Angeles, O., 24'29; (Shea's) Buffalo, X. Y., 31- Cal., 24 Sept. 5. Sept. r>. Offgaa*«

(..asky's Night On a Housi- Boat (Orpbeum): Montague, Mona (Pi-ople's): Gobllield, Xev., WIIOIW aalw Portland, Ore., 24-29; (Orpbeum) S<>attle, 17, indef. • n . Wash., 31-Sept. 5. Martyne. Eddy (Pollis-man's Circus): Atlan I ilMrUOlnilC Toll/inff UinflirAf)

Lasky's Hoboes (Orpheuiu); Minneaiiolis. .Minn., tic City, X. J., 24'29; (Baltimore Co. Fair) I rflRIIIll | ll|l|l|H\ 24 29; (Orpbeum) St. Paul 31-Sept. Timoniuui, Md., 31 Si-pt. .3. IIIUIIVIWMW I aainiiig ■ iwiHi wwa

I.>asky'8 Military Octet (Orpbeum): Oakland. Miaco A Bublado (State Fair); Des Moines, . i • • • i Cai., 17-29; (Orpheuui) Los Angeles 31- la.. 24'29. AlKl lUSt jot it (lOWll 111 VOlir S«‘pt. 12. Middleton. Gladys (Grand): Peru. Ind., 24 i ,i . ,i • i

Ijisky’s Pianophieuds (Oriibeum): Spokane, 29; Hock Island. Ill., 3i-S«‘pt| 5. lllPlllOrN' tilllK, tllJll lllOVrC tllC l)CSt Wash., 24-‘29; (Orpbeum) Seattle 31-Sept. 5. Macl-arens, Five Musleal (G. O. H.): Whii-l- * V., ......I,

Lang, Karl: Wellsvllle, N. Y., 24 20; Galeton. Ing. W. Va.. si-Si'pt. .3. C\Pr. AO IlliK lllllC OF dliy OtllPr

Ithl’ca 3^5.^’ *''• Man^^l. lUanehe (Wonderland Park); Boston. niCCliailical (ICVU'O witll ini|)erfeCtionS

I-aBlancbe, Great (O. 11.): Fremont. O., 24-29. Malcolm, Emma A Peter (.\lrdome); Emporia. Kiif of cl(*vpr U’hrv LePage, Collls (G. O. H.): Heading, Pa.. 24 Kan., 24 29. Dill Ct)MI|)clIIIC> t»l I It \ t I ctt IIMN M HD

29 '‘“V'S, *= Hrlnkley (O. II ): Bayonne. X. J.. aCt, talk ailll IllaV tllO piCtlirt'S. Leslie, Mr. A .Mrs. 1,0010 (Bijou): Anderson, 24-29. * * ■

Ind., 24-29. McNish A Penfold (Shea's); Toronto. Ont.. rintijUjino Vllitl'n’ \o kfl'f'll Lincoln Military Four (Spring Bank Park); Ixin- 24-29. lllI,<l\I,D .•\tHlUl Ao .M L 1. 11

don. Can., 17 29. McCaslin. John T. (Herman's Park); Balti n 1 I.'L" I,''U L’V 4' I' U K T \V I-" I' V Iximbard Bros. (Airdome): El Paso, Tex., 24- more. Md., 24-‘29. Iz 1 I I 1j IV *3 Kj Ij Ij 1 »> I., L, .>

29. Mead, Will. A Dog (Wonderland Park): Bos SWANSON’S T-\LKI\C IMO- Lockau A Frank: North Beach. !„ I.. N. Y.. ton. Mass., 17'29. Vi Va- ».. .z,. . . w- ,(Pantage’s); si-attie. Wash.. 1L'RLSaiulSQLLAK\ MLCILAN- Lester A Miller (Keiths): Philadelphia, Pa., li-29. io»t » 11'I»11 lo ■"rii'i-'i-'x-

24-29. Melville A Stetson (Orpheuiu): S«-attle. Wash., ISM, .AS lllLivl'^ IS I jUj i \\ I'^hiN Mack, Ed. A Marie (White City Park): Chi- ’24-'29. . 4''IVI''L'' WIV \ 1 I I2V V21> \ IJ IJ IIW

cago. Ill., indef. Morton-Jewell Troupe (Hendersons): Coney Is A l\. .'X. v I / ;\ .‘\IvlV\I*». Manello-Marnitz Troupe: En route with Ring- land. X. Y., 24-29. 'I'lJ \’’r’C Vll'T I I'P?

ling Bros.’ Show. See Tent Show Routes. Motogirl. La. (Coliseum): london. Eng.. li lll.Vl O .vtfi .>11 V ll IwT lli .\

ind" M-yH)- * Orth (Grand): Fargo. X. D . 24 C{USU!ll lIHlUItA' Will Ml.\ US Up PlcjiS-

Manteli's Marionette Hlppoilrome (Luna Park): _ /411, v. i. t v-„ 4..„ ‘ uitlv—Prolitablv. Seattle, Wash., May 3(rSept. 30. (.Vlhambra): London, . .Vug - • 4,.. » v,.-,., ,4

Marcell A Lenett: En route with Gentry Bros.’ .iti, pi^iini.r Hfo. • •' LlIlP ()ll S\\ .A.N S( )N S PCF

Ma^:;oVrr irrre‘l‘;?h"Krng Bros.’ , feet Film Scmcp. IfYuiiNevcr

M^rU^o, ^orL^.”:* "^n’^ro^'inith the M. L. Mol!.‘nde'T KlICW Ls, KUOW Us NOW. If You’ve

Clark’s .Show. See Tent Show Routes ^ See’Tenf s’how Rmltes^”"**' ^ .Alrcailv’(i 111 '1 llP Heilpflt Wp

’ HrinK.Comc and Bask Some .More.

Leslie, Mr. A .Mrs. Eddie (Bijou): Anderson, Ind., 24-29.

Lincoln Military Four (Spring Bank Park); lx>n- don. Can., 17-29.

Ix>mbard Bros. (Airdome): El Paso, Tex., 24- 2*9.

Lockau A Frank: Xorth Beach, I.,. 1., N. Y., 24 29.

Lester A Miller (Keith's): Philadelphia, Pa.. 24 29.

Mack, Ed. A Marie (White City Park): Chi¬ cago. 111., indef.

Manello-Marnitz Troupe: En route with Ring- ling Bros.’ Show. See Tent Show Routes.

Mantell, Blanche (Wonderland Park): Boston, Mass., July 27, indef.

Mantell's Marionette Hippodrome (Luna Park): Seattle, Wash., May JO-Sept. 30.

Marcell A Lenett: En riHite with Gentry Bros.’ Xo. 2 Show. Siie Tent Show Routes.

Mardo Trio: En route with Rliigling Bros.’ Show. See Tent Show Routes.

Martino, Roy L.: En route with the M. L. Clark's Show. See Tent Show Routes.

Martyne, Dottle Francis; En route with W. R. .Markle’s Sunny South. See Miscellaneous Routes.

Mason A Bart: Moss A Stoll Tour, Eng.. May 4. Indef.

Martin A Brinkley ((). ID: Bayonne, X. J.. 24 29.

McNish A Penfold (Shea’s); Toronto. Ont.. 24-29.

McCaslin. John T. (Herman's Park): Balti more. Md., 24-‘29.

Morton-Jewell Troupe (Henderson’s): Coney Is A COCK AND A 11KN SI’AKUOW.

Motogi'rl.^L^’’(Coliseum): london. Eng.. 17 IH.AI S NOl .Mil II IS IW .A

M.?ne A Orth (Grand): Fargo. X. D . 24 ClUSUal ilKpiitA' will Mi.\ US Up PICJIS-

Xawn. Tom (.Vlhambra): London. Eng . Aiig I rolitablx .

Xelfwns. The; En route with Gollmar Bros' , (iPt.\ LiUP ()ll S\N .AN SON SI OF

Show. See Tent Show Routes. lOCt I'lllU Scn iCP. If 1 OU NCVCF Xewell A Shevett (Clreo Trevino): Monterey. ,, v'lvvi- ir-z' »

Mex.. Indef. Kiicw I s, Kiiow Ls NOW . If 1 OU ve

"'see’Tenf s’^ow Hmues'”"^^ Alrcadv Hu-ski’d 111 Tlip Heiipfit We Xoetzel Family: En riMite with Gentry Bros' Bnnir ComC and Uask SomC .MoFC.

No. 2 Show. S<-e Tent Show Routes. ir ii *, ■.,> -r- >■ i-v-s Notes. Musical; En route with the Kisenharth il 1 UU DUVCIl t, It S I imC Y OU Did.

Floating Palace. See Miscellaneous Routes.

Maion A Doran (Sheedy’s Pleasant St.i: Fall Im.'v "fr.”!! ’ River, Mass., April 6. Indef 24 29: lOrpheum) Salt Dke i Ity, 1 tah..

'■‘‘“if Night 'on a House Boat (Mar.pmm); P.irllard, Hagenbeck U allace Show. .see Tent Show ore.. '24'29; (Coliseum) S.-altIe, Wash.. 31 Routes. f -

May* Arnmlnta: En route with Campbell Bros.’ Emilv (Mannlon’s Park); St lotils. Mo..


Continues to lead all other Western Ex¬


We have doubled our orders for new Films at OGDEN.

Show. See Tent Show Routes. May, Grade. A Little Jack: En route with

Peojiles Stock Co. See Dramatic Routes. McCree-Davenport Troupe: En route with the

HagenlN'ck-Wallace Show. See Tent Show Roiit*‘s.

Mead. Will. A Dog Sparkle (Wonderland Park). Bos(on. Mass.. July ‘27. indef.

Merritt A I..ove (Pantage's): Seattle, Wash.. Indef.

Mlaeo. Ida: En route with the Hagenbeck- Wallace Show. See Tent Show Routes.

Mlles-Stavordale Quintet: Touring New Zeal¬ and and .Vustralla.

Mlllette. Up-SIde-Down: En route with Ring- ling Bros.’ Show. See Tent Show Routes.

Montague. .Mona (People'si: Goldfiehl. Xev.. Indef.

Moppiii. Hoop-rolling: En route with the Nor¬ ris A Rowe Show. S»‘e Tent Show Routes.

Moran A Wiser i Winter Garten): Berlin, Ger.. .Vug. 17-Sept. 30.

If you are near, write Morgan A .MeGarrv (Wallaek'si: .New York , ‘ , City. Aug. .3. Imlcf. for the best service that -'lorette sisters (people’s): Philadelphia. Pa..

24-26: (Park) Phiiadelpliia 27-29; Cliestnut can he obtained at that oni Park) phiiadeiiihia .‘ii-sept. r». Ctlll LC ODldlHCU dl llldl Murphy, .Mr. A .Mrs. .Mark; E. Setauket. X. Y..

point ' Indianapolis. Iml.. Sept.

McDowell. John A Alice (River Side Pier):

Motlograph, Power and ■Marnell, Dancing: Jacksonville. Fla.. 24 29: Key

Edison machines and all Marten 'Faiiiny (East End Park): Memphis. , .K, Tenn., 24-’29; (G. O. H.l IndianaiHilis, Ind.,

supplies for Moving Pic- •'* . , Morris, Leon. A t o.; \ anrouver. B. ( ., Can.,

ture shows comstantlv .17 22; Tacoma, Wash.. '24'29.

24 29; (Oak Summit Park) Evansville. Ind En route with 30-S«-pt, .3.

aatlc Routes. Noble A Brooks (Family): Butte. Mont.. 24 route with the 29.

See Tent Show Xiehols A Smith (Olympic Park'; Darlington. Wis., '23 ‘29; (County Fair) Watseka. Ill.,

e (Wonderland .'lO-Sept. ,3. ‘27, indef. Nemo, Carl (Fair): I.iieas. Kan., 24'29; (Falr( Seattle, Wash.. I.lnooln Center 31 Sept. 3.

O'Dole. Geo. A Althea; F.n route with Camp the Hagenbeck- Pros.’ Show. See Tent Show Routes,

ow Routes. Ollfans. Fhe Tl[ree; En route with the John (ring New Zeal- Roldnson Show. See Tent Show Rmites.

O’Neil A Wilson (Rossmore Garden): Far Roek onte with Ring- awa.v. L. L, N. V.. Indef. Show Routes. Orloff Troupe (Circa Trevino): Monterey. Mex.. Goldfield. .Xev.. Indef.

Oterlta (Central); Magdeburg. Ger.. Sept. 1- e with the Nor- I'lellini) Hanover Oct. 1-13. Show RniKes' O'Neil A Guilford (Niagara): Niagara Fall*,

arten): Berlin, Ji.sept •

160-162-164 Lakt Street.

Till Street, Cot. Pine,

204-5-6 Ka(bach Block.





supplies for Moving Pic¬ ture shows constantly on hand.

P. S.—We have no un¬ tried experiments to


20tli Gentury OptiscopeCo.

Voo. O'KalM- Family (Winter Garten); Berlin. Ger.. .New >ork

, ,, Orans. Four (Orpheum); San Francise.i. Cal . Iphiii. Pa.. so-Sept. 5.

( hestnut o’Hourke-Bnrdette Tron|«> (Park-: Rockford, Ill., 2,3-29.

ket' X. V.. O’Connell A Golden (Orpheum); Schenectady, Iml.. Sept. Y.. 17-29.

■ ... O’Xell A Wilson (Rossmore Gnrdenc Far •ide Her). Rockaway. N. Y., 17 29. o. .K. t- Orth A Fern (Myers’ Lake Park); Canton. O.. 24 29: Key 04.0^

. , Overlng Trio (Farm): Toledo. O . 21 29 Mcmpnis. i.„pi,p,.„ Triaipe; En route with KInglIng Bros.’

1H>1(H. imi.. Show. See Tent Show Routes. C ('sn Datt * Patt: En route with the John Robin¬

son Show. See Tent Show Routes.

WANTED QUICK For remalngler circus season, F. W. Hall's Wagon Shows.-- First-class Clrcu" Mnstelsiis. esiMH-ially Cornet. Clarinet. Tromlsme. Baritone. Ttil.a and Trap Drums: Perroniu-rs and Concert P(Hip|e ill all lines except riding. Ibsl and breakfast in hotels; hack traiis(sirtation; sure miini>y. but must be low: state all first letter and b«- ready to Join on wire. F. W II.VI.L, WestiMilnt, Nebraska.

At Liberty MAIVAsGER.

Vaudeville or Moving Picture House; nothing t(Hi large; refi-rencs-s exehangisl. BERT F. WEII.ER, 1911 t'oli-raln Avenue, Cincinnati, O

Marvin Bros. (G. O. ID: Boonville, Ind., 24 Phillips, Wendell (Wonderland Park):

Montague. Inez (Unlijue); Minneaiiolis. Minn.. Plamadon Indef. entieck

Mark Twain Kid (.Mannion's Park): St. Ixiuis. 1 •Mo., 24-29: (Park) Dubuque, la.. .30-Se|)t. 3. '

Maltese, Frank. A Co. (Wigwami; San Fran ,, , " ','.‘1 cisco. Cal.. 24-*29 * ’-■(

Mclntire A'Burtoir; Paris, Tex.. 24‘29. »»ow iKmles . • . -== Miley. Katbrvn (Bennett’s); .Montreal. Can . Potters The Peerless: En route with the Nor vV /\. I M 1

24 ‘29; (Bennett’s) Quebec 31-Sept. ,3. r!* * Row» Show. See Tent Show Routes. “

'■-.'S: viiis; 3j"r7'’T:;";";' T:' faracmte * I utrirk A: rranfiscfp: \N !m . J4 20- \i..„s i i • n.. ^ ««• Mllmar, (’has, &. nypHy l lIlppoilroiHf*): I„<*xlrn: Nfontlrollo Di ni-S<‘pt .*» MuhI Ih- in jcimhI ciPMlttlori and rhrap i.

ton, Ky.. 2429; (Coney Island) ('Inoliinad, Phillips A ! ang (Park): Philadelphia. Pa. 21 IKLF, .Manhattan Paik, S<slamsvllle. Cliielnnatl.

apnils. Ind,. indef. amadons. 'Hie Two: En route with the Hag-

PENNY ARC^. COMPIETE Lights, 3Viit. twenty live Mills ami 4'allle Ma chines; all in lirst class (simlltioii; plamsi with a

enbock Wallace Show. See Tent Show Routes, first class ('((riiival I'oiiipatiy for the season. Polick. The: En route with the Hagenbeck »>" ''ik> s It IteaMui for selling, can t hsn

Tent Show Uoiit4»i«. dl»* Haujp. AddrfMN W. K. UKIVKU. care Th^ polo. Ehly: Kn ronto with tho S<‘1Iia Kioto 1 HI.

Show Sof* Tont Show R<M!tCK. F*ottor« Tho P«»or]rMM: Kn ronto with thf* Nor-

r!?i A How« Show. Sr»o T*»nt Show Roiitwi. Price.^f Herbert (T'nlqne): Minneapolis, Minn.. BALLOON AND

'^Vo:idc^llo''^Dr.'^r-s..p^ oopdi..,

# O., 3(1 .--ept. ,3. McConnell A Simpson (Hathaway's): New Bed

ford. Mass., 24-‘29; (Hathaway's) Brookton

IlnTIQPnnP l■^1 Mason.'^^Mysterlous (National): Wilkes Barre.

Upil0UU|JC UUl .vinnlpeg, Man..

R. 6. BACHMAN, Pres. McBreen, Billy Irene (Lyric); Ft. Worth. Tex.. 24 29.

RQ nearhnril St - ChieSPO Macqnerla sisters. Three (Majestic): Miniie 03 UeiFRUrn Ol., unicagu 24 '29; Grand Forks, N. D., 31-

Shukert Bldg., Kantis Cityi Ho. .\n^hHi7‘i,oia Topsy, & co. (Eieetnc): dh

Eccles Bldg., - Ogden, Utah Mad Miller, Handenff King (F>lisonia): Hunts- ,, HI vllle. Ala., ‘24 '29; (Gem) Coliiinbla, Tenn., Havana, - - - - Cuba st sept. .3.

PiHlerson Bros. (Harlem Park): Rockford. ML, 23 29; (Fain Portage. Wis., S<-pt. I 3. WT A ^ V-

Pa^ler«)n.^Sani (Music Hall): Brighton Beaeh. B ^ B %

Po'ft BmsT A Co. (BIJouc .Saginaw. Mich.. 4 8 A Sept. 7 12. Kor the Bell and Brslev Big Shows—Boss Csn

PeHe et Dlan)ant (National); Havana. Cnba. vasman. Boas HoaDer aii<l Workingmen In all de • . .. „ liarinieiila; can ala<i place a few gcssl ground act- Pianophieuds ((oininbla); S|>oksne. Wash.. 24 snllable for wag..i) show. Win- as per n)i)t«

29; (Collsenn)) Seattle 31 S<‘i>t

Phillips. Edna. A Co. (Oriihenm); Sap Fran Topsy, A Co. (Electric): Dn elsco. Cal.. .31 S<'pt. 12.

>4‘29. Perry. Frank I.. (While City Park): ('l)leago. andeitff King (F>lisonia): Hunts- III.. 21*29. ‘24'29; (Gem) Coliiinbla, Tenn., Powers, the Ventriloquist; Grand Itspids. Mich.,

24 ‘29. Mozart. FrmI A Eva (Acme): Sacramento, Cal.. Parker.s The (Bljon); Grand Forks. X D 24

24 29; I National) San Fraiiclseo Sl-Siqit. ,3. '29. MoCrea, Frank, A Co. (Orplieiim): Minneapolis, I’eacemsker (Coliseum): Dmloii, Eng 31-

.Mlnii., 23 -29. •' Morse. Earl (Ides): Fond dii Dc, Wis., Aug. Perry A Elliott (Gaiety): Phllsdelphls. Pa.,

10 Sept. 3. Martin, Dave A Percif

City, 24 29; (Empire) •Murray .Sisters (Temple

17 ‘29. ercle (Dmlon): New 3’ork Phlllljis, Wendell (Wonderland Park): idre) Si heneetsdy .31 Sept. .3. spoils. Ind., 24‘29.

If S.\.M ICOSI-:NIIIjO<>XI, who former¬ ly coniliicti’ii il movltiK picture thi-iitre ill Ml. V’ernon, (J.. will .Hctid hlH pres¬ ent aililres.s to this mlilress he will hoiir of sotnelhinK to hl.s nitviintoKe. A<l(lres.s I'’. care Tlie lUllltotirtl.

Secretaries of Fairs (In the South), KENNEDY’S WILD WEST has iqa-n lime after Sept. 18, ami csn Is- engaged as a|MTlil feature for a few Soiilhern Fairs, either as a fri-e attrartlon or as a pay show. If your fair la not good enough to

Murray *Sist era (Temple): ibdrolt, Mich., 24-I Purvis, James (Coiiilqiie): Buffalo, N. Y..24- 1 ■ small guarantee, don’t write; we want 29; (G. O. ID Indlanajiolls. Ind., 31 Sept. ,3. 29. f-Tr! ‘’o’''. i o"'.’

Military Octet (Orpheum): Oakland, Cal., 17-I Qnald. Acton A Slioemachcr (Floral a I’srk): | • ■ ”"• •'J-- l<<’Pt. 1-3; I olumbla, Tenn., Sept '29; (On'heura) I>oa Angeles .31 Srpt. 12. Bsltluiore. Md.. May 11. Indef. H

august 29, 1908. Ttie Billboard 33




Another Headliner lERTEh^BER 1, 1008-


New York, N. Y. Chicago, 111. Birmingham, Ala.

Q\ilncT. IIIkI< IMrrr: En roatr with Smith <!rfat<T Show,. S«*r .Midway Routrs.

RoltH-r',. Kranz. Original Fourteen Tyroloana (Wblt<-tl*b Rayi; Mllwaiikrr. Wla., June 'J<>- .ViiK. Si.

Kaxtii, Ic Bank, (Ermitacp): Moaron. Kiia- •la. Alik. IT'Srpt. 19.

Kav. J. J. traTlIionl: Shpboykio, Wl,.. July 1.".. Inilef.

Itay’a Marlonettpa. Wray (Wooderlan.l rarkt; Inillanapolla. Ind.. May ISSept. Id.

Rejnard. I>.: Kn rout, with .\l. F Whto l- er'. New Moilel Show. S--»‘ Tent Show Route*.

Klee & Cad.r: Kn route with lllp. Illp. Iloo. ra.r. See Miialral Route.

Rlehanlwin. Lavender. & I'o. (KIrhardaim Farm I- North Carver. Ma«* . Indef.

Rl|'|>el. Cha*. A Rotiert Kn nmte with the Ripliel Show. Se»> Tent Show Route*.

Ulppel. Jack: Kn rotite with the Matinee (Jlrl Co.: See .Mualral Route*.

Rotw-rt*. Shorty: Kn route with Camphell Bro*.’ Show. See Tent Show Route*.

Rooney A Glranl i Kor»-et Caainoi: Riwky I’olnt. It. I.. July •JT-.Sept. .N.

Uottach. R.iy (Alrdomei: Grand Rapid*. Mich.. Indef.

Ilii«*ell. tVNelll A Gro.* Kn rmite with th* Matinee Girl Co S.-e Mu*k-al Route*.

Kii»*eir*. Banllne. l.eo|>*rd* ltlap|>yland Park). South Beach. N. Y.. July l!>S«-pt. 10.

Itiivane. M C iL,\rl,' Park I: Joiilln. Mo.. In¬ def.

Kiddw.n A Partlou i .\lrdoni**i; J'dmwin t'llT, Teiiii.. 04-.n

Rl^ A Elmer iXlaJe.tlci: Ik-. Molne*. la.. Ulrpheuiiii SI. Paul. Mlmi.. .hk

Ik'id. .1. Reilly. J.diiiiile IG, I) II.»; Morkanlowii. \V.

'a.. -Jl'.n Rainbow: SiHter*. The < lll|>|NHln>ine); llunt-

Inaioii. \v Va.. •J9.

RoKer* .V .Sanford. W. Philadelphia. Pa.. ■-’I-

'KelilCal: ClevelniHl. I> . kM Jl*; Ihelfh,, Rrlichton Bea.-h. N Y.. 31 S«'pt. .Y.

.V.'! .* Il»rper <l.ake*lde Park!: Ihiyton. ^ ^-J irolllnM* roliimbn** 31* i

R'’hil.|.,*i 1 ItHltmhtlii I'nrkt: rolnmhn«.

Nii|.fin.N*« (KHlirPt; rirvi'Uml. O. • I ,»

R ■b.r Han iCarnIval Parki; Kaima* City. Kan . Parki liiibmim-. la.. ItO-

h.Tii. ^Allekheny. Pa . SI •.H. s.'lll'''"-' : Clne^nnall. O. ;Ul-

Rli hard*. Lila iCeleron Parki: Jamealnwn. X. •'•'■'‘I Yontik*lown. !».. .31-

ItiMl, Mill A Maude Eiilton 1 llanimer*leln'al: s-» York City. 04-JH.

Ihonanotr,. The (Valley I: Syraeiiw. N Y.,

J,'"" 'l‘«-aehw.*>,| Parki: Mayayllle. Ky., City Park!: Chlraco. III.. .^1-

'' yv"'IM*Jc*tlc): Milwaukee.

''eaz.V''lll""’M-iv” ■ * ‘ " •■'''•

Ree-d A Earl (Godfrey'* Park): Grand Rapids. .Mich.. *.’4 J9. '

ItusKeU. Th<‘ Great Aerial illerman’* Park):: Baltimore. Md.. -JAGS); (Fair) Tamonia 31- ' Si'pt. .'1.

Rio. Adolph iCreat Pier): Wildwood. Pa.. 24-' 29.

RIano*. Four (Or|>heum): Oakland. Cal.. 16- 29: (Onibeiiml Ia>* Angeles Sl-Se'pt. 12.

Roimnl,. The (Co. Fain: Marshfield. Wl*.. 29- 31; ((-o. Fain YVatm-ka. 111., Sept. 1-4.

Ritter A Foster: Ipswich. Eng., 31'Sept. 5; . ((JiMs-n's) IjriMlon T-12; llolborn. London 14- 19; Woolwich. Ixmdon 21-26.

Ryan A White (Caxcade Park): New Castle. P*.. 24 29: (Rock S(irinK8 Park) E. Liver- land. O.. .31S«-iit. 5.

RoHaire*. The (Ramona Park): Grand Raphls. Mich.. 24 29; (Park) Kankekee. Ill.. 31- S.«|>t.

Roirer* A Earle: Scottsvllle, N. Y.. 24-2«; Caleiloiiia 27 '29; leRoy 30-Sept. 2; Fillmore 3-.-..

RavniomI, Ruby. A Co. (Trent): Trenton. N. J., 24 29.

Rlc«‘. Nancy: ('anihrldke. O.. 24 29. Richard*. Gieat (lllpinxlrome): (Jueen City, N.

J.. 24 29. Rosttino A Steven* (AIrdome): Alton, III., 31-

S)“pt. .3. Rok<s*, Leon (Keith’s): Philadelphia, Pa., 24-

•29. Rolfe'a Fun In .k Boanllng Ilouae (Kelih’,):

Philadelphia. Pa.. 24'29. Saetlel. C. J.: En route with .\I. G. Field’*

Mln*trel*. See Mln*trel Route*.

Samson. Doc: En route with John YY’ Y’ogel’* Minstrel*. See Minstrel Route*.

San. O’llana (Olvmpla); Pari*. France. Sept. I 30.

Saasarlas, The: En route with the Sells-FIoto Show. See Tent Show Route*.

S«under*on’» Marionette Co. ) YY’onderlaml Park): Revere Maa* . .Yug. tOSept. 20.

Savoys, The- En route with the Sell* Floto Show. Sv-e Tent Show Route*.

Scott. EdouanI (People’s): San Francisco, Cal.. Aug 17. Indef

Shedman’a Do** (Training (Juarters): Dumont. X. J., Indef

Slegriat Neapolitan*. The: En route with the Sella Floto Show. Se,' Tent Show Route*.

Smith A .Ytlam*- Fn route with Smith Bros.’ Show. See T>nt Show Route*.

Smith*. Gieat .\erlal (Circus B)(*h): Berlin, Ger., Set.l. 10ct. I.Y.

Snowden. Marie- Omaha, Neb.. Indef. Spellman, Percy A Mayme (Maji^tlo): Charles¬

ton. .S, C.. .kuc. 3. Indef. Spencer. YValler En route with People* Stock

Co. See Dramatic Route*. Stailhdu Trio: En nuite with Hell A Braley’s

Consolidate,! Sliowa. See Tent Show Roiite*.

Steiner Trio- Kn route with Gentry Bro*,’ No. I Show See T)-nt Show Route*.

Stellln* .% Revell: Mo*» A Stoll Tour. Eng¬ land. .Ynrll 6 S,-pt. .">0.

Sterling Bri»v En route with the John Rob¬ inson Show. S)*- TY'nt Show Route*.

Stewart. Come,ly (Princesa): Cambridge, O., Imlef.

St. Elmo. Leo (MaJo«tle): St. Paul, Minn.. 24- 29; (Graml Family): Fargo. N. D.. 31-


Stewart, Will J. (Scarboro Reach Park): To¬ ronto, Ont.. Can.. Indef.

Stuart. Kolllns A Carmen Slater* (Crystal): Denver. CoL. Aug. 17 Sept. 19.

Sutton. Larr.v (Gem): Mlnneapoil*. Minn., Aug. 2. Indef.

Swain A Powers: En route with Bnffalo Bill’* Wild West. S,'e Tent Show Routes.

Sylow. 11.: En route with the Bamum A Bailey Show. S,>e Tent Show Routes.

Schmidt. Herr, A Co.. (Luna Park): Scranton. Pa.. 24 29.

Shannon. Four (Coliseum): Danville, III.. 24- 29.

Spellman. Percy A Mayme (AIrdome): Jack¬ sonville. Fla., 24-29.

Shale A Cole (Electric Park): Kansas City. -Ylo.. .30-Sept. !i.

Soheftel*. Male (YTashIngton): .Spokane. Wash.. ’23’29; (Star) Seattle .30 Sept. B.

Smith. Cecil (Bljon): Anadarko. Okla., 17- Seiit. 12.

Simon Trio (.kinlome): Alton. III.. 23-29; (Grand) .Ylarlon. Ind.. .30 !^t. .3.

Sheet*. Billy (Shady I-ake Park): Peekskill. N. Y., ’24 ’29.

Stafford. Frank. A .Marie Stone (Celeron Park): Jamestown. N. Y.. 24 29: (O. O. H.) Syracuse 31 S,>pt. 5.

Stanley, Mr. A Mr*. I-ew: Cincinnati. O., In- <lef.

Shrewsbury Sister* (Grand .kirdome): Am¬ arillo. ’Tex.. 16-’29.

Sanford, YValter, A Co. (Majestic): St. Paul. Minn.. 31 Sept. 5.

Sully A Ph,dp»; Merrill. Wl*.. 24’29. Swan. Olive: Bangor. Me.. 23-29.

Swain A Ostman (Pain*’ Fire Show): Slonz City, la.. 24-29: (Pain's Fire Show) IJncoln. Neb.. 31-Sent. 5.

Smith. Beatrice: Blnefield. W. Y’a.. 24-29.

Sinclair. Mabel (Orpheum): Bntte. Mont., 30- Sept. .3.

Simms. YVIIIard. A Co. (Bennett’s); Montreal, ('an.. ’24-29: (Bennett’s) Ottawa. Out.. 31- S«'pf. .3.

Sanford A Darlington (W. P. R. R. Park): Mc- K<e*|H»rt. Pa.. ’24-29.

Salmo. Jtina (B,dl): Oakland, Cal.. 24-29; tWigwam) San Francisce 31-Sept. .3.

Stllson*. The (Fair); Hazleton. Pa.. 24-29.

Symond*. Jack (Suburban Park); Baltimore, Md., 24 ’29; (Lnna Park) Washington, D. C.. 31 S,-pt. 5.

Stelnert■'Thomas Trio (Pavilion Beach): Kev port. N. J.. 24 29.

Splller*. Five Musical (Mtulc Hall): Brighton Beach. N. Y.. ’24 29.

Sear*. Gladys (Fall* Park): Quebec. Can.. 24 29.

Sntcllff Tronpe. The; Rmssels, Belgium. 17- Sept. .3: Antwerp 7-19.

Samnel* A Chester (Family): Pittsburg. Pa.. ’24 29

Seymour A We*tor (Hathaway’s); I.oweR. Mas*.. 3l-Sept. 5.

Sanderson’* Marionette Co. (Wonderland Parke Revere, XIa**.. 17-’29.

Sherman, Sadie (Orphenm): Seattle. Wa*h.. 24 29.

Speara. Bert (Bljon): Westerly, K. L, 24-29. Stelling A Revell (Palace): Darlington. Eng..

31-Sept. 3; (Empire) Snnderlan,! 7-12; (Grand) Oldham 14-19.

Stem. Sam (Trent): Trenton. N. J.. 24 29.

Svlngali (Empire): Gram! Fork*. N. D.. 24- 29.

Seymour. O. G. (Fontaine Ferry Parke I.oni* vllle. Ky.. 24-29.

Snyder, Ella. A Cadets (Kellh’se I’blladel phla. Pa.. 24-29.

Tasmanivn-Y'an Dieman Troupe; En route with the Hagenlieek-Wallace Show. See Tent Show Route*.

Thomas. Toby; En route with the Sells-Floto Show. See Tent Show Route*.

Thompson Sisters (Family); Davenport. la.. Indef.

Town*. G. Elwood (Keith’s): Provlilence, R, I.. Indef.

Tremain*. .Xlusical (Edison); HoMreilge. Neb.. July 20. indef.

Tniehart A Burke (Flood’s Park): Baltimore. Xld.. Xla.v 11. Indef.

Ty-Bell Sisters: En route with the Sells-Floto Show. Se<‘ Tent Show Route*.

Thurston A Grey (Howard): Boston. .Mss*., 24

Tekram, XIagteiaii (O. H.): Inillanapolis. Ind..

Ten Dark Knights (Xlajestlc): Dea Moines. Is.. 23 ’29.

Trainer A Dale IPaulage’s): Bellingham. Wash.. 24-29; (Pautage's) Portlan,!. Ore., :;i-Se|it.

Townsend. Charlotte. A Co. )l'pmple): Detroit. •Mleh.. ’24 29; (Shea’s) Buffalo. N. Y.. ;n Sept. 5.

Terry A iJimbert (Pavilli.n); London. Eng.. lO Sept. .3; Hackney 7-12; Hollnwav 14-19; New Cross 21-26.

Tarlton A Tarlton (O. ID: St. John. Kan.. 24-29: (O. H.) Clay Center ;{1-S,*pt. .3.

Tompkins. YVm. (Orpheum): Los .kngeles. Cal.. 31 Sept. .Y.

Tennis Trio. The (Orpheum): Oaklaiul, Cal.. 23 Sept. .3.

Trolley Car Trio (Barrison): Waukegan. III.. 23-29.

Teed A Lazell (Majestic): Paris. Ky.. 24 29. The Quartette (G. O. H.): Wheeling. W. Va , ’24 29.

Thomas. (K-orgla (Famlly'i: Carbnndala, Pa.. 24 29.

Towns. G. Elwood (Keith’s): I’rovldell**, R. L. 17 29.

Truehart A Burke (Flood’s Park); Raltintnre. Xld., 24 29.

Tyroleans, Fourteen (White Fl*h B.av)- ”1 waukee, Wls.. l()-.30.

I’rma Slaters: En route with the Ilanuui .k- Bailey Show. See Tent Shi>w R<aite».

\'*»ro (XVInter Garten): Berlin. Ger. .kng IT Oct. 17.

Y’Ictor. Ida Mae (Maleatio: Evansville, Ind., Indef.

Vlctorlne. Mervyn; Kn route with Bell A Bra- ley’s Consoll(lated Shows. See Tent Show Routes.

Vardaman (Bijou): Kenosha. Wls.. 24 29. Y’ynos. The (Shnbert): Utlea, .N. Y.. .31-

Sept. .3. Vardelles. The (Renova): Renova. Pa.. 24

’29. Valdare Troupe. Bessie (Sh«'a’*): Toronto,

Ont.. 24 29; (Temple) Detroit. Xllch.. 30- Sept. .3.

Valenteenea. Three (Flying (Fair): Boston, O.. ’24-29: (State Fair) Columbus 31 Sept. .3.

Verne A Verne (Electric Park): Waterloo. la.. ’23 ’29.

(Continued or pnge 341)


AUGUST 29, 1908.


Nickel plated Steel Ball Bearing Club Skates with Fibre, Steel Combination, Aluminum or Boxwood Rollers.

_i Henley Racing Skates With Aluminum or Boxwood Wheel* used

” by all skater*.

E*olo Goods and Outfits.

>QKbXi WaOPSm Send for Catalos and 12c tor Offlolal Polo Guide.

H. C. HENLEY, Richmond, Ind. PROF. A. P. DEMERS

KDdorBDd by ALL the LEADING KINK MAN- AUKKS KB the biin|eBt hetMll.iie ait which his ever p dyed their rinko TheditUt WHO plby* returo enmMteme&U coDtinanlly Pdrh kbA hiDk MbUbaerv who w*nt bh BliBolatel> high- clbdB Btinu'tion, write Bt once for open tloiB. AdiireBB, iyilombud Avenoe. Boatoea, Mbbb.


RECKLESS RECKLAW Eocentrio Senxationxl Cyoliit.

Sr* Mr Orlxlnxl Kaev FAiraiE LE30HT.

Tbat Beal Skatlog Girl. AttrxctloD fully yuarxntiM^. Addrraa RBCKLAW A CO., ar* of Billboard, 1440 Broadway, N. X. C.

Wc Manufacture everything ww^ xwmumBuxu^BUA^ A RINK OPERATOR


Write for Catalog. You’ll find the best for the least





Addrraa Tba Billboard, 1440 Broad way, Raw York City,

EL REY SISTERS GREATEST JUVENILE GIRL SKATERS The most beaatiful little iBdiee before the AmericBD public todBy. in Bn unBUtpaibieJ. up- to-dBte. finUbed BCt. ProtegeB of fdsrle K**v nolda: that's Bli. Address. M L WILdON. iOl West52ad Street, New York Caty.


Walta, Two-aUp, Jig aad Oaka Walk. Daa- clag, btUt and To* SkatUc. lAlUaa Sar- poDtloa Dane*. Add. JOKH W. LAWUCB. 6S0 OarroUtea Ava,, Baw Orlaaaa, La.

Master FLOYD E. RILEY The Scientific Skater of America A finished

^ ^ lover* of high ciasa

Feats of Skill Performance cloaes with a one- mile rat'e against any person in th** rink. Ad- drest. 112 Lincoln Street. Akron. Ohio.

RENOWNED STERLINGS J«T*Dll* Boy Acrobatic. Faacy aad Trick Skatlay, latrodocbta tlialr Topaioaat aad “Blvctrlc Whirl," ^Ita and Spread "-y*— and oUtar Skating Noraltlaa. Addroaa



Iloat Calqu* Act •wn a**n on a rink Boat. Tb* only Elrctrical Skating Act In Ota country. Cnder tb* maaagauirnl of G*«rg* B. BUbop. ARCADE ROLLER RJXl, Tranwn. H. J.

JOHN F. DAVIDSON Of tb* famou* DarldaoB Family of Skator*. In hla Wondorfnl Sxklbltlon of Trick and Acrobatic Skating. Mlgb and Broad Jump Ing and Spord Skating. A Sonsatlon Act from Start to Flnlab. AddnM* Tb* Bill¬ board, 1444 Bro^wny, Vow York City.


Graceful and Fancy Trick Skater

Aa Up-to-d*t* Attraction. Pwxianrot ad dioaa. mss MAY DoHAVCOVRT, 406 San Jacinto 8tr*at, AnsUn, Ttxna.

BERTHA DOUD MACK Original Anna Held Dancing Girt oa Batl- am, Sroaon ISOS 1007. Now ytoylng rlaka. Addrro* klrtropolltan Blub. lUM Broad¬ way, Vow York City. A Big Ult. Doa’t mma It.


Add^-o SM7 X Mtb St., Oloroland, Ohio, la hW \IarTaloiut Fancy and Trick Skatlug Exbliex. u. cunclndlng each night with a Bac* Agkinat Any Man In tb* Rink.

Suporior Attraotion— —Ball aad Aot


Exhibition Inclodo* Famous ('aka WaU. Addrroo tl Foderal St., ProTidsao*. R. X,, or Billboard, 1440 Broadway, V. Y. 0.


Amorioa'a Oalobilbd Rallar Skatar*. Tb* act tbat play, ratnrn ongagniirDta -oatlnnaliy. '‘Enough said.” Addrraa CHAS. E FRAVSB. Ml Walls Stioat, oar* R. B. Bkato 0*., Oblcaga, HI.

DinuADncniii oniicD nlunAnUoUri nULLtn cAAlLa r:., _ _ ___ _ iiijf t> tl.e rink buHineas. Write

”Tlie Good Kind.” for tatal..vue.


All the Stars of the Skating World ARE VEMBERS OF THIS OROAVIZATIOH.

Professional Roller Skaters* .Association.

Organized to girr Greatar Prominano* te Bona Fid* Profetaional Skaters—thoa* wba baa* a flmahed act to offer to Managar* Seeking Eablbitloa Bkatara—and to Promoto Rallar Bknting in genernl.

Addroa* Sacratary Earls Rayneldt, 1440 Broadway, oar* The Billboard.



Construction A neat little booklet con¬




--WANTED For Tenth Annual


All kinds of Shows and Oonceasions, also Free Acts. This year greater than ever. Good money in sight. Addreaa, stating everything first UtUr, to


W A N X E D-W A X E D For one, three and six night stands, good Repertoire Companies and Musi^l

Comedies. New theatre ob ground floor Theatre open all year Heating capacity 600. Population of town, 7,000. For open dates, write LYCEUM IHEATRK, W. M. Hardwick, Mgr., Dalton, Ga.


ORGANS For Hkating Rinks, Hhows, Darce Halls, Merry-go RouiuIh. Largest and fiii*'4>t in the world. Matin in Fans by

GAVIOLI & CO. New York Office, 31 Bond Street. I.Atent American Songs ma<le to order.

NOTICE TO MANAGERS! The Flrat National Oix-ra IIduim- of MiinoiiKalK'la. I‘a. 1. h.-liig thorouglily ri-iiin<l<>l<-<1 end refiirnUhttl and under new nianagenicut, will «|M>n tin- lu-amin l.',. uais. GimnI iijM-n lime for g<«<«l com paiilea. G.kk1 Hep. .howa waiil.-d. Work la k<kmI in tlila WTlInn and g-aal pmajM-rta for work all winter. If coming tbia way, write ua. .Managera lioldlng l■<>llt^•(•la witb old management will 1>* prntvcted. ZIMHER BROTHERS, Vxnagert.


PRYOR MFC. CO. 25 Sliuth Jefferson Street SOLE MAKERS CHICAGO. ILL., U. S A.


The Fuaaleat Act aver prodocad In any Rink. A laogb avary aecoM. Addreaa 0. L. TOLLE8, Managar, F, 0. Bax 444, Bridgapert, Oonn.

EDWARD W. BASSETT Amarioa’a Oraataat Fignr* la* Skatar.

Skating on raal Ic* an tbe atage. Now playing tbe Ealtb A Proctor Circuit. Add Billboard. 1440 Broadway, New York Clt*

MISS GRACIE AYER Age 12. Tbe Juvenile Wonder of tbe High hollera. Introducing a novel y In akating on high roller akatee. iu atiditlon to an artistic exhibition on rtgu'ar skate*. Add. O. L. AYkR. 71.2 Well 8t.. Chicago 111.

H. A. sbmONS' ScientlSc, ArtisUc, t'omady, Stllta aad

Giant Swing. A Skatar Tbat Always Uaksa Oaad.

I have Dot tbe xpac* bar* to give you a da- tallad aeraimi of ray many aiiedalttaa. Writ* m* at unc* for a d*e<-rI|iitT* clrmlar aad plctorea, 7H Broad Ht., New York City-











august 29, 1908. X ti e D I 11 l> o a r d 35




;il Kollcr Sksllnif fnlhuiiUBH will welcome tti.- in-nM tbat a new, roiiinKMiluua and up tiedate rink iMM-ned on Saturday, AuRiiat 15, on ll„. will, of the Monuiuental Howling Alleya, • lilc'h (ilai'e haa iinilergone extenalre alteratiuna f.a- tlie new rink.

llailtiK a larger watlng and akatlng capacity than any rink In the South, with one of the Biie-t maple tloorlnga; the management will hare a full eompleinent of akilled Inafructora to look after the eoinforta of the four hundred akatem that ean oeeiipy the door at one time, and, having weureil the a«'rvlcea of a prominent local ' ufle-tra. which will render the latent popular Dina.'- the enterprlae promlaea to be another aueee— that will be rvTorded to the credit of the pliieky iironiotera. Meanra. Sapp and Danner, whoae re|>utatiou an protlncera of the bent In the aninaeiiient line ban long been eatabllahed.

I.enling nkatorlal artintn of National celebrity, have ll•■en hooketl for exhibition In fancy, grace¬ ful. hnrIeHi(ue and np«‘ed nkating. and ao popular In the enterprlae with Haltimoreana, that the ba-matlon of |m>1o teama haa begun and requeata for ilati'H of appearancea have reached the man- agern.

An no other pant-time afforda auch pleaaurable fi-aturen to the old and young alike, and an akatlng in to-day recognlxed an one of the moat healthful of a|H>rta, theae facta, coupled with the knowledge that the management will main¬ tain the high moral tone which haa characterlaed all of their aniunement venturen. the popularity of ... Monumental Skating Rink la prac- tirallv annnred.

A grand manh In to be the feature on the opening ilny and an the nkaten will be free that day a large gathering la expected, there being BO adminn.on charge<l at any time.

An thin rink fliln a long needed demand for a pdler nkating rink, nitiiated near the center of the city, the venture nhould prove a profitable one for the management and a boon to the puhlic.

The Haltimore Flyer Roller Skate, a Baltimore ppaluct. ban been adopted for exclualve nae In the rink, after a niont careful, critical and thorough Inventlgatlou of the merltn of all other akatea on the market. It Itelng found to be the beat nkate made for rink and profeaaional akatera.

The management haa aecuped the aervlcea of a former Journaliat. Mr. J. McCluaky. aa their pre«a agent, who la mapping out an extenalve campaign f<'r Im'al advertlalng, it being bla am¬ bition to make the new Monumental Skating Rink the moat pofuilar pleaaure palace In Bal¬ timore.



Manager Harmon, of the Beautiful Rivervlew Rink. entertalniM Mr. L. M. RIchardaon. Honor¬ ary I’n-aident Allan I. Blanchard, and Mr. and Mra. Farle Reynolda. at-hU beautiful park laat week. Mr. I.. M. RIchardaon. Allan I. Blanc¬ hard. Mr. and Mra. Karle Reynolda, ami Man¬ ager Harmon, watched the little jnvenlle Oracle A.ier go thMugh her routine of pretty flgnrea which her father haa arrange<l for her. After b,'r exhddtton, the committee advlaevl that her application for memberablp to the Profeaslnnal Exhibition Roller Skatera' Aaaociatlon be acteil ot"in moat favorably. Little Mlaa Ayer will tour the rinka the coming aeaaon and will be acciHiipanled by her mother. They will open the aeaaon early In September.

+ Manager .Alfreil Painter, of the New River-

view Kink. Milwaukee, will have ready within a very abort time, the moat beautiful rink In America. He baa equlppeil hla magnldcent palace with 2,0tat palra *>f RIchardaon Ball¬ hearing Skatea and will have the rink beate<l anil will cater to winter buaineaa. Manager Painter will play Profeaaional Roller Skatera* Aaaiiclatlon attractlona the coming aeaaon. week atainla. .Manager Painter la not only a aucceaa- fnl rink manager but a giaal abowman and a miet aiieeeaaful a»*aaon la looked for In the rink hiialtieaa In Mllwaiiki-e.

+ AtMMit ninety live (w-r o-nt of the man-

•giT« i.f rinka throiightnit the Weal have writ¬ ten me eiHiipl|ii„.|,tary lettera ami urging me to try aiiil r i| the akatlng Intereata of detrimental dead wihh) liiiptmtiu'a and t'oxy army ppofea- WiHial- who have Iwen traveling throughout the we«t prlneipiilly th«* paat aeaaon. I am alao pleav d to kie w that the rink nianagera who are Ini.-ri |n akatlng not only from a finan¬ cial aia,id|Milnt. toil fi>r the aport of the game,

..i-raie with me in trying to keep roller "in n the high moral and athletic plane

It de«,rvea ln the category of .American paa-

' i,u' * '' ■** *''* quite aure with lour aaalsianee rolb'r akatlng will be Juat •" l» i"tl»r niiil Iw Juat aa gcavd a buaineaa pro- l"wlll"n I.-II jeara from now aa It la today.

[’'"'t light agalnat the detrimental aiibjecta la,-It llniea try to force their prea«-nce all 1!" lly kiwping theae elementa out win ’*'•* *yll' continue to have the go<al "111 of the ,,r, a». public and all Intereated.

gxgeni li«l Reyih.l.l

Ib.h.r.ry ITealdent Allan I. RIanchanl. of •• Me-i.rii Skating Aaaociatlon, entertalnevl

xii.l Mra Karle Reynolda during their en- ” t the Olympic Theatre, Chicago,

with many auto ridea. Secretary nan,. ,, . '"'"■|'t'l»*''l to aee the beautiful It 1. * •"'*** •^Ity within Ita bonlera. ci» > ' .yeara aince he lived In Chl-

g' vii.| lb,, rveeidlon he waa aeconlml, both ,tre and among hla old frienda haa

o. •" extent that there la old ••Shy" aa It waa calleil yeara

it th, Imi.c

no p|. •g"

Ain.V* *' "•x''t"<’n. manager of the Chrlatopher tima o"'*' *’"• P'»T I*- B- B. attrac- baa . a coming aeaaon. Manager Pavldann

» h<''atlfu| little rink wjth 1,000 capacity

and will be able to iday all the beat acta. He will o|M-n alumt the nfteeiitb of September.


Mra. LaSalle, of the team of the Great La- Sallea, haa aecureil a poaltiou at Foreat Park, Chicago, aa a wet uunu-. The team waa drop|>ed from the AaaiK'latloii laat winter upon aerloua ebargea ta*lng preferred. Mra. l..aSalle waa left In deatitute clrcuuiatancea In Chicago aome montha ago and a collection waa taken up to care for her by the gooil ja-ople at Manager Harmon'a Rivervlew Park Rink. The buaband haa gone back to bla father'a home In Richmond, Va.. and unleaa the father of great LaSalle, whom I have been Informed are In good clrcum- atancea, makea aome effort to care for tbia girl wife and baby, I will be compelled to exploit the aaddeat atory that baa been forced Into the roller akatlng paatime In yeara, in the Richmond (Va.) daily newapapera.

+ A communication from Loa Angelea, Cal.,

wlabea to know the whereabouta of Prof. Cbaa. Tyler. It would be a good Idea for Cbaa. to write to the beloved onea at home.

+ Manager W. C. Hunter, who waa formerly

manager of the Metrxipolltao Rink. New York, when It waa Brat opened, haa been out of the rink buaineaa for aome time. Mr. Hunter baa returned to bla former buaineaa, that of a con¬ tractor and builder. Mr. Hunter, Mark Manuae, Harry Ryan, floor nianagera at MadUon Siiuare Garden. John Magm-r and Secretary Reynolda. enjoyiil a real goml laugh when they aaw the cani announcing .Mr. Hunter aa vice-preaident of a rink aaaociatlon.


Manager Harmon and Chairman Fitxgerald, of the racing board, are at odda over aome race rullnga at the Rivervlew Rink aome time ago. The matter will be called before the board In the near future and there la no queatlon but what the matter will be aettled all O. K., and aatlafactory, both to the management and the W. S. A.

♦ Mr. Al. Flath callevl at The Billboard oflice,

Chicago, laat week, juat before going on a flah- ing trip. He Informed the repreaentative that William Robinaon. the crack Chicago amateur. Would not rare any during the aummer and would not enter any of the racea until fall. Rotilnaon haa been the atar amateur racer throughout the Weat for aome time.

4» Mlaa Conatance Skinner. Cbicago’a foremoat

dramatic critic, commenting on the Olympic bill laat week, apoke of the akatlng headline act of Reynolda and Donegan, In the higbeat terma, devoting much apace and a cartoon of Nellie IbHiegan. abowing her In one of her graceful (Hwea In toe dancing. The act proved aa nanal to be a great drawing card and waa appreciated by the audience by unlimited applauae. The team waa called before the curtain time and again the chwing night ao prolonged waa the atiwm of applauae of the appreciation of the art- lata.

♦ The committee on admiaalona met in New

York laat week and notltled Secretary Reynolda that two membera bad been dropped from the ranka. While two new acta were accepted. There are alao a number of other acta which wlah admiaalon. wboee appllcalloaa have been recrlvml and are waiting to paaa the examining committee'a eye.

+ Prof. George Monahan played an engagement

at Lnna Park Rink, laat week but found time to g,> to the Dylmiilc Theatre to aee another akatlng act. Will alwaya be glad to aee George on the boarda.


The, Griffith Hypnotic Comedy Co. playetl to the banner buaineaa of the aeaaon at Mlaaiuirl'a famoua health reaort. Exeelalor Springa. week of Aiiguat .10. They encovmt- ereil plenty of oppoaitlon there, two alrilomea, a dog find pi'tiy ahow for two daya, and the beautlfrl Regent Park, under the able man¬ agement of the well known carnival man, Jamea T. Porter. Mr. Porter haa uaiil hla uatial hiiatllng methiala at thla park to goovl effect and the reaort la one of the few paying parka In a amall city. Hla two conceaalona, the dancing pavilion and nvller rink, are taking t- p money at the park. Mr. Porter la alao handling the advertlalng for the t'hautaiiqna that la to be held In Kxcelaliir Springs Vuguat 17 23. Every town within a radlua of flfty milea la thorough¬ ly billed.

Scott .qnd Sllvvrlakc have closed for a ahiirt vacatlvm of tlve weeka. to rxvopen In SeptemiM-r at llluetleld. Va. Meaara. Scott and Sllverlake are having new cara built and the coming aeaaon Manager Scott will carry a large mualral comiMly and vaudeville ahow, the aame aa fivrmerly. only on a larger plan. Mr. Sllverlake and hla alater. Mra. Campbell, have iqvi’ned a vaudeville and moving picture ahow at Marb'U. Va.. and will remain there until the ojienlng of the Scott and Sllerlake Showa In SepteiiitM-r.

Prof. McFall's Dxxk Circus Is now In Ita fiHirth week In Indiana, playing to fair buaineaa. Evervone with the attraction la well and Itappy aa everything |»dnta to a proapenuia fall aeaaon Prof McFall. la the proprietor and manager of the ahow; G. F. McFall. ad¬ vance; Ed. tSkInneyl McFall. boaa canvaaman. and Oacar McFall. boaa hoatler. Prof. McFall haa aucca'deil In training hla wivnderful ter rier. Doidev. to walk the tight wire, and the feat la making the people talk wherever It la Been.

The Gnuiter Southern aiiows. after louring Virginia. Kentucky and Uaat Tenneaaex', are now on thi'lr way South. I,aat week their roater waa aiigiinienteil by the arrival of New- livn and Peyo. The Skerbetfui and Foreat and l,ake. Rov Melvin haa JoAned for comet In band and orcheatra. The <g»wa continue to play to phenomenal bualni*aa. S. R. O. being the case at nearly every atand.

I Films For Rent! IE^ugene Clinel 59 Dearborn St., Ctiieago. |

BICYCLE BiLt (W. F*. Creswell)

COWBOY CYCLIST. Positively the most wonderful feats ever performed on a bicycle with lariats, guns, knives and devil sticks. Great drawing card

for parks and fairs. Write or wire, care Billboard, CINCINNATI, 0.

Privilege Men Wanted! FOR THE SA.ET EICK BIG FAIR,

To be held at'Salt Lick, Ky., Sept. 16.17,18,19. Write quick. atAtiog propoaition. terma. etc. Address J. H. CAMPBELL. Pr«*.. Salt Lick. Ky.

CHEAP CHEWING GUM. Big anap while It lasts. S5.00 a tbonsand packages, 5 pieces to the psekage, each separatsly

wrapped. Cigars with banda. $9.75 a thousand. A. J. SMITH A CO., Factory 1500 West Van

Boran St., Chicago, ni. Shooting Oallsriaa, Doll Backs, Striking Machinet.

NEW COLISEUM THEATRE Open time for first-class attractions, Repertoire and one night itands. Write or wire at once, LAWRENCE TAYLOR, MGR , Danville, Illinois.

The Great Metropolitan Carnival and Exposition Shows

Want ?howa with Attractive Fronts. Good opening for Electric Show; also. Cracker Jack. Ico Cream Conea, Soft Drinks. Doll Rack. Palmist. Knife and Cane Rack and Candy Wheel. Address all communications to HEHBT B. HOEFEB, 'Asst. Mgr. The Orsat Motropofitan Cainixral and Expoaitioa Shows, aa por roato.

TALKING PICTURE OUTFIT Hjt\e complete, fine Talking Picture Outfit (Synchroscope). Will place in a good live house on salary- or commission basis. Orawtr B, Nilti, Mich.

Owing to cancellation,


Stiows or Carnival Co. for Dodge County Fair Association, Kasson, Minn., September 8, 9, 10,

11, 1908, Tell all in first’letter. Add. TED DYER, Secy., Kasson, Minn.

WHY NOT Sell the Most^Reliable Remedies on tbe market 7

They cost yon no more than Inferior goods.

Most complete and attractive line of advertising matter ever offered by any supply house. M'rite for prices and general information. Medicine performers wanted. OREGON INDIAN IVf EDIClNE CO.


AFTER SCRTEMBER lot, for Vaudeville or Burleaque

The Female .Tail Manacle Breaker and Lady of Myaterr. Poeltlvely a Box Office attraction. Week of .tugn.t IKth. Fontaine Ferry Park. LruUville. Ky.: Angunt nni. East End Park. Memphia. Tennemee

SED/D FOR OUR COMPLETE CATALQJdUE of Typo. Block and Litho Printing for Fairs. Carnivais. Circus. Wild West. Minstreis, Dramatic, Repertoire, Roiler Skating. Basebali. etc. Stock Lithos and Posters for every tine of the amusement business. Piays with complete line of paper. Write us. (

GREAT WESTERN PRINTING CO. Show Printers. Lithographers. Engravers. ST. LOUIS, MO.

SPANGLES In MetAl IrtdMoent. Black and all othav

oolora. 600 dUferent xhapaa

MILLOT BHOTNEIS, Mfrt. «7 W. Third StreeL KKW YOU.

36 X ti e Billboard AUGUST 29, 1908.

routes. KIkton 28: ArlliiKton 28; DeSmft .31: Huron Sept. 1; Highmore 2; Pierre 3: Miller

(Performers, continued from page 33) Iroipiols 5. Ferari, Jranols, United Shows, Francis Ferarl.

V’aldare A- Varno (Hall’s): I.aPorte. Ind., 24- mgr.: l.'tica. N. Y., 16-21); Toronto, Ont., 29; (Oollseuin) Dauville, III., 31-S«*pt, 5. Can., 31-S<*pt. 12.

Vanlergould, Great: Iron HIver, .Mich., 24-29. Howe’s Great I.rf>ndon: Puhllcation of route Weaver. Frank L. (Ulvervlew Park Casino):

Baltimore, .Md.. May 25-8ept. 15. pr.diihlled. All mall addressed in care of Bundy’s, Richard Murray. mgr. (Eldridge I Paniahaslka’s I’ets: Meadvllle, Mo., 27 The Billlmard will he forwarded iironiptly. Park): KInilra. N. Y., Indef.

Weaver, Otto & .lessle: En route with Camp- Haag Shows: Clay. Ky., ’26: Providence' 27; I Cohan A Harris Minstrels. Cohan A Harris l)ell Bros.’ Show. See Tent Show Routes. Mac

Wells A Sells: En route with the C. C. Pat- St. ten Carnival Co. See Midway Rout'-s. Hage;

Wheeler, Jack: En route with the Rosar Ma- 27; son Stock Co. See Dramatic Routes. Kemp

Wilson, Mae (Grand): Butte, Mont., indef. mgi Wilson. Raleigh: En route with Campicell V.,

Bros.’ Shows. See Tent Show Routes. Kemp Witt. Marie (Majestic): St. Paul. Minn., In- Pri

def. N. Wocsls A Ralton: En route with Al. G. Field's Kemp

Minstrels. S'e Minstrel Routes. Kei Wooley A Pic-rs: En route with the Sells Floto n**"

Madlsonville 28; Earlington 29; Dawson 31; nigrs.: Pitsburg, Pa., 24 29; Cincinnati. O., St. Charles Sc-pt. 1. 30-S»>pt. 5.

Hagenbeck-Wallace: Lincoln, HI.. 26: Mattoon Cassady’* Minstrels, J J. Cassady, mgr.: Ash

Ra.vmond Show, the Great. Maurice F. Ray mond. mgr.: Buenos Ayres. Argentine Repub lie. July 20. indef.

Richardson’s. Art. Talking Pictures: Penn Yan. N. Y.. ’24 29.

Sallna. the Dancing Girl In the Lion’s Den: Jer sc-yvllle. III.. -24 '29.

Silvia’s Big ItcMillle Show, J, Delmar Andrews, mgr.; Dc-s >lolii<‘S, la., 27-’2S; .Maasetia :il

i,,;. will * /V-,. 1 IT . . Plymouth 29: Danville ;U: .Mt. Carmel STingall and Hcdeiia, Geo. Driesicach. mgr emp Sistirs Wild West (No. 3. Hunter A Me- Siuit 1- Shenandoah 2' Potsville 3- Harrisburg Grand I-orks. N. D.. 24 29. Keiim\v. mgrs.) (Golden City Park): Ca- 4. ('ariisle 5 ' Tompkins’ Famous Riders, Clias. H. Tompkins narsle. L. L ^ Y., Iwlef. DeRrn' Bros.’,' Billy A Bobby D.‘Rue, mgrs.: mgr. (Hillside Park): Newark, N. J., June I

Show. See Tent Show Routes. Kennedy’s Wild W’est: Tullahoraa. Tenn., 24- Stockbridge' Maas 2C)' New Milford' Conn.. Aug. 29. Wa.vne. A. J.; .Milwaukee, Wis., 24 Seiit. 5. 2^- 27-28. . Thardo, Cli laude. Vaudeville Co.: Stamford, Conn.,

perstowu, N. Y'., 27; IKdhl 28; Stain

Wo'f A Zadella (Oak Summit Park): Evuus Wayrfe 28; Peru 29. ^Ile. _lud., ’23 ‘29; (Airdouie) Alton, 111., oU N'orris A Rowe: St. Anthony. Idaho. 26; Black- July 1-Oct. 30. _oe;if. .,. r n /tr 11 1. i> American Falls 28; Twin Falls 29; Mlllican's Mammoth (New Brighton Tower):

pro).. A mgr. ‘(W’hlte City): Chicago, Ill., Yankee American Shows. Carl M. Dalton, mgr

West, Roland, A Co. (Family); Butte. Mont., | Montpelier 31. ‘29 Sept. 5. . I ,1 Rhodus-W’hiteley Dog A Pony; Publication of

Wormwcjod 8 Dogs A Monkeys (Aki): Cincinnati, route prohibited. All mail addressed in care

11!.™ 1. <',.i t)f The Billboard will la- forwarded (iromptly. "^'urs^.t' pi ^ranclgco, ( al.. Kindling Bros.’: Cedar Rapids. la., 27; Water

War^ib 'waiter (National): San Francisco. o«. Cal., 2:1'29; (Grand) Portland. Ore.. 30 Rlppel W agon Show. Roann, Ind., ...6, Macy 28, yt,.,.. r Amlmy Sept. I.

Liverpool. Eng., indef. Rhodus-W’hiteley Dog A Pony; Publication of Mahara's. Frank Mahara, mgr.: Biwabik. Minn., route prohibited. All mail addressed in care 26; IVo Harbors 27: Iron River, W’ls., ’28:

of The Billboard will 1h‘ forwarded |>rumptly. Bessemer, Mich., 29.30: Odanah. Wis., .31: Rlngllng Bros.’: Cedar Rapids, la., 27; Water Ashland Si'pt. 1; Bayfield 2; Hayward 3;

loo 2.8; Oskaloosa Sept. 2. Siss.ner 4; Bloomer 6. Rlnnel Wagon Show: Roann. Ind.. 28; Maev 28; Richards A Pringle’s,^Holland A Fllklns mgrs.:

(W'onilerland Park): Milwaukee, W’li., June 15. indef.

/immerman's. Max. Hnrsi- Show and Market Day ExiNisition. James B. Cidgate, mgr.: San Francisco. Cal., 17 Si-i)t. .’>.

Ashland Si'pt. 1; Bayfield 2; Hayward 3; 'DTTPT TCATT'B' SiHs.ner 4; Bloomer 5. 15 U U rj.

lichards A Pringle’s, Holland A Fllklns. mgrs,: ^ ,,, n. ^ Cranbmok. B. C., Can.. 26; Nelson 27; Rosa- Americans. Igiulsxllle, Ky.. 24 29. land 28; Trail 29; Arrowhead 31. Bowery Burlesijuers. E. M. Riaieiithal, mgr.:

24 29. Palymra Sept. 1; New Canton 2. Williams A Gordon (Alrdorae); Bloomington. Riggs’ Wild W’est; Troy. Mo., 24-29.

Ind., 24‘29; (AIrdome) Terre Haute Sl-Si'id. 5. gnver Family Circus, Bert Silver, mgr.: Langs- Wllson. Jack. A Co. (Trent): Trenton, N. J.. Mich., 26; Ovid 27; Elsie 28; Eureka

‘24 29. 09 Williams. Frank A Della (Vaudevllli;^): NorUi starrett’s Shows: New City, N. Y.. 24-27.

Bay, Ont.. .4 29, (Shea s) Toronto 31-S<‘pt. o. ^ng.pioto Shows: Princeton, ill., 26; Canton


Walker Nella (Coliseum): Si-attle, Wash., 24 •29.

Wordette. Estelle. A Co. (Morrison’s); Rock- away. N. Y'., 24-2t).

27; Jacksonville 28; East St. Ixiuis 29: Han¬ nibal. Mo., 30; Macon Sept. 1; Brookfield 2; Chllllcothe 3.

St«-ele Family Show, Burt Steele, mgr.; 24-29. Wj^dall, Billy (Gem): Statesville. N. C., 23-K^«j)„j.g j jnj Pony ghow, J.'l. Wood!

ing. w. Ya.. 4; Bellalre. O., 5. N. J., 24 26; St. Ixmls. Mo., 30 Sept. .*•. West’s: IVs Moines. la., 23‘26. Bon Tons. Weber and Rush, mgrs.: Albany. N.

MISCELLANEOUS. ”Tew''ilk*‘cRy*.’'3D5;p"‘r ^ Aeronaut Johnny Mack. Mrs. Johnny Mack. ®''r.''n'Iij;il!;'‘fifl

mgr^ tnillside Pleasure Park): Newark. N. l^iock. mgr New York

Adami,'Ja^es Wevllle Co (No. 1); Waynes “xV V ' , boro. Va.. 24-29: Charlottesville 31-Sept. 5. -'Ikrtln. mgr Toronto.

mgr.: Lamar, S. C.. 24-29. "’Sr.'.'.V’ Tot Mai velo)is (Ntarl: Mouessen. Pa., waghburn’i, I^n;' Stlinhope! N. J., 26.

24 26; (Star Donors 27-29. , ..y. , Walton. Chinese, Harry (Unique): D«>s Moines.

Weaver, Frank L. (Rlvervlew Park): Baltl- MIDWAY COMPANIES. more, Md.. 17 Sept. 5. xiT.i.he m

Aeronaut W. I*. I.lndsey, W. D. Ilerrguth, mgr.: Merrill. Wis.. 26-29.

Ont.. Can.. 24 29. I Ducklings: Cleveland, O., 30 Sept

Aeronaut Ed. R. Hutchinson. Mrs. Retta Hutch Burlesquers. Miner A Marlon, mgrs.: Inson, mgr.: DeRuyter, N. Y., 26-28; Baltl-

I more. Md.. .30-Sept. 6. Ament’s. Capt. W. D., Ix)ndnn Ghost Show;

Des Moines, la.. 20-28.

Albany. N. Y’.. 24 26; Troy 27-28. Dainty Duchess, Weber A Kush, mgrs.: Bos

ton. Mass., 3I-Sept. 5. Folly Theatre Stock Burlesquers: Chicago. Ill..

Wlnton, J. W. (Palace): Glasgow. Scot.. 31- American Amusement Co., Wright A Merwln, Almond. Jethro. Bible Show and Moving Picture Indef. Si-pt. 6; (Hlpisidronte) Wigan, Eng., 7 12; " „ . Exhibition: Jackson Springs, N. C.. 26 27; Fads and Follies: W’asblngton, D C.. 24 29. (Regent) Salford 14 19. Boughton s, Billie, Overland Show, Billie Bough- Aberdeen 28-29. Follies of the Dav. Barney Gerard, mgr: CIn

Willard. Harry (Temple of Music); Scarboro ton. mgr: Earl Park, Ind., 24-30; Wadena Aeronaut Johnny Mack (No. 1). Johnny Mack, clnnatl, O.. 24-29; I,ouisvlIIe, Kv.. 30-Sept 6 Beach. Toronto. Ont.. 17 ‘29. 31-Sept. 3. mgr.: Hillsfde Park, Newark, N. J.. Indef. Fav Foster. Joe Oppenhelmer. mgr’; Milwaukee

W.)oley A Piers (Electric Park): Detroit. Mich , Canaman Carnival Co.: Sherbrooke, Que., Can., Pros.’ Illusion Show. Matt Barton. Wis . 23 29; Chicago. 111.. 30 Sept. 5 ‘24 Sept. T,. 29 Sept. 6.

Y’ounger Bros. (Lyric); Parsons. Kan., 2,3-29. Dixie Carnival Co.. Dana Thompson, mgr.; Ne- Young Buffalo A Mile. Vera (Fairland Park); llgh. Neb., ‘24-29.

Terre Haute, Ind., 2.3-28; (Bijou) Anderson European Amusement Co., W. Linn, mgr.; 31-Sept. 5. ^ Pryor Creek, Okla., 25-29.

mgr. (Frontier Park): Niagara Falls. Can., f**hlon Plates; Buffalo. N. Y’.. 24 29 May l.Y, Indef. Frivolities of 1908: St. Louis, Mo.. 24-29.

Barton’ Bros.’ .Moving Picture Show. Robt. D. Ga.vety All-Star Stock Burlesquers: Everhardt. mgr. (Frontier Park): Niagara Falls. Can., May 15. Indef.

Y’acklay A Bunnell (Four Mile Park): Erie, gregt Sanger Shows, H. Sanger, mgr.: War Bostock’s Ynimal' Arenil' ^'prsnii r Rnstnek Pa., 24-‘29: (Farm) loledo. ()., 31-Sept. .». m 94 29- DttninwH Is 31-Sent 5 Hosiocx s .animal Arena, trank C. Bnstock,

Young. Ollle, A Three Bros. (Oak Summit „ T’.,/ . **;• 31 S^t. 6. „pr.: Coney Island, N. Y.. May 2.3. Indef. Park): Evansville. lud.. .31-Sept. 5. Grayblll Amusement C^., }. \Mor Grayblll, Carter’s, D. H., Wonders: Tell City Ind 24-

Yllerom Sisters (Bijou): Duluth Minn.. 24- mgr.: Hackensack. N. J.. 19-29. 99 .. .

29. Goodell Shows, C. M. Goodell. mgr.; Gardner, Colvin. Prof. Earl. Wm. Lux, mgr.: Knoxville Zadl. .Mi (Wonderland Park): Milwaukee, HI.. 24-29. Tenn.. 24-29.

Wis.. June l.T, indef. Jones’ Exposition Shows, Johnny J. Jones, Cr.vstalplex, M. H. Walsh, mgr.: Albany N Y Zanton Bros.: En rraite with Howe’s Great mgr.: Statesville, N. C., 24-29. 3-29.

Ixmdon Shows. See Tent Show Routes. Kirk Bros.’ Carnival Co., W. W. Kirk, mgr.: Domino, LaBelle, Palmist (Steeplechase Is- Zech A Zech; En route with Al. F. Wheeler’s Oxford, Neb., 24-29; Cambridge 31-Sept. 5. land): Bridgeport. Conn., Indef.

New Model Show. See Tent Show Routes. Kline, Herbert A., Shows. Herbert A. Kline, Dyer’s Wild Animals. J. West Dyer, mgr.: Jer Zinn's Dancing Dolls: Butte, Mont., June 1, mgr.: Des Moines, la., 21-28; St. Paul, Minn., seyville. Ill.. 24-29.

Imlef. 31-Sept. 5. Emerson I-Yoating Palace. R. Emerson, mgf.:

phla. Pa.. May 25. Indef. Gaiety Girls, with Pat White; New York City.

24 29; Troy .31 Sept. 2; Albany .3 5. Girls From Happyland. I>i.vle D. Hurtig. mgr '

Birmingham, Ala., 31 S«‘pt. 5. Golden Crook. Jacobs A Jermon mgrs.; Phils

delphla. Pa., 2.3-29. Gay Morning Glories. Welier A Rush, mgrs.’

Newark. N. J.. 24 29. Hastings’ Show. Harry Hastings, mgr ; New

Orleans, La., 29 Sept. 5. Hill. Rose. Geo. W. Rice, mgr Columbus. O..

.3I-Sept. 6. Irwin’s Big Show, Fred Irwin, mgr.: Columbus.

O.. 24 29: Detroit. Mich.. 3)) Si pt. 5. Zamora Family. Mexican (White City Park): I Lachman Hippodrome Shows: JerseyvIlle, Ill., I Dubuque, la., 26 27; McGregor 28; Winona. M’^'****- Williams, mgrs

S|)riugfitdd. HI., 23-29. eago. HI.. 30 Sept. 6. Zemo-Zemo Tromie (Wonderland Park): Indian-I ix>os, J. Geo., Shows: Eklwardsville, Ill., 24-29; I Fraunfelter's Horse Show. Frank Fraunfelter, Jersey Lillies. Wm. S. Clark, mgr.: Chicago, Zemo-Zemo Troupe (Wonderland Park); Indian

aiwlls. Ind., i3-29; (Schindler) Chicago, HI. 31 Sept. 5.

Zat Zanis, The (AIrdome): lAtrobe, Pa., 24

Ashland 31-Sept. mgr.; Coney Island. N. Y’., May 23. indef. HI.. SOSept. 5. Louisiana, Great, Carnival Co.: Boswell, Ind., I Henery’s, J. E.. Show; Towner. Kans., 26; Slier Knickerbocker Burlesquers; Buffalo, N. Y'., 22

95 28. 'l•‘n Lake 27. 29. 29. Long’s Attractions, H. M. Long, mgr.: Dun- Hayes’ Marine Exhibit: Eldorado. Kans.. 24-29. Kentuck.v Belb-s, Robert Gonlon. mgr.: Ne

Zeno, Jordan A Zeno (Coliseum): Seattle, Wash., kirk, Ind., 24-29. Howe’s Pictures. I.yman IL: Baltimore, Md.. Y’ork City, 24 29. 24 29.

Zarrell Bros. (G. O. IL): Pittsburg. Pa., 23 29.

Zobdie. Fred (Farm): Toledo, O., 24 29.

TENT SHOWS. Barnum A Bailey’s: Portland. Ore., 25-26;

Salem 27; Albany 28; Eugene 29. Buffalo Bill’s Wild West: St. James. Minn..

26; Sioux City, la., 27; Omaha. Neb.. 28: Grand Island 29.

Cole Bros.’: Publication of route prohibited.

.Metropolitan, OrTginal. Carnival Co.. Chas. Ou- t.. . . .. Lifters; Baltimore, Md . 24-29. bornev, mgr.: Manitowoc, Wis., 24-29; Wan- Pictures. Lyman IL; Cleveland. O., Majestliui, Fnsl Irwin, mgr. Pittsburg. Pa., sau 3'1-Sept. 5. 10-:». 22-29.

Metropolitan, Great, Carnival Co.. Fred Eh- Mardl-Gras Bi-autb-s. Jack Sydell, mgr.; New

MlUef'A'Sfu'^iemd”'^o.?’j“’A!"Mlllt^mgr.: Dun- Hm^^lS,g'J?'Barayuh*le' Mas’S"''^^^^^ '13' ™ Maiirpierade^™:'’’ N. Y.. 31 Sept. 5.

Miller, Great, Shows. J. G. Miller, mgr.: Chant, 9<, >-• Merry Burl.’s.|uers. E. W. Clilpman. mgr : Pat Okla., 24_29; Prague 31-f^pt. 6. I,evltch. Prof. L., Palmistry 0>.; Des Moines terson. N. J . 24 29.

National Advertisers Exposition and Amus«ment la.. indef. Night Owls. Chas. Robinson, mgr : Cleveland. Okla., 24-29; Prague 31-Sept. 6.

National Advertisers’ Exposition and Amus<-ment

.\I1 mall addressed In care of Tlie Billboard Patterson, Great, Shows. Jas. Patterson, mgr.:

Co.: Wilkes-Barre. Pa.. 24-29; Freeland 31- Loretta Twins Lilliputian Circus (Ellt.-hs Gar- ^ ^ t -K., u 1 den): Denver, CoL, June 1. Indef.

Nichols, Greater, Amusement Co., Lew Mchola. 1.00, Illusionist: Platte City, Mo., 24 29. mgr.: Tipton, la., 31-Sept. 6. Manning's Darktown Fire'lirlgad’e (Wonderland

Patterson, Great, Shows. Jas. Patterson, mgr.: Park): Revere Beach. Mass., Indef.

terson. N. J.. 24 29. Night Owls. Cl)as. Robinaon. mgr.: Cleveland.

O.. 29 .8ept. 5. New Century Girls: Boston. Mass. 24 29. Oriental Stock Burli‘S(|uers. .Sam Robinaon. mgr.;

St. Ixmls. Mo., May 31. indef. Palace St<M-k Burlesquers Boston, Mass., In

def. Runaway Girls. Peter 8. Clark, mgr.; Toronto,

w-lll be forwardeii promptly. Des .Moines, la., 24 29; Jefferson 31 Sept. 5. Meggs‘, Dan. Big Snake Exhibitions (Fairmount '>ef- Campbell Bros.’ Shows: Phllllpsburg. Kan., 26; Parker. C. W’. Carnival Co.: Waterloo, la., 24- Park): Kansas Cltv, Mo., Julv 6. Indef Runawav Girls. Peter 8. Clark, mgr.; Toronto,

Norton 27; Goodland 28: Colby 29; Hill City 29. Marshall’s Old Plantation. Harrv Freeman mgr- Ont.. Can., 24 29. 31. Robinson Amusement Co.: Niles, Mich., 24- Statesville, N. C.. 24 29. ' Ri-eves Beauty Show. Al R.-. vea mgr.: Buf

Dickey’s Circle D Ranch Wild West (State 29; Wabash, Ind., 31-Sept. 6. Markle’s, W. R.. Sunny South. W. R. Markle falo. N. Y' 24 29 Fair): Des Moines. la., 20-28; (State Fain | R))ick, Dan. Amusement Co.; Sidney, O., 24- mgr.; Pekin. HI.. 26; Haven 27; Beardstown Rolllckers, R. E Patton mgr- St Joseph. Hamline, Mion., 31-Sept. 5. ‘29. 28; Kampsville 29; Venice 30. ,Mo.. 24 ‘29; Kansas Cltv 31 Sept 5

A NEW FILM EXCHANGE! EXHIBITORS, GET BUSY! New Film I New Slides! New Location! Everything New!

====OF*EN EOR BUSINESS, AUGUST 20, 1008===^= 6OO.C0O FEET LATEST FEATURE FILM DUBJECTE; 600 LATEST FEATURE SOVG BLIRES; LARGE STOCK EDISON AND POWER (1908 Model) MACHINES’ FULL STOCK REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES FOR SAME; Economizera. T’c'reta. Carbons. Lenses, Oxylith, Limes. Chairs, Rheoitata, Dtasolvers, Campaign Advertising and Announcement Slides of'New D*airn> Our Rvatem ia Perfect. We Guarantee no Repeater-. Shipments Arrive on Time. OUR SERVICE THE BEST OBTAINABLE. OUR PRICES RIGHT. QUIT USING JUNK. QUIT PAYIlin FOR HOT AIR

. AND POOR FILMS. Give ua a ti’al quick and aecure Freah, Bright Filma, Sonnd Song Blidsa, Good Bervioe and Honeit Treatment. NO BRANCHES. Write at once for Prioea and Liiti U tba MEW MONARCH IN THE FILM FIELD. Member Film Serrioe Asaociation.

THE MONARCH FILM EXCHANGE CO., Rooms 201-202-203 Xtiompson Bldg.,

Tee Largest Film Ezchang, in the Bouthwoat. A trial U all we ask. The Bast Serrioe oa Earth ia jronrt for the atkliis. OKL.AHOIVIA CITY, OKCA.

august 29, 1908. X li e Billboard 37

Hi-ntx .Santlfjr, Abe I.e>Tttt. mgr.: Cblrago, III., .'Ill S-

K'l-r anil llirtoa'a KIg Show, Illce St Barton, nigra.: Columbus, O., gl-Hopt. 5.

S^ri-iiailiTa. Cbas. B. Arnold, mgr.: Cincinnati, II . r-'-lW.

.s.rlbni'r'8. Sam, Burlesnucra: Brooklyn, N. Y., l-J

S.vili'll. Ulan*; Hoboken, N. J., 30-8ept. 5. Tran* Atlaiillca. ilurtlg St Seamon, mgra.: St.

l.iHila. Mo., 22 Xt. Trari-lera, it. U. Wllllamaon, mgr.: Chicago,

III., i'l ai. Ti'iriHighbrcda. Krank B. (Urr, mgr.: Waahlng-

lim. II. C., 24 2U. Tnicailcrim. C. H. Waldron, mgr.; Buffalo, .N.

Y.. 31 Sept. 5. I'ni'le .Sam’a Bellea: Newark. N. J.. 24 211. Vanity Fair. Rotiert Manchester, mgr.: Sprlng-

llelil. Maaa., 31 Sept. h. tVaihlngton Siiclety (llrla. I.ew Watson, mgr.:

ScranliHi. I’a.. 22 '2*1; Wilkes-Barre 27 211; Hria.klyn. N. Y.. 31 Si-pt. 6.

Walsiiii’a Burlesiiuera. W. It. Watson, mgr.: Iliwtim, Maas., ‘22-29; Crorldence, K. I., ‘24- •211.

MUSICAL. .thorn Kngllah Opera Co.. .Milton St Sargent

Almrn. nigra.; Newark, N. J., June I. Imlef. American .Musical Cominly Co.. Smith A Cline,

crotia.: Ceo. Williams, mgr.: Joplin. Mo., 21- 2.S: Klch mil 29: .Sislalia ;UI.

Anmnil the Cluck tOiis lllll'si: Norristown. I’a., 2il.

Battle In the Cloiida. Shiibert St Anderson, met' .New York City, Sept. 5. Indef.

Klai'k I’attI Troubadours, Vueirkel St Nolan. pmpa. A mgrs.; Boonton. N. J.. S<‘pt. 5.

Boston Ideal Opera Co.. F. O. Burgess, mgr.: tiuskogf-e, Okla., 23 29; Oklahoma City 30- s.-iir. .V

Burgomaster, Win. 1*. Cullen, mgr.; .Springfleld, III . 3 S

COHAN, GEO. M.: See Yankee Prince.

Colonial 0|M-ra Co.. Bradford Mills, mgr. tCa- I'idntOKI I.ake Krlel: Sandusky. O.. In¬ def.

Curt s, .tiicn. Musical Comed.T Co.. Allen Cur¬ tis mgr.- I’ortland, Ore., May 2r,. Indef.

Cat anil, the F'iddle, Chas. A. S>dlon, mgr.: • Irmd Forks. .N. D.. 2ft: Winnipeg, .Man., Can. '27 21*: Fargo. N, !».. 31; Jamestown S«'pt. 1; Dicklnsou 2; Miles City, Mont., 3; Billings 4; Uvlngston

Creature Band, Howard I’ew. mgr. tSans SoucI): Chicago. III., June 21 Aug. 29.

Cameron. (Jrace. C. II. Kerr, mgr.; I’ortland. Ore.. '24 '29.

Commencement Pays: Bed Bank, N. J., 27; Boston. Maso., 31 Sept. 2ft.

City Chap: IVs Moines, la., '23 29. Coming 'Thro' the Bye; Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.,

■2ft Pelmar 0|M-ra Co.. I.ewls St Kearney, mgrs.:

St. I/ouls. Mo.. .May 24. Indef. Pan Cupid, MeVenn A Vetter, pnais.: John P.

Cayler. mgr.: Alexis. Ill.. 2ft: WInfleld. la.. 27: Washington 2S; Fairfield »; Ft. Madison .30; NoTinger, Mo., 31: Centenrllle. la.. Sept. 1; Boston 2: Osceola 3; Clarinda 4; Be<l Oak

Kwing's Zouare Boys’ Band: Kn route with Miller Bros’ 101 Ranch Wild West. See Tent Show Routes

FIELDS, LEW: See Girl Behind thi Counter.

Finn's tSreater Omaha Rand (Krug Park): Om aha. Neb.. June 22. Indef.

Fischer's Musical Comedy Co.: Ixie Angeles Cal.. Indef.

Fischer A Ills Kxpositlon Orchestra (New Af Ilngton Hotel!: I’etuskey, Mich.. JuIt 4 Sept. 10.

F'dlies of ittON. Florens ZIegfeld. mgr.; Nei York ('Ity. June 1.1 .Sept. .*1.

Fifty Miles fpHn Boston (Western!. Cohan I Harris, mgrs.: Altoona. Pa.. ‘2«: Cumherlam! Md. 27; Wheeling. W. Va.. 29; Columbut O . 31 s.-pt. .V

Fluffy Ruffles, with Hattie Williams. Chas Frot man. mgr ; Buffalo, N. Y.. 24 29.

Follltui of IlafT: New Bninswick, N. J., 2ft. Flower of the Ranch. H. 11. Fraxee, prop.

( oliimbiis. O.. 31 Sept .3 Follies of 1WI7: Buffalo. N. Y.. 31 Sept. 2. (llrl Behiml the Counter, with Ik*w Fltdds. Sar

» A C.-e Shiiltert. Inc., mgrs : Chicago. III. kite 24, Imlef

nirl gnestinn (Kasteml. Askin Singer Co Inc mgrs N,.w York City, Aug. 3. Indel

”o B.'low. Ony Canfman, mgr.: I’lqui ! • :?!• ^^I'lney 27: Marlon 2*!: Sandusky 2S

( reslline 31; l.lma .Sei.t. I; IVIphos 2; fluf MIrh.. 3: Mawm 4: Hint .V

«lrl Question (Western!. Askin Singer Co.. Inc " ”«l<'«hurg 27: Quine

('In ■ J*'"^*’**- 'J**: Kansas City SO Sept, i *• ngerbread Man: Burlington. N. J., 2ft. 't II''’'"' '’"'■I Singer, mgr.: Mllwai

k.s-, wis.. ;U!.Sept. A laitto. mgr.: Newimr

HITCHCOCK, RAYMOND: See Merry- Go* Round.

Henry and Hla Rami (Ingeraol Park!: Oea .Moines.'la., July ft Sept. 6.

Iloneyiiioners, Hois* A Welch, mgrs.: Chicago, III., 1(129.

Idora Park Opera Co., 11. W. Blahop, mgr.: Oakland. Cal., Indef.

ImiH-rlal Oitera Co., C. K. PeWltt, mgr.: Clere- land, O., July 13, Indef.

Isle of Spire, 11. II. Frazee, mgr.: l.lvingston. .Mont., '2tt; Bozeman 27; Helena 2H; Oreat Falla 29; Butte .3U 3I; Mlasoula Sept. 1; Wal lace, Ida., 2; Ivewlstun 3; Moscow 4; Colfax. Wash., .3.

Italian Oraml Opera, Iran Abramson, mgr.: New York City, St-pt. 5-'2«.

Jeffries Concert Band (Nlchola Park!: Jack¬ sonville, III.. Aug. 24, IndeL

Just Out of College, Itothner A Campbell, mgrs.; Cliieliinatl. ()., 23 29; Toledo 30 S.'pt. .3.

Knight for a Pay, H. H. Fraxee, pro|(.: WmsI- sliK-k. III., 2«; Freeimrt 27; Belvidere 'JS; Maillstin 29; Wlnul|s*g, .Man., Can., 31 S*'pl, 3; (Jraiid Forks, N. I)., 4: Fargo .3.

King Casey, with John A Emma Kay. Stair A Nicolai, mgrs.; New Castle, Pa., 2ft‘. Sharon 27; Kis'heater 2S; Steubenrllle. ().. 29; Clave- land 31-Sept. S.

Knight for a Pay (B. C. Whitney’s), f:. J. Buckley, mgr.: Bangor, Me., '24'Jft; I ewlston 27; I’ortland 2S 29.

Lampham A Hla Ke<| Hussar Baml, F'. CIa.vton l.ampham. mgr. (Ontario Reach Park); Char¬ lotte. N. Y., May .30 Sept. .3.

I.inroln Park Ojiera Co.: New Bwlford, Mass., June 29, Inder

Lyric Opera Co.: Montgomery, .\la., July 15. Imlef.

I>*vl, Maurice, and his Banil: .Atlantic City, N. J.. 17 Sept. 5.

MURRAY A. MACK: See Sunnyside of Broadway.

MOORE. VICTOR: See Talk of New York.

Manhattan Opera Co.: FHmIra. N. Y.. May 25 S.-pt. 12.

Meade Opera Co.: Dallas. Tex.. .May 11. Indef. Merry-Oo-Bound, with Iti.vmoml Hitchcock

Boston. Mass., .Aug. lOSept. .3. Merry Widow. Henrv W. Savage, mgr : New

York City, (Vt. 21. Imlef. Merry Widow. Henry W. Savage, mgr.' Boe-

t»n. Mass., Aug. 25. .Metropolltin FIngllsh Opera Co. (Chester Park):

Cincinnati. O., June 21, Imlef. Milano Italian Orand Opera Co.: Atlantic City,

N. J., June 29, Indef. ■Miles. .Vellle, A Her I^adles’ Orchestra: Crys¬

tal Lake, Conn., June 22 Sept. 5 Mimic World. Messrs. Shubert A Ik-w Fields.

mgrs.: New York City. July 9. Imlef. Moiintsln Park Musical Stuck Co., Robert Kane.

mgr: Holyoke. Mass.. June 15 Sept. 5. Manhattan Opera Co.. Perclval Ball, mgr.; Los

Angeles. Cal., July •2(*-Aug. 29. Manhattan Op»‘ra Co.. Robert Kane, mgr.:

Worcester. Mass., June .A-.Atig. 29 Nlner's Musical Comedy Co., Edw. NIner, mgr.:

Lafrobe. Pa.. March 23 Sept. 15. Narassar Ijidles' BaiMl (Rtvervlew Park): Chlca-

gi>. III . '23'29. Nlner’s Musical Stock. Edward NIner. mgr.:

I.atrolN". I’a., 17 S*>iit. Park (toera Co.. M. A. McDermott, mgr.; Mo¬

bile. Ala.. June s, Indef. Piety's Musical Comedy Co.. Chas. F’. Posty,

irgr. (Rlverslile Park): Boise City, Idaho. June 15, Indef.

Princess 'Theatre Opera Stock Co.. S. I2)verlch. mgr.: San Francisco. Cal., Indef.

Panhandle Pete: Cincinnati. O.. 23 29 I’rlno' Humbug, Samuel E. Rork. mgr.: Spring-

field. Mass.. .31 S.'iit. 2. RAY. JOHN A EMMA: See King

Casey. Rober, Marie E.. Lailles’ Colonial Ori'h<*stra:

Tampa, Fla.. .April 2«-Sept. 15. Re«l Mill: Fall River. Mass.. 26. Rabbit's Foot Co,. Pat Chappelle, mgr.: Sails

hory, N, C.. 2ft: Albemarle ‘27: Ashboro 2S: • Blgh Point 29; Mt. .Airy 30: Burlington Sepl.

1; Durham 2; Oxford 3; Raleigh 4; I,ouis- TUTg .3.

Royal Chef. H. H. Frazee. prop.: Huron. S. D.. A#: Mitchell 27; Yankton 2S; Omaha. Neb., '■0-31; Norfolk Sept. 1; Crand Island 2; Hast¬ ings 3; Kearney 4: Cheyenne ,3.

I%re for a Wife. Emith A Cline, props.; F. Wll- Itomson, mgr.: Cbickasha. Okla.. 22-29; .Ana- darko 31; Blackwell Sept. 1-3; Bremen 4; Arkansan City. Kans.. .3 ft.

Rounds' I.adles' Rand ami Orchestra: Valparaiso, Ind.. 24-27; Clinton. HI.. 2S 30; Bnrilngtoa. la.. 3t-t^t. 5.

Slafer’a Brooklyn Marine Band' Brighton Peach, Brooklyn. N. Y.. Indef.

Stewart Opera Co.. Wjn. O. Stewart, mgr. (Manhattan Beach): Denver, Col., June 6. Indef.

Stiibbom Cinderella. Mort 11. Singer, mgr.; Chtragn, III.. Jnne I, Imlef.

Sousa'a Band: Philadelphia. I’a.. Aug. A-Sept. 7. Sunny Side of Dmadway. with Murray A Mack:

Rratll, Ind.. ‘29; Terre Haute ,3ft; Bloomingtim Sept. 1; I,a Fayette 2: Muncle 3; Anderson 4; New Castle 5.

Sidney, George, In Busy Ixzy’a Bofidle, Stair A Nicolai, mgra.: New York City, 24-29; Buffalo 31 Sept. 5.

Stubborn Cinderella, Princess Amuse. Co., mgrs.: Peoria, 111., Sept. 3; Burlington, la.. 4; Quin¬ cy, Ill., 5.

Smart Set, Barton A Wiswell, mgrs.: Bed Bank. N. J., Sept. 5.

Sater, Wm. FL, and his Brooklyn .Msrine Band (Brighton Beach); Coney Island. N. Y’., 17- Sept. 7.

Schooldays, Giis Eilwanls. mgr.: Atlantic City, N. J., 24-29; Philadelphia, Pa.. 3ft-Sept. 3.

Talk of New York, with Victor Moore, Cohan A Harris, mgrs.: Chicago, III., Aug. 10 Sept. 3.

Three Twins, B. C. Whitney, mgr.: New York City, June 15, Indef.

Top o’ the World. Rork Co., Inc., mgrs.: Chi¬ cago. III., July 4. Indef.

Two Merry Tramps. MeVenn A Vetter, mgrs.: Mason City, la., 26; Algona 27; Eiiiiuetsburg 2».

Time, the Place and the Girl (Eastern). Askln- Singer Co., Inc., mgrs.: Ashiiry Park, N. J., 27; I»ng Branch 2S; Bed Bank 29; New York City 31 S«'pt. 5.

Time, the Place and the Girl (Western): Mar¬ shalltown, la., 26; F't. Dodge ‘27; Umaba, Neb., 28-29; Denver, Colo., 31-Sept. 5.

WILLIAMS, HATTIE: See Fluffy Ruffles.

Wheelcx-k’s Cnite<l States Indian Ban>l: Cape May, N. J.. July 6 Sept. 5.

White City 0|>era Co.: New Orleans, La..Apr. 2-3, Indef.

Wayne Ylnslcal Comedy Co., R. W. Skinner, mgr.: Lynebburg, Y'a.. 17-29; Koanoke 31- Sept. 5.

Ward A Vokes. In The Promoters, Stair A Nlco lal, mgrs.: Brniton, Mass.. 31-Sept. 5.

WIsard of Oz, Hurtig A Seamun. mgrs.; Johns town. Pa.. 26; Greensburg ‘27; Canton, O.. 28; Mansfield 29; Chicago, III., 3ft-S<‘pt. 5.

Wills. John B.. .Musical Comedy Co.. John R. Wills, mgr.: Oklahoma City, Okla., 23'Sept. 3.

Wine, Woman and Song, M. M. Tbelse, mgr.: Bnmklyn. N. Y., 24 29.

Williams A Walker, In Bandana Land: New York City, 17 '29.

Williams, Hattie. Cbas. Frohman, mgr.: Buffalo. N. Y., 24 29.

Yankee Prince, with Geo. M. Coban, Cohan A H.xrris, mgrs.; New York City, Aug. 1-29.

Yorke and Adams, In Playing the Ponies. B. E. Forrester, mgr.: Somerset, Pa., 26; Wheeling. W. Va., 27 29; Cincinnati. O.. .30-Sept. 5.

Yankee Doodle Boy: Janesville. WIs.. '29. ZInn’s Musical Comedy Co., A. M. ZInn. mgr.:

Butte, Mont., June 1, Indef.

DRAMATIC. Albee Stock Co., &lw. F. Albee, mgr.; Prov¬

idence. R. I.. July ft, Indef. Alcazar Stork Co., Belasro A Mayer, mgra.:

San Francisco. Cal.. Indef. As Told In the nills, W. F. Mann, prop., Alez

Story, mgr.: Chicago, 111., 23-29; Racine, Wis. 30; Delavan. 31.

Artioiila. David J. Ramage, mgr.: Detroit, Mich., 23-29; Grand Rapids, 30 Sept. 2; Toledo, O,. 3 5.

All for a Girl, Brady A Grismer, mgra.: New York City, 20-29.

Aubrey Stock Co., Sam C. Miller, mgr.: Youngs¬ town. O.. 24-29.

American Stock Co.. Fred B. Willard, mgr.; Lake Brady, Kent. O., 10 Sept. 4.

Algeria, Klaw A Erlanger, mgrs.: .Atlantic (Tty. N. J.. 24-29.

•At the Old Cross Roads. .Arthnr C. Alston, prop. A mgr: Troy, N. Y., 26; Schenectady •27: Ctlca 2S-29: Holyoke. Mass., 31 Sept. 2; Springfield 3-5.

BINGHAM, AMELIA: Cleveland. O., Aug. 10, indef.

Bailey Stock Co.. Oliver D. Bailey, mgr.; Au¬ gusta. Me., June 22, Indef.

Baker Theatre Stock Co.: Rochester, N. Y.. May 18, indef.

Baldwin-.Melvin Stork Co., Walter S. Baldwin, mgr.: .Atlanta, Ga., July 2ft. Indef.

Belas<-o TIteatre Stork Co., Belasoo A Mayer, mgrs.; Los .Angeles. Cal., .Aug. 28. Indef.

Bellows Stock Co., Walter C. Bellow^, mgr: IN-nver, Col.. June 22. Indef.

Best Man. Walter N. Lawrence, mgr.: Bos¬ ton. Mass.. Aug. 3. Indef.

Bingham. .Amelia: Cleveland. O.. Aug. 17,1 Indef.

Bishop. Chester. Stork Co.. J. H. Bauman, mgr.; Johnstown. Pa.. Ma.v .30. Indef.

Bishop’s Players. H. W. Bishop, mgr.; Oak¬ land. Cal., indef.

Rnwdoln S()nan' Theatre Stock Co., Jay Hunt, mgr.: Boston. Mass., indef.

Brandon-Evans Stork Co.: San Diego, Cal.. Jul.v 27, indef.

Brown Sltyk Co.. Sherman Brown, mgr: Mil¬ waukee, Wis.. March ■3ft-.Aug. 29.

Bunting. Emma. Co.. Burgess A HImmeleln. props.: Seattle, Wash., .April 12. indef.

Burbank Stock Co.. Oliver .Moroaco. mgr: Los ■Angeles. Cal.. Indef.

Burke, J. F'raiik, Stork Co., Geo. .M. Fenberg. mgr.; Fall River, Mass., April ‘27, Indef.

Burro!ighs Sto<’k Co.: Victoria, B. C., Can., Aug. IftOct. 17.

Boy D^-U-ctlve, with Johnny Hoey, Chas. E. Blaney, mgr.: Newark. N. J., 24-29; Phila¬ delphia. Pa., .31'Sept. 5.

Bennett and Moulton Co., A. K. Robinson, mgr.: la-banon. N. H., 24 '2«; White River Junction, Vt., •24-'2''; Brattleford .31 5.

Brown, Kirk. L. T. .Macaiiley, mgr: PottB\!He, Pa., 24 29.

Billy, the Kid, with LeRoy Sumner, Chas. H. Wuerz. mgr.: Lowell, Mass.. 24-26; Law¬ rence 27 ‘2U; Lyon 31-Sept. 2; Salem 3-5.

Barton, Homer, Stock Co.: Portamoutb, O.. June 8-Aug. 29.

Bunco In Arizona. J. L. Veronee Amuse Co., props.; Paul Mcl’hall. mgr: Louisville. Ky.. 23 29; Wheeling. W. Va.. 31 S«'pt. 2; Y’oungs town. O., 3 5.

Barrie-Graham Stork Co., FhlwTn Barrie, mgr.: St. John. Kan.. 21-29.

BIndle.v, FTorence. J. F'. Sullivan Amuse t'o.. mgrs.; Hartford. C-nn.. 27.

Broadway After Dark, .\. H. Wo<m1s. nigr.: Paterson. N. J., '27.

By Order of the C<mrt: Pittsburg, Pa., 24 29.

GROSMAN, HENRIETTA, Harris and Campbell, mgrs.: New York City, Aug. 13, indef.

CORBETT. JAMES J.: See Facing the Mus(C.

Call of the North, with Robert Fhleson. Henry B. Harris, mgr.; NTw York City. Aug. 24. Indef.

Casino StiH'k C' Long Branch. N. J.. July 2. Indef.

Castle S<iuare Sto<'k Co.. John Craig, mgr.: Boston .Muss.. .Aug. 28, indef.

Countlss. Catherine. Stock Co., E. 1). Price, mgr.; Denver. Col.. .Ma.v 17. indef.

College Girls and the Teddys. Cbas. E. Blaney, mgr.: Brooklyn. N. Y'.. 31-Sept. 5.

Columliia Stu<'k Co., James .McNavin, mgr.: Logansiiort. Ind., '24 29; Marlon. ()., 31 Sept.

Crosman. Henrietta, Henry B. Harris, mgr.: New Y'ork City, 13 29.

Cow Puncher (F;nsteml. W. F’. .Mann, prop.; M. W. .M<'Gep. lugr.: FJaton Rapids, .Mich., 2ft; Lansing '27: Ionia '28; llwosso ‘29; St. Charles 3(1.

Cow Puncher (Central), W. F'. Ylann, prop.; Harry Gordon, mgr.: Dixon. III., 2ft; Amboy 27; .Mendota 28; FTgiii ‘29; Joliet 30; Dwight 31.

Cowboy Girl. Kilrny A Rritton, mgra.; Spring- field, Ill.. Itft-Sept. 2; Peoria .'1-6.

Capt. Clay of Mls.soiiri. with David Higgins, Stair A NIcholai, mgrs.; Chicago, 111., lA- Sept. 5.

CTiauncey Keiffer. Fred Chaiincey, mgr.: Leb¬ anon, I’a.. 21 29; Ph<K>nlxvlHe .31 Sept. 5.

Candy Kid. Kilroy A Rritton, mgrs.: St. Tawils, Mo.. ^-29; .Memphis. Tenn.. 31-Sept. 5.

fTieckers. McKee, Gardiner A Dingwall, mgrs.; St. Paul. Minn.. 23 29; Minneapolis 30 Sept. 5.

Convict 999. .V. H. Wcssls. mgr.: New York City, 2;i 'JO; Newark. N. J.. 31 Sept. 3.

Creole Slave's Revenge. ,A. H. Woods, mgr.: Hoboken. N. J.. 23-2ft; Bayonne 27-29; Brook¬ lyn. N. Y.. .31-Sept. .3.

Cutter Stock Co.. Wallace R. Cutter, mgr.: Zanesville, O., 24 29; Lebanon. Ind., 31 Sept. 5.

Crescent Stex-k Co.: .Anderson, Ind., 24 20. Custer’s Last F'lght. MIttentbal Bros., mgrs.:

Newark. N. J., 24 29. Chicago Stock Co.. Chas. H. RossKam, mgr.:

Homell. N. Y.. 24-29. Chase-Llatcr (Southern): Pittsburg, Kan.. 24-

Sept. 6. Del.acy. I.elgh. Stock Co.: Brockton. Mass..

■May 11. imlef. DeVoas. Flora. Co.. J. B. Rotnour, mgr.: Rich¬

mond. III., Indef. Dixie Stock Co.: Jacksonville. Fla.. June 1,

Indef. D'Ormond-F’tiller Stwk Co.: Waco. Tex., lix-

def. Davis, J. Warren. Stock Co., J. Warren Davis,

mgr.: .Michigan City. Ind.. 24'‘20; Benton Harbor. Mich., 3(VSepl. 5.

Depew-Burilette Stock Co.. Thus. E. Depew, mgr.: Huntington. W Wa., ‘24 29; Ironton, O.. 31-Sept. .3.

Dougherty Stiwk Co.. Jaa. Dougherty, mgr.: St. Peter. Minn.. 24-2«; New Ulm 27-.30: Tracy .31-Sept. 1. Lake Renton 2.3; DeSmet. S. D.. 4 5.

Doone. Allen. In Molly Rawn, Burton Nixon, mgr.; Princeton. Ind.. 2A; Ifonmoutb. HI.. 37; Galesburg 28: Canton 29: Peoria 30; Quincy 31; Ft. Madison. la.. Sept. I: Burlington 2; Davenport .3: Muscatine 14: Moline. III.. 5.

Dion O’Dan*. Chas. FI. Blaney, mgr.: Providence. R. L. 24 29.

Duncan. Isadore. Chas. Frohman, mgr.; New York (Tty. 18 29.

EDESON, ROBERT: See Call of the North.

(Contlnue<l on page 40.)

WILLIAMSON & CO., FILMS OF MERIT. 143 East 23rd Street, ... NEW YORK CIYY.

Uf eased Under the American Maloseope A Blograpta Patents. All purchasers and users of our Film will be protected by the A. M. A B. Co.


F’R A.VIOLA. — World’s CliaiTtpion Bicycle Racer

Hidftfi KKaitiHt racp horses. A few open (iates. (vet in line quick. Write or wire. Fraviola won two heats out of three ajiainst Minnehaha and Blaae Light, bl ('/ouey Itland, Cineinnati, O., Anguet IHh. H. Z.\HK0W, care W. M. TixUart^ 13() Jwat Fourth Sireet, Cincinnati, Ohio.

38 Xtic Billboerd AUGUST 29, 1908.

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to forward, unlena the neceaaary amount of postage Is paid. At tbe right band aide of

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Adams. Gertie Adams, Mm. R. N. Adgls •Albert, Mrs Amber, Madam Andersoo, Mrr. Minnie Aodemon, Mm. j.

R. Andrew, Mrs. George Arnold, Mrs. Wm. Arnold, Teddle Halley, Mrs. Bessie Baker. Florence f. Bangs. Butb Rail, Emily Barm «, Helen Baasaxe, Mrs. Bert •Beason, lyula Belmont. Marie Bennett, Bella •Berger. Mae Bergeron. Mda. Betilre, Haggle •Bird, Rose Ron Ami, Thn-aa •Bowman. I»t Boyd. Mrs. Harry Brown. Mrs. E. W. Brown, Mm. Jeas H. •Brown. Bessie Browning. Flora Buncher, Tess Bunnin, Evelyn Burton, Mias Ray Butterwtn’th, Mabel •"Camille” Campbell, Myrtle Campbell. Mrs. Al. Carpenter, Mm. Ed. Carroll, Mm. James „Q- Carter. Mm Myrtle •Cassidy. Pearl. *

Oo. Chefalo. Mm. N. 8. Chester. Annie Cblqnlta Christine, Mile. Clarke Slatem "Cleo” Cody, Louisa Cole, Mm. Ethel Cole, Mrs. Zenol>la Colegrove .vim. Coolah, Lsla Copson. Mm. C. M •Corson. Mm. C. M. Coyne, Grace Crawfonl. Mls» c.tii

erine Crew. Mm. .1. II •De I>oy. Myrtle DeArmo Madge DeLnc, K DeNova. Mm Fr..1 •DeVere. Marie DeVoe, Paaituiiliio, DuBola. VI rs ( baa Dane, Phyllis

Daniel. Mm. Nola Dale, ShiiiiuoD Danner, Mrs. Iln..e II •Dalian, Alberta Darrell, .vla.tle-lle •Davenport, .vim.

(lerin Davenport. Ce<il •Davis. .Myra L. Davis, M rs. .Alina I. Day, Katherine Deagle. 'lay Deisell Slaters Delmore, .Mrs. Emil.' Dempae.v I’aolliie Denby, Frankie •Dlekson. Clara Dllgarlan. Mra. B. Dixie. Mrs. Haiti,- •Dodd. Marie S. Dow. I.llllan Dupree. Clare

K •Earl. Virginia Earle Slaters •Eldon. Mrs G II Eldrldge. Bertha Elliott. Bessie KIIU. .Miss Mamie

Ellsworth, Mra. Lucy | Kinmereon, Sue Ealri’lilld, Ada Eancher, Ruby Farte-r, Mra. Nell Earnswortb, Mra.

Dudley Faulkner, Mm. Mar¬

tha. Fauat, Mm. Joe K'avar, Margaret Fay, Dolly Fay, Anna Eva •Fay. Anna Eva Flash, Mm. Hattie Fletcher, Beatrice Flaber. Stella Fletcher. Paullen •Ford. Myrtle Fox, Mm. May Fox. Mm. Frank •Frame, Alice Kranka, Jessie J. > Franks, Mm. H. ““ Fries, Mabel •Gairney, Blanche Gatea, Mra. R. •Gerbert, Esther Gill. Mm. DeBarrle Gladden, Mm. F. A. Glattbaar, Mm. AI-

liert F. •Glocker, Anna flnlden, Annie •Gold, Vera Gordon. Patsy Mm. Goyt, Mm. Gertie Grady. Mm. Rosie Gray, Violet Gregory, Mm. Dodle Grlftle, ElBe llald, Mme. Hallard. Mm. Mary Hammond, Ethel Hardy. Ruby •llarmeH, Virginia Harmon, Mamie E. Harris, Mm. C. B. . •Harry, Anns I •Hartford. Evelyn Harvey, Margaret Harwood. Evelyn Hatch. Mm. Mabel

Haynes. Jessie Hawthorne, Kittle •Haileton. Pearl Heffner. Francis Hcinicre, May Heraklldes, Mm

George •Hewetts. LIta HIstt. Ethel Hill. Mm. Ethel lIolHioa. Ia>ts Cecil Hodges. Mm. Jas. H. j Hoffman, Minnie Holland. Mm. Mont-

le Holmes. Mm. Fred B. Iloltbofer. Lillie Hoover. Dnlsy I loss. Mm. Bert Hnss, Mm. Dora Howard. Reba •Howanl. Anne M. Hughes, Mazle Hunter. Mm. Harry .lack. Mm. II. James. Ethel lames, Mrs. Ella Jennler. Mm. Geo. Jennings, Grace Jennings. Capitola Johns. Nettle Johnson, Miss Hallio Johnson, Grace Johnson, Mamie Jones, Mra. Blllle Joplin. Nagatha Easal, Miss Francis Kat's'I. Mm. Alla Keyworth. Miss J. •Killian. Mrs. Rose King. Mazie •King. Mazle Kramer. Maude •La Belle. .Moss IaIVoII. Mrs. Bose

La Fearl, Lillian La Foletta. FoU I.aMarr, Mable • La Rose Lake, Sylvia La .Mar, Mra. Stella La Mont, Jennett •Lamping, Ethel Laaeells, Eulalte •Leontlne, I,ee Lewis. Nellie Lira. Mra. Madam Little, Lillian Lloyd. .Mazle Lockhart. Ette Logan, Mm. J. W. Ix>rd. Hope •Lorenzo, Mm. C. W, Lorowr, Nellie Mm. •I.s>rton. E. Louis, Mrs. Roy •Ixiwamle, Mrs. Oscar Is>we. Addle Loyal. Mm. Claudia klcGrau, May Malvern. Sophie Manley, Cliss. .Mansfleld, Mm. Bliss Mardell, Ma.v Marrella, .Melba Mara, Mm. J. C. Mamhall. Agnes Martin, Mm. Allan Martino, Bird •Mason, Atlanta •Mason, Mamie

Masquleiia, Fay •Masqueiia Slstem Maurice, Mm. Aunts Mayfair, Luells •Merrill, Alma O. Meyera, Mra. Rose Miller. Miss Nina Mllllkln, Mm. Emma Mitchell, Cora Law-

ton Monroe, Mrs. Floreni^ Morgan, Geneva .Mulcaly, Mm. S. T. Mulligan, May Murphy, Mm. James

F. Murray, Mm. H. J. •Nadji, Miss Narder, Mm. Nat Newton, Miss Halils Newton, Mrs. Harry Nichola, Dot Norton, Mra. Fiomnea Noxon, Leila Noxen, Kittle O’Neill, Agnes

Omega, Madam Omena, PiiucMS Opplce, Mm. J. 8. Owen, Francis Owens, May Palmer, Mable •Parr, Lain B. Pindar, Claudine IMeias, nidred lielas. Mm. W. A. •Proctore, Jean Quinn. Walter Ratcliff, Pearl •Reid, Pearl Reno, Mm. Ed. Reno. Madam Reynolds, Grace Rcapab, Madam


Rlede, Rose Kotlgers. Mm. W. P. Homalne, Julia Ronaldo, Georgia Hoes Sistem Hoy, Bessie Itoyc^, Florrle Russell, Mm. Marie •Sauboru, Pearl Sawyer. Mra. Eddie Scott, Ruth •Sballcroes, H. A. •Shauabau, Elizabeth Sldey, Emma Simms, Mrs. Rouble •Slosson, Pauline Smith, Sadie •Smith, Mm. May •Sommers. Mrs. John

T. SiMilmau, Mm. Jas. Spencer, Goldie Stanley, Mrs. I.,ela Star, Belle •Steck, Martha M. Stewart, May Strode. Mabel Stuart, Helen Swains, Cora Symonds, Alfarretta Taggart, Maud Taggart, Minnie Talcott, Cardla •Taube, Ira Taylor, Trixie Thayer, Margaret

Crofton Thomas. Oracle Thompson, Lucy Thumb, Mra. Tom Todd, Miss Fay Tudor. Lilly •Turner, Mra. W. Y. •Valley, CamUle Vance, Miss C. Walch, Marie Walker, Cora •Wallace, Mra. Annie

D. Wallace, Mrs. A. | Walker. Emma Walser, Lillian Warden, Florenie Waabbum. Pearl Wah-to-Waaa, Piin-

cesa •Watson. Dorothy Wayland, Eva •Wayne. Justlna Wentworth, Rose

Wesley, Lynn Weston. Lmla Weyle, Frieda Wllllama, Mra. C. Wlnaton. Ida •WIntem, Fanny Wolfre Miss Claire Woolcott. Annie Wright, Trixie W’ymore, Pearl Yager. Blanche Y'eager, Mra. Blanche York. Julia Y'oungs, Bell Young, Mra. Wm. Y ounger. Bob Zallda, Mabel Zareldo, Mabel Zaretakey, Sabina Zenora. Qneen Zose, Zelbert


GENTLEMEN’S LIST. Abramson. I. Adams. iVank •Adams, James A'lams. Musical Adkins. Fred G. Alton, 'Hiomas Ajax. Prof. Albiets, Edgar Alger, A. F. Alla. H.

AUan. A. T. Allen. John R. B. Allen,* Mack Allen. Walter Alton. Jack Altons, The A Ivina, Pedro •Alvin, Rural •Alvin, Pete Alvin. Van Alvord. W. B. •American C»rn. Co. •Amlck. Jack Amour A Carr Anderaon. Dan •Andemon & Ellison Anderson. Pete •Arakl, Tan Armstrong. Jim Arthur. TTico. Arthur, Jack Ascott, Chas. •Atwood. Harry

Ballev, W. A. (BUD Bilker. Doc H. H. •Baldwin. Capt. T. Bankes, Charley


Barker, E. P. Barlow, .Milt Barnes, Master O.

Bartels, Carl A. Barton. John A. Bayltss, F. P. Baynard. William Beach, J. Mortimer Beach. Harvey H. Beaaley, R. C. Reaaley, Chas. Beeson. Alvrln •Belding, Artfant Belmont. Jack Belt, Harry E. Beniamin. E. R. •Bennett. Harry

(Agent) Bennett. Sam Bennetts, Billy Bennington. Ix>ula Bergman. Ben •Bernle, Lewis Beyem, Ben Biddle, J. BIgney, Chas. A. Binton. Alex. Black, Chas. S. Blank. J. K. Bly, W. L. Bliss. John Bogart, Jay Booth. James C. Bosle.v, Joe B. Boiighton. Blllle •Boyce, Jack Bozzell. Win •Brackett. Bob •Bradford, E. C. Bradshaw, Harry Brady, C. S. Brams. The Brattan, James Brentllnger, Byron Brialle.^W^ A.

•Brokate, Chat.

llriM'ks, Walter J. Brown, Walter O. Brown, Frank Brown, Jimiiiie Browu A I'roulu Brown. D. W. Brown. Kalpli •Browning. Arllmr Browning. Billy Buckley. Tim Buiuctt, Wm. Bussey, F. A. Buttou, Glica Busby, J. .M. Iliiscli, Johnny, Jr. Cady. Prof. K. J. •('ahlll, John R. Calu, J. L. Calhoun A Blount Callahan. D. J. Caiiibics, The •Camille. Pierre Campbell, Al •Campbell. Frank G. Campbell. Irvin Caroty, Jr., John C. •Carr, Chas. A. Carr. Jotu-pb Carrell. Jamca L. Carroll, Manager •Carthc. J. J. segnet •CarthclI. Herbert Case, Ed. Casey Trio Chaluness, Harry •Carlisle. H. C. Chamlierialn. C. E. Chapman, Dr. Harry

C. Chapman. Wm. C. Charlie. Colo. •Chatterton. Tom Cheuveont. C. C. Childers, IKk- Chrlstfer, H. B. Cblswell, Joe daman. W. R. Clark, Alle T. Clark. Willie A

Mabel Clarke. Thos. D. Clayton. Jack •Cleo Family Cleveland. SI Cleveland, Geo. W. Cole. Sam Collins. Dr. Alfred (Tolvln. Carl K. Coney, Pete Connor. Cheater Conrad. Fred G. Cooley, J. W. •Cook, C. A. Coon. John Cooper. Texas Coplen, F. •Corey. F. H. ('ornell Concert Co. •Corrigan. James Courtney, Chas. C. Cmirtney. Thos. G. Craig. W. H. Crawford. R. C. Crawford. W. H. Craver. William •Critchfleld. Clyde Crltx. I'red Cromwell. H. W. Crouch. Wesley Culver. Joseph Cummings. Harry Curot, Chas. L. DeCorum, J. T. D«*C<Hipe. Col. I’hll. •DeCoupe, Col. Phil. DeKstang. Marry •DeForreat. W. J. DeRoses. The •I)e Silva, Prof. Hec

tor DeVan Bros. •De Velle. Antonia •DuBola. Harry A. DuValls. The Dale, Ed. Daltotl. H. Fen •Darling. E. G. •IVamasras, Mr. Darnell, Jesse Daugherty, Frank Daveni>ort A Francis David. Frank •David, Arthur Davidson. Doctor Davis. W. Davis, Jake Davis. Harry B. •Dean. AI. Dean. W. C. Dear. F. S. Delany, Jim Delavoye A Fritx Dellsiwa. The Delmas A MacKenile Delmore A Darroll •Demming, Bob Denny. F. W. •Depue, H. R. Derntierger. AI. Derwln. Jaa. T. •Despoe, Harry Devine. L. E. Dickersons. Harry Dolihs. James Doc. Roy

Donuhiigb, W, E. Dowuurd, I*. C. DraiHT, Guy Dray toll. Jack Dnimmoiid. J. .M. •Druiiiuiuud, George Dmlley, Frank •luinbar, Budd Fagg Duiilcvy, J'»‘ Dunn. Jiiiiiiiie •lliiunlugtuu, W. 8. •Diiiislun. George •Duvetl A Dearlug Eadisou. Bailey •Earl. J. E. •Earl. ,\llM>rt 'Earle. Illchard Earles, Bert Earling, F. Eckleman. Mac I*. Eckers. Geo. Egerton, George Eliriiighaus. Will Eller. Clias. Elkina, Eddie Ellis. T. H. •Elmore, Allan Embleton. Albert Emery, Jay English, Chas. Eiiues, Frank •Ernest. Joseph Ernest. Walter Eugene Trio •Eva US. Murray Evans, W. J. Evaus, Al. S. Evans. L. P. Everett. Sterling F. Faecendo. F. •Fagau A Bryan •Fagan, J. Butta •Faller, Harold Falk. Gene Farrar. Geo. C. Farrar, John D. Faulkner, Eldrldge

K. Eaiist. Ben Fay. H. C. Fajblo. Doll Fa.vaelle, Roy Marsh Keidey, Jack Fenlon. P. W. •Ferfurger. Georgs Fergsom. W. W Ferguson. 0(K>. B. Flcke. Edward H. Field. V. M. Field. L. G. Field. J. 8. Finwleh. Capt. Tom I'lsher, V. M. Fitzgerald. E. C. Fitch. Albert M. Flanders. E. J. Flash, James •Flenner. T. A. •Flewallen. Jno. Fllnn. E. F. Flood. Hal C. Florence. Al. •Flynn. George 0. •Fonnea. W. Fontlnellea. The Forgrave, C. P. I'owler, William Fox, Curley Forltet, Arthur Forester, Wm. Fountain. Rotiert Francelias. Gn-at Frank, Colorado Frank. J. J. •Frank. Fred C. •Franks. Two Franklin. I*. C. Frankln and Kreng


Fraser. Burt Freeman. Al. •Ferrett. Al. O. Fried. Harry Fritea. Will 8. Fulton. Dirk A. Gales. Nobby Galloway, Gscar Galloway, Tanner Galvlnl, Prof. It. J. Gavor. Jack Geer. Gymnast •George. Jolly Gensid, Jack Gettv. Jotin Gibbs. Al. P. Glffncy. Tom Gilmore. James •Gilmore. Prof. Gladlsh A Blake •Gllck. Cliaa. F. Glover. Jolin W. Golden. Joe Goldst)‘ln. M. J. Gnodell Shows •Gisslman, John Gooilwin, Ben Gordon. Harry Gowdy, M. A Graham. Billy Gray, Joe Gr<-<-n. Wm. fl. Griffin. Chas. E Griffith. Frank T. Grogan. Curley Grfms, David Gulek, Noble

Guy, Harry lU'llcy, Ihsk Ilaliiabaiigh, E. J, Hall. W. A. Hall. Col. Geo. U. Hall. Dan C. Hall. Mike •llallouary, Tbs

Great Haiiibrlck, F. A. Hamlin. Richard •Hammond. Wm. •Ilaiiimouil. J, A. Hanley, Ed. Hanley, .Max Hanna, J. K. Harper, Eddie Harris, Geo. W. Harris, Four Dancing Harria, Sid Harris. IVrrv Harris A Hilliard •Harrison. Dl<k W. Harrison, D. W. Harrison. J. D. Harrison. 11. L. Hartley, Ralph Hartman, Chas. W. Harvey. Frank Hastings, Beo Ilaicber, A. A. Ilatbcott. OdS Haiich, Hammer •Ilaiigeros, O. M. J. Hay, l>ock Hay. J. W. Hayes, Thomas Hayes. W. C. Heatous, The llclmau, Silva Hennessey, J. R. W. Henry, J. B. Herbericb. C. Arthur Hess. Chas. Hester, !>• Roy Hines, Rector House, Jisp liU'IsiHiha, The •lluston, Jos •neldrlck, Cb. •Heras Family 4c H''rrgutb. Prof. W.

D. (Tele! •Herrick. Howard J. Heth. Henry H. Hibbanl. Thtmiat •Hibbard, Happy HI Hicks, Clintoa M. Hightower. Dr. Hill. Jno. Hinton, E. L. Hoffman, Bert •Hoffman. Albert T. Hislges, James Hotlgcs, J. 11. •Hoke. Harry Holloway Bros. Ilollinder, J. W. Hollis. Orrln Hninian, Joe •Holmes, Barton Holmes, Fred B. Honey, Billy Howard. Sam Howard. Jack 8. •Hubbard, W. A. Hufford. Nick Hughes. R. A. Ilunah. Great Hunter. Harry •Huntley, O. A. Hurd. Frederick W. •Hnsted. Jim Irwin. Wm. J. Ivina. Dock I<*s Jacksno, Jack A Ollie JarksoQ Family Jacobs. Mae •Jacobs A Jsrmoa James. E. Paul James, Ray Jennesen, Jack C. Jenninga, T. H. •Jenningt. Wm. Jotie. Thom at Jolmson, Prof. H. J. Johnson. Wm. B, Johnson, Allle Johnson, J. II. Johnson, Early Johnson, J. W. •Jotinson. ack

I •Johnson. Kosamnad •Jolre. Jack Jolly. George •Jones. K. H. Jones, Harley •Jones. Paul Julian. Linda J. July A Paka •Karnes Troiips Kane, C. Francis Kasbima, E. Kasofskey, Oscar Kaufman A Rey Kaufman Bros Kearney, Glenn B. •Keefe, Mat Keith, Frank C. Keith. Billy Kelleglier. James H. Keller, Ms). Keller Goldin G. Kellogg. W. R Kelly. Kay Kennedy. C. C

Kenuetly, Sleven Kent, ('lias. O. Kerr, Herbert C. •Kerr. Herbert O. Keaaer, J. T. Kesteraun, Curlsy •Keyatone Film Hnp

ply Os. Kid Hern, Ed. King. K. H. •King, Arthur Klunebivw, Cbss. Klusel, J. M. Kluacy Komedy Co. •Kirch. George Kline, Henry Kline. Herbert Knight, Harry •Knox, Chas. W. •Koch. C. A. Kohler, Harry Kraft. Qua Kraiiae, Ben Kudara, Y. A. La Blanch A La

Blanch La Gcll. N. LuMonla, Musical •LaKue. Frank La Toska. Phil. •I.,e Brandt. Josspb I,e Call A I,e Call lAd'ortelU. Oso. B. LeMarr, Ciiu. J. •LeNorma, Prol Ls Itenos, Richard •i.a- Roy” l,e Roy. Mr. Pearl •Ls Salles, Orest •Ls Zomeanx, H. H. Ijii-elle, Billy Lafayette, Chas. •Lsfferty, Chas. Lamlgsn, W. ■. Lana. Chas. Laiigdona, Tbe Larke A Adams l.aah. J. W. •Lawrence. Great, A

Co. •Layton. Lee 1., asell, N. Lsxler. A. F. Lea. Billy 1.. 0,urtea. Tomy l,ee. Cartes* T. •I^'ea. Aula Ledlngtoa. Robe I>‘gagae, Frank •l.e'lllere. Mr. •Lelllott. Arthur I>«ley. Robert 1., ewls. C. D. L,ewls. Chni. Kid 1., ewU, A. •Lewis. M. J. Link. Billy ^ . •Lockwood, O. J. Ix>ng. I>oc l»ng. II. C. Ixno. D. H. •Lou. Oerod lA>yal. Frank Luire, Grant Luigi Bros.’ Show Lund, Baba Lundy, Geo. Lytll, DsrTsll H. Lynch, Humphrey L.vooa. Walter S. MacRae. Sandy •McAvoy, Tbomat A McOarvey. Bert •McGlynn. D. M McGill. CbaA L. McOraw. Bnteh HcOnyre. Frank •McIntyre. Oso D McLains. The McLains. ’The McLellan. J. O. McMahel. Harry tf.v'.i. XI r

MacNaniee McNi-ells. Danny klacNelll. Great •McNew, Geo. McNew. T. E. Mack. C. W. Mack. F. •.Mackey A Crdl Mackle, W. W. Mahsmab. Roy Makay, Andy Malcolm. Emma and Malrolma, Marvelous Maloney. Eugene Manger. Nolan Maun. J. K. Mansfleld Bros. Msnton, Kevltt •Maple, L. B. Marcntett. Jos. L. •Marion. Dave •Marnney, Ed. •Marriott. Mereillth Mars Bros ’ Minstrels Martin A King •.Martin. E. E. Marvin Br>s<. Mascagni. Stephen Mason. "Msglclan” Mstxonl’a Shows May. Ed.

No. 2.

“Fabius Henrion” Carbons Absolutely Noiseless on Alternating Current!

BEST LIGHT! BEST LIFE!! BEST PRICES!!! Write for Samples aad Fall Informallon.

sole: >mrorte:rs:



august 29, 1908. X ti e Billboard 39

Our special CampalKn Supplement and HarKuIn Bulletin la ready for distribution. \Ve have the biggest drawing cards you can use to get the money. Merry Widow Hats, >7.00 a; Campaign Fobs from >4.00 to >9.00 a gros.s: Shell Chains, from >2.50 to >6.00 a gross; Loop Whips, >4.75 a; 50-Line Frames, >1.20 a gro.s.s; Rubber Thread, >l.7B a pound; Men’s Klastic Belts, full size, quality, >3.60 per gross. Be quick and slip us a postal and we'll shoot over our supplement and bul¬ letin. They will save you from 15 per cent to 25 per cent on the dollar.

M. GERBER Impirtir of Strootnoa’s NoYtlfits

729 Sooth Stroot, PHIUOELPHIA, PA.

NEW material: O^t It from aotbor

beloc aiiwi SCCCESSrULLT by buodn^M of fomDoot Artists tbs world oTsr.

JIMESMIDISON write* to order *11 kind* of original Monologue*. Sketrhe*. i>*rodle*. bt*ge Bonj^, etc. Hate* reaaoaably bigh. but sbwoltit^ly flrst-rlsss work sod sxcIqsIts ►o»*e«»lon guaranteed. 1 JAMES MADISOM, 1404 id AT*aa*.

Mow Tork City, (Dapt 10.)

IAttractlORS, Sliofff, Nofiltf Stiite, Cm

• Ricks, itc. Studs If All Kinds fir Cinliil Sept. 8,9 & 10.

Address R. B.GIBBS, Rolfe, Iowa.

SCENERY Ball* and Trarellng ('ompanlea,

tVlebratlon*. rU'TORlAL PAlN-n.Nd. T. M. CHAMBniS. INI Broad¬ way. Wtw Tark.

Our catalogue of Campaign But¬ tons. I*adg<‘s and New Novel¬ ties is now ready to mall. Write for one to-day. We are head¬ quarters for all kinds of Carni¬ val and Fair Grounds Goods (anes. Knives. Whips, Dusters. Halloon.s, Uibbon. Beads. Cheap Jewelry. Optical Goods and No- tii,n-j Deposit required on all

G I>. orders. Catalogue free, hi nd for It to-day.

Shiyock-Todd Notion Co. 82> 4 824 H. Eigkth SL.

^r. LOUIS. u. m. a.

™ANTFb MOORK tlon .if -Ti.* ■'•''ertlacr baa aome Infon

AilOreaa onr* Tb* Billboard.

■Mayman, Al. Meade, Prof. 11. J. Meeban, Prof. W. A. Meeker, Oeo. Meier, Thom** Q.. Jr. •Melrllle. Frederick MelTin, W. M. Melrln. Bert MelTin A RHIi Meredith, Mr. A Mr*.

Al. Mertcle, D. H. Merrill. J. O. Merriman, R. P. •Mldgley. Drury Mile*. tJuy II. •Miller, Morrla Miller. A. R. Miller, rred Miller, Frank Miller, Jaa. O. Miller. O. E. Miller. E. L. Miller, Will T. Miller. Cha*. W. Mohr, Albert O. •Molyneua. Arthur Mooney, Vfalter S. Moore, Archie •Moore. P. M. •Moore. Smltty Moore, B. A. Moore, Edw. E. R. Moreinan. Will T. Morgan Pepple Co. Morgan, H. P. Morgan. Jack Morphy, Bert Morria, Andy Morrow. Joa. A. •Mora Broa.' Mlnatrel •Morae, Chae. Morton. C. A. Moaely. M. •Mnahnr, C. E. Mullen. Carl B. Mulligan. Mr. Mnlrey. Ben I,. Mnmolo. Angelo •Mnndy. Cd. P. J Mnnaon, H. W. •Murphy, Billy Murray. Anatln Naim. Bud Nall. Mr. Naah. Algle Nemo. Carl Neradoo, Tho Nere*. C. T. Newton. Tlarry NIa*. laaac NIrhola. Capt. W. O •Nile. H. V. Norherg. Robt. Norton. Ed. Norton. Chnek Norton. Wllllama •Norton. Edward P. Nonton. Frank Noion. Dare Non. J. _ Nye. Tho*. Franklin O’Brien. Harry O’Dar. Wro. J. •O’Donnell. C. O. •O’Leary, John Oakeaon. John S. Oar. C. F. Ogden. Oawald •Ollrer. J. H. •Olaon. C. A. Olaon. E. O. Orton. Norman Orton. Myron Orerturf. J W. Owen. Shephard Padgett. Joe •Palmer, Tbomaa • Palmer A Lewi* Paraona. R. A. •Pattereon. Edwin Pattlaon. Jame* A. Paol. Ed. •Pearl. C. C. •Pearaon. Ralph J. •Pearaon. Peter Perk. O. P. Pederaon Bron. Pelth. Wm. Pellette. Ckle •Pelton. Cbnn. Peltnn. Chan. •Perry. Hnrry H. PeteraoB. Andrew Petter, J. BmweW Pheltfer. Chnn. E. •Pkllbrook. C. H. •Phtlllpn. Cknn. Phinip*. T. A. Phlltlon. ArMIle •Pierce. Oeo. H. Pierce. Bob Pllheam, H. L. •Pllaon. Sidney E. Piper. Harry Piper. FYank Pitt. Ja*. A. •Pittrott. Klchard Plela*. W. A. Powell. Albert •Pownr* (Klltlea) Power*. Ed. A. Prince A Carother* •Prince, Arthur L. Quinlan, Joe •Radford. Robert Ragaalale. Chaa. Ramadell, Leke Randall. Frank Ramlall Dan Randolph. Jamcn Rauf. Claude Bawte*. Ecer'.’t Ray, Walter 0. Kayale. Harry M. Raymond A llarjs'r Raymond. Melrllle Raymond*. Two Real*. Lai RimsI. Harry U.-od. V. S Reeil. L. H. •Rela*. Nat Relaaman, FrrtI Reiter. Geo. Ren. C. P. K,no. Will A Mi» Remw. Tb* flreat •Rlarilrn, John M. •Rlcn, I. Henry lUchanla, Fearlea* Richard*, tleo. W. RIdclI. Major RIgga. W. M. Rinehart. D. C.

•Ripple, Robert •Robhlna, Frank A Robert*. Hairy Rotierta, Fred H. Roberta, O. C. •Rohlnaon, Mare •Ridiman, John O. Rmlenburg. Dick Roger*, Ed. Roger*. France* Roger*. Frank Il<a{era. Tf>m Roilo, The Limit •Roode, Clande M. Ro«e, Jimmie Roee, I>ou Rnaeman, Albert Roaa, Richard R<ma. Charley •Roaa. Tbomaa W. Round*. II. O. Ruaaell. J. B. Ruaaella, Seven Rye. (ieorge W. Ryaden. Wm. 8. St. Itelmo. Janiea St. Julian. Jack St. Pierre, Al. Sader, Hank Sakata. S. Salmon. Fred Samayoa, M. Sampel, Ouy Samaon. Young Samson, Arthur Dork Santell. Rudolph Sargent. Fred B. Saaaaman. W. A. Schley. Fred Scbultl. H. A. Schultz. W. M. S linlta. Em.*at Schmidt. Herr Schaefer. Louis E. Shermans. Two Sebermer. Ike Scott. EilwartI L. •Scott. Ed. H. Seaburg, Ralph Seaton. Billy Seeley. Bob Seeley, Musical Seeman. Howard Seybolt. C. M. Seymore. Mr.

Tlllmaa. Frank Tippetts. Keanedy Tracy. Fred Triplet. Vic Tracey A Carter •Tucker, Harry Tucker, Harry •Tudor, Teddy Tiimber, Will Turner, Harry •Turner, Bishop Ttiraer, O. •Tyler A Berton

Tyler, Harrv F. t’den. Col. W. J. L'bl, E. A. Van Camp. Harry Van, Ernest Van Horen Van. Wm. Vtidera, H. Vardon. Frank Veda A Qulntarrow Vedder, J. Norton Vlctorlne, Merryn Voce. Tom Vonaray, E. C.

Vonengethum, Lonia A Fred

•Vontello A Nina Waddell. Joe Wade. L. Z. Waelchle. Stery Wagner A Gray Wagner. E. C. Waldron, Urooer •Waldron Broa. Walker A Lambert Wallace. Johnnie Walton. Dutch Walti. Albert •Ward, Eraeat Ward. Saul Wardlaw, Jamea

Warner, Stanley Waahbura, Louie •Warren, A. W. Water*. Geo. Weadick, Guy Wearer. Ed. Webb. Tom Welder, Edwin •Welaa A Sangater

Welah, M. H. Welch. Wm. Wentworth. Nat Wenyater, W. Wealeya. The Weat, W. C. West. S. C. Weaton, R. E. Weatcott. M. B. •Wharton. Ed. Wherry. J. C. Whitcomb, Hank White, F. E. W’hite, I.ew White, Porter J. White, Emory White. Doc Whltford, John Whittaker. Jamea T. •WIcke. Gna Wlckllffe A Joy W'lber, Al. Wlllepd, Cha*. William. Spencer •Wllllama. John Williams. Frank E. •William*. Jack Wllllama. Mexian Bill Wllllama. A. H. •Wllabln. Chaa. S. Wllaon. A. R. Wllaon. Sam Wllaon, Frank Wllaon. Bill •Wllaon. Allen Wlltoo. J. B. •Wlae. Hen Woekener, A. W. Wolfe. W. T. •Woodworth. Marty Wuram, R. H. Yatea. J. C. Yeager, Joe Young. Frank A. Young A Manning Youngboiiae, Edw. Zativon. Maroof Zeb, Jolly Zeda Zelger, Carl F. Zeiger. Doc Zeller A Zeller Zoobalakla, John Zulelia

WANTED Vaudeville Acts

Wanted First-Claes A-1 Vaudeville Acts; Novelty Ads preferred. In first letter state lentflli of Act; deecrilie fully lowest salary, etc. Only box-office attractions wants d.


The Rockland County Fair At Orangeburg. Rockland County, New Tork. September T. 8. 9, 10, 11. Average attendanca fur week. .%0.ia)0. For conceaalon apace, apply to S. L. BEVAN, SupL, Orangeburg, N. T,

Akerstron's Sketch Beoks Nos. 1 and 2. Each contalna Comedy aketchea for two people. Alao Monologuea, Parodlea, Gaga. Jokea for Profeaaionala or Amateura. Quality, not quan¬ tity. Return, If not pleaaed. .SO centa each. Money order or atampa. BROOKLYN PLAT BT7SEAU, 1707 Ocean At*.. Brooklyn. M. T.

HUBER’S 14th ST. MUSEUM New York. Wanted—Acta. etc. Can uae Fn-aka of Nature. Conteafa, Anything New and Novel. Addreaa J, H. ANDERSON, Manager.

WANTED—Carnival Company, Merry-Go-Rounil. Ferrla Wheel, Mintatiire Railway and other good shows for Big Colored State Fair. September 21 to ‘20, Klngtiaher, Okla.. i»»-rceptage plan. 20.1100 people. Addreaa DAN LEWIS, Secretary,


Seymour, Myles Schllcher. I>>uia Shermans. Two •Shaefer, Clinton Shate A Cole Shannon. J. J. Shaver. Jame* E. Shaw. Frank E. Shepard. Robt. Sheridan. Jo*. •Sherry. J. A. •Shlelda. Jack Shlelda. Jno. H. Shone. Freil Short. J. F.

IS^MEDUCTIOinimiCItE^^ On your Edison machines. We will, at a small cost, ■ reduce the flicker to a minimum by changing your I two pin mechanism to a one pin mechanism. Send I your mechanism to us and we will do the rest. I

Sherry. Jo*. V. •Sbung Dpavl Siegel. Fred C. Sllubeck. TTieo. “Sllveno” Sllverlake. A. A. Sllverton. Ctande C. Sltnma. Paul SImmona. T. Harry Slmpaon. S. S. Singer. HaiTT Singing. Three •SIple. Dick •Skean. Cha*. R Sktllman. Wm. C. Skiver, Cha*. •Skoogaard. Axel Slater. Wra. Slater. George Smith. John Sni'tii. Collin F. Smith A Adam* •Smith. Rnaaell •Smith. Mike Smith. Jimmie Snider. Capt. H. Snodgraae. W. D- Sovdam. Harry Snyder. Emmett •Soloman. Leo Somerville. B. T. Spark*. S. E. Spencer. CUrence •Spaanar. F. B. •Sponlter. O. D. •Singer. W. StnEonl. Frad S. Stang. L., Jr. •Stanley. N. M. Stalnea. H. B. Stanley, Norman Starch. Albert T. •Stark. Irwin C. •Steam*. Prof. Theo. Stelnmetl. Henrv kStephenaon. Fred StergcnVeck. Louie Steven*. Harry •Stewart. Geo. Stevenaon. Geo. R. Sttrdemoat, J. B. Stire*. A. R. Stobiman, W. F. Story. J. O. Stieet. Edwin C. Strebig. I. V. Stuck, jea* Stuhb*. L. E. Sirll. B«Tt. Stnrgla. Jim Suglmoto, K. Summer*. A. H. Sutherland A Curt la •Sutton. N. E. Swipeuer. Jame* Sweeney A Johniem Sweniicy. Chaa. S Sylow. H. •Svlveater. Floyd Tanaka. Mr Tanner. L. A. Taylor. Roh»-rt Teeae. Jcaae <i. Teller. Ivaf Dahl Ti-nney. Walter E. Terry, C. Tolu, .klphonao Texas. Fat Boy Tbomaa. W. A. •ThiHiia*. Wm. M. •Thompson, Mom- Thom|<eon. Floyd C. •Tleck, Alfred •Tierce. E«t. Tiller, Clarence

Tiy on special M. P. “FABIUS HENRION” caibon, best resells. Chicago Film Exchange

120 East Randolph Strset CHICAGO, ILL. 801 Weatpry Building..Wnnhlngton, D. C. Hallway Exchange Building. Danver, Colo. Dooley Block. - Salt Laha City, Utah. Brandeia Block. ........ . Omaha Nab. Stabliraa Building. ....... . Nashvilla. Toon. Candler Building. - Atlanta, Qa.


The one best bet In M. P. Machines. NICHOLAS ROWER C O Nt R A N Y .

Soltc SS. US Nassau Street. NEW YORK.

Two Big Old Home Weeks -Renova* Pa., Aug. 31 to Sept 5- MonoBgahela City, Pa., Sept 7 to 13

WANTED—A FEW MORE PERCENTAGE SHOWS These are Imicpemlent. Promote,! by Merchant* and Citizens of both cities. $.5,000 spent In ad-

vertlaing and fn'e act*. If you want two live town*, where everybo<ty is working and money plenty, write. I’lTcenfage. 70 and 30; in-e ground, free Ilwnae and power for electric connection*.

LIBER1Y VALDLVILLE CONTRACTING CO. 812 Fulton Building, - - - - Pittsburg, Pa.

Wanted... ...Wanted 4th Annual Carnival and Home-Coming Wook

OTTUMWA, IOWA, AUG. 31 to SEPT. 5 Kerri* Wb,^*!. Two more Money Getting Show*. One more Senaatiunal Free Act. Conceaalona $10.00. Come on. Bova. Every Merchant a Booster. Billed like a Circua. REMEMBER, WE ARE FIRST IN OTTl’MWA, AND WILL GET THE CREAM In the beat Street Fair Town In low*. All factorlt-s pay that win-k. Cut the BI(H>mera out. boy*, and come to a live one. Ye*. I have got some more gtaal annual street fairs ami celehrationa to follow Ottgmwa. .\ddrcaa quick to H. SANOER. Manager. Warsaw, Ill;, Aug. 24-89; Ottumwa. Aug. 31 gjBept- _

Keep Your Operator Cool. Save 60% to 90% on Your Bill.

Hallberg Electric Economizer. ’'STMes.*' <)• H. HklLBERS. 30 Omiflck In., NEW YORK *?ioi<Ts.*

T{.OTTT1ilS Hillman Ideal Stork Co.. P. F. Hillman, msr.: MvrwxuM. Omaha. Neb., April 27, Indef.

(Dramatic, from oaie 37 » Holden-Bell Stock Co.; Beri^en Beach, Brook- * ‘ lyn. N. Y., June 8, Indef.

Elltch (Jarden* Stock Co.: Denver. Col., May Holland, Mildred Edw. C. White, mgr.: Buf-

(Dramatlr, from page 37.)

29, Indt-f. Krlanger Stock Ck)., Mai C. Elliott, mgr.: Cen¬

ter Sijiiare, I’a., Ma.v IS-Sept. 10. Empire Stock <3o., W. L. Busby, mgr.: Quincy,

111., 22-29. Ell and Jane, Harry (Jreen, mgr.: Clinton,

Ind.. 28; Sbellbum 20; Robinson, Ill., Sept. Terrible Secret. Chaa 2; Effingham 3; Sullivan 4; Mt. Pulaakl b.

Eldon’s Comedians, U. Harrla Eldon, mgr.:

falo, N. Y., Aug. 10 29; Cleveland, O., 31- Nov. 7.

Hollingsworth 'Twins Stock Co.: Roswell, N. M.. Aug. 10. Indef.

Howell, Ernest, Stock (k>.; San Francisco. Cal., May 12. Indef.

His 'Terrible Secret. Chas. E. Blaney, mgr.:

Biograph Films Trade Mark. RELEASED ADOU8T tB.

Brooklyn, N. 31-Sept. 5.

Y., 24 29; Jersey City, N. J.,

Kewanee. III., 24 29; Maquoketa, la., 31- T" ’ = Sept. b.

Fairbanks, Douglas, Co.. Brady A Grismer, mgrs.; New York City, Aug. 20, Indef.

Ferris Stock Co., Dick Ferris, mgr.: Minneap oils, Minn., May 29, indef.

Flake Stock Co., R. D. Flske, mgr.: Glovers vine, N. Y., July 27Oct. 31.

Greenville. O., 24-‘29. Douglas Co Bradv A Grismer Carpenter, mgr.:

New York CHv Aug 2»> Indef Aurora, HI.. Sept. 3: Elgin 4: Rockford 5. k Co nicit |.v;rl« Minn..,. llendersoD Stock Co.. W. J. A R. R. Henderson, ,n M.v 11 ?’ * Minneap . Valparaiso. Ind.. 24 29.

Howard Hall, In The Wall Street Detective, Har¬ ry Pierson, mgr.; Baltimore, Md., 24-29; Wilkes-Barre, I’a.. 31-Sept 2; Scranton 3-b.

From Slug Sing to I.llMTty, Chas. E. Blaney, Haii, Don C..’ln Repertoire: Dunkirk, N. Y mgr.: Washington, D. C., 24-29; Norfolk, Va., 24 *9; Buffalo. 31 sl-pt. .V 31 Sept. b.

Faust, White’s, Olga Verne White, prop. A Howard-Dorset Stock Co.. Howard Benton, mgr.:

Crawfordsville, Ind., ‘24-29: Marlon 31-^pt. b. mgr.: Calgary, Alta., Can., 2b 26; Bed Deer, Huntington Wright Stock Co.. Barry Scanlon, Alta., Can., 27; Eluionton, Alta., Can., 28- 29.

Facing the Music, with Jas. J. Corbett, H. H.

mgr.: Dubuque. la.. May 18-Aug. 29. Holden Bros.’ Stock Co.; I/>gans|M)rt. Ind., 24


BALKED AT THE ALTAR, Biograph Comedy of a Near-Wedding.

Showing the strenuous endeavors of a lovelorn spinster to hook a hubby. But after she had landed

1 her affinity, her capricious love grows cold. i^ENGTH. 703 FEET.

Fraiee, prop.: Rochester, Bllnn., 2^30; St. 1 Hackett, James K.: St. l/tuls. Mo.. 17-29 Paul 31 Sept. b.

Flaming Arrow, Lincoln J. Carter, mgr.; W’lno Hayward, Grace, Geo. M. Gatts, mgr.: Inde-

Iiendence, Kans., 23-Sept. b. RELEASED AUGUST tl.

na, Minn., 26; Eaii Claire, WIs., 27: Chip (Central). I.ecomte A Flescher, mgrs. pewa Falls 28; Stillwater, Minn., 29; St. „ a . k Cloud 30; Bralnerd Sept. 1; Aitkin 2; Staple. -eu- r 3; Aleiandria b. ILLINGTON, MARGARET: See Thief 3; Alexandria b. -I LLI NGTON, M ARG AR ET: See Thief.

Fighting Parson, W. F. Mann, prop.; Harry In at the Finish, IJncoln J. Carter, mgr.: Day- Chappell, mgr.; Chicago, Ill., 23-Sept. b. ’ 23-26; Columbus ‘27-’29; Toledo 30-

Four Corners of the Earth, Kllnt. Zazzolo A . ^1’^.- ?.•

FOR A WIFE’S HONOR, *^'oohen"™props°^; (.9ias!^'*l!i^'klna'.'°nigf'*™”Mll^ Indian’s ^cret. Lincoln J. Carter, mgr.: Chicago, StOFV Of d TFUC FflCndS SflCFlflCCa

City, MoV. 26; Billings 27; Big Wber 28; •'ki Ul Q I I ai

(jlla"t*FaUs^! H^’M"'54?*MlBsoura ^ j,,',Mlnneapofls So'^pL b - I Through a revengeful maid’s duplicity the man Fallen by the Waislde A II Woodi mirr • HUnK*"". Margaret, and Bruce McBay, Daniel w-w.w r w

Fearn^ey-Wlndcr'co*'^ "colby Kan ’’4 26 Jane E.t re, with Cuba Nlb'lo, Rowland A Clifford and tils friend’s wile are placed In an apparently compromising position, and to save the wUc’s

‘ ••*>““'1. Me., Jane Eyre! with Flora Fairfield, Rowland A wa^la. gwf flkiof „ _ ClIfTord Amusement Co., props. & mfrrfi.: Ke-i flOHOIT IIC flSSUIUCS llIC FOlC OI UllCI«

Glffen’a Lawr.-nce. Stock Co.: Richmond. V... nosha. WIs.. .30: Beloit 31; Rockford. HI.. ^

City. Mont., 26; Billings 27; Big Timber 28; Livingston 29; Bozeman 31; Butte Sept. 12; Great Falls 3; Helena 14; MisHoula b.

Fallen by the Wayside, A. II. Woods, mgr.: Brooklyn. N. Y., 24-29.

Fearnley-Winder Co.: Colby, Kan., 24-26. From Broadway to the Bowery, Harry Sellers A

Co., mgrs.: Phlladelpbia, Pa., 24-29.

Ill.. 16 29; Cincinnati, O.. 30 Sept. b. In Old Kentucky, I.Itt A Dingwall, mgrs.: St.

Paul, Minn., 23 29; Minneapolis 30-Sept. b. Illington, Margaret, and Briiee McBay, Daniel

Frrthman, mgr.: Denver, Colo., 24-‘29. Jane E.tre, with Cuba Niblo, Rowland A Clifford

.kinuseiiient Co., props. A mgrs.; Toledo, O., 23 26: Peru, Ind., 27: Danville. Ill., 28; De¬

catur 29; St. Ix>ul8. Mo., 31-Sept. b.

May 4, indef. Girls. Sam S. A Lee Sbubert. Inc., mgrs.: New

York City, Msrrb 2b, indef. Glaser. Vaughan. Stock Co.; Columbus, O..

June 29-Sept. 12. Good. Adam, Stock Co.. Frank Twltchell, mgr.:

Lowell. Mass., June 22, Indef.

Sept. 1; Janesville, WIs., 2; Stoughton 3; LENGTH^ - • - *•7** r i • Waukesha 4: Racine b. --

Jane Eyre, with Dorothy Turner. Rowland A __.yva-rm cilfford Amusement Co., props. A mgrs.: Mus- WRITE FOR OUR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS. GET ON OUR MAIL LIST AMD KEEP POSTED.

474 FEET.

kegon. Mlcb., 30; Manistee 31; Cadillac Sept. 1: Traverse City 2; Charlevoix 3; Cheboygan 4: Alitena

Grandl Stock Co.: Joplin. Mo., May 24 Indef Sheppard, the Bandit King. A. H. Woods, Girl and the Stamp<>de, V. B. Lambert', mgr.: tnkf-: Chicago. HI., 23 29; Milwaukee. WIs.,

Llt^eid'U^'BrnsoL?‘MVun.7 se^t‘*7;' 'MVii^ '’"h h g"*’* k"” 2; Glenwood 3; Fergus Falls I; W.hpetoo, K. ''orosso* 2?rTh“.rl^^^^^^^

Or.yce;’,Je',en^ N- \"Slrrn"V: V. Gllmon( lV«rn,,V 1- K1 iL, ^ v x- .. Just Out of College. Bothner A Campbell, mgrs.:

vToAi *1 Cincinnati. O.. 23-29: Toledo 30 Sept. 2; Rock- 07 in ^<’'•'1. J'*-- Madison. WIs.. 4; LsCrosse b.

? n’ ' i’. Jeavon’s Stock; IsHH-hbiirg, Pa., 24 29, (•ardlner Sto<'k Co.. Edmund Gardiner, mgr.: iv-.iieh Theatre Stnek Co I>w> Snaehner. mer.;






r,*? ’ 29. New York City. Aug. 8. Indef. t.raustark, A. <■-, I>elamater. mgr.: Pittsburg. Keith’s Stock Co.. I.Inday Morrison, mgr.;

■'k?Vi * Portland. Me.. July 4. Indef. ■ ambler of the A. H. Woods, mgr.: Bal- Kennedy, James. Spitz, Nathanson A Nason,

llmore Md.’ 24 J9; Philadelphia, Pa.. 31- mgrs.; Pawtucket, R. 1.. 17 Sept. 5. cx’pt. b- Keene, loralne, Co.. J. Richards, mgr.: Denver,

(■eiiaro and Bailey, in Tony, the Bootblack. A. Colo., 24 29. 11. Woods, mgr.: Toronto. Out.. Can., 24 Kidnapped for a Million. E. H. Perry, mgr.: J9: Cleveland. O.. 31-S<-pt. ,3. Viola, WIs.. 26; Soldiers’ Grove 27: Gay’s

Good Fellow, with Florence Lake Young. H. Mills 28; Prairie du (’hleii 29; Evansville Arthur DuBois, mgr.; Couer d’ Alene, Idaho. Sept. 2: Gotham 3; Sextonvllle 4: RIohland 20; Sjdrit Lake 27: Sand Point 28; Spokane. Center .b.

(Jardlner, mgr.: Kallch Theatre Stock Co., Leo Spachner, mgr.: of our licansad fllmi. 1-Auk> I Npw York PIfv. Aiie. A. Indpf. I ___

Wa will protact our customers and those of our licensaas against patent litigation in the ' our licansad films.


Viola, WIs.. 26; Soldiers’ Grove 27: Gay’s Mills 28; Prairie du (’hleii 29; Evansville Sept. 2: Gotham 3; Sextonvllle 4: RIohland Center .b. eyes Sisters’ Stock Co.. Arthur E. Herbst, Wash., 29; I,ewIston. Idaho. 31; Moscow S«‘pt. Keyes Slaters’ Stock Co.. Arthur

1; Pullman, Wash , 2: Colfax 3; Walla Walla tnKf-’- Ebenshurg. Pa.. 24-29. 4; Yakima 5. Laketaont Park Stock Co., Myrkle 4; Yakima 5. Lakemont Park Stock Co., Myrkle-IIarder Am.

Governor and the Boss, with Wm. H. Turner, Co., mgrs.: Altoona. Pa.. June 1b, Indef. Chas. E. Blaney, mgr.: Boston, Mass. 24'- Liberty Stock Co; Oakland. Cal., Indef. 29; New Yo>k City, 31 S.-pt. b. ' Theatre Stock Co.; Seattle. Wash., Aug.

Glhney, Grace. Stoek'Co.. I’.iii Ooetteebe, mgr.: Indef. Kankakee. Ill.. 10 Se p;. Lonergan. Lester. Stock Co.; New Orleans. La.,

Great Dhido. with llenrv Miller: Lincoln. Neb . Aug. 24. Indef. 2.S. Long. Prank E.. Stock Co.: Cedar Rapids, la..

Great Express ILddary. A. H. Woods, mgr.: Jon** Indef. Paterson. N. J., Sept. 2. Lyric Stock Co.: New Orleans. La.. Aug. 2.3,

Grahaiiie. FerilinaiKl: ('oshiH-toii, <).. 24 29 Indef. Gagnon Pollock Slock Co.. Bert C. Gagnon mgr • I-atimore A TiClgli (Eastern). Ernest I.atlmore,

Tauipa. Fla., 17-Scjil. 12. ' ' mgr.: Portsmouth, O., 24-29; Marietta 31- Giffords Kepcrioln- Co.; Miiiiston. Wis., 24 29. Sept. b. Giiiiiivun Uc|H'rtoire Co.: liuiieer O 24 29 I-loh ■"'I Mouse (A). Henry B. Harris, mgr.: Girl and 3 hc Gawk:. Will H.' locke.' iiigr.: littstiiirg. I’a., 31 Sept. b.

Alexandria. Neh.. 2(;: 27" F'alrflcld ’’S- I-lttle Organ Grinder. B. E. Forrester, mgr.; Ft. Ilsstiiigs 29. ’ ” ’ Wavne, Ind., 29; Chlesgo. HI.. Srt-Sept. b.

HACKETT, JAMES in Stock' St I>ena Rivers, E. Burton Nixon, mgr ; T.a Fayette, I A o’ c Ind.. 29. Peru 30; Wahash .31: Huntington

IvlO., Aug. 9-Sept. 5. S«>pt. 1; Pern 2; Elwood 3; Tipton 4; Mnn HODGE, WM.; See Man From Home. cie b.

TA-MO-PIC. What are they? Every live, wide-awake

Moving Picture Theatre Manager should know. Drop us a postal and just say

HIGGINS. DAVID* C.»n^ Claw T^tlmorp & Stock Co. (WcstcrtiK Bert ••• • • 0 «

Missouri, I He"^f 3 kc\V7i"’’B„rV”R ""™^^ ^0 wUl advlso you of os^of the greatest propositions ever Campbell. Vi".""'" I'S 'in' 'I'u’S'"*'" * n.m., M.. SI *.pt, amusement loving public.

"’loV'iVt'ac" '•I- They are now being used in the following cities: New ""'iV,.'''",';':: York, Chicago, St. Louis, Louisville, Cincinnati, New Orleans,

S,-,, C,.: V,.,!,. P... |M„. l-.g, il., «... tl.-.I- m.r : V V JJ ,j Jg, j

T Pc X) S, Krans mer - Ion ‘ c ■'

May IS, Indef. Darlington. Wis.. 24 29- I,anca«ter 31-Sept.

HIghy. Wilbur, Stork Co.. C. M. Huston, mgr.: I-oot Trail. AntiMiiv E. Wills, mgr.; Grand Rap Tyler. Tex.. July 27. Indef. Ids. Mleh 2:120,: T-dedo. O.. 27 29.

Highland Park Stock Co.: York, Pa., Indef. I.nckv Jim Wm. Wissl». mgr.: Bnsiklyn. X 3".


MOVING PICTURE MACHINES 80 nllgbtly naed Power’s Cameragrapba, Edison Mew underwriter Model and Liibln (Jlneographs, at bargain prices 200 sets of Song Slides with mnsic, at $2 per set. THE ACTOORAPH COM- PAMY, 60 Union Square, Mew York, M. Y.

Be Your. Own Manager

A company organized and booked in best theatres ftir SMALL INVESTMENT. For particulars address

The Poly-Theatric Bureau, Knickerbocker Theatre Bldg,.


Ids. Mich 2:t 2G: Toledo. O.. 27 29. I.nckv Jim Will. Wissls. mgr.: Bnsiklyn. X' 3’..

22 29. l.yciMini f'oiiiislv Co.. .M. S'. Evans, mgr.: I.on-

don. Kv . 24 •9. l/xckes. 3Jli<-. Will H Ixs-kc. mgr.: Wymorc.

N. h 24 MACK. ANDREW. W. M. Wilkinson,

mar.: Boston, Mass., 24-29. MASON, JOHN: See Witching Hour. MILLER. HENRY: See Great Divide. McRae, Henr\-. Sto«-k Co.; 3'anrouvcr. B. C..

Can.. May 2b. Indef. Man from Home, with Wm. Hodge. Llehler A

Co., mgrs.; New 3"ork Olty. Aug. 17. Indef. Manhattan Stock Co., Gregory A Emery, mgrs.:

Yonkers. N. 3’.. Indef. Mlnneqiis Stock Co.. Jos. I). Glass, mgr.; San

Antonio. Tex.. July b. Indef. Morton Slock Co.: BIsbee. Ariz.. Jul.v 19.

Indef. Miirra.v Comedy Co.. J. Bus Smith. mgr.;

Charleston. S. C.. Indef. Mvers, Irene. Stoek Co.: Shamokin. Pa.. In¬

def. Myrkle-Hsrdsr. Myrkle-IIarder Amus«-ment Co..

Inc., mgrs.: Binghamton. N. 3'.. 24 29; WII llsmsport. Pa.. 31 Sept, b,

Melville. Ros<'. In Sis Hopkins. John It Stirling mgr.; Ann Arbor, Mleh., 31: I’ort Huron S<-tit 1: Saginaw 2: Bay City 3; Owossri 4: Miiske goii ,'.

Meadow Brook Farm (Central). W. F. Mann, prop.: J. W. Ctrson. mgr.; Beloit, Wis.. 26: Monroe 27; Fre«>fiort. HI.. 28; Rockford 29. Annira 30; Roehwile 31.

Missouri Girl (Western). Merle H. Norton, mgr.: Eureka. Mont.. 26; Bonners Ferry. Ids . ’27: | Sand Point 28: Newport, Wash., 29; Spirit Igike, Idaho. 31.

The First in your Town to use them. 0. T. CRAWFORD FILM EXCHANGE CO.

Qayety Thiatre BIdK., ST. LOUIS, MO.

Ilf liyTril Good Clean Shows fly I QIJ To Work on Percentage.

Second Best Drawing Fair In the State.


Free Attraction* Already Booixed. CH ^S. Ikf ULBERGER. Secy.

PRACTICAL Knowledst and SQUARE Dealing Spell 8UOQ£Sli Sbows. Treat All Aliks. Onatrol BO* acta.


W. S. CLEVELAND’S PRUDENTIAL EXCHANUE ■aita* Mf-U0-U7 Kaloktrkesksr Tkaatta Balldiag, 1401 Broadway, VKW TOBX.

august 29, 1908.

Ilruok Karin (KaHtern), W. K. Mann, Ikm A. .Marmlllao. inKr.: South

I’d: ttonaiclar, MIrh., lionton ilar- : Kattic Crt^k IV-Stl; Allilun 31. thp Hour, Hrailjr A Hrlamor, niKra.; San «<■«. t’al., in Si-pt. .1, lawn. Hurt, NIrolat A Nlion, propa.; II. Si'woll. micr.: tlraiHl Kapida, .MIrb., Hftrolt 2.TJt*; Toronto, Ont., Can., 31

.StoTona A Moaanian’a Mo., Indef.

Stoddard Stock Co.: I to, Indaf

Stone HUl Stock Co., Peoria, Ill., March 30,

Suburban Stock Co. St. Ixmla. Mo.,

■ - Cecil, i Kriaiklrn, N. Y.

Stock Co.: SI. Loula, Under Southern Skies (Western), Harr; Doel Parker, prop. A niftr.: Cleveland. O., 24-29; Detroit, Mich., 30-Sept. ."i.

Under Two Flan, Max C. Elliott, mitr.: Butler. N. J., 20; Newfoundland 27; Franklin 2S; Dcdsuaburs 29; Braochvllle 31; BIsuatroin Sept. 1; Portland, Pa.. 2.

Vallamont Stock Co.: W’llllamsport, Pa., June S. Indef.

Vinton, .Mjrtle, Co., H. P. Buliner, mKr.: Platte CIt;, Mo.. 24-28; Plattaburit 29: Sbenantloah, la., 31; ('larinda Sept. 1; Clearfield 2-4; Ting¬ le; 5.

Vale, Louise, Stock Co.: Portland. Me.. 17 29. Volunteer Organist, W. W. Newcomber, mgr.:

Chicago. Ill., 23-29. West End Heights Stock Co., 1). E. Russell,

mgr.: St. Louis, Mo.. Ma; 10, Indef. Whittleae;, White, Stork Co., Belaaco A Ma;-

er, rogra.: San Francisco. Cal., Jul; 13- Sept. 5.

Witching Hour, with John Mason, S;im S. A Lee Shiita-rt. Inc., mgrs.: New York Clt;, Aiig. 17. Indef.

Woialward Stock Co.: Omaha, Neb., April 18, Indef.

Wolf, Spitx, Natbanaon A Nason, mgrs.: New ItiK-helle. N. Y., 3; Danbiir;, Conn., 4; New Britain 5.

When Women Love, Spitz, Natbanaon A Nason, mgrs.: Providence. It. L, 31 Sept. 5.

WInnInger Bros.' Own Co., Frank WInnInger, mgr.: .Marshfield, WIs., 24-29; Wausau 30- Sept. 5.

Why Girls I.eave Home, E. J. Carpenter, mgr.: Winona, WIs., Sept. 5.

WarOeld. David, David Belasco, mgr.: Denver. Colo., 17 29.

White Stock Co.: Mt. Vernon. O.. 9-Sept. 1. Whltecar. W. A.: Hudson, N. V., 26; Alban; 27;

Poughkeepsie 2S; Tro; 29. Wanti^ b; the Police: I*hlladelpbla, Pa., 24-

29. Wall .Street Iietective: Philadelphia. Pa.. 24

29. Young, Florence I.ake. H. A. DuBols. mgr.:

Couer d'.\lene 26; Spirit Lake 27; Sand Point 28; Wash., 29.

Brooks and la-slle (Hippodrome): Lexington. K;., .31 Sept. 5.

Brooks and Vetlder (Star): Seattle. Wash., 31 Sept. 6.

Black and l^-slle (Hippodrome): Lexington. Kj., 31-Sept. 5.

Benton and .McKenzie (L;rlc): Dallas. Texas, 24-29.

Baldwin and Shea (Grand). Shreveport, La.. 23-29.

Brown. Chink (Parki; Canal Dover, O., 31- Sept. 6.

Balle;, Frank F. (Wells* .Minstrels): Atlanta. Ga.. 24 29.

Belmonts. Two: Oelweln, la.. 24-29; Independ¬ ence .31-Sept. 5.

Ballo Bros. ((Kleon): Cleveland. Tenn.. 24- 29; (Crescent) Chattanooga 31-S«‘pt. 5.

Barber A Palmer (Airdoine): Columbus, Ga.. 24 29.

Camiibells. The (Wonderland Park): Wichita Kan.. 24 29.

Corcrrran A Dixon (.Mrdonie); Junction Clt; Kan. 2t 2*’.

Cline, Maggie (Proctor's 5th Ave.): New York City, 24 29.

Cooper, Leo, A Co. (Proctor's 12.’Sth St.): New York Clt;, ‘24 29.

(Jhinquella, Princess. A Newell I.Mbambrai: New York City. 24 2!*.

Colonial Days (Music Hall): Brighton Beach. N. Y.. 24 29.

Collins A Hart (Hammersteln's Roof Garilenc New York City. 24 '29.

Callao A Smith (Hammersteln's R<M>f Garden): New York City. 24 29.

Chevalier. Ia>u1s. and Co. (Orpheum); Vancou¬ ver, B. C., Can., 24 29; (GvJjiid): Victoria.

I B. C., Can.. 31 Sept, .V ' Casein and Reeves (.\urora): ‘Junction City.

Kan.. 24-2!); (Yale) Kansas 'City, Mo.. 30 Sept. 6.

Carlos and Claton: Nashville. 3'enn.. 21 '29; (Electric) Columbia. Tenn., .31 Sept. 5.

Casads. Three (Lyric .Mrdome): Mangnm. Okla.. 24 29

DefJo'W and Fuller (Princess): Cleveland, O.. 31 Sept. 5.

Delsvoye and Fritz (Theatorlum): Galveston. Tex.. 24 29.

Dlxey, Henrv I' . A Co. (Proctor's 5th Ave.(: New York City. 24 29.

Downs. T. Nelson (Keith’s): Cleveland. O..

London, Ont., Can., June

Carl J. Bruckert, mgr.: , Indef.

. Opi>enhelmer Bros., mgrs.: Ma; 25. Indef.

Co., ('has. E. Bluney, mgr.: . . - . J.. 23 29; Jersey City, .N. J., 31

Sept. 5. SherlfT of Angel Gulch, with Young Buffalo,

Chaa. E. Blaney, mgr.: Rochester, N. Y., '24 '29; Detroit. Mich., 31 Sept. 5.

Shoemaker. Barton A Wlswell, mgrs.: Wilkes- Barre, Pa.. 24 '26; Scranton 27-29; Hoboken, N. J., 30 S<‘pt. 2; Trenton 3-5; New Bruns wick 5.

Sure .Shot Sam (Klim; A Brltton'si, B. M. Garfleld. mgr,: St. I.ouls. Mo.. 2:129; Chicago. II., ;U( 5.

Stanford A Western Stock Co.: WIIiIwismI. .N. J., June 27 Aug. 29.

Spirit of Paul Iksme (IJncoln J. Carler's(: Al¬ ton. II., 29: St. Ixjula, Mo.. .31 Sept. 6.

Star Bout, with Taylor Granville, J. L. Veronee Amuse. Co., mgrs.: Pittsburg. Pa.. 24'29; Rochester, N. V., .31-S«-pt. 2: Syracuse ll-."..

Shadowetl by Three, W. F. Mann. t>ro|i.; Jarru J. Jackson, mgr.: Sprlngfleld. ill., ‘23‘2*i; Joliet 27; Daven|K>rt, la., 2S: Cedar Rapids 29; Des .Moltu-s 30-Sept. 2: Umaba, Neb., 3-5.

Sold Into Slavery: Buffalo, N. Y.. 24 29. Since Nellie Went Away. H. W<s>ds, mgr.:


lllloiialre and the Policeman's Wife, A. H. WiMsIs, mgr.: Paterson, N. J., 24'26; Chicago, 111., :toS«-pt, 5. I’lionald StiM'k Co. (No. 1), G. W. McDonald, tiigr.: Jackson. Tenn., 10'29; Hut Springs, Ark., 31 S<-pt. .5. i'D,nald Stock Co. (No. 2). Karl McDonald, mgr:. Jackson, Tenn.. 10‘29; Humlsddt 31 Sept.

Murray Mackey Oo.: Elmira, N. Y., 24 29; One- onta 31Sept. 5.

Montana I.lmit<sl (Eastern), Klimt A Gaxxolo Aiiiusenieiit Co., pn>|Hi.; I>eo D. Ellaworth, mgr.: t)maha. Neb.. 2:t-26; Des Moines, la., 2*‘29; Daven|s>rt .‘(0 31; Blistmlngton. Ind., Sept. 1; Danville 2: liuliana|sdls :{-5.

Mill tana I.iiiiiled (Wtuderni. Klimt A Gazzolo .ktnuseiueni Co., iirigts.: ('has. H. .McKinney, tiigr : Salt I.ake City, Ulah. ‘23'29; Tooele .31; Callenle. Nev., St-pt. 1: Izis Vegas. N. Mex., ‘J: San Bernardino, Cal., 3: Riverside 4; Pu iiioiia '<■

Maher Stis-k Co., Ji«. A. Breaolt, mgr.: Ellen vllle. N Y.. 24 '29; Norwich 31 Sei.t. 5.

Marmllleii Players, Dan .Macinlllen, mgr.: St. Jo-o ph. Mo.. -23 .Sept. r,.

Morgan I’epple Co.. Pepple A Serrela Amuse. Co., mgrs.: .Atchison, Kans., ‘211 Se|it. .5.

Mai'k, Andrew; B<s>l>in. Mass.. 24 Sept. 5. Moire. Victor, Cohan A Harrta, mgrs.: Chicago,

Ill. 16 29. Mneiy and Nine, Jas D. Barton A Co., mgrs.:

Yoiiki-rs. N. Y.. 27 '29; New Haven. Conn., 31- S.-pt. 2: Brldge|Nirt 3; Waterbury 4-5.

Nielsen. Marie, Homer K. Gllbo. mgr.: Tulsa, Okla.. 24 29; Sapnl|ia 30 .Sept. 5.

Newman. James. Co., Ray McAndrews, mgr.; Central City. Col.. ‘26; Ft. Morgan '27; Brush '2!>; Ikinver 29; Rocky Ford 31; Ijis Animas Sept. 1; I.amar 2; Holly 3; Raton, N. .M., 4; Dawson 5.

Allver Theatre Stock Co.: Lincoln, Neb., May IH Indef

Orpheum Stock Co.: Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 14. Indef.

On Trial for His Life. A. H. Wissla, mgr.: Mon¬ treal. Que.. Can., 24 '29; Topinto. Ont., Can., 31 Sept. 5.

On the Bridge at Midnight, Klimt A Gazzolo .\inuse. Co., props.; W. W. Wllctix. mgr.: Hot Springs. Ark.. 26; Shreve)sirt. Iji.. ‘27; Mon roe ‘2s: Texarkana. .\rk . ‘29; Vicksburg. Miss.. 31: Natchez Sept. 1: Baton Rouge. Ijx.. 2; Jackson. Miss., .3; Meridian 4: Tuscaloosa 5.

Otdum Smugglers trf 'Frisco, with Harry Fields. .4. H. Wisids. mgr.: Cleveland. ()., 24‘29; Youngstown 31 Sept. 2.

<) .N'elll. James. Etlgar Forrest, mgr.; Aabury Park. N. J.. Sept. 1.

Old .Arkansaw. L. A. Edwards, mgr.: Ithaca. Mich.. 26; Howell 27; Williamson 28; Linden 2!*. Fenton 31.

I’sbst English Stock Co.: Milwaukee. Wla., April 27 Aug. 2!)

Page Stock Co.. Wm. A. Page, mgr ‘ Baltl more. Md., .Aug. 3. Indef.

Paid In Full (Eastern (. Wagenhals A Kem|>er. mgrs.: New Y'ork City. Feb. 25. Indef.

Paid In Full (Westerni. Wagenhals A Kemper. mgrs.: Chicago. HI.. May 10 Sept. 5.

Pantage'a Stock Co.. .Arthur C. Mackley, mgr.: Seattle. Wash., Aug. 2. Indef.

Payton‘s Lee .Avenue Stock Co.. Corse Payton. mgr : Brooklyn. N. Y’.. Aug. lO. IndeL

Peniebl-Gypz*'ne Stock Co.. C. D. Penichl. mgr.: Knoxville. Tenn.. May 18. Indef.

Peters' Stock Co.. Will .A. Peters, mgr.: Char¬ lotte. N. C.. May IS. Indef.

Phelan. E. V , Stock Co.: Peak's Island. Me.. June 20, Indef.

Poll's Stis-k Co., S. 7. Poll, mgr.: Bridgeport, Conn.. May 11. Indef.

Poll Stock Co.. S. f. Poll, mgr.: Hartford. r.Hin . May 25. Indef

Poll Stock Co., Drew A. Martin, mgr.: New Haven. Conn., June 1, Indef.

Poll Stock Co.. Lawrence B. MfGIll. mgr.; Scranton, pa., Mav 18. Indef.

Poll Stock Co.. S 7. Poll, mgr.: Sprlngfleld. Mass.. May 15. Indef.

Poll Stock Co.. S. 7. Poll, mgr." Waterbury, Conn . May 11. Indef.

Poll Stock Co.. S 7,. Poll, mgr : Worcester. Mass . May 18, Indef.

Pollock Stock Co.: Dp«dousas. La.. July 6. In def.

Price's Players. John R Price, mgr.: Miami, la . Indef

Pringle. |)*'Ila. Stock Co." Boise, Ida., Aug. 3 Sept. 12.

Phantom m-tectlve, Rowland A Clifford Amuse, to., props A mgrs.: Columbus. O,. 24-'26. Dayton ‘27 29; Chattaii<s>ga. Tenn.. 31 Sept. 5.

Poynter. Beulah, Burt. Nicolai A Nixon props.; Burton Nixon, mgr." Iiidlanapolla. Iml.. 24 29; Nashville. Tenn.. 31 .Sept. 4.

Paycen Ktoek Co.. E. S. laiwrence, mgr.: Wichi¬ ta. Kans., 24 Sept. 5,

Partello Stock Co. (Western). W A Partello. mgr: Merrill. WIs 24 "29.

Prince of Spendthrifts. A H W.suls. mgr.; Boston. Mass , 24 ‘29: New York City, 31- .I

Psjl.iii Sisters. C. S Payton, mgr : Dallas. Tez., r 29; Waco .31 Set,t. h

Psrklns, Chle, Frank O. King, mgr.: Cle Klum. wash. 26; Olympia ‘27; AlM<rdeen 28; Ho 4 I'ani ‘29

Pal' of Cotialry Kida. K. J. Kadow, mgr.: An- . 'JT; Albion. Mich . 28- I.analng 29.

Paid In Full; Trenton. N. J.. ‘29

*’“’.*7, ••'c ClrctiB, Frederic Tbnm|>aon, mgr.: 1 hicago. in . .30 Sept. 5.

’*‘1?*''V.?*"" *’" • U. Roaar. mgr.: rranklln. Ind.. 24 29; Shelhyvlile 31 Sept. 5.

3lo.val Slare l(3ar«-nre BeiinetCa). Geo. H. Biibb, I'ushnell. in,. '20: Kelthshiirg 27; Mon 28; ^Moline ‘29; Bock Island 30; Fair

Bexlh-k _ Frank Keadick. mgr.: Topeka, bans , on jvpt .A » , .

R‘>cky Mountain Kxpreaa (Western!. Klimt A ^6'""' P" . props ; C. H Bitters,

i • 2*; Valley City ‘27; Bla niar.-k .s. Mandan ‘29; DIckInaon St; Glendlre.

‘ UHy 2; Blllinga 3; Llv- 'nif'ioii 4; Boreman .V

(Eastern). Klimt, Gaa Mo. .1 ' "bc" pr'A'a : U K Pond, mgr.: Ctn ciniiatl. o,, 2S "jg; Izuilaville. Ky., .31 Sept. 5.

Walter SanfoiM. mgr.: Van- Merr!! 1 1 ” ^ 29. Indef.

" tn'

IndeV '*'**’'• **<‘‘ck Co.: Spokane, Waak.,

*'*nrTv4iiM"^£ **• *• Spooo'f. mgr.: "foklT., N. Y., Aug. 34. indef.

Straight Road. Edgar Forrv phia, I’a.. 24 29.

Temple Players Stock Co.; .Alpena. Mich., June 18, indef.

Traveling Salesman. Henry B. Harris, mgr.: New Y’ork City, Aug. 10, Indef.

Tennessee Teas, with Lottie Williams, Chas. E. Blaney. mgr.: I'hlladel|ibia, I’a., 24-29; New York City. 31 Set,!. 5.

TemiH'St and Sunshine (Eastern), W. F. Mann, prop.; Kdwlu I’ercival. mgr.; Bay City, Mleh., ‘29; Saginaw- .30; Flint 31.

Tem|M>Ht and Sunshine (Central). W. F. Mann, prop.: KIchard Chapman, mgr.: Clinton, la.. in-. Sterling. II., 28; Dixon 29; Moline 30; .Sheffield 31.

Tem|M*st and Sunshine (Western). W. F. Mann, prop.; Fred Miller, mgr.: Jefferson. WIs., "26; Bearer Dam "27; WaupuD 28; Fond du Ijic 29; •Appleton .'{(•: .Manitow(« 31.

Trousdale Stock Co., B. B. Trous<laIe. mgr.: Arnold's Park. la.. July 6-Aug. 29.

Thorns and Orauge Blosaoms i Eastern (. Etlw ard ItowlaiMt. Jr., mgr.: Rtwkford. III., 26: Elgin 27; Joliet 28 29; Michigan City. Ind.. 30; G<mhen 31; Elkhart Sept. I; South Bend 2; Huntington 3; Wabash 4; I>,gans|M,rt 5.

Thorns and Orange Blossoms (Western i. Ed. .Meyerson. mgr.: Aurora. Ill.. 29; Cblcag") Heights 3t); Streator 31; Chalsworth Sept. 1; Fairbury 2; Princeton 3; Dis-atur 4; Alton 5.

T<¥, Proud to Beg. IJnmln J. Carter, mgr.: She¬ boygan. WIs.. 26; Waopa<s> ‘28: Neenab 29; OsbktMth 30; New I»ndon .31; Tomabawk Sept. ‘2; Ubinelander 3; Antigo 4: Pesbtigo 5.

Through Death Y’alley, C. L. Crane, mgr.: Perth Amboy. N. J., ‘29; New York City. -31- S.>pf.

Texas; IVnver. Colo.. 30-Sept. 5. Tsylor Stock Co., H. W. Taylor, mgr.: Salem,

Mass., 24 29.

Taylor, Albert. Oscar Nix. mgr.: Hot Springs, Ark., 24 Sept. 5.

Cmler Sontthem Skies (Eastern), Harry Doel Parker, pri'p. A mgr.: Charlotte. N. C., 27; Salisbury ‘2<: Ashavllle, N. C.. ‘28; Nashville, Tenn., 29: Rome, Ga., 31; 'Talladega. Ala., Sept. 1; Selma 2: Montgomery 3; Pen.sacola, Fla., 4; .Mobile, Ala., 5.

Under Southern Sklea (Central). Harry Doel Parker, prop. A mgr.; Roanoke, Va.. 26; I.nchburg ‘27; Harrisonburg 28; Staunton '29; criflon Forge 31; Covington s»-pt. 1; Hinton 2; Elkina. W. Va.. 3; Davis 4; Keys»‘r 5.


Additional Performers’ Dates. Amoldo's Leopards (Wonderland): Milwaukee,

WIs., 2.3-29; (Fair) .Monticello, la., .‘10-Sept. 5.

Atlantia A Fisk (Bijou): Superior. WIs., 24-

Addlsoo A Livingston (Gayety i: Aslievllle. N. C.. 24 29.

Ashner Sisters (Idle Hour); Carfersville. Ga., 24 29.

Ansel A Dorian (Luna Park); Buffalo. N. Y., 2.1 29.

Armstrong A Verne (Columbia): Clnciunatl, O. 23-29.

Alllster. Harry (Alhambra): New York City. 24-29.

Arcadia: St. Louis. Mo.. 24 29; G. O. H., In¬ dianapolis, Ind., 31-Sept. 5.

Alme-.Allaire Trio (Bijou); Valley City. N. 1)., 24-29.

Bowser. Hinkle A Co. (Columbia); Cincinnati. O., 23-29.

Baker, Pete (Lagoon): Luillowr, Ky.. 2.3-29. Booth. Hope. A Co. (Pr<s-tor’s I25tb St.):

New York City, ‘24 ‘29. Berra. Mable (Proctor’s 125th St.): New York

City. 24 29. Bradlee. Martin A Co. (.Alhambra): New Y’ork

City. 24-29. Bemardl (Hammersteln's RiH>f Ganlen): New

York City, 24-29. Blondell, Ed., A Co. (Music Hall): Brighton

Beach. N. Y., 24 29. Belfort. Mav (Music Hall); Brighton Beach.

N. Y., 24 29.

Baxter. Bid. and Co. (Grand*: Hamilton. O.. 24 29; (Gem) Lancaster, O., .31-Sept. 5.

Ellnore Sisters (Pr<M-lor's 12.5th St.): New Y'ork City. 24 29.

Evelyn Sisters (Dorp): Scbexiectady, N. Y.. 24

Anybody can startwith$8.50in the ICE CREAM CONE BUSINESS and make from $5 to $31 a day clear

No special knowledge requirexl. Any man. woman or child can start anywhere—village or city. Almost no rent to pay (6 feet square will do). Turn your money every day. .AN cash sales. Almost all pmflt. The whole secret of success la in having the

STANDARD CDNE DAKER bow- to b«‘gtu. rt'cipes. etc., so that you can't fail.

4uuu Heady for Shipment

““***^^ One Ontfit, $8.50; two, $14,50; three, $19.50. Order Ironri your nearest |ot>t>er. Here’s tixe list:

V,.. St. Lonta Northwestern Baken' Bupplz Oo.. MInneapolU. York Olty. N Y Texas K B Gallagher, l^trolt, Mich. Hsbig A Staegmaler^ Comborland. Md.

BvrnM A Kelfer. ntxanurg. Henry A Henry, Buffalo, N Y. Ala PltUbnrg Bakers' and IVinfectlonerv' Supply Oo.. Oliver H. Quttri^. Mlantlc OUv. J

Fltubnrg Thomas Mills A 8ix>., Philadelphia. Pa HI. O Duqoeane Supply Oo.. Pittsburg. Pa. D. a v


New and up-to-date deelgne in BCEHIO RAILWAY and other money getting Park Rtdtng Devlcea.

THE ROCKY ROLL. Thompeon't ^toet Hit. REHO HELTER-SKELTER. Patenu oontrollod hy the

Thompeon Oo. _ . We will build for yon or build for oureelves. Write at

once, to we con see your park while running.

The La A. Thompson Soonio Riilwiy Co., 320 Broadway. NEW YORK CITY.

AUGUST 29, 1908.




Loire In Kreiieh, Cernisii and Italian oiiera when her frienda next hear her In America.

t'haa. \V. Mcl.e<al. formerl.v advertlalnK agent of the American Theatre, haa algned with J. L. Veronee aa Imalncsa maiiaKcr of l.lllian Mortimer In her new play. The Lllrl of the Streets.

J. C. Wllliamaon la negotiatlag with Sam II. Ilarria for an Auatrallaii tour of the Cohan A Harris' .Miiiatn'ls next aiininicr.

Harry I.andx^rt. last season general agent of Leander DeCordova Amiiaement Co., la whiling away the summer season aa assistant manager at E:i<“Otrlc Park, Newark, N. J.

F". C. I.a“slle. formerly of the AI. K. Wheeler Shows, was H Klllhoard caller recently, en route to take out the Hljou Sto<-k Company, of Roch¬ ester. N. Y. Mr. Ix‘slle reports splendid hual- ness for the Wheeler Shows throiigbont Western rennsylvanla despite vigorous carnival opposi¬ tion.

V. & B. AND P. 0. OF A.

The Vaudeville Artists’ Henevolent and Protective Order of .America Is progressing In wonderful strlkt's. New memhera are being initiated every Thursday at their club rooms In "nils order has Its own booking of flees. They are to give a smoker. Septemlier 2fl in Brooklyn for the sick and death benefit fund. J. Aldrich Llbbey has written their bat¬ tle cry for them. It creates great enthusiasm. Wm. H. Stanley, the business manager, reports that councils are being formeil all over the country


Adeline Genee, the dancer who has recaptureil London, daneing reeently before England’s King and Queen, causing their ma-

Greater New York (Continued from page 6) ti

II Theatre. Maclyn Arbiiekle, who returns to the p rule of the fat sherllT, bad to leave bis farm h on the St. Lawrence River before he finished his n new bam. This summer he has acquired a new t wood lot and now feels that he la entitled to be enrolled In the “farmer vote.’’ Mlnnette a Barrett Is cast for Polly this season. Julia p Hean, who played the part last year. Is laid up In her summer home with a broken leg.


Charles Frohman announces that i the date of kllsa Billie Burke’s o|>ening at the u Lyceum Theatre, has lieen advanced to Monday, '| Auguat 24. 'The play. Love Watches, Is an ii adaptation of L’Armour Vellle, by Miss Gladys | t’nger, an American girl now settled in Paris, h The new play affords Miss Burke a part sinillar r to the role of Trixie, which she played oppo- < Bite to John I»rew last season in My Wife. Miss t Burke’s leading man will be Mr. Cyril Height ley, an English actor recently a member of Ar¬ thur Bourehler’s company, and entirely new to the American stage. Ernest Lawford will also , be a member of the compan.v. I


Farewell concerts will be gfiven un- i der the auspices of the Irish members of Parll- 1 ment at Covent Garden for Joseph O’Mara, the | Irish tenor and dramatic singer, before he leaves London, at which Madame Melha and Plunkett | Green will sing. Similar concerts will be given , In Limerick, when- he was bom and where he made his first appearance as a boy, and In Cork. Dublin and Armatigh. Mr. O’Mara will tour America In Peggy Machree. He will make his first appearance, protiably In Boston, early in the fall.


The Rlgrht of Way. which opens the Broadway Theatre, RriHiklyn. has gone Into rehearsal. Guy Standing, who spent the sum¬ mer In Europe, has returned greatly n-freshed. Tlieodore Ro’ erts scored another great personal success 1, a .Middle West summer production. The Right of Way will make a tour of the South In mid-season


Paul Arm.stronp l.s after the services of Henry Reuterdahl, the marine artist, to de sign the scenes and costumes for the great naval play. In Time of Peace, which Mr. Armstrong has written for Klaw & Erlanger. The play will go Into rehearsal as soon as Klaw A Erlanger have Ben Ilur and The Round-Cp fairly started on the road.

ENGAGE SCOTCH LASSIES. ArranRements have been made In

Edinburg fi>r a double quartette of Scotch las¬ sies to appear In The Bonnie Belle of Scotland. In which Alice Lloyd Is to appear under the management of Klaw A Erlanger. The new musical play Is to have an early fall production. Miss Lloyd will return to tho United States next week.


Thr idore Robert.^ paid a flyinp vl.slt to New York City yesterday, after his twenty weeks starring season at the Davidson Theatre. Milw«iikp«*. He hae (fone down the Shrewsbury RWer In hl» motor laiineh, for a abort vacation before openInK hia aeaaon. September 5 at the Bm^dwar Theatre. Brooklyn. In The Rlirht of Way, In which Klaw & Erlanger are featuring him Jointly with Guy Standtnic.


Lillian Russell Is back from London and Paris for the rehearsals of Wildfire the racing comeily with which Kisw A Erlanger will

Ihelr season at the Liberty Theatre, New York City. Miss Russell says she went to Paris

^ because Governor Hughes would not let her bet the New York tracks. She Intended to buy

■Mgowns abroad, but after looking over the models V Of the Parisian dress-makers, she declared that

American dressmakers now make better and pmttler clothes than are made abroad. Miss Russell says the hsts worn abroad are not as large at those In vogue in New York. Sheath gowns a^ not to be seen In Paris or I»ndon. ont tight skirts are coming into stvle. Wild¬ fire o^-na at Asbiiry Park. September 4. for a preliminary canter. Frank Sheridan baa been ofigxged for the role of Donovan, the trainer.


, Rex Beach, the novelist, whose latest snccess. The Barrier, will be staged early ttls season by Klaw and Erlanger, la In a Doapltal In Seattle under tlK. care of an eye •P^ allet, suffering from iritis. The affliction Jilted from exposure while bear hunting in the Copper River country in Alaska.


Julian Eltinge, the female Imper- Mnator wi»h Cohan and Hams’ Minstrels at the New kork Theatre, h.ig requested his manage

ol b.nite Board ^ __ er. Our pneea absolutely rock bottom. We also ry a full

. ~ (Ve are one of the oldest tawusas In the United States

,uo.ux.j of satisfied customersi wa rou and want your business. NO INQ unless yon say so. Orders

’ aa received. CarnlYal Catalogue FREE.

We have the largest assortment Knives West of the MissisMppI rivu - sre absolutely rock bottom. We also ry a full line of Streetmen’s flioods, Carnival Noreltiea snd goods for Fairs. .... **'“ aiwsAAtmon'c ftiinnlv

WhTp«, IS.OO per gross.

COE, YONQE & CO., St. Louia. Ma. sth and Su Charlea St.

Jest lea to go behind the ai-enes to rongrstnlste her. will return to New York about the middle of September. She will appear in Chicago earl.v In the fall In The Soul Kiss. Mile. Genee haa serured English dancers for her assistants. When she ap|>ears In her new play, under the management of Klaw A F'.rlanger. she will use the ballet entitled The Little Dryad, which the firm has siH-ured for her.

James Douglas, a spt-olal writer for M. A. P (T. P. O’Connor’s paper) writes as follows

■ For Fairs,

Skatlnf Rinks,


or Tont Shows.

A few repaired and rebuilt offered at a Low Prico with new up-to-date muelc. state your wants fully. Quick delivery. We man¬ ufacture, repair and put new m u a ic on alt hinda of organa.

JOHANNES S. eiBHARDT COMPANY, I Lawrence 8t., and 3027 Orkney St^


NOVELTIES Suitable for Street Fain. Home OonlBA Sea Skoie ReaorU. CamMlgBlna Goods, etc. Write today tor our aew

Bargain Bulletin

wsiise they th- dance.

.. . . ... destroy the delicate flexibility of the ankle and Instep.

WHITESON CO. 240 L Madison St^


She hates high heels beeanse they delicate flexibility of the ankle and Instep. For her the dance Is the vehicle of all delight."


The simple fact alone that William Feversham. in his new play—^The World and nia Wife, with which he will Inaugurate hla next starring tour In a few weeks—will offer a eharacter interpretation wholly dlfferi-nt from any role which he heretofore had pofuilarlxed witu playgoera la of lta»-lf sufflelent to Invest the annoiinreraent with more than ordinary In-

I terest. In fact. It is bound to command' un 1 usual public attention

Get the BEST. Oar FUn Sarvtca U tba BUR We aeU ALL makaa of hlgb-grada MACHINBB Write at to-day.

Standard Film Exchange, CHICAGO.

. . -- when that vorlle and Terss**le yming actor shall be aeen next month In fVarlea Frederick Nlrdllnger’s version of Joe Echeragay’a very human dramatic tale. El Gran Galeoto.

Several ambition literary dllletante and even purposeful playwrights, hsve from time to time attempted a-’rsmstlxations of this pal¬ pitating classic of the Spanish Shakespeare alB.-e first Its lines were penned, perhaps twen¬ ty-five years ago. ‘ “ —’ ..... Nlrdllnger,

79 Dearborn StreeL

op In buMng genalaa


HAWAIIAN DIAMOND Ho. 1501-14-k gold-filW. two ruby eyoa. Prioa O-M Soot O. O. D on deposit of 5Uo. Mken cash to advaaoa. send 10c for ruelrtorod mall W. H. Hollieter> Co.. 42-44 River St.. Chniao.Ill.

Dept k._

. but It still remalm-d for Mr. .. . with a fine fellclt.v and a pre¬

science bom of a thorough acquaintance with the theatre and theatregoer of America, to achieve a finished adaptation of the original, which though free and broad, not only pre¬ served nil the fire and action of the author's Intention to an absorbing degree, but furnishes for the splendid Faversham histrlonlam a ve¬ hicle such aa even that conscientious player has u<)t enjoyed In .vears. And yet the record aeeras to show only three performances In pub¬ lic of this remarkable story, the last and bMt of which goes to the crisllt of William Faver- sham. The first two presentations were of a version, or rather a close translation by Mande Banka, made In ISP.*!, and were In the nature of a new Ic^ependent Tlieatre experiment that die-' a-lK>mlng.


Bald In Full, probably the most .suc¬ cessful play In the last decade and undoubtedly the strongest and must wholesome offering of the dramatic season, closed the first Installment of Its phenomenal New York run of nearly sev¬ en months’ duration at the Aator Tlieatre, on Saturday night, Auguat IS. So great was the

the coming season. The Merry Widow la prom¬ ised a complete new production to begin Its a<“eond year at the Amsterdam. New coatumea have been brought from Paris and Mme. Zim¬ merman haa sent over two exp«-rt fitters to put the finishing touches to the Maxim Girls’ gowns for the new edition.


Marlon Ivel, the KnKli.^h Grand Op¬ era contralto who went abroad to study with Jean De Reske three years ago. baa bwn en-

AT STURGEON BAY, WIS. Septemlier 29th, SO, October 1st and 2itd. Prlv llegea for sale and attractions wanted. Addraas

JOHN G. OLLINGER. Saoretary-

October 6tb to lOtta. Wanted concessions and clean shows of aM kinda. also Free Acta. Writ* t hah. Hkniiamork. Sec’y. Flora. Illinois.


79 Dearborn St.. CHICAGO.

New Management More Films Better Service

AUGUST 29, 1908. Xtie Billboard 43

d^miinil f‘>r Wnltcr u pleop. not only In but from th)* rlloiitoU* It hud «‘*tiili- Untied In the ontl.viiiK rillen, whleh hiire Iwen Inrgelt re|ire»« iiIihI nt etery iierrormnnee, that WiKeiiliaN and Keiiiper deeldi-d to tranafer the Aator <'om|iaii.r to Weber'a Theatre. The tlrat perform.I nee in tlila |>ln\li<Miae waa itlveii Mon- ■•ay nik’lit. .\UKUat 17. la-fore aa aeleet an audl- ■ ni’e ii« the eoay tlieutre liaa evi-r areommie dated. teatlliK the rn|iae|t.r of the hoiiae to Ita aery limit Kver.a' imlieation aeema to prom- l«e that Paid In Full In Ita new lioine will not only eipuil hut eveeed tile po|iularit.v it enjoyed while at the Aator.

Wac'iiliala and Kemia'r aniiiainee for Wed- neailay. AuKuat I!l. tlie iiuwt novel performanee ever itiven In tlila eoiintry. when a aia-elal mat¬ inee of Paid In Full will he jciven at Weher'a Theatre hv three of the four orsanizatloua pre- •entlni; tie- jd.iy. Tlo- tirat art la to la- jdayed hy the eompnnv to he on tlie Ptrlflr (T.aat. The aei-ond will la> entruated to the oreanlzatlon whleh will tiair the fentral Want, ami tin- third art will la- iriven h.v the hiane rnm|iany. Three rotn|«efent Jiidtra avill then ael<a-t from the three rompanlea tile pla.aera whom they ha'lieve »fave the auperlor ..a. after whleh the final art will he olTerial hy the memhera rhoeen from the threi- rompanlea. ITiiiaual Intereat haa fieen ni inlfeated In tlila |M-rullar matinee, aa the manaitement offera an opportunity for .liiditnient to be p-iaaial on the performanee. aa It will lie given throuehoiit the I'nlted Statea.


From a two-lino part to the tlon of leading woman in three yeara la the rerord iirrompPshial h.v Mlaa Marjorie Wood, who haa Juat returned from Euro|>e to take tip rehearaala of her role In The ('all of the North. In which ahe will Ic Iradtnif woman with Roli- ert Edeaon. whom Henry II. Ilarria will pre- aent at the Iludaon on Aiigiiat •Jt. .Mlaa Wood'a rlae on the theatrlral lai|d*-r of fame la remark¬ able, but when that rlae nieana the plaTiiift op- poalte to aiirh a atar aa Rotn-rt Edeaon, ron- aldered one of the moat diarrimlnating artora on the Ameriran atage. It entera Into the realm of wnndera. Ahcait three yeara ago, .Mlaa Wood entereci the* theatrlral field. She aenirecl a very amall part with Mr. I^deaon in Strongheart. She had hut two llnea to apeak, hut ahe apoke them ao wc-ll that ahe waa rhcaien to iindc-ratiidy the Ingenue role, that of Molly LIvIngaton. Thia part «he afterward played 'with iinnaiial aurreaa. and when ('laaamatea waa pnalured laat aeaaon .Mlaa Wood again played the In¬ genue role. m#*etlng with ezreptional aurreaa and h-lng nnlveraally praiaed hy the preaa. When The Call of the North waa given a rctfcy- rlght performanee hy Henry R. Ilarria at Pro'v- Idenre. R. i.. laat apring. rather than go to the trouble of lm|>ortlng a leading woman for the ehlef feminine role. Mr Ilarria derided to put Mlaa WcmmI In the part. .She accepted the chance, never dreaming that ahe wcHild be ehoaen to play It permanently, hut that la juat what hap|M-ned. So pleaaed waa Mr. Edeaon and hla manager with her i>erformanre that ahe waa then and there engaged to play the chief foie In the new play.


At the Acntlemy of Music, on Tuea- evening, .\uguat lA. Henrietta ('rowman,

under the management of Henry R. Ilarria and Maurice Campbell. Inaugurated a limited en- gagement In a rep«‘rtolre of playa. opening with Mlatreaa Nell, eonredc-d to be her greatest auc-

Mlaa Croanian came to New York several veara ago with thIa play ami aemred one of the *^**ft*l fflntnpha ever reronled on Broadway, the atar and the play enjoying a nin of nearly 1?® Itt the different Broadway houa<-a. With Mlaa Cmeman'a ap|H-aranre aa Miatrean >ell at the Academy of Mualc. on Thuraday evening, ahe reached her lauth |>erformance In thia piece. .\a Mlaa Croaman haa not been •een In thia play except on one o,-raalon alnce her original preaentation of It. the revival at the .Ve.idfmy proved an event of Importanrg among the new produrtlona of the year The Mipportlng cast Inriudea Mlaa laviilae Galowav, >Haa Barbara Clement. Mr. Havld Proctor. Mr. Addlaon Pitt. Mr. Ixnila R. Foley. Mr. Wllljara llumphre.v, Mr (lorchm Mc-nclelaaohn, Mr. Frank I ourrler and Mr. Ivan Slmpaon.

Mlatreaa Nell will la- fcdlowed hy Aa You like It. Mlaa Croaman apiiearlng aa Rosalind, a part that haa lierome ea|H>clall.v identified with her bee auae of Ita long run at the Rc laaro The¬ atre.


Mr. Jost-jih Hrooks aocepteci .veste day for early pnalm tion a comedy hy'llarti Manners entitled Birth.


Mr. ChariPs Frnhman nas Just con Pleted an arrangement with Mr .Iitaeph arhnrminn. the manager of the pla

wh<*r<‘hT thU r^mipiinr of Sloill actors will np|M-ar under Mr. Frohman'a ma agement for a Hire,- months’ tmir In Amerlt Mr. Irohnian agnnal by cable that the Sic

"hall sail for America the middle of N vemN'r. and be In readineaa to begin their a« "<m. appearing first at one of the Frohm theatres In New York. Novemln-r -'r..

Headed liv Signora MIml Aguglla. who will 'urroiinded by a eompany of forty four artf and actresses, the same eompany that ereat a furore by their performamea In I.s>n<bm a • aria, the American tour for the SIcdlana necesaarlly such a abort one that the compa will imly t.e s,.en In New York, Boston. Cl

ago. Philadelphia and Washington. Thi rn will I'e Mila, like moat tneir bill, a trogmly representative of Slclll

dumoMtlo Tli»* plnvH of tlio Slrlll»n>« are an ♦•xIniiM* t>|M* uf nMilIxrlc tak«Mi illm’t from lift*. Tlioir horror aihl MinhI thin«tlnoaM hail ovoii l^tmloii hikI rarW ntrlia^t. arnl were the HijhJfTt of talk throiijfhoiit Kuro|H* iluring the rontlriental tour ot th«‘ roiiipaii^*.

Chicago Amusements (Contlmi)sl from page 7)

Will Hissl Dunroy la doing some special press work for The Broken Idol, which la now playing at the Whitney Himtb House.

Fred Bailey, of the team of Bailey and Austin, the eomeiliana in The Top (»’ Th’ World. looks to he the youngest Comedian on the inualcal stage, uml the truth, la he Isn’t very far In the thirties. Mr. Bulley ha-' a seventeen year-old son. who plays with hla father at the Stude liakiT. and Is-twts'ii Fred Bailey, Sr., ami Fretl Halley, Jr., the musical extravaganza seema to he doing n-markahly well.

Mias Charlotte Walker, m>w appearing In The Wolf, at the Carrlck Theatre, will Is- succeeded In the role of Hilda by Miss Frances King, which the play gis-a on the road. Mlaa Ring arrived In Chleago last week, and la n-hearalng the part. No other changei will tie made In the cimipany.

Hal Stephens, the author of the book of A Broken Idol, has had considerable aucceaa with vaudeville sketches and haa done more work for the Whitney attractions In the way of whip¬ ping them into shape and fixing up dialogue. Mr. Stephens la a vaudeville actor of great ability and la well known in Chicago on account of bla work In \ Mo<lern Rip Van Winkle. Mr. Slephena haa two more musical cometllea up hla sleeve, and they will probably be produced by B. (’. Whitney.

.Miss Lotta Faust rejoined I.ew Fields’ Com¬ pany. In The (Jlrl Behind the Counter. In At¬ lantic City laat week and will be seen In this elty at the (larrlck with Mr. Fields and The (llrl Behind the Counter. Mlaa Faust haa made many friends In Chicago by the reason of her long stay here aa Trixie in The Wizard of Oz. and she baa been playing thia summer at the Casino. New York. In The Mimic World, where her Salome danre waa a decided sensation.

Carrie I’erklna. who la playing one of the chief character roles in A Broken Idol, was a mend)er of the Wild Rose Company, which rreate<l aiirh a stir in Chleago some yeara ago.

Sam Kahl, manager of the Walker Opera Hiuise In Champaign. III., is now the manager of the new Majestic Theatre In Mattoon. aa well. Thra<> two houses are under the direction of Mark Hetman, formerly treasurer of the Gar¬ rick Theatre in this city, who now has houses in Madison and .kppleton. Wla., In addition to his two Illinois houw's.

Among the Chicago people that went to Springfield to witness the first prodnctlon of A Broken Idol were Charles II. Lelghllter and Harry Tbelde. of the Record-Herald: Chris llag- gert.T. of the .\ssoclated Press; W. T. Kirk, treasurer of the Whitney Opert House: Will Reed Dunroy and David Swing Ricker. Sunday editor of the Chicago Tribune.

D. R. Henkle. who has been doing the press work for Paid In Full during Its stay In (Thl cago. has been called back to New York to continue bla successful work for the road com¬ panies.

Harry Wtlllams and Egbert Van .Matyne. who wnde the lyrics and the music for A Broken Idol, have two great popular song sneceaaea to their credit. They wrote In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree, and Afraid to Come Home In the Dark, both of which sold enormously. Their first big aucceaa waa Navajo.

William C. Elmendorf, well-known In Chicago. Is out with H. H. I'raaee’a Isle of Spice Com¬ pany this season. The company opened at Ra¬ cine and Is playing west to the Pacific Coast.

James J. Corbett Is rehearsing In Chicago In one of II. H. l-'rszee’s big productions.

Arrangements are being made for the prea¬ entation of the far-famed Salome dance during the engagement of I.ew Fields at the Garrick Theatre. lA>tta Faust, who was seen in this sensational terpalchorean feat In New York, will appear In the danre at the Garrick an an added feature, some time during this ntn of The Girl Behind the Counter.

On acco*int of the snecess of The Top O’ Th’ World, all esrl.v fall road Isioklngs have been rancelled anil It looks as though Bailey and Austin and their players, would remain at the Studehaker until that playhouse opens its win¬ ter season.

11. P IIIII has Juat returne<l to Chicago from the Yankee Kidilnaon Shows, an enterprise he has N>en snci-essfully piloting through North and South Dakota. Mr. Illll la at present the guest of Nomisn. The Frog Man. at the latter’s home In Chicago. Again this season will he assume the duties of advance representative of The Burgomaster Company, this being hla third aeaaon with W. P. Cullen.

Ralph T. Kettering la ninning a syndicate of theatrical papers this aeaaon. lie gets out pa¬ pers for each of the three Charles P. Marvin iionaea.

It haa been definitely decided that David War- field will open hla engagement at the Garrirk Theatre In .\ Grand .\rm.v Man. This piece will he offereil for two wi-eka: will be followed for three weeks by The Music Master and the engagement will close with one week of The .\uctlone«>r.

Hallih Austin, of the Top O’ Th’ World, haa the prime political story of the season, lie haa an Irish friend who is i]ulle a politician. So the other day. when he met Pat on the street, he asked him the time-worn (tu<*stlon. “Who are you going to vole for this fall, Pat?” “Why. Bryan, of course.” replied the aerloua- lisikltig ('elt. “Why Bryan. ’of course?’ ’’

asked Austin. “Widl, I voted for him eight years ago, ami we’ve had iinmiK-rlty ever since,’’ •luoted Pat, without a aiiille.

John Pierre Roelie. writes fri>m the lake re glon of .Minnesota, that he la iianling to get back Into harness again. Mr. Itoelie will en ter Colunihia I’nlveralty early In Septemtx-r. to take up a ajM'dal course In literature and the drama.

The regular season at the Garrick Theatre will tM’gln next .Monriay, with the aiiis-aranee of I.ew Flebla and hla comiiany, in The Girl Behind the Cotinter.

The week just closed has been the largest hiislnesa wm-k enjoyed by The Top O’ Th’ World since It began Its engagement at the Sfude- haker two months ago. The run of this extrava ganza haa been one of the most unusual Chleago has ever swn In summer. The pla.v ois-ned <in Jul.v I'ourth to a packed house and It haa run through the hottest weather Chicago has known In seven years. It Iwgan Its local engagement at the close of a season generally characterized as disastrous and .vet the Studehaker has l>een filled at ever.v i»erfi>rmanre; every matinee haa been a “sell out.” and “Seats AH Sold” sign has Is-en dls|ilayed on Michigan avenue eighteen nights during the past month.


With the appearance of The Millionaire Tramp, at the Grand. August 17, and the open Ing of the New Novelty, on the same date, the lists op theatrlral season In Topeka, ran be said to be fairly begttn. The Majestic will resume, .\ugust 31, and plans are on foot to reopen the (tlyiiipic. as a moving picture house, alsuit the same time. These hfsises. together with the Elite and Aurora, which have been open all summer, will furnish theatrical entertainment for the season.

This will be the first season, in some years, when Sunday performances have not been given at all of the theatres. What effect thia will have on the general altuation. Is largely prob¬ lematical. All managers are, however, most optimistic.

Mansger Jtoy Crawford announces a strong list of bookings for the Grand, prominent among which an- Mme. Calve, Lulu Glast-r, Max Fig man. James O’Neill, Fanny RIre, Paid In Full. The Man from Home, and The Merry Widow. A feature, new to Topeka, will be the appearance of hurlps<iue shows, at the Grand, TueMay and Wednesday of earh week, beginning September 1. Tliese shows will be from the Western Bur- les<|up Wheel, and their appearance here la made possible by the week being divided be¬ tween St. Joseph. Mo., and I.s*avenworth and Topeka, Kan., prevlons to the stand at Kan¬ sas City.

The Majestic will play vandevllle the coming season, recruited from the Western Vandevllle Managers’ Association Circuit. Two perform¬ ances will be given dslly. James R. Kearney, the popular assistant manager of the Grand and the Majestic, will again be associated with Mr. Roy Crawford, this season. .Miss Freda Grlggi Is the new treasurer, at the Majestic.

The Novelty, Topeka’s cosiest and prettiest theatre, will be under the sole control and man¬ agement of S. R. Wells. Bookings will be made through the SuIIlvan-ConsidIne Circuit, and per sonally. by Mr. Wells, who made a deserved reputation for the ezcellence of his sttraetlons, during laat s»-aBon. Three shows will be given, and the prices are to be ten and twenty cents. Miss Lillian Parfltt will sing the Illustrated B<ings. and the Novelty Theatre Orchestra will be retained.

The Aurora, remodeled and redecorated last season for vaudeville and stock, will this sea son he nin as a moving picture house, and is one of the finest of this class In the state. It Is under the management of D. D. Easter, who was last season connecte<l with the Novelty.

The Elite, the premiere moving picture bouse of the city, has fw-en purchas«^ by Jesse C. Elliott, who will conduct It along the pr»-sent lines. D. M. I.sHlerman, the retiring owner, will devote himself to mercantile bnsiness.

Karl Hummel, at present singing the lllustrat- p<l songs, at the .knrora. will be connected with the Majestic. In like capacity, on the opening of the latter house. Mr. Hummel’s work Is dis tinetly pleasing, and he ac(]ulre<1 a des«-rved popularity during hla engagement here last sea¬ son.

The Alnlome season of stork clos*-s September with the Readlck Co. Mansger Crawford re

ports satlsfaotory business on the circuit. All records were broken by the Grace Hayward Co., here. .August 15.

('harles Steinberg announces the opening of Music Hall roller skating rink, at the close of VInewood Park, early In September.

Charles Elliott, of Topeka, business manager of Broadhiirst’s Man of the Hour Company, left for New York. .August S.

The Kansas State Fair, to be held here. Sep¬ tember 7-12. promises to be a hig event. Ths exhibits will be extensive, and racing will be o* the prtYram dally.

The City Council, last week, rwluced the li¬ cense fee for clrcusi-s. from I.ABO to $300, for thre«--rlng shows, and to $200 for one-ring clr- oiises. .As a result. Rlngllng’s will he here September S. and probably two or three others, when they learn the glad tidings. Since the raise In license, last summer, all tent shows have studiously avoided Top<-ka.

G. D II»M>D.

Miss Helen Grayce. the popular leading lady of the Majestic Stock Company, which has Just closv'd s lengthy summer eiigaga- ment St t’tlcs. N. Y.. wss presentt-d with a beautiful loving cup by the staff of the Ma¬ jestic Theatre, after the fan-well is-rformance on Saturday night. August S.

Parks, Fairs, Privilege People I

Look Here I Somethiog Newl

A Big Mooey-Getter!

MAPpy fiobuGAN TaSC B^ill GAME

(Patent pending.)

The above cut is a reproduction of our

NEW AUTOMATIC HAPPY H001I6AN HEAD carved out of select hardwood; no atrlnga to imll or delicate mecbanlam to get out of ord«t 13>row baaeballt, knock can off. bell rings aud can returna automatically; knock ayes out, r> turn by gravity, ring bell and give wtnkli.g effect. Painted In natural tmlora. Will leal a lifetime. We poaitively guarantee nothing will break or gat out of order. Price $28. Ba< k •tra $8.50. Three doaen balla $1.S0. OomfUete $36. Terms, half cash with order, balance C. O. D.; atate what you want when ordering

For full particulars, addreaa


WANTED Excellent Quartet (imposed of two ladlea and gentlemen who can sing and dance, also take [■art in repertoire plays, also gmid eommllan and eight chorus girls with gissl Tol<^ea. All must have gcMsI wardrobe. Those who make good per mauent isisltlona. In first letter state loweat salary, send ph>>t<>grai>h and references. Addreee LYRlC theatre, a. F. Box. Manager, Waoo, Texae.

FOR SALE A first-elass moving pletnre theatre, making

money. In best known town In .Michigan. Addreaa 625 Naiby Building, Toledo, Ohio.

WANTED -Merry-Go-Round, Shows and Conoeselnna for I.ahor Day, Sept. 7th. at West Mineral, Kane. Shows and Merry-Go-Round will do well to stay rest of week. CHAS. W ALBERT, Privilege Man.

WANTED for M. L. Clark A Sons Show, two A-1 Candy

Butchers. Address W. W. Clarke, Aldarsen,

W. Ta.. Aug. 31.

...WANTED.., Free and pay attractions for Horse Show and Corn Carnival. Otterhain, Ind.

WANTED—Beml People. Trombone, Baritone, Cornet and others for J. E. llenery’s Wagon Show. State all In first letter, tickets if neces¬ sary. Eat on lot. Dick Yanl. Vam-e, Claude I.ueas. Alvan Senders, please write or wire AJ. Clark. All mall to J. E. llenery's Show. Aug. 27. Sheridan I,ake. Cid.; Ang. 2'-. Granada, Col.; Aug. 21*. Holly. Col.; Aug. 31, Cisilldge, Kaos. No Amateurs Wanted.

WANTED—To rent a Kami (Irgan with motor and uiusir. Suitable for Skating Rink. .Must he In rondillon aiul ready for use. Address H. B. COOPER, Kirksville, Mo.. EliU Roller Rink.

WANTED—Magadan and Vainlerllle arta. Musi¬ cal Coim-rly acts i>u most llts-ral i»-rcentage, write quick. .Address WONDERLAND PARK. (Diarlotteaville, Ta.

-: \V.\XTFI> :- A secoiHl haml Regina. STAR THEATBB, Punxtutawney, Pa.

Moving Picinre Men, ARE YOU GEITING THE MONEY? Thai covers it, nul se(L If not, get in the game and fatten your batting average. The hits of the season are from j

Selig’s Film. That is why Selig leads all others. Our next film will be released August 27th, "

ROMANCE OF THE OLO MILL, Length 790 Feet, with A PAIR OF KIOS, a Funny Comedy, 210 feet. Get busy and you will be right. Order from your film exchange. Watch for our next release, September 3rd.

A Great Hit for Labor Day, THE POWER OF LABOR, Length 1,000 Foot. THE SELIG POLYSCOPE CO. 45. 47. 49. E. RANDOLPH STREET. CHICAGO

44 X ti e Billboard AUGUST 29, 1908.

I’onilure. Bobby, & Brothor (Proctor’s 12Sth I Murray-Mackcy Comedy Co., John J. Murray,

♦Continued from paire 411

Eiiiiiiftt. n. W. (I.yrlc): Columbia, S. C., 1.’4- 'Jlt.

Kiiiniett aiul l.owcr ll.yrlci: Columbia, S. C.,

Ki.ri-e and Williams (I.yrlc»: Sherman, Texas, LM L'lt.

St.): New York City, 24-29. Piccolo Midgets (llammerateln's K(M>f Carden):

New York City, 24-’J9. Prior and Norris (I.aK<s>n): Ludlow, Ky., ‘23-29. Pulleys (Lyric): Chickasha, Ukla., 24 29. K<s'kaway and Conway (Mannion's Park): St.

lauils, yio., 23 29; (Alrdome): Alton, Ill., 30-Sept. 5.

mgr.: Elmira, N. Y., ’24’29; Oiieouta 31- Sept. B.

Murray-Mackey Stock Co., John .1 Murray, mgr.: Butler, Pa., 24 21*; Indlaua ;il-S<‘pt. 5.

Montana (Eastern), Harry I>. Carey, |>ro|i.; Will Ityno, mgr.: New Brunswick. N. J., ’29; Morristown 31. Hover S«-pt. 1; I’laintleld 2; Hoboken 3-5.

Kaniims Fords ((Avenue); ini-iuesne. Pa.. 24- Family (Varieties): Canton. 111., 31- Montana (Western). Hupp Hadley, mgr. West iCisMien Mt Vernon I) 31-S«‘nt .'i Sept. 5. Chester. Pa.. Sept. 3; Tyrotie 4; \ouiigstuwn.

.), )t mjart Mt. Vernon 0.. b. Rettlck, Carl F.. and Co. (Arcade)' Denison. O., .-i. Muy Duo {Ch»*ster Park): CincinDati, 04‘Wk vi » t av * a a ^ »ni * i-. D Tex., 24-JS*. ^ Mchola, (ifenter, Amusement Co.: Tipton. la..

1>/^TT'P1PQ Pondure. Bobby, & Brother (Proctor's 12Sth Murray-Mackey Comedy Co., John J. Murray, | M B ^XB St.): New York City, 24-29. mgr.: Elmira. N. Y., ’24’29; Diieouta 31- BB ^BB B ■ B

♦Continued from page 41) Piccolo .Midgets (Hnniniersteln's H(M>f Carden): Sept. 5. BBBB ^^B B Vi B B n w <lvr)ei- Colonilda S C '>4- -4-‘29. Murray-Mackey Stock Co., John .1 Murray, ^B^B ^BB B^B ■ B^B

' .K, ' ' ' ' Prior and Norris (Lag<«>n): Ludlow, Ky.. ‘23-29. mgr.: Butler, Pa., 24 29; Indlaua Ill-Sept. 5. I wl V^B B BI B IHI Finmett ami lower llvrlc) Columbia S C I’olleys (Lyric): Chickasha, Okla., 24 29. Montana (Eastern), Harry D. Carey, prop.; Mnimtt ami l.ow.r ll.jric). coiiimma, ft. i.., ^(s kaway and Conway (Mannion's Park): St. Will Hyno. mgr.: New Brunswick. N. J.. ‘29;! _ _ .

Foree'and Williams (Lyric): Sherman, Texas, ;{o-'sA'.t "*•’ lll^token^S-s'” "= I 3QW plYIHQ

Famems Fords ((Avenue); Du.iuesne. Pa.. 24- K^nm^’Family (Varieties): Canton, 111., 31- Monjana^"Western), Hopp Hadley, mgr. West * J 51 "t iCisMieri Mt Vernon I) ‘tl-S.-nt .'i Sept. 5. Chester. Pa.. Sept. 3; Tyrone 4; Voiiiigstown. ^ .

TraDCze Artist """'v.S-k''"-' .... .„ Francis A Francisco (County Fair): Worthing- (Empire). Sprlngfleld, Ill., 31- Paterson Shows: Des .Moines, la. j 24 29. I .,|a.n bv Aug. 31. Steady work, long season;

ir Fair) Sutherland, ,|S^tSacandaga Park): Oloversvllle, N. '‘U^uat^"^:....?’^!:

*^"Ten'n *'*' • hattanooga, (.Music Hall): Brighton Beach, Parker Shows: Yankton, S. I).. 24 29; Re.lfleld S^^**^‘rnlumbus*^*o’ *^*’^‘”* ▼»!•“»<>««>•. NsH Fox rh-^gefs (Crystal): Knoxville. Tenn., 24- „ N-Y 24;29. ^ « , Hou.a. Columbua. 0.

29 Roxle & ^ ayne (Empire): San Diego, Cal., Pm^rlesa \ audeville Co. Nugent Levy, mgr.: Could & Rice (C. O. IL); Barrie, Ont., 24- . , „ , o . ,a Comanche, rex., 23 2’.*; Brownwoo.1 39 Sept. ,5. B B B*

23 Rice & Elmer (lair): Paris, Mo., Sept. 1-4. Rolthins. Frank A.. Shows: Kennett Siinart*, B I B I I ml I I Fortune Tellers. Tliree (Coney Island): tl»e Limit (Highland Park): Quincy, Ill., p«.. oi;; Oxford ‘27: Klkl.m Md., 2S; Middle L ■ % IB ■ k

riiieliiiiatl O 23-‘29 23-29. town. Dela., 29: Chesterlowii. Md.. 31: Center- B B Bm _m BB B (llobe of Death (Lagmm): Ludlow, Ky., 23- KInaldos, The (Woolworth’a Roof Carden): vllle Sept. 1: Seafonl. Dela.. 2; Cambridge. B BBBB ■ m BB ■ ■

29, Lancaster Pa., ‘24 29. .Md., 3: I’ooomoke 4; Crestield '> I I B /.Ml.. 1,™. .. Van, Scott. CsrHe M. IBHoii): Penaarola. Fla.. 31- lotiul.i,,'. T..,,,,.),. of ■■•in.i.irr n ii itiToi.t/, ■

FIihsIs. Four (Music Hall): Hriglitoii Beaeh,

Tenn., 24 29. Fox & Rogers (Crystal): Knoxville, Tenn., 24-

29. Could & Rice (C. O. H.); Barrie, Ont., 24-


Rve, Ceo. W. (Theatorlum): Calveston, Tex., 24 29.

‘24-29. Nelson's, Billy, S1h>w: Sheridan, Wyo., 24'29. t. Must t>e able to

' work, long aeaaun; f lHK>ked solid. Write, resa CHAS VALEN- ng Talenteena, N,ll

Roxle A Wayne (Em|dre); San Diego, Cal., I Pm-rless Vaudeville Co'. Nugent Levy, mgr.; 1 24-29. Rice A Elmer (Fair): Paris, Mo., Sept. 1-4.

Cy|isy Fortune Tellers. Tliree (Coney Island): ®*:ji*A_^*** Limit (Highland Park): Quiney, Ill., I'liieliiiiatl, «>., 23-‘29.

Clobe of Death (LagiKm): Ludlow, Ky., 23 20.

23-29. RInaldos, The (Woolworth’a Roof Carden):

Lancaster Pa., ‘24 29.

Comamiic. Tex., 2.3 29; Brown wood 39S«’pt. .5. Rolihlns.' Frank A.. Shows: Kennett Si|Uar«>,

Pa.. ‘Jt!: Oxford ‘27: Klkl.m Md., 2S; Middle town. Dela., 29; Chesterlowii. Md.. 31: Center¬ ville Sept. 1: Seaford. Dels.. 2; Cambridge, .Md.. 3; I’ocomokc 4; Crestield .5

Cillette's Dogs (Prmtor's Fifth Ave.); New Scott, Carrie .M. (Bijou); Pensacola, Fla., 31- Rlualdo's Temple of Palmistry. R. H. Rlnaldo, Y’ork City, 23-29. Sept. 6. mgr.: So. Boston, Va.. ‘22 Sept. '22.

Creno, Jack (C. O. II.): Pittsburg, Pa., 24 Sterns, Al. (Park): Bayonne. N. J., 24 29. Royal Amusement Co.: Clirlsmaii. III.. 24 29.

Ilislges, Four Musical (Pantages’): Vancouver, B. C., Can., 24-29; (Pantagea*) Tacoma, Wash., 31S(*pt. 5.

Huntress (Bijou): Oshkosh, Wla., 23-29. Harris and Hilliard (Park): Brantford, Ont.,

Can., 24 29. Hayes A Suits (Chester Park): Cincinnati, O.,

‘2:{ ‘29. Haski'II. T/oney (Proctor's 5th Are.): New York

City, 24-‘29. Hareourt, Daisy (Proctor's 125tb St.): New

York City, 24-29. Ilofrman. Cerlrude (Hammersteln’s Roof Car-

inn); New York City. 24 29. Harrison West Tilo (Alrdome): Gulfport, Miss.,

24 29; (Park) Mobile, Ala., 31 Sept. 5. Howard A Cermaine: Sioux City, la., 24-29;

I/iiieoln, Neb., 31-Sept. 6. Hariourt. Frank (Seattle); Seattle, Wash.,

31-Sept. 6. Huston, Arthur (Shea's): Toronto. Out., 23-29;

(Alhambra) New York City, 31-Sept. 6. Henshaw. Edward; Ionia, Mich., 24-29; Roch¬

ester, Ind., 31-Sept. 6.

Stanley, Amy, A Co. (Columbia): Cincinnati, I Roldiison's. John. Shows: Hickory. N. C.. ‘26; at oms 2.5 Iron Muti>s<'ii|M-s: In gissl shap*-; cheap If sold

intages’): Vancouver, ♦*•, -3-29. (Pantagea*) Tacoma Stapleton A Chaney (Lagoon): Ludlow. Ky.,

23 29 ih, Wla., 23-29. Shaw, Lillian (Proctor's 5th .\ve.); New York k): Brantford, Ont., City, 24-29.

Sharp Bros. A Six Dusky Belles (Proctor's •ark)- Cincinnati O 1‘25tb St.); New Y’ork City, 24 29.

’■ ' Sn.vder A Buckley (Alhambra); New York City, 5th Atp-1: New York 24-29.

• Marlon '27: Morganton 2.'«; Stalest llle 29; Sal- ..a.i,.*, OEO. SHAFER, 2017 Main St.. Wheel- -y.. Isbury 31. ; w va

Sun Bros.’ Sliow: Cixtkvllle, Tenn.. '2»t; Croas- ork viii,. -37; Clinton 2S.

Sells Floto Show: Prineeton. HI.. 26. Canton x-a

MU i"*"M*""'-!!''■'“S! “J'-^ wY3riI©Qi OriOVwS nll»al. Mo., ,U; Macon S«'pt. 1; Hr'H»kfleld 2; ^ rhilllcotho *3. Muat Im* a 1 and hav** attractive fronta. ta

Y’ankis- Robinson Shows; Bonesteil, S D.. 26; at Siieneer. Ind. Big Annual Street Fair, or* Lynch. Neb., 27; Creighton 2h; Stanton '29. „f s<-pt. 7th. other gisal om-a to follow

itlii-r mnehiiies for I'eiiiiT Ar

AFER. 2017 Main St.. Wheel-

^Alhambra): New York Lynch. Neb., 27; Creighton 2h; Stanton '29. of's<-|>t. 7th. other gisal oni-a to follow

Whaley lAlhamhra): New York City, ^jj. CJPOrRe Stanli v ilo-eil de(HMident FaRs?**free !>n the streets given by

S..ntori; and Marlow (Dram 0-Tone); Toledo. the Marlon Stock Ci^pany at Loulsl.'ina, the Menhants. Liberal sharing terms, frea

O.. Indef. Sallslmry, Marie (Empire): Milwaukee. Wls.. K.Ut 24 Jo^K ansa's CRv. w'here Thev ‘ Jom The

Sti^hfards. The (Cnlque): Des Moines. la.. 24- G'rl In Dixie Company.

'’S. oa'*.. WANTED, AT ONCE Tops. Topsy and Tops (Washington): Spokane, All kinds of clever acts. I.E VERNE Y’AUDE-

Wash.. 24-29; (Coliseum) Seattle, Wash., 31- VILLE CIRCUIT. Council Bluffs. Iowa.

Mo., and have returned to their home In Marlon, j light and Ileens*-. and the very best of treat- ill., for a few da.V8’ rest. They will leave Au- I ment. Couia-sslons addr<‘sa SAM'L TATLOR. gust 24 for Kansas City, where they join The Secy., Spencsr, Ind., Showi etc. addreai RICH- Sweetest Girl In Dixie Company. ARDS BROS., 21 E. Walnut St., (jolumbui. 0. __ Otis Loretta and W. D. Ward write quick.


WANTED Harrison, cioyd: Clyde,'Kan., Sept. 2-3; Scott*- Taiiguay, Eva (Alhambra); New York City, MONSTER RAY DEVIL FISH, the only one iu attractlona and pay shows for the Street

the world; 16 feet across. Greatest attraction Hamlin. Richard (East End Park): Memphis, Thompsim. Harry (Music Hall): Brighton Beach, now on the road. For sale, chesp. Just the

Tenn., 24-29. N- Y., 24-29. thing for Fairs, Platform Show. Stores or Exhl Jackson, Jack A Ollle (Bijou): Aberdeen, 8. Tarpla, Princess (East End Park): Memphla, Ititions. Now on exhibit at tiest park hen-. Jackson, Jack A Ollle (Bijou): Aberdeen, 8. Tarpla, Princess (East End Park): Memphla, bitions. Now on exhibit at tiest park hen-.

D.. 23 2!»: (Bijou) Watertown 31-Sept. 5. Tenn., 23-29. Same can be continued till end of season on JohiiHon. Carroll: Vancouver, B. C., Can., 24- Verona (O. H.); Lebanon. Pa., 24-29; Phoenix- favorable ja-rcentage. Reasons: sickness. Add.

29; Victoria 31-Scpt. 6. ^IHp 31-Sept. 5. CAIT. JAMES OSI.ER. care New Itm Hotel. Jetinitigs A Renfrew (Coney Island): Cincin- Van GofreA Cotrely; Columbns, Ga., 24-29. 615 Walnut Street, Cincinnati. Ohio.

nail. O.. 2:1'29. Vandervllts, The (Park): Mt. Vernon. O., 23- Jacolis’ Dogs (Alhamlira): Now York City, Sept. 5. ATTENTION—The Covington County (Miss.)

24 29. Voerg. Frank. A Co. (Coney Island): Clncln- Fair Association desirea to get iu commuiiicatiuii JidiusiHi Bros, and Jidinson (Grand): Elmira, natl, O.. 23-29. with Concessions of all kinds for the Fair to la-

N. Y.. 24 29. vniate. Ollie (Lagimn); Wllow, Ky.. 23-29._ heij ,4 Mount Olive. Mtsa.. on Oct. 20. 21 and

615 Walnut Street, Cincinnati. Ohio.

Fair and Corn Carnival at Chatsworth. HI.. <»ct.

15. 16 and 17. JAMES OARRlTY, Preaident.

FLYING TOY nail. O.. 211-29.

Jacobs’ Dogs (Alhambra): New- Y’ork City, 24 29.

JidiusiHi Bros, and Jidinson (Grand): Elmira, N. Y.. 24 29.

’ ■ ATTENTION-The Covington County (Miss.) 1-J, *7** Clncln- Fair Association desirea to get iu commuiiicatiuii PA'cIF1c"**N0VELTY *" WORKS*'' 78

with Concessions of all kinds for the Fair to la- Haight St., San Franciaco, Cal, '’’‘T’- held at Mount Olive, Mtsa., on Oct. 20. 21 and

Jones and Sutton (Lake Comimunce Park): Brls- Van and Maddox (Star): War^n Ind., 24-29; 22, 1908. Attendanci-,'50o'to 800 pcr»ms dally to). Conn.. 24-29. (Acme) Van Buren, Ind., 31-Sept. .*>. — — wave » ni- w

Krlps and Krl()i* (Forest Park): Chicago, HI., Woodford and Marlboro (Lyric): Ft. Worth, 24 29. Tex.. 24-29.

Kelgley, Gri-at (Opera House): Greenville, S. Williams Duo (Casino): Grove, la., 24-29; ('.. ‘23 2!»; (Op«-ra House) Llncolnton, N. C. 30 Si-iit. 5.

Kuehl. Cbas.: Tampa. Fla., 24-29.

(Crystal) Chicago, III., 31-Sept. 5. Wall. Jimmy (Coner Island): Cincinnati. O.,


M. M. EVANS, Secretary, Mount Olive, Mitt. State Fair at Jackson Immediately after. WANTED

I FOR SALE—.Moving Picture Theatre lu large 2 Glass Blowers; no biaiters; stesdy work year sized city; very little opposition; well egutp^KHl; round; tic’kets for tbinte 1 know; write or wire Edison Machine; a bargain If aold quick. Address quick. N. JOHNSON, care (tlai^ Show, care

Kolh A Miller (Bijou): Coidwater," Mich., 24- W'est. Roland. A Co. (Family): Butte, Mont., | C- Z. KEMP, 616 Hampahire St., Quincy, Lll. [ Keiaa^^Carnival^^Company^^^Butte^^Jlont

LaFayette-I-e.Mont Co. (Lagoon Park): Lod- Wlllenbrlnk. John (Crescent); Chattanooga, low. Ky.. 23 Sept. 5. Tenn., 23-29.


Serpentine, Spanish Dancers etc. One descrlp- LaDarros, The (Lyric); Nashville, Tenn., 24- Waltons. Four (Coney Island): Cincinnati. O., tlve singer with string Instrument. Other use-

29. ... /. .... .. ^ ^ ^9' ptaiple write. State all In first CLARENCE Lajess. Thiav. A Camille (Vanity Fair Park): alters. Helen (Lagoo^: Ludlow. Ky.. 23-W. COLLINS, care The Billboard, Cincinnati, 0.

Provlilenee. R. I., 24-29. Luneaster. Tom (Hippodrome); Harrisburg,

Pa.. 24-‘29. LaSolIe Trio, The: IVs Moines. la., 23-29; St.

Paul. Minn., 31-Sept. 5. la-wls A Harr (Park): Sea Isle City, N. J., 24-

‘29; (Camden) Camden 31-Sept. 5. LaRose, Frank (Beachwood Park): MaysvUle,

Ky.. 24-29. LaCrolx, Patti (Columbia): Cincinnati, O., 23-


Wlnoherman's Bears (Chester Park): Cincin¬ nati, O.. 23-29.


ZWIa'Voiym'^^^^ ^T.VoHNSyN,”^ W's^Hu^

Zimmemisn, Wlll.v Olammersteln’s Roof Gar- £hcKY^HABB^T^^<M)T"^^”^”'^^'"—I Kc —V,., den): New York City, 24-29. I/Uuxxx ttAimiXB tooT". Have bundreda of * ~ ^ — I/a*Favette.T/amimt Trniine iTaff/vnT,)- Zeraldas. The (Al Fresco Park): Peoria. Ill., thousands of same. Every one a big winner. BIG ELI FERBIS WHEEL, all complete. In

Ky., 23-2'i. " 24-29; (Fair) Falrbury 31-Sept. 6. Special prk-ea to Jobbers or large tamsumers. eluding lairtable alx horst-qaiwer gasoline en

LaSyiphe (’proetor's 5th Ave.); New York City, _ Samples sent on payment of 10 cents for Badge "gCHNEroER" Mgr*" HTo^toa’a L*k» 24-29. _ _ _^ and piistage. M. YAMFOLSKY, 2211 Franklin p'-rk' Bloommaton ill Acr,* Onarfet rilammel-atein’a R/aif Clor. A T^T^TIFIT^^T * T TV rNTTmVa Ct X am, BlOOmingXOn, lU.

F'op Sale! LaSyiphe (Proctor's 5th Ave.); New York City,

24-29. Long Acr<* Quartet (llammerateln’s Roof Gar¬

den): New York City, 24-29. Lakola and Lorain (Bijou): Racine, Wis.. 24-

29; (Bijou) Appleton 31-Sept. 5.

ADDITIONAL ROUTES. (Received too late for claasiflcation.)

Ave., St. Louii, Mo.

FILMS FOR SALE -2, 3. 4. 5c per ft.; Slide l/conard and Phillips (People's): Weatherford, Alpine Stock Co.. Carlos Inskeep, mgr.; Gal- set; Exhibition Head, f-’o

Texaa, 31-Sept. 6. latln. Tenn., 24 29; SbelbyvlIIe 31 Sept. 5. i ffe” LaNole Bros. (Fair): Mlddlebury. Va.. 24-29; I Adams’. James, Vaudeville Show (No. 2), C. P. ^ Christ. C. J. MLRlHY,

(Fair) Long Branch, N. J., 31St>pt. 5. I Haraden, mgr.; Greenwood, S. C., 24 29; ' ' FOR SALE!

Merrlman Sisters (Murray Hill): New York City, ‘22 29; Philadelphia. Pa., 31-8ept. 5.

Mack, Jack (Alrdome): Linton, Ind., 24-29.

Laurens 31-Sept. 5.„i» w>/.Kir,> r/.» s.i. ti,,. l■"'*er Cameragraph. complete; cost 8186 !"• Aer^aut Klmr Kelly (No. H. King Kell.v mgr. NTeteMn^ot .Machh'e In the^^^^ Get“.

Mack, Jack (Alrdome): Linton, Ind., 24-29. (MaysvUle Park): Shamokln, Pa., 24 29. “ J Yh“, .,n,. Masqneria Sisters. Three (Cnlque): .Minneapolis, Aeronaut King Kelly (No.2), Mae Nelson, mgr. market For farther particulars address

3 'sent^ FRANK ARADo': 'm1 ^El^ , a. « 3I-Sept. 5. An American Hobo, with Robt. A. Neff, J. F. Oiatrators get busv Ai with order. L. E. ADAMS, Lewiston. Me.

Marriott Twins (Exhibition); Toronto, Ont., Pennington, mgr.: Temple, Okla., 28: Walter Can . 31 Sept. 6. ^ , a*: WaurlkaSl; Ryan Sept. I; Bowie, Tex., MECHANICAL MOVING ATTRACTIONS G /%. ■ IT

(Theatorlum): Monroe, La., 2; Decatur 3; Granbury 4; Stephenvllle 5. Large assortment European Novelties; selling our T iSLt*

Ma-dc-aps^ Bight original (Columbia): Clncln- 2W;Tle'hla'ndV^'!"- ^ Ir'L^Xru’f" ^^7r"aH J"

money than any other automatic machine iti (he .Ilf*** '''‘'‘‘****j, •"’if!!. market. For further particulars, address M<alel B Oas Oulllt and Burner; price $-5, Ilk FRANK ARADO, 831 Elm Street. Chicago, Ill. "V* S’"'!

Murray and Murray (Theatorlum): Monroe, La., MECHANICAL MOVING ATTRACTIONS

Large assortment European Novelties; selling our

natl. O., 23-29. Campbell McCay, WInsor (Hammerstein's Roof Garden): ton 27;

New York City. 24 29. Dixie Cai Milton. Frank. A DeLong Slaters (Dominion); ligh. N

>ell Bros.’: Phllllpshurg. Kan., 26: -Nor Also for Store Shois. Fairs. Stamp f r ^ HEFFELMAN CO.. 27: Ooodland 28; Colby 29; Hill City 31. oatalogue. ATTRACTION CO.. 7 E«t Jonei Canton, Ohio, Carnival Co.. Dana Thompson, mgr.: Ne gt.. New York City. . „■ . .. . Neb., 24 ‘29; Howell 31-Sept. 5. -• " A N J K I> :- lie A Kasper Amusement Co.: Eddy, Tex., T»Tn tat'R XfARTnw tt T tti,/./...* i-.i. /,» Giaal Vaudeville Peoide, Sketrh Teams, Comedl 9- Southern nili)olf w?ll be held' e?r5!u.t 5^ ''•‘•m"; tuu.t change for week. We r, Gertrude, Co., Wm. N. Smith, bu«. aji tirHt-rlflKH AttrartionH uMiitfii Ai! «fler Jolntiiic- Slate U>wt>at aalarj and

: Keokuk. la.. .30 Sent. .5. a J, * "? * o! ww^i.*/?*'* ofL " 'i »''■« you ran do lu first letter. Th.«e doubling

oils, Minn., 30-Sept. 5. Meekers. Five (Alrdome): Birmingham, Ala., Ewing. Gertrude, Co.

24*29. mgr.: Keokuk. la., 30-Sept. 5. Malvern Troupe (Miner’s Bowery): New York Franka’ Amuaement Co.. II. Franks, mgr.:

City. 23-29. Greenville, Tex.. 24 29.

Winnipeg. Man.. 23 29; (Unique) MInneap- Danville A Kasper Amuaement Co.: Eddy. Tex., I MARION,

w? a 8*K g. I Southern Illlnoia. Wm. N. Smith, oua. I^jj flral-rl

dress GEO, C. CAMPBELL. Bocy,, Mar.on, Ill. Want l•l«no Player WeTI-v*

('lean Gja-n Air Attractions. Bel iH-onle'* wr’ire*'^ Id'eAl'^CONCERt'"co'mPANY. Murphy J. C.: NashviUe. Tenn., 23.^pL 8. Gregory A Goxxeircamlval Co.: Eldon, Mo.. 24- tramMloun.y V^r" '^:;i;nt:n'" Oa CONCEET COMPANY Hears, the Bugler (Pastime); Beaumont, Tex., 29. \iinn w ti warirvMvi*' o„>- warrenion, ua.

2;i-29: (Theatorlum) Galveston 30-Sept. 6. Heroda's Temple of Palmistry; Red Earth, Martin A Crouch (Picnic): Minn., 21-30; Eldora. la.. Sept. 1-5.

27; (Carnival) Rockville 28-29; (Picnic) Leb- I Iladermann. Jennie. Chicago Ladles’ Orchestra. anon. Kan., Sept. 1.

Mitchell A Browning (Family): Washington C. II., O., 24-26: (Gem) Lancaster 27-29.

McAvoy, Dan F. (Star): Monesseu. Pa., 24-26; (Star) Donors 27-29.

D. II. Iladermann, mgr.: Mexico, Mo., 24- “•■••e ler B|ie.-i«i i.ii.-r. ine v/a.wrsx.i/1/ 29; Trenton 31-Sept. 5. CARD A SLIDE CO., Richmond, Ind.

Huntings. The Four, James Sutherland, mgr,; P(>ughkee{isle, N. Y.. .31: Troy Sept. 1; AGENTS WANTED -To sell Feather Flowers.

NEW PROCESS ANNOUNCEMENT SLIDES. Send name for special offer. The CAMPBELL CARD A SLIDE CO., Richmond, Ind.

- FOR SALE - F.xeliialve Novelty Privilege at the Big Fair alMl

l'|•lltl•nIli:ll. Cre/'iialioro. N. C., Oct. 13 16.

a/untr-rfl xuaTtf-erTv t- u.ii i.- u'l RINK FOR SALE Just tuillt, all r/'Sdy to run. AGENTS WANTED -To sell leather Flowers. ,,,^1 ..f eitt. la.t .M.xl.'g); rink. 36i Write for price list. MRS. M. IIEKSCHBACK, I'Jti; galler.t ••ii laitii a|i|i-a. All paintnl and (Star) r^ora 27 29. Cohoes 2; Rome 3: Utlea 4 5. Write for price list. MRS. M. IIEKSCHHACK, I'Jti; galler.t ..ii la.ti,' All palnie,! and

Chicago, Ilagenheek Wallace Show: Lincoln Ill. W: 283 n„s«eH Street, I8.|, Mich. g.a.l aud uariu Cat, la- used for al 111., 31-S^pt o. «r7, T*TrH llsut^, Ind., 28, Bedford tiuwt m* rink htTi* In 29

(Grpheum): Spokane, Wash., 29; Seymour 31; Washington i^pt. 1; VIneen- TO RENT-A building suitable for ..''an. e for that under 31-Sept. 5. nes 2: Prineeton ,1; Jas|M*r 4. B.a.nvlIIe ... , the hiialn.’SN No r.oitloe or no oartner

Nome, Rola»rt (Chester Park): Cincinnati. O., Kelly's Big Shows. J. J. Kelly, mgr.: fV)lon, Roller Skating Rink purposes. Address SULI.I Save stanii.s D FITZPATRICK Comin* H. 23-29. .MIeh., 27; Bronson 28; Sturgis 29; Lima, Ind., VAN A OWENS, Station 7, Worcester, Mass. Y. . •• •

Normans, Juggling (American): St. Louis. Mo., ’ .... . ...... „

plastiTisI giHsi an.l uariii Can la. useil fitr al ant thing Ite.-ii no rink li.Te In 2> vears. GihnI • hall..- for soio.' one that under the hualiii-ss .No renting or no partner.

.31: Lagrange Sept. 1; Wolrottville 2. 24-29; (Majeatic) Milwaukee, Wla., 31-Sept. King A Tucker's Show. E. H. Jones, mgr.; 5. South Hill. Va.. 26; Holland 28; Suffolk 29.

Our Boye In Blue (Proctor’s): Newark, N. J., Mascot, E<liicat**d Hors<-. H. S. .Maguire, mgr. 24 29; (Keith’s) Philadelphia, Pa., 31-Sept. (Assemhiv Park): Tlilly, N. Y.. 24-29; Ithaca 5. 31 Sept. 5.

o’Donnel. Jack. A Marie Gower (Alrdome): I Melba’a, Mysterious. Palace of Mysterv. C. B. I/cavenworth. Kan., 24-Sept. 8.

Parshley. Musical (Proctor’s 125tb St. York OHy. 24 .39.

Rice, mgr.; Grand Rapids, Minn., 24-28. New Miller Shows, Grest, J. J. .Miller. mgr.:

Sparks. Okla., 24 ‘29; Prague 31-Sept. 5.

Two ElPCtrlo Piano.s, two d. c. Celllnj? Fans. $100 worth of Kuropoan Staff

OrnamentH, 4 sets Scenery 14x16, Drop Curtain, etc. Address F. MONT-

Majostic Tlieutre Nt>. 1. X. .Ylaln St., MeiiiplilN, Tenn.

\ GUST 29, 1908.

Wanted A bright young man in each of the following cities especially, to act as correspondent for



Liberal Commission allowed on Advertising and Subscriptions. Send for full particulars.


P. 0. BOX 308

note.—Th« Park List will not be

published again till January. Those

may need it for use in the mean*

tin are advised to preserve this copy.

Kiel. r#Ux CIrcolt—BoUsnd, Vt.—The Park, lensbarg, N. Y.—SaiMl7 Bsach Park.

Horiiaiuia, ^M., Circuit—Ball Lake Cltjr, Utah. —t'baldar's Park.

Hrelnlf Circuit — OanrlUa, tU. — Wondarlaad i’irk

Houm Circuit—MeDdoa. klaaa.—Laka Nipinock Park.

Ceuadlaa Circuit—Moetmoruncy, Qua.—kloutUM- renej Pails, lloatrcal. Can.—Domlnloe Park.

Central Taiaa Circuit-Handley, Tesas—Laka Kria Park.

Phlladalpbla Bnt. Bnraau Circuit— "na Bocka Park.

_ Circuit — Boma, Oa.— ly Park. Circuit—St. Joaapb, Ho.—Crystal Park,

■ lUl Park. daa, OkU.—Thaatra Grand

CburrhlU, _ rottstown. Pa.—Bins

Caaliio Amuarmant Co. Uoi>erlr

Crystal I'oablo, Col.—

Bmplra Clrcult- I'srk.

Pindlay and Ballfontalna Circuit—Kanton. O.— laka Idlawtid Park.

Plyna Circuit—Lawraaes, Haas.—Olann Porast Park. Lowall, Maas.—Laka Tlaw Park.

Oormaa's, 1. W., Circuit—Portland. Ha.—Ble- ertoa Park. Laslastoa. Maas.—Laalnstoa Park.

Oraad Tbaatra Circuit—Bnatlagtoa. Ind.—Mi¬ ami Park.

Hawn. Harry A., Circuit—Lakaalda Park Ca- alao. Akron. 0.; Myar's Laka Park Thaatra, Canton. O.; Palrrlaw Park, Daytoa. Ohio;

Sprint Oroea Park, Bprlasllald, O.; Collaanm. CleTeland, 0.; Hiawatha Park. Mt. Tamos. 0.; Uaibala Park. Zanaarllla, O.; Casino Park. Uansflald. O.; Wbeallnt Park, Wbe«l- Inf, W. Va.; Four Mila Croak Park. Brio. Pa.; Laka Brady Park, Kant, O.; Willow Brook Park. Norwalk. O. (5)

Hudson Bleer Circuit—PoakskUl, N. T.—Bhady Laka Park.

InferaoU Circuit — Washlutton. D. C.—Luna Park.

iDfersoU Hopkins Circuit—Mt. Tomoe. O.—Hia¬ watha Park.

Intematloaal drcnlt—Kanaaa City, Mo.—Hoc- trie Park. Topeka. Kan.—Tlnewood Park.

Keith Circuit—East Urerpool, O.—Bock Springs Park.

Keltb A Proctor Circuit—Jamoatown. N. T.— Caleron Park.

Kohl A Castle CIrcolt—Soutk BeSd. Ind.— Springbrook Park.

KasselPa Warm Weather Circuit—Champulgn. lU.—Park. Kankakee, III.—Alrdome, ^rlng- Seld, III.—Park. Aurora. Ill.—T^rk. Bloom- Inroa. ni.—Park. JackaonrUU, lU.—Park.

MW Singing & Talking 'ws PHOTOGRAPHY The Money Making: Attraction


ipplied for.l lu the beet and cheapeut machine for the pro- if Singing and Talking Photography. Films in English in largest We are looking for selling agents in the United Statee.

Duske’s Cinematograph & Films Works, ^ 46 FRIEDRICH STREET, BERLIN. GERMANY

-Toronto, Ontario—Hanlan's

Oct. 6 to 10,1908,—Keokuk, Iowa The Pioneer of the West—High Wire Act, Big Aerial Act, Jap Aero batic Act, and other high-class platform acts. Concessions of all kinds for sale. Write at once. RICE H. BELL, Secretary .

Second Annual State Fair of Oklahoma At OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA.

(A City of 50,000 Poople.) OCTOBER 1st to lOth, 1908.

THE EVENT OF THE YEAR FOR THE PEOPLE OF OKUHOMA. state Fair Grounds reached direct by electric car line, steam railway

and asphalt boulevard. Over 125,000 feet of cement walks on the concession and show grounds: $40,000 In premiums and purses. New grand stand, seat¬ ing 7,000 people; everything modern and up-to-date.. Side shows wajited. Clean, attractive shows, with good fronts will make money here. Privileges and concessions to live hustlers. Write at once. This fair Is billed like a circus, and will get the people. Address ST.\TK FAIR .ASSOCIATION OF OKLAHOMA. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. _

MOVING PICTURE MACHINES 8t*r«optloon«, Slid**, Aoo***oi1*s. FILMS RENTED


Kan*a* City H*adQuart*rs for Edison Good*. B*t. I8M

For Fairs, Carnivals. Shows, Cele ■Am ■■ I brations and large Gatherings. . . -

I I I g Don’t to our

Nobbiest Whip* in America. Send 50c for samples

THE DAVIS WHIP CO., Tippecanoe City, Ohio. PABK UBT.

* ludleuteu ao circuit. (' ra TandaTlIU. (1) lodlcab

46 X ti e Billboard AUGUST 29, 1908.

pl>7 vaodpTtllr. (3) Indlcatea Park plaja banda. ILLINOIS. Ipropa.; Prank >1. WIcka, mgr. ID (3); Park Booking I'lrcult, 1402 Broadway, Now York City, booking agenta.

Pt. Wa> In-—liobluaou l ark, Kt. Wajiio >k \Ta DO cbaraclrr la given tbe Inroniiatlun baa uoi been coninbutt-d. When a I'aik lUwa mil play either baiala or vaudeville oud atlll appeara In

Shoe Lake, Alton, (Iranlte ft 8t. Lonla Trac. Co., propa.; L. C. llayuea, mgr,

Alwnod—Biiia'a Park.

baab Valley Traction Co., mgra.; Ueo. H. Flacber, am. lugr.; Weatern Mauagera* Aaan. Circuit. Ill i:li

thla Hat, It la becaiiae prlvllrgea are aoltl or Auburn—Irwln'a Electric. Jaa. H. Irwin, i I Huntington—Miami Park, Miami Park Amuse let on varloua occaalniia.

ALABAMA. Annlaton—Oiford Ijike Park. Anniston Electric

(2i i;ii li.llcvllle—Fair Oroiind Park. Wm. Winkle

ment Co., propa.; Krancia L. Stulti, mgr.. Grand Theatre. .Marlon. Ind.. Circuit (D l8i

’ Bloomington—Ilniigblon Lake Park, Cbarlea 1. nnlaton—Oiford Ijike Park. Anniston Electric Sclinebler. (D i:t» Co., pro|«.; K. L. Rand. mgr. x (11 (3) Hob- Blue laland—Calumet Grove, Mr. Scbnlta. my a<m City Park, Hobaon City Park Co., tdi propa.; K. L. Hand. mgr. Cairo—Sportamen'a Park.

man. x (.11 Prieatcr'a Park. F. U. Prieater. tndlanapolla—Fairbanka Park, Hra. A. J. Tron. Klaaeil'a Garden, Fred Klaaell. Fairvlew Park, Traction ft Terminal Co., pro|>a.. John J. Mahoney, mgr. Spring Lake Park. In- diana|iolla ft Eastern Ky. Co., C. C. Kejiiolda. gen. mgr.

America's Foremost Streetmen’s House



W. Wbarff, Icaaee (3); playa clrcna acta. Centralla—White City. Centralla Amuaemen JefferKonvIIle—Warden Park. Foreat Park. Chjn- I. Durel Park. Tbe Connecticut Co., propa.; J. A. Blake, mgr.. New Haven, Conn.

Klllingly—Wildwood park, Sam Amleraon. Uancbeater—Ijiiirel Park. Hanover Park, W.

P. Bristol. Meriden—Hanover Park Consolidated R. H. Co.,

protia.; Robt. P. Lee, aupt. (1) (3); Harry Cushman, mgr. attractions.

Mlddlebury—Qiiassajiang Park, Tbe Connecti¬ cut Com|>any. props.; J. A. Blake, mgr.

Middletown —Ijike View Park, J. A. Blake; W. J. Pilmmer, booking agent, x (1) (31

New Britain—White City Park. Conn. R. R. O)., props.; J. A. Blake, mgr.; W. J. Pllm- mer, booking agent, x (D (3|

New Haven—Momauguln Park, J. A. Blake; W. J. Pilmmer, booking agent. Savin Rock Park. (I) (.'ii; J. A. Blake; Keyaton Am. Conatr.

Co., props.; C. F. Hamilton, mgr. (1) (3i Champaign—Weat End Park, III. Traction S.v>

tern, props.; M. Knssell. mgr, altractlnii» KnsseU's Warm Weather Circuit.

Chicago—White City, Paul I). Howse. San* Soucl Park, L. J. Wolf, HIvervlew Park i Edwin C. Faber, Wheaton, HI., x (2) (3 Paul D. Cooper. Luna Park, L. R. Lantei ateln. Cbutea, W. U. Strickler.

DanvIHe—Wonderland Park, W. J. Parrett am- W. J. Grant St. Ry. Co., pro|.s.; W. J Parrett, mgr. x (1) (3) American Vandevllb Pavilion, H. C. Engl^nim, mgr. (1) (3) Wayside Circuit.

Decatur—Dreamland. Decatur Amusement ('o

ningnam. i. Kokomo—Athletic Park and Theatre. Kokomo, vjiCt OUF pFICCS

Marlon A Western Traction Co., proi«.;T. O. Reyiiolda, mgr. (11 (3i X. IX/IOlL ^ Oil

LaFayette—Teciimseh Trail. Geo. Mslehits. (21 t-vIbCP Vlllir X (3l; Western Vaudeville Managers'’Asm. I'tavc

LaPorte—Pine Lake Park. L. H. Vogeler. x (51 Onicr. Bluff Side Reach. Northern Indiana Ry. Oow. props, ft mgra. x (1) (8) HpuHniftrtprQ

(Atgansport—Spencer Park, Ft. Wayne & Wa- nCcKllJllttriCro bash Valley Trac. Co., mgra.; F. J. Ryder, Mnvpltip^ am. mgr. (21 x (3l Klenly’a Island. F. O. lOl Klenly x (2) Burgman’s Park, Will White. ailQ CHDIDUliin * (1) rue.. CO., proi>8.; J. A. Blake, mgr.; w. j. I'llm- Wayside Circuit. » t»i Polo nK

mer, booking agent, x (D (3) Decatur—Dreamland. Decatur Amusement Co Marlon—Goldtbwalt Park. S. D. Bewail. (3) IjOCKlS. Ltll-d- pw Haven—.Momauguln Park, J. A. Blake; W. props.; B. 8. Baker, mgr; Morria Vaudevlll. Michigan City—Washington Park, ^ith Shore J. Pilmmer, booking agent. Savin Rock Park. Circuit. (1) (3) Wllaon’a Park, T. O. Wilson Amusement Ccu props.; W. K. Oreenb.ium, iU^ucJiiaiicu (1) (.'ll; J. A. Blake; Keyaton Am. Conatr. prop. A mgr. (21 x (4| “K'’- OhI-gan-cy Beach. I. I. Spire. free. OrdeFS ---- Co., booking agenta. The White City, Edw. DeKalb—Electric Park, DeKalb, Sycamore and r*''^ r i i. i, o /vovr oc <3ondell; Keystoue Am. CoDstructlon (jo., bkg. Internrban Traction Co.; D. Thomson; Fn-d Montpelier—I yie lark. Fair Driving lark, O. tllleu SaiFlC QSy 3S FeCClVCu.

Raymond, am. mgr. x (11 (31 New I»ndon—Electric Park, J. A. Blake; W. Dixon—Ood'ney'a I’ar'k, Wm. C. Jonea. R<wk Muncle—West Side Park. Ind. DuIot 'Trac. Ck>..

J. Pilmmer, booking agent. Ocean Beach, The ^nnectlcut Co., props.; J. A. Blake, mgr., New Haven, Conn.

New I.«ndon—Ye Golden Spur Park. Norwalk—Roton Point Reaort, Tbe Connecticut

Co., pro|ia. Norwich—Electric Park, Jaa. A. Blake.

I River Assembly, Adam A. Krape, am. mgr. i I (21 (3) Athletic Park, Sterling and DIxoi j Elec. R. R. Co., props.; Ed. E. Downs, mgr I X (31 playa carnivals. Central Park, Sterllof

props.; Geo. Klein, mgr. x (2| (3» West ¥ Side Park Casino, R. C. Carlisle, mgr. Elec- W SI w SSSmX^Si^e^ trie Park. R. C. Carlisle, mgr. (11 (31 Mun- ^ ly nwntw Inal cle Gun Club Park. Muncle Gun Club, prop*.; S0-« N. 6111 91.• ■CrrC naUICf Illtl.

and Dixon Electric R. R. Co., props!; Ed. E «j o.-w „ t- , Downee, mgr. (61 x Proapect Park, Dr. E r-***

EstabliahDd 1886.

W. Stevens, prop, ft mgr. x (2l (41 Putnam—People’s Tramway Park. Wildwood East St. Ionia—Ontral Park, Ontral Bre-adny .. nr o n_

Park, Jaa. A. Blake; W. J. Pilmmer, book Co., props.; Wm. Semon, mgr. x (61 WolTr "ili Boyd I ark. Ft. Wayne ft Wabash valley ing agent. Park, P. Wolf, prop. ’ ’ * __- - - _

Rockville—Snipsic loke Grove, A. T. Thomi>aon. Elgin—Trout, Will Carpenter (61 Rowi^on—Roton Point, ^mltb A Kelly. Freeport—Highland Park, Freeport Amuse. Co. jaexsoo para. Irind th«t nerve all nurnnsea Fleaioned 8helt“n-Plne Rock Part. Tbe Connecticut Com pr^.; 1. W. Matthews, mgr. (11 (3i Wm Rlcl«DM<J-^«ckson Park. Jacksoo ft Sou. props.; IM Etna I Hill serve EH pufpOIM. lJ(»l|nM

pany, props.; J. A. Blake, mgr. (11 (81 Morria Circuit. I- Wlnklemaa. and Compiled expressly for the PROFES- IMerce ft Norton; Ga^.burg-HlgW«d Park, (Jjlrtbnrg By. * ^ SION, MAN ACER, PERFORMER, AGERT,

j! a. Blake: W. (3i Park, Pe^ii’a Traction Co., (llxJpa.: U ^“p7trick“cilff^^ mar^™Kohl ft“cM^lo 11 (31 Columbia Alton, aupt. ’ * ^•'**'* r'lnth CnV^r lOc lolldated R. K. Gillespie—OlHoeple Park. GlHeaple Park Am view Park Terre Haute ftW walk Amu*.meut Co prop..; Arm.troug ft Harrla, mgra. (1 co. ^opa f OrJo J Brtlnlr ^gr. Cti LcalhCP CoVCP, 25C

k G ’ ft Gnwan RIarhIanH Park_.Oknrl.lan Paak mtiA 'Th.afaa 1 lett Pstk. AlftlOme Park, Ssm TOOng. .... ....

New Castle—Blue Valley Park, M. D. Harvey, mgr. (21 (31 Date Books

Southington—lAke Comiwunce, Pierce ft Norton; Oaleaburg—Highland Park. Galesbnrg Ry. a W. J. Pilmmer, booking agent. Light Co., props.; C. II. Gibbs, aupt. x (2i

Sontb Norwalk—Roton Point, J. A. Blake: W. (3l Park, People’s Traction Co., propa.; U J. Pilmmer booking agent. '(11 (31 Columbia Alton, aupt. Grove. Railway Park, Consolidated R. R. Gillespie—OlHespte Park. Gillespie Park Am Co. AmiiseiiK-iit Park, Norwalk Amuaement Co., props.; Armstrong ft Harris, mgra. (1 Co., mgra.; Wm. Nash, secretary. (3)

Cloth Cover, 10c Leather Cover, 25c

Stonlngton -Weqnefcuuock Park, C. H. Cowan. Hlgbl.nd^Part-Sbortdan Part and Theatre, J vincenneti-Lakewood Park, Ben Hnd^ut. W’. Strong binding, well printed, complete in-

WalHngford—Zoelle’a Park, Z. Pearsall. Hlghwoo*!—Ft. Sheridan Park. Vlnceiine# ^nrooa*^(St ***"'"** formation, etc. Complete for the SeESon niffbwoo<l—Ft. Sheridan Park. Weat naven—Savin I.take Park, J. A. Blake; I taka—Rose I>ake Park, J. J. Schoolfleld.

Wstts Wablih-SiSumbla *”park**’ *Park. FL 1908-1909. Contains dates to Aug. 1,1909. ns park, w. w. watu, wayne ft Wabash Valley Trac. C!o., prop#.: —w. w..

mJoS’ ■ Bl^kh'a’n' WMhl”gtoS^'trS‘t'^‘Rallway ^ Park. TIlG

h7a“.Si &’j“aHu^ Wrtt“ Jl; .a.^a a a. ax Dickey, mgr. Street, Cincinnati. O.

W. J. pilmmer. booking agent. Wlnated—Highland Lake Park, Jaa. A. Blake;


F. R. Matthews, mgr. attr. (D (3); Film-I Joliet—Rock Run Park, C. Northern. Delw<>o<J mer’a Circuit. Electric Park. Part, Ted D. Deagon, prop.; R. J. Blockbsll.

DELAWARE. pnv'. . . Rebobotb—Horn’a Pier and Theatre. C. 8. Horn, K^kakee—Electric Park. Kankakee Elec. Rj

aecT .V. Tf. Wayne ft Wabash Valley Trac. (3o., propa.:

P:i7“’M D"”De«oS’ nroJ'-'’r”'?- Bl^S W«hl”gto?;^trS.r RMlwJy ‘ Park. Perk, Ted D._IVMon, prop., R. J. mockbftll, winon* I^kn—Wfnoon AiiopmhW Park Sol O. len u. i^mkod, pmp.; n, j. niocsonia. winon* I^ke_Winon* A«eefnblv P*rk Sol C mgr. X (51 Highland Park. Julius Weatpbal nipkev m^ Asaemoiy park, »oi u. prfip. Ricsey, mgr.

am. mgr. x (1) (4) Co., propa. (2) (3) x Sbellpot Park, Wilmington (nty Kewanee—Windmont Park, Galesburg Kewanev Arnold's Park—Arnold's Park. C. M. ft St. F.

R. R. Co., props,; J. E. Henry, mgr. x (D (3)

St. Ry. Co., props.; Edward B. Jobns<« mgr. (1) (3)

K. R. Co., mgra. Brighton—Brighton Park, C. B. Davis.

Brandywine Springs. People'm By. Co., props.; I Webster Park, J. J. MeOuskey. mg’ I Burlington—Madison Ave. Park, Sbafer ft La R. W. Cook. gen. mgr.

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. I proi>s.; D. 11. Harts, Jr., and Frank Holdli j Clear Lake—Whitaker's Pleasure Pier, L. Whit-

Washington—Wildwood Park, Baltimore and „ _ l_ .. _ „ Washington Tran. Co., propa.; Wm. A. Mel-I —Electric Park, Coal Belt Elec. Ry. Co. Cedar Rapidt—The Alamo, Alamo Stock Co.,

(1) Spring Valley, HI. x (1) (31 Lincoln—Cbantanqua Park, Cbantauniia A<«ii

Franx. props.: Ed. L. Phipps, mgr. Electric Park, Cbaa. Kbner. x (I) (3)

len. gen. mgr. Great Falla Park. Great Falla ,,PrpP*'’ and Old Itnminlon R. R. Co.; Theo. J. King. mgr. Riverside Excursion Resort, E. 8. Ran „ dall. Glen Echo Park. L. D. Shaw, prop.; Mollne-Campbell’a Island. East Moline ft W* L. J. Symonda, Belaaco Theatre, Waabliigton, D. C.. then. mgr. (D (3» Chevey Chase Park, Herbert Claude. Luna Park (plays big dumb acts), Frederick Ingersoll, designer; Cbaa. J. Gootifellow, mgr. (It (3)


tertowD Ry. 0>., props.: Jaa. F. Larduer. I'm enport, la. Proapect Park, Trl-Clty Ry. fn Alfred Fried, mgr. x (It (31

props.; G. K. Barton, mgr.; Western Vande- vllle Mgra.’ Aaan. (D (3t Bever Park. City Park Commissioners, x (0) Washington Sq. City Park Commlasloners. x. (6)

Clinton—Eagle Point Park. E. 8. Howard, mgr.; Western Vaudeville Aaan. Circuit. (D (3i

Olney—City Park. City Management; Ernest 7 Council Rluffa—Lake Monowa Park, Omaha ft Bower, mgr. attraction* (2t x (3t

Ottawa—EHIa Park, L. W. Hess, mgr. M* Jestic Park. (1)

Fernandlna_Amelia Beach Amelia Beach Co.. Ottawa—Majestic Park Theatre. Chet Wllh"u-l< iviieni tat. Mcnntien I'arx. Itavennort Shoot props.; John W. Simmons. Coney Park (col mgr, (1> Ing Assn., props,; Ludwig Berg. mgr. x (2* ored) Arthur Langford. ^ Paris—Reservoir Park. Paris Boating ft Flab (31 Central Park City, prop. (6) x. Proapeet

Jacksonville—PLoenlx Park, Jacksonville, R. R. Co., proita.; C, P, Hitch, mgr. (31 x Park. Co. Pablo B^ch Sri Ball Park, J. D. Plalnaeld—Electric Park, C. W. Shepherd, ragi Des Moines—Ingersoll Park. Fred Bncbanan. Bnrbridge. Florida Ostrich Farm, Cbaa. D. r, • . y- .r, - Fraser Lincoln Park (colored) Jackaonvllle Peoria—Pfeiffer’s Palm Ganlen. C. O. Pfelffei Dubuque—Stewart’s Park. Romberg Park.

Electric Co. Mason’s Park (colored). North <«> <V,v St''‘‘“‘S r."’’'’ Judson Electric Co. Dixieland Park, Dixie tOKr- O) W) * A1 F^co Beach, V. ^ Sea D. XIathea. mgr. x (1) (.3); Barnes WeaL land Am. Co.; C. W. DaCktata, mgr. (5l N. Y. VandevHle Contracting Circuit ’Theatrical Exchange. Rooaevelt Park North Jacksonrllle St Ry Stone HIH Garden, Frank Greave. x xx V|r Ft. Dodge—Oleson Park, O. M. Oleaon. com. Town and Improvement Co., propa.: L. a! K*”** Beach. Frank A. Ueineke (1) (4) i («) Riverside Park. O. F. Rankin, x (6) Schler mgr Pallsadea Park, F. H. Harris (6) x Interurban Park (opens Jnly D, H. S. Holm.

Key West-LaBrtsca Park, Key Weat Elec (3o.. Pern—NInewa Park, Cbaa. B. Wagner, mgr. (Ii secy. Mineral City Driving Park. M. J. props.; W. R. Rhoades. (1) (3) Quincy—Baldwin Park, Henry Oescbwlnder Halre.

Pensacola—Palmetta Beach Electric Park Highland Park, Henry Gredell (3) Sbernai. Fort Madison-Ivanhoe Park. Ft. Madison St. Pensacola Elec Co mgra' ’ Park. Ry. Co., props.; D. A. Morrisoii.

Tamua-Ballast Point’ Park Tamna Electric Ravtnla—Rarlnia Park, Chicago and Mllwanke# Orinnell—Arbor Lake Park, Baca Assn., props.; S!?propa. X (1) XX (4) DeSotn’ark, ’ftimM By. Co.; B. B. Steana, Higbwood, III. H. W. Spaulding, mgr.; H. L. Lampbore, Elec nrona.: Wm. O. I-vneh. mer. ii Rockford—Harlem. Rockford ft Internrban Ry. am. mgr.

I'oiincil Bluffs Railway A Bridge Co., props.; Wm. P. Byrne, mgr.

Davenport—Suburban Island Park. Chaa. U. Kiiehl I3l. Scbutien Park, Davenport Shoot Ing Assn., props.; Ludwig Berg. mgr. x (2> (3) Central Park City, prop. (6) x. Proapeet Park.

Lincoln Park (colored) iackaonvllle Peoria—Pfeiffer’s Palm Ganlen. C. O. Pfelffei Dubuque—Stewart’s Park. Romberg Park.

Co. Mason’s Park (coiored). North <«> ''‘‘“‘S r."’’'’ ^ TTIM-'T'VF^E E N llectric Co Dixieland Park Dixie “K’'- H) (3) x A1 Fresco Beach, V. C. Sea D. Mathes. mgr. x (1) (3); Barnes WeaL * *

Co.: C.' W. DaCoata. m’gr. (5» rer; N. Y. VandevHle Contracting (^rcuH ’Theatrical Exchange. _ Stone HIH Garden, Frank Greave. x xx V|r Ft. Dodge—Oleson Park, O. M. Oleaon. com. *

My quarter-of-a-century'a experience is rate to too Yimiv tx>at-<»rd will receive a ecasoNsi acPLV from me. containing valuable information aboulCarrj’-l'a-AHa, Merry-Go-Kounds. Mechanical Shooting Galleries, etc. 1 am the largest man/actut- er in the world oi amusement devices.

Ju8t *d<1rv«*.


glnia Beach, Frank A. Ueineke (1) (4) i Pallsadea Park, F. H. Harris (6) x

Pern—NInewa Park, Cbaa. R. Wagner, mgr. (li Qnlncy—Baldwin Park, Henry OeKbwInder

(A) Riverside Park. O. F. Rankin, x (6) Interurban Park (opens Jnly II, H. S. Holm, aecy. Mineral City Driving Park. M. J. Halre.

Highland Park, Henry Gredell (3) Sbernai. I Fort Madison—Ivanhoe Park. Ft. Madison St. Park. I Ry. Co., props.; D. A. Morrison.

Elec. Co., props.; Wm. O. Lynch, mgr. xx Rockford—Harlem, Rockford ft Interorban Rj (1) Sulphur Springs, J. B. Richardson, prop. prop#.; T. M. ^Hs, mgr. (1) (3) West. ^n<

Thor City—DeSoto Park.

GEORGIA. TriClty By. Co., propa.; Black Havvk Watch Miiwatlne—Electric Park, CltUena’ Ry. ft Light Adanta—Ponce de Leon Park, Jake Welle Am Tower Park Co., mgra., Sears. Ill., (2) x (3) co.. prop#. (1) (31

Co., props.; H. L. Cardoia; Wells Circuit. Springfield-Zoo. Chaa. M. WHHams, mgr. (1) Newton—Oak Park. W. M. McCollums mgr (11 (4) White City, White City Amuse. Co. props.; C. L. Cbasewood, mgr. x (1) (8i

Augusta—Lake View Park, S. H. Cohen.

props.; T. M. ElHa, mgr. (I) (3) West. Vaod Keokuk—Hubinger Park. C. II. Dodge. (1) (8) evllle Assn. Washington Park, Rockford A M,^n City—Clear Lake Park. Western I.akea

^ MFQ’i >


Internrban By. Co.; T. kl. EIHs, mgr. Bock laland—Black Hawk Watch Tower Park,

Reaort Co., props.; Geo. M. Prince, mgr. (1) (8)

Beiela tl SO gross Ulssa 75 gross Phoioscope

Kims S2 25 gross Photoscone

Kims SH OO per M Battoa Parts

16 per 51 Largest stork In

the States of all site Rims, Meiela, Qlssa. Hacks. Tin Piste all site Hlipa CollodioD. (’hemiralt, etc WM L HARTM4N.

I4« W Fifth St Cinetnnitl. - Ohio

Prompt Service Write For Samples

White (ity Park, Springfield Am. Park Co. props.; A. H. Scblange. (1)

Spring Valley—Webster Park, x (1)

I (1) (8) »kot.H|l—iikohsjl Park. C. R. I. ft P. It. R..

mgra. Cedartown—Tbe Sommer Theatre, J. C. Knight. Sterling—Oak Park. Mineral Springs Park. J Ottumwa—The HeIgbU. C. Oates, x (2) (3)

Jr. N. Harpham. Ontral Park, Sterling. Dtxoi Caldwell Park (3» Oolnmbua—Wildwood. Columbus R. R. Oo.. * Eaatern Elec. Ry. Co.

props.; F. B. RInebead. mgr. x (1) (3) North Tilton—Wayside Park. Illinois Traction System Highland, F. B. RInebead. props.

OalneavIHe—Cbattaboocble, North (Jeorgla Bloc. Drbana—Weat Side Park. Co., props.; O. M. Martin, mgr. (1) (3) Wethersfield-Windmont

Macon—Crump’s, klacon R. R. ft Light Co., Kewanee Elec. Co., m: prop*. * “Krt- ** <8) park mgr., Kewanee, HI.

Rome—Mobley Park, 0. B. Fuller; Y. 0. Alley am. mgr.; Casino Amnse. Co. Circuit. Ds INDIANA. Sote Park, Rome Ry. ft Light Co., props.; H . ^ J. Arnold, park mgr. (1) Alexandria—Armory Sommer Theatre.

ft Eaatern Elec. Ry. Co. Rock laland—Black Hawk Watch Tower Park. TUton—Wayalde Park. Illinois Traction System W. Sanerman. prea. (8)

props. „ „ ^ Sioux City—Riverside Park. Sioux City Tree. Drbana—Weat Side Park. Co., props.; E. L. Kirk. am. mgr. (3) (2) Wethersfield—Windmont Park, Oaleaburg sm Spencer—Arnold Park, W. B. Arnold.

Kewanee HIm. Co., H. Ila.vward Waterloo—Cbantanqua Park, Oeo. 8. Tenney,

Send for sanip'e of our Signet Ring made • f I-?U rolled p ate. guaranteetl.

Joint soldered wdh gold ■ o dcr. W i 1 not turn y black. Only |t0 per gross.


Savannah—Thunderbolt Casino, Savannah Elec Anderson—Monnd’s Park, Indiana Dnion Trac <3o.; L. W. Nelson; Jaka Well# (Jlrcnlt (li Mo" “K''* (4) Jake Wells, Richmond, Va., mgr. of Angola—Angola Ry. ft Power Co., props.; C. C

mgr. X (2) (3). Red Sedar Park, John Libby, Electric Park. Nichols ft Alford, props.; R. L Nichols, mgr. (5); Western VandevHle Ae- soclitlon. booking mgra.

Webster City—Riverside Park. W. R. Keanu, prop, ft mgr.

¥ ^ 1641-43-45 N. lOlh St., PMILAOKLPMIA. PKNN.

WANTED Klr-t Class Cn. (Comedy) to ooen In Salem, III.. Sept. 21st for one wt>ek. Sew 0|tef4 Honse. •M'Htliig espseity T.IO. stage 22x30fl.. Must be .5 1 Co. Hllli hsiKl. HOLMES BROS. Mgra., Salem, III.

attractions. (1) (4) Isle of Hope Park, 8a Wood, mgr. (3) vannab Electric Co.; A. M. Bai^ ft 'Son. —Ooldthwalt Park. J. H. Ammons. Ma Atchison—Forest Park, Atchison Amnse. O)., HIlfTON, W. VA., HEW MASONIC ISO,00ft mgra. (8) IJncoln Park (colored). Savannah ptop- (D (3) props.: A. 8. I4>wls. mgr. x xx (1) (3) THEATRE, Will L. Fredaktng, mgr. I’opola- Elec. Co.: W. J. Whiteman (3); Minstrel Clinton—Central. Harry M. Smith, prop.; Harrj Baxter Springs—Reunion Park. C. B. Otlllna. tlon, 7.500; drawing |N>|.iilatlnn 16.(S>0. Sealing abowB engagetl. M. Smith, mgr. x (2) (3) Caney raeketCs Alrdoine. F. B. Tackett, cap., 1,200. Now Ismkliig Season I90S 0. For

Thunderbolt—Recreation Pier, Harry J. Free Colnmbna—Crump’s Driving Park. Frank T man. gen. mgr. (I): also moving pictures.

HAWAII Crnm|>. mgr.

W. Slater, Knid. Okla.. booking open time address Klaw ft Erlanger. N. Y. C.

Eaton—Riverside Park. Ind. Union ’Traction Co.. I Chicopee—Idle Hour Park, 8. Maaaaealcky. nn tv sail props. (3)

Honolnln—Aqnarinro, Bonolnln Rapid Transit Elkart—laland Park, A. 51. Keene. A fund Co., props.; C. O. Ballentyna. gen Evansrllle—Oak Summit Park, Indiana Amuse

MOVIHO PICTURE FILMS-Iurge stock films Correyvllle Tnketl's Alrdome, F. B. Tackett, for rent and ssle, at a ba'galn. Film for sale

mgr.; C. W. Stater. Knld, Okla.. hooking tor |I5.0O a reel iio. Write for list. Horthatu ransrIHe—Oak Summit Park, Indiana Amuse I agent. ment (30., props.; Sweeton A Danabanm, mgra Deering—(3Iyde White City, The (Jlyde Amuse.

tor fin.isi a reel iii>. Write for list. Northaiu Film Exchange, 1610 M. td St., Fhiladalphia. Pa.

IDAHO. ' ('* f3»: Western VandevHle Assn. Park (3o., props.; H. M. Walton, mgr., (3offey. TENTH TRl-OOUNTT OLD SETTLERS AND n-,.._Moss chHstsnsss <41 Bank Park. Bethany Park. White OIW ▼•De. Kan. x (1) 9**® SOLDIERS’ RE-UNION will be observed at Boise—Riverside Park. Moae Cbrlateoaen (1) (4 ^ g Dawson. Riverside Park, J. 8. Emporia—Alrdome. Fred B. Corbett, prop, ft I Hamilton. Iowa, on Sept. 7lh, 8th. fttb and Idaho Falls—Highland Park. Joa. 5l<K}olre, adv | Sandy (1) (S) Maywood Park. Bert BratRey. mgr. xx; Crawford Alrdome OIrralt (1) (8); * JOlh. Wanted. Attrarllona. Oonceaston grouwla

Wonderland, Wonderland C3onstnietlon On.,

npona—Alrdome. Fred B. Corbett, prop, ft mwa, on sept. Tih, Bth, fttb anu mgr. xx; Crawford Alrdome OIrralt (1) (8); ' lOth. Wanted. Attrarllona. Oonceaston grouwla Boy Crawford. Topeka. Kan., booking mgr. •” A. OLIVER. Secy.


AUGUST 29, 1906. X ti e dill b o a r d 47

Tort Scott—Fern I,«kc Pirk, Hafer and Lora, per; Jiilliia Rhlnchcart. mKr.; Rlcbard Shoe- propa. X XX (1) maker, mftr. attractlona. (1) (3l

flutr^naon—North Side Park, Central Kanaaa Weatport—Kllne’a Shore Mne Park, Harry A. Fair Aaan., proM.; B. Ilntton, mgr. s («) i Kline, prop A mgr. (1) (4) Sbadyalda, Oao.

Hanorer—Shropp Park. II. M. Mailed. | Kahl. mgr. x (1) (3) loU-Klectrlc Park, loja Klectrlc Ry.. propa.; . MASSACHUSETTS.

S. Vander^a. mgr. (2) a (3| I Athol—Brookalde Park, W. D. Smith. Kanaaa City—Camlral I ark, John C. Horton, Attleboro—Talaiiuequa Park, R. A. Harrington,

mgr. z (1) I,eaTenworth—People'a Summer Tbeatra, M. J.‘

Cunningham. Ml (4). Alrdome Theatre, Chaa. Keane, mgr. Aaaoclatlon Park, Stance Myera, prea.

Norton—Elmwood Park. Ottawa—Foreat Park, City of Ottawa, propa. I'.tp* •n» S'nr In'iinic. I '*inltli iiii'r.. (' W.

Stater. Knlil. Okla., booking agent. Paraona—Olenwood Park. N. T. Anderaon. Blec-

trlc Park, H. C. Moorebead. (4l zz. Lyric Park. Chaa. E. Hodklna, prop.; 0. L. Carroll, mgr.; Lyric Circuit.

Plttahurg—Alrdome Park. W. W. Bell (2). Idle Hour Park. R. L. Metcalf; Lyric Circuit (1).

Topeka—Vlnewood Park. B. W. Wllaon. PakU.

'3* . - ^ Auburn—Proapect Park. Worthington A South-

bridge St. Ry. Co. ID Aubumdale—Nonimbega Park. Carl Alberta,

mgr. ID (3); J. W. Oorman Circuit. Aeon—Highland Park, Wd Colony St. Ry. Co.;

H. E. Reynolda. mgr., 84 State at., Boaton. Maaa.

Bellingham—Hoag Lake Park, Ray B. Randall. Woonaocket, R. 1.

Rerkabire—Berkahire Beach. Billerica—PInehurat Park, W. P. Adama. prop.

A mgr.; W. H. Nelaon, mgr. of attractlona. ID (31

Boaton —Point of Plnea, Joa. J. Raymond, Nor- _ . umbega Park, Chaa. Alberto. Creacent Park,

111., prop.: F. O. Kelly, mgr.; International | w. II. O'Neill. I.ezlngton Park. George A. Board ot Park Commlaalonera: U. A. Lowo, i prealdent. mgra. I2». K. B. Bamea* AIrdomo j Theatre. Crawford A Kearney, mgra.

Wichita—Wonderland Park, Wichita Am. Park Co., propa.; A. B. Nuttle, mgr.; J. T. Niittlo. am. mgr. z (1) (SI

KENTUCKY. Aabland—Clyffalde Park. Joa Oalllek, mgr. (S)

(8) Chalt«e»te—Chalbeate Park. Frankfort A Ver-

aalllea Traction Co., propa.; I>. J. McNamara, mgr. (21 (3) Core Spring. F. A V. Trac. Co,

Henderaon-Atkinaon Park I,ezlngton—Womlland (City Park). Loulaelllr—Fontaine Ferry Park. Park CIrc. A

Realty Co., propa.; Wm. O. Reicbman. mgr.; Weatern Vaiideellle Managera’ Aaan.. booking mgra. ID 131 Jockey Club Park. White City Am. Co., propa.; John Whalen, mgr. (D (31

Madlaonellle—Garden Amua«-ment Park. Ira Par¬ iah. mgr. z (31

Mayarllle—Beecbwood Park. Maeaellle St. R. R. A Tranafer Co.; Hlhler A Ruaaell. mgra. X ID (31: alao moelng plctnrea.

Owenaboro—Chautauniia Park, W. F. Maylott. aupt. (3)

Paducah—Summer Park. LaRelle Park, Wal¬ lace Park. Paducah Traction Co., propa.: John S. Bleecker. mgr. (D Caalno.

LOUISIANA. Alexandria—Electric Park. S. L. Jacoba. (D

(3) Donaldaonrllle—Raaehall Park. Lake Charlea—Shell Beach Pier. Lake Cbarlea

St. Ry. Co., propa.; C. F. Preacott. mgr. Monroe—Foraytbe Park, owned by (^ty of Mon¬

roe. New Orleana—Weat End Park. New Orleana Ry.

Co., propa.: Julea RIatea. mgr.; Orphenm Cir¬ cuit ID (31 City Park. Joneph Bernard, aupt. z (11 (31 Scenic Railway and Midway. O. Jacob and Henry P. Stock. Audubon Park. E. Potta, mgr. x (11 (31 White City, Charlea C, Matthewa (D (31

Shrereport-Park Theatre. Elrich Broa. (21 xx Texa*. I.onlatana. Arkanaaa A Mlaalaalppl Cir¬ cuit. (11 (31

MAINE. Auruata—laland Park. F. L. Heracy. prop.:

Harry Heraey. mgr.: OllTer D. Bailey, am. mgr. z zx.

Bniiiew lek—.llerrymeetlng Park, L. A. A W. St. Rt. Co., propa.; E. Reed, mgr.; Jamea W, Flynn, mgr. of attractlona; Flynn Circuit. (1) I4l

Falrlleld—Caaco Caatle Park. Madlaon—Inkewood Grove. 11. L. L. Sweet. (D

(31 Norway—Central Park. A. P. Raaaett. z (D


Dodge. Paragon Park, George Dodge; Key- atone Amnaement Con. Co.. Circuit. Glen Park. F. C. "Iliompaoo- N. Y. VaudeTllle Con¬ tracting <^., booking agta. Meaaa Park. D. B. Iluntly. WonderiLnd Park. Park Booking Circuit, 1402 Broadway, New York City, book Ing agta.

Brockton—Highland Park, Old Colony St. Ry. Co., propa.; H. E. Reynolda, mgr., 84 State at., Boaton. Maaa., (D (31

Brookfield—Leohaway Park. Warren. Brookfield A Spender St. Ry. Co., propa.; Henry Clark, mgr.

Bryantrllle—Mayflower Grore. Clifford—Lakealde Park. Alfred Dnmaa. DIghton—Dlghton R<ick Park. Old Colony St.

Ry. Co., propa.; H. E. Reynolda. mgr.. 84 State at.. Boaton. Maaa. (3l

Dedham—Weatwood Park. J. J. Flynn. Eaatbampton—Pleaaant Park. Fall River-Mt. Hope Park. Fitchburg—Whalon Park. W. W. Sargent. Freetown—Lakealde Park. Old Colony St. Ry.

Co., pmpo.; H. E. Reynolda. mitr.. 84 State at.. Boaton, Maaa. (.31

Gardner—Wanchnaett Park. Gardner, Weatmln- ater A Fitchburg St. Ry. Co., propa.; C. A. Jafta. mgr.

Oloiiater—leng Reach. J. J. Flynn. Great Bairingtoo—Peabody Park. J. A. Blake.

Fountain Park. J. A. Blake; Walter J. Pllm- mer. hooking agt.

Hampton—Hampton Beach Caalno. J. J. Flynn. Haverhill—Plnea Park. L. D. Pellltler, mgr. zz

(31 Springdale Park. Lawrence—Glen Foreat. Boaton A Northern St.

Ry. Co., propa.; H. E. Reynolda. mgr.. 84 State at.. Boaton. Maaa.; Flynn Circuit.

T.exlngton—l-exlngton Park. J. T. Benaon, mgr.: J. W. Gortnan'a Circuit.

I/owell—Canohle Park. Franklin Woodman. Lakerlew Park. Boaton A North. St. R. R., propa.: M R. Steavena. (51; J. J. Flynn Cir¬ cuit (31 Wlllowdale Park. Bowera Broa.

Lunenberg—Whalom Park, W. W. Sargent, mgr. (11

Marlboro—Lake Clianncey. A. F. Wlltoo. Medford—Boulevard Theatre. J. W. Gorman.

Combination Park. Hlcka Broa. Bendon—I.ake Nlpmock Park, Milford A Cz

bridge St. R. R. Co., propa; W. L. Adama. mgr.: Boom Circuit. (D (31

Merrlmac—Sall«bnry Beach. Haverhill A Amea- burg St Ry. Co.: L. E. Lynde, aupt. (11 (31: J. W. Gorman, booking mgr.

Milford—Nlpmnc Park. Milford A Czbrldge St. Ry. Co., propa.: W. L. Adama. mgr. (11 (31; M. Boom. New York City, booking agt. Hong Lake Park Mendon Park.

Nahant—Bath Point Relay Honae. Baaa Point Summer Theatre. Frank Cawley. Park Thea tre, J. J. Coogan, Relay Theatre. C. W. Sheafe.

Nantaaket Beach—Paragon Park. G. A. Dodge. Revere

Old Orchard—Seaalde Park. W. O. Smith. Old | N*ntaaket Point—Coney laland of the Eaat. Orchard Beach Pier. Gatea A Bundle.

Portland—Cnderwootl Spring* Park. E. A. New man. Gem Theatre. C. W. T. Golding. Riv¬ erton. Portland Ry. C«*.. propa.; D. B .Smith, mgr.; J. W. Oorman'a Circuit. (11 (41 Cape Cottage Park. Portland Ry. Co., propa : A. F Hatch, mgr.: J. W. Gorman’a Circuit.

Skowhagen—The Plnea. Lakewood Park Watervllle—Central Maine Park. Watervllle A

Oakland St. Rv. Co., propa. and Amoa F. Gerald, mgr Caacade Park. Geo. Perry, mgr. <D <41 Flynn Circuit

MARYLAND. Annapolla—Bay Ridge Park. Baltimore—Electric Park. Schanherger A Irwin,

mgra. Arlington; Keith CIrctilt. Owynn Oak Park. Cnlted Railway Co.; Oil. Hongh. mgr.; J. T. McCaalln. booking agent. Herman'* Klectrlc Park. J. H. Herman A Son. propa.; J. T. McCaalln. mgr. A booking agent. Eaat er'a Park, George Baater A Sona. propa.; Joe Gorman, mgr.; J. T. McCaalln. booking agt. Hollywood Park. Joe Goeller, prop.; Walter Parker, mgr.; J. T. McCaalln. hook Ing agt. Backua Park. Wm. Rackiia. prop.; Chaa. Gremllch. mgr.; J. T. McCaalln. book Ing agt Hedden'a Caalno, Charlea Vannd. prop ; Ed. Wilhelm, mgr.: J. T. McCaalln. b<«klng agt. RIvervlew Park. Wm. FItl almmona. prop. A mgr.; J. T. McCaalln. book Ing agent. Kllne'a Deer Park. John Kline, prop.; Chaa. Riieaclillng. mgr.; J. T. McCaa- lln. hooking agf. Flood'a Park. J. 'T. Flood, prop : Wm. Trueheart. mgr.: Al. Tanner, •xviklng agt : J. T. MrCaalln. anat. booking agt. Kllne'a Shore Line Park. Harry Kline, prop.; I>ew M Carroll, mgr.; J. 'T. McCaalln. hooking agt. Shadyalde Park. F. Kahl. mgr. .k prop.: J. T. McCaalln. booking agt. Hoff man Houae. Chaa. Wegant. prop. A mgr.: J. I McCaalln. booking agt. Stoddard'a Palm Garden. Jaa. Stoddard, prop. A mgr.: J. T. M'S'aalln. booking agt. Pabat Garden. Jamea Collina. pr(^ A mgr.: J. T. McCaalln. book¬ ing agt, 'The Suburban. Auguat Fenenman. prop. A mgr.: Wm. Morrla. booking agt.

w Electric Park. Max Rooen. mgr. ■I Air—Gunpowder Park. Baltimore and Bel "r Electric Railway Co,, prop*.: J. Alex. Shriver, mgr.

I: 'ddock Height*—Rraddock Height*. Joaeph F. Ileacht. mgr. x (D (3) '‘•apeake Beach—Cheaapeake Beach. '"berland—Narrow* Park. (Tnmb. Electric Ry.

' "■ prop*.; w. M. Robert*. Jr., mgr. Rey¬ nold* Park. Cumberland A Weatemport Elec- 'rlc Ry. (<„ . p p. iiirtaell. mgr. ril* Bay—Flood'* New Park. W. H. Tma

■eart. mgr. derlck—Rraddock Height* Park. Frederick A llddletown R. R. (Jo., prop*.; Geo. B. F.

'nderaon. anpt.: Albert Walll*. mgr. x (8) (ellen A Gladding. Phlladalphl*. Pa., book- ng mgr*.

in nty—Caalno, John A. Ollleapl*. (!) (4t Olmper** New WIndaor Theatre. D. 'lYlm-

Ja*. Jeffrey New Bedford—Lincoln Park, Dartmouth A Weat-

port St Ry. Co., mgr*.: I. W. Phelpa. mgr. X (D (31 f.ake*lde Park. Brockton. Middle boro A New Bedford St. R.v. Oo. Ft. Phoe¬ nix Park.

Newhurvport—Plum Inland. Citizen*’ Blec. St Ry. Co.. O. F. File*, aupt. (D Boaton Sail* bury Reach. F. W. Meade.

North Adama—Hooaac Valley Park. Jame* A. Blake, mgr.: W. J. Pllmmer, booking *gt.

Grange—Bratkalde Park. W. D. Smith. PIttafield—Berkahire Park. J. A. Blake: W. J

Pllmmer, booking agt. Pontooaac Lake. Pitta- field St. Ry. Co. Lee Pleaaure Park.

Plymouth—Mavflower Grove. Brockton A Ply mouth St Ry. Co.; Clh* H. Warren, mgr <Kt J W Boaton.

Rc\;erc—Creacont Garden*. Flattery A A. De Pa vignon. mgra, A prop*. Point of Plnea .To* T Raymond. New Gavety Theatre. Walllr Mack. Wonderland. Wonderland Co., prop*. • T J lllgglna mgr.: Eugene L. Perry. (2> (S' Mammou’h Theatre. F. W. Mead.

Rlveralde—Rlveralde Grove. Captain Elmer H Smith

Salem—Salem Willow*. J, W. Gorman. Oor man’* Summer Theatre. M. J. Doyle.

Salen*—Lake Park. N. H. Elecky. prop.: Frank lln Woodman, mgr

Sa'labnrv—C**lno and Plum laland Pavilion Frank W. Mead, prop A mgr.; Mead'a Eaat em Park Circuit. (3i

Sharon—Maaaapoag Park. Norwood. Canton and Sharon St. Ry. Co., prop*.; D. Q. Trayer*. mgr (31

Shelburne Falla—Hlllalde Park. Shelhnme Fall* A Colerain St. Ry. Co.. Frank L. Reed, gen mgr

South Boaton—Pavilion Park. W. H. O'Neill Point of Plnea.

Srtuthbridge—Fairvlew Park. J. A. Blake: W J. Pllmmer. booking agt.

Spencer—T.aahaway Park. Springfield—Foreat Park, Citv. mgr*. Hampden

Park. P. F. Shay A Co., mgra. Rlver*tde Grove. Capt. Elmer 11. Smith, mgr. Imperial Park. John Aah. n "r.

Stoughton—Glen Echo. Rrlatol and Norfolk St Rv Co., propa.; F. J. Wllllama. mgr. (3)

Surfalde—Nantaaket Point Summer Reoort Taunton—Talaontaina Park. L. A. Harrln*t<m

Providence. R. I. (D NIppentikot Park. D F. Shea. Sahatia Park. Old Colon.v St. R Co., prop*.: H E. Reynolda. mgr.. 84 State at., Boaton. Maaa Lakealde Park, J. J FIvnn. l.elghton Rock Park. Woodward’* Spring*.

IVngaboro—I.ake V’lew Park. H. B. Reynold* 84 State St,. Boaton. Maaa

Wakefield—Qnannapowitt Park. Wakefield Park Wehater—Bacon Park. J. A. Blake; W. J

Pllmmer. booking agt. Wentboro—Ijike Cbanncay. J. A. Blake. Weat Natick—Summer Park. Weatfield—Peuiier I,ake. J. A. Blake, mgr.

New Haven, Coon.

Weat Foxboro—Lake View Park, Ron* Broa. A Wllllama, mgr*.

Weatwood—Weatwood Park, Old Colony St. By. 0>., prop*.; H. E. Reynolda. mgr., 84 State at., Boaton. Maaa. (D (3)

Worceater—Lincoln Park. J. A. Blake, mgr. White City, Lakealde Conatr. Co., propa.; W. B. White, mgr. z (11 (3) PInehurat Park, J. P. Caple*, mgr.; J. F. Donovan, mgr. of at¬ tractlona. (D (3)

MICHIGAN. Battle Creek—Lakevlew Park. Goguac Lake

Sabatltt, J. F. Donovan, mgr. attr. (D (.3i Bay City—Wenona Beach Park, Bay Wty Trac.

A Elec. Co., prop*.; L. W. Richard*, mgr. z (1) (3); Weatem Circuit.

Coruna—McCurdy’* Park. Summer Park, F. E. Welch

Detroit—Electric Park, A. H. Oankler, mgr. . Rlveralde Park. Milford Stem, mgr. Eaat Tawaa—Tawaa Beach, Detroit A Mackinac

Ry. Eacanaba—Smith Park. The City Park. Fmltport-Frultport Park. (3) Flint—Thread Lake Park. Chaa. Peer (8) Grand Haven—Highland Park (3) Grand I.edge—^The Seven lalanda. J. 8. Mudg*. Grand Rapid*—Ramona Park (Reed’a Lake*),

Grand Rapid* Ry. Co. (1) (4); L. J. Do LaMarter, mgr.; Weatem Tandevllle Mgr*.’ Aaan. Circuit. GiMlfrey'a Vaudeville Theatre (Reed'a Lake), Chaa. Godfrey, mgr. (1) North Park, Geo. B. Zinde), mgr. (6)

Hilladale—Raw Beaae, Norman WIdger, prop. A mgr. (2) (3)

Holland—Jenniaon Electric Park. Grand Rapid*. Holland A Chicago Ry., prop*.; Chaa. A. Floyd, mgr. z (2) (3)

Houghton—Highland Park. Electric Park, Houghton Co. St. Ry. Co., prop*.; F. O. May¬ otte, mgr. z (1) (3)

lahpemlng—Union Park, Marquette Co. Gaa A Elec. Co. (3); J. W. McCorkIndale, mgr.

Jackaon—Wolf I.ake Reoort, Jackaon Conaoll- dated Trac. Co.; Edw. Sandiaon. mgr. (1) (3) Jackaon Athletic Club Park, Jackaon Am. Co., propa.; N. F. Savage, mgr.; Icteroatlonal 'Theatrical Co. Circuit. (1) (3)

Kalamaztxi—Oakwood Park. J. M. Bramlette, gen. mgr.; Will H. Barry, am. mgr.; R. D. I.,eRoy, mgr.

Lanaing—Grand Ledge Park. Waverly Park, John S. Wllaon. mgr. Pine Lake Park. J. A. Bruaaelbach, mgr. (D (3)

Llnwood—LInwood Park. Detroit and Mackinac Railway.

Manlatee—Orchard Beach. Manlatee Light and Trac. Co., prop*.; Jaa. Trimble, gen. mgr.

.Marahall—St. Mary'a Lake, Croaby, mgr. Marquette—Preoque lale Park, Robert Bumea.

mgr. (3) Menominee—Lakealde Park, Menominee A Mar

Inette Light A Trac. Co.; Edw. Danlell, mgr. (1) (3) Rlveralde Park. Menom. A Marinette Light A Trac. (^.; Edw. Danlell. mgr. (3)

Monroe—Johnson’* Island Park. Monroe Park. Detroit. Monroe A Toledo Ry.; W. R. Tark Ington, Bupt. (2) (3)

Muskegon—Lake Michigan Reoort. Muskegon Traction Co., props.; E. R. Reed. (1): West¬ ern Vaudeville Managers’ Aaan. Circuit. I4i

Pine Lake—Haslet Park. J. S. Wilson. Port Huron—Summer Park, Keewahdin Park.

Port Huron Amuse. Co., props.; J. B. Kirby. (2)

Saginaw—Riverside Park. I... W. Richard*, z (D (3)

South Haven—Midway Park. Edw. Payne. Tur- banla Park. II. B. Parker.

St. Joaeph—Sliver Beach. I,. D. Wallace. (2i z

MINNESOTA. (Columbia Height*—Forest Amusement Park, 8.

H. Kahn. mgr. (1) (3) x. Duluth—Lester Park, L. A. aun<1ersoa. (3) Eveletb—Ely’* Park. Miller's Pavilion. Doug¬

las Pavilion. Walter S. Douglaa. Fairmont—Hand’s Silver Lak* Park. MInneapolla—Lake Harriet, J. H. Eoebmann,

mgr. (2) (3) z Minnehaha Park. Harry H. Greene, mgr (2) (8) z Twin City Wonderland. Park Construction Co., prop*.; F. II. Camp, mgr.; Park Booking Circuit. (1) (3)

Minnetonka—Rig Island Park, P. J. Metsdorf. mgr. (2) (3) x

St. Paul—Phelan Park. J. Barnet. (1) (3) Coamo Park. Jacob Barnet. (2) (3) Wildwood Park. H. M. Barnet, lea. (2) (3) Harriet Islami (public baths). Dr. G. A. Rena.

Stillwater—Driving Park. Tracy—Teperotli Park. Watervllle—Tetonka Park. White Rear Lake—Wildwood Park. 11. M. Bar-

net. Lake Shore Park.

MISSISSIP'*!. Columbna—Lake Park. rc'iiu.l>u* Light A Power

Co.: .Mr. Greenland, mgr. x (1) (3) Corinth—Moore’* Park. II C. .Moore z (5) Gulfport—Forest Pavk. Pierce A Grlflln. props.;

Gee. Pierce, mgr (Th x xx lackson—Llvlngatcn Par); John Moaal. (D (3» Natchea—Concord Park Dr. A. Marable. mgr

A prop. X (D I3t Paocagonla—Arileraon Park, S. S. Bush Vicksburg—Suliiirb'in P«rk. Jaa. A. Mclr*.

MISSOURI. B<'thany—R.dekv t-ark. Herman Roleke. Clinton—Artesian Park. Carrollton—llelna’ Park, Dan Heins, z (2) (3< Grant City—Ilouaer-Verbeck. Houser-Verheck.

mgra. z iD Hannibal—Star Theatre. J. B. Price. (D (4)

Settles', Settles Rm*., props.; H. J. Settles, mgr. (2) (31

Joplin—Lyric Park. Chaa. E. Hodklna; Uvrlc nrcult. (D Crystal Park. Chaa. E. Hodklna. (zz)

Kanaxa City—Foreat Park. Park Circuit A Real¬ ty Co., props.; D. J. Ruaaell. mgr.: J. D. Hopkins, mgr. attr. (D (4) Weatem Vaude¬ ville Assn. Circuit. Electric Park, Electric Park Amuse. Co., props.; Sam Benjamin, mgr.; Wm. Morrla Circuit: Wm. Morris, booking agt. (1) (3)

Klrkavllle—DeFrance Park. Macon—Stephens A Tracy Park. (Thas. F. Far-

ras, secy. (3) (2) x Ccyatal Lake Park. Macon Cont.. Ice. Fuel A Park Oo., props.: Theo RIebel. mgr. (3) x

Nevada—Lake Park Springs. Harry C. Moor*, prop.; J. A. Tyler. (5) Elks' Park. B. P. O. E., No. 8(VI. (1) (4)

Sedalla—Forest Park. C. F. Eraat. pres. 8e- dalla Park. Liberty Park. City of Sedalla, props.; H. C. Ludemann, mgr. (2) (4)

Sprinrteld—Doling Park and Family Tbaatr*. B. Mler*. prop.; Chaa. E. Brooks, mgr.; Will F. (Jonlon. (8) xx. Central Park. Lyric Cir¬ cuit. (D

St. Joaeph—Lake Contrary Park. Krug Park. Lakealde Park, Palmer L. Clark. CryMal

prop*.; Fred Croa- . (D (4)

Western Dramatic Exchanp Managen Wanting Reliable People, Write

127 LaSalle Street, near Madison,


LOWEST PRICE HOUSE IN U. S.A. Ordarg Filled Same Day as Reoelved.

Latest and







F.aTAB J’92


Goods in Watches, Jewelry, Cutlery, Silnrweri, Fletwere, Spectecles, Field ilOpere

Our Record Selinrs lloTelties. Hamlet Jk Co.. Veteran and F Willard Watch¬ es. We are alao U. H. Afcentu for Hamilton Kazon GORDON Si MORRISON. &t. 1^9^. E. Madi«on8t..rhicaco. Ill.



IVIINSKY & CO. a4T Bill ave., IV. V. Clly.

50 reels of s. Ii. films $20 per reel & up. 50 sets of slides for ®ale.

-Send For I Ists.-

WE HAVE IT! If It la anything uacd In the .Moving Plcturw busin<’aa. Wc sell Moving Picture Machine* (any make) Talking Machines, Records, nima. Slides, Chairs, etc., etc.

The I.argeat Amusement Supply House In the W<?at. 500 page Catalogue Fn-e.

THE NEW YORK MOTION PICTURE CO. *040 Golden Gate Avn.,San Francisco. Cal.

Park. Oosmaa A Adams, man, mgr.; Crystal nrcult.


O^el Back Aatomattc Electric Bod and Black Three Arrow Jewelry

-CAGES Bee Hlvee Hand Striker DropOaaee Paddle Wheel* Big Six W’heels Dice W’heel*

Club Rnom Furaltare Card* Poker Checks Dies PmicKs 1 owaaT QraLirz Hiohbst.

SLACK MANUFACTURING CO. The Ol«i Reliabli Kemovei) to

126 Franklin St., mar Madlsoa. Chicago,


YOST A COMPANY. SCO Kilbcrt Street. (E*t*bli»hed 1870), Phihdelphia. «#■ New. Enlarged. lUuxtratcd Catalogus.

WANTED -A Merry-Oo-Koun<l and all kinds of Concessiun People at the Webater (bounty Fair, Sebree, Ky. Date* Sept. IS-lft-lT-Ib-1». Ad- .lr.*» THE WEBSTER COUNTY FAIR CO.. Sebree, Ky.

WANTED —Pay Show* for Jonesboro (III.) Fair,

Sept. 14. LI. 16 and 17. llkis. Ad.lrcoa W, O.

BROWN, Secretary, Jonesboro. Ill.

NEDICAL SPIEL »frl**.<lortorw Sr ■**!*:*? Icr"*'**'*''**’ “-licia. p«>pi*. fDR IfDICIRE MEN T*il. wharto *ay Bad how to .ay It. rr**iwc«iu rn» rallTUS UO., MI.UI UaarlKWB at., Chleaca.

New and second haiwl Cainly Kloaa .Machine* on easy payments, m-w uiacliiiie* fO.'i. Se^ud-baml Empire. g<«>d order $4.->; one am., ):<«>»l order $40; $10 with order. I. L. OREEN, Ludlow, Vermont.

FOR SALE—1 Cria|H>lte outfit. |2.->.00; 1 lla— Ball Poker game. $.'10.00; 3 Three dip cone ove" $.'(0.00; Pariaian conca. •’M". $6.00. fi. E. RAV Danbury, Corn

FOR SALE—Lunch Car, Small Merry Ivuund. 2 Bowling Aleya, Postcard and Fortune card machine* Wardmhe and wiga of all kinda, or will tra-le f >r r>''fl Bound Top or llora* tent, or Rollei or Wagon Show property. (Stamp fer — •» • « ,,i f ,c II F. SAN- ZER ly':ri io« .

48 Xtie Billboard AUGUST 29, 1908.

St. JoMph—KroK Park, Oro. W. Bell 4k Son, mrrt. (2) (3;

St. Loali—Haabicrn Park, Fred W. Baahagen. Foreat Park, Illgbland Park Circuit 4k Realtr Co., propa ; J. D. Ilopkioa, mgr.; P. C. 4k L. Co. CIrcolt. (It (3i Lemp’a Park, J. L. Walrap. Weat End Heigbta, Loala Obert. rtelmar Garden, Delmar Garden Amoae. Co.; T. T. Lewla, mgr. (6) Mannlon'a Park, Uan- nlon Rroa., propa.; Pat Mannion, mgr. x (S) Handloo Park. E. W. Handlon (1) (3) New White City Park. W. T. Botaford, mn.

Warrenburg—Pertle Sprlnga. J. M. Cbrlato- pber.

Webb City—Lakealde Park, Soatbweat Mo. Elec. R. R. Co., propa.; W. H. Allen, mgr.; Crawford Circuit. (1) (3) Orpbeam Park, Lyric Circuit. (1)

MONTANA. Anaconda—Warboe Park, Anaconda C. M. Co..

propa.; H. M. Clinton, mgr. (2) (3) x Bntte—Columbia Gardena, Morrla Foraytbe,

prop.; Geo. Foraytbe, mgr. (2) (3) Great Falla—Black Eagle Park, Great Falla St.

By. Co. Helene—Central Park. O. O. Frederick.

NEBRASKA. Crete—Rlrerrlew Park. Darla Broa., propa., B.

H. Darla, mgr.; Wm. M. Darla, mgr of attractlona. x (1) (3)

Lincoln—Capital Reach. J. A. BnekataS, mgr. (1) (3) Epwortb Lake Aaaembly Park, L. O. Jonea.

Omaha—Krug'a Park, W. W. Cole. South Sioux City—Cryatal Ljike Park.

NEW HAMPSHIRE. Claremont—Pine Grore Park, S. J. Moody,

prop.; Geo. E. Moody, mgr. (2) (3) C<Hic<^—Concocook Rlrer Park, W. W. Ray. Dorer—Central Park. 8. E. Sherman. Eaat Tilton—Gardner'a Grore. Ooff'a Falla—Deronahlre Park, Mancheater Trac¬

tion Co. Hampton—Hampton Beach Caalno. Keene—Driring Park, Keene Electric By.; Thoa.

Jenninga, mgr. x (1) (3) Lake Maaaabealc—Lake Haaaabealc Park. Mancheater—Pine Inland Park, Mancheater St.

By. Co., mgra. Lake Park, J. Brodle Smith 4k Flynn.

Naabna—Lawndale Garden, Boaton 4k Northern St. By. Co., propa.; H. B. Beynolda, mgr., 84 State at., Boaton, Maaa. (3)

Penaacook—Contoocook Park. Salem—Canoble Lake Park, Canoble Lake Co.,

propa.; Frank Woodman, mgr., SO Merrlmac gt., Harerhlll, Maaa.

NEW JERSEY. Anbnry—Pleaanre Bay Park. Caalno, J. B. Del-

Cher, mgr. Atlantic City—Tllyou’a Steeplecbaae Pier, O.

W. Clement. Yonng'a Ocean Pier, W. E. Shackelford, mgr. Savoy Theatre, Fred B. Moore. American Garden. Yonng'a Pier, W. E. Shackelford. Steel Pier, J. Botbwell. Park, Egan A Phllllpe. Ouvemator'a Mam¬ moth Pavilion, Sid Fern. (1) (4) Inlet Pavil¬ ion. Wra. Hyman, x (S) Yonng’a Million Dollar Pier, J. J. L. Young, mgr.

3ayonne—Bergen Point Park. Waahlngton Park. E. A. Schiller. Melville Park, Frank Melville, mgr.; Frank Melville, booking mgr. <<S Twenty aeventb Street Park, Meyerbolx 4k Dreaalg. propa. (1) (3)

Belleville—Illllalde Park. j Bridgeton—Tumbling Dam Park. Brunawlck—Rlveralde Park. Woodlyn Park,

H. D. LeCayto, Philadelphia, Pa. Cape May—Sewell'a Point. Rudy Heller. Clayton—Alayon Park, Carr Bran. Camden—Woodlyne Park, H. D, I.ieCayto, Phil¬

adelphia, Pa. Cranbury—-Cranbury Lake Park, H. D. Bene¬

dict, mgr. X Elliabeth—Breldt'a Park, P. J. McGnrn, Eller'a

Park. Ford'a—Old Homeatead Park, Leater J. Under¬

bill. Fount Holly—Rancocas Park, E. H. Parker,

mgr. (2) (3) Olouceater—Waahlngton Park, Wm. J. Tbomp-

aon. Haineaport—Rancocaa Park, Burlington Co. B.

B. Co.; Ellla H. Parker, mgr. (2) (3) Hilton—Hilton Park. Olympic Park. Jeraey City—Greenville Scbutxen Park, William

Armbruater, prop. 4k mgr. (3) Keyport—Pavilion Beach, Y'oung American Am.

Co., propa.; Frank J. Knapp, mgr. (1) (4) x Little Falla—Ryle Park, Eklward Barlow, prop.

A mgr. X (1) Long Branch—Pleaanre Bay Theatre, Walla,

Dunn A Harlon. Mllvllle—Union Lake Park. G. H. Thomaa. (1) Newark—Electric Park, C. A. Dunlap; Key-

atone Amnae. Conatr. Co., booking agenta. Olympic Hlllalde Park, W. E. H. Thaller. (5) Boeavllle Park. Fram Park, Cbaa. Woag.

Newark—Olympic Park. II. A. Shmidt, mgr. New Brunawlck—Rlveralde Park. Glatt 4k May. Ocean City—New Ocean Pier. Fogg’a Pier, Al¬

bert Fogg, prop.; Dell Taylor, mgr. (1) (4) i Heller A Gladding, booking agta., Philadel¬ phia, Pa.

Ocean Grove—Roaa Pavilion. Pateraon—Idlewlld Park, E. Atherton. Paaaalc

Falla Park. H. Ronclede. Olympic Park, Fairyland, Fairyland Am. Co., propa.; J. J. Scbelthelaen. mgr. (1) (3); United Booking Aaan., booking mgra.

Pblllipabnrg—Cedar Park. Sea lale City—Ocean Pier, M. Rndy Heller. Signac—43rotto Park, H. Bonclerl. Trenton—White City, Trenton Am. Conatr. Co.,

propa.; Robt T. Wllllta, mgr. x (1) (3) Hlll’a Grove, American Am. Co., propa.; P. E. Wurfflein, mgr.

Vallaburg—Electric Park, C. A. Dunlap. Weat Hoboken—Union Hill Scbutxen Park. John

Moje, prop.

NEW MEXICO. Albuquerque—Traction Park, Alb. Traction Co.,

propa.; Max Roaen, mgr. x (1) (3) Laa Vegaa—Galllnaa Park. Laa Tegaa Driving

Park 4k Fair Aaan.. propa.; Geo. A. Fleming, aecy. x (1) (3)

NEW YORK. Albany—Altro Park. Altro Park Amnae Co.;

A. J. Voye, prea.; B. H. Nye, mgr. (1) (3); National Amuaement Park Circuit.

Amsterdam—Thayer Park, Wm. Thayer. Akin Park. F. P. Anderson.

Anbnm—Lakeside Park, Anhnm A Syraense B. R. Co. Island Park. Michael Carmody.

Binghamton—Casino, Binghamton By. Co.; J. P. E. Clark, mgr. x (1) (3) Boss Park, City of Binghamton, propa.; J. P. B. Clark, mgr. <5) X White City. L. E. Wagner, prea.; H. R. Pollay, mgr. (1)

Bridge Hampton—Atlantic Hall. Rnffalo—Fort Erie Reach, International Ferry

Co.; C. W. McMahon. Athletic Park. R. M. MacBroom. (1) (3) Crystal Beach, Lake Erie Ex. Co., propa.; H. R. Rogers, mgr.; B. M. Garfield, am. mgr. x (1) (3) Lnna Park, R. H. MacBroom (1) (3); New York Vandevllla Cont. Co., booking agta. Leln'a Park, Belle¬ vue Park.

Canandaigua—Ball Park. F. D. Woolett, mgr. Catsklll—Rip Van Winkle Park. Center Norwich—Senix Hall. Charlotte—Ontario Beach Park, Traders’ Rank,

props.; Thoa. A. Smith, mgr.; Jas. F. Clancy, am. mgr. x (1) (8)

Cohoes—Ship street Park. Coney Island—Rostock’s Animal Anesa. Lnna

Park. Cbntes Park. New Bowew: Keystone Amnsement Conatmctlon Co., basking agenta. Dreamland. E. B. Klnaella, mgr.

Cortland—Little York Pavilion, Cortland Conn ty Traction Co., props.; G. H. Garrison, mgr. (3); also moving pictures.

Elmira—Rorick’s Glen Park. Elmira Walter, Light 4k R. B. Co.; W. W. Cole, x Eldrldge Park.

Elmwood—Elmwood Park. Bndlcott—Casino Park, J. P. E. Clark. Ft. George—Paradise Park, Ft. George Amnss.

Co. Fredonia—Central Park. Gardenville—I^eln’s Park. Gardenville Park, W.

C. Boiler. Glens Falls—McGregor Park, J. Donabne. Oloversvllle—Mountain Lake Park, Jas. Nellis.

Sacandaga Park, Will E Gant. Greater New York—Brighton Beach Mnsic Hall,

W. T. Grover. Coney Inland. ITlmer Park, W. T. Texter. (1) (8) Steeplechase Park, Q. C. Tllyou. Gala Park, W. S. Wright. Lena Park, Thompson A Dnndy. Dreamland, Wm. H. Reynolds. North Beach. Lagoon Park. Brighton Beach Park. The Casino, Henry Alberta. Lion Palace Roof Garden. Terrace Garden, Suesklnd A Behfelot. Bergen Beach, Bergen Beach Amnae. Co. North Beach, Lonla von Bermnth. Manhattan Caalno Park, Pel¬ ham Bay Park. Snlser'a Harlem River Park. E. T. Sulser. Happyland, Booth Beach Amnss. Co., props.; Victor D. Leavitt. (1) (8)

Grand Island—Elmwood Park. Hooalc Falls—Battlefield Park. Homell—Glen wood Park; Geo. T. Rehn, prop.

A mgr. (2) (3) Homellsville—Greenwood Park. Hudson—Electric Park. Irondeqnolt—Sea Breexe Park, J. F. Koch. Ithaca—Renwick Beach Park, B. L. Post, mgr.;

Frank Melville, booking agt. Jamestown—Celeron Park, Celeron Am. Oo.,

props.; Jas. J. Waters, mgr.; Keith A Proc¬ tor CIrenIt; Keith A Proctor, booking agta. (1* (3)

Kingston—Point Park, C. Gordon Reel, mgr. (3)

Lake George—Casino Park. Lewiston—Rnmsey Park. Mecbanicsville—Park Are Theatre, Felix Biel,

mgr.; Felix Biel Clrcnlt. Middletown—Midway Park, Wood 41 Blakely,

mgrs. Mt. Vernon—Hudson Park. Newburg—Glenwood Park. Orange Lake Park,

Fred W. Taylor, mgr. Niagara Falla—Electric Park, Robertson Am.

Co., props.; Sam L. Robertson, mgr. (1) (S> Ogdenaburg—Sandy Reach Park, Bristow 4k

Graffln, mgrs. (1) (3); Park Booking Clrcnlt. booking mgrs.

Olcott—Olcott Beach, The International Trolley Co.; Chaa. McMahon, mgr. attractions. (1); Cbaa. McMahon Clrcnlt. (4)

Olean—RIverbnrst Park, Chas. E. Davis. Oneida—Cltlxens’ Park, J. L. Langhlln. Orlakany—Summit Park, O. W. Baker; N. T,

Vaudeville Contracting Circuit. Oswego—Oswego Park. Frank Ookey, prop.;

Jos. A. Wallace. Beach Oswego, Jos. A. Wallace. White City Park. Medler 41 Loftns. props.; W. E. Medler, mgr.

Painted Post—Bronson Park, N. G. Spragne. Peekaklll—Shady Lake Park, Dr. M. E. Lyon,

prop. 41 mgr.; Hudson River Circuit. (1) (3) Electric Park. Jas. E. Lynch. (1) (3)

Plattsburg—Clinton Park. Port Chester—Bye Beach. Poughkeepsie—Upton Lake Park. Rochester—Glen Haven Park, Rochester By.

Co., props.; B. E. Wilson, mgr.; Melville Circuit. Sea Breeze Park, Rochester By. Co., props.; B. E. Wilson, mgr.; Eastern liieatrl- cal Exchange Circuit. Ontario Beach Park, Traders’ Bank, props.; Tbos. A. Smyth, mgr.; John H. CaBwell, am. mgr. x (1) (3)

Rye—Rye Beach Park, J. A. Blake, mgr.. New Haven, Conn.; W. J. Pllmmer, booking agt. (1) (3) Street Ry. Park, Keystone Amnse. Construction Co., booking agta.

Rockaway—Deindling’a Caalno. Seaside Casino. Rockaway Beach, L. A. Thompson.

Salamanca—Island Park, J. J. Inman. I Saratoga Springs—Gem Concert Garden. G. H.

HefTerman. Kayderoe, Hudson Valley R. B., lessees and mgrs. Congress Springs Park, Congress Sprlnga Co., mgrs.

Schenectady—Lnna Park. Frank Gray, mgr. (1) Seneca Falla—Cayuga I.Ake Park, Geneva, Wat¬

erloo A Seneca Falls Traction Co., props. Staten Island—Midland Beach Theatre. A.

Herganham. South Beach, Victor D. Levitt. Happyland, Victor D. I^evltt.

S.vlvan Reach—Carnival Park, Dr. M. Cayvana. Syracuse—White City Park, White City Con-

stre 'tlon Co., props. (1) (3) x Long Branch Park. B. Mauer & Co., props. A mgra.; Key¬ stone Amnse. Conatr. Co. Clrcnlt. Valley Theatre Park. Syraense Rapid Transit Co. Dreamland. J. W. Boone. (1) (2)

Troy—Averin Park, M. S. Robinson. New Rens- aalaer Park, Diamond Novelty Co., props.; W. R. Swartz, mgr. (1) (31

Utica—Casino Park. Fritz Brandt, prop. A mgr. (1) (4) X Summit Park. U. 4k M. V. R. R. Co.; Seward W. Baker, mgr.; Jos. Ball, am. mgr. (1) (4); Wallace 4k Gilmore, book¬ ing mgrs. Little Coney Island, Louis Hey- man. mgr. (1)

Waverly—Oak Grove Resort. Salisbury Murray. Waverly—Orchard Beach Park.

NORTH CAROLINA. Asheville—Riverside Park. Asheville Electric

Co., props.; I. P. Keeler, mgr. (2) x (3)

Charlotte—Latta Park, Charlotte Conaoltdated Construction Co., props.; Will Peters, mgr. x (1) (XX) Electric Park. (3)arIotte Consoli¬ dated Construction Co., props.; W. Carson Davis, mgr. x (3)

Durham—Lakewood Park, Durham Traction Co., props.; R. 3. Lindsay, mgr. (5)

Goldsboro—Herman’s Park. City of Goldsboro, props.; Harry Well, mgr. (2) (4)

Greensboro—LIndley Park. Greenslxm Electric Co., props A mgrs. (1) (4)

Hendersonville—Laurel Park, Walter B. Smith, mgr.

Raleigh—Pnllen Park, City of Raleigh, props.; W. H. Howell, mgr. 12) x (3)

Rocky Mount—Oakland Park, John L. Arring¬ ton. (3)

Salisbury—Fulton Heights Park. Washington—Riverside Park. Wilmington—Lumlna Park. Wrlgbtavllle Beach,

A. R. Skllding. Ocean View Casino, Marx S. Nathan.

Winston-Salem—Nissen Park, Fries Mfg. A Pow- Power Co., props.; Jacob SIgg, mgr. x (1) (S)

NORTH DAKOTA. Fargo—Athletic Park, Ralph E. Heath.

OHIO. Akron—Lakeside Park. W. 0. T. 4k L. Co.; B.

A. Hawn, mgr. (1); Hawn Circuit. (4) Alliance—Lake Park, C. W. Goodwin, mgr. Beach Park—Avon Beach Park, F. J. Both,

mgr. Canton—Myer's Lake Park, Northern Ohio Trac¬

tion 4k Light Co.; B. R. Bits, mgr.; Harry Hawn. mgr. of attractions (1); Hawn Clr¬ cnlt (4)

Chllllcothe—Orpbeum Park Theatre, Sun and Murray, props.; R. B. Russell, mgr.; Or¬ pbeum Clrcnlt. (0)

Cellna—Cellna Park, J. H. Hamburger. Edge- water Park. J. H. Hamburger.

Ceylon—Buggies’ Beach, C. 8. Rnggles.

Cincinnati—Reicbrath's Park, F. Relchratb. (8) Chester Park, I. M. Martin, mgr. (1) (8) Zoological Garden, W. A. Draper, secy. 4k book. agt. (3) Queen City Batbl^ Beach, W. Kroger. Coney Island. Coney Island Oo., Geo. W. Englebreth, booking mgr. (I) (3). Manhattan Park (3) Lagoon (1) (3) W. E. Clark, mgr. Avenne CHnb House, I. Feld, mgr. Avoca Park. A. E. Dolle, mgr.

Cleveland—Euclid Garden Theatre, Max Faet- kenheuer. Coliseum, Max Faetkenbener. En- clld Beach Park. Humphrey Co. x (0) Cbes- terland Caves, J. Doyle. Edgewater Park, W. H. Ford. Avon Beach Park, O. F. H. Kasserman, mgr. (2) (3) Lnna Park, Inger- soll Amnse. 0>., props.; Elwood Salsbnry, mgr. (2) (3) Gooding Park, J. G. Gooding, mgr. (2) (4) White City on the Lake, Paol C. Mooney, mgr. (1) (4)

Columbus—Schafer Garden llieatre, Frank Scua- fer, mgr. x (5) Collins’ Garden. H. Collins; Chas. E. Miles. (1) Buckeye Lake Park.

Conneaut—Lake View Park, Arthur Benjamin, mgr.

(juyaboga Falls—Sliver Lake, W. H. Lodge. Dayton—Fairvlew Park. People’s R. B. Oo.,

props.; Elmer Dedelle, mgr. (1) (3) H. A. Hawn (jlrcnlt. Lucas. (1) (4) West Milton Park. Phillips’ Park, Edward O. Phillips, mgr. (3) Lakeside Park, Jas. A. Kirk, prop. 4k mgr.; Sun Clrcnlt. (1) (4) White City, White City Co., props.

Defiance—Island Park, W. P. Engel, prop. 4k mgr. X (2) (4)

Delaware—Stratford Park, Hatch 4k Doughty. Greenwood Lake Park, Fred Hill, prop.; Cbaa. Crawford, mgr.

Dennison—Island Park, City of Dennison, props.; Chas. D. Alward. mgr. (2)

East Liverpool—Rock Springs Park, J. How ard Maxwell, mgr.; Keith Clrcnlt (1) (3); United Booking OIBces, New York CMty. Lau¬ rel Hollow Park, Newell Land Co., props.; F. R. Lawrence, mgr. (3)

Findlay—Reeves’ Park, T. F. 4k F. Inttmrban Co., props. (1) (3); W. H. Sebooley. River¬ side Park. W. Hocking, park mgr.; P. M. Cooley, tbea. mgra.; City of Findlay; Caro Miller, mgr. attr. (1) <3l

Fostorla—Reeves’ I’ark, Toledo, Findlay 4k Foe torla Ry. Co., props.; F. W. Adams A R. L. Powley, mgrs.; Messrs. Barnes, mgrs. of at¬ tractions (1) (3) Meadowbrook Park.

Gallon—Seculum Park, Dan Qnln. Glen Roy—Lake Alma Park. C. K. Davis. Huron—Rye Beach Resort, W. Bnms. Ironton—Beecbwood Park. A. 'Thoma. nyffeside

Park. N. 8. Smith. Kent—Lake Brady Resort. Bast Liverpool Dev,

Co., props.; 8. H. Forest, mgr.; F. B. John¬ son, mgr. of attractions, x (1)

Kenton—Lake Idlewlld Park. A. V. Sallsbnry, mgr.; Findlay A Bellefontalne CIrcolt. (2) (3) Reeves’ Park.

Lancaster—Maplewood Park, L. H. PnrselL mgr.

Lebanon—Miami Valley Chantanqna.

Lima—McBetb Park, Lnna Amnsement Co. Mc¬ Cullough's Park. G. M. McCullough (fli Hover's Park, Standard Amusement Oo.. mgrs.

Lorain—Century Park, C. H. A J. F. Williams, mgrs. (6)

Ludlow Falls—Lndlow Falls Park, K. G. Fur nas.

Mansfield—Lnna Park (North Side), Ball A Staller, props. A mgrs. (2) (3) x Lnna Park (South Side), G. W. Rahl, mgr. Casino Park, St. Ry. Co., props.; P. Ford, mgr.; Ed. End- ley. mgr. attractions. (2) (4) x

Middletown — West Side Park, Middletown Am. Co.

Mt. Vernon—Hiawatha Park, Cleveland 8. W. Traction Co.; Paul C. Mooney, x (1) (3)

Newark—Idlewlld and Buckeye Lake Park. Traction Co., props.; 8. K. Hayes, mgr. xx X (3)

New Philadelphia—Tuscora Park, Wm. J. Wls. mgr. (2) X (3)

Niles—Avon Park. Joe. Wess. Norwalk—Willow Brook Park, Norwalk Pleas

urc Resort Co., props.; Jos. A. Smith, x (2) (3)

Oak Harbor—Locust Point Grove, H. R. Son crant.

Oakley—Monarch Park, Frank Kiipner.

Parral—Sunnyside Park. E. V. A R. C. Wag ner, props.; F. C. Fnmlss, mgr.. Canal Dover, O. X (5)

Plymontb—Seaton’s Park, 8. S. Seaton. Portsmontb—Mlllbrook, Portsmouth St. Ry. Oo .

props.; Ray D. York, mgr. (2) (8); Fred Hlgley, mgr. (1) (3)

Sandusky—Cedar Point, Cedar Point Resort Co., props.; Geo. A. Boeckling, mgr.; Jas. J. Ryan, mgr. of attrac. (1) (3) Johnson’s Island. G. A. Boeckling. Put-In-Bay, Cd. J. Diegel. mgr. (1) (3) Gns Snn Clrcnlt.

Springfield—Zoological and Amnsement Park. H. A. Ronemus, Spring Grove Park. Spring Held R. R. Co. (1) (3) Harry Hawn Circuit. (I) Tecumseb Park. I.. C. A E. Traction Co., clrcnlt. (1) (3) Neff Park.

Steubenville—Stanton Park Steub. A E. Liver¬ pool R. R. A IJght Co., props.; H. Arm strong, mgr. x (8)

THBn—Meadowbrook Park, J. W. McCormick, RIvervlew Park Electric By. A Power Co., props.; J. W. Bowman, mgr. (5) Bascom Park.

Toledo—Bellevue Park, J. W. McCormick, prop.; B. F. Crlsto, mgr. (2) (3) The Farm, Louis Hanner, pro|i.; Jos. Pearlateln, mgr, (hi Ca¬ sino park. Toledo R. R. A Light 0>., props.; Otto Kllves. mgr. (I) (3) Whits City, Key¬ stone Amusement Coostmctlou Co,, booking agents.

Vermillion—Crystal Beach, Goo. P. Wahl. Wellston—I.ake Alma Park, C. K. Davis. Wlllonghby—Wlllougb^ I’ark. Yellow Springs—nA Park, J. W. Neff. (9) (S) Youngstown—Idora Park, Youngstown Park A

Falls St. Ry. Co., props.; United Booking OIBces. New York City, booking mgm. x (1) (3) Avon Park. The Avon Park Amnss. Co., props.; Joe. W. Wess, mgr. (1) (3)

Zanesville—Tbs Farm, C. W. Morrison. Mox- hale Park, M. E. Lndy, mgr.

OKLAHOMA. Animore—AIrdome, Frank Robinson, mgr.; C.

W. Slater, Enid, Okla.. bonking agent. Rarfleavllle—Oklahoma AIrdome. John Fllno,

mgr.; C. W. Stater, booking agent. Clinton—AIrdome. C. W. Stater, Enid, Okla.,

booking agent. El Reno—Star AIrdome, R. L. Nay, mgr.; C.

W. Stater. Enid, Okla., booking agent. Enid—Delmar Theatre. Albert Ixwwen, mgr.;

C. W. .Stater. Enid. Okla.. booking agent. Guthrie—Electric Park. Craig Bros., mgrs.;

plays stock. Guthrie—Crystal AIrdome. Wm. Brooks, mgr.;

C. W. Stater, Enid. Okla., booking agent. Hugo—Star AIrdome. R. L. Nay. mgr.; C. W.

St.vter Enid, Okla.. booking agent. Kelfer—AIrdome, Kdfer Amusement Co.,

mgrs.; C. W. Stater, Enid, Okla., booking agent.

Lawton—AIrdome. M. Meeks, mgr.; C. W. Stater, Enid. Okla., Itooking agent.

McAlister—Bans Sonet, A. B. Estes, x (1) (3l Muskogee—Star AIrdome. R. L. Nay, mgr.;

C. W. Stater. Enid. Okla., booking agent. Mnscogee— Hyde Park, Muscogee Elec. lYae.

Co.; A. A. Kinney. Benson Park. Mnscogss Elec. Trsc. Co., propa.

Oklahoma City—Riverside Park Delmar Garden. Marre A SInepoulo. props.; J. Slneponlo. mgr. X (1) (3) Colcord Park, Col. C. B. Colcotd, Putnam Park, Pntnam A Jones. Wheeler Park.

Oklahoma City—Majestic AIrdome, Prank Whit¬ comb, mgr.; C. W. Stater. Enid. Okla., book¬ ing agent.

Okmulgee—Star AIrdome, R. T. Greenwood, mgr.; C. W. Stater, Enid, Okla., booking agent.

I’awhiiska—Lyric Theatre. T. W. Ramsey, mgr.; C. W. Stater, Enid. Okla., booking agent.

FILM SALE 60,000 feet slightly used film, A-1 condition. Closing out at genuine bargains. Get list at once. Also 50 Song Sets at $2 each. RELIABLE FILM CO.

10503 SyptrlorAye.N.E., CLEVELAND, 0.

AT LIBERTY Advance Agent

Fx|K*rience<l and relialils. Atldrdes, DAN HOFF.MAN, (ion. Del., I/iiransport, Ind.


BEILEVOE FIIEE FUR October 19 to 23.

Sliows and conccHsions wante’d. Address, A. 8. AI6LER, Saerttary, Btllatnit, 0.

WANTED For Fair at CantoD, Ohio. (Jood Shows, nothing linniorsl allnwml. Ocean Wave Swing, Merry Go Rouiul S.>pt. 2'.’. 23. '24 and 'J.'., lIKtS. J. H. LEHMAN, Secretary, Canton. Ohio.

WANTED Vaudeville Acts of all kinds. Sketch ami Sister Teams, Single ami Novelty acts. Performers •-omiiig tills way si-ml In o|h-ii lime with salary wante.1. NEW PASTIME THEATRE. AtlanU, Oa., (Under New Management.)

For Sale Cheap Arcade Outfit of ptt Machinea, well aasorted I’honographa. Mutosro|iea, Calluscopea, Picture Maehliiea, Athletic and Fortune Telling, one Peerless Plano. Address ARCADE, 46 Peaohtrea St., Atlanta, Oa.

mo.—St. Francola County Car¬ nival and Stork Show, September 16 18 Inclu sive. R. P. TAYLOR. Chairman.

AUGUST 29, 1908.

rooca City—Dt-lmar Theatre, Albert Loewen, l micr.; C. W. Htater, Eald, Ukla., booking agent. I

Rotr—Lucy Bennett Park, Arney Harbert, mgr, (31

Soulb MrAleater—I.yric Park, Lyric Clrcnlt, (II South MrAleater—Lyric Park, Lyric Clrcnlt. (II

dome Amiiaement Co., props.; Ben. B. Latham, mgr. (21 (31

Shawnee—^Majeatlc Atrdome, Lucaa A Small, nigra.; C. W. Stater, Enid, Okl^,_ Rpdklijg agent

Tiilaa—Tarkett’a Atnlome, T. B. Tackett, mgr.; C. W. Stater, Knld. Okla., booking agent.

Tiilaa—Theatre Orand Park; Bmpira (^irenit. (41 Egan's Roof Garden; Hodklna Clrcnlt (1| Owens Park.

OREGON. Portland—The Oaks. Portland By, Light and

Power Co., props.; D. C. Preeman, mgr. a (21

PENNSYLVANIA. Allentown—Central Park, Warren 8. Hall, mgr.;

M. Rudy Hellar, book. agt. (1) Domey Park, Domey Park Am. (^o.; Darld H. Jack^ mgr. (II (3); Prank Melrille Clrcnlt.

Altoona— Lakemont Park, American B. B. On., props.; J. M. Sbock. mgr.; Prank UeiTtlle Circuit (1) (3)

Ames P O.—Arondale Park, Uachan A Melrln. Athland—Woodland. Schuylkill R. B. Co., props.

O. il. Gerber, mgr. (1) (3); Manrlcs Boom, book. agt.

Bearer Palls—Junction Park, M. J. Maiwell, mgr. (11 (41 Melrllle Clrcnlt.

Belfry — Maplewood Park, Elllott-Erlanger, mgra. attractluos. i (II (SI

Bellefonte—Hecla Park, Ontral B. R. of Pa., props.; W. C. Gephart. mgr. (3) (3)

Berwick—Paircblld's Park, Harrey Paircblld, Sro|i. A mgr.. (2| a (4i 0>lambla A Maatonr .. R. CV>., props.; J. W. PIfer, mgr. a (3)

Bloomsbnrg—Colombia Park. Bradford—Rock City, Bradford A Rock City St.

R. R. Co. (2| Butler—Alameda. Bntler Paaa. R. R. Co.,

props.; Frank H. Walter, mgr. (1) (3); Prank Melrllle (^tcnit.

Cambridge Springs—Hotel Rider Summer Tbs- atre.

Carlisle—Cars Hill Park. Centre Sopare—Ontral Park, Sites C. Qtlbsrt,

prop.; Standard Am. 0>.. mgra. aa a (3) Elliott Grore, Elllott-Erlanger Co., aagrs. attractions.

Cbamberabnrg—Dreamland, Ang. Wolf, prop. A mgr. a (bl Caledonia Park, C. A O. Tiolloy Co., props. A mgra. (31 a (Si

Charleroi—Eldora, Eldora Amnse. Co., props.; Jno. Jenkins, mgr.; Melrllle (^rcnlL (1) (4)

Chester—Chester cnty Park, (^ty of Chester, props. Twelfth Street Park.

Clarloo—Nolan Park. Chan. P. Heidrick, mgr. Oilnmbla—Cbickias Park, Conestoga Traction

0>.. propo. (31 (4) Conneaut Laks—Eapoaltion Park, Conneant Lake

Co., props. A mgra,. a (1) (SI Corry—Lake Columbns. Elmer Carry, mgr. Danlelsrllle—Bdgemont. Bins RIdgs ^action

Co., props.; H. P. Wearar. mgr. (3) (3) Danrille—Rlreralde Park. Doyleaton-Tohicon Park. DnBols—Edgemont Park. Easton—Island Park. Easton Transit Co.,

props.; D. B. SeOoene, mgr. (3); H. B. McHugh, booking agt. BnshkIIl Park, North¬ ampton Traction Co., props.; Geo. B. Sclplo, mgr.

Erie—Waldameer Park. Buffalo A Erie Trac¬ tion Co., props.; Than. Maloney; N. T. Tan- derille Contr. Co. (1| (3) Poor Mils Oesk Park, H. T. Poster; Harry Hawn (Clrcnlt. (1)

Franklin—Mcmarcb Park, Cltlaena’ Trac. Co., props. (3)

Freeland—Public Park. John Shlgo. mgr. OtrardTllle—Woodland. Schnlklll Railway (X>..

props.; O. H. Gerber, mgr. of am.; Boom Clrcnlt. (1) (3)

Oreensbnrg—Oak ford Park, Pltuborg, McKees¬ port A Oreensbnrg By. Clo., props.; M. A. Coffee, mgr.; Melrills (nrenit. (II

Hanorer—Eichelberaer Park. Hanorer A MeSher rytown St. By. Co., props.; B. M. Ommbine, mgr. (1) (31

Hiirtaburg—Paxtang. Central Penns. Traction Os., props.; Felix M. Darla, mgr.; Wm. Mor- rif. booking agt. (1) (3)

Haxleton-llaale Park. C. B. Houck; Park Booking Circuit. 1402 Broadway. New Tork City, booking agents.

Homestead-Homestead Park. Shore—NIpano Park. Jersey Shore A An-

t«^ Ford B. B. Park. 0. B. McCnllongh.

Klttaoolog—I,enape Park. P. A. Moesta, mgr. Johnstown—Luna Park, Roxbnry Amnne. Os.,

*• CaulBeld. mgr.; Prank Mel¬ rllle Clrcnlt. (I) (31

l4ke Pleasant—Lakeside Park. C. W. Dnn- combe, prop. A mgr. (3| (3)

LancasteiwRocky Springs Park, H. B. Oriaths. mjr. (2l (41 Peoples’ Park. J. B. Peoples.

A mgr (2| (4I x Lunsford—Manilla Grore. Eaatmn Penna. R. R. 1 V*' ‘'"P = * LaL’oU. mgr. <6 > Lebanon—Pennsylranla Park. A. M. Patch;

Fietna Park. I. M. Rntlsr. ■.ewlatown—Burnham Park, Lswlstown A Resda-

meSr* cir tS?' * ‘*"*‘*^' “•

^ LIcbsnwalner. Manch ^unk—Manilla Grore. Tamaqna A Lann-

I Carbon St. Ry. Os., preps.; (3) *■ enpt.; B. J. Mulhem. (1)

OlyMia Park. **• O. C. Hartley,

Melrllle Circuit (il (3| Meadrtlle—Oakwood Park. Meadrllle Tree. Os..

Z‘ ,?• ®'>*7ock. mgr. x (Bl Expos! Conneant I.nks Co., props.; D. O.

Holcomb, mgr. x (1) (31 Monongahela—Monnngabela Drlrlng Park. Bl

dorado Park. Park. Mahoning A She

5 M. A McCaakey. oil;; <>> <»! *•>*•» * Proctor Circuit.

.'r^,!.*.“*“r’’'Fmooth Park, M. A McCaahoy. Monarch Park. Monarch Park Motel

—Willow Grore Park. Oeoego 0. i*' - •"P* Washington Park. A

(enegar. Washington Park on the Delswars.

Bl Paso—Washington, El Paso Electric R. B. Co., Frank Rich, mgr. xx (3| The AIrdome, Crawford A Rich. S(uis SoucI Park, G. W. Dailey.

Ft. Worth—Onimwald'x Park. F. C. Omenwald. Hiwman Park, Julius Boetbe. Lake Brie, Northern Texas Traction Compaq, props., J. A. Sandegard, mgr. (3| x White City (JBoeen Heights PIkel. Tyler Lake. Lake Como, Lake Como Amusement Co., props.; A. J. Anderson, mgr. (3)

Oalnesrille—Athletic Park, C. R. Johnson, mgr. (Bl Lyric Park, Lyric Park Clrcnlt. (1|

Galreston—Electric Park, Galveston Electric Park A Am. Co., props.; Cbaa. Frenkel, mgr. (Si; Lyric Circuit. (31 Chutes Park. .Nle- meyer, Rhode A Brock, props.; Cbaa. Nle- meyer. mgr. x (2| (4)

Gatesvllle—Confederate Park. Confederate Park props.; C. L. Bush, mgr. (1) (3); On¬

tral Texaa Circuit. Orsenvllle—Lyric Park; Lplc Park Clrcnlt. (1) Handley—Lake Brie, North Texas Traction Co.,

props.; W. C. Forbes, mgr.; Lee Fleming, am. mgr. x (2) (3)

Honston—Highland Park, J. H. Keenan. Laredo—Loma Vista Park, Joaqulm Sanebes. La Porte—Sylvan Park, J. B. Holmes, prop.;

C. Morlensen. mgr. (31 Mineral Wells—Beech Park Theatre, Ed. B. Dla

mnke, mgr. Carlsbad Amusement Palace, Ly- curgua Smith, mgr. Auditorium, B. P. Duke, mgr. Lakewood Park, Lakewood Am. Co.

Paris—Warlick Park, J. A. Porter, x (Il (3| Port Arthur—Pleasure Pier, L. S. McGuire,

prop. A mgr.; J. W. Woodworth, mgr. of attractions. (3| (3|

Port Lavaca—Port Lavaca Pier A Casino. Harry Redan.

San Angdo—Lake Concho Pleasive PavilloB. C. B. Metcalf, prop.; C. W. Van Ordstrand, (ngr. X (1) (4)

San Antonio—Math’s Concert Garden. William Mntb. Electric Park. Sidney H. Wets. mgr.

Sherman—Woodland Park. Mr. Woodlake.. Taylor—Garden Rink Oronnd, W. M. Gai^t.

mgr. (2l (3) x. Temple—Midway Park. Temple. Belton Traction

Co., props.; W. G. Haag. mgr. x (Bl Texarkana—Spring Lake Park, Texarkana Elec¬

tric By. Co Waco—West End Summer Theatre, J. Schwarts. Waxahachie—West End Lake. Lake Park.

UTAH. Castilla—Castilla Hot Springs, J. Meyers. Ogden—OlenwoM Park. C. H. KIrcber. (21 (SI

Sylvan Park. Sylvan Park Amnse. (^, propa.; B. T. Rlchadrson. mgr.

Salt Lake City—Salt Palace. Nelson A Halror sen. props.; John Halvorsen. mgr.; P. B Scbefakl, am. mgr. (B) New Casino Park. Saltair Beach. J. B. Langford. Calder Park. Calder Park Co., props.; BM. McClelland, mgr.; Alex. Buchanan Clrcnlt. (3> Castlll aSprlngs, Ctab Credit Assn Lagoon. J. A Chllder.

VERMONT. Barre—Dewey Park. Baire A Montpelier Electric

R. R. Oo., props.; W. W. Lepatre. mgr.; Northeastern Circuit. (Bl Castle Park. P. D. Ossola. Granite City Park, City, Park. Psllx Biel. Rntland. Vt.

Bellows Falls—Barber Park. Bellows Palls ao<l Saxtons River St. Ry. Co. O. M. (lister, mgr. (1) (31

Bennington—RattleSeld Park. (81 Burlington—Queen (Tlty Park. P M. Hnnt. Rntlrnd—Bomoseen Park. The Park. Felix Biel

Clrcnlt. (II (3) Stone—Palisades Park.

VIRGINIA. Berkley—Lakeside Park. Bristol—Clifton Park. Ollvw Taylor. narlottesvlDe-^efferson Park. Cuarlottesvlle A

Albsmarls Ry. Co., props.; R. H. Fife, mgr (8i Wonderl»n<L wonderiand (Corporation, props.; J. J. Leterman. mgr. (1) (3l

Danville—Casino, N. W. Bergley. Ballon Park, Bruce Hyler, mgr.; Fred. Martin, mgr. attr.; Jake Wells Clrcnlt (11 (41

Hampton—Bnekros Beach, Newport News A Old Point R. R. Electric Co. Hampton Park Casino.

Lynchbnrg—Rlvermoot Park. Jake Wells; W. J. Pllmmer. booking agt. (Mty Park and Zoo. E. C. Hammer.

Manchester—For«pt (Tity Park, H. H. Hartaell. Newport—WarwIA Casino. Q. F. Adams. Norfolk—Whits City Park. White CTty. Inc.,

props.; T. B. Wright, prudent; O. C. Cable, secy A mgr. x (11 (31 (Icean View Park. Seaside Amnse. Co., props.; Otto Wells, mgr. (1) (3); WelU Circuit; Jake Wells.

Phlllpsburg—Athletic Park. Centre A Clearllsld St By. Co.; Harry Beck, mn.

Pittsburg—Southern Park, A. P. Megahan. (2i (8l WMt View Park, O. & MacKllllp. Ken- nywood Park, A. 8. MeSwIgan. (2) (3; Olym¬ pia Park, (1. C. Hartley. Idlewlld Park, l.lgonler Valley R. B. Co., props.; Geo. Senft. Duiioesne Garden, A. 8. McSwlgan. Highland Park Zoo, Eknest Tretow. Lnna Park. Lana Park Co., props.; B. B. Gregg, mn. (3| (8> Coney island Amusement (}o. Park, John A Klein. Dream City, Dreamland Amusement Co.; Stanley C. Vickers. (3)

Pottatown—Riling Bocks Park, Pottstown A Reading R. R. Co., props.; J. P. Pope, mgr.; Cbarchfll Pblla. Ent. Bnrean Circuit. (1) (3) Saratoga Park, Pottatown A Beading Ry. Ck>.. props.

Pottsvllle—Tumbling Run Park. Eastern Ps. R. R. Co., props.; T. Edwin Pblppa, mgr. (1) (3) H. Bart McHugh, book, agt., PbUadel- pbla. Pa.

Punxsntawny—Jefferson Park. Jefferson Amass. Co., props.; John J. Oates, mgr. (1) (3); Sun Circuit

Reading—Driving Park. Carsonla Park. Ameri' can Am. Co., props.; O. S. Geiger, mgr. x (1) (3) Domey’s Park.

Riverside—Riverside Park. A. T. DeWItt, mgr. (2) (81

Rochester—Junction Park. A. 8. McSwlgan. bayrs—Oak Grove Park, Salisbury A Murray,

propa. A mgra. (2) x (4| Scranton—Rocky (lien, Artbiw Frothlagham.

mgr. (3l (SI Lake Ariel, Lake Ariel Am. Co. I>una Park. Luna Park Co., props.; Len M. Sloes, mgr. x (1) (31

Shamokin—Edgewood Park, Shamokln A Edge wood Blectrlc Railway <>o. props.; Monroe H. Kulp, mgr. X XX

Sharon—Roseville Park. M. A. Arnold, mgr. Somerset—Edgewood Park, J. A. Berkley, mgr.

(3) (4) Stoneboro—Lakeside Park, 8. W. Dsrmit. Snnlinry—Island Park, James 0. Packer, prop.;

Fred. J. Byrod, mgr. (II (8) Tamaqna—Manila Grove Part, Eastern Penn-

aylvanla St. Ry. Co., props.; O. F. Crana. mgr. (II (81

Tltnsvtlle—Pleldraore Part. Dr. S. N. Bnrch- fleld, prop.; Harry Germon, mgr. x (II (3)

Unlontown—bbady Grove Park, R. S. 0>yls; P. Melville Circuit. (II (SI

Warren—Irvindale Part, Watren St. Ry. Co.. N. T. VauderlUe Contracting Clrcnlt.

Westchester—Sbarpleos Park. Lsnape Park. West Ptdnt—ZIeber's Park. Wllkensbnrg—Dream (Mty, N T., TaodevUle

Contracting (irenit. Wllkes-Barro—SsiM Soncl Part. Geo. K. Brown. Wllllamaport—Star Island Park. MoataaravOle

St. By. On. Sylvan Dell Part, John Engllab. VaDamont, Vallamont Traction Co.; Augnstns Qliaamira. mfc. xx fS) New Nippono Part, Jersey Shore R. R.; H. A. Pollay, mgr. x (S'

Willow Orovs—Willow Grove Park, P^a. Rapid Trannlt (To., props.; George 0. Wyakoop. Jr., mgr. (31 (SI

Wind Gap—Wind Gap Park. Joe Hambletoo; J. CborehtlL book. agt.

Tort—Highland Park. Tort St. B. R. Oo. Brookside Park, Tork St. B. R. Co. Cnbi Spring Park.

PORTO RICOf San Joan—Borisqnen Part, Lloyd B. Tredway,


Newport—Freebody Park, M. B. Sbesdy. mgr. Easton Park. J. G. Parmenter. (3) x (3)

Portsmonth—Island Park, Old Colony St Ry. Co., props.; H. B. Reynolds, mgr., 34 State St.. Boston. Maas.

Providence—Boyden Heights, Rhode Island Am. Co.; Charles C. Amse. (81 Chestnut Grove Park. Chas. A. Potter. Roger Williams Part H. A. Harrington. Narragansett Part. A. H.

Moons. Orescent Part. R. A. Harrlvton; Keystone Am. Con. Co., book. agts. Rocky Point R. A. Harrington, x (II (8) island Park. Rbortsf Brothers Co. Vanity Pair. The Vanity Pstp*^., props. (31 (SI

Riverside—Oart 1 nt Park. Fred. G. Drew. Rocky Polat—«orky Point Pleasure ark. R.

A. Harrianfft. Woonsocket-vRpag Lake Park. Mllf* ri A Woon¬

socket St. V. Op.; B. j. Dlckheai mgr.; J. W. Pllmmtd^'bODk. agt.; J. A. Blike, mgr.

LEARN CANDY MAKING-No othsr bnaineti pays luch enormona returns for the small capital required to start. Easiest of all profeealuiia to learn. I teach yon accorillnx to the latest approved methods, quickly placing you on a money-earning basis. Daily receipta In small towns, $."*0 to $75. .My line of line Cbocolatea and original Soft Cream Sp»‘claltlea guaranteed to win trade against the atn>ngeHt com¬ petition. Over thirty years in the fac¬ tory. Send for my book. It’s Free. Ad¬ dress CHARLES RUSSELL, 716 Clyboum Street, Milwaukee, Wis.

'Magic Wand' ootflts $5 up. Queens' SI* anO tZP, "M}ati Head" (new) $31. Invisible Papers $2 and $3 a l.UnO. New

tunes and cir- am

the originator and do not sell lemons, but guarantee my goods.

S. BOWER 542 Knickerbockir tvinue, BROOKLYN, N. T.

It Is larger than ever and contains more val- ■lable Information to Streetmen, Knife-board Men. Yankee Notion Workera, Mall Order Men, Premium Housee. Jewelers. Novelty Dealer*, etc., than any other catalogue Issued. Every¬ thing new In real novelties. Carnival Good*, Jewelry, Watches. Silverware. Cutlery. Optical Goods, etc. Dealers, mall ns your permanent address, and we will be pleaserl to send thl* book to you. Send for It to-dsy. Ton esA


Nnnaiitg srR ttmtMtn’s lovsltlts.

Oor New 1008 (TAt*logn«


Send tor one.

I. EISEMTEIN A CO,, 44 Ann St.. New Tork. N. ^

xe: Harry L Welabaom. Beat 8t . Chicago. III.. Shryock-ToM No- 822-jM North8th Street 8t.lxmie.Me.

We Make the Finest Equipment for

ROASTING FURNACES Striking Macbinee, Shooting Galleries, etc,

W. F. MANGELS CO. CAROUSEL WORKS. New York. Coney Island,

for Sunday matinee and night only, ^pL 201b and 27th. WHITE CITY, Dayton, Ohi#^__

WANTED—Experienced double or triple bar

actor to work with straight partner. Addres* 8. P. LeROY, S19 Winthrope Ave., Chicago. Ill.

WANTED—Four Vaudeville acts. Road Show.

Season's engagement. State lowest; describe

fully. Open Sept. 1st. N. E. BAKER, Bill-

hoard. Chicago, Ill.__

for Skating

BOWEN. Mgr., WANTED—Attraction suitable

Rink to open S4-pt. 1st. C. C. 1

Caney, Kans.

JUST THE THING for Kalra. I change, a Detro Haseball flame used only 1 month, for other games

• or Toys and Novelties. J< Machines ... — gUlTH. Obhoea, N.

WANTED—Ten Night People. Oirl tfarv M,»rgnD. People In all lines write. TEB NIGHTS IN A BAR ROOM CO. man. Ind. _

Address . King-

WANTED—Merry do Round and other amuse¬ ment attractions for County Fair to be hebB S»>pt. 23, 24 and ‘25. Address MARTIN OOR-1 DON, Secy., Deer Lodge. Tenn.__

I OB SALE—Nine Diamond Dye Drops, standanl slae, painted by J. Crosby (»ill, for My fllrl tomimny, use<l eight weeks. Address Box 436, Nelionville, Ohio. _

M achine FOR SALE—Moving Picture Show. - 1.50t)ft. Film, Calcium light Outfit. »l> i>iete. nsetl but one week. HOWARD COUCH- MAN, North Vernon, Ind.

50 ri^e Blllt>oarcl ALGUST 29, 1908.

Bonttn^on—Clj-ffilde P«rk. J. B. QalUck. Cam Q«Jllck. mgr.; Jaa. B.

Oallick, mgr. attractlona. Kellogg—Camden Park. Morgantown—Jerome Park. Uartlokl urg—Baaeball Park. W. A. Brath. Wellal-org—Altamout Park. Wheeling—Wbeellng Park American Amuac.

Co., leaaeea; Frank J. Baker (1» (3); Harry A. Hawn Circuit. City Park Caalno, J. B. Spreb. Bridgeport. O. Moaart Park. Henry


fassopolia—Fair. Sept. l.»2 25. C. L. Smith, secy.

Traverse City -Craiul Traverse Ueglon Fair, ^ept. 2t*()et. 2. J. W. Hannen, secy.


Mandan—Morton County Fair Assn. Sept. 29- Oct. 1. 11. It. Bitzing. aecy.


& B. sf>e:cia.l.

Ben. Altamont Park. Coney Island Park. Duncan--Stephens County Fair Assn. Sept. 9- H. W. Rogers. 12 n l Overton, secy.


Fond du Lac—City Park. Lakeside Park Kil Smetliport—Sinetli[M)rt Fair and Races. Sept. DeNoyer. (2) x (3» Laki-side Park. Board of l ark Coromlaalonc re. (3) Taylor Park. Boanl SOUTH DAKOTA of Park Commlaalonere (3) . ... ^

Green Bay—Haggemelater Park, G A. Walter I-ike—1 air. Sept. 1. 19. St. By. Par'i. Ridge Point Park.

Juneavllle—Fdectrlc Park. Clarence Burdick. WEST VIED WEST VIRGINIA

J***TtfeTnhaeh**moi?'^*t' M*/*T9?*o**s***!e' Chester—Tri-State Exposition and Live Stock r ^hen5 ™ ^hend-B Park. 22 2.V J. H. Maxwell, aecy.

‘^iV 3'^“; * <*' Falrinont—Fairmont Fair. Sept. 15. Clyde S. (3) Anderson Park. A. Anderson, prop. A ii„i, mgr. X (1) (3) itoit, mgr.

^*'**f' _ The complete Fair List was pul>llshi>d In the props - F * lUrland A'IKOkI 1"' will appear, with ad- PiiiSr ’ ’ Oom-Jo ‘■ Di . i»? L dltlona and emendations in Tlie Billl>oard bear- Mrk, George Schubert. Blata I*ark. Pabia in White Flah Ra» Reanrt "'ft or heptemlHT 19. White Fish Bay Resort, international Coo Btructlon Co., props. (1) (3); Park Book. Clr cult. 1402 Broadway, New York City. The White City, Pabst Browing Co., mgre.

Oconto—Coney Island Park, Nick Strack, prop (2) (41; Northwestern Clrenlt.

Onhkoah—The White City, Winnebago Am. Co..


ihkosh—The White City. Winnebago Am. Co.. COLORADO

Yi’i J?"" I>- nver-Exp..alllon. Sept. 7 12. H. H. Pow- Srth. ■ The cSutea, W.^ 8 Ca'mp^l New - ^M-osltion He«d.,uarters. Denver. White City. W. S. Campbell.

Racine—Family Park. Ed. DeNoyer. CONNECTICUT Walworth—Reld'a Park. Orrutt Bros. ICoton Point—Itoton Point Carnival. Sept. 8-

CANADA. York and tlray. Suite 4U2. 1416 Broad-

Almyer, Ont.—Queen’s Park, A. A. Letllc, prop. "•'.'••• jvnTAVA A mgr. X (2) (8) INDIANA

Brantford, Ont.—Agrl. Park A Sherman Thea- Wabash—Carnival. Week of August .31. Aus-


Look' at the Price:

28 in.. S 9 Q 30 in., 10 Di 32 in.. 11 n 34 in.. 12 R, 36 in., 13 38 in.. 14 & 40 in., 15 n 42 in.. 16 Di





Three-Ply Veneer Body, Heavy Duck Coverings. Hickory Sla's, Hand Riveted.

G uaranteed tre, F. C. Johnson. Mohawk Park, F. H. Benedict, mgr. Grand Valley Park, Grand Valley By. Co.; Cbas. W. UcMahon Circuit. (1) (3) Howard Park. F. C. Johnson.

Bridgeport— Riverside Park, Berlin A Waterloo St. R. R. Co., proiia.; C. A. Davla, mgr. (1) (3)

Cornwall, Ont.—St. Lawrence Park. Ft. Erie. Ont.—Beech Park, W. Wheaton. Uananogue, Ont.—Summer Theatre, J. F.

Shields, mgr.; Chaa. W. McMahon Circuit. (11 (31 Park, J. D. Eagan and George Phllll|is. mgre. Gault Park.

Halifax, N. S.—Melvllla Park. Melville Park O.o, Ltd., props.; C. F. Longley, mgr.

Hamilton, Ont.—Mountain View Park. Besaey A Weaver, props.

Kingston, Ont.—Lake Ontario Park. D. P. Bran nlgan, mgr.; C. W. McMahon, am. mgr. Loug I’xruo City—C> Island Park, J. J. Brophy. Kt<‘lu. secy.

pie»‘8 Esgles. Address Clinlrman Eagle Ae¬ rie, Soolal Committee. Wabash, Ind.


K.ioxvllli'—Old Home Meek Sept. 28 Oct 3. T. G. Gilson, secy.

Waterlo,,—Carnival. Sept. 7-13. Nlehola & .Mfonl. care of Electric Park. Waterloo. la.


Horton—.\iinlversary Celebration. Sept. 19. E. F. Ileuney. sts-y.

Troy—Fair and Home Coming. Aug. 31-Sept. 5. J. It. Kenneily, set-y.


Maysville—Street Fair. August 3I-Sept. 5. Hlbler A Russell, mgrs.


^■a7oo City—Carnival. Got. 20-23. D. Wolver-

geii. mgr.. 2<Mi." S. Broadway, St. Louis, Mo.


London. Ont.—Queen’s Park. Bennett’s Thea- xiTsanTTWT tre, C. W. Bennett. Springbank Park, C. B MiBsyuzxi King, mgr. Louisiana—Fraternal Week. Oct. 5-10. A. J.

Malssoneive, Que.—Lovey TVemhly Park. Ladlcy. mgr. Montmorency, Que.—Montmorency Falla, J. A. St. LihiIs—Cartival. Sept. 5 20. E. W. Linn,

Bverall. mgr.; Park Booking Circuit, 14<l2 gen. mgr., 2<Ni.' S. Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. Broadway, New York ICty, booking agts. MmsanKA

Montreal-Dominion Park, Dominion Bark Co.. ntuixaoixix props.; H. A. Dorsey, pres (II (3»; Park Cauibridge—G. A. R. Reunion. Aug. 31-Sept. Booking Circuit, 1402 Broadway, New York City, Booking agents. Sohmer Park, L«- NEW JERSEY

vlgne A I.^Jole „ ^ Newton—Sussex County Horse Show Fair and

Electric Ry. Co., props.. (1) Victoria Beach. »tcj. StaantOQ^Hlghland Park. Blue Ridge Light A NORTH CAROLINA

Take Nottee, Streetmenl Our 1908 Catalogue is just off the press. Contains all the latest and

fast selling articles; Canes, Felt Pennants, Electric Sparklers, Confetti, Dusters, Japanese Parasols, Shell Chains, Whips, Rubber Balls, Balloons, Squawkers, and lots of other new novelties. Write for Catalogue.

SHAPIRO & KARR, 428 South St, Philadelphia. Pa.

WANTED STREET FAIR CARNIVAL COMPANY.. clIss For We. k of the Biff 0-lo’’ado State Fair at Pueblo ({>opulation fiO.OOi ), Sept. 14 to

St. L(hi1s—Cartival. s<‘pt. 5 29. E. w. Linn, 19. Will make Contracts OQ a penentaffe ba.«is AtMrers

Co., proM.; J. M. Spottt. mgr. x (St Statesville—Kirvmon'R Home Coming. ?““Olk—Peanut I .4ug. 4. .\ddress Secretary, Box 6 Swanaboro—Foreat Hill Park. Val. Stein, mgr. ,.|ii„ v- r —.111.. ... k. Kwanaboro—Forest Hill Park, Val. Stein, mgr. West Point—Beach Park, Beach Park A Hotel

Co., piopa.; G. E. Govemator.


Newton—Sussex County Horse Show Fair and Carnival. Aug. 31-Sept. 5. Andrew B. Brick- ner, aery.


Stalesvllle—Kiremen’a Home Coming. Week .4ug. 4. .tddress Serretary, Box 6. States-

NORTH DAKOTA Owen Sound. Ont.-King’s Royal Park. Owen Grand Forks--.Merchants' Street Carnival. Sept.

Sound Park Co., props.; Frank H. Norman, mgr. X (1) (4)

Quebec. Que.—Expoaltion Park, P. P. Legarre,

29Oct. 3 Lewis Hart, ingr.

OHIO Moutmcrency Falls Park, Quebec Ry., Light Delaware—Eagles’ Festival. Sept. 7-12. F. R. A Power Co., props.; J. A. Everell, mgr. (6» Mayer, secy. New York Vanderllle Cootracting Co. wirwuiavr vavra indwirh. Ont.—Lagooo Park. Rowe A Byers. PEMNBYLVAltlA. :. Johns. N. B.—Rockwood Park. Frank White. Frei land—Old Home Wi-ek. Aug. 31-Sept.


r mgr. Riverside Park. Tourlsts’s Assn., mgra. ' Seaside Park, St. Railway Co. Seavlew Park.

Tourists’ Aatn., mgra St. Thomas, Ont.—Pinafore. (2) (3) x. ’Toronto, Ont.—Hanlan’s Point and Toronto Fer

ry Parka. L. Solman. mgr. Ingeraoll Hop kins Circuit. (5); Park Booking Circuit, 1402 Brocdway, New York City, booking agents. Scarboro Beach, Toronto Park Co.. Ltd..

.\dverMsers' Exposition and Amusement Co., attr.

01.v|ihant—Old Home M’eck. Sept. 7-12. Na- tloial .Advertisers’ Exposition and Amusement Co., attr.

Shlnglehoiise—Home Coming Week. Sejit. 7-12. •Vlbitz Sutlierlaiid. secy.


props.; H. A. Dorsey. (51; Park Booking CD PhlIli>|il--Home Coming Celebration and Street cult. 1402 Broadway, New York City. Fair. Sept. 10-18.

Vantsraver, B. C.—Ri-CTeatlon Park. Recreation -- Park A Amn»e Co. prop*.; Jaa. W. E>an8. , mgr. (2) (3i f aODVeiltlODS

Winnipeg. Man.—Happyland. W. O. Edmonds. ^>-1V-F AA ▼ AA » m W AA mgr. Winnipeg Beach, Thomas H. Morris _ gen. mgr. KIver I’ach, '^oe. H. Morris, gen. Tiip eoniidete Convention List was published mgr. Elm Park. ThM. H. Moms, gM. mgr i^ IJip issue of August 8. and will appear, with

Woodstwk. Ont. Kent House Park, Clarencr Hdditlons and emendations in The Billboard

The complete Convention List was published in the Issue of August 8. and will appear, with Address additions and emendations in The Billboard bearing date of September 12.



WEST TENNESSEE AGRICULTURAL & MECHANICAL FAIR ASSCCIITION. Will book as a whole or indepeudently. For f irtber particulars, address,

_H. E. KINCAID, Chairman Pike CommitteG, JACKSQW, TIMW.

STREETMEN.ATTENTIONl Our Campvffu Cataloffue just i-ff the prefs with all the latest and fast st-llirjf novelties. W’ri e for one; it’s free. The late t picture Kpiawk- era, somethinff new for fairs, per ffr.^8s, $1.6d; 5 ffrosb lots, $1.49 per groes. 80 new comic pennant huttonr, the best.

Kewman Mfg. Co, 641 Woodland Ave., Cleveland, O.


Old Home Week, Old iSi-tUers' aud Old Solillers’ Ueiiiilon. We are a|iendliig 11,900 for adver- tislDg, speakers aud Five Altraclliiiis. Waul l» bear from a gisal Carnival Cnmpaiiy by wire; also by mail fmm .Merry-Go Round, Ferris W'lieel, Shows, Cenivuloua and all kinds of opeB- alr attractions, iucludiiig Aerunaiit. No games of cliaiire or ••hisichee" almwa. Ihm’t write.

T. 0. GILSON, Knozvilla, Iowa.

Havana—Pnlatino Park, W. Starbuck Fenton, mgr. (xl (21 (31

HAWAII Honolulu—Park lit

MEXICO. Mexico City—Luna Pnrk.

ENGLAND. Manchester—M’hite City, John C. Brown, mgr. Leeds—Yorkshire Jungle. Yorkshire Jungle CSo..

props.; John C. Brown, director. White City. Manchester, Eng

bearing date or September 13. _ __ _

- CT DECT All C M Cet Into the Gold Wire and ESTABLISHED IN 1852. ^ | RELEi I IwI CIA Novelty Jewelfy Business!

fiCABAC A DA I IIDCI Tour reoelpta will average dally t.’>9.(ai tu tliai.OO. We furnish you everything to get started at Ml I Ml Unlmkl once—also Free Illustrated "Guide Book.’’ which shows you In a few hours how to make the

' beautiful Jewelry, and you get tbe bulk of the profit yotiraelf. IVm’t lie a "lu-ad One.” If ..J JO 04»w4 MEUI vnav * money maker this year, write ua quick and we will tell you how to get started

H III nirni wTlIlT, RCn TUnlkt Imnitsllately, The Fairs and Resorts are open, and time means money to you In this busineas.

The Lergea* and Oldest Dealer and Importer of


WOCER3. TMUmiAli A CO , 936 Michigan Avenuo, ( HICACO, ILL.

“Only Money Town in the 8UU- of Indiana’’

NEV; FAIRS. BALLOONS' ^ Privilege Men and Concessioners:


Oct. 6 10. Hnntsville—Fair. Oct. 6-10. Ed. L. Pulley, secy.


Hope -Hempstead County Fair Assn. Sept. 29- Oct. 2. W. W. Tolsom. secy.


Canyon City—Tremont County Fair. Sept. 9- 11. W. B. Rowland, secy.

Lamar—Powers County Fair. Sept. 8-11. J. B. Sayler, secy.


Bayard—Race Meet and Live Stock Show. ^pt. 15-17. M. J. Halllman. secy.

Dedhsm—Catholic Fair. Sept. 22-24.

Also Novelties lor Streetmen. -- We receive every week from oar fao-

nh. tory ^llooDsof all kindsand slsaathat


tory Balloonsof allklndsandslsMthat Gala week and Festival in the CITY OF WABASH. INDIANA, week commencing Aug 3L .PSEE on the streets. The Famou. Hobinmtn Show. fmnUh Til a^tiru. A^

We also oaatlon oar coatomars and the trade to beware of inferior gooda and fnlae nambera oCered nt oheap prloaa

Chairman Engle Aerie, 8ocial Committee. Wabash. Ind.

false nambera oger^ nt oheap prloaa r'l^ADC FOR AIX - I Frica Lint on Application. ^ Jj^ PAJRPOSEiS

igapH Tfi D||H a HnviiiB DirTiiBt MARHIHF ni^o all gradoa and brnnda of CIgnra. from Ton DoUara poT 1,000 on UD. Ooll'llnolb LfARN TO RUN A M0VIN6 PIBTURt MACHINI Spindloa. Carnival Frivllogo and Concoaalon Fooplo. Farfc;. CIrcuaoa. Etc.

Wrtte tor onr Price Uri. Granby Street, Norfolk, Va Film Exchange. 1)01 . Cw. 4th tiA QrtM Avt„ • RANtM CITY, MO.



SUPPLIES «\er> Jcv

kMpplir« lor

f»nl) firm in

[.•fdrr^ iomp



AUGUST 29, 1908.

Flying Baldwins jyg/ACTRESS o* ORATOR AXJ Best PayiiiK ProfiMaton la the

^ World. Oor ooaree oa Elocatloa and ^ Dramatic Art by mail will in a short time ^

prepare yon for the staaeor speaker’s platform. Toa can earn S2l) to S200 weekly. Bncceesful studeata eeery* where. Write for Free Booklet on Dramatic Art bf Correa po a d e n ce


T. W. OREENLKAP, Ugr., 814 N. 8d St.. anincT HI. AsHaI Retoni and Osstins Act.


En Route with

The Great


SHOWS. Would like to bear

from Reaponaible Manacera forcom-

iuK Taudeville aea- ■on. Addrees. Bill* board.


The Two Marvelous Mells PREMIER NOVELTY CYMNASTS. Addreee care The Billboard.

We have the riobeet box of cborolatee la appearanoe. eicb. rolora emboMed in ■old.

tZi.OO per hundred: aim. other 1-lha.. at tS.OO. tZO.W

and 08 00 per hundred. Qum fVc. per hundred paok-

a«ea. Send for Special Catalogue and Price List.

GEO. ORAM Greatest Aeroaauts LirriE ono anil THE 6BE1T BETER HaMlriiirfd bands and feel with refulatton enffe nned in tlie United Rtates. Meiltio or Cnnadg, •arapluA la midair The oalj act of thia kind In tba world. $.'i00 standing olfer to any one du- pllcailng this act. Permaneot addreaa, 7 Teoker Plaoe, Ohioage, lU. 0|>en for rarks, Palm. etc.



20,000 of


chairs in

stock and I

can ship


in twenty-

four hours.

SEATlNa. SIX FLYING BANVARDS, World's Greatest Aerial Act.

Iddrttt BERT BMVUD, lip., ur. Tk* Billboard, Row York, R. T

Big kdoslcal Act. En roota with Carl Hagen beck and Oreat Wallace Shows cooblned.


JOHN 8. EGAN. Band- maatcr, WilmiiigtOB. D«l.


Overwhelminff sttemlaice i.i ChifARo, 12 weeks, etdinR Sept. 13. Re-enj^af^ for sixth ye..r at Pittsburif Exposition.


Address M. GOLDIN, en roate with Sells-Floto Shows.

And His Band Some open time before Gtt 12ardafUrOct 17


121 W. 42nd 81.. New York, or

till 8epiember ISth. Victoria Hotel, t'b cago.

90 Wabash Avenua, 19 W. Elfhteenlh St,

70 Franklin St,

1235 Areh St., • • THE WEBER FAMILY Acrobats and Equilibrists AT LIBERTY FLASHY WHIPS


A Reliable Tbeairlcal llanager guallAed to fill all branrh,-* of the »iH>w hiialneua. Yeara of show experlen.'e, neal dreaeer, a buatler with

gilt-edge ryfeivm-eu. IValrva management of a bonne In any gtaal l,u.-atloa. Can book a ttrat

and hIgb-elaM Hue of attractloaa that get the ai.yoer. Nothing loo large or too amall for me to bao,lle. ORVILLE B. TAYLOR. lUS Btaok Street. LouiXTiUe. Ky.

Campaign Buttons and Fobs. Merry Widow

Hats and Pararols. 8end for price list today.

We will rave you m> ney. as we manufactnre.-

theee goof's.

nireet from Abrnaxla. Italy. A band compoaed of picked adolets who bare been conceded by crtilcs to be the beet moalcal orgaolaatioa ever brought to this country. For lime aad torma addrrm B. AJTTUIARELLl. lU Hartferd St., Rochester. E. T.

NASELLA BROSe 223 Commercial St, BOSTON. MASS.

Branch, Rock laland. P. Q.


AT LIBERTY FOR THE WINTER Booking good Acta for Ponnsylvaala. Marylaad •ad New Jersey Is my Specialty. Dealing ax- dnalrely with sets ef guaranteed quality. Maa- tgera wanting Performera. addrees EORllAV laTTRIES. inath and Areh Streete, Pkiladel*

ykia. Fa. Best Refined Musical Act in Vaudeville.

Addrsss, • W. S. CLEVILAND, 1402 Breadway. • • NtWVOnK. N. Y

For the JeFemoe Cooaty Fair, Watertown. N. Y.. Sept. I to 4. 190H. Day and NIgbt. Lary- eet In Northern New York. Camlral Shows a^

PrlTlIrgea. Apply to WARREN A. ROGERS. Prseidsnt.

Opes for Flrst-Claae VaodeTlllo Acta.

OEM THEATRE. Stater Teams preferred. A. K. BARBER, Ngr.. Meridian. Mias.

Balloon Ascension; AT LIBERTY!

The THRILLER of 1908

A Big Electro Pyrotechnic High-Wire

Spectacle 100 feet in M idaii^ Presented by

The only one armed Editor Aerotiaat la tbs eorld. If yon want a reliable Aeronaat write fur terms to AERONAUT HeOILL. Osbera. 0.. Orem Oe. Reference—Any newspaper pnbllabsi IB 8|»ringSeld or I>aytoa, Oblo.






t'oatalma mamy lii •riglmal amd n ntartllmc fnata

•cdD ibat imitators dar« motattrmpa

fT]^ For partiealars of tblB famoua. record

' breaking, crowd drawing, aprotacu lar feature. addreM


to«^ Bethieliiii, Pi. i

FREDERICK DoBELL Ot'RAN WAVR KAZZLR DAZZLE. Rtslltiiisrr or tHirtabls. ITsctlcslly X k UAV88 CO., IndiAupoUs.


An OrtolTiBtorg Not an Innltator

In s Fsst snti IVsrl^s High Wire Ku'^ninu Act. ctimbineil with s bunt h of strsight sd<i oom**dY originslitb • M«nsg«Ts. 8«N'r*>t«ri« R or A mu4* ment tVmmitt<‘Os dpsiriou to engiigo s HIU KKAirRK FR> R AlTK^rTlON-mimcthiog that U liloasing. thrilnog and awav fn>m all oth* r a* tsof tbiAcharac- U'r. would do well I y ('ommoniratiog with the pnvluier of ihm remarkable •* ns.tti«>n t' miracta made and tultille.i for exhibiiioni* extreme heights, sk.'-»onit>ers. canyons, etc. Ht^me open time. Permanent addrews.

FREDERICK DoBELL. Danville. Ills.

CDGENE COX STUDIO. 840 Van Buren Street. Hare on hand two complete sets of amall aosDery (second-hand) BIO MONEY MAKERS

DATET'S ELECTRIC PALMOSCOPE trila tb* furtuue by the palm of the baud In three sec- onda' time. A complete ontflt to make $100. only $15. New Inrialble Fortune i'a|>ers, $2 Sr l.OOl'. New Magic Wand OutOt, $.->. Send

c for uaniple book of lUO inrialble Fortunce. T. A. DAVET, $$ Shirley Ave.. Reeere, Maas.

IK COUNTY FAIR September 1-0^8 Wants Shows. Concessions and Prlvlteges.


AUGUST 29, 1908.

DIRECTORY. URlI.ILi^ K 1 • Chicago. Ill. • Mt. Vernon Car Mfg. Co., Mt. Vernon, lU.

___ The Venice Transportation Co., Third National . . Li.i • nLi*L Bank Bldg., St. Loula. Mo.


Hicks Locomotive & Car Works, 227 Dearltom Chicago Film Exchange, Brandels Bldg., Omaha. at., Chicago, Ill. Chicago Projecting Co., 225 Dearborn. Chicago.

Mt. Vernon Car Mfg. Co., Mt. Vernon, lU. Chicago Film Exchange, Bj, Exchange Bldg., The Venice Transportation Co., Third National Denver, C<d. ~ ^

Bank Bldg., St. Louis. Mo. Chicago Film Exchange, Weatorj Bldg., Waah-

OUEXA/IMA ftllM MAMIICArTIIDCD& Pi . _ . . .... Chicago Film Exchange, D00I7 Bldg., Salt Lake

and Park Suonliaa. AlDhahatieallw Chicle Co., 6th A Brighton, Newport, Kjr. 1 City, Utah. ana e-arK suppiiesv Aipnaoatioaiiy ouiitc biiii neoe Chicago Film Exchange, Coleman Bldg Arranged.

Advertisements nut exceeding one line In length will be published, properly classlded In

CHUTE BUILDERS. viiirKy ---- Coaster Construction Co., 6244 S. Park, Chicago. Chicago Film Exchange, Stahiman Bldg., Nash-

CIQARS. vllle, Tenn. Consolidated Film Co., 143 B. 23d at., N. T. C.

tkla directory, at the rate of $10 for one year L. Denebelm A Son, 127 B. 4th. Kansas City. Cincinnati Film Exchange, 214 W. 6th st., Cln (62 issues), provided they are of an acceptable CIRCUS SEATS clnnatl, O. (oz usues). proviueo tney are or an acceptable nature. Price includes one year’s snbscnptlon CIRCUS SEATS.

New and Bsoond>Hand. to The Billboard. Regular advertisers who use osw ana DoaoDa>xiana. Cleveland, O. In excess of $50's worth of space annually are The Murray Co., 60 W. Washington at., Chicago. Crawford, O. T. entitled to one line free of charge for each U. S. Tent A Awning Co., 166 W. Randolph st., st., St. Louis Bfty dollars or fraction thereof, coveted by their Chicago, III. (Jut-Rate Film ixTtracts. This directory is revised and cor- CIRCIIS WAAdUS (Jhlcago, Ill. reeled weekly, changes in Arm names and ad- . Edison Mfg Co. 4reas<-B being recorded as soon as they are re- Cages, Dons and Band Ohailota. Oranoo. 1 reived.

clnnatl, O. Coiumhla Film Exchange, 2161 Ontario st.,

Cleveland, O. Crawford, O. T., Film ■||h«Bge, 1401-6 Loenst

at., St. Louis, Me. ^ Cut-Rate Film Bxchan|», 120 Randolph st,

Chlcaeo. Ill. " lYo., New York City,

Chicago, Ill. Eidlson Mfg Co., 10 6tl

and Orange, N. J. Sullivan A Bagle, 16 W. Canal st.. Pern, Ind. Electrograph Co., 190


NOVELTIES. American Candy Machine Co., Surf avs.. Coney 10 B. 14th st.. New Vork (Mty. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York City. Island, N. Y. Globe Film Service, 79 -Dearborn st., N. Shure Co., 220 Madison st., Chicago, Ill. Cornucopia Waffle Oven Co., 621 Poplar st.. St. Greater New York Film Rental Co.

An\/PRTIfilMft ATIAirCRB Louls, Mo. Sq., New York City. F\i.>vc.n I loimu 01 iur\Bno. ^ ,p ,37 Michigan at, T<dedo, O. C. J. Hite A Co., 441 Monadnock Bio

St. Louis Sticker Co., 106 Pine, St Louto, Mo. Emery A Tarbell, 133 S. Water st, Chicago. C. L. Hull A Co., 200 B. 67th st, (

Sbd sve., N. Y. 0. Empire Film Co., 106 Fnffon st.. New York City. Eugene Cline A Co., AA|*Dearhom st, Chlcsgo;

10 B. 14tb st.. New Tork City. Globe Film Service, 79 -Dearborn st., Chlcsgo. Greater New York Film Rental Co., 24 Union

Sq., New York City. C. J. Hite A Co., 441 Monadnock Block, Chicago. C. L. Hull A Co., 200 B. 67th st, Chicago, lU.

AERIAL ADVERTISING. Empire Cream Separator Co., BloomOeld. N. J. I Independent Film Exchange. 1600 Masonic Tern F. L. Tarbell Mfg. Co., 216 Illinois st, Chicago. I pie, Chicago, Ill. nwa-r.. ■oiiiw. p Tarbell Mfg. Co., 216 IlllnoU st, Chicago.

Silas J. Conyne, 401 McLean ave., Chicago- III. KIngery (Jo., Pearl and Walnut, (Jlncinnatl, O. AERONAUTS Lanier A Drlesbach, 816 John st., Cincinnati, O.

„ , „ MtnUMMUIO. ^ 2. Long. SprIngdeld, O. Belmont Sisters’ Balloon Co.. Reed City, Mich. Standard Mfg. A Supply Co., Drawer O, Monon- Prof. Charles Swarts, Humboldt, Tenn. gahela. Pa.


®'*.'u.rch”c'2'g“. ni^^‘"‘ ’ C. W. Parker, Abilene, Kansas.

O. S. Music Co., Milwaukee and Western aves., COSTUMES AND THEATRICAL AC*

pie, Chicago, Ill. Ideal Film Exchange, 112 B. Randolph st.,

CSilcago, Ill. I Inter-Ocean Film Exchange, 00 E. Madlsou st. '

Chicago. III. Kalem Co„ 131 W. 24th St.. New York City.

(Jbicago, III.

ANIMAL DEALERS. Wm. Bartels, 160 Greenwich st.. New York City. Cross, Wild Beast Merchant, Liverpool, Eng. (Jsrl Hagenbeck, Stelllngen-Hamburg, Germany. LInwood H. Flint, North Waterford, Maine. Dear Lake Park, Severy, Kansas. Heme's Zoological Arena, Denver, Col. I-ouls Rube, 248 Grand st.. New York City. Went A Mackensen, Yardley, Pa.

ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. Decorative Plant Co.. 832 Broadway, N. Y. C.

ARC LIGHTS. J. H. Hallberg, 30 Greenwich ave., N. Y. City.

ASBESTOS CURTAINS. C. W, Trainer, 80 Pearl st., Boston, Mass.


J. H. Hallberg, 30 Greenwich ave., N. Y. City.

CONSTRUCTORS, ELECTRIC AND ^‘^“le Film Service, 106 lAke st. (Jbicago.

SCENIC SHOWS. Laemmie Film Service, Main and Sixth sts., C. W. Parker. Abilene, Kanaas. Evansville. Ind.

COSTUMES AND THEATRICAL AC- pSs“‘TeM“ CE8SORIES. Laemmie Film Service. 800 Brandela Bldg., Om-

La'emmle nim Service. 1616 Main st.. Salt Lake born st.. Chicago, Ill.

CLOWN WHITE. Laemmie Film Service, 1121 Lumber Bxchange,

M. Stein Cosmetic (^.. ^ SUth ave.. N. Y. C. g “lS’Im M“a‘r“et st. PMlad.lphla, Pa.

COLD CREAM. M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 446 Sixth ave., N. Y.

CONES. A. T. Delta, 127 Michigan at., Toledo. Ohio.

McAllister, 49 Nassau st.. New York City. Manhattan Film Rental Co., 116 B. 23ld st..

New York City. Miles Bros., 259 Sixth ave.. New York City. Miles Bros., 700 Turk st., San Franclaco, CM.

Linler A Drlesbach, 815 John it. Clncinnatl. O. ’*'•‘^•*7 »><*« • “*•* F. L. Tarbell Mfg. Co., 216 Illinois, Chicago. ““J ^

CONE OVENS. A. T. Diets, 127 Michigan st, T<8edo, O. Emery A Tarbell, 133 S. Water st, Chicago, HI. Lanier A Drlesbach, 815 John st., (jineinnatl, O. Standard Mfg. A Supply Co., Drawer 0, Monon-

gahela. Pa.

National Film Co.. 100 Griswold st, Detroit, Mich.

National Film Renting Co., 62 N. (JIark at., Chicago. III.

New Era Film Ex., 91 Dearborn st., Chicago. New York Motion Picture (Jo., 1038 Golden Gats

ave., San F-anclsco, Cal. F. L. Tarbell Mfg. Co., 216 Illinois, Chicago. New Yort Film Exchange, 7 B. 14th st.. New

CORN POPPERS. AUTOMATIC MUSICAL INSTRU- a. T. DleU, 127 Michigan st. Toledo. O.

MENTS. COSTUMES. ILyon A Healy, 206 Wabash ave., (Jbicago, Hi. J. C. Fischer. 225 8. 9th st., Philadelphia Pa. Oklahoma Film Exchange. Oklahoma City, Okla. iRndolph Wurlltaer Co., Cincinnati A Chicago. r-i i-re Patbe Cinematograph (Jo., 41 W. 25th st. New r. Engelhardt A Sons, 2 E. 47th st.. N. Y. C. 'D. 8. Music Co., Mll’kee A West, aves., (Jbicago. Half-Tonss, EngraTinga, Etc. PIttaburg Cut-Rate Film Exchange. 8(X) Lewis

BALLOONS Queen City Engraving Co., Blymyer Bldg., Cln- „ natl, O. Reliable Film Co.. 717 Superior ave., Cleveland.

Nasella Bros., 223 Commercial at., Boston, Mass. Standard Engraving Co.. 7th ave and 40th at., Royal Film Exchange, 186 B. Madison st..

Nolan Film Exchange, 11 Fountain Sqnare, Cin¬ cinnati, O.

Ohio Film Exchange, Hayden Bldg., 16 B. Broad st., Columbus, O.

Patbe Cinematograph Co., 41 W. 25tb st. New York City.

Pittsburg Cut-Rate Film Exchange. 8(X) Lewis Block, Pltteburg, Pa.

Reliable Film Co., 717 Superior ave.. Cleveland.

Paturel, 41 Warren at., N. Y. C.



Chicago, III. Stebblns, Chas. M., 1028 Main st, Kansas City,

Mo. Trank Holton A (Jo.. 160 Gladys ave., Chicago. Prof. P. J. Ridge, 127 LaSalle st.. Chlcsgo, III. I Polyscope Co.. 46 B. Randolph st., Chl- Lyoo A Healy. 205 Wabash ave., Chicago, Ill. Rndolpb Wurlitser Co., Cincinnati A Chicago. DECORATIONS

cago. 111. Schiller Film Exchange, Schiller Bldg., Chicago,

And Dealers in Flags, Banting, Festooning, Etc. Southern FUm Exchange, 108 N. 20th at., Blr BADGES, DUTTONS, ETC. U. S. Flag Co., 2242 Gilbert ave., (Jlncinnatl, 0. mlngham, Ala.

Amer. Badge Co., 119 E. Madison st., Chicago. DECORATORS Standard Film Exchange, 70 Dearborn st, (Jhl- Bostian Bros., R. 19(M, 160 Nassau st.. N. Y. C. WnllHlIiM c. ™ 8t Louis Button Co.. 415 Lucas ave., St. Louis. Bnfldlngs, Fairs and Booths. Swanaom Wm. H.. A Co., cor. Lake A LaSalle

St. P..., M,... '« ■■■•«■ s,;S,vTjiK ,« B. a,

The Murray Co., 50 W. Waabii .gton st., Chicago. DIAMONDS, HAWAIIAN. Sp^T^t^^^K-, «2 N. CTark st.. Chicago, III. D. 8. Tent A Awning Co., 166 W. Randolph W. H. Hollister A (Jo., 42-44 River, Chicago. Toledo Film Exchange, Spltser Bldg., Toledo, 0.

st., Chicago, III. ELECTRIC PANS Talking Machine Co., 97 Main st.. Rochester,

mlngham, Ala. Standard film Exchange, 79 Dearborn st, (Jbi¬

cago, HI. Swanson. Wm. H., A (Jo., cor. Lake A LaSalle

sts., Chicago, Ill. Society Italian "Clnes,” 148 E. 23d st.. New

Tork City. Spoor, Geo. K., 62 N. Clark st., Chicago, III.


BOOKING AGENTS. C. A. Burt, Broadway Theatre Bldg., N. Y. C. N. Y. „

S. Cleveland. 535 Knickerbocker Theatre ELECTRIC BELTS INSOLES AND ^T.ll**'**’ ®®-t Dearborn st.. lldg.; New York City. luLjaicrDe Chicago. III.

INHALERS* Temple Film Co., 59 Deirborn tt., Chfetfo, Ill. BURNT CORK* Electric Appliance Co., Burllncton, Kansas. Ex., Dearborn A Randolpb, Cblcano.

M., Stein Coemetic Co., 446 Sixth ave., N. Y. C. ELECTRICAL STAGE EFFECTS. '^lSu. Mo® ^ ' ’ ®‘'

J. H. Hallberg, 30 Greenwich Ave., New York, I Turner A Dahnken, 1060 Ellla at., San Fran-

U. S. Film Ex.. Dearborn A Randolph. Chicago. Wagner Film Amoae. Co., 120 N^nS**-. st

Loula. Mo. VA.’ BUNTING a. FLAG DECORATORS. | Aetna Electrical Stage Light Co.. 306 Division Washington Film Exchange. 606 Wi

M. Eiafelder, 583 McAlliater at., San Fran claco. Cal.

CALCIUM LIGHT. Ox-Hydrogen Oaa Manufacturera.

at., Chicago, 111. Waahlngtou, D. C. Universal Electric Stage Lighting Co., 1802 Weatem Film Exchange, 841 Ont

Broadway, New York City.



*^^lca*g°o ^1*}*^'““ •’*- Chicago Stage Light. (Jo.. 88 LaSalle. Chicago.

CIn'tl Calcium Light Co., 108 4tb at., Cincinnati. FACE POWDER. Indianapolis Calcium Light (Jo., 116 S. Capitol m. Stein Cosmetic Co., 446 Sixth sve., N. Y. C. _ sve., iDd^lanapolls. Ind. E-ea-rue-r* •L Louis Csl. Light Co., 516 Elm st.. St. Louis.

CALLIOPES. Oeo. Krsts. Evansville, Ind.

CANDY AND CONFECTIONS. Garden City Popcorn (Jo., 46 State at., Chicago. Reuckhelm Broa. A Eckstein. 241 Peoria at.,

Chicago. III. Watts’ ’Merican Widow Kisses, 279 Main at.,

Danbury, Conn.

CANES AND WHIPS. Cleveland Cane Co., Cleveland, O. I. Blsenstein, 44 Ann at.. New York City.


Lonls, Mo. * -- Wllllama. Brown A Earle, 916 (JABSast at.,

Philadelphia, Pa.

FIREPROOFING COMPCRiHDS. Sam’I Windecker, 186 Wabash avw., (Jbicago.

FIREWORKS. Charles Crowsffl, 19 Park Place. New York (Jlty.

DeWltt Sisters, 237 W. 46th st., Chlcsgo. Ill. Consolidated Fireworks (Jo., Reading, Ohio. T. O. Mott, 415 Dearborn at., Chicago, Til. The Gregory Fireworks Co., 115 Dearborn at.,

FELT PENNANTS. "I,. Holiday Novelty Mfg. Co., 37 Great Jones at., FLAGS.

I New York. Annin A (Jo., 99 Fulton at.. New Tork City. U. S. Flag Co.. 2242 Gilbert ave., Cincinnati, O. The Murray (Jo.. 59 W. Waablngton, Chicago.

The Gregory Fireworks Co., 115 Dearborn at.. Room 409, (Jhicago, III.

Annin A (Jo., 9Q Fulton at.. New Tork City.

FESTOONING. National Tisane Mfg. Co., 53 Rockwell Place,

Brooklyn, N. Y. U. S. Flag Co., ^42 Gilbert ave., Cincinnati, O.

FILMS. Nadel A Shlmmel. 45 Fulton at.. New York City. Manufacturers, Dsalera in and Rental Bnrsaas. Nasella Bros., 223 Commercial at.. Boston, Maas. Actograpb (Jo., 50 Union Sq., New Tork (Jlty. Newman Mfg. Co., 041 Woodland ave.. Cleve- Actograpb Co., Harmony Hall Bldg., Troy, N. Y.

land. Ohio. N. Shure Co.. 220 Madison St.. Chicago. III. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York (Sty. U. S. Flag (Jo., 2242 Gilbert ave., Cincinnati, O.

Alxmo Film Exchange, 405 Main at., Dallas, Tex.

Alxmo Film Exchange, 204 Conroy Bldg., San Antonio. Tex.

Western Bargain Houae, 272 Madison. Chicago. American Film Service, American Trust Bldg., Chicago, Ill. _

CARBONS. American Film Exchange, Wabash Bldg.. Plttn-

Edw, E. Cary Co.. .59 Park Place. .Sew Yo.k, ^^"«„PVlIm Service. 158 N. Main at.. Mem-

(CARBONS AND EXHAUSTERS. Am'’MuTo."a Bio. Co., ll E. 14th at.. N. Y. C. J. H. Hallberg, 30 Greenwich Ave., New York. American Vitagraph Co., 116 Nassau at.. N.YX.

tt. Y. ktles Motion Picture Co., 223 Havermeyer at., ^aqq/d r\ Brooklyn, N. Y, UAKo IK. K.J Birmingham Film Exchange, 7H N. 20th at..

Circus and Thestncsl. Birmingham. Ala. American Car A Equipment Co.. 1538 Monadnock Bromberg Film Exchange, 10 Watts Bldg., Blr-

Bldg.. Cbleago. III. mlngham, Ala. Anna Palace Horae Car Co., Monadnock Bldg., Chaa. Bowman. 150 Naaaau st.. New York City.

U. S. Flag Co., 2242 Gilbert sve., Cincinnati, 0. United State* Tent A Awning Co., 156 W. Ran-'

dolph. Chicago. III.

FLOSS CANDY MACHINES. Bartell Floss Machine (Jo., 81 Frankfort at..

New York City. A. T. Diets, 127 Michigan st., Toledo, 0.

FORTUNE TELLING DEVICES. 8. Rower, 642 Knickerbocker sve., Brooklyn. Nelson Bros.’ Co., 630-218 LaSalle st., Chicago.

GAMING DEVICES. Spindlss, Clnh Hons* Fnmitnrs, Etc.

Deane, 1057 Ontral sve., Clnclnnitl, O. H. C. Evans A (Jo., 126 Clark at., Chicago. HI.,

GREASE PAINTS, ETC. Msk*-np Box**, (Jold Crssjn, Etc.

Am. Muto. A Bio. Co., 11 E. 14th st., N. Y. C. Chicago (Jostnme A Cotillion Worka, 69 Dear American Vitagraph (Jo., 116 Naasau at., N.YX. bom at.. Chicago. Ill tries Morion Picture Co.. 223 Havermeyer st.. m. Stein Cosmetic Co., 446 Sixth sve., N. T. C.

Brooklyn, N. Y, UADKieae Birmingham Film Exchange, 7H N. 20tb st.,

Birmingham, Ala.

(Jhicago, III. C. W. Parker, Abilene, Kanaaa.

Chicago Film Exchange, 120 B. Randolph at., Chicago, III.

HARNESS. Flnmsa and Trappinga—Tor Cirena and Ads, TJa*. Sebaemba Plume Co., 612 Metropolitan ave.,

Brooklyn, N. T.

HOTELS. New Braoawlck Hotel (European), Decatnr, 111.


W. H. Barton. Gordon. Neb. ILLUSIONS.

(Jnriotitiaa and Bida Show Oooda (ICaanfactnrsn of and Dsalan la).

C. W. Parker, Abilene, Kanaaa. Thurston Amuic. (Jo., St. Jamea Bldg., Now

York City.

JAPANESE SOUVENIR GOODS. W. A. Mentsor, 92 Lako at., Chicago, III.

JEWELRY. For Btago Uoo.

R. E. Dodge A Co., 42 Rlvor at., Chicago, lU. W H. Holllater A Co., 42-44 River, Chicago. N. Shure Co.. 220 Madloon st., Chicago, III. Rogers. Thurman A Co.. 166 Wshsah. Chicago. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York City.

JUGGLERS’ GOODS. Edw. Van Wyck, 1066 Pollen sve.. Ctadnnstl.

KNIVES. singer Broo., 82 Bowary. Now York (Jlty. Harry L. Welsbsnm. 242 B. Madison, Chicago. N. Shore Co., 220 Madison st., Chicago, Ill.

LAUGHING GALLERY MIRRORS. J. M. Nsughton (Jo., Hotel Mayor Bldg., Paerls.


Bsaoona, Torch** for Cironao* and Tent Bhews. Bolte A Weyer, 228-226 Michigan sL. Chicago. U. 8. Tent A Awning (Jo., 166 W. Randolph.

Chlcsgo, III. Windhorst A Ca, 104 N. 12th at., Bt. Louis.


BtATMIDticO&ft. EtOo

Amer. Vitagraph Co., 116 Naassu st., N. T. 0. Amusement Supply Co.. 480 Chsstant Bank

Bldg., Chicago. Ill, Chicago Stereoptlcon Co.. 66 6tb sve.. Chicago. Globe Film Servlcs, 79 Dearborn at., Chicago. McAllister, 49 Naassu st.. New York City. Nolan Film Exchange, 11 Fountain Bqanr*. Cin¬

cinnati, 0. Temple Film Co., 69 Desibom st.. Chicago, Ill.


American Box Ball (Jo., 1200 Van Bursa st., Indianapolis, Ind.

Armltage A Guinn, Spriagvllls, N. T. Cagney Locomotive Works, 72 Broadway, Nsw

York City. Cincinnati Novelty (Jo., 206 W. 15th st., Cln

clnnatl. 0. Chabbnek Wheel Swing Co., P. O. Box 1241,

Horaall, N. Y. The (Josster Constractlon Co., 6244 S. Park avs.,

Chicago, lU. J. G. (Jondermsn, Troy, Pa. Delta Baseball Game, 137 82d st., N. Y. C. Ell Bridge Co., Boodbousc, Ill. Gifford A Son. N. Y. Life Bldg., Kanaas (Jlty,

Mo. Herscbell-Splllman A Co., N. Tonawsadn, N. T. W. F. Mangel's Carousel Works, (Jonsy Island.

N. Y. C. W. Parker, Abilene. Kan. Pattee-Stedman Coaatruction A Amnsemont Oo..

The Lyceum, Provldsncs, R. I. Senaatlonal Amuoe. Co., 611 21at st., M. T. 0. Eugene J. Stem, 1402 Broadway, N. T. O. L. A. Thompson Scenic Ry. (Jo., 820 Broadway,

New York (Jlty. Thurston Amoae. (Jo., St. James Bldg., Nsw

York City. Tickler Constractloo A Amusement Co., Cowsy

Islsnd. N. Y. World's Scenic R. R. Co.. 209 16th st.. (Jin

clnnatl. O.


The E. Boecker Org. A Orch. (Jo., 229 10th avs.. New York City.

Lyon A Healy, 206 Wsbasb avs., Chicuo, HI. Rudolph Wurlitser Co., Cincinnati and (Jhicag*.

MERRY WIDOW HATS. Merry Widow Hat Co., 656 B'way, Nsw York.

N. Y.


Francis Bsnnermsn, 501 Broadway, N. T. C.

MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. Actograpb Ca, 60 Union Sq., Nsw York CIU. Actograpb Co., Htmiony Hall Bldg., Troy. N. x. Am. Muto. A Bio. (Jo., 11 R. 14th st.. N. Y. O. American Vitagraph (Jo., 116 Naaaau at.. N.Y.O. American Film Service, American Truat Bldg..

Chicago, III. American Film Servlcs, 158 N. Main st., Msa-

pbls, Tenn. Bromberg Film Exchange, 10 Watts Bldg., Blr

mlngham, Ala. ' Chlcsgo Film Exebaag*. Westory Bldg., Waah-

IngtoD, D. C. > Chicago Film Exchange, Ry. Exebang* Bldg.,

Denver, Col. Chicago FUm Exebanga, Dooly Bldg., Balt Labs

City, Utah. Chicago FUm Eicbangs, Coleman Bldg., Louis¬

ville, Ky. . Chicago FUm Exchange, Stshimsn Bldg.. Maah

vllle, Tenn. Chicago FUm Exchange, 120 E. Randolph at..

Chicago, III. Chicago Film Exchange, Brandela Bldg., Omaha.

. Chicago Projecting Co., 226 Dearborn, Chicago. Cboa. E. Dreoaler, 146 E. 23d at., N. Y. 0. Cincinnati FUm Exchange, 214 W. 6tb at.. Cta

clnnatl, O. Crawford, O. T., FUm Bxchange, 1401-6 Lornat

at., St. I-XMila, Mo. Eugene Cline A Co., 69 Deaibom at., Chicago;

10 E. 14tb at.. New York City. Edlooo Mfg Ca. 10 6th av*.. New York (Jlty,

and Orange, N. J. Rlectrograph Co., 199 Third ave., N. Y. C.

, Oaumont Cbroaophona Co., 812 High at.. CIsv* land. O.

Globe Film Service, 79 Dearborn at.. Chicago. Harbacb A Co.. 809 Filbert. Philadelphia, Pa. C. J. Hite A (Jo., 441 Monadnock Block. (Jhicago. InterOcean FUm Exchange, 99 B. Madlaon at..

Chicago, 111. Laemmie FUm Service. 196 Lake at., Chicago.

>. I.,aemmle .Film Service, Hsin and Sixth sts., Evansville, Ind.

Lsemmie Film Service, 78 Ba Front st.. Mem¬ phis. Tenn.

I.aemmie FUm Service, 800 Brandels Bldg., Om I. aha. Neb.

AUGUST 29. 1908. X ti e Billboard 5S

I.temiale nim Serrlcc, 151B Main at.. Salt Lakt City. Utah.

iMemmlc Klim Scrrlee. 1121 Lumber Eicbans#. MInnrapolla. Minn.

S Lubln. 026 Market it., Phlladelpbla, Pa. MrAlllater. 40 Naaaau St., New York City. Mtlea Broa.. 2S0 Sixth are.. New York City. Mllea Broa., 700 Turk at., San Kranclaco, Cal. MIlea Brua.. Hub Theatre Bldg., Boston, Maas. NVw York Motion Plctnre Co., 1068 Oolden Oats

are., San Kranclaeo, Cal. Sew Kra film Bx., 01 Dearborn at., Chicago Sulan inim Exchange, 11 Fountain Squars, ClB-

rlnnatl. O. Slrbolas Power Co., IIB Naaaau at., N. Y. C. Sorelty Morlng Pasturs Co.. 418 Turk at.. San

Kranrisco. Cal. oblo Film Exebange, Hayden Bldg., 16 B. Broad

at.. Columbna, O. Patbe Cinematograph Co., 41 W. 28th at.. New

York City. PIttaburg Cut-Rate Film Exebange, SOO Lewis

Block, Pittsburg, Pa. Krllable Film Co., 717 Superior are., Clexeland. Royal Film Exebange, 186 E. Madison at.,

('bicago. III. .Srllg Polyscope Co., 48 B. Randolph at.. Chi¬

cago, III. rtpoor, Oeo. K., 62 N. Clark at., Chicago, III. Hti-bblns. Chas. M., 1028 Main at.. Kansas City,

Mo. Swanson. Wm. H.. A Co., cor. Lake A LaSalle

■ts.. Chicago, Ill. Standard Film Exebange, 70 Dearborn at., Chi¬

cago, 111. Southern Film Exchange, 146 W. Fifth at.,

Ctnclnoatl. O. Twentieth Century Opt. Co., 86 Dearborn st.,

Chicago. III. Toledo Film Exebange. Spitser Bldg.. Toledo, O. C. S. Film Ex., Dearborn A Randolph. Chicago. Vlascope Mfg. Co., 112 B. Randoi^, Chicago. Wagner Film Amuse. Co.. 120 N. Sd at., St.

Ixiuls. Mo. Williams, Brown A Earle, 018 Chestnut at.,

Phlladelpbla, Pa.

MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Lyon A Healy, 206 Wabash are., Chicago, IlL Rudolph Wurlltxer Co.. Cincinnati and Chicago.

MUSIC PUBLISHERS. The following llrma will ha glad to sand oopias

of now songs to racogais^ mambars of the ptofassion.

11 W. Pfaff Music Co.. 1620 Turk st.. San Francisco. Cal.

Cbaa. E. Scbodeld A Co.. Naeada Bldg., Cin¬ cinnati. O.

Jos. W. Stem A Co.. 132 38 st.. New York City.

NOVELTIES. R. E. Dodge A Co., 42 Rlrer at., Chicago, Ill. Gordon A Morrison. 110 E. Msdlson, Chicago. Oeo. A. Keach. 106 Frlendablp st., Proeldence,

R. 1. L. Rosts A Sons. 4 E. Pearl st.. Clndanatl, O. N. Shore Co., 220 Msdlson st., Chicago, Ill. Singer Bros.. 82 Bowery. New York City. Clemens Sbroeder Co.. 3W Broadway, New York

City. T. U. Mbtt. 419 Dearborn at.. Chicago, lU.

NOSE PUTTY. M. Stein Cosmetic Co.. 446 Sixth ara.. N. T. C.

OPERA CHAIRS. American Seating Co.. 00 Wabash, Chicago. A. H. Andrews Co., 174 Wabaah see., Chicago. H. 8. Analej, 1402 Broadway. New York City.

ORGANS AND ORCHESTRIONS. Bllbora Broa., 132 B. Lake at., Chicago, Ill. A. Christman, 2307 Holmes at.. Kansas City,

Ho. The E. Boecker Org. A Orcb. Co., 228 10th aTS.,

New York City. Garloll A Co.. 31 Bond st.. New York City. Jobanaes S. Oebbardt. 3024 Lawrence st., Phil

adeipbla. Pa. l.yon A Healy, 206 Wabash see., Chicago. Ill. Ch. Marengbl A Co., 288 Aee. A.. N. T. C. Jno. Musxlo A Son. 178 Park Bow. N. T. C. Niagara Musical Instrament Oo.; North Tona-

wanda, N. Y, North Tonawanda Musical Instrument Works.

North Tonawanda. N. Y. C. W. Parker. Abilene, Kan. Rudolph Wurlltaer Co., Cincinnati and Chicago.

ORANGEADE. The Comer Oo., 303 Maryland at.. Buffalo. N. T. C olumbia Mfg. Co., 1198 Harrison at.. Chicago.

PATENTS SECURED. Rrias Wilkins Oo., 323 F at., Washington, D. O.

PERFORATED MUSIC. Tor Eloctric Flanas.

Tnlted States Music Co.. Mllwsukaa A Wsstrm ares., Chicago. HI.

PHOTO. BUTTON MACHINES. Chicago Ferrotypa Co., 608 New Em Bldg., CU

rago. Ill.

PIANOS. I'ninmhia Plano Oo., Columbus, O.

PLAYS AND MSS. Daalara la, Anthora, Agents and Brakara.

[•arid Belasco, Stuyeesant Theatre. N. T. C. Dick A Fitagerald. 23 Ana at.. New York City. Tdw 8. Balter. 1402 Broadway. New York City.

POP CORN. G«.t.-n City Pop Com Co.. 46 State. Chicago. Dtn, .erger Pop Com Oo.. I8i Senaca at.. Buf-

f'lo. N. Y.

PORCUPINES. l.lim.iod Flint. North Watarford. Mains.

POST CARDS. laulnlar Co.. Sta. R. New York City.


T;« Supply Co.. 368 Dearborn at.. Chicago. »'■ ... Post Card Co.. 1036 Arch at.. Phlla.. Pa

Snpply Oo.. 716 Saaaona at.. Phlla Pbla. Pa.


A 1 I


PRINTERS. f Pictorial Posters and Big Type SUada,

Btreamars, Bto.

Tn^ Quigley Utho. Co.. Kansas City, I Dilating Co.. 128 S. Broadway. Los i

a. Cal. can Show Print Oo.. Mllwankae. Win

Lltho. Oo., Newport. Ky. Show Print Co.. Dm Molaaa. la. Prtf- Oo., 818 Blm at.. St. Lonls, I

•fan A Oo., 8th nr. Main. Cincinnati.

Sbaw-Ollle Co., 2297 MIsaion at., San Francisco, Cal.

Francis Valentine Co., 289 13tb at., San Fran¬ cisco, Cal.

PRINTERS. Of Theatrical Lattarhaads, Contracts, Programs. Church Prtg. Co., 416 Elm at., Cincinnati, O.

ROLL TICKETS. Baker Byron Co., 8tb and Sycamore eta., Cin¬

cinnati, Ohio. NatUmal Ticket Co., Shamokln. Pa. Sun Printing Co. (Inc.), Prurldence, R. I.

ROSECAKE MOLDS. A. T. Diets. 127 Michigan st., Toledo, O.

ROUGE. M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 446 6tb ara.. N. Y. C.

“SAYSO” CONE BAKERS. A. T. Diets, 127 Michigan st., Toledo, O.

SCENIC PAINTERS. And Oaalars In Sesnsry, Etc.

Daniels Scenic Studio. Chicsgo Opera House Block, Chicago, 111.

Eugene Cos, 948 Van Buren st., Chicago. Enkeboll Art Co., 9306 N. 27tb st., Omaha.

Neb. W. F. Hamilton. Studio, Alrln Theatre. Pitts¬

burg. Pa. Tbe Meyers Co.. Inc., 130 N. 3d st., Steuben¬

ville. O. Howard Tuttle. 902 27tb at., Milwaukee, Wla. John Herfurth, 2IH3 Boone st., Cincinnati. O. Jamea Slipper, 168 E. Columbus st., Detroit,

Mich. SebeU’s Scenic Studio. 338 Sycamore st., Colum¬

bus, O. J. A. Siegfried. Nixon Theatre. Pittsburg. Pa. Toomy A Volland Scenic Co., ^14 Market st.,

St. Louts, Mo.

SELF-PLAYING PIANOS. Beny-Wood Plano Player Co., Kansas City, Mo. Lyon A Healy. 206 Wabash are., Chicago, Ill. Pianora Co., 117 Cypreas are.. New York City. Rudolph Wurlltaer Co., Cincinnati and Chicago. U. S. Music Co., Milwaukee A Western sTee.,

Chicago, 111.

SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS. S. Bock. 62 Blue Island ave.. Chicago. Ill. E. J. Hayden A Co.. 106 Broadway, Brooklyn,

N. Y. Tbe Murray Co.. 98 W. Washington. Chicago. JJ. S. Tent A Awning Co.. 196 W. Bandot^.

Chicago. III. Windsor A Co., 28 Ralph are.. Brooklyn. N. Y.

SKATES. American Roller Supply Co., Sandusky, 0. Barney A Berry, Springdeld, Maas. Chicago Roller Skate Co.. 66 S. Canal. Chicago. Cycle Skate Co., 87 Park at.. New York City. M. C. Henley. Richmond. Ind. Rainbow Amuse. Co., 200 Washington Boule¬

vard. Chicago. Ill. BIcbardaon Ball Bearing Skate Co., 901 Wells

at.. Chicago, III. The Samuel Winslow Skate Mfg. Co.. Worcenter,


SHOOTING GALLERIES. Diamond Novelty Co., Symeuse, N. Y. W. F. Mangel’s Carousel Works. Coney Island.

N. Y. J. J. McCullough, Sheridan’s Walk, Cooof Is¬

land. N. Y. C. W. Parker. Abilene, Kan. Schaefer A Miller. 310 State at.. Chicago. HI. A J. Smith, 1900 W. Van Buren at., Chicago,

111. Wm. WorfBcln. 208 N. 2d at.. Philadelphia. Pa.

SLOT MACHINES. Kaaafactarars of and Denlars bk

American Mutoacope Co.. 11 B. 14th sL. N.T.C. Automatic Coostractloo Co., 106 Fulton at.. New

York City. Automatic Drink Machine Co.. Symeuse. N. T. Coin Automatic Co., 491 Kane ave., Hammond.

Ind. Diamond Novelty Co.. Symeuse. N. T. Lyon A Healy. 206 Wabash ave.. Chicago. 111. Mills Novelty Co., cor. Jackson Boulevard and

Green st., Chicago, Ill. RosenOeld Mfg. Co.. 986 Hudson at.. N. T. C. Rndolpb Wnrlltser Co.. (Cincinnati and Chicago. United Vending Machine (Co.. 141 Caxton Bldg.,

Cleveland. O. U. S. Music Oo., Milwaukee A Western avss.,

Chicago. Ill.

SLOT MACHINE SUPPLIES. Exhibit Snpply Co., 398 Dearborn at.. (Chicago. J. E. Nelson A Co.. 48 River at.. (Chicago, 01.

SONG BOOKS. A. London Pub. Co.. 718 WUlow st.. PhUadsl-

phla. Pa. Wbitsson (Co.. 340 B. Madison at., Chicago. Ill.

SONG SLIDES. For niastratsd Bongs.

American Film Service. American Trust Bldg., Chicago. III.

American Film Service, 188 N. Main at., Mem- pblftv Xmb.

American Vltumph (Co.. 116 Nassau sL. N.T.C. (bicago Film Ex., 120 B. Randolph st.. Chicago. Chicago Film Bx., Brandela Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Chicago Film Bx.. Wastory Bldg., Washington,

D. C. Chicago Film Bx.. Ry. Bx. Bldg., Denver, (Col. Chicago Film Ex., Dooly Bldg., Salt Lake (City. Chicago Film Bx., Coleman Bldg., Louisville. Chicago Film Bx., Stahlman Bl^., Nashville.

Tenn. Chicago Projecting (Co., 228 Dearborn, Chicago. O. T. (Cmwford Film Bx., 1401-8 Locust st..

St. Louis. Mo. Eugene Cline A Oo., 88 Dearborn sL. (Chicago;

10 E. 14th at.. New York (City. GIfibe Film Service. Tt Dearborn at., Chicago. C. J. Ulte A Co., 441 Monadnock Bl<tg.. Chi¬

cago, 111. Inter (Vean Film Ex.. 08 B. Madison. Chicago. Laemmie Film Service. 106 Lako st.. (Chicago. Laemmis Film Service, Main and Sixth sta.,

Evansville. Ind. I,aemmle Film Service, 78 So. Front at., Mem¬

phis, Tenn. lAemmle Film Servics, 800 Brandela Bldg.,

Omaha, Neb. lAemmle Film Service, 1818 Main at.. Salt Lake

nty, Utah. '.aemmle Film Service, 1131 Lumber Bxchanga,

Minneapolis, Minn. t. Lubln, 027 Market at.. Philadelphia. Pa. detropolltaa Lantern Slide Oo., 81 W. SBth at..

New York (CUy. McAllister, 48 Nassau st.. New York (City,

Miles Bros., 298 Sixth ave.. New York (City. Miles Bros., 700 Turk st., San Francisco, Cal. Miles Bros., Hub Tbeatm Bldg., Boston, Maas. New Era Nm Ex., 81 Dearborn st., (Chicago. Nolan Film Ex.. 11 Fountain Sq., (Cln^natl, O. Novelty Slide Ex.. 871 Tbird ave.. N. T. City. Presto Song Slide Ex.. 1416 Broadway, N. Y. C. Pittsburg Cut-Rate Film Ex., SOO Lewis Block,

Pittsburg, Pa. Sellg Polyscope ' x, 49 B. Randolph, Chicago. Standard Film Ex.. 70 Dearborn at., (Chicago. Wm. H. Swanson A Co., cor. Lake and LaSalle

sta., Chicago, Ill. Twentieth Century Opt. (Co., 98 Dearborn at.,

Chicago. Ill. Temple Film (Co.. 98 Dearborn at.. Chicago.

SPANGLES. Mlllot Bros.. 47 W. 3d st.. New York City.


Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York City. T. A. Wilson A (Co.. Beading. Pa.

STAGE HARDWARE. J. R. Clancy, 247 Sallna st., Syracuse, N. Y.

STANDARD CONE BAKERS. Standard Mfg. A Supply (Co., Drawer O. Mo-

Dongabela, Pa.

STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. Climax View Co.. 133-137 W. 23d at.. N. Y. C. National Stereograph Co., 208 B. 67tb at..

Chicago, III.

STORE HOUSES. Chicago House Wreck (Co., 38tb and Iron sta.,

C’hlcago, Ill.

STREET MEN’S SUPPLIES. For Fair Followers.

Automatic Specialty (Co.. 120 Clark at.. Chicago. Coe, Yonge A (Co.. 612 St. Charles at.. St.

Louis. Mo. E. M. Davis Soap (Co., 32 Union Pr. Place, Chi¬

cago, III. R. E. Dodge A (Co.. 42 River st.. Chicago. lU. I. Elsenstein, 44 Ann at.. New York City. Fuchs A Welirtraub, 120 Canal st., N. Y. C. Francis Flake. 1778 Post st., San Franclaco. M. (Jerber. 720 South at.. Philadelphia, Pa. Goldberg Jewelry (Co.. Ill W. Sixth st., Kan¬

sas City, Mo. Gordon A Morrison. 118 B. Madison. Chicago. The Goldsmith Toy A Importing (Co.. 123 B.

Fourth st.. Cincinnati. O. Holiday Novelty Mfg. (Co., 37 Great Jones st..

New York. Louis Lamm A Co., 294 E. Madison, (Chicago. I. evln Bros., Terre Haute. Ind. W. r. Miller, 144 Park Bow, New York City. Newman Mfg. (Co.. 81 Woodland ave.. Cleveland. Nadel A Sblmmel. 43 Fulton at.. N. Y. C. Abe Orman. 907 South st.. Philadelphia. Pa. Otto Supply Co.. 270 W. SSth at.. N. Y. C. Geo. A. Patuiel, 41 Warren st.. N. Y. C. Rogers. Thurman A (Co., 196 Wabasb ave., Chi¬

cago, HI. Standard Mfg. A Snpply Co., Drawer O, Mo-

nongahela. Pa. Shryock-Todd (Co., 617 N. Fourth at., St. Louis.

Mo. N. Sbnie Co., 220 Madison st., (Chicago, III. Shapiro A Karr. 428 South at.. Philadelphia, Pa. SIdger Bros., 83 Bowery, New York City. Western Bargain House. 372 Madison, Chicago. Harry Welsbanm. 243 B. Madison st., Chicago. Whiteson (Co., 240 B. Madison st., Chicago, HI.

TATTOOING SUPPLIES. . Edw. B. Brown.* 1816 B’way, St. Lonlar J|<n

TENTS. Baker A Lockwood. 7th A Wyandotte sta, Kan¬

sas (City. Mo. Columbus Tent A Awning Co.. Columbus. Oblo. Camle-Goodle Mfg. (Co.. 307 Delaware st., Kan¬

sas (City, Mo. Dougherty Bros.* Tent (Co.. 108 Sooth Main at..

St. Louis. Mo. J. C. Goss A Co.. Detroit, MIcb. Ksnsas City Tent A Awning Co., 1418 Walnut

st.. Kansas (City, Mo. D. M. Kerr Mfg. Co.. 278 W. Madison. Chicago. M. Magee A Son. 147 Fulton st.. N. Y. C. . Tbe Murray (Co. 68 W. Washington, Chicago. Murray Tent A Awning Co., 1-18 S. Union st..

Chicago. HI. The B. Tenneson (Co.. 11 Dock st., Philadelphia,

Pa. Thomson A Vandiveer, 816 Pearl at.. Cincinnati. U. S. Tent A Awning Co.. 186 W. Randolph.


THEATRICAL AGENCIES. (Cincinnati Theatrical Agency, 136 B. Fourth at.,

(Cincinnati. O.

THEATRICAL COSTUMES. The Wm. Beck A Sons Co.. 10 and 13 Garfleld

Place, Cincinnati. O.

THEATRE CURTAIN ADVERTISERS American Curtain Co., Boom 831, 1403 Broad¬

way. New York (City.

THEATRICAL PROPERTIES. Siegman A Well, 78 Wooster st.. N. Y. C.

TICKET PRINTERS. Ackormann-()nlgley Oo.. Kansas (City, Mo. American 'Heket (Co., Toledo, O. Card Stationery (Co.. 162 (Colorado ave., N. Y. 0. Roll (Check Co., 8 Murray st.. New York (City. Rand. McNally A (Co.. 166 Adams st.. Chicago. Rees Printing (Co.. KKh A Harney sta., Omaha. Standard Roll Ticketa, 181 Psari st., N. Y. 0. Son Printing (Co. (Inc.), Providenco. R. I. Weldon. WUllams A Uck. Ft. Smith. Ark.

TIGHTS. siegman A WeU. 78 Wooster at.. N. Y. 0.

TOY BALLOONS. singer Bros., 83 Bowery, New York City.

TRUNKS. Wm. Bal. 310 W. 42d St.. New York City. Briber Trunk A Bag On.. 182 Oolumhla ave..

PhUadelphla. Pa. B. B. A B. Trunk (Co., 628 Smithdeld st., PltU-

bnrg. Pa.

UNIFORMS. DeMoulln Broa. A Co., 1030 S. 4th at.. Green

villa. HI. Waetem Uniform Co.. 314 (Clark at.. Chicago.

VAUDEVILLE AGENCIES. Consolldatad Amusement On.. 1416 Broadway.

New Tort (City. Wm. D. Hall. Keith's Theatre Bldg., Phlladel¬

pbla. Pa.

B. F. Keith. St. James Bldg., New York (City. H.'B. Marinelll. 1138 Broadway. N. Y. C. Globe Amusement Co., 12 Indiana Bldg., 12th

and Grand ats, Kansaa City, Mo. Norman Jeffries. 0tb A Arch sts., PhUadelphla. Pacldc Coast Amusement Co., American Bank

Bldg.. Seattle, Waab. Prudential Vaudeville Ex.. 1402 Broadway, New

York City. Gua Sun, Orpbeum Theatre Bldg., SprlngOeld,

Ohio. Western Vaudeville Managers’ Assn., Majestic

Theatre Bldg., (Chicago, lU.

VENDING MACHINES. Crystal Vending Machine (Co., Columbus. Ohio.

WATCHES. N. Sbure Co., 229 Madison st., Chicago, lU. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York City.

WHIPS. Davis Whip (Co.. Tippecanoe City. Oblo. E. W. Hadley Whip Co., West&eld, Maaa.

WILD ANIMAL DEALERS. Putnam’s Pet A Wild Animal Store. 400 Wash

Ington st., Buffalo, N. Y.

WIRE WORKERS’ SUPPLIES. Bennett Jewelry (Co., 1646 N. 10th st., Phila¬

delphia, Pa. R. E. Dodge A (Co., 43 River at.. Chicago, HL New England Pearl Co.. 40 Clifford at.. Provi¬

dence. R. I. Jurgens Jewelry (Co., 83 Cbambera st., N. Y. 0. Oeo. A. Keach, 108 Friendship at.. Providence,

R. I. T. N. Mott, 418 Dearborn at.. (Chicago, HI. Rogers, Thurman A (Co.. 196 Wabaah ave., Chi¬

cago, lU.

Boy and Sell Roller Skates AMERICAN RINM SUPPLY CO.

Sandusky. - - Ohio

CHEAP StttI Frans

Theatre Chain Abtalattly

Naa-Braakabli Suitable for_ theatre and moving picture ahons. We carry these ohalie in stocB and ean sUp a immediately. ' . c Second-hand Ohalra.

Alao seating ton, bt). out-of door one.


STEEL FURIITURE CO.. Braid Rapida, Mich. New York Office. 1402 Broadway.


September 1-2 3-4, 1908. All privileges address

OEO. H. YOUNG, Trees.. 60 MaU St., Bethleham, Pa.

WANTED—For the Third Annual Merchants’ Street Fair to be held on tbe atreeta of Utica, HI. Want early date In September, a small company, 8 shows with Merry-Go-Round or Fer¬ ris-Wheel. Most have small band; alao 2 Free Attractions. A live one; 80 mllee of Inter- nrban to draw from. We are in tbe center live farmer town; largest grain market In the State. 3 big elevators. All good spenders. (Cobm on Concession Men. If you need tbe money. An¬ swer qnick; time la abort. Shows most be clean. Address J. H. HANNAN, Sea., UUoa (LaSnUa Co.), m. _

-FOR SALE- Abont 20 good broadcloth uniforms mads by Henderson-Ames Co. Suita are green, trimmed with black braid, and In nrst-claaa shape, as they were only worn two years by a country band. Tbe boys have outgrown tbe suits, hence we offer them for aale. For partlcnlara and price address EAST TROT CORNET BAND, East Troy, Wia. _

-: WANTED :- A Street Carnival or Clrcna for whita Fair, Oct. 6-10. ’08, iDclusivs and for colored Fair, Oct. 14 17. ’08. Inclusive. All amusements. Conceo- alons and Privileges for aale. ED. L. PULLET, Soey.. Hnntavilla. Ala._

MORMONS FRIEND—AgenU make ovar 1,000 per cent, proflt. Drop a postal card and got their latest wholesale price Hat of Soap, Elap- trlc Belts. Electric Insoles. Inhalers. Ow goods are the cheapest and best selling In tbe U. S. Establlsbed 1878. Incorporated. ELEOTRIO APPLIANCE CO., Burliagton, Kaa.

MAJESTIC THEATRE. Waco. Taaas. Now booking Repertoire. Musical Comedy and Light Opera. Season '08-’08. Best paying stock and repertoire, popular-priced theatre In Texas. Send open time to FRIEDLANDER A LUEDDR, Manageri.

WANTED—Military Band Organ with Drums and ('.Tuibals. also 2t> pair Richardson Steel Plate Ball Bearing Skates. E. S. ARNOLD, ClintoB, Iowa.

LEARN TO THROW TOUR VOICE—Ventrllo- qiilsm taught bv mail. For terms, address PROF. LINOERMAN, VantrUoquiat, Wildwood, Nsw Jersoy.

FOR SALE—Striped Candy tent 10x16. used one season, ropes, poles, stakes. 7ft. wall, $22. Tbe Maxe. showing a thousand Jap mice twirl¬ ing and waltxlng, $30. Address THE MAZE, XAuston. Wia.

FILMS WANTED—We want to buy one hundred reels of Film, any make; must be In good c<m- dltloQ, for cash. Will buy any amount at a time. WAONER FILM CO., 208 N. 4th 8t.. 8t. Louis, Mo.

54 T ti e Billboard AUGUST 29, 1908.


Aft*r you have read all the hot air from the others, and listened to all the promises, try their ser* vloe—then oome to the INTER* OCEAN. They will put you baok on your feet, and keep you there.

Don’t pay any attention to these Cut-throat and Cut-rate Film exohanges. You oan't get something for nothing—and al¬ ways remember that we do not supply any CHICAGO shows. That means our films are right when they leave our offices. When you want the good ones. Write to the Old Reliable.


landelpli and Daarbora Sts., SHISAIO

STREETMEN We are headquarters for all the latest Novelties. Send for our catalogue on Confetti, Canes, Knives, Carnival Goods, Rubber Balls, Rubber and Gaa Balloons.

THE GOLDSMITH TOY IMPORTING CO. 122 E. Foartli It., • CIHClIIMTI, 0. BSTCHTe SECURED OR FEE RETURM- r A I CN I w ED. Five report •» to p«t- PDlablllty. Illuatmted Guide Hook and Hat of InvoDtloiui wauted a*‘nt free. EVANS, WIL¬ KINS A CO., k2S "F” St., Waahlntton, D. C.

MtORICEH.ROSEHZWEIG. laumpr m ■•M.. im«, ■!« ro»L llQnjUl

WANT ED ^ HRST-CUSS C4RNIVAL CO. Or aeeeral ctmd Sbowa and aome Freo Attrae- tiona for tb« Appalachian Fair at Newport. Tenn. OooceaaloD priTlIefea eery reaaonablo. I>atea. Sept. 80. Oct. 1. 2. lOOS. F. K. TAY¬ LOR, Secy. _

DuBols Fair and Races DnBota. Pa., Sent. 8-0-10-11. 1006. Midway day and night; Strobe! Air Ship. Write for prle- llegee and coDceaalOBa to


The Elkader Fair September IS to 18

Showa and Conceaslona wanted. Something do log all the time. Write W. W, DAVIDSON, Elaadar, la.

Tama County Fair Toledo. Iowa, Sept. 22 2,1, 100«. Free Attrac-

tluDH wanted. Alao ebows on |>ercent. or ground

apace reaaonable. A. O. SMITH, Sacy.

THE HINDU SPIRIT WRITER The Mystifying, Fortune Telling Mechanical Figure,

-PRICE S20.00- Inviaible Portunea g2.00 per 1,000. Ask for the Spirit Pen or Ward

NELSON BROS. CO.. 123 S. ClintoN St., Chieago, III.


Endlsao Variety





Second largest ‘lA New EnglanS. Oftober 5, 6. 7, 8, 0, 10. Por privilegev aflblF to '-~

N. T. BUTKLET, Btoy., BadtlM.'ud Stands.

readinq'fair; ' September 20, 30, October 1 and 2. Prlrllegea t^l..10 per foot front. AddreW H, SEIDEL THROM, Secy., Heading, I’a.

JONN MUUIO A SON, •. 178 Park Ntw, I. V.

-: WANTF1> :- Attractiona and sbowa for Mason, Warren Co., Ohio Pair, September 4-5; alao want to bear from prirllege men. Addreaa SECRETARY FAIR BOARD.

THE TRI-STATE FAIR CIRCUIT wants to bear from parties who have amall tent ahowa, and any other new pay attractiona. Can either work on percentage or flat rate. Pairs in this circuit will be held at Kbinelander, Wia., Sept. 7-10; Ironwood, MIcb., Sept. 1.1-17; Ashland, Wto.. Sept. 22-24; Duluth, Minn., Sept. 29- OcL 1, and Ilibbing, Minn.. Oct. 0-8. !*» at¬ tractions. only, wanted. ARTHUR TAYLOR, Rhinelander, Wia.


THK riFP NOVELTY CO.. Tippvcano*. City, Ohio, Miami County.


Incloiling Illustrated Catalogue. Send 4c. In etampa OTTO BDPFLV OO.. TW W. Stth btreet. New York


PragraiN listing all ilaiilaytaiig aaraxolativa PVROTECNNIfiAL NOVELTIES mallaS on applleatlaa The Greatest Open.Air Speetaole dgaggsk raff JowflaalnA ** available for

erer preeented IDC 91C||C U1 niCriCaO. Parka and Falls, li OBoe: 116 Dearborn St.. OHIO too. Northwestern OBoe: I

OxoBOB Newtoh, President State Fair Qronnda, HT PaUL,MINH. *


Writa tor

Fraa Catalogua

Webb-Frejsclilsg Mirc. Co., Kiisis City. Mo.

TiIK hlG Rli WllF.KL; f () r (• I / i I .’I / '

nil Midge ( Roodhim .*■

Mr. Manufacturer’s A^ent!

The GOOD LEADS are all found

in Signs of the Times, the adver¬

tising miLn’s trade paper. The

editoriEd and advertising columns

will be found of interest. A dollar

a year brings it. Just say

Sidns oC the Times aNONNATL - - - OHIO

60-Koot Box, Stock or Flat Car* for sale or Lease. Storag.' oaiiacltv .100 cars. Repair work solicited. VENICE TRANSPORTATION CO., Bt. Louis, No.


yon with repeaters. We bare adraoce orders placed with eight manufacturers for erery good feature turned out.


Write at once for proposition and minimum rates. Address nearest office

848 CENTURY BLDO., Bt. LonU, Ho. • - - 601 MATHEWS BLDO., MUwaoksa, Wit.


Improved Cane Assortment, 120 Canes, Including .10 Kings.| 6.00 Improved Cane Assortment, 210 Canes, including 100 Kings. 10.00 Improvcl Cane Assortment, 3.10 Canes, Inolnding 100 Kings. 16.00 Improved Cane Assortment, 600 Canes, Including 200 Kings. 26.00 No. 9. Extra Long, Fancy lamp Ilandle Whips, aastd. col., best made, per gr. 6.76 Shooting Gallery Ontflt, complete, 2,.167 pieces, for only. 22.00 snooting uaiiery untnt, complete. 2,.1«7 pieces, for only. 22.00 200 Assorted Pocket Knives, for Knife Karks, a Good Flash. 16.00

Large Catalogue Free. Knives, Watches, Umbrellas. Toy Whips and Cane Neta. Terms—Half Deposit, Balance C. O. D. Pennant Canes, per 100, $.1.00.


Pacific Coast A^museirtent Co. Owning anN Operating SO Plmt-Claaa VaudavWa Yhaatraa Kaat, Narthwaat and Waal



For finest Colored Park In the United States. Open time In August, Sep¬ tember or October. Write or wire i-KA.VK, R(K;EILS. Mgr-, Box 501, Mobile, .Ala._

10,000 Unframed Pictures Five beantlfnl detigna, 11x17. Caed by tkeatrss, faira ami movlag picture ahowa, aa premiuma. Coat regularly $40. We ulTer It until anid at $10 per 1,000. Will Inereaae your husluesa great¬ ly by using It. Saiiiiilt-a of 1 designs 10 rents. PEIYn card a paper CO., 20 B. N. Siatb St., Philadalphia. Pa.


Printed Felt Pennants any cuinr ua white felt and beat Jap crook Canes. Peunanla fastened to Canea. $4 per 100; $17..10 for .100: $12. for 1.000. Price In eludes Canes. THE UNITED STATES FLAG CO., 2842 OUbart Ava., Cinoinnati, Ohio.


GYROSCOPE TOP Made on .Mechanical Prlnrlplea. Every top a worker. It Oeta the Money! We guarantee It to be su|>erlor to any on the market. Sample LV posn>ald. THE FISCHER MFO. CO.. Pat- eraon, N. J.


Brown A Barnstalii, Masl Mosdron, Arekls Lavy, H. L Lsavltt, Hfr,, For Labor Dav State terms In first “«B^way.B;^8-$10. ffi Bou^ Clark Street. m Golden Gate Av«.. Otmat Amui-

New Yobx Ottt. OMioaoo. Sail Fmaiioiaoo. OaL. mant Aiaoolatlon miier. ISty.AKII IJI- 1 ILAIrP.,, HiCiaon- vlllc, Ohio.

FILM FOR SALE! 50 Reels, 2c foot. Fine condition. Sent any¬ where C. O. D.. aiibjert examination If sufficient

deimslt rovers Iranaimrfatlon eliarges. Addreaa

P. 0. Box 806, Naw Orleans, La.


beat it? t'andidatea photo. Repub¬

lican or Democrat. Send 10 centa

in I'ampa for aample and loweat

price*. IlluatratioD show* fob

about 1-3 actual site. Campaign

button* a specialtj. Badfea,

banner*, button* for all occaaion*.

KING OF THEM ALL I ThuusandM in use, ^tting top money. Make'S Cones better, cheaper and eas¬ ier than all other makes. No rolling, DO burning Angers, no opening npand flattening out. How? Dip Cores in batter. Insert in oven—presto! out c»mes a true cone ready for use. Push Carts, Folding Tents, Penny Mac^nes. Batter Mixers, Fte., Etc. Write quick for catalog and price list covering our up-to-date money getters. Parislaa Cones, flnest you ever saw, ship safe ly anywhere, $7.00 per 1,000.

WESTlim IAD8E JL HbVEin CO. JoH* A. Lcthbbt. Prop.

20 E. 6th St., St. Paul, Minn.

Catalogue free.Order earlj.thej’re

Koing fast.

And Baae Ball Novcitlea.

Write for Price List. WM. WURFFLEIM, Mf.

aoe N. Second Street. Philadelphia, Pa., U.SJt.

Lanier & Driesbach Mfg. Go. 315 John St., Cincinnati, O.

To order for Profewilonal Uf>e only, the hlirhe«t crade of Original Song*. Sketehe*. Monologue*. Comedle*, drama*, etr. All work guarantee lo make a bit. No copied or du^lcate work. THEBE IS BIO

Uanofactiuwr at Bead, klUita Boclaty OBlfor***. kaad for Oal


Thi Biggest Moiijr-Mikir li thi Driik Llie oi tke Market. CYLINDER PIANOS.

Maoufiip'urers of Mecbanlral Street Planes; Single Action and with Mandolin attacbment. llMwe planoa are suited for all loud aiDiiaementa, sucb aa tbowa, parks, clrroaea, skating rink*, arcades, dancing balls, etc. Second-band organa alwar* on band. P. POICEBO A CO.. SM ll Fedaral St., and Itll-tO S. 8tb St., Philadalphia, Pa.

For all Vaudeville I'erformera now, who bar# bright, good material, as competition baa caused a big demand for people with noreltlea. If you want material that will make a hit, send for estimate. Address

BOB WATT, Dramatic Author.

SOS Walnut Street. rblladelpbla. Pa.

$30.00 pmlit on every |ionnd. I*ellrlous, refreshing, healthful, pure. Guaranteed under the Na¬ tional I'lira Food 1 aw, U. S. Gov't Serial No. 11346. The test and moat |K>palar drink for fair*, park*, clrcose* or any place where people have a tbirat. It Is ao good that the *ale of one glaiu* means several more to tbe same party. One pound madea 40 gals, of the best drink you ever tasted. Tbe addllional expense attendant upon tbe requirements of tbe I'lire Fuoil Law compels ua to strictly increase our price over ibat of last season, but even at that, there la more money to be made with Ibis than with any other drink. Sample gallon, 10c; 1 lb. I‘i.3.%. Write for prices to larger quantities.

TOY WHIPS THE CORNER CO.. 303 Maryland St.. BUkFAUO. N. T.


Write for Pice List and terms.

Samples lent on receipt of SO cents.

rOB SALE AT A BABOAIH—One Tent, 13x.30. complete, with |s>lca. $30; 1 swell Hat Blower, fis- 1 Weigber. Weight and Height. $10; 1 swell Arcade Front, complete. $10.

AUTOMATIC MACHIME CO., Homer, H. T. The N. C. Induetrial Association will hold its 30th Annual Fair at Raleigh, N. C„ OcL 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24, 1908. Fine racing. Free attractions dally. Attendance last year 30,000. We follow the great State Fair. Priv¬ ilege People, write. J. EL UAMLJN, Secretary. L W. HADLEY WHIP CO.


NOW BOOKING SeasonB 1908-’09-10 and ’lO-’ll.

WILL D HARRIS, I.emee-Manager. Address. BERNARD K. SMITH. See. sad Traaa.

SCOTCH COLLIES bast breeding, have the intelligenra of a human. For partiralara address. TVFFR I SKF W »»»*t,«FVF»rV KSW

Shooting Galleries -AND Main Office: 405 Main St* DALLAS, TEXAS.

Branch: 304 Conroy Bldg., San Antonio, Tex. Cat Racks r.nokt tbe Opera House at Bay City, Texas.

I’npoUflon 4.000—Good Crops—I'l-^iry Money.

All show-going people. I bavo soma good opea

dates. 08KAB KOBX, mgr. AX BARGAIN BRICES Send for Catalogue.


Write for our SPECIAL PRICES on our Hew Filmi and Feature Productions.

AT LIBERTY-BALLOONIST PROF. CHARLES SWARTZ. Aeronaut, has open time to nil engagemente anywhere Big Aerial Free Attraction is wanted. First-class exhibitions only. Prices low as would guarantee reliability. Every ascension guaranteed sat¬ isfactory or no pay. insist on getting Prof. Charles Swartx, and quit having failures. Permanent address HirMik)LI>T, TENN. Reference—Merchants State Bank.


W. S SMITH, Rockaway, L. I., New York All matters concerning tbe Association, requests for in¬ formation, complaints, etc., 81 e to be referred to either the National Secretary, Suite 716- 734, 16 William Street, New York, N. Y., or to the West¬ ern Secretary, Suite 1402, Ash¬ land Block, Chicago, Ill.

16th Nat*l Irrigation Congress and Territorial Fair SEPTEMBER 2S-OCTOBER 10, INCLUSIVE; 12 BIG DAYS.

60,000 visitors; mobilixation U. S. an.i State troc'ps. 825 000 in prizw. Low r^tes on all railroa.i*. Prit-ilrge and ('onression men wiite at otoe CLlRKE & M.\T- 80N, Concessionaires, Anniquerque, New Mexico

Holding a diploma from a dramatic school wiah-s po4ition with ibea rical company. with board and expense*.

BOBT. G. SCOTT, Traer, Iowa

if you wilt to reack Muiic Teackers, Music Students, and Professional Musicians. An ailvertisement in

PBIVILEOE MEN—Tbe Stephen* County Fair Aaaoclatlon. September 9, 10, 11 and 12. Eigh¬ teen thousand last year. Good attractions. All kind* wanted. State all In Aral. II. L. OVERTON, Secy., Duncan. Okla.

THE BIO ORANGEBS’ PICHIO. Oantrs Hall, Pa., Sept. Itth to 18th. Day, nlgbt; free gate. 1-rlvtlegea for sale—Shows, cane, knife racks, pboto novelties, palmlat* no excinsive*: no gam¬ bling. Add. D. TBIMFEB, Ocean City, Md.

OOOD SHOWS WANTED—Hope Opera Uouae. I'laquemlne, I.a. Lionel Detac^x. Mgr. Tbia town an Important show link located between Baton Rouge and Donaldaooville. I'lpulatlon 8.000. Opera Houae Juat renovated and enlarged; capacity 000. No oppoaitlou. Book direct.

•wiler. Each pound makes 4B gallMW, and .'oq a proSt of $34. Dom not eoatalx Cool '<-l»r: ifa a fruit product. Can bo sold b-re. u. 8. Serial No. IITSS. Poor centa 'Ting you trial package, with wkoleaale "I thli and our nine other Prlnka.

[•MBIA MF6. fin •LS» Harrison 8L.

GOOD VAUDEVILLE People wanted at all times. PEOPLES THEA THE. Weatherford. Tex.


HEVOIXD to MVSiC AND MIHICLiNS FILMS WANTED! We want to buy one hundred reela of Film, any make; mast be In good condition, for cash. Will bay anv amonnt at a time. WAONEB rnji 00., $68 X. 4tb SL, St. Lonls. Mo.

10 CENTS A COPY- ■■ ■■tl.OO A YEAR

Will put you in touch with them.

The Mnsicsl Mcdlnm reaches more hsods than any other psper. Adver¬ tising rates 10 cents an agate line, $l.-i0 an inch, single column. Wr'te for sample copy and rate sheet.

•“<1 night. September 14-18. Inclaalv*. i.ighta. Internrban Trolley lines to ,• Alb SHOWS and PHIViLbGB P»0

■^'te 0. 8. LATTIN. Secy., Xlaitm. fob a*T-F-—One “Model A” Cretor’s Peannt and Popcorn Machine. Been used 3 months. Cost $1,350. Can be booght on easy terms. If sold at oBce. Address A. K. BALDWIN. 351 8. Maple St.. Akron, Ohio.__ Great Mt. Holly

-Fair- The MUSICAL MEDIUM CO. 416 Ehn Street Clndiinilt 0.

CARNIVAL ORANGEADE POWDER-“Beat by Teat.” Complys with Pure Food Law. 1 lb. $1.75; 5 lbs. $7.50. Express prepsld. SamjUe for stamp. B. B. KAHN, 88S1 £. Ninth SL, Kansas City, Mo.

'■‘lly. N. J., 8e, ''rairlng •!

najah p.^ii or tnformallea, nd Seeratary. Twiwplionw,


AUGUST 29, 1908.

THE GASOLINE KING. as illustratetl, $2!*; two l)i r

er, $21; one burner, $12.

CUPOLAS. SEPARATE. One $8.50; two, $14.50; three, $19.50. Half cash, balance C. O. D. Ck>mplete set tools and instmctions, FREE.

Good Nows,Boys Sayso Ice Cream Cones. ^

Absolutely the best and purest ever made. The perfect Cone for vend¬ ing. Impress this on your mind—It means money to you. If the Cones I send you are not (he finest you ever saw. tatted, or heard of. send them back and get your money Is (his strong enougl T Here are the prices. Get busy.

1 east, 144 oonat, (urtlght, 91 lbt.,$1.25 1 east, 500 oontt, wtlflit, 30 Ibt., 4.00 2 oasts, 1000 oonts, wgt-< 60 lbs., 7.50 Send cash with order. Catalogue

B-29 now ready.

A. T. DIETZ, 127 Mlchlaan St.. Toledo. O.

Played From Paper Rolls!



Great Yadkin Valley Fair SalLsbury, N. C., October 20, 21, 22 and 2,3, 1908. WANTED—Conces¬

sions and clean show.*; of all kinds. SalLsbury, the fast Rrowing City of the i South, has l>een wet for fifty years and not efTeeted by the jianic. Four I days—all big days, attendance always large. WM. JAMES, Storttiry.

MUSIC For Rinks Side Shows Merry Go Rounds.


Thousands of Testimonials snd the bigsest bnsineos of the kind in the world prove tliat we can:


1st: Satisfy your patrons; 2nd: Save you money. Remember, poor miiaic is dear at any price.

The Lyon & Heaiy Miiitary Band Organ

representa a full brsae band; is perfect in inotra- mentation, plays in faoltleeo time and does not (jet out of order.

15 aizee, from the omalleet up. Eisy time payments.

The Famous Lyon Si Mealy Orehestrions equal to ten to twenty bigh-claae mnsiciana.

The buyers of Lyon $i Mealy Instruments include the most successful managers all over the U. S.

Send for our big free catalogue Lowest pi ices in America on Automatic Musical In¬ struments of the highest musical vslne snd of guaranteed durability. Mention this paper.

Novelty Buttons All the Go No. 2100—Afraid to go Home (Lantern) No. 2101—I>noklng for Merry Widow (I.antem) No. 2102—Not Afraid to go Home (Re.olTer) , No. 2103—Kicked Ihe SlalH Out When I Klrat Heard It (Crib) m No. 2104—Stung (Bee) M No. 210.’i—Fancy Dealgn Taft Button (Klephant) ■ No. 2106—When I’m Full Take Me Iloioe (Stein) 1 No. 2107—I Don't Know Where I'm Going But I'm On My Way (Valine) ' No. 2108—So l>ong! Teddy (Vallw) No. 2109—There'll be a Hot Time in the Old Town To night (Store) No. 2110—Ain't It Awful Mabel (Stork)

I No. 2111—It Ixioka Like a Big Night To night (Stein) No. 2112—The Empty Dinner I'ail (Dinner I’all)

All 1)4 In. buttona in two color*. 1 do*. .3()ct*.; 100 11.40; 1000 113.00, eacept No.2112 which I* 35ct» do*.; $2 00 1(*>; $17.f*) Kam. Caiiipalgii Hutton* M Ilgne, 60 ct». 100; $.’>.riO lOtVi; .Ki llgiH-, 1*> ct* Kk); $7..’i0 loii). Watch Fob# $6.00 to $10.00 Uroc*. Hat I'ln* $2..'i0 100; $‘20.00 1000.

QUIMBV^^OFG. CO. 41€ WasliIngfoB Avc., So.,


Makera of Cai^aign Button*. AdrertUIng Noreltle*. Button Michinea Part* ami Dies. Send 60 cent# or $1.00 for aample lot poatpald.

MiIm aiM Sixth Sts, • • • EVANSVILLE, IND. 78 Stttth Frtat St., • • • • MEMPHIS, TENN. Sttitt 1121-1123 Linhtr Exeb., - MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 151 Mala SL • • - • ULT LAKE CITY, UTAH 800 Braadais BIL,.OMAHA, NEB. AI9-A20 Marqaaai Qraad Bldf,, - PORTLANO, ORE.

•'A. Storm of l^etters! ’’ ••A Cy'clone of Mail!”


The Laemmle Film Service Headquarters I 196-198 LAKE ST., CHICAGO *

ril bet I have received letters from more than half the moving picture exhibitors in the United States and Canada since I first sprung my THREE PROPOSITIONS a couple of weeks ago. It is the most amazing testimonial of confidence I ever got in all my life! It comes not only from independents, but from houses which are using licensed films, and NOW NOTE THIS ASTOUNDING FACT:

Out of the hundreds and hun- dreds of letters received, not more than twenty are desirous of selling out their moving picture

theatres BECAUSE THEY LOOK TO THE BIGGEST FALL AND WINTER BUSINESS IN THE HISTORY OF MOVING PICTURES. Of the rest, of the number, about HALF want me to go in with them on a PERCENTAGE BASIS and the other half want the FILM SERVICE WHICH I GUARANTEE TO BE BETTER THAN CAN BE SECURED FROM ANY OTHER RENTER IN THE WORLD! My three propositions still stand as follows:

C. PROPOSITION No. I—If you can’t make your theatre pay, I WILL BUY YOU OUT AND RUN IT MYSELF!


C. PROPOSITION No. 3-Or I will give you a film service guaranteed to be better than you can get from any other renter in the world—AND AT A MIGHTY REASONABLE PRICE!

I want It bur froM tb* rist of yti NOW! It woo’t hurt yti t* writt, will it 7

c. I AM SOLE WESTERN AGENT for tho Lowon Guar¬ anteed Electric Saver and Are Regulator which la GUARANTEED to give you a better light for your moving picture lamp and still CUT YOUR LAMP BILL FROM 60 TO 90 PERCENT. Everybody who has ons is cragy over it. Price S70.

C I am sole AMERICAN AGENT for the marvelous SYNCHROSCOPE which I sell outright for S550. The only machine which makes the phonograph and the moving picture machine work in ABSOLUTE UNISON ! The com¬ ing craze in America!

X II e Billboard SEPTEMBER 5, 1908.



Absolutely Noiseless On Alternating Current







Because “HENRION*’ Carbons are specially manufac¬ tured from carefully selected materials and by special processes, thereby giving results in


never before attained by any other make of carbons.

Have you ever used carbons that would burn at 46 amperes on alternating current with the points 1-64 of an inch apart? And when so burned you would not have to adjust the carbons for ten minutes. Then you have not used “HENRION” Carbons, and know not the possibilities of light, life, noiselessness and lack of car¬ bon troubles.

If you are not already convinced, send for samples and our circular of

‘‘Important Instructions for Operators**

Hundreds of operators write us after having made their tests, that they will use no other carbon but “HENRION.”

The largest Film Exchanges in the country carry “HEN¬ RION”, Carbons in stock.

Insist bn Receiving “Henrion** Carbons

We will fill promptly small as well as large orders from New York stock.


Arc rurallol Surfat‘t‘9

On .Alternating


Arc Too Long

Violet Tint.

Sole Importers:


59-61 park Place, New York City

SEPTEMBER 5, 1908. X li e Billboard 1

Moving Picture Exhibitors

C Within the next few days you are going to receive all sorts of wild-cat film-propositions from renters you hitherto supposed were conservative.

C Look out! Go easy! The bait will look tempting, but there is a hook inside of it.

C Big things are doing—desperate things.

C. Write to me. Especially if you receive the wild-cat propositions that look so beautiful, so delightful, so rose¬ ate. Write to me anyhow and I’ll put you on to'something that is of interest to every man in the business.

C. And in the meantime, for the love of heaven, GO SLOW! You’ll know what I mean in a few weeks if you don’t know already.


The Laemmie Film Service Headquarters—196-198 Lake Street, Chicago, III. Minneapolis, Minn., 1121, 1122, 1123 Lumber Exch. Evansville, Ind., Main and Sixth Sts. Salt Lake City, Utah, - 151 Main Street

Portland, Ore., - Memphis, Tenn., Omaha, Neb.,

419-420 Marquam Grand Bldg. 78 South Front Street

800 Brandeis BlocM


SPECIAL NOTICE!—I herewith serve notice that on and after September the tenth, I will discontinue the three special propositions which I advertised last week In The Billboard. I have been so swamped with answers to that advertisement that It is taking too much of my time from other important affairs. It*s the biggest thing I ever tackled. If you're Interested you'll have to write me before September 10.—CARL LAEMMLE.


X n e Billboard SEPTEMBER 5. 1908.

FAIRS s CARNIVALS —. Wc have the largest assortment of

Out-door Attractions

Can furnish anything In the way of hlgh>class




A.t Stiort Notice.


LONDON, 418 Strand. Opposite The Tivoli. Caiu.e: Wilmors.


Exocutive Offices:

NEW YORK, 1440 Broadway. Cahi.e; Wii.i.morkis. Tel. 953-954-t)6o Bryant.

CHICAGO, 167 Dearborn St. Tel. Central 1878.

!!The Actologue!! The High Meridian of aii that is

Exceiient in

Talking Pictures! THE TRIED! THE APPROVED!

Playing regularly with unparalleled success at the following first-class theatres:

La Fayette Theatre, Detroit, Mich. Victoria Theatre, Dayton, O. Great Southern Theatre, Columbus, O. Valentine Theatre, Toledo, O. Fairbanks Theatre, Springfield, O. And 15 Others.

Finished Dramatic Artists! Great Subjects! Novel Effects!





WARNER Was the First and is still the Best

American Made






















WARNER ARC LAMP CO., Muncie, Ind., U. S. A.

OH! aoY.^— For high class film renters the new office of



Just started. All NEW FILMS in the house. Get in line if you want CLASS SERVICE.

Write for particulars. Members of tbe Pllm Service Association

SEPTEMBER S, 1908. X li e Billboard

FILIVI SERVICE If you an* looking; for a quality service at prices which are ri^ht, it will lx; worth your while to iu touch with us. The s«*asou is here and the question is—.\re you lx* content with ruuninj' the same pictures your uei^hlior lias

exhihiteil, when our lOXCLUSIV’K Sl^KNTCl] can lx* obtained? How many first run subjects have you received the piist season, unl<*ss you paid a first run price? We have a mixed

s<*rvi<*e and you stand the same chance as the other fellow, when it com(*s to new f^inxls. for everytliinjj we buy j'(k*s into the {■er\ ice.

No doubt vou have changed rentals .so often that vou are disf^usted, but chauf'e is a law of <*realion. and j^reat thing's • come by it. WK M.W II.W'I-: JUST Wll.XT YOU .AKU LOOKINf] FOR.

We do not bind you with contracts. If our service d(X*s not pleiise you, it only takes a two cent stamp to cancel it. S«*nd for our ILst of films. It is a live one from start to finish. Write and ^et in touch with the “U1\T0 AND UlC'f

1.1 VI'” |x*ople.

Have you seen Gaumonl's Hand>Colored Passion Play? The most religiously correct Life of Christ. We have It.

C. «J. HIXE CO., INC, 4*41 IVionadnock, Ctilcago, Ill,

Gold Wire Artists Findings.

ELECTROGRAPH CO. Films /\Machines to Rent

U Yon

Want them



Memhpra of Pilm 8«rTlc« AMOciation


8 E. 14tti St. PhoQ. New Y New 'Vorlc, N. Y^.

this seasoi

E HEAD are tlie following aonga:

“SUNBONNET SUE.'* World's Champion Kid Song. "Everybody Loves Me But The One I Love"* "Won't You Be My Baby Boy?”*

"That's What the Rose Said To Me”* “You’re Just the Boy For Me’’*

“Bye, Bye, Dear Old Broadway" "Someday, Sweetheart. Someday"*

"I Miss You In a Thousand Different Ways’’* “You'll Never Know What Love Is Until I Love You"*

"You'll Do The Same Thing Over For The Old Red. White and Blue’’* ‘Two Dirty Little Hands ”* "Sweet Ivy Green" "Dear Old East Side"* “See Saw"*

l*!vcr>' one of these an encore song. All marked * have beautiful slides. Published by

Gus Edwards Music Publishing Co., ®

Dwlinc Bnu.'l.U. Dftrliiur on center Heart,. Rhine Stone Adjuatable bracelet*. Made in 10. Souven r fair or Merry Chriatma* on left heart 15, V) and 30 stones. Price. |5.35. $5.75. |6.'25 and and 19UH on the richt one. Price, thick heart*. 17.25 perdoz. Made of No. 12 wire, hard soldered. IlS.uO per cnw*. 8end for sample.

Adfress. JUERCENS JEHEUT CO.. 83 Chambers SL.New York City.

I .30 Stock

Pri.e. tlo..50R.osi.

I-.1) Stock.

Pric , 118.00 fro'.s.

1-30 Atock.

i*rlce. RK.Oo trross.

1-20 Stock.

Pi ice. tt2.00Kros8.

Price of Stanipin, Block. |l 25.

Price of Set of Steel Stamp. 22 letterx. *7.t«.

Home of the


CHAS.— ARS -GYRSY ^’o^clty acrobats and cxponenta ot phyalcal cultura.

Tfif only act of its kintf in vautlrvillr. Time all filletl. Booktno Aoant. GUS SUN. Spptnotteld. Ohio.



IIHAIMIY, with K|KM'inl Sfciicry ami Mwliaiiiral

Appllanoo*. ItiHika ri'liirii (latca l•v^■^.vwh<■^^‘.

iTIid*** iMMiple. I Vaiidfvillt* ManaitiTH aiul

AK''nla lll•HlriIlK a lilKhi-laas NOVEI.TY ACT

for S«-pt<>nil>«T 2tith onward, cuiuuiunioate UTAH-

NA THEATRE. OKden. Utah.


34^ 1^^ LA SALLE ST. ILL

THE BLAIR COUNTY GRANGE FAIR will be held at Hollidayaburg, Pa., Sept. 29 and 30 and Oct. 1 and 2. 1908. Entry blanks now ready. H. B. WERTZ, Secy,

WANTED, FERRIS WHEEL! Must be In K<H>d condition and rhea|i for MMit cash. Junk not wantetl. H. G. SPRAKER, The Swing Man. Rich Hill, Mo.

HERRON THEATRE, Lakeland. Fla. Popula tion. .'>,tMM); la-Ht show town in the State. Juat eoinideted. Capacity 7(8!. Gotal Oi>era Chalra. incline tlcNir, large stage, nice aeenery; now btaik- Ing for the coming Heaaou. II. T. IIEUltON, Manager.

i) Be an Actor


22.', Pairs of Winslow and Union Hardware Skates. Ue|>alr parts and t<s)la complete. One large Schiinek Organ, with motor and all com¬ plete. Tills stuff all gissi: only used a few months. Hen- Is a cliance for any person In¬ tending starting a rink. E. M. 6RUMBINE, Manager Eichelberger Park. Hanover, Pa.

PYTHIAN PICNIC Farnhamville. Iowa. September 24. ’08. Good, clean Stn-et Show Peoide and Privilege Men, write. No Gamblers. Good Free Attraction wanted. Itlg crowd and big time expected. .Ad¬ dress H. W. WILSON, Secy.

WANTED For tlie Hell and llraley Big Shows—Boss Can vasinati. Boss Hostler and Workingmen in ail departments; can also place a few gisal ground

k acts, suitable fur wagon show. Wire as per f route.

MUSIC ARRANGED to Poems, for Piano, Or chestra. Everytliing done in this line. Low terms. A. KRETSMAR, 117 East 9Sd Street. I Mew York City.

LEARN TO RUN A M0VIN6 PICTURE MACHINE Or if you are already an Operator, learn how to puss all examinations. Send for LDDIALL'S HANDBOOK FOR OPERATORS. Price, $1.00. For sale by The Soitthern Film Exchange, 100 Granby Street, Norfolk, Va.


Composed of such stars as Lautner, Henskey and Bonine, are ready to book games, and any rink manager desiring a good attraction will do well by addressing JOE LAUTNER, Manager Tamackqoe Basket Ball Team, McKeeiportTPa.

PERCENTAGE GAMES Exclusive Privilege for sale, to the highest bid¬

der. October 13, 1-1. 15 and 16. EMPORIA


WANTED — CONCESSIONS AND ATTRACTIONS For Lima Exposition, at Hover Park. Lima O.. Sept 6-14, inclusive, 1908. Want several good concessions, also some sensational Outdoor At¬ tractions. Get busy. Answer quirk. Address MANAGER HOVER PARK. Lima, 0.

WANTED—An Airship Operator, tine who un der'fsnds his business. My outdt Is 6rst-class. Write at once. J. L. CRIBBLE, 128 W. Jef¬ ferson 8t., Louisville, Ky.

- FOR SALE - One 20\40 Black Tent: gissl as new. Address, T. WEIMER, R. No. 7. Kingtliher, Okla.

CONE CONCESSION MEN, ATTENTION I— S«-amless. weatherproof Ice Cream Conea, ea- peolally for fairs. All sizes. Moderate prices. Goods packed neatly in small boxes. S. ZACH- ARIAS. 1617 Forest Avenue, Kansas City, Mo.

BAND MEN WANTED—Want Comets. Clar¬ inets and Trombone. W’rite JOS. M. GODDARD, Bandmaster Great Patterson Shows, as per route in The Billboard.

Pathfinders' -AND-

Trailers' Club 110 West 40tli Street,


Membership consists ONLY of Advance Agents, Man¬

agers, Press Agents, Advertising Agents and

Treasurers of Theatres or Road Com¬

panies. Eligibility implies two

or more years* experience.







FRANK WINCH, Chairman.

New Club House Ready March, 1909.

For You and Your Friends when in New York.




Object^”Good Fellowship”

For Particulars about Membership, address,

FRANK WINCH, Suite D, 1440 Broadway, New York City.

Illliitillllollljj [Til fW

We have the largeat esaortment of Knife Boeff Knivea weal of the MiaaUaippI river. Our pnoei ere ebaolutely rock bottom. Weelaocerry a fal.' line of Btreelmen’a Oooda, Carnival Noveltlea and gooda for Kaira. We are one of the oldeat Streetmen'a aiipply bvMiaea in the I'nlted Siatea We have thoukanda of aaliafied ciiaiomerti wa can aallafy vou and want your buaineaa. NO 3UB8TITUTI.VO unleaa you aay ao. Ordera ibipped the aaine day aa received Carnlva Whlpa, $8.00 per gross. Catalogue FREE.

COE, YONGE A. CO., ■Mb snd St. Charles St., St. Louts, Mo.

FOR SALE Winner for the Fair.><, The Skating Whirl, now in operation at I>ream- land. Coney Inland, p<irtable. circular nkating device. For full partieularn and photo write W. It. IXSil.WV. l.iiiiu l*urk. C(»iu‘.v UlaiHl. X. V.

WANTED Clean Attrartiooa Gala Week. Oetober 19 Pop- ulatinii. (i.iKio. Addresa LIVE OAK BOARD OT TRADE. W. A. Edwards. Secy., Live Oak. Fla.


46 North Franklyn 8t., Chicago. Ml. Every arllele a money-maker and a bowling auc- eeaa. Get our prieea on gaa and wbletliug bal looiiK, di-<-nrated for advertlaing puri>utea. Also imiMirt*-.! iaeiie pa|H-r fans. The only |Hialtlvely exelu'.lve and reliable fan bouse in Amertra. Our line this season is the strongest in the world, with artieles for Stn-et Fairs. Summer Ite^irts. Pienles. raruivals. etc.


Etc., GET A “LIVE ONE” The “Presidential Billies" sell on

sight. Everyone wants them. Abso¬

lutely lu-w. Heats buttons and Itadges.

Pays big imiflts. Get a supply at

ouee. Saiiiple for Ute Write today.

.\d<lress “BILL.'' Oelwein, la.

That Vaudeville Act shiHild lie original In Idea and bright and snappy In dialogue. Better get In toueb with “the writer of lilts,“

James Madison whose sketelies. iiioiKdogiiea, pariMlIes, etr.. are being suei-essfullj ns,-d by leading artists the world over. Itstes ressonalde high, hut value for value ris-elvi-d. All work dellvenil WHEN Hgrei-d and .\.S agretsi

JAMES MADISON, 1404 8rd Avenue, New York City, (Dept. tO).

FOLDING CHAIRS We ran save you money on the lo-st Hue of Folding ('hairs iiiaile. We made nine different styles of I'lialrs. and ship derlet from our fac¬ tory to y<ai. If >ou are In iii-i-il of Chairs, do not huy until y<ai a.-,- our Catalogue and lulres. S|«-elsl Cliairs for Moving I’loliire Sliowa. Send for Catalogue today—Free.

OFFICE EQUIPMENT COMPANY. 1431 First National Bank Building, Chicago.

SEPTEMBER 5, 1908. Xtie Billbo a r d V

We furnimh piktea for all cannon ma¬ chines for 9B.UU a thousand. Frames like cut I1.7S per arosa (complete with pin. ) Heart shaped framesil..V) per Krear, our Champion Photo Cannon ( cai>aclt7 SOU pictures an hour ) 115. Mingle developing s o 1 u - tion I5c. thy mall 25cts.)



75 for sale. Complete outfits. Illuxtated cir¬ cular an<l price list FREE. Illustrated book on breeding, care and training. 2Sc.

Belle Mead Farm Bedford, Mass.


For all tbs T ata^

NOVELTIES Sattabis for Street Fairs. Home OnmlBSi, Sea Shore

I Keaorte. Campalgnlns Goods. ' etc. Write tod» for oar aew

^rsaln Balletla

WHITESON CO. 240 L Mailtoa It.,




HAWAIIAN DIAMOND Mo UOl-It-k Bold-fllled. two raby stm Price n B Seat C O. D oa deposit of Sbr Whea cash la adraaoe. aead 10c for reslatered mall W. H. Holllatsr Ci Co.. C^44 Hirer St.. ChicagO.111.

Dept K.


Memphis, Tenn. Cnd.T new mausKcuient. W.tXTKD—.t l Van derllle .\rt» at all Full partlrulara first letter. Manacers—l^et ua book your house, and sare all worry.

WANTED ('oncessloDs of all kinds; also Merry- Go Itoiind for this one week Ottumwa. Iowa, all Festival Fair and Caroiral. starting Ijibor Day. September 7. ending September 12. SI* big days, six big nights. Free gat«*a. .tttractions furnl«he<l by The Gn-ater Nichols Shows. .\d dress LEW NICHOLS, Mgr,, Sigourney, Iowa, Sept. 31 to Oct. S. Ed. S. Oilpia, Promoter.

FHEE!—YES' ABSOLDTELT—FREE. The Magic Coin Vanisher. with directions; coat 7.V a gross; sells for luc each; made In England. 1 es, ami It gets the crowd; enough said, tine free to intriMluce the It. T. l‘olltlral I'reillcaiueot I iizxle, the most fascinating campaign norclly cut; .Sample, 12e. l*rlcea. etc., on request. Kush that order. Is what you'll write, when you are

THE EUREKA SUPPLY AOENCT, Box 103. Oakland. Cal.

THOMAS A PEARL'S VAUDEVILLE. DOO A MOVING PICTURE SHOW want ladles ami gen tleiiien that can do song and dance, tra|is. bars, tlylng rings. Musical acta. Also a bustler for advance. .Name your lowest In first. One show a day. Gom- South, been out 12 weeks; out for 4<t Iiior.- Norton. Va.. Sept. 4 5; Dorchester . h; Itlg Stone Gap. » 10; Irondale. 11-12: Ore ton. \a.. 14 1.',. \liss l..-sle Smith. Rich Namp

'll JOHN T. TnOllAS. mgr.

''^^HTED .4 Woman that can sing ami dance, for Msier Turns. In a mirelty three act. Good chance to right party. Send photo; will be re

"G. W.." OakWMMl. Ohio.

WANTED Kn-*. Outilfior AttrMrtlon* for «th Annual Aftrr iL**^^**** Jutllof*. <>rt. t>fh bimI UMh. We want 1m» rniiilo Arruhata. t'4>ni<Hllai)'t. .MotIuic Mrlur^ Wrlto Muirk. L. E. MOSHER. ChRir- tnan; 0. H. KTTE8TER. Seejr*, M. Judaon* Ind.

WOODSFIELD, O. It* «i town In Southeastern Ohio. Would like to hear fniiii Itrst class attrartlona only for October. Novcinlicr and l>ecembcr. 0|ien time for gissi musical Corneilles, minstrel and dramas. No nttswi'lea remixleled for this season. CHARLEB F. BERTRAM, Manager.

FOR SALE—liaio I.uhin, FUl. Single ami double dlswilvlng Slere<H.t|cona, No. 4 Power's Head. Ill r.sls of nims. r.Nl to FIO a full re.d. Single

Ideal Film Exchange. Ill E. Randolph St., Chi-

WIGS AND TOUPEES The only double allk g*u*e lining tou|M>e In the market. For Imika.

'I"""*!: "“f ’^•'fk Is unexcelbsl ami non deteclahle. Vriee. |2.5. Satisfaction guar- Mt.-.d or money refuml.-d Lombard. Bambiaa

113 Miinroa, 4S7 Washington St., Lynn

The Baltimore Flyer ROLLER SKATES

IMPROVEMENTS In the Consiruetlon of Roller Skates, to be success¬

ful, must be made on lines similar to those made in the construc¬ tion of Automobiles, Sewing Machines, etc.

An improvement that neccessitates an in¬ crease in the number of parts of a Skate or

Machine, does not point towards success; while any form of improvement that simplifies construction and reduces the number of parts, will—if it is an improvement—meet with immediate success.

Go back to the old form of construction of Sew¬ ing Machines and then look at the way they are put together to-day, and you have our point thoroughly explained.

There are in the market some excellent ball¬ bearing Roller Skates, but none so simple in con¬ struction as the BALTIMORE FLYER.*’

There are to be found in this skate many im¬ provements over][the old form of putting a skate together, and yet, no improvement has been utilized unless it also simplifies the construction.

The result is that we have the following:—

The Handsomest and Strongest Frtme known to a Roller Skate.'

A Skate that will stand up as long as it is possible to make a skate wear.

A Skate without a rivet or screw of any kind (ex¬ cept clamp screws.)

A Skate which has the rubber cushion directly over the centre of the axle and resting against the base of the footboard; above the oil from the wheels.

The only skate made that carries the hanger action directly over the centres of the axles.

The lock washer used under the set or adjusting nuts, held in place by a slot in the remarkable M brace does great service.

It is a perfect anti-vibration skate.

The cones and bushings used are the very best it is possible to make and there is nothing taster in ex¬ istence.

Order samples of the “Baltimore Flyer" Roller Skates, note prices and we will leave the rest to you.



Moat Kntrancini{ Portrayala of Women beautiful e^er ehi'wn \n one collection Full length, size 7x10. We aend 12 paneU In duo tint on artiata* etippled paper com¬ plete urepaid. t tgether with choic- eat or illuatratlona, pit^turea. pout cardiA and booka. for onl) eta coin. P. H. iitampa or nione\ order Send at once. MONKT BACK IF NOT SATISFIKD.

Order at (Tiice. ax . will include FREE an

EXTRA full length picture in ten colora, entitled **A Mt>dern Venoa**



Sober and Reliable Agent

At Libertii 10 years as agent. Route, book, wildcat and post bills when necessary to get show¬ ing. Capable press agent. Join any reliable company any¬ where on wire. Salary reason¬ able. C. W. ANDERSON, 1235 Michigan Are.,



'Magic Wand* outflta 15 op. **Qjpay ^eena' S17 andStt. **M>atir Hindu Head" (new) GO, Inviaible Papera G and G a 1.000. New sample for- tnoes and clr- culara. 1 am the originator and do not aell I e m o n a, but guarantee my gooda.

S. BOWER 542 Knickerbockir AviRue, BROOKLYN. N. T.


The Magician Would like to hear from Family Vaude¬

ville Theatre Manager. GUS. M. EPPLY,

Care Billboard, Cincinnati, O

Davey's Money Makers. Invisible Fiwtuno I'm-'r*. #1 I'.t l.'XW. Made \Van.l an.l siip|«Ilt'- $t Kl.-. trU- l'alniar« o|>e an,l supplies. *li> Invisible Kortiiiie I‘ai»rs. In 10 tam lets *|o N O. D. fash with oriler. T. A. DAVEY. 83 Shirley Axe.. Re»ere. Mxai.



Noiseless! Fiickerless!

No Vibration! Guaranteed forever against de¬

fective workmanship or material


YIASCOPEIHANUFACIURINGCO. Room 6, 112 E. Randolph St., Chicago

AT LIBERTY Oscar V. Babcock Performing his Combination Death Trap Ix>op and Flume Act. The largest and most sensational feature act in the show DimenKions: lamgth, bSo feet; height, 50 feet; width, 15 feet. NOTICE—Owing to a misunderstanding with a IxKjking agent with whom I had a ten weeks’ F.air contract the dates ar«‘ hereby can¬ celled Park managers or secretaries who had contracted for this act can secure same by writing or telegraphing 0. V. BABCOCK. No. 7 Sturgis St., Winihrop, Mast.

-A REAL VAUDEVILLE OR M. P. THEATRE MANAGER- Not a performer, nor a man with 20 years’ exiK*rieuce, out of a Job. Am now inanaKitiK one of the largest Alrdome VaudeTlIle Theatres In Indiana. Can make jour house jiay. if you have the location, and the capacity. I do all my own press work, and do it right. If interested, address D- H. PADGETT, Airdome, Washington. Ind.

I/Vere your Orders SMALL and were you DISAPPOINTED when it was not Shipped PROMPTLY?


l.\LL QL'.tNTITlES. PKICE.S, yUAl.lTV and SERVICE ARE RIGHT. R. Sc H. H. HATCH. NASHVILLE. TENN.—The South’s Leading Show Printery.

(See our other ads in this isaue—four of ’em—they will interest you.)_

||Y T'T \ W \ After two >^ears ot eontinual experimenting 1 and praeticee Patents applied for.


A wonderful snap-shot reproduction of the act in operation. Pronounced by the leaders of amusements, to be the most wonderful sensational novelty act every produced.

Leaping twenty-five feet and going twenty-five feet high, in making the turn through space. Starting forty feet high, riding the narrowest and steepest incline ever ridden with a bicycle.


For open time—Address, RUEL & TOSSELL, 636 West 60th Place, - CHICAGO, ILL.-


THE BIG SEL.L.ER-DELICIOIJS AND HARMEESB %Each pound of the jmwder will make LI galloo* of d.-Url<>u* Orangeade, h» aimply diaaolviiig in water and aweetenliig; no triiiihl.- |.> prepare it. You make over clear profit on every i>ound. It la a fruit |>r<Mlurt and ran Im* wild anywhere. It haa a rich orange flavor ami bright orange color that la sure to pleaae the moat particular. No iM'tler Oraiig.-a.le cioild minHlhly tie made. A trial order will convince you. t to .’1 Itw., $2 tai Iti ; .*> to 10 Th* . ITS.'! Ri. Sample gallon, 10c.; ikiue free. We pay all expreaa chargea.

CREISCENT RINEARRLE CIDER The New, Delicloue Money--Colner

I’lneapide Cider la aomelhlng very attractive, entirely new ami will uulaell any other drink anywhere. We put It up lu Itl ounce la.itlea. nhleh makea .To

gallons by aimply adding the water and aweetenlng. When iirepar*-d, cut part of a pineapple lu small pieces and put into it (for apiiearance) and you will have the lu-at selling drink ever put on the market. In a crowd it can l>e sold aa fast aa glaam-a can Im- filled, ami at a clear profit of over 4c out of the 5c; or over 5(i0 tier cent. This drink la not only attraetlve, but it la a. good as it looka, and la sure to give aatlafaclion. It ia ahaolutely harmleaa ami ran Im- aohl anywhere. One iMiund. prepaid. $2.50: 5 Itis., prenald, fit.2,-.. Sample, lOc.; noue fr«-e If you want a money-maker GET THIS NOW—It’s a Winner. Attraetlve .signs Kree

We alao make nine other drinks, and will send complete line of aampli-a prepaid for $I Oo: actual value, $1.45. Our drinks are all ahaolutely harmless and are Guaranlis-d iiiMl<-r the EimhI and Drugs Act. June 30. 1906, U. S. Serial No. 1176k. Aa money makera at Fairs Parks Dam-ea Theatres and relebratlons they are um-<|uaU-<l. Latest Improveil t’oolera at lowi-at prices

One-third caah muat accompany all C. 0. D. orderi, at a guarantee of good faith.

COLUMBIA MFC. CO., Dept. 15. 1159 Harrison SI.. CHICAGO, n I..

LOOK!—W ANTE D—LOOK * OF CHICAGO. ^ COa MR SHOWMAN—If yon want a real B. H. then line up with the Big Ones. Can use a few . , . i i,- . -i . c , *hir.vs with Fronts for Monongaia. Pa., and Reaver Falla. Pa Going South, yea. ManufacturerB, Importers and Distributors. Supplies for all. Ht.ft Drink Outrtt<

** ’ Send for Catalogue. Mafthtws Soda Water Co. of Chicago, 46-48-50 I. 13th Sf., Chloifo. III.. TTniontown, Pb.i Au^. 81 to l^pt. 6; Monon^AlB, Pa., Sept. 7«12; then


SEPTEMBER 5, 1908. Xtie Billboard VII


roR <-






Tm full take me ^HOMEJ




[SHiTiMcLii K TAfT*:] Uttltiottlfilj




New Book ot Speeiaittes. It is lartivr than ever and contains more valuable information to Street Men,

Knife-lioard Men, Yanki'c Notion Workers, Mail Onler Men, Premium Houses, .lewelere. Novelty iValers, etc., than any other cataloijme iesueil. Everything New in Real Novelties, Carnival Gooils, Jewelry, Watches. Silverware, Cutlery, Optical Goode, etc. Healers, mail us your (lermanent ad<lress, and we will he pleased to fend tliis t>ook to you. Send for it to<lay. You can not affonl to be without it.

SINGER BROS. 82 Bowery»

44 ¥

New YorR,

vJ) ^ v)


Spangles. Tights. Symmetrlcals, Unlform.s. Wigs, Beards. Grease-Paints. Costumes. Gold and Silver Fringes, Drummers’ Traps. Jugglers Goods. Punch and Ventrlloqulal Figures. Magical Apparatus and Illusion.s. Clown Cloth. Stage Hardware. Electrical Effects, etc., etc.


We keep everything you need' We make to order, on short notice. Lobby Frames. Aerial Rigging and Devices and Paraphernalia of any sort. Our IkNiiitifiil new catalogue will be ready S«>pieniber 1st. 1908. Sent anywhere for 0 Lvnis in one or two-cent stamps.

lAtng Dlstam-e Phone, Central 2215.

STREETMEN MAKE EXTRA PROFIT RUYING AT OUR PRICES. We manufacture these goods. Cannot and will not be undersold. Buying from us, you buy direct. Money thus saved is easy coin.

f AIN'T ^


Mo. 100. I Am Afraid to Oo Home In the Dark. Imntern IVodant . •‘•3®

Mo. 101. I Am liooklns for a Merry Widow. Lantern I’end ant .

Mo. lOS. Como Hare a Smilo With Me. Beer Stein Pend ant .

Mo. lOl. 1 Am IxioklDg For My Affinity. Ijintern Pendant- 1.50

Mo. 104. What a Good ‘Hme I Had lABt Night. Beer Stein Pendant . ‘0®

Mo. 106. Key to the White H o o ■ e. Padlock Pendant, worded. ’Taft holda the key," aleo for Bryan.1.50

Me. 107. Ain’t It Awful. Mabel. Stork Pendant . 1.5®

Mo. lot. When I’m roll. Take Me Home. Beer Stetn Pend¬ ant . 1.50

Mo. 100. I’m liooklng For An Honeot Man. Imntrrn Pendant 1.50

Mo. 111. I Am Looking for a Merry Widow. Oi>era glaia Pendant . 1.50

Mo. lit. I Am Looking for My Affinity. Opera-glaao Pondant 1.50

Mo. lit. I Am a Loeky Dog. Dog Pendant . 1.50

Ma. 114. I Am Not Afraid to G.> Home In the Dark. Beeoleer Pendant . 1.50

Special for County and State Fairs



lit. No Wedding Bella For Me. Bell Pendant .$1.50 113.50 116. I Am Looking for a

Sweetheart. Heart Pendant.. 1.50 IS.50

119. 23, Skldno. Shoe Pend¬ ant . 1.50 13.00 118. Will Yon Be My Dear? Deer Pendant . 1.50 13.50

We Manufacture

CAMPAIGN BUTTONS ft NOVELTIES Get Our Campaign Circular.

•“ Rf ;c,\ is; Ku g: 1C, ‘vwiiLHj® No. 125. "G” What a \&\ J^l XAFTt, /

GfMSl Time I Had At \<Sl\ ' HOlDJrTkE Arr/ the County Fair.$2.00 Sl7..’i0 \z^ 19

No. 12 6. "tV- What a ^ Gootl Time 1 Had At aoa aao the State Fair . 2.00 17.50 "• ***

CAMPAIGN FOBS. Strapa made of beat quality leather, black or tan color, with atmug pollabed hu< kle. Bolid brasa pendanta with appropriate wording, etched black. No. 922. Huraeaboe Pendant, Taft and Sherman.Groas $s.00 No. 923. Huraeaboe Pendant, Bryan and Kem ..T...(}roaa 8.00 No. 982. Padlock, Taft . ...Groaa S.Ot No. 938. Padlock, Bryan .Groaa 8.IX


Elastic Belts. No. 750. MEN S ELASTIC BELT. A

new and sensible norelty, most prac¬

tical and comfortable belt made. One

of the biggest aellera thia aeeaon. One

man sold 2.5 gross In a week at lOe each.

Style “A.” beat quality, full size.

Gross .8-t-7.5

Our Streetmen's Special



WONDERFUL GYMNAST AND HAND BALANCER Have weeks of Sept. 14-21-28 open and latter. Special at-1 traction at Vincennes Fair, Vincennes, Ind. Sept. 7-8. _Perm. Address ^ck Box 444, Robinson, 111.

FILMS AND SONG SLIDES. thoutand feet of Fine Stock, large and small aubj«.cta. 2c and up. NO JUNK. DO

N»»T SKI.Ii KIleM NOT KIT Tt> f*SE. All mre •pnlrpwbU*. I'wo humlrtNl wptii of Sour SIttlew. v» l.l«l. IIAV?: Yt»r SEEN niK new ANNOr.M'E.MENT SLIDE? Just the thing for Scent slnma and adrertlalng, S,-nd 2c stamp fi>r aample. I AlJttt III Y FILM AND SI,n>i:s. IF GlKtD

G. GALLOT, 70 Christopher St., N. Y. City.

TWO REELS I haiiKed .1 tliiD'a a «<>fk, 81.'; B timra a wwk, 8’J5. Set of Trarelogue Slides. Views In Yellow¬

stone Park. Mill fro,- with your drat order. New E<llson rmlerwrtler’s ONE-PIN Machine com¬

plete 87 a «.‘.k to mill i-uslomera. Best references required. 80TTTHEHN FILM EXCHANGE. 0. E. LIMDALL, Mgr.. 100 Granby St., Norfolk. Va.

SAMUEL WINDECKER & CO., 185 Wabash Ave., Chicago.


Write or Wire

.^6,C. Fuller, Acting Secy., Omiand Park, Denvtr, Cofo.^

I You Can be Prond ol Ibe Imprint

“Hatch Show Print” HEHAI.DS. It Is a symbol for the happy coinl.iim-

SERVICE on all orders, SMAlI, Jr I.AItCE. es|H'ciall.T the SMALL ORDERS, which are too often "side trsckiH" fi.r bigger • bait. ’

C. R. A H. H. HATCH. NASHVILLE. TENN.—The South'k Leadinr Show Pnnteiy.

iSoo our other ada in this issue—four of ’em—they will interest you.)


«ge of 16 and 18, not orer 5 ft. 3 nr 4 Inches tall ami weight not orer w mm. J M M B M H m rnt lioaltinn Mend nhntn In e..e«..n.e .n.l e.e.e #..ll t.l.l_.... ^

exiHTleme iH-tsis-n the age of 16 and 18, mil orer 5 ft. 3 or 4 Inches tall ami weight mit orer -• or t..5 Ills. I‘ernisii<nl iKialllon. Send photo In costume ami stale full particulars. .Address

DeMORA * ORACETA. 288 Crystal Are.. Findlay. Ohio.

Double Clarinet Band. Reliable people and season engagement only. Prefer locate.

Leader, 316 Kennard St., Cleveland, Ohio.


HE DE1IIL Greatest Play of the Age. -New York nvening Journal.

(“DER TEUFEL.” by Franz Molnar)


Only Authorized Version in America

Sparkling with Laughter-Making Wit. Henry W. Savage, by exclusive arrangement with the author, offers at the Garden Theatre, New

York, the only authorized version In America of Franz Molnar’s celebrated three-act comedy, “The Devil,” being the English translation, with adaptati on by Oliver Herford, of the continental success, “Der Teufel.” Production by Julius Herzka, Director-General of the Vienna Volks Theatre, who pro¬ duced the play, in collaboration with the author. Stage director, Robert Milton.

★ ★ ★

Theatrical Managers throughout the United States and Canada are hereby notified of Mr. Savage’s exclusive rights in “The Devil” in all languages, except the Hungarian. No other manager has one iota of evidence that Mr. Molnar or any of his authorized agents have ever given consent to any one except Mr. Savage. Note the following affidavit sworn to by Franz Molnar before the American Vice-Consul General in Vienna:



★ ★ ★

Following the New York performance, the author sent the following cablegram to Mr. Savage: “Buda-Pesth, August 20, 1908.

“To Henry W. Savage, New York.

“You and you alone were authorized by me to produce ‘Devil’ in America. Any one else who pre¬ sents it does so without my authority and without paying royalties to me. Any other than you. who claims I gave him rights to ‘The Devil,’ is an unmitigated liar. My very best wishes for your success, and my thanks for the splendid production of ‘The Devil,’ which Herr Herzka tells me vou made.


★ ★ ★

Read What the New York Critics Said:

SAVAGE'S "DEVIL** DEUGHTS “Beautifully staged and exceedingly well acted.”

—Times. “One of the strongest plays the stage has seen

in a decade.”—Press. “The play grips tightly from the first Instant.”

—Sun. “The Devil is at the Garden for a long and

merry run.”—World. “Uproars of applause.”—Tribune. “Astonishing. . . . Audience breathless.”

—Herald. “Twenty-one curtain calls after second act.”

—American. “Mr Savage called before the curtain to ack¬

nowledge a cyclone of cheering for his unparalleled

feat.”—Morning Telegraph. “Garden Theatre far too small for the crowds

who desired to see the novel production.”—Evening

Telegram. “Mr. Savage’s ‘Devil’ Is full of invitations to

come early and avoid the rush.”—Mail.


“The Flske play drags fearfully at times, and

falls to make a deep Impression.”—Charles Darnton, in Evening World. .

“The action does not keep pace with the con¬ versation.”—Herald.

“A capable actor might have turned the

representation into a burlesque.”—Tribune.

"After the first act the sen.sationalism of the

play had exhausted it.self.”—Rennold Wolf, in Morning Telegraph.

“Some curtailment might be advantageously

undertaken In the Fiske production, as well as .some

relief Introduced from the dead-level monotone in

which the dialogue of the whole performance at

the Belasco Theatre is pitched.”—Frederick F.

Schrader, in the Globe.

“Every woman should see this wonderful play at the Garden. It teaches a moral le.sson we all need in these days of temptation.”—Dorothy Dix, in Evening Journal.

Timely Prices, 50c. to $1.50. Scats Selling Two Months in Advance